# UFO Event Timeline, KWIC Index Page: a [Back to Main timeline](timeline.html) ## Letters Directory: [a](kwic_a.html) [b](kwic_b.html) [c](kwic_c.html) [d](kwic_d.html) [e](kwic_e.html) [f](kwic_f.html) [g](kwic_g.html) [h](kwic_h.html) [i](kwic_i.html) [j](kwic_j.html) [k](kwic_k.html) [l](kwic_l.html) [m](kwic_m.html) [n](kwic_n.html) [o](kwic_o.html) [p](kwic_p.html) [q](kwic_q.html) [r](kwic_r.html) [s](kwic_s.html) [t](kwic_t.html) [u](kwic_u.html) [v](kwic_v.html) [w](kwic_w.html) [x](kwic_x.html) [y](kwic_y.html) [z](kwic_z.html) [numbers](kwic_numbers.html) [misc](kwic_misc.html) ## Words Directory: "a&m" "a'anam" "a'gostino" "a+" "a-" "a-1" "a-10" "a-11" "a-12" "a-12s" "a-18" "a-18e" "a-18f" "a-18fs" "a-1917" "a-2" "a-2-1" "a-2-2" "a-2-3" "a-2-4" "a-2-5" "a-2-6" "a-2-7" "a-3" "a-3-1" "a-3-2" "a-4" "a-5" "a-7" "a-8" "a-9" "a-bomb" "a-division" "a-formation" "a-line" "a-r" "a-test" "a-white" "a0" "a10" "a1079" "a1092" "a12" "a13" "a1391" "a1457" "a1463" "a1465" "a1466" "a1472" "a15" "a154363" "a1715" "a1719" "a1861" "a19" "a197" "a197537" "a1a" "a1c" "a2" "a20" "a209227" "a21" "a22" "a227121" "a23" "a25" "a272" "a2c" "a3" "a3-d's" "a303" "a307" "a30916275" "a31" "a319" "a320" "a321" "a330" "a330-" "a330-200" "a338" "a35" "a350" "a352" "a36" "a360" "a38" "a39" "a4" "a40" "a414" "a4155" "a422" "a426465" "a454" "a458" "a46" "a465" "a47" "a48" "a49" "a4n" "a5" "a500" "a5025" "a51" "a52" "a547" "a564120" "a580" "a59" "a61" "a628" "a629" "a63" "a635" "a65" "a690" "a835" "a9" "a>" "aa" "aaa" "aaaaaaaaapg" "aaaaaaaaapk" "aaaaaaaaaps" "aaaaaaaaidy" "aaas" "aab" "aabenraa" "aac" "aac-1" "aachen" "aacs" "aaf" "aal" "aalborg" "aan" "aanekoski" "aanstad" "aapc" "aar" "aardvark" "aarhus" "aarno" "aaro" "aaron" "aasc" "aatip" "aatip-aawsap-elizondo" "aatip-list" "aawsap" "aawsap-dirds" "ab" "abaatu" "aback" "abad" "abadah" "abadan" "abakan" "abancourt" "abandon" "abandoned" "abandoning" "abandons" "abase" "abasolo" "abasto" "abated" "abates" "abbe" "abbehusen" "abbeville" 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"abrahamsson" "abram" "abrams" "abramtsev" "abrasion" "abrasions" "abreast" "abreu" "abridged" "abroad" "abrojal" "abrosia" "abrupt" "abruptly" "abruzzi" "abruzzo" "abs" "abscess" "absence" "absent" "absent-mindedly" "absinthe" "absolute" "absolutely" "absorb" "absorbed" "absorbing" "absorbs" "abstract" "absurd" "absurdity" "abt" "abu" "abundant" "abuse" "abuses" "abusive" "abut" "abutment" "aby" "ac" "ac&w" "acacia" "acacio" "academia" "academic" "academician" "academicians" "academics" "academy" "acadieville" "acampo" "acantilados" "acapulco" "acarau" "acari" "acarigua" "acaste" "accacio" "accelerate" "accelerated" "accelerates" "accelerating" "acceleration" "accelerations" "accelerator" "accent" "accented" "accentuated" "accenture" "accept" "acceptable" "acceptance" "accepted" "accepting" "accepts" "access" "accessible" "accessories" "accetta" "accident" "accidental" "accidentally" "accidents" "acclaimed" "acclerated" "acclimation" "accoin" "accommodate" "accommodations" "accompained" "accompanied" "accompanies" "accompaning" "accompany" "accompanying" "accomplices" "accomplish" "accomplished" "accomplishments" "accopampa" "accord" "accordance" "accorded" "according" "accordingly" "accosted" "account" "accountability" "accountable" "accountant" "accounted" "accounting" "accounts" "accra" "accredited" "accrington" "acct" "accumulate" "accumulated" "accumulates" "accumulating" "accumulation" "accumulator" "accuracy" "accurate" "accurately" "accusation" "accusations" "accuse" "accused" "accuses" "accusing" "accustomed" "ace" "acelerated" "acerno" "acerra" "acetylene" "acetylene-colored" "aceval" "acevedo" "acf" "acharius" "ache" "acheres" "acheres-le-foret" "achern" "aches" "acheson" "achieve" "achieved" "achievement" "achievements" "achieves" "achieving" "achille" "achim" "achimescu" "aching" "achiras" "achmer" "achondritic" "achromatic" "achzehner" "acid" "acidic" "acids" "ack" "acklam" "acklington" "acknowledge" "acknowledged" "acknowledges" "acknowledging" "ackward" "acme" "acoast" "aconis" "acorn" "acorn-object" "acorn-shaped" "acos" "acosta" "acounts" "acoustic" "acoustical" "acp" "acquaint" "acquaintance" "acquappesa" "acquaviva" "acquigny" "acquino" "acquire" "acquired" "acquires" "acquiring" "acquisition" "acre" "acres" "acrid" "acrisios" "acrobatic" "acrobatics" "acronym" "across" "act" "acted" "acting" "actiniomycete" "actinolite" "actinomycetales" "action" "actions" "activate" "activated" "activates" "activation" "active" "active-duty" "actively" "actividades" "activism" "activist" "activists" "activities" "activity" "acton" "actor" "actors" "actress" "acts" "actual" "actuality" "actually" "acu" "acuescoma" "acuexcomac" "acuff" "acufoe" "acula" "acuna" "acura" "acushi" "acute" "acw" "acworth" "acámbaro" "ad" "ad-3" "ad-4q" "ad-men" "ad0779060" "ad0904326" "ada" "ada221595" "ada294169" "ada392587" "adafterdisclosur0000dola" "adair" "adak" "adam" "adamant" "adamantly" "adamiak" "adamic" "adamkehoe" "adams" "adamsburg" "adamski" "adamski-saucer" "adamson" "adamstown" "adana" "adapasari" "adapazari" "adaptation" "adapted" "adas" "adbuction" "adc" "adcap" "adcock" "add" "addaba" "added" "addendum" "addiction" "addicts" "addie" "adding" "addingham" "addis" "addison" "addition" "additional" "additionally" "additions" "addo" "address" "addressed" "addresses" "addressing" "adds" "adductee" "adel" "adela" "adelaide" "adelanto" "adele" "adelia" "adeline" "adelino" "adelita" "adelmo" "adelpho" "adelphos" "ademar" "adepts" "adequate" "adequately" "adf" "adhara" "adheres" "adhesive" "adickes" "adil" "adilia" "adilon" "adilson" "adina" "adirondack" "adjacent" "adjective" "adjoining" "adjourns" "adjudicative" "adjudicator" "adjuntas" "adjust" "adjusted" "adjusting" "adjusts" "adjutant" "adkins" "adlai" "adler" "adlington" "adm" "admin" "administer" "administered" "administering" "administration" "administrations" "administrative" "administrator" "adminstrator" "admiral" "admiralty" "admire" "admission" "admissions" "admit" "admits" "admitted" "admittedly" "admitting" "admont" "adobe" "adolescent" "adolescents" "adolf" "adolfo" "adolph" "adolphe" "adolphus" "adopt" "adopted" "adopts" "adorned" "adraste" "adrian" "adrianople" "adriatic" "adriatica" "adriatric" "adro" "adroit" "adst" "adt" "adult" "adulterer" "adults" "adumbrated" "adv" "advance" "advanced" "advanced-aerospace-threat-and" "advanced-chemistryprize2011" "advancement" "advancements" "advances" "advancing" "advantage" "advantages" "advent" "adventist" "adventure" "adventurer" "adventures" "adversarial" "adversaries" "adversary" "adverse" "adversely" "advertised" "advertisement" "advertiser" "advertising" "advice" "advisable" "advise" "advised" "adviser" "advisers" "advises" "advising" "advisor" "advisors" "advisory" "advocate" "advocates" "advocating" "advrtiser" "adze" "adzhijabul" "aec" "aegean" "aegis" "aellig" "aer" "aereolíneas" "aerial" "aerial-like" "aerialitis" "aerials" "aeribarque" "aeriens" "aero" "aero-commander" "aero-engineer" "aero-engineers" "aero-science" "aero-taxi" "aero-technician" "aero-types" "aero-writer" "aerobactic" "aerobatic" "aerobatics" "aerodex" "aerodrome" "aerodynamic" "aerodynamical" "aerodynamically" "aerodynamicists" "aerodyne" "aeroespaciais" "aeroespacial" "aeroespaciales" "aeroflot" "aeroforms" "aerogel" "aerojet" "aerolineas" "aerologist" "aeromedical" "aeroméxico" "aeronaut" "aeronautical" "aeronautics" "aeronauts" "aeronaves" "aeronca" "aerope" "aeroplane" "aeroplanes" "aeroplex" "aeropostal" "aerosol" "aerospace" "aerospace-companies-and-ufos-2" "aerospace-companies-and-ufos-3" "aerospace-related" "aerospace_commission" "aerospaciale" "aerospatiaux" "aerospațiale" "aerostar" "aerostat" "aerovias" "aerts" "aess" "aesv" "aetherius" "af" "af-civil" "afar" "afb" "afb#112" "afb-white" "afbs" "afcin-1e-0" "afcir-cc7" "afd-070114-006" "afd-101027-030" "afelbaum" "afeu" "aff" "affa" "affair" "affairs" "affect" "affected" "affecting" "affects" "affidavit" "affidavit-of-andrew-d-basiago" "affidavits" "affiliate" "affiliated" "affiliates" "affiliation" "affirmatively" "affirms" "affixed" "afflicted" "affliction" "affoiaresponse1977-10-0401" "affoiaresponse1977-10-0402" "affoiaresponse1977-10-0403" "affoiaresponse1977-10-0404" "afford" "affordable" "afforded" "afghanistan" "afi" "afire" "afit" "afl" "aflsrsd5roy" "afm" "afoai" "afoai-oa" "afoc" "afognak" "afoic-cc" "afoin" "afoin-2" "afoin-cc-1" "afoin-x" "afoir" "afoiv-tc" "afon" "afor" "afosi" "afosr" "afp" "afr" "afr%20200-2" "afraid" "afres" "africa" "african" "africom" "afrikaans" "afrinews" "afrodit" "afrsta" "afs" "afsa" "afsca" "afsoc" "afsp" "afsr#5" "afswp" "aft" "after-effect" "after-effects" "after-hours" "afterbirth" "afterburner" "afterburners" "aftereffects" "afterglow" "aftergood" "afterimage" "aftermatch" "aftermath" "afternoon" "afternoons" "afterward" "afterwards" "afterword" "afton" "aftonbladet" "aftrica" "afu" "afwl" "agab" "agades" "agadir" "agaete" "againafter" "agan" "agana" "agapenor" "agard" "agata" "agate" "agaunico" "agawam" "agay" "agde" "age" "age-herald" "age7" "aged" "agel" "ageless" "agen" "agena" "agence" "agencies" "agency" "agenda" "agendas" "agenor" "agent" "agents" "agenvillers" "agenzia" "ages" "aggestad" "aggravate" "aggravated" "aggregated" "aggresively" "aggressive" "aggressively" "aggressor" "aghast" "agia" "agiasos" "agile" "agility" "agin" "agincourt" "aging" "agira" "agitated" "agitates" "agitating" "agitation" "agli" "aglow" "agnano" "agnes" "agnew" "agnieska" "ago" "agobard" "agold" "agostinelli" "agoura" "agouti" "agr" "agra" "agree" "agreeable" "agreed" "agreeing" "agreement" "agreements" "agrees" "agricultural" "agriculture" "agriculturist" "agrini" "agrinion" "agronomist" "agronomy" "agrotécnica" "agua" "aguada" "aguade" "aguadilla" "aguas" "agudzeri" "aguera" "aguero" "aguerre" "aguiar" "aguilar" "aguilas" "aguirre" "agusta" "agustin" "agustín" "ah" "ah-64" "ahc" "ahead" "ahern" "ahilinco" "ahlgren" "ahmad" "ahmadi" "ahmed" "ahmedabad" "aho" "ahoskie" "ahrens" "ahsan" "ahtanum" "ahu" "ahuacatlan" "ahvaz" "ahwahnee" "ai" "aiaa" "aic" "aich" "aid" "aida" "aidan" "aide" "aided" "aides" "aiding" "aids" "aiglun" "aiguafreda" "aigues-mortes" "aiken" "ail" "ail-eaton" "aileen" "ailerons" "ailleris" "ailment" "ailments" "aim" "aim-9" "aim-9x" "aime" "aimed" "aiming" "aimlessly" "aims" "aimé" "ain" "ain-el-turck" "ainab" "ainsworth" "aiola" "aion" "aip" "air" "air-" "air-01" "air-2" "air-brakes" "air-breathing" "air-buoyant" "air-cooled" "air-crews" "air-defense" "air-evacuated" "air-force-rejects-order" "air-france" "air-launched" "air-lines" "air-raid" "air-rushing" "air-sampling" "air-show" "air-taxi" "air-tight" "air-to-air" "air-to-ground" "air-traffic" "airbase" "airbases" "airboat" "airborne" "airburst" "airbursts" "airbus" "aircraft" "aircraft's" "aircraft--probably" "aircraft-observer" "aircraftman" "aircrafts" "aircrafts'" "aircrew" "aircrewman" "aircrews" "aircycle" "airdrie" "airdrome" "aire" "aire-sur-l'adour" "aire-sur-la-lys" "aired" "aires" "airfield" "airfields" "airfoil" "airframe" "airglow" "airgram" "airlift" "airlifted" "airline" "airliner" "airliner's" "airliner-size" "airliner-ufo" "airliners" "airlines" "airmail-plane" "airman" "airman1c" "airmen" "airmiss" "airo" "airpark" "airplance" "airplane" "airplane's" "airplane-like" "airplane-sized" "airplanes" "airport" "airports" "airproof" "airprox" "airprt" "airreport" "airs" "airship" "airship'" "airship-" "airship-like" "airships" "airshow" "airsock" "airspace" "airspeed" "airstation" "airstream" "airstrike" "airstrikes" "airstrip" "airstrips" "airsuit" "airtel" "airtight" "airtime" "airwaves" "airway" "airways" "airy" "ais" "aische-en-rafail" "aische-en-refail" "aisle" "aisne" "aiss" "aitana" "aitape" "aiufofsr#2" "aix" "aix-en-provence" "aj" "ajaccio" "ajar" "ajax" "ajo" "ajvas" "ak" "ak-47" "aka" "akademgorodok" "akademi" "akademski" "akavi" "akbar" "ake" "akerberg" "akers" "akf" "akhurst" "akin" "akira" "akirkeby" "akita" "akkan" "akko" "akkuratov" "aklavik" "akon" "akrij" "akron" "akrotiri" "aksaray" "akst" "aktyubinsk" "akureyi" "akureyri" "al" "al-aish" "al-hamriya" "al-hud" "al-makalla" "al-sabriyah" "ala" "alabama" "aladino" "alagoas" "alain" "alair" "alaish" "alajarvi" "alamagordo" "alameda" "alamitos" "alamo" "alamogordo" "alamos" "alamosa" "alan" "aland" "alanda" "alanding" "alarm" "alarm-like" "alarm-system" "alarmed" "alarming" "alarmingly" "alarmist" "alarms" "alaska" "alaskan" "alassio" "alava" "alba" "albacete" "albania" "albanian" "albans" "albany" "albatross" "albeit" "albemarle" "albera" "alberini" "alberni" "albert" "alberta" "albertan" "albertine" "alberto" "alberton" "albertville" "albi" "albias" "albin" "albinia" "albino" "albinos" "albion" "albiosc" "albiosco" "alborache" "albornoz" "albq" "albufeira" "albufiera" "album" "albuquerque" "albury" "albussac" "alcala" "alcalde" "alcanices" "alcantara" "alcaracejo" "alcaracejos" "alcazar" "alcazares" "alcester" "alcineu" "alcinos" "alcir" "alcoa" "alcobaca" "alcobata" "alcocebre" "alcocks" "alcohol" "alcoholic" "alcorcon" "alcores" "alcorn" "alcova" "alcántara" "aldaya" "aldebaran" "aldebaron" "aldeburgh" "aldeia" "alden" "alder" "aldergrove" "alderley" "alderman" "alderney" "aldershot" "aldersyde" "alderwood" "aldinga" "aldini" "aldo" "aldrich" "aldridge" "aldrin" "alec" "alegario" "alegre" "alegrete" "alegria" "aleister" "aleixo" "alejandro" "alejo" "aleknagik" "aleksandr" "aleksandrovich" "alem" "aleman" "alencar" "alencon" "alene" "alenquer" "alentejo" "alençon" "aleppo" "alerces" "alert" "alerted" "alerting" "alerts" "ales" "alessandra" "alessandria" "alessandrino" "alessandrio" "alessandro" "aleutian" "aleutians" "aleuts" "alex" "alexander" "alexandra" "alexandra's" "alexandre" "alexandrescu" "alexandria" "alexandria-leesville" "alexandroupolis" "alexandrov" "alexandrovich" "alexandru" "alexania" "alexeni" "alexeyev" "alexio" "alexis" "alfa-class" "alfalfa" "alfalfal" "alfaro" "alfena" "alfondo" "alfonse" "alfonso" "alford" "alfred" "alfredo" "alfs" "alfven" "alg" "algarve" "algeciras" "alger" "algeria" "algerian" "alges" "alghero" "alghult" "alghut" "algiers" "algo" "algodonales" "algodones" "algoma" "algora" "algorithms" "algorta" "algosaray" "algoz" "algunilla" "alhama" "alhambra" "ali" "alianca" "alicante" "alice" "alice-in-wonderland" "alicia" "alie-" "alief" "alien" "alien's" "alien-built" "alien-contact" "alien-derived" "alien-military" "alien_scientist" "alienaliensamongus07" "alienate" "aliencontacttops00good" "aliens" "aliensfromspacer00keyh" "alight" "alighted" "align" "aligned" "alignment" "alignments" "aligns" "aligote" "alijo" "alike" "aliment" "aliquippa" "aliranta" "alitalia" "alive" "aljezur" "aljustrel" "alkmaar" "all-european" "all-night" "all-out" "all-russian" "all-sky" "all-time" "all-union" "all-weather" "all-white" "allagash" "allagash-4" "allagash-jack" "allagash-jim" "allah" "allahabad" "allan" "allanton" "allard" "allary" "alled" "allegan" 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"asking" "asks" "asland" "asleep" "asm-135" "asmara" "asni" "asnieres-le-dijon" "aso" "aso-san" "asociația" "asotin" "asp" "aspaskjolen" "aspect" "aspects" "aspen" "aspero" "asphalt" "aspin" "aspirin" "aspiring" "aspres" "asprey" "aspsley" "aspx" "aspx#people" "ass" "assailant" "assam" "assapa" "assar" "assassin" "assassinate" "assassinated" "assassination" "assassinations" "assassins" "assault" "assaulted" "assaults" "asse-le-boisne" "assemblage" "assemble" "assembled" "assembles" "assemblies" "assembling" "assembly" "assemini" "assens" "assent" "assert" "asserted" "asserting" "assertion" "assertions" "asserts" "asservent" "assess" "assessed" "assesses" "assessing" "assessment" "assessor" "assets" "assevent" "assign" "assigne" "assigned" "assigning" "assignment" "assignments" "assigns" "assimilated" "assis" "assiscle" "assise" "assisi" "assist" "assistance" "assistant" "assistants" "assisted" "assisting" "assists" "asso" "associate" "associated" "associates" "association" "assr" "asst" "assume" "assumed" "assumes" "assuming" "assumption" "assumptions" "assunção" "assurance" "assurances" "assure" "assured" "assuredly" "assures" "assuring" "assyrians" "ast" "asta" "astanax" "astara" "astatine" "aster" "asterisk" "astern" "asteroid" "asteroids" "asti" "astillero" "aston" "astonished" "astonishing" "astonishingly" "astonishment" "astor" "astorga" "astoria" "astounded" "astounding" "astra" "astra-tr3b" "astrakhan" "astral" "astrals" "astray" "astrid" "astro-azimuth" "astro-geophysical" "astrobiologist" "astrodome" "astrogildo" "astrologers" "astrology" "astronaut" "astronaut's" "astronautical" "astronautics" "astronauts" "astronomer" "astronomers" "astronomic" "astronomical" "astronomically" "astronomicos" "astronomsko-astronautiki" "astronomy" "astrononauts" "astrophysical" "astrophysicist" "astrophysicists" "astrophysics" "asuncion" "asunción" "asylum" "asymmetric" "asymmetrical" "asymmetrically" "at&l" "at&t" "at-11" "at-6" "at-ll" "at11" "at15" "at6" "at6+f84" "ata" "atacama" "atafona" "atalaya" "atarque" "atascadero" "atc" "atc's" "atcham" "atchison" "atco" "atcs" "ate" "atencio" "ater" "atf" "atflir" "ath" "atha" "athayde" "atheletes" "athen" "athens" "atherton" "athlete" "athletic" "athletics" "athmania" "athus" "athyn" "atic" "atic's" "atienza" "atilli" "atintel" "atjaty" "atk" "atka" "atkins" "atkinson" "atl" "atlanta" "atlantean" "atlantic" "atlanticism" "atlantis" "atlas" "atlas-d" "atlixco" "atmosphere" "atmospheres" "atmospheric" "atmosphérique" "atmosphériques" "atoll" "atolls" "atom" "atomic" "atomic-bomb" "atomics" "atomique" "atomizer" "atoms" "atop" "atp" "atr" "atree" "atrevida" "atri" "atripalda" "atrisco" "atropine" "ats" "attach" "attache" "attached" "attaches" "attaching" "attachment" "attachments" "attachtomail" "attaché" "attachés" "attack" "attacked" "attacker" "attacking" "attacks" "attain" "attained" "attaining" "attains" "atteberry" "attempt" "attempted" "attempting" "attempts" "attend" "attendance" "attendant" "attendants" "attended" "attendees" "attending" "attends" "attention" "attenuated" "atterbury" "attested" "attesting" "attests" "attic" "attigneville" "attilio" "attired" "attitash" "attitude" "attitudes" "attleboro" "attlee" "attorney" "attorneys" "attract" "attracted" "attracting" "attraction" "attractive" "attracts" "attributable" "attribute" "attributed" "attributes" "attuned" "attunement" "atty" "atuba" "atwater" "atwood" "atypical" "au" "aubagne" "auban" "aube" "aubel" "aubenas" "auberry" "aubigny" "aubigny-sur-nere" "aubin" "aubin-des-chateaux" "aubineau" "aubonne" "aubre" "auburn" "aubury" "auch" "auchey" "auchy-les-mines" "auckland" "auction" "audacity" "aude" "audelange" "audemets" "audenshaw" "auderghem" "audette" "audeux" "audibergue" "audibergues" "audible" "audience" "audio" "audiogram" "audiotape" "audiotapes" "audiovisual" "audit" "auditor" "auditorio" "auditorium" "auditory" "audits" "audley" "audra" "audrey" "audubon" "auerbach" "aufhausen" "aufhofen" "aufora" "auforn" "aufsteig" "aug" "aug'44" "aug'55+flying" "augard" "auger" "augermanland" "augmented" "augst" "august" "august-september" "augusta" "augustin" "augustine" "augusto" "augustus" "auk" "aulnat" "aulnoy-les-valenciennes" "aulnoye-aymeries" "auman" "aunt" "aunt's" "aups" "aura" "auras" "auray" "aurec" "aureilhan" "aurel" "aurelian" "auribeau" "aurillac" "aurora" "auroral" "auroras" "aurélio" "aus" "auschwitz" "ausmus" "auspices" "aussay" "aust" "auster" "austin" "austin-bergstrom" "austin-peters" "austr" "austr-itl" "austral" "australia" "australian" "australians" "austria" "austria-hungary" "austrian" "austrian-bavarian" "austrl" "autaugaville" "autec" "authentic" "authenticate" "authenticated" "authentication" "authenticity" "author" "authored" "authorities" "authority" "authorization" "authorizations" "authorize" "authorized" "authorizes" "authorizing" "authors" "authorship" "autignac" "auto" "auto-" "auto-photograph" "auto-pilot" "auto-sized" "auto-starts" "auto-tires" "auto=we" "autobahn" "autobiography" "autoimmune" "automated" "automatic" "automatic-writing" "automatically" "automaton" "automedon" "autometrics" "automobile" "automobile's" "automobiles" "automotive" "autonetics" "autonomous" "autonomy" "autopilot" "autopilots" "autopsies" "autopsy" "autoroute" "autos" "autostrada" "autumn" "aux" "auxey-duresses" "auxiliary" "auxonne" "auyan" "auyán-tepui" "auzay" "auzebosc" "auβergewöhnlicher" "av" "avafors" "avail" "available" "avalanche" "avalanche-journal" "avalon" "avalonlibrary" "avance" "avanne" "avant-garde" "avb" "avco" "ave" "avebury" "aveiro" "aveley" "aveling" "avelino" "avellaneda" "avellino" "avenger" "avengers" "avenida" "avens-andorre" "avensa" "avenue" "avenues" "average" "averaged" "averaging" "aversa" "avert" "averting" "avery" "averyon" "avesnes-le-second" "avesta" "aveyon" "aveyron" "avezzano" "avi" "aviación" "avianca" "aviano" "aviary" "aviateca" "aviation" "aviationpros" "aviator" "aviators" "aviazione" "avid" "avignon" "avila" "avion" "avionics" "avis" "avistamientos_ovnis" "aviv" "aviva" "avoca" "avocado" "avocado-shaped" "avocent" "avoid" "avoidance" "avoided" "avoiding" "avoids" "avold" "avon" "avondale" "avonmouth" "avril" "avro" "avrocar" "awacs" "await" "awaited" "awaiting" "awaits" "awake" "awaked" "awaken" "awakened" "awakening" "awakens" "awakes" "awanui" "award" "awarded" "awards" "aware" "awareness" "awash" "awati" "awav" "away" "away---with" "awe" "awesome" "awestruck" "awful" "awfully" "awhile" "awkwardly" "awled" "awoke" "awoken" "awol" "aws" "awsan" "axberg" "axe" "axee" "axel" "axelrod" "axes" "axis" "axle" "axlerod" "ay" "ayacucho" "ayala" "ayamonte" "ayatollah's" "ayaviri" "aybert" "ayden" "ayer" "aylagas" "aylesbury" "aylmer" "ayres" "aytona" "ayu-dug" "ayub" "az" "azadehdel" "azambuja" "azcapotzalco" "aze" "azerbaijan" "azerbarzin" "azerbj" "azevedo" "azgir" "azhazha" "azimuth" "aziz" "azizova" "aznacollar" "aznalcazar" "aznalcazar-pilas" "aznalcollar" "aznalcázar" "aznalcóllar" "azores" "azov" "azrou" "aztec" "azua" "azucar" "azul" "azusa" "aérea" "aéreas" "aéreos" "aériens" "aéroespacial" "aéronautique" "aérospaciais" "aérospatiales" "aérospatiaux" "aïn" ## Word: "a&m" (Back to Top)
Battelle Memorial Institute, Texas A&M University and the University of Cal 5/17/1999 #43770  
elle Memorial Institute, The Texas A&M University System and the University 6/25/2021 #45695  
## Word: "a'anam" (Back to Top)
. At sunset a local engineer, Raid A'anam, saw a black creature in the sky. 10/10/1997 #43426  
an, Israel a young girl, Miss Suha A'anam, was standing on her second floor 10/16/1997 #43430  
## Word: "a'gostino" (Back to Top)
 Labrador, Canada Witness: 2nd Lt. A'Gostino and unidentified radar operato 6/19/1952 #6549  
## Word: "a+" (Back to Top)
                        Regulation A+ equity crowdfunding campaign The To t 9/2017 #45480  
orth of stock through a Regulation A+ equity crowdfunding campaign. The com 9/2017 #45480  
## Word: "a-" (Back to Top)
e air-launched from the back of an A- 12 and uses key technology from the A 10/1962 #17449  
## Word: "a-1" (Back to Top)
 Cape Canaveral, Florida A US Navy A-1 Polaris missile is launched from a g 1/10/1961 #16574  
                                An A-1 piloted by Louis Schalk briefly achi 7/20/1963 #17844  
ed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-1” Yield: 1.1KT                        4/22/1966 #20372  
  Hundreds of motorists on Highway A-1 in Rome, Italy saw a circular lumino 1/12/2000 #43925  
## Word: "a-10" (Back to Top)
vo. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-10” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 170KT        10/24/1979 #34963  
ical object maneuver above several A-10 aircraft parked at the base. Moment 6/15/1980 #35374  
he light. Another security team at A-10 about 10 miles away can also see th 3/1992 #40343  
s magnesium LUU2 flares dropped by A-10 Warthog aircraft in a training exer 3/13/1997 #43229  
st along some railroad tracks. Two A-10 Thunderbolt II fighter aircraft app 11/4/2000 #44071  
## Word: "a-11" (Back to Top)
gn, a combination of their A-7 and A-11 submissions, emphasizes low radar c 9/14/1959 #15976  
ed by a secret aircraft called the A-11—a fictitious name for the Air Force 2/29/1964 #18140  
ilt as an interceptor. He says the A-11 can fly more than 2,000 mph at an a 2/29/1964 #18140  
vo. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-11” Yield: .003KT YieldMax: 60KT       7/14/1979 #34653  
## Word: "a-12" (Back to Top)
replace the U-2. The Archangel-12 (A-12) spy plane will be designed to redu 9/1959 #15950  
ng designs, selecting the Lockheed A-12 over rival Convair’s Kingfish. Edwa 9/14/1959 #15976  
uggestion for adding cesium to the A-12’s fuel in order to ionize the exhau 9/14/1959 #15976  
art is officially established. The A-12 design, a combination of their A-7  9/14/1959 #15976  
 Nevada A full-scale mockup of the A-12 is shipped to Area 51 in Nevada for 11/1959 #16073  
 is authorizing the delivery of 12 A-12 aircraft that will be five times fa 1/26/1960 #16157  
ject Oxcart. (Wikipedia, “Lockheed A-12”; Jacobsen, Area 51, pp. 134–135)   1/26/1960 #16157  
a receives the name “Area 51” when A-12 test facility construction begins,  9/1960 #16427  
mately two miles across so that an A-12 pilot approaching the end of the ov 10/1960 #16472  
vada Burbank, California The first A-12 test aircraft covertly arrives at G 2/28/1962 #17063  
                               The A-12 is taken on its first (unofficial a 4/25/1962 #17129  
. Intended as only a taxi run, the A-12 unexpectedly takes flight and Schal 4/25/1962 #17129  
de, 40-minute test flight with the A-12. The takeoff is perfect, but after  4/26/1962 #17131  
 takeoff is perfect, but after the A-12 gets to about 300 feet it starts sh 4/26/1962 #17131  
          Area 51 Schalk takes the A-12 up to 30,000 feet on its first offi 4/30/1962 #17140  
lens.” Jacobsen implies it was the A-12 test the same day.                  4/30/1962 #17141  
ase in Bahía Blanca, Argentina The A-12 achieves supersonic speed of Mach 1 5/4/1962 #17150  
a double-delta wing similar to the A-12’s wing design. The Q-12 is to be ai 10/1962 #17449  
2 and uses key technology from the A-12 project, including titanium constru 10/1962 #17449  
ime with U-2 missions, getting the A-12 up to speed, and covert operations  12/7/1962 #17574  
            Groom Lake, Nevada The A-12 fleet at Groom Lake, Nevada, is now 1/1963 #17623  
ver, Utah Boston, Massachusetts An A-12 piloted by Kenneth S. Collins crash 5/24/1963 #17765  
airspeed indicator, froze when the A-12 entered a cloud, causing the aircra 5/24/1963 #17765  
 flight of the USAF version of the A-12, the Lockheed YF-12 interceptor, ta 8/7/1963 #17877  
 twin-seat version of the Lockheed A-12 built as an interceptor. He says th 2/29/1964 #18140  
ced in part to continue hiding the A-12, its still-secret ancestor; any sig 2/29/1964 #18140  
        Groom Lake, Nevada Area 51 A-12 pilot Ken Collins continues to test 1965? #18680  
“Slip” Slater and asked to take an A-12 up to find a Russian reconnaissance 1965? #18680  
est pilot William C. Park flies an A-12 for 10,198 statute miles in only 6  12/21/1966 #21212  
President Johnson to terminate the A-12 program due to budget concerns and  12/28/1966 #21223  
h Canyon, Nevada Groom Dry Lake An A-12 flown by pilot Walter Ray is lost d 1/5/1967 #21260  
the first pilot to be killed in an A-12 accident.                           1/5/1967 #21260  
 like it might be the CIA’s Oxcart A-12, the Air Force version of which is  3/1967 #21700  
Helms makes one last pitch for the A-12 Oxcart program to President Johnson 5/16/1967 #22354  
me operational. Johnson authorizes A-12’s to deploy to Kadena Air Base in O 5/16/1967 #22354  
 Kadena Air Base on Okinawa, Japan A-12 spy planes begin Operation Black Sh 5/30/1967 #22425  
hangjahwan Bay Wonsan, North Korea A-12 pilot Jack Weeks is dispatched from 1/26/1968 #23703  
       South China Sea Philippines A-12 pilot Jack W. Weeks is lost over th 6/4/1968 #24005  
e cover story for a malfunctioning A-12 prototype.  https://www.amazon.com/ 5/11/2002 #44342  
               Project Oxcart, the A-12 reconnaissance aircraft program, is 9/2007 #45051  
## Word: "a-12s" (Back to Top)
or; any sightings of CIA/Air Force A-12s based at Area 51 in Nevada can be  2/29/1964 #18140  
ilot Ken Collins continues to test A-12s at Groom Lake, Nevada. One night ( 1965? #18680  
t are shooting down US pilots. The A-12s fly at 80,000 feet and at about Ma 5/30/1967 #22425  
nawa, Japan, to replace the Oxcart A-12s.                                   3/8/1968 #23832  
## Word: "a-18" (Back to Top)
 illuminating the perimeter. Two F/A-18 Hornets (probably scrambled from Ro 7/19/1990 #39651  
ht, flying two McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornets over the California coast o 11/14/2004 #44784  
matter of time before one of our F/A-18 aircraft has a mid-air collision wi 3/26/2014 #45405  
d GIMBAL videos, are taken by an F/A-18 Super Hornet from the USS Theodore  2/2015? #45430  
## Word: "a-18e" (Back to Top)
ng been supplanted by the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet.                    9/22/2006 #44964  
ty, Virginia Capes 12:55 p.m. An F/A-18E Super Hornet from Strike Fighter S 11/18/2013 #45395  
nia Beach, Virginia 4:30 p.m. An F/A-18E Super Hornet from Strike Fighter S 3/26/2014 #45405  
     North Carolina 4:15 p.m. An F/A-18E Super Hornet from Strike Fighter S 3/13/2018 #45523  
## Word: "a-18f" (Back to Top)
arolina NAS Oceana 12:20 p.m. An F/A-18F Super Hornet from Strike Fighter S 6/27/2013 #45376  
ach, Virginia 10:51 p.m. Another F/A-18F Super Hornet from Strike Fighter S 4/23/2014 #45407  
ia Beach, Virginia The crew of a F/A-18F from Strike Fighter Squadron 11 (V 4/27/2014 #45409  
## Word: "a-18fs" (Back to Top)
ation Oceana 12:47 p.m. Two more F/A-18Fs make radar contact with another U 4/24/2014 #45408  
## Word: "a-1917" (Back to Top)
n sighted (see Report, Control No. A-1917). Possible Radiological warfare t 1/13/1949 #3972  
## Word: "a-2" (Back to Top)
h Arnold, flying his CallAir Model A-2 from Chehalis to Yakima, Washington, 6/24/1947 #2398  
 Assistant Chief of the Air Staff, A-2, summarizes three radar trackings of 9/26/1947 #3428  
r Director CIA: Another meeting by A-2 and ATIC personnel was held on this  11/25/1952 #8335  
## Word: "a-2-1" (Back to Top)
ed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-2-1” Yield: 27KT                       7/1/1968 #24116  
## Word: "a-2-2" (Back to Top)
ed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-2-2” Yield: .35KT                      4/25/1975 #30003  
## Word: "a-2-3" (Back to Top)
ed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-2-3” Yield: .1KT                       10/14/1977 #32574  
## Word: "a-2-4" (Back to Top)
ed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-2-4” Yield: .01KT                      10/30/1977 #32638  
## Word: "a-2-5" (Back to Top)
ed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-2-5” Yield: .08KT                      9/12/1978 #33668  
## Word: "a-2-6" (Back to Top)
ed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-2-6” Yield: .06KT                      11/30/1978 #34029  
## Word: "a-2-7" (Back to Top)
ed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-2-7” Yield: .5KT                       1/10/1979 #34328  
## Word: "a-3" (Back to Top)
                     Malmstrom AFB A-3 flight launch facility Sluice Box Ca 3/1992 #40343  
security team at the Malmstrom AFB A-3 flight launch facility outside Sluic 3/1992 #40343  
## Word: "a-3-1" (Back to Top)
ed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-3-1” Yield: 64KT                       12/22/1971 #26514  
## Word: "a-3-2" (Back to Top)
ed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-3-2” Yield: 10KT                       3/29/1976 #30967  
## Word: "a-4" (Back to Top)
ed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-4” Yield: 58KT                         7/29/1976 #31194  
d makes touch- and-go landings; an A-4 Skyhawk crashes into the Pacific 50  3/27/1978 #33088  
## Word: "a-5" (Back to Top)
ed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-5” Yield: 10KT                         9/30/1977 #32534  
## Word: "a-7" (Back to Top)
-12 design, a combination of their A-7 and A-11 submissions, emphasizes low 9/14/1959 #15976  
vo. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-7” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 170KT         10/17/1978 #33840  
need to be associated with the LTV A-7 Corsair II for training, flying the  11/10/1988 #38710  
## Word: "a-8" (Back to Top)
vo. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-8” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 170KT         1/17/1979 #34353  
## Word: "a-9" (Back to Top)
ed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-9” Yield: 103KT                        12/18/1978 #34170  
## Word: "a-bomb" (Back to Top)
 (WHITE SANDS PROVING GROUNDS) 1st a-bomb test successful.                  7/16/1945 #1898  
              HIROSHIMA, JAPAN 1st a-bomb in warfare destroys city.         8/6/1945 #1914  
y grows its own cloud going south. A-bomb simulation?                       9/1957 #13962  
ove a bunker used during the first A-bomb explosion. This wave of sightings 11/2/1957 #14194  
 ground near the site of the first A-bomb explosion. It was first seen as a 11/3/1957 #14242  
ng west near the site of the first A-bomb explosion, Trinity Site, in White 11/3/1957 #14251  
 ground near the site of the first A-bomb explosion. It was first seen as a 11/3/1957 #14254  
## Word: "a-division" (Back to Top)
: (DTG 061800Z) From Commander 19, A-Division, Carswell AFB, TX: UFO sighte 2/6/1954 #9538  
## Word: "a-formation" (Back to Top)
e / V-formation going quickly [to] a-formation.                             11/9/1955 #12557  
## Word: "a-line" (Back to Top)
fternoon. The passengers of Flight A-Line 544 depart Southampton, England,  4/23/2007 #45022  
## Word: "a-r" (Back to Top)
Cylinder w/ 4 arms over nuc plant, A-R (NICAP: 10 - Nuclear Connection, NC) 10/26/1967 #23328  
## Word: "a-test" (Back to Top)
ITY SITE, NM 80M ovoid lands / 1st A-test site. Back / 2000h. / r111p92+/ r 11/3/1957 #14228  
## Word: "a-white" (Back to Top)
 salvo. Country: USA Name: “Kawich A-White” YieldMax: 40KT                  12/9/1988 #38749  
## Word: "a0" (Back to Top)
mages.storage.googleapis.com/51/ef/a0/035d0116bc183d/US11027816.pdf *   htt 5/17/1999 #43770  
mages.storage.googleapis.com/51/ef/a0/035d0116bc183d/US11027816.pdf   https 6/25/2021 #45695  
## Word: "a10" (Back to Top)
low slow-sphere/orb/globe 25' over A10 viaduct. Electro-magnetic effect (EM 2/9/1973 #27276  
lar objects / large fins. Possible A10 Thunderbolts.                        1/2/1988 #38387  
northeast. Curves going east along A10 freeway.                             11/22/1993 #41294  
n curved to the east following the A10 highway.                             11/22/1993 #41296  
## Word: "a1079" (Back to Top)
                                   A1079 EAST / YORK, ENGLAND 2 / car. "Cot 7/8/1994 #41616  
## Word: "a1092" (Back to Top)
 Suffolk, England Cavendish on the A1092 Rosalind Reynolds-Parnham and her  9/1982 #36590  
hen they are near Cavendish on the A1092 some lights approach them from beh 9/1982 #36590  
## Word: "a12" (Back to Top)
                                   A12 / LAKENHEATH, UK Huge rectangle and  4/18/1984 #37265  
## Word: "a13" (Back to Top)
               BASILDON, ESSEX 1 / A13. Arrowhead-shaped UFO. Lights / corn 4/12/1991 #40037  
## Word: "a1391" (Back to Top)
of Humanoid Reports, case 1975-10 (A1391), citing Hayashi Ichinan andYoshih 2/23/1975 #29837  
## Word: "a1457" (Back to Top)
logue of Humanoid Encounters, case A1457). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)       2/10/1976 #30862  
## Word: "a1463" (Back to Top)
of Humanoid Reports, case 1976-41 (A1463), citing Jerome Clark; Great Falls 2/22/1976 #30894  
## Word: "a1465" (Back to Top)
atalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A1465, citing Gray Barker, UFO Report, J 3/3/1976 #30919  
## Word: "a1466" (Back to Top)
atalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A1466). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)       4/2/1976 #30978  
## Word: "a1472" (Back to Top)
atalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A1472, citing La Razon). (NICAP: 07 - En 5/14/1976 #31051  
## Word: "a15" (Back to Top)
                                   A15 BARENTIN TO/FROM ROUEN, FR Delta/tri 10/20/1985 #37688  
## Word: "a154363" (Back to Top)
2.theblackvault.com/documents/dtic/a154363.pdf (p82)  Note: Quasicrystals w 1998 #43481  
## Word: "a1715" (Back to Top)
of Humanoid Reports, case 1977-14 (A1715), citing Thomas Heiman). (NICAP: 0 3/15/1977 #31907  
## Word: "a1719" (Back to Top)
of Humanoid Reports, case 1977-17 [A1719], citing Randall Jones Pugh, Briti 4/7/1977 #31956  
## Word: "a1861" (Back to Top)
atalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A1861, citing Joel Mesnard). (NICAP: 07  2/5/1976 #30846  
## Word: "a19" (Back to Top)
y large silent red ovoid parallels A19 going quickly southeast. Out to sea? 8/24/1974 #29380  
   NEAR PETERLEE, DURHAM 2 / car / A19. Large fireball going down [to] behi 6/21/1994 #41576  
## Word: "a197" (Back to Top)
                                   A197 ASHINGTON TO/FROM PEGSWOOD, ENGL St 2/13/1967 #21531  
## Word: "a197537" (Back to Top)
/apps.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a197537.pdf     Note: This study is mean 4/1988 #38526  
## Word: "a1a" (Back to Top)
moved south parallel to U.S. Route A1A, then turned to the right and disapp 3/14/1967 #21885  
## Word: "a1c" (Back to Top)
 20 miles west of Lawson 8:54 p.m. A1C Chase E. Lewis, tower operator at La 8/11/1954 #10126  
itional tower operators (including A1C William N. Watson) view the object.  8/11/1954 #10126  
lter Lyons, and control technician A1C Armand Therrien at Las Vegas Air For 7/16/1957 #13801  
s F. Bond, S/Sgt William E. Smith, A1C Robert O’Connor, A1C Joseph P. Jablo 10/24/1968 #24587  
iam E. Smith, A1C Robert O’Connor, A1C Joseph P. Jablonski, and A1C Gregory 10/24/1968 #24587  
nnor, A1C Joseph P. Jablonski, and A1C Gregory Adams. The chief of the 862n 10/24/1968 #24587  
wood, South Dakota About 6:00 p.m. A1C John W. Mills III is with a second l Early 1/1979 #34280  
d take off after a refueling stop. A1C John W. Mills III and a few other ai 5/1980 #35296  
ce a UFO event. A security patrol (A1C John Burroughs and S/Sgt Budd Steffe 12/26/1980 #35737  
gt James Penniston, Burroughs, and A1C Edward Cabansag) enter the forest to 12/26/1980 #35737  
thouse Around 12:00 midnight. USAF A1C Larry Warren claims he is on patrol  12/28/1980 #35750  
Dakota Just before 12:00 midnight. A1C Michael R. Reager and A1C Jason H. B 10/27/1992 #40694  
idnight. A1C Michael R. Reager and A1C Jason H. Barrier are approaching the 10/27/1992 #40694  
## Word: "a2" (Back to Top)
rson, RAF assistant chief of staff A2, refers Ringwald’s report to the Air  2/11/1945 #1779  
                                   A2 NEAR ST. AYBERT, FR 1 observer. Flash 2/25/1974 #28797  
 object flies 30–50 feet above the A2 highway near Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, 2/28/2018 #45519  
## Word: "a20" (Back to Top)
         NEAR FARNINGHAM, KENT 1 / A20. Metallic grey cylinder/cigar-shape  7/16/1978 #33385  
## Word: "a209227" (Back to Top)
ult.com/documents/ufos/fastwalkers/a209227.pdf     Note: On 6 January 1967, 6/1989 #38972  
## Word: "a21" (Back to Top)
                                   A21 NORTHWEST / DOUAI, FR 4 / car. 3 pur 6/1/1997 #43309  
## Word: "a22" (Back to Top)
                                   A22 NORTH / WILLINGDON, EAST SUSSEX Low  5/1/1992 #40440  
 Hazelgrove, were driving down the A22 Highway in Polegate, East Sussex, En 5/1/1992 #40443  
## Word: "a227121" (Back to Top)
/apps.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a227121.pdf     Note: Pharis Williams ha 4/1988 #38527  
2.theblackvault.com/documents/dtic/a227121.pdf                              8/1990 #39674  
## Word: "a23" (Back to Top)
r field. Car stops to let it cross A23.                                     6/20/1993 #41024  
                                   A23 NORTHWEST / ORCHIES, FR 1 / taxi and 2/2/1994 #41402  
                                   A23 / ORCHIES, NORD 5 night lights / per 1/19/1996 #42689  
## Word: "a25" (Back to Top)
                                   A25 / WESCOTT, ENG 2 / car. Large object 4/17/1982 #36445  
                                   A25 NORTH / LOOS, NORD, FR Luminous sphe 1/8/1996 #42674  
## Word: "a272" (Back to Top)
                                   A272 near Winchester, England 9:00 p.m.  11/14/1976 #31548  
and Ted Pratt are driving down the A272 near Winchester, England, when thei 11/14/1976 #31548  
EAST / STOCKBRIDGE, ENGL 2 / car / A272. Huge perfect ferris wheel with spo 7/6/1985 #37615  
## Word: "a2c" (Back to Top)
Clifford E. Pocock, scope operator A2C Walter Lyons, and control technician 7/16/1957 #13801  
## Word: "a3" (Back to Top)
     SEWART AIR FORCE BASE, TN Waf A3 / C. Dishpan saucer drops from 600M a 7/31/1952 #7369  
                               RTE A3 / SURREY CO, ENG Motorist sees triang 4/1/1970 #25618  
       At 8:50 p.m.motorist on the A3 highway near Surrey, England saw a tr 4/1/1970 #25620  
## Word: "a3-d's" (Back to Top)
   Location: Confidential, unknown A3-D's Approach Rocket-Shaped UFO (NICAP 1953 #8472  
## Word: "a303" (Back to Top)
e, England A man is driving on the A303 with his partially sighted fiancée  6/25/1977 #32194  
n rounded triangle hovers over RTE A303.                                    8/18/1994 #41679  
## Word: "a307" (Back to Top)
 Holsworthy and Hatherleigh on the A307 road, Devon, England. The object ap 10/24/1967 #23304  
## Word: "a30916275" (Back to Top)
larmechanics.com/military/research/a30916275/government-secret-ufo-program- 5/22/1992 #40469  
## Word: "a31" (Back to Top)
                                   A31 / BENTLEY, HAMPSHIRE Night lights. H 1/11/1988 #38406  
## Word: "a319" (Back to Top)
d 7:20 p.m. The pilot of an Airbus A319 is holding at 7,000 feet at Gatwick 7/14/2017 #45475  
ssex, England 12:40 p.m. An Airbus A319 is climbing out from Gatwick Airpor 4/28/2019 #45573  
## Word: "a320" (Back to Top)
arles Duboc and two members of his A320 airliner crew briefly observe over  1/28/1994 #41390  
ghted by the crew of an Air France A320 airliner, and reported to air traff 1/28/1994 #41391  
 The pilot of a Thomas Cook Airbus A320 cruising at 34,000 feet near Readin 7/19/2013 #45378  
rport, England 2:00 p.m. An Airbus A320 pilot departing from Gatwick Airpor 5/5/2019 #45577  
9 p.m. An American Airlines Airbus A320 pilot reports a long, cylindrical o 2/21/2021 #45678  
## Word: "a321" (Back to Top)
rport, England 6:10 p.m. An Airbus A321 pilot is descending from 10,000 fee 2/1/2018 #45505  
lot of an American Airlines Airbus A321 flying on the same air route at 40, 2/24/2018 #45513  
## Word: "a330" (Back to Top)
. As the 737 approaches Slane, the A330 crew observes unidentified traffic  1/4/2004 #44643  
ich experiences a power drain. The A330 sees a purplish glow surround the 7 1/4/2004 #44643  
 327° F. for about 15 seconds. The A330 also feels the turbulence, and the  1/4/2004 #44643  
## Word: "a330-" (Back to Top)
way 10 by a British Midland Airbus A330- 200 at a distance of 6 miles. Both 1/4/2004 #44643  
## Word: "a330-200" (Back to Top)
he same night at 10:30 p.m. when a A330-200 with 213 people on board encoun 1/4/2004 #44645  
## Word: "a338" (Back to Top)
                                   A338 / SOPLEY, ENG Truck and car electro 11/6/1967 #23409  
                                   A338 road [now B3347] south of Sopley, H 11/6/1967 #23414  
land 1:30 a.m. On a section of the A338 road [now B3347] south of Sopley, H 11/6/1967 #23414  
## Word: "a35" (Back to Top)
                                   A35 EAST / BARNUM, MN 2 observer(s). 1m  10/6/1979 #34944  
## Word: "a350" (Back to Top)
            UPTON SCUDAMORE, WILTS A350. Man / van wakes. Locked door open. 9/15/1976 (approximate) #31383  
## Word: "a352" (Back to Top)
EIN, FR Triangle low and slow over A352. Turns going east. 2 military jets  11/5/1990 #39827  
## Word: "a36" (Back to Top)
                                   A36 NEAR BECKINGTON, ENGL Phony land rov 12/8/1965 #19757  
## Word: "a360" (Back to Top)
                                   A360 SHREWTON TO/FROM TILSHEAD, WILTS Ca 9/24/1966 #20921  
n Tilshead and Shrewton on Highway A360 in Wiltshire County, England when   9/24/1966 #20924  
## Word: "a38" (Back to Top)
           PLOMBIERES, 21, FR N5 = A38. Cops. Red ball / sky blinks on / of 9/23/1954 #10412  
                                   A38 WITH HEYTESBURY, WILTS 6 orange orbs 4/4/1966 #20218  
                                   A38 NEAR SHELTON LOCK, DERBYSHIRE Lemon  1/4/1988 #38399  
hovers / 60M altitude with highway A38 / 4 minutes. Lights / corners.       12/27/2001 #44300  
## Word: "a39" (Back to Top)
ead, England near Kilve on highway A39 in Somerset with she noticed fog and 9/26/1977 #32522  
## Word: "a4" (Back to Top)
e, Zimbabwe, takes place along the A4 highway, during which motorists exper 5/31/1974 #29149  
411 motorway near Spontin, Belgium A4 in Beez, Belgium 6:00 p.m. Four famil 1/6/1991 #39947  
.m., a family driving south on the A4 in Beez, Belgium, see three lights at 1/6/1991 #39947  
## Word: "a40" (Back to Top)
                                   A40 NEAR HUNTLEY, GLOUCS 1 / car. Red ni 2/15/1995 #42049  
## Word: "a414" (Back to Top)
ree people driving in a car on the A414 highway between Hemel Hempstead and 2/9/1973 #27279  
## Word: "a4155" (Back to Top)
gland Marlowe A man driving on the A4155 from Henley to High Wycombe, Engla 12/30/1972 #27192  
## Word: "a422" (Back to Top)
ape south going quickly north over A422. Steering wheel burns hands!        3/13/1980 #35212  
y silently south to north over the A422 highway east of Alcester, Warwicksh 3/13/1980 #35213  
y silently south to north over the A422 highway east of Alcester, Warwicksh 3/13/1980 #35215  
## Word: "a426465" (Back to Top)
s.theblackvault.com/documents/dtic/a426465.pdf (p93)   https://archive.org/ 2001 #44112  
## Word: "a454" (Back to Top)
                                   A454 NEAR SHIPLEY, ENGL Luminous cylinde 7/26/1968 #24229  
## Word: "a458" (Back to Top)
                                   A458 SHREWSBURY TO/FROM CRESSAGE, SHROPS 8/16/1954 #10147  
                                   A458 / MORVILLE, SHROPS Huge delta/trian 3/25/1995 #42115  
## Word: "a46" (Back to Top)
                                   A46 / BATH TO/FROM STROUD, AVON Odd oran 10/1981 #36146  
ports triangle-UFO 1 mile from RTE A46 near town. No further details.       2/8/1989 #38822  
## Word: "a465" (Back to Top)
inder/cigar-shape hovers 600M over A465. Local flap from 17 July.           9/3/1999 #43840  
e, hovered stationary over highway A465 between Ebbw Vale and Bryn Mawr, Gw 9/3/1999 #43841  
## Word: "a47" (Back to Top)
s). Silent 2-motor plane hovers by A47 / 5+min. No tail. Going [to] WNW.    7/11/1970 #25731  
## Word: "a48" (Back to Top)
les outside of Carmarthern, on the A48 Highway, they had descended the Nant 8/28/1977 #32437  
## Word: "a49" (Back to Top)
                                   A49 NEAR RIVER WEAVER, CHESHIRE Motorcyc 9/1/1983 #36965  
## Word: "a4n" (Back to Top)
              PACIFIC 166° 05W-28° A4N United States Navy (USN) Brewster. 3 4/29/1953 #8849  
## Word: "a5" (Back to Top)
                                   A5 / QUEENS HEAD NEAR OSWESTRY, SHROPS S 10/31/1954 #11498  
 Northamptonshire, England, on the A5 when she passes beneath a hovering ob 11/22/1978 #33980  
om a nightclub at 2:10 a.m. on the A5 expressway when they all suddenly exp 7/15/1981 #36008  
were on their way back home on the A5 expressway when they all suddenly exp 7/16/1981 #36010  
e light paced a car driving on the A5 highway near Brinklow, Warkwick, Engl 9/17/1989 #39111  
ound object sparkles / lights over A5. 2nd joins.                           10/29/1995 #42569  
## Word: "a500" (Back to Top)
                                   A500 / BASFORD, NOTTS Several observer(s 2/4/1977 #31786  
## Word: "a5025" (Back to Top)
                                   A5025 near Penysarn, Anglesey, Wales 10: 10/8/1978 #33816  
d Williams is driving south on the A5025 near Penysarn, Anglesey, Wales, wh 10/8/1978 #33816  
## Word: "a51" (Back to Top)
amos upon delivery of the craft to A51. He also states the ET assisted huma 11/1/2013 #45392  
## Word: "a52" (Back to Top)
                                   A52 / ASHBOURNE, DERBYSHIRE 2 / car. H-s 10/6/1993 #41220  
 p.m. two witnesses driving on the A52 highway in Ashbourne, Derbyshire, En 10/6/1993 #41221  
                                   A52 NEAR ASHEBOURNE, DERBYSHIRE 2 / car. 5/7/1995 #42182  
 1:00 a.m. a couple driving on the A52 highway near Ashbourne, Derbyshire,  5/7/1995 #42187  
## Word: "a547" (Back to Top)
                                   A547 NORTHEAST / RHUDDLAN, WALES 1 / car 1/4/1986 #37750  
## Word: "a564120" (Back to Top)
/apps.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a564120.pdf                              12/2011 #45335  
## Word: "a580" (Back to Top)
                                   A580 near Lowton, England 11:30 p.m. A M 10/8/1978 #33817  
Mrs. Trantor are driving along the A580 near Lowton, England, when their he 10/8/1978 #33817  
## Word: "a59" (Back to Top)
                                   A59 / BLUBBERHOUSES MOOR 2 cops. Large s 10/29/1983 #37029  
over hills while driving along the A59 Highway on Blubberhouses Moor, North 10/29/1983 #37030  
## Word: "a61" (Back to Top)
                                   A61 / 629 NORTH / SHEFFIELD, SOUTH YORKS 3/10/1988 #38494  
8:45 p.m. UFO investigators on the A61 highway north of Sheffield, England  3/10/1988 #38496  
## Word: "a628" (Back to Top)
                                   A628 NORTHWEST / LANGSETT, ENGL 4 / car. 3/3/1988 #38481  
## Word: "a629" (Back to Top)
               PENISTONE, ENGL 4 / A629. Silent metallic diamond hovers / 2 2/10/1988 #38451  
                                   A629 near Halifax, West Yorkshire, Engla 11/9/2019 #45616  
ung couple are driving home on the A629 near Halifax, West Yorkshire, Engla 11/9/2019 #45616  
## Word: "a63" (Back to Top)
           NORTH / BAYONNE, FR 1 / A63. 100M silent flat triangle / 80kph / 11/5/1990 #39841  
## Word: "a635" (Back to Top)
                                   A635 WITH HOLMFIRTH, WEST YORKS 25' ovoi 8/24/1975 (approximate) #30302  
## Word: "a65" (Back to Top)
                                   A65 NEAR HELLIFIELD, NORTH YORKS 1 / car 3/4/1982 #36375  
       Hellifield, UK A car on the A65 highway in Hellifield, England was s 3/4/1982 #36376  
In 1982 at 10:30 p.m. a car on the A65 highway in Hellifield, England was s 3/4/1982 #36378  
## Word: "a690" (Back to Top)
                                   A690 / DURHAM, ENGL Woman / car slows. " 1/2/1995 #41935  
## Word: "a835" (Back to Top)
separate report(s). 2 saucers over A835. Spotlight shines / 1 car.          10/11/1990 #39778  
ped objects were seen over highway A835 in Saddleworth Moor, England. The o 10/11/1990 #39780  
## Word: "a9" (Back to Top)
                                   A9 near Calvine, Perthshire, Scotland RA 8/4/1990 #39679  
ton, D.C. Day. Two hikers near the A9 near Calvine, Perthshire, Scotland, s 8/4/1990 #39679  
                                   A9 NORTHWEST / STANLEY, SCOTLAND 3 / car 2/8/1995 #42026  
## Word: "a>" (Back to Top)
1:55 p.m. A motorist almost struck a> blindingly bright object which had la 4/18/1966 #20329  
## Word: "aa" (Back to Top)
sterday morning. The 37th Brigade (AA) expended 1430 rounds of ammunition a 2/26/1942 #1392  
ps, no planes (UFOs) shot down, no AA or Navy planes were inaction. (AA Doc 2/26/1942 #1392  
 AA or Navy planes were inaction. (AA Document, OCS 21347–86.)              2/26/1942 #1392  
          SOUTH / GRAND RAPIDS, MN AA liner. Night light 500-1000mph. Hover 5/23/1951 #5519  
                 EAST / TYRONE, PA AA flight #519 / 18k' altitude. Small UF 7/28/1952 #7233  
der Mountain, east of the village. Aa retired military man using the name o 1/23/1974 #28693  
.m. As a pilot is flying a Grumman AA TR-2 toward the Port Columbus Interna 7/1985 #37613  
## Word: "aaa" (Back to Top)
           DELAWARE, OH Farmer and AAA official. 5 reddish saucers going qu 7/4/1947 #2632  
## Word: "aaaaaaaaapg" (Back to Top)
gspot.com/-kILfYw2VJyk/VzABvIBOpPI/AAAAAAAAApg/bdP2GLbjwwsMZh1-6JgOwBzTTGxR 11/13/1961 #16963  
## Word: "aaaaaaaaapk" (Back to Top)
gspot.com/-eSTVEVMkTUM/VzAB6HTXdyI/AAAAAAAAApk/t7PzIKMoZSYU8eSm1zYWoSJdrPh7 11/13/1961 #16963  
## Word: "aaaaaaaaaps" (Back to Top)
gspot.com/-Ro21GyILirI/VzAB7flzgBI/AAAAAAAAAps/V0eJqGYupU8U8xJCfl4HY_8mkiYG 11/13/1961 #16963  
## Word: "aaaaaaaaidy" (Back to Top)
logspot.com/-X0BWGLnELg/Wc5ZLqBeZI/AAAAAAAAIdY/fzGC42gmckTfgc5MgxO1g6yBYO41 3/27/1950 #4742  
## Word: "aaas" (Back to Top)
on for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual meeting, in Boston, MA, inc 12/26/1969 #25508  
## Word: "aab" (Back to Top)
                           Chitose AAB, Hokkaido, Japan GCA Unit Tracks UFO 7/1/1947 #2516  
## Word: "aabenraa" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR AABENRAA, DK Meteor watchers. Bright nig 8/12/1995 (approximate) #42377  
## Word: "aac" (Back to Top)
l reddish objects descend near the AAC Advanced Flying School at Columbus,  8/29/1942 #1444  
graphed holding a typed message at AAC Fort Worth, TX after the alleged Ros 2004 #44639  
## Word: "aac-1" (Back to Top)
    NEAR TESSALIT, MALI 2 pilots / AAC-1. Circular shadow / ground. Source  8/10/1951 #5599  
## Word: "aachen" (Back to Top)
                                   Aachen (near), Germany A phenomenon desc 8/11/1942 #1431  
                      Coblence and Aachen, Germany Silvery cigar-shaped obj 2/19/1944 #1575  
                                   Aachen/Bonn/Cologne, Germany Possible je 11/5/1944 #1694  
                  Trierer Strasse, Aachen, Germany 9:50 p.m. A couple is dr 12/5/1989 #39298  
 driving on the Trierer Strasse in Aachen, Germany, when they see a flying  12/5/1989 #39298  
## Word: "aacs" (Back to Top)
y and Maj. William E. Geyser, 59th AACS Group, see a round 2–3 foot or 10-f 7/11/1947 #3138  
 astronomer Frank M. Eisele, 103rd AACS Squadron, at Lockbourne AFB [now Ri 1/7/1948 #3546  
. Pickering, Detachment 733, 103rd AACS Squadron, is awakened by the sudden 1/7/1948 #3546  
## Word: "aaf" (Back to Top)
ed saucer dives at Army Air Force (AAF) BT13A trainer. Going quickly south. 4/3/1943 #1490  
  The Materiel Command becomes the AAF Materiel Command.                    1/15/1944 #1563  
   The Air Service Command and the AAF Materiel Command are placed under AA 7/17/1944 #1622  
 Materiel Command are placed under AAF Materiel and Services.               7/17/1944 #1622  
inistry), Gen. George C. McDonald (AAF Director of Intelligence), Lt. Col.  9/6/1944 #1665  
ite teardrops pace Army Air Force (AAF) C46. / r215p52.                     8/28/1945 #1927  
    Brig. Gen. George C. McDonald, AAF director of intelligence, writes to  10/9/1945 #1944  
T LAUDERDALE, FL 6 Army Air Force (AAF) planes disoriented. Frantic radio.  12/5/1945 #1949  
ect falls / hills. Army Air Force (AAF) men find stinky odor only.          6/29/1947 #2453  
onel William H. Blanchard, Roswell AAF commanding officer, about a potentia 7/5/1947 #2718  
ER CLAY CENTER, KS Army Air Force (AAF) Major / B-25. Bright silver 40' sau 7/6/1947 #2752  
                           Roswell AAF Ranch Fort Worth Army Air Field Wash 7/6/1947 #2812  
onel William H. Blanchard, Roswell AAF commanding officer, entrusted with o 7/6/1947 #2812  
E BASE, CO Several Army Air Force (AAF) men / (seen thru) binoculars. Silen 7/7/1947 #2852  
H / SHREVEPORT, LA Army Air Force (AAF) Sgt. / plane. Bright moon-size silv 7/7/1947 #2853  
000kph and more. / Army Air Force (AAF) report. / r160#121.                 7/7/1947 #2862  
                           Roswell AAF Andrews AAF Washington, D.C. 2:00 a. 7/7/1947 #2927  
               Roswell AAF Andrews AAF Washington, D.C. 2:00 a.m. A special 7/7/1947 #2927  
 flight (the first) leaves Roswell AAF for Andrews AAF in Washington, D.C.  7/7/1947 #2927  
st) leaves Roswell AAF for Andrews AAF in Washington, D.C. Some of the debr 7/7/1947 #2927  
                        Alamogordo AAF Kirtland AAF New Mexico Washington S 7/7/1947 #2929  
           Alamogordo AAF Kirtland AAF New Mexico Washington State AMC comm 7/7/1947 #2929  
g unexpectedly flies to Alamogordo AAF and Kirtland AAF in New Mexico, rema 7/7/1947 #2929  
ies to Alamogordo AAF and Kirtland AAF in New Mexico, remaining there until 7/7/1947 #2929  
itary aircraft. Vandenberg says no AAF planes are looking for discs, but Na 7/7/1947 #2933  
       ROSWELL, NM Army Air Force (AAF) news release. F.S. recovered! (Late 7/8/1947 #2988  
Roswell Corona, New Mexico Roswell AAF 2:00 a.m. Marcel stops at home in Ro 7/8/1947 #3010  
nto the car to be taken to Roswell AAF.                                     7/8/1947 #3010  
tesman aviation editor and former (AAF) B-29 pilot Dave Johnson. Watched fo 7/9/1947 #3052  
                           Roswell AAF, New Mexico Mack Brazel is returned  7/15/1947 #3186  
extensive interrogation at Roswell AAF, New Mexico.                         7/15/1947 #3186  
ho leaves “the impression that the AAF instituted this investigation to was 7/27/1947 #3235  
s since they are definitely not of AAF origin.”                             7/27/1947 #3235  
Taylor requests any information on AAF projects that might give rise to suc 8/22/1947 #3360  
AG, NACA, RAND and NEPA Projects. (AAF Record, U-39552)                     9/23/1947 #3415  
m Soviet/Bloc. Twining’s letter to AAF Commanding Gen. George Schulgen stat 9/23/1947 #3419  
                     Las Vegas, NV AAF reserve Capt. Moore saw object trave 10/8/1947 #3450  
he name of the Secret base is Gray AAF, Texas. The special group piloting t 12/29/1980 #35752  
lic Safety works closely with Gray AAF on UFO cases.                        12/29/1980 #35752  
 a restricted air corridor at Gray AAF/Robert Gray Field. The pilot saw a h 1982 #36292  
            In a signed affidavit, AAF radio operator Earl Zimmerman states 11/2/1993 #41259  
## Word: "aal" (Back to Top)
               OVER DODGE CITY, KS AAL pilot buzzed / odd blue night light. 5/22/1951 #5515  
                              NEAR AAL, BUSKERUD, NORWAY 4 separate events  12/23/1951 (approximate) #5823  
                   NEAR DENVER, CO AAL pilot. 4 night lights race past. 25K 7/18/1952 #6877  
CONOWINGO DAM, MD Near collision / AAL DC6 & UFO / same size. Passengers in 10/19/1953 #9240  
                  NEAR KAYENTA, AZ AAL crew. UFO going southwest very fast. 4/21/1981 #35911  
              EAST / MILWAUKEE, WI AAL pilots. Bright silver disk. 6 round  7/4/1981 #35983  
## Word: "aalborg" (Back to Top)
                                   AALBORG, DK AND AREA Several separate ob 6/27/1908 #707  
                                   AALBORG AIR FORCE BASE, DK 2 airmen / gr 4/1/1958 (approximate) #14956  
                           NORTH / AALBORG, DK Air Force man and 1. Moon-si 10/16/1990 #39790  
## Word: "aan" (Back to Top)
                         Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, Netherlands 6:20 p.m. A s 2/28/2018 #45519  
bove the A2 highway near Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, Netherlands, before movin 2/28/2018 #45519  
## Word: "aanekoski" (Back to Top)
                                   AANEKOSKI, FINL Several observer(s). Ani 12/3/1977 #32732  
## Word: "aanstad" (Back to Top)
oialman, Becky Evanston, and Becky Aanstad, all 21 years old, were driving  8/8/1965 #19342  
## Word: "aapc" (Back to Top)
 Innovation Imperative” at the SCU AAPC conference near the Redstone Arsena 6/3/2022 #45753  
exander states on video at the SCU AAPC conference near the Redstone Arsena 6/4/2022 #45754  
ce and the Last Humans” at the SCU AAPC conference, near the Redstone Arsen 6/4/2022 #45756  
## Word: "aar" (Back to Top)
                           NEAR DE AAR, RSA 1 / car. Vibration. Observer(s) 11/1975 #30528  
## Word: "aardvark" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Aardvark” Yield: 40KT                    5/12/1962 #17164  
## Word: "aarhus" (Back to Top)
                                   AARHUS, DK No observer(s)! Classic domed 11/1971 #26443  
                                   AARHUS, DK 1 / taxi. 30 Mx2M cylinder/ci 3/11/1975 #29886  
                                   Aarhus, Denmark 9:00 p.m. A Polish woman 11/2008 #45185  
9:00 p.m. A Polish woman living in Aarhus, Denmark, looks up and sees a gig 11/2008 #45185  
## Word: "aarno" (Back to Top)
d 4:45 p.m. Two skiers, lumberjack Aarno Heinonen and farmer Esko Viljo, at 1/7/1970 #25540  
fternoon two cross-country skiers, Aarno Heinonen and Esko Viljo, heard a b 1/7/1970 #25541  
ered severe physiological effects. Aarno Heinonen would go on to experience 1/7/1970 #25541  
                                   Aarno Heinonen was at home in Imjarvi, F 5/5/1972 #26671  
## Word: "aaro" (Back to Top)
 reprisal has been dropped. 2. The AARO has been given responsibility for t 12/6/2022 #45785  
      USD(I&S) Ronald Moultrie and AARO Director Sean Kirkpatrick state the 12/17/2022 #45786  
they will refer their testimony to AARO.  https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/com 12/19/2022 #45789  
## Word: "aaron" (Back to Top)
 built in a small Iowa town. Rabbi Aaron Levy of Beaumont also claims to ha 4/19/1897 #539  
e. It is possibly composed by Maj. Aaron “Jere” Boggs or Col. Edward H. Por 11/3/1948 #3867  
ist Wilbur Irvin Robinson, chemist Aaron Gustav “Gus” Oberg, and petroleum  8/25/1951 #5625  
 R. Holder and Radar Observer 1Lt. Aaron M. Jones Jr., chases the object, w 8/5/1952 #7472  
rt Riley, KA Fort Riley, KA: “AK” (Aaron Kaback) was on guard duty at 2 a.m 11/1965 #19690  
itary Reservation Kansas 2:00 a.m. Aaron David Kaback is on duty at the mot 11/1965 #19695  
f, Dane Spotts, Courtney Brown and Aaron Donahue.  https://web.archive.org/ 3/9/1992 #40368  
## Word: "aasc" (Back to Top)
stem Concepts or “Project AIR-01.” AASC is described as a program to examin 6/2008 #45144  
get document.  The language in the AASC program description is similar to t 6/2008 #45144  
AP-related. Is it possible DARPA’s AASC is also UAP related and contains re 6/2008 #45144  
## Word: "aatip" (Back to Top)
uld later support the DIA’s AAWSAP/AATIP programs, suggested the Ft. Dix bo 1/18/1978 #32895  
rence Document for the 2009 AAWSAP/AATIP program. *   https://www.theblackv 1983 #36738  
e time; Puthoff became involved in AATIP eight years later. *   https://dev 4/1988 #38527  
                             Later AATIP scientist Hal Puthoff states in a  1994 #41347  
ngLi(physicist)     Note: In 2008, AATIP scientist Robert Baker who special 8/1/1997 #43364  
ace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) while it was run out of the OUSD( 10/1998 #43656  
website. The ninth slide describes AATIP’s DoD Threat Scenario, which state 10/1998 #43656  
ellis AFB encounter is one example AATIP was referring to, but it seems pro 10/1998 #43656  
space-threat-and.html  Note: Other AATIP slides published on History Channe 10/1998 #43656  
RW in 2002.  Note: In 2021, former AATIP head Lue Elizondo was asked about  7/31/1999 #43815  
 meeting described in the minutes. AATIP scientist Hal Puthoff and AAWSAP c 12/3/1999 #43892  
 Cook states Hal Puthoff (eventual AATIP scientist, see 25 March 2022) tell 2002 #44302  
off participated in the Pentagon’s AATIP program studying UAP and advised t 5/2002 #44335  
 Dr. Eric Davis, author of several AATIP products years later, allegedly me 10/16/2002 #44418  
he same technology explored in the AATIP DIRD of Hal Puthoff and in the DAR 2/1/2006 #44921  
uthor, Czysz, created one DIRD for AATIP about the use of advanced aerospac 2/1/2006 #44921  
ractor Ning Li (1 August 1997) and AATIP contributor Robert Baker.  https:/ 3/28/2006 #44931  
n propulsion research, an area the AATIP program studied linked to UAP. In  4/28/2006 #44937  
 Threat Identification Program, or AATIP)                                   2007 #44993  
ace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), a Pentagon program to study UFOs Fall 2007? #45070  
ace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), a small group of UFO-curious per 2008 #45106  
rtment of Defense has claimed that AATIP ended in 2012.                     2008 #45106  
ore it was publicly disclosed that AATIP commissioned a study on HFGW presu 2008 #45108  
ditional funding was found for the AATIP spinout).  https://www.amazon.com/ 10/29/2008 #45180  
Secretary William J. Lynn III that AATIP has made “much progress” with the  6/24/2009 #45227  
 the former head of the Pentagon’s AATIP Program Luis Elizondo.  TTSA never 12/2015 #45441  
on and former OUSD(I) employee and AATIP head Luis Elizondo, among others u 10/26/2017 #45488  
s similar to that of Hal Puthoff’s AATIP DIRD on vacuum engineering. Pais’  11/2/2017 #45490  
 NY Times discloses the Pentagon’s AATIP program                            12/16/2017 #45493  
rial biology.”  Haisch states “the AATIP program did find the UFO crash ret 2018 #45498  
as denied access to it because the AATIP itself is not a SAP. Sen. Harry Re 2018 #45498  
he DoD to confer SAP status to the AATIP, but the DoD denied his request.”  2018 #45498  
                                   AATIP scientist and EarthTech consultant 6/24/2018 #45530  
e out some of the answers when the AATIP program ran out of appropriation f 6/24/2018 #45530  
                                   AATIP scientist and EarthTech consultant 6/24/2018 #45531  
ions. Davis alludes that he or his AATIP colleagues were told of crash reco 4/30/2019 #45575  
ware of the programs, but suggests AATIP was not “read into” these programs 4/30/2019 #45575  
irms to the New York Post that the AATIP program “did pursue research and i 5/22/2019 #45579  
 that US Navy pilots fully briefed AATIP about encounters they had with une 5/26/2019 #45581  
for him in “another program before AATIP.”  https://ufos-scientificresearch 2/8/2020 #45632  
ntracted under the auspices of the AATIP program to study UFO reports and p 2/14/2020 #45633  
                            Former AATIP director while he is at To The Sta 7/19/2020 #45653  
as studied at high levels prior to AATIP, but after Project Blue Book unbek 7/19/2020 #45653  
  Elizondo states the man told him AATIP got further than the 1980s program 7/19/2020 #45653  
gle Princeton encounter and infers AATIP and those speaking about a Tic Tac 11/30/2020 #45665  
y Reid confirming the existence of AATIP and Lue Elizondo’s leadership role 4/26/2021 #45684  
                            Former AATIP director Lue Elizondo states some  5/26/2021 #45691  
' of a group were interfering with AATIP’s ability to collect and analyze U 5/26/2021 #45691  
collect and analyze UAP data while AATIP was operating inside OUSDI&S. Eliz 5/26/2021 #45691  
                            Former AATIP director Lue Elizondo states the f 6/10/2021 #45693  
                      Attorney for AATIP head Lue Elizondo, Daniel Sheehan, 10/2021 #45713  
                            Former AATIP head Lue Elizondo states in an int 10/21/2021 #45717  
                                   AATIP scientist and EarthTech founder Ha 2/11/2022 #45739  
aiting occurred during his time at AATIP.  https://twitter.com/BryanDBender 3/18/2022 #45741  
am (AAWSAP), colloquially known as AATIP, produced under the direction of H 3/25/2022 #45743  
## Word: "aatip-aawsap-elizondo" (Back to Top)
   https://www.mysterywire.com/ufo/aatip-aawsap-elizondo/ *   https://twitt 6/2008 #45144  
## Word: "aatip-list" (Back to Top)
poses. *   https://irp.fas.org/dia/aatip-list.pdf *   https://unlab.us/adva 4/28/2006 #44937  
licly. *   https://irp.fas.org/dia/aatip-list.pdf *   https://medium.com/@a 2008 #45108  
## Word: "aawsap" (Back to Top)
 who would later support the DIA’s AAWSAP/AATIP programs, suggested the Ft. 1/18/1978 #32895  
ce Reference Document for the 2009 AAWSAP/AATIP program. *   https://www.th 1983 #36738  
oject Blue Book and eventual BAASS/AAWSAP subcontractor Jacques Vallée writ 5/22/1992 #40469  
s. AATIP scientist Hal Puthoff and AAWSAP contractor Bob Bigelow are also l 12/3/1999 #43892  
eapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP)—purposly misidentified as the Ad Fall 2007? #45070  
eapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP) used in 2008–2010 as a way to ma 2008 #45106  
apons Systems Application Program (AAWSAP), and coincidentally received DAR 6/2008 #45144  
DIA sought private sector bids for AAWSAP.  https://www.theblackvault.com/d 6/2008 #45144  
   Note: It was later disclosed by AAWSAP personnel Luis Elizondo and James 6/2008 #45144  
s Elizondo and James Lacatski that AAWSAP was UAP-related. Is it possible D 6/2008 #45144  
eapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP), with a due date of September 10 8/18/2008 #45159  
eapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP) is awarded to Bigelow Aerospace, 9/22/2008 #45170  
apon Systems Applications Program (AAWSAP), which concluded HFGW could be u 10/2008 #45173  
matter due to its inclusion in the AAWSAP program.  It is possible JASON wa 10/2008 #45173  
JASON paper from the author of the AAWSAP paper, Robert Baker of GravWave L 10/2008 #45173  
elow tells Jacques Vallée that the AAWSAP project has officially kicked off 10/2/2008 #45174  
eapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP), but it is unknown of the MATE s 10/17/2008 #45175  
e hands of USG program managers at AAWSAP. It is also unknown if BAASS disc 10/17/2008 #45175  
ls Jacques Vallée that funding for AAWSAP could reach $240 million. Kit cla 10/29/2008 #45180  
eral potential co-sponsors for the AAWSAP program in Zurich, Switzerland, a 11/24/2008 #45191  
e talks about it in the context of AAWSAP, someone from Washington, D.C. wo 12/24/2008 #45198  
 etc, that initially made those in AAWSAP feel like they would be building  4/26/2009 #45216  
apon Systems Applications Program (AAWSAP). BAASS tracks the license plate  5/8/2009 #45221  
to BAASS until a SAP is set up for AAWSAP.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidde 11/29/2009 #45258  
 The Defense Intelligence Agency’s AAWSAP program issues the first of 38 Pr 12/1/2009 #45260  
apon Systems Applications Program (AAWSAP), claims to meet former AFOSI Col 2010 #45263  
e is not retired at the end of the AAWSAP, but is used by the UAP Task Forc 9/30/2010 #45300  
apon Systems Applications Program (AAWSAP), allegedly visited the Washingto 2/2011 #45312  
rate on the accomplishments of the AAWSAP in an attempt to transfer the pro 2/7/2011 #45313  
inwalker Ranch in Utah, as well as AAWSAP’s research into advanced technolo 2/7/2011 #45313  
cal collaboration” between Boeing, AAWSAP contractor Bigelow Aerospace and  12/2015 #45441  
llowing failed attempts to get the AAWSAP program funded agin through the D 5/13/2016 #45453  
Project on Government Secrecy, the AAWSAP contract “sounds like it was a go 2/14/2020 #45633  
 a source who worked for BAASS and AAWSAP told him the Atomic Energy Commis 4/29/2020 #45644  
eapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP) has produced as part of its Proj 3/25/2022 #45742  
eapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP), colloquially known as AATIP, pr 3/25/2022 #45743  
## Word: "aawsap-dirds" (Back to Top)
s2.theblackvault.com/documents/dia/AAWSAP-DIRDs/DIRD06-DIRDSpaceAccess-Wher 2/1/2006 #44921  
s2.theblackvault.com/documents/dia/AAWSAP-DIRDs/DIRD21-DIRDHigh-FrequencyGr 10/2008 #45173  
s2.theblackvault.com/documents/dia/AAWSAP-DIRDs/DIRD15-DIRDAdvancedSpacePro 11/2/2017 #45490  
## Word: "ab" (Back to Top)
come founder and owner of Cernelle AB, is walking in the forested area of K 5/18/1946 #1994  
                             MUROC AB, CA 3 military observer(s). 2+1 sauce 7/8/1947 #2965  
                         NEUBIBERG AB, GERM USAF observer(s). Saucer seen / 10/28/1948 #3853  
                         NEUBIBERG AB, GERM 2 Air Force sergeants. Odd blim 10/11/1951 #5722  
                       K14 = KIMPO AB, KOREA 20' flat disc spins tumbles an 6/6/1952 #6451  
                             Kimpo AB, Korea (Case missing) cylinder-sectio 6/6/1952 #6452  
                               K14 AB / SUWON, KOREA Separate observer(s).  6/25/1952 #6621  
                            TSUIKI AB, JPN 2 / theodolite. 12 white objects 7/17/1952 #6857  
                         NOUASSEUR AB, FR MOROCCO Blue Book Case #. Militar 3/25/1953 #8784  
                    NEAR NOUASSEUR AB, MAROC Project Bluebook Case #2937. F 3/12/1954 #9614  
                             KORAT AB, THAILAND 4 pilots. 6' orange firebal 5/1954 #9737  
                             Kimpo AB, Korea Round object, like polished al 9/18/1954 #10344  
                              MIHO AB, JAPAN Project Bluebook Case #3281. U 10/28/1954 #11456  
                              Miho AB, Japan Brilliant white, round-oval ob 10/28/1954 #11462  
                        BENTWATERS AB, ENG 3 groups / unidentified blips go 8/13/1956 #13076  
                        LAKENHEATH AB, ENGL 4 RADAR's and pilots and Air Tr 8/13/1956 #13077  
                           LINTIAO AB, GANSU, CH Hundreds / Air Force men.  10/23/1978 #33860  
                   NORTH / HOPSTEN AB, GERM USAF F111 pilot and more. Plain 6/12/1980 #35359  
                   NEAR BENTWATERS AB, SUFFOLK 1 observer / car. Black ball 11/26/1980 #35672  
## Word: "abaatu" (Back to Top)
                                   Abaatu, Brazil All night long, three hov 4/17/1958 #14994  
## Word: "aback" (Back to Top)
rom view. Ms. Bricker was so taken aback by the experience she could not re 1/5/1966 #19806  
## Word: "abad" (Back to Top)
 Ortega García and Capt. José Juan Abad Cellini investigate for the Spanish 3/5/1979 #34465  
## Word: "abadah" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR ABADAH, IRAN Metallic hour-glass shape s 10/1950 #5201  
## Word: "abadan" (Back to Top)
                                   ABADAN, IRAN Very fast vibrant bright "h 5/18/1953 #8882  
                                   Abadan, Iran Khuzestan Province 6:55 p.m 5/18/1953 #8884  
ight, luminous object is seen over Abadan, Iran. It travels very fast and i 5/18/1953 #8884  
                                   Abadan and Ahvaz btn., Iran On this nigh 6/28/1977 #32202  
was stopped on the highway between Abadan and Ahvaz, Iran when he suddenly  6/28/1977 #32202  
                                   Abadan Ahvaz Khuzestan Iran Night. A man 6/28/1977 #32203  
 is stopped on the highway between Abadan and Ahvaz, Khuzestan, Iran, when  6/28/1977 #32203  
was stopped on the highway between Abadan and Ahvaz, Iran when he suddenly  6/28/1977 #32204  
## Word: "abakan" (Back to Top)
                                   Abakan Republic of Khakassia Russia A tr 4/10/1990 #39517  
ar UFO is seen for 10 minutes over Abakan, Republic of Khakassia, Russia.   4/10/1990 #39517  
## Word: "abancourt" (Back to Top)
                      D316 SOUTH / ABANCOURT, FR Rays radiate / cloud. Diam 6/26/1994 #41582  
d a car for 15 kilometers south of Abancourt, France.                       6/26/1994 #41584  
## Word: "abandon" (Back to Top)
ct. After 50 minutes, the aircraft abandon the chase. The Air Force attribu 10/16/1951 #5730  
flight number. Then they told us: ‘Abandon that next landiat-postcardat-pos 4/16/1956 #12809  
eet). The pilots get permission to abandon their test exercise and investig 8/30/1956 #13156  
Spaur and Neff are given orders to abandon the chase. For most of the event 4/17/1966 #20318  
 scientific principles almost with abandon, in an all-out effort to be sure 4/22/1967 #22208  
es airport in Valencia. The lights abandon the pursuit just before the airc 11/11/1979 #34997  
 burns. The expedition soon had to abandon the site, but planned to return  8/28/1991 #40168  
## Word: "abandoned" (Back to Top)
 from the Sun. Those ancients also abandoned some of their own offspring he 11/1943 #1541  
aged vessels. The many sailors who abandoned their ships into the water bec 12/2/1943 #1549  
ype plutonium weapon “Thin Man” is abandoned. Designing a workable implosio 7/4/1944 #1618  
cept was attempted with a C-47 but abandoned when the transport place could 6/2/1952 #6429  
m the area. However, the effort is abandoned after the government determine 1954 #9423  
. UFO going quickly northwest over abandoned car. Rear window shatters. 15c 8/26/1956 #13130  
 An occupant emerged, observed the abandoned derricks and took off again. O 9/26/1957 #14035  
 Lumumba’s toothbrush. The plot is abandoned, allegedly because CIA station 9/1960 #16429  
ice find large footprints near the abandoned truck.                         10/12/1963 #17987  
f the British Antarctic Station B [abandoned in 1969] on Deception Island i 7/2/1965 #19053  
ive. Old projects are resurrected, abandoned projects reactivated. The safe 6/30/1966 #20623  
  EAST / PICHER, OK = "SPOOKSTOWN" Abandoned Lead mines and slag. UFO's nig 9/3/1966 #20839  
follows car / 3M wings. Going [to] abandoned power plant. / r4p88.          11/15/1966 #21105  
 of "Mothman" when she visited the abandoned power plant in Point Pleasant, 11/24/1966 #21146  
ry bright light coming from an old abandoned hayshed, and a second beam of  3/12/1967 #21874  
 at 8:00 p.m. When they reached an abandoned cabin they saw a conical light 8/23/1967 #22908  
w and looked out her window at the abandoned Winsted, Connecticut railroad  2/21/1968 #23774  
at Weymouth, Massachusetts near an abandoned ammunition depot, an object wa 1/20/1969 #24861  
a bus-sized object landing near an abandoned well 1,000 feet away. More tha 9/12/1971? #26330  
ide pyramids hovered over some old abandoned mines in Coarsegold, Californi 11/6/1971 #26466  
balls Jan-February. 2 sightings by abandoned uranium mine.                  2/1/1973 #27258  
ing fishing from an old pier in an abandoned shipyard on the Pascagoula Riv 10/11/1973 #28005  
missing, her car having been found abandoned in Indiana with the hood up by 10/20/1973 #28220  
 observer(s). Blue object hovers / abandoned house. Type unknown. House cat 10/22/1973 #28230  
  HACKNEYVILLE, AL Dull glow exits abandoned house. Follows car / low altit 2/12/1974 #28759  
, 7, are taking a shortcut past an abandoned sandpit close to their homes i 8/16/1974 #29362  
and’s business partner purchase an abandoned ranch property in a remote rur Fall 1975 #30379  
ound it was seen hovering above an abandoned house at the same time.        5/18/1976 #31061  
drive the car any further into the abandoned quarry, which appeared lit up  8/30/1977 #32441  
bed and rolled down the slope. The abandoned quarry appeared to be illumina 8/31/1977 #32446  
erver(s). White globe going down / abandoned house. 3 figure(s) inside. Goi 8/1978 #33455  
cinity. To get away they hid in an abandoned house.                         8/25/1978 #33569  
red globe hovers / low altitude by abandoned house. / r39#126.              12/1/1978 #34041  
t 1,500 km/hour (900 mph), so they abandoned the chase after about 30 minut 5/19/1986 #37882  
diotherapy source is taken from an abandoned hospital site in the city. It  9/13/1987 #38285  
al bills. "Grey" base is currently abandoned. Another group called "Orange" 6/6/1988 #38581  
of nine was spending a night at an abandoned cemetery near Moscow, Russia b 4/30/1989 #38927  
ng her neighbor’s garden and in an abandoned field. After a while, the ligh 11/22/1990 #39898  
ck suit, and was seen to enter the abandoned shrine. The boys saw the stran 4/15/1994 #41493  
## Word: "abandoning" (Back to Top)
ho built underground cities before abandoning Earth for another planet beca 11/1943 #1541  
 entertainment projects, seemingly abandoning its promise of developing ant 10/26/2017 #45488  
## Word: "abandons" (Back to Top)
ng about two orbits to my one.” He abandons chase at 11,500 feet.           11/7/1950 #5270  
west of Lawson at 2,000 feet. Wade abandons the chase due to low fuel after 8/11/1954 #10126  
im at one point at 62,000 feet. He abandons the mission 52 miles away from  4/11/1980 #35269  
## Word: "abase" (Back to Top)
ghts. Follows car going [to] naval abase. / MJ#287.                         3/24/1957 #13560  
## Word: "abasolo" (Back to Top)
 in her household in Nuevo Centro, Abasolo, Tamaulipas, Mexico heard their  2/23/1996 #42776  
## Word: "abasto" (Back to Top)
 two brothers commuting to work in Abasto, Argentina saw a strange luminous 6/4/1980 #35354  
## Word: "abated" (Back to Top)
 ranch owner. After the brightness abated, the ranch owner, Joao Batista So 7/17/1977 #32288  
 the objects. When the "whirlwind" abated both the figures and the UFOs wer 1/24/1979 #34377  
## Word: "abates" (Back to Top)
 NEBR Great airship back. Ridicule abates when all see its large shape. Goi 4/5/1897 #415  
    KEY BISCAYNE, FL Humming noise abates when light on. Night light maneuv 7/29/1955 #12295  
## Word: "abbe" (Back to Top)
                         At Pont l’Abbe d’Arnoult, Charente-Maritime, Franc 10/18/1954 #11217  
nt-Jovite, Quebec 9:00 p.m. Elma l’Abbe is flying above Saint-Jovite, Quebe 8/17/1979 #34752  
## Word: "abbehusen" (Back to Top)
ila, Bahia, Brazil 7:04 p.m. Fritz Abbehusen is watching TV in Dias d’Ávila 12/13/1972 #27176  
## Word: "abbeville" (Back to Top)
                  PLESSIEL FIELD / ABBEVILLE, FR 2 separate observer(s). Vi 7/18/1955 #12268  
           Plessiel Airfield, near Abbeville, France Mr. Maupin and five ot 7/18/1955 #12269  
morning at Plessiel Airfield, near Abbeville, France Mr. Maupin and five ot 7/18/1955 #12270  
ectric dam on Lake Secession, near Abbeville, South Carolina at 12:30 a.m.  12/10/1968 #24757  
## Word: "abbey" (Back to Top)
                        ST. ALBANS ABBEY, HERTFS Date exact. Many observer( 1/1/1254 #11  
                                   ABBEY WOOD, LONDON, ENG Mayor sees long  11/30/1954 #11733  
Capt. Lynn Kern and Flight Officer Abbey Zimmerman, flying Trans-Texas Airl 6/3/1957 #13698  
                           WALTHAM ABBEY, ESSEX 1 observer. TV fuse blows.  6/6/1977 #32149  
           Sainte-Marie Cistercian Abbey in Boulaur, Gers, France 5:50 a.m. 3/24/1984 #37240  
uns at the Sainte-Marie Cistercian Abbey in Boulaur, Gers, France, see a br 3/24/1984 #37240  
                          NEWSTEAD ABBEY, NOTTS Delta/triangle/box-like cra 9/4/1993 #41179  
 triangular formation over Waltham Abbey, England at 12:30 p.m. One object  5/24/2003 #44545  
## Word: "abbiate" (Back to Top)
                                   ABBIATE GUAZZONE, ITL 3 pseudo-human/ent 4/24/1950 #4886  
                                   Abbiate Guazzone, Italy Bruno Facchini h 4/24/1950 #4887  
                                   Abbiate Guazzone, Varese, Italy outskirt 4/24/1950 #4888  
azzone, Varese, Italy outskirts of Abbiate Guazzone, Varese, Italy 10:00 p. 4/24/1950 #4888  
side his house on the outskirts of Abbiate Guazzone, Varese, Italy, and not 4/24/1950 #4888  
              Later, at 10 p.m. in Abbiate Guazzone, Italy, Sr. Bruno Facch 4/24/1950 #4890  
## Word: "abbington" (Back to Top)
 At 4:25 a.m. two police officers, Abbington and Regot, in a patrol car in  1/5/1974 #28649  
                                   Abbington, IN Dark object three times th 12/16/1978 #34149  
## Word: "abbot" (Back to Top)
can astrophysicist Charles Greeley Abbot writes that he thinks Earth might  1946 #1961  
eams projector light going down. / Abbot.                                   8/20/1968 #24358  
                            NEWTON ABBOT, ENGL 2 observer(s). Red disk buzz 7/28/1973 #27658  
## Word: "abbotsford" (Back to Top)
ST a married couple named Young in Abbotsford, Pennsylvania saw a small gra 2/26/1967 #21664  
                                   Abbotsford Chilliwack British Columbia H 1/13/1997 #43170  
 A woman driving on Highway 1 from Abbotsford to Chilliwack, British Columb 1/13/1997 #43170  
## Word: "abbotstown" (Back to Top)
                                   Abbotstown, PA 3:45 p.m. EST. A couple s 2/26/1967 #21656  
## Word: "abbott" (Back to Top)
 San Francisco, California Charles Abbott Smith of San Francisco, Californi 8/11/1896 #329  
nia Or August, 1948. Witness:  Max Abbott, flying a Bellanca Cruisair four- 7/1948 #3690  
 trainee riding instructor Pauline Abbott sees a shiny white UFO on the gro 12/27/1963 #18098  
el, OH No time given. One witness (Abbott), humanoid report. (SRUFOS) (NICA Fall 1968 #24503  
## Word: "abbruzzi" (Back to Top)
tail landed in the city of Rosetto Abbruzzi, Italy. After about a minute it 9/19/1972 #27012  
## Word: "abby" (Back to Top)
 Taintor, age 18, was driving Miss Abby Brabham, age 15, home. At a point 1 4/23/1977 #32019  
 eight feet of the creature, which Abby observed closely for about five sec 4/23/1977 #32019  
## Word: "abc" (Back to Top)
        Announcement of Einstein’s ABC Special live radio broadcast on “The 7/12/1947 #3140  
                        Einstein’s ABC Special live radio broadcast on “The 7/24/1947 #3221  
1 second(s). No further details. / ABC News / Spain.                        3/26/1950 #4724  
quickly ESE. No further details. / ABC / Spain.                             4/7/1950 #4811  
                 Keyhoe appears on ABC’s The Mike Wallace Interview and men 3/8/1958 #14920  
ile doing underwater film work for ABC News saw five bright white lights in 4/12/1967 #22118  
eam doing underwater film work for ABC News saw five bright white lights in 4/12/1967 #22124  
                WOODCLIFF LAKE, NJ ABC newsman. Garish silent ferris wheel  6/4/1974 #29161  
 notes are passed by his family to ABC News and Time magazine, both of whic 8/10/1991 #40147  
FOs in a front-page story. NBC and ABC evening newsrooms pick up the story  6/18/1997 #43327  
est is too expensive. Appearing on ABC Primetime in 2009, Romanek makes the 2000 #43913  
t. The incident is examined in the ABC special Seeing Is Believing with Pet 1/5/2000 #43920  
      President Donald Trump tells ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos that he  6/15/2019 #45584  
## Word: "abc-tv" (Back to Top)
d” episode of Outer Limits airs on ABC-TV. It features an alien with wrapar 2/10/1964 #18127  
w York Times, Washington Post, and ABC-TV’s Night Line. Many ufologists den 5/31/1987 #38180  
                  At 10:45 p.m. an ABC-TV film crew videotaped a red UFO ov 1/11/1991 #39950  
arrated by Peter Jennings, airs on ABC-TV. The show mentions the Kenneth Ar 2/24/2005 #44816  
## Word: "abcnews" (Back to Top)
tu.be/4DrcG7VGgQU?t=4408   https://abcnews.go.com/Technology/story?id=98572 5/9/2001 #44183  
## Word: "abdomen" (Back to Top)
triangular shaped burn mark on her abdomen. Later under hypnosis, she remem 4/2/1967 #22048  
t the gridlike burn lesions on his abdomen persist. The symptoms continue w 5/20/1967 #22382  
shaped marks appeared on her lower abdomen. Her menstrual cycle stopped aft 5/3/1968 #23942  
e, reddish, triangular mark on the abdomen, and this mark recurred in succe 11/1/1968 #24620  
eappearance of the triangle on X’s abdomen.                                 11/2/1968 #24625  
an finds a rectangular mark on her abdomen and soon has vivid dreams of a c 11/19/1980 #35659  
ed a rectangular mark on her lower abdomen immediately after the experience 11/19/1980 #35660  
 table. A third being examined her abdomen. The beings were humanoid with l 2/10/1981 #35823  
urbing dreams and odd scars on her abdomen.                                 9/1982 #36590  
ist and three white circles on her abdomen. Into 1989, more body marks appe 1988 #38383  
RED CLOUD, NE Cow mutilated. Cut / abdomen. Hide udder vagina rectum and in 11/27/1989 #39251  
thin arms and an out of proportion abdomen in relation to its thin frame.   10/23/1993 #41249  
 very white and frail looking. Its abdomen was sunken and hollow looking wh 2/2/1995 #42013  
ss felt a severe pain in his lower abdomen. His dog growled for 20 minutes  1/26/2003 #44480  
## Word: "abdomens" (Back to Top)
es and from their visors and lower abdomens. Both beings vanished suddenly. 6/24/1968 #24076  
 both the father's and son's lower abdomens, were later recorded.           11/2/1968 #24626  
hat the lights are attached to the abdomens of two flying entities, which a 11/20/1978 #33967  
## Word: "abdon" (Back to Top)
        Miraflores, Peru 3:00 p.m. Abdon Gonzales Tello, 13, and other boys 5/1942 #1411  
## Word: "abduct" (Back to Top)
ts had separated and were about to abduct the witnesses, and they ran to th 5/9/1956 #12841  
 house and reportedly attempted to abduct a local man, but were driven off. 1/31/1965 #18789  
hing helmets, emerged and tried to abduct a villager. Approximate date.     2/4/1965 #18799  
hing helmets, emerged and tried to abduct one of the villagers.             2/4/1965 #18802  
s was seen, the creatures tried to abduct him, and then took off.           2/5/1967 #21459  
robotic tentacles and attempted to abduct a bloodmobile.                    6/5/1967 #22468  
s 100M from car. "Mummys" exit and abduct 2. / news.                        9/18/1976 #31393  
ng several beings who attempted to abduct him. He had nearly two hours of m 2/3/1984 #37175  
ng several beings who attempted to abduct him. He had nearly two hours of m 2/3/1984 #37176  
## Word: "abducted" (Back to Top)
             Charleston, MS Farmer abducted into submarine on Mississippi ( 4/5/1941 #1359  
 returned to the spot where he was abducted. Returning to his father’s hous 12/4/1949 #4434  
zburg, Austria claimed that he was abducted by a five-foot tall Grey humano 2/15/1950 #4538  
r. Aquilante is terrified of being abducted again.                          12/9/1954 #11786  
emetery. Richard Price age 8 first abducted. Implants and long story..      9/15/1955? #12454  
nd the girls were in fear of being abducted when the bus arrived, and they  5/9/1956 #12842  
uctee named McBride reported being abducted by aliens while driving along t 5/10/1957 #13654  
 LINCOLN, NH Betty and Barney hill abducted. See drawings / NICAP April'72. 9/19/1961 #16849  
o happened to be a soccer referee, abducted him and took him away. They als 9/16/1962 #17407  
controls, and watched others being abducted and medically examined. He was  9/23/1962 #17436  
H ASHBURNHAM, MASS Betty Andreason abducted. Full fantastic account / R. E. 1/25/1967 #21380  
Mr. and Mrs. Larsen recalled being abducted on this night by aliens while d 6/21/1967 #22531  
his original location. He had been abducted for about 40 minutes. He saw th 10/6/1967 #23187  
led and mutilated by UFOs, and was abducted this night while camping at the 10/8/1967 #23196  
anoids (or Greys). Missing time. 2 abducted. / MJ#241+/ r249p61.            8/7/1968 #24302  
 vanishes, and the beings who have abducted him start quarreling among them 5/4/1969 #25114  
ast of the place where he had been abducted. He supposedly bears the physic 5/4/1969 #25114  
Phony bus. Light-beam opens car. 2 abducted. / r98#193p122.                 11/17/1971 #26473  
al months later, she is “mentally” abducted into a room where she sees an e 7/25/1972 #26833  
              Lehi, UT A woman was abducted front her home, as well as poss 10/16/1973 #28083  
                       A woman was abducted from her home in Lehi, Utah as  10/16/1973 #28093  
er children Bonnie and Debbie were abducted and taken aboard a UFO in Lehi, 10/17/1973 #28135  
man (and six others) cllaim he was abducted. Jordan. (Investigated by Mike  5/9/1974 #29096  
 Son of farmer had been apparently abducted and no one knew it for some 12  6/18/1974 #29210  
imberle Lenz, and her brother were abducted while driving on a road near Bo 8/22/1974 #29376  
his wife, then seized his wife and abducted her, taking her into the object 8/31/1974 #29405  
s abnormal silence. They were then abducted and they had three hours of mis 10/27/1974 #29561  
 Coral E. Lorenzen & Jim Lorenzen, Abducted! Confrontations with Beings fro 8/13/1975 #30262  
  SR108 EAST / OAKDALE, CA 2 / car abducted to cave! Telepathic conversatio 11/1975 #30531  
 CAMP, CA Group / locals abduction/abducted "transparent gold exists.. its  11/2/1975 #30536  
 in which she dreamed she had been abducted by a UFO. In another dream she  11/27/1975 #30669  
ions, the women all recalled being abducted by alien beings on a spaceship, 1/6/1976 #30762  
Under hypnosis she recounted being abducted from her car by a tall figure d 1/14/1976 #30786  
 this night in 1976 Ms. Larson was abducted out of her bedroom in Fargo, No 4/18/1976 #31000  
              A man was reportedly abducted for four hours by a UFO that la 4/23/1976 #31018  
s truck were somehow picked up and abducted. (Sources: FSR, October 1976, p 5/14/1976 #31051  
s truck were somehow picked up and abducted. Inside the craft he saw a lumi 5/14/1976 #31052  
  I70 EAST / GOODLAND, KS 2+infant abducted / car. 3+4+1 low 150' saucer. 3 6/20/1976 #31113  
tz and Charles Rak, claim they are abducted by aliens during a camping trip 8/20/1976 #31282  
R WINCHESTER, HAMPS Repeater and 1 abducted again. Odd tests and conversati 12/30/1976 #31641  
 source and may have possibly been abducted, as he has an hour of time unac 6/16/1977 #32166  
ough the forest. He reported being abducted and shown a strange city for ho 8/10/1977 #32374  
y morning hours. He reported being abducted and shown a strange city for ho 8/10/1977 #32378  
    Jim and Coral Lorenzen publish Abducted!, a collection of 20 years of U 12/1977 #32720  
site where he claimed to have been abducted.                                2/5/1978 #32957  
e do Sul, Jose Alvaro, age 20, was abducted aboard a UFO and had a forced s 3/2/1978 #33011  
 with symbols appears in abduction/abducted mechanic's bedroom. / r25p294.  4/21/1979 #34518  
tonio Carlos Ferreira is allegedly abducted from his workplace, a furniture 6/28/1979 #34639  
ousewife and cocktail waitress was abducted while driving home from work by 7/25/1979 #34677  
ousewife and cocktail waitress was abducted while driving home from work by 7/25/1979 #34680  
t Didsbury, UK Mother and children abducted (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)      8/19/1979 #34758  
lleague, Franck Fontaine, has been abducted by a UFO. Fontaine reappears on 11/26/1979 #35015  
                 Elaine Kaiser was abducted from her bedroom in Rhode Islan 12/10/1979 #35068  
adlights deflected upwards, driver abducted onto silvery domed object with  4/2/1980 #35247  
adlights deflected upwards, driver abducted onto silvery domed object with  4/2/1980 #35248  
           MOZHAYSK, RUSSIA Driver abducted. Forced to wear ring-hat / cabl 7/28/1980 #35428  
it was revealed that they had been abducted by three alien being. The being 9/7/1980 #35502  
nder hypnosis they recounted being abducted and submitting to a medical exa 11/19/1980 #35660  
ieves it possible that Adamski was abducted by aliens and placed on the coa 11/29/1980 #35682  
 27-year old computer engineer was abducted at 10:35 p.m. A luminous object 8/30/1981 #36093  
rists, suggesting that he had been abducted as well. His digital watch was  8/30/1981 #36093  
                      A female was abducted in Weaver, Iowa by several 5-fo 1/22/1982 #36306  
nd grabbed her arm. All three were abducted. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/1982 #36422  
ster had recurrent dreams of being abducted aboard a UFO by Grey aliens, wh 3/24/1983 #36803  
ster had recurrent dreams of being abducted aboard a UFO by Grey aliens, wh 3/24/1983 #36810  
 and two of her children have been abducted at different points of their li Early 7/1983 #36900  
 respected businessman says he was abducted by aliens (NICAP: 07 - Entity C 8/9/1983 #36938  
             CHAPECO, BRZ A. Tasca abducted / small humanoids (or Greys). O 12/14/1983 #37073  
A 19-year-old man named Thomas was abducted in the early morning hours in P 2/8/1985 #37554  
ets. The witness was paralyzed and abducted, and remembers being inside a b 3/1/1985 #37564  
tley Streiber reported that he was abducted on this night near Middletown,  10/5/1985 #37673  
hor Whitley Streiber claims he was abducted again on this night from his ca 12/26/1985 #37739  
r Whitley Strieber's young son was abducted for what may have been the firs 4/2/1986 #37817  
s film, saying that the aliens who abducted him do not want humanity to kno 12/1/1987 #38345  
                GULF BREEZE, FL Ed abducted / 75 minute(s). Fight with 4 sm 5/1/1988 #38549  
sion session, she remembered being abducted and medically examined by sever 5/13/1988 #38569  
onym “Linda Cortile”) is allegedly abducted by aliens from her 12th-story a 11/30/1989 #39283  
ered a blackout and was apparently abducted. She vaguely recalled being tak 3/1/1990 #39438  
ncerned, fearing that she might be abducted by the alien, and she rushed ho 9/13/1990 #39731  
ermine how many Americans had been abducted by aliens and gave $200,000 to  5/22/1991 #40075  
ng a man reported that he had been abducted, and awakened in a nearby garde 8/13/1991 #40152  
duction experiences reported being abducted by aliens again in 1991, this t 12/15/1991 #40261  
 3.7 million) think they have been abducted by aliens.                      5/1992 #40439  
th the names of other people to be abducted that night. A female, human-loo 10/8/1992 #40667  
Ventura, California two women were abducted from their car by large mantis- 11/20/1992 #40722  
d bis companion claim to have been abducted in the Tikaboo Valley in March  3/1993 #40867  
n Kenyon, Rhode Island a woman was abducted into a 50 foot wide saucer-shap 5/19/1993 #40986  
ggested to them that they had been abducted.                                7/25/1993 #41088  
ypnosis, including tall beings who abducted them (Chalker, 1996). (NICAP: 0 8/8/1993 #41115  
ypnosis, including tall beings who abducted them (Chalker, 1996).           8/8/1993 #41116  
 the four men who had earlier been abducted during a rafting trip on the Al 11/22/1993 #41299  
. Four of the women describe being abducted by human military personnel and 1994 #41345  
r under hypnosis he recalled being abducted and taken inside the object. Th 5/7/1995 #42189  
e related a bizarre story of being abducted around 10 p.m. on February 29th 2/29/1996 #42789  
r hypnosis he later recalled being abducted by eight beings. He described t 4/17/1996 #42872  
                NAZARETH, ISRL Man abducted / jumping giants. Small humanoi 9/16/1996 #43022  
 At 10:00 p.m. the young woman was abducted for three hours. Her fetus was  1/30/1997 #43181  
mother and government employee was abducted on this night from her home in  1/15/1998 #43500  
ew of people claiming to have been abducted by military personnel who inter 1999 #43707  
d in flight, then swooped down and abducted the elk in a clear cut, 500 yar 2/25/1999 #43736  
ypothermia. He claimed he had been abducted by "extraterrestrials"; two men 5/4/1999 #43762  
g anywhere (presuming she would be abducted). She received the reply, “I ju 10/26/1999 #43866  
 from Beijing, China, claims he is abducted by aliens and flown to Qinhuang 12/1999 #43890  
hich makes him suspect he has been abducted and returned in woman’s clothin 2000 #43913  
amed E. King reported that she was abducted from her bedroom in Grimsby, Hu 3/24/2000 #43968  
rt Taylor, age 22, remembers being abducted near McGuire Air Force Base, Ne 7/5/2000 #44010  
 friends. He said that he had been abducted by "leshies" (Russian wood gobl 7/25/2000 #44022  
nd 21% think that humans have been abducted by other life forms.            8/2002 #44372  
FO Reporting Center: "I was almost abducted, along with my friends, I think 2/11/2003 #44486  
is body, and believing he had been abducted by aliens.                      8/26/2004 #44743  
sychologist Susan Clancy publishes Abducted: How People Came to Believe The 10/2005 #44883  
mory of the event, claimed she was abducted by a bright UFO, carried for 40 11/16/2021 #45722  
scent near where she was allegedly abducted and government officials are st 11/16/2021 #45722  
## Word: "abductee" (Back to Top)
1943 on a farm and claims to be an abductee. At night strange creatures wou 1951 #5372  
 that the man in trenchcoat was an abductee, and not one of the UFO occupan 10/18/1954 #11223  
                                An abductee named McBride reported being ab 5/10/1957 #13654  
o put the family to bed, Betty the abductee being the last. The incident in 1/25/1967 #21389  
             NORTH / BALTIMORE, MD Abductee Tom loses 60+min / mid-sentence 4/25/1970 (approximate) #25644  
th UFO abduction occurred to a UFO abductee in Garden Grove, California.    11/21/1975 #30650  
reat deal of time working with the abductee, rejects fabrication or psychop 12/10/1976 #31594  
        Wakefield, MA Multiple UFO abductee Betty Andreasson had her sixth  7/16/1977 #32280  
                      Multiple UFO abductee Betty Andreasson had her sixth  7/16/1977 #32283  
ates (location withheld). When the abductee awoke she found three pasty whi 7/19/1977 #32294  
wing ten days after her return the abductee felt ill and experienced vertig 7/19/1977 #32294  
nformation-gathering process. Each abductee, they believe, has specific inf 12/1977 #32720  
one of the girl's, a suspected UFO abductee, happened to glance at the wind 4/19/1978 #33154  
oland sometime after 7:00 a.m. The abductee, a 71-year-old man named J. Wol 5/10/1978 #33198  
tes of missing time. The principal abductee, the wife of an American soldie 11/25/1978 #34005  
 man named Patrick, a previous UFO abductee, was driving in Quitman, Texas  1/30/1979 #34393  
rey aliens materialized briefly in abductee B. Herrmann's home in North Cha 4/21/1979 #34520  
/ bed. Possible missing time. (Rpt abductee.)                               6/1980 #35345  
essed in dark clothes, visited the abductee. They were stiff and expression 10/5/1981 #36159  
                       METCALF, IL Abductee. Silver saucer hovers / old abd 8/20/1986 #37996  
hire, England ex-constable and UFO abductee Mr. Spencer photographed a litt 12/1/1987 #38346  
ed and disoriented, and a possible abductee. Potassium cloride dust was fou 12/4/1988 #38745  
     METCALF, IL Power out. Repeat abductee fires 4 shots / figure(s) / win 5/1/1989 #38930  
 point her adult son, a repeat UFO abductee, got up and fired a gun four ti 5/1/1989 #38932  
Communion, a feature film based on abductee Whitley Strieber’s book of the  11/10/1989 #39225  
             The witness, a repeat abductee, was awakened at around midnigh 1/6/1990 #39367  
                      A repeat UFO abductee, driving west of Westfield, Mas 2/12/1991 #39976  
          NEAR ISSAQUAH, WA Repeat abductee / I90 drives into black void. M 1/11/1992 #40284  
                                An abductee drove into a black void on Inte 1/11/1992 #40285  
gle/box-like craft follows "repeat abductee" / low altitude. No further det 4/18/1992 #40422  
ay in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico a UFO abductee was allegedly visited by a man  7/25/1992 #40535  
 In a telepathic communication the abductee was informed that the Grey alie 7/25/1992 #40535  
                           A woman abductee from Springfield, Missouri reca 9/24/1992 #40640  
              HOUSTON AREA, TX 5 / abductee support group all taken. Questi 12/8/1992 #40744  
 Robert Lieberman that is based on abductee Travis Walton’s book of the sam 3/12/1993 #40881  
              A Houston, Texas UFO abductee had gone to a professional hypn 4/5/1993 #40927  
      ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, IL Report abductee feels pulled going [to] UFO. Co 6/1993 #40998  
         PERTH, ON Possible report abductee. 100' saucer maneuvers 50-800'  8/1993 #41098  
 in Gippsland, Victoria, Australia abductee Kelly Cahill awoke to see a sle 9/6/1993 #41185  
             CLARKSBURG, WV Repeat abductee / 2.5hrs missing time. "Dimensi 7/3/1994 #41602  
                               The abductee received a telepathic warning i 1/30/1997 #43181  
henomenon and arguing instead that abductee personalities, cultural ideas,  3/1999 #43740  
investigator, staying with a known abductee and her child in San Antonio, T 7/18/1999 #43807  
        Loveland, Colorado Alleged abductee Stan Romanek of Loveland, Color 2000 #43913  
othing belongs to another supposed abductee, Betty Hill. When asked if the  2000 #43913  
. In the center of the capsule the abductee saw a large rotating silver cub 10/28/2000 #44063  
ests on stains from the dress that abductee Betty Hill was wearing on the n 7/22/2005 #44856  
athan Dover), Navajo law officers; abductee Travis Walton; and actor Alan T 7/1/2017 #45474  
## Word: "abductee's" (Back to Top)
ures standing on the grounds of an abductee's property in South Middleton,  5/2/1978 #33184  
ared and placed his hands over the abductee's eyes. Moments later he entere 9/11/1994 #41734  
## Word: "abductees" (Back to Top)
rrow shoulders, and long arms. The abductees were paralyzed, taken aboard a 3/22/1953 #8776  
, but they used telepathy with the abductees, and allegedly left them with  3/22/1953 #8776  
r craft where they saw other human abductees.                               3/19/1959 #15654  
peared to be in charge of the four abductees and were identical in appearan 9/3/1965 #19518  
 UFO reports (including reports by abductees and contactees). They planned  1967 #21234  
 hours of missing time. One of the abductees recalled interacting with an o 2/9/1974 #28754  
ous about human emotions. When the abductees attempted to engage in resista 8/22/1974 #29376  
e abduction stories told by “real” abductees under hypnotic regression rese 1977 #31655  
 similar to those drawn by the two abductees in the Buff Ledge, Vermont cas 12/3/1979 #35046  
onducts psychological tests on the abductees.                               1981 #35761  
d” and “Dan”), who see the UFO and abductees from a car near the Brooklyn B 11/30/1989 #39283  
psychosocial characteristics of 27 abductees for the Center for UFO Studies 1991 #39934  
f MMPI scales reveals two types of abductees, one with higher fantasy-prone 1991 #39934  
ased on his research with numerous abductees. He finds many accounts of hyb 3/1992 #40342  
hological testing, Ring finds that abductees and those who have near-death  5/1/1992 #40442  
 forth beside relative novices and abductees themselves. Representative non 6/13/1992 #40492  
imes described as being there. The abductees remember being questioned by m 1994 #41345  
y groups would need to interrogate abductees about alien intrusions.        1994 #41345  
rie Powers publishes a study on 20 abductees to explore the presence of PTS 5/1994 #41511  
. The results show that 45% of the abductees manifest PTSD symptoms and 70% 5/1994 #41511  
ting on a bench next to two fellow abductees: a blond woman and a man with  9/20/1994 #41765  
 the back seat of the vehicle. The abductees were apparently taken onboard  3/6/1996 #42809  
icate that the number of potential abductees has dropped from more than 3.7 1998 #43478  
ects from the feet and hands of 17 abductees. Robert Bigelow’s National Ins 1998 #43479  
ans to thrive, so the aliens bring abductees back to touch and interact wit 1/1998 #43482  
nd interact with the children. The abductees report seeing hybrids that loo 1/1998 #43482  
cal controls the aliens use on the abductees.                               7/2/1999 #43789  
ychological testing of a sample of abductees. These tests reveal a propensi 10/2005 #44883  
ories and magical ideation, making abductees more likely than average to im 10/2005 #44883  
e placed in the homes of recurrent abductees to record magnetic, electrical 2006 #44916  
ta are recorded from participating abductees. However, funding is not avail 2006 #44916  
leen Marden reports on a survey of abductees in which 38% report seeing hyb 8/3/2012 #45351  
## Word: "abductees'" (Back to Top)
ded to remove blood from all three abductees' arms. They then inserted long 3/7/1987 #38133  
## Word: "abducting" (Back to Top)
aims, the aliens broke the treaty, abducting humans, conspiring with the So 5/23/1989 #38960  
O he could clearly see that it was abducting cattle. The cows appeared to b 6/5/1997 #43313  
## Word: "abduction" (Back to Top)
on from an alternate reality or an abduction case, while Jean-Louis Brodu o 812 #2  
               RHAYADER, WALES Boy abduction / farm Christmas party. Scream 12/24/1909 #824  
 France Undocumented report of an "abduction" by two beings. (Magonia #43,  1921 #1008  
 France Undocumented report of an "abduction" by two beings.                1921 #1009  
             MARSEILLE, FR Boy / 8 abduction / 2 tall thin figure(s) / divi 7/1921? #1011  
 down. Greys exit. Aborigine woman abduction and experimented upon.         1/1933? #1152  
  MERIDEN, CT Summer / 44. Boy / 5 abduction. Telepathy "we visit others. Y 8/1944 (approximate) #1625  
OKENA, IL Man rolling tractor tire abduction. 5 hours missing time. Odd fro 9/24/1951 #5689  
aucer blows car off road. Possible abduction try. Going west very fast. / L 7/29/1952 #7294  
        TUJUNGA CANYON, CA 2 women abduction / cabin. 1st / many for both.  3/22/1953 #8772  
 October 22, 1978—Shaw recalls her abduction by black-garbed aliens. She un 3/22/1953 #8775  
of missing time. Under hypnosis an abduction scenario was recalled. Seven o 3/22/1953 #8776  
mark was the scene of an attempted abduction of a girl by two humanoids emi 9/11/1953 #9162  
              BROVST, DK Attempted abduction / girl by 2 glowing small huma 9/12/1953 #9163  
ovst was the scene of an attempted abduction of a girl by two humanoids emi 9/12/1953 #9165  
mark was the scene of an attempted abduction of a girl by two humanoids emi 9/12/1953 #9166  
swallow Bender’s fantastic tale of abduction to the South Pole by monstrous 9/28/1953 #9186  
   WEGIERSKA GORA, POLAND Girl, 11 abduction. Human looking men with humps  7/15/1954? #10019  
hinks that woman was witnessing an abduction taking place, and that the man 10/18/1954 #11223  
      GRICIGNANO D'AVERSA, ITL Man abduction / 2 days / 2 pseudo-human/enti 12/9/1954 #11780  
r. Silent / low altitude. Possible abduction. / r8#382.                     5/9/1956 #12840  
s three nights prior to his famous abduction experience, which occurred in  10/13/1957 #14105  
O sighting prior to his famous UFO abduction, when at 9:45 p.m. he watched  10/14/1957 #14112  
                Brazil Villas Boas abduction. Has intercourse with an human 10/15/1957 #14113  
s Gerais State, Brazil Villas Boas abduction, sexual encounter case (UFOE,  10/15/1957 #14116  
s Gerais State, Brazil Villas Boas abduction, sexual encounter case         10/15/1957 #14119  
  SOUTH FRANCISCO / SALES, BRZ Avb abduction. Small humanoids (or Greys). W 10/16/1957 #14123  
o de Sales, Brazil. A famous alien abduction and sexual encounter case occu 10/16/1957 #14131  
 portholes. Car restarts itself! 3 abduction? / r79p14.                     12/8/1957 #14687  
AR PEEKSKILL, NY 2 IBM programmers abduction / 36 hours. Sperm samples. Obs 8/23/1958? #15218  
er south going north. Missile Tech abduction? Relapse. Must see references. 2/20/1959 #15594  
                 COLEBROOK, NH Man abduction. Pseudo-human/entity = leader. 3/19/1959 #15649  
ew Hampshire Betty and Barney Hill abduction incident in Lincoln, New Hamps 9/19/1961 #16848  
 Tracks Object Before & After Hill Abduction (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code 9/19/1961 #16851  
apparently was the memory of their abduction by the occupants of the object 9/19/1961 #16852  
 and Betty Hill vehicle encounter, abduction case                           9/19/1961 #16853  
    In perhaps the most famous UFO abduction story ever reported, Betty and 9/19/1961 #16858  
ton brought back memories of their abduction experience by the occupants of 9/19/1961 #16858  
compelled to walk to beach. 2 hour abduction / 2 small humanoids (or Greys) 11/25/1961 (approximate) #16977  
discovers that the incident was an abduction in which he is taken aboard a  8/26/1962 #17362  
OLD MAN OF THE MOUNTAIN, NH Repeat abduction taken / same pseudo-human/enti 9/23/1962 #17431  
                                An abduction reportedly occurred near Franc 9/23/1962 #17436  
 is consistent with Barney’s. Many abduction elements come to light: telepa 3/7/1964 #18145  
counts the possibility of an alien abduction and prefers to think that Bett 3/7/1964 #18145  
several times. Beams follow 2. Tot abduction repeatedly.                    4/1964 #18152  
g up [to] tree. Gas. Missing time. Abduction? / r111p74.                    9/4/1964 #18528  
                 SEDALIA, MO Woman abduction. 4 hours / missing time. Small 8/16/1965 #19405  
 hypnotist Ron Owen and recalls an abduction experience where she undergoes 8/16/1965 #19408  
             LITCHFIELD, NH 6 kids abduction / house. Small humanoids (or G 9/1965 #19485  
 that this was actually her second abduction experience.                    9/3/1965 #19518  
                                An abduction and forced sexual encounter al 8/11/1966 #20739  
ok about the Betty and Barney Hill abduction case, Interrupted Journey, app 10/3/1966 #20955  
ey) in each / 2 domes. Observer(s) abduction. / r98#193p33.                 1/11/1967 #21285  
                           Another abduction by aliens occurred to Betty An 1/23/1967 #21368  
uth Ashburnham, Massachusetts. The abduction involved a medical exam with i 1/23/1967 #21368  
th Ashburnham, MA Betty Andreassen abduction case. Craft described as oval  1/25/1967 #21381  
th Ashburnham, MA Betty Andreasson abduction                                1/25/1967 #21383  
.m. Betty Andreasson has her first abduction experience in South Ashburnham 1/25/1967 #21386  
e first reference to an implant in abduction literature, a motif that later 1/25/1967 #21386  
us contacts and numerous post-1967 abduction experiences as well.           1/25/1967 #21389  
) exit and put balls / ground. Try abduction observer(s)! / r13 p67.        2/5/1967 #21452  
has another encounter, an apparent abduction, on April 11. In a series of o 3/31/1967 #22023  
      LOS PADRES FOREST, CA Camper abduction / 4 small humanoids (or Greys) 4/5/1967 #22055  
 Paralyzed. Missing time. Possible abduction?                               5/12/1967 #22321  
n, engulfed canoe. Memory loss and abduction. (See section XIII bibliograph 8/26/1967 #22931  
n, engulfed canoe. Memory loss and abduction. (See section XIII bibliograph 8/26/1967 #22934  
                      CARACAS, VNZ Abduction try on man & horse / racetrack 9/22/1967 #23111  
            BELFAST, NORTH IRL Man abduction / pseudo-human/entity. Sex wit 10/6/1967 #23182  
                                An abduction and sexual encounter occurred  10/6/1967 #23187  
). Odd acceleration. Missing time. Abduction? / r47p36+/ r41p273.           10/30/1967 #23365  
reys) take over 2 / truck. Floats. Abduction try. / Flying Saucer Review (F 11/2/1967 #23386  
inutes of time was missing, and an abduction was revealed under hypnosis. ( 11/19/1967 #23481  
                          Nebraska Abduction of Herbert Schirmer, a Nebrask 12/3/1967 #23535  
           ASHLAND, NE Cop Shirmer abduction and told much. / r4p216 / r11p 12/3/1967 #23536  
ert Schirmer vehicle encounter and abduction case                           12/3/1967 #23544  
entral Standard Time, a famous UFO abduction case occurred in Ashland, Nebr 12/3/1967 #23547  
 marks left on her body (suggested abduction). (Ridge, 1994, p. 24.) (NICAP 12/8/1967 #23560  
 he may have experienced an actual abduction, the memory of which was erase 12/25/1967 #23609  
no details or other evidence of an abduction that the witness was able to p 12/25/1967 #23609  
. This case is apparently an early abduction report describing apparently n 1/24/1968 #23697  
                QUILMES, ARG Woman abduction / city street! Never sees UFO  7/3/1968 #24139  
      CORDOBA, ARG Telepathy? Girl abduction / white cloud. 3 hours / missi 8/4/1968 #24294  
               Buff Ledge, VT Dual abduction of male and female summer camp 8/7/1968 #24304  
               Buff Ledge, VT Dual abduction of male and female summer camp 8/7/1968 #24305  
or silver uniforms. Thus begins an abduction experience that was only uncov 8/7/1968 #24307  
ry important and well investigated abduction case occurred on the shores of 8/7/1968 #24308  
nearly identical accounts of their abduction experience. They gave separate 8/7/1968 #24308  
f missing time with a possible UFO abduction experience.                    8/29/1968 #24402  
ME). 3 small humanoids (or Greys). Abduction and contact. Images etc.       9/1/1968 #24417  
                          Kent, IN Abduction report. First investigated by  11/1968 #24611  
ERON, FR Dr. X and son. 2 saucers. Abduction. Old wounds healed. Delta/tria 11/2/1968 #24621  
cony. Myopia and rheumatism cured. Abduction? / IFS#26+r215p17.             12/9/1968 #24754  
                                An abduction occurred in the early morning  2/10/1969 #24909  
s (or Greys) inside. Missing time. Abduction? Ankle wound. Finger grows. /  4/1969 #25043  
kly west. 2 hours missing time and abduction? Police report. / r41p533.     4/5/1969 #25050  
            ITAUCU, GOIAS, BRZ Man abduction. Wakens 400km south! Horse goi 4/20/1969 #25071  
            BEBEDOURO, BRZ Soldier abduction / small humanoids (or Greys).  5/4/1969 #25113  
 9, four and a half days after his abduction, some 300 miles to the east of 5/4/1969 #25114  
                                An abduction occurred in 1969 to a soldier  5/4/1969 #25115  
d a half days had passed since his abduction. He suffered various physical  5/4/1969 #25115  
              YELLOWSTONE PK, WY 2 abduction / car. Waken / salt lake. Odd  6/15/1969 (approximate) #25216  
 time and subsequently recalled an abduction experience. They also had unex 6/21/1971 #26184  
gh frequency whine. (Missing time, abduction) Same type UFO returns to farm 7/8/1971 #26214  
found on their car. A possible UFO abduction involving time loss, a probabl 8/1/1971 #26261  
                PALOS VERDES, CA 2 abduction. "Brain" warns / nuclear plant 8/17/1971 #26292  
              OJEBYN, SWD Engineer abduction with car. Lands way ahead. UFO 9/20/1971 #26352  
electro-magnetic effects) car. Man abduction / small humanoids (or Greys).  9/22/1971 #26359  
NES, ON Small humanoids (or Greys) abduction rock group / van. One is [a] r 10/16/1971 #26425  
Keith Basterfield, “Present at the Abduction,” IUR 17, no. 3 (May/June 1992 7/25/1972 #26833  
 (or Grey) in kitchen. Saucers and abduction dreams later..                 8/1972 (approximate) #26858  
          BURZACO, ARG G. Ciccioli abduction / tall figure(s). Exam and sam 10/4/1972 #27047  
                                An abduction by UFO occupants was reported  10/26/1972 #27090  
re were two people involved in the abduction.                               10/26/1972 #27090  
n sees odd figure by remote cabin. Abduction to moon hours later! / dream?  11/4/1972 #27107  
       NEAR BODEGA BAY, CA 3 girls abduction. Car floats. 4 hours / missing 11/26/1972 #27142  
 Bay and Woodland, CA Judy Kendall abduction, three types of beings (UFOE I 11/26/1972 #27144  
 Bay and Woodland, CA Judy Kendall abduction, three types of beings         11/26/1972 #27145  
rned to the site of his 1971 alien abduction in Apache Junction, Arizona. H 3/21/1973 #27356  
ect (EME). Blue beams through car! Abduction. Briefcase rifled. / r193#37+F 5/22/1973 #27516  
me the principal experiencer in an abduction event in which he vanished for 5/22/1973 #27519  
                  At 10:15 p.m. an abduction experience with missing time o 8/16/1973 #27707  
obe. 2 hours missing time. Strange abduction regressed. See reference.      9/1973 #27737  
minutes of missing time during his abduction experience.                    9/2/1973 #27748  
GOULA, MS Blue light. UFO opens. 2 abduction / robots. Underwater lights ma 10/11/1973 #27989  
Charles Hickson and Charles Parker abduction case                           10/11/1973 #27996  
e to speak to each other about the abduction, emotionally distressed.       10/11/1973 #27997  
fternoon as the Hickson and Parker abduction in Pascagoula, Mississippi, a  10/11/1973 #28006  
itary test of some kind using “UAP abduction” as a cover?  https://en.wikip 10/11/1973 #28009  
           LEHI, UT Woman and kids abduction / home. Oid's exam etc. seemed 10/16/1973 #28073  
ro-magnetic effects). Robot? Woman abduction. Exam and rape. 3 hours missin 10/16/1973 #28075  
earch director James A. Harder. An abduction tale slowly emerges that invol 10/16/1973 #28088  
 paralysis, was influenced by some abduction accounts over the years, and w 10/16/1973 #28088  
edly was healed as a result of her abduction experience.                    10/17/1973 #28135  
                                An abduction was reported to have occurred  10/24/1973 #28269  
ionisio Llanca humanoid encounter, abduction. (UFOE II, Section XIII). (NIC 10/28/1973 #28308  
                    In an apparent abduction attempt, in 1973 a UFO hovered 11/13/1973 #28418  
ing EM interference effects. A UFO abduction is reported to have occurred i 11/14/1973 #28421  
 map drawn by Betty Hill after her abduction. If she could figure out what  1/1974 #28637  
                   RIO DJ, BRZ Man abduction and cloned! Guides double in h 2/28/1974 #28814  
         VALLENTUNA, SOUTHWEST Man abduction. Returns with wounds. Can defl 3/23/1974 #28926  
             MARKIM, SWD Man / car abduction / 4 tall transparent figure(s) 3/23/1974 #28927  
cars. Phones and TVs out. Possible abduction?                               3/24/1974 #28941  
             CATANDUVA, BRZ Repeat abduction. Medical exam. Found 500mi awa 4/26/1974 #29063  
 had slowed down subsequent to the abduction. On the same night in nearby E 5/9/1974 #29098  
     SOUTH / UMVUMA, RHD Car and 2 abduction. Phony scenery. 288KM / 2 lite 6/1/1974 #29155  
y scenery. 288KM / 2 liters / gas. Abduction regressed / r167p53.           6/1/1974 #29155  
 spring of 1986. Natural recall of abduction into craft and removal of sper 6/18/1974 #29210  
gh near houses and low in country. Abduction try? / r171.                   7/26/1974 #29280  
                       An apparent abduction attempt that was thwarted by t 8/5/1974 #29311  
r, Colorado at about 1:30 a.m. The abduction experience lasted two hours, a 8/22/1974 #29376  
eams. 3 small humanoids (or Greys) abduction wife. Never found..            8/31/1974 #29404  
YNE, AUSTR 2 hours missing time. 2 abduction. Medical exams. Many details s 9/27/1974 #29485  
issing time. Soon the memory of an abduction emerges in which both witnesse 9/27/1974 #29486  
, WY Hunters bullet falls. Complex abduction. / r202p225+/ FSRv21#3+/ r110p 10/25/1974 #29554  
           Rawlins, WY Carl Higdon abduction (Reference 1, Section XIII). ( 10/25/1974 #29555  
           Rawlins, WY Carl Higdon abduction                                10/25/1974 #29556  
versity of Wyoming, he recalled an abduction experience that involved three 10/25/1974 #29557  
                        Aveley, UK Abduction case (Reference 1, Section XII 10/27/1974 #29559  
                        Aveley, UK Abduction case                           10/27/1974 #29560  
case appears to have been an early abduction that maybe was not thoroughly  1/5/1975 #29722  
". Silver object / hill. Trance. 2 abduction. Arm healed. Telepathy. See re 8/1975 (approximate) #30222  
         ALAMOGORDO, NM Sgt. moody abduction. "Slow limited contact..". / r 8/13/1975 #30261  
lf. He later was able to recall an abduction by two Grey aliens about 4 fee 8/13/1975 #30262  
amogordo, NM Sgt. Charles L. Moody abduction case                           8/13/1975 #30263  
overseas post where he narrates an abduction scenario with shortish, human- 8/13/1975 #30264  
lf. He later was able to recall an abduction by two Grey aliens about 4 fee 8/13/1975 #30265  
aring tight-fitting coveralls. The abduction experience involved a medical  8/13/1975 #30265  
ARGO, ND 8 observer(s). Saucers. 3 abduction. One hour and missing time. "B 8/26/1975 #30308  
ho has used hypnotic regression in abduction cases. Sprinkle conducts three 8/26/1975 #30310  
wever, is its anticipation of many abduction motifs which, though barely no 8/26/1975 #30310  
ic effects). Light beams. Possible abduction? Observer cured / bad cancer!  9/14/1975 #30357  
Car O / O / control. Missing time. Abduction regressed later. Time and gas  9/14/1975 #30358  
STRIAL CITY, CA Gilroy observer(s) abduction here. 3+decks / saucer. Telepa 9/15/1975 #30362  
dent, on the Betty and Barney Hill abduction case airs, starring James Earl 10/20/1975 #30454  
              TRIPP POND, ME 2+car abduction / saucer. Small humanoids (or  10/27/1975 #30478  
e of the principals of this famous abduction case. It's one of the most int 10/27/1975 #30483  
g such incidents, not only for the abduction itself but for its curious aft 10/27/1975 #30483  
imony is complete. It indicates an abduction scenario similar to other case 10/27/1975 #30486  
s) sleepy and pulls over. Dreams / abduction. Wakes with 6 spots.           11/1975 #30528  
     HAPPY CAMP, CA Group / locals abduction/abducted "transparent gold exi 11/2/1975 #30536  
     TURKEY SPRS, AZ Travis Walton abduction. Small humanoids (or Greys). P 11/5/1975 #30555  
           Heber, AZ Travis Walton abduction case                           11/5/1975 #30560  
atskill Mountains, New York had an abduction experience with one hour of mi 11/8/1975 #30583  
Oregon. At 3:00 a.m. the fifth UFO abduction occurred to a UFO abductee in  11/21/1975 #30650  
ne Thomas died two years after the abduction, of unknown causes. The women  1/6/1976 #30762  
T / STANFORD, KY Car and 3 floats. Abduction. Exam. Missing time. Burns. Pe 1/6/1976 #30767  
ior with blue light; missing time, abduction, physiological effects (Ref. 1 1/6/1976 #30768  
ior with blue light. Missing time, abduction, physiological effects         1/6/1976 #30769  
enerally compatible memories of an abduction event. Over time, their memori 1/6/1976 #30770  
g time and could vaguely recall an abduction experience. She could only rec 1/23/1976 #30817  
m. Under hypnosis they revealed an abduction experience, including a table  2/7/1976 #30851  
             Three hours after the abduction of the 12-year-old in Brazil,  3/3/1976 #30923  
er his body from head to foot. His abduction lasted two days.               4/2/1976 #30980  
                  QUIXADA, BRZ Man abduction / light beam / UFO. Deteriorat 4/23/1976 #31013  
Brazil at 5:00 a.m. Soon after the abduction experience his mental and phys 4/23/1976 #31018  
 missing time and later related an abduction experience. She reported being 5/21/1976 #31069  
 missing time and later related an abduction experience. She reported being 5/21/1976 #31070  
time. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) abduction woman. Exam. / FSRv32#3+/ MJ#1 6/11/1976 #31096  
over bridge, memory loss, apparent abduction. See Section XIII (E,L) car (N 6/11/1976 #31099  
 E-M effects on car; missing time, abduction (Ref. 1, Section XIII). (NICAP 6/11/1976 #31100  
 E-M effects on car. Missing time, abduction                                6/11/1976 #31101  
                         The alien abduction of a 19-year-old married coupl 6/20/1976 #31117  
d object, in which he undergoes an abduction experience. Coutinho is still  6/23/1976 #31134  
                                An abduction experience occurred this night 6/23/1976 #31135  
s during the camping trip, but the abduction part of the story is a total f 8/20/1976 #31282  
 members of the group stand by the abduction story. According to Jim Weiner 8/20/1976 #31282  
olygraph tests as supportive of an abduction scenario.”                     8/20/1976 #31282  
tist investigating the 1975 Oxford abduction case, is alone in his home in  9/11/1976 #31376  
                        Rigdon, IN Abduction report. Two witnesses. Disc ob 10/1976 #31438  
                   Woody Polston's abduction occurred on this night from a  10/31/1976 #31513  
cious state, followed by his alien abduction experience for the next 12 hou 10/31/1976 #31513  
e for the next 12 hours. After the abduction he was plaged by nightmares, a 10/31/1976 #31513  
                         A complex abduction scenario occurred that evening 12/10/1976 #31594  
orial Hospital to determine if the abduction stories told by “real” abducte 1977 #31655  
others who are asked to imagine an abduction under hypnosis. After the expe 1977 #31655  
               CLARKSVILLE, TN Man abduction / car? Semi transparent small  1/27/1977 #31754  
(EME). Boxy UFO. Missing time. Man abduction / jeep. Odd-shaped robots. / r 1/27/1977 #31755  
eep goes haywire the day after the abduction.                               1/27/1977 #31759  
back 250' by 60' UFO. Memory loss. Abduction? See reference.                2/10/1977 (approximate) #31804  
effect (EME). Saucer extends legs. Abduction try?                           2/22/1977 #31836  
 Chilean government encouraged the abduction scenario to mask the presence  4/25/1977 #32026  
d restarts. Missing time. Possible abduction. / r79p71.                     6/17/1977 (approximate) #32167  
         COEUR D / ALENE, ID Woman abduction / home. Pseudo-human/entity op 6/20/1977 #32175  
              A year later another abduction occurred, this time from a bed 6/20/1977 #32177  
, CEARA, BRZ Net-like beam tries / abduction man. Partial paralysis. Burnt  7/1977 #32213  
        BLACK MESA, OK R. Selfried abduction / greys while hiking. 1st time 7/15/1977 #32272  
                                An abduction by aliens including a physical 7/19/1977 #32294  
d / delta/triangle/box-like craft. Abduction. Shown strange city / hours. T 8/10/1977 #32373  
CIENCIA, BRZ 3 robot(s)/android(s) abduction man. Zapped / blue-beam. Blood 9/15/1977 #32482  
can hear them breathing. A typical abduction scenario follows.              9/15/1977 #32484  
. Missing time and panic. Possible abduction.                               9/27/1977 #32525  
o-magnetic effects). Watches stop. Abduction and exam regressed.            10/30/1977 #32635  
pseudo-human/entity examine house. Abduction / saucer.                      11/2/1977 #32654  
!, a collection of 20 years of UFO abduction cases. Most of the aliens they 12/1977 #32720  
ic effects). Missing time. Complex abduction and exam / small humanoids (or 12/10/1977 #32756  
                         A complex abduction case with one hour of missing  12/10/1977 #32758  
ost time; what was recalled was an abduction with a physical exam by severa 12/10/1977 #32758  
ees blue shining shape / daylight. Abduction / 5' men. / boar.              2/1978 #32934  
            MEDINACELI, SPN Hunter abduction. Clown-pseudo-human/entity tak 2/5/1978 #32953  
 in the famous Antonio Villas Boas abduction, he was rubbed down with a spo 3/2/1978 #33011  
  PELOTAS, BRZ Blue beam zaps man. Abduction. Sex / pseudo-human/entity. Te 3/3/1978 #33012  
men camping. 2 hours missing time. Abduction / 2 regressed. 3rd on hold. /  3/11/1978 #33031  
Blue beam / silver 18M saucer. Man abduction. Exam and array. / r16p51+/ r2 3/18/1978 #33051  
ummerville, SC William J. Herrmann abduction case (section XIII). (NICAP: 0 3/18/1978 #33052  
ummerville, SC William J. Herrmann abduction case                           3/18/1978 #33053  
ffiliated with APRO. He recalls an abduction/contact experience on board a  3/18/1978 #33055  
O. Through hypnosis he recalled an abduction sequence by four-and-a-half-fo 3/18/1978 #33056  
p suits. Among the features of the abduction included a physical exam on a  3/18/1978 #33056  
                  PENALVA, BRZ Boy abduction / 81 hours. Paralyzed. Saucer  3/24/1978 #33076  
                             A UFO abduction occurred in a forest in Emilci 5/10/1978 #33198  
            EMILCIN, POLAND Farmer abduction / 4 5' men. Many birds / 5M bo 5/17/1978 #33222  
n / 2 boys. Paralysis and apparent abduction. Other hear odd noise.         6/14/1978 #33277  
 (or Greys) / field. Missing time. Abduction regressed. Briefcase frayed.   6/16/1978 #33281  
ORD-IN-THE-VALE, ENGL Family / car abduction. Phony scenery. One hour missi 6/19/1978 #33290  
 light lifts rear / car and drops. Abduction try? Separate observer(s). / I 7/27/1978 #33419  
13 hours found. Can't talk or eat. Abduction?                               9/1978 #33614  
       VENADO TUERTO, ARG Farm boy abduction / saucer "robots" seen cutting 9/6/1978 #33635  
ntly were other witnesses to their abduction.                               9/26/1978 #33753  
-human/entity in windows. Possible abduction?                               11/11/1978 #33943  
nd pseudo-human/entity circle car. Abduction? / r200v4#2.                   11/20/1978 #33965  
ion at the scene and recovers some abduction memories.                      11/22/1978 #33980  
IN / missing time. Couple and baby abduction. Pregnant mother gets needle.  11/25/1978 #34000  
         Kordel, Germany Pam Owens abduction case. (MUFON investigation rep 11/25/1978 #34001  
          Trier, Germany Pam Owens abduction case. (MUFON investigation rep 11/25/1978 #34003  
ht in Trier, Germany at 10 p.m. an abduction by UFO occupants occurred. A m 11/25/1978 #34005  
the time. She had no memory of the abduction prior to hypnosis. During hypn 11/25/1978 #34005  
    HAROLD HILL TO ESSEX CO, ENG 2 abduction / car. Exams. Shown around. 3  12/1978 #34033  
lectro-magnetic effects). Watchman abduction / 3M figure(s) / huge delta/tr 12/6/1978 #34063  
hypnotized by a medical doctor. An abduction scenario emerges in which he i 12/6/1978 #34065  
tains. Night light vanishes. 1 man abduction? Pear shaped craft and figure( 12/8/1978 #34074  
k translocated 15KM. Missing time. Abduction?                               12/27/1978 (approximate) #34213  
ark small humanoids (or Greys) try abduction. / MJ#134+LDLN#193.            1/3/1979 #34285  
n/radioactivity sick. Memory loss. Abduction?                               1/17/1979 #34350  
exas when he experienced either an abduction or teleportation experience th 1/30/1979 #34393  
 daze. Wiring burnt. Missing time? Abduction? / r241'79 p4.                 2/5/1979 #34402  
sing time. Pseudo-human/entity and abduction regressed.                     3/1979 #34452  
etts housewife who recounts a 1967 abduction encounter with short humanoids Spring 1979 #34482  
al observer(s). Photographs. 2 men abduction / field. Much detail. / r98#17 4/13/1979 #34509  
 Metal bar with symbols appears in abduction/abducted mechanic's bedroom. / 4/21/1979 #34518  
ned to the same field as his first abduction experience.                    5/17/1979 #34566  
ectro-magnetic effects). M. Graham abduction. 3 small humanoids (or Greys). 6/1979 #34597  
                        An alleged abduction experience by aliens occurred  6/6/1979 #34601  
, BRZ 3 small humanoids (or Greys) abduction man / metallic saucer. Medical 6/18/1979 #34614  
gun. Both drowsy. Missing time and abduction.                               7/15/1979 #34654  
kitchen table. Later a frightening abduction was recalled under hypnosis.   7/15/1979 #34656  
minute(s) / missing time. Waitress abduction. Examined all over. Object ins 7/25/1979 #34673  
ts / 2 days. Girl / 14+man and cat abduction. Pseudo-human/entity vanishes  8/4/1979 #34708  
. 60 minute(s) missing time. Woman abduction. 2M figure / slant-eyes. / r16 8/19/1979 #34756  
unds and hearing loss. No recall / abduction. / r124.                       8/24/1979 #34770  
                   SZTUM, POLAND 2 abduction / odd UFO. See town below and  9/20/1979 #34905  
ld building. Missing time. Complex abduction regressed. / r87p140.          10/15/1979 #34955  
ours missing time. Hallucinations. Abduction signs. Bad burns. UFO's seen.  12/11/1979 #35070  
d 48 hours of missing time with an abduction aboard a UFO. The wife remembe 12/11/1979 #35073  
I, FIN Headlight beams bend / fog. Abduction / saucer. 3 small humanoids (o 4/2/1980 #35246  
                       Another UFO abduction occurred on this day in 1980 i 4/2/1980 #35249  
ypnotizes them and gets a detailed abduction story from the mother, who als 5/5/1980 #35306  
 bedroom! Unintelligible. Possible abduction / observer(s) 12 days later.   6/16/1980 #35376  
            In eastern Texas a UFO abduction occurred when a car was levita 8/22/1980 #35475  
 between 5'7" and 6 feet tall. The abduction occurred at four o'clock in th 9/7/1980 #35502  
etic effects). Film / UFO. Complex abduction regressed. / r125p93.          9/25/1980 #35531  
/ sea. 1 stops / front / car. 2 HR abduction and missing time. References.  11/1980 #35600  
ar, swishing sound, car levitated; abduction. See Section XIII (R,L) car (N 11/19/1980 #35657  
wn. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). Abduction. Dog inside and small humanoid 11/28/1980 #35676  
ountered craft on road, time loss. Abduction scenario emerged under hypnosi 11/28/1980 #35678  
ountered craft on road, time loss. Abduction scenario emerged under hypnosi 11/28/1980 #35679  
Todmorden at the time of Godfrey's abduction experience.                    11/28/1980 #35680  
ations regarding the Adamski case, abduction claims by Travis Walton, and h 11/29/1980 #35682  
 Perceived communication, apparent abduction, burn marks on chest correspon 12/4/1980 #35695  
ng time is a typical aspect of the abduction experience. The information co 1981 #35761  
ad empty. Metal saucer overhead. 2 abduction. Pseudo-human/entity shows dol 1/1981 #35767  
ng leaf motion. She later recalled abduction experiences. (NICAP: 02 - Clos 2/10/1981 #35822  
s were effected and he recalled an abduction experience. (NICAP: 02 - Close 2/18/1981 #35831  
ton, England on this night, and an abduction experience was subsequently re 7/15/1981 #36008  
  SHREWSBURY, SHROPS 3 women / car abduction. Gyno exam on 2. Small humanoi 7/17/1981 #36013  
reveal that he and his wife had an abduction experience with missing time l 8/12/1981 #36070  
             EL CAJON, CA Engineer abduction / car regressed. Digital watch 8/30/1981 #36089  
                    ALPINE, CA Cop abduction. 60' saucer. Missing time. Dir 8/30/1981 #36090  
           There were two dramatic abduction events which occurred in San D 8/30/1981 #36093  
bserver(s). Missing time. Possible abduction or misidentified (conventional 10/5/1981 #36157  
 the events following the Breiland abduction occurred on this day in Victor 10/5/1981 #36159  
in. Figure / white room regressed. Abduction?                               10/24/1981 #36184  
ppened next was a missing time and abduction experience that was hard for t 10/24/1981 #36186  
 (or Greys) and telepathy and full abduction regressed.                     12/10/1981 #36254  
p voice. Missing time. Man and car abduction. Burns / skin.                 2/19/1982 #36351  
time. Rosalind begins to recall an abduction experience, aided by some dist 9/1982 #36590  
ona reported that he had had a UFO abduction on this night, at around 11:15 11/1/1982 #36669  
          BOTUCATU, BRZ J.da Silva abduction / small humanoids (or Greys) a 11/29/1982 #36701  
by poltergeist activity before the abduction, but it ceased. He later had s 11/29/1982 #36702  
he had earlier had dreams of a UFO abduction encounter including a physical 2/3/1983 #36761  
                       Liberty, KY Abduction report (Ridge files) (NICAP: 0 6/1983 #36873  
IS, IN Kathy Davis (Debbie Jordan) abduction. Round burn in lawn. / r237p71 6/30/1983 #36894  
      Indianapolis, IN Kathy Davis Abduction at Kitley Woods. (Budd Hopkins 6/30/1983 #36895  
 the yard and burned the grass. An abduction by Grey aliens followed, invol 6/30/1983 #36896  
t to remember the details of their abduction experience. The next day both  6/30/1983 #36896  
                  On this night an abduction occurred in Sommerecourt, Fran 7/17/1983 #36913  
         ALDERSHOT, HAMPS Man / 78 abduction / 4' small humanoids (or Greys 8/12/1983 #36946  
vansville, IN 6:00 AM. Complicated abduction report, with many reports of p 8/15/1983 #36953  
 E. Green, 12, undergoes her first abduction experience as she is walking t 10/1983 #36990  
    INDIANAPOLIS, IN Debbie Jordan abduction again. Shown / half-alien daug 10/3/1983 #36992  
IN 2:00 AM. The second Kathy Davis abduction. (Sympap,84) (NICAP: 07 - Enti 10/3/1983 #36993  
irst witness away from an apparent abduction. Nevertheless, he was sick for 11/1/1983 #37041  
 He wakes up inside the UFO and an abduction scenario takes place, compete  12/14/1983 #37074  
ssing time. Although not his first abduction experience, his memories are u 1984 #37094  
/ roadside. Saucer hovers. Complex abduction. See reference. / Flying Sauce 2/3/1984 #37174  
y paranormal activity and reported abduction during the first part of the m 7/1984 #37384  
 with lights, including a possible abduction.                               8/20/1984 #37437  
                Savah, IN 8:45 PM. Abduction near Mt. Vernon, IN. Two perci 11/17/1984 #37506  
emory of seeing a UFO or having an abduction experience, but he insists the Summer 1985 #37606  
. 50' disk with portholes. Complex abduction? Telepathy / "guardians / epsi 9/15/1985 #37661  
ssible missing time experience and abduction.                               9/15/1985 #37664  
server(s) fearless. Visions later. Abduction?                               10/3/1985 (approximate) #37671  
y Strieber undergoes a bizarre UFO abduction in his cabin in upstate New Yo 12/26/1985 #37738  
e black disc was involved with the abduction experience.                    4/2/1986 #37817  
 Injury healed. Suspected multiple abduction.                               5/9/1986 #37859  
edly healed miraculously. Multiple abduction experiences were suspected.    5/9/1986 #37860  
                 MONTERREY, MX Man abduction / small humanoid (or Grey) / d 5/30/1986 #37899  
ania,” European Journal of UFO and Abduction Studies 1 no. 1 (March 2000):  8/1986 #37964  
th. Low altitude. Evades airliner. Abduction / 30 September.                8/13/1986 #37986  
one side. As a special note, a UFO abduction occurred near this location si 8/13/1986 #37989  
ductee. Silver saucer hovers / old abduction site. Zips over to new home. G 8/20/1986 #37996  
ost. Humming heard. Missing time / abduction? / r41p259.                    10/20/1986 #38050  
                                   Abduction researcher and folklorist Thom 1987 #38089  
ive analysis of nearly 300 alleged abduction cases up through 1985, 103 of  1987 #38089  
es and descriptive elements of the abduction narrative and attaches percent 1987 #38089  
 occurs. He finds that the classic abduction story consists of eight possib 1987 #38089  
ppearance, the UFO involved in the abduction, and the methods of mental and 1987 #38089  
st and reductionist hypotheses for abduction events, critiquing each.       1987 #38089  
rtment Building Whitley Strieber's Abduction Story San Antonio, Texas, free 3/1987 #38127  
s he researches Whitley Strieber’s abduction story for a possible article.  3/1987 #38127  
                  Indianapolis UFO abduction researcher Budd Hopkins publis 4/1987 #38155  
ount of his investigation into the abduction experiences of Debbie Jordan-K 4/1987 #38155  
ove the fetus. During a subsequent abduction several years later, the being 4/1987 #38155  
on-head small humanoids (or Greys) abduction man. 2nd trucker verifies UFO. 6/1987 (approximate) #38182  
ety of close encounters, including abduction incidents, and Walters continu 11/11/1987 #38322  
  DESTIN, FL Lady reports apparent abduction / 5-Yr-old son. No further det 11/25/1987 #38335  
                        In 1987 an abduction occurred in Okaloosa County, F 11/25/1987 #38336  
       ILKLEY, WEST YORKS Ex-cop / abduction victim photographs LGM / moors 12/1/1987 #38343  
 Several photos / saucer. Possible abduction / Ed. Wife on hold / missing t 12/17/1987 #38365  
orning in Gulf Breeze, Florida. An abduction of Mr. Walters may have occurr 12/17/1987 #38367  
I John Salter, Jr., and John, III, abduction (section XIII). (NICAP: 07 - E 3/20/1988 #38515  
n John Salter, Jr., and John, III, abduction                                3/20/1988 #38516  
       Ed Walters reported another abduction experience that began at 1:20  5/1/1988 #38551  
OWNSHEND, VT Allagash man and wife abduction. Cyst removed going quickly [t 5/21/1988 #38572  
 - Jack and May Weiner recalled an abduction experience while at their moun 5/21/1988 #38574  
ntain home. This was Jack's second abduction experience, the first occurrin 5/21/1988 #38574  
 / slumber party. Apparent classic abduction scenario.                      6/24/1988 #38591  
 regressed by Mario Rangel, and an abduction narrative surfaces.            7/1988 #38596  
         JOHANNESBURG, RSA 2 / car abduction. Blood samples going [to] seve 7/19/1988 #38604  
                                An abduction occurred in Johannesburg, Sout 7/19/1988 #38605  
       NEAR TEJON RANCH, CA Couple abduction / 2.5HRS missing time. Greys a 8/1988 (approximate) #38610  
ound one o'clock in the morning an abduction experience occurred at a camps 8/22/1988 #38618  
ichard Hall for Washington DC area Abduction research.                      9/19/1988 #38642  
                                An abduction by aliens with a physical exam 10/24/1988 #38687  
nds go blank. Ovoid landed / sand. Abduction later.                         12/1988 #38730  
shape hums / power lines. Possible abduction. KCl dust / cars. Burns. / MJ# 12/4/1988 #38738  
ight has 2 figures in it. Possible abduction.                               2/6/1989 #38817  
                           Another abduction occurred on this night in 1989 4/2/1989 #38888  
object and 3 orbs over B1-B tests. Abduction rumor.                         6/4/1989 #38976  
omber. There is also a rumor of an abduction occurring on this date at the  6/4/1989 #38977  
mber. There was also a rumor of an abduction occurring on this date at the  6/4/1989 #38978  
ession at a later date revealed an abduction scenario that involved small G 6/16/1989 #38989  
              Soviet Union Several abduction cases. (Vallee, 1992).         7/1989 #39000  
                                An abduction attempt took place on this eve 7/4/1989 #39009  
              NEAR NALCHIK, RUSSIA Abduction try. Woman lifted toward(s) sa 10/11/1989 #39160  
     WEST / HUNTSVILLE, AR 2 women abduction / highway 68 / local news. Sep 10/20/1989 #39177  
 a significant and well-documented abduction case occurred on this day in K 11/6/1989 #39216  
n the objective reality of the UFO abduction phenomenon to be reported. Two 11/6/1989 #39216  
alled identical details from their abduction experience. One of them report 11/6/1989 #39216  
 hour but 3 hours elapsed. 2 women abduction. / r41p565.                    11/7/1989 #39217  
                 Western KS Double abduction case investigated by John Carp 11/7/1989 #39219  
ns (obtained independently) reveal abduction scenarios with at least 40 dir 11/7/1989 #39220  
hey allegedly encountered in their abduction. Lazar’s story quickly garners 11/10/1989 #39224  
ty, NY Linda Cortile's (pseudonym) abduction from 12th floor apartment, all 11/30/1989 #39281  
k City Linda Cortile's (pseudonym) abduction from 12th floor apartment, all 11/30/1989 #39282  
Three independent witnesses to the abduction are two security intelligence  11/30/1989 #39283  
een critical of the quality of his abduction research in this case and in t 11/30/1989 #39283  
o hours. Most of his memory of the abduction experience had apparently been 12/31/1989 #39345  
) in Toronto, Ontario, focusing on abduction experiencers. It folds in Dece 1/1990 #39359  
One hour missing time and possible abduction.                               3/12/1990 #39455  
 the clock and her husband, and an abduction event was later confirmed unde 3/13/1990 #39458  
 crafts seen during meteor shower. Abduction later. Visitors on hold!       5/7/1990 (approximate) #39563  
elta, British Columbia, Canada. An abduction occurred later that night.     5/7/1990 #39565  
s / edge very near house. (Signs / abduction history.)                      5/22/1990 #39585  
ation of the Betty Andreasson Luca abduction case in The Watchers, which re 6/1990 #39604  
chigan at around two a.m. Possible abduction.                               11/9/1990 #39883  
or Grey) / roadside. Missing time. Abduction? Observer(s) wakes / car point 12/3/1990 (approximate) #39923  
                 PETROGRAD Dolotov abduction again / 2 Men in Black in hall 3/29/1991 #40024  
 ARG Man tranquilized / telepathy. Abduction. Wakens / garden as beam retra 8/13/1991 #40150  
ted to grab his shotgun during the abduction, but was prevented by a four-f 11/9/1991 #40224  
                 CATLETT, VA Woman abduction. Earrings on backwards afterwa 12/15/1991 #40260  
ty, Virginia a woman with multiple abduction experiences reported being abd 12/15/1991 #40261  
minutes. A curious feature of this abduction event was that when she was re 12/15/1991 #40261  
ch he lays out a detailed study of abduction phenomenology based on his res 3/1992 #40342  
). Saucer going down. Military cop abduction / 3.5hrs. 5 small humanoids (o 3/5/1992 #40356  
 from “Catandório.” After a 5-hour abduction experience, he is returned to  3/5/1992 #40358  
ys) inside. Missing time. Possible abduction / 2 women. Home buzzed.        3/9/1992 #40366  
is to determine how widespread the abduction phenomenon might be. Five indi 5/1992 #40439  
he boy had apparently reported UFO abduction experiences on several occasio 5/12/1992 #40462  
els, and discussions about the UFO abduction phenomenon. UFO researchers li 6/13/1992 #40492  
alled being on an exam table in an abduction experience during this night.  6/18/1992 #40497  
n commonly reported in other alien abduction experiences.                   6/18/1992 #40497  
outh Wales, Australia 7:30 a.m. An abduction event takes place in a suburb  7/23/1992 #40530  
r Khoury had at least one previous abduction experience in 1988 that left h 7/23/1992 #40530  
 like him. The details of his 1992 abduction slowly emerge through extended 7/23/1992 #40530  
AND Saucer drops silver curtain. 2 abduction / car. Small humanoids (or Gre 8/17/1992 #40578  
Ireland reported he experienced an abduction from his bedroom by four 4-foo 9/30/1992 #40649  
 evening a woman reportedly had an abduction experience in Gardendale, Alab 10/8/1992 #40667  
noid (or Grey) appears / home. Man abduction. Wife on hold. Missing time. T 10/23/1992 #40689  
l humanoid (or Grey) by house. Man abduction. 30 minute(s) / missing time.  10/31/1992 #40696  
               VENTURA, CA 2 women abduction / car / US101. 145min missing  11/20/1992 #40720  
ded while the exam took place. The abduction lasted for a total of 145 minu 11/20/1992 #40722  
                   In 1992 another abduction occurred. This time it was in  11/25/1992 #40730  
s revealed that she experienced an abduction aboard the craft, in which she 12/31/1992 #40775  
 Domed disk hovers / 15 minute(s). Abduction suspected. No further details. 2/16/1993 #40850  
 minute(s) / missing time. Complex abduction. / r249p322.                   3/16/1993 #40884  
hey undergo hypnosis and recall an abduction by gray-skinned aliens. The ma 3/16/1993 #40885  
en abductors during any subsequent abduction attempts. On this night she wa 4/5/1993 #40927  
     KENYON, RI Misty night. Woman abduction. 2.5hrs missing time. 50' sauc 5/19/1993 #40985  
eo / object circles. Marks / skin. Abduction?                               7/25/1993 #41086  
NARRE WARREN, AUST 2 separate cars abduction. Tall black figure(s). Marks.  8/8/1993 #41113  
t out of the car to look at it. An abduction scenario ensues involving tall 8/8/1993 #41117  
 them. They have also undergone an abduction experience and have missing ti 8/8/1993 #41117  
exactly the same story: a story of abduction, mind control, and embarrassin 8/8/1993 #41118  
 mile(s). Time anomalies. Possible abduction. See reference.                8/15/1993? #41141  
r. One hour missing time. Possible abduction and exam regressed. / r60#294. 9/4/1993 #41179  
                                An abduction, rated as a high-reliability r 11/22/1993 #41297  
op and publish an “Ethics Code for Abduction Experience Investigation and T 1994 #41343  
ly recall a large portion of their abduction experiences without the aid of 1994 #41345  
are written up in Mack’s 1994 book Abduction). Angela Hind writes, “It was  5/1994 #41510  
farm. Man hit / beam 2 days later. Abduction.                               6/7/1994 #41556  
2.5hrs missing time. "Dimensional" abduction regressed later.               7/3/1994 #41602  
 a bedroom visitation and possible abduction attempt, a man reported undesc 9/9/1994 #41731  
                      YUMA, AZ Man abduction / bedroom. Lizard-types. Small 9/20/1994 #41763  
          A bedroom visitation and abduction occurred in Yuma, Arizona at a 9/20/1994 #41765  
. 2 hours / missing time. Possible abduction.                               11/5/1994 #41836  
hort hooded humanoids. After their abduction Little found a mark on his upp 3/14/1995 #42094  
that two weeks before his apparent abduction experience, he found "tiny 4-t 8/15/1995 #42389  
ghts. 35 minute(s) / missing time. Abduction regressed. No further details. 9/24/1995 #42505  
had previously been involved in an abduction experience.                    11/8/1995 #42588  
lue glowing / trees. Missing time. Abduction? Traces.                       1/2/1996 #42663  
enced a period of missing time. An abduction scenario emerged under hypnosi 3/6/1996 #42809  
me. Old scenes / history recalled. Abduction?                               4/24/1996 #42882  
his body that he attributes to his abduction experience.                    9/26/1996 #43043  
alien encounters as origins of the abduction experience. He argues that no  10/1996 #43048  
te, a MUFON Field Investigator, an abduction occurred on this night in Eau  11/3/1996 #43104  
 Telepathy warning / advance. Girl abduction / 3 hours. Fetus taken. Found  1/30/1997 #43180  
t she could recall of the possible abduction experience.                    7/23/1997 #43358  
and in fear of her life during the abduction. No other details were provide 1/15/1998 #43500  
his has already occurred and alien abduction scenarios are testing by asset 8/22/1998 #43635  
S: Military Mind Control and Alien Abduction, a review of people claiming t 1999 #43707  
stes, and William Cone publish The Abduction Enigma, offering a rigorous cr 3/1999 #43740  
e of the alien explanation for the abduction phenomenon and arguing instead 3/1999 #43740  
                                   Abduction researcher and folklorist Thom 7/2/1999 #43789  
 expands on his description of the abduction experience in an examination o 7/2/1999 #43789  
viewed European Journal of UFO and Abduction Studies is launched in Southam 9/1999 #43838  
chologist who specializes in alien abduction cases. Romanek claims that und 2000 #43913  
evaluate the Betty and Barney Hill abduction case in depth. It takes place  9/2000 #44035  
ew Hampshire, near the site of the abduction event itself. The other resear 9/2000 #44035  
morning tour of the site where the abduction took place. The essays written 9/2000 #44035  
               The second apparent abduction and missing time experience oc 10/15/2000 #44059  
enced missing time and had a brief abduction experience at this time, becau 10/19/2000 #44060  
ems to be sucked into a UFO for an abduction scenario.                      12/13/2000 #44101  
                    A failed alien abduction attempt was alleged in a repor 2/11/2003 #44486  
ll was wearing on the night of her abduction in 1961. The samples indicate  7/22/2005 #44856  
terials brought back from a recent abduction by Stan Romanek, which prove t 7/22/2005 #44856  
ntegrate cultural scripts like the abduction story into memory. Clancy demo 10/2005 #44883  
ry. Clancy demonstrates that alien abduction stories give people meaning an 10/2005 #44883  
s takeaway is that “in this sense, abduction memories are like transcendent 10/2005 #44883  
Fund for UFO Research) launches an Abduction Monitoring Project (later chan 2006 #44916  
he goal is to compare any reported abduction experiences with the anomalies 2006 #44916  
 Carpenter launches the Journal of Abduction–Encounter Research in Springfi 2007 #44995  
ndisclosed witness had an apparent abduction experience with missing time b 9/21/2007 #45066  
of hybrids—the end products of the abduction program. These hybrids begin a 9/2015 #45438  
g nanotechnology implants put into abduction victims. He also claims MITRE  4/18/2016 #45451  
here were only three CE-3s and one abduction report.                        1/2021 #45671  
## Word: "abduction-try" (Back to Top)
    RENTON, WA Blue Book. Possible abduction-try / 2 girls. 2 5.5' ugly pse 8/13/1965 #19377  
ers / ham radio mast. Cable burnt. Abduction-try / Mar. '73. LDLN#180.      2/3/1973 #27267  
## Word: "abductions" (Back to Top)
chuk, UFO Sightings, Landings, and Abductions, Methuen, 1979, pp. 151–152;  Summer 1948 #3679  
nts were placed in subjects during abductions; unknown if related to UAP ph 1952 #5844  
. 2M 1-eye monster(s) / saucer try abductions. / r8#636.                    2/4/1965 (approximate) #18798  
streetlight. She claims no further abductions or CE3s, but many ufologists  1972 #26528  
s the 7602nd would stage UAP/alien abductions and/or interactions to trauma 10/11/1973 #28009  
 an article by Kevin Randle on UFO abductions and contacts him. Randle arra 10/16/1973 #28088  
Midnight. Beginning of a series of abductions. Son of farmer had been appar 6/18/1974 #29210  
mostly responsible to forced human abductions and animal mutilations. Profe 4/22/1975 #30000  
scussed in Thomas E. Bullard's UFO Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery and 10/27/1975 #30483  
ort, p. 77; Thomas E. Bullard, UFO Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery, ca 5/14/1976 #31051  
. (Sources: Thomas E. Bullard, UFO Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery, ca 5/21/1976 #31069  
ries Hypothesis, which argues that abductions are nonphysical, archetypal f 1977 #31655  
ss has been made aware of possible abductions of USG personnel and certain  11/1977 #32648  
te by telepathy. They suggest that abductions are the latest logical step i 12/1977 #32720  
ears, and rounded fingers. Further abductions and memories emerge over time 12/6/1978 #34065  
ncidents involving missing time or abductions on this day. The first occurr 1/3/1979 #34291  
tates the 7602nd would stage alien abductions and/or interactions to trauma 1980's #35110  
ir investigations into a series of abductions and UFO-related events in Cal 1980 #35111  
 first describes his research into abductions that show they are far more p 1981 #35761  
lower legs from apparent childhood abductions, and Hopkins believes that De Early 7/1983 #36900  
O's. Night lights. Box chases man. Abductions. Fireballs nightly. Landings. 9/2/1986 #38011  
st Thomas E. Bullard publishes UFO Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery, a  1987 #38089  
n, the first-person account of his abductions and encounters recovered thro 2/1987 #38108  
napolis woman whose long series of abductions include an instance when the  4/1987 #38155  
the ETs to conduct experiments and abductions on unsuspecting human beings. 12/29/1987 #38378  
or technology the USG would ignore abductions and the EBEs told them abduct 12/29/1987 #38379  
 abductions and the EBEs told them abductions were merely monitoring; in fa 12/29/1987 #38379  
s were merely monitoring; in fact, abductions were the insertion of implant 12/29/1987 #38379  
hich produces accounts of repeated abductions since childhood and evidence  1988 #38383  
14. Saucer. Missing time. Multiple abductions regressed. / Uns#340.         3/20/1988 #38514  
                               Two abductions occurred on this night in 198 4/2/1988 #38530  
tation-only research conference on abductions is held at Virginia Polytechn 2/1/1990 #39406  
 out-of-body experience during her abductions. She sometimes encounters hum 6/1990 #39604  
. Possible part / series of family abductions.                              1/12/1992 #40286  
s Institute of Technology hosts an Abductions Study Conference in Cambridge 6/13/1992 #40492  
to as the “Dark Marauders” view of abductions. But conference co- organizer 6/13/1992 #40492  
nts his interesting view comparing abductions and near-death experiences, a 6/13/1992 #40492  
ppened in the 70's and 80's. Human abductions have also been reported: A pr 3/1993 #40867  
develop, apparently related to the abductions: cancer, depression, post-tra 1994 #41345  
ta that he believed had to do with abductions. Data points like lat/long, p Mid 1995 #42258  
  HOBART, TASM Separate report(s). Abductions? White figure tries / levitat 12/1996 #43126  
zation conducts a second survey on abductions, using the same indicators as 1998 #43478  
E. Mack publishes a second book on abductions, Passport to the Cosmos, in w 1999 #43708  
rashes, close encounters, or alien abductions. No evidence of an extraterre 2000 #43911  
           There were two apparent abductions involving missing time in the 10/15/2000 #44058  
series of questions about UFOs and abductions. The results indicate that tw 8/2002 #44372  
lls him UFOs are “real,” but alien abductions are not. Gansler also tells W 10/16/2002 #44418  
ictional miniseries about UFOs and abductions titled Taken, produced by Ste 12/2/2002 #44457  
iLAB '' phenomena, i.e. fake alien abductions.  Schowengerdt states the Chi 7/2003 #44560  
alleged extraterrestrial implants, abductions, antigravity propulsion and u 10/17/2008 #45175  
 Air Force psychologist who argued abductions were not real and the result  3/31/2011 #45322  
into the phenomenon that concluded abductions were a demonic deception.  ht 3/31/2011 #45322  
s, David M. Jacobs explains how 14 abductions have detailed for him how an  9/2015 #45438  
ts including for the EPA   “Alien” abductions are faked to psychologically  4/5/2016 #45449  
## Word: "abductors" (Back to Top)
ing escorted into the craft. Their abductors were all over 6 feet tall, wit 9/3/1965 #19518  
ng apparently normal human-looking abductors. No further hypnotic regressio 1/24/1968 #23697  
e hypnosis he described one of his abductors as the same individual he had  5/22/1973 #27519  
howing a display of the stars. His abductors were two men and two women, be 10/28/1973 #28311  
 travel. (3) The behavior of alien abductors contradicts the idea that adva 6/1989 #38970  
 experience during this night. Her abductors used telepathy to communicate  6/18/1992 #40497  
g her to defend herself from alien abductors during any subsequent abductio 4/5/1993 #40927  
 same treatment. She described her abductors as being "very tall", about tw 6/5/1997 #43311  
 by a smaller "woman." Some of her abductors looked human, and some did not 6/5/1997 #43311  
rom themselves. Whether or not the abductors are extraterrestrial hardly ma 1999 #43708  
 been for the last three days. Her abductors had taken her wallet and ID.   9/6/2000 #44037  
## Word: "abdulah" (Back to Top)
 Jafari lands. Base Commander Gen. Abdulah Azerbarzin claims the complete i 9/18/1976 #31395  
## Word: "abe" (Back to Top)
           Norwalk, Ohio 8:00 p.m. Abe Parker of Norwalk, Ohio, sees an obj 5/9/1897 #595  
                         MIAMI, FL Abe Friedman sees "small salami" / (seen 9/11/1952 #7892  
## Word: "abebooks" (Back to Top)
0/mode/1up (page 50)   https://www.abebooks.com/first-edition/German-Secret 1958 #14787  
## Word: "abednego" (Back to Top)
ission Cape York Night. Mrs. Napau Abednego and other indigenous people on  7/8/1959 #15827  
## Word: "abee" (Back to Top)
                                   ABEE, ALTA Girl. Grey saucer / 3' altitu 7/16/1969 #25271  
                                   Abee, Alberta 3:30 p.m. Sylvia Annola, 1 7/16/1969 #25274  
e a well on her family’s farm near Abee, Alberta. She looks directly at the 7/16/1969 #25274  
## Word: "abel" (Back to Top)
is exchanged for Soviet spy Rudolf Abel on the Glienicke Bridge that connec 2/10/1962 #17045  
                                   Abel Boro was hunting with his friend Ri 10/17/1981 #36176  
## Word: "abelard" (Back to Top)
Charlotte Blodget, is published by Abelard Schuman in the United States and 1955 #11896  
## Word: "abelardo" (Back to Top)
   Eniwetak Atoll 3:45 a.m. Seaman Abelardo Marquez, posted on the USS Flet Late 10/1952 #8185  
## Word: "aberavon" (Back to Top)
                                   Aberavon, Wales Swansea Bay The Mumbles  2/2/1913 #877  
30 p.m. Police Constable Church at Aberavon, Wales, watches an airship flyi 2/2/1913 #877  
## Word: "abercrombie" (Back to Top)
ects moving about in the sky. Neil Abercrombie, his mother, brother, and so 3/31/1959 #15683  
## Word: "aberdare" (Back to Top)
                      CWMDARE NEAR ABERDARE, SOUTH WALES Beer-can shaped ob 4/1988 #38524  
## Word: "aberdeen" (Back to Top)
                                   ABERDEEN, SCOTLAND Violet meteor north g 12/8/1850 (approximate) #146  
 Bismarck, North Dakota Rapid City Aberdeen 11:50 p.m. A “mysterious lighte 11/26/1950 #5287  
 The Rapid City weather bureau and Aberdeen CAA in South Dakota estimate th 11/26/1950 #5287  
it disappears to the northwest. In Aberdeen, CAA aircraft communicator Will 11/26/1950 #5287  
bjects dart / sky. CAA also sees / Aberdeen, Sd. / r242p45.                 11/27/1950 #5290  
                                   ABERDEEN, SCOTLAND Cop and railwayman. 5 10/25/1954 #11379  
  Edgewood Arsenal facility at the Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland The US 1/1956 #12641  
s Edgewood Arsenal facility at the Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. The M 1/1956 #12641  
                            WEST / ABERDEEN, SD 4 separate cops. Large oran 11/22/1956 #13342  
                                   ABERDEEN, MD Eastern Airlines pilot Dubo 11/23/1956 #13345  
                           SOUTH / ABERDEEN, SD Newsboy. Orange inverted cu 11/30/1956 #13367  
                  Edgewood Arsenal Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland The US 1959 #15510  
rmy and CIA at Edgewood Arsenal at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, show  1959 #15510  
                    NORTH SEA NEAR ABERDEEN, SCOT Flashing red light, 20' o 11/20/1963 #18049  
                                   Aberdeen Blyth, Northumberland, England  11/20/1963 #18052  
d three members of the crew of the Aberdeen collier Thrift see a flashing r 11/20/1963 #18052  
veling south in the North Sea from Aberdeen to Blyth, Northumberland, Engla 11/20/1963 #18052  
                                   ABERDEEN, WA 3 2' fuzzy objects hover ov 1/3/1971 #25971  
red over it as a car approached in Aberdeen, Washington. The engine of the  1/3/1971 #25973  
airport personnel at Dyce Airport, Aberdeen, Scotland at 12:15 p.m. It was  11/9/1991 #40223  
                                   ABERDEEN, SCOTLAND Black triangle with l 12/31/1994 #41922  
                      Ripley, Ohio Aberdeen, Ohio Tollesboro, Kentucky Jack 10/16/1996 #43073  
es. Charles Fite and Bill Adams in Aberdeen, Ohio, see several lights to th 10/16/1996 #43073  
 Kirkwall Airport Orkney, Scotland Aberdeen Phoenix About 11:20 a.m. Writer 5/30/1997 #43302  
ard British Airways Flight 8773 to Aberdeen when she notices a silvery chev 5/30/1997 #43302  
## Word: "aberfeldie" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR ABERFELDIE, SCOTLAND Shepherd. 2 ovoids  12/31/1994 #41918  
## Word: "aberg" (Back to Top)
 eleven o'clock at night, Dr. Axel Aberg Cobo, a Professor of Human Relatio 1/25/1968 #23700  
## Word: "abergavenny" (Back to Top)
                                   ABERGAVENNY, WALES Artist stops. Draws h 8/14/1974 (approximate) #29342  
## Word: "aberystwyth" (Back to Top)
                                   ABERYSTWYTH, WALES 14 observer(s). Night 5/22/1909 #771  
## Word: "abete" (Back to Top)
f the Italian Parliament—Giancarlo Abete, Publio Fiori, Alessandro Scajola, 7/10/1984 #37390  
## Word: "abetting" (Back to Top)
 Las Vegas, Nevada, for aiding and abetting a prostitution ring. The charge 6/5/1990 #39606  
## Word: "abeytas" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Abeytas” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT     11/5/1970 #25901  
## Word: "abeywickrema" (Back to Top)
waheta 10:45 p.m. Tea planter Parl Abeywickrema, his two assistants Oswin d 7/17/1971 #26234  
rizon. Soon it approaches the, and Abeywickrema orders the driver to stop.  7/17/1971 #26234  
the same area that night, and both Abeywickrema and Wijesinghe report seein 7/17/1971 #26234  
## Word: "abidjan" (Back to Top)
                                   ABIDJAN, IVORY COAST, AFR 3 observer(s). 10/3/1952 #8087  
 At 1:30 a.m. a UFO zigzagged over Abidjan, Ivory Coast. That evening, at C 10/3/1952 #8090  
 was seen over a road northwest of Abidjan, Ivory Coast. A car stalled in t 7/17/1971 #26235  
                       NORTHWEST / ABIDJAN, IVORY COAST 2 / car going south 7/18/1971 #26236  
## Word: "abilene" (Back to Top)
                    Dyess AFB near Abilene, Texas Mexican border near Del R 12/6/1950 #5330  
are being tested at Dyess AFB near Abilene, Texas, radar catches a UFO on a 12/6/1950 #5330  
                            EAST / ABILENE, TX Many / DC4. Green glowing-cy 11/2/1951 #5758  
                                   Abilene, Texas 7:15 a.m. The crew of an  11/2/1951 #5763  
an Airlines DC-4 is flying east of Abilene, Texas, at 4,500 feet. They see  11/2/1951 #5763  
lowing cigar shaped object east of Abilene, Texas. The object paced the air 11/2/1951 #5764  
                                   ABILENE, TX 2+girl / 6. 15M silver round 7/23/1952 #7048  
                                   Abilene, TX Oblong polished metal object 8/17/1952 #7626  
                           SOUTH / ABILENE, KS Truck lights electro-magneti 8/4/1965 #19297  
                                   Abilene, TX Domed disc swooped over truc 8/4/1965 #19309  
                                   Abilene, Kansas Truck driver Don Tenopir 8/4/1965 #19313  
pir had reached a point 35 km from Abilene, going toward Lincoln, when his  8/4/1965 #19313  
                                   Abilene, KS E-M effects on truck, domed  8/4/1965 #19317  
                  State Highway 15 Abilene Elmo, Kansas 1:30 a.m. Don Tenop 8/4/1965 #19319  
Highway 15 about 25 miles south of Abilene (near Elmo, Kansas), when all hi 8/4/1965 #19319  
ng off rays in spurts. He stops in Abilene to report his sighting to Abilen 8/4/1965 #19319  
 Abilene to report his sighting to Abilene Reflector-Chronicle reporter Ed  8/4/1965 #19319  
 had reached a point 25 miles from Abilene, Texas when his headlights blink 8/4/1965 #19321  
                         Dyess AFB Abilene, Texas Offutt AFB Bellevue, Nebr 10/1973 #27902  
tationed at Dyess AFB southwest of Abilene, Texas, when a major alert goes  10/1973 #27902  
                            EAST / ABILENE, TX 2 / light plane and 2 / USAF 10/26/1977 #32611  
                           Between Abilene and Dallas, TX Red sphere ahead  10/26/1977 #32615  
                    Dyess AFB near Abilene, Texas Dallas Fort Worth Air Rou 10/26/1977 #32617  
 p.m. En route from Dyess AFB near Abilene, Texas, to Dallas, cruising at 1 10/26/1977 #32617  
f a USAF T-38 aircraft flying from Abilene to Dallas, Texas. It departed in 10/26/1977 #32620  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Abilene” YieldMax: 20KT                  4/7/1988 #38536  
similar at Dyess Air Force Base in Abilene, Texas. He does not speculate on 2005 #44804  
## Word: "abilities" (Back to Top)
k up clouds with his psychokinetic abilities.                               Summer 1951 #5549  
ogy, discovers that a person’s ESP abilities are enhanced when they are pla 10/1952 #8074  
ntcomm” (intuitive communications) abilities to community with non-human in 1/1963 #17625  
butes his psychic and precognitive abilities to UFO occupants who operated  1969 #24803  
again in the future. Extraordinary abilities follow, including his ability  3/23/1974 #28936  
uggestion. Most claim some psychic abilities, and many report a feeling of  5/23/1980 #35340  
 trauma could improve a user’s psi abilities. Of note, Operation Midnight C 8/4/2008 #45155  
## Word: "ability" (Back to Top)
 that the experience gives him the ability to levitate, see through walls,  5/1928 #1085  
“evasive controlled tactics and an ability to perform tight circles, quick  11/18/1948 #3880  
round it repeatedly. They have the ability to reverse their course 180° ins 6/29/1949 #4256  
rcraft and then apparently has the ability to hover, because the movement o 1/12/1950 #4484  
t, and in 1954–1960 he claimed the ability to break up clouds with his psyc Summer 1951 #5549  
ich heads south at 500 mph. “Their ability to make tight circling turns was 7/16/1952 #6844  
xieties,” “hypnotically increasing ability to learn and recall complex writ 5/11/1953 #8875  
inations, “hypnotically increasing ability to observe and recall complex ar 5/11/1953 #8875  
s it is stationary, but it has the ability to change direction and height a 10/1954 #10537  
 unit, impairing its investigative ability.                                 7/1957 #13765  
f things as they were without [the ability] to react." This sensation laste 9/16/1957 #14002  
rs are investigated to improve the ability to control the problem.          9/29/1959 #15999  
um speed of 20 knots and shows the ability to traverse a ditch 6 feet acros 6/9/1961 #16722  
s speed, acceleration, ceiling and ability to decelerate exceed any aircraf 11/19/1964 #18629  
t they are impressed with Cassie’s ability to recall UFO cases mentioned in 6/20/1968 #24054  
erest in UFOs as entities with the ability to master sophisticated technolo 6/26/1968 #24084  
 to orange-red and green, with the ability to hover, accelerate rapidly, an 10/24/1968 #24587  
ry abilities follow, including his ability to disrupt a compass needle, see 3/23/1974 #28936  
 examine him after he recovers his ability to speak a few days later. He re 3/24/1978 #33078  
ns Subcommittee about the “alleged ability of unknown aircraft to penetrate 12/20/1978 #34183  
he is concerned about the “alleged ability of unknown aircraft to penetrate 12/20/1978 #34186  
portant attribute of matter is its ability to pervade through other matter. 9/20/1979 #34909  
crews of androids that possess the ability to appear and disappear at will  7/31/1981 #36047  
n front of the boat. They lose the ability to move and soon lose consciousn 7/31/1981 #36048  
ut human history. (5) The apparent ability of UFOs to manipulate space and  6/1989 #38970  
ues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or know 1995 #41923  
g systems. He writes that a crew’s ability to perform its duties safely is  10/15/2000 #44056  
to the existence of UFOs and their ability to neutralize American and Russi 9/27/2010 #45298  
missile site temporarily loses its ability to communicate with 50 of its Mi 10/23/2010 #45303  
in advantage of the system was its ability to provide uncued data on new ob 10/1/2013 #45388  
roup were interfering with AATIP’s ability to collect and analyze UAP data  5/26/2021 #45691  
wise, long duration flight, and an ability to submerge into the water. Some 6/25/2021 #45694  
cal study and the GAO is given the ability to perform a later “audit.”  htt 12/6/2022 #45785  
## Word: "abingdon" (Back to Top)
                                   ABINGDON, ENGL Astronomer and Scientist  6/17/1966 #20571  
                                   ABINGDON, ENGL Silver triangle with yell 12/2/1978 #34046  
                              NEAR ABINGDON, VA 7-8 reports. Red night ligh 7/8/1995 #42293  
gular craft was seen hovering over Abingdon, Harford County, Maryland, movi 5/3/2007 #45025  
## Word: "abington" (Back to Top)
                                   ABINGTON, PA Squadron / saucers circles  5/6/1950 #4925  
s for 20 minutes above the city of Abington, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvani 5/6/1950 #4928  
                                   ABINGTON, MASS 3+3 observer(s) / (seen t 4/17/1966 #20311  
                                   Abington, Berkshire, UK 8:50 p.m. LT. Tw 6/17/1966 #20572  
                                   Abington, VA 9:00 p.m. EST (8:00 p.m. CS 2/14/1967 #21549  
BELGIUM Ovoid seen. Same seen over Abington, Berks, Engl / 2130hrs. No furt 9/22/1973 #27852  
                                   ABINGTON, IN 5 / car. Dark object hovers 12/16/1978 #34147  
 night on a road one-mile south of Abington, Indiana the witnesses’s car en 12/16/1978 #34159  
## Word: "abiquiu" (Back to Top)
                         US Hwy 84 Abiquiu Espanola, New Mexico Evening. Tw 4/25/1964 #18204  
rists driving on US Hwy 84 between Abiquiu and Espanola, New Mexico, see a  4/25/1964 #18204  
## Word: "abitibi" (Back to Top)
                      In La Sarre, Abitibi, Quebec at 10:30 a.m. a nine-yea 11/28/1972 #27151  
## Word: "abiut" (Back to Top)
 the contrail makes a similar turn abiut 10,000 feet above him. As he retur 10/1/1954 #10565  
## Word: "abkhaz" (Back to Top)
                          SUKHUMI, ABKHAZ ASSR Engineers / (seen thru) bino 10/3/1967 (approximate) #23169  
                       NOVYY AFON, ABKHAZ ASSR, GEORGIAN SSR Saucer seen. G 10/18/1967 #23252  
                       TKVARCHELI, ABKHAZ ASSR, GEORGIAN SSR Crescent flies 10/18/1967 #23255  
## Word: "abkhazia" (Back to Top)
                       NOVYY AFON, ABKHAZIA Astronomer. Saucer / lit portho 9/24/1965 #19594  
## Word: "ablain" (Back to Top)
                        LIEVIN AND ABLAIN, PDC, FR 100 observer(s). Cylinde 10/3/1954 #10648  
## Word: "ablaze" (Back to Top)
rectangular section / Portola Road ablaze. Metal pellets found.             8/28/1954 #10194  
alarmed when his yard seemed to be ablaze. Rushing out again, he saw a disk 10/1/1954 #10562  
alarmed when his yard looked to be ablaze. Rushing outside, he saw a disc r 10/1/1954 #10579  
rface, and the forest seemed to be ablaze as the witnesses drove away in fe 7/24/1967 #22725  
rface, and the forest seemed to be ablaze as the witnesses drove away in fe 7/24/1967 #22726  
report a noiseless triangular UFO “ablaze with lights.” One report describe 2/1989 #38814  
## Word: "able" (Back to Top)
he light through binoculars and is able to see a large object supporting an 11/22/1896 #348  
 the ground that the occupants are able to talk to passersby.               9/30/1909 #813  
 close to the three children, were able to witness the apparition of the La 10/13/1917 #971  
ice at them and they are no longer able to move forward. The little men bow Early 8/1939 #1312  
d months behind. Instead, they are able to begin thinking about how to crea 6/26/1941 #1366  
rth Sea, At Sea A wingless object, able to stop in mid-flight and travel th 4/7/1945 #1840  
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Able” Yield: 21KT                        6/30/1946 #2018  
     Bikini Atoll Marshall Islands Able nuclear test, Bikini Atoll, Marshal 7/1/1946 #2024  
etonation. The drones can fly into Able’s mushroom cloud, which would have  7/1/1946 #2024  
ockets called V-3 and V-4 that are able to fly a round trip of 700 miles.   8/6/1946 #2107  
n Siberia are producing (or may be able to produce) 1,400 (or 1,800) aircra 6/9/1947 #2315  
; and Wilcox believes they will be able to find the debris field. KGFL repo 7/6/1947 #2807  
h voicing their opinion. No one is able to identify the crash debris.       7/8/1947 #3012  
isc above and ahead of him. He was able to re-start the plane by putting th 7/23/1947 #3220  
he AFSWP code-names the base “Site Able.”                                   8/1947 #3277  
 describes a later Horten craft as able to fly at 1,200 mph because it is p 11/1947 #3474  
though temporarily blinded, he was able to glide the plane to a landing.    6/16/1948 #3672  
ervation at another site, LaPaz is able to triangulate its flight path as 7 12/20/1948 #3936  
re responsive to sunlight and were able to make right or wrong judgements l 1949 #3947  
ove the horizon. Cpl. Luke Sims is able to run 10 paces to a field telephon 3/8/1949 #4041  
disc land behind a hill. They were able to walk up to it and touch it. It w 4/8/1950 #4832  
 Military intelligence when he was able to cross into West Germany two year 6/17/1950 #4992  
navy men (Petty Officer Carter and Able Seaman Connelly) at Royal Canadian  6/30/1950 #5028  
ing Saucers exist, we haven’t been able to duplicate their performance, it’ 9/15/1950 #5177  
lding for a better look. Fowler is able to watch it through a theodolite us 11/26/1950 #5287  
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Able” Yield: 1KT                         1/27/1951 #5418  
r drops the first atomic bomb, the Able blast, for testing in the US onto a 1/27/1951 #5419  
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Able” YieldMax: .1KT                     10/22/1951 #5742  
ts a stimoceiver (a tiny electrode able to receive and transmit signals ove 1952 #5837  
ackland AFB The now-completed Site Able is renamed Manzano Base, New Mexico 2/22/1952 #5920  
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Able” Yield: 1KT                         4/1/1952 #6014  
f light at the witnesses, who were able to avoid being hit by them by jumpi 4/25/1952 #6187  
ormation, and we only seemed to be able to track them for about three miles 7/19/1952 #6935  
ted their reserves. While Hagan is able to glide to the runway and achieve  11/1/1952 #8228  
lls ADC to say that he will not be able to conduct the ADC UFO briefing tou 12/22/1952 #8442  
ble. With this modification, he is able to leave RAF Boscombe Down [now MoD Spring 1953 #8766  
ough a seam that neither woman was able to see. At this point both women we 8/20/1954 #10158  
p. When it tilted, the witness was able to observe regulatorlike devices in 8/30/1954 #10209  
top. When the object tilted he was able to see regulator-looking devices in 8/30/1954 #10210  
ortholes on the front. He was also able to distinguish a vague dark silhoue 10/6/1954 #10758  
eadlights came on again and he was able to restart his truck.               10/11/1954 #10928  
eadlights came on again and he was able to restart his truck.               10/11/1954 #10944  
e walks back with his moped and is able to start it again.                  10/14/1954 #11060  
ards Tinquex. The witness was then able to recover his freedom of movement. 10/17/1954 #11180  
d with motor oil.” Once Pugina was able to grasp a bunch of keys in his han 10/18/1954 #11225  
rain. After 15 min the witness was able to approach the site, and he found  10/20/1954 #11271  
. After 15 minutes the witness was able to approach the site, and he found  10/20/1954 #11280  
r the next 2O min, the witness was able to observe the six men, apparently  10/23/1954 #11338  
ext twenty minutes the witness was able to observe the six men, apparently  10/23/1954 #11344  
paralyzed with terror, but she was able to regain self-control when called  10/27/1954 #11455  
nly flipped over. Therefore, I was able to see the whole disk and was amaze 11/3/1954 #11547  
nly flipped over. Therefore, I was able to see the whole disc and was amaze 11/3/1954 #11548  
 The blue light goes out and he is able to move again and restart his moped 11/8/1954 #11600  
 take off, land vertically, and be able to hover. It may cruise at 1,500 kn 12/1954 #11736  
nited States air defense system be able to detect, identify, intercept and  12/1954 #11736  
ing over California. The plane was able to make a safe emergency landing.   1/14/1955 #11934  
uster flying erratically. Speer is able to maintain visual contact, calling 7/5/1955 #12238  
igh rate of speed" the object "was able to reverse its course completely".  7/2/1956 #12948  
ose enough that the witnesses were able to describe square windows visible  7/12/1956 #12968  
. Clark moves the telescope and is able to see it again for another 10 seco 9/8/1956 #13208  
 things as they were without being able to react." This sensation lasted tw 9/16/1957 #13999  
ft in a manner the witness was not able to comprehend, because he saw no do 11/6/1957 #14436  
ewspaper about the disc, and he is able to recover it for £10 from a man wh 11/21/1957 #14590  
off spinning. The witness was then able to start her car. She noted that th 1/1958 #14790  
sappears in 5–10 seconds. They are able to start the car and drive into Tow 10/26/1958 #15385  
 were conducted on them. They were able to see a "mother ship" and other cr 3/19/1959 #15654  
gas, saw the object. Radar was not able to track it. The Air Force said non 6/17/1959 #15772  
questions were put to her, she was able to answer quickly and easily, appar 7/9/1959 #15829  
. All the time the witness was not able to move a muscle, holding a flashli 10/16/1959 #16035  
n his hand. Somehow he was finally able to turn the flashlight on and when  10/16/1959 #16035  
ilent. Some minutes later they are able to start the car again. Personnel a 11/16/1959 #16089  
und, glowing aerial object. He was able to take a photograph of the luminou 3/2/1960 #16192  
 his experiments, the subjects are able to hear appropriately pulsed microw 1961 #16547  
 foreign cipher system, Harvest is able to scan more than 7 million decrypt 1/1962 #17015  
 at high speed. The witnesses were able to approach to within 500 feet of t 8/25/1964 #18510  
efore he lost consciousness he was able to tie himself to the tree trunk wi 9/4/1964 #18535  
ect. In one of the windows she was able to see an occupant. When the occupa 5/30/1965 #18977  
der self hypnosis, the witness was able to recall walking up to the UFO and 5/30/1965 #18977  
e for awhile. When she finally was able to reach her window and look out, s 8/20/1965 #19441  
. After 10 min, the witnesses were able to start their car and leave. They  3/26/1966 #20090  
fter 10 minutes the witnesses were able to start their car and leave. They  3/26/1966 #20095  
riving and nearly crashed, but was able to stop the car. He then saw brilli 4/4/1966 #20225  
 valley about 300 feet away. He is able to take a photograph of it as it as 11/22/1966 #21141  
was wobbling and noiseless. He was able to take a photograph of the object  12/18/1966 #21210  
his lights came back on and he was able to start the car normally. Several  1/11/1967 #21288  
ge, flattened, spherical. They are able to remain stationary in the atmosph 2/1967 #21431  
eappear at will. Besides, they are able to affect our power resources, putt 2/1967 #21431  
ward in a zigzag motion and she is able to film some of its maneuvers. Subs 2/17/1967 #21586  
its. When the UFO leaves, they are able to start it up again.               3/21/1967 #21937  
 car to a main road where they are able to restart it. They find three roun 4/8/1967 #22095  
ject chased car, hovered above it; able to restart engine after UFO sped aw 5/26/1967 #22402  
udent, and his mother-in- law were able to observe two spherical objects fl 10/25/1967 #23317  
ltitude of about 15 meters. He was able to restart the car, but made the re 10/26/1967 #23335  
UFO's flashing lights the men were able to see that the being was no more t 11/2/1967 #23392  
 an abduction that the witness was able to provide.                         12/25/1967 #23609  
 For the first time, the report is able to present an estimate of the amoun 1/21/1968 #23684  
, but the radio still fails. He is able to restart his car engine after the 3/4/1968 #23824  
in an alien language, which he was able to understand telepathically. The b 6/4/1968 #24006  
rarily immobilized him, but he was able to break free and fled home in terr 7/1/1968 #24119  
yard. Before it disappears, she is able to observe several human-looking fi 7/22/1968 #24204  
ard. Before it disappeared she was able to observe several human-looking fi 7/22/1968 #24205  
s remained paralyzed without being able to move. Moments later there emerge 7/25/1968 #24227  
e of the woman's college, Webb was able to track the second witness down by 8/7/1968 #24308  
m moved away from his truck he was able to start the engine again. He follo 3/4/1969 #24963  
he north and the witness was again able to move. The entities were non-huma 3/12/1969 #25002  
ickness. Through binoculars he was able to see that two humanoid figures—on 3/19/1969 #25031  
red his energy and made him better able to comprehend what the alien was tr 5/4/1969 #25115  
en returned to the site. They were able to locate a fresh trail through the 5/11/1969 #25128  
nitted in record time,” and he was able to walk again, without even a limp. 8/11/1969 #25317  
to do until, finally, he was again able to start the car and proceed.       8/19/1969 #25324  
s a strange, heavy odor, but he is able to get the car started again.       10/3/1969 #25395  
y ultraterrestrials—beings who are able to manipulate matter and our senses 1970 #25519  
rm upward. At this point they were able to see that the figure was wearing  8/24/1970 #25802  
hey weren't the only ones who were able to catch an image of a UFO using a  12/24/1970 #25952  
 amnesia of the event. He was only able to recall the incident on a later d 8/25/1971 #26305  
the brilliant luminance he was not able to make out any additional details. 11/2/1971 #26450  
or over six minutes, and they were able to view the UFO through binoculars. 4/15/1972 #26647  
e. One mile from the site Reid was able to communicate with security, and h 10/14/1972 #27077  
pproached the witnesses, they were able to see that it was pancake shaped,  12/4/1972 #27162  
 between 300 MHz to 3GHz, Sharp is able to identify words that are broadcas 1973 #27200  
ted past the scene, and Sharon was able to see the orange glow spread acros 2/4/1973 #27270  
of consciousness, in which she was able to describe to the two passengers i 2/22/1973 #27310  
 first UFO scientific field study, able to monitor the phenomena in real-ti 4/1973 #27397  
nd dizziness, she was nevertheless able to call out for help to her neighbo 5/27/1973 #27535  
the object departed before she was able to respond. When her neighbor arriv 5/27/1973 #27535  
vement to the degree where she was able to drop all previous anti-hypertens 5/27/1973 #27535  
she will recall the formula and be able to reproduce it on a piece of drawi 8/4/1973 #27683  
ark complexion. The witnesses were able to see the figure close up, at a di 8/16/1973 #27706  
ynecological exam. The beings were able to read her mind. One of the humans 10/16/1973 #28093  
en feet from the creature, and was able to describe it as having a triangul 10/20/1973 #28222  
ockpit" at one end. Inside she was able to see three "hooded figures." She  10/24/1973 #28270  
then began to feel weak and barely able to move. One of the beings approach 10/28/1973 #28311  
ther Alitalia DC-9 reports: “I was able to observe the object … notified by 11/30/1973 #28490  
stars are on the map, she might be able to determine where the UFO came fro 1/1974 #28637  
ht light, within the light she was able to see a tall man wearing a tight-f 1/8/1974 #28669  
ase him. He got in his car and was able to escape, but noticed heavy static 3/20/1974 #28915  
p.m. the man saw it again, and was able to approach, first in his car and t 3/31/1974 #28979  
s in high, squeaky voices. She was able to see their features well because  5/7/1974 #29093  
ith paranoid schizophrenia, he was able to recall futher details. He rememb 6/8/1974 #29173  
ice was then told that he would be able to see him when he left the car, an 8/1/1974 #29298  
s in tow." The witnesses were then able to move again, and made their escap 8/5/1974 #29311  
elmets, through which she was only able to see "small, beady, very shiny ey 9/3/1974 #29418  
windshield of her car, and she was able to see an insignia on the UFO that  9/3/1974 #29418  
, and disappears. The witness then able to start his car and continue on hi 11/1974 #29575  
ess stumps, they were nevertheless able to pull out large clumps of Diaz's, 1/5/1975 #29723  
 is orbiting the Earth, and he was able to see several satellites in outer  4/22/1975 #30000  
fter the objects leave, Montiel is able to lower his landing gear manually  5/3/1975 #30026  
f an hour and a half. He later was able to recall an abduction by two Grey  8/13/1975 #30262  
f an hour and a half. He later was able to recall an abduction by two Grey  8/13/1975 #30265  
south-west sky. Both officers were able to observe the objects for a period 10/4/1975 #30416  
ORAD’s radar. The F-106s are never able to get a clear sighting of the seve 11/7/1975 #30576  
“had a very close sighting and was able to witness a type of vehicle that d 1/21/1976 #30810  
as dispatched to the scene and was able to observe the objects for about fi 2/19/1976 #30884  
an opening in the craft. Fidel was able to see numerous multi-colored light 4/23/1976 #31019  
 again it had disappeared. She was able to restart her car and drove home.  6/11/1976 #31103  
al hours of missing time, but were able to recall their experience through  6/20/1976 #31117  
m one over a man's leg, but he was able to escape.                          9/9/1976 #31365  
 turn transparent. Inside, she was able to see three or four human like fig 10/31/1976 #31512  
then disappears and the couple are able to drive off.                       11/14/1976 #31548  
muscles were paralyzed, but he was able to run outside. When he returned it 12/12/1976 #31596  
d like a rugby ball. All three are able to see through a row of windows on  1/21/1977 #31742  
ht problems and des not seem to be able to accelerate. When they approach t 2/22/1977 #31839  
search of a red glow without being able to overtake it.                     4/1/1977 #31938  
e eastern US. Stringfield is later able to visit Doctor X and a colleague o 5/1977 #32042  
onary for 3 minutes, and Leming is able to take three photographs, only one 8/17/1977 #32409  
 car. The two women witnesses were able to evade the object by accelerating 8/28/1977 #32438  
One of the witnesses claimed to be able to see a humanoid figure with a fro 8/30/1977 #32442  
he woman opened the window and was able to see one of the lights dim, then  10/6/1977 #32555  
e incident, so that no one will be able to say their captain is drunk or cr 10/7/1977 #32559  
s of light at the officer, who was able to take cover and was unhurt. He th 11/13/1977 #32672  
ddenly becomes clear to him. He is able to make out the complete form of a  1/1/1978 #32841  
gh October 15. They are ultimately able to recover 12 large pieces of the s 1/24/1978 #32912  
s unable to move. However, she was able to see out the window and saw a lum 2/15/1978 #32971  
lysis subsided and she was finally able to move. The dome-shaped machine th 2/15/1978 #32971  
 days later in the hospital he was able to talk about what had happened to  3/24/1978 #33079  
ch its feet, since the witness was able to observe gold-colored laceless sh 5/2/1978 #33185  
ing noise. The witness was finally able to flee the area.                   7/9/1978 #33362  
mething. The only movement she was able to make was to raise her arms to he 7/11/1978 #33368  
oments later the witness was again able to move. She ran to notify her fami 7/11/1978 #33368  
der and climbed in. Inside, he was able to see a panel with buttons, tables 9/6/1978 #33640  
the windows in the craft they were able to see several figures that seemed  9/20/1978 #33718  
 finally disappeared and they were able to move they went to check on their 9/24/1978 #33744  
e west of the object. The men were able to move across the difficult terrai 10/2/1978 #33791  
ed square windows. One witness was able to see several human-like figures s 11/11/1978 #33944  
ed square windows. One witness was able to see several human-like figures s 11/11/1978 #33946  
em works, however, and workers are able to alert their boss, who steps outs 11/21/1978 #33974  
others. After that the witness was able to understand the beings and was to 12/6/1978 #34070  
he lights approached Marinelli was able to make out two short human-like fi 12/12/1978 #34099  
he lights approached Marinelli was able to make out two short human-like fi 12/12/1978 #34102  
ing from sight. Marinelli was soon able to start his car's engine and drove 12/12/1978 #34102  
ine, which the local UFO group was able to photograph before the snow melte 1/4/1979 #34296  
ine, which the local UFO group was able to photograph before the snow melte 1/5/1979 #34304  
th these two strange beings he was able to start his engine. That same even 1/19/1979 #34362  
s cattle mutilation conference was able to reach any relevant conclusions g 2/16/1979 #34431  
s the camera and runs, but is only able to get about 30 feet before he is c 5/16/1979 #34563  
his Kodak camera with him, and was able to take a snapshot of the object be 5/16/1979 #34564  
d the camera and ran, but was only able to get about 10 meters before he be 5/16/1979 #34564  
aveling at 20–25 mph, and they are able to overtake it flying parallel to t 6/10/1979 #34605  
hing on Great Bear Lake. They were able to take 12 photographs of the objec 7/16/1979 #34658  
ada at around 11:00 a.m. They were able to take 12 photographs of the objec 7/16/1979 #34659  
res. Under hypnosis the mother was able to recall several strange beings wi 8/19/1979 #34760  
s stood about 80 feet away and was able to see shadowy figures appearing at 9/26/1979 #34929  
r the next hour. They seemed to be able to move around from one place to an 10/7/1979 #34951  
deways across the road, but she is able to drive it home. She can still see 1/21/1980 #35141  
Very worried, as soon as they were able to leave the "cloud" they drove to  5/7/1980 #35317  
It was close enough that they were able to feel heat from the object. (NICA 10/5/1980 #35555  
It was close enough that they were able to feel heat from the object.       10/5/1980 #35557  
hip weapons to Iran. Sick is never able to prove his claims, but the eviden 10/15/1980 #35569  
evelopment, these weapons would be able to induce illness or death at littl 12/1980 #35686  
rwent hypnotic regression, and was able to remember some of what had happen 12/31/1980 #35759  
hrough an open port he was briefly able to see a humanoid figure apparently 9/1981 #36097  
being inside a sphere where he was able to perceive numerous lights and mov 9/11/1981 #36110  
being inside a sphere where he was able to perceive numerous lights and mov 9/12/1981 #36112  
e source of the lights. He was now able to see a two-meter tall humanoid st 10/24/1981 #36185  
ng any noise until the witness was able to notice what appeared to be a tra End of 1981 #36240  
tion all over the body. He was not able to move as the truck rises up in th 12/15/1981 #36256  
d as the object approached. He was able to see two figures that seemed clot 9/1982 #36589  
, IA Looking out the window he was able to see glowing green colored disc s 10/1982 #36624  
e lights lit up the ground. He was able to shoot some movie film of the UFO 12/31/1982 #36732  
e lights lit up the ground. He was able to shoot some movie film of the UFO 12/31/1982 #36734  
a command post exercise code-named Able Archer 83. Its purpose is to simula 11/7/1983 #37044  
 the Naval War College, argue that Able Archer 83 brought the world close t 11/7/1983 #37044  
At a traffic light, the witness is able to take three photographs of the di 3/7/1985 #37566  
 Cruz AFB. Capt. Marcio Jordao was able to approach within 12 miles of an U 5/19/1986 #37874  
s, Capt. Marcio Brisola Jordão, is able to approach within 12 miles of an u 5/19/1986 #37881  
fighters. Only one of the jets was able to make visual contact. The jets cl 5/19/1986 #37882  
ched humming sound. He was finally able to restart the car and drove away.  6/20/1986 #37918  
f the encounter and has never been able to subsequently become pregnant.    1/25/1987 #38104  
mani, Zimbabwe. The witnesses were able to see two men inside the craft. On 1/29/1987 #38106  
eir skulls and the woman was again able to hear the loud high-pitched hummi 3/7/1987 #38133  
ding him down. When he was finally able to move, he ran back to the house a 12/2/1987 #38348  
ree feet above the roadway. He was able to grab his shotgun and got out of  1/12/1988 #38411  
ack into his truck and was somehow able to start it; he then drove quickly  1/12/1988 #38411  
ke an electrical shock, and he was able to move again. The creatures then s 5/1/1988 #38551  
m self-destructing and claim to be able to exert mind control on people whe 3/1989 #38855  
s then told that she would soon be able to walk. After that the man and the 4/18/1989 #38908  
her to "get up and leave." She was able to do so and was apparently cured,  4/18/1989 #38908  
iod of missing time. Later she was able to recall that she had been taken o 5/1/1989 #38933  
lock in the morning. She was later able to recall that several 3 to 4 foot  6/29/1989 #38997  
Being a veterinary surgeon, he was able to determine that the creature was  8/10/1989 #39051  
eing suddenly vanished and she was able to move again. Her muscles were sor 8/10/1989 #39053  
 an amber, elliptical UFO. She was able to discern its top and bottom.      9/16/1989 #39107  
his point Anna calmed down and was able to rise from the pavement. In the m 10/8/1989 #39150  
nother backup copy, and Johnson is able to merge the two sources and recrea 1990 #39349  
h between the two groups. They are able to move extremely fast, estimated b 8/24/1990 #39701  
 seemed to be human, but were also able to read the witness's mind. The str 12/31/1990 #39931  
 light years from earth. They were able to travel such vast distance using  1/26/1991 #39966  
d. A few of the witnesses were not able to see the figures completely, and  8/13/1991 #40152  
g light. Through the glare she was able to see a four-foot tall being guidi 3/4/1992 #40354  
at the “Nevada Testing Range” were able to polarize molecules by modifying  5/13/1992 #40463  
 It approached and the witness was able to see a tall, thin humanoid behind 6/3/1992 #40485  
is about 600– 900 feet away and is able to see that it is a solid object th 8/19/1992 #40583  
ding directly beside Paca, was not able to see anything. According to Paca  9/24/1992 #40639  
amel" colored. She suddenly became able to move again, but when she attempt 9/24/1992 #40639  
ession, the first investigator was able to recall that the UFO stopped and  3/16/1993 #40886  
ards Mount Rainier. Brian was then able to restart his truck and drive away 4/19/1993 #40944  
ground. Using binoculars they were able to see several very tall human-like 5/28/1993 #40993  
 side of the road. Later they were able to recall how they had stopped thei 8/8/1993 #41118  
the road. When it flew away he was able to restart the truck.               4/17/1994 #41495  
kly vanished from sight. They were able to take some photographs, which sho 8/31/1994 #41708  
nfused at this point.; he was only able to remember seeing huge eyes and 12 9/11/1994 #41734  
w. From this vanntage point he was able to see the stars, and got a good lo 9/11/1994 #41734  
ntly back to her bed where she was able to move and immediately checked her 12/15/1994 #41895  
edibly the short gray creature was able to run twice around the moving vehi 4/3/1995 #42138  
trinated into PPD and would not be able to exit until PPD allowed it. Sherm Mid 1995 #42258  
 Harwinton, Connecticut. They were able to get out of their minivan and wat 7/15/1995 #42305  
r one sighting episode when he was able to photograph the strange craft, th 8/15/1995 #42389  
utside. The husband was eventually able to move and got up to look out the  12/4/1995 #42638  
up the garden. When they were both able to move they went to check on their 12/4/1995 #42638  
umerous windows and inside she was able to see several gray-colored figures 12/13/1995 #42642  
t hypnotic regression. He was then able to remember that he had hopped off  2/6/1996 #42743  
then followed the objects and were able to see a brilliant light emerge fro 2/23/1996 #42776  
e police officer had not even been able to comprehend the uncanny experienc 4/15/1996 #42870  
indows. Inside one of these he was able to see several figures moving aroun 5/6/1996 #42898  
e moved forward again he was again able to see it. Suddenly he saw three fi 7/16/1996 #42959  
guage that the witness was somehow able to understand, the humanoid told Br 12/9/1996 #43133  
an incredible speed. B. C. was now able to move and he returned to his kitc 1/5/1997 #43166  
trical system sputtered. Tosti was able to discern a metallic, disc-shaped  5/19/1997 #43300  
trium-barium-coper-oxide (YBCO) is able to reduce the mass of an object sus 8/1/1997 #43364  
fter struggling for awhile she was able to move and sat up in bed. It took  9/11/1997 #43405  
fter struggling for awhile she was able to move and sat up in bed. It took  9/12/1997 #43407  
oximately one mile. They were then able to see that one was triangular and  10/13/1997 #43427  
n he woke up in the morning he was able to recall standing naked in an oval 10/15/1997 #43429  
rridor. Her husband apparently was able to see the figure run from the bedr 4/27/1998 #43559  
ey left the room together. She was able to look out a window and saw a view 7/11/1998 #43601  
omentarily blinded and when he was able to focus again the object had disap 9/25/1998 #43651  
and disappeared and the seven were able to move again.                      11/7/1998 #43678  
. Adair suggests the engine may be able to be powered by mental thought but 1999 #43709  
was unable to. When he was finally able to turn his head, he saw a round ba 7/18/1999 #43807  
nutes of missing time and were not able to share that information with staf 7/31/1999 #43815  
were telepathically ‘released’ and able to do so; the psychologist states “ 7/31/1999 #43815  
 Zodiac is described as a project “able to skirt the military chain of comm 7/31/1999 #43815  
logist Richard Dolan states he was able to figure out who actually wrote th 7/31/1999 #43815  
. Soon afterwards the two men were able to move again. Both suffered from h 11/13/1999 #43880  
 strange sounds, but Maria was not able to understand. He then turned aroun 12/5/1999 #43894  
where over northern Nevada. He was able to calculate that the domed disc-sh 4/23/2000 #43985  
 it injected a liquid. He was then able to move and was told to follow them 7/12/2000 #44015  
 head, and its neck was apparently able to make 180-degree turns. Terrified 7/13/2000 #44016  
er eyes repeatedly and was finally able to open them again. Frightened, she 7/31/2000 #44024  
 illuminating her room. No one was able to identify the source of the light 7/31/2000 #44024  
ppear to be hostile and seem to be able to avoid collisions using extraordi 10/15/2000 #44056  
 on or near the ground, and he was able to see what looked like lighted win 11/30/2000 #44094  
ly as she floated upwards, and was able to move her arms and look around as 5/2/2001 #44174  
tremendous effort, she finally was able to turn around and was confronted b 8/4/2001 #44225  
nown atmospheric light phenomenon “able to produce a luminous power of up t 8/5/2002 #44374  
r the incident, after which he was able to go back to sleep.                1/26/2003 #44480  
ged into the sea but they were not able to find anything.                   6/22/2003 #44557  
was glowing red to blue. They were able to see inside the craft through a s 7/27/2004 #44719  
eturned to normal, but she was not able to move for at least five minutes.  10/27/2004 #44771  
Nimitz has its radar jammed and is able to pick up the object on an infrare 11/14/2004 #44784  
 his front porch at 3:00 a.m., not able to sleep, and his dog was with me.  5/9/2005 #44838  
 a very slow speed. Witnesses were able to see multicolored lights beneath  10/26/2006 #44977  
and walk towards the lake. Vike is able to see fish swimming beneath the su 4/6/2007 #45016  
ve wings or a tail." They were not able to discern its true size or the dis 5/16/2007 #45031  
The study produced a disc that was able to hover a few millimeters above a  12/2011 #45335  
er radio came back on, and she was able to make cell phone contact again wi 6/1/2013 #45369  
s,” according to the pilot, who is able to visually acquire the object and  11/18/2013 #45395  
ts callsign “Giant Killer,” is not able to ascertain the operator. A Navy v 11/18/2013 #45395  
g to the report. The pilot is only able to pass within 1,000 feet of it and 3/26/2014 #45405  
Beach, Virginia. Both aircraft are able to maintain a radar track with the  4/24/2014 #45408  
11,000 feet. The aircraft are also able to lock onto the object with CATM-9 4/24/2014 #45408  
r and pulling in what data they’re able to get from other areas of IC/priva 3/27/2016 #45446  
’ patent describes a craft that is able to manipulate quantum vacuum fluctu 11/2/2017 #45490  
a tumbling solar sail would not be able to accelerate. In response, Loeb wr 10/26/2018 #45541  
ships involved appear to have been able to identify the drones. The Navy, C 7/15/2019 #45593  
also indicates that the bridge was able to see flashing red lights. At 8:50 7/17/2019 #45595  
t the drone is highly modified and able to outperform any other he has seen 2/9/2021 #45676  
nic boom, high maneuverability not able to be replicated otherwise, long du 6/25/2021 #45694  
## Word: "able-bodied" (Back to Top)
t had been unable to walk. The six able-bodied soldiers that were looking a 1922 #1017  
## Word: "ablunt" (Back to Top)
aw a glowing elongated object with ablunt end. lt had a series of four body 6/23/1966 #20595  
## Word: "abm" (Back to Top)
eaty, each party is limited to two ABM complexes, each of which is to be li 5/26/1972 #26689  
 a daylight UFO hovering over some ABM radar domes on top of a ridge of low 9/6/1974 #29427  
## Word: "abma" (Back to Top)
the Army Ballistic Missile Agency (ABMA) produced for the Army a classified 3/20/1959 #15655  
the Army Ballistic Missile Agency (ABMA). A draft DOD Directive shows ABMA  1998 #43481  
ABMA). A draft DOD Directive shows ABMA was considered for transfer into a  1998 #43481  
## Word: "abner" (Back to Top)
ame supposedly comes from the L’il Abner comic strip, which has a place cal 7/1943 #1515  
## Word: "abnormal" (Back to Top)
n a carefully worded report of “an abnormal radio-active contamination” ind 9/9/1949 #4352  
rea of Oak Ridge that indicated an abnormal increase in alpha and gamma ray 11/29/1950 #5300  
on the basis of ignorance.” Also, “Abnormal predisposition to attach belief 5/23/1955 #12151  
am had covered up the fact that an abnormal concentration of magnesium isot Early 9/1957 #13971  
als notice the FAA is checking for abnormal radioactivity, so the Air Force 9/24/1959 #15987  
orthwest, seemingly ready to land. Abnormal radioactivity allegedly was fou 5/17/1964 #18277  
orthwest, appearing ready to land. Abnormal radioactivity was allegedly fou 5/17/1964 #18278  
vening investigators detected some abnormal radiation on the window sill wh 4/24/1966 #20400  
 an oversized head and large eyes, abnormal teeth and mouth, and five finge 8/16/1967 #22885  
 Protection Service, who detect an abnormal amount of radioactivity at the  7/31/1968 #24271  
gnore the light. Thinking this was abnormal, Felicidad yelled to two other  1/6/1969 #24822  
ark. Soil samples revealed nothing abnormal.                                12/25/1971 #26518  
teering control for their vehicle, abnormal cold and silence, translocation 5/31/1974 #29147  
teering control for their vehicle, abnormal cold and silence, translocation 5/31/1974 #29149  
 a sensation of cold and there was abnormal silence. They were then abducte 10/27/1974 #29561  
 his hospital tests showed nothing abnormal. About two weeks later he again 11/12/1976 #31540  
phisticated equipment has found no abnormal radioactivity in the pond and t 1/10/1977 #31715  
luminated by round glowing object, abnormal silence, heat, boat held back a 1/21/1977 #31737  
luminated by round glowing object, abnormal silence, heat, boat held back a 1/21/1977 #31739  
larger object. There was an eerie, abnormal silence that persisted over a m 3/30/1978 #33101  
sed low overhead. They reported an abnormal silence, as they could no longe 4/19/1979 #34514  
t out of the car and experience an abnormal silence; they can no longer hea 4/19/1979 #34515  
sed low overhead. They reported an abnormal silence, as they could no longe 4/19/1979 #34516  
 seen clearly in police spotlight. Abnormal silence. (section V). (NICAP: 0 5/22/1982 #36479  
 seen clearly in police spotlight. Abnormal silence (section V). (NICAP: 02 5/22/1982 #36480  
 seen clearly in police spotlight. Abnormal silence                         5/22/1982 #36481  
Popovich to head the Commission on Abnormal Atmospheric Phenomena. Popovich 3/27/1983 #36817  
s and limbs and small bodies, with abnormal eyes and grey/yellow flesh that 3/16/1991 #40015  
, China, reports medical symptoms (abnormal sensations of sound and pressur 5/23/2018 #45527  
## Word: "abnormalities" (Back to Top)
 no evidence of white matter tract abnormalities” in affected diplomats, be 3/2018 #45520  
## Word: "abnormality" (Back to Top)
iated with a specific neurological abnormality.” On the other hand, they co 2/2/2022 #45737  
## Word: "abnormally" (Back to Top)
 m tall with a beige-gray body, an abnormally large black head, and a waddl 5/10/1957 #13652  
) engine increased its revolutions abnormally during UFO sighting. Engine n 8/31/1958 #15234  
arted. Geiger counter tests showed abnormally high radioactivity in the are 12/21/1964 #18671  
t-tall beings with large heads and abnormally long arms, and heard a sound  10/15/1968 #24563  
room, in which the temperature was abnormally high. Lights in the building  9/21/1972 #27022  
 being's hand, which felt cold and abnormally soft, "like foam rubber". He  11/28/1972 #27150  
 find a patch of ferns that appear abnormally wilted. They collect some pla 5/20/1974 #29119  
Analysis shows that it contains an abnormally high amount of zinc.          8/16/1974 #29362  
akes on the cycle were found to be abnormally worn.                         6/6/1977 #32153  
d comes to pick her up. She sleeps abnormally and exhibits bouts of hysteri 9/20/1979 #34907  
nte Berici, then everything became abnormally quiet. Soon they heard a kind 7/22/1996 #42963  
## Word: "abo" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Abo” YieldMax: 20KT                      10/30/1985 #37696  
## Word: "aboard" (Back to Top)
18–20 years old arrives on a beach aboard a “hollow ship” (Utsuro-bune) tha 2/22/1803 #100  
 km/h/ Duration: 35 min. Witnesses aboard the ship "Vultur"                 5/15/1879 #220  
                         Witnesses aboard the ship "Vultur" in the Persian  5/15/1879 #221  
e. There were eight to ten figures aboard. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)   3/26/1880 #228  
e. There were eight to ten figures aboard. Their language was not understoo 3/26/1880 #229  
e. There were eight to ten figures aboard. Their language was not understoo 3/26/1880 #231  
ure king of England, were cruising aboard "LaBacchante" when an object rese 6/11/1881 #243  
ure king of England, were cruising aboard "La Bacchante" when an object res 6/11/1881 #244  
ure king of England, were cruising aboard "La Bacchante" when a flying obje 6/11/1881 #245  
sing out of the ocean by witnesses aboard the ship "Siberian." It rose to a 11/12/1885 #272  
sing out of the ocean by witnesses aboard the "Siberian." It rose to an alt 11/12/1887 #281  
sing out of the ocean by witnesses aboard the "Siberian." It rose to an alt 11/12/1887 #282  
cific Ocean. Three human occupants aboard guided it to shore and then hid i 12/2/1896 #374  
er airship sighting with occupants aboard was made in Minnetonka, Minnesota 4/11/1897 #438  
ds the North." Two strange figures aboard the craft made efforts to conceal 4/15/1897 #478  
ds the North." Two strange figures aboard the craft made efforts to conceal 4/15/1897 #483  
ith shoulder-length hair were seen aboard the craft and made efforts to con 4/15/1897 #496  
d eye.” The outlines of two people aboard are plainly visible.              4/22/1897 #557  
pe cut the end free, and went back aboard the craft, which flew away toward 4/25/1897 #572  
 cut the end free. He climbed back aboard the craft, which flew away toward 4/25/1897 #575  
 of Guinea 3:05 a.m. Three persons aboard the "Fort Salisbury," including S 10/28/1902 #654  
      Gulf of Guinea Three persons aboard the "Fort Salisbury," including S 10/28/1902 #655  
                         Three men aboard the "Fort Salisbury" steaming in  10/28/1902 #656  
         GULF OF OMAN Mr. Carnagie aboard ship. Spokes / light rotate / wat 6/2/1906 #687  
he grass a large tubelike machine. Aboard were two men wearing furs and tal 5/18/1909 #756  
he grass a large tubelike machine. Aboard were two men wearing furs and tal 5/18/1909 #757  
grass a large tube-shaped machine. Aboard the craft were two men wearing fu 5/18/1909 #759  
) telescope. 12M object with 3 men aboard hovers and maneuvers. 'Flaps abou 5/19/1909 #761  
server with telescope sees figures aboard.                                  5/22/1909 #772  
uth / 300M altitude. 3-4 figure(s) aboard. / L. Farish.                     1/15/1910 #834  
 He approached them, but they went aboard the object as soon as they appear 6/1914 #900  
 Ronald R. Claridge is over France aboard a No. 7 Squadron Lancaster bomber 8/11/1944 #1641  
 lands. No crew! All 10 parachutes aboard.                                  11/23/1944 #1701  
          Aleutian Islands, At Sea Aboard the US attack transport "Delarof, 3/1945 #1801  
                  Aleutian Islands Aboard the US attack transport "Delarof, 3/1945 #1803  
t S. Crawford and 13 other sailors aboard the US Army Transport Delarof see Summer 1945 #1883  
escue search operation caused more aboard a Martin Mariner sea rescue plane 12/5/1945 #1951  
               Three airmen flying aboard an Army Air Force B-25 near Clay  7/6/1947 #2818  
on the plane are ordered to remain aboard until a guard is posted and Marce 7/8/1947 #3019  
 human-like beings were found dead aboard a crashed saucer in NM.           2/13/1948 #3577  
ee other officers and two crew are aboard a York transport aircraft, accomp Late 5/1948 #3654  
ghted by three witnesses in flight aboard a military aircraft. The discs we 8/8/1949 #4314  
this evening in 1949 two witnesses aboard a ferry in Puget Sound bound for  12/17/1949 #4440  
and gives him an assignment at sea aboard the destroyer USS Bristol.        3/1950 #4565  
 Operations Officer Robert Wood is aboard the USS Dyess approximately 125 m 3/1951 #5470  
to each other. They later got back aboard and took off, flying off toward t 8/14/1951 #5605  
t tail or sleeve.” After they were aboard, the bigger UFO turned edgewise a 1952 #5841  
ms of Schare. We have your contact aboard 80,000 feet above this place.” Ot 1/6/1952 #5861  
of Korea 7:35 p.m. Radar operators aboard the aircraft carrier USS Philippi 2/2/1952 #5893  
lver disks were sighted by two men aboard a Carco Air Service cargo plane f 6/28/1952 #6660  
 a BOAC airliner with 22 witnesses aboard tracked a group of at least seven 6/29/1952 #6668  
rns into a metallic craft. He gets aboard and is taken on his first trip in 7/23/1952 #7084  
 later adventures in his 1954 book Aboard a Flying Saucer, ghostwritten by  7/28/1952 #7260  
also observed a "hideous" creature aboard the craft. Grass roots were scorc 8/19/1952 #7646  
bserved a "hideous" short creature aboard the craft. The roots of grass gro 8/19/1952 #7653  
ary persons from several countries aboard ships in the NATO “Operation Main 9/14/1952 #7918  
ary persons from several countries aboard ships in the NATO "Operation Main 9/14/1952 #7934  
y witnesses from several countries aboard ships participating in the NATO " 9/14/1952 #7943  
 Mainbrace and was seen by several aboard several different warshaps. It wa 9/20/1952 #7989  
was photographed by Wallace Litwin aboard the U.S.S. Franklin Delano Roosev 9/20/1952 #7989  
ht. Radioman Tom Kramer is serving aboard the USS Curtiss, the AEC flagship Late 10/1952 #8184  
long with many others on shore and aboard the ship, a silver-white disc hov 1953 #8478  
 out. Ramos thinks they invite him aboard, but he does not answer because h 1/12/1953 #8535  
four dead humanoid beings had been aboard.                                  Mid 2/1953 #8676  
he abductees were paralyzed, taken aboard a domed disc, and given physical  3/22/1953 #8776  
he desert outside Kingman, Arizona aboard a bus with its windows blackened  5/21/1953 #8898  
 men climbed up some stairs to get aboard. Glowing white, the vessel zigzag 8/18/1953 #9081  
adar Operator W/O Olin H. Hasty is aboard an RB-36 controller aircraft moni 3/1/1954 #9585  
ia Laboratories in New Mexico, are aboard the AEC flagship USS Curtiss crui 4/7/1954 #9673  
AL) FLT193 near collision / UFO. 2 aboard break bones.                      4/14/1954 #9689  
hnny Björnulf and Raun Conradi are aboard one of three Scandinavian Airline 6/30/1954 #9969  
eemed to be inviting the witnesses aboard, but their language was not under 9/24/1954 #10434  
eemed to be inviting the witnesses aboard, but their language was not under 9/24/1954 #10438  
 orange tight-fitting jacket climb aboard the craft, which consisted of a c 10/5/1954 #10728  
 orange tight fitting jacket climb aboard the craft, which consisted of a c 10/5/1954 #10740  
. 2 appproximate human silhouettes aboard. / r8#213.                        10/9/1954 #10827  
es "approximately human" were seen aboard.                                  10/9/1954 #10841  
ano da skigyay o dbano," went back aboard their craft, and flew away.       10/19/1954 #11240  
a skigyay o dbano," then went back aboard their craft and flew away.        10/19/1954 #11254  
p. The man left him there and went aboard. When Ujvari had walked about 200 10/20/1954 #11278  
, flooded with bright white light. Aboard were six men in yellowish coveral 10/23/1954 #11338  
ent and flooded with bright light. Aboard are six men in yellowish overalls 10/23/1954 #11341  
flooded with a bright white light. Aboard were six men in yellowish coveral 10/23/1954 #11344  
 Santa Catalina Channel, CA Family aboard boat saw a round cylinder, greyis 7/9/1955 #12245  
.m. GMT a teacher and ten students aboard a school bus in Dunoon, Scotland, 9/7/1955 #12435  
and Japan 7:45 p.m. W. J. Kyncy is aboard the destroyer USS Maddox in the N 1956 #12638  
 - Dan Martin claimed he was taken aboard a large landed UFO, where he spen 6/11/1956 #12895  
t his experience, entitled 7 Hours Aboard a Space Ship.                     6/11/1956 #12895  
ean, near Japan Japanese fishermen aboard the "Kitsukawara Maru" saw two me 4/19/1957 #13606  
okyo, Japan, by Japanese fisherman aboard the Kitsukawa Maru. A violent tur 4/19/1957 #13607  
vited him "telepathically" to come aboard the craft. Inside the illuminated 7/25/1957 #13835  
vited him "telepathically" to come aboard the craft. Inside the illuminated 7/25/1957 #13840  
west of San Francisco, California, aboard an RC-121D aircraft, detect a rad 8/3/1957 #13875  
osed], California, with 36 persons aboard. Pilot Lt. Cmdr. W. F. Norris rep 10/10/1957 #14094  
by unknown individuals and carried aboard the craft, where he was medically 10/16/1957 #14127  
nknown individuals who dragged him aboard the craft, where he was medically 10/16/1957 #14131  
hold Schmidt, Kearney, Nebr., goes aboard saucer, talks to spacepeople      11/5/1957 #14290  
e encounter took place and put him aboard a military helicopter. He is inte 11/10/1957 #14523  
ings, sitting one behind the other aboard the craft.                        11/22/1957 #14595  
ings, sitting one behind the other aboard the craft.                        11/22/1957 #14596  
of a craft that hovered in midair. Aboard were two men, each with his right 12/18/1957 #14746  
t because all the electrical power aboard ship was out at the time. He was  1/16/1958 #14831  
hotographs, but over 100 witnesses aboard ship witnessed the maneuvering UF 1/16/1958 #14832  
here had been no fire or explosion aboard the jet before or after the crash 9/29/1959 #15997  
aircraft with a pilot and co-pilot aboard chased a glowing UFO over Forrest 10/6/1959 #16023  
. The witnesses were three crewmen aboard the ship SS Dorthemaersk. After t 12/13/1959 #16119  
cigar-shaped object with occupants aboard.                                  3/6/1961 #16622  
ransport plane carrying 26 persons aboard when, suddenly, another blip appe 5/1961 #16669  
ng and tail gunner M/Sgt. Roberts, aboard a B-52 heavy jet bomber.  Three b 6/21/1962 #17236  
nd his tail gunner M/Sgt. Roberts, aboard a B-52 heavy jet bomber flying ov 6/21/1962 #17240  
emerged from the water and climbed aboard. The fishermen called out but the 8/1/1962 #17313  
 an abduction in which he is taken aboard a UFO by beings wearing pumpkin-c 8/26/1962 #17362  
Auyán-tepui plateau Ali R. Diaz is aboard a DC-3 tourist plane on a vacatio 12/21/1962 #17601  
four photos before the man climbed aboard the craft and took off.           2/6/1963 #17657  
ts Patrick Loreno and 18 other men aboard Texas Tower 2, a USAF radar stati 9/12/1963 #17932  
e he could not understand, climbed aboard again, and flew away.             12/1963 #18060  
' W) Witness:  unspecified persons aboard a military aircraft.  One white l 12/16/1963 #18086  
nt Professor Vyacheslav Zaitsev is aboard a Tupolev Tu-104 airliner above B 7/12/1964 #18404  
are not hostile,” and inviting him aboard. He enters the craft and sees a h 1/30/1965 #18784  
weather observatory. All witnesses aboard the Junon see the object as a lar Late 9/1965 #19604  
d a UFO with at least one occupant aboard at 6:30 p.m. in their yard in Arb 9/29/1965 #19623  
 officer and several other crewmen aboard the HMAS ANZAC while sailing sout 5/5/1966 #20451  
tc. / instruments and lights. Beam aboard!                                  5/10/1966 #20470  
t with these beams. They went back aboard their craft "as if carried by the 5/10/1966 #20471  
t with these beams. They went back aboard their craft "as if carried by the 5/10/1966 #20475  
ng the men. They scrambled quickly aboard a "round white thing" which sped  6/3/1966 #20529  
ompelled to obey, and followed him aboard the craft past an instrumental pa 8/11/1966 #20739  
 cops. Big donut buzzes cab. Woman aboard hysterical.                       9/26/1966 #20926  
ged from the craft and invited him aboard for breakfast. He said he spent a 2/16/1967 #21574  
e. A U.S. Air Force flight surgeon aboard and the pilot and crew of a KC- 1 3/14/1967 #21884  
 coveralls emerged and invited him aboard. He was given some kind of exam o 4/11/1967 #22110  
ansparent, mushroom-shaped object, aboard which occupants with catlike face 6/7/1967 #22476  
Norweigan Sea four Russian crewman aboard the S. S. Izhevsk saw a white sph 8/2/1967 #22778  
to move. He remembered being taken aboard the craft by four aliens about 4. 12/3/1967 #23547  
had been "contacted" by the beings aboard the UFO. He also believes that he 12/25/1967 #23609  
causing the non-nuclear explosives aboard to detonate and rupturing and dis 1/21/1968 #23684  
erdahl and navigator Norman Baker, aboard their boat the Ra II, radioed in  6/11/1970 #25697  
vakia a woman reported being taken aboard a UFO together with her friend an 1/1/1971 #25966  
. Brown notifies the 15 passengers aboard and turns out the interior lights 10/23/1972 #27087  
of Mauratania, several crewmembers aboard the SS Wilhelm Kohle sighted two  1/1/1973 #27211  
. He again experienced being taken aboard a UFO by the same nine-foot-tall  3/21/1973 #27356  
UFO descends. 4 figure(s) take man aboard. Missing time. Found in Isfahan.  4/7/1973 #27411  
e-man crew in orbit in outer space aboard Skylab III saw and photographed a 9/20/1973 #27848  
they see an oval UAP and are taken aboard the craft by “robots” for examina 10/11/1973 #28009  
ackyard. 4 figure(s) invite 2 tots aboard. Dog frantic. / r178p13.          10/16/1973 #28076  
and Debbie were abducted and taken aboard a UFO in Lehi, Utah. They experie 10/17/1973 #28135  
es apparently on earth. Later back aboard the mother ship Castillo claims t 11/18/1973 #28443  
. It then waddled away and climbed aboard the UFO, which rose into the sky. 1/6/1974 #28654  
 landing in France, all passengers aboard a ferry off the coast of Algecira 4/15/1974 #29033  
he revealed that he had been taken aboard a UFO and been given a physical e 4/26/1974 #29064  
g driven with three men with ropes aboard. The jeep ran up the beach five t 5/5/1974 #29087  
exico, in 1948 with 12 dead aliens aboard. The Air Force allegedly is stori 10/11/1974 #29521  
with the addition of what happened aboard the spacecraft. Walton awakes in  11/5/1975 #30562  
e light, he was captured and taken aboard the craft. The beings communicate 3/3/1976 #30922  
 craft via a ladder. They took him aboard and brought him into a oval-shape 4/2/1976 #30980  
 1st Lt. is on communications duty aboard a US Navy destroyer in the Atlant 4/23/1976 #31017  
perience. She reported being taken aboard the UFO where she was given inten 5/21/1976 #31069  
perience. She reported being taken aboard the UFO where she was given inten 5/21/1976 #31070  
 hypnosis she recalled being taken aboard the UFO by two short beings with  6/11/1976 #31103  
 approached. The man was levitated aboard a cigar-shaped UFO. He reported h 6/23/1976 #31135  
 allows them to recall being taken aboard a circular UFO and being “probed  8/20/1976 #31282  
according to one of the passengers aboard. The witness, a radio announcer,  5/26/1977 #32131  
according to one of the passengers aboard. The witness, a radio announcer,  5/26/1977 #32136  
port plane with three crew members aboard and followed it, circling it for  12/15/1977 #32776  
port plane with three crew members aboard and followed it, circling it for  12/15/1977 #32777  
told him through telepathy to come aboard a hat-shaped UFO. (NICAP: 03 - EM 12/18/1977 #32796  
told him through telepathy to come aboard a hat-shaped UFO, under which the 12/18/1977 #32797  
 Jose Alvaro, age 20, was abducted aboard a UFO and had a forced sexual enc 3/2/1978 #33011  
ives his cart, with the two beings aboard, to a clearing where a large whit 5/10/1978 #33196  
ed back over to the object and got aboard. The whistling sound now intensif 10/15/1978 #33837  
r landing pods. The entities climb aboard, and the object takes off horizon 11/24/1978 #33995  
tationed in Germany, was levitated aboard the UFO. She was five months preg 11/25/1978 #34005  
he police car. Five lights came on aboard the object. When the police spotl 12/9/1978 #34082  
tic waters 10:30 a.m. A journalist aboard the Japanese icebreaker Fuji in A 1/6/1979 #34311  
/android(s) exit. Girl / 6 invited aboard. Missing time. / v2#3.            1/25/1979 #34379  
s who tranquilize him and take him aboard a small ship that ferries him to  6/28/1979 #34639  
f light into a semi-circular room, aboard a craft. A being gave her a smock 12/10/1979 #35068  
 Leslie Groves is tutoring a pupil aboard a Cessna 150 flying at 4,500 feet 12/11/1979 #35072  
 of missing time with an abduction aboard a UFO. The wife remembered being  12/11/1979 #35073  
Golotikin is working as a mechanic aboard the Brilliant, a Russian fishing  1/24/1980 #35144  
 Savinykh and Vladimir Kovalyonok, aboard the Salyut 6 space station, suppo 5/14/1981 #35937  
maneuvers. Going southwest. 25 men aboard. / FSRv30#2.                      2/3/1983 #36759  
hed a car with Mr. & Mrs. Waldemar aboard just north of Naylor, Missouri. A 3/10/1983 #36778  
recurrent dreams of being abducted aboard a UFO by Grey aliens, which inclu 3/24/1983 #36803  
recurrent dreams of being abducted aboard a UFO by Grey aliens, which inclu 3/24/1983 #36810  
nia Night. Farmer Alcineu Sousa is aboard his twin-engine airplane returnin 5/23/1983 #36865  
 him using telepathy. He was taken aboard the craft, undressed, a blood sam 8/9/1983 #36940  
     Aldershot, UK Fisherman taken aboard UFO (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters 8/12/1983 #36947  
space. All 269 passengers and crew aboard are killed, including Rep. Larry  9/1/1983 #36968  
ate her by artificial insemination aboard a UFO, then return a few months l 4/1987 #38155  
e the car with the three witnesses aboard seemed to have been instantaneous 8/6/1987 #38233  
-year-old son was apparently taken aboard a UFO that night. He had been sle 11/25/1987 #38336  
ically closed once the beings were aboard, and the craft took off without m 7/4/1989 #39009  
s) take matches. Observer(s) asked aboard. Going northeast.                 11/2/1989 #39209  
, A man awaits them and helps them aboard. Yerygina sits in the dimly lit i 7/6/1990 #39637  
 Manakov and Gennadi Strekalov are aboard the Mir space station. When Strek 9/27/1990 #39748  
t lands / yard. Observer(s) beamed aboard and gives 7' aliens a $20 bill!   6/8/1991 #40088  
 that she experienced an abduction aboard the craft, in which she was given 12/31/1992 #40775  
ide his house. His next memory was aboard a disc-shaped UFO. After the expe 12/23/1994 #41904  
NINE MOUNTAINS, ENG Ba 747 with 60 aboard buzzed / bright triangle. Veers a 1/6/1995 #41954  
eing-737 flight with 60 passengers aboard was buzzed by a bright wedge-shap 1/6/1995 #41957  
ere was a total of three humanoids aboard, two men and a woman. He describe 12/9/1996 #43133  
ight beam into the hovering craft. Aboard the craft she was submitted to va 6/5/1997 #43311  
g as loadmaster and radio operator aboard a KC-130R Hercules cargo plane fl Winter 1997 #43468  
f a flying object with five beings aboard in her backyard. Three days earli 1/3/2000 #43917  
 follow them. Outside he was taken aboard a landed disc-shaped object, wher 7/12/2000 #44015  
es from Belém to Salvador, Brazil, aboard a C-130 Hercules transport. One o 8/3/2001 #44223  
Southern Coast 8:15 a.m. A witness aboard a cruise ship off the southern co 2/20/2002 #44319  
of Santa Monica, California. Those aboard took a photograph of the object.  1/3/2004 #44642  
0 feet and 152 mph. The technician aboard is taking video footage when he n 11/11/2014 #45423  
## Word: "abode" (Back to Top)
suspects that Venus is likely the “abode of living creatures not unlike the 1871 #188  
Its Canals (1906), and Mars As the Abode of Life (1908). He remains a stron 5/1894 #314  
## Word: "aboiut" (Back to Top)
ing a magnesium flare was released aboiut the same time as the visual sight 6/26/1955 #12217  
## Word: "abolished" (Back to Top)
munism and toward democracy. It is abolished in 1953.                       4/4/1951 #5498  
## Word: "abolishes" (Back to Top)
                         Roosevelt abolishes the S-1 Section and replaces i 6/19/1942 #1417  
ry of Defense Charles Erwin Wilson abolishes the Research and Development B 6/1953 #8923  
## Word: "abolishing" (Back to Top)
ower issues Executive Order 10501, abolishing the classification of “Restri 11/5/1953 #9285  
## Word: "aboriginal" (Back to Top)
                        A group of Aboriginal hunters reported the landing  7/14/1959 #15853  
 West Kempsey, New South Wales, an aboriginal man at Greenhill sees a hairl 4/2/1971 #26064  
## Word: "aborigine" (Back to Top)
 shiny egg going down. Greys exit. Aborigine woman abduction and experiment 1/1933? #1152  
ng outside. The man, an Australian aborigine, next felt a sucking force tha 4/2/1971 #26065  
## Word: "aborigines" (Back to Top)
                   C.AUSTRL DESERT Aborigines. 2 saucers land. Small humano 2/1951 #5424  
ral Australia A group of Unmatjera aborigines observed a shiny circular obj 9/1951 #5646  
## Word: "abort" (Back to Top)
oaching the end of the overrun can abort instead of plunging into the sageb 10/1960 #16472  
## Word: "aborted" (Back to Top)
ld, Ohio 4:25 p.m. A V-2 launch is aborted at White Sands Proving Ground, N 7/10/1947 #3108  
RAT DE LLOBREGAT, SP Plane landing aborted. Night lights on runway! Night l 6/15/1967? #22507  
## Word: "aborting" (Back to Top)
o a countdown of 15 seconds before aborting and returning to standby status 10/4/1982 #36634  
“not at all like stars or planes.” Aborting the landing, they attempt to pu 5/19/1986 #37880  
## Word: "aborts" (Back to Top)
ut experiences engine problems and aborts. Ministry of Defence officer Ralp 8/13/1956 #13080  
## Word: "abound" (Back to Top)
eless animals similar to jellyfish abound in oceans on Venus. The speculati 12/1/1959 #16109  
## Word: "about'" (Back to Top)
board hovers and maneuvers. 'Flaps about'.                                  5/19/1909 #761  
## Word: "about-face" (Back to Top)
t time, the beings make a military about-face and reenter the UFO, which ta 11/7/1957 #14459  
## Word: "above-ground" (Back to Top)
six SM-65D Atlas missiles based in above-ground launchers.                  9/9/1959 #15962  
tober 10. The treaty prohibits all above-ground tests of nuclear weapons.   8/5/1963 #17867  
## Word: "above_black" (Back to Top)
.goodreads.com/en/book/show/910527.Above_Black                              1992 #40276  
## Word: "abovetopsecret" (Back to Top)
er the crash site. *   https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread465182/pg 1/1971 #25962  
 monitored the field.  https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1074447/p 10/7/1972 #27055  
ot to share anything.  https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1074447/p 2/11/1974 #28758  
disinformed by Green.  https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1074447/p 6/16/1974 #29204  
ronautical research.”  https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1074447/p 12/10/1974 #29635  
atters/AIRReport.pdf   https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1074447/p 12/15/1978 #34142  
atters/AIRReport.pdf   https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1074447/p 12/15/1978 #34143  
tional security. *   https://files.abovetopsecret.com/images/member/17f7ee9 12/20/1978 #34186  
17f7ee96ee7e.gif *   https://files.abovetopsecret.com/images/member/97c8c30 12/20/1978 #34186  
97c8c30ee9f4.gif *   https://files.abovetopsecret.com/images/member/484a10c 12/20/1978 #34186  
484a10c214d8.gif *   https://files.abovetopsecret.com/images/member/0c1216a 12/20/1978 #34186  
s have been analyzed.  https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1074447/p 5/22/1992 #40470  
 Pell from 1985-1991.  https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1074447/p 4/15/1993 #40934  
gesting otherwise. *   https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1074447/p 4/15/1993 #40934  
ent HFGW research. *   https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread331108/pg 8/1/1997 #43364  
the Executive Branch.  https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread663499/pg 8/19/1997 #43387  
g/wiki/Project_Serpo   https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread185069/pg 11/1/2005 #44899  
to study the effects.  https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread378150/pg 8/4/2008 #45155  
r/page/n185/mode/2up   https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread690030/pg 2/20/2015 #45431  
ood or peer reviewed.  https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1057454/p 3/13/2015 #45435  
## Word: "abqj2jly47+" (Back to Top)
iangle/box-like craft formation. / ABQJ2JLY47+/ r187#17.                    6/20/1947 #2344  
## Word: "abra" (Back to Top)
In the mountains, about 14 km from Abra Pampa, a luminous object 30 m in di 4/15/1958 #14987  
Argentina about 14 kilometers from Abra Pampa, a luminous object 30 meters  4/15/1958 #14989  
                       SOUTHEAST / ABRA GRANDE, ARG 2 / coal truck. Huge ro 11/26/1962 #17561  
62 at 1:00 a.m., just southeast of Abra Grande, Argentina in the province o 11/26/1962 #17563  
## Word: "abraded" (Back to Top)
ation, their clothes torn and skin abraded. When they tell their story to t 12/9/1954 #11788  
## Word: "abraham" (Back to Top)
Charles A. Maney, Talbot T. Speer, Abraham M. Sonnabend, Col. Robert B. Eme 10/19/1956 #13286  
raud and navigator Capt. Jean-Paul Abraham, flying a Dassault Mirage IV sup 3/7/1977 #31873  
           October 4 William Greer Abraham Zapruder Green Beret William Eng 10/8/1988 #38665  
n alien civilization; a version of Abraham Zapruder’s John F. Kennedy assas 10/8/1988 #38665  
## Word: "abrahamsson" (Back to Top)
                  At 7:45 p.m. Mr. Abrahamsson and his family saw a 10 mete 4/30/1971 #26087  
## Word: "abram" (Back to Top)
                                   ABRAM, MANCHESTER, ENG Many observer(s). 8/13/1982 #36575  
s along the side, over the town of Abram in Greater Manchester, England. Th 8/13/1982 #36576  
## Word: "abrams" (Back to Top)
                                   ABRAMS, WI Several observer(s). Silent s 9/26/1952 #8032  
ings, Idaho, police officer Dennis Abrams has a close encounter with a 30-f 12/18/1976 #31612  
## Word: "abramtsev" (Back to Top)
, Kazakhstan local resident Maksim Abramtsev was at home watching the New Y 12/31/1990 #39932  
## Word: "abrasion" (Back to Top)
squina de Sálas hospital treats an abrasion on Gonzáles’s left side. Other  11/28/1954 #11722  
 few minutes later. He also has an abrasion on his hand from falling down,  10/29/1970 #25893  
## Word: "abrasions" (Back to Top)
was found to have several cuts and abrasions where he had been scratched by 9/22/1967 #23115  
esses are treated for “bruises and abrasions” at the Napier Hospital outpat 9/10/1968 #24449  
 Doctors could find no bruises nor abrasions on her arms, and strangely her 10/8/1989 #39150  
that allegedly had traces of metal abrasions from the landing gear of a UFO 5/3/2003 #44524  
## Word: "abreast" (Back to Top)
oximately 2,000 feet. Moving three abreast in a square configuration, they  11/29/1944 #1709  
arge disks going quickly northeast abreast / 2500M altitude. Rise and dip.  8/5/1947 (approximate) #3294  
ze of a transport plane, flew four abreast in formation at a high rate of s 7/12/1952 #6786  
A, CA USAF man and 1. 2 dark disks abreast. Going quickly southeast / very  7/28/1952 #7234  
manas, NM Two 6 ft silver balls in abreast formation (NICAP: 11 - Aviation  8/24/1952 #7706  
W. Johnson. Two 6' silver balls in abreast formation, one turned grey rapid 8/24/1952 #7710  
on. Two six-foot silver spheres in abreast formation, one turned grey rapid 8/24/1952 #7716  
reafter that changes to an in-line abreast grouping. Finally, the UFOs swit 9/1/1952 #7817  
er Robins AFB, GA White lights fly abreast at 100 mph (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 9/16/1952 #7960  
 civilians.  Two white lights flew abreast, at 100 m.p.h., for 15 minutes.  9/16/1952 #7962  
o unidentified white lights flying abreast, at a speed of 100 mph, for 15 m 9/16/1952 #7964  
s chief responsibility for keeping abreast of UFOs to OSI’s Physics and Ele 5/1953 #8851  
WY Whistle. 7 10M disks going [to] abreast. 2 zigzag. Rest not. 1300kph?    2/1956 #12688  
 saucers going quickly northeast 3 abreast and 2 trailing. / R141#32p53+56. 4/28/1957 #13620  
o their right side. When they come abreast of the airplane, they slow to it 4/20/1964 #18180  
vibrating slightly. As they pulled abreast of the power station the object' 9/14/1973 #27823  
 smoke. When the objects are about abreast of the car, a sliding door opens Winter 1974 #29653  
ly and zooms away. As the truck is abreast of his position, the second obje 10/22/1976 #31486  
lashes. 8 silent bloated triangles abreast. 3 cross moons face.             9/21/1977 #32501  
ot reports that while the light is abreast of his aircraft, one of his tran 11/18/1977 #32686  
## Word: "abreu" (Back to Top)
, New Mexico 6:30 a.m. A man named Abreu and a friend are fishing at Spring 4/25/1949 #4108  
## Word: "abridged" (Back to Top)
in Alamogordo, New Mexico, sees an abridged version of Carl Jung’s 1954 let 7/29/1958 #15158  
## Word: "abroad" (Back to Top)
 that his agency will operate only abroad, not domestically.                2/10/1945 #1778  
figure in a metallic suit climbing abroad a UFO that quickly lifts off and  10/12/1954 #10977  
at NSA has been “seeding computers abroad with PROMIS-embedded SMART (Syste 1982 #36286  
ies] or equipment” in the U.S. and abroad. *   https://preview.redd.it/0f0a 10/1998 #43656  
## Word: "abrojal" (Back to Top)
 was in progress at a school in El Abrojal, Uruguay at 10 p.m. when a yello 10/30/1976 #31511  
## Word: "abrosia" (Back to Top)
                                   ABROSIA LAKE, NM Guards / uranium mine.  4/22/1958 #14998  
## Word: "abrupt" (Back to Top)
gar-shape going [to] against wind. Abrupt turn going quickly northeast and  4/12/1897 #440  
 quickly northeast / 23m altitude. Abrupt turn going quickly east into clou 6/8/1920 #1001  
ntil, after 8 minutes, it makes an abrupt 90° turn and accelerates rapidly, 8/11/1944 #1640  
 over Florence, Italy. It makes an abrupt turn, then speeds south toward Ro 9/22/1946 #2187  
or several thousand feet, makes an abrupt 90° turn, and shoots across the h 1947 #2220  
t despite his incapacitation in an abrupt emergency landing. He then lost c 5/6/1949 #4161  
t formation.” The UFO then made an abrupt turn and headed directly towards  1/22/1950 #4499  
ual (observation). Wide swings and abrupt turns. Also unidentified blips /  3/3/1950 #4573  
r minutes and made wide swings and abrupt turns.                            3/3/1950 #4577  
over, accelerate rapidly, and make abrupt “square” turns with apparent size 8/30/1950 #5150  
men. 1+2+1 saucers / 50 minute(s). Abrupt turns over mountains.             5/28/1952 #6369  
 trail. At one point, they make an abrupt 80° turn and fly off to the north 7/25/1952 #7138  
 quickly north very fast. Saucer / abrupt turns / 0400hrs.                  8/1/1952 (approximate) #7389  
r(s). Half-moon-size disk / light. Abrupt accelerations. Changes color(s).  8/4/1952 #7446  
 Odd blips / 20 minute(s). 960kph. Abrupt turns. Ovoid. / r242p35.          8/13/1952 #7565  
al, then hovered, and then made an abrupt turn during a 23 minute attempted 10/1/1952 #8082  
ree right turns in 9 seconds, made abrupt 90 degree turns to the right and  1/10/1953 #8529  
 for jets (about 1/4 mile) and two abrupt 90° turns to the right and left,  1/10/1953 #8530  
ke with lights / edges. Stop. Make abrupt turns.                            12/10/1953? #9354  
eemed to stand in place, then made abrupt turns.                            12/10/1953 #9355  
0' over airport building. Wobbles. Abrupt motion.                           12/28/1953 #9401  
ther stars speed in and come to an abrupt stop. The three objects form a pe Summer 1954 #9922  
Z Many. Silver 30M saucers circle. Abrupt maneuvers. 1 going quickly southw 10/24/1954 #11352  
ves horizontally until it takes an abrupt turn vertically. It disappears ag 7/29/1955 #12302  
ceeds horizontally again, makes an abrupt angular shift again downwards, an 7/29/1955 #12302  
nous/glowing ball going southeast. Abrupt turn and 90° straight up. / LDLN# 9/22/1957 #14025  
rapidly in size, then coming to an abrupt stop, it was ellipsoid in shape a 12/20/1958 #15482  
police cruiser. The UFO came to an abrupt stop a short distance away, pulsa 12/20/1958 #15490  
). Round white-yellow night light. Abrupt turns. Very fast. / r143#4p7.     10/6/1959 #16019  
d, white-yellow light make several abrupt turns at high speed (NICAP: 01 -  10/6/1959 #16020  
d, white-yellow light made several abrupt turns and flew very fast for 2 mi 10/6/1959 #16021  
incoln, Nebraska that made several abrupt turns in the sky at very fast spe 10/6/1959 #16022  
ortheast to southwest. It makes an abrupt 90° turn and moves directly towar 6/11/1961 #16724  
orange night lights in a row. Make abrupt turn.                             9/25/1965 #19596  
e lights in a row fly fast make an abrupt turn (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 9/25/1965 #19600  
hts in a row flew fast and made an abrupt turn during the 1 minute sighting 9/25/1965 #19602  
 a high speed, and then execute an abrupt turn. The duration of the sightin 9/25/1965 #19605  
r a reservoir, occasionally making abrupt changes in altitude (vertical man 1/11/1966 #19826  
the reservoir, occasionally making abrupt changes in altitude and other ver 1/11/1966 #19829  
ashing in a field, followed by the abrupt departure of the UFO. The car hea 4/4/1966 #20225  
ute as it darted among clouds with abrupt motions. (Letter from witness' fa 6/29/1967 #22570  
OGRAD, RUSSIA Crescent-UFO makes 2 abrupt course corrections. GC#082.       10/18/1967 #23256  
re for 40 minutes and then made an abrupt jump, hovered again, and shot off 6/10/1968 #24018  
ed upward. It then made a strange, abrupt maneuver, and then shone its ligh 8/28/1968 #24392  
 pretty." After landing it made an abrupt turn to pass under some high tens 1/29/1969 #24877  
eral maneuvering, and then made an abrupt change in elevation. They saw two 6/3/1969 #25194  
uminous point in motion, making an abrupt change of course resulting in a " 12/24/1970 #25952  
His presence was accompanied by an abrupt change in the weather, which had  2/22/1973 #27310  
shot north. The main light made an abrupt turn, then zig-zagged to the east 5/6/1973 #27470  
. White UFO with blue lights makes abrupt turns. Flashes light sky.         9/4/1973 #27756  
plane before flying straight up at abrupt speed before disappearing at 90,0 12/28/1973 #28612  
light circles as if edge / saucer. Abrupt turns. Complicated path. 20 minut 11/11/1975 #30601  
n. The energy beam had a definite, abrupt end to it. The disc dropped to th 5/21/1977 #32123  
Very strong spotlights. Car chase. Abrupt turns. Vanishes.                  9/29/1978 #33776  
t with very strong spotlights make abrupt turns in the sky. It chased a car 9/29/1978 #33782  
 for 15 minutes continuing to make abrupt turns, then vanished.             9/29/1978 #33782  
mirror, she sees the light make an abrupt turn to the left and disappear in 9/9/1979 #34852  
titude. Jumps up / slant and back. Abrupt turns.                            12/7/1979 #35057  
r on Bishop Lane and watch it make abrupt changes of direction for a few mi 12/7/1979 #35058  
from white to red and coming to an abrupt stop. The light goes out. William 12/9/1979 #35063  
 every 3-5 seconds. The craft made abrupt changes in direction as it flew.  4/20/1980 #35283  
l round lights which hovered, made abrupt right angle turns, disappeared an 7/12/1984 #37392  
l round lights which hovered, made abrupt right angle turns, disappeared an 7/12/1984 #37394  
s were jagged with sharp turns and abrupt stops, while others were smooth s 6/8/1990 #39610  
ersonic velocity,” then come to an abrupt stop when reaching the formation. 8/24/1990 #39701  
 appeared as a white light made an abrupt turn and revealed four red lights 1/16/1991 #39956  
 with sudden direction changes and abrupt stops and starts. He watches it f 3/1992 #40343  
 flew from north to south, made an abrupt turn to the southwest at 150-200  8/5/1995 #42359  
st / 10 minute(s) / 400M altitude. Abrupt 90° turn going quickly south and  9/9/1996 #43011  
cent light. The object comes to an abrupt halt, then accelerates past the a 2/3/1999 #43721  
## Word: "abruptly" (Back to Top)
 be an airplane about to crash. It abruptly stops 20 feet above their heads 10/1944 #1674  
. After about 5 minutes the object abruptly disappeared. (Ref. 3; Anders Li 10/10/1944 #1676  
e out of the southern sky and stop abruptly overhead, where it hovers as a  7/7/1947 #2939  
cribes it as bright red. It climbs abruptly to 50,000 feet at 900 mph. A se 11/23/1948 #3889  
 north to south. Suddenly it stops abruptly, and the pilot heads toward the 1949 #3946  
feet above the ground. It vanishes abruptly. A third light shows up at 9:39 4/27/1949 #4118  
her 4 minutes. Both objects vanish abruptly.                                5/12/1949 #4183  
he distance at level flight before abruptly turning straight up and flying  9/26/1949 #4372  
out. Surprised, the disc takes off abruptly, breaking off a limb from an oa Summer 1950 #4997  
 out from the sides. It then drops abruptly, as though beginning to fall, b 7/1950 #5035  
 arc of 10–30°, changing direction abruptly. He notices that the horizon ne 12/27/1950 #5368  
Earley sighted a disc that stopped abruptly in the air at 1500-feet altitud 3/30/1952 #5997  
orm a semi-elliptical red glow. It abruptly changed direction in a zigzag m 4/15/1952 #6084  
ude at 40,000 feet. It decelerates abruptly and goes into a flat turn. He w 4/23/1952 #6162  
 of up to 7000 mph before stopping abruptly and then cruising about in unco 7/19/1952 #6906  
and level going quickly northwest. Abruptly vanish or darken 1, 2.          7/22/1952 #7008  
FOs. One object changes its course abruptly to the west, moving in excess o 8/13/1952 #7574  
na. It is also seen to shoot ahead abruptly and come to a halt in the same  8/14/1952 #7595  
ard just before midnight. It stops abruptly then shoots upward.             7/30/1953 #9022  
ltitude of 500 feet. It disappears abruptly after 3–4 seconds.              8/1954 #10085  
ters altitude. One of UFOs dropped abruptly to the ground with a falling le 10/16/1954 #11150  
hat stared at him with large eyes. Abruptly the object lifted off, emitting 10/18/1954 #11224  
 shiny cigar-shaped object plunged abruptly towards the ground at a terrifi 10/19/1954 #11252  
 second object then moves rapidly, abruptly changes course, and flies off i 10/24/1954 #11365  
th. Approaching Sr. Dainelli, they abruptly snatched the carnations from he 11/1/1954 #11520  
d a large porthole on its side. It abruptly changed direction and shot stra 12/3/1954 #11755  
proaches the truck then turns away abruptly into a passage. Suddard alerts  8/16/1955 #12364  
fense studies. The experiments are abruptly terminated by the Army in late  1/1956 #12641  
ipe that appeared behind a jet. It abruptly vanished.                       1/24/1957 #13473  
h for 48 secs [?] when it "stopped abruptly" and "remained stationary" for  7/16/1957 #13800  
t about 6,200 mph when it “stopped abruptly” and “remained stationary” for  7/16/1957 #13801  
nt object that “flew fast and then abruptly halted 20 miles in front of us  8/30/1957 #13952  
 flew at great speed, then stopped abruptly. The UFO was confirmed on their 8/30/1957 #13955  
egin to hurt. The objects take off abruptly, retracting the landing gears.  11/23/1957 #14603  
th Africa at low altitude. It then abruptly shot off into the sky. Later th 1/5/1958 #14810  
ircraft windows. The UFO takes off abruptly toward the sea “at a fantastic  5/5/1958 #15018  
tars elsewhere. One of the objects abruptly leaves formation and approaches 2/24/1959 #15604  
ing north of the airport. It stops abruptly and hovers about 200 feet above 9/24/1959 #15987  
lls, Oregon, tracks a large target abruptly changing course and vectors B-4 9/24/1959 #15987  
 light around its edge. The driver abruptly stops, but leaves the car runni 10/22/1959 #16052  
he poison into Castro’s food, Orta abruptly demands to be let out of the mi 9/1960 #16428  
After another minute, all the UFOs abruptly reverse back into the rain squa 10/4/1960 #16477  
e trail like a tracer bullet, then abruptly divides in two as if exploding. 3/16/1961 #16631  
point it races directly at a star, abruptly stops, draws a neat, right-angl Spring 1961 #16637  
iles of the object before it rises abruptly and zooms away for 10 miles bef 10/2/1961 #16889  
of a quarter, sometimes switch off abruptly, and other times fade out slowl Fall 1962 #17435  
el course for a while, then swerve abruptly and speed away.                 7/12/1964 #18404  
m., one UFO shoots straight up and abruptly disappears, while the other ris 11/25/1964 #18637  
d white flashing lights, descended abruptly in front of the witness's car,  3/14/1966 #19961  
l blue lights below it. The lights abruptly blinked off. (NICAP notes.) (NI 4/10/1966 #20281  
so fast it seems to jump. It stops abruptly over some trees on a hill about 8/1/1966 #20718  
the Algoma steel plant. The object abruptly took off to the north at high s 8/19/1966 #20767  
nd maneuvering. The object stopped abruptly, descended and hovered near the 9/21/1966 #20906  
t flew down at high speed, stopped abruptly, remained at ground level for 2 9/21/1966 #20908  
 Edward Island, Canada. It stopped abruptly, remained at ground level for 2 9/21/1966 #20911  
oscillating motion), once stopping abruptly. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 0 10/11/1966 #20989  
lmost touching the road, and would abruptly vanish during the 5 minute sigh 11/8/1966 #21084  
nued to pulse, however. The object abruptly shot away to the southwest at 6 1/20/1967 #21361  
m the object. It changes direction abruptly, veering to the right as it cha 2/13/1967 #21537  
ut 300 yards away. The object then abruptly headed for the car (vehicle enc 2/28/1967 #21682  
enezuela, at great speed. It stops abruptly then descends and lands. Roldan 4/16/1967 #22140  
 to change to disc shape, and rose abruptly, the second joining the first i 6/21/1967 #22527  
eed in a V-formation. They stopped abruptly, hovered over the base at the r 8/5/1967 #22812  
r's next recollection was of being abruptly lifted up into one of the objec 10/24/1967 #23310  
 to the west. It changes direction abruptly to the northwest and disappears 10/27/1967 #23353  
ng ellipse, forward motion stopped abruptly. Flying Saucer Review, July-Aug 10/30/1967 #23366  
 object hovered near ground, moved abruptly to position behind car, road il 1/20/1968 #23680  
 object hovered near ground, moved abruptly to position behind car, road il 1/20/1968 #23681  
p turns before it finally vanished abruptly.                                2/13/1968 #23756  
ant flood of light from her window abruptly awakens a woman named Bernor in 2/27/1968 #23786  
reproduction. The creatures depart abruptly as if in response to instructio 7/17/1968 #24185  
pezoid / sky. Stops / each corner. Abruptly vanishes.                       7/30/1968 #24259  
r five legs” toward the UFO, which abruptly takes off. Reporters and UFO in 8/16/1968 #24342  
 to hover, accelerate rapidly, and abruptly change direction. Ground radar  10/24/1968 #24587  
 its center. At one point it stops abruptly for a moment andchanges course  10/24/1968 #24588  
 object and its occupants vanished abruptly, and nothing was to be found at 3/31/1969 #25041  
 the parking lot. The figures then abruptly vanished.                       12/27/1969 #25510  
enter at a constant velocity. They abruptly stop moving, leaving them in a  5/14/1970 #25662  
         A 69-year-old woman awoke abruptly in Ikuri, Tampere, Finland at 6 1/15/1971 #25989  
 Caetano Silveira awoke from sleep abruptly, as if by "a mental shock." Fro 10/11/1971 #26418  
intending to smash it open, but he abruptly felt himself being lifted up, f 8/26/1972 #26956  
                  Richard Helms is abruptly dismissed and James R. Schlesin 2/2/1973 #27265  
or miles. When the figure vanished abruptly the rainy conditions again prev 2/22/1973 #27310  
ltitude going [to] over reservoir. Abruptly vanishes! / BFJ v4#1p40.        3/19/1973 #27350  
E, HUMBERSIDE 2 observer(s). Ovoid abruptly vanishes. Also seen / Cottingha 5/15/1973 #27490  
uth and Wawne, Humberside, England abruptly vanished. At 11:30 p.m. a sole  5/15/1973 #27494  
erver(s). Glittering yellow sphere abruptly dematerializes! No further deta 5/18/1973 #27499  
ral observer(s). Huge ball / light abruptly vanishes in sight. / local (as  6/20/1973 #27575  
When she uttered an exclamation he abruptly looked up and out at her and pe 6/23/1973 #27584  
 It passed a post on the patio and abruptly disappeared. She then looked ba 6/23/1973 #27584  
th of Brunsville, Iowa. The object abruptly vanished. There were at least t 7/19/1973 #27642  
s) and cops. Large glowing object. Abruptly vanishes. / r33p132.            10/17/1973 #28106  
t an estimated 600 mph. It stopped abruptly 500 ft. above them. It had a bi 10/18/1973 #28144  
 observer(s). Silvery object / sky abruptly vanishes. Shape unknown. No fur 10/22/1973 #28235  
opped, and then reversed direction abruptly over the city of Grand Island,  12/19/1973 #28589  
n a central axis. The object turns abruptly to the south, passes behind a s 4/15/1974 #29031  
 notice a bright object that dives abruptly toward them, stopping at a heig 4/16/1974 #29040  
 Iuliu Marian and his wife wake up abruptly in their home in Cluj-Napoca, R 5/1974 #29074  
ext morning at sunrise, the object abruptly speeds away. Other witnesses in 6/14/1974 #29191  
 runs several yards and then stops abruptly. They then see an object with a 8/16/1974 #29362  
rightly. The object moves away and abruptly ascends vertically. The left-ha 11/4/1974 #29583  
for 30 seconds before disappearing abruptly.                                11/5/1974 #29587  
on. After a few moments the object abruptly vanished and the car could be s 2/19/1975 #29828  
es at “phenomenal speed.” It stops abruptly about 2,900 feet away at a heig 2/26/1975 #29852  
 "at phenomenal speed." It stopped abruptly 900 meters away and 150 meters  2/26/1975 #29853  
ures faded away, but their car was abruptly pulled backwards several times  10/1/1975 #30409  
tance down the road, their vehicle abruptly turns onto a back road leading  10/27/1975 #30486  
Pond, engulfing the car. The radio abruptly turns on, and as they drive fur 10/27/1975 #30486  
nge noise and their vehicle engine abruptly stalled. Out of nowhere a stran 11/3/1975 #30548  
a, Australia. At 3:50 a.m. it then abruptly accelerated to a speed between  2/12/1976 #30866  
t moves slowly, hovers, then falls abruptly, tumbling over and over, until  9/1/1976 #31325  
 “That’s just what I thought,” and abruptly changes the subject. “You have  9/11/1976 #31376  
losed door, instead of opening it. Abruptly, the UFO and the entities then  2/24/1977 #31846  
hover, spin, and change directions abruptly. The triangular craft had a yel 3/4/1977 #31859  
ars in the north. The object stops abruptly over the highway in front of he 3/19/1977 #31917  
 both sides of the river. It stops abruptly, comes close to the boat, then  7/15/1977 #32276  
northwest going quickly northeast. Abruptly turns going quickly south. Seen 8/20/1977 #32415  
 than the full moon. Then it turns abruptly and follows them, but they acce 8/28/1977 #32433  
 street in Hayward, California. It abruptly turned and followed the witness 8/28/1977 #32438  
 drops down beside him. The object abruptly turns into a 3-foot-high dwarf, 9/4/1977 #32460  
nd then entered it, which vanished abruptly. The man suffered from severe n 9/25/1977 #32519  
t hovering silently. It disappears abruptly.                                Early 12/1977 #32725  
pendently. One of these zigzagged, abruptly shot up to higher elevation, th 12/13/1977 #32765  
pendently. One of these zigzagged, abruptly shot up to higher elevation, th 12/13/1977 #32769  
n to red to white. The smaller one abruptly disappears as the larger object 2/5/1978 #32955  
s, moving back up, and maneuvering abruptly. They discuss the UFOs with som 2/5/1978 #32955  
down the hall. But this knock came abruptly, and when he opened the door th 4/25/1978 #33171  
s a spotlight at the object, which abruptly makes a sharp turn to the west. 6/11/1978 #33275  
ellow light hovers / 30 minute(s). Abruptly vanishes.                       7/1/1978 #33320  
ving toward Rawley Point. It stops abruptly, and Randall snaps 10 photos. T 7/28/1978 #33436  
 Spinetta Marengo, Italy. It stops abruptly, drops down, and is lost to sig 9/13/1978 #33671  
wide at its base. The taxi's radio abruptly quit, accompanied by a high-pit 11/9/1978 #33941  
and unafraid. The soft green light abruptly changed color to a reddish pink 12/14/1978 #34127  
vering over his truck. It vanished abruptly. Other witnesses reported UFO s 1/9/1979 #34324  
 by a 42-year-old woodcutter stops abruptly in Lusiana, Vicenza, Italy. Its 1/18/1979 #34359  
es a photo of the object before it abruptly disappears in plain sight. He w 5/16/1979 #34563  
a snapshot of the object before it abruptly disappeared in plain sight. He  5/16/1979 #34564  
and it was evacuated, he was soon “abruptly” transferred to embassy duty in 6/27/1979 #34637  
ekend in 1973 or 1974 before being abruptly transferred to Guantanamo Base  6/27/1979 #34637  
g their tools when a UFO descended abruptly into their enclosure. One witne 9/20/1979 #34909  
ght for 20 minutes until all three abruptly disappear.                      7/12/1980 #35412  
; bushes beneath it were agitated. Abruptly, he found himself one hundred y 11/28/1980 #35680  
night. It disappears and reappears abruptly, hovers, and directs a wide bea 1/1981 #35768  
m the opposite direction. It stops abruptly about 600–900 feet away, then c 7/12/1981 #36002  
ar for a better sight, but freezes abruptly, “like something heavy was push 8/12/1981 #36070  
he woods. She pulls over to watch. Abruptly the object moves directly in fr Spring 1983 #36790  
he other. After a few minutes they abruptly change position and appear side 11/17/1986 #38072  
 a shot, left white trail; stopped abruptly, maneuvered, lights flashed, sh 8/11/1987 #38237  
 a shot, left white trail. Stopped abruptly, maneuvered, lights flashed, sh 8/11/1987 #38238  
aving a white trail. It then stops abruptly, maneuvers, flashes more lights 8/11/1987 #38240  
ite trail as it did so. It stopped abruptly, maneuvered, and then shot stra 8/11/1987 #38243  
sine wave for 30 minutes. It stops abruptly and moves slowly to the southwe 1/5/1988 #38405  
t, after which the UFO accelerates abruptly and disappears. The maneuvers l 5/2/1989 #38935  
imes, accelerated and then stopped abruptly. It shot away when a Soviet fig 7/28/1989 #39036  
s for 2–4 minutes. Then the object abruptly changes course and silently hea 12/11/1989 #39313  
prefers cows’ milk. The woman then abruptly invites her on a brief excursio 7/6/1990 #39637  
pheres that accelerate rapidly and abruptly. One witness, Gerald Schwab, wa Early 8/1990 #39676  
 for 10 seconds when it disappears abruptly.                                9/27/1990 #39748  
s. Hovers / 90m altitude. Vanishes abruptly.                                9/26/1991 #40196  
 south. 90° turn going west. Stops abruptly. Hovers. Shoots going quickly w 3/27/1992 #40400  
in saucer shoots yellow ray ending abruptly in a ball! Goes extremely fast. 8/21/1994 #41683  
one down on the ground. The object abruptly shot away.                      10/10/1994 #41798  
s car very close / 65MPH. Vanishes abruptly.                                2/28/1995 #42067  
ly southwest. Stops and hovers and abruptly flies on.                       3/15/1995 #42104  
e turned off. The lights disappear abruptly at 1:10 a.m.                    7/14/1997 #43350  
 a huge metallic rectangular craft abruptly appear. It had several windows  8/15/1998 #43632  
UFO over Qing County, whereupon it abruptly shoots upward. The UFO plays ca 10/19/1998 #43665  
ky-looking" with a chrome band. It abruptly vanished.                       10/30/1998 #43672  
eone dressed in a blue jacket, but abruptly the blue figure glided off the  8/22/1999 #43831  
ound like thunder, and the objects abruptly vanished. Scorch marks were rep 10/17/1999 #43862  
 then suddenly accelerate and then abruptly reduce speed. At 7 p.m. in Spri 3/2/2000 #43962  
t “incredible speed,” then stopped abruptly for a split second before shoot 3/30/2000 #43971  
t "incredible speed", then stopped abruptly and briefly before shooting off 3/30/2000 #43973  
 moving at Mach 3 when it vanished abruptly.                                12/12/2001 #44288  
ipping from the mountain. The beam abruptly ceases and the orb just disappe Late 9/2002 #44405  
r three minutes, and then vanished abruptly.                                1/8/2003 #44474  
ngland and changing direction very abruptly at 1:00 a.m.                    5/10/2003 #44532  
ble to utter a sound. The stranger abruptly disappeared, and at the same ti 10/27/2004 #44771  
ec. It was high in sky, and turned abruptly.                                11/15/2004 #44786  
gh rate of speed. Next, it stopped abruptly, moved back towards the witness 8/20/2006 #44956  
ly to the tent but down the trail. Abruptly, the green light disappeared an 9/16/2007 #45059  
## Word: "abruzzi" (Back to Top)
n the northern Italian province of Abruzzi. A semi-hysterical woman phoned  6/14/1968 #24034  
                         ROSETTO / ABRUZZI, ITL 1+3 observer(s). Sphere wit 9/19/1972 #27009  
o a lake in Mosciano Sant' Angelo, Abruzzi, Italy. It moved underwater, the 5/13/1975 #30057  
                          ROSETO / ABRUZZI, ITL Night lights. Red sphere ma 7/1975 #30136  
ountered in Mosciano Sant' Angelo, Abruzzi, Italy under some electric power 11/28/1975 #30673  
                     Sant'Onofrio, Abruzzi, Italy 10:30 p.m. A man and his  5/18/1976 #31060  
 to a nearby hill in Sant'Onofrio, Abruzzi, Italy. The object approached th 5/18/1976 #31061  
                      ROSETO DEGLI ABRUZZI, ITL Night swimmer. 50cm sphere  7/1977 #32218  
                      ROSETO DEGLI ABRUZZI, ITL Kids with 2-way radios. Rad 7/12/1977 #32258  
                      Roseto Degli Abruzzi, Italy 1:50 AM. A domed disc pas 7/12/1977 #32261  
passed over a hill in Roseto Degli Abruzzi. Two kids playing with walkie-ta 7/12/1977 #32261  
passed over a hill in Roseto Degli Abruzzi, Italy at 1:50 a.m. Two kids pla 7/12/1977 #32265  
                      Tagliocozzo, Abruzzi, Italy A 51-year-old farmer name 10/25/1978 #33872  
ills near his home in Tagliocozzo, Abruzzi, Italy when he came to an open f 10/25/1978 #33875  
n five miles west of Silvi Marina, Abruzzi, Italy when they were buzzed by  11/9/1978 #33942  
ere seen in the sky over Avezzano, Abruzzi, Italy at the same time that a d 12/6/1978 #34067  
                          Navelli, Abruzzi, Italy A taxi driving on a road  12/11/1978 #34090  
n a road near the town of Navelli, Abruzzi, Italy was forced to brake at 10 12/11/1978 #34093  
 new Mercedez near Navelli, in the Abruzzi region of Italy when his engine  12/12/1978 #34102  
## Word: "abruzzo" (Back to Top)
        San Donato di Tagliacozzo, Abruzzo, Italy 5:00 a.m. Giuseppe di Gio 10/25/1978 #33873  
ills of San Donato di Tagliacozzo, Abruzzo, Italy, when he comes to an open 10/25/1978 #33873  
## Word: "abs" (Back to Top)
dmitted.  https://arc.aiaa.org/doi/abs/10.2514/6.1968-24   http://www.world 1968 #23633  
.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0921453497014627?via%3Dihub#!   8/1/1997 #43364  
ns.  https://aip.scitation.org/doi/abs/10.1063/1.2437566   https://arxiv.or 2/1/2007 #45004  
## Word: "abscess" (Back to Top)
d notices inflammation and a small abscess under his left arm. At the barra 2/6/1996 #42742  
elo performs surgery to remove the abscess, found to be due to staphylococc 2/6/1996 #42742  
## Word: "absence" (Back to Top)
n Holcomb are conspicuous by their absence.                                 7/29/1952 #7328  
 deep sleep, he was puzzled by the absence of his jacket. He was flown back 2/28/1959 #15624  
ruck in the ditch with a complete “absence of skid marks in the snow to acc 12/19/1965 #19777  
ely missing and finds the complete absence of blood distressing. Altshuler  9/9/1967 #23026  
injured. He also noticed a strange absence of sound, in that he was unable  6/12/1977 #32161  
her then takes a one-year leave of absence from CNES to sail around the wor 12/30/1979 #35103  
d UFO. The father notes a “strange absence of kids and dogs at the time.”   4/15/1989 #38907  
ocality or directionality,” and an absence of any obvious environmental or  2/2/2022 #45737  
## Word: "absent" (Back to Top)
evelop sui generis. They have been absent from our planet since before the  7/3/1947 #2551  
from Project Grudge are noticeably absent. LaPaz tells the attendees that w 2/16/1949 #4010  
an (D-Ark.) and other senators are absent. The Air Force is represented by  1/31/1958 #14855  
ndant elsewhere in the meadow were absent, and where it crossed a drainage  3/5/1971 #26044  
n the mound of earth is completely absent for the next 4 years and frail af Early 9/1972 #26975  
th all living organisms completely absent.                                  9/2/1979 #34820  
 all normal background sounds were absent.                                  8/3/2000 #44027  
## Word: "absent-mindedly" (Back to Top)
        VALLENTUNA, SOUTHWEST Girl absent-mindedly draws saucer. Then goes  4/27/1974 #29065  
## Word: "absinthe" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Absinthe” YieldMax: 20KT                 5/26/1967 #22403  
## Word: "absolute" (Back to Top)
       MANCESTER, ENGL 1 observer. Absolute(ly) black spindle crosses sun.  10/10/1914 #919  
900 feet away. They are moving “in absolute alignment” about 20 feet from t 1933 #1151  
man comes within 40M / schoolgirl. Absolute(ly) black! Rumbles and away.    1/1936 (approximate) #1241  
t stars maneuver / all directions. Absolute(ly) silent. High altitude. Also 6/4/1943 #1509  
-orange lens-disk going up. Spins. Absolute(ly) silent.                     9/1946 #2163  
r north going south / plane speed. Absolute(ly) silent. 6km altitude.       9/12/1946 #2179  
 quickly southeast / insane speed. Absolute(ly) silent. 10K' altitude.      7/4/1947 #2623  
 rod. Going quickly / plane speed. Absolute(ly) silent.                     7/5/1947 #2689  
outheast. Size and speed of plane. Absolute(ly) silent. Flashes / sunlight. 7/10/1947 #3094  
tal saucers 300m over boat / lake. Absolute(ly) silent.                     7/8/1949 #4264  
e and streaks going quickly north. Absolute(ly) silent.                     3/1/1950 #4569  
000mph. Bronze top and silver bot. Absolute(ly) silent. Trails blue vapor.  6/1950 #4976  
  1.5MI NORTHEAST / SEVENOAKS, ENG Absolute(ly)-silent object / 3500' altit 12/10/1950 #5335  
er(s). 25M saucer / 300M altitude. Absolute(ly) silent straight & level fli 6/9/1951 #5538  
mation cross 30° / sky in seconds. Absolute(ly) silent.                     4/19/1952 #6130  
East going quickly west / 1800mph. Absolute(ly) silent.                     5/25/1952 #6355  
d tilts and returns. Exact repeat. Absolute(ly) silent. / MJ#290.           6/1952 #6400  
 Japanese lantern going southeast. Absolute(ly) silent. / r28p286+/ APROv1# 7/19/1952 #6918  
going east. Sharp climb and turns. Absolute(ly) silent.                     7/22/1952 #6996  
ak across strange cloud and merge. Absolute(ly) silent.                     7/30/1952 #7344  
ltitude. Impossible accelerations. Absolute(ly) silent. Going quickly east. 8/10/1952 #7532  
ucer-cigars fly flat-side forward. Absolute(ly) silent.                     8/16/1952 #7614  
t / 90 second(s). Bobs and floats. Absolute(ly) silent. Photograph in sourc 8/23/1952 #7687  
emisphere seen clearly. Portholes. Absolute(ly) silent.                     11/22/1952 #8321  
st / 5 minutes straight and level. Absolute(ly) silent. Glows.              4/7/1953 #8808  
th lights / edge. 300mph overhead. Absolute(ly) silent. Going quickly north 5/7/1953 #8868  
ht stars = saucers with portholes. Absolute(ly) still. Then crazy maneuvers 7/31/1953 #9023  
raight and level at high altitude. Absolute(ly) plain and silent. No furthe 10/1953 (approximate) #9194  
gh speed to horizon. Green & blue. Absolute(ly) silent.                     12/10/1953 #9353  
ng quickly east. Turns over house. Absolute(ly) silent.                     5/16/1954 #9805  
rns vertical. Going quickly south. Absolute(ly) silent.                     9/3/1954 #10237  
ucer rises / field by beet scales. Absolute(ly) silent. Light glow. / LDLN# 10/25/1954 (approximate) #11376  
2km altitude. Going quickly south. Absolute(ly) silent. Big news. / r120p14 10/30/1954 #11486  
rge saucer stops. Makes 90° turns. Absolute(ly) silent. Blue flames and awa 12/12/1954 #11803  
ack and forth / one hour. Spirals. Absolute(ly) silent.                     5/1/1955 #12112  
west going quickly west / seconds. Absolute(ly) silent.                     8/17/1955 #12368  
ight lights rotates. 45M altitude. Absolute(ly) silent. Going quickly north 10/1955 #12474  
0' top saucer going [to] over car. Absolute(ly) silent. / r8#381.           4/6/1956 #12792  
ips dart and turn / high altitude. Absolute(ly) mystery.                    6/1957 #13692  
southwest going quickly northeast. Absolute(ly) silent. / Flying Saucer Rev 6/10/1957 #13716  
g quickly north in west-formation. Absolute(ly) silent. / r141#9p88.        11/26/1957 #14622  
at white disk going west overhead. Absolute(ly) silent / 25 minute(s). Then 7/1/1958 #15132  
p going south against strong wind. Absolute(ly) silent. No fins.            8/1958 #15164  
/ 60 seconds. Going quickly south. Absolute(ly) silent.                     8/1958 #15170  
 No electro-magnetic effect (EME). Absolute(ly) silent. Quickly going up [t 10/28/1958 #15394  
 altitude. Red lights flash / top. Absolute(ly) silent.                     1/8/1959 #15540  
 quickly [to] away extremely fast. Absolute(ly) silent.                     1/24/1959 #15563  
est slow. 1 turns 180° going east. Absolute(ly) silent.                     1/26/1959 #15566  
UFO hovers and drops behind trees. Absolute(ly) silent.                     3/26/1959 #15670  
nts tube at crocodile hunters. All absolute(ly) silent! / Flying Saucer Rev 6/1959 #15752  
Ovoid going down [to] near ground. Absolute(ly) quiet. 2nd object joins. /  8/18/1960 #16403  
 observer(s). Huge starfish shape. Absolute(ly) black. Edges glow. Eclipses 8/23/1961 #16801  
rs. Metallic saucer hovers / tilt. Absolute(ly) still / light winds. Shoots 4/20/1962 #17123  
1 minute(s). Large cone going NNW. Absolute(ly) silent. Vibrant bright.     7/20/1964 #18427  
oing up [to] and away / 45° angle. Absolute(ly) silent.                     8/1965 (approximate) #19226  
M cylinder/cigar-shape buzzes car. Absolute(ly) silent. Flies low going nor 6/8/1966 #20538  
ject chases car. Beams going down. Absolute(ly) silent. Type unknown. / r11 4/28/1967 #22239  
s all over. Fast 90-turns. Hovers. Absolute(ly) silent.                     4/4/1968 #23892  
ailway crossing. Quickly going up. Absolute(ly) silent.                     6/9/1968 #24016  
Go dark on landing. Observers are "absolute(ly) reliable".                  10/1968 #24531  
going quickly east / low altitude. Absolute(ly) silent. Sudden sharp maneuv 11/6/1968 #24636  
light zigzags going [to] WNW slow. Absolute(ly) silent. Photographs and mor 1/4/1969 #24814  
ickly [to] WNW toward(s) Odorheiu. Absolute(ly) silent.                     6/2/1969 #25189  
 saucer flashes beams. Going down. Absolute(ly) silent. Electro-magnetic ef 9/27/1969 #25382  
r. Blinding saucer / ground level. Absolute(ly) silent. No odor or heat.    1/24/1970 #25551  
going quickly northwest over town. Absolute(ly) silent. Estimated 1km altit 2/26/1970 #25591  
0° turn. Stops. Hovers. Maneuvers. Absolute(ly) silent / low altitude. / r2 3/28/1970 #25612  
rapezoid with small base in front. Absolute(ly) silent.                     6/1970 (approximate) #25680  
AND 1 observer. White bowl-saucer. Absolute(ly) silent. Hovers. Goes to and 1/8/1971 #25984  
vel. Lights / edge. Slow rotation. Absolute(ly) silent. / r30p368.          9/13/1971 #26333  
+2 kids. Red disk with hazy edges. Absolute(ly) silent. Going north steadil 2/5/1972 #26564  
and ovoids show 3X / 15 minute(s). Absolute(ly) silent. Going quickly south 2/13/1972 #26578  
road and ditch and trees and away. Absolute(ly) silent. / r50p37.           6/9/1972 #26708  
g quickly northeast / 2 minute(s). Absolute(ly) silent. Lights clouds. / LD 7/4/1972 #26760  
hovers / 45 minute(s). Shoots off. Absolute(ly) silent.                     8/1/1972 #26865  
 flash. Beam lights / one-another. Absolute(ly) silent.                     8/12/1972 #26901  
quickly northwest / high altitude. Absolute(ly) silent.                     1/1/1973 #27205  
en half-moon / crescent over town. Absolute(ly) silent. No further details. 2/1/1973 #27259  
/cigar-shape with bent tail-wings. Absolute(ly) silent and still. 4 lights  3/2/1974 #28848  
way near. Loops. Away / very fast. Absolute(ly) silent. / r50p46.           3/30/1974 #28969  
 stripe going west / low altitude. Absolute(ly) silent.                     6/1/1974 #29156  
en diamond going [to] over melons. Absolute(ly) silent. / r30p558.          6/14/1975 #30103  
oing down [to] and covers highway. Absolute(ly) silence. Reacts / voices? V 8/1/1975 (approximate) #30228  
-glow pot-ovoid going up / ground. Absolute(ly) silent. Observer(s) cannot  8/16/1975 #30277  
ickly southeast toward(s) airport. Absolute(ly) silent. 2 beams light area. 9/9/1975 #30348  
ovoids / fantastic speed. Sky lit. Absolute(ly) silent.                     11/3/1975 #30542  
fast. Slows and descends overhead. Absolute(ly) silent. Going southeast.    5/15/1976 #31054  
 100M object 15M over light poles. Absolute(ly) silent. Quickly going up [t 10/1976 (approximate) #31434  
00M altitude. Very close. Slow and absolute(ly) silent.                     4/30/1977 (approximate) #32038  
 2 / cab. Rugby-ball shape hovers. Absolute(ly) silent. Moves away and gone 5/21/1977 #32117  
ole shape going quickly southeast. Absolute(ly) silent. Silver color. 1 glo 5/26/1977 #32129  
 motorcycle. Mimics all maneuvers. Absolute(ly) silent. Going [to] behind h 6/21/1977 #32178  
ge shape glows blue. Follows road. Absolute(ly) silent. No electro-magnetic 9/7/1977 #32466  
amship Samos storm. Compass turns. Absolute(ly) silence!                    4/17/1978 #33150  
s going quickly northwest fast and absolute(ly) silent.                     5/5/1978 #33188  
ct helicopter / very low altitude. Absolute(ly) silent! No helicopters up.  7/24/1978 #33413  
orizontally at a dizzying speed in absolute silence and disappears behind h 11/24/1978 #33995  
 northeast 3km away. Low altitude. Absolute(ly) invisible!                  5/26/1980 #35341  
     PASSFIELD, HAMPS Humming then absolute(ly) quiet. UFO's hovers. Probe  7/18/1980 #35416  
t tubes north going quickly south. Absolute(ly) silent. Slower / planes. Br 11/18/1980 #35647  
ts going quickly east stopping 3X. Absolute(ly) silent.                     12/21/1980 #35730  
suffered after her exposure was an absolute classic radiation injury in whi 12/29/1980 #35758  
nd object hovers overhead / 2 min. Absolute(ly) silent. Many lights / surfa 1/1981 #35766  
 a flute / low altitude over town. Absolute(ly) silent. / clr. sky.         2/19/1981 #35833  
30' saucer lands twice. Portholes. Absolute(ly) silent. / r210v30#7.        2/10/1982 #36330  
-orange lights all over/all about. Absolute(ly) silent. Portholes.          8/5/1983 #36934  
ct drops to 100 feet and hovers in absolute silence above the witnesses. Th 4/22/1984 #37281  
. Huge boomerang. I84 traffic jam. Absolute(ly) silent. Going south.        1/9/1986 #37758  
raft up and down Naugatuck Valley. Absolute(ly) silent. Bad photographs.    1/9/1986 #37761  
light brightens and dims 4x / min. Absolute(ly) still. Then shoots going so 3/22/1986 #37805  
tude 60m away / observer(s). Slow. Absolute(ly) silent!                     12/17/1987 #38366  
Small fans all over/all about rim. Absolute(ly) silence.. no traffic..      1/19/1988 #38413  
paces car / complex path / 40 min. Absolute(ly) silent. Vanishes!           4/10/1988 #38540  
th green and white and red lights. Absolute(ly) still and silent. / r122p28 4/24/1988 #38544  
airliner. Hovers / 1000' altitude. Absolute(ly) silent. No further details. 4/24/1989 #38923  
ylindrical object / 600' altitude. Absolute(ly) silent. Beams red light. 50 5/1/1989 #38929  
craft. 2 spots quickly going down. Absolute(ly) silent. Vanishes.           10/26/1989 #39186  
r roadway. 2 large lights / front. Absolute(ly) silent.                     11/30/1989 #39279  
  GEMBLOUX, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). Absolute(ly) silent object with panels m 12/11/1989 #39310  
e(s). Maneuvers. Brilliant lights. Absolute(ly) silent. No further details. 1/4/1990 #39362  
ar" hovers and maneuvers all over. Absolute(ly) silent. Other objects orbit 3/24/1990 #39482  
ky / 20 second(s) going northwest. Absolute(ly) silent. No trail.           5/1/1990 #39546  
alette. North going quickly south. Absolute(ly) silent. White lights / edge 5/28/1990 #39594  
 Rotates and rises / 20 minute(s). Absolute(ly) silent. Balloon?            6/30/1990 #39630  
rectangle going quickly southeast. Absolute(ly) silent. Crosses sky / 15 se 9/12/1990 #39727  
 quickly northeast / low altitude. Absolute(ly) silent.                     11/5/1990 #39859  
ay. 1 lands / field. 1 buzzes car. Absolute(ly) silent.                     11/6/1990 #39878  
                KECSKEMET, HUNGARY Absolute(ly) silent UFO / 600' altitude. 1/19/1991 (approximate) #39962  
ing northeast. Fourth going north. Absolute(ly) silent. No wind.            8/1/1991 #40139  
 NORFOLK Car Rdo(off)crackles. 80' absolute(ly) silent clam-saucer right ov 3/10/1992 #40370  
quickly west 4x faster / the wind. Absolute(ly) silent.                     4/11/1992 #40412  
11 dim white lights / sides. Slow. Absolute(ly) silent.                     11/3/1992 #40702  
ucer beams blue going down / road. Absolute(ly) silent. No odor. Going quic 8/7/1993 #41112  
akes 90-turn. Follows main street. Absolute(ly) silent.                     9/12/1993 #41195  
lights / both ends. Shape unknown. Absolute(ly) silent. Cops etc. uninteres 10/18/1993 #41245  
g up / field when hit / spotlight. Absolute(ly) silent. Sharp turn going qu 11/22/1993 #41295  
going quickly [to] east-northeast. Absolute(ly) silent.                     12/3/1993 #41322  
bserver(s). 50' triangle overhead. Absolute(ly) silent. 5 bright lights. Ba 1/21/1994 #41380  
 up. Slow going quickly southeast. Absolute(ly) silent.                     3/5/1994 #41440  
s). 3 orbs going [to] single file. Absolute(ly) silence. No birds / bells.. 7/7/1994 #41612  
wing disk going quickly northeast. Absolute(ly) silent. 2km altitude at 400 10/5/1994 #41786  
aft goes overhead / 150' altitude. Absolute(ly) silent. Bright beams. / LDL 10/24/1994 #41810  
overs over mountain / 5 minute(s). Absolute(ly) silent. Flies away.         10/26/1994 #41813  
ges glow. Bottom greyish. Fast and absolute(ly) silent.                     12/13/1994 #41894  
r over woods. Surrounded / lights. Absolute(ly) silent.                     12/31/1994 #41918  
tc. Bob to and fro / low altitude. Absolute(ly) silent.                     1/15/1995 #41973  
rom Puget Sound. Turns. Zips away. Absolute(ly) silent. No further details. 2/10/1995 #42032  
r/cigar-shape with row lights. All absolute(ly) silent.                     5/30/1995 #42232  
d / 15mph / 100' altitude. Silent. Absolute(ly) no reflection.              6/5/1995 #42239  
er ovoid. Blinks each 5 second(s). Absolute(ly) silent. Going [to] slow.    8/30/1995 #42428  
glowing-ball hovers / 5 minute(s). Absolute(ly) silent. Offloads small nigh 1/8/1996 #42671  
hat once invoked, the privilege is absolute, protecting even innocuous-seem 3/1996 #42790  
east / 30kph going [to] mountains. Absolute(ly) silent.                     3/1/1996 #42791  
ng [to] San Luis valley. No wings. Absolute(ly) silent.                     10/10/1996 #43062  
slow straight/strait(s) and level. Absolute(ly) silent.                     2/5/1997 #43184  
Huge triangle going [to] overhead. Absolute(ly) silent. Low and slow. Shoot 7/11/1997 #43348  
ers / woods. Fast dive going down. Absolute(ly) silence dogs and all.       8/9/1997 #43374  
ike craft and saucer outside. Both absolute(ly) silent with lights / edges. 9/6/1997 #43397  
man. Luminous plate saucer passes. Absolute(ly) silent. / Police report.    2/13/2000 #43949  
 northwest flat edge first. 15Kph. Absolute(ly) silent.                     8/13/2002 #44380  
## Word: "absolutely" (Back to Top)
chester, England, when he sees an “absolutely black spindle-shaped object”  10/10/1914 #920  
 flew at a high altitude, and were absolutely silent.                       6/4/1943 #1510  
directly through the cluster “with absolutely no effect on engines or plane 10/14/1943 #1536  
globalar light in the sky that was absolutely silent. It was about three ti 6/1944 #1597  
orts on a phone call to Einstein: “absolutely no comment”, claimed no knowl 7/8/1947 #2952  
gation. On the same night a dark, "absolutely solid smoke ring" sped throug 5/17/1950 #4950  
ing at 300 meters altitude. It was absolutely silent and continued to fly s 6/9/1951 #5539  
e. It turned over a house, and was absolutely silent as it flew.            5/16/1954 #9806  
f quickly toward the south. It was absolutely silent during the entire two  9/3/1954 #10241  
peed. The witness himself had felt absolutely nothing.                      10/16/1954 #11142  
peed. The witness himself had felt absolutely nothing.                      10/16/1954 #11148  
t scales in Calais, France. It was absolutely silent.                       10/25/1954 #11399  
bout the UFO, Ryan says, “This was absolutely real. I’m convinced there was 4/16/1956 #12809  
n shot away extremely fast. It was absolutely silent.                       1/24/1959 #15564  
ites to Stringfield that “There is absolutely no truth in the charge that t 7/26/1960 #16348  
 investigation. Their claims were "absolutely erroneous;" "a hoax:" "sensat 3/1961 #16616  
f the Air Force investigation are “absolutely erroneous,” “a hoax,” “sensat 3/1961 #16617  
t got out of the sunlight. It made absolutely no noise." "Big chunks of it  11/18/1961 #16964  
“There are things out there. There absolutely is!”                          7/17/1962 #17279  
nventional circumstances. There is absolutely no reason to deny the UFOs' e 8/6/1965 #19332  
e searched the woods and can find “absolutely nothing.” The official explan 12/9/1965 #19762  
of light toward the ground. It was absolutely silent, and there were severa 4/27/1967 #22235  
. Genese, Brabant, Belgium. It was absolutely silent, but despite its close 1/24/1970 #25552  
overing in the sky. The object was absolutely silent and moved back and for 1/8/1971 #25986  
et in diameter, gold in color, and absolutely silent. Nine other air police 11/6/1973 #28376  
bar, occupied by 80 people, became absolutely silent, when everything froze 7/12/1975 #30175  
ow and hesitant as if this man had absolutely a poor conception of how to p 4/25/1978 #33171  
exactly like helicopter but making absolutely no sound was sighted at 11:45 7/24/1978 #33414  
e was a bee in his hair. He looked absolutely terrified. A girl named Dorot 10/31/1978 #33902  
rity are white. The object remains absolutely still and silent about 100 fe 4/18/1984 #37267  
lving into an area that you can do absolutely nothing about… Forget about i 8/30/1987 #38264  
beings on board. The entities have absolutely identical faces—extremely pal 7/4/1989 #39007  
ly out the window. The room became absolutely dark again. Iva stood up and  10/31/1989 #39199  
rs above their car. The object was absolutely silent. The mother saw ten or 3/24/1990 #39484  
30 km/h over the mountains. It was absolutely silent.                       3/1/1996 #42796  
was forward as it flew, and it was absolutely silent. Electrical disturbanc 8/13/2002 #44384  
speeds in excess of Mach 2 and was absolutely silent as it flew. However, i 4/18/2003 #44516  
 be 1500 feet in the air, and made absolutely no sound as it hovered. It ap 5/3/2006 #44938  
le of dome-shaped windows. It made absolutely no noise. It had a narrow bea 1/30/2012 #45338  
and flies slowly at 12–17 mph with absolutely no noise. The rear of the obj 11/19/2013 #45397  
## Word: "absorb" (Back to Top)
-shape. Small humanoids (or Greys) absorb paste / skin as food.             3/19/1959 #15649  
samples taken from the ring so not absorb water, have a higher acid content 11/2/1971 #26449  
 the same distance. They seemed to absorb the light from the flashlights wi 10/26/1975 #30476  
 the same distance. They seemed to absorb the light without reflecting it,  10/27/1975 #30491  
water, McNear and Foreman, Dragoon Absorb (Army INSCOM and DIA) with Charle 6/30/1995 #42284  
he night sky, and almost seemed to absorb any light; the lights did not app 5/3/2006 #44938  
e his light on it but it seemed to absorb all light. As it moved away it ro 8/29/2007 #45050  
nd their alien masters supplant or absorb humankind.                        9/2015 #45438  
## Word: "absorbed" (Back to Top)
ntent is to study how plutonium is absorbed into the digestive tract. The l 4/10/1945 #1844  
roaches the second and seems to be absorbed by it. The first UFO spits out  6/25/1962 #17245  
o surrounded by smoke or vapor. It absorbed a smaller object a few meters a 6/6/1964 #18336  
ty picks up the machine, which has absorbed the net as well as a bag contai 3/10/1968 #23834  
e ground. The tube like instrument absorbed the net, and the entity rose st 5/14/1968 #23962  
50th Tactical Group. The 4450th is absorbed by the 37th Tactical Fighter Wi 1984 #37095  
s of them, but to allow them to be absorbed into American culture.” Each of 8/30/1987 #38264  
came clear that the cow was being "absorbed" or levitated up into the UFO.  9/5/2009 #45242  
## Word: "absorbing" (Back to Top)
ntral control rod, responsible for absorbing neutrons in the reactor core.  1/3/1961 #16561  
 triangular inserts made of radar- absorbing composite material.) Technicia 4/26/1962 #17131  
th acute radiation syndrome due to absorbing high doses of ionizing radiati 4/26/1986 #37843  
 reported, 'absorbing electricity, absorbing water, and some of them have g 5/16/1998 #43568  
## Word: "absorbs" (Back to Top)
and, moving a wheel on it, quickly absorbs all the netting. The woman appro 3/10/1968 #23834  
it. The light stops in mid-air and absorbs both planes, according to Marcad 12/28/1988 #38763  
## Word: "abstract" (Back to Top)
6561   https://journals.aps.org/pr/abstract/10.1103/PhysRev.113.357   https 1955 #11898  
.357   https://journals.aps.org/pr/abstract/10.1103/PhysRev.115.206   https 1955 #11898  
206   https://journals.aps.org/rmp/abstract/10.1103/RevModPhys.34.442       1955 #11898  
.pdf   https://journals.aps.org/pr/abstract/10.1103/PhysRev.111.315   https Late 1956 #13281  
ing. Laura Simmons sees a “silent, abstract blob almost like the underside  9/12/2004 #44755  
## Word: "absurd" (Back to Top)
owd that the charges are false and absurd. Some ufologists interpret this a 812 #2  
ial propounded in science fiction. Absurd and fantastic theories given cred 5/23/1955 #12151  
about the CIA cover-up and all the absurd explanations that he made up: “Al 6/8/1966 #20543  
some of which he characterizes as “absurd.” Concerned over misguiding viewe 1/8/2019 #45557  
d real incidents. It then mixes in absurd and invented details, while claim 1/8/2019 #45557  
## Word: "absurdity" (Back to Top)
 some bordering on myth and “utter absurdity.”  https://www.thedrive.com/th 2005 #44804  
## Word: "abt" (Back to Top)
e 58; 22:15 - Blue-green round obj abt 10th size of moon just went out (NIC 4/30/1949 #4133  
## Word: "abu" (Back to Top)
ning, Georgia Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Abu Ghraib, Iraq The CIA has synthesized 7/1963 #17819  
 such as Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and Abu Ghraib, Iraq.) In the aftermath of t 7/1963 #17819  
                                   ABU DHABI 11 observer(s). Fluorescent we 11/23/1978 #33987  
flew silently over an oil field in Abu Dhabi, UAE. There were 11 oil worker 11/23/1978 #33989  
s taken of a disc-shaped object in Abu Dhabi, UAE by four young men, one na 12/2/1978 #34050  
ns such as the Medellín Cartel and Abu Nidal. William von Raab, a former US 7/5/1991 #40112  
                         AMMAN AND ABU ALANDA, JORDAN Many observer(s). Gla 9/12/1996 #43017  
## Word: "abundant" (Back to Top)
 rare uranium-235 isotope than the abundant uranium-238 isotope. Dunning be 3/1940 #1325  
roken, zig-zag path. They leave an abundant trail of a white substance (ang 10/17/1952 #8148  
who before the incident had had an abundant head of hair, became bald in le 5/17/1968 #23970  
eet. Inside the circle dandelions, abundant elsewhere in the meadow were ab 3/5/1971 #26044  
## Word: "abuse" (Back to Top)
 of their reactions to this verbal abuse. Among them is 17-year-old Ted Kac 9/1959 #15952  
r torture, rape, and psychological abuse of adults and young children, driv 7/1963 #17819  
 and a greater incidence of sexual abuse as children.                       1991 #39934  
that typically involve episodes of abuse, trauma, and serious illness. One  5/1/1992 #40442  
he narratives suggests that sexual abuse could be at the root of some of th 5/1994 #41511  
## Word: "abuses" (Back to Top)
US Senate committee to investigate abuses by the CIA, NSA, FBI, and IRS is  1/27/1975 #29767  
f investigations into intelligence abuses in 1975, dubbed the “Year of Inte 1/27/1975 #29767  
wing it was being investigated for abuses, the CIA still wrote in 1976 that 4/26/1976 #31027  
the Agency was considering further abuses to monitor civilian UAP groups.   4/26/1976 #31027  
## Word: "abusive" (Back to Top)
vehement, sweeping, and personally abusive” attacks. Specific, tailored ass 9/1959 #15952  
the Unabomber connects Kaczynski’s abusive experiences under Murray to his  9/1959 #15952  
## Word: "abut" (Back to Top)
braska think the fireball descends abut 3 miles southeast of Waverly, Nebra 4/25/1955 #12101  
er larger, pulsating light appears abut 1,500 feet in front of the boat and 8/23/1979 #34768  
that is attached to an oval object abut 10 feet in diameter. The grass stir 2/8/2003 #44484  
## Word: "abutment" (Back to Top)
rby and hide under a nearby bridge abutment as the object continues to mane 4/8/1966 #20276  
## Word: "aby" (Back to Top)
                                   ABY, SWD 2 kids. Red glow quickly going  8/23/1967 #22893  
## Word: "ac" (Back to Top)
 to Brig. General George Schulgen, AC/AS-2, from Lt. Gen. Nathan F. Twining 9/23/1947 #3415  
F EAST COAST / KOREA Blip all over AC carrier. Splits / 2. Much RADAR. Zigz 2/2/1952 #5891  
 Terama, Italy, in a room with two AC generators, one connected to power an 12/24/1978 #34201  
 NASA in 1999 to found the company AC Gravity LLC. AC Gravity was awarded a 8/1/1997 #43364  
 found the company AC Gravity LLC. AC Gravity was awarded a DOD grant for $ 8/1/1997 #43364  
e US Army at Redstone Arsenal with AC Gravity, and Baker states she “never  8/1/1997 #43364  
ro, Smith and Vril/Shumann.   (IV) AC/RF or microwave EM devices based on t 1/1998 #43483  
athan Campbell of NASA, Ning Li of AC Gravity (1 August 1997), Eugene Podkl 5/2002 #44335  
## Word: "ac&w" (Back to Top)
: two radar operators of the 147th AC&W Squadron. One object was tracked fo 4/4/1952 #6024  
. two radar operators of the 147th AC&W Squadron in Duncanville, Texas trac 4/4/1952 #6025  
Checks Out Object Sighted By 647th AC&W (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code:  7/25/1952 #7135  
stead, S/Sgt. Calkins of the 635th AC&W Squadron. One dull, glowing, blue-g 7/28/1952 #7259  
ess:  radar tracking by USAF 779th AC&W station.  An unexplained track was  11/13/1952 #8270  
as Dallas area 1:05 a.m. The 147th AC&W Squadron at Duncanville, Texas, is  1/6/1953 #8510  
se operations office, and a nearby AC&W site (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 1/22/1953 #8559  
ir Force personnel stationed at an AC&W station in this area observed an ae 1/26/1953 #8572  
e personnel stationed at the 769th AC&W station in Continental Divide, New  1/26/1953 #8576  
 officers and three airmen of USAF AC&W squadron, visually and by radar.  V 2/17/1953 #8684  
ive airmen of the US Air Force 754 AC&W Squad in Port Austin, Michigan pick 2/17/1953 #8685  
at least 10 personnel of the 912th AC&W Squadron. (not tracked) (NICAP: 01  6/30/1953 #8975  
ler and five men of the USAF 663rd AC&W Sqdn. Two oblong, bright orange, se 11/20/1955 #12578  
er Jr. and 5 men of the USAF 663rd AC&W Squadron see two oblong, bright ora 11/20/1955 #12579  
## Word: "acacia" (Back to Top)
Belgium. A small entity holding an acacia branch is nearby. The being enter 8/1946 #2093  
” formation in the vicinity of San Acacia, N.M., at altitude of 20,000 ft.  7/17/1948 #3711  
                       SOUTH / SAN ACACIA DAM, NM 2 / USAF. Several round o 7/17/1948 #3712  
                               San Acacia Dam, NM Group of 7 aluminum circu 7/17/1948 #3713  
                  Kirtland AFB San Acacia Diversion Dam, New Mexico 4:50 p. 7/17/1948 #3714  
r families five miles south of San Acacia Diversion Dam, New Mexico, see a  7/17/1948 #3714  
ng trip with their families to San Acacia Dam, New Mexico saw a group of se 7/17/1948 #3715  
100 yards away from the witness in Acacia Ridge, Northern Territory, Austra 5/27/1965 #18968  
 disappeared quickly into a nearby acacia grove. No traces were found.      3/4/1974 #28854  
## Word: "acacio" (Back to Top)
ays of light. At 7:15 p.m. Antonio Acacio de Oliveira sighted a reddish-yel 11/1/1977 #32653  
## Word: "academia" (Back to Top)
 this within the CIA.  https://www.academia.edu/43868466/UFOs%20and%20Intel 9/24/1947 #3425  
lassified until 2010.  https://www.academia.edu/49680297/Project   https:// 5/5/1955 #12123  
in the fake document.  https://www.academia.edu/24214339/TheSecretPrattTape 1980's? #35109  
Jesus Christ”).  https://rayboeche.academia.edu/research (see September 10  11/25/1991 #40241  
er-source-kbpyzC2H *   https://www.academia.edu/42735164/NegativeAliensReve 8/2004 #44724  
## Word: "academic" (Back to Top)
Lincoln LaPaz, citing the press of academic duties, withdraws from Project  2/2/1950 #4526  
Os, one of the few published by an academic institution, and the first UFO  3/1953 #8721  
ican political, business, finance, academic, and media leaders later to bec 5/29/1954 #9840  
 Saunders suggests to Low that his academic commitments might require a reo 9/5/1967 #23006  
olorado project in order to pursue academic interests.                      9/17/1967 #23076  
process), questions arise from the academic community (including Harvard Pr 5/1994 #41510  
he dean has “reaffirmed Dr. Mack’s academic freedom to study what he wishes 5/1994 #41510  
                                   Academic Dr. David Clarke publishes a cl 8/12/2022 #45762  
## Word: "academician" (Back to Top)
proved for official publication by Academician Nikolai Kardashev, one of th 1/1978 #32835  
## Word: "academicians" (Back to Top)
ssion is made up of scientists and academicians and is headed by former cos 2/1984 #37170  
## Word: "academics" (Back to Top)
gh-level government officials, and academics together with lawyers, bankers 7/29/1921 #1013  
er, a domestic terrorist targeting academics and technologists for 18 years 9/1959 #15952  
## Word: "academy" (Back to Top)
iabeuf and forwarded to the French Academy of Sciences. However, the Academ 6/12/1790 #91  
 Academy of Sciences. However, the Academy reported in 2006 that it has no  6/12/1790 #91  
 Einstein presents to the Prussian Academy of Science what are now known as 11/1915 #937  
                       Barton Hill Academy Bristol, England Day. Schoolboys 1930 #1107  
ys and teachers at the Barton Hill Academy in Bristol, England, watch a cig 1930 #1107  
 called The Secret Land and won an Academy Award for best documentary.      1946 #1955  
 foot square area of Hill Military Academy.                                 1/7/1947 #2223  
und a contactee group, the Unarius Academy of Science, in Los Angeles, Cali 2/1954 #9522  
            A member of the Soviet Academy of Sciences tells a radio audien 4/30/1955 #12106  
cience Foundation and the National Academy of Sciences, with advice coming  7/29/1955 #12301  
r dish-saucers cavort over / naval academy. Silent. Form line.              8/14/1956 #13084  
olytechnic University Polish Naval Academy Soviet Union 6:00 a.m. A flying  1/21/1959 #15558  
versity [possibly the Polish Naval Academy]. A few days later, an injured o 1/21/1959 #15558  
ey, engineering instructor at USAF Academy, flying a T-33 jet trainer. One  10/19/1959 #16042  
engineering instructor at the USAF Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado wa 10/19/1959 #16043  
                        West Point Academy General Douglas McArthur states, 5/12/1962 #17160  
                 Pentagon National Academy of Sciences Hynek writes to Lt.  8/30/1965 #19478  
he Pentagon work with the National Academy of Sciences to establish a panel 8/30/1965 #19478  
    University of Arizona National Academy of Sciences University of Arizon 3/28/1966 #20117  
. Malone, chairman of the National Academy of Sciences’ Committee on the At 3/28/1966 #20117  
                 Colorado National Academy of Sciences McDonald is lobbying Late 1/1967 #21384  
k Seitz, president of the National Academy of Sciences, with some mild crit Late 1/1967 #21384  
untain astronomical station of the Academy of Sciences. The object was slig 8/8/1967 #22845  
     Physics Department The Soviet Academy of Sciences’ Physics Department, 12/1967 #23529  
r Force for review by the National Academy of Sciences.                     10/31/1968 #24605  
                 Colorado National Academy of Sciences Yale University The  11/15/1968 #24661  
he Colorado report to the National Academy of Sciences for review by an 11- 11/15/1968 #24661  
n 90 UAP sightings to the National Academy of Sciences and later to the Ame 11/15/1968 #24662  
                       US National Academy of Sciences letter by Dr. Freder 1/8/1969 #24825  
             Colorado The National Academy of Sciences releases its review  1/8/1969 #24826  
                      US Air Force Academy NICAP obtains a copy of a chapte 10/1969 #25389  
extbook in use at the US Air Force Academy, Introductory Space Science, for 10/1969 #25389  
ntroductory Space Science, for the academy’s Physics 370 course. The last c 10/1969 #25389  
Lakenheath-Bentwaters The American Academy for the Advancement of Science h 12/26/1969 #25509  
d to the formation of To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science with former US 5/1973 #27461  
nes to replace Bush with his Naval Academy classmate Stansfield Turner afte 11/19/1976 #31557  
atoly Alexandrov, president of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, express 9/20/1977 #32499  
year, a preliminary report for the Academy of Sciences of the USSR contains 9/20/1977 #32499  
AN, under the orders of the Soviet Academy of Sciences and composed of scie 10/1977 #32539  
hetnikov, chief of the Top Command Academy of the Air Defence Forces report Late 1970's #32823  
stitute in Moscow USSR The Russian Academy of Sciences releases a report, t 1/1978 #32835  
iet Union UFO research at the USSR Academy of Sciences came under the umbre End of 1978 #34036  
    The Setka-AN group of the USSR Academy of Sciences publishes a skeptica Late 1/1979 #34380  
director of the Bolivian Air Force Academy. The Defense Attaché of the US E 8/10/1979 #34724  
 an official branch of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.              5/1980 #35297  
                          National Academy of Sciences in Washington, D.C.  1/5/1982 #36296  
 at a meeting held at the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, D.C., 1/5/1982 #36296  
 Anomalous Phenomena of the Soviet Academy of Sciences in Moscow to discuss 2/18/1991 #39977  
de was co-produced by To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science, of which Me 5/22/1992 #40469  
cle in the Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. According to them,  2000 #43911  
 from the internet by To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science (TTSA) (see 8  12/2015 #45441  
7, DeLonge co-founded To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science with former US 1/24/2016 #45443  
dfunding campaign The To the Stars Academy begins offering to the public $5 9/2017 #45480  
Tom DeLonge Announces To The Stars Academy for ‘Outer Edges of Science’ Res 10/12/2017 #45484  
 suggested his group, To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science (TTSA), was be 10/26/2017 #45488  
                      To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science (TTSA), advise 7/2018 #45532  
    Austin, Texas The To The Stars Academy’s ADAM Research Project is annou 7/26/2018 #45534  
                      To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science (TTSA), advise 8/8/2019 #45605  
  TruClear Global The To the Stars Academy announces it has entered into a  10/17/2019 #45612  
y the private company To the Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences. The releas 4/27/2020 #45643  
rector while he is at To The Stars Academy Lue Elizondo states on a public  7/19/2020 #45653  
n communist countries The National Academy of Sciences completes a report o 8/2020 #45657  
 recent evaluation by the National Academy of Sciences, which references th 1/15/2021 #45673  
        Tom DeLonge’s To the Stars Academy files a report to the US Securit 2/17/2021 #45677  
## Word: "acadieville" (Back to Top)
                      PR480 EAST / ACADIEVILLE, NB Silent red glowing-sauce 10/3/1976 #31444  
## Word: "acampo" (Back to Top)
                                   Acampo, California Just after sunset. Pe Mid 1/1897 #381  
ornia Just after sunset. People in Acampo, California, see an airship the s Mid 1/1897 #381  
## Word: "acantilados" (Back to Top)
g Dario Mazzaglia, a farmer in Los Acantilados, Buenos Aires province, Arge 1/23/1981 #35796  
## Word: "acapulco" (Back to Top)
                                   ACAPULCO, MEXICO 25+/ airliner. Night li 10/31/1966 #21052  
nts. People in trains going toward Acapulco and people traveling by car saw 3/25/1967 #21984  
at dawn. People in trains going to Acapulco and people travelling by car sa 3/25/1967 #21987  
                                   Acapulco, Mexico Mexico City United Nati 4/17/1977 #31987  
s on the UFO Phenomenon is held in Acapulco, Mexico, organized by Mexico Ci 4/17/1977 #31987  
                           Grenada Acapulco, Mexico United Nations Prime Mi 6/14/1977 #32163  
ticipants at the UFO conference in Acapulco, Mexico, to continue his effort 6/14/1977 #32163  
## Word: "acarau" (Back to Top)
                                   ACARAU, BRZ Luminous green sphere going  5/17/1960 #16280  
was spotted along the coastline in Acarau, Ceara State, Brazil. It stopped  5/17/1960 #16281  
                        SANTANA DO ACARAU, BRZ Chupa chases and zaps man re 5/1984 #37307  
                        SANTANA DO ACARAU, BRZ Woman with cigarette chased  8/1984 #37425  
                        SANTANA DO ACARAU, BRZ Date approximate. 1 object w 7/1987 #38203  
## Word: "acari" (Back to Top)
                            EAST / ACARI, BRAZIL 3 observer(s). Silent 40cm 2/1991 #39969  
               4 MILES SOUTHEAST / ACARI, BRAZIL Observer(s) hides under tr 9/1991 #40176  
## Word: "acarigua" (Back to Top)
                                   ACARIGUA, VNZ 2 luminous/glowing-objects 1/19/1966 #19855  
                                   Acarigua, Venezuela 7:55 p.m. Two lumino 1/19/1966 #19859  
.m. Two luminous objects pass over Acarigua, Venezuela, one from the north, 1/19/1966 #19859  
                                   ACARIGUA, VNZL Many observer(s). Luminou 12/20/1976 #31626  
## Word: "acaste" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Acaste” Yield: 150KT                     11/2/1984 #37502  
## Word: "accacio" (Back to Top)
ion. Going quickly north toward(s) Accacio.                                 8/14/1975 #30266  
## Word: "accelerate" (Back to Top)
aircraft and hover alongside, then accelerate and climb away out of sight.  4/5/1943 #1491  
t an angle of 30–40° and appear to accelerate rapidly in the climb. The obj 8/15/1947? #3337  
ion, angle upwards at 30°–40°, and accelerate out of sight. He estimates th 7/1/1948 #3694  
ust, joins the other, and together accelerate upwards leaving the V-2 behin 6/14/1949 #4240  
ces, leave no vapor trails, hover, accelerate rapidly, and make abrupt “squ 8/30/1950 #5150  
O Brilliant white star like object accelerate and decelerate (NICAP: 01 - D 9/20/1950 #5185  
ois, from the west-northwest. They accelerate to the south and make a 180°  7/12/1952 #6784  
0 mph. Two of the targets suddenly accelerate and vanish off the scope with 7/19/1952 #6935  
ircle with a blue trail hover then accelerate (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 7/21/1952 #6972  
e trail was seen to hover and then accelerate to near-sonic speed (700+ m.p 7/21/1952 #6978  
, take up a diamond formation, and accelerate out of sight.                 8/3/1952 #7436  
tched a bright blue light descend, accelerate, and then fly parallel to his 4/8/1953 #8813  
UFO. Many witnesses see the object accelerate and climb. The F-84 pursues b 8/5/1953 #9049  
ttempts to overtake them, but they accelerate and disappear. The commander  4/10/1958 #14974  
A row of red lights fly slow, then accelerate immensely (NICAP: 01 - Distan 11/18/1959 #16092  
s fly in a trail formation, hover, accelerate, and make sharp turns. A stro 4/25/1960 #16243  
round, swoop down, hover near car, accelerate up into clouds with rushing a 1/12/1965 #18716  
he object appears to level off and accelerate at a speed of 690 mph or more 8/12/1965 #19373  
AFB, MI KC-135 Crew Watches Object Accelerate (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases,  10/14/1965 #19656  
ch from the south, stop and hover, accelerate, zig-zag, then continue north 3/19/1966 #19993  
ights on its underside hover, then accelerate away. (NICAP report form.) (N 4/22/1966 #20365  
oming from the object. He tries to accelerate the car, but it won’t move. R 10/26/1966 #21038  
. Forward motion slowed, unable to accelerate, loss of steering control (Se 1/3/1967 #21247  
. Forward motion slowed, unable to accelerate, loss of steering control     1/3/1967 #21248  
ed, and she could not make her car accelerate to get out from under the UFO 1/3/1967 #21251  
 70 seconds, they watch the target accelerate from 800 to more than 4,000 m 7/6/1967 #22621  
s for another 3–6 miles, then they accelerate and overtake them, disappeari 1968 #23632  
 green, with the ability to hover, accelerate rapidly, and abruptly change  10/24/1968 #24587  
 they are. Tukeva sees the objects accelerate away from him “at great speed 4/12/1969 #25057  
n above their car even though they accelerate to 85 mph. The underside seem 1/1972 #26535  
alia on this evening. She tried to accelerate away from the object, but her 7/25/1972 #26834  
rly steady light until it began to accelerate, then it appeared to elongate Summer 1974 #29219  
 truck stalls out when he tries to accelerate, but the tape deck keeps oper 10/11/1974 #29520  
er objects in formation until they accelerate out of sight over Lake Bolmen 8/1976 #31215  
ems and des not seem to be able to accelerate. When they approach the villa 2/22/1977 #31839  
king red light on top. The objects accelerate to the south and vanish from  8/11/1977 #32384  
They do recall seeing a domed disc accelerate and speed quickly out of sigh 8/11/1977 #32388  
bruptly and follows them, but they accelerate to 65 mph and evade it.       8/28/1977 #32433  
he truck slowing down and tried to accelerate. The truck's exhaust stacks w 6/12/1981 #35967  
e seem to lose power and would not accelerate. All the women panicked and b 7/15/1981 #36008  
e seem to lose power and would not accelerate. There was an apparent time l 7/16/1981 #36010  
, the discs emit a strong whistle, accelerate, and disappear.               4/22/1986 #37834  
ee groups of luminous spheres that accelerate rapidly and abruptly. One wit Early 8/1990 #39676  
nd still for 3 minutes before they accelerate rapidly forward.              Early 8/1990 #39676  
cts move as slowly as 20 mph, then accelerate to supersonic speed. He concl 10/1/1990 #39756  
 patrol car. The lights stop, then accelerate, and make sharp turns in the  6/1997 #43306  
t fly by slowly, but then suddenly accelerate and then abruptly reduce spee 3/2/2000 #43962  
he leveled off and began to slowly accelerate, climbing gently and heading  7/16/2003 #44565  
ane, Ireland saw a glaring red UFO accelerate, shoot vertically, and then d 10/23/2003 #44612  
 feet as well as sea level and can accelerate, slow down, and hit hypersoni 2/2015? #45430  
ng solar sail would not be able to accelerate. In response, Loeb writes an  10/26/2018 #45541  
## Word: "accelerated" (Back to Top)
The opening closed, and the object accelerated and was lost to sight.       1/1910 #828  
fully." When pursued, the creature accelerated very fast, with feet "flutte Fall 1938 #1295  
d the fighters for 3 minutes, then accelerated and sped away. (Ref. 3; Jan  6/1944 #1599  
mm (Emergency Fighter Program) for accelerated production of inexpensive “w 3/12/1945 #1811  
lane.  A single bright white light accelerated and turned up a valley.      7/1948 #3690  
ile flying in a T-6 plane. The UFO accelerated rapidly from 80mph to 500 or 11/18/1948 #3880  
d climbing (into the northeast) at accelerated speed out of sight.”         1/4/1949 #3959  
her UFO, and together they quickly accelerated upwards leaving the missile  6/10/1949 #4229  
t then made a right-angle turn and accelerated away after at least 30 secon 7/13/1950 #5063  
then made a ninety-degree turn and accelerated away after at least 30 secon 7/13/1950 #5066  
 with a churning or rotary motion, accelerated at end of 15 second sighting 8/4/1950 #5103  
lso "sparkled in the sunlight." It accelerated away toward the end of their 8/4/1950 #5106  
exhaust which turned black when it accelerated to an estimated 1,000 m.p.h. 3/15/1951 #5488  
t gave off a black exhaust when it accelerated. The UFO flew toward the sou 3/15/1951 #5490  
nch Air Force Vampire jet. It then accelerated away.                        6/15/1951 #5543  
 a slight dive, levelled off, then accelerated out of sight.                10/10/1951 #5720  
d disc at 9:50 a.m., which finally accelerated and outdistanced them, climb 1/21/1952 #5872  
object moved slowly at first, then accelerated away. The sighting lasted tw 2/12/1952 #5900  
rth Korea Bright white object that accelerated to high speed and tracked by 5/26/1952 #6365  
horizontal, again tilted vertical, accelerated, appeared to lengthen and tu 5/29/1952 #6384  
F-94 against the dawn sky. The UFO accelerated away after the fighter jet m 5/31/1952 #6395  
red tracer bullets at it before it accelerated out of range. The officer wh Summer 1952 #6564  
r, executed a 90-degree turn, then accelerated and vanished in mid-air. At  7/12/1952 #6786  
 until two of the targets suddenly accelerated at fantastic speeds and disa 7/19/1952 #6906  
otion about its own axis. Suddenly accelerated at an incredible speed. (9/1 9/20/1952 #7982  
ns to the right and left, stopped, accelerated to original speed and finall 1/10/1953 #8529  
a red disc-shaped UFO. The UFO out accelerated the jets and moved away at h 1/28/1953 #8605  
 mechanic in a plane; the UFO then accelerated up into the sky.             1/30/1953 #8620  
  One bright blue light descended, accelerated, flew parallel to the F-94,  4/8/1953 #8812  
liptical UFO with four "portholes" accelerated and shot away. [UFOE, XII] ( 5/30/1954 #9845  
 that hovered for 30 seconds, then accelerated rapidly and flew away to the 9/19/1954 #10362  
own coloring, fell, then instantly accelerated to 1,000-1,500 m.p.h.        2/2/1955 #11966  
ling in the sky, then it instantly accelerated to between 1,000-1,500 m.p.h 2/2/1955 #11970  
t climb, rotated, hovered and then accelerated during the 6-8 minute sighti 12/21/1955 #12618  
ew in trail formation, hovered and accelerated and made sharp turns.  Case  4/25/1960 #16242  
ed and hovered for 5 minutes, then accelerated rapidly disappearing in the  9/13/1961 #16832  
Finally it made a 90- degree turn, accelerated, turned again and disappeare 11/3/1963 #18026  
 the object rose slightly and then accelerated horizontally speeding off to 1/23/1965 #18760  
 Elliptical object paced airliner, accelerated and sped away, photographs t 5/28/1965 #18972  
e, Queensland, Australia gradually accelerated, next zig-zagged, and then s 6/16/1965 #19008  
d to speed past it, but the object accelerated to keep up with the car for  7/20/1965 #19155  
 south. The object then turned and accelerated to the east-northeast. He dr 8/9/1965 #19349  
ville, Tennessee on this day. They accelerated and sped away. At 8 p.m. an  8/10/1965 #19363  
out 5 minutes, the object suddenly accelerated and sped away. (Hynek, 1972, 1/11/1966 #19827  
nately. The UFO moved slowly, then accelerated and sped away. (NICAP notes. 3/17/1966 #19979  
de a jerky ascent and then rapidly accelerated away to the north after 5 mi 3/20/1966 #20009  
gher-pitched whining sound when it accelerated. The witness felt a blast of 3/29/1966 #20142  
rocking back and forth. Finally it accelerated and sped away leaving a trai 4/6/1966 #20255  
 around its rim. The UFO gradually accelerated and moved away to the southw 4/24/1966 #20401  
bright blue light on top, suddenly accelerated, and was lost to sight towar 4/24/1966 #20403  
bright blue light on top, suddenly accelerated, and was lost to sight towar 4/24/1966 #20407  
object then turned to the west and accelerated away. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 5/17/1966 #20496  
object then turned to the west and accelerated away. At 4:00 a.m. on US Hig 5/17/1966 #20498  
 to yellow to blue to green) as it accelerated.                             6/11/1966 #20552  
e to yellow to blue to green as it accelerated.                             6/11/1966 #20554  
on, moving slowly. The object then accelerated northward and disappeared be 6/17/1966 #20572  
after which it climbed vertically, accelerated to a high velocity and disap 6/23/1966 #20595  
ter said. After 10–15 min. the UFO accelerated and sped away.               6/24/1966 #20602  
nd-mouse chase. Finally the object accelerated and sped away. Separate poli 6/24/1966 #20605  
him on cat-and-mouse chase. Object accelerated and sped away                6/24/1966 #20607  
nded with a light inside, and then accelerated away after several minutes.  6/27/1966 #20617  
ant, then it began moving, rapidly accelerated and sped away. (McDonald, 19 7/18/1966 #20654  
 radar-visual sighting. One object accelerated rapidly                      7/26/1966 #20687  
ast sky. After about 45 seconds it accelerated, displaying twinkling lights 8/2/1966 #20722  
ject descended, followed aircraft, accelerated up and away                  9/20/1966 #20902  
followed the aircraft, and finally accelerated up and away at high speed. T 9/20/1966 #20903  
ts were then turned on, and object accelerated and climbed away so fast tha 10/26/1966 #21037  
ts were then turned on, and object accelerated and climbed away so fast tha 10/26/1966 #21039  
emitted light beams up, then down, accelerated away                         12/30/1966 #21229  
object hovered, moved slowly, then accelerated away. It displayed a disc sh 1/10/1967 #21282  
. It hovered over an airport, then accelerated and sped away, disappearing  1/18/1967 #21340  
-bowl shaped object moving slowly, accelerated. Fowler, 1974, pp. 138- (NIC 1/20/1967 #21357  
o red to orange as it slowed, then accelerated. Venus was visible at the ti 2/9/1967 #21492  
object moved slowly at first, then accelerated. (Letter dated 2/22/67 in NI 2/13/1967 #21533  
oved back and forth, then suddenly accelerated away. A swishing sound was r 2/16/1967 #21566  
minutes. The objects hovered, then accelerated away. "Low roaring sound" he 2/18/1967 #21589  
aw two glowing ovals that hovered, accelerated, and vanished into a funnel- 2/18/1967 #21590  
dulum (oscillation), then suddenly accelerated away. (NICAP report form.) ( 2/20/1967 #21602  
overed, circled (maneuvered), then accelerated and flew away rapidly. (Lett 2/21/1967 #21611  
t luminosity). The object hovered, accelerated, and appeared to land in a c 2/23/1967 #21630  
ct. It moved higher gaining speed (accelerated) and flew away to the northe 2/25/1967 #21647  
green body lights. The object then accelerated and sped away. It made a sou 2/28/1967 #21680  
object hovered level, tilted, then accelerated and flew away very fast afte 3/1/1967 #21707  
ect hovered briefly, then suddenly accelerated and zoomed out of sight. It  3/1/1967 #21709  
back and forth 500 feet away, then accelerated and departed at high speed.  3/1/1967 #21710  
lliant white light, hissing sound, accelerated away                         3/8/1967 #21814  
ide. The object moved slowly, then accelerated and sped away and disappeare 3/9/1967 #21833  
 and almost blinded them.  Then it accelerated to the north and disappeared 3/9/1967 #21838  
 the road ahead of a car, and then accelerated away. (Flying Saucer Review, 3/10/1967 #21848  
 A disc with windows hovered, then accelerated away. (Air Force report in P 3/29/1967 #22011  
ideways at first, then climbed and accelerated away. (Reading Evening Post, 3/30/1967 #22013  
bell shape) hovered overhead, then accelerated away. (Letter dated 4/16/67  4/16/1967 #22138  
object moved slowly, then suddenly accelerated away. (NICAP report form.) ( 6/2/1967 #22454  
h a red light. The object hovered, accelerated straight up and disappeared. 6/11/1967 #22490  
ved across the highway, tilted up, accelerated and disappeared into the clo 7/10/1967 #22644  
tilted upward, moved to the right, accelerated and disappeared into the clo 7/10/1967 #22645  
tilted upward, moved to the right, accelerated and disappeared into the clo 7/10/1967 #22646  
rom sea, hovered, ascended slowly, accelerated into sky and out of sight    8/4/1967 #22801  
he base at the radar station, then accelerated out over the Gulf of Mexico. 8/5/1967 #22812  
ular pattern at low altitude, then accelerated upward and out of sight. At  8/11/1967 #22862  
vered, started moving, banked, and accelerated, out of sight leaving a red  8/12/1967 #22866  
eparate parts of the sky, suddenly accelerated out of sight leaving a "trai 8/16/1967 #22884  
 The objects suddenly ascended and accelerated out of sight. A "beeping" so 8/24/1967 #22913  
 minutes, the object began moving, accelerated rapidly and disappeared in t 9/5/1967 #23004  
ded into three parts, two of which accelerated out of sight, and the third  9/14/1967 #23056  
 suddenly stopped, then veered and accelerated away. (Toronto Telesram, 9/2 9/25/1967 #23130  
ched it (aircraft avoidance), then accelerated and sped away. Witness had s 10/12/1967 #23226  
minutes spinning on its axis, then accelerated and sped away. (Vallee, 1992 11/6/1967 #23413  
ationary (hovering) at first, then accelerated to 5 miles/second flying in  11/8/1967 #23422  
ed, gave off white trail of vapor, accelerated away, then broke into many s 6/21/1968 #24069  
rsed direction. The object finally accelerated and shot upward out of sight 8/18/1968 #24353  
thin 200 feet with a flashlight it accelerated away at a 45-degree angle, c 2/10/1969 #24910  
, to stop the taxi, but instead he accelerated away from the park and drove 4/25/1969 #25091  
 figure walking towards them. They accelerated the vehicle and sped away. L 10/24/1970 #25886  
mmigrant, to stop the taxi, but he accelerated away and drove them straight 4/24/1971 #26081  
ine made an odd sound and suddenly accelerated to 160 kph despite the drive 10/3/1971 #26405  
empted to pursue the object but it accelerated out of sight. At 9 p.m. an o 7/5/1972 #26775  
to his companion's attention as he accelerated past the scene, and Sharon w 2/4/1973 #27270  
moving in various directions, then accelerated and sped away toward the nor 9/2/1973 #27749  
 up and down like a yo-yo, it then accelerated and disappeared at high spee 9/30/1973 #27892  
t in his patrol car, but the being accelerated and disappeared when the car 10/17/1973 #28142  
ar continued to move forward at an accelerated speed! He tried to apply the 5/31/1974 #29150  
llers speculate that it has either accelerated to a speed of 5,000 mph or h 8/20/1975 #30291  
le, then a sharp turn, and finally accelerated away to the southwest. The b 11/22/1975 #30653  
lia. At 3:50 a.m. it then abruptly accelerated to a speed between 500 and 1 2/12/1976 #30866  
 at 150 nautical mph., but the UFO accelerated and stayed ahead of the F-4  9/19/1976 #31396  
(reported to be blue by the tower) accelerated fast to the north. The close 9/19/1976 #31413  
low sphere had chased her car; she accelerated to 80 mph to escape it.      4/26/1977 #32029  
ow of "windows" overtook airliner, accelerated, made 90-degree turn, soared 9/22/1977 #32508  
ns. Object alternately hovered and accelerated                              5/14/1978 #33209  
to be 600 miles per hour, but they accelerated and sped away to the north a 8/9/1979 #34722  
 light above a nearby mountain. It accelerated its downward approach and ca 8/29/1979 #34806  
, spinning, over Lick Observatory, accelerated rapidly and sped away (NICAP 5/2/1980 #35300  
, spinning, over Lick Observatory, accelerated rapidly and sped away        5/2/1980 #35301  
iant light beam down smoke stacks, accelerated, made noninertial turn. Sate 10/23/1980 #35581  
iant light beam down smoke stacks, accelerated, made noninertial turn. Sate 10/23/1980 #35582  
tion. "Very tight turns," hovered, accelerated away at "extremely high rate 2/9/1981 #35820  
plane. Object fluttered or tilted, accelerated rapidly, sped away           4/20/1981 #35908  
 3-5 feet in diameter.  It tilted, accelerated rapidly, then sped away towa 4/20/1981 #35909  
inating area, body lights visible, accelerated rapidly out of sight, physic 4/10/1983 #36835  
ot straight up, paused and finally accelerated out of sight. When the UFO p 9/24/1987 #38294  
gests that when the object left it accelerated at 20 G's, according to phot 1/24/1988 #38432  
 It circled the depot three times, accelerated and then stopped abruptly. I 7/28/1989 #39036  
ve seconds the object ascended and accelerated out of sight. That same nigh 3/2/1990 #39442  
lame behind the object. The object accelerated out of view. The entire even 5/16/1990 #39573  
 feet of some power lines. It then accelerated out of sight.                5/24/1990 #39589  
hts around its bottom rim. It then accelerated and was out of sight behind  7/18/1990 #39649  
d, Germany for three minutes. They accelerated rapidly forward. There were  8/24/1990 #39702  
t turned to a yellow color when it accelerated, leaving to the east.        11/14/1990 #39890  
om bright blue to bright red, then accelerated rapidly away toward the west 4/15/1992 #40418  
a steady, slow pace, but then they accelerated as they went over. They made 8/20/1992 #40586  
            MARAUDER (Magnetically accelerated ring to achieve ultrahigh di 8/1/1993 #41100  
ite, disc-shaped craft. The driver accelerated to 90 mph but the object kep 11/29/1993 #41309  
t of the bottom of the craft as it accelerated straight up and disappeared. 6/27/1994 #41588  
of Firenze in Tuscany, Italy, then accelerated quickly and made one up-and- 7/19/1999 #43808  
ed altitude of only 50 meters, and accelerated away making a deep buzzing n 12/15/1999 #43898  
by field. The frightened witnesses accelerated away from the area. They des 7/26/2001 #44211  
ky moving quickly. It slowed down, accelerated, and then wobbled from side  12/18/2001 #44295  
ers. From a stationary position it accelerated within a second to 5 degrees 7/28/2002 #44367  
m. It made an S turn, then rapidly accelerated out of sight.                8/6/2004 #44726  
in mid air. After a few minutes it accelerated at an extreme speed into the 5/6/2007 #45027  
t cigar-shaped object that rapidly accelerated and disappeared. Then at 7:3 2/11/2009 #45211  
 a stationary gray cylinder slowly accelerated, turned white, then opaque,  5/16/2010 #45282  
camera function wouldn't load. She accelerated down the highway to get away 6/1/2013 #45369  
a is an artificial thin solar sail accelerated by solar radiation pressure  10/26/2018 #45541  
## Word: "accelerates" (Back to Top)
 air to balance itself, it rapidly accelerates upward. A likely hoax.       8/1914 #907  
ongside with a slight wobble, then accelerates, turns from orange to white, 4/5/1943 #1492  
s, it makes an abrupt 90° turn and accelerates rapidly, disappearing in the 8/11/1944 #1640  
30-50' Circular Object Paces B-25, Accelerates (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, 7/6/1947 #2804  
 edge dips down toward them and it accelerates in a sudden burst of speed t 7/13/1947 #3171  
 aluminum.” The object slows, then accelerates rapidly, dives, and climbs o 7/1948 #3691  
d is approximately 200 mph, and it accelerates to 400–500 mph. The object m 1/1/1949 #3955  
y move south. Suddenly it lurches, accelerates rapidly, zooms upward at a 4 12/27/1950 #5368  
 loses altitude, makes a 90° turn, accelerates, and ascends at high speed.  10/4/1951 #5704  
osed] on Long Island, New York. It accelerates rapidly, makes a 180° turn,  1/21/1952 #5871  
es the F-84, crosses in front, and accelerates out of sight in a near verti 3/29/1952 #5992  
erforms a steady climbing turn and accelerates away at a tremendous speed.  5/26/1952 #6366  
 southwest and then back north. It accelerates instantaneously to a speed f 6/29/1952 #6666  
ly diminishes to a black dot, then accelerates to a high speed and disappea 7/9/1952 #6740  
0. Flattened silver sphere hovers. Accelerates going quickly north. No cont 8/1/1952 #7391  
se as 1,500 feet before the object accelerates. When it is again at a range 9/1952 #7801  
rotating on its axis then suddenly accelerates and disappears. Several grou 9/19/1952 #7980  
r Force Base, the object tilts up, accelerates, and shoots away.            10/11/1952 #8118  
e UFOs merge with a huge blip that accelerates and vanishes at a speed of 9 12/6/1952 #8389  
dows, passes them again. The pilot accelerates to more than 500 mph and pur 1953 #8479  
 5 seconds apart. It almost stops, accelerates to its original high speed,  1/10/1953 #8530  
stop just behind his aircraft then accelerates briefly until it is beside h 8/6/1953 #9052  
ivates the gun camera, but the UFO accelerates and disappears to the east a 3/25/1954 #9643  
NY Silver saucer with 4 portholes. Accelerates and shoots away. / LDLN#326  5/30/1954 #9844  
                Edenton, NC Object Accelerates Away From Marine TV-2 (NICAP 12/7/1954 #11770  
lows it for 3 minutes, but then it accelerates and he cannot keep it in sig 12/7/1954 #11773  
g sounds. Several minutes later it accelerates quickly in their direction,  1/31/1955 #11956  
ft. It cruises around, hovers, and accelerates at fantastic speeds, and is  2/17/1956 #12723  
ally it pulls ahead, tilts upward, accelerates, and zooms away in 5–8 secon Fall 1956 #13237  
r 5–8 minutes, the object suddenly accelerates in parallel with the B-36 an Fall 1956 #13239  
ly northwest. 1 in rear glides and accelerates and passes others!           5/17/1958 #15039  
or a while at their speed. Then it accelerates in a terrific burst of speed 6/29/1958 #15126  
harply toward the north-northeast, accelerates and climbs steeply, not stop 2/6/1960 #16169  
 approach it, but the UFO suddenly accelerates and disappears to the south. Summer 1960 #16313  
m to take another shot, the object accelerates and disappears into the clou 7/3/1960 #16329  
paths and other zig- zags. It then accelerates, changes back to white, and  Late 8/1960 #16416  
on the bottom. The object silently accelerates and disappears in 5 seconds. 8/30/1962 #17373  
 rises about 30 feet, hovers, then accelerates on a northeast course.       12/22/1962 #17606  
t but cannot intercept. The target accelerates out of sight in a wide starb 11/19/1964 #18629  
 vacuum cleaner noise. It suddenly accelerates horizontally to the west aga 1/23/1965 #18759  
y rises to about 300 feet, then it accelerates away to the northeast. Burge 5/24/1965 #18962  
orth-northwest. The object hovers, accelerates, reverses direction, and cha 7/3/1965 #19064  
 CT Object Flies In Front Of DC-6, Accelerates (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, 12/21/1965 #19784  
out 5 minutes, the object suddenly accelerates and speeds away.             1/11/1966 #19828  
 and rotates clockwise again, then accelerates straight up. On the final as 3/29/1966 #20139  
ish-orange to blue-white before it accelerates away.                        3/30/1966 #20163  
drive. It speeds up whenever Spaur accelerates, and soon he is driving at 8 4/17/1966 #20318  
 after which it climbs vertically, accelerates to a high velocity, and disa 6/23/1966 #20597  
ay, then it begins moving, rapidly accelerates, and speeds away.            7/18/1966 #20655  
n Regional Airport to the east. He accelerates toward the object ahead of h 9/1966 #20827  
feet in diameter. It moves higher, accelerates, and flies away to the north 2/25/1967 #21648  
inous bowl saucer going [to] slow. Accelerates. Car engine and radio and li 3/1967 #21687  
iG has disintegrated. The UFO then accelerates and climbs above 90,000 feet 3/1967 #21700  
rn and returns to their zenith. It accelerates west and disappears from vie Spring 1967 #21926  
d, and it stays over the road. She accelerates to 100 mph as the light over 7/20/1967 #22710  
ircraft for a few minutes, then it accelerates and leaves the plane behind  9/1967 #22975  
d watch it hover for 5 minutes. It accelerates suddenly and speeds to the s 1/20/1968 #23682  
iameter, starts following them. He accelerates to 60 mph and the object jum 1/20/1968 #23683  
for 15 minutes before it moves and accelerates out of sight.                7/18/1968 #24189  
tch it for 10–15 seconds before it accelerates and disappears to the west.  8/17/1968 #24346  
s of the object before it suddenly accelerates and shoots upwards.          8/18/1968 #24352  
road slowly. Red and white lights. Accelerates. No further details.         5/31/1970 #25678  
 Convair approaches the target, it accelerates and vanishes.                Early 2/1972 #26561  
st, it veers sharply to the north, accelerates, changes color to yellow-ora 8/28/1973 #27729  
gain to intercept the light, which accelerates instantaneously to 800 mph,  10/12/1973 #28017  
light makes a right-angle turn and accelerates vertically. After 8–10 flash 10/12/1973 #28017  
ng oddly along their sides. Debbie accelerates and drives past the figures. 10/22/1973 #28241  
er about 20–25 seconds, the object accelerates at speed to the north. It is 10/25/1973 #28284  
ly toward the west-southwest, then accelerates and disappears behind the tr 2/8/1974 #28747  
.m., the UFO suddenly and silently accelerates toward the city. The witness 4/1974 #28983  
ct rising up. It shifts speeds and accelerates out of sight. During the bul 4/19/1974 #29047  
ape. As it tips up at an angle, it accelerates to a fantastic speed toward  11/28/1974 #29619  
 in on the ship. However, the blip accelerates to an “impossible” speed in  6/23/1975 #30117  
. Just as the jets arrive, the UFO accelerates forward and then upward at a 8/13/1976 #31261  
p in 15 seconds, it levels off and accelerates to the southwest in 8 second 3/29/1977 #31933  
 front of them. After 4 minutes it accelerates in a steep climb toward the  4/22/1977 #32012  
2–50 feet in diameter. Suddenly it accelerates and vanishes from what the p 6/17/1977 #32171  
ds. Lights / top and bottom flash. Accelerates going up.                    11/18/1977 #32682  
 seconds it moves at 575 mph, then accelerates for 2 seconds, and executes  5/14/1978 #33210  
g Sable Point Lighthouse, and then accelerates silently over the horizon “f 7/28/1978 #33435  
cate detail on its underside, then accelerates and disappears. The men take 5/19/1979 #34568  
 overhead and under the UFO, which accelerates almost straight up in 5–10 s 7/27/1979 #34683  
g airplane. He turns south on 220, accelerates to 65 mph, and moves closer. 8/27/1979 #34787  
hen he is close enough, the object accelerates and disappears again. This t 11/11/1979 #34997  
r position for 10 seconds. Then it accelerates rapidly and speeds away to t 5/2/1980 #35303  
 It changes direction slightly and accelerates to the northwest. The group  10/1/1980? #35552  
d object right in front of him and accelerates to approach, but the object  10/31/1980 #35599  
 angle, passes directly above him, accelerates upward, and speeds away. Pel 5/16/1981 #35940  
 object moves to the northeast and accelerates. He loses interest and drive 5/20/1981 #35943  
on for 30 seconds and then the UFO accelerates and disappears.              1/3/1982 #36295  
 dome on the underside. The object accelerates and disappears over the Medi 1/14/1983 #36747  
it on their scopes. The light then accelerates forward, rises, and disappea 1984 #37096  
ing at 7,000 feet, but it suddenly accelerates to a height of above 70,000  7/22/1985 #37628  
e, quick, hopping motions; then it accelerates straight up and out of sight 11/12/1988 #38713  
ard the light, after which the UFO accelerates abruptly and disappears. The 5/2/1989 #38935  
rizon. When it departs, the object accelerates so rapidly that it disappear 6/8/1991 #40092  
. After a minute or so, the object accelerates sharply, makes a 90° turn, a 11/1992 #40700  
 an unnatural way, then the object accelerates to the horizon many times fa 3/31/1993 #40914  
 off slowly to the northwest, then accelerates, changing direction to the s 3/1994 #41433  
lliant ovoid scoots behind clouds. Accelerates silently.                    2/14/1995 #42047  
ject comes to an abrupt halt, then accelerates past the airplane at an incr 2/3/1999 #43721  
d try to follow the object, but it accelerates and loses them.              11/4/2000 #44071  
eet off the ground to the left. It accelerates and shoots between them, gra 9/2009 #45241  
her. It stops dead above her head, accelerates, then slows down. Her husban 1/5/2018 #45500  
craft ceases, and the UFO suddenly accelerates to the same speed and headin 3/19/2020 #45639  
## Word: "accelerating" (Back to Top)
ged across the sky at great speed, accelerating away toward the west.       3/17/1903 #661  
 leveled out on a westerly heading accelerating rapidly to vanish in five s 4/1/1948 #3604  
de 30 and 40 degree climbing turn, accelerating very rapidly out of sight   7/1/1948 #3692  
nology because they have been seen accelerating and maneuvering.            5/12/1949 #4182  
st directly away from the carrier, accelerating from 600 to 1,800 mph at 52 2/2/1952 #5893  
 the sky southwest of the airport, accelerating rapidly. The light is also  6/13/1952 #6496  
ays tag with the F-94, alternately accelerating away when it gets close, th 7/26/1952 #7175  
e him for four more seconds before accelerating away out of sight at severa 8/6/1953 #9052  
denly takes off in a shallow climb accelerating to approximately earth esca 12/16/1953 #9374  
. They tried to outpace the UFO by accelerating to 225 knots but it kept up Winter 1953 #9385  
 couldn't catch up with it despite accelerating to 530 mph.                 3/12/1954 #9619  
in, it moved toward the northwest, accelerating and climbing.               5/20/1954 #9819  
t moved toward away the northwest, accelerating and climbing into the sky.  5/20/1954 #9821  
ons. Moving in a zigzag motion and accelerating at high speed. Rudolf Herme Late 6/1954 #9947  
er part of the object while it was accelerating.                            12/18/1954 #11831  
advertently becomes airborne after accelerating the U-2 to 70 knots. He is  8/1/1955 #12316  
omerang-shaped, which swished when accelerating.  Seen 1-2 seconds each.    9/10/1960 #16441  
 boomerang-shaped, that swish when accelerating, over Ridgecrest, Californi 9/10/1960 #16443  
, which made a swishing sound when accelerating. They were seen for a coupl 9/10/1960 #16444  
 Professor of engineering observed accelerating luminous object. [NICAP UFO 9/15/1960 #16448  
of sight at 20 to 30 degrees angle accelerating rapidly. [NICAP UFO Evidenc 7/10/1962 #17270  
an missile sites is continuing and accelerating. Robert Kennedy meets secre 10/26/1962 #17499  
uadrant, zigzagging, hovering, and accelerating at times, and maintaining a 7/2/1965 #19053  
It has a white light on top. After accelerating, the object becomes a white 8/9/1965 #19348  
d orange discs flying slowly, then accelerating, body lights blinking on an 3/16/1966 #19973  
uvered out from under trees before accelerating straight up and out of sigh 3/29/1966 #20142  
ddishorange to bluish-white before accelerating out of sight.               3/30/1966 #20160  
tion) shone on it by zig- zagging, accelerating straight up and disappearin 4/18/1966 #20327  
After several minutes it departed, accelerating suddenly and making a high  6/24/1966 #20608  
ved back and forth before suddenly accelerating out of sight over the horiz 2/16/1967 #21575  
nty, Colorado, moving slowly, then accelerating. The witness’s car engine,  3/1967 #21702  
nd down. changed color to red when accelerating                             7/25/1967 #22731  
g w a rapid, rocking motion before accelerating upwards at angle at high sp 4/27/1969 #25098  
bove them for 10–12 seconds before accelerating and heading northwest. The  10/18/1973 #28172  
 last 2–3 seconds it turns upward, accelerating rapidly. The witness’s truc 10/11/1974 #29520  
hovering silently at low altitude, accelerating instantly, and turning with 4/3/1975 #29952  
n, moving slowly at first but then accelerating so fast that it appeared to 12/6/1976 #31587  
s were able to evade the object by accelerating to 65 mph.                  8/28/1977 #32438  
sts a few minutes, the object soon accelerating and fading into the distanc 4/19/1978 #33153  
it moves in a northwest direction, accelerating to 840 mph and climbing to  3/13/1979 #34474  
nd hovered for three minutes. When accelerating a red glow was visible from 9/21/1980 #35525  
tinues to curve to the left, still accelerating and eventually beginning to 10/24/1982 #36663  
ve. It dragged the truck back from accelerating when the driver attempted t 8/1/1983 #36930  
how near-hover capabilities before accelerating to supersonic. Scott conclu 10/1/1990 #39757  
the craft, which took off quickly, accelerating out of sight.               8/21/1998 #43634  
s to mirror their movements before accelerating at high speed and disappear 11/14/2004 #44784  
 dropping "balls of light", before accelerating into outer space.           9/7/2005 #44870  
s speed varies from stationary, to accelerating to 532 mph in 30 seconds, t 1/8/2008 #45112  
he UFO crossing their flight path, accelerating, and moving away.           11/11/2019 #45617  
## Word: "acceleration" (Back to Top)
r three minutes. It made a violent acceleration and deceleration.           11/22/1944 #1700  
g north. Fast 90° turn and instant acceleration going quickly east. / r171p 6/1947 #2305  
. Air and ground RADAR confirm. 5g acceleration. / r201p105.                9/21/1950 #5189  
200 m.p.h.), made turn of 11-12 gs acceleration during 1 minute observation 9/21/1950 #5191  
and it executed a turn of 11-12 Gs acceleration during the one-minute obser 9/21/1950 #5193  
Exhaust going quickly [to] black / acceleration. Going southwest. Vanishes! 3/15/1951 #5485  
° into the southeast with terrific acceleration, and disappears. It is seen 10/10/1951 #5719  
have withstood the deceleration or acceleration displayed by this aircraft. 4/23/1952 #6162  
nce the object pulled away with an acceleration of 20 G's. At 8:00 p.m. a s 5/15/1952 #6334  
adar. It shot away with tremendous acceleration.                            5/26/1952 #6367  
ing east. Other going SSE. Instant acceleration.                            6/28/1952 #6649  
] going SSW faster / any jet. Huge acceleration.                            8/1/1952 #7392  
center. Hovers. 90-turn and sudden acceleration.                            8/26/1952 #7738  
 a gentle climb and finally sudden acceleration.                            8/26/1952 #7743  
e climb followed by a final sudden acceleration.                            8/26/1952 #7744  
 Silent aluminum soup-bowl. Sudden acceleration going quickly south toward( 9/17/1952 #7968  
cer follows meteor jet. Incredible acceleration. / r70p3+r242+r120.         9/19/1952 #7976  
fiable with any known aircraft and acceleration was in excess of that of a  9/20/1952 #7982  
ter than F-80, and showed constant acceleration.                            10/24/1952 #8182  
en the witness ran towards it. The acceleration was instantaneous, and the  10/27/1952 #8202  
ual contact with us. The power and acceleration were beyond the capability  10/29/1952 #8215  
 at high speed, exhibiting extreme acceleration.                            10/29/1952 #8216  
orthwest horizon. Away / fantastic acceleration.                            1/1/1953 #8490  
way at a high speed with fantastic acceleration.                            1/1/1953 #8495  
ds going quickly west. "Tremendous acceleration".                           6/23/1953 #8958  
two others. They displayed amazing acceleration.                            7/19/1953 #9005  
riangle moved slowly, made a rapid acceleration and a vertical climb during 9/22/1953 #9173  
and noticed it exhibited anomalous acceleration characteristics. After land 12/18/1953 #9384  
r two hours. It would turn blue on acceleration. Jets were scrambled and ga 8/6/1954 #10107  
 halo. Quickly going up / terrific acceleration.                            9/15/1954 #10303  
R's. Cylinder/cigar-shape. Instant acceleration going [to] 300kph. Going qu 9/17/1954 #10326  
d spins in sky. Speeds away. Rapid acceleration.                            10/9/1954 #10825  
 light, took off with a formidable acceleration when witnesses (garage owne 10/11/1954 #10936  
ed light and took off with extreme acceleration when witnesses (garage owne 10/11/1954 #10953  
ly north / instantaneous speed. No acceleration.                            1/21/1956 #12674  
180-turn / 5 second(s). Incredible acceleration.                            7/17/1956 #12975  
ws roadside / low altitude. Sudden acceleration away.                       1/5/1958 (approximate) #14809  
t behind mountains. Extremely fast acceleration.                            8/14/1959 #15918  
ng from the tail during periods of acceleration. The pilot pursues the obje 11/19/1964 #18629  
ach 1. Woodsbury says: “Its speed, acceleration, ceiling and ability to dec 11/19/1964 #18629  
 4 ovoids maneuver and turn. Sharp acceleration. / r41p242.                 7/23/1966 #20671  
 Bright object over car. Car can't acceleration. Odd maneuver / sky and awa 1/3/1967 #21246  
a tremendous burst of speed (rapid acceleration). (NICAP report form.). (NI 2/10/1967 #21501  
 MN Disk with windows hovers. Fast acceleration and away. No further detail 3/29/1967 #22009  
         Winnipeg, CAN Radar Shows Acceleration of 720 to 3600 Knots in 70  7/6/1967 #22618  
rhead. Turn going north again / no acceleration.                            9/4/1967 (approximate) #22993  
Electro-magnetic effect (EME). Odd acceleration. Missing time. Abduction? / 10/30/1967 #23365  
per hour again, with no feeling of acceleration. The object is only seen fr 10/30/1967 #23371  
to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Acceleration won't respond.              3/4/1968 #23820  
ck and forth while hovering, rapid acceleration upward at angle (UFOE II, S 5/24/1971 #26128  
ck and forth while hovering, rapid acceleration upward at angle             5/24/1971 #26129  
er fireworks show. Silent. Violent acceleration.                            7/14/1972 #26797  
and blinks / 60M altitude. Instant acceleration away. / NICAP 12'72.        9/29/1972 #27040  
 ovoid hovers /. Zigzags / instant acceleration. Helicopters follow.        2/1973 (approximate) #27255  
ight moves. Shoots going up / 330g acceleration.                            4/12/1973 #27423  
ned and then shot straight up. The acceleration was estimated at 330 G's. A 4/12/1973 #27427  
oing quickly southwest. No trail / acceleration. RADAR invisible!           3/17/1974 #28894  
 3' altitude. Floodlights. Instant acceleration going up.                   9/1974 #29407  
as a loss of power resulting in no acceleration, plus the lights dimmed for 9/24/1974 #29475  
er rises / trees. Rotates. Gradual acceleration going north beyond trees.   1/10/1978 #32866  
ortheast, changing colors with its acceleration.                            8/28/1978 #33588  
front of the mist. It showed great acceleration, and left a vapor trail.    11/23/1978 #33990  
 MO Night lights revolve over car. Acceleration and floating feeling. Radio 8/12/1979 #34737  
ses / 2 minute(s). 90° turn. Large acceleration. / NUFORC and more / MJ#194 2/9/1984 #37182  
k. 1 going south and back. Instant acceleration.                            2/17/1984 (approximate) #37189  
 and going quickly SSE / fantastic acceleration.                            5/2/1990 #39549  
glowing objects with extraordinary acceleration and maneuverability. Area 5 1991 #39935  
aucer hums over reservoir. Amazing acceleration going quickly west.         2/19/1994 #41420  
off the to the east with fantastic acceleration. The photograph is consider 2/19/1994 #41421  
ir streams from the objects during acceleration and right-angle turns. The  8/10/1998 #43625  
southeast very fast. Instantaneous acceleration going [to] insane speed. /  1/20/2001 #44126  
e object. It shot off with extreme acceleration.                            12/19/2001 #44297  
 the Sinai Pennisula in Egypt. The acceleration and deceleration of the lig 11/6/2002 #44435  
ked away in a nearly instantaneous acceleration.                            4/15/2004 #44688  
ike a G-force caused by high speed acceleration. He regained consciousness  4/25/2007 #45023  
ing and stopping instantly without acceleration, over Reading, California a 8/16/2007 #45048  
lain the object’s nongravitational acceleration. Other scientists state tha 10/26/2018 #45541  
## Word: "accelerations" (Back to Top)
I Family / car. 12 disks / instant accelerations. Hover and maneuver. Assem 5/1936 (approximate) #1244  
rver(s). Night light zigzags. Wild accelerations. Sharp 90° turn going quic 6/28/1947 #2443  
 as 9:20 p.m. The light made quick accelerations and 90 degree turns, and f 6/28/1947 #2451  
rforms very tight curves and quick accelerations to 600 mph.                11/18/1948 #3883  
x formation. Bank and maneuver. XX accelerations.                           4/24/1949 #4101  
ucer going north. Portholes / rim. Accelerations very fast. Dwg / reference 2/1952 #5889  
. Object at 40K' altitude. Extreme accelerations and flat turns. Going quic 4/23/1952 #6161  
 3 Air Traffic Controllers. Saucer accelerations 0 to 5000kph in 2 seconds! 5/9/1952 #6279  
ircraft plants. Hovers and extreme accelerations. Silent.                   7/11/1952 #6756  
ver/all about. Color(s) vary. Huge accelerations.                           7/29/1952 #7291  
alf-moon-size disk / light. Abrupt accelerations. Changes color(s). Going q 8/4/1952 #7446  
hovers / high altitude. Impossible accelerations. Absolute(ly) silent. Goin 8/10/1952 #7532  
ged saucers / tight turns. Extreme accelerations. Seen 6 minutes.           12/4/1952 #8369  
buzzes DC3 / 2 hours. Turns blue / accelerations. Jets chase. Going quickly 8/5/1954 #10100  
rtheast. Instant turn going south. Accelerations. Jets chase. Going quickly 10/13/1958 #15342  
night light zigzags and hovers and accelerations. 20-45° over horizon.      7/2/1965 #19051  
nd fantastic maneuvers circles and accelerations / 115min.                  2/26/1966 #19920  
hts / bottom/underside. Hovers and accelerations.                           2/19/1967 #21593  
A Separate cops. Ovoid with beams. Accelerations. Away in seconds. / McDona 7/4/1967 #22606  
break V-formation and zigzag. High accelerations.                           5/23/1969 #25159  
ft and saucer and globes. Terrific accelerations. / LDLN#183.               12/30/1978 #34229  
300M cylinder/cigar-shape flashes. Accelerations going [to] 1400mph. / r41p 5/25/1995 #42224  
to be produced during the objects' accelerations. The substance was white i 8/10/1998 #43626  
YOTL, MX Dark domed ovoid. Extreme accelerations. Knob / bottom. 4 minutes  12/19/2001 #44296  
## Word: "accelerator" (Back to Top)
witness tries to speed up, but the accelerator does not respond. The object 3/4/1968 #23823  
ut the car wouldn't respond to the accelerator. As the UFO came quite near, 3/4/1968 #23825  
ead. The car didn't respond to the accelerator until after it had left the  3/6/1969 #24977  
/between west over Stanford linear accelerator. Hums. Quickly going up.     2/1972 #26559  
t stature. She pressed hard on the accelerator and saw the tall figure stri 3/7/1972 #26590  
50º F. Peter took his foot off the accelerator but the car continued to mov 5/31/1974 #29150  
r on, and put his foot down on the accelerator. At this point his conscious 2/5/1978 #32957  
in Street, her foot is flat on the accelerator but there is no sound from h 11/22/1978 #33980  
racked with static. She floors the accelerator to get away but can’t get pa 9/20/1979 #34907  
eems to be dragging, even with the accelerator pressed to the floor. The ob 7/19/1981 #36020  
## Word: "accent" (Back to Top)
ther speaks English with a British accent. The craft is called the Aeribarq 4/21/1897? #551  
ys later a stranger with a foreign accent contacted the witness and intimid 7/24/1952 #7113  
ys later a stranger with a foreign accent contacted the witness and intimid 7/25/1952 #7139  
g the words together" in a strange accent. Trivial matters were discussed u 8/18/1953 #9080  
 They spoke Spanish with a strange accent. The spokesman eventually told hi 8/18/1953 #9081  
They spoke English with a peculiar accent, and said they would intervene in 10/20/1954 #11279  
is teens. The youth speaks with an accent that Bryant thinks might be Russi 4/24/1965 #18916  
sh background and had a noticeable accent. If this were Adamski, he has los 4/24/1965 #18916  
 perfect English. "Didn't have any accent or anything. He acted like he kne 11/17/1966 #21119  
a slow monotone and with a foreign accent, answering questions about histor 11/28/1966 #21157  
He talked very plainly and with no accent. He had black curly hair." He tol 3/1/1967 #21715  
 a voice in a thick Middle Eastern accent that told her to open her eyes. W 8/1/1978 #33464  
an and spoke with a South American accent. Indeed this man told Cardenas th 1/3/1979 #34292  
 They spoke Russian with a strange accent that Prokofiyevna described as "a 7/4/1989 #39009  
## Word: "accented" (Back to Top)
t. He greeted Hamburgo in slightly accented Spanish, and introduced himself 5/15/1967 #22348  
, and their speed was hesitant and accented. Also, their movements seemed k 3/26/2002 #44326  
## Word: "accentuated" (Back to Top)
tting luminous white coverall that accentuated its musculature. The head wa 12/30/1979 #35104  
## Word: "accenture" (Back to Top)
d AMS, Lockheed, Dyncorp, SAIC and Accenture to manage the systems that fai 6/2004 #44706  
## Word: "accept" (Back to Top)
ons of four. Johnson says he could accept that the reports are rocket plane Early 11/1944 #1690  
d civilians and military people to accept UFO reality, government withholdi 10/1950 #5204  
r probable alarmist tendencies" to accept such interest as confirming the e 8/1/1952 #7387  
why Intelligence is so hesitant to accept the fact that something we just d Late 9/1952 #8027  
eporter afterwards asks if he will accept an apology, Adamski replies that  Late 5/1959 #15747  
 Roselli, Giancana, or Trafficante accept a down payment for the job. Accor 9/1960 #16428  
F Office of Scientific Research to accept the February 3 O’Brien recommenda 4/5/1966 #20249  
ion to seek a university that will accept a contract to study the 600 offic 4/5/1966 #20249  
ing that Condon would be forced to accept it on its merits.”                9/27/1967 #23137  
t is concealing UFO facts, and 32% accept the ETH.                          4/1971 #26059  
as we (three) remember it. We also accept the results of the hypnotic regre 8/20/1976 #31282  
 she responded by saying she would accept it. He told her that she was "one 4/4/1977 #31943  
xistence, but Zanfretta refused to accept it. Allegedly, local residents re 12/2/1979 #35040  
ut UFO researchers in Brazil don't accept it as plausible.                  10/31/1983 #37033  
a announces that it will no longer accept UFO reports for analysis. As a co 1995 #41924  
s of the armed forces. All seem to accept the premise that UFOs, whatever t 7/31/2014 #45412  
## Word: "acceptable" (Back to Top)
isers and astronomical experts. No acceptable explanation can be found for  8/2/1965 #19266  
 a basis for judging the ETH as an acceptable concept for use in analyzing  3/1989 #38854  
es prepared ot ensure a reasonably acceptable transition of the perceived t 3/11/1998 #43532  
 and quickly and in a way that was acceptable to STAC. For that reason and  3/11/1998 #43532  
## Word: "acceptance" (Back to Top)
l states and perpetuated by social acceptance. He argues that ostensible ot 1969 #24802  
 as well as a reasonable long-term acceptance of THE THEORY can still proce 3/11/1998 #43532  
ng agent” which implies humanity’s acceptance of it will determine how and  1/8/1999 #43712  
## Word: "accepted" (Back to Top)
at, Maxwell’s equations were fully accepted by scientists.                  1890's #292  
hinks that the Robertson Panel has accepted Garland’s recommendation to exp 1/29/1953 #8613  
ring above a nearby field. The man accepted the invitation and was allegedl 2/24/1955 #12017  
an opening on the committee and is accepted, but he declines the offer afte 9/21/1966 #20910  
l, its reality skirts the edges of accepted science, and they both lean tow 12/15/1975 #30718  
he worked for General Electric and accepted a contract job at WPAFB, where  1982 #36290  
d documentary, but it is generally accepted he wasn’t the ‘real’ Falcon of  10/14/1988 #38672  
oys enough empirical support to be accepted as a general explanation.       10/1996 #43048  
d the humanoids a beer, which they accepted. Arriving on the surface of the 12/9/1996 #43133  
he could do, but BAASS needs to be accepted into some Special Access Progra 12/11/2009 #45262  
 Angelo told BAASS it needed to be accepted into some Special Access Progra 2010 #45263  
## Word: "accepting" (Back to Top)
an therefore see no alternative to accepting the theory that they come from 7/11/1954 #10009  
e in a UFO. In a few moments after accepting their invitation they flew ove 2/9/1974 #28755  
A issues a report stating, “We are accepting the descriptions of the crew,  11/17/1986 #38072  
## Word: "accepts" (Back to Top)
n instructor on P-47 Thunderbolts, accepts the challenge. He chases one “we 7/1945 #1888  
 the Frances Swan contact case and accepts Adm. Knowles’s invitation to Eli 7/24/1954 #10046  
does not trust J. Edgar Hoover, he accepts the FBI’s help through an “intel 6/1969 #25182  
House press release states that it accepts NASA’s evaluation of the UFO sit 12/27/1977 #32813  
n Hall, a retired CIA employee who accepts the position after a number of o 10/1978 #33786  
will not last long. She hesitantly accepts. Inside are three chairs, one of 9/13/1989 #39098  
## Word: "access" (Back to Top)
ncircle the primary areas, denying access to anyone without official busine 7/8/1947 #3011  
ing to it we must insist upon full access to discs recovered. For instance  7/10/1947 #3102  
aucers)...we must insist upon full access to discs recovered. For instance  7/15/1947 #3182  
f his, a former NASA employee, had access to information regarding a crash  1950 #4464  
n 1950. He claims the employee had access to technical material about a hea 1950 #4464  
ation Interloper. Fournet used his access and USG resources and all but thr 1951 #5379  
 with the government, had complete access to our files” (scientists convinc 8/30/1951 #5638  
ponds by creating its own “special access” labels to further insulate class 11/5/1953 #9285  
sted as one of twelve members with access to the information, allegedly per 11/20/1955 #12580  
bcommittee (CIOS); others who have access to BIOS/CIOS say no evidence of t 1958 #14787  
icial in the Cuban government with access to Castro. Allegedly, after sever 9/1960 #16428  
codenamed Rye, which allows remote access to Harvest.                       1/1962 #17015  
just replace him and he would lose access to all the files. McDonald says H 6/8/1966 #20543  
Australia and he is denied further access to RAAF files.                    1968 #23629  
es and flies away. The RCMP blocks access to the site during its investigat 7/1968 #24108  
g driven away on flatbeds, special access by Brookhaven personnel, county p 1/1971 #25962  
xon legitimizes the use of special access controls and the “special access  3/8/1972 #26592  
l access controls and the “special access program” is finally made official 3/8/1972 #26592  
ed information with safeguards and access restrictions that exceed those fo 3/8/1972 #26592  
e USAF and Pentagon would pull his access to case files as retribution.  Hy 5/1972 #26666  
l cooperation, they will also have access to their files, including those o 5/1973 #27460  
t’s full cooperation and exclusive access to classified footage of a UAP la 5/1973 #27461  
rry Goldwater states he was denied access to UAP information at Wright-Patt 12/28/1973 #28612  
 almost immediately and cordon off access to the supposed crash site on a b 1/23/1974 #28694  
 the area quickly and cordoned off access to a supposed crash site on the b 1/23/1974 #28695  
uals with a means by which to seek access to and amend their records, and i 12/31/1974 #29666  
ore they are withdrawn from public access in April. About 40 of these cases 1/1975? #29684  
or twelve years ago I tried to get access to the building at Wright-Patters 3/28/1975 #29921  
ed and I was understandably denied access. It is still classified above TOP 3/28/1975 #29921  
Goldwater reiterates he was denied access to a room at WPAFB where some inf 3/28/1975 #29924  
ok files are withdrawn from public access by Air Force Archives at Maxwell  4/1975 #29930  
roject Blue Book files from public access. Some documents deemed embarrassi 4/1975 #29931  
ual arrival, but there was no easy access to his chair. So they decided to  7/12/1975 #30175  
t before, and states he was denied access and never cleared to see photos.  1/18/1978 #32895  
e operates out of his home without access to the files.                     12/1978 #34035  
committee. Lawmakers did not have  access to the USAF’s 1975 SAC base flyov 2/1979 #34399  
data, nor did they presumably have access to classified NORAD unidentifieds 2/1979 #34399  
uan Carlos I in January to provide access to UFO information collected by t 3/3/1979 #34462  
 object resting on two feet in the access road to his field. Two small bein 7/25/1979 #34679  
usion over who and what controlled access to UAP information after Project  1980's? #35109  
lt it is for the scavenger to gain access to the food supply below the toug 6/1980 #35349  
Guard drove down the Coyote Canyon access road to check out an alarmed buil 8/9/1980 #35449  
s still classified TOP SECRET with access limited to “MJ-12”.)              11/17/1980 #35644  
en altered, in order to retain his access to inside information. The docume Summer 1981 #35977  
I have long ago given up acquiring access to the so-called blue room at Wri 10/19/1981 #36179  
uct a mock helicopter attack on an access point to Area 51 to test the syst 1982 #36285  
 safe but when his family tried to access it, the bank told them “governmen 9/29/1982 #36619  
t mandates that all employees with access to sensitive information are now  3/11/1983 #36780  
at the Air Force restricted public access to Groom Mountain, NV without any 8/7/1984 #37429  
ty. His intent is to credibly gain access to actual deep-black military pro 5/20/1985 #37590  
technology. This would not require access to a craft, but could be derived  5/20/1985 #37590  
ional Archives, Washington DC USAF ACCESS RESTRICTED NOTICE: Report TR-DE-3 6/28/1985 #37610  
rol system over classified special access documents and had no oversight fr 7/24/1986 #37952  
 A few more APCs approach down the access road, and suddenly all the facili Winter 1987 #38370  
angry at him when he tried to gain access to the room, which is said to hol 10/13/1988 #38671  
 right, and sits back down. He has access to and reads more than 100 docume 3/1989 #38855  
 on Stanton T. Friedman and denies access to it.                            8/2/1989 #39041  
ated location seemed impossible to access. The zone was declared off limits 9/16/1989 #39109  
ard Stringfield and claimed he had access to classified government records; 9/28/1989 #39132  
her level of secrecy above Special Access Program for certain projects. He  1990 #39354  
 no landing gear or windows but an access opening. Base personnel were arou 7/1991 #40107  
ca and even the USAF could not get access.  He states Talon Gold and Teal R 7/1991 #40108  
bove Waived Unacknowledged Special Access Programs known as “grey programs” 1992 #40276  
oney and as much power and as much access to technologies as you could ever 3/9/1992 #40369  
egal use of unacknowledged Special Access Program (SAP) protocols.  The all 7/22/1993 #41077  
t introduces a Code of Practice on Access to Government Information, a limi 4/1994 #41469  
nt Information, a limited right to access government records from the previ 4/1994 #41469  
ated operation but he couldn’t get access.  https://archive.org/details/Hid Mid 1990's #41926  
 projects, some subject to Special Access Program security measures. STG, f 8/7/1996 #42971  
e rogue nature of certain “special access programs” (SAPs) connected to the 4/10/1997 #43260  
ell but denies he was ever refused access.                                  4/10/1997 #43260  
ilizing an “Unacknowledged Special Access Program” security framework manag 8/22/1998 #43635  
igence community/military, (6) has access that’s based on project-controlle 8/22/1998 #43635  
0) has zero oversight from Special Access Program oversight mechanisms.  It 8/22/1998 #43635  
videos of disc-shaped craft he had access to.  https://patentimages.storage 8/22/1998 #43636  
 to certain classified and Special Access Programs.”  https://books.google. 2000 #43914  
ere are approximately 150 “special access programs” within the Pentagon at  1/5/2000 #43921  
slation creates a public “right of access” to information held by public au 11/30/2000 #44092  
 corporate NDA and illegal special access programs (SAPs) protected by USG  4/2001 #44154  
 doing UAP related work and having access to certain technologies. He also  4/2001 #44155  
y a couple who had started a cable access UFO/paranormal TV show. The UFO w 11/13/2001 #44276  
 evidence of a secret program with access to biological materials. Days lat 3/5/2002 #44323  
, in which he admits he was denied access to an Unacknowledged Special Acce 10/16/2002 #44417  
ccess to an Unacknowledged Special Access Program dealing with reverse engi 10/16/2002 #44417  
 agreement between the DOD Special Access Program Oversight Committee (SAPO 10/16/2002 #44418  
 the SRG twice and asks for formal access to the four SAPs and is denied, a 10/16/2002 #44418  
eneral” was believed to still have access and was retired and working for a 9/10/2003 #44595  
movement at the time of the crash. Access to the crash site was difficult d 5/15/2004 #44702  
ized waived unacknowledged Special Access Programs where only four people k 8/2004 #44724  
which he called a “bizarre special access program coverup which surely viol 8/7/2004 #44728  
advanced aerospace craft for space access.  https://pubs.aip.org/aip/acp/ar 2/1/2006 #44921  
e Ministry of Defense and requests access to documents related to UFO mater 5/5/2008 #45133  
e, set up to provide direct public access, receives more than 1.7 million v 5/12/2008 #45137  
Bill Richardson says he was denied access by Los Alamos National Laboratory 6/28/2008 #45148  
sponsor (DIA) hasn’t delivered any access that was promised. Opening certai 10/2/2008 #45174  
amed but Vallee mentions they had “access” to the “real” files in Europe an 11/24/2008 #45191  
troduction to legacy UAP programs, access, etc, that initially made those i 4/26/2009 #45216  
e designated a “restricted Special Access Program.” Some of the ongoing pro 6/24/2009 #45227  
. Harry Reid’s request for Special Access Program status for the US Defense 11/2009 #45252  
s to be accepted into some Special Access Programs to progress much further 12/11/2009 #45262  
d to be accepted into some Special Access Programs to obtain data on nuclea 2010 #45263  
nformation center where anyone can access information on UFOs, even records 6/14/2010 #45285  
stry of Defense to discuss gaining access to military documents involving U 4/18/2013 #45364  
blic, as established by the law on access to information. More than 10,000  4/18/2013 #45364  
ar, and states he accidentally got access to a section of a hangar reserved 12/2014 #45425  
a-emails/emailid/54211 (rg - can't access URL)   https://web.archive.org/we 3/6/2015 #45433  
a-emails/emailid/31721 (rg - can't access URL)   https://web.archive.org/we 3/6/2015 #45434  
a “myriad of references to Special Access Projects” and the names of other  3/13/2015 #45435  
t. It is unknown how Spiers gained access to the facility if he did.  https 7/16/2016 #45456  
es or to allow Cuban investigators access to US diplomats’ homes to conduct 10/24/2017 #45486  
 official channels, but was denied access to it because the AATIP itself is 2018 #45498  
 least in principle of the Special Access Program oversight committee, SAPO 2018 #45498  
t penetrate Unacknowledged Special Access Programs.”  https://www.reddit.co 2018 #45498  
[for] us. And we would have gotten access to it and that would have exponen 6/24/2018 #45531  
/mobile/index.html#p=1 (rg - can't access)                                  2/26/2019 #45564  
 to Wilson reportedly being denied access to four UAP programs by SAPOC, bu 7/5/2019 #45590  
ys the Pentagon would not give him access to the program. “I don’t know…wha 5/1/2021 #45686  
rsight and who you would think had access to all UAP programs, did not find 5/1/2021 #45687  
CA to go “deep undercover” to have access to “the wreckage and the humanoid 8/1/2021 #45703  
## Word: "accessible" (Back to Top)
ea of Argentina’s Mendoza province accessible only to employees are awakene 5/1/1979 #34537  
gentina that they were in was only accessible by horseback. Suddenly two sh 2/18/1981 #35832  
etween reality and fantasy that is accessible through certain altered state 5/1/1992 #40442  
## Word: "accessories" (Back to Top)
belt, tools, weapons, or any other accessories. His first thought was to ju 12/6/1976 #31587  
 belt having some kind of tools or accessories hanging from them. He could  5/29/1986 #37898  
## Word: "accetta" (Back to Top)
n Maintenance Administrator Angelo Accetta states he sees a triangular glow 11/15/2011 #45334  
peed and disappeared out of sight. Accetta told his superior but was laughe 11/15/2011 #45334  
had been drinking. While on watch, Accetta allegedly saw the triangle UAP f 11/15/2011 #45334  
## Word: "accident" (Back to Top)
tested in Germany, but there is an accident when the pilot attempts to land 3/1/1944 #1585  
lames “peculiar phenomena” for the accident. Former state representative Jo 5/15/1947 #2282  
lames “peculiar phenomena” for the accident. The official explanation is th 5/15/1947 #2284  
ome visible either by intent or by accident, for in their travels they use  7/3/1947 #2551  
o 70 miles northwest of Tampa, the accident takes place under unusual circu 9/12/1952 #7905  
tigator Raymond Fowler obtains the accident report from Norton AFB [now San 6/1953 #8922  
re seen by the pilots prior to the accident. Its distribution list includes 6/24/1953 #8970  
been hit by something. However, an accident investigation team finds that a 7/22/1956 #13007  
ions as if they were victims of an accident.  Their heads were intact, they 1959 #15516  
ore. The event is the only reactor accident in the US that results in immed 1/3/1961 #16561  
he is investigating a possible car accident. He stops a second time and get 4/24/1964 #18200  
37 p.m. Los Angeles County Highway Accident Investigator Rex Heflin takes f 8/3/1965 #19290  
opped, believing there had been an accident, and got out. The man was tall, 9/3/1965 #19518  
irst pilot to be killed in an A-12 accident.                                1/5/1967 #21260  
e incident seriously. However, the accident is investigated by the state po 7/13/1967 #22656  
d of hers has been killed in a car accident. (This turns out to be true.) T 12/12/1967 #23575  
ar systems fail, nearly causing an accident in the fleet. The naval patrol  Early 1968 #23635  
discontinued immediately after the accident, which highlights the safety an 1/21/1968 #23684  
zerland, suffers a loss-of-control accident that leads to a partial core me 1/21/1969 #24863  
sh out of sight. Thinking it is an accident, he approaches to within 20 fee 6/26/1969 #25236  
pinal column. The being said:”This accident was necessary for you; we will  8/11/1969 #25317  
limp. Migueres says that since his accident he has had the gift of healing. 8/11/1969 #25317  
rrestrial” seen at the time of the accident was of medium height, or less,  8/11/1969 #25317  
, on heavily snowed roads after an accident has blocked the main highway. S 12/28/1969 #25512  
ued him from drowning in a boating accident, when two of his companions dro 9/22/1972 #27026  
y thought it might have been a car accident at first since they saw red lig 4/30/1974 #29072  
iately to any type of radiological accident or incident anywhere in the wor Late 1974 #29532  
 of only one fuel channel, but the accident is really caused by an uncontro 11/30/1975 #30677  
 had been recently killed in a car accident appeared to be sitting in the p 12/11/1975 #30705  
  Ontario, California 9:00 p.m. An accident investigator in Ontario, Califo 2/26/1977 #31851  
onths later, there was a fatal car accident at the same site, killing four  8/28/1977 #32437  
 blinding blue light caused a road accident near Villa Mercedes, San Luis p 5/4/1978 #33187  
                          Aircraft Accident Investigation Summary Report: F 10/21/1978 #33848  
resulting in a radiation leak. The accident begins with failures in the non 3/28/1979 #34493  
the situation as a loss-of-coolant accident due to inadequate training and  3/28/1979 #34493  
ere in the area at the time of the accident. The spokesman added that AF je 12/18/1980 #35724  
 thought it was the scene of a car accident and approached. What he saw was 7/25/1982 #36548  
 thought it was the scene of a car accident and approached. What he saw was 7/25/1982 #36551  
t, Ukraine. Officials deny that an accident has taken place, but radioactiv 9/9/1982 #36599  
                 CHERNOBYL NUCLEAR ACCIDENT NEAR KIEV USSR Soviets silent.. 4/25/1986 #37838  
Brazil A radioactive contamination accident takes place in Goiânia, Goiás,  9/13/1987 #38285  
 in Martinsburg, it will not be an accident. They also cite his well-known  8/10/1991 #40147  
. A video taken at the time of the accident shows a small spherical object  11/16/1996 #43112  
i, Iberaki Prefeccture, Japan. The accident occurs as three workers are pre 9/30/1999 #43856  
nal NTSB report indicates that the accident is caused by pilot disorientati 10/23/2002 #44422  
## Word: "accidental" (Back to Top)
early all misfortunes, from minor “accidental” injuries or illnesses to air 11/1943 #1541  
rs and led to the most significant accidental radiological contamination ev 3/1/1954 #9589  
ated asymmetrically to simulate an accidental detonation of an XW-25 warhea 4/24/1957 #13615  
 is “imperative to end the risk of accidental war from defense forces’ conf 8/31/1960 #16426  
from secrecy about UFOs, including accidental war and the Russians falsely  8/22/1961 #16800  
## Word: "accidentally" (Back to Top)
tember 15, the first person to die accidentally from close exposure to nucl 8/21/1945 #1925  
arshall Islands, a manned aircraft accidentally flies through the mushroom  5/15/1948 #3651  
epresent interplanetary probes, is accidentally destroyed. USAF Intelligenc 11/30/1948 #3895  
nd friendly, but they have crashed accidentally on three occasions. In 1965 Summer 1951 #5549  
 they had seen a flying saucer and accidentally killed one of its occupants 7/7/1953 #8989  
ich and Dutch psychic Peter Hurkos accidentally meet Charles Laughead and h 7/1956 #12940  
 teachers, said the party of 5 had accidentally stumbled upon the object, c 7/30/1957 #13860  
 than usual and a spider which had accidentally found its way into a jar co 7/30/1957 #13860  
ragment to the US Air Force, which accidentally destroys it. The third samp Early 9/1957 #13971  
parently by telepathy. The witness accidentally steps on a twig, and the be 2/5/1967 #21460  
the opening closes. When his glove accidentally touches the surface, it bur 5/20/1967 #22382  
 A few days earlier the doctor had accidentally cut a vein in his leg while 11/1/1968 #24620  
 Project Rainbow began in 1983 and accidentally manifested an entity that d 1/1971 #25963  
CPO Radar Observer, claims to have accidentally entered a door of a large h 1979 #34263  
 possible the Hutchison effect was accidentally tapping into quantum vacuum 1983 #36738  
an at Wright-Patterson AFB who had accidentally tapped into UFO files. The  10/28/1986 #38056  
fting out of the ocean when he was accidentally left on deck after the ship 1991 #39941  
de claims high powered radar units accidentally or purposefully may have in 3/26/2011 #45320  
airshow in a hangar, and states he accidentally got access to a section of  12/2014 #45425  
## Word: "accidents" (Back to Top)
raft fire. Three are killed in car accidents in the ensuing chaos and two d 2/24/1942 #1388  
e ground and in subsequent traffic accidents. In the evening in Santa Monic 2/25/1942 #1391  
group concludes that, despite some accidents attributed to UFOs around the  7/31/2014 #45412  
## Word: "acclaimed" (Back to Top)
as a power source. Sarfarazi is an acclaimed materials scientist who studie 8/2004 #44724  
## Word: "acclerated" (Back to Top)
or 10-15 minutes. Next, the object acclerated past the vehicle, then stoppe 9/29/2004 #44763  
## Word: "acclimation" (Back to Top)
l occupants, very high technology, acclimation program references. There ar 12/31/1949 #4453  
radar installation, exotic metals, acclimation program, etc.                1/6/1950 #4472  
ler) story on 2 recovered saucers, acclimation program.                     1/30/1950 #4519  
will launch a carefully-engineered acclimation effort to prepare American p 12/1974 #29623  
hed. Mentions a 20 year process of acclimation focusing on young people.    6/4/2022 #45756  
## Word: "accoin" (Back to Top)
ieut. Ryan Graves and Lieut. Danny Accoin, have given interviews and appear 2/2015? #45430  
d for several months. According to Accoin, the objects have “no distinct wi 2/2015? #45430  
m Naval Station Norfolk, Virginia. Accoin says that “multiple sensors [are] 2/2015? #45430  
## Word: "accommodate" (Back to Top)
ject appeared to expand in size to accommodate them all. The object then to 9/2/1994 #41713  
## Word: "accommodations" (Back to Top)
, a control tower, and rudimentary accommodations for test personnel. The f 5/4/1955 #12117  
keshift mess hall, and rudimentary accommodations. A movie theater and voll 7/1955 #12225  
## Word: "accompained" (Back to Top)
 driven by a 47-year-old woman and accompained by another female passenger  4/29/1977 #32034  
 driven by a 47-year-old woman and accompained by another female passenger  4/29/1977 #32037  
## Word: "accompanied" (Back to Top)
 streamers or rays. The display is accompanied by unseasonable heat and las 12/5/1737 #60  
rgowrie where it disappears. It is accompanied by strong winds that destroy 9/9/1767 #83  
 Pennsylvania, from the northwest, accompanied by considerable wind. It emi 6/19/1857 #150  
es high, sometimes very low it was accompanied by fire and dense smoke. It  12/7/1872 #194  
es high, sometimes very low it was accompanied by fire and dense smoke. It  12/7/1872 #195  
y high, sometimes very low, it was accompanied by fire and dense smoke. It  12/7/1872 #196  
night a small red sphere of light, accompanied by two white lights which da 3/23/1905 #675  
 the north of them. The sounds are accompanied by a shock wave that knocks  6/30/1908 #711  
ant near the Winooski River. It is accompanied by a loud noise. One man say 8/14/1914 #912  
 Elmwood Park], New Jersey. She is accompanied by music store proprietor Th 8/10/1945 #1922  
 one of them spots a huge gray UFO accompanied by a rush of warm air. The n 9/3/1947 #3384  
 aboard a York transport aircraft, accompanied by a formation of six Meteor Late 5/1948 #3654  
 mph in a northeasterly direction, accompanied by strands of spider web. Le 9/26/1948 #3814  
g on September 1 and 5), sometimes accompanied by colleagues Ellis Richard  8/25/1951 #5625  
vestigation of the Lubbock lights, accompanied by OSI agent Howard Bossert. 11/6/1951 #5768  
USAF intelligence, leads it. He is accompanied by Eighth Air Force Maj. Gen 7/29/1952 #7328  
the site to investigate. They were accompanied by beautician Kathleen Hill  9/11/1952 #7896  
 crash land. From there, Mrs. May, accompanied by the three boys, local chi 9/12/1952 #7905  
ll and went to the site. They were accompanied by Kathleen Hill and three m 9/12/1952 #7906  
izona. Adamski asks Lucy McGinnis, accompanied by Alfred Bailey, to drive h 11/20/1952 #8307  
 with a rising and falling motion, accompanied by a small white light.      1/8/1953 #8516  
ustration is of an Air Force plane accompanied by three flying saucers; the 5/1953 #8852  
ameter luminous disc-shaped object accompanied by four nocturnal lights, fl 8/9/1953 #9059  
llanueva scarcely believed, but he accompanied them to their craft. While w 8/18/1953 #9081  
an oval object with protuberances, accompanied by a pair of smaller bodies. 3/1/1954 #9588  
 10:00 p.m. A smaller green sphere accompanied it and hung below, both obje 9/30/1954 #10524  
obably an observation of the moon, accompanied by plant seeds.              10/11/1954 #10939  
 over a school in Marysville, Ohio accompanied by many smaller discs. It wa 10/22/1954 #11324  
 C-124 Globemaster II cargo plane, accompanied by Lockheed technicians on a 7/24/1955 #12283  
that “the four military police who accompanied the police officers on the n 8/21/1955 #12386  
e distills this down to 100. It is accompanied by a press release in which  10/25/1955 #12519  
ed portholes around its rim and is accompanied by loud grinding sounds and  1956 #12637  
 some clouds, then rose above them accompanied by a second, smaller object. 2/11/1957 #13493  
2:30 a.m., they see a green object accompanied by two smaller red lights be 3/22/1957 #13553  
it as it moved along." The UFO was accompanied by five or six loud booms an 11/14/1957 #14552  
feet from the transmitter. This is accompanied by side effects such as dizz 1961 #16547  
e, silvery, oval-shaped UFOs, each accompanied by 6–8 smaller objects. The  11/22/1964 #18632  
klahoma 1:30 a.m. Mr. A. L. Smith, accompanied by his 14-year-old son Alan  8/2/1965 #19263  
he beach known as La Arenilla, and accompanied by a doctor, saw a strange d 8/2/1965 #19270  
es around St. Paul, Minnesota, are accompanied by observations of white or  11/26/1965 #19736  
ing out to sea. These reports were accompanied by electromagnetic effects t 3/30/1966 #20166  
ons saw a large disc-shaped object accompanied by two smaller discs that fl 4/19/1966 #20343  
sc flew over Quincy, Massachusetts accompanied by two smaller discs. They f 4/19/1966 #20347  
eman and others saw a large object accompanied by about 10 smaller objects. 8/13/1966 #20741  
ng that such an encounter would be accompanied by blinding light, the men c 8/20/1966 #20779  
shburnham, Massachusetts. This was accompanied by a "silent vacuum" and fai 1/25/1967 #21389  
"prepared" for an unusual journey. Accompanied by two guides she visited an 1/25/1967 #21389  
.m. a cigar-shaped object was seen accompanied by two smaller satellite obj 2/18/1967 #21591  
he underside of the object. It was accompanied by two small objects the siz 4/17/1967 #22157  
ite with his wife and children and accompanied by a deputy sheriff. While M 4/21/1967 #22200  
"Mysl" publishing house in Moscow, accompanied by his wife, saw a white, cr 9/4/1967 #22995  
to get his story. By the time they accompanied him back to the field the ob 11/2/1967 #23392  
linded by a powerful beam of light accompanied by two green lamps. These va 7/17/1968 #24186  
nce visited the doctor at his home accompanied by a three foot tall humanoi 11/1/1968 #24620  
ighted a silver disc-shaped object accompanied by 12 smaller spheres. The d 9/11/1969 #25364  
e it. The presence of the UFOs was accompanied by a power outage in the are 7/9/1970 #25729  
Spain heard a loud whistling sound accompanied by TV interference at one o' 8/16/1970 #25791  
object. When Mario comes out again accompanied by his mother Josefina, the  3/19/1972 #26617  
main witness and two other men who accompanied him waited at the site for s 8/6/1972 #26882  
 a brilliant flash of white light, accompanied by intense heat; when he cou 8/28/1972 #26966  
d the local police and a constable accompanied them back to the site. The l 2/4/1973 #27270  
 did not see him. His presence was accompanied by an abrupt change in the w 2/22/1973 #27310  
sed a large red globe at 4:30 p.m. accompanied by tornado like winds.       5/3/1973 #27464  
t Castillo boarded a smaller craft accompanied by Cyril and the two smaller 11/18/1973 #28443  
e ages of 14 and 24 years old were accompanied as they drove from Tracy, Qu 11/18/1973 #28444  
driven away by normal looking men, accompanied by dogs.                     6/8/1974 #29173  
 he notices that the two silos are accompanied by smaller UFOs about 50 fee 2/23/1975 #29838  
re" sighting earlier that evening, accompanied by Helen White and Rick Pool 10/26/1975 #30476  
 California about an hour earlier, accompanied by Helen White and Rick Pool 10/27/1975 #30491  
France 7:45 a.m. A "dah-dit" noise accompanied the slow ascent of an eight- 12/18/1975 #30723  
    At 7:45 a.m. a "dah-dit" noise accompanied the slow ascent of an eight- 12/18/1975 #30725  
ntil sunrise. A small orange light accompanied the main object during the l 2/17/1976 #30877  
peaker. They heard a second whine, accompanied by a high-speed vertical asc 7/28/1976 #31190  
es and hooks descend from the UFO, accompanied by a small creature about 3  9/9/1976 #31362  
try, Jose Hidalgo, joined them and accompanied by a guard dog they went to  11/12/1976 #31540  
ar old girl, Maria do Socorro, had accompanied her grandmother while she di 5/10/1977 #32083  
 downward jets of sparks came out, accompanied by a sound like an electric  7/12/1977 #32266  
ralysis spread throughout her body accompanied by chills and shaking.       9/10/1977 #32478  
 to less than 10 feet. The fog was accompanied by a sound similar to a vacu 1/10/1978 #32870  
of Louisville, Kentucky. The pilot accompanied by his instructor and girlfr 1/15/1978 #32884  
about 7 or 8 times. Each flash was accompanied by a beep, then the blue lig 4/7/1978 #33131  
                    UN Eric Gairy, accompanied by ufologists J. Allen Hynek 7/14/1978 #33383  
fly out from the lower protrusion, accompanied by a blinding explosion. The 8/8/1978 #33489  
athic communication from the being accompanied by a high-pitched noise.     10/3/1978 #33797  
e. The taxi's radio abruptly quit, accompanied by a high-pitched squeaking  11/9/1978 #33941  
towards the landed craft. This was accompanied by a suction noise and a pun 11/9/1979 #34991  
e back and forth above the ground. Accompanied by Vital, they then counted  4/20/1980 #35281  
ing her car in Redding, California accompanied by her two teenage daughters 5/7/1980 #35317  
sh-orange, horseshoe-shaped object accompanied by swirling luminous gases.  6/14/1980 #35367  
iblical prophet. A large black dog accompanied him. The room also contained 11/28/1980 #35680  
 a black object, covered by "fog", accompanied by two satellite lights whic 7/31/1981 #36050  
FOs are reported at Havsa, Edirne, accompanied by reported malfunctioning T 1/15/1982 #36301  
ood, Pennsylvania. Its passage was accompanied by radio interference effect 2/24/1982 #36363  
ood, Pennsylvania. Its passage was accompanied by radio interference effect 2/24/1982 #36366  
ey see an object like a full moon, accompanied by a smaller, star-light obj 9/17/1982 #36607  
mer and UFO expert J. Allen Hynek, accompanied by field investigators Phili 10/1984 #37472  
mer and UFO expert J. Allen Hynek, accompanied by field investigators Phili 10/5/1984 #37478  
a Campos was returning to his home accompanied by his two daughters in a ru 6/3/1986 #37904  
riangular shaped objects that were accompanied by 4-5 smaller bright object 1/24/1989 #38800  
n undescribed "evil" being who was accompanied by a fireball-like object an 4/10/1989 #38899  
 sighted a large disc-shaped craft accompanied by six smaller objects hover 6/16/1989 #38989  
m a Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker and accompanied by a pair of F-111 fighter-b Late 8/1989 #39073  
with small knobs on its chest also accompanied them. Landing traces were re 9/21/1989 #39115  
ots. A strange robot-like creature accompanied the giants. All four of them 9/27/1989 #39126  
a silent orange disc-shaped object accompanied by a small white orb at 180  5/4/1990 #39559  
ned being befriended the boy, then accompanied him back home. The boy remem 5/30/1990 #39600  
a large, cigar-shaped object, some accompanied by spheres, over many locali 11/5/1990 #39870  
 was also now on the ground below, accompanied by the three Grey humanoid b 5/14/1991 #40061  
 except for their faces. They were accompanied by two short humanoids with  3/11/1992 #40372  
ce. It made no noise, and no trail accompanied it. (2) At 4:30 a.m. at Anti 8/10/1994 #41667  
ch. It had a glowing halo, and was accompanied by a luminous orange sphere. 9/21/1994 #41770  
        Two clamshell-shaped discs accompanied by a cluster of small, white 1/24/1995 #41996  
remembered the little men had been accompanied by a tall, heavyset being, w 2/11/1995 #42036  
orced to climb back to 9,800 feet, accompanied by the UFO. Airport chief Ma 7/31/1995 #42347  
, Puerto Rico Mrs. Carmen Vazquez, accompanied by her 5-year-old daughter,  12/13/1995 #42642  
y there he ran into a farmhand who accompanied him into the woods. They saw 2/23/1996 #42776  
ared, floating above the trees and accompanied by the small robotic entity. 2/23/1996 #42776  
wed by Art Bell. This time, he was accompanied by Dr. John Alexander who re 7/23/1997 #43357  
9 p.m. EDT, a large, bright object accompanied by a smaller orange light tr 6/5/1998 #43581  
lack hair (previously encountered) accompanied her, holding her by the hand 7/11/1998 #43601  
l. Seven members of the group then accompanied their ill friend down to the 11/7/1998 #43678  
ear special hangars 1, 5, 6 and 9, accompanied by his German shepherd guard 11/25/1998 #43685  
 the floor and out the front door, accompanied by a bright white light. The 10/15/2000 #44058  
ide her bedroom window, which were accompanied by musical tones. She had he 12/13/2000 #44103  
         A widespread power outage accompanied by radio interference occurr 1/11/2001 #44123  
 there was another flash of light, accompanied by a strange loss of surroun 9/24/2002 #44403  
a issues a press release on May 12 accompanied by videotape that shows movi 3/5/2004 #44672  
 Tapachula, Chiapas, Mexico. It is accompanied by six luminous spheres at a 8/28/2004 #44744  
         A huge disc-shaped object accompanied by other smaller craft came  11/27/2004 #44792  
 escort the plane to a UK airport, accompanied by the UFO.                  6/28/2005 #44849  
hrough the sky, and appeared to be accompanied by many conventional aircraf 2/26/2006 #44925  
t continues through December 2016, accompanied by occasional special bullet 7/2011 #45329  
f the object before it disappears, accompanied by several balls of light.   4/13/2012 #45341  
he intense pressure in her head is accompanied by a tinning in her ears. Wh 8/2019 #45603  
## Word: "accompanies" (Back to Top)
s to give them some oil, and Harry accompanies him 2 miles away to his farm Late Summer 1919 #993  
iameter, and has a dome on top. It accompanies his plane for a few minutes  Summer 1942 #1419  
hem enter the house and the father accompanies them to a landed craft nearb 10/1944 #1673  
 incident, Lt. JG Clarence R. Clem accompanies Lt. Commander Richard Brown  12/23/1944 #1731  
plosions. An “intense white light” accompanies the blasts.                  7/28/1946 #2083  
nstein assistant Shirley J. Wright accompanies Einstein to Roswell area. Sh 7/10/1947 #3077  
altitude around 40,000 feet. LaPaz accompanies search teams to bring back a 1/31/1949 #3988  
ry to Deputy Millard Halstead, who accompanies the witnesses back to the si 11/15/1966 #21107  
aped object beside him. The object accompanies the aircraft for a few minut 9/1967 #22975  
s the area. Ufologist Bill Chalker accompanies the witness to the landing s 6/1970 #25684  
ed, nearly hysterical.” An officer accompanies the two students back to the 11/17/1975 #30636  
ots. A strange robot-like creature accompanies the giants. All four walk ar 9/27/1989 #39124  
omestead 1 building Robert Bigelow accompanies DIA official James T. Lacats 7/26/2007 #45040  
## Word: "accompaning" (Back to Top)
 day a cigar-shaped mothership and accompaning disc-shaped UFOs were seen t 9/29/1952 #8063  
## Word: "accompany" (Back to Top)
rk object, who ask for water. They accompany Ligon to his house, each bring 4/19/1897 #539  
ly indicates he wants the women to accompany him and he takes them to a lan 8/20/1954 #10157  
eavy shortwave and TV interference accompany the appearance of the fireball 4/5/1955 #12080  
ing four smaller objects that also accompany the jets. Suddenly the objects 11/4/1957 #14281  
Vietnam US military advisors first accompany South Vietnamese troops during 2/28/1961 #16611  
listens to the story and agrees to accompany them back to the site. They se Late 11/1961 #16978  
, Spain, watches an unknown object accompany his aircraft for 20 minutes. P 11/19/1976 #31558  
ion to report the sighting. Police accompany him to the site where they fin 3/17/1978 #33048  
 Startup invites the passengers to accompany him back to Blenheim. Fogarty, 12/31/1978 #34246  
nd the figure ordered Zanfretta to accompany him. Zanfretta obeyed, and he  12/2/1979 #35040  
to investigate it, but no one will accompany him. Grabbing a flashlight, he Mid 10/1987 #38305  
 PR2 into Colborne. 2 small lights accompany.                               6/15/1993 #41016  
e of the moon; another duty was to accompany a figure known as “Axlerod” to 3/31/1995 #42130  
invited her to board their van and accompany them to their destination. Str 9/6/2000 #44037  
umanoids floating next to her, who accompany her through the orifice. Looki 5/2/2001 #44174  
## Word: "accompanying" (Back to Top)
ere was a reported odor of sulphur accompanying the presence of the UFOnaut 3/13/1950 #4629  
es a month, with Zeidman sometimes accompanying him,                        1/18/1953 #8550  
ofessor named Richalda and a woman accompanying him witnessed a 0.5 meter,  6/8/1968 #24015  
 and off three times. There was an accompanying noise like that of a turbin 9/27/1972 #27035  
d in 1927. Published along with an accompanying editorial disclaimer, Lunan 4/1973 #27396  
nearby lake. Odd clouds seem to be accompanying the two discs. One disc and 10/10/1973 #27981  
ted for. There was a buzzing sound accompanying the light and the van's eng 6/16/1977 #32166  
eports, physical measurements, and accompanying meteorological data. It con 9/20/1977 #32499  
onal Enquirer in Lantana, Florida. Accompanying the document is an unsigned 2/9/1978 #32963  
ad many independent witnesses with accompanying television coverage and new 6/4/1978 #33256  
treetops. Another bright object is accompanying the first, flying horizonta 6/14/1980 #35367  
ng in the southern sky, apparently accompanying an enormous flying object c 5/5/1981 #35931  
l, on a southern course. It starts accompanying the aircraft in a parallel  2/8/1982 #36327  
at 8:30 a.m. Two small lights were accompanying the orange light. They made 6/15/1993 #41018  
on to a disc-shaped object that is accompanying the plane about 6t0 feet aw 8/3/2001 #44223  
onymous White House staffer who is accompanying National Security Adviser J 8/2019 #45603  
## Word: "accomplices" (Back to Top)
s and was soon joined by two other accomplices. They quickly overpowered th 7/23/1968 #24214  
## Word: "accomplish" (Back to Top)
 establishment of Special Teams to accomplish this, establishment of specia 1954 #9424  
## Word: "accomplished" (Back to Top)
ation from 2,400 to 3,000 feet are accomplished in a few seconds. The discs 3/29/1952 #5993  
cept for some changes in direction accomplished unlike any known aircraft.  4/20/1952 #6140  
## Word: "accomplishments" (Back to Top)
he perspective thinking and actual accomplishments of the Germans” (page 5, 10/28/1947 #3469  
 and Technology Directorate on the accomplishments of the AAWSAP in an atte 2/7/2011 #45313  
## Word: "accopampa" (Back to Top)
nded only 100 feet from a truck in Accopampa, Peru. The truck motor stalled 9/6/1976 #31350  
## Word: "accord" (Back to Top)
ing the drapes parted of their own accord and a midget-sized triangular obj 1/25/1967 #21388  
ued down the long drive of its own accord. The voice, somewhat guttural in  8/1/1974 #29298  
eering wheel. It turned of its own accord onto a back road full of potholes 10/27/1975 #30489  
n the car seemed to act of its own accord, reversing, and then coming to a  2/5/1978 #32957  
ed down a mountain road on its own accord. When the car finally stopped, he 12/28/1978 #34219  
ng down a mountain road on its own accord. The car finally stopped and Mr.  12/28/1978 #34220  
ehicle suddenly stopped on its own accord. There was a bright flash, then m 8/30/1981 #36093  
bishi Chariot, and another a Honda Accord. He did not have a description of 8/6/2013 #45381  
## Word: "accordance" (Back to Top)
 spots, and dies on October 11. In accordance with his instructions, his wi 8/13/1967 #22873  
fect national security are made in accordance with JANAP 146 or Air Force M 10/20/1969 #25418  
## Word: "accorded" (Back to Top)
 complaint against Helms, which is accorded due process within the agency.  9/1967 #22974  
## Word: "according" (Back to Top)
pass in sky here and all E. France according to Scribe Flodoard.            3/927 (approximate) #4  
Orionis and Sirius. Stops and goes according to L'astronomie.               2/23/1883 #253  
hore and then hid it in the woods, according to the two witnesses.          12/2/1896 #374  
e searchlight in the northern sky. According to dispatcher Ike Chidsey, it  2/26/1897 #389  
 on the night of Friday, April 16. According to the Vincennes Morning Comme 4/16/1897 #503  
not of this world,” or a “Martian” according to an alleged Army Signal Serv 4/17/1897 #523  
                                   According to the Houston Post, two men r 4/23/1897 #567  
 form strips or “canals” that vary according to season.                     10/9/1921 #1016  
en work his way to the west coast. According to the man’s account, the prop 5/4/1932 #1143  
ted into thinking fiction is fact. According to Annie Jacobsen, the confusi 10/30/1938 #1300  
                            Europe According to records released in August  Late 1942? #1456  
ar the aircraft before moving off. According to the documents, details of t Late 1942? #1456  
ros still live in the cave cities, according to Shaver, kidnapping surface- 11/1943 #1541  
 a roadside café, Palomar Gardens. According to coworker Charlotte Blodget, 1944 #1560  
ly bounced off the Moon during WW2 according to a public statement by Dr. O 1945 #1741  
ims (tens of thousands of letters, according to Palmer). The correspondents 1/1945 #1748  
ir while searching for the flight. According to contemporaneous sources, th 12/5/1945 #1950  
ntion that has come to the author, according to editor Ray Palmer, “from Ti 7/1946 #2021  
ng rapidly over Stockholm, Sweden, according to a July 11 telegram from Sta 7/9/1946 #2037  
cts are seen over northern Greece, according to Prime Minister Konstantinos 9/1/1946 #2167  
ave overflown or landed in Sweden, according to the evidence a, vailable. “ 4/15/1947 #2263  
 than ten seconds among the stars. According to the Air Force files there w 6/10/1947 #2320  
ile going southeast over mountains according to others.                     6/27/1947 #2423  
Washington, D.C. New Mexico desert According to Annie Jacobsen’s informant, 7/1/1947 #2523  
en flown to Carswell AFB in Texas. According to the relatives of witnesses  7/4/1947 #2672  
y 285 Frankfurt, Germany 5:30 a.m. According to discredited Roswell witness 7/5/1947 #2721  
ing out, to keep the curious away. According to researcher Kathy Kasten, th 7/5/1947 #2722  
e banked sharply and headed north. According to one witness, it "seemed to  7/5/1947 #2727  
t he has been carrying on his lap. According to Flight Engineer M/Sgt. Robe 7/8/1947 #3019  
mos, New Mexico, via Kirtland AFB, according to Robert E. Smith, First Air  7/9/1947 #3054  
m Roswell to Fort Worth in a B-29, according to Staff Sgt. Robert A. Slushe 7/9/1947 #3054  
n from Fort Worth to Wright Field, according to future Brig. Gen. Arthur Ex 7/10/1947 #3103  
me visible on one side of the top. According to the FBI investigative repor 8/13/1947 #3322  
                                   According to files released by the FBI t 8/14/1947 #3333  
a Phoenix North Carolina 5:00 a.m. According to writer Frank Scully, who he 3/25/1948 #3598  
ew from east to west. Not meteors, according to astronomer.                 5/7/1948 #3644  
en more than the Mantell incident, according to Ruppelt. Capt. Sneider cons 7/26/1948 #3742  
ears a grudge against UFO reports, according to Ruppelt), effective in Febr 12/16/1948 #3931  
ver Houston, Alaska heading north. According to witness George Mertz, they  5/11/1949 #4179  
vilian pilots report UFO sightings according to military chains of command. 12/1949 #4430  
 at 1,800 mph over Kodiak, Alaska, according to airborne radar. It then buz 1/22/1950 #4504  
                 Aztec, New Mexico According to Karl T. Pflock, two CIA age 3/1950 #4566  
ers and test pilots.” It goes on, “According to Mr. [redacted], informant,  3/22/1950 #4702  
, to FBI director J. Edgar Hoover. According to Auerbach, of the Counter In 12/3/1950 #5314  
n in Cuernavaca in February 1952.) According to the story, Marshall tells a Summer 1951 #5549  
r, although he cannot explain why, according to the witnesses, the wing mak 8/30/1951 #5638  
 5 objects trail smoke going south according to report to CIA.              11/25/1951 #5792  
om/hydro/winterhaven.pdf     Note: According to author Nick Cook, Air Force 1952 #5843  
the front lines of the Korean War, according to military witnesses Webb, Jo 4/30/1952 #6225  
       EBE1 dies of unknown causes according to the Carter Aquarius documen 6/18/1952 #6531  
            Los Alamos, New Mexico According to Sgt. Richard Doty’s 1980s d 6/18/1952 #6542  
pt. Ruppelt to destroy the report (according to Ruppelt himself).           Summer 1952 #6564  
                                   According to the United Press, the Air D 7/28/1952 #7263  
io, and West Virginia region that, according to Feschino, involves a search 9/12/1952 #7905  
by military personnel near Opheim. According to Earl Oksendahl, a qualified 11/13/1952 #8272  
hen took off toward the southwest, according to the witness, Mr. Gauci.     11/21/1952 #8315  
hen took off toward the southwest, according to Mr. Gauci the witness.      11/21/1952 #8318  
tude was 50,000 feet; "not a star" according to the witness, who was flying 11/28/1952 #8354  
                                   According to a letter by Fritz A. Werner 5/21/1953 #8898  
3 by Mr. XXXXX of Tulsa, Oklahoma. According to Air Force report, at 1400 h Summer 1953 #8949  
behind it. They were not balloons, according to the official Air Force inve 8/3/1953 #9044  
tal object going quickly southeast according to Lee green RADAR.            11/3/1953 #9274  
lly met in a public place in Rome. According to this person, the reason to  2/19/1954 (approximate) #9557  
 government officials were present according to witnesses.                  4/13/1954 #9686  
ASE, NM "Lens-saucer lands on base according to J. A. Hynek". No further de 5/18/1954 #9807  
gh in the sky near Columbus, Ohio. According to a newspaper article, a crew 6/26/1954 #9954  
nveloped in electric luminous gas. According to Jean-Luc Bruneau, inspector 8/16/1954 #10148  
the police after the encounter and according to police officials both women 8/20/1954 #10158  
here the first light was observed. According to O’Farrell, the apparent cro 8/31/1954 #10218  
d something like: "Paris? Nord?"  (According to another version they spoke  10/4/1954 #10693  
d some thing like: "Paris? Nord?" (According to another version they spoke  10/4/1954 #10702  
 landed / forest. Not a helicopter according to secret details.             10/17/1954 #11159  
t ten p.m., on or about this date, according to the Milan, Italy newspaper  10/28/1954 #11470  
shed rapidly. Probable fabrication according to Italian researchers on the  11/8/1954 #11602  
ht like that from a welding torch. According to the description by Professo 12/28/1954 #11869  
                      Soviet Union According to researcher Yuri Stroganov,  1955 #11886  
. It was definitely "not a plane," according to the witnesses. At the same  6/5/1955 #12187  
                                   According to researcher Yuri Stroganov,  1956 #12626  
ckly north. Some die. Silver wheel according to separate observer(s) / sout 2/17/1956 #12720  
red, disease, want, and ignorance. According to King, the civilizations of  8/1956 #13044  
cked on two screens at Lakenheath. According to T/Sgt. Forrest Perkins, wat 8/13/1956 #13080  
hens, a very trustworthy young man according to his parents and teachers, s 7/30/1957 #13860  
d areas. The ant hills themselves, according to Hartman, were much higher t 7/30/1957 #13860  
 told him to look for the object.” According to the Viscount pilot, the obj 8/30/1957 #13952  
 Pleasant, New Jersey at 6:40 p.m. According to eyewitness accounts the gra 9/19/1957 #14015  
p” about the recent UFO sightings, according to astronomer Charles F. “Chic 11/6/1957 #14423  
ere silver dots inside dark "eyes" according to the separate witnesses.     8/11/1958 #15193  
 were some other witnesses nearby, according to Mr. Galvez.                 12/17/1958 #15480  
                  Nevada Test Site According to weapons specialist David Mi 1959? #15508  
d, embedded in the underwater mud. According to additional details revealed 1/21/1959 #15560  
 (quadrant of the city not given). According to Lt. Colonel Robert Friend,  7/9/1959 #15829  
 from purported extraterrestrials. According to the report, the aliens repr 7/9/1959 #15829  
ars are stopped bumper-to- bumper, according to employees of several busine 2/5/1960 #16168  
dy of UFOs, 1947–90,” claims that “According to later estimates from CIA of 4/9/1960 #16219  
accept a down payment for the job. According to CIA files, it is Giancana w 9/1960 #16428  
of the Cuban Exile Junta, who has, according to Trafficante, become “disaff 9/1960 #16428  
Photographic Interpretation Center According to a “former Project Blue Book 1962 #17004  
                                   According to Lt. Colonel Herbert Rolph,  4/18/1962 #17121  
arks and four imprints were found, according to Police Capt. Martin Vigil.  4/26/1964 #18208  
arks and four imprints were found, according to Police Capt. Martin Vigil.  4/26/1964 #18211  
0% of the public believes in UFOs, according to polls and private Air Force 1965 #18682  
way by an airborne airliner pilot, according to John Colombo.               3/31/1965 #18882  
chasing what he thought was a UFO. According to Bryant, the saucer returns  4/24/1965 #18916  
undane and irrelevant to the F-51, according to aeronautical engineer Leona 4/24/1965 #18916  
ange trail / sky. Several minutes. According to Nice-Matin.                 6/28/1965 (approximate) #19030  
At no time does it make any sound. According to witnesses, the clocks stop  7/9/1965 #19088  
t / Strategic Air Command (SAC)-B4 according to Commander / Sioux Army depo 8/1/1965 #19232  
 Pennsylvania, by James Lucci, 17. According to estimations by witnesses, t 8/8/1965 #19341  
ll moon with his brother John, 23. According to them, a shining object appe 8/8/1965 #19341  
 and the third part analyzes cases according to type.                       1966 #19794  
em from Michigan City to La Porte. According to the young men, the object f 3/20/1966 #19998  
 that he saw a silvery-green disc. According to witnesses, the object is de 4/6/1966 #20257  
ate pilot at 10,000 feet altitude. According to the witness, who was flying 4/29/1966 #20428  
ke, as an unknown object exploded. According to police, a sulphurous odor a 5/10/1966 #20472  
 perhaps related to an earthquake. According to the police, a sulphurous od 5/10/1966 #20476  
ng from the rocket for 90 seconds. According to the principal reporting wit 5/11/1966 #20478  
rning sensation, itching, nausea). According to reports, dogs and cows in t 10/12/1966 #20996  
ntire sighting lasted ten minutes, according to the witness Mr. Siebel, who 1/7/1967 #21272  
tters and numbers around the edge, according to Connie Christiansen. Undern 1/9/1967 #21278  
by one of the women via telephone. According to the newspaper report, the p 2/14/1967 #21547  
y hovered and moved at high speed. According to the story, the reporter too 2/26/1967 #21657  
 the President about its contents. According to his testimony before the Se 4/24/1967 #22214  
ed. It looked solid in appearance, according to the witnesses.              5/7/1967 #22298  
New Jersey, Maryland, and Delaware according to the Federal Power Commissio 6/5/1967 #22468  
 or possibly a spectacular meteor. According to investigator Eric Zurcher,  7/17/1967 #22684  
tist cooperating with the project. According to the story, 6 UFOs follow an 9/1/1967? #22977  
being emerged from the object, and according to press acounts the witness c 9/2/1967 #22985  
uth, Minnesota Colorado 10:42 p.m. According to radar operators at Kinchelo 9/11/1967 #23046  
 Lazlo Benjamin sees walnut-saucer according to newspaper. 2+observer(s).   11/20/1967 #23484  
wings and with faces like humans." According to the witness there were four 6/14/1968 #24034  
 than 10 miles from the witnesses. According to the young man, three tiny w 8/7/1968 #24307  
 a darker shade of the same color. According to the couple, it resembled “a 11/9/1968 #24648  
dow the craft vanished from sight. According to the witnesses the movements 1/6/1969 #24822  
he sky over Glens Falls, New York. According to the newspaper account, the  3/3/1969 #24962  
 Tukeva and sees the UFOs as well. According to the Finnish Armed Forces ma 4/12/1969 #25057  
rown themselves down in the field. According to Luczkowich, the crushed bar 5/11/1969 #25128  
 off to the south over some woods, according to the report filed with the R 5/19/1969 #25146  
00 yards, for several minutes, and according to the witness the airplance e 9/11/1969 #25364  
t of an article for Esquire which, according to a later CIA account, includ 3/1972 #26584  
on the ground that later vanished. According to APRO field investigator Don 3/10/1972 #26598  
something they cannot understand,” according to a reviewer in Science.      7/1972 #26749  
enly shot upward and out of sight, according to the officers.               8/29/1972 #26969  
about 300 meters from a farmhouse. According to the witness, named Nix, the 2/18/1973 #27296  
lor: red, green, amber, and white. According to student Cary Barks, they wa 2/21/1973 #27305  
pped to witness the conflagration. According to the witness, two days after 5/22/1973 #27520  
when asked where they'd come from. According to the young people, the "hike 9/11/1973 #27803  
hey had disappeared into thin air. According to the two young men and the y 9/11/1973 #27803  
when asked where they'd come from. According to the young people, the "hike 9/12/1973 #27809  
hey had disappeared into thin air. According to the two young men and the y 9/12/1973 #27809  
 WV 100-120 UFO reports / 48 hours according to NBC-news interoffice memo.  10/18/1973 #28160  
that cultists are responsible. But according to the Kansas State University 12/1973 #28494  
 red. It stayed around for awhile, according to the couple.                 12/13/1973 #28570  
t followed by a luminous tail and (according to one witness) a blinking blu 1/23/1974 #28694  
y showed up and told her to leave. According to UFO researcher Tony Dodd, a 1/23/1974 #28695  
rton Down near Salisbury, England. According to Prescott, military personne 1/23/1974 #28695  
FO was 6:30 a.m. in Avion, France. According to the witness named Dejaeger, 3/3/1974 #28853  
o advise public policymakers) has, according to the authors, been subverted 6/12/1974 #29180  
ly not a Marine military aircraft, according to the witness.                6/29/1974 #29232  
ght and level. No star / satellite according to astronomers.                8/28/1974 #29393  
                                   According to the Spanish Air Force, at 7 11/24/1974 #29606  
served. The callers sounded sober, according to dispatcher Fred Barnes. Fou 12/29/1974 #29661  
to 1970s that violate its charter. According to a briefing provided by CIA  12/31/1974 #29665  
riggers a Security Option 5 Alert. According to an informant at the center  Late 10/1975 #30471  
     NAUTA, PERU 4M saucer crashes according to Robert Barry. Strange metal 11/11/1975 #30596  
camping trip near Allagash, Maine. According to the four men, hypnotic regr 8/20/1976 #31282  
roup stand by the abduction story. According to Jim Weiner, “Jack, Charlie, 8/20/1976 #31282  
and a luminous light on top varies according to the speed of the craft’s mo 9/3/1976 #31335  
e Colonel was instantly paralyzed, according to the report. Orders then cam 1977 #31658  
hotographs appeared to be genuine, according to APRO.                       3/10/1977 #31893  
ollowed an airliner for 30 seconds according to one of the passengers aboar 5/26/1977 #32131  
er Dowagiac, Michigan at 4:10 p.m. according to one of the passengers aboar 5/26/1977 #32136  
 White House and bound to secrecy. According to former USAF Capt. Robert M. 6/14/1977 #32162  
n the Brazilian National Archives. According to ufologist Jacques Vallée, a 7/1977 #32220  
roy the town of Chester, Illinois, according to a hoax concocted by Officia 8/2/1977 #32346  
ulii Platov as deputy coordinator. According to one of his aides, Igor Sini 10/1977 #32539  
an cases compiled by Felix Ziegel. According to space historian James Oberg 1/1978 #32835  
ngs to the Center for UFO Studies. According to them it made a slight hummi 2/9/1978 #32964  
. The reports are never published. According to Jean-Jacques Velasco, Poher 6/1978 #33245  
eard over the heavy traffic noise. According to the children, it then shoot 8/21/1978 #33538  
our young men, one named Salimeen. According to the report there were also  12/2/1978 #34050  
er an electrical generating plant, according to two power plant technicians 12/28/1978 #34221  
 A man was seen outside the craft, according to the police report. (NICAP:  3/27/1979 #34491  
 A man was seen outside the craft, according to the police report. At 8:00  3/27/1979 #34492  
Town terrorized / UFO's for months according to priest. All stay inside.    11/1979 #34978  
nt of the luminous orbs of lights. According to Tobajas, the humanoid forms 2/11/1980 #35169  
ided quickly across the ground and according to Mrs. De Los Santos they sto 4/20/1980 #35281  
llic balloon" with two flat sides, according to a base spokesman. It either 8/3/1980 #35440  
ped object making a humming noise. According to the report it maneuvered in 8/31/1980 #35484  
e and Derby, England at 12:20 a.m. According to the report it maneuvered in 8/31/1980 #35485  
                     Paris, France According to analyst Gary Sick, meetings 10/15/1980 #35569  
serving secret Air Force projects. According to Doty, the Air Force wants t 11/26/1980 #35673  
orted closer to their destination, according to the witnesses.              11/27/1980 #35675  
y was found on top of a coal pile. According to the coroner, Adamski died o 11/29/1980 #35682  
he forest to investigate they see, according to Halt’s memo, a glowing obje 12/26/1980 #35737  
 west gate of the Bentwaters base. According to several of the military wit 12/27/1980 #35748  
 and foresters as rabbit diggings. According to the witness statements from 12/28/1980 #35750  
he term MJ-1 makes its appearance. According to Moore, the original said th Summer 1981 #35977  
other evidence. Shortly afterward, according to an informant, US and UK Air 8/16/1981 #36078  
n Valley, Norway toward Trondheim. According to John Spencer, this report w 12/1/1981 #36241  
n Valley, Norway toward Trondheim. According to John Spencer, this report w 12/1/1981 #36242  
hip sailing in the South Atlantic. According to the article in the MUFON UF 9/17/1982 #36606  
ical coordinates -11.62 S 33.47 W. According to the article in the MUFON UF 9/17/1982 #36608  
ructed like insects here on Earth, according to rumors he heard.  https://c 11/29/1983 #37058  
 secretly controlling the weather. According to HAARP program manager John  1/10/1985 #37546  
It occasionally changes its course according to the terrain. The pilot dive 8/18/1985 #37647  
 CIA agent Harry Rositzke (Falcon, according to Greg Bishop), and USAF OSI  Fall 1986 #38034  
                                   According to MUFON, a silent triangular  3/10/1987 #38135  
ember, a successful entry is made, according to the remaining officer. Insi Early 8/1987 #38225  
at they wanted to be photographed, according to his account of the incident 12/23/1987 #38371  
ect left it accelerated at 20 G's, according to photometric analysis.       1/24/1988 #38432  
on (see June 1972 and April 1988). According to SAIC investigator Dennis Cr 4/1988 #38527  
re as big as Boeing 747 airliners, according to the observers.              12/2/1988 #38735  
n mid-air and absorbs both planes, according to Marcado. The object moves o 12/28/1988 #38763  
 of Betances in Mayaguez province. According to two male witnesses on the g 12/28/1988 #38764  
 to look through it like a window. According to Lazar, the fuel for the cra 3/1989 #38855  
                          In 1989, according to a report in the MUFON UFO J 6/4/1989 #38978  
Os from a distance of 20–30 miles. According to the pilots, first one, then 7/26/1989 #39033  
ir destination they realized that, according to their time checks and their 11/6/1989 #39216  
k aircraft production” in FY 1987. According to Aviation Week, Project Auro 3/1990 #39434  
aches $2.3 billion in fiscal 1987, according to a 1986 procurement document 3/1990 #39434  
          Fort Allen, Puerto Rico. According to an article in the French UF 7/19/1990 #39652  
hn B. Alexander). Founded in 1987, according to Blum, after a flurry of sup 9/1990 #39711  
is has increased to $52.8 billion, according to information revealed by Edw 9/1990 #39712  
manifesto of the militia movement. According to sociologist Paul Gilroy, Co 1991 #39933  
Satellite re-entry is actually UFO according to air-crews and RADAR operato 2/20/1991 #39978  
 holds “several” accounts at BCCI. According to a 1991 article in Time maga 7/5/1991 #40112  
nd a white point towards the rear, according to the direction of travel. Sp 9/5/1991 #40179  
 demonstrate making a crop circle. According to University of Oregon fracta 9/9/1991 #40182  
Australia. It was not a helicopter according to the witness.                5/6/1992 #40456  
     Topanga Canyon, California -- According to the Lost Hills/Malibu sheri 6/14/1992 #40494  
nd." What happened next was vague, according to the driver, who reckons the 6/14/1992 #40494  
aca, was not able to see anything. According to Paca the figure had extreme 9/24/1992 #40639  
t shot away faster than any plane, according to the four teenage witnesses. 10/8/1992 #40666  
d, McDowell County, West Virginia. According to the 15-year-old teenager wh 12/21/1992 #40759  
 calculated its speed at 1100 mph. According to Nick Pope, the UK Air Minis 3/30/1993 #40906  
h slanted eyes were seen on board. According to the witnesses, a large US A 4/19/1993 #40943  
 Burgess Hill, England this night. According to the witness, they seemed to 6/26/1993 #41039  
aseous cloud. The film is genuine, according to Steven Greer, who shows it  1994 #41341  
ampers overflown by luminous balls according to reliable source. No further 7/25/1994? #41640  
osely linked to US black missions, according to a report in Air Forces Mont 9/26/1994 #41775  
hen minutes later, the USAF craft. According to FAA audio records, Albuquer 5/25/1995 #42229  
, and very powerfully illuminated, according to the captain. As Polanco beg 7/31/1995 #42347  
towards nearby El Yunque Mountain. According to the little girl, the object 12/13/1995 #42642  
t near Varginha, Brazil Afternoon. According to testimony by an ex-soldier, 1/20/1996 #42694  
military was already on the scene. According to some witnesses a group of c 1/20/1996 #42697  
 prevented from entering the site. According to three military sources, at  1/23/1996 #42709  
hed six objects fly over the area. According to one of the witnesses, Silvi 1/31/1996 #42729  
but the cause of death is unclear, according to Dr. Cesário Lincoln Furtado 2/15/1996 #42764  
the bizarre light staged a return. According to the officers, nine lights i 4/15/1996 #42870  
 a better view of the same lights. According to them the flashing lights we 8/11/1996 #42980  
dly operated by USAF/NASA/CIA/MJ12 according to that document. *   https:// 8/30/1996 #43002  
                                   According to a case report filed by Marg 11/3/1996 #43104  
                                   According to Michael Hesemann, on this d 12/1/1996 #43129  
 the University of South Carolina. According to a leaked document from the  1997 #43156  
xpelled a flame and then vanished. According to a RAF spokesman, the object 2/25/1997 #43209  
Twelve students were in attendance according to workshop proceedings, but i 8/1997 #43363  
                                   According to an "ex-KGB source" a cylind 9/7/1997 #43401  
wds of meditating UFO enthusiasts. According to the opinions of a theologia 12/1997 #43452  
ontractors Jamison and Wylie who — according to STAC-5 — are still convince 3/11/1998 #43532  
seemed to cover the whole valley." According to ufologist Luis Sanchez Perr 5/16/1998 #43568  
hrough the city park at 12:12 a.m. According to the witness the humanoids s 2/28/1999 #43739  
about failure rates are inaccurate according to their own scientists at Los 5/17/1999 #43770  
                                   According to a caller to the National UF 8/11/1999 #43821  
bout 80 cm tall, with large heads. According to the witness, their heads so 8/14/1999 #43822  
 reconstruction of the girl’s face according to his description. In Novembe 12/1999 #43890  
                                   According to UFO Magazine published in E 12/8/1999 #43895  
f the Russian Academy of Sciences. According to them, 90% of the anomalous  2000 #43911  
een beings in their rooms as well, according to the source.                 1/3/2000 #43917  
 the northeast, and made no sound. According to one witness “the object had 3/26/2000 #43969  
 attempted to surround the object, according to the married couple who witn 1/24/2001 #44130  
rgets were racing around the area. According to MUFON field investigator an 7/15/2001 #44209  
98 arrest warrant for tax evasion. According to a spokesman for the Marshal 11/5/2001 #44272  
 changed directions several times. According to the witnesses, the jets fir 12/1/2001 #44280  
 causing it to explode in the air. According to NORAD they witnesses the re 12/1/2001 #44280  
aved as if it wanted them to stop, according to the main witness.           1/3/2002 #44303  
 was too fast and low for a blimp, according to the witness. Its estimated  11/13/2002 #44441  
y at anchor in Kaliningrad Harbor. According to a Russian Naval Commander,  4/18/2003 #44516  
 then left through the palm trees. According to the witnesses, the grass an 5/8/2004 #44696  
ng out of sight beyond the clouds. According to the laser rangefinder the U 8/25/2004 #44741  
ular craft crash at the shoreline. According to the man, he was cooling off 8/25/2004 #44742  
 white complexion, extremely white according to the witness. The figure the 10/27/2004 #44771  
acona, Quebec, Canada at 3:06 p.m. According to the local OVNI UFO group, t 5/6/2005 #44832  
yrange Hollanda, who died in 1997. According to Hollanda, “we detected at l 5/20/2005 #44844  
 Martinez, California at 2:30 a.m. according to the witness, a 49-year-old  11/15/2005 #44903  
                                   According to the witness, at 12:30 a.m.  2/28/2006 #44927  
ile or under any type of control.” According to its authors, the majority o 5/15/2006 #44942  
 Comet 73P/Schwassmann–Wachmann 3, according to physicist Stephen Hughes at 5/16/2006 #44943  
 which was “obviously not clouds.” According to this witness, nearby observ 11/7/2006 #44981  
to close itself shortly afterward. According to the Chicago Tribune’s Jon H 11/7/2006 #44981  
a half. It was definitely a craft, according to the witness.                7/14/2008 #45150  
mechanical vehicle engine failure, according to the witness…                11/21/2008 #45189  
County, Illinois at around 10 p.m. According to the witness, it was at a lo 8/14/2009 #45235  
raph the bizarre series of events. According to them the cow was not moving 9/5/2009 #45242  
ry close and terrifying encounter, according to the witness.                5/12/2010 #45280  
akdown lasted only 59 minutes. But according to two missile technicians sta 10/23/2010 #45303  
 black budget is at $52.6 billion, according to documents leaked by former  2013 #45357  
o other distinguishable features,” according to the pilot, who is able to v 11/18/2013 #45395  
 a suitcase, and silver in color,” according to the report. The pilot is on 3/26/2014 #45405  
s are reported for several months. According to Accoin, the objects have “n 2/2015? #45430  
men aviation flight safety report. According to the pilots, the squadron ha 2/2015? #45430  
thousands of rounds of ammunition. According to police, the men want to des 10/27/2016 #45460  
niversity of Pennsylvania American According to a New York Times report, Do 9/1/2018 #45538  
least one was last funded in 1989, according to him.  https://youtu.be/IeyB 4/30/2019 #45575  
triggers radiation levels to rise. According to official Russian sources, t 8/8/2019 #45604  
tivals in Rachel and Hiko, Nevada, according to state and local law enforce 9/20/2019 #45609  
ns, and beamed energy propulsion.” According to the US Army, no public fund 10/17/2019 #45612  
 makes sense to look deeper here.” According to Halleaux, the Army is also  10/17/2019 #45612  
dings to CIA director Gina Haspel. According to two sources, after listenin 12/3/2019 #45621  
operations unit focused on Russia, according to two sources. “You’re just t 12/3/2019 #45621  
nd purported paranormal phenomena. According to Steven Aftergood, director  2/14/2020 #45633  
ure of the injuries nor the cause, according to its 18-page report. “The ev 1/15/2021 #45673  
                                   According to the National UFO Reporting  4/13/2021 #45681  
ral residents report a sonic boom. According to Hassan Ali Dar, deputy dire 7/30/2021 #45701  
gy” emitted by an external source, according to a partially declassified in 2/2/2022 #45737  
n with NASA engineer Bob Oechsler, according to author Timothy Good, and re 3/16/2022 #45740  
ged it/destroyed it/hid it existed according to some attendees   A “major e 9/26/2022 #45772  
imagery data with AI capabilities. According to the records, the program de 2/27/2023 #45795  
## Word: "accordingly" (Back to Top)
n… If you believe us, you will act accordingly.”                            9/11/1952 #7894  
ts latest UFO reports. The Service accordingly asks the Turkish Air Force,  6/2003 #44551  
## Word: "accosted" (Back to Top)
 Marseille, France. He is suddenly accosted by two tall, slender men wearin 1921 #1010  
tia Airport, Venezuela when he was accosted by a little man about three fee 8/26/1967 #22935  
everal days later two of the girls accosted by the stranger began to go int 4/3/1968 #23888  
## Word: "account" (Back to Top)
west coast. According to the man’s account, the prophecies were fulfilled.  5/4/1932 #1143  
r fails. Light wind. / and Tabloid account.                                 9/15/1940 #1345  
the name of Langer gave a dramatic account of his encounter with seven bell 6/18/1944 #1606  
gia. They are impressed with their account. Mulling the case through Septem 7/26/1948 #3742  
ltitude. No further details / news account.                                 7/14/1952 #6807  
fied. Chemical Professor. Detailed account. 2 night lights maneuver / 6mn.  7/20/1952 #6943  
 / clear sky. No further details / account truncated.                       7/26/1952 #7146  
 Palomar Gardens The first printed account of the encounter with Orthon app 11/24/1952 #8333  
months of searching. Although this account comes from M/Sgt Clarence O. Dar 6/1953 #8922  
    Great Pyramid George Adamski’s account (ghostwritten by Clara John) of  9/1953 #9130  
d, his “publisher”) and a detailed account along with 3 other witness names 4/13/1954 #9686  
 August 9 J. Edgar Hoover sends an account of the interview to Rear Adm. Ca 7/24/1954 #10046  
n away. No further details / brief account.                                 12/20/1954 (approximate) #11843  
prosaic phenomena that can already account for IFOs. On the other hand, if  10/25/1955 #12519  
rs going quickly west. / newspaper account.                                 8/11/1956 #13067  
g associated with the airbase into account (for example, the radar returns) 3/22/1957 #13553  
lishes From Outer Space to You, an account of his meetings with space peopl 1959 #15514  
 quarry. No further details / news account.                                 3/2/1959 #15629  
r for Air, whether he has read the account of the UFO seen at Cressy, Tasma 10/20/1960 #16486  
rived home in Portsmouth unable to account for about two hours. A series of 9/19/1961 #16858  
nomical conditions were present to account for the sighting.” Nonetheless,  10/2/1961 #16889  
at there are two hours they cannot account for. Also present is a friend of 11/25/1961 #16980  
 in the missing time of the Hills’ account. The Hills ask Swett if he will  11/23/1962 #17559  
rs and airport officials could not account for the object. [Report from NIC 6/18/1963 #17792  
ssion with Benjamin Simon. Betty’s account closely matches her dreams from  3/7/1964 #18145  
eams from 2 years earlier, and her account is consistent with Barney’s. Man 3/7/1964 #18145  
ompletely match the details of the account.                                 1/26/1965 #18769  
rived home at 12:25 a.m. unable to account for the lapse of time. Under hyp 8/16/1965 #19410  
nds many discrepancies in Kaback’s account and very little credibility.     11/1965 #19695  
sence of skid marks in the snow to account for how it got there.”           12/19/1965 #19777  
 found to be pregnant. There is no account of how the pregnancy turned out. 8/11/1966 #20739  
 have died of drug overdoses. This account is corroborated by the esoteric  8/20/1966 #20779  
f. Quintanilla contradicts Hynek’s account of the swamp gas explanation.    11/14/1966 #21100  
 witness Mr. Siebel, who wrote and account of his sighting to the National  1/7/1967 #21272  
Andreason abducted. Full fantastic account / R. E. Fowler.                  1/25/1967 #21380  
sked seven weeks earlier. The only account of that meeting is Helms’s own.  5/10/1967 #22310  
ield the size of a fist. She can’t account for about 15 minutes.            7/17/1967 #22682  
 was totally sincere and found his account convincing.                      12/3/1967 #23547  
plete than expected, and he had to account for two hours of missing time wi 8/29/1968 #24402  
w York. According to the newspaper account, the UFO's crew of four men and  3/3/1969 #24962  
id=197     Note: Publisher of this account, to whom the Chilean source spok 10/24/1969 #25424  
ansing, she produced the following account by a 9-year-old of an encounter  11/9/1969 #25455  
re which, according to a later CIA account, includes “names of agents, rela 3/1972 #26584  
ment panel. Telepathy? Fragmentary account.                                 1/1/1973 #27206  
 at least two hours they could not account for. The three older people coul 9/11/1973 #27803  
 at least two hours they could not account for. The three older people coul 9/12/1973 #27809  
discovered that Jacques could only account for eight of the 11 minutes he h 11/30/1974 #29622  
 driving home he found he couldn’t account for 1.5 hours. The next day his  8/13/1975 #30258  
esenting about 90 minutes he can’t account for. Moody gets a pain in his lo 8/13/1975 #30264  
r arms and legs that she could not account for.                             11/27/1975 #30669  
hen she arrived home she could not account for at least one hour of her tim 1/14/1976 #30786  
bed and went to the window. In his account he said: “It was as though I was 8/10/1976 #31252  
than he expected, he was unable to account for the lost time. There was a g 1/27/1977 #31761  
timelessness, and she later cannot account for about 20 minutes of time. Wh Early Autumn 1977 #32456  
apse of missing time they couldn't account for.                             2/23/1978 #32998  
the circle as ringworm, but cannot account for the animals’ fatigue or beha 4/6/1978 #33128  
east several minutes, but from the account no one appears to have investiga 8/22/1978 #33550  
allegedly nonfiction novelette, An Account of a Meeting with Denizens of An 1979 #34254  
s of Another World, 1871. It is an account of a UFO encounter, as experienc 1979 #34254  
nutes, but she and her aunt cannot account for an additional 45–50 minutes. 2/1979 #34398  
ne involving missing time, see the account on February 18, 1990 in Germany) 2/21/1979 #34441  
around the same time that probably account for the phenomena.               3/5/1979 #34465  
 any proof that he embellished his account.” Ballester Olmos’s latest thoug 7/25/1979 #34679  
/ deserted hills. Traces. Detailed account.                                 10/27/1979 #34969  
t an hour of missing time he can't account for. When he got home his dogs r 2/11/1980 #35170  
hey discovered that they could not account for 30 minutes of time. During t 5/7/1980 #35317  
a.m. Most ufologists find Warren’s account unreliable, and the book he coau 12/28/1980 #35750  
he had a memory loss and could not account for 30 minutes of his time. Red  8/30/1981 #36093  
ection of the car finds nothing to account for its behavior.                7/6/1982 #36531  
lishes Communion, the first-person account of his abductions and encounters 2/1987 #38108  
dd Hopkins publishes Intruders, an account of his investigation into the ab 4/1987 #38155  
Under hypnosis, Spencer’s original account of the incident changes. Singlet 12/1/1987 #38345  
m to stay away, as in his original account.                                 12/1/1987 #38345  
 be photographed, according to his account of the incident.                 12/23/1987 #38371  
ove the ground. Later he could not account for about 20 minutes.            3/2/1989 #38864  
missing temporarily, and could not account for their whereabouts.           9/13/1990 #39732  
unter site. Unfortunately, Kelly’s account of the incident is the only one  8/8/1993 #41117  
t all five witnesses are unable to account for the next 24 hours. Their UFO 7/21/1994 #41634  
t lasted eight minutes. In another account of the same or a parallel incide 9/16/1994 #41755  
 retrieval. Much of the book is an account of Corso’s claims that he was as 6/1997 #43304  
ad almost three hours he could not account for.                             8/5/1997 #43369  
way, but the witness was unable to account for 90 minutes of missing time.  7/7/2004 #44715  
o corroborated the first witness's account, but was also brushed aside by a 8/25/2004 #44742  
y sounds. The false sensations may account for a defining symptom of the di 9/1/2018 #45538  
termining if UAP proximity effects account for any Havana Syndrome cases an 11/29/2018 #45549  
ial of each of these mechanisms to account for cases that cannot be easily  2/2/2022 #45737  
## Word: "accountability" (Back to Top)
elligence, notes the CIA’s lack of accountability and recommends establishi 6/29/1955 #12219  
er procedures to ensure government accountability” were followed.           2/9/1994 #41408  
n, the State Department conveys an Accountability Review Board to “review s 1/9/2018 #45502  
s” and want to avoid oversight and accountability. Coulthart states part of 11/30/2021 #45726  
o that a “secret society” with “no accountability” exists and it does not r 5/16/2022 #45749  
## Word: "accountable" (Back to Top)
mbered driving his car when for no accountable reason he suddenly braked. F 2/5/1978 #32957  
formed, the government is not held accountable for its actions, and the pub 3/3/1997 #43217  
## Word: "accountant" (Back to Top)
                      BROOKLYN, NY Accountant and 2. 12 glowing saucers. 11 12/12/1953 #9360  
wton, Georgia Witness:  Mr. Jones, accountant.  One oblong light, 120-150'  11/23/1968 #24694  
ewton Albany, Georgia 8:05 p.m. An accountant named Jones is driving his 19 11/23/1968 #24695  
                Linda Woodford, an accountant for the Defense Finance and A 11/18/2013 #45396  
## Word: "accounted" (Back to Top)
 can be explained, the rest can be accounted for with further investigation 1/17/1953 #8548  
 late 1950s through the 1960s were accounted for by manned reconnaissance f 4/9/1960 #16219  
th 80 kilometers of their trip not accounted for.                           8/16/1972 #26921  
of an hour and a half could not be accounted for.                           10/25/1973 #28287  
ff the ground. The creature's head accounted for more than half of its heig 1/6/1974 #28654  
 and the missing time could not be accounted for.  After they returned to t 11/27/1975 #30669  
## Word: "accounting" (Back to Top)
ce of Gen. T. At WPAFB through the Accounting and Finance Section records.  1977 #31658  
        Director of the US General Accounting Office’s National Security an 7/24/1986 #37952  
ur Bowsher, head of the US General Accounting Office, to prepare a report o 10/1993 #41214  
rity Analysis group at the General Accounting Office, writes to Secretary o 2/9/1994 #41408  
w Mexico New Mexico The US General Accounting Office releases Results of a  7/28/1995 #42335  
mments on the release of a General Accounting Office (GAO) report detailing 7/28/1995 #42338  
r superiors and asked about proper accounting protocols, she was sexually h 8/30/1996 #43000  
came across evidence to suggest IT/accounting systems providers Lockheed Ma 6/2004 #44706  
ns against the legacy software and accounting system.” AMS was hired by HUD 6/2004 #44706  
 by HUD in 1996 to manage internal accounting and financial controls and Fi 6/2004 #44706  
m, with businesses and journalists accounting for 20% and 10% respectively. 1/1/2005 #44806  
untant for the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) states every m 11/18/2013 #45396  
 loan refused to allow the General Accounting Office to examine its records 10/21/2021 #45717  
## Word: "accounts" (Back to Top)
 to the sea, where it drifts away. Accounts of the tale appear in three tex 2/22/1803 #100  
 this afternoon in 1901, newspaper accounts report a flying machine was pho 3/7/1901 #644  
falls under the grip of what press accounts call “aerialitis.”              7/1909 #778  
eading him to conclude that as all accounts are positioned along a great ci 2/9/1913 #881  
level for 5 second(s). Then rises. Accounts differ. No further details.     7/3/1952 #6695  
ee days after the event and in the accounts of both Wimbledon and Perkins,  8/13/1956 #13080  
ego that he is most interested in “accounts of intelligible contacts betwee 2/26/1957 #13514  
 6:40 p.m. According to eyewitness accounts the grass had been flattened at 9/19/1957 #14015  
round trip to the Moon. Some press accounts treat Carr as if he is a real s 2/3/1958 #14870  
ing is gained by rejecting all the accounts as fantasy,” he tells reporters 4/25/1958 #15000  
As the object gains altitude, some accounts describe it as being pursued fr 4/6/1966 #20257  
cers,” which outlines Rex Heflin’s accounts of the NORAD impostor and anoth 3/1/1967 #21713  
e viewers to send their first-hand accounts in to the newly formed Soviet U 11/10/1967 #23437  
m does not include human anecdotal accounts. Pacific Air Forces’ unit histo 8/1968 #24284  
endently recalled nearly identical accounts of their abduction experience.  8/7/1968 #24308  
gave separate but nearly identical accounts of what happened to them. When  8/7/1968 #24308  
 table. They both gave independent accounts of recalling seeing nearly iden 8/7/1968 #24308  
 form, and books—both journalistic accounts and anthologies of Ummo writing 1969 #24804  
, was influenced by some abduction accounts over the years, and was led int 10/16/1973 #28088  
a, in 1966–1967. It combines these accounts with his theories about UFOs an 1975 #29670  
lements and images echoed in other accounts before and since.               1/6/1976 #30770  
Lawson declares that the imaginary accounts are all but identical to the re 1977 #31655  
 are all but identical to the real accounts. He then formulates a Birth Mem 1977 #31655  
t of his seven “status reports” on accounts and rumors about UFO crash/retr 7/29/1978 #33449  
rather than a meteor because a few accounts have it moving in a different d 9/14/1978 #33676  
here are some discrepancies in the accounts of its movement, Wim van Utrech 9/5/1979 #34838  
 Sources, New Data, presenting the accounts and rumors he has heard of cras 6/1980 #35350  
 these lights since 1944 and their accounts are credible.                   3/26/1982 #36414  
oma UFO researcher, which produces accounts of repeated abductions since ch 1988 #38383  
 direct correlations between their accounts.                                11/7/1989 #39220  
ommunities. Indeed, 150 eyewitness accounts were gathered that night. Sever 11/29/1989 #39277  
s, BCCI is also accused of opening accounts or laundering money for figures 7/5/1991 #40112  
ittee that the CIA holds “several” accounts at BCCI. According to a 1991 ar 7/5/1991 #40112  
National Security Council also has accounts at BCCI, which are used for a v 7/5/1991 #40112  
 the Tully, Australia, crop circle accounts from 1966, Bower and Chorley cl 9/9/1991 #40182  
 numerous abductees. He finds many accounts of hybrid making and clues that 3/1992 #40342  
There were two separate, identical accounts of the sighting. A large disc-s 11/6/1992 #40704  
ites Taken, in which she describes accounts from eight women, none of whom  1994 #41345  
liquid-filled cylinders. There are accounts of aliens apparently taking hum 1994 #41345  
ated his actual mission. Sherman’s accounts have never been verified but th 1/1/1997 #43163  
land. These reports soon turn into accounts of bright flashes, loud booming 3/24/1997 #43239  
rol. Although Mack hears the usual accounts of examinations and reproductiv 1999 #43708  
e room at WPAFB has over 2 million accounts of UAP sightings by military pe 7/31/1999 #43815  
ration. Experienced pilots present accounts of objects, ranging from silver 10/15/2000 #44056  
ael Shermer is critical of witness accounts that vary wildly, saying, “it w 3/5/2004 #44672  
ore serious attention to the “many accounts from the Navy and other service 10/4/2017 #45483  
“focused on forensically assessing accounts of injuries that could have res 1/9/2018 #45503  
ightings and fully investigate the accounts.”                               7/31/2019 #45602  
## Word: "accra" (Back to Top)
                                   Accra Volta Region of Ghana Gulf of Guin 7/27/1987 #38219  
uinea 12:00 midnight. Witnesses in Accra and the Volta Region of Ghana see  7/27/1987 #38219  
shaped object from the ground near Accra, traveling south over the ocean. I 7/27/1987 #38219  
## Word: "accredited" (Back to Top)
nd arrange for further tests at an accredited lab, finding variations well  Early 9/1957 #13971  
## Word: "accrington" (Back to Top)
lsh left his girlfriend's house in Accrington, England at 1:00 a.m. and was 10/28/2000 #44063  
## Word: "acct" (Back to Top)
lls / police. Vanishes. (Newspaper acct.)                                   7/25/1972 #26831  
## Word: "accumulate" (Back to Top)
fallout. The lake would eventually accumulate over 120 million curies of ra 1967 #21233  
## Word: "accumulated" (Back to Top)
ATIC to make preliminary review of accumulated reports. Recommended conveni 11/1952 #8223  
nel of top scientists to weigh the accumulated evidence. ["Robertson Panel" 1/12/1953 #8534  
## Word: "accumulates" (Back to Top)
The Swedish Military Record Office accumulates 96 reports from Sweden, 234  12/24/1933 #1182  
talog of UFO photos. He eventually accumulates close to 13,000 cases in the 2000 #43908  
## Word: "accumulating" (Back to Top)
tems, including radar. He has been accumulating information on unidentified Spring 1948 #3593  
## Word: "accumulation" (Back to Top)
t can be used as part of a growing accumulation of evidence Bryant is colle 2/19/1973 #27298  
r a two minute period there was an accumulation of shimmering red lights in 11/20/2002 #44445  
## Word: "accumulator" (Back to Top)
craft powered by an Utron Electric Accumulator that makes use of the “free  1957 #13432  
## Word: "accuracy" (Back to Top)
he “33 investors” and the IMF. The accuracy of this document has never been 11/1998 #43673  
## Word: "accurate" (Back to Top)
yhoes’ book on “flying saucers” is accurate and that if the reported contro 1/26/1953 #8569  
olled maneuvers of the saucers are accurate then the saucers may be from an 1/26/1953 #8569  
0 knots.The report contains a very accurate sighting description, showing t 2/6/1953 #8644  
 Navy claims it “never obtained an accurate” radar track of the objects rep 11/14/2004 #44784  
agers, and two security guards are accurate, but he indicates a fifth indiv 3/2010 #45270  
s the FOIA response in 2015 wasn’t accurate if they were being detected in  11/5/2015 #45439  
states the MJ-12 documents are not accurate and in reality, things are more 3/27/2016 #45446  
## Word: "accurately" (Back to Top)
 have been even greater, cannot be accurately gauged since most have left t 12/2/1943 #1549  
king the “silence group” is quoted accurately; and except in a very few cas 4/11/1954 #9682  
ays that UFOs “must be rapidly and accurately identified as serious USAF bu 12/24/1959 #16133  
t. Their compasses are not working accurately. They wait iuntil 11:30 p.m., 4/29/1967 #22247  
rthern Territory Psychic Pat Price accurately remote views the Soviet URDF- 7/9/1974 #29253  
ice, who describes 7 of the places accurately —in some cases before Jones a 7/9/1974 #29253  
s of the reentry, which in general accurately reflect the event, and compar 12/31/1978 #34248  
## Word: "accusation" (Back to Top)
er edges. USAF personnel deny this accusation and insist that they have rem 8/15/1950 #5126  
r circulates an outrageously false accusation that Williamson killed Betty  8/11/1958 #15192  
## Word: "accusations" (Back to Top)
d war’ tool.” He is upset by their accusations that the Air Force is withho 12/27/1960 #16541  
lous" and it was making "senseless accusations." In April 1961, after being 3/1961 #16616  
lous,” and it is making “senseless accusations.”                            3/1961 #16617  
 leveling a variety of charges and accusations at one another. In September 1968 #23627  
 the targets of Friedman’s coverup accusations.                             8/15/1980 #35458  
 some embassy workers are hearing. Accusations are made that these are a re 8/2017 #45477  
## Word: "accuse" (Back to Top)
dal and recrimination as lawmakers accuse researchers of questionable ethic 1/1956 #12641  
## Word: "accused" (Back to Top)
e considered trustworthy, they are accused later of hoaxing the report. Lat 3/13/1913 #886  
 to Sampson AFB where his superior accused him of going AWOL and punished h 4/12/1954 #9685  
eper notes that Hynek has publicly accused Project Blue Book of shoddy scie 9/4/1968 #24427  
ions of lending laws, BCCI is also accused of opening accounts or launderin 7/5/1991 #40112  
 software manufacturer whose owner accused the Justice Department of steali 8/10/1991 #40147  
ging effort (see 24 July 2020) and accused by Rep. Mark Walker (see 6 Septe 9/3/2021 #45707  
## Word: "accuses" (Back to Top)
weden’s airspace. MP Elof Lindberg accuses him of not being competent enoug 4/30/1934 #1208  
ut airline pilot witnesses. Watson accuses them of being fooled by optical  11/16/1950 #5278  
n aerial refueling operation, then accuses Killian of being drunk. But an i 2/24/1959 #15604  
 The staffers are skeptical; Smart accuses the Air Force of withholding inf 7/15/1960 #16337  
per, Robert Baker of GravWave LLC, accuses the JASON analysis of making sev 10/2008 #45173  
d States Rep. Mark Walker (R-N.C.) accuses the US Navy of withholding infor 9/6/2019 #45606  
                  Rep. Mark Walker accuses the U.S. Navy of withholding inf 9/6/2019 #45607  
onnel, Haspel challenges them. She accuses the investigators of both hiding 12/3/2019 #45621  
## Word: "accusing" (Back to Top)
ds an indignant letter to Kennedy, accusing him of threatening the Soviet U 10/24/1962 #17491  
## Word: "accustomed" (Back to Top)
ght. Just as her eyes were getting accustomed to the dark, ten or twelve th 8/20/1993 #41148  
turned off. Her eyes slowly became accustomed to the dark and she felt a pr 2/24/1997 #43207  
## Word: "ace" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Ace” YieldMax: 20KT                      6/11/1964 #18342  
nfirmed. Country: USA Name: “Husky Ace” YieldMax: 20KT                      10/12/1973 #28016  
irmed. Country: USA Name: “Diamond Ace” YieldMax: 20KT                      9/23/1982 #36611  
## Word: "acelerated" (Back to Top)
dian border. The UFO hovered, then acelerated away with the sound of rushin 1/12/1965 #18721  
## Word: "acerno" (Back to Top)
                                   ACERNO, ITL 2 hunting. Blunted cylinder/ 12/1977 (approximate) #32713  
## Word: "acerra" (Back to Top)
                                   ACERRA, ITL 4 observer(s). Plaza lit up. 1/15/1979 #34343  
## Word: "acetylene" (Back to Top)
 the object glowed as bright as an acetylene torch. The car's engine, light 3/8/1967 #21818  
## Word: "acetylene-colored" (Back to Top)
, flat-bottomed object with a long acetylene-colored flame shooting downwar 7/20/1964 #18430  
top and flat bottom. It had a long acetylene-colored flame shooting downwar 7/20/1964 #18431  
## Word: "aceval" (Back to Top)
                                   ACEVAL, PARAGUAY Several / boat. Shiny s 5/24/1998 #43570  
## Word: "acevedo" (Back to Top)
 Aires, Argentina 4:30 a.m. Carlos Acevedo and Angel Moya are driving a Cit 9/23/1978 #33734  
 being driven by two men named Sr. Acevedo Ramirez and Sr. Moya, was approa 9/23/1978 #33738  
## Word: "acf" (Back to Top)
is Maj. G. Ogilvie-Watson, from an ACF squadron at Pretoria. They move off  11/1/1957 #14189  
## Word: "acharius" (Back to Top)
00 p.m. Swedish lichenologist Erik Acharius watches a stream of dark-brown  5/16/1808 #102  
## Word: "ache" (Back to Top)
und that made the patrolman's head ache. His police car would not start and 11/28/1967 #23518  
s immobile, and her hands and feet ache. The light goes on and off about 7– 2/27/1968 #23786  
oint Paulo Caetano's head began to ache. The craft and its occupants left,  10/11/1971 #26418  
heir cottage, their heads begin to ache, and they feel very sleepy. Their h 7/31/1981 #36048  
## Word: "acheres" (Back to Top)
                                   ACHERES, FR 2 blazing spheres hover. 3rd 9/8/1971 #26324  
                                   ACHERES, FR College class. Silent wingle 11/23/1972 #27135  
shaped object fly over a forest in Acheres, Yvelines, France at 8:45 a.m.   11/23/1972 #27136  
## Word: "acheres-le-foret" (Back to Top)
                                   ACHERES-LE-FORET, FR 2 observer(s). Ovoi 12/3/1993 #41321  
## Word: "achern" (Back to Top)
                                   ACHERN, GERMANY Cop and 2 adamant. Large 7/16/1971 #26231  
## Word: "aches" (Back to Top)
rning with bloodshot eyes and body aches. He had vague impressions of havin 5/26/1974 #29135  
m. Both men report nausea, stomach aches, and fever for 2 days after the in 1/21/1977 #31743  
## Word: "acheson" (Back to Top)
ports that Secretary of State Dean Acheson is “very much interested” in the 8/14/1946 #2134  
## Word: "achieve" (Back to Top)
odak with a small lens that cannot achieve a panoramic view. A later report 4/11/1897 #429  
is able to glide to the runway and achieve a hard landing, Robinson is too  11/1/1952 #8228  
“Manhattan Project” environment to achieve it; Clarke Electronics, General  2/25/1956 #12739  
rease his speed to 920 mph just to achieve visual contact with what he sees 11/11/1979 #34997  
he theoretical physics required to achieve such results.” The group dissolv 5/20/1985 #37590  
 (Magnetically accelerated ring to achieve ultrahigh directed energy and ra 8/1/1993 #41100  
 zero-point energy interaction can achieve this effect.   (VII) Biological  1/1998 #43483  
ing the human or animal element to achieve weightlessness based on the alle 1/1998 #43483  
and near-future operations fail to achieve success STAC and Collins Elite w 3/11/1998 #43532  
ctric compound. Woodward and March achieve small mass reduction with small  6/2001 #44189  
 not only knows what I’m trying to achieve [USG disclosure], he helped me a 1/24/2016 #45443  
PZT), a piezoelectric compound, to achieve mass reduction for aerospace app 4/2017 #45467  
 confirm the findings that PZT can achieve flight and could enable missions 4/2017 #45467  
ogel or vapor-expanded material to achieve “buoyancy in air.” The patent wa 6/25/2021 #45695  
## Word: "achieved" (Back to Top)
 almost certain that this could be achieved in the immediate future... This 8/2/1939 #1311  
old increase in explosive power is achieved by a combination of fusion ener 8/12/1953 #9065  
o. (see 20 November 1955) could be achieved in six years but it would need  2/25/1956 #12739  
nted in the top center. Control is achieved through eight small exhausts at 3/1956 #12742  
as successful, and if cloaking was achieved.  http://kevinrandle.blogspot.c 4/1956 #12778  
nd Prague, Czechoslovakia and once achieved an altitude of 12,400m and a sp 1958 #14787  
of evolution, and may have already achieved a higher level of social and te 1/28/1959 #15569  
ing. When trance state contact was achieved, several questions were put to  7/9/1959 #15829  
t is instrumental to the successes achieved by the Israeli Air Force in the 8/16/1966 #20755  
ion was first proposed in 1993 and achieved in 1997. Most recently, researc 1981 #35765  
rned right over Shelekhov Bay, and achieved a top speed of 3000 kilometers  11/25/1986 #38078  
also mentioned antigravity was not achieved using a rotating cylinder fille 4/1988 #38527  
cal world where escape can only be achieved by not worshiping the false god 1/1991 #39944  
 and stability of materials can be achieved and precise originating point o 3/11/1998 #43532  
e mass fluctuation of PZT could be achieved with only moderately increased  6/2001 #44189  
eport gravity-modification effects achieved from a rotating superconductor. 3/28/2006 #44931  
ported a small level of thrust was achieved. *   https://www.extremetech.co 11/2/2017 #45490  
## Word: "achievement" (Back to Top)
sents an outstanding technological achievement.                             12/14/1960 #16533  
ng woman, was on her way to Junior Achievement class in Ipswich, Massachuse 1/17/1968 #23668  
cribes the system as “the crowning achievement of the Strategic Defense Ini 11/1986 #38057  
ence—served little and no relevant achievement followed.”                   1/1/2017 #45463  
## Word: "achievements" (Back to Top)
al satellite.[3] Other significant achievements of the IGY included the dis 7/1/1957 #13768  
 2011. One of its most significant achievements is the development of a Dat 9/30/2010 #45300  
## Word: "achieves" (Back to Top)
power plant in the world. The plan achieves criticality on May 6 and now is 6/27/1954 #9957  
n Bahía Blanca, Argentina The A-12 achieves supersonic speed of Mach 1.1 at 5/4/1962 #17150  
-1 piloted by Louis Schalk briefly achieves a speed of Mach 3 for the first 7/20/1963 #17844  
free-flying air-breathing vehicle, achieves a speed of 7,546 mph.           11/16/2004 #44787  
## Word: "achieving" (Back to Top)
ership and design of Enrico Fermi, achieving a self-sustaining reaction jus 12/2/1942 #1472  
, preventing the upper stages from achieving sufficient velocity. Pioneer 3 12/6/1958 #15472  
s using the “PARSONS TECHNIQUE” in achieving spontaneous brief laboratory m 3/11/1998 #43532  
## Word: "achille" (Back to Top)
tired Gen. Douglas MacArthur tells Achille Lauro, the mayor of Naples, that 10/7/1955 #12491  
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Achille” Yield: 5KT                      6/5/1975 #30082  
 Airport, London 8:00 p.m. Captain Achille Zaghetti and his copilot are fly 4/21/1991 #40046  
## Word: "achim" (Back to Top)
                                   ACHIM, GERMANY 2 observer(s) / (seen thr 2/3/1995 #42014  
## Word: "achimescu" (Back to Top)
nia Agricultural engineer Gheorghe Achimescu sees a smoke-gray, cylindrical 7/1927 #1074  
## Word: "aching" (Back to Top)
om burning eyes, sore throats, and aching teeth. They are not speaking cohe 10/27/1975 #30486  
## Word: "achiras" (Back to Top)
                                   Achiras Sampacho, Argentina 10:30 p.m. A 9/9/2001 #44253  
raveling in a pickup truck between Achiras and Sampacho, Argentina, notice  9/9/2001 #44253  
ted him that police in neighboring Achiras had sighted lights heading towar 7/21/2002 #44362  
o meet him. Patrolman Barrios from Achiras talked to him over the radio, tr 7/21/2002 #44362  
                                   Achiras Sampacho, Cordoba, Argentina Cer 9/9/2002 #44392  
long Provincial Highway 24 between Achiras and Sampacho, Cordoba, Argentina 9/9/2002 #44392  
## Word: "achmer" (Back to Top)
                                   ACHMER AIR FORCE BASE?, GER ME252 pilot. 9/29/1944 #1669  
## Word: "achondritic" (Back to Top)
irects the recovery of the massive achondritic meteorite in 1948. More than 2/18/1948 #3579  
## Word: "achromatic" (Back to Top)
northeast. He sees them through an achromatic refractor at the naval observ 6/17/1777 #85  
## Word: "achzehner" (Back to Top)
9:00 p.m. Janice, Denise, and Lori Achzehner are playing records in Villa P 1/15/1968 #23667  
## Word: "acid" (Back to Top)
with highly corrosive hydrofluoric acid while attempting to unclog a uraniu 9/2/1944 #1664  
 noise, and emitting an odor “like acid or ammonia” that makes Brown’s eyes 9/14/1952 #7938  
ganic, dissolvable in hydrochloric acid, and burns. The crystal structure i 10/4/1957 #14058  
 a faint odor of sulfur and tannic acid. After watching it a few minutes, t 10/4/1966 #20957  
so not absorb water, have a higher acid content, and contain more soluble s 11/2/1971 #26449  
y. Going quickly northeast to sea. Acid odor.                               2/8/1975 #29789  
rted. They could smell a peculiar “acid” odor that irritated their nasal pa 8/6/1976 #31241  
ers just over trees. Emits sparks. Acid smell. Going quickly ESE.           3/28/1980 #35242  
## Word: "acidic" (Back to Top)
ddenly awoke in their van, with an acidic taste in their mouths and difficu 4/28/1966 #20424  
## Word: "acids" (Back to Top)
terial does not dissolve in strong acids and organic solvents, even when ex 1/29/1986 #37775  
## Word: "ack" (Back to Top)
                                 J[ack?] L. Rohn is named a chief of Projec 10/1950 #5205  
## Word: "acklam" (Back to Top)
                                   ACKLAM, ENGL 2 observer(s) photograph mu 8/16/1973 #27705  
## Word: "acklington" (Back to Top)
xford/Bicester area in England RAF Acklington 11:40 a.m. Sgt. T. G. Jones a Late 5/1948 #3654  
ter area in England, bound for RAF Acklington. Visiting US Maj. Robin Olds  Late 5/1948 #3654  
## Word: "acknowledge" (Back to Top)
s. He sees other humans who do not acknowledge him. Then he is returned to  1952? #5840  
 explain UFOs fully. Although they acknowledge the UFO phenomenon is real,  12/15/1975 #30718  
c norms, making it a taboo even to acknowledge a phenomenon that has been d 5/6/2008 #45134  
## Word: "acknowledged" (Back to Top)
 1966). This report has never been acknowledged or released by the CIA desp 6/1952 #6403  
e question indicated that the UFOs acknowledged difficulty in slipping thro 7/9/1959 #15829  
existence of these films ever been acknowledged.”                           1962 #17004  
the existence of the films are not acknowledged.  https://www.amazon.com/Un 1962 #17011  
 said a control tower operator had acknowledged seeing a fast-moving lighte 8/1/1966 #20715  
 said a control tower operator had acknowledged seeing a fast-moving lighte 8/1/1966 #20719  
olvement in Laos is not officially acknowledged until 1969, the US is known 1/22/1969 #24866  
available at a 12-person table. He acknowledged the witnesses attention wit 7/12/1975 #30175  
 in the same place. A few times he acknowledged their attention by a friend 7/12/1975 #30175  
ined nature of the UFOs was openly acknowledged by the authorities. The dec 5/19/1986 #37882  
 an aircraft that had not yet been acknowledged, but this is considered unl 5/16/1988 #38570  
n seriously.” It is first publicly acknowledged in February 2003 by Col. Jo 12/2001 #44279  
## Word: "acknowledges" (Back to Top)
y written by Maj. Edwin D. Easley, acknowledges that the Roswell, New Mexic 7/30/1947 #3261  
al objects, and balls of light. It acknowledges the possibility that “these 2/11/1949 #4003  
ion United States The US Air Force acknowledges that it is contemplating a  12/1954 #11736  
   Europe A Project Blue Book memo acknowledges the many “Foreign Sightings 12/7/1954 #11772  
s respond negatively, and McDonald acknowledges to Gerard Kuiper that what  10/5/1966 #20964  
our left pocket,” he says. Hopkins acknowledges he has a dime and a penny.  9/11/1976 #31376  
mbly adopts Decision 32/424, which acknowledges Eric Gairy’s resolution, fo 12/13/1977 #32767  
fornia, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) acknowledges that the Phoenix Lights inc 3/1/2000 #43959  
SI Col. Barry Hennessey (Ret.). He acknowledges that AFOSI could not identi Late 1/2010 #45268  
uadron. The Air Force then quickly acknowledges the problem, saying that a  10/23/2010 #45303  
began writing the fake letters. He acknowledges that he used collaborators  11/5/2010 #45305  
          Area 51 The CIA publicly acknowledges the existence of Area 51 fo 6/25/2013 #45375  
## Word: "acknowledging" (Back to Top)
nt impact site north of Roswell by acknowledging the Corona location. Too m 7/8/1947 #3019  
e overwhelming feeling that it was acknowledging my presence with this mane 11/25/1982 #36690  
and SR-71 spy planes.” Rather than acknowledging their existence, Blue Book 8/3/1997 #43365  
## Word: "ackward" (Back to Top)
reen light. The men walked with an ackward gait. The UFO left silently by m 5/14/1955 #12132  
## Word: "acme" (Back to Top)
 changed the name of Kecksburg to “Acme” PA. After 20 yrs. Bill Bulebush ca 12/9/1965 #19760  
## Word: "acoast" (Back to Top)
 50 miles north of the Netherlands acoast. It descends to 17,000 feet and t 1/16/1947 #2228  
## Word: "aconis" (Back to Top)
                                MV ACONIS / PACIFIC 160° 49W-11° 59N Projec 11/16/1962 #17549  
## Word: "acorn" (Back to Top)
/globe with low halo like inverted acorn. Dances-wavers-flies going quickly 8/24/1952 #7699  
eeing an object in the shape of an acorn and about as large as a Volkswagen 12/9/1965 #19762  
ough binoculars. It looked like an acorn, with a green bottom. It was blink 12/2/1973 #28507  
## Word: "acorn-object" (Back to Top)
LADELPHIA, PA Several observer(s). Acorn-object going quickly [to] over. Ph 12/2/1973 #28503  
## Word: "acorn-shaped" (Back to Top)
ecover a bronze colored, bullet or acorn-shaped object, 12 feet long and 10 12/9/1965 #19763  
                                An acorn-shaped domed UFO with flashing red 11/9/1978 #33940  
## Word: "acos" (Back to Top)
ughout Australia. It publishes the ACOS Bulletin through December 1979.     11/1974 #29573  
cle Interference, case 392, citing ACOS Bulletin, June 1976) (NICAP: 03 - E 2/13/1976 #30868  
## Word: "acosta" (Back to Top)
ado Springs, Colorado Aviator Bert Acosta is flying somewhere between Wichi 1/1926 #1056  
 in their late 40s, Srs. Salas and Acosta, watched a cylindrical object wit 12/31/1958 #15505  
ra, Cáceres, Spain 2:00 a.m. Julio Acosta Bertol (a teacher), his wife, and 4/13/1974 #29012  
## Word: "acounts" (Back to Top)
the object, and according to press acounts the witness claimed to have take 9/2/1967 #22985  
## Word: "acoustic" (Back to Top)
hal Weapons,” including microwave, acoustic, and radio-frequency directed e 2/17/1998 #43522  
tial causal mechanisms, including “acoustic signals, chemical and biologica 2/2/2022 #45737  
## Word: "acoustical" (Back to Top)
ma, Hayasaka and Cowlishaw.   (II) Acoustical with no moving parts and empl 1/1998 #43483  
## Word: "acp" (Back to Top)
 access.  https://pubs.aip.org/aip/acp/article-abstract/813/1/1224/814050/A 2/1/2006 #44921  
## Word: "acquaint" (Back to Top)
 its founder Arthur C. Lundahl and acquaint themselves with the CIA’s analy 2/20/1967 #21607  
## Word: "acquaintance" (Back to Top)
, New York), who inquires after an acquaintance, C. C. Akers of Eagle Pass, 4/20/1897 #546  
ed like a triangle on her back. An acquaintance, Paul Boyett, has a Geiger  2/17/1958 #14878  
Ohio) Judge Robert Eugene Cook (an acquaintance of Spaur and Neff) also wri Late 4/1966 #20416  
r, O’Barski relays the story to an acquaintance, Budd Hopkins, who is inter 1/12/1975 #29744  
ving at WPAFB in 1977, he made the acquaintance of a Maj. Gen. whose last n 1977 #31658  
## Word: "acquappesa" (Back to Top)
itnesses at different locations in Acquappesa, Italy reported seeing a dog  7/27/2001 #44212  
## Word: "acquaviva" (Back to Top)
                                   ACQUAVIVA PICINA, ITL Several observer(s 10/31/1978 #33900  
## Word: "acquigny" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR ACQUIGNY, FR 2.5M bell-saucer hovers / r 10/11/1954 #10907  
                                   Acquigny, France Two men riding motorcyc 10/11/1954 #10927  
   Two men riding motorcycles near Acquigny, Eure, France saw a bell-shaped 10/11/1954 #10943  
## Word: "acquino" (Back to Top)
Long Island, New York Witness:  Mr Acquino. One object with arms in front o 10/23/1966 #21031  
## Word: "acquire" (Back to Top)
thorizes the Corps of Engineers to acquire 56,000 acres in Tennessee for Si 9/29/1942 #1449  
sion, expresses strong interest to acquire motion pictures of UFOs taken by 7/6/1950 #5046  
ude.” The Northeast pilot tries to acquire the object on radar. With the an 8/30/1957 #13952  
involved in a fraudulent scheme to acquire and illegally sell a valuable co 4/12/1988 #38541  
unusual for a young man to quickly acquire an immunodeficiency followed by  2/15/1996 #42764  
es, how, and which front companies acquire them.  https://siriusdisclosure. 2/13/2009 #45212  
the pilot, who is able to visually acquire the object and track it for one  11/18/2013 #45395  
## Word: "acquired" (Back to Top)
s Land at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, is acquired by eminent domain for Clinton E 10/7/1942 #1453  
e Los Alamos site in New Mexico is acquired for Project Y.                  11/25/1942 #1462  
 a plutonium production complex is acquired at Hanford, Washington. (Wikipe 2/9/1943 #1483  
of mystery they have unfortunately acquired." The panel suggested "an integ 1/17/1953 #8544  
legacy program Lockheed eventually acquired. Witten joined the University o 1955 #11898  
of mystery they have unfortunately acquired.”                               3/1958 #14904  
 lights (body lights), but it then acquired a brilliant glow and flame was  2/20/1967 #21604  
After the war, these concepts were acquired by the US and Russia, leading d 1968 #23626  
reverse-engineer the Soviet MiG-21 acquired through defecting Iraqi fighter 3/1968 #23797  
 Redfa. Soviet-built radar systems acquired in the Middle East are installe 3/1968 #23797  
 feathers or metallic scales which acquired an odd fluorescence as they ref 5/10/1968 #23956  
witnesses.  Note: Northrop Grumman acquired Litton Industries in 2000, but  10/11/1973 #28009  
he thesis that the US military has acquired extraterrestrial hardware and p 5/1977 #32042  
 due to lack of fuel, never having acquired a visual target.                Spring 1984 #37231  
 MiG-23 BN fighter-bomber, a newly acquired supersonic Soviet aircraft flow 4/26/1984 #37301  
ineering what alien tech they have acquired. Then in May 1987, some scienti 3/1989 #38855  
hnical services company, which was acquired by Northrop Grumman in 2002. No 10/1989 #39139  
hich they describe the ranch being acquired by Robert Bigelow’s National In Fall 1994 #41773  
ristopherkitgreeniofii/  Note: TRW acquired BDM Intl. in 1997 (see October  7/31/1999 #43815  
es on ATP Group). Northrop Grumman acquired TRW in 2002.  Note: In 2021, fo 7/31/1999 #43815  
eges this technology has been: (1) acquired by front companies with the int 2/13/2009 #45212  
## Word: "acquires" (Back to Top)
 to set up a spiritual retreat. He acquires a 15-inch telescope to create a 3/1940 #1324  
nues to move from east to west and acquires a white, dusty appearance befor 2/13/1957 #13503  
ith the antenna elevated to 15° he acquires “an excellent blip right where  8/30/1957 #13952  
ian lab results. Peter A. Sturrock acquires the remnant of the samples from Early 9/1957 #13971  
. Maybe when this group of nations acquires more precise and definite infor 6/26/1976 #31142  
 during which he splits a boot and acquires an itchy, red mark on his foot. 11/29/1980 #35682  
 Carolina. The jet’s crew visually acquires it as they see it “pass down th 6/27/2013 #45376  
## Word: "acquiring" (Back to Top)
NICAP, given the CIA’s mandate for acquiring foreign intelligence.          1/19/1965 #18748  
 goals and procedures. It includes acquiring data on new cases, contracted  4/21/1967 #22192  
 writes: “I have long ago given up acquiring access to the so-called blue r 10/19/1981 #36179  
“DOD’s policies and procedures for acquiring, classifying, retaining, and d 2/9/1994 #41408  
h for a reproduction staging area, acquiring the necessary materials, which 5/2/2001 #44174  
## Word: "acquisition" (Back to Top)
a more scientific approach to data acquisition that will make the Air Force 9/22/1966 #20916  
 near Pleiku, Vietnam, using pulse acquisition radar, continual wave acquis 1/31/1969 #24881  
 acquisition radar, continual wave acquisition radar, and illumination rada 1/31/1969 #24881  
n of humans and culture by aliens, acquisition of alien technology, and the 12/1987 #38342  
 the Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (O 2018 #45498  
A’s “ADAM Project” (an acronym for Acquisition & Data Analysis of Materials 6/13/2018 #45529  
 sensor imaging system, the Target Acquisition Designation Sight/Pilot Nigh 11/6/2018 #45543  
uty Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (A 11/29/2019 #45619  
## Word: "acre" (Back to Top)
                              OVER ACRE, ISRAEL Leb. airliner. Objects goin 3/26/1950 (approximate) #4721  
f the coast of the ancient city of Acre (now Akko), Israel. They were trave 3/26/1950 #4732  
A Huge saucer lights house and 1/2 acre Lot. Going quickly [to] WSW toward( 8/25/1953 #9109  
m the Army compound was a small 16 acre USAF “facility” too small to be con 12/14/1980 #35716  
                       Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil Manaus, Amazonas 9:15 p.m.  3/12/1987 #38139  
il Boeing 737-300 from Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil, to Manaus, Amazonas, when  3/12/1987 #38139  
## Word: "acres" (Back to Top)
lode and strew debris over several acres. The pilot (reportedly “not of thi 4/17/1897 #523  
rps of Engineers to acquire 56,000 acres in Tennessee for Site X, which wil 9/29/1942 #1449  
iation is distributed over 500,000 acres encompassing three small towns and 12/2/1949 #4431  
 observer(s). 120' ovoid lights 15 acres from underside. Follows car.       1/30/1956 #12685  
void object illuminated an area 15 acres in size; it then pursued four witn 1/30/1956 #12686  
bright light circling over Holiday Acres, a local subdivision. The object h 12/14/1971 #26498  
ugh to the earth to light up 1-1/2 acres of land (NICAP: 02 - Close Encount 9/29/1973 #27887  
Australia. They are spread over 20 acres and the largest is 14 feet in diam 12/8/1973 #28541  
some sort of helmet" in the Forest Acres area of Lumberton, North Carolina. 12/29/1974 #29661  
at the cattle station called White Acres. He got to within 50 feet of it on 9/30/1980 #35548  
        Area-51 USAF seizes 89,000 acres of public land adjacent to Groom L 1984 #37088  
## Word: "acrid" (Back to Top)
ing quickly east. 2M crater / dark acrid gunk. / FSRv15#2.                  7/11/1946 #2050  
her, noting that the cloud had "an acrid smell." As it dissolved, everythin 8/20/1962 #17347  
her, noting that the cloud had "an acrid smell." As it dissolved, everythin 8/20/1962 #17349  
remained in the car. He noticed an acrid smell. He got back into the car an 12/16/1967 #23594  
ncies. The van also filled with an acrid odor like burnt wiring. Badly frig 7/21/2002 #44362  
## Word: "acrisios" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Acrisios” Yield: 5KT                     10/25/1988 #38692  
## Word: "acrobatic" (Back to Top)
n, AL Capital Airlines Pilots Sees Acrobatic UFO (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Case 11/14/1956 #13327  
y / all directions. Extremely fast acrobatic.                               11/25/1957 #14610  
 Klimenko say the object performed acrobatic maneuvers, at one point dividi 7/28/1989 #39035  
r(s). 30 bright flashing saucers / acrobatic maneuvers / low altitude.      4/24/1997 #43276  
## Word: "acrobatics" (Back to Top)
lroad/railway men. Silver saucer / acrobatics / 20 mn. Going quickly [to] W 5/19/1947 #2292  
olorado watched a silver saucer do acrobatics for 20 minutes. The object fl 5/19/1947 #2295  
30 meter Oblong silver streak does acrobatics over town. Opalescent.        4/8/1948 #3615  
        Three gray discs performed acrobatics over farmland in Campinas, Sa 12/13/1954 #11805  
 hovers, and engages in a range of acrobatics (crazy gyrations, lazy 8’s, s 11/14/1956 #13329  
family. Vibrant bright object does acrobatics. Rises and drops. Submerges?  1/29/1965 #18779  
mily see a bright light performing acrobatics in the northern sky. It hover 1/29/1965 #18781  
neuvers / 30 minute(s). 2nd joins. Acrobatics and flashes.                  3/3/1973 #27326  
 Air Force Base here. 5 saucers do acrobatics before and during severe eart 2/16/1978 #32972  
al sphere/orb/globe. High-altitude acrobatics. Passes over jetliner.        8/26/1989 #39075  
s. 2 round silver objects / aerial acrobatics. Videos.                      3/15/1995 #42096  
nd orbs and night lights / blatant acrobatics. Impossible maneuvers.        6/15/1997 #43323  
.m. They then performed incredible acrobatics for the next 20 minutes.      1/13/2000 #43927  
## Word: "acronym" (Back to Top)
nder the umbrella of STEKA-AN. UFO acronym was banned until 1989, instead “ End of 1978 #34036  
eric Phenomena” was the sanctioned acronym.                                 End of 1978 #34036  
stin, TX TTSA’s “ADAM Project” (an acronym for Acquisition & Data Analysis  6/13/2018 #45529  
## Word: "across" (Back to Top)
bove them. It darts back and forth across the river, sometimes hovering and 1638 #41  
ll seems to measure about 140 feet across and has blue smoke issuing from i 8/15/1663 #44  
 large, spindle-shaped body moving across the solar disc from east to west  8/9/1762 #81  
on' east going west / 30 minute(s) across sky and stops! / LDLN#119.        11/27/1793 #92  
A brilliant white fireball streaks across the sky at Amherst, Massachusetts 8/13/1819 #110  
emonstrates telegraph transmission across two miles of wire in Morristown,  1838 #132  
icting two large meteors streaming across the sky and dated July 20, 1860.  7/20/1860 #155  
aks apart and the fragments travel across the sky in the same horizontal pa 7/20/1860 #155  
es a slow, blood-red fireball move across the sky and change course twice b 8/1/1871 #190  
er with "remarkable slowness" flew across the sky, visible about three minu 1877 #209  
 and find a circular area, 16 feet across, that has been swept clean of veg 6/1880? #234  
 a red object without a trail move across the sky from the constellation of 7/6/1882 #248  
 the sun but are dark as they pass across its face. He takes several photog 8/12/1883 #255  
xico watched as 283 objects passed across the face of the sun. He took a ph 8/12/1883 #256  
(s) = F. T. Mott. 'Meteor' zigzags across sky. Going quickly [to] under clo 6/13/1889 #289  
ster, England a fireball zigzagged across the sky under the cloud cover.    6/13/1889 #290  
o watch the light, which is moving across the Golden Gate and flashing peri 11/22/1896 #349  
, Illinois, where some farmers run across it. It is made of “some light sub Early 4/1897 #413  
o in a wave of "airship" sightings across the United States and Canada, the 4/12/1897 #448  
ip about 200 feet long and 50 feet across at its widest point. Several men  4/15/1897 #487  
idnight. C. G. Williams is walking across a field two miles south of Greenv 4/16/1897 #511  
f Greenville, Texas, when he comes across a brilliant light and a large, ci 4/16/1897 #511  
4:30 p.m. A mystery balloon floats across the sky in Spokane, Washington, f 7/4/1899 #636  
bject it moved away, and zigzagged across the sky at great speed, accelerat 3/17/1903 #661  
es cautiously, but the light sails across the street. He tells others about 9/29/1903 #662  
early as bright as the sun, moving across the sky. About 10 minutes later,  6/30/1908 #711  
ik, who finds a zone about 5 miles across where trees are scorched and devo 6/30/1908 #711  
rear and a blinding light splashes across the road. A large structure resem 10/1909 #815  
 procession is seen from locations across Canada, the northeastern United S 2/9/1913 #881  
y many” as numerous meteors travel across the northern horizon. In Batavia, 2/9/1913 #881  
 from the northwest, and continued across the sky in several successions fo 2/9/1913 #882  
ing about 10 feet above the ground across the street in front of a church.  1914 #893  
f the planet, but brighter, speeds across his field, passing centrally from 9/9/1914 #916  
tugal, see a “luminous globe” sail across the sky. A white cloud envelops t 9/13/1917 #965  
s a giant orange-red wheel rolling across the sky. The plummeting object, a 10/1917 #968  
rmal and casts multicolored lights across the landscape, the people, and th 10/13/1917 #970  
ay. Stanley Clason, 10, is walking across his uncle’s pasture in northern M 1920 #995  
00-foot-high maple trees. It flies across the pond and lands 15 feet away.  6/3/1920 #999  
 Western Australia, when they come across an object “like two saucers place 1925 #1045  
YEVKA, RUSSIA Disk west going east across / sky. Each cloud in path vanishe 8/1927 (approximate) #1075  
 sees a huge object about 100 feet across by the side of the road. A small  1930 #1106  
cigar-shaped metallic object speed across the sky faster than a dirigible.  1930 #1107  
FR Small humanoid (or Grey) glides across road / angle. Legs still! Vanishe 1/1930? #1109  
ing when he sees two objects shoot across the sky. They are solid, prolate  7/31/1933 #1169  
e cloud emits a fireball that arcs across the lake to the east and leaves a 8/9/1934 #1217  
on. Occasionally a light would fly across the circle and take up another po Fall 1936 #1249  
ies of intermittent bright flashes across the south polar cap. A line of ti 5/30/1937 #1270  
f tiny white spots seems to extend across the cap, some coalescing to swell 5/30/1937 #1270  
nomenon passing from left to right across the polar cap.”                   5/30/1937 #1270  
. He estimates it is about 25 feet across. Dark window-like patches are vis 11/13/1939 #1321  
detect a formation of blips moving across the English Channel. RAF fighters 3/1941 #1354  
d rails zigzag / several 90° turns across N177 going northwest.             5/27/1941 (approximate) #1362  
nd, metallic object speed silently across the sky. He estimates it at 100 f 12/22/1941 #1381  
d disc-shaped object sped silently across the skies of Utica, New York from 12/22/1941 #1382  
n an equally spaced formation, ten across and fifteen deep, in a perfect sq 8/12/1942 #1435  
s in V-formation speeding eastward across the northeast sky. The objects ha Winter 1943 #1556  
112th Construction Battalion, came across a landed saucer near a wooded rid 1944 #1557  
r the road. It seems to be 20 feet across and 9 feet high. Two beings, not  Late 8/1944 #1647  
ject with a blue-white tail streak across the sky in about 2 seconds, disap 7/9/1946 #2036  
kes an abrupt 90° turn, and shoots across the horizon from east to west.    1947 #2220  
ght-pink egg-shaped objects moving across the sky from north to south at ab 2/6/1947 #2238  
“shaped like an X or a Y, lined up across the sky.” Newspaper photographers 6/18/1947 #2340  
. He estimates it is about 40 feet across and 5 feet thick.                 6/22/1947 #2365  
bjects. He watched as they flashed across the sky, one behind the other, "s 6/24/1947 #2402  
 and level going quickly southeast across sky. / Gallup and Albuquerque Jou 6/25/1947 #2407  
ama, see a bright light zigzagging across the sky for 25 minutes. When it i 6/28/1947 #2448  
c-shaped object, 9 meters (30 ft.) across. Later a military truck arrived t 7/2/1947 #2536  
d several motorists. 4 disks shoot across sky. Later in Decatur, IL.        7/3/1947 #2569  
 photo of Circular obj which moved across the wind [UFOE, VII, XII] (NICAP: 7/4/1947 #2649  
 goldenish platter” moving swiftly across the sky. It disappears in a secon 7/4/1947 #2652  
     There are 73 UFO reports from across the United States and one report  7/4/1947 #2671  
rton, Wisconsin. The UFO flew fast across the sky but was back again for te 7/4/1947 #2678  
follows transport plane going east across river. Going quickly west / 2230h 7/5/1947 #2697  
round Roswell, New Mexico, stumble across an impact site where an object ha 7/5/1947 #2719  
ong the first civilians to stumble across the impact site.                  7/5/1947 #2719  
urn off the road and began driving across the desert, stopping from time to 7/5/1947 #2721  
     There are 59 UFO reports from across the United States and one from Ca 7/5/1947 #2726  
f travel three quarters of the way across the sky in a few seconds at Fairf 7/6/1947 #2809  
ion. It appears to be about 2 feet across and made of aluminum. It disappea 7/6/1947 #2811  
lew high and fast toward the north across Lake Ponchartrain, Louisiana at 5 7/6/1947 #2822  
metallic discs wavered and flipped across the sky, just below the clouds at 7/6/1947 #2825  
et. At 7:00 p.m. a black disc flew across the sky in Portsmouth, Virginia.  7/6/1947 #2825  
feet altitude. A round object flew across the sky to the west "awfully fast 7/6/1947 #2826  
is wife Wilma see an object streak across the sky in Reno, Nevada, leaving  7/7/1947 #2931  
series. Circle. Going quickly west across wind / 300+mph. 8K' altitude. / r 7/8/1947 #2965  
ntertainer Hughie Green is driving across the US. About 250 miles west of P 7/8/1947? #3018  
T) in Skotfoss, Norway a disc flew across the sky from the northwest to the 7/10/1947 #3116  
 silver 60cm disk rolls going west across sky. Thin rim and thick center.   7/12/1947 #3146  
nd they appear to be about 15 feet across, white on the top and gray and bl 7/15/1947 #3187  
ell him to contact them if he runs across any interesting UFO evidence.     7/25/1947 #3229  
about 400 feet deep and 1,200 feet across at that point. It was about seven 8/13/1947 #3322  
els a blast of wind that blows him across the ground. His pick is missing.  8/14/1947 #3330  
h an antenna on top, on the ground across an ice field. There were two dwar 8/14/1947 #3334  
         A disc-shaped object shot across the sky from west to east in 30 s 1/3/1948 #3531  
Alan see a globe of light shooting across the sky to the northeast at terri 2/20/1948 #3582  
ough his theodolite it looks fuzzy across its back edge as if “dipped in cr 2/20/1948 #3583  
 the sky at 1:15 p.m. It was fuzzy across its back edge as if "dipped in cr 2/20/1948 #3584  
light radiating from it descending across his path. The base tells him it h 6/16/1948 #3671  
tracked on radar when it descended across the course of Russian test pilot  6/16/1948 #3672  
h discs, one second apart, passing across the sky above Easton, Pennsylvani Summer 1948 #3680  
ohnson Park in Camden, New Jersey, across from the Cooper Free Public Libra 7/4/1948 #3698  
g, 1.5-2' wide.  The object glided across the road a few hundred feet in fr 7/29/1948 #3752  
 at its closest. The object glides across the road at 25–30 mph in a slight 7/29/1948 #3753  
1.5-2 feet wide. The object glided across the road a few hundred feet in fr 7/29/1948 #3754  
a cymbal, or domed disc; about 20' across and 6-8' thick, and was white wit 7/31/1948 #3759  
of their home. It is about 20 feet across, 6–8 feet thick, white without an 7/31/1948 #3760  
ere/orb/globe rises / woods. Flies across farm. Vanishes / midair!          8/29/1948 #3787  
sees a white object moving rapidly across the sky at Port Hope, Ontario, th 9/26/1948 #3814  
nted on legal-sized paper. Stamped across the front were the words TOP SECR 9/30/1948? #3817  
u, HI Bright Silver Object Cruises Across Sky (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 10/18/1948 #3846  
eading, he sees an object speeding across the sky from north to south. Sudd 1949 #3946  
e light with an orange trail flash across the western horizon. At 9:00 p.m. 3/6/1949 #4035  
 a pale blue-white light streaking across the western sky low over the hori 3/6/1949 #4035  
zags 800mi going quickly northeast across sky / 10 minute(s). / MJ#254.     6/5/1949 #4225  
e west coast of Florida as it flew across the sky.                          6/5/1949 #4226  
ELL, NEBR Doctor. 7M saucer whirls across sky. 6K' altitude. Passes through 7/26/1949 #4288  
in Mitchell, Nebraska that whirled across the sky at 6,000 feet altitude, p 7/26/1949 #4293  
eping searchlight suddenly flashes across a stationary circular object in t 8/19/1949 #4329  
reballs and comet-like objects all across the Cincinnati area this first ni 8/19/1949 #4329  
. Suddenly a disc about 50–60 feet across comes straight down the road towa Fall 1949 #4367  
raveling south. The objects travel across the scope in approximately 15–20  1/12/1950 #4484  
6 ft. diam.; a ring approx. 18 ft. across and 2 ft. thick surrounding cabin 1/16/1950 #4493  
es Lewis sees a flying disc streak across the sky at Naval Air Station Dall 3/16/1950 #4656  
for 5–6 minutes, then moves slowly across the sky with a green light on eit 3/26/1950 #4731  
a, Alabama sighted three discs zip across the sky toward the west. One stop 3/30/1950 #4770  
arkling saucer shaped object moved across the sky heading west over Westfie 4/6/1950 #4803  
four high-flying objects streaking across the sky. Another station also tra 4/27/1950 #4909  
 Huge cylinder/cigar-shape flashes across sky. No further details.          5/5/1950 #4923  
 southeast going quickly northwest across wind / 100mph. / r48p84.          5/20/1950 #4952  
o A shiny, bright object streaking across the sky is spotted by two cine-th 5/29/1950 #4973  
 Activity Mid-South] in Tennessee, across the Mississippi River from Osceol 7/11/1950 #5056  
a. Bands of blue light are visible across its width.                        10/5/1950 #5213  
otates among the Telenews Theaters across the nation. It is lost for decade 11/17/1950 #5279  
ject comes towards the DC-3, flies across the nose within 200 feet, then su 1/20/1951 #5407  
. Blue-green and silent, they move across the sky in seconds. A second grou 8/25/1951 #5625  
ers using a theodolite, which sped across the sky.  Total time first object 10/11/1951 #5724  
ers using a theodolite, which sped across the sky. The total time for the s 10/11/1951 #5726  
me in from the southwest and moved across the RCAF Station airfield at Nort 4/12/1952 #6061  
sc arrive from the southwest, move across the airfield, stop, and then take 4/12/1952 #6063  
ite craft with a short trail shoot across the sky from zenith to the horizo 4/17/1952 #6109  
ng at high speed and high altitude across the sky from Temple Bar on the Co 4/22/1952 #6157  
e into view and then go completely across the sky, heading toward the south 4/22/1952 #6157  
silver oval-shaped UFO that rolled across the sky in Roseville, Michigan. T 4/27/1952 #6200  
gar-shape puffs smoke at intervals across sky. No jets / balloons up.       4/29/1952 #6208  
it from the inside" moved silently across the sky in Malung, Kopparberg, Sw 5/16/1952 #6336  
acks an unidentified target coming across the San Gabriel Mountains north o 6/1/1952 #6418  
e see a round, silver UFO speeding across the sky at Jersey Shore, Pennsylv 6/19/1952 #6553  
 an object descend slowly and pass across a pasture at 7 m altitude. She st Summer 1952 #6576  
isk going south straight and level across town. Slight tilt.                6/26/1952 #6631  
potter sees a UFO headed southwest across Boston, Massachusetts. Two F-94s  7/1/1952 #6689  
hovering and arcing back and forth across the sky for about 8 minutes. He g 7/1/1952 #6690  
 reported was travelling southwest across Boston. Radar couldn't pick it up 7/1/1952 #6691  
r(s). Gold-glowing object zig-zags across sky several X. Avoids spotlight.  7/10/1952 #6747  
s two green objects shoot straight across the sky at terrific speed at a hi 7/10/1952 #6752  
ht-saucer going west. Stops. Zooms across sky. Red glowing with white flash 7/12/1952 #6770  
ately as it moved to the northeast across the sky (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 7/14/1952 #6813  
. 2 red glowing-balls follow plane across sky. Plane type unknown.          7/17/1952 #6855  
d glowing spheres followed a plane across the sky in Balliettsville, Pennsy 7/17/1952 #6873  
see three silvery objects whizzing across the sky above Worcester, Massachu 7/22/1952 #7025  
size of C-47 transport plane, flew across the sky over Rockville, Indiana.  7/22/1952 #7032  
with telephoto lens followed a UFO across the sky being chased by a USAF je 7/24/1952 #7116  
2+2 observer(s). Thin disk wobbles across sky / 2500' altitude. Same / Wash 7/27/1952 #7192  
t 25,000 feet sees an object blaze across the nose of his airplane. Two oth 7/29/1952 #7319  
rver(s). 6 aluminum saucers streak across strange cloud and merge. Absolute 7/30/1952 #7344  
flat, aluminum-like objects streak across the cloud, merge, and disappear w 7/30/1952 #7364  
tion of the Sun and then dispersed across the sky. Scattered disc-shaped ob 8/1/1952 #7413  
 "70 white ping pong balls" passed across the sky in Sidney, New York flyin 8/1/1952 #7413  
 moving west to east and streaking across the sky in 6 seconds. Within minu 8/10/1952 #7539  
g in westerly and other directions across the eastern and southern United S 9/12/1952 #7905  
ea observe a silvery sphere moving across the sky behind the fleet. Photogr 9/20/1952 #7987  
oldiers say the object is 200 feet across, trailing red-orange sparks.      9/22/1952 #8007  
d left a trail of smoke. They flew across the sky one after the other, cros 2/28/1953 #8718  
ocations, in northeast Georgia and across the river in South Carolina. An o 3/5/1953 #8734  
s radioactive fallout on livestock across the region, including those grazi 3/24/1953 #8782  
stop the car, and the beings glide across the road and disappear into the w Summer 1953 #8953  
objects then reverse and move back across the English Channel at 32,000–34, 10/9/1953 #9217  
ANTON, VT Round flat object shoots across sky going quickly west. Silent. V 11/4/1953 #9282  
5:00 a.m. A strange object streaks across the sky over Harts Range, Norther 1/1954 #9429  
AUS Clear plastic-like dish rushes across skyline.                          1/1/1954 #9431  
ds. Multiple independent witnesses across a baseline of at least 12 miles a 1/1/1954 #9437  
 AUS 3 observer(s). Saucer flashes across sky. Melbourne airport/apartment  1/3/1954 #9439  
toba, are driving their snowmobile across the frozen lake when they see a s 3/18/1954 #9629  
alf the size of a full moon” speed across the sky and disappear in clouds.  7/3/1954 #9991  
longer as it was wide, moving fast across the surface of the lake.          7/25/1954 #10053  
 Mexico A bright white ball shoots across the sky over Santa Fe, New Mexico 8/6/1954 #10105  
s, and suddenly dives horizontally across the river at him. It vanishes at  8/23/1954 #10170  
 brilliant, circular object flying across Lake Nipissing toward the Royal C 8/30/1954 #10209  
w a brilliant, circular object fly across Lake Nipissing toward the Royal C 8/30/1954 #10210  
ran or glided, apparently floating across the ground, to a 50 foot wide dis 9/2/1954 #10233  
mething behind) trail / blue light across sky. / Diario de Noticias.        9/7/1954 (approximate) #10261  
railroad tracks. It stops suddenly across the road, 900– 1,200 feet from th 9/7/1954 #10267  
p.m. A huge green fireball streaks across Colorado and New Mexico. It zooms 9/18/1954 #10349  
spins going quickly west. Seen all across SWZ / military. / r197p16 = news  9/19/1954 #10358  
ened and scorched over an area 7 m across.                                  10/3/1954 #10661  
corched grass over an area 25 feet across.                                  10/3/1954 #10666  
scorched over an area seven meters across.                                  10/3/1954 #10671  
e ground and bounced several times across a field this morning. The witness 10/5/1954 #10741  
arge, luminous, red object streaks across the sky above Hungary. A teacher  10/15/1954 #11108  
 15 observer(s). Odd-machine jerks across sky. Stop and go. Many color(s).  10/18/1954 #11198  
ilroad worker Jose Rodrigues comes across three figures in tight-fitting su 11/14/1954 #11651  
e Crown Zellerbach Paper Mill roof across the river. He can find no trace o 11/17/1954 #11663  
n, England 20 golden spheres raced across the sky in formation, causing a h 11/21/1954 #11684  
hbowl. It is a solid body 160 feet across, oscillating with a small light o 11/22/1954 #11691  
at-bottomed, domed object 65-70 ft across, 18-20 ft high (NICAP: 01 - Dista 11/28/1954 #11719  
lat-bottomed, domed object (65-70' across, 18-20' high), bright orange with 11/28/1954 #11721  
ean Highway in Venezuela. They run across a huge red UFO like two washbowls 12/9/1954 #11788  
 Midnight. A green fireball shoots across east Texas like a “huge electric  2/13/1955 #11999  
r(s). Fireball zigzags going north across Britain / 45 minute(s). Jets chas 3/24/1955 #12057  
ts see a brilliant fireball streak across the sky above Council Bluffs, Iow 4/25/1955 #12101  
arlos Flannigan is driving a truck across a bridge over the Little Miami Ri Late 6/1955 #12211  
 any noise, as he ran with his dog across the fields and to his home. The w 7/17/1955 #12267  
lvery disc approaches them rapidly across the water, then hovers above them Late 7/1955 #12285  
 pulls into his driveway and walks across the street to check his mailbox.  8/1/1955 #12317  
y round object was seen in the sky across the river a few minutes later.    8/14/1955 #12358  
“shining, glittering ball” zigzags across the sky over Lisburn, Northern Ir 8/19/1955 #12374  
lent and looks to be only 4–5 feet across.                                  8/20/1955 #12379  
 white in color, four or five feet across, and at a distance of less than 7 8/20/1955 #12380  
that he saw “a bright light streak across the sky and disappear beyond a tr 8/21/1955 #12386  
ham, WA White pinpoint move slowly across 30° of sky (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 9/3/1955 #12427  
ps. One white pinhead moved slowly across 30 degrees of sky in 15 minutes.  9/3/1955 #12428  
2:10 a.m. a silent red sphere flew across the sky to the northeast in St. L 9/13/1955 #12452  
ing lights for the next two months across the US is seeing wind-driven expe 10/10/1955 #12497  
ge to look up. Gold saucer streaks across sky.                              12/12/1955 #12606  
tched a golden colored disc streak across the sky. At 4:40 p.m. a bright si 12/12/1955 #12609  
 25-foot wide golden disc streaked across the sky in Horsham, England headi 12/12/1955 #12609  
 a scarlet colored object streaked across the northeast sky in Kuantan, Mal 1/12/1956 #12656  
rver(s). "Strange machine" zigzags across sky. Air Force explosive = star C 5/6/1956 #12833  
atched an orange-red light zig-zag across the sky near the Delaware River a 5/16/1956 #12853  
inute(s). Dives climbs and circles across sky.                              8/16/1956 #13090  
ange light with a blue tinge, flew across the sky for 2 minutes.            11/1/1956 #13303  
eye, they watched as the jet moved across the sky at about 1250 miles per h 11/8/1956 #13315  
ar. Beam lights ground. To and fro across road.                             12/27/1956 (approximate) #13414  
"tailless fish" zigzags going west across sky. / r140 #5p60.                12/30/1956 #13418  
hire, Scotland. The object flashes across the sky at 60,000 feet, dives to  4/4/1957 #13582  
nt smoking odd-colored eggs zigzag across sky / 4 minute(s). / r141 #2p46.  4/22/1957 #13610  
objects giving off smoke zigzagged across the sky for four minutes in Daegu 4/22/1957 #13612  
, OR 2 / car. Brilliant disk spins across sky fast. Slight tilt. Meteor?    7/25/1957 #13830  
rilliant disc spun as it flew fast across the sky at a slight tilt in Orego 7/25/1957 #13839  
of radioactive iodine that spreads across the UK, contaminating surrounding 10/9/1957 #14083  
n Whitharral, Texas, when he comes across a 200-foot-long object sitting in 11/2/1957 #14218  
a luminous trail as it shoots away across the Atlantic. The two sentries ar 11/4/1957 #14284  
ravel silently from south to north across the eastern sky. One experiences  11/6/1957 #14426  
 a vivid pink object moving slowly across the sky at Mount Stromlo Observat 11/8/1957 #14486  
t 7, a Boeing Stratocruiser flying across the Pacific mysteriously crashes  11/8/1957 #14489  
inous, transparent object fly fast across the road. As it was above 250 m a 11/22/1957 #14595  
inous, transparent object fly fast across the road. It was over 250 meters  11/22/1957 #14596  
t 50 feet into the air and proceed across the highway to the north at about 11/23/1957 #14603  
ee a bright light approaching from across the Yellow Sea. It grows bigger a 1958 #14783  
i. DeLacey sees nine UFOs flashing across the sky and immediately grabs his 1/3/1958 #14800  
aw a bright orange light streaking across the sky (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, 1/4/1958 #14804  
ortheast at a 45° angle and moving across Tasman Bay. They see the object a 4/9/1958 #14971  
 red hot coal-like object streaked across the sky over Adelaide, South Aust 4/26/1958 #15001  
ength of runway and then proceeded across town to the Muni Airport at Great 5/1958 #15006  
ck cloud suddenly appears directly across their flight path at the same alt 5/13/1958 #15031  
private lake making a circle 10 ft across w/foam (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 6/20/1958 #15102  
ith a revolving top cruise quietly across the landscape.                    7/1958 #15129  
tance communication is interrupted across the Pacific. Due to this failure, 8/1/1958 #15174  
igh altitude. Steadily going north across sky. Half moon-size.              11/17/1958 #15445  
ey then saw a "well built" man run across the road in front of them.        12/1/1958 #15467  
ush of wind. A black object 7 feet across comes hurtling through the air ab 12/30/1958 #15503  
icians watch two silver discs race across then swoop down and maneuver near 1959? #15508  
ckup truck south on Hartstown Road across Pymatuning Lake, Pennsylvania, wh 1/13/1959 #15549  
ver object was sighted as it arced across the sky in the Panama Canal Zone. 1/23/1959 #15562  
f the truck. Two hours later, just across the border in Covington, Kentucky 1/30/1959 #15571  
 airliner witnessed a fireball fly across the sky toward the SW for 15 seco 5/13/1959 #15730  
hrough their telescopes that shoot across the sky in less than one second,  5/28/1959 #15750  
:10 p.m., reappears at 9:20, moves across the sea to Giwa appearing white-r 6/26/1959 #15790  
ome eight objects align themselves across a section of the sky. No occupant 6/26/1959 #15790  
rk silent craft. Going east slow / across high winds. Hovers and onward.    7/14/1959 (approximate) #15847  
d him. It appears to be 80–90 feet across and 15– 20 feet thick. Suddenly a 12/1959 #16107  
 20 feet above the road, extending across the entire roadway. "On it I coul 12/22/1959 #16128  
ibution, but NICAP obtains a copy. Across the top are the words “UFOs Serio 12/24/1959 #16133  
A blue light, which raced silently across the Las Vegas, Nevada sky, puzzle 1/3/1960 #16149  
sia. Powers has orders to continue across Siberia to get a look at the new  5/1/1960 #16248  
c City, Quebec. A beachcomber runs across the pieces, one closer to the sho 6/12/1960 #16312  
s dry lake approximately two miles across so that an A-12 pilot approaching 10/1960 #16472  
o, NY Bright, star-like light move across 120° of sky (NICAP: 01 - Distant  10/5/1960 #16479  
 One bright, star-like light moved across 120^ of sky in 20 seconds.        10/5/1960 #16480  
he base and it shoots away quickly across the sea and vanishes towards the  6/3/1961 #16715  
 the smaller objects then streaked across the sky to the large UFO and all  6/4/1961 #16719  
watches the smaller objects streak across the sky to the larger one. All th 6/4/1961 #16720  
ability to traverse a ditch 6 feet across and 18 inches deep. Flight above  6/9/1961 #16722  
 capable of communicating by radio across space. It is more properly though 11/1/1961 #16944  
  A strange flying object streaked across the skies above the Theodore Goff 11/18/1961 #16964  
the top of a mountain. It zig-zags across the sky as it approaches them, mo 1962 #17007  
 gold box going straight and level across horizon / 3-4 minute(s). Kite?    3/1/1962 #17068  
colored box fly straight and level across the horizon (NICAP: 01 - Distant  3/1/1962 #17069  
-14"x3-4", flew straight and level across the horizon for 3-4 minutes.      3/1/1962 #17070  
x 3-4 feet, fly straight and level across the horizon.                      3/1/1962 #17072  
g at 7:20 p.m. NORAD tracked a UFO across the entire continental United Sta 4/18/1962 #17121  
, when three orange globes show up across the pond and begin dancing about. Summer 1962 #17239  
. J. McVickers sees two discs just across the state line near Oradell. At 7 9/15/1962 #17403  
Moon, and the other smaller. Arced across the sky for 13 minutes.           9/21/1962 #17427  
other somewhat smaller. They arced across the sky for 13 minutes.           9/21/1962 #17429  
atched circular UFO with dome move across lower half of moon. [NICAP UFO Ev 10/3/1962 #17453  
 few minutes. It stretches halfway across the aircraft ramp area, which wou Late 10/1962 #17496  
e. She notices it starting to move across the illuminated portion of the Mo 12/1/1962 #17568  
ntinues passing in a straight line across the blue Georgia sky, faster and  12/1/1962 #17568  
wish teardrop-shaped object rising across the face of Auyán-tepui plateau.  12/21/1962 #17601  
object rose vertically, then moved across the road over his car, making a r 5/19/1963 #17751  
at speed, at first in level flight across my front, then climbed up into th 6/16/1963 #17788  
ng around.” It is about 30–40 feet across and has two brilliant lights. The 6/26/1963 #17809  
. The UFO follows some power lines across a field and disappears to the nor 6/26/1963 #17809  
ek, South Australia, when he comes across a blood-red, glowing object, 25 f 6/28/1963 #17814  
blood-red, glowing object, 25 feet across and 12 feet high, in the road ahe 6/28/1963 #17814  
mbling a bright star) began moving across the sky, picking up speed, and di 7/20/1963 #17843  
st to northeast. The UFO "traveled across the sky at great speed making two 8/13/1963 #17896  
o the northeast. The UFO "traveled across the sky at great speed making two 8/13/1963 #17901  
litary jets chase fake white cloud across sky!                              10/2/1963 #17971  
ar object with a row of black dots across the leading edge. The UFO passed  10/4/1963 #17977  
3 figure(s) / tight grey suits zip across SR18. Legs "flutter". Very fast.  10/23/1963 #18001  
s. They begin quickly “fluttering” across the road, faster than the “fastes 10/23/1963 #18004  
ced a star-like object maneuvering across the northern sky. The light moved 11/3/1963 #18026  
e ground, and seemingly 15–20 feet across. It seems to move along with the  11/16/1963 #18045  
ight haze. The glowing object sped across in front of the car and circled a 11/20/1963 #18051  
s per second as it moved very fast across the sky for 15 seconds.           12/16/1963 #18086  
e direction. It seems to be “miles across.” As the light wheel moves to the 1/23/1964 #18117  
rlapping circles and about 20 feet across. Hynek is refused authorization t 4/26/1964 #18209  
 round while hovering, then darted across the sky and appeared flattened wh 5/17/1964 #18276  
 they see a light above a mountain across the lake to the south. Soon they  6/1964 #18314  
few feet above a neighbor’s garden across the highway. Its bottom side is f 7/7/1964 #18398  
FO bounced up-and-down as it moved across the sky horizontally. It had a re 9/6/1964 #18543  
ize twice that of the Moon passing across the constellation Lyra. The centr 9/14/1964 #18552  
s were ordered to hike a half mile across an open field while a searchlight 12/10/1964 #18655  
d, he sees a flashing light moving across the tree line to the east and mak 1/15/1965 #18739  
rger one seems to be about 80 feet across. The smaller one, 20 feet across, 1/19/1965 #18750  
t across. The smaller one, 20 feet across, descends quickly and silently an 1/19/1965 #18750  
nia, that is approximately 75 feet across and 10–15 feet in height. The obj 1/27/1965 #18776  
bile, very bright, and moving fast across the James River in the direction  1/30/1965 #18786  
aucer. Lights / bottom. Going [to] across wind. / r59p174.                  4/4/1965 #18890  
e full moon, it moves horizontally across the farmyard. It has numerous lig 6/19/1965 #19017  
 a conical top, and rows of lights across the front and along the side flew 6/24/1965 #19025  
ed disc that maneuvers erratically across the sky for about an hour at the  7/3/1965 #19064  
uinea a red glowing cylinder moved across the sky from left to right. It fl 7/19/1965 #19135  
d like a bright blue star move 90° across of the sky in 10-15 seconds.      7/25/1965 #19173  
/ observer(s) glowing-disk zigzags across sky. / r111p241.                  7/27/1965 #19184  
 object west vertical wings shoots across road.                             8/2/1965 #19254  
Fireball meteor traveling easterly across northeast sky. (NICAP: 01 - Dista 8/10/1965 #19359  
Fireball meteor traveling easterly across northeast sky.                    8/10/1965 #19362  
ficer Eugene F. Bertrand Jr. comes across a woman parked on State Highway 1 9/3/1965 #19511  
l buckle at the waist. She was led across the grass to an area that was sud 9/3/1965 #19518  
, Pernambuco, Brazil, when he runs across two little men only 3 feet high w 10/22/1965 #19673  
 had appeared as a fireball flying across several U.S. states and Canada. D 12/9/1965 #19760  
all suits that had a luminous band across the chest, were seen nearby. Ther 2/25/1966 #19918  
d object with flashing body lights across the center (red-white-blue-green- 3/20/1966 #20005  
shaped object with flashing lights across the center (red-white-blue-green- 3/20/1966 #20010  
nd white object going quickly [to] across road 60m ahead / car. Type unknow 3/24/1966 #20059  
atched a glowing oval object speed across the sky. Two smaller lights also  3/24/1966 #20067  
uge silver cigar-shaped object fly across the sky from west to east. Six re 4/1/1966 #20204  
gged line of discontinuity running across the center of the image suggestin 4/2/1966 #20208  
oping chemicals spreading unevenly across the photo.                        4/2/1966 #20208  
ed road, humming sound. Chased UFO across state line, other police witnesse 4/17/1966 #20317  
as the moon darting back-and-forth across the highway. She had just crossed 4/22/1966 #20377  
bbing up and down above a building across the street. A yellow light is on  4/23/1966 #20390  
the red lights blink off. It moves across the street and appears to be movi 4/23/1966 #20390  
vely close range, at treetop level across a wide highway. "It was the shape 5/24/1966 #20509  
hen they saw a "rocket or jet" zip across the sky and disappear behind the  6/3/1966 #20529  
peed. Over an area some ten meters across in a potato field all the leaves  6/27/1966 #20618  
SAN, FR 5 20cm glowing-balls snake across cemetery / wave. Vanish / gate sl 7/15/1966 (approximate) #20646  
range, seems to revolve, and moves across a road so fast it seems to jump.  8/1/1966 #20718  
, climbed to about 30 m, and moved across to a small reservoir where it ass 8/19/1966 #20769  
 white, silvery or aluminum. Moved across a valley from the southeast, hove 8/19/1966 #20770  
t 10 feet off the ground. It moves across a valley and climbs to 100 feet,  8/19/1966 #20772  
above the ground. The object moved across the valley from the southeast, cl 8/19/1966 #20773  
ly when he sees two objects moving across the sky on the coast of the Garga Early 9/1966 #20835  
e a soft swishing sound as it flew across the highway, climbed, leveled off 9/8/1966 #20864  
. Going [to] under power lines and across field.                            11/4/1966 #21073  
ts near the American Viscose plant across the Little Kanawha River. The obj 11/6/1966 #21080  
cted off the bottom of the object. Across the Ohio River from West Virginia 11/20/1966 #21129  
ar Gallipolis, Ohio--the town just across the Ohio River from Point Pleasan 12/7/1966 #21191  
t, about one meter in width, sweep across the ground in her direction. It c 1/17/1967 #21335  
ams with red/green blinking lights across the front, a halo of bright light 1/19/1967 #21351  
t apparently hovering above houses across the street. It seems large and cy 1/24/1967 #21375  
top, blinking red and green lights across the front and a silver object pro 1/28/1967 #21407  
ething. Then a man approaches from across the field and talks to them, appa 2/5/1967 #21460  
 the third (body lights). It moved across the sky and then returned to its  2/14/1967 #21549  
. Large glowing orange ball drifts across sky. Hovers over house.           2/16/1967 #21559  
                                   Across U.S and some other countries. 6:3 2/26/1967 #21660  
tationary. The object moved slowly across the highway, stopped, then finall 2/26/1967 #21664  
rds, leveled off and moved quickly across the sky, disappearing behind tree 3/8/1967 #21804  
changed to blue as it moved slowly across the sky and disappeared. Then wha 3/17/1967 #21911  
hts in a cluster. The lights moved across the sky, and suddenly climbed str 3/22/1967 #21946  
 Alamos, New Mexico. Then it moves across the sky and disappears into cloud 3/24/1967 #21971  
bove the road. It is about 30 feet across and looks like “it had lights in  4/5/1967 #22066  
 fast that he is moved all the way across the front seat. When he looks up  4/5/1967 #22066  
w a glowing, egg-shaped object fly across the sky at high speed, stop sudde 4/16/1967 #22139  
e a glowing, egg-shaped object fly across the sky above Boraure, Venezuela, 4/16/1967 #22140  
bjects, oriented vertically, moved across the sky in 5 seconds, periodicall 4/17/1967 #22147  
haped like an upturned saucer flew across the sky. The sound was heard agai 4/17/1967 #22148  
g in close formation at high speed across the sky. They flash by in about 5 4/17/1967 #22152  
ned saucer" (domed disc) that flew across the sky and behind a hill. Later, 4/17/1967 #22155  
ining through her basement window. Across the street she notices a large ob 5/1967 #22256  
r brilliant yellow with red lights across upper two-thirds, but to the nake 5/16/1967 #22355  
 twice as large as the moon moving across the sky from south to north for o 5/17/1967 #22364  
ts saw a cascade of lights rushing across the night sky from the northeast  5/17/1967 #22365  
ts saw a cascade of lights rushing across the night sky from the northeast  5/17/1967 #22370  
, three feet in diameter, traveled across Trout Brook Lake in New Brunswick 5/29/1967 #22422  
r is disc-shaped and about 15 feet across. Both are hovering 12 feet above  6/13/1967 #22503  
on a red and white UFO "fluttering across" the Susquehanna River near Harri 7/9/1967 #22637  
olor of old lead. The object moved across the highway, tilted up, accelerat 7/10/1967 #22644  
rned the car around and struck her across the chest with a rod.             7/17/1967 #22686  
served a ring-shaped object flying across the sky. An airliner flying at an 8/5/1967 #22813  
y woods. Continuing home, they run across a locked, deserted shack that see 8/23/1967 #22905  
ow on the bottom that moved slowly across the sky at low altitude. (Pennsyl 9/10/1967 #23030  
d her two children from their home across the Connecticut River in Haddam,  9/13/1967 #23050  
l-shaped (disc), fuzzy object move across the sky. The object stopped and h 9/15/1967 #23063  
all, with oversized heads, running across a road near a barn. From the obje 9/15/1967 #23071  
ix silver discs that moved rapidly across the sky, entered clouds, emerged  9/28/1967 #23143  
, watches three luminous disc pass across the sky from north to south. Sudd 9/28/1967 #23144  
hat moved steadily in level flight across the sky, hovered, and dropped thr 9/30/1967 #23149  
that blinked on-and-off, revolving across the lower portion.                10/2/1967 #23167  
t. The satellite objects then move across the sky and back at high speed. O 10/4/1967 #23176  
owed a series of six UFO sightings across Quebec and Nova Scotia beginning  10/4/1967 #23177  
cson Speedway in Arizona. He comes across a cylindrical metallic object sta 10/9/1967 #23201  
d surface of the wash, 13.4 inches across and about 42 inches apart (measur 10/9/1967 #23201  
At 7:30 p.m. a similar object shot across the sky, stopped and joined the f 10/10/1967 #23207  
 its flat side down. Then it flies across the Moon’s face and leaves to the 10/14/1967 #23238  
ing bright flying cross-shaped UFO across farmland between Okehampton and H 10/24/1967 #23306  
d out and saw a huge shadow spread across the grass, and then a figure desc 11/2/1967 #23391  
 color appeared. It glided quickly across a field and disappeared into the  11/2/1967 #23391  
, egg-shaped UFO that moves slowly across the road from the right, passes s 11/6/1967 #23414  
ject glowing blue-green that moved across the sky, made a 90-degree turn, s 11/15/1967 #23460  
aw an object flying at great speed across the sky. (Ref. 3) (NICAP: 01 - Di 11/25/1967 #23510  
vered at 200 feet, then moved away across the mountains. (Unidentified news 12/7/1967 #23556  
ight witnesses saw 6-7 lights move across the sky one after the other (proc 12/24/1967 #23604  
rcular image drifts R going [to] L across frames.                           12/27/1967 #23613  
stance, objects hovered over woods across road, then one seemed to land whi 1/24/1968 #23694  
r 30 minutes, moved back and forth across road, made sharp turns and unusua 2/13/1968 #23754  
r 30 minutes, moved back and forth across road, made sharp turns and unusua 2/13/1968 #23755  
minutes. It crossed back and forth across the road at an altitude of 2,000  2/13/1968 #23756  
middle, and it slid back and forth across sky as if on rail. Then a "big bo 2/21/1968 #23775  
e reported fiery objects streaking across the sky, some showering sparks, l 3/3/1968 #23812  
e reported fiery objects streaking across the sky, some showering sparks, l 3/3/1968 #23814  
uch the ground. It seemed to float across the room and went out the open wi 7/1/1968 #24121  
S, ARG 5 / car. Phony train floats across road / 1M altitude! No tracks!!   7/7/1968 #24150  
 be wearing a shiny silvery ribbon across her chest. The being suddenly ros 7/20/1968 #24194  
” The remaining object (40–50 feet across) moves toward the witnesses. It a 8/7/1968 #24307  
e water. A sudden wind blows waves across the heretofore placid surface. An 8/7/1968 #24307  
was a circular or oval UFO 12 feet across and five feet high that was hover 9/1/1968 #24422  
, Santa Catarina, Brazil. He comes across a strange object in the pottery y 9/26/1968 #24516  
 a bright blue light source moving across the sky in Needham, Massachusetts 9/29/1968 #24522  
                           Driving across the desert near Kingman, Arizona  10/15/1968 #24563  
ver(s). 3 shiny round objects spin across sky. Brown edges. / r114p46.      11/7/1968 #24638  
 England, when several rabbits run across the road from their left. Suddenl 11/20/1968 #24672  
e several humanoid figures walking across the bright top of the UFO, which  11/20/1968 #24672  
 well-defined light about 5–6 feet across that illuminates the trees and ca 11/23/1968 #24695  
luctuates in intensity and zigzags across the sky. She goes home but return 11/25/1968 #24704  
th white, shoulder length hair lay across the ditch. She wore a long white  2/22/1969 #24939  
e barrier that he likened to a bar across the stomach. He tried to grab one 2/22/1969 #24939  
powerful beam of light switches on across the top of the cane path, and it  4/20/1969 #25073  
t erratically "went back and forth across the sky." Policeman James R. Coug 6/20/1969 #25230  
I, NZ Farmer. 2 night lights trail across sky / 10 minute(s). 53' and 30' c 10/4/1969 #25396  
ess than 2 inches deep and 10 feet across in the mine tailings. A conical p 10/30/1969 #25439  
that came to rest in a parking lot across the street. Shortly afterwards th 12/27/1969 #25510  
rity guards at nearby Falcon Field across the highway.                      6/2/1970 #25688  
weater with a black shoulder strap across it, which he chased down the stai 6/4/1970 #25690  
OUTH / OURAY, UT Delta craft comes across lake. Near collision / car. Many  6/7/1970 #25692  
ar UFO with rounded corners coming across the lake that nearly collided wit 6/7/1970 #25694  
n that they had watched a UFO move across the horizon for several minutes d 6/11/1970 #25697  
te glow” hovering over the meadows across the street. She watches it bounci 7/4/1970 #25726  
es of red lights flash in sequence across it. The size is about 25–30 feet  7/4/1970 #25726  
ight returns and crosses the field across the street. The family television 7/4/1970 #25726  
, France 5:30 p.m. A witness comes across a landed domed disc, about 20 fee 7/25/1970 #25750  
lear and the object moved silently across the night sky in an easterly dire 9/25/1970 #25852  
e there was a street lamp directly across the street from his house. Four o 9/25/1970 #25852  
s of light in a straight line move across the sky. They had "a lot of smoke 1/22/1971 #25995  
 10M fireball / bushes. Chases man across dam. Emits smoke / vapor.         3/22/1971 #26049  
 glass window that had an iron bar across it with a clearance of less than  4/2/1971 #26065  
Slovenia 7:30 p.m. Alojz Krz comes across a UFO sitting on three legs in a  5/1971 #26092  
th a one-piece face mask that went across both eyes, as if it was some kind 8/16/1971 #26291  
re were a number of sightings from across China on this day. In Xuchang a l 9/25/1971 #26381  
mped three feet in the air and ran across the road, then leapt over a hedge 9/27/1971 #26384  
ghts observed approximately 300 ft across completely silent moved slowly ap 10/1971 #26395  
ow, silent object above a building across the street some 260–300 feet away 10/2/1971 #26400  
 the car. It passed back and forth across the road, oscillated up and down, 10/3/1971 #26405  
r wide moved in an undulating wave across the sky.                          10/13/1971 #26422  
by field. He then saw a light move across the road and saw that the sphere  12/17/1971 #26506  
30 feet away. It is about 130 feet across, partly lit up, and has three leg 4/1/1972 #26633  
ustralia at 6:35 a.m. when he came across a dark oval-shaped object with a  5/31/1972 #26691  
urs before they saw a light travel across the lake and descend behind some  8/6/1972 #26882  
us beams that extend progressively across the ground. Two cupolas are visib 8/12/1972 #26911  
gle/box-like craft going southwest across sky. Tilts and away.              8/27/1972 #26960  
r object that is at least 100 feet across and moving slowly and continuousl 10/9/1972 #27063  
able to see the orange glow spread across the entire highway behind them. W 2/4/1973 #27270  
a "giant ball" which moved quickly across the evening sky from east to west 3/15/1973 #27348  
ral observer(s). Silent disk spins across sky. Red and green lights. Low an 4/8/1973 #27414  
at least half an hour, then rushed across the golf links to tell the firs m 5/15/1973 #27492  
be anywhere from 368 to 2,600 feet across. The array moved quickly out of s 5/24/1973 #27527  
ject blocked out stars as it moved across the sky in Feignies, France. Ther 5/27/1973 #27534  
A circular indentation five meters across was found as a possible UFO landi 6/3/1973 #27548  
up, IL Evening. Man saw the object across the top of a farm house owned by  8/4/1973 #27679  
 a huge, gorilla-like creature run across the railroad tracks. The creature 8/14/1973 #27702  
r object emerged from it and moved across the ground to a distance of about 10/6/1973 #27961  
rsville, Indiana. The light darted across the sky and began to descend near 10/15/1973 #28060  
RADAR. Cops chase UFO / 14 mile(s) across Kent county.                      10/16/1973 #28070  
t 20 feet in height and forty feet across, and it had large, oblong windows 10/16/1973 #28089  
later their car was swung sideways across the road and then back again by s 10/19/1973 #28197  
its, with gloves, boots, and belts across the chest area. She remembers lyi 10/19/1973 #28199  
 him, she notices a glowing object across the street. They stand and watch  10/20/1973 #28215  
ntains. Dark hairy 4' figure darts across road. Night light going quickly [ 10/26/1973 #28289  
 with long, fuzzy hair that darted across the road in front of his car. Zin 10/26/1973 #28297  
e," saucer-shaped objects hovering across the street. A "ground crew" of 10 10/28/1973 #28312  
elp as the UFO moves to a position across the street, hovering and watching 11/2/1973 #28352  
 slowed by an odd pink cloud lying across the highway. They also see a smal 11/18/1973 #28442  
tted a large reddish orange sphere across the field north of Lincoln, Misso 11/26/1973 #28468  
bullet-shaped metallic object move across the sky above Bend, Oregon travel 1/6/1974 #28655  
. A door then appeared in the wall across from him, then the door opened an 2/28/1974 #28825  
hey floated leisurely over a field across the road from their house and set 3/1/1974 #28842  
aped object hovering above a house across the street. It made no noise at a 3/15/1974 #28892  
t George Island, Florida, and come across a metal sphere the size of a bowl 3/27/1974 #28961  
ng points of light moving together across the sky. On the following two nig 4/11/1974 #29004  
 see a large glowing object moving across the western face of the Sandia Mo 5/28/1974 #29141  
sees a large glowing object moving across the western face of the Sandia Mo 5/28/1974 #29142  
owing, football-shaped disc moving across Albuquerque toward the Sandia foo 5/28/1974 #29142  
cattle mutilations in the area and across the nearby border in Nebraska.    7/15/1974 #29262  
nows about the case or who has run across top-secret documents. Now known a 8/25/1974 #29386  
n in on the rescue activities from across the Texas border. The Americans h 8/25/1974 #29386  
t inside. A sort of veil was drawn across it, and two "cosmonauts" clad fro 8/26/1974 #29391  
ight emerged from its base to play across a nearby cranberry bog, her car e 9/3/1974 #29418  
a.m. A metallic disc some 300 feet across approaches a South Korean antiair Autumn 1974 #29471  
eveled off and flew away in an arc across the sky. (National Enquirer repor 9/24/1974 #29474  
ects has five small lights arrayed across its surface, the UFOs approach to 10/14/1974 #29527  
 bright light from the sky swooped across the road in front of them, and th 10/27/1974 #29561  
, each with a dashed trail leading across the picture. Later that night Mik 11/26/1974 #29610  
tor buildings. It is about 30 feet across. The object hovers for 6–7 minute 12/31/1974 #29667  
 the collapse of the Silver Bridge across the Ohio River on December 15, 19 1975 #29670  
of a mountain. Then it sweeps back across the lake beneath the object and f 2/26/1975 #29852  
ted down toward the lake and swept across the terrain, illuminating the sid 2/26/1975 #29853  
f the mountain. Then it swept back across the lake beneath the object and f 2/26/1975 #29853  
 checking some fences and he comes across a perfectly round circle of burne 5/12/1975 #30052  
SW 5 observer(s). 10M disk zigzags across road. Possible landing. Animals u 6/3/1975 #30076  
eter disc-shaped object zig-zagged across a road on Palmer Island, New Sout 6/3/1975 #30079  
ey noticed a bright red oval shoot across the nearby tree tops. The object  7/1/1975 #30145  
and goes home. On July 8, he comes across a circular crushed patch of tobac 7/6/1975 #30167  
ving quickly toward them. It comes across the highway at about telephone po Late 7/1975 #30204  
control complexes at installations across the northern United States. In so 10/1975 #30401  
aid the craft was about 12-14 feet across, nine feet high, and circular in  10/7/1975 #30422  
 Ovoid streaks going quickly north across sky. Horses totally spooked.      10/30/1975 #30518  
vered over a mountain, then jumped across the valley and stopped over a sec 11/1/1975 #30535  
veals a yellowish glow that washes across the road in front of them. The dr 11/5/1975 #30562  
se circular tracks were six inches across and nearly an inch deep, as if ma 11/8/1975 #30584  
bama a UFO, changing colors, moved across the horizon. A round silver objec 11/13/1975 #30615  
bama a UFO, changing colors, moved across the horizon. A round silver objec 11/13/1975 #30616  
lashes of light spark out, dancing across the windshield. As he looks out t 1/4/1976 #30758  
gular, ice-blue lights pass slowly across his field of view. Moments later  1/4/1976 #30758  
rt humanoid beings shuffle rapidly across a road. They wore purple-colored  2/10/1976 #30862  
rt humanoid beings shuffle rapidly across a road. They wore purple-colored  2/10/1976 #30863  
arted driving again, the UFO moved across the road and paced them again at  2/17/1976 #30877  
 second being a blue light flashed across her face. She drove away in fear, 2/25/1976 #30908  
r. Dark-glow 'Michelin-man' floats across road. Lights / head. Car malfunct 3/14/1976 #30938  
cia, Spain saw a dark figure float across the road ahead of them. at 9:45 p 3/14/1976 #30940  
 as a two-story house and 250 feet across with an orange-white light at the 4/22/1976 #31010  
e burning magnesium” silently move across the sky, side by side. They appea 8/1976 #31216  
 craft on landing legs, stretching across the road. The wife notices a mass 8/6/1976 #31240  
 sons Morris and Rony were driving across Gaspesian Park, Quebec, Canada in 8/6/1976 #31241  
 humanoid beings shuffling rapidly across the road. They wore purple-colore 8/16/1976 #31274  
2 cops. Bright night light zigzags across entire sky / 25 second(s). High a 8/17/1976 #31275  
descend. The humanoids form a line across the entire width of the road and  9/3/1976 #31335  
 small humanoids took up positions across the road, blocking Joao's path. T 9/3/1976 #31341  
e then ran with little short paces across the road and up Westfield Grove.  10/15/1976 #31465  
watch an intense white light speed across the sky from northwest to southea 11/5/1976 #31528  
 sees a 15-foot ball of light move across toward him from across the Gulf o Early 12/1976 #31579  
 light move across toward him from across the Gulf of Bothnia and land in a Early 12/1976 #31579  
 Minnesota, see an object speeding across the sky then stopping. It has 6–9 12/18/1976 #31614  
3' small humanoid (or Grey) glides across street!                           1/1977 #31662  
f a three-story apartment building across the street from her only 60 feet  1/6/1977 #31706  
 a three-storey apartment building across the street from her, only 60 feet 1/6/1977 #31707  
d like a water tank, about 10 feet across and 10 to 15 feet tall, with red  3/5/1977 #31861  
inking light of unknown shape flew across in; front of her then suddenly 6  3/23/1977 #31927  
inking light of unknown shape flew across in; front of her then suddenly 6  3/23/1977 #31928  
 top of it. It was about four feet across and was rocking gently in the air 4/7/1977 #31956  
 top of it. It was about four feet across and was rocking gently in the air 4/7/1977 #31957  
d at each end darts north to south across Interstate 64 in Lexington, Kentu 4/8/1977 #31965  
smoothly from the southern horizon across their field of view to the northe 4/23/1977 #32017  
 decide somewhat reluctantly to go across the lake and investigate. Then on 5/3/1977 #32050  
noticed a "large bright red light" across on the eastern shore. They stoppe 5/3/1977 #32053  
somewhat reluctantly decided to go across the lake and investigate the spot 5/3/1977 #32053  
tracks and the bay, then it shoots across the water in a matter of seconds  5/20/1977 #32116  
 stiff, limping walk. The boys run across the street and look back in time  5/20/1977 #32116  
, New Zealand. It had a white band across the middle, and vanished after se 6/6/1977 #32152  
iend estimates it is about 75 feet across and 50 feet tall. The two daughte 6/17/1977 #32172  
tel [now the Congress Plaza Hotel] across from Grant Park in downtown Chica 6/24/1977 #32190  
flashing light source pass swiftly across the sky twice in about 10 minutes 6/26/1977 #32197  
 their front porch in Pennsylvania across the Delaware River from Callicoon 7/3/1977 #32232  
co when he saw a very small figure across the road. It was about 40 feet aw 7/12/1977 #32266  
d helmets with a wide band running across the broad portion and are cut int 9/15/1977 #32484  
, about 150 feet long, and 10 feet across. It has small, square indentation 10/13/1977 #32572  
low angle from the south. It moves across his view for 15–30 seconds, stops 10/24/1977 #32606  
een to travel at a very slow speed across the landscape. Source BUFORA Vol  10/30/1977 #32637  
e helmet with a narrow black visor across the eyes. The figure seemed surpr 1/6/1978 #32856  
ging. Frightened all three men ran across the field, got back into their ve 2/17/1978 #32974  
tiff-legged gait. The figure walks across the road only 15 feet from him. A 3/17/1978 #33048  
 students in an isolation building across the road.                         3/17/1978 #33048  
orce. Large cracks almost two feet across were observed developing in the a 4/2/1978 #33119  
s it ran towards a large empty lot across the street. As he ran towards the 5/2/1978 #33185  
lobe of light on a rooftop terrace across from her inner house court in Vie 6/26/1978 #33313  
30 workers. Silvery sphere zigzags across sky / 45 minute(s). / Journal.    7/13/1978 #33377  
form moving overhead. It has lines across its surface and is making a noise 7/22/1978 #33410  
ylindrical object with black lines across its surface. It moves eastward fr 7/27/1978 #33428  
f the triangle is about 10–15 feet across.                                  8/5/1978 #33476  
 when they see a shooting star fly across their view. Five minutes later, t 8/7/1978 #33485  
st in several seconds. As it flies across the front of her car, her windshi 8/24/1978 #33563  
lmets attached to their suits walk across a field. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encou 9/1/1978 #33621  
ts attached to their suits walking across a field. Some of the teens run to 9/1/1978 #33622  
lmets attached to their suits walk across a field. She ran to the village t 9/1/1978 #33623  
jectory; it went out 2/3rds of way across the sky. At 8:25 p.m. another red 9/9/1978 #33650  
otice a red and white light moving across the sky. Suddenly an enormous bla 9/16/1978 #33694  
 object. The men were able to move across the difficult terrain in a glidin 10/2/1978 #33791  
a UFO hovering above Random Island across from Clarenville, Newfoundland. H 10/26/1978 #33880  
aw the same thin black figure walk across the opening between some trees to 10/31/1978 #33902  
lio, Vicenza, Italy, when he comes across two entities just a few feet away 11/24/1978 #33995  
nous circular object approach from across the river. The object came closer 12/6/1978 #34070  
le then died. Two humanoids glided across the surface without touching the  12/11/1978 #34090  
le then died. Two humanoids glided across the surface without touching the  12/11/1978 #34093  
with a long trail behind it streak across the heavens from northwest to sou 12/31/1978 #34248  
ees a bright luminous object shoot across the sky from south to north, appa Late 2/1979 #34448  
ar their house, and the UFO hovers across the street. The man shuts off Mic 4/12/1979 #34508  
dimmer than Jupiter, move silently across the sky from east to west, passin 6/17/1979 #34613  
s, and they watch it move silently across the sky at treetop level. After 5 7/27/1979 #34683  
 sees the car has skidded sideways across the northbound lane and now faces 8/27/1979 #34787  
to have two dark, horizontal bands across it. They turn back to a railway c 9/5/1979 #34838  
 lights maneuvering back and forth across the sky were made from the Yakima 9/11/1979 #34863  
cal luminous clouds about 328 feet across.                                  9/12/1979 #34866  
Described as approximately 20 feet across and 12 feet high, the strange obj 11/9/1979 #34989  
 make a sound as their spikes move across the ground. Taylor is then grabbe 11/9/1979 #34989  
echmont Law, Scotland when he came across a large ovoid or spherical object 11/9/1979 #34991  
alking, when they see the UFO come across the river, stopping about 30 yard 1/1980 #35120  
kes up, her car is turned sideways across the road, but she is able to driv 1/21/1980 #35141  
anoff, age 25, was driving her car across a bridge when her car entered a f 4/2/1980 #35249  
zzing sounds." They glided quickly across the ground and according to Mrs.  4/20/1980 #35281  
g as small red balls of light move across their mother’s back and behind he 5/9/1980 #35319  
ght the size of lemons climbed up, across, and down telephone lines in Barg 5/9/1980 #35321  
d as more red balls of light moved across a woman's back and the hair on he 5/9/1980 #35321  
n he notices an object maneuvering across the fumes from factory chimneys b 5/16/1980 #35336  
nois, when a disc-like object cuts across his view from the south about 100 12/6/1980 #35703  
ately hovers, moves slowly, shoots across the sky, and finally divides into 12/15/1980 #35719  
hts underneath. Approx. 2–3 meters across and 2 meters high. It maneuvered  12/27/1980 #35738  
tigation, a flashing light is seen across the field to the east, almost in  12/28/1980 #35749  
s over. Another UFO is seen coming across the trees a good 5 minutes later  3/30/1981 #35881  
5:45 a.m. The ball of light rolled across in front of a car beign driven by 6/1/1981 #35949  
INA "Star" travels sine-wave curve across sky!                              7/4/1981 #35984  
object flew in a sine-wave pattern across in sky in Shazhou County, China.  7/4/1981 #35988  
oing into some form of limbo. Then across an open field four white and two  7/15/1981 #36008  
to some type off limbo state. Then across an open field besides the road fo 7/16/1981 #36010  
right lights moving back and forth across the sky. As they arrive home, the 7/30/1981 #36041  
s on its corners. It is 60–90 feet across. The object pivots, making a 90°  8/10/1981 #36068  
mated to be between 60 and 90 feet across. The object pivoted, making a 90  8/10/1981 #36069  
t 6:00 p.m. saw a fireball rolling across the grounds of the forestry stati 8/15/1981 #36076  
muddy plowed field some 80–90 feet across. Three-quarters of the way across 10/2/1981 #36154  
 across. Three-quarters of the way across, the men vanish, leaving no footp 10/2/1981 #36154  
raveled from west to east silently across the sky in Stockdale, Texas. It a 1/24/1982 #36309  
raveled from west to east silently across the sky in Stockdale, Texas. It a 1/24/1982 #36312  
ike appendages banked to the north across the Ohio Turnpike in Toledo, Ohio 3/21/1982 #36403  
ike appendages banked to the north across the Ohio Turnpike in Toledo, Ohio 3/21/1982 #36405  
UFO stops and hovers above a house across the street less than 400 feet awa 3/30/1982 #36419  
mber distributed to police offices across the country.                      7/1/1982 #36527  
:00 PM. Cube-shaped object tumbles across sky while being pursued by two mi 10/16/1982 #36645  
hute. At one point, the UFO flicks across their nose, veering to its left a 10/24/1982 #36663  
t shaped like a manta ray 200 feet across is hovering above them. It makes  11/1982 #36668  
 no protuberances, flying overhead across his path. (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 3/24/1983 #36802  
with an orange headlight on a hill across the road from his house. It is ho 6/5/1983 #36876  
olid hull, 50 feet long and 6 feet across. Just after they are ordered to s 7/7/1983 #36904  
hey show two objects moving slowly across the sky. Streetlights and the pla 7/19/1983 #36914  
boomerang with lights moved slowly across the sky over Carmel, Putnam Count 9/18/1983 #36972  
he sky and landed in an open field across the street from the home of the w 12/27/1983 #37084  
reen lights lands in an open field across the street from the home of a wit 12/27/1983 #37085  
ew at great speed but low altitude across southern Russia and Ukraine. The  1/13/1984 #37129  
 logging road near their car, went across an open area to a stand of trees, 1/22/1984 #37141  
 logging road near their car, goes across an open area to a stand of trees, 1/22/1984 #37146  
 to a huge oval object 70–100 feet across that is moving soundlessly 150 fe 2/1984 #37172  
saw a disc-shaped object 80 meters across and some 5-10 meters above the ro 2/3/1984 #37175  
saw a disc-shaped object 80 meters across and some 5-10 meters above the ro 2/3/1984 #37176  
 20 feet altitude before it shoots across a field and stops again. He goes  5/6/1984 #37324  
mother, who sees the object moving across the field before vanishing. The d 5/6/1984 #37324  
 of a dark figure on a nearby hill across the road. Suddenly the figure and 10/9/1984 #37484  
he frame and move in a curved path across the right side of the frame. Bruc 11/14/1984 #37504  
95. The object glides effortlessly across the sky. The FAA later tells them 3/21/1985 #37572  
observed the object.. The UFO flew across the path of the airliner at its a 6/11/1985 #37599  
 They estimate it is about 60 feet across and vanishes toward Fenwick Moor. 7/14/1985 #37619  
hly triangular, dull gray, 40 feet across, and its bottom is sloped into co 11/22/1985 #37721  
e, dispersing radioactive material across Europe. The reactor explosion kil 4/26/1986 #37843  
cars stop. Huge ferris-wheel spins across M1 motorway going east.           9/21/1986 #38032  
king its way silently and smoothly across the sky over the valley in front  2/25/1987 #38123  
rs. Circular point / light spirals across sky. Trail / light.               8/27/1987 #38260  
na watched a point of light spiral across the sky at 9 p.m. leaving a trail 8/27/1987 #38262  
aped craft with a row of portholes across the midsection and a luminous rin 11/11/1987 #38322  
 a baseball diamond. It moves back across the road, and the Devines follow. 11/23/1987 #38332  
eudonym Philip Spencer) is walking across Ilkley Moor in West Yorkshire, En 12/1/1987 #38345  
other, and fly slowly and silently across the sky. Red and green lights are 5/16/1988 #38570  
oved. Later they were both floated across the lawn, into their house and ba 5/21/1988 #38574  
 feet altitude. He watched it move across sky until it went behind some tre 10/24/1988 #38689  
scuss.  Years later, Caviness came across an incident report in ufology med 1/1989 #38774  
ped object for five minutes moving across the roadway in front of their car 1/12/1989 #38780  
y noisy dogs silent as disc hovers across the street (NICAP: 04 - Animal Re 8/19/1989 #39066  
, circles the barn, and moves away across the pasture.                      10/13/1989 #39169  
s a pair of blinking lights moving across his path at 8,500 feet. Air traff 11/1/1989 #39207  
e windows emitting white light are across the middle. After only a couple o 11/4/1989 #39214  
sing telepathy and seemed to glide across the floor gracefully. The witness 11/6/1989 #39216  
 when they see a flying object cut across the road in front of them to the  12/5/1989 #39298  
iation expert and 1. Saucer speeds across sky "definite UFO..".             12/22/1989 #39327  
e upside-down basins about 40 feet across.                                  3/12/1990 #39456  
tive positions while moving slowly across the sky. Over the next hour, the  3/30/1990 #39499  
with cat eyes, who he watched walk across a parking lot.                    4/15/1990 #39528  
haped object hovering over a house across the street. The object was descri 5/30/1990 #39600  
 He estimates it is nearly 17 feet across and 80 feet tall, and has a nause 7/9/1990 #39640  
w rise from and hover over a swamp across the road and a few hundred feet a 7/13/1990 #39644  
der/cylindrical object tank hovers across bay. Going up [to] and goes over  8/22/1990 #39696  
see a dark mass, more than 50 feet across, rise up rapidly and silently int 10/21/1990 #39803  
 hovered low (25 feet) over a tree across the street that was only 360 feet 1/19/1991 #39963  
O. At that point, a few rays sweep across the car and it stops dead. The ob 4/19/1991? #40041  
 of the mountain before descending across the face of mountain. It was gone 4/22/1991 #40048  
ords it for 20 minutes as it moves across the ground, passes by a road sign 4/26/1991 #40050  
ater a "long black thing" streaked across the sky.                          8/30/1991 #40174  
created what looked like a curtain across the highway. He drove into the gr 4/12/1992 #40414  
 He stopped his vehicle and walked across the road and to a ditch, but he w 4/12/1992 #40414  
ge, one-by-one. The objects darted across the sky in different directions,  6/14/1992 #40495  
theast, it descends rapidly, moves across a field, and hovers. A cone of li 8/19/1992 #40583  
harply, makes a 90° turn, and cuts across their flight path. The helicopter 11/1992 #40700  
ry 1:10–1:15 a.m. Dozens of people across Devon, Cornwall, South Wales, Shr 3/31/1993 #40914  
eland see triangular UFOs speeding across the sky. An MoD police patrol see 3/31/1993 #40914  
bury sees the object moving slowly across the countryside toward the base a 3/31/1993 #40914  
ht sweeping backwards and forwards across the field beyond the perimeter fe 3/31/1993 #40914  
parate, and the white light shoots across the sky. The two red lights move  4/26/1993 #40951  
sc-shaped object was seen hovering across the street in Frankfort, Herkimer 8/10/1993 #41124  
 minutes the screen begins to move across the road and stops in front of th 8/13/1993 #41135  
S-EN-RETZ, FR Oblong object hisses across sky. 2-3 rectangles orbit!        9/11/1993 #41193  
, NC College student. Saucer moves across cloud. 2X apparent moon-size.     10/24/1993 #41250  
 observer. Gold-white saucer 25mph across sky. 3 photographs show object. N 11/10/1993 #41268  
 red star-like light moving slowly across the sky at around 11:00 p.m. The  11/29/1993 #41309  
 settle down on a snowy field just across the road from her house in Walpol 12/9/1993 #41327  
ed the object and appeared to jump across the field with large leaps. They  12/9/1993 #41327  
           A white light zigzagged across the sky from west to east in Baca 9/7/1994 #41724  
ent formation of dark objects flew across the sky toward the southwest in C 9/13/1994 #41746  
e configuration was about 600 feet across, at an estimated altitude of 1,00 10/11/1994 #41801  
any non-meteoric sightings it runs across.                                  1995 #41924  
two other beings inside, "tumbled" across the road about 60 feet in front o 1/17/1995 #41981  
at were pulsating. One moved down, across, then up into the other light.    2/12/1995 #42039  
Black disk going quickly northeast across wind / 15mph / 100' altitude. Sil 6/5/1995 #42239  
Florida. It flew slowly at 15 mph, across the wind, at 100 feet altitude, a 6/5/1995 #42240  
nd green concentric circles streak across clear blue sky.                   6/24/1995 #42268  
 1 observer. Peculiar star zigzags across sky. 5th sighting this week..     7/26/1995 #42329  
night light shoots flames. Zigzags across sky. / r60#316.                   8/26/1995 #42416  
ture with glowing red eyes. It ran across the road in front of her SUV and  1/4/1996 #42666  
sh peddler João Bosco Manoel comes across firefighters Sgt. Palhares, Cpl.  1/20/1996 #42693  
UGO, SPAIN Car levitated. Set down across roadway. Night lights / separate  2/27/1996 #42783  
haped UFO, estimated to be 50 feet across at the bottom, with a dome on top 3/6/1996 #42813  
oined by three more that came from across the Portuguese border. The twelve 4/15/1996 #42870  
h in the sky that traveled quickly across the sky for about two minutes. It 7/5/1996 #42947  
deep ditch with small foot bridges across the culvert. When the sergeant pa 7/8/1996 #42950  
 of a flat hut, five or six meters across and two or 2.5 meters high, and i 7/8/1996 #42950  
e object is top-shaped, 15–20 feet across and 8 feet tall, and has a girdle 7/9/1996 #42952  
 ground 1.7 meters apart and 10 cm across. That same day, while visiting th 7/9/1996 #42953  
e. Hovers. Going quickly northeast across bay.                              9/20/1996 #43031  
woods. These objects suddenly shot across the field towards the witnesses,  9/23/1996 #43039  
e creature was reportedly striding across the clearing, swinging its arms b 9/24/1996 #43041  
r part of the closet door directly across from the window. It appeared to b 11/24/1996 #43120  
tleton, New Hampshire from Vermont across the Connecticut River at 6:50 p.m 1/23/1997 #43174  
ored lights. The UFOs slowly moved across the sky and went out of sight. Th 2/17/1997 #43196  
 p.m. a metallic ovoid object flew across the sky in West Chester, Pennsylv 5/5/1997 #43289  
hes a large ball of light, 30 feet across, follow the ship’s course low ove 6/1997 #43307  
:45 PDT a large orange object flew across the sky over Bothell, Washington. 6/6/1997 #43316  
mateur astronomer. 4 spheres weave across moons face. 2-3 course correction 6/17/1997 #43324  
nitoba. It has many rows of lights across its surface and is “lavender and  11/17/1997 #43446  
ring a luminous glow spread slowly across the surface of the object. It fle 3/30/1998 #43539  
view for 20 minutes, before flying across the lake and into the Andes Mount 5/16/1998 #43568  
white, balloon-like objects moving across the sky into a large cloud, pausi 6/25/1998 #43593  
airplane." It hovered, than zipped across the sky in two seconds.           8/29/1998 #43639  
 Columbia observed an object shoot across the sky, hover, then depart strai 9/3/1998 #43640  
n he sees an object moving quickly across the road. Five minutes later he s 11/6/1998 #43676  
 triangular object silently moving across the sky through the maple trees.  4/7/1999 #43754  
center was seen moving very slowly across the sky in Melbourne, Victoria. I 6/12/1999 #43785  
c, to which he replied he had come across the name of the organization, but 7/31/1999 #43815  
ee lights in a line moved silently across the sky. It disappeared behind a  10/23/1999 #43864  
O with a tail like a parabola flew across the sky from the northwest to the 12/19/1999 #43900  
loud came through her screen door, across the kitchen, blocked her TV, and  1/12/2000 #43924  
ted object moved from west to east across a cloudy sky at 6:30 p.m. It made 1/23/2000 #43932  
d four objects that stopped moving across the sky at 9:30 p.m. and then bac 1/29/2000 #43936  
nila, the Philippines were walking across the company parking lot to their  3/12/2000 #43966  
some 300 feet away. The UFO shoots across the road at “incredible speed,” t 3/30/2000 #43971  
 feet away from them. The UFO shot across the road at "incredible speed", t 3/30/2000 #43973  
 "8", rose vertically very quickly across a great distance, and then disapp 9/19/2000 #44042  
straight up. Next, she was floated across the floor and out the front door, 10/15/2000 #44058  
veing. Each light was 10-20 meters across and round in shape. They followed 12/13/2000 #44102  
ach other.  It flew low and slowly across the sky, over a residential neigh 8/15/2001 #44234  
At 2:15 a.m. a bright light moving across the city of Mount Gambier, South  9/9/2001 #44254  
haped object, about six-eight feet across, was seen in Market Drayton, Shro 9/16/2001 #44261  
was seen traveling at a high speed across rainy sky at 8:30 p.m. in Ozaukee 10/31/2001 #44270  
ment or triangle craft that “jump” across the sky.  https://www.amazon.com/ 11/3/2001 #44271  
tnessed a brightly lit object move across the sky chased by F-16 fighters.  12/1/2001 #44280  
unlit dark disc-shaped object move across the highway at 8:45 p.m.  He poin 1/26/2002 #44311  
 on one object, which slowly moved across the road. They turned off the hig 6/8/2002 #44349  
 four followed a curved trajectory across the sky until out of sight.       8/25/2002 #44386  
ginia saw a bright light streaking across the sky. Stopped van, watched it  9/15/2002 #44399  
ky. Stopped van, watched it travel across sky at an extremely high rate of  9/15/2002 #44399  
telescope. 2 disks going northeast across sun. 4 second(s) each. 30 second( 10/5/2002 #44415  
30 p.m. a triangle-shaped UFO flew across the sky toward the mountains in A 11/1/2002 #44433  
aw a triangular craft zip silently across the sky at 6:25 a.m.              12/2/2002 #44458  
leven or more bright objects moved across the sky in formation in clear day 1/4/2003 #44467  
center for a second, then continue across. It was grayish in color and it w 1/22/2003 #44477  
ke a cruise missile” flies swiftly across snow-covered fields near Raymore, 2/19/2003 #44494  
 like a cruise missile, flew north across the fields of Raymore, Saskatchew 2/19/2003 #44495  
om a giant sphere perhaps 100 feet across approaching them from the south.  4/2003 #44508  
alley he saw a dwarfish figure run across the street between two cars. It w 4/18/2003 #44515  
 a silent triangular object moving across the sky at 10:00 p.m. It had a di 5/1/2003 #44520  
        A pulsating light "danced" across the sky at 10:15 p.m. in Holland, 5/4/2003 #44525  
y next saw 20 to 30 lights zooming across the sky. These all stopped at the 7/12/2003 #44563  
ights in the sky at night, dashing across the sky.                          7/12/2003 #44563  
 had gone for a short evening walk across the fields of Barnoldswick, Lanca 7/16/2003 #44565  
a.m., a beam of white light arches across the sky from horizon to horizon a 7/28/2003 #44568  
 vast robot, which started walking across the countryside. She believed the 9/3/2003 #44592  
 2:30 a.m. EST a bright light shot across the sky from the horizon up. It m 12/23/2003 #44631  
different multicolored lights flew across the Denver skyline and was viewed 12/23/2003 #44631  
ace, estimated to be maybe 30 feet across, was sighted in Fort Myers, Flori 1/4/2004 #44647  
 light moving steadily and rapidly across the ocean toward the east. In Sai 1/17/2004 #44651  
 saw a orange sphere moving slowly across the sky in repeated figure eight  1/30/2004 #44658  
claims that while at HUD, she came across evidence to suggest IT/accounting 6/2004 #44706  
s the beach sending beams of light across the bay, and made an electrical h 6/9/2004 #44709  
 he lost consciousness. He woke up across his yard, with unusual marks on h 8/26/2004 #44743  
he lights were hovering in the sky across the Willamette River. They distin 9/3/2004 #44746  
he lights were hovering in the sky across the Willamette River. They distin 9/5/2004 #44748  
ray shape, moving quickly, quietly across the sky” above Fulton Street in S 9/12/2004 #44755  
ere was a ribbed structure running across the bottom of the object. As it p 10/2/2004 #44766  
V-shaped object that moved quickly across the sky between 10:20 and 10:30 p 10/27/2004 #44772  
hour before it moved fairly slowly across the treetops.                     11/8/2004 #44779  
colored spherical object zigzagged across the sky at a high rate of speed a 4/6/2005 #44823  
F-16s then fire four bright flares across the plane’s nose, and the two men 5/11/2005 #44840  
ish glow lighting up a wooded area across the highway. The light gets brigh 7/5/2005 #44851  
lly stationary, that moved quickly across a large area of the sky, dropping 9/7/2005 #44870  
 figure with glowing eyes that ran across the driveway. Petrified, they shu 1/30/2006 #44920  
gar-shaped craft that moved slowly across the sky, and then suddenly picked 10/6/2006 #44972  
:25 p.m. It sped up, then streaked across the sky.                          1/24/2007 #45001  
red lights was sighted moving fast across the sky in Orangeville, Ontario.  4/22/2007 #45020  
ights to be “up to possibly a mile across.” Radar traces also seem to regis 4/23/2007 #45022  
:30 p.m., zig-zagging and dancing "across the sky".                         5/4/2007 #45026  
red, spinning and moving very fast across the sky. Finally, at 11:15 p.m. a 8/4/2007 #45042  
ircular light was seen zig-zagging across the sky over Worthing, West Susse 8/4/2007 #45042  
rglow was spotted moving very fast across the sky in Palm Harbor, Florida.  9/20/2007 #45062  
 black triangular craft maneuvered across the sky from the horizon and then 9/20/2007 #45063  
igar-shaped object was seen moving across the sky near an odd, stationary d 11/29/2007 #45098  
bject that flipped over as it flew across the sky in Popkum, British Columb 1/26/2008 #45114  
 it was moving slowly and silently across the sky.                          2/12/2008 #45119  
 Air Force and the CIA in missions across Afghanistan and the Middle East.  3/5/2008 #45124  
 did see a large white light sweep across the sky while walking the dogs.   4/12/2008 #45127  
 searches on UFOs triple overnight across the globe.                        5/12/2008 #45137  
ped up, slowed down, and zigzagged across the sky in New London, Minnesota  7/30/2008 #45153  
n Sulejówek, Poland, when he comes across a triangular object with lights a 11/17/2008 #45188  
at 12:40 p.m., then began to glide across the sky without making any noise. 12/2/2008 #45195  
 or mitre hat-shaped object moving across the sky, silently.                8/18/2009 #45237  
four lights was seen moving slowly across the sky in Centerville, Montgomer 10/29/2009 #45250  
 Northumberland, England a 40-foot across black boomerang shaped object wit 5/12/2010 #45280  
l in shape and red in color, moved across the northern sky, hovered, then f 5/16/2010 #45282  
dible photo shows an arc streaking across the sky around sunset and that th 7/7/2010 #45286  
 feet away from him, which floated across the ground and then rose up into  8/18/2010 #45294  
out 30–50 feet long and 15–30 feet across and completely silent. It disappe 6/6/2011 #45328  
ht of a street light. It stretched across the three left lanes of the highw 1/30/2012 #45338  
 feet in diameter move very slowly across the freeway just above the utilit 8/20/2013 #45384  
ationary. They are also spread out across an area approximately 40 to 50 mi 3/13/2018 #45523  
erve three mysterious lights flash across the sky at great speed, each of w 2/10/2019 #45561  
re estimated to be at least 2 feet across, ruling out commercial drones. Th 9/29/2019 #45610  
ph when the first officer, looking across to the left side of the cockpit,  3/19/2020 #45639  
formation sharing and coordination across the Intelligence Community has be 6/23/2020 #45649  
ue Eilzondo states he did not come across any evidence of UAP programs whil 9/2/2021 #45706  
nalyst John Ramirez states he came across a lot of people inside the Agency 1/30/2022 #45736  
in UAP but he claims he never came across an official UAP program, also sta 1/30/2022 #45736  
 that to this point they have come across no “holdings” that there have bee 12/17/2022 #45786  
## Word: "act" (Back to Top)
ent Truman signs the Atomic Energy Act, transferring the control of atomic  8/1/1946 #2097  
 2 observer(s). Ducks and chickens act up. Bright metal saucers going quick 4/1947 #2252  
ecting link between them, but they act as though the leading disc has a mot 6/24/1947 #2397  
Truman signs the National Security Act, a major restructuring of the milita 7/26/1947 #3233  
 comes from wealthy Americans. The act creates the first black military and 7/26/1947 #3233  
encies under the National Security Act takes effect. The US Army Air Forces 9/18/1947 #3403  
rts, but to collect, evaluate, and act on the information. He establishes P 12/30/1947 #3516  
an used the Freedom of Information Act to procure a previously classified c 12/3/1950 #5314  
 soon… If you believe us, you will act accordingly.”                        9/11/1952 #7894  
 the motor coughs and continues to act roughly after the UFO had gone. Whit 1/29/1954 #9512  
 tells him he has been selected to act as the Primary Terrestrial Channel f 5/8/1954 #9763  
Belgium in Uccle announces it will act as a clearinghouse for UFO reports.  10/10/1954 #10891  
ng [to] over car. Motor and lights act up. Going quickly northwest. / r242p 11/3/1957 #14231  
A, GHANA Many observer(s). Animals act up. Night light rises / sea. Back 10 4/9/1958 #14966  
ng the people. Any sudden, hostile act against a nation left in relative ig 2/27/1960 #16186  
ps who believe in spaceships as an act of pure faith.” Keyhoe repeatedly ch 12/5/1960 #16526  
k about the incident afterward and act as if nothing happened.              Late 10/1962 #17496  
 WA Ringing noise. Dogs and horses act up. Concentric rings / field. / Flyi 8/21/1964 #18501  
        The Freedom of Information Act, requiring the full or partial discl 7/4/1966 #20630  
ge them under the Official Secrets Act if they reveal the sighting publicly 9/1966 #20825  
he curtains repeated their opening act, and the light intensity increased s 1/25/1967 #21388  
in he disappears. As the vanishing act repeats again, the boys hear a deep- 1/28/1967 #21409  
f the UFO problem, but it does not act on the recommendation.               6/7/1967 #22478  
secution under the Canada Evidence Act. Nevertheless, the Colorado Committe 7/3/1967 #22600  
 the project. Condon says, “For an act like that, you deserve to be ruined  2/7/1968 #23739  
ly [to] over. Magnetic instruments act up. 2 power outages.                 10/7/1968 #24547  
to, files a Freedom of Information Act request with Homestead AFB. Bryant r 2/19/1973 #27298  
shington DC Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) renewed                       1974 #28624  
ject unless it initiated a hostile act.”                                    4/1974 #28983  
mmission The Energy Reorganization Act dissolves the Atomic Energy Commissi 10/11/1974 #29522  
e light. As it passes over, horses act up and a dog tries to grab one witne 10/15/1974 #29531  
              Congress The Privacy Act, signed into law by President Gerald 12/31/1974 #29666  
f records by federal agencies. The act also provides individuals with a mea 12/31/1974 #29666  
 high x 1.5M wide. Dogs scared and act funny. Traces.                       9/24/1975 #30383  
eville, Tennessee his dog began to act strangely, and Fender felt "like som 1/27/1977 #31761  
om this point on the car seemed to act of its own accord, reversing, and th 2/5/1978 #32957  
through the Freedom of Information Act, lawsuits against government agencie 4/1978 #33110  
A using the Freedom of Information Act for release of UFO documents. It rec 4/1978 #33110  
equently". They also said "We just act as a sounding board and pass on the  7/9/1978 #33357  
 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act creates a “secret federal court” (Fo 10/25/1978 #33874  
Force,” the engine and the windows act up again as the UFO moves directly o 4/12/1979 #34508  
nto R. / 3 minute(s). Many animals act up.                                  5/25/1979 #34575  
ments of the resource conservation act against the Air Force.               1980's #35108  
IOLATED the Freedom of Information Act by hiding Government documents.” Maj 9/4/1987 #38278  
th Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos to act as a civilian consultant on the decl 11/16/1992 #40714  
 Department of Energy Organization Act of 1977 or thereafter that allow DOE 1994 #41349  
r to a full freedom of information act.                                     4/1994 #41469  
“A Secret Air Base Hazardous Waste Act, Workers’ Suit Alleges U.S. Cites Na 2/8/1996 #42747  
     The UK Freedom of Information Act 2000 is given royal assent but will  11/30/2000 #44092  
tly after 6:00 p.m. near Canberra, ACT, Australia, a man and woman, Hans an 9/25/2001 #44264  
  UK The UK Freedom of Information Act 2000 comes into full force. Around 1 1/1/2005 #44806  
tember 2005 Freedom of Information Act request by David Clarke and Gary Ant 5/15/2006 #44942  
g in the 2008 Supplemental Funding Act directed to the DIA Directorate of A Fall 2007? #45070  
. Moreover, Freedom Of Information Act requests cannot penetrate Unacknowle 2018 #45498  
ates The United States Space Force Act, part of the National Defense Author 12/20/2019 #45622  
the National Defense Authorization Act for 2020, is signed, creating an ind 12/20/2019 #45622  
 Senate Intelligence Authorization Act, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), acting c 6/23/2020 #45649  
 warning and gives them no time to act. After landing, the crew informs Air 9/1/2020 #45660  
ll—the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021—containing a number of long-an 12/27/2020 #45670  
ding an Intelligence Authorization Act for 2021. The latter contains a subh 12/27/2020 #45670  
d by Neurological Attacks (HAVANA) Act is signed by President Joe Biden. It 10/8/2021 #45715  
er some trees. Their car begins to act funny and the check-engine light com 11/8/2021 #45720  
the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2022. It includes an amendmen 12/27/2021 #45730  
the National Defense Authorization Act, which calls on the military to prov 5/17/2022 #45750  
023 National Defense Authorization Act (H.R. 7776) are published and there  12/6/2022 #45785  
ified under the 1954 Atomic Energy Act.  A third disputed document also all 12/17/2022 #45787  
classified under the Atomic Energy Act and mentions six crash recoveries of 12/17/2022 #45787  
AA (National Defense Authorization Act) into law, containing UFO whistleblo 12/23/2022 #45791  
## Word: "acted" (Back to Top)
uman and were 1.65 meters tall but acted robotic in many ways. He claimed h 12/4/1949 #4435  
n the ground on three spheres that acted like landing gear. He was invited  8/18/1953 #9081  
ies with large eyes and heads. One acted as their guide or interpreter, and 9/19/1961 #16858  
dogs and cows in the neighborhood "acted odd." (Tennessee NICAP Subcommitte 10/12/1966 #20996  
't have any accent or anything. He acted like he knew exactly what he was s 11/17/1966 #21119  
ater company, visited her. The men acted nervous and seemed surprised that  1/29/1968 #23708  
 a buzzing sound. Dogs on the farm acted stunned and disoriented.           9/19/1970 #25842  
y attention to the small discs. It acted offended by the intrusion and turn 3/1/1974 #28842  
 home. On arrival he found his dog acted strangely toward him, snarling and 3/13/1977 #31906  
ms he was there, the recovery team acted like it had seen that type of inci 1/18/1978 #32895  
the poplar trees in the forest. He acted in a strange fashion and proceeded 10/31/1990 #39822  
rm home. When he got back his dogs acted aggressively toward him, as if the 11/30/2000 #44094  
## Word: "acting" (Back to Top)
, Wisconsin, when his horse begins acting up. He sees a large, dark, dirigi Mid Summer 1900 #641  
 when he notices that his horse is acting strangely. He dismounts and walks Summer 1910 #840  
the council’s policies, while also acting as “useful listening posts” throu 1938 #1279  
ny Bavarian Alps England 9:45 a.m. Acting Squadron Leader Kit Francis Willi 4/25/1945 #1854  
en London Cmdr. Robert A. Winston, acting naval attaché in Stockholm, Swede 9/12/1946 #2180  
rmy Air Field Alamogordo 3:00 a.m. Acting on what he claims are orders from 7/5/1947 #2718  
anch and examine the debris field. Acting on orders from Major General Clem 7/6/1947 #2812  
, Tennessee John Derry, serving as acting general manager of the Atomic Ene 8/9/1947 #3308  
. Col. Malcolm D. Seashore, former acting chief of the Analysis Section at  10/21/1947 #3465  
           Capt. Richard W. Geuss, acting assistant adjutant general, write 2/4/1948 #3574  
n, Florida Witnesses: Capt. Sames, acting chief of the Aircraft Branch, Egl 1/27/1949 #3980  
–11:20 p.m. Capt. Eckerman Sannes, acting chief of the Aircraft Branch at E 1/27/1949 #3981  
pecialist Dr. Stefan T. Possony as acting chief, and Lt. Col. F. Sterling a 4/24/1952 #6179  
Pentagon office of Stefan Possony, acting chief of the Directorate of Intel Early 5/1952 #6249  
he scientist as Stefan T. Possony, acting chief of the AFOIN Special Study  Mid 7/1952 #6829  
/Intelligence from Ralph L. Clark, Acting Assistant Director of Scientific  7/29/1952 #7273  
                   Ralph L. Clark, acting assistant director of the CIA Off 7/29/1952 #7325  
   Langley, Virginia CIA Memo from acting Chief of Weapons and Equipment Di 8/1/1952 #7386  
ssifed on 2/20/2000, Edward Tauss, acting chief of OSI's Weapons and Equipm 8/1/1952 #7387  
                     Edward Tauss, acting chief of the Weapons and Equipmen 8/1/1952 #7409  
   Presque Isle Chadwell tells CIA Acting Deputy Director for Intelligence  12/16/1952 #8426  
rns to Project Blue Book as either acting chief or consultant until August  7/20/1953 #9008  
ly, leaving Max Futch in charge as acting chief through December.           8/31/1953 #9124  
death, Olson quits his position as acting chief of the Special Operations D 11/28/1953 #9324  
s being watched. Also, his dog was acting peculiar and the hairs on his dog 7/17/1955 #12267  
ty, and toddler son Mark. They are acting in response to a series of Willia 12/2/1956 #13384  
 other personnel authorized by the Acting Chief of Staff, G-2, this headqua 1/31/1957 #13479  
  US Maj. Gen. Richard E. O’Keefe, acting inspector general of the Air Forc 12/24/1959 #16133  
                             NICAP Acting Director Richard H. Hall meets wi 1/19/1965 #18748  
nother stable worker heard a horse acting up again, and as he approached th 9/22/1967 #23115  
Glenwood, Missouri noticed her dog acting strangely and attempting to hide  3/6/1969 #24977  
oseph Bryan III, who takes over as acting president.                        12/3/1969 #25483  
ort that their dogs are afraid and acting up. An order to fire on the objec 10/1973 #27902  
oving in and out of an opening and acting interested in the terrain. (Ouran 2/14/1974 #28770  
e of the chickens and rabbits were acting panicky, running around strangely 11/15/1974 #29597  
   ATF agent Donald E. Flickinger, acting on information supplied to him by 1975 #29679  
opped his car. His dog was by then acting quite agitated. Suddenly, without 1/27/1977 #31761  
 The cows in the nearby field were acting very disturbed. Her skin prickled 9/26/1977 #32522  
d, when he notices that his dog is acting strangely. He looks up and sees a 2/1978 #32937  
eleven o'clock her small dog began acting strangely by running around in ci 7/11/1978 #33368  
ton, Virginia. His CB radio starts acting up, giving out a noise that gets  8/29/1979 #34803  
is time his dogs began barking and acting strangely. His wife became fright 2/13/1981 #35827  
road, and the car's occupants were acting strangely. In a daze, all four oc 7/31/1987 #38221  
ion. Moments later their cat began acting strangely and the television scre 7/21/1991 #40129  
ing that all the farm animals were acting agitated. He went to bed, but mom 12/4/1991 #40254  
to their house. Their cat was also acting very agitated. Her husband, Franc 4/27/1998 #43559  
 that their dog was trembling, and acting very lethargic.                   5/1/2003 #44520  
rtains. The next day her dogs were acting strangely and there was a local p 5/17/2004 #44703  
om left to right. Her cellphone is acting crazy and she thinks the sea is r 7/13/2006 #44950  
fford, Virginia when they starting acting very aggresively. The older femal 8/29/2007 #45050  
on Act, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), acting chairman of the Senate Intelligen 6/23/2020 #45649  
loons—or they are playing along by acting like they do not know, which coul 4/15/2021 #45682  
## Word: "actiniomycete" (Back to Top)
an organism called Actinomycetales actiniomycete nocardia, which is an inte 11/2/1971 #26450  
## Word: "actinolite" (Back to Top)
as walking through a local park in Actinolite, Ontario, Canada along with s 9/26/1973 #27872  
## Word: "actinomycetales" (Back to Top)
 in the soil of an organism called Actinomycetales actiniomycete nocardia,  11/2/1971 #26450  
## Word: "action" (Back to Top)
about 2 miles away. It repeats the action twice then disappears.            3/12/1916 #945  
ter Per Albin Hansson, asking what action the government plans to take abou 1/27/1934 #1197  
he instruction: “Pa, this requires action!”                                 8/2/1939 #1313  
ted to the stress of the hour-long action. The incident is front-page news  2/24/1942 #1388  
ring at it. Sabiński takes evasive action, but the object keeps pacing him. 6/25/1942 #1422  
 followed aircraft through evasive action. (Page 56 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Avi 1/29/1944 #1565  
 of the aircraft. He takes evasive action with his Lancaster, but the objec 4/26/1944 #1593  
diameter, followed through evasive action. (Page 157-158 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11  4/3/1945 #1837  
owed two blips engaging in evasive action, which soon outdistanced the P-61 4/18/1945 #1848  
emember any reports of any hostile action by these objects and the reports  7/1945 #1886  
feet and takes controlled, evasive action. The plane pursues it for 40 minu 1/16/1947 #2228  
king violently” and taking evasive action. After 20 minutes, the target des 1/17/1947 #2231  
y to know about it and take proper action.” Occultist Ole J. Sneide from Sa 7/4/1947 #2654  
bility (particularly in roll), and action which must be considered evasive. 9/23/1947 #3417  
Directive 10/2, calling for covert action against the USSR, and granting th 6/18/1948 #3673  
conomic warfare, preventive direct action, including sabotage, antisabotage 9/1/1948 #3794  
 check on it, but it takes evasive action and he duels with it for 10 minut 11/18/1948 #3883  
ly serious stage and some positive action is necessary.” He does not send t 5/6/1949 #4159  
directive of January 12, 1950. The action reflects the increasing interest  9/8/1950 #5172  
ting at UFOs. He says that hostile action might alienate us from “beings of 7/29/1952 #7326  
on course. The KC-97 takes evasive action. Later [at 8:20 p.m.? 9:20 p.m.?] 3/5/1954 #9598  
collision course. He takes evasive action and radios the other jet pilots t 3/25/1954 #9643  
 and demands that ATIC press legal action against contactees Truman Bethuru 6/7/1954 #9872  
bvious hoaxers and need no special action. But he lets slip that USAF fight 6/7/1954 #9872  
f, G-2. Hoover writes, “No further action is being taken in this matter by  7/24/1954 #10046  
Bissell Jr. secures a presidential action adding the Groom Lake area in Nev 4/1955 #12077  
essive and that no “tail-chase” or action on the part of the target occurre 8/13/1956 #13080  
NEAR AZORES Airliner takes evasive action. White night light passes 40' / p 8/16/1956 #13091  
 Makes Passes / DC-4 Takes Evasive Action (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code 8/16/1956 #13093  
merican Airways pilot took evasive action as fiery round, greenish-white ob 3/9/1957 #13536  
nville, FL DC-6A Crew Take Evasive Action (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code 3/9/1957 #13537  
s lost to sight during the evasive action. Ed Perry, piloting Pan Am Flight 3/9/1957 #13540  
 the incident: “Pilot took evasive action, object appeared to have a brilli 3/9/1957 #13540  
ire, England. After taking evasive action, Sweeney tries to approach the ob 10/21/1957 #14139  
he Air Force Office of Legislative Action to discuss the possibility of hol 1/1958 #14791  
 of State for Air George Ward what action is taken to identify unexplained  7/30/1958 #15163  
 down before Killian takes evasive action, then rejoins the other two. Kill 2/24/1959 #15604  
 paper titled “A Program of Covert Action against the Castro Regime.” The o 3/17/1960 #16200  
 clear sky. Unable to take evasive action, Vogt can only stare as the objec 5/10/1961 #16681  
ss urging “immediate congressional action to reduce the dangers from secrec 8/22/1961 #16800  
ing weapons to Cuba; and “military action directed against Cuba, starting w 10/16/1962 #17475  
urse. The pilot twice took evasive action. A third light joined the first t 2/25/1964 #18137  
ion course. Thompson takes evasive action, and the light makes a right turn 8/18/1964 #18497  
on.” Richard Helms coordinates the action. The CIA considers its role in th 9/4/1964 #18533  
sc-shaped object while shooting an action film from a helicopter. The telev 4/15/1966 #20300  
ating Committee, the Revolutionary Action Movement, the Deacons for Defense 8/1967 #22770  
fc.nasa.gov/nmc/spacecraft/display.action?id=1968-022A     Note: The presen 3/1968 #23799  
jet. Before Brown can take evasive action, it moves off to the right. A den 10/23/1972 #27087  
our-engine prop plane took evasive action to avoid collision with strange,  10/1973 #27898  
age New York Times article. Covert action programs involving assassination  12/22/1974 #29657  
 he advises Riddle to take evasive action, the object turns orange and shoo 8/14/1975 #30270  
s east-northeast of the base. This action lasts for 40 minutes when, sudden 10/27/1975 #30488  
n to follow the F-4. After evasive action by the F-4, the smaller UFO retur 9/19/1976 #31396  
o manual. It seems to take evasive action by stopping, starting, and descen 2/19/1978 #32981  
any states and it requires federal action. About 200 people attend, includi 4/20/1979 #34517  
on Agency failed to take necessary action to enforce the requirements of th 1980's #35108  
f the glider, and he takes evasive action. It is an isosceles triangle shap 5/16/1980 #35336  
                          US Civil Action, Case #80–1562, goes against the  11/3/1981 #36205  
osmodrome is said to be put out of action for two weeks.                    6/1/1982 #36489  
t, Director of CAUS, filed a Civil Action, Case #83–1932 (Judge Oliver Gasc 6/24/1983 #36891  
ryant contends that the Government action in maintaining secret custody, de 6/24/1983 #36891  
US military, which has been out of action for 10 years.                     10/25/1983 #37016  
e time was observed taking evasive action and veered to avoid a collision w 4/20/1986 #37829  
em. As he prepared to take evasive action the UFO passed quickly to the lef 5/11/1986 #37861  
ped) following them. As an evasive action the Capt. ordered the 747 to turn 11/17/1986 #38068  
s, which is forced to take evasive action. The two objects then head north  11/5/1990 #39867  
 no-fly zones are put in place, an action that some UFO researchers later f 3/24/1997 #43239  
the ring. They kept repeating this action." Next, a second object came and  9/11/2000 #44038  
he armed Predator does not go into action before the September 11 attacks.  Early 6/2001 #44190  
s. The next thing he remembers all action suddenly stopped, and his car was 2/13/2003 #44490  
an easterly direction. No avoiding action is needed, but the incident is re 5/5/2018 #45526  
AP work after recent Congressional action; he also states the “silo approac 8/3/2022 #45761  
d bill to grant a private cause of action for persons who feel they’ve suff 12/6/2022 #45785  
## Word: "actions" (Back to Top)
 B-24 through all sorts of evasive actions.                                 5/3/1945 #1862  
 state, and the NSC, and the OPC’s actions are a secret even from the head  6/18/1948 #3673  
ibility for coordination of covert actions to representatives of the Secret 12/28/1954 #11868  
 disc was seen performing the same actions about one minute later. The take 10/4/1955 #12488  
fide group, and instigates hostile actions through third parties, such as e 8/1956 #13042  
f whom suffer permanently from his actions. His treatments result in victim 2/1957 #13481  
ematically conducting “provocative actions” against Soviet vessels around C 1/12/1961 #16577  
tchen lights repeat their previous actions.                                 2/28/1961 #16615  
at them to ward them off. The same actions are repeated all night. Near daw 9/5/1964 #18539  
took to be guards. Their dress and actions were like normal people, but the 6/30/1968 #24097  
ent of the lights synchronize with actions of the observers. They appear to 4/1973 #27397  
out 4 feet tall performing various actions. Assuming them to be boy scouts, 10/6/1973 #27960  
ppeared. The witness could see the actions of his double through this scree 2/28/1974 #28825  
ally again. People continued their actions from the point when they had bee 7/12/1975 #30175  
that the craft has flown over. All actions produce no results. The craft br 10/27/1975 #30488  
and it moved in small wavy pulsing actions, spinning as it went. At the sam 11/23/1977 #32694  
age/120/mode/2up     Note: AFOSI’s actions against U.S. citizens reduced tr 1980's? #35109  
ic hospital as a result of AFOSI’s actions. Sen. Peter Domenici met with AF 11/17/1980 #35646  
m. She had a strong sense that her actions were being controlled by them, a 3/19/1995 #42112  
inistration and later the possible actions of Hillary Clinton’s team in rel 3/31/1995 #42130  
nt is not held accountable for its actions, and the public cannot engage in 3/3/1997 #43217  
claims while she was at HUD, AMS’s actions led to $76 billion in undocument 6/2004 #44706  
s known as “unsubstantiated change actions.” Woodford and a colleague Jeff  11/18/2013 #45396  
## Word: "activate" (Back to Top)
ing system for UFO's. The trackers activate alarms when radar spots UFO's a 3/23/1985 #37573  
## Word: "activated" (Back to Top)
n, US The Western Defense Command, activated on 3/17/1941, is deactivated   3/6/1946 #1975  
e IPU put on Red Alert and the ADC activated the local military units when  3/25/1948 #3596  
e US Air Force Security Service is activated at Arlington Hall in Washingto 10/20/1948 #3848  
 A recording geiger counter was so activated at the times of these sighting 11/25/1949 #4425  
r Intelligence Service Squadron is activated under ADC to collect air comba 3/1/1952 #5941  
nd inner-zone intrusion alarms are activated at the remote missile Launch F 10/24/1968 #24587  
ng at about 20 meters altitude. He activated a special camera on the patrol 8/13/1975 #30257  
 Martin RQ-170 Sentinel drones, is activated at Tonopah Test Range Airport  9/1/2005 #44867  
w that at around 10:00 p.m. it had activated its own SNOOPIE team. Reports  7/14/2019 #45592  
incident. Its SNOOPIE team remains activated until 3:27 a.m. Ships’ logs sh 7/30/2019 #45600  
## Word: "activates" (Back to Top)
er in the cage that, when pressed, activates the stimoceiver in the bully a 1952 #5837  
ve his jet. He banks toward it and activates the gun camera, but the UFO ac 3/25/1954 #9643  
e light, it seems to be scared and activates a backpack that lets it climb  7/12/1977 #32264  
west perhaps 3 miles away. Collins activates the MSQ-102 Radar. After a 20- 5/14/1978 #33210  
t is flying at Mach 1.6. The pilot activates his infrared search and track  Spring 1984 #37231  
speed, a hydromechanical inhibitor activates, preventing him from disengagi 4/26/1984 #37301  
Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field, activates the Joint Unmanned Aerial Syst 10/2005 #44882  
, California. The ship immediately activates its photo expert team (SNOOPIE 7/14/2019 #45592  
## Word: "activation" (Back to Top)
sity of Texas at Austin. A neutron activation survey indicates high concent 10/23/1973 #28250  
n of Project Moon Dust might be in activation, which could explain reports  1/23/1974 #28694  
## Word: "active" (Back to Top)
ure(s) with lights inside. Volcano active.                                  4/1812 (approximate) #105  
nd World War, Byrd was recalled to active duty in 1940 and assigned to the  1939 #1302  
adre of brain trust from the still active Office of Scientific Research and 7/3/1946 #2025  
transferred. The only persons left active on the project are two of the low 1/1949 #3950  
cully is the same man who has been active in communist activities since the 10/13/1950 #5224  
intelligence background becomes an active supporter and tries to lead the L 1/1952 #5853  
rols,” and the two others are also active. For 5 minutes, they appear to be 6/1956 #12880  
s later renamed Department A (for “active measures”). It specializes in the 1959 #15513  
s province. Kennedy authorizes the active departments to report progress.   1/28/1961 #16590  
ey Hill, a biracial married couple active in the Civil Rights movement, wer 9/19/1961 #16858  
ietnam Nha Trang, Vietnam: At this active Army Base at about 9:45 p.m., wha Summer 1966 #20590  
tly afterwards, many aircraft were active in the sky. (U.F.O. Investigator, 1/5/1967 #21256  
 UFOs, urges scientists to take an active role in investigations, and confi 1/6/1967 #21267  
ere are persistent rumors about an active support of the coup by the US gov 4/21/1967 #22193  
ion between Low and Condon and the active investigators, and the failure of 1/31/1968 #23714  
rivate letter sent to BSRF from an active duty USAF pilot asking for inform 1970's #25515  
sonnel who performed their initial active duty for training in the late 195 7/12/1973 #27631  
a mainframe, so it is removed from active use and stored on tape.           1976 #30742  
 Jenkins and Raeke are real and on active duty, but everything else about t 11/16/1977 #32677  
ndium of photos of many ufologists active in the mid-1970s.                 1978 #32825  
c information projects. It remains active through 2011.                     8/1/1979 #34698  
er Navy SEAL reported encountering active Navy SEALs at a lunch counter in  12/10/1979 #35066  
hat the trace, which appears on an active road, looks like one made by a ca 1/8/1981 #35779  
le/box-like craft hovers 300' over active vent. Big coverup. / r1p140.      7/24/1984 #37409  
 UFO hovered only 300 feet over an active vent of the Indian Point Nuclear  7/24/1984 #37410  
 UFO hovered only 300 feet over an active vent of the Indian Point Nuclear  7/24/1984 #37414  
e of these reports until he leaves active duty in 1985. In August 1986, “Jo 10/28/1986 #38056  
e alive and the parking lot became active."                                 1/19/1988 #38417  
an Caviness” claims when he was on active duty with the US Navy at Cecil Fi 1/1989 #38774  
y didn’t think a black project was active, but it is unknown if they were o 9/17/1989 #39112  
entist states the project is still active at the time of disclosure (1990), 1990 #39358  
s National Park The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP)  1993 #40778  
ealers discussed in the series are active. They respond with outrage to the 8/18/1996 #42985  
hnology Assessment Group (ADST) is active, and studies exotic propulsion me 2001 #44112  
 company’s state filings are still active but its website is no longer onli 3/2004 #44671  
 be disentangled and could uncover active/recent projects related to Rendle 3/13/2015 #45435  
sics, beamed energy propulsion and active camouflage. As of TTSA’s last pro 7/2018 #45532  
ormation or technology related to “active camouflage” for testing and analy 10/17/2019 #45612  
UAP incursions and encounters with active military deployments.             5/1/2020 #45645  
 could represent defunct or still- active “extraterrestrial technological c 7/26/2021 #45700  
nally and he was told there was an active program to reverse engineer the t 9/3/2021 #45707  
ist called Ning Li…there is a very active anti-gravity program…I’m told the 5/2022 #45746  
Other intelligence officials, both active and retired, with knowledge of th 6/5/2023 #45798  
## Word: "active-duty" (Back to Top)
ol superintendent and the other an active-duty Air Force sergeant. They all Late 11/1961 #16978  
## Word: "actively" (Back to Top)
e in Evanston, Illinois. He begins actively assisting Hynek in his UFO work 11/17/1963 #18047  
Government agencies, lead by NASA, actively investigate legitimate sighting 11/17/1980 #35644  
bit since 1957. 17,480 of them are actively tracked while 1,335 are lost. T 6/23/2019 #45587  
 detect anything while the crew is actively observing the object. As the ai 3/19/2020 #45639  
## Word: "actividades" (Back to Top)
    Argentina Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales The Argentine Air 1979 #34257  
Os within the Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales. It lasts until 1 1979 #34257  
## Word: "activism" (Back to Top)
ntended to counter the antinuclear activism of biochemist Linus Pauling.    3/28/1957 #13566  
## Word: "activist" (Back to Top)
 non-profit freedom of information activist group that advocates for the re 1977 #31646  
## Word: "activists" (Back to Top)
ts domestic peace and civil rights activists. It lasts until 1973, photogra 1/1952 #5854  
## Word: "activities" (Back to Top)
rine phenomena, hazards, and other activities. Among the reports collected  6/21/1866 #167  
hat “a complete survey of research activities discloses that the Army Air F 9/5/1947 #3385  
om the craft and engaged in repair activities.                              3/19/1950 #4683  
n who has been active in communist activities since the 1930s.              10/13/1950 #5224  
fice of Policy Coordination covert activities during the Korean War. The PS 4/4/1951 #5498  
a fictitious personal history. His activities were interrupted by prison se Summer 1951 #5549  
 annual report for MAJIC EYES ONLY ACTIVITIES that mention the recovery of  1952 #5845  
icially confirms the nature of the activities at Manzano Base [now part of  2/22/1952 #5920  
ogram of intelligence and research activities required to solve the problem 12/2/1952 #8363  
rk to maintain a reference file of activities of USAF and other agencies on 5/1953 #8851  
, Ohio, the next day to coordinate activities more closely. He reports that 1/13/1954 #9481  
igan, because of his flying saucer activities.                              11/22/1954 #11689  
ent is apparently unaware of these activities. Naomi Klein argues that Came 2/1957 #13481  
y 31, and the group’s writings and activities are watched for at least the  5/26/1957 #13680  
igative duties to the 1127th Field Activities Group of the 1006th AISS at N 7/1957 #13765  
ms are true and they encourage his activities.                              12/6/1957 #14678  
derwater photos, photos of the IGY activities, and the ship’s operations. T 1/16/1958 #14831  
igative duties to the 1127th Field Activities Group stationed at Fort Belvo 7/1959 #15807  
F and CIA reconnaissance satellite activities because of management problem 8/25/1960 #16415  
 a veteran of CIA counterespionage activities, is instructed to hire the Ma 9/1960 #16428  
the Implications of Peaceful Space Activities for Human Affairs. It is late 12/14/1960 #16532  
vely managing all DoD intelligence activities, and eliminating redundancies 10/1/1961 #16886  
he document gives the 1127th Field Activities Group at Ft. Belvoir responsi 11/13/1961 #16963  
to be unsuccessful in their repair activities at first, until a second disc 11/25/1964 #18638  
 to assist with “certain technical activities” to analyze cases, a declassi 4/3/1966 #20214  
redit, or otherwise neutralize the activities of black nationalist hate typ 8/1967 #22770  
, a Cuban exile turned CIA Special Activities Division operative, advised B 10/7/1967 #23190  
 1961 that states the 1127th Field Activities Group at Ft. Belvoir had resp 3/1968 #23799  
state and local leaders overseeing activities and investigations. Allen R.  5/31/1969 #25174  
 have been participants in Montauk activities too, though none provided any 1/1971 #25963  
all CIA officials to report on any activities that “might be construed to b 5/9/1973 #27472  
693-page report on “potential flap activities,” including surveillance of j 5/9/1973 #27472  
 by US ground forces. A Combat Air Activities file of 16 such incidents bet 10/16/1973 #28084  
 personnel listen in on the rescue activities from across the Texas border. 8/25/1974 #29386  
llect information on the political activities of US citizens.               12/22/1974 #29657  
y Jewels reports describe numerous activities conducted by the CIA during t 12/31/1974 #29665  
s a set of guidelines to limit the activities of the FBI. These guidelines  11/6/1975 #30567  
to its own intelligence collection activities, possibly indicating the Agen 4/26/1976 #31027  
 disruption in order to thwart the activities of civilian researchers.      11/1978 #33907  
because they are deemed “sensitive activities,” but he has heard rumors of  5/1979 #34532  
openly because they are “sensitive activities,” and claims the NSA may have 5/1979 #34533  
Soviet Communist Party forbids all activities of the BVPTS civilian UFO gro 12/1979 #35035  
is to protect the technologies and activities at Kirtland AFB.              11/17/1980 #35645  
g the expansion of data collection activities and later is employed by the  12/4/1981 #36247  
eer in order to plan their hunting activities. They see a lighted area low  10/28/1983 #37027  
o anyone they discuss UFO military activities with. Others in the “Aviary”  Fall 1986 #38034  
quires intensive monitoring of his activities. He and Mariani board a bus w 12/6/1988 #38748  
ion about Bennewitz’s thinking and activities. Moore suggests that Doty was 7/1/1989 #39002  
harshly critical review of Moore’s activities.                              9/1989 #39082  
retrievals and engaging in illegal activities, by putting radium in his too 9/28/1989 #39130  
gy Research Unit” that coordinates activities with DARPA, and some of their 2/21/1990 #39426  
ties with DARPA, and some of their activities are conducted under the Offic 2/21/1990 #39426  
age, and a variety of other covert activities associated with the Illuminat 1991 #39933  
roup all taken. Questioned / group activities.                              12/8/1992 #40744  
rently in charge, and directed the activities of the little men. Another me 2/11/1995 #42036  
ircular Forum have looked into the activities of the nearby Government Comm 3/1997 #43215  
balloons, and the unusual military activities were balloon launch-and-recov 6/24/1997 #43338  
 controls several facilities where activities have been detected.” It is un 10/1998 #43656  
ide of the normal range of program activities and only members of the intel 7/31/1999 #43815  
 explained by the effects of human activities (especially rockets and weath 2000 #43911  
s Defense Weekly admit “classified activities in gravity modification may e 7/29/2002 #44370  
plex space/counterspace analytical activities.”                             2/15/2003 #44491  
e campfire planning their next day activities. At around 9:20 p.m. they wer 6/14/2005 #44847  
detailed comments concerning their activities at Area 51.                   2013 #45356  
ervice for Air Force cryptographic activities. It is headquartered at Lackl 9/29/2014 #45415  
da National Security Site’s Area 6 activities for the first time publicly.  3/5/2016 #45445  
s County, Maryland, and conducting activities in the W-386 warning area, vi 2/13/2019 #45562  
y-Fifth Air Force for intelligence activities is merged with the 24th Air F 10/11/2019 #45611  
## Word: "activity" (Back to Top)
suspicion that this class of enemy activity ever existed” and that 89% of t 9/4/1915 #936  
                      Ethiopia UFO activity around Second Italo-Ethiopian W 1935 #1219  
port titled “A Note on Pyrotechnic Activity over Germany.” An unnamed Flak  9/25/1942 #1448  
tion of a new type of intelligence activity to investigate and exploit air  2/23/1944 #1577  
tes, after which it takes on some “activity.” Some 10–15 pieces of light be Summer 1945 #1881  
 French government on ghost rocket activity in Scandinavia. It states that  8/13/1946 #2127  
“Investigation of Reported Missile Activity over Scandinavia,” identifies e 9/9/1946 #2172  
ston, Texas Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg’s activity log: 1:10 p.m., answers a Toron 7/7/1947 #2933  
 of the Nation or any Governmental activity, or individual, or would cause  8/9/1947 #3308  
nidentified objects is a necessary activity of military intelligence agenci 2/11/1949 #4003  
incidents can be attributed to the activity of a foreign power or a science 2/18/1949 #4017  
telligence, HQ USAF, investigative activity on unidentified aerial incident 9/1/1949 #4343  
i claims he has seen increased UFO activity in the area (including a sighti 10/14/1949 #4395  
      NAS Millington Naval Support Activity Mid-South Tennessee Mississippi 7/11/1950 #5056  
 NAS Millington [now Naval Support Activity Mid-South] in Tennessee, across 7/11/1950 #5056  
e was no noise, no sign of life or activity, and no antenna or protrusion.  12/1951 #5802  
tection apparatus” in areas of UFO activity.                                3/26/1952 #5979  
cation” of ominous Soviet military activity. With the simultaneous appearan 4/16/1952 #6093  
 in a triangular formation. No jet activity is recorded over the airbase at 8/5/1952 #7468  
taff on the past few months of UFO activity at a lunch at the officer’s clu Late 9/1952 #8027  
tection apparatus” in areas of UAP activity, suggesting the MIT scientists  12/2/1952 #8364  
at “Many different types of aerial activity should be secretly and purposef 1/9/1953 #8521  
f electronic intelligence in radar activity that might indicate an imminent 10/20/1953 #9246  
 and “periods of intense meteorite activity.”                               1/28/1954 #9508  
 appeared to engage in some repair activity. Mr. Coupal and his oldest son  8/10/1954 #10119  
cause to an increase in “meteorite activity” and overseas translations of K 12/7/1954 #11772  
eld thinks might be related to UFO activity.                                7/1/1955 #12229  
 creatures grabs at his head. This activity continues the greater part of t 8/21/1955 #12386  
southwestern Ohio is to report UFO activity to CRIFO for screening. Screene 9/9/1955 #12444  
                   Mexico Much UFO activity and interest in Mexico.         1956 #12623  
            South America Much UFO activity in South America                1956 #12624  
ic attachment that includes sexual activity.                                4/7/1956 #12798  
hts saw…. Miami reports no missile activity…. Original reports of jet activ 3/9/1957 #13540  
activity…. Original reports of jet activity discounted.” The Air Force quic 3/9/1957 #13540  
ceanography, seismology, and solar activity. The timing of the IGY was part 7/1/1957 #13768  
cars and reported that all the UFO activity in Texas between Nov. 2–4 was t 11/5/1957 #14291  
rizona Big "flap" in Arizona. Much activity.                                3/1958 #14900  
embers queried as to status of UFO activity in respective countries         4/1958 #14951  
were again seen occupied with some activity on top of it. Father William Gi 6/27/1959 #15799  
ractor, while some apparent repair activity was performed on the hovering c 8/11/1960 #16370  
beams which heated up their house. Activity was taking place at the railroa 10/21/1963 #17995  
still cameras. In the event of UFO activity, the Operation ARGUS (Automated 1964 #18102  
rtical position with greater smoke activity. It stops and hangs there for 2 4/11/1964 #18169  
ored light. After 20 minutes of no activity, a man approached the car and s 6/5/1964 #18332  
 Gilbert goes up and sees the same activity.                                Late 1964 #18583  
t and appeared to engage in repair activity, working underneath the disc. T 11/25/1964 #18638  
A declassified USAF memo shows UAP activity at F. E. Warren AFB’s missile s 7/31/1965 #19225  
raft, as if in some type of repair activity. After a short while these figu 8/20/1965 #19444  
hat the blackout is related to UFO activity in some way. But there is no ev 11/9/1965 #19709  
ralia, are just completing a sport activity on the main oval when they see  4/6/1966 #20257  
ghway 47 seems to confirm some UFO activity. Derenberger has further meetin 11/4/1966 #21075  
itnesses reported a variety of UFO activity. In one case a man saw two "sol 3/26/1967 #21994  
cuit were noted. Seeing no further activity Mr. Michalac approached the lan 5/20/1967 #22384  
racial, antiwar, and other protest activity. The operation is launched unde 8/1967 #22770  
nesses observed unexplained aerial activity. Near Sambro at 9:00 pm, the ca 10/4/1967 #23175  
tnesses observe unexplained aerial activity in Nova Scotia. Near Sambro at  10/4/1967 #23176  
s, who has heard of McDonald’s UFO activity in Australia from Low, starts a 12/16/1967 #23593  
 his family, including poltergeist activity and unexplained disturbances in 11/1/1968 #24620  
official USAF record of US bombing activity over Indochina from 1964 to 197 3/18/1969 #25025  
d, and forever banned from further activity in these usually honorable prof 4/26/1969 #25094  
tances give any information on UFO activity to any press, radio, or televis 7/1969 #25241  
ruary 1969, documents some of this activity.                                10/16/1973 #28084  
es. This occurred during heavy UFO activity in the area.                    11/3/1973 #28364  
   After a month of very heavy UFO activity in the Gulf States and througho 11/6/1973 #28377  
and are dispatched to areas of UAP activity. He states in the “earlier year 3/14/1975 #29900  
nie Zeidman, Lumberton Report: UFO Activity in southern North Carolina, p.  4/9/1975 #29982  
allucinations and poltergeist-like activity troubled them for the next few  10/27/1975 #30489  
he walked. He continued doing this activity for 20 minutes. No UFO was seen 2/19/1976 #30887  
 that NASA secretly knows of alien activity on the Moon. It is possible tha 8/1976 #31214  
  During an evening of intense UFO activity in the skies above Colares, Par 10/26/1977 #32618  
 in the area investigating the UFO activity.                                10/26/1977 #32618  
mmunication with his hosts. Hectic activity ensued; as crewmembers started  2/5/1978 #32957  
 Its goal is to show that criminal activity is taking place involving many  4/20/1979 #34517  
trol system—manifested in “intense activity followed by quiet periods—inten 6/1979 #34599  
 other classmates observed unusual activity at the USAF site, which was onl 12/14/1980 #35716  
a clockwise swirl. He suspects UFO activity.                                8/1981 #36051  
imes reported. Especially frequent activity occurs between December 1981 an 11/1981 #36201  
ircraft monitoring Soviet military activity is buzzed by a huge object (lar 10/19/1982 #36654  
a had been troubled by poltergeist activity before the abduction, but it ce 11/29/1982 #36702  
St. Phillips, IN Highly paranormal activity and reported abduction during t 7/1984 #37384  
es on January 26, but little light activity is noted. The phenomenon ceases 1/13/1985 #37548  
uake lights resulting from seismic activity (even though the seismograph re 1/13/1985 #37548  
adar, and pursued by jet fighters. Activity ceases around 11:20 p.m. The Ai 5/19/1986 #37881  
 the man stays up to watch the UFO activity. Around 4:00 a.m. the original  Late 7/1987 #38218  
were all in their normal hubbub of activity. The daughter brought her fathe 1/19/1988 #38417  
he perfect cover for covert aerial activity.                                11/5/1990 #39872  
 but nothing he produced ties this activity to the UAP subject; though Wack 5/13/1992 #40463  
da A couple who are viewing aerial activity from a hill adjacent to Area 51 3/16/1993 #40885  
 reflects a more formal assessment activity.” A subsequent memo dated 19 Ju 12/2/1993 #41320  
 voices, crop circles, poltergeist activity, electromagnetic anomalies, ora Fall 1994 #41773  
He had also noted unusual military activity in the area as well. Often, aft 8/15/1995 #42389  
 dollars in contracts” that had no activity associated with them.  She stat 8/30/1996 #43000  
” as a result. Despite all of this activity, the official word from the mil 3/24/1997 #43239  
was also unusual military aircraft activity in the area.                    5/13/1998 #43566  
   Brisbane, Queensland Night. UFO activity in Brisbane, Queensland, consis 12/2/1998 #43695  
of unusual and persistent aircraft activity. In both locations, witnesses s 7/26/2002 #44366  
re body lights on this object. The activity reminded him of an ant colony.  8/6/2006 #44953  
own lights are not related to F-16 activity, but there is intense Air Force 1/8/2008 #45112  
ty, but there is intense Air Force activity that night. Ten F-16s and one A 1/8/2008 #45112  
dependent Research and Development Activity.”  https://www.huffpost.com/ent 5/9/2016 #45452  
are aware of any scheduled balloon activity.                                2/13/2019 #45562  
he USS Russell records a frenzy of activity, with drones dropping in elevat 7/15/2019 #45593  
incident is unrelated to the drone activity.                                1/8/2020 #45625  
enter received 90 reports of drone activity. Of those, 14 are confirmed by  1/13/2020 #45626  
s in the field, there are 23 drone activity reports. Of those, 13 are deter 1/13/2020 #45626  
llows them to conduct this sort of activity.” Rubio says some of the uniden 7/23/2020 #45654  
## Word: "acton" (Back to Top)
ame night Jules Derome, age 60, of Acton Vale, Quebec, Canada reported that 1/9/1967 #21279  
                              IRON ACTON, AVON 1 observer. Huge "Rugby ball 6/28/1973 #27591  
                   At 7:15 p.m. in Acton, Ontario two oval-shaped lights he 12/5/2004 #44798  
## Word: "actor" (Back to Top)
 the Air, directed and narrated by actor and future filmmaker Orson Welles, 10/30/1938 #1300  
                            Alaska Actor, producer, and director Mikel Conr 8/1949 #4301  
he film uses only one professional actor, Harry Morgan, in a voiceover part 5/3/1956 #12828  
sert Yuma, Arizona 12:00 midnight. Actor Jamie Farr and his wife Joy Ann ar 1962 #17007  
k During the great power blackout, actor Stuart Whitman was startled to hea 11/9/1965 #19708  
hattan, New York City Before dawn. Actor Stuart Whitman is staying in a hot 11/10/1965 #19711  
, Moseley, Art Ford, Gordon Evans, actor Roy Thinnes, and Ivan T Sanderson. 6/22/1967 #22535  
s, California Just before sunrise. Actor Warren Oates is with four friends  1/1/1975 #29690  
ilippe Mora, Strieber is played by actor Christopher Walken.                11/10/1989 #39225  
 same name. Walton is portrayed by actor D. B. Sweeney.                     3/12/1993 #40881  
s released in the US and hosted by actor Roger Moore, who recounts a dubiou 9/13/1998 #43644  
icers; abductee Travis Walton; and actor Alan Tafoya.                       7/1/2017 #45474  
## Word: "actors" (Back to Top)
s a lecture on UFOs to some of the actors who are interested (Bob Balaban,  7/23/1976 #31183  
## Word: "actress" (Back to Top)
nezuela Miss Paula Valdez, a young actress, came home from work with a head 9/3/1967 #22990  
## Word: "acts" (Back to Top)
reign artifacts capable of hostile acts," and no "need for the revision of  1/17/1953 #8544  
cow, normally eager to be let out, acts very reluctant and nervous. The obj 5/19/1964 #18288  
ographed or recorded. The FM radio acts strangely.                          10/11/1967 #23216  
ipod and emits small red ball. Car Acts up. / r246p185.                     3/10/1972 #26594  
s car 30 minutes later at home, it acts completely dead but works again nor 4/6/1980 #35257  
TOPPENISH, WA 3+1 observer(s). Dog Acts up. 3 delta/triangle/box-like craft 3/21/1981 #35869  
     SORNAY, FR 2 observer(s). Dog Acts up. 40M triangle over farmhouse. Aw 9/22/1994 #41771  
 at Port Arthur, Tasmania. His car acts up a bit, but the light vanishes, a 8/29/1996 #42999  
## Word: "actual" (Back to Top)
 a metallic noise. Although not an actual landing, this is the first instan 7/1868 #174  
Sweden, Norway, and Finland are of actual aircraft violating borders, the m 7/8/1935 #1231  
ably only a few genuine reports of actual missiles.                         9/9/1946 #2172  
s after the first observations, no actual proof that a test of rocket proje 12/23/1946 #2213  
r. Leon Davidson notes this as the actual beginning of the CIA in 1961.     5/1/1947 #2273  
not sabotaged, nor was it carrying actual flying disc parts.                8/14/1947 #3332  
ed on the perspective thinking and actual accomplishments of the Germans” ( 10/28/1947 #3469  
ok Case #319. Fireballs etc. mimic actual flare tests one hour later? / r18 3/17/1949 #4046  
er, claims that the movie contains actual footage of a spaceship recovered  8/1949 #4301  
tterson AFB in Ohio to look at the actual case files is turned down weeks l 1/1950 #4470  
ng cabin, resembling aluminum, but actual metal has defied analysis by the  1/16/1950 #4493  
ting the MIT scientists were doing actual UAP work under contract.  https:/ 12/2/1952 #8364  
rill into a saucer with no effect (actual event could have been a long time 5/20/1954 #9817  
rce’s public announcements and the actual data in the report. Davidson publ 12/1956 #13378  
s a major misrepresentation of the actual results). APRO does two further t Early 9/1957 #13971  
e civilian observers; the object's actual size was computed to be at least  2/19/1962 #17053  
nn’s death, and 40 years after the actual event, the major confirms the UFO 9/15/1964 #18556  
ack seems to be confused as to the actual date this incident occurred.)     11/1965 #19690  
es that he may have experienced an actual abduction, the memory of which wa 12/25/1967 #23609  
 Canadian Mounted Police to do the actual investigations. The NRC’s primary 1968 #23630  
Rutledge to calculate the objects’ actual velocity, course, position, dista 4/1973 #27397  
was a close fitting garment or the actual skin color, because he saw what a 5/12/1973 #27481  
     Loring AFB, ME 1:00 a.m. EST. Actual transcript: One unidentified heli 10/29/1975 #30508  
AC CP OPS CONTROL 291954Z OCT 75. (Actual document below. See page 1 & 2) ( 10/29/1975 #30508  
t line at Cannon AFB, New Mexico. (Actual FOIA document) (NICAP: 02 - Close 1/21/1976 #30808  
from 0430 EST to 0600 EST. (NMCC) (Actual FOIA document) (NICAP: 08 - Photo 1/31/1976 #30835  
 a UFO sighting near Mt. Airy Md. (Actual FOIA document) (NICAP: 01 - Dista 7/30/1976 #31200  
d that this could be a ruse for an actual US nuclear strike and moves to a  11/7/1983 #37044  
tent is to credibly gain access to actual deep-black military programs on U 5/20/1985 #37590  
O study), physiological studies of actual aliens, and the presence of an al Fall 1986 #38034  
ike craft between and over houses. Actual surface invisible. / r226#1.      11/29/1989 #39268  
 Pik Pobeda (Peak of Victory). The actual site lay in a gorge known as "Sha 8/28/1991 #40168  
nce. The expedition arrived at the actual crash site on June 12, 1992, and  8/28/1991 #40168  
oss pattern as night lights orbit. Actual form unknown.                     3/3/1993 #40875  
uth going quickly north over hill. Actual moon = crescent.                  2/5/1994 #41407  
w follows car. Moves side to side. Actual shape unknown.                    5/10/1994 #41519  
 cover mission that obfuscated his actual mission. Sherman’s accounts have  1/1/1997 #43163  
in military personnel; the group’s actual goal was to analyze the nightmare 3/31/2011 #45322  
mble hot glowing metal rather than actual lights. In the center of the unde 3/19/2013 #45362  
n a “flying disc simulator” and in actual flying discs. Uhouse states in 19 11/1/2013 #45392  
scenarios.  Curiously, XVis was an actual Department of Energy (DOE)/Sandia 5/2/2018 #45525  
ehan he was in a facility where an actual extraterrestrial vehicle was “sto 5/19/2021 #45690  
## Word: "actuality" (Back to Top)
hat it was a comet or asteroid (in actuality a comet could not have survive 6/30/1908 #709  
## Word: "actually" (Back to Top)
 a rainstorm. However, the tale is actually a fictional story written by a  6/6/1884 #258  
t fliers. But air surveillance has actually been taking place since early J 2/12/1934 #1205  
 directly overhead, they notice it actually has a triangular shape and mult 10/1936 #1250  
y 2, Steve MacKenzie (a pseudonym, actually Frank Kaufmann), stationed at R 7/1/1947 #2501  
 up with James E. McDonald. Rhodes actually has an informal top-secret clea 7/7/1947 #2940  
 toward them, but notices they are actually odd-looking dwarfs who are appr 8/14/1947 #3330  
Norton County meteorite fall might actually have been UFO-related. Astronom 2/18/1948 #3579  
tters, composed not by Sneider but actually by Samuel Z. Hunnicutt, a membe 10/7/1948 #3830  
he way I have written this book. I actually have gone to the places I speak 8/1949 #4300  
returned, but the elapsed time had actually been four months (the return da 12/4/1949 #4435  
UFO was moving so fast that it was actually leaving a streak on Smith’s rad 1/22/1950 #4499  
ific errors in IPACO’s work, which actually supports a UFO conclusion.      5/11/1950 #4939  
t the objects are not geese, which actually can fly this high. (This may be 3/14/1951 #5483  
 it is a Nazi device or that it is actually discovered on Heligoland, Germa 6/1952 #6404  
 from some other civilization, and actually do operate no magnetic principl 6/25/1952 #6628  
that “persons making these reports actually see something in the sky,” but  7/18/1952 #6896  
da of 100 MiG-15 fighter aircraft (actually only 11) that menaced four US N 3/14/1953 #8753  
sky. They noticed that orb the was actually also disc shaped when it banked 11/13/1953 #9296  
right portion of the frame. No one actually reports seeing the object, whic 1954 #9421  
o, in 1947. Later stories claim he actually visited with live aliens and co 2/20/1954 #9560  
uen, France, by a fighter pilot is actually a retouched photo showing the 1 3/5/1954 #9599  
ld the next day that the Air Force actually receives 700 UFO reports a week 6/7/1954 #9872  
ying saucers do exist—three types, actually: a craft from outer space, a se 9/21/1954 #10384  
, close to the ground, but did not actually land. It left toward the northw 7/18/1955 #12269  
n close to the ground, but did not actually land. It left toward the northw 7/18/1955 #12270  
htness and speed, the significance actually increases with the revised test 10/25/1955 #12519  
 aircraft. Ironically, the U-2 has actually photographed the entire Bison f 7/9/1956 #12957  
ing satellite. The infrared system actually begins as planned in 1968, with 8/3/1956 #13050  
in Shough concludes that there are actually several incidents at different  8/13/1956 #13080  
ribution to the MKUltra project is actually not about mind control and brai 2/1957 #13481  
k in orbit. However, what most are actually seeing is the 100- foot-long R- 10/4/1957 #14057  
esis is a symbolic version of what actually happened to groups of people on 1960 #16141  
er his concerns that all UFO’s are actually CIA psychological warfare.      10/8/1961 #16900  
around them and sees that they are actually bizarre animals with the heads  11/1962 #17525  
ut skeptics note that the medal is actually a common tourist souvenir made  5/31/1963 #17774  
o a printing delay, copies are not actually available until late June. Copi 5/1964 #18237  
ence of all that something strange actually was in the sky. . . . It makes  8/16/1965 #19407  
 been conducted, and that this was actually her second abduction experience 9/3/1965 #19518  
rience she could not recall if she actually stopped her car or not. She rec 1/5/1966 #19806  
ical interference when the UFO was actually in view.                        1/11/1966 #19830  
and that 400 American citizens are actually from his race.                  1/23/1966 #19869  
he finds that the discontinuity is actually caused by the Polaroid developi 4/2/1966 #20208  
vestigating UFOs and that UFOs are actually good evidence for the ETH.      7/20/1966 #20660  
euvering and erratic flight paths) actually can “see” UFOs, but no one will 3/28/1967 #22005  
ticipating them before the witness actually spoke them. He said he was from 5/15/1967 #22348  
n Kamyshin, Volgograd, Russia were actually windows on a huge cigar-shaped  5/17/1967 #22370  
          Woodsocket, RI The photo actually appears to be from a much earli 6/18/1967 #22515  
resting on the landing gear it was actually hovering just above the ground. 8/15/1967 #22883  
TURIN, VNZ "Heron" lands / bridge. Actually = 1M small humanoid (or Grey) w 8/26/1967 #22929  
for trespassing after dark; he has actually gone to the area to look for UF 9/9/1967 #23026  
 heat from the object, and the UFO actually pulled the airplane towards it. 9/11/1969 #25364  
ying Saucer Review. But the UFO is actually a light beam from a high-intens 3/28/1970 #25613  
ext day to the enclosure, which is actually a raised tombstone. He finds fo 11/29/1970 #25922  
ll ears. He revealed that this was actually his second UFO encounter, becau 4/26/1974 #29064  
g the occasion to observe what was actually happening. At the top of the st 7/12/1975 #30175  
stairs without moving his legs. He actually floated in the air slightly abo 7/12/1975 #30175  
een glow. When he appeared nothing actually happened. He walked down as nor 7/12/1975 #30175  
hink what you would do…but when it actually happens, you are scared because 10/7/1975 #30422  
s he rounds a curve, he sees it is actually in the air 300 feet above the t 4/22/1976 #31009  
ts out. Inside the light, which is actually like a transparent soap bubble, 6/22/1976 #31128  
oser, he finds that the lights are actually two objects suspended in the ai 10/22/1976 #31486  
lieved only an hour had passed but actually over three hours had elapsed. T 7/23/1977 #32306  
 there are areas where the skin is actually burned (arms, face, neck). Thes 5/13/1978 #33202  
here were areas where the skin was actually burned, on his arms, face, and  5/13/1978 #33205  
, it could be resolved that it was actually a cigar shape. (NICAP: 01 - Dis 8/20/1978 #33531  
ooking more closely, he sees it is actually a group of 30 objects in a V- f 1/17/1980 #35137  
lien invasion because Bennewitz is actually observing secret Air Force proj 11/26/1980 #35673  
got the date wrong and that it was actually April 25, 1964, shortly after t 4/9/1983 #36830  
ed-orange light for 2 hours. It is actually floating very slowly to the sou Late Summer 1984 #37434  
gs, which claims that the UFOs are actually a group of pilots from Stormvil 11/1984 #37500  
graph. He claims that the alien is actually waving goodbye to him, not tell 12/1/1987 #38345  
 and other intelligence operatives actually runs the country. He says they  5/23/1989 #38960  
ond witness saw that the light was actually a triangular object with a big  10/8/1989 #39151  
en and over houses. They could not actually see the surface of the craft it 11/29/1989 #39277  
 15 minutes had passed, but he had actually been missing for two hours. Mos 12/31/1989 #39345  
ef that extraterrestrial UFOs have actually visited earth, while 14% report 1990 #39350  
. He claims certain black SAPs are actually covers for “alien” projects kno 1990 #39354  
, nothing bad will happen to you." Actually, though, this caused her to bec 2/18/1990 #39422  
t maneuvered a few seconds without actually touching down. She noted that i 7/18/1990 #39649  
f the Defense Intelligence Agency (actually a pseudonym for Col. John B. Al 9/1990 #39711  
AIRPORT, ENG Satellite re-entry is actually UFO according to air-crews and  2/20/1991 #39978  
uth-Seekers. It turns out they are actually from the Special Branch of the  3/1997 #43215  
 Roswell, NM and Holloman AFB were actually test dummies as part of balloon 6/24/1997 #43339  
ates he was able to figure out who actually wrote the Zodiac story, who was 7/31/1999 #43815  
ractor TRW, and that they may have actually spent time in Halifax, Canada,  7/31/1999 #43815  
urn toward the crater. He does not actually see the object and only discove 12/19/2000 #44106  
twood believing none such hardware actually existed. Westwood states an Ope 5/5/2001 #44178  
ty, California at 5:45 p.m. It was actually more oval shaped, but with sauc 12/10/2001 #44286  
he discovered their program(s) are actually UAP related (Wilson asks them a 10/16/2002 #44418  
metallic discs at a high altitude, actually chasing each other in the middl 8/23/2003 #44579  
ld have been “mistaken” and he was actually just dealing with recovered Naz 3/26/2004 #44681  
ld find no description for what he actually felt. The object also made a pu 10/2/2004 #44766  
s an illusion; the object does not actually move except when the aircraft’s 11/14/2004 #44784  
lind targeting protocols. 22610 is actually Skinwalker Ranch in Utah. McMon 3/2010 #45270  
, and that the jump rooms were not actually visiting real destinations, but 7/2012 #45346  
ology. He claims jump rooms do not actually travel to other destinations in 7/8/2012 #45348  
 sees that the short green line is actually a long, flat, bright, rectangul 10/6/2013 #45389  
telligence reports of the era were actually UAP. Howard alleges some black  6/22/2014 #45411  
reveals that the supposed alien is actually the mummified body of a two-yea 5/5/2015 #45437  
nial, claims the drone reports are actually sightings of Starlink satellite 1/8/2020 #45625  
 was no. But what is true, and I’m actually being serious here, is that the 5/18/2021 #45689  
## Word: "acu" (Back to Top)
on a hill near a farm called Capin Acu, near the ocean in Paracuru, Ceara S 5/13/1960 #16273  
d on hill near a farm called Capin Acu. He went near them and saw several s 5/14/1960 #16275  
d on hill near a farm called Capin Acu in Paracuru, Brazil. He went near th 5/14/1960 #16277  
## Word: "acuescoma" (Back to Top)
             In 1972 at 10 p.m. in Acuescoma, Mexico at least four people s 3/19/1972 #26618  
## Word: "acuexcomac" (Back to Top)
                       Santa Maria Acuexcomac, Puebla, Mexico 10:00 p.m. A  3/19/1972 #26617  
 out onto his patio at Santa Maria Acuexcomac, Puebla, Mexico, to look for  3/19/1972 #26617  
## Word: "acuff" (Back to Top)
          Washington, D.C. John L. Acuff, an experienced manager but not a  5/29/1970 #25676  
 has military and CIA connections. Acuff and G. Stuart Nixon dismantle the  5/29/1970 #25676  
                              John Acuff’s mismanagement of NICAP (destruct 10/1978 #33786  
ds to his resignation as director. Acuff remains on the board and keeps the 10/1978 #33786  
Karl T. Pflock, Stuart Nixon, John Acuff, and Roscoe Hillenkoetter. Because 1/1979 #34268  
## Word: "acufoe" (Back to Top)
way. (Ref. 3; Jan Aldrich, Project ACUFOE, from CUFOS report form.) (NICAP: 6/1944 #1599  
## Word: "acula" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR ACULA, SP 3 4M saucers beam lights. Go d 10/1968 #24531  
## Word: "acuna" (Back to Top)
obi and his wife, Teresa Ernestina Acuna, were returning to their home in M 8/20/1965 #19444  
## Word: "acura" (Back to Top)
, 5BEA709 (Escape), 4EPW827 (black Acura), 809-E2G (Forerunner), 4AMP126 (w 7/2003 #44560  
## Word: "acushi" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Acushi” Yield: 20KT                      2/8/1963 #17662  
## Word: "acute" (Back to Top)
rs, the Stewart brothers, die from acute radiation poisoning. The Army comp 3/24/1953 #8782  
by the heavy fallout, experiencing acute radiation syndrome. The blast inci 3/1/1954 #9584  
diately afterward, the boy suffers acute shock and what a doctor diagnoses  7/22/1975 #30200  
he object is gone. She develops an acute headache that lasts into the follo Early Autumn 1977 #32456  
oetter. Because of NICAP’s current acute financial crisis, he concludes tha 1/1979 #34268  
tation staff are hospitalized with acute radiation syndrome due to absorbin 4/26/1986 #37843  
ficate gives the cause of death as acute respiratory failure, sepsis, and p 2/15/1996 #42764  
14, 2020. Titled “Clinical Medical Acute and Subacute Field Effects on Huma 1/9/2018 #45503  
aracteristics.” These include “the acute onset of… sound or pressure in onl 2/2/2022 #45737  
## Word: "acw" (Back to Top)
as picked up on radar by the 740th ACW squadron. East of Pierre, South Dako 11/25/1956 #13353  
## Word: "acworth" (Back to Top)
                                   ACWORTH, GA Project Bluebook Case #121.  1/9/1948 #3550  
 he was 11 and the family moved to Acworth, but then continued when he turn 1951 #5372  
## Word: "acámbaro" (Back to Top)
                                   Acámbaro, Guanajuato, Mexico Glen Cove,  7/1956 #12940  
s Laughead and his wife Lillian in Acámbaro, Guanajuato, Mexico, both group 7/1956 #12940  
## Word: "ad" (Back to Top)
educe this group was the RDB or an ad hoc group with some RDB personnel usi 1/31/1948 #3568  
ble study group to take on special ad hoc tasks. AFOIN-X(SG) findings were  4/24/1952 #6179  
e incidents have been discussed by AD/SI with DDCI. Sightings of unexplaine 12/2/1952 #8363  
 the RAAF’s approach is a bit more ad hoc.                                  11/20/1953 #9313  
 been denied a request to place an ad in the base newspaper asking for UFO  1/23/1958 #14840  
nd OTC Enterprises runs a two-page ad in a Baltimore, Maryland, newspaper a 2/3/1958 #14870  
n AFB in Dayton, Ohio A six-member Ad Hoc Committee to Review Project Blue  2/3/1966 #19879  
                                An ad hoc group with Franklin Mead, Senior  6/1972 #26694  
Palma and Tenerife, Canary Islands Ad Dakhla on the coast of Western Sahara 3/24/1977 #31929  
, a Scandinavian DC-8 passing over Ad Dakhla on the coast of Western Sahara 3/24/1977 #31929  
 domed saucers. Possible McDonalds ad blimp?                                5/5/1992 #40451  
## Word: "ad-3" (Back to Top)
, a squadron of carrier-based Navy AD-3 attack planes is approached by a ro 1953 #8477  
## Word: "ad-4q" (Back to Top)
 A military pilot flying a Douglas AD-4Q Skyraider near Lakehurst, New Jers 11/7/1950 #5270  
## Word: "ad-men" (Back to Top)
                    GUATEMALA CITY Ad-men videotape UFO / 51 second(s). Sha 10/5/1977 #32551  
## Word: "ad0779060" (Back to Top)
ttps://apps.dtic.mil/sti/citations/AD0779060                                1990 #39357  
## Word: "ad0904326" (Back to Top)
ttps://apps.dtic.mil/sti/citations/AD0904326   https://www.osti.gov/biblio/ 1990 #39357  
## Word: "ada" (Back to Top)
          Ohio Northern University Ada, Ohio Los Angeles The administration 7/1952 #6680  
ty of Ohio Northern University, in Ada, Ohio, announce the formation of Pro 7/1952 #6680  
                                   ADA, OK Entire town. 1 then 10 saucers.  8/2/1952 #7419  
                                   ADA, OK 2 boys. 20 silver disks going no 5/17/1956 #12855  
e formation at a low altitude over Ada, Oklahoma at 10:22 p.m. The sighting 5/17/1956 #12857  
                      At 7:00 p.m. Ada Arroyo, director of a local nursing  11/9/1995 #42589  
aped and the other donut shaped in Ada, Oklahoma, a location about 100 mile 2/20/2015 #45431  
sightings in the past as well, and Ada has been mentioned as the site of a  2/20/2015 #45431  
## Word: "ada221595" (Back to Top)
p   https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA221595.pdf                            3/1990 #39436  
## Word: "ada294169" (Back to Top)
*   https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA294169.pdf *   https://archive.org/st 9/3/2021 #45707  
## Word: "ada392587" (Back to Top)
y.  https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA392587.pdf (p114)                     5/1996 #42891  
## Word: "adafterdisclosur0000dola" (Back to Top)
ssue.  https://archive.org/details/adafterdisclosur0000dola/page/276/mode/2 2012 #45336  
## Word: "adair" (Back to Top)
                                   ADAIR CO, MO Hundreds and cops. Huge del 11/18/1980 #35648  
                    HUNTSVILLE, MO Adair cylinder/cigar-shape 'much larger  11/18/1980 #35650  
chnology Transfer Consultant David Adair states he was taken to Groom Lake, 1999 #43709  
 see the landing of a test rocket. Adair states when he was taken there on  1999 #43709  
ught down 20 stories. Underground, Adair claims he was shown a “symbiotic e 1999 #43709  
se alloys had an iridescent sheen. Adair states there was no obvious wiring 1999 #43709  
ne behaved differently, he claims. Adair suggests the engine may be able to 1999 #43709  
## Word: "adak" (Back to Top)
                                   Adak Aleutian Islands Alaska Radioman Ro Summer 1945 #1883  
here rise out of the ocean east of Adak in the Aleutian Islands, Alaska. Th Summer 1945 #1883  
                       SOUTHEAST / ADAK ISLAND, AK 60M sphere/orb/globe goi 8/1945 (approximate) #1906  
                           NORTH / ADAK ISLAND 4 / Navy P2V-5F. RADAR blip  1/11/1958 #14818  
ith a crew of four flying north of Adak Island, Alaska sighted a formation  1/11/1958 #14820  
## Word: "adam" (Back to Top)
h side, and in an oblong pattern.” Adam Thielen, a nearby farmer, independe 4/13/1897 #454  
f Avenue Mansfield, Ohio 9:00 p.m. Adam H. McCullough and his wife Carrie a 8/3/1911 #856  
s Café when he meets someone named Adam, who claims to have read his book a 12/1954 #11737  
alted state” and talks freely with Adam about outer space and politics. Pri 12/1954 #11737  
ky People, in which he claims that Adam and Eve, Noah, and many other chara 1960 #16141  
ived on Mars. Trench believes that Adam and Eve were experimental creations 1960 #16141  
n Mars, causing the descendants of Adam and Eve to move to Earth. The Book  1960 #16141  
he transmission lines from the Sir Adam Beck Hydroelectric Power Station No 11/9/1965 #19709  
                            L'ISLE ADAM, FR Dark delta/triangle/box-like cr 11/5/1990 #39849  
$200,000 to Robert Bigelow for it. Adam II is deeply Catholic, Vallee added 5/22/1991 #40075  
Catholic, Vallee added, and stated Adam II believed ET controlled humanity’ 5/22/1991 #40075  
 their way to Chicago videographer Adam Dew, who wants to create a document 5/5/2015 #45437  
  San Diego, CA Austin, TX TTSA’s “ADAM Project” (an acronym for Acquisitio 6/13/2018 #45529  
, Texas The To The Stars Academy’s ADAM Research Project is announced to te 7/26/2018 #45534  
 materials represented in the TTSA ADAM project are scientifically evaluate 10/17/2019 #45612  
jority have come from within. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the chairman of  5/17/2022 #45750  
## Word: "adamant" (Back to Top)
l circles houses. Fades! Observers adamant.                                 9/12/1952 #7900  
ed-saucer. Going north. 1 observer adamant / 1991. / r90p1+/ VJBO.          2/15/1954 #9544  
aken by his experience but remains adamant that he saw these objects.” News 8/31/1954 #10218  
         ACHERN, GERMANY Cop and 2 adamant. Large bright red saucer going q 7/16/1971 #26231  
ST / FAIRFIELD, CA 1+2 observer(s) adamant. Silver ovoid darts and maneuver 1/20/1995 #41986  
## Word: "adamantly" (Back to Top)
arch and shares it with the press, adamantly refusing to say who sent it to 5/31/1987 #38180  
## Word: "adamiak" (Back to Top)
awford, Gen. Patrick Hughes, Shari Adamiak (Greer’s assistant), and Stephen 4/10/1997 #43260  
## Word: "adamic" (Back to Top)
Lemuria, which were populated with Adamic migrants.                         1960 #16141  
## Word: "adamkehoe" (Back to Top)
l-institute-of.html   https://blog.adamkehoe.com/answering-who-else-knows/  1/28/1996 #42725  
rg/web/20221201140323/https://blog.adamkehoe.com/answering-who-else-knows/  1/28/1996 #42725  
## Word: "adams" (Back to Top)
e is usually attributed to Richard Adams Locke, a reporter who is working f 8/25/1835 #130  
ta Lake Minnetonka 8:00 p.m. R. G. Adams and his parents at 3126 Fourth Ave 4/11/1897 #432  
                               MT. ADAMS, WA Prospector / (seen thru) teles 6/24/1947 #2389  
                               Mt. Adams, WA Prospector Compass Incident (N 6/24/1947 #2393  
on Mount Rainier, Washington Mount Adams, Washington Pendleton, Oregon 3:00 6/24/1947 #2398  
h over the last high peak of Mount Adams. Arnold tells the airport staff ab 6/24/1947 #2398  
                             Mount Adams, Oregon Afternoon. Fred M. Johnson 6/24/1947 #2400  
Johnson, a prospector in the Mount Adams, Oregon, area, sees 5-6 oval objec 6/24/1947 #2400  
ocked them as they flew past Mount Adams, and calculated that they were fly 6/24/1947 #2402  
ago & Southern Airlines Capt. Jack Adams, First Officer G. W. Anderson, Jr. 3/20/1950 #4689  
o and Southern Airlines Capt. Jack Adams and First Officer G. W. Anderson J 3/20/1950 #4690  
atch the object for 25–35 seconds. Adams estimates its speed is greater tha 3/20/1950 #4690  
elt interviews airline pilots Jack Adams and G. W. Anderson about their Mar 3/26/1950 #4730  
. of ATIC, and Lt. Col. William A. Adams of AFOIN, to brief the Lincoln Lab 1/29/1952 #5884  
George Valley Jr., engineer Julius Adams Stratton, physicist Albert G. Hill 4/1952 #6010  
sch, Morocco Witness:  T/Sgt. H.D. Adams, operating an SCR-584 radar set.   6/12/1952 #6487  
y in Marakesch, Morocco Sgt. H. D. Adams, operating an SCR-584 radar set, t 6/12/1952 #6490  
aerial vehicles.” Physicist Julius Adams Stratton and economist Max Millika 12/2/1952 #8363  
ood, New Mexico Early morning. Don Adams is driving in Edgewood, New Mexico 4/28/1964 #18217  
       Sometime after midnight Mr. Adams was driving on highway 66 near Mor 4/28/1964 #18218  
 passed underneath the UFO. Mr. D. Adams then fired a .22 calibre pistol at 4/28/1964 #18218  
                                   Adams, Wisconsin 11:00 p.m. A family of  11/26/1964 #18639  
sin 11:00 p.m. A family of five in Adams, Wisconsin, is returning home from 11/26/1964 #18639  
cal failure of their family car in Adams, Wisconsin on this night when they 11/26/1964 #18640  
     Private aircraft pilot Mr. C. Adams, and a television cameraman Mr. Le 6/6/1965 #18995  
 Australia at about 11.30 a.m. Mr. Adams first noticed two of the objects f 6/6/1965 #18995  
ithout disturbing the surface. Mr. Adams was certain that the objects were  6/6/1965 #18995  
se #unknown. 4 separate sightings. Adams and Maldonado and 1+1. CE2+photos. 9/5/1965 #19521  
Alamosa, Colorado at 11:15 p.m. an Adams State College student named Hardwi 5/14/1967 #22342  
p by the AP. Pathologist Robert O. Adams, chief of surgery at Colorado Stat 9/9/1967 #23026  
                             NORTH ADAMS, MA 2 observer(s) / (seen thru) bi 7/5/1968 #24145  
                             North Adams, Massachusetts - A green light lar 7/5/1968 #24146  
seph P. Jablonski, and A1C Gregory Adams. The chief of the 862nd Combat Sup 10/24/1968 #24587  
cGregor, Manitoba 1:00 a.m. Gerald Adams and Donna Martin are parked on a d 10/24/1970 #25885  
h 9 “rods” and a red light on top. Adams takes Martin home but returns to t 10/24/1970 #25885  
                                   ADAMS CNTY, OH 2 cops. UFO with red-gree 10/18/1973 #28147  
 encounter with a UFO in Hilltown, Adams County, Pennsylvania.              1/23/1978 #32910  
hnson goes to the site with Robert Adams at the University of South Dakota, 8/29/1979 #34798  
n Goat Rocks Wilderness Area Mount Adams Simon Butte 11:00 p.m. A fire look 9/12/1979 #34867  
at Rocks Wilderness Area and Mount Adams. It remains below the skyline for  9/12/1979 #34867  
t, and hide remain. Researcher Tom Adams says the farmer is extremely reluc 4/1980 #35244  
                          Grantley Adams International Airport Barbados Nor 4/12/1984 #37258  
 traffic control radar at Grantley Adams International Airport in Barbados  4/12/1984 #37258  
horities notify Prime Minister Tom Adams, the Barbados Defense Force, and t 4/12/1984 #37258  
                       NORTH / FT. ADAMS, MS 3 observer(s). Saucer with spa 10/14/1988 #38673  
 20 minutes. Charles Fite and Bill Adams in Aberdeen, Ohio, see several lig 10/16/1996 #43073  
d in a wooded area in Biglerville, Adams County, Pennsylvania. It stayed th 5/3/2007 #45024  
## Word: "adamsburg" (Back to Top)
 saw a UFO with several lights. In Adamsburg, Alabama at UFO was sighted at 1/28/1993 #40817  
h her mother as she approached the Adamsburg exit. When she got home she di 6/1/2013 #45369  
## Word: "adamski" (Back to Top)
e, Laguna Beach, California George Adamski, who has been a lecturer and cou 1/1934 #1190  
rnia Long Beach Los Angeles George Adamski’s Royal Order of Tibet publishes 1/1936 #1242  
 Laguna Beach, California. Besides Adamski, talks are also given by Marguer 1/1936 #1242  
   Laguna Beach, California George Adamski’s Royal Order of Tibet organizes 9/10/1937 #1277  
ifornia Palomar Observatory George Adamski moves from Laguna Beach to a pro 3/1940 #1324  
 (such as those pictured by George Adamski) appeared over the ship and hove 1943 #1474  
 California Palomar Gardens George Adamski and his followers move closer to 1944 #1560  
 anything available had to serve.” Adamski builds a “small observatory” to  1944 #1560  
lifornia San Diego Evening. George Adamski and some associates are watching 10/9/1946 #2199  
                  Moon Mars George Adamski publishes Pioneers of Space, det 8/1949 #4300  
s Café on the way in. After George Adamski claims he has seen increased UFO 10/14/1949 #4395  
An FBI informant meets with George Adamski at Alice Wells’s restaurant, the 8/20/1950 #5132  
 the standard flying saucer tales, Adamski mentions that the Federal Commun 8/20/1950 #5132  
                            George Adamski first receives national exposure 9/1950 #5161  
Café in California to visit George Adamski and tell him about their contact Late 8/1952 #7734  
with a spaceman: “Professor George Adamski is in on this too.” The Baileys  10/16/1952 #8138  
 The Baileys have already met with Adamski (in August) and now the messages 10/16/1952 #8138  
visit to the Palomar Gardens Café. Adamski tells them he has been making sp 11/4/1952 #8247  
in hopes of meeting a saucer. Soon Adamski begins channeling space messages 11/4/1952 #8247  
ce soon. Williamson and Bailey ask Adamski to call them before he attempts  11/4/1952 #8247  
                            George Adamski telephones George Hunt Williamso 11/18/1952 #8297  
                         CA George Adamski contacts man from Venus.         11/20/1952 #8301  
7 Coxcomb Mountain Morning. George Adamski and two associates, Lucy McGinni 11/20/1952 #8306  
foot of Coxcomb Mountain 1:00 p.m. Adamski’s group picnics along the roadsi 11/20/1952 #8307  
 the direction of Parker, Arizona. Adamski asks Lucy McGinnis, accompanied  11/20/1952 #8307  
                                   Adamski McGinnis and Bailey Kodak Browni 11/20/1952 #8308  
and Bailey Kodak Brownie 1:57 p.m. Adamski stays behind to set up his equip 11/20/1952 #8308  
 time a “Scout ship,” appears near Adamski, who takes seven photos through  11/20/1952 #8308  
e through binoculars. At 2:12 pm., Adamski takes three more photos of the S 11/20/1952 #8308  
As he is packing up his telescope, Adamski sees a man waving to him from ab 11/20/1952 #8309  
nd-a-half feet tall, Orthon [could Adamski have thought of this name from K 11/20/1952 #8309  
guage, a few words, and telepathy, Adamski learns that he is from Venus and 11/20/1952 #8309  
clines to be photographed but asks Adamski to borrow one of his unexposed p 11/20/1952 #8309  
n his Scout ship around 3:04 p.m., Adamski finds tracks in the desert floor 11/20/1952 #8309  
 Williamsons and the Baileys, with Adamski’s permission, drive to Phoenix,  11/20/1952 #8310  
te. The newspaper publishes one of Adamski’s photos as well as a photo of t 11/24/1952 #8333  
f the Williamsons and the Baileys. Adamski becomes instantly famous, and Wi 11/24/1952 #8333  
ns for several days. When he tells Adamski he is planning to write a book a 11/24/1952 #8333  
bout his channelings and contacts, Adamski warns him not to mention the con 11/24/1952 #8333  
ontacts have been largely psychic. Adamski discourages him and they have a  11/24/1952 #8333  
Café in California Morning. George Adamski’s scout ship makes a second appe 12/13/1952 #8414  
the three Venusian photos taken by Adamski, though credited to Jerrold E. B 12/13/1952 #8414  
s taken secretly the day before by Adamski, probably of a model. Bill Moore 12/13/1952 #8414  
wo AFOSI officers interview George Adamski and ask him to draft a statement 3/17/1953 #8759  
an Tassel, Orfeo Angelucci, George Adamski, and the Amazing Criswell.       8/16/1953 #9074  
nded” by Desmond Leslie and George Adamski published.                       9/1953 #9126  
              Great Pyramid George Adamski’s account (ghostwritten by Clara 9/1953 #9130  
hose of scoutships taken by George Adamski in the US. A probable hoax, alth 2/15/1954 #9549  
e reported by UFO contactee George Adamski. Three hours later he heard and  2/18/1954 #9555  
Flying Saucers Have Landed, George Adamski gives a talk to the Detroit Flyi 3/28/1954 #9647  
contactees Truman Bethurum, George Adamski, and George Hunt Williamson. O’M 6/7/1954 #9872  
 Mountain, with lectures by George Adamski, Daniel Fry, Truman Bethurum, an 8/7/1954 #10112  
pseudonym. His motive was to spoof Adamski and embarrass ufologists, but Mo 10/1954 #10536  
 System Southern California George Adamski’s Inside the Space Ships, ghostw 1955 #11896  
e the Space Ships, ghostwritten by Adamski follower Charlotte Blodget, is p 1955 #11896  
es and Foster and Scott in Canada. Adamski claims that Orthon arranged for  1955 #11896  
on where Orthon said the late Mary Adamski had been reincarnated. He claims 1955 #11896  
ople,” who is called “the Master.” Adamski says he and the Master discussed 1955 #11896  
e “Earth’s place in the universe.” Adamski learns that he has been selected 1955 #11896  
essengers, including Jesus Christ. Adamski further claims that aliens are p 1955 #11896  
d than the first. This time George Adamski is in attendance, along with Cha 3/12/1955 #12046  
mas Eickhoff buys a copy of George Adamski’s Inside the Space Ships. Upset  6/1955 #12173  
Inside the Space Ships. Upset with Adamski’s statement that his space conta 6/1955 #12173  
lles, who says the problem is that Adamski could “prevent anyone from testi 6/1955 #12173  
out the contactee claims of George Adamski, CIA Director Allen Dulles repli 9/20/1955 #12463  
letter written to contactee George Adamski on State Department stationery f 12/6/1957 #14678  
mes W. Moseley. The letter informs Adamski that the State Department knows  12/6/1957 #14678  
e gives membership cards to George Adamski and other contactees. Richard H. 9/1958 #15238  
ealand North Island Kaikohe George Adamski arrives in Auckland, New Zealand 1/17/1959 #15553  
ere he is received by North Island Adamski Correspondence Group leaders Hen 1/17/1959 #15553  
lbourne Brisbane, Australia George Adamski continues his world lecture tour Late 2/1959 #15612  
kata, India Varanasi, India George Adamski meets with Sisir Kumar Maitra, h 4/17/1959 #15706  
n Birmingham University Manchester Adamski arrives in London, England, and  4/18/1959 #15707  
 Commander Peter Horsley meet with Adamski and Desmond Leslie during their  4/18/1959 #15707  
it to a private address in London. Adamski gives further lectures in Tunbri 4/18/1959 #15707  
k Palace in Baarn The Hague George Adamski has an audience with Queen Julia 5/18/1959 #15737  
tes, goes on for two hours, making Adamski 20 minutes late for his lecture  5/18/1959 #15737  
ince Philip, are also keen to meet Adamski. After the audience, Dutch Aeron 5/18/1959 #15737  
e, FSTS, pp. 258–260) May 26, 29 — Adamski gives two lectures in Zürich, Sw Late 5/1959 #15747  
asks if he will accept an apology, Adamski replies that it should not be gi Late 5/1959 #15747  
. Due to recurring heart problems, Adamski cancels his remaining lectures i Late 5/1959 #15747  
of Rome, Italy Copenhagen, Denmark Adamski, along with follower Lou Zinssta 6/13/1959 #15768  
                            George Adamski appears on Long John Nebel’s lat 4/30/1960 #16245  
                            George Adamski publishes Flying Saucers Farewel 1961 #16549  
nvolvement in the claims of George Adamski and Daniel Fry. He also points o 3/1962 #17066  
                            George Adamski claims to attend a Twelve Counse 3/27/1962 #17088  
 report that he publishes in June, Adamski writes that the “present explosi 3/27/1962 #17088  
anets.” Ridiculed by many, some of Adamski’s descriptions in the report abo 3/27/1962 #17088  
     Copenhagen Frederica, Denmark Adamski arrives in Copenhagen for anothe 4/30/1963 #17732  
                 Rome, Italy Milan Adamski allegedly has a private audience 5/31/1963 #17774  
sly ill and dies three days later. Adamski claims that he has received a “G 5/31/1963 #17774  
de by a company in Milan, and that Adamski displays it to his friends in a  5/31/1963 #17774  
 is sold in tourist shops in Rome. Adamski says his meeting is at the reque 5/31/1963 #17774  
formation) is launched by a George Adamski group in Anvers, Belgium, and ed 6/1964 #18315  
 Spring, Maryland 3:00 p.m. George Adamski takes his last film of a spacesh 2/26/1965 #18827  
ately associate Yamski with George Adamski, the controversial contactee who 4/24/1965 #18916  
al contactee who died on April 23. Adamski was of Polish background and had 4/24/1965 #18916  
 a noticeable accent. If this were Adamski, he has lost any signs of aging. 4/24/1965 #18916  
i, he has lost any signs of aging. Adamski’s friend Desmond Leslie was a co 4/24/1965 #18916  
us store. Alice Wells, head of the Adamski Foundation, dismisses the Scorit 4/24/1965 #18916  
the flying saucer contactee George Adamski died. One of the beings calls hi 6/7/1965 #18997  
it has a strange resemblence to an Adamski ship of the 1950s. Probable hoax 6/18/1967 #22515  
 / FALKENBURG, SWD 15+observer(s). Adamski saucer back and forth descending 2/28/1970 #25596  
 described by UFO contactee George Adamski (and widely believed to be a hoa 3/2/1970 #25597  
 investigated the death of Zigmund Adamski, who had been missing for five d 11/29/1980 #35682  
al pile. According to the coroner, Adamski died of a heart attack. Godfrey  11/29/1980 #35682  
 that he believes it possible that Adamski was abducted by aliens and place 11/29/1980 #35682  
des his speculations regarding the Adamski case, abduction claims by Travis 11/29/1980 #35682  
## Word: "adamski-saucer" (Back to Top)
            TEOLO, ITL 1 observer. Adamski-saucer with 4 balls / bottom. 2  10/15/1954 #11082  
EY, STAFFS 3 separate observer(s). Adamski-saucer drops and hovers / 200' a 8/15/1955 #12361  
R FORCE BASE, NM 2 men. Silent 25' Adamski-saucer near runway. Several port 7/1958 #15127  
       CENTO, ITL Odd cloud. Domed Adamski-saucer going down [to] in front  2/7/1974 #28743  
IA, PA Several observer(s). Silent Adamski-saucer. Underside turns. Extreme 6/26/1979 #34630  
ON-SALEM, NC 2 observer(s). Domed "Adamski-saucer" hovers over house. Lands 12/4/1992 #40741  
## Word: "adamson" (Back to Top)
mes Briggs, Army Lt. Col. Keith F. Adamson, and Navy Cmdr. Gilbert C. Hoove 10/21/1939 #1318  
is invited but declines to attend. Adamson is skeptical about the prospect  10/21/1939 #1318  
## Word: "adamstown" (Back to Top)
                                   Adamstown, Pennsylvania 12:00 noon. Four 8/7/1869 #179  
 200 yards north of the village of Adamstown, Pennsylvania. It is originall 8/7/1869 #179  
near the center of an empty lot in Adamstown, Pennsylvania in Lancaster cou 8/7/1869 #181  
## Word: "adana" (Back to Top)
                 Incirlik Air Base Adana Turkey 3:00 a.m. A staff sergeant  4/1974 #28983  
on stationed at Incirlik Air Base, Adana, Turkey, witnesses a white, glowin 4/1974 #28983  
                                   Adana, Turkey Incirlik Air Base Mediterr 1/14/1983 #36747  
ht object appears in the sky above Adana, Turkey, and many people stop thei 1/14/1983 #36747  
## Word: "adapasari" (Back to Top)
                                   Adapasari, Turkey [or Adapazari], Turkey 5/5/1948 #3638  
## Word: "adapazari" (Back to Top)
             Adapasari, Turkey [or Adapazari], Turkey (40°45' N, 30°23' E). 5/5/1948 #3638  
## Word: "adaptation" (Back to Top)
ture filmmaker Orson Welles, is an adaptation of H. G. Wells’s novel The Wa 10/30/1938 #1300  
w listeners. In the days after the adaptation, widespread outrage is expres 10/30/1938 #1300  
## Word: "adapted" (Back to Top)
 elsewhere and is not biologically adapted to space travel. (3) The behavio 6/1989 #38970  
## Word: "adas" (Back to Top)
ground. A short time later her son Adas came inside to tell her that he had 5/17/1978 #33223  
 breakfast while her two children, Adas and Agnieska, played outside. She h 5/17/1978 #33225  
ground. A short time later her son Adas came inside to tell her that he had 5/17/1978 #33225  
tically with a sound like thunder. Adas said that the object was flying wit 5/17/1978 #33225  
## Word: "adbuction" (Back to Top)
ceased. He later had several other adbuction experiences.                   11/29/1982 #36702  
## Word: "adc" (Back to Top)
ut. Gen. George E. Stratemeyer, to ADC and USAF commanding generals on “Inv 2/4/1948 #3574  
d the IPU put on Red Alert and the ADC activated the local military units w 3/25/1948 #3596  
sman. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) ADC Directs F-82 to 10-20 EggShaped Obje 10/30/1948 #3856  
                                   ADC radar sites, Mich, Wisc, Minn, vario 9/18/1951 #5676  
enana (E of), AK Radar operator at ADC tracks object Alaska, G,A (NICAP: 09 1/22/1952 #5874  
ervice Squadron is activated under ADC to collect air combat intelligence.  3/1/1952 #5941  
e Director of Intelligence for the ADC, Brigadier Gen. Woodbury M. Burgess. 3/19/1952 #5961  
Ent AFB Colorado Springs, Colorado ADC becomes frantic about a possible Sov 4/16/1952 #6093  
ns Brig. Gen. Woodbury Burgess, at ADC Headquarters, Ent AFB [now the US Ol 4/16/1952 #6093  
e is no alternative. At 3:10 a.m., ADC Commander Gen. Frederic H. Smith Jr. 4/16/1952 #6093  
irksville, MO (Case missing) Seven ADC Men Track 3,600 MPH Target (NICAP: 0 6/23/1952 #6597  
Station in Missouri 1:30 a.m. USAF ADC radar operators Lt. A. N. Robinson J 6/23/1952 #6607  
eterson Field (12 miles E of ), CO ADC Personnel In Cessna See Silver Objec 7/22/1952 #7015  
at 42,000 feet. It is confirmed by ADC radar at Camp Hero [now closed] at M 7/23/1952 #7079  
  Williams, CA F-94 Intercept With ADC Detection (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases,  7/26/1952 #7163  
 lengths to debunk the case in his ADC briefings to the Robertson Panel.    8/1/1952 #7408  
                  Congaree AFB, SC ADC Tracks Object At 4,000 MPH (NICAP: 0 8/20/1952 #7660  
es is Maj. Vernon L. Sadowski, the ADC Intelligence liaison to Blue Book, w Late 9/1952 #8027  
rial threats (UFOs). Ruppelt calls ADC to say that he will not be able to c 12/22/1952 #8442  
he will not be able to conduct the ADC UFO briefing tour as previously sche 12/22/1952 #8442  
ta, Washington 7:15–7:30 a.m. USAF ADC 82nd Fighter Interceptor Squadron pe 1/8/1953 #8515  
Ent AFB Colorado Springs, Colorado ADC commander Benjamin Chidlaw at Ent AF Late 2/1953 #8705  
Marie, Michigan Soo Locks Evening. ADC radar detects an unknown object movi 11/23/1953 #9318  
rites to Gen. Woodbury M. Burgess, ADC Deputy for Intelligence at Ent AFB [ 12/23/1953 #9389  
port sent to: CSAF, WASH DC; COMDR ADC, ENT AFB, COLO; COMDR ATINTEL, CRT W 2/6/1954 #9538  
                           Eastern ADC The US Navy issues a new directive t 7/23/1954 #10043  
TIC, commanding officer of Eastern ADC, director of Naval Intelligence, com 7/23/1954 #10043  
TIC, commanding officer of Eastern ADC, director of Naval Intelligence, com 7/23/1954 #10044  
nsistent with its primary mission. ADC’s commander, Gen. Benjamin W. Chidla 9/1/1954 #10228  
 and audacity of the explainers at ADC and ATIC.                            6/30/1955 #12221  
ut Stringfield’s relationship with ADC.                                     8/23/1955 #12399  
ts are then to be forwarded to the ADC filter center using the code “Fox Tr 9/9/1955 #12444  
ord that ends his affiliation with ADC.                                     3/16/1956 #12759  
age (from 3910th Air Base Group to ADC at Ent AFB, now the US Olympic Train 8/13/1956 #13080  
Louisiana, where the pilot queries ADC radar site, England AFB [now Alexand 6/3/1957 #13698  
            Niagara Falls, NY CPS6 ADC Radar Tracks Brilliant White Light ( 7/25/1957 #13834  
. NORAD radar picks up the object; ADC alerts several bases, including Nell 4/18/1962 #17120  
 Hoveres 500' Over Missile Silos / ADC Radar Confirms (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Ca 3/5/1967 #21761  
of the 91st Strategic Missile Wing ADC radar at Minot AFB, North Dakota, tr 3/5/1967 #21765  
 Walker Pass Edwards AFB Boron AFS ADC radar site 10:17 p.m. George and Bro 7/30/1967 #22754  
ng their sighting to the Boron AFS ADC radar site. Blue Book claims the dat 7/30/1967 #22754  
## Word: "adcap" (Back to Top)
 in Nike Missile Air Intelligence (ADCAP), told Stringfield Wright-Patterso 8/1978 #33460  
## Word: "adcock" (Back to Top)
e, Tennessee. At 11:15 a.m. Stuart Adcock, a Knoxville radio amateur with e 3/1/1950 #4572  
er Oak Ridge nuclear facility. Mr. Adcock reported another detection the ne 3/1/1950 #4572  
## Word: "add" (Back to Top)
r Investigation of Los Angeles) or add UFO disinformation during a nuclear  8/19/1952 #7648  
paratus to take off. Later sources add some dubious details.                10/12/1954 #10976  
ncana who suggests poison pills to add to Castro’s food or drinks. Such pil 9/1960 #16428  
e result, could and probably would add an impressive body of evidence that  8/9/1966 #20734  
ick to their stories and sometimes add interesting details.                 11/15/1966 #21107  
that studying the subject will not add to scientific knowledge.             11/1970 #25897  
an, Colorado, prompts officials to add ground-based spotting teams and airc 1/8/2020 #45625  
## Word: "addaba" (Back to Top)
                             ADDIS ADDABA, ETH Italian air raid expected. S 10/1935 #1233  
## Word: "added" (Back to Top)
st Norman Haworth are subsequently added, along with a representative of th 4/10/1940 #1331  
stwar Joint New Weapons Committee. Added to this are other reconstituted R& 7/3/1946 #2025  
ntell's online obituary, Jim Marrs added: A man by the name of Richard T. M 1/7/1948 #3537  
th some green fireball information added. It recommends sending reports of  4/28/1949 #4125  
c principles’ . . . At the time we added that the reality of the flying dis 5/18/1949 #4193  
 Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg that UFOs be added to JANAP 146 as required reporting 12/1949 #4430  
aucers.” Any information, the memo added, would be telephoned, immediately, 12/3/1950 #5314  
s.com/ufo/rufo/rufo06.htm (alt URL added by RG) *   https://www.nicap.org/n 2/19/1952 #5911  
ap.org/ncp/ncp-brumac.htm (alt URL added by RG)                             2/19/1952 #5911  
traterrestrial phenomena, with the added possibility that the present dispe 9/24/1952 #8022  
reports seem like poppycock,” Chop added. Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt allegedly 2/9/1953 #8656  
e theater and volleyball court are added. CIA officer Richard Newton is ass 7/1955 #12225  
in the desert; cars and trucks are added; giant air-sampling balloons are t 4/24/1957 #13615  
n alien named Ulo, with later text added by an apparently female companion  11/21/1957 #14590  
 was not the right time" [emphasis added].                                  7/9/1959 #15829  
also persuasive. Lockheed has also added twin canted fins instead of a sing 9/14/1959 #15976  
ews/129123907/ (alt newspaper link added by RG)                             6/22/1960 #16317  
ent/mode/2up?view=theater (alt URL added by RG)                             1961 #16553  
removed from USAF Intelligence and added to the new Air Force Systems Comma 7/1/1961 #16741  
eports/490524rogue.htm (alt linked added by rg)                             3/1968 #23799  
d-August, Project LETHAL CHASER is added, using portable manpack radars. Th 8/1968 #24284  
lectric shock in his presence, and added, "He must have been emitting some  8/22/1972 #26949  
ew-witness-comes-forward/ (alt URL added by RG)   https://www.amazon.com/PA 10/11/1973 #28009  
ER-MY-STORY/dp/198299584X (alt URL added by RG)   https://www.onlyinyoursta 10/11/1973 #28009  
duction-in-pascagoula-ms/ (alt URL added by RG)     Note: AFOSI counterinte 10/11/1973 #28009  
f RV could help find UAP bases; he added “they have an official charter,” a 10/27/1973 #28303  
lities. These files now include an added set of AFOSI files of UFO investig 12/1975 #30679  
ime of the accident. The spokesman added that AF jets enroute to the test r 12/18/1980 #35724  
0,000 additional records have been added.                                   1990 #39349  
Adam II is deeply Catholic, Vallee added, and stated Adam II believed ET co 5/22/1991 #40075  
ghtings by military personnel. The added responsibility is placed in the in 1/15/1992 #40288  
find out what’s going on,” D’Amato added.  https://ufos-scientificresearch. 5/22/1992 #40469  
collection per AFR 200-2.  Kissner added his sources told him the custody o 1994 #41349  
have never been destroyed,” Schiff added, stating the GAO told him the mess 7/28/1995 #42338  
ilizations in our galaxy, and then added “x100” to it. Skeptic Joe Nickell  2000 #43913  
e area was very beautiful and also added, "Humans don't know what they have 3/26/2002 #44326  
n their radar, "we don't care!" He added, "I just want to emphasize that th 10/29/2002 #44424  
ffice tracking reports of UFOs has added nearly 400 additional sightings to 1/12/2023 #45792  
## Word: "addendum" (Back to Top)
edition, with a new preface and an addendum that brings the subject up to d 10/25/1955 #12519  
## Word: "addiction" (Back to Top)
ICHOKE to study hypnosis, morphine addiction, and LSD to produce amnesia an 8/20/1951 #5613  
                                   Addiction Center in Lexington, Kentucky  2/1957 #13481  
ection into 9 black inmates at the Addiction Center in Lexington, Kentucky. 2/1957 #13481  
e Story of Invisible Spies, Heroin Addiction, and Homeland Security, p183+  7/2003 #44560  
## Word: "addicts" (Back to Top)
o mental patients, prisoners, drug addicts, and prostitutes—“people who cou 6/9/1953 #8930  
## Word: "addie" (Back to Top)
                Fredonia, New York Addie Jones, 61, saw a silvery object, 1 9/27/1965 #19613  
## Word: "adding" (Back to Top)
ds up with the alien in the grave. Adding to the mystery is the story of Br 4/17/1897 #523  
ll only say he is from “anywhere,” adding that “we will be in Greece tomorr 4/22/1897 #559  
 Book, White Book and Yellow Book, adding that he heard LANL was analyzing  1949 #3947  
ood wants to expand the equipment, adding a debris-catching pursuit plane.  7/1951 #5556  
 Jr. secures a presidential action adding the Groom Lake area in Nevada to  4/1955 #12077  
 and Gunnery Range. Contractor was adding “Limited additional facilities an 5/18/1955 #12140  
sh. Edward Lovick’s suggestion for adding cesium to the A-12’s fuel in orde 9/14/1959 #15976  
nd described the object in detail, adding he should keep future encounters  9/3/1965 #19506  
nd described the object in detail, adding he should keep future encounters  9/3/1965 #19517  
 Andrade to come to "their world," adding it was "very distant and much lar 9/4/1967 #22996  
 Andrade to “come to their world,” adding it is “very distant and much larg 9/4/1967 #22997  
 Andrade to come to "their world," adding it was "very distant and much lar 9/4/1967 #23000  
to a CB radio, a burglar alarm, an adding machine, a cash register, and a v 7/31/1976 #31206  
luminated the surrounding area. An adding machine, the cash register, and a 7/31/1976 #31207  
ease because of national security, adding that the NSA is reviewing 79 othe 1/10/1980 #35129  
tales of crashes and alien bodies, adding that the aliens are called Alien  12/18/1988 #38755  
s recovered and transported there, adding it weighed very little; he claims 9/28/1989 #39132  
riodically from late 1945 to 1957, adding it was rumored they were human ex 3/16/1991 #40015  
ve stolen [his] idea…I really do,” adding he had a meeting with an individu 7/2003 #44560  
f UAP], Dr. Edward Teller is one,” adding that he had dinner with Teller an 2/15/2011 #45316  
as trying to sabotage the company, adding he believed the CIA was running a 2/26/2019 #45564  
use maybe he was a “loose cannon,” adding “they’ve never tried to intimidat 5/26/2021 #45691  
tensive effort to shut people up,” adding his sources are now “terrified” w 12/17/2021 #45729  
not pose a national security risk, adding the task force will operate with  5/17/2022 #45750  
## Word: "addingham" (Back to Top)
                                   ADDINGHAM, WEST YORKS Several observer(s 6/10/1994 (approximate) #41563  
## Word: "addis" (Back to Top)
                                   ADDIS ADDABA, ETH Italian air raid expec 10/1935 #1233  
## Word: "addison" (Back to Top)
                                   ADDISON, NY Forest ranger. Lens-saucer p 4/23/1953 #8842  
                                   ADDISON TWP, IN 3M saucer stops low / co 8/18/1957 #13903  
## Word: "addition" (Back to Top)
or, and three other authorities in addition to the dozens of peasants who a 6/12/1790 #91  
ng the grass and weeds on fire. In addition to the fragments is a scrap of  6/13/1891 #293  
lso containing Restricted Data. In addition, a document containing Restrict 8/1/1946 #2097  
 Soviet Kapustin Yar test site, in addition to all other launches           1950's #4456  
h of Mount Palomar, California. In addition to the standard flying saucer t 8/20/1950 #5132  
ies overhead. Ruppelt says that in addition to Project Grudge investigators 8/30/1951 #5638  
ifornia shortly after 6:00 p.m. In addition to zigzagging the ball of light 2/19/1952 #5910  
veral ground military witnesses in addition to radar tracking. It looked li 8/5/1952 #7473  
 are still considered doubtful. In addition, if a case is lacking in adequa 10/25/1955 #12519  
ther through the top or bottom, in addition to the main turbine exhaust thr 3/1956 #12742  
 money originates from the CIA. In addition to LSD, Cameron experiments wit 2/1957 #13481  
ail as the UFO passes overhead. In addition, the inside dome lights come on 12/8/1957 #14692  
s are found on some power lines in addition to the damaged tree, and Johans Late 10/1959 #16060  
es the center of a 600-square-mile addition to restricted area R-4808N.     1/1962 #17014  
e story from a reliable source. In addition, a ham radio operator claims to 4/30/1964 #18231  
 NICAP did a more thorough job. In addition to the burnt area and ground ma 9/4/1964 #18534  
other witnesses to the sighting in addition to Sr. Faieta.                  7/13/1966 #20645  
he hunt for Guevara in Bolivia. In addition, the 2007 documentary My Enemy’ 10/7/1967 #23190  
’s cap and clothing are singed. In addition, her watch, which has stopped a 7/22/1968 #24204  
s cap and clothing were singed. In addition, her watch, which had stopped a 7/22/1968 #24205  
nd in rapid darting movements. (HC addition # 1011, Source: Francois Bourbe 7/27/1971 #26246  
ss about 10 meters in diameter. In addition, several metal telephone lines  9/20/1971 #26354  
dential transportation support. In addition to collateral controls, an SAP  3/8/1972 #26592  
hs before and had been healthy. In addition to this, her eyesight worsened  5/27/1973 #27535  
 aliens from the "crash" site. (HC addition # 3925; CSETI, Nicholas Redfern 1/23/1974 #28693  
o the left before disappearing. In addition to Maj. Hoose, none of the expe 7/17/1974 #29267  
 portholes, doors, or markings. In addition, no lights of any kind are appa 8/25/1974 #29386  
re reported for the first time. In addition, the article discusses efforts  12/22/1974 #29657  
h in color and began to hover. (HC addition # 744, CUFOS Reports,Type: A) ( 10/19/1975 #30449  
corroborates their story, with the addition of what happened aboard the spa 11/5/1975 #30562  
 area was lit up like daylight. In addition, the car's AM radio was racked  9/20/1979 #34908  
quipment to his head and chest. In addition, blood and sperm samples were t 9/25/1980 #35535  
the ground at the landing site. In addition, 10,000 gallons of water were m 9/30/1980 #35548  
right through the bedroom wall. In addition, the man and his wife remembere 10/27/1989 #39188  
erest in a major American bank. In addition to violations of lending laws,  7/5/1991 #40112  
 were directed to intercept it. In addition, a third jet was scrambled from 8/28/1991 #40168  
per, with evenly timed pulses.” In addition to providing the first photogra 3/23/1992 #40397  
rospace programs for Sen. Byrd, in addition to the triangle UAP wave in Bel 5/22/1992 #40469  
                                In addition to the UFO reports with humanoi 3/6/1996 #42813  
## Word: "additional" (Back to Top)
d zigzagged through the sky for an additional 50 seconds.                   2/5/1883 #252  
nberg. (Report was kicked back for additional proof; later declassified and 9/1948 #3792  
ber's airborne radar jammed for an additional ten minutes after the sightin 1/12/1950 #4485  
were two witnesses together and an additional independent observer, and the 5/4/1950 #4922  
                      At 4:30 a.m. additional unidentified radar targets we 7/20/1952 #6956  
 vanishes at a speed of 9,000 mph. Additional crewmen involved are 1st Lt.  12/6/1952 #8389  
ed 6.0 megatons (due to unforeseen additional reactions involving lithium-7 3/1/1954 #9584  
after 2 minutes. At 9:05 p.m., two additional tower operators (including A1 8/11/1954 #10126  
rved by two other witnesses. As an additional note, Mr. Delattre fainted wh 10/2/1954 #10619  
away from the area in order to get additional witnesses. Later, the harasse 10/23/1954 #11346  
ge. Contractor was adding “Limited additional facilities and modifications” 5/18/1955 #12140  
ations. In 1957, the USAF provides additional funding to extend the project 3/1956 #12742  
hen left at fantastic speed. Three additional witnesses reported it indepen 4/8/1956 #12802  
hen left at fantastic speed. Three additional witnesses reported it indepen 4/8/1956 #12804  
ing gears in a field outside town. Additional proof of the incident came af 7/30/1957 #13860  
iate fatalities, though up to 200+ additional cancer deaths perhaps ensue f 9/29/1957 #14044  
n the underwater mud. According to additional details revealed later, a sec 1/21/1959 #15560  
 Regulation 200-2 is revised, with additional emphasis on reducing the numb 9/14/1959 #15975  
 turns down ATIC’s request for one additional staffer for Project Blue Book 9/1960 #16430  
ct Blue Book (raising it to 3) and additional funding.                      9/1960 #16430  
 Older buildings are repaired, and additional facilities are constructed as 8/1961 #16776  
nes and Bay of Pigs, Cuba, reveals additional Soviet SA-2 and cruise missil 9/29/1962 #17447  
 full report with signatures of 13 additional witnesses. (NICAP: 01 - Dista 8/6/1963 #17871  
s were reported by 143 personnel.  Additional testimony from launch officer 7/31/1965 #19225  
ea. The witness apparently has had additional subsequent encounters.        1/9/1967 #21279  
 Colorado project has requested an additional $280,000 to extend it into Se 7/1/1967 #22591  
upset. USAF ultimately approves an additional $183,155, plus $29,750 for ex 7/1/1967 #22591  
s from the scope. At 9:53 p.m., an additional blip follows another Air Cana 7/6/1967 #22622  
n visits the field and finds three additional rings. An RCAF team from CFB  8/5/1967 #22815  
onless, peering out, while several additional shadows shadows were seen mov 10/24/1967 #23309  
They drive into town to pick up an additional witness, Joseph Frabush, and  2/18/1968 #23763  
ce he was not able to make out any additional details. He described the cra 11/2/1971 #26450  
gh security violation alert). Four additional security officers arrived, in 10/14/1972 #27077  
 north into town to bring back two additional witnesses. The large object w 9/11/1973 #27803  
ed the lights toward Kent. The two additional witnesses were dropped off in 9/11/1973 #27803  
 north into town to bring back two additional witnesses. The large object w 9/12/1973 #27809  
ed the lights toward Kent. The two additional witnesses were dropped off in 9/12/1973 #27809  
 UFO investigators arrive and find additional marks in the shape of a trian 10/6/1973 #27960  
ater, under hypnosis, she recalled additional details. None of her family h 7/17/1974 #29266  
 evidence of heat or burning. Some additional circles are found in the area 9/1/1974 #29417  
ce, he claimed to have a number of additional telepathic communications wit 9/11/1975 #30353  
orage perimeter inside and out. An additional sweep is made of the areas th 10/27/1975 #30488  
hing else. Randle also talks to an additional witness, Richard Manson, who  11/17/1975 #30636  
ppeared into the distance, several additional towns people arrived to see t 4/23/1976 #31019  
 color of an incandescent lamp. No additional structure could be seen. He w 9/20/1976 #31416  
e related to UFOs. Some 53% prefer additional scientific study of UFOs.     1/1977 #31665  
rth to a nearby village to collect additional observers. A triangle of depr 8/31/1977 #32445  
y the two entities, along with two additional ones. There are about 8–10 be 5/10/1978 #33196  
ldier ran into the barracks to get additional witnesses, but when they came 9/23/1978 #33737  
 hovered over the car again for an additional ten seconds. (NICAP: 02 - Clo 11/20/1978 #33966  
 hovered over the car again for an additional ten seconds. Later that night 11/20/1978 #33968  
and her aunt cannot account for an additional 45–50 minutes. Her headache p 2/1979 #34398  
he object. The students ran to get additional witnesses, but when they retu 8/29/1979 #34804  
 but was unable to distinguish any additional features. The being appeared  2/11/1980 #35168  
wof windows, was luminous, and had additional lights on top and bottom. The 11/28/1980 #35680  
 of a dark, triangular object with additional blue and yellow lights on the 4/15/1981 #35899  
 was unsuccessful in revealing any additional details.                      7/31/1981 #36050  
xamined. He could not remember any additional details.                      11/1/1982 #36669  
987 to 87 “Not Identified” REMs by additional intelligence correlation anal 1986 #37742  
 From his hiding place he saw five additional creatures about 1.20 meters i 3/7/1987 #38134  
ere flying that night. Futhermore, additional sightings included objects th 10/26/1988 #38699  
e military about this. The alleged additional savings of $300 million is in 11/22/1989 #39245  
een the triangular object and that additional sightings were being reported 11/29/1989 #39277  
1982. Since then, more than 10,000 additional records have been added.      1990 #39349  
m sight. Further inquires revealed additional witnesses, and the possibilit 8/31/1990 #39707  
nd the possibility of four to five additional humanoids of similar appearan 8/31/1990 #39707  
e at her house they picked up some additional witnesses and they again drov 3/13/1992 #40377  
in the base over Leipzig, Germany. Additional witnesses come forward, but a 12/16/1992 #40749  
gh the room. The next morning, two additional flattened circles were found  3/31/1993 #40915  
n't return until he had found some additional witnesses. When they returned 2/9/1995 #42031  
esearch findings by McAndrew, with additional attachments and appendices. A 7/1995 #42286  
minivan and watch the craft for an additional 10-15 seconds. Detailed analy 7/15/1995 #42305  
ategic perception management, with additional functions being optical decep 5/1996 #42891  
alking back into the house to call additional witnesses, she was confronted 5/19/1996 #42905  
voice could not pick up the sound. Additional development of this would ope 2/17/1998 #43522  
and gave off a white light, but no additional features could be discerned.  6/27/1998 #43596  
 tried to yell out to attract some additional witnesses, but with no succes 3/15/1999 #43748  
 witness remained paralyzed for an additional 10 to 15 minutes.             7/16/2000 #44020  
them again. Frightened, she called additional household members but by the  7/31/2000 #44024  
next 90 minutes they see 3 whitish additional balls and something that look 8/5/2000 #44028  
 of his Mary Elizabeth Elliott. No additional context is given. Names not m 10/16/2002 #44418  
f Cyber Corp., later Avocent), and additional investment from 2C Computing  3/2004 #44671  
 and adjacent office complexes. An additional 200 are evacuated from the Wh 5/11/2005 #44840  
gman joins him and they make three additional passes as they track it on ai 1/12/2007 #44999  
r SAP status was denied and little additional funding was found for the AAT 10/29/2008 #45180  
inary discoveries that he asks for additional security (individuals “specia 6/24/2009 #45227  
cations in the early 1990s with no additional details. The nearby Kiowa tri 2/20/2015 #45431  
                              Some additional dubious MJ-12 documents (47 p 6/2017 #45473  
 These events seem to have spurred additional training and the rapid deploy 7/30/2019 #45600  
bserver misperception, and require additional rigorous analysis. The report 6/25/2021 #45694  
ports of UFOs has added nearly 400 additional sightings to its catalog over 1/12/2023 #45792  
 determined that about half of the additional sightings displayed “unremark 1/12/2023 #45792  
## Word: "additionally" (Back to Top)
rs later than he expects it to be. Additionally, the compass he has taken w 12/1/1987 #38345  
d geospatial forces and expertise. Additionally, it is the service cryptolo 9/29/2014 #45415  
ral sensors and auxiliary sensors. Additionally sensors are classified as N 6/23/2019 #45587  
ressed nuclear propulsion systems; additionally, his source claims “exotic  6/29/2021 #45697  
 “higher consciousness.”  The book additionally tracks Peter Whitley, an Am 10/20/2022 #45779  
## Word: "additions" (Back to Top)
eat interest.” Other deletions and additions are present in the fake docume 10/28/1947 #3469  
 AFOSI message with a few spurious additions. Doty tells Moore to pass it o 11/17/1980 #35645  
## Word: "addo" (Back to Top)
rkmen. Blue luminous disk lands by Addo River. No further details / Cisaer. 7/26/1968 #24232  
## Word: "address" (Back to Top)
e day, Garland gives the welcoming address to the secret MIT Lincoln Labora 1/29/1952 #5884  
ie during their visit to a private address in London. Adamski gives further 4/18/1959 #15707  
    Eisenhower delivers a farewell address in a TV broadcast. Perhaps best  1/17/1961 #16579  
 end of the Colorado project in an address to the American Philosophical So 4/26/1969 #25094  
 Richard Helms gives a rare public address in which he insists that the CIA 4/14/1971 #26072  
name, then the second asks for his address and phone number. He does not re 10/2/1981 #36154  
ry operations. The report does not address the dozens of affidavits publish 6/24/1997 #43339  
General Motors Co. corporate email address about UAP information, recovered 4/28/2006 #44936  
t work, either from the programmed address book or with manual input callin 9/14/2009 #45247  
dment, “Establishment of Office to Address Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” i 12/27/2021 #45730  
states a formal operations plan to address UAP exists and involve attempts  3/18/2022 #45741  
## Word: "addressed" (Back to Top)
m found in official FBI UFO files, addressed to “important aeronautical and 7/8/1947 #2953  
ttached memos and documents. It is addressed to Chief of Staff Hoyt Vandenb 4/23/1948 #3628  
ssent to. The Estimate is probably addressed to Chief of Staff Gen. Hoyt Va 9/30/1948? #3817  
e a serious issue that needs to be addressed, perhaps by LaPaz.             2/11/1949 #4002  
y the Atomic Energy Commission and addressed to Army Adjutant General Willi 7/19/1953 #9004  
       Washington DC A 1954 letter addressed to broadcaster Frank Edwards,  8/1/1954 #10086  
per, where he dropped off a letter addressed to the editor stating that bef 6/21/1967 #22530  
at he looked as if blind." The man addressed him in an unintelligible guttu 6/4/1968 #24006  
l carried weapons. The leader then addressed him in his incomprehensible la 5/4/1969 #25115  
” on the seat beside Migueres, and addressed him telepathically in French.  8/11/1969 #25317  
 Gairy, Prime Minister of Grenada, addressed the UN General Assembly urging 10/7/1976 #31453  
ce and calm envelop him. When they addressed him he at first thought they w 2/5/1978 #32957  
f Defence memo (DEFE 24/3152 p176) addressed to DI(ST) titled “Unidentified 12/2/1993 #41320  
rge. The next day the Flight Chief addressed the entire staff saying there  10/1998 #43656  
basis that Ottawa has not promptly addressed the serious health concerns th 2/6/2019 #45560  
## Word: "addresses" (Back to Top)
tudy by USAF intelligence officers addresses the public relations problems  10/1958 #15294  
Counsellors Meeting on Saturn that addresses the threat of nuclear war on E 3/27/1962 #17088  
 Union 7:00 p.m. President Kennedy addresses the American public for 18 min 10/22/1962 #17485  
 BSRA/BSRF archives containing the addresses of the 3 other named witnesses 1966 #19792  
 published in Science magazine. It addresses seven misconceptions about UFO 10/1966 #20944  
outh, which bears a fixed grin, he addresses Derenberger telepathically, as Early 11/1966 #21070  
itting a motor-like sound. A voice addresses him from within the object req 3/31/1967 #22023  
              Los Angeles McDonald addresses the question, “Are UFOs Extrat 3/26/1968 #23861  
Building Washington, D.C. McDonald addresses the Burro Club (Democratic Con 6/3/1968 #24001  
       Renton, Washington McDonald addresses the Boeing Management Associat 8/7/1968 #24306  
ime Minister of Grenada Eric Gairy addresses the UN General Assembly urging 10/7/1977 #32558  
N ambassador at large for Grenada, addresses the United Nations on the seri 11/28/1977 #32702  
own General Motors corporate email addresses despite no public admission of 4/28/2006 #44936  
## Word: "addressing" (Back to Top)
Os exist, they might be helpful in addressing some of the major problems in 6/26/1968 #24084  
for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, addressing UFOs in a largely negative an 1987 #38091  
s riddled with “information gaps.” Addressing the possibility that Havana s 2/2/2022 #45737  
## Word: "adds" (Back to Top)
 as roamed the earth ages ago.” He adds that “If human life exists on Venus 1/9/1911 #853  
 To the S-1 Section, Vannevar Bush adds American physicist Samuel King Alli 6/28/1941 #1367  
Chavez County Sheriff’s Office. It adds that the disc is being loaned by Ma 7/8/1947 #3020  
a memo titled “Flying Disks.” Ladd adds a note saying that the “Bureau does 7/10/1947 #3102  
ssociate FBI Director Clyde Tolson adds, “I think we should do this,” while 7/10/1947 #3102  
r area have any basis of fact.” He adds that the Maury Island crash “did no 8/8/1947 #3307  
bout German/Russian technology and adds disc characteristics of hovering, d 10/21/1947 #3465  
eing “foreign experimentation.” He adds that the Air Force is still investi 12/17/1947 #3505  
rong sense of disapproval. Ruppelt adds that some months later the Estimate 9/30/1948? #3817  
ying the green fireballs topic. He adds: “It seems unlikely that domestic i 2/18/1949 #4017  
to its redesignation as Grudge and adds an appendix on “Unidentified Aerial 4/28/1949 #4125  
mmercial and military pilots. This adds UFOs to the list of sighting catego 9/25/1950 #5195  
ver concerning flying saucers.” It adds, “CIC advises data strictly confide 12/8/1950 #5334  
exing ‘flying saucer’ problem.” It adds that the “Air Force cannot assume t 4/29/1952 #6216  
other planet such as Mars,” but he adds that “air intelligence is fairly ce 7/29/1952 #7324  
 waterborne sources for CIRVIS and adds MERINT reports. Civilian pilots mus 3/10/1954 #9609  
on the “flying saucer problem.” He adds that about 90% of the reports are p 5/15/1954 #9804  
. To deal with that, the Air Force adds the theory that a temperature inver 3/22/1957 #13553  
ber Rear Adm. Roscoe Hillenkoetter adds a statement: “Behind the scenes, hi 2/27/1960 #16186  
 laboratories, wherever needed. He adds that Hynek has consulted with the “ 5/25/1962 #17201  
, a joint Canadian–US instruction, adds that photos should be sent to the U 3/31/1966 #20180  
Director of Naval Intelligence and adds special CIRVIS reporting instructio 3/31/1966 #20180  
ook and the facts of the case.” He adds that the good cases have been “swep 4/6/1967 #22079  
 is solely in national defense. He adds that no person from the Ministry ev 9/27/1967 #23136  
the interest of science.” Bolender adds that “reports of unidentified flyin 10/20/1969 #25418  
that any are tracked on radar, but adds, “It’s in the interest of national  9/1978 #33618  
nchalant about the subject. Walker adds: “Yes, I know of MJ-12. I have know 8/30/1987 #38264  
yze unknown datatracks.  The paper adds that “undocumented” simulations wer 6/1989 #38972  
e 1947 crashes, Kissner stated. He adds that Project Supremacy could have b 1994 #41349  
ay After” disclosure scenarios and adds there needs to be a contingency pla 1/8/1999 #43712  
ty close” to what is going on, and adds that there is “a lot” going on in U 4/2001 #44155  
act with the Army at that time; he adds he wouldn’t be surprised if the tec 7/2003 #44560  
 intelligence, DeLonge claims, and adds that it was at one time bigger than 4/2016 #45448  
hs and proprietary assets; DeLonge adds that he asked the advisors if the c 4/2016 #45448  
than President or Congress.  Greer adds that all military intelligence divi 4/18/2016 #45451  
## Word: "adductee" (Back to Top)
     I90 WITH WESTFIELD, MA Repeat adductee. Huge dark boomerang blocks sta 2/12/1991 #39975  
## Word: "adel" (Back to Top)
             PELHAM AND DAWSON AND ADEL, GA Blue-green-yellow night lights. 8/31/1973 #27733  
                                   Adel, Georgia 6:20 p.m. Two witnesses, e 11/19/2013 #45397  
uth about 500 feet above them near Adel, Georgia. The surface of the object 11/19/2013 #45397  
## Word: "adela" (Back to Top)
ntos Vallejos, Antonia Aparti, and Adela Sanchez, who were walking to Gener 10/1/1965 #19632  
ntos Vallejos, Antonia Aparti, and Adela Sanchez were walking to General Sa 10/1/1965 #19635  
self. At the same time a neighbor, Adela Garcia, heard the same noise and n 6/10/1968 #24018  
a 1:20 a.m. Entities observed. Ms. Adela Casalvieri, night nurse at the Neu 7/22/1968 #24202  
2837, Mendoza, Argentina 1:20 a.m. Adela Casalvieri de Panassiti, 45, night 7/22/1968 #24204  
:20 a.m. in Mendoza, Argentina Ms. Adela Casalvieri, night nurse at the Neu 7/22/1968 #24205  
## Word: "adelaide" (Back to Top)
                                   ADELAIDE OBSERVATORY, SOUTH AUS Astronom 11/20/1902 #657  
STRALIA Flying cigar seen here and Adelaide. Shoots going up / incredible s 10/18/1952 #8153  
                                   Adelaide Advrtiser Adelaide Hills, South 10/18/1952 #8155  
                Adelaide Advrtiser Adelaide Hills, South Australia 9:44 p.m 10/18/1952 #8155  
ng home from an assignment for the Adelaide Advrtiser when he sees a greeni 10/18/1952 #8155  
ng 707 some 10 miles away over the Adelaide Hills, South Australia, moving  10/18/1952 #8155  
                                   Adelaide, South Australia Fred P. Stone  1953 #8480  
e Australian Flying Saucer Club in Adelaide, South Australia. It later beco 1953 #8480  
                              Near Adelaide, South Australia a ghastly look 1/2/1953 #8496  
                                   ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTR 2 observer(s). 2 r 2/22/1953 #8692  
                             SSW / ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUS 2 observer(s). White 3/8/1953 #8737  
                 100MI NORTHEAST / ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTR Flight crew. Objec 1/9/1954 #9469  
                                   ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTR Planet-like object 1/10/1954 #9474  
                                   ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTR 1 / (seen thru) bi 6/17/1955 #12202  
                                   Adelaide (near), AU Silver oblong UFO vi 6/17/1955 #12203  
silver, oblong object hovered over Adelaide, South Australia at 2:15 p.m. T 6/17/1955 #12204  
                               Nr. Adelaide, AU Silver oblong UFO viewed th 7/17/1955 #12264  
                                   ADELAIDE, SA Silent crescent-saucer foll 8/29/1957 #13944  
                              NEAR ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 35 observer(s) 12/7/1957 #14680  
o northeast over Seacombe Gardens, Adelaide, South Australia. It made a dro 2/2/1958 #14869  
bject streaked across the sky over Adelaide, South Australia. It made a his 4/26/1958 #15001  
ning cigar-shaped object flew over Adelaide, South Australia. It gave off a 1/3/1959 #15532  
                      Sydney Perth Adelaide Melbourne Brisbane, Australia G Late 2/1959 #15612  
rld lecture tour in Sydney, Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne, and Brisbane, Austr Late 2/1959 #15612  
Near Claypans, 150 km northeast of Adelaide, Carl Towill, postmaster, and P 3/13/1959 #15640  
ground, then later in the sky over Adelaide, South Australia. It was in vie 3/23/1959 #15666  
                                   ADELAIDE, SA 3 kids and separate observe 3/31/1959 #15679  
                             Three Adelaide, South Australia children repor 3/31/1959 #15683  
       Later that same evening the Adelaide Weather Bureau received a repor 3/31/1959 #15684  
man in Blackwood Park, a suburb of Adelaide, South Australia took a photogr 4/29/1959 #15718  
          In 1959, at 4:15 a.m. in Adelaide Hills, South Australia a flat o 11/20/1959 #16097  
en entering an isolated cloud over Adelaide Hills, South Australia around 6 11/21/1961 #16968  
          Norwood, South Australia Adelaide 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Ellen D. Sylvest 10/28/1962 #17513  
 Norwood, South Australia, east of Adelaide, when they see an orange glow o 10/28/1962 #17513  
as driving in Norwood, a suburb of Adelaide, South Australia with her three 10/28/1962 #17514  
                             NNE / ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTR 1+3 kids. Saucer l 2/2/1963 (approximate) #17648  
                     100MI NORTH / ADELAIDE, SA 1 observer. Saucer lands. 7 5/1963? #17733  
, then followed car. The Dominion. Adelaide, reported May 22 this was "the  5/21/1963 #17756  
cking the road in Sandy Creek near Adelaide, South Australia. The disc was  6/28/1963 #17815  
                              NEAR ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTR 2 boys and 20. Sau 10/1/1963? #17970  
e or a similar object was taken in Adelaide on the same day.                6/13/1965 #19003  
 about a mile away in the sky over Adelaide, South Australia. When he signa 11/23/1965 #19733  
                                In Adelaide, South Australia at 2:30 a.m. a 10/23/1966 #21032  
gzag maneuvers over the suburbs of Adelaide, South Australia at 8:30 p.m. T 2/23/1968 #23780  
nkley, South Australia Cheltenham, Adelaide, South Australia A farmer in Br 5/11/1968 #23958  
r wires and a fence in Cheltenham, Adelaide, South Australia.               5/11/1968 #23958  
m. near the airport in West Beach, Adelaide, South Australia a pinkish obje 7/17/1969 #25276  
                  Christies Beach, Adelaide, South Australia 4:00 p.m. Five 3/14/1971 #26046  
ng, are seen over Christies Beach, Adelaide, South Australia. Filaments fal 3/14/1971 #26046  
                     Maslin Beach, Adelaide, South Australia 3:10 p.m. Seve 3/15/1971 #26048  
seen in the air over Maslin Beach, Adelaide, South Australia. White “fairy  3/15/1971 #26048  
                           Glenelg Adelaide South Australia 2:00 p.m. A wit 11/28/1972 #27149  
ia 2:00 p.m. A witness at Glenelg, Adelaide, South Australia, sees lengths  11/28/1972 #27149  
aucers and cylinder/cigar-shape. / Adelaide Advertiser 3.11.73.             10/31/1973 #28322  
                                   ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA Numerous separ 4/15/1974 #29026  
                                   Adelaide, AU Two motorists from Adelaide 4/15/1974 #29028  
   Adelaide, AU Two motorists from Adelaide reported loss of power from the 4/15/1974 #29028  
 At 1:30 a.m. a witness in Ashton, Adelaide, South Australia had a close en 5/3/1975 #30028  
later, in Yatala Vale, a suburb of Adelaide, South Australia a solid-lookin 4/22/1977 #32015  
                                   Adelaide to Perth, Australia Object ahea 8/22/1978 #33546  
ver Western Australia. Flying from Adelaide to Perth a Murchison Air Servic 8/22/1978 #33549  
 car east of Snowtown, a suburb of Adelaide, South Australia, for miles. Ra 10/25/1981 #36188  
cal exam occurred on this night in Adelaide, South Australia. A man awoke a 10/24/1988 #38687  
hugs coast. Crosses bay going [to] Adelaide. Tiers / lights / side.         2/2/1992 #40312  
                                   ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUST 2 / beach. White-re 4/21/1992 #40426  
                                In Adelaide, South Australia at 8:30 p.m. w 4/21/1992 #40427  
                                   ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUST Noises on roof. Obs 10/14/1996 #43067  
                                In Adelaide, South Australia at 1:25 a.m. m 11/25/1996 #43122  
        A woman in Hazelwood Park, Adelaide, South Australia reported sight 5/5/1997 #43288  
the sky in Melbourne, Victoria. In Adelaide, South Australia four men sitti 6/12/1999 #43785  
over. There were also sightings in Adelaide, South Australia this night. Si 1/29/2000 #43936  
ving in Morphett Vale, a suburb of Adelaide, South Australia at 8:30 p.m. w 9/24/2002 #44403  
                                   Adelaide, South Australia Roswell, New M 1/15/2005 #44808  
th Basterfield interviews a man in Adelaide, South Australia, whose British 1/15/2005 #44808  
ed north of Salisbury, a suburb of Adelaide, South Australia. A misty light 11/29/2006 #44988  
## Word: "adelanto" (Back to Top)
                                   Adelanto, CA 11:00 AM. An object shaped  6/22/1984 #37374  
r a woman's car in her driveway in Adelanto, California at 11 o'clock in th 6/22/1984 #37375  
## Word: "adele" (Back to Top)
  Burghausen, Bavaria, Germany Ms. Adele Holzer was in her car driving to w 12/12/1978 #34098  
                               Ms. Adele Holzer was in her car driving to w 12/12/1978 #34100  
## Word: "adelia" (Back to Top)
i, Ohio Leonard Stringfield’s wife Adelia observes several white tufts of a 9/25/1956 #13245  
## Word: "adeline" (Back to Top)
; a nurse friend (possibly 1st Lt. Adeline “Eileen” M. Fanton) warns him to 7/8/1947 #3026  
## Word: "adelino" (Back to Top)
, Goias state, Brazil, 25-year-old Adelino Roque was on his way to the loca 4/20/1969 #25075  
## Word: "adelita" (Back to Top)
                          In Santa Adelita, Sao Paolo State, Brazil Mr. P,  10/29/1967 #23364  
## Word: "adelmo" (Back to Top)
liana, Emilia-Romagna, Italy named Adelmo Monti saw a “dark spot” just over 11/1/1954 #11521  
## Word: "adelpho" (Back to Top)
paper on which the words “Adelphos Adelpho” are written) prove to be mundan 4/24/1965 #18916  
## Word: "adelphos" (Back to Top)
piece of paper on which the words “Adelphos Adelpho” are written) prove to  4/24/1965 #18916  
## Word: "ademar" (Back to Top)
a gives an interview to ufologists Ademar José Gevaerd and Marco Antônio Pe 7/1977 #32220  
and Ubirajara Franco Rodrigues and Ademar José Gevaerd, both from the Brazi 12/7/1997 #43453  
          Varginha Trindade Island Ademar José Gevaerd’s Brazilian Ufologis 4/15/2004 #44687  
osé dos Campos Rio de Janeiro Pará Ademar José Gevaerd leads a delegation o 5/20/2005 #44844  
otti (Italy), Gary Heseltine (UK), Ademar José Gevaerd (Brazil), Andrea Sim 10/15/2018 #45540  
## Word: "adepts" (Back to Top)
ccult student of the Theo-Christic Adepts) he travels to Venus in an astral 1905 #673  
## Word: "adequate" (Back to Top)
anch over roads that are less than adequate, Brazel, Marcel, and Cavitt do  7/6/1947 #2814  
 addition, if a case is lacking in adequate data, it is placed in the insuf 10/25/1955 #12519  
he telescope imaging system is not adequate enough to produce the results d 9/15/1964 #18556  
 are taken seriously when there is adequate information.                    7/19/1966 #20657  
Donald E. Keyhoe’s failure to keep adequate books and records. He urges the 10/27/1969 #25425  
n the part of the President wasn’t adequate.” Carter determines to replace  11/19/1976 #31557  
atter and are unable to provide an adequate investigation. Leaked photos an 7/15/2019 #45593  
## Word: "adequately" (Back to Top)
etails of most sightings cannot be adequately confirmed, UFO reports do not 2/25/1953 #8704  
ings. Hippler and Ratchford do not adequately respond to Low’s question abo 1/12/1967 #21290  
will be unable to investigate them adequately before its contractual period 2/23/1968 #23779  
uter space. He says science cannot adequately deal with such matters, altho 1969 #24802  
is apparently unable to explain it adequately.                              7/24/1984 #37413  
ts station chief in Vienna for not adequately responding to the outbreak.   8/2021 #45702  
t some of the people are not being adequately protected….there's a concern  5/2022 #45746  
## Word: "adf" (Back to Top)
nt of them from right to left. The ADF went out for a few minutes, then the 9/18/1951 #5679  
 line. Automatic Direction Finder (ADF) and compass and radio and engine el 5/26/1979 #34583  
nes ran rough, and the compass and ADF system temporarily malfunctioned. Th 5/29/1979 #34594  
## Word: "adhara" (Back to Top)
                                   ADHARA OBSERVER(S), ARG Astronomers. Nig 11/14/1964 #18613  
                   In 1964, at the Adhara Observatory in San Miguel, Buenos 11/14/1964 #18617  
                                   ADHARA OBSV, ARG Astronomer. Night light 12/1/1965 #19746  
## Word: "adheres" (Back to Top)
on and final invasion. This writer adheres to Collins Elite conclusion base 3/11/1998 #43532  
## Word: "adhesive" (Back to Top)
othes covered with a white film of adhesive substance, not unlike paraffin  10/14/1954 #11047  
 were covered with a white film of adhesive substance, not unlike paraffin  10/14/1954 #11069  
## Word: "adickes" (Back to Top)
                        Goshen, IN Adickes/Manning Case (AL) (NICAP: 11 - A 4/27/1950 #4907  
 TWA Flight 117 pilot Capt. Robert Adickes and Flight Officer Robert F. Man 4/27/1950 #4910  
th Bend, Indiana by the crew named Adickes, Manning, and Hinshaw. The UFO a 4/27/1950 #4911  
California Keyhoe’s article on the Adickes case of April 27, “Flight 117 an 8/1950 #5094  
## Word: "adil" (Back to Top)
ce Chief of Intelligence Col. João Adil de Oliviera heads the investigation 10/24/1954 #11365  
haped holes in the riverbank. Col. Adil de Oliveira of the Brazilian Air Fo 12/15/1954 #11815  
            Brazil Brig. Gen. João Adil Oliveira, chief of the Brazilian Ai 2/28/1958 #14897  
## Word: "adilia" (Back to Top)
       On this night painter Maria Adilia Germana Hohagen reported seeing n 5/13/1988 #38569  
## Word: "adilon" (Back to Top)
     Carazinho, Brazil A teenager, Adilon Azevedo, a others who fled, saw t 7/26/1965 #19179  
mbro Rua Alexandra de Motta Night. Adilon Batista de Azevedo, 14, leaves ho 7/26/1965 #19181  
ing noise. The other boys run, but Adilon remains and sees an oval- shaped  7/26/1965 #19181  
ich take off several minute apart. Adilon gets a headache that remains with 7/26/1965 #19181  
                       A teenager, Adilon Azevedo, and others in Carazinho, 7/26/1965 #19183  
## Word: "adilson" (Back to Top)
mer Egon Kratz and his son-in-law, Adilson Marcílio, are working on their B 12/12/1995 #42641  
## Word: "adina" (Back to Top)
gnet Strada 7:30 a.m. Psychologist Adina Păun is walking past the Republic  12/10/1967 #23567  
## Word: "adirondack" (Back to Top)
Lake Champlain Burlington, Vermont Adirondack Mountains 8:10 p.m. As a youn 8/7/1968 #24307  
bject, possibly as far away as the Adirondack Mountains more than 10 miles  8/7/1968 #24307  
## Word: "adjacent" (Back to Top)
oving slowly over the Middle River adjacent to Essex, Maryland. They circle 3/5/1942 #1397  
t P. Dillingham is on evening duty adjacent to Mullinix Field [now Bonriki  12/1943? #1548  
iding their bicycles on a footpath adjacent to the Grand Central Parkway in Summer 1944 #1610  
they see a bright star-like object adjacent to the pear-shaped balloon. As  1/22/1951 #5413  
e Canyon Sandia Base Killeen Base, adjacent to Gray AFB Campbell AFB Fort H 2/22/1952 #5920  
 Texas Fort Campbell Bossier Base, adjacent to Barksdale AFB Lake Mead Base 2/22/1952 #5920  
t to Barksdale AFB Lake Mead Base, adjacent to Nellis AFB Medina Base, adja 2/22/1952 #5920  
djacent to Nellis AFB Medina Base, adjacent to Lackland AFB The now-complet 2/22/1952 #5920  
o are: Site Baker at Killeen Base, adjacent to Gray AFB [now Robert Gray Ar 2/22/1952 #5920  
] near Hopkinsville, Kentucky, and adjacent to Fort Campbell; Site Dog at B 2/22/1952 #5920  
ampbell; Site Dog at Bossier Base, adjacent to Barksdale AFB near Bossier C 2/22/1952 #5920  
r City, Louisiana; Lake Mead Base, adjacent to Nellis AFB, Nevada; and Medi 2/22/1952 #5920  
llis AFB, Nevada; and Medina Base, adjacent to Lackland AFB [now Joint Base 2/22/1952 #5920  
alia see an erratic, dancing light adjacent to rocket Launcher Apron 1, Ran 10/21/1954 #11304  
 P. Gallagher is working at a home adjacent to Bailey’s Beach, Newport, Rho 4/29/1961 #16667  
ject is resting on four legs in an adjacent wheat field. It rises slowly of 5/19/1964 #18288  
New Mexico. He gets a call from an adjacent missile silo around 10–15 miles Late 1964 #18583  
rakes his car. In the middle of an adjacent field, he sees a column of ligh 4/4/1966 #20224  
 and maneuvered between it and the adjacent building, emitting a humming so 4/23/1966 #20388  
th Street near East Jersey Street, adjacent to the elevated New Jersey Turn 10/11/1966 #20992  
in Colorado Springs, Colorado, to “adjacent to the NORAD command center” (a 2/6/1967 #21470  
Book files. They find cases stored adjacent to the official files, and some 9/1967? #22970  
with an orange light on top in the adjacent field. It was shaped like an in 9/2/1967 #22984  
Brazil. He notices an object in an adjacent football field. It is shaped li 9/14/1967 #23060  
ant red, pulsating lights above an adjacent field. They are joined by six o 10/22/1967 #23290  
 hovered above car. Car drawn into adjacent field, witnesses confronted by  11/2/1967 #23389  
ngle file close to the ridge of an adjacent canyon. Something like a church Spring 1968 #23852  
pinning counterclockwise above the adjacent soybean field. The next morning 7/12/1969 #25264  
ect parked at a height of 300 feet adjacent to the tower end of the mill. I 10/8/1972 #27058  
elburg police station Tennis court adjacent to the primary school Eucalyptu 11/12/1972 #27120  
 in circles above the tennis court adjacent to the primary school. At nearb 11/12/1972 #27120  
was still dark at this hour. In an adjacent field he saw a dark circular ob 2/28/1974 #28820  
obbing, fluttering motion above an adjacent field. (Christian Science Monit 6/6/1974 #29168  
 that is illuminating a hill on an adjacent golf course. It covers an area  Summer 1974 #29218  
            Soviet URDF-3 facility adjacent to the Semipalatinsk Test Site  7/9/1974 #29253  
e views the Soviet URDF-3 facility adjacent to the Semipalatinsk Test Site  7/9/1974 #29253  
en they saw two tall figures in an adjacent cornfield, about 100 yards away 12/6/1976 #31586  
her hazy object hovering above the adjacent K. B. Dixon woodyard. It begins 1/21/1977 #31742  
in lights flying very low over the adjacent school grounds. The investigato 2/10/1977 #31808  
feet high, that was resting in the adjacent field. Around its underside the 3/13/1977 #31906  
 source. Continued: In the smaller adjacent room Onleel sat the witness dow 4/4/1977 #31943  
walk through the barbed-wire fence adjacent to it. It then disappeared. On  5/15/1977 #32096  
all figures emerging from an alley adjacent to the hotel. His first thought 6/12/1977 #32161  
ring this period the cattle on the adjacent farm "went crazy," running abou 7/12/1977 #32266  
 5 minutes later, deploy back into adjacent fields. One of them approaches  7/23/1977 #32305  
 minutes later, deployed back into adjacent fields. One of them approached  7/23/1977 #32306  
object drops down onto trees of an adjacent farm. At this point she hysteri 10/9/1977 #32564  
ing over Fort Dix and McGuire AFB, adjacent military bases. Shortly afterwa 1/18/1978 #32889  
 NJ Formations of UFOs seen, MP at adjacent Fort Dix shot humanoid being, A 1/18/1978 #32893  
ures standing in the garden at the adjacent apartment. They were very thin  12/16/1978 #34148  
ures standing in the garden at the adjacent apartment. They were very thin  12/16/1978 #34155  
f the Manzano Weapons Storage Area adjacent to Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, 8/8/1980 #35447  
rt. The other UFO hovers above the adjacent housing complex, knocking out t 6/1/1982 #36489  
seizes 89,000 acres of public land adjacent to Groom Lake                   1984 #37088  
of a humming sound coming from the adjacent field. When he walked closer to 5/9/1985 #37589  
ea 51. He says the S-4 facility is adjacent to Papoose Lake, which is locat 5/15/1989 #38952  
a facility near Groom Lake/Area 51 adjacent to Papoose Lake. Lazar claims t 5/15/1989 #38953  
ing seeing the first witness on an adjacent table. Their sketches of the hu 11/6/1989 #39216  
            Area 51 in Nevada hill adjacent to Area 51 in Nevada A couple w 3/16/1993 #40885  
iewing aerial activity from a hill adjacent to Area 51 in Nevada see strang 3/16/1993 #40885  
ring that the UFO has landed in an adjacent field and that they get out of  8/8/1993 #41117  
e (probably along State Highway 8, adjacent to the Naugatuck River) after a 7/15/1995 #42303  
ngrove area near the Rio Piaçabuçu adjacent to São Vicente, São Paulo, Braz 10/1/1995 #42529  
oint an immense light rose from an adjacent field, coming from a large, 200 7/21/2002 #44362  
rojecting a spotlight beam with an adjacent blue light under each wing. The 4/16/2004 #44689  
out 500–1,000 feet above the canal adjacent to Naval Base Kitsap on the Kit 9/16/2004 #44757  
are evacuated from the Capitol and adjacent office complexes. An additional 5/11/2005 #44840  
ops in the same position above the adjacent house. After 20 seconds, it vee 5/10/2012 #45343  
s Projects” and the names of other adjacent and ancillary programs and proj 3/13/2015 #45435  
Netherlands, before moving over an adjacent meadow.                         2/28/2018 #45519  
 Road in Tucson, Arizona, directly adjacent to a fuel terminal just west of 2/9/2021 #45676  
## Word: "adjective" (Back to Top)
 rocket reports, remarks that the “adjective ‘cigar-shaped’ is something ne 7/6/1946 #2028  
## Word: "adjoining" (Back to Top)
stray flares and shell bursts from adjoining batteries. A number of fake do 2/24/1942 #1388  
an altitude of 500 feet over three adjoining villages (Kadori, Barshi, and  9/15/1954 #10311  
e object land a second time in the adjoining road, then jump over another r 4/14/1957 #13602  
l object, apparently on the ground adjoining Molasses Pond, for more than a 8/13/1963 #17895  
ct hovering motionless low over an adjoining field. It was 25 feet in diame 1/13/1967 #21300  
w a shining light on a hill on the adjoining ranch. As witnesses drove over 3/28/1967 #22006  
. He was taken into a brightly lit adjoining room where there were four oth 10/27/1975 #30489  
out 300 yards away from them in an adjoining field. David George, age 9, sa 2/4/1977 #31792  
n heard some noises coming from an adjoining shop that was connected to the 9/10/1978 #33657  
ossed the room and passed into the adjoining room, making a strong "snortin 1/24/1992 #40302  
## Word: "adjourns" (Back to Top)
 field investigations. The meeting adjourns at 5:15 p.m.                    1/14/1953 #8539  
## Word: "adjudicative" (Back to Top)
se more stringent investigative or adjudicative requirements, specialized n 3/8/1972 #26592  
## Word: "adjudicator" (Back to Top)
state for his medical expenses. An adjudicator awards him the money based o 10/2/1956 #13260  
## Word: "adjuntas" (Back to Top)
        Puerto Rico San Juan Ponce Adjuntas Barrio Garzas Utuado Utuado Hig 8/1972 #26864  
People travel to the small town of Adjuntas, where the objects are seen fre 8/1972 #26864  
ly. One Friday night, the mayor of Adjuntas is traveling with a group of pe 8/1972 #26864  
                                   ADJUNTAS, PR Many separate observer(s).  10/8/1972 #27057  
                         COAMO AND ADJUNTAS AND BARRIO TANANA, PR Huge glow 10/18/1972 #27078  
served from directly underneath in Adjuntas, Puerto Rico.                   6/4/1989 #38979  
## Word: "adjust" (Back to Top)
 two photos without having time to adjust the settings. The UFO has three l 10/2/1971 #26400  
 that the French government should adjust to the reality of the phenomenon  7/16/1999 #43805  
as interested in helping the Navy “adjust their operations for a world in w 12/3/1999 #43892  
## Word: "adjusted" (Back to Top)
t this time, the bomb’s price tag, adjusted for inflation, is $28 billion.  7/16/1945 #1900  
 went "haywire." Several had to be adjusted.                                12/28/1978 #34221  
hexagonal opening. As her eyesight adjusted noticed that she was in an imme 5/2/2001 #44174  
## Word: "adjusting" (Back to Top)
her figures, dressed in khaki, are adjusting some rods that are pulsating w 8/1914 #907  
r and raising their arms as though adjusting or setting up something (not v 6/26/1959 #15790  
outside the object, one apparently adjusting the light beam projector, and  8/26/1965 #19466  
olor. His head was bend down as if adjusting something on his chest. He had 7/29/1990 #39667  
## Word: "adjusts" (Back to Top)
k backdrop. Curious, the jet pilot adjusts his course and heads directly at 8/12/1952 #7559  
## Word: "adjutant" (Back to Top)
Richard W. Geuss, acting assistant adjutant general, writes a memo on behal 2/4/1948 #3574  
ff Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg and Air Adjutant General Col. Kenneth E. Thiebau 5/1953 #8852  
ge, TN Confidential Message to the Adjutant General, Wash. 25 D.C.: An F-86 7/19/1953 #9001  
y Commission and addressed to Army Adjutant General William Edward Bergin i 7/19/1953 #9004  
formation, Confidential Message to Adjutant General, Wash. 25 D.C.          7/27/1953 #9019  
## Word: "adkins" (Back to Top)
eicester, England 4:30 p.m. Mr. E. Adkins observes a brilliant object with  11/3/1961 #16951  
## Word: "adlai" (Back to Top)
missiles to Cuba. As US ambassador Adlai Stevenson explains the matter to t 10/23/1962 #17489  
## Word: "adler" (Back to Top)
                                   Adler Planetarium Chicago, Illinois 9:00 8/26/1960 #16421  
 I. Johnson and other staff at the Adler Planetarium in Chicago, Illinois,  8/26/1960 #16421  
tness, D. Keogh, called the nearby Adler Planetarium, but got the usual "ru 11/6/1982 #36677  
## Word: "adlington" (Back to Top)
2:30 p.m. Flying instructor Laurie Adlington has just left Blackbushe Airpo 8/27/1979 #34788  
et heading toward Basingstoke when Adlington suddenly grabs the controls an 8/27/1979 #34788  
## Word: "adm" (Back to Top)
tance of Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Edward Walter Eberle, with William  8/22/1924 #1041  
j. Gen. Wilhelm D. Styer, and Rear Adm. William R. Purnell, is created to o 9/23/1942 #1447  
roup for operations under it. Rear Adm. Sidney Souers heads the CIG as Dire 1/22/1946 #1967  
ecret memo to President Truman via Adm. William D. Leahy, stating that the  8/22/1946 #2150  
ith DCI Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg, Rear Adm. Roscoe Hillenkoetter, Secretary of  1947 #2219  
e Air Force Stuart Symington, Rear Adm. Earl E. Stone, Vice Adm. Arthur W.  1947 #2219  
ton, Rear Adm. Earl E. Stone, Vice Adm. Arthur W. Radford, Rear Adm. John E 1947 #2219  
 Vice Adm. Arthur W. Radford, Rear Adm. John E. Gingrich, Adm. DeWitt Clint 1947 #2219  
dford, Rear Adm. John E. Gingrich, Adm. DeWitt Clinton Ramsey, Maj. Gen. Ro 1947 #2219  
 Lieut. Gen Idwal H. Edwards, Vice Adm. Ralph Riggs, Capt. Richard Burke (U 1947 #2219  
                Washington DC Rear Adm. Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter replaces Ho 5/1/1947 #2273  
                              Rear Adm. Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter replaces Ho 5/1/1947 #2276  
fficially begins, directed by Rear Adm. Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, USN        9/18/1947 #3402  
egedly written on this date by DCI Adm. Roscoe Hillenkoetter and titled “Ex 9/19/1947 #3407  
t after talking to his old friends Adm. Delmer S. Fahrney and Adm. Calvin M 5/9/1949 #4175  
friends Adm. Delmer S. Fahrney and Adm. Calvin M. Bolster, his opinion chan 5/9/1949 #4175  
The Navy review board, convened by Adm. Morton D. Willcutts, completes hear 5/31/1949 #4219  
is two top military advisers, Rear Adm. Robert Dennison and Brig. Gen. Robe 4/4/1950 #4792  
ast to another Navy plane carrying Adm. Arthur W. Radford. The UFOs circle  3/14/1952 #5957  
from both Kimball and Chief of ONR Adm. Calvin M. Bolster. The report is ne 3/14/1952 #5957  
Nathan Twining, Gen. Omar Bradley, Adm. William Fechteler, Gen. J. Lawton C 11/18/1952 #8296  
ss her next-door neighbor, retired Adm. Herbert B. Knowles, sufficiently fo 6/8/1954 #9877  
sufficiently for him to write Rear Adm. Carl F. Espe, head of the Office of 6/8/1954 #9877  
                 Eliot, Maine Rear Adm. Carl F. Espe A security officer at  7/24/1954 #10046  
nces Swan contact case and accepts Adm. Knowles’s invitation to Eliot, Main 7/24/1954 #10046  
n account of the interview to Rear Adm. Carl F. Espe and to the Army’s Assi 7/24/1954 #10046  
 at the invitation of retired Navy Adm. Herbert B. Knowles, visits contacte 7/28/1954 #10059  
stronomical Observatory in Helwan. Adm. Youssef Hammad, director of the Egy 10/5/1954 #10731  
 envelope from Seminole, Texas, to Adm. Frederick R. Furth, chief of the Of 4/1956 #12777  
bend, Col. Robert B. Emerson, Rear Adm. Delmer S. Fahrney, Gen. William E.  10/19/1956 #13286  
          Former CIA director Rear Adm. Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter joins NICAP 1/27/1957 #13478  
 He goes to Eliot, Maine, to visit Adm. Knowles and interview Frances Swan. 7/5/1959 #15817  
 hearings. NICAP Board member Rear Adm. Roscoe Hillenkoetter adds a stateme 2/27/1960 #16186  
l security implications. He quotes Adm. Hillenkoetter’s opinion that UFOs a 6/1/1960 #16305  
               Former CIA director Adm. R. H. Hillenkoetter states in a new 6/22/1960 #16317  
s.” He mentions NICAP board member Adm. Roscoe Hillenkoetter’s request that 8/31/1960 #16426  
                                   Adm. Roscoe Hillenkoetter signs a NICAP  8/22/1961 #16800  
 May 11 — 7:40 p.m. Argentine Rear Adm. Eladio M. Vázquez and Capt. Aldo Mo 5/4/1962 #17150  
                                   Adm. Roscoe Hillenkoetter writes to astr 9/19/1963 #17945  
n, J. Edgar Hoover, Richard Helms, Adm. Noel Gaynor, and Lt. Gen. Donald W. 7/23/1970 #25745  
non AFB, NM MEMO from NMCC by Rear Adm. J. B. Morin stating: Two UFOs repor 1/21/1976 #30802  
t in the Naval Command Center, and Adm. Harry D. Train II gives the order t Early 5/1981 #35924  
 engineering project under retired Adm. Bobby Ray Inman. Wood says the meet 5/20/1985 #37590  
         CompuServe online network Adm. Bernard A. Clarey Pacific Fleet Hol 12/18/1988 #38755  
ster with an intelligence team for Adm. Bernard A. Clarey, commander in chi 12/18/1988 #38755  
at Art Lundahl of NPIC, Kit Green, Adm. William Houser and Gen. Tommy Johns 9/17/1989 #39112  
    Pentagon Portland, Oregon Rear Adm. Thomas R. Wilson, vice director of  4/10/1997 #43260  
ere are retired Cmdr. Will Miller, Adm. Mike Crawford, Gen. Patrick Hughes, 4/10/1997 #43260  
d Fujika Company. He claims former Adm. Bobby Ray Inman leads DSAI.  Wilson 8/19/1997 #43387  
             Paradise, Nevada Rear Adm. Thomas R. Wilson, who has retired a 10/16/2002 #44417  
een NASA engineer Bob Oechsler and ADM Bobby Ray Inman, Inman states Deputy 7/7/2007 #45037  
Hal Puthoff also tells Vallee that ADM Edward Burkhalter, once Chief of Nav 1/23/2009 #45208  
                                   Adm. Bobby Ray Inman, former NSA Directo 3/16/2022 #45740  
engineering project” existed under Adm. Bobby Ray Inman (see 16 March 2022) 9/26/2022 #45772  
## Word: "admin" (Back to Top)
es Jacques Vallée,  Eisenhower/JFK Admin Assistant Secretary of State for S 11/10/1986 #38061  
## Word: "administer" (Back to Top)
es physicist Joshua N. Goldberg to administer multiple contracts related to Late 1956 #13281  
ack with black baseball caps. They administer intrusive procedures in her e 3/16/1993 #40885  
## Word: "administered" (Back to Top)
th Unidentified Flying Objects” be administered by Max Millikan at the MIT  12/3/1952 #8366  
for mind-control experiments to be administered at the Allan Memorial Insti 2/1957 #13481  
ives Subcommittee (BIOS) and US-UK administered Combined Intelligence Objec 1958 #14787  
r” after they pass polygraph tests administered by Cy Gilson of the Arizona 11/5/1975 #30562  
 near it. All took polygraph tests administered by the Lexington Police Dep 1/6/1976 #30762  
e at 9:30 p.m.. The witnesses were administered psychological test, that in 9/20/1979 #34909  
## Word: "administering" (Back to Top)
ect 8” on LSD. Experiments include administering LSD to mental patients, pr 6/9/1953 #8930  
r thallium. A unique mechanism for administering poison is described by a k 9/1957 #13965  
## Word: "administration" (Back to Top)
nsion wire on the Bonneville Power Administration in Washington State. The  3/10/1945 #1810  
  Royal Swedish Air Force Materiel Administration Air Administration A spec 7/6/1946 #2027  
 Force Materiel Administration Air Administration A special ghost rocket in 7/6/1946 #2027  
e Royal Swedish Air Force Materiel Administration as chairman. Other member 7/6/1946 #2027  
son and Eric Malmberg from the Air Administration; Maj. Nils Ahlgren and Ca 7/6/1946 #2027  
y includes “certain selected human administration experiments performed und 8/9/1947 #3308  
Mexico 5:49 p.m. Civil Aeronautics Administration Chief Controller W. W. Jo 11/27/1949 #4427  
eld Henry of the Civil Aeronautics Administration, and Gordon Moore and Che 11/26/1950 #5287  
, go up to the roof of the airport administration building for a better loo 11/26/1950 #5287  
                        The Truman administration forms the Psychological S 4/4/1951 #5498  
rity Advisor during the Eisenhower administration. The board is created in  4/4/1951 #5498  
ll” is sighted by a Civil Aviation Administration Chief Aircraft Communicat 10/9/1951 #5715  
iversity Ada, Ohio Los Angeles The administration and faculty of Ohio North 7/1952 #6680  
y in 1952 the Civilian Aeronautics Administration issued its report explain 12/10/1952 #8410  
rejected in 1955 by the Eisenhower administration in favor of the Navy’s Pr 1954 #9413  
r of the Egyptian Ports and Lights Administration, alerts pilots and astron 10/5/1954 #10731  
  Wilmington, NC Civil Aeronautics Administration personnel watched round,  12/3/1954 #11752  
, a committee formed by the Truman Administration to coordinate and plan ps 11/20/1955 #12580  
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Advisory Committ 7/29/1958 #15157  
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration succeeds the National Adv 7/29/1958 #15157  
hops and buildings for storage and administration, a commissary, control to 8/1961 #16776  
 Lake, Nevada The Federal Aviation Administration expands the restricted ai 1/1962 #17014  
o to the Chinese Civil Aeronautics Administration. After landing, the crew  10/1963 #17968  
 on Air Force and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) radar               2/11/1966 #19897  
GA 5:30 a.m. Both Federal Aviation Administration and military control towe 3/27/1966 #20098  
ia 5:30 a.m. Both Federal Aviation Administration operators at Muscogee Cou 3/27/1966 #20101  
ort, GA 3:50 a.m. Federal Aviation Administration officials observed multi- 7/25/1966 #20679  
T. Two men, one a Federal Aviation Administration electronic technician, sa 4/27/1967 #22228  
New Mexico, one a Federal Aviation Administration electronic technician, sa 4/27/1967 #22234  
rch Environmental Science Services Administration Condon hires science writ Late 5/1968 #23983  
the Environmental Science Services Administration (including Gordon David T Late 5/1968 #23983  
Nixon that his services in the new administration will not be required. On  11/20/1972 #27130  
at is shared with Federal Aviation Administration offices.                  1974 #28630  
oatesville (Pennsylvania) Veterans Administration Hospital, hears tree bran 5/5/1974 #29085  
nurse's aide at the local Veterans Administration Hospital in Coatesville,  5/7/1974 #29093  
he Energy Research and Development Administration [now the US Department of 10/11/1974 #29522  
Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration. Its task is to be “prepa Late 1974 #29532  
              The Federal Aviation Administration approves cooperation with 4/1/1975 #29934  
bbits by moonlight on the Veterans Administration Hospital grounds when she 4/4/1977 #31941  
bbits by moonlight on the Veterans Administration Hospital grounds at 1:30  4/4/1977 #31943  
nts inside a UFO from the Veterans Administration Hospital in Tucson, Arizo 4/18/1977 #31994  
he Energy Research and Development Administration and the Federal Energy Ad 8/4/1977 #32359  
inistration and the Federal Energy Administration are dissolved and become  8/4/1977 #32359  
     National Archives and Records Administration President Jimmy Carter es 12/1/1978 #34044  
 the National Archives and Records Administration, and its mission is to pr 12/1/1978 #34044  
        Law Enforcement Assistance Administration Santa Fe, New Mexico New  4/25/1979 #34523  
rom the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration and the Santa Fe, New Mex 4/25/1979 #34523  
ce Agency and the Federal Aviation Administration (which it claims conducte 5/1980 #35295  
 evidence suggests that the Reagan administration ships arms to Iran, both  10/15/1980 #35569  
 officially ends in 1993, when the administration of President Bill Clinton 3/23/1983 #36792  
he Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA) in 1975. ERDA beca 7/24/1984 #37416  
 China -- A Chinese Civil Aviation Administration Boeing 747 encountered a  6/11/1985 #37599  
o Russo, are dissatisfied with its administration and priorities. They brea 12/1985 #37730  
ons at the National Meteorological Administration in Bucharest, Romania, wh 8/1986 #37964  
on” was not in use until the Nixon administration; the memo does not bear a 7/22/1987 #38212  
th and other members of the Reagan administration had set up a private netw 4/13/1989 #38905  
ade by Raven to encourage the Bush administration to reveal the US governme Summer 1991 #40102  
Mexico, and Washington, D.C., with administration officials and cabinet and Summer 1991 #40102  
embers of Congress and the Clinton Administration in 1996. https://www.bibl 8/1/1993 #41101  
he Energy Research and Development Administration and in 1977, the ERDA was 1994 #41349  
h as the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) or others to retri 1994 #41349  
roject founder and alleged Clinton Administration briefer Steven Greer alle Mid 1990's #41926  
s testimony did inform the Clinton Administration and later the possible ac 3/31/1995 #42130  
n environmental lawyer and Clinton Administration friend Henry Diamond and  11/1/1995 #42576  
 (DOE)’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA).  Cabrera states w 10/1998 #43656  
 Eugene Mallove tells him the Bush Administration’s Energy Resources Adviso 5/17/1999 #43770  
t is the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), a DOE agency, and 5/17/1999 #43770  
         National Nuclear Security Administration The National Nuclear Secu 2000 #43909  
tion The National Nuclear Security Administration is created by Congress in 2000 #43909  
hat the Department of Energy’s lax administration has resulted in the loss  2000 #43909  
 (DOE)’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA). Security teams on 10/2002 #44412  
roject founder and alleged Clinton Administration briefer Steven Greer alle 4/28/2006 #44935  
roject founder and alleged Clinton Administration briefer Steven Greer alle 4/28/2006 #44936  
roject founder and alleged Clinton Administration briefer Steven Greer clai 4/28/2006 #44937  
st is sent to the Federal Aviation Administration for any radar data from s 1/8/2008 #45112  
he DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA). A key NNSA compon 5/14/2008 #45138  
the National Aeronautics and Space Administration should reopen investigati 7/29/2008 #45152  
egedly briefs someone in the Obama Administration and select members of Con 2/13/2009 #45212  
Within minutes, the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) closes th 7/7/2010 #45286  
hn S. Herrington (under the Reagan administration). Herrington allegedly st 2012 #45336  
         National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) spokesman Darwin M 3/5/2016 #45445  
   DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) publicly discloses 3/22/2017 #45465  
ome quite independent of any given administration, and it would certainly b 2018 #45498  
                         The Trump administration requests $81.1 billion, t 2/27/2018 #45516  
Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) states it intends  4/25/2019 #45572  
erkins County The Federal Aviation Administration launches an investigation 12/2019 #45620  
o Bechtel, was close to the Reagan Administration and former SDI proponent  3/20/2020 #45640  
peo to turn it over does the Trump administration finally provide the repor 8/2020 #45657  
 to land, and the Federal Aviation Administration alerts local law enforcem 10/14/2020 #45662  
ence (Avril Haynes under the Biden administration) to consult with the Secr 12/27/2020 #45670  
ense (Lloyd Austin under the Biden Administration) to submit a report on “u 12/27/2020 #45670  
ency the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) are mentioned as h 6/25/2021 #45695  
dly discovered, told to the Truman Administration, and a small group of mil 10/2021 #45713  
uarantee Board set up by the Nixon Administration to oversee the loan refus 10/21/2021 #45717  
## Word: "administrations" (Back to Top)
anch, no staffers, no Clinton/Bush administrations, a few recognized names  10/16/2002 #44418  
 high office of the Reagan/Clinton administrations. Two are VADM Thomas Wil 3/6/2004 #44674  
## Word: "administrative" (Back to Top)
ity, or individual, or would cause administrative embarrassment, or be of a 8/9/1947 #3308  
means justifies it. He cites USAF “administrative practices” Air Force Regu 10/29/1962 #17516  
 Operations issues Canadian Forces Administrative Order 71-6, “Reporting of 10/1966 #20945  
electrical engineer Norman Levine, administrative assistant Mary Lou Armstr 10/7/1966 #20970  
:30 p.m. MST (10:30 p.m. CST). Two administrative staff members of the Whit 3/9/1967 #21836  
rro Club (Democratic Congressional Administrative Assistants and Aides) in  6/3/1968 #24001  
l, New Mexico, which says that all administrative records from Roswell Army 7/28/1995 #42335  
## Word: "administrator" (Back to Top)
ritions usually appear. Provincial administrator Artur de Oliveira Santos,  8/13/1917 #960  
 with the ghost fliers. Norrbotten administrator Bernard Gärde is skeptical 1/10/1934 #1195  
botten, Sweden Norrbotten, Sweden, administrator Bernard Gärde officially r 2/12/1934 #1205  
issouri A man who later becomes an administrator in a Missouri state agency 1/1937 #1256  
donado, 75 miles away, and Customs Administrator Domingo Troncosco photogra 7/19/1952 #6932  
, writes to Robert A. Frosch, NASA administrator, and explains that the Whi 7/21/1977 #32297  
                              NASA administrator Robert Frosch responds to  9/6/1977 #32463  
d Williamson Jr., a NASA assistant administrator for special projects, draf 10/31/1977 #32643  
d by Hinners, Williamson, and NASA administrator Kenneth D. Chapman.        10/31/1977 #32643  
 Operations Safety writes the NASA Administrator about UAP stating “what co 12/13/1977 #32771  
                         NASA NASA administrator Robert A. Frosch sends a r 12/21/1977 #32802  
                    NASA Associate Administrator for Space Sciences Noel Hi 9/19/1978 #33710  
 Warren, Minnesota Night. Hospital administrator Jon Linnell and his wife a Mid 8/1979 #34743  
                     A 25-year-old administrator and two of his companions  8/25/1979 #34777  
            Michael Corbin becomes administrator of ParaNet, which runs thr 1988 #38382  
biochemist Colm Kelleher as deputy administrator. Alexander puts together a 12/1995 #42635  
iological signs of past life. NASA Administrator Daniel Goldin states “It’s 8/7/1996 #42971  
n life.  Goldin was appointed NASA Administrator on 1 April 992 by Presiden 8/7/1996 #42971  
biochemist Colm Kelleher is deputy administrator.                           9/22/2008 #45170  
biochemist Colm Kelleher as deputy administrator of the Bigelow Aerospace A 11/2008 #45184  
         Navy Aviation Maintenance Administrator Angelo Accetta states he s 11/15/2011 #45334  
## Word: "adminstrator" (Back to Top)
 Washburn, ND 12:30 a.m. A college adminstrator and his wife sighted two un 7/14/1975 #30179  
## Word: "admiral" (Back to Top)
the Tyne. A commission led by Rear Admiral Richard Collinson meets in Sunde 12/1865 #165  
                        Antarctica Admiral Richard E. Byrd’s fourth Antarct 1946 #1955  
orway Norway Sweden Lake near Oslo Admiral Henry Kent Hewitt, Commander of  8/24/1946 #2155  
                 Washington DC DCI Admiral Hillenkoetter hands Truman a car 9/9/1949 #4352  
t, as well as Donald E. Keyhoe and Admiral Calvin M. Bolster. The film is a 11/17/1950 #5279  
   Pacific Ocean (near Hawaii), HI Admiral Radford & Navy Sec. Kimball Plan 3/14/1952 #5956  
bert B. Smith allegedly shows Rear Admiral Herbert B. Knowles a metallic pi 7/28/1952 #7266  
n by NATO and jointly commanded by Admiral Lynde D. McCormick and Gen. Matt 9/14/1952 #7939  
 President (elect) Eisenhower from Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter (MJ-1)   11/18/1952 #8292  
Amory Jr., Gen. John Samford, Rear Admiral Carl F. Espe, Gen. John M. Wille 12/4/1952 #8376  
rl Harbor Letter from US Navy Rear Admiral J. L. Herlihy at Pearl Harbor to 10/5/1955 #12490  
                   McMurdo Station Admiral Richard E. Byrd’s fifth Antarcti 11/1955 #12534  
 One of its board of directors was Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, former  10/24/1956 #13288  
ctica Wellington, New Zealand Rear Admiral George J. Dufek, on his way back 3/11/1959 #15634  
                                   Admiral Hyman Rickover's submarine the S 10/5/1959 #16017  
    CANNON AIR FORCE BASE, NM Rear Admiral Morin reports 2 75' saucers / Pe 1/21/1976 #30803  
cern in the Soviet Navy, and Fleet Admiral Nikolai Ivanovich Smirnov issues 10/7/1977 #32559  
onomical Institute in Moscow, Vice Admiral M. M. Krylov, space technician Y 11/1978 #33907  
                Memphis, Tennessee Admiral Benbow Inn 4:30 a.m. A witness i 3/1981 #35859  
n front of her. She turns into the Admiral Benbow Inn parking lot and alert 3/1981 #35859  
eer states he gave the document to Admiral Thomas Wilson, then J2 and later 7/28/1991 #40136  
ls the audience he had learned the admiral “had found the people responsibl 4/10/1997 #43260  
the know and were told, I’m sorry, admiral, you do not have need to know he 4/10/1997 #43260  
                                   Admiral Vasile Urseanu Astronomical Obse 9/28/1998 #43654  
ficate (ASFAN) with offices in the Admiral Vasile Urseanu Astronomical Obse 9/28/1998 #43654  
ich the navy takes seriously. Rear Admiral Anders Grenstad says the object  10/24/2014 #45420  
               Sweden Swedish Rear Admiral Anders Grenstad tells the media  4/13/2015 #45436  
en hearing if he had heard of the “Admiral Wilson memo,” referenced above ( 5/17/2022 #45751  
## Word: "admiralty" (Back to Top)
ynson-Hicks asks First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill whether the  10/14/1912 #864  
g to the west and report it to the Admiralty. Roberrt Falconer Jameson watc 2/25/1913 #884  
physicist), and Cmdr. Ian Fleming (Admiralty).                              9/6/1944 #1665  
                                   Admiralty Islands (near), At Sea (IFO-Ve 3/1945 #1798  
attleship U.S.S. New York near the Admiralty Islands at 1:00 p.m. saw throu 3/1945 #1798  
                                   ADMIRALTY BAY, ANTARC Icebreaker crew. O 3/16/1961 #16629  
                                   Admiralty Bay, South Shetland Islands, A 3/16/1961 #16631  
atches a tear-shaped fireball over Admiralty Bay, South Shetland Islands, A 3/16/1961 #16631  
                                In Admiralty Bay, Antarctica four members o 8/16/1961 #16796  
           UK The UK Air Ministry, Admiralty, and War Office are consolidat 4/1/1964 #18153  
## Word: "admire" (Back to Top)
amination. The dwarf steps away to admire the scenery and says, “How nice P 9/4/1977 #32460  
## Word: "admission" (Back to Top)
 circumstances involved permit the admission that there are indications of  3/2/1958 #14911  
e_2     Note: This is a remarkable admission by the Army and suggests that  7/17/1974 #29267  
 email addresses despite no public admission of a UAP special project at th 4/28/2006 #44936  
l messaging efforts.”  Gradisher’s admission is of questionable legality co 7/10/2020 #45651  
the American public. The emails of admission were declassified through FOIA 7/10/2020 #45651  
## Word: "admissions" (Back to Top)
s ID allegedly said CIA. After his admissions RT then got a job at the AEC  7/3/1967 #22604  
## Word: "admit" (Back to Top)
nAC at this time. The requirements admit that a “large number of targets ap 2/18/1949 #4018  
ervers.” Yet “even though we might admit that intelligent life may exist el 8/15/1952 #7610  
 Since then the Air Force does not admit to having the slightest shred of e 1/17/1953 #8544  
 tells him that the RCAF would not admit to interviewing him if the case re 6/1964 #18314  
 that psychiatrists are willing to admit.                                   2/6/1966 #19888  
e a UFO on its radar but would not admit it officially. (U.F.O. Investigato 8/1/1966 #20715  
e a UFO on its radar but would not admit it officially.                     8/1/1966 #20719  
to the UFO. However, the two later admit to making up the story.            9/1/1968 #24421  
S government will end the coverup, admit that UFOs are really spacecraft fr 11/2/1974 #29580  
hly classified, even though I will admit there is a lot of it that has been 10/19/1981 #36179  
nimal’s death, they write. They do admit there are some real mutilations of 1984 #37091  
 conference in Cuba, he decides to admit the hoax he had started 25 years e 4/1993 #40920  
roach.” However, the investigators admit to “difficulty obtaining evidence  Fall 1994 #41773  
ents seen by Jane’s Defense Weekly admit “classified activities in gravity  7/29/2002 #44370  
## Word: "admits" (Back to Top)
he Sun at the time. Locke publicly admits to being the author in 1840, in a 8/25/1835 #130  
 away. A few weeks later, Hamilton admits he made the story up.             4/19/1897 #538  
ft violating borders, the military admits the phenomenon is at least partia 7/8/1935 #1231  
ford Engineer Works in Washington, admits the plant has had problems with a 8/7/1945 #1916  
es the experiment, walks away, and admits himself to medical care. He falls 8/21/1945 #1925  
       The defense staff in Sweden admits it cannot explain the ghost rocke 10/10/1946 #2203  
he matter.” Dahl’s daughter Louise admits in 2007 that the whole story was  8/7/1947 #3306  
orello also speaks to Crisman, who admits the story is baseless.            8/7/1947 #3306  
ll, in an Air Staff Summary Sheet, admits that he has tried to dissuade the 11/30/1948 #3893  
to Winchell’s claim, the Air Force admits it is impossible to “deny categor 4/8/1949 #4083  
                USAF press release admits that saucers may exist            4/27/1949 #4111  
estigations interviews Conrad, who admits to perpetrating a publicity hoax. 8/1949 #4301  
s to a real group called MJ-12 and admits attending meetings at Wright-Patt 8/1950 #5092  
he report is delivered. The report admits that no systematic investigation  6/1951 #5530  
 on Project Twinkle. Basically, it admits that the low frequency of occurre 11/27/1951 #5794  
, for evaluation. Surprisingly, he admits, “We try to intercept such object 7/21/1952 #6982  
e it, so he drives on. Another boy admits he has seen a light in that direc 8/19/1952 #7651  
her “Flying Saucer” memo, Chadwell admits the Air Force would be suspicious 12/3/1952 #8366  
         CIA agent Hayden Channing admits to monitoring a public meeting of 2/9/1953 #8657  
 a shaved Capuchin monkey. Watters admits the hoax and is fined $40 by a ju 7/7/1953 #8989  
the flurry of sightings. Nash also admits hearing rumors, especially one fr 4/18/1954 #9697  
ly 50 years later, Theron Blazzard admits to the Logan Herald-Journal that  5/1/1954 #9744  
arrass ufologists, but Moore never admits to the hoax. The photo of “Cedric 10/1954 #10536  
identified as Carl Allen, who also admits to writing the annotations in the 4/1956 #12779  
 spokesman Maj. William T. Coleman admits to a NICAP member that Maj. Lawre 5/1/1956 #12823  
me that true UFOs didn’t exist. He admits that Maj. Lawrence J. Tacker’s bo 5/1/1956 #12825  
 attracted national attention.” He admits that interceptors are still sent  4/8/1957 #13589  
 with possible ties to the NSA. He admits faking the story but refuses to g 5/1957 #13629  
ngineer” with ties to the NSA, who admits to faking the story but provides  5/1957 #13633  
 of 200 cycles per second. The FCC admits it is baffled, but suspects that  11/7/1957 #14461  
ife in 1966. However, in 1967 Fogl admits that he had faked the photo using 12/3/1957 #14666  
borne responds that he has, and he admits that the Department of Air receiv 10/20/1960 #16486  
e” magazine, Master Sgt. O.D. Hill admits that we are still losing Air Forc 5/1961 #16669  
sistant Secretary Arthur Sylvester admits that withholding evidence on UFOs 10/29/1962 #17516  
ordinated with AFOSI. The FBI also admits in a 1952 memo that it did “condu 7/21/1966 #20664  
eadquarters in Washington, D.C. He admits that Condon thinks the early repo 12/1966 #21171  
f them are shot in color. He later admits the observation is a hoax.        3/31/1967 #22023  
sian Air Marshal Roesmin Noerjadin admits that sometimes UFOs pose a proble 5/5/1967 #22276  
reat Sand Dunes. Nellie Lewis also admits she has been watching something i 9/9/1967 #23026  
ondon and Low meet with Craig, who admits knowing about the memo and says h 2/9/1968 #23746  
ntil a couple of days ago.” Condon admits, in contrast to his statements ea 2/9/1968 #23746  
rgentine film director Aníbal Uset admits to researcher Roberto E. Banchs t Early 5/1968 #23939  
 ignore occupant cases but finally admits that the CIA, not the Air Force,  12/1973 #28495  
 all the alarms manually. Phillips admits that most of the guards sleep on  5/1974 #29075  
                    A CIA teletype admits “offices and personnel within the 4/26/1976 #31027  
cluding those involving pilots. He admits that he has watched a UFO for mor 6/26/1976 #31142  
o Japan’s Cabinet Research Office, admits that UFO investigations are carri 1977 #31657  
oo many reports to analyze. Now he admits they cooperate closely with the U 1977 #31657  
Valdés, now an evangelical pastor, admits that no one on the patrol saw ali 4/25/1977 #32026  
f Japan’s Air Self-Defense Forces, admits that UFOs are seen frequently in  9/1977 #32453  
 Tier UFO incidents. The Air Force admits they do not know what the objects 10/31/1977 #32642  
             An internal NASA memo admits the agency is running a UAP hard  1/17/1978 #32888  
 on his way to the site. No agency admits to having such a conversation.    3/27/1978 #33088  
n 1987, Curtis’s uncle David Olson admits to creating the circles as a prac 9/16/1979 #34890  
57 remaining UFO documents the CIA admits it is withholding. CAUS appeals o 5/30/1980 #35344  
ove to be “useful idiots.” Weitzel admits to investigator William Moore and 7/1980 #35397  
ot New Mexico. Much later on, Doty admits to Moore that he had composed the 7/1980 #35397  
 not investigating. But Doty later admits what he tells Schmitt is not true 11/26/1980 #35673  
AF representative John Rittenhouse admits to Rep. John F. Seiberling and th 8/7/1984 #37429  
 Center in Aurora, Illinois, which admits it has a slow-moving target in th 1/15/1987 #38099  
e the documents as a forgery. Good admits to researcher Richard Dolan in 20 5/31/1987 #38180  
me things you have very wrong.” He admits a machine was recovered and is st 8/30/1987 #38264  
 supporters, and detractors. Lazar admits he cannot support with evidence h 11/10/1989 #39224  
e visible at each corner. Maréchal admits the photo is a hoax in an intervi 4/4/1990 #39509  
rocket launches, or satellites. He admits that some pilots report UFOs appa 11/9/1990 #39882  
ts in June. Lt. Col. Ángel Bastida admits it is inspired by several questio 3/31/1992 #40404  
t Jean-Claude Bourret, in which he admits the physical reality of UFOs and  1993 #40777  
 Force came to this conclusion and admits there are “no documents responsiv 10/12/1993 #41232  
isney executive. In 2006, Santilli admits the film is not authentic but rat 8/28/1995 #42425  
law Czekierda of the General Staff admits there is a special division that  3/15/1997 #43232  
oodbye.” Shortly afterward, Wilson admits meeting with Mitchell but denies  4/10/1997 #43260  
ith Cmdr. Will Miller, in which he admits he was denied access to an Unackn 10/16/2002 #44417  
f the photo was real but Zimmerman admits they may have been “fed” classifi 8/19/2003 #44576  
                       Hal Puthoff admits to Jacques Vallée in a car that h 10/2/2003 #44610  
Former Arizona Gov. Fife Symington admits that he witnessed one of the “cra 3/18/2007 #45012  
ille. On January 23, the Air Force admits in a press release that there ind 1/8/2008 #45112  
SLBM. The Russian Defense Ministry admits shortly afterward that such an ev 12/9/2009 #45261  
disher, OPNAV N2N6 Public Affairs, admits in an email that he and Susan Gou 7/10/2020 #45651  
rden Former President Barack Obama admits on The Late Late Show with James  5/18/2021 #45689  
## Word: "admitted" (Back to Top)
s 3 figures from 'cloudship'. They admitted flying.                         1/840? #3  
mo alleging that Walter Horten has admitted he has been in contact with the 5/7/1948 #3643  
to leave the hospital alive. He is admitted under the care of Raines, who d 4/2/1949 #4065  
              New York City Israel admitted to the UN                       5/11/1949 #4178  
 what the saucers are. One officer admitted they did, but he wouldn’t say a 1/1950 #4469  
 the American public. Taylor later admitted to the Senate Foreign Relations 3/27/1950 #4742  
ry of the report, Thornton L. Page admitted on 3 October 1992 that the Chai 1/18/1953 #8551  
 many places. Two days later he is admitted to a hospital for treatment.    11/6/1957 #14425  
en fled in panic, and one girl was admitted to the hospital in shock.       9/19/1963 #17944  
The children flee, and one girl is admitted to the hospital in shock.       9/19/1963 #17947  
ildren fled in panic. One girl was admitted to the hospital in shock.       9/19/1963 #17948  
und at the site, and Mr. Flynn was admitted to hospital for a five day stay 3/15/1965 #18860  
was. In 1976 the Jaroslaw brothers admitted to perpetrating the prank. (NIC 1/9/1967 #21275  
r help. The farmer and Bob his son admitted him, and it took a period of ti 11/2/1967 #23392  
g that still has not been publicly admitted.  https://arc.aiaa.org/doi/abs/ 1968 #23633  
his hair is slightly burned. He is admitted to a nearby hospital, whose per 4/19/1977 #32000  
 coming through the main door when admitted through the security door, and  4/25/1978 #33171  
light, memory loss, dazed, witness admitted to hospital. MUFON UFO Journal, 2/5/1979 #34403  
vestigated Bennewitz. It was later admitted the NSA investigated Bennewitz  1980's? #35109  
 APRO would be “useful idiots” and admitted AFOSI was targeting U.S. citize 7/1980 #35398  
r hair, and on January 2, 1981 was admitted to Houston's Parkway General Ho 12/29/1980 #35758  
IPU records, but three years later admitted records were transferred to the 5/16/1984 #37330  
les. Maccabee also states Pandolfi admitted there might be a “mole” in the  7/7/1987 #38206  
ower briefing memo, and that Moore admitted to faking a government ID card  6/1989 #38971  
e or fog. Military witnesses later admitted that this was the object that h 1/20/1996 #42697  
tor in Varginha, Brazil Chereze is admitted to Hospital Bom Pastor in Vargi 2/11/1996 #42758  
h UFO researcher Ignacio Darnaude, admitted Ummo hoaxer José Luis Jordán Pe 11/5/2010 #45305  
16 presidential election.  DeLonge admitted in several subsequent interview 1/24/2016 #45443  
## Word: "admittedly" (Back to Top)
of some indistinct light which was admittedly not seen visually, but which  7/6/1952 #6722  
## Word: "admitting" (Back to Top)
e USAF Defensive Air Branch. While admitting that the objects seem real, it 11/3/1948 #3867  
flying saucers are secret weapons, admitting that “they do not come from ou 3/26/1950 #4728  
 fear creating a state of panic by admitting as much.                       3/23/1954 #9634  
first statement of policy on UFOs, admitting that it does attempt to evalua 4/1954 #9657  
on one day after the event despite admitting an investigation was incomplet 9/24/1957 #14030  
ng, “We will see you again.” After admitting Mr. Cold, the UFO rises vertic Early 11/1966 #21070  
d professionally!” Saunders avoids admitting he was responsible (indirectly 2/7/1968 #23739  
e film, then releases the footage, admitting it cannot ascertain what the o 11/11/2014 #45423  
## Word: "admont" (Back to Top)
                    MOUNTAINS NEAR ADMONT, AUSTRIA 4 observer(s). Good phot 8/3/1954 #10097  
## Word: "adobe" (Back to Top)
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Adobe” Yield: 190KT                      4/25/1962 #17128  
pent cartridge case. Moreover, the adobe wall of the base, which was just b 11/12/1976 #31540  
## Word: "adolescent" (Back to Top)
           Minot, North Dakota Two adolescent girls, Marg Gudajtes and Judy 10/13/1965 #19655  
                Newton, Illinois A adolescent first saw a bright light, the 10/14/1966 #20999  
ain G. was tent camping with three adolescent boys in a grotto about ten ki 7/8/1971 #26218  
olumbia at 3:10 a.m. A 16-year-old adolescent said that short humanoid bein 7/19/1992 #40528  
## Word: "adolescents" (Back to Top)
             Greenhills, Ohio Four adolescents in a car saw a creature with 8/25/1955 #12407  
## Word: "adolf" (Back to Top)
                   German dictator Adolf Hitler, who initiated World War 2  4/20/1889 #288  
. Farmhand John Halley and vintner Adolf Wenke see an airship land on Jeffe 4/14/1897 #468  
informants like Austrian physicist Adolf Smekal of Frankfurt, Germany, prov 7/5/1947 #2721  
## Word: "adolfo" (Back to Top)
ezuela Day. Government topographer Adolfo Paolini Pisani is driving a jeep  1/1961 #16555  
enezuela A government topographer, Adolfo P. Pisani, was passed by a truck  1/1/1961 #16558  
## Word: "adolph" (Back to Top)
f San Francisco, California, Mayor Adolph Sutro watch a brilliant light app Early 11/1896? #334  
 Springfield, IL Two farm workers, Adolph Winkle and John Hulle, saw a stra 4/15/1897 #482  
gfield, Illinois Two farm workers, Adolph Winkle and John Hulle, saw a stra 4/15/1897 #486  
                 Two farm workers, Adolph Winkle and John Hulle, saw a stra 4/15/1897 #497  
. Civil Defense Deputy Coordinator Adolph Wagner sees 13 sharply defined tr 3/24/1954 #9639  
nd her, including John F. Kennedy, Adolph Hitler, and Judy Garland. She wok 5/2/2001 #44174  
## Word: "adolphe" (Back to Top)
tnesses traveling in a car in Ste. Adolphe, Manitoba at 8:30 p.m. No noise  9/23/2006 #44965  
## Word: "adolphus" (Back to Top)
ppears. NAS Commander Capt. Milton Adolphus Nation vouches for Lewis and sa 3/16/1950 #4656  
## Word: "adopt" (Back to Top)
 staff. Hynek urges the project to adopt a rating system, by which if a sig 11/11/1966 #21090  
## Word: "adopted" (Back to Top)
eings is first hinted at, and then adopted as the only intelligible explana 5/1894 #314  
 of proof; "explain-away" approach adopted by investigators.                1950 #4461  
asis. The recommendations were not adopted.Summary Released by Air Force, 1 1/17/1953 #8544  
investigation was recommended (and adopted) to obtain more data. Public rel 1954 #9415  
ore data. Public relations program adopted to assure public UFOs posed no d 1954 #9415  
stops getting larger, as if it has adopted the Cessna’s speed and direction 9/4/1980 #35494  
hensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty is adopted by the United Nations General As 9/10/1996 #43014  
## Word: "adopts" (Back to Top)
l Assembly The UN General Assembly adopts Decision 32/424, which acknowledg 12/13/1977 #32767  
## Word: "adorned" (Back to Top)
bject larger than a Boeing 727 and adorned with a cluster of multicolored p 10/23/1972 #27087  
emporary" looking room with tables adorned with crystal figurines. She also 10/8/1992 #40667  
## Word: "adraste" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Adraste” Yield: 5KT                      3/3/1980 #35193  
## Word: "adrian" (Back to Top)
      A UFO was seen hovering over Adrian, Michigan at noon. At 11:00 p.m.  3/30/1950 #4769  
ls, Texas Witnesses:  Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Ellis. Two disc-shaped objects, i 7/27/1952 #7212  
                       SOUTHWEST / ADRIAN, MI 1 / car. Moon-size disk. Stro 7/29/1952 #7296  
hen Darbishire, 13, and his cousin Adrian Meyer, 8, set off for an expediti 2/15/1954 #9549  
Guardas, Seville, Spain 11:00 p.m. Adrian Sánchez Sánchez, a salesman, is d 3/20/1974 #28914  
                      At 8:30 p.m. Adrian De Olmos Ordones, age 42, was res 7/12/1977 #32266  
ts Călin Turcu, Valeriu Niculescu, Adrian Pătruţ, and Augustin Moraru estab 7/17/1977 #32287  
en (including John Burroughs, Sgt. Adrian Bustinza, Sgt. Bobby Ball, and Sg 12/28/1980 #35749  
## Word: "adrianople" (Back to Top)
                                   ADRIANOPLE, TURKEY Slow saucer = 4-moons 11/1/1885 #266  
## Word: "adriatic" (Back to Top)
                                   Adriatic Sea, At Sea At 11:00 a.m. a fli 6/1944 #1599  
                                   ADRIATIC NORTHEAST / BARI, ITL 3 P38 cre 6/5/1944? #1603  
Klagenfurt, Austria Trieste, Italy Adriatic Sea Capt. William D. Leet’s B-1 11/24/1944 #1705  
he object stays with them over the Adriatic Sea for 50 minutes, until it “j 11/24/1944 #1705  
 long, dark object emerge from the Adriatic Sea and hover for 30 seconds. I 10/24/1978 #33869  
                                   Adriatic Sea San Benedetto del Tronto, M 11/8/1978 #33928  
dre 5:30 p.m. While fishing in the Adriatic Sea off San Benedetto del Tront 11/8/1978 #33928  
, saw on the mirrored water of the Adriatic Sea off the shore of Riccione,  6/16/1987 #38191  
nd San Benedetto del Tronto in the Adriatic Sea just before 9:00 p.m. Many  6/22/2003 #44557  
## Word: "adriatica" (Back to Top)
ucer slows down. Shoots up. / Voce Adriatica.                               10/17/1954 #11169  
                              ALBA ADRIATICA, ITL Ovoid with halo rotates c 11/1975 #30530  
## Word: "adriatric" (Back to Top)
hot away to the northeast over the Adriatric Sea.                           11/29/1978 #34027  
## Word: "adro" (Back to Top)
                                   ADRO, ITL Several observer(s). 2.3M sauc 6/1958 #15067  
## Word: "adroit" (Back to Top)
lia Timor Sea The crew of the HMAS Adroit, operating out of Darwin, Norther 4/11/1978 #33141  
## Word: "adst" (Back to Top)
sport Technology Assessment Group (ADST) is active, and studies exotic prop 2001 #44112  
Little is publicly available about ADST but Eric Davis states its members l 2001 #44112  
## Word: "adt" (Back to Top)
Harbour, Nova Scotia, CAN Evening, ADT. From early evening until 11:30 pm,  10/4/1967 #23175  
ity, TN 10:15 p.m. EDT (11:15 p.m. ADT). Multiple witnesses reported an obj 10/5/1967 #23179  
## Word: "adult" (Back to Top)
out the experience until she is an adult.                                   1948? #3524  
 flight. Zaikowski says five other adult witnesses and a number of children 1/6/1948 #3533  
ght. Mrs Zaikowski said five other adult witnesses and a number of children 1/6/1948 #3534  
 two women, Mrs. Salabrino and her adult daughter, saw a whitish light in t 10/6/1954 #10761  
KY Kelly–Hopkinsville encounter, 5 adult and 7 child witnesses, UFO spotted 4/21/1955 #12096  
 farmer, Sr. Issuo Oikiti, another adult, and a child saw a luminous object 10/31/1963 #18019  
 UFOs, and that nearly half of the adult population believed UFOs were real 5/8/1966 #20462  
about one block away. At least one adult watches the object for 5 minutes.  8/1/1966 #20718  
2 kids. Beams going down / ground. Adult sees exit.                         4/1/1967 #22034  
d beams of light to the ground. An adult saw the UFO leave.                 4/1/1967 #22043  
to, Ontario, CAN 8:15 p.m. EST. An adult leader and :! 18 Girl Guides saw f 4/12/1967 #22116  
       A 48-year-old woman and her adult son were driving near the city of  9/8/1968 #24442  
 nearby hill. Arcesio Bermudez, an adult, went to the landing site and appr 7/4/1969 #25253  
is) Elementary School Evening. One adult and four teenagers are leaving a b 11/16/1970 #25906  
er, four friends, and at least one adult reported observing "a bright white 10/12/1971 #26421  
rd the northeast. There were three adult witnesses.                         12/11/1973 #28556  
ear-old Yvon Vildier, but two more adult witnesses named Marie LeClere and  1/5/1975 #29726  
ls] Winsted, Connecticut 3:45 p.m. Adult counselor Ira Leifer and 13 teenag 7/28/1976 #31189  
England Morning. Four boys and one adult at Penlee Secondary School in Plym 2/16/1977 #31820  
ng Grove, Illinois 10:40 p.m. Four adult witnesses in Long Grove, Illinois, 3/9/1977 #31888  
               Joliet, IL 2:00 PM. Adult couple driving westbound watched a 5/8/1977 #32071  
               Joliet, IL 2:30 PM. Adult couple experienced object like a s 5/8/1977 #32072  
onner Springs, Kansas 9:45 p.m. An adult couple near Bonner Springs, Kansas 5/11/1977 #32090  
iver Blythe, California 11:45 p.m. Adult witnesses on a boat on the Colorad 7/15/1977 #32276  
Township, New Jersey 8:50 p.m. Two adult couples in Bridgewater Township, N 8/10/1977 #32377  
. The object then took off, and an adult witness watched the object taking  5/19/1979 #34569  
work by the coroner attributes the adult human bones to Taylor. Fragments o 11/29/1980 #35683  
 a vague sense of recognition. His adult daughter Louise, who has also expe Summer 1985 #37606  
rt indicating that there are three adult Americans who believe that “UFOs a 3/12/1987 #38138  
On this Fourth of July holiday two adult women in Pensacola, Florida were o 7/4/1987 #38204  
nd disappeared for a time. The two adult witnesses, a man and a woman, repo 2/9/1988 #38449  
gels, near a large glowing UFO. An adult witness saw the UFO shot straight  4/19/1989 #38911  
ow and screamed. At this point her adult son, a repeat UFO abductee, got up 5/1/1989 #38932  
g Corporation, suggests that 2% of adult Americans (more than 3.7 million)  5/1992 #40439  
detail. They had well-proportioned adult bodies. One looked Asian, with str 7/23/1992 #40531  
f Winston Salem, North Carolina an adult watched a child walk to the school 12/4/1992 #40742  
                     A 34-year-old adult driving with two children in Charl 1/23/1993 #40812  
ds. Terrified, the boys ran to get adult witnesses, several of whom respond 4/15/1994 #41493  
ide the shrine to investigate. The adult witnesses saw the strange figure m 4/15/1994 #41493  
 (blond, blue- eyed Nordics). Some adult hybrids assist the aliens in their 1/1998 #43482  
5 a.m. a 50-year-old woman and her adult son saw a gray rectangular object  2/9/1998 #43516  
eshoe-shaped flying object lift an adult elk out of the forest and fly off  2/25/1999 #43736  
annel, to ask a national sample of adult Americans a series of questions ab 8/2002 #44372  
 Angeles, California 4:03 p.m. One adult and two children witness a hoverin 9/15/2021 #45709  
watching it for a few seconds, the adult takes a video as the object slowly 9/15/2021 #45709  
## Word: "adulterer" (Back to Top)
                CHAUCHINA, SP Same adulterer sees 1.5M saucer, 6M over grou 9/18/1971 #26344  
## Word: "adults" (Back to Top)
sey Evelyn M. Howell and two other adults see a huge cigar-shaped object ho 8/1942 #1428  
the side of the UFO. Several naked adults—humanoid, attractive, and also de 3/28/1950 #4750  
im closer. The crew consists of 20 adults and 25 children, the latter from  3/28/1950 #4750  
          ARAMON, GARD 4 teens and adults. Flying cigar emits sparks like a 10/14/1954 #11019  
nds and balls for 45 minutes. Both adults get greenish stains on their hand 10/22/1954 #11320  
tion. Glennie Lankford and 6 other adults (Elmer Sutton, Vera Sutton, John  8/21/1955 #12386  
sappear with musical “pings.” Some adults were called to come see it, but t 8/29/1955 #12416  
, rape, and psychological abuse of adults and young children, driving many  7/1963 #17819  
                           Several adults saw an elongated glowing object f 4/29/1964 #18222  
n Ferry, Montana Several anonymous adults observed an elongated, glowing ob 4/30/1964 #18229  
             At 10:30 p.m. several adults saw an elongated glowing object i 4/30/1964 #18235  
olorado 5:00 p.m. At least a dozen adults and children in Trinidad, Colorad 3/23/1966 #20051  
 in a field near the school. Three adults came out to calm the child and al 4/22/1966 #20371  
hey are from outer space. 5% of US adults have seen a UFO.                  5/8/1966 #20463  
                              Four adults in Menindee, New South Wales, Aus 6/23/1966 #20598  
ng the streets, while children and adults panicked.                         7/5/1966 #20633  
                               Two adults, one a high school teacher, were  12/6/1966 #21188  
10 p.m. EDT (9:30 p.m. CDT). Three adults independently saw a dirigible- sh 4/27/1967 #22230  
ittsburgh, PA 9:35 p.m. EDT. Three adults and three children ! saw a fast-f 6/9/1967 #22481  
, MO 9:30 p.m. CDT. At least seven adults saw a highly reflective disc with 7/3/1967 #22598  
Twilight. Five people, two of them adults, saw a round object with a dome.  8/29/1967 #22950  
Glencoe, Ontario, CAN Night. Three adults and their children saw a cluster  10/1967 #23154  
et tall with shoulders the size of adults and disproportionately large head 7/2/1968 #24136  
d their uncle, George Bogus; other adults who subsequently observed the phe 8/29/1968 #24401  
a. At around three a.m. two single adults, a man and a woman, "Francis" and 2/10/1969 #24909  
he hill to tell other children and adults. Thirteen people, including their 7/4/1969 #25251  
               EAST / HINTON, WV 4 adults. Orange-glowing ovoid hovers / lo 6/24/1970 #25705  
he Loch Ness CE-3 encounter, three adults and four children were in an isol 8/16/1971 #26290  
Connecticut Evening. At least four adults in various parts of Waterbury, Co 4/14/1972 #26646  
            Spring Mills, PA Three adults observed an oval-shaped fluoresce 4/24/1973 #27444  
t they were perfectly proportioned adults but only two feet tall. They had  5/22/1973 #27520  
, a group of students led by three adults, had gone to El Yunque Mountain P 10/20/1973 #28222  
e. In Maple Valley, Washington two adults and a child watched a white star- 7/19/1986 #37949  
. The cockpit is so small that two adults can hardly fit inside. Investigat Early 8/1987 #38225  
d Canal, Florida at 10:30 p.m. two adults and two girls observed a diamond- 3/30/1988 #38522  
y-prone scores, more loneliness as adults, lower levels of happiness, more  1991 #39934  
riences” survey of nearly 6,000 US adults devised by Budd Hopkins, David Ja 5/1992 #40439  
                               Two adults reported seeing strange lights in 3/6/1996 #42809  
itting outfits. She also saw human adults that identified themselves as the 8/2/2001 #44220  
## Word: "adumbrated" (Back to Top)
these negative findings were being adumbrated as early as January 1966, and 1/31/1968 #23714  
## Word: "adv" (Back to Top)
object over cemetery. / Montgomery Adv.                                     9/7/1973 #27775  
## Word: "advance" (Back to Top)
 and other crew members of the USS Advance, participating in the First Grin 9/15/1850 #145  
ly brighten and dim and so seem to advance and recede, and dust or moisture 10/13/1917 #970  
ble that its development is far in advance of ours. Such a civilization mig 2/1949 #3990  
e magazine reporters who give them advance copies of the Darrach/Ginna arti 4/2/1952 #6016  
 use a “technology considerably in advance of what we have.” The report is  8/10/1953 #9060  
out having to notify him or obtain advance approval in each case. The FBI h 5/20/1954 #9820  
dark silhouettes. He was unable to advance towards the object, stopped by s 10/10/1954 #10899  
rprises in Baltimore, Maryland, to advance and supply technology originatin 1955 #11894  
e its current earthly problems and advance into the New Age. Life on other  8/1956 #13044  
hey exhibit a unique scientific or advance technology that could possibly c 10/2/1972 #27045  
tion in 1989. BDM also hosted the “Advance Theoretical Physics Conference”  2/16/1979 #34431  
 McLean Secure Facility hosts the “Advance Theoretical Physics Conference,” 5/20/1985 #37591  
lite re-entries are predictable in advance and could serve as the perfect c 11/5/1990 #39872  
Las Vegas, Nevada, to research and advance serious study of various fringe  12/1995 #42635  
ERNARDO, CHILE Telepathy warning / advance. Girl abduction / 3 hours. Fetus 1/30/1997 #43180  
e received a telepathic warning in advance that she would be taken from her 1/30/1997 #43181  
oubled by Collins Elite wishing to advance THE THEORY to media and populati 3/11/1998 #43532  
ce. Their growing numbers on earth advance the Change, the day when they an 9/2015 #45438  
s Development Command (USACCDC) to advance developments in material science 7/2018 #45532  
ed under DARPA by a team known as “Advance Group-6.” Prototypes of the craf 6/29/2021 #45697  
 mathematical development that can advance our understanding of general rel 2/22/2023 #45794  
## Word: "advanced" (Back to Top)
 icecaps fuels speculation that an advanced alien race indigenous to Mars h 5/1894 #314  
ddish objects descend near the AAC Advanced Flying School at Columbus, Miss 8/29/1942 #1444  
g to Future Man.” Shaver writes of advanced prehistoric races who built und 11/1943 #1541  
ic” entities from discarnates with advanced knowledge of spirit and cosmos, 2/1945 #1768  
Horten brothers were working on an advanced aircraft in Heiligenbeil, East  11/1947 #3474  
ted case) can fly but require more advanced power plants than we have.      11/8/1948 #3871  
ich might conceivably represent an advanced aerodynamical development. A fe 4/28/1949 #4125  
ings that can exist there would be advanced insects. A US edition is publis 12/1950 #5305  
Martin Co’s Research Institute for Advanced Studies (RIAS), Lear Inc., Jans 1952 #5843  
Study Group” is to evaluate Soviet advanced aerial delivery systems, as wel 4/29/1952 #6216  
wly with lateral oscillation as it advanced. It blew toward the southwest.  9/17/1954 #10335  
peared to grimace, and when Pugina advanced another step the creature aligh 10/18/1954 #11225  
ge S. Trimble, VP for Aviation and Advanced Propulsion Systems at the Glenn 1955 #11898  
y, into the Research Institute for Advanced Studies (RIAS). Witten states T 1955 #11898  
a secret Douglas think tank called Advanced Design, tasked with helping the 3/1/1955 #12027  
satch Mountains, Utah, where large advanced aerospace craft are constructed 3/1/1955 #12028  
being studied at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton University,  11/20/1955 #12580  
 University of Indiana’s School of Advanced Mathematical Studies, the Purdu 11/20/1955 #12580  
itt of the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study.  https://www.thedrive.co 11/20/1955 #12580  
ysical evidence meant UAP were not advanced craft, and CIA OSI did not upda 1/24/1956 #12681  
there. They are the remnants of an advanced civilization that developed lev 1957 #13429  
. begins work at Lockheed’s secret Advanced Development Projects facility ( 8/1957 #13867  
, President Eisenhower creates the Advanced Research Projects Agency and ho 2/7/1958 #14874  
tion” in which he discusses how an advanced civilization might be visible f 6/3/1958 #15077  
phere,” would be a sure sign of an advanced race.                           6/3/1958 #15077  
e American public that UAP are not advanced craft due to no debris recovery 10/30/1958 #15404  
tablishes the Southwest Center for Advanced Studies and later hires I. Robi 1961 #16552  
 have a planet on them on which an advanced civilization resides, Sagan sug 11/15/1962 #17548  
s, Sagan suggests the nearest such advanced civilization is several hundred 11/15/1962 #17548  
ant "region" and that they were an advanced race, concerned about the misus 5/15/1967 #22348  
s that returns with a diagnosis of advanced leukemia with life expectancy o 8/13/1967 #22873  
 4:05 p.m. Witness N. Savrasov, an advanced geography student, and his moth 10/25/1967 #23317  
stops in the 1960s suggests it was advanced.  This method is the same Thoma 1968 #23633  
edicted he would someday meet with advanced beings from the cosmos who woul 7/1968 #24109  
ring silvery uniforms, emerged and advanced with slow, unsteady steps towar 7/25/1968 #24226  
e expectation that science will be advanced thereby.” It is a clear signal  10/31/1968 #24608  
counterintelligence operations for advanced aerospace (and possibly UAP-rel 1970 #25523  
t is alleged Permindex is aware of advanced UAP projects and protects them  1970 #25523  
e Office of Naval Research and the Advanced Research Projects Agency that e 5/1971 #26089  
ey exhibit a unique scientifically advanced technology.                     10/2/1972 #27044  
d by Litton Industries, creator of advanced space suits for the USAF and NA 10/11/1973 #28009  
r saw may match the description of advanced experimental suits Litton was d 10/11/1973 #28009  
unknown if Litton did any work for advanced UAP related projects, where tha 10/11/1973 #28009  
ve and to the right of his car. It advanced to within 10 meters of the road 3/17/1974 #28898  
                    A committee of advanced workshop participants from the  6/20/1977 #32176  
into an extensive fog. The witness advanced and saw the fog retreating out  1/10/1978 #32870  
to the banal joys of life. You are advanced spiritually and extremely dista 2/15/1978 #32971  
if we did, we would not be such an advanced civilization.” They take him on 5/1978 #33181  
on notes). Graff next moved to the Advanced Concepts Office at the DIA and  1979 #34262  
lizes teleportation technology far advanced beyond those in the open source 1981 #35765  
 in exchange for information about advanced UFO technology.                 1/10/1983 #36742  
 the time and was rumored to be an advanced black aircraft, possibly triang 1985 #37542  
ym “Harold Phillips”), director of advanced concepts at the US Army Laborat 5/20/1985 #37590  
, forms a UFO working group titled Advanced Theoretical Physics Group made  5/20/1985 #37590  
heory.” Shannon attended the 1985 “Advanced Theoretical Physics Conference” 4/1988 #38527  
wer plants inside the craft are so advanced they defy conventional understa 5/15/1989 #38953  
bductors contradicts the idea that advanced aliens are conducting genetic o 6/1989 #38970  
 Earth as a big farm” and utilized advanced technology to project images of 1/1991 #39944  
-shaped object on the ground. They advanced towards the object slowly when  6/15/1991 #40098  
ook or Project Black Sky that used advanced cameras and sensors on high alt 7/1991 #40108  
roving Wackenhut Corp. was testing advanced weaponry (railgun) on Native Am 5/13/1992 #40463  
aelic and Asian results—suggesting advanced cloning techniques and possible 7/23/1992 #40530  
n used a joint venture to test the advanced weapon on sovereign land to cir 8/1/1993 #41101  
 craft to be a triangular “ASTRA,” Advanced Stealth Technology Reconnaissan 9/26/1994 #41776  
 concealed its facial features. It advanced slowly towards the witness. The 2/9/1995 #42031  
ch, CA; at TRW STG, Goldin managed advanced projects, some subject to Speci 8/7/1996 #42971  
cking UFOs, and evidence of Soviet advanced technology associated with UFO  8/3/1997 #43365  
rected energy weapon, Mid-Infrared Advanced Chemical Laser (MIRACL) develop 10/17/1997 #43431  
 temporarily worked at the Defense Advanced Research Center (DARC) in 1979, 1998 #43481  
 Note: A declassified study of the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) 1998 #43481  
earch Projects Agency (ARPA) shows advanced aerospace projects were perform 1998 #43481  
dered for transfer into a “Defense Advanced Research Center” (DARC) that wo 1998 #43481  
ed if DARC was created, and if any advanced aerospace concepts from von Bra 1998 #43481  
sh a paper for the Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center and Californi 8/1998 #43618  
tated this covert entity possesses advanced technologies often mistaken for 8/22/1998 #43635  
as considered the usage of manmade advanced craft in a “false indications a 8/22/1998 #43635  
lon published a slideshow from the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification 10/1998 #43656  
eriments fits a broader trend that advanced energy sources may exist under  5/17/1999 #43770  
 by an independent group of former advanced workshop participants at the In 7/16/1999 #43805  
rch and Development in the area of advanced design.  The Sedge Masters stor 7/31/1999 #43815  
 very difficult to do, even in the advanced projects he was aware of. Czysz 11/2000 #44070  
                               The Advanced Deep Space Transport Technology 2001 #44112  
ects related to the application of advanced extraterrestrial technologies.  4/2001 #44154  
lée, that Lemke’s father worked on advanced hardware that “seemed to have c 6/11/2003 #44556  
en invisible; his research is more advanced than work by “Tachi” or Duke Un 7/2003 #44560  
e this sort of technology could be advanced in a black project through reve 7/2003 #44560  
rowth’s lead Franklin Mead studied advanced propulsion concepts for decades 8/2004 #44724  
0 noon, this time equipped with an advanced infrared camera (FLIR pod). Thi 11/14/2004 #44784  
ne DIRD for AATIP about the use of advanced aerospace craft for space acces 2/1/2006 #44921  
 1985 Col. John Alexander led the “Advanced Theoretical Physics Conference” 4/28/2006 #44936  
t for the Pentagon U.F.O. program (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification 2007 #44993  
t Bigelow, quietly establishes the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applica Fall 2007? #45070  
SAP)—purposly misidentified as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Fall 2007? #45070  
 physics and engineering of these [advanced aerospace weapon system] applic Fall 2007? #45070  
ims that he is the director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification 2008 #45106  
lligence Agency’s secret Aerospace Advanced Weapon System Applications Prog 2008 #45106  
ns several sub-projects, including Advanced Aerospace System Concepts or “P 6/2008 #45144  
escription is similar to the DIA’s Advanced Aerospace Weapons Systems Appli 6/2008 #45144  
1) for a company to handle its new Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applica 8/18/2008 #45159  
igelow Aerospace Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) A $10 mil 9/22/2008 #45170  
0 million initial contract for the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applica 9/22/2008 #45170  
hat the “contractor shall complete advanced aerospace weapon system technic 9/22/2008 #45170  
elow sets up the Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) project w 9/22/2008 #45170  
 the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Advanced Aerospace Weapon Systems Applic 10/2008 #45173  
FO Network (MUFON) forms the MUFON Advanced Technology Establishment (MATE) 10/17/2008 #45175  
 a contract with Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) to provid 10/17/2008 #45175  
as a contractor for the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applica 10/17/2008 #45175  
nistrator of the Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies project in Las Ve 11/2008 #45184  
license plate to Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS), a contra 5/8/2009 #45221  
 the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Advanced Aerospace Weapon Systems Applic 5/8/2009 #45221  
rry Reid (D-Nev.) decides that the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applica 6/24/2009 #45227  
misidentified intentionally as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification 6/24/2009 #45227  
duals “specialized in the areas of advanced sciences, sensors, intelligence 6/24/2009 #45227  
lligence, counterintelligence, and advanced aerospace engineering”) to prot 6/24/2009 #45227  
e US Defense Intelligence Agency’s Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applica 11/2009 #45252  
the papers. The first paper is on “Advanced Nuclear Propusion for Manned De 12/1/2009 #45260  
Washington, D.C. Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) directors 12/11/2009 #45262  
In January 2010, Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) Director  2010 #45263  
 the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Advanced Aerospace Weapon Systems Applic 2010 #45263  
 air force bases Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) Director  Late 1/2010 #45268  
anch in Utah The Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) asks remo 3/2010 #45270  
 the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applica 9/30/2010 #45300  
 7 February 2011 Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) director  2/2011 #45312  
 the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Advanced Aerospace Weapon Systems Applic 2/2011 #45312  
 as well as AAWSAP’s research into advanced technologies. Lacatski works wi 2/7/2011 #45313  
ater told BAASS that they believed advanced technology was being held at ae 6/2011 #45327  
bmerged nautical object exhibiting advanced technology” that the authors ha 4/25/2013 #45365  
h of these objects using the jet’s Advanced Targeting Forward Looking Infra 4/23/2014 #45407  
y’re related to reverse engineered advanced technologies or not.            1/30/2015 #45429  
asiago claimed was the location of advanced technology capable of teleporta 7/16/2016 #45456  
riad also develops next-generation advanced aerospace platforms (see 25 Jun 3/22/2017 #45465  
B publish a framework to “leverage advanced propulsion” for deep space trav 4/2017 #45467  
, to investigate. Bearing the most advanced targeting system available (the 10/25/2017 #45487  
ata on military UFO sightings, the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applica 12/16/2017 #45494  
ions Program (misidentified as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification 12/16/2017 #45494  
ng 38 projects that the military’s Advanced Aviation Threat Identification  1/9/2018 #45503  
ification Program [in reality, the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applica 1/9/2018 #45503  
s project used to simulate various advanced projects that concluded in 2017 5/2/2018 #45525  
 USG/private laboratories were not advanced enough to understand what the t 10/28/2018 #45542  
ssy have experienced brain trauma; advanced MRI scans (specifically res-fMR 7/2019 #45589  
en billboards, aimed at providing “advanced technology solutions to United  10/17/2019 #45612  
that one of its experiments is the Advanced Structurally Embedded Thermal S 10/27/2019 #45615  
                 Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) A Popular 2/14/2020 #45633  
Millan says that Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) was contr 2/14/2020 #45633  
 informal predecessor program, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Investigation  6/23/2020 #45649  
ter contains a subheading labeled “Advanced Aerial Threats,” which requires 12/27/2020 #45670  
e craft, he claims, utilizing this advanced technology are being flown at T 6/29/2021 #45697  
 on 37 of the 38 projects that its Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applica 3/25/2022 #45742  
IRDs) on 37 of the 38 projects the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applica 3/25/2022 #45743  
he UAP conversation and working on advanced propulsion.  In 2020, Eskridge  6/15/2022 #45758  
publishes notes of his time at the Advanced Theoretical Working Group held  9/26/2022 #45772  
## Word: "advanced-aerospace-threat-and" (Back to Top)
//mindsublime.blogspot.com/2020/01/advanced-aerospace-threat-and.html  Note 10/1998 #43656  
## Word: "advanced-chemistryprize2011" (Back to Top)
www.nobelprize.org/uploads/2018/06/advanced-chemistryprize2011.pdf          1998 #43481  
## Word: "advancement" (Back to Top)
t the American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in Chicag 12/26/1947 #3511  
n, MA American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual mee 12/26/1969 #25508  
aters The American Academy for the Advancement of Science holds a special t 12/26/1969 #25509  
f the American Association for the Advancement of Science in New York City. 5/29/1984 #37341  
oses.    “STAC remain committed to advancement to media and population of b 3/11/1998 #43532  
## Word: "advancements" (Back to Top)
at will “likely lead to technology advancements.” He requests that it be de 6/24/2009 #45227  
## Word: "advances" (Back to Top)
zing sound as if in warning. As he advances, it rises slowly into the sky u Summer 1910 #840  
, FL 2 / farm. 2 saucers nearby. 1 advances and retreats. Both brighten and 7/20/1952 #6941  
 shoot it unless the creature made advances toward them. It left quickly wi 8/21/1978 #33540  
ing breath. He resisted her sexual advances but was forcibly restrained. Th 6/18/1979 #34618  
-formation / strong lights hovers. Advances slowly. Quiet or silent.        1/12/1996 #42677  
logy and “tremendous technological advances” have come from their study. Ph 4/2001 #44155  
## Word: "advancing" (Back to Top)
ght light glides up road toward(s) advancing car. Turns going quickly west  3/18/1974 #28899  
nute later, they see three figures advancing toward them from near the ligh 5/20/1977 #32116  
re, all five saw the strange being advancing and withdrawing, with mechanic 8/30/1977 #32441  
r. The group saw the strange being advancing and retreating with mechanical 8/31/1977 #32446  
bout five-foot eight inches tall, "advancing and retreating," and fading in 11/13/1977 #32671  
e also sees a straight, black line advancing trough the sky, then a “perfec 8/13/2002 #44383  
## Word: "advantage" (Back to Top)
nistrative embarrassment, or be of advantage to a foreign nation shall be c 8/9/1947 #3308  
e that the Soviet Union might take advantage of the confusion.              7/28/1952 #7262  
hire the Mafia to kill Castro. The advantage of employing the Mafia for thi 9/1960 #16428  
ompany), to derive some commercial advantage from studying UFO reports (inc 1967 #21234  
 and Sunday afternoons, and I took advantage of my trips to France, England 4/1993 #40920  
 System ceases operation. The main advantage of the system was its ability  10/1/2013 #45388  
hat “Company A” can have an unfair advantage over “Company B” due to its po 10/21/2021 #45717  
 for a contract, one had an unfair advantage. The other went bankrupt. That 10/21/2021 #45717  
any B? Did Lockheed have an unfair advantage in having possession of crash  10/21/2021 #45717  
## Word: "advantages" (Back to Top)
rger than the Earth, and with many advantages for Earthlings." When Andrade 9/4/1967 #22996  
rger than the Earth, and with many advantages for Earthlings.” When Andrade 9/4/1967 #22997  
rger than the Earth, and with many advantages for earthlings." When Andrade 9/4/1967 #23000  
 / US. our world much larger. Many advantages / humming.                    9/9/1967 #23023  
## Word: "advent" (Back to Top)
rver Corps is deactivated with the advent of automated Army (Missile Master 1/31/1959 #15572  
## Word: "adventist" (Back to Top)
ng, an official of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, sees a similar object  10/8/1957 #14078  
## Word: "adventure" (Back to Top)
00 noon. This leads to an unlikely adventure involving Swann’s remote viewi 2/1975 #29781  
 to go on an overnight backpacking adventure. Their destination was Mount L 9/16/2007 #45059  
## Word: "adventurer" (Back to Top)
o is characterized as a “political adventurer” allied with Ruppelt, both of 10/1958 #15294  
## Word: "adventures" (Back to Top)
ter tells this story and his later adventures in his 1954 book Aboard a Fly 7/28/1952 #7260  
assenger side. Derenberger’s space adventures are only beginning.           Early 11/1966 #21070  
nd that the stories he told of his adventures with the aliens were similarl 1997 #43155  
## Word: "adversarial" (Back to Top)
rded a “special dispensation” from adversarial scrutiny through FOIA.       10/29/1979 #34975  
## Word: "adversaries" (Back to Top)
ncluding that “at least one of our adversaries, and possibly two, have play 4/15/2021 #45682  
## Word: "adversary" (Back to Top)
n when engaging an unsophisticated adversary.  https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pd 5/1996 #42891  
that China or Russia or some other adversary has made “some technological l 7/23/2020 #45654  
## Word: "adverse" (Back to Top)
riments with humans and might have adverse effect on public opinion or resu 4/17/1947 #2265  
s done on his own time, and has no adverse impact on his regular teaching a 9/30/1968 #24526  
 government/military targets, with adverse psychological effects. CSETI sta 8/22/1998 #43635  
n UAP cases, including those with “adverse physiological effects.” It funds 12/27/2021 #45730  
## Word: "adversely" (Back to Top)
related fields” which it said can “adversely affect a vehicle or person.”   5/15/2006 #44942  
## Word: "advertised" (Back to Top)
 Project Vanguard, using a booster advertised as more civilian in nature. F 1954 #9413  
## Word: "advertisement" (Back to Top)
 It is based on the Flit bug-spray advertisement that has a woman saying, “ 1/18/1953 #8550  
 disc is gone. Dickenson places an advertisement in a Scarborough newspaper 11/21/1957 #14590  
rds existed.” Bryant also sends an advertisement to the Homestead AFB newsp 2/19/1973 #27298  
 at Homestead denounces the Bryant advertisement and “forbade its publicati 2/19/1973 #27298  
## Word: "advertiser" (Back to Top)
rd W. Hermann, Manager, Agency and Advertiser Service, McGraw Hill. The phy 8/1/1954 #10086  
d cylinder/cigar-shape. / Adelaide Advertiser 3.11.73.                      10/31/1973 #28322  
 Caro, mile(s) event. / Tuscola co advertiser.                              11/18/1993 #41283  
## Word: "advertising" (Back to Top)
ng” 25-foot-long model airships to advertising firms in the UK, one of them 5/19/1909 #765  
balloons south of Hässleholm as an advertising promotion around 12:30 p.m.  12/15/1953 #9366  
POLIS, IN F. Edwards and hundreds. Advertising plane(?) going south. / r70p 10/12/1961 #16905  
nebunkport, ME The president of an advertising agency saw a bright red hemi 2/7/1962 #17037  
                     Boston, MA An advertising plane caused several erroneo 7/1963 #17818  
aymond Fowler finds that the local advertising plane operated by Sky-Lite A 9/3/1965 #19511  
 plane operated by Sky-Lite Aerial Advertising Agency of Boston was not run 9/3/1965 #19511  
, DK Large flaming barrel caught / advertising photograph. Descends / 45° a 5/3/1975 #30018  
s the source of the sighting as an advertising plane owned and operated by  4/29/1978 #33179  
eld. The UFO appears similar to an advertising blimp but has no passenger g 10/23/2010 #45303  
mp but has no passenger gondola or advertising on its hull. On the same day 10/23/2010 #45303  
## Word: "advice" (Back to Top)
sident Henry A. Wallace. On Bush’s advice, Roosevelt chooses the US Army to 10/9/1941 #1373  
im that it would not listen to his advice and cannot handle large-scale con 10/9/1941 #1373  
erested in asking the two generals advice and, if possible, would place all 8/19/1946 #2145  
 done depends upon mankind, but my advice is that physical man set up no be 7/3/1947 #2551  
National Academy of Sciences, with advice coming from the Department of Def 7/29/1955 #12301  
r 1 memo, a CIA employee, requests advice on “how we might get our hands on 7/1958 #15131  
 The president had decided against advice        not to respond militarily  10/27/1962 #17505  
e, and further asks Hynek to offer advice on how Blue Book could improve it 9/4/1968 #24427  
officially asked for criticism and advice [regarding] ... the UFO problem.” 9/4/1968 #24427  
 Following ufologist Peter Hough’s advice, he attends a session of regressi 12/1/1987 #38345  
. He then speculates on the likely advice received by the USAF intelligence 4/1993 #40919  
 who provide independent technical advice and review.  https://www.npr.org/ 4/25/2019 #45572  
## Word: "advisable" (Back to Top)
amera, and such armament as deemed advisable, in order to secure photograph 2/12/1948 #3576  
## Word: "advise" (Back to Top)
ised would request Wright Field to advise (FBI) results of examination.”    7/8/1947 #2951  
s the National Security Council to advise the president and the Central Int 7/26/1947 #3233  
alter Bedell Smith recommending he advise the National Security Council tha 10/2/1952 #8086  
able to contact their superiors to advise of the test results until about 8 8/1/1958 #15174  
 Coordination Centre in Halifax to advise them of the situation and ask if  10/4/1967 #23176  
porations, and persons in order to advise public policymakers) has, accordi 6/12/1974 #29180  
## Word: "advised" (Back to Top)
 Curtan, HQ 8th AF, telephonically advised this office that an object purpo 7/8/1947 #2951  
lane for examination...Maj. Curtan advised would request Wright Field to ad 7/8/1947 #2951  
dioed Kodiak radar station and was advised that no known traffic was in his 1/22/1950 #4499  
nt reports. RAF Fighter Command is advised that all future reports of aeria 8/15/1950 #5127  
ce Intelligence Gen. Millard Lewis advised the multi-agency “Watch Committe 9/24/1957 #14030  
ial Activities Division operative, advised Bolivian troops during the hunt  10/7/1967 #23190  
hat Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie advised and possibly helped the CIA orch 10/7/1967 #23190  
y described as "soft and slow." It advised them to pray and promised to ret 7/22/1968 #24206  
d see a ship subsequently. She was advised that she would suffer headaches  9/3/1974 #29418  
cts moving SE. The North Bay Tower advised one light aircraft in the area w 12/4/1975 #30684  
he strange event to the police who advised them to contact a private UFO or 5/7/1980 #35317  
ng, it is noted that Bennewitz was advised to apply for an Air Force grant  11/10/1980 #35623  
them with an explanation. Cash was advised to contact John F. Schuessler, a 12/29/1980 #35758  
n’s AATIP program studying UAP and advised the ATP Group at BDM Intl. on UA 5/2002 #44335  
 the airfield. USAF personnel were advised to stay away but for the entiret 2005 #44804  
ocked down and USAF personnel were advised to stay inside and away from the 2005 #44804  
 told the crowd “you would be well advised not to talk about this incident  2/2011 #45312  
SA) (see 8 August 2019), a company advised by current and former USG/USG co 12/2015 #45441  
 suggests on a podcast he is being advised by USAF Maj. Gen. Neil McCasland 10/26/2017 #45488  
 Academy of Arts & Science (TTSA), advised by current and former USG/USG co 7/2018 #45532  
 Academy of Arts & Science (TTSA), advised by current and former USG/USG co 8/8/2019 #45605  
## Word: "adviser" (Back to Top)
sicist David T. Griggs, a civilian adviser on radar to the War Department,  10/28/1944 #1685  
                            Policy adviser Ferdinand Eberstadt writes for S 9/1945 #1936  
 Ministry of Defence Chief Science Adviser Henry Tizard, assisted by Louis  10/1950 #5206  
         Pinckney (near), MI NICAP Adviser saw a glowing, yellowish UFO whi 8/3/1951 #5594  
 the AFOIN Special Study Group and adviser to Gen. John A. Samford.         Mid 7/1952 #6829  
y of State for Air, and scientific adviser and friend Lord Cherwell, saying 7/28/1952 #7267  
 the government’s chief scientific adviser, in a letter, saying there is “a 7/30/1952 #7362  
ff’s lawyer brings in a government adviser who advises them to drop the law 6/1955 #12173  
ringfield is made public relations adviser.                                 1/14/1957 #13455  
ar." [Witness interviewed by NICAP Adviser Harold H. Fulton.] (NICAP: 01 -  6/16/1963 #17788  
t via Walter N. Webb, Boston NICAP Adviser.] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 6/19/1963 #17795  
rts. (Aircraft identified by NICAP Adviser, Walter N. Webb.) (NICAP: 01 - D 7/1963 #17818  
terviewed by Walter N. Webb, NICAP Adviser.] (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 8/13/1963 #17895  
pan US Maj. Gen. Hideki Komura, an adviser to Japan’s Cabinet Research Offi 1977 #31657  
 is accompanying National Security Adviser John Bolton in London, England,  8/2019 #45603  
## Word: "advisers" (Back to Top)
r reconstituted R&D committees and advisers like Lloyd Berkner of the Carne 7/3/1946 #2025  
onferred with his two top military advisers, Rear Adm. Robert Dennison and  4/4/1950 #4792  
rd M. Bissell assembles a group of advisers to begin work on solving the pr 8/16/1956 #13094  
efully examined by USAF scientific advisers and astronomical experts. No ac 8/2/1965 #19266  
sive UFO database, hire scientific advisers to evaluate the data, and issue 1/1977 #31666  
 in sole charge with no scientific advisers. GEPAN’s resources and personne 9/1/1983 #36967  
## Word: "advises" (Back to Top)
quarters in Fort Worth, Texas, and advises them of the new find.            7/8/1947 #3011  
eMay (who has returned to Europe), advises the AMC commanding general that  12/30/1947 #3516  
ing flying saucers.” It adds, “CIC advises data strictly confidential and s 12/8/1950 #5334  
the blast. Task force headquarters advises them that the objects are Canber 3/1/1954 #9585  
brings in a government adviser who advises them to drop the lawsuit. Eickho 6/1955 #12173  
eport UFO sightings. Hillenkoetter advises, “we’ll have to do something to  Spring 1959 #15660  
.C. Rep. Thomas N. Downing (D-Va.) advises NICAP that the House Science and 8/4/1961 #16777  
 the Warren Smith photo. Robertson advises that UFO sightings are taking up 11/14/1967 #23450  
him in a collision course. When he advises Riddle to take evasive action, t 8/14/1975 #30270  
ands 3 minute(s). Government agent advises quiet. Traces.                   2/22/1979 #34442  
han 10 minutes later, the USS Kidd advises the USS Rafael Peralta of the si 7/14/2019 #45592  
## Word: "advising" (Back to Top)
ant chief of air staff, that he is advising all FBI agents to discontinue a 9/27/1947 #3429  
n at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio, advising him of the standing policy of r 10/18/1950 #5241  
## Word: "advisor" (Back to Top)
        Scandinavia The scientific advisor to MI6, English physicist Regina 9/9/1946 #2172  
hat Henry Tizard, chief scientific advisor to the Ministry of Defence, feel 8/15/1950 #5127  
rdon Gray, later National Security Advisor during the Eisenhower administra 4/4/1951 #5498  
htm     Note: Blue Book scientific advisor J. Allen Hynek said often the Pr 12/18/1953 #9384  
  Note: Given Blue Book scientific advisor J. Allen Hynek later said (see 1 7/5/1956 #12953  
st solution is to give its primary advisor J. Allen Hynek a raise of $1,000 3/17/1961 #16634  
the Secretary of the Air Force and advisor to NATO, joins the board of NICA Summer 1962 #17238  
rtment of State. National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy chooses to wait u 10/15/1962 #17472  
 John Carstairs Arnell, scientific advisor to the Canadian Chief of Air Sta 4/20/1965 #18908  
t year alone. Blue Book scientific advisor J. Allen Hynek later corroborate 4/5/1966 #20253  
cDonald and USAF Project Blue Book advisor J. Allen Hynek through his work. 1967 #21240  
ied.” Project Blue Book scientific advisor J. Allen Hynek later wrote the C 11/15/1968 #24662  
      Project Blue Book scientific advisor J. Allen Hynek writes that Blue  5/1972 #26666  
raph, but former Project Blue Book advisor J. Allen Hynek stated the testim 10/11/1973 #28009  
      Project Blue Book scientific advisor J. Allen Hynek states the CIA’s  1979 #34260  
erry Miller, Kirtland’s scientific advisor for the Air Force Test and Evalu 10/26/1980 #35590  
eitzer, White House chief military advisor, writes: “The President is well  9/28/1981 #36143  
1967, Project Blue Book scientific advisor J. Allen Hynek told a crowd at t 6/1989 #38972  
nd Science, of which Mellon was an advisor. *   https://imgur.com/a/4TxNMVI 5/22/1992 #40469  
riefing to the White House Science Advisor.  Notes made by someone inside O 4/15/1993 #40934  
ale Solem, USAF space surveillance advisor Dean Judd, Jessica Utts, USAF Br 1/28/1996 #42725  
 the Defense Science Board, senior advisor to the President and former chai 7/31/1999 #43815  
ssion include George W Bush senior advisor on science, space and technology 11/27/2002 #44452  
cques Patenet, who continues as an advisor.                                 1/1/2009 #45204  
 officer, will serve as the senior advisor to the Health Incident Response  3/12/2021 #45679  
## Word: "advisors" (Back to Top)
               Vietnam US military advisors first accompany South Vietnames 2/28/1961 #16611  
 Kennedy gathers a select group of advisors known as the ExComm (Executive  10/16/1962 #17475  
med he had a team of “high-ranking advisors” helping him prepare the U.S. p 1/24/2016 #45443  
 2016 that he was told by his CIA “advisors” that when UAP crashes happen,  3/27/2016 #45446  
aped by private interests and his “advisors” review his publicly disseminat 3/27/2016 #45446  
nge states he was told by unnamed “advisors” that there were multiple UAP c 4/2016 #45448  
ts; DeLonge adds that he asked the advisors if the crash recovery program(s 4/2016 #45448  
f they were illegal. He claims the advisors showed him an “exact law,” with 4/2016 #45448  
nd AJ Hartley. DeLonge claims his “advisors” from the US intelligence commu 4/5/2016 #45449  
p/B08VYR4DZ6 (p210)     Note: TTSA advisors Christopher K. Mellon and Luis  10/26/2017 #45488  
iven as justification for dropping advisors Luis Elizondo, Stephen Justice, 2/17/2021 #45677  
## Word: "advisory" (Back to Top)
árd’s letter, Roosevelt creates an Advisory Committee on Uranium, which mee 10/21/1939 #1318  
lopment Board, the USAF Scientific Advisory Group, the Atomic Energy Commis 9/23/1947 #3417  
ic Energy Commission, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Proj 9/23/1947 #3417  
lopment Board, the USAF Scientific Advisory Group, the Atomic Energy Commis 9/23/1947 #3419  
ic Energy Commission, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Proj 9/23/1947 #3419  
he former Chairman of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA 1/31/1948 #3568  
f the Pentagon The USAF Scientific Advisory Board meets in Room 3E-869 of t 3/17/1948 #3590  
n, a member of the USAF Scientific Advisory Board, visits the Kirtland AFB  4/27/1948 #3630  
n, chairman of the USAF Scientific Advisory Board, to review UFO reports an 4/27/1948 #3630  
for Sign personnel. The Scientific Advisory Board and George Valley of MIT  11/12/1948 #3874  
                   USAF Scientific Advisory Board Project Sign is ordered t 12/6/1948 #3913  
, the ONI, and the USAF Scientific Advisory Board.                          12/6/1948 #3913  
). He promises to alert Scientific Advisory Board chairman Von Kármán and u 2/8/1949 #3998  
D Project, and the USAF Scientific Advisory Board.                          2/11/1949 #4003  
Gen. Charles Cabell and Scientific Advisory Board Chairman Theodore Von Kár 4/25/1949 #4109  
ix D is written by USAF Scientific Advisory Board member George E. Valley,  8/10/1949 #4315  
reball plan to the USAF Scientific Advisory Board at the Pentagon. By this  11/3/1949 #4409  
               The USAF Scientific Advisory Board Secretariat suggests Proj 2/19/1952 #5911  
              The CIA Intelligence Advisory Committee recommends that “the  12/4/1952 #8376  
n Area 51’s existence—the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, the  7/1955 #12225  
les informs the joint Intelligence Advisory Committee about Senator Russell 10/18/1955 #12507  
Appropriations Committee, National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics offici 2/19/1957 #13511  
intelligence, and the Intelligence Advisory Committee meet in executive ses 9/20/1957 #14020  
 and Space Administration National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics The Na 7/29/1958 #15157  
ministration succeeds the National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics. The n 7/29/1958 #15157  
ton, Ohio Hynek’s newly formed UFO Advisory Panel holds its first meeting a 5/5/1959 #15723  
                           The UFO Advisory Panel meets to “determine the t 5/22/1959 #15746  
 Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio The UFO Advisory Panel meets at Wright-Patterson 7/27/1959 #15881  
of information, to USAF Scientific Advisory Board requesting a scientific p 9/28/1965 #19618  
ry director of the USAF Scientific Advisory Board, saying that Gen. Arthur  9/28/1965 #19619  
Houston, Texas The USAF Scientific Advisory Board meets in Houston, Texas,  Early 11/1965 #19697  
                US USAF Scientific Advisory Board met to review Project Blu 2/3/1966 #19877  
embers of the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board (psychologist Launor F. C 2/3/1966 #19879  
istant secretary to the Scientific Advisory Board. They receive a briefing  2/3/1966 #19879  
, head of the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board. Stever queries MIT, Harv 4/22/1966 #20374  
        Boulder, Colorado The USAF advisory committee holds a special brief 1/12/1967 #21290  
isenhower had created a scientific advisory group in 1960 called the Jason  5/23/1989 #38960  
                            NATO’s Advisory Group for Aerospace Research an 3/1990 #39436  
es an executive order to create an Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Ex 1/15/1994 #41371  
exander puts together a Scientific Advisory Board that includes ufologist J 12/1995 #42635  
e for Discovery Science scientific advisory board in Las Vegas, Nevada. Jac 8/1996 #42968  
 Administration’s Energy Resources Advisory Board (ERAB) mislead the execut 5/17/1999 #43770  
closure], he helped me assemble my advisory team.”  https://www.openminds.t 1/24/2016 #45443  
rectors to serve on its scientific advisory board. Aerospace Division head  10/26/2017 #45488  
r on Anomalous Phenomena issues an advisory for pilots that offers recommen 6/2019 #45583  
e President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. The document mentions it 12/17/2022 #45787  
## Word: "advocate" (Back to Top)
 reporter for the Sterling (Colo.) Advocate, his wife Cheryl, and their you Early 11/1975 #30539  
he object." (Sources: Sturgeon Bay Advocate, March 17, 1977; David F. Webb  3/15/1977 #31907  
es file a complaint with the Judge Advocate Claims office at Bergstrom Air  12/29/1980 #35757  
front of journalists; cerealogist (advocate of paranormal explanations of c 9/9/1991 #40182  
## Word: "advocates" (Back to Top)
ilitarization of the Cold War.” It advocates a large expansion in the milit 4/7/1950 #4818  
s to a new school of ufology whose advocates hold that UFOs and other anoma 1969 #24802  
of information activist group that advocates for the release of classified  1977 #31646  
technologist Robert A. Freitas Jr. advocates searching for alien probes or  3/1980 #35189  
## Word: "advocating" (Back to Top)
ed USAF project. It comes close to advocating the ETH, and its primary sour 4/7/1952 #6042  
 broadcast. Perhaps best known for advocating that the nation guard against 1/17/1961 #16579  
g Commander D. F. Robertson, after advocating that the RCAF transfer its UF 11/24/1967 #23507  
## Word: "advrtiser" (Back to Top)
                          Adelaide Advrtiser Adelaide Hills, South Australi 10/18/1952 #8155  
rom an assignment for the Adelaide Advrtiser when he sees a greenish-white, 10/18/1952 #8155  
## Word: "adze" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Adze” YieldMax: 20KT                     5/28/1968 #23990  
## Word: "adzhijabul" (Back to Top)
                    ATJATY TO/FROM ADZHIJABUL, AZERBAIJAN SSR Sen.Russell a 10/4/1955 #12487  
## Word: "aec" (Back to Top)
                           Hanford AEC Plant, WA UFO over AEC plant tracked 7/1945 #1885  
    Hanford AEC Plant, WA UFO over AEC plant tracked by radar, F84's scramb 7/1945 #1885  
ification board assembled from the AEC’s regional sites. In September, this 8/9/1947 #3308  
mation will be sent to Army, Navy, AEC, JRDB, SAG, NACA, RAND and NEPA Proj 9/23/1947 #3415  
B Office of Special Investigations AEC’s Sandia Base Los Alamos in New Mexi 4/27/1948 #3630  
 Office of Special Investigations, AEC’s Sandia Base, and Los Alamos in New 4/27/1948 #3630  
, WA Pilot reports domed disc near AEC area (NICAP: 10 - Nuclear Connection 7/1948 #3689  
ed craft of unusual design” to the AEC. It concludes that “There are numero 4/28/1949 #4125  
                           Hanford AEC plant, WA Silvery disc-shaped object 5/21/1949 #4199  
a member of the Security Division, AEC, Oak Ridge) observe an odd trio of “ 6/22/1949 #4249  
45. 2+12 Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) inspect. Metal saucer circles base  2/24/1950 #4548  
                    Los Alamos, NM AEC Investigators Sighted cylinder with  2/25/1950 #4557  
ere sighted east of the Los Alamos AEC nuclear facility in New Mexico by 15 4/17/1950 #4860  
een over Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) plant. RADAR's. Air Force jets can' 7/30/1950 #5082  
have been sighted over the Hanford AEC Plant. Air Force jets fails to inter 8/4/1950 #5099  
 attempting interception fail. The AEC says that the investigation is conti 8/4/1950 #5104  
        Oak Ridge, TN Sightings by AEC security patrols (NICAP: 02 - Close  10/13/1950 #5223  
                     Oak Ridge, TN AEC Security Patrol Encounters Object 20 10/15/1950 #5232  
IDGE, TN Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) man. Metal "balloon" hovers. Change 10/20/1950 #5243  
 TN Radar jamming and radiation at AEC plant (Nov 29-30) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR 11/29/1950 #5299  
ucer is recovered and taken to the AEC facility at Sandia, NM.              12/6/1950 #5323  
  Knoxville, TN Radar Targets Over AEC Plant (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code 12/14/1950 #5348  
iance as it hovered over Oak Ridge AEC Laboratories, Tennessee. It faded to 12/18/1950 #5357  
-82 Attempts Intercept of UFO Over AEC Plant / Radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cas 1/21/1951 #5409  
                                   AEC Project Twinkle head Anthony O. Mira 2/27/1951 #5465  
ast over Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) plant. / r242p44+/ r148p60.         10/9/1951 #5708  
IDGE, TN Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) guard. 20' square object going up a 12/7/1951 #5806  
is used; the application of R&D at AEC facilities is mentioned; efforts to  1952 #5845  
nd to a crash with debris taken to AEC at Sandia.  https://majesticdocument 1952 #5845  
Twinkle, which analyzed UAP at the AEC’s Los Alamos National Lab, Sandia Ba 2/19/1952 #5911  
were scientists and engineers with AEC/USAF security clearances. *   https: 2/19/1952 #5911  
KE, WA 2 Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) men. Wingless silver object going s 5/1/1952 #6230  
           Moses Lake, WA Civilian AEC employees observed a slow moving win 5/1/1952 #6236  
SC UFO Incident at Savannah River (AEC) Plant (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 5/10/1952 #6294  
                                   AEC’s Savannah River Laboratory Jackson, 5/10/1952 #6298  
oyees of DuPont Corporation at the AEC’s Savannah River Laboratory near Jac 5/10/1952 #6298  
ects approached the Savannah River AEC nuclear facility near Ellenton, Sout 5/10/1952 #6299  
ght over Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) site. Eludes F47. 8km altitude. Bli 6/21/1952 #6569  
    Oakridge, TN Radar Visual Near AEC Plant (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code 6/21/1952 #6573  
iameter), slow-moving UFO near the AEC plant. GCI radar obtains the target, 6/21/1952 #6579  
atureless nocturnal light over the AEC site by a member of the Ground Obser 6/21/1952 #6583  
                           Hanford AEC Plant (at Richland), WA C-46 Crew Ob 7/5/1952 #6714  
d), WA C-46 Crew Observe Disc Over AEC Plant (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, C 7/5/1952 #6714  
ast over Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) plant. 4km altitude. Air Force inve 7/11/1952 #6758  
ver, SC Hundreds of employees from AEC witnessed UFO cavort (NICAP: 02 - Cl 7/19/1952 #6919  
port control tower operator at the AEC Los Alamos nuclear research facility 7/22/1952 #7030  
erving aboard the USS Curtiss, the AEC flagship for Ivy Mike, the first det Late 10/1952 #8184  
ANNAH R. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION (AEC), GA 2 observer(s). Red fireball pas 11/21/1952 #8312  
st be one example how the CIA/USAF/AEC “exported” UAP study to universities 12/2/1952 #8364  
                           Hanford AEC Plant, WA Object appeared large, rou 12/10/1952 #8406  
                           Hanford AEC Plant, WA Near Hanford Plant, Washin 12/10/1952 #8407  
over new Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) nuclear facility. / r28p326.        1/27/1953 #8579  
Allen Hynek dated May 15, 1973, 16 AEC engineers were taken by the U.S. Air 5/21/1953 #8898  
ject engineer on contract with the AEC for Operation Upshot-Knothole “Fritz 5/21/1953 #8899  
OSI) and Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) and Blue Book reports.              8/3/1953 #9041  
                    Savannah River AEC (near), SC Radar tracked high speed  2/15/1954 #9546  
ries in New Mexico, are aboard the AEC flagship USS Curtiss cruising betwee 4/7/1954 #9673  
ash over Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) National test center. Fireball goin 6/26/1954 #9949  
hovers / Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) beryllium mine. Going up / very fas 9/15/1954 #10305  
oom Lake, Nevada, just outside the AEC nuclear proving ground at Yucca Flat Early 1955 #11901  
e Groom Lake area in Nevada to the AEC proving grounds for CIA use. Kelly J 4/1955 #12077  
      Groom Lake News release from AEC announcing “preliminary work” had be 5/18/1955 #12140  
                                   AEC physician and Navy Capt. Charles Wes 3/28/1957 #13566  
                                   AEC Commissioner Willard Libby tells Con 6/5/1957 #13706  
ctor called the LVTP5. Despite the AEC’s assurance that no thermonuclear de 7/5/1957 #13779  
ers over Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) plant. RADAR. Possible scramble. /  11/5/1957 #14308  
 they were “all shook up.” Neither AEC nor the DOE have ever declassified a 11/7/1957 #14465  
is immediately postponed by senior AEC personnel. Middleton is debriefed an 1959? #15508  
o maintenance engineer at Nevada’s AEC between 1961–1963 provided evidence  1961 #16544  
s, California, and out to sea. The AEC calls it a “safety test,” but the US 1/12/1965 #18718  
I about flying discs seen above an AEC facility in South Carolina. *   http 7/21/1966 #20664  
NASA and Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) nuclear facility. Blue beam going d 2/10/1967 #21494  
   Sandusky, OH Saucer hovers over AEC facility with blue beam (NICAP: 02 - 2/10/1967 #21502  
en hovering very low over the NASA/AEC nuclear facility at the Plum Brook N 2/10/1967 #21507  
dmissions RT then got a job at the AEC and stopped telling his story of the 7/3/1967 #22604  
8; Lake Norman, NC. Domed UFO near AEC plant (NICAP: 10 - Nuclear Connectio 1968 #23621  
  KNOLLS ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION (AEC), NY Airport/apartment Air Traffic C 8/20/1974 #29372  
les near Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) reactor. 2 beams going down. Figure 10/29/1978 #33888  
t of the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) alongside the Energy Research and D 7/24/1984 #37416  
rtment of Energy (DOE) in 1977. If AEC played a prominent role in early UAP 7/24/1984 #37416  
 Hanford Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). Seen 5 min.                        9/13/1987 #38284  
d by the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)’s Los Alamos National Laboratory an 1994 #41349  
 the flying discs was given to the AEC and its national laboratories by cla 1994 #41349  
ch were never vetted. In 1974, the AEC was reorganized into the Energy Rese 1994 #41349  
AP research are controlled by AFSP/AEC/ERDA/DOE legacy classification mecha 1994 #41349  
var Bush to head Jehovah until the AEC took away his clearance in 1954, and 7/7/1999 #43798  
ved in classified R&D work for the AEC, DOD and CIA, states he saw a disc w 1/1/2008 #45110  
s surrounding Los Alamos and other AEC facilities have relevant UAP data? F 6/28/2008 #45148  
ve relevant UAP data? For example, AEC security patrol archives in Oak Ridg 6/28/2008 #45148  
 him the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) had some UAP materials as early as  4/29/2020 #45644  
receiving UAP information from the AEC in 1977 are false.  https://twitter. 4/29/2020 #45644  
tion Starfish Prime, UFOs, DOE and AEC suggests files exist but need a subj 7/29/2022 #45759  
## Word: "aegean" (Back to Top)
                  Gulf of Çandarli Aegean Sea western Turkey Afternoon. Two 8/6/2001 #44227  
 Gulf of Çandarli, an inlet of the Aegean Sea in western Turkey. 1Lt. Ilker 8/6/2001 #44227  
                                   Aegean Sea Turkey Greece An airline pass 3/2019 #45565  
nger films a supposed UFO over the Aegean Sea between Turkey and Greece. Th 3/2019 #45565  
of the Astronomical Observatory of Aegean University, the object is part of 7/30/2021 #45701  
## Word: "aegis" (Back to Top)
 and development on UFOs under the aegis of CANIS. Signed: H. Marshall Chad 11/25/1952 #8335  
e over the Soviet Union “under the aegis” of the president. The press begin 5/10/1960 #16261  
 of GEPAN. Because it is under the aegis of CNES, which is ill-disposed tow 11/1984 #37501  
resentative Office (NAVSEA TECHREP AEGIS), and with the Naval Reserve at th 7/2003 #44560  
c-Tac UAPs tracked by the vessel’s AEGIS system. The individuals showed up  11/14/2004 #44785  
ined reporting structure under the aegis of a named official The director o 12/27/2020 #45670  
## Word: "aellig" (Back to Top)
 away from the house of Mr. & Mrs. Aellig in Alliance, Ohio. Eleven or twel 9/25/1957 #14033  
## Word: "aer" (Back to Top)
Officer J. P. Murphy are flying an Aer Lingus Vickers Viscount airliner abo 5/21/1962 #17187  
                                An Aer Lingus airliner, flying at 10,000 fe 11/21/1967 #23492  
 Hertfordshire, England between an Aer Lingus BAe-146 airliner and a uniden 6/7/1997 #43317  
             An airline captain of Aer Lingus flight EIN 566, taking off fr 9/10/2002 #44394  
east coast of Ireland 8:30 p.m. An Aer Lingus Boeing 737 with 135 people on 1/4/2004 #44643  
                   At 8:30 p.m. an Aer Lingus Boeing 737-400 with 135 peopl 1/4/2004 #44645  
## Word: "aereolíneas" (Back to Top)
and Mario Pezzutto are watching an Aereolíneas Argentinas plane that is abo 12/22/1962 #17606  
rt, Rio Negro, Argentina 6:10 p.m. Aereolíneas Argentinas Flight 734, a Boe 7/31/1995 #42347  
## Word: "aerial" (Back to Top)
e was likened to an ocean in which aerial ships could navigate from point t 812 #2  
rical object and many black disks. Aerial combat? / IFS#24+/ r221p14.       8/7/1566 #34  
 of incidents involving a luminous aerial object and the fall of mysterious 11/13/1833 #128  
         Copiago, Chile A strange "aerial construction" bearing lights and  7/1868 #173  
         Copiago, Chile A strange "aerial construction" bearing lights and  7/1868 #174  
 on the Hayes Street line, sees an aerial light at about 300–400 feet altit 11/22/1896 #349  
 Smith Cross also sees the strange aerial light when he is visiting a colle 11/26/1896 #364  
in his field, Haney Savidge saw an aerial craft land near him. Six people e 4/16/1897 #502  
in his field, Haney Savidge saw an aerial craft land near him. Six people e 4/16/1897 #504  
linois farmer Haney Savidge saw an aerial craft land near him. Six people e 4/16/1897 #514  
                    A blimp shaped aerial object was sighted over Minderoo  10/25/1909 #817  
are “cutting pigeon wings, looping aerial loops, circling and diving like b 10/29/1910 #852  
m. Council worker John Hobbs hears aerial motors at Dover, England, and see 1/4/1913 #866  
      Lansing, Michigan Sunset. An aerial object passes over Lansing, Michi 6/29/1913 #889  
Charles Fort, who writes about odd aerial and astronomical observations: “I 10/1923 #1035  
h Wales, are terrorized by dancing aerial lights during the night, the unus 1927 #1068  
 large formation of as many as 150 aerial objects with no wings was seen fr 8/12/1942 #1435  
tgart, Germany 9:50 a.m. During an aerial fight over Stuttgart, Germany, th 9/6/1943 #1528  
l Air Patrol, notices a “huge dark aerial object approaching” her home in S 10/1943 #1531  
patrol plane, he observes a bright aerial sphere that alternately moves and 6/1944 #1602  
 to look into incidents of unusual aerial phenomena in Europe and interview 10/28/1944 #1685  
ts the plant has had problems with aerial intrusions, but that radar has be 8/7/1945 #1916  
Johannesburg, South Africa, see an aerial object hovering 5 feet above the  Summer 1946 #2013  
 Norway, are shaken by two violent aerial explosions. An “intense white lig 7/28/1946 #2083  
gen, Denmark 8:00 or 10:00 p.m. An aerial object like a 9-foot cigar is see 8/18/1946 #2143  
pe London Sweden Two US experts on aerial warfare, aviation legend General  8/19/1946 #2145  
al Lorenzen, the co-founder of the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization i 6/10/1947 #2320  
lligence Committee on Unidentified Aerial Objects,” April 28, 1949, p. 2; M 12/30/1947 #3516  
upreme Commander Helge Jung of an “aerial explosion considered to be some f 8/21/1948 #3785  
                   At 9:00 p.m. an aerial encounter occurred on this day ov 10/1/1948 #3828  
ity that “some of the unidentified aerial objects that have been reported b 10/12/1948 #3832  
                                An aerial encounter with a red UFO involvin 11/23/1948 #3890  
e) is developed to use 133 nuclear aerial bombs against 70 cities of the US 12/1948 #3899  
al sanitized report, “Unidentified Aerial Objects: Project ‘Sign,’” Technic 2/11/1949 #4003  
ledges the possibility that “these aerial objects are visitors from another 2/11/1949 #4003  
tory in New Mexico A Conference on Aerial Phenomena is held at Los Alamos S 2/16/1949 #4010  
n’s preference for radar tracks of aerial objects that show extremely fast  2/18/1949 #4018  
y are concerned with all anomalous aerial phenomena. Disgusted, Godsoe leav 2/24/1949 #4023  
Notes and Comments on Unidentified Aerial Objects-- Project Sign,” stating  3/31/1949 #4062  
anations for the many unidentified aerial objects which have been reported  4/27/1949 #4116  
ll sends a report on “Unidentified Aerial Objects” to the Joint Intelligenc 4/28/1949 #4125  
 adds an appendix on “Unidentified Aerial Objects: Fact and Discussion,” wh 4/28/1949 #4125  
eign power would expose a superior aerial weapon by a prolonged ineffectual 4/28/1949 #4125  
stigative activity on unidentified aerial incidents.” AMC hands green fireb 9/1/1949 #4343  
          Holloman AFB, NM Unknown Aerial Phenomenon Sighted (NICAP: 01 - D 12/13/1949 #4438  
 that the frequency of unexplained aerial phenomena in the New Mexico area  5/25/1950 #4966  
 basic information with respect to aerial phenomena in this general area.”  5/25/1950 #4966  
t to FBI headquarters, “Summary of Aerial Phenomena in New Mexico,” discuss 8/1950 #5093  
advised that all future reports of aerial phenomena should go to the Flying 8/15/1950 #5127  
ment investigation of undersea and aerial UAP with assistance from the Navy 1951 #5379  
ts Capt. Ernest W. Spradley Jr. of Aerial Photo Lab and Capt. James E. Cock 1/22/1951 #5413  
a flying club, including the chief aerial engineer and his two assistants.  3/15/1951 #5488  
igh speed near Point Pleasant. The aerial sighting lasted two minutes and w 9/10/1951 #5661  
tional Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) with former DCI 1952 #5843  
n Jim and Coral Lorenzen found the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization i 1/1952 #5853  
 a full-fledged organization, the "Aerial Phenomena Group." Soon thereafter 3/1952 #5937  
arate organization under the title Aerial Phenomena Group and is renamed Pr 3/25/1952 #5973  
he Air Force announces that a new “aerial light” attached to a B-26 aircraf 4/7/1952 #6043  
up” is to evaluate Soviet advanced aerial delivery systems, as well as to s 4/29/1952 #6216  
a cloud.” The jets break off their aerial search at 6:19 a.m. and return to 9/2/1952 #7829  
ated leading each other during the aerial encounter, which went on for more 9/26/1952 #8038  
Hynek presents a paper on “Unusual Aerial Phenomena,” in which he expresses 10/9/1952 #8107  
atural phenomena or KNOWN types of aerial vehicles. OSI is proceeding to es 11/25/1952 #8335  
atural phenomena or known types of aerial vehicles.” Physicist Julius Adams 12/2/1952 #8363  
gence matters such as unidentified aerial threats (UFOs). Ruppelt calls ADC 12/22/1952 #8442  
n is that “Many different types of aerial activity should be secretly and p 1/9/1953 #8521  
W station in this area observed an aerial phenomenon simultaneously by elec 1/26/1953 #8572  
tal Divide, New Mexico observed an aerial phenomenon simultaneously by elec 1/26/1953 #8576  
ands Witnesses: crew of USAF KB-29 aerial tanker plane.  Radar tracked an u 6/24/1953 #8967  
cco Witnesses: crews of USAF KC-97 aerial tanker planes.  One object or lig 3/5/1954 #9597  
anca, Morocco, crews of USAF KC-97 aerial tanker planes and a C-54 transpor 3/5/1954 #9598  
ahalla El Kubra, Egypt. At Bahnay, aerial cylinders emit dark smoke. One ex 10/5/1954 #10731  
 surrounding area. The object made aerial maneuvers and then disappeared.   11/1/1954 #11522  
 for Area 51 was selected after an aerial survey by the CIA and USAF. It wa 1955 #11889  
 report concludes that UAP are not aerial craft beyond human scientific kno 5/5/1955 #12123  
47 jet bomber, newly re-fitted for aerial electronic surveillance, made rad 6/4/1955 #12181  
sance aircraft, the nation’s first aerial espionage program. It consists of 7/1955 #12225  
. USAF attempted an overflight for aerial view, search and confirmation of  1/24/1956 #12681  
tional Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena organized in Washington 8/29/1956 #13148  
tional Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena in Washington, D.C.     8/29/1956 #13151  
yons, Intelligence Division Chief (Aerial Weather Reconnaissance Officer),  11/1/1956 #13303  
gh evidence of certain and obvious aerial phenomena to justify independent  11/4/1956 #13305  
AFB, South Carolina Witness:  USAF aerial navigator Maj. D.D. Grimes. One u 11/30/1956 #13370  
      At 12:48 p.m. U.S. Air Force aerial navigator Maj. D. D. Grimes saw a 11/30/1956 #13372  
 near-miss with the Unconventional Aerial Object. Anonymous source.         12/15/1956 (approximate) #13403  
ep, with a dome supporting a long "aerial" with a red light on top. The bri 10/10/1957 #14092  
ep, with a dome supporting a long "aerial" with a red light on top. The bri 10/10/1957 #14097  
et and Monor, sighted an elongated aerial object. It ascended into the sky, 12/8/1957 #14693  
he object maneuvered in a strange "aerial dance."                           2/24/1958 #14888  
            Pan De Azucar, Uruguay Aerial encounter, heat, between Piper Cu 5/5/1958 #15015  
by radio or otherwise with unknown aerial objects. The technical obstacles  5/7/1958 #15021  
ee Orion stars, changes that to an aerial refueling operation, then accuses 2/24/1959 #15604  
ages of flying saucers and unknown aerial crafts taken by various sources w Spring 1959 #15656  
had taken place at 8:19 p.m. APRG (Aerial Phenomena Research Group) investi 4/1/1959 #15686  
e early evening several mysterious aerial explosions had shaken the Seattle 4/1/1959 #15686  
c control radars. This means that “aerial phenomena” appear on radar only i 1960 #16144  
se encounter with a round, glowing aerial object. He was able to take a pho 3/2/1960 #16192  
akistan, and performs photographic aerial reconnaissance over Baikonur, Kaz 5/1/1960 #16248  
 that all U-2 flights are used for aerial espionage and are flown pursuant  5/9/1960 #16260  
 the U-2 is a CIA plane engaged in aerial espionage over the Soviet Union “ 5/10/1960 #16261  
.m. by Dr. Olavo T. Fontes for the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization.  5/13/1960 #16267  
UFO as it performed ”unbelievable” aerial feats. The local RADAR operator c 8/13/1960 #16373  
e ground with a red beam, performs aerial gymnastics, then heads east, chas 8/13/1960 #16380  
ds around its circumference and an aerial array that projects from the top. 10/4/1960 #16477  
tional Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena; another he gives to J. 4/18/1961 #16653  
anage all space reconnaissance and aerial espionage programs. The public fa 9/6/1961 #16818  
d disc with a transparent dome and aerial and a concave bottom hovered 30 m 2/15/1963 #17670  
, New Mexico, involve unidentified aerial craft maneuvering silently above  Winter 1963 #18090  
w report by Capt. D.M. (initials): Aerial encounter of three UFOs with rada 2/11/1965 #18803  
                                An aerial explosion, perhaps similar to the 3/31/1965 #18882  
as flat on the top and bottom. The aerial encounter lasted 10-15 minutes, r 5/28/1965 #18974  
 ostentation of the UFOs’ reported aerial displays over a sensitive atomic  8/1/1965 #19242  
rtising plane operated by Sky-Lite Aerial Advertising Agency of Boston was  9/3/1965 #19511  
ST. A motorist saw an unidentified aerial object with a dome on top, and a  3/14/1966 #19961  
ater (11:30 p.m.), an unidentified aerial object with domed top, flat botto 3/14/1966 #19961  
iver reported that an unidentified aerial object with red, green, and white 3/28/1966 #20110  
and. Observer(s) shocked / touches aerial. / FSR'66#4+/ MJ#275.             3/29/1966 #20127  
g an outdoor movie when an unknown aerial object crashed and exploded. They 5/10/1966 #20476  
the center of town when she saw an aerial object paralleling the path of he 5/16/1966 #20490  
r, AL 7:30 p.m. CDT. A former army aerial photo specialist and others saw t 9/23/1966 #20917  
iously the “possibility that these aerial objects may be some type of extra 10/19/1966 #21016  
tional Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena                         1/7/1967 #21272  
        Cleveland, Ohio The United Aerial Phenomena Agency begins publishin Spring 1967 #21925  
rmed Surrey Investigation Group on Aerial Phenomena publishes the SIGAP New 6/1967 #22438  
haped object with a small dome and aerial extending from the bottom. To eve 6/10/1967 #22487  
indows along the side; a boom-like aerial protrudes from one side. The othe 6/13/1967 #22503  
and seriously considers whether an aerial object could have made them.      8/5/1967 #22815  
ent witnesses observed unexplained aerial activity. Near Sambro at 9:00 pm, 10/4/1967 #23175  
dent witnesses observe unexplained aerial activity in Nova Scotia. Near Sam 10/4/1967 #23176  
saw only 50 meters away a hovering aerial craft with no lights. He became d 6/4/1968 #24006  
e giant beings were dwelling in an aerial city.Two of these beings, over tw 6/20/1968 #24056  
a very large, brightly illuminated aerial object, alternating colors from b 10/24/1968 #24587  
had "a dome, a round thing, and an aerial" on top. It was lit up and became 8/10/1970 #25777  
 were seen installing some type of aerial on a tree branch that apparently  8/19/1970 #25796  
urvey plane was taking a series of aerial photographs at 10,000 feet when a 4/9/1971 #26067  
, Indiana observed an unidentified aerial object after the power failed in  5/16/1971 #26115  
eported that a bright unidentified aerial object hovered over their ranches 6/26/1971 #26195  
          Lago de Cote, Costa Rica Aerial survey plane photo showing disc o 9/4/1971 #26316  
e Lago de Cote, Costa Rica, taking aerial photos as part of a preliminary s 9/4/1971 #26317  
her Sergio Loaiza, a specialist in aerial photography, plus geographer Juan 9/4/1971 #26317  
to shows “an unidentified, opaque, aerial object was captured on film at a  9/4/1971 #26317  
t reported seeing a large hovering aerial object described as round or pear 6/20/1973 #27576  
akes up he is being sucked into an aerial object through an opening at its  7/27/1973 #27656  
nd David Rees found the Manchester Aerial Phenomena Investigation Team in t 9/1973 #27740  
 engine dies. He sees a display of aerial lights descending a short distanc 1/8/1974 #28666  
stone Arsenal, states “unexplained aerial phenomena” were observed during b 7/17/1974 #29267  
saw unconventional and unexplained aerial objects hovering around nuclear w 10/1975 #30401  
t, an Army police sergeant sees an aerial object the size of a two-and-a-ha 7/30/1976 #31202  
n this evening a 600 foot diameter aerial craft allegedly settled over a sm 10/28/1976 #31501  
r the title Report on Unidentified Aerial Objects. The committee members ar 6/20/1977 #32176  
tero claims to have seen a strange aerial entity with a transparent face.   8/3/1977 #32353  
rt of Salta province. A widespread aerial and ground search was conducted,  5/6/1978 #33191  
 the Kalgoorlie, Western Australia aerial encounter of 1968 another nearly  8/22/1978 #33549  
a Cessna pilot Frederick Valentich aerial encounter with elongated object,  10/21/1978 #33855  
e’s also an investigator for APRO (Aerial Phenomenon Research Organization) 1979 #34253  
tional Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena has long been riddled w 1/1979 #34268  
r showed the presence of many huge aerial objects. The presence of yellow l 2/9/1979 #34417  
ing to one of the previous smaller aerial craft. That man then extended a g 5/16/1979 #34564  
. They can make out the hint of an aerial on one side. The object begins fl 8/27/1979 #34788  
 Three guards reported sighting an aerial light which descended on the Sand 8/1980 #35432  
 Alleged Sightings of Unidentified Aerial Lights in Restricted Test Range,” 9/8/1980 #35505  
, near Norwich, England, tracks an aerial object executing aerial maneuvers 10/1980 #35551  
 tracks an aerial object executing aerial maneuvers that “defied all conven 10/1980 #35551  
rt to him any sightings of unusual aerial lights.                           10/24/1980 #35586  
aft in the event that any strange ‘aerial phenomena’” are sighted. On Augus 8/16/1981 #36078  
.m. encountered a huge odd looking aerial object.  for two hours. Their gyr 6/18/1982 #36511  
istinguished from other reports of aerial phenomena. In any event, he says, 3/4/1984 #37216  
erton, Oregon reported watching an aerial "dogfight" between a blue UFO and 4/20/1984 #37279  
bout the same time as an anomalous aerial phenomenom appeared over the nort 3/23/1985 #37573  
Henderson and his wife Nann had an aerial encounter with a "modified half-s 5/11/1986 #37866  
ecticut, when he sees a low-flying aerial object that passes over the trees Mid 10/1987 #38305  
 Space Shuttle. It was an unmanned aerial vehicle capable of launching nucl 11/12/1988 #38714  
ove the presentation area and take aerial photographs of the aircraft’s the 11/22/1988 #38718  
he Bar Harbor-Trenton airport. The Aerial Direction Finder was working at t 7/22/1989 #39030  
cts engaged in what looked like an aerial battle or "dogfight" with another 9/16/1989 #39109  
in Voronezh, Russia, see a pinkish aerial glow approaching them. As it pass 9/27/1989 #39124  
n Army and his wife spot a strange aerial object while they are driving on  12/11/1989 #39313  
 a box-like device from behind and aerial appendages appeared on their head 5/18/1990 #39576  
. Dudnik sees it knock out a radar aerial with a light beam. Two sentries,  9/13/1990 #39729  
ve as the perfect cover for covert aerial activity.                         11/5/1990 #39872  
f Barnagearagh, Ireland saw a huge aerial craft with multicolored lights on 9/30/1992 #40649  
 by a beam of light from an unseen aerial source.                           3/2/1993 #40873  
in Nevada A couple who are viewing aerial activity from a hill adjacent to  3/16/1993 #40885  
 Russia US A memo on “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Study” from a UK wing c 10/18/1993 #41246  
in a revised “RAAF Policy: Unusual Aerial Sightings.”                       12/1993 #41311  
sed to DI(ST) titled “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Study - Proposed amendm 12/2/1993 #41320  
and attempting to explain [Unusual Aerial Sightings].” He says that reports 1/4/1994 #41360  
eighbors witnessed a total of five aerial craft. They also reported militar 1/3/1995 #41948  
ic stops. 2 round silver objects / aerial acrobatics. Videos.               3/15/1995 #42096  
at two o'clock in the morning. The aerial display lasted two hours.         9/17/1996 #43028  
 southwest Arizona 6:55–10:30 p.m. Aerial lights of varying descriptions ar 3/13/1997 #43229  
n Chacalluta International Airport Aerial lights are seen for several night 3/30/1997 #43245  
a similar signal. They watch other aerial objects and two of the youths hav 6/18/1997 #43328  
every incident involving anomalous aerial phenomena observed by any aviatio 10/3/1997 #43423  
sence outside his home of a bright aerial object with several windows. The  12/19/1998 #43700  
 into a circle, and they performed aerial aerobatics for the next several m 8/14/2001 #44233  
terstellar Travel and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena: Science Fiction or Sci 11/8/2002 #44436  
ra records an evasive unidentified aerial system on video. Underwood says “ 11/14/2004 #44784  
ocities far greater than any known aerial vehicle with little or no visible 11/14/2004 #44784  
nd a US customs jet. The 15-minute aerial encounter is watched by rapt work 5/11/2005 #44840  
ield, activates the Joint Unmanned Aerial Systems Center of Excellence and  10/2005 #44882  
97 and February 2000. Unidentified Aerial Phenomena in the UK Air Defence R 5/15/2006 #44942  
hat these are candle bombs used as aerial targets for Russian Sukhoi Su-27  9/5/2006 #44958  
[first] test squadron for unmanned aerial systems.” The base is home to dro 3/5/2008 #45124  
to Grossman that some odd unmanned aerial vehicles could be military projec Late 1/2010 #45268  
sonic glider, the fastest unmanned aerial vehicle, reaches a record speed o 4/22/2010 #45275  
 “best documentation of an unknown aerial and submerged nautical object exh 4/25/2013 #45365  
 “increased sightings of anomalous aerial phenomena” in the country’s skies 10/2013 #45387  
es that this object is an unmanned aerial system (UAS), but that Commander, 11/18/2013 #45395  
with an unidentified UAS [unmanned aerial system],” the head of VFA-106 com 3/26/2014 #45405  
ounter with multiple “unidentified aerial devices” while flying out of Nava 4/23/2014 #45407  
arning area, encounters an unknown aerial device. This report is the most s 4/27/2014 #45409  
cuss whether UFOs pose a threat to aerial safety. Among those present are a 7/31/2014 #45412  
 they consider to be “unidentified aerial phenomena.” Susan Gough, a Pentag 2/2015? #45430  
g range incursions by unidentified aerial phenomena in recent years.” In Ap 2/2015? #45430  
nation with the DOD’s Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF), and 11/5/2015 #45439  
marily sensor testing and unmanned aerial vehicle testing for partners at A 3/5/2016 #45445  
waste project describing it as an “aerial operations facility.” It is possi 3/5/2016 #45445  
our categories: drones or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), balloons (includ 2017 #45462  
Navy and other services of unusual aerial systems interfering with military 10/4/2017 #45483  
nd investigation into unidentified aerial phenomena,” dispelling rumors tha 5/22/2019 #45579  
California 10:00 p.m. Two unmanned aerial systems (UAVs, or “drones”) are s 7/14/2019 #45592  
nia, when it spots a UAS (unmanned aerial systems) about one mile distant.  7/17/2019 #45595  
nces. The release states that “the aerial phenomena observed in the videos  4/27/2020 #45643  
d report on UFOs, or “unidentified aerial phenomena.” In his report attache 6/23/2020 #45649  
istence of an ongoing Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force managed by t 6/23/2020 #45649  
tratton. (Wikipedia, “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force”; M. J. Bani 6/23/2020 #45649  
lyze data collected on unexplained aerial vehicles. Reports from the task f 6/23/2020 #45649  
ubio says some of the unidentified aerial vehicles over military bases poss 7/23/2020 #45654  
e establishment of an Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force. The Departm 8/4/2020 #45658  
isual recording of any unexplained aerial phenomena they encounter and that 9/15/2020 #45661  
tional Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena, Civilian Saucer Intell 11/2020 #45664  
ins a subheading labeled “Advanced Aerial Threats,” which requires the Dire 12/27/2020 #45670  
o submit a report on “unidentified aerial phenomena (also known as ‘anomalo 12/27/2020 #45670  
henomena (also known as ‘anomalous aerial vehicles’), including observed ai 12/27/2020 #45670  
telligence data about unidentified aerial phenomena. It demands a detailed  12/27/2020 #45670  
 progress made by the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF) is p 6/25/2021 #45695  
 of Office to Address Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” introduced by Sen. Kir 12/27/2021 #45730  
tee holds hearings on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, as directed by the Nat 5/17/2022 #45750  
es and other non-military unmanned aerial systems, and aerial clutter such  5/17/2022 #45750  
itary unmanned aerial systems, and aerial clutter such as Mylar balloons as 5/17/2022 #45750  
 the government calls unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). The office track 1/12/2023 #45792  
ating Areas known as “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.” A command and control 2/27/2023 #45795  
representative to the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force from 2019-20 6/5/2023 #45798  
## Word: "aerial-like" (Back to Top)
Seen through binoculars there were aerial-like structures on the top.       9/8/1965 #19538  
## Word: "aerialitis" (Back to Top)
 grip of what press accounts call “aerialitis.”                             7/1909 #778  
## Word: "aerials" (Back to Top)
each end, which supported parallel aerials. A blond man 5’10” tall, wearing 9/20/1954 #10373  
book Case #3224. 10' saucer lands. Aerials. Pseudo-human/entity unintelligi 9/21/1954 #10378  
e having a door, and with poles or aerials on the nose.  Humming or whining 9/21/1954 #10382  
or plastic nose and door, poles or aerials on its nose. It hums or whines a 9/21/1954 #10383  
ct about 6 m in diameter, with two aerials and a red light flashing, emitti 5/7/1963 #17735  
iameter near the house. It had two aerials and a red flashing light, and it 5/7/1963 #17736  
 size of a station wagon, with two aerials, arrive from the east and land i 11/29/1967 #23523  
e size of a station wagon with two aerials, arrive from the east and land i 11/29/1967 #23524  
tall beings wearing backpacks with aerials were seen near a landed object o 9/20/1970 #25844  
d. 2 5' figure(s) / knapsacks with aerials.                                 9/20/1973 #27842  
e green coveralls and helmets with aerials and face masks, and they floated 9/17/1978 #33703  
## Word: "aeribarque" (Back to Top)
sh accent. The craft is called the Aeribarque, and they are on a test fligh 4/21/1897? #551  
## Word: "aeriens" (Back to Top)
titled Rapport sur les “Phénomènes Aeriens Non Identifiés, which is transla 6/20/1977 #32176  
## Word: "aero" (Back to Top)
               NEAR PLAINSBORO, NJ Aero engineer and 1 / car. 30M blue-glow 10/1932 #1147  
Robert B. Sibley, president of the Aero Club of New England, who has writte 1/29/1951 #5421  
                       HAMPTON, VA Aero eng. and many. 2 objects maneuver.  7/16/1952 #6837  
                     PALO ALTO, CA Aero worker. 6 glowing-disks / V-formati 10/12/1952 #8120  
               CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA Aero engineer and 2 / airport. Fireball  12/14/1952 #8416  
                   BEIRUT, LEBANON Aero engineer and many. 10 silent saucer 2/28/1953 #8716  
                        DAYTON, OH Aero eng. / theodolite. Grey-mass / 900m 10/15/1953 #9227  
                 OFF PT MUGU, CA 4 aero engineers / WV2 test-flight and gro 12/16/1953 #9369  
bs / V formation buzz professor of aero tactics / C54. South going quickly  4/26/1954 #9723  
                       HALIFAX, NS Aero recognition expert. 2 saucers hover 1/9/1957 #13451  
GLADES NOT PLOTTED ON MAPS, FL PAA aero RADAR's. Huge ovoid blip / fast man 11/8/1959 #16083  
Y USAF Col. Tacker lectures to the Aero Club of Buffalo, N.Y.               3/17/1961 #16633  
                        MENTOR, OH Aero engineer. Large UFO "collects" up 4 5/17/1966 #20493  
            OFF LA ROMANA, DOM.REP Aero mechanic / boat / malfunctions due  11/9/1972 #27111  
         CAPE GIRARDEAU, MO Former aero photograph. Silver saucer / erratic 10/3/1973 #27922  
n. Night lights / cross formation. Aero expert rules out aircraft.          6/22/1984 #37373  
sia, while he is flying a two-seat Aero L-29 Delfin. He estimates its altit 12/24/1989 #39338  
              OFF AREQUIPA, PERU 6 aero experts / Cessna 650. 3 rectangular 12/14/2001 #44289  
                         CSETI and Aero Inc. allegedly briefs someone in th 2/13/2009 #45212  
## Word: "aero-commander" (Back to Top)
s is flying a twin-engine Canadian Aero-Commander F680 at a height of 10,00 9/4/1971 #26317  
## Word: "aero-engineer" (Back to Top)
                       LEAWOOD, KS Aero-engineer and 4. 50' metal saucer go 7/3/1967 #22595  
## Word: "aero-engineers" (Back to Top)
ST / HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM 9 aero-engineers. 12+white objects swirl r 3/14/1951 #5482  
                   WUXI, JIANGSU 3 aero-engineers. Circular point / light s 8/27/1987 #38260  
## Word: "aero-science" (Back to Top)
                      DOWNEY, CA 3 aero-science writers and more. 30 silent 5/29/1951 #5522  
## Word: "aero-taxi" (Back to Top)
t 685 mph. A few minutes later, an aero-taxi pilot reports a bright object  5/22/1980 #35339  
## Word: "aero-technician" (Back to Top)
                       BANNING, CA Aero-technician. Mushroom-saucer quickly 12/22/1952 #8440  
      CHAMPLAIN / ORLY, FR Pilot / aero-technician. Thick silent equilatera 11/1990 #39823  
## Word: "aero-types" (Back to Top)
                  LONGVIEW, WA 150 aero-types and pilots. Series / 3 saucer 7/3/1949 #4258  
## Word: "aero-writer" (Back to Top)
            NORTH / DODGE CITY, KS Aero-writer / private plane. Circular ma 9/12/1964 #18551  
## Word: "aerobactic" (Back to Top)
sky while silver spheres performed aerobactic maneuvers and made right angl 8/10/1998 #43626  
## Word: "aerobatic" (Back to Top)
server(s). Glowing-ball going NNW. Aerobatic maneuvers / 5 min. Then going  7/13/1998 #43604  
## Word: "aerobatics" (Back to Top)
arge number of saucers, performing aerobatics, appeared over Farmington, Ne 3/18/1950 #4679  
ome into view and perform the same aerobatics.                              6/12/1950 #4984  
aphs. Red and green night lights / aerobatics.                              3/26/1952 #5975  
         Three gray disc performed aerobatics over the city of Campinas, Sa 12/14/1954 #11808  
r-shape shaped object does strange aerobatics. No further details / local n 9/6/1956 #13192  
tility plane.  One light performed aerobatics for 15 minutes and then vanis 9/15/1968 #24466  
d an unidentified light performing aerobatics in the night sky. He watched  9/15/1968 #24469  
light, which hovered and performed aerobatics, and later became dark red wh 8/14/1975 #30271  
g quickly south toward(s) Meliden. Aerobatics.                              1/22/1986 #37767  
t south toward Meliden, performing aerobatics.                              1/22/1986 #37768  
 RUSSIA Military plane crew. UFO / aerobatics / one hour. Invisible to RADA 4/18/1992 #40420  
and moves 1 mile instantly. Lots / aerobatics.                              9/20/1993 #41204  
ght cigar-shaped object engaged in aerobatics for 25 minutes beginning at a 9/20/1993 #41205  
ny silver spheres going [to] over. Aerobatics. Thick cobwebs fall all over/ 8/9/1998 #43622  
 circle, and they performed aerial aerobatics for the next several minutes. 8/14/2001 #44233  
## Word: "aerodex" (Back to Top)
a lecture on flying saucers at the Aerodex Management club                  10/9/1953 #9209  
## Word: "aerodrome" (Back to Top)
m Operation Mainbrace at Dishforth Aerodrome when they spotted the same UFO 9/19/1952 #7981  
metallic UFO hovering 300' over an aerodrome in Cachoeira, Brazil. East of  11/15/1957 #14562  
 reached a position over the local aerodrome and then vanished in place.    5/23/1961 #16698  
objects chased an airplane near an aerodrome in Harlin, Queensland, Austral 3/2/1966 #19933  
               Coulommiers–Voisins Aerodrome, Seine-et-Marne, France Tavern 1/28/1994 #41390  
y observe over Coulommiers–Voisins Aerodrome, Seine-et-Marne, France, an el 1/28/1994 #41390  
## Word: "aerodynamic" (Back to Top)
lat, disc-shaped objects having no aerodynamic features (NICAP: 01 - Distan 7/23/1952 #7071  
lat, disc-shaped objects having no aerodynamic features and move without so 7/23/1952 #7078  
m/between red / even intervals. No aerodynamic features.                    7/24/1952 #7098  
borne object which by performance, aerodynamic characteristics, or unusual  8/12/1954 #10138  
he CIA emphasizes antiradar study, aerodynamic structural tests, and engine 9/14/1959 #15976  
tent for technology that increases aerodynamic and hydrodynamic efficiency  8/22/1998 #43636  
power. Its combination of stealth, aerodynamic performance, and avionics sy 12/15/2005 #44909  
## Word: "aerodynamical" (Back to Top)
 conceivably represent an advanced aerodynamical development. A few unexpla 4/28/1949 #4125  
## Word: "aerodynamically" (Back to Top)
 Capt. Sneider considers the shape aerodynamically feasible; consultant J.  7/26/1948 #3742  
 the flying saucer-like design was aerodynamically unstable and would likel 12/1961 #16985  
ested the flying saucer design was aerodynamically unstable and would likel Late 2012 #45355  
## Word: "aerodynamicists" (Back to Top)
ATIC has received 156 UFO reports. Aerodynamicists at ATIC and AMC agree th 12/1947 #3496  
## Word: "aerodyne" (Back to Top)
D known as Unidentified Lenticular Aerodyne Technology Transfer (ULATT) Exp 8/17/1949 #4320  
## Word: "aeroespaciais" (Back to Top)
onal de Investigações de Fenômenos Aeroespaciais find that in the soil samp 10/1/1995 #42529  
## Word: "aeroespacial" (Back to Top)
partamento de Ciência e Tecnologia Aeroespacial in São José dos Campos, São 1/23/1996 #42709  
partamento de Ciência e Tecnologia Aeroespacial in São José dos Campos, São 1/23/1996 #42709  
## Word: "aeroespaciales" (Back to Top)
e Comisión de Estudio de Fenómenos Aeroespaciales The Argentine Air Force c 5/6/2011 #45323  
e Comisión de Estudio de Fenómenos Aeroespaciales for the study of aerospac 5/6/2011 #45323  
s Comisión de Estudio de Fenómenos Aeroespaciales is renamed the Centro de  4/4/2019 #45571  
## Word: "aeroflot" (Back to Top)
  SOUTH / VOLGOGRAD, RS UFO buzzes Aeroflot IL-14. Engines quit. Restart /  9/19/1967 #23090  
                      At 7:30 p.m. Aeroflot IL-14 airliner flying over Volg 9/19/1967 #23096  
Tallinn (northwest of), Estonia An Aeroflot YAK-40 airliner flying northwes 2/25/1981 #35843  
                                An Aeroflot YAK-40 airliner flying northwes 2/25/1981 #35845  
k, Belarus, the pilots of a Soviet Aeroflot Tu-134 airliner are startled to 9/7/1984 #37458  
## Word: "aeroforms" (Back to Top)
n late August 1947 and flat, round aeroforms on at least two further occasi 4/5/1948 #3612  
## Word: "aerogel" (Back to Top)
ant structures made of low density aerogel or vapor-expanded material in a  5/17/1999 #43770  
nt structures” made of low density aerogel or vapor-expanded material to ac 6/25/2021 #45695  
## Word: "aerojet" (Back to Top)
ound, New Mexico New York Evening. Aerojet engineer Daniel Fry is alone dur 7/4/1950 #5042  
rizona, in a letter to Lee Graham, Aerojet Electric Systems, Azusa, CA, sta 10/19/1981 #36178  
ce (now part of Northrop Grumman), Aerojet Electro Systems, Teledyne Ryan A 8/19/1997 #43387  
ckheed Missiles and Space Company, Aerojet General Corporation, Physics Int 8/2004 #44724  
 Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the Aerojet Engineering Corporation, and led 3/31/2011 #45322  
## Word: "aerolineas" (Back to Top)
 Airlines and Alberto Paracampo of Aerolineas Argentinas, pilots of commerc 10/31/1981 #36197  
## Word: "aerologist" (Back to Top)
              Arrey, NM Arrey, NM: Aerologist Charles B. Moore, Jr., while  4/24/1949 #4099  
autical engineer J.J. Kaliszewski, aerologist C.B. Moore, pilot Dick Reilly 10/11/1951 #5724  
cal engineer J. J. Kaliszewski and aerologist C. B. Moore, pilot Dick Reill 10/11/1951 #5726  
## Word: "aeromedical" (Back to Top)
                              USAF Aeromedical Laboratory By now, ATIC has  12/1947 #3496  
an match UFO performance. The USAF Aeromedical Laboratory says that even if 12/1947 #3496  
## Word: "aeroméxico" (Back to Top)
flying an Aeronaves de México [now Aeroméxico] DC-9 at 23,000 feet over Sal 8/6/1967 #22830  
## Word: "aeronaut" (Back to Top)
and they are on a test flight. The aeronaut says that they often land in re 4/21/1897? #551  
ay returns with the materials, the aeronaut will only say he is from “anywh 4/22/1897 #559  
highly condensed electricity.” One aeronaut tells him that five airships ha 4/22/1897 #560  
Channel towards Weston-super-Mare. Aeronaut Percival G. Spencer says that h 5/19/1909 #765  
## Word: "aeronautical" (Back to Top)
onnel to exploit all the worldwide aeronautical research developments of Ge 2/23/1944 #1577  
UFO files, addressed to “important aeronautical and military authorities, t 7/8/1947 #2953  
                                   Aeronautical engineer Molt Taylor specul 7/26/1948 #3743  
                                   Aeronautical engineer James E. Lipp writ 12/13/1948 #3929  
   Longview, Washington 10:40 a.m. Aeronautical engineer Molt Taylor, airpo 7/3/1949 #4261  
t graduate of a two-year course in aeronautical design and thinks the objec 9/26/1949 #4372  
oon project from the General Mills Aeronautical Research Laboratory, the ma 1/16/1951 #5402  
iles, members of the General Mills Aeronautical Research Laboratory balloon 1/16/1951 #5403  
rson AFB in Ohio), a General Mills Aeronautical lab project engineer named  1/22/1951 #5413  
                              Nine aeronautical engineers at Holloman Air F 3/14/1951 #5484  
lls balloon researchers, including aeronautical engineer J.J. Kaliszewski,  10/11/1951 #5724  
lls balloon researchers, including aeronautical engineer J. J. Kaliszewski  10/11/1951 #5726  
ank B. Jewett Jr., director of the Aeronautical Research Laboratory at Gene 10/20/1951 #5735  
tion of Los Angeles. These include aeronautical consultant Felix W. A. Knol 4/2/1952 #6016  
ational City, California 8:55 p.m. Aeronautical engineer Donald R. Carr see 5/13/1952 #6316  
s River 9:00 p.m. Paul R. Hill, an aeronautical research engineer, is watch 7/16/1952 #6844  
                  At 9:00 p.m. EDT aeronautical engineer Paul R. Hill along 7/16/1952 #6846  
boro, New Jersey New York Evening. Aeronautical engineer and former Project 10/1952 #8076  
ail is seen by three General Mills Aeronautical Lab research engineers (Jam 10/15/1953 #9230  
r about an hour. Witnesses include aeronautical engineer Vladimir Ajvas, AF 10/25/1954 #11390  
on of Maj. Darrell L. Ritter, USMC aeronautical project officer at ONR, who 4/1956 #12777  
 General Physics Laboratory of the Aeronautical Research Laboratories (ARL) 9/1956 #13166  
 General Physics Laboratory of the Aeronautical Research Laboratories/Aeros Late 1956 #13281  
includes three major labs: Langley Aeronautical Laboratory [now Langley Res 10/1/1958 #15296  
Center] in Hampton, Virginia; Ames Aeronautical Laboratory [now Ames Resear 10/1/1958 #15296  
Technology by the Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences at the Astor Hotel 1/28/1959 #15569  
Adamski. After the audience, Dutch Aeronautical Association president Corne 5/18/1959 #15737  
  Wichita, Kansas Witness:  Boeing aeronautical engineer C.A. Komiske.  One 8/23/1960 #16409  
            C.A. Komiske, a Boeing aeronautical engineer, sighted a dull or 8/23/1960 #16410  
                     Arlington, TX Aeronautical engineer observed erratical 9/28/1960 #16465  
relevant to the F-51, according to aeronautical engineer Leonard G. Cramp.  4/24/1965 #18916  
he is checking his position on the aeronautical map to determine if he was  11/28/1974 #29619  
ch for the CIA under the cover of “aeronautical research.”  https://www.abo 12/10/1974 #29635  
cal service. Its first director is aeronautical engineer Claude Poher. GEPA 5/1/1977 #32046  
e piloted by Col. Ozires Silva, an aeronautical engineer and a manufacturin 5/19/1986 #37880  
                             Three aeronautical engineers in Wuxi City, Jia 8/27/1987 #38262  
tnesses include civil servants and aeronautical experts at Chacalluta Inter 3/30/1997 #43245  
jet Electro Systems, Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical (now part of Northrop Grumm 8/19/1997 #43387  
azil, receives from the Center for Aeronautical Documentation and History a 10/31/2008 #45181  
## Word: "aeronautics" (Back to Top)
a meeting between Alfred Loedding (aeronautics engineer at T-3), Lt. Col. G Late 8/1947 #3369  
he National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Project RAND, and the Nucle 9/23/1947 #3417  
he National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Project Rand, and the Nucle 9/23/1947 #3419  
ce branch of the US Navy Bureau of Aeronautics as National Assets. He indic 9/24/1947 #3421  
gence branch of the Navy Bureau of Aeronautics as “national assets.” Hillen 9/24/1947 #3425  
he National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA, which later became NA 1/31/1948 #3568  
uerque, New Mexico 5:49 p.m. Civil Aeronautics Administration Chief Control 11/27/1949 #4427  
 things as flying saucers. Caltech aeronautics professor Clark Blanchard Mi 4/4/1950 #4792  
owler, Winfield Henry of the Civil Aeronautics Administration, and Gordon M 11/26/1950 #5287  
  On this day in 1952 the Civilian Aeronautics Administration issued its re 12/10/1952 #8410  
University of Georgia professor of aeronautics and four other witnesses in  4/26/1954 #9727  
tters over to the Navy’s Bureau of Aeronautics.                             6/8/1954 #9877  
ity officer at the Naval Bureau of Aeronautics develops a personal interest 7/24/1954 #10046  
              Wilmington, NC Civil Aeronautics Administration personnel wat 12/3/1954 #11752  
he National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, the US Navy, the National S 7/1955 #12225  
ee, National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics officials Hugh Latimer Dryde 2/19/1957 #13511  
sends a flash message to the Civil Aeronautics Board describing the inciden 3/9/1957 #13540  
                          National Aeronautics and Space Administration Nat 7/29/1958 #15157  
ion National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics The National Aeronautics and 7/29/1958 #15157  
mittee on Aeronautics The National Aeronautics and Space Administration suc 7/29/1958 #15157  
the National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics. The new agency is to have a 7/29/1958 #15157  
port by radio to the Chinese Civil Aeronautics Administration. After landin 10/1963 #17968  
                          Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute James E. 3/12/1968 #23839  
onautics symposium of the Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute, analyzi 3/12/1968 #23839  
pter of the American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics.            3/26/1968 #23861  
t Center The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics announces t 12/1968 #24740  
. It announces in Astronautics and Aeronautics that the UFO issue “cannot b 12/1968 #24740  
ction of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.            5/28/1969 #25166  
ittee of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics sponsors a  1/21/1970 #25548  
ttee of the American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) publ 11/1970 #25896  
ittee of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics publishes a 11/1970 #25897  
 a formal statement in its journal Aeronautics and Astronautics. It recomme 11/1970 #25897  
apter of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics asking thei 4/9/1973 #27418  
ittee of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics is disbande 1974 #28630  
eting of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics in Pasadena 1/20/1975 #29758  
lifornia The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics hosts a sym 9/27/1975 #30390  
          US American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics held sympos 1/28/1978 #32922  
arch balloons, but a Chilean Civil Aeronautics report states that the sight 8/17/1985 #37645  
ncy within the Department of Civil Aeronautics after the series of sighting 10/3/1997 #43423  
d States Air Force or the National Aeronautics and Space Administration sho 7/29/2008 #45152  
## Word: "aeronauts" (Back to Top)
ight substance like aluminum.” Two aeronauts are repairing the vehicle and  Early 4/1897 #413  
tly repairing its searchlight. The aeronauts answer all of Southard’s quest 4/6/1897 #416  
an airship undergoing repairs. The aeronauts are not very communicative, so Mid 4/1897 #492  
kins speaks soothingly and the two aeronauts relax. Hopkins asks where they 4/16/1897 #508  
bject resting on the ground. Three aeronauts emerge from it; two go to work 4/16/1897 #511  
f Beaumont also claims to have met aeronauts from a landed airship near the 4/19/1897 #539  
 to ask them questions. One of the aeronauts seems to be Japanese and the o 4/21/1897? #551  
Kountze, Texas, allegedly meet two aeronauts named Wilson and Jackson when  4/23/1897 #565  
med journalist talks to one of the aeronauts, who identifies himself as Pro 4/24/1897 #568  
Hickerson, and A. Mollycoddle. The aeronauts are dressed strangely, play mu 4/20/1907 #694  
olve a mysterious airship built by aeronauts, but it is more of a murder my 4/26/1915 #927  
## Word: "aeronaves" (Back to Top)
pt. José Luis Espejo are flying an Aeronaves de México [now Aeroméxico] DC- 8/6/1967 #22830  
## Word: "aeronca" (Back to Top)
iner and his student, flying in an aeronca 65CV airplane over Torrance, Cal 12/7/1951 #5813  
. Hugo W. Feugen is flying his own Aeronca Champion aircraft on a bright da 11/28/1974 #29619  
r, that was flying parallel to his Aeronca Champ airplane. His magnetic com 11/28/1974 #29620  
## Word: "aerope" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Aerope” Yield: 5KT                       2/20/1982 #36359  
## Word: "aeroplane" (Back to Top)
red to be squarer and more like an aeroplane. The sun shone on it, and flas 10/25/1910 #848  
suburb notify police of a “strange aeroplane” hovering above their homes. L 2/15/1915 #926  
   Unknown City, Sweden Low-flying aeroplane (Page 7 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 02 - C 12/30/1933 #1187  
         Oslo, Norway A very large aeroplane with eight propellers (Page 8  4/1/1934 #1207  
             Kvalsik, Norway Large aeroplane with red and green glowing lig 2/11/1937 #1264  
 Norway, when they notice a “large aeroplane” with red and green glowing li 2/11/1937 #1265  
 sons Kjell, Dan, and Hans see an “aeroplane” moving against the wind to th 7/19/1946 #2069  
ver that, in the past, unexplained aeroplane losses have been caused by ins 2/20/1995 #42052  
## Word: "aeroplanes" (Back to Top)
 Sweaburg, Ontario, see “two large aeroplanes” pass from east to west. Spor 8/13/1914 #911  
ar operators pick up “unidentified aeroplanes” heading their way. The scree 4/24/1945 #1853  
## Word: "aeroplex" (Back to Top)
ity Brookley Air Force Base Mobile Aeroplex at Brookley Mobile, Alabama An  3/15/1950 #4643  
rookley Air Force Base [now Mobile Aeroplex at Brookley] in Mobile, Alabama 3/15/1950 #4643  
               Brookley AFB Mobile Aeroplex at Brookley Mobile, Alabama 6:5 6/30/1954 #9970  
sonnel at Brookley AFB [now Mobile Aeroplex at Brookley] in Mobile, Alabama 6/30/1954 #9970  
## Word: "aeropostal" (Back to Top)
 Venezuela 11:15 a.m. A Venezuelan Aeropostal airliner piloted by Captain D 2/2/1955 #11968  
## Word: "aerosol" (Back to Top)
inia The first US Army large-scale aerosol vulnerability test occurs in the 9/1950 #5160  
ack a seaport city with biological aerosol agents from a ship offshore. The 9/1950 #5160  
 The conclusion is that long-range aerosol clouds can obtain hundreds of mi 3/26/1952 #5980  
## Word: "aerospace" (Back to Top)
es during World War II. Allegedly, aerospace physician William Randolph Lov 7/5/1947 #2722  
otographer Nicholas Van Poppen, an aerospace photography expert, tells Dr.  4/1948 (estimated) #3599  
otographer Nicholas Van Poppen, an aerospace photography expert, tells Dr.  11/1949 #4407  
as it didn’t involve several major aerospace contractors and instead chose  1952 #5843  
 to several entities outside of US aerospace. It is allegedly rejected.  ht 1952 #5843  
: In 1955, Brown worked for French aerospace company SNCASO and ran his fly 1952 #5843  
rolina and in 1959 he consulted on aerospace propulsion for General Electri 1952 #5843  
ct quasi-classified, to a group of aerospace engineers and saucer buffs org 4/2/1952 #6016  
e Base to work on anti-gravity for aerospace applications. No record of thi 1955 #11898  
ntains, Utah, where large advanced aerospace craft are constructed.  https: 3/1/1955 #12028  
ert in which he lists the names of aerospace firms conducting gravity-contr 11/30/1955 #12594  
gravity propulsion research by the aerospace firms cease after 1974. Follow 11/30/1955 #12594  
ge later joined TRW and after that Aerospace Corp. Aerospace spun out of TR 1956 #12639  
TRW and after that Aerospace Corp. Aerospace spun out of TRW’s Space Techno 1956 #12639  
see Richard Dolan’s claims), while Aerospace Corp has linkages as well (see 1956 #12639  
litary to use electrogravitics for aerospace purposes.  The “Philadelphia e 4/1956 #12778  
Aeronautical Research Laboratories/Aerospace Research Laboratories (ARL) at Late 1956 #13281  
el New York City At a Symposium on Aerospace Technology by the Institute of 1/28/1959 #15569  
Intelligence Center is renamed the Aerospace Technical Intelligence Center. 9/21/1959 #15984  
 title "AF Keeping Watchful Eye on Aerospace," stated, "There is a relation 8/15/1960 #16383  
ce. In “AF Keeping Watchful Eye on Aerospace,” it states, “There is a relat 8/15/1960 #16385  
 squadron that will become the 1st Aerospace Surveillance and Control Squad 7/1/1961 #16742  
ying objects, or known Soviet/Bloc aerospace vehicles, weapons systems, and 11/13/1961 #16962  
orenz J. Mansmann, First Strategic Aerospace Division, his commanding offic 9/15/1964 #18556  
                Wallops Island, VA Aerospace engineer watched round glowing 1/5/1965 #18698  
                   At 5:56 p.m. an aerospace engineer named Bruton on Wallo 1/5/1965 #18700  
                Seattle, WA Boeing aerospace engineer saw two silvery, disc 8/10/1965 #19361  
erated and sped away. At 8 p.m. an aerospace engineer in Seattle, Washingto 8/10/1965 #19363  
                       MALABAR, FL Aerospace Tech. 3 saucers scout Gemini 5 8/21/1965 #19446  
lleagues received a letter from an aerospace engineer asking them to send t 7/23/1966 #20673  
Project Bluebook Case #10899. NASA Aerospace engineer and 4. 9M saucers / 9 8/26/1966 #20808  
rado Robert M. Wood, physicist and aerospace manager for McDonnell Douglas  1967 #21238  
and Capt. Dick A. Cable of the 9th Aerospace Defense Division’s 1st Aerospa 1/13/1967 #21297  
h Aerospace Defense Division’s 1st Aerospace Control Squadron about NORAD’s 1/13/1967 #21297  
guided weapons division of British Aerospace, whose chief design engineer d 9/4/1967 #22998  
ille, New York P. E. Burkhardt, an aerospace computer systems engineer, and 10/2/1967 #23167  
        Colorado McDonnell Douglas aerospace engineer Robert M. Wood briefs 10/13/1967 #23233  
                     Institute for Aerospace Studies at the University of T Late 1967 #23240  
Toronto, Ontario The Institute for Aerospace Studies at the University of T Late 1967 #23240  
University of Toronto Institute of Aerospace Studies Keyhoe writes separate 11/14/1967 #23450  
University of Toronto Institute of Aerospace Studies, might find them inter 11/14/1967 #23450  
udonym for a source in the British aerospace industry, states in 2002 that  1968 #23633  
ks discussing electrogravitics for aerospace purposes was authored by Thoma 1968 #23633  
Air Defense Command is renamed the Aerospace Defense Command.               1/15/1968 #23665  
ossop, Derbyshire, England British Aerospace 9:00 p.m. A man is driving his 3/4/1968 #23824  
 radio to his workplace at British Aerospace and finds that two key transis 3/4/1968 #23824  
                                   Aerospace Corporation Georgia Institute  12/1968 #24740  
stems Group, Bernard N. Charles of Aerospace Corporation, Murray Dryer of E 12/1968 #24740  
telligence operations for advanced aerospace (and possibly UAP-related) pro 1970 #25523  
c group with Franklin Mead, Senior Aerospace Engineer with the Air Force Ae 6/1972 #26694  
ospace Engineer with the Air Force Aerospace Research Laboratories, is edit 6/1972 #26694  
                       CHICAGO, IL Aerospace writer. Night light / crazy ma 7/19/1972 #26811  
hicago, IL 10:42 p.m. Peter Reich, aerospace writer for CHICAGO TODAY, saw  7/19/1972 #26812  
At 10:42 p.m. CDT Mr. P. Reich, an aerospace writer, watched a nocturnal li 7/19/1972 #26816  
                          A former aerospace photographer sighted a silver  10/3/1973 #27927  
s who inadvertently saw classified aerospace projects at the installation.  10/11/1973 #28009  
              MT. STE.VICTOIRE, FR Aerospace worker. 20M cone saucer tilts  12/9/1973 #28542  
toire, Bouches-Rhone, France by an aerospace worker at 10:45 a.m. It tilted 12/9/1973 #28543  
                       At the 13th Aerospace Sciences Meeting of the Americ 1/20/1975 #29758  
                              USAF Aerospace Defense Command Continental Ai 6/30/1975 #30135  
ental Air Defense Command The USAF Aerospace Defense Command becomes the US 6/30/1975 #30135  
established and transferred to the Aerospace Defense Command.               6/30/1975 #30135  
k facilities from the deactivating Aerospace Defense Command, with data str 12/1/1979 #35036  
s who inadvertently saw classified aerospace projects at the installation.  1980's #35110  
, California Richard F. Haines, an aerospace psychologist at NASA’s Ames Re 1980 #35112  
iction writer Alexander Kazantsev, aerospace engineer Vadim Chernobrov, ast 1980 #35114  
  NORAD becomes the North American Aerospace Defense Command.               3/18/1981 #35867  
ines/propulsion. The X-30 National Aerospace Plane (NASP) plan was consider 4/1986 #37815  
conduct semiannual inspects of the aerospace contract in question, and 1,46 7/24/1986 #37952  
                                   Aerospace researcher Michael Schratt cla 11/12/1988 #38714  
to garner support for black budget aerospace programs. An anonymous enginee 11/12/1988 #38714  
In 1988, BDM was purchased by Ford Aerospace and became a part of Ford Moto 10/1989 #39139  
 Ford Motor Company. In 1990, Ford Aerospace was sold to Loral and BDM was  10/1989 #39139  
1997, BDM was purchased by TRW, an aerospace and technical services company 10/1989 #39139  
 EMP simulation and EMP effects on aerospace vehicles, many of which were p 1990 #39357  
         NATO’s Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development (AGAR 3/1990 #39436  
rse engineering housed in a legacy aerospace corporation outside of USG ove 7/28/1991 #40136  
         Maj. Ed Dames also claims aerospace company Alien Technology Trans 3/9/1992 #40368  
oked into USG/USG contractor black aerospace programs for Sen. Byrd, in add 5/22/1992 #40469  
tion into USG/USG contractor black aerospace programs, with D’Amato telling 5/22/1992 #40469  
, Mission Research Corporation and Aerospace Corporation engineer, claims h 1994 #41351  
    PLACERVILLE, CA Retired USAF / aerospace man. Odd vibrant bright pure-w 3/31/1995 #42129  
 be involved in UAP work: Northrup Aerospace, Boeing Aerospace, Lockheed Ma 8/30/1996 #43001  
P work: Northrup Aerospace, Boeing Aerospace, Lockheed Martin, BDM, E-Syste 8/30/1996 #43001  
ng, IBM, Lockheed, McDonnell, Ford Aerospace (now part of Northrop Grumman) 8/19/1997 #43387  
vo, from the National Institute of Aerospace Phenomena Investigations (INFA 12/7/1997 #43453  
oked into USG/USG contractor black aerospace programs for Sen. Byrd and cla Late 1990's #43480  
jects Agency (ARPA) shows advanced aerospace projects were performed by Wer 1998 #43481  
C was created, and if any advanced aerospace concepts from von Braun made t 1998 #43481  
et an anonymous Colonel who was an aerospace engineer and a consultant to N 6/17/1998 #43589  
shed a slideshow from the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program  10/1998 #43656  
Alamos, filed a patent in 2021 for aerospace vehicles that travel inside se 5/17/1999 #43770  
on and promote new technologies in aerospace. The Lindbergh Foundation was  12/3/1999 #43892  
fore the US Congress on the issue. Aerospace illustrator Mark McCandlish te 5/9/2001 #44182  
                                   Aerospace illustrator Mark McCandlish te 5/9/2001 #44183  
solid” that there are black budget aerospace programs that contravene white 2002 #44302  
 is real, it will alter the entire aerospace business.” GRASP’s objective i 7/29/2002 #44370  
0020802222642/http://www.janes.com/aerospace/civil/news/jdw/jdw0207291n.sht 7/29/2002 #44370  
, only described as an undisclosed aerospace contractor, “one of the top on 10/16/2002 #44418  
mmission on the Future of the U.S. Aerospace Industry delivers its final re 11/27/2002 #44452  
ublic policy reforms to enable the aerospace industry to create superior te 11/27/2002 #44452  
 Tyson, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter aerospace analyst Heidi Wood, CSIS CEO J 11/27/2002 #44452  
               Mr. Martin Tate, an aerospace engineer, sighted a cluster of 5/24/2003 #44545  
roject(s) are Lockheed Martin, the Aerospace Corporation, Raytheon which no 3/28/2004 #44683  
ngs held by those families and the aerospace world. If intermediary funding 8/2004 #44724  
es and organizations that may fund aerospace related projects. See possible 8/2004 #44724  
ts were military personnel or from aerospace industries, their own doctors  2005 #44805  
te the development of breakthrough aerospace planes for the Air Force Resea 2/1/2006 #44921  
or AATIP about the use of advanced aerospace craft for space access.  https 2/1/2006 #44921  
to utilize human consciousness for aerospace purposes. *   https://irp.fas. 4/28/2006 #44937  
 Pentagon U.F.O. program (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, 2007 #44993  
 to electromagnetic propulsion for aerospace purposes. The paper was funded 2/1/2007 #45004  
, quietly establishes the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Pro Fall 2007? #45070  
osly misidentified as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program  Fall 2007? #45070  
and engineering of these [advanced aerospace weapon system] applications as Fall 2007? #45070  
he is the director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program  2008 #45106  
fense Intelligence Agency’s secret Aerospace Advanced Weapon System Applica 2008 #45106  
l sub-projects, including Advanced Aerospace System Concepts or “Project AI 6/2008 #45144  
m to examine and evaluate emerging aerospace technologies for military use  6/2008 #45144  
gies for military use and emerging aerospace threats and methods to counter 6/2008 #45144  
n is similar to the DIA’s Advanced Aerospace Weapons Systems Application Pr 6/2008 #45144  
company to handle its new Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Pro 8/18/2008 #45159  
                           Bigelow Aerospace Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Spa 9/22/2008 #45170  
         Bigelow Aerospace Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) 9/22/2008 #45170  
 initial contract for the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Pro 9/22/2008 #45170  
ram (AAWSAP) is awarded to Bigelow Aerospace, the only bidder on the August 9/22/2008 #45170  
contractor shall complete advanced aerospace weapon system technical studie 9/22/2008 #45170  
Robert Bigelow sets up the Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) 9/22/2008 #45170  
rt concludes national security and aerospace applications of HFGW are not p 10/2008 #45173  
nse Intelligence Agency’s Advanced Aerospace Weapon Systems Applications Pr 10/2008 #45173  
MATE signs a contract with Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) 10/17/2008 #45175  
ractor for the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Pro 10/17/2008 #45175  
eputy administrator of the Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies project 11/2008 #45184  
 “building a relationship” with an aerospace contractor attempting to get i 12/24/2008 #45198  
orted the license plate to Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) 5/8/2009 #45221  
nse Intelligence Agency’s Advanced Aerospace Weapon Systems Applications Pr 5/8/2009 #45221  
(D-Nev.) decides that the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Application Prog 6/24/2009 #45227  
fied intentionally as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program) 6/24/2009 #45227  
 counterintelligence, and advanced aerospace engineering”) to protect it. H 6/24/2009 #45227  
nvitation of Robert Bigelow, naval aerospace engineer Jonathan Axelrod [pos 7/2009 #45229  
nse Intelligence Agency’s Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Pro 11/2009 #45252  
 and projected state of the art in aerospace technology, all pertaining to  12/1/2009 #45260  
-Bolling] Washington, D.C. Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) 12/11/2009 #45262  
          In January 2010, Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) 2010 #45263  
nse Intelligence Agency’s Advanced Aerospace Weapon Systems Applications Pr 2010 #45263  
thern Tier air force bases Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) Late 1/2010 #45268  
inwalker Ranch in Utah The Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) 3/2010 #45270  
nse Intelligence Agency’s Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Pro 9/30/2010 #45300  
er and founder of the Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena Reporting Scheme, pu 1/2011 #45311  
        On 7 February 2011 Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) 2/2011 #45312  
nse Intelligence Agency’s Advanced Aerospace Weapon Systems Applications Pr 2/2011 #45312  
os Aeroespaciales for the study of aerospace phenomena. Capt. Moriano Mohau 5/6/2011 #45323  
anced technology was being held at aerospace contractor facilities under go 6/2011 #45327  
l communication between humans and aerospace craft and if the UAP issue was 2012 #45337  
imary contractor was Boeing and JP Aerospace was a subcontractor, and that  6/2013 #45368  
laims to have been a former Boeing Aerospace engineer with contacts at the  11/1/2013 #45393  
ed. One application of this is for aerospace mass reduction (see April 2017 3/2014 #45403  
entary is released that interviews aerospace illustrator Mark McCandlish, w 12/2014 #45425  
st a DSP satellite. Fish names The Aerospace Corporation in his email.  htt 3/6/2015 #45433  
stigate the control of gravity for aerospace applications. It is reported B 12/2015 #45441  
 Boeing, AAWSAP contractor Bigelow Aerospace and Lockheed Martin. It was se 12/2015 #45441  
s veteran Steve Justice was TTSA’s Aerospace Division Director at the time. 12/2015 #45441  
Robert Bigelow, founder of Bigelow Aerospace, sells the Skinwalker Ranch in 4/2016 #45447  
 entirely a subdivision of a major aerospace contractor within a location c 4/5/2016 #45449  
network of funding streams tied to aerospace concerns around the world dedi 4/5/2016 #45449  
oming in close proximity to craft, aerospace experts working on anti-UAP we 8/31/2016 #45458  
 develops next-generation advanced aerospace platforms (see 25 June 2021).  3/22/2017 #45465  
und, to achieve mass reduction for aerospace applications.  The framework s 4/2017 #45467  
s. The USAF authors also state the Aerospace Corporation concluded this res 4/2017 #45467  
to continue this work and optimize aerospace mass education effects.  https 4/2017 #45467  
and Jim Semivan and is composed of aerospace, science, and entertainment di 9/2017 #45480  
ainment divisions. Its science and aerospace divisions are devoted to the “ 9/2017 #45480  
e energy technology for energy and aerospace purposes. DeLonge also stated  10/26/2017 #45488  
nt to the SEC stated the company’s aerospace division was “dedicated to fin 10/26/2017 #45488  
 on its scientific advisory board. Aerospace Division head and former Lockh 10/26/2017 #45488  
litary UFO sightings, the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Pro 12/16/2017 #45494  
ram (misidentified as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program) 12/16/2017 #45494  
re housed as of the 1990s in major aerospace companies such as for example  2018 #45498  
r example Lockheed, TRW, Raytheon, Aerospace Corp. etc. These would be expe 2018 #45498  
 Program [in reality, the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Application Prog 1/9/2018 #45503  
on between EarthTech, BAASS and an aerospace company “like Ratheyon, Northr 6/24/2018 #45530  
es that it is another aircraft. 21 Aerospace Control and Warning Squadron a 1/6/2019 #45556  
                     EarthTech and Aerospace Corp. physicist Eric Davis sta 4/30/2019 #45575  
unded efforts controlled by legacy aerospace corporations. Davis alludes th 4/30/2019 #45575  
 Davis suggests some executives at aerospace firms know of the programs and 4/30/2019 #45575  
 it includes his current employer, Aerospace Corp. Other legacy companies o 4/30/2019 #45575  
h Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Bigelow Aerospace and BAE Systems. It is seeming 8/8/2019 #45605  
technical collaboration with these aerospace contractors is never mentioned 8/8/2019 #45605  
s veteran Steve Justice was TTSA’s Aerospace Division Director.  https://si 8/8/2019 #45605  
                           Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) 2/14/2020 #45633  
ant Tim McMillan says that Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) 2/14/2020 #45633  
C NY Times: Dr. Eric W. Davis PhD, Aerospace Corporation (a defense contrac 3/2020 #45636  
             Las Vegas, NV Bigelow Aerospace laws off entire workforce      3/23/2020 #45641  
 predecessor program, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Investigation Program.  6/23/2020 #45649  
ves a subcontract to a third-party aerospace/defense firm that hosts a waiv 5/1/2021 #45687  
ssion, and may indicate classified aerospace programs or commercial aerospa 6/25/2021 #45695  
d aerospace programs or commercial aerospace programs linked to that agency 6/25/2021 #45695  
Los Alamos, NM, filed a patent for aerospace vehicles that traveled inside  6/25/2021 #45695  
he was asked by an executive at an aerospace company in Long Beach, CA to g 8/1/2021 #45703  
in government, including people in aerospace, intelligence and corporate fi 8/1/2021 #45703  
sprawling gardens.” The only major aerospace company in Long Beach, CA that 8/1/2021 #45703  
hat has that type of campus is The Aerospace Corporation. *   https://www.r 8/1/2021 #45703  
nology Laboratories (STL) into The Aerospace Corporation at the request of  9/15/2021 #45710  
ghes, Ramo-Wooldridge’s STL or The Aerospace Corporation over that time fra 9/15/2021 #45710  
eliberately divested” into private aerospace, and a group that involves aer 11/30/2021 #45726  
rospace, and a group that involves aerospace and members of the military an 11/30/2021 #45726  
 moved out of USG and into private aerospace, it was in possession of the D 1/13/2022 #45733  
oader physics community by private aerospace, derived from its work on UAP. 2/11/2022 #45739  
ravity, and they’re being built by aerospace corporations; the new physics  2/11/2022 #45739  
 the 38 projects that its Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Pro 3/25/2022 #45742  
ity Cloaking” and “Antigravity for Aerospace Applications.”                 3/25/2022 #45742  
37 of the 38 projects the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Pro 3/25/2022 #45743  
weapons and murdered by a “private aerospace company” in the US because she 6/15/2022 #45758  
and sent off to Lockheed and other aerospace companies; Nolan also states t 8/3/2022 #45761  
here is a subrosa operation in the aerospace industry or “under the CIA” th 9/2022 #45765  
ievals in the past. Milburn states aerospace companies and the Department o 10/7/2022 #45773  
old him he was working for Bigelow Aerospace to understand how the technolo 10/20/2022 #45780  
## Word: "aerospace-companies-and-ufos-2" (Back to Top)
tificresearch.blogspot.com/2010/01/aerospace-companies-and-ufos-2.html      5/17/1965 #18945  
tificresearch.blogspot.com/2010/01/aerospace-companies-and-ufos-2.html      7/23/1966 #20673  
tificresearch.blogspot.com/2010/01/aerospace-companies-and-ufos-2.html      1/5/1978 #32854  
## Word: "aerospace-companies-and-ufos-3" (Back to Top)
tificresearch.blogspot.com/2010/01/aerospace-companies-and-ufos-3.html      1955 #11899  
## Word: "aerospace-related" (Back to Top)
l highly sensitive, unconventional aerospace-related findings” that will “l 6/24/2009 #45227  
## Word: "aerospace_commission" (Back to Top)
capleyades.net/sociopolitica/elite/aerospace_commission.htm                 11/27/2002 #44452  
## Word: "aerospaciale" (Back to Top)
          Centro de Identificatión Aerospaciale in Argentina The government 11/19/2021 #45723  
ernmental Centro de Identificatión Aerospaciale in Argentina issues an annu 11/19/2021 #45723  
## Word: "aerospatiaux" (Back to Top)
ance Groupe d'Etude des Phenomenes Aerospatiaux Non-Identifies (GEPAN) orga 5/1977 #32041  
## Word: "aerospațiale" (Back to Top)
ociația pentru Studiul Fenomenelor Aerospațiale Neidentificate (ASFAN) with 9/28/1998 #43654  
## Word: "aerostar" (Back to Top)
   Boca Raton, FL Two discs circle Aerostar PA60 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Case 9/28/1980 #35540  
## Word: "aerostat" (Back to Top)
e object is most likely a Tethered Aerostat Radar System airship used to pr 2/20/2002 #44319  
## Word: "aerovias" (Back to Top)
ange disc maneuvered around a Real Aerovias DC-3 airliner flying from Belo  6/30/1957 #13760  
## Word: "aerts" (Back to Top)
    Mechelen, Belgium Night. A Mr. Aerts sees a brilliant circular object “ Spring 1935 #1224  
## Word: "aess" (Back to Top)
    Albuquerque, NM AFOSI Case 10; AESS Observed Green Flare Directly Over  12/6/1948 #3911  
s Alamos (W of), NM AFOSI Case 14; AESS OP Sighted Green Fireball With Tria 12/20/1948 #3933  
 Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 26; 00:10 - AESS Inspector Reports High Speed Light  3/2/1949 #4031  
## Word: "aesv" (Back to Top)
 Belgium. It begins publishing the AESV bulletin through June 1981. AESV co 1974 #28626  
e AESV bulletin through June 1981. AESV continues under the name SOS-OVNI i 1974 #28626  
les Soucoupes Volantes renames its AESV Bulletin as OVNI Présence and moves 9/1981 #36098  
## Word: "aetherius" (Back to Top)
 platform, he enters a trance, and Aetherius (the Cosmic Master from Venus) 1/1955 #11903  
don, England George King forms the Aetherius Society in London, England, as 8/1956 #13044  
Space’” reveals that George King’s Aetherius Society has been publishing ch 5/26/1957 #13680  
## Word: "af" (Back to Top)
          Tampa, Florida 6:00 p.m. AF Capt. Jack E. Puckett is flying over  8/1/1946 #2100  
            Pentagon Pentagon Army AF Public Relations Officer Capt. Tom Br 6/27/1947 #2430  
 Leo, public relations officer for AF Secretary Stuart Symington, calls con 7/7/1947 #2933  
information”: “Maj. Curtan, HQ 8th AF, telephonically advised this office t 7/8/1947 #2951  
 CA Two 15-25' Spheres Observed By AF Men (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters,  7/29/1947 #3251  
Las Vegas (W of), NM AFOSI Case 8; AF C-47 Pilot Observes UFO Similar To Gr 12/5/1948 #3907  
Dayton, OH USAF General Orders the AF to stop investigating saucers and Pro Early 1949 #3948  
ico, having been directed there by AF Intelligence Director Maj. Gen. Charl 4/25/1949 #4109  
                               The AF Directorate of Intelligence quietly c 1/12/1950 #4483  
his own UFO investigations via his AF Intelligence staff.                   1/12/1950 #4483  
 project come to fruition when the AF Geophysical Research Directorate head 3/16/1950 #4655  
when they took off in their F-61C (AF 8357) from Amarillo on an MX-775 test 4/18/1950 #4867  
ame chief of the newly revitalized AF UFO project (which later became Proje 9/1951 #5643  
                    Prom. E. Coast AF Base, unknown Sept of 1951 to Nov of  9/1951 #5645  
951 to Nov of 1952, Prom. E. Coast AF Base, G (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rat 9/1951 #5645  
                            US New AF UFO project (which later became Proje 10/27/1951 #5748  
rived at the airport with Al Chop, AF Press Officer, just in time to see th 7/26/1952 #7140  
                 Bellefontaine, OH AF F-86's Smith/Hemer Case (M) (NICAP: 0 8/1/1952 #7405  
                                US AF Regulation 200-2 issued by Secretary  8/26/1953 #9111  
TINTEL, CRT WPAFB, OHIO; COMDR 8TH AF, CARSWELL AFB, TEX.                   2/6/1954 #9538  
ssified UFO reports came from both AF Intelligence and the Office of Public 4/11/1954 #9682  
                      Estacado, TX AF Pilots See Light Descend, Maneuver (N 6/10/1954 #9887  
n Air Force charter flight, No. 46 AF 23-24 to Wilmington, Delaware, flying 6/26/1954 #9954  
onautical engineer Vladimir Ajvas, AF Capt. Stjepan Djitkol, and staff at t 10/25/1954 #11390  
nd, Iceland 12 Objects Observed By AF Officer (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 8/11/1955 #12351  
te; Bet. N. & S. Dakata. Filmed by AF crew (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases) 1956 #12630  
 Long Island, NY Brief Sighting By AF Pilot (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Co 7/17/1956 #12979  
d S. Dakota, various UFO filmed by AF crew. Radar. (NICAP: 08 - Photographi Late 1956 #13280  
) SOUTHEAST / TARAKLI, TURKEY Turk.af pilot. 10' regular hexagon-shaped obj 11/22/1957 #14591  
                           Unnamed AF Base, various AF Base, SW United Stat 1958 #14777  
          Unnamed AF Base, various AF Base, SW United States, G,V (NICAP: 0 1958 #14777  
 Air Force policy and specifically AF Regulation 200-2.”                    1/23/1958 #14840  
ts), and Maj. Gen. James H. Walsh (AF Assistant Chief of Staff for Intellig 11/10/1959 #16086  
                 The office of the AF Chief of Intelligence is informed of  2/5/1960 #16167  
: “Behind the scenes, high-ranking AF officers are soberly concerned about  2/27/1960 #16186  
cretary of Air Force. Under title "AF Keeping Watchful Eye on Aerospace," s 8/15/1960 #16383  
of the Secretary of Air Force. In “AF Keeping Watchful Eye on Aerospace,” i 8/15/1960 #16385  
    US Article in Argosy magazine. AF Col. Tacker used the strongest langua 3/1961 #16616  
n, DC Over A Dozen Ovals Chased By AF Jets (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 1/11/1965 #18706  
      Wynnewood, OK Gnd/Visual and AF Radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: 7/31/1965 #19217  
e the UFO. As the officers saw the AF planes approaching the UFO shot strai 4/17/1966 #20305  
seen near the Shilo Royal Canadian AF airbase in Manitoba. One was at so lo 7/23/1966 #20672  
                           Source “AF” claims his brother Pete saw a saucer 1967 #21239  
 and went AWOL and fled to Mexico. AF later states Pete was approached by a 1967 #21239  
 Edward B. Giller, director of the AF Special Weapons Center at Kirtland AF 2/20/1967 #21607  
s because “Condon hasn’t found any AF explanations he considers untrue.” Lo 3/1967 #21696  
             GUARULHOS AND CUMBICA AF RADAR, BRZ Separate observer(s) / (se 11/19/1968 #24665  
                          ARGUEDAS AF RANGE, SP 30 soldiers. Orange hemisph 1/2/1975 #29694  
as later turned over to the Danish AF showed the light source of the UFO on 8/13/1975 #30257  
alysis has been available from the AF to date.                              8/13/1975 #30257  
aters around the outside. To date, AF and SAC helicopters have failed to pr 10/28/1975 #30492  
dre-et-Loire, France Night. French AF T-33, object illuminates aircraft. Te 3/3/1976 #30920  
              Port Austin, MI G,V, AF radar & 5 UFOs (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cas 9/6/1976 #31348  
ted an UFO to the AFB. The Iranian AF scrambled an American F-4 for interce 9/19/1976 #31396  
cent Fort Dix shot humanoid being, AF security police found body on deserte 1/18/1978 #32893  
                    Dover, DE G,V, AF radar & 2 UFOs, state police vis. (NI 10/15/1979 #34956  
accident. The spokesman added that AF jets enroute to the test range rarely 12/18/1980 #35724  
Portugal Round object made pass at AF trainer (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)  11/2/1982 #36671  
       A South African Mirage FIIG AF allegedly jet shot down a UFO that fl 5/7/1989 #38939  
           KECSKEMET, HUNGARY Hung.af training flights paced / orange UFO's 11/13/1989 (approximate) #39227  
## Word: "af-civil" (Back to Top)
er Lt. Allan B. Clark and Sandia’s AF-Civil Air Patrol Liaison Officer Maj. 12/12/1948 #3926  
## Word: "afar" (Back to Top)
ead. He remembers seeing this from afar three weeks earlier, arousing his c 9/4/1969 #25351  
## Word: "afb" (Back to Top)
       Muroc Army Air Base Edwards AFB California The Northrop N-9M flying  5/19/1943 #1500  
f Muroc Army Air Base [now Edwards AFB], California, killing its pilot Max  5/19/1943 #1500  
 Sandia Base [now part of Kirtland AFB] Kirtland Field The US Army atomic b 9/1945 #1935  
 Sandia Base [now part of Kirtland AFB]. Nearby Kirtland Field is used as a 9/1945 #1935  
rport Muroc Army Air Field Edwards AFB A four-engine Northrop XB-35 flying  6/25/1946 #2015  
 Muroc Army Air Field [now Edwards AFB] in California.                      6/25/1946 #2015  
                            Tinker AFB near Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Margare Late 8/1946 #2160  
kle, a civilian employee at Tinker AFB near Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, is ret Late 8/1946 #2160  
                             Muroc AFB Edwards AFB California USAAF Col. Al 6/19/1947 #2342  
                 Muroc AFB Edwards AFB California USAAF Col. Albert Boyd re 6/19/1947 #2342  
kheed P-80R Shooting Star at Muroc AFB [later Edwards AFB], California.     6/19/1947 #2342  
g Star at Muroc AFB [later Edwards AFB], California.                        6/19/1947 #2342  
                             Muroc AFB [now Edwards AFB], California Northr 6/26/1947 #2419  
            Muroc AFB [now Edwards AFB], California Northrop delivers a sec 6/26/1947 #2419  
B-35 flying wing aircraft to Muroc AFB [now Edwards AFB], California.       6/26/1947 #2419  
aircraft to Muroc AFB [now Edwards AFB], California.                        6/26/1947 #2419  
Alamogordo Army Air Field Holloman AFB New Mexico Engle, New Mexico Day. Ca 6/27/1947 #2432  
gordo Army Air Field [now Holloman AFB], New Mexico, is flying a private pl 6/27/1947 #2432  
                           Maxwell AFB, Montgomery, AL Object Zig-Zags With 6/28/1947 #2446  
             Maxwell Field Maxwell AFB Montgomery, Alabama 9:20 p.m. Two pi 6/28/1947 #2448  
man) at Maxwell Field [now Maxwell AFB] in Montgomery, Alabama, see a brigh 6/28/1947 #2448  
ging light in the sky over Maxwell AFB, Alabama as 9:20 p.m. The light made 6/28/1947 #2451  
                          Williams AFB [now Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport],  6/30/1947 #2486  
nty is flying a P-80 from Williams AFB [now Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport],  6/30/1947 #2486  
                          Holloman AFB, New Mexico Morning. Project Mogul F 7/3/1947 #2580  
alloons, is launched from Holloman AFB, New Mexico.                         7/3/1947 #2580  
er Spokane Army Air Base Fairchild AFB 6:30 p.m. Mrs. Walter Johnson and he 7/3/1947 #2584  
okane Army Air Base [now Fairchild AFB], and an intensive air search is car 7/3/1947 #2584  
                          Holloman AFB, New Mexico 7:30 p.m. Project Mogul  7/3/1947 #2585  
alloons, is launched from Holloman AFB, New Mexico.                         7/3/1947 #2585  
      southern New Mexico Kirtland AFB 11:27 p.m. Army Signal Corps radar s 7/4/1947 #2670  
rack a mysterious object. Kirtland AFB’s commander scrambles a fighter jet  7/4/1947 #2670  
bodies were taken later to Roswell AFB, New Mexico and then flown to Carswe 7/4/1947 #2672  
 Mexico and then flown to Carswell AFB in Texas. According to the relatives 7/4/1947 #2672  
                          Holloman AFB, New Mexico 5:01 a.m. Project Mogul  7/5/1947 #2720  
alloons, is launched from Holloman AFB, New Mexico.                         7/5/1947 #2720  
                  Fairfield-Suisan AFB, CA Round Flat Object Size Of C-54 ( 7/6/1947 #2803  
-Suisun Army Air Field [now Travis AFB] near Fairfield, California.         7/6/1947 #2809  
                             Muroc AFB, CA 9:30 AM: 2 disc-shaped or spheri 7/8/1947 #3004  
                             Muroc AFB, CA 11:50 AM - Noon: Sightings of di 7/8/1947 #3005  
                             Muroc AFB, CA Noon. Others witnesses independe 7/8/1947 #3006  
                             Muroc AFB (40 miles S of), CA 4 PM: a flat ref 7/8/1947 #3007  
                             Muroc AFB [now Edwards AFB] Rogers Dry Lake 9: 7/8/1947 #3014  
            Muroc AFB [now Edwards AFB] Rogers Dry Lake 9:30 a.m.–9:20 p.m. 7/8/1947 #3014  
 UFO sightings take place at Muroc AFB [now Edwards AFB] in southern Califo 7/8/1947 #3014  
ke place at Muroc AFB [now Edwards AFB] in southern California, the Air For 7/8/1947 #3014  
object at Muroc Field (now Edwards AFB) in California at noon. The object r 7/8/1947 #3028  
rd Los Alamos, New Mexico Kirtland AFB Roswell Fort Worth RAAF officers loc 7/9/1947 #3054  
s Alamos, New Mexico, via Kirtland AFB, according to Robert E. Smith, First 7/9/1947 #3054  
                     Ernest Harmon AFB [now Stephenville International Airp 7/10/1947 #3110  
John E. Woodruff) at Ernest Harmon AFB [now Stephenville International Airp 7/10/1947 #3110  
                         Elmendorf AFB, Anchorage, AK Round 3' Aluminum Obj 7/11/1947 #3136  
                         Elmendorf AFB [now Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson 7/11/1947 #3138  
at speed to the south of Elmendorf AFB [now Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson 7/11/1947 #3138  
                         Elmendorf AFB [now Joint Base Elmendorf- Richardso 7/12/1947 #3159  
ard Graham and others at Elmendorf AFB [now Joint Base Elmendorf- Richardso 7/12/1947 #3159  
                     Ernest Harmon AFB Newfoundland An initial report on th 7/16/1947 #3192  
nitial report on the Ernest Harmon AFB case in Newfoundland is written up b 7/16/1947 #3192  
                     Ernest Harmon AFB Pentagon A more detailed report on t 7/21/1947 #3209  
tailed report on the Ernest Harmon AFB incident is sent to the Pentagon.    7/21/1947 #3209  
                     Ernest Harmon AFB, Newfoundland Wright Field, Ohio Ste 7/28/1947 #3239  
 After assessing the Ernest Harmon AFB, Newfoundland, report, Gen. Schulgen 7/28/1947 #3239  
                        Rapid City AFB, SD 12 B-29-Sized Elliptical Objects 8/15/1947 #3335  
Rapid City Army Air Base Ellsworth AFB Box Elder, South Dakota 9:30 p.m. Ma 8/15/1947? #3337  
 City Army Air Base [now Ellsworth AFB] near Box Elder, South Dakota, sees  8/15/1947? #3337  
                          Holloman AFB, NM Tracked stationary target at 200 Late 8/1947 #3366  
                             Muroc AFB Edwards AFB California USMC Maj. Mar 8/25/1947 #3368  
                 Muroc AFB Edwards AFB California USMC Maj. Marion Eugene C 8/25/1947 #3368  
ph in a Douglas Skystreak at Muroc AFB [now Edwards AFB], California.       8/25/1947 #3368  
kystreak at Muroc AFB [now Edwards AFB], California.                        8/25/1947 #3368  
s from Muroc Dry Lake (now Edwards AFB), CA — led to the F-86 Sabre         10/1/1947 #3442  
                     Muroc Edwards AFB, California Test pilot Chuck Yeager  10/14/1947 #3458  
ed Bell X-1 at Muroc [now Edwards] AFB, California.                         10/14/1947 #3458  
eld in Hawthorne, California Muroc AFB The jet-propelled Northrop YB-49 mak 10/21/1947 #3466  
thorne, California, reaching Muroc AFB in 32 minutes.                       10/21/1947 #3466  
                             Muroc AFB, California Chuck Yeager again makes 11/6/1947 #3480  
 of 891 mph in a Bell X-1 at Muroc AFB, California.                         11/6/1947 #3480  
                        Lockbourne AFB [now Rickenbacker Air National Guard 1948 #3521  
o National Guard out of Lockbourne AFB [now Rickenbacker Air National Guard 1948 #3521  
 in the sky and they notify Godman AFB of the sighting...At 1:45 pm T. Sgt. 1/7/1948 #3536  
 scanned the skies south of Godman AFB and picked out a dim light in the ha 1/7/1948 #3536  
 Miller claims he was in the Scott AFB operations room in Belleville, Illin 1/7/1948 #3537  
              Columbus (Lockbourne AFB), OH Object Circles Base At High Spe 1/7/1948 #3541  
                        Lockbourne AFB [now Rickenbacker Air National Guard 1/7/1948 #3546  
, Ohio Commercial Point Lockbourne AFB runway 7:15 p.m. Air Traffic Control 1/7/1948 #3546  
103rd AACS Squadron, at Lockbourne AFB [now Rickenbacker Air National Guard 1/7/1948 #3546  
ion past the end of the Lockbourne AFB runway for 10 seconds then leaves at 1/7/1948 #3546  
                    Clinton County AFB [now Wilmington Air Park] near Wilmi 1/7/1948 #3547  
. Base personnel at Clinton County AFB [now Wilmington Air Park] near Wilmi 1/7/1948 #3547  
                  Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton OH Project "Sign" (popular n 1/22/1948 #3562  
") established at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, to investigate UFO reports.   1/22/1948 #3562  
         Pentagon Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio Maj. Gen. Samuel E. Anderson 3/3/1948 #3587  
FO information to Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio.                             3/3/1948 #3587  
                          Holloman AFB Top Secret Report (100–203–79, p.12, 4/5/1948 #3608  
euvers at high speed near Holloman AFB                                      4/5/1948 #3608  
                          Holloman AFB, NM Team watches 35 meter disc execu 4/5/1948 #3610  
                          Holloman AFB, New Mexico Witnesses: Geophysics La 4/5/1948 #3611  
                          Holloman AFB Alamogordo, New Mexico Watson Labora 4/5/1948 #3612  
ory complex Afternoon. At Holloman AFB, near Alamogordo, New Mexico, three  4/5/1948 #3612  
                          Holloman AFB, NM 2:06 p.m. (MST). (Trakowski GRUD 4/9/1948 #3617  
                        Greenville AFB, SC A stationary silvery or white sp 4/19/1948 #3627  
                          Kirtland AFB Office of Special Investigations AEC 4/27/1948 #3630  
dvisory Board, visits the Kirtland AFB Office of Special Investigations, AE 4/27/1948 #3630  
                           Edwards AFB California A piston-driven YB-35 fly 5/15/1948 #3652  
s first and only flight at Edwards AFB in California.                       5/15/1948 #3652  
                     Muroc Edwards AFB California Forbes AFB Topeka, Kansas 6/5/1948 #3667  
uroc Edwards AFB California Forbes AFB Topeka, Kansas A jet-propelled North 6/5/1948 #3667  
ashes north of Muroc [now Edwards] AFB in California after completing a num 6/5/1948 #3667  
aj. Daniel Forbes (for whom Forbes AFB in Topeka, Kansas, is named), copilo 6/5/1948 #3667  
pt. Glen Edwards (for whom Edwards AFB is named), and three other crew memb 6/5/1948 #3667  
              Belleville, IL Scott AFB (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 6/20/1948 #3675  
                         Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador Lake E Summer 1948 #3679  
g an inspection visit at Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador. It is Summer 1948 #3679  
      Norway Ohio Wright-Patterson AFB ATIC’s chief of operations, C. A. Gr 6/29/1948 #3683  
ll UFO reports to Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio.                             6/29/1948 #3683  
                        Rapid City AFB [now Ellsworth AFB], South Dakota A  7/1/1948 #3694  
     Rapid City AFB [now Ellsworth AFB], South Dakota A Maj. Hammer is flyi 7/1/1948 #3694  
 Hammer is flying above Rapid City AFB [now Ellsworth AFB], South Dakota, w 7/1/1948 #3694  
bove Rapid City AFB [now Ellsworth AFB], South Dakota, when he sees 21 bril 7/1/1948 #3694  
100–203–79, p.12,Sec. O): Kirtland AFB reported 7 UFOs flying a “J” formati 7/17/1948 #3711  
                          Kirtland AFB San Acacia Diversion Dam, New Mexico 7/17/1948 #3714  
 New Mexico 4:50 p.m. Two Kirtland AFB sergeants on a fishing trip with the 7/17/1948 #3714  
                           Robbins AFB, GA Massey, a member of civilian ale 7/24/1948 #3731  
                            Robins AFB Houston County, Georgia 1:45 a.m. A  7/24/1948 #3733  
 A bright object is seen at Robins AFB in Houston County, Georgia, by groun 7/24/1948 #3733  
                  Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio Atlanta, Georgia Chief of Ai 7/25/1948 #3738  
McCoy’s office at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio. Sign is ordered to get into 7/25/1948 #3738  
y seen at Muroc Field, now Edwards AFB.                                     8/31/1948 #3791  
               Muroc [now Edwards] AFB, California USAF Maj. Dick Johnson r 9/15/1948 #3802  
86A-3 Sabre at Muroc [now Edwards] AFB, California.                         9/15/1948 #3802  
               Albany (near Turner AFB), GA Co-Pilot in C-47 Sees Wingless  9/22/1948 #3805  
    Munich, West Germany Neubiberg AFB (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10/11/1948 #3831  
                         Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Slow moving unidentif 10/29/1948 #3854  
                         Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN (53.33° N, 60.41° W). 10/31/1948 #3857  
                         Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN (53.33° N, 60.41° W). 11/1/1948 #3862  
                         Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador Radar  11/1/1948 #3863  
/Sgt Francis H. Mills at Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador, track 11/1/1948 #3863  
                             Clark AFB, Manila, Philippines Very large 300  11/12/1948 #3873  
 Washington, D.C. Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio Pentagon MIT Project Sign pe 11/12/1948 #3874  
 the ETH. Back at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio, Deyarmond and Truettner beg 11/12/1948 #3874  
                           Andrews AFB Report from Project SIGN, incident ? 11/18/1948 #3880  
                           Andrews AFB, Maryland 10:00 p.m. USAF Reserve pi 11/18/1948 #3883  
t flying west to east over Andrews AFB, Maryland. It has one continuously g 11/18/1948 #3883  
ich, West Germany Furstenfeldbruck AFB reddish star-like object G,V (NICAP: 11/23/1948 #3887  
 on the ground at Furstenfeldbruck AFB saw the reddish star-like object to  11/23/1948 #3890  
                AMC Dayton Mitchel AFB [now closed] Long Island, New York L 11/30/1948 #3894  
eral, Air Defense Command, Mitchel AFB [now closed], Long Island, New York. 11/30/1948 #3894  
             Ohio Wright-Patterson AFB National Archives An interim report  11/30/1948 #3895  
 copy from TID at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio. A recent FOIA to the Nation 11/30/1948 #3895  
                  Fairfield-Suisan AFB, CA Round, white light fly with vary 12/3/1948 #3901  
                  Fairfield-Suisan AFB, California Witness:  USAF Sgt., con 12/3/1948 #3903  
                  Fairfield-Suisun AFB Fairfield, California Travis AFB 8:1 12/3/1948 #3904  
n AFB Fairfield, California Travis AFB 8:15 p.m. Sgt. Bruce Earlin McFarlan 12/3/1948 #3904  
tower operator at Fairfield-Suisun AFB [now Travis AFB] at Fairfield, Calif 12/3/1948 #3904  
t Fairfield-Suisun AFB [now Travis AFB] at Fairfield, California, watches f 12/3/1948 #3904  
                          Kirtland AFB, New Mexico Lt. Col. Doyle Rees, com 12/6/1948 #3912  
nteenth District AFOSI at Kirtland AFB, New Mexico, orders an investigation 12/6/1948 #3912  
                           Chanute AFB, IL (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NI 12/8/1948 #3917  
                          Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, New Mexico Two AFOSI o 12/8/1948 #3918  
y are flying a T-7 out of Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, New Mexico, at 5,000 f 12/8/1948 #3918  
                            Mather AFB Sacramento, California Sacramento Ma 1949? #3944  
 M. Garland is stationed at Mather AFB [now Sacramento Mather Airport] in S 1949? #3944  
os Alamos, experiments at Holloman AFB and Kirtland AFB, metal-like wood te 1949 #3947  
ments at Holloman AFB and Kirtland AFB, metal-like wood tested in Berkley h 1949 #3947  
                  Wright-Patterson AFB Dayton, Ohio The USAF Technical Info 1/5/1949 #3962  
ation Division at Wright-Patterson AFB near Dayton, Ohio, transmits Project 1/5/1949 #3962  
                          Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, NM AFOSI Case 16: 17:5 1/6/1949 #3965  
                          Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, New Mexico 5:30 p.m. P 1/6/1949 #3967  
e the Ordnance section at Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, New Mexico. It is abou 1/6/1949 #3967  
 Ridge, Tennessee Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio North Pole An FBI memo from D. 1/24/1949 #3977  
umors coming from Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio that nuclear-powered disc-sh 1/24/1949 #3977  
hief of the Aircraft Branch, Eglin AFB, and Mrs. Sames. They watched for 25 1/27/1949 #3980  
                             Eglin AFB near Valparaiso, Florida Cortez Road 1/27/1949 #3981  
ef of the Aircraft Branch at Eglin AFB near Valparaiso, Florida, and his wi 1/27/1949 #3981  
                          Kirtland AFB in New Mexico Amarillo Lamesa, Texas 1/31/1949 #3988  
co Amarillo Lamesa, Texas Kirtland AFB in New Mexico notifies the Pentagon  1/31/1949 #3988  
             Ohio Wright-Patterson AFB Writer Sidney Shalett is given a gui Early 2/1949 #3996  
ed tour of AMC at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio, a glimpse of low-interest U Early 2/1949 #3996  
                          Kirtland AFB’s Office of Special Investigations M 2/23/1949 #4021  
e and Lt. Howard Smith to Kirtland AFB’s Office of Special Investigations t 2/23/1949 #4021  
                            Shemya AFB - Aleutian Islands, AK Bombers see a 3/29/1949 #4059  
                             March AFB, Riverside, CA Four Dome-Shaped Obje 4/7/1949 #4082  
                             Kelly AFB Kelly Field Annex San Antonio, Texas 4/14/1949 #4090  
the AFOSI district office at Kelly AFB [now Kelly Field Annex] in San Anton 4/14/1949 #4090  
                          Kirtland AFB, New Mexico USAF headquarters AFOSI  4/19/1949 #4094  
SAF headquarters AFOSI at Kirtland AFB, New Mexico, sends to USAF headquart 4/19/1949 #4094  
                          Holloman AFB, NM Donald H. Menzel sighting (NICAP 5/12/1949 #4180  
                          Holloman AFB Highway 70 Alamogordo, New Mexico 9: 5/12/1949 #4183  
r Donald H. Menzel leaves Holloman AFB on Highway 70 for Alamogordo, New Me 5/12/1949 #4183  
                     Davis Monthan AFB, AZ Object was described as black, r 5/16/1949 #4188  
                  Wright Patterson AFB, Dayton OH Reply letter concerning B 5/18/1949 #4190  
 Materiel Command Wright-Patterson AFB Col. Clingerman, Chief Analysis Divi 5/18/1949 #4190  
                        Moses Lake AFB Grant County International Airport W 5/21/1949 #4200  
F-82 is dispatched from Moses Lake AFB [now Grant County International Airp 5/21/1949 #4200  
                            Misawa AFB, Honshu, Japan F-80 Pilot Sees Circu 5/31/1949 #4217  
                       Great Falls AFB to AMC at Wright Patterson AFB write 8/17/1949 #4321  
lls AFB to AMC at Wright Patterson AFB writes on 17 August 1949 that an inf 8/17/1949 #4321  
lying discs and two crashed discs. AFB agents dragged the lake and didn’t f 8/17/1949 #4321  
dge Research Laboratory at Hanscom AFB in Bedford, Massachusetts Col. John  9/1/1949 #4343  
dge Research Laboratory at Hanscom AFB in Bedford, Massachusetts. AFOIN rej 9/1/1949 #4343  
                         Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN High-Speed Egg-Shaped 9/9/1949 #4353  
                     Davis-Monthan AFB, Tucson, AZ Four Airman View Metalli 10/12/1949 #4389  
                          Holloman AFB, CA H. S. Object Observed By Flight  10/12/1949 #4390  
dge Research Laboratory at Hanscom AFB in Bedford, Massachusetts, is select 10/14/1949 #4394  
                          Kirtland AFB McIntosh, New Mexico Albuquerque 6:0 11/27/1949 #4428  
ico Albuquerque 6:00 p.m. Kirtland AFB Deputy Base Commander Lt. Col. Charl 11/27/1949 #4428  
                          Holloman AFB, NM Unknown Aerial Phenomenon Sighte 12/13/1949 #4438  
             Ohio Wright-Patterson AFB Keyhoe meets with Gen. Sory Smith, d 1/1950 #4470  
 request to visit Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio to look at the actual case f 1/1950 #4470  
                          Holloman AFB Corona, New Mexico 10:15 p.m. The as 1/7/1950 #4478  
nt maintenance officer at Holloman AFB is driving south of Corona, New Mexi 1/7/1950 #4478  
                         Las Vegas AFB, NV A man and his father stated that 1/10/1950 #4480  
                          Holloman AFB, NM Observed a bright white object t 1/13/1950 #4486  
                            Offutt AFB in Omaha, Nebraska Denver, Colorado  1/16/1950 #4494  
olorado The AFOSI office at Offutt AFB in Omaha, Nebraska, sends a message  1/16/1950 #4494  
                              Pope AFB [now Pope Field], Fayetteville, Nort 1/24/1950 #4509  
yetteville, North Carolina Bolling AFB [now Joint Base Anacostia- Bolling], 1/24/1950 #4509  
g a C-45 transport plane from Pope AFB [now Pope Field], Fayetteville, Nort 1/24/1950 #4509  
eville, North Carolina, to Bolling AFB [now Joint Base Anacostia- Bolling], 1/24/1950 #4509  
5 transport plane flying from Pope AFB in Halifax County, North Carolina. T 1/24/1950 #4510  
                         Elmendorf AFB [now Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson 1/26/1950 #4513  
 and Warning Squadron at Elmendorf AFB [now Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson 1/26/1950 #4513  
 north at 1600 km/h over Elmendorf AFB, Alaska. It was witnessed by a Lieut 1/26/1950 #4514  
     Tucson, Arizona Davis-Monthan AFB University of Arizona A meteor-like  2/1/1950 #4524  
he radio operator at Davis-Monthan AFB asks 1st Lieut. Roy L. Jones Jr. to  2/1/1950 #4524  
                     Davis-Monthan AFB, Tucson, AZ Saw object trailing smok 2/2/1950 #4525  
 of Hatchville, Massachusetts Otis AFB Otis Air National Guard Base near Ma 2/2/1950 #4526  
and Lt. Philip Foushee Jr. of Otis AFB [now Otis Air National Guard Base] n 2/2/1950 #4526  
t. Philip Foushee, pilot from Otis AFB, and two others.  Two thin, illumina 2/5/1950 #4530  
                          Holloman AFB, New Mexico Project Twinkle, with th 2/21/1950 #4542  
ers who scan the sky over Holloman AFB, New Mexico, with theodolite, telesc 2/21/1950 #4542  
                          Holloman AFB Datil, New Mexico 7:30 p.m. USAF Cpl 2/24/1950 #4554  
is E. Stanfield and other Holloman AFB Photographic Branch project staff at 2/24/1950 #4554  
                         Selfridge AFB, MI An intense, dull yellowish light 3/3/1950 #4574  
                         Selfridge AFB, Michigan Witness: 1st Lt Frank Matt 3/3/1950 #4575  
                         Selfridge AFB Selfridge Air National Guard Base Mo 3/3/1950 #4576  
unt Clemens, Michigan At Selfridge AFB [now Selfridge Air National Guard Ba 3/3/1950 #4576  
                      At Selfridge AFB in Macomb County, Michigan two radar 3/3/1950 #4577  
io Vandalia, Ohio Wright-Patterson AFB Mid-morning. TWA pilot Capt. W. H. K 3/8/1950 #4593  
wer operators at Wright- Patterson AFB pick it up visually and on radar (“a 3/8/1950 #4593  
                         Selfridge AFB, MI Selfridge AFB, Michigan, G,V,A a 3/9/1950 #4597  
       Selfridge AFB, MI Selfridge AFB, Michigan, G,V,A air defense ground  3/9/1950 #4597  
                          Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, NM 4925th Test Group S 3/21/1950 #4694  
  Sandia Base, New Mexico Kirtland AFB 1:00–1:30 p.m. Sergeant Woods at San 3/21/1950 #4695  
r witnesses at Sandia and Kirtland AFB report similar observations.         3/21/1950 #4695  
                          Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, NM 4925th Test Group S 3/22/1950 #4700  
                          Kirtland AFB, New Mexico 11:00 a.m. Eleven sergea 3/22/1950 #4701  
 watch a UFO northwest of Kirtland AFB, New Mexico. The shape is “similar t 3/22/1950 #4701  
                       At Kirtland AFB, New Mexico eleven USAF Sergeants wa 3/22/1950 #4704  
                             Muroc AFB Newsman Edward R. Murrow produces th 4/7/1950 #4816  
enneth Arnold case, mentions Muroc AFB cases and Mantell, and quotes both T 4/7/1950 #4816  
                  Mobile (Brookley AFB & Bates Field), AL Object flying to  4/10/1950 #4840  
lying to the NE or E over Brookley AFB at 3,500 ft (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 4/10/1950 #4840  
              Alamogordo (Holloman AFB), NM Cinetheodolite Film Taken By Tr 4/27/1950 #4906  
                         Elmendorf AFB [now Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson 5/5/1950 #4924  
 and Warning Squadron at Elmendorf AFB [now Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson 5/5/1950 #4924  
                         Selfridge AFB, MI Object with erratically varying  5/9/1950 #4934  
              Alamogordo (Holloman AFB), NM Askania Theodolite Films Object 5/24/1950 #4963  
                          Holloman AFB, New Mexico During an MX-674 Tarzon  5/24/1950 #4964  
ble vertical bomb test at Holloman AFB, New Mexico, Floyd Fannon and other  5/24/1950 #4964  
                            Misawa AFB, Japan 30' Disc Seen From Golf Cours 6/21/1950 #4994  
                          Hamilton AFB, CA Disc Makes Five Passes At Contro 6/21/1950 #4995  
                          Hamilton AFB Novato, California 1:35 a.m. Control 6/21/1950 #4998  
g at 1,000–1,500 mph over Hamilton AFB [now closed] in Novato, California.  6/21/1950 #4998  
                          Holloman AFB, New Mexico Mid-day. Electronics eng 7/1950 #5035  
 contractor’s building at Holloman AFB, New Mexico, when he gets a call tha 7/1950 #5035  
           Cliff Booth, a Holloman AFB contractor, investigates reports of  7/1950 #5037  
ata Reduction Division at Holloman AFB, and an analyst at Land-Air Inc. sta 7/1950 #5037  
                       At Holloman AFB, New Mexico at 11:30 p.m. two softba 7/19/1950 #5073  
                  Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio Engineer Eric A. Walker become 8/1950 #5092  
nding meetings at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio concerning “recovered UFOs.” 8/1950 #5092  
                     Ernest Harmon AFB, Newfoundland, CAN A black or dark r 8/30/1950 #5147  
              Alamogordo (Holloman AFB), NM Two Objects Filmed During Shrik 8/30/1950 #5148  
                          Holloman AFB, New Mexico 10:45 a.m. During a Bell 8/30/1950 #5150  
ell Aircraft employees at Holloman AFB, New Mexico, see two glaringly brigh 8/30/1950 #5150  
              Alamogordo (Holloman AFB), NM Objects Filmed After V-2 Launch 8/31/1950 #5153  
                          Holloman AFB, New Mexico Kirtland AFB 10:00 a.m.– 8/31/1950 #5154  
 Holloman AFB, New Mexico Kirtland AFB 10:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. After V-2 missi 8/31/1950 #5154  
 missile launch no. 51 at Holloman AFB, New Mexico, Project Twinkle cinethe 8/31/1950 #5154  
on by four F-86 jets from Kirtland AFB for one hour fails to locate the obj 8/31/1950 #5154  
     The Pentagon Wright-Patterson AFB Air Force Intelligence Collection Di 9/8/1950 #5172  
n on UFO study at Wright-Patterson AFB.                                     9/8/1950 #5172  
                              Pope AFB, NC 4 round shiny 100 ft objects (NI 10/15/1950 #5231  
                              Pope AFB, North Carolina Witness:  Daniel. Li 10/15/1950 #5234  
                              Pope AFB, North Carolina Witness:  Woodward.  10/15/1950 #5235  
      Raleigh, North Carolina Pope AFB Fort Bragg Pope Field 4:20 p.m. Afte 10/15/1950 #5236  
bjects descending slowly near Pope AFB [now Pope Field] at Fort Bragg. They 10/15/1950 #5236  
path of an Air Force jet near Pope AFB.                                     10/15/1950 #5236  
                  Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio USAF Brig. Gen. Ernest Moore wr 10/18/1950 #5241  
rold E. Watson at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio, advising him of the standin 10/18/1950 #5241  
                          Kirtland AFB (and over Camp Hood, TX), NM Flying  10/20/1950 #5247  
ing Saucers Observed Over Kirtland AFB and Camp Hood (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 10/20/1950 #5247  
                           Maxwell AFB, Montgomery, AL (32.37° N, 86.36° W) 11/23/1950 #5285  
                          Westover AFB, MA Sighting 2 Hours Before National 12/6/1950 #5327  
                             Dyess AFB near Abilene, Texas Mexican border n 12/6/1950 #5330  
le F-94s are being tested at Dyess AFB near Abilene, Texas, radar catches a 12/6/1950 #5330  
                           Mitchel AFB Long Island, New York Ent AFB Colora 1/1/1951 #5383  
chel AFB Long Island, New York Ent AFB Colorado Springs, Colorado The Air D 1/1/1951 #5383  
ated as a major command at Mitchel AFB [now closed] in Long Island, New Yor 1/1/1951 #5383  
, New York. The HQ is moved to Ent AFB [now the US Olympic Training Center] 1/1/1951 #5383  
o U.S. Air Force airmen at Stewart AFB in Orange County, New York saw a fir 1/12/1951 #5393  
                          Holloman AFB (50 miles SE of), NM C-47 Crew Encou 1/22/1951 #5412  
                  Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio Holloman AFB, New Mexico 11: 1/22/1951 #5413  
ght-Patterson AFB in Ohio Holloman AFB, New Mexico 11:00 a.m. USAF pilots C 1/22/1951 #5413  
on (both based at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio), a General Mills Aeronautic 1/22/1951 #5413  
out 50 miles southeast of Holloman AFB, New Mexico, at about 10,000–12,000  1/22/1951 #5413  
oon 50 miles southeast of Holloman AFB, New Mexico. It grew in dimensions,  1/22/1951 #5414  
                          Westover AFB, MA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Thr 1/24/1951 #5415  
                           Johnson AFB, Japan F-82 Encounters Maneuvering A 2/1/1951 #5426  
                              Ladd AFB, AK Oblong Object Hovers Over Runway 2/26/1951 #5460  
                              Ladd AFB, Alaska Witness:  USAF Sgt. J.B. Sel 2/26/1951 #5461  
                              Ladd AFB, Alaska. At 7:10 a.m. USAF Sgt. J. B 2/26/1951 #5462  
                         McClellan AFB, Sacramento, CA Cylinder With Twin T 3/13/1951 #5479  
                         McClellan AFB, California Witnesses: USAF lst Lt.  3/13/1951 #5480  
n tails was sighted over McClellan AFB in Sacramento County, California. It 3/13/1951 #5481  
                          Holloman AFB, New Mexico A group of nine Bell Air 3/14/1951 #5483  
a B-50 Superfortress near Holloman AFB, New Mexico, during a test of a secr 3/14/1951 #5483  
                          Holloman AFB, NM Project Twinkle Photographed UFO 3/24/1951 #5492  
                  Wright-Patterson AFB Project Grudge’s Col. Harold E. Wats 4/17/1951 #5505  
rts to be sent to Wright-Patterson AFB under the CIRVIS system.             4/17/1951 #5505  
telligence AMC at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio Col. Harold E. Watson writes 4/23/1951 #5508  
rwarded to AMC at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio .                            4/23/1951 #5508  
       Dayton, OH Wright-Patterson AFB official watched disc make sharp tur 6/1/1951 #5533  
                  Wright-Patterson AFB Dayton, Ohio 10:00 p.m. An ATIC offi 6/1/1951 #5535  
 ATIC official at Wright-Patterson AFB is driving west near Dayton, Ohio, w 6/1/1951 #5535  
                A Wright-Patterson AFB base official saw a disc-shaped obje 6/1/1951 #5537  
ligence Center at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio Life magazine reporter Rober 6/22/1951 #5550  
ligence Center at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio for the first time to gather 6/22/1951 #5550  
                            Lawson AFB Lawson Army Airfield Dearing, Georgi 7/9/1951 #5569  
 H. Kinmon II, stationed at Lawson AFB [now Lawson Army Airfield] with the  7/9/1951 #5569  
Classified OSI Message from Robins AFB, Macon: UFO sighted by Lt. George H. 7/10/1951 #5571  
                          Holloman AFB, NM Tracking Camera Film (NICAP: 08  7/14/1951 #5573  
                          Holloman AFB, NM White Sands Radar / Visual (McDo 7/14/1951 #5574  
, New Hampshire Witnesses: Hanscom AFB Operations Officer Capt. Cobb, Cpl.  7/24/1951 #5584  
                          Holloman AFB, New Mexico Personnel at Holloman AF 7/25/1951 #5586  
, New Mexico Personnel at Holloman AFB, New Mexico, write a report compilin 7/25/1951 #5586  
                         Selfridge AFB, MI (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) CPS 7/30/1951 #5587  
                            Larson AFB, WA Two Radars Track 900 MPH Target  8/26/1951 #5630  
                            Larson AFB [now Grant County International Airp 8/26/1951 #5631  
:28 p.m. A radar station at Larson AFB [now Grant County International Airp 8/26/1951 #5631  
                      At Ellington AFB, Texas a radar operator made a visua 8/26/1951 #5633  
                          Holloman AFB, New Mexico At a conference at Hollo 8/27/1951 #5636  
Mexico At a conference at Holloman AFB, New Mexico, on the green fireballs, 8/27/1951 #5636  
         Pentagon Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio The Air Force issues JANAP 1 9/6/1951 #5653  
nd them to AMC at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio), the Secretary of Defense,  9/6/1951 #5653  
n a T-33 at 20,000 feet from Dover AFB when at 11:35 a.m. EDT they saw a si 9/10/1951 #5661  
                         Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Two GCA operators obs 9/13/1951 #5664  
                         Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador 9:30 p 9/13/1951 #5665  
 two objects on radar at Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador, on a  9/13/1951 #5665  
ck in the evening at the Goose Bay AFB in Labrador, Canada Sgt W. B. Maupin 9/14/1951 #5668  
                             March AFB, CA Swept Wing Aircraft At Above 50, 9/23/1951 #5684  
                             March AFB Long Beach, California At March AFB  9/23/1951 #5685  
FB Long Beach, California At March AFB [now March Air Reserve Base] near Lo 9/23/1951 #5685  
ceptors were scrambled from George AFB near Victorville, California then ve 9/23/1951 #5687  
 F-86's were scrambled from George AFB at about 8:00 a.m. as the first two  9/23/1951 #5687  
 to the north toward Muroc/Edwards AFB, appearing to be at about 50,000-55, 9/23/1951 #5687  
 object was again found near March AFB, Riverside, California to the NNW bu 9/23/1951 #5687  
 F-86's were scrambled from George AFB and saw the object shortly after tak 9/23/1951 #5687  
         Pentagon Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio 10:00 a.m. At the Pentagon,  10/1/1951 #5694  
garten go back to Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio to do just that.             10/1/1951 #5694  
                            Kadena AFB, Okinawa Large, sausage-shaped blip  10/3/1951 #5700  
 It was tracked flying over Kadena AFB, Japan moving at 4,800 mph. Listed a 10/3/1951 #5702  
                           McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewis- McChord] Nava 10/16/1951 #5730  
three F-94 fighters out of McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewis- McChord] and  10/16/1951 #5730  
                             Reese AFB Reese Technology Center Lubbock, Tex 11/6/1951 #5768  
bock, Texas Ruppelt flies to Reese AFB [now Reese Technology Center] in Lub 11/6/1951 #5768  
                             Reese AFB Brownfield, Texas Ruppelt and an off 11/8/1951 #5772  
 Ruppelt and an officer from Reese AFB visit Brownfield, Texas, to investig 11/8/1951 #5772  
 Airlines DC-4 Fliqht 610, Andrews AFB Senior air traffic controller Tom Se 11/18/1951 #5779  
ines DC-4, Flight 610, and Andrews AFB Senior air traffic controller Tom Se 11/18/1951 #5780  
 Texas Big Springs, Texas Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, New Mexico 6:42 p.m. A 11/20/1951 #5782  
r Force pilots landing at Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, New Mexico, and a Tran 11/20/1951 #5782  
                         Selfridge AFB, MI Radar Rumor /Radar Ceases Operat 11/24/1951 #5784  
oopersville Battle Creek Selfridge AFB near Mount Clemens 6:24 p.m. A Capit 11/24/1951 #5790  
ville, Battle Creek, and Selfridge AFB near Mount Clemens) see a large roun 11/24/1951 #5790  
                           Andrews AFB, D.C. Civilian pilot. [Nov. 18, 1951 12/18/1951 #5820  
                         Selfridge AFB, MI Two men at Selfridge AFB, Michig 12/24/1951 #5824  
ridge AFB, MI Two men at Selfridge AFB, Michigan sighted a large oblong and 12/24/1951 #5824  
                           MacDill AFB, FL Summer of 1952; MacDill AFB, Flo 1952 #5833  
ll AFB, FL Summer of 1952; MacDill AFB, Florida, G,V (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cas 1952 #5833  
                  Pentagon Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama World War II  1952 #5838  
erred from the Pentagon to Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama. This shift i 1952 #5838  
                         Fairchild AFB, WA Bluish-white spherical object wi 1/20/1952 #5867  
                         Fairchild AFB near Spokane, Washington 7:20 p.m. T 1/20/1952 #5868  
walking down a street at Fairchild AFB near Spokane, Washington, when they  1/20/1952 #5868  
                          Mitchell AFB, NY TBM And Possible Balloon? (NICAP 1/21/1952 #5870  
                           Mitchel AFB Long Island, New York 9:50 a.m. A Na 1/21/1952 #5871  
e, dome-shaped object over Mitchel AFB [now closed] on Long Island, New Yor 1/21/1952 #5871  
s of a Navy TBM plane from Mitchel AFB on Long Island, New York chased a wh 1/21/1952 #5872  
                          Mitchell AFB (SE of), NY Bomber chased a a white  1/22/1952 #5875  
yton, Ohio (where Wright-Patterson AFB is situated). At this meeting, Garla 1/29/1952 #5884  
         Pentagon Wright-Patterson AFB Wonsan Dewey Fournet, on the Pentago 2/8/1952 #5894  
in an expert from Wright-Patterson AFB’s Engineering Division, Peter A. Str 2/8/1952 #5894  
 Sands Proving Ground and Holloman AFB, not be declassified because the phe 2/19/1952 #5911  
ase Killeen Base, adjacent to Gray AFB Campbell AFB Fort Hood, Texas Fort C 2/22/1952 #5920  
ase, adjacent to Gray AFB Campbell AFB Fort Hood, Texas Fort Campbell Bossi 2/22/1952 #5920  
ossier Base, adjacent to Barksdale AFB Lake Mead Base, adjacent to Nellis A 2/22/1952 #5920  
Lake Mead Base, adjacent to Nellis AFB Medina Base, adjacent to Lackland AF 2/22/1952 #5920  
 Medina Base, adjacent to Lackland AFB The now-completed Site Able is renam 2/22/1952 #5920  
 at Killeen Base, adjacent to Gray AFB [now Robert Gray Army Airfield] at F 2/22/1952 #5920  
d, Texas; Site Charlie at Campbell AFB [now Campbell Army Airfield] near Ho 2/22/1952 #5920  
ossier Base, adjacent to Barksdale AFB near Bossier City, Louisiana; Lake M 2/22/1952 #5920  
Lake Mead Base, adjacent to Nellis AFB, Nevada; and Medina Base, adjacent t 2/22/1952 #5920  
 Medina Base, adjacent to Lackland AFB [now Joint Base San Antonio], Texas. 2/22/1952 #5920  
                  Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio Peenemünde, Germany Ro 3/3/1952 #5942  
fe visits ATIC at Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio, to obtain material  3/3/1952 #5942  
                            Ashiya AFB (15 miles W of), Japan Huge Oval Enc 3/4/1952 #5944  
          20 miles north of Misawa AFB, Japan Witness:  Brigham, pilot of A 3/29/1952 #5990  
ll luminous object approach Kadena AFB, Japan from the north. It flew strai 4/5/1952 #6035  
                         Barksdale AFB (Bet. Shreveport and), LA Crew Of C- 4/9/1952 #6049  
 Pecos (6 miles W of near Lackland AFB), TX Bethune. (Hynek UFO Rpt p. 43;  4/9/1952 #6050  
jets were scrambled from Barksdale AFB and chased the UFO for 55 miles as i 4/9/1952 #6051  
                          Moriarty AFB, NM CPS Tracks Silver Disc (NICAP: 0 4/13/1952 #6069  
                               Ent AFB Colorado Springs, Colorado ADC becom 4/16/1952 #6093  
 Burgess, at ADC Headquarters, Ent AFB [now the US Olympic Training Center] 4/16/1952 #6093  
                            Nellis AFB, NV Large group of circular UFOs. [U 4/17/1952 #6101  
                              Naha AFB, Okinawa Elliptical object followed  4/22/1952 #6152  
                              Naha AFB, Okinawa Witnesses:  crew of B-29 bo 4/22/1952 #6153  
                        Rheim-Main AFB, West Germany C-47 Has Near Collisio 4/25/1952 #6183  
                          Moriarty AFB, NM Radar tracking of 4,000 mph firs 4/30/1952 #6222  
tern Pennsylvania Pentagon McGuire AFB [now part of Joint Base McGuire-Dix- 5/1952 #6229  
ighters are scrambled from McGuire AFB [now part of Joint Base McGuire-Dix- 5/1952 #6229  
             Tucson (Davis-Monthan AFB), AZ The Case of the Missing Report  5/1/1952 #6237  
                            George AFB, CA 5 flat white discs about the dia 5/1/1952 #6238  
                            George AFB, California Witnesses: three men on  5/1/1952 #6240  
                     Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ Two disc-shaped UFOs approached  5/1/1952 #6241  
                     Davis-Monthan AFB base hospital, Tucson, Arizona 9:10  5/1/1952 #6243  
standing outside the Davis-Monthan AFB base hospital, Tucson, Arizona, watc 5/1/1952 #6243  
                            George AFB [now Southern California Logistics A 5/1/1952 #6244  
y, California 10:50 a.m. At George AFB [now Southern California Logistics A 5/1/1952 #6244  
fficers and enlisted men at George AFB in San Bernardino County, California 5/1/1952 #6247  
                           Keesler AFB, MS Aluminum or silver cylindrical o 5/7/1952 #6264  
                           Keesler AFB, Mississippi Witnesses: Capt. Morris 5/7/1952 #6266  
                           Keesler AFB, Biloxi, Mississippi 12:15 p.m. A Ca 5/7/1952 #6269  
 and three enlisted men at Keesler AFB, Biloxi, Mississippi, see one or two 5/7/1952 #6269  
                            George AFB, CA 1194-1 Two F-86 Pilots Sight Rou 5/9/1952 #6280  
                            George AFB, CA 1194-2 2 [3?] PM MST - dull whit 5/9/1952 #6281  
                            George AFB, California Witness:  A/lc G.C. Grin 5/9/1952 #6282  
er object flying north from George AFB, California at 10:20 a.m. A Project  5/9/1952 #6284  
                            George AFB, CA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NI 5/11/1952 #6302  
                            Walker AFB Roswell, New Mexico Ruidosa 8:45 p.m 5/12/1952 #6305  
 8:45 p.m. A UFO is seen by Walker AFB T/Sgt. Raymond Bare in a car in down 5/12/1952 #6305  
                            George AFB, CA Observers In T-6 Watch Round Obj 5/13/1952 #6312  
                            George AFB, CA T-6G Crew Encounters Hovering Me 5/14/1952 #6322  
                            George AFB, CA 1:25 p.m. (PST) (McDonald list;  5/20/1952 #6342  
                          Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, NM Silvery or aluminum 5/23/1952 #6349  
                          Randolph AFB, TX 12 orange-white tear-drop shaped 5/25/1952 #6357  
                          Randolph AFB San Antonio, Texas 9:27 a.m. An Air  5/25/1952 #6363  
t Crew Training School at Randolph AFB near San Antonio, Texas, his wife, a 5/25/1952 #6363  
                            Offutt AFB, Omaha, NE Bright red stationary obj 6/5/1952 #6444  
                            Offutt AFB, Omaha, Nebraska Witnesses: 2nd Lt.  6/5/1952 #6447  
                             Kimpo AFB, Korea Case missing from official fi 6/6/1952 #6453  
nia Witness: R.S. Thomas, Olmstead AFB employee and former control tower op 6/13/1952 #6495  
 p.m. Mr.R. S. Thomas, an Olmstead AFB employee and former control tower op 6/13/1952 #6497  
ginia Blackstone, Virginia Langley AFB in Hampton, Virginia 4:20 p.m. A rou 6/15/1952 #6510  
irginia. Fighter jets from Langley AFB in Hampton, Virginia, are scrambled, 6/15/1952 #6510  
                            Walker AFB, Roswell, NM S/Sgt. Sparks saw 5-6 g 6/16/1952 #6516  
                            Walker AFB, New Mexico Witness:  USAF maintenan 6/16/1952 #6517  
                           McChord AFB, WA Many witnesses saw 1-5 large sil 6/17/1952 #6521  
                           McChord AFB, Washington Witnesses:  many and var 6/17/1952 #6524  
                           McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewis-McChord] south 6/17/1952 #6528  
:20 p.m. Many witnesses at McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewis-McChord] south 6/17/1952 #6528  
nds. Later that evening at McChord AFB outside of Tacoma, Washington many m 6/17/1952 #6530  
                             March AFB (100 miles E of), CA UFO Paces B-25  6/18/1952 #6538  
                             March AFB southern California 5:00 p.m. USAF C 6/18/1952 #6541  
B-25 about 100 miles east of March AFB [now March Air Reserve Base] in sout 6/18/1952 #6541  
                         Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN One red light turned  6/19/1952 #6547  
                         Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador 2:37 a 6/19/1952 #6551  
], Labrador 2:37 a.m. At Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador, radar 6/19/1952 #6551  
        Tacoma, Washington McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewis- McChord] in T 6/19/1952 #6552  
ts are tracked on radar at McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewis- McChord] in T 6/19/1952 #6552  
                          Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, NM Famous F-86 shootin Summer 1952 #6570  
                           MacDill AFB, FL USAF Colonel, B-29 pilot investi Summer 1952 #6571  
                             Kelly AFB, TX B-29 Encounters Flat Object With 6/21/1952 #6572  
                           MacDill AFB, FL USAF Colonel, B-29 pilot investi Summer 1952 #6574  
                             Kelly AFB, Texas Witness:  T/Sgt. Howard Davis 6/21/1952 #6577  
                             Kelly AFB Kelly Field San Antonio, Texas 12:30 6/21/1952 #6578  
 at 8,000 feet altitude near Kelly AFB [now Kelly Field] in San Antonio, Te 6/21/1952 #6578  
                           MacDill AFB in Tampa, Florida Night. Radar at Ma Summer 1952 #6581  
a, Florida Night. Radar at MacDill AFB in Tampa, Florida, picks up a target Summer 1952 #6581  
                        Near Kelly AFB, Texas. At 12:30 p.m. Sgt. Howard Da 6/21/1952 #6582  
                           McChord AFB, WA A very large light fly straight  6/23/1952 #6596  
                           McChord AFB, Washington Witness:  2nd Lt. K. Tho 6/23/1952 #6602  
                           McChord AFB Joint Base Lews-McChord Tacoma, Wash 6/23/1952 #6611  
nd level for 10 minutes at McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lews-McChord] near T 6/23/1952 #6611  
                           McChord AFB, Washington. At around 9 p.m. Lt. K. 6/23/1952 #6616  
                           McChord AFB in Tacoma, Washington Ruppelt visits 6/27/1952 #6647  
 Washington Ruppelt visits McChord AFB in Tacoma, Washington, to look into  6/27/1952 #6647  
                          Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, NM 2 silvery disc-like 6/28/1952 #6653  
                          Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico 1:20 p.m. 6/28/1952 #6659  
rgo Air Service hangar at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico, see two  6/28/1952 #6659  
                          Kirtland AFB, New Mexico - Two round silver disks 6/28/1952 #6660  
rgo plane flying south of Kirtland AFB at 1:20 p.m. The craft initially mov 6/28/1952 #6660  
                         Selfridge AFB, MI 2 big lights about 20 ft diamete 7/3/1952 #6700  
                         Selfridge AFB, Michigan Witnesses not identified.  7/3/1952 #6702  
                         Elmendorf AFB, Anchorage, AK (FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 7/5/1952 #6711  
                        Rapid City AFB, SD A sergeant and three airmen repo 7/9/1952 #6736  
                        Rapid City AFB, South Dakota Witnesses:  S/Sgt. D.P 7/9/1952 #6739  
                            O’Hare AFB Montrose Beach, Chicago, Illinois O’ 7/12/1952 #6784  
is O’Hare Airport 8:42 p.m. O’Hare AFB weather observer Capt. W. J. Shea an 7/12/1952 #6784  
                           Langley AFB, VA OSI doc confirms Nash/Fortenberr 7/14/1952 #6812  
                          Holloman AFB, NM Strange red and green lights slo 7/14/1952 #6814  
                           McChord AFB (20 miles S of ), WA Object "Rolling 7/15/1952 #6824  
                        Lockbourne AFB, OH Amber-colored elliptical-shaped  7/17/1952 #6863  
                        Lockbourne AFB Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base 7/17/1952 #6869  
/3c Gene A. Jennings at Lockbourne AFB [now Rickenbacker Air National Guard 7/17/1952 #6869  
object was sighted from Lockbourne AFB, Ohio with a pinpoint of flame at th 7/17/1952 #6871  
At the same time as the Lockbourne AFB sighting, a pilot for United Airline 7/17/1952 #6872  
                        Lockbourne AFB, OH A light like a big star that dis 7/18/1952 #6887  
                           Patrick AFB, FL Series of hovering and maneuveri 7/18/1952 #6889  
                           Patrick AFB, Florida Witnesses: three USAF offic 7/18/1952 #6894  
                           Patrick AFB Cocoa Beach, Florida 9:45 p.m. Three 7/18/1952 #6898  
s and four enlisted men at Patrick AFB, near Cocoa Beach, Florida, see a se 7/18/1952 #6898  
er an hour in the sky over Patrick AFB, Florida. They were observed maneuve 7/18/1952 #6904  
les south and not far from Andrews AFB. Radar operator, Ed Nugent, thought  7/19/1952 #6906  
cklin and Joe Zacko. Also, Andrews AFB had also been tracking the UFOs as t 7/19/1952 #6906  
fic Control (ARTC) in D.C. Andrews AFB [now Joint Base Andrews] in Prince G 7/19/1952 #6935  
 George’s County, Maryland Andrews AFB Bolling AFB [now Joint Base Anaconda 7/19/1952 #6935  
unty, Maryland Andrews AFB Bolling AFB [now Joint Base Anaconda-Bolling] in 7/19/1952 #6935  
ng] in Washington, D.C. New Castle AFB [now New Castle Air National Guard B 7/19/1952 #6935  
dar. They are southeast of Andrews AFB [now Joint Base Andrews] in Prince G 7/19/1952 #6935  
 Zacko Jr.) and another at Andrews AFB has also tracked the objects. For 6  7/19/1952 #6935  
s are also taking place at Bolling AFB [now Joint Base Anaconda-Bolling] in 7/19/1952 #6935  
s arrive belatedly from New Castle AFB [now New Castle Air National Guard B 7/19/1952 #6935  
                           Andrews AFB Classified Spot Intelligence Report  7/20/1952 #6940  
ted by 5 base personnel at Andrews AFB at 0030 hours EST. UFOs reddish oran 7/20/1952 #6940  
                           Andrews AFB, MD Air Force radar tracked up to 10 7/20/1952 #6949  
           At 1:05 a.m. at Andrews AFB in Maryland five witnesses visually  7/20/1952 #6955  
 UFOs for 15-20 minutes at Andrews AFB, Maryland. The objects approached th 7/20/1952 #6955  
                   Dobbins (Turner AFB), GA Blip Makes Passes On Wind-Findi 7/21/1952 #6970  
                        San Marcos AFB, TX A blue circle with a blue trail  7/21/1952 #6972  
                          Randolph AFB, TX An elongated, fuselage-shaped ob 7/21/1952 #6973  
                   Dobbins (Turner AFB), GA Dobbins AFB, Georgia, G (NICAP: 7/21/1952 #6975  
  Dobbins (Turner AFB), GA Dobbins AFB, Georgia, G (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases 7/21/1952 #6975  
                        San Marcos AFB, Texas Witnesses: one Lieutenant, tw 7/21/1952 #6978  
ashington National Airport Andrews AFB, Maryland Bolling AFB, D.C. Wright-P 7/21/1952 #6981  
port Andrews AFB, Maryland Bolling AFB, D.C. Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 10: 7/21/1952 #6981  
Bolling AFB, D.C. Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 10:00 a.m. Ruppelt first hears 7/21/1952 #6981  
t terminal. He has been to Andrews AFB in Maryland the day before with his  7/21/1952 #6981  
 intelligence officer from Bolling AFB in D.C. Ruppelt hears that President 7/21/1952 #6981  
elt to return to Wright- Patterson AFB in Ohio.                             7/21/1952 #6981  
FO was tracked on radar at Dobbins AFB, Georgia at a speed of 1200 miles pe 7/21/1952 #6985  
                          Brookley AFB (Mobile), AL Barrel-shaped black obj 7/22/1952 #7014  
F F-94 jet interceptors from Dover AFB, Del. Thirteen visual sightings and  7/22/1952 #7022  
                  Wright-Patterson AFB Washington At Wright-Patterson AFB,  7/22/1952 #7023  
AFB Washington At Wright-Patterson AFB, Ruppelt meets with ATIC electronics 7/22/1952 #7023  
                           MacDill AFB in Tampa, Florida Tampa 10:30 p.m. A 7/22/1952 #7027  
 control tower operator at MacDill AFB in Tampa, Florida, watches for 30 mi 7/22/1952 #7027  
                             Dover AFB, Delaware Trenton, New Jersey 10:50  7/22/1952 #7028  
F F-94 jet interceptors from Dover AFB, Delaware, make 13 visual sightings  7/22/1952 #7028  
                            Misawa AFB (E of ), Japan USAF pilot flying F-9 7/23/1952 #7064  
                        Lockbourne AFB, OH Numerous witnesses observed four 7/23/1952 #7073  
 in the vicinity of the Lockbourne AFB, Columbus, Ohio. The objects were ro 7/23/1952 #7073  
                        Lockbourne AFB, OH Numerous witnesses observed four 7/23/1952 #7074  
 in the vicinity of the Lockbourne AFB, Columbus, Ohio. Two F-84 jets were  7/23/1952 #7074  
ts were dispatched from Lockbourne AFB, but were unable to identify the obj 7/23/1952 #7074  
, Montauk Point, New York Westover AFB, Chicopee, Massachusetts 7:36 a.m. U 7/23/1952 #7079  
mbled unsuccessfully from Westover AFB [now Westover Air National Guard Bas 7/23/1952 #7079  
                        Lockbourne AFB Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base 7/23/1952 #7083  
Guard Base Lockbourne, Ohio Turner AFB Naval Air Station Albany Albany, Geo 7/23/1952 #7083  
y Albany, Georgia Wright-Patterson AFB Dayton, Ohio Clinton County Airport  7/23/1952 #7083  
 p.m. Many witnesses at Lockbourne AFB [now Rickenbacker Air National Guard 7/23/1952 #7083  
apt. Eugene E. McManus from Turner AFB [now Naval Air Station Albany] in Al 7/23/1952 #7083  
Flight Service at Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio, radios in the report  7/23/1952 #7083  
ying over the ocean east of Misawa AFB in Japan. The jet gave pursuit, but  7/23/1952 #7088  
                    Clovis (Clovis AFB), NM 2 oval-shaped objects, reddish- 7/24/1952 #7109  
                            Travis AFB, CA At 2215 hours PDST, thirteen wit 7/24/1952 #7110  
                         Elmendorf AFB, Anchorage, AK (FUFOR Index) F-94 Ma 7/24/1952 #7111  
                           MacDill AFB, FL USAF Colonel, B-29 pilot investi 7/24/1952 #7112  
                          Hamilton AFB Novato, California Colorado Springs  7/24/1952 #7115  
 are flying a B-25 out of Hamilton AFB [now closed] in Novato, California,  7/24/1952 #7115  
                         At Travis AFB, California a bright orange light wi 7/24/1952 #7117  
d between Newport News and Langley AFB), VA Navy Ground Radar / & Airborne  7/26/1952 #7160  
                          Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, NM 8-10 orange balls i 7/26/1952 #7162  
                           Langley AFB, CA At 1450 hours an unidentified ta 7/26/1952 #7164  
              Washington - Andrews AFB, D.C. Andrews AFB and Washington Nat 7/26/1952 #7165  
ington - Andrews AFB, D.C. Andrews AFB and Washington National Airport (2nd 7/26/1952 #7165  
                           Andrews AFB, Maryland This was a continuation of 7/26/1952 #7171  
                          Kirtland AFB, New Mexico Witness: Airman lst Clas 7/26/1952 #7172  
ort Ronald Reagan National Andrews AFB in Maryland New Castle AFB in Delawa 7/26/1952 #7174  
Andrews AFB in Maryland New Castle AFB in Delaware Langley AFB Newport News 7/26/1952 #7174  
New Castle AFB in Delaware Langley AFB Newport News, Virginia 8:15 p.m. Fly 7/26/1952 #7174  
mph. Soon, the airport and Andrews AFB in Maryland are tracking a dozen UFO 7/26/1952 #7174  
-94s are scrambled from New Castle AFB in Delaware to intercept them. Natio 7/26/1952 #7174  
gain. Reports are reaching Langley AFB about rotating objects that give off 7/26/1952 #7174  
                        At Andrews AFB, Maryland from midnight until dawn,  7/26/1952 #7177  
                       At Kirtland AFB, New Mexico at 12:05 a.m. Airman 1st 7/26/1952 #7179  
ional Airlines flight near Andrews AFB saw a UFO "directly over the airline 7/26/1952 #7180  
                         Selfridge AFB, MI Many round white objects fly str 7/27/1952 #7205  
                         Selfridge AFB, Michigan Witnesses: three B-29 bomb 7/27/1952 #7211  
d objects was sighted at Selfridge AFB, Michigan. They flew very fast and m 7/27/1952 #7217  
 rolling motion" seen from Andrews AFB, Maryland. Clouds at the time were m 7/27/1952 #7219  
                           McGuire AFB, NJ GCA Radar/Visual Of Blip Cluster 7/28/1952 #7252  
                           McChord AFB, WA Dull, glowing, blue green ball,  7/28/1952 #7253  
                           McGuire AFB, New Jersey Witness:  Ground Control 7/28/1952 #7258  
                           McChord AFB, Washington Witnesses: T/Sgt. Walste 7/28/1952 #7259  
                           Langley AFB, VA 2,600 MPH Target Approaches Base 7/29/1952 #7302  
                            Walker AFB, Roswell, NM Sighted several high-sp 7/29/1952 #7303  
                           Langley AFB, Virginia Witness:  USAF Capt D.G. M 7/29/1952 #7314  
                           Langley AFB, Virginia Witnesses:  Mr. Moore, Gil 7/29/1952 #7315  
ientific Labs, New Mexico Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque 10:00 a.m. Several em 7/29/1952 #7322  
Two jet interceptors from Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque arrive 5 minutes late 7/29/1952 #7322  
                            Walker AFB Roswell, New Mexico Four weather obs 7/29/1952 #7323  
o Four weather observers at Walker AFB [now closed] in Roswell, New Mexico, 7/29/1952 #7323  
 Washington, D.C. Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio 4:00 p.m. The Air Forc 7/29/1952 #7328  
ce Center (ATIC), Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio; Project Blue Book hea 7/29/1952 #7328  
                           Langley AFB, Virginia. At 2:30 p.m. USAF Captain 7/29/1952 #7336  
                           Keesler AFB, MS PPI Scope Of CPS-5 Tracks Slow T 7/30/1952 #7357  
                          Holloman AFB, Alamogordo, NM (FUFOR Index) (NICAP 7/30/1952 #7359  
                            Yokota AFB (15 miles E of), Japan Pilot saw obj 7/31/1952 #7370  
                  Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton OH Study of UFO maneuvers in 8/1952 #7373  
llefontaine, Ohio Wright-Patterson AFB Dayton 10:51 a.m. An Air Defense Com 8/1/1952 #7408  
t 20 miles NNW of Wright-Patterson AFB, traveling 500 mph against the wind. 8/1/1952 #7408  
                          Hamilton AFB, CA August 3, 1952; Hamilton AFB, Ca 8/3/1952 #7434  
n AFB, CA August 3, 1952; Hamilton AFB, California, G,V (NICAP: 09 - RADAR  8/3/1952 #7434  
                          Hamilton AFB Novato, California 4:15 p.m. Two hug 8/3/1952 #7436  
 hour and 15 minutes over Hamilton AFB [now closed] near Novato, California 8/3/1952 #7436  
red discs in the sky over Hamilton AFB in Marin County, California. The dis 8/3/1952 #7438  
                            Haneda AFB, Japan F-94 Pilots Tracked Object Fo 8/5/1952 #7464  
                            Haneda AFB, Japan Dark shape with a light flew  8/5/1952 #7465  
                            Haneda AFB, Japan Witnesses:  USAF F-94 jet int 8/5/1952 #7467  
                          Westover AFB Westover Reserve Air Base Chicopee,  8/5/1952 #7468  
d 5,000 feet, passes over Westover AFB [now Westover Reserve Air Base] in C 8/5/1952 #7468  
.C. Mount Vernon, Virginia Andrews AFB Bolling AFB New Castle AFB, Delaware 8/5/1952 #7470  
rnon, Virginia Andrews AFB Bolling AFB New Castle AFB, Delaware 9:46–12:00  8/5/1952 #7470  
Andrews AFB Bolling AFB New Castle AFB, Delaware 9:46–12:00 midnight. A vis 8/5/1952 #7470  
g south. About 10:50 p.m., Andrews AFB in Maryland picks up two unidentifie 8/5/1952 #7470  
 unknown. Planes from both Andrews AFB and Bolling AFB are sent up to inves 8/5/1952 #7470  
 from both Andrews AFB and Bolling AFB are sent up to investigate but rainy 8/5/1952 #7470  
on radar, and jets from New Castle AFB in Delaware are scrambled. The jets  8/5/1952 #7470  
                            Haneda AFB Tokyo International Airport Tokyo Ba 8/5/1952 #7472  
ual sighting takes place at Haneda AFB [later Tokyo International Airport], 8/5/1952 #7472  
                           Andrews AFB, MD Several Targets Over Andrews AFB 8/6/1952 #7481  
B, MD Several Targets Over Andrews AFB (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, R 8/6/1952 #7481  
okyo, Japan Continuation of Haneda AFB sightings. (NARA) (NICAP: 01 - Dista 8/6/1952 #7482  
is is a continuation of the Haneda AFB sightings.                           8/6/1952 #7487  
                            Warren AFB, WY Object immediately stop without  8/8/1952 #7514  
                  Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio Washington National Airport  8/8/1952 #7515  
 C. Durant visits Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio for a comprehensive briefing 8/8/1952 #7515  
                      Lake Charles AFB, LA Disc-shaped object fly S at 5,00 8/9/1952 #7523  
                             Dover AFB in Delaware Delaware Bay Cape May, N 8/12/1952 #7559  
Force F-94B jet fighter from Dover AFB in Delaware is flying at 20,000 feet 8/12/1952 #7559  
      Oakland, California Hamilton AFB Novato Hamilton AFB Airdrome 9:10 p. 8/13/1952 #7576  
ornia Hamilton AFB Novato Hamilton AFB Airdrome 9:10 p.m. A witness in Oakl 8/13/1952 #7576  
akland, California, calls Hamilton AFB [now closed] in Novato to notify the 8/13/1952 #7576  
 to Capt. Kenneth Broden, Hamilton AFB Airdrome Officer, he orders an F-94  8/13/1952 #7576  
                  Wright-Patterson AFB Los Alamos Oak Ridge CIA operative F 8/15/1952 #7610  
SI teams visit to Wright-Patterson AFB and a summary of its findings. It of 8/15/1952 #7610  
try near Columbus Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton As a Signal Corps employee Late Summer 1952 #7612  
pot on the way to Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton.                           Late Summer 1952 #7612  
                          Congaree AFB, SC ADC Tracks Object At 4,000 MPH ( 8/20/1952 #7660  
                          Congaree AFB [now McEntire Joint National Guard B 8/20/1952 #7664  
 Defense Command radar at Congaree AFB [now McEntire Joint National Guard B 8/20/1952 #7664  
                          Holloman AFB, NM Round silver object fly S, turn  8/25/1952 #7728  
                          Holloman AFB, New Mexico Witnesses: civilian supe 8/25/1952 #7730  
                          Holloman AFB, New Mexico 3:40 p.m. At Holloman AF 8/25/1952 #7731  
, New Mexico 3:40 p.m. At Holloman AFB, New Mexico, plant supervisor Fred L 8/25/1952 #7731  
                       At Holloman AFB, New Mexico around 3:40 p.m., civili 8/25/1952 #7735  
                          Brookley AFB, Mobile, AL Multiple red stationary  8/28/1952 #7768  
            Chickasaw and Brookley AFB, Alabama Witnesses:  USAF control to 8/28/1952 #7771  
       Chickasaw, Alabama Brookley AFB [now Mobile Downtown Airport] in Mob 8/28/1952 #7773  
kasaw, Alabama, report to Brookley AFB [now Mobile Downtown Airport] in Mob 8/28/1952 #7773  
perators at Chickasaw and Brookley AFB, Alabama, an officer from the USAF O 8/28/1952 #7774  
                          Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico 10:00 a.m 9/1952 #7801  
0 a.m. A radar scope near Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico, picks up 9/1952 #7801  
ilitary observers at Davis-Monthan AFB in Arizona saw seven large saucer-sh 9/2/1952 #7831  
                      Lake Charles AFB, LA Bright star-like light move abou 9/6/1952 #7865  
                      Lake Charles AFB, Louisiana Witnesses:  T/Sgt. J.E. W 9/6/1952 #7866  
o enlisted men at the Lake Charles AFB in Louisiana sighted a bright star-l 9/6/1952 #7869  
                           Andrews AFB Prince George’s County, Maryland 2:3 9/10/1952 #7891  
 of a civilian employee at Andrews AFB [now Joint Base Andrews] in Prince G 9/10/1952 #7891  
, Tennessee North Carolina Tyndall AFB in Panama City, Florida Gulf of Mexi 9/12/1952 #7905  
an F-94 jet fighter out of Tyndall AFB in Panama City, Florida, piloted by  9/12/1952 #7905  
                           Olmsted AFB, PA Blue light fly very fast on a co 9/14/1952 #7931  
                          Olmstead AFB, Pennsylvania Witness:  pilot of Fly 9/14/1952 #7937  
        While flying over Olmstead AFB, Pennsylvania the pilot of a Flying  9/14/1952 #7944  
                     Warner Robins AFB, GA White lights fly abreast at 100  9/16/1952 #7960  
                    Warner-Robbins AFB, Georgia Witnesses:  three USAF offi 9/16/1952 #7962  
nd two civilians at Warner-Robbins AFB, Georgia observed two unidentified w 9/16/1952 #7964  
land, Canada Witnesses:  Pepperell AFB operations officer and seven other c 9/23/1952 #8013  
, Canada. No time given. Pepperell AFB operations officer and seven other c 9/23/1952 #8015  
                               Ent AFB [now the US Olympic Training Center] Late 9/1952 #8027  
 of the Air Defense Command at Ent AFB [now the US Olympic Training Center] Late 9/1952 #8027  
                         Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Object Similar to Air 9/28/1952 #8047  
                           Edwards AFB, CA Aviation photographer, others, o 9/30/1952 #8069  
                           Edwards AFB Rogers Dry Lake Southern California  9/30/1952 #8070  
aded by Dick Beemer, is at Edwards AFB in southern California to film some  9/30/1952 #8070  
                              Shaw AFB, SC Bright white light fly straight, 10/1/1952 #8080  
                              Shaw AFB, South Carolina Witness: USAF lst Lt 10/1/1952 #8082  
                              Otis AFB, MA Blinking white light move like a 10/10/1952 #8112  
                              Otis AFB, Massachusetts Witnesses: USAF S/Sgt 10/10/1952 #8113  
30 p.m. three enlisted men at Otis AFB, Massachusetts watched a blinking wh 10/10/1952 #8115  
                  Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton OH Panel of four scientists  11/1952 #8223  
                            Laredo AFB, TX A long, elliptical, white-grey l 11/3/1952 #8234  
                            Laredo AFB, Texas Witnesses:  two control tower 11/3/1952 #8235  
                Columbia (Congaree AFB), SC (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Di 11/4/1952 #8240  
                  Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio Battelle’s Project Stork not 11/10/1952 #8259  
ivered to ATIC at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio. It expects to have all UFO  11/10/1952 #8259  
 both Opheim Army Base and Glasgow AFB in Montana in 1952, an unidentified  11/13/1952 #8272  
emonton Presque Isle and Limestone AFB [now Loring International Airport],  11/25/1952 #8340  
seen at Presque Isle and Limestone AFB [now Loring International Airport],  11/25/1952 #8340  
                         Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN F-94 chased maneuvera 11/26/1952 #8343  
                         Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador 5:56 p 11/26/1952 #8344  
-Interceptor Squadron at Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador, for 1 11/26/1952 #8344  
l Airport Washington, D.C. Andrews AFB 12:30 a.m. Numerous slow-moving 90–1 11/30/1952 #8359  
 November 29, and that the Andrews AFB watch supervisor could not visually  11/30/1952 #8359  
                          Congaree AFB, SC Object Tracked By AN/MPS-5 At 6, 12/4/1952 #8374  
                            Laredo AFB Laredo International Airport Texas 8 12/4/1952 #8377  
3640th Pilot Training Wing, Laredo AFB [now Laredo International Airport],  12/4/1952 #8377  
 launched at 8:53 p.m. from Laredo AFB but it is not observed near any airc 12/4/1952 #8377  
                          Lackland AFB, TX Pilot saw blue light maneuver in 12/5/1952 #8379  
                              Ladd AFB, AK White, oval light which changed  12/8/1952 #8395  
                              Ladd AFB, Alaska Witnesses:  pilot lst Lt. D. 12/8/1952 #8396  
                              Pope AFB, SC (McDonald list) Four Radars Pain 12/10/1952 #8403  
                        Moses Lake AFB Grant County International Airport H 12/10/1952 #8409  
an F-94 patrolling from Moses Lake AFB [now the Grant County International  12/10/1952 #8409  
 the base for eight hours. At Ladd AFB near Fairbanks, Alaska Project Blue  12/10/1952 #8410  
                  Wright-Patterson AFB Columbus, Ohio Battelle Memorial Ins 12/12/1952 #8413  
three-man team to Wright-Patterson AFB in order to obtain relevant document 12/12/1952 #8413  
                         Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN F-94 pilot chased dis 12/15/1952 #8419  
                           Itazuke AFB, Japan Five Plots on AN/MPS-5 (NICAP 12/18/1952 #8431  
                          Anderson AFB, Guam B-17 Crew Encounters Cylinder  12/19/1952 #8434  
                         Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Blips Cause Scramble  Winter 1952 #8437  
                Moses Lake (Larson AFB), WA Hat-shaped glowing object risin 12/22/1952 #8441  
                            Larson AFB Grant County International Airport M 12/22/1952 #8443  
t technician driving toward Larson AFB [now Grant County International Airp 12/22/1952 #8443  
                           Chitose AFB, Japan Object emitting 3 beams of li 12/29/1952 #8457  
                           Chitose AFB, Misawa, Japan USAF crews of B-26 (A 12/29/1952 #8459  
                           Chitose AFB, Japan Object emitting 3 beams of li 12/29/1952 #8460  
                            Perrin AFB [now North Texas Regional Airport] n 12/29/1952 #8462  
. Herbert T. Lange, both of Perrin AFB [now North Texas Regional Airport] n 12/29/1952 #8462  
                             Ramey AFB (NE of), Puerto Rico Red-Orange Ball 12/31/1952 #8467  
          Arizona Wright-Patterson AFB Pilot (name withheld) stated, “a sau 1953? #8470  
ies first-hand at Wright-Patterson AFB. The crates arrived at night by DC-7 1953? #8470  
                               Ent AFB Colorado Springs, Colorado The 4602d 1/3/1953 #8499  
 Squadron (AISS) is created at Ent AFB [now the US Olympic Training Center] 1/3/1953 #8499  
 a UFO northeast of Dallas. Tinker AFB in Oklahoma City reports a radar tar 1/6/1953 #8510  
                Moses Lake (Larson AFB), WA Green disc shaped or round obje 1/8/1953 #8513  
                            Larson AFB, Washington Witnesses:  men from the 1/8/1953 #8514  
                            Larson AFB [now Grant County International Airp 1/8/1953 #8515  
eptor Squadron personnel at Larson AFB [now Grant County International Airp 1/8/1953 #8515  
                            Misawa AFB, Japan (McDonald list) F-94 Radar/Vi 1/9/1953 #8518  
                            Harmon AFB, Newfoundland An unidentified flying 1/22/1953 #8559  
                           Patrick AFB, FL At 2400 Z four airmen at Patrick 1/22/1953 #8560  
L At 2400 Z four airmen at Patrick AFB, Florida, visually observed for thre 1/22/1953 #8560  
                         Bergstrom AFB, TX (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Uni 1/23/1953 #8561  
                               Ent AFB Colorado Springs, Colorado Ruppelt t 1/24/1953 #8563  
s, Colorado Ruppelt travels to Ent AFB [now the US Olympic Training Center] 1/24/1953 #8563  
                           Sampson AFB, NY At 2320 Z an airman at Sampson A 1/26/1953 #8573  
 NY At 2320 Z an airman at Sampson AFB, New York, visually observed one lar 1/26/1953 #8573  
                            Mather AFB, CA Crew Of T-29 Encounters Several  1/27/1953 #8581  
                   Dobbins (Turner AFB), GA Radar tracked 3 moving targets  1/28/1953 #8590  
                           Mitchel AFB [now closed] near Uniondale, New Yor 1/28/1953 #8602  
, New York A Maj. Geyer at Mitchel AFB [now closed] near Uniondale, New Yor 1/28/1953 #8602  
                             Moody AFB in Valdosta, Georgia Turner AFB [now 1/28/1953 #8604  
dy AFB in Valdosta, Georgia Turner AFB [now Naval Air Station Albany] in Al 1/28/1953 #8604  
. Lamb, USAF senior pilot at Moody AFB in Valdosta, Georgia, apparently see 1/28/1953 #8604  
n F-86). It is also seen by Turner AFB [now Naval Air Station Albany] tower 1/28/1953 #8604  
CA radar maintenance men at Turner AFB radar track three moving targets and 1/28/1953 #8604  
                      Presque Isle AFB, ME Radar tracking (NICAP: 11 - Avia 1/29/1953 #8610  
lia, Washington inbound to Spokane AFB when a round white omni-directional  2/6/1953 #8644  
                            Misawa AFB, Japan (McDonald list; FUFOR Index)  2/10/1953 #8660  
               Ft. Worth (Carswell AFB), TX 3 bright lights of equal intens 2/13/1953 #8673  
                           Eielson AFB near Moose Creek, Alaska Chicago, Il Mid 2/1953 #8676  
 Headquarters, is visiting Eielson AFB near Moose Creek, Alaska, with Gen.  Mid 2/1953 #8676  
                         Elmendorf AFB, Anchorage, AK Nocturnal light with  2/17/1953 #8682  
                  Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio Project Stork’s William T. R 2/23/1953 #8697  
 Miles E. Goll at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio, saying that UFO reports hav 2/23/1953 #8697  
                               Ent AFB Colorado Springs, Colorado ADC comma Late 2/1953 #8705  
 commander Benjamin Chidlaw at Ent AFB [now US Olympic Training Center] nea Late 2/1953 #8705  
                       Great Falls AFB, MT (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NI 2/27/1953 #8711  
                         Selfridge AFB Mount Clemens, Michigan Detroit 10:0 3/1953 #8720  
ission in a F-94B out of Selfridge AFB [now Selfridge Air National Guard Ba 3/1953 #8720  
                              Luke AFB (130 miles W of), AZ Three F-84 Pilo 3/3/1953 #8725  
  Glendale, AZ March 3, 1953; Luke AFB, Glendale, AR. Contrail (NICAP: 08 - 3/3/1953 #8726  
                              Luke AFB near Glendale, Arizona Blythe, Calif 3/3/1953 #8727  
Fighter Training Group out of Luke AFB near Glendale, Arizona, is an instru 3/3/1953 #8727  
-84 fighter jet flying out of Luke AFB near Quartzite, Arizona filmed 30 fe 3/3/1953 #8728  
                          Congaree AFB, SC At 3:45 p.m. (EST), the assistan 3/5/1953 #8731  
                              Shaw AFB, SC (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Dis 3/5/1953 #8732  
                               Ent AFB Colorado Springs, Colorado Brig. Gen 3/5/1953 #8733  
dbury M. Burgess, commander at Ent AFB [now the US Olympic Training Center] 3/5/1953 #8733  
 5:07 p.m., then circled Congareee AFB in Sumter County, South Carolina, fl 3/5/1953 #8734  
                    Kyushu (Ashiya AFB), Japan (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) 3/9/1953 #8741  
                  Rabat (Nouasseur AFB), Fr. Morocco Light above at 7,000 t 3/25/1953 #8786  
                          Williams AFB, AZ Silver Disc Encountered By Test  3/31/1953 #8798  
                         Goose Bay AFB, Labrador (between Sondrestrom AFB,  4/8/1953 #8811  
AFB, Labrador (between Sondrestrom AFB, Greenland and), CAN MATS Crew Sees  4/8/1953 #8811  
          Sweetwater, Nevada Stead AFB [now Reno Stead Airport] 4:10 p.m. T 4/12/1953 #8819  
rcraft, which is en route to Stead AFB [now Reno Stead Airport]. The copilo 4/12/1953 #8819  
g enroute from Long Beach to Stead AFB, NV at an altitude of 10,500 feet. T 4/12/1953 #8821  
flying near Chatham Royal Canadian AFB, New Brunswick sights an eight meter 4/16/1953 #8832  
                         Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Unidentified Evades I 5/1/1953 #8854  
                             Goose AFB, Labrador, Canada Witnesses: pilot a 5/1/1953 #8855  
                         Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador 11:35  5/1/1953 #8856  
 about 10 miles south of Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador. Both  5/1/1953 #8856  
                         Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Football-shaped light 5/4/1953 #8860  
                         Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador 1:50 a 5/4/1953 #8861  
f a rotating beacon near Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador. It is 5/4/1953 #8861  
 p.m. a military witness at Harmon AFB, Newfoundland, Canada watched a flyi 5/4/1953 #8862  
                         Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Light above at 7,000  5/5/1953 #8864  
           Spain Flying Field Yuma AFB [now Marine Corps Air Station Yuma]  5/5/1953 #8866  
eld and about a mile north of Yuma AFB [now Marine Corps Air Station Yuma]  5/5/1953 #8866  
                         Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador 3:20 a 5/12/1953 #8877  
ut 39 miles northwest of Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador. Roger 5/12/1953 #8877  
duty the next day. (Indian Springs AFB.)                                    5/20/1953 #8886  
nym), engineer at Wright-Patterson AFB, assisted in the investigation of a  5/21/1953 #8892  
 Kingman, Arizona Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio Date of alleged UFO crash and  5/21/1953 #8897  
ies in a crate at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio after a UFO crash in Arizona 5/21/1953 #8897  
d “got picked up at Indian Springs AFB…for a job I can’t write or talk abou 5/21/1953 #8899  
                          Lackland AFB, TX AN/FPS-3 Tracks Five Or More Tar 5/23/1953 #8905  
                              Otis AFB, NJ F-94C Disappears During UFO Inte 6/1953 #8921  
                              Otis AFB Cape Cod, Massachusetts Base Rifle R 6/1953 #8922  
sachusetts Base Rifle Range Norton AFB San Bernardino International Airport 6/1953 #8922  
lectronic gear takes off from Otis AFB [now Otis Air National Guard Base] i 6/1953 #8922  
ns the accident report from Norton AFB [now San Bernardino International Ai 6/1953 #8922  
                         Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Radar tracks 25 separ 6/10/1953 #8932  
                             GOOSE AFB.LABR, NFLD Project Bluebook Case #26 6/22/1953 #8954  
                         Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Red Light Eludes F-94 6/22/1953 #8955  
                             Goose AFB, Labrador, Canada Witnesses:  pilot  6/22/1953 #8956  
 jet interceptor flying from Goose AFB, Labrador, Canada sighted a red ligh 6/22/1953 #8957  
telligence Center Wright Patterson AFB. (see 06/24/1953 for details of repo 6/26/1953 #8972  
ch alerts the Air Force at Dobbins AFB [now Dobbins Air Reserve Base] in Ma 7/7/1953 #8989  
isc swooped down over the Sheppard AFB hospital building in Texas. It was g 7/9/1953 #8993  
                              Shaw AFB, SC Elliptical Object Encountered By 7/13/1953 #8997  
                     Omaha (Offutt AFB), NE (McDonald list) Rawin Crew Trac 7/20/1953 #9007  
                            Perrin AFB, TX Ground observed seven unidentifi 7/26/1953 #9017  
                            Perrin AFB [now North Texas Regional Airport] i 7/26/1953 #9018  
herman Denison 9:39 p.m. At Perrin AFB [now North Texas Regional Airport] i 7/26/1953 #9018  
Black Hawk, South Dakota Ellsworth AFB near Rapid City Brunswick Around 8:0 8/5/1953 #9049  
ta. Soon after, radar at Ellsworth AFB near Rapid City tracks a “well-defin 8/5/1953 #9049  
                         Ellsworth AFB, SD Gun-camera (NICAP: 08 - Photogra 8/12/1953 #9062  
                            Castle AFB (near), CA TB-29 Crew Files CIRVIS R 8/20/1953 #9088  
                       near Castle AFB, California Witnesses:  crew of TB-2 8/20/1953 #9089  
                            Castle AFB Castle Airport Aviation and Developm 8/20/1953 #9090  
 a grayish oval object near Castle AFB [now Castle Airport Aviation and Dev 8/20/1953 #9090  
rainer aircraft flying near Castle AFB in California reported that at 9:05  8/20/1953 #9091  
                        Greenville AFB [now Mid-Delta Regional Airport], Mi 8/27/1953 #9117  
light for 50 minutes at Greenville AFB [now Mid-Delta Regional Airport], Mi 8/27/1953 #9117  
                      Sidi Slimane AFB, Fr. Morocco Air Force C-47 Encounte 9/2/1953 #9135  
                      Sidi Slimane AFB, French Morocco Witnesses:  Lt. Col. 9/2/1953 #9136  
      At 9:14 p.m. at Sidi Slimane AFB, Morocco pilot Lt. Col. William Moor 9/2/1953 #9137  
ontana Conrad, Montana Great Falls AFB [now Malmstrom AFB] Dusk. Cecil Tenn Autumn 1953 #9176  
ana Great Falls AFB [now Malmstrom AFB] Dusk. Cecil Tenney is driving near  Autumn 1953 #9176  
evening a colonel from Great Falls AFB [now Malmstrom AFB] calls and tells  Autumn 1953 #9176  
rom Great Falls AFB [now Malmstrom AFB] calls and tells him to show up at t Autumn 1953 #9176  
                            Offutt AFB, Omaha, NE Object Detected on SCR-58 10/13/1953 #9222  
                           Dobbins AFB, GA Object At 500' On Weather RADAR  10/13/1953 #9223  
                     Omaha (Offutt AFB), NE (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Di 10/28/1953 #9258  
                            Norton AFB, CA Daytime Bright Object In Vertica 10/30/1953 #9263  
, Kent, England Hyde Park Holloman AFB in New Mexico 10:00 a.m. An RAF NF.1 11/3/1953 #9279  
ook balloon launched from Holloman AFB in New Mexico on October 27 that fai 11/3/1953 #9279  
ccupant were in custody at Edwards AFB, originally heard up by ex-Naval avi Mid 11/1953 #9301  
                           Kinross AFB, MI Kinross AFB, Michigan, G; UFO In 11/23/1953 #9317  
           Kinross AFB, MI Kinross AFB, Michigan, G; UFO Intercept/Missing  11/23/1953 #9317  
             Lake Superior Kinross AFB Chippewa County International Airpor 11/23/1953 #9318  
ockpit, is dispatched from Kinross AFB [now Chippewa County International A 11/23/1953 #9318  
An F-89 was scrambled from Kinross AFB at 6:41 p.m. to pursue a UFO over La 11/23/1953 #9319  
                          Keflavik AFB, Iceland Climbing Blue Light Observe 11/27/1953 #9322  
 held at “Muroc Dry Lake” (Edwards AFB), but it was held somewhere else.    12/1953 #9326  
                             Lowry AFB Wings Over the Rockies Air and Space 12/1953 #9329  
ms to have been stationed at Lowry AFB [now Wings Over the Rockies Air and  12/1953 #9329  
                          Holloman AFB, NM (McDonald list) Four Objects Det 12/3/1953 #9337  
                Houston (Ellington AFB), TX Silver grey bright light with " 12/3/1953 #9339  
also reported that day at Holloman AFB, New Mexico and Ellington AFB, Texas 12/3/1953 #9340  
oman AFB, New Mexico and Ellington AFB, Texas.                              12/3/1953 #9340  
ligence Center at Wright-Patterson AFB, it was never included in any declas 12/18/1953 #9384  
             USAF Intelligence Ent AFB Colorado Springs, Colorado Air Techn 12/23/1953 #9389  
ADC Deputy for Intelligence at Ent AFB [now the US Olympic Training Center] 12/23/1953 #9389  
                             Scott AFB, IL 2 oval extremely brilliant silve 12/24/1953 #9392  
in Alamogordo, New Mexico Holloman AFB Jim and Coral Lorenzen move from Wis 1954 #9418  
 as civilian employees at Holloman AFB.                                     1954 #9418  
 was allegedly taken from Kirtland AFB Building 21 Unit KB-88; it describes 1954 #9424  
                  Wright-Patterson AFB Reporters seeking information on UFO 1/6/1954 #9454  
 were banned from Wright-Patterson AFB. [Cleveland Press]                   1/6/1954 #9454  
        Cleveland Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio Utah The Cleveland Press runs  1/6/1954 #9456  
 information into Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio. Its reporter is given the r 1/6/1954 #9456  
                               Ent AFB [now the US Olympic Training Center] 1/13/1954 #9481  
Burgess chairs a conference at Ent AFB [now the US Olympic Training Center] 1/13/1954 #9481  
                             Kelly AFB, TX (McDonald list) One to three bli 1/14/1954 #9484  
                           Edwards AFB Author Frank Scully records in his p 1/24/1954 #9496  
its occupant in custody at Edwards AFB. He also records that an “industrial 1/24/1954 #9496  
               Ft. Worth (Carswell AFB), TX (Shough) Radar/Visual With Two  2/4/1954 #9534  
                          Carswell AFB [now Naval Air Station Joint Reserve 2/4/1954 #9535  
target is detected by the Carswell AFB [now Naval Air Station Joint Reserve 2/4/1954 #9535  
ir traffic controllers at Carswell AFB in Fort Worth, Texas sighted and tra 2/4/1954 #9536  
                          Carswell AFB, TX CONFIDENTIAL Air Force Staff Mes 2/6/1954 #9538  
Commander 19, A-Division, Carswell AFB, TX: UFO sighted over base. Had long 2/6/1954 #9538  
PAFB, OHIO; COMDR 8TH AF, CARSWELL AFB, TEX.                                2/6/1954 #9538  
gation at Muroc Air Field (Edwards AFB) in February 1954, in presence of pr 2/19/1954 (approximate) #9557  
                           Edwards AFB, CA Rumors of President Eisenhower d 2/20/1954 #9559  
gs for a secret meeting at Edwards AFB to captured saucers and perhaps have 2/20/1954 #9559  
                            Laredo AFB [now Laredo International Airport],  3/8/1954 #9603  
 disc-shaped UFO flies over Laredo AFB [now Laredo International Airport],  3/8/1954 #9603  
                         Nouasseur AFB, Fr. Morocco F-86 Chases Object At 5 3/12/1954 #9615  
led to pursue a UFO over Nouasseur AFB in Morocco at 10:35 a.m. The UFO fle 3/12/1954 #9619  
scue Team 4 were sent from Roswell AFB to investigate the crashed disc. The 4/12/1954 #9683  
states he was sent back to Sampson AFB where his superior accused him of go 4/12/1954 #9685  
                           Edwards AFB Approximate date of Eisenhower meeti 4/13/1954 #9686  
wer meeting with others at Edwards AFB. Event witnessed by occultist, mediu 4/13/1954 #9686  
                           Edwards AFB Date of Gerald Light’s detailed bull 4/15/1954 #9691  
 of meeting with others at Edwards AFB.                                     4/15/1954 #9691  
                           Edwards AFB A saucer crashed at Bandelier, NM, a 4/24/1954 #9714  
ton, OH, close to Wright-Patterson AFB, jets intercept                      5/12/1954 #9777  
                          Amarillo AFB Rick Husband Amarillo International  5/15/1954 #9804  
rmed Forces Day dinner at Amarillo AFB [now Rick Husband Amarillo Internati 5/15/1954 #9804  
                            Cannon AFB, NM House-size lens-shaped object la 5/18/1954 #9808  
ct, the size of a house, at Cannon AFB, New Mexico. It came to the ground n 5/18/1954 #9812  
                           Edwards AFB From Leonard Stringfield’s CRIFO new 6/4/1954 #9864  
thwestern Washington State McChord AFB Joint Base Lewis-McChord Tacoma 8:14 6/21/1954 #9921  
radars at both Naselle and McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewis-McChord] in Ta 6/21/1954 #9921  
on Columbus, Ohio Wright-Patterson AFB Columbus area 8:00 or 9:00 p.m. Pilo 6/23/1954 #9936  
Maynard Harris at Wright-Patterson AFB picks up the plane and the UFO on ra 6/23/1954 #9936  
usetts Sept-Îles, Quebec Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador Colora 6/29/1954 #9962  
ights or flames visible. Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador, order 6/29/1954 #9962  
                          Brookley AFB (Mobile), AL Object With Short Stubb 6/30/1954 #9967  
                          Brookley AFB Mobile Aeroplex at Brookley Mobile,  6/30/1954 #9970  
ral military personnel at Brookley AFB [now Mobile Aeroplex at Brookley] in 6/30/1954 #9970  
                          Griffiss AFB [now Griffiss Business and Technolog 7/2/1954 #9984  
C Starfire takes off from Griffiss AFB [now Griffiss Business and Technolog 7/2/1954 #9984  
                             Lowry AFB, CO 6-7 objects appeared to be trian 7/9/1954 #10004  
                  Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio Ruppelt visits the Project B 7/20/1954 #10031  
ue Book office at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio to gather information for hi 7/20/1954 #10031  
                        Pepperrell AFB, Newfoundland, CAN Two Objects From  7/27/1954 #10055  
ing to get any news out of Edwards AFB about 5 UFO's landing there earlier  8/1/1954 #10086  
                           Maxwell AFB, Montgomery, AL Two Helicopters Enco 8/11/1954 #10123  
                            Lawson AFB [now Lawson Army Airfield] in Fort B 8/11/1954 #10126  
E. Lewis, tower operator at Lawson AFB [now Lawson Army Airfield] in Fort B 8/11/1954 #10126  
                           Maxwell AFB EMERGENCY CIA MESSAGE: Sighted Sauce 8/12/1954 #10131  
hovering at 2000 ft. above Maxwell AFB, Alabama. Dispatched local helicopte 8/12/1954 #10131  
                           Maxwell AFB Montgomery, Alabama 2:29 a.m. Four m 8/12/1954 #10137  
 on US Army helicopters at Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama, see a glowin 8/12/1954 #10137  
47 transport plane over San Marcos AFB, Texas when they sighted a dark blue 8/15/1954 #10145  
                            Tinker AFB, OK A triangular formation of 15 obj 8/28/1954 #10196  
                            Tinker AFB Oklahoma City 8:30 p.m. Several USAF 8/28/1954 #10198  
ormation of 15 objects near Tinker AFB, Oklahoma City, tracked by ground ra 8/28/1954 #10198  
           Dallas, Texas Barksdale AFB in Bossier City, Louisiana Carswell  9/3/1954 #10239  
n Bossier City, Louisiana Carswell AFB [now Naval Air Station Joint Reserve 9/3/1954 #10239  
, Texas, on their way to Barksdale AFB in Bossier City, Louisiana. Carswell 9/3/1954 #10239  
 Bossier City, Louisiana. Carswell AFB [now Naval Air Station Joint Reserve 9/3/1954 #10239  
                            Tinker AFB, OK (McDonald list) FPS-10 Tracks UF 10/23/1954 #11335  
r oval object approaching the Miho AFB at 5:32 p.m. after sunset. The objec 10/28/1954 #11466  
 Bedford, Indiana Wright-Patterson AFB near Dayton, Ohio Standiford Field [ 11/12/1954 #11629  
. Merkel notifies Wright-Patterson AFB near Dayton, Ohio, which sends an F- 11/12/1954 #11629  
                               Ent AFB Blue Book head Capt. Charles Hardin  11/17/1954 #11664  
ommander of the 4602nd AISS at Ent AFB [now the US Olympic Training Center] 11/17/1954 #11664  
rds, a B-47 pilot reports to March AFB [now March Air Reserve Base] near Ri 1/14/1955 #11933  
                               Ent AFB Colorado Springs, Colorado ATIC send 2/15/1955 #12004  
ommander of the 4602nd AISS at Ent AFB [now the US Olympic Training Center] 2/15/1955 #12004  
rground military base below Offutt AFB that has to do with a secret space p 3/1/1955 #12028  
tials) from Rescue Team 4, Roswell AFB, N.M. given a general discharge from 3/7/1955 #12035  
                  Wright-Patterson AFB Dayton, Ohio Early morning. A bus dr 3/29/1955? #12068  
 bus driving past Wright-Patterson AFB near Dayton, Ohio, sees a silver, tr 3/29/1955? #12068  
                        WRIGHT-PAT.AFB, OH Chemist and many. Triangle / box 3/30/1955 #12070  
elf performed for Wright-Patterson AFB six years earlier, which weren’t dec 5/5/1955 #12123  
                               Ent AFB [now the US Olympic Training Center] 5/23/1955 #12151  
AISS Commander’s Conference at Ent AFB [now the US Olympic Training Center] 5/23/1955 #12151  
                           Eielson AFB, Fairbanks, Alaska Banks Island, Nor 6/7/1955 #12190  
anada An RB-47 en route to Eielson AFB, Fairbanks, Alaska, registers an ele 6/7/1955 #12190  
                        Pepperrell AFB, Newfoundland, CAN Newfoundland, G,V 7/5/1955 #12237  
                         Pepperrel AFB, Newfoundland Unusual UFOB report fr 7/12/1955 #12253  
Unusual UFOB report from Pepperrel AFB, Newfoundland. UFO sighted by a tank 7/12/1955 #12253  
  Hamilton County, Ohio Lockbourne AFB [now Rickenbacker Air National Guard 8/23/1955 #12399  
incinnati Airport Wright-Patterson AFB 11:50 p.m. Personnel at the Ground O 8/23/1955 #12399  
dar, they notify SAC at Lockbourne AFB [now Rickenbacker Air National Guard 8/23/1955 #12399  
not interested. A Wright-Patterson AFB spokesperson denies the incident to  8/23/1955 #12399  
spell, Montana Whitefish Malmstrom AFB in Great Falls Spokane, Washington 9 9/2/1955 #12425  
 Jets are scrambled from Malmstrom AFB in Great Falls and arrive shortly af 9/2/1955 #12425  
                     Davis-Monthan AFB in Tucson, Arizona Lovington, New Me 10/3/1955 #12486  
w Mexico A B-47 from Davis-Monthan AFB in Tucson, Arizona, crashes northwes 10/3/1955 #12486  
                            Castle AFB, CA Late 1956; Castle AFB, CA, lumin 1956 #12628  
  Castle AFB, CA Late 1956; Castle AFB, CA, luminous elliptical object and  1956 #12628  
desto (near), CA Late 1956; Castle AFB, CA. Luminous ellipt. object and two 1956 #12629  
                         Wurtsmith AFB, MI Culpepper and Complaer. (McDonal 1/11/1956 #12655  
                           Itazuke AFB, Japan Object With No Trail Zooms Ov 1/18/1956 #12667  
                           Wheelus AFB, Tripoli, Libya (McDonald list; FUFO 1/24/1956 #12680  
                  Wright-Patterson AFB monitored a reported “landing” of a  1/24/1956 #12681  
Project Grudge at Wright-Patterson AFB in 1951, he saw a Top Secret Estimat 2/1956 #12691  
                   Biloxi (Keesler AFB), MS (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (N 2/7/1956 #12699  
                         Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador 10:55  2/12/1956 #12714  
ct 40 miles southeast of Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador. It ra 2/12/1956 #12714  
              MIT Wright-Patterson AFB Mechanix Illustrated publishes a sto 3/1956 #12742  
rtaken at MIT and Wright-Patterson AFB. The design includes eight Armstrong 3/1956 #12742  
                         Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CA Object Trailing Sparks 3/23/1956 #12764  
                          Westover AFB, MA At 9:17 PM. A strange blip appea 3/26/1956 #12768  
Convair airliner contacts Griffiss AFB [now Griffiss International Airport] 4/8/1956 #12803  
                          Griffiss AFB Syracuse An interview with Ryan and  4/16/1956 #12809  
 Millers. They claim that Griffiss AFB “asked us our next point of landing  4/16/1956 #12809  
                  Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio Walter N. Webb visits and inter 6/14/1956 #12904  
rge T. Gregory at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohiob .                           6/14/1956 #12904  
mpire jet interceptor, near Ohakea AFB, New Zealand.                        6/17/1956 #12906  
 seen rapidly approaching Holloman AFB from the direction of White Sands, a 7/14/1956 #12970  
                    Westover (Otis AFB), MA Uncorrelated Target Tracked At  7/17/1956 #12977  
                    Westover (Otis AFB), MA Jet Pilot Sees Object Reverse C 7/17/1956 #12978  
                        Lakenheath AFB, Bentwaters, UK August 13, 1956; Eas 8/13/1956 #13078  
                        Lakenheath AFB, Bentwaters, UK Aug 13, 1956; Lakenh 8/13/1956 #13079  
aters, UK Aug 13, 1956; Lakenheath AFB, Bentwaters, England RV (M) (NICAP:  8/13/1956 #13079  
ire Whitehall Colorado project Ent AFB 9:30 p.m. A radar-visual UFO sightin 8/13/1956 #13080  
910th Air Base Group to ADC at Ent AFB, now the US Olympic Training Center) 8/13/1956 #13080  
                          Hamilton AFB, CA F-89 Crew Encounter Daylight Obj 8/21/1956 #13109  
 New Mexico US Highway 70 Holloman AFB Just before 8:00 a.m. A domed, disc- 9/1956 #13167  
g sound. All personnel at Holloman AFB are assembled in a hangar, debriefed 9/1956 #13167  
re allegedly assembled at Holloman AFB and told not to speak to anyone abou 9/1956 #13168  
                         Ellsworth AFB, Rapid City, South Dakota Shortly af Fall 1956 #13239  
nnaissance Wing based at Ellsworth AFB, Rapid City, South Dakota, captained Fall 1956 #13239  
         Merced, California Castle AFB [now Castle Airport Aviation and Dev 10/7/1956 #13266  
d Merced, California, reach Castle AFB [now Castle Airport Aviation and Dev 10/7/1956 #13266  
                            Castle AFB, CA Castle AFB, California: A.A. and Late 1956 #13277  
             Castle AFB, CA Castle AFB, California: A.A. and J.R. (names wi Late 1956 #13277  
                            Castle AFB, nr. Modesto, CA Cat.9/11. Luminous  Late 1956 #13279  
ratories (ARL) at Wright-Patterson AFB hires physicist Joshua N. Goldberg t Late 1956 #13281  
                           Wheelus AFB, Tripoli, Libya (McDonald list; FUFO 10/17/1956 #13284  
a missile maintenance man at Minot AFB saw the same or a similar bright ora 10/28/1956 #13295  
ot Springs, South Dakota Ellsworth AFB in Rapid City Rapid City 740th Aircr 11/25/1956 #13352  
 Interceptor Squadron at Ellsworth AFB in Rapid City that makes three passe 11/25/1956 #13352  
                        Charleston AFB, SC Unspecified object fly at an est 11/30/1956 #13369  
                        Charleston AFB, South Carolina Witness:  USAF aeria 11/30/1956 #13370  
ltitude over water from Charleston AFB, South Carolina.                     11/30/1956 #13372  
                          Holloman AFB, Alamogordo, NM During a missile tes 12/15/1956 (approximate) #13403  
                           Itazuke AFB, Japan Radar / Visual From F-86 (NIC 12/17/1956 #13407  
           At 3:20 p.m. at Itazuke AFB in Japan a brownish-golden colored U 12/17/1956 #13410  
he sky, then headed towards Nellis AFB. "The object shot out a blast like a 1/17/1957 #13463  
                           Lincoln AFB, NE Radar tracked several targets fl 2/13/1957 #13498  
                           Lincoln AFB Lincoln Airport, Nebraska 2:30 a.m.  2/13/1957 #13502  
 at two radar sites within Lincoln AFB [now Lincoln Airport, Nebraska], the 2/13/1957 #13502  
                             Stead AFB, NV Two Radar Sites Track UFOB (NICA 2/14/1957 #13506  
                            Castle AFB, CA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) 6,0 2/27/1957 #13516  
                            Oxnard AFB, CA Several independent witnesses sa 3/22/1957 #13551  
yne plant in the Simi Hills Oxnard AFB [now Camarillo Airport] Mrs. Robert  3/22/1957 #13553  
t. Leonard E. Ott at nearby Oxnard AFB [now Camarillo Airport]. At 12:30 a. 3/22/1957 #13553  
a GOC observer, police, and Oxnard AFB personnel.                           3/23/1957 #13558  
                           Edwards AFB, CA Edwards AFB Case (NICAP: 08 - Ph 5/2/1957 #13642  
           Edwards AFB, CA Edwards AFB Case (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases 5/2/1957 #13642  
                           Edwards AFB, California Mojave Desert 6:55–7:20  5/2/1957 #13643  
vilian camera operators at Edwards AFB, California, sends the standard two- 5/2/1957 #13643  
                           Edwards AFB Astronaut Gordon Cooper spots a UFO  5/3/1957 #13644  
per spots a UFO landing at Edwards AFB.                                     5/3/1957 #13644  
      Near Calif. coast (McClellan AFB), CA Lights Pass In Front & Below RC 5/4/1957 #13647  
                         Ellsworth AFB Rapid City, South Dakota Between 6:3 Late Spring 1957 #13662  
steps of his barracks at Ellsworth AFB near Rapid City, South Dakota, when  Late Spring 1957 #13662  
irport Converse, Louisiana England AFB [now Alexandria International Airpor 6/3/1957 #13698  
ot queries ADC radar site, England AFB [now Alexandria International Airpor 6/3/1957 #13698  
                           McChord AFB, WA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) One 6/14/1957 #13727  
ch 3–4 objects hovering over Reese AFB [now Reese Technology Center] in Lub Summer 1957 #13746  
                            Norton AFB [San Bernardino International Airpor 7/1957 #13765  
Group of the 1006th AISS at Norton AFB [San Bernardino International Airpor 7/1957 #13765  
tuguese F-84 fighter jets from Ota AFB on a night training flight at 25,000 9/4/1957 #13979  
                            Kadena AFB, Okinawa Object like a coke bottle w 9/20/1957 #14017  
                            Kadena AFB, Okinawa Witnesses:  S/Sgt. H.T. O'C 9/20/1957 #14019  
, New York Omaha, Nebraska Kinross AFB [now Chippewa County International A 9/20/1957 #14020  
f Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan Truax AFB [now Truax Field Air National Guard  9/20/1957 #14020  
ted by two F-102 jets from Kinross AFB [now Chippewa County International A 9/20/1957 #14020  
ie, Michigan, and later from Truax AFB [now Truax Field Air National Guard  9/20/1957 #14020  
nnor and H. D. Bridgeman at Kadena AFB on Okinawa observed an object shaped 9/20/1957 #14021  
                          Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, NM Egg-shaped UFO hove 11/4/1957 #14273  
             Albuquerque (Kirtland AFB), NM Highly maneuverable 15-20 ft eg 11/4/1957 #14279  
                          Holloman AFB, New Mexico Orogrande, New Mexico Sa 11/4/1957 #14286  
electronics technician at Holloman AFB, New Mexico, is driving on US 54 abo 11/4/1957 #14286  
                          Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico Manzano N 11/4/1957 #14289  
se circle over one end of Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico, at 150–2 11/4/1957 #14289  
                             Eglin AFB, FL (McDonald list) AN/FPS-16 Tracks 11/5/1957 #14326  
                            Cannon AFB, NM 17 Targets of Slow-Moving Object 11/6/1957 #14394  
                            Laredo AFB, TX (McDonald list) GCA Picks Up Mor 11/6/1957 #14399  
                          Whiteman AFB, MO Whiteman AFB, Missouri, G , (McD 11/6/1957 #14408  
         Whiteman AFB, MO Whiteman AFB, Missouri, G , (McDonald list) (NICA 11/6/1957 #14408  
                         Harlingen AFB, TX (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NI 11/7/1957 #14454  
                  Wright-Patterson AFB Dayton, Ohio Spencer Whedon, chief o 11/8/1957 #14488  
r Intelligence at Wright-Patterson AFB near Dayton, Ohio, tells the press t 11/8/1957 #14488  
 Washington, D.C. Wright-Patterson AFB An Air Force car with two officers c 11/17/1957 #14571  
 stops briefly at Wright-Patterson AFB to pick up one officer and drop anot 11/17/1957 #14571  
                             Eglin AFB, FL USAF B-66 crew saw 3 objects, tr 11/25/1957 #14611  
                            Robins AFB, GA Many saw silver, cigar-shaped ob 11/26/1957 #14626  
                            Robins AFB, Georgia Witnesses: three control to 11/26/1957 #14627  
mbridge Research Center at Hanscom AFB in Bedford, Massachusetts Two German 11/29/1957 #14639  
mbridge Research Center at Hanscom AFB in Bedford, Massachusetts. Its missi 11/29/1957 #14639  
spent four hours with two Kirtland AFB officers who told him of similar obs 12/8/1957 #14690  
       Woodward, Oklahoma Kirtland AFB in New Mexico 5:30 p.m. A disc-shape 12/8/1957 #14691  
rs with two officers from Kirtland AFB in New Mexico who tell him of simila 12/8/1957 #14691  
ly through the sky over Lockbourne AFB, Ohio. It was sighted by the crew of 12/11/1957 #14714  
                           Edwards AFB, California A USAF pilot attains 1,2 12/12/1957 #14720  
McDonnell F-101A Voodoo at Edwards AFB, California.                         12/12/1957 #14720  
                        Pepperrell AFB, Newfoundland, CAN Red Egg-Shaped Ob 12/19/1957 #14750  
ed in the southwest corner of Hill AFB and the door was left open for USAF  1958 #14784  
ethe was taken to Wright-Patterson AFB in the US, while Habermohl was alleg 1958 #14787  
                          Lackland AFB San Antonio, Texas Lackland AFB in S 1/1958 #14792  
nd AFB San Antonio, Texas Lackland AFB in San Antonio, Texas, asks for Keyh 1/1958 #14792  
                    El Paso (Biggs AFB), TX (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Un 1/9/1958 #14814  
                           Langley AFB, Virginia Capt. G. H. Oldenburgh, pu 1/23/1958 #14840  
lic information officer at Langley AFB, Virginia, writes to a NICAP member  1/23/1958 #14840  
                            Gander AFB, Newfoundland, CAN Radar Tracks Zigz 2/25/1958 #14892  
                         Maelstrom AFB, Montana Maelstrom AFB, Montana: Jus 5/1958 #15006  
  Maelstrom AFB, Montana Maelstrom AFB, Montana: Just after midnight an UFO 5/1958 #15006  
                         Malmstrom AFB, MT Object Flies Low Over Base, Trac 5/15/1958 #15033  
                          Lackland AFB San Antonio, Texas Lackland AFB’s ch 5/15/1958 #15036  
nd AFB San Antonio, Texas Lackland AFB’s chief of education planning for th 5/15/1958 #15036  
                           Edwards AFB, California USAF Capt. Walter W. Irw 5/16/1958 #15038  
eed YF-104A Starfighter at Edwards AFB, California.                         5/16/1958 #15038  
                          Lackland AFB San Antonio, Texas Lackland AFB in S 6/1958 #15070  
nd AFB San Antonio, Texas Lackland AFB in San Antonio, Texas, has prepared  6/1958 #15070  
                          Holloman AFB, New Mexico Evening. A mechanic at H Summer 1958 #15112  
co Evening. A mechanic at Holloman AFB, New Mexico, allegedly sees a disc-l Summer 1958 #15112  
                           England AFB (near), LA State policeman photograp 6/23/1958 #15115  
                             Pease AFB in Portsmouth CFB Goose Bay Night. A 7/1958 #15130  
Force Base in New Hampshire [Pease AFB in Portsmouth?] from Goose Bay [now  7/1958 #15130  
                           Chitose AFB, Japan Radar-visual sighting of circ 7/17/1958 #15146  
                         Malmstrom AFB, MT (McDonald list) Delta Craft Obse 8/4/1958 #15179  
                     Killeen (Gray AFB), TX (McDonald list) Uncorrelated Ta 8/30/1958 #15231  
                           Wheelus AFB, Tripoli, N. Africa A round, blue-wh 9/1/1958 #15244  
                           Wheelus AFB, Libya Witness:  Philco technical re 9/1/1958 #15246  
nd, bluish-white object at Wheelus AFB, Libya. It was flying at varying spe 9/1/1958 #15247  
  Minot (Miles City AFS, Ellsworth AFB), ND Uncorrelated Targets Vanish Whe 9/7/1958 #15257  
                    SAC HQ, Offutt AFB, Omaha, NE Offutt air traffic contro 9/8/1958 #15260  
                            Offutt AFB, Omaha, Nebraska Los Angeles AFB in  9/8/1958 #15261  
t AFB, Omaha, Nebraska Los Angeles AFB in El Segundo, California 6:40 p.m.  9/8/1958 #15261  
do, California 6:40 p.m. At Offutt AFB, Omaha, Nebraska, SAC Operations Off 9/8/1958 #15261  
tic Missiles Division, Los Angeles AFB in El Segundo, California; many othe 9/8/1958 #15261  
Duich and several others at Offutt AFB, Nebraska saw a rocket-like UFO with 9/8/1958 #15262  
                           Wheelus AFB, Tripoli, Libya Unidentified Returns 9/14/1958 #15266  
                           Kindley AFB, Bermuda (McDonald list) Red Object  9/23/1958 #15278  
FOSI about a UFO crash near Hunter AFB in Georgia. He denotes Soviet satell 10/30/1958 #15404  
                              Pope AFB, NC Object On Collision Course With  11/4/1958 #15424  
                              Pope AFB Fayetteville, North Carolina 9:03 p. 11/4/1958 #15425  
round- controlled approach to Pope AFB [now Pope Field] in Fayetteville, No 11/4/1958 #15425  
                           Montauk AFB, Long Island, NY (McDonald list) (NI 11/19/1958 #15451  
is located eight miles from George AFB. Their pet dogs began howling and ra 2/24/1959 #15607  
         60 MI SSE / GD.BAHAMA AUX.AFB RADAR blip circles 2X and figure-8 m 3/10/1959 #15632  
                         Ellsworth AFB, SD (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Dis 3/14/1959 #15644  
lic Information Officer at McChord AFB. Several persons told APRG investiga 4/1/1959 #15686  
  Sumner Orting Washington McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewis-McChord] Tacom 4/1/1959 #15688  
hour after taking off from McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewis-McChord] in Ta 4/1/1959 #15688  
                             Pease AFB, NH (McDonald list) Three Radars Hav 5/2/1959 #15721  
                  Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio Hynek’s newly formed 5/5/1959 #15723  
 first meeting at Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio. The panel consists  5/5/1959 #15723  
                     Omaha (Offutt AFB), NE (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Di 5/13/1959 #15728  
      Military witnesses at Offutt AFB, Nebraska, a civilian ATC, and all o 5/13/1959 #15730  
                  Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio The UFO Advisory Panel meets at 7/27/1959 #15881  
ry Panel meets at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio to discuss trends and statis 7/27/1959 #15881  
                         Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Pilot saw large star- 8/10/1959 #15901  
                             Goose AFB, Labrador, Canada Witness: Royal Can 8/10/1959 #15902  
New Mexico Roswell Corona Kirtland AFB 4:00 p.m. Pilot Jack H. Goldsberry,  8/13/1959 #15913  
and orders him to land at Kirtland AFB, where he is interrogated by a USAF  8/13/1959 #15913  
                          Westover AFB, MA B-52 On Flight Line Tracks Seven 9/1959 #15949  
mpoc, California Francis E. Warren AFB Cheyenne, Wyoming The first Atlas-D  9/9/1959 #15962  
uccessfully launched at Vandenberg AFB [now Vandenberg Space Force Base] ne 9/9/1959 #15962  
goes on alert at Francis E. Warren AFB, west of Cheyenne, Wyoming. It is eq 9/9/1959 #15962  
                       Bunker Hill AFB, IN Nearly motionless white,cream an 9/13/1959 #15968  
                       Bunker Hill AFB, Indiana Witnesses:  at least two co 9/13/1959 #15970  
                          Kirtland AFB Albuquerque New Mexico 9:58 p.m. A r 9/13/1959 #15971  
adar target is tracked at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico, moving a 9/13/1959 #15971  
rol tower operators at Bunker Hill AFB, Indiana plus the pilot of a Mooney  9/13/1959 #15974  
                            Kadena AFB, Okinawa Radar Target Illuminated By 9/15/1959 #15979  
 Flight Research Center at Edwards AFB, California The first powered X-15 f 9/17/1959 #15981  
 Flight Research Center at Edwards AFB, California.                         9/17/1959 #15981  
trol Center in Washington Hamilton AFB [now closed], Novato, California Por 9/24/1959 #15987  
ich in turn reports it to Hamilton AFB [now closed], Novato, California, wh 9/24/1959 #15987  
                          Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico 9:20 a.m. 10/1/1959 #16007  
west course is tracked at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico. At 10:29 10/1/1959 #16007  
                           McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewis-McChord] near  10/2/1959 #16011  
rcules radar site (#13) at McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewis-McChord] near  10/2/1959 #16011  
aron Crawfordville, Georgia Robins AFB, Georgia 1:00 p.m. Multiple witnesse 10/12/1959 #16030  
and Materials Laboratory at Robins AFB, Georgia. No unusual elements are di 10/12/1959 #16030  
                           Langley AFB (N of), VA (McDonald list) (NICAP: 0 10/19/1959 #16039  
                            Loring AFB (near), ME (McDonald list) (NICAP: 0 10/22/1959 #16050  
                           Montauk AFB, Long Island, NY Three Radars Track  11/5/1959 #16080  
                           Edwards AFB, California USAF Maj. Joseph Rogers  12/15/1959 #16120  
onvair F-106 Delta Dart at Edwards AFB, California.                         12/15/1959 #16120  
 states jet fighters from Zaragoza AFB, Spain were scrambled and began inte 1960 #16145  
                    James Connally AFB [now TSTC Waco Airport] near Waco, T Early 1960 #16146  
scending to land at James Connally AFB [now TSTC Waco Airport] near Waco, T Early 1960 #16146  
n Air Force T-33 inbound to Nellis AFB also confirmed its pilot had also se 1/3/1960 #16149  
 of a Feb. 1954 meeting at Edwards AFB.                                     1/31/1960 #16159  
                              Rome AFB, NY Light trailing a white fan shape 2/27/1960 #16184  
                              Rome AFB, New York Witnesses: control tower o 2/27/1960 #16185  
-shaped UFO in the skies over Rome AFB, New York at 6:27 p.m. Five military 2/27/1960 #16187  
                   Richards-Gebaur AFB, MO (Berliner) (NICAP: 01 - Distant  4/17/1960 #16231  
                  Richards-Gebauer AFB, Missouri Witnesses:  USAF Maj. J.G. 4/17/1960 #16232  
Alaska Dillingham Wright Patterson AFB A silver-colored round object, 20–25 5/19/1960 #16289  
the sighting.” At Wright Patterson AFB, Blue Book analysts classify it as a 5/19/1960 #16289  
                              Miho AFB (2 miles E of), Japan Pilot Sees Obl 7/14/1960 #16336  
                        Vandenberg AFB [now Vandenberg Space Force Base], C 8/10/1960 #16367  
ellite is launched from Vandenberg AFB [now Vandenberg Space Force Base], C 8/10/1960 #16367  
                          Sheppard AFB, Wichita Falls, TX OSI document says 9/28/1960 #16464  
                            Nellis AFB complex Area 51 Reynolds Electrical  10/1960 #16472  
tion of “Project 51” at the Nellis AFB complex in Nevada with double-shift  10/1960 #16472  
               Area 51 Near Nellis AFB, NE: “Mat”, a radio maintenance engi 1961 #16544  
re quadrant of land east of Nellis AFB. This Project “involved flight-testi 1961 #16544  
ad been shipped there from Edwards AFB.” The craft flew silently, was about 1961 #16544  
                          Holloman AFB Cimarron, New Mexico 6:17 p.m. A for 1/17/1961 #16580  
former weather officer at Holloman AFB is driving with some companions near 1/17/1961 #16580  
                             Eglin AFB, FL An elliptical UFO, metallic look 1/22/1961 #16585  
                             Eglin AFB Valparaiso, Florida 4:45 p.m. An ell 1/22/1961 #16587  
allic-looking UFO approaches Eglin AFB near Valparaiso, Florida, from over  1/22/1961 #16587  
                            Misawa AFB, Japan (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 -  2/23/1961 #16601  
                           Tyndall AFB, FL (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Dis 2/26/1961 #16602  
                           Waverly AFB, IA (McDonald list) (NICAP: 09 - RAD 2/28/1961 #16613  
F-86 was ever found. (ref. Kinross AFB where an F-89 with crew of two merge 5/1961 #16669  
                           Maxwell AFB, Montgomery, AL Dime-Shaped Object O 5/20/1961 #16690  
                           Tyndall AFB, FL Gnd Radar Tracks Object Chased B 5/20/1961 #16691  
                           Tyndall AFB, FL Big silver-dollar disc hover and 5/22/1961 #16692  
                           Tyndall AFB, Florida Witnesses:  Mrs. A.J. Jones 5/22/1961 #16693  
            Mercury, Nevada Nellis AFB A civilian weather observer sees an  6/3/1961 #16716  
 U-2 aircraft flying out of Nellis AFB.                                     6/3/1961 #16716  
                            Travis AFB Fairfield, California Sacramento Val Summer 1961 #16735  
ter Interceptor Squadron at Travis AFB in Fairfield, California, are scramb Summer 1961 #16735  
                               Ent AFB [now the US Olympic Training Center] 7/1/1961 #16742  
he USAF Air Defense Command at Ent AFB [now the US Olympic Training Center] 7/1/1961 #16742  
 hill at Laverton Royal Australian AFB, Victoria, Australia. It make an asc 9/8/1961 #16822  
                    Lincoln (Pease AFB), NH Radar Tracks Object Before & Af 9/19/1961 #16851  
                             Pease AFB Portsmouth, New Hampshire 2:14 a.m.  9/20/1961 #16861  
uth, New Hampshire 2:14 a.m. Pease AFB [now Pease Air National Guard Base]  9/20/1961 #16861  
                             Pease AFB Betty Hill calls Pease AFB and repor 9/21/1961 #16866  
  Pease AFB Betty Hill calls Pease AFB and reports her UFO incident (withou 9/21/1961 #16866  
weather observer at Indian Springs AFB, Nevada saw several objects on a 20  9/30/1961 #16881  
radar 45 miles southeast of Nellis AFB.  The object was tracked for approxi 9/30/1961 #16881  
[now closed] in Granger, Utah Hill AFB near Ogden Wright-Patterson AFB in O 10/2/1961 #16889  
ll AFB near Ogden Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio Around 12:00 noon. Waldo J.  10/2/1961 #16889  
e airport. Investigators from Hill AFB near Ogden arrive quickly. Airport a 10/2/1961 #16889  
ouglas M. Crouch forwards the Hill AFB official report, including transcrip 10/2/1961 #16889  
of interviews, to Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio, saying “No unusual meteorol 10/2/1961 #16889  
                               Ent AFB Colorado Springs, Colorado The AFCIN 11/13/1961 #16962  
telligence Service Squadron at Ent AFB [now the US Olympic Training Center] 11/13/1961 #16962  
                           Edwards AFB, California US Navy pilot Robert G.  11/22/1961 #16972  
las F4H-1F Phantom II over Edwards AFB, California.                         11/22/1961 #16972  
who works as a supervisor at Minot AFB hospital, and two of the others, one Late 11/1961 #16978  
icane evacuation from Myrtle Beach AFB. He and five men walked through the  1962 #17012  
  When he returned to Myrtle Beach AFB he was debriefed by his Brig. Gen. a 1962 #17012  
                        Winnemucca AFB, NV (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Dis 1/12/1962 #17019  
                        Winnemucca AFB, NV (McDonald list) Object Tracked B 2/12/1962 #17048  
                   Clinton-Sherman AFB [now the Clinton-Sherman Industrial  Spring 1962 #17078  
the theater at the Clinton-Sherman AFB [now the Clinton-Sherman Industrial  Spring 1962 #17078  
                          Ramstein AFB, West Germany Missile-Like Object Ob 3/26/1962 #17083  
                  Wright Patterson AFB Flight Commander P.J. (initials), at 4/1962 #17093  
g was deployed at Wright-Patterson AFB and mistakenly entered into an air h 4/1962 #17093  
ger. P.J. returned to Myrtle Beach AFB, SC                                  4/1962 #17093  
ew York to Eureka, Utah, to Nellis AFB, various High speed brilliant maneuv 4/18/1962 #17119  
as Colorado Las Vegas, Nevada Luke AFB near Phoenix, Arizona Nephi, Utah Le 4/18/1962 #17120  
Utah Reno, Nevada Las Vegas Nellis AFB Mesquite, Nevada Spring Mountain are 4/18/1962 #17120  
, Nevada Spring Mountain area Hill AFB, south of Ogden, Utah Evening. A red 4/18/1962 #17120  
ts several bases, including Nellis AFB near Las Vegas, Nevada. Fighters are 4/18/1962 #17120  
. Fighters are scrambled from Luke AFB near Phoenix, Arizona, and the jets  4/18/1962 #17120  
endous, flaming sword” over Nellis AFB and then disappears from their radar 4/18/1962 #17120  
 of criminal investigation at Hill AFB, south of Ogden, Utah. They determin 4/18/1962 #17120  
g ICBM bases: New York (Plattsburg AFB); Kansas, (Forbes AFB and McConnell  4/18/1962 #17120  
 (Plattsburg AFB); Kansas, (Forbes AFB and McConnell AFB); Utah (Minuteman  4/18/1962 #17120  
 Kansas, (Forbes AFB and McConnell AFB); Utah (Minuteman production at Air  4/18/1962 #17120  
tion at Air Force Plant 77 at Hill AFB); Idaho (Mountain Home AFB); Montana 4/18/1962 #17120  
at Hill AFB); Idaho (Mountain Home AFB); Montana (Malmstrom AFB); New Mexic 4/18/1962 #17120  
tain Home AFB); Montana (Malmstrom AFB); New Mexico (Walker AFB); Wyoming ( 4/18/1962 #17120  
Malmstrom AFB); New Mexico (Walker AFB); Wyoming (F. E. Warren AFB); Arizon 4/18/1962 #17120  
Walker AFB); Wyoming (F. E. Warren AFB); Arizona (Davis Monthan AFB); Calif 4/18/1962 #17120  
arren AFB); Arizona (Davis Monthan AFB); California (Beale AFB).            4/18/1962 #17120  
is Monthan AFB); California (Beale AFB).                                    4/18/1962 #17120  
tween Mud Lake, Nevada and Edwards AFB in California two disc-shaped craft  4/29/1962 #17135  
                           Edwards AFB, CA X-15 flight, piloted by Joe Walk 4/30/1962 #17138  
                           Edwards AFB, California Ely, Nevada Seattle, Was 4/30/1962 #17141  
ilot Joseph A. Walker from Edwards AFB, California, to Ely, Nevada, the ins 4/30/1962 #17141  
                           Edwards AFB, CA X-15 flight, Maj. Bob White pilo 7/17/1962 #17277  
                           Edwards AFB, California Maj. Robert Michael Whit 7/17/1962 #17279  
g Flight 62 of the X-15 at Edwards AFB, California. He flies it to 314,750  7/17/1962 #17279  
     Oracle, Arizona Davis-Monthan AFB outside Tucson Midnight. A contract  8/7/1962 #17328  
o inside and contact Davis-Monthan AFB outside Tucson, which sends out two  8/7/1962 #17328  
.[This is in the area of the Lowry AFB Titan I ICBM Complex]. (NICAP: 02 -  8/15/1962 #17334  
                           Palermo AFB, NY UFO Incident During the Cuban Mi 10/1962 #17448  
          Moore, Montana Malmstrom AFB complex Night. A Boeing security gua 10/2/1962 #17451  
nch site that is part of Malmstrom AFB complex], sees a tear-shaped object  10/2/1962 #17451  
                            Larson AFB [now Grant County International Airp 10/2/1962 #17452  
irmen on security patrol at Larson AFB [now Grant County International Airp 10/2/1962 #17452  
                            Forbes AFB [now Topeka Regional Airport], Topek 10/12/1962 #17468  
low meteor is observed over Forbes AFB [now Topeka Regional Airport], Topek 10/12/1962 #17468  
                          Laughlin AFB, Del Rio, Texas San Cristóbal, Pinar 10/14/1962 #17471  
 Richard S. Heyser out of Laughlin AFB, Del Rio, Texas, takes 928 pictures  10/14/1962 #17471  
                            Loring AFB Loring Commerce Centre Limestone, Ma Late 10/1962 #17496  
ss bombers are returning to Loring AFB [now the Loring Commerce Centre] nea Late 10/1962 #17496  
[In this area is the Davis Monthan AFB Titan II Missile Site, home of the 3 7/2/1963 #17823  
                           Edwards AFB California The first flight of the U 8/7/1963 #17877  
nterceptor, takes place at Edwards AFB in California.                       8/7/1963 #17877  
e C. Nelson states while at Walker AFB, NM, he was on duty at Atlas Site 9  Late 1963 #17989  
Quincy Center, Massachusetts Pease AFB The Hills give a presentation at the 11/3/1963 #18027  
ession is Capt. Ben Swett of Pease AFB, himself a practicing hypnotist, who 11/3/1963 #18027  
                            Walker AFB Roswell, New Mexico Atlas missile si Winter 1963 #18090  
at least three incidents at Walker AFB [now closed] at Roswell, New Mexico, Winter 1963 #18090  
                          Holloman AFB USAF Intelligence officer meets with 4/15/1964 #18174  
desert of New Mexico near Holloman AFB. Project SIGMA operates at AFB, New  4/15/1964 #18174  
man AFB. Project SIGMA operates at AFB, New Mexico.                         4/15/1964 #18174  
White Sands Missile Range Kirtland AFB Goddard Space Flight Center Around 5 4/24/1964 #18200  
 Maj. William Conner from Kirtland AFB check the area for radioactivity on  4/24/1964 #18200  
                             Minot AFB, ND (McDonald list) Radar Tracks Obj 4/28/1964 #18214  
                          Holloman AFB, Alamogordo, New Mexico Alamogordo A 4/30/1964 #18231  
lamogordo A B-57 pilot at Holloman AFB, Alamogordo, New Mexico, radios to t 4/30/1964 #18231  
 pilot and control tower. Holloman AFB denies the incident occurred. Shortl 4/30/1964 #18231  
n a hanger under guard at Holloman AFB. That same day, a B-57 pilot at Holl 4/30/1964 #18236  
same day, a B-57 pilot at Holloman AFB radios the control tower and states  4/30/1964 #18236  
                             Altus AFB, Oklahoma Ranchland, Texas 4:30 a.m. 5/21/1964 #18289  
anchland, Texas 4:30 a.m. At Altus AFB, Oklahoma, Missile Site 7, southeast 5/21/1964 #18289  
                   White Sands, NM AFB Twice Tracked UFO (NICAP: 09 - RADAR 5/24/1964 #18295  
                           Langley AFB, VA (McDonald list) Brilliant Object 7/24/1964 #18435  
                 Francis E. Warren AFB, Cheyenne, Wyoming Midnight. Air Pol 8/1964 #18467  
las complex near Francis E. Warren AFB, Cheyenne, Wyoming.                  8/1964 #18467  
                             Dover AFB in Delaware North Atlantic 12:35 a.m 8/18/1964 #18497  
port Wing, 200 miles east of Dover AFB in Delaware at 9,000 feet over the N 8/18/1964 #18497  
died Top Secret film at Vandenberg AFB, CA of a UAP shoot-down of a dummy n 9/1964 #18525  
hotographic Squadron at Vandenberg AFB [now Vandenberg Space Force Base] ne 9/15/1964 #18556  
       Hagerman, New Mexico Walker AFB Roswell, New Mexico Deputy Missile C Late 1964 #18583  
issile launch facilities at Walker AFB [now closed] in Roswell, New Mexico. Late 1964 #18583  
 Moore states that while at Walker AFB, NM, he was on duty in one of the 57 Late 1964 #18584  
 Georgetown, South Carolina Myrtle AFB [now Myrtle Beach International Airp 11/22/1964 #18632  
. Lissauer goes directly to Myrtle AFB [now Myrtle Beach International Airp 11/22/1964 #18632  
Force Colonel from Wight-Patterson AFB, that 2 live Aliens were held in cap 1965 #18679  
, D.C. US Capitol Building Andrews AFB in Maryland 4:20 p.m. At least 12 pe 1/11/1965 #18709  
wing jets, apparently from Andrews AFB in Maryland, are seen in pursuit, bu 1/11/1965 #18709  
                            Blaine AFB, WA Driver Avoids Collision With 30' 1/12/1965 #18714  
h Watsonville, California Hamilton AFB 2:00 a.m. TV repairman Sid Padrick i 1/30/1965 #18784  
reports his experience to Hamilton AFB [now closed] on February 4 and recei 1/30/1965 #18784  
en Anchorage, Alaska and Tachikawa AFB, Japan. The UFOs paced the aircraft  2/11/1965 #18811  
Williamsport, Pennsylvania Stewart AFB [now Stewart Air National Guard Base 3/2/1965 #18832  
he case is investigated by MacDill AFB in Tampa. Richard Hall supervises th 3/2/1965 #18832  
o an Air Force hospital at Stewart AFB [now Stewart Air National Guard Base 3/2/1965 #18832  
                           Keesler AFB, MS 40' Black Oval Object 500' Away  4/4/1965 #18893  
                           Keesler AFB, Mississippi Witnesses: USAF A/2c Co 4/4/1965 #18894  
                           Keesler AFB, MS USAF weather observer saw black  4/4/1965 #18895  
                           Keesler AFB, Mississippi. At 4:05 a.m. USAF Airm 4/4/1965 #18896  
                            Misawa AFB, Japan (McDonald list) Uncorrelated  4/10/1965 #18904  
                        McClelland AFB, CA Blue-White Object Too Fast For A 4/27/1965 #18922  
                           Edwards AFB, California Pilots Robert L. Stephen 5/1/1965 #18924  
h in a Lockheed YF- 12A at Edwards AFB, California. The YF-12A also reaches 5/1/1965 #18924  
                            Forbes AFB, KS Flat Silver Object Near Airbase  7/22/1965 #19159  
                          Carswell AFB, TX RAPCON Fails To Identify Low Fly 7/28/1965 #19195  
                          Carswell AFB [now Naval Air Station Fort Worth Jo 7/28/1965 #19196  
most directly overhead at Carswell AFB [now Naval Air Station Fort Worth Jo 7/28/1965 #19196  
d, Oklahoma Oklahoma City Carswell AFB [now Naval Air Station Fort Worth Jo 7/31/1965 #19220  
ve Base], Fort Worth, Texas Tinker AFB 1:05 a.m. Wynnewood, Oklahoma, polic 7/31/1965 #19220  
radar fixes are obtained at Tinker AFB in Oklahoma City and Carswell AFB [n 7/31/1965 #19220  
 AFB in Oklahoma City and Carswell AFB [now Naval Air Station Fort Worth Jo 7/31/1965 #19220  
shows UAP activity at F. E. Warren AFB’s missile sites. Written by Col. Don 7/31/1965 #19225  
                               Ent AFB, CO Military Observers Report 3-4 Ov 8/1/1965 #19238  
                          Whiteman AFB, MO (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Dis 8/1/1965 #19239  
                            Tinker AFB, OK Four Lights Observed, Radar Cont 8/1/1965 #19241  
t missile sites assigned to Warren AFB, for a total of 148 objects seen by  8/1/1965 #19242  
                            Tinker AFB, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Norman, Okl 8/1/1965 #19244  
n from the control tower at Tinker AFB, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. T/Sgt John 8/1/1965 #19244  
Oklahoma, 20 miles south of Tinker AFB. The duration is 90 minutes. An Air  8/1/1965 #19244  
our technicians from Niagara Falls AFB investigated the case. They found no 8/5/1965 #19328  
                          Whiteman AFB, MO Radar At Minuteman Site Tracks U 8/11/1965 #19364  
                             Pease AFB, NH CPN-18 Tracks UFO / Visual Sight 8/20/1965 #19436  
                           Glasgow AFB, MT Round Silver Object Maneuvers Ov 8/28/1965 #19469  
ter police station Route 150 Pease AFB [now Pease Air National Guard Base]  9/3/1965 #19511  
me, the police station calls Pease AFB [now Pease Air National Guard Base]  9/3/1965 #19511  
                  Wright-Patterson AFB USAF Director of Information Gen. Eu 9/28/1965 #19619  
hnology Division (Wright-Patterson AFB). He also requests that a “working s 9/28/1965 #19619  
                      Exeter Pease AFB John G. Fuller summarizes the Exeter 10/2/1965 #19638  
-record information from the Pease AFB indicates frequent radar blips and f 10/2/1965 #19638  
                           Edwards AFB, CA Ground radar tracked 12 objects  10/7/1965 #19646  
                           Edwards AFB, CA Major alert. Audio recordings (N 10/7/1965 #19647  
                           Edwards AFB, CA Radar-visual sighting of 12 UFOs 10/7/1965 #19648  
                            Sawyer AFB, MI KC-135 Crew Watches Object Accel 10/14/1965 #19656  
                          Anderson AFB, Guam 24 total Radar Sightings (NICA 10/27/1965 #19683  
    Exeter, New Hampshire Westover AFB [now Westover Air Reserve Base] near 10/27/1965 #19684  
itude SAC exercise out of Westover AFB [now Westover Air Reserve Base] near 10/27/1965 #19684  
nsylvania Johnson Atoll Vandenberg AFB 4:47 p.m. A large, brilliant firebal 12/9/1965 #19762  
-4A 1027, launched from Vandenberg AFB [now Vandenberg Space Force Base] on 12/9/1965 #19762  
security team member at Lockbourne AFB near Columbus, OH states he guarded  12/10/1965 #19764  
ed witnesses to the 4/1954 Edwards AFB meeting.                             1966 #19792  
sc craft with tail fins at MacDill AFB.  Pickett and his business partner H 1966 #19799  
                           Edwards AFB, California Pilots Alvin S. White an 1/12/1966 #19831  
American XB-70 Valkyrie at Edwards AFB, California.                         1/12/1966 #19831  
                  Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio A six-member Ad Hoc  2/3/1966 #19879  
O’Brien, meets at Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio. All but one (astron 2/3/1966 #19879  
ology Division at Wright-Patterson AFB.                                     2/22/1966 #19912  
r and Hillsdale, MI G,V, Selfridge AFB & UFOs over L. Erie (NICAP: 09 - RAD 3/14/1966 #19964  
 and climbing, hovering. Selfridge AFB confirmed tracking UFOs over Lake Er 3/14/1966 #19965  
xter, Michigan Lake Erie Selfridge AFB Mount Clemens 3:30 –5:30 a.m. Washte 3/14/1966 #19966  
isdictions are involved. Selfridge AFB [now Selfridge Air National Guard Ba 3/14/1966 #19966  
adar over Lake Erie from Selfridge AFB in Michigan. The objects displayed e 3/14/1966 #19968  
hine or hum. He notified Selfridge AFB which immediately sent out MP’s, wel 3/21/1966 #20014  
                          Sheppard AFB (near Wichita Falls, Texas) US Highw 3/23/1966 #20050  
le, Oklahoma 5:05 a.m. As Sheppard AFB (near Wichita Falls, Texas) civilian 3/23/1966 #20050  
                         Selfridge AFB Selfridge Air National Guard Base Mo 3/25/1966 #20080  
es a press conference at Selfridge AFB [now Selfridge Air National Guard Ba 3/25/1966 #20080  
                         Malmstrom AFB, MT UFOs, alarms, 10 missiles inoper 4/1966 #20188  
                          Anderson AFB, Guam Radar Sighting, #6 of 24 Incid 4/5/1966 #20234  
                      F. E. Warren AFB, WY UFO over missile silo (NUFORC) ( 4/15/1966 #20297  
                          Anderson AFB, Guam Radar Sighting, #7 of 24 Incid 4/27/1966 #20423  
                          Whiteman AFB, MO Multi witness, daylight landing, 5/1966 #20436  
                        Goodfellow AFB, TX Short, cylindrical object with p 5/7/1966 #20457  
                        Goodfellow AFB, Texas Witness:  A/3c W.L. Whitehead 5/7/1966 #20458  
                  Wright-Patterson AFB Dayton, Ohio James McDonald has obta 6/6/1966 #20535  
rch to travel to Wright- Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio, and examine the Blu 6/6/1966 #20535  
theast. Investigation by Selfridge AFB.                                     6/13/1966 #20557  
east in the direction of Selfridge AFB.                                     6/13/1966 #20558  
                          Whiteman AFB, MO Military sighting of saucer like 6/15/1966 #20561  
                         Ellsworth AFB H-01 missile launch facility southwe 6/25/1966 #20610  
e the air space over the Ellsworth AFB H-01 missile launch facility southwe 6/25/1966 #20610  
                          Anderson AFB, Guam Air Intercept & Radar Tracks ( 6/28/1966 #20619  
                  Wright-Patterson AFB Dayton, Ohio On James E. McDonald’s  6/30/1966 #20622  
s second visit to Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio, his request for a p 6/30/1966 #20622  
                  Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio James E. McDonald’s third vi 7/20/1966 #20660  
’s third visit to Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio. He is again denied a copy o 7/20/1966 #20660  
served by another officer. Andrews AFB denied to a County police dispatcher 8/1/1966 #20715  
by another police officer. Andrews AFB denied to a County police dispatcher 8/1/1966 #20719  
                             Minot AFB, ND Missile site personnel sight a m 8/24/1966 #20800  
                             Minot AFB M-6 Minuteman launch site southeast  8/24/1966 #20802  
ht high in the sky above the Minot AFB M-6 Minuteman launch site southeast  8/24/1966 #20802  
                         Malmstrom AFB Conrad, Montana Pondera County 1:30  9/1966 #20826  
bservation at one of the Malmstrom AFB missile launch facilities near Conra 9/1966 #20826  
r TV set became blurred near Kelly AFB, Texas. They observed a fantastic sp 9/3/1966 #20844  
                    Suffolk County AFB, NY White cylinder of light come fro 9/6/1966 #20853  
                    Suffolk County AFB, New York Witnesses:  Stahl and Lade 9/6/1966 #20854  
firmation of the object from Pease AFB.                                     11/22/1966 #21145  
                         Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Pilot and ground rada 1/7/1967 #21271  
 Michigan Lake St. Clair Selfridge AFB [now Selfridge Air National Guard Ba 1/9/1967 #21277  
m but give an officer at Selfridge AFB [now Selfridge Air National Guard Ba 1/9/1967 #21277  
ouds from rocket launched at Eglin AFB, FL, blue-green color, visible over  1/16/1967 #21321  
                               Ent AFB [now the US Olympic Training Center] 2/6/1967 #21470  
 (useless for UFOs) moves from Ent AFB [now the US Olympic Training Center] 2/6/1967 #21470  
Special Weapons Center at Kirtland AFB, New Mexico.                         2/20/1967 #21607  
                           Glasgow AFB, MT (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) MG- 2/23/1967 #21628  
      Cuba South America Homestead AFB [now Homestead Air Reserve Base] in  3/1967 #21700  
quadron headquartered at Homestead AFB [now Homestead Air Reserve Base] in  3/1967 #21700  
                             Minot AFB, ND Disc Hoveres 500' Over Missile S 3/5/1967 #21761  
                             Minot AFB, ND Radar tracked object descending  3/5/1967 #21762  
                             Minot AFB, North Dakota Minuteman ICBM missile 3/5/1967 #21765  
ic Missile Wing ADC radar at Minot AFB, North Dakota, tracks an unidentifie 3/5/1967 #21765  
red over a missile site near Minot AFB, North Dakota. Reported by the guard 3/5/1967 #21769  
                         Malmstrom AFB Great Falls, Montana Judith Basin Ni Mid 3/1967 #21891  
time job as a janitor in Malmstrom AFB near Great Falls, Montana. One night Mid 3/1967 #21891  
                         Malmstrom AFB, MT "Echo Flight" Missile Incident ( 3/16/1967 #21901  
                         Malmstrom AFB, MT Security guards saw glowing red  3/16/1967 #21903  
                         Malmstrom AFB Echo-Flight missile launch facility  3/16/1967 #21904  
Montana 8:30 a.m. At the Malmstrom AFB Echo-Flight missile launch facility  3/16/1967 #21904  
, copy in NICAP files.) [Malmstrom AFB, MT, Minuteman ICBM Complex] (NICAP: 3/23/1967 #21954  
                         Malmstrom AFB (Nr. Roy), MT Oscar Flight / Malmstr 3/24/1967 #21967  
 Roy), MT Oscar Flight / Malmstrom AFB Missile Incident (NICAP: 03 - EME Ca 3/24/1967 #21967  
n. At dawn, police and a Malmstrom AFB helicopter made a search, with negat 3/24/1967 #21968  
                         Malmstrom AFB Roy, Montana Launch Control Center S 3/24/1967 #21973  
ning. An airman with the Malmstrom AFB Oscar-Flight Launch Control Center f 3/24/1967 #21973  
hway 87/89 Belt, Montana Malmstrom AFB 9:00 p.m. Truck driver Ken Williams  3/24/1967 #21974  
ce and a helicopter from Malmstrom AFB conduct a search without success.    3/24/1967 #21974  
                         Malmstrom AFB, MT Radar/visual, UFO 10 missiles sh 3/30/1967 #22014  
                         Malmstrom AFB, Great Falls, Montana A bright white 4/10/1967 #22105  
nuteman launch site near Malmstrom AFB, Great Falls, Montana, for prolonged 4/10/1967 #22105  
                             Ramey AFB(Shoreline at NE corner of), Puerto R 4/16/1967 #22137  
                  Richards-Gebauer AFB (near), MO 9:30 p.m. CDT. At least s 7/3/1967 #22598  
ion China Lake Walker Pass Edwards AFB Boron AFS ADC radar site 10:17 p.m.  7/30/1967 #22754  
 miles) and is reported to Edwards AFB. Thus the visual sighting lines inte 7/30/1967 #22754  
                             Eglin AFB, FL 6:40 p.m. CDT. A man saw three w 8/5/1967 #22812  
                  Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio Saunders and Levine visit Wr 9/1967? #22970  
 and Levine visit Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio to look at the Project Blue  9/1967? #22970  
                  Colorado Edwards AFB, California The Colorado project obt 9/1/1967? #22977  
eport of a UFO sighting at Edwards AFB, California, on or around this date. 9/1/1967? #22977  
                         Kincheloe AFB, MI (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) 17  9/11/1967 #23038  
                         Kincheloe AFB [now Chippewa County International A 9/11/1967 #23046  
ng to radar operators at Kincheloe AFB [now Chippewa County International A 9/11/1967 #23046  
ved 11 /7/68, NICAP files.) [Minot AFB Minuteman ICBM Complex] (NICAP: 01 - 9/24/1967 #23126  
                        Vandenburg AFB, CA Condon Case 35 (NICAP: 09 - RADA 10/6/1967 #23183  
                        Vandenberg AFB Lompoc, California Pacific Ocean Nor 10/6/1967 #23185  
oast 7:00 p.m. Radar at Vandenberg AFB, near Lompoc, California, detects a  10/6/1967 #23185  
s were seen overhead at Vandenburg AFB, California. At least two objects we 10/6/1967 #23186  
                       Blytheville AFB, AR RAPCON Tracks Object Two Objects 10/21/1967 #23278  
outhwestern Illinois College Scott AFB 10:30 p.m. A witness is driving west 12/19/1967 #23595  
 to be heading toward nearby Scott AFB and the witness is familiar with the 12/19/1967 #23595  
                             Canon AFB, NM 1:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. On one pa 1968 #23622  
in Mead (see June 1972) at Edwards AFB pursued for decades, what Hal Puthof 1968 #23633  
this night a sentry at Cinco Picos AFB on the Azores Islands, Sr. Serafin V 2/1/1968 #23724  
lumbia Street Colton Avenue Norton AFB San Bernardino March AFB Riverside C 2/4/1968 #23734  
ue Norton AFB San Bernardino March AFB Riverside County 7:20 p.m. About 200 2/4/1968 #23734  
is not detected on radar at Norton AFB [now closed] near San Bernardino or  2/4/1968 #23734  
osed] near San Bernardino or March AFB [now March Air Reserve Base] in Rive 2/4/1968 #23734  
                  Wright-Patterson AFB Hynek replies to Condon, saying that 2/14/1968 #23757  
n offers to go to Wright-Patterson AFB and send him copies of good Blue Boo 2/14/1968 #23757  
7th at Ft. Belvoir, WPAFB, Andrews AFB and MacDill AFB that a diplomatic vi 3/1968 #23799  
ir, WPAFB, Andrews AFB and MacDill AFB that a diplomatic visit to Kathmandu 3/1968 #23799  
al.  Note: The presence of MacDill AFB on the cable is potentially signific 3/1968 #23799  
                           Eielson AFB, AK (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Fai 7/11/1968 #24168  
                         Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador Two US 9/4/1968 #24428  
lying in the vicinity of Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador, spot  9/4/1968 #24428  
                            Nellis AFB, NV Two military ATCs including supe 9/17/1968 #24473  
                             Minot AFB (About 30 miles NW of), ND Minot Tra 10/24/1968 #24586  
                             Minot AFB, North Dakota Bowbells, North Dakota 10/24/1968 #24587  
eman ICBM missile complex at Minot AFB, North Dakota, report a very large,  10/24/1968 #24587  
2 starts its descent back to Minot AFB, the UFO appears to close distance t 10/24/1968 #24587  
ired Colonel from Wright-Patterson AFB with Top Secret Clearance states tha 1969? #24799  
              Leary, Georgia Eglin AFB near Valparaiso, Florida 7:15 p.m. F 1/6/1969 #24821  
ced by rockets launched from Eglin AFB near Valparaiso, Florida.            1/6/1969 #24821  
; the objects hovered over Rissala AFB, Sweden and there was reported to be 4/12/1969 #25058  
                           Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama Washington, D 12/17/1969 #25501  
 Book records are moved to Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama, in a buildin 12/17/1969 #25501  
     Air Force Archives at Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama 3:30 p.m. Pro 1/30/1970 #25564  
 the Air Force Archives at Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama.              1/30/1970 #25564  
                  Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio Dayton Although the Air Forc 5/5/1970 #25655  
ology Division at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio continues to contract Hynek’ 5/5/1970 #25655  
e radars picked up a UFO a MacDill AFB in Tampa, Florida on this day.       5/26/1970 #25672  
 span of time. Officials at Nellis AFB said they had not received any repor 6/26/1971 #26195  
                         Malmstrom AFB, MT Rumors Of Red Alert & Possible M 1/15/1972 #26546  
                            George AFB, CA 1:00 a.m. Two airman at George A 6/19/1972 #26720  
 CA 1:00 a.m. Two airman at George AFB, California, verified each other's r 6/19/1972 #26720  
n unconfirmed radar track at Scott AFB. (SL-59, page 13) (NICAP: 02 - Close 7/31/1972 #26849  
a) International Airport Homestead AFB [now Homestead Air Reserve Base] in  9/14/1972 #26997  
ters are dispatched from Homestead AFB [now Homestead Air Reserve Base] in  9/14/1972 #26997  
                           McChord AFB, WA 2:00 p.m. Two airmen were instru 10/14/1972 #27074  
a) Golf and Country Club Homestead AFB [now Homestead Air Reserve Base] in  2/19/1973 #27298  
se] in Miami-Dade County Homestead AFB RAF Bentwaters [now closed] near Woo 2/19/1973 #27298  
 heavily secured area at Homestead AFB [now Homestead Air Reserve Base] in  2/19/1973 #27298  
rmation Act request with Homestead AFB. Bryant requests documentation on th 2/19/1973 #27298  
 an advertisement to the Homestead AFB newspaper soliciting information. Th 2/19/1973 #27298  
. Nixon is familiar with Homestead AFB, which is only minutes from his Bisc 2/19/1973 #27298  
ia, International Airport Holloman AFB, New Mexico Wright-Patterson AFB in  5/1973 #27460  
n AFB, New Mexico Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio A series of meetings takes p 5/1973 #27460  
71 UFO landing footage at Holloman AFB, New Mexico, that shows several of t 5/1973 #27460  
ief of requirements for the Norton AFB audiovisual program, promises to get 5/1973 #27460  
Emenegger goes to Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio to talk to Weinbrenner, who  5/1973 #27460  
 a UAP landing in 1971 at Holloman AFB, NM. Coleman and Weinbrenner claim t 5/1973 #27461  
                 Francis E. Warren AFB Golf launch control capsule missile  Autumn 1973 #27860  
commander at the Francis E. Warren AFB Golf launch control capsule missile  Autumn 1973 #27860  
                             Dyess AFB Abilene, Texas Offutt AFB Bellevue,  10/1973 #27902  
   Dyess AFB Abilene, Texas Offutt AFB Bellevue, Nebraska Night. Sgt. Micha 10/1973 #27902  
ice Squadron is stationed at Dyess AFB southwest of Abilene, Texas, when a  10/1973 #27902  
ic Air Command Headquarters Offutt AFB near Bellevue, Nebraska. Jenkins hea 10/1973 #27902  
 Security Police Squadron at Dyess AFB, TX worked security over nuclear-arm 10/1973 #27903  
d. A spokesman at Wright-Patterson AFB said there would be no attempt to in 10/10/1973 #27984  
ssissippi Pascagoula River Keesler AFB in Biloxi Mississippi Press Register 10/11/1973 #27997  
 later. They first contact Keesler AFB in Biloxi, but no one is interested; 10/11/1973 #27997  
                          Kirtland AFB Albuquerque, New Mexico Manzano Nucl 11/6/1973 #28376  
at the eastern portion of Kirtland AFB near Albuquerque, New Mexico, sees a 11/6/1973 #28376  
AP information at Wright-Patterson AFB when specifically asking about a “ro 12/28/1973 #28612  
lue-white lights at James Connally AFB. The object almost collides with the 12/28/1973 #28612  
                           Maxwell AFB, Alabama Don Berliner of the Fund fo 1/1974 #28636  
Project Blue Book files at Maxwell AFB, Alabama, which include many witness 1/1974 #28636  
                         Malmstrom AFB Romeo Flight missile alert facility  3/1974 #28830  
adron is on watch at the Malmstrom AFB Romeo Flight missile alert facility  3/1974 #28830  
ssfully to reach it, and Malmstrom AFB radar tracks the UFO. Later he learn 3/1974 #28830  
9 launch facility at the Malmstrom AFB Romeo Flight missile alert facility  3/1974 #28831  
 but is unsuccessful and Malmstrom AFB radar tracks the UAP. Electronics in 3/1974 #28831  
ijeras Canyon, New Mexico Kirtland AFB Manzano Nuclear Weapons Storage faci 4/15/1974 #29031  
rage facility attached to Kirtland AFB. The object changes course to the ea 4/15/1974 #29031  
                          Holloman AFB Alamogordo, New Mexico The documenta 5/9/1974 #29097  
lm shows stock footage of Holloman AFB, Alamogordo, New Mexico, and a recre 5/9/1974 #29097  
 Weapons Storage Facility Kirtland AFB Albuquerque, New Mexico Chilili, New 5/17/1974 #29109  
exico Chilili, New Mexico Kirtland AFB 10:10 p.m. Electronic scanning equip 5/17/1974 #29109  
rage Facility attached to Kirtland AFB near Albuquerque, New Mexico, regist 5/17/1974 #29109  
nsported into a hangar at Kirtland AFB.                                     5/17/1974 #29109  
l Boulevard Copper Avenue Kirtland AFB Sandia foothills Day. A resident of  5/28/1974 #29142  
ey wind up being taken to Kirtland AFB for interrogation by civilian intell 5/28/1974 #29142  
August 1973, he stated, Vandenberg AFB launched a Minuteman ICBM to Kwajale 7/17/1974 #29267  
Aztec, New Mexico Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio Hangar 18 Robert Spe 10/11/1974 #29521  
ing the bodies at Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio, in Hangar 18. The a 10/11/1974 #29521  
                       Grand Forks AFB Emerado, North Dakota 9:09 p.m. Air  10/14/1974 #29527  
e Bomber Alert Area of Grand Forks AFB near Emerado, North Dakota, see two  10/14/1974 #29527  
                         Wurtsmith AFB, MI UFO Chased By KC-135 Tanker (NIC 10/30/1974 #29569  
                            Loring AFB Ex-CIA Pilot John Lear stated "The m 1975 #29668  
                 Francis E. Warren AFB Tango-1 missile launch facility sout 1975 #29680  
ontroller at the Francis E. Warren AFB Tango-1 missile launch facility sout 1975 #29680  
        Wheatland County Malmstrom AFB K-01 Minuteman missile alert facilit 2/17/1975 #29820  
 about 500 feet near the Malmstrom AFB K-01 Minuteman missile alert facilit 2/17/1975 #29820  
ng up and down. Radar at Malmstrom AFB does not track anything.             2/17/1975 #29820  
ook files transferred from Maxwell AFB, Alabama, to Natignal Archives in Wa 3/1975 #29860  
           Lt. Col “X” of Carswell AFB states underground facilities and is 3/14/1975 #29900  
-tight suits and taken to Holloman AFB along with the craft; segments of th 3/14/1975 #29900  
                           Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama Blue Book fil 4/1975 #29930  
s by Air Force Archives at Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama, as the secur 4/1975 #29930  
     Air Force Archives at Maxwell AFB, AL withdraw Project Blue Book files 4/1975 #29931  
                  Wright-Patterson AFB Dayton, Ohio Day. A pilot testing so 5/6/1975 #30041  
lane southeast of Wright-Patterson AFB near Dayton, Ohio, sees three silver 5/6/1975 #30041  
 hour flying from Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio. The witness experienced a lap 5/6/1975 #30043  
                          Williams AFB, AZ An orange-red metallic disc flew 7/20/1975 #30191  
                          Holloman AFB Alamogordo, New Mexico 1:15 a.m. Sgt 8/13/1975 #30264  
es L. Moody, stationed at Holloman AFB, is out in the desert near Alamogord 8/13/1975 #30264  
 ND 4:00 a.m. Near the Grand Forks AFB ICMB Complex. Sandra Larson, age 32, 8/26/1975 #30309  
                            Loring AFB The Loring AFB incidents are extreme 10/27/1975 #30477  
             Loring AFB The Loring AFB incidents are extremely well documen 10/27/1975 #30477  
                            Loring AFB, ME UFO circles weapons storage area 10/27/1975 #30482  
                            Loring AFB, ME October 28, 1975; Objects with b 10/27/1975 #30484  
                            Loring AFB Loring International Airport Limesto 10/27/1975 #30487  
rolling the weapons dump at Loring AFB [now Loring International Airport] n 10/27/1975 #30487  
                            Loring AFB Limestone, Maine Hancock Field Air N 10/27/1975 #30488  
 Squadron is on duty at the Loring AFB [now Loring International Airport] t 10/27/1975 #30488  
ours, at the same time as a Loring AFB UFO incident. It stayed for 5-10 min 10/27/1975 #30490  
                            Loring AFB Confidential CINC/NORAD Report: UFOs 10/28/1975 #30492  
                            Loring AFB, ME 7:45 - 8:20 p.m. While patrollin 10/28/1975 #30500  
tified aircraft approaching Loring AFB from the north at an altitude of abo 10/28/1975 #30500  
                            Loring AFB near Limestone, Maine Grand Falls, N 10/28/1975 #30503  
tified aircraft approaching Loring AFB near Limestone, Maine, from the nort 10/28/1975 #30503  
unty, Maine at same time as Loring AFB radar picked up blips 15 miles east  10/28/1975 #30504  
                            Loring AFB NMCC Joint Staff Memo: Subject: AFB  10/29/1975 #30506  
FB NMCC Joint Staff Memo: Subject: AFB penetration. At 290200 EST, AFOC inf 10/29/1975 #30506  
een sighted flying low over Loring AFB, Maine, in proximity to a weapons st 10/29/1975 #30506  
                            Loring AFB, ME 1:00 a.m. EST. Actual transcript 10/29/1975 #30508  
the weapons storage area at Loring AFB, Maine. The helicopter was at an alt 10/29/1975 #30508  
 of 150 feet and penetrated Loring AFB. (SOURCE: 42 BW CP LORING AFB 291140 10/29/1975 #30508  
ring AFB. (SOURCE: 42 BW CP LORING AFB 291140Z OCT 75; SAC CP OPS CONTROL 2 10/29/1975 #30508  
                            Loring AFB, Maine Wurtsmith AFB [now Oscoda-Wur 10/29/1975 #30510  
       Loring AFB, Maine Wurtsmith AFB [now Oscoda-Wurtsmith Airport] near  10/29/1975 #30510  
the weapons storage area at Loring AFB, Maine. October 29 or 30 — 4:00 p.m. 10/29/1975 #30510  
 sighting takes place at Wurtsmith AFB [now Oscoda-Wurtsmith Airport] near  10/29/1975 #30510  
                         Wurtsmith AFB, MI Shiny Disc Hovers Over Restricte 10/30/1975 #30520  
                         Wurtsmith AFB, MI Security police and others watch 10/30/1975 #30521  
                         Wurtsmith AFB [now Oscoda-Wurtsmith Airport], Mich 10/30/1975 #30522  
lace in a secure area in Wurtsmith AFB [now Oscoda-Wurtsmith Airport], Mich 10/30/1975 #30522  
ers' around and over the Wurtsmith AFB in Oscoda, Michigan, a Strategic Air 10/30/1975 #30523  
                            Loring AFB (4 miles NW of), ME At 11:17 p.m. ES 10/31/1975 #30524  
rted 4 nautical miles NW of Loring AFB, Me. The alert helo was launched to  10/31/1975 #30524  
       4 miles northwest of Loring AFB, Maine 11:17 p.m. A visual sighting  10/31/1975 #30525  
ported 4 miles northwest of Loring AFB, Maine. The alert helicopter is laun 10/31/1975 #30525  
                       Grand Forks AFB Emerado, North Dakota Late night. Un 11/3/1975 #30546  
ate the flight line at Grand Forks AFB north of Emerado, North Dakota. At l 11/3/1975 #30546  
            Lewiston, MT Malmstrom AFB, Montana, RV,E-M (NICAP: 09 - RADAR  11/7/1975 #30573  
                         Malmstrom AFB, MT Targeting system tampered with ( 11/7/1975 #30574  
                         Malmstrom AFB, MT Base personnel saw orange disc t 11/7/1975 #30575  
                         Malmstrom AFB, Great Falls, Montana Judith Gap, Mo 11/7/1975 #30576  
sors trigger an alarm at Malmstrom AFB, Great Falls, Montana, indicating th 11/7/1975 #30576  
                         Malmstrom AFB, MT F-106's scrambled after UFOs (NI 11/8/1975 #30581  
                             Minot AFB, ND A long entry from the 24th NORAD 11/10/1975 #30593  
                             Minot AFB, North Dakota 10:15–11:20 p.m. A bri 11/10/1975 #30594  
. A bright light passes over Minot AFB, North Dakota, moving west to east a 11/10/1975 #30594  
dge Valley East, Ontario Selfridge AFB Selfridge Air National Guard Base Mo 11/11/1975 #30609  
F-106 jets are sent from Selfridge AFB [now Selfridge Air National Guard Ba 11/11/1975 #30609  
                            Offutt AFB near Bellevue, Nebraska Northern Tie 11/11/1975 #30611  
nt from SAC headquarters in Offutt AFB near Bellevue, Nebraska, to numerous 11/11/1975 #30611  
                            Cannon AFB, NM MEMO from NMCC by Rear Adm. J. B 1/21/1976 #30802  
ted near the flight line at Cannon AFB, N.M. Security Police report the UFO 1/21/1976 #30802  
                            Cannon AFB, NM Sometime before 3:55 a.m. MST. N 1/21/1976 #30808  
ted near the flight line at Cannon AFB, New Mexico. (Actual FOIA document)  1/21/1976 #30808  
                            Cannon AFB Clovis, New Mexico Wisconsin Clovis  1/21/1976 #30810  
FOs near the flight line at Cannon AFB, southwest of Clovis, New Mexico. Th 1/21/1976 #30810  
d been hypnotized. Near Vandenburg AFB                                      1/23/1976 #30816  
                             Eglin AFB, FL 4:30 EST (3:30 CST). UFOs were s 1/31/1976 #30835  
r, just like it happened in Loring AFB in 1975. This 31 jan 1976 NMCC memo  1/31/1976 #30835  
and Development Test Center, Eglin AFB, Florida called and reported a UFO s 1/31/1976 #30835  
velopment and Test Center at Eglin AFB southwest of Valparaiso, Florida 3:3 1/31/1976 #30836  
velopment and Test Center at Eglin AFB, southwest of Valparaiso, Florida. P 1/31/1976 #30836  
 KC-135 tanker flying over William AFB, Candler, California.                5/13/1976 #31049  
                             Beale AFB Marysville, California Capt. Eldon W 7/28/1976 #31188  
ockheed SR-71 Blackbird over Beale AFB near Marysville, California.         7/28/1976 #31188  
: Civilians reported an UFO to the AFB. The Iranian AF scrambled an America 9/19/1976 #31396  
                 Francis E. Warren AFB near Cheyenne, Wyoming 2:00 a.m. Mis Autumn 1976 #31421  
unch capsules at Francis E. Warren AFB near Cheyenne, Wyoming, with another Autumn 1976 #31421  
                         Ellsworth AFB Former USAF Sergeant, Mario Woods, c 1977 #31647  
t over a nuclear silo at Ellsworth AFB.                                     1977 #31647  
ment about a UAP landing at Nellis AFB in 1968 reading “Large UFO hovered o 1977 #31658  
ing “Large UFO hovered over Nellis AFB for three days. Three small alien cr 1977 #31658  
ource corroborated the 1968 Nellis AFB incident.  [Retrievals of the Third  1977 #31658  
                            Loring AFB Loring International Airport Limesto Summer 1977 #32181  
the Weapons Storage Area at Loring AFB [now Loring International Airport] n Summer 1977 #32181  
                           Chanute AFB [now closed] Rantoul, Illinois 10:15 10/13/1977 #32572  
nger is in his backyard at Chanute AFB [now closed] near Rantoul, Illinois, 10/13/1977 #32572  
                             Dyess AFB near Abilene, Texas Dallas Fort Wort 10/26/1977 #32617  
ter 12:45 p.m. En route from Dyess AFB near Abilene, Texas, to Dallas, crui 10/26/1977 #32617  
 Woods Jr., stationed at Ellsworth AFB, SD, states he flashed a spotlight a 11/1977 #32648  
                         Ellsworth AFB, SD Ellsworth AFB Hoax (NICAP: 02 -  11/16/1977 #32676  
       Ellsworth AFB, SD Ellsworth AFB Hoax (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)  11/16/1977 #32676  
                         Ellsworth AFB L-09 missile site Nisland, South Dak 11/16/1977 #32677  
. An alarm sounds at the Ellsworth AFB L-09 missile site 7 miles southwest  11/16/1977 #32677  
d flying over Fort Dix and McGuire AFB, adjacent military bases. Shortly af 1/18/1978 #32889  
rdered to the back gate of McGuire AFB to allow entry to New Jersey State P 1/18/1978 #32889  
                  Fort Dix/McGuire AFB, NJ Alien being shot dead by MPs (NI 1/18/1978 #32892  
                           McGuire AFB, NJ Formations of UFOs seen, MP at a 1/18/1978 #32893  
                           McGuire AFB [now Joint Base McGuire–Dix–Lakehurs 1/18/1978 #32894  
 Jersey Fort Dix army base McGuire AFB runaway 3:00–5:00 a.m. A security po 1/18/1978 #32894  
m. A security policeman at McGuire AFB [now Joint Base McGuire–Dix–Lakehurs 1/18/1978 #32894  
nds its dead body near the McGuire AFB runaway, giving out a foul, ammonia- 1/18/1978 #32894  
dy recovery at Ft. Dix and McGuire AFB. The form states it was distributed  1/18/1978 #32895  
iews of several former key McGuire AFB officials found no corroboration of  1/18/1978 #32895  
        Lantana, Florida Ellsworth AFB A carbon copy of an apparent USAF in 2/9/1978 #32963  
y 29 and “revealing” the Ellsworth AFB incident of November 16, 1977.       2/9/1978 #32963  
Lt. Gen. Robert E. Kelley at Eglin AFB? Lt. Gen. John R. Kelly Jr. at the P 3/27/1978 #33088  
a Tarija, Bolivia Wright-Patterson AFB Pentagon La Paz 4:15 p.m. An object  5/6/1978 #33190  
ends a message to Wright-Patterson AFB and USAF headquarters at the Pentago 5/6/1978 #33190  
nt saucer-night light circles over AFB.                                     6/24/1978 #33303  
n was inundated with calls. Nellis AFB officers offered some explanations.  7/9/1978 #33357  
 told Stringfield Wright-Patterson AFB, Langley AFB and MacDill AFB held “a 8/1978 #33460  
ield Wright-Patterson AFB, Langley AFB and MacDill AFB held “alien craft,”  8/1978 #33460  
erson AFB, Langley AFB and MacDill AFB held “alien craft,” and claimed UAP  8/1978 #33460  
l UAP “in distress” at Great Falls AFB *   Charles Wilhelm claims he did ya 8/1978 #33460  
cated a landing occurred at Nellis AFB in 1968; it allegedly said a large U 8/1978 #33460  
quickly southeast. Near Wright-Pat.AFB / daytime.                           9/28/1978 #33766  
                          Brindisi AFB, Italy Two soldiers on guard duty at 12/13/1978 #34108  
 Two soldiers on guard duty at the AFB saw a UFO with pulsating lights mane 12/13/1978 #34108  
 to Rep. Samuel S. Stratton. Minot AFB and Malmstrom AFB maintained permane 12/20/1978 #34186  
 Stratton. Minot AFB and Malmstrom AFB maintained permanent UAP files of SA 12/20/1978 #34186  
                         Ellsworth AFB Delta-3 missile site southwest of Co Early 1/1979 #34280  
ignment procedure at the Ellsworth AFB Delta-3 missile site southwest of Co Early 1/1979 #34280  
ology Division at Wright-Patterson AFB.”  https://www.scribd.com/document/3 5/1979 #34533  
“artifacts” and bodies at Grafford AFB in Nevada on Thanksgiving weekend in 6/27/1979 #34637  
rie, Pennsylvania Wright-Patterson AFB near Dayton, Ohio Stringfield meets  3/22/1980 #35229  
cased in glass in Wright-Patterson AFB near Dayton, Ohio. He is suspicious  3/22/1980 #35229  
                         Ellsworth AFB in Rapid City, South Dakota Early af 5/1980 #35296  
lies are congregating at Ellsworth AFB in Rapid City, South Dakota, to watc 5/1980 #35296  
apparently scrambled from Griffiss AFB [now the Griffiss Business and Techn 5/1980 #35298  
o Weapons Storage Area at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque As she is driving hom 5/5/1980 #35306  
o Weapons Storage Area at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque) where she sees tanks 5/5/1980 #35306  
UFO flying near the Mariano Melgar AFB, near La Joya, Arequipa Province, Pe 5/9/1980 #35320  
        Pecos, New Mexico Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque Sandia Laboratories M 7/1980 #35397  
hotos and is debriefed at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque. An alien, a man in a 7/1980 #35397  
ry is taken to the fictional “Wolf AFB” in Texas where it is analyzed. The  7/1980 #35399  
nce agent Richard Doty at Kirtland AFB three years later.  Sunn Classic Pic 7/1980 #35399  
                            Norton AFB, San Bernardino, CA Three airmen and 8/3/1980 #35440  
zano Weapons Storage Area Kirtland AFB Albuquerque, New Mexico Coyote Canyo 8/8/1980 #35447  
 Storage Area adjacent to Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico, see a br 8/8/1980 #35447  
                          Kirtland AFB AFOSI Complaint Form: At Kirtland AF 8/9/1980 #35449  
 AFOSI Complaint Form: At Kirtland AFB three persons report seeing UFO over 8/9/1980 #35449  
que, NM UFO landing near Kirtland, AFB (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, NC)          8/9/1980 #35452  
                          Kirtland AFB, NM Manzano Coyote Canyon Doty write 9/8/1980 #35505  
I complaint form, titled “Kirtland AFB, NM, 8 Aug–3 Sept 1980, Alleged Sigh 9/8/1980 #35505  
                           McGuire AFB, NJ Sgt. J.M. (initials) of the PACA 9/16/1980 #35522  
d that he was stationed at McGuire AFB, NJ, when, on Jan. 18, 1978, an MP s 9/16/1980 #35522  
 the Ft. Dix Army base next to the AFB.                                     9/16/1980 #35522  
jor Ernest Edwards of the Kirtland AFB Security Police who, over the period 10/24/1980 #35586  
                          Kirtland AFB in New Mexico Paul Bennewitz visits  11/10/1980 #35625  
F Phillips Weapons Lab—at Kirtland AFB in New Mexico to present his film, p 11/10/1980 #35625  
                           Bolling AFB in Washington, D.C. Kirtland Kirtlan 11/17/1980 #35645  
Washington, D.C. Kirtland Kirtland AFB Sgt. Richard Doty tells Bennewitz th 11/17/1980 #35645  
from AFOSI headquarters at Bolling AFB in Washington, D.C., to the Seventee 11/17/1980 #35645  
ologies and activities at Kirtland AFB.                                     11/17/1980 #35645  
d an NSA laser project at Kirtland AFB from his own property near the base. 11/17/1980 #35646  
rksville area Olathe, Kansas Altus AFB in Oklahoma Grissom AFB in Peru, Ind 11/18/1980 #35654  
nsas Altus AFB in Oklahoma Grissom AFB in Peru, Indiana 7:30–11:00 p.m. Man 11/18/1980 #35654  
or UFO Studies confirms that Altus AFB in Oklahoma, flew a huge C-5A cargo  11/18/1980 #35654  
ehind a KC-135 tanker from Grissom AFB in Peru, Indiana, that evening. The  11/18/1980 #35654  
                        Bentwaters AFB, UK Air Force security police encoun 12/27/1980 #35745  
                        Bentwaters AFB, England - A famous close encounter  12/27/1980 #35748  
e Air Force Almanac (it is an Army AFB). The name of the Secret base is Gra 12/29/1980 #35752  
                        Bentwaters AFB Bentwaters AFB Air Force Memo from L 1/13/1981 #35784  
         Bentwaters AFB Bentwaters AFB Air Force Memo from Lt. Col. Charles 1/13/1981 #35784  
                          Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico Sen. Pete 7/30/1981 #36040  
with Sgt. Richard Doty at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico, about AF 7/30/1981 #36040  
pins. Colored lights. (Near George AFB.)                                    9/17/1981 #36120  
                            Nellis AFB Las Vegas, Nevada USAF Airman Simone 10/1981 #36150  
s specialist, is working at Nellis AFB in Las Vegas, Nevada, with a top-sec 10/1981 #36150  
 the BLUE ROOM at Wright-Patterson AFB where UFO artifacts are stored by th 10/19/1981 #36178  
                  Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz 10/19/1981 #36179  
ogy and bodies at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio. He writes: “I have long ago 10/19/1981 #36179  
                          Kirtland AFB Manzano, New Mexico William Moore re 2/1982 #36319  
g unexplained lights over Kirtland AFB and Manzano in New Mexico from 1980. 2/1982 #36319  
cques Vallée he visited Vandenberg AFB and came back “certain” there was a  4/6/1982 #36435  
              New Mexico Ellsworth AFB US CAUS director and attorney Peter  1/10/1983 #36742  
ks openly about the 1977 Ellsworth AFB “incident” that he claims AFOSI and  1/10/1983 #36742  
  Albuquerque, New Mexico Kirtland AFB Holloman AFB Ellsworth landing Roswe 4/9/1983 #36830  
, New Mexico Kirtland AFB Holloman AFB Ellsworth landing Roswell Linda Moul 4/9/1983 #36830  
eality weapons testing at Kirtland AFB, whom she knows from an earlier conv 4/9/1983 #36830  
im about the alleged 1971 Holloman AFB landing. Doty says Robert Emenegger  4/9/1983 #36830  
Maintenance Squadron at Vandenberg AFB, states he was shown a highly classi 1984 #37098  
FBI, Air Force officers from Pease AFB [now Pease Air National Guard Base], 8/25/1984 #37440  
a Albuquerque, New Mexico Kirtland AFB North Hollywood, California, film pr 12/11/1984 #37522  
y individuals in AFOSI at Kirtland AFB, including special agent Master Sgt. 12/11/1984 #37522  
ets were scrambled from Santa Cruz AFB. Capt. Marcio Jordao was able to app 5/19/1986 #37874  
ors were scrambled from Santa Cruz AFB, Sao Paulo State, and Anapolis AFB,  5/19/1986 #37882  
AFB, Sao Paulo State, and Anapolis AFB, near Brasilia. Three F-5E jets were 5/19/1986 #37882  
ets were scrambled from Santa Cruz AFB, followed by three Mirage III jets f 5/19/1986 #37882  
hree Mirage III jets from Anapolis AFB. The first visual contact was made a 5/19/1986 #37882  
. The radar controller at Anapolis AFB testified that there were several ta 5/19/1986 #37882  
                  Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio Beavercreek, Ohio Ar Fall 1986 #38034  
gence Division at Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio, invites several ind Fall 1986 #38034  
                         Malmstrom AFB Alpha-01 missile alert facility sout Fall 1986 #38035  
 at high speed above the Malmstrom AFB Alpha-01 missile alert facility sout Fall 1986 #38035  
               UK Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio UK researcher Jenny Randles  10/28/1986 #38056  
nother file, from Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio in 1977, is titled “Eliminat 10/28/1986 #38056  
ter technician at Wright-Patterson AFB who had accidentally tapped into UFO 10/28/1986 #38056  
                         Malmstrom AFB N-01 missile alert facility northwes Winter 1987 #38370  
curity controller at the Malmstrom AFB N-01 missile alert facility northwes Winter 1987 #38370  
querque Dulce, New Mexico Holloman AFB Groom Lake, Nevada Lear Jet heir Joh 12/29/1987 #38378  
 government took place at Holloman AFB in April 1964. Lear alleges that the 12/29/1987 #38378  
and the USG took place at Holloman AFB; they made a “deal” in exchange for  12/29/1987 #38379  
                           Edwards AFB (near), CA Nr Edwards AFB, Californi 3/12/1988 #38501  
 Edwards AFB (near), CA Nr Edwards AFB, California, G (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Ca 3/12/1988 #38501  
Astronautics Laboratory at Edwards AFB. Franklin Mead, head of Project Outg 4/1988 #38526  
that in the PUBLIC DOMAIN, Edwards AFB could not recreate the Brown effect  4/1988 #38526  
 electronic propulsion for Edwards AFB, again for Franklin Mead, Chief of t 4/1988 #38527  
                  Wright-Patterson AFB Former Sen. Barry Goldwater appears  10/13/1988 #38671  
cret Blue Room at Wright-Patterson AFB is true. He says his friend Gen. Cur 10/13/1988 #38671  
                          Holloman AFB Bill Moore and his associates cooper 10/14/1988 #38674  
he alleged UFO contact at Holloman AFB. Paul Shartle describes the Holloman 10/14/1988 #38674  
                            Norton AFB San Bernardino, California Aviation  11/12/1988 #38713  
nsen attends an air show at Norton AFB in San Bernardino, California, and i 11/12/1988 #38713  
d A. Clarey Pacific Fleet Holloman AFB, New Mexico Milton William Cooper su 12/18/1988 #38755  
that supposedly landed at Holloman AFB, New Mexico, in 1964 or 1977.        12/18/1988 #38755  
he was taken two hours from Norton AFB to an underground installation and t 1/1989 #38772  
Springs Air Force Base [now Creech AFB] Lazar is prevented from going to wo 4/6/1989 #38895  
Springs Air Force Base [now Creech AFB] for questioning. He is told he is n 4/6/1989 #38895  
is transported to Wright Patterson AFB. A South African Air Force Intellige 5/17/1989 #38954  
                          Holloman AFB, New Mexico Edwards AFB, California  5/23/1989 #38960  
  Holloman AFB, New Mexico Edwards AFB, California Milton William Cooper pr 5/23/1989 #38960  
ting Betelgeuse landed at Holloman AFB, New Mexico, in 1954 and reached an  5/23/1989 #38960  
th President Eisenhower at Edwards AFB, California, and signed a formal tre 5/23/1989 #38960  
                         Ellsworth AFB Kirtland AFB Robert Hastings lines u 6/1989 #38971  
            Ellsworth AFB Kirtland AFB Robert Hastings lines up an impressi 6/1989 #38971  
hard Doty had forged the Ellsworth AFB document, that Doty’s typewriter at  6/1989 #38971  
that Doty’s typewriter at Kirtland AFB was implicated in the July 1980 Crai 6/1989 #38971  
 of Technology at Wright-Patterson AFB stating a database of UAP in near-Ea 6/1989 #38972  
ORAD’s command headquarters at Ent AFB in Colorado Springs, CO, every conti 6/1989 #38972  
ed on a special project at Edwards AFB in the late 1960s/early 1970s on Pro 1990 #39358  
cer and its crew landed at Edwards AFB and its occupants were carted off to 1990 #39358  
 and some bodies were at Homestead AFB, corroborating Jackie Gleason’s clai 1990 #39358  
, and sightings occur near Edwards AFB, George AFB and the China Lake Naval 10/1/1990 #39757  
ngs occur near Edwards AFB, George AFB and the China Lake Naval Weapons Cen 10/1/1990 #39757  
                          Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico Washingto Summer 1991 #40102  
dly held in safe rooms at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Wash Summer 1991 #40102  
med, and transported them to Muroc AFB and Langley; they were lifting bodie 7/1991 #40108  
aissance Squadrons at NORAD at Ent AFB.  https://www.earthfiles.com/2004/05 7/1991 #40108  
                         Ellsworth AFB Oscar Flight area Opal, South Dakota 9/1991 #40178  
ponse team leader at the Ellsworth AFB Oscar Flight area 30 miles west of O 9/1991 #40178  
 covers. Sherman claims at Andrews AFB he was taught to interface with ET a 1992 #40276  
                         Malmstrom AFB A-3 flight launch facility Sluice Bo 3/1992 #40343  
o a security team at the Malmstrom AFB A-3 flight launch facility outside S 3/1992 #40343  
            Amarillo, Texas Tinker AFB, Oklahoma Near Amarillo, Texas, radi 3/23/1992 #40397  
e call sign Dragnet 51 from Tinker AFB, Oklahoma, and two unknown aircraft  3/23/1992 #40397  
                            George AFB [now Southern California Logistics A 8/5/1992 #40552  
 some 50 miles northeast of George AFB [now Southern California Logistics A 8/5/1992 #40552  
lying 50 miles northeast of George AFB in San Bernardino County, California 8/5/1992 #40553  
                         Ellsworth AFB Rapid City, South Dakota Just before 10/27/1992 #40694  
ance Missile Squadron at Ellsworth AFB, Rapid City, South Dakota. A group o 10/27/1992 #40694  
                            Nellis AFB, NV Glenn Campbell wrote in his Area 12/1992 #40736  
                         Malmstrom AFB Great Falls, Montana Monarch, Montan 1/1993 #40782  
s III is driving back to Malmstrom AFB near Great Falls, Montana, with anot 1/1993 #40782  
later he was stationed at Kirtland AFB and Dr. Lincoln LaPaz told him the s 11/2/1993 #41259  
                          Whiteman AFB Knob Noster, Missouri The first oper 12/17/1993 #41331  
th bomber is delivered to Whiteman AFB, south of Knob Noster, Missouri, whe 12/17/1993 #41331  
       Las Vegas (near), NV Nellis AFB Video (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Case 1994 #41340  
airbase Nadardyce, Poland Krzesiny AFB 8:00 p.m. Military personnel at Poli 10/8/1994 #41795  
on to the initial report, Krzesiny AFB sends two MiG-21 interceptors that a 10/8/1994 #41795  
64 and a USAF F-117A from Holloman AFB both observe a 400-foot cigar shaped 5/25/1995 #42229  
d technology from Wright-Patterson AFB, specifically emails between employe 6/21/1996 #42937  
facilities listed include: Edwards AFB, Haystack Butte, China Lake, George  8/30/1996 #43001  
Haystack Butte, China Lake, George AFB, Norton AFB, Table Top Mountain Obse 8/30/1996 #43001  
te, China Lake, George AFB, Norton AFB, Table Top Mountain Observatory (NAS 8/30/1996 #43001  
amos National Laboratory, Kirtland AFB, Sandia National Laboratories, Manza 8/30/1996 #43001  
ep under Haystack Butte at Edwards AFB. Wolf suggests underground installat 8/30/1996 #43001  
und installation is beneath Cheech AFB near Indian Springs, NV as well. *   8/30/1996 #43001  
                      Arizona Luke AFB near Glendale, Arizona Arizona Natio 6/19/1997 #43331  
rmation from the commander of Luke AFB near Glendale, Arizona, the general  6/19/1997 #43331  
ell Army Air Field hospital Walker AFB Holloman AFB, Alamogordo Corona, New 6/24/1997 #43338  
Field hospital Walker AFB Holloman AFB, Alamogordo Corona, New Mexico USAF  6/24/1997 #43338  
97G Stratotanker at Roswell-Walker AFB in which 11 crew members die; and a  6/24/1997 #43338  
for Project Excelsior, at Holloman AFB, Alamogordo, in which Capt. Joseph K 6/24/1997 #43338  
 found at Roswell, NM and Holloman AFB were actually test dummies as part o 6/24/1997 #43339  
 space program utilizes Vandenberg AFB and Beale AFB and is involved in sho 8/19/1997 #43387  
 utilizes Vandenberg AFB and Beale AFB and is involved in shooting down unf 8/19/1997 #43387  
                           Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama Archives II f Early 3/1998 #43528  
Blue Book Files, filmed at Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama, in February  Early 3/1998 #43528  
 states he was stationed at Nellis AFB, NV at “Area 2,” a major nuclear wea 10/1998 #43656  
” It is unknown if the 1998 Nellis AFB encounter is one example AATIP was r 10/1998 #43656  
                  Area 2 in Nellis AFB in Nevada 5:45 p.m. Christopher Cabr 12/1998 #43694  
s patrol shift at Area 2 in Nellis AFB in Nevada and chatting with a few ot 12/1998 #43694  
craft were scrambled from Anapolis AFB in response to the reports, but did  6/12/1999 #43785  
00 a.m. and 4:30 a.m. around Scott AFB in St. Clair and Madison counties, I 1/5/2000 #43922  
                         Wurtsmith AFB, MI F-89 Has Radar Lock-On (NICAP: 0 6/22/2000 #44005  
                             Beale AFB near Marysville, California Cape Cod 1/31/2001 #44136  
ve units worldwide including Beale AFB near Marysville, California; Cape Co 1/31/2001 #44136  
ject was seen hovering near Offutt AFB in Omaha, Nebraska for five minutes. 9/21/2001 #44263  
                           Andrews AFB, Maryland Washington, D.C. Brandywin 7/26/2002 #44366  
ryland 1:00–1:55 a.m. Near Andrews AFB, Maryland, just outside of Washingto 7/26/2002 #44366  
ion of UFO and USO files at Norton AFB in March 1985. They claim many repor 9/1/2002 #44389  
“something” in a hangar at Edwards AFB but it never materialized.  https:// 9/1/2002 #44389  
 Force Auxiliary Field [now Creech AFB] Clark County, Nevada 5:45 p.m. Secu Late 9/2002 #44405  
 Force Auxiliary Field [now Creech AFB] in Clark County, Nevada. He looks t Late 9/2002 #44405  
e fuselage. He contacted Fairchild AFB and talked with the Public Affairs o 10/29/2002 #44424  
a book stating he worked at Nellis AFB between 1965 and 1967 and while ther 5/7/2003 #44528  
he general direction of Vandenberg AFB.                                     5/11/2003 #44533  
                            Nellis AFB in Nevada Night. Three teams of secu 2004 #44637  
ms of security policemen at Nellis AFB in Nevada are sent to investigate a  2004 #44637  
” Bush Sr. tells Eric the Holloman AFB film of a landed UAP was “the real t 3/26/2004 #44681  
on concepts for decades at Edwards AFB and it is curious to see Atlantic re 8/2004 #44724  
th Space Control Squadron at Eglin AFB, Florida The US Air Force 20th Space 10/1/2004 #44764  
th Space Control Squadron at Eglin AFB, Florida, takes over the operation o 10/1/2004 #44764  
l Army Air Field Wright- Patterson AFB Sandia Army Base Los Alamos Alamogor 11/1/2005 #44898  
nd sent it on to Wright- Patterson AFB. The second site was not discovered  11/1/2005 #44898  
craft was sent to Wright-Patterson AFB. The live entity allegedly helped US 11/1/2005 #44899  
                            Creech AFB, Nevada The 42d Attack Squadron is f 11/8/2006 #44982  
ttack Squadron is formed at Creech AFB, Nevada, as the first MQ-9 Reaper dr 11/8/2006 #44982  
to a B-29 in the 1950s at Kirtland AFB. Lytle also states he was good frien 1/1/2008 #45110  
o Muroc Army Airfield (now Edwards AFB) and eventually Hangar 5 at WPAFB.   1/1/2008 #45110  
                            Creech AFB, Nevada Afghanistan Middle East The  3/5/2008 #45124  
dron becomes operational at Creech AFB, Nevada, as “the Air Force’s [first] 3/5/2008 #45124  
nference about ex-Wright Patterson AFB worker June Crain, who had heard of  11/6/2009 #45253  
                           Bolling AFB [now Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling] W 12/11/2009 #45262  
and Larry Grossman meet at Bolling AFB [now Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling] i 12/11/2009 #45262  
                         Ellsworth AFB Rapid City, South Dakota 18 miles so 3/3/2010 #45271  
ta 18 miles south of the Ellsworth AFB runway Evening. S/Sgt. Omar Gonzalez 3/3/2010 #45271  
a Air Traffic Control at Ellsworth AFB near Rapid City, South Dakota, pick  3/3/2010 #45271  
be 18 miles south of the Ellsworth AFB runway. Suddenly the object vanishes 3/3/2010 #45271  
                 Francis E. Warren AFB near Cheyenne, Wyoming Air Force per 10/23/2010 #45303  
rce personnel at Francis E. Warren AFB near Cheyenne, Wyoming, report seein 10/23/2010 #45303  
SAF personnel at Francis E. Warren AFB near Cheyenne, WY see a large cigar- 10/23/2010 #45304  
                  Two alleged Hill AFB employees in Ogden, Utah claim to se 12/15/2010 #45307  
silent V-shaped UAP near Malmstrom AFB’s Oscar-01 Missile Alert Facility an 9/19/2012 #45353  
ates he worked at Wright-Patterson AFB doing flight testing of exotic exper 11/1/2013 #45392  
n Enzo, CA, Lancaster, CA, Edwards AFB, March AFB and Eglin AFB. He claims  11/1/2013 #45393  
 Lancaster, CA, Edwards AFB, March AFB and Eglin AFB. He claims “35% to 40% 11/1/2013 #45393  
, Edwards AFB, March AFB and Eglin AFB. He claims “35% to 40%” of UAP work  11/1/2013 #45393  
                          Lackland AFB, San Antonio, Texas The Air Force In 9/29/2014 #45415  
s. It is headquartered at Lackland AFB, San Antonio, Texas.                 9/29/2014 #45415  
lliams also states while at Norton AFB he heard rumors that one facility th 12/2014 #45425  
n who flew in RC-135s from MacDill AFB in Florida. He allegedly told Fish t 3/6/2015 #45434  
rch Laboratory at Wright-Patterson AFB, told him “when Roswell crashed, the 1/24/2016 #45443  
  A disc was held at an old Creech AFB underground hangar away from S4   A  4/5/2016 #45449  
velopment and Education at Maxwell AFB publish a framework to “leverage adv 4/2017 #45467  
     geosynchronous orbits Buckley AFB Aurora, Colorado A total of 11 satel 1/2018 #45499  
espace Awareness Center at Buckley AFB in Aurora, Colorado, as well as its  1/2018 #45499  
hnology are being flown at Tonopah AFB Test Range and Area 51. “None of the 6/29/2021 #45697  
aken in a room at Wright-Patterson AFB after retirement and showed a light  9/3/2021 #45707  
ng it mentally; and alleged Nellis AFB radar operator Niara Isley who claim 10/20/2022 #45779  
## Word: "afb#112" (Back to Top)
going quickly north from important AFB#112.                                 9/1986 (approximate) #38007  
## Word: "afb-white" (Back to Top)
                          Holloman AFB-White Sands range area, NM A pale ye 7/14/1956 #12970  
## Word: "afbs" (Back to Top)
, DC RADAR's / Bolling and Andrews AFBs and local (as a local wave) airport 7/20/1952 #6942  
## Word: "afcin-1e-0" (Back to Top)
AFB Colorado Springs, Colorado The AFCIN-1E-0 Draft Policy letter (Betz Mem 11/13/1961 #16962  
                    USAF document “AFCIN-1E-0 Draft Policy” written by Lt.  11/13/1961 #16963  
le corroborates the USAF document “AFCIN-1E-0 Draft Policy” dated 13 Novemb 3/1968 #23799  
## Word: "afcir-cc7" (Back to Top)
s still require UFO reporting, per AFCIR-CC7, “Reporting of Information on  1/12/1950 #4483  
## Word: "afd-070114-006" (Back to Top)
blackvault.com/documents/SilverBug/AFD-070114-006.pdf     Note: John Frost’ 1955 #11897  
## Word: "afd-101027-030" (Back to Top)
ears.  https://archive.org/details/AFD-101027-030/mode/2up   https://ufolog 6/24/1997 #43339  
## Word: "afelbaum" (Back to Top)
                        Dora Ellen Afelbaum was driving home near Dallas, T 11/27/1974 #29614  
## Word: "afeu" (Back to Top)
uminense UFO Research Association (AFEU); and Ubirajara Franco Rodrigues an 12/7/1997 #43453  
## Word: "aff" (Back to Top)
                            RECAJO AFF, SPAIN 7+guards. Noisy cylinder/cyli 6/22/1972 #26723  
## Word: "affa" (Back to Top)
d Nah-9 from Neptune. Zo refers to Affa from Uranus, who thinks earth is to 8/22/1952 #7683  
             Uranus Mars 9:25 p.m. Affa of Uranus contacts the Baileys, the 8/25/1952 #7733  
 spot in the sky that he claims is Affa. Williamson sees a blue light that  8/25/1952 #7733  
as been in telepathic contact with Affa, a spaceman from Uranus, since 1954 6/8/1954 #9877  
 Intelligence. He encloses some of Affa’s transcribed messages and suggests 6/8/1954 #9877  
s that ONI try to communicate with Affa through Band CMM-306, repeating the 6/8/1954 #9877  
CMM-306, repeating the signal M4M4 AFFA. Two ONI officers, Captains John Br 6/8/1954 #9877  
sit Swan and through her interview Affa, who agrees to communicate with the 6/8/1954 #9877  
s neighbor. Her two space friends, Affa and Alomar, direct Swan’s hand to d 7/28/1954 #10059  
riting and channels a message from Affa. Back in Washington on July 6, Lars 7/5/1959 #15817  
s. Larsen goes into a trance, asks Affa questions, and writes the answers d 7/5/1959 #15817  
wers down. When Neasham challenges Affa to appear in person or let them see 7/5/1959 #15817  
C CIA and ONI men. Telepathy from "Affa". Dark saucer going [to] over. RADA 7/6/1959 #15818  
nel attempted to contact entities “Affa” and “Ponnar,” but those attempts a 3/31/2011 #45322  
## Word: "affair" (Back to Top)
s and ghost rockets, is behind the affair. Jones writes that a signal is re 1946 #1962  
a “smooth-talking con artist.” The affair had started as a joke and blossom 8/7/1947 #3306  
ouncement. What is known about the affair is the public manifestation of th 1/17/1953 #8544  
 and his family not to discuss the affair with anyone else until the offici 1/10/1977 #31715  
E. Fowler publishes The Andreasson Affair, introducing the story of Betty A Spring 1979 #34482  
tigative report on the Iran–Contra Affair. It concludes that "the central r 11/18/1987 #38327  
f the President in the Iran–Contra affair. On this critical point, the shre 11/18/1987 #38327  
ns which indicate she is having an affair.                                  4/6/1989 #38895  
and weapons during the Iran–Contra affair.                                  7/5/1991 #40112  
       On this evening the Current Affair TV film crew filmed a red UFO as  4/16/1992 #40419  
## Word: "affairs" (Back to Top)
policy. The first issue of Foreign Affairs is published in September 1922.  7/29/1921 #1013  
a Australian Minister for External Affairs Richard Casey suggests there is  1/28/1954 #9508  
tment of Defense, Office of Public Affairs. These emphasized the percentage 11/1957 #14179  
rtment of Defense Office of Public Affairs issues a new UFO fact sheet, emp 11/5/1957 #14344  
eaceful Space Activities for Human Affairs. It is later published as a 272- 12/14/1960 #16532  
 visitors have intervened in human affairs. Misraki is also one of the firs 1962 #17010  
eter A nationally broadcast public affairs interview program, The Open Mind 2/27/1966 #19925  
ntation on UFOs to the Outer Space Affairs Group of the United Nations. Sec 6/7/1967 #22477  
ted Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs James E. McDonald speaks before  6/7/1967 #22478  
ted Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs meeting in New York City on the  6/7/1967 #22478  
ion to discover the “true state of affairs.” Puthoff stated by late 1973 he 10/7/1972 #27055  
soliciting information. The public affairs officer at Homestead denounces t 2/19/1973 #27298  
ional Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES).  https://www.scribd.com/d 2/25/1982 #36370  
source: House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on International S 3/1/1982 #36374  
nternational Security & Scientific Affairs hearing, April 2, 1982. Rep. Lar 3/1/1982 #36374  
ational Security and International Affairs Division, Frank C. Conahan, test 7/24/1986 #37952  
of State for Security and consular Affairs John Hanes III, robotics expert  11/10/1986 #38061  
ild AFB and talked with the Public Affairs officer, who basically said that 10/29/2002 #44424  
ffice of the Deputy Chief of Legal Affairs contacts the Ministry of Defense 5/5/2008 #45133  
cretary of Defense for Legislative Affairs Marcel Lettre, and Defense Intel 11/2009 #45252  
e of their US counterparts. Global Affairs Canada withdraws all staff with  3/2018 #45520  
mpeo confirms to the House Foreign Affairs Committee that there are several 5/23/2018 #45527  
ph F. Gradisher, OPNAV N2N6 Public Affairs, admits in an email that he and  7/10/2020 #45651  
t he and Susan Gough of OSD Public Affairs seek to control FOIA replies fro 7/10/2020 #45651  
Joseph F. Gradisher and OSD Public Affairs Susan Gough. The card suggests t 7/24/2020 #45655  
## Word: "affect" (Back to Top)
n object, appearing to hit with no affect. (Page 186 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Av 7/7/1945 #1892  
l. At scale, this would negatively affect a society. UFOs and UAP are not m 4/14/1950 #4853  
rned on at 11:20 p.m. but does not affect the jamming on the radar scope. A 9/18/1951 #5678  
eas of all three states. The tests affect over 60,000 square miles of popul 3/26/1952 #5980  
nesses quits, and the UFO seems to affect the traffic lights as well. The o Summer 1956 #12915  
at will. Besides, they are able to affect our power resources, putting to a 2/1967 #21431  
ely around their house and did not affect any other houses on the street. W 6/30/1967 #22580  
ess craft in the sky. It seemed to affect the sounds from the trains and fr 7/18/1967 #22692  
ntified flying objects which could affect national security are made in acc 10/20/1969 #25418  
is of 441 cases where UFOs seem to affect cars or motorcycles. He finds tha 1981 #35762  
Y will irreversibly and negatively affect global social order.”  “This writ 3/11/1998 #43532  
elds” which it said can “adversely affect a vehicle or person.”             5/15/2006 #44942  
rets of USSR and if microwaves can affect the mind and body to dangerous, h 2014 #45400  
e the release of any details might affect national defense.                 7/1/2016 #45455  
posed to be managed by the Navy to affect strategic messaging of an issue a 7/10/2020 #45651  
## Word: "affected" (Back to Top)
ntinued for 10 minutes but nothing affected them. At the approach of naval  1943 #1474  
ject, but it does not move or seem affected. Capt. Kemp C. Christian Sr. or 3/22/1945 #1820  
r and his neighbor's dog were also affected.                                2/25/1951 #5457  
t and 30 saucers going west. Radar affected. Angel hair falls. Flashes. / r 10/17/1952 #8140  
e to natural disasters and somehow affected by the earth’s wars, and insist 8/17/1953? #9077  
. 6M sphere flies. Radio reception affected.                                11/1/1954 #11513  
o-telegraph station in A Coruña is affected by severe interference and stat 11/1/1954 #11519  
ee the light. The car motor is not affected.                                11/2/1957 #14217  
round. Shape unknown. TV reception affected. No further details.            11/5/1957 #14315  
other cars on the highway are also affected, and the drivers (Ronald Burke  11/6/1957 #14421  
wing red. A truck and bus are also affected.                                1/30/1958 #14851  
g red. A truck and a bus were also affected by the presence of the UFO.     1/30/1958 #14852  
 One large, flat egg-shaped object affected a car's electrical system and c 10/27/1958 #15391  
 point but the headlights were not affected. The object, which now changed  1/13/1959 #15550  
. 5M saucer maneuvers. All animals affected. Going quickly west. / r50p7.   6/11/1961 #16723  
r motor lost power, headlights not affected, as UFO passed ahead of car (NI 2/9/1962 #17041  
t. Irrigation water won't run over affected spot!                           9/26/1962 #17441  
witness' car electrical system was affected as the object moved away at an  1/23/1965 #18757  
lar to the Tunguska blast of 1909, affected an area of nearly a million squ 3/31/1965 #18882  
ation shows that the power failure affected 2,500 homes in the area and was 4/23/1966 #20390  
he start of a power failure, which affected about 2,500 homes in the area,  4/24/1966 #20400  
acing her car. Her speedometer was affected and her wristwatch stopped. She 2/21/1967 #21615  
was reported, and a yard light was affected (EM effects). (Fowler, 1974, p. Spring 1967 #21921  
ew away. The engine of the car was affected.                                4/12/1967 #22125  
en color. The diesel engine is not affected. The driver of the Jaguar is a  11/6/1967 #23414  
nesses' bodies stood on end, as if affected by a form of static electricity 1/14/1969 #24842  
et away. Each of them are rings of affected grass 15–20 feet in diameter an Mid 7/1969 #25270  
e. Going up. Leaves blue mist. Dog affected. / r113p48.                     6/29/1970 #25719  
 St. Observer's vision temporarily affected. / news and more / r231'74.     10/5/1973 #27938  
s also puzzling. Sheriffs from the affected counties meet and decide that c 12/1973 #28494  
d a close encounter with telephone affected. Few details. (CUFOS) (NICAP: 0 5/23/1974 #29127  
 and totally unexplained condition affected her eyes when light emanated fr 7/17/1974 #29266  
k & Mendota, IL Pilot Says Compass Affected (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, Code: E 11/28/1974 #29616  
d thaumasite. Nothing grows in the affected area later.                     7/31/1975 #30218  
 lights going down / center. Watch affected. / r30p603.                     1/17/1976 #30794  
al particles taken from within the affected area, and control samples taken Late 2/1976 #30905  
d by nightmares, and his watch was affected. The watch was 10 hours slow.   10/31/1976 #31513  
hough other tapes in a box are not affected.                                9/28/1978 #33768  
ssachusetts; AM and CB radios were affected. There was steering loss, loss  1/5/1979 #34306  
ryk Elwardt, is gripped with pain, affected by the pulsing vibrations. Szom 8/23/1979 #34768  
 Moreover, their farm animals were affected while the UFO was over their ba 10/26/1980 #35592  
fferent population groups could be affected.  https://www.urigeller.com/tim 1983 #36739  
vers a pattern of events that have affected them for years. It appears that Early 7/1983 #36900  
 southeast lands / vineyard. Vines affected. Traces.                        7/8/1984 #37389  
alized as disc generated wind that affected trees (NICAP: 04 - Animal React 2/22/1990 #39428  
nd apparently her pet cat was also affected. She does not recall anything e 4/3/1992 #40408  
the engine quit, and the radio was affected.                                5/7/1995 #42190  
She thinks her well water has been affected by the incident.                7/17/1996 #42961  
 thud, but the car’s motion is not affected. She does not see it again and  11/27/1998 #43686  
rations or hallucinations in those affected. The Condign report suggests th 5/15/2006 #44942  
argo or passenger ferries may have affected at least some of the readings.  4/23/2007 #45022  
 The five Missile Alert Facilities affected, Alpha through Echo, are respon 10/23/2010 #45303  
s, do not report hearing anything. Affected individuals describe symptoms s 8/2017 #45477  
ennsylvania researchers examine 21 affected diplomats from the US Embassy i 3/2018 #45520  
ite matter tract abnormalities” in affected diplomats, beyond what might be 3/2018 #45520  
oof that any kind of energy source affected the diplomats, or even that an  3/2018 #45520  
her US agencies, the identities of affected officers. Federal rules on the  11/9/2018 #45545  
ers who examine Canadian diplomats affected by Havana Syndrome come to the  5/24/2019 #45580  
ia, and Berlin, Germany, are being affected by Havana Syndrome.             10/2021 #45712  
r 1,000 documents and interviewing affected individuals. They determine the 2/2/2022 #45737  
itary application and specifically affected ARPA, ONI and private/corporate 10/13/2022 #45774  
## Word: "affecting" (Back to Top)
es it can handle “other functions” affecting “national security” without sc 7/26/1947 #3233  
bout 325 feet west of the embassy, affecting the west façade of the central 1/1953 #8486  
 effect as of this date and after, affecting all USAF press releases, state 5/1/1956 #12825  
tely spread throughout the region, affecting over 250,000 people. The radio 1957 #13424  
 a lost civilization… This is even affecting their planets.” Ridiculed by m 3/27/1962 #17088  
ews, including 56 near misses, all affecting aircraft safety. Most cases in 10/15/2000 #44056  
C DOMAIN about “negative” entities affecting human minds and personal commu 8/2004 #44724  
aims ET groups are concerned about affecting Earth’s current timeline for d 10/2006 #44970  
50 Minuteman III nuclear missiles, affecting five Missile Alert Facilities  10/23/2010 #45304  
## Word: "affects" (Back to Top)
section 190-4 goes into effect. It affects all USAF official press releases 5/1/1956 #12823  
0 feet. When the object hovers, it affects the engines, which cough and whe 8/14/1957 #13893  
tting a greenish light, the object affects the automatic direction finder a 3/18/1965 #18864  
tion in the supply of electricity, affects parts of Ontario, Connecticut, M 11/9/1965 #19709  
, UKRAINE Dull object hangs / sky. Affects sound / trains? Possible re-entr 7/18/1967 #22689  
rs / 100' altitude. General health affects.                                 9/11/1991 #40184  
## Word: "affidavit" (Back to Top)
ny, NZ Army Corps and stated in an affidavit. (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incident 8/21/1915 #933  
ny, NZ Army Corps and stated in an affidavit.                               8/21/1915 #934  
Haut states in an allegedly signed affidavit he was stationed at Roswell Ar 7/8/1947 #3029  
                           Another affidavit from Arthur R. McQuiddy, the e 7/8/1947 #3030  
homas J. DuBose states in a signed affidavit he was stationed at Fort Worth 7/8/1947 #3031  
                          A signed affidavit from 1st Lt. Robert Shirkey al 7/8/1947 #3032  
he thinks is Zo. Everyone signs an affidavit that the events have truly tak 8/25/1952 #7733  
an, AZ on 21 May 1953, in a signed affidavit. Werner states the object was  5/21/1953 #8899  
 Missile Squadron. He states in an affidavit he saw a fully illuminated rou Late 1963 #17989  
Gleason providing him with a draft affidavit. He asks Gleason to execute th 2/19/1973 #27298  
it. He asks Gleason to execute the affidavit so it can be used as part of a 2/19/1973 #27298  
leased to CAUS and the public. The affidavit says that it is in the NSA’s d 11/18/1980 #35653  
formation interception. The second affidavit is for Judge Gerhard A. Gesell 11/18/1980 #35653  
s with the NSA after reviewing the affidavit (released to CAUS through an F 11/18/1980 #35653  
 foreign communication; the second affidavit classified Top Secret Umbra is 11/18/1980 #35655  
NSA after reviewing the classified affidavit. This affidavit is later decla 11/18/1980 #35655  
ing the classified affidavit. This affidavit is later declassified with 25% 11/18/1980 #35655  
ol. Charles Halt signs a notarized affidavit, in which he again summarizes  12/28/1980 #35749  
itary. Contradictions between this affidavit and the facts as recorded at t 12/28/1980 #35749  
ticizes Halt for the claims in his affidavit, saying “he should be ashamed  12/28/1980 #35749  
ms in public media and in a signed affidavit alleging Project Pegasus gave  1981 #35765  
y portion of the top-secret Yeates affidavit of November 1980.              4/27/1982 #36455  
ly redacted portion of his 21-page affidavit used in the CAUS v. NSA lawsui 5/18/1982 #36473  
 Oliver W. Henderson, states in an affidavit that her husband in 1980-1981  7/9/1991 #40116  
e, Henderson’s daughter, signed an affidavit and said a similar story, that 7/9/1991 #40116  
would say nothing. He states in an affidavit material was taken by Col. Al  9/16/1991 #40189  
, who provided Inslaw Inc. with an affidavit in support of their lawsuit ag 5/13/1992 #40463  
                       In a signed affidavit, AAF radio operator Earl Zimme 11/2/1993 #41259  
o, witness Walter G. Haut signs an affidavit that asserts he had seen bodie 12/26/2002 #44460  
ut dies December 15, 2005, and the affidavit is released by his family.     12/26/2002 #44460  
## Word: "affidavit-of-andrew-d-basiago" (Back to Top)
tps://www.scribd.com/doc/294419690/Affidavit-of-Andrew-D-Basiago            1/1971 #25963  
tps://www.scribd.com/doc/294419690/Affidavit-of-Andrew-D-Basiago  Note: In  1981 #35765  
## Word: "affidavits" (Back to Top)
nded in his backyard. Keel gathers affidavits from Ronnie’s teachers, paren 7/21/1967 #22718  
tional Security Agency creates two affidavits to explain why UFO informatio 11/18/1980 #35653  
o be withheld from the public. The affidavits are written by the chief offi 11/18/1980 #35653  
 NSA, Eugene F. Yeates, writes two affidavits: the first an unclassified ve 11/18/1980 #35655  
ort does not address the dozens of affidavits published by Roswell witnesse 6/24/1997 #43339  
nd Capt. Bruce Fenstermacher write affidavits that state UAP can neutralize 9/27/2010 #45299  
## Word: "affiliate" (Back to Top)
ngles. [Report via Bluegrass NICAP Affiliate, Lexington, Ky.] (NICAP: 01 -  1/24/1963 #17638  
ph. [Report obtained by NICAP-CONN Affiliate.] (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounter 10/4/1963 #17977  
U.S. Air Force. (Los Angeles NICAP Affiliate report, NICAP files.) (NICAP:  3/1967 #21693  
## Word: "affiliated" (Back to Top)
d a disc crash at a radar facility affiliated with Area 51 in Cedar City, U 1966 #19798  
. Harder, an engineering professor affiliated with APRO. He recalls an abdu 3/18/1978 #33055  
 in the West is delayed until May. Affiliated with the Committee for the Pr 2/1984 #37170  
## Word: "affiliates" (Back to Top)
ixon dismantle the NICAP system of affiliates and state subcommittee system 5/29/1970 #25676  
## Word: "affiliation" (Back to Top)
Gen. John A. Samford that ends his affiliation with ADC.                    3/16/1956 #12759  
s a full-time investigator, so his affiliation ends. It closes its Evanston 2/28/1981 #35849  
## Word: "affirmatively" (Back to Top)
 back. The cyclops shakes his head affirmatively, plucks a plant from the g 8/28/1963 #17922  
affic on his right, and he replies affirmatively. The object paces his plan 6/8/1991 #40092  
## Word: "affirms" (Back to Top)
 the Socorro, New Mexico, case and affirms his opinion that Lonnie Zamora’s 11/5/1964 #18607  
 Office of Information and Privacy affirms in a letter to researcher Larry  8/2/1989 #39041  
## Word: "affixed" (Back to Top)
chusetts. It had bright red lights affixed to each end, and blue lights alo 4/16/1966 #20304  
ies of three reddish-orange lights affixed to the bottom of a huge triangul 10/2/2004 #44766  
## Word: "afflicted" (Back to Top)
      The Helping American Victims Afflicted by Neurological Attacks (HAVAN 10/8/2021 #45715  
## Word: "affliction" (Back to Top)
tle seemed to suffer from the same affliction. (Source: The Encyclopedia of 8/6/1977 #32365  
## Word: "affoiaresponse1977-10-0401" (Back to Top)
com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/affoiaresponse1977-10-0401.jpg *   https 12/20/1978 #34186  
## Word: "affoiaresponse1977-10-0402" (Back to Top)
com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/affoiaresponse1977-10-0402.jpg *   https 12/20/1978 #34186  
## Word: "affoiaresponse1977-10-0403" (Back to Top)
com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/affoiaresponse1977-10-0403.jpg *   https 12/20/1978 #34186  
## Word: "affoiaresponse1977-10-0404" (Back to Top)
com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/affoiaresponse1977-10-0404.jpg *   http: 12/20/1978 #34186  
## Word: "afford" (Back to Top)
berg’s declaration that “we cannot afford to be complacent” about UFOs. Key 7/1/1952 #6688  
nter for UFO Studies can no longer afford to keep Allan Hendry on as a full 2/28/1981 #35849  
## Word: "affordable" (Back to Top)
is generally regarded as the first affordable automobile, which made car tr 10/1/1908 #718  
## Word: "afforded" (Back to Top)
to national security that they are afforded a “special dispensation” from a 10/29/1979 #34975  
## Word: "afghanistan" (Back to Top)
 going quickly northeast toward(s) Afghanistan / French papers. CIA report. 12/21/1953 #9386  
saucer in the Kataghan province of Afghanistan. USAF attempted an overfligh 1/24/1956 #12681  
ation of info, and to determine if Afghanistan authorities were hauling the 1/24/1956 #12681  
                         Kandahar, Afghanistan A large, luminous object is  11/8/1959 #16084  
ving at great speed over Kandahar, Afghanistan, to the northwest. Shortly a 11/8/1959 #16084  
                           GHAZNI, AFGHANISTAN Bright saucer seen going qui 12/2/1959 #16110  
                           Ghazni, Afghanistan A bright, circular object is 12/2/1959 #16111  
sky heading southwest over Ghazni, Afghanistan. It disappears after 2 minut 12/2/1959 #16111  
ce Office Soviet Union China Sudan Afghanistan The first KH-11 Kennen recon 12/19/1976 #31620  
ublic in 1997; images of Sudan and Afghanistan made public in 1998 related  12/19/1976 #31620  
                                   Afghanistan Tarnak residence Area 51, Ne Early 6/2001 #44190  
 on a replica of Osama bin Laden’s Afghanistan Tarnak residence in Area 51, Early 6/2001 #44190  
                                   Afghanistan Afghanistan War begins       10/7/2001 #44266  
                       Afghanistan Afghanistan War begins                   10/7/2001 #44266  
 Tonopah Test Range Airport Nevada Afghanistan Kandahar International Airpo 9/1/2005 #44867  
70 Sentinels have been deployed to Afghanistan, where one was sighted at Ka 9/1/2005 #44867  
                Creech AFB, Nevada Afghanistan Middle East The 556th Test a 3/5/2008 #45124  
rce and the CIA in missions across Afghanistan and the Middle East.         3/5/2008 #45124  
                                   Afghanistan Afghanistan War ends         8/30/2021 #45705  
                       Afghanistan Afghanistan War ends                     8/30/2021 #45705  
decorated former combat officer in Afghanistan, is a veteran of the Nationa 6/5/2023 #45798  
## Word: "afi" (Back to Top)
 Air Defense Command at Knoxville. AFI was asked to investigate the situati 11/29/1950 #5300  
. The retrievals were conducted by AFI and shipped to WPAFB and US and NATO 7/1991 #40109  
## Word: "afire" (Back to Top)
 airport / 5 minute(s). Sets grass afire. Going quickly west. / OSI investi 5/17/1950 (approximate) #4946  
e hour. Red beams going down. Barn afire / nearby. / r73p138.               2/9/1967 #21485  
## Word: "afit" (Back to Top)
L Jones and Maj. Lee J Lehmkuhl of AFIT describes potential USAF air and sp 5/1996 #42891  
## Word: "afl" (Back to Top)
ollowed with details via air mail. AFL 200-5 is modified by AFR 200-2 in 19 4/29/1952 #6215  
eporting procedures and supersedes AFL 200-5. All confirmed UAP reports mus 8/26/1953 #9113  
n required to report on, including AFL interests and George Meany’s persona 8/11/1954 #10125  
## Word: "aflsrsd5roy" (Back to Top)
inished editing.  https://youtu.be/afLsRsd5roY   https://gizadeathstar.com/ 12/2014 #45425  
## Word: "afm" (Back to Top)
he US Air Force was reviewed under AFM 190-4.                               5/1/1956 #12823  
Os. Coleman later tells NICAP that AFM 190-4 requires the Secretary of the  5/1/1956 #12825  
## Word: "afoai" (Back to Top)
 Col. James F. Olive Jr. (chief of AFOAI) and Lieut. Col. J. E. Thomas of t 12/18/1947 #3506  
## Word: "afoai-oa" (Back to Top)
omas of the Offensive Air section (AFOAI-OA) respond to a request by deputy 12/18/1947 #3506  
## Word: "afoc" (Back to Top)
t: AFB penetration. At 290200 EST, AFOC informed NMCC that an unidentified  10/29/1975 #30506  
1. At 310805 received phoncon from AFOC: MG Lane, CG, Armament and Developm 1/31/1976 #30835  
## Word: "afognak" (Back to Top)
                        IZHUT BAY, AFOGNAK ISLAND, AK Night light vanishes  11/21/1992 #40723  
## Word: "afoic-cc" (Back to Top)
Branch of the Collection Division (AFOIC-CC). *   https://web.archive.org/w 4/24/1952 #6179  
## Word: "afoin" (Back to Top)
chusetts Col. John W. Schweizer of AFOIN writes to the director of USAF Int 9/1/1949 #4343  
com AFB in Bedford, Massachusetts. AFOIN rejects an Army request for furthe 9/1/1949 #4343  
unced closure of “Project Saucer.” AFOIN Director Gen. Charles P. Cabell be 1/12/1950 #4483  
eflects the increasing interest by AFOIN Director Gen. Cabell and his dissa 9/8/1950 #5172  
                          Pentagon AFOIN offices Dayton, Ohio On his trip t 1/29/1952 #5883  
iam M. Garland, Ruppelt visits the AFOIN offices and discovers they have mo 1/29/1952 #5883  
, and Lt. Col. William A. Adams of AFOIN, to brief the Lincoln Lab scientis 1/29/1952 #5884  
SAF Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt stated AFOIN was conducting a more complete inv 4/24/1952 #6179  
 the field than Project Blue Book. AFOIN offices doing UAP work included th 4/24/1952 #6179  
an T. Possony, acting chief of the AFOIN Special Study Group and adviser to Mid 7/1952 #6829  
pproval of Capt. Harry B. Smith of AFOIN. They decide to also release the U 2/9/1953 #8653  
## Word: "afoin-2" (Back to Top)
 Teabert (Kenneth E. Thiebaud?) of AFOIN-2 think the same. In Washington, R 1/29/1953 #8613  
## Word: "afoin-cc-1" (Back to Top)
ision’s Collection Control Branch (AFOIN-CC-1) at the Pentagon issues a new 9/8/1950 #5172  
## Word: "afoin-x" (Back to Top)
into the USAF special study group, AFOIN-X(SG), have been denied.  The grou 4/24/1952 #6179  
p to take on special ad hoc tasks. AFOIN-X(SG) findings were therefore not  4/24/1952 #6179  
 a higher-level investigation like AFOIN-X(SG), but is a relevant example o 12/18/1953 #9384  
## Word: "afoir" (Back to Top)
. Charles Cabell, the new chief of AFOIR, signs off on this.                12/22/1947 #3509  
## Word: "afoiv-tc" (Back to Top)
Branch of the Evaluation Division (AFOIV-TC) and the Collection Control Bra 4/24/1952 #6179  
## Word: "afon" (Back to Top)
                             NOVYY AFON, ABKHAZIA Astronomer. Saucer / lit  9/24/1965 #19594  
                             NOVYY AFON, ABKHAZ ASSR, GEORGIAN SSR Saucer s 10/18/1967 #23252  
## Word: "afor" (Back to Top)
pleted report MUST be sent to MOD (AFOR). A list of phone numbers and locat 1984 #37087  
## Word: "afosi" (Back to Top)
                 Vaughn (near), NM AFOSI Case 2: approx 20:00 - Basketball- Late 8/1947 #3367  
                   Albuquerque, NM AFOSI Case 3: 08:33-08:45 - Flat, round  7/27/1948 #3746  
                        Vaughn, NM AFOSI Case 6; app 22;00 - white round ob 11/3/1948 #3865  
                        Vaughn, NM AFOSI Case 7; app 22;00 - Colonel Hayes  11/23/1948 #3886  
              Las Vegas (W of), NM AFOSI Case 8; AF C-47 Pilot Observes UFO 12/5/1948 #3907  
                   Albuquerque, NM AFOSI Case 9; Commercial Pilot Reports G 12/5/1948 #3908  
                   Albuquerque, NM AFOSI Case 10; AESS Observed Green Flare 12/6/1948 #3911  
mander of the Seventeenth District AFOSI at Kirtland AFB, New Mexico, order 12/6/1948 #3912  
     Las Vegas (20 miles E of), NM AFOSI Case 11; Agents In T-7 Observe Int 12/8/1948 #3916  
d AFB, Albuquerque, New Mexico Two AFOSI officers, Capts. Melvin E. Neef an 12/8/1948 #3918  
 Starvation Peak (near Bernal), NM AFOSI Case 13; LaPaz, Captain, CAP Intel 12/12/1948 #3925  
             Los Alamos (W of), NM AFOSI Case 14; AESS OP Sighted Green Fir 12/20/1948 #3933  
                    Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 15: 04:31 - white obj disappe 12/28/1948 #3937  
     Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, NM AFOSI Case 16: 17:50 - bright white diam 1/6/1949 #3965  
                    Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 17: 03:10 - brilliant green o 1/6/1949 #3966  
aso (Near Amarillo and Lamesa), TX AFOSI Case 18; 20: 17:54 - green ball sh 1/30/1949 #3983  
                       Roswell, NM AFOSI Case 19: 200 observers. W-E, 2000' 1/30/1949 #3984  
f fruitless search. He later tells AFOSI agent Paul Ryan that the fireballs 1/31/1949 #3988  
                        Canado, NM AFOSI Case 22: 18:40 - brilliant white,  2/14/1949 #4007  
                        Grants, NM AFOSI Case 23: 10:00 - oval orange lumin 2/17/1949 #4012  
                   Albuquerque, NM AFOSI Case 24; time unknown - Vertical C 2/17/1949 #4013  
j. Godsoe, who says it’s not worth AFOSI’s time to conduct investigations f 2/24/1949 #4023  
                    Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 25; 19:05 - Green-white fireb 2/27/1949 #4025  
                    Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 26; 00:10 - AESS Inspector Re 3/2/1949 #4031  
                    Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 27; 01:59 - bright green obj  3/3/1949 #4033  
                    Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 32-34; PFC. Max Eugene Manlov 3/7/1949 #4036  
                    Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 36; 18:36 - bright white w/gr 3/8/1949 #4038  
                    Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 37; 18:35 - white aluminum co 3/8/1949 #4039  
                   Albuquerque, NM AFOSI Case 40; 21:55 - Bluish-greenish w 3/13/1949 #4043  
                     Tucumcari, NM AFOSI Case 42; 18:00-18:05 - amber color 3/27/1949 #4054  
                       Montoya, NM AFOSI Case 43; 18:00 - a contrail-like y 3/27/1949 #4055  
                     Tucumcari, NM AFOSI Case 44; 10:15 - bright orange, lo 3/27/1949 #4056  
                     Tucumcari, NM AFOSI Case 45; 18:00 - orange obj about  3/27/1949 #4057  
                    Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 47; 22:00 - green w/red after 4/5/1949 #4075  
                    Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 48; 12:05 - btwn light and da 4/6/1949 #4077  
                    Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 49; 01:35 - green obj sighted 4/7/1949 #4080  
                    Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 50; 01:00 - green obj going S 4/7/1949 #4081  
                   Albuquerque, NM AFOSI Case 51; 19:30 - white round obj 1 4/12/1949 #4088  
                       El Paso, TX AFOSI Case 52; Witness reported grayish  4/12/1949 #4089  
ol. Reid Lumsden, commander of the AFOSI district office at Kelly AFB [now  4/14/1949 #4090  
 AFB, New Mexico USAF headquarters AFOSI at Kirtland AFB, New Mexico, sends 4/19/1949 #4094  
                         Cliff, NM AFOSI Case 54; 09:05 - round, flat thin  4/22/1949 #4097  
          Arrey (3 miles N of), NM AFOSI Case 55; 10:33 - white-yellow elli 4/24/1949 #4102  
                 Springer Lake, NM AFOSI Case 56; 00:50 - silvery spherical 4/25/1949 #4107  
                                   AFOSI headquarters Albuquerque, New Mexi 4/25/1949 #4109  
w Mexico Lt. Col. Doyle Rees wires AFOSI headquarters to ask if he can send 4/25/1949 #4109  
                        Tucson, AZ AFOSI Case 57; app 17:45 - a very large  4/28/1949 #4122  
                   Albuquerque, NM AFOSI Case 58; 22:15 - Blue-green round  4/30/1949 #4133  
                    Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 59; 21:43 - bright white obj  5/3/1949 #4139  
                    Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 60; 21:26;21:43;22:05 - Large 5/3/1949 #4140  
                    Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 61; 21:26-white baseball diam 5/3/1949 #4141  
 The Fourth US Army has approached AFOSI in San Antonio to offer assistance 5/5/1949 #4149  
ights. They arrange a meeting with AFOSI, ONI, CIC, the FBI, and the Armed  5/5/1949 #4149  
elieve they are natural phenomena; AFOSI and FBI give no opinion. The Fourt 5/5/1949 #4149  
 no opinion. The Fourth Army urges AFOSI to create an observation system, e 5/5/1949 #4149  
       Killeen Base, Camp Hood, TX AFOSI Case 62; 21:40 - 21:30 - Army arti 5/6/1949 #4155  
                    Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 63; 01:05 - round green obj 1 5/6/1949 #4156  
Lumsden of the San Antonio, Texas, AFOSI office informs headquarters that t 5/6/1949 #4159  
       Killeen Base, Camp Hood, TX AFOSI Case 64; 20:25-21:05 - brilliant w 5/7/1949 #4167  
       Killeen Base, Camp Hood, TX AFOSI Case 65; 19:40 - reddish greenish  5/7/1949 #4168  
       Killeen Base, Camp Hood, TX AFOSI Case 66; 20:08-20:17 - brilliant w 5/8/1949 #4169  
                        Tucson, AZ AFOSI Case 67; 09:30-11:00 - white metal 5/8/1949 #4170  
                        Tucson, AZ AFOSI Case 68; app 14:30 - silvery, roun 5/9/1949 #4172  
                    Alamogordo, NM AFOSI Case 69; 21:15-21:30 - white w/gre 5/12/1949 #4181  
                        Tucson, AZ AFOSI Case 70; app 17:00 - black round s 5/16/1949 #4189  
 Killeen plotting center by radio. AFOSI Lt. Col. Doyle Rees has meanwhile  5/19/1949 #4196  
                    Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 71; 00:40 - green ball of lig 6/2/1949 #4223  
                    Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 72; 20:57 - obj green then re 6/11/1949 #4235  
                    Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 73; 20:10 - round, green obj  6/20/1949 #4243  
                    Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 74; 20:10 - blue-green obj di 6/20/1949 #4244  
                   Albuquerque, NM AFOSI Case 76; 01:38 - round obj slightl 6/27/1949 #4253  
                    Las Cruses, NM AFOSI Case 85; 20:00 - round bluish gree 8/6/1949 #4305  
                    Las Cruses, NM AFOSI Case 86; 20:00 - reddish blue/gree 8/6/1949 #4306  
                    Alamogordo, NM AFOSI Case 87; 20:00 - round, bright whi 8/6/1949 #4307  
                    Alamogordo, NM AFOSI Case 88; 20:00-20:05 - white obj l 8/6/1949 #4308  
                    Alamogordo, NM AFOSI Case 89; 20:15 - round, whitish ye 8/6/1949 #4309  
                    Alamogordo, NM AFOSI Case 90; 20:30 - round, white/blui 8/6/1949 #4310  
 attended by 16 representatives of AFOSI, AMC (Joseph Kaplan and Maj. Frede 10/14/1949 #4394  
aha, Nebraska Denver, Colorado The AFOSI office at Offutt AFB in Omaha, Neb 1/16/1950 #4494  
ith’s report are sent to FBI, CIA, AFOSI, and the State Department. None ar 1/22/1950 #4503  
                                   AFOSI Letter #85 is issued, directing Ai 2/8/1950 #4535  
      Denver, CO Secret tape of an AFOSI interrogation of radio time salesm 3/31/1950 #4772  
 Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) and Office of Naval Research (ONR 1952 #5843  
s Alamos repeatedly by scientists, AFOSI personnel, airline and military pi 2/19/1952 #5911  
 all in the direction of Brookley. AFOSI agent Charles A. Robinson arrives  8/28/1952 #7773  
              An FBI agent and two AFOSI officers interview George Adamski  3/17/1953 #8759  
F Office of Special Investigation (AFOSI) and Atomic Energy Commission (AEC 8/3/1953 #9041  
ngs (FLYOBRPTs) to the director of AFOSI, ATIC, commanding officer of Easte 7/23/1954 #10043  
ngs (FLYOBRPTs) to the director of AFOSI, ATIC, commanding officer of Easte 7/23/1954 #10044  
 Col. William G. Workman writes to AFOSI about a UFO crash near Hunter AFB  10/30/1958 #15404  
t is likely the interrogators were AFOSI, given Rogers recalls seeing AFR 2 1960 #16145  
Nelson states a report was made to AFOSI, but he only learned about this de Late 1963 #17989  
 strange marks are on their necks. AFOSI special agents interview them, but 3/2/1965 #18832  
ge. Earnshaw states, “I heard that AFOSI was debriefing people. OSI was cha 7/31/1965 #19225  
d, sent to HQ and coordinated with AFOSI. The FBI also admits in a 1952 mem 7/21/1966 #20664  
BI Director J. Edgar Hoover writes AFOSI about flying discs seen above an A 7/21/1966 #20664  
ch incidents should report them to AFOSI.                                   3/1/1967 #21713  
ghtings of these men to be sent to AFOSI. One U.S. citizen, Rex Heflin, cla 3/1/1967 #21719  
s/ (alt URL added by RG)     Note: AFOSI counterintelligence officer Richar 10/11/1973 #28009  
 files now include an added set of AFOSI files of UFO investigations from 1 12/1975 #30679  
ions from 1948 to 1968 released by AFOSI in December 1975.                  12/1975 #30679  
lsworth personnel and debriefed by AFOSI. Woods was ordered to take a urina 11/1977 #32648  
 Col. Landon and Brig. Gen. Brown (AFOSI). The reporting officer was S. W.  1/18/1978 #32890  
 a foul, ammonia-like stench; then AFOSI arrives and ropes everything off.  1/18/1978 #32894  
ol. Landon and Brig. Gen. Brown at AFOSI. It states a UAP sighting occurred 1/18/1978 #32895  
eld’s alleged sources include: *   AFOSI interrogated Cecil Tenney after se 8/1978 #33460  
             The fake USG document AFOSI counterintelligence officer Richar 1980's? #35109  
Doty redirects attention away from AFOSI’s surveillance of U.S. citizens in 1980's? #35109  
00bish/page/120/mode/2up     Note: AFOSI’s actions against U.S. citizens re 1980's? #35109  
                                   AFOSI counterintelligence officer Richar 1980's #35110  
o Nuclear Weapons Storage Facility AFOSI special agent Sgt. Richard Doty wr 7/1980 #35397  
                                   AFOSI counterintelligence officer Richar 7/1980 #35398  
ld be “useful idiots” and admitted AFOSI was targeting U.S. citizens with p 7/1980 #35398  
tory told to Linda Moulton Howe by AFOSI counterintelligence agent Richard  7/1980 #35399  
t Edwards reported the sighting to AFOSI Special Agent Richard Doty, unawar 8/1980 #35432  
is formal report, forwarding it to AFOSI (Air Force Office of Special Inves 8/1980 #35432  
p. However, after Noah Lawrence at AFOSI Headquarters tells Maccabee there  8/8/1980 #35447  
                      Kirtland AFB AFOSI Complaint Form: At Kirtland AFB th 8/9/1980 #35449  
re decides to cooperate with these AFOSI sources and provide them with info 9/8/1980 #35504  
y writes and signs a fake two-page AFOSI complaint form, titled “Kirtland A 9/8/1980 #35505  
oore meets for the first time with AFOSI officer Richard Doty (whom Moore r 9/30/1980 #35547  
s him deluded), Bennewitz contacts AFOSI special agent Sgt. Richard Doty at 10/26/1980 #35590  
Brig. Gen. William Brooksher, base AFOSI head Maj. Thomas Cseh, and scienti 11/10/1980 #35625  
 Richard Doty tells Bennewitz that AFOSI has decided against any further in 11/17/1980 #35645  
lled the “Aquarius document”) from AFOSI headquarters at Bolling AFB in Was 11/17/1980 #35645  
 D.C., to the Seventeenth District AFOSI office at Kirtland and gives it to 11/17/1980 #35645  
lls it a retyped version of a real AFOSI message with a few spurious additi 11/17/1980 #35645  
oty tells radio host Art Bell that AFOSI’s interest in Bennewitz has nothin 11/17/1980 #35645  
                                   AFOSI counterintelligence officer Richar 11/17/1980 #35646  
sychiatric hospital as a result of AFOSI’s actions. Sen. Peter Domenici met 11/17/1980 #35646  
ions. Sen. Peter Domenici met with AFOSI; existing documentation suggests A 11/17/1980 #35646  
I; existing documentation suggests AFOSI may have also misled Domenici beca 11/17/1980 #35646  
mitt (R-N.Mex.) who asks him about AFOSI’s role in Bennewitz’s claims. Doty 11/26/1980 #35673  
what he tells Schmitt is not true. AFOSI has told him to make Bennewitz bel 11/26/1980 #35673  
 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, about AFOSI investigations into Paul Bennewitz 7/30/1981 #36040  
under interrogation by the FBI and AFOSI. This includes polygraph tests, wh 10/1981 #36150  
ico William Moore meets twice with AFOSI officer Richard Doty in a restaura 12/29/1981 #36282  
ed that he was given his orders by AFOSI agents (believed to be Richard Dot 1982 #36283  
orth AFB “incident” that he claims AFOSI and the FBI are investigating. He  1/10/1983 #36742  
f Special Investigations. In 1997, AFOSI told FOIA requestors that its IPU  5/16/1984 #37330  
most likely sent by individuals in AFOSI at Kirtland AFB, including special 12/11/1984 #37522  
ained from a source whose identity AFOSI has decided must remain classified 9/15/1988 #38640  
ogists appeared live by satellite. AFOSI officer Rick Doty played the part  10/14/1988 #38672  
place in Washington, D.C., between AFOSI and FBI agents, who request inform 11/30/1988 #38728  
he documents he was receiving from AFOSI were faked, much of the scenario s 7/1/1989 #39002  
COMSEC Ops, ELINT Ops, HUMINT Ops, AFOSI Nellis Div. 26th, 64th, 65th, 527t 7/28/1991 #40136  
d for it. Intelligence groups like AFOSI continue to cover, distort, destro 5/22/1992 #40469  
to USAF, NASA and NATO facilities. AFOSI Special Agent Jim Christy told the 6/21/1996 #42937  
was put into contact with him from AFOSI states a group of current and form 3/11/1998 #43532  
r operations and security, and ask AFOSI for data on the Northern Tier UFO  12/11/2009 #45262  
am (AAWSAP), claims to meet former AFOSI Col. Barry Hennessey. Hennessey te 2010 #45263  
ennessey. Hennessey tells Grossman AFOSI could not identify many nuclear ba 2010 #45263  
975 wave.  Hennessey believes many AFOSI records for those cases were destr 2010 #45263  
 the Office of Special Projects of AFOSI, Jack Angelo, at Joint Base Anacos 2010 #45263  
s in Washington, D.C., with former AFOSI Col. Barry Hennessey (Ret.). He ac Late 1/2010 #45268  
essey (Ret.). He acknowledges that AFOSI could not identify many of the UFO Late 1/2010 #45268  
ennessey suspects that many of the AFOSI investigative records for those ca Late 1/2010 #45268  
 Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) at Offutt Air Force Base in Nebra 3/31/2011 #45322  
ensional and demonic when the FBI, AFOSI and other agencies began investiga 3/31/2011 #45322  
claims members eventually included AFOSI, NSA and CIA, and other agencies.  3/31/2011 #45322  
 sign non-disclosure statements by AFOSI personnel. One week earlier, decla 9/19/2012 #45353  
        Puthoff also states former AFOSI counterintelligence officer Richar 2/8/2020 #45632  
                            Former AFOSI counterintelligence officer Richar 6/13/2022 #45757  
ave been misinformation created by AFOSI.  https://youtu.be/ETWqPQwkn2E?t=1 9/2022 #45766  
## Word: "afosr" (Back to Top)
orado Col. J. Thomas Ratchford, an AFOSR scientist, approaches the National Late 7/1966 #20683  
Marley, and Col. Robert Hippler of AFOSR brief the Colorado project staff.  11/14/1966 #21100  
## Word: "afp" (Back to Top)
very slowly. No further details. / AFP.                                     10/5/1954 #10721  
y very fast. No further details. / AFP / r197.                              10/13/1954 #10990  
transmitter! Going quickly west. / AFP.                                     10/27/1954 #11438  
ome. Up and going quickly north. / AFP.                                     12/14/1954 #11806  
nking night lights. Not / RADAR. / AFP and Jean-Marc Audra.                 9/23/1996 #43036  
## Word: "afr" (Back to Top)
                 1200MI.S / GHANA, AFR British ship. 100M metallic cylinder 10/28/1902 #653  
prosecuting Mirarchi for violating AFR 205-1.                               2/25/1951 #5458  
prosecuting Mirarchi for violating AFR 205-1.  https://www.newspapers.com/c 2/27/1951 #5465  
                   BANGUI, FR. EQT.AFR White fireball buzzes Air Force Base 3/1951 #5466  
air mail. AFL 200-5 is modified by AFR 200-2 in 1953.                       4/29/1952 #6215  
      RICHMOND AND UMGABABA, SOUTH AFR 2+1 observer(s). Metal saucer passes 9/26/1952 #8029  
             ABIDJAN, IVORY COAST, AFR 3 observer(s). Green night light sto 10/3/1952 #8087  
                      BOCARANGA, C.AFR.REP Priest and 7. 4 red saucers goin 11/22/1952 #8322  
 by Air Defense Command Regulation AFR 24-4. One of its missions is to coll 1/3/1953 #8499  
 for UFO reporting. New Regulation AFR 200–2A.                              11/2/1953 #9272  
nd. The directive cites JANAP 146, AFR 200-2, OPNAV 3820, and Directive 382 7/23/1954 #10043  
ied, so it threatens disclosure of AFR 200-2, which is still classified. US 7/23/1954 #10043  
AF begins work on a new version of AFR 200-2 without the “restricted” label 7/23/1954 #10043  
ine personnel and cites JANAP 146, AFR 200-2, OPNAV 3820 and Directive 3820 7/23/1954 #10044  
ated reporting of UFOs. Regulation AFR 200–2, (see Aug. 26, 1953), by order 8/12/1954 #10132  
             An updated version of AFR 200-2 is issued by the Department of 8/12/1954 #10138  
             The Air Force revises AFR 200-2 and recreates the system of ai 2/5/1958 #14872  
 statement and shown a regulation “AFR 200-2.”  https://www.ufohastings.com 1960 #16145  
AFOSI, given Rogers recalls seeing AFR 200-2. *   http://www.nicap.org/dire 1960 #16145  
FOs. But through official secrecy [AFR 200-2] and ridicule, many citizens a 2/27/1960 #16186  
e public interest” is allowed, and AFR 11-7, which states that sometimes in 10/29/1962 #17516  
ry if the means justify it, citing AFR 11-30 where withholding information  10/29/1962 #17518  
he public interest” is allowed and AFR 11-7 which states information reques 10/29/1962 #17518  
               RICHARDS BAY, SOUTH AFR 3M saucer hits sand. Several lit por 3/13/1963 #17704  
          US Air Force Regulation (AFR) 80-17 promulgated to replace AFR 20 9/19/1966 #20897  
(AFR) 80-17 promulgated to replace AFR 200-2, placing UFOs under the Resear 9/19/1966 #20897  
ce Regulation 200-2 is replaced by AFR 80-17, which orders members of the m 9/19/1966 #20898  
             PORT ELIZABETH, SOUTH AFR 2 / car. Red disk rises / ground. Fi 7/5/1972 #26768  
                 QUEENSTOWN, SOUTH AFR Droning sound and glow. 4 23cm patch 4/30/1973 #27454  
nsible for UAP data collection per AFR 200-2.  Kissner added his sources to 1994 #41349  
## Word: "afr%20200-2" (Back to Top)
.  http://www.nicap.org/directives/AFR%20200-2,%20Aug%20%2026,1953.pdf      8/26/1953 #9113  
   http://www.nicap.org/directives/AFR%20200-2,%20Aug%20%2026,1953.pdf      1960 #16145  
## Word: "afraid" (Back to Top)
ears a voice telling him not to be afraid and asking if he wants to know wh 12/4/1949 #4434  
He hears a voice saying, “Don’t be afraid, Orfeo, we are friends.” This beg 5/23/1952 #6350  
him, although Bethurum said he was afraid to attempt a getaway. He was stil 7/27/1952 #7216  
distance from their home, but were afraid to approach it. It remained there 9/27/1954 #10469  
istance from their house, but were afraid to approach it. It remained there 9/27/1954 #10474  
ound. He said he had never been so afraid, even during the war.             10/18/1954 #11208  
ound. He said he had never been so afraid, even during the war.             10/18/1954 #11217  
e cows in the field appeared to be afraid, bellowing and grouping in the pa 10/27/1954 #11451  
es her in his hands and says, “Not afraid this time?” He leads her on board 4/7/1956 #12798  
pathically. He tells her not to be afraid and that he is from a world he ca 11/16/1957 #14567  
ly to the witness head, "Do not be afraid, we will not harm you." Frightene 9/13/1959 #15973  
t following their car. They became afraid and drove away. A "beeping sound" 9/19/1961 #16852  
 belt. Noting that the witness was afraid, one of them made a reassuring ge 12/9/1962 #17576  
bserve it better. When they became afraid and walked back to the car, the s 5/24/1964 #18296  
After telling the couple not to be afraid and that he was on a mission, the 6/5/1964 #18332  
started in his direction he became afraid and drove off.                    7/30/1964 #18459  
 originated. It told him not to be afraid, and to put down his gun. Once he 9/4/1965 #19520  
riving within 2 m of it, he became afraid and backed up, but the object sud 3/31/1966 #20174  
 stopped to observe it, but became afraid when he saw that it came from a p 7/25/1966 #20681  
ly stopped to watch it, but became afraid when it flew within 100 meters of 7/25/1966 #20685  
ng stopped, and the witness became afraid and ran away. Police found six pr 4/26/1967 #22223  
ooked metallic. The witness became afraid and emptied his .25 Beretta in th 5/11/1967 #22317  
g clothes. They told him not to be afraid and to return the next day, "othe 9/14/1967 #23059  
 uniforms. They told him not to be afraid and to return the next day, or "o 9/14/1967 #23061  
 by several witnesses who were too afraid to approach. It finally rose vert 1/23/1968 #23688  
getting a mental message not to be afraid. The entity raises its other arm, 6/15/1968 #24039  
 voice in his head say: “Do not be afraid, nothing bad will happen to you,  8/11/1969 #25317  
r: “Yes, it is a saucer, do not be afraid, it was necessary that you see it 11/15/1969 #25461  
elepathically and asked why he was afraid. His mind was briefly transported 3/14/1971 #26047  
e understood that he should not be afraid of them. Then one of them took ou 3/16/1972 #26606  
uguese, told the witness not to be afraid and to put away his gun, saying t 5/16/1973 #27496  
n terms how she was told not to be afraid, and then "taken somewhere" by be 6/23/1973 #27584  
                  Emden, MO Dog is afraid of low glowing object (UFO) (NICA 7/13/1973 #27632  
rimeter report that their dogs are afraid and acting up. An order to fire o 10/1973 #27902  
 the camper telling them not to be afraid. About seven of the men stood in  10/14/1973 #28031  
ing they are thinking. Donna is so afraid that she twice leaves the truck c 10/16/1973 #28087  
m the woods and told him not to be afraid. The two figures took him to a ne 11/3/1973 #28362  
at the "aliens" told him not to be afraid, and that someday they would be b 3/15/1974 #28892  
New Mexico. The witnesses were too afraid to approach it. After awhile it l 5/28/1974 #29143  
e object. This witness also became afraid and left. When he looked back, he 6/1/1975 #30074  
men felt they were being observed. Afraid, they woke the rest of their frie 8/18/1975 #30288  
his entity told Stephens not to be afraid. He was taken into a brightly lit 10/27/1975 #30489  
 was told by this woman “not to be afraid” and felt that information was be 1/23/1976 #30817  
disappears. Driving home upset and afraid, she misses a familiar sign and d 6/11/1976 #31102  
e figure. The two witnesses became afraid and locked themselves in their ho 1/3/1977 #31687  
would awake in a pool of sweat and afraid.” It is unclear if Congress has b 11/1977 #32648  
outh. At this point the boy became afraid, and ran away quickly away. Looki 5/2/1978 #33185  
 resembling either cows or horses. Afraid, the boy jumped out of the object 9/6/1978 #33640  
g from the sky at very high speed. Afraid, she ran and turned off all the l 12/6/1978 #34068  
avaria, Germany. More puzzled than afraid, she pulled off to the side of th 12/12/1978 #34100  
then heard a voice say: "Do not be afraid. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) ( 12/14/1978 #34117  
then heard a voice say: "Do not be afraid. We will not harm you. We are fro 12/14/1978 #34127  
han 30 minutes. The witnesses were afraid to approach the figure. Some thou 12/15/1978 #34139  
 the witness. Camusoni didn't feel afraid, but did feel curiosity towards t 2/26/1979 #34450  
rd a voice that told her not to be afraid. One of the beings approached and 12/4/1979 #35052  
ongated heads. He thinks they look afraid, so he tries to telepathically as 10/15/1980 #35568  
lepathically assure them not to be afraid. They respond by asking him, “Why 10/15/1980 #35568  
but his companion became extremely afraid, screamed out and hid under his b 2/18/1981 #35832  
es a telepathic message to “not be afraid.” He walks closer to them and hea 8/8/1981 #36064  
ice in his head tell him not to be afraid. Soon a tall woman, about 1.90 me 9/11/1981 #36110  
ice in his head tell him not to be afraid. Soon a tall woman, about 1.90 me 9/12/1981 #36112  
ark skin. They asked him if he was afraid as they walked by, and he said no 12/30/1982 #36729  
ang. Voice in head says. "Don't be afraid..".                               12/31/1982 #36730  
 his head that tells him not to be afraid. At the same time, the object tur 12/31/1982 #36733  
e for two minutes. Their dogs were afraid.                                  4/22/1984 #37282  
e he heard a voice say, "Do not be afraid." The beings were both human look 5/9/1985 #37589  
mehow metallic. It said: "Don't be afraid, nothing bad will happen to you." 2/18/1990 #39422  
he shoulder and saying, “Do not be afraid.” She takes Yerygina to a large o 7/6/1990 #39637  
kle was black. The witness was not afraid and went back to sleep. Ten minut 7/29/1990 #39667  
tity staring in the window at him. Afraid, he jumped up and ran outside int 12/31/1990 #39932  
$1.25 million, telling Hal he was “afraid” of the consequences.  https://uf 5/22/1991 #40075  
ed the following answer: "Don't be afraid, we won't harm you, we are Catado 3/5/1992 #40359  
l open the window. She then became afraid and went back to bed, but as she  1/27/1993 #40816  
tanding next to her bed. "Don't be afraid. I will not harm you," she heard  3/31/1993 #40915  
enly thought of the boy and became afraid, thinking, "they are here because 8/20/1993 #41148  
f the younger African children are afraid it is a Tokoloshe, a folkloric en 9/16/1994 #41754  
ause of death was determined. Herd afraid.                                  10/30/1995 #42570  
 only apparent object in the room. Afraid, he began banging on the large do 10/15/1997 #43429  
self on a metal table. She was not afraid and she was surrounded by bright  6/27/1998 #43596  
tight-fitting outfits and helmets. Afraid, the witness did not get any clos 2/17/1999 #43730  
h his dogs. However, the dogs were afraid and refused to follow him. As he  11/30/2000 #44094  
ay from our hours." He daughter is afraid that something will happen to her 8/29/2001 #44247  
ead, but suddenly she did not feel afraid anymore. She then felt very confu 1/27/2003 #44481  
mforted her, telling her not to be afraid that she would not be hurt. The t 1/27/2003 #44481  
knew that this was something to be afraid of, and hid in the deep shadows o 9/3/2003 #44592  
e air. It moved as if confused, or afraid and didn't know what to do. As he 3/12/2004 #44676  
ange thing was that he didn't feel afraid at all to go out in the dark gara 4/12/2008 #45127  
## Word: "afres" (Back to Top)
x. 2200 hours, Lt. Henry G. Combs (AFRes) spotted an oval shaped UFO while  11/18/1948 #3880  
## Word: "africa" (Back to Top)
c 860 miles from the coast of West Africa 6:30 p.m. Capt. Frederick William 3/22/1870 #184  
d 860 miles from the coast of West Africa when he sees a “curious- shaped”  3/22/1870 #184  
                             South Africa Many British residents in South A 8/11/1914 #909  
ca Many British residents in South Africa observe a mystery monoplane that  8/11/1914 #909  
re are no Union airplanes in South Africa, so any mystery aircraft are assu 8/11/1914 #909  
ngton KwaZulu-Natal midlands South Africa Seven-year-old Elizabeth Klarer a 10/1917 #968  
 the KwaZulu-Natal midlands, South Africa. While playing outside the farmho 10/1917 #968  
                       Mozambique, Africa Mozambique and Island of Madagasc 12/1941 #1374  
               Johannesburg, South Africa Late evening. Two women on a walk Summer 1946 #2013  
n on a walk in Johannesburg, South Africa, see an aerial object hovering 5  Summer 1946 #2013  
     At 4:55 a.m. in Durban, South Africa three men in a truck and several  2/21/1950 #4543  
                   Nanyika, Kenya, Africa Pearly, iridescent object with a  12/2/1950 #5309  
                  Kimberley, South Africa 4:55 p.m. J. G. F. Moult and his  12/13/1950 #5345  
 at their home in Kimberley, South Africa, when they observe a bright objec 12/13/1950 #5345  
           Mt. Kilimanjaro, Kenya, Africa Lodestar Crew Sees Stationary Sil 2/19/1951 #5447  
                        Durban, S. Africa Dark red, torpedo-shaped object w 2/21/1951 #5454  
                     Durban, South Africa Witnesses: three men in a truck,  2/21/1951 #5455  
own object while flying over North Africa. A disc-shaped object passed the  2/11/1953 #8665  
                  CAPE AREA, SOUTH AFRICA Air Force Radars. Object passes C 5/23/1953 #8901  
                          Cape, S. Africa Cape, So. Africa, G (NICAP: 09 -  5/23/1953 #8903  
         Cape, S. Africa Cape, So. Africa, G (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rati 5/23/1953 #8903  
          Capetown, Union of South Africa, Africa South African headquarter 5/23/1953 #8904  
  Capetown, Union of South Africa, Africa South African headquarters announ 5/23/1953 #8904  
              Cape Province, South Africa Radar tracks a target over Cape P 5/23/1953 #8906  
a target over Cape Province, South Africa, that makes six passes at more th 5/23/1953 #8906  
i in Northern Cape Province, South Africa 5:10 a.m. D. Beyers, driving 80 m 5/26/1953 #8910  
i in Northern Cape Province, South Africa, sees a bright yellowish-green li 5/26/1953 #8910  
On this day in Johannesburg, South Africa a disc-shaped object followed a c 12/30/1953 #9410  
                French Equatorial, Africa Sighted an unidentified flying ob 6/18/1954 #9909  
                French Equatorial, Africa (Jan Aldrich) (NICAP: 01 - Distan 7/19/1954 #10028  
                Southern Rhodesia, Africa J. H. Flanagan (a policeman) and  7/25/1954 #10050  
                     DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICA Several observer(s). Grey saucer  7/31/1954 #10069  
y in Durban, Natal province, South Africa a good photograph was taken of a  7/31/1954 #10070  
                  Danane, Fr. West Africa Officials watched oval UFO with d 9/19/1954 #10359  
                     DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICA 2 weathermen / theodolite. Delta- 9/21/1954 #10377  
neuver thru sky over Durban, South Africa and ten o'clock in the morning.   9/21/1954 #10385  
nters. Five reports are from North Africa, one each from Germany and Italy, 10/5/1954 #10735  
                 Cape Province, S. Africa White, semi-circular, flat object 12/7/1954 #11769  
              Cape Province, South Africa Witness: weather officer, using a 12/7/1954 #11771  
    Upington, Northern Cape, South Africa 1:15 p.m. R. H. Kleyweg, officer- 12/7/1954 #11773  
 at Upington, Northern Cape, South Africa, is looking for a red balloon he  12/7/1954 #11773  
er officer in Cape Province, South Africa using a theodolite, saw a white,  12/7/1954 #11775  
               Johannesburg, South Africa Rosetta, KwaZulu Natal Flying Sau 12/27/1954 #11864  
, travels from Johannesburg, South Africa, with her children to a hill sout 12/27/1954 #11864  
a nearby hill in Mooi River, South Africa. Twenty yards away was a domed di 12/27/1954 #11865  
               BLOEMFONTEIN, SOUTH AFRICA Several observer(s) / (seen thru) 1/1/1955 #11905  
                             South Africa Elizabeth Klarer, South Africa ta 4/7/1956 #12797  
uth Africa Elizabeth Klarer, South Africa takes ride in saucer, talks to Ve 4/7/1956 #12797  
t of Rosetta, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Alpha Centauri system Elizabeth K 4/7/1956 #12798  
t of Rosetta, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, drawn by a strange compulsion. T 4/7/1956 #12798  
Hill Rosetta, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Elizabeth Klarer takes several ph 7/17/1956 #12980  
t of Rosetta, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.                                  7/17/1956 #12980  
 passed overhead in Malvern, South Africa at 8:30 p.m. The flying object ma 11/5/1956 #13308  
                    FLORIDA, SOUTH AFRICA 2+observer(s). Star brightens. Ch 9/29/1957 #14042  
e near Krugersdorp, Gauteng, South Africa Pretoria 9:15 a.m. More than 50 w 11/1/1957 #14189  
e near Krugersdorp, Gauteng, South Africa, watch two UFOs hanging motionles 11/1/1957 #14189  
ing craft over Johannesburg, South Africa. It was seen from the ground by s 11/1/1957 #14190  
mfontein, Orange Free State, South Africa at low altitude. It then abruptly 1/5/1958 #14810  
                   Pretoria, South Africa Edgar Sievers begins publishing a 4/1958 #14954  
titled Approach in Pretoria, South Africa. It folds in March 1960.          4/1958 #14954  
                  Johannesburg, S. Africa Airport instrument inspector, oth 4/11/1958 #14976  
gs. Going south overhead toward(s) Africa. / FSRv17#4.                      8/1958 #15166  
        South Atlantic Ocean South Africa Berkeley, California Livermore br 8/27/1958 #15229  
antic Ocean off the coast of South Africa. They explode approximately 300 m 8/27/1958 #15229  
          Wheelus AFB, Tripoli, N. Africa A round, blue-white object fly at 9/1/1958 #15244  
                The Willows, South Africa A civilian woman observed a sauce 6/21/1959 #15779  
ar Wellington, Western Cape, South Africa. It hovered for a minute of two,  5/9/1961 #16679  
               Richards Bay, South Africa Fred White was fishing when he he 3/13/1963 #17705  
was fishing in Richards Bay, South Africa at 10:30 p.m. when he heard a hig 3/13/1963 #17706  
                Vereeniging, South Africa Messrs. Muller and Immelman sudde 12/14/1963 #18080  
                  Silverton, South Africa Two policemen, John Lockem and Ko 9/15/1965 #19566  
rstspruit Road in Silverton, South Africa just before midnight when their h 9/15/1965 #19567  
                   Pretoria, South Africa NICAP Report #(?): Pretoria, S. A 9/16/1965 #19569  
ca NICAP Report #(?): Pretoria, S. Africa: Constables John Lockem and Koos  9/16/1965 #19569  
                     Silverton, S. Africa Multiple police, landing, traces. 9/16/1965 #19571  
                      Pretoria, S. Africa Saucer Blasts Off From Highway (N 9/16/1965 #19572  
                   Pretoria, South Africa Constables in police van encounte 9/16/1965 #19573  
ria-Bronkhorstspruit highway South Africa Just after 12:00 midnight. Consta 9/16/1965 #19574  
 Bronkhorstspruit highway in South Africa when their police van headlights  9/16/1965 #19574  
                   Pretoria, South Africa. Two police officer witnesses in  9/16/1965 #19575  
                    Gauteng, South Africa Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Ob 10/22/1965 #19672  
omy Observatory] in Gauteng, South Africa, in tracking Mariner 4, is presen 10/22/1965 #19672  
                       Witbank, S. Africa 7:40 p.m. LT. A farm woman heard  2/14/1966 #19903  
                        Durban, S. Africa Evening. Four people, including a 7/3/1967 #22599  
                  Mrewa, Zimbabwe, Africa Three shiny ovals hovering nearby 1/30/1970 #25562  
            PINETOWN, NATAL, SOUTH AFRICA 3 egg-shaped objects / low altitu 3/13/1972 #26602  
                  Fort Beufort, S. Africa Daylight, multi witness, (#526) l 6/26/1972 #26734  
Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa 8:00 a.m. Bennie Smit, the new ow 6/26/1972 #26735  
Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa, is alerted to a “fiery red ball  6/26/1972 #26735  
de farm, near Fort Beaufort, South Africa. They thought they saw a fire in  6/26/1972 #26736  
 off in King William's Town, South Africa. The object resembled a "sailor's 7/5/1972 #26775  
ailway station in Kraankuil, South Africa. At 10:15 p.m. a huge flying sphe 7/5/1972 #26775  
n front of a car in Vryburg, South Africa. It changed colors from red to gr 7/5/1972 #26775  
daalsrus, Orange Free State, South Africa a flat rotating disc was sighted  7/16/1972 #26807  
In Malmesbury, Western Cape, South Africa an object that changed color move 7/16/1972 #26807  
n over the coast at Tongaat, South Africa at 4:30 a.m.                      7/20/1972 #26821  
        In Pietermaritzburg, South Africa a pink cone-shaped UFO appeared d 7/20/1972 #26822  
ands, Western Cape Province, South Africa a witness by the name of Alexande 7/21/1972 #26823  
as, Kwa-Zulu Natal province, South Africa Mr. and Mrs. Marco took two photo 7/23/1972 #26827  
 evening in Roosboom, Natal, South Africa Elias Khosa saw a "monster" when  8/16/1972 #26922  
 a river in Roosboom, Natal, South Africa when she looked up and saw what f 8/22/1972 #26949  
         Rosmead, East Cape, South Africa Middelburg police station Tennis  11/12/1972 #27120  
 dump at Rosmead, East Cape, South Africa, when they see a red light moving 11/12/1972 #27120  
                    NEWTOWN, SOUTH AFRICA Several observer(s). Glittering y 5/18/1973 #27499  
                 ROODEPOORT, SOUTH AFRICA 2+many. Dog frantic. Saucer with  9/13/1973 #27813  
                  Salisbury, South Africa 2:30 a.m. Prolonged car-pacing ca 5/31/1974 #29147  
m Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) to South Africa via Fort Victoria and Beit Bridge 5/31/1974 #29150  
ver the port of East London, South Africa at 11:50 p.m. It had portholes al 7/9/1974 #29255  
                          Algeria, Africa The UFOs in this report were seen 1/1975 #29683  
                     Loxton, South Africa Oval object, occupants visible; l 7/31/1975 #30216  
                     Loxton, South Africa Oval object, occupants visible; l 7/31/1975 #30217  
      Loxton, Northern Cape, South Africa 7:30 a.m. Farmer Danie van Graan  7/31/1975 #30218  
re at Loxton, Northern Cape, South Africa, and sees a silvery disc with pro 7/31/1975 #30218  
 Island in Three Anchor Bay, South Africa. A loud explosion followed it. Th 5/4/1976 #31035  
        Galdar, Canary Islands, W. Africa 10:30 p.m. Spherical object, tran 6/22/1976 #31127  
ver, Northern Cape province, South Africa experienced radio static on their 6/3/1977 #32145  
                    Middelburg, S. Africa Glowing object, van enveloped in  6/16/1977 #32165  
   Middelburg, Eastern Cape, South Africa - At 5:15 a.m. a glowing object e 6/16/1977 #32166  
  Noupoort and Middelburg (btn), S.Africa A driver of a newspaper delivery  6/23/1977 #32185  
een Noupoort and Middelburg, South Africa saw a dull glow at a quarry besid 6/23/1977 #32186  
                 Steynsburg, South Africa 5:50 PM. A spherical light--large 7/6/1977 #32239  
                 Steynsburg, South Africa - At 5:50 p.m. a spherical light- 7/6/1977 #32242  
rve Uitenhage, Eastern Cape, South Africa A resident Indian woman sees a di 9/29/1978 #33778  
ear Uitenhage, Eastern Cape, South Africa.                                  9/29/1978 #33778  
erve, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. It was seen by a single female w 9/29/1978 #33779  
     Despatch, Eastern Cape, South Africa Groendal Nature Reserve 11:15 a.m 10/2/1978 #33790  
from Despatch, Eastern Cape, South Africa, are hiking in the Groendal Natur 10/2/1978 #33790  
hage, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa had been out hiking in an isolate 10/2/1978 #33791  
                     Mindalore, S, Africa Dog barked, mother and child saw  1/3/1979 #34286  
                  Mindalore, South Africa Dog barked, mother and child saw  1/3/1979 #34289  
first occurred in Mindalore, South Africa. A man and a woman were driving i 1/3/1979 #34291  
       Krugersdorp, Gauteng, South Africa Just after 12:00 midnight. Meagen 1/4/1979 #34294  
ome in Krugersdorp, Gauteng, South Africa. Driving along a remote country r 1/4/1979 #34294  
Mindalore, Gauteng province, South Africa experienced a 20 minute episode o 1/5/1979 #34303  
lanos Air Base in Albacete Sagunto Africa 11:00 p.m. Flight JK-297, a TAE S 11/11/1979 #34997  
FO finally disappears, heading for Africa. After 90 minutes of pursuit, the 11/11/1979 #34997  
               Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, Africa A brilliant blue disc hovered at  5/12/1980 #35325  
                  COLESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA Several observer(s). Odd glowing  12/18/1980 (approximate) #35725  
 in Colesburg, Eastern Cape, South Africa watched an odd glowing cloud-like 12/18/1980 #35728  
                  UITENHAGE, SOUTH AFRICA Buzz. 120M cylinder/cigar-shape o 3/11/1981 #35863  
                             South Africa Indian Ocean Western Cape 6:00 p. 5/5/1981 #35930  
 Salyut 6 space station over South Africa and moving toward the Indian Ocea 5/5/1981 #35930  
y over the city of Randburg, South Africa in a V formation, heading toward  3/1/1985 #37563  
 over a farm near Gomoab, Namibia, Africa at around 8 p.m. The next morning 4/26/1985 #37584  
itch doctors" traveling from South Africa.                                  1/29/1987 #38106  
                Beira, Mozambique, Africa Airliner encounters huge object w 2/11/1988 #38456  
on occurred in Johannesburg, South Africa at 3:40 a.m.                      7/19/1988 #38605  
S in a C-5A cargo plane from South Africa.                                  5/7/1989 #38939  
ers between the Republics of South Africa and Botswana: UFO shot down by 2  5/17/1989 #38954  
 of the port of Scarborough, South Africa in the Western Cape Province a hu 3/6/1992 #40361  
ort Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa.                                  5/7/1992 #40458  
                            ALL SO.AFRICA Hundreds / report(s). Silent nigh 9/14/1994 #41748  
        North West Province, South Africa 8:30 a.m. Farmer Jan Pienaar, 45, 3/30/1995 #42127  
 in the North West Province, South Africa, when his truck stops dead. About 3/30/1995 #42127  
                 Merweville, South Africa 7:30 a.m. An 11-year-old boy is o 4/10/1995 #42145  
ger sisters near Merweville, South Africa, when they see a strange object o 4/10/1995 #42145  
 teaching center in Bindura, South Africa reported seeing a white ovoid UFO 3/6/1996 #42810  
 In Citrusdal, Western Cape, South Africa two witnesses were walking home a 4/12/2004 #44686  
1998, researchers at a facility in Africa managed by AFRICOM security made  7/2011 #45330  
## Word: "african" (Back to Top)
                                   African American neighborhood of Charlot 4/1917 #954  
h Carolina Night. Residents of the African American neighborhood of Charlot 4/1917 #954  
  Only data in files was from East African "Standard" newspaper.            12/2/1950 #5310  
caranga, Ubangi-Shari [now Central African Republic] 10:00 p.m. Fr. Carlos  11/22/1952 #8323  
caranga, Ubangi-Shari [now Central African Republic] when they notice a lar 11/22/1952 #8323  
nion of South Africa, Africa South African headquarters announced in Novemb 5/23/1953 #8904  
ernoon. A Sabre jet from the South African Air Force is sent up to investig 11/1/1957 #14189  
   On this morning in 1957 a South African Air Force Sabre jet pilot pursue 11/1/1957 #14190  
oses, resembling sculptures in the African Pavilion at the Montreal Expo.   7/2/1968 #24135  
. At the Customs post at the South African border showed 8:30 a.m. although 5/31/1974 #29150  
uminous cloud to the west. A South African Airways jumbo jet describes the  3/24/1977 #31929  
e site. On October 18, three South African police officers and two trackers 10/2/1978 #33790  
the object could have been a South African test of an Israeli Jericho-class 5/5/1981 #35930  
 Kalahari Desert in Botswana South African border Hoaxed South African Air  5/7/1989 #38938  
 South African border Hoaxed South African Air Force documents purport to d 5/7/1989 #38938  
tswana 50 miles north of the South African border. Two Mirage fighter aircr 5/7/1989 #38938  
                           A South African Mirage FIIG AF allegedly jet sho 5/7/1989 #38939  
esert, 80 miles north of the South African border in Botswana. It had been  5/7/1989 #38939  
ced some technical problems. South African and American military personnel  5/7/1989 #38939  
d to Wright Patterson AFB. A South African Air Force Intelligence officer l 5/17/1989 #38954  
            British-Armenian South African British-Armenian orchid hunter H 1/26/1990 #39390  
onversation about an alleged South African UFO crash with insect-like alien 1/26/1990 #39390  
ssed in black. Some of the younger African children are afraid it is a Toko 9/16/1994 #41754  
 flew above what appeared to be an African savannah and muddy river, whereu 9/6/1995 #42445  
are slow to pick up the story, but African Americans quickly take note, esp 8/18/1996 #42985  
## Word: "africom" (Back to Top)
at a facility in Africa managed by AFRICOM security made contact with an en 7/2011 #45330  
## Word: "afrikaans" (Back to Top)
them that they are in English, not Afrikaans.                               5/7/1989 #38938  
## Word: "afrinews" (Back to Top)
Cynthia Hind begins publishing UFO Afrinews in Harare, Zimbabwe. It continu 7/1988 #38595  
## Word: "afrodit" (Back to Top)
Santiago, Chile two young sisters, Afrodit and Eugenia Lovazzano El-Far, 12 11/9/1968 #24649  
y to a stop in front of the girls. Afrodit saw it first as she was on her b 11/9/1968 #24649  
n exited the sphere and approached Afrodit, who tried to run but was unable 11/9/1968 #24649  
n door the force seemed to release Afrodit, who suffered from earaches, hoa 11/9/1968 #24649  
## Word: "afrsta" (Back to Top)
n, Saunders, Low, William Price of AFRSTA(?), and Thomas Ratchford, USAF se 2/20/1967 #21607  
## Word: "afs" (Back to Top)
                           Finland AFS, MN (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NI 8/20/1951 #5612  
                           Finland AFS, MN CPS-3 Tracks "Unknown Or Flying  3/1952 #5939  
                   Tierra Amarilla AFS, NM Unknown Tracked At 1800 MPH (NIC 5/25/1952 #6356  
                   Tierra Amarilla AFS, NM Whites streamer move at an estim 10/17/1952 #8144  
                   Tierra Amarilla AFS, NM (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) FPS 11/8/1952 #8258  
                           Finland AFS, MN 6:29 a.m. (CST). (McDonald list; 2/1953 #8624  
          Dallas (near Duncanville AFS, TX McConnell. (Jan Aldrich; McDonal 8/10/1956 #13066  
                   TIERRA AMARILLA AFS, NM Blue Book. Ground and air RADAR. 2/13/1957 #13495  
                   Tierra Amarilla AFS, NM Meyer. (McDonald list; FUFOR Ind 2/13/1957 #13500  
                           CAMBRIA AFS, CA Project Bluebook Case #unknown.  8/21/1957 #13916  
                           Cambria AFS, CA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Rad 8/22/1957 #13921  
                         West Mesa AFS, NM (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NI 11/26/1957 #14623  
                         Lake City AFS, TN (McDonald list) FPS-10 Picks Up  12/11/1957 #14710  
                 Minot (Miles City AFS, Ellsworth AFB), ND Uncorrelated Tar 9/7/1958 #15257  
                           MONTAUK AFS, NY Blue Book. Military observer(s)  11/19/1958 #15450  
                        Kirksville AFS, MO (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Dis 9/17/1960 #16452  
                        Kirksville AFS, MO Multiple Targets Tracked Several 9/17/1960 #16453  
                        Hanna City AFS, IL Object at 97,000' Tracked on FPS 4/20/1961 #16656  
                       MIYAKO JIMA AFS, JAPAN Project Bluebook Case #7437.  6/2/1961 #16708  
om the first object. The Las Vegas AFS tracked a UFO on radar 45 miles sout 9/30/1961 #16881  
ped the car to call Dauphin Island AFS radar site (693rd Radar Squadron), w 2/19/1962 #17053  
                            Fallon AFS, NV (McDonald list) Two Stacked Blip 4/17/1964 #18176  
cDonald list) Two Stacked Blips on AFS Radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code 4/17/1964 #18176  
 PA Small disk going down / Benton AFS. Zaps RADAR techs. Missing time. Fou 3/5/1965 #18843  
                           Calumet AFS, MI USAF radar tracking of 10 target 8/4/1965 #19307  
                           FINLAND AFS AND GRAND MARAIS, MN Project Blueboo 9/5/1966 #20847  
                           Finland AFS, MN Egg-Shaped Object Tracked By Air 9/5/1966 #20848  
                          COLD BAY AFS, AK Project Bluebook Case #11092. Ai 10/26/1966 #21034  
                          Cold Bay AFS, AK Tower operator saw a white objec 10/26/1966 #21035  
Lake Walker Pass Edwards AFB Boron AFS ADC radar site 10:17 p.m. George and 7/30/1967 #22754  
 Approach Control) radar (or Boron AFS FPS-35 search radar) and confirms th 7/30/1967 #22754  
during their sighting to the Boron AFS ADC radar site. Blue Book claims the 7/30/1967 #22754  
              SOUTH / FALCONBRIDGE AFS, ONT 30M orbs / 6 hours and more. Po 11/11/1975 #30598  
                      Falconbridge AFS, Ontario, CAN 9:02 p.m. EST (event t 11/14/1975 #30618  
                      Falconbridge AFS, Ontario, CAN 7:42 a.m. UFO 23rd NOR 11/15/1975 #30623  
                      Falconbridge AFS, Ontario, CAN 11:30 a.m. event. 12:2 11/15/1975 #30624  
                      Falconbridge AFS, Ontario, CAN 24 NORAD Region UFO at 11/17/1975 #30635  
                       PORT AUSTIN AFS, MI 5 unidentified RADAR blips / 30  9/7/1976 #31352  
      GARSON, ONT AND FALCONBRIDGE AFS Woman and cop. UFO / 1 min. Red and  10/8/1976 #31454  
                       GRAND FORKS AFS, ND Airman 1C. Silent amber night li 9/8/1989 #39093  
## Word: "afsa" (Back to Top)
inherits Project Shamrock from the AFSA. It also inherits collection of UFO 10/24/1952 #8181  
## Word: "afsca" (Back to Top)
 star Alpha Centauri. At its peak, AFSCA has more than 5,000 members.       1/1957 #13440  
Clubs of America and publishes the AFSCA World Report from 1959 to 1961, UF 7/1959 #15808  
## Word: "afsoc" (Back to Top)
 Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC).                                  10/2005 #44882  
## Word: "afsp" (Back to Top)
ntly staffed by the Army and Navy. AFSP and Los Alamos National Laboratory’ 1994 #41349  
 of UAP research are controlled by AFSP/AEC/ERDA/DOE legacy classification  1994 #41349  
## Word: "afsr#5" (Back to Top)
e reservoir. No further details. / AFSR#5.                                  3/10/1961 #16623  
## Word: "afswp" (Back to Top)
rdnance engineering Z Division and AFSWP establish themselves at Sandia Bas 1/29/1947 #2236  
d for nuclear weapons storage. The AFSWP code-names the base “Site Able.”   8/1947 #3277  
 the fireballs remain unexplained. AFSWP personnel believe they are natural 5/5/1949 #4149  
C. E. Oder), Fourth Army, the FBI, AFSWP, and Los Alamos scientists (Edward 10/14/1949 #4394  
eapons site in the continental US. AFSWP concludes that a site on the Air F 7/1950 #5034  
bing and Gunnery Range, Nevada The AFSWP’s Project Nutmeg officially select 12/12/1950 #5343  
ed Forces Special Weapons Project (AFSWP), an agency to manage nuclear weap 1994 #41349  
## Word: "aft" (Back to Top)
at height, showing lights fore and aft. After circling around, it disappear 8/3/1909 #799  
hts, totalling 90-100, slowly move aft, R/V (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: 3/14/1953 #8750  
ts, totalling 90-100, slowly moved aft off the left side of the airplane, a 3/14/1953 #8752  
e officers manning ECM gear in the aft portion of the aircraft. Their names 7/17/1957 #13808  
ested on legs, and had very bright aft and forward lights. There was a door 3/23/1966 #20047  
top, and bright lights forward and aft. Laxson stops his car about 300 feet 3/23/1966 #20050  
ested on legs, and had very bright aft and forward lights. There was a door 3/23/1966 #20055  
turquioise colored lights fore and aft, and eight yellow lights on its peri 4/20/1967 #22173  
rying bright white lights fore and aft and a central red light, with a stri 7/27/1967 #22742  
isible object with lights fore and aft hovers over beach. Turns away.       10/23/1969 #25419  
isible object with lights fore and aft hovered over the beach at Highcliffe 10/23/1969 #25420  
tail fins and red lights front and aft, with white lights on top of each of 3/2/1971 #26040  
ong light / small saucers fore and aft.                                     9/30/1992 #40646  
## Word: "after-effect" (Back to Top)
uld still see spots of light as an after-effect. She also felt that the man 11/14/1976 #31549  
## Word: "after-effects" (Back to Top)
sting in some woods. Physiological after-effects included headaches, dizzin 8/3/1967 #22790  
## Word: "after-hours" (Back to Top)
st Harry Daghlian is conducting an after-hours experiment at the remote Ome 8/21/1945 #1925  
## Word: "afterbirth" (Back to Top)
t cow inside loses calf. No calf / afterbirth!                              4/1/1975? #29932  
## Word: "afterburner" (Back to Top)
r see a white light with a visible afterburner at 10,000 feet. The F-94 pur 5/1/1953 #8856  
-23, flying at 16,400 feet in full afterburner at Mach 1.2, is unable to cl Spring 1984 #37231  
reventing him from disengaging the afterburner. Bond loses control, makes a 4/26/1984 #37301  
## Word: "afterburners" (Back to Top)
n UFO near the control tower. With afterburners on they closed rapidly on a Late 1956 #13277  
a white dome shell on top, several afterburners flaming from the bottom, an 2/19/1974 #28782  
minutes, fly at low altitude using afterburners over residential areas, and 7/26/2002 #44366  
## Word: "aftereffects" (Back to Top)
suffered some severe physiological aftereffects from the encounter.         5/17/1959 #15734  
, communication, and psychological aftereffects.                            1/23/1967 #21368  
ths, and wore tight coveralls. The aftereffects of their encounter included 2/10/1969 #24909  
esses reported having headaches as aftereffects of their encounter, and the 6/4/1972 #26701  
f experienced severe physiological aftereffects: diarrhea, nausea, hair los 12/30/1972 #27193  
 He feels nothing and there are no aftereffects. The bars of light begin to 5/1977 #32043  
 their eyes. Unusual physiological aftereffects were noted.                 3/6/1996 #42809  
uffered from bizarre physiological aftereffects soon after the incident.    7/5/2000 #44010  
h. Fresia reported some beneficial aftereffects from the encounter, because 10/19/2000 #44060  
## Word: "afterglow" (Back to Top)
aking a distant rumble. A luminous afterglow lasts 10 minutes.              6/9/1946 #2005  
AFOSI Case 47; 22:00 - green w/red afterglow obj of tremendous speed disapp 4/5/1949 #4075  
. A huge green fireball with a red afterglow is seen streaking approximatel 4/5/1949 #4076  
## Word: "aftergood" (Back to Top)
sponse to a FOIA request by Steven Aftergood, director of the Federation of 1/9/2018 #45503  
mal phenomena. According to Steven Aftergood, director of the Federation of 2/14/2020 #45633  
## Word: "afterimage" (Back to Top)
s up so brightly that it causes an afterimage in their eves. The objects ar 10/4/1967 #23176  
## Word: "aftermatch" (Back to Top)
gel hair" residue was found in the aftermatch of the sighting, the "…substa 11/3/1968 #24628  
## Word: "aftermath" (Back to Top)
 regarding materials [in the war’s aftermath], anything available had to se 1944 #1560  
rsonnel in charge of events in the aftermath of the Roswell, New Mexico, re 9/25/1947 #3427  
 murder because, especially in the aftermath of his LSD experience, he has  11/28/1953 #9324  
m gunshot wounds on May 30. In the aftermath, Robert Kennedy writes that th 5/15/1961 #16684  
uba, and Abu Ghraib, Iraq.) In the aftermath of the 1975 congressional hear 7/1963 #17819  
duction itself but for its curious aftermath. The case is also discussed in 10/27/1975 #30483  
ly journey, theophany, return, and aftermath. Few reports contain every epi 1987 #38089  
## Word: "afternoon" (Back to Top)
  Bucharest Wallachia Banat region Afternoon. A large, blood-red object is  12/6/1737 #62  
              In the middle of the afternoon a large number of black discs  11/4/1867 #170  
f Sacramento Sacramento California Afternoon and evening. A mystery airship 11/17/1896 #340  
                 Tagus, California Afternoon. D. H. Risdon is working in an 11/20/1896 #342  
           At three o'clock in the afternoon in Gas City, Indiana an object 4/14/1897 #473  
, was walking in the woods on this afternoon in Greenfield, Illinois when h 4/19/1897 #540  
            At four o'clock in the afternoon a 10 meter in diameter red bal 4/27/1899 #633  
                           On this afternoon in 1901, newspaper accounts re 3/7/1901 #644  
xboro United Methodist Church Late afternoon. Wirt M. Covert, 17, and Arthu 1904 #667  
dianapolis, Indiana Irvington Late afternoon. Hundreds of people in Indiana 9/16/1906 #688  
gton street corner around 2 in the afternoon, engaged in a conversation wit 7/2/1907 #698  
one from atop a mast antenna. That afternoon a dark, fat, cigar-shaped obje 7/31/1909 #795  
m west to east over Toronto on the afternoon of February 10, which he sugge 2/9/1913 #881  
ver C. P. Gill stone cutting plant Afternoon. A large ball of fire sweeps o 8/14/1914 #912  
               Manchester, England Afternoon. Albert Alfred Buss is observi 10/10/1914 #920  
na around five o'clock in the late afternoon. It headed off toward the sout 2/9/1915 #924  
ck on the ground. He must walk all afternoon to get back to the place where 1921 #1010  
           About the middle of the afternoon Sir F. Chichester spotted a du 6/10/1931 #1129  
                Hinsdale, Illinois Afternoon. Walking down a street in Hins Spring 1940 #1328  
                       In the late afternoon in Chauny, France many people  1/8/1943 #1479  
ern front in western Slovakia Late afternoon. Near the Eastern front in wes 4/1944 #1588  
-Vega refinery at Ploești, Romania Afternoon. After a successful air strike 7/9/1944 #1621  
                           On this afternoon Allied POWs on the ground watc 1/22/1945 #1762  
     Ulithi Atoll Caroline Islands Afternoon. Several F6F fighters on patro 2/7/1945 #1774  
                           Denmark Afternoon. A troop of Boy Scouts in Denm 8/13/1946 #2131  
e observer(s). Platter disks since afternoon. Extreme speeds going quickly  6/17/1947 #2334  
erton, Washington from late in the afternoon until evening. The objects wav 6/17/1947 #2337  
that same day, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, Mr. Hammond and his son were  6/22/1947 #2367  
         Cedar Rapids, Iowa In the afternoon, a railroad engineer sees some 6/23/1947 #2368  
           Bakersfield, California Afternoon. Disabled stunt pilot Richard  6/23/1947 #2375  
f Pendleton, Oregon Columbia River Afternoon. Bill Schuening, a farmer, is  6/24/1947 #2396  
               Mount Adams, Oregon Afternoon. Fred M. Johnson, a prospector 6/24/1947 #2400  
                            In the afternoon on this day, nine shiny discs  6/26/1947 #2420  
              Woodland, Washington Afternoon. Clyde Homan sees two groups o 6/27/1947 #2433  
off a roaring noise at 2:30 in the afternoon from Harborside, south of Broo 7/3/1947 #2587  
      A young woman driving in the afternoon on the outskirts of Fort Worth 7/4/1947 #2674  
tnesses in the Portland are Friday afternoon. Cooley estimated the disks we 7/5/1947 #2680  
circled back over the city. In the afternoon five witnesses saw a sphere ma 7/5/1947 #2717  
circled back over the city. In the afternoon five witnesses saw a sphere ma 7/5/1947 #2728  
    317 Ash Street, Tempe, Arizona Afternoon. Francis Howell and his wife a 7/6/1947 #2811  
y his window at one o'clock in the afternoon. It was heading toward the sou 7/6/1947 #2817  
came flying at their airplane this afternoon, one-by-one, for 15 minutes.   7/6/1947 #2819  
           At three o'clock in the afternoon in Amfreville-la-Mi-Voie, Sein 7/7/1947 #2944  
                        During the afternoon in Tacoma, Washington three ma 7/7/1947 #2946  
                           On this afternoon at around 3:30 p.m. William Rh 7/7/1947 #2947  
 and Col. Thomas J. DuBose in late afternoon. Johnson takes six photos of t 7/8/1947 #3025  
ell Army Air Field New Mexico Late afternoon. 1Lt Chester P. Barton, statio 7/9/1947 #3066  
 Sometime between 3 o'clock in the afternoon and 5:00 p.m., three ground cr 7/10/1947 #3118  
ry. Smith arrives in Tacoma in the afternoon and cross-examines Dahl and Cr 7/30/1947 #3259  
in a B-25. They arrive in the late afternoon. The five men talk until 11:00 7/31/1947 #3264  
ing” sound at three o'clock in the afternoon, and looked up to see a “birdm 1/6/1948 #3534  
 over Hartford, Connecticut in the afternoon observed a red disc-shaped obj 1/11/1948 #3556  
w Jersey Watson Laboratory complex Afternoon. At Holloman AFB, near Alamogo 4/5/1948 #3612  
                    At 2:00 in the afternoon at Holloman Air Force Base, Ne 4/5/1948 #3613  
w, Washington in the middle of the afternoon. They circled the city as fast 4/7/1948 #3614  
 Ohio Cincinnati Observatory, Ohio Afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fordyce J. Kaise 5/7/1948 #3643  
            In 1948 at 1:20 in the afternoon, a cigar-shaped object moved t 5/31/1948 #3664  
64) Summer [possibly 1958] — Early afternoon. Aircraft instrumentation engi Summer 1948 #3679  
Arnhem, Holland around 1:30 in the afternoon. It moved through the sky very 7/20/1948 #3720  
e the Chiles-Whitted case. By that afternoon, Loedding, Deyarmond, and Llew 7/25/1948 #3738  
                      In the early afternoon many people in Phoenix, Arizon 8/15/1948 #3783  
             Nevada, Missouri Late afternoon. Clifford DeWitt Fife hears a  Mid 11/1948 #3876  
                           On this afternoon a silvery disc was spotted hov 5/21/1949 #4201  
                           On this afternoon five luminous disc-shaped obje 8/8/1949 #4314  
w off toward the southeast. In the afternoon a metallic flying disc trailin 3/5/1950 #4584  
ct over San Francisco in the early afternoon.                               4/10/1950 #4841  
rril Sarmiento La Pampa, Argentina Afternoon. Architect Enrique Carotenuto  5/15/1950 #4944  
                           On this afternoon in Nicosia, Cyprus at 1:30 p.m 8/20/1950 #5133  
                           On this afternoon a disc-shaped object was seen  12/5/1950 #5321  
      At around one o'clock in the afternoon, a six-meter in diameter, meta 8/14/1951 #5605  
                           On this afternoon six silent disc-shaped objects 4/11/1952 #6057  
ike a fin, was seen at 2:30 in the afternoon by the Gmyrek family in Brower 4/21/1952 #6148  
land, Kansas at one o'clock in the afternoon, B-29 bombardier Lt. R. H. Bau 4/29/1952 #6217  
ometime after three o'clock in the afternoon Ray Lottman sighted three glim 6/1/1952 #6421  
             Schenectady, New York Afternoon. A man driving a car near Sche 7/1952 #6679  
iami, Oklahoma at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. It had a halo of smoke around 7/9/1952 #6743  
               At 2 o'clock in the afternoon two red glowing spheres follow 7/17/1952 #6873  
           At three o'clock in the afternoon many witnesses and television  7/24/1952 #7116  
                    Wilmington, DE Afternoon VA employee saw 2 discs reflec 7/25/1952 #7136  
ngton, D.C. Roger Smith Hotel Late afternoon. Ruppelt and Maj. Ed Gregory a 7/28/1952 #7262  
over the city in the middle of the afternoon. It was joined by two more sim 8/12/1952 #7560  
nistere department, France on this afternoon at 1:00 p.m. It made a whistli 10/8/1952 #8104  
Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France Early afternoon. Residents of Oloron-Sainte-Ma 10/17/1952 #8148  
 England RAF Tangmere, West Sussex Afternoon. Flight Lt. Michael Swiney and 10/21/1952 #8172  
           At three o'clock in the afternoon white trails appeared in the s 10/27/1952 #8204  
             At one o'clock in the afternoon a metallic dome shaped UFO man 1/3/1953 #8500  
ntation on Project Twinkle. In the afternoon, Gen. William M. Garland state 1/15/1953 #8541  
oyd Berkner joins the panel in the afternoon. In the afternoon, panel membe 1/16/1953 #8543  
the panel in the afternoon. In the afternoon, panel members talk about conc 1/16/1953 #8543  
                           On this afternoon at 1:50 p.m. a military witnes 5/4/1953 #8862  
Tennessee around the middle of the afternoon a silent black flying object w 7/19/1953 #9005  
les south of Santa Ana, California Afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Whitaker a 1/29/1954 #9512  
th of Santa Ana, California in the afternoon when their car radio quit and  1/29/1954 #9513  
orpedo shaped UFO was seen on this afternoon at 3:20 p.m. over Klang, Selan 3/12/1954 #9618  
wton, Massachusetts at 3:30 in the afternoon. It remained stationary in one 3/30/1954 #9651  
     Bois-de-Champ, Vosges, France Afternoon. Roger Mougeolle and Gilbert D Late 4/1954 #9720  
ound at around four o'clock in the afternoon. He ran in the direction of th 5/5/1954 #9755  
                           On this afternoon two sisters in Norway met the  8/20/1954 #10158  
assachusetts at two o'clock in the afternoon, EDT. They turned the color bl 8/27/1954 #10190  
                           On this afternoon a merchant driving a van near  9/11/1954 #10289  
      Quarouble, Nord, France Late afternoon. A witness is driving a van in 9/12/1954 #10290  
                           On this afternoon in Kadori, Bihar, India a nois 9/15/1954 #10313  
onne, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France Afternoon. Several residents of Bayonne, 9/23/1954 #10419  
circular object on the ground this afternoon. Two beings came out of it, th 9/27/1954 #10476  
             At one o'clock in the afternoon in Blanzy, France two bricklay 9/30/1954 #10520  
                    At 4:30 in the afternoon, Georges Gatay, construction s 9/30/1954 #10522  
nd getting brighter at 3:45 in the afternoon. When it was about 150 meters  10/5/1954 #10743  
 France at around 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Jean Bertrand saw a bright, m 10/9/1954 #10865  
Mamora Forest Mehdya, on the coast Afternoon. A French engineer driving to  10/12/1954 #10977  
eer driving to Port Lyautey in the afternoon saw a dwarf about 1.2 meters i 10/12/1954 #10979  
zella river channel, Veneto, Italy Afternoon. Farmers near the Po della Don 10/15/1954 #11110  
                           On this afternoon in Po-di-Gnocca, Italy farmers 10/15/1954 #11118  
   During a rainstorm on this late afternoon in the Lusigny Forest in Aube  10/20/1954 #11280  
    Fôret de Lusigny, Aube, France Afternoon. Roger Reveillé is walking in  10/22/1954 #11319  
ll as thousands of witnesses at an afternoon high school football game. The 10/22/1954 #11324  
                           On this afternoon baker M. Lelu was in his vehic 10/23/1954 #11346  
ky, starting at one o'clock in the afternoon, over Gravatai Air Force Base  10/24/1954 #11373  
             At two o'clock in the afternoon in Ciolica Alta, Italy a young 10/27/1954 #11452  
      At quarter past three in the afternoon on the island of Sardinia a do 11/4/1954 #11567  
ow altitude at four o'clock in the afternoon. The civilian witness was name 11/15/1954 #11660  
       Torpo, Viken County, Norway Afternoon. A UFO follows three 10-year-o 11/23/1954 #11696  
                           On this afternoon three 10-year-old girls return 11/23/1954 #11698  
s, Sao Paulo state, Brazil on this afternoon in 1954. One of the UFOs peele 12/14/1954 #11808  
        Keflavík Airfield, Iceland Afternoon. Lt. Col. Edward J. Stealy, co 5/4/1955 #12118  
t Beach, California at 2:32 in the afternoon, a perfectly round, grayish-wh 7/10/1955 #12248  
                            In the afternoon a farmhand in Edison, Georgia  7/20/1955 #12274  
                           On this afternoon in Dogtown, Indiana a woman sw 8/14/1955 #12358  
 California. At two o'clock in the afternoon some children were playing in  8/22/1955 #12390  
sky at around three o'clock in the afternoon. It would appear and disappear 8/29/1955 #12416  
            At four o'clock in the afternoon in Point Lookout, Maryland wit 10/11/1955 #12500  
 de Pau, Orense, Spain in the late afternoon when they felt a slight tremor 10/20/1955 #12513  
rth Carolina Burlington Industries Afternoon. Hosea D. Lambeth, principal o 10/27/1955 #12524  
                           On this afternoon a woman in her driveway in Tol 1/26/1956 #12684  
              In the middle of the afternoon, a blue luminous disc-shaped o 2/23/1956 #12738  
atically moved about the sky. That afternoon in Panorama City, California t 7/19/1956 #12991  
             At two o'clock in the afternoon in Hope Township, New Jersey M 3/6/1957 #13524  
            At five o'clock in the afternoon a silver disc was seen hoverin 6/6/1957 #13710  
 Reefton, New Zealand in the early afternoon. It rose, then hovered at 900  8/2/1957 #13872  
                   At 12:30 in the afternoon two engineers in a boat on the 8/30/1957 #13954  
           At three o'clock in the afternoon two couples going from Nabouwa 10/8/1957 #14079  
                    At 2:30 in the afternoon Mrs. Edward Yeager, who lived  10/10/1957 #14096  
          Franklin County, Indiana Afternoon. Robert Moudy sees a glowing o 10/15/1957 #14120  
n Antler series of blasts Late one afternoon, a British RAF team is plannin Late 10/1957 #14156  
he air at a great height until the afternoon. A Sabre jet from the South Af 11/1/1957 #14189  
and, California Tulare County Late afternoon. Grain buyer Reinhold O. Schmi 11/5/1957 #14343  
grass” 24 feet by 4.5 feet. In the afternoon, two men from the Oak Ridge Na 11/6/1957 #14422  
oa, Illinois US Highway 51 Du Bois Afternoon. Evalyn Riead hears a sputteri 11/14/1957 #14551  
           In 1957, at 2:00 in the afternoon, cars stalled when their drive 11/15/1957 #14562  
Road in Aston, Birmingham, England Afternoon. Cynthia Appleton blacks out u 11/16/1957 #14567  
n, England at three o'clock in the afternoon at the same time that a whistl 11/18/1957 #14578  
      At around one o'clock in the afternoon a metallic looking object hove 12/6/1957 #14679  
, Minnesota at four o’clock in the afternoon, a ten-meter diameter red disc 12/8/1957 #14694  
               At 4 o'clock in the afternoon a nuclear physics college stud 1/3/1958 #14801  
FO land in a forest at 2:30 in the afternoon. A very tall man with a tan fa 1/4/1958 #14807  
erley, Texas at one o'clock in the afternoon.                               1/22/1958 #14839  
ect weather at five o'clock in the afternoon when they saw a bright light c 8/16/1958 #15204  
 Grants, New Mexico at 2:30 in the afternoon. Earlier that day, at 2:07 a.m 12/1/1958 #15467  
at same day at four o’clock in the afternoon in France, or nine hours later 12/20/1958 #15492  
                           On this afternoon in Portglenone, Ireland a two- 12/28/1958 #15500  
                           On this afternoon around 1:00 p.m. a huge yellow 5/21/1959 #15745  
onsin at around two o'clock in the afternoon when he saw a being with dark  9/13/1959 #15973  
er County, Colorado at 3:10 in the afternoon. Mr. Robert Hawks was operatin 8/11/1960 #16370  
                           On this afternoon an agriculture student named N 8/25/1960 #16418  
land at around four o'clock in the afternoon when he noticed a red ball flo 4/29/1961 #16668  
                         That same afternoon in Texas a stationary silver d 5/22/1961 #16695  
 day at around five o'clock in the afternoon the passengers and crew of two 9/21/1961 #16867  
bove the Theodore Goff farm on the afternoon of the 18th and left behind it 11/18/1961 #16964  
                   La Coloma Banes Afternoon. A U-2 spy plane flying over C 8/29/1962 #17372  
eet altitude at two o'clock in the afternoon. It had a three meter long tub 11/1/1962 #17531  
d’s tallest water fall—on a cloudy afternoon at 12:15 p.m.                  12/21/1962 #17602  
             At two o'clock in the afternoon, four boys in Fern Creek, Kent 7/18/1963 #17839  
ng, England at four o'clock in the afternoon. It was about 3.5 meters long, 12/27/1963 #18099  
th Australia at two o'clock in the afternoon. The craft had windows and a d 2/29/1964 #18141  
a landed UFO at one o'clock in the afternoon in Pocinhos, Brazil. They coll 4/7/1964 #18161  
Socorro, New Mexico at 5:45 in the afternoon when he saw an whitish metalli 4/24/1964 #18202  
 a nosegay of flowers in the early afternoon. Not seen at the time was what 4/26/1964 #18210  
 grounds in El Paso, Texas on this afternoon. "It seemed to be floating in  4/27/1964 #18212  
          At 3:43 p.m. on a cloudy afternoon, a thin, white ellipsoid or ci 5/26/1964 #18309  
ssachusetts at four o'clock in the afternoon. The UFO shot straight up and  10/11/1964 #18581  
, Virginia. At five o’clock in the afternoon Mr. Burns was driving east on  12/21/1964 #18671  
                           On this afternoon two radar technicians were rep 3/5/1965 #18844  
e, Moselle, France at 12:30 in the afternoon. The object flew south toward  7/9/1965 #19090  
diesel engine. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon in Antofagasta, Chile a cone-s 7/19/1965 #19135  
            At five o'clock in the afternoon the two McClintock children, a 7/30/1965 #19212  
                           On this afternoon a medical student walking on t 8/2/1965 #19270  
            At four o'clock in the afternoon a medical doctor--a gynecologi 8/7/1965 #19339  
 their yard at four o'clock in the afternoon in Waverly, Iowa when they hea 8/13/1965 #19384  
vestigate the report the following afternoon. When NICAP investigator Jeffr 8/19/1965 #19427  
omy Observatory Jet Propulsion Lab Afternoon. Geof Gray-Cobb, a Canadian te 10/22/1965 #19672  
, England during the middle of the afternoon saw a bright silver ball hurtl 11/30/1965 #19743  
Chesterton, Indiana at 2:30 in the afternoon. The UFO was surrounded by a b 3/8/1966 #19949  
                            In the afternoon a trapper and a guide saw an o 3/24/1966 #20072  
T. All occurred in either the late afternoon or evening, between 4 p.m. and 3/29/1966 #20141  
                    At 2:15 in the afternoon in Bingham, Maine Miss Kim Bak 4/23/1966 #20392  
                           On this afternoon a 75-foot long diamond-shaped  5/8/1966 #20466  
g back from the fields during this afternoon near Cordoba, Spain when he sa 5/16/1966 #20491  
                       Late in the afternoon of this day two men named Pere 8/17/1966 #20759  
 Goytacazes Niterói Jacques Vallée Afternoon. Some boys looking for a lost  8/20/1966 #20779  
             At two o'clock in the afternoon J. Koch sighted a 35-foot in d 9/15/1966 #20886  
 house. In Lowell, Ohio during the afternoon Marvin Shock and three others  11/26/1966 #21151  
 Ohio airport in the middle of the afternoon five pilots saw what at first  12/4/1966 #21182  
in his room at four o'clock in the afternoon, in an undisclosed town in Ind 1/19/1967 #21355  
assachusetts at two o'clock in the afternoon two silvery cigar shaped objec 2/8/1967 #21484  
 Policeman spotted two UFOs in the afternoon. Police officer William Fisher 3/9/1967 #21832  
                   Millersburg, PA Afternoon. Three women and three childre 4/8/1967 #22094  
tern coast of Denmark in the early afternoon. An elevator descended from th 4/15/1967 #22135  
sky" at around four o'clock in the afternoon. It came to within 60 feet of  5/12/1967 #22326  
             At one o'clock in the afternoon a small UFO, three feet in dia 5/29/1967 #22422  
              In the middle of the afternoon Carroll Watts saw a large ciga 6/11/1967 #22496  
                    At 3:15 in the afternoon in Arc-sous-Cicon, Doubs depar 7/17/1967 #22684  
                           On this afternoon in Pamlico County, North Carol 7/21/1967 #22721  
             At two o'clock in the afternoon three teenagers in Porthmadog  8/5/1967 #22816  
                           On this afternoon at 3:30 p.m. in Wyoming Flats, 8/6/1967 #22834  
vehicle parked in the street. That afternoon, a strange dwarf entered the o 8/7/1967 #22839  
                              That afternoon in Caracas, Venezuela a physic 8/7/1967 #22841  
      At about four o'clock in the afternoon Inacio De Souza, age 41, and h 8/13/1967 #22874  
ci was in his bedroom in the early afternoon when he encountered a "little  8/16/1967 #22886  
rom the sea at five o'clock in the afternoon by Ruben Norato, after he obse 8/25/1967 #22927  
izy-Villacoublay, Yvelines, France Afternoon. Paul Stehlin, military aviato 9/1967 #22975  
              In the middle of the afternoon a woman was alone in her house 9/26/1967 #23133  
ses occurred. In the middle of the afternoon, airline crews and others near 12/3/1967 #23546  
y hills and a nearby lake. On this afternoon two men dressed in neatly pres 1/29/1968 #23708  
, Malaysia at three o'clock in the afternoon, flashing a bright light. It l 3/2/1968 #23807  
                           On this afternoon at around 1:45 p.m. Mrs. Mabel 4/3/1968 #23886  
Romania at around 2 o'clock in the afternoon, stopped and hovered for sever 6/28/1968 #24093  
n the sky for 45 minutes that same afternoon, then vanished.                6/28/1968 #24093  
                           On this afternoon around 3:00 p.m. two young boy 7/26/1968 #24234  
 near Milton, Vermont. In the late afternoon at a private camp called Buff  8/7/1968 #24308  
                Around 4:30 in the afternoon at Pelican Lake, Utah two hunt 11/14/1968 #24657  
                        During the afternoon of this day Ludwig Pallmann fe 1/15/1969 #24849  
axambona Hill in the middle of the afternoon. It fell from the sky, falling 3/31/1969 #25041  
 Flippin Airport in Arkansas. That afternoon in Sobral, Ceara State, Brazil 7/18/1969 #25280  
t going northeast. Seen / many all afternoon.                               8/1969 (approximate) #25305  
          Grafton, New South Wales Afternoon. Future ufologist Bill Chalker 8/30/1969 #25339  
                    At 3:45 in the afternoon two cross-country skiers, Aarn 1/7/1970 #25541  
                        Rome, Ohio Afternoon. John and Mary Pilichis see a  7/1970 #25723  
              In the middle of the afternoon a lens-shaped cloud quickly en 12/4/1970 #25926  
                           On this afternoon two young men, P. Aliranta and 2/5/1971 #26015  
            In 1971 at 1:10 in the afternoon, two witnesses In Newmarket, N 5/31/1971 #26149  
continued until four p.m. the next afternoon.For the next seven months he s 9/20/1971 #26354  
                            In the afternoon in Kladar, Bosnia (then part o 10/13/1971 #26422  
                            In the afternoon two British tourists in Pokhar 4/18/1972 #26651  
                           On this afternoon in Dayton, Iowa an ovoid objec 6/6/1972 #26704  
                            In the afternoon at 4:30 p.m. a disc-shaped obj 6/30/1972 #26746  
drain at around two o'clock in the afternoon in Istapalapa, Mexico when the 8/18/1972 #26928  
 then vanished into thin air. That afternoon, at 4:20 p.m. several patrons  11/28/1972 #27150  
. Manor & Penn, PA During the late afternoon on the road between Manor and  4/15/1973 #27430  
                   During the late afternoon on the road between Manor and  4/15/1973 #27431  
                           On this afternoon four grade-school students and 8/10/1973 #27692  
                           On this afternoon at 1:35 p.m. in Greensburg, Pe 8/14/1973 #27702  
                  WEST CHESTER, PA Afternoon. 1 observer. Round object with 9/5/1973 #27763  
Simi Valley, California during the afternoon when he saw a 30 by 350 foot t 10/4/1973 #27936  
                       On the same afternoon as the Hickson and Parker abdu 10/11/1973 #28006  
ound in Watauga, Tennessee on this afternoon while a six foot tall being re 10/17/1973 #28138  
                            In the afternoon Mrs. Brooker saw a cone-shaped 12/20/1973 #28593  
                           On this afternoon In Zafferana, Italy a woman wa 1/8/1974 #28669  
njoying the spring weather on this afternoon near Millington, Tennessee whe 3/1/1974 #28842  
es beginning on March 9th. On this afternoon she compulsively walked out in 3/20/1974 #28916  
                      In the early afternoon a bright object ascended verti 4/12/1974 #29008  
           At 3:30 p.m. on a sunny afternoon a strange metallic flying obje 6/18/1974 #29212  
                           On this afternoon west of Dargnies, Somme, Franc 9/16/1974 #29461  
st in southern Wyoming in the late afternoon, and when he fired his rifle a 10/25/1974 #29557  
y. Diaz faints and wakes up in the afternoon in Buenos Aires some 400 miles 1/4/1975 #29715  
                       Switzerland Afternoon. Eccentric and contactee Billy 1/28/1975 #29772  
                           On this afternoon in Pontevedra, Spain two witne 6/28/1975 #30130  
            At five o'clock in the afternoon in Mount Pleasant, Ontario a s 7/6/1975 #30169  
 They arrived in the middle of the afternoon on this day in a disc-shaped c 7/21/1975 #30197  
ts a pain in his lower back in the afternoon. Soon he is put in touch with  8/13/1975 #30264  
because it was getting late in the afternoon he decided to come back later. 11/8/1975 #30584  
 He returned with a friend on this afternoon. Before they located the track 11/8/1975 #30584  
sc was taken at two o’clock in the afternoon by a man in Nagoya, Japan.     12/8/1975 #30695  
                           On this afternoon a group of boys in Oldham, Cai 3/1/1976 #30914  
            At four o'clock in the afternoon a 12-year-old boy named Ojeda  3/3/1976 #30922  
                           On this afternoon around 4 p.m. a 49-year-old wo 5/16/1976 #31058  
 Camp Delaware, were hiking in the afternoon on Blueberry Mountain, three m 7/28/1976 #31187  
 Camp Delaware, were hiking in the afternoon on Blueberry Mountain, three m 7/28/1976 #31190  
     At around five o'clock in the afternoon, two boys with a dog on a farm 8/14/1976 #31264  
 reverts to its former size in the afternoon, and then in front of more tha 9/9/1976 #31363  
     Oulu, Finland Gulf of Bothnia Afternoon. Eero Lammi is on his way home Early 12/1976 #31579  
             At two o'clock in the afternoon Donald Fender, age 49, a self- 1/27/1977 #31761  
ol Anglesey North Wales RAF Valley Afternoon. Nine children, age 8–11, are  2/16/1977 #31821  
shortly before four o'clock in the afternoon, while the UFO was circling th 3/10/1977 #31893  
          In Bardney, England this afternoon a group of boarding school boy 6/12/1977 #32160  
                                   Afternoon. NASA astrophysicist Richard C 8/3/1977 #32352  
les at around three o'clock in the afternoon when her mother called their a 10/30/1977 #32639  
        Nybygda, Ringerike, Norway Afternoon. Students Johnny Myrh and Fran 11/1/1977 #32651  
 Shortly after four o’clock in the afternoon in Kenyon, Rhode Island a huge 12/17/1977 #32793  
 in Hampshire, England in the late afternoon when they spotted a turreted d 1/3/1978 #32851  
                    At 2:30 in the afternoon the witness was in her kitchen 4/25/1978 #33169  
ppeared over New York City. In the afternoon, at a medical center on the Ea 6/4/1978 #33256  
                           On this afternoon six children from a local scho 8/24/1978 #33565  
iameter silver disc at 1:40 in the afternoon. Ground radar confirmed the pr 8/27/1978 #33580  
                           On this afternoon in Ostuni, Apulia, Italy two o 9/25/1978 #33748  
 Shortly before two o'clock in the afternoon in Unanderra, near Port Kembla 10/2/1978 #33792  
sc was photographed at 5:30 in the afternoon over a camp in Gobernador Vira 10/8/1978 #33821  
                      In the early afternoon a metallic gray domed disc hal 11/29/1978 #34027  
                           On this afternoon a police trooper in Avellino,  12/11/1978 #34092  
me from its bottom. At 4:30 in the afternoon in San Vito del Normanni, Ital 12/14/1978 #34125  
hs were taken in the middle of the afternoon by a 34-year-old man named L.  5/5/1979 #34544  
gures near it in the middle of the afternoon. The creatures were only about 5/19/1979 #34569  
experience by aliens occurred this afternoon near Dubois, Wyoming. While ca 6/6/1979 #34601  
                           On this afternoon offshore of Gorgona, Italy in  6/22/1979 #34626  
                 At 3:15 p.m. that afternoon eight security guards in downt 6/26/1979 #34635  
lic disc flew over the city in the afternoon. It had a shiny top and dark b 7/18/1979 #34663  
 of Belfort, France at 2:30 in the afternoon. It had a shiny top and dark b 7/18/1979 #34666  
g mushrooms at five o'clock in the afternoon in a wooded part of Petushka,  9/2/1979 #34820  
g directly overhead at 4:30 in the afternoon. His neighbors and the members 9/9/1979 #34856  
                    At 2:00 in the afternoon a 64-year-old husband and wife 12/11/1979 #35073  
 in Rapid City, South Dakota Early afternoon. Thousands of base personnel a 5/1980 #35296  
chnology Park, Rome, New York Late afternoon. Two witnesses are driving thr 5/1980 #35298  
                    At 4:50 in the afternoon Edith Sage was walking down an 8/4/1980 #35441  
there at around two o'clock in the afternoon, and observed a long cylindric 8/16/1980 #35459  
                    At 2:45 in the afternoon two bright yellow UFOs shaped  9/28/1980 #35541  
ered for three minutes in the late afternoon over Poole Harbour, Dorset, En 11/13/1980 #35636  
by just 40 feet away. In the early afternoon R. E. Schenk, age 56, and his  4/12/1981 #35894  
                           On this afternoon two students in Patras, Greece 7/18/1981 #36018  
        Victoria, British Columbia Afternoon. Three days after a nighttime  10/2/1981 #36154  
tish Columbia. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon two men, dressed in dark cloth 10/5/1981 #36159  
              In the middle of the afternoon an eight-meter wide red disc,  11/21/1981 #36227  
              In the middle of the afternoon a local cattleman in Vejer de  7/20/1982 #36538  
nder it stands up straight. In the afternoon, the witness notes that two am 10/21/1982 #36657  
 recorded in Selbjørnfjord. On the afternoon of April 30, the Oslo, after a 4/27/1983 #36846  
ia Alexeni Air Force Base Urziceni Afternoon. Military radar at Otopeni Air 8/23/1984 #37438  
rino Benítez International Airport Afternoon. For several hours, witnesses  8/17/1985 #37645  
 Magadan Airport, Russia Kamchatka Afternoon. Civil and military personnel  11/25/1986 #38077  
 skid marks and footprints. In the afternoon, the family report to police i 1/20/1988 #38422  
           Ebensburg, Pennsylvania Afternoon. A man sitting by a pond on hi 9/2/1988 #38629  
                           On this afternoon in the Kirov region of Russia  8/10/1989 #39051  
e in Sedona, Arizona and taking an afternoon nap when she heard a loud crac 8/10/1989 #39053  
                           On this afternoon in Green Bay, Wisconsin a hous 12/5/1989 #39299  
igan. In Gulf Breeze, Florida that afternoon, a MUFON UFO investigator and  1/28/1990 #39393  
h, Florida at three o'clock in the afternoon saw two white, milk bottle-sha 3/13/1990 #39459  
              In the middle of the afternoon in Taszar, Hungary an aircraft 12/31/1990 #39931  
maty, Kazakhstan Kok Tobe Mountain Afternoon. Two militiamen on patrol in A 4/19/1991? #40041  
hool compound in the middle of the afternoon. Teachers searched the area bu 5/12/1991 #40058  
aying in an isolated field on this afternoon in Mini Mini, Puerto Rico enco 5/14/1991 #40060  
                           On this afternoon a short green humanoid with re 5/15/1991 #40064  
er children approached. Later that afternoon, two boys were playing in the  5/15/1991 #40064  
            At four o’clock in the afternoon a gray disc swooped down over  1/16/1992 #40290  
he creature had pointed ears. That afternoon another boy, Mohd Najib Rasli, 9/22/1992 #40635  
ered in the broad daylight on this afternoon in New Port Ritchie, Florida.  4/18/1993 #40942  
      At around one o'clock in the afternoon a dull, metallic, cigar-shaped 6/1/1993 #41000  
                           On this afternoon in Shanghai, China crowds of w 11/3/1993 #41262  
shot up into the sky. Earlier that afternoon, in Gulf Breeze, Florida, Ed W 11/15/1993 #41277  
fe, Scotland at two o'clock in the afternoon. It left by shooting off the t 2/19/1994 #41421  
t in a few seconds. Earlier in the afternoon an unknown dark object crashes 3/6/1994 #41443  
ing ball of light descended in the afternoon and landed nearby. It transfor 4/22/1994 #41500  
ol de Vence, France at 4:30 in the afternoon. A diamond-shaped object, not  6/5/1994 #41553  
lpes-Maritime, France in the early afternoon. It was joined by two ovoid fl 6/27/1994 #41589  
             At two o'clock in the afternoon an oval-shaped object was obse 7/21/1994 #41634  
       (1) At three o'clock in the afternoon a black triangle spun out of a 8/10/1994 #41668  
              In the middle of the afternoon in Iasi, Romania a domed disc- 9/21/1994 #41770  
                           On this afternoon several children playing at an 4/3/1995 #42138  
                           On this afternoon Sr. Reynaldo Ortega, a residen 4/23/1995 #42173  
e, Wisconsin at two o'clock in the afternoon. It was suddenly joined by two 7/28/1995 #42336  
small forest near Varginha, Brazil Afternoon. According to testimony by an  1/20/1996 #42694  
at had later crashed. Cont: In the afternoon at around one p.m. three girls 1/20/1996 #42697  
             At one o'clock in the afternoon two 9-year-old children, a gir 9/24/1996 #43041  
                   At 12:10 in the afternoon Brian Norton sighted a white c 10/10/1996 #43063  
                           On this afternoon in Campina Grande do Sul, Braz 1/2/1997 #43164  
heep at around four o'clock in the afternoon in an isolated pasture near Pa 2/20/1997 #43199  
lpes-Maritime, France in the early afternoon. After being developed the pho 4/25/1997 #43278  
                       During this afternoon several locals of Vegas de Diu 7/23/1997 #43359  
                    At 1:30 in the afternoon in Roseburg, Oregon a large si 8/23/1997 #43389  
ey, Michigan at two o'clock in the afternoon a gray disc-shaped object hove 9/21/1997 #43412  
                    At four in the afternoon Osmo Kurkela was walking home  10/3/1997 #43424  
l in Tulkarem, Israel on this late afternoon when he came upon a strange ma 10/10/1997 #43426  
                       In the late afternoon two boys in Siracusa, Sicily,  11/15/1997 #43444  
Rhode Island at two o'clock in the afternoon.                               1/29/1998 #43508  
                           On this afternoon a farmer in Rho, Lombardia, It 3/8/1998 #43531  
            At five o'clock in the afternoon over Edinburgh, Scotland two o 6/6/1998 #43582  
New South Wales, Australia on this afternoon. The "angel hair" appeaerd to  8/10/1998 #43626  
                           On this afternoon on the outskirts of Citta Di C 8/21/1998 #43634  
ity of Puebla, Mexico in the early afternoon. It was videotaped by a Mexica 6/1/1999 #43778  
ross was found on this day. In the afternoon of this day in Goias, Brazil a 6/12/1999 #43785  
n Mentor, Ohio at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The object was spinning and c 7/9/1999 #43799  
 days later, at around 2:30 in the afternoon, the main witness was returnin 7/14/1999 #43802  
                           On this afternoon at 5:07 p.m. a round white obj 8/9/1999 #43819  
                           On this afternoon Michelle and a friend were hik 8/22/1999 #43831  
                           On this afternoon two men, Jose Freira and Cid M 11/1/1999 #43869  
nde do Sul, Brazil on a very sunny afternoon at around 2 p.m. As they ran n 11/13/1999 #43880  
                           On this afternoon at 4:15 p.m. some campers in t 11/15/1999 #43881  
ects at around four o'clock in the afternoon.                               2/12/2000 #43947  
o other reports from Texas on this afternoon and evening as well.           4/6/2000 #43977  
oa was walking home at 1:30 in the afternoon in Santa Cruz, Manila, the Phi 9/6/2000 #44037  
     Snaefell, Isle of Man UK Late afternoon. Witnesses on both sides of th 1/14/2001 #44124  
ooting through the sky on a summer afternoon," reported a witness from Fair 5/4/2001 #44176  
Çandarli Aegean Sea western Turkey Afternoon. Two Turkish Air Force pilots  8/6/2001 #44227  
imbing up into the sky. Later that afternoon at 2:30 p.m. witnesses saw a v 2/25/2002 #44320  
                           On this afternoon at least 45 students said they 6/5/2002 #44347  
lony, Texas at four o'clock in the afternoon, about 500-700 feet up, headin 8/24/2002 #44385  
a Vista, California at 2:30 in the afternoon. That evening at 9:41 p.m., in 1/4/2003 #44467  
Fife, Scotland at 3:30 p.m. in the afternoon saw a black, oval-shaped UFO 8 3/18/2003 #44503  
ng each other in the middle of the afternoon.                               8/23/2003 #44579  
ão Paulo–Congonhas Airport, Brazil Afternoon. A Brazilian pilot flying an A 2004 #44635  
er Honolulu, Hawaii at 3:30 in the afternoon. The object made no sound, had 10/24/2004 #44769  
oval-shaped object was seen in the afternoon sky in Dorion, Quebec. Looking 4/12/2005 #44824  
aw intensely bright "stars" in the afternoon sky beginning at around two o' 1/26/2006 #44919  
                       In the late afternoon in Toronto, Ontario a witness  2/26/2006 #44925  
RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk, England Afternoon. Amateur radio enthusiasts rec 1/12/2007 #44999  
lands Jersey ATC Casquets Alderney Afternoon. The passengers of Flight A-Li 4/23/2007 #45022  
who watched the object leave. That afternoon, at 4:45 p.m., another group o 5/6/2007 #45027  
ground. When he awoke it was early afternoon, he was in a different locatio 9/21/2007 #45066  
            Câmpia Turzii, Romania Afternoon. Pilot Marin Mitrică is flying 10/30/2007 #45086  
aylight photo taken earlier in the afternoon shows an object with a clear,  7/7/2010 #45286  
 north of Ploieşti, Romania Pleaşa Afternoon. Mihnea Mustaţa and other obse 4/13/2012 #45341  
do Ribatejo e Sobralinho, Portugal Afternoon. Miguel Monteiro is walking in 10/25/2014 #45421  
anada, Spain Universidad de Huelva Afternoon. Several people in Cogollos de 2/10/2019 #45561  
## Word: "afternoons" (Back to Top)
the reports on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, and I took advantage of my t 4/1993 #40920  
## Word: "afterward" (Back to Top)
r of the ship but take off shortly afterward, “laughing and waving their ha 4/16/1897 #508  
ng downpour of rain ensues shortly afterward. Although described as a “poss 7/2/1907 #697  
ghted and landed in a hollow. Soon afterward, a creature over eight feet ta 2/22/1922 #1021  
es. He says a prayer for them, and afterward sees someone take a photo of a Early Spring 1941 #1355  
eople die instantly or immediately afterward in the firestorm. By the end o 8/6/1945 #1915  
et above Ortviken, Sweden. Shortly afterward, Gunnar Falck watches a silver 7/18/1946 #2063  
rough an opening on the underside. Afterward, traces of burning on the grou 8/1946 #2093  
es as large as human beings.” Soon afterward, a crash occurs in Arizona and 3/25/1948 #3598  
include UFOs. It is tabled shortly afterward by Maj. Gen. Cabell.           10/1/1948 #3826  
e personnel see the object shortly afterward. Col. Robert B. Willingham cla 12/6/1950 #5330  
s people so badly that many pilots afterward refuse to report UFO sightings 1/1951 #5380  
rief them on Blue Book’s progress. Afterward, he asks them about the flashe 4/1952 #6010  
 hills. The UFO disappears shortly afterward. NICAP does not see any negati 5/7/1952 #6270  
signals on his ham radio. Not long afterward, Lyman, his wife, and Alfred C 8/22/1952 #7683  
away and went into the woods. Soon afterward, the sphere of light was obser 9/13/1952 #7914  
Scientific Laboratory, New Mexico. Afterward Assistant Director for Scienti 10/23/1952 #8178  
er town. Angel hair falls / ground afterward. No further details.           11/1952 #8224  
th the balloon, disintegrating it. Afterward, it hovers in a circular motio 6/24/1953 #8969  
ists on a physical visit. Not long afterward, as she is hanging wash in her 9/1953 #9131  
o, Norway, and stop to observe it. Afterward, one of the witnesses’ watches 7/20/1954 #10030  
ea. A second disk followed shortly afterward. Both emitted a red glow.      10/15/1954 #11106  
ea. A second disc followed shortly afterward. Both emitted a red glow.      10/15/1954 #11122  
ver Millville, New Jersey. Shortly afterward a searchlight caught the objec 11/26/1954 #11710  
mous head. The UFO rose up shortly afterward after emitting a very bright l 12/4/1954 #11760  
 men run into some bushes. Shortly afterward they saw a luminous, disc-shap 12/10/1954 #11798  
 It was luminous and took off soon afterward.                               12/20/1954 #11848  
F planes comb the area for 2 hours afterward without finding anything. Bill 4/5/1955 #12080  
is by Mr. & Mrs. L. L Leonard, and afterward "angel hair", in the form of a 9/30/1956 #13253  
rdle, Lancashire, England. Shortly afterward, a commercial aircraft is seen 2/15/1957 #13509  
nd 31 white rats are put in cages. Afterward, the contaminated area is fenc 4/24/1957 #13615  
he north, disappearing in seconds. Afterward the car can start again.       11/3/1957 #14243  
okesman Richard E. Horner comes on afterward and says that the Air Force is 1/22/1958 #14838  
Rep. Donald H. Magnuson (D-Wash.). Afterward, the legislators express confi 6/20/1958 #15105  
hoots into the sky to their right. Afterward, the air is stifling and hot,  11/9/1958 #15435  
st ICBM to be operational. Shortly afterward, the first operational Atlas-D 9/9/1959 #15962  
e, lights, and radio fail. Shortly afterward, the disc shoots straight up,  10/22/1959 #16052  
anistan, to the northwest. Shortly afterward it explodes with a loud roar i 11/8/1959 #16084  
rt of a training exercise. Shortly afterward, Riley sees the object rise in 10/14/1961 #16910  
pts by aircraft to intercept UFOs. Afterward, the commander of the 4213d St Spring 1962 #17078  
ews do not talk about the incident afterward and act as if nothing happened Late 10/1962 #17496  
ies the incident occurred. Shortly afterward, an airman walks into a clothi 4/30/1964 #18231  
ook, The Scoriton Mystery. Shortly afterward, Bryant unexpectedly takes ill 4/24/1965 #18916  
und, although no traces were found afterward. The object illuminated a wide 8/4/1965 #19314  
und, although no traces were found afterward. The object illuminated a wide 8/4/1965 #19323  
s and whines 200' overhead. Car OK afterward.                               9/15/1965 #19565  
stripes over its entire body. Soon afterward a craft flew over their car. S 9/29/1965 #19622  
pass overhead, then comes on again afterward. It departed to the west about 2/6/1966 #19887  
.75 hours have elapsed. For 2 days afterward, they all have violent headach 5/1967 #22255  
 examines the landing site shortly afterward and finds marks forming an iso 7/1/1968 #24118  
and on Fontaine’s clothing 10 days afterward, as well as six apparent landi 7/31/1968 #24271  
he car engine starts spontaneously afterward.                               11/23/1968 #24695  
t and men had indeed gone. Shortly afterward the boys pointed out a “lumino 2/6/1969 #24898  
s to be their leader. He remembers afterward that all four have mouths that 5/4/1969 #25114  
ilva certain “revelations” that he afterward insists on keeping secret. He  5/4/1969 #25114  
neck, lameness in one leg—for days afterward.                               5/4/1969 #25114  
 Frequency Interference (RFI). AOK afterward. / r79p48.                     8/5/1969 #25308  
hts go out as 7' UFO paces car. OK afterward.                               5/1970 (approximate) #25649  
elephone behave strangely for days afterward.                               7/4/1970 #25726  
ers. Engine quits. Won't start. OK afterward.                               1/3/1971 #25969  
hey see two bright lights. Shortly afterward, they hear a whistling noise c 4/1/1972 #26633  
follows the same path a short time afterward. She reports the sighting to t 7/7/1973 #27621  
rder to “move it out of the area,” afterward hearing gunfire and seeing a “ 10/1973 #27903  
at looked like an electric shaver. Afterward, the witness lost consciousnes 10/28/1973 #28311  
The car starts up with no problems afterward.                               1974 #28632  
s car and continue on his journey. Afterward, the front left mudguard chang 11/1974 #29575  
in the question-and-answer session afterward, he is asked about his sources 11/2/1974 #29580  
en “merges” into them. Immediately afterward, the boy suffers acute shock a 7/22/1975 #30200  
ike missile base in the mountains. Afterward, the witnesses’ eyes turn red  9/3/1975 #30340  
in and conjunctivitis for 48 hours afterward, and Perez’s watch stops worki 1/1/1977 #31681  
daches when he drives by the scene afterward.                               2/10/1977 #31807  
s come down with headaches shortly afterward.                               3/9/1977 #31886  
wn and was not seen again. Shortly afterward the disc rose, lit up, and at  4/6/1977 #31953  
wo dogs refuse to go near the spot afterward and are fussy about eating.    5/3/1977 #32052  
Her eyes burn and water for a week afterward, and she suffers recurring gas Early Autumn 1977 #32456  
, adjacent military bases. Shortly afterward, an Air Force security patrol  1/18/1978 #32889  
 headaches, and insomnia. Not long afterward, he is hypnotized by James A.  3/18/1978 #33055  
ally locks on this object. Shortly afterward, the target vanishes. A dozen  5/14/1978 #33210  
ses feel a euphoria, even 36 hours afterward. Richard Hall notes that the w 7/4/1978 #33335  
eater Manchester, England. Shortly afterward, they both hear a loud roar. S 11/1/1978 #33909  
uminous object aims beam / car. OK afterward. Type unknown.                 12/12/1978 #34096  
 must be calibrated again. Shortly afterward, a large luminous UFO is seen  12/24/1978 #34201  
n drops out of sight to the right. Afterward, Fogarty notices a strange lig 12/31/1978 #34246  
 beam / light. Sets her down. Sick afterward.                               1/1979 #34267  
. A similar object is seen shortly afterward at Alykel Airport near Norilsk 10/27/1979 #34971  
nd pain in his chin for some hours afterward. Authorities are appointed to  11/9/1979 #34989  
he northwest and vanishes. Shortly afterward, he sees a large, reddish UFO  6/14/1980 #35367  
to just above the horizon. Shortly afterward, a huge triangular- shaped obj 4/16/1981 #35901  
ts, then three, then four. Shortly afterward, two of the units on either si 6/5/1981 #35952  
ing silently west to east. Shortly afterward, it returns over some trees to 7/23/1981 #36025  
r hands tremble for nearly 2 weeks afterward, and their sense of balance is 7/31/1981 #36048  
 experiences nausea for three days afterward and has a temporary, day-long  8/12/1981 #36070  
photos and other evidence. Shortly afterward, according to an informant, US 8/16/1981 #36078  
m up from a pay phone. Immediately afterward, he sees two men watching him. 10/2/1981 #36154  
anish. Silhouettes shadowed / moon afterward.                               7/3/1982 #36528  
eep before detonating. Immediately afterward, an Orion aircraft drops a min 4/27/1983 #36846  
 and the object disappears shortly afterward.                               9/3/1983 #36969  
anishing. The dogs remain agitated afterward.                               5/6/1984 #37324  
strong wind comes up for 5 minutes afterward.                               2/4/1986 #37779  
tes the trees. It goes out shortly afterward. On the return from Debrecen,  4/22/1986 #37833  
ople, 28 die in the days to months afterward, and approximately 14 suspecte 4/26/1986 #37843  
r,” although no details are given. Afterward, the object turns east and spe 11/25/1986 #38077  
f an airplane that appears shortly afterward.                               3/9/1989 #38869  
 exit. Observer(s) plagued / UFO's afterward.                               10/13/1989 #39168  
er plant at Lubmin [shut down soon afterward]. Five people, including nucle 8/24/1990 #39701  
os Alamos during WWII and sometime afterward; she claims bodies were flown  3/16/1991 #40015  
n abduction. Earrings on backwards afterward. Repeater. / USA today.        12/15/1991 #40260  
d. The animals' calmness persisted afterward.  Animals involved were 5 goat 4/12/1994 #41489  
e and have black hair. Immediately afterward, soldiers come out of the wood 1/20/1996 #42694  
equent contact with Robert Bigelow afterward.                               8/1996 #42968  
s military UFO encounters. Shortly afterward, he is visited by two Cheltenh 3/1997 #43215  
now here and so, goodbye.” Shortly afterward, Wilson admits meeting with Mi 4/10/1997 #43260  
ect follows a similar path shortly afterward.                               6/30/1999 #43788  
minute. It disappears 5–10 seconds afterward.                               6/23/2001 #44196  
isappears. The car starts right up afterward.                               7/5/2005 #44851  
edly seems to close itself shortly afterward. According to the Chicago Trib 11/7/2006 #44981  
 until it just disappears. Shortly afterward, military planes and helicopte 6/16/2009 #45226  
an Defense Ministry admits shortly afterward that such an event had taken p 12/9/2009 #45261  
 points where more UAP would enter afterward. Duke also claims early member 3/31/2011 #45322  
rom 1985 to 1995, followed shortly afterward by files for 1997 and 1998–200 8/2011 #45331  
 the meeting are not released, but afterward, DeLonge claimed he had a team 1/24/2016 #45443  
## Word: "afterwards" (Back to Top)
nd report directly to the Pentagon afterwards. McCoy suspects German or Rus 7/28/1947 #3239  
red to Wright Field, Ohio, shortly afterwards.                              9/5/1947 #3386  
en for only 10–15 seconds. Shortly afterwards, Kokolonis sees two similar o 5/28/1948 #3660  
so had no dents or even scratches; afterwards he was told by a USAF Col. To 5/21/1953 #8899  
gment of the imagination.” Shortly afterwards, the skeptics in Project Sign 10/10/1954 #10894  
ll again. The rabbits were shortly afterwards taken from him by the orphana 11/9/1954 #11611  
Idyllwild, California. Immediately afterwards, a B-47 pilot reports to Marc 1/14/1955 #11933  
 It explodes on hitting the water. Afterwards, the surface of the sea shimm 12/13/1956 #13400  
ational Airport], California. Soon afterwards, the Air Force reduces funds  7/1957 #13765  
ches Los Angeles 25 minutes later. Afterwards, security guard Richard Mingu 7/5/1957 #13779  
hinoseki, Iwate Prefecture, Japan. Afterwards, material like spider web fal 10/4/1957 #14058  
x twice with an odd-looking woman. Afterwards, she points to her belly then 10/16/1957 #14128  
efly in areas covered by clothing. Afterwards, Brazilian Army and USAF pers 11/4/1957 #14284  
uddenly sink out of sight. Shortly afterwards, a steamer comes into view, o 1/10/1958 #14817  
nd simultaneous movement.” Shortly afterwards the two parts of the object c 1/10/1958 #14817  
ermined. The circuit is redesigned afterwards.                              12/6/1958 #15472  
s of the initial incident. Shortly afterwards Irwin's case came to the atte 2/28/1959 #15624  
hting or risk losing his job. Soon afterwards, the Air Force releases a sta 3/27/1959 #15674  
omer Fritz Zwicky. When a reporter afterwards asks if he will accept an apo Late 5/1959 #15747  
early suffered a nervous breakdown afterwards.                              10/16/1959 #16035  
 not to remember their experiences afterwards. Barney’s sessions are partic 1/4/1964 #18109  
ady beeping sound could be heard.  Afterwards, a strange odor was noticed,  8/19/1965 #19424  
eady beeping sound could be heard. Afterwards, a strange odor was noticed,  8/19/1965 #19428  
tripes running down its body. Soon afterwards, a UFO flew above their car f 9/29/1965 #19624  
, maneuvering back and forth. Soon afterwards he observed several searchlig 1/3/1966 #19803  
ue glow, then disappeared. Shortly afterwards, two bright lights shot up fr 3/19/1966 #19994  
d emitted a buzzing sound. Shortly afterwards, many aircraft were active in 1/5/1967 #21256  
siological effects (not specified) afterwards. (Montreal Le Petit Journal,  8/29/1967 #22952  
he figures hid while a car passed, afterwards the object pulsated between v 9/15/1967 #23071  
xperimenting to obtain human seed. Afterwards he was tied up and told it wo 10/6/1967 #23187  
ttee” in October 1967. Ziegel soon afterwards receives a letter from Edward 2/1968 #23720  
ear. The cattle seem ill for weeks afterwards.                              7/28/1968 #24244  
. Those who visit the site shortly afterwards find their watches stop myste 8/16/1968 #24342  
the recommendation section shortly afterwards.                              9/13/1968 #24456  
darscope film is recorded. Shortly afterwards, RAPCON provides vectors for  10/24/1968 #24587  
a slowly dissolving cloud. Shortly afterwards, the man’s leg heals and his  11/2/1968 #24625  
y a white beam, buzzed a motorist. Afterwards three circular burn marks wer 6/4/1969 #25199  
ing lot across the street. Shortly afterwards they saw three dark humanoid  12/27/1969 #25510  
rence in Peoria, Illinois. Shortly afterwards, Walt Andrus succeeds Utke as 6/13/1970 #25700  
speed. The car functioned normally afterwards.                              12/5/1970 #25929  
ved around the car, then was gone. Afterwards she found the engine billowin 10/19/1973 #28200  
f fire" peered through his window. Afterwards the car's engine and lights c 10/23/1973 #28253  
red at him through his car window. Afterwards the car's engine and lights c 10/24/1973 #28272  
sentenced to prison for swindling. Afterwards, there were rumors that he ha 10/28/1973 #28311  
orth. 10 small orbs hover in place afterwards / 10 minute(s). / news.       11/13/1973 #28416  
raft were then taken to Los Alamos afterwards. A CIA source told ufologist  3/14/1975 #29900  
Radiation/radioactivity = 100 RADs afterwards.                              7/30/1975 #30214  
f again at high speed. Immediately afterwards, a small blue car did exactly 11/8/1975 #30584  
" Le Duc kept driving, but shortly afterwards saw an elongated luminous obj 12/11/1975 #30705  
 gray in color, and made no sound. Afterwards the witness saw ten aircraft  2/18/1976 #30879  
 gray in color, and made no sound. Afterwards the witness saw ten aircraft  2/18/1976 #30882  
uminous vapor. For about ten hours afterwards, all four of the Chiassons su 8/6/1976 #31241  
ness suffered from general malaise afterwards.                              10/29/1976 #31506  
of consciousness for five minutes. Afterwards, their physiological effects  10/30/1976 #31511  
0 feet from the original. Not long afterwards, someone from the attorney ge 1/10/1977 #31715  
 a brick, breaking it into pieces. Afterwards the creatures ran back into t 5/19/1979 #34569  
the skin of two of the girls. Soon afterwards they experienced strange drea 5/7/1980 #35317  
lickered off and on several times, afterwards worked normally               5/14/1980 #35329  
opters were seen circling the area afterwards.                              1/22/1984 #37149  
board; two alive but one died soon afterwards. The alive alien was eventual 5/7/1989 #38939  
es were sore and she felt nauseous afterwards.                              8/10/1989 #39053  
rea. Aircraft flying over the area afterwards reported equipment malfunctio 9/16/1989 #39109  
r German border took place shortly afterwards. An end to the Cold War was d 11/9/1989 #39221  
evel. Goes. Helicopter circles low afterwards.                              12/5/1990 #39926  
 it wasn't there anymore." Shortly afterwards another call was received by  6/14/1992 #40494  
the ground reportedly turned brown afterwards.                              3/6/1994 #41444  
base is closed to all flights soon afterwards. A USAF C5 Galaxy is redirect 9/26/1994 #41775  
aving headaches and blurred vision afterwards.                              10/8/1994 #41796  
to move for the next five minutes. Afterwards he felt very tired and sleepy 6/21/1996 #42936  
he suffered from a severe headache afterwards and found three puncture woun 2/24/1997 #43207  
al sensation in his left lung soon afterwards. Upon viewing the videotape h 4/15/1999 #43758  
y and disappeared from sight. Soon afterwards the two men were able to move 11/13/1999 #43880  
 away into some nearby woods. Soon afterwards she saw a bright light rise f 12/5/1999 #43894  
ived the notes at a NIDSci meeting afterwards. *   https://www.reddit.com/r 10/16/2002 #44418  
nd was an odd looking brown color. Afterwards, they drove home.             10/27/2007 #45080  
eyes were watery for about an hour afterwards. Mr. Robert was driving into  8/6/2013 #45381  
## Word: "afterword" (Back to Top)
ghted and landed in a hollow. Soon afterword, a creature over 2.4 m tall wa 2/22/1922 #1019  
ghted and landed in a hollow. Soon afterword, a creature over 2.4 m tall wa 2/22/1922 #1020  
## Word: "afton" (Back to Top)
                                   AFTON, NY Hundreds / observer(s). Hundre 8/1/1952 #7393  
  At ten o'clock in the morning in Afton, New York UFOs first appeared near 8/1/1952 #7413  
## Word: "aftonbladet" (Back to Top)
             Stockholm, Sweden The Aftonbladet newspaper in Stockholm, Swed 5/28/1946 #1999  
No further details. (AP) Stockholm Aftonbladet 7 Jul. '47.                  7/6/1947 #2789  
ic flying saucer seen over city. / Aftonbladet Daily. No further details.   7/7/1947 #2918  
## Word: "aftrica" (Back to Top)
m. in Loxton, Northern Cape, South Aftrica Mr. Van Graan saw an aluminum or 7/31/1975 #30219  
## Word: "afu" (Back to Top)
beings. (Ref. 3; Anders Liljegren, AFU Bibliography.) (NICAP: 07 - Entity C 5/1943 #1496  
r details. / Margit Mustapa 1960+/ AFU Sweden.                              8/1943 #1519  
ppeared. (Ref. 3; Anders Liljegren AFU archives.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 10/10/1944 #1676  
id. Instant 90° turn going west. / AFU Sweden.                              7/1947 #2496  
/ 400M altitude. Airplane speed. / AFU Sweden.                              7/23/1947 #3215  
e private BSRA archives now at the AFU in Sweden.                           5/18/1949 #4190  
shes / flash! 2nd saucer passes. / AFU Sweden.                              2/13/1950 #4536  
 incident to anyone.  http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20Stat 2/19/1953 #8686  
The physical letter was scanned by AFU staff, and was marked item #540801.  8/1/1954 #10086  
 an unproven claim.  https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20Stat 4/1956 #12779  
prohibitive costs.”  https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Documents/USA%20-%20Con 7/5/1956 #12953  
ation is performed.  https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Documents/USA%20-%20Con 2/28/1958 #14899  
ressional hearing.”  https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Documents/USA%20-%20Con 6/20/1958 #15107  
er interest in UAP.  https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Documents/USA%20-%20Con 8/13/1958 #15200  
on UAP from 1 to 2.  https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Documents/USA%20-%20Con 3/17/1961 #16634  
 denies his claims.  https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20Stat 4/30/1964 #18236  
s established in 1974, and in 1979 AFU moves to Norrköping. It publishes Uf 8/1972 #26863  
Ufologen from 1972 to 1974 and the AFU Newsletter from March 1975 to Octobe 8/1972 #26863  
utu.be/MtJo6vKnY54   https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20Stat 12/28/1973 #28612  
-august.html (p8) *   http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20Stat 8/1978 #33460  
ems to be unfunded.  https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Documents/USA%20-%20Con 9/19/1978 #33710  
by DOE/LANL as well.  http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/DigitizedbyAFU/Qu 2/16/1979 #34431  
Y3xK5O7Iqo0?t=2272   https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/DigitizedbyAFU/Qu 11/17/1980 #35646  
. Photographs were taken. (Source: AFU Sweden). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounte 11/21/1981 #36226  
cripts/treativ.htm   https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Documents/0%20-%20UFO%2 3/9/1992 #40368  
ation.org/about/ *   https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/DigitizedbyAFU/Al 12/3/1999 #43892  
n from Hal Puthoff   https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Documents/0%20-%20UFO%2 9/26/2022 #45772  
## Word: "afwl" (Back to Top)
e at Air Force Weapons Laboratory (AFWL). TRESTLE was a large EMP simulator 1990 #39357  
## Word: "agab" (Back to Top)
                                   AGAB QI, INNER MONG, CH Many observer(s) 9/13/1971 #26335  
## Word: "agades" (Back to Top)
                                   AGADES, NIGER Air Zaire DC-10 pilot. Dar 5/19/1978 #33226  
## Word: "agadir" (Back to Top)
                                   Agadir, Morocco Rabat 7:30 p.m. A lumino 1/12/1967 #21291  
uminous object crosses the sky off Agadir, Morocco. It leaves a white trail 1/12/1967 #21291  
                                   Agadir El Kelaa des Sraghna Essaouira Ma 9/19/1976 #31409  
le locations in Morocco, including Agadir, El Kelaa des Sraghna, Essaouira, 9/19/1976 #31409  
                           NORTH / AGADIR, MAROC 3 observer(s). Silent whit 10/17/1980 #35574  
## Word: "agaete" (Back to Top)
                            Gáldar Agaete Gran Canaria Canary Islands 9:27  6/22/1976 #31128  
t ahead of them between Gáldar and Agaete, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands. Th 6/22/1976 #31128  
## Word: "againafter" (Back to Top)
ghts and radio functioned properly againafter the UFO left, about 30 second 8/5/1969 #25311  
## Word: "agan" (Back to Top)
 Board, saying that Gen. Arthur C. Agan has found Project Blue Book to be a 9/28/1965 #19619  
## Word: "agana" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR AGANA, GUAM F86D chases white saucer. Sa 12/31/1956 #13420  
## Word: "agapenor" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Agapenor” Yield: 20KT                    3/24/1979 #34488  
## Word: "agard" (Back to Top)
erospace Research and Development (AGARD) publishes a study that states a “ 3/1990 #39436  
## Word: "agata" (Back to Top)
                             SOUTH AGATA / GOTI, ITL 2+2 observer(s). Flash 10/4/1975 #30415  
## Word: "agate" (Back to Top)
nderground. Country: France Name: “agate11/7/1961 #16958  
                   US40 / I70 NEAR AGATE, CO 4 observer(s). Red saucer pace 4/23/1968 #23918  
onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Agate” Yield: 8.5KT                      7/18/1985 #37622  
## Word: "agaunico" (Back to Top)
                   Willis St.-Jean Agaunico Mine Lake Timiskaming Cobalt, O 12/26/1954 #11863  
Willis St.-Jean, a hoistman at the Agaunico Mine on the shore of Lake Timis 12/26/1954 #11863  
## Word: "agawam" (Back to Top)
                     WESTFIELD AND AGAWAM, MA Airman and 1. Huge saucer slo 4/6/1950 #4801  
                                   AGAWAM, MASS 3 observer(s). Bright night 7/12/1956 #12964  
                                   AGAWAM, MASS UFO's hover. All mailboxes  6/1992 #40477  
## Word: "agay" (Back to Top)
                               OFF AGAY, FR 6 observer(s). Silent luminous  1/6/1980 #35126  
## Word: "agde" (Back to Top)
                                   AGDE, HERAULT, FR 2 pilots / car. Bright 11/6/1952 #8251  
                                   AGDE, FR 4 observer(s). 16M black cylind 7/13/1978 #33379  
## Word: "age" (Back to Top)
      NURNBERG, GERM Kaspar Hauser age 17. Apparently raised / aliens. Amaz 5/28/1828 #123  
                   Levis Brosseau, age 20, was riding home in Fermeneuve, Q 6/12/1929 #1099  
           Sr. Joao Prestes Filho, age 40, had anticipated an uneventful da 3/5/1946 #1974  
T / SEASIDE, OR Woman and daughter age 8. Round object very fast and high.  6/28/1947 #2442  
 for ships. He dies in 2007 at the age of 90.                               7/7/1947 #2940  
om deterioration in quality due to age and print technique.                 7/7/1947 #2947  
he latter from about 5–15 years of age. Thompson claims to have spent the n 3/28/1950 #4750  
 Amarillo, Texas, David Lightfoot, age 12, and his brother Charles saw a di 4/8/1950 #4832  
 Creek, California, John Q. Black, age 48, and John Van Allen, reported tha 5/20/1953 #8890  
 in the evening Sr. S. Villanueva, age 37, had the engine of the vehicle he 8/17/1953 #9078  
        At 9:30 p.m. Jim Milligan, age 16, was driving through a park in Sa 10/25/1953 #9255  
                      Janet Brown, age 16, and a 13-year-old friend of East 6/9/1954 #9883  
      At 7:30 p.m. Gabriel Coupal, age 13, and another boy were out riding  8/7/1954 #10113  
nce two bricklayers, Emile Renard, age 27, and Yves DeGillerboz, age 23, sa 9/7/1954 #10270  
ard, age 27, and Yves DeGillerboz, age 23, saw a bluish-gray object floatin 9/7/1954 #10270  
ras, France. A farmer, Mr. Mazaud, age 50, was walking home when he was sud 9/10/1954 #10287  
   A metal worker, Marius Dewilde, age 34, came out of his house in Quaroub 9/10/1954 #10288  
                    John J. Swain, age 12, was driving a tractor back from  9/14/1954 #10302  
pt the road in front of Roland M., age 19, who was driving in Feyzin, Rhone 9/15/1954 #10316  
, France at 10:30 p.m. Yves David, age 28, met a being in a diving suit who 9/17/1954 #10337  
yard. Raymond Romand (or Rolland), age 12, threw stones at the intruder.    9/27/1954 #10478  
 railroad engineers, Emile Gerard, age 49, and Victor Paroux, age 40, were  9/28/1954 #10491  
Gerard, age 49, and Victor Paroux, age 40, were bringing a locomotive from  9/28/1954 #10491  
rborn, Michigan Lawrence Cardenas, age 41, a laundry employee, saw 15 stran 9/30/1954 #10519  
o bricklayers, Romain de Bastiani, age 21, and Bruno Burato, age 20, witnes 9/30/1954 #10520  
astiani, age 21, and Bruno Burato, age 20, witnessed a partially yellow, pa 9/30/1954 #10520  
         Mechanic Ernest Delattre, age 19, was riding home on his motor sco 10/1/1954 #10576  
rtment, France fireman Jean Dufix, age 26, saw an oval light in the sky at  10/1/1954 #10579  
speed. His neighbor, Jean Labonne, age 61, also saw the disc resting on thr 10/1/1954 #10579  
epartment, France Ernest Delattre, age 19, a mechanic, was riding home on h 10/2/1954 #10619  
craft was seen by Mr. Jean Allary, age 22, while riding a motorcycle betwee 10/3/1954 #10671  
At 10:00 p.m. Mr. Henry Leherisse, age 23, in Megrit, France saw two shadow 10/4/1954 #10709  
rance. A farmer, Edouard Thebault, age 31, awoke at 4:15 a.m. to see a lumi 10/7/1954 #10792  
nce. Four children--Gilbert Calda, age 12; Daniel Hirsch, age 9; J. P. Hirs 10/9/1954 #10866  
bert Calda, age 12; Daniel Hirsch, age 9; J. P. Hirsch, age 5; and Robert M 10/9/1954 #10866  
aniel Hirsch, age 9; J. P. Hirsch, age 5; and Robert Maguin, age 16--were r 10/9/1954 #10866  
 Hirsch, age 5; and Robert Maguin, age 16--were roller skating at 6:30 p.m. 10/9/1954 #10866  
                        Jan Marty, age 42, a mechanic, was in his shop in L 10/12/1954 #10982  
 d'Herblay, France. Gilbert Lelay, age 13, saw a phosphorescent cigar-shape 10/12/1954 #10983  
Perpignan, France Damien Figueres, age 56, was walking with his dogs when a 10/15/1954 #11114  
de-Riviere, France Guy Puyfourcat, age 22, was coming back from the fields  10/16/1954 #11148  
Puy-de-Dome, France Mr. Bachelard, age 42, was going around a bend in the r 10/18/1954 #11218  
re midnight salesman Renzo Pugina, age 37, was parking his car in Erba, Com 10/18/1954 #11225  
        At 2:30 a.m. Lazlo Ujvari, age 40, saw a dark domed disc in Raon-l' 10/20/1954 #11278  
 On this evening Mr. Renzo Pugina, age 37, had just parked his car in the g 10/20/1954 #11283  
        At 6:30 p.m. Mr. G. Mahou, age 30, a municipal councilor in Arraye- 10/25/1954 #11400  
 At 6:30 a.m. Rosa Lotti Dainelli, age 40, was walking into Cennina, Toscan 11/1/1954 #11520  
Delta, Venezuela Fernando de Moya, age 39, was hunting from his launch, whe 11/4/1954 #11569  
                   Phillip Molava, age 13, living at an orphanage in Shirle 11/9/1954 #11611  
 young shepherds, M. G. and P. T., age 12, were returning to their flock in 11/23/1954 #11697  
                    Joseph Whaley, age 20, was cutting the grass along High 8/1/1955 #12318  
               Mr. Ernest Suddard, age 35, and his 13-year-old son were dri 8/16/1955 #12366  
ty, California, from 4-15 years of age, saw a “semi transparent” round obje 8/29/1955 #12416  
Y Saucer / cemetery. Richard Price age 8 first abducted. Implants and long  9/15/1955? #12454  
 problems and advance into the New Age. Life on other planets is described  8/1956 #13044  
                      Mr. Corbett, age 57, was driving two miles south of I 8/28/1956 #13147  
ueensland, Australia Les McDonald, age 17, and Gladys Smith, age 14, saw a  9/16/1957 #14002  
cDonald, age 17, and Gladys Smith, age 14, saw a red light changing to gree 9/16/1957 #14002  
              Antonio Villas Boas, age 23, had his second UFO sighting prio 10/14/1957 #14112  
      Truck driver Malvin Stevens, age 48, was driving to Memphis when, abo 11/7/1957 #14464  
 half later Mrs. Cynthia Appleton, age 27 and mother of two, saw the figure 11/18/1957 #14578  
Wales, Australia Brian Crittendon, age 21, was chased by a dome-shaped obje 1/13/1958 #14825  
m Domsten, Sweden Hans Gustavsson, age 35, and Stig Rydberg, 30, saw someth 12/20/1958 #15491  
ad he was driving on. Barry Neale, age 15, was driving home between Goolwa  3/31/1959 #15684  
                      Vera Bowden, age 35, and a man named Foster saw a gra 5/25/1960 #16302  
more Hotel. He publishes his Space Age Platform at the second meeting of hi 8/9/1960 #16366  
tack in Long Beach, California, at age 37.                                  9/15/1960 #16450  
 At 3:00 a.m. Luis G. Ferre Casas, age 33, and two other witnesses watched  1/6/1961 #16564  
                    Jose Darnaude, age 28, of Villanueva del Rio y Minas, S 6/11/1961 #16725  
   On this night Eugenio Siragusa, age 43, claimed to have met two men of n 4/30/1962 #17142  
 telepathic summons, Mr. Siragusa, age 43, went to a spot in Monte Manfre,  9/5/1962 #17387  
er sane man would, in this nuclear age, deliberately plunge the world into  10/22/1962 #17485  
  Ronnie Austin and Phyllis Bruce, age 18, were driving to Phyllis Bruce's  8/4/1963 #17864  
            SEEKONK, MA J. Trainor age 13. Shiny silver saucer hovers / sev 8/18/1963 #17906  
No time given. Brothers A. McLean, age 12, and G. McLean, age 8 saw a movin 10/24/1963 #18008  
 A. McLean, age 12, and G. McLean, age 8 saw a moving light in the sky for  10/24/1963 #18008  
              Charles Englebrecht, age 18, went outside at 9:30 p.m. in Dal 6/14/1964 #18357  
nia. One of the men, Mr. D. Shrum, age 28, became lost and climbed a tree.  9/4/1964 #18535  
teenagers, including Steve Miller, age 16, were driving on Route 250 near B 1/26/1965 #18770  
                      Sid Padrick, age 52, was walking on the beach in Manr 1/30/1965 #18785  
             At 5:00 p.m. Gary W., age 9, in New London, Minnesota saw an o 4/26/1965 #18921  
in at around 2 p.m., Ms. Gorzelle, age 45, witnessed a shiny disc-shaped ob 5/30/1965 #18977  
 the morning farmer Maurice Masse, age 41, heard a strange noise and saw an 7/1/1965 #19049  
                    Miss Zielonka, age 30, witnessed a three-meter long met 7/9/1965 #19090  
            Two boys, Doug Knopka, age 9, and Tim Dietz, age 8, were vacati 8/3/1965 #19294  
Doug Knopka, age 9, and Tim Dietz, age 8, were vacationing at Doehler’s Bea 8/3/1965 #19294  
hway 15, truck driver Don Tenopir, age 44, had reached a point 25 miles fro 8/4/1965 #19321  
wo teenagers, Ellen Grace Ryerson, age 16, and Laura Jean Ryerson, 13, in R 8/13/1965 #19383  
                         David G., age 14, and his father and sister were s 8/13/1965 #19384  
. William Butcher, her son Harold, age 17, and other children saw a large e 8/19/1965 #19428  
   On this night Mrs. M. Gorzelle, age 45, had remembered going to bed, but 9/3/1965 #19518  
 appearing to be about 30 years of age. He was dressed in a one-piece tight 9/4/1965 #19520  
                   James Townsend, age 19, a radio announcer for KEYL Radio 10/23/1965 #19679  
 Two fisherman, Mr. R. D. Hanning, age 41, skipper of the fishing vessel El 11/13/1965 #19719  
’clock in the morning, Mr. Coquil, age 23, was driving by a pasture in Kerr 1/16/1966 #19841  
ter, MI Dexter, MI.: Frank Mannor, age 47, and Ronald Mannor, age 19, went  3/20/1966 #19997  
Mannor, age 47, and Ronald Mannor, age 19, went out at night through swampy 3/20/1966 #19997  
          At 11:45 p.m. John King, age 22, working with the Bangor, Maine P 3/25/1966 #20084  
                    Jean Voilquin, age 54, saw a strange looking "wheel" ro 3/26/1966 #20092  
sses' car got closer. Mr. Udvardy, age 32, heard a low hum like a swarm of  3/31/1966 #20181  
                   Charles Kozens, age 13, saw two objects land near Hamilt 3/31/1966 #20183  
and Saint Arnaud. Mr. R. Sullivan, age 38, was driving home when he encount 4/4/1966 #20225  
                        Max Baker, age 43, was driving west on Sandusky Roa 6/8/1966 #20546  
                   Camillo Faieta, age 35, a lineman for the local utility  7/13/1966 #20645  
nd 8:25 p.m. EDT Douglas Tibbetts, age 16, Betty Klem, 16, Anita Haifley, 2 7/31/1966 #20703  
   At 12:30 a.m. CDT Kathy Palmer, age 14, looked out the window of her hom 8/1/1966 #20720  
 on this evening. Marlene Travers, age 24, was visiting friends in the coun 8/11/1966 #20739  
ng the evening Mrs. Mark deFriend, age 32, saw an object at ground level in 11/2/1966 #21072  
   On the same night Jules Derome, age 60, of Acton Vale, Quebec, Canada re 1/9/1967 #21279  
                     Mr. F. Bedel, age 23, was driving on Route 135 about 8 1/17/1967 #21334  
tsuits." She called her sons Gene, age 18, and George, age 14, who came to  1/29/1967 #21412  
her sons Gene, age 18, and George, age 14, who came to the window in time t 1/29/1967 #21412  
      At 9:45 p.m. M. Louis Monin, age 49, was outside his house in Sauvign 2/5/1967 #21463  
     At 1:45 a.m. Miss Hildebrand, age 19, and Michael McKee fled when they 2/11/1967 #21512  
llinois police officer Mr. Fisher, age 32, filmed 8mm motion pictures of a  3/9/1967 #21841  
nd county, country, witness names, age, gender, special features, duration, Spring 1967 #21924  
.m. PST. A woman and her daughter, age 16, saw a large amber- colored light 4/17/1967 #22149  
  At 2:00 a.m. Michael Campeadore, age 25, a hospital employee in St. Georg 5/11/1967 #22319  
       Polish-born Steve Michalac, age 52, an industrial mechanic and prosp 5/20/1967 #22384  
p.m. EDT. An engineer and his son (age 12) saw a bright silver, wingless ob 5/28/1967 #22413  
                      John Norton, age 7, of Richmond, Virginia had to be t 6/1/1967 #22450  
     At 2:30 a.m. Barbara Fawcett, age 18, and her sister saw a yellow "jag 7/21/1967 #22720  
. a security guard, Sidney Zipkin, age 50, was driving through a large park 7/21/1967 #22722  
10:15 p.m. a guard, Sidney Zipkin, age 50, was driving through a large park 7/31/1967 #22762  
 did not understand the notion of "age."                                    8/7/1967 #22839  
 in the afternoon Inacio De Souza, age 41, and his wife Maria were approach 8/13/1967 #22874  
lock in the morning Stanley Moxon, age 20, saw a green light in a field ahe 8/23/1967 #22906  
                   Joseph Purcell, age 19, sighted a cigar-shaped object ov 8/28/1967 #22944  
nd his younger sister, Anne Marie, age 9, were tending their family cows wh 8/29/1967 #22955  
zuela - Miss Alicia Rivas Aguilar, age 23, was getting ready for bed at 2:3 9/8/1967 #23021  
ock in the morning Fabio J. Diniz, age 16, was walking near a hospital in L 9/14/1967 #23061  
y Skolem of Portland, Connecticut, age 13, saw an orange cloud bigger than  10/3/1967 #23172  
      At 9:30 p.m. Donald Chiszar, age 13, and Pat Crosier, age 10, reporte 10/24/1967 #23309  
 Chiszar, age 13, and Pat Crosier, age 10, reported seeing a large light th 10/24/1967 #23309  
 Robinson and Richard Corben, both age 14, and a third boy, reported that t 10/25/1967 #23323  
ta, Sao Paolo State, Brazil Mr. P, age 51, was driving home at around 11:00 10/29/1967 #23364  
           Farm manager Alan Pool, age 43, saw an object, six meters in dia 11/16/1967 #23472  
ands, Sr. Serafin Viera Sebastiao, age 36, noticed interference on his tran 2/1/1968 #23724  
                 Nicholas Rinaldi, age 38, a commercial artist, observed a  2/5/1968 #23738  
   On this night Romulo Velazquez, age 25, a miner, saw a UFO land in Poopo 6/19/1968 #24051  
               Eustaqui Zogorwski, age 63, a Polish immigrant, claimed that 6/20/1968 #24056  
oung people, including Paul Sauve, age 20, and his sisters, Nicole, and Joa 7/28/1968 #24245  
                Mr. Luce Fontaine, age 31, a farmer on Reunion Island in th 7/31/1968 #24272  
encia, Spain Juan Gazcon del Toro, age 44, was riding his bicycle home from 8/25/1968 #24377  
r.” The children were Denis Bogus, age 7, who first saw the object; his bro 8/29/1968 #24401  
scala, Gerona, Spain Sr. Ballesta, age 52, saw two beings with frightful ye 9/21/1968 #24496  
At around three a.m. Guy Lemargue, age 16, was walking with a friend on a s 9/30/1968 #24527  
ovazzano El-Far, 12 and 9 years of age respectively, were playing on a Sund 11/9/1968 #24649  
ject on a hillside. Tiago Machado, age 19, got out his binoculars and went  2/6/1969 #24897  
n two boys, Joao Batista Da Silva, age 9, and Benedito Paulino Ramos, age 1 2/6/1969 #24898  
age 9, and Benedito Paulino Ramos, age 13, called to her attention a “shini 2/6/1969 #24898  
a hillside awakened Tiago Machado, age 19. He grabbed his binoculars and we 2/7/1969 #24902  
deaf mute named Antonio Rodrigues, age 60, of the Fazenda Constantino was f 5/5/1969 #25117  
     At 1:45 a.m. Mike Luczkowich, age 20, a student at Manakin, Virginia w 5/11/1969 #25128  
       At 6:15 a.m. Mr. Fred Yoos, age 62, heard a clattering sound that sh 7/1/1969 #25244  
ion. He retires, under protest, at age 72. Leading the effort is board chai 12/3/1969 #25483  
                   Kalle Tiihonen, age 39, a locally well known and respect 4/15/1970 #25633  
0 feet. At around 2:45 p.m. Marie, age 10, was standing on the road opposit 6/4/1970 #25690  
 and several of them, led by Noel, age 12, entered the building. Noel saw a 6/4/1970 #25690  
hat evening at 6:30 p.m. Bertrand, age 10, was near the building when he no 6/4/1970 #25690  
 At 10:30 p.m. Mr. Robert Milcher, age 18, and a 10-year-old boy in Brooksv 2/26/1971 #26033  
                        Mr. Boyce, age 51, was driving near a horse race tr 8/8/1971 #26274  
r being driven by a Sr. Rodriguez, age 34, in Nuez, Zamora province, Spain  8/23/1971 #26301  
45 a.m. Osvaldo Nestor D'Annunzio, age 19, was returning by truck along an  9/20/1971 #26354  
       Sr. Paulo Caetano Silveira, age 27, a typewriter technician, found h 9/22/1971 #26365  
                        Mr. Wazny, age 29, a retired U.S. Air Force airman  10/2/1971 #26401  
group / van. One is [a] repeater / age 2. / MJ#184+/ r87p149.               10/16/1971 #26425  
           MALDON, ESSEX 2 girls / age 9. Saucer with portholes on girdered 7/1972 (approximate) #26748  
                   Mr. Faltersack, age 18, was driving along County Road JF 8/21/1972 #26945  
ince, Argentina Sr. Teodoro Merlo, age 56, a maintenance worker at the Ika- 9/21/1972 #27022  
poral Juan Maria Fuentes Figueroa, age 41, encountered a multicolored, humm 10/28/1972 #27097  
        At 12.30 a.m. Alfonso Rey, age 62, was watching television in his h 11/28/1972 #27150  
Parana State, Brazil Joao Marques, age 31, observed a UFO hovering over the 1/4/1973 #27221  
                           Helene, age 14, was riding the family snowmobile 2/26/1973 #27318  
girl, was with a boy about her own age on the golf course in Sandown, Isle  5/15/1973 #27492  
                        Ms. Brown, age 52, saw a silvery metallic sphere at 9/5/1973 #27767  
                            Nancy, age 22, and her boyfriend Jim were campi 10/14/1973 #28031  
                  Dionisio Llanca, age 25, was changing a tire along a dese 10/28/1973 #28311  
5:20 p.m. Carlos Argue Balvidares, age 43, the manager of a country estate  10/29/1973 #28319  
mation. High and fast. / Melbourne Age 1.11.73.                             10/31/1973 #28324  
varian border, Friedrich Lennartz, age 33, and Peter Zettel, age 29, had a  12/10/1973 #28553  
ennartz, age 33, and Peter Zettel, age 29, had a close encounter of the sec 12/10/1973 #28553  
 in Springfield, Ohio Mr. Justice, age 50, experienced the failure of his c 1/8/1974 #28667  
e three witnesses: Daniel Legrand, age 24, Michel Frappard, age 39, and Mr. 3/1/1974 #28839  
 Legrand, age 24, Michel Frappard, age 39, and Mr. Paillard, 39.  It had a  3/1/1974 #28839  
                     Becky Ingram, age 14, heard "voices" in her head sever 3/20/1974 #28916  
iver Maximiliano Iglesias Sanchez, age 21, was driving to Algunilla, Spain  3/21/1974 #28920  
                     Samuel Faria, age 27, was returning home from the cent 5/1/1974 #29078  
 in Haisnes-lez-la Bassee, France, age 10, witnessed an ovoid or football-s 5/20/1974 #29121  
 same day, Santiago Pulido Romero, age 46, was driving to his father's farm 6/14/1974 #29193  
herman Avelino Severiano Generosa, age 46, his parents, his wife, and his n 6/18/1974 #29212  
    At 12:45 a.m. Younic Le Bihan, age 20, was awakened by his parents to o 9/19/1974 #29464  
d. At 8:20 p.m. Messr. M. Fraisse, age 33, witnessed a dark, helicopter-sha 2/10/1975 #29802  
a walk on the beach. Guchi Shinda, age 42, went for this walk along the bea 3/31/1975 #29928  
lamogordo, NM 1:20 a.m. Mr. Moody, age 32, was driving through the desert w 8/13/1975 #30262  
            Sgt. Charles L. Moody, age 32, was driving through the desert n 8/13/1975 #30265  
         Two men, Bernard Gregory, age 19, and Patrick Labonne, age 22, wer 8/18/1975 #30288  
gory, age 19, and Patrick Labonne, age 22, were camping in a clearing in Vi 8/18/1975 #30288  
s AFB ICMB Complex. Sandra Larson, age 32, and her daughter Jackie, age 15, 8/26/1975 #30309  
, age 32, and her daughter Jackie, age 15, were being driven from Fargo to  8/26/1975 #30309  
alo, North Dakota - Sandra Larson, age 32, and her daughter Jackie, age 15, 8/26/1975 #30312  
, age 32, and her daughter Jackie, age 15, were being driven from Fargo to  8/26/1975 #30312  
                 Mrs. L. E. Dison, age 43, and her daughter were driving ho 10/26/1975 #30475  
                     Dick Jackson, age 56, awoke late at night around two o 11/3/1975 #30547  
ce 5:50 p.m. Jean Claude Silvente, age 10, was walking through a vacant lot 1/5/1976 #30760  
At 5:50 p.m. Jean Claude Silvente, age 10, was walking through a vacant lot 1/5/1976 #30761  
e at 6 p.m., Jean Claude Silvente, age 10, again saw a two-meter tall Nordi 1/6/1976 #30771  
                     Jean Dolecki, age 55, was driving home after sunset at 1/9/1976 #30781  
  Olavarria, Argentina Mr. Urruti, age 47, was driving his truck when he en 5/14/1976 #31051  
                       Mr. Urruti, age 47, was driving his truck in Olavarr 5/14/1976 #31052  
g home at 1 a.m., Helene Giuliana, age 20, found that the engine of her car 6/11/1976 #31103  
s ran to get their brothers Chris, age 11, and Tom, age 9. All four boys th 7/5/1976 #31154  
r brothers Chris, age 11, and Tom, age 9. All four boys then saw a pulsatin 7/5/1976 #31154  
round 5:30 a.m. Margarita Caginas, age 28, and Miguel Ruiz Sampeiro were on 7/15/1976 #31165  
clock in the morning Michael Wood, age 26, was driving home when, as he rea 8/2/1976 #31222  
ck in the morning Freddy Chiasson, age 52, his wife Claire, and their two s 8/6/1976 #31241  
             Sr. Francisco Tejero, age 44, his wife Teresa Lacave, and thei 8/10/1976 #31252  
witnesses, including a Mrs. Lucas, age 25, saw a domed oval-shaped UFO unde 8/15/1976 #31271  
nter in England, Joao Romeu Klein, age 19, was returning home after visitin 9/3/1976 #31341  
rport, Japan Captain Masara Saito, age 34, an airline pilot for Toa Airline 10/17/1976 #31475  
        At 6:15 p.m. James Howard, age 15, and his friend Brian Hollis, age 11/12/1976 #31541  
e 15, and his friend Brian Hollis, age 14, observed an object with pulsatin 11/12/1976 #31541  
lorida Malboeuf, about 50 years of age, was sitting at her window on the Ru 1/6/1977 #31707  
ck in the afternoon Donald Fender, age 49, a self-employed bee keeper from  1/27/1977 #31761  
 an adjoining field. David George, age 9, said it was making a humming soun 2/4/1977 #31792  
 standing next to it. Tudor Jones, age 10, Jeremy Passmore, age 9, and Davi 2/4/1977 #31792  
or Jones, age 10, Jeremy Passmore, age 9, and David Ward, age 10, also saw  2/4/1977 #31792  
y Passmore, age 9, and David Ward, age 10, also saw the being. David Ward s 2/4/1977 #31792  
F Valley Afternoon. Nine children, age 8–11, are playing netball with their 2/16/1977 #31821  
                  Nils Toms Labba, age 51, a reindeer keeper in Ovre Sopper 2/27/1977 #31853  
5 AM. Mr. Kiese, a security guard, age 18, witnessed an orange, domed disc- 3/6/1977 #31864  
 a.m. Mr. Kiese, a security guard, age 18, witnessed an orange, domed disc- 3/6/1977 #31866  
re, Wales 9:00 PM. Stephen Taylor, age 17, was walking home from a visit to 3/13/1977 #31903  
re, Wales 9:00 PM. Stephen Taylor, age 17, was walking home from a visit to 3/13/1977 #31904  
      At 9:00 p.m. Stephen Taylor, age 17, was walking home from a visit to 3/13/1977 #31906  
re, Wales 5:00 AM. Mr. Cyril John, age 64, a former local political leader, 4/7/1977 #31956  
                   Mr. Cyril John, age 64, a former local political leader, 4/7/1977 #31957  
rokeshire, Wales, UK Mark Marston, age 11, was looking for bird's nests in  4/20/1977 #32004  
                     Mark Marston, age 11, was looking for bird's nests in  4/20/1977 #32005  
                    Bill Bartlett, age 17, was driving on Farm Street in Do 4/21/1977 #32009  
        At 12:30 a.m. John Baxter, age 15, was walking home from his girlfr 4/22/1977 #32013  
und 1:00 a.m. Mrs. Pauline Coombs, age 31, and her husband Billy, age 36, w 4/23/1977 #32018  
bs, age 31, and her husband Billy, age 36, were watching television at thei 4/23/1977 #32018  
rtly before midnight Will Taintor, age 18, was driving Miss Abby Brabham, a 4/23/1977 #32019  
18, was driving Miss Abby Brabham, age 15, home. At a point 1.2 miles east- 4/23/1977 #32019  
n the morning Mrs. Pauline Coombs, age 31, and her husband Billy, age 36, w 4/24/1977 #32021  
bs, age 31, and her husband Billy, age 36, were watching television at thei 4/24/1977 #32021  
Allocco and her two children, Lee, age twelve and Nell, age fourteen, obser 5/9/1977 #32077  
hildren, Lee, age twelve and Nell, age fourteen, observed a large glowing o 5/9/1977 #32077  
 England. At 10:55 p.m. Mr. Morse, age 26, witnessed a large silver disc-sh 5/21/1977 #32123  
8:30 p.m. Adrian De Olmos Ordones, age 42, was resting on the balcony of hi 7/12/1977 #32266  
           Caferina Vargas Martin, age 20, of Escalada, Huelva, Spain left  8/3/1977 #32356  
n witness, Jaine de Frias Redondo, age 17, and several of his friends saw a 8/28/1977 #32436  
                    Francis Lloyd, age 24, was driving a large truck from H 8/28/1977 #32437  
t, Wales; with him was John Dwyer, age 16. Two miles outside of Carmarthern 8/28/1977 #32437  
il. At 2:20 a.m. Antonio La Rubia, age 33, a bus driver, was en route to wo 9/15/1977 #32485  
, Brazil Raimundo Galvao Trindade, age 36, saw an orange light outside in t 10/15/1977 #32579  
                 Ivan De Oliviera, age 36, was on the river in Colares, Bra 11/3/1977 #32657  
          Miguel da Silva Moreira, age 31, in Vila Mosqueiro, Para state, B 11/28/1977 #32703  
                        Mr. Gould, age 52, was chopping wood just north of  1/10/1978 #32872  
                          John C., age 10, and his friends Eddy and Michael 1/31/1978 #32930  
of Rio Grande do Sul, Jose Alvaro, age 20, was abducted aboard a UFO and ha 3/2/1978 #33011  
Costa Rica Eduardo Enrique Lacayo, age 10, was out playing in the front yar 5/2/1978 #33185  
udy evening Ignacio Sanchez Munoz, age 19, was walking along the road betwe 5/15/1978 #33220  
his date in 1978. Francisco Nunez, age 66, and his son of the same name, ag 7/6/1978 #33346  
 66, and his son of the same name, age 24, both mechanics, were driving sou 7/6/1978 #33346  
                        Mr. Gould, age 52, had experienced a series of huma 9/18/1978 #33709  
                     Sr. D'Ambros, age 61, had gone into a nearby woods at  11/24/1978 #33997  
omestead, Florida. Mr. Betancourt, age 37, described the UFO as being betwe 12/31/1978 #34252  
 Miami, FL Mr. Filiberto Cardenas, age 45, was driving on Okeechobee Road j 1/3/1979 #34287  
e driving. Mr. Filiberto Cardenas, age 45, was driving on Okeechobee Road j 1/3/1979 #34292  
vince, Argentina Ernaldo Camusoni, age 49, was clearing an overgrown field  2/26/1979 #34449  
                 Ernaldo Camusoni, age 49, was clearing an overgrown field  2/26/1979 #34450  
ppearing girl of about 19 years of age. The room contained a portrait of an 9/14/1979 #34884  
hway in Genoa, Italy F. Zanfretta, age 27, was approached by a tall figure  12/2/1979 #35040  
     At 10:00 p.m. Carlos Vommaro, age 22, was driving home from dinner at  2/11/1980 #35170  
 Pudasjarvi, Finland. Ms. Ivanoff, age 25, was driving her car across a bri 4/2/1980 #35249  
            Easley, SC L. Garrett, age 40, saw a huge gray domed blimp or o 9/11/1980 #35513  
    Police constable Alan Godfrey, age 31, was on routine patrol in Todmord 11/28/1980 #35680  
  Shortly after 9 p.m. Betty Cash, age 52, was driving through a pine fores 12/29/1980 #35758  
as with her friend Vickie Landrum, age 57, and Landrum's grandson, six-year 12/29/1980 #35758  
 the early afternoon R. E. Schenk, age 56, and his wife were driving south  4/12/1981 #35894  
watched by two witnesses. One man, age 35, felt paralyzed and couldn't move 7/31/1981 #36050  
t around 11:00 p.m. Denise Bishop, age 23, of Weston Mill, Plymouth, Devons 9/10/1981 #36109  
                        Mr. Burke, age 48, was driving between Nowra and Ka 9/16/1981 #36118  
                Mr. Robert Sprout, age 60, reported to the Center for UFO S 2/12/1982 #36341  
       At 9:15 p.m. Juan Fattorel, age 41, was driving his truck along a se 2/19/1982 #36357  
isappears. It is also witnessed by Age Moe.                                 2/20/1984 #37194  
                   NICE, FR Girl / age 10. 2 rose-pink ovoids south going q 12/10/1984 #37520  
50 p.m. Lt. Kleber Caldas Marinho, age 25, an F-5E pilot, was vectored towa 5/19/1986 #37882  
r F-5E pilot, Capt. Marcio Jordao, age 29, managed to close in to within 12 5/19/1986 #37882  
 (in what was then the USSR) Dima, age 10, came running home at 9:40 p.m. y 5/18/1990 #39576  
t world government, the coming ice age, and a variety of other covert activ 1991 #39933  
ew Hampshire a mother and her son, age 10, saw lights in the sky when they  3/3/1992 #40349  
 on the bottom. The first witness, age 65, saw the light outside through a  8/25/1992 #40591  
lk River, Minnesota, Mr. Townsend, age 49, witnessed a huge gray, silent do 9/16/1992 #40623  
oon another boy, Mohd Najib Rasli, age 12, went to the site where the creat 9/22/1992 #40635  
eld, Missouri by a boy and a girl, age 10. The UFO left behind a white smok 12/25/1992 #40769  
 including Maria de Lourdes Uribe, age 34, heard bizarre noises and saw mys 5/12/1993 #40975  
er midnight Edson Roberto Marcelo, age 29, was driving along a road near hi 9/24/1995 #42508  
        An anonymous male witness, age 20, reported that he had a very clos 9/29/1995 #42520  
t-of-focus object. Later, John S., age 45, of West Lothian, Scotland saw wh 11/8/1995 #42588  
e of the witnesses, Silvia Bedoya, age 40, the objects apparently emerged f 1/31/1996 #42729  
0 a.m. Alfredo de Oliveira Mendes, age 27, a parishioner at a local Catholi 4/17/1996 #42872  
   On this evening Teresinha Galo, age 67, reported seeing a strange short  4/21/1996 #42877  
  On this night Cesar Miglioranza, age 64, was driving his car home from wo 6/21/1996 #42936  
                     Muhand Faras, age 16, was walking home from school in  10/10/1997 #43426  
, New Hampshire a man and a women, age 18, sighted a dark gray triangle cra 11/3/1998 #43675  
            LAKE CHARLES, LA Woman age 87. Large delta/triangle/box-like cr 8/22/1999 #43829  
g on a remote trail called the Ice Age Trail near Lodi, Wisconsin when she  8/22/1999 #43831  
   At around 4 p.m. Robert Taylor, age 22, remembers being abducted near Mc 7/5/2000 #44010  
                     Derek Holmes, age 66, spotted a round, white airborne  10/31/2001 #44269  
    In Fulton, Missouri Bob Simon, age 25, awoke at three a.m. while he was 1/4/2003 #44468  
o'clock in the morning Mrs. K. J., age 77, awoke and went to the bathroom a 2/13/2004 #44664  
een in a control group of the same age and describe “a new syndrome in the  3/2018 #45520  
Z Ufologist Robert O. Dean dies at age 89. Dean gave public presentations a 10/11/2018 #45539  
with a barrage of images of atomic age archival footage and such that after 12/4/2018 #45550  
physicist Stanton T. Friedman dies age 84                                   5/13/2019 #45578  
dio and TV host Larry King dies at age 87 in Los Angeles, CA                1/23/2021 #45674  
 Nevada Senator Harry Reid dies at age 82                                   12/28/2021 #45731  
## Word: "age-herald" (Back to Top)
, a copy reader for the Birmingham Age-Herald, takes a photo that shows two 7/6/1947 #2813  
## Word: "age7" (Back to Top)
er. Size / Volkswagen. Observer(s) age7 taken / hospital. / r8 #847.        6/1/1967 #22441  
## Word: "aged" (Back to Top)
e, Japan An attractive young woman aged 18–20 years old arrives on a beach  2/22/1803 #100  
, consisting of 750,000 volunteers aged 7 to 86 years old working around th 7/14/1952 #6816  
reatening gesture at the two boys, aged 9 and 11, and then flew up to the s 8/28/1963 #17924  
b at the Ohio Masonic Home for the aged in Springfield, Ohio and was drivin 8/1/1974 #29298  
    Two girls, the Melling sisters aged 12 and 9, saw a Mothman-like "bird- 4/17/1976 #30999  
oo white in color for being middle aged. Suddenly two strange flashes of li 8/10/1976 #31252  
 Mediterranean 11:00 p.m. Two boys aged 13 and 14 are standing on the beach 8/11/1976 #31256  
                        Two women, aged 64 and 42, saw a disc-shaped object 1/23/1989 #38797  
Learjet founder Bill Lear, dies at aged 79                                  3/29/2022 #45744  
## Word: "agel" (Back to Top)
                        D20 EAST / AGEL, FR Ex-pilot. Strange cylinder/cyli 1/14/1974 #28678  
## Word: "ageless" (Back to Top)
of the Far East, a summary of his “ageless wisdom” teachings.               1/1936 #1242  
## Word: "agen" (Back to Top)
                       NORTHWEST / AGEN, FR Small round cloud hovers / stro 9/5/1814 #108  
           MONTPEZAT D'AGENAIS AND AGEN, FR Cop and 7 observer(s). Luminous 10/7/1954 #10765  
                             NNE / AGEN, FR Glowing-dome buzzes 1 / car. Di 3/1975 #29856  
## Word: "agena" (Back to Top)
a failure due to problems with the Agena upper stage.                       2/28/1959 #15623  
 Quickly going down [to] and lost. Agena re-entry? / MJ#284.                12/30/1966 #21224  
## Word: "agence" (Back to Top)
 minutes, then flew out of sight. (Agence France-Presse story, Washington P 7/16/1976 #31166  
## Word: "agencies" (Back to Top)
C, which declines. Some government agencies in the US, Germany, and Russia  10/30/1938 #1300  
es, California. National and state agencies are placed on heightened alert  11/3/1944 #1691  
g of the military and intelligence agencies. It creates a unified National  7/26/1947 #3233  
ation of military and intelligence agencies under the National Security Act 9/18/1947 #3403  
formulated immediately so that all agencies will have guidance.             9/23/1947 #3417  
 activity of military intelligence agencies. Such sightings are inevitable, 2/11/1949 #4003  
gests that military and government agencies interested in “psychological wa 8/10/1949 #4315  
n directives to various government agencies for reporting UFO incidents, th 1/12/1950 #4483  
ent intelligence and investigative agencies in December 1948, it was determ 5/25/1950 #4966  
 Development Board, and many other agencies.”                               6/30/1952 #6674  
ed for investigation and directing agencies concerned to cooperate in such  8/20/1952 #7654  
king R&D studies through Air Force agencies. Signed: H. Marshall Chadwell.  8/20/1952 #7654  
ncludes that all national security agencies should strip UAP of “special st 1/18/1953 #8551  
gations and cooperating with other agencies                                 3/23/1953 #8780  
le of activities of USAF and other agencies on UFOs.                        5/1953 #8851  
coming from the Pentagon and other agencies. The Pentagon responds by creat 11/5/1953 #9285  
ate such information to persons or agencies other than their superior offic 1/31/1957 #13479  
ending that “the national security agencies take immediate steps to strip t 3/1958 #14904  
s lost control of the intelligence agencies.                                5/10/1960 #16261  
tellite vehicles,” and destination agencies for Moon Dust reports among the 4/25/1961 #16662  
intelligence to several government agencies, particularly signals intellige 9/6/1961 #16818  
the laboratories of all government agencies,” also scientific investigators 5/25/1962 #17201  
essive credentials from government agencies have been silencing UFO witness 2/1967 #21430  
m by passing this material to news agencies.                                3/8/1971 #26045  
 discusses efforts by intelligence agencies to collect information on the p 12/22/1974 #29657  
d in systems of records by federal agencies. The act also provides individu 12/31/1974 #29666  
r or not to release documents from agencies. FOIA soon disproves the longst 12/31/1974 #29666  
UFOs by the CIA, FBI, and military agencies.                                12/31/1974 #29666  
the Air Force and other government agencies.                                6/1975 #30073  
military and civilian intelligence agencies in the UFO cover-up. He receive 2/6/1977 #31793  
tems for UFO reports from official agencies and investigate cases already r 5/1/1977 #32046  
n Act, lawsuits against government agencies, and investigation of high-qual 4/1978 #33110  
plies that “appropriate government agencies” have been consulted, but there 5/6/1978 #33190  
r documents originating from other agencies are forwarded to them for respo 12/14/1978 #34124  
nts originating with other federal agencies.                                1/10/1980 #35129  
t ranges. Several other Government agencies, lead by NASA, actively investi 11/17/1980 #35644  
ding the powers of US intelligence agencies. It is regarded by the American 12/4/1981 #36247  
79 UFO documents referred by other agencies as well as 160 documents origin 5/18/1982 #36473  
en these successor departments and agencies. The NRC for example was aware  7/24/1984 #37416  
NE, AL Fyffe-UFO returns. Cops / 6 agencies and fire chief report. 1 poor p 3/1/1989 #38857  
p.m. At 10:10 p.m. police from six agencies and a fire chief reported sight 3/1/1989 #38860  
ackdoor in the software used by IC agencies. Riconosciuto also was a source 5/13/1992 #40463  
icial’ grouping exists between the agencies.”  https://ufos-scientificresea 12/2/1993 #41320  
 1977 or thereafter that allow DOE agencies such as the National Nuclear Se 1994 #41349  
trieve material from other federal agencies or military branches and store  1994 #41349  
ented UFO cases and cooperate with agencies in other countries to assess na 1996 #42656  
its research to appropriate French agencies.                                1996 #42656  
eported to various law-enforcement agencies in California. Some reports hin 10/3/1996 #43052  
no oversight from the heads of USG agencies/offices it draws monies and per 8/22/1998 #43635  
iving UFO reports made to Canadian agencies, allowing them to create a year 2000 #43907  
Force, Turkish Airlines, and other agencies to submit reports. It recommend 6/2003 #44551  
rough shell companies from various agencies and end up in black projects.   4/28/2006 #44935  
ments on UFOs. However, since most agencies are not required to keep docume 2009 #45202  
night after witnesses contact news agencies to report UFOs in the area. Chi 10/13/2010 #45302  
onic when the FBI, AFOSI and other agencies began investigating physicist J 3/31/2011 #45322  
uded AFOSI, NSA and CIA, and other agencies.  Redfern states Duke and other 3/31/2011 #45322  
h NASA for planetary defense. Both agencies work with FEMA to determine pot 3/22/2017 #45465  
uctant to reveal, even to other US agencies, the identities of affected off 11/9/2018 #45545  
eting of local, state, and federal agencies brings 75 people to Brush, Colo 1/6/2020 #45624  
 Information Analysis Center State agencies and the Colorado Division of Ho 1/13/2020 #45626  
 control FOIA replies from all USG agencies/departments related to UAP. “Ge 7/10/2020 #45651  
ntrols study of it in intelligence agencies (like the CIA) is a “private co 12/4/2020 #45668  
t to coordinate with other federal agencies to collect, analyze, and report 12/27/2021 #45730  
been reported to U.S. intelligence agencies since March 2021"               1/12/2023 #45793  
rams through their work in various agencies, have independently provided si 6/5/2023 #45798  
## Word: "agency" (Back to Top)
 administrator in a Missouri state agency chases a disc-shaped object in hi 1/1937 #1256  
c Services, a wartime intelligence agency, with Gen. William J. Donovan at  6/13/1942 #1416  
s plans for a postwar intelligence agency and publishes a secret memo he ha 2/10/1945 #1778  
 The article compares the proposed agency to the Gestapo. Knowing that Amer 2/10/1945 #1778  
ough Donovan has stressed that his agency will operate only abroad, not dom 2/10/1945 #1778  
 The Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency is established to conduct the ope 7/20/1945 #1903  
          The Army Signal Security Agency persuades ITT, RCA, and Western U 8/1945 #1910  
s not created by any US government agency. “Restricted Data” is not a level 8/1/1946 #2097  
ces Special Weapons Project, a new agency to take over responsibility for t 1/29/1947 #2236  
ident and the Central Intelligence Agency, the first peacetime intelligence 7/26/1947 #3233  
, the first peacetime intelligence agency in the US. The CIA is prohibited  7/26/1947 #3233  
 Director J. Edgar Hoover asks the agency to look into whether Soviet spies 8/15/1947 #3336  
t. No further details / Kyodo News Agency.                                  10/10/1947 #3452  
John J. Stahl Jr., interview every agency that might know something about g 12/8/1948 #3918  
” He talks to a scientist “from an agency that I can’t name” about the buil Mid 7/1952 #6829  
n it to the CIA (or another secret agency).                                 7/28/1952 #7266  
ert Amory Jr., indicating that the agency will be looking into UFO matters  7/29/1952 #7325  
ertheless, he recommended that the Agency continue monitoring the problem,  8/1/1952 #7387  
iminates the Armed Forces Security Agency formed in 1949 to unite all milit 10/24/1952 #8181  
 and creates the National Security Agency. Since the memo is a classified d 10/24/1952 #8181  
nity refers to the NSA as “No Such Agency." The NSA is responsible for glob 10/24/1952 #8181  
de, Maryland The National Security Agency is established in Fort Meade, Mar 11/4/1952 #8246  
e Robert A. Lovett, making the new agency responsible for all communication 11/4/1952 #8246  
Mr. Hunter of the Federal Security Agency. One flat object, like a pinhead, 1/10/1953 #8529  
Mr. Hunter of the Federal Security Agency see a flat object to the northwes 1/10/1953 #8530  
stance of the Central Intelligence Agency) convened a panel of top scientis 1/12/1953 #8534  
 who could not fight back,” as one agency officer puts it.                  6/9/1953 #8930  
es the fledgling National Security Agency.                                  6/24/1953 #8970  
the newly formed National Security Agency, tasked with developing better us 7/1953 #8979  
 and emphasizes that it is now the agency responsible to ATIC for investiga 1/13/1954 #9481  
of a presumed Vatican Intelligence Agency named S.I.V.: "Servizio Informazi 2/19/1954 (approximate) #9557  
sed by Edward W. Hermann, Manager, Agency and Advertiser Service, McGraw Hi 8/1/1954 #10086  
SAF is designated as the executive agency.                                  9/1/1954 #10228  
Nuclear Propulsion Office, a joint agency of the Atomic Energy Commission a 1955 #11892  
etrick in Frederick, Maryland. The agency field tests it covertly along Flo 3/1955 #12024  
ies of Canada, a National Security Agency RB-47 jet bomber, newly re-fitted 6/4/1955 #12181  
the US Navy, the National Security Agency, and the Defense Intelligence Age 7/1955 #12225  
ency, and the Defense Intelligence Agency. A small group of four Lockheed t 7/1955 #12225  
ched that a Washington, D.C.–based agency should investigate UFOs, and T. T 7/20/1956 #12995  
      At 12:22 a.m. Civil Aviation Agency radar tracked a UFO over Oxnard A 3/23/1957 #13558  
. Bissell Jr., explaining that the agency’s involvement with UFOs is passiv 6/11/1957 #13718  
 director of the National Security Agency.                                  11/1957 #14182  
 the Air Force Historical Research Agency at Maxwell Air Force Base, and an 1958 #14787  
tes the Advanced Research Projects Agency and houses it in the Pentagon.    2/7/1958 #14874  
 Committee on Aeronautics. The new agency is to have a distinctly civilian  7/29/1958 #15157  
ents of the Army Ballistic Missile Agency and the US Naval Research Laborat 10/1/1958 #15296  
o NASA from the Army, becoming the agency’s primary planetary spacecraft ce 12/1958 #15464  
aison Branch of the Army Ballistic Agency in Huntsville, Alabama, gives a t 2/25/1959 #15614  
roup at the Army Ballistic Missile Agency (ABMA) produced for the Army a cl 3/20/1959 #15655  
on, DC by the Central Intelligence Agency and U.S. Naval Intelligence. It w 7/9/1959 #15829  
astro Regime.” The order gives the agency authorization to create an organi 3/17/1960 #16200  
ir Force or any other governmental agency is withholding information on the 7/26/1960 #16348  
fed by USAF and told no government agency or department was withholding inf 2/16/1961 #16600  
 (SIGINT) to the National Security Agency, imagery intelligence (IMINT) to  9/6/1961 #16818  
the National Geospace-Intelligence Agency, and measurement and signature in 9/6/1961 #16818  
ASINT) to the Defense Intelligence Agency. Its existence remains top secret 9/6/1961 #16818  
          The Defense Intelligence Agency, created at the request of Defens 10/1/1961 #16886  
delivered to the National Security Agency. It includes Tractor, a large aut 1/1962 #17015  
ME The president of an advertising agency saw a bright red hemispherical UF 2/7/1962 #17037  
of the head of an independent news agency, a photographer and numerous poli 9/24/1962 #17437  
about the Q-12, mostly because the agency is overextended at the time with  12/7/1962 #17574  
, Washington A member of a federal agency, who was driving toward the base, 1/12/1965 #18715  
ted by Sky-Lite Aerial Advertising Agency of Boston was not running between 9/3/1965 #19511  
r analysis by a leading scientific agency; the report is never made public. 9/16/1965 #19574  
 [now the Swedish Defence Research Agency] in Sweden, where it remains. Few 10/1/1965 #19634  
rviewed meteorologists and weather agency personnel, hoping to learn that a 4/18/1966 #20331  
he UFO problems by your sponsoring agency.”                                 11/22/1966 #21139  
 states Pete was approached by an “agency” and wants to avoid attention.  [ 1967 #21239  
, Ohio The United Aerial Phenomena Agency begins publishing Flying Saucer D Spring 1967 #21925  
     Colorado The Federal Aviation Agency issues N 7230.29, requiring air t 4/4/1967 #22053  
is accorded due process within the agency.                                  9/1967 #22974  
          The Defense Intelligence Agency monitors a crashed “circular meta 3/1968 #23799  
        A 7-page National Security Agency thought piece on UFOs is written  10/1968? #24534  
vada. Called Project Aquiline, the agency wants to fly a reconnaissance UAV 1970 #25520  
ice meeting in June with the Inter Agency Committee on Intelligence (H. R.  7/23/1970 #25745  
and the Advanced Research Projects Agency that explores whether long-delaye 5/1971 #26089  
 write a nonfiction book about the agency and completes a draft of an artic 3/1972 #26584  
n beginning employment at CIA. The agency presents the agreement and the pa 3/1972 #26584  
fter reviewing the manuscript, the agency responds with a list of 339 passa 3/1972 #26584  
de the legislative charter of this Agency.” The CIA Office of the Inspector 5/9/1973 #27472  
 a restricted US National Security Agency station along Murat Road on North 10/25/1973 #28284  
ion of a special UFO investigation agency.                                  1974 #28625  
records, and it sets forth various agency record-keeping requirements. Each 12/31/1974 #29666  
 record-keeping requirements. Each agency must file an annual report on its 12/31/1974 #29666  
call from a friend in a government agency who tells him that he will be con 2/1975 #29781  
nute(s). Full alert. USAF UFO inv. agency all over.                         10/28/1975 (approximate) #30498  
Robert Todd, the National Security Agency states that the NSA “does not hav 2/20/1976 #30890  
 “offices and personnel within the Agency” monitor UAP phenomena, but not o 4/26/1976 #31027  
or further progress,” implying the Agency may have monitored U.S. citizens’ 4/26/1976 #31027  
 of involvement with UAP downplays Agency interest in UAP in the 1970s and  4/26/1976 #31027  
nd 80s and makes no mention of the Agency’s interest in independent researc 4/26/1976 #31027  
ctivities, possibly indicating the Agency was considering further abuses to 4/26/1976 #31027  
aff members of the National Police Agency criminal investigation section sa 7/16/1976 #31166  
 what they report to the insurance agency, but there is no thunderstorm tha 7/31/1976 #31206  
erviews. A US Defense Intelligence Agency evaluation rates the case High (o 9/18/1976 #31395  
pices of the French national space agency for the study of UFOs.            5/1977 #32041  
se developed by the European Space Agency, amateur astronomer Alberto Cabal 8/15/1977 #32402  
  An internal NASA memo admits the agency is running a UAP hard evidence an 1/17/1978 #32888  
sified by the Defense Intelligence Agency and CIA, suggesting the State Dep 1/19/1978 #32900  
 UFOs, nor is any other government agency. The U.S. Air Force no longer inv 2/1/1978 #32938  
at one could mail them back to the agency as proof that they existed.”      2/2/1978 #32945  
d to be on his way to the site. No agency admits to having such a conversat 3/27/1978 #33088  
inds up in US Defense Intelligence Agency files and is released through FOI 5/13/1978 #33203  
 who works for the Defense Mapping Agency at Fort Clayton, sends the photo  6/17/1978 #33286  
lating to the “establishment of an agency or a department of the United Nat 12/8/1978 #34076  
tions votes 33/426 to establish an agency or department of the UN to study  12/8/1978 #34079  
e record” within the IA to prevent Agency interest in the subject from bein 12/15/1978 #34143  
e coordinating state investigative agency for cattle mutilations), the inqu 4/25/1979 #34523  
picked up by the National Security Agency. Attempts by the government to de 5/1979 #34532  
nforms the US Defense Intelligence Agency via telexed Moon Dust reports, wh 8/10/1979 #34724  
den In Hayden v. National Security Agency/Central Security Service the US C 10/29/1979 #34975  
e records of the National Security Agency are so sensitive to national secu 10/29/1979 #34975  
 that the Environmental Protection Agency failed to take necessary action t 1980's #35108  
suit against the National Security Agency to compel it to release 135 docum 5/1980 #35295  
 includes the Defense Intelligence Agency and the Federal Aviation Administ 5/1980 #35295  
ightings through COVERT COVER. One agency that deceives the public which su 11/17/1980 #35644  
CAUS v. NSA, the National Security Agency creates two affidavits to explain 11/18/1980 #35653  
       China Official Chinese news agency Xinhua reported that an associati 11/24/1980 #35663  
se investigated by official French agency                                   1/8/1981 #35778  
it Seeks to Lift Secrecy Veil From Agency’s UFO Documents”.                 11/3/1981 #36204  
 employed by the National Security Agency as legal authorization for its co 12/4/1981 #36247  
erry Pfister The National Security Agency, through the Department of Justic 1982 #36286  
riously jeopardize the work of the agency and the security of the United St 3/8/1982 #36383  
request with the National Security Agency for all legal documents used to p 4/27/1982 #36455  
ballistic missiles and renames the agency the Ballistic Missile Defense Org 3/23/1983 #36792  
MDO is renamed the Missile Defense Agency in 2002.                          3/23/1983 #36792  
s to be from the National Security Agency. The Pozzuoli videotape is shown  8/25/1984 #37440  
olves in 1988, since no government agency wants to openly fund it.          5/20/1985 #37590  
n (Blue Jay), Defense Intelligence Agency officer Dale E. Graff (Owl), CIA  Fall 1986 #38034  
        Ohio The National Security Agency responds to a letter from Sen. Jo 1/27/1987 #38105  
lecture created “spies” within the agency, i.e. employees using their clear 7/7/1987 #38206  
ith a UFO control group or another agency but he wouldn’t tell him if he th 7/7/1987 #38206  
NTA (Spain), and the Italian space agency.                                  8/10/1989 #39050  
p given him by a National Security Agency official—of a mysterious agency c 9/1990 #39711  
ty Agency official—of a mysterious agency called the UFO Working Group, a t 9/1990 #39711  
llips” of the Defense Intelligence Agency (actually a pseudonym for Col. Jo 9/1990 #39711  
 de las Fuerzas Armadas, a federal agency in charge of scientific research  1991 #39936  
stration officials and cabinet and agency heads. Much seems to depend on th Summer 1991 #40102  
Papoose Dry Lake-and no government agency seems willing to directly deny hi 10/1992 #40653  
 view, handle, and copy all of the agency’s original UFO case files. It ens 11/16/1992 #40714  
lution that enables the French UFO agency, Service d’Expertise des Phénomèn 12/1/1993 #41315  
UFO wave to set up an all-European agency to study UFO reports. The EP’s co 12/1/1993 #41315  
ement and fund the resolution, the agency is never created, and SEPRA has i 12/1/1993 #41315  
pecial Weapons Project (AFSWP), an agency to manage nuclear weapons jointly 1994 #41349  
 Pennsylvania the County Emergency Agency supervisor received a call regard 1/30/1995 #42001  
onale, a French strategic planning agency, decides to create a 12-member CO 1996 #42656  
n by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.” This drug ring “opened the firs 8/18/1996 #42985  
    Chile sets up a new government agency tasked with studying UFO reports. 1997 #43157  
stiny run by the National Security Agency (NSA). Sherman claims under cover 1/1/1997 #43163  
n. Gonzalo Miranda has created the agency within the Department of Civil Ae 10/3/1997 #43423  
 of the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) shows advanced aerospace p 1998 #43481  
team at the Army Ballistic Missile Agency (ABMA). A draft DOD Directive sho 1998 #43481  
ntation to be destroyed within the Agency.  The draft directives themselves 1/23/1999 #43720  
urity Administration (NNSA), a DOE agency, and it is comprised of three par 5/17/1999 #43770  
 to China. It is a semi-autonomous agency within the Department of Energy r 2000 #43909  
 Peru Peru sets up a new Air Force agency, the Departamento de Investigació 12/2001 #44279  
rector of the Defense Intelligence Agency on July 29, has a meeting in Para 10/16/2002 #44417  
t from the US Central Intelligence Agency for details on all its latest UFO 6/2003 #44551  
 should establish an investigative agency headed by a colonel.              6/2003 #44551  
th the Defense Contract Management Agency in El Segundo, and his supervisor 7/2003 #44560  
        White House Army Signaling Agency specialist Stephen Lovekin states 7/21/2003 #44567  
eographic and Imagery Intelligence Agency for analysis. The agency reports  1/27/2004 #44657  
elligence Agency for analysis. The agency reports back to the MoD on August 1/27/2004 #44657  
                    The French UFO agency is given the name Groupe d’Études 9/22/2005 #44878  
formation-gathering” aspect of the agency. At its first meeting, it renews  9/22/2005 #44878  
mpiled by the Defence Intelligence Agency in the late 1970s. The major reve 11/1/2005 #44898  
mpiled by the Defense Intelligence Agency in the 1970s classified Top Secre 11/1/2005 #44899  
are reported to the European Space Agency; Woods furthers research into the 3/28/2006 #44931  
s he is employed by a three-letter agency and that black budget physics is  10/2006 #44970  
 a weather phenomenon and that the agency would not be investigating the in 11/7/2006 #44981  
           The US Air Intelligence Agency is redesignated the Air Force Int 6/8/2007 #45034  
, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Agency.                                  6/8/2007 #45034  
r Ranch, Utah Defense Intelligence Agency intelligence officer and scientis 6/19/2007 #45036  
ka Hawaii The Defense Intelligence Agency, at the initiation of Sen. Harry  Fall 2007? #45070  
ckname of the Defense Intelligence Agency’s secret Aerospace Advanced Weapo 2008 #45106  
      The Swedish Defence Research Agency begins sharing a database with UF 2008 #45107  
of Defence (letters written to the agency by citizens) and provides readers 5/26/2008 #45143  
          The Defense Intelligence Agency issues a small-business set-aside 8/18/2008 #45159  
ation, by the Defense Intelligence Agency. The program contract directs tha 9/22/2008 #45170  
duced for the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Advanced Aerospace Weapon Syste 10/2008 #45173  
e otherwise.”  https://irp.fas.org/agency/dod/jason/gravwaves.pdf   https:/ 10/2008 #45173  
nter and claims several within the Agency knew of meetings between NASA and 12/3/2008 #45196  
actor for the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Advanced Aerospace Weapon Syste 5/8/2009 #45221  
us for the US Defense Intelligence Agency’s Advanced Aerospace Weapon Syste 11/2009 #45252  
l Lettre, and Defense Intelligence Agency defense warning officer Bob Carls 11/2009 #45252  
in, Texas The Defense Intelligence Agency’s AAWSAP program issues the first 12/1/2009 #45260  
actor for the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Advanced Aerospace Weapon Syste 2010 #45263  
tract for the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Advanced Aerospace Weapon Syste 9/30/2010 #45300  
actor for the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Advanced Aerospace Weapon Syste 2/2011 #45312  
stigated UFO cases, the French UFO agency GEIPAN shows that 22% are unident 11/2011 #45333  
saw a box labeled “Roswell” in the Agency’s Historical Intelligence Collect 7/8/2012 #45349  
o them by former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden, The Gu 6/5/2013 #45370  
ared with the US National Security Agency and other intelligence partners a 2/24/2014 #45402  
, director of Chile’s official UFO agency, Comité de Estudios de Fenómenos  7/31/2014 #45412  
, Texas The Air Force Intelligence agency is restructured as the Twenty-Fif 9/29/2014 #45415  
sponsible to the National Security Agency and Central Security Service for  9/29/2014 #45415  
ires from the Defense Intelligence Agency, following failed attempts to get 5/13/2016 #45453  
xistence of a Defense Intelligence Agency program used to collect data on m 12/16/2017 #45494  
Mechanics The Defense Intelligence Agency responds to an inquiry by Sen. Jo 1/9/2018 #45503  
ty services are behind the hits on Agency personnel, Haspel challenges them 12/3/2019 #45621  
d briefing to a Defense Department agency about retrievals from “off-world  3/2020 #45636  
United Kingdom, the European Space Agency, and Europe’s Eumetsat weather sa 3/28/2020 #45642  
he secretary of defense, and other agency heads to compile data on UFOs. “T 6/23/2020 #45649  
ames a senior official to lead the agency’s response to the Havana Syndrome 3/12/2021 #45679  
Department of Energy (DOE) nor its agency the National Nuclear Security Adm 6/25/2021 #45695  
 aerospace programs linked to that agency, its offices, facilities or contr 6/25/2021 #45695  
dentifiés, the official French UFO agency in Toulouse, France.              11/2021 #45718  
oms. In about two dozen cases, the agency cannot rule out foreign involveme 1/19/2022 #45735  
er cases of possible symptoms, the agency has found plausible alternative e 1/19/2022 #45735  
 across a lot of people inside the Agency who were interested in UAP but he 1/30/2022 #45736  
          The Defense Intelligence Agency releases Defense Intelligence Ref 3/25/2022 #45742  
          The Defense Intelligence Agency releases Defense Intelligence Ref 3/25/2022 #45743  
e National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the National Reconnaiss 6/5/2023 #45798  
## Word: "agenda" (Back to Top)
rg in Oosterbeek, Netherlands. Its agenda, originally to prevent another wo 5/29/1954 #9840  
 “What do you know about the alien agenda? What have they told you? What im 1994 #41345  
asked if JASON had a “preconceived agenda to discredit HFGW research,” Bake 10/2008 #45173  
on on the extraterrestrial/genetic agenda theory, and an Air Force psycholo 3/31/2011 #45322  
## Word: "agendas" (Back to Top)
t Grudge and suggests policies and agendas for the immediate future. Garlan 1/3/1952 #5859  
 lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those  1995 #41923  
## Word: "agenor" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Agenor” Yield: 150KT                     8/3/1981 #36054  
## Word: "agent" (Back to Top)
 H. Hopkins, a traveling insurance agent, spots a landed airship in a clear 4/16/1897 #508  
After 11:00 p.m. John R. Ligon, an agent for a brewery in Houston, and his  4/19/1897 #539  
                         A special agent force in the Department of Justice 7/26/1908 #716  
ith the senior counterintelligence agent assigned to the base, CIC Captain  7/6/1947 #2812  
swell New Mexico 5:17 p.m. Special Agent Percy Wyly II in the Dallas, Texas 7/8/1947 #3026  
m of the flying discs from Special Agent S. Wesley Reynolds. Army intellige 7/9/1947 #3067  
                           La. FBI agent E. G. Fitch forwards Schulgen’s re 7/10/1947 #3102  
                   A memo from FBI agent E. G. Fitch says that Special Agen 7/29/1947 #3253  
gent E. G. Fitch says that Special Agent Reynolds has met with Gen. Schulge 7/29/1947 #3253  
 either Brown or Davidson as a CIC agent on a top secret mission.           8/6/1947 #3300  
         San Francisco FBI Special Agent Harry M. Kimball in San Francisco  9/19/1947 #3406  
al Laboratories Russia FBI special agent Charlton C. McSwain sends a memo t 1/10/1949 #3969  
tless search. He later tells AFOSI agent Paul Ryan that the fireballs are a 1/31/1949 #3988  
                              Neef Agent Jack Boling Groseclose and Smith h 2/24/1949 #4023  
leasant exchange with Neef, LaPaz, Agent Jack Boling, and Army Maj. Godsoe, 2/24/1949 #4023  
nt agents. He produces a bogus FBI agent to “confirm” the story. The Air Fo 8/1949 #4301  
                ALAMOGORDO, NM OSI agent. Object / 15km altitude. Stops / 5 12/13/1949 #4437  
r technology, called the local FBI agent, Mr. Robey, to report that he had  3/1/1950 #4572  
                    New Mexico FBI agent Guy L. Hottel writes to FBI headqu 3/22/1950 #4702  
are the facts re ‘flying saucers,’ agent S. Wesley Reynolds interviews Maj. 3/28/1950 #4749  
 a teletype message to the Special Agent in Charge in Los Angeles, Californ 10/13/1950 #5224  
classified communique from a field agent named Auerbach (first name not giv 12/3/1950 #5314  
esses:  former aircraft purchasing agent Harry Lamp and four boys, using lO 12/6/1950 #5328  
00 p.m. Former aircraft purchasing agent Harry Lamp and four boys spot a 75 12/6/1950 #5331  
Lubbock lights, accompanied by OSI agent Howard Bossert.                    11/6/1951 #5768  
 his special assistant, covert CIA agent Joseph Bryan III) receive a secret 5/8/1952 #6276  
ret control officer and former OSI agent; and two other persons.  One brigh 6/5/1952 #6447  
n the direction of Brookley. AFOSI agent Charles A. Robinson arrives in Chi 8/28/1952 #7773  
  Los Angeles, California USSR CIA agent Hayden Channing writes a memo to t 2/9/1953 #8654  
                               CIA agent Hayden Channing admits to monitori 2/9/1953 #8657  
                            An FBI agent and two AFOSI officers interview G 3/17/1953 #8759  
 agents, Capt. Ross Orcutt and CID agent Henry Herman, spend the night of F 1/18/1954 #9493  
                               CIA agent Morris “Morse” Allen simulates the 2/19/1954 #9558  
rt on his visit. On July 29 an FBI agent interviews him, and on August 9 J. 7/24/1954 #10046  
                               CIA agent Joseph Bryan III writes to Ruppelt 4/3/1956 #12781  
s is debriefed by a secret service agent and told his mission is top secret 5/20/1957? #13667  
zilate (BZ), as a chemical warfare agent. The drug’s effects last for three 1959 #15510  
ng he finds out that the man is an agent of the Australian Security Intelli 8/1959 #15887  
 them significant information, the agent subsequently infiltrates the group 8/1959 #15887  
tockwell writes in 1978 that a CIA agent had the body in the trunk of his c 1/17/1961 #16578  
 In January 1968, US Border Patrol agent [later BATF agent] Donald E. Flick Late 11/1961 #16978  
US Border Patrol agent [later BATF agent] Donald E. Flickinger manages to i Late 11/1961 #16978  
 Beach House 9:30 p.m. Real estate agent Cavalheiro Mendes is walking along Late 11/1961 #16979  
 wide, and 4–6 inches deep. An FBI agent, D. Arthur Byrnes Jr., who has hea 4/24/1964 #18200  
[or is it Donald E. Flickinger, an agent of the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobac 1/12/1965 #18717  
r Richard H. Hall meets with a CIA agent and passes on some UFO case inform 1/19/1965 #18748  
iven a direct phone number for the agent’s office. He uses the phone line o 1/19/1965 #18748  
, CAN 9:00 p.m. EDT. A real estate agent and occupants of three other cars  4/28/1967 #22242  
 he was visited by an intelligence agent and reminded of his Security Oath, 7/3/1967 #22604  
rd Fortney and another real-estate agent are locking up for the night in Ch 10/22/1967 #23290  
laim that the CIA has installed an agent within the project. He disapproves 10/31/1968 #24608  
d.” Marty Venker, a Secret Service agent who worked with Merletti under Pre 2/19/1973 #27298  
onfessions of an Ex-Secret Service Agent he explains that not only can the  2/19/1973 #27298  
                               ATF agent Donald E. Flickinger, acting on in 1975 #29679  
e Command becomes the US executive agent in NORAD. Its Continental Air Defe 6/30/1975 #30135  
on, New Jersey 10:45 p.m. A travel agent driving in Clayton, New Jersey, wa 5/19/1977 #32112  
void lands 3 minute(s). Government agent advises quiet. Traces.             2/22/1979 #34442  
 New Mexico New Mexico Retired FBI agent Kenneth M. Rommel Jr. begins a maj 4/25/1979 #34523  
ibility of a UFO. County Extension Agent Matt Metz thinks it might have bee 9/16/1979 #34890  
             ETAULIERS, FR Customs agent / car. Silent 5M saucer-disk / 120 2/13/1980 #35176  
ons Storage Facility AFOSI special agent Sgt. Richard Doty writes an anonym 7/1980 #35397  
 Howe by AFOSI counterintelligence agent Richard Doty at Kirtland AFB three 7/1980 #35399  
rted the sighting to AFOSI Special Agent Richard Doty, unaware that Doty ha 8/1980 #35432  
nt is subsequently investigated by agent Richard Doty, who files a prelimin 8/8/1980 #35447  
, Bennewitz contacts AFOSI special agent Sgt. Richard Doty at Kirtland Air  10/26/1980 #35590  
at Kirtland AFB, including special agent Master Sgt. Richard Doty, to plant 12/11/1984 #37522  
obably indicates USAF intelligence agent Richard C. Doty.                   5/8/1986 #37858  
y officer Dale E. Graff (Owl), CIA agent Harry Rositzke (Falcon, according  Fall 1986 #38034  
ding to Greg Bishop), and USAF OSI agent Richard C. Doty (a Falcon substitu Fall 1986 #38034  
  Dallas, Texas MJ-12 documents An agent of the Air Force Office of Special 9/15/1988 #38640  
lm enhanced to show Secret Service Agent William Greer shooting a pistol at 10/8/1988 #38665  
g comes from drug trafficking. DEA agent Celerino Castillo testifies that f 4/13/1989 #38905  
and NATO facilities. AFOSI Special Agent Jim Christy told the Senate Perman 6/21/1996 #42937  
inced UAP is a “scenario-selecting agent” which implies humanity’s acceptan 1/8/1999 #43712  
topher (Kit) Green, formerly a CIA agent, forensic clinician, and neuroscie 1/9/2018 #45503  
## Word: "agents" (Back to Top)
         Boise, Idaho Intelligence agents from the Fourth Air Force, Lt. Fr 7/25/1947 #3229  
Rankin. The FBI finds that the CIC agents have also interviewed Kenneth Arn 7/27/1947 #3235  
ble for the examination by the FBI agents.”                                 7/29/1947 #3253  
US intelligence source that Soviet agents have been ordered to solve the my 8/13/1947 #3321  
staff, that he is advising all FBI agents to discontinue all flying disc in 9/27/1947 #3429  
         ESE / LAS VEGAS, NM 2 OSI agents / T7 plane. Very big green fireba 12/8/1948 #3915  
(20 miles E of), NM AFOSI Case 11; Agents In T-7 Observe Intense Green Fire 12/8/1948 #3916  
trolled missiles directed by enemy agents in the Southwest.                 1/31/1949 #3988  
 recovered in Alaska by government agents. He produces a bogus FBI agent to 8/1949 #4301  
g discs and two crashed discs. AFB agents dragged the lake and didn’t find  8/17/1949 #4321  
cording to Karl T. Pflock, two CIA agents clandestinely visit Aztec, New Me 3/1950 #4566  
he tale as disinformation. The two agents later wind up involved in the Psy 3/1950 #4566  
tion KMYR in Denver. The 2 federal agents were looking for “parts” and “gad 3/31/1950 #4772  
aport city with biological aerosol agents from a ship offshore. The first o 9/1950 #5160  
including sulfur mustard and nerve agents. The personnel are deliberately e 9/15/1953 #9168  
at the visitors are not government agents but monsters from the distant pla 9/28/1953 #9186  
Proving Grounds. Two Army security agents, Capt. Ross Orcutt and CID agent  1/18/1954 #9493  
es by a group of seeming left-wing agents.                                  12/1954 #11737  
s at the time of exposure to these agents but long-term follow-up is not pl 1/1956 #12641  
e of the controversy. The chemical agents include VX, sarin, mustard gas, a 1/1956 #12641  
D, PCP, cannabinoids, riot control agents, alcohol, and caffeine.           1/1956 #12641  
ll, the stewardess, and the ground agents, and they all watch it another 5  11/9/1957 #14506  
elopment to find new offensive-use agents with a focus on incapacitating ag 1964 #18101  
nts with a focus on incapacitating agents. The purpose of the project is to 1964 #18101  
llegedly confiscated by government agents. A local man, Donald Cash, 6 feet 1/26/1965 #18769  
 are on their necks. AFOSI special agents interview them, but the men canno 3/2/1965 #18832  
y to covert attack with biological agents.                                  6/6/1966 #20536  
nsely grilled by these "government agents." The men moved about the house w 1/28/1967 #21411  
er CIA account, includes “names of agents, relations with named governments 3/1972 #26584  
uring a lunch break one of the CIA agents walks outside and collects a smal 8/1972 #26862  
sident escaping his secret service agents only happens in the movies. In re 2/19/1973 #27298  
ude his Secret Service detail. The agents working on the Nixon presidential 2/19/1973 #27298  
rrogation by civilian intelligence agents. They are told they have witnesse 5/28/1974 #29142  
utilizing Domestic Contact Service agents during a number of UAP flaps. Zec 12/15/1978 #34142  
t he was given his orders by AFOSI agents (believed to be Richard Doty and  1982 #36283  
ntacts with Richard Doty and other agents of disinformation.                1/2/1982 #36294  
ngton, D.C., between AFOSI and FBI agents, who request information about th 11/30/1988 #38728  
tion are two security intelligence agents (“Richard” and “Dan”), who see th 11/30/1989 #39283  
       EL PAPAYO BEACH, PR Inspect agents. Several observer(s). Huge saucer 11/1991 #40215  
ill reads these events as symbolic agents of the larger purpose to save Ear 1999 #43708  
had capabilities it didn’t; double agents were used for this.  https://www. 5/5/2001 #44178  
sembling businessmen or government agents. At this point his memory began t 4/28/2003 #44519  
on after, Fuller claims three NCIS agents arrived and searched the premises 7/2003 #44560  
previously said that they were CIA agents), working for a foreign organizat 11/5/2010 #45305  
s personnel who pose as government agents including for the EPA   “Alien” a 4/5/2016 #45449  
ty years.” It also states “Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investig 4/18/2017 #45468  
c signals, chemical and biological agents, ionizing radiation, natural and  2/2/2022 #45737  
## Word: "agenvillers" (Back to Top)
                                   AGENVILLERS, 80, FR Farmer. Aluminum sau 7/23/1955 #12281  
## Word: "agenzia" (Back to Top)
n of bright and dark segments. The Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione Ambi 10/18/2002 #44419  
## Word: "ages" (Back to Top)
d lizards such as roamed the earth ages ago.” He adds that “If human life e 1/9/1911 #853  
s period has been called the "Dark Ages" of UFO investigation. Following th 1950 #4460  
 May, and their friend Tommy Hyer (ages 13, 12, and 10 respectively) witnes 9/12/1952 #7905  
. Claude and Francoise Lanssellin, ages 10 and 9, witnessed the landing of  10/7/1954 #10794  
ear Exauroux, France two brothers, ages 18 and 20, saw a red ball of light  4/8/1956 #12804  
-just dead silence. It seemed like ages as we looked at each other. Then th 10/23/1965 #19679  
Lucille Drzonek and her daughters, ages 24 and 17, are driving northwest on 3/7/1967 #21787  
as, Mike Kauppi, and Scott Mackay, ages 9-12, were riding on a snowmobile i 3/12/1967 #21874  
. A woman and her two "< children, ages 11 and 8, saw a glowing, red-orange 4/12/1967 #22117  
   In the evening six young girls, ages 7 to 13, reported they saw a figure 7/22/1968 #24206  
ound eight p.m. four little girls, ages 4 to 8, saw a round object with gre 8/31/1968 #24409  
          Fairfield, IL Four boys (ages 14-18) saw an illuminated object sh 7/6/1973 #27615  
         Burbank, CA Two children, ages 2 and 4, reported a UFO with a poin 10/16/1973 #28082  
ing a buzzing sound. Two children, ages 2 and 4, reported a UFO with a poin 10/16/1973 #28090  
his evening four girls between the ages of 14 and 24 years old were accompa 11/18/1973 #28444  
hortly after 7:30 p.m. three boys, ages 9 and 10, in Port Coquitlam, Britis 8/16/1974 #29364  
ere were five witnesses of various ages from three families.                3/14/1975 #29898  
this night. Debbie and Nan Kitley, ages 16 and 17, had gone back out to the 7/4/1975 #30159  
rida to drop off his two children, ages 4 and 1 ½ years, at a local daycare 12/6/1976 #31587  
ont paced the car of two students, ages 21 and 19, as they drove eastbound  6/10/1978 #33265  
aces a car driven by two students, ages 21 and 19, as they travel east on S 6/10/1978 #33266  
ont paced the car of two students, ages 21 and 19, as they drove eastbound  6/10/1978 #33267  
 Reserve 11:15 a.m. Four students, ages 12–16, from Despatch, Eastern Cape, 10/2/1978 #33790  
o were sons of military personnel, ages 8 and 10, were sitting on the swing 8/31/1987 #38266  
 Belgium 9:25 p.m. Four witnesses, ages 15–17, see an unusual object with v 10/23/1990 #39807  
                Three young girls (ages 10-12) had stayed up late to watch  7/21/1991 #40129  
ul city, filled with humans of all ages. A large golden sun illuminated the 3/20/1993 #40895  
## Word: "aggestad" (Back to Top)
ct (EME). No further details. / S. Aggestad 1981.                           4/1942 #1407  
## Word: "aggravate" (Back to Top)
aining that contact with him would aggravate Benito's cardiac condition.    5/15/1967 #22348  
## Word: "aggravated" (Back to Top)
Eagar, Arizona, home on charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon  11/5/2001 #44272  
## Word: "aggregated" (Back to Top)
ess UFO evidence is to look at the aggregated evidence.                     11/28/1966 #21156  
## Word: "aggresively" (Back to Top)
ng span. The UFO circled the plane aggresively. The second encounter lasted 1/4/2004 #44645  
nia when they starting acting very aggresively. The older female dog got ou 8/29/2007 #45050  
## Word: "aggressive" (Back to Top)
 feet. The light makes evasive and aggressive maneuvers, such as seeming to 10/1/1948 #3827  
ea. The objects make more than “70 aggressive non-firing passes” in “high-s 4/14/1953 #8824  
nd attacked by two strange looking aggressive tan skinned beings. The men w 2/12/1969 #24915  
s going to be replaced with a more aggressive extraterrestrial race, who wo 4/22/1975 #30000  
ttural sounds and made an apparent aggressive move towards the car. They dr 4/12/1977 #31978  
                      Rockdale, TX Aggressive dogs become uneasy in presenc 1984 #37090  
it. Sherman next decides to use an aggressive strategy to discharge, someth Mid 1995 #42258  
O begins circling the Airbus in an aggressive manner. The crew expects a co 1/4/2004 #44644  
ing east at 575 mph, then makes an aggressive vertical turn.                10/27/2004 #44770  
, while the other--a normally more aggressive dog--was whimpering and hid u 11/25/2005 #44905  
here is equally an extraordinarily aggressive and nasty Chinese counterinte 5/2022 #45746  
## Word: "aggressively" (Back to Top)
ly silently, have yellow eyes, and aggressively defend their nests. He thin 8/21/1955 #12386  
tartled as one of the beings moved aggressively and grabbed her. She jumped 2/24/1997 #43207  
e. When he got back his dogs acted aggressively toward him, as if they didn 11/30/2000 #44094  
                Camarillo, CA Dogs aggressively bark and visually track dis 11/10/2005 #44901  
## Word: "aggressor" (Back to Top)
 to the whole world, including the aggressor.”                              10/22/1962 #17485  
th, 64th, 65th, 527th, 5021st T.O. Aggressor Sqdn. Cmndrs., 57th F.W. Cmndr 7/28/1991 #40136  
## Word: "aghast" (Back to Top)
 HAINES CITY, FL Green saucer. Cop aghast. Car radio and lights and motor e 3/19/1992 #40386  
## Word: "agia" (Back to Top)
is truck on a country road between Agia Marva and Lefkohori, Greece at nigh 8/6/1978 #33480  
## Word: "agiasos" (Back to Top)
                                   AGIASOS, LESBOS, GRC 100+observer(s). Sh 11/1954 #11503  
## Word: "agile" (Back to Top)
        BOUKANEFIS, ALG 2 bakers. "Agile" dinner-plate going quickly south. 7/15/1952 #6823  
ussia) is paced and attacked by 10 agile and highly maneuverable UFOs. The  4/14/1953 #8824  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Agile” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT       2/23/1967 #21634  
ingers on his hands. The being was agile, lightweight, hoarse-voiced, and w 8/16/1967 #22885  
## Word: "agility" (Back to Top)
steps in two jumps with phenomenal agility. With some difficulty Julio foll 2/5/1978 #32957  
## Word: "agin" (Back to Top)
s to get the AAWSAP program funded agin through the Department of Defense.  5/13/2016 #45453  
## Word: "agincourt" (Back to Top)
                                   AGINCOURT, FR Fast fireballs strike with 10/25/1415 #18  
            ESSEY-LE-NANCY TO/FROM AGINCOURT, FR 4 / car. 2 luminous/glowin 1/1/1974 #28638  
Pickering, Ontario Durham regional Agincourt Pickering Nuclear Generating S 2/4/1975 #29784  
 director of radio station CHOO in Agincourt, watch pulsing, multicolored o 2/4/1975 #29784  
## Word: "aging" (Back to Top)
 Adamski, he has lost any signs of aging. Adamski’s friend Desmond Leslie w 4/24/1965 #18916  
 strong. The man believes that his aging process had slowed down subsequent 5/9/1974 #29098  
by the US Navy in 1980, against an aging USAF reconnaissance satellite. Fro 10/17/1997 #43431  
 suffering from progeria (an early aging syndrome) or radiation effects. He 6/2005 #44846  
## Word: "agira" (Back to Top)
                                   AGIRA, ITL Luminous sphere going down. I 12/13/1978 #34107  
## Word: "agitated" (Back to Top)
, Poland. Suddenly the cows become agitated and pull on their halters. She  1926 #1053  
rs on a negative that has not been agitated properly in the developer.      6/18/1947 #2340  
wly; "as they passed the radio was agitated twice." (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 3/26/1952 #5977  
hem of his theory. Now Menzel gets agitated, saying it is no theory. He ref Early 5/1952 #6249  
ore veering off. Mr. Paroux was so agitated he had to see a doctor.         9/28/1954 #10491  
nd 5:00 p.m. when their dog became agitated and started barking. One of the 10/25/1954 #11401  
 the birds are dead, his monkey is agitated, and his watch has stopped work 9/1957 #13966  
r 15 minutes. A dog panicked in an agitated reaction, and later died.       12/24/1960 #16536  
out if any nearby animals had been agitated. Then they insist that the figu 5/24/1964 #18297  
gs in the area behaved in a highly agitated manner. Flattened dune grass wa 2/3/1965 #18797  
d that their sheep and cattle were agitated and noisy when a dark shape wit 8/16/1965 #19409  
imals in the area were excited and agitated (animal reactions) while the UF 3/30/1966 #20155  
 flutters and bobs “like a ship on agitated water.” It rises slowly and mov 11/22/1966 #21142  
 in the car at the time was highly agitated, and its hair bristled in react 3/4/1967 #21754  
. The witness was very nervous and agitated after the close encounter, and  4/5/1967 #22068  
is car, badly frightened and in an agitated state. When he returned home he 4/21/1967 #22200  
 Cattle in the area were extremely agitated.                                4/22/1967 #22209  
aped craft and took off. Cows were agitated (animal reactions) during the s 8/31/1967 #22960  
house, with his wife and son, very agitated, standing outside with neighbor 5/17/1968 #23969  
he couple noted that their dog was agitated during the sighting.            7/6/1968 #24149  
house, the couple’s poodle becomes agitated and runs off. The two lights th 7/22/1968 #24203  
ncaster, Missouri. The dog becomes agitated and she sees a bright blue-whit 3/6/1969 #24976  
           Glenwood, MO Dog in car agitated by domed disc (NICAP: 04 - Anim 10/10/1969 #25403  
ttle and a dog were reported to be agitated, while later a burnt circle was 11/5/1969 #25452  
t, and the water in the hole looks agitated. NICAP investigator Walter N. W 1/7/1971 #25982  
 the ice and steam rising from the agitated water. The UFO made no sound.   1/7/1971 #25983  
          Delphos, KS Sheep become agitated during landing event (NICAP: 04 11/2/1971 #26446  
ge ball / light shakes house. Dogs agitated. / Spaceview, NZ #67'76.        9/13/1972 #26989  
ounted for. Moreno was in a highly agitated state, and subsequently suffere 9/27/1972 #27035  
ova Scotia, CAN Family dog greatly agitated when two red lights observed (N 11/8/1973 #28391  
ed that her family dog was greatly agitated when her family of six observed 11/8/1973 #28394  
e trees, which are again violently agitated. The legs withdraw as it takes  5/5/1974 #29085  
ly, and the chickens and goats are agitated as well. Radio and TV reception 10/15/1974 #29531  
 Hakushu, Japan when Furuya became agitated about a group of children resem 10/1/1975 #30409  
Gerais, Brazil, when his dog grows agitated. A flash of light illuminates t 9/9/1976 #31362  
ve when the animal suddenly became agitated and sat next to him. He then sa 1/4/1977 #31689  
ve when the animal suddenly became agitated and sat next to him. He then sa 1/4/1977 #31690  
al when the animal suddenly became agitated and sat next to him. He then sa 1/4/1977 #31691  
. His dog was by then acting quite agitated. Suddenly, without any transiti 1/27/1977 #31761  
for a few minutes and then becomes agitated.                                12/2/1977 #32726  
s spinning; bushes beneath it were agitated. Abruptly, he found himself one 11/28/1980 #35680  
 all the control. John became very agitated as they wanted him to look at s 12/31/1980 #35759  
didn't want to. Becoming even more agitated and crying, he remembered that  12/31/1980 #35759  
g to take a sample. He became more agitated and repeated twice, "It's not r 12/31/1980 #35759  
der/cigar-shape goes up US87. Hogs agitated.                                2/15/1984 #37187  
 before vanishing. The dogs remain agitated afterward.                      5/6/1984 #37324  
 moved up, down, and sideways. Dog agitated during sighting (section VII).  2/28/1986 #37791  
 moved up, down, and sideways. Dog agitated during sighting                 2/28/1986 #37792  
sideways. A dog becomes completely agitated.                                2/28/1986 #37793  
t all the farm animals were acting agitated. He went to bed, but moments la 12/4/1991 #40254  
the wipers go on, and his dog gets agitated. Then the engine goes completel 9/29/1995 #42519  
overing over the cattle, which are agitated. She calls her husband, Eurico  1/13/1996 #42680  
eneral area had spotted a group of agitated animals running from the area.  1/20/1996 #42697  
se. Their cat was also acting very agitated. Her husband, Francisco, went t 4/27/1998 #43559  
ible. His dogs began barking in an agitated manner. Terrified, the witness  6/21/1998 #43591  
The water below the disc was being agitated by the UFO's presence. The craf 9/14/2003 #44601  
own from the sky. The woman became agitated and began yelling that there wa 5/12/2004 #44699  
lace for her to hide. Increasingly agitated, the witnesses searched for the 8/2/2004 #44725  
 me. Suddenly, the dog became very agitated and seemed to want back in to t 5/9/2005 #44838  
e Bush, New York, become noisy and agitated. When he goes outside, he sees  1/4/2013 #45358  
al. He arrived there wide-eyed and agitated. Ms. Rose said he was visibly s 8/6/2013 #45381  
g. Cows in a neighboring field are agitated and group closely together in o 6/15/2019 #45585  
## Word: "agitates" (Back to Top)
ject with rotating red lights that agitates the family’s horses and cats. A 7/2/1968 #24132  
## Word: "agitating" (Back to Top)
er salvage ship. Going up / clouds agitating them.                          8/11/1954 #10121  
ship and climbed, illuminating and agitating the clouds.                    8/11/1954 #10124  
Japan, and climb, illuminating and agitating the clouds.                    8/11/1954 #10127  
imbed vertically, illuminating and agitating the clouds.                    8/11/1954 #10128  
## Word: "agitation" (Back to Top)
onfused state with a great deal of agitation and confusion.                 4/9/1949 #4084  
own to a river, causing thunderous agitation of the water, and took off ove 10/27/1967 #23348  
ace of a river, causing thunderous agitation of the water, and then took of 10/27/1967 #23354  
s in a state of terror and extreme agitation. Two of the young females in t 8/18/1993 #41146  
## Word: "agli" (Back to Top)
   Torrita di Siena, Italy Via Pié agli Orti Ispra 8:00 p.m. Hairdresser Ri 9/17/1978 #33701  
g home at 9:00 p.m. on the Via Pié agli Orti, the engine and lights of his  9/17/1978 #33701  
## Word: "aglow" (Back to Top)
 Wales and 13. "Phantom vessel all aglow" / sky. / r2p17.                   6/11/1881 #242  
ip was seen ("a phantom vessel all aglow"). (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 6/11/1881 #243  
ip was seen ("a phantom vessel all aglow").                                 6/11/1881 #244  
ip was seen, "a phantom vessel all aglow."                                  6/11/1881 #245  
/ light hovers and submerges still aglow. Also 7 October.                   10/15/1983 #37006  
## Word: "agnano" (Back to Top)
  Two cylindrical UFOs circled the Agnano housing development in Naples, It 2/23/2000 #43957  
## Word: "agnes" (Back to Top)
                               St. Agnes Avenue Pleasant Street Utica, New  12/22/1941 #1381  
stops his car at the corner of St. Agnes Avenue and Pleasant Street in Utic 12/22/1941 #1381  
## Word: "agnew" (Back to Top)
1971 to much controversy (VP Spiro Agnew cast a tie-breaking vote in favor  10/21/2021 #45717  
## Word: "agnieska" (Back to Top)
t while her two children, Adas and Agnieska, played outside. She heard a so 5/17/1978 #33225  
## Word: "ago" (Back to Top)
claims to have been murdered years ago in Fort Washita and shows her strang 10/4/1898 #626  
ards such as roamed the earth ages ago.” He adds that “If human life exists 1/9/1911 #853  
 shown to be as a hoax a long time ago.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NI 8/1914 #905  
 on a crash saucer “almost 3 years ago”, research program, exotic metals de 12/31/1949 #4453  
 at AHC: CIC officers told 3 weeks ago by Maj. May that 30 diamond drill bi 5/20/1954 #9817  
nted” from UFOs thousands of years ago. Citing reports of anomalous lights  1957 #13429  
ople first arrived 1 billion years ago [prior to the earliest known multice 1957 #13430  
 Miocene Epoch [23–5 million years ago] looking for terrestrial bodies to i 1957 #13430  
aid in 2003 the newspaper had long ago exposed the object as a hoax made fr 11/21/1957 #14590  
’t know whether it was a few years ago—or a few hundred years ago.” In June 6/12/1960 #16312  
w years ago—or a few hundred years ago.” In June 1968, the Colorado project 6/12/1960 #16312  
e mysterious craft nearly one week ago, but was reluctant to report them. ( 10/3/1960 #16474  
ids hundreds of thousands of years ago; the Saturnians centuries later; and 1964 #18103  
t that memo until a couple of days ago.” Condon admits, in contrast to his  2/9/1968 #23746  
ed mysteriously more than 13 years ago on May 5, 1959. He said that a UFO h 9/22/1972 #27026  
water stating: Ten or twelve years ago I tried to get access to the buildin 3/28/1975 #29921  
ng time. About ten or twelve years ago I made an effort to find out what wa 3/28/1975 #29922  
tch shows that it had stopped long ago. His weapons and watch are found to  Fall 1975 #30380  
errestrials who came to earth long ago and are preparing them for a societa 1976 #30745  
had been clean-shaven just an hour ago, and his digital watch indicates the 4/25/1977 #32026  
had been clean-shaven just an hour ago, and his digital watch indicated the 4/25/1977 #32027  
B in Ohio. He writes: “I have long ago given up acquiring access to the so- 10/19/1981 #36179  
t lived on the earth 353,000 years ago." They pointed to a small pyramid sh 3/5/1992 #40359  
have developed was 3 billion years ago.                                     8/21/1998 #43633  
enes; they disappeared a long time ago." The astounded witness next managed 3/26/2002 #44326  
am from “something recovered years ago in the past,” technological hardware 10/16/2002 #44418  
in Havana, Cuba, more than 2 years ago. The origin of these health concerns 2/6/2019 #45560  
udy was completed more than a year ago. But its existence was revealed only 1/15/2021 #45673  
## Word: "agobard" (Back to Top)
rt of the island of Menorca, Spain Agobard, the archbishop of Lyon, France, 812 #2  
ht out in front of an enraged mob, Agobard intervenes and prevents their ly 812 #2  
## Word: "agold" (Back to Top)
 glass dome about a foot high with agold colored weather vane-like device s 1944 #1557  
## Word: "agostinelli" (Back to Top)
 Buenos Aires, Argentina Alejandro Agostinelli and Juan Carlos Zabalgoitia  1980 #35113  
## Word: "agoura" (Back to Top)
                                   Agoura (Ground site 3 miles WNW of), CA  12/16/1953 #9372  
                                   Agoura, California Long Beach, Californi 12/16/1953 #9374  
 Johnson and his wife Althea (near Agoura, California) and a Lockheed crew  12/16/1953 #9374  
                                   AGOURA, CA Chemical Professor-amateur as 10/10/1978 #33825  
                                   Agoura Hills, California 6:35 a.m. A che 10/10/1978 #33827  
6:35 a.m. A chemistry professor in Agoura Hills, California, goes outside t 10/10/1978 #33827  
## Word: "agouti" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Agouti” Yield: 6.4KT                     1/18/1962 #17021  
## Word: "agr" (Back to Top)
                       FARMINGDALE AGR COLLEGE, NY Many power outages. Seve 8/1967 #22767  
## Word: "agra" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR AGRA, KS 2+2 observer(s) / car. Vibrant  11/17/1965 #19727  
## Word: "agree" (Back to Top)
lly approved, but the Joint Chiefs agree to use it for planning purposes.   6/18/1946 #2012  
th the naval and military attachés agree that there is nothing to the ghost 4/15/1947 #2263  
s. Aerodynamicists at ATIC and AMC agree that no German design can match UF 12/1947 #3496  
 others that might. The scientists agree to set up a series of instrument s 2/16/1949 #4010  
 meetings. Army and Navy officials agree that the fireballs remain unexplai 5/5/1949 #4149  
t in 1967. All studies of the film agree that it was not faked and that the 8/15/1950 #5126  
so see the object at 5:00 p.m. All agree that the UFO is headed east at a m 8/7/1952 #7509  
pproved the draft.) The scientists agree that since most sightings can be e 1/17/1953 #8548  
ard Hall and Jacques Vallee didn't agree with the interpretation.           3/3/1953 #8728  
ge Isaacs asks, “Will the Minister agree that this story of flying saucers  11/24/1953 #9320  
ovals with whitish-gray light. All agree that the objects are neither aircr 8/4/1954 #10099  
d, two analysts must independently agree on a solution; for a case to be ca 10/25/1955 #12519  
identified, all four analysts must agree. A report classified as unidentifi 10/25/1955 #12519  
rado. Canada and the United States agree that the NORAD commander will alwa 9/12/1957 #13992  
ld possibly make the radar targets agree with the IFF signals.              9/20/1957 #14020  
dachrome photo. Analysts generally agree this is a bright lenticular cloud  10/16/1957 #14129  
onfidence in the investigation and agree that publicity is unwise, “particu 6/20/1958 #15105  
steria” was discussed. All parties agree “it would be unwise to give the su 6/20/1958 #15107  
PORTUGAL Several observer(s) can't agree / shape of strange objects / sky.  9/21/1959 #15983  
ves them away. Eventually, the men agree to return to a small town, possibl Late 11/1961 #16978  
              FORT KENT, ME 2 boys agree. Saucer passes overhead north goin 8/18/1963 #17905  
perience, both the Hills and Simon agree that the therapy is successful. Th 1/4/1964 #18109  
arney’s memories. The Hills do not agree.                                   3/7/1964 #18145  
appear in under a minute. They all agree that it moved faster than a jet.   10/1964 #18566  
 personnel and other witnesses all agree that the UFO is at an altitude of  7/9/1965 #19088  
ar schoolhouse. Many kids. Stories agree.                                   10/16/1965 #19660  
up in 1953 and cannot get Hynek to agree that he is even a little bit timid 6/8/1966 #20543  
ort/apartment and USAF RADAR's all agree. Nobody can see objects! / r24v4#9 5/13/1967 #22332  
ondon and Low, asking if they will agree to examine NICAP’s cases. November 11/14/1967 #23450  
y sees portholes. Several drawings agree.                                   2/1977 #31767  
e existence of true UFOs, but they agree that the UFO theme can be used in  6/20/1977 #32176  
ss, saying that he is “inclined to agree” with his recommendation on a new  9/6/1977 #32463  
t has the shape of a triangle. All agree that there is an intense white lig 7/20/1978 #33404  
 another journalist, Dennis Grant, agree to do so. The plane flies out at 2 12/31/1978 #34246  
t up. Lord Oxfuird and Lord Davies agree there should be future investigati 1/18/1979 #34358  
to the hill. All witnesses but one agree there is no sound when the object  1/29/1986 #37775  
 two speak again on October 30 and agree to meet at a local pub a couple ho 10/28/1986 #38056  
to do this, but Stubblebine didn’t agree;  Dr. Joseph Burkes claims the Maj 3/9/1992 #40369  
ing else until they get home. They agree they saw a UFO but can’t agree on  8/8/1993 #41117  
hey agree they saw a UFO but can’t agree on whether they had missing time o 8/8/1993 #41117  
ickly [to] away. Separate drawings agree.                                   2/23/1996 #42774  
ot all come forward. Those who do, agree that there was no sound emanating  7/14/2001 #44208  
## Word: "agreeable" (Back to Top)
best data to a panel of scientists agreeable to hearing them out. The panel 9/29/1997 #43420  
## Word: "agreed" (Back to Top)
s as UFOs are being tracked. “They agreed with it in principle and suggeste 3/19/1952 #5961  
r a detailed reporting system were agreed upon at the February 17 meeting i 2/23/1954 #9566  
o discuss the problem in 1956. The agreed upon the necessity to keep the is 1955 #11886  
 three saw the second disc and all agreed that they saw the same round, dis 10/4/1955 #12488  
SA to discuss the UFO problem. The agreed upon the necessity to keep the is 1956 #12626  
nadian vice commander, and Canada “agreed the command’s primary purpose wou 9/12/1957 #13992  
n by two young boys, whose parents agreed they must have seen something unu 8/18/1963 #17907  
ne at 12:30 p.m. The boys' parents agreed that they must have seen somethin 8/18/1963 #17908  
ome inside by the occupants and he agreed to go. They gave him a physical e 3/31/1967 #22025  
d and talk about the incident. She agreed, and through hypnosis both witnes 8/7/1968 #24308  
e "they" wanted to talk to him. He agreed to go and walked up the steps. On 7/4/1970 #25727  
you want to come with me?" Enrique agreed. The young man straddled Enrique  10/22/1972 #27085  
ack to its original location. They agreed that the object appeared to have  7/21/1977 #32299  
bors and the members of his family agreed. The silver disc had a black cent 9/9/1979 #34856  
 off the road in a hit and run. RC agreed to meet three men at an airport a 1982 #36291  
e moving around it. Both witnesses agreed that the object had the form of a 7/8/1996 #42950  
itness to come inside. The witness agreed and was escorted inside. Once ins 12/9/1996 #43133  
## Word: "agreeing" (Back to Top)
 writes, “I would do it but before agreeing to it we must insist upon full  7/10/1947 #3102  
tor of the FBI stating, ”...before agreeing (to the investigation of crashe 7/15/1947 #3182  
ious. It contains several comments agreeing with Cabell that the UFO phenom 11/8/1948 #3871  
) Leon Treadwell, who signs papers agreeing he will tell no one for 20 year 7/26/1956 #13020  
e issue in his book Bad Astronomy, agreeing with NASA. However, physicist J 9/15/1991 #40187  
## Word: "agreement" (Back to Top)
with a velocity for light in close agreement with measurements made by expe 1865 #162  
y in the observations, with little agreement on size, duration, color, or s 9/1921 #1014  
les E. Goll of ATIC, arguing that “agreement between Project Stork [Battell 1/9/1953 #8521  
jay The USSR publicly announces an agreement to supply arms and military te 9/1/1962 #17381  
 with in order to ask for a “final agreement” from the pope because of his  5/31/1963 #17774  
ng flying saucers,” but reached an agreement with USAF to refer cases to th 7/21/1966 #20664  
ndon will fulfill the terms of the agreement.”                              4/30/1968 #23932  
n against Marchetti is the secrecy agreement which he signed when beginning 3/1972 #26584  
nt at CIA. The agency presents the agreement and the parts of the draft art 3/1972 #26584  
e it considers in violation of the agreement, to Judge Albert Vickers Bryan 3/1972 #26584  
fter all these years, are still in agreement with the Eagle Lake event as w 8/20/1976 #31282  
dles. The pub meeting ends with an agreement for “John” to deliver the file 10/28/1986 #38056  
 Lake, where Lazar signs a secrecy agreement that requires intensive monito 12/6/1988 #38748  
New Mexico, in 1954 and reached an agreement with the government. A second  5/23/1989 #38960  
egorsk, Primorsky Krai, Russia. An agreement is made to share videos and ph 5/21/1990 #39582  
e Command, establishes an informal agreement of cooperation with Vicente-Ju 11/16/1992 #40714  
th,” it was protected by a special agreement between the DOD Special Access 10/16/2002 #44418  
st blew their cover, and a special agreement was struck between them, the a 10/16/2002 #44418  
OC who may be aware of the special agreement at the time of the SAP restruc 10/16/2002 #44418  
, Israel and ET have a cooperation agreement and there is a shared operatin 5/7/2003 #44528  
rs and reached a collaborative R&D agreement with the US Army’s Combat Capa 7/2018 #45532  
operative research and development agreement with the US Army Combat Capabi 10/17/2019 #45612  
## Word: "agreements" (Back to Top)
rements, specialized nondisclosure agreements, special terminology or marki 3/8/1972 #26592  
e speaks of documents that tell of agreements between the US government and 1/10/1983 #36742  
t its first meeting, it renews the agreements with a network of specialists 9/22/2005 #44878  
Strategic Command has data-sharing agreements with Australia, Japan, Italy, 3/28/2020 #45642  
## Word: "agrees" (Back to Top)
kholm, Sweden Swedish Intelligence agrees to cooperate in sharing ghost roc 7/12/1946 #2052  
s he sees a contract. However, AMC agrees to set up a network of observatio 2/24/1949 #4023  
professor Clark Blanchard Millikan agrees, saying: “If anyone should know a 4/4/1950 #4792  
orial Institute in Columbus, Ohio, agrees to help out the Air Force with an 1/8/1952 #5863  
ey can finish the study. Robertson agrees to postpone the panel, but is lat 12/12/1952 #8413  
s they have reached, and Robertson agrees to draft a report for review (alt 1/16/1953 #8543  
ejudices to the contrary.” The DOT agrees to his proposal to set up an elec 8/1953 #9034  
shares recent UFO reports. Ruppelt agrees to write a letter supporting the  4/4/1954 #9664  
ce Bernhard of the Netherlands who agrees to promote the idea, together wit 5/29/1954 #9840  
nd through her interview Affa, who agrees to communicate with them by radio 6/8/1954 #9877  
 arrive on a motorcycle. Chéradame agrees to ride into the field and take a 10/25/1954 #11392  
ver his part of the script, and he agrees. However, writer Irve Tunick cuts 12/1957 #14654  
ears “uncontrolled publicity,” but agrees to go along with it. Soon, howeve 1/1958 #14791  
cuit broadcast at the base. Keyhoe agrees.                                  1/1958 #14792  
d Burgoyne Lee Griffing. The group agrees that eventually the term “UFOs” s 2/17/1959 #15591  
is code-named Project Oxcart. EG&G agrees to move its radar test facility h 9/1959 #15950  
icer, who listens to the story and agrees to accompany them back to the sit Late 11/1961 #16978  
et Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin and agrees after a phone call to the preside 10/26/1962 #17499  
here metallurgist Henry E. Frankel agrees to analyze the material. His tent 4/24/1964 #18200  
self as an investigator. Templeton agrees to meet with him and an associate 5/24/1964 #18297  
terested. Around this time, Condon agrees to an informal question-and-answe 9/21/1966 #20910  
the case list to 100. A small team agrees to go over the list and decide wh 6/1967 #22437  
them. Low blows up. Low ultimately agrees but replaces Roach with Norm Levi 9/5/1967 #23006  
 elected chairman and Felix Ziegel agrees to be deputy chairman. Members in 10/18/1967 #23265  
Canada’s National Research Council agrees to become the official government 2/1968 #23719  
Allan Hendry does calculations and agrees with the assessment of the object 1/6/1969 #24821  
          Washington, D.C. The CIA agrees to let Ground Saucer Watch amend  7/7/1978 #33350  
 extraterrestrials. Lord Kimberley agrees that a parliamentary group should 1/18/1979 #34358  
rning that subject matter.” Walker agrees they are talking about recovered  8/30/1987 #38264  
 unwilling human subjects. The GAO agrees with the Air Force that the wreck 7/28/1995 #42335  
Y. STAC-5 understands this too and agrees that only if present attempts by  3/11/1998 #43532  
 Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio), Bray agrees that standardizing the civilian r 5/17/2022 #45750  
## Word: "agricultural" (Back to Top)
   Toronto, Ontario Guelph Ontario Agricultural College Early morning. Resi 2/15/1915 #926  
g lights passing over” the Ontario Agricultural College. He alerts other re 2/15/1915 #926  
                                   Agricultural engineer Nicolae Bălcescu,  7/1927 #1074  
engineer Nicolae Bălcescu, Romania Agricultural engineer Gheorghe Achimescu 7/1927 #1074  
                                   Agricultural engineer Pedro Bardi's farm 7/19/1952 #6932  
of Peru Puerto Maldonado 4:30 p.m. Agricultural engineer Pedro Bardi and ot 7/19/1952 #6932  
            Logan, Utah Utah State Agricultural College [now Utah State Uni 5/1/1954 #9744  
s and Clyde T. Hardy at Utah State Agricultural College [now Utah State Uni 5/1/1954 #9744  
me was the manager of his family's agricultural and cattle breeding busines 6/11/1961 #16725  
re seen on the 14th and 15th by an agricultural worker."                    7/17/1967 #22684  
le Cărăbuş, a night watchman at an agricultural cooperative in Valea Plopul Early 9/1972 #26975  
trange whistling sound while doing agricultural work on his property. He th 1/8/1981 #35779  
r 6 months. The Los Angeles County agricultural pathologist who examines a  1/1988 #38385  
## Word: "agriculture" (Back to Top)
eorge Marx of the US Department of Agriculture, who performs a chemical ana 9/20/1892 #306  
tion Laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture for analysis, which shows it Early 9/1957 #13971  
              On this afternoon an agriculture student named Nielsen was su 8/25/1960 #16418  
                   The Minister of Agriculture and several other dignitarie 10/22/1978 #33858  
get for education, transportation, agriculture or the environment. These Pr 2/15/1987 #38120  
## Word: "agriculturist" (Back to Top)
         Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela Agriculturist Luis Petriera, along with  3/23/1957 #13557  
## Word: "agrini" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Agrini” YieldMax: 20KT                   3/31/1984 #37249  
## Word: "agrinion" (Back to Top)
                                   Agrinion, Greece Truck driver and hotel  1955 #11890  
                                   AGRINION, GREECE 2 / truck faint. Engine 9/6/1955 (approximate) #12429  
## Word: "agronomist" (Back to Top)
           Porto Alegre, Brazil An agronomist and his family in their car s 11/10/1954 #11619  
Alegre Rio Grande do Sul Brazil An agronomist and his family encounter a la 11/10/1954 #11620  
## Word: "agronomy" (Back to Top)
 footprints, which he sends to the Agronomy Institute of Campinas.          9/1957 #13966  
## Word: "agrotécnica" (Back to Top)
 Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina Escuela Agrotécnica de Santa Rosa 9:30 p.m. Some 4/3/1981 #35884  
300 feet directly over the Escuela Agrotécnica de Santa Rosa for several mi 4/3/1981 #35884  
## Word: "agua" (Back to Top)
                                   AGUA PRIETA, MEXICO Night light-sphere r 6/10/1947 #2317  
                  At 11:00 p.m. in Agua Prieta, Mexico a glowing sphere was 6/10/1947 #2320  
## Word: "aguada" (Back to Top)
                                   Aguada, Puerto Rico Day. A retired scien 9/1/1976 #31325  
ject while walking on a beach near Aguada, Puerto Rico. The object moves sl 9/1/1976 #31325  
## Word: "aguade" (Back to Top)
from two men, Sr. Massague and Sr. Aguade, in the Torrellas de las Foix mou 1/5/1968 #23652  
## Word: "aguadilla" (Back to Top)
                                   AGUADILLA, PR Many observer(s). Domed sa 10/13/1972 #27069  
, twenty hospital employees of the Aguadilla Hospital and others saw severa 10/13/1972 #27071  
Rafael Hernández Airport runway in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico Atlantic Ocean no 4/25/2013 #45365  
Rafael Hernández Airport runway in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico, causing the dela 4/25/2013 #45365  
## Word: "aguas" (Back to Top)
                                   AGUAS BLANCAS, ARG 3 small humanoids (or 10/1/1965 #19631  
                                   Aguas Blancas, Argentina Three students, 10/1/1965 #19632  
king to General San Martin School, Aguas Blancas, Salta province, Argentina 10/1/1965 #19635  
 Taire mountain on the Rio Bermejo Aguas Blancas, Bolivia Tarija, Bolivia W 5/6/1978 #33190  
 while reporters visit the town of Aguas Blancas, Bolivia, to interview wit 5/6/1978 #33190  
                              NEAR AGUAS CLARAS, BRZ 2+several observer(s). 12/19/1981 #36264  
     That same night at 10 p.m. in Aguas Claras, Brazil a car was stalled b 12/19/1981 #36269  
                        In Bairoa, Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico a woman was aw 7/31/2000 #44024  
## Word: "agudzeri" (Back to Top)
                          Sukhumi (Agudzeri), Russia 11:00 p.m. L.V. Antono 7/17/1967 #22679  
## Word: "aguera" (Back to Top)
Four Spanish Army soldiers (Manolo Aguera, Felipe Sánchez, Ricardo Iglesias 1/1/1975 #29689  
uintanaortuño, Burgos, Spain, when Aguera sees a light fall from the sky at 1/1/1975 #29689  
## Word: "aguero" (Back to Top)
rs, Walter Ortega and Luis Rodolfo Aguero were working the late shift at th 7/11/2000 #44014  
## Word: "aguerre" (Back to Top)
rembo, Uruguay Ranch worker George Aguerre sees an object like an upturned  9/13/1976 #31382  
                            Barrio Aguerre, Ciudad Treinta Y Tres, Uruguay. 4/20/1980 #35281  
## Word: "aguiar" (Back to Top)
o, his wife and children, and João Aguiar of the Brazilian Federal police,  6/27/1970 #25714  
their five daughters, and Mr. Joao Aguiar of Leblon, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 6/27/1970 #25716  
## Word: "aguilar" (Back to Top)
r Fred Lee and foreman Lawrence A. Aguilar watch a round silver object for  8/25/1952 #7731  
      Terreon, Mexico Zoilo Campos Aguilar observed an object very close to 8/25/1965 #19462  
'clock in the morning Zoilo Campos Aguilar, a night watchman, observed an o 8/25/1965 #19464  
             Caracas, Venezuela A. Aguilar, 23, saw a creature outside her  9/8/1967 #23020  
cas, Venezuela - Miss Alicia Rivas Aguilar, age 23, was getting ready for b 9/8/1967 #23021  
e school teachers, Mr. Moreno, Mr. Aguilar and Mr. Coronado were on their w 2/17/1978 #32974  
mpany officials, Gomez, Polar, and Aguilar, on the highway between the town 1/29/1980 #35150  
               At 11:30 p.m. Marta Aguilar Montoya and her two small childr 2/13/1997 #43191  
## Word: "aguilas" (Back to Top)
                               OFF AGUILAS, SP Spanish submersible crew via 6/11/1980 #35356  
## Word: "aguirre" (Back to Top)
Coronel Pringles, Argentina Sr. E. Aguirre Zavala, an employee of a commerc 12/4/1954 #11760  
                           Chilean Aguirre Cerda Research Station Deception 6/18/1965 #19012  
 p.m. The Commander of the Chilean Aguirre Cerda Research Station [destroye 6/18/1965 #19012  
                           Chilean Aguirre Cerda Station Deception Island,  7/3/1965 #19063  
ght other witnesses at the Chilean Aguirre Cerda Station [destroyed in 1967 7/3/1965 #19063  
## Word: "agusta" (Back to Top)
l arrive in plainclothes and in an Agusta 109 helicopter. The crash site is 9/26/1994 #41775  
## Word: "agustin" (Back to Top)
                     Plains of San Agustin, NM Plains of San Agustin area:  7/5/1947 #2679  
s of San Agustin, NM Plains of San Agustin area: Gerald Anderson and family 7/5/1947 #2679  
                     Plains of San Agustin New Mexico Sofitel Chicago Hotel 2/15/1992 #40331  
FO Research hold the Plains of San Agustin Conference in the Sofitel Chicag 2/15/1992 #40331  
ead and alive—on the Plains of San Agustin, New Mexico, in July 1947. A foc 2/15/1992 #40331  
the evidence for the Plains of San Agustin crash is “single-witness testimo 2/15/1992 #40331  
 Springs, New Mexico Plains of San Agustin An unnamed family from Albuquerq Summer 1992 #40501  
 general area of the Plains of San Agustin, when they discover an odd piece Summer 1992 #40501  
## Word: "agustín" (Back to Top)
 from northeast to southwest. José Agustín Díaz in Altamira clocks its time 2/10/1955 #11992  
## Word: "ah" (Back to Top)
over again, someday, if they live. Ah! If they live!”                       7/3/1947 #2551  
## Word: "ah-64" (Back to Top)
 midnight. The pilots of a US Army AH-64 Apache attack helicopter are prepa 11/6/2018 #45543  
## Word: "ahc" (Back to Top)
ievals. Tape recently found at the AHC in Frank Scully’s papers in Laramie  3/8/1950 #4588  
ly in his private notes now at the AHC.                                     Mid 11/1953 #9301  
ornia Private Frank Scully note at AHC: CIC officers told 3 weeks ago by Ma 5/20/1954 #9817  
## Word: "ahead" (Back to Top)
 the road [probably Lawrence Road] ahead of them, flickers and flares, then Late 3/1873 #200  
Lisle, Illinois, the object is far ahead. Bullard estimates it is moving at 4/12/1897 #446  
white light. After Hersman it flew ahead of the train and disappeared rapid 4/15/1897 #485  
e red and one white light. It flew ahead of the train and disappeared quick 4/15/1897 #499  
ll of white light crosses the road ahead about one-quarter of a mile away,  10/1899 #638  
k object bearing lights in the sea ahead. It was observed sinking slowly. E 10/28/1902 #654  
k object bearing lights in the sea ahead. It was observed sinking slowly. E 10/28/1902 #655  
ject bearing two lights in the sea ahead. It was observed submerging slowly 10/28/1902 #656  
mble luminous pumpkins. One is far ahead of the other, but both are “cuttin 10/29/1910 #852  
strange glowing light in the hills ahead of him. Suddenly the light swings  3/12/1916 #945  
 the rear of their lines. It darts ahead at an estimated speed of 200 mph,  12/17/1916 #953  
aly, when he sees an unusual light ahead of his plane. He follows the light 10/10/1936 #1252  
range object appears about 50 feet ahead of them at the level of their wind 9/1944 #1662  
l appears in the road about 1 mile ahead, gliding down the highway only one 3/14/1946 #1977  
 Yakima at 4:00 p.m. and they call ahead to Pendleton, Oregon, to alert the 6/24/1947 #2398  
ery, disc-shaped object in the sky ahead, moving west. As they watch, its n 7/13/1947 #3171  
 and saw a metallic disc above and ahead of him. He was able to re-start th 7/23/1947 #3220  
 that seems to be another aircraft ahead of them and to the south, but it r 7/28/1947 #3240  
 northwest of Bethel, Alaska, dead ahead as they are flying a DC-3 for Al J 8/4/1947 #3291  
sc on the riverbank about 165 feet ahead. It is about 33 feet wide and embe 8/14/1947 #3330  
ect....of tremendous size.directly ahead and slightly above....I am trying  1/7/1948 #3537  
r picked up the targets five miles ahead of the plane. Only one of the boge 10/15/1948 #3843  
000 ft make a left turn and depart ahead of a United airliner taking off fr 5/2/1949 #4137  
and unbanked right turn 1,500 feet ahead of his plane, then they turn right 7/24/1949 #4283  
eft. It moves horizontally to dead ahead again and disappears by receding i 1/24/1950 #4509  
ape buzzes DC6. Going quickly [to] ahead. Turns going quickly southwest. /  5/29/1950 #4968  
y to a bright blue or bluish light ahead of them and increasing in size. Sp 5/29/1950 #4972  
ing like a parachute drifting down ahead of them at treetop level. It is ab 9/26/1950 #5199  
 it for a short while, then pulled ahead and to the left at a speed of over 11/27/1950 #5295  
hutts notices a bright white light ahead of the plane, also flashing red an 12/27/1950 #5368  
ysical superstar, and in the years ahead many contactees will channel commu 1/6/1952 #5861  
be 50 feet in diameter. It appears ahead of him to the right and begins cli 5/15/1952 #6332  
e a brilliant white light straight ahead. The UFO performs a steady climbin 5/26/1952 #6366  
home. Orange night light 3 lengths ahead / airliner as if towing it!        7/22/1952 #6997  
ouisiana. It is also seen to shoot ahead abruptly and come to a halt in the 8/14/1952 #7595  
992 that the Chairman told members ahead of the meetings to debunk all repo 1/18/1953 #8551  
n, the object comes into view dead ahead. For half a minute they are on a c Spring 1953 #8766  
ing gleaming in the moonlight dead ahead and closing rapidly. Kidd blinks o 10/19/1953 #9243  
a lake, follow their car, and stop ahead of them just above the ground. The 11/1953 #9269  
conds. The other two pilots flying ahead of him do not see the object.      3/25/1954 #9643  
gland when a bright light appeared ahead of his car, heading towards him. W 5/13/1954 #9791  
ed objects in groups of four, dead ahead but at higher altitude, 15° above. 5/14/1954 #9796  
 motor quit as UFO crossed highway ahead of car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)     6/21/1954 #9914  
g the B-47 a short time, it shoots ahead and zooms upward at incredible spe 9/3/1954 #10239  
sees a 9-foot-long UFO in the road ahead and a small man in a diving suit c 9/19/1954 #10361  
aped like a honeycomb, on the road ahead of them. A strange "man" wearing a 10/3/1954 #10658  
shaped like a beehive, on the road ahead of them. A small strange "man" wea 10/3/1954 #10669  
 a sharp reddish gleam on the road ahead of him. It suddenly disappeared, a 10/6/1954 #10758  
right, metallic sphere on the road ahead. The top half seemed to be made of 10/9/1954 #10847  
upon a metallic sphere in the road ahead. The top half seems to be transpar 10/9/1954 #10853  
rand saw a bright, metallic sphere ahead on the road. The top half appeared 10/9/1954 #10865  
r. Brilliant bulging ovoid on road ahead. Sparks. Going up [to] silent. / r 10/10/1954 #10873  
 ovoid object was seen on the road ahead in Cavanac, Aude, France. It gave  10/10/1954 #10897  
ighted UFO observed about 50 yards ahead (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)            10/11/1954 #10922  
 two UFOs observed at low altitude ahead of car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)     10/11/1954 #10923  
dlights failed as UFO crossed road ahead of car, below cloud cover (NICAP:  10/11/1954 #10925  
 than the other, appear in the sky ahead of them at low altitude, and their 10/11/1954 #10941  
old in color. A third UFO appeared ahead of him on a collision course. It h 10/14/1954 #11005  
e, a bright circular object bursts ahead of him. He walks back with his mop 10/14/1954 #11060  
ure, France 4 UFOs at low altitude ahead of car. One descended toward road; 10/16/1954 #11139  
ngs: two, dwarfs, crossed the road ahead of her; the third was a man of med 10/18/1954 #11211  
y two dwarves who crossed the road ahead of her. She had to swerve to avoid 10/18/1954 #11223  
France, when he sees a bright glow ahead on route N393. He continues to dri 10/20/1954 #11275  
; then luminous UFO became visible ahead of car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)     10/21/1954 #11295  
ed barking. One of the youths went ahead to see what was wrong and observed 10/25/1954 #11401  
felt ''electric shock"; UFO passed ahead of car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)     10/27/1954 #11441  
they see a bright light in the sky ahead. The object, a deep red domed disc 1/31/1955 #11956  
d and disappears into the distance ahead. Rainbow estimates it is traveling 11/1/1955 #12540  
 UFO sharply alters course, speeds ahead, and rises quickly until it disapp 1956 #12636  
hite light moves about 90° to dead ahead position about 8–10 miles away at  4/8/1956 #12803  
nge light again but standing still ahead of the airliner to the west. The C 4/8/1956 #12803  
 PASO, TX T33 pilot. Glowing-ovoid ahead / 2 minute(s). Size = 6° / arc. Fa 8/1/1956? #13047  
 so the object is at 15 miles dead ahead on the radar screen They close the 8/30/1956 #13156  
around the rim. Gradually it pulls ahead, tilts upward, accelerates, and zo Fall 1956 #13237  
in some planes to spot bad weather ahead. It is capable of "seeing" storms  11/8/1956 #13315  
hen the DC-3 catches up, it speeds ahead. This cat-and-mouse chase continue 3/8/1957 #13532  
w to the northwest, while two shot ahead to the north, joining another pair 5/23/1957 #13674  
t with rounded dome / top. Appears ahead / plane.                           7/17/1957 #13804  
ght UFO. At times the signal moves ahead of the RB-47, then circles around  7/17/1957 #13808  
o dive. Red-green night light dead ahead. / r46p98.                         7/23/1957 #13819  
se course, putting the target dead ahead. It suddenly takes off to the nort 8/3/1957 #13875  
cates the object is about 12 miles ahead. After 3 minutes the aircraft lose 10/14/1957 #14110  
appears in the road about 250 feet ahead. Pulju tries to turn around, but t 10/30/1957 #14167  
 large, lighted object on the road ahead, which he thought was a truck. Sud 11/1957 #14181  
 lights die. Bright lights on road ahead quickly going up [to]! / r79p9+/ r 11/2/1957 #14201  
62 when he sees lights on the road ahead. As he approaches them, his headli 11/2/1957 #14215  
ct suddenly rises up from the road ahead and ascends almost vertically at g 11/3/1957 #14243  
hen he sees a glowing red UFO land ahead of his truck, then turn to bluish- 11/3/1957 #14245  
 failing. Stokes notices 6–12 cars ahead of him have also stopped and drive 11/4/1957 #14286  
 area when a bright light appeared ahead. It reminded the witness of the li 12/8/1957 #14690  
 from left to right and back again ahead of him. Passengers and crew also s 12/11/1957 #14713  
d in a falling-leaf motion 60 feet ahead of them, while the other maneuvers 12/21/1957 #14755  
50-foot pole in the center parkway ahead. It seems to be retracting and get 1/1958 #14793  
n of four odd white lights crosses ahead of the train. The entire crew watc 10/3/1958 #15311  
 UFO observed hovering over bridge ahead of car; motor and headlights faile 10/26/1958 #15379  
 formation and manage to stay just ahead of USAF jets scrambled to intercep 12/19/1958 #15481  
m, Denmark saw a stationary object ahead in the sky. After about five secon 1/13/1959 #15550  
gar-shape going quickly west 1500M ahead. 4 silver rectangular panels / sid 1/14/1959 #15552  
e with tentacles crossing the road ahead of the truck. Two hours later, jus 1/30/1959 #15571  
ed; unidentified light source seen ahead of car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)     3/19/1959 #15651  
     Freeport, TX UFO crossed road ahead of car at low altitude. Motor and  8/13/1959 #15910  
ailed as UFO hovered low over road ahead (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)            10/22/1959 #16051  
pale-white light hovering 300 feet ahead of them. They watch it for 15 minu Late 8/1960 #16416  
r. Orange sphere crosses road just ahead / cruiser.                         10/1960 #16469  
lobe maneuvers slowly. Beams light ahead. Goes behind trees.                2/27/1961 #16604  
ere with light rays projecting out ahead of it was seen by Mrs. Lapham and  2/27/1961 #16610  
 large sphere of orange light rise ahead of him on the road. He was so frig 9/30/1961 #16880  
t rose up into the sky while still ahead of him. He was so frightened that  9/30/1961 #16882  
scending glowing object in the sky ahead of them. Assuming they are witness Late 11/1961 #16978  
lights not affected, as UFO passed ahead of car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)     2/9/1962 #17041  
ound was heard, the object spurted ahead again. After this procedure was re 4/18/1962 #17120  
ht yellow lights appear in the sky ahead. The lights cross the road and dis Late 4/1962 #17130  
onary lights low in the water dead ahead. Through binoculars he sees a squa 7/28/1962 #17295  
 the full moon when it is 300 feet ahead of them. It has a bulge at the top 8/1962 #17309  
ses above a Fiat truck in the road ahead of them. The truck stops, and the  8/1962 #17309  
owing-cylinder/cigar-shape on road ahead. Going west. / r79p19+/ r27p160.   8/6/1962 #17323  
oves about 300 feet above the road ahead of them. It is a domed disc with f Late 8/1962 #17361  
er. The object illuminates a truck ahead of them. The truck stops, and the  Late 8/1962 #17361  
up of figures in the road 260 feet ahead. He slows down to drive around the 11/1962 #17525  
d in plumage. Terrified, he speeds ahead and stops about 500 feet further a 11/1962 #17525  
d and stops about 500 feet further ahead. Turing around, he sees the entiti 11/1962 #17525  
 Clodomira the object kept jumping ahead of them. When the first lights of  11/26/1962 #17563  
haps millions or billions of years ahead of us, and creates the Kardashev s 1963 #17620  
ross and 12 feet high, in the road ahead. He is within 12 feet of it when h 6/28/1963 #17814  
s east on a gravel road, it shoots ahead of him, taking on an orange hue. A 8/4/1963 #17863  
ng in front of him in the driveway ahead, the driver stops the Fiat 2300 im 8/20/1963 #17912  
urned and followed his course just ahead. The object seemed to be 8-12 feet 10/31/1963 #18014  
e van for a while, finally zooming ahead over a hill and apparently descend 10/31/1963 #18014  
ame close to his light truck, flew ahead of him, then departed and appeared 10/31/1963 #18015  
 approached his pickup truck, flew ahead of him, then flew off and seemed t 10/31/1963 #18018  
mall black being crosses road 150M ahead. No UFO seen.                      11/1963 (approximate) #18021  
 KANAMACHI, JPN 3 / car. Black car ahead / Tokyo plates suddenly all smoke. 11/19/1963 #18048  
oing up and down [to] over roadway ahead / 4 min. Then going quickly west.  5/15/1964 #18267  
vers for 2 minutes then speeds off ahead of them, lighting up the valley as 6/1964 #18313  
bright object appeared on the road ahead. They drove very close to it and s 6/5/1964 #18331  
en found a huge object on the road ahead of them. Its bright light went out 6/5/1964 #18332  
ntly above the road. Some distance ahead there was a stationary rectangular 6/14/1964 #18358  
 made head-on passes at car, paced ahead of it, hovering and darting motion 6/29/1964 #18382  
llision course with the C-124 from ahead and below. The airplane evaded the 8/18/1964 #18495  
lurred reddish-white glare appears ahead and 500 feet below them on a colli 8/18/1964 #18497  
ision course with their C-124 from ahead and below. The airplane evaded the 8/18/1964 #18498  
 from an overhead Huey was focused ahead on a “large round object” resting  12/10/1964 #18655  
ped UFO slowly crossed the roadway ahead of him, causing his car to stall.  12/21/1964 #18671  
truck and stopped on the road 30 m ahead causing a car coming in the opposi 8/4/1965 #19313  
 then landed on the road 30 meters ahead causing a car coming from the oppo 8/4/1965 #19321  
ball-shaped UFO landed on the road ahead of her car. Two beings with slight 8/16/1965 #19410  
points a straw at Camilo, who runs ahead. He decides to return and take a c 10/22/1965 #19673  
wooped down and landed on the road ahead of the car. It rose just in time t 3/14/1966 #19969  
going quickly [to] across road 60m ahead / car. Type unknown. / r73p27.     3/24/1966 #20059  
tched a UFO pace their train, pull ahead, hover, and climb (maneuver). The  3/24/1966 #20064  
tting on tripod legs. His dog runs ahead and sniffs the boxy structure, and 3/29/1966 #20139  
 lights that hovered over the road ahead of a car, taking off at high speed 3/30/1966 #20154  
a cluster of lights on the highway ahead and slows down. When he is within  3/31/1966 #20179  
  At 2:00 a.m. a cluster of lights ahead over the road in Vicksburg, Michig 3/31/1966 #20181  
ith red and green body lights flew ahead of a car, circled back emitting so 4/7/1966 #20262  
rom behind, hovered over it, moved ahead, and ascended vertically out of si 4/9/1966 #20278  
t would alternately start and stop ahead of them playing cat and mouse. At  4/17/1966 #20305  
linking body lights pace above and ahead of heir car. A low humming sound w 4/22/1966 #20364  
d like 2 bowls, at 100 ft altitude ahead of a car (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 4/26/1966 #20420  
wls glued together, 30 m altitude, ahead of his car. Estimated diameter: 10 4/26/1966 #20421  
er. It flew at 30 meters altitude, ahead of his car. He estimated the diame 4/26/1966 #20422  
 when they saw lights on the water ahead. As they approached within a mile, 6/1/1966 #20518  
 when they see lights on the water ahead. They can see a disc with a dome o 6/1/1966 #20519  
ights like headlights on the water ahead. They continued talking, and appro 6/1/1966 #20520  
 the beach and saw, about 30 yards ahead, two men, talking, with their back 6/3/1966 #20529  
ts), buzzed over a car and hovered ahead over the road. (Fowler, 1974, p. 3 6/11/1966 #20551  
suddenly saw an object on the road ahead and another one following his car. 9/1966 #20823  
 sees something like a car on fire ahead of him. Suddenly he notices that a 9/1966 #20827  
. He accelerates toward the object ahead of him, which slides off the highw 9/1966 #20827  
erger, salesman, saw a dark object ahead of him on the road. It was flat on 11/2/1966 #21069  
oot above the ground, only 20 feet ahead. The object has a profile similar  Early 11/1966 #21070  
elling salesman, saw a dark object ahead of him on the road. It was flat on 11/2/1966 #21071  
nd his wife saw a UFO at 8:15 p.m. ahead of their car and to the left. It w 12/30/1966 #21232  
e nocturnal light stayed 150 yards ahead of him until his engine died and h 1/11/1967 #21288  
que radar tracks a target 39 miles ahead of the Lear Jet moving on the same 1/13/1967 #21299  
 radar tracked the object 39 miles ahead of the Lear jet moving on the same 1/13/1967 #21301  
overing about 4 feet over the road ahead of him. He estimated it to be 25 f 1/19/1967 #21349  
 feet above the road some 500 feet ahead of him. It has two antennae protru 1/19/1967 #21354  
in Lane City, Texas just 54 meters ahead of the car at treetop level. It th 2/19/1967 #21599  
ed by haze, hovered above the road ahead of a car, and then accelerated awa 3/10/1967 #21848  
nt-green lights low above the road ahead. As they are driving up a hill, th 3/12/1967 #21872  
ansas when they saw a bright light ahead on the road. The light then approa 3/21/1967 #21938  
ct at its top. Looking at the road ahead, Morris sees four or five large-he 3/28/1967 #22004  
pidly back and forth about 50 feet ahead. He slams on his brakes, but it is 3/28/1967 #22004  
o couples saw an unexplained light ahead and chased it in their car. Then t 4/21/1967 #22181  
n object 400 feet away on the road ahead. It is pewter-colored, shaped like 4/21/1967 #22194  
PA Metallic disk low / road. Paces ahead / car. Quickly going up [to] to ov 5/3/1967 #22268  
metallic-appearing gray disc paced ahead of a car, top section revolving an 5/3/1967 #22270  
gray metallic-appearing disc paced ahead of a car being driven by a Mrs. Sm 5/3/1967 #22271  
e 20, saw a green light in a field ahead of him, not far from the road. He  8/23/1967 #22906  
d at low altitude over the highway ahead of a pursuing police car. The obje 9/25/1967 #23130  
 7. They see something in the road ahead, far out of the range of their hea 10/21/1967 #23282  
, Hampstead, UK Domed disc hovered ahead, driver felt pressure on eardrums. 10/25/1967 #23316  
ghtning fighters fly low overhead. Ahead of the aircraft is a black, mushro 10/27/1967 #23353  
ar object with bright white lights ahead. Slowly rose and moved away; car c 10/28/1967 #23361  
and came to a stop and immediately ahead of them, hovering just five feet o 11/2/1967 #23392  
t in diameter hovering in the road ahead at about 160 feet in altitude. The 11/8/1967 #23425  
ey see a light blinking in the sky ahead, moving in an up-and-down motion t 12/5/1967 #23551  
te and overtake them, disappearing ahead.                                   1968 #23632  
ung men saw a UFO hover over a car ahead of them near Cochrane, Wisconsin.  3/4/1968 #23826  
onsin, see a UFO hover above a car ahead of them; its headlights suddenly g 4/4/1968 #23895  
amper who had run down to the lake ahead of all the others, saw the lighted 8/7/1968 #24308  
s observe a large, illuminated UFO ahead of the aircraft for several minute 10/24/1968 #24587  
me to rest on road about two miles ahead of them. It rose up and landed two 10/26/1968 #24590  
ed sphere follows car. Going north ahead. Possible landing.                 11/5/1968 #24632  
bany, GA Glowing yellow-white oval ahead of car, light beam struck car; col 11/22/1968 #24681  
llowish-white light about 200 feet ahead of him and 50–75 feet above the ro 11/23/1968 #24695  
t from a fishing boat in the water ahead. But the light suddenly moves from 1969 #24805  
 an ice- cream cone low in the sky ahead, traveling big end first. They get 1/25/1969 #24871  
an UFO at early dawn over the road ahead of him. It was about 100 ft. in di 3/4/1969 #24963  
anta, MO Luminous red object paced ahead of car, effects associated with be 3/4/1969 #24966  
emitting blinding light beam paced ahead of vehicle, heat felt. Light beam  3/4/1969 #24967  
aster, MO Light beam shone on road ahead of car, dog reacted. Witness drove 3/6/1969 #24975  
n saw a bluish-white beam of light ahead on the road. Her car slowed from a 3/6/1969 #24977  
beam of light was seen on the road ahead as a married woman drove between G 3/10/1969 #24990  
y encountered a disc-shaped object ahead on the road. The object lit up the 4/15/1969 #25064  
pain when they noticed some lights ahead, perhaps a kilometer away. As they 4/21/1969 #25079  
e noticed something about 50 yards ahead of his car. At first he thought it 5/11/1969 #25128  
ar. Saucer lifts car. Set down far ahead. Stops truck. / Flying Saucer Revi 7/23/1969 #25292  
t down a considerable distance far ahead in what seemed like an instant.    7/23/1969 #25294  
llic object hovering in the clouds ahead. He stops the car and gets his cam 8/1969 #25307  
ject approached, hovered over road ahead of car. Letter from B.C.M., dated  8/5/1969 #25309  
h, when seen again some 200 meters ahead, now appeared as a bright blue inv 8/19/1969 #25324  
matic, multi-colored aura 100 feet ahead. Inside the glow is a domed object 12/28/1969 #25512  
each ball. They get scared and run ahead to their house, slamming and locki Early 1970 #25524  
nd burying itself in the sand just ahead of the witness. Without giving it  8/15/1970 #25787  
oached the hull seemed to dissolve ahead of him. He walked through an openi 8/15/1970 #25787  
e was in a corridor that stretched ahead of him in both directions until it 8/15/1970 #25787  
 RAINHAM, KENT 2 / car. 20' saucer ahead. Car malfunctions due to EME (elec 8/20/1970 #25798  
 10–15 feet. At one point it moves ahead and hovers above a truck parked a  11/1/1970 #25898  
d Condamine when he noticed lights ahead on the right side of the road. As  3/5/1971 #26044  
n an “electric blue light” appears ahead and moves toward him, dancing erra 6/29/1971 #26203  
n front of the car. It now appears ahead of them on the right side of the r 9/19/1971 #26347  
neer abduction with car. Lands way ahead. UFO going south. No exams. / r215 9/20/1971 #26352  
om something that blocked the road ahead of him. He lost control of his car 9/25/1971 #26379  
 a white suit in the road directly ahead of his truck while driving near Ba 9/27/1971 #26384  
   APOLLO BEACH, FL 16M saucer 30M ahead / car. 120M altitude. 2M rectangul 2/11/1972 #26570  
 16 meter wide disc flew 30 meters ahead of his car at just 120 meters alti 2/11/1972 #26573  
e road. He was a few hundred yards ahead of her and was loping along quickl 3/7/1972 #26590  
ating yellow oval on road 5 meters ahead. Ballester Olmos, 1976, p. 37 (E)  6/9/1972 #26709  
yellow oval object visible on road ahead. Object illuminated trees as it de 6/9/1972 #26710  
ed but the headlights remained on. Ahead of his car, in the middle of the r 6/9/1972 #26711  
out and Dedeu was obliged to stop. Ahead of him on the road was what he fir 8/28/1972 #26966  
n, and walked slowly and awkwardly ahead, finally crossing diagonally to th 9/28/1972 #27038  
a blazing ovoid object on the road ahead. The diesel engine of the car stop 3/25/1973 #27377  
55 miles per hour. It then stopped ahead of the witness, pulsated and waite 3/27/1973 #27381  
aw a hovering object about 50 feet ahead and 40 feet above the road, and at 5/22/1973 #27519  
ittle figures standing in the road ahead of him. They had their arms raised 5/22/1973 #27520  
BIMBI, NSW Bright red object paces ahead / car. Follows winding road and la 9/2/1973 #27745  
rk," silver ellipse landed on road ahead of car, humanoid encounter. See Se 9/3/1973 #27752  
bject that descended onto the road ahead of the car. Two small beings emerg 9/3/1973 #27755  
 bright light appeared on the road ahead. As he approached, he saw it was a 10/1973 #27896  
t. It gained speed and disappeared ahead of his car. (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 10/1973 #27899  
aw the glare of a single headlight ahead of her that seemed to be stationar 10/16/1973 #28089  
ect landed on C.S, Rt 29, 300 feet ahead of Paul Brown's car (NICAP: 02 - C 10/17/1973 #28124  
 oval-shaped object about 300 feet ahead on the road. He stops and sees two 10/17/1973 #28132  
nielsville, Georgia about 300 feet ahead of Paul Brown's car, forcing him t 10/17/1973 #28139  
g when they began to bark. Further ahead he saw a landed, round UFO, 40-45  10/19/1973 #28198  
wo strange-looking figures 30 feet ahead of them on the road. Four feet tal 10/22/1973 #28241  
 as they tried to get off the road ahead of the approaching car. Mr. Donath 10/22/1973 #28244  
 above a pylon a quarter of a mile ahead of them. As they pass, it starts m 11/18/1973 #28442  
of a watermelon. It sometimes flew ahead of them and sometimes behind them, 11/18/1973 #28444  
t lights in front shining straight ahead, and smaller lights around the sid 1/4/1974 #28642  
ng steady white light about 6 feet ahead of and 3 feet above the car. The l 1/8/1974 #28666  
es something sitting on the ground ahead of her. It seems to be intact and  1/23/1974 #28694  
aw something sitting on the ground ahead of her. It seemed to be intact and 1/23/1974 #28695  
me back down, and coast to a stop. Ahead of them, just over a hill, they se 2/14/1974 #28772  
 [to] downhill. Brill domed saucer ahead. Force field?                      2/17/1974 #28776  
r-shaped object with colored rings ahead of plane confirmed by Milan radar, 3/9/1974 #28871  
range ovoid shaped object hovering ahead of his car. The object shot up rap 3/25/1974 #28950  
 when they notice a powerful light ahead at ground level. It consists of a  5/20/1974 #29119  
et, they see the light a few miles ahead. It appears to be about 33 feet in 6/9/1974 #29175  
told to look above the power lines ahead. He then observed a figure suspend 8/1/1974 #29298  
 passing over a bridge and the sky ahead lights up. The car then loses powe 9/16/1974 #29459  
s lit up by a bright area of light ahead. The mother tries to start the car 9/16/1974 #29459  
 when she noticed the sky light up ahead of her. Crossing a bridge, the car 9/16/1974 #29460  
ts go out. The UFO passes the road ahead and then lands on the left side ab 9/21/1974 #29467  
ard no sound. The light then moved ahead of her and she saw what appeared t 11/27/1974 #29614  
d on the opposite side of the road ahead. Slowing down to look, his headlig 12/2/1974 #29631  
with portholes flying in formation ahead and closing in on his aircraft. Th 5/6/1975 #30041  
 an object hovering above the road ahead of them. It seems 650–980 feet dis 7/1975 #30142  
heir way to work when they noticed ahead of them on the road a dark 1.20 me 8/16/1975 #30281  
t light that hovered over the road ahead of them. The car's engine died, bu 8/22/1975 #30299  
that appears overhead and slightly ahead of them. At first they think it mi Fall 1975 #30381  
flew over truck, hovered over road ahead, shone light beam toward truck. MU 10/17/1975 #30435  
ed over truck from behind, hovered ahead, lights and engine failed, light b 10/17/1975 #30436  
nd hovered about one hundred yards ahead of him. (Reference: Lawrence Fawce 10/18/1975 #30441  
en stops and hovers about 300 feet ahead of him. It directs a very bright l 10/18/1975 #30444  
en they see a red light in the sky ahead of them. As it approaches, they se Early 11/1975 #30539  
lack, revolving object in the road ahead. He has to drive his vehicle into  11/5/1975 #30561  
ferent colors, it hovered silently ahead of their car, which had slowed dow 11/27/1975 #30669  
ota when they were approached from ahead by a silent glowing red object at  11/27/1975 #30671  
driver driving saw a bright object ahead and to his left.. It was low to th 2/13/1976 #30868  
a saw a bright cigar-shaped object ahead and to his left at around four o'c 2/17/1976 #30877  
 dark figure float across the road ahead of them. at 9:45 p.m. Depite being 3/14/1976 #30940  
t vehicle with its lights flashing ahead of him as he is driving on Canada  4/22/1976 #31009  
is attention to a green light dead ahead through light fog three miles away 4/23/1976 #31017  
above the Martinet bridge, 75 feet ahead of her, a bright reddish-orange do 6/11/1976 #31103  
 a gigantic ball of light 200 feet ahead of them between Gáldar and Agaete, 6/22/1976 #31128  
ates a six-inch circle on the road ahead. The beam paces ahead of them for  8/6/1976 #31240  
 on the road ahead. The beam paces ahead of them for several miles, then co 8/6/1976 #31240  
te light then approaches and stops ahead. Strong heat builds up in the car, 8/6/1976 #31240  
oming from the sky struck the road ahead of their car. Despite the thick fo 8/6/1976 #31241  
, always staying the same distance ahead, then broke up into several “secti 8/6/1976 #31241  
topped over the road some distance ahead of them. Mr. Chiasson stopped the  8/6/1976 #31241  
og toward the fuzzy, intense light ahead. When they reached it, they found  8/6/1976 #31241  
y could see that there was nothing ahead of them, and the fog had practical 8/6/1976 #31241  
ide is slightly lower, closer, and ahead of the jet on the left. The pilot  8/13/1976 #31261  
 witness, then came to a halt just ahead of him. It projected an intense be 9/3/1976 #31341  
but the UFO accelerated and stayed ahead of the F-4 (confirmed by Radar). M 9/19/1976 #31396  
ellow and red lights about 2 miles ahead on the north side of the road. As  10/22/1976 #31486  
le daughter when he saw two lights ahead, which he first took to be a car p 10/24/1976 #31493  
Kentucky border and moves silently ahead into the eastern sky when he reach 11/24/1976 #31571  
 10 feet high, resting on the road ahead. When 20 meters from it she stoppe 12/10/1976 #31594  
 meters above the road, 3-4 meters ahead of her. It had two lights sunk int 12/10/1976 #31594  
 SPAIN 1 / car. 5M ovoid near road ahead. Leaves (something behind) 10M gre 12/30/1976 #31640  
of Cheste, the light seems to move ahead of them, get much closer, and exte 2/22/1977 #31839  
. He sees a shimmering oval object ahead of him and silently hovering about 3/4/1977 #31858  
 2 / car. Neon-pink triangle stays ahead / car. Stops / Terrigal Road.      3/22/1977 #31924  
M. Snowy morning. Blue lights were ahead which lady thought was a snow plou 3/23/1977 #31927  
M. Snowy morning. Blue lights were ahead which lady thought was a snow plou 3/23/1977 #31928  
r about 30 seconds and then rushes ahead of it and is gone in 3 seconds.    5/26/1977 #32135  
hey see a triangle of white lights ahead of them. When the lights get near  6/25/1977 #32194  
35 cm) object in the road directly ahead of him. It was too late to stop th 8/25/1977 #32423  
AM, MASS B Andreason warned 2 days ahead / death of 2 sons / auto wreck! .  10/20/1977 #32592  
 Abilene and Dallas, TX Red sphere ahead of airplane, navigation instrument 10/26/1977 #32615  
he glare of the headlights 26 feet ahead. The being is wearing a white fluo 1/2/1978 #32846  
re of the headlights, eight meters ahead. The being was wearing a white flu 1/2/1978 #32847  
eye level at some unknown distance ahead. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)      1/15/1978 #32884  
 up. An intensely bright object is ahead of them and about 45° up in the ea 2/5/1978 #32955  
re his dog awaited him, having run ahead. The car engine now worked, and he 2/5/1978 #32957  
S, IN Small brown ovoid stays 16km ahead / corporate plane. Then climbs. No 2/23/1978 #32992  
nd object with body lights hovered ahead of car, made pulsating sound; tilt 4/2/1978 #33117  
nd object with body lights hovered ahead of car, made pulsating sound. Tilt 4/2/1978 #33118  
ornia, when he sees a reddish glow ahead. Getting closer, he observes an ov 5/13/1978 #33202  
ifornia when he saw a reddish glow ahead. He drove up to investigate. Getti 5/13/1978 #33205  
proach the vessel. Later, straight ahead of the ship, a white luminescent s 6/15/1978 #33280  
ite gleam of light some 300 meters ahead on the road. As he came to the cur 7/8/1978 #33353  
ite gleam of light some 300 meters ahead on the road in Lempdes, Puy-de-Dom 7/8/1978 #33355  
they heard a noise from the bushes ahead. The youths saw a huge seven foot  7/9/1978 #33362  
delaide to Perth, Australia Object ahead of airliner, opening appeared, sma 8/22/1978 #33546  
arge cigar-shaped object that flew ahead of the airliner. An opening appear 8/22/1978 #33549  
t against a background of trees up ahead, lower than the treetops.          8/24/1978 #33563  
ame altitude (2,500 feet) directly ahead about 4 miles away. It moves close 8/27/1978 #33578  
ssing time. Observer(s) wakens 5mi ahead.                                   8/30/1978 #33599  
s down. When the light is 250 feet ahead, it goes out.                      9/4/1978 #33633  
an object descended on the highway ahead of him, directing a light beam on  9/14/1978 #33680  
 di Siena, Italy Orange domed disc ahead of car illuminated area, light bea 9/17/1978 #33699  
bject descended over the road just ahead of him and hovered. It was a domed 9/17/1978 #33703  
 brakes. 2 luminous/glowing globes ahead. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). 2  12/11/1978 #34088  
nous globes were blocking the road ahead. The engine of the vehicle then di 12/11/1978 #34090  
nous globes were blocking the road ahead. The engine of the vehicle then di 12/11/1978 #34093  
e turned to his right and slightly ahead of his car was a huge, long dark r 12/14/1978 #34117  
e turned to his right and slightly ahead of his car was a huge, long dark r 12/14/1978 #34127  
t descended and landed on the road ahead of him. The car's radio then stopp 12/15/1978 #34137  
orange ball is sitting in the road ahead, and two 3-foot-tall, copper- colo 1/18/1979 #34359  
g for no apparent reason. Glancing ahead of her, she saw a bright orange ho 2/21/1979 #34441  
d, AU Bright orange lights on road ahead, terrain illuminated, lights shot  5/6/1979 #34547  
ew of 11 people. About three miles ahead of the prow of the boat they saw a 6/22/1979 #34625  
isturbing event. About three miles ahead of the prow of the boat they saw a 6/22/1979 #34626  
 the edge of the disc, which moves ahead another 150–200 feet. The UFO then 7/4/1979 #34646  
 sighted something white and shiny ahead of him. He thought at first it was 7/25/1979 #34681  
south of Washington, Pennsylvania. Ahead of him on the left is a large, lum 8/16/1979 #34747  
. A black dot moves over the trees ahead of him about 50 feet up, slowing d 9/5/1979 #34839  
like jets around perimeter hovered ahead of car, darted from point to point 9/14/1979 #34880  
like jets around perimeter hovered ahead of car, darted from point to point 9/14/1979 #34882  
jets around the perimeter hovering ahead of their car at 7:55 p.m. It tilte 9/14/1979 #34885  
 is driving almost 6 miles further ahead at the intersection of Beaverton a 9/20/1979 #34907  
en they see a bright beam of light ahead. When the lead driver sees two “un 12/13/1979 #35079  
ensifies. When it is about 20 feet ahead, it stops and shoots to the southw 12/27/1979 #35101  
ears a deep humming sound. Looking ahead, he sees a machine with flames und 1/14/1980 #35135  
he object then stopped and hovered ahead just off the road. (NICAP: 02 - Cl 4/9/1980 #35261  
e beneath the cloud cover directly ahead of her car. It makes a U-turn, the 5/7/1980 #35314  
p came out of cloud cover directly ahead of the witness's car driving on I- 5/7/1980 #35316  
s silently above his car and hover ahead of him in close formation about 50 5/14/1980 #35331  
car. They then stopped and hovered ahead of him in close formation, at 500  5/14/1980 #35333  
ay of lights hovering above a hill ahead of him. They move low over the are 8/20/1980 #35469  
a from right to left, 300–600 feet ahead of him. It disappears, but another 8/20/1980 #35469  
tallic. It maintained its distance ahead of their plane for 5-6 seconds, th 8/28/1980 #35481  
ls his attention to a shiny object ahead of them. For the first 5–6 seconds 9/4/1980 #35494  
id over barn. Shoots colored beams ahead.                                   10/10/1980 #35563  
ght off to the side of highway and ahead of them at two o'clock in the morn 11/27/1980 #35675  
of five windows, blocking the road ahead. He fetl attracted to it, and alte 11/28/1980 #35680  
frey allegedly sees a bright light ahead on Burnley Road that appears to be 11/29/1980 #35682  
o passengers notice a bright light ahead. As they draw within about 130 fee 12/29/1980 #35757  
 in the black is hundreds of years ahead of open source, if true, though th 1981 #35765  
 see a disc-shaped object directly ahead and above them that has a red ligh 3/21/1981 #35871  
nsponder go out. The object shoots ahead of the plane by about 1,500 feet a 4/8/1981 #35887  
and shoots forward about 4–5 miles ahead of the plane, and makes an instant 4/8/1981 #35887  
car. 50cm fireball blocks road 15M ahead. Observer(s) turns around and flee 4/12/1981 #35890  
ights on his left less than a mile ahead. He sees an object hovering silent 5/20/1981 #35943  
hen a silvery disc darts into view ahead and above it. Expecting a mid-air  7/4/1981 #35987  
  LES ANGLES, FR 1 / car. Car just ahead gone when sudden fog lifts! No tur 9/20/1981 (approximate) #36133  
eir car and then crossing the road ahead of them. Nocturnal lights were see 10/26/1981 #36190  
ect with three legs landed on road ahead of car. See Section VI (E,L) car ( 12/19/1981 #36265  
swooped over vehicle, blocked road ahead of car. (Volume II, The UFO Eviden 12/19/1981 #36266  
 begins changing its speed, moving ahead of the plane and then allowing it  2/8/1982 #36327  
e point the light crosses the road ahead of him for a few miles, then recro 2/24/1982 #36365  
overing at tree top level straight ahead. Soon she found herself in a clear 3/1982 #36373  
 green light over a field directly ahead of her, south of Temperanceville,  11/19/1982 #36688  
 light flick by quickly in the sky ahead. It stops above the treetops and s Spring 1983 #36790  
er(s). Large boomerang shines beam ahead. Hovers over lake. Lights / rods.  3/26/1983 #36812  
 see a lighted area low in the sky ahead of them. Through binoculars, they  10/28/1983 #37027  
 long and 10 feet high in the road ahead. He stops 100 feet from it, turns  12/14/1983 #37074  
nd some 5-10 meters above the road ahead of him. He got to his home, got hi 2/3/1984 #37175  
nd some 5-10 meters above the road ahead of him. He got to his home, got hi 2/3/1984 #37176  
angular object straddling the road ahead. It has at least 60 lights arrayed 4/18/1984 #37267  
op in mid-air. They sped up to get ahead of the object, but the light dropp 7/15/1984 #37399  
op in mid-air. They sped up to get ahead of the object, but the light dropp 7/15/1984 #37401  
nding light from underside, landed ahead of car, car dragged toward UFO. Cl 12/14/1984 #37524  
ses the railway about 100–160 feet ahead of the train. The men feel as if h 2/1985 #37552  
rey, UK Disc-shaped object hovered ahead of car; second object paced alongs 9/15/1985 #37662  
rey, UK Disc-shaped object hovered ahead of car. Second object paced alongs 9/15/1985 #37663  
n duty sees a light on the horizon ahead. Initially he identifies it as the 12/23/1985 #37735  
apexes approached and then hovered ahead of a car with three witnesses near 3/25/1986 #37810  
imaginary center, stopped with one ahead of the other, and moved off. One o 6/26/1986 #37925  
hite lights flickering on the road ahead. They drive cautiously forward and 10/14/1986 #38048  
d, AU Bright blue-green oval paced ahead of car, buzzing sound, forward mot 10/20/1986 #38051  
ensland, Australia Blue-green oval ahead of car, forward motion impeded     10/20/1986 #38053  
nd trees. The object went straight ahead, and then shot straight up, paused 9/24/1987 #38294  
N 5 NNE / BADEN-BADEN 2 / car. Car ahead blows gray smoke. Then white. Vani 10/14/1987 #38302  
an odd-looking figure in the trail ahead of him. It is dark green and about 12/1/1987 #38345  
 Tasmania Elliptical object landed ahead of car, blocked road; headlights a 12/14/1987 #38362  
 Tasmania Elliptical object landed ahead of car, blocked road. Headlights a 12/14/1987 #38363  
al-shaped object lands on the road ahead of a Mercedes car near Launceston, 12/14/1987 #38364  
e, Florida when an object appeared ahead of him shining a white beam of lig 1/12/1988 #38411  
bserve a bright, egg-shaped object ahead of them on the road near Mundrabil 1/20/1988 #38422  
ver named Graham Henley is driving ahead of the Knowles’s car; he sees a br 1/20/1988 #38422  
ngle going east low over road just ahead. Lights flash.                     1/22/1988 #38428  
o the east low over the road, just ahead of the two witnesses' car in Kettl 1/22/1988 #38429  
asmania Motorists saw bright light ahead, engine lost power, radio failed.  3/23/1988 #38519  
asmania Motorists saw bright light ahead, engine lost power, radio failed.  3/23/1988 #38520  
 BREEZE, FL 1 / US98. Saucer stays ahead of van. Blue beam going down / roa 4/28/1988 #38546  
 pace his van. The UFO stayed just ahead of the van and beamed a blue beam  4/28/1988 #38547  
otices a brilliant glow in the sky ahead of him. It is so bright he can har 12/4/1988 #38743  
served a strange form hovering low ahead of them, composed of superimposed  12/18/1988 #38756  
rmittent circular flashes of light ahead of them. As they got closer they s 2/7/1989 #38820  
et. The object suddenly moved dead ahead to the 12 o'clock position and it  7/22/1989 #39030  
 flashing, blue-green lights paced ahead of car. MUFON UFO Journal, April 1 1/20/1990 #39382  
with two rows of lights paced just ahead of car for two to three miles. Eng 1/20/1990 #39383  
with two rows of lights flies just ahead of a car for two to three miles on 1/20/1990 #39384  
 At 10:05 p.m., he sees the object ahead and to the right. He tracks it on  3/21/1990 #39475  
p.m. first saw three bright lights ahead. They heard a "click" and then saw 4/17/1990 #39532  
e, when he spotted about 100 yards ahead of him two short figures that quic 8/31/1990 #39707  
that quickly crossed from the road ahead of him. Both were about one meter  8/31/1990 #39707  
wo motionless, bright white lights ahead of them to the left over a range o 10/14/1990 #39785  
e-green cylinder/cigar-shape stops ahead / plane. / r150.                   3/6/1991 #39995  
ngston, Ontario, CAN Cigar stopped ahead of Flight 866 (NICAP: 11 - Aviatio 3/6/1991 #39996  
 866 near Kingston, Ontario, stops ahead of the airliner, then proceeds to  3/6/1991 #39999  
igar-shaped UFO stopped in the sky ahead of an airliner, Air Charter flight 3/6/1991 #40001  
meter, smooth, and some 1,600 feet ahead and above. It is on a collision co 7/15/1991 #40123  
m of white light strike the ground ahead of them. From the ground it became 9/22/1992 #40636  
Silver 30' saucer 3' over road 12' ahead. Blocks 2 / car. Vanishes. Near ra 11/19/1992 #40718  
 and local police. The police call ahead to alert the meteorological office 3/31/1993 #40914  
e driving, and about one kilometer ahead they encounter another bright ligh 8/8/1993 #41117  
, FR 2 observer(s) / car. Odd glow ahead / RTE D16. Dome-saucer is source.  7/16/1994 #41625  
ter a bright illumination was seen ahead of two witnesses driving on Route  7/16/1994 #41627  
s truck stops dead. About 240 feet ahead is a huge object on three landing  3/30/1995 #42127  
disk going quickly north over road ahead. Engine quits. Radio effected.     5/7/1995 #42185  
c-shaped object flew over the road ahead of a car with two witnesses in Mas 5/7/1995 #42190  
oculars. Red-orange fireball flies ahead of plane going quickly SSE.        6/29/1995 #42281  
nd his copilot see a metallic glow ahead of them to the right. The air traf 8/8/1995 #42368  
 it. Disk separated and going [to] ahead.                                   2/4/1996 #42738  
ots a bright flash in the sky just ahead of them. A silver-gray metallic UF 12/19/1996 #43148  
ends toward the road a mile or two ahead. From the top of a hill, they see  2/1998 #43509  
eet off the ground, and they speed ahead into town.                         2/1998 #43509  
separated from her friend and went ahead. In a short while she saw a flash  8/22/1999 #43831  
rt while she saw a flash of motion ahead, perhaps some 50 feet away. It was 8/22/1999 #43831  
hat she had seen. They both walked ahead to investigate the point on the pa 8/22/1999 #43831  
 spotted two strange yellow lights ahead on the roadway. The driver flashed 7/13/2000 #44016  
g, a car drove around him, pulling ahead of him quite a distance, and then  8/11/2000 #44030  
 just beyond a thin grove of trees ahead of her. It is slowly moving westwa 10/31/2000 #44068  
 an object resembling a shiny pear ahead in the middle of the roadway. It w 3/26/2002 #44326  
 as they got closer the two lights ahead changed position, and what she saw 9/15/2002 #44398  
ed objects, which remained visible ahead of the aircraft for between 10 and 3/25/2004 #44679  
right blue light about a half-mile ahead on the exit ramp for south-bound E 7/27/2004 #44718  
ed object with rows of lights flew ahead, dashed right and back, and then r 10/30/2004 #44775  
at black budget physics is decades ahead of physics in the open source. Dea 10/2006 #44970  
 Islands (southwest and 12 o’clock ahead) what appears to be a brilliant ye 4/23/2007 #45022  
ees two stationary lights directly ahead. They are as bright as welding arc 1/8/2008 #45112  
rd them from the east and crossing ahead of them at an altitude of 20 feet  8/9/2017 #45478  
sferred to Lockheed Martin in 1977 ahead of expected USG oversight in 1979. 4/29/2020 #45644  
## Word: "ahern" (Back to Top)
t Bluebook Case #3800. Prather and Ahern. Silver-white saucer / 5K' altitud 10/8/1955 #12493  
diana Witnesses:  R.D. Prather, H. Ahern. One round, silver or white object 10/8/1955 #12495  
              R. D. Prather and H. Ahern sighted a round, silverly white fl 10/8/1955 #12496  
## Word: "ahilinco" (Back to Top)
two people, including the mayor of Ahilinco, Neuquen province, Argentina sa 2/11/1980 #35171  
## Word: "ahlgren" (Back to Top)
 the Air Administration; Maj. Nils Ahlgren and Capt. Gerdt Stangenberg from 7/6/1946 #2027  
f of Swedish Air Defense Maj. Nils Ahlgren says that some of the rockets ar 8/8/1946 #2111  
## Word: "ahmad" (Back to Top)
ghts descend nearby them. (Source: Ahmad Jamaludin, FSR, December 1988, p.  1/24/1982 #36310  
 Nur-a-Shamat Camp, Israel - Daoud Ahmad awoke a one o'clock in the morning 12/26/1996 #43150  
## Word: "ahmadi" (Back to Top)
                                AL AHMADI, KUWAIT 2 separate observer(s). B 9/1957 (approximate) #13963  
## Word: "ahmed" (Back to Top)
                              Sidi Ahmed Air Base Bizerte Airport, Tunisia  8/8/1976 #31247  
iterranean 7:50 p.m. Radar at Sidi Ahmed Air Base at Bizerte Airport, Tunis 8/8/1976 #31247  
## Word: "ahmedabad" (Back to Top)
pu valley, Himachal Pradesh, India Ahmedabad Early morning. A five-member t 9/27/2004 #44762  
ion’s Space Applications Centre in Ahmedabad are on a research trip in the  9/27/2004 #44762  
## Word: "aho" (Back to Top)
ar Landers, California, Wayne Sulo Aho goes for a walk and sees a “majestic 5/11/1957 #13656  
n his earthly mission. That night, Aho undergoes a “cosmic initiation.”     5/11/1957 #13656  
Truman Bethurum, John McCoy, Wayne Aho, Daniel Fry, and Reinhold O. Schmidt 5/31/1958 #15064  
antastic stories, among them Wayne Aho and Buck Nelson himself.             6/28/1958 #15123  
o do so. Contactee associate Wayne Aho escapes arraignment, while Norman Co 5/28/1959 #15749  
## Word: "ahoskie" (Back to Top)
                                   AHOSKIE, NC Numerous observer(s) / Rhue  4/5/1950 #4797  
## Word: "ahrens" (Back to Top)
s. The Colorado project sends John Ahrens and Norm Levine to investigate. T 9/11/1967 #23046  
## Word: "ahsan" (Back to Top)
ational Airport 6:20 p.m. Mohammad Ahsan and four colleagues see two triang 11/27/1995 #42625  
## Word: "ahtanum" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Ahtanum” YieldMax: 20KT                  9/13/1963 #17933  
             Toppenish, Washington Ahtanum, Washington 4:00 a.m. A couple d Fall 1975 #30381  
ky and disappears. When they reach Ahtanum, Washington, about 25 miles from Fall 1975 #30381  
## Word: "ahu" (Back to Top)
                                   AHU, NINGINO ISLANDS, PNG Night light ch 8/24/1957 #13928  
## Word: "ahuacatlan" (Back to Top)
                                   AHUACATLAN, NAYARIT, MX 300+mayor / fies 3/22/1995 (approximate) #42113  
## Word: "ahvaz" (Back to Top)
                        Abadan and Ahvaz btn., Iran On this night a man wit 6/28/1977 #32202  
 on the highway between Abadan and Ahvaz, Iran when he suddenly felt heat f 6/28/1977 #32202  
                            Abadan Ahvaz Khuzestan Iran Night. A man with a 6/28/1977 #32203  
 on the highway between Abadan and Ahvaz, Khuzestan, Iran, when he suddenly 6/28/1977 #32203  
 on the highway between Abadan and Ahvaz, Iran when he suddenly felt heat f 6/28/1977 #32204  
                                   Ahvaz Tehran, Iran Mehrabad Airport An I 4/1978 #33111  
an airline pilot is flying between Ahvaz and Tehran, Iran, when he sees a g 4/1978 #33111  
                                   AHVAZ GOING [TO] TEHRAN, IRAN Airliner s 4/15/1978? #33147  
## Word: "ahwahnee" (Back to Top)
                                   AHWAHNEE, CA Night lights / precise form 4/22/1991 #40047  
                                In Ahwahnee, Madera County, California a 53 4/22/1991 #40048  
## Word: "ai" (Back to Top)
the Hawaii Operation and Operation AI and as Operation Z during its plannin 12/7/1941 #1377  
 Morning Post: China military uses AI to track rapidly increasing UFOs. To  6/4/2021 #45692  
sts and analyzes imagery data with AI capabilities. According to the record 2/27/2023 #45795  
## Word: "aiaa" (Back to Top)
en publicly admitted.  https://arc.aiaa.org/doi/abs/10.2514/6.1968-24   htt 1968 #23633  
 for Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) published its report, UFO, An Appr 11/1970 #25896  
 scope of that study.  https://arc.aiaa.org/doi/pdf/10.2514/6.2001-3907     6/2001 #44189  
## Word: "aic" (Back to Top)
sk dispatched Sgt. Dwight Reid and AIC Michael Tash to the scene. After 17  10/14/1972 #27077  
## Word: "aich" (Back to Top)
                              SIDI AICH = TINEBDAR, ALGERIA Many observer(s 8/13/1992 #40568  
## Word: "aid" (Back to Top)
p, a secret recruitment program to aid in postwar military research. The Jo 7/20/1945 #1903  
that press releases be created to “aid in dispelling public apprehension.”  8/10/1949 #4315  
rogen bomb, and increased military aid to US allies for the containment of  4/7/1950 #4818  
 It rises from the ground with the aid of a central cylinder and is surroun 6/17/1950 #4991  
tigated closely and recorded as an aid to further research,” but the RAAF’s 11/20/1953 #9313  
 to drive to his home and call for aid. Six weeks later, a New Jersey workm 10/2/1956 #13258  
the other children had come to her aid, she was about one meter off the gro 6/30/1967 #22580  
re installed around Groom Lake (to aid stealth testing of the SR-71), and B 3/1968 #23797  
ng a multiple personality with the aid of hypnosis, a procedure he describe 5/13/1968 #23959  
hem Rogelio Gianomini, came to her aid and found a strange white substance  7/15/1968 #24179  
ideways. The third girl ran to the aid of the first witness who was so frig 3/22/1969 #25037  
 trees, moving very fast. With the aid of a telescope she observed in the f 3/20/1973 #27353  
 colors, Sam." Talking without the aid of a microphone, his lips did not mo 5/15/1973 #27492  
can hardly now be seen without the aid of binoculars. The object was observ 11/15/1975 #30622  
ecall their experience through the aid of hypnotic regression. They recalle 6/20/1976 #31117  
hotographed them, perhaps with the aid of a minature, concealed camera. Wha 8/10/1976 #31252  
as sighted over the city. With the aid of binoculars figures could reported 5/26/1979 #34586  
as sighted over the city. With the aid of binoculars figures could reported 5/26/1979 #34592  
s witness this and come running to aid him. The light blinks out again and  7/4/1979 #34646  
eveloped by private firm Inslaw to aid prosecutors in tracking cases. Insla 1982 #36286  
refused any hypnotic regression to aid him in recovering his memories of th 12/31/1989 #39345  
d another witness watched with the aid of night vision goggles as the objec 12/1/1993 #41316  
 abduction experiences without the aid of hypnosis. She is disturbed to fin 1994 #41345  
 duration of its landing. With the aid of binoculars and telescopes, the wi 9/26/1997 #43417  
d diplomat who now needs a hearing aid. In October, the Associated Press re 8/2017 #45477  
## Word: "aida" (Back to Top)
object hovers over bow / steamship Aida. / APRO 9'59.                       8/31/1959 #15943  
## Word: "aidan" (Back to Top)
ole of J. Allen Hynek is played by Aidan Gillen, with Laura Mennell as Mimi 1/8/2019 #45557  
## Word: "aide" (Back to Top)
in 11:30 p.m. A lieutenant and his aide see a strong light coming from a ho 7/25/1938 #1288  
 Roosevelt gives the letter to his aide, Brig. Gen. Edwin “Pa” Watson with  8/2/1939 #1313  
k or position, but he is a special aide to Gen. Henry H. “Hap” Arnold.      12/1945 #1948  
dent Harry S. Truman asks his USAF aide, Col. Robert B. Landry, to give him 1948 #3526  
ks Col. Robert B. Landry, his USAF aide, to provide him with quarterly verb Spring 1948? #3594  
equest from J. Edgar Hoover to his aide D. Milton (“Mickey”) Ladd on “just  3/28/1950 #4749  
          Gen. Cabell, through his aide Col. Barber, sends a notice to AMC  7/7/1950 #5049  
aspects of the problem.” Samford’s aide, Gen. William M. Garland, tells the 12/19/1951 #5821  
England, to relate his story to an aide. A full report of the interview is  Mid 3/1954 #9622  
Hathaway [Col. E. U. Hathaway, his aide] to see it,” the report says. “Col. 10/4/1955 #12488  
 the train at 7:10 p.m. he and his aide saw a disc-shaped UFO slowly ascend 10/4/1955 #12489  
p.m. EST. While driving, a nurse's aide saw a large, bright red elliptical  3/29/1966 #20132  
urse, a nursing supervisor, and an aide saw a slowing white light that at t 3/23/1967 #21952  
en he flew up on the roof with the aide of two tanks on his back shooting o 6/9/1967 #22484  
00 p.m. Margaret K. Roffe, nurse’s aide at the Coatesville (Pennsylvania) V 5/5/1974 #29085  
 Mrs. Margaret K. Roffe, a nurse's aide at the local Veterans Administratio 5/7/1974 #29093  
thods.” At one point, Bush and his aide Jennifer Fitzgerald take Carter and 11/19/1976 #31557  
ard comes from Charles Lombard, an aide to Sen. Barry Goldwater and a forme 10/1978 #33786  
C. B. Scott Jones (Hummingbird, an aide to Sen. Claiborne Pell, D-R.I.), US Fall 1986 #38034  
nes. Jones previously served as an aide to Sen. Claiborne Pell from 1985-19 4/15/1993 #40934  
de Carballo De Trinidad, a nurse's aide at a local boarding home for the el 3/6/1996 #42811  
), for whom Corso had served as an aide. Thurmond writes, “He has many inte 6/1997 #43304  
## Word: "aided" (Back to Top)
ation in investigating them. He is aided in his statement by ufologist Leon 11/28/1977 #32702  
to recall an abduction experience, aided by some disturbing dreams and odd  9/1982 #36590  
e "Grey" Aliens. NASA CIR film has aided in locating this base and revealin 6/6/1988 #38581  
## Word: "aides" (Back to Top)
onal Administrative Assistants and Aides) in the Rayburn Building in Washin 6/3/1968 #24001  
ordinator. According to one of his aides, Igor Sinitsin, it is KGB Chairman 10/1977 #32539  
## Word: "aiding" (Back to Top)
SS plan is approved. It is seen as aiding ATIC and giving AISS personnel va 3/23/1953 #8780  
rk for the CIA in 1949 when it was aiding Albanian resistance fighters.)    10/10/1967 #23204  
arrested in Las Vegas, Nevada, for aiding and abetting a prostitution ring. 6/5/1990 #39606  
## Word: "aids" (Back to Top)
                           Landing Aids Experiment Station in Arcata, Calif Spring 1948 #3593  
 Kenneth Arnold visits the Landing Aids Experiment Station in Arcata, Calif Spring 1948 #3593  
## Word: "aiglun" (Back to Top)
                                   AIGLUN, FR 2 observer(s). Silent fuselag 11/11/1980 #35628  
## Word: "aiguafreda" (Back to Top)
                                   AIGUAFREDA, SP Bright night light maneuv 1/12/1974 #28675  
## Word: "aigues-mortes" (Back to Top)
                                   AIGUES-MORTES, FR Several observer(s). S 12/5/1973 #28520  
## Word: "aiken" (Back to Top)
        Savannah River Atomic Site Aiken, South Carolina 10:00 a.m. Enginee 7/19/1952 #6931  
he Savannah River Atomic Site near Aiken, South Carolina, watch a greenish  7/19/1952 #6931  
## Word: "ail" (Back to Top)
states the weapon was developed by AIL Electronics and it was tested at For 9/28/1989 #39132  
## Word: "ail-eaton" (Back to Top)
chols claims he begins working for AIL-Eaton, a defense contractor on Long  1/1971 #25962  
                           Alleged AIL-Eaton contractor Preston Nichols cla 1/1971 #25963  
## Word: "aileen" (Back to Top)
 Channel 2:00 p.m. Ann Druffel and Aileen Cummings are at Long Beach, Calif Late 8/1962 #17360  
## Word: "ailerons" (Back to Top)
 orange, barrel-shaped object with ailerons as it flew over the road fast,  9/6/1988 #38635  
ect that has no wings, no tail, no ailerons, no obvious signs of propulsion 6/10/2021 #45693  
## Word: "ailleris" (Back to Top)
                          Philippe Ailleris, amateur astronomer and founder 1/2011 #45311  
## Word: "ailment" (Back to Top)
eille,” who is suffering from some ailment. In one of her sessions, Mireill 1895 #318  
omes down with a mysterious throat ailment and goes to Mercy Hospital on Ap 4/19/1959 #15708  
 he found himself cured of a liver ailment, which until then had been givin 3/5/1971 #26044  
## Word: "ailments" (Back to Top)
tion. He suffered various physical ailments later. Jose Antonio has repeate 5/4/1969 #25115  
 several days he suffered physical ailments of an unknown cause. Eleven mon 5/22/1973 #27519  
rprised to find that their various ailments, which included the flu and a m 7/12/1975 #30175  
lth concerns is unknown, but these ailments manifest as symptoms that are s 2/6/2019 #45560  
## Word: "aim" (Back to Top)
to within six feet and appeared to aim some type of tube or pipe at him. Th 2/18/1948 #3580  
 direction of Sidney Gottlieb. Its aim is to develop mind-controlling drugs 4/13/1953 #8823  
ecided to found the S.I.V with the aim to get every possible information ab 2/19/1954 (approximate) #9557  
would be brought together with the aim of promoting Atlanticism. Retinger a 5/29/1954 #9840  
ngs as a tool in the Cold War. Its aim is to cause the Soviet Union to wast 3/1962 #17066  
ed their examination of a plant to aim a small device at him, causing inhib 7/1/1965 #19045  
ed their examination of a plant to aim a small device at him, causing him t 7/1/1965 #19049  
uilding. 3 different colored beams aim down from dome.                      4/25/1974 #29061  
 TRANENT, SCOTLAND Saucer tilts to aim beam / ground. Beam ends in midair a 2/2/1979 #34401  
ARSHALL, TX Silent saucer tilts to aim beams / truck. Going northwest. Elec 11/24/1981 #36229  
sk going down / field. Observer(s) aim light. Saucer shines light back and  4/25/1994 #41502  
## Word: "aim-9" (Back to Top)
 of speed. Jafari tries to fire an AIM-9 heat-seeking missile at it, but hi 9/18/1976 #31395  
ent the F-4 pilot tried to lock an AIM-9 missile at the UFO he lost all wea 9/19/1976 #31396  
an Air Force F-4 Phantom jets with AIM-9 missiles were scrambled to interce 9/19/1976 #31411  
## Word: "aim-9x" (Back to Top)
tive-carry training version of the AIM-9X Sidewinder missile. However, in t 4/24/2014 #45408  
## Word: "aime" (Back to Top)
d maneuvers. No further details. / Aime Michele.                            9/19/1954 #10354  
VIC) orthotenic line discovered by Aime Michel and confirmed by Dr. David R 9/24/1954 #10439  
ly when she looked back. (Sources: Aime Michel, Flying Saucers and the Stra 10/15/1954 #11120  
                La Madiere, France Aime Boussard, 47, a farmer, was suddenl 10/26/1954 #11414  
ning in La Madiere, Creuse, France Aime Boussard, a 47-year-old farmer, was 10/26/1954 #11422  
## Word: "aimed" (Back to Top)
d-range developments of V-1s being aimed for the Gulf of Bothnia for test p 8/22/1946 #2150  
d 4 gigahertz, from Soviet sources aimed at the US embassy in Moscow are fi 1/1953 #8486  
standing near a tree. The creature aimed the beam from a sort of flashlight 10/20/1954 #11274  
what looked like a flashlight, and aimed a beam of light from it at him. He 10/20/1954 #11283  
side of the helmet. The individual aimed at the witness the beam of two blu 10/26/1954 #11414  
or 10 minutes while the lights are aimed at him. Then the entity crosses th 10/26/1954 #11418  
ther side of the helmet. The being aimed two beams of blue light at the wit 10/26/1954 #11422  
g to steal the animals, the farmer aimed a rifle at the intruders, but it f 11/14/1954 #11648  
but was paralyzed by a violet beam aimed at him by one of the creatures. Al 12/19/1954 #11837  
, he is paralyzed by a violet beam aimed at him by one of the creatures. Al 12/19/1954 #11838  
uminated with two brilliant lights aimed directly from the object. He runs  8/1/1955 #12317  
r, and a figure on board the craft aimed at them a beam so bright they "fel 10/8/1957 #14076  
nd a figure onboard the craft then aimed a beam of energy at them that was  10/8/1957 #14079  
ight, as if a searchlight had been aimed at the room. It came from an objec 10/25/1957 #14154  
ight, as if a searchlight had been aimed at her room. It came from an objec 10/25/1957 #14157  
 coma was put in a special chamber aimed at supporting its vital functions. 1/21/1959 #15560  
degrees from the vertical, and one aimed straight up vertically. All beams  8/4/1959 #15895  
ght: 2 m; width, 1.5 m. When Uribe aimed a rifle at the object, it went out 8/9/1959 #15897  
nd 1.5 meters in width. When Uribe aimed his rifle at the object it went ou 8/9/1959 #15899  
nder Project Preserve Destiny that aimed to develop people with “intcomm” ( 1/1963 #17625  
r about 20 minutes a spotlight was aimed at the object, and it went away. I 6/12/1964 #18348  
e object with the truck headlights aimed on it, and was surprised to see tw 7/21/1967 #22722  
of the object, with the headlights aimed on it, and was surprised to see tw 7/31/1967 #22760  
object with the truck's headlights aimed at it. The craft had a spherical c 7/31/1967 #22762  
tion. He found a strong light beam aimed at him from a mushroom-shaped craf 10/30/1967 #23369  
tion. He found a strong light beam aimed at him from a mushroom-shaped craf 10/30/1967 #23372  
away. A vertical beam of light was aimed at him for a second as the object  11/2/1968 #24624  
 away. A vertical beam of light is aimed at him for a second as the object  11/2/1968 #24625  
ndow. A vertical beam of light was aimed at him for a second as the object  11/2/1968 #24626  
tting, so it appeared to have been aimed at her. She compared the type of l 8/11/1971 #26280  
rt thick ruler with a pointed tip, aimed at the car. The taller entity wore 1/7/1974 #28661  
 low altitude shoots away when gun aimed.                                   8/30/1978 #33595  
ove the ground, with a searchlight aimed downward on cattle below.          4/9/1979 #34505  
h a bright white directional light aimed at a right angle to him. A red lig 2/6/1987 #38113  
             Crestview, FL Witness aimed rifle at hovering disc, brilliant  4/21/1989 #38917  
ped object hovered nearby. The man aimed a .22 rifle at the hovering disc,  4/21/1989 #38919  
ar objects flying in N. One object aimed an intense white beam at their car 10/15/1996 #43071  
iuquan Satellite Launch Center and aimed at a point somewhere in the easter 7/7/2010 #45286  
es custom video screen billboards, aimed at providing “advanced technology  10/17/2019 #45612  
global campaign by a hostile power aimed at hundreds of US diplomats and sp 1/19/2022 #45735  
## Word: "aiming" (Back to Top)
enly saw a figure in a diving suit aiming a double beam of light at him. Th 10/9/1954 #10849  
enly saw a figure in a diving suit aiming a double beam of light at him. Th 10/9/1954 #10867  
as a threat trajectory potentially aiming for a nuclear knockout kill of th 9/20/1957 #14020  
, he shot at it twice with the .22 aiming over its head; it slowly descende 1/11/1976 #30785  
 into the landed UFO. The humanoid aiming the beam of light then preceded t 7/11/1978 #33368  
 home in Brewster, New York. It is aiming two very bright searchlight beams 3/24/1983 #36807  
of Boreon, Alpes-Maritime, France, aiming beam of light apparently randomly 4/22/1996 #42879  
## Word: "aimlessly" (Back to Top)
 20–30 red and green lights flying aimlessly above the city dump. They pull 9/6/1968 #24434  
 get away but his legs just cycled aimlessly in mid-air. He had vague memor 1/1/1977 #31683  
ection finder, which drifts around aimlessly. As he begins descending into  6/8/1991 #40092  
## Word: "aims" (Back to Top)
 BLYTHE, ENGL Cylinder/cigar-shape aims 5 beams / ships bridge. Does same t 5/14/1909 #743  
LLS, OK 2 observer(s). Large ovoid aims beams going down / snow. Slight his 1/1924 #1037  
uman/entity looks through windows. Aims device and people pass out. Odd sme 8/8/1944 #1635  
     WEST / STOCKTON, KS 4' saucer aims pipe / farmer 6' away! Wobbles and  2/18/1948 #3578  
ots inland. Hovers / oil refinery. Aims beams.                              6/30/1950 #5024  
Domed tank / US101. Lit portholes. Aims beam / bank / clay. Away fast.      8/10/1950 #5116  
   WEST PALM BEACH, FL Scoutmaster aims flashlight at saucer. Zapped and bu 8/19/1952 #7643  
art of its body is like a cone. It aims a light beam at Pugina that paralyz 10/19/1954 #11243  
8M ovoid / 12M altitude over tree. Aims beams going [to] house. Observer(s) 10/28/1954 #11457  
ar. Circles area counterclockwise. Aims beams / light. Going quickly southe 11/22/1956 #13344  
id going down. Stops 3M over snow. Aims strong beam. Quickly going up [to]  11/17/1957 #14569  
   NORTH / GRANTS, NM White saucer aims colored beams all over/all about mi 4/19/1958 #14996  
of State confirms that the project aims to “help Cuba overthrow the Communi 11/30/1961 #16984  
 regime,” including Castro, and it aims “for a revolt which can take place  11/30/1961 #16984  
ick on the ground, picks it up and aims it at the cyclops, who turns around 8/28/1963 #17922  
, VA 10M saucer 60M over farm. Cop aims light. Saucer quickly going up. Dog 8/9/1966 #20732  
    SOUTHWEST / KINGMAN, AZ Object aims beam going down / angle. Lights des 2/16/1967 #21562  
           KULIKUP, WEST AUS Ovoid aims blue-beam / car. Electro-magnetic e 10/30/1967 #23365  
round object going down. 45° turn. Aims beam / boat. Quickly going up.      11/22/1968 #24677  
ZA, ARG Saucer wobbles and steams. Aims zoom-lens going [to] microwave dish 5/24/1971 #26126  
   MONTCUQ, LOT UFO with portholes aims beams all over fields. Shape obscur 2/21/1974 #28786  
oing north / 2200h. Wobby descent. Aims beams.                              6/18/1974 #29209  
ds something like a flashlight and aims a beam that strikes Barroso in the  4/3/1976 #30983  
ver(s) flees when sphere/orb/globe aims beam.                               6/24/1978 #33301  
effects) entirely. Luminous object aims beam / car. OK afterward. Type unkn 12/12/1978 #34096  
ject going down / Monte S. Angelo. Aims strong beams. Quickly going up [to] 3/18/1985 #37571  
Many report(s). UFO / low altitude aims beams / cars / US1+pond Street. Typ 11/25/1985 #37725  
         CRESTVIEW, FL Observer(s) aims .22 at 90' saucer. Beam hits and ri 4/21/1989 #38915  
USSIA 45' saucer. 3M robot / park. Aims rod. Boy vanishes and reappears. /  9/27/1989 #39122  
northeast going quickly southwest. Aims at airbase. 2 30M glowing-circles f 10/17/1993 #41240  
d several. Red moon-size fireball. Aims beams quickly going down. Going sou 8/19/1994 #41680  
e Demon-Haunted World, in which he aims to explain the scientific method to 1995 #41923  
 light hovers between 2 mountains. Aims beam randomly / slopes. Going south 4/22/1996 (approximate) #42878  
 and much larger than an airplane, aims an intense white light at their car 10/15/1996 #43070  
s. Bowl-saucer with square windows aims beam going down / lake. / LDLN#342. 10/25/1996 #43094  
Sverker Göranson announces that he aims to force the unidentified submarine 10/21/2014 #45419  
## Word: "aimé" (Back to Top)
rable. Some ufologists, among them Aimé Michel and James E. McDonald, have  10/1/1948 #3827  
se, France La Vaureille 10:45 p.m. Aimé Bousard is returning on his bicycle 10/26/1954 #11418  
                  French ufologist Aimé Michel publishes The Truth about Fl 1956 #12633  
           France French ufologist Aimé Michel publishes Flying Saucers and 1958 #14781  
s Vallée meets, through his friend Aimé Michel, with physicist Yves Rocard  8/1/1966 #20717  
## Word: "ain" (Back to Top)
 USAF contact has told him, “there ain’t no such animal.” Pentagon Public R 3/31/1950 #4777  
                                   AIN TEDELES, ALG Many observer(s). Class 7/29/1952 #7298  
                                   AIN KHABBEB, MAROC Numerous military obs 9/6/1954 #10259  
          Two spheres hovered over Ain Khabbeb, Morocco at 10:30 p.m., atta 9/6/1954 #10260  
                                   AIN OUSSERA, ALG Several military observ 9/1975 #30332  
stopped over Belleville-sur-Saone, Ain, France at 9:30 p.m., and then turne 12/5/1996 #43132  
t 4:30 a.m. a witness in Montluel, Ain, France who was suffering from insom 8/11/1999 #43820  
                    Creys-Malville Ain Blaye, Gironde Moselle Ardennes Nord 10/5/2014 #45416  
7); the Bugey Nuclear Power Plant, Ain; Blayais Nuclear Power Plant near Bl 10/5/2014 #45416  
## Word: "ain-el-turck" (Back to Top)
                                   AIN-EL-TURCK, ALG Small man with glowing 10/24/1954 #11349  
                                   Ain-el-Turck, Algeria A small man with s 10/24/1954 #11360  
seen on the Mediterranean shore in Ain-el-Turck, Oran, Algeria.             10/24/1954 #11370  
## Word: "ainab" (Back to Top)
it of Sicily Licata, Sicily, Italy Ainab, Lebanon 10:30 p.m. The British br 6/18/1845 #141  
lcanic vent.) Around 7:10 p.m., at Ainab, Lebanon, two objects five times a 6/18/1845 #141  
## Word: "ainsworth" (Back to Top)
                                   AINSWORTH, NE Orange-silver guitar-pick  7/3/1956 #12949  
                                   Ainsworth, Nebraska Morning. An unidenti 12/5/1957 #14673  
on KBR Rural Public Power Radio in Ainsworth, Nebraska, operating at 72.3 A 12/5/1957 #14673  
iefing for UK Defence Minister Bob Ainsworth recommending that the Ministry 11/2009 #45251  
## Word: "aiola" (Back to Top)
                                   AIOLA, ITL Several observer(s). Flash! L 8/13/1977 #32393  
## Word: "aion" (Back to Top)
 Missing time. Wakens elsewhere. / Aion.                                    2/25/1997 (approximate) #43208  
## Word: "aip" (Back to Top)
/10.1103/PhysRev.111.315   https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.1703717  Late 1956 #13281  
ft for space access.  https://pubs.aip.org/aip/acp/article-abstract/813/1/1 2/1/2006 #44921  
pace access.  https://pubs.aip.org/aip/acp/article-abstract/813/1/1224/8140 2/1/2006 #44921  
t charitable foundations.  https://aip.scitation.org/doi/abs/10.1063/1.2437 2/1/2007 #45004  
## Word: "air" (Back to Top)
ance of a ship" sailed through the air over Quebec City, Quebec, Canada and 5/7/1843 #137  
numerous black discs moving in the air to the west, some in groups, others  11/4/1867 #169  
 Premier James Martin) through the air as well as a vessel he calls an “ark 7/25/1868 #176  
That’s a machine to go through the air.” The voice comes from a “spirit” wh 7/25/1868 #176  
e ark maneuvers for a while in the air, the spirit says, “Have you a desire 7/25/1868 #176  
 lifted up and carried through the air into the object about 60 feet away.  7/25/1868 #176  
cles and seem particularly fond of air travel, with as many as 30 Martians  1873 #198  
"wheels" were seen spinning in the air and slowly coming to the surface of  5/15/1879 #219  
"wheels" were seen spinning in the air and slowly coming to the surface of  5/15/1879 #220  
ery large "wheels" spinning in the air at 9:40 p.m. They watched them slowl 5/15/1879 #221  
ky, when they see something in the air coming from the direction of the Ohi 7/28/1880 #237  
“a bale of cotton suspended in the air after having been saturated in keros 6/13/1891 #293  
owly north and appear to be in the air between the ship and the Hallasan vo 2/24/1893 #308  
 they rise another 100 feet in the air. They are close together and followe Early 11/1896 #335  
 they hear strains of music in the air. Then a bottle falls at Sergeant’s f 12/26/1896 #380  
ength, and perhaps 800 feet in the air. Days later it was seen 40 miles sou 1/30/1897 #383  
er. Voices can be heard plainly. (“Air Ship Is Seen at Inavale,” Omaha (Neb 2/4/1897 #387  
ing noise as it glides through the air. By 10:00 p.m., it fades from view t 4/8/1897 #418  
 to west a few hundred feet in the air. The light sways from side to side a 4/10/1897 #425  
tall, flying about 400 feet in the air at 100 mph. His wife comes out to wa 4/13/1897 #452  
slowly along about 150 feet in the air, and he distinctly hears music. As i 4/14/1897 #467  
 recognizes Cuban belligerency his air ship would be heard from.”           4/14/1897 #468  
of a huge man swimming through the air with an electric light on his back.” 4/14/1897 #469  
ses overhead about 200 feet in the air. Brown can see two men in the object 4/15/1897 #490  
rs a loud mechanical sound like an air brake. Investigating, he discovers a Mid 4/1897 #492  
ides as it sways to and fro in the air. He calls R. J. (or R. T.) and J. L. Mid 4/1897 #493  
 Kinnard, sees a light high in the air above the river as the riverboat is  4/18/1897 #527  
ated to be only 150 feet up in the air. He could see a woman on the deck of 4/19/1897 #540  
rship" and that it used compressed air for propulsion. Hooton saw the wheel 4/20/1897 #544  
 The airship rises 8 feet into the air before plopping to the ground.       4/20/1897 #545  
rship" and that it used compressed air for propulsion. Capt. Hooton saw the 4/20/1897 #547  
e allegedly repairing a punctured "air compartment."                        4/23/1897 #567  
rrounds it, and it shoots into the air with a whooshing sound.              Summer 1901 #645  
ging like a child’s balloon losing air.                                     3/17/1903 #660  
hen they see a large object in the air moving west behind the steeple of th 1904 #667  
stimate it to be 2,000 feet in the air; the watchman at the courthouse towe 9/16/1906 #688  
nches in diameter suspended in the air about 300 feet away. It is dark, wit 7/2/1907 #697  
ome 300 feet away, hovering in the air about 50 feet over the tops of the b 7/2/1907 #698  
ent is generally attributed to the air burst of a meteoroid. It is classifi 6/30/1908 #711  
rful light about 1,200 feet in the air above Cromwell Road making an engine 3/23/1909 #725  
 they hear a loud explosion in the air followed by the rumbling of an engin 5/13/1909 #740  
 the bottom), which rises into the air in a zig-zag fashion. When it clears 5/18/1909 #758  
bright wheel surfaces and spins in air.                                     6/3/1909 #773  
nd leads him to think otherwise. (“Air Ship or Meteor,” Concord (N.H.) Even 8/9/1909 #802  
 bobbling light moving through the air about 300 feet above him from the so 12/13/1909 #819  
 on. After hovering 12 feet in the air to balance itself, it rapidly accele 8/1914 #907  
. Rathbone of the Felixstowe Naval Air Station, Suffolk, England returned f 9/6/1914 #915  
lained. Some “moving lights in the air” are attributed to marsh gas.        9/4/1915 #936  
ng a handrail. It is moving in the air about 30 feet above the house and co 1916? #938  
 strange, motor-like noises in the air at night for several nights. Some ha 4/1917 #954  
rance, observe small beings in the air above a wooded area. Luminous balls  Summer 1920 #1003  
                           British Air Ministry The British Air Ministry ha 9/1921 #1014  
  British Air Ministry The British Air Ministry has asked the public to sub 9/1921 #1014  
 Lake City (near), UT 11:00 PM. An air mail pilot was repeatedly buzzed by  9/1926 #1062  
Salt Lake City, Utah 11:00 p.m. An Air Mail pilot named Colin Murphy is rep Late 9/1926 #1064  
father (who is resting in the open air) but when she turns around, the scar Summer 1928 #1087  
rtle cattle. It makes a sound like air pouring through a tube.              Early 11/1928 #1090  
 a machinelike sound and a rush of air. Estimated size of object: 15 m diam 6/12/1929 #1097  
h a machine-like sound and rush of air.                                     6/12/1929 #1099  
r five minutes, rose higher in the air, then shot overhead.                 1/21/1933 #1154  
reign Minister Galeazzo Ciano, and Air Marshal Italo Balbo, with scientific 6/13/1933 #1159  
d silently about 1,000 feet in the air. It goes on to circle some radio tow Summer 1933 #1164  
 137 from Finland, and the Swedish Air Force undertakes at least two reconn 12/24/1933 #1182  
wedish customs sends a request for air support to Gen. Eric Virgin, head of 12/30/1933 #1188  
. Eric Virgin, head of the Swedish Air Force, to help apprehend the ghost f 12/30/1933 #1188  
tten province, Sweden. The Swedish Air Force loses two aircraft trying to d 1/9/1934 #1194  
t they request assistance from the Air Force to deal with the ghost fliers. 1/10/1934 #1195  
ry 6, Under-Secretary of State for Air Philip Sassoon claims that it was an 2/1/1934 #1199  
icially requests assistance of the Air Force with the ghost fliers. But air 2/12/1934 #1205  
r Force with the ghost fliers. But air surveillance has actually been takin 2/12/1934 #1205  
         ADDIS ADDABA, ETH Italian air raid expected. Silver saucer hovers  10/1935 #1233  
lights. Two fighters from a nearby air base attempt to intercept it but can 8/17/1936 #1247  
 to the northern region and to the Air Force in general.                    2/15/1937 #1267  
        500 miles off US coast, In Air Space Lights of alleged aircraft (Pa 7/22/1937 #1274  
          German-Polish border, In Air Space Objects described as coffins a Late 1937 #1278  
 series The Mercury Theatre on the Air, directed and narrated by actor and  10/30/1938 #1300  
CHURIA Many photographs / Japanese Air Force. Glowing-orbs and ovoids pace  1941 #1351  
 is under the auspices of the Army Air Force’s 1st Interceptor Command base 5/1941 #1361  
                          The Army Air Corps becomes the US Army Air Forces 6/20/1941 #1364  
Army Air Corps becomes the US Army Air Forces to provide the air arm greate 6/20/1941 #1364  
 US Army Air Forces to provide the air arm greater autonomy.                6/20/1941 #1364  
rike by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service upon the United States again 12/7/1941 #1377  
rage over Los Angeles, California. Air raid sirens sound throughout Los Ang 2/24/1942 #1388  
ckout is ordered, and thousands of air raid wardens are summoned to their p 2/24/1942 #1388  
ound anti-aircraft shells into the air at reported aircraft; more than 1,40 2/24/1942 #1388  
ge. Within hours of the end of the air raid, Secretary of the Navy Frank Kn 2/24/1942 #1388  
the war. In 1983, the US Office of Air Force History attributes the event t 2/24/1942 #1388  
njamin Smith, formerly of the Army Air Corps, sees several blinking lights  3/5/1942 #1397  
                               The Air Service Command becomes a major Army 3/9/1942 #1398  
rvice Command becomes a major Army Air Forces unit to support logistical fu 3/9/1942 #1398  
. Airman Sobinski and another Army Air Force crewman sighted a luminous ora 3/25/1942 #1406  
      The Materiel Division of the Air Service Command assumes responsibili 4/1/1942 #1408  
urement and is redesignated as the Air Corps Materiel Command.              4/1/1942 #1408  
             COLUMBUS, MS Military Air Traffic Controllers / (seen thru) bi 8/29/1942 #1442  
 MS Control tower operator at Army Air Base saw two round reddish objects h 8/29/1942 #1443  
        Columbus, Mississippi Army Air Corps control tower operator Pvt. Mi 8/29/1942 #1444  
ound 7:00 p.m. two soldiers in the air traffic control tower at the Army Ai 8/29/1942 #1445  
 traffic control tower at the Army Air Corps Flying School in Columbus, Mis 8/29/1942 #1445  
          Laguna Beach, California Air Craft warning observer spots a very  Spring 1943 #1487  
Classic domed saucer dives at Army Air Force (AAF) BT13A trainer. Going qui 4/3/1943 #1490  
alongside and then dove at an Army Air Force BT13A trainer aircraft. It sub 4/5/1943 #1493  
                        Muroc Army Air Base Edwards AFB California The Nort 5/19/1943 #1500  
rashes 12 miles west of Muroc Army Air Base [now Edwards AFB], California,  5/19/1943 #1500  
                          The Army Air Force’s Air Tactical Service Command 6/1943 #1506  
              The Army Air Force’s Air Tactical Service Command asks Lockhe 6/1943 #1506  
      Burbank, California The Army Air Force’s Air Tactical Service Command 6/1943 #1507  
k, California The Army Air Force’s Air Tactical Service Command meets with  6/1943 #1507  
                   The USAAF First Air Division was flying over the Elbe Es 6/25/1943 #1512  
l for the XP-80 jet fighter to the Air Tactical Service Command. Two days l 7/1943 #1515  
 Saint Petersburg Russia During an air battle between the Germans and Russi 9/1943 #1525  
lley 9:00 p.m. Wilberta Finley, an air spotter for the Civil Air Patrol, no 10/1943 #1531  
nley, an air spotter for the Civil Air Patrol, notices a “huge dark aerial  10/1943 #1531  
w members of the United States 8th Air Force reported that green "rings of  11/26/1943 #1543  
         Somewhere over France, In Air Airborne red light. (Page 56 Ref.1)  1/28/1944 #1564  
et Phenomena,” concluding that the air crews are seeing either rockets fire 2/9/1944 #1571  
                       KUMMERSDORF AIR FORCE BASE, GER Rocket launch. Film  2/12/1944 #1572  
 feet high. It then rises into the air about 25 feet and heads in the direc 2/20/1944 #1576  
for the newly created US Strategic Air Forces in Europe. “Many months prece 2/23/1944 #1577  
ctivity to investigate and exploit air intelligence objectives in Germany a 2/23/1944 #1577  
uments and personnel of the German Air Ministry that enabled the US Army Ai 2/23/1944 #1577  
 Ministry that enabled the US Army Air Forces to undertake long-range resea 2/23/1944 #1577  
espect to many valuable- phases of air doctrine, research, employment, orga 2/23/1944 #1577  
procedure, and plans of the German air force.” Among the personalities invo 2/23/1944 #1577  
                      Carlsbad, NM Air Force pilot saw fast-moving UFO spee 3/1944 #1583  
      Carlsbad, New Mexico An Army Air Force pilot flying a B-17 sees a fas 3/1944 #1584  
e Unit 10 of the Royal New Zealand Air Force, takes a swim with a friend at 6/1944 #1601  
ania Afternoon. After a successful air strike by the US 449th Bombardment G 7/9/1944 #1621  
                               The Air Service Command and the AAF Materiel 7/17/1944 #1622  
g slowly about 150–230 feet in the air, 100 feet long, and has a row of bla Late 7/1944 #1623  
ng ball of light paced a U.S. Army Air Force B-29 bomber over the ocean bet 8/10/1944 #1639  
lliant light appearing to hover in air for at least five minutes. (Page 76  8/13/1944 #1643  
                          The Army Air Forces Air Technical Service Command 8/31/1944 #1652  
               The Army Air Forces Air Technical Service Command is formed  8/31/1944 #1652  
of the merging of the Materiel and Air Service Commands.                    8/31/1944 #1652  
. Soon the light rises high in the air and disappears over Black Oak Ridge. 9/1944 #1662  
ng in London, England. Present are Air Commodore K. C. Buss (Air Ministry), 9/6/1944 #1665  
sent are Air Commodore K. C. Buss (Air Ministry), Gen. George C. McDonald ( 9/6/1944 #1665  
., Col. Howard McCoy (chief of the Air Technical Section), Howard P. Robert 9/6/1944 #1665  
                            ACHMER AIR FORCE BASE?, GER ME252 pilot. 100M c 9/29/1944 #1669  
 aircraft" that stood still in the air for two minutes and made no noise.   9/29/1944 #1671  
t Group, 5th Wing of the Fifteenth Air Force) is returning from bombing a t 11/24/1944 #1705  
nd Cleary, pilots of the U.S. Army Air Force 415TH NFS, saw a huge orange s 11/27/1944 #1708  
f the left wing…flying through the air at high speed.” Neither the airborne 11/29/1944 #1710  
 German weapon” and that the Ninth Air Force has reported seeing “many silv 12/13/1944 #1719  
“many silver balls floating in the air above enemy territory.” An Army Air  12/13/1944 #1719  
ir above enemy territory.” An Army Air Force spokesman says on December 20  12/13/1944 #1719  
owing spheres followed a U.S. Army Air Force warplane from the 415th NFS at 12/22/1944 #1728  
lackstone Richmond, Virginia Naval Air Station Pasco, Washington Night. Nav 12/23/1944 #1731  
ry 1945 — Radar operators at Naval Air Station Pasco, Washington, report un 12/23/1944 #1731  
 singly and in pairs, suspended in air, moving slowly before disappearing.  12/27/1944 #1737  
tt Corning Jr. of the XII Tactical Air Command sends a secret memo to the a 1/16/1945 #1757  
ret memo to the assistant chief of air intelligence requesting further info 1/16/1945 #1757  
            Corning First Tactical Air Force Executive Officer Maj. Samuel  1/20/1945 #1759  
s two amber-colored “lights in the air at 2,000 feet” between Wissembourg,  1/30/1945 #1764  
                                   Air Commodore Colin McKay Grierson, RAF  2/11/1945 #1779  
2, refers Ringwald’s report to the Air Ministry.                            2/11/1945 #1779  
: (1) large orange ball hanging in air; (2) similar ball that was moving ho 3/5/1945 #1808  
earance of white flares dropped in air; called foo fighters. (Page 145-146  3/9/1945 #1809  
rites to Samuel V. Boykin that the Air Ministry thinks the fireballs are ei 3/18/1945 #1816  
 or wings hovering silently in the air. It suddenly disappears like a “burs Late 3/1945 #1826  
         Iwo Jima, Japan During an air operation, Lieut. Calvin P. Lamb (pi 3/26/1945 #1829  
aki, Japan The records of the 20th Air Force reveal that as early as this d 4/3/1945 #1836  
urtis LeMay’s XXI Bomber Command’s Air Intelligence staff produces a 5-page 4/26/1945 #1855  
a bombing mission against Japanese air installations on Truk [now Chuuk] At 5/3/1945 #1862  
    In the predawn hours a US Army Air Force B-24 bomber flying over Fala I 5/3/1945 #1863  
man Iomoyo Okado looks up from his air raid shelter and sees slow-moving “r 5/5/1945 #1864  
                          The Army Air Force approves a Northrop-recommende 6/1/1945 #1872  
ic Theatre Truk XXI Bomber Command Air Intelligence issues an Air Intellige 6/9/1945 #1875  
Command Air Intelligence issues an Air Intelligence Report on the balls of  6/9/1945 #1875  
thers, while stationed at US Naval Air Station in Pasco WA, were scrambled  Summer 1945 #1879  
a UFO phenomenon was reported. Our air crews started sighting balls of fire 7/1945 #1886  
         Selfridge Field Selfridge Air National Guard Base Mount Clemens, M 7/1945 #1888  
ove Selfridge Field [now Selfridge Air National Guard Base] near Mount Clem 7/1945 #1888  
isling, serving with a Free French Air Force detachment as an instructor on 7/1945 #1888  
                               The Air Technical Service Command is moved i 7/1/1945 #1889  
                             Naval Air Station Pasco, Washington Hanford fa Mid 7/1945 #1896  
 other F6F Hellcat pilots at Naval Air Station Pasco, Washington, are scram Mid 7/1945 #1896  
   33.6753 -106.4747 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Trin 7/16/1945 #1899  
.3947114 132.4543816 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “litt 8/5/1945 #1912  
.7731273 129.8617014 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “fatm 8/9/1945 #1919  
er(s). 3 white teardrops pace Army Air Force (AAF) C46. / r215p52.          8/28/1945 #1927  
gasawara Islands, Japan Twelve 5th Air Force intelligence specialists flyin 8/28/1945 #1930  
wo Jima island onboard a U.S. Army Air Force C-46 shortly after the end of  8/28/1945 #1931  
 bright light about 50 feet in the air and 20 feet from the road near some  10/1945 #1942  
   EAST / FT LAUDERDALE, FL 6 Army Air Force (AAF) planes disoriented. Fran 12/5/1945 #1949  
 On this fateful day six U.S. Army Air Force planes, which took off from Fo 12/5/1945 #1951  
ook off from Fort Lauderdale Naval Air Station, Florida disappeared into th 12/5/1945 #1951  
Intelligence staff asking that the Air Ministry come and remove one of thes 1946 #1962  
gence officers believe that former Air Intelligence scientist Reginald Vict 1946 #1962  
er Director of Intelligence on the Air Staff, Air Commodore Roland Eugene V 1946 #1962  
 of Intelligence on the Air Staff, Air Commodore Roland Eugene Vintras, sug 1946 #1962  
            Wright Field, Ohio The Air Materiel Command at Wright Field, Oh 1/10/1946 #1964  
                NEAR CHERBOURG, FR Air Force C54 transport pilot. Odd meteo 1/16/1946 #1965  
                               The Air Technical Service Command becomes th 3/1946 #1971  
hnical Service Command becomes the Air Materiel Command.                    3/1946 #1971  
n on the ice, rise 2 feet into the air, then come down again. Cameron walks 4/25/1946 #1984  
horne Municipal Airport Muroc Army Air Field Edwards AFB A four-engine Nort 6/25/1946 #2015  
e Municipal Airport] to Muroc Army Air Field [now Edwards AFB] in Californi 6/25/1946 #2015  
    11.5900 165.5000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Able 6/30/1946 #2018  
 cameras, radiation detectors, and air sample collectors. Their pilots oper 7/1/1946 #2024  
ives each from the Army, Navy, and Air Force complete the board’s membershi 7/3/1946 #2025  
                     Royal Swedish Air Force Materiel Administration Air Ad 7/6/1946 #2027  
 Air Force Materiel Administration Air Administration A special ghost rocke 7/6/1946 #2027  
t Jacobsson from the Royal Swedish Air Force Materiel Administration as cha 7/6/1946 #2027  
jellson and Eric Malmberg from the Air Administration; Maj. Nils Ahlgren an 7/6/1946 #2027  
d Capt. Gerdt Stangenberg from the Air Defense department; chemist Gustaf L 7/6/1946 #2027  
ars a sharp, sizzling sound in the air and sees three silvery triangular ob 7/12/1946 #2054  
erparts in Sweden. One is from the Air Ministry (Squadron Leader Barrie Hea 7/18/1946 #2061  
ng the water several feet into the air. The objects look like V-1 rockets a 7/18/1946 #2062  
ndum for the Commander of the Army Air Forces Gen. Carl Spaatz on reports o 7/19/1946 #2074  
    London, England Sweden British Air Attaché Capt. Henderson informs the  7/27/1946 #2082  
and, that cooperation with Swedish Air Staff should be kept from the Americ 7/27/1946 #2082  
Observation of cigar-shaped UFO by Air Corps transport pilot. [NICAP UFO Ev 8/1/1946 #2095  
essage from the Commander-in-Chief Air Forces, Pacific, to Gen. Lauris Nors 8/7/1946 #2109  
art Neckman of the Defense Staff’s Air Defense Division sees a clear, yello 8/7/1946 #2110  
           Sweden Chief of Swedish Air Defense Maj. Nils Ahlgren says that  8/8/1946 #2111  
a.m. A twin-engine Saab 18 Swedish Air Force bomber crashes and explodes ne 8/12/1946 #2122  
 Stockholm interview three Swedish Air Force officers assigned to the Gener 8/13/1946 #2130  
 central Sweden 10:02 a.m. Swedish Air Force pilot Lieut. Gunnar Irholm and 8/14/1946 #2135  
j. Stig Wennerström of the Swedish Air Force, who reveals that radar indica 8/19/1946 #2144  
ow has been told by a “key Swedish Air Officer” [Wennerström] that radar co 8/22/1946 #2150  
               Stockholm Stockholm Air Attaché Maj. Gen. Alfred A. Kessler  8/24/1946 #2154  
                            TINKER AIR FORCE BASE, OK Saucer / 60M altitude 8/25/1946 (approximate) #2158  
r control problems, until the Army Air Force can fix its propulsion system. 9/11/1946 #2176  
e London naval attaché in a secret air mailgram that he suspects there is a 9/12/1946 #2180  
eden hear a whistling sound in the air, like a “flock of birds.” They see a 10/21/1946 #2204  
Russia Halle, Germany A top secret Air Intelligence report, “Significant De 11/29/1946 #2208  
rom Assistant Secretary of War for Air Stuart Symington about establishing  12/10/1946 #2211  
tablishing interim projects at the Air Materiel Center (AMC). LeMay’s answe 12/10/1946 #2211  
oe Hillenkoetter, Secretary of the Air Force Stuart Symington, Rear Adm. Ea 1947 #2219  
o, California Roseville 11:00 p.m. Air Force pilot Edwin T. Yeoman is retur 1947 #2220  
truder a name—Charlie—and when the Air Ministry later begins a concerted ef 1/17/1947 #2231  
eeting with Swedish scientists and air force authorities, informs the Ameri 1/20/1947 #2232  
 Market, Norfolk. However, RAF and Air Ministry sources continue to refer t 1/27/1947 #2235  
ane Design Section for the Swedish Air Ministry. Westergard tells him some  2/17/1947 #2241  
             Sweden USAF Office of Air Intelligence Capt. Emmet O’Beirne, C 2/28/1947 #2244  
t O’Beirne, Chief of the Defensive Air Branch, writes a memorandum to the c 2/28/1947 #2244  
to the chief of the USAF Office of Air Intelligence about the branch’s inte 2/28/1947 #2244  
st the “Organ,” a series of ramjet air intakes designed to take pressure me 5/29/1947 #2301  
ventually sent to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton, Ohio, and en 5/31/1947 #2303  
                   Alamogordo Army Air Field Project Mogul flight number 4  6/4/1947 #2312  
edly launched from Alamogordo Army Air Field.                               6/4/1947 #2312  
ern Siberia U.S. A still-unlocated air intelligence summary is released, al 6/9/1947 #2315  
t is published in December 1948 in Air Intelligence Report Number 100-203-7 6/9/1947 #2315  
 among the stars. According to the Air Force files there were more than fif 6/10/1947 #2320  
sees 9 or 10 spinning discs in the air about 12 miles east of Joliet, Illin 6/24/1947 #2397  
ert them of Arnold’s arrival at an air show and his story. A large crowd aw 6/24/1947 #2398  
                   Alamogordo Army Air Field Holloman AFB New Mexico Engle, 6/27/1947 #2432  
an, a pilot out of Alamogordo Army Air Field [now Holloman AFB], New Mexico 6/27/1947 #2432  
                           MAXWELL AIR FORCE BASE, AL 4 observer(s). Night  6/28/1947 #2443  
                           Four US Air Force officers saw a fast moving, br 6/28/1947 #2451  
 silver object falls / hills. Army Air Force (AAF) men find stinky odor onl 6/29/1947 #2453  
                            Eighth Air Force Fort Worth, Texas Eighth Air F 6/30/1947 #2487  
Air Force Fort Worth, Texas Eighth Air Force Brig. Gen. Roger M. Ramey and  6/30/1947 #2487  
 Dayton, Ohio Around this time the Air Force Research and Development offic 6/30/1947 #2488  
arch and Development office of the Air Materiel Command organizes an inform 6/30/1947 #2488  
                            US The Air Force began investigating UFO report 7/1947 #2493  
ar blips penetrating highly secure air space at will, all three facilities  7/1/1947 #2500  
                      Roswell Army Air Field, Roswell NM White Sands, NM Mi 7/1/1947 #2501  
ufmann), stationed at Roswell Army Air Field, had received a call from Brig 7/1/1947 #2501  
r General Martin F. Scanlon of the Air Defense Command, ordering him to rep 7/1/1947 #2501  
                           Chitose Air Base, Hokkaido, Japan A target is pi 7/1/1947 #2518  
t is picked up on radar at Chitose Air Base, Hokkaido, Japan, moving 16 mil 7/1/1947 #2518  
      Southern New Mexico Kirtland Air Force Base near Albuquerque Alamogor 7/1/1947 #2524  
ern New Mexico and one at Kirtland Air Force Base near Albuquerque allegedl 7/1/1947 #2524  
   Radar operators at Chitose Army Air Base on Hokkaido, Japan picked up an 7/1/1947 #2525  
uis Post-Dispatch reports that the Air Research Center at Wright Field, Ohi 7/3/1947 #2582  
 states that Commander of the Army Air Force Gen. Carl Spaatz has asked Wri 7/3/1947 #2582  
t Field to look into such reports. Air Materiel Command’s Lt. Gen. Nathan F 7/3/1947 #2582  
st. Maj. Paul Gaynor says the Army Air Force needs more concrete informatio 7/3/1947 #2582  
, Idaho St. Joe River Spokane Army Air Base Fairchild AFB 6:30 p.m. Mrs. Wa 7/3/1947 #2584  
gence officers at the Spokane Army Air Base [now Fairchild AFB], and an int 7/3/1947 #2584  
w Fairchild AFB], and an intensive air search is carried out by two mission 7/3/1947 #2584  
ally well-supported incident," the Air Force had no explanation. However, y 7/3/1947 #2587  
lanation. However, years later the Air Materiel Command publicly explained  7/3/1947 #2587  
                 COLORADO SPRS, CO Air Force pilot. Extremely large disk ri 7/4/1947 #2615  
ver Emmet, Idaho Witnesses: United Air Lines Capt. E.J. Smith, First Office 7/4/1947 #2651  
t the flying discs. It quotes Army Air Force “experts” saying that the sigh 7/4/1947 #2654  
 the object is quite distinct. The Air Force explains it as a weather ballo 7/4/1947 #2662  
ton Emmett, Idaho 9:12 p.m. United Air Lines Flight 105 pilots Capt. Emil J 7/4/1947 #2667  
     Washington, D.C. Roswell Army Air Field [now closed], New Mexico The f 7/4/1947 #2668  
ton, D.C., arrives at Roswell Army Air Field [now closed], New Mexico (pres 7/4/1947 #2668  
                 MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA Air Force Sgt. and 2. Silent silver disk 7/5/1947 #2688  
                      Roswell Army Air Field Alamogordo 3:00 a.m. Acting on 7/5/1947 #2718  
n. Martin F. Scanlon of the Army's Air Defense Command, discredited Roswell 7/5/1947 #2718  
k Kaufmann returns to Roswell Army Air Field from Alamogordo to alert Colon 7/5/1947 #2718  
                      Roswell Army Air Field in New Mexico US Highway 285 F 7/5/1947 #2721  
ontingent of men from Roswell Army Air Field in New Mexico drive north on w 7/5/1947 #2721  
                      Roswell Army Air Field Fort Stanton Lincoln, New Mexi 7/5/1947 #2722  
d bodies are taken to Roswell Army Air Field, but one is still alive and ta 7/5/1947 #2722  
SUN, CA Project Bluebook Case #36. Air Force pilot. Saucer wobbles 3X. Goin 7/6/1947 #2746  
         OVER CLAY CENTER, KS Army Air Force (AAF) Major / B-25. Bright sil 7/6/1947 #2752  
                  Fairfield-Suisan Air Base, California Witnesses:  Army Ai 7/6/1947 #2806  
 Base, California Witnesses:  Army Air Forces Capt. and Mrs. James Burnisto 7/6/1947 #2806  
  Roswell, New Mexico Roswell Army Air Field Brazel's ranch Brazel gets up  7/6/1947 #2807  
s the military at the Roswell Army Air Field [now closed] be notified. Whil 7/6/1947 #2807  
             Fairfield-Suisun Army Air Field Fairfield, California Day. Arm 7/6/1947 #2809  
ld Fairfield, California Day. Army Air Corps Capt. James H. Burniston and h 7/6/1947 #2809  
w seconds at Fairfield-Suisun Army Air Field [now Travis AFB] near Fairfiel 7/6/1947 #2809  
 Roswell AAF Ranch Fort Worth Army Air Field Washington, D.C. Colonel Willi 7/6/1947 #2812  
Group, orders Jesse A. Marcel, the air intelligence officer, to investigate 7/6/1947 #2812  
 deputy commander of the Strategic Air Command, Blanchard obtains more of t 7/6/1947 #2812  
be flown on to the Fort Worth Army Air Field, where it is given to Colonel  7/6/1947 #2812  
Three airmen flying aboard an Army Air Force B-25 near Clay Center, Kansas  7/6/1947 #2818  
flew off toward the west. Both the Air Force and the FBI investigated the c 7/6/1947 #2829  
75 miles northwest of Roswell Army Air Base (RAAF)                          7/7/1947 #2832  
                             LOWRY AIR FORCE BASE, CO Several Army Air Forc 7/7/1947 #2852  
RY AIR FORCE BASE, CO Several Army Air Force (AAF) men / (seen thru) binocu 7/7/1947 #2852  
  11KM NORTH / SHREVEPORT, LA Army Air Force (AAF) Sgt. / plane. Bright moo 7/7/1947 #2853  
e. Away / 9000kph and more. / Army Air Force (AAF) report. / r160#121.      7/7/1947 #2862  
                     EAST TROY, WI Air Force Captain and 1 / plane. Silver  7/7/1947 #2877  
                    NEAR BERGSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, TX Aircrew. 6M glass dis 7/7/1947 #2885  
-saucers going [to] toward(s) Army air base going quickly northwest? Puffs  7/7/1947 #2906  
ers with vapor trails over McChord Air Force Base.                          7/7/1947 #2916  
                        Muroc Army Air Field, CA Oscillating Sphere Observe 7/7/1947 #2924  
emaining there until July 11. Army Air Forces Commander Gen. Carl Spaatz is 7/7/1947 #2929  
ements Intelligence branch of Army Air Force Intelligence. It is decided to 7/7/1947 #2935  
le, Pennsylvania, writes to the US Air Force to offer his own theory that U 7/7/1947 #2936  
public. A few weeks later, an Army Air Corps Intelligence officer from Hami 7/7/1947 #2940  
r Maj. Marcel reports Roswell Army Air Force captures a downed flying sauce 7/8/1947 #2948  
                          HAMILTON AIR FORCE BASE, CA Sgt. Baker and severa 7/8/1947 #2955  
          40 MI SOUTH / MUROC ARMY AIR BASE, CA F51 pilot / 20K' altitude.  7/8/1947 #2987  
                  ROSWELL, NM Army Air Force (AAF) news release. F.S. recov 7/8/1947 #2988  
                             Muroc Air Field, California An Air Force major 7/8/1947 #3008  
    Muroc Air Field, California An Air Force major observed a metallic obje 7/8/1947 #3008  
                             Muroc Air Base, California Witnesses:  lst Lt. 7/8/1947 #3009  
bris field. Blanchard calls Eighth Air Force headquarters in Fort Worth, Te 7/8/1947 #3011  
                      Roswell Army Air Field Corona in Lincoln County, New  7/8/1947 #3012  
The regular 9:00 a.m. Roswell Army Air Field staff meeting is moved up 90 m 7/8/1947 #3012  
s AFB] in southern California, the Air Force’s aircraft testing and develop 7/8/1947 #3014  
st sightings “that really made the Air Force take a deep interest in UFOs.” 7/8/1947 #3014  
                          The Army Air Force issues a press release saying  7/8/1947 #3016  
ck on July 21 to tell him the Army Air Forces are looking into it, but ther 7/8/1947 #3017  
                   Fort Worth Army Air Field, Texas Wright Field, Dayton, O 7/8/1947 #3019  
ht (the second) to Fort Worth Army Air Field, Texas, with the wreckage to r 7/8/1947 #3019  
                      Roswell Army Air Field New Mexico Chavez County Sheri 7/8/1947 #3020  
re. The story announces: “The army air forces here today announced a flying 7/8/1947 #3020  
e 509th Bomb Group at Roswell Army Air Field [now closed], New Mexico, with 7/8/1947 #3020  
” to J. Edgar Hoover and Strategic Air Command in Cincinnati, Ohio, express 7/8/1947 #3026  
honic conversation between [Eighth Air Force] and Wright Field had not born 7/8/1947 #3026  
                   Fort Worth Army Air Field Roswell 6:29 p.m. An Associate 7/8/1947 #3027  
ry goes out that a Fort Worth Army Air Field officer (Newton) has identifie 7/8/1947 #3027  
nd followed by smaller objects. An Air Force major observed a metallic obje 7/8/1947 #3028  
t he was stationed at Roswell Army Air Field as the Public Information Offi 7/8/1947 #3029  
cer.” McQuiddy claims Roswell Army Air Field next calls him and asks him to 7/8/1947 #3030  
e was stationed at Fort Worth Army Air Field and received a phone call from 7/8/1947 #3031  
en. Clements McMullen of Strategic Air Command informing him of an object r 7/8/1947 #3031  
e states he requested Roswell Army Air Field to send the material to Fort W 7/8/1947 #3031  
nd the material to Fort Worth Army Air Field, which was eventually sent to  7/8/1947 #3031  
                         ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BASE, AK 3 teens. Small white  7/9/1947 #3044  
more than 10 seconds from an Idaho Air National Guard AT-6 while a black di 7/9/1947 #3052  
ccording to Robert E. Smith, First Air Transport Unit. A crate allegedly ca 7/9/1947 #3054  
t Field, Ohio Pentagon The US Army Air Force issues classified orders requi 7/9/1947 #3057  
rly cases still go directly to the Air Force Office of Intelligence at the  7/9/1947 #3057  
.m. Assistant Secretary of War for Air Stuart Symington meets with Lt. Gen. 7/9/1947 #3059  
vid N. Johnson, flying in an Idaho Air National Guard AT-6 Texan, sees a bl 7/9/1947 #3063  
rector of information for the Army Air Force.                               7/9/1947 #3065  
                      Roswell Army Air Field New Mexico Late afternoon. 1Lt 7/9/1947 #3066  
 Barton, stationed at Roswell Army Air Field in New Mexico, is sent by Maj. 7/9/1947 #3066  
ements Intelligence branch of Army Air Force Intelligence, requests FBI hel 7/9/1947 #3067  
t Army or Navy craft. He says that Air Corps Intelligence is utilizing all  7/9/1947 #3067  
. George F. Schulgen (Chief of the Air Intelligence Requirements Division)  7/10/1947 #3078  
                HARMON FIELD, NFLD Air mechanics and more/others. C54-size  7/10/1947 #3093  
Gen. Curtis LeMay, deputy chief of Air Staff for Research and Development a 7/10/1947 #3105  
elow the clouds over Ernest Harmon Air Field in Newfoundland, Canada. They  7/10/1947 #3118  
                         ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BASE, AK Several officers. Gre 7/12/1947 #3151  
ubmits a written statement to Army Air Force intelligence, referring to the 7/12/1947 #3157  
                             Naval Air Station Seattle at Sand Point Magnus 7/12/1947 #3160  
 Ben Bobberly are on duty at Naval Air Station Seattle at Sand Point [now c 7/12/1947 #3160  
Bruce Maccabee, he stated: “...the Air Force knew by the middle of July, 19 Mid 7/1947 #3181  
 2 / car. 1M saucer slowly circles Air Force Base. Brown colored-grey / one 7/16/1947 #3191  
the Chinese Nationalist Government Air Force spots a UFO over Lanzhou City, 7/19/1947 #3201  
       EKOLN LAKE, UPPLAND, SWEDEN Air Force man. Metallic football going q 7/20/1947 #3204  
         WEST / SQUANTUM NAS, MA 2 air observer(s). Shiny silver ball going 7/24/1947 #3223  
ntelligence agents from the Fourth Air Force, Lt. Frank M. Brown and Capt.  7/25/1947 #3229  
 and Navy) and a Department of the Air Force, both under the new Secretary  7/26/1947 #3233  
er Jack Harvey are piloting United Air Lines Flight 105 and descending abov 7/28/1947 #3240  
                          HAMILTON AIR FORCE BASE, CA 2 Air Force Officers. 7/29/1947 #3249  
     HAMILTON AIR FORCE BASE, CA 2 Air Force Officers. 2 saucers pace P80 l 7/29/1947 #3249  
                          Hamilton Air Base, California Witnesses:  Assista 7/29/1947 #3252  
                          Hamilton Air Base, California At 2:50 p.m. PDT th 7/29/1947 #3256  
          The Garrett Estimate, an Air Force Base Intelligence Report on “F 7/30/1947 #3262  
n leave to go back to Hamilton for Air Force Day the next day. Morello call 7/31/1947 #3264  
ess who did inquire about what the Air Force was doing got the same treatme 7/31/1947 #3265  
         T-2 Intelligence and Army Air Force Intelligence hold meetings ove 8/1947 #3275  
                               The Air Materiel Command headquarters replac 8/1947 #3276  
g reports and estimates on foreign air weapons. It begins to develop a phot 8/1947 #3276  
, PA Project Bluebook Case #70. Ex Air Force-pilot and 2. Saucer hovers. Aw 8/6/1947 #3296  
nnsylvania at 6:00 p.m. an ex-U.S. Air Force pilot and two others saw a hov 8/6/1947 #3301  
or army intelligence at the Fourth Air Force, who has just returned to Hami 8/8/1947 #3307  
ed around, which suggests that the air under the object was being swirled i 8/13/1947 #3322  
n shoots straight out and into the air, hovering briefly at an angle, then  8/14/1947 #3330  
Three men of the 147th Airways and Air Communications Service Squadron at H 8/14/1947 #3331  
                   Rapid City Army Air Base Ellsworth AFB Box Elder, South  8/15/1947? #3337  
ombardment Wing at Rapid City Army Air Base [now Ellsworth AFB] near Box El 8/15/1947? #3337  
8,000 feet near Mountain Home Army Air Base, Idaho at around noon. The obje 8/18/1947 #3347  
lor III, Collection Branch of Army Air Force Intelligence, summarizes the f 8/22/1947 #3360  
Gen. Curtis LeMay, Deputy Chief of Air Staff for Research and Development.  8/22/1947 #3360  
the updated Garrett Estimate on to Air Materiel Command head Gen. Nathan Tw Late 8/1947 #3369  
     In Fukuoka, Japan at the U.S. Air Force Mew Radar Station there was a  8/28/1947 #3376  
rk A memo from Col. R. H. Smith at Air Defense Command headquarters at Mitc 9/3/1947 #3383  
e FBI was to “relieve the numbered Air Forces of the task of tracking down  9/3/1947 #3383  
 UFO accompanied by a rush of warm air. The next day they encounter a circl 9/3/1947 #3384  
activities discloses that the Army Air Force has no project with the charac 9/5/1947 #3385  
 and Brig. Gen. Edgar P. Sorenson (Air Institute of Technology commander).  Mid 9/1947 #3396  
                           Itazuke Air Base [now Fukuoka Airport] Fukuoka,  9/16/1947 #3399  
dar target is picked up at Itazuke Air Base [now Fukuoka Airport], Fukuoka, 9/16/1947 #3399  
rity Act takes effect. The US Army Air Forces is disbanded and becomes the  9/18/1947 #3403  
es is disbanded and becomes the US Air Force.                               9/18/1947 #3403  
                   US The Chief of Air Technical Intelligence Center (ATIC) 9/23/1947 #3416  
Center (ATIC) sent a letter to the Air Force Commanding General stating the 9/23/1947 #3416  
                 Oak Ridge Head of Air Materiel Command Gen. Nathan Twining 9/23/1947 #3417  
ter to AMC, designates T-2 and the Air Intelligence branch of the US Navy B 9/24/1947 #3421  
that he does not plan to duplicate air technical intelligence assets within 9/24/1947 #3421  
etter allegedly writes a letter to Air Materiel Command designating T-2 and 9/24/1947 #3425  
el Command designating T-2 and the Air Intelligence branch of the Navy Bure 9/24/1947 #3425  
                     Japan Chitose Air Base MEW Radar Station, Fukuoka A me 9/26/1947 #3428  
 Col. James F. Olive Jr., Chief of Air Intelligence Division, to the Assist 9/26/1947 #3428  
ion, to the Assistant Chief of the Air Staff, A-2, summarizes three radar t 9/26/1947 #3428  
gh-speed targets in Japan (Chitose Air Base, July 1; and MEW Radar Station, 9/26/1947 #3428  
ge C. McDonald, assistant chief of air staff, that he is advising all FBI a 9/27/1947 #3429  
 ends all FBI cooperation with the Air Force on UFO investigation, although 10/1/1947 #3444  
                   EDWARDS / MUROC AIR FORCE BASE, CA Chuck Yeager / USAF.  10/14/1947 #3453  
                             BLIDA AIR FORCE BASE, ALGERIA Sentry. Red roun 12/1947 (approximate) #3495  
was projected by any of the German air research institutions.”              12/16/1947 #3503  
was projected by any of the German air research institutions.”  http://www. 12/16/1947 #3504  
                       US Idaho US Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Carl Spaat 12/17/1947 #3505  
experimentation.” He adds that the Air Force is still investigating and he  12/17/1947 #3505  
Col. J. E. Thomas of the Offensive Air section (AFOAI-OA) respond to a requ 12/18/1947 #3506  
nd to a request by deputy chief of Air Staff for Research and Development G 12/18/1947 #3506  
on, and turn this over to Chief of Air Force Intelligence McDonald for his  12/18/1947 #3506  
 Memorandum to Commanding General, Air Materiel Command, December 30, 1947; 12/30/1947 #3516  
gie, after his retirement from the Air Force in 1955, indicates that he bel 12/30/1947 #3516  
trong Postlethwaite Captain of G-2 Air, received a Top Secret incoming TWX  1948 #3519  
  Lockbourne AFB [now Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base] in Lockbourne,  1948 #3521  
f Lockbourne AFB [now Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base] in Lockbourne,  1948 #3521  
                            Godman Air Base, Kentucky Capt. Mantell of USAF 1/7/1948 #3535  
en thru) binoculars and Lockbourne Air Traffic Controllers. Very large sauc 1/7/1948 #3538  
, Capt. James F. Duesler Jr., Base Air Inspector Lt. Col. E. Garrison Wood, 1/7/1948 #3543  
antell Jr., a 25-year-old Kentucky Air National Guard pilot, and three othe 1/7/1948 #3544  
nation is not even believed by the Air Force, but it remains unchallenged f 1/7/1948 #3544  
  Lockbourne AFB [now Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base] in Lockbourne,  1/7/1948 #3546  
nt Lockbourne AFB runway 7:15 p.m. Air Traffic Controller and pilot Alex A. 1/7/1948 #3546  
t Lockbourne AFB [now Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base] in Lockbourne,  1/7/1948 #3546  
Clinton County AFB [now Wilmington Air Park] near Wilmington, Ohio 7:35 p.m 1/7/1948 #3547  
Clinton County AFB [now Wilmington Air Park] near Wilmington, Ohio, where S 1/7/1948 #3547  
nded over the Clinton County, Ohio Air Force Base at 7:20 p.m. It was witne 1/7/1948 #3548  
                          Two U.S. Air Force transport pilots, Helton and P 1/11/1948 #3556  
 angle, and had a blue center. The Air Force explained the report as a dayt 1/11/1948 #3556  
d, asks Lt. Col. George Garrett of Air Force Intelligence for all files on  1/23/1948 #3564  
'planes dropping parachutes' cause Air Force query.                         1/28/1948 (approximate) #3566  
isc’ Incidents.” It specifies that Air Force commanders are charged with ev 2/4/1948 #3574  
n. Charles P. Cabell, chief of the Air Intelligence Requirements Division,  2/12/1948 #3576  
ermany as an officer in the German Air Force. He thinks that sufficient typ 3/12/1948 #3588  
ad east of Aztec, New Mexico. When Air Force investigators and government s 3/25/1948 #3598  
 result of the rush of terrestrial air through the shattered window. After  3/25/1948 #3598  
the object was tracked on radar by Air Force Station P-8 near El Vado Dam.  3/25/1948 #3598  
gree turns. Lt. Meyers of the U.S. Air Force was leading a flight of four F 4/1/1948 #3604  
                          HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM 5 / theodolite. 2 sil 4/5/1948 #3609  
orking on a secret project for the Air Force’s Watson Laboratories. They se 4/5/1948 #3612  
 2:00 in the afternoon at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico three base pe 4/5/1948 #3613  
suits were seen flying through the air at 250 feet altitude over Longview,  4/7/1948 #3614  
  11.66276 162.23785 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “X-ra 4/14/1948 #3622  
   11.61569 162.3194 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Yoke 4/30/1948 #3634  
 10:15 a.m. at the Anacostia Naval Air Station on the Potomac River in Wash 4/30/1948 #3635  
   11.5352 162.36063 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Zebr 5/14/1948 #3649  
rew “suffered no ill effects,” the Air Force decides that piloted aircraft  5/15/1948 #3651  
Pasco, Washington 1:00 p.m. Former Air Force pilot Don Newman and three fri 7/1948 #3691  
                         Ellsworth Air Force Base Top Secret Report (100–20 7/1/1948 #3692  
,Sec. N.): Maj. Hammer, Rapid City Air Base, reported seeing 12 discs over  7/1/1948 #3692  
              Unknown City, AK Two Air Force officers reported approximatel 7/9/1948 #3702  
                          Kirtland Air Force Base Top Secret Report (100–20 7/17/1948 #3711  
         At 4:50 p.m. two Kirtland Air Force Base Sergeants on a fishing tr 7/17/1948 #3715  
                            ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, GA Project Bluebook Case 7/24/1948 #3725  
 in Ohio Atlanta, Georgia Chief of Air Force Intelligence Gen. Charles Cabe 7/25/1948 #3738  
estimated 5,000 feet altitude. The Air Force explanation was that they saw  7/26/1948 #3744  
                                   Air Intelligence Memorandum on “Pattern  7/27/1948 #3747  
quires that a study be made by the Air Intelligence Division to examine the 7/27/1948 #3747  
                             CLARK AIR FORCE BASE, LUZON, PHL Wingless cyli 8/1/1948 (approximate) #3766  
     On this morning everyone on a Air France airliner flying over the Sout 8/1/1948 #3767  
 interplanetary, sent from ATIC to Air Force Chief of Staff, General Hoyt S 9/1948 #3792  
               At 3:20 p.m. a U.S. Air Force pilot and copilot flying a C-4 9/11/1948 #3797  
d disc-shaped object tilted in the air, so that two humanoid beings were vi 9/13/1948 #3801  
 Fargo, North Dakota Lt. G. Gorman air duels with UFO for 25 minutes        10/1/1948 #3821  
Lt. George F. Gorman (North Dakota Air Nat. Guard), sighted a UFO 3000 ft.  10/1/1948 #3822  
ight / saucer. Separate ground and air observer(s). / MJ#246+/ r242p34.     10/1/1948 #3824  
io, and Indianapolis, Ind, various Air Force pilot, major, saw a UFO flying 10/14/1948 #3834  
chosen in 1950, now part of Nellis Air Force Base); and the Pamlico Sound a Late 1948 #3842  
                At 11:05 p.m. U.S. Air Force pilot Halter and radar operato 10/15/1948 #3843  
ngton Hall Washington, D.C. The US Air Force Security Service is activated  10/20/1948 #3848  
red by suddenly switching off. The Air Force said they had seen a meteor.   10/24/1948 #3852  
                         Neubiberg Air Base [now closed] near Munich, Germa 10/29/1948 #3855  
osed] near Munich, Germany Five US Air Force pilots observe a silvery objec 10/29/1948 #3855  
ve a silvery object over Neubiberg Air Base [now closed] near Munich, Germa 10/29/1948 #3855  
eed after having remained over the air base more than 30 minutes. A similar 10/29/1948 #3855  
 in January. His relationship with Air Force Secretary Stuart Symington has 11/3/1948 #3866  
rd H. Porter at the USAF Defensive Air Branch. While admitting that the obj 11/3/1948 #3867  
ssful. USAF officers visit Swedish Air Intelligence officials who have reac 11/4/1948 #3868  
eWitt Fife hears a whirring in the air near Nevada, Missouri. He looks up a Mid 11/1948 #3876  
 tight circles, quick variation of air speed, vertical ascents and evasive  11/18/1948 #3880  
                           ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MD Project Bluebook Case 11/18/1948 #3881  
le. While flying an F-80 over a US Air Base in the Fursten-Feldbruck area o 11/23/1948 #3884  
                  Fürstenfeldbruck Air Base in Bavaria, Germany 10:20 p.m.  11/23/1948 #3889  
se takes place at Fürstenfeldbruck Air Base in Bavaria, Germany. A UFO is s 11/23/1948 #3889  
 this night at 10:20 p.m. Two U.S. Air Force Captains flying in a F-80 figh 11/23/1948 #3890  
Maj. Gen. Charles P. Cabell, in an Air Staff Summary Sheet, admits that he  11/30/1948 #3893  
 AMC Dayton to Commanding General, Air Defense Command, Mitchel AFB [now cl 11/30/1948 #3894  
en Project GRUDGE and MJ-12 is the Air Force officer in head of BLUE BOOK.  12/1948 #3896  
                            TRAVIS AIR FORCE BASE, CA Air Traffic Controlle 12/3/1948 #3900  
         TRAVIS AIR FORCE BASE, CA Air Traffic Controller. Fireball climbs  12/3/1948 #3900  
                     LAS VEGAS, NM Air Force C47+airliner crew. Flash. Huge 12/5/1948 #3906  
. Boggs of the Office of Defensive Air, the ONI, and the USAF Scientific Ad 12/6/1948 #3913  
             Dayton, OH Top Secret Air Intelligence Report 100–203–79 issue 12/10/1948 #3922  
sed Project Sign report is issued, Air Intelligence Report Number 100-203-7 12/10/1948 #3923  
ing Object Incidents in the U.S.” (AIR 203) [Some copies are confusingly da 12/10/1948 #3923  
lan B. Clark and Sandia’s AF-Civil Air Patrol Liaison Officer Maj. Charles  12/12/1948 #3926  
gn be changed to Grudge (since the Air Force bears a grudge against UFO rep 12/16/1948 #3931  
ummary of the Chiles-Whitted case, Air Intelligence Report number 102-122-7 12/20/1948 #3934  
          Dayton, OH United States Air Force’s Strategic Air Command had F- 1949 #3940  
nited States Air Force’s Strategic Air Command had F-86 Sabres in service f 1949 #3940  
950. The F-86 was the primary U.S. air combat fighter during the Korean War 1949 #3940  
 light circles airport tower. Both Air Traffic Controllers flee in panic!   1/1949 #3949  
. In this condition, or worse, the Air Force commitment to a UFO investigat 1/1949 #3950  
sky. The sighting is listed by the Air Force as an “unknown.”               1/4/1949 #3960  
ign’s list of UFO incidents to the Air Weather Service for analysis and rec 1/5/1949 #3962  
                          KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM Project Bluebook Case 1/6/1949 #3964  
 Officers of both the Army and the Air Forces.” It was thought that the fir 1/31/1949 #3987  
 officers of both the army and the air forces.”                             1/31/1949 #3989  
                          GRIFFISS AIR FORCE BASE, NY Many observer(s). Whi 2/1949 #3991  
and a few conservative opinions by Air Force personnel.                     Early 2/1949 #3996  
 of), OH Meteor or UFO Observed By Air Crew (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Co 2/10/1949 #3999  
                  Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, OH USAF Project  2/11/1949 #4000  
 Directorate, ONR, Cambridge Labs, Air Weather Services, Hynek at Ohio Stat 2/11/1949 #4003  
 Cabell sets out a revised list of Air Intelligence reporting requirements  2/15/1949 #4009  
                       Continental Air Command McCoy A Fourth Air Force let 2/18/1949 #4018  
inental Air Command McCoy A Fourth Air Force letter quotes Project Sign’s r 2/18/1949 #4018  
ting, as stated by the Continental Air Command (NORAD’s predecessor) on Feb 2/18/1949 #4018  
edecessor) on February 4. The USAF Air Defense Command is subordinate to Co 2/18/1949 #4018  
                         Strategic Air Command USSR Strategic Air Command h 3/1949 #4030  
rategic Air Command USSR Strategic Air Command head Gen. Curtis LeMay deliv 3/1949 #4030  
s upcoming article for review. The Air Force is not pleased, objecting to S 3/2/1949 #4032  
 USAF position, his claim that the Air Force is his sole source of informat 3/2/1949 #4032  
t Sign, and any inference that the Air Force and Navy are not cooperating.  3/2/1949 #4032  
                            CASTLE AIR FORCE BASE, CA USAF man. Saucer with 4/4/1949 #4071  
 Witness:  William Parrott, former Air Force pilot and major.  One generall 4/4/1949 #4073  
           William Parrott, former Air Force pilot and Major, sighted a rou 4/4/1949 #4074  
 response to Winchell’s claim, the Air Force admits it is impossible to “de 4/8/1949 #4083  
es by J. Bova at the Davis Monthan Air Force Base in Arizona. The object su 4/9/1949 #4085  
gton Hall, Washington, D.C. Brooks Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas The U 4/18/1949 #4093  
ce Base, San Antonio, Texas The US Air Force Security Service moves its hea 4/18/1949 #4093  
all in Washington, D.C., to Brooks Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas.    4/18/1949 #4093  
                      EL CAJON, CA Air Force pilot and many. 4 10M silver d 4/24/1949 #4101  
o School of Mines offers to handle air sampling. Rees urges that the Killee 4/27/1949 #4115  
disagreement about UFOs within the Air Force.                               4/27/1949 #4117  
            Some printed copies of Air Intelligence Report 100-203-79, “Ana 4/28/1949 #4126  
t canopy that results in a loss of air pressure. He manages to land on the  5/6/1949 #4158  
d C. G. Green reported to the U.S. Air Force that two shiny disc-shaped obj 5/6/1949 #4163  
le in Time magazine reports on the Air Force press release, remarking that  5/9/1949 #4174  
aucers, including a score or so of Air Force pilots, stuck stoutly to their 5/9/1949 #4174  
                  WEST / BOISE, ID Air Force man / US20. 1+5 silver disks / 5/13/1949 #4185  
9 on this day at 11:05 a.m. a U.S. Air Force Airman Smith, driving along Hi 5/13/1949 #4186  
to the flying saucer mystery, from Air Materiel Command Wright-Patterson AF 5/18/1949 #4190  
 the front-page piece in the W-T: ‘Air Force people are convinced the flyin 5/18/1949 #4193  
s real. The clincher came when the air force got a picture recently of thre 5/18/1949 #4193  
tdistanced our fastest ships. Some air force men believe the discs are a ne 5/18/1949 #4193  
                  Wright-Patterson Air Material Intelligence Wright-Patters 5/19/1949 #4195  
rial Intelligence Wright-Patterson Air Material Intelligence Commander Col. 5/19/1949 #4195  
UFO that is hovering in restricted air space over the Hanford Atomic Works  5/21/1949 #4200  
 of Moses Lake, Washington by a US Air Force F-82 pilot flying over the are 5/21/1949 #4201  
                               The Air Force Office of Special Investigatio 5/31/1949 #4218  
center, hovering 5,280 feet in the air. It is 30–70 feet in diameter. Sudde 6/6/1949 #4228  
rt Bright McLaughlin is testing an Air Force V-2 rocket at White Sands Miss 6/14/1949 #4240  
                            GUNTER AIR FORCE BASE, AL Project Bluebook Case 6/18/1949 #4241  
   Corona, New Mexico Roswell Army Air Field The gouge is said to be still  Summer 1949 #4246  
and three others from Roswell Army Air Field supposedly confiscate the piec Summer 1949 #4246  
re, Maryland 6:30 p.m. A former US Air Force tech sergeant observes three s 6/29/1949 #4256  
                             LOWRY AIR FORCE BASE, CO 1+1 observer(s). 6 cl 7/3/1949 (approximate) #4259  
w, Washington, is preparing for an air show when someone points out an obje 7/3/1949 #4261  
al disc-shaped objects fly over an air show being held in Longview, Washing 7/3/1949 #4262  
                            TRAVIS AIR FORCE BASE, CA 4 military observer(s 7/18/1949 #4272  
TH, TX Project Bluebook Case #411. Air Force Captain and Major. 7 dull nigh 7/24/1949 #4279  
    Fort Worth, Texas 8:30 p.m. An Air Force major and captain watch seven  7/24/1949 #4284  
k Case #416. Airliner and Portland Air Traffic Controller and cops and more 7/30/1949 #4296  
 agent to “confirm” the story. The Air Force Office of Special Investigatio 8/1949 #4301  
to 7, traveling slow to very fast. Air Force Conclusion: Balls of thistle ( 8/8/1949 #4312  
fense to unify the Army, Navy, and Air Force under the Secretary of Defense 8/10/1949 #4316  
ireballs. He suggests that further air and ground samples be taken in areas 8/18/1949 #4322  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “joe 8/29/1949 #4339  
Payerne, Vaud, Switzerland A Swiss Air Force officer sees a silvery disc 20 9/1949 #4342  
y will no longer be included in HQ Air Materiel Command and Directorate of  9/1/1949 #4343  
                           Eielson Air Force Base, AL USAF WB-29 lands at E 9/3/1949 #4344  
se, AL USAF WB-29 lands at Eielson Air Force Base AL with filter paper samp 9/3/1949 #4344  
                             CLARK AIR FORCE BASE, PHIL 3 planes. Object cl 9/8/1949 #4351  
Geophysical Sciences Branch of the Air Force Research and Development order 9/14/1949 #4356  
e-white exhaust was seen by a U.S. Air Force C-54 pilot flying northeast of 9/20/1949 #4362  
                          HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM Blue Book. 3 military 10/12/1949 #4388  
                              U.S. Air Force Captain W. Donnelly sighted a  11/3/1949 #4412  
                          Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico  11/27/1949 #4427  
ing 5°–7° per second over Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 11/27/1949 #4427  
 are supposed to be detected by US Air Force reconnaissance. Sources cite 5 12/2/1949 #4431  
                           ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MD Blue Book. F51 chases 12/24/1949 #4442  
 Are Real.” Keyhoe argues that the Air Force knows UFOs are real, alien, an 12/24/1949 #4443  
bservers from another planet.” The Air Force finds itself buried in letters 12/24/1949 #4443  
       15 NM NORTH / DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, AZ Silver saucer hovers  12/31/1949 #4454  
my airplanes, is created by the US Air Defense Command.                     1/1950 #4468  
n, to Anchorage, Alaska, route, an air freighter is paced for five minutes  1/1950 #4469  
rector of public relations for the Air Force; Maj. Jesse E. Stay and Jack T 1/1950 #4470  
ok. C47 Carswell going [to] Offutt Air Force Base. 45' metal ovoid / SL fli 1/6/1950 #4473  
d Zimmerman, were flying in a U.S. Air Force C-47 transport plane near Howa 1/6/1950 #4475  
   SOUTH / CORONA, NM Blue Book. 1 Air Force-man / car. Green fireball mane 1/7/1950 #4476  
                             Naval Air Station Kodiak [now Coast Guard Base 1/22/1950 #4503  
utine security flight out of Naval Air Station Kodiak [now Coast Guard Base 1/22/1950 #4503  
plane flying from the Kodiak Naval Air Station in Alaska spotted two orange 1/23/1950 #4506  
llated with a pendulum motion. The Air Force explanation was that the objec 1/24/1950 #4510  
                         ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BASE, AK Lt. Col. and 1. 3 ora 1/26/1950 #4512  
it, and the witness felt a rush of air and a pungent smell.                 1/29/1950 #4517  
it, and the witness felt a rush of air and a pungent smell.                 1/29/1950 #4518  
g approx. 2700 mph and no sound or air disturbance was noted with it. Durin 1/31/1950 #4520  
                        TUCSON, AZ Air Traffic Controllers and many. Fireba 2/1/1950 #4522  
ville, Massachusetts Otis AFB Otis Air National Guard Base near Mashpee Lin 2/2/1950 #4526  
 Foushee Jr. of Otis AFB [now Otis Air National Guard Base] near Mashpee. A 2/2/1950 #4526  
SI Letter #85 is issued, directing Air Force personnel to relay UFO sightin 2/8/1950 #4535  
                             Naval Air Station at Key West, Florida Navy pi 2/22/1950 #4547  
onfirmed by radar, above the Naval Air Station at Key West, Florida. A plan 2/22/1950 #4547  
ed in the area at the time. The US Air Force suggested that the visual sigh 3/1/1950 #4572  
                         SELFRIDGE AIR FORCE BASE, MI Project Bluebook Case 3/3/1950 #4573  
           Selfridge AFB Selfridge Air National Guard Base Mount Clemens, M 3/3/1950 #4576  
an At Selfridge AFB [now Selfridge Air National Guard Base] near Mount Clem 3/3/1950 #4576  
NDALIA AIRPORT, OH 2 airliners and Air Traffic Controller and many. Jets ch 3/8/1950 #4590  
ing the crew of two airliners, the Air Traffic Controller, and many other g 3/8/1950 #4594  
                         SELFRIDGE AIR FORCE BASE, MI Military Air Traffic  3/9/1950 #4596  
FRIDGE AIR FORCE BASE, MI Military Air Traffic Controllers. Blip paces jets 3/9/1950 #4596  
 MI Selfridge AFB, Michigan, G,V,A air defense ground radar trackings of an 3/9/1950 #4597  
                         Selfridge Air Force Base Mount Clemens, Michigan 7 3/9/1950 #4598  
ree radar controllers at Selfridge Air Force Base [now Selfridge Air Nation 3/9/1950 #4598  
idge Air Force Base [now Selfridge Air National Guard Base] near Mount Clem 3/9/1950 #4598  
varies from a hover in low-density air to nearly 1,500 mph, well in excess  3/9/1950 #4598  
              SOUTHWEST / HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM Huge 5-minute meteor  3/11/1950 #4610  
 Guatemala Guatemala City Brookley Air Force Base Mobile Aeroplex at Brookl 3/15/1950 #4643  
lex at Brookley Mobile, Alabama An Air Force Captain Hall, flying in Guatem 3/15/1950 #4643  
ess. When Hall returns to Brookley Air Force Base [now Mobile Aeroplex at B 3/15/1950 #4643  
orted he spotted a UFO stop in the air stop for 5 minutes (Denver Post Spec 3/16/1950 #4645  
 Navy Chief Petty Officer at Naval Air Station saw a flat oval UFO pass und 3/16/1950 #4654  
 New Mexico to be specified by the Air Force, and the phototheodolite opera 3/16/1950 #4655  
                             Naval Air Station Dallas Grand Prairie Armed F 3/16/1950 #4656  
isc streak across the sky at Naval Air Station Dallas [later Grand Prairie  3/16/1950 #4656  
                          KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM 4 Air Force men. 3 si 3/17/1950 #4662  
     KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM 4 Air Force men. 3 silver saucers tumble / 3/17/1950 #4662  
-shaped objects were seen from the air over Little Rock, Arkansas at 4:30 p 3/17/1950 #4667  
                EAST TORONTO, ON 2 Air Force Vets and 3. 4 silver grey sauc 3/19/1950 #4681  
                          KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE AND SANDIA, NM Silent MLT 3/21/1950 #4692  
              NORTHWEST / KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM 11 Air Force Sergeant 3/22/1950 #4698  
T / KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM 11 Air Force Sergeants. Tan flying wing goi 3/22/1950 #4698  
shape is “similar to a flying wing air craft and tan in color, turning to b 3/22/1950 #4701  
              RENO AIRPORT, NV CAA Air Traffic Controller and 2 United Airl 3/26/1950 #4725  
ll reassure the nation when the US Air Force confirms it. Within days, the  3/27/1950 #4741  
tterson, of the office of the U.S. Air Attache. One white object observed f 3/28/1950 #4748  
d Lieut. Col. John V. Hearn Jr. of Air Force Intelligence, who tell him tha 3/28/1950 #4749  
                        BURGOS, SP Air Traffic Controllers and more/others. 3/29/1950 #4757  
” in which he sympathizes with the Air Force, which has to reply to groundl 3/31/1950 #4777  
steria, and hoaxes: “As far as the Air Force goes, there’s no such thing as 3/31/1950 #4777  
th. Going west. Hover / wright-Pat Air Force Base and quickly going up.     4/2/1950 #4790  
/ DELANO, CA Many calls to Edwards Air Force Base. 65cm round object circle 4/4/1950 #4791  
 such technology. Furthermore, the Air Force study has concluded there are  4/4/1950 #4792  
             LOGAN AIRPORT, MASS 3 Air Traffic Controllers and more. Object 4/7/1950 #4812  
                            ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, GA Pilot and 1 / ground. 4/10/1950 #4837  
age research memorandum for the US Air Force titled “The Exploitation of Su 4/14/1950 #4852  
    OVER PLYMOUTH, MASS F86 / Otis Air Force Base. Saucer / 17K' rises / 28 4/27/1950 #4901  
               At 9:00 a.m. a U.S. Air Force F-86 Sabre jet had an encounte 4/27/1950 #4911  
                            WARREN AIR FORCE BASE, WY 7 / Air National Guar 5/21/1950 #4957  
     WARREN AIR FORCE BASE, WY 7 / Air National Guard. 4 white saucers / V  5/21/1950 #4957  
n. Earle E. Partridge of the Fifth Air Force, responsible for the Korean Th 6/8/1950 #4981  
                          HAMILTON AIR FORCE BASE, CA Blue Book. 2+3 pilots 6/21/1950 #4993  
h Korea President Truman orders US air and sea forces to help South Korea.  6/27/1950 #5017  
              Royal Canadian Naval Air Station Shearwater, Dartmouth, Nova  6/30/1950 #5028  
 Connelly) at Royal Canadian Naval Air Station Shearwater, Dartmouth, Nova  6/30/1950 #5028  
AFSWP concludes that a site on the Air Force’s Las Vegas Bombing and Gunner 7/1950 #5034  
object had been oscillating in the air, preventing a stable image.) The men 7/1950 #5035  
                              HILL AIR FORCE BASE, UT 3 Sergeants. 50' silv 7/5/1950 #5043  
ial closing of Project Grudge, the Air Force still desires to receive UFO r 7/7/1950 #5049  
                          HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM 3 Air Force men. 2 so 7/19/1950 #5071  
     HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM 3 Air Force men. 2 softball-size objects h 7/19/1950 #5071  
credible speed," causing a rush of air that rocked the car.                 7/20/1950 #5074  
credible speed," causing a rush of air that rocked the car.                 7/20/1950 #5075  
            OVER WILLIAMSVILLE, IL Air and ground observers. 3M glowing-cyl 7/29/1950 #5081  
y Commission (AEC) plant. RADAR's. Air Force jets can't catch.              7/30/1950 #5082  
                       MEDFORD, OR Air Traffic Controller and several / air 8/1950 (approximate) #5088  
ighted over the Hanford AEC Plant. Air Force jets fails to intercept them.  8/4/1950 #5099  
two miles. It was sent to the U.S. Air Force for analysis, but when it was  8/5/1950 #5108  
                 OVER SANTA FE, NM Air Force jet / 30K'. C-47 with dark obj 8/7/1950 #5111  
                           EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, CA Navy physicist Wykoff 8/10/1950 #5115  
 the oblong one is tumbling in the air end over end.                        8/12/1950 #5120  
peed. In October he takes it to an Air Force officer for analysis. USAF not 8/15/1950 #5126  
Wing Commander Myles Formby of the Air Ministry’s technical intelligence br 8/15/1950 #5127  
                 ECHTERDINGEN ARMY AIR BASE, GERMANY White ovoid joins ball 8/21/1950 #5134  
white 20' sphere speeds into wind. Air Force says "a balloon".              8/27/1950 #5140  
 over Brockton, Massachusetts. The Air Force explained it as a balloon.     8/27/1950 #5142  
                          HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM Many HIQ observer(s). 8/30/1950 #5144  
luding Kaeel and Alexander, of the Air Force Base. A dark, barrel-shaped ob 8/30/1950 #5149  
 p.m. three local employees of the Air Force Base at Sandy Point, Newfoundl 8/30/1950 #5151  
                            HARMON AIR FORCE BASE, NFL Air Force guard. Sha 9/2/1950 #5164  
        HARMON AIR FORCE BASE, NFL Air Force guard. Shadow-man at end of ru 9/2/1950 #5164  
NE, WA Project Bluebook Case #797. Air Force Major and 2. 3 30' saucers / e 9/3/1950 #5165  
ckly [to] WSW going [to] Fairchild Air Force Base.                          9/3/1950 #5165  
 The Pentagon Wright-Patterson AFB Air Force Intelligence Collection Divisi 9/8/1950 #5172  
                  Howard Hawks The Air Force responds to producer Howard Ha 9/13/1950 #5176  
e saucers / Albuquerque and Walker Air Force Base.                          9/17/1950 #5180  
   POPLAR, MT 2 ANG F51 pilots and Air Traffic Controllers and ground obser 9/18/1950 #5181  
, MA Object buzzes F86's. 1200mph. Air and ground RADAR confirm. 5g acceler 9/21/1950 #5189  
ess: M.I.T. research associate and Air National Guard Maj. M.H. Ligda. Rada 9/21/1950 #5191  
husetts MIT research associate and Air National Guard Maj. Myron Herbert Li 9/21/1950 #5192  
. an M.I.T. research associate and Air National Guard Major M. H. Ligda obs 9/21/1950 #5193  
 UFO reports are to be sent to the Air Defense Command at the Pentagon and  9/25/1950 #5195  
                               The Air Force Intelligence office, apparentl 9/25/1950 #5196  
                           CHANUTE AIR FORCE BASE, IL 30 / 10 theodolites.  10/1950 (approximate) #5202  
 assisted by Louis Mountbatten and Air Chief Marshal Hugh Dowding, both who 10/1950 #5206  
 F82 going [to] 5 blips. Pilot and air.rdr see nothing. / LDLN#331.         10/12/1950 #5219  
                             MARCH AIR FORCE BASE, CA Blue Book. Air Force  10/14/1950 #5225  
ARCH AIR FORCE BASE, CA Blue Book. Air Force navigator in-flight. Night lig 10/14/1950 #5225  
                         OVER POPE AIR FORCE BASE, NC Project Bluebook Case 10/15/1950 #5228  
                         NEAR POPE AIR FORCE BASE, NC USAF pilot / ground.  10/15/1950 #5229  
ilar object crosses the path of an Air Force jet near Pope AFB.             10/15/1950 #5236  
lot named Daniel, flying from Pope Air Force Base, North Carolina sighted f 10/15/1950 #5238  
uickly [to] WSW / NYC. / Strategic Air Command (SAC) to FBI.                10/20/1950 #5244  
west to the northeast near Maxwell Air Force Base, then performed a flip ov 11/23/1950 #5286  
 of the early warning radar of the Air Defense Command at Knoxville. AFI wa 11/29/1950 #5300  
n Deputy Minister of Transport for Air Services, approves Wilbert B. Smith’ 12/2/1950 #5311  
uld be telephoned, immediately, to Air Force Intelligence.                  12/3/1950 #5314  
 its presence has an effect on the air above it. If the air is unusually io 12/5/1950 #5319  
effect on the air above it. If the air is unusually ionized, it might be th 12/5/1950 #5319  
        Limestone, Maine The ConAC Air Defense Controller notified the Head 12/6/1950 #5322  
e House 10:30–11:04 a.m. The ConAC Air Defense Controller notifies the HQ U 12/6/1950 #5329  
aska Witnesses:  crew of Northwest Air Lines flight 802. Two white flashes, 12/11/1950 #5339  
             The crew of Northwest Air Lines flight 802 sighted two white f 12/11/1950 #5340  
he sighting from the nearby McGhee Air Force Base.                          12/18/1950 #5357  
through 1953 that cover ground and air operations, unusual incidents, and U 1951 #5376  
ns and hoaxes, and quoting a weary Air Force Col. Harold E. Watson, who has 1/1951 #5380  
use to report UFO sightings to the Air Force. USAF Public Information Offic 1/1951 #5380  
et this interview up, believes the Air Force has better things to do and is 1/1951 #5380  
AFB Colorado Springs, Colorado The Air Defense Command, inactivated since J 1/1/1951 #5383  
                           STEWART AIR FORCE BASE, NY Blue Book. USAF man.  1/12/1951 #5390  
            At 10:05 p.m. two U.S. Air Force airmen at Stewart AFB in Orang 1/12/1951 #5393  
                    SIOUX CITY, IA Air Traffic Controllers and pilots. Cyli 1/20/1951 #5405  
                          HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM Blue Book. Saucer hov 1/22/1951 #5411  
                            ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, GA Blue Book. 2+observer 1/25/1951 #5416  
 36.82664 -115.95883 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Able 1/27/1951 #5418  
Frenchman Flat Nevada Test Site An Air Force B-50D bomber drops the first a 1/27/1951 #5419  
 36.82664 -115.95883 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bake 1/28/1951 #5420  
, who has written Secretary of the Air Force Thomas K. Finletter asking tha 1/29/1951 #5421  
 the UFO project is disbanded, the Air Force still investigates incidents a 1/29/1951 #5421  
                      NNW / NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, NV Air Traffic Controlle 1/31/1951 (approximate) #5422  
   NNW / NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, NV Air Traffic Controller. Clam-saucer goin 1/31/1951 (approximate) #5422  
                      NEAR JOHNSON AIR FORCE BASE, JPN 2 / USAF F82. Amber  2/1/1951 #5425  
                           Johnson Air Base, Japan Witnesses: pilot and rad 2/1/1951 #5427  
 36.82664 -115.95883 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Easy 2/1/1951 #5428  
 36.82664 -115.95883 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bake 2/2/1951 #5429  
 36.82664 -115.95883 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Fox” 2/6/1951 #5433  
avik, Iceland Confidential Memo to Air Transport Squadron One: Lt. Graham E 2/10/1951 #5437  
                  ALAMOGORDO, NM 2 Air Force pilots watch large balloon. Sa 2/14/1951 #5442  
                Alamogordo, NM Two Air Force pilots, while watching a large 2/14/1951 #5443  
                              U.S. Air Force pilots Cocker and Spradley saw 2/14/1951 #5444  
                               The Air Intelligence Training Bulletin publi 2/20/1951 #5452  
 “suicide by secrecy.” The FBI and Air Force mull prosecuting Mirarchi for  2/25/1951 #5458  
                              LADD AIR FORCE BASE, AK Project Bluebook Case 2/26/1951 #5459  
 FR. EQT.AFR White fireball buzzes Air Force Base. Fast and silent. Stops.  3/1951 #5466  
                         MCCLELLAN AIR FORCE BASE, CA Blue Book. 2 observer 3/13/1951 #5478  
                   EAST / HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM 9 aero-engineers. 12+ 3/14/1951 #5482  
aeronautical engineers at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico watched at le 3/14/1951 #5484  
  11.55234 162.34648 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Dog” 4/7/1951 #5499  
                                   Air Defense Command issues a memo on “Un 4/11/1951 #5502  
                      NEAR MCCHORD AIR FORCE BASE, WA 9 military observer(s 4/12/1951 #5503  
    11.6689 162.2403 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Easy 4/20/1951 #5506  
n uninhabited Bogullua Island. The Air Force concludes that unmanned sample 4/21/1951 #5507  
    11.6269 162.3147 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Geor 5/8/1951 #5512  
gence Department (T-2) becomes the Air Technical Intelligence Center (ATIC) 5/21/1951 #5513  
    11.6730 162.2486 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Item 5/24/1951 #5520  
, France at 10:37 a.m. in a French Air Force Vampire jet. It then accelerat 6/15/1951 #5543  
                                   Air Technical Intelligence Center at Wri 6/22/1951 #5550  
ter Robert Emmett Ginna Jr. visits Air Technical Intelligence Center at Wri 6/22/1951 #5550  
                     MOUNTAIN HOME AIR FORCE BASE, ID 60 military observer( 7/1951 (approximate) #5555  
                    MONTGOMERY, AL Air Force man. 75' saucer southwest / dr 7/8/1951 #5562  
mes. Pilot Kinmon said he felt the air disturbance as the UFO barrel-rolled 7/9/1951 #5570  
 10 to 15 feet in diam. UFO caused air disturbance as it barrel-rolled unde 7/10/1951 #5571  
            NNE / PORT CLINTON, OH Air Force pilot. 6M cylinder/cigar-shape 8/8/1951 #5597  
                        RHEIN-MAIN AIR FORCE BASE, GERMANY 2 USAF. Circular 8/14/1951 #5604  
                         ELLINGTON AIR FORCE BASE, TX RADAR-man visually. N 8/25/1951 #5617  
       NEAR LUBBOCK, TX 2 separate Air Defense Command RADAR's track object 8/26/1951 #5629  
         VANDALIA, IL 2 pilots and Air Traffic Controller. Large orange nig 8/27/1951 #5634  
n Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio The Air Force issues JANAP 146(B), “Communic 9/6/1951 #5653  
” All UFO reports are to go to the Air Defense Command in the Pentagon (whi 9/6/1951 #5653  
           Asbury, NJ CONFIDENTIAL Air Intel REPORT: Maj. Ballard and Lt. R 9/10/1951 #5656  
                              U.S. Air Force pilots Lt. Wilbert Rogers and  9/10/1951 #5661  
                         GOOSE BAY AIR FORCE BASE, NFLD RADAR's. 2 blips /  9/14/1951 #5666  
Meteor nears airport / loud noise. Air Traffic Controller lights runway. Sh 9/18/1951 #5675  
                            A U.S. Air Force B-36 on a training flight near 9/18/1951 #5679  
                             MARCH AIR FORCE BASE, CA RADAR / ground and ai 9/23/1951 #5681  
 FORCE BASE, CA RADAR / ground and air. Silver object circles / 17km altitu 9/23/1951 #5681  
California At March AFB [now March Air Reserve Base] near Long Beach, Calif 9/23/1951 #5685  
ville, California then vectored by air defense GCI radar to a target off th 9/23/1951 #5687  
ng Beach but the UFO had gone. The Air Force explanation for the sightings  9/23/1951 #5687  
         50.43 77.83 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “joe 9/24/1951 #5690  
                            KADENA AIR FORCE BASE, OKINAWA 2 RADAR operator 10/3/1951 #5699  
              NEUBIBERG AB, GERM 2 Air Force sergeants. Odd blimp hovers /  10/11/1951 #5722  
B. Moore, pilot Dick Reilly in the air, and Doug Smith on the ground.  The  10/11/1951 #5724  
B. Moore, pilot Dick Reilly in the air, and Doug Smith on the ground sighte 10/11/1951 #5726  
                           MCCHORD AIR FORCE BASE, WA USAF pilots and Navy  10/16/1951 #5728  
w Joint Base Lewis- McChord] Naval Air Station Whidbey Island in Oak Harbor 10/16/1951 #5730  
 Oak Harbor, Washington 11:01 a.m. Air Force pilots flying three F-94 fight 10/16/1951 #5730  
ed and high altitude west of Naval Air Station Whidbey Island in Oak Harbor 10/16/1951 #5730  
he aircraft abandon the chase. The Air Force attributes the sighting to Ven 10/16/1951 #5730  
 test RDS-3 (Joe 3), 41.2kt, first air dropped, released at 10km detonated  10/18/1951 #5731  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “joe 10/18/1951 #5734  
ites to Assistant Secretary of the Air Force Eugene M. Zuckert about UFOs s 10/20/1951 #5735  
                  Battle Creek, MI Air Intelligence Report: Mr. (name withh 10/21/1951 #5736  
   37.0839 -116.0239 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Able 10/22/1951 #5742  
   37.0850 -116.0200 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bake 10/28/1951 #5749  
   37.0850 -116.0203 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Char 10/30/1951 #5753  
aff. He is replaced as director of Air Force Intelligence by Maj. Gen. John 11/1951 #5755  
   37.0847 -116.0197 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Dog” 11/1/1951 #5756  
                               The Air Force issues a Ground Observer’s Gui 11/1/1951 #5757  
   37.0919 -116.0244 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Easy 11/5/1951 #5767  
                      NEAR ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MD Air Traffic Controlle 11/18/1951 #5777  
   NEAR ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MD Air Traffic Controller and capitol airli 11/18/1951 #5777  
C-4 Fliqht 610, Andrews AFB Senior air traffic controller Tom Selby. One ob 11/18/1951 #5779  
Flight 610, and Andrews AFB Senior air traffic controller Tom Selby witness 11/18/1951 #5780  
   37.1317 -116.0386 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Suga 11/19/1951 #5781  
ubbock and Big Springs, Texas. Two Air Force pilots landing at Kirtland AFB 11/20/1951 #5782  
      Mankato, Minnesota 3:53 p.m. Air Force Capt. William Fairbrother is f 11/24/1951 #5789  
nkato, Minnesota. It flew over two Air National Guard F-51 fighter aircraft 11/24/1951 #5791  
e case remained unexplained by the Air Force.                               12/7/1951 #5812  
kpile sites and some SAC strategic air bases. Gen. Samford orders ATIC to c 12/19/1951 #5821  
n Montgomery, Alabama World War II air intelligence records are transferred 1952 #5838  
te: According to author Nick Cook, Air Force Office of Special Investigatio 1952 #5843  
mented, and suggested the Navy and Air Force not pursue the disc designs. * 1952 #5843  
ted 23 September 1947 from head of Air Materiel Command Lt. Gen. Nathan Twi 1952 #5843  
he was a guard at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in 1952 and saw a craft c 1952 #5846  
nt / sun. Military photos / Tucson Air Force Base.                          1/1952 #5849  
mbus, Ohio, agrees to help out the Air Force with analyzing UFO reports.    1/8/1952 #5863  
                         FAIRCHILD AIR FORCE BASE, WA 2 Air Force intellige 1/20/1952 #5866  
    FAIRCHILD AIR FORCE BASE, WA 2 Air Force intelligence OFFs. Silent blue 1/20/1952 #5866  
                          MITCHELL AIR FORCE BASE, LI, NY White saucer make 1/21/1952 #5869  
te saucer makes 180° turn. Circles Air Force Base. Goes going quickly south 1/21/1952 #5869  
 vanished from sight. The official Air Force explanation at the time was th 1/21/1952 #5872  
                              LADD AIR FORCE BASE, AK Objects / 3 ground an 1/22/1952 #5873  
CE BASE, AK Objects / 3 ground and air RADAR's going quickly southwest / 15 1/22/1952 #5873  
orthern Alaska outpost Murphy Dome Air Force Station 12:20 a.m. At a northe 1/22/1952 #5876  
rthern Alaska outpost, Murphy Dome Air Force Station, radar captures a UFO  1/22/1952 #5876  
ts obtained a visual sighting, the Air Force concludes that the radar retur 1/22/1952 #5876  
 high altitude by the crew of a US Air Force AT-11 trainer flying near Pitt 2/11/1952 #5898  
es Land-Air Inc. was contracted by Air Materiel Command to study green fire 2/19/1952 #5911  
ts in a letter to Secretary of the Air Force Thomas K. Finletter.           2/21/1952 #5917  
                          Far East Air Forces Wonsan/Sunchon, Korea Far Eas 2/21/1952 #5918  
ces Wonsan/Sunchon, Korea Far East Air Forces Commander Lieut. Gen. Otto P. 2/21/1952 #5918  
 to the operational control of the Air Force. What appear to be secure bunk 2/22/1952 #5920  
Manzano Base [now part of Kirtland Air Force Base]. At one point, a militar 2/22/1952 #5920  
ay publishing an article until the Air Force has come to a more definite co 2/25/1952 #5931  
                        The 4602nd Air Intelligence Service Squadron is act 3/1/1952 #5941  
 is activated under ADC to collect air combat intelligence.                 3/1/1952 #5941  
 basis.” He also meets with visits Air Force UFO spokesman Albert M. Chop.  3/3/1952 #5942  
                               The Air Force sends a letter, signed by Lieu 3/5/1952 #5946  
ght. Kimball sends a report to the Air Force, but hears nothing back, despi 3/14/1952 #5957  
TIC meet with the commander of the Air Defense Command, Gen. Benjamin W. Ch 3/19/1952 #5961  
 TX Project Bluebook Case #1079. 4 Air Force B50D pilots and RADAR photogra 3/26/1952 #5975  
                    NORTH / MISAWA AIR FORCE BASE, JPN Project Bluebook Cas 3/29/1952 #5984  
pan Small, shiny disc made pass at Air Force plane                          3/29/1952 #5991  
 A Commander Pierre of the Belgian Air Force sets out in pursuit in a fight 3/29/1952 #5993  
 disc that stopped abruptly in the air at 1500-feet altitude. It turned on  3/30/1952 #5997  
                                US Air Force Letter 200-5 gave Project Blue 4/1952 #6003  
ority to cut red tape, contact any Air Force unit in the U.S. without going 4/1952 #6003  
to ATIC, followed with details via Air Mail.                                4/1952 #6003  
orth. Spouts / flame unaffected by air.                                     4/1952 (approximate) #6004  
an Kimball, upset with the way the Air Force has treated his UFO sighting,  4/1952 #6009  
   36.7983 -115.9356 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Able 4/1/1952 #6014  
                               The Air Force publicly announces that it has 4/3/1952 #6020  
                            KADENA AIR FORCE BASE, OKINAWA Flight crew. Sma 4/5/1952 #6028  
s primary sources are high-ranking Air Force officers.                      4/7/1952 #6042  
 nicknamed Operation Longhorn, the Air Force announces that a new “aerial l 4/7/1952 #6043  
      SHREVEPORT TO/FROM BARKSDALE AIR FORCE BASE, LA USAF C54 buzzed / 35' 4/9/1952 #6047  
timated to be 35 feet in diameter. Air Force jets were scrambled from Barks 4/9/1952 #6051  
 Canada Witnesses:  Royal Canadian Air Force Warrant Officer E.H. Rossell,  4/12/1952 #6062  
anada. At 9:30 p.m. Royal Canadian Air Force Warrant Officer E. H. Rossell  4/12/1952 #6064  
            GMX SOUTH / BILOXI, MS Air Force Lieut. and more/others. Dull o 4/13/1952 #6067  
   37.0842 -116.0194 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bake 4/15/1952 #6082  
     NEAR SHREVEPORT, LA Strategic Air Command (SAC) Commander / ground. Sa 4/16/1952 #6090  
ic about a possible Soviet attack. Air Force Intelligence warns Brig. Gen.  4/16/1952 #6093  
 orders America’s first nationwide Air Defense Readiness alert.             4/16/1952 #6093  
              At 10:26 p.m. a U.S. Air Force captain and his neighbor in Sh 4/16/1952 #6094  
                            NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, NV 5 military. 18 dull-w 4/17/1952 #6096  
                           Caswell Air Force Station Limestone, Maine US 5: 4/17/1952 #6106  
aine US 5:10 a.m. Radar at Caswell Air Force Station [now closed] in Limest 4/17/1952 #6106  
 remain unidentified. A nationwide Air Defense Readiness Alert is declared  4/17/1952 #6106  
                                   Air Force T/S Orville Lawson Nellis Air  4/17/1952 #6107  
ir Force T/S Orville Lawson Nellis Air Force Base near Las Vegas Nevada Tes 4/17/1952 #6107  
 Vegas Nevada Test Site 12:05 p.m. Air Force T/S Orville Lawson, Rudy Tonce 4/17/1952 #6107  
y, and Charles Ruliffson at Nellis Air Force Base, near Las Vegas, see 18 c 4/17/1952 #6107  
rcraft and Warning Squadron, Japan Air Self-Defense Force, picks up a radar 4/18/1952 #6124  
                            TINKER AIR FORCE BASE, OK Civil employ and more 4/20/1952 (approximate) #6133  
                         MCCLELLAN AIR FORCE BASE, CA Commercial pilot / gr 4/20/1952 #6137  
d the sighting was reported to the Air Force by a Naval Aviation student.   4/20/1952 #6142  
idelli, on the ground at McClellan Air Field in Sacramento, California saw  4/20/1952 #6143  
   37.0844 -116.0203 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Char 4/22/1952 #6154  
d blinking regularly fly over Naha Air Force Base in Okinawa, Japan at 9:00 4/22/1952 #6156  
                                An Air Force Intelligence memorandum to Col 4/24/1952 #6178  
      A special study group within Air Force Intelligence assesses nine und 4/24/1952 #6179  
                        RHEIN-MAIN AIR FORCE BASE, GER 2 pilots. 5cm circle 4/25/1952 #6182  
A, AZ Project Bluebook Case #1163. Air Traffic Controller and military obse 4/27/1952 #6192  
civilian witnesses reported to the Air Force that an object in the SE that  4/28/1952 #6206  
                  Secretary of the Air Force Thomas K. Finletter issues Air 4/29/1952 #6215  
r Force Thomas K. Finletter issues Air Force Letter 200-5, which directs in 4/29/1952 #6215  
f to communicate directly with any Air Force base without going through the 4/29/1952 #6215  
to ATIC, followed with details via air mail. AFL 200-5 is modified by AFR 2 4/29/1952 #6215  
       Europe USAF Intelligence An Air Force memorandum written to justify  4/29/1952 #6216  
aucer’ problem.” It adds that the “Air Force cannot assume that flying sauc 4/29/1952 #6216  
                     DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, AZ 2 saucers pace B36 /  5/1/1952 #6231  
                            GEORGE AIR FORCE BASE, CA Project Bluebook Case 5/1/1952 #6232  
   37.0842 -116.0203 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Dog” 5/1/1952 #6242  
ospital, Tucson, Arizona 9:10 a.m. Air intelligence officer Maj. Rudolph Pe 5/1/1952 #6243  
playing tag with a formation of 12 Air Force bombers—either B-29s or B-50s— 5/1/1952 #6245  
             At 10:50 a.m. several Air Force officers and enlisted men at G 5/1/1952 #6247  
e in the meeting. When he asks the Air Force to support his views in upcomi Early 5/1952 #6249  
                           KEESLER AIR FORCE BASE, MS 3 military observer(s 5/7/1952 #6262  
   37.0531 -116.1056 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Easy 5/7/1952 #6267  
 Keffel and Martins. The Brazilian Air Force conclusion on the photos is th 5/7/1952 #6271  
t and a Lt. Col. from ATIC briefed Air Force Secretary Thomas K. Finletter  5/8/1952 #6272  
                                   Air Force Secretary Thomas Finletter and 5/8/1952 #6276  
                            GEORGE AIR FORCE BASE, CA Project Bluebook Case 5/9/1952 #6279  
Bluebook Case #1194. 2 F86's and 3 Air Traffic Controllers. Saucer accelera 5/9/1952 #6279  
                          KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM Air Force Col. and 1. 5/10/1952 #6286  
       KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM Air Force Col. and 1. Silver saucer goin 5/10/1952 #6286  
                            GEORGE AIR FORCE BASE, CA Civil flight-student. 5/11/1952 #6300  
es with the object’s altitude. The Air Force explains it as the planet Venu 5/12/1952 #6305  
ot taking off from El Centro Naval Air Station, California saw what appeare 5/13/1952 #6319  
                     HOUSTON, TX 2 Air Force pilots. Bright ovoid moves sid 5/20/1952 #6341  
                          RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, TX Project Bluebook Case 5/21/1952 #6346  
E, TX Project Bluebook Case #1522. Air Force Captain. 15-20 night lights /  5/21/1952 #6346  
   37.0956 -116.1056 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Fox” 5/25/1952 #6361  
FB San Antonio, Texas 9:27 a.m. An Air Force captain in charge of the navig 5/25/1952 #6363  
e object was seen overhead by a US Air Force F-94C fighter jet flying in Gr 5/26/1952 #6367  
                           EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, CA Several high-Tech obs 5/29/1952 #6379  
                          LACKLAND AIR FORCE BASE, TX Project Bluebook Case 5/29/1952 #6381  
E, TX Project Bluebook Case #1236. Air Force pilot / ground. Cylinder/cylin 5/29/1952 #6381  
lts vertical and horizontal. Reads Air Force radios?                        5/29/1952 #6381  
 F94 chases going [to] 450 Kts. On air RADAR / not ground RADAR. Going quic 5/31/1952 #6389  
   37.0481 -116.0211 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Geor 6/1/1952 #6416  
                                   Air Force Secretary Finletter issues a p 6/4/1952 #6438  
er, a number of sightings that the Air Force investigators have been unable 6/4/1952 #6438  
lain. As long as this is true, the Air Force will continue to study flying  6/4/1952 #6438  
                            OFFUTT AIR FORCE BASE, NEBR Strategic Air Comma 6/5/1952 #6441  
UTT AIR FORCE BASE, NEBR Strategic Air Command (SAC) security man and 2. La 6/5/1952 #6441  
s: 2nd Lt. W.R. Soper, a Strategic Air Command top secret control officer a 6/5/1952 #6447  
   37.1386 -116.1178 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “How” 6/5/1952 #6448  
s occurred that were listed by the Air Force Project Blue Book as "unknowns 6/5/1952 #6449  
as seen for six seconds. At Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska three securit 6/5/1952 #6449  
ver the main gate to the Strategic Air Command's major airbase at 11:00 p.m 6/5/1952 #6449  
                             Kimpo Air Base Gimpo International Airport Seo 6/6/1952 #6454  
om the 77th RAAF Squadron at Kimpo Air Base [now Gimpo International Airpor 6/6/1952 #6454  
                  SEOUL, KOREA 5th Air Force guards. Night light hovers / 1 6/7/1952 #6457  
t hover at 1,000 feet over the 5th Air Force Base near Seoul, South Korea.  6/7/1952 #6462  
  LE BOURGET AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR Air Traffic Controllers and pilots and m 6/12/1952 #6481  
           At 11:26 a.m. at a U.S. Air Force radar facility in Marakesch, M 6/12/1952 #6490  
             MIDDLETOWN, PA Former Air Traffic Controller. Round orange obj 6/13/1952 #6491  
00 a.m. M. Veillot and M. Damiens, air traffic control operators at Paris–L 6/13/1952 #6496  
varri, the pilot of an approaching Air France plane.                        6/13/1952 #6496  
ion took place in Richmond, VA. An Air Force T-33 jet tried to intercept a  6/15/1952 #6498  
 returns to base. At 5:43 p.m., an Air Force fighter attempts to intercept  6/15/1952 #6510  
                       OVER WALKER AIR FORCE BASE-ROSWELL, NM Project Blueb 6/16/1952 #6515  
                           MCCHORD AIR FORCE BASE, WA Project Bluebook Case 6/17/1952 #6520  
                 100M EAST / MARCH AIR FORCE BASE, CA Strange object paces  6/18/1952 #6532  
miles east of March AFB [now March Air Reserve Base] in southern California 6/18/1952 #6541  
cers and cigars / high altitude. / Air Force report. News copy / r136#8p20. 6/19/1952 #6545  
New Jersey 9:50 p.m. A former Army Air Force ground crew member sees a UFO  6/19/1952 #6554  
                             KELLY AIR FORCE BASE, TX Project Bluebook Case 6/21/1952 #6566  
nd Ground Observer Corps (GOC) and air observer(s). 20cm night light over A 6/21/1952 #6569  
 from the scope. An F-97 on combat air patrol engages in a “dogfight” with  6/21/1952 #6579  
                         PYONGTAEK AIR FORCE BASE, KOREA 2 Sergeants / 753D 6/22/1952 #6585  
                 4 MI WITH MCCHORD AIR FORCE BASE, WA Project Bluebook Case 6/23/1952 #6594  
                        Kirksville Air Force Station in Missouri 1:30 a.m.  6/23/1952 #6607  
ntenance technicians at Kirksville Air Force Station in Missouri, track a h 6/23/1952 #6607  
10 minutes. Four miles west of the Air Base several yellow-whitish nocturna 6/23/1952 #6616  
 at men / ground. RADAR-visual and Air Traffic Controller observer(s).      6/24/1952 #6618  
 lights zigzag and circle town and Air Force Base. Futile T33 chase. / r43p 6/26/1952 #6632  
                          MITCHELL AIR FORCE BASE, LI, NY Pan-AM pilot. Nig 6/26/1952 #6633  
 there. Capt. Harnnagy of the 4704 Air Defense Wing Intelligence tells him  6/27/1952 #6647  
                     NEAR KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM 2 saucers seen 30 sec 6/28/1952 #6649  
20 p.m. Two observers at the Cargo Air Service hangar at Kirtland AFB in Al 6/28/1952 #6659  
 sighted by two men aboard a Carco Air Service cargo plane flying south of  6/28/1952 #6660  
d object hovered vertically in the air by some woods near Lake Caluso in th 6/28/1952 #6662  
o, Illinois witnesses:  three USAF air policemen.  One bright silver, flat  6/29/1952 #6665  
re Airport Chicago 5:45 p.m. Three Air Force police officers of the 83rd Ai 6/29/1952 #6666  
 Force police officers of the 83rd Air Base Squadron at O’Hare Airport in C 6/29/1952 #6666  
The explanation provided by the US Air Force, that they were witnessing Mar 6/29/1952 #6668  
PARK, NJ 1 observer. Saucer over 3 Air Force jets;1 towing target. Saucer v 6/30/1952 #6669  
ok a firm hold in the Pentagon, at Air Defense Command headquarters, on the 6/30/1952 #6674  
6520th Test Support Wing, and USAF air policemen M/Sgt James Stiner and M/S 7/1/1952 #6689  
r and M/Sgt Joseph R. Bosh, 6520th Air Police Squadron, at Hanscom Field, B 7/1/1952 #6689  
 and forth far below the UFOs. The Air Force lists the explanation of the o 7/1/1952 #6691  
hicago, Illinois. The next day the Air Force public information office at O 7/3/1952 #6705  
 over Chicago in the past week. An Air Force spokesman says that jet patrol 7/3/1952 #6705  
                           KINDLEY AIR FORCE BASE, BERMUDA 8 observer(s). S 7/6/1952 #6720  
              COLORADO SPRINGS, CO Air Force pilot. Luminous white airfoil  7/9/1952 #6730  
                         ELLSWORTH AIR FORCE BASE, SD 4 airmen / ground. 3  7/9/1952 #6732  
mission (AEC) plant. 4km altitude. Air Force investigate. / Flying Saucer R 7/11/1952 #6758  
                   Korea Japan The Air Technical Liaison Office, Directorat 7/11/1952 #6762  
e of Intelligence for the Far East Air Force, prepares Intelligence Report  7/11/1952 #6762  
elligence Report #29-52, detailing Air Force, Navy, and Marine radar UFO re 7/11/1952 #6762  
                  INDIANAPOLIS, IN Air Force RADAR and civil and military p 7/12/1952 #6764  
                       CHICAGO, IL Air Force Officer and many. Large red ni 7/12/1952 #6769  
                       Chicago, IL Air Force weather officer, many others a 7/12/1952 #6776  
up on radar flying over Kirksville Air Force Base, Missouri at a speed of 1 7/12/1952 #6786  
                         MALMSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, MT Message going [to] US 7/14/1952 #6800  
                            KADENA AIR FORCE BASE, OKINAWA, JP Many militar 7/14/1952 #6809  
                          US Every Air Force installation in U.S. swamped w Mid 7/1952 #6819  
 says that rumors persist that the Air Force is braced for an expected inva Mid 7/1952 #6829  
                       Coast Guard Air Station Salem [now Winter Island Mar 7/16/1952 #6843  
nside the photo lab at Coast Guard Air Station Salem [now Winter Island Mar 7/16/1952 #6843  
l saucers going quickly south over Air Force Base. Straight and level and s 7/17/1952 #6860  
                            Tsuiki Air Base, Kyushu, Japan A formation of t 7/17/1952 #6865  
        Lockbourne, Ohio Witness:  Air National Guard employees. One light  7/17/1952 #6867  
       Lockbourne AFB Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base Lockbourne, Ohio 7/17/1952 #6869  
t Lockbourne AFB [now Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base] in Lockbourne,  7/17/1952 #6869  
                           PATRICK AIR FORCE BASE, FL Project Bluebook Case 7/18/1952 #6886  
wish tinge” speeding around in the air at an altitude of 25,000– 30,000 fee 7/18/1952 #6895  
see something in the sky,” but the Air Force does not know what they are.   7/18/1952 #6896  
coa Beach, Florida 9:45 p.m. Three Air Force officers and four enlisted men 7/18/1952 #6898  
e White House which was Washington Air Space restricted air space. The UFOs 7/19/1952 #6906  
as Washington Air Space restricted air space. The UFOs were traveling at sp 7/19/1952 #6906  
        LAFAYETTE, IN Engineer and Air Force jet and many. 320' cylinder/ci 7/19/1952 #6913  
, D.C. Washington National Airport Air Route Traffic Control radar tracked  7/19/1952 #6926  
 Ronald Reagan National] Airport’s Air Route Traffic Control (ARTC) in D.C. 7/19/1952 #6935  
.C. New Castle AFB [now New Castle Air National Guard Base] in Delaware Whi 7/19/1952 #6935  
White House and Capitol 11:40 p.m. Air traffic controller Edward Nugent at  7/19/1952 #6935  
 Ronald Reagan National] Airport’s Air Route Traffic Control (ARTC) in D.C. 7/19/1952 #6935  
 UFOs are tracked on radar. Senior Air Traffic Controller Harry G. Barnes s 7/19/1952 #6935  
ite or orange lights in restricted air space over the White House and Capit 7/19/1952 #6935  
rom New Castle AFB [now New Castle Air National Guard Base] in Delaware. Th 7/19/1952 #6935  
                   Andrews AFB, MD Air Force radar tracked up to 10 UFOs fo 7/20/1952 #6949  
alette, New Jersey reported to the Air Force that he sighted two large oran 7/20/1952 #6954  
                           DOBBINS AIR FORCE BASE 4 radarmen. Unidentified  7/21/1952 #6959  
VERSE, TX 1 observer near Randolph Air Force Base. Fuselage shape straight  7/21/1952 #6963  
                           PATRICK AIR FORCE BASE, FL Several military obse 7/21/1952 #6966  
        BELUGA LAKE WITH ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BASE, AK Bogeys / ground and a 7/21/1952 #6967  
FORCE BASE, AK Bogeys / ground and air RADAR's. F94s get close. Never see.. 7/21/1952 #6967  
                        SAN MARCOS AIR FORCE BASE, TX Project Bluebook Case 7/21/1952 #6968  
                           Dobbins Air Force Base, Marietta, Georgia Washin 7/21/1952 #6982  
in the upper atmosphere at Dobbins Air Force Base, Marietta, Georgia, detec 7/21/1952 #6982  
C. Woodbury, commander of the 35th Air Division at Dobbins, checks with “de 7/21/1952 #6982  
 that such reports are sent to the Air Technical Intelligence Center (Proje 7/21/1952 #6982  
             At 6:30 p.m. two U.S. Air Force officers, Dougher and Strong,  7/21/1952 #6984  
in separate locations at Wiesbaden Air Base in Hesse state, Germany watched 7/21/1952 #6984  
S, NM Project Bluebook Case #1538. Air Traffic Controller and more/others.  7/22/1952 #6989  
  EAST / WOLLASTON OBSERVER(S), MA Air Force plane spotter. Silver disk cir 7/22/1952 #6995  
 lights all over/all about MacDill Air Force Base and more. 2x jet-speed. 2 7/22/1952 #7000  
Tampa, Florida Tampa 10:30 p.m. An air traffic control tower operator at Ma 7/22/1952 #7027  
range discs maneuvering around the air base.                                7/22/1952 #7027  
             Los Angeles, CA In an Air Mail reply from Dr. Einstein to Mr.  7/23/1952 #7035  
       LAX AIRPORT/APARTMENT, CA 3 Air Traffic Controllers / (seen thru) bi 7/23/1952 #7050  
                        OFF MISAWA AIR FORCE BASE, JPN Blue-green fireball  7/23/1952 #7051  
ly from Westover AFB [now Westover Air National Guard Base] in Chicopee, Ma 7/23/1952 #7079  
       Lockbourne AFB Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base Lockbourne, Ohio 7/23/1952 #7083  
 Lockbourne, Ohio Turner AFB Naval Air Station Albany Albany, Georgia Wrigh 7/23/1952 #7083  
t Lockbourne AFB [now Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base] in Lockbourne,  7/23/1952 #7083  
McManus from Turner AFB [now Naval Air Station Albany] in Albany, Georgia,  7/23/1952 #7083  
g near the base at 75,000 feet. An Air force pilot named Capt. Swartz in Fl 7/23/1952 #7083  
UTHEAST / TALKEETNA, AK Ground and air RADAR blip. Jet chases. Can't catch  7/24/1952 #7105  
        At 10:20 p.m. ground based air defense radar picked up a bogey over 7/24/1952 #7120  
      Osceola, WI Ground Radar and Air Visuals (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Co 7/25/1952 #7134  
he previous invasion of restricted air space over Washington, D.C. Capt. Ru 7/26/1952 #7140  
                          KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM Airman Donaldson. 8-1 7/26/1952 #7142  
                             TRUAX AIR FORCE BASE, WI Air Traffic Controlle 7/26/1952 #7144  
          TRUAX AIR FORCE BASE, WI Air Traffic Controllers and Air Force me 7/26/1952 #7144  
SE, WI Air Traffic Controllers and Air Force men. Green night light flashes 7/26/1952 #7144  
                    WASHINGTON, DC Air Traffic Controllers / 2 airports/apa 7/26/1952 #7148  
 and visual (observation). Andrews Air Force Base jets chase. / r242.       7/26/1952 #7149  
                           ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MD Blue Book. HIQ. Many  7/26/1952 #7159  
ual UFO sightings above restricted air space in Washington, D.C. At 8:15 p. 7/26/1952 #7174  
 newspaper reporters away from the air traffic control tower, saying that i 7/26/1952 #7174  
dward J. Ruppelt suspects that the Air Force does not want the press around 7/26/1952 #7174  
en I had no closing speed.” A USAF air intelligence report later states tha 7/26/1952 #7174  
    Williams, California 5:15 p.m. Air Defense Command radar detects a UFO  7/26/1952 #7175  
15 a.m. USAF Capt. H. A. Stone and Air Traffic Controllers in the control t 7/26/1952 #7178  
                         SELFRIDGE AIR FORCE BASE, MI 3 airmen / ground. 2+ 7/27/1952 #7187  
  Washington, DC At 7:30 p.m. Both Air Force personnel and National Airport 7/27/1952 #7207  
 Churchill to Secretary of xxxxxxx Air Ministry stating: What does all this 7/28/1952 #7223  
twork for Flying Saucers and major Air Force bases have been ordered to mak End of 7/1952 #7224  
ebook Case #unknown. GCI RADAR and Air Force pilot and Ground Observer Corp 7/28/1952 #7225  
                       OSCEOLA, WI Air Defense Command / GCI RADAR's track  7/28/1952 #7227  
                           MCGUIRE AIR FORCE BASE, NJ RADAR OP and Air Traf 7/28/1952 #7229  
RE AIR FORCE BASE, NJ RADAR OP and Air Traffic Controllers. RADAR-visual. D 7/28/1952 #7229  
e jamming the Pentagon telephones. Air Force and CIA officials concede that 7/28/1952 #7262  
According to the United Press, the Air Defense Command has alerted jet inte 7/28/1952 #7263  
vice amplifies this by quoting the Air Force that orders have been issued t 7/28/1952 #7263  
m down if they refuse to land. The Air Force refuses to confirm this, but U 7/28/1952 #7263  
th and asks him to investigate the Air Force’s mishandling of the Washingto 7/28/1952 #7265  
 and has been loaned to him by the Air Force, but he must return it to the  7/28/1952 #7266  
iam Sidney, Secretary of State for Air, and scientific adviser and friend L 7/28/1952 #7267  
Germany. Four occurred at military air bases and two more involved aircraft 7/28/1952 #7268  
                           BOLLING AIR FORCE BASE AND WDC AND HERNDON, VA G 7/29/1952 #7274  
                  WALKER / ROSWELL AIR FORCE BASE, NM Blue Book. 4 observer 7/29/1952 #7275  
                  WILLIAMSBURG, VA Air Traffic Controller and 2 civilians.  7/29/1952 #7287  
theast / 2600mph toward(s) Langley Air Force Base. Below 5K' altitude.      7/29/1952 #7287  
AT FALLS, MT Radio alert / McChord Air Force Base. 50 observer(s). 3 silver 7/29/1952 #7288  
   Port Huron, MI 9:40 p.m. CST an Air Force radar station plotted an unide 7/29/1952 #7307  
 high-speed UFO; film submitted to Air Force, never released. [UFOE, VIII]  7/29/1952 #7308  
                   Albuquerque, NM Air Force reserve colonel at Los Alamos  7/29/1952 #7310  
aukonis on Highway 81. The rush of air made the car leave the road while th 7/29/1952 #7312  
 USAF Capt D.G. Moore, of military air traffic control system.  One undescr 7/29/1952 #7314  
 below 5,000' altitude, toward the air base for about 2 minutes.            7/29/1952 #7314  
n St. Paul, Minnesota 1:30 a.m. An Air Defense Command radar outside of Osc 7/29/1952 #7319  
00 a.m. President Truman tells his air force liaison, Robert B. Landry, to  7/29/1952 #7321  
s by Cmdr. Randall Boyd Jr. of the Air Intelligence Estimates Division to N 7/29/1952 #7324  
 W. Philcox, an FBI liaison to the Air Force. The Air Force has “failed to  7/29/1952 #7324  
 FBI liaison to the Air Force. The Air Force has “failed to arrive at any s 7/29/1952 #7324  
t such as Mars,” but he adds that “air intelligence is fairly certain that  7/29/1952 #7324  
on AFB, Dayton, Ohio 4:00 p.m. The Air Force holds its largest and longest  7/29/1952 #7328  
ds it. He is accompanied by Eighth Air Force Maj. Gen. Roger M. Ramey, dire 7/29/1952 #7328  
ations and commander of the Eighth Air Force; USAF Col. Donald L. Bower, Te 7/29/1952 #7328  
ower, Technical Analysis Division, Air Technical Intelligence Center (ATIC) 7/29/1952 #7328  
ranch, ATIC. Samford says that the Air Force has been monitoring US air spa 7/29/1952 #7328  
e Air Force has been monitoring US air space since 1947. Approximately 20%  7/29/1952 #7328  
ncredible things,” which keeps the Air Force concerned. He explains that th 7/29/1952 #7328  
 Albuquerque, New Mexico 9:15 p.m. Air Force Reserve Lt. Col. Robert G. LeC 7/29/1952 #7329  
he main portion of the film to the Air Force for analysis. The film is neve 7/29/1952 #7330  
aukonis on Highway 81. The rush of air made the car leave the road while th 7/29/1952 #7334  
AF Captain D.G. Moore, of military air traffic control, sighted a UFO comin 7/29/1952 #7336  
l, sighted a UFO coming toward the air base that flew at an estimated speed 7/29/1952 #7336  
 saucers all over/all about. Tease Air Force jet and B25. Going quickly wes 7/30/1952 #7347  
                          HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM Airman. White saucer  7/30/1952 #7349  
                           MAXWELL AIR FORCE BASE, AL Air Traffic Controlle 7/30/1952 #7354  
        MAXWELL AIR FORCE BASE, AL Air Traffic Controllers. Revolving spher 7/30/1952 #7354  
ad before his saucer sighting. The Air Commanding Officer then reveals that 7/30/1952 #7362  
 hysteria” about them. He says the Air Force has had experts investigating  7/30/1952 #7363  
                            SEWART AIR FORCE BASE, TN Waf A3 / C. Dishpan s 7/31/1952 #7369  
ormation of value, he writes: “The Air Force has made very little progress  7/31/1952 #7372  
Patterson AFB Dayton 10:51 a.m. An Air Defense Command radar site on Campbe 8/1/1952 #7408  
 A. Matheny, commander of the 34th Air Defense Division. The report, which  8/1/1952 #7411  
         LOS ALAMOS, NM Ground and air observer(s). Metal disk zigzag over  8/2/1952 #7414  
                     NEAR HAMILTON AIR FORCE BASE, CA 8 silver UFO's in ord 8/2/1952 #7417  
rical shaped object hanging in the air. The only apparent movement was a qu 8/2/1952 #7421  
                          HAMILTON AIR FORCE BASE, CA Blue Book. Many / (se 8/3/1952 #7429  
yas Isla Puná Ecuador 3:00 p.m. An Air Force master sergeant on the ship Sa 8/3/1952 #7435  
s. Going quickly [to] 700mph. Luke Air Force Base / 0400h. Very fast silent 8/4/1952 #7439  
                            HANEDA AIR FORCE BASE, JP Project Bluebook Case 8/5/1952 #7461  
P Project Bluebook Case #1827. 2+2 Air Traffic Controllers. RADAR-visual (o 8/5/1952 #7461  
     Westover AFB Westover Reserve Air Base Chicopee, Massachusetts 12:25 a 8/5/1952 #7468  
Westover AFB [now Westover Reserve Air Base] in Chicopee, Massachusetts. Th 8/5/1952 #7468  
national Airport Tokyo Bay Johnson Air Base Iruma Air Base Saitama Prefectu 8/5/1952 #7472  
t Tokyo Bay Johnson Air Base Iruma Air Base Saitama Prefecture 11:45 p.m. A 8/5/1952 #7472  
4 Starfire jet from nearby Johnson Air Base [now Iruma Air Base] in Sayama, 8/5/1952 #7472  
nearby Johnson Air Base [now Iruma Air Base] in Sayama, Saitama Prefecture, 8/5/1952 #7472  
A UFO hovered over the Haneda U.S. Air Force base near Tokyo and had severa 8/5/1952 #7473  
                      OVER ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MD Vip? 2 large saucers. 8/6/1952 #7478  
hirty minutes over the U.S. Haneda Air Force Base near Tokyo, Japan. It was 8/6/1952 #7491  
                            A U.S. Air Force radar installation in Port Aus 8/6/1952 #7492  
 then more saucer shaped. Army and air observers in Portland confirm that j 8/7/1952 #7509  
                            WARREN AIR FORCE BASE, WY 2 / ground. Intense f 8/8/1952 #7511  
uman to the CIA to investigate the Air Force’s mishandling of UFOs during t 8/8/1952 #7515  
                Britain Reply from Air Ministry, Whitehall, S.W. to W.S. Ch 8/9/1952 #7516  
                         CHENNAULT AIR FORCE BASE, LA Project Bluebook Case 8/9/1952 #7519  
                      Lake Charles Air Force Station Lake Charles, Louisian 8/9/1952 #7525  
is walking to work at Lake Charles Air Force Station [now closed] in Lake C 8/9/1952 #7525  
orth to south until it crosses the air station, where it stops and hovers f 8/9/1952 #7525  
y witness named Raley at Chennault Air Force Base, Louisiana saw a disc-sha 8/9/1952 #7526  
                           KEESLER AIR FORCE BASE, MS 2 grey saucers veer a 8/10/1952 #7528  
            SR134 NEAR HAMPTON, VA Air Force Captain and 1. 2+4+1 UFO's / 1 8/10/1952 #7535  
 Cape May, New Jersey 1:43 a.m. An Air Force F-94B jet fighter from Dover A 8/12/1952 #7559  
                           MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE, FL 2 civil. Odd blips /  8/13/1952 #7565  
ch the bay between Oakland and the air base.                                8/13/1952 #7576  
                             KELLY AIR FORCE BASE, TX 7 military. Large sau 8/14/1952 #7581  
 Australia Australian Minister for Air William McMahon states facetiously i 8/14/1952 #7592  
                NORTH / URBANA, IL Air Force Lt. Col. and 4 / drive-in movi 8/15/1952 #7606  
ored, round object hovering in the air. Soon they notice eight more objects 8/15/1952 #7609  
st while the other moves east. The Air Force scrambles a F-94 jet intercept 8/15/1952 #7609  
                           CHANUTE AIR FORCE BASE, IL 8 military observer(s 8/16/1952 #7614  
N GORGONIO MOUNTAIN, CA Ground and air RADAR-visual (observation). Jets cha 8/19/1952 #7642  
ia the capability of delivering an air attack against us, yet at any given  8/19/1952 #7648  
                             Boron Air Force Station Boron, California 8:00 8/19/1952 #7650  
. An oval disc is seen above Boron Air Force Station [now closed] in Boron, 8/19/1952 #7650  
 samples from the site sent to the Air Force show root damage extending 4 i 8/19/1952 #7651  
te undertaking R&D studies through Air Force agencies. Signed: H. Marshall  8/20/1952 #7654  
                          CONGAREE AIR FORCE BASE, SC RADAR blip speeds to  8/20/1952 #7655  
ph. Trace = 60 mile(s) southeast / Air Force Base = Lake Clarendon.         8/20/1952 #7655  
ard Base] Columbia, South Carolina Air Defense Command radar at Congaree AF 8/20/1952 #7664  
                                   Air Defense Command radar tracked a UFO  8/20/1952 #7666  
d a UFO 60 miles from the Congaree Air Force Base, South Carolina at speeds 8/20/1952 #7666  
 briefing document explaining the “Air Force Stand on ‘Flying Saucers’” to  8/22/1952 #7682  
mysterious code coming through the air itself. Eventually, at 2:00 a.m., a  8/22/1952 #7683  
          US224 NEAR ATWATER, OH 1 Air Force and 2 Navy / car. Night light  8/23/1952 #7686  
9, 1952, press conference given by Air Force Maj. Gen. John A. Samford, the 8/23/1952 #7693  
S, NM Project Bluebook Case #1961. Air Force F84 / 35K'. 2 6' silver saucer 8/24/1952 #7696  
                            ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, GA Glowing sphere/orb/gl 8/24/1952 #7702  
                         BARKSDALE AIR FORCE BASE, LA 3 separate observer(s 8/24/1952 #7704  
Hermanas, Mexico Witness:  Georgia Air National Guard F-84G jet fighter pil 8/24/1952 #7710  
rmanas, Mexico. 10:15 a.m. Georgia Air National Guard F-84G jet fighter pil 8/24/1952 #7716  
                          HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM 2 observer(s). Silver 8/25/1952 #7721  
ped object hovering 10 feet in the air on the right side of the road 750 fe 8/25/1952 #7732  
ward the object, it rises into the air and flies away at great speed.       8/25/1952 #7732  
                 LATHROP WELLS, NV Air Force Captain. Large vibrant bright  8/26/1952 #7738  
                         ELLINGTON AIR FORCE BASE, TX 3 USAF. Silent very f 8/26/1952 #7739  
                     DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, AZ 2 Brill-blue blobs. T 8/27/1952 #7752  
                         BARKSDALE AIR FORCE BASE, LA Guard. Night light st 8/28/1952 #7760  
3 saucers hover over oil refinery. Air Force jets pursue. Saucers disperse. 8/28/1952 #7763  
VENTURA, CA 3 / ground and pilot / air. Large silver sphere jumps up and do 8/28/1952 #7765  
                          BROOKLEY AIR FORCE BASE / MOBILE, AL Several mili 8/28/1952 #7767  
ing diamond appearance. A civilian Air Force employee sees a flat oval shap 8/28/1952 #7773  
OM LOS ALAMOS, NM (Up). 3 / plane. Air Force vectors jets chase / 7 metal U 8/29/1952 #7775  
ng quickly east toward(s) Chenault Air Force Base. Small red light follows. 8/29/1952 #7777  
, Greenland Three Objects Shake Up Air Crew (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Co 8/29/1952 #7785  
                             Thule Air Base Qaanaaq, Greenland 10:50 a.m. P 8/29/1952 #7788  
a P4Y-2 patrol plane west of Thule Air Base, near Qaanaaq, Greenland. They  8/29/1952 #7788  
 Springs, Colorado 8:35 p.m. Civil Air Patrol pilot Carlton A. Magruder see 8/29/1952 #7789  
          Yaak, MT Radar/Visual At Air Force Radar Site (BBU 2023) (NICAP:  9/1/1952 #7811  
                              Yaak Air Force Station in Montana 8:23 p.m. A 9/1/1952 #7817  
Force Station in Montana 8:23 p.m. Air Defense Command radar at Yaak Air Fo 9/1/1952 #7817  
 Air Defense Command radar at Yaak Air Force Station in Montana picks up UF 9/1/1952 #7817  
utes. At 10:50 p.m., a former Army Air Force B-25 gunner sees two large whi 9/1/1952 #7818  
                         At a U.S. Air Force radar site in Yaak, Montana at 9/1/1952 #7819  
 in Yaak, Montana at 4:45 a.m. two Air Force enlisted men sighted lights in 9/1/1952 #7819  
                     DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, AZ 2 observer(s). 7 larg 9/2/1952 #7824  
ith an aircraft. At 5:14 a.m., the Air Defense Command is alerted and autho 9/2/1952 #7829  
       Rabat, Morocco 9:00 p.m. US Air Force civilian illustrator E. J. Col 9/9/1952 #7887  
                           ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MD Silent shiny saucer g 9/10/1952 #7889  
uestionnaire have been sent to the Air Force, many of which were passed on  9/10/1952 #7890  
ting the nation’s vulnerability by air. It recommends that “A national poli 9/10/1952 #7891  
ects flew over West Virginia.” The Air Force concludes that people have see 9/12/1952 #7905  
amaged by fire directed at them by Air Force interceptors. Five other objec 9/12/1952 #7905  
 with sulphurous smoke) filled the air. Mr. Snitowski thought a chemical pl 9/13/1952 #7914  
nia. An unpleasant odor filled the air, similar to the smell of ether mixed 9/13/1952 #7916  
                          OLMSTEAD AIR FORCE BASE, PA Project Bluebook Case 9/14/1952 #7919  
                           CHANUTE AIR FORCE BASE, IL Air Traffic Controlle 9/16/1952 #7953  
        CHANUTE AIR FORCE BASE, IL Air Traffic Controllers. Blue blob reapp 9/16/1952 #7953  
                            ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, GA Project Bluebook Case 9/16/1952 #7955  
                            TINKER AIR FORCE BASE, OK 1 military and 2 civi 9/16/1952 #7956  
                At 7:30 p.m. three Air Force officers and two civilians at  9/16/1952 #7964  
 it. Prince Philip suggests to RAF Air Marshal Peter Horsley, who is servin 9/19/1952 #7980  
          North Yorkshire, England Air Ministry, London: A number of airmen 9/20/1952 #7982  
               KARUP AIRPORT, DK 3 Air Force officers. Shiny metallic disk  9/20/1952 #7985  
                                   Air Base Karup Jutland, Denmark 7:30 p.m 9/20/1952 #7988  
arup Jutland, Denmark 7:30 p.m. At Air Base Karup in Jutland, Denmark, thre 9/20/1952 #7988  
 in Jutland, Denmark, three Danish Air Force officers see a shiny, metallic 9/20/1952 #7988  
t by three jets and a total of six air crew members failed.                 9/21/1952 #7999  
       EAST / BOISE, ID Ground and air observer(s). Night lights hover. Mov 9/23/1952 #8008  
                            ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, GA 1 civil and 2 militar 9/23/1952 #8010  
                        AURORA, CO Air Force Sgt. 5 saucers circle about ne 9/24/1952 #8016  
elt visits the headquarters of the Air Defense Command at Ent AFB [now the  Late 9/1952 #8027  
Islands (400 miles NNW of), At Sea Air Crews Observe Green Lights (NICAP: 1 9/26/1952 #8034  
len writes in his column that the “Air Force has a breathtaking report” rea 9/26/1952 #8036  
    Tsushima Island, Japan Itazuke Air Base [now Fukuoka Airport] Tsutsusak 9/28/1952 #8049  
arate outbound tracks from Itazuke Air Base [now Fukuoka Airport], a series 9/28/1952 #8049  
                           EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, CA 3 photographs and mor 9/30/1952 #8067  
e may have been tested at Randolph Air Force Base or Lackland Air Force Bas 10/1952 #8077  
andolph Air Force Base or Lackland Air Force Base. He states he remembers b 10/1952 #8077  
                              SHAW AIR FORCE BASE, SC Project Bluebook Case 10/1/1952 #8078  
cerns vulnerability of the U.S. to air attack. Recommend that the DCI discu 10/2/1952 #8084  
   -20.0000 115.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “ 10/3/1952 #8089  
                    DRAGUIGNAN, FR Air France DC4+others. Luminous/glowing  10/6/1952 #8094  
                         CHENNAULT AIR FORCE BASE, LA 3 airmen. White night 10/6/1952 #8095  
7:28 p.m. two witnesses onboard an Air France DC-4 flying over Draguignan,  10/6/1952 #8096  
                          ANDERSON AIR FORCE BASE, GUAM 2 military Air Traf 10/7/1952 #8098  
ON AIR FORCE BASE, GUAM 2 military Air Traffic Controllers. Unidentified ni 10/7/1952 #8098  
                            BROOKS AIR FORCE BASE, TX 2 USAF men. Silver UF 10/9/1952 #8105  
                    COPENHAGEN, DK Air Force officers. 1 saucer seen. Huge  10/10/1952 #8108  
                              OTIS AIR FORCE BASE, MASS Project Bluebook Ca 10/10/1952 #8111  
    Newport News, Virginia Langley Air Force Base A Ground Observer Corps s 10/11/1952 #8118  
o interceptors arrive from Langley Air Force Base, the object tilts up, acc 10/11/1952 #8118  
                     Oshima, Japan Air Force pilot and engineer saw round o 10/13/1952 #8127  
                        LAURINBURG AIR FORCE BASE, NC 1+2 observer(s). Dull 10/22/1952 #8174  
      RENO, NV Civil and 2 / stead Air Force Base. Orange objects / 10k' al 10/25/1952 #8183  
                        Dayton, OH Air Intelligence Memo: “Some military of 10/27/1952 #8187  
 from Victor P. Keay reports that “Air Intelligence still feels that the so 10/27/1952 #8199  
military witnesses at Woomera Open Air Theatre saw a cigar-shaped object fl 10/27/1952 #8201  
                         HEMPSTEAD AIR FORCE BASE, NY Large white-glow outm 10/29/1952 #8208  
                            ERDING AIR DEPOT, GERM Project Bluebook Case #2 10/29/1952 #8209  
                            Erding Air Depot, West Germany Round object, si 10/29/1952 #8211  
                            Erding Air Depot, West Germany Witnesses:  USAF 10/29/1952 #8214  
            At 7:50 a.m. at Erding Air Depot in West Germany U.S. Air Force 10/29/1952 #8217  
ing Air Depot in West Germany U.S. Air Force S/Sgt. Anderson and A/2c Max H 10/29/1952 #8217  
    11.2372 162.1964 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Mike 10/31/1952 #8221  
ud’s stem to collect radiochemical air samples. After re- emerging from the 11/1/1952 #8228  
                            LAREDO AIR FORCE BASE, TX Project Bluebook Case 11/3/1952 #8231  
 TX Project Bluebook Case #2202. 2 Air Traffic Controllers. Glowing ovoid g 11/3/1952 #8231  
ional Laboratory, Tennessee Wright Air Development Center Capt. Edward J. R 11/4/1952 #8245  
 Powered Aircraft Branch of Wright Air Development Center. Hood had contact 11/4/1952 #8245  
           5MI EAST / AUBURN, GA 2 Air Force COLs / (seen thru) binoculars  11/8/1952 #8256  
                           GLASGOW AIR FORCE BASE, MT Weatherman / scope. 5 11/13/1952 #8267  
    11.5622 162.3525 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “King 11/15/1952 #8281  
     NEAR LANDRUM, SC Hundreds and Air Traffic Controller. 5 huge saucers.  11/16/1952 #8283  
South Carolina Around 5:00 p.m. An air traffic controller at Florence Airpo 11/16/1952 #8289  
e reviews the film along with some Air Force officers. It shows five glowin 11/16/1952 #8289  
                          MCANDREW AIR FORCE BASE, NFLD UFO spirals upward  11/17/1952 #8291  
FO that appears shortly after a US Air Force B-29 passes overhead going in  11/20/1952 #8307  
efore it disappears behind a hill. Air Force jets circle the area at least  11/20/1952 #8308  
                                An Air Force review panel meets at ATIC for 11/21/1952 #8316  
l Warfare Research Section and the Air Force’s Office of Special Investigat 11/24/1952 #8332  
a pilot and a crew chief of a U.S. Air Force B-26 bomber reported seeing a  11/27/1952 #8349  
 flying over Delta, Utah in a U.S. Air Force T-33 trainer.                  11/28/1952 #8354  
                                   Air Traffic Control operators at Washing 11/30/1952 #8360  
Lincoln was an already established air defense project at MIT for the USAF, 12/2/1952 #8364  
 Saucer” memo, Chadwell admits the Air Force would be suspicious of any MIT 12/3/1952 #8366  
                            LAREDO AIR FORCE BASE, TX Night light circles t 12/4/1952 #8371  
d, flying out of the Laredo, Texas Air Force Base chased a glowing bluish-w 12/4/1952 #8378  
                    Gulf of Mexico Air Force bomber tracked "mother ship,"  12/6/1952 #8388  
                              LADD AIR FORCE BASE, AK Project Bluebook Case 12/8/1952 #8393  
ND HANFORD, WA F94S and ground and air RADAR's. Large white object. Pink po 12/10/1952 #8402  
dar screens over at least three US air bases. At 9:20 a.m. a UFO appeared o 12/10/1952 #8410  
appeared on the radarscope at Pope Air Force Base, North Carolina. It staye 12/10/1952 #8410  
                           MCGUIRE AIR FORCE BASE, NJ Several / ground. Ora 12/12/1952 #8411  
 Goose Bay, Labrador 7:15 p.m. Two Air Force pilots get a momentary lock on 12/15/1952 #8422  
                              LADD AIR FORCE BASE, AK 3 military observer(s 12/16/1952 #8424  
                          ANDERSON AIR FORCE BASE, GUAM 2 / B17+ground obse 12/19/1952 #8433  
sing the road about 30 feet in the air, then hovering. Suddenly it shoots s 12/21/1952 #8439  
Apparently under pressure from the Air Force, which is setting a trap to em 12/22/1952 #8442  
ntrude into USAF jurisdiction over air intelligence matters such as unident 12/22/1952 #8442  
                       REGINA, SSK Air Traffic Controller and weatherman. M 12/27/1952 #8448  
gar east going west. Size / medium Air Force bomber. No further details. Bl 12/28/1952 #8451  
                           CHITOSE AIR FORCE BASE, JPN F84+B26+Air Traffic  12/29/1952 #8455  
                             RAMEY AIR FORCE BASE, PR 2 / RB36. Red-orange  12/31/1952 #8466  
           North Texas Evening. An Air Force pilot and a student are flying 1953 #8479  
 he saw crates at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in 1953 with recovered bo 1953 #8482  
nager of a photo shop with wartime air spotter experience; Mrs. Greta C. Wi 1/1/1953 #8494  
lorado Springs, Colorado The 4602d Air Intelligence Service Squadron (AISS) 1/3/1953 #8499  
 in Colorado Springs, Colorado, by Air Defense Command Regulation AFR 24-4. 1/3/1953 #8499  
         LOVE FIELD AND DALLAS, TX Air Traffic Controllers and many. Delta/ 1/6/1953 #8503  
                            LARSON AIR FORCE BASE, WA Project Bluebook Case 1/8/1953 #8511  
going quickly southwest / 948 MPH. Air Force jets can't catch.              1/8/1953 #8511  
reliable data on everything in the air over the area.” The suggestion is th 1/9/1953 #8521  
within the area,” meaning that the Air Force would release balloons to gene 1/9/1953 #8521  
                            Misawa Air Base, Honshu, Japan 6:50 p.m. An F-9 1/9/1953 #8524  
ge of about 13.5 miles over Misawa Air Base, Honshu, Japan. The radar locks 1/9/1953 #8524  
          A contractor to the USAF Air Technical Intelligence Center, Batte 1/9/1953 #8526  
e ongoing Project Stork assist the Air Force to reassure the public that “e 1/9/1953 #8526  
noma, California 4:45 p.m. Retired Air Force Col. Robert McNab and a Mr. Hu 1/10/1953 #8530  
                            US The Air Force (reportedly with the assistanc 1/12/1953 #8534  
re not adopted.Summary Released by Air Force, 1958: The panel concluded tha 1/17/1953 #8544  
ion of the panel conclusions), the Air Force began debunking UFOs. Since th 1/17/1953 #8544  
gan debunking UFOs. Since then the Air Force does not admit to having the s 1/17/1953 #8544  
ue invented by Thornton Page), the Air Force should embark on a debunking c 1/17/1953 #8548  
 describe his consultancy with the Air Force. It is based on the Flit bug-s 1/18/1953 #8550  
 He also puts in for a transfer to Air Defense Command here.                1/24/1953 #8563  
s then wobbles. Going [to] desert. Air Force jet searches.                  1/25/1953 #8565  
er planet. Signed, Albert M. Chop, Air Force Press Desk.                    1/26/1953 #8569  
                           SAMPSON AIR FORCE BASE, NY 60x4m luminous/glowin 1/26/1953 #8570  
Continental Divide, NM At 2115 MST Air Force personnel stationed at an AC&W 1/26/1953 #8572  
                  Henry Holt & Co. Air Force Press Officer Albert M. Chop w 1/26/1953 #8574  
red and made available to him from Air Technical Intelligence records.      1/26/1953 #8574  
lew from east to west over Sampson Air Force Base in Ontario County, New Yo 1/26/1953 #8575  
                  At 9:15 p.m. MST Air Force personnel stationed at the 769 1/26/1953 #8576  
                             MARCH AIR FORCE BASE, CA 2 Sergeants include/i 1/27/1953 #8577  
CA Ground Observer Corps (GOC) and air civil observer(s). Bright-metal sauc 1/27/1953 #8579  
                             MARCH AIR FORCE BASE TO/FROM REDONDO BEACH, CA 1/28/1953 #8585  
        5MI SOUTHWEST / CORONA, CA Air Force Sgt. 5 silent orbs in formatio 1/28/1953 #8586  
               FRANKFURT, GERM 2 / Air Force jet and 1. Night light / viole 1/28/1953 #8587  
                 NEWPORT BEACH, CA Air Traffic Controller RADAR and more. J 1/28/1953 #8588  
ook Case #2365. Saucer avoids F86. Air Traffic Controller RADAR confirm. Sp 1/28/1953 #8589  
                             Naval Air Station Point Mugu Naval Base Ventur 1/28/1953 #8600  
 yards offshore and south of Naval Air Station Point Mugu [now Naval Base V 1/28/1953 #8600  
                      Marine Corps Air Station El Toro [now closed], Califo 1/28/1953 #8603  
 The control tower at Marine Corps Air Station El Toro [now closed], Califo 1/28/1953 #8603  
sta, Georgia Turner AFB [now Naval Air Station Albany] in Albany, Georgia D 1/28/1953 #8604  
Albany] in Albany, Georgia Dobbins Air Reserve Base in Marietta, Georgia 9: 1/28/1953 #8604  
also seen by Turner AFB [now Naval Air Station Albany] tower operators in A 1/28/1953 #8604  
r operators in Albany [not Dobbins Air Reserve Base in Marietta], Georgia ( 1/28/1953 #8604  
 that same evening, over the Naval Air Station at Point Mugu on the Califor 1/28/1953 #8605  
                   Naval Auxiliary Air Station [now Northeastern Regional A 2/11/1953 #8664  
ginia Beach, Virginia Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point in Havelock, No 2/11/1953 #8664  
 10:00 p.m. At the Naval Auxiliary Air Station [now Northeastern Regional A 2/11/1953 #8664  
rine Aircraft Wing at Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point in Havelock, No 2/11/1953 #8664  
                            A U.S. Air Force C-119 was paced by an unknown  2/11/1953 #8665  
                          CARSWELL AIR FORCE BASE, TX RADAR-visual (observa 2/13/1953 #8667  
tor of operations for SAC’s Eighth Air Force Headquarters, is visiting Eiel Mid 2/1953 #8676  
rsonally fly him in a bomber to an air force base in Illinois so he can get Mid 2/1953 #8676  
t 10:04 p.m. five airmen of the US Air Force 754 AC&W Squad in Port Austin, 2/17/1953 #8685  
ting was changed to "Venus" in the Air Force files in 1963.                 2/17/1953 #8685  
n F9F Panther from Naval Auxiliary Air Station Edenton, NC to intercept an  2/19/1953 #8686  
N, CA Project Bluebook Case #2426. Air Force B25 pilots. 2 separate night l 2/20/1953 #8687  
es on 41 cases investigated by the Air Force for his upcoming book Flying S 2/25/1953 #8703  
                             Thule Air Base, Greenland Prominent Blip on GC 2/26/1953 #8709  
                            BROOKS AIR FORCE BASE, TX Night light circles m 2/27/1953 #8710  
TROIT, MI F94 pilot and ground and air RADAR's. Cigars going west. Vanish b 3/1953 #8719  
ut of Selfridge AFB [now Selfridge Air National Guard Base] near Mount Clem 3/1953 #8720  
heories. He claims the view of the Air Force is that “many credible people  3/1953 #8722  
tary and civil. 12 disks race over Air Force RADAR-gunnery meet. Stop / hig 3/5/1953 #8729  
Springs, Colorado, sends a memo to Air Defense Command and the director of  3/5/1953 #8733  
inutes, and RF-80 fighter jets and Air National Guard F-51's were scrambled 3/5/1953 #8734  
e scrambled to intercept. The U.S. Air Force attempted to explain the sight 3/5/1953 #8734  
                          Yuma, AZ Air Force officers at a gunnery meet obs 3/7/1953 #8736  
                            ASHIYA AIR FORCE BASE, JP Numerous military obs 3/8/1953 #8738  
oject Bluebook Case #2692. Several Air Force men / ground. Rear-drop shape  3/15/1953 #8756  
   37.0478 -116.0211 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Anni 3/17/1953 #8758  
nt saying that neither the FBI nor Air Force has approved material used in  3/17/1953 #8759  
enly, it flips vertically into the air and climbs upwards at an astonishing Spring 1953 #8766  
                         ELLINGTON AIR FORCE BASE, TX Several observer(s).  3/22/1953 #8774  
   37.0956 -116.1028 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Nanc 3/24/1953 #8781  
e Book Case #. Military ground and air and RADAR. Night light circles base. 3/25/1953 #8784  
7:25 p.m. The case is listed as an Air Force Project Blue Book "unknown."   3/27/1953 #8791  
   37.0828 -116.0239 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Ruth 3/31/1953 #8799  
   37.0847 -116.0180 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Dixi 4/6/1953 #8807  
   37.0989 -116.0925 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Ray” 4/11/1953 #8814  
   37.1383 -116.1178 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Badg 4/18/1953 #8834  
   37.0531 -116.1028 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Simo 4/25/1953 #8846  
ar-shaped UFO flew near the Laredo Air Force Base in Texas at an estimated  4/28/1953 #8848  
                               The Air Force publishes, under the signature 5/1953 #8852  
 Staff Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg and Air Adjutant General Col. Kenneth E. Thi 5/1953 #8852  
 General Col. Kenneth E. Thiebaud, Air Force Manual 200-3, titled Handbook  5/1953 #8852  
 Manual 200-3, titled Handbook for Air Intelligence Officers. It is classif 5/1953 #8852  
d. Intended as a general guide for air intelligence officers conducting any 5/1953 #8852  
anual’s only illustration is of an Air Force plane accompanied by three fly 5/1953 #8852  
lying saucers; the caption is “The Air Technical Intelligence center is res 5/1953 #8852  
                             GOOSE AIR FORCE BASE, NFL Project Bluebook Cas 5/1/1953 #8853  
ect Bluebook Case #2555. Tower and air visual (observation). White night li 5/1/1953 #8853  
                            HARMON AIR FORCE BASE, NFLD 1 observer. Flying  5/4/1953 #8858  
g Field Yuma AFB [now Marine Corps Air Station Yuma] Yuma, Arizona 9:45 a.m 5/5/1953 #8866  
orth of Yuma AFB [now Marine Corps Air Station Yuma] near Yuma, Arizona, wh 5/5/1953 #8866  
                          Yuma, AZ Air Force officers at a gunnery meet obs 5/7/1953 #8869  
   36.5000 -115.9289 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Enco 5/8/1953 #8870  
   37.0403 -116.0253 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Harr 5/19/1953 #8885  
                      An anonymous Air Force official claims a UAP crash oc 5/20/1953 #8891  
C engineers were taken by the U.S. Air Force on this day into the desert ou 5/21/1953 #8898  
           CAPE AREA, SOUTH AFRICA Air Force Radars. Object passes Cape 6X  5/23/1953 #8901  
   36.7931 -115.9147 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Grab 5/25/1953 #8908  
s. Seems / follow observer(s) car. Air Force RADAR.                         5/26/1953 #8909  
                              OTIS AIR FORCE BASE, MA UFO / RADAR. Jet chas 6/1953 #8918  
 takes off from Otis AFB [now Otis Air National Guard Base] in western Cape 6/1953 #8922  
   37.0875 -116.0183 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Clim 6/4/1953 #8928  
        WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY, MI Air Force-ROTC. Slow silent meteor level 6/9/1953 #8929  
                             KELLY AIR FORCE BASE, TX Several / tower. Hazy 6/16/1953 #8934  
nd no greater than 150 feet in the air. The object makes a cloud and disapp 6/17/1953 #8936  
X of Tulsa, Oklahoma. According to Air Force report, at 1400 hours he took  Summer 1953 #8949  
                     Ernest Harmon Air Force Base Stephenville Internationa Summer 1953 #8952  
ets are scrambled at Ernest Harmon Air Force Base [now Stephenville Interna Summer 1953 #8952  
   NORTH / US90 EAST / DEL RIO, TX Air Force weatherman. Saucer drops. Stop 6/23/1953 #8958  
 Project Bluebook Case #2605. KB29 air RADAR. Blip maneuvers .5mi away / 2  6/24/1953 #8962  
   NAS Quonset Point Quonset Point Air National Guard Station Exeter/West G 6/24/1953 #8970  
S Quonset Point [now Quonset Point Air National Guard Station] are on a nig 6/24/1953 #8970  
ency cable sent to the Director of Air Force Intelligence in the Pentagon i 6/24/1953 #8970  
least 10 personnel of the US 912th Air Control and Warning Squadron station 6/30/1953 #8976  
rning Squadron stationed at Ramore Air Station radar site [now CFS Ramore], 6/30/1953 #8976  
                              SHAW AIR FORCE BASE, SC 2 observer(s). 3 smal 7/2/1953 #8984  
tlanta Constitution office Dobbins Air Reserve Base in Marietta Emory Unive 7/7/1953 #8989  
notifies the FBI, which alerts the Air Force at Dobbins AFB [now Dobbins Ai 7/7/1953 #8989  
 Force at Dobbins AFB [now Dobbins Air Reserve Base] in Marietta. The anima 7/7/1953 #8989  
LS, TX Saucer swoops over sheppard Air Force Base hospital. Very fast. Glow 7/9/1953 #8990  
EE TO/FROM COLUMBIA, SC Ground and air observer(s) both pilots. Silent oran 7/13/1953 #8996  
 1000' saucer very close / 4 days. Air Force jets patrol. / r173p33.        7/23/1953 #9010  
rin Tower, TX Emergency Message to Air Defence Command: CIRVIS 3346N 9632W  7/26/1953 #9015  
                            PERRIN AIR FORCE BASE AND DENISON AND SHERMAN,  7/26/1953 #9016  
lligence Sighting” and sent to the Air Defense Command, the Secretary of De 7/26/1953 #9018  
 range. On August 1, a squadron of Air Force fighters sees the object strea 7/30/1953 #9022  
                            Brooks Air Force Base Kelly Air Force Base Kell 8/1/1953 #9037  
       Brooks Air Force Base Kelly Air Force Base Kelly Field Annex San Ant 8/1/1953 #9037  
ld Annex San Antonio, Texas The US Air Force Security Service moves its hea 8/1/1953 #9037  
moves its headquarters from Brooks Air Force Base [now closed] to Kelly Air 8/1/1953 #9037  
r Force Base [now closed] to Kelly Air Force Base [now Kelly Field Annex],  8/1/1953 #9037  
                      AMARILLO, TX Air Traffic Controllers. Translucent sau 8/3/1953 #9039  
alloons, according to the official Air Force investigation. A Project Blue  8/3/1953 #9044  
, SD F14 chases saucer. Ground and air RADAR's. Going quickly NNE / 15°. /  8/5/1953 #9046  
pid City object. It hovers near an air filter center, performing more maneu 8/5/1953 #9049  
                             Naval Air Station Barbers Point (now Kalaeloa  8/6/1953 #9052  
tnesses on the ground around Naval Air Station Barbers Point [now Kalaeloa  8/6/1953 #9052  
airport control tower and from the air. Many are also detected by radar. At 8/6/1953 #9052  
            At Barbers Point Naval Air Station near Pearl Harbor, Hawaii 75 8/6/1953 #9053  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “joe 8/12/1953 #9064  
                       NEAR CASTLE AIR FORCE BASE, CA TB29 crew. Grey ovoid 8/20/1953 #9086  
 round black object stopped in the air over the radio tower in Burlington,  8/20/1953 #9092  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 28K 8/23/1953 #9104  
 Papua New Guinea Royal Australian Air Force 12:00 noon. Tom P. Drury, depu 8/23/1953 #9105  
 vapor trail. The Royal Australian Air Force and USAF intelligence are said 8/23/1953 #9105  
                                   Air Force Regulation 200-2 issued by Sec 8/26/1953 #9110  
ation 200-2 issued by Secretary of Air Force: "Intelligence. Unidentified F 8/26/1953 #9110  
f radar-scope photographs of UFOs. Air Force personnel instructed to discus 8/26/1953 #9110  
ation 200-2 issued by Secretary of Air Force; procedures for reporting UFOs 8/26/1953 #9111  
TIC in Dayton Pentagon USAF issues Air Force Regulation 200-2, which tighte 8/26/1953 #9112  
of UFO information and superseding Air Force Letter 200-5. It directs that  8/26/1953 #9112  
 reports be sent electronically to air force intelligence. Tangible evidenc 8/26/1953 #9112  
                       USAF issues Air Force Regulation 200-2, which restri 8/26/1953 #9113  
ed UAP reports must now be sent to Air Force Intelligence, and reports by U 8/26/1953 #9113  
eral ground witnesses including an Air Force pilot, Sergeant and others wat 8/27/1953 #9118  
                      SIDI SLIMANE AIR FORCE BASE, MAROC C47 crew and Air T 9/2/1953 #9134  
AIR FORCE BASE, MAROC C47 crew and Air Traffic Controller. Night light buzz 9/2/1953 #9134  
     Sidi Slimane AFB, Fr. Morocco Air Force C-47 Encounters Maneuvering Li 9/2/1953 #9135  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 5.8 9/3/1953 #9140  
                      HOLBROOK, AZ Air Force C47+marine plane and Zuni / NM 9/4/1953 #9142  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 1.6 9/8/1953 #9156  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 4.9 9/10/1953 #9158  
red. It was also seen over Andrews Air Force Base.                          9/11/1953 #9161  
s. Gone. Reappears. Seen / Andrews Air Force Base.                          9/12/1953 #9164  
s a lecture on saucers to the USAF Air Reserve 9882nd Volunteer Air Reserve 9/16/1953 #9169  
 USAF Air Reserve 9882nd Volunteer Air Reserve Squadron in the North Miami  9/16/1953 #9169  
51 classified UFO reports from the Air Technical Intelligence Center, which 10/1/1953 #9198  
 which runs Project Blue Book. The Air Force states that Keyhoe is misrepre 10/1/1953 #9198  
icer he should be disciplined. The Air Force offers no comment. In the book 10/1/1953 #9198  
                            TINKER AIR FORCE BASE, OK 2 observer(s). "Extra 10/2/1953 #9200  
                          HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM Eng. and 1 southwest  10/7/1953 #9204  
                             SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, IL White sphere/orb/glob 10/7/1953 #9205  
                           SAMPSON AIR FORCE BASE, NY 3 observer(s). Silver 10/9/1953 #9211  
   -28.0000 135.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “ 10/14/1953 #9225  
                    OVER SONDSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, GRNL USAF pilots and gro 10/18/1953 #9238  
 near collision and complain about air traffic. Air traffic control reports 10/19/1953 #9243  
on and complain about air traffic. Air traffic control reports no known air 10/19/1953 #9243  
n imminent attack, noting that the Air Force is not cooperating with the Ar 10/20/1953 #9246  
     Lubbock, Texas 8:15–8:30 p.m. Air Force weather observers at Lubbock,  10/25/1953 #9254  
   -28.0000 135.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “ 10/26/1953 #9256  
phery. The duration is 30 seconds. Air Minister George Ward calls it a “bal 11/3/1953 #9279  
 Australia Australian Minister for Air William McMahon tells Parliament tha 11/20/1953 #9313  
NR saucer probe. He emphasizes the Air Force’s 20% unexplained rate and doe 11/22/1953 #9314  
                The famous Kinross Air Force Base disappearance of an F-89  11/23/1953 #9319  
nd the UFO flew away. An extensive air search and rescue found no trace of  11/23/1953 #9319  
ommunication between the pilot and Air Traffic Controllers has never been r 11/23/1953 #9319  
  Lowry AFB Wings Over the Rockies Air and Space Museum Denver, Colorado No 12/1953 #9329  
ry AFB [now Wings Over the Rockies Air and Space Museum] in Denver, Colorad 12/1953 #9329  
                 Washington DC The Air Force announced in Washington it had 12/1/1953 #9331  
DC-3 at an altitude of 7,055 feet. Air Force Gen. Bengt Nordenskiöld calls  12/15/1953 #9366  
                           British Air Ministry air intelligence branch DDI 12/16/1953 #9373  
              British Air Ministry air intelligence branch DDI (Tech) The B 12/16/1953 #9373  
ence branch DDI (Tech) The British Air Ministry sends orders to all RAF sta 12/16/1953 #9373  
rsons. Reports must be sent to the air intelligence branch DDI (Tech) that  12/16/1953 #9373  
ctor sending the case file to USAF Air Technical Intelligence Center at Wri 12/18/1953 #9384  
 the UFO flipped vertically in the air and climbed from 50 to 70 thousand f Winter 1953 #9385  
Ent AFB Colorado Springs, Colorado Air Technical Intelligence Center at Day 12/23/1953 #9389  
s sighting will be analyzed by the Air Technical Intelligence Center at Day 12/23/1953 #9389  
ld by Richard Reilly questions the Air Force’s openness about UFOs.         12/26/1953 #9397  
Keyhoe’s claims because a “certain Air Force general swears your book is a  12/29/1953 #9406  
                        BENTWATERS AIR FORCE BASE, SUFFOLK Blue saucer make 12/30/1953 #9408  
                        Dayton, OH Air Force Lt. Colonel saw two maneuverin 1954 #9417  
                           Edwards Air Force Base California A promotional  1954 #9421  
Canberra bomber taken near Edwards Air Force Base in California shows a sau 1954 #9421  
 “angels” that become a hazard for air traffic controllers. A Fighter Comma 1954 #9422  
intercept several UFOs in Canadian air space, the Defence Research Board se 1954 #9423  
                             Naval Air Station Lakehurst [now Joint Base Mc 1/1/1954 #9437  
t Lt. JG George G. Morgan of Naval Air Station Lakehurst [now Joint Base Mc 1/1/1954 #9437  
                         WURTSMITH AIR FORCE BASE Guard. Extra moon hovers  1/6/1954 #9455  
 so he reports the sighting to the Air Force in a 4-page letter.            1/10/1954 #9476  
                             KELLY AIR FORCE BASE, TX RADAR blips 100-6000m 1/14/1954 #9482  
                       The British Air Ministry and the British War Office  1/25/1954 #9499  
 Circular Bright Light Observed by Air & Ground Observers (NICAP: 11 - Avia 1/28/1954 #9506  
                          CARSWELL AIR FORCE BASE, TX 4 Air Traffic Control 2/4/1954 #9533  
     CARSWELL AIR FORCE BASE, TX 4 Air Traffic Controllers and RADAR and mo 2/4/1954 #9533  
           Carswell AFB [now Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Wort 2/4/1954 #9535  
ted by the Carswell AFB [now Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Wort 2/4/1954 #9535  
                 At 5:29 p.m. four air traffic controllers at Carswell AFB  2/4/1954 #9536  
     Carswell AFB, TX CONFIDENTIAL Air Force Staff Message: (DTG 061800Z) F 2/6/1954 #9538  
 meet in Los Angeles with Military Air Transport Service intelligence offic 2/13/1954 #9540  
cly in the press and Congress. The Air Force begins promoting its unfounded 2/15/1954 #9548  
representatives meet with Military Air Transport Service officers at the Ro 2/17/1954 #9550  
 object roars overhead. "Not known air traffic" / Air Traffic Controllers.  2/18/1954 #9552  
verhead. "Not known air traffic" / Air Traffic Controllers.                 2/18/1954 #9552  
               VAN NUYS, CA Former Air Force pilot and 4. Silent saucer / i 2/18/1954 #9554  
h. At the same time a retired U.S. Air Force pilot sighted a flying disc in 2/18/1954 #9556  
 with an Alien delegation at Muroc Air Field (Edwards AFB) in February 1954 2/19/1954 (approximate) #9557  
h Palm Springs, California Edwards Air Force Base Roswell, New Mexico Presi 2/20/1954 #9560  
t he made a secret trip to Edwards Air Force Base to view the remains of al 2/20/1954 #9560  
                  ROCKFORD, IL CAA Air Traffic Controller. Saucer flashes / 2/21/1954 #9561  
er reports took off there, claimed Air Force permission to talk.            2/22/1954 #9562  
 US Scripps-Howard papers said the Air Force had worked out a plan with com 2/23/1954 #9565  
s Angeles, California, so that the Air Force can investigate quickly. Each  2/23/1954 #9566  
Many / beach and airport/apartment Air Traffic Controllers. Metal saucer of 2/28/1954 #9572  
    11.6908 165.2736 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Brav 2/28/1954 #9573  
                Fresno, CA Sec. of Air Force Talbott's aircraft paced by UF 3/1954 #9574  
er Space was “not submitted to the air force for authentication prior to pu 3/1954 #9580  
raft flown by the Royal Australian Air Force on air-sampling missions. Howe 3/1/1954 #9585  
n American Aviation planted by the Air Force attributes the latest wave of  3/1/1954 #9586  
                         Nouasseur Air Base Casablanca, Morocco Evening. At 3/5/1954 #9598  
nca, Morocco Evening. At Nouasseur Air Base [now closed] near Casablanca, M 3/5/1954 #9598  
n, and 1st Lt. J. P. Glover, 301st Air Refueling Squadron, 301st Bomb Wing, 3/5/1954 #9598  
+observer(s). Disk going east over Air Force Base. Tilts vertical and shoot 3/8/1954 #9602  
sc-shaped UFO flew over the Laredo Air Force Base in Laredo, Texas on this  3/8/1954 #9604  
ilots must also report UFOs to the Air Force and refrain from talking about 3/10/1954 #9609  
                         Nouasseur Air Base Casablanca, Morocco 9:35 a.m. U 3/12/1954 #9617  
son, flying an F-86 over Nouasseur Air Base [now closed] near Casablanca, M 3/12/1954 #9617  
                            A U.S. Air Force F-86 fighter jet was scrambled 3/12/1954 #9619  
   HAZLETON, PA Several ground and air. 4 large silent domed saucers going  3/22/1954 #9631  
t and offers his assessment of the Air Force’s handling of UFO investigatio 3/23/1954 #9634  
vestigations. He suspects that the Air Force has concluded that UFOs are a  3/23/1954 #9634  
                   OVER FRESNO, CA Air Force Secretary Talbot and several.  3/24/1954 #9636  
 of three jets with the 3rd Marine Air Wing on an easterly heading at Fort  3/25/1954 #9643  
    11.6908 165.2730 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Rome 3/26/1954 #9645  
. Sperry and his copilot on United Air Lines Flight 600, flying east at 19, 3/28/1954 #9646  
                  Royal Australian Air Force The Royal Australian Air Force 4/1954 #9657  
ian Air Force The Royal Australian Air Force issues its first statement of  4/1954 #9657  
asserts that, contrary to what the Air Force claims, some UFO reports are k 4/5/1954 #9666  
    11.4967 165.3675 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Koon 4/6/1954 #9667  
 in the USAF in 1954-55 at Roswell Air Force Base where he began helicopter 4/12/1954 #9685  
t. Capt. John M. Schidel of United Air Lines Flight 193 is forced to make a 4/14/1954 #9690  
nials of UFO reality issued by the Air Force shortly after his March 23 spe 4/18/1954 #9697  
l Airport sightings. He claims the Air Force had operated a radio found in  4/18/1954 #9697  
ct whistles and flutters overhead. Air pulsates. TVs blank out.             4/21/1954 #9698  
    11.6664 165.3872 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Unio 4/25/1954 #9719  
rained weather observers at Kadena Air Force Base in Kadena, Japan sighted  4/25/1954 #9721  
Sheriff reports 6 saucers to Payne Air Force Base. Jets sent / live ammunit 5/1/1954 #9741  
    11.6656 165.3869 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Yank 5/4/1954 #9747  
ington, DC Witnesses:  three USAF. air policemen at Washington National Air 5/11/1954 #9775  
itol building 4:45 a.m. Three USAF Air Policemen (A/1C Mason W. Augst, A/1C 5/12/1954 #9779  
147° 12W-26° 05N Night light paces Air Force-C124 / 5 minute(s). Returns bl 5/13/1954 #9782  
    11.6705 162.1964 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Nect 5/13/1954 #9790  
ound, and he was moved through the air while the bright light stayed above  5/13/1954 #9791  
                      Amarillo, TX Air Force Chief Nathan Twining tells aud 5/15/1954 #9797  
ce in Amarillo that best brains of Air Force are trying to solve the riddle 5/15/1954 #9797  
     US General Nathan F. Twining, Air Force Chief of Staff, stated the bes 5/15/1954 #9798  
y were working on the UFO problem; Air Force could not explain 10 per cent  5/15/1954 #9798  
nal Airport], Texas, says that the Air Force has the best brains in the cou 5/15/1954 #9804  
                            CANNON AIR FORCE BASE, NM "Lens-saucer lands on 5/18/1954 #9807  
                            Cannon Air Force Base, New Mexico Two persons w 5/18/1954 #9810  
                               The Air Force announces that it only receive 6/1/1954 #9861  
ue Book report cites telex / Ramey Air Force Base, PR = UFO / 1930hrs.      6/3/1954 #9863  
 Stringfield the next day that the Air Force actually receives 700 UFO repo 6/7/1954 #9872  
timore, Maryland, demands that the Air Force ease its restrictions on UFO i 6/9/1954 #9882  
           OVER LLANO ESTACADO, TX Air Force pilot and 1. 100' white night  6/10/1954 #9886  
the sightings were reported to the Air Force, they would total about 700 a  6/12/1954? #9896  
                           PATRICK AIR FORCE BASE, FL Guard. Formless night 6/15/1954 #9907  
inating everything, hanging in the air, and pointing directly at her. All o Summer 1954 #9919  
r Island, British Columbia Naselle Air Force Station radar site Fort Steven 6/21/1954 #9921  
FF Mode 1 signals from the Naselle Air Force Station radar site [now Fort S 6/21/1954 #9921  
             VANDALIA, OH Crew and Air Traffic Controllers and F51. Night l 6/23/1954 #9932  
apt. Harry Roe Jr., flying an Ohio Air National Guard F-51 Mustang fighter  6/23/1954 #9936  
n azimuth of 80°. At 5:35 a.m., an Air Force charter flight, No. 46 AF 23-2 6/26/1954 #9954  
rd receives directions from Boston Air Traffic Center to hold his position  6/29/1954 #9962  
ogs); when he lands in London, the Air Ministry does the same, telling the  6/29/1954 #9962  
                          BROOKLEY AIR FORCE BASE, AL Saucer going north. C 6/30/1954 #9966  
lso observed from the tower by two air traffic controllers at Brookley Air  6/30/1954 #9971  
ir traffic controllers at Brookley Air Force Base in Mobile, Alabama. The o 6/30/1954 #9971  
rb/globe / sky near F86's / George Air Force Base. Shoots going quickly eas 7/2/1954 #9980  
                    WALESVILLE, NY Air Force jet chases ovoid into cloud an 7/2/1954 #9981  
aft, which Atkins identifies as an Air Force C-47. The control tower vector 7/2/1954 #9984  
 about the heat but clams up under Air Force pressure. The official investi 7/2/1954 #9984  
Investigated by the Royal Canadian Air Force.                               7/7/1954 #9999  
investigated by the Royal Canadian Air Force.                               7/7/1954 #10000  
                      UK London UK Air Chief Marshal Hugh Dowding states in 7/11/1954 #10009  
handled by a lieutenant colonel in Air Force intelligence. He writes in an  7/20/1954 #10031  
                      Statement by Air Chief Marshall Lord Dowding, head of 8/1954 #10072  
                    US Continental Air Defense Command The US Joint Chiefs  8/2/1954 #10094  
the establishment of a Continental Air Defense Command. Secretary of Defens 8/2/1954 #10094  
ter in the month to integrate “the air defense capabilities of the three mi 8/2/1954 #10094  
three military departments into an air defense system responsible to the co 8/2/1954 #10094  
er Mr. N. E. Schroeder, an ex-Army Air Force B-17 gunner--who had flown on  8/2/1954 #10095  
                          HAMILTON AIR FORCE BASE, CA Saucers circle / sky. 8/3/1954 #10096  
bjects are seen in the clear night air at a high altitude. They move at inc 8/4/1954 #10099  
                   DARMSTADT, GERM Air Traffic Controller and cops and more 8/6/1954 #10102  
ma. It was seen by both ground and air observers, and confirmed on radar.   8/11/1954 #10130  
                           MAXWELL AIR FORCE BASE, AL Ground and air observ 8/12/1954 #10133  
WELL AIR FORCE BASE, AL Ground and air observer(s) and RADAR's. Saucer glow 8/12/1954 #10133  
R's. Saucer glows and soars around Air Force Base tower. No further details 8/12/1954 #10133  
e tower. There are both ground and air witnesses, as well as radar-visual c 8/12/1954 #10137  
is issued by the Department of the Air Force and declassified by Air Force  8/12/1954 #10138  
 the Air Force and declassified by Air Force Chief of Staff Nathan Twining. 8/12/1954 #10138  
ublic can now know that the 4602nd Air Intelligence Service Squadron was br 8/12/1954 #10138  
 helicopter approached. At Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama nearly an hour 8/12/1954 #10139  
 tower. There were both ground and air observers to this second sighting, a 8/12/1954 #10139  
                        SAN MARCOS AIR FORCE BASE, TX Project Bluebook Case 8/15/1954 #10142  
in R. D. Sauers were flying a U.S. Air Force C-47 transport plane over San  8/15/1954 #10145  
r the object began to rise up into air with a rotating motion. Once the cra 8/20/1954 #10158  
e/box-like craft formation. Tinker Air Force Base RADAR. Jets chase. Going  8/28/1954 #10195  
ipissing toward the Royal Canadian Air Force base. An oblong canister was h 8/30/1954 #10209  
rom the craft. Durdle woke up four Air Force men, who observed the object s 8/30/1954 #10209  
ipissing toward the Royal Canadian Air Force base. An oblong canister was h 8/30/1954 #10210  
ft. Sgt. Durdle woke up four other Air Force men, who observed the object s 8/30/1954 #10210  
              HMAS Albatross Naval Air Station near Nowra, New South Wales  8/31/1954 #10218  
 returning to HMAS Albatross Naval Air Station near Nowra, New South Wales, 8/31/1954 #10218  
ribbean Alaska Northeast Strategic Air Command The Continental Air Defense  9/1/1954 #10228  
ategic Air Command The Continental Air Defense Command is established, prim 9/1/1954 #10228  
 continental United States against air attack. It is also tasked to support 9/1/1954 #10228  
laska, Northeast, and of Strategic Air Command in their missions to the max 9/1/1954 #10228  
 Louisiana Carswell AFB [now Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Wort 9/3/1954 #10239  
Louisiana. Carswell AFB [now Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Wort 9/3/1954 #10239  
             HILLCREST HEIGHTS, MD Air Force Major. Circular white night li 9/5/1954 #10251  
eight 30 tons were noted by French Air Force and police on the ballast.     9/10/1954 #10284  
tons. French police and the French Air Force investigate the case.          9/10/1954 #10286  
tons. French police and the French Air Force investigated the case.         9/10/1954 #10288  
y. His paralysis ceases. A rush of air shakes him at the time it takes off. 9/12/1954 #10290  
   52.64418 52.80547 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 40K 9/14/1954 #10298  
seen gliding along rapidly in calm air over Le Pin, Isere, France by four w 9/16/1954 #10324  
no Airport in Rome Pratica di Mare Air Base south of Rome Around 4:45 p.m.  9/17/1954 #10333  
:49 p.m., radar at Pratica di Mare Air Base south of Rome picks up a target 9/17/1954 #10333  
                             KIMPO AIR FORCE BASE, KOREA Project Bluebook C 9/18/1954 #10338  
REA Project Bluebook Case #3213. 1 Air Traffic Controllers and weathermen.  9/18/1954 #10338  
 very high speed, followed by cold air currents. This was reported by Mr. G 9/18/1954 #10346  
                             Kimpo Air Base, Japan Witnesses: two control t 9/18/1954 #10347  
er and a weather observer at Kimpo Air Base in Korea watched a round object 9/18/1954 #10350  
is was followed by a blast of cold air.                                     9/18/1954 #10351  
s the object then rose up into the air again, and took on the appearance of 9/19/1954 #10363  
. Huge glowing disc crosses state. Air Force investigate.                   9/27/1954 #10466  
he UFO rose vertically up into the air, then shot away horizontally at high 9/28/1954 #10492  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .2K 9/29/1954 #10499  
rises / yard with whistling rush / air. / LDLN#102+/ r8.                    10/1/1954 #10552  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .03 10/1/1954 #10563  
                        The French Air Ministry allegedly launches a UFO in 10/2/1954 #10610  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 2KT 10/3/1954 #10663  
 Extensive investigation by French Air Force and police.                    10/4/1954 #10697  
plants are not damaged. The French Air Force and local police investigate a 10/4/1954 #10698  
a belt pouch; he then rose up into air and vanished. The creature had two p 10/4/1954 #10703  
 Extensive investigation by French Air Force and police.                    10/4/1954 #10710  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 4KT 10/5/1954 #10730  
armer temp paralyzed and gasps for air. / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, P 10/7/1954 #10774  
n diameter. The witness gasped for air and felt "paralyzed."                10/7/1954 #10785  
                       The Italian Air Ministry allegedly sets up UFO detec 10/7/1954 #10789  
n diameter. The witness gasped for air and felt "paralyzed."                10/7/1954 #10798  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .8K 10/8/1954 #10816  
, EGYPT Hundreds / observer(s) and Air Traffic Controllers and more/others. 10/9/1954 #10836  
                            The US Air Force releases a press statement say 10/9/1954 #10852  
(something behind) glowing trail / air. No description.                     10/14/1954 #11016  
itness. The UFO shoots up into the air and vanishes.                        10/14/1954 #11053  
 His contact Lou Corbin thinks the Air Force already has some recovered mat 10/14/1954 #11054  
 flames. The report is sent to the Air Ministry where it disappears.        10/14/1954 #11058  
ess or the American public, as the Air Force relied on statements that no p 10/14/1954 #11075  
em. The mare rose about 3 m in the air, and the witness had to release the  10/16/1954 #11142  
e rose about three meters into the air and the witness had to release her.  10/16/1954 #11148  
e mare rises about 9 feet into the air and Puyfourcat releases her, and the 10/17/1954 #11176  
 cigar-shaped object rise into the air and disappear towards the southwest. 10/18/1954 #11215  
nd then the machine rose up in the air at a tremendous rate of speed.       10/18/1954 #11219  
            OVER AVIGNON, FR 2 Fr. Air Force jets chase white saucer / colo 10/19/1954 #11227  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 0KT 10/19/1954 #11241  
            On this day two French Air Force jets chased a white disc-shape 10/19/1954 #11245  
ll of fire flew near it. A violent air displacement was felt. "The battery  10/21/1954 #11299  
fiery ball flew near it. A violent air displacement was felt. "The battery  10/21/1954 #11308  
            LA CUMBRE AIRPORT, ARG Air Traffic Controllers. Star-like disk  10/23/1954 #11326  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 62K 10/23/1954 #11339  
ay, making a sound like that of an air compressor. It was an egg-shaped mac 10/23/1954 #11344  
                          GRAVATAI AIR FORCE BASE, BRZ Many. Silver 30M sau 10/24/1954 #11352  
silver, circular objects sped over Air Force base. [UFOE, X] (NICAP: 01 - D 10/24/1954 #11359  
                            Canoas Air Force Base Porto Alegre, Brazil Rio  10/24/1954 #11365  
.m. Officers and men at the Canoas Air Force Base near Porto Alegre, Brazil 10/24/1954 #11365  
nt. The report is forwarded to the Air Ministry in Rio de Janeiro with a re 10/24/1954 #11365  
 request to investigate. Brazilian Air Force Chief of Intelligence Col. Joã 10/24/1954 #11365  
ck in the afternoon, over Gravatai Air Force Base in Porto Alegre, Brazil.  10/24/1954 #11373  
              BELEM VELHO, RGS.BRZ Air Force officer. Moon-size globe hover 10/26/1954 #11408  
                 PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ Air Force officer. Grey disk west going  10/26/1954 #11411  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 2.8 10/26/1954 #11417  
                              Miho Air Base, Japan Witnesses:  USAF pilots  10/28/1954 #11463  
ases girl. Drops. Vanishes in thin air!                                     10/29/1954 #11473  
  At 6:00 p.m. the crew of a U. S. Air Force C-47D transport plane flying o 10/29/1954 #11483  
and lands. Bounces. Bluish trail / air.                                     10/30/1954 #11488  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 10K 10/30/1954 #11491  
      NEAR CALCUTTA, INDIA Airport Air Traffic Controller and more/others.  10/31/1954 #11496  
g quickly south. Report going [to] Air Force Base / Florianopolis.          10/31/1954 #11497  
k does contain officially released Air Force UFO reports.                   11/1954 #11509  
uminous “rocket,” rise up into the air. A deep hole in the ground was later 11/1/1954 #11520  
d as an "unknown" by the Brazilian Air Force.                               11/2/1954 #11539  
                         ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BASE, AK Ground observer(s). B 11/4/1954 #11556  
t and hovering about 6 feet in the air. He finds himself temporarily paraly 11/8/1954 #11600  
Rome. He has contacted the Italian air defense office, which tells him that 11/12/1954 #11628  
od over Louisville, Kentucky. U.S. Air Force jets chased it over Kentucky,  11/12/1954 #11631  
                              GRAY AIR FORCE BASE / KILLEEN, TX 3 MPs. 4' s 11/14/1954 #11644  
                       SANTA MARIA AIR FORCE BASE, BRZ Numerous observer(s) 11/22/1954 #11687  
azil A radio operator at the local air base saw a huge, dark object about 3 11/22/1954 #11688  
                       Santa Maria Air Force Base Rio Grande do Sul Brazil  11/22/1954 #11691  
to Alegre 9:45 p.m. At Santa Maria Air Force Base, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazi 11/22/1954 #11691  
 radio operator at the Santa Maria Air Force Base, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazi 11/22/1954 #11692  
       CORDOBA, ARG Weatherman and Air Traffic Controller. 2 luminous objec 11/25/1954 #11701  
               A weatherman and an air traffic controller watched two lumin 11/25/1954 #11705  
 Soviet Union United States The US Air Force acknowledges that it is contem 12/1954 #11736  
ional use, would the United States air defense system be able to detect, id 12/1954 #11736  
     Cueta, Sp. Morocco Gnd Radar/ Air Visual (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Cod 12/2/1954 #11745  
              WILMINGTON, NC 2 CAA Air Traffic Controllers / (seen thru) bi 12/3/1954 #11750  
lored suits. They float him in the air and take him to “unknown places.” Th 12/9/1954 #11786  
tructure on top is hovering in the air with an oscillating motion. Two smal 12/9/1954 #11787  
o their craft, which rose into the air slowly for 30 feet and then shot off 12/9/1954 #11789  
Generalissimo Francisco de Miranda Air Base Caracas, Venezuela 6:30 p.m. A  12/10/1954 #11796  
Generalissimo Francisco de Miranda Air Base in Caracas, Venezuela, when he  12/10/1954 #11796  
 a sewing machine, hovering in the air with an oscillating motion. Two smal 12/11/1954 #11802  
 are metallic discs. The Brazilian Air Force scrambles some jets, but they  12/14/1954 #11807  
 Adil de Oliveira of the Brazilian Air Force has the soil analyzed and it y 12/15/1954 #11815  
               Nogales (NE of), AZ Air Radar/Visual For 40 Minutes (NICAP:  12/23/1954 #11856  
 for the Australian Directorate of Air Force Intelligence. Now in England,  12/26/1954 #11862  
rt to the Secretary, Department of Air, in Melbourne, Victoria. He writes:  12/26/1954 #11862  
tensity. Then, with a blast of hot air, the craft rose and shot away at tre 12/27/1954 #11865  
 move. The object rose up into the air, and as it did it changed color from 12/29/1954 #11876  
ed out of the news. Queries to the Air Force were answered by a "fact sheet 1955 #11888  
ntil January 1973. It begins as an Air Force project to develop a nuclear-  1955 #11892  
                               The Air Force issues a statement saying it h 1955 #11897  
 Areas A and C at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base to work on anti-gravity f 1955 #11898  
                               The Air Force Information Services Letter wa 1/7/1955 #11926  
         Bet. Virginia and Kansas, air space Airliner pilot saw a dark obje 1/14/1955 #11932  
       Idyllwild, California March Air Reserve Base, Riverside, California  1/14/1955 #11933  
ot reports to March AFB [now March Air Reserve Base] near Riverside, Califo 1/14/1955 #11933  
CA 1 observer. Motionless saucer / air. Flips over and disappears in place. 1/27/1955 #11945  
          200KM SSE / PIURA, PRU 2 Air Force officers. Domed orange-glowing 1/31/1955 #11953  
                           El Pata Air Force Base Talara, Peru Sechura Dese 1/31/1955 #11956  
ican Highway 1N 2:00 a.m. Peruvian Air Force Commander Guillermo Serpa and  1/31/1955 #11956  
ez Cavero are returning to El Pata Air Force Base near Talara, Peru, by car 1/31/1955 #11956  
                     Miramar Naval Air Station, California Witness:  USN Cm 2/2/1955 #11966  
              At the Miramar Naval Air Station, California at 11:50 a.m. US 2/2/1955 #11970  
 HARBOR, NZ 2 / ground and pilot / air. Odd night light maneuvers. Then pac 2/7/1955 #11978  
                      OVER DOBBINS AIR FORCE BASE, GA Eastern Airlines pilo 2/9/1955 #11983  
YUKYU ISLANDS, JAPAN USAF Military Air Transport Service (MATS, US) C124 cr 2/11/1955 #11994  
                 At 7:15 p.m. a US Air Force C-124 crew flying over Ryuku I 2/11/1955 #11998  
een City, MO Disc Hovers At 500' / Air Force Doesn't Investigate (NICAP: 01 2/14/1955 #12000  
           SOUTHEAST / QUITO, EQDR Air Force pilots and 100 / ground. Alumi 2/16/1955 #12005  
s and crew members of the Peruvian Air Force, flying to the southeast of Qu 2/16/1955 #12006  
   37.0867 -116.0219 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Wasp 2/18/1955 #12009  
   37.0478 -116.0211 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Moth 2/22/1955 #12012  
 book to use the relatively new US Air Force term “UFO” instead of flying s 3/1955 #12022  
   37.1255 -116.0475 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Tesl 3/1/1955 #12025  
                              USAF Air Technical Information Center The Dou 3/1/1955 #12026  
sion Schemes/Systems” for the USAF Air Technical Information Center from 19 3/1/1955 #12026  
a secret Navy project out of Naval Air Station San Diego attempted to learn 3/1/1955 #12027  
nce he worked at Douglas and Naval Air Station San Diego.  https://www.bibl 3/1/1955 #12027  
   37.1383 -116.1175 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Turk 3/7/1955 #12037  
                           LINCOLN AIR FORCE BASE, NEBR Large "teardrop-fus 3/12/1955 #12043  
   37.0403 -116.0253 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Horn 3/12/1955 #12045  
    JOSHUA TREE PARK, CA Strategic Air Command (SAC) B47 pilot. Silver circ 3/16/1955 #12050  
   37.0947 -116.0239 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bee” 3/22/1955 #12054  
 Naha Airport on Okinawa US Kadena Air Base 2:30 p.m. The pilot of a privat 3/24/1955 #12059  
kinawa, which alerts the US Kadena Air Base. Two jets are scrambled, but by 3/24/1955 #12059  
   37.0956 -116.1028 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Appl 3/29/1955 #12066  
   37.0867 -116.0578 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Wasp 3/29/1955 #12067  
s “extremely remote,” and that the Air Force does not try to influence publ Early 4/1955 #12079  
ramento Peak near Cloudcroft Biggs Air Force Base [now Biggs Army Airfield] 4/5/1955 #12080  
ous places in southern New Mexico. Air Force Sgt. Camilla Saenz is statione 4/5/1955 #12080  
f the peak. An airplane from Biggs Air Force Base [now Biggs Army Airfield] 4/5/1955 #12080  
   37.0286 -116.0578 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “HA ( 4/6/1955 #12084  
                            GANDER AIR FORCE BASE, NFLD RCAF ground observe 4/8/1955 #12086  
                 CHERRY VALLEY, IL Air Force jets shoot weather balloon. Sa 4/8/1955 #12087  
   37.1222 -116.0344 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Post 4/9/1955 #12091  
   36.7981 -115.9289 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Met” 4/15/1955 #12094  
                         UK The UK Air Ministry announces that the report i 5/1955 #12110  
s the Under-Secretary of State for Air George Ward to confirm whether or no 5/1955 #12110  
                    KEFLAVIK, ICEL Air Force Colonel and 1. 10+60' saucers  5/4/1955 #12114  
ater, at 1:38 p.m. at the Keflavik Air Force Base in Iceland, two USAF offi 5/4/1955 #12119  
   36.0531 -116.1025 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Appl 5/5/1955 #12121  
   37.0947 -116.0239 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Zucc 5/15/1955 #12134  
                           MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE, FL Saucer seen as large  5/17/1955 #12135  
                         At McDill Air Force Base, Florida a disc appeared  5/17/1955 #12139  
                            NORTON AIR FORCE BASE, CA Ground-visual militar 5/21/1955 #12146  
SCO, PERU Several / theodolite and air observer(s). 5 rhomboids circle airp 5/27/1955 #12162  
-47 reconnaissance aircraft of the Air Force Special Security Service (air  6/4/1955 #12180  
ir Force Special Security Service (air arm of NSA?) tracks an unknown objec 6/4/1955 #12180  
T, CND NSA RB47 ELINT jet / Eilson Air Force Base gets small square RADAR b 6/7/1955 #12189  
on the case is missing from the US Air Force records.                       6/15/1955 #12199  
NY 3 airline(s)/airliner crews and Air Traffic Controllers and Boston RADAR 6/23/1955 #12207  
nd. It appears to oscillate in the air, stops, oscillates again, then final 6/25/1955 #12210  
                                In air over S. Alabama, AL Col. Coleman Cas 7/1955 #12224  
ns utilizing it, along with the US Air Force, for Project Aquatone, the dev 7/1955 #12225  
                    Sacramento, CA Air/Grd Radar Tracks Vertical Descent of 7/1/1955 #12227  
                      PALMDALE, CA Air Traffic Controllers / (seen thru) te 7/12/1955 #12256  
n a Douglas DC-3. Regular Military Air Transport Service flights are set up 7/24/1955 #12283  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 1.3 7/29/1955 #12300  
                 KING SALMON, AK 2 Air Traffic Controllers. Comet-fireball  7/30/1955 #12304  
                JEDBURGH, SCOTLAND Air Cadet. Dog panics. Silent 40' silver 8/1955 #12307  
empt, and it bounces back into the air, but he manages to successfully brin 8/1/1955 #12316  
is garage about 50–100 feet in the air. He sees a big red light at the fron 8/1/1955 #12317  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 12K 8/2/1955 #12323  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 1.2 8/5/1955 #12331  
 The president of a small Canadian air service and his nightwatchman are ch 8/20/1955 #12379  
if some electric force or very hot air was flowing from all the surfaces.”  8/20/1955 #12379  
es that investigations by “police, Air Force officers from nearby Fort Camp 8/21/1955 #12386  
nning reports that “the claim that Air Force investigators showed up the ne 8/21/1955 #12386  
ent were from an Army base, not an Air Force base.” Skeptic Joe Nickell not 8/21/1955 #12386  
o Lockbourne AFB [now Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base] Columbus Cincin 8/23/1955 #12399  
t Lockbourne AFB [now Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base], which scramble 8/23/1955 #12399  
e evening. Several people in Mount Air, Ohio saw a dwarf creature that nigh 8/26/1955 #12412  
rn Ohio Capt. Hugh McKenzie of the Air Defense Command in Columbus, Ohio, c 9/9/1955 #12444  
expenses will be reimbursed by the Air Force.                               9/9/1955 #12444  
to fall from the sky and a rush of air swept him from his feet. The object  9/16/1955 #12456  
to fall from the sky and a rush of air swept him from his feet. The object  9/16/1955 #12457  
ons with rims going south / 50kph. Air Force planes circle. / APRO.         10/1955 (approximate) #12473  
miles south of the rail line.” The Air Force report is written by Lieut. Co 10/4/1955 #12488  
          Fort Worth, Texas US The Air Force releases a statement from Fort 10/10/1955 #12497  
                            HARMON AIR FORCE BASE, NFLD 3 observer(s). Nigh 10/12/1955 #12501  
nd did not share the case with the Air Force, Project Blue Book, or the Con 10/15/1955 #12506  
ne now under development by the US Air Force.                               10/19/1955 #12510  
POLIS, MN Jet pilot and ground and air RADAR's. White ovoid makes 90-turns  10/21/1955 #12517  
 press; linked with statement that Air Force would soon have its own saucer 10/25/1955 #12518  
 Ohio, using cases supplied by the Air Force and tabulated on IBM punch car 10/25/1955 #12519  
ttelle is about 300 pages, but the Air Force distills this down to 100. It  10/25/1955 #12519  
 release in which Secretary of the Air Force Donald A. Quarles states: “On  10/25/1955 #12519  
same time, Quarles states that the Air Force is working on radical new airc 10/25/1955 #12519  
port was drawn up in 1953, yet the Air Force released it as the latest hot  10/25/1955 #12519  
st hot dope in October, 1955.” The Air Force releases a second edition, wit 10/25/1955 #12519  
   37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Proj 11/1/1955 #12539  
   37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Proj 11/3/1955 #12545  
   37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Proj 11/5/1955 #12551  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 250 11/6/1955 #12553  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 160 11/22/1955 #12585  
y R. L. Talley in 1990 and 2013 US Air Force studies, NASA scientist Jonath 11/30/1955 #12594  
  Near Jacksonville, Florida Naval Air Station Jacksonville 9:00 p.m. Near  12/11/1955 #12605  
 vectored to the object by a Naval Air Station Jacksonville controller. On  12/11/1955 #12605  
the positions taken on UFOs by the Air Force. He has personally seen the Es 1/1956 #12642  
                             SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, IL Military observer(s). 1/3/1956 #12644  
                         WURTSMITH AIR FORCE BASE, MI 2 / (seen thru) binoc 1/11/1956 #12654  
                           ITAZUKI AIR FORCE BASE, JPN USAF men. White roun 1/18/1956 #12666  
   37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Proj 1/18/1956 #12668  
 that while he was assigned to the Air Technical Intelligence Center as dir 2/1956 #12691  
  48.56956, 45.90346 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .3K 2/2/1956 #12695  
discs hovered over the Marine Corp Air Base for two minutes. They flew away 2/10/1956 #12706  
   PACIFIC 131'30E-28'53N Military Air Transport Service (MATS, US) C124 cr 2/11/1956 #12708  
military base, Yvelines 10:50 p.m. Air traffic controllers at Orly Airport, 2/17/1956 #12723  
r target appears, identified as an Air France DC-3 airliner flying over the 2/17/1956 #12723  
ew Jersey. It then darted into the air and out of sight.                    2/18/1956 #12729  
ne near airliner = saucer tilting. Air Force uninterested.                  2/22/1956 #12735  
e antigravity) to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. The report refers to a P 2/25/1956 #12739  
oplane under development by the US Air Force. The cover proclaims, “U.S. Ai 3/1956 #12742  
 Force. The cover proclaims, “U.S. Air Force Reveals Our Flying Saucer.” Th 3/1956 #12742  
ying an F-86D at 22,000 feet on an air defense mission saw a target on his  3/3/1956 #12746  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 14K 3/16/1956 #12758  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 5.5 3/25/1956 #12766  
                          WESTOVER AIR FORCE BASE, MASS Jets chase 130' sau 3/26/1956 #12767  
 he served as special assistant to Air Force Secretary Thomas Finletter, he 4/3/1956 #12781  
Harry F. Byrd (D-Va.), criticizing Air Force secrecy, deconstructing Blue B 4/3/1956 #12782  
 Byrd to forward his letter to the Air Force for a response, but he forward 4/3/1956 #12782  
 himself anyway, as does Byrd. The Air Force’s Gen. Joe W. Kelly responds,  4/3/1956 #12782  
                             Thule Air Base in Greenland North Pole Siberia 4/5/1956 #12790  
reconnaissance aircraft from Thule Air Base in Greenland begin in Operation 4/5/1956 #12790  
                   Schenectady, NY Air Force Requests Plane Loaded With Pas 4/8/1956 #12801  
nd KBIA of Los Angeles) go off the air at that time, and KTTV in Los Angele 4/28/1956 #12817  
                                   Air Force Manual section 190-4 goes into 5/1/1956 #12823  
. It requires the Secretary of the Air Force Office of Information to “dele 5/1/1956 #12823  
h would, of course, contradict the Air Force stand that UFOs do not exist.” 5/1/1956 #12823  
r’s book Flying Saucers and the US Air Force was reviewed under AFM 190-4.  5/1/1956 #12823  
man Maj. William T. Coleman claims Air Force Manual section 190-4 was in ef 5/1/1956 #12825  
90-4 requires the Secretary of the Air Force Office of Information to delet 5/1/1956 #12825  
nder the regulation, something the Air Force previously denied. Coleman sta 5/1/1956 #12825  
rnet, and Gen William Garland. The Air Force carefully monitors its recepti 5/3/1956 #12828  
    11.5578 162.3550 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Lacr 5/4/1956 #12831  
range machine" zigzags across sky. Air Force explosive = star Capella.      5/6/1956 #12833  
 Observer Corps (GOC) and many and Air Force Base. 3 showings. Pink-glowing 5/8/1956 #12836  
                    NORTH / NORTON AIR FORCE BASE, CA 2 civilians / radio t 5/16/1956 #12850  
   -20.0000 115.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “ 5/16/1956 #12852  
    11.6683 165.3942 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Cher 5/20/1956 #12862  
    11.0000 162.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Yuma 5/27/1956 #12869  
    11.4967 165.3692 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Zuni 5/27/1956 #12870  
    11.5444 162.3644 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Erie 5/30/1956 #12874  
                  BIRMINGHAM, AL 2 Air Force pilots / B25. 15m silver sauce 6/5/1956 #12884  
    11.6764 162.2222 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Semi 6/6/1956 #12889  
                 5MI SOUTH / MARCH AIR FORCE BASE, CA Air Force ground-visu 6/10/1956 #12892  
I SOUTH / MARCH AIR FORCE BASE, CA Air Force ground-visual observer(s). "Ha 6/10/1956 #12892  
    11.6000 165.4514 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Flat 6/11/1956 #12893  
    11.5511 162.3586 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Blac 6/11/1956 #12894  
    11.0000 162.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Kick 6/13/1956 #12899  
       OVER NORFOLK, UK Ground and air RADAR's. Huge blip stops. Away as F8 6/14/1956 #12903  
    11.5467 162.3608 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Osag 6/16/1956 #12905  
 approached by a Royal New Zealand Air Force Vampire jet interceptor, near  6/17/1956 #12906  
   -20.0000 115.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “ 6/19/1956 #12909  
                            Nellis Air Force Base A pilot driving through t Summer 1956 #12912  
gh the desert and bound for Nellis Air Force Base experienced a sudden and  Summer 1956 #12912  
    11.0000 162.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Inca 6/21/1956 #12913  
    11.6028 165.4514 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Dako 6/25/1956 #12918  
ksen, writing for Secretary of the Air Force Donald A. Quarles, replies to  6/25/1956 #12919  
    11.0000 162.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Moha 7/2/1956 #12947  
 to cool down public reaction, the Air Force’s reluctance to distribute its 7/5/1956 #12953  
 unnamed U.S. Navy pilots at Naval Air Station Los Alamitos tell news repor 7/5/1956 #12954  
ings, and contradicts the official Air Force stance at the time that no phy 7/5/1956 #12954  
    11.6714 162.2003 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Apac 7/8/1956 #12956  
    11.6633 165.3872 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Nava 7/10/1956 #12959  
d silver saucers over airport etc. Air Force team sent in.                  7/12/1956 #12966  
LES, CA Hundreds / observer(s) and Air Traffic Controllers. Brilliant night 7/16/1956 #12973  
                          WESTOVER AIR FORCE BASE, MASS Observer(s) = Nelso 7/17/1956 #12975  
                              OTIS AIR FORCE BASE, MASS Military-air visual 7/17/1956 #12976  
                             Naval Air Station Hutchinson [now Hutchinson A 7/19/1956 #12990  
Station Hutchinson [now Hutchinson Air Force Station], Kansas Naval Air Sta 7/19/1956 #12990  
n Air Force Station], Kansas Naval Air Station Hutchinson [now Hutchinson A 7/19/1956 #12990  
Station Hutchinson [now Hutchinson Air Force Station], Kansas, reports trac 7/19/1956 #12990  
he morning at the Hutchinson Naval Air Station in Hutchinson, Kansas a tear 7/19/1956 #12991  
    11.6739 165.3394 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Tewa 7/20/1956 #12994  
    11.6719 162.3692 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Huro 7/21/1956 #13000  
 Wave. Several report(s) / Edwards Air Force Base. / APRO SEPT'56.          7/22/1956 #13003  
             PIXLEY, CA Blue Book. Air Force C131 hits saucer! Tail crushed 7/22/1956 #13005  
oward the west. It exploded in the air and fell in two pieces. At the same  7/22/1956 #13008  
e no sound when it exploded in the air and crashed to the ground.           7/22/1956 #13008  
                             Naval Air Station Los Alamitos [now Joint Forc Late 7/1956 #13016  
p of US Navy pilots based at Naval Air Station Los Alamitos [now Joint Forc Late 7/1956 #13016  
und Observer Corps (GOC) posts and Air Defense Command RADAR. White night l 7/29/1956 #13025  
       SAN LUIS, AZ Saucer follows Air Force bomber. Stops and blows smoke. 8/1956 #13037  
                       NEAR NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, NV Pilot / car / malfunc 8/1956 (approximate) #13038  
sighting to the newspapers and the Air Force, but a USAF officer confiscate 8/1956 #13045  
             A press leak from the Air Force Association reveals that propo 8/3/1956 #13050  
sion rates. Lockheed has signed an Air Force contract. The CIA’s Richard M. 8/3/1956 #13050  
lip G. Strong has been pushing the Air Force to develop an infrared trackin 8/3/1956 #13050  
 AB, ENGL 4 RADAR's and pilots and Air Traffic Controllers. Jets chase. Pho 8/13/1956 #13077  
d is seen as a white light by both air (a C-47 at 4,000 feet reports it pas 8/13/1956 #13080  
d teleprinter message (from 3910th Air Base Group to ADC at Ent AFB, now th 8/13/1956 #13080  
of both Wimbledon and Perkins, the air crews now state that the radar conta 8/13/1956 #13080  
 light moving at high speeds. Both air and ground radars confirm fantastic  8/13/1956 #13081  
               Wyoming-Montana, In Air Dumbbell-shaped UFOs approached plan 8/21/1956 #13108  
                             Naval Air Station Cecil Field, near Jacksonvil 8/22/1956 #13116  
he top several miles east of Naval Air Station Cecil Field, near Jacksonvil 8/22/1956 #13116  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 27K 8/24/1956 #13126  
                    Royal Canadian Air Force Canadian Rockies Fort Macleod, 8/27/1956 #13140  
, Alberta 7:20 p.m. Royal Canadian Air Force pilot Robert James “Chick” Chi 8/27/1956 #13140  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 900 8/30/1956 #13155  
     NEAR FT. SMITH, MT Ground and air observers. Black dog-bone follows pl 8/31/1956 #13157  
   US70 12 MI SOUTHWEST / HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM Domed saucer / roadsi 9/1956 #13160  
                  Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio The General 9/1956 #13166  
ratories (ARL) at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio, launches a 9/1956 #13166  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 51K 9/2/1956 #13172  
ratic white night lights. Report / Air Defense Command. / r78p177+/ APRO SE 9/6/1956 #13191  
a, CA Airline Pilot Reports UFO To Air Defense Command (NICAP: 11 - Aviatio 9/6/1956 #13195  
0 a.m. and were reported to the US Air Force by two airline pilots for West 9/6/1956 #13196  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 38K 9/10/1956 #13212  
       NORTHWEST / ELSINORE, CA Ex Air Force pilot. Large silver ovoid suck 9/12/1956 #13216  
aches him closely, hovering in the air about 25 feet away. As it passes ove Fall 1956 #13238  
akota Shortly after 12:00 noon. An Air Force Convair RB-36H of the 28th Str Fall 1956 #13239  
After the Stringfields contact the Air Force, M/Sgt Oliver D. Hill retrieve 9/25/1956 #13245  
   -30.0000 132.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “ 9/27/1956 #13250  
                   COLUMBUS, OH Ex Air Force pilot and 1. 8 cigars hover ov 9/28/1956 #13251  
   -30.0000 132.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “ 10/4/1956 #13262  
                            CASTLE AIR FORCE BASE, CA 2 F86's chase saucer. 10/7/1956 #13265  
   -30.0000 132.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “ 10/11/1956 #13274  
ssed these events were told by the Air Force that the pilots had been chasi Late 1956 #13277  
      US40 NORTHEAST / FERNLEY, NV Air Force man and 1 / (seen thru) binocu 10/15/1956 #13278  
ch looks to have been moved to the Air Force Rocket Propulsion Laboratory ( Late 1956 #13281  
                           WHEELUS AIR FORCE BASE, LIBYA Military ground an 10/17/1956 #13283  
CE BASE, LIBYA Military ground and air RADAR's. Bright blips maneuver. Obje 10/17/1956 #13283  
   -30.0000 132.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “ 10/22/1956 #13287  
ed on a definite course. Homestead Air Force Base, south of Miami, Florida  11/8/1956 #13315  
       DESTIN, FL Military pilot / air. Long thin object with series / brig 11/9/1956 #13317  
in, Florida at 6:00 p.m. in a U.S. Air Force RF-84F aircraft from the 3242r 11/9/1956 #13319  
              El Toro Marine Corps Air Station, CA Objects Seen & Tracked F 11/11/1956 #13321  
earby barn is clearly visible. The air smells of ozone and smoldering insul 11/11/1956 #13322  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 900 11/17/1956 #13336  
  On this night in 1956, six Civil Air Patrol members and a service station 11/21/1956 #13341  
          Pierre (near), SD Ground/air/visual. Widespread UFO sightings for 11/24/1956 #13346  
ral days. State police chased UFO, Air Force jets scrambled. (UFOE, VII) (N 11/24/1956 #13346  
                          HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM Several separate obse 11/29/1956 #13363  
                        CHARLESTON AIR FORCE BASE, SC Project Bluebook Case 11/30/1956 #13366  
                At 12:48 p.m. U.S. Air Force aerial navigator Maj. D. D. Gr 11/30/1956 #13372  
l & radar sighting of round UFO by Air Force jet pilot. Radar jammed by str 12/1956 #13376  
he focuses on discrepancies in the Air Force’s public announcements and the 12/1956 #13378  
    Victoria, Texas 2:00 p.m. A US Air Force pilot sees a silver object wit 12/10/1956 #13396  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 40K 12/14/1956 #13402  
                           ITAZUKE AIR FORCE BASE, JPN 100M saucer jams RAD 12/17/1956 #13406  
                           Itazuke Air Base [now Fukuoka Airport] in Fukuok 12/17/1956 #13408  
uoka, Japan 4:20 p.m. Near Itazuke Air Base [now Fukuoka Airport] in Fukuok 12/17/1956 #13408  
n colored UFO was sighted from the air by a pilot and co-pilot. It flew at  12/17/1956 #13410  
           MARENGO, ALGERIA French Air Force carrier plane crew. Luminous/g 1/3/1957 #13449  
over/all about. Follows 2 separate Air Force B25s. Radio compass electro-ma 1/16/1957 #13459  
, Texas 8:00 p.m. The crews of two Air Force B-25s are flying about 90 mile 1/16/1957 #13461  
   48.56956 45.90346 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 10K 1/19/1957 #13466  
                   NORTH / LINCOLN AIR FORCE BASE, NE 2 separate RADAR's an 2/13/1957 #13494  
ILLA AFS, NM Blue Book. Ground and air RADAR. 2 night lights. 1 follows sea 2/13/1957 #13495  
ey asks the Secretary of State for Air for an explanation. On March 20, Und 2/15/1957 #13509  
h 20, Under-Secretary of State for Air Ian Orr-Ewing responds, saying that  2/15/1957 #13509  
rom Rochdale. But on April 17, the Air Ministry sends an investigator to in 2/15/1957 #13509  
                       UK Italy UK Air Chief Marshal Hugh Dowding writes to 2/26/1957 #13514  
ter. It is rocking slightly in the air and makes a low, rumbling sound. Ben 3/6/1957 #13523  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 19K 3/8/1957 #13530  
es behind him, also sees it. Miami Air Traffic Control sends a flash messag 3/9/1957 #13540  
s of jet activity discounted.” The Air Force quickly explains the sighting  3/9/1957 #13540  
s. Robert Beaudoin, the wife of an Air Force officer, along with her 17-yea 3/22/1957 #13553  
his report to Oxnard and the later Air Force investigation by the 4602nd, t 3/22/1957 #13553  
he horizon. To deal with that, the Air Force adds the theory that a tempera 3/22/1957 #13553  
sterical due to her pregnancy. The Air Force’s explanation is completed wit 3/22/1957 #13553  
ue Book. Several Navy and cops and Air Traffic Controller / RADAR. Many nig 3/23/1957 #13556  
cy radar tracked a UFO over Oxnard Air Force Base, California. Visual repor 3/23/1957 #13558  
 Gen. Arno H. Leuhman, director of Air Force information, tells the press t Early 4/1957 #13576  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 42K 4/3/1957 #13577  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 57K 4/6/1957 #13584  
calf (D-Mont.) and denies that the Air Force has muzzled pilots. “Answers a 4/8/1957 #13589  
server(s). Classic saucer hovers / air. Sways. / r141 #2p33.                4/10/1957 #13591  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 680 4/10/1957 #13592  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 22K 4/12/1957 #13597  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 320 4/16/1957 #13603  
   37.0000 -115.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Proj 4/24/1957 #13614  
                            Nellis Air Force Range, Nevada Nevada Test Site 4/24/1957 #13615  
conducted in Area 13 at the Nellis Air Force Range, Nevada. The high explos 4/24/1957 #13615  
flew a F-86 D Sabre from the Royal Air Force base at Manston, Kent and orde 5/1957 #13626  
me down, making a sound similar to air escaping from a valve. A sort of lif 5/1/1957 #13637  
me down, making a sound similar to air escaping from a valve. A lift descen 5/1/1957 #13638  
                    EAST / EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, CA Cameramen. 30 frames  5/2/1957 #13640  
    1.6700 -157.2500 Nuclear test: Air. Country: Britain Name: “grapple”    5/15/1957 #13661  
    MARIEMONT, OH Silver sphere in Air Force maneuvers. Jets chase. Going q 5/24/1957 #13676  
   37.0947 -116.0236 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bolt 5/28/1957 #13683  
ate range missiles, they also test air defense and anti-submarine warheads  5/28/1957 #13684  
    1.6700 -157.2500 Nuclear test: Air. Country: Britain Name: “grapple”    5/31/1957 #13689  
   37.0478 -116.0211 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Fran 6/2/1957 #13695  
en at 9,000 feet). A crew from the air tower confirms that it has both obje 6/3/1957 #13698  
   37.1347 -116.0408 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Lass 6/5/1957 #13705  
er(s). Fireball falls. Stops / mid air. Going quickly [to] between hills. Q 6/6/1957 #13708  
            OFF NEW JERSEY McGuire Air Force Base jets chase 100+RADAR blip 6/7/1957 #13711  
        OMAHA, NE Blue Book. Civil air patrol. UFO dives going down / 200'  6/13/1957 #13722  
per Reynold’s News claims that the Air Ministry conducts top secret UFO res 6/15/1957 #13730  
                            OHAKEA AIR FORCE BASE, NZ Jet pilot and ground  6/17/1957 #13733  
   37.1347 -116.0408 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Wils 6/18/1957 #13739  
    1.6700 -157.2500 Nuclear test: Air. Country: Britain Name: “grapple”    6/19/1957 #13741  
   37.7981 -115.9289 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Pris 6/24/1957 #13750  
rnational Airport], California The Air Defense Command disbands the 4602nd  7/1957 #13765  
, California. Soon afterwards, the Air Force reduces funds for the unit, im 7/1957 #13765  
   37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Coul 7/1/1957 #13772  
   37.1347 -116.0408 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Hood 7/5/1957 #13778  
 of a helicopter airlift, tactical air support, and an amphibian tractor ca 7/5/1957 #13779  
 PAMPULHA, BRZ Night light follows Air Force B26 / one hour. Hovers / airpo 7/14/1957 #13795  
   37.1503 -116.1086 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Diab 7/15/1957 #13798  
 apparently convinces him that the Air Force’s explanations for the 24 case Mid 7/1957 #13799  
                         Las Vegas Air Force Station [now closed] at Angel  7/16/1957 #13801  
n A1C Armand Therrien at Las Vegas Air Force Station [now closed] at Angel  7/16/1957 #13801  
signal characteristics of a common air defense ground radar. Aircraft norma 7/17/1957 #13808  
bject being the signal source.” An air defense radar station near Dallas, T 7/17/1957 #13808  
orado Project scientists asked the Air Force for the Blue Book file on the  7/17/1957 #13808  
                      Mount Lemmon Air Force Station Tucson, Arizona Chandl 7/18/1957 #13811  
m and a radar crew at Mount Lemmon Air Force Station [now closed] northeast 7/18/1957 #13811  
   37.1606 -116.0531 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “John 7/19/1957 #13813  
s, Nevada, is the only test of the Air Force’s AIR-2 Genie missile with a n 7/19/1957 #13814  
uclear warhead. On the ground, the Air Force carries out a public relations 7/19/1957 #13814  
lic relations event by having five Air Force officers and a videographer st 7/19/1957 #13814  
   37.0833 -116.1000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Kepl 7/24/1957 #13825  
   37.1347 -116.0408 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Owen 7/25/1957 #13836  
             US The North American Air Defense Command is announced by the  8/1/1957 #13870  
Sgt. Herman L. Giles, and 16 other air crewmen, while on routine Airborne O 8/3/1957 #13875  
national Airport, Italy An Italian Air Force noncommissioned officer on dut 8/4/1957 #13876  
d goes through the same maneuvers. Air currents from both objects make the  8/5/1957 #13881  
   37.0867 -116.0236 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Stok 8/7/1957 #13884  
   37.1280 -116.1064 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Shas 8/18/1957 #13905  
             Quilino, Argentina An Air Force man inside a tent heard a loud 8/20/1957 #13911  
a region A member of the Argentine Air Force guarding a downed aircraft is  8/20/1957 #13913  
 in Quilino, Cordoba, Argentina an Air Force man inside a tent heard a loud 8/20/1957 #13915  
                       Cecil Naval Air Station, Florida A black, bellshaped 8/22/1957 #13922  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 520 8/22/1957 #13923  
                             Naval Air Station Cecil [now Cecil Airport] in 8/22/1957 #13924  
ple named Sheetz in a car at Naval Air Station Cecil [now Cecil Airport] in 8/22/1957 #13924  
                       Cecil Naval Air Station, Florida. At 3:40 p.m. a bla 8/22/1957 #13925  
   37.0867 -116.0236 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Dopp 8/23/1957 #13927  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .1K 8/26/1957 #13932  
   37.0867 -116.0236 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Fran 8/30/1957 #13951  
   37.1872 -116.0678 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Smok 8/31/1957 #13958  
ganization (possibly the Brazilian Air Force) shows that the metal is high  9/1957 #13966  
                           CHITOSE AIR FORCE BASE, JAPAN Project Bluebook C 9/1/1957 #13968  
   37.0531 -116.1025 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Gali 9/2/1957 #13970  
 sends a second fragment to the US Air Force, which accidentally destroys i Early 9/1957 #13971  
 Unknown City, Portugal Portuguese Air Force Jets Have 40-Minute Encounter  9/4/1957 #13977  
   37.1347 -116.0408 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Whee 9/6/1957 #13981  
   37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Coul 9/6/1957 #13982  
    70.72333 54.6963 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 32K 9/7/1957 #13985  
   37.0867 -116.0236 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Lapl 9/8/1957 #13986  
                               Ent Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colo 9/12/1957 #13992  
headquarters is established at Ent Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colo 9/12/1957 #13992  
 case because the subordinate USAF Air Defense Command belongs to NORAD.    9/12/1957 #13992  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 5.9 9/13/1957 #13993  
   37.0336 -116.0314 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Fize 9/14/1957 #13995  
   -30.0000 132.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “ 9/14/1957 #13996  
   37.0867 -116.0236 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Newt 9/16/1957 #14000  
cause he wants to find out how the Air Force is implementing the recommenda 9/16/1957 #14001  
 Barn-size UFO plays cat & mouse / Air Force plane. 3 observer(s). / r33p26 9/19/1957 #14009  
                            KADENA AIR FORCE BASE, OKINAWA Project Bluebook 9/20/1957 #14016  
ichigan Truax AFB [now Truax Field Air National Guard Base] northeast of Ma 9/20/1957 #14020  
er from Truax AFB [now Truax Field Air National Guard Base] northeast of Ma 9/20/1957 #14020  
        BRICEVILLE, TN Several and Air Force RADAR. Huge saucer. USAF info  9/22/1957 #14023  
   37.1383 -116.1175 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Whit 9/23/1957 #14027  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 160 9/24/1957 #14029  
                           Dir. of Air Force Intelligence Gen. Millard Lewi 9/24/1957 #14030  
   -30.0000 132.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “ 9/25/1957 #14032  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 13K 9/26/1957 #14036  
   37.1347 -116.0408 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Char 9/28/1957 #14040  
). 30M crosses sky / 15 second(s). Air Force jet chases. RADAR. Away / 2900 10/1/1957 #14052  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 290 10/6/1957 #14065  
   37.1347 -116.0408 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Morg 10/7/1957 #14069  
   -30.0000 132.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “ 10/9/1957 #14082  
                             Naval Air Station South Weymouth Shea Field Na 10/9/1957 #14085  
4 p.m. The tower operator at Naval Air Station South Weymouth [now the Shea 10/9/1957 #14085  
e of 20 feet, the UFO stops in the air and its light goes out. It lands, a  10/10/1957 #14095  
                             Naval Air Station North Island tower San Diego 10/14/1957 #14110  
nia Point Loma 7:00 p.m. The Naval Air Station North Island tower in San Di 10/14/1957 #14110  
ht object hovering 300 feet in the air. He approaches it, but it evades him 10/14/1957 #14111  
ander-in-Chief of Royal Australian Air Force. [UFOE, X] (NICAP: 01 - Distan 10/16/1957 #14126  
stralia Evening. Former Australian Air Marshal George Jones and his wife se 10/16/1957 #14130  
              12 MI SOUTH / LORING AIR FORCE BASE, ME RADAR-visual (observa 10/23/1957 #14147  
                         SELMA, AL Air Force Captain and 5. Radio Frequency 10/29/1957 #14160  
C. Healey again, who tells him the Air Force has “made a strong attempt to  10/31/1957 #14174  
two UFOs hanging motionless in the air at a great height until the afternoo 11/1/1957 #14189  
A Sabre jet from the South African Air Force is sent up to investigate. It  11/1/1957 #14189  
is morning in 1957 a South African Air Force Sabre jet pilot pursued a high 11/1/1957 #14190  
                  LOGANSPORT, LA 2 Air Force airmen / car and separate obse 11/2/1957 #14198  
                    AMARILLO, TX 2 Air Traffic Controllers and more/others. 11/2/1957 #14206  
ds later, the lights rise into the air and disappear.                       11/2/1957 #14215  
fail as a UFO passes overhead. The Air Force calls the Levelland sightings  11/2/1957 #14216  
 the object rises quickly into the air.                                     11/2/1957 #14218  
                             DYESS AIR FORCE BASE, TX Air Traffic Controlle 11/3/1957 #14236  
          DYESS AIR FORCE BASE, TX Air Traffic Controller Waddell. Odd-glow 11/3/1957 #14236  
                          KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM 2 Air Traffic Control 11/4/1957 #14271  
     KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM 2 Air Traffic Controllers. Night light cav 11/4/1957 #14271  
 Grenada, Spain Córdoba Portuguese Air Force Capt. Lenos Ferreira is conduc 11/4/1957 #14281  
ith investigators of the Brazilian Air Force, fly to the fort to interview  11/4/1957 #14284  
but it clears up the next day. The Air Force calls it a hoax based on the L 11/4/1957 #14286  
nklin Mountains, it lifts into the air vertically.                          11/4/1957 #14287  
uency Range Station 10:45 p.m. CAA air traffic controllers R. M. Kaser and  11/4/1957 #14289  
                           KEESLER AIR FORCE BASE, MS Airman. Ovoid going n 11/5/1957 #14300  
            SOUTH / LONG BEACH, CA Air Traffic Controllers and weathermen a 11/5/1957 #14304  
cylinder/cigar-shape over Holloman Air Force Base and orange night light go 11/5/1957 #14305  
nd radio operator Thomas Kirk. The Air Force ascribes it to confused radar  11/5/1957 #14342  
                   EDWARDS / MUROC AIR FORCE BASE, CA Widely separate MPs.  11/6/1957 #14383  
 County, Ohio reported to the U.S. Air Force that at 6:30 a.m. he saw a UFO 11/6/1957 #14435  
vilian source reported to the U.S. Air Force that an oval object, about 5 m 11/6/1957 #14437  
                        WAIUKU, NZ Air Force flight engineering. Ovoid over 11/7/1957 #14453  
                          Holloman Air Force Base Alamogordo, New Mexico 1: 11/7/1957 #14458  
1:55 a.m. Seven airmen at Holloman Air Force Base near Alamogordo, New Mexi 11/7/1957 #14458  
metallic object hovers over Cannon Air Force Base. Vanishes! / r141#2.      11/8/1957 #14471  
    1.6700 -157.2500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “ 11/8/1957 #14485  
ton, Ohio Spencer Whedon, chief of Air Intelligence at Wright-Patterson AFB 11/8/1957 #14488  
arge silver disk hovers / airport. Air Defense Command investigation/invest 11/9/1957 #14497  
ry object about 20,000 feet in the air. Gile watches it for 3 minutes and i 11/9/1957 #14506  
lle, Maryland Fort George G. Meade Air Research and Development Center in B 11/13/1957 #14541  
e. They are apparently sent to the Air Research and Development Center in B 11/13/1957 #14541  
 were recovered and sent to the US Air Force for analysis. On this same dat 11/13/1957 #14542  
                           JOHNSON AIR FORCE BASE, JPN Cylinder/cylindrical 11/14/1957 #14545  
gton, D.C. Wright-Patterson AFB An Air Force car with two officers comes to 11/17/1957 #14571  
/triangle/box-like craft? hovers / air station/depot/facility. Maneuvers. / 11/20/1957 #14582  
y (10 miles SE of), Turkey Turkish Air Force pilot saw a 10 ft regular-hexa 11/22/1957 #14593  
                       Tonopah, NV Air Force officer's car failed, he saw d 11/23/1957 #14602  
s. The rise about 50 feet into the air and proceed across the highway to th 11/23/1957 #14603  
ZIGZAGs over N508. Vanishes / thin air. P267.                               11/25/1957 #14608  
ng quickly east. Cannot catch. Big Air Force investigation.                 11/26/1957 #14618  
                            ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, GA 3 Air Traffic Control 11/26/1957 #14619  
       ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, GA 3 Air Traffic Controllers and weatherman a 11/26/1957 #14619  
hysics Research Directorate at the Air Force Cambridge Research Center at H 11/29/1957 #14639  
hysics Research Directorate at the Air Force Cambridge Research Center at H 11/29/1957 #14639  
 J. Ruppelt, Donald Menzel, and an Air Force representative. But Keyhoe fin 12/1957 #14654  
EAR JOLIETVILLE, IN 2 observer(s). Air Force plane circles / low altitude a 12/1/1957 (approximate) #14655  
a, Japan. Later that same day a US Air Force plane circled at a low altitud 12/1/1957 #14661  
riphery, emitting a current of hot air and a high-pitched sound. It had a d 12/8/1957 #14690  
s considered "explained" by the US Air Force as contrails.                  12/8/1957 #14693  
proached. They felt a hot blast of air and heard a high pitched sound at th 12/8/1957 #14696  
   37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Coul 12/9/1957 #14698  
                   NEAR LOCKBOURNE AIR FORCE BASE, OH 3 F86 pilots. Orange  12/11/1957 #14708  
 was sighted by the crew of a U.S. Air Force F-86 from the 87th FIS and tra 12/11/1957 #14714  
               Sea of Japan Misawa Air Base, Japan 5:45 p.m. At least 13 wi 12/12/1957 #14721  
d two F-86D’s take off from Misawa Air Base, Japan. Multiple radar and visu 12/12/1957 #14721  
n Misawa, Japan and sent to the US Air Force Project Blue Book. Project Blu 12/15/1957 #14731  
lusion of nearby objects. The U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book recorded the 12/16/1957 #14736  
odd, luminous haze floating in the air where the object had hovered. The ob 12/21/1957 #14753  
ile Sighted From RB-47/ Tracked By Air & Ground Radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Ca 12/23/1957 #14759  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 12K 12/28/1957 #14766  
ll records were transferred to the Air Force.                               Late 1950's #14773  
                            Nellis Air Force Range, Nevada Area 13 The Atom 1958 #14779  
fence around Area 13 at the Nellis Air Force Range, Nevada, where the Proje 1958 #14779  
oted by 150 men. Soon ARPA and the Air Force take over the project and rede 1958 #14780  
e of a fire truck crash crew at an air base in South Korea is positioned ne 1958 #14783  
 start of the Mercury program, the Air Force sponsors a project named “Man- 1958 #14785  
                            The US Air Force commissions a special studies  1958 #14787  
ons a special studies group within Air Force Intelligence headed by Stefan  1958 #14787  
er find the existence of a US Army Air Forces files on the German Air Force 1958 #14787  
rmy Air Forces files on the German Air Force’s secret weapons program at th 1958 #14787  
ce’s secret weapons program at the Air Force Historical Research Agency at  1958 #14787  
torical Research Agency at Maxwell Air Force Base, and another copy at the  1958 #14787  
 and another copy at the Office of Air Force History at Bolling Air Force B 1958 #14787  
ce of Air Force History at Bolling Air Force Base.  US Office of Technical  1958 #14787  
ntatives from the Secretary of the Air Force Office of Legislative Action t 1/1958 #14791  
ty of holding open hearings on the Air Force UFO program. USAF fears “uncon 1/1958 #14791  
e “not in the best interest of the air force,” nor necessary for national s 1/1958 #14791  
-Ariz.) that allegations about the Air Force withholding information are “e 1/1958 #14791  
mply want confidentiality, and the Air Force respects that.                 1/1958 #14791  
th a noise like a flock of birds." Air Force officers and policemen searche 1/4/1958 #14805  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 1.3 1/4/1958 #14806  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .5K 1/17/1958 #14833  
mes on afterward and says that the Air Force is not hiding anything about U 1/22/1958 #14838  
show, although he thinks it is the Air Force silence group at work. In Apri 1/22/1958 #14838  
eports: “I felt it would encourage Air Force personnel to violate present A 1/23/1958 #14840  
Force personnel to violate present Air Force policy and specifically AF Reg 1/23/1958 #14840  
fice of Assistant Secretary of the Air Force Richard E. Horner under the au 1/31/1958 #14855  
and other senators are absent. The Air Force is represented by Maj. James F 1/31/1958 #14855  
strong Circle Theater incident was Air Force censorship. A few days later,  2/1958 #14859  
ater, Healey tells Keyhoe that the Air Force is claiming that the program p 2/1958 #14859  
                               The Air Force revises AFR 200-2 and recreate 2/5/1958 #14872  
 200-2 and recreates the system of air base commanders conducting initial i 2/5/1958 #14872  
pan Giant Radar Return Reported to Air Force PBB (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases,  2/19/1958 #14880  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 860 2/23/1958 #14884  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 250 2/27/1958 #14894  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 150 2/27/1958 #14895  
tigation,” it would state that the Air Force is investigating UFOs and not  2/28/1958 #14896  
l Oliveira, chief of the Brazilian Air Force’s General Staff information se 2/28/1958 #14897  
o issue a statement certifying the Air Force is properly conducting its UAP 2/28/1958 #14899  
                               The Air Force releases parts of the 1953 Rob 3/1958 #14904  
 Luehman, falsely stating that the Air Force has done “considerable work” w 3/3/1958 #14916  
 saying Assistant Secretary of the Air Force Richard E. Horner told his pro 3/8/1958 #14920  
d to investigate the United States Air Force.”                              3/8/1958 #14920  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 1.2 3/13/1958 #14926  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 35K 3/14/1958 #14932  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 40K 3/14/1958 #14933  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 14K 3/15/1958 #14935  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .16 3/18/1958 #14937  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 12K 3/20/1958 #14944  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 650 3/21/1958 #14945  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 18K 3/22/1958 #14946  
                           AALBORG AIR FORCE BASE, DK 2 airmen / ground. Sm 4/1/1958 (approximate) #14956  
 Formation / saucers leaves Danish Air Force jet behind. / r46p204.         4/10/1958 #14973  
                   Albuquerque, NM Air Force Staff Sergeant saw large forma 4/14/1958 #14983  
    12.6167 168.0250 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Yucc 4/28/1958 #15002  
    1.6700 -157.2500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “ 4/28/1958 #15003  
    11.5564 162.3542 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Cact 5/5/1958 #15017  
          Capitán de Corbeta Naval Air Base Capitán de Corbeta Carlos A. Cu 5/5/1958 #15018  
cinity of Capitán de Corbeta Naval Air Base [now part of Capitán de Corbeta 5/5/1958 #15018  
    11.6908 165.2736 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Fir” 5/11/1958 #15028  
    11.5411 162.3506 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Butt 5/11/1958 #15029  
    11.6750 162.2056 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Koa” 5/12/1958 #15030  
lberta 12:15 p.m. A Royal Canadian Air Force Dakota DC-3 is flying to RCAF  5/13/1958 #15031  
    11.5439 162.3561 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Holl 5/20/1958 #15044  
    11.4961 165.3708 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Nutm 5/21/1958 #15045  
    11.6603 162.2253 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Yell 5/26/1958 #15050  
    11.5428 162.3539 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Magn 5/26/1958 #15051  
    11.6633 162.2300 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Toba 5/30/1958 #15061  
    11.6908 165.2736 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Syca 5/31/1958 #15063  
UFO reports and warns him that the Air Force will ask him for “certain UFO  6/1958 #15068  
 NICAP receives a request from the Air Force requesting any cases that indi 6/1958 #15068  
    11.5411 162.3517 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Rose 6/2/1958 #15076  
ft company that contracts with the Air Force and thus might be playing it s 6/6/1958 #15081  
d maneuvered for four minutes. The Air Force attempted to explain this sigh 6/9/1958 #15086  
    11.6872 165.4150 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Mapl 6/10/1958 #15088  
n the UK House of Commons asks the Air Ministry how many instances of UFOs  6/10/1958 #15089  
them. Under-Secretary of State for Air Ian Orr-Ewing replies that 54 report 6/10/1958 #15089  
he same place." It caused a strong air disturbance for they could see the w 6/12/1958 #15092  
last of heat and a strong blast of air. As it went by it made a faint hummi 6/12/1958 #15092  
    11.6908 165.2733 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Aspe 6/14/1958 #15096  
    11.6603 162.2253 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Waln 6/14/1958 #15097  
    11.5442 162.3564 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Lind 6/18/1958 #15099  
hio) for one hour on the status of Air Force UFO investigations in the Capi 6/20/1958 #15105  
                               The Air Force briefs Reps. Henderson, Cramer 6/20/1958 #15107  
                    ROSWELL-WALKER AIR FORCE BASE, NM Project Bluebook Case 6/21/1958 #15109  
                                   Air Force Base, Southwest US, In Airspac Summer 1958 #15110  
                                   Air Force base in the Southwest US At an Summer 1958 #15111  
he Southwest US At an unidentified Air Force base in the Southwest US, two  Summer 1958 #15111  
see it take off at high speed. The Air Force officers who interrogate them  Summer 1958 #15112  
eft behind a smell of ozone in the air.                                     6/21/1958 #15113  
       ALEXANDRIA, LA Near England Air Force Base. Patrolman photographs 2  6/23/1958 #15114  
ols the NORAD response to a Soviet air attack, operating in this role from  6/26/1958 #15117  
    11.6872 165.4150 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Redw 6/27/1958 #15118  
    11.6633 162.2300 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Elde 6/27/1958 #15119  
    11.6078 162.1078 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Oak” 6/28/1958 #15121  
    11.4961 162.3708 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Hick 6/29/1958 #15125  
                          HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM 2 men. Silent 25' Ada 7/1958 #15127  
        Pakistan Badaber (Peshawar Air Station) President Dwight Eisenhower 7/1958 #15128  
ence facility at Badaber (Peshawar Air Station) to fly U-2 reconnaissance m 7/1958 #15128  
fueling Mission is returning to an Air Force Base in New Hampshire [Pease A 7/1958 #15130  
    11.5442 162.3564 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Sequ 7/1/1958 #15133  
    11.6908 165.2736 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Ceda 7/2/1958 #15134  
    11.6633 162.2300 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Dogw 7/5/1958 #15135  
    11.6881 165.2644 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Popl 7/12/1958 #15139  
    11.0000 162.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Scae 7/14/1958 #15142  
                           CHITOSE AIR FORCE BASE, JPN RADAR and Air Traffi 7/17/1958 #15145  
TOSE AIR FORCE BASE, JPN RADAR and Air Traffic Controllers and more. Red st 7/17/1958 #15145  
    11.0000 162.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Piso 7/17/1958 #15147  
e might be under pressure from the Air Force.                               7/17/1958 #15148  
    11.4961 165.3708 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Juni 7/22/1958 #15152  
    11.6633 162.2300 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Oliv 7/22/1958 #15153  
    11.6561 162.2197 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Pine 7/26/1958 #15156  
 asking the Secretary of State for Air George Ward what action is taken to  7/30/1958 #15163  
     Warsaw Świdnica Poland Polish Air Force pilot Apoloniusz Czernów of th 8/1958 #15171  
   16.7439 -169.5333 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Teak 8/1/1958 #15173  
                         MALMSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, MT Air Force guard. Larg 8/4/1958 #15178  
      MALMSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, MT Air Force guard. Large featureless silve 8/4/1958 #15178  
    11.0000 162.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Quin 8/6/1958 #15180  
Gregory persuades him to allow the Air Force to give a briefing, while allo 8/8/1958 #15184  
are said to have lost contact with air traffic controllers for a short peri 8/11/1958 #15191  
   16.3583 -169.5356 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Oran 8/12/1958 #15198  
do, New Mexico. A sound of rushing air was heard.                           8/12/1958 #15199  
                               The Air Force briefs the Subcommittee on Atm 8/13/1958 #15200  
 water. After several leaps in the air, it flies off at high speed.         8/16/1958 #15203  
    11.0000 162.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Fig” 8/18/1958 #15214  
    1.6700 -157.2500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “ 8/22/1958 #15217  
   -38.5000 -11.5000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Argu 8/27/1958 #15228  
    -49.5000 -8.2000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Argu 8/30/1958 #15232  
                           WHEELUS AIR FORCE BASE, TRIPOLI, LIBYA Project B 9/1/1958 #15240  
    1.6700 -157.2500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “ 9/2/1958 #15250  
    -48.5000 -9.7000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Argu 9/6/1958 #15255  
                            OFFUTT AIR FORCE BASE, NE 25 / USAF. Contrail = 9/8/1958 #15259  
C HQ, Offutt AFB, Omaha, NE Offutt air traffic control tower personnel, saw 9/8/1958 #15260  
El Segundo, California; many other air base officers and airmen; and Offutt 9/8/1958 #15261  
se officers and airmen; and Offutt air traffic control tower personnel see  9/8/1958 #15261  
                                   Air Force Major Duich and several others 9/8/1958 #15262  
    1.6700 -157.2500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “ 9/11/1958 #15263  
   37.0867 -116.0236 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Eddy 9/19/1958 #15270  
    1.6700 -157.2500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “ 9/23/1958 #15280  
   37.0867 -116.0236 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Mora 9/29/1958 #15285  
e story appears in newspapers, the Air Force explains it as repair trucks d 9/29/1958 #15286  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 900 9/30/1958 #15287  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 120 9/30/1958 #15288  
 urges implementation of the plan, Air Force Headquarters kills it.         10/1958 #15294  
e-green ovoid going northeast over Air Force Base / 350M altitude. 2x moon- 10/2/1958 #15298  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 40K 10/2/1958 #15302  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 290 10/2/1958 #15303  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 9KT 10/4/1958 #15313  
   37.0867 -116.0236 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Hida 10/5/1958 #15316  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 15K 10/5/1958 #15318  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 5.5 10/6/1958 #15320  
   37.0947 -116.0236 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Quay 10/10/1958 #15333  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 68K 10/10/1958 #15334  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 145 10/12/1958 #15340  
   37.0867 -116.0236 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Lea” 10/13/1958 #15343  
   36.8022 -115.9322 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Hami 10/15/1958 #15345  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 150 10/15/1958 #15346  
   37.0867 -116.0236 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Dona 10/16/1958 #15348  
   37.1225 -116.0347 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Vest 10/17/1958 #15352  
   37.0411 -116.0258 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Rio  10/18/1958 #15356  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 290 10/18/1958 #15357  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 0KT 10/19/1958 #15358  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 40K 10/19/1958 #15359  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 440 10/20/1958 #15361  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 2KT 10/21/1958 #15363  
   37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Ober 10/22/1958 #15364  
   37.0867 -116.0236 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Soco 10/22/1958 #15365  
   36.7981 -115.9289 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Wran 10/22/1958 #15366  
   37.1347 -116.0408 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Rush 10/22/1958 #15367  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 280 10/22/1958 #15368  
                 VAALHARTZ, RSA Ex Air Force pilot. 3 10M saucers hover / 1 10/24/1958 #15370  
   37.0431 -116.0269 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Catr 10/24/1958 #15371  
   37.1233 -116.0378 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Juno 10/24/1958 #15372  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 100 10/24/1958 #15373  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 0KT 10/25/1958 #15375  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 190 10/25/1958 #15376  
   37.1814 -116.0686 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Cere 10/26/1958 #15382  
   36.7981 -115.9289 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Sanf 10/26/1958 #15383  
   37.0867 -116.0236 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “De B 10/26/1958 #15384  
   37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Chav 10/27/1958 #15392  
   37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Maza 10/29/1958 #15396  
   37.0478 -116.0247 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Humb 10/29/1958 #15398  
   37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Gany 10/30/1958 #15400  
   37.0867 -116.0236 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Sant 10/30/1958 #15401  
   37.1772 -116.0692 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Tita 10/30/1958 #15403  
is classified to “protect official Air Force interest in the recovery of UF 10/30/1958 #15404  
   48.56956 45.90346 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 10K 11/1/1958 #15416  
   48.56956 45.90346 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 10K 11/3/1958 #15422  
t the disappearance of the object. Air Force tower personnel also see the U 11/4/1958 #15425  
e of Commons MP Roy Mason asks the Air Minister in the UK House of Commons  11/5/1958 #15429  
and what departments are involved. Air Minister George Ward replies in writ 11/5/1958 #15429  
                  Brazilia, Brazil Air Force pilot and 500 observers saw a  11/8/1958 #15433  
sky to their right. Afterward, the air is stifling and hot, but the engine  11/9/1958 #15435  
 the pieces is submitted to the US Air Force and not returned. In the early 11/9/1958 #15435  
ey, who is a Lt. Col. in the Civil Air Patrol in Topeka, Kansas, wakes up w 11/11/1958 #15438  
d features interviews with unnamed Air Force officers who proclaim an “unde 11/30/1958 #15462  
f flying saucers.” Supposedly, the Air Force has evidence that “perhaps as  11/30/1958 #15462  
 UFO sightings but are told by the Air Force that they are mistaken. USAF w 12/1958 #15465  
e Book be transferred from ATIC to Air Research and Development Command on  12/1958 #15465  
Newark (N.J.) Star-Ledger that the Air Force policy of censorship and denia 12/21/1958 #15494  
 have seen UAP tell a reporter the Air Force policy of denial is like “Big  12/21/1958 #15495  
ine pilots from discussing the UAP air safety issue for decades and lulled  12/21/1958 #15495  
 across comes hurtling through the air about 20 feet above the ground. Movi 12/30/1958 #15503  
2004, when it is taken over by the Air Force.                               1959 #15509  
                   WALWORTH, WI Ex Air Traffic Controller / flight controll 1/8/1959 #15537  
ns Canada US MP Roy Mason asks the Air Minister another question in the UK  1/21/1959 #15559  
n is there with Canada and the US? Air Minister George Ward replies that RA 1/21/1959 #15559  
utomated Army (Missile Master) and Air Force (SAGE) radar systems.          1/31/1959 #15572  
COCO AIRPORT/APARTMENT, COSTA RICA Air Traffic Controller. Ovoid flashes we 2/4/1959 #15578  
                OFF OAK HARBOR, WA Air Traffic Controller and 6 military. 3 2/13/1959 #15588  
ed. To get it going, he meets with Air Force Intelligence, Secretary of the 2/17/1959 #15591  
rce Intelligence, Secretary of the Air Force officials, and Blue Book staff 2/17/1959 #15591  
tower operators in Pittsburgh. The Air Force quickly identifies the objects 2/24/1959 #15604  
pendent sighting of the UFOs by an Air Force transport plane 150 miles furt 2/24/1959 #15604  
ow Heathrow], England. Airport and air defense radars do not pick up any ta 2/25/1959 #15615  
                        London, UK Air Traffic Controllers, others saw a br 2/26/1959 #15619  
                         US The US Air Force launches Discoverer 1, the fir 2/28/1959 #15623  
the papers, “I don’t care what the air force says,” he knows what refueling 3/19/1959 #15652  
etter asking it to stop writing to Air Force personnel about UFOs. Keyhoe t Spring 1959 #15660  
verdlovsk, Russia Soviet radar and Air Defense personnel observe UFOs circl Spring 1959 #15661  
               Tokyo, Japan Misawa Air Base Honshu Tsugaru Strait Pentagon  Spring 1959 #15662  
 weather officer with the US Fifth Air Force in Tokyo, Japan, is in the ope Spring 1959 #15662  
the staff tracks a UFO near Misawa Air Base on the north end of Honshu. One Spring 1959 #15662  
heast. It is about 200 feet in the air and just south of a main road. Inten 3/22/1959 #15665  
e lights of his telescope. But the Air Force finds that the couple were nev 3/22/1959 #15665  
he is under strict orders from the Air Force not to talk to anyone about th 3/27/1959 #15674  
sing his job. Soon afterwards, the Air Force releases a statement from Kill 3/27/1959 #15674  
                     Orting, WA An Air Force C-118 transport plane with fou 4/1/1959 #15686  
ext day after an interview with an Air Force Colonel. “The Chief and other  4/1/1959 #15686  
oint Base Lewis-McChord] Tacoma An Air Force C-118 plane with four on board 4/1/1959 #15688  
             MONTREAL, QB Military Air Traffic Controller and more/others.  4/12/1959 #15697  
ight-cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / Air Force Base. Going quickly north. Not 4/12/1959 #15697  
          Montreal, CAN St. Hubert Air Base Control Tower Operators, others 4/12/1959 #15698  
                        St. Hubert Air Defence Command Base [now CFB St. Hu 4/12/1959 #15699  
nd airport officials at St. Hubert Air Defence Command Base [now CFB St. Hu 4/12/1959 #15699  
so, a circular UFO appeared in the air 300 feet above the ground, and he fe 4/25/1959 #15713  
                             PEASE AIR FORCE BASE, NH Project Bluebook Case 5/2/1959 #15720  
                NORTHWEST / OFFUTT AIR FORCE BASE, NE Blue Book. Military a 5/13/1959 #15727  
, NE Blue Book. Military and civil Air Traffic Controllers and all / airlin 5/13/1959 #15727  
 whole subject.” Royal Netherlands Air Force Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Haye S 5/18/1959 #15737  
st recent information. He says the Air Force is giving its full cooperation Late 5/1959 #15747  
a 3 week period. A man told Nellis Air Force Base officials that he saw 4 u 5/27/1959 (approximate) #15748  
40 miles SE of Las Vegas area. The Air Force said none of the objects sight 5/27/1959 (approximate) #15748  
e of radiation. Bugs fall from the air, and small animals and the bacteria  6/1959 #15754  
eastern horizon near the city. The Air Force said none of the objects sight 6/3/1959 (approximate) #15756  
 UFOs and urges him not to let the Air Force intimidate him into retracting 6/12/1959 #15766  
                        NEAR GOOSE AIR FORCE BASE, NFLD 2 circular objects  6/15/1959 (approximate) #15769  
wer crewman at McCarran Field, and Air Force men were amoung those reportin 6/17/1959 #15772  
as Vegas at 10:55pm. Airman at the Air Force radar installation at Angel's  6/17/1959 #15772  
adar was not able to track it. The Air Force said none of the objects sight 6/17/1959 #15772  
men had already vanished into thin air.                                     6/26/1959 #15792  
panion at the Patuxent River Naval Air Station in Lexington Park, Maryland  6/30/1959 #15804  
voir, Fairfax County, Virginia The Air Force reassigns UFO investigative du 7/1959 #15807  
the same phenomenon, as well as an Air Force bomber crew, a Slick Airways p 7/11/1959 #15834  
                          HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM 2 observer(s). Night  7/14/1959 (approximate) #15847  
ous object followed FAB (Brazilian Air Force) B-26, hovered near airport. [ 7/14/1959 #15849  
      A light followed a Brazilian Air Force B-26 bomber plane for one hour 7/14/1959 #15854  
                 FORTALEZA, BRAZIL Air Traffic Controller and several pilot 7/22/1959 #15869  
 7:54 p.m. that is swinging in the air with a pendulum-like motion. As it a 8/9/1959 #15898  
or, Canada Witness: Royal Canadian Air Force pilot Flt. Lt. M.S. Mowat, on  8/10/1959 #15902  
m horizon to overhead at Goose Bay Air Force Base in Labrador, Canada. It c 8/10/1959 #15903  
was later interrogated by the U.S. Air Force.                               8/13/1959 #15916  
                 6MI WITH MITCHELL AIR FORCE BASE, LI, NY Vertical luminous 8/19/1959 #15926  
ORTH / LEXINGTON, KY Blue Book. Ex Air Force pilot and more. 5 glowing-ovoi 9/7/1959 #15957  
spot, along with a kerosene smell. Air Force investigators show up and decl 9/7/1959 #15960  
                           GRISSOM AIR FORCE BASE WITH BUNKER HILL, IN Proj 9/13/1959 #15966  
L, IN Project Bluebook Case #6507. Air Traffic Controllers and pilots. Jets 9/13/1959 #15966  
                          Pentagon Air Force Regulation 200-2 is revised, w 9/14/1959 #15975  
restricted to the Secretary of the Air Force’s Office of Information Servic 9/14/1959 #15975  
n object is positively identified. Air Force personnel are not to contact p 9/14/1959 #15975  
                   JAKARTA, INDONS Air Force patrol. Disk hovers. Sudden gl 9/20/1959 #15982  
                               The Air Technical Intelligence Center is ren 9/21/1959 #15984  
 Oregon Prineville Highway Seattle Air Route Control Center in Washington H 9/24/1959 #15987  
ornia Portland Seattle Center USAF Air Defense Center radar site at Klamath 9/24/1959 #15987  
 his sighting in person to the FAA Air Traffic Communication Station. Fligh 9/24/1959 #15987  
The FAA reports the UFO to Seattle Air Route Control Center in Washington a 9/24/1959 #15987  
ect about 25 miles south. The USAF Air Defense Center radar site at Klamath 9/24/1959 #15987  
ude from 6,000 to 52,000 feet. The Air Force claims the UFOs are caused by  9/24/1959 #15987  
for abnormal radioactivity, so the Air Force changes its explanation to wea 9/24/1959 #15987  
 logs showing all the details. The Air Force again changes its explanation  9/24/1959 #15987  
rcraft reportedly spotted from the air the crash site of a large disc-shape 9/26/1959 #15994  
 UFO program be transferred to the Air Research and Development Command, wh 9/28/1959 #15996  
xas Maj. R. O. Braswell, flying an Air Force C-47 at 6,500 feet over Texas, 9/29/1959 #15998  
ppeared in a flash, with a gust of air. A glassy deposit was found on the p 9/29/1959 #16000  
s seen in the sky. ARTC reports no air traffic in the area of the radar sit 10/2/1959 #16011  
            NEAR FORREST CITY, ARK Air Traffic Controllers and more. ANG-T3 10/6/1959 #16018  
                  On this night an Air National Guard T-33 aircraft with a  10/6/1959 #16023  
          Forest City, AR Kentucky Air National Guard pilot chased glowing  10/7/1959 #16026  
            Terre Haute, IN Ground/Air Visuals Over City Stir Air Force (NI 10/15/1959 #16033  
 Ground/Air Visuals Over City Stir Air Force (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, C 10/15/1959 #16033  
trange electrical sensation in the air. He then saw a hovering luminous obj 10/16/1959 #16035  
                             Czech Air Force Czechoslovakian airfield Czech 11/16/1959 #16089  
eld Czech Republic 8:00 p.m. Czech Air Force officer Commander Duchoň is dr 11/16/1959 #16089  
of the book. He claims there is no Air Force secrecy on UFOs and NICAP is j 12/1959 #16104  
 9, 1960. The NSSCC is part of the Air Force Command and Control Developmen 12/1959 #16106  
 and Control Development Division, Air Research and Development Command. Ha 12/1959 #16106  
two minutes it rose again into the air. There were others in the neighborho 12/22/1959 #16128  
                                US Air Force Inspector General brief to Ope 12/24/1959 #16132  
e, acting inspector general of the Air Force, issues instructions pertainin 12/24/1959 #16133  
taining to “UFO business” to every air base commander in the US. The docume 12/24/1959 #16133  
, Lt. Col. Lawrence J. Tacker, the Air Force began answering critics of its 1960 #16138  
 book "Flying Saucers and the U.S. Air Force" by Lawrence J. Tacker (Van No 1960 #16138  
reword by General Thomas D. White, Air Force Chief of Staff. Col. Tacker we 1960 #16138  
           Cincinnati, MI Kentucky Air National Guard pilot chased round UF 1960 #16139  
helps to further reduce clutter on air traffic control radars. This means t 1960 #16144  
 3rd Class Larry W. Rogers, 3926th Air Police Squadron K-9, states he saw a 1960 #16145  
 UAP while stationed at Ben Guerir Air Base, Morocco. Rogers states jet fig 1960 #16145  
the event were told to get into an Air Force sedan, driven to the headquart 1960 #16145  
g-in-algeria     Note: USAF issued Air Force Regulation 200-2 on 26 August  1960 #16145  
 required UAP events to be sent to Air Force Intelligence. It is likely the 1960 #16145  
o, Texas Waco Night. Vice Chief of Air Staff Gen. Curtis LeMay is conductin Early 1960 #16146  
ombers’ capability to penetrate US air space. An F-89J Scorpion jet instruc Early 1960 #16146  
 confirmed McMillen's sighting. An Air Force T-33 inbound to Nellis AFB als 1/3/1960 #16149  
 the object was “the remains of an Air Force Discoverer VIII satellite that 2/1960 #16162  
   Intervale, New Haven, CT Former Air Force PT Boat Commander watched UFOs 2/3/1960 #16164  
      27.0000 0.0000 Nuclear test: Air. Country: France Name: “gerb._bleue” 2/13/1960 #16172  
                              ROME AIR FORCE BASE, NY 5 Air Traffic Control 2/27/1960 #16183  
         ROME AIR FORCE BASE, NY 5 Air Traffic Controllers. Night light tra 2/27/1960 #16183  
ver Dubuque, Iowa at 5:57 p.m. The Air Force claimed that no unusual object 3/4/1960 #16196  
It made no sound. Listed as a U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book unidentified 3/23/1960 #16205  
      27.0000 0.0000 Nuclear test: Air. Country: France Name: “gerb._blanch 4/1/1960 #16213  
insk Test Site in Kazakhstan Dolon Air Base in Semey, Kazakhstan SAM test s 4/9/1960 #16219  
Test Site in Kazakhstan; the Dolon Air Base in Semey, Kazakhstan; a SAM tes 4/9/1960 #16219  
n. The plane is detected by Soviet Air Defense Forces but avoids intercepts 4/9/1960 #16219  
                   RICHARDS-GEBAUR AIR FORCE BASE, MO Project Bluebook Case 4/17/1960 #16230  
sk [now Yekaterinburg]. The Soviet Air Defense Forces have anticipated the  5/1/1960 #16248  
ong Flight Research Center Edwards Air Force Base California NASA issues a  5/5/1960 #16256  
Flight Research Center] at Edwards Air Force Base in California. Premier Ni 5/5/1960 #16256  
lent saucer hovers / edge of town. Air Force jet chases. Fast evasive maneu 5/13/1960 #16265  
 UFO. Flying about 600 feet in the air at low speed, the silent object mane 5/13/1960 #16266  
 chief of intelligence at a nearby Air Force Base, interviews the witnesses 5/19/1960 #16289  
s a well- reasoned story about the Air Force’s unilateral control of UFO in 6/1/1960 #16305  
 Russian. Hillenkoetter states the Air Force is not telling U.S. citizens t 6/22/1960 #16317  
          NORTHEAST / YACANTO, ARG Air Force Captain / car photographs cone 7/3/1960 #16328  
                         Argentine Air Force Villa General Belgrano, Córdob 7/3/1960 #16329  
oba, Argentina 4:30 p.m. Argentine Air Force Capt. Hugo F. Niotti is drivin 7/3/1960 #16329  
                    An Argentinean Air Force Captain photographed a cone-sh 7/3/1960 #16330  
ton National Airport Levelland The Air Force gives a preliminary briefing t 7/13/1960 #16335  
                               The Air Force gives a major briefing on UFOs 7/15/1960 #16337  
s are skeptical; Smart accuses the Air Force of withholding information and 7/15/1960 #16337  
ly no truth in the charge that the Air Force or any other governmental agen 7/26/1960 #16348  
hts enter cottage. Cottage rises / air!                                     8/1960 (approximate) #16360  
                               US "Air Force Information Policy Letter; For 8/15/1960 #16383  
, issued by Office of Secretary of Air Force. Under title "AF Keeping Watch 8/15/1960 #16383  
here is a relationship between the Air Force's interest in space surveillan 8/15/1960 #16383  
                                   Air Force Information Policy Letter for  8/15/1960 #16385  
sued by Office of the Secretary of Air Force. In “AF Keeping Watchful Eye o 8/15/1960 #16385  
here is a relationship between the Air Force’s interest in space surveillan 8/15/1960 #16385  
             OAK FOREST, IL Former Air Force pilot. Saucer hovers and bobs  8/16/1960 #16387  
             Oak Forest, IL Former Air Force pilot saw disc-like UFO which  8/16/1960 #16395  
ately produce a proposal to the US Air Force to share data in the hopes of  8/25/1960 #16414  
    LEXINGTON, KY Former Strategic Air Command (SAC) RADAR Tech. Glowing sp 9/4/1960 #16434  
    Lexington, KY Former Strategic Air Command radar technician saw a glowi 9/4/1960 #16435  
 Russia. Within seconds, Strategic Air Command headquarters in Omaha, Nebra 10/5/1960 #16481  
k Osborne, Australian Minister for Air, whether he has read the account of  10/20/1960 #16486  
d he admits that the Department of Air receives UFO reports and shares them 10/20/1960 #16486  
hares them with the RAF and the US Air Force. However, all of them are “exp 10/20/1960 #16486  
d high-pitched, humming noise. The air has become unusually warm. They look 11/3/1960 #16493  
lishes Flying Saucers and the U.S. Air Force, in which he blisteringly atta 12/5/1960 #16525  
the book Flying Saucers and the US Air Force because “I felt the Air Force  12/5/1960 #16526  
e US Air Force because “I felt the Air Force was being set upon by Maj. Key 12/5/1960 #16526  
 NBC, most of them critical of the Air Force.                               12/5/1960 #16526  
      27.0000 0.0000 Nuclear test: Air. Country: France Name: “gerb._rouge” 12/27/1960 #16540  
, Philip G. Evans, write a memo to Air Force Intelligence in the Pentagon.  12/27/1960 #16541  
pset by their accusations that the Air Force is withholding UFO information 12/27/1960 #16541  
he truck rises a few feet into the air and overturns in the direction taken 1/1961 #16555  
 a sandbank with its wheels in the air. The object ascends and is lost to v 1/1961 #16555  
and lift it about a meter into the air. The truck overturned onto a sandban 1/1/1961 #16559  
in Cuba, supported by considerable air power.                               1/4/1961 #16562  
red, zig-zagging UFO observed from air by pilot (also from ground by others 1/10/1961 #16573  
he pilot was interviewed by the US Air Force.                               1/10/1961 #16576  
                             EGLIN AIR FORCE BASE, FL Metallic saucer nears 1/22/1961 #16583  
RCE BASE, FL Metallic saucer nears Air Force Base / Gulf. U-turn and retrea 1/22/1961 #16583  
t 4:45 p.m. as it approached Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, then made a U-t 1/22/1961 #16589  
 Rep. John W. McCormack states the Air Force “has not been giving out all t 2/16/1961 #16600  
ce Tacker says that critics of the Air Force investigation are “absolutely  3/1961 #16617  
ton Brooks (D-La.), to investigate Air Force UFO secrecy.                   3/1961 #16618  
nated oil and buckwheat flour. The Air Force concludes that Simonton is hon 4/18/1961 #16653  
      27.0000 0.0000 Nuclear test: Air. Country: France                     4/25/1961 #16661  
                    US American US Air Force Intelligence Collection Guidan 4/25/1961 #16662  
Suddenly the object rises into the air to 60 feet and moves out to sea at a 4/29/1961 #16667  
ll admits that we are still losing Air Force planes to UFOs. The first case 5/1961 #16669  
n plotted on the Radar scope of an Air Base (name and dates classified). Th 5/1961 #16669  
 UFOs without secrecy. It says the Air Force should have a more straightfor 5/1961 #16672  
                           TYNDALL AIR FORCE BASE, FL Project Bluebook Case 5/20/1961 #16689  
stationary silver disc hung in the air over Tyndall Air Force Base. It was  5/22/1961 #16695  
 disc hung in the air over Tyndall Air Force Base. It was seen by two marri 5/22/1961 #16695  
ly rose higher and higher into the air and disappeared. A Project Blue Book 5/22/1961 #16695  
quests for an investigation of the Air Force project. Congressional hearing 6/1961 #16706  
ted but never came about. Instead, Air Force Congressional Liaison personne 6/1961 #16706  
                       Miyako Jima Air Station, Japan Blue-white light fly  6/2/1961 #16710  
emed to push it as if there was an air pillow. After it had emerged complet 6/3/1961 #16717  
t stopped for a few seconds in the air at about 10 meters above the surface 6/3/1961 #16717  
t away from him and 80 feet in the air, changing colors from white to orang 6/11/1961 #16724  
 Intelligence and added to the new Air Force Systems Command. Its name is c 7/1/1961 #16741  
becomes operational under the USAF Air Defense Command at Ent AFB [now the  7/1/1961 #16742  
NV Saucer circles car. Rush / cold air! Big military investigation/investig 7/17/1961 #16762  
ir car, followed by a rush of cold air. It stopped, circled the vehicle, fl 7/17/1961 #16764  
ir car, followed by a rush of cold air. It stops, circles the vehicle, flie 7/17/1961 #16765  
ER BAYTOWN, TX DC3 crew ground and air RADAR's. 2 vibrant bright saucer-fir 7/20/1961 #16766  
 from view in five seconds. A U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book "unknown" ca 8/12/1961 #16792  
                    GLENVILLE, RHD Air Traffic Controller / car and separat 8/14/1961 #16793  
 trying to defame and ridicule the Air Force. He had thought Keyhoe would b 8/28/1961 #16806  
e’s “cheap scheme to discredit the Air Force.”                              8/28/1961 #16806  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 16K 9/1/1961 #16810  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 9KT 9/4/1961 #16814  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 16K 9/5/1961 #16815  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 1.1 9/6/1961 #16816  
   48.56956 45.90346 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 11K 9/6/1961 #16817  
ctor and the undersecretary of the Air Force to co-manage all space reconna 9/6/1961 #16818  
                LAVERTON RAAF, VIC Air Force men. Disk spins over radar hil 9/8/1961 #16821  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .38 9/9/1961 #16823  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 12K 9/10/1961 #16825  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .88 9/10/1961 #16826  
     74.2000 52.5000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 270 9/10/1961 #16827  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .3K 9/11/1961 #16829  
     74.2000 52.1000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 115 9/12/1961 #16830  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .00 9/13/1961 #16833  
     70.8700 53.3300 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 6KT 9/13/1961 #16834  
                              OSAN AIR FORCE BASE, KOREA White saucer maneu 9/14/1961 #16835  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .4K 9/14/1961 #16836  
     74.6000 51.1000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 120 9/14/1961 #16837  
     74.0000 51.9000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 830 9/16/1961 #16840  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 20K 9/17/1961 #16842  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .00 9/18/1961 #16844  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .75 9/18/1961 #16845  
     74.0000 52.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 100 9/18/1961 #16846  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .03 9/19/1961 #16854  
                     North Concord Air Force Station East Mountain, Vermont 9/19/1961 #16855  
ermont 5:22 a.m. The North Concord Air Force Station [now closed] at East M 9/19/1961 #16855  
bove the Hills’ 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air and fills the entire field of view i 9/19/1961 #16857  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 4.8 9/20/1961 #16859  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 150 9/20/1961 #16860  
ire 2:14 a.m. Pease AFB [now Pease Air National Guard Base] in Portsmouth,  9/20/1961 #16861  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .8K 9/21/1961 #16865  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 260 9/22/1961 #16868  
It vanishes “like a tornado in the air” and he feels the rush of wind. The  Autumn 1961 #16869  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 1.2 9/26/1961 #16872  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 3KT 10/1/1961 #16885  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 250 10/2/1961 #16888  
         PROVO, UT Many ground and air observer(s). 50' metallic saucer / t 10/3/1961 #16893  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 13K 10/4/1961 #16894  
     73.7000 53.8000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 150 10/4/1961 #16895  
   48.56956 45.90346 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 40K 10/6/1961 #16898  
     74.3000 51.6000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 400 10/6/1961 #16899  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 15K 10/8/1961 #16902  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 15K 10/12/1961 #16907  
 on the lake surface. He calls the Air Force and Coast Guard to make sure i 10/14/1961 #16910  
iley sees the object rise into the air and travel southeast at about the sp 10/14/1961 #16910  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 6.6 10/17/1961 #16915  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .00 10/19/1961 #16917  
     73.8000 53.2000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 145 10/20/1961 #16919  
       70.7030 54.60 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 125 10/23/1961 #16926  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 300 10/25/1961 #16927  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .5K 10/25/1961 #16928  
   48.56956 45.90346 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 1.2 10/27/1961 #16930  
   48.56956 45.90346 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 1.2 10/27/1961 #16931  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .09 10/30/1961 #16937  
     73.8000 53.5000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 500 10/30/1961 #16938  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 150 10/31/1961 #16940  
     73.6000 56.2000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 500 10/31/1961 #16941  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 2.7 11/1/1961 #16943  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 120 11/2/1961 #16946  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 280 11/2/1961 #16947  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .6K 11/2/1961 #16948  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 0KT 11/3/1961 #16949  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .9K 11/3/1961 #16950  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 15K 11/4/1961 #16952  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 6KT 11/4/1961 #16953  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .2K 11/4/1961 #16954  
     73.7000 55.7000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 150 11/4/1961 #16955  
e peacetime functions of the 4602d Air Intelligence Service Squadron at Ent 11/13/1961 #16962  
am personnel are needed to support Air Force Projects Moon Dust, Blue Fly a 11/13/1961 #16963  
is strange ball flying through the air. It was kind of rough and seemed to  11/18/1961 #16964  
 be rolling as it sped through the air. It was going faster than any airpla 11/18/1961 #16964  
en visit him. He presumes they are Air Force intelligence officers who say  Late 11/1961 #16978  
ndent and the other an active-duty Air Force sergeant. They all are “extrem Late 11/1961 #16978  
t shells from a submarine into the air, and hope far an uprising. US policy 11/30/1961 #16984  
                          NASA The Air Force tries once again to get rid of 1962 #17005  
                   Wichita, Kansas air base in the southwest Day. An Air Fo 1962 #17006  
 air base in the southwest Day. An Air Force pilot is flying a brand new B- 1962 #17006  
 of Wichita, Kansas, headed for an air base in the southwest. He notices a  1962 #17006  
e study of UFOs, and the Argentine Air Force establishes a division for the 1962 #17008  
t through the doors only to see an air police sentry with a sub-machine gun 1962 #17012  
tch going quickly east. Ground and air RADAR's / r47p51.                    1/29/1962 #17024  
 eastern Netherlands A Royal Dutch Air Force pilot flying an F-86 Sabrejet  1/29/1962 #17026  
                     A Royal Dutch Air Force F-86 jet interceptor was chase 1/29/1962 #17027  
father show the photo later to the Air Ministry, which pronounces them “tem 2/1962 #17033  
                            US The Air Force issued the last "fact sheet" ( 2/6/1962 #17035  
men are shown a short 20–30-minute Air Force film showing, spliced together Spring 1962 #17078  
                          RAMSTEIN AIR FORCE BASE, GERM Project Bluebook Ca 3/26/1962 #17081  
                          Ramstein Air Base, West Germany Witness:  USAF Ca 3/26/1962 #17085  
AFB and mistakenly entered into an air hanger where he thought the gym was  4/1962 #17093  
the hanger he was approached by an air police sentry with a sub-machine gun 4/1962 #17093  
ador, CAN (McDonald list) Ground & Air Radar Tracks Object At 47,000' (NICA 4/2/1962 #17094  
he suddenly felt a current of cold air. He was paralyzed with fear when he  4/10/1962 #17106  
                        WRIGHT-PAT AIR FORCE BASE, OH 6 Air Force men jog / 4/15/1962 #17114  
   WRIGHT-PAT AIR FORCE BASE, OH 6 Air Force men jog / hangar. 15' saucer u 4/15/1962 #17114  
                            NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, NV Project Bluebook Case 4/18/1962 #17118  
n, Utah?], it slowed down in [the] air, and after, [a] gasping sound was he 4/18/1962 #17120  
he speed of meteors. On May 8, the Air Force sends Hynek and Lt. Col. Rober 4/18/1962 #17120  
FB); Utah (Minuteman production at Air Force Plant 77 at Hill AFB); Idaho ( 4/18/1962 #17120  
    2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Adob 4/25/1962 #17128  
    2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Azte 4/27/1962 #17132  
 as occurring on April 30, but the Air Force lists the flight as occurring  4/29/1962 #17135  
            MUD LAKE.NV TO EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, CA 2 saucers filmed pass 4/30/1962 #17136  
 BASE, CA 2 saucers filmed passing Air Force X15 / record flight / 200K'.   4/30/1962 #17136  
    2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Arka 5/2/1962 #17148  
    2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Ques 5/4/1962 #17149  
oom Lake, Nevada Comandante Espora Air Naval Base in Bahía Blanca, Argentin 5/4/1962 #17150  
y Mission at the Comandante Espora Air Naval Base in Bahía Blanca, Argentin 5/4/1962 #17150  
    4.8333 -149.4167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Frig 5/6/1962 #17151  
    2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Yuko 5/8/1962 #17153  
    2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Mesi 5/9/1962 #17154  
    2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Musk 5/11/1962 #17158  
    2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Enci 5/12/1962 #17163  
                 MERCEDES, SL, ARG Air Force man and family / car. Silent 2 5/13/1962 #17169  
uenos Aires province, Argentina an Air Force man named Giashischa and his f 5/13/1962 #17172  
    2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Swan 5/14/1962 #17174  
    2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Chet 5/19/1962 #17179  
                 Comandante Espora Air Naval Base Bahia Blanca, Argentina 7 5/22/1962 #17191  
sar Galdos, near Comandante Espora Air Naval Base in Bahia Blanca, Argentin 5/22/1962 #17191  
-like creatures” emerge. Argentine Air Force investigators find a circle of 5/22/1962 #17192  
 aircraft flight from Espora Naval Air Base in Buenos Aires province, Argen 5/22/1962 #17193  
imated altitude of 750 meters. The Air Force explanation lists this case as 5/23/1962 #17195  
    2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Tana 5/25/1962 #17199  
Maj. Carl R. Hart tells NICAP that Air Force investigations involve hundred 5/25/1962 #17201  
n from ATIC informs NICAP that the Air Force spends about $10,000 on each m 5/25/1962 #17201  
.case is listed as unidentified." (Air Force Project Blue Book 1962 Summary 5/26/1962 #17206  
    2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Namb 5/27/1962 #17210  
tegrates as they drift through the air. Witnesses say they are up to 5 feet 6/6/1962 #17219  
    2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Alma 6/8/1962 #17222  
    2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Truc 6/9/1962 #17223  
    2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Yeso 6/10/1962 #17224  
    2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Harl 6/12/1962 #17225  
    2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Rinc 6/15/1962 #17229  
    2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Dulc 6/17/1962 #17231  
    2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Peti 6/19/1962 #17233  
 assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force and advisor to NATO, joins the Summer 1962 #17238  
ny launched in 1955–1956 by the US Air Force from RAF Evanton [now closed], Summer 1962 #17239  
    2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Otow 6/22/1962 #17243  
g huge hands in her direction. The air in the room remained cold throughout 6/26/1962 #17249  
    2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bigh 6/27/1962 #17250  
    2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Blue 6/30/1962 #17256  
                     NEAR HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM 12 techs and engineer 7/1962 #17259  
   37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Litt 7/7/1962 #17263  
   17.0000 -169.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Star 7/9/1962 #17267  
top swept low over Naval Auxiliary Air Station, slowed over area of runway  7/10/1962 #17270  
    2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Suns 7/10/1962 #17271  
    2.0000 -157.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Paml 7/11/1962 #17272  
   37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Smal 7/14/1962 #17275  
   37.0000 -116.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Litt 7/17/1962 #17278  
’s wingspan and is 150 feet in the air. The truck’s lights go out, and the  8/1962 #17309  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 2.4 8/1/1962 #17312  
 rose a further 20 meters into the air and began to rotate, its light becom 8/1/1962 #17313  
, Argentina Around 12:00 midnight. Air traffic control operators at Cambá P 8/2/1962 #17317  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 1.6 8/3/1962 #17319  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 38K 8/4/1962 #17320  
     74.2000 52.5000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 211 8/5/1962 #17321  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 9.9 8/7/1962 #17327  
r Oracle, Arizona in Pinal County. Air Force jets were scrambled to chase t 8/7/1962 #17329  
                           PATRICK AIR FORCE BASE, FL Weathermen and severa 8/10/1962 #17330  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 150 8/10/1962 #17331  
 over a high line tower, chased by Air Force helicopters.[This is in the ar 8/15/1962 #17334  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 7.4 8/18/1962 #17340  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 5.8 8/18/1962 #17341  
     74.3000 51.5000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 280 8/20/1962 #17348  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 20K 8/21/1962 #17350  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 3KT 8/22/1962 #17352  
     71.0000 53.5000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 160 8/22/1962 #17353  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 2.5 8/23/1962 #17355  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .00 8/25/1962 #17358  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 150 8/25/1962 #17359  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 11K 8/27/1962 #17364  
     74.7000 50.3000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 420 8/27/1962 #17365  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 2.7 8/31/1962 #17375  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 80K 9/2/1962 #17383  
ind) blue luminous/glowing trail / air. 3M burnt trace.                     9/3/1962 #17385  
     73.7000 53.8000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 190 9/8/1962 #17391  
     74.4000 51.5000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 310 9/15/1962 #17401  
     74.2000 51.6000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 325 9/16/1962 #17406  
     73.2000 54.7000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 135 9/18/1962 #17416  
     73.8000 53.8000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 150 9/19/1962 #17419  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 240 9/21/1962 #17428  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .21 9/22/1962 #17430  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 1.2 9/24/1962 #17438  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 7KT 9/25/1962 #17439  
     73.7000 55.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 191 9/25/1962 #17440  
     74.3000 52.4000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 100 9/27/1962 #17443  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 1.3 9/28/1962 #17445  
   17.0000 -169.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Andr 10/2/1962 #17450  
hovering a few hundred feet in the air near where the ICBM storage bunkers  10/2/1962 #17452  
cated. It silently shoots into the air as the guards approach it.           10/2/1962 #17452  
   17.0000 -169.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bump 10/6/1962 #17456  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 320 10/7/1962 #17457  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 8KT 10/9/1962 #17459  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 15K 10/9/1962 #17460  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 9.2 10/10/1962 #17463  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 4.9 10/13/1962 #17469  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .00 10/14/1962 #17470  
 Western Cuba A U-2 (loaned to the Air Force by the CIA because the CIA U-2 10/14/1962 #17471  
ted against Cuba, starting with an air attack against the missiles.” The Ex 10/16/1962 #17475  
   17.0000 -169.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Cham 10/18/1962 #17478  
   17.0000 -169.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Chec 10/20/1962 #17481  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 6.7 10/20/1962 #17482  
   48.56956 45.90346 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 300 10/22/1962 #17483  
     73.4000 54.9000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 820 10/22/1962 #17484  
und like a flock of ducks (rushing air). Twenty seconds.                    10/23/1962 #17488  
e Centre Limestone, Maine Day. Two Air Force B-52 Stratofortress bombers ar Late 10/1962 #17496  
   17.0000 -169.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Blue 10/26/1962 #17498  
   17.0000 -169.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Cala 10/27/1962 #17502  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 260 10/27/1962 #17504  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 7.8 10/28/1962 #17509  
   48.56956 45.90346 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 300 10/28/1962 #17510  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 7.8 10/28/1962 #17511  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 360 10/29/1962 #17515  
es USAF “administrative practices” Air Force Regulation 11-30, where withho 10/29/1962 #17516  
   17.0000 -169.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Hous 10/30/1962 #17519  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 1.2 10/30/1962 #17520  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 280 10/30/1962 #17521  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 10K 10/31/1962 #17522  
s, dark-blue object hanging in the air over a field on the other side of th 11/1962 #17525  
   17.0000 -169.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “King 11/1/1962 #17527  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 240 11/1/1962 #17528  
   48.56956 45.90346 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 300 11/1/1962 #17529  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 3KT 11/1/1962 #17530  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 4.7 11/3/1962 #17532  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 390 11/3/1962 #17533  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 45K 11/3/1962 #17534  
   17.0000 -169.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Tigh 11/4/1962 #17535  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 8.4 11/4/1962 #17536  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .4K 11/5/1962 #17539  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .1K 11/11/1962 #17543  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 0KT 11/13/1962 #17544  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 12K 11/14/1962 #17546  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 18K 11/17/1962 #17553  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 0KT 11/24/1962 #17560  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .03 11/26/1962 #17562  
aking no sound it rose up into the air to a height of some 50 meters, then  11/26/1962 #17563  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 2.4 12/1/1962 #17567  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 110 12/18/1962 #17591  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 69K 12/18/1962 #17592  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 8.3 12/20/1962 #17597  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 6.3 12/22/1962 #17605  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 8.3 12/23/1962 #17608  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 2.4 12/23/1962 #17609  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 0KT 12/23/1962 #17610  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 430 12/23/1962 #17611  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .00 12/24/1962 #17612  
   50.4375 77.814167 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .02 12/24/1962 #17613  
     74.2000 52.3000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 110 12/24/1962 #17614  
     73.6000 57.5000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 242 12/24/1962 #17615  
     73.7500 54.7500 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 8.5 12/25/1962 #17616  
     73.4000 56.5000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 310 12/25/1962 #17617  
en substituted for the generalized Air Force "fact sheets." The unexplained 1963 #17619  
ed spinning rapidly, and a gust of air was felt as the craft rose a few m a 1/4/1963 #17628  
inute(s) and more. Driver = former Air Force man. / USAF Tech. Intel. Cente 1/28/1963 #17641  
    Mamina, Chile A former Chilean Air Force officer, who was driving a tru 1/28/1963 #17645  
WARD, OAHU, HI Hundreds / land and air. Vibrant bright crescent going west  3/11/1963 #17697  
p.m. two military witnesses in the Air National Guard, Parish and Joy, were 3/11/1963 #17699  
nd gloves made of shiny mesh. Warm air was felt as the craft took off about 3/13/1963 #17705  
nd gloves made of shiny mesh. Warm air was felt as the craft took off about 3/13/1963 #17706  
nown. Military observer(s) = naval air crew. No further details [in] at all 4/21/1963 #17728  
   37.0000 -115.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Doub 5/15/1963 #17741  
   37.0000 -115.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Clea 5/25/1963 #17766  
   37.0000 -115.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Clea 5/31/1963 #17773  
   37.0000 -115.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Clea 6/9/1963 #17781  
e #unknown. Observer(s) = US naval air. No further details [in] at all.     6/19/1963 #17793  
e #unknown. Observer(s) = US naval air crew. No further details [in] at all 6/26/1963 #17804  
ddish-yellow and rises up into the air several hundred feet. It turns on it 6/28/1963 #17814  
O dossier public, but Minister for Air David Fairbairn refuses, saying that 6/28/1963 #17814  
a, writes a letter questioning the Air Force’s treatment of UFOs to Rep. Ca 7/2/1963 #17824  
 for information on Blue Book. The Air Force treats the request gingerly be 7/2/1963 #17824  
ot and flight instrument and tower Air Traffic Controllers. Triangular obje 8/1/1963 #17856  
ime, then climbed out of sight. An air traffic controller four miles away a 8/1/1963 #17859  
e in the London area, including an air traffic controller four miles away a 8/1/1963 #17860  
                           Glasgow Air Force Base Glasgow, Montana 9:32 p.m 8/10/1963 #17882  
e 91st Bombardment Wing at Glasgow Air Force Base [now closed] near Glasgow 8/10/1963 #17882  
 on the Guangdong to Wuhan, China, air route is chased by three luminous UF 10/1963 #17968  
 landing, the crew is debriefed by air traffic control, and the passengers  10/1963 #17968  
ly and makes a small circle in the air before speeding away.                10/1963 #17969  
o further details are found in the Air Force files, but Project Blue Book c 10/24/1963 #18008  
 a palm tree, gyrates a bit in the air, then falls into the Rio Peropava ne 10/31/1963 #18017  
 It "writhed and struggled" in the air, hit a palm tree, changed direction  10/31/1963 #18019  
the object "balanced gently in the air." (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)   12/5/1963 #18065  
The object "balanced gently in the air."                                    12/5/1963 #18066  
ject flying over the city. Chinese Air Force MIG jet fighter aircraft were  1/1/1964 #18107  
oken the Soviet’s world record for air speed by a secret aircraft called th 2/29/1964 #18140  
the A-11—a fictitious name for the Air Force’s YF- 12, a twin-seat version  2/29/1964 #18140  
ret ancestor; any sightings of CIA/Air Force A-12s based at Area 51 in Neva 2/29/1964 #18140  
attributed to the well- publicized Air Force YF-12As based at Edwards Air F 2/29/1964 #18140  
Air Force YF-12As based at Edwards Air Force Base in California.            2/29/1964 #18140  
                         UK The UK Air Ministry, Admiralty, and War Office  4/1/1964 #18153  
nto a new Ministry of Defence. The Air Ministry becomes the Air Force Depar 4/1/1964 #18153  
ence. The Air Ministry becomes the Air Force Department, within which is a  4/1/1964 #18153  
 which is a secretariat called S4 (Air) that deals with, among other things 4/1/1964 #18153  
es / 10 second(s). Vanishes / thin air. No further details.                 4/9/1964 #18164  
we, a radar operator at the Fallon Air Force Station, Nevada picked up on h 4/17/1964 #18178  
red to the southeast. The official Air Force explanation was a mirage.      4/17/1964 #18178  
 oil begins to congeal in the cold air). Instead of losing altitude, it mai 4/20/1964 #18180  
 haze” (like a white-out) with the air filled with static electricity. Ther 4/20/1964 #18180  
ss Island near McMurdo Sound Naval Air Station in Antarctica in the early m 4/20/1964 #18181  
. "It seemed to be floating in the air, and was covered with something like 4/27/1964 #18212  
                                An Air Force RB-57 bomber flying over the S 4/30/1964 #18234  
 reported the sighting to the U.S. Air Force.                               5/26/1964 #18309  
he RCAF in Vancouver, and a senior air force officer visits him later and s 6/1964 #18314  
                   TEXARKANA, TX 3 Air Force cadets and 1. UFO spins. Brigh 6/5/1964 #18328  
fluid or brake fluid” hangs in the air after the object leaves.             7/7/1964 #18398  
 Cape Guardeau, MO (McDonald list) Air/Grn Visual & Radar Confirmation (NIC 7/10/1964 #18402  
 the former Secretary of State for Air Hugh Fraser about cooperation betwee 7/15/1964 #18411  
 Lake, Michigan Witness:  Northern Air Service pilot K. Jannereth. Four whi 7/16/1964 #18417  
ittleton, Illinois reported to the Air Force that at 4:45 a.m. he observed  7/20/1964 #18431  
t is about 1,200–1,500 feet in the air and has a revolving ring around its  Late 7/1964 #18438  
 hovered for four to five minutes. Air Force unidentified case              7/27/1964 #18449  
ELAN, WA Green lights / ground and air trade signals. 10M saucer lands / 40 7/28/1964 #18454  
foot by Sheriff Nickell and a U.S. Air Force officer, but nothing was found 7/28/1964 #18456  
oot by Sheriff Nickell and a U. S. Air Force officer, but nothing was found 7/28/1964 #18457  
n AFB, Cheyenne, Wyoming Midnight. Air Policeman Arthur McEnaney and other  8/1964 #18467  
land Blinking red light approached air base runway, hovered, reversed direc 8/10/1964 #18476  
nway, hovered, reversed direction. Air Force unidentified case              8/10/1964 #18476  
e formation.  The sound of rushing air was heard during the 3-4 second sigh 8/15/1964 #18490  
he formation. The sound of rushing air was heard during the 3-4 seconds tha 8/15/1964 #18492  
ng a C-124 transport with the 31st Air Transport Squadron, 1607th Air Trans 8/18/1964 #18497  
1st Air Transport Squadron, 1607th Air Transport Wing, 200 miles east of Do 8/18/1964 #18497  
makes a right turn and disappears. Air traffic control shows nothing on the 8/18/1964 #18497  
Lt. J. F. Jonke were flying a U.S. Air Force C-124 transport plane 200 mile 8/18/1964 #18498  
ERMO, ITL UFO going [to] over open air cinema. Many watches magnetized. / F 8/24/1964 #18506  
, with tripod indentations. The US Air Force was called and performed a per 9/4/1964 #18534  
onesia. Antiaircraft batteries and Air Force pilots reportedly open fire on 9/18/1964 #18559  
                             Korea Air Force and Army radar stations tracke 10/1964 #18565  
he UFO-ICBM connection. I know the Air Force covers up when it feels the of Late 1964 #18584  
     41.5000 88.5000 Nuclear test: Air, presumed. Country: China Yield: 0KT 10/16/1964 #18586  
object” resting on the ground; the air was warm near the craft, it had impa 12/10/1964 #18655  
                    Patuxent Naval Air Station Memo to Chief, Contact Divis 12/19/1964 #18660  
 Subject: UFOs over Patuxent Naval Air Station between 1500 and 1530 hours. 12/19/1964 #18660  
nd 1530 hours. Two UFOs approached Air Base at 3800 mph. Another UFO approa 12/19/1964 #18660  
                             Naval Air Station Patuxent River in Maryland 3 12/19/1964 #18663  
 River in Maryland 3:50 p.m. Naval Air Station Patuxent River in Maryland t 12/19/1964 #18663  
d feet, makes a sound like rushing air, and shoots off to the northeast, va 12/21/1964 #18670  
 an SR-71 Blackbird takes place at Air Force Plant 42 in Palmdale, Californ 12/22/1964 #18673  
 Fairborn, Ohio While visiting the Air Force Museum in Fairborn, Ohio, R.M. 1965 #18679  
.M. later found out from a retired Air Force Colonel from Wight-Patterson A 1965 #18679  
n visually and using radar. In the air, he realizes it is a wild goose chas 1965? #18680  
Os, according to polls and private Air Force and NICAP estimates. This soon 1965 #18682  
e smaller objects fly inside. A US Air Force sergeant with a top-secret cle 1965 #18690  
                            BLAINE AIR FORCE BASE, WA 10M saucer buzzes car 1/12/1965 #18712  
                            Blaine Air Force Base, Washington A member of a 1/12/1965 #18715  
lerate up into clouds with rushing air sound                                1/12/1965 #18716  
         Lynden, Washington Blaine Air Force Station 1:00 a.m. Department o 1/12/1965 #18717  
high speed with a sound of rushing air. He learns that nearby Blaine Air Fo 1/12/1965 #18717  
 air. He learns that nearby Blaine Air Force Station [now closed] is tracki 1/12/1965 #18717  
ted away with the sound of rushing air. The object had been tracked on rada 1/12/1965 #18721  
s with radar and visual sightings. Air Force flight F-169 en route from Anc 2/11/1965 #18803  
               EAST / HOKKAIDO, JP Air Force man / flying tiger airline(s)/ 2/11/1965 #18804  
 Bt. Anchorage, Alaska & Tachikawa Air Base, Japan Radar/Visual Over Pacifi 2/11/1965 #18806  
liam Gill and Charles Brew. Former Air Marshal George Jones attends, and th 2/27/1965 #18829  
nal Research Office, Department of Air. Roberts says that the RAAF has dete 2/27/1965 #18829  
eki Wachee Springs, Florida Benton Air Force Station [now Ground Equipment  3/2/1965 #18832  
nsylvania Stewart AFB [now Stewart Air National Guard Base] in Orange Count 3/2/1965 #18832  
–19; Sparks, p. 304) March 5 — Two Air Force radar technicians are repairin 3/2/1965 #18832  
he height-finder antenna at Benton Air Force Station [now Ground Equipment  3/2/1965 #18832  
is left behind at the antenna, but air police cannot locate the men. Pennsy 3/2/1965 #18832  
e found. They are then taken to an Air Force hospital at Stewart AFB [now S 3/2/1965 #18832  
spital at Stewart AFB [now Stewart Air National Guard Base] in Orange Count 3/2/1965 #18832  
ntenna located northeast of Benton Air Force Base near Red Rock, Pennsylvan 3/5/1965 #18844  
 experimental aircraft of the U.S. Air Force.                               3/6/1965 #18846  
-like sound followed by a blast of air. His dogs howled. Then a beam of lig 3/15/1965 #18860  
                           KEESLER AIR FORCE BASE, MS Weatherman. Fast blac 4/4/1965 #18890  
ARIGNANE AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR 2 / air France crew. Metallic disk / 15km al 4/9/1965 #18900  
                   At 7:20 p.m. an Air France aircrew in France saw a metal 4/9/1965 #18901  
                            MISAWA AIR FORCE BASE, JAPAN Project Bluebook C 4/10/1965 #18902  
c advisor to the Canadian Chief of Air Staff, prepares a four-page “Suggest 4/20/1965 #18908  
roaching. At 9:14 a.m., the SPS-6C air search radar detects four targets at 5/6/1965 #18929  
     41.5000 88.5000 Nuclear test: Air, presumed. Country: China Yield: 0KT 5/14/1965 #18942  
 buzzed / large saucer. Photos and Air Traffic Controller tapes confiscated 5/28/1965 #18970  
re confiscated. The Directorate of Air Force Intelligence in Canberra later 5/28/1965 #18973  
esby, New Guinea called Townsville Air Traffic Control at 3:25 a.m., and sa 5/28/1965 #18974  
dio tapes of the conversation with air traffic controllers were also confis 5/28/1965 #18974  
 one mile away from them. From the air they appeared to be lying just below 6/6/1965 #18995  
ahn Barrera, together with Chilean Air Force pilot Lt. Benavidez, a meteoro 6/18/1965 #19012  
      Hynek writes a letter to the Air Force calling for a systematic study 7/1965 #19038  
t took off and "vanished" into the air. Ground traces were found in the fie 7/1/1965 #19049  
:50 a.m. eight witnesses including air traffic controllers at Canberra Airp 7/15/1965 #19107  
  CANBERRA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, AUST Air Traffic Controllers and many. Metall 7/18/1965 #19120  
ect took off with sound of rushing air, yellow-orange glow from underside   7/19/1965 #19133  
ct, it takes off with a sound like air forced from a balloon. He watches it 7/19/1965 #19134  
s (53 feet) it rose with a rushing air noise like air being released from a 7/19/1965 #19135  
rose with a rushing air noise like air being released from a balloon. There 7/19/1965 #19135  
                    MARACAIBO, VNZ Air Traffic Controller RADAR training cl 7/28/1965 #19191  
           Carswell AFB [now Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Bas 7/28/1965 #19196  
verhead at Carswell AFB [now Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Bas 7/28/1965 #19196  
 zigzag all over Granja do Marques Air Force Base.                          7/29/1965 #19197  
ahoma City Carswell AFB [now Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Bas 7/31/1965 #19220  
a City and Carswell AFB [now Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Bas 7/31/1965 #19220  
Oklahoma a UFO was tracked on U.S. Air Force and Weather Bureau radar short 7/31/1965 #19222  
p on radars at Tinker and Carswell Air Force Bases.                         7/31/1965 #19222  
                            WARREN AIR FORCE BASE, WY 5+2 saucers over comm 8/1/1965 #19231  
ng east. Land 10M east / Strategic Air Command (SAC)-B4 according to Comman 8/1/1965 #19232  
                 Francis E. Warren Air Force Base Cheyenne, Wyoming Sioux A 8/1/1965 #19242  
s personnel from Francis E. Warren Air Force Base west of Cheyenne, Wyoming 8/1/1965 #19242  
Os stacked vertically. A Strategic Air Command team at the H-2 LF northeast 8/1/1965 #19242  
FB. The duration is 90 minutes. An Air Force weather observer, who wishes t 8/1/1965 #19244  
 Kansas, picks up 12–15 targets on Air Intercept Radar flying toward them a 8/1/1965 #19245  
rmed by radar trackings at several Air Force Bases in the United States. Th 8/2/1965 #19269  
ange County pickup truck. The U.S. Air Force claimed the object was a hubca 8/3/1965 #19293  
 object was a hubcap thrown in the air, but most UFO researchers regard the 8/3/1965 #19293  
                         KEEWEENAW AIR FORCE BASE AND, MI 4 RADAR's / 1 jam 8/4/1965 #19296  
           Michigan—Minnesota U.S. Air Force and Royal Canadian Air Force r 8/4/1965 #19318  
 U.S. Air Force and Royal Canadian Air Force radar tracked formations of 7- 8/4/1965 #19318  
                           Calumet Air Force Station Keweenaw County Phoeni 8/4/1965 #19320  
 Night. Radar operators at Calumet Air Force Station [now operated by Kewee 8/4/1965 #19320  
r was transported back through the air to the spot from which it had been p 8/9/1965 #19350  
ly vanishes and he hears a rush of air. He reaches the spot but sees no foo 8/11/1965? #19367  
s entered his house and called the Air Force. Twenty minutes later his visi 8/13/1965 #19379  
 goes into his house and calls the Air Force. About 20 minutes later his vi 8/13/1965 #19382  
s gradually over several days. The Air Force labels it a hoax, perhaps conf 8/13/1965 #19382  
e saw a “blur” and heard a rush of air. At the landing site, in an old quar 8/13/1965 #19384  
ng (a large bird?) flies up in the air a few feet from the car. She steps o 8/16/1965 #19408  
ly that she would not be hurt. The air inside the UFO was “heavy” and diffi 8/16/1965 #19410  
erry Creek, New York Niagara Falls Air Force Base Lockport Air Force Statio 8/19/1965 #19427  
gara Falls Air Force Base Lockport Air Force Station 8:20–9:00 p.m. Harold  8/19/1965 #19427  
 as it hovers about 10 feet in the air. The noise also increases to a level 8/19/1965 #19427  
and five others from Niagara Falls Air Force Base [now Niagara Falls Air Re 8/19/1965 #19427  
 Air Force Base [now Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station], who come to invest 8/19/1965 #19427  
e 763rd Radar Squadron at Lockport Air Force Station [now closed] near Shaw 8/19/1965 #19427  
the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force to suggest that the Pentagon w 8/30/1965 #19478  
                             PEASE AIR FORCE BASE, NH Many observer(s). Sau 9/3/1965 #19496  
o 150' off highway and 100' in the air.  Purple light illuminated ground be 9/3/1965 #19508  
ion Route 150 Pease AFB [now Pease Air National Guard Base] in Portsmouth B 9/3/1965 #19511  
station calls Pease AFB [now Pease Air National Guard Base] in Portsmouth t 9/3/1965 #19511  
om the highway and 100 feet in the air. Purple light illuminates the ground 9/3/1965 #19512  
t midnight all the lights at Pease Air Force Base, New Hampshire went off f 9/3/1965 #19514  
cadam road surface shoot up in the air about 3 feet as the UFO departs, bla 9/16/1965 #19574  
  A physicist employed by the U.S. Air Force sighted a sharply defined, bri 9/27/1965 #19616  
 a worthwhile program and that the Air Force should continue to investigate 9/28/1965 #19619  
                         ELLSWORTH AIR FORCE BASE TO/FROM WALL, SD Classic  9/30/1965 (approximate) #19625  
ROM WALL, SD Classic saucer buzzes Air Force helicopter. Forced secrecy.    9/30/1965 (approximate) #19625  
r circles beach. Lands near Santos Air Force Base. / LDLN#84.               10/18/1965 #19663  
ot between Cuaranga and the Santos Air Base.                                10/18/1965 #19666  
ottom went out after it was in the air, my car radio and light came on, and 10/23/1965 #19679  
mpshire Westover AFB [now Westover Air Reserve Base] near Chicopee, Massach 10/27/1965 #19684  
] near Chicopee, Massachusetts The Air Force issues a press release that gi 10/27/1965 #19684  
 out of Westover AFB [now Westover Air Reserve Base] near Chicopee, Massach 10/27/1965 #19684  
me time, John Fuller hears from an Air Force pilot that pilots have been or 10/27/1965 #19684  
                            MURCIA AIR FORCE BASE, SP Machinist knocked off 12/1965 #19745  
Pacific Ocean on December 7 by the Air Force as a spy satellite (John Ventr 12/9/1965 #19762  
                      An anonymous Air Force security team member at Lockbo 12/10/1965 #19764  
 red and rose straight up into the air, giving off sparks. The witness lost 12/20/1965 #19782  
               BECHAR, ALGERIA Fr. Air Force transport crew. Fast dark dome 12/22/1965 #19785  
t 300 feet away and 35 feet in the air. It comes from a glowing elliptical  1/7/1966 #19813  
            NATO BASE / NAPOLI, IT Air and ground observer(s). Fireball ove 1/9/1966 #19818  
n South Carolina A B-52G Strategic Air Command bomber collides with a KC-13 1/17/1966 #19844  
 Naval Ordnance Test Station Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake western M 1/18/1966 #19850  
l Ordnance Test Station [now Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake] in the w 1/18/1966 #19850  
l Ordnance Test Station (now Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake) see a UA 1/18/1966 #19853  
et away. It is some 30 feet in the air, rising vertically, and is shaped li 1/19/1966 #19858  
ckwise direction. Royal Australian Air Force intelligence officers find a v 1/19/1966 #19858  
mer Carl Sagan) are members of the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board (psy 2/3/1966 #19879  
ess and other public persons.” The Air Force ignores their recommendations. 2/3/1966 #19879  
away. Blip / tight low turns / Dow Air Force Base RADAR. / r41p242.         2/11/1966 #19895  
by police and citizens. Tracked on Air Force and Federal Aviation Administr 2/11/1966 #19897  
lians. It was also tracked on both Air Force and FAA radar.                 2/11/1966 #19898  
                   Brunswick Naval Air Station, Maine A luminous object was 2/16/1966 #19906  
 in the woods near Brunswick Naval Air Station, Maine at 10:30 p.m. The UFO 2/16/1966 #19908  
ilveira Martins calls the Army and Air Force. After 30 minutes, the object  3/12/1966 #19954  
uver. Sharp turns. Extremely fast. Air Force Base RADAR's. / r47p184.       3/14/1966 #19960  
lved. Selfridge AFB [now Selfridge Air National Guard Base], near Mount Cle 3/14/1966 #19966  
. EST. Col. Howard Wright, retired Air Force pilot, and family saw a bright 3/19/1966 #19993  
ve good reason to believe that the Air Force has wreckage from at least fou 3/21/1966 #20013  
bserver. White night lights flash. Air fills with smoke. "Yen" sound heard  3/22/1966 #20026  
ia. White flashing lights, and the air full of smoke.  Lit up witness' apar 3/22/1966 #20030  
who was driving to work at a local Air Force Base, observed an object block 3/23/1966 #20047  
marsh gas until they rose into the air 150 feet and he seemed to perceive a 3/23/1966 #20053  
who was driving to work at a local Air Force Base at 5:05 a.m. observed an  3/23/1966 #20055  
      NEAR NEW ORLEANS, LA Retired Air Force Colonel and several. Night lig 3/24/1966 #20058  
leans, LA 7:10 p.m. CST. A retired Air Force colonel and a General Electric 3/24/1966 #20067  
           Selfridge AFB Selfridge Air National Guard Base Mount Clemens, M 3/25/1966 #20080  
ce at Selfridge AFB [now Selfridge Air National Guard Base] near Mount Clem 3/25/1966 #20080  
           BRETON WOODS, NJ Former Air Force pilot and 3. 100' shiny saucer 3/28/1966 #20104  
o contact NICAP for proof that the Air Force is withholding evidence about  3/29/1966 #20138  
following minutes. Then a blast of air from the object sends debris flying. 3/29/1966 #20139  
 the object again, with a blast of air stirring up debris and the same soun 3/29/1966 #20139  
rated. The witness felt a blast of air from the object, which left landing  3/29/1966 #20142  
identifiable objects. The Canadian Air Defence Command ends its investigati 3/31/1966 #20180  
                         MALMSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, MT Spring. UFO's seen. A 4/1966 (approximate) #20184  
et in diameter and 120 feet in the air. “It seemed to float down towards me 4/2/1966 #20208  
    Rep. Gerald R. Ford states the Air Force assured him an upcoming scient 4/3/1966 #20214  
be connected “in any way” with the Air Force. Ford was dissatisfied with Pr 4/3/1966 #20214  
                  NEAR ODESSA, UKR Air and ground RADAR blips. 150k' and 50 4/4/1966 #20219  
graphic reconstitution by the U.S. Air Force showed an oval object, 30 m lo 4/5/1966 #20243  
ing on UFOs in U.S. Congress. Only Air Force witnesses called to testify. H 4/5/1966 #20246  
 US Congress on the topic of UFOs. Air Force Secretary Harold Brown testifi 4/5/1966 #20249  
aybe he has found a way to get the Air Force out of UFO investigations. Sho 4/5/1966 #20249  
 dispatch the officers alerted the Air Force, who sent out fighter planes t 4/17/1966 #20305  
e object hovers 50–100 feet in the air, bathing the two officers in a brigh 4/17/1966 #20318  
hree jets following it, apparently Air Force Reserve planes from Youngstown 4/17/1966 #20318  
ghey calls Panzarella and says the Air Force wants to talk to the police wi 4/17/1966 #20318  
          Portage County, Ohio The Air Force begins a cursory investigation 4/18/1966 #20331  
e only vague outlines of the case. Air Force investigators also interviewed 4/18/1966 #20331  
 not connected in any way with the Air Force."                              4/21/1966 #20352  
 in H. Guyford Stever, head of the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board. Ste 4/22/1966 #20374  
olted. An odor of ozone was in the air. Later they found imprints in the fi 4/23/1966 #20385  
s’ judgment and characterizing the Air Force investigation as “grossly unfa Late 4/1966 #20416  
on fails to get an answer from the Air Force, so he contacts USAF Chief of  Late 4/1966 #20416  
   CHARLESTON, WVA 2 airliners and Air Traffic Controller RADAR. Night ligh 5/4/1966 #20441  
                    Charleston, WV Air traffic controller & pilot saw white 5/4/1966 #20443  
on, West Virginia 4:30 a.m. An FAA air traffic controller tracks an unident 5/4/1966 #20447  
               At 3:40 a.m. an FAA air traffic controller in Charleston, We 5/4/1966 #20448  
                        GOODFELLOW AIR FORCE BASE, TX Airman. Short cylinde 5/7/1966 #20456  
d ends was sighted over Goodfellow Air Force Base, Texas at 9:55 p.m. by Ai 5/7/1966 #20460  
     41.5000 88.5000 Nuclear test: Air, presumed. Country: China Yield: 20K 5/9/1966 #20468  
asy?" presented extremely negative Air Force and "scientific" views, primar 5/10/1966 #20473  
world, even as it denies doing so. Air Force Capt. Gary Reese claims that N 5/10/1966 #20474  
e makes a broad statement that the Air Force has never substantiated a “fly 5/10/1966 #20474  
they had witnessed was an unmanned Air Force weather balloon. The film from 5/11/1966 #20478  
ile flying near Willow Grove Naval Air Station, Pennsylvania.               5/21/1966 #20506  
expecting the craft to take to the air. Instead, it submerged and vanished. 6/3/1966 #20529  
 Hynek replies that if he did, the Air Force would just replace him and he  6/8/1966 #20543  
sted one minute. His report to the Air Force remains a Project Blue Book un 6/8/1966 #20546  
         Hibbing, Minnesota Duluth Air National Guard Base Northern Minneso Mid 6/1966 #20564  
 feet. Gambucci checks with Duluth Air National Guard Base, which reports h Mid 6/1966 #20564  
0 p.m. Several objects violate the air space over the Ellsworth AFB H-01 mi 6/25/1966 #20610  
 hexagonal cylinders rise into the air, approximately 1,800 feet apart from 6/27/1966 #20618  
                Anderson AFB, Guam Air Intercept & Radar Tracks (NICAP: 09  6/28/1966 #20619  
         Provo, Utah 11:00 a.m. An Air Force Douglas C-47 Skytrain is flyin 7/1966 #20625  
  -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “A 7/2/1966 #20629  
ther witnesses, but Italian and US air force officers from the nearby Camp  7/13/1966 #20644  
  -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “T 7/19/1966 #20656  
 Secretary is responsible only for air defense implications of UFOs, he wou 7/19/1966 #20657  
                             SHILO AIR FORCE BASE, MBA 4 objects near base. 7/23/1966 #20670  
lorado, about contracting with the Air Force for a UFO study. Its director, Late 7/1966 #20683  
 finds the $300,000 offered by the Air Force (plus $13,000 in operating exp Late 7/1966 #20683  
eled unidentified and has told the Air Force as much. Its evaluation as a s 7/29/1966 #20695  
                        NEAR KELLY AIR FORCE BASE, TX All / family. Saucer  8/6/1966 #20726  
m. a man and his family near Kelly Air Force Base in Cameron County, Texas  8/6/1966 #20730  
lyzed first-hand UFO encounters by Air Force pilots that show strong suppor 8/7/1966 #20731  
      Iraq Israel US Area 51 Iraqi Air Force Col. Munir Redfa defects by fl 8/16/1966 #20755  
ighter is evaluated by the Israeli Air Force and later loaned to the US for 8/16/1966 #20755  
 successes achieved by the Israeli Air Force in the Six-Day War.            8/16/1966 #20755  
tions writes to the Directorate of Air Force Intelligence requesting recons 8/16/1966 #20756  
ings reported to the Department of Air available to the public. DPR hopes t 8/16/1966 #20756  
es, while three of the others took air, grass, and flower samples and the l 8/20/1966 #20781  
ped UFO that hovered over Ramstein Air Force Base, Germany.                 8/22/1966 #20787  
                             MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, ND 3 missile sites. 4 ho 8/24/1966 #20798  
                             Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota An airman o 8/24/1966 #20801  
10–15 miles south of the base. The Air Force sends a strike team to check o 8/24/1966 #20802  
 in the evening an airman at Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota observed an 8/24/1966 #20803  
, deputy executive director of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, 8/31/1966 #20819  
               Minot, North Dakota Air Force members, including Capt. David 9/1966 #20820  
                  Heathrow Airport Air Traffic Control London, England Earl 9/1966 #20825  
 all personnel at Heathrow Airport Air Traffic Control in London, England,  9/1966 #20825  
                        NEAR KELLY AIR FORCE BASE, TX TV blurs. Spinning ni 9/3/1966 #20838  
                        NEAR KELLY AIR FORCE BASE, TX Father of 4 kids sees 9/5/1966 #20845  
S, MN Egg-Shaped Object Tracked By Air & Gnd Radar (McDonald list; FUFOR In 9/5/1966 #20848  
ht in Harlingen, Texas, near Kelly Air Force Base, Mr. Morrison, a father o 9/5/1966 #20852  
             At the Suffolk County Air Field, New York Witnesses Stahl and  9/6/1966 #20855  
  -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “B 9/11/1966 #20871  
                               The Air Force turns down a proposal Hynek ha 9/12/1966 #20873  
 A businessman from Gwinner and an Air Force Lt. Col. went to the site and  9/13/1966 #20877  
 off so fast it just vanishes.” An Air Force investigator finds landing ind 9/13/1966 #20879  
 A businessman from Gwinner and an Air Force Lt. Colonel went to the site a 9/13/1966 #20880  
                                US Air Force Regulation (AFR) 80-17 promulg 9/19/1966 #20897  
                          Colorado Air Force Regulation 200-2 is replaced b 9/19/1966 #20898  
owever, it does require that every Air Force base have an official with sci 9/19/1966 #20898  
ight members of the Royal Canadian Air Force saw a bright object that flew  9/21/1966 #20908  
ight members of the Royal Canadian Air Force saw a bright object that flew  9/21/1966 #20911  
 Hynek appeals to Secretary of the Air Force Harold Brown to create a progr 9/22/1966 #20916  
ata acquisition that will make the Air Force look better to the public and  9/22/1966 #20916  
  -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “R 9/24/1966 #20922  
ame of Clarke reported to the U.S. Air Force that three round, oval-shaped, 9/28/1966 #20933  
  -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “S 10/4/1966 #20956  
ews on the reality of UFOs and the Air Force’s concealment of information.  10/5/1966 #20964  
sity of Colorado contract with the Air Force. The project is to run from No 10/6/1966 #20967  
Colorado University of Arizona The Air Force publicly announces the creatio 10/7/1966 #20970  
el report. The CIA has ordered the Air Force to debunk UFOs, he says.       10/7/1966 #20971  
server(s) include/including former Air Force man. Ring of windows turns. St 10/10/1966 #20979  
                   At 9:30 p.m. an Air Force pilot and his wife driving on  10/10/1966 #20986  
, AK Project Bluebook Case #11092. Air Traffic Controller. White object 50' 10/26/1966 #21034  
                          Cold Bay Air Force Station, Alaska Witness:  civi 10/26/1966 #21037  
                          Cold Bay Air Force Station, Alaska. No time given 10/26/1966 #21039  
     41.5000 88.5000 Nuclear test: Air. Country: China                      10/27/1966 #21042  
 people [McDonald] who believe the air force is misleading us, but I don’t  11/5/1966 #21077  
et away, some 20-30 feet up in the air. It was as big as a house and Saturn 11/5/1966 #21078  
 spreads its wings, rises into the air, and pursues their car, keeping pace 11/15/1966 #21107  
rang up from it and hovered in the air. At this point she could see 3 or 4  11/17/1966 #21118  
ear collision with fireball. Pease Air Force Base RADAR confirms object.    11/22/1966 #21136  
              Luanda, Angola A TAP Air Portugal airliner piloted by Capt. H 12/7/1966 #21190  
n. Then the craft shot up into the air and disappeared into the sky.        12/8/1966 #21193  
 Charleston, WV 7:40 p.m. EST. Two Air Force pilots in a T-33 at 27,000 fee 12/24/1966 #21217  
     41.5000 88.5000 Nuclear test: Air. Country: China                      12/28/1966 #21222  
ed traces of burns, and called the Air Force and the University of Colorado 12/30/1966 #21228  
 saw a saucer in a hangar at Naval Air Base in Yuma, AZ in 1967; he states  1967 #21239  
e same sequence (light reaction). (Air Force report form in Colorado Projec 1/6/1967 #21266  
fter which they reported seeing an Air Force helicopter give chase. Dr. Hyn 1/9/1967 #21275  
Clair Selfridge AFB [now Selfridge Air National Guard Base] Two teenage bro 1/9/1967 #21277  
 the images to a wire service, the Air Force requests the originals for ana 1/9/1967 #21277  
er at Selfridge AFB [now Selfridge Air National Guard Base] some copies. Ma 1/9/1967 #21277  
scusses project plans and asks the Air Force where the project should place 1/12/1967 #21290  
the yard and disappeared into thin air. It left round footprints on the sno 1/15/1967 #21312  
n should “consider the cost of the Air Force program on UFOs, and determine 1/16/1967 #21322  
zed their car as they drove away. (Air Force report, Project Blue Book file 1/18/1967 #21339  
             Over Lake Ontario, in air space 10:15 p.m. EST A pilot and his 1/20/1967 #21358  
ent witnesses, was 15 minutes. The Air Force attempted to explain the craft 1/24/1967 #21377  
ear power lines. Authentic / local Air Force investigation/investigators.   1/25/1967 #21379  
e report and letter with a copy of Air Force report form, in NICAP files.)  1/26/1967 #21393  
colors. After about 20 minutes, US Air Force jets approach in response to a 1/26/1967 #21399  
                     LANDER, WY Ex Air Force man. Long thin cylinder/cigar- 1/30/1967 #21413  
9 years experience and a past U.S. Air Force serviceman, was driving with h 1/30/1967 #21422  
im that “Mysterious men dressed in Air Force uniforms or bearing impressive 2/1967 #21430  
been silencing UFO witnesses.” The Air Force is unable to find out anything 2/1967 #21430  
cent to the NORAD command center” (air defense UFO trackers) in Cheyenne Mo 2/6/1967 #21470  
r facility at the Plum Brook Naval Air Station in Erie County, Ohio. It was 2/10/1967 #21507  
to contact his headquarters at the Air Station.                             2/10/1967 #21507  
 Later it maneuvered around a U.S. Air Force plane that was searching for i 2/14/1967 #21547  
rees. The truck was driven by a US Air Force veteran.                       2/20/1967 #21608  
Hippler says that Secretary of the Air Force Harold Brown has established t 2/23/1967 #21635  
cts banked into a turn in unison. (Air Force Intelligence Report in Colorad 2/25/1967 #21646  
claimed to be silenced by the U.S. Air Force. (Los Angeles NICAP Affiliate  3/1967 #21693  
erica Homestead AFB [now Homestead Air Reserve Base] in Miami–Dade County,  3/1967 #21700  
 George G. Meade in Maryland Cuban air defense radar controllers report a U 3/1967 #21700  
sh radio contact with it and Cuban air defense orders him to shoot it down. 3/1967 #21700  
ed at Homestead AFB [now Homestead Air Reserve Base] in Miami–Dade County,  3/1967 #21700  
ight be the CIA’s Oxcart A-12, the Air Force version of which is the SR-71, 3/1967 #21700  
w away very fast after 5 minutes. (Air Force UFO report form, copy in NICAP 3/1/1967 #21707  
lates a memo on “Impersonations of Air Force Officers,” which outlines Rex  3/1/1967 #21713  
ch it reports that “a person in an Air Force uniform approached local polic 3/1/1967 #21713  
es a memo about “Impersonations of Air Force Officers,” which states men in 3/1/1967 #21719  
osite to the direction of motion. (Air Force report, Project Blue Book file 3/2/1967 #21724  
wn newspaper, copy in NiCAP files; Air Force report, Project Blue Book file 3/3/1967 #21743  
its axis, it hovers 24 feet in the air. After someone turns on the kitchen  3/5/1967 #21763  
                At 11:00 p.m. U.S. Air Force security personnel watched as  3/5/1967 #21769  
 over Liggett school. Photographs. Air Force investigation/investigators.   3/8/1967 #21796  
el course, then curving downward. (Air Force report No. 00534B in Colorado  3/8/1967 #21809  
thwest and curves going south near Air Force Base and Minot. Going east. Up 3/9/1967 #21821  
 was listed as an "unknown" by the Air Force.                               3/9/1967 #21844  
      Tillamook, Oregon Mount Hebo Air Force Station Night. Red, green, and 3/11/1967 #21859  
d white lights are observed in the air by several witnesses at Tillamook, O 3/11/1967 #21859  
by the radar station at Mount Hebo Air Force Station [now closed]. On March 3/11/1967 #21859  
utheast Asia, Asia Daytime. A U.S. Air Force flight surgeon aboard and the  3/14/1967 #21884  
                         MALMSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, MT RADAR-visual (observa 3/16/1967 #21894  
            NEAR PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ Air Force C47+ground observer(s). Airlin 3/21/1967 #21928  
e observer(s). Domed saucer lands. Air Force helicopter search = 0. / APRO  3/24/1967 #21960  
                Atlantic Ocean, in air space 2134Z (4:34 p.m. EST). An Iris 3/24/1967 #21962  
y. At dawn, police and a Malmstrom Air Force Base helicopter made a search  3/24/1967 #21975  
rport Day. The crew of a Brazilian Air Force C-47 and the crew of a Serviço 3/27/1967 #22001  
s hovered, then accelerated away. (Air Force report in Project Blue Book fi 3/29/1967 #22011  
              Eastern Seaboard, in air space 7:20-7:40 p.m. EST. A NASA lau 3/30/1967 #22015  
cer Review, July-Aug. 1967, p. 31; Air Force report in Project Blue Book fi 3/31/1967 #22020  
Agency issues N 7230.29, requiring air traffic controllers to forward UFO r 4/4/1967 #22053  
ted structure in the treetops. The Air Force claims a helicopter is in the  4/7/1967 #22090  
de higher than the capabilities of Air Force interceptors. The local radio  4/10/1967 #22105  
ernal, UT 10:30 p.m. MST A retired Air Force man saw nine silver, lens-shap 4/21/1967 #22186  
ber of unquotable sources that the Air Force has long wished to get rid of  4/22/1967 #22208  
omplexion and hair too long for an Air Force officer. He is wearing a fashi 5/1967 #22254  
                      EAST / MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, ND Numerous observer(s)  5/3/1967 #22269  
                        Indonesian Air Marshal Roesmin Noerjadin admits tha 5/5/1967 #22276  
s pose a problem for the country’s air defense, and sometimes the military  5/5/1967 #22276  
with one red and one white light. (Air Force report form, NICAP files.) (NI 5/15/1967 #22346  
              North Vietnam Kadena Air Base Okinawa, Japan CIA Director Ric 5/16/1967 #22354  
h Vietnam. They can’t want for the Air Force’s SR-71 to become operational. 5/16/1967 #22354  
horizes A-12’s to deploy to Kadena Air Base in Okinawa, Japan, before the m 5/16/1967 #22354  
 glove, and was "blown out" by hot air when the subject started spinning. T 5/20/1967 #22379  
nded object, violet light, rushing air sound, voices heard. Experienced sev 5/20/1967 #22380  
s making a whirring sound and warm air seems to be coming from it. Michalak 5/20/1967 #22382  
st as the UFO ascends in a rush of air. It heads off to the west, the same  5/20/1967 #22382  
 blown backwards by a hot blast of air. The object then started spinning. T 5/20/1967 #22384  
              North Vietnam Kadena Air Base on Okinawa, Japan A-12 spy plan 5/30/1967 #22425  
eld in North Vietnam out of Kadena Air Base on Okinawa, Japan, locating and 5/30/1967 #22425  
 similar object was seen at Ohakea Air Force Base by two more witnesses a s 5/30/1967 #22426  
rlwind. Silent metal box rotates / air. Girl levitates!                     6/1967 #22434  
    Extremadura, Spain Two Spanish Air Force fighter pilots chased UFO, rad 6/3/1967 #22455  
    Extremadura, Spain Two Spanish Air Force fighter pilots chased UFO, rad 6/3/1967 #22456  
ted Policeman and a Royal Canadian Air Force squadron leader saw a silvery  6/5/1967 #22463  
  -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “A 6/5/1967 #22467  
Spain Time not reported. A Spanish Air Force jet trainer flying at 1,200 me 6/6/1967 #22472  
          ESTREMADURA PROVING, SPN Air Force T33s cat & mouse. Radio Freque 6/9/1967 #22480  
ura region, Spain Talavera la Real Air Base in Badajoz Torrejón Air Base in 6/9/1967 #22482  
 Real Air Base in Badajoz Torrejón Air Base in Madrid Day. Two Spanish Air  6/9/1967 #22482  
ir Base in Madrid Day. Two Spanish Air Force pilots flying Lockheed T-33s a 6/9/1967 #22482  
pilots notify the Talavera la Real Air Base in Badajoz and Torrejón Air Bas 6/9/1967 #22482  
l Air Base in Badajoz and Torrejón Air Base in Madrid, from which two faste 6/9/1967 #22482  
                      Four Spanish Air Force pilots, in a T-33 and an F-86, 6/9/1967 #22483  
 were chased off by two F-102 U.S. Air Force interceptors.                  6/11/1967 #22495  
 Colorado project plays host to 34 Air Force officers having UFO responsibi 6/12/1967 #22498  
lowly to rise straight up into the air. After they reached a height of 50 f 6/13/1967 #22504  
     40.7440 89.7750 Nuclear test: Air, presumed. Country: China Yield: 330 6/17/1967 #22513  
  -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “A 6/27/1967 #22564  
 or rectangular object hung in the air, slowly rotating counter-clockwise a 6/30/1967 #22580  
ughter had been levitated into the air, and this levitation was apparently  6/30/1967 #22580  
  -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “A 7/2/1967 #22592  
, states that he and his dogs were air transported 2.5 hrs. to a sight in a 7/3/1967 #22593  
r people, including a retired U.S. Air Force major with missile tracking ex 7/3/1967 #22599  
ipeg, Manitoba Vivian 6:00 p.m. An Air Canada DC-9 Vanguard has just taken  7/6/1967 #22621  
eg, Manitoba, and is heading east. Air traffic controllers notice an unexpe 7/6/1967 #22621  
other target appears, following an Air Canada flight; it turns northeast an 7/6/1967 #22622  
an additional blip follows another Air Canada airliner before veering away  7/6/1967 #22622  
     Kenora, Ontario, CAN Evening. Air traffic controllers, while monitorin 7/7/1967 #22627  
ers, while monitoring an eastbound Air Canada flight on radar, noticed an u 7/7/1967 #22627  
0-degree turns, and twice followed Air Canada flights before resuming its n 7/7/1967 #22627  
, Ontario Kenora Airport 7:00 p.m. Air traffic controllers at Winnipeg Inte 7/7/1967 #22629  
oba, while monitoring an eastbound Air Canada flight on radar, notice a tar 7/7/1967 #22629  
uding 180° turns and twice follows Air Canada flights before resuming its n 7/7/1967 #22629  
the clouds with a swishing sound. (Air Force unexplained case, Project Blue 7/10/1967 #22644  
raft, which rose silently into the air and vanished from sight.             7/17/1967 #22685  
 above a swamp and land on a hill. Air Force investigators found a very lar 7/21/1967 #22717  
sand dune to the east of the road. Air Force investigators found a very lar 7/21/1967 #22720  
n he noticed a strange odor in the air, and his eyes began to tear. He then 7/21/1967 #22721  
 electronics technician and former Air Force radar operator, and a laborato 7/27/1967 #22739  
 Vanish. Report going [to] Edwards Air Force Base. RADAR confirm. Project B 7/30/1967 #22751  
       Kernville, California Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake Walker Pa 7/30/1967 #22754  
independent observation from Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake in the Mo 7/30/1967 #22754  
s and is photographed by Brazilian Air Force technician Otacilio Freitas Di 8/4/1967 #22805  
out 50–60 feet in diameter, in the air about 1,300 feet away near Winter Ha 8/10/1967 #22859  
S Orange hovering object chased by Air Force jets. (NUFORC) (NICAP: 01 - Di 8/11/1967 #22860  
ject hovering about 13 feet in the air. Then they heard a whistling sound a 8/23/1967 #22908  
anoids (or Greys) exit. 1 floats / air see reference. / LDLN#145+/ r8+/ Fly 8/29/1967 #22946  
the children they rose up into the air vertically, one after the other, and 8/29/1967 #22955  
"soared as if he were lighter than air, with its hands and feet pointed bac 9/8/1967 #23021  
r of "melted iron" lingered in the air.                                     9/8/1967 #23021  
                         KINCHELOE AIR FORCE BASE, MI 13+2+2 RADAR blips go 9/11/1967 #23037  
            MAIQUETIA AIRPORT, VNZ Air Traffic Controller. 3 luminous sauce 9/28/1967 #23138  
bour Halifax Ottawa Royal Canadian Air Force headquarters Royal Canadian Na 10/4/1967 #23176  
also sends a priority telex to the Air Desk at Royal Canadian Air Force hea 10/4/1967 #23176  
 to the Air Desk at Royal Canadian Air Force headquarters in Ottawa, which  10/4/1967 #23176  
ve been dismissed. The head of the Air Desk, Squadron Leader William Bain s 10/4/1967 #23176  
cotia beginning at 7:19 p.m., when Air Canada Captain Pierre Guy Charbonnea 10/4/1967 #23177  
                        VANDENBURG AIR FORCE BASE, CA Many unknown RADAR ta 10/6/1967 #23181  
s were over the ocean. The various Air Force explanations of mirages, birds 10/6/1967 #23186  
sited by a strange group of men in air force uniforms. He obtains their nam 10/11/1967 #23216  
the Russian DOSAAF. Retired Soviet Air Force Maj. Gen. Porfiri Stolyarov is 10/18/1967 #23265  
                       BLYTHEVILLE AIR FORCE BASE, AR 3 observer(s) and RAD 10/21/1967 #23275  
                       Blytheville Air Force Base Arkansas International Ai 10/21/1967 #23281  
h end of the runway at Blytheville Air Force Base [now Arkansas Internation 10/21/1967 #23281  
 feet and about 100 feet up in the air. It glows an iridescent blue.        10/30/1967 #23371  
dar contact of the UFO by Scottish Air Traffic Control.                     11/21/1967 #23492  
was thoroughly investigated by the Air Force sponsored University of Colora 12/3/1967 #23547  
ect hovering about 200 feet in the air. There appeared to be a humanoid fig 12/7/1967 #23558  
     41.5000 88.5000 Nuclear test: Air. Country: China                      12/24/1967 #23605  
nesses, and then ascended into the air.                                     12/26/1967 #23612  
minutes, then it ascended into the air.                                     12/28/1967 #23617  
istant perimeter. The staff at the Air Force Base pretty much ignored these 1968 #23622  
Airport, Poland 9:00 p.m. A Polish Air Force pilot takes off from Warsaw Mo 1968 #23632  
ct that leaves a thin trail in the air. It climbs steeply at high speed and Early 1968 #23635  
eter UFO and about 350 feet in the air. It rose slowly, and gave off a whit 1/13/1968 #23663  
                          The USAF Air Defense Command is renamed the Aeros 1/15/1968 #23665  
                             Thule Air Base, Greenland Savannah River plant 1/21/1968 #23684  
partment of a USAF B-52 near Thule Air Base, Greenland. The bomber crashes  1/21/1968 #23684  
he bomber crashes 7 miles from the air base, causing the non-nuclear explos 1/21/1968 #23684  
rotests in Denmark. USAF Strategic Air Command Chrome Dome operations are d 1/21/1968 #23684  
                            Kadena Air Base Okinawa, Japan Changjahwan Bay  1/26/1968 #23703  
ck Weeks is dispatched from Kadena Air Base in Okinawa, Japan, on a sortie  1/26/1968 #23703  
                             Lajes Air Base Terceira Azores Portugal Mornin 1/31/1968 #23715  
 Azores Portugal Morning. At Lajes Air Base on Terceira in the Azores, a Po 1/31/1968 #23715  
ebastiao, a watchman at the Azores Air Station, saw "an oval object with a  2/1/1968 #23722  
ebastiao, a watchman at the Azores Air Station, saw "an oval object with a  2/1/1968 #23723  
Bernardino or March AFB [now March Air Reserve Base] in Riverside County. A 2/4/1968 #23734  
 and Dr. Norman Levine, members of Air Force-sponsored Colorado UFO project 2/9/1968 #23745  
00 a.m. Robert Union, a former FAA air traffic controller, and his wife sig 2/13/1968 #23756  
d riddled with bubbles filled with air and dirt.                            2/18/1968 #23763  
         Soviet Union UNCLASSIFIED AIR GRAM, U.S. Dept. of the State regard 2/22/1968 #23776  
 has risen about 200 feet into the air and is passing above his truck, maki 2/27/1968 #23787  
ing red object follows and circles Air Force plane #2077 / 40 minute(s). No 3/1968 #23795  
e Mountain facility in Colorado by Air Force Intelligence. It has been prev 3/1/1968 #23802  
                            Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, Japan The first SR-71 3/8/1968 #23832  
 The first SR-71s arrive at Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, Japan, to replace the 3/8/1968 #23832  
 entity rises straight up into the air with an extraordinary sound and vani 3/10/1968 #23834  
 VLA.CISNEROS, SP.SAHARA Pilot and Air Traffic Controller. Night light foll 3/14/1968 #23840  
ook off gently with a gust of cool air.                                     3/29/1968 #23873  
ovoid lights farm up. Follows car. Air Force investigation.                 4/1968 #23878  
 KANAWHA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, WV FAA Air Traffic Controllers. 3 UFO's southwe 4/4/1968 #23889  
red just over the road near the US Air Force radio telescope installation a 4/17/1968 #23910  
scientific integrity. He writes to Air Force Secretary Robert Seamans to as 4/30/1968 #23931  
the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force, writes back to say that “we e 4/30/1968 #23932  
e entity rose straight up into the air with a strange noise. Thirty four of 5/14/1968 #23962  
d. Suddenly the van rose up in the air about 50 centimeters and stayed ther 5/17/1968 #23970  
ng down and again rising up in the air before it was set down on the road a 5/17/1968 #23970  
         NEAR BARDENAS, SP Pilot / Air Force F104. Odd triangle with 3 sphe 6/1/1968 #23999  
lowing evening, and several US 7th Air Force Phantom fighter-bombers soon a 6/15/1968 #24040  
aii Central Vietnam The US Seventh Air Force holds a “joint service confere 6/20/1968 #24053  
 An investigation reveals that the Air Force is in the midst of a wave of s 6/20/1968 #24053  
                            UK S4 (Air) UFO desk in Whitehall, London Follo 6/20/1968 #24054  
 Roger H. Stanway visit the UK S4 (Air) UFO desk in Whitehall, London, agai 6/20/1968 #24054  
ed General George S. Brown, at 7th Air Force Headquarters in Saigon, Vietna Summer 1968 #24063  
an and a woman, who floated in the air. They were of enormous stature with  6/27/1968 #24087  
ripod and ladder and rise into the air and speed off to the east, reaching  7/1/1968 #24118  
 object rose a few meters into the air, then flew off at high speed. Physic 7/1/1968 #24120  
CO, SALTA, ARG 2.1M being hovers / air. Glows. Glowing UFO nearby. / r8#915 7/2/1968 #24122  
about 2.10 m tall, hovering in the air, his body emitting a peculiar glow,  7/2/1968 #24126  
about 2.10 m tall, hovering in the air, his body emitting a peculiar glow,  7/2/1968 #24129  
rs in height, hanging suspended in air, his body emitting a strange luminos 7/2/1968 #24134  
und like a top, then rose into the air and vanished above the mountain.     7/2/1968 #24134  
  -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “C 7/7/1968 #24154  
  TANDIL, ARG "UFO lands at Tandil Air Force Base" / news. Night lights and 7/13/1968 (approximate) #24172  
  -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “C 7/15/1968 #24177  
he being suddenly rose up into the air and vanished. The next day strange g 7/20/1968 #24194  
peared before them hovering in the air. Four of the girls just saw the figu 7/22/1968 #24206  
ation wagon, and flew off into the air. The men were about the same size as 7/23/1968 #24214  
of 33 feet. When it rises into the air and vanishes, the car engine starts  7/25/1968 #24225  
A violent flash and a blast of hot air were noted as the object vanished.   7/31/1968 #24270  
 flash of light and a burst of hot air. The incident is investigated by Cap 7/31/1968 #24271  
Quang Tri Province, Vietnam The US Air Force Weapons Laboratory begins to s 8/1968 #24284  
 human anecdotal accounts. Pacific Air Forces’ unit history clearly states  8/1968 #24284  
  -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “P 8/3/1968 #24292  
                             RAMEY AIR FORCE BASE, PR 16 guards. Large bril 8/18/1968 #24347  
and from the larger object. Ground air control reports no known air traffic 8/22/1968 #24369  
round air control reports no known air traffic in the area. At this point t 8/22/1968 #24369  
ng in a Piper Navajo for Murchison Air 130 miles east of Kalgoorlie, Wester 8/22/1968 #24370  
  -22.2280 -138.6440 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “C 8/24/1968 #24374  
nger there. The UFO rises into the air, making soft sounds like those she h 8/25/1968 #24376  
is being would disappear into thin air unexpectedly. A roaring noise was al 8/29/1968 #24401  
ymond S. Sleeper, commander of the Air Force Foreign Technology Division. S 9/4/1968 #24427  
in my 20 year association with the air force as scientific consultant that  9/4/1968 #24427  
ow CFB Goose Bay], Labrador Two US Air Force pilots flying in the vicinity  9/4/1968 #24428  
onumental traffic jam. The Spanish Air Force scrambles an F-104 jet to inte 9/5/1968 #24431  
im, and he has to return for fuel. Air Force radar tracks the UFO moving sl 9/5/1968 #24431  
derous explosion” rips through the air, shaking the car. Immediately, the l 9/6/1968 #24434  
  -21.8210 -138.9750 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “P 9/8/1968 #24440  
                            NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, NV 2 military-Air Traffi 9/17/1968 #24471  
                            Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada 1:00 a.m. Two air 9/17/1968 #24475  
r Force Base, Nevada 1:00 a.m. Two air control tower operators at Nellis Ai 9/17/1968 #24475  
 control tower operators at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, watch a bright l 9/17/1968 #24475  
nd fear. Km away sees 15cm light / air.                                     10/1968 #24530  
ed Aircraft, created by the Fourth Air Zone Command of the Brazilian Air Fo 10/1968 #24535  
 Air Zone Command of the Brazilian Air Force and sponsored by Brig. Gen. Jo 10/1968 #24535  
 Geris and summoned to a Brazilian Air Force facility where he is questione 10/2/1968 #24537  
normal. Officials of the Brazilian Air Force later subjected him to an inte 10/2/1968 #24538  
tation with scientists outside the Air Force, (4) laughable statistical met 10/7/1968 #24548  
 inadequate data provided by local Air Force base investigators, (7) biased 10/7/1968 #24548  
ts, one of which took off into the air. Nearby they could dimly see two fou 10/15/1968 #24563  
peed of 20 mph, probably guided by air currents and not self-propelled, and 10/18/1968 #24571  
                 NORTHWEST / MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, ND Ground and air observ 10/24/1968 #24580  
INOT AIR FORCE BASE, ND Ground and air observer(s) and RADAR's. Cylinder/ci 10/24/1968 #24580  
                 NORTHWEST / MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, ND B52+many others and R 10/24/1968 #24581  
port submitted to secretary of the Air Force for review by the National Aca 10/31/1968 #24605  
nidentified Flying Objects, to the Air Force. The first two sections, concl 10/31/1968 #24608  
my of Sciences Yale University The Air Force sends the Colorado report to t 11/15/1968 #24661  
overs, “quivering like jelly.” The air temperature seems to drop. For appro 11/20/1968 #24672  
 of sight in seconds. Confirmed by Air Force radar                          11/26/1968 #24716  
stantly zoom off to the northeast. Air Force radar at Great Falls, Montana, 11/26/1968 #24718  
                               Two Air Traffic Controllers at Bismark, Nort 11/26/1968 #24719  
 a.m. local time Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base (RTAFB) in Nakhon Phanom, 11/28/1968 #24728  
                       The Spanish Air Ministry’s press office issues a rel 12/26/1968 #24792  
itizens to report UFO cases to the air force. A few days later, Second Air  12/26/1968 #24792  
ir force. A few days later, Second Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mariano Cu 12/26/1968 #24792  
     41.5000 88.5000 Nuclear test: Air. Country: China                      12/27/1968 #24793  
here was an odor of sulphur in the air. At 9:00 p.m. in Port Alegre, Rio Gr 1/5/1969 #24818  
SPARTANBURG, SC Several pilots and Air Traffic Controllers and more. Fake m 1/6/1969 #24819  
tz, president, to secretary of the Air Force, stating that the NAS review p 1/8/1969 #24825  
tter to Assistant Secretary of the Air Force Alexander H. Flax, Frederick S 1/8/1969 #24826  
g metallic umbrella. Hums. Blast / air.                                     1/25/1969 #24869  
 beginning in October 1968, the US Air Force and Army set up another UFO ob 1/31/1969 #24881  
inutes, and soon after a Brazilian Air Force helicopter appeared and descen 2/6/1969 #24898  
 the treetops to swirl through the air.                                     2/10/1969 #24910  
to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Air electrified. 3 metallic saucers / V- 3/1969 (approximate) #24952  
         Pentagon Secretary of the Air Force Office of Information represen 3/1969 #24956  
                             Naval Air Station Miramar Marine Corps Air Sta 3/3/1969 #24960  
l Air Station Miramar Marine Corps Air Station Miramar San Diego, Californi 3/3/1969 #24960  
ted aviators and officers at Naval Air Station Miramar [now Marine Corps Ai 3/3/1969 #24960  
 Station Miramar [now Marine Corps Air Station Miramar] in San Diego, Calif 3/3/1969 #24960  
and a domed disc 1,000 feet in the air. The dog jumps into the front seat a 3/6/1969 #24976  
d 5-6 meters tall, hovering in the air. A “tunnel of light” extended from t 3/12/1969 #25002  
                                in air space, Thailand Crew of KC-135 tanke 3/14/1969 #25010  
n and two other crew members of an Air Force KC-135 flying over Thailand sa 3/14/1969 #25012  
 what has previously been tactical air attacks. Operation Freedom Deal imme 3/18/1969 #25025  
nknowns which has plagued the U.S. Air Force investigation for 20 years."   4/1969 #25044  
nknowns which has plagued the U.S. Air Force investigation for 20 years.”   4/1969 #25045  
ound RADAR's. 7 orbs 2km over Pori Air Force Base. Going quickly north into 4/12/1969 #25056  
 Tarmo Tukeva to investigate seven air balloons that are floating at approx 4/12/1969 #25057  
           At noon several Swedish Air Force personnel sighted seven balloo 4/12/1969 #25058  
"sweet bitterness" that was in the air. One hundred yards away stood two hu 4/26/1969 #25096  
roject Bluebook Case #unknown. FAA Air Traffic Controller and 3 pilots buzz 6/1969 #25177  
vately with representatives on the Air Force Office of Scientific Research  6/11/1969 #25210  
lluminated window” hovering in the air in Ibiúna, São Paulo, Brazil. It app 6/17/1969 #25220  
                    Turkey Turkish Air Force pilot Süleyman Tekyildirim is  6/17/1969 #25221  
low around it. Peck feels that the air is electrified. His luminous wristwa 6/19/1969 #25226  
g sound again and feels a blast of air as it moves away. The Brazilian Air  6/26/1969 #25236  
ir as it moves away. The Brazilian Air Force investigates the landing, and  6/26/1969 #25236  
, São Paulo, Brazil, the Brazilian Air Force informs local officials who ar 7/1969 #25241  
ases will be made by the Brazilian Air Force Public Relations Department.”  7/1969 #25241  
, glowing wings moving through the air toward them. It flies about 6–7 abov 7/1969 #25242  
 a distance of 45 feet through the air.                                     7/4/1969 #25251  
h to the southeast, 50 feet in the air, 200 feet apart, and nearly parallel 7/11/1969 #25261  
ar-like moving lights” high in the air.                                     7/12/1969 #25263  
ement plant. Man visible / window. Air Force investigation.                 7/18/1969 #25278  
on instructions from the Brazilian Air Force base at Fortaleza, Brazil.     7/18/1969 #25280  
on instructions from the Brazilian Air Force base at Fortaleza.             7/18/1969 #25281  
w-gold object hovering high in the air. They manage to take two photographs 8/29/1969 #25337  
     40.7220 89.5150 Nuclear test: Air, presumed. Country: China Yield: 300 9/29/1969 #25385  
                                US Air Force Academy NICAP obtains a copy o 10/1969 #25389  
ter of a textbook in use at the US Air Force Academy, Introductory Space Sc 10/1969 #25389  
nd is lost to sight. He senses the air has a strange, heavy odor, but he is 10/3/1969 #25395  
de in accordance with JANAP 146 or Air Force Manual 55-1 and are not part o 10/20/1969 #25418  
             Ankara, Turkey Mürted Air Base The Turkish Air Force is inunda 10/24/1969 #25423  
Turkey Mürted Air Base The Turkish Air Force is inundated with reports of U 10/24/1969 #25423  
fighters are scrambled from Mürted Air Base [now closed] northwest of the c 10/24/1969 #25423  
               US Secretary of the Air Force Robert C. Seamans, Jr., announ 12/17/1969 #25498  
ntgomery, Alabama Washington, D.C. Air Force Secretary Robert Seamans annou 12/17/1969 #25501  
atement asking for preservation of Air Force UFO files for future study.    12/26/1969 #25508  
sents an excellent critique of the Air Force and Colorado project investiga 12/26/1969 #25509  
 Zerhoun, Morocco The crew of a US Air Force C-5A Galaxy transport, flying  1970 #25522  
g stones to rise and circle in the air. They can hear the sound of the ston Early 1970 #25524  
t as F4Cs take off / Davis Monthan Air Force Base. / r114p46.               1/27/1970 #25556  
                                   Air Force Archives at Maxwell AFB in Mon 1/30/1970 #25564  
 boxes and are on their way to the Air Force Archives at Maxwell AFB in Mon 1/30/1970 #25564  
ucer turns over house. Vanishes as Air Force jets near.                     2/7/1970 #25575  
                     NEAR WILLIAMS AIR FORCE BASE, AZ 6 / Air Force CH-53E  4/4/1970 #25623  
AR WILLIAMS AIR FORCE BASE, AZ 6 / Air Force CH-53E helicopter chased / 3 o 4/4/1970 #25623  
on AFB in Ohio Dayton Although the Air Force is no longer involved with UFO 5/5/1970 #25655  
  -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “A 5/15/1970 #25664  
  -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “C 5/22/1970 #25669  
  -22.3090 -138.6060 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “D 5/30/1970 #25677  
    SAN JUAN, PR 2 airliners and 3 Air Force jets. Huge 40M sphere/orb/glob 6/1970 #25681  
  -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “E 6/24/1970 #25706  
  -21.9350 -138.9170 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “L 7/3/1970 #25724  
at they did not need food, for the air they breathed was converted into wha 7/4/1970 #25727  
  -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “P 7/27/1970 #25754  
  -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “O 8/2/1970 #25766  
  -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “T 8/6/1970 #25772  
curious, he walked towards it. The air around the UFO felt warm. He stopped 8/15/1970 #25787  
as comfortably cool inside and the air smelled of sage and cinnamon. He was 8/15/1970 #25787  
 triangular object hovering in the air. Steel gray in color, it has a red l 9/8/1970 #25830  
 behind it. She wanted to get some air and stepped out onto her balcony. Sh 10/5/1970 #25870  
     40.5200 89.7790 Nuclear test: Air, presumed. Country: China Yield: 340 10/14/1970 #25879  
object shoots straight up into the air, causing Salvesen to fall on the pav 10/29/1970 #25893  
hattering. About 3,200 feet in the air the globe changes to a fireball, whi 10/29/1970 #25893  
 VALLADOLID TO/FROM ZARAGOSA, SP 2 Air Force F86's and ground RADAR. Flatte 11/4/1970 #25899  
ything." They floated about in the air, and had a translucent quality. They 11/24/1970 #25917  
 Reporting System (NUTR) that logs air defense unknowns is launched and mai 1971 #25959  
the yard and disappeared into thin air. It left round footprints in the sno 1/15/1971 #25989  
 other, and when it goes up in the air it changes color and then disappears 1/23/1971 #25999  
umanoid is rising back up into the air, Aliranta grabs it by the heel of it 2/5/1971 #26014  
      NORTHEAST / HELSINKI, FINL 2 Air Traffic Controllers and pilot / airp 3/3/1971 #26041  
ilvery-white balls are seen in the air over Maslin Beach, Adelaide, South A 3/15/1971 #26048  
f the men felt heavy static in the air and his tongue began to itch. Both m 3/25/1971 #26054  
                          Holloman Air Force Base Alamogordo, New Mexico 6: 5/1971 #26091  
aken of retrieved UFOs at Holloman Air Force Base near Alamogordo, New Mexi 5/1971 #26091  
 Holloman base commander and other Air Force officials go out to meet them. 5/1971 #26091  
  -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “D 6/5/1971 #26157  
  -23.8000 -137.2000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “E 6/12/1971 #26170  
's Corner near the Brunswick Naval Air Station.                             6/28/1971 #26201  
  -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “J 7/4/1971 #26207  
  -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “P 8/8/1971 #26273  
  -21.8230 -138.9760 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “R 8/14/1971 #26284  
om guard duty at Francis E. Warren Air Force base near Cheyenne, Wyoming an 8/16/1971 #26291  
s. Renz was then taken back to the Air Force base.                          8/16/1971 #26291  
s a thing while they are up in the air, but when Loiaza reviews his images, 9/4/1971 #26317  
arge jet of smoke and rises in the air. It hovers a few more seconds then r Late 9/1971 #26378  
e "thing" jumped three feet in the air and ran across the road, then leapt  9/27/1971 #26384  
                   RIJEKA, CROATIA Air Traffic Controllers / 2 airport/apar 10/1971 #26391  
           SOUTHWEST / CARO, MI Ex Air Force man. Silent triangle with many 10/2/1971 #26398  
 Mr. Wazny, age 29, a retired U.S. Air Force airman sighted a huge, silent  10/2/1971 #26401  
ltitude and slows rapidly to their air speed, smoothly changing its directi 10/5/1971 #26410  
ORE/OTHERS, YUGO Many / ground and air observer(s). Wave / saucers and tria 10/8/1971 #26412  
                SOUTH / LOCKBOURNE AIR FORCE BASE, OH Classic glowing-sauce 11/6/1971 #26462  
ural road just south of Lockbourne AIr Force Base. The object flying at an  11/6/1971 #26463  
     41.5000 88.5000 Nuclear test: Air, presumed. Country: China Yield: 20K 11/18/1971 #26474  
ed some type of "vacuum." The very air had changed quality. He then remembe 12/6/1971 #26490  
d then seemed to float up into the air and enter the craft from above, feet 12/20/1971 #26510  
esses in a Boeing 727 airliner and Air Traffic Controllers reported several 12/28/1971 #26521  
n found described as a “Joint Army/Air Force peacetime military exercise in 1972 #26526  
      Banbury, England Oxfordshire Air Commodore Anthony Norman Davis becom 1/1972 #26534  
     41.5000 88.5000 Nuclear test: Air. Country: China                      1/7/1972 #26542  
SARAJEVO AIRPORT/APARTMENT, BOSNIA Air and ground RADAR-visual (observation 2/4/1972 (approximate) #26563  
d UFO about 300 to 500 feet in the air and not more that 100 yards in front 2/11/1972 #26571  
   LINZ, AUSTRIA Many / ground and air. Giant funnel going quickly [to] WSW 3/18/1972 #26610  
     41.5000 88.5000 Nuclear test: Air. Country: China                      3/18/1972 #26615  
cant lot and, thinking it is a hot air balloon, runs towards it. When he re 3/19/1972 #26617  
ed and the object rose up into the air with a blinding red light. The entir 5/2/1972 #26669  
Senior Aerospace Engineer with the Air Force Aerospace Research Laboratorie 6/1972 #26694  
report on Project Outgrowth at the Air Force Rocket Propulsion Library at E 6/1972 #26694  
cket Propulsion Library at Edwards Air Force Base. An entire chapter of the 6/1972 #26694  
                            GEORGE AIR FORCE BASE, CA USAF men and 30. Brig 6/17/1972 #26718  
  -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “U 6/25/1972 #26731  
tes. It emits a sound like rushing air.                                     6/29/1972 #26742  
  -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “T 6/30/1972 #26745  
c Inquiry, in which he charges the Air Force with indifference and incompet 7/1972 #26749  
uthwest. No other planes in area / Air Traffic Controller.                  7/1/1972 #26751  
  -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “O 7/27/1972 #26843  
r on the town of Utuado, where the Air National Guard has scrambled F-104s  8/1972 #26864  
ude of red particles appear in the air around the approaching witnesses and 8/12/1972 #26911  
of ducks. They "seemed to float in air" while walking. The beings started t 8/18/1972 #26928  
er with 4 luminous "legs" hovers / air. Back 11+13 Sep. '72. / r221p50.     9/7/1972 #26978  
. It hovered just 10 meters in the air. Mr. Tantot would go on to have two  9/7/1972 #26979  
 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 3 RADAR's and Air Traffic Controllers and more. Brill  9/14/1972 #26992  
rport Homestead AFB [now Homestead Air Reserve Base] in Miami–Dade County M 9/14/1972 #26997  
rida) International Airport by FAA air traffic controller C. J. Fox. Fox de 9/14/1972 #26997  
 from Homestead AFB [now Homestead Air Reserve Base] in Miami–Dade County t 9/14/1972 #26997  
Beach International Airport by FAA air traffic controller C. J. Fox and tra 9/14/1972 #27000  
their car, about 45 feet up in the air. It had green and blue hazy lights a 9/14/1972 #27002  
e instructed to check the tactical air navigational (TACAN) facility locate 10/14/1972 #27074  
ocated eight miles east of McChord Air Force Base. Briggs exited the buildi 10/14/1972 #27074  
is Hillsgeck, stationed at McChord Air Force Base in Pierce County, Washing 10/14/1972 #27077  
e instructed to check the tactical air navigational (TACAN) facility locate 10/14/1972 #27077  
cility located eight miles east of air base. Upon their arrival at the site 10/14/1972 #27077  
veralls. Then they fly through the air, inside an apparently invisible beam 10/22/1972 #27085  
is visitor seemed to be walking on air. Next the being pressed some buttons 11/28/1972 #27150  
 the yard, then vanished into thin air. That afternoon, at 4:20 p.m. severa 11/28/1972 #27150  
 tries the wipers and the electric air horn but they do not work either. He 11/30/1972 #27154  
                          Romanian Air Force unnamed military base in Roman 12/1972 #27158  
ry base in Romania Night. Romanian Air Force pilot and writer Lt. Col. Doru 12/1972 #27158  
 Club Homestead AFB [now Homestead Air Reserve Base] in Miami-Dade County H 2/19/1973 #27298  
ea at Homestead AFB [now Homestead Air Reserve Base] in Miami-Dade County w 2/19/1973 #27298  
rry Warren, who is a member of the Air Force Security Police at RAF Bentwat 2/19/1973 #27298  
                             TAEGU AIR FORCE BASE, SOUTH KOREA 2 ROK F4 pil 3/1973 #27319  
ircraft because there is a Belgian Air Force Base northeast of her locale.  3/20/1973 #27353  
er power station/depot/facility. 4 Air Force jets scour area. / MJ#239.     3/22/1973 #27359  
                            Norton Air Force Base San Bernardino, Californi 5/1973 #27460  
f Defense. Upon arriving at Norton Air Force Base [now San Bernardino, Cali 5/1973 #27460  
lleged but if true, highlights the Air Force’s attempts to shape public opi 5/1973 #27461  
 to heat up. Patero felt a lack of air so he opened the door and stepped ou 5/22/1973 #27519  
e object, and the heat and lack of air diminished. He could now see that th 5/22/1973 #27519  
 They had their arms raised in the air, and they seemed to have appeared fr 5/22/1973 #27520  
n by the US Navy with a surface to air missile, retrieved from the ocean an 6/1973 #27543  
ge orange going [to] over Peterson Air Force Base. Also seen / aurora, CO.  6/10/1973 #27558  
C, CA AND STA.MARIA AND VANDENBURG AIR FORCE BASE Pulsing night light maneu 6/19/1973 #27571  
antly barking also floating in the air. She was in some dark "enclosed" pla 6/23/1973 #27584  
     40.7985 89.8091 Nuclear test: Air, presumed. Country: China Yield: 300 6/27/1973 #27588  
                      SSE / TINKER AIR FORCE BASE, OK 1 observer. Domed sau 7/11/1973 #27628  
1, 1960; 75% loss to records of US Air Force personnel discharged September 7/12/1973 #27631  
  -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “E 7/21/1973 #27645  
            TULLAMARINE AND AVALON AIR FORCE BASE, AUSTRALIA Several observ 7/23/1973 #27647  
navut 1:35 p.m. A Canadian Pacific Air Lines DC-8 is flying west at 31,000  7/25/1973 #27650  
oon in close proximity” and radios air traffic control to report it. He say 7/25/1973 #27650  
  -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “M 7/28/1973 #27659  
NADA AND MASAYA AND MANAGUA, NCRGA Air Traffic Controllers and many. Silent 8/11/1973 #27693  
                                   Air traffic controllers and others in Ma 8/11/1973 #27695  
lently make 90 degree turns in the air and fly off towards the west.        8/11/1973 #27695  
  -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “P 8/18/1973 #27712  
  -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “P 8/24/1973 #27722  
  -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “T 8/28/1973 #27728  
cylinder/cylindrical object lands. Air ionized / scientists. Going southwes 9/3/1973 #27751  
own of Feignies, Nord, France. The air surrounding the object was reportedl 9/3/1973 #27753  
                       Hunter Army Air Field, GA "Saucer-shaped" object wit 9/8/1973 #27781  
police, Burns and Shade, at Hunter Air Force Base, Georgia observed a sauce 9/8/1973 #27783  
ugh they had disappeared into thin air. According to the two young men and  9/11/1973 #27803  
ugh they had disappeared into thin air. According to the two young men and  9/12/1973 #27809  
       SOUTHEAST / MANISES, SP 2 / Air Force Mirage and RADAR. Venus going  9/26/1973 #27869  
                         A Spanish Air Force Mirage jet was flying at 20,00 9/26/1973 #27871  
on the object comes from Strategic Air Command Headquarters Offutt AFB near 10/1973 #27902  
                           ISTRANA AIR FORCE BASE, ITL 2 1.5M small humanoi 10/7/1973 #27962  
                      FT WAYNE, IN Air Traffic Controller / Baer Field. Man 10/9/1973 #27969  
icial" reports by Wright-Patterson Air Force Base officials. None were dete 10/10/1973 #27984  
m and then shot straight up in the air... after he turned out his light...a 10/10/1973 #27984  
vernment test range and restricted air space. It took off, but was seen 30  10/11/1973 #28003  
 sections. A truck driver blew his air horn and the craft took off over tre 10/11/1973 #28004  
the wall. He hung suspended in the air at a 45-degree angle while an eyelik 10/11/1973 #28005  
 Richard C. Doty states the 7602nd Air Intelligence Group at Fort Belvoir,  10/11/1973 #28009  
                         DOVER, DE Air Traffic Controllers and many. Brilli 10/14/1973 #28023  
    DOVER, DE Shoppers and airport Air Traffic Controllers and RADAR. Cops  10/16/1973 #28070  
ting by US ground forces. A Combat Air Activities file of 16 such incidents 10/16/1973 #28084  
k in and the object rises into the air. The driver restarts the car.        10/16/1973 #28086  
nt was sighted at the Istrana NATO Air Base in Campania, Italy.             10/16/1973 #28094  
eme burst of light twirling in the air. It had a bright red light on top an 10/18/1973 #28162  
g with a Technical Sergeant in the Air Force, said, "There's something stra 10/18/1973 #28164  
scan the skies while he was on the air. She came back to report that she wa 10/18/1973 #28165  
don Sponseller who was also in the Air National Guard, and he reported whil 10/18/1973 #28166  
uard, and he reported while on the air, "There is a strange object. (NICAP: 10/18/1973 #28166  
ee times they rise 3 feet into the air then float down. The fourth time, th 10/22/1973 #28241  
                   SAN ANTONIO, TX Air Traffic Controller and pilots and RA 10/23/1973 #28246  
 having trouble breathing, and the air became filled with a strong odor lik 10/25/1973 #28286  
ce of three people floating in the air over the surface of a pond 100 yards 10/29/1973 #28319  
               ESPORA NAS, ARG 5 / air tower. Luminous ovoid hovers / stron 11/2/1973 #28348  
ht 10' "cube" over field. Static / air. Truck runs badly 2 hours earlier.   11/4/1973 #28365  
 and absolutely silent. Nine other air policemen are alerted, and four F-10 11/6/1973 #28376  
are alerted, and four F-101 Voodoo Air National Guard interceptors are scra 11/6/1973 #28376  
 with portholes. Lands / mountain. Air Force plane chases. Going quickly so 11/8/1973 #28384  
 NEAR LA PAZ, BOLIVIA Airliner and Air Force pilots. Luminous/glowing top-o 11/11/1973 #28402  
                   TALLAHASSEE, FL Air Traffic Controller and pilots and Ty 11/12/1973 #28411  
 Controller and pilots and Tyndall Air Force Base. Glowing-sphere/orb/globe 11/12/1973 #28411  
                           Istrana Air Base Veneto province Italy Evening.  Mid 11/1973 #28424  
t post on the perimeter of Istrana Air Base, Veneto province, Italy, see tw Mid 11/1973 #28424  
t in 1973, a UFO was seen from the air near Managua, Nicaraugua by helicopt 11/15/1973 #28425  
r Tranquillo, pilot of an Alitalia Air Line DC-9 en route from Turin to Rom 11/30/1973 #28490  
nally admits that the CIA, not the Air Force, is the primary perpetrator of 12/1973 #28495  
en it stops and shoots up into the air. The car starts up with no problems  1974 #28632  
ngland town. He saw a light in the air and as he approached it, the light b 1/22/1974 #28690  
ature with its hands raised in the air. She fires into his midsection and i 2/6/1974 #28742  
              ST.-JULIEN-DU-SERRE, AIR DEFENSE COMMAND, FR 15M cone like in 2/22/1974 #28789  
    NEAR MILANO, ITL Jet pilot and Air Traffic Controller and RADAR's. Sauc 3/12/1974 #28873  
nwards. Once the object was in the air it suddenly disappeared. The car's r 3/15/1974 #28891  
 light has floated him up into the air while tall, hooded figures touch his 3/23/1974 #28936  
 light had floated him up into the air, then some tall hooded figures touch 3/23/1974 #28939  
ect that remains stationary in the air is seen by numerous witnesses in Mál 3/27/1974 #28962  
                          Incirlik Air Base Adana Turkey 3:00 a.m. A staff  4/1974 #28983  
ice Squadron stationed at Incirlik Air Base, Adana, Turkey, witnesses a whi 4/1974 #28983  
ward it, but it shoots up into the air so they can see its underside. As th Early 4/1974 #28990  
                          LA PARRA AIR FORCE BASE, SP Sweeping light from o 4/7/1974 #28996  
histling sound and feel a blast of air. The UFO speeds away, continuing to  4/16/1974 #29040  
ling sound. With a strong blast of air that nearly knocked the witnesses do 4/16/1974 #29042  
reenland, New Hampshire near Pease Air Force Base at 1:10 a.m. a low flying 4/28/1974 #29069  
 an hour before it shoots into the air and vanishes. Three young men are ca 5/28/1974 #29142  
  -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “C 6/16/1974 #29201  
     40.5180 89.6190 Nuclear test: Air, presumed. Country: China Yield: 100 6/17/1974 #29206  
  -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “G 7/7/1974 #29241  
ct, but it seems to be stationary. Air traffic control at CFB Bagotville in 7/14/1974 #29259  
  -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “C 7/17/1974 #29265  
e Army and suggests that while the Air Force continued to rely on conclusio 7/17/1974 #29267  
  -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “M 7/25/1974 #29278  
                             TOURS AIR FORCE BASE, FR 3 pilots / ground. Br 8/1974 #29293  
a figure suspended ten feet in the air in front of his car. It was perfectl 8/1/1974 #29298  
 they had seen UFOs. In one car an Air Force officer and his family saw two 8/13/1974 #29340  
  -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “S 8/15/1974 #29355  
s down, it releases a blast of hot air that blows dust on he boys. It exten 8/16/1974 #29362  
and. It landed with a blast of hot air, and gave off blue sparks during the 8/16/1974 #29364  
ISSION (AEC), NY Airport/apartment Air Traffic Controller and military RADA 8/20/1974 #29372  
  -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “T 8/24/1974 #29382  
lights. Lands / field. Blast / hot air on takeoff. Carbon.                  8/28/1974 #29392  
r was in there, it came out of the air and departed the same way, as far as 9/1/1974 #29417  
 mass hovering 15 meters up in the air. A white beam of light came down to  9/7/1974 #29429  
  -22.0000 -139.0000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “V 9/14/1974 #29455  
       65KM NORTHWEST / GANDER, NF Air Traffic Controller and 1 / Cessna. N 10/10/1974 #29509  
d cover about 5 miles from Gander. Air traffic control at Gander confirms t 10/11/1974 #29519  
48 with 12 dead aliens aboard. The Air Force allegedly is storing the bodie 10/11/1974 #29521  
FB Emerado, North Dakota 9:09 p.m. Air Force security personnel assigned to 10/14/1974 #29527  
sual (observation) and RADAR's and Air Traffic Controllers. 2 747s "sandwic 10/23/1974 #29551  
and more intense. Suspended in the air only 10 feet away from the porch and 11/1974 #29574  
O at close range close to Talavera Air Base near Badajoz, Spain three days  11/8/1974 #29589  
 on a box that is suspended in the air above her house, rocking to and fro, Mid 11/1974 #29596  
 a photo of it as it hovers in the air about 1,600– 3,300 feet away. He loo 11/17/1974 #29598  
          According to the Spanish Air Force, at 7:50 p.m. a light descende 11/24/1974 #29606  
ndent witnesses included a Spanish Air Force Lt. Colonel and his daughter d 11/24/1974 #29606  
he witnesses felt a strong rush of air and something strike their vehicle.  12/1/1974 #29627  
        Melrose, New Mexico Cannon Air Force Base near Clovis 10:30 a.m. Ha Winter 1974 #29653  
off in their direction from Cannon Air Force Base near Clovis.              Winter 1974 #29653  
A Pilot John Lear stated "The main Air Force sightings were in 1975. And th 1975 #29668  
 UFOs descended on every Strategic Air Command base guarding the perimeter  1975 #29668  
ect observed on ground by guard at Air Force base. Body lights visible, gro 1/2/1975 #29695  
ect observed on ground by guard at Air Force base. Body lights visible, gro 1/2/1975 #29699  
-shaped object on the ground at an Air Force Base. Body lights were visible 1/2/1975 #29703  
nfidential Spanish Report, Spanish Air Force: UFO spotted by military perso 1/8/1975 #29730  
Las Bardenas Reales, near Zaragoza Air Base                                 1/8/1975 #29730  
         (SOUTHERN), RI Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers and many. Blue g 1/15/1975 #29749  
 an American Airlines crew and two Air National Guard pilots flying in the  1/15/1975 #29752  
ject hovers 500' over K1 Strategic Air Command (SAC) site. Shoots quickly g 2/17/1975 #29816  
   Harlowton, MT 2:00 a.m. Several Air Policemen from the K-1 missile base  2/18/1975 #29823  
was also a former Royal Australian Air Force aircrew member. He saw three g 2/26/1975 #29853  
d buzzing sound. It stopped in the air, and dived under the sea.            3/2/1975 #29869  
Newfoundland, CAN 11:02 p.m. NDT . Air Canada Flight 872 reported a green p 3/17/1975 #29905  
 Flight 401, 120 miles south of of Air Canada 872, reported a solid green o 3/17/1975 #29905  
                  Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-A 3/28/1975 #29922  
n the building at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base where the information is  3/28/1975 #29922  
red that has been collected by the Air Force, and I was understandably deni 3/28/1975 #29922  
re withdrawn from public access by Air Force Archives at Maxwell AFB in Mon 4/1975 #29930  
                                   Air Force Archives at Maxwell AFB, AL wi 4/1975 #29931  
enter for UFO Studies, authorizing air traffic controllers and other person 4/1/1975 #29934  
      CAIRNS, AUSTRALIA Ground and air observer(s). Radio Radio Frequency I 4/4/1975 #29955  
ing a slight rocking motion in the air. He was so stunned that he pulled th 4/6/1975 #29978  
at is happening. At the same time, air control radar is showing unexplained 5/3/1975 #30026  
 was being lifted. The Mexico City Air Trafffic Control radar showed the UF 5/3/1975 #30029  
                 EAST / WRIGHT-PAT AIR FORCE BASE, OH 2 large silver saucer 5/6/1975 #30039  
 OH 2 large silver saucers bracket Air Force jet testing new equipment / 1  5/6/1975 #30039  
UFOs and the investigations of the Air Force and other government agencies. 6/1975 #30073  
                GRIBANOVKA, RUSSIA Air Force Captain. Domed saucer / field. 6/15/1975 (approximate) #30104  
ospace Defense Command Continental Air Defense Command The USAF Aerospace D 6/30/1975 #30135  
ve agent in NORAD. Its Continental Air Defense Command, which it had taken  6/30/1975 #30135  
 Although there is no smell in the air, the family feels that they can tast 7/1975 #30142  
80 feet distant and 65 feet in the air. It looks round, is colored a metall 7/1975 #30142  
to come not from him, but from the air that surrounded him. He glided down  7/12/1975 #30175  
s legs. He actually floated in the air slightly above the level of the stai 7/12/1975 #30175  
                          WILLIAMS AIR FORCE BASE, AZ T37+F4 pilots and man 7/20/1975 #30188  
 past a plane flying near Williams Air Force Base. The plane was being flow 7/20/1975 #30191  
 past a plane flying near Williams Air Force Base in Arizona. The plane was 7/20/1975 #30193  
 a circular object hovering in the air in front of them. It seems to be mad 7/26/1975 #30208  
                  The Aviation and Air Defense division of the Swiss Army d 8/1975 #30226  
een / 1 minute(s). Vanishes / thin air! No further details. See Gilroy.     8/13/1975 #30259  
CKTON, CA ANG helicopter pilot and Air Traffic Controllers. Disk emits brig 8/14/1975 #30267  
           Stockton, CA Pilots and air traffic controllers at airport obser 8/14/1975 #30269  
a) Metropolitan Airport. Suddenly, air traffic controller Joe Savage sees f 8/14/1975 #30270  
                                An Air National Guard helicopter pilot flyi 8/14/1975 #30271  
ard helicopter pilot flying in the air at 9:35 p.m. and in communication wi 8/14/1975 #30271  
 and in communication with several air traffic controllers at Stockton Memo 8/14/1975 #30271  
bjects approach and merge with it. Air traffic controllers at Albany Airpor 8/20/1975 #30291  
ase unidentified helicopter. Phony Air Force RADAR coordinates / radio. Lan 8/21/1975 #30292  
. There was an almond smell in the air that made Mr. Costa sick. His friend 8/28/1975 #30315  
Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Cádiz Morón Air Base, Seville province 10:30 p.m. Lt 9/1975? #30333  
Muñoz Pastor is returning to Jerez air base [now Jerez Airport], Jerez de l 9/1975? #30333  
e receives a call from the Seville air traffic center asking him if he can  9/1975? #30333  
5A fighter is scrambled from Morón Air Base in Seville province, which also 9/1975? #30333  
   NEAR ST.-SAUVEUR-EN-PUISAYE, FR Air Force man. 1.5M sphere/orb/globe lan 9/12/1975 #30354  
tal "control" and had a "majestic" air to him. It also had a long tail that 9/17/1975 #30367  
ntaneously when chased by a French Air Force Mirage III jet. (Source: Domin 9/23/1975 #30378  
ntaneously when chased by a French Air Force Mirage III jet. It made four a 9/23/1975 #30382  
              A member of the U.S. Air Force, at home on leave in Mountlake 9/25/1975 #30384  
ightings of the objects were made, Air Force fighter planes were sent aloft 10/1975 #30401  
            15 MI EAST / MALMSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, MT Woman. Silent DC10 wi 10/17/1975 #30434  
ped object descending in the east. Air traffic controllers and passengers w 10/17/1975 #30437  
) from here to Malmstrom Strategic Air Command (SAC) base in 10hr marathon. 10/18/1975 #30440  
 twenty-five to thirty feet in the air. The object passed over his truck fr 10/18/1975 #30441  
 in diameter and 25–30 feet in the air. The object passes over his truck fr 10/18/1975 #30444  
n fact, everything they put in the air for an attack on the US is airborne. Late 10/1975 #30471  
oxygen was being depleted from the air." After another three or four minute 10/26/1975 #30476  
dar sightings were made at Loring. Air Force planes were scrambled in a luc 10/27/1975 #30477  
                            LORING AIR FORCE BASE, ME 12M saucer circles nu 10/27/1975 #30481  
 The lights suddenly rise into the air. Gray stops the car, rolls down the  10/27/1975 #30486  
AFB Limestone, Maine Hancock Field Air National Guard Base, Syracuse, New Y 10/27/1975 #30488  
21st NORAD Region at Hancock Field Air National Guard Base, Syracuse, New Y 10/27/1975 #30488  
, hovered over the Brunswick Naval Air Station in in Maine in the early mor 10/27/1975 #30490  
oxygen was being depleted from the air." After 3 or 4 minutes of this, all  10/27/1975 #30491  
                    SOUTH / LORING AIR FORCE BASE, ME Silent saucer back ov 10/28/1975 #30496  
a munitions storage area at Loring Air Force Base, Maine for the second nig 10/29/1975 #30511  
OGRAD / PODGORICA, YUGO Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers and more/others. 10/30/1975 #30515  
                         WURTSMITH AIR FORCE BASE, MI Night lights and heli 10/30/1975 #30517  
pters all over/all about Strategic Air Command (SAC) base. 2000kph. 1 going 10/30/1975 #30517  
 At about 10:10 p.m. a KC-135 U.S. Air Force tanker returning from a refuel 10/30/1975 #30523  
B in Oscoda, Michigan, a Strategic Air Command base. The objects breached s 10/30/1975 #30523  
 edge. Airman Michael J. Myers, an air policeman on duty near the main gate 10/30/1975 #30523  
                       GRAND FORKS AIR FORCE BASE, ND Several shots. 2 "hit 11/3/1975 #30544  
s (or Greys). Pseudo-human/entity. Air / saucer gives headache. / r210v24#9 11/5/1975 #30555  
t away a glowing disc hangs in the air, making a high- pitched buzz and flo 11/5/1975 #30562  
losed and the UFO rose up into the air, then took off toward the east- sout 11/6/1975 #30566  
losed and the UFO rose up into the air, then took off toward the east-south 11/6/1975 #30568  
    EAST / BUFFALO, MT 5 Strategic Air Command (SAC) missile sites. Large r 11/7/1975 #30570  
 6M EAST / LEWISTOWN, MT Strategic Air Command (SAC) and civil observer(s). 11/7/1975 #30571  
                         MALMSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, MT Remote alarms. RADAR- 11/7/1975 #30572  
SOUTHEAST / STANFORD, MT Strategic Air Command (SAC) site C1. 4 RADAR's and 11/8/1975 #30579  
   SOUTHEAST / HEATH, MT Strategic Air Command (SAC) sites K3+L4. RADAR obj 11/8/1975 #30580  
ts were scrambled out of Malmstrom Air Force Base in Great Falls, Montana a 11/8/1975 #30582  
            At 8:20 p.m. Strategic Air Command reported a UFO 20 miles sout 11/8/1975 #30585  
0M NORTH / HARLOWTON, MT Strategic Air Command (SAC) L1 L6+M1 sites. Orange 11/9/1975 #30586  
                             MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, ND Car-size silent objec 11/10/1975 #30590  
d: "UFO sighting reported by Minot Air Force Station, a bright star-like ob 11/10/1975 #30593  
t, Ontario Selfridge AFB Selfridge Air National Guard Base Mount Clemens, M 11/11/1975 #30609  
 from Selfridge AFB [now Selfridge Air National Guard Base] near Mount Clem 11/11/1975 #30609  
l NORAD communication reveals that Air Guard helicopters, Strategic Air Com 11/11/1975 #30611  
t Air Guard helicopters, Strategic Air Command helicopters, and NORAD F-106 11/11/1975 #30611  
ar Bellevue, Nebraska, to numerous Air Force bases during the same month, t 11/11/1975 #30611  
e bases during the same month, the Air Force reveals its continuation of a  11/11/1975 #30611  
ts are properly the concern of the Air Defense Command, and queries should  11/11/1975 #30611  
n to avoid speculation or to imply Air Force interest beyond security of th 11/11/1975 #30611  
 WV 2 hunting. Disk shoots away as Air Force jets near. Reappears / Princet 11/27/1975 #30668  
-off, then shot away as three U.S. Air Force jets entered the airspace, but 11/27/1975 #30670  
ional Archives NARA facilities The Air Force panel finishes reviewing the B 12/1975 #30679  
he lights shoot straight up in the air and move to the north end of the pla 1976 #30750  
                            CANNON AIR FORCE BASE, NM Rear Admiral Morin re 1/21/1976 #30803  
 information was received from the Air Force Operations center at 0555 EST: 1/21/1976 #30808  
 and a red light on the bottom. An Air Force officer calls the UFO Educatio 1/21/1976 #30810  
     41.5000 88.5000 Nuclear test: Air. Country: China                      1/23/1976 #30814  
se driving not far from Vandenburg Air Force Base had a close encounter wit 1/23/1976 #30816  
                             EGLIN AIR FORCE BASE, FL 707-size object hover 1/31/1976 #30834  
ering about 500 to 600 feet in the air. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, July  2/10/1976 #30861  
 blinked on, and took off into the air only 15 feet away from them.         2/10/1976 #30863  
oval shaped object hovering in the air nearby. It hovered only 10 feet abov 2/22/1976 #30895  
c, a student pilot flying a French Air Force T-33 on a training mission at  3/3/1976 #30921  
tail nearly collided with a French Air Force T-33 jet over Tours, France. T 3/3/1976 #30923  
 / CARACAS, VNZL Airport/apartment Air Traffic Controllers. Unidentified bl 3/5/1976 #30926  
rve, he sees it is actually in the air 300 feet above the trees. Suddenly t 4/22/1976 #31009  
                     NEAR WILLIAMS AIR FORCE BASE, AZ Several F4 pilots. 2  5/13/1976 #31048  
ates the sightings for the Spanish Air Force and rejects the hypothesis tha 6/22/1976 #31129  
its chest. Coutinho rises into the air toward a huge cigar-shaped object, i 6/23/1976 #31134  
to the world.” He says the Spanish Air Ministry investigates UFO cases, inc 6/26/1976 #31142  
                            Indian Air Force Pakistani border Two Indian Ai 7/11/1976 #31158  
 Force Pakistani border Two Indian Air Force MiG 21 jets are scrambled near 7/11/1976 #31158  
ms searching woods / low altitude. Air warms. "Whoosh!".                    7/12/1976 #31159  
 some woods at a low altitude. The air felt warm and they heard a "Whoosh!" 7/12/1976 #31161  
                                In air space, Portugal Battleship-Sized Obj 7/30/1976 #31201  
es south of Lisbon, Portugal, when air traffic control radios a Lockheed L- 7/30/1976 #31203  
burglar alarm. The UFO hung in the air, 100 feet over the service station i 7/31/1976 #31207  
     NNW / MONASTIR, TUNISIA Tunis air pilot. UFO / 350M altitude north goi 8/3/1976 #31224  
astir, Tunisia 10:43–10:52 p.m. An Air France pilot en route to Monastir, T 8/4/1976 #31231  
                        Sidi Ahmed Air Base Bizerte Airport, Tunisia US Six 8/8/1976 #31247  
nean 7:50 p.m. Radar at Sidi Ahmed Air Base at Bizerte Airport, Tunisia, tr 8/8/1976 #31247  
 lights say RCMP and civilians and Air Traffic Controllers. No further deta 8/10/1976 #31249  
t control at Hannover airport. The air traffic controller tells him that th 8/13/1976 #31261  
O blinked on and took off into the air, only 15 feet away from the boys.    8/16/1976 #31274  
Jerky trajectory. Halo and trail / air.                                     8/27/1976 #31308  
the beings; it whizzes through the air, but at one point appears to float b 9/3/1976 #31335  
h ball" seemed to be moving in the air, close to the ground. After a while  9/3/1976 #31337  
tin, Michigan; the next morning US Air Force radar tracked five UFOs for 30 9/6/1976 #31349  
es, fades, and blacks out, and the air conditioner dies. He goes outside to 9/10/1976 #31371  
N Many calls and airport/apartment Air Traffic Controller / (seen thru) bin 9/18/1976 #31392  
overing a few thousand feet in the air. Some of them call the nearby Mehrab 9/18/1976 #31395  
0 a.m., Pirouzi alerts the Iranian Air Force command post. Deputy Gen. Nade 9/18/1976 #31395  
o sees the object and scrambles an Air Force F-4 Phantom II interceptor pil 9/18/1976 #31395  
 records are turned over to the US Air Force, which insists it only has one 9/18/1976 #31395  
            Lisbon, Portugal A TAP Air Portugal Boeing 707 nearly collides  9/19/1976 #31410  
hite lights. It is also seen by an air traffic controller who says that the 9/19/1976 #31410  
                       Two Iranian Air Force F-4 Phantom jets with AIM-9 mi 9/19/1976 #31411  
     41.5000 88.5000 Nuclear test: Air, presumed. Country: China            9/26/1976 #31430  
                     SOUTH / AKITA AIR FORCE BASE, JPN 50+ground-air observ 10/17/1976 #31470  
Saito, 34, Toa Airlines [now Japan Air System] pilot, is preparing to take  10/17/1976 #31474  
t from the ground.” Tazawa Takumi, air traffic controller on duty, who obse 10/17/1976 #31474  
said Captain Saito. Tazawa Takumi, air traffic controller on duty, who obse 10/17/1976 #31475  
ually two objects suspended in the air above a marshy area behind some wood 10/22/1976 #31486  
ut 15 meters long, hovering in the air about 100 meters altitude. After he  10/24/1976 #31493  
es of UFO reports from the Spanish Air Ministry in Madrid, Spain. The docum 10/30/1976 #31509  
 clips of gun-camera film taken by air force pilots.                        10/30/1976 #31509  
tteries, and a sudden blast of hot air was felt by the several witnesses, i 10/30/1976 #31511  
   COOLANGATTA AND BRISBANE, AUSTR Air Traffic Controllers and pilots and R 11/4/1976 #31520  
                  AULNAT, FR Civil Air Traffic Controller / military contro 11/5/1976 #31523  
hovers several hundred feet in the air for 5 minutes, then moves east over  11/8/1976 #31531  
on sentry duty at Talavera La Real Air Force Base in Badajoz, Spain when at 11/12/1976 #31540  
 blue lights, which stopped in the air and descended into some nearby woods 11/12/1976 #31541  
     40.6960 89.6270 Nuclear test: Air, presumed. Country: China Yield: 400 11/17/1976 #31555  
ief of staff of the Canary Islands Air Zone, and the crew of the Spanish Na 11/19/1976 #31559  
e from thermal fluctuations of the air around it. The object appeared to be 12/6/1976 #31587  
 that described an arc through the air from front to back. All at once the  12/10/1976 #31594  
 France Three unknowns detected at Air Force Base #292 (NICAP: 09 - RADAR C 12/14/1976 #31602  
ce 2:00 a.m. Panoramic radar at an air force base at Contrexéville, Vosges, 12/14/1976 #31603  
m., 3:00 a.m., and 3:30 a.m. Seven air traffic controllers are the witnesse 12/14/1976 #31603  
l volcano A Flugfélag Íslands [now Air Iceland Connect] airliner in flight  12/18/1976 #31613  
 diameter, hovering 30 feet in the air behind his house. It then disappears 12/19/1976 #31622  
 Large silent night lights hover / Air Force Base. Many observer(s). Nothin 12/25/1976 #31630  
r. Chapin. It moves rapidly in the air and zaps both of them, knocking them 12/29/1976 #31639  
                         CHOMERAC, AIR DEFENSE COMMAND, FR Luminous R / wit 12/31/1976 #31644  
 says that in the 1950s, the Japan Air Self-Defense Force encouraged report 1977 #31657  
he parent craft. One landed on the Air Base grounds. Sent to greet the land 1977 #31658  
ins flashing and rises up into the air at a 45° angle. They complain of eye 1/1/1977 #31681  
anasi, India The crew of an Indian Air Force jet transport is flying 42 mil 1/11/1977 #31717  
                        An Italian Air Force F-104 is followed for 23 minut 2/1977 #31772  
 sound, and felt a slight draft of air. He saw, appearing from nowhere, two 2/24/1977 #31846  
ute-Marne, France 8:34 p.m. French Air Force pilot Maj. René Giraud and nav 3/7/1977 #31873  
                             MARCH AIR FORCE BASE, CA AND AREA Numerous obs 3/22/1977 #31925  
sound like a “rope spinning in the air.” Climbing at a 45° angle to a half- 3/29/1977 #31933  
ross and was rocking gently in the air about 60 meters away. The second was 4/7/1977 #31956  
umanoid figure, who floated in the air with arms out and legs bent back, li 4/7/1977 #31956  
ross and was rocking gently in the air about 60 meters away. The second was 4/7/1977 #31957  
umanoid figure, who floated in the air with arms out and legs bent back, li 4/7/1977 #31957  
it." It remained motionless in the air for more than 25 minutes. Then both  4/7/1977 #31957  
                    NEAR ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BASE, AK Air Traffic Controlle 4/23/1977 #32016  
 NEAR ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BASE, AK Air Traffic Controller and more/others.  4/23/1977 #32016  
 Bogotá, Colombia. Circling in the air for 2 hours, Lopez’s calls for help  4/29/1977 #32035  
e Gendarmerie, civil aviation, the Air Force, and the meteorological servic 5/1/1977 #32046  
. he left the hotel for some fresh air. Outside he immediately saw approach 6/12/1977 #32161  
o Rodrigues is flying a Portuguese Air Force Dornier Do 27 light plane over 6/17/1977 #32171  
re is any traffic in the vicinity. Air controller Sgt. Jose Vicente Saldanh 6/17/1977 #32171  
pushes the control column forward. Air speed increases to 160 mph then 207  6/17/1977 #32171  
 They hear crackling sounds in the air and they can’t move. Slowly they for 6/17/1977 #32172  
ng silver object hangs silently in air. 1 observer.                         6/20/1977 #32174  
f the witnesses. They dance in the air for a while, then an orange globe em 6/25/1977 #32194  
overs near prison. Vanishes / thin air!                                     6/30/1977 #32207  
y requests help from the Brazilian Air Force. The operation, a historic mil 7/1977 #32220  
 the operation is closed after the Air Force can identify no unusual phenom 7/1977 #32220  
l moon, hovering 5,000 feet in the air over the sea off RAF Boulmer near Al 7/1977 #32222  
                     NATO’s Aviano Air Base Pordenone, Italy 3:00 a.m. Elec 7/1/1977 #32227  
ms suddenly sound at NATO’s Aviano Air Base north of Pordenone, Italy. Some 7/1/1977 #32227  
nt that seemed to be inflated with air. He also wore a large metallic helme 7/12/1977 #32266  
he being ascended 10 feet into the air and flew horizontally to a grove of  7/12/1977 #32266  
port] Kolkata, India 11:15 p.m. As Air India Flight 9, piloted by Capt. Din 7/16/1977 #32281  
tional Airport] in Kolkata, India, air traffic controllers notice a second  7/16/1977 #32281  
UFO appeared to stand still in mid air, pulsate, travel at incredible speed 7/21/1977 #32299  
e stone seemed to rise up into the air and move back and forth. A figure ta 7/23/1977 #32304  
und, then two lights rise into the air. They next hear footsteps from Morga 7/23/1977 #32305  
he stone seems to rise up into the air and move back and forth. A figure ta 7/23/1977 #32305  
sound, then two lights rose in the air. Then next heard footsteps from the  7/23/1977 #32306  
e stone seemed to rise up into the air and move back and forth. A figure ta 7/23/1977 #32306  
tch a strange spiral object in the air above a northern suburb of Chengdu,  7/26/1977 #32317  
greenish. The object is 60° in the air and moving in a straight line at a c 7/26/1977 #32317  
ing silently about 150 feet in the air. A blue-gray light in its center tur 8/11/1977 #32384  
diameter domed disc stopped in the air close by and extended its landing ge 8/11/1977 #32388  
disc approached and stopped in the air directly over the first one. The wit 8/11/1977 #32388  
en. Akira Hirano, chief of Japan’s Air Self-Defense Forces, admits that UFO 9/1977 #32453  
                     Washington DC Air Force Letter from Col. Charles H. Se 9/1/1977 #32454  
                 EAST / VANDENBURG AIR FORCE BASE, CA 4 separate airliners. 9/10/1977 #32475  
     41.5000 88.5000 Nuclear test: Air. Country: China                      9/17/1977 #32491  
                       OMAHA, NE 4 Air Traffic Controllers. 3 unidentified- 9/22/1977 #32505  
straight up. About 500 feet in the air is an object slowly moving from the  10/13/1977 #32572  
s often. with night lights walks / air".                                    10/18/1977 #32586  
about 10 seconds it rises into the air again. The boys run to the nearby Al 10/25/1977 #32609  
 about 10 seconds it rose into the air again. The boys ran to the nearby Al 10/25/1977 #32610  
                                In Air Space, Japan 5:20 PM. Flight with tw 10/26/1977 #32613  
r Abilene, Texas Dallas Fort Worth Air Route Traffic Control Center 12:45 p 10/26/1977 #32617  
hear transmissions from Fort Worth Air Route Traffic Control Center to anot 10/26/1977 #32617  
                             ELMAS AIR FORCE BASE / CAGLIARI, ITL Many obse 10/27/1977 #32621  
                                In Air Space, Sardinia 5:35 PM. Flight with 10/27/1977 #32622  
nd from the airport control tower. Air Force Col. Giomaria orders a jet int 10/27/1977 #32623  
Angelo, commander of the airport’s Air Force base, sends a detailed report  10/27/1977 #32623  
s of questions to Secretary of the Air Force John C. Stetson about the 1975 10/31/1977 #32642  
5 Northern Tier UFO incidents. The Air Force admits they do not know what t 10/31/1977 #32642  
Airport on Sardinia, Italy Italian Air Force pilots and pilots of two Germa 11/2/1977 #32656  
ce pilots and pilots of two German Air Force F-101G Starfighters, as well a 11/2/1977 #32656  
                 At 11:35 p.m. two Air Force security police officers at El 11/13/1977 #32672  
urity police officers at Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota were checki 11/13/1977 #32672  
                      OXNARD, CA 2 Air Traffic Controllers. 4 unidentified  12/8/1977 #32744  
, California Laguna Peak 8:00 p.m. Air traffic controllers at Oxnard, Calif 12/8/1977 #32750  
                                In Air Space, TN 2:25 PM. Two witnesses on  12/12/1977 #32761  
                                In Air Space, NC 10:54 PM. Two witnesses, t 12/27/1977 #32812  
 estimated 200 feet. Charlotte FAA air traffic controller Ray Bader confirm 12/27/1977 #32814  
 of the Top Command Academy of the Air Defence Forces reported several inci Late 1970's #32823  
 increased and he flew up into the air and out of sight.                    1/2/1978 #32848  
itary bases. Shortly afterward, an Air Force security patrol was ordered to 1/18/1978 #32889  
am) sweeps the area on foot and by air through October 15. They are ultimat 1/24/1978 #32912  
 other government agency. The U.S. Air Force no longer investigates UFOs. ( 2/1/1978 #32938  
s. Mr. & Mrs. Sibson as well as an Air Force mechanic reported their sighti 2/9/1978 #32964  
ls the radio station and speaks on air, asking if anyone else has seen the  2/10/1978 #32965  
                 SHEMYA ISLAND, AK Air Force Base here. 5 saucers do acroba 2/16/1978 #32972  
ed by Jack Webb, who pores through Air Force files looking for episode idea 2/19/1978 #32982  
                     ROSEVILLE, CA Air Traffic Controllers and several sepa 2/22/1978 #32988  
a 9:40 p.m. Brian Metcalfe, an FAA air traffic controller, is driving north 2/22/1978 #32990  
     41.5000 88.5000 Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: China           3/15/1978 #33041  
he southwest about one mile in the air. Capt. Antony Wood of the San Luis O 3/16/1978 #33043  
hort time, he starts rising in the air toward a round UFO with four balls o 3/24/1978 #33078  
an Diego, California Pacific Naval Air Station North Island Palm Springs Du 3/27/1978 #33088  
nti- submarine aircraft from Naval Air Station North Island explodes and cr 3/27/1978 #33088  
ight-orange UFOs motionless in the air for more than an hour. She estimates 3/28/1978 #33090  
M Bull mutilated. Dropped from the air. Odd round footprints stop Midfield. 4/24/1978 #33161  
e” as it passed over. The Bolivian Air Force dispatches three airplanes and 5/6/1978 #33190  
 John Heise arrive with a Bolivian Air Force officer. On May 23, three Boli 5/6/1978 #33190  
officer. On May 23, three Bolivian Air Force officers and a guide set out o 5/6/1978 #33190  
t is hovering about 16 feet in the air. It is about 15–16 feet high and as  5/10/1978 #33196  
lty breathing and noticed that the air seemed warmer and dense. The room wa 5/10/1978 #33199  
a Silver Glen Springs Jacksonville Air Route Traffic Control Center MSQ-102 5/14/1978 #33210  
 Silver Glen Springs. Jacksonville Air Route Traffic Control Center reports 5/14/1978 #33210  
ft in the area. Clark and the base air controller, Gary Collison, climb an  5/14/1978 #33210  
                     AGADES, NIGER Air Zaire DC-10 pilot. Dark blue flat "h 5/19/1978 #33226  
 300 feet away and 200 feet in the air, flying parallel to the fence line.  6/11/1978 #33275  
EAR WISCONSIN DELLS, WI Ground and air observer(s) and Madison RADAR. Silen 6/24/1978 #33303  
 The object is tracked on radar by air traffic controllers Glen Wonnacott a 6/24/1978 #33306  
yne Nurenberg at the Aurora (Ill.) Air Route Traffic Control Center.        6/24/1978 #33306  
cily, Italy Monte Sona Two Italian Air Force sergeants (Franco Padellero an 7/4/1978 #33335  
                                In air space, Iran A Lufthansa airliner fly 7/16/1978 #33387  
rms the existence of the light. An air crew reports unusual readings on the 7/16/1978 #33390  
pain, sees a strange object in the air. A second lieutenant and a corporal  7/20/1978 #33404  
 province, China 9:40 p.m. Chinese Air Force flying instructor Sha Yongkao  7/26/1978 #33418  
onard Stringfield, who was US Army Air Force intelligence during WW2, gave  7/29/1978 #33440  
o allegedly served in Nike Missile Air Intelligence (ADCAP), told Stringfie 8/1978 #33460  
 S.I.” claims her husband Carl was Air Force Police at WPAFB and around 197 8/1978 #33460  
ghts hovering about 40 feet in the air for 5–7 minutes. It shoots off to th 8/7/1978 #33485  
   BELTON, MO Many observer(s) and Air Force Base RADAR. 25' UFO flips but  8/8/1978 #33486  
  Belton, Missouri Richards-Gebaur Air Reserve Station Elsberry, Missouri 9 8/8/1978 #33490  
ersonnel at nearby Richards-Gebaur Air Reserve Station [now closed] witness 8/8/1978 #33490  
t that they will mostly consist of Air Force and Navy UFO reports, plus som 8/10/1978 #33496  
g south. Buzzes 2 / car near Eglin Air Force Base.                          8/12/1978 #33511  
g in Niceville, Florida near Eglin Air Force Base when suddenly an oval-sha 8/12/1978 #33513  
port Crawley, West Sussex, England Air traffic controllers at Gatwick Airpo 8/16/1978 #33518  
  GATWICK, ENGL Several / cars and Air Traffic Controllers? 2 night lights  8/17/1978 #33519  
d of Hokkaido Nakashibetsu Chitose Air Base Kushiro 10:30 p.m. Radars of th 8/17/1978 #33523  
e Kushiro 10:30 p.m. Radars of the Air Self-Defense Corps at Nemuro Radar S 8/17/1978 #33523  
om jets are scrambled from Chitose Air Base about 10 minutes later and are  8/17/1978 #33523  
t behind a tree and 45 feet in the air. It hovers there for 30 seconds. It  8/18/1978 #33526  
from Adelaide to Perth a Murchison Air Services airliner encountered a larg 8/22/1978 #33549  
 maneuver in the area around their air base in Temuco, Chile.               8/24/1978 #33568  
                                In air space, W. Germany US private aircraf 8/28/1978 #33584  
chinery, and they just hung in the air for awhile.                          8/31/1978 #33612  
 laterally, and shoots up into the air. He finds a 22-by-10-foot depressed  9/2/1978 #33626  
 object oscillated smoothly in the air. He later had a sunburn as a result  9/8/1978 #33648  
 minutes. Personnel from Barcelona Air Control Center maintain a conversati 9/9/1978 #33649  
ion rustling, and feels a blast of air. Climbing up the riverbank to invest 9/18/1978 #33708  
                     PIACENZA, ITL Air Force F104 pilot. Intense point / li 9/21/1978 #33721  
bright light approached an Italian Air Force F-104 jet over Piacenza, Emili 9/21/1978 #33725  
     THIL, FR Several / ground and air and RADAR / 3 days. 6M ovoid with gr 10/10/1978 #33824  
d King Island. He radios Melbourne air traffic control to report that an un 10/21/1978 #33856  
ore all contact is lost. A sea and air search is undertaken that includes o 10/21/1978 #33856  
sland. In July 1983, the Bureau of Air Safety Investigation asks the Royal  10/21/1978 #33856  
  LINTIAO AB, GANSU, CH Hundreds / Air Force men. 1km long box / 7km over o 10/23/1978 #33860  
ture film showing, several Chinese Air Force pilots sighted a large, bright 10/23/1978 #33861  
                            Lintao Air Base, Gansu province, China 10:04 p. 10/23/1978 #33863  
province, China 10:04 p.m. Chinese Air Force pilots are attending an outdoo 10/23/1978 #33863  
n outdoor film screening at Lintao Air Base, Gansu province, China, when an 10/23/1978 #33863  
he sky moving to the west. Chinese Air Force pilot Zhou Qingtong says it is 10/23/1978 #33863  
Province in China, several Chinese Air Force pilots sighted a large, bright 10/23/1978 #33864  
OBALABA, CHL Pilot photographs and Air Traffic Controllers. Round silver ob 10/30/1978 #33891  
rfield, Santiago, Chile Pilots and air traffic controllers saw shiny object 10/30/1978 #33896  
erous rocks and debris up into the air. As it sped away from view a small s 10/30/1978 #33898  
     Tonopah Test Range Nevada The Air Force decides to produce an F-117A s 11/1/1978 #33908  
triangle figure vanished into thin air.                                     11/9/1978 #33941  
  FIUMICINO AIRPORT/APARTMENT, ITL Air Force persons and Air Traffic Contro 11/12/1978 #33948  
ARTMENT, ITL Air Force persons and Air Traffic Controllers. 3 orange orbs g 11/12/1978 #33948  
 green circular object. Ground and air RADAR's. / MJ#186.                   11/15/1978 #33955  
HEATHROW AIRPORT/APARTMENT Several air and ground crews. Delta/triangle/box 11/23/1978 #33986  
shorter. They are suspended in the air about a foot off the ground. They ar 11/24/1978 #33995  
s. Its motion causes a stir in the air, and vegetation rustles as the tips  11/24/1978 #33995  
ntain Road at about 6:30pm. Nellis Air Force Base officials were called but 11/27/1978 #34006  
ed to fire a warning shot into the air with his revolver, but it jammed. On 12/6/1978 #34070  
olution, despite the fact that the Air Force, Navy and NORAD are all on rec 12/8/1978 #34079  
                          BRINDISI AIR FORCE BASE, ITL 2 guards. Brilliant  12/13/1978 #34106  
iers on guard duty at the Brindisi Air Force Base saw a UFO with pulsating  12/13/1978 #34109  
     41.5000 88.5000 Nuclear test: Air. Country: China                      12/14/1978 #34123  
ace, controllers telephoned Nellis Air Force Base, but they said all their  12/16/1978 #34144  
agasta in northern Chile a Chilean Air Force jet sighted and tried to inter 12/16/1978 #34150  
 shortly after midnight, a Chilean Air Force jet sighted and tried to inter 12/16/1978 #34156  
           WOODBOURNE, NZ AND MORE Air Traffic Controllers and RADAR and pi 12/20/1978 #34180  
l facilities, and the inability of Air Force equipment and personnel to int 12/20/1978 #34183  
l facilities, and the inability of Air Force equipment and personnel to int 12/20/1978 #34186  
rence River Waipapa Bay Wellington Air Traffic Control 12:30 a.m. Capt. Joh 12/21/1978 #34192  
aipapa Bay. He contacts Wellington Air Traffic Control, which confirms that 12/21/1978 #34192  
hurch Airport 3:30 a.m. Wellington Air Traffic Control contacts Capt. Vern  12/21/1978 #34193  
                          LAVERTON AIR FORCE BASE, WEST AUSTRALIA Disc-sauc 12/27/1978 #34214  
                                In air space, NZ 12:12 AM. Foreign commerci 12/30/1978 #34230  
                      South Island air space, NZ Early morning hours shortl 12/31/1978 #34238  
tividades Espaciales The Argentine Air Force creates another group to study 1979 #34257  
             Uruguay The Uruguayan Air Force creates CRIDOVNI, a special co 1979 #34258  
ed down” the “unwritten law of the Air Force…don’t rock the boat, play it d 1979 #34260  
hangar that was unguarded at Naval Air Station in Sunnyvale, CA in 1950 and 1979 #34263  
gui, chief of staff of the Spanish Air Force, writes to the Ministry of Def 1/16/1979 #34348  
 is appointed by the corresponding Air Region to proceed with a proper inve 1/16/1979 #34348  
                 HOUMA, SHANXI, CH Air Force jet chases glowing UFO's circl 2/1979 #34396  
their window. It is hanging in the air behind their dog kennel. When the wo 2/1979 #34398  
ector, Legislative Liaison for the Air Force, responds to Rep. Samuel S. St 2/9/1979 #34415  
a, Shanxi, China 9:10 p.m. Chinese Air Force flight instructor Sha Yangkao  Late 2/1979 #34448  
                 Republic of Korea Air Force Daegu Air Force Base, South Ko 3/1979 #34453  
 Republic of Korea Air Force Daegu Air Force Base, South Korea Palgong Moun 3/1979 #34453  
ge 9:00 a.m. Two Republic of Korea Air Force F-4D Phantom II jets, piloted  3/1979 #34453  
 Spirit military exercise to Daegu Air Force Base, South Korea. Near Palgon 3/1979 #34453  
m workers before it rises into the air, leaving a fiery trail and a column  3/2/1979 #34458  
ellini investigate for the Spanish Air Force and conclude that the luminous 3/5/1979 #34465  
nean Sea north of Algeria Torrejón Air Base in Madrid, Spain Manises Air Ba 3/13/1979 #34474  
 Air Base in Madrid, Spain Manises Air Base [now Valencia Airport] 11:00 a. 3/13/1979 #34474  
he Pegaso control room at Torrejón Air Base in Madrid, Spain. It is traveli 3/13/1979 #34474  
III fighter takes off from Manises Air Base [now Valencia Airport] to ident 3/13/1979 #34474  
 two saucers are stored at a small air base at Hampton Roads, Virginia “if  4/5/1979 #34499  
hot down, being kept on ice by the Air Force Foreign Technology Division at 5/1979 #34533  
 a smell like “baby powder” in the air. Other men wearing dark, tight-fitti 5/16/1979 #34563  
 a smell like "baby powder" in the air. There were other men sitting around 5/16/1979 #34564  
ed by ground radar at Cerro Moreno Air Force Base in Chile, who were in rad 5/29/1979 #34594  
 his body and seemingly walking on air toward a network of wires. At that p 6/6/1979 #34601  
e ground from his viewpoint in the air. A being nexted touched a small devi 6/6/1979 #34601  
                  OVER QUINTO, ITL Air Force pilot and ground observer(s) a 6/18/1979 #34615  
 tower and rose 30 meters into the air. Although the compass showed the yac 6/22/1979 #34625  
 tower and rose 30 meters into the air. The yacht approached and they notic 6/22/1979 #34626  
ring white outfits “puffed up with air” with protruding black tubes. The UF 7/25/1979 #34679  
                                US Air Force Intelligence is redesignated t 8/1/1979 #34697  
 down / trees. 2 doors open / thin air! Steps drop outs. Small humanoids (o 8/2/1979 #34700  
iel Coca, director of the Bolivian Air Force Academy. The Defense Attaché o 8/10/1979 #34724  
 from the road and 500 feet in the air. They turn the car around and see an 8/11/1979 #34731  
disappeared mysteriously into thin air as approached. As a result of the pu 8/11/1979 #34733  
tices two bright-red lights in the air less than a mile away. Suddenly anot 8/23/1979 #34768  
sees that the object is now in the air, flying slowly in a horizontal posit 8/29/1979 #34799  
on UFO's verified / police. Munich Air Traffic Controller has no explanatio 9/17/1979 #34891  
he object rose two meters into the air, and then landed again. Its color ch 9/19/1979 #34902  
l effects as if rising up into the air at high speed. Kobus propped himself 9/20/1979 #34909  
    -46.3600 37.5700 Nuclear test: Air. Country: Unknown                    9/22/1979 #34913  
reuniting, then vanished into thin air.                                     11/9/1979 #34990  
 experienced a choking odor in the air, a blinding headache, a burning sens 11/9/1979 #34991  
mas in the Canary Islands Torrejón Air Base, Madrid Barcelona Manises airpo 11/11/1979 #34997  
ses airport in Valencia Los Llanos Air Base in Albacete Sagunto Africa 11:0 11/11/1979 #34997  
o Defense Radar Center in Torrejón Air Base, Madrid, nor the flight control 11/11/1979 #34997  
10 a.m. from the nearby Los Llanos Air Base in Albacete to intercept the ob 11/11/1979 #34997  
ept the object. The pilot, Spanish Air Force captain Fernando Cámara, has t 11/11/1979 #34997  
 900 feet away and 750 feet in the air. The light underneath it is so brigh 11/15/1979 #35001  
                          Torrejón Air Base in Madrid, Spain Motril, Grenad 11/17/1979 #35005  
, Spain Motril, Grenada Los Llanos Air Base in Albacete, Castilla–La Mancha 11/17/1979 #35005  
o Defense Radar Center at Torrejón Air Base in Madrid, Spain, detects an un 11/17/1979 #35005  
ge F1 is scrambled from Los Llanos Air Base in Albacete, Castilla–La Mancha 11/17/1979 #35005  
                      US Strategic Air Command Semi-Automatic Ground Enviro 12/1/1979 #35036  
round Environment The US Strategic Air Command assumes control of the balli 12/1/1979 #35036  
illage near Dijon 9:15 a.m. French Air Force Capt. Jean-Pierre Fartek and h 12/9/1979 #35062  
said that throughout the 1980s the Air Force and its contractors regularly  1980's #35108  
d them. They claimed that the U.S. Air Force generated and mishandled hazar 1980's #35108  
ource conservation act against the Air Force.                               1980's #35108  
 Richard C. Doty states the 7602nd Air Intelligence Group at Fort Belvoir,  1980's #35110  
                        Mierzęcice Air Base [now Katowice Airport], Poland  1980 #35116  
 seven MiG-12s from the Mierzęcice Air Base [now Katowice Airport], Poland, 1980 #35116  
ring silently, it shoots up in the air and stops, now appearing as a red, b Early 3/1980 #35190  
           BURLINGTON, VT Cops and Air Traffic Controllers and RADAR's. Nig 3/22/1980 #35226  
                           La Joya Air Base Mariano Melgar Airport Arequipa 4/11/1980 #35269  
7:15 a.m. Personnel at the La Joya Air Base [part of the Mariano Melgar Air 4/11/1980 #35269  
ein Mountains in the Austrian Alps Air Control Center in Vienna 3:50 p.m. A 5/7/1980 #35315  
 overhead, which he reports to the Air Control Center in Vienna, which cont 5/7/1980 #35315  
ienna, which contacts the Austrian Air Force. Maj. Karl Schwarz orders thre 5/7/1980 #35315  
                    MARIANO MALGAR AIR FORCE BASE / LA JOYA, PERU PAF SU22  5/9/1980 #35318  
U PAF SU22 jets fire / saucer over Air Force Base. Same / 10 May.           5/9/1980 #35318  
           At 7:00 a.m. a Peruvian Air Force Sukhoi-22 warplane was scrambl 5/9/1980 #35320  
a 51 DoD Report: The FAP (Peruvian Air Force) spotted a UFO twice and tried 5/10/1980 #35322  
anary Islands Ocean 11:05 p.m. The Air Transit Control Center at Gran Canar 5/22/1980 #35339  
ending toward the ocean. A Spanish Air Force officer investigates and concl 5/22/1980 #35339  
                                In air space, Kuwait While descending throu 6/20/1980 #35381  
tter to APRO claiming that a Civil Air Patrol cadet named Craig R. Weitzel  7/1980 #35397  
RO. The fake letter claims a Civil Air Patrol cadet Craig R. Weitzel photog 7/1980 #35398  
                 Pecos, NM A Civil Air Patrol cadet along with several othe 7/16/1980 #35414  
             At 10:30 a.m. a Civil Air Patrol cadet along with several othe 7/16/1980 #35415  
al report, forwarding it to AFOSI (Air Force Office of Special Investigatio 8/1980 #35432  
                            NORTON AIR FORCE BASE, CA Air Traffic Controlle 8/2/1980 #35438  
         NORTON AIR FORCE BASE, CA Air Traffic Controllers and many. Silent 8/2/1980 #35438  
                          KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM 3 guards. Fast night  8/8/1980 #35445  
t in a report being filed with the Air Force Office of Special Investigatio 8/8/1980 #35447  
g at Sandia Laboratories, Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico. One of the s 8/9/1980 #35453  
                          KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE / ALBQ, NM All RADAR's ou 8/13/1980 #35457  
tted a buzzing sound that made the air vibrate. The craft was also emitting 8/16/1980 #35459  
        That night at the Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, New Mexic 8/22/1980 #35476  
  Albuquerque, New Mexico Kirtland Air Force Base Los Alamos After doing a  9/8/1980 #35504  
 by phone from someone at Kirtland Air Force Base. He meets the man he call 9/8/1980 #35504  
bean Sea (south of), Haiti Another air collision nearly occured over the Ca 9/22/1980 #35527  
              At 3:43 a.m. another air collision nearly occured over the Ca 9/22/1980 #35529  
louder noise, gives off a blast of air, and moves off to the east. A 30-foo 9/30/1980 #35546  
ow”). Doty is the middleman for an Air Force colonel (later called “Falcon” 9/30/1980 #35547  
     40.7190 89.6510 Nuclear test: Air, presumed. Country: China Yield: 100 10/16/1980 #35572  
                          Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque Manzano Nu 10/26/1980 #35590  
are regularly flying near Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque and the ne 10/26/1980 #35590  
gent Sgt. Richard Doty at Kirtland Air Force Base, who meets with him at hi 10/26/1980 #35590  
tland’s scientific advisor for the Air Force Test and Evaluation Center.    10/26/1980 #35590  
nce of sightings near the Kirtland Air Force Base and the Manzano range to  11/10/1980 #35623  
 the Manzano range to high ranking Air Force personnel including Brigadier  11/10/1980 #35623  
newitz was advised to apply for an Air Force grant to study the phenomena.  11/10/1980 #35623  
                                   AIR FORCE BASE NEAR SHAOGUAN, CH Airmen. 11/14/1980 #35637  
e radar station of the Kansas City Air Route Traffic Control Center at Subl 11/18/1980 #35654  
lot landing at the Olathe, Kansas, Air Route Traffic Control Center says he 11/18/1980 #35654  
dem at 20,000 feet at an indicated air speed of 250 knots beginning at 8:00 11/18/1980 #35654  
the car rises at an angle into the air. They lose consciousness and wake up 11/19/1980 #35659  
ewitz is actually observing secret Air Force projects. According to Doty, t 11/26/1980 #35673  
e projects. According to Doty, the Air Force wants to discredit Bennewitz s 11/26/1980 #35673  
iving in a car near Bentwaters RAF Air Base in Suffolk, England at around 2 11/26/1980 #35674  
           PERTH AIRPORT, WEST AUS Air Traffic Controllers and RADAR's and  12/4/1980 #35692  
ped with a small bulge on top, the air shimmered around the craft as if it  12/14/1980 #35716  
past the nose of the plane. Nellis Air Force Base spokesman said there were 12/18/1980 #35724  
d at the time by the United States Air Force. USAF personnel, including dep 12/26/1980 #35737  
                    Rendlesham, UK Air Force security police encounter with 12/27/1980 #35743  
                Bentwaters AFB, UK Air Force security police encounter with 12/27/1980 #35745  
ed a car and then shot up into the air, causing a herd of cows to stampede. 12/27/1980 #35748  
ithin Fort Hood, Texas. The secret air force base is NOT listed in the Air  12/29/1980 #35752  
ir force base is NOT listed in the Air Force Officer’s Guide or the Air For 12/29/1980 #35752  
e Air Force Officer’s Guide or the Air Force Almanac (it is an Army AFB). T 12/29/1980 #35752  
xas near Huffman Houston Bergstrom Air Force Base [now Austin-Bergstrom Int 12/29/1980 #35757  
dvocate Claims office at Bergstrom Air Force Base [now Austin-Bergstrom Int 12/29/1980 #35757  
 the truth a bit trying to get the Air Force to pay for it.”                12/29/1980 #35757  
 the helicopters came from a Texas Air National Guard base. Health problems 12/29/1980 #35758  
     Bentwaters AFB Bentwaters AFB Air Force Memo from Lt. Col. Charles I.  1/13/1981 #35784  
RPORT/APARTMENT, CA 2 / Cessna and Air Traffic Controllers. Red 3M saucer b 2/9/1981 #35818  
emembered was floating through the air over the cornfields behind her house 5/1981 #35919  
0 feet away and 75–100 feet in the air. He watches it from his car for 3 mi 5/20/1981 #35943  
IWAN STRAITS, CH Many / ground and air. 15 night lights / row / 3 hours. Se 6/9/1981 #35958  
haped” object about 35 feet in the air. Its periphery is marked by small, m 6/10/1981 #35960  
nnewitz this document on behalf of Air Force Intelligence, knowing it has b Summer 1981 #35977  
ht go 1,000 to 1,500 feet into the air. Twenty minutes later he saw another 6/28/1981 #35980  
t high speed. It was sighted by an air crew that corroborated the ground le 7/12/1981 #36004  
              NEAR GUWAHATI, INDIA Air Force pilot. Shiny white round objec 8/5/1981 #36056  
raight up when chased by an Indian Air Force jet near Guwahati, India.      8/5/1981 #36059  
cording to an informant, US and UK Air Force personnel meet at RAF Lakenhea 8/16/1981 #36078  
er water, then vanished "into thin air".                                    9/16/1981 #36119  
ights, and was not far from George Air Force Base.                          9/17/1981 #36122  
r hospitalization. Eventually, the Air Force clears her of criminal charges 10/1981 #36150  
 seemed to be extended up into the air. It wore a loose fitting silvery out 10/8/1981 #36165  
re UFO artifacts are stored by the Air Force.                               10/19/1981 #36178  
ts emitting sparks; it rose in the air, came toward the car, and left towar 10/30/1981 #36194  
 seemed to be extended up into the air. He wore losse fitting, silvery cove 11/8/1981 #36211  
arissa Ptolemaida Lagyna 6:00 p.m. Air traffic controllers at the Greek-Ame 11/12/1981 #36220  
e scrambled from the Hortiati NATO Air Base in Macedonia, Greece in pursuit 11/12/1981 #36221  
 second night to the Hortiati NATO Air Base, were picked up on radar, and w 11/13/1981 #36222  
                      GUIPAVAS, FR Air Traffic Controller and pilot and sev 11/22/1981 #36228  
 move as the truck rises up in the air and apparently becomes transparent.  12/15/1981 #36256  
s the truck was lifted up into the air and seemed to become transparent. Me 12/15/1981 #36259  
berra, A.C.T. The Royal Australian Air Force grants permission to UFO resea 1982 #36289  
a forced landing over a restricted air corridor at Gray AAF/Robert Gray Fie 1982 #36292  
rande do Sul, Brazil Two Brazilian Air Force F-5 fighters flying at about 5 1/3/1982 #36295  
rmediaries of “Falcon.” Inside are Air Force documents signed by Richard Do 2/1982 #36319  
e lights and levitated up into the air. The woman driver felt a strong sens 3/4/1982 #36376  
e lights and levitated up into the air. The woman driver felt a strong sens 3/4/1982 #36378  
    Metter (near), GA Three former Air Force pilots flying in a private cor 3/8/1982 #36382  
ecticut. At 1:45 p.m. three former Air Force pilots flying in a private cor 3/8/1982 #36385  
     Ålen, Norway Hessdalen Værnes Air Station, Trondheim Leading investiga 3/26/1982 #36414  
the week, two officers from Værnes Air Station in Trondheim interview some  3/26/1982 #36414  
vering several hundred feet in the air and a quarter mile away. It approach 3/30/1982 #36419  
a Olsztyn Night. A group of Polish Air Force pilots during missions over no 4/22/1982 #36450  
                       Plattsburgh Air Force Base (near), NY A woman named  4/29/1982 #36456  
ome-shaped object near Plattsburgh Air Force Base. The object had a turquoi 4/29/1982 #36456  
titude, and definitely entered the air base's restricted air space. (NICAP: 4/29/1982 #36456  
 entered the air base's restricted air space. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters 4/29/1982 #36456  
ome-shaped object near Plattsburgh Air Force Base, New York at 11:40 p.m. T 4/29/1982 #36457  
titude, and definitely entered the air base's restricted air space.         4/29/1982 #36457  
 entered the air base's restricted air space.                               4/29/1982 #36457  
           HEILONGJIANG PROV, CH 5 Air Force pilots. Huge odd object / 2 ho 6/18/1982 #36507  
China 9:10–10:53 p.m. Five Chinese Air Force pilots are flying on patrol ov 6/18/1982 #36510  
                      Five Chinese Air Force jet pilots flying over Heilong 6/18/1982 #36511  
t of Israel or Lebanon Night. A US Air Force RC-135 reconnaissance aircraft 10/19/1982 #36654  
ea de Montejunto Torres Vedras Ota Air Base Ota, Alenquer, Portugal 10:50 a 11/2/1982 #36674  
 Torres Vedras, Portugal, near Ota Air Base [now Military and Technical Tra 11/2/1982 #36674  
d Technical Training Center of the Air Force] in Ota, Alenquer, Portugal. H 11/2/1982 #36674  
t makes slow, tight circles in the air. Just as he thinks he’d like to get  12/31/1982 #36733  
            Adana, Turkey Incirlik Air Base Mediterranean Sea 7:53 p.m. A b 1/14/1983 #36747  
oon the object is joined by two US Air Force jets from Incirlik Air Base. O 1/14/1983 #36747  
wo US Air Force jets from Incirlik Air Base. One of the jets flies in tight 1/14/1983 #36747  
    NEAR DANBURY, CT Teacher and 2 Air Traffic Controllers. Huge silent boo 2/26/1983 #36768  
north of), Russia Evening. Russian Air Traffic Controllers had radar-visual 3/27/1983 #36819  
       During this evening Russian Air Traffic Controllers had radar-visual 3/27/1983 #36820  
 level, rose up and hovered in the air. It extended a rotating dome and ora 6/5/1983 #36877  
   POLISH COAST LOCATION UNKNOWN 2 Air Force pilots. Near collision with 2  7/6/1983 #36901  
                                In air space, Poland Daytime. Sighting of a 7/6/1983 #36902  
land Daytime. Sighting of a Polish Air Force pilot and co-pilot of a near c 7/6/1983 #36902  
ing flying at 11,0000 feet. Polish Air Force Captain Praszczałek and anothe 7/7/1983 #36904  
c, and then levitated him into the air. He lost consciousness at this point 7/17/1983 #36913  
 picked up on radar at Tullamarine Air Traffic Control in Melbourne. The co 7/22/1983 #36921  
eron Island Sakhalin Island Korean Air Lines Flight 007 is shot down by a S 9/1/1983 #36968  
tor was scrambled by the Brazilian Air Force as many witnesses in Rio de Ja 10/31/1983 #37032  
tor was scrambled by the Brazilian Air Force as many witnesses in Rio de Ja 10/31/1983 #37033  
                       US From the Air Traffic Controllers Manual: Controll 1984 #37087  
onopah Test Range, Nevada Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico The F-117 com 1984 #37095  
e fleet is transferred to Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, under the co 1984 #37095  
                       Santa Maria Air Force Base Rio de Janeiro Passo Fund 1984 #37096  
ba Santa Maria 9:45 p.m. Brazilian Air Force Col. Marcelo Hecksher of the 1 1984 #37096  
ron) is flying back to Santa Maria Air Force Base from Rio de Janeiro. When 1984 #37096  
-white flashing light, high in the air; a yellow light with a red light on  1/21/1984 #37136  
thern part of the island 2:10 a.m. Air traffic control radar at Grantley Ad 4/12/1984 #37258  
                        Lakenheath Air Base, UK A rectangular UFO hovered o 4/18/1984 #37266  
 of a road near the RAF Lakenheath Air Base in England. It had red, green a 4/18/1984 #37266  
l and silent about 100 feet in the air. They are anxious to get home, so th 4/18/1984 #37267  
 of a road near the RAF Lakenheath Air Base in England. It had red, green a 4/18/1984 #37268  
               AIRPORT / SUFFOLK 3 Air Traffic Controllers. Sphere lands /  4/19/1984 #37269  
 an eastern airport, UK 16.00 GMT. Air traffic controllers at an eastern ai 4/19/1984 #37273  
                      At 16.00 GMT air traffic controllers at an eastern ai 4/19/1984 #37276  
g nearby and about 500 feet in the air. More lights turn on and the object  4/22/1984 #37281  
rs. A ball of light appears in the air and seems to enter her body. She is  4/25/1984 #37293  
 and states that he was flying “an Air Force specially modified test craft, 4/26/1984 #37301  
 feet. Described as bigger than an Air Force C-5A transport, the object is  5/5/1984 #37316  
ll records were transferred to the Air Force. Therefore the Army isn’t awar 5/16/1984 #37328  
ed records were transferred to the Air Force Office of Special Investigatio 5/16/1984 #37330  
d Barry J. Greenwood, a history of Air Force, FBI, and CIA involvement in U 7/1984 #37385  
emphasizes the role of the Italian Air Force in UFO investigations and deni 7/10/1984 #37390  
g to the northwest. Mielec Airport air traffic controller Kasimierz Luberto 7/13/1984 #37395  
a plume of water 100 feet into the air before the object sank and the water 7/27/1984 #37421  
a plume of water 100 feet into the air before the object sank and the water 7/27/1984 #37422  
 Lands and National Parks that the Air Force restricted public access to Gr 8/7/1984 #37429  
and saw two lights hovering in the air. When he turned around and walked ba 8/14/1984 #37433  
m. Kazimierz Lubertowicz, chief of air traffic control at Mielec airfield,  Late Summer 1984 #37434  
Airport Bucharest, Romania Alexeni Air Force Base Urziceni Afternoon. Milit 8/23/1984 #37438  
s up a target flying above Alexeni Air Force Base [now closed] east of Urzi 8/23/1984 #37438  
on Valley Brewster, New York Pease Air National Guard Base Pozzuoli Philip  8/25/1984 #37440  
edia, various people from the FBI, Air Force officers from Pease AFB [now P 8/25/1984 #37440  
officers from Pease AFB [now Pease Air National Guard Base], and a mysterio 8/25/1984 #37440  
, when he sees a black spot in the air to the southeast. It moves slowly no 9/2/1984 #37454  
, Captain Igor Cherkashin contacts air traffic officials, who report that r 9/7/1984 #37458  
e Stormville pilots are not in the air. The UFO’s maneuvers simply are beyo 11/1984 #37500  
/ saucer. All going east toward(s) Air Force Base.                          12/26/1984 (approximate) #37531  
ect flew off to the east toward an Air Force Base.                          12/26/1984 #37532  
rying to find explanations. Nellis Air Force Base officials say the rattlin 2/24/1985 #37559  
as), Lt. Col. Ronald F. Blackburn (Air Force), Milt Jansen (or Janzen), Don 5/20/1985 #37590  
port TR-DE-3A, Oct. 15, 1955, from Air Tech. Intel. Ctr., file no. TS5–2862 6/28/1985 #37610  
                     NEAR NICE, FR Air Gabon 747 in near collision / dark c 7/10/1985 #37617  
                         Thornhill Air Base in Gweru, Zimbabwe Bulawayo Mat 7/22/1985 #37628  
p.m. Two Hawk jets of the Zimbabwe Air Force piloted by C. Cordy-Hedge and  7/22/1985 #37628  
ooyen are scrambled from Thornhill Air Base in Gweru, Zimbabwe, following s 7/22/1985 #37628  
earing horizontally at high speed. Air Commodore David Thorne states: “As f 7/22/1985 #37628  
David Thorne states: “As far as my Air Staff is concerned, we believe impli 7/22/1985 #37628  
 Early explanations by the Chilean Air Force center on weather or research  8/17/1985 #37645  
he total are identified by further Air Traffic Control correlation, leaving 1986 #37742  
               US 395 NEAR EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, CA Long silvery rectangl 1/19/1986 #37766  
                        NEAR PAYNE AIR FORCE BASE, WA Many cars / I5 pull o 3/1/1986 #37794  
explanation was given by the U. S. Air Force when inquiries were made. At a 3/1/1986 #37796  
n estimates of low-level radon and air pollution exposure.                  4/26/1986 #37843  
ynek, scientific consultant to the Air Force Project Blue Book for many yea 4/27/1986 #37847  
 9:00 to 12 midnight the Brazilian Air Defense and the Civil Air System wer 5/19/1986 #37874  
razilian Air Defense and the Civil Air System were swamped with Radar and p 5/19/1986 #37874  
                        Santa Cruz Air Force Base near São Paulo Anápolis A 5/19/1986 #37881  
Force Base near São Paulo Anápolis Air Force Base, Goiás Brasilia 10:23 p.m 5/19/1986 #37881  
silia 10:23 p.m. By this time, the Air Defense and Air Traffic Control Cent 5/19/1986 #37881  
 By this time, the Air Defense and Air Traffic Control Center is on full al 5/19/1986 #37881  
jets are scrambled from Santa Cruz Air Force Base near São Paulo. One of th 5/19/1986 #37881  
e jets are scrambled from Anápolis Air Force Base, Goiás, about 10:50 p.m.  5/19/1986 #37881  
ivity ceases around 11:20 p.m. The Air Force Minister, Brig.Gen. Octávio Jú 5/19/1986 #37881  
o, Brazil. For nearly three hours, air traffic control and military radar t 5/19/1986 #37882  
and nearby Sao Paulo. All civilian air traffic was put on hold, as jet inte 5/19/1986 #37882  
 of Brazil, and carried out by the Air Force Minister, Brig. Gen. Octavio M 5/19/1986 #37882  
FORTALEZA, CEARA, BRZ Many calls / Air Force. Dark cigar-shape. / Journal d 5/21/1986 #37884  
     NORTH / PETALUMA, CA Cops and Air Traffic Controllers = 12+observer(s) 5/22/1986 #37887  
. Orange X-shape zigzags here too. Air Traffic Controller RADAR's see no bl 5/22/1986 #37888  
h windows and lights low and slow. Air Traffic Controller RADAR confirm. Lo 7/8/1986 #37932  
. Mulhare and starting a fire. The Air Force establishes restricted airspac 7/11/1986 #37939  
                      SYRACUSE, OH Air Traffic Controller and 2. Red-green- 8/13/1986 #37985  
At 12:30 a.m. in Syracuse, Ohio an air traffic controller and two other wit 8/13/1986 #37988  
 Indiana at 3:30 a.m. two military Air Traffic Controllers encountered a 55 9/6/1986 #38017  
legedly an officer in a top secret Air Force UFO study), physiological stud Fall 1986 #38034  
cility southeast of Belt, Montana. Air Force Security Policeman Joseph C. P Fall 1986 #38035  
e walnut paces JAL 747. Ground and air RADAR's. / MJ#225+6+/ r41p142 / and  11/17/1986 #38069  
nchorage Fairbanks 5:10 p.m. Japan Air Lines Flight 1628, a Boeing 747 carg 11/17/1986 #38072  
 another aircraft in the vicinity, air traffic control asks the pilot to be 11/25/1986 #38077  
       MEXICO CITY Many ground and air observer(s). Multi-color object circ 12/16/1986 #38084  
hat “Apparently there is or was an Air Force project by that name which dea 1/27/1987 #38105  
                                In air space, AK Large Discs / Flight 53 Tr 1/31/1987 #38107  
on their weather radar. A Canadian Air International Boeing 737 was en rout 5/16/1987 #38175  
                          Anápolis Air Base ALA 2, Goiás, Brazil 11:00 p.m. 6/19/1987 #38194  
Goiás, Brazil 11:00 p.m. Brazilian Air Force Capt. Faria de Sousa is landin 6/19/1987 #38194  
s landing his aircraft at Anápolis Air Base ALA 2, Goiás, Brazil, when the  6/19/1987 #38194  
osions associated with it. A Ghana Air Force pilot views the missile-shaped 7/27/1987 #38219  
IQUE Airline(s)/airliner pilot and Air Traffic Controller / ground. Red bal 8/21/1987 #38250  
                       JIADING, CH Air Force pilot. Orange fireball spirals 8/27/1987 #38256  
       HANGZHOU, ZHEJIANG Military Air Traffic Controller / tower. Small fi 8/27/1987 #38261  
                  Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Wright Field William S. S 8/30/1987 #38264  
t you attended at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in/around 1949–1950, conc 8/30/1987 #38264  
y also suddenly vanished into thin air. No footprints or other traces were  9/8/1987 #38280  
 Bossier City, Louisiana Barksdale Air Force Base 9:00 p.m. A young couple  9/22/1987 #38291  
he same direction toward Barksdale Air Force Base.                          9/22/1987 #38291  
ge, Montana Peacekeeper APC Night. Air Force Security Policeman Joseph C. P Winter 1987 #38370  
                             Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Washington 5 1/21/1988 #38427  
 Washington 5 miles north of Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Washington 8 1/21/1988 #38427  
 their home 5 miles north of Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Washington,  1/21/1988 #38427  
ist is making a noise like rushing air. The dog owner gets out of the car,  2/9/1988 #38448  
htly and made a noise like rushing air. A dog ran into it and disappeared f 2/9/1988 #38449  
    BEIRA, MOZAMBIQUE 737 crew and Air Traffic Controller and military RADA 2/11/1988 #38453  
            CORFU = KEKIVA, GREECE Air Traffic Controllers and more/others. 2/11/1988 #38455  
              40 MI EAST / EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, CA V-bright white box-sh 3/12/1988 #38500  
cal report under contract with the Air Force Astronautics Laboratory at Edw 4/1988 #38526  
 going [to] over. Also report(s) / Air Force etc.                           5/1/1988 #38548  
 attributes the sighting to two US Air Force F-117 stealth fighters, an air 5/16/1988 #38570  
was a strong smell of ozone in the air. They were both taken inside the obj 5/21/1988 #38574  
lision. The object is also seen by air traffic control personnel.           6/1/1988 #38579  
. Orange-yellow ball. Invisible to air and ground RADAR's. / LDLN#330.      6/17/1988 #38586  
as MJ-12 documents An agent of the Air Force Office of Special Investigatio 9/15/1988 #38640  
araiso, Florida at 9:30 CDT a U.S. Air Force housewife with an M.B.A. witne 10/24/1988 #38690  
 designer Brad Sorensen attends an air show at Norton AFB in San Bernardino 11/12/1988 #38713  
nd shaped “lifting body” at Norton Air Force Base in California. Schratt cl 11/12/1988 #38714  
                     United States Air Force Plant 42 Palmdale, California  11/22/1988 #38718  
ublicly displayed at United States Air Force Plant 42 in Palmdale, Californ 11/22/1988 #38718  
ure / diving suit. Vanishes / thin air! No further details.                 11/24/1988 #38721  
et. It suddenly vanished into thin air as the witness approached it.        11/24/1988 #38722  
ion about the MJ-12 documents. The Air Force tells the FBI the documents ar 11/30/1988 #38728  
00 p.m. A captain of the Brazilian Air Force flying a Mirage fighter jet is 12/1/1988 #38733  
s two lanes. About 150 feet in the air is a 75-foot-long, highly polished s 12/4/1988 #38743  
on the ground, at 7:45 p.m. two US Air Force F-14 fighter jets tried to int 12/28/1988 #38764  
h the US Navy at Cecil Field Naval Air Station in Florida a colleague of hi 1/1989 #38774  
 squadron at Roosevelt Roads Naval Air Station in Puerto Rico were ‘lost,”  1/1989 #38774  
                Mihai Kogălniceanu Air Force Base Mihai Kogălniceanu Intern Late 3/1989 #38880  
ing exercise at Mihai Kogălniceanu Air Force Base [now Mihai Kogălniceanu I Late 3/1989 #38880  
                  BOGOTA, COLOMBIA Air Traffic Controller and pilots and RA 4/2/1989 #38887  
ogotá airport in Colombia, causing air traffic controllers to divert severa 4/2/1989 #38888  
         Groom Lake Indian Springs Air Force Base [now Creech AFB] Lazar is 4/6/1989 #38895  
ake and is taken to Indian Springs Air Force Base [now Creech AFB] for ques 4/6/1989 #38895  
frican border Hoaxed South African Air Force documents purport to describe  5/7/1989 #38938  
ght Patterson AFB. A South African Air Force Intelligence officer leaks pho 5/17/1989 #38954  
                              OTIS AIR FORCE BASE, MASS Multiple observer(s 5/28/1989 #38966  
rites an unclassified paper at the Air Force Institute of Technology at Wri 6/1989 #38972  
 case because the subordinate USAF Air Defense Command belongs to NORAD. *  6/1989 #38972  
e can see the spray. The Norwegian Air Force sends two jets to look for the 6/2/1989 #38973  
       PALMDALE, CA Sec. guard and Air Traffic Controller / Air Force plant 6/4/1989 #38976  
guard and Air Traffic Controller / Air Force plant 42. Silver object and 3  6/4/1989 #38976  
                                   Air Force Facility 42 in Palmdale, Calif 6/4/1989 #38977  
 7:45 p.m. A security guard and an air traffic controller at Air Force Faci 6/4/1989 #38977  
d and an air traffic controller at Air Force Facility 42 in Palmdale, Calif 6/4/1989 #38977  
O Journal, a security guard and an air traffic controller at Air Force Faci 6/4/1989 #38978  
d and an air traffic controller at Air Force Facility 42 in Palmdale, Calif 6/4/1989 #38978  
 or causing any disturbance of the air or the sand beneath it. Soon it was  7/4/1989 #39009  
 Crimea 2:40 p.m. R. H. Stepanian, air traffic controller at Sochi Internat 7/26/1989 #39033  
UFOs shot away at high speed. U.S. Air Force jets arrived one hour later.   8/31/1989 #39081  
g as she begins rising up into the air toward the object. She also hears a  9/16/1989 #39106  
ng as she began rising up into the air towards the object. She was levitate 9/16/1989 #39108  
0 feet away at 100–200 feet in the air. They duck down in the tall grass. T 10/11/1989 #39162  
mile away and only 650 feet in the air. The top light flashes every 15–20 s 10/11/1989 #39162  
and her moped began to rise in the air. She started screaming for her mothe 10/11/1989 #39164  
s rim to rim” is motionless in the air about 50 feet above the shed. It is  10/13/1989 #39169  
T, HUNG 4' green figure checks out Air Force jet. Lifts arm. Cone / light a 10/28/1989 (approximate) #39190  
oid being was seen checking out an Air Force jet at the Kecskemet, Hungary  10/28/1989 #39192  
ing across his path at 8,500 feet. Air traffic control confirms there are n 11/1/1989 #39207  
                 In 1989 Hungarian Air Force training flights were paced by 11/13/1989 #39229  
 Silver ovoid hovers. Photographs. Air Force helicopter chases and gets cha 11/14/1989 #39230  
    NEAR BORISOV, BELORUS 2 Soviet Air Force crews. Large disk with 5 beams 11/22/1989 #39243  
                            Soviet Air Force pilots reported a large disc-s 11/22/1989 #39247  
bigger than the spotlight of a big air carrier.” They both are frightened,  12/11/1989 #39313  
                 COLD LAKE, ALTA 2 air traffic controllers. UFO maneuvers.  12/18/1989 #39319  
cending over him. He next felt the air squeezing him, as if in a vacuum, an 12/31/1989 #39345  
e construction of TRESTLE while at Air Force Weapons Laboratory (AFWL). TRE 1990 #39357  
                        Santa Cruz Air Force Base Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 10 1/22/1990 #39387  
 a.m. UFOs approach the Santa Cruz Air Force Base, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  1/22/1990 #39387  
orce Base, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Air traffic controllers spot them on the 1/22/1990 #39387  
ternal commission of the Brazilian Air Force, which can find no explanation 1/22/1990 #39387  
raft left it appeared to create an air turbulence that caused trees in the  2/7/1990 #39414  
ood… Investigation by BAF [Belgian Air Force] continues.” It notes that Bel 3/1990 #39435  
ics of either US aircraft.” The US Air Force does confirm to the Belgian Ai 3/1990 #39435  
 Force does confirm to the Belgian Air Force and Ministry of Defense that n 3/1990 #39435  
gendarmerie Semmerzake Beauvechain Air Base 11:00 p.m. The Glons (Belgium)  3/30/1990 #39499  
two F-16 fighters from Beauvechain Air Base is given. Throughout this time, 3/30/1990 #39499  
  LOUVAIN AREA, BELGIUM Ground and air RADAR's. Blips to 1010 kts. Delta/tr 3/31/1990 #39501  
sight. Minutes later a retired FAA air traffic controller also sighted the  3/31/1990 #39504  
   ULYANOVSK, KAZAN, RUSSIA Pilots Air Traffic Controllers and hundreds. Bl 4/6/1990 #39512  
                  NOISEUX, BELGIUM Air Force man. Night lights / triangle.  4/15/1990 #39526  
rful vibrating sound permeated the air during the encounter. Later, during  5/18/1990 #39576  
with a disabling beam 2 ground and air missiles and 2 jets!                 5/25/1990 #39590  
Col. Anatoly Kurkchy, chief of the Air Defense Division of the Russian 12th 5/25/1990 #39592  
man appears, seemingly out of thin air. Dressed in a light-gray, loose-fitt 7/6/1990 #39637  
Brussels NATO headquarters Belgian Air Force Col. Wilfred De Brouwer gives  7/11/1990 #39641  
 suspect the image might show a US Air Force black project aircraft. The pr 8/4/1990 #39679  
, which forwards them to the Joint Air Reconnaissance Intelligence Centre a 8/4/1990 #39679  
shiny dime shot straight up in the air in Evansville, Indiana at 1:40 p.m.  8/6/1990 #39682  
 toward the Kola Peninsula. Soviet Air Defense thinks it resembles a large  9/2/1990 #39716  
                          KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM Security police. Seve 9/8/1990 #39720  
his night at Sandia Labs, Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico, the world's  9/8/1990 #39721  
r fence of the Volga-Ural Military Air Defense Radar Station. At around mid 9/13/1990 #39732  
ts going quickly west from Edwards Air Force Base toward(s) Tehachapis. Red 10/3/1990 #39758  
                           Russian Air Force jet fighters were scrambled af 10/8/1990 #39767  
sota for more than an hour. Duluth Air Traffic Control radar picked up seve 10/10/1990 #39773  
                    DYE, YONNE, FR Air Force mechanic. Silent pale-yellow " 10/16/1990 #39788  
               NORTH / AALBORG, DK Air Force man and 1. Moon-size dark ovoi 10/16/1990 #39790  
s have encountered UFOs in Russian air space. However, most are explainable 11/9/1990 #39882  
                     TAILLADES, FR Air Force officer. Dark ovoid slow and l 12/2/1990 #39918  
                  At 11:00 p.m. an Air Force officer observed a dark ovoid  12/2/1990 #39919  
later, the globe ascended into the air, flying low over the ground, then st 12/31/1990 #39932  
d, then stopped and hovered in the air for a brief moment before shooting a 12/31/1990 #39932  
            NEAR PITTSBURGH, PA US Air B727. Shiny rectangular object flies 1/13/1991 #39951  
               Pittsburgh, PA U.S. Air flight crew saw a rectangular, light 1/13/1991 #39952  
               Pittsburgh, PA U.S. Air flight crew saw a rectangular, light 1/13/1991 #39953  
                     KINGSTON, ONT Air charter flight 866. Glowing blue-gre 3/6/1991 #39995  
asterly course crosses the path of Air Charter Flight 866 near Kingston, On 3/6/1991 #39999  
d in the sky ahead of an airliner, Air Charter flight 866.                  3/6/1991 #40001  
NORTHWEST / SHANGHAI Airliners and Air Traffic Controller. Large saucer bir 3/18/1991 #40019  
ar-shape passes Alitalia airliner. Air Traffic Controller confirms. = UFO / 4/21/1991 #40042  
They then saw a man wearing a blue Air Force blue uniform lying prone on a  5/14/1991 #40061  
ight Safety Section of the Spanish Air Staff (where the UFO archives are ke 5/22/1991 #40074  
 Note to the Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen. Ramón Fernández Sequieros 5/22/1991 #40074  
 Ramón Alvarez Mateus, head of the Air Force Public Relations Office; and t 5/22/1991 #40074  
ng and hovers. Anibal Gavigan, the air traffic control specialist on duty,  6/8/1991 #40092  
hree other passengers on board Dan Air Flight DA 4700 from London (Gatwick  6/17/1991 #40101  
AST / GATWICK AIRPORT 737 crew and Air Traffic Controllers. 1.5' black torp 7/15/1991 #40121  
tance of only 325 feet. The London Air Traffic Control Center picks up a ta 7/15/1991 #40123  
                            Madrid Air Force headquarters Chief of Staff of 7/26/1991 #40134  
headquarters Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen. Ramón Fernández Sequieros 7/26/1991 #40134  
passes instructions to the Spanish Air Regions to centralize all UFO regist 7/26/1991 #40134  
lize all UFO registers into Madrid Air Force headquarters.                  7/26/1991 #40134  
on, a third jet was scrambled from Air Station 7. The MIG pilots were direc 8/28/1991 #40168  
to force it to land at the nearest Air station. If the object failed to coo 8/28/1991 #40168  
tly but firmly directing it to the Air Station. If necessary the jets would 8/28/1991 #40168  
rcraft, issued a general alert for air traffic to avoid the area. At 5:27 a 8/28/1991 #40168  
level of static electricity in the air, and compasses and magnetometers fai 8/28/1991 #40168  
                               The Air Force’s Electronic Security Command  10/1/1991 #40203  
curity Command is redesignated the Air Force Intelligence Command and reacq 10/1/1991 #40203  
ew minutes the being rose into the air, leaving behind a V-shaped trail tha 12/4/1991 #40254  
                          Torrejón Air Base Madrid, Spain The Spanish Air F 1/15/1992 #40288  
Air Base Madrid, Spain The Spanish Air Force transfers responsibility for h 1/15/1992 #40288  
ty for handling UFO reports to the Air Operative Command (whose head is Gen 1/15/1992 #40288  
edo Chamorro Chapinal) at Torrejón Air Base in Madrid, Spain, which updates 1/15/1992 #40288  
dio, but it does not function. The air around him has chilled to the point  3/20/1992 #40394  
 The Spanish Chief of Staff of the Air Force, Gen. Ramón Fernández Sequiero 3/31/1992 #40404  
ed, including those used by the US Air Force.                               3/31/1992 #40404  
 the Spanish Chief of Staff of the Air Force, Gen. Ramón Fernández Sequiero 4/13/1992 #40416  
 SP, BRZ 5 / GUG group. Big flash. Air glows white / 500M! Busy area. / r22 4/18/1992 #40421  
t tentatively identified as a U.S. Air Force F-14 Tomcat was seen pursuing  4/28/1992 #40437  
ed as a successor to the Strategic Air Command in response to the end of th 6/1/1992 #40480  
ey were gone--straight up into the air."                                    6/14/1992 #40494  
ovoid passes car. Driver feels all air gone.                                6/27/1992 #40507  
          50 MI NORTHEAST / GEORGE AIR FORCE BASE, CA United Airlines (UAL) 8/5/1992 #40551  
 metallic sphere. Fuzzy edges like air disturbed.                           8/8/1992 #40558  
                 The first Spanish Air Force UFO document is declassified.  9/1992 #40601  
 bottom. 20 glowing ovoids follow. Air gets cold.                           9/30/1992 #40645  
ler glowing ovoid objects, and the air got cold as the UFOs passed over. At 9/30/1992 #40651  
a 51 or nearby areas in the Nellis Air Force Range or Nevada Test Site woul 10/1992 #40653  
ace to keep them." ... "The Nellis Air Force Range can offer many bizarre s 10/1992 #40653  
                         ELLSWORTH AIR FORCE BASE, SD 2 Air Force men. Sile 10/1992 #40655  
    ELLSWORTH AIR FORCE BASE, SD 2 Air Force men. Silent 100' Oblong object 10/1992 #40655  
ite lights suddenly appears in the air, moving rapidly in rigid formation.  10/27/1992 #40694  
est. Very fast. Back in September. Air Force interrogates boy / hours!      10/28/1992? #40695  
ntelligence Section of the Spanish Air Operative Command, establishes an in 11/16/1992 #40714  
 D.C. writes to assistant chief of Air Staff in London re: USG reaction to  12/22/1992 #40762  
ed USG reaction: “Secretary of the Air Force, Donald B Rice, was to say the 12/22/1992 #40762  
Elias National Park, funded by the Air Force, Navy, University of Alaska Fa 1993 #40778  
ke UFO in Gadsden, Alabama. The US Air Force denied that it was one of thei 1/28/1993 #40817  
                            Nellis Air Force Range, NV Glenn Campbell wrote 3/1993 #40867  
Secretary Les Aspin, asking the US Air Force to declassify and provide him  3/1993 #40871  
      QUJING, YUNAN, CHINA Group / Air Force pilots chase luminous "balloon 3/2/1993 #40872  
 At 12:30 a.m. at the RAF Shawbury air base in England, a meteorological of 3/30/1993 #40906  
ph. According to Nick Pope, the UK Air Ministry's representative responsibl 3/30/1993 #40906  
AIRPORT/APARTMENT, EAST / LYON, FR Air Traffic Controllers and more/others. 3/31/1993 #40910  
own origin was operating in the UK Air Defence Region without being detecte 3/31/1993 #40914  
rding to the witnesses, a large US Air Force helicopter flew into the area  4/19/1993 #40943  
                  Jefferson County Air Unit Louisville, Kentucky 11:50 p.m. 4/28/1993 #40953  
ntucky 11:50 p.m. Jefferson County Air Unit police officers Kenny Graham an 4/28/1993 #40953  
d climbs hundreds of feet into the air before descending again toward the h 4/28/1993 #40953  
 her dog literally fly through the air and slam against a wall. Shocked and 5/30/1993 #40997  
nd kids. Balloon drops to military Air Traffic Controller tower. Rises and  6/17/1993 #41020  
' altitude. Reported to police and Air Traffic Controllers / Aix.           6/25/1993 #41033  
. He reported it to the police and Air Traffic Control.                     6/25/1993 #41034  
ping several hundred feet into the air. A black spot could be seen making e 8/6/1993 #41110  
hey are suddenly hit by a “wall of air” and see a fog-like rectangular scre 8/13/1993 #41135  
pe hovers offshore. Fires beams. 2 Air Force jets chase.                    8/22/1993 #41150  
logy Division becomes the National Air Intelligence Center.                 10/1993 #41215  
                                   Air Force Col. Richard L. Weaver tells r 10/12/1993 #41231  
us.” Weaver cannot explain how the Air Force came to this conclusion and ad 10/12/1993 #41232  
ing commander to the Sec(AS)2, the Air Staff deputy director, proposes a se 10/18/1993 #41246  
 Harlowton, Montana near Malmstrom Air Force Base witnesses reported a 6-7  11/24/1993 #41301  
gram coordinator with support from Air Force Systems Command, the Naval Res 1994 #41349  
well incident The Secretary of the Air Force’s office of Security and Speci Late 1/1994 #41381  
                     Paris, France Air France airliner-UFO encounter, track 1/28/1994 #41388  
                     Paris, France Air France airliner—UFO encounter, track 1/28/1994 #41389  
me, Seine-et-Marne, France Taverny air operations center 1:14 p.m. Air Fran 1/28/1994 #41390  
ny air operations center 1:14 p.m. Air France pilot Jean-Charles Duboc and  1/28/1994 #41390  
e size. Radar at CODA, the Taverny air operations center, tracks the object 1/28/1994 #41390  
 UFO was sighted by the crew of an Air France A320 airliner, and reported t 1/28/1994 #41391  
nce A320 airliner, and reported to air traffic control. Ground military rad 1/28/1994 #41391  
p, slowly and vertically, into the air, disappearing from sight quickly.    2/3/1994 #41406  
ged” A former worker at the secret Air Force base says poisonous substances 3/20/1994 #41461  
               AIX-EN-PROVENCE, FR Air Traffic Controllers and more/others. 4/4/1994 #41476  
d and circled three times by local air traffic.                             6/1994 #41545  
 grass below has risen up into the air, forming a tornado shape and spinnin 7/2/1994 #41601  
s, publicly releases the Report of Air Force Research Regarding the “Roswel 9/8/1994 #41726  
 is suddenly propelled through the air nearby at near ground level, as if c 9/13/1994 #41743  
missions, according to a report in Air Forces Monthly. Further investigatio 9/26/1994 #41775  
ft flooding into the base. Special Air Service personnel arrive in plainclo 9/26/1994 #41775  
                                   Air Forces Monthly writes on 26 Septembe 9/26/1994 #41776  
acility and two days later flew to Air Force Plant 42 at Palmdale, CA. They 9/26/1994 #41776  
in places, you’d find out what the Air Force and the government knows about 10/1/1994 #41779  
 thrown several meters through the air during the close encounter.          11/30/1994 #41872  
 overhead / 600' altitude. Rushing air = only sound.                        12/31/1994 #41922  
 surveillance area by the region's air traffic controllers. That night in F 3/19/1995 #42112  
                             Ghedi Air Force Base Brescia, Italy 4:15 a.m.  5/5/1995 #42179  
rolling the perimeter of the Ghedi Air Force Base near Brescia, Italy. Sudd 5/5/1995 #42179  
nd 3 inches wide, suspended in the air. It appeared to be held in place by  5/15/1995 #42211  
     Bovina, Texas Albuquerque FAA Air Route Traffic Control Center 10:30 p 5/25/1995 #42227  
aller contacts the Albuquerque FAA Air Route Traffic Control Center while t 5/25/1995 #42227  
o be 300–400 feet long. One of the air traffic controllers at Albuquerque c 5/25/1995 #42227  
rque ATC contacted NORAD’s Western Air Defense Sector HQ at Joint Base Lewi 5/25/1995 #42229  
section includes photos of various Air Force personnel and Mogul scientists 7/1995 #42286  
 are mostly memos dealing with the Air Force requests of its departments fo 7/1995 #42286  
ssure, like a static charge in the air. Plates and glasses started to move  7/15/1995 #42304  
strative records from Roswell Army Air Field in New Mexico from March 1945  7/28/1995 #42335  
 subjects. The GAO agrees with the Air Force that the wreckage was most lik 7/28/1995 #42335  
ortant documents from Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF) were “destroyed without 7/28/1995 #42338  
ow ahead of them to the right. The air traffic center cannot see anything b 8/8/1995 #42368  
ide, almost like it was walking on air. It seemed to move above the ground  8/15/1995 #42390  
         While watching a carnival air display in Weymouth, Dorset, England 8/23/1995 #42409  
         WEST / SALT LAKE CITY, UT Air Traffic Controller and 5 airline obs 9/11/1995 #42453  
                         NEAR LUKE AIR FORCE BASE, AZ 1 / truck. Flaming re 10/8/1995 #42540  
    A witness in a truck near Luke Air Force Base outside of Phoenix, Arizo 10/8/1995 #42541  
ng eyes before taking off into the air, quickly vanishing from sight.       11/9/1995 #42589  
                      NEAR KEESLER AIR FORCE BASE, MS 1 observer. Odd objec 11/12/1995 #42595  
y factors. It is chaired by French Air Force General Denis Letty and begins 1996 #42656  
 José dos Campos, São Paulo Canoas Air Force Base, Rio Grande do Sul 9:00 a 1/23/1996 #42709  
rgo aircraft takes off from Canoas Air Force Base, Rio Grande do Sul, trans 1/23/1996 #42709  
 WALLA WALLA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, WA Air Traffic Controller. Pale yellow nigh 2/3/1996 #42734  
disposal fires lawsuits: “A Secret Air Base Hazardous Waste Act, Workers’ S 2/8/1996 #42747  
                        VANDENBURG AIR FORCE BASE, CA CNN at shuttle landin 2/25/1996 #42779  
l. Fireball jumps about. Cleveland Air Traffic Controller.                  2/27/1996 #42785  
al government in Las Vegas. “..the Air Force could invoke the common law st 3/1996 #42790  
 surveillance area by the region's air traffic controllers. At 10:30 p.m. a 3/19/1996 #42830  
                   LAKEWOOD, CO Ex Air Force pilot. Silver disk streaks goi 4/7/1996 #42853  
l of AFIT describes potential USAF air and space capabilities by 2025. On p 5/1996 #42891  
:00 p.m. a black sphere shot at an Air France airliner from the Mediterrane 6/9/1996 #42929  
from the street and felt a rush of air. He turned around immediately and sa 7/8/1996 #42950  
ery strong and pungent odor in the air and heard a low humming sound. He ne 7/16/1996 #42959  
 government scientists at Haystack Air Force Laboratory deep under Haystack 8/30/1996 #43001  
nker report another colored light. Air traffic control radar at Claxby by N 10/5/1996 #43056  
 calls for an investigation by RAF Air Defence. Wing Commander Norman Hutch 10/5/1996 #43056  
 of military maneuvers by the Ohio Air National Guard.                      10/16/1996 #43073  
lic disks / 50M altitude. Blast of air. Rapid exit. Observer(s) unknown. No 10/22/1996 #43088  
ing an exhibition by the Brazilian Air Force’s Smoke Squadron over the coas 11/16/1996 #43112  
ect then rose straight up into the air and vanished.                        12/1/1996 #43130  
                 NEAR BOGOTA, COL. Air Force pilot videos 6 silver saucers. 12/13/1996 #43138  
          At 1:00 p.m. a Colombian Air Force pilot videotaped six silver di 12/13/1996 #43139  
                            Aviano Air Base, Italy 7:30 p.m. A luminous blu 2/27/1997 #43212  
us blue sphere appears over Aviano Air Base, Italy, and hovers. After it di 2/27/1997 #43212  
                            Aviano Air Base, Italy Venice Marco Polo Airpor 3/6/1997 #43221  
Marco Polo Airport Istrana Treviso air bases 6:45–10:30 p.m. Dozens of UFOs 3/6/1997 #43221  
sky and briefly hover above Aviano Air Base, Italy. They zoom toward Venice 3/6/1997 #43221  
heading toward Istrana and Treviso air bases, where they remain hovering in 3/6/1997 #43221  
Phoenix area around 10:00 p.m. The Air Force identifies this group as magne 3/13/1997 #43229  
tion of the sightings was that the Air National Guard was performing flight 3/13/1997 #43230  
:00 p.m. An object explodes in the air and crashes to the ground near Węgor 3/15/1997 #43232  
 launched, both on foot and in the air. These continue through the night. T 3/24/1997 #43239  
m and then flew away to the south. Air displacement was heard.              5/3/1997 #43287  
ed object hovering 300 feet in the air and a short distance away. Through w 5/14/1997 #43293  
erate, and make sharp turns in the air. One of the lights approaches them t 6/1997 #43306  
 In 2007, Symington responds to an Air Force explanation that the lights we 6/19/1997 #43331  
e flares: “As a pilot and a former Air Force Officer, I can definitively sa 6/19/1997 #43331  
y and video. Glowing-ring / entire air show. Going [to] closer / crack team 6/21/1997 #43333  
  Roswell, New Mexico Roswell Army Air Field hospital Walker AFB Holloman A 6/24/1997 #43338  
ms of alien bodies at Roswell Army Air Field hospital are a combination of  6/24/1997 #43338  
tario Witnesses, one of whom is an Air Force and Coast Guard veteran, at Sa 7/1997 #43344  
omania Buftea Corbeanca 10:49 p.m. Air traffic controllers at Henri Coandă  7/14/1997 #43350  
-15. Triangle going [to] over hill Air Force Base. White lights / corners.  9/6/1997 #43396  
rshalltown, Iowa to get some fresh air. She sighted an object that was eith 9/9/1997 #43403  
, but her hand seemed to swat thin air. She could see her hand go right thr 9/11/1997 #43405  
, but her hand seemed to swat thin air. She could see her hand go right thr 9/12/1997 #43407  
ins operations in Santiago, Chile. Air Force Gen. Gonzalo Miranda has creat 10/3/1997 #43423  
window and saw "a whirlpool in the air, spreading ash everywhere" opposite  10/16/1997 #43430  
ulsion Laboratory (JPL) at Edwards Air Force Base, which also had undergrou 1998 #43481  
is no sound propagated through the air like normal sound. This technology i 2/17/1998 #43522  
and called nearby Wright Patterson Air Force Base. She was given a number o 2/27/1998 #43524  
ack eyes. The being floated in the air close to the object for about ten mi 3/8/1998 #43531  
ing in a triangle formation in Bel Air, Maryland at 10:30 p.m. EST.         3/30/1998 #43539  
 astronaut crews out of Vandenberg Air Force Base; craft capable of traveli 6/17/1998 #43589  
 technology at China Lake, Edwards Air Force Base and the Nevada Test Site. 6/17/1998 #43589  
mitted by Salvatore Pais and Naval Air Station Patuxent River in 2017 utili 8/1998 #43618  
ion of UFO reports for the Spanish Air Force from 1993 to 1999, enters the  9/14/1998 #43645  
cation of UFO Documentation in the Air Force,” with 10 chapters and 16 atta 9/14/1998 #43645  
wich and Crewe, Cheshire, England. Air traffic control at Manchester Intern 9/21/1998 #43649  
a lawsuit by workers at a “secret” air base near Groom Lake, Nev., dubbed “ 11/16/1998 #43683  
oldier at the Moron de la Frontera Air Force Base in Sevilla, Spain was on  11/25/1998 #43685  
apon, and fired two shots into the air. Suddenly from out of some nearby wo 11/25/1998 #43685  
     Sussex County, Delaware Dover Air Force Base Night. Bright blue-white  11/30/1998 #43692  
 reports that “fighters from Dover Air Force Base were flying all over the  11/30/1998 #43692  
                   At retired U.S. Air Force man in Cross Lanes, West Virgi 11/30/1998 #43693  
er room very warm and cloying. The air appeared distorted and fuzzy, and sh 1/7/1999 #43711  
 Yorkshire after it enters British air space.                               2/3/1999 #43721  
r Sgt. Homer Roulette of the 603rd Air Engineering Squadron at Roswell told 3/1999 #43741  
, Ohio. It hovered silently in the air and shone two white beams of light d 5/21/1999 #43772  
Indiana 20 miiles south of Grissom Air Force Base. It was shiny metallic in 7/7/1999 #43797  
ced by Gen. Bernard Norlain of the Air Force and begins with a preamble by  7/16/1999 #43805  
ed over by Gen. Denis Letty of the Air Force. The report analyzes various U 7/16/1999 #43805  
onsin reported a shoot-out between Air National Guard F-16s and six maneuve 9/13/1999 #43844  
shion. It is about 200 feet in the air, a quarter of a mile distant, and mo 10/9/1999 #43859  
He also heard a hissing sound like air escaping from a punctured tire. The  1/30/2000 #43937  
was spiked with three points each. Air traffic control confirmed the presen 6/22/2000 #44006  
embers being abducted near McGuire Air Force Base, New Jersey. He found him 7/5/2000 #44010  
ject with lights was sighted by an air safety officer and 24 other witnesse 7/7/2000 #44011  
be a kind of charged energy in the air. Frightened, the woman ran inside th 8/2/2000 #44026  
ee occupants to be lifted into the air.                                     10/1/2000 #44049  
so a constant vibrating hum in the air. In the center of the capsule the ab 10/28/2000 #44063  
ar Marysville, California Cape Cod Air Force Station in Massachusetts Clear 1/31/2001 #44136  
rce Station in Massachusetts Clear Air Force Station, Alaska RAF Fylingdale 1/31/2001 #44136  
r Marysville, California; Cape Cod Air Force Station in Massachusetts; Clea 1/31/2001 #44136  
ce Station in Massachusetts; Clear Air Force Station, Alaska; RAF Fylingdal 1/31/2001 #44136  
contained information about the UK air defence ground environment that coul 5/3/2001 #44175  
vity saucers in a hanger at Norton Air Force Base allegedly called “Flux Li 5/9/2001 #44183  
d, round ball moving slowly in the air. When it stops it begins to spin, tu 6/30/2001 #44199  
ten no more than 1,000 feet in the air, often described as flying in an inv 7/14/2001 #44208  
rted seeing a dog rise up into the air from near the ocean and enter a hove 7/27/2001 #44212  
 Salvador, Brazil Day. A Brazilian Air Force pilot and four others are taki 8/3/2001 #44223  
tern Turkey Afternoon. Two Turkish Air Force pilots from 122 Squadron are p 8/6/2001 #44227  
appears at high speed. The Turkish Air Force announces that it is a weather 8/6/2001 #44227  
           Peru Peru sets up a new Air Force agency, the Departamento de In 12/2001 #44279  
t it, causing it to explode in the air. According to NORAD they witnesses t 12/1/2001 #44280  
aircraft at a higher altitude, but air traffic controllers have no other ai 12/11/2001 #44287  
LUCA, MX B727 crew and RADAR's and Air Traffic Controller / (seen thru) bin 12/15/2001 #44290  
his car at about 15–20 feet in the air, and his engine dies. It shoots off  2/2/2002 #44315  
lée and tells him he spoke with an Air Force physician, Brig. Gen. Donald F 3/5/2002 #44323  
y” materials when he was the first Air Force MD to make the rank of General 3/5/2002 #44323  
               SOUTHEAST / ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MD Numerous observer(s). 7/26/2002 #44363  
ate of speed. He contacted Langley Air Force Base who confirmed they had no 9/15/2002 #44399  
                    Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field [now Creech AF Late 9/2002 #44405  
ontrol point at the Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field [now Creech AF Late 9/2002 #44405  
eved could fly through space/water/air/dimensions. The PM next tells Wilson 10/16/2002 #44418  
 big, black sphere hovering in mid air in their rearview mirror. They got o 11/13/2002 #44438  
something, and was as big as a hot air balloon.                             11/13/2002 #44439  
  Roswell, New Mexico Roswell Army Air Field Roswell, New Mexico, witness W 12/26/2002 #44460  
a temporary morgue at Roswell Army Air Field. Haut dies December 15, 2005,  12/26/2002 #44460  
                      The National Air Intelligence Center becomes the Nati 2/15/2003 #44491  
igence Center becomes the National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC 2/15/2003 #44491  
tness had spent seven years in the Air Force, and was confident these were  3/14/2003 #44502  
ional Security Site 2:30 a.m. Some Air Force security policemen for Area 2, 4/2003 #44508  
see how. Their arms were up in the air, but she couldn't see any hands. The 5/2/2003 #44521  
oped down like a bird in a thermal air current. It had "turbine blades" on  5/11/2003 #44533  
hen landed, then took off into the air, and vanished. When gone, his car an 5/13/2003 #44535  
rvice accordingly asks the Turkish Air Force, Turkish Airlines, and other a 6/2003 #44551  
it reports. It recommends that the Air Force should establish an investigat 6/2003 #44551  
rt in Palmas, Brazil, to Brasilia, air traffic control asks the pilot if he 6/5/2003 #44554  
Naval Reserve at the Miramar Naval Air Station and the Naval Air Station in 7/2003 #44560  
ar Naval Air Station and the Naval Air Station in Pt. Mugu.  As of 2015, he 7/2003 #44560  
ing a presentation for Army, Navy, Air Force and contractor personnel and h 7/2003 #44560  
y, largely reports from pilots and air traffic controllers, provided by the 8/26/2003 #44584  
ruder seemingly vanishes into thin air.                                     2004 #44637  
bulence and an increase in outside air temperature to 327° F. for about 15  1/4/2004 #44643  
                          Ramstein Air Base Ramstein-Misenbach Kaiserslaute 1/22/2004 #44654  
ort Squadron stationed at Ramstein Air Base outside Ramstein-Misenbach, Kai 1/22/2004 #44654  
 p.m. Lt. Ribeiro of the Brazilian Air Force is retuning on a flight from S 2/20/2004 #44668  
che, Mexico Gulf of Mexico Mexican Air Force pilots flying a C-26A Metrolin 3/5/2004 #44672  
ments as if it was floating in the air. It moved as if confused, or afraid  3/12/2004 #44676  
ghts and only about 30 feet in the air was reported by a witness in Vicksbu 5/19/2004 #44704  
craft it began to rise up into the air and eventually flew off without maki 7/27/2004 #44719  
as at its closest, a stream of hot air could be felt emanating from it. Whe 8/2/2004 #44725  
e and seemed to dissolve into thin air, but immediately following this a br 8/2/2004 #44725  
 figure simply dissolved into thin air. The stunned witnesses finished thei 8/2/2004 #44725  
                                US Air Force 20th Space Control Squadron at 10/1/2004 #44764  
adron at Eglin AFB, Florida The US Air Force 20th Space Control Squadron at 10/1/2004 #44764  
f 367,490 feet in SpaceShipOne, an air launched rocket plane.               10/4/2004 #44767  
O, but there was no radar trace by air traffic controllers on the ground.   10/15/2004 #44768  
                             Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake, Californ 10/27/2004 #44770  
 crew of a military jet near Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake, Californ 10/27/2004 #44770  
ab, Iran Isfahan Night. An Iranian Air Force F-14 is on combat air patrol n 10/28/2004 #44773  
ranian Air Force F-14 is on combat air patrol near the heavy water reactor  10/28/2004 #44773  
a visual confirmation from an Arak Air Defense Group observer. Approaching  10/28/2004 #44773  
e object “was no known aircraft or air vehicle currently in the inventory o 11/14/2004 #44784  
rienced something similar at Dyess Air Force Base in Abilene, Texas. He doe 2005 #44804  
 window, only 20-30 feet up in the air and a short distance from the house, 4/21/2005 #44825  
 Arlington, Virginia Late morning. Air traffic radar detects an unidentifie 4/27/2005 #44827  
 unidentified target in restricted air space near Ronald Reagan Washington  4/27/2005 #44827  
trackers spot a plane entering the Air Defense Identification Zone around W 5/11/2005 #44840  
ufologists who meet with Brazilian Air Force officials in Brasília, Brazil, 5/20/2005 #44844  
adier Telles Ribeiro, chief of the Air Force’s Center for Public Communicat 5/20/2005 #44844  
neiro in May 1986; and a Brazilian Air Force investigation of UFOs held in  5/20/2005 #44844  
and Malahide, County Dublin London Air Traffic Control Centre Early morning 6/28/2005 #44849  
nutes. The pilot reports to London Air Traffic Control Centre: “Need assist 6/28/2005 #44849  
firms the presence of unauthorized air traffic. Some RAF Tornados are scram 6/28/2005 #44849  
                   The pilot of an Air France airliner reported sighting a  8/13/2005 #44862  
le other objects were suspended in air below it.                            9/7/2005 #44869  
                            Creech Air Force Base in Nevada Indian Springs  10/2005 #44882  
orce Base in Nevada Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field Creech Air For 10/2005 #44882  
s Air Force Auxiliary Field Creech Air Force Base in Nevada, formerly the I 10/2005 #44882  
evada, formerly the Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field, activates the 10/2005 #44882  
1st MQ- 1 Predator squadron in the Air Force Special Operations Command (AF 10/2005 #44882  
 encounters a luminous disc in the air corridor over Oaxaca state, Mexico,  Early 10/2005 #44884  
s National Laboratory Roswell Army Air Field Wright- Patterson AFB Sandia A 11/1/2005 #44898  
 National Laboratory. Roswell Army Air Field took the craft and sent it on  11/1/2005 #44898  
fighter aircraft developed for the Air Force, officially enters service. US 12/15/2005 #44909  
omponent of the service’s tactical air power. Its combination of stealth, a 12/15/2005 #44909  
onics systems enable unprecedented air combat capabilities.                 12/15/2005 #44909  
field. It was about 50 feet in the air. It had a red and blue light, and ma 12/18/2005 #44913  
akthrough aerospace planes for the Air Force Research Laboratory. Quantum v 2/1/2006 #44921  
s estimated to be 1500 feet in the air, and made absolutely no sound as it  5/3/2006 #44938  
ntified Aerial Phenomena in the UK Air Defence Region, written by former Ma 5/15/2006 #44942  
        Cheyenne Mountain Peterson Air Force Base Colorado Springs, Colorad 7/28/2006 #44951  
 day-to-day operations at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colo 7/28/2006 #44951  
a proposal from the Directorate of Air Staff (the former Sec(AS)) to transf 9/2006 #44957  
h porthole hovered 500 feet in the air over Hibbard, Quebec, Canada, making 1/31/2007 #45003  
 French TV program called C dans l’air. Questioned bluntly by host and jour 3/30/2007 #45014  
UFO that made several stops in mid air. After a few minutes it accelerated  5/6/2007 #45027  
                            The US Air Intelligence Agency is redesignated  6/8/2007 #45034  
ligence Agency is redesignated the Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance, an 6/8/2007 #45034  
 started to move away it caused an air turbulence and a moving shadow two f 8/29/2007 #45050  
then quickly disappeared into thin air. The sighting lasted 45 seconds.     9/21/2007 #45067  
 the sky, about 500 feet up in the air for 15 to 20 seconds, then vanished. 10/15/2007 #45074  
hovering about 600–700 feet in the air. It bobbles slightly for about 5 min 10/17/2007 #45077  
al shaped, came flying through the air straight at them. The driver slammed 10/27/2007 #45080  
on a training flight from Romanian Air Force 71st Base at Câmpia Turzii, Ro 10/30/2007 #45086  
ig-zagged as it "swam" through the air over Maple Ridge, British Columbia a 12/10/2007 #45099  
 silently hovering 500 feet in the air over a farm a few yards from the hig 12/29/2007 #45104  
         Stephenville, Texas Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Wort 1/8/2008 #45112  
or the 301st Fighter Wing at Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Wort 1/8/2008 #45112  
d Stephenville. On January 23, the Air Force admits in a press release that 1/8/2008 #45112  
-16 activity, but there is intense Air Force activity that night. Ten F-16s 1/8/2008 #45112  
nal at Creech AFB, Nevada, as “the Air Force’s [first] test squadron for un 3/5/2008 #45124  
to drone operators for both the US Air Force and the CIA in missions across 3/5/2008 #45124  
aw a black triangular craft in the air with lights and several windows. The 6/7/2008 #45146  
. He concludes: “The United States Air Force or the National Aeronautics an 7/29/2008 #45152  
cigar-shaped object stopped in the air over the ocean off of Cape Breton ne 8/18/2008 #45160  
 data files was conducted, and the Air Force “could find no tactical or tec 12/22/2008 #45197  
management and operation of the US Air Force Space Surveillance System is a 2009 #45203  
             Uruguay The Uruguayan Air Force declassifies its UFO files and 6/2009 #45224  
 of the UFO office, says that the “Air Force does not dismiss an extraterre 6/2009 #45224  
something white flying through the air, and when they looked at it through  9/5/2009 #45242  
                            UK RAF Air Command The RAF Air Command prepares 11/2009 #45251  
        UK RAF Air Command The RAF Air Command prepares a briefing for UK D 11/2009 #45251  
ces have now been received but the Air Force “nor others” will talk to BAAS 11/29/2009 #45258  
 Office of Special Projects of the Air Force Office of Special Investigatio 12/11/2009 #45262  
    Washington, D.C. Northern Tier air force bases Bigelow Aerospace Advanc Late 1/2010 #45268  
 associated with the Northern Tier air force bases in 1975. Hennessey suspe Late 1/2010 #45268  
ar Gonzalez and the crew of Dakota Air Traffic Control at Ellsworth AFB nea 3/3/2010 #45271  
                    Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida Low Earth Orb 4/22/2010 #45276  
Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida. The spacecra 4/22/2010 #45276  
Earth orbit for testing. While the Air Force reveals few orbital details of 4/22/2010 #45276  
C., that brings together former US Air Force personnel who testify to the e 9/27/2010 #45298  
o luminous objects circling in the air are seen at 8:55 p.m. in the Xinhuaj 10/11/2010 #45301  
 Warren AFB near Cheyenne, Wyoming Air Force personnel at Francis E. Warren 10/23/2010 #45303  
th Strategic Missile Squadron. The Air Force then quickly acknowledges the  10/23/2010 #45303  
g in the middle of the ocean, with air distortion due to heat. At first one 2/11/2011 #45314  
s he calls a representative of the Air Force Office of Special Investigatio 3/31/2011 #45322  
l Investigations (AFOSI) at Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska. The represen 3/31/2011 #45322  
rial/genetic agenda theory, and an Air Force psychologist who argued abduct 3/31/2011 #45322  
                         Argentine Air Force Comisión de Estudio de Fenómen 5/6/2011 #45323  
menos Aeroespaciales The Argentine Air Force creates the Comisión de Estudi 5/6/2011 #45323  
 phenomena. Capt. Moriano Mohaupt, Air Force press spokesman, says that the 5/6/2011 #45323  
ion is composed of meteorologists, air traffic controllers, pilots, and rad 5/6/2011 #45323  
ts above FRC West at Lemoore Naval Air Station. After watching the triangle 11/15/2011 #45334  
012 but noticed no response by the air station to the overflight.  https:// 11/15/2011 #45334  
                                   Air Force Office of Scientific Research  12/2011 #45335  
ch into a Wingless Electromagnetic Air Vehicle (WEAV) that studies a proof- 12/2011 #45335  
 fly away after maneuvering in the air. The other objects disappear         5/10/2012 #45342  
                       US The U.S. Air Force declassified a trove of docume Late 2012 #45355  
rmed "Area 51") include Groom Lake Air Force Base. Film taken from just out 2013 #45356  
 800 feet away and 600 feet in the air, slowly rising among the treetops. I 3/19/2013 #45362  
ees determine that Navy, Army, and Air Force documents related to UFOs are  4/18/2013 #45364  
Red Rippers”), flying out of Naval Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach, Vi 6/27/2013 #45376  
, astronomers, meteorologists, and Air Force personnel to analyze these eve 10/2013 #45387  
              The first-generation Air Force Satellite Surveillance System  10/1/2013 #45388  
chnology in Utah reachable only by air, along with locations in Enzo, CA, L 11/1/2013 #45393  
    Virginia Beach, Virginia Naval Air Station Oceana Fleet Area Control an 11/18/2013 #45395  
“Pukin Dogs”), flying out of Naval Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach, Vi 11/18/2013 #45395  
“plugs” for the 2009 alone for the Air Force, they state.  https://www.reut 11/18/2013 #45396  
h 30+ years experience as Army and Air Force aircraft maintenance technicia 11/19/2013 #45397  
“Gladiators”), flying out of Naval Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach, Vi 3/26/2014 #45405  
                             Naval Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach, Vi 4/23/2014 #45407  
devices” while flying out of Naval Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach, Vi 4/23/2014 #45407  
    Virginia Beach, Virginia Naval Air Station Oceana 12:47 p.m. Two more F 4/24/2014 #45408  
c Fighter Maneuvering out of Naval Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach, Vi 4/24/2014 #45408  
parachute or paraglider apparatus. Air traffic control confirms there are n 6/13/2014 #45410  
ot present a threat or a danger to air operations.”                         7/31/2014 #45412  
that were taken to Pensacola Naval Air Station. EMPRESS and EMPRESS II were 8/18/2014 #45414  
ckland AFB, San Antonio, Texas The Air Force Intelligence agency is restruc 9/29/2014 #45415  
s restructured as the Twenty-Fifth Air Force and aligns the 9th Reconnaissa 9/29/2014 #45415  
e 55th Wing under the new numbered air force. Its primary mission is to pro 9/29/2014 #45415  
y and Central Security Service for Air Force cryptographic activities. It i 9/29/2014 #45415  
n-made disc-shaped craft at Norton Air Force Base in 1988. Brad states the  12/2014 #45425  
rt that the objects persist in the air for long periods of time and might “ 2/2015? #45430  
odesta that McCasland, who led the Air Force Research Laboratory at Wright- 1/24/2016 #45443  
al vehicle testing for partners at Air Force, Army, Navy, Marines, DTRA and 3/5/2016 #45445  
ronto, Ontario Night. The Canadian Air Defence Sector is notified of a West 4/15/2016 #45450  
ast Ontario Winnipeg 11:45 p.m. An Air Canada Express pilot flying to Vanco 9/19/2016 #45459  
s rugged northern coast. Vancouver air traffic controllers report the incid 9/19/2016 #45459  
x Board to launch a Small Unmanned Air System (SUAS) assessment that classi 2017 #45462  
terial objects or phenomena in the air. Finally, the well-intentioned chang 1/1/2017 #45463  
o react to an airstrike by our own air force; we also need our pilots not t 3/27/2017 #45466  
Sonsbeek Arnhem Netherlands Deelen Air Base Evening. Rik Koops and Harm Duu 5/28/2017 #45470  
elicopter Command at nearby Deelen Air Base denies that the objects are dro 5/28/2017 #45470  
n exposed. Cuban officials analyze air and soil samples and consider a rang 10/24/2017 #45486  
ing “fast” (relative to commercial air traffic) at around 35,000 feet over  10/25/2017 #45487  
AD scrambles F-15Cs from the 142nd Air Wing in Portland, Oregon, to investi 10/25/2017 #45487  
 derivation obsolete. “One inch of air could power the US for hundreds of y 10/26/2017 #45488  
       Salvatore Pais of the Naval Air Station Patuxent River files a paten 11/2/2017 #45490  
is work is being undertaken at the Air Force’s Overhead Persistent Infrared 1/2018 #45499  
 A Learjet 36 belonging to Phoenix Air flying at 37,000 feet reports an obj 2/24/2018 #45513  
nes Airbus A321 flying on the same air route at 40,000 feet, reports a brig 2/24/2018 #45513  
ona and the New Mexico border. The air traffic controller in Albuquerque is 2/24/2018 #45513  
                         US The US Air Force officially retires the MQ-1 Pr 3/9/2018 #45522  
the Predator was phased out by the Air Force in favor of the heavier and mo 3/9/2018 #45522  
rmingham, England 9:30 a.m. A King Air BE90 pilot is cruising at 16,000 fee 7/5/2018 #45533  
an, while a corresponding Canadian Air Defence Sector log entry describes “ 11/17/2018 #45546  
eg, Manitoba Morning. The Canadian Air Defence Sector detects an unidentifi 11/21/2018 #45548  
eceives a UFO report from Edmonton air traffic controllers about “3 red lig 11/21/2018 #45548  
        Northern Manitoba Winnipeg Air Control Centre Canadian Forces Base  1/6/2019 #45556  
 in Ontario The crew of a Vanguard Air Care flight sees an unidentified lig 1/6/2019 #45556  
ion and that NAV Canada’s Winnipeg Air Control Centre assumes that it is an 1/6/2019 #45556  
                             Naval Air Station Patuxent River St. Mary’s Co 2/13/2019 #45562  
r electronic warfare aircraft from Air Test and Evaluation Squadron 23 (VX- 2/13/2019 #45562  
adron 23 (VX-23), flying out Naval Air Station Patuxent River in St. Mary’s 2/13/2019 #45562  
is an F-4 fighter jet of the Greek Air Force.                               3/2019 #45565  
                     The Argentine Air Force’s Comisión de Estudio de Fenóm 4/4/2019 #45571  
d recommendations for aircrews and air traffic controllers.                 6/2019 #45583  
e visit the area over the weekend. Air Force spokeswoman Laura McAndrews sa 9/20/2019 #45609  
Lackland in Texas The Twenty-Fifth Air Force for intelligence activities is 10/11/2019 #45611  
activities is merged with the 24th Air Force to form a reactivated 16th Air 10/11/2019 #45611  
r Force to form a reactivated 16th Air Force responsible for information wa 10/11/2019 #45611  
yload for OTV-5 is classified, the Air Force announces that one of its expe 10/27/2019 #45615  
rvice by renaming and reorganizing Air Force Space Command into the United  12/20/2019 #45622  
vity fields in a vacuum and in the air. He states it can be done at room te 2/4/2020 #45630  
istopher Mellon wonders why the US Air Force has not simultaneously detecte 3/28/2020 #45642  
t. After landing, the crew informs Air Traffic Control, who tells them that 9/1/2020 #45660  
rnational Airport, California. The air traffic controller alerts another pi 10/14/2020 #45662  
e FAA has no reports of objects on air traffic controller radar screens.    2/21/2021 #45678  
g a briefing prior to a planned US Air Force exercise, USAF personnel obser 5/2021 #45685  
clearly instructed to complete the Air Force reporting form, which features 5/2021 #45685  
ssociated with this subject in the Air Force has significantly changed.     5/2021 #45685  
ration Army they are ‘unidentified air conditions’ and artificial intellige 6/4/2021 #45692  
USD(I&S), DIA, FBI, NRO, NGA, NSA, Air Force, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, DAR 6/25/2021 #45695  
d material to achieve “buoyancy in air.” The patent was published two weeks 6/25/2021 #45695  
                         Ellington Air Force Base near Houston, Texas Day.  10/9/2021 #45716  
utes during the Wings Over Houston Air Show at Ellington Air Force Base nea 10/9/2021 #45716  
Over Houston Air Show at Ellington Air Force Base near Houston, Texas. The  10/9/2021 #45716  
blimp, making an appearance at the air show.                                10/9/2021 #45716  
” “almost like viscous, but in the air, and it moved.” The BMOW corroborate 5/9/2022 #45747  
aviators. Bray says that “Navy and air force crews now have step- by-step p 5/17/2022 #45750  
## Word: "air-" (Back to Top)
capture plutonium samples. Some 68 air- sampler stations equipped with micr 4/24/1957 #13615  
## Word: "air-01" (Back to Top)
ospace System Concepts or “Project AIR-01.” AASC is described as a program  6/2008 #45144  
## Word: "air-2" (Back to Top)
s the only test of the Air Force’s AIR-2 Genie missile with a nuclear warhe 7/19/1957 #13814  
## Word: "air-brakes" (Back to Top)
ircle / intense red lights. Noisy "air-brakes" sound.                       7/21/1991 #40126  
## Word: "air-breathing" (Back to Top)
 contracts to develop a hypersonic air-breathing single-stage-to-orbit vehi 4/1986 #37815  
 scramjet, the fastest free-flying air-breathing vehicle, achieves a speed  11/16/2004 #44787  
## Word: "air-buoyant" (Back to Top)
 that travel inside self-generated air-buoyant structures made of low densi 5/17/1999 #43770  
at traveled inside self-generated “air-buoyant structures” made of low dens 6/25/2021 #45695  
onal Security LLC patent states an air-buoyant structure around a craft cou 6/25/2021 #45695  
## Word: "air-cooled" (Back to Top)
ites Windscale Pile Number One, an air-cooled, graphite-moderated, uranium- 10/9/1957 #14083  
## Word: "air-crews" (Back to Top)
entry is actually UFO according to air-crews and RADAR operators!           2/20/1991 #39978  
## Word: "air-defense" (Back to Top)
raft), the vulnerability of the US air-defense network to penetration by fo 8/3/1997 #43365  
## Word: "air-evacuated" (Back to Top)
away over the horizon. As Raeke is air-evacuated from the scene, investigat 11/16/1977 #32677  
## Word: "air-force-rejects-order" (Back to Top)
st.com/archive/politics/1984/08/07/air-force-rejects-order/e06c259e-6c55-49 8/7/1984 #37429  
st.com/archive/politics/1984/08/07/air-force-rejects-order/e06c259e-6c55-49 8/7/1984 #37429  
## Word: "air-france" (Back to Top)
                   COULOMMIERS, FR Air-France crew and ground RADAR. Dark 1 1/28/1994 #41386  
## Word: "air-launched" (Back to Top)
in a Douglas D-558-2 Skyrocket, an air-launched rocket plane powered by the 8/15/1951 #5607  
2’s wing design. The Q-12 is to be air-launched from the back of an A- 12 a 10/1962 #17449  
## Word: "air-lines" (Back to Top)
involved, military or civilian, or air-lines. We will record it under the t 1/13/1954 #9481  
## Word: "air-raid" (Back to Top)
ands is cleaning his rifle when an air-raid warning is sounded. He dives in 8/12/1942 #1434  
## Word: "air-rushing" (Back to Top)
 ovoid going south / low altitude. Air-rushing sound.                       8/12/1958 #15196  
## Word: "air-sampling" (Back to Top)
 the Royal Australian Air Force on air-sampling missions. However, there is 3/1/1954 #9585  
; cars and trucks are added; giant air-sampling balloons are tethered in pl 4/24/1957 #13615  
## Word: "air-show" (Back to Top)
       COFFEYVILLE, KS Many / Navy air-show. 60M disk going quickly east ex 8/13/1947? #3314  
nd pilots. Series / 3 saucers over air-show! / MJ#255+/ r46p86.             7/3/1949 #4258  
## Word: "air-taxi" (Back to Top)
oeing 727s, a British airliner, an air-taxi, and a Transeuropa aircraft—enc 11/11/1980 #35634  
## Word: "air-tight" (Back to Top)
om 3 inches to one-half inch in an air-tight container.                     10/9/1953 #9216  
## Word: "air-to-air" (Back to Top)
ntercepts of radio transmissions: “Air-to-air communications... were betwee 3/23/1992 #40397  
nent of using post-stall flight in air-to-air combat. It looks nothing like 4/29/1993 #40956  
## Word: "air-to-ground" (Back to Top)
le preparing for an MX-776A Shrike air-to-ground missile test at White Sand 4/27/1950 #4909  
missile test (for the later Rascal air-to-ground strategic missile) a USAF  8/30/1950 #5150  
## Word: "air-traffic" (Back to Top)
isc, watched through binoculars by air-traffic controller. (UFOE) (NICAP: 0 11/16/1952 #8288  
 as a place for pilots, crews, and air-traffic controllers to report their  1999 #43706  
that UFOs have sometimes disrupted air-traffic operations.                  8/26/2003 #44584  
## Word: "airbase" (Back to Top)
) binoculars. 2 red saucers drop / airbase. Hover and speed away. / r242p12 8/29/1942 #1442  
 the Strategic Air Command's major airbase at 11:00 p.m. At the same time,  6/5/1952 #6449  
 jet activity is recorded over the airbase at the time and witnesses say th 8/5/1952 #7468  
. 2 36cm saucers far to east / K14 airbase. Lost in clouds.                 1/24/1953 #8562  
ed object flew over Bentwaters RAF Airbase in Suffolk County, England. It m 12/30/1953 #9410  
 many. Triangle / box flashes over airbase / 15 minute(s). / r139#1p46.     3/30/1955 #12070  
flame-color saucers hover / marine airbase. Away / plane nears. / r140#1+6. 2/10/1956 #12705  
aking anything associated with the airbase into account (for example, the r 3/22/1957 #13553  
e four 5-10 second passes over the airbase from north to south, with 4-5 mi 9/20/1957 #14021  
es AFB, KS Flat Silver Object Near Airbase (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 7/22/1965 #19159  
hru) binoculars. Sphere stops over airbase. 2 dark sections / bottom.       8/19/1965 #19420  
n near the Shilo Royal Canadian AF airbase in Manitoba. One was at so low a 7/23/1966 #20672  
ing quickly south fast. Stops near airbase. Jumps about. Curves going up [t 2/28/1967 #21679  
MEUR, FR 20cm probe maneuvers over airbase and reservoir. Going [to] toward 2/3/1974 #28730  
ive kilometers from the Rota Naval Airbase near Sanlucar de Barrameda when  3/17/1974 #28898  
ru) binoculars. Disk over military airbase. Bright beams. 400M altitude eas 9/10/1974 #29445  
n, Iran Mehrabad Airport Shahrokhi Airbase [now Hamadan Airbase] 10:30 p.m. 9/18/1976 #31395  
ort Shahrokhi Airbase [now Hamadan Airbase] 10:30 p.m. Residents of the nor 9/18/1976 #31395  
tLt. Hossein Shokri from Shahrokhi Airbase [now Hamadan Airbase] to the wes 9/18/1976 #31395  
rom Shahrokhi Airbase [now Hamadan Airbase] to the west at 1:30 a.m. They c 9/18/1976 #31395  
RALIA Disc-saucer seen by day near airbase. No further details.             12/27/1978 #34214  
 jet chases glowing UFO's circling airbase. No RADAR trace!                 2/1979 #34396  
ent amber night lights criss-cross airbase. "Not meteors".                  9/8/1989 #39093  
t going quickly southwest. Aims at airbase. 2 30M glowing-circles follow.   10/17/1993 #41240  
ight white night light hovers over airbase. Erratic motion.                 2/2/1994 #41399  
                 Poligon Nadarzyce airbase Nadardyce, Poland Krzesiny AFB 8 10/8/1994 #41795  
ary personnel at Poligon Nadarzyce airbase near the village of Nadardyce, P 10/8/1994 #41795  
 in north Yorkshire, England Thule Airbase in Greenland The entire USAF Sol 1/31/2001 #44136  
orth Yorkshire, England; and Thule Airbase in Greenland. These radars are d 1/31/2001 #44136  
## Word: "airbases" (Back to Top)
TONIO, TX Military and civil and 3 airbases. Night lights circle and maneuv 6/2/1953 #8926  
## Word: "airboat" (Back to Top)
rs) away. The St. Petersburg-Tampa Airboat Line was a short-lived endeavor  1/1/1914 #895  
## Word: "airborne" (Back to Top)
, England in the North Sea when an airborne object with a powerful searchli 2/28/1913 #885  
     Somewhere over France, In Air Airborne red light. (Page 56 Ref.1) (NIC 1/28/1944 #1564  
he air at high speed.” Neither the airborne radar nor ground control regist 11/29/1944 #1710  
   Germersheim, Germany Stationary airborne object. (Page 150 Ref.1) (NICAP 3/23/1945 #1822  
Isaac (gunner) notice lights on an airborne object. The lights follow them  3/26/1945 #1829  
       Fala Island, Truk Atoll Two airborne objects & red circles of light  5/2/1945 #1859  
d evasive maneuvers; there were no airborne radar returns picked up from th 5/3/1945 #1863  
nterceptions of objects tracked on airborne radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, 10/15/1948 #3838  
he B-29 at 3,000 mph. The bomber's airborne radar jammed for an additional  1/12/1950 #4485  
 over Kodiak, Alaska, according to airborne radar. It then buzzed several p 1/22/1950 #4504  
 domed disc pass in front of them. Airborne radar confirms it. The object f 7/11/1950 #5056  
rocket launch, and then tracked on airborne radar by two jets. The radar co 7/14/1951 #5576  
on the ground radar as well as two airborne radars. At one point the short  1/22/1952 #5877  
int Conception (60 miles W of), CA Airborne Radar Tracks 3,000 MPH Object ( 3/24/1952 #5971  
ry and civil aviators / ground and airborne. Vibrant bright huge silver ovo 4/3/1952 #6018  
then began to maneuver and zigzag. Airborne radar tracked the target for 90 4/5/1952 #6035  
O was picked up by both ground and airborne radar. It shot away with tremen 5/26/1952 #6367  
nd), MA F-94B Chases Object / With Airborne radar Tracking (NICAP: 09 - RAD 7/22/1952 #7013  
ley AFB), VA Navy Ground Radar / & Airborne Radars Track UFOs (NICAP: 09 -  7/26/1952 #7160  
 light. As confirmed by ground and airborne radar, the UFO plays tag with t 7/26/1952 #7175  
 was asked to investigate, and its airborne radar locked onto the UFO which 7/29/1952 #7307  
d Haneda control tower operators.  Airborne radar tracked a target for 90 s 8/5/1952 #7467  
ty of maneuvers. It was tracked by airborne radar for 90 seconds.The UFO mo 8/5/1952 #7473  
t. The F-86s are evidently without airborne radar because they only mention 9/2/1952 #7829  
en get a lock-on from their ARC-33 airborne radar. As they attempt to close 12/10/1952 #8409  
ng 3 beams of light and tracked on airborne radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, 12/29/1952 #8457  
ng 3 beams of light and tracked on airborne radar. (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases 12/29/1952 #8459  
ng 3 beams of light and tracked on airborne radar (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cas 12/29/1952 #8460  
                  TE KUITI, NI, NZ Airborne observer(s). Brill orange fireb 1/6/1953 #8507  
Steep Climb Observed By Ground and Airborne Witnesses (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 3/12/1953 #8747  
plane, as detected visually and by airborne radar for 5 minutes.            3/14/1953 #8752  
    Pacific Northwest, OR Ground & Airborne Contacts / No Visuals (NICAP: 0 5/12/1953 #8876  
     Morning Bikini Atoll Morning. Airborne Radar Operator W/O Olin H. Hast 3/1/1954 #9585  
 Directive JANAP 146(C) now covers airborne and waterborne CIRVIS and MERIN 3/10/1954 #9611  
 close range, possibly detected on airborne radar. Roe maneuvers to try to  6/23/1954 #9936  
hat USAF considers UFOs to be “any airborne object which by performance, ae 8/12/1954 #10138  
 tracked an unidentified target by airborne radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, 3/20/1955 #12052  
Tony LeVier, inadvertently becomes airborne after accelerating the U-2 to 7 8/1/1955 #12316  
terceptor picks up a large blip on airborne radar. The pilot sees a tan obj 12/17/1956 #13408  
 them to be cobwebs from migrating airborne spiders, Phillips takes some sa Summer 1957 #13744  
 Intelligence (ELINT) equipment an airborne radar source that mimics some b 7/17/1957 #13808  
e RB-47, then circles around as if airborne, highly maneuverable, and flyin 7/17/1957 #13808  
 reportedly tracked by the RB-47’s airborne navigation radar as well, thoug 7/17/1957 #13808  
ther air crewmen, while on routine Airborne Operations Center radar early w 8/3/1957 #13875  
but the target is still tracked on airborne radar. At 8:15 p.m., the target 8/3/1957 #13875  
ly. The UFO was confirmed on their airborne radars and ground radar.        8/30/1957 #13955  
. Allen L. Ries, tracks the UFO on airborne radar at some points suddenly m 10/14/1957 #14110  
Pilot Observes Object / Tracked By Airborne Radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, 9/5/1958 #15254  
is made. After the vehicle becomes airborne, an uncontrollable roll and pit 9/29/1959 #15999  
 a.m. The radar operator on a USAF Airborne Early Warning and Control aircr 9/27/1961 #16876  
the UFO was detected by ground and airborne radar.                          1/29/1962 #17027  
IC Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Airborne observation. No further details 10/25/1962 #17492  
ory, B-52 bombers go on continuous airborne alert, and B-47 medium bombers  10/25/1962 #17495  
   Atlantic Ocean, At Sea 1400 MPH Airborne Radar Tracks (NICAP: 09 - RADAR 5/31/1963 #17772  
           PACIFIC 174° 15-35° 45N Airborne military observer(s). No furthe 2/2/1965 #18792  
               VA, DC, MD, various Airborne & Ground Sightings, Radar Track 2/2/1965 #18793  
three red oval objects, tracked on airborne radar. Paced aircraft for 30 mi 2/11/1965 #18808  
f five miles. They were tracked on airborne radar making a high speed verti 2/11/1965 #18811  
 observed some distance away by an airborne airliner pilot, according to Jo 3/31/1965 #18882  
g. A minister and his wife saw two airborne lights like headlights along wi 2/22/1967 #21620  
an like figure that was apparently airborne and "seemed to be walking in th 7/22/1968 #24206  
 flashing from the underside. Once airborne, the wife can clearly see the t 6/27/1970 #25714  
he looked out again the object was airborne, and the "moon" was gone. Later 11/3/1971 #26452  
around DC-8 aircraft, confirmed by airborne radar. Shadowy figures seen in  2/14/1973 #27289  
 The mass of UFO reports “from the airborne gendarmerie, from the mobile ge 2/21/1974 #28787  
the air for an attack on the US is airborne. The base stays on alert throug Late 10/1975 #30471  
igh speed, confirmed on ground and airborne radar. Responded to pilot flash 1/21/1977 #31740  
ansparent wall that the object was airborne. A bright blue light came on, a 9/15/1977 #32485  
he pilots can see nothing on their airborne radars and return empty- handed 8/17/1978 #33523  
le, who were in radio contact with airborne military personnel, who had a v 5/29/1979 #34594  
to return to base. Both ground and airborne radar are tracking the objects. 5/19/1986 #37881  
fted it from the road. The car was airborne a few feet above the ground for 1/20/1988 #38423  
 of the object by either ground or airborne radar.                          10/24/1989 #39184  
t speed. There was both ground and airborne radar contact with the targets, 10/8/1990 #39767  
                    There was both airborne radar contact and visual confir 12/28/1991 #40270  
       PUEBLO, CO Airline crew and airborne RADAR. Large extremely bright o 5/25/1995 #42223  
. On page 114 of the document, an “airborne holographic projector” is descr 5/1996 #42891  
es, age 66, spotted a round, white airborne object with curved edges while  10/31/2001 #44269  
 from Andrews at 1:00 a.m., remain airborne for 50 minutes, fly at low alti 7/26/2002 #44366  
s. Both encounters were tracked on airborne radar.                          1/4/2004 #44645  
0 a.m. There were a total of three airborne witnesses to the UFO, but there 10/15/2004 #44768  
-sensing technologies: “Anytime an airborne object can hover for several mi 11/7/2006 #44981  
itional passes as they track it on airborne radar.                          1/12/2007 #44999  
erries and proposes that two solid airborne UFOs are working in unison that 4/23/2007 #45022  
res and arrivals. The pilots of an airborne US Customs and Border Protectio 4/25/2013 #45365  
nt Buzzard was a codename used for airborne surveillance and tracking durin 6/2013 #45368  
onship has been found in major UFO airborne safety incidents doesn’t suppor 1/1/2017 #45463  
4:47. The video documents that the Airborne Collision Avoidance System SSR  3/19/2020 #45639  
ial vehicles’), including observed airborne objects that have not been iden 12/27/2020 #45670  
ossible categories of explanation: airborne clutter, natural atmospheric ph 6/25/2021 #45694  
g birds & bugs (40%), balloons and airborne objects (18%), optical artifact 11/19/2021 #45723  
nse Kathleen Hicks establishes the Airborne Object Identification and Manag 11/23/2021 #45724  
to be overseen and directed by the Airborne Object Identification and Manag 11/23/2021 #45724  
fects.” It funds a new office, the Airborne Object Identification and Manag 12/27/2021 #45730  
icist Sean Kirkpatrick to head the Airborne Object Identification and Manag 5/12/2022 #45748  
is involved with the newly created Airborne Object Identification and Manag 5/17/2022 #45750  
## Word: "airburst" (Back to Top)
s are damaged. Although a probable airburst from a meteor, some Chinese res 12/1/1994 #41875  
## Word: "airbursts" (Back to Top)
 coming down a mountain. Artillery airbursts do not seem to harm it. As it  Early Spring 1951 #5471  
## Word: "airbus" (Back to Top)
        ORLY AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR Airbus crew. Rectangle west red and whit 11/30/1995 #42633  
it crossed within 330 meters of an Airbus 330 airliner flying near Orly Air 11/30/1995 #42634  
                   PHILIPSBURG, PA Airbus crew and NY FAA RADAR. Intense fi 4/12/1996 #42863  
er, and flight engineer onboard an Airbus 310-200 cargo flight flying over  10/23/2003 #44612  
 on Runway 10 by a British Midland Airbus A330- 200 at a distance of 6 mile 1/4/2004 #44643  
e, County Meath 10:30 p.m. Another Airbus 330-200 is approaching the east c 1/4/2004 #44644  
light. The UFO begins circling the Airbus in an aggressive manner. The crew 1/4/2004 #44644  
35 p.m. The pilot of a Thomas Cook Airbus A320 cruising at 34,000 feet near 7/19/2013 #45378  
 The pilot and first officer of an Airbus 320 flying at just under 3,500 fe 6/13/2014 #45410  
go, Chile 1:52 p.m. A Chilean Navy Airbus Cougar AS-532 helicopter is flyin 11/11/2014 #45423  
 England 7:20 p.m. The pilot of an Airbus A319 is holding at 7,000 feet at  7/14/2017 #45475  
ster Airport, England 6:10 p.m. An Airbus A321 pilot is descending from 10, 2/1/2018 #45505  
een, pilot of an American Airlines Airbus A321 flying on the same air route 2/24/2018 #45513  
West Sussex, England 12:40 p.m. An Airbus A319 is climbing out from Gatwick 4/28/2019 #45573  
wick Airport, England 2:00 p.m. An Airbus A320 pilot departing from Gatwick 5/5/2019 #45577  
,000 feet. The CBP is operating an Airbus AS350, while Tucson police are fl 2/9/2021 #45676  
co 12:19 p.m. An American Airlines Airbus A320 pilot reports a long, cylind 2/21/2021 #45678  
## Word: "aircraft" (Back to Top)
ht of a powered, heavier- than-air aircraft with the Wright Flyer 4 miles s 12/17/1903 #663  
. But Tillinghast never offers his aircraft for public viewing, and people  12/22/1909 #821  
 9:30 a.m. An unknown cigar-shaped aircraft is seen moving over Chattanooga 1/12/1910 #830  
rch 7:00 p.m. Noise from an unseen aircraft startles the residents of Sheer 10/14/1912 #864  
m. Several people see a mysterious aircraft over the Clubmoor neighborhood  1/25/1913 #872  
eater Manchester, England, sees an aircraft “like a huge ball” passing sile 1/27/1913 #874  
e object disappears. Other mystery aircraft are seen this month at military 1/29/1913 #875  
es in South Africa, so any mystery aircraft are assumed to be enemies and s 8/11/1914 #909  
Ontario, see the lights of unknown aircraft crossing the St. Lawrence River 2/14/1915 #925  
ntario, reports that two invisible aircraft are heard flying over his town. 2/14/1915 #925  
airplane. They see an unidentified aircraft circling near the bridge. When  4/13/1917 #955  
ct came within about 50 yards, the aircraft engine would begin to sputter a 9/1926 #1062  
 Italy Vergiate, Varese An unknown aircraft allegedly crashes at Magenta, j 6/13/1933 #1159  
the hangars of the SIAI- Marchetti aircraft company in Vergiate, Varese. Jo 6/13/1933 #1159  
nter of a formation of RAF fighter aircraft over Sussex, England. Two of th 7/5/1933 #1168  
East Coast and Britain, mysterious aircraft (Page 7 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 - Di 8/1933 #1174  
bserver sees what appears to be an aircraft land on ice-covered lake Fjosok Late 11/1933 #1176  
everal observer(s) / news. Mystery aircraft passes going quickly west. Turn 12/16/1933 #1177  
n. The Swedish Air Force loses two aircraft trying to discover where the pl 1/9/1934 #1194  
oden, Norrbotten, Sweden A mystery aircraft flies over the military fortres 1/22/1934 #1196  
l London, England Night. A mystery aircraft flies in circles for two hours  2/1/1934 #1199  
ary had been of real, unidentified aircraft involved in a violation of Swed 4/30/1934 #1208  
 Norway, and Finland are of actual aircraft violating borders, the military 7/8/1935 #1231  
 disc-shaped object in his private aircraft over Van Buren, Missouri.       1/1937 #1256  
al, crossed the path in front of a aircraft flying near the Virginia-North  1/1/1937 #1260  
t similar to position lights on an aircraft flies over a village outside St Late 1/1937 #1262  
st, In Air Space Lights of alleged aircraft (Page 11 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 - D 7/22/1937 #1274  
nkel He 178, the world’s first jet aircraft, made its first flight          8/1939 #1309  
which would be quite practical for aircraft to carry.                       3/1940 #1326  
ntific Research at the Ministry of Aircraft Production (MAP).               4/10/1940 #1331  
Tactics” concerning unidentifiable aircraft observed by bombing crews over  8/11/1940 #1343  
 volunteers are recruited into the Aircraft Warning Service, the civilian a 5/1941 #1361  
-1M, an experimental “flying wing” aircraft with a 38-foot wingspan, is fir 7/3/1941 #1368  
hundred yards. He reports that the aircraft can fly no higher than 5 feet.  7/3/1941 #1368  
ft shells into the air at reported aircraft; more than 1,400 shells are eve 2/24/1942 #1388  
tor Command are alerted, but their aircraft remain grounded. The artillery  2/24/1942 #1388  
in from the sea. As they flew over aircraft factories and this was shortly  2/25/1942 #1391  
t as many as 15 unknown commercial aircraft, flying at various speeds up to 2/26/1942 #1394  
e “size of the moon” following the aircraft over the Zuiderzee in Holland.  6/25/1942 #1422  
 A radio blackout is in effect. An aircraft approaches, a full alert is sou 8/5/1942 #1430  
dward Carroll later hears that the aircraft is neither German nor Japanese. 8/5/1942 #1430  
 a roaring sound unlike that of an aircraft. Soon he sees a formation of mo 8/12/1942 #1434  
ning from a mission in Europe. The aircraft is over or near the English coa Late 1942? #1456  
e metallic object that matches the aircraft’s course and speed for a time b Late 1942? #1456  
ich “hovered noiselessly” near the aircraft before moving off. According to Late 1942? #1456  
ange lights, flying in unison; not aircraft. (Page 36 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - D 12/1942 #1468  
 include the evaluation of foreign aircraft and related equipment.          12/1942 #1469  
 glowing orange disc dive at their aircraft and hover alongside, then accel 4/5/1943 #1491  
nge, elliptical disc dive at their aircraft near Long Beach, California. Th 4/5/1943 #1492  
at an Army Air Force BT13A trainer aircraft. It subsequently shot away.     4/5/1943 #1493  
indrical object, larger than their aircraft, on the port side. It has sever 5/26/1943 #1502  
ervice Command meets with Lockheed Aircraft Corporation in Burbank, Califor 6/1943 #1507  
and helps her dig the experimental aircraft out of the sand. The object is  7/18/1943 #1518  
uttgart, Germany, the crews of two aircraft of the 384th Bomb Group, comman 9/6/1943 #1528  
scs” floating downward through the aircraft formation. One hits the wing of 9/6/1943 #1528  
tified object; size of thunderbolt aircraft; streak-like vapor trail. (Page 12/11/1943 #1550  
ct about the size of a Thunderbolt aircraft over the target area. It passes 12/11/1943 #1551  
 that climbed much faster than his aircraft, a RAF Beaufighter with the 255 12/14/1943 #1554  
d ball; yellow/red flames followed aircraft through evasive action. (Page 5 1/29/1944 #1565  
e seeing either rockets fired from aircraft, parachute rockets, or high-exp 2/9/1944 #1571  
t-carrying pole extending from the aircraft. The design is taken from the H 3/1/1944 #1585  
ng sparks, two on each side of the aircraft. He takes evasive action with h 4/26/1944 #1593  
                               The Aircraft Warning Service is deactivated. 5/29/1944 #1596  
a speed about 3-4 times that of an aircraft. It leaves a short vapor trail, 7/9/1944 #1621  
 were three witnesses on board the aircraft. The sighting lasted less than  8/10/1944 #1639  
ed that they had sighted a "German aircraft" that stood still in the air fo 9/29/1944 #1671  
, Italy Red light appearance of an aircraft light. (Page 84 Ref.1) (NICAP:  10/20/1944 #1679  
retching twice the length of crews aircraft; no radar contact. (Page 120 Re 12/1944 #1716  
 Rhine River area, Germany Alleged aircraft that climbed out of range in no 12/5/1944 #1718  
ooting straight up; appeared to be aircraft doing a wingover and going into 12/23/1944 #1730  
and Ensign C. T. Neal to a waiting aircraft and Brown takes off in pursuit  12/23/1944 #1731  
er R. W. Hendershot, flying an SNJ aircraft, is asked by ground radar to ma 12/23/1944 #1731  
alls, watched the light pace their aircraft for awhile and then climb away  12/24/1944 #1733  
Norman P. Stark) from the USS Wasp aircraft carrier anchored at Ulithi Atol 2/7/1945 #1774  
t Ralph Bayer is alarmed to see an aircraft approaching from the left and o Mid 2/1945 #1785  
lights appear directly in front of aircraft; fired upon without result. (Pa 2/17/1945 #1787  
 stops. Ziller is seen putting the aircraft into a dive and pulling up seve 2/18/1945 #1790  
ot use his radio or eject from the aircraft. He already is unconscious as a 2/18/1945 #1790  
fumes from the burning engine. The aircraft crashes just outside the bounda 2/18/1945 #1790  
irfield. Ziller is thrown from the aircraft on impact and dies from his inj 2/18/1945 #1790  
ies two weeks later. The prototype aircraft is completely destroyed.        2/18/1945 #1790  
, obtaining a slight target on the aircraft radar, then the object pulls ou 3/26/1945 #1829  
al lights followed a night fighter aircraft from the 549th NFS squadron ove 3/26/1945 #1830  
nawa, Japan, the radar crew on the aircraft carrier USS Independence freque 4/1945 #1834  
t move at slow speeds (30–70 mph). Aircraft and destroyers sent to search f 4/1945 #1834  
ported "Balls of Fire followed our aircraft." (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)  4/3/1945 #1836  
designers associated with wingless aircraft, are arrested by US troops near 4/7/1945 #1842  
he gunner in a P-61B "Black Widow" aircraft attached to the 549th NFS squad 4/18/1945 #1848  
ne of the fastest propeller driven aircraft of its time.                    4/18/1945 #1848  
s flying a Lancaster with 25 other aircraft to bomb Hitler’s headquarters a 4/25/1945 #1854  
s gone in an instant. Suddenly his aircraft loses its electrical power and  4/25/1945 #1854  
ation camp to help him develop new aircraft and submarine engines, is captu 5/1945 #1858  
ack to cherry again; they followed aircraft for over an hour while the bomb 5/3/1945 #1863  
iles distant. The object paced the aircraft, hovering at times. (Ref. 3; Ha 5/25/1945 #1869  
o an unknown Japanese experimental aircraft, though not a jet.              6/9/1945 #1875  
own flying craft the size of three aircraft carriers. These craft where hov Summer 1945 #1879  
pan Light Phenomenon.Spotted enemy aircraft apparently trailed by large ora 7/12/1945 #1893  
 appearance; was the size of three aircraft carriers, side-by side, oval sh Mid 7/1945 #1895  
arance at. It is the size of three aircraft carriers, side-by side, oval sh Mid 7/1945 #1896  
Navy to intercept any unidentified aircraft.                                8/7/1945 #1916  
d Field is used as a B-29 base for aircraft compatibility and drop tests. B 9/1945 #1935  
laming Taylor for the loss of five aircraft and 14 men. One of the search-a 12/5/1945 #1950  
 men. One of the search-and-rescue aircraft deployed to look for them, a PB 12/5/1945 #1950  
ort attributes the loss of the PBM aircraft to an explosion in midair while 12/5/1945 #1950  
4,700 men, 13 ships (including the aircraft carrier Philippine Sea), and 25 1946 #1955  
ft carrier Philippine Sea), and 25 aircraft. It was the largest Antarctic e 1946 #1955  
 models, and documents relating to aircraft designed by Nazi aircraft desig 1/10/1946 #1964  
ating to aircraft designed by Nazi aircraft designers the Horten brothers t 1/10/1946 #1964  
et. It is moving faster than a jet aircraft.                                7/30/1946 #2087  
red on a collision course with the aircraft. The stream of fiery exhaust fr 8/1/1946 #2101  
 mountain-tops / 30 minute(s). Not aircraft.                                8/12/1946 (approximate) #2119  
ers when approached by the fighter aircraft. The UFO was pursued for 30 min 1/16/1947 #2229  
are scrambled, but by the time the aircraft reach the area, the target is g 1/23/1947 #2234  
 president for exports at Republic Aircraft Corp. after his return from Swe 2/28/1947 #2244  
e the objects are some new type of aircraft.                                Late 4/1947 #2266  
       Rehoboth Beach, DE Pilot in aircraft saw a silvery jar-shaped object 6/2/1947 #2308  
 able to produce) 1,400 (or 1,800) aircraft based on the Horten brothers’ V 6/9/1947 #2315  
cond four-engine XB-35 flying wing aircraft to Muroc AFB [now Edwards AFB], 6/26/1947 #2419  
ircular objects approached an F-51 aircraft being piloted by an airman name 6/28/1947 #2450  
Ginty was flying in a P-80 fighter aircraft near Williams Field, Arizona at 6/30/1947 #2489  
 airspace two disc- or wing-shaped aircraft based on a Horton brothers desi 7/1/1947 #2523  
by Nazi doctor Josef Mengele. This aircraft is remotely controlled by the c 7/1/1947 #2523  
aft. The idea is to land the first aircraft in a visible location in the US 7/1/1947 #2523  
f the government. However, the two aircraft crash in the New Mexico desert  7/1/1947 #2523  
       SOUTHEAST / ST. CHARLES, MO Aircraft spotter and 13. Silent 25' sauc 7/4/1947 #2616  
                   LOS ANGELES, CA Aircraft inspector. "Lima-bean" flies ov 7/4/1947 #2630  
ditions, or meteorites, or foreign aircraft that it is “our responsibility  7/4/1947 #2654  
 Irving C. Allen is flying a small aircraft near Moscow, Idaho, when he see 7/4/1947 #2655  
aight up and vanishes when a small aircraft approaches it.                  7/4/1947 #2664  
covery of the remains of a crashed aircraft of some kind. Wilcox calls the  7/5/1947 #2719  
ming 2:45 p.m. David A. Kenney, an aircraft instruments engineer, and two o 7/6/1947 #2810  
              A Phillips Petroleum aircraft with two men on board, flying n 7/6/1947 #2819  
eport (7 miles N of ), LA Military aircraft pilot Harston saw a bright silv 7/7/1947 #2921  
ion about possible secret military aircraft. Vandenberg says no AAF planes  7/7/1947 #2933  
em Hackworthy are flying a private aircraft near East Troy, Wisconsin, when 7/7/1947 #2934  
uthern California, the Air Force’s aircraft testing and development center. 7/8/1947 #3014  
a foreign power, experimental army aircraft, or spaceships. However, Army a 7/8/1947 #3016  
cs are “new or unusual missiles or aircraft.”                               7/8/1947 #3017  
st and some 1,500 feet below their aircraft. It approaches them at great sp 7/8/1947 #3024  
          Morristown, NJ 6 DD from aircraft (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases 7/10/1947 #3098  
vapor trail. It resembles no known aircraft.                                7/10/1947 #3109  
rning GMT a British Vickers Viking aircraft was flying over the Bay of Bisc 7/10/1947 #3113  
mall plane and traveling at normal aircraft speeds, but made no sound.      7/10/1947 #3116  
an object that seems to be another aircraft ahead of them and to the south, 7/28/1947 #3240  
They come within 1,200 feet of his aircraft before veering away. At La Gran 7/29/1947 #3254  
objects zig-zagged past a military aircraft twice while the plane was flyin 8/14/1947 #3333  
re were two witnesses on board the aircraft.                                8/18/1947 #3347  
ay reaches 1.5km (Operation Sandy. Aircraft carrier launch successful. Expl 9/6/1947 #3387  
nd development), Col. C. K. Moore (aircraft laboratory chief), Col. Russell Mid 9/1947 #3396  
mination of Unidentified Disc-Like Aircraft near Military Installations in  9/19/1947 #3407  
“recovery of unidentified planform aircraft” in two locations on July 6.    9/19/1947 #3407  
 U.S. Coast Guard found no missing aircraft nor floating debris.            9/20/1947 #3411  
 appear to be as large as man-made aircraft. They have operating characteri 9/23/1947 #3415  
clear Energy for the Propulsion of Aircraft project at Oak Ridge. Twining p 9/23/1947 #3417  
clear Energy for the Propulsion of Aircraft Project at Oak Ridge.  http://w 9/23/1947 #3419  
mation to state that they involved aircraft or missiles but supports the co 9/26/1947 #3428  
Requirements on Flying Saucer Type Aircraft: Draft of Collection Memorandum 10/28/1947 #3469  
siders the objects “to be a manned aircraft, of Russian origin, and based o 10/28/1947 #3469  
others were working on an advanced aircraft in Heiligenbeil, East Prussia [ 11/1947 #3474  
-2, U.S. Army) in Berlin that Nazi aircraft designers Reimar Horten and Wal 12/16/1947 #3504  
clear Energy for the Propulsion of Aircraft group, is flying with the 166th 1948 #3521  
 20 minutes later 4 National Guard aircraft flew into the vicinity with Cap 1/7/1948 #3536  
d before it struck the ground. The aircraft’s metal was hit with fragments  1/7/1948 #3537  
s pilot Hugh DuBose, flying a DC-3 aircraft at 3,000 feet altitude near Car 1/9/1948 #3552  
ent of a jet-propelled flying wing aircraft.                                1/21/1948 #3560  
ons “provide a minimum of one each aircraft, with necessary crews, on a con 2/12/1948 #3576  
on a continuous alert basis. These aircraft should be equipped with gun cam 2/12/1948 #3576  
s P. Cabell for stationing fighter aircraft at all bases on continuous aler 3/3/1948 #3587  
ell as a history of unconventional aircraft by Curtis Fuller. Palmer and Fu Spring 1948 #3592  
undish, very high, faster than any aircraft, and perform rapid, erratic mot 4/5/1948 #3612  
hall Islands. B-17 pilotless drone aircraft are flown through the cloud, an 4/15/1948 #3623  
stant altitude, 1000 feet below an aircraft. It flew in the opposite direct 4/30/1948 #3635  
                           Douglas Aircraft Company creates the RAND Corpor 5/14/1948 #3650  
 in the Marshall Islands, a manned aircraft accidentally flies through the  5/15/1948 #3651  
the Air Force decides that piloted aircraft could collect samples. The Los  5/15/1948 #3651  
o crew are aboard a York transport aircraft, accompanied by a formation of  Late 5/1948 #3654  
 and three other crew members. The aircraft suffers structural failure, wit 6/5/1948 #3667  
at twice the speed of conventional aircraft                                 6/15/1948 #3669  
 Russia. He sees an unconventional aircraft in the shape of a cucumber with 6/16/1948 #3671  
n up like a fan and shine into his aircraft, blinding him. The plane’s elec 6/16/1948 #3671  
an, Soviet Union. The experimental aircraft he was flying experienced a tot 6/16/1948 #3672  
[possibly 1958] — Early afternoon. Aircraft instrumentation engineer Victor Summer 1948 #3679  
g craft similar to a V2 pass their aircraft in flight (NICAP: 01 - Distant  7/20/1948 #3718  
the object "looked like a wingless aircraft...it seemed to have two rows of 7/24/1948 #3724  
, Va and Greensboro, N.C., Various Aircraft observed what they thought was  7/24/1948 #3729  
-1) Pilot and Co-pilot of a Pan Am aircraft en route from Midway to Honolul 9/12/1948 #3798  
n how to report sightings of enemy aircraft, missiles, submarines, and surf 10/1/1948 #3826  
, then out climbed the performance aircraft, rising straight up until out o 10/1/1948 #3828  
Halter thinks it is a “new type of aircraft.”                               10/15/1948 #3841  
ft long 140 ft wingspan snow-white aircraft (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 11/12/1948 #3873  
cal object about the size of a T-6 aircraft, circle at about 3,000 feet whi 1/4/1949 #3959  
clear Energy for the Propulsion of Aircraft project at Oak Ridge National L 1/10/1949 #3969  
 L. Poland stated: “Unconventional Aircraft” have been sighted (see Report, 1/13/1949 #3972  
clear Energy for the Propulsion of Aircraft (NEPA) project at Oak Ridge, Te 1/24/1949 #3977  
: Capt. Sames, acting chief of the Aircraft Branch, Eglin AFB, and Mrs. Sam 1/27/1949 #3980  
kerman Sannes, acting chief of the Aircraft Branch at Eglin AFB near Valpar 1/27/1949 #3981  
these unidentified objects as real aircraft of unknown and unconventional c 2/11/1949 #4003  
g requirements for “unconventional aircraft.”                               2/15/1949 #4009  
misses the idea of UFOs as foreign aircraft and suggests they are misidenti 3/15/1949 #4045  
imo, Quebec, CAN Red light like an aircraft light traveling W to E at high  3/18/1949 #4050  
s now calling UFOs “unconventional aircraft” and ATIC’s office is now Proje 3/22/1949 #4052  
r, but more than any known type of aircraft. d. No sound associated with ob 4/19/1949 #4094  
that directs cones of light at his aircraft from a distance of 6–7 miles. T 5/6/1949 #4158  
, but managed to land the crippled aircraft despite his incapacitation in a 5/6/1949 #4161  
ery object the size of a transport aircraft. It comes from the east, then t 5/24/1949 #4207  
eed until it reached that of a jet aircraft. No propulsion method was appar 5/24/1949 #4208  
they turn right again, passing the aircraft at about 450–500 mph. Clark’s e 7/24/1949 #4283  
nesses in flight aboard a military aircraft. The discs were estimated to be 8/8/1949 #4314  
, CA 2 USAF pilots flying military aircraft saw an oval object climb at tre 9/5/1949 #4347  
failure or radio interference from aircraft. Two representatives of the Off 10/14/1949 #4395  
ry or cold climates.” Several Navy aircraft of differing prop and jet types 10/14/1949 #4395  
g of Information on Unconventional Aircraft.” Cancellation is a follow-up t 1/12/1950 #4483  
west of Florida) 11:25 p.m. A B-29 aircraft is flying over the Gulf of Mexi 1/12/1950 #4484  
are noticed by the radar operator, aircraft commander, navigator, and bomba 1/12/1950 #4484  
ct comes to within 20 miles of the aircraft and then apparently has the abi 1/12/1950 #4484  
O Tracked By Gnd Radar Nr. Two F6F Aircraft (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: 1/15/1950 #4492  
about a common center like two jet aircraft making slow rolls in tight form 1/22/1950 #4499  
nd headed directly towards Smiths’ aircraft in a threatening gesture so Smi 1/22/1950 #4499  
ast. Kodiak radar reports no known aircraft in the vicinity, but they are s 1/22/1950 #4503  
n, commanding officer of the 625th Aircraft and Warning Squadron at Elmendo 1/26/1950 #4513  
                  Dayton, OH Three Aircraft Spot UFO / Radar Track At ATIC  3/8/1950 #4591  
err/Miller/Rabenek Case (AL) Three Aircraft Spot UFO / Radar Track At ATIC  3/8/1950 #4592  
well-defined, clear target like an aircraft are picked up with increasing r 3/9/1950 #4598  
e more maneuverable than any known aircraft. The maneuvers are similar to t 3/21/1950 #4695  
o those in dogfights involving two aircraft, but there seems to be no simil 3/21/1950 #4695  
nd I know of no development in the aircraft or guided missile field.”       4/4/1950 #4792  
s saucers might be experimental US aircraft “in embryo stage.” Rep. Albert  4/5/1950 #4799  
are top-secret, jet-propelled Navy aircraft “that can outfly other planes.” 4/7/1950 #4817  
moves faster than any conventional aircraft.                                4/17/1950 #4859  
they flew faster than conventional aircraft.                                4/17/1950 #4860  
m below and behind, overtaking the aircraft, then moved rapidly away when t 4/27/1950 #4911  
nd three enlisted men of the 625th Aircraft and Warning Squadron at Elmendo 5/5/1950 #4924  
hey have seen some exotic military aircraft. They do not develop the film i 5/11/1950 #4939  
ht very briefly passes between the aircraft and the upper part of the moon, 5/29/1950 #4972  
rallel the plane, then circled the aircraft, and reversed direction before  5/29/1950 #4974  
 Charles Fisher are watching a jet aircraft speeding through the sky and le 6/12/1950 #4984  
any GCA Scope Notices Targets Near Aircraft (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: 7/7/1950 #5048  
i River Osceola, Arkansas Two Navy aircraft crews from NAS Millington [now  7/11/1950 #5056  
linois. There was no damage to the aircraft.                                7/30/1950 #5084  
head radar tracked an unidentified aircraft (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: 8/14/1950 #5123  
ew Mexico 10:45 a.m. During a Bell Aircraft MX-776 Shrike missile test (for 8/30/1950 #5150  
ssile) a USAF M/Sgt and eight Bell Aircraft employees at Holloman AFB, New  8/30/1950 #5150  
wing the B-50 Superfortress launch aircraft from above on both the dry run  8/30/1950 #5150  
en one pilot readies his guns, the aircraft radar goes haywire, apparently  9/1950 #5159  
perfectly viewed some conventional aircraft.                                9/5/1950 #5169  
g of Information on Unconventional Aircraft,” thus reversing the cancellati 9/8/1950 #5172  
ed Lights On Collision Course With Aircraft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Co 9/13/1950 #5175  
 Vital Intelligence Sightings from Aircraft,” the start of CIRVIS reporting 9/25/1950 #5195  
 province, Cuba in a Beech Bonanza aircraft sighted a circular object with  10/20/1950 #5248  
                     OAK RIDGE, TN Aircraft illustrator. Translucent pear-s 11/5/1950 #5261  
                     Oak Ridge, TN Aircraft Illustrator Reports Darting Pea 11/5/1950 #5263  
idge, Tennessee Witness: Fairchild Aircraft illustrator Don Patrick. One tr 11/5/1950 #5264  
           At 11:55 a.m. Fairchild Aircraft illustrator Don Patrick in Oak  11/5/1950 #5266  
t that he at first mistakes for an aircraft. He gets on its tail, then the  11/7/1950 #5270  
to the northwest. In Aberdeen, CAA aircraft communicator William B. Hiller  11/26/1950 #5287  
ter rise to 100 feet in height. No aircraft are sighted overhead.           12/1950 #5304  
030 hours a number of unidentified aircraft were approaching the northeast  12/6/1950 #5322  
there was no reason to believe the aircraft were friendly. By 1040 hours, 4 12/6/1950 #5322  
t were friendly. By 1040 hours, 40 aircraft at an altitude of 32,000 feet w 12/6/1950 #5322  
 Myers, Florida Witnesses:  former aircraft purchasing agent Harry Lamp and 12/6/1950 #5328  
USAF that a number of unidentified aircraft are approaching the northeast a 12/6/1950 #5329  
s determined that approximately 40 aircraft are in the flight at 32,000 fee 12/6/1950 #5329  
lingham and a copilot take a light aircraft to the site but are escorted aw 12/6/1950 #5330  
rt Myers, Florida 5:00 p.m. Former aircraft purchasing agent Harry Lamp and 12/6/1950 #5331  
ntelligence unit of the 1st Marine Aircraft Wing puts out periodic intellig 1951 #5376  
fferent category from unidentified aircraft. Some of these reports do not a 1951 #5376  
h, development, and engineering on aircraft and pilot-related projects, ent 1951 #5377  
ch for an approaching unidentified aircraft. The crew saw a bright light th 1/20/1951 #5408  
 with no wings, and it paced their aircraft for a short while before shooti 1/20/1951 #5408  
und the rim. It shot up and at the aircraft, and due to the object's high s 2/8/1951 #5434  
 CAN Bethune Case. Several onboard aircraft compasses slowly rotated or spu 2/10/1951 #5438  
lying a Lockheed Model 18 Lodestar aircraft out of Nairobi, Kenya, when the 2/19/1951 #5449  
B, New Mexico A group of nine Bell Aircraft engineers are flying at 15,000  3/14/1951 #5483  
co, during a test of a secret Bell aircraft. They spot a group of unknown o 3/14/1951 #5483  
jects are slightly higher than the aircraft and seem to be moving at high v 3/14/1951 #5483  
d issues a memo on “Unconventional Aircraft” to all USAF facilities, encour 4/11/1951 #5502  
our night pilots of the 1st Marine Aircraft Wing in different areas around  7/1/1951 #5558  
.” It makes a headlong pass at his aircraft. It travels at “tremendous spee 7/9/1951 #5569  
silvery object circling high above aircraft. [VIII] (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Case 7/23/1951 #5581  
 Vital Intelligence Sightings from Aircraft.” All UFO reports are to go to  9/6/1951 #5653  
1 o'clock position and below their aircraft, three miles northeast of Sandy 9/10/1951 #5661  
 R. Rosengarten (chief of the ATIC Aircraft Performance Section).           9/12/1951 #5663  
of them tries to warn the supposed aircraft of an imminent collision and is 9/13/1951 #5665  
of one of the radar operators!  No aircraft were known to be in the area.   9/14/1951 #5667  
 of one of the radar operators! No aircraft were known to be in the area. A 9/14/1951 #5668  
erence coming from an unidentified aircraft moving away from them to the ea 9/18/1951 #5678  
rambled from), CA A bright silvery aircraft with highly swept back 45° wing 9/23/1951 #5683  
          March AFB, CA Swept Wing Aircraft At Above 50,000' / Tracked By G 9/23/1951 #5684  
 is flying a plane off a CVE class aircraft carrier near Korea when the cre Fall 1951 #5686  
It appeared to be a bright silvery aircraft with highly swept back 45° wing 9/23/1951 #5687  
orbit. It looked like a swept wing aircraft that sped up when the F-86's tr 9/23/1951 #5687  
and a representative from Republic Aircraft Corporation who “supposedly rep 10/1/1951 #5694  
Haute, Indiana Witness:  CAA Chief Aircraft Communicator Roy Messmore at Hu 10/9/1951 #5714  
ivil Aviation Administration Chief Aircraft Communicator Roy Messmore at Hu 10/9/1951 #5715  
            At 1:42 p.m. CAA Chief Aircraft Communicator Roy Messmore at Hu 10/9/1951 #5716  
 the object. After 50 minutes, the aircraft abandon the chase. The Air Forc 10/16/1951 #5730  
which closed head on with his Navy aircraft at an extremely high rate of sp 10/21/1951 #5736  
MI Classic domed disc and a Navion aircraft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Co 10/21/1951 #5738  
 feet above and to the left of his aircraft. He immediately turns to follow 11/24/1951 #5789  
wo Air National Guard F-51 fighter aircraft being flown by pilots W. H. Fai 11/24/1951 #5791  
 undertaken—to construct a piloted aircraft which has the general descripti 1952 #5843  
on celestial navigation at another aircraft company in 1952, where one USAF 1952 #5847  
 future. Garland mentions that the aircraft inventions and models by the Ho 1/3/1952 #5859  
35 p.m. Radar operators aboard the aircraft carrier USS Philippine Sea pick 2/2/1952 #5893  
 Collision Course & Definitely Not Aircraft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Co 2/20/1952 #5913  
ulsating bluish cylinder while the aircraft is evading antiaircraft fire ne 2/23/1952 #5923  
rns, and levels out underneath the aircraft.                                2/23/1952 #5923  
 offers two possible explanations: aircraft exhaust from a Soviet Lavochkin 3/5/1952 #5946  
et Lavochkin La-9 or La-11 fighter aircraft, or spotlights carried on enemy 3/5/1952 #5946  
ft, or spotlights carried on enemy aircraft that have intercepted US bomber 3/5/1952 #5946  
ung motionless in the sky above an aircraft factory for 15 minutes. It appe 3/27/1952 #5982  
90° bank. It flies between the two aircraft, pulls away, flips again, passe 3/29/1952 #5992  
 “aerial light” attached to a B-26 aircraft is in use that makes an “attack 4/7/1952 #6043  
  Memphis, TN Inverted Bowl Passes Aircraft At 300' (NICAP: 11 - Aviation C 4/14/1952 #6075  
d level, 100 yards from observers' aircraft for 45-60 seconds.              4/14/1952 #6078  
07 p.m. Detachment 21 of the 618th Aircraft and Warning Squadron, Japan Air 4/18/1952 #6124  
tion accomplished unlike any known aircraft. They are shaped like conventio 4/20/1952 #6140  
 They are shaped like conventional aircraft but have an odd reddish glow su 4/20/1952 #6140  
ges in direction like conventional aircraft at a high rate of speed, but a  4/20/1952 #6142  
. They appeared to be following an aircraft during a landing approach. The  4/20/1952 #6143  
 object near an AT-6 Texan trainer aircraft above Lexington, Massachusetts. 4/23/1952 #6162  
 or acceleration displayed by this aircraft.”                               4/23/1952 #6162  
t, flying a Lockheed Constellation aircraft at 8,000 feet en route from San 5/8/1952 #6275  
lights in a line that buzzed their aircraft.                                5/8/1952 #6277  
ted but is faster than that of jet aircraft. Intensity of color brightness  5/12/1952 #6305  
ecisely, but was faster than a jet aircraft. The intensity of its color bri 5/12/1952 #6306  
urope to study Soviet missiles and aircraft. As a side project they study “ 5/15/1952 #6331  
e a silvery disc larger than a MiG aircraft 20 miles away and below them at 5/15/1952 #6333  
                  An U.S.A.F. F-51 aircraft flying over North Korea watched 5/15/1952 #6334  
 from eight ground points and five aircraft. Lincoln LaPaz pinpoints the fa 5/28/1952 #6377  
ped objects, larger than a fighter aircraft, were observed from the USN air 5/29/1952 #6385  
rcraft, were observed from the USN aircraft carrier Oriskany CV-34. One obs 5/29/1952 #6385  
of a radar test section for Hughes Aircraft Company tracks an unidentified  6/1/1952 #6418  
        On this morning the Hughes Aircraft radar facility in Los Angeles,  6/1/1952 #6419  
 to the east outdistancing pursuit aircraft at a terrific speed.            6/20/1952 #6563  
ich makes “ramming attacks” at the aircraft. It blinks until it speeds away 6/21/1952 #6579  
lyses eliminate the possibility of aircraft or birds.                       7/2/1952 #6694  
ength), moving faster than any jet aircraft they have seen (FUFOR Index) (N 7/9/1952 #6736  
n they see an object resembling an aircraft landing light. The object becom 7/10/1952 #6751  
orms a climbing turn away from the aircraft and its appearance changes, res 7/10/1952 #6751  
t is flying too fast for any known aircraft.                                7/10/1952 #6751  
der/cigar-shape and saucers circle aircraft plant.                          7/11/1952 #6755  
linder/cylindrical object scouts 3 aircraft plants. Hovers and extreme acce 7/11/1952 #6756  
 1,000 mph when Bruen turns on all aircraft lights.                         7/13/1952 #6797  
 lights slowly rolling between the aircraft (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: 7/14/1952 #6814  
hen they are nearly underneath the aircraft, “they flipped on edge, the sid 7/14/1952 #6817  
nberry. The men were flying a DC-4 aircraft for Pan American Airways when t 7/14/1952 #6818  
r 3 hours, but disappeared when an aircraft approached.  Also seen the nigh 7/17/1952 #6867  
seemed to be going faster than jet aircraft. A Project Blue Book "unidentif 7/17/1952 #6875  
 big star that disappeared when an aircraft approached (NICAP: 01 - Distant 7/18/1952 #6887  
performed gyrations which no known aircraft could perform.” Several Capitol 7/19/1952 #6935  
-shaped object size of four engine aircraft sighted at 15,000 to 20,000 fee 7/21/1952 #6969  
                   Beluga Lake, AK Aircraft Has Radar Contact But No Visual 7/21/1952 #6976  
re than 25 workers at the Northrup Aircraft Factory in Los Angeles, Califor 7/21/1952 #6987  
ring and cutting capers over their aircraft plant for more than an hour. Th 7/21/1952 #6987  
                   CULVER CITY, CA Aircraft workers. Silver ovoid launches  7/23/1952 #7037  
ston and more than 20 employees of Aircraft Hydroforming at Culver City, Ca 7/23/1952 #7082  
 moves northwest over the Northrup aircraft plant in nearby Hawthorne, then 7/23/1952 #7082  
9:15 p.m. a group of evening shift aircraft workers in Culver City, Califor 7/23/1952 #7090  
lliptical object flying over their aircraft plant. It emitted two small dis 7/23/1952 #7090  
ut of sight. Former Navy pilot and aircraft engineer J. E. Kempf says the f 7/27/1952 #7214  
ry air bases and two more involved aircraft encounters with UFOs.           7/28/1952 #7268  
ered 10-15 seconds over the Cessna Aircraft Co. plant, during the 5 minute  7/29/1952 #7317  
es west of Port Huron 9:40 p.m. An Aircraft and Warning Station in Port Hur 7/29/1952 #7331  
ered 10-15 seconds over the Cessna Aircraft Co. plant. Their sighting laste 7/29/1952 #7338  
n from above and fly alongside his aircraft for several seconds before spee 7/30/1952 #7362  
 radar going faster than any known aircraft. This convinces Sandys that the 7/30/1952 #7362  
imes as fast as a propeller-driven aircraft. No sound can be heard. Their m 8/7/1952 #7508  
 maneuver by the fourth object. An aircraft passes under the fourth object  8/7/1952 #7508  
eball with stream of flame pass an aircraft (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: 8/9/1952 #7522  
dred mph faster than any known jet aircraft. No sound is heard. The object  8/9/1952 #7525  
 at 500 mph and 15,000 ft pass his aircraft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB 8/12/1952 #7557  
chief test pilot of the Government Aircraft Factories, is flying a de Havil 8/15/1952 #7611  
mph at about 2,000 feet. The 755th Aircraft Control and Weapons radar stati 9/2/1952 #7829  
e targets fly in formation with an aircraft. At 5:14 a.m., the Air Defense  9/2/1952 #7829  
ill, Nova Scotia for 12 minutes at aircraft speed.                          9/5/1952 #7855  
ver(s). Teardrop object spins over aircraft plant. Going down [to] going up 9/6/1952 #7863  
sses in the area think it is a jet aircraft.                                9/6/1952 #7868  
e pulsating red light is likely an aircraft navigation/hazard beacon, and t 9/12/1952 #7905  
s 80,000 men, 200 ships, and 1,000 aircraft. The operation lasts through Se 9/14/1952 #7939  
 the crew had sighted a USAF KC-97 aircraft involved in a refueling operati 9/16/1952 #7963  
          Five men in a RAF Meteor aircraft, including John W. Kilburn, wer 9/19/1952 #7981  
ct, followed by the RAF Meteor jet aircraft two miles back. The UFO lost al 9/19/1952 #7981  
as not identifiable with any known aircraft and acceleration was in excess  9/20/1952 #7982  
orth Sea Naval personnel on the US aircraft carrier USS Franklin D. Rooseve 9/20/1952 #7987  
 feet in length, stream past their aircraft for 15 minutes.                 9/24/1952 #8023  
ses:  pilot, copilot, engineer and aircraft commander of USAF C-124 transpo 9/26/1952 #8035  
. The pilot, copilot, engineer and aircraft commander of an USAF C-124 tran 9/26/1952 #8038  
lights seemed to turn toward their aircraft. The lights alternated leading  9/26/1952 #8038  
B, Labrador, CAN Object Similar to Aircraft Tracked on GCA Radar (NICAP: 09 9/28/1952 #8047  
 of targets appear directly behind aircraft when entering an azimuth of 50° 9/28/1952 #8049  
ouse. The objects appear as normal aircraft but are rounder in shape, trail 9/28/1952 #8049  
about 2–3 miles to the rear of the aircraft. A/2c Warren D. Grovenstein als 9/28/1952 #8049  
sey. At first, they think it is an aircraft crashing, but the object levels 10/1952 #8076  
p Caronia. Ret Navy Lt. commercial aircraft. Brilliant saucer like welding  10/5/1952 #8091  
ages, balloons, or by conventional aircraft.” Astronomer Donald Menzel pres 10/9/1952 #8107  
e objects in front of them. As the aircraft get closer and turns to avoid t 10/21/1952 #8172  
beyond the capability of any known aircraft.”                               10/29/1952 #8215  
, AMC chief of the Nuclear Powered Aircraft Branch of Wright Air Developmen 11/4/1952 #8245  
 DK Military observer(s). UFO like aircraft but impossibly fast. No further 11/12/1952 #8260  
War, two Americans flying in a T-6 aircraft over Pyongyang Sector CT 7943 a 11/15/1952 #8282  
 into a left-hand orbit around the aircraft.                                11/15/1952 #8282  
ea, At Sea Bright Red Object Paces Aircraft (Photo ?) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 11/21/1952 #8314  
FB but it is not observed near any aircraft.                                12/4/1952 #8377  
   Hungnam, Korea USN pilot flying aircraft in near-collision with orange f 12/10/1952 #8404  
eet overhead, slows, and paces the aircraft. When the Squadron Commander le 1953 #8477  
ilot takes the stick and turns the aircraft to follow it. The light, which  1953 #8479  
luish-white lights approaching his aircraft over Santa Ana, California. Pil 1/9/1953 #8525  
The Montana film is said to depict aircraft. They reject the Navy analysis  1/17/1953 #8548  
straight and level, overtake a jet aircraft, pass overhead, and disappear i 1/28/1953 #8600  
ibu, California 2:20 p.m. Northrop Aircraft test pilot Rex Hardy Jr. is fly 1/28/1953 #8601  
ct is seen by at least two fighter aircraft from other squadrons.           1/29/1953 #8615  
 interceptor and two other fighter aircraft reported seeing a dark gray, ov 1/29/1953 #8618  
n a manner similar to conventional aircraft. Searchlights from the St. Loui 2/1/1953 #8627  
national Airport] 1:34 a.m. A B-36 aircraft piloted by Maj. Leo J. Moffatt  2/6/1953 #8643  
he B-36 and rising above it as the aircraft approached it.  The light was v 2/6/1953 #8644  
to also release the USAF (possible aircraft) and Navy (self-luminous or lig 2/9/1953 #8653  
n unknown target by the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing at Marine Corps Air Statio 2/11/1953 #8664  
t seem to be a ragged formation of aircraft. As he approaches, he cannot se 3/1953 #8720  
Blue Book lists the explanation as aircraft, but UFO investigators Richard  3/3/1953 #8728  
wly moving to the left side of the aircraft at a range of 3–7 miles and mai 3/14/1953 #8753  
to an armada of 100 MiG-15 fighter aircraft (actually only 11) that menaced 3/14/1953 #8753  
ing slowly on the left side of the aircraft. A Project Blue Book unknown.   3/14/1953 #8754  
rimental English Electric Canberra aircraft. The jet has been stripped of a Spring 1953 #8766  
55,000 feet, then a record for the aircraft. Cruising over Salisbury Plain, Spring 1953 #8766  
 plant spores (Lycopodium) from an aircraft over St. Louis, Missouri. (Minn 4/1953 #8806  
ght nacelle of the observers’ C-47 aircraft, which is en route to Stead AFB 4/12/1953 #8819  
. The copilot takes control of the aircraft and turns to the right in a tig 4/12/1953 #8819  
and saw what he thought was a B-29 aircraft, but when the object disappeare 4/12/1953 #8820  
ges, as they flashed beneath their aircraft descending. The co-pilot took c 4/12/1953 #8821  
y 400 feet of distance between the aircraft and the sea. The objects make m 4/14/1953 #8824  
 feet directly underneath the Navy aircraft for just over an hour. The UFOs 4/14/1953 #8824  
 p.m. that is heading toward their aircraft. The UFO passed underneath at 3 4/16/1953 #8832  
 knots, just under the nose of the aircraft.                                4/16/1953 #8832  
mus, and Lt. Jack E. Myers) in two aircraft see a white, rounded, delta-sha 4/19/1953 #8838  
hted by a pilot in a T-33 military aircraft. At 8:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight  4/28/1953 #8848  
inally, it crosses the path of the aircraft and disappears swiftly to the w 5/10/1953 #8872  
 although the radar shows no other aircraft in the vicinity.                5/10/1953 #8872  
ton Bays, Long Island, NY "a large aircraft" of exotic design with a lighte 6/24/1953 #8963  
 woman saw something like "a large aircraft" flying very slowly and low. It 6/24/1953 #8966  
otion. She still thought it was an aircraft of some new design when it stop 6/24/1953 #8966  
ver southern Rhode Island when two aircraft in the formation collide in mid 6/24/1953 #8970  
w York saw something like "a large aircraft" about 30 meters wide flying ve 6/24/1953 #8971  
otion. She still thought it was an aircraft of some new design when it stop 6/24/1953 #8971  
nt General, Wash. 25 D.C.: An F-86 aircraft was observed in flight over the 7/19/1953 #9001  
 overhead / various directions. No aircraft. No further details.            8/4/1953 #9045  
00 p.m., the crew of a Navy patrol aircraft reports three head-on passes. T 8/6/1953 #9052  
s to a sudden stop just behind his aircraft then accelerates briefly until  8/6/1953 #9052  
The crew of a TB-29 bomber/trainer aircraft flying near Castle AFB in Calif 8/20/1953 #9091  
d on a collision course with their aircraft. At the last minute the UFO lev 9/2/1953 #9137  
r, a technical writer for Goodyear Aircraft, notices a grayish-blue object  9/7/1953 #9154  
 onboard a U.S. Navy FG1D research aircraft sighted a white light that shot 9/7/1953 #9155  
r traffic control reports no known aircraft in his vicinity.                10/19/1953 #9243  
ht, was about the same size as the aircraft. Passengers were injured in the 10/19/1953 #9244  
 is tracked for 25 minutes by four aircraft technicians, including Sgt. H.  11/3/1953 #9280  
sphere was seen following some jet aircraft in the San Fernando Valley. In  11/16/1953 #9304  
scue found no trace of the missing aircraft, with the two airmen named Monc 11/23/1953 #9319  
 round object” closing in on their aircraft for about 10 seconds. It passes 12/15/1953 #9366  
hers) flying the WV-2 Warning Star aircraft near Long Beach, California, in 12/16/1953 #9374  
 the opposite direction from their aircraft, while they were flying over Ha 12/17/1953 #9383  
as flying an experimental Canberra aircraft at 55,000 ft. when he picked up Winter 1953 #9385  
shaped object turned towards a T-6 aircraft flying over Grid Area CS in Kor 12/26/1953 #9398  
e the strength of those created by aircraft.                                1954 #9422  
ta. All RCAF planes and commercial aircraft are restricted from the area. H 1954 #9423  
 size is four times that of a DC-4 aircraft. It is oscillating rapidly in a 1/1/1954 #9436  
sengers saw a fiery object hit the aircraft wing without any damage (NICAP: 1/14/1954 #9485  
miles to the southwest. A “mystery aircraft” passes over Carswell tower at  2/4/1954 #9535  
tified target the size of 2 normal aircraft (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: 2/15/1954 #9546  
ying a nuclear bomb to the US. The aircraft is the Myasishchev M-4 Bison. T 2/15/1954 #9548  
no, CA Sec. of Air Force Talbott's aircraft paced by UFO over Fresno, CA    3/1954 #9574  
asty is aboard an RB-36 controller aircraft monitoring the Castle Bravo tes 3/1/1954 #9585  
them that the objects are Canberra aircraft flown by the Royal Australian A 3/1/1954 #9585  
            Nouasseur, Fr. Morocco Aircraft (2) Encounter Lights On Collisi 3/5/1954 #9596  
jects or lights make passes at the aircraft on collision courses as they pr 3/5/1954 #9598  
see 2 lights like jets but with no aircraft running lights. One light passe 3/5/1954 #9598  
see a white or amber light like an aircraft landing light at about the same 3/5/1954 #9598  
 Vital Intelligence Sightings from Aircraft and Waterborne Sources.” This d 3/10/1954 #9609  
round an English Electric Canberra aircraft he is monitoring from about 35  5/5/1954 #9753  
elow the plane for 45 seconds. The aircraft is flying at an altitude of 18, 5/24/1954 #9832  
m great altitude, passed under his aircraft, made two 360' turns and went o 6/10/1954 #9888  
 in the Columbus area in an RB-47E aircraft, observe a white object the siz 6/23/1954 #9936  
erted to intercept an unidentified aircraft. When Pilot Lt. William E. Atki 7/2/1954 #9984  
 William E. Atkins cannot find the aircraft, the controller tells him about 7/2/1954 #9984  
ls him about a second unidentified aircraft, which Atkins identifies as an  7/2/1954 #9984  
irst target. Atkins cannot see any aircraft above the cloud cover, so he de 7/2/1954 #9984  
Newfoundland, CAN Two Objects From Aircraft Radar Tracked (McDonald list) ( 7/27/1954 #10055  
ngeles, California Witness: Hughes Aircraft test pilots Englert and Peterso 7/30/1954 #10068  
agree that the objects are neither aircraft or balloons.                    8/4/1954 #10099  
ing behind) luminous trail. TV and aircraft radio electro-magnetic effect ( 8/6/1954 #10101  
apparently disrupts TV signals and aircraft transmissions, but not ham radi 8/6/1954 #10105  
 as it flew over. There was TV and aircraft radio interference reported, bu 8/6/1954 #10106  
not conform to any presently known aircraft or missile type, or which canno 8/12/1954 #10138  
cross-country in a Hawker Sea Fury aircraft. After contacting Nowra, O’Farr 8/31/1954 #10218  
’clock. It crosses in front of his aircraft, taking up position on his port 8/31/1954 #10218  
ver. It was observed near military aircraft. In Orly, France at 7:30 p.m. t 8/31/1954 #10222  
raft from outer space, a secret US aircraft, and unexplained natural phenom 9/21/1954 #10384  
st 4 other objects emerge. When an aircraft from Orly Airport approaches, t 9/22/1954 #10395  
              WEST / RIVERSIDE, CA Aircraft worker. Glowing object changes  9/23/1954 #10408  
arget appears to be the size of an aircraft and traveling at high speed wit 10/1954 #10537  
re with them. After 15 minutes the aircraft break off and head home. On the 10/1954 #10537  
r to be some kind of revolutionary aircraft” that are not “conventional phe 10/24/1954 #11365  
erflight, landing, and take-off of aircraft, so-called flying saucers or fl 10/25/1954 #11391  
iver. "I am positive it was not an aircraft or any known machine but a circ 11/3/1954 #11547  
iver. "I am positive it was not an aircraft or any known machine but a circ 11/3/1954 #11548  
s contemplating a “New type of jet aircraft, powered by a turbine larger th 12/1954 #11736  
: “If the Soviets now have such an aircraft in operational use, would the U 12/1954 #11736  
destroy a bomber or reconnaissance aircraft moving at a 1,500 knot clip at  12/1954 #11736  
t reported that two UFOs paced his aircraft. The UFOs appeared on radar.    12/15/1954 #11817  
lusion—namely that certain strange aircraft have been observed to behave in 12/26/1954 #11862  
imed to have worked on disc-shaped aircraft. The German said the project wa 1955 #11897  
e worked in a UAP group at Douglas Aircraft in Santa Monica; he claims he w 1955 #11899  
la when their radio cut out. Their aircraft was then buzzed by a multicolor 2/2/1955 #11969  
cal Information Center The Douglas Aircraft Company is conducting a study o 3/1/1955 #12026  
cuments provided by former Douglas Aircraft engineer William Tompkins sugge 3/1/1955 #12027  
d flying "swallow" an airplane. No aircraft were reported missing at the ti 3/9/1955 #12039  
      Tokyo, Japan Pilots flying 2 aircraft tracked an unidentified target  3/20/1955 #12052  
nada A Boeing RB-47 reconnaissance aircraft of the Air Force Special Securi 6/4/1955 #12180  
ed; moved away behind clouds as an aircraft neared. [UFOE, XII] (NICAP: 01  6/17/1955 #12203  
an object come over the top of the aircraft from behind, an estimated 500 f 6/23/1955 #12209  
er it went out of sight, two other aircraft (one, a Colonial DC-3, the othe 6/23/1955 #12209  
kheed U-2 strategic reconnaissance aircraft, the nation’s first aerial espi 7/1955 #12225  
foundland. UFO sighted by a tanker aircraft (KC97) pilot and ground radar.  7/12/1955 #12253  
ed; moved away behind clouds as an aircraft neared. [UFOE, XII] (NICAP: 01  7/17/1955 #12264  
ing was that it might have been an aircraft.                                7/22/1955 #12279  
Island, New York 8:30–9:30 p.m. An aircraft engineer and four others notice 7/29/1955 #12302  
the lights are flares dropped from aircraft.                                8/1955 #12310  
4C Starfire jets (as well as other aircraft from Great Falls and Spokane, W 9/2/1955 #12425  
hting, made a deep roar, unlike an aircraft.                                10/11/1955 #12499  
ep roaring sound, unlike any known aircraft.                                10/11/1955 #12500  
ld soon have its own saucer-shaped aircraft, the AVRO disc. (The AVRO disc  10/25/1955 #12518  
ir Force is working on radical new aircraft that “are sure to be mistaken f 10/25/1955 #12519  
mple, in both the astronomical and aircraft IFO categories, 12% are conside 10/25/1955 #12519  
w to gold to red, it overtakes the aircraft and flies alongside it for 15 m 11/1/1955 #12540  
Glenn L. Martin Co., Convair, Bell Aircraft, the Sikorsky Division of Unite 11/20/1955 #12580  
t, the Sikorsky Division of United Aircraft, Lear Inc., Clarke Electronics, 11/20/1955 #12580  
o. but isolated from the company’s aircraft building business and managed b 11/20/1955 #12580  
n L. Martin Company, Convair, Bell Aircraft, Lear Inc., Clarke Electronics, 11/30/1955 #12594  
Akkuratov is flying a Tupolev Tu-4 aircraft near Cape Morris Jesup, Greenla 1956 #12636  
sating edges.” Thinking it is a US aircraft, Akkuratov heads back into the  1956 #12636  
an Object With No Trail Zooms Over Aircraft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Co 1/18/1956 #12667  
 on a maintenance test flight. His aircraft crashes 10 miles north of Bedfo 1/31/1956 #12687  
and red object rapidly circled the aircraft while being tracked on radar du 2/12/1956 #12713  
s twice the size of a conventional aircraft. It cruises around, hovers, and 2/17/1956 #12723  
 for a circular-winged, supersonic aircraft. Over 1,000 hours of wind-tunne 3/1956 #12742  
Drawings developed by Avro show an aircraft that appears to be a merging of 3/1956 #12742  
ntional fuselage shapes—a tailless aircraft with circular wings.            3/1956 #12742  
 territory by RB-47 reconnaissance aircraft from Thule Air Base in Greenlan 4/5/1956 #12790  
lights off and on to help identify aircraft. He is told the airliner is see 4/8/1956 #12803  
int of landing and to identify the aircraft. I told them Syracuse and ident 4/16/1956 #12809  
 Wellington, New Zealand, when the aircraft encounters severe turbulence an 6/1956 #12879  
rilliantly at the height of normal aircraft height, when suddenly they shot 6/27/1956 #12926  
their way to deploying hundreds of aircraft. Ironically, the U-2 has actual 7/9/1956 #12957  
air, one above the other, over the aircraft carrier USS Franklin D. Rooseve 7/26/1956 #13020  
55 summary detailing more than 143 aircraft incidents in the Far East.      8/15/1956 #13088  
a formation of four F-86 Sabre jet aircraft. While approaching a large thun 8/27/1956 #13140  
adar and visual sightings. The two aircraft bank steeply so the object is a 8/30/1956 #13156  
es a cluster of lights beneath the aircraft. Suddenly, the lights dim and s Fall 1956 #13237  
s out of our experience, so far as aircraft is concerned." Freestone said t 11/8/1956 #13315  
four to five times larger than any aircraft observed in the past." It appea 11/8/1956 #13315  
 five times larger than any normal aircraft. It had a definite shape and mo 11/8/1956 #13315  
00 p.m. in a U.S. Air Force RF-84F aircraft from the 3242rd reconaisance sq 11/9/1956 #13319  
e studied, it is taken to the Saab aircraft company where Sven Schalin cond 11/11/1956 #13322  
ke a brilliant meteor flash by the aircraft. The object stops, hovers, and  11/14/1956 #13329  
AFB in Rapid City Rapid City 740th Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron 4: 11/25/1956 #13352  
ed up on ground radar by the 740th Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron. A 11/25/1956 #13352  
 is a dead ringer for a secret U-2 aircraft, which is what Blue Book suspec 12/10/1956 #13396  
at they are not American or Soviet aircraft. Stringfield is made public rel 1/14/1957 #13455  
gins blinking on and off. When the aircraft gets within range of Lubbock, T 1/16/1957 #13461  
0-13, “Sightings of Unconventional Aircraft,” stipulates that personnel inv 1/31/1957 #13479  
Targets / Two Ground Radars & Four Aircraft (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: 2/7/1957 #13485  
d. Shortly afterward, a commercial aircraft is seen following the same cour 2/15/1957 #13509  
ights. After the UFO speeds by the aircraft, it slows down. When the DC-3 c 3/8/1957 #13532  
 round object” to the right of the aircraft that appears to be on a collisi 3/9/1957 #13540  
wo White Lights Observed From Navy Aircraft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Co 3/11/1957 #13544  
le underway and they will have the aircraft check the area upon their retur 3/22/1957 #13553  
speed away up and to the east. The aircraft are unsuccessful and return to  3/22/1957 #13553  
urn to base. At this time two Navy aircraft are sent to the area. Somehow,  3/22/1957 #13553  
when suddenly the paint causes the aircraft to overheat, spin out of contro 4/4/1957 #13581  
and ordered to shoot down a large “aircraft carrier” sized UFO flying at mo 5/1957 #13626  
CA Orange Objects Fly Over & Under Aircraft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Co 5/5/1957 #13648  
es locates the large target on his aircraft radar, but when he closes in on 5/20/1957? #13667  
odenamed Palladium, to simulate an aircraft blip on Soviet radar screens. O 5/20/1957? #13667  
cuated. Another test blast buckles aircraft hangar doors in Area 51, shatte 5/28/1957 #13684  
I (McDonald list) Blip Size of Two Aircraft (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: 5/30/1957 #13686  
 Brazil and subsequently paced the aircraft for 40 minutes. It made several 6/30/1957 #13760  
o is now an engineer with Northrup Aircraft, to join the NICAP board at a r 7/1957 #13767  
rew of a USAF RB-47 reconnaissance aircraft is flying out of Forbes Field [ 7/17/1957 #13808  
ECM gear in the aft portion of the aircraft. Their names are Lewis Dormon C 7/17/1957 #13808  
a common air defense ground radar. Aircraft normally do not carry such high 7/17/1957 #13808  
 the hospital on landing. No known aircraft are in the vicinity.            7/17/1957 #13809  
, the pilot of a TWA Constellation aircraft, is flying at 18,000 feet near  7/22/1957 #13817  
in a collision course. He puts the aircraft into a dive and the object pass 7/22/1957 #13817  
 are made. The US claims it has no aircraft in the area. However, at 10:00  7/24/1957 #13826  
      Groom Lake, Nevada A Douglas Aircraft Company employee named Edward K 7/28/1957 #13848  
-deflecting technology for the U-2 aircraft.                                8/1957 #13867  
sco, California, aboard an RC-121D aircraft, detect a radar target on IFF M 8/3/1957 #13875  
ck position 10 miles away when the aircraft starts a right turn to reverse  8/3/1957 #13875  
 to left, crossing in front of the aircraft again, and closing distance to  8/3/1957 #13875  
entine Air Force guarding a downed aircraft is in a tent near Quilinos, Cór 8/20/1957 #13913  
mbled a disk with fins. When a jet aircraft took off from the airfield, the 8/22/1957 #13922  
mbled a disc with fins. When a jet aircraft took off from the nearby U.S. N 8/22/1957 #13925  
          Dry Tortugas, FL Crew of aircraft saw object/ bright red to reddi 8/27/1957 #13934  
hesapeake Bay, nr. Norfolk, VA Two Aircraft Observe Object / Excellent Blip 8/30/1957 #13950  
             IPPLEPEN, ENGL Former aircraft mechanic. 30M diameter silver o 9/18/1957 #14006  
a Navy S2F-1Tracker anti-submarine aircraft toward a bright light over Poin 10/14/1957 #14110  
 bright light over Point Loma. The aircraft, piloted by Lt. Allen L. Ries,  10/14/1957 #14110  
 1,100 mph average relative to the aircraft’s (peak 2,200 mph). Radar indic 10/14/1957 #14110  
2 miles ahead. After 3 minutes the aircraft loses the object visually and o 10/14/1957 #14110  
Book claims it is an aurora or jet aircraft.                                11/5/1957 #14346  
ers. The driver, an employee of an aircraft company, had turned the heater, 12/8/1957 #14690  
ates his cockpit. He turns off the aircraft lights and sees a large luminou 12/11/1957 #14713  
uzzo. Schreiver worked for Heinkel Aircraft Company, the developer of the w 1958 #14787  
          SW Libya, Libya Military aircraft pilot saw a bright orange light 1/4/1958 #14804  
       Bering Sea, At Sea Military Aircraft Crew Encounters 3 Lights Tracke 1/14/1958 #14827  
gated Object Seen & Tracked By F3D Aircraft (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (N 5/3/1958 #15012  
e removes his jacket and opens the aircraft windows. The UFO takes off abru 5/5/1958 #15018  
he middle), suddenly approached an aircraft being flown by 40-year-old Carl 5/5/1958 #15019  
 three times the size of the Piper aircraft, or 15-20 meters in diameter, p 5/5/1958 #15019  
ing more than reports of balloons, aircraft, astronomical phenomena, etc. I 5/6/1958 #15020  
t ball that quickly approaches the aircraft on a collision course. He brace 5/13/1958 #15031  
s Hykkerud watch a silent “unknown aircraft” like a twin-engine, delta-wing 6/1/1958 #15074  
unday, June 1st, a silent "unknown aircraft" with no identifying markers cr 6/1/1958 #15075  
ep, a column of water rose up. The aircraft resembled a twin-engine delta-w 6/1/1958 #15075  
long with divers, searched for the aircraft fruitlessly for over a week. Th 6/1/1958 #15075  
aying that Ruppelt has a job at an aircraft company that contracts with the 6/6/1958 #15081  
med Scharf flying an F-102 fighter aircraft over Puget Sound, Washington St 6/9/1958 #15086  
 that most were meteors, balloons, aircraft, and satellites.                6/10/1958 #15089  
ter Spencer is flying in an Auster aircraft piloted by Dennis Jackson at 80 6/29/1958 #15126  
ight Rocket-Shaped Objects Nr Navy Aircraft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Co 7/20/1958 #15150  
inity of a flight of four military aircraft. He watches the object through  8/18/1958 #15215  
               La Verde, Arg Light aircraft (Piper) engine increased its re 8/31/1958 #15234  
mbers notice a light following the aircraft carrier. Fireman’s apprentice C 9/1958 #15239  
stling sound such as that of a jet aircraft was heard. The object rose very 9/1/1958 #15245  
stling sound such as that of a jet aircraft was heard. The object rose very 9/1/1958 #15248  
hat “the UFO presented a hazard to aircraft operating in the area.”         11/4/1958 #15425  
lew in pairs and large groups. Jet aircraft pursued them but could not catc 11/6/1958 #15431  
clear systems, talks about nuclear aircraft propulsion. He mentions that if 1/28/1959 #15569  
ial detection takes place when the aircraft is flying at 8,500 feet and 50  2/24/1959 #15604  
 He also puts out a call to nearby aircraft, and five other commercial airl 2/24/1959 #15604  
. Referring to the witness on that aircraft, he says: “If they (35 passenge 2/25/1959 #15614  
ph. And they were not conventional aircraft.”                               3/19/1959 #15652  
and at Sverdlovsk, Russia. Fighter aircraft sent to intercept them report t Spring 1959 #15661  
) Three Radars Have 18 Tracks, 10+ Aircraft Scrambled (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Ca 5/2/1959 #15721  
        Lockheed’s Georgia Nuclear Aircraft Laboratory Dawson Forest Dawson 6/1959 #15754  
ctor at Lockheed’s Georgia Nuclear Aircraft Laboratory [now closed] in the  6/1959 #15754  
he purpose of irradiating military aircraft as well as the forest itself to 6/1959 #15754  
          The crew of a USAF RB-66 aircraft sighted a group of 16 cream col 7/4/1959 #15814  
 minutes later. At one point a jet aircraft appears to alter its course to  7/28/1959 #15884  
 round, gray UFOs that circled his aircraft just southeast of Corona, New M 8/13/1959 #15916  
isc-shaped objects following a jet aircraft. One of the UFOs makes a 90 deg 8/31/1959 #15945  
to Area 51 in Nevada to develop an aircraft that will replace the U-2. The  9/1959 #15950  
A program to develop the follow-on aircraft to the U-2 is code-named Projec 9/1959 #15950  
plus the pilot of a Mooney private aircraft sighted a pear-shaped object, c 9/13/1959 #15974  
g course and vectors B-47 and F-89 aircraft to identify it. Redmond FAA con 9/24/1959 #15987  
  On this night a Russian military aircraft reportedly spotted from the air 9/26/1959 #15994  
s night an Air National Guard T-33 aircraft with a pilot and co-pilot aboar 10/6/1959 #16023  
ctronic identification signal from aircraft to ground control helps to furt 1960 #16144  
uthorizing the delivery of 12 A-12 aircraft that will be five times faster  1/26/1960 #16157  
enhower over “inspection of secret aircraft” rumors of a Feb. 1954 meeting  1/31/1960 #16159  
gests that it is emanating from an aircraft cruising at unprecedented altit 4/8/1960 #16218  
80,000 feet. At the time, no known aircraft can reach the stratosphere. Suc 4/8/1960 #16218  
an reach the stratosphere. Such an aircraft, as it happens, doesn’t “come i 4/8/1960 #16218  
 release saying a weather research aircraft has “gone missing” north of Tur 5/5/1960 #16256  
 partner. He hears a noise like an aircraft approaching and something bounc 6/22/1960 #16315  
photographed five times by Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation at Beth 8/25/1960 #16414  
en they notice what seems to be an aircraft about to crash. It veers close  9/2/1960 #16431  
                           Douglas Aircraft plant in Santa Monica, Californ 9/15/1960 #16449  
ing 300–400 feet above the Douglas Aircraft plant in Santa Monica, Californ 9/15/1960 #16449  
 triangle hovers 100M over Douglas aircraft plant. Test?                    9/16/1960 #16451  
 USAF B-57 Canberra reconnaissance aircraft operating out of RAAF Base East 11/15/1960 #16505  
e UFOs were seen to follow two jet aircraft. One object closed in on the je 11/17/1960 #16507  
 80–100 miles from Sverdlovsk, the aircraft disappears from the radar scree 1961 #16550  
d with helicopters and troops. The aircraft is found in a small clearing in 1961 #16550  
or Bakaev charges that US military aircraft and ships are systematically co 1/12/1961 #16577  
by Fort Bliss–based reconnaissance aircraft that are testing the responses  1/12/1961 #16577  
(35' 50' N, 125' 40 W) Witnesses:  aircraft commander Capt. H.J. Savoy and  4/24/1961 #16660  
 circled the plane, then paced the aircraft as it flew to the northeast.    5/28/1961 #16702  
ntify the object as a probable U-2 aircraft flying out of Nellis AFB.       6/3/1961 #16716  
Airborne Early Warning and Control aircraft off the California coast spots  9/27/1961 #16876  
maneuvered away from investigating aircraft. [NICAP UFOE, I] (NICAP: 11 - A 10/2/1961 #16887  
gram to build a flying saucer-type aircraft designed to shoot down Soviet b 12/1961 #16985  
n airliner and then paced the DC-4 aircraft near Aso-san, Japan. One of the 12/21/1961 #17002  
polished chrome.” It is pacing the aircraft near its left wingtip. The obje 1962 #17006  
nk, California The first A-12 test aircraft covertly arrives at Groom Lake, 2/28/1962 #17063  
paring defenses against fictitious aircraft and weapons that the US might b 3/1962 #17066  
apparently documenting attempts by aircraft to intercept UFOs. Afterward, t Spring 1962 #17078  
 Missile-Like Object Observed From Aircraft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Co 3/26/1962 #17083  
. J.M. Lowery, from an unspecified aircraft. One thin, cylindrical object-- 3/26/1962 #17085  
e sun comes up they continue using aircraft. They do not find anything of i 4/18/1962 #17120  
no one reports a downed or missing aircraft, Bun and the other deputies cal 4/18/1962 #17120  
f titanium on the left side of the aircraft and one fillet on the right. (O 4/26/1962 #17131  
one fillet on the right. (On later aircraft, those pieces are paired with t 4/26/1962 #17131  
he objects are ice flaking off the aircraft (“fireflies”). They are describ 4/30/1962 #17141  
t watched spherical UFO pass below aircraft. [NICAP UFO Evidence, X] (NICAP 5/21/1962 #17185  
on. It speeds 3,000 feet below the aircraft at about 700 mph. The object ha 5/21/1962 #17187  
5 minutes during an Argentine Navy aircraft flight from Espora Naval Air Ba 5/22/1962 #17193  
," gray-white. Observed to left of aircraft "going along with the ship" for 7/17/1962 #17277  
 staff thought that an unannounced aircraft was about to land, as they saw  8/2/1962 #17316  
 staff thought that an unannounced aircraft was about to land around midnig 8/2/1962 #17318  
out two jet interceptors. When the aircraft arrive, the light takes off to  8/7/1962 #17328  
ays without eating, Lee’s husband, aircraft engineer William H. Byrd, summo 9/1962 #17379  
s. It stretches halfway across the aircraft ramp area, which would make it  Late 10/1962 #17496  
sing from jungle floor filmed from aircraft. [NICAP UFO Evidence, VIII] (NI 12/21/1962 #17599  
operators, and by the crews of two aircraft. It rose to 10 m altitude, hove 12/21/1962 #17600  
rators and the flight crews of two aircraft at Ezeiza Airport, Buenos Aires 12/22/1962 #17607  
O projected a beam of light at the aircraft, and one of the plane's four en 1/3/1963 #17626  
ng east to west, and a delta- wing aircraft north to south. UFO's line of f 1/24/1963 #17638  
. UFO's line of flight intersected aircraft path at right angles. [Report v 1/24/1963 #17638  
ing east to west, and a delta-wing aircraft traveling from north to south.  1/24/1963 #17639  
 A-12 entered a cloud, causing the aircraft to stall.                       5/24/1963 #17765  
ed several erroneous UFO reports. (Aircraft identified by NICAP Adviser, Wa 7/1963 #17818  
nother plane from the De Havilland Aircraft Company are sent up to investig 8/1/1963 #17860  
ing an American U-2 reconnaissance aircraft to spy on China’s nuclear progr 11/1/1963 #18023  
                        CORONA, NY Aircraft mechanic. Star maneuvers over a 11/3/1963 #18025  
hich may have been an experimental aircraft. This has set in motion an anxi 12/14/1963 #18081  
pecified persons aboard a military aircraft.  One white light blinked 2-3 t 12/16/1963 #18086  
 Chinese Air Force MIG jet fighter aircraft were scrambled to intercept the 1/1/1964 #18107  
lights with reddish tinge paced an aircraft, twice turning and approaching  2/25/1964 #18137  
d record for air speed by a secret aircraft called the A-11—a fictitious na 2/29/1964 #18140  
I, six members of a US Coast Guard aircraft sight a V-formation of 9 glowin 4/20/1964 #18180  
side of their transport plane. The aircraft entered a strange haze at 12,00 4/20/1964 #18181  
ed cabin suddenly appear below the aircraft, fly a parallel course for a wh 7/12/1964 #18404  
lights joined by two others, paced aircraft for five minutes                7/16/1964 #18419  
e such craft. They closed in on an aircraft being flown by a Mr. Jannereth  7/16/1964 #18423  
 took off. Before it did so, a jet aircraft flying at low altitude circled  7/28/1964 #18456  
 took off. Before it did so, a jet aircraft flying at low altitude circled  7/28/1964 #18457  
           Wake Island Witnesses:  aircraft commander Capt. B.C. Jones and  8/10/1964 #18475  
e Pacific Ocean west of Hawaii, an aircraft commander and his navigator (Lt 8/10/1964 #18477  
tness was familiar with blimps and aircraft.                                9/7/1964 #18544  
ials suspect they could be British aircraft from the HMS Victorious protect 9/18/1964 #18559  
 K. H. Woodsbury, pilot of an F-8C aircraft of Utility Squadron Eight that  11/19/1964 #18629  
at an altitude of 30,000 feet. The aircraft reports a stranger closing in v 11/19/1964 #18629  
d ability to decelerate exceed any aircraft I have ever seen or heard of. T 11/19/1964 #18629  
tail” is taken by a converted RAAF aircraft during a photo-mapping flight o 1965 #18690  
s paced the Flying Tiger freighter aircraft for 30 minutes then climbed awa 2/11/1965 #18803  
, tracked on airborne radar. Paced aircraft for 30 minutes, departed upward 2/11/1965 #18808  
n Night. A Flying Tiger Line cargo aircraft (Flight F-169) en route from An 2/11/1965 #18809  
bout 4 hours out of Anchorage. The aircraft radar also picks them up about  2/11/1965 #18809  
awa AFB, Japan. The UFOs paced the aircraft for 30 minutes. They were estim 2/11/1965 #18811  
s believed she saw an experimental aircraft of the U.S. Air Force.          3/6/1965 #18846  
tude of 6,500 feet. Just after the aircraft passes Himeji, Hyogo, an ellipt 3/18/1965 #18864  
 CA Blue-White Object Too Fast For Aircraft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Co 4/27/1965 #18922  
p in the Philippine Sea notices an aircraft approaching. At 9:14 a.m., the  5/6/1965 #18929  
Philippine Sea sighted approaching aircraft at bearing 0°. At 9:14 a.m. the 5/6/1965 #18930  
rol, and it was certainly no known aircraft.”                               5/28/1965 #18973  
                           Private aircraft pilot Mr. C. Adams, and a telev 6/6/1965 #18995  
             VAUCLUSE BEACH, AUSTR Aircraft artist. 7M saucer / sand / trip 7/19/1965 #19127  
th Wales 5:30 p.m. Denis Crowe, an aircraft artist, is strolling along a be 7/19/1965 #19134  
jects appear stationary. The 746th Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron re 8/1/1965 #19244  
neer all witness this clearly. The aircraft passes the objects but cannot s 8/1/1965 #19245  
ting in a passenger seat of a T-29 aircraft on a heading of 300° and descen 8/12/1965 #19373  
       HAVERHILL, MASS Former Navy aircraft spotter on hilltop sees saucer  8/20/1965 #19433  
    At 5:20 a.m. EDT a former Navy aircraft spotter sighted a grayish-silve 8/20/1965 #19442  
d exits saucer. Tries / commercial aircraft with man. Gives up and flies. / 9/1/1965 #19490  
 his airliner. The UFO follows the aircraft for 13–14 minutes at a distance 9/6/1965 #19527  
faster than any known conventional aircraft.                                9/27/1965 #19616  
ulnerable” and can outmaneuver any aircraft.                                10/27/1965 #19684  
l to write about USAF experimental aircraft and were shown four decommissio 1966 #19799  
            WAIKIKI, HI Commercial aircraft pilot. White disc going quickly 1/16/1966 #19838  
’ ears. The object blinks out when aircraft pass overhead, then comes on ag 2/6/1966 #19887  
 vicinity of the airport, where an aircraft’s landing lights light up the U 2/6/1966 #19887  
            A retired Marine Corps aircraft mechanic saw a domed disc-shape 3/8/1966 #19949  
n shot off towards the east as jet aircraft pursued it.                     3/19/1966 #19996  
ple, OK Road blocked by a wingless aircraft, perch fish-shaped (NICAP: 02 - 3/23/1966 #20042  
iar with all conventional military aircraft.                                3/23/1966 #20047  
nds the road blocked by a wingless aircraft, shaped like a fish, in the roa 3/23/1966 #20050  
iar with all conventional military aircraft.                                3/23/1966 #20055  
rom the scene by five unidentified aircraft that circle it. Some describe o 4/6/1966 #20257  
f again, while several Cessna-type aircraft and other silvery "plane-like"  4/6/1966 #20259  
lm shows what probably was a light aircraft.                                4/15/1966 #20300  
 incredible speed, faster than any aircraft. In Wakefield, Massachusetts at 4/17/1966 #20320  
 hovered, then disappeared when an aircraft approached (aircraft avoidance) 4/19/1966 #20339  
eared when an aircraft approached (aircraft avoidance), reappearing after i 4/19/1966 #20339  
ter came over the area. Two of the aircraft circled the location, then flew 4/19/1966 #20344  
in Bellingham, Massachusetts. Five aircraft and a helicopter flew over the  4/19/1966 #20347  
r the UFO landed remotely, and two aircraft seemed to be circling the area. 4/19/1966 #20347  
 arrival of one helicopter and two aircraft, as the remaining object flew a 4/22/1966 #20371  
crew and passengers of the Convair aircraft carrying Florida Governor Haydo 4/25/1966 #20418  
pipes circled a Beechcraft Bonanza aircraft flown by a single private pilot 4/29/1966 #20428  
om it. The object departed when an aircraft approached the area (aircraft a 5/4/1966 #20445  
n an aircraft approached the area (aircraft avoidance). (NICAP notes.) (NIC 5/4/1966 #20445  
e departure speed to that of a jet aircraft. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 5/16/1966 #20486  
  Mentor, OH Time not reported. An aircraft design engineer saw a bluish-wh 5/17/1966 #20496  
                   At 3:10 a.m. an aircraft design engineer in Mentor, Ohio 5/17/1966 #20498  
 Powell is flying a light Luscombe aircraft over Willow Grove, Pennsylvania 5/21/1966 #20505  
and passed beneath the wing of his aircraft while flying near Willow Grove  5/21/1966 #20506  
d when his F-104 Starfighter chase aircraft collides with a North American  6/8/1966 #20544  
alker’s Starfighter is one of five aircraft in a tight group formation for  6/8/1966 #20544  
 radar at the same position as his aircraft. Other radar units in northern  Mid 6/1966 #20564  
e separation of the drone from the aircraft. The D-21 suffers engine proble 7/30/1966 #20696  
leading to the destruction of both aircraft. The two crew members eject and 7/30/1966 #20696  
jects rushed to the large object, (aircraft avoidance). The sighting lasted 8/13/1966 #20741  
edge obtained from analysis of the aircraft is instrumental to the successe 8/16/1966 #20755  
 A diesel mechanic and former Navy aircraft crewman saw a lens- shaped disc 8/25/1966 #20805  
London, England, at a time when no aircraft are in motion. The UFO is track 9/1966 #20825  
, nor was it shaped like any known aircraft. It shot off at high speed towa 9/18/1966 #20895  
ing, FL Giant Cone Shadows Private Aircraft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Co 9/20/1966 #20901  
 noise. Object descended, followed aircraft, accelerated up and away        9/20/1966 #20902  
ge cone-shaped UFO paced a private aircraft being flown by J. O'Connor over 9/20/1966 #20903  
bject descended, then followed the aircraft, and finally accelerated up and 9/20/1966 #20903  
Eight RCAF airmen are refueling an aircraft in Summerside, Prince Edward Is 9/21/1966 #20909  
ter, approach and hover beside the aircraft. It has a dull, gray-white fini 11/30/1966 #21165  
e were five witnesses on board the aircraft.                                12/30/1966 #21231  
00 effort by the McDonnell-Douglas Aircraft Company (formely the Douglas Ai 1967 #21234  
craft Company (formely the Douglas Aircraft Company), to derive some commer 1967 #21234  
ng sound. Shortly afterwards, many aircraft were active in the sky. (U.F.O. 1/5/1967 #21256  
a. Due to a faulty fuel gauge, the aircraft runs out of fuel 70 miles from  1/5/1967 #21260  
pproached the object, it took off (aircraft avoidance) with its lights flas 1/26/1967 #21396  
iles away, but it soon reaches the aircraft and hovers above it. The cabin  2/2/1967 #21442  
nother object. Both UFOs trail the aircraft until 5 minutes before it lands 2/2/1967 #21442  
12:30 p.m. PST. A witness watching aircraft first saw a white disc passing  2/13/1967 #21532  
exico at 10,000 feet. They put the aircraft into a sharp turn in order to a 2/15/1967 #21556  
 same time were identified as RCAF aircraft. (Edmonton Journal, 2/28/67, co 2/27/1967 #21676  
mber-colored lights approach their aircraft at a lower altitude, passing be 3/11/1967 #21857  
hite, brighter than a conventional aircraft. It moved south parallel to U.S 3/14/1967 #21885  
hey thought were landing lights on aircraft, but they came to ground level, 3/20/1967 #21922  
 thought were landing lights on an aircraft, but they came to ground level  3/20/1967 #21927  
uzeiro do Sul A Brazilian military aircraft with 14 passengers encounters a 3/21/1967 #21936  
alerts pilots of a Cruzeiro do Sul aircraft coming in from the southwest. M 3/21/1967 #21936  
in the west that appeared to be an aircraft fuselage (DC- 3) without wings. 3/23/1967 #21955  
efore moving off faster than a jet aircraft. (Fowler, UFOS: INTERPLANETARY  3/24/1967 #21964  
eos Cruzeiro do Sul photo- mapping aircraft see a UFO in the vicinity of Po 3/27/1967 #22001  
al Airport, which asks the mapping aircraft to identify the object. The Cru 3/27/1967 #22001  
moved slowly, and disappeared when aircraft approached (aircraft avoidance) 3/29/1967 #22010  
appeared when aircraft approached (aircraft avoidance). (NICAP report form. 3/29/1967 #22010  
 and student in a U.S. Navy Cessna aircraft saw a flat oval object, which a 4/1967 #22030  
 white in color, that followed the aircraft. (Weinstein, 1999, p. 35.) (NIC 4/1967 #22030  
t / NNW. Zooms. Hovers. Commercial aircraft pilot chases night light. / r37 4/6/1967 #22072  
 flies erratically as it paces the aircraft, then speeds away. Confirmed by 4/6/1967 #22081  
y when an airplane Jet approached (aircraft avoidance). (Henry McKay report 4/12/1967 #22116  
th choppy waves, included a former aircraft carrier pilot, two former subma 4/12/1967 #22124  
red clouds. Five minutes later jet aircraft at high altitude flew in the sa 4/17/1967 #22147  
e about five times that of any jet aircraft. About 5 minutes later, he sees 4/17/1967 #22152  
o small objects the size of a DC-3 aircraft, that dropped down and made ver 4/17/1967 #22157  
ect hovered, and tilted as a small aircraft passed beneath it. The plane re 4/21/1967 #22182  
bject moved into the overcast when aircraft converged on the area (aircraft 4/21/1967 #22183  
en aircraft converged on the area (aircraft avoidance). (Fowler, 1974, p. 3 4/21/1967 #22183  
overed and descended behind trees. Aircraft seemed to have been chasing it. 4/21/1967 #22184  
cend, and then disappeared when an aircraft approached (aircraft avoidance) 4/27/1967 #22228  
eared when an aircraft approached (aircraft avoidance). (Letter received 11 4/27/1967 #22228  
cend, and then disappeared when an aircraft approached.                     4/27/1967 #22234  
8 miles away. At 12:40 p.m., a jet aircraft approaches it, flies above it,  4/28/1967 #22245  
. It came to within 60 feet of the aircraft and then veered away. It seemed 5/12/1967 #22326  
n being reflected from the Braniff aircraft. (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code 5/13/1967 #22335  
n being reflected from the Braniff aircraft. The blip appears at about twic 5/13/1967 #22337  
rn being reflected off the Braniff aircraft. The radar blip appeared at abo 5/13/1967 #22339  
m to President Johnson, saying the aircraft are essential for finding the S 5/16/1967 #22354  
object, similar in size to a small aircraft, zigzagged back and forth over  5/17/1967 #22368  
object, similar in size to a small aircraft, which zigzagged back-and-forth 5/17/1967 #22371  
voices inside. Thinking it is a US aircraft, he steps forward and shouts. “ 5/20/1967 #22382  
 cloud and made a sound like a jet aircraft. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 0 6/1/1967 #22443  
played cat-and-mouse with the T-33 aircraft when the pilot attempted pursui 6/9/1967 #22483  
iameter flying to the right of the aircraft. (Weinstein, 1999, p. 35, from  Mid 1967 #22508  
hts along the bottom.  Circled m.n aircraft, hovering then moving rapidly,  6/29/1967 #22572  
eturn, also heading east, near the aircraft. In the space of 70 seconds, th 7/6/1967 #22621  
0 feet at the speed of a propeller aircraft. (Ref. 3) (NICAP: 02 - Close En 7/17/1967 #22679  
y, B.C., CAN Object zigzagged near aircraft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)    7/19/1967 #22700  
he tail approached the side of the aircraft and then the tail, forcing the  7/27/1967 #22740  
aft and then the tail, forcing the aircraft down. (Shreveport Times, LA., 7 7/27/1967 #22740  
the 115 mph target as merely civil aircraft that “frequently” fly over the  7/30/1967 #22754  
o break formation and approach the aircraft, showing a round shape and meta 8/6/1967 #22830  
to orange and blue as it paces the aircraft for 15 minutes, bobbing up and  8/6/1967 #22831  
e object seemed to be as big as an aircraft and maneuvered erratically. (Pe 8/11/1967 #22861  
t of sight leaving a red trail. An aircraft passed beneath the objects duri 8/12/1967 #22866  
5 a.m. MDT. A man with training in aircraft identification and his wife saw 8/25/1967 #22923  
de him. The object accompanies the aircraft for a few minutes, then it acce 9/1967 #22975  
sphere that approached an incoming aircraft on an apparent collision course 9/3/1967 #22988  
ourse. The object passed above the aircraft at close range and disappeared  9/3/1967 #22988  
heppey in the Thames Estuary Royal Aircraft Establishment in Farnborough Da 9/4/1967 #22998  
all and Roger Palmer, at the Royal Aircraft Establishment in Farnborough. T 9/4/1967 #22998  
                  Barcelona, Spain Aircraft Encounter Near Barcelona (NICAP 9/10/1967 #23029  
uvered), and appeared to circle an aircraft. (NICAP report form and letter, 9/14/1967 #23058  
d, Russia was buzzed by a UFO. The aircraft engines quit temporarily, but t 9/19/1967 #23096  
                      MELVILLE, NY Aircraft engineering and 2 / (seen thru) 10/2/1967 #23161  
    Melville, NY 7:30 p.m. EDT. An aircraft company engineer and his childr 10/2/1967 #23164  
                      Melville, NY Aircraft engineer sighted disc-shaped ob 10/2/1967 #23166  
em of the situation and ask if any aircraft were missing. Before any attemp 10/4/1967 #23176  
RCC Halifax has determined that no aircraft are missing. The same morning,  10/4/1967 #23176  
 conventional explanations such as aircraft or flares have been dismissed.  10/4/1967 #23176  
The object moved laterally when an aircraft approached it (aircraft avoidan 10/12/1967 #23226  
ly when an aircraft approached it (aircraft avoidance), then accelerated an 10/12/1967 #23226  
-shaped object being chased by two aircraft. (Unidentified newspaper clippi 10/27/1967 #23345  
 are startled by the roar of a jet aircraft overhead at Winchester, Hampshi 10/27/1967 #23353  
ers fly low overhead. Ahead of the aircraft is a black, mushroom-shaped obj 10/27/1967 #23353  
e were four witnesses on board the aircraft.                                10/27/1967 #23357  
er 24 police chase involved either aircraft or the planet Venus. Mills asks 11/8/1967 #23426  
so a private pilot who has tracked aircraft with NORAD, saw a bright circul 11/19/1967 #23482  
d for 2 seconds at the rear of the aircraft. It reappears and disappears tw 11/22/1967 #23498  
her object that looks like a light aircraft with an unusual white, flashing 11/22/1967 #23498  
erve an airplane. But the supposed aircraft is a strong, stationary light 3 12/2/1967 #23533  
   Clinton, MI 11:30 p.m. EST. Two aircraft pilots in a car saw a triangula 12/14/1967 #23585  
g methods to reduce the drag of an aircraft by creating an electrostatic fi 1968 #23633  
 an electrostatic field around the aircraft to reduce drag, something that  1968 #23633  
 without slowing, then follows the aircraft until they are out of sight.    1/15/1968 #23667  
butable to any known phenomenon or aircraft, but that the recorded sound co 2/4/1968 #23734  
lank. A thunderous roar like a jet aircraft flying close by was heard next, 3/3/1968 #23816  
 the intruders, supported by anti- aircraft ground fire. During the Allied  6/15/1968 #24040  
ect is at the same altitude as the aircraft, 7,500 feet, and at a distance  6/18/1968 #24044  
g”) when the object approaches the aircraft in front.                       6/18/1968 #24044  
o convince him that he has seen an aircraft or helicopter. They tell him he 7/22/1968 #24203  
tigating and tracking unidentified aircraft. The first project name is HAVE 8/1968 #24284  
m of Investigation of Unidentified Aircraft, created by the Fourth Air Zone 10/1968 #24535  
Rodrigo, Brazil at 9:20 a.m. A jet aircraft attempted to follow it, but the 10/7/1968 #24549  
t a high rate of speed, pacing the aircraft for nearly 20 miles before disa 10/24/1968 #24587  
arge, illuminated UFO ahead of the aircraft for several minutes, before tur 10/24/1968 #24587  
FL Four bright, oval objects paced aircraft. Pilot turned plane toward them 11/26/1968 #24717  
lent bell-shape flies. "No kind of aircraft".                               12/6/1968 #24746  
oked into German research into jet aircraft. They were already aware UAP in 1969 #24806  
 then vanish. Another unidentified aircraft was seen overhead at the same t 2/12/1969 #24916  
ined in vertical position. Fighter aircraft sent to investigate, object dis 3/14/1969 #25011  
g a daytime flight. When a fighter aircraft was sent to investigate the obj 3/14/1969 #25012  
watch the objects pass below their aircraft and beyond.                     3/17/1969 #25019  
land Vaasa During a Fouga Magister aircraft training mission at Pori Airpor 4/12/1969 #25057  
ue to “transnational spy planes or aircraft.”                               4/12/1969 #25057  
endous speed--much faster than any aircraft..." Officer Tony C. Ragle said  6/20/1969 #25230  
st. It was confirmed not to be RAF aircraft.                                8/5/1969 #25310  
1 The CIA is testing a small drone aircraft in the shape of a bird at Groom 1970 #25520  
fficer on detachment is flying the aircraft, and he describes the object as 1970 #25522  
g a widescale search involving 150 aircraft. Many of the pilots reported se 4/24/1970 #25643  
han a meteor but faster than a jet aircraft.                                5/14/1970 #25662  
was something conventional like an aircraft light, but its strange motion s 4/25/1971 #26084  
       Caribbean Sea 8:30 p.m. The aircraft carrier USS John F. Kennedy is  6/1971 #26153  
assed only 90 meters away from the aircraft, and left no contrails. Ground  6/5/1971 #26158  
ilm, strapped on the bottom of the aircraft and taking automatic photos wit 9/4/1971 #26317  
as recorded by an official mapping aircraft of the Costa Rican government a 9/4/1971 #26319  
lack Arrow rocket, an unidentified aircraft is seen by a trained meteorolog 12/20/1971 #26509  
 within a few hundred yards of the aircraft and 10–20 feet below its level, 12/20/1971 #26509  
acks the strange object, report no aircraft are known to be in the area whe 9/14/1972 #26997  
ours. The UFO hid three times when aircraft appeared.                       9/14/1972 #27001  
cs system testing facility for jet aircraft. Near the bicycle shed he hears 10/8/1972 #27058  
way Two witnesses watch an unknown aircraft maneuver along Sognefjord, Vest 11/13/1972 #27122  
           Ohura Beacon (area), NZ Aircraft encounters object, gyroscopic & 2/2/1973 #27262  
c with dome maneuvered around DC-8 aircraft, confirmed by airborne radar. S 2/14/1973 #27289  
sts that the objects were probably aircraft taking off from the military ba 3/20/1973 #27352  
ng, insisting they were not normal aircraft. She said she was familiar with 3/20/1973 #27353  
ft. She said she was familiar with aircraft because there is a Belgian Air  3/20/1973 #27353  
s another sunlit object pacing the aircraft at a higher altitude. Suddenly  3/24/1973 #27372  
r to mimic the appearance of known aircraft; others violate the laws of phy 4/1973 #27397  
Mountain, and disappeared when the aircraft turned toward it. A simultaneou 4/12/1973 #27427  
 appeared to their right. When the aircraft banked again, the object turned 4/12/1973 #27427  
several seconds until a commercial aircraft flew by. The UFO followed it fo 7/9/1973 #27625  
e Cordoba was flying a forest fire aircraft he saw a strange object which l 7/16/1973 #27634  
e sky. They vanished, and soon jet aircraft appeared apparently looking for 9/4/1973 #27761  
ere notified, who reported that no aircraft were in the vicinity nor had an 9/24/1973 #27864  
an intensely white UFO paced their aircraft briefly. The two Spanish A.F. c 9/26/1973 #27871  
g a beam of light. There were also aircraft UFO close encounters over Anahe 10/17/1973 #28134  
oks like the port-wing light of an aircraft but seems brighter and carries  10/18/1973 #28172  
n the speed of normal conventional aircraft, and had a pale yellow (or gold 11/9/1973 #28398  
FO Darts To & Fro, Observed From 3 Aircraft & Gnd Radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR  11/30/1973 #28488  
sky, so he gave chase in his Piper aircraft. The object zigzagged away at 5 11/30/1973 #28491  
rmation passes, another Portuguese aircraft reports the same objects to gro 1/26/1974 #28709  
control. A Norwegian and a British aircraft also report the same phenomenon 1/26/1974 #28709  
, apparently to intercept a Soviet aircraft. Ground control explains that t 6/9/1974 #29175  
t toward them. Nakamura forces the aircraft into a sudden dive to avoid it, 6/9/1974 #29175  
s definitely not a Marine military aircraft, according to the witness.      6/29/1974 #29232  
t 328 feet away. Thinking it is an aircraft, the men head to the splashdown 7/2/1974 #29237  
21.5 MHz, a frequency reserved for aircraft in distress. The signal is also 7/14/1974 #29259  
elicopter, and a black twin-engine aircraft open fire on Robert Smith Jr. w 7/15/1974 #29262  
he time that it encounters another aircraft headed toward it on a collision 8/25/1974 #29386  
-air collision occurs with a small aircraft flying from El Paso to Mexico C 8/25/1974 #29386  
s first locate the wreckage of the aircraft, even as US electronic surveill 8/25/1974 #29386  
 fragments of the crashed civilian aircraft, although there is not much lef 8/25/1974 #29386  
 Gander confirms there is no other aircraft in the vicinity.                10/11/1974 #29519  
00 feet and paced a Fokker F-27 IB aircraft for one minute while flying bet 11/24/1974 #29606  
 a circular object paced a private aircraft flying over Shabbona, Illiniois 11/24/1974 #29607  
is flying his own Aeronca Champion aircraft on a bright day over Shabbona,  11/28/1974 #29619  
 or ellipse flying parallel to his aircraft at the same speed (75–80 mph) a 11/28/1974 #29619  
rpm. The circular object paced his aircraft for 10 seconds, then suddenly t 11/28/1974 #29620  
ghted legs or struts. Conventional aircraft seen simultaneously N & S of ob 2/9/1975 #29791  
den Gene Tierney says it is not an aircraft. Commissioner Edgar Langston, a 2/17/1975 #29820  
ard at the approximate speed of an aircraft, disappearing over the horizon. 3/2/1975 #29868  
Lake, Mexico UFOs 'Escort' Mexican Aircraft / Radar Confirmed (NICAP: 03 -  5/3/1975 #30022  
xico Three domed discs paced small aircraft, one off each wing and one behi 5/3/1975 #30023  
ed by radar. E-M effects on radio, aircraft lifted                          5/3/1975 #30023  
able of sharp turns, unlike normal aircraft. Finally, their blips merge on  5/3/1975 #30026  
mation ahead and closing in on his aircraft. The pilot descends to 1,000 fe 5/6/1975 #30041  
haped objects bracketed a USAF jet aircraft testing equipment for an hour f 5/6/1975 #30043  
eed. (Source: Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 39; Saga UFO 7/20/1975 #30191  
oting a Grumman AN-1 antisubmarine aircraft with four other crew members. H 9/1975? #30333  
enter asking him if he can see any aircraft over Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Cád 9/1975? #30333  
jet. (Source: Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 39). (NICAP: 9/23/1975 #30378  
und nuclear weapons storage sites, aircraft alert areas and missile control 10/1975 #30401  
aine, when he sees an unidentified aircraft approaching the north perimeter 10/27/1975 #30487  
t the 42 Bomb Wing that an unknown aircraft has penetrated the base perimet 10/27/1975 #30487  
ground personnel. Sounded like jet aircraft. Intermittent radar contact mad 10/28/1975 #30492  
tted the lights of an unidentified aircraft approaching Loring AFB from the 10/28/1975 #30500  
pots the lights of an unidentified aircraft approaching Loring AFB near Lim 10/28/1975 #30503  
 North Dakota. At least two KC-135 aircraft are hit by small arms fire. Sec 11/3/1975 #30546  
 which play cat-and-mouse with the aircraft, extinguishing their illuminati 11/7/1975 #30576  
nge object seemed to be pacing the aircraft. The object then briefly attach 11/11/1975 #30606  
ange object seems to be pacing the aircraft. The object then briefly attach 11/11/1975 #30610  
oncludes that the lights come from aircraft landing at the Cedar Rapids Mun 11/17/1975 #30636  
 North Bay Tower advised one light aircraft in the area who reported sighti 12/4/1975 #30684  
euver and that was unlike any type aircraft he has ever seen.” One observer 1/21/1976 #30810  
nd. Afterwards the witness saw ten aircraft circling that portion of the sk 2/18/1976 #30879  
nd. Afterwards the witness saw ten aircraft circling that portion of the sk 2/18/1976 #30882  
east and sees what he thinks is an aircraft descending at 45°. After watchi Late 2/1976 #30905  
French AF T-33, object illuminates aircraft. Testimony of French fighter pi 3/3/1976 #30920  
rescent light that illuminates the aircraft for several seconds. The green  3/3/1976 #30921  
tically, levelled out, came at the aircraft, and the two-meter wide sphere  3/3/1976 #30923  
ral window-like openings, pace his aircraft with occasional bursts of speed 3/11/1976 #30936  
earby. The controller says that an aircraft will be sent to investigate. Li 8/13/1976 #31261  
rns right, passing in front of his aircraft. It quickly outdistances its pu 8/13/1976 #31261  
ween Manaus and Belém, Brazil. The aircraft’s radar confirms the sighting.  Mid 9/1976 #31384  
Tehran, Iran, watch a multicolored aircraft hovering a few thousand feet in 9/18/1976 #31395  
s the pilot broke off pursuit, all aircraft functions returned to normal. A 9/19/1976 #31396  
          Tehran, Iran F-4 fighter aircraft attempted intercept of radar-vi 9/19/1976 #31408  
 lost. When the pilot of the first aircraft, Houssain Perouzi, tried to fir 9/19/1976 #31411  
rst Have Blue demonstrator stealth aircraft, HB1001, after going through nu 11/16/1976 #31554  
es an unknown object accompany his aircraft for 20 minutes. Possible barium 11/19/1976 #31558  
y Islands 7:15 p.m. Witnesses from aircraft and ships around the Canary Isl 11/19/1976 #31559  
ute as it rushes 2 miles below the aircraft at 3,600 mph. The object is not 12/18/1976 #31613  
ling with radioactive satellite or aircraft debris, Palmer notifies the pol 1/10/1977 #31715  
plausible source for these mystery aircraft. Mrs. Dessie Turner, a neighbor 2/10/1977 #31808  
 and bigger as it approaches their aircraft from the rear right. The pilot  3/7/1977 #31873  
n in the magnetic field around the aircraft to the point where it did pull  3/12/1977 #31901  
to the point where it did pull the aircraft off course.”                    3/12/1977 #31901  
ht; I don’t know what to do!” Four aircraft surround him and talk him down  4/29/1977 #32035  
eet away and moving faster than an aircraft.                                5/1/1977 #32045  
l, June 1977; Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 50; CUFOS fi 5/5/1977 #32058  
han that of an ordinary commercial aircraft. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR,  5/9/1977 #32079  
hes UFOs from other types of known aircraft.                                5/17/1977 #32105  
from the west. The lights resemble aircraft landing lights, but they soon b 5/26/1977 #32133  
interference. Camera film from the aircraft’s radar records a “strong respo 5/26/1977 #32133  
Alert facility that houses fighter aircraft, and though a back- up system i 7/1/1977 #32227  
ee it. It departs 2 miles from the aircraft’s final touch-down.             7/16/1977 #32281  
 (KNI Net) at UFOFC. Report of an "aircraft going down" prompted law enforc 7/24/1977 #32309  
bjects disappear when conventional aircraft appear in the sky. Sounds of br 8/3/1977 #32353  
ath. It moves away quickly when an aircraft approaches.                     8/4/1977 #32360  
brighter. He ruled out any type of aircraft. At the same time PS JOHN McMUL 8/28/1977 #32431  
      Omaha, NE Three objects like aircraft tracked on FAA radar in V-forma 9/22/1977 #32509  
ning front to rear and is blow the aircraft at roughly 12,000 feet. First O 9/22/1977 #32510  
 the object as well. It passes the aircraft at a speed “beyond comprehensio 9/22/1977 #32510  
re hovered in front of a USAF T-38 aircraft flying from Abilene to Dallas,  10/26/1977 #32620  
ts, some flashing. Some are likely aircraft.                                10/29/1977 #32632  
isc-shaped object chasing a Cessna aircraft over Charleston, South Carolina 11/12/1977 #32668  
e of speed comes alongside a small aircraft flying at 13,000 feet between V 11/18/1977 #32686  
 while the light is abreast of his aircraft, one of his transponders stops  11/18/1977 #32686  
al operation. The object paces the aircraft for 3–4 miles at a distance of  11/18/1977 #32686  
miles and is fairly high above the aircraft. The pilot turns on his other t 11/18/1977 #32686  
es an object the size of a distant aircraft fly out ion front of the moon.  11/24/1977 #32697  
Range The Have Blue HB1001 stealth aircraft is tested for the first time at 12/1/1977 #32721  
 9:00 p.m., a Golden West commuter aircraft reports two large bright lights 12/8/1977 #32750  
0 mph. One made head-on pass at an aircraft, observed on radar              12/17/1977 #32788  
s makes a close head-on pass at an aircraft. A third radar station is unabl 12/17/1977 #32790  
s reported several incidents where aircraft were scrambled to chase UFO’s.  Late 1970's #32823  
time later appears in front of the aircraft, apparently much larger. A cras 1/1978 #32836  
 is slightly larger than a distant aircraft. It has dark, outlined windows  1/23/1978 #32907  
d domed disc the size of a distant aircraft moving in a straight path over  3/18/1978 #33054  
 Diego, California, an F-14 Tomcat aircraft loses control and makes touch-  3/27/1978 #33088  
and an S-3A Viking anti- submarine aircraft from Naval Air Station North Is 3/27/1978 #33088  
ving a briefing to a general about aircraft losses, instruments going haywi 3/27/1978 #33088  
 Traffic Control Center reports no aircraft in the area. Clark and the base 5/14/1978 #33210  
 her that he had seen a box-shaped aircraft, like "a little house," fly low 5/17/1978 #33223  
 her that he had seen a box-shaped aircraft, like "a little house," fly low 5/17/1978 #33225  
er hearing reports of unidentified aircraft from two previous sentries, Gun 6/11/1978 #33275  
os Angeles, CA 3:15 PM. US private aircraft at 2800', two witnesses, 1 minu 7/4/1978 #33331  
the east at a speed faster than an aircraft and exceptionally high. The obj 7/4/1978 #33334  
nsuccessfully and is told no other aircraft are being tracked in the vicini 7/26/1978 #33418  
ed orange lights twice the size of aircraft landing lights. A humming sound 8/24/1978 #33564  
n air space, W. Germany US private aircraft with three witnesses at 33,000' 8/28/1978 #33584  
ns impossible for any conventional aircraft. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 9/23/1978 #33733  
ns impossible for any conventional aircraft. The object crossed over the Pa 9/23/1978 #33739  
Island 12:00 noon. Two Chilean F-5 aircraft piloted by Capts. Hernán Gabrie 10/1978? #33787  
et that gives a return equal to 10 aircraft carriers. Ground radar at Cerro 10/1978? #33787  
                                   Aircraft Accident Investigation Summary  10/21/1978 #33848  
 hovering and it’s Airplane not an aircraft… (end of transmission…pilot pre 10/21/1978 #33848  
ning flight in a Cessna 182L light aircraft over Bass Strait between Moorab 10/21/1978 #33856  
rol to report that an unidentified aircraft is following him at 4,500 feet. 10/21/1978 #33856  
Valentich can see a large, unknown aircraft that appears to be illuminated  10/21/1978 #33856  
ng at high speed. Then he says the aircraft is approaching him from the eas 10/21/1978 #33856  
rposely toying with him. The other aircraft is “orbiting” above him. It has 10/21/1978 #33856  
ne problems. Asked to identify the aircraft, Valentich radios, “It’s not an 10/21/1978 #33856  
ft, Valentich radios, “It’s not an aircraft.” His transmission is then inte 10/21/1978 #33856  
raffic, an RAAF Lockheed P-3 Orion aircraft, plus eight civilian aircraft.  10/21/1978 #33856  
rion aircraft, plus eight civilian aircraft. The search encompasses more th 10/21/1978 #33856  
l position from the area where the aircraft disappeared. The bureau notes t 10/21/1978 #33856  
d as having come from a Cessna 182 aircraft between a certain range of seri 10/21/1978 #33856  
mbers.” which includes Valentich’s aircraft. At least 15 other UFOs are rep 10/21/1978 #33856  
stly successful tests of Have Blue aircraft at Tonopah Test Range in Nevada 11/1/1978 #33908  
ern Washington State Four military aircraft are flying over eastern Washing 11/15/1978 #33957  
om London Mills reported a tubular aircraft approached their car as they dr 12/1978 #34034  
ut the “alleged ability of unknown aircraft to penetrate airspace and over  12/20/1978 #34183  
nel to intercept and identify such aircraft.” Stratton sends a letter to US 12/20/1978 #34183  
ut the “alleged ability of unknown aircraft to penetrate airspace and over  12/20/1978 #34186  
nel to intercept and identify such aircraft. Stratton writes to USAF Maj. G 12/20/1978 #34186  
t. Vern Powell, pilot of a freight aircraft about to make the Blenheim to C 12/21/1978 #34193  
e, NZ 12:12 AM. Foreign commercial aircraft, 4 witnesses at 10-14,000', 53  12/30/1978 #34230  
 was seen by everyone on board the aircraft and was tracked by radar at the 12/31/1978 #34238  
racking a target a mile behind the aircraft that stays on the screen for ab 12/31/1978 #34246  
at 2:15 a.m., and within 2 minutes aircraft radar picks up a target 37 mile 12/31/1978 #34246  
 was seen by everyone on board the aircraft and was tracked by radar at the 12/31/1978 #34249  
 as the jets approach. Neither the aircraft nor the base can register the o 3/1979 #34453  
e were two high quality reports of aircraft encounters with UFOs on this da 5/29/1979 #34594  
in the opposite direction from the aircraft.                                5/29/1979 #34594  
were seen flying together below an aircraft being flown by the state police 8/9/1979 #34722  
rols are jammed, but both feel the aircraft being pulled upward. They then  8/17/1979 #34752  
a white light on its tail end. The aircraft falls about 1,000 feet and leve 8/17/1979 #34752  
denly speeds past the front of the aircraft, coming within a few feet of th 8/27/1979 #34788  
Messoyakha Gas Field Three Russian aircraft approaching Khatanga, Krasnoyar 10/27/1979 #34971  
ted at the object, which paces the aircraft, flying over and around it. A s 10/27/1979 #34971  
ghts that are fast approaching the aircraft. They appear to be on a collisi 11/11/1979 #34997  
bandon the pursuit just before the aircraft lands. However, three new UFO t 11/11/1979 #34997  
 to what appeared to be a huge jet aircraft with external lights, but with  12/2/1979 #35037  
three times bigger than any of the aircraft. It flies to each of the MiGs a 1980 #35116  
her car, first mistaking it for an aircraft landing light. The object then  4/9/1980 #35261  
ría Huertas commands the scrambled aircraft. As soon as the object is in hi 4/11/1980 #35269  
around its perimeter. A commercial aircraft and news helicopter are also vi 5/1980 #35298  
Karl Schwarz orders three Saab 105 aircraft to intercept. Once they make vi 5/7/1980 #35315  
bject passes close to a commercial aircraft near Venice, Italy.             6/11/1980 #35357  
 object was moving faster than his aircraft. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)   6/14/1980 #35366  
 it follows the landing pattern of aircraft into the airport. Sightings occ 6/14/1980 #35368  
object maneuver above several A-10 aircraft parked at the base. Moments lat 6/15/1980 #35374  
at a slightly lower speed than his aircraft. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)   6/20/1980 #35381  
at a slightly lower speed than his aircraft. “When I turned north at Wafra, 6/20/1980 #35382  
Lev Vyatkin plane collided with an aircraft emitting a “hard beam”. The pil Summer 1980 #35383  
the pilot of an RAF F-4 Phantom II aircraft. It vanishes as quickly as it h 10/1980 #35551  
other 10 seconds. It banks like an aircraft to the right and its shape chan 11/2/1980 #35609  
n Spain 6:40 p.m. Seven commercial aircraft—four Iberia Boeing 727s, a Brit 11/11/1980 #35634  
er, an air-taxi, and a Transeuropa aircraft—encounter an unusual green obje 11/11/1980 #35634  
e” that is coming straight for his aircraft. He puts it into an evasive div 11/11/1980 #35634  
sis of photo of UFO following C-5A aircraft inclusive. Photo analysis of Cy 11/17/1980 #35644  
n Oklahoma, flew a huge C-5A cargo aircraft behind a KC-135 tanker from Gri 11/18/1980 #35654  
way. An RAF Hawker Siddeley Nimrod aircraft is sent to the area, but no pub 11/25/1980 #35670  
in the sky being chased by two jet aircraft. It stopped in the sky, then sh 11/26/1980 #35674  
an said there were no Nellis-based aircraft or missiles anywhere in the are 12/18/1980 #35724  
ers initially think it is a downed aircraft but, when others (S/Sgt James P 12/26/1980 #35737  
o not have a large, diamond-shaped aircraft in their possession. Although t 12/29/1980 #35757  
 and employee of McDonnell Douglas Aircraft, who was a project manager for  12/29/1980 #35758  
 El Segundo, CA operated by Hughes Aircraft. Basiago claims there is a “jum 1981 #35765  
CA Red-lighted object made pass at aircraft, instant relocation. "Very tigh 2/9/1981 #35820  
 flight at Groom Lake, Nevada. The aircraft remains a tightly held secret f 6/18/1981 #35975  
n the object departed upwards. The aircraft briefly disappeared from FAA ra 8/8/1981 #36063  
n the object departed upwards. The aircraft briefly disappeared from FAA ra 8/8/1981 #36065  
ordering a “complete stand-down of aircraft in the event that any strange ‘ 8/16/1981 #36078  
n their radar screens. Six pursuit aircraft are scrambled, but the UFOs dis 11/12/1981 #36220  
five witnesses said they saw a jet aircraft chase the UFO out of sight. (NI 12/8/1981 #36250  
° turn near Luna Mountain as a jet aircraft chases the UFO out of sight.    12/8/1981 #36252  
five witnesses said they saw a jet aircraft chase the UFO out of sight.     12/8/1981 #36253  
He was blindfolded again where his aircraft was refused for him and was tol 1982 #36292  
t the sighting is due to a distant aircraft passing through a condensation  1/9/1982 #36298  
d flying object paced a commercial aircraft for 82 minutes. (NICAP: 11 - Av 2/8/1982 #36325  
course. It starts accompanying the aircraft in a parallel course, keeping t 2/8/1982 #36327  
 UFO is still in clear view as the aircraft begins landing at Galeão Airpor 2/8/1982 #36327  
d flying object paced a commercial aircraft for 82 minutes. VASP flight #16 2/8/1982 #36328  
when he sees a light similar to an aircraft landing light over the Lockport 2/12/1982 #36340  
n he sees what appears to be a jet aircraft to the south at about 500 feet  3/21/1982 #36404  
described as the size of Piper Cub aircraft, and it flew slowly to the east 5/5/1982 #36464  
ermany Everyone on board a British aircraft sees a large translucent object 6/12/1982 #36499  
 spots appear near its center. The aircraft lose their communications and n 6/18/1982 #36510  
etallic sphere pace the Boeing 737 aircraft for two minutes, then ascend, f 6/27/1982 #36519  
etallic sphere pace the Boeing 737 aircraft for two minutes, then ascend, f 6/27/1982 #36522  
tices an object following a Cessna aircraft at an altitude of 1,500 feet ab 9/2/1982 #36593  
US Air Force RC-135 reconnaissance aircraft monitoring Soviet military acti 10/19/1982 #36654  
 20 at a time, is picked up on the aircraft’s radar as it approaches from t 10/19/1982 #36654  
-14 fighters are scrambled from an aircraft carrier, and an RAF Phantom is  10/19/1982 #36654  
eering to its left and missing the aircraft’s right wingtip by no more than 10/24/1982 #36663  
le with four tubes, buzzed a light aircraft being flown by a student pilot  10/24/1982 #36664  
ugal Shiny disc below two military aircraft darted up to their altitude, ra 11/2/1982 #36672  
continues circling between the two aircraft for 10 minutes, when it makes a 11/2/1982 #36674  
ped object, which is similar to an aircraft in size but has no wings and is 3/28/1983 #36821  
ner, two submarines, and one Orion aircraft equipped with antisubmarine wea 4/27/1983 #36846  
g. Immediately afterward, an Orion aircraft drops a mine at the same spot i 4/27/1983 #36846  
ct is lost. At 8:30 p.m., an Orion aircraft has the last sonar contact. The 4/27/1983 #36846  
ft has the last sonar contact. The aircraft drops mines at the entrance to  4/27/1983 #36846  
 the sky for 2 hours. It left when aircraft arrived on the scene.           6/5/1983 #36877  
o Mahopac, New York, when he sees “aircraft lights” approaching and droppin 10/28/1983 #37026  
 triangle and larger than a normal aircraft, hovered over Surrey, England a 1/14/1984 #37130  
ome may be attributable to passing aircraft. Only four of the photos taken  1/21/1984 #37136  
aneuver they judged impossible for aircraft. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/19/1984 #37273  
It has red lights around it. A jet aircraft appears to be pursuing it. The  4/19/1984 #37274  
e and had lights on the rim. A jet aircraft was seen in pursuit of the UFO. 4/19/1984 #37275  
aneuver they judged impossible for aircraft. It climbed 3000 feet in under  4/19/1984 #37276  
ject followed a KC-135 USAF tanker aircraft through a U-turn over the mount 4/24/1984 #37285  
ject followed a KC-135 USAF tanker aircraft through a U-turn over the mount 4/24/1984 #37286  
a newly acquired supersonic Soviet aircraft flown for testing. Instead of t 4/26/1984 #37301  
s formation. Aero expert rules out aircraft.                                6/22/1984 #37373  
ular shaped, and larger than a 747 aircraft. It had 4 red lights and 1 or 2 7/15/1984 #37401  
ille, New York, who fly ultralight aircraft in a tight formation and use th 11/1984 #37500  
ly are beyond the capacity of most aircraft, and the power and intensity of 11/1984 #37500  
as rumored to be an advanced black aircraft, possibly triangular in shape.  1985 #37542  
sonic boom or some secret military aircraft maneuver. Typically news author 2/24/1985 #37559  
mors isn't them. Chances of Nellis aircraft causing booms that would be fel 2/24/1985 #37559  
stals breaking along the wing. The aircraft turbulence does not disturb the 7/1985 #37613  
hed from a USAF F-15 Eagle fighter aircraft. The test results in 285 catalo 9/13/1985 #37660  
does not see it, but several other aircraft in the vicinity also report a r 2/26/1986 #37789  
n took off to the southwest. A jet aircraft flying in the sky at the time w 4/20/1986 #37829  
aneiro Sao Paulo, Brazil Brazilian Aircraft / UFO Encounter / Radar-Visual  5/19/1986 #37876  
he object in the twin-engine Xingu aircraft, the light blinked off every 10 5/19/1986 #37882  
eed F-117 Nighthawk stealth attack aircraft crashes in Sequoia National For 7/11/1986 #37939  
Yukon, AK Japan Airlines freighter aircraft encountered lighted maneuvering 11/17/1986 #38071  
jects move away to the left of the aircraft. Two flat white lights continue 11/17/1986 #38072  
y big one—two times bigger than an aircraft carrier.” At its closest point, 11/17/1986 #38072  
dar target. Since there is another aircraft in the vicinity, air traffic co 11/25/1986 #38077  
ed an object "about the size of an aircraft carrier" about 50 miles away at 5/16/1987 #38175  
ther was hazy at the time, and the aircraft was not close enough to make vi 5/16/1987 #38175  
apt. Faria de Sousa is landing his aircraft at Anápolis Air Base ALA 2, Goi 6/19/1987 #38194  
 registers the presence of another aircraft close by and his cockpit lights 6/19/1987 #38194  
l missile heading straight for the aircraft before it swerves to the side a 6/25/1987 #38200  
” at 38,000 feet, he watches a jet aircraft fly underneath it. They watch i 8/4/1987 #38228  
ed to be comparable to three C-130 aircraft.                                9/1987 #38270  
ehicles stopped as a large, bright aircraft flew over and passed silently o Mid 10/1987 #38305  
l UFO flew dangerously close to an aircraft on landing approach, then follo 12/5/1987 #38350  
anding approach, then followed the aircraft and hovered near the airport in 12/5/1987 #38350  
r Force F-117 stealth fighters, an aircraft that had not yet been acknowled 5/16/1988 #38570  
 RC-135S Cobra Ball reconnaissance aircraft east of the Kamchatka Peninsula 10/1988 #38661  
a and the crash of an experimental aircraft in 1983. Gomez claims to have v 10/23/1988 #38683  
rthrup denied any of their stealth aircraft were flying that night. Futherm 10/26/1988 #38699  
and take aerial photographs of the aircraft’s then-secret rear section with 11/22/1988 #38718  
ng, the pilot is told that another aircraft has seen a strange object about 12/1/1988 #38733  
two F-14 Tomcats (probably from an aircraft carrier) approach the object fr 12/28/1988 #38763  
of Representatives when he said no aircraft were lost at the time of the in 1/1989 #38774  
cts would vanish at times when jet aircraft flew over. The event continued  1/18/1989 #38786  
rport] in southeast Romania, 18–20 aircraft pilots of Regiment 57 are insid Late 3/1989 #38880  
ibed as three times the size of an aircraft hovers above Cherepovets, Volog 4/24/1989 #38925  
African border. Two Mirage fighter aircraft allegedly pursue a fast-moving  5/7/1989 #38938  
ims the site consists of concealed aircraft hangars built into a mountainsi 5/15/1989 #38952  
azar claims the site has concealed aircraft hangers in a mountain side and  5/15/1989 #38953  
ol tower to ask if they can see an aircraft in their vicinity. Both times t 5/30/1989 #38967  
he airplane. It maneuvers near the aircraft and one of the pilots estimates 5/30/1989 #38967  
ar isosceles triangle–shaped delta aircraft, apparently refueling from a Bo Late 8/1989 #39073  
ibson and his girlfriend watch the aircraft for several minutes until they  Late 8/1989 #39073  
e fence was installed in the area. Aircraft flying over the area afterwards 9/16/1989 #39109  
nation from above; command/control aircraft circled above; remnants were tr 9/28/1989 #39132  
ver, UFOROM discovers that several aircraft takeoffs and landings at the ai 10/9/1989 #39156  
 of Ord, Indiana from a commercial aircraft, CONNAIR flight 440, flying at  10/24/1989 #39184  
ontrol confirms there are no other aircraft in the area at the time.        11/1/1989 #39207  
gs. He also claimed a “deep black” aircraft project existed at Groom Lake t 2/21/1990 #39426  
ocation of $455 million for “black aircraft production” in FY 1987. Accordi 3/1990 #39434  
Aurora refers to a group of exotic aircraft and not to one particular airfr 3/1990 #39434  
ere American B-2 or F-117 military aircraft, stating that he made the inqui 3/1990 #39435  
vable characteristics of either US aircraft.” The US Air Force does confirm 3/1990 #39435  
stry of Defense that no US stealth aircraft were operating in the Ardennes  3/1990 #39435  
, and Kirzhach. Radar stations and aircraft are put on alert. At 9:38 p.m., 3/21/1990 #39475  
yaslavl-Zalessky, Russia a fighter aircraft was scrambled at 10:05 p.m. to  3/21/1990 #39476  
nd moved many times faster than an aircraft. There was also a red light mov 3/21/1990 #39476  
lled Bragg scattering, in which an aircraft’s own radars interfere with eac 3/30/1990 #39499  
ttom of the platform look like “an aircraft carrier turned upside down.”    4/22/1990 #39539  
res on bottom that looked like "an aircraft carrier turned upside down."    4/22/1990 #39541  
ear collision with a KC-135 tanker aircraft over Lancaster, California. The 5/21/1990 #39583  
 show a US Air Force black project aircraft. The prints are sent to the Gla 8/4/1990 #39679  
en allowed to operate experimental aircraft in UK airspace, but David Clark 8/4/1990 #39679  
It was moving faster than a normal aircraft, and she immediately thought it 9/13/1990 #39731  
on Week on 45 sightings of strange aircraft over the southwestern part of t 10/1/1990 #39756  
One is a “triangular-shaped, quiet aircraft seen with a flight of F-117A st 10/1/1990 #39756  
of 1989.” Another is a “high-speed aircraft characterized by a very deep ru 10/1/1990 #39756  
ird is a high-altitude, high-speed aircraft, typically observed as a bright 10/1/1990 #39756  
ght, moving much faster than other aircraft, giving no engine noise or soni 10/1/1990 #39756  
ic” propulsion systems used in new aircraft and comes very close to stating 10/1/1990 #39756  
es there are at least two types of aircraft beyond the F-117A and the B-2,  10/1/1990 #39757  
k in Paris, France at the speed of aircraft at 4:30 p.m., heading toward th 10/10/1990 #39772  
over. The lights of an approaching aircraft are much smaller and paler. The 10/14/1990 #39785  
iving there, he saw no trace of an aircraft, but did see a 5-foot-tall man  10/31/1990 #39822  
 up on the jets’ radar. Commercial aircraft also report odd lights over the 11/5/1990 #39867  
he afternoon in Taszar, Hungary an aircraft mechanic was approached by a st 12/31/1990 #39931  
d to the presence of many military aircraft in the sky at the same time.    4/2/1991 #40029  
ish oval object that paced a small aircraft and hovered above airport, E-M  6/8/1991 #40091  
l-shaped object that paced a small aircraft and then hovered above the airp 6/8/1991 #40093  
meras and sensors on high altitude aircraft like the X-2, X-15 and U-2, plu 7/1991 #40108  
and within 2 seconds it passes the aircraft’s wing at a distance of only 32 7/15/1991 #40123  
ring a collision with conventional aircraft, issued a general alert for air 8/28/1991 #40168  
 was definitely not a conventional aircraft.                                11/9/1991 #40223  
nications... were between an AWACS aircraft with the call sign Dragnet 51 f 3/23/1992 #40397  
ker AFB, Oklahoma, and two unknown aircraft using the call signs Darkstar N 3/23/1992 #40397  
                             A jet aircraft tentatively identified as a U.S 4/28/1992 #40437  
Too low and large and colorful for aircraft.                                8/4/1992 #40550  
ville, California, when an unusual aircraft comes directly toward them and  8/5/1992 #40552  
ghts are attached to a large, dark aircraft. It hovers briefly above the ha 10/27/1992 #40694  
ce denied that it was one of their aircraft. At 10:15 p.m. a yellow ball of 1/28/1993 #40817  
between a C-130 Hercules transport aircraft and a Boeing 747. The light bea 3/31/1993 #40914  
 many times faster than a military aircraft. Ministry of Defence UFO Office 3/31/1993 #40914  
 of attack normal for conventional aircraft. This maneuver has been called  4/29/1993 #40956  
g in the opposite direction of the aircraft, which has leveled off at 30,00 6/3/1993 #41003  
near), IN Pilot Spots Unidentified Aircraft Near Indy (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 12/2/1993 #41318  
Requirements on Flying Saucer Type Aircraft: Draft of Collection Memorandum 1994 #41342  
ents dealing with weather balloon, aircraft, and similar crash incidents” t 2/9/1994 #41408  
 p.m. Two men flying an ultralight aircraft 250 feet over Termoli, Campobas 3/6/1994 #41443  
 9:30 p.m. what looked like a B-17 aircraft rumbled by Mennecy, Hauts-Seine 3/14/1994 #41458  
n 1994 scientists videotaped a new aircraft over a mountain in Col de Vence 6/5/1994 #41553  
oscombe Down Wiltshire, England An aircraft crash at RAF Boscombe Down in W 9/26/1994 #41775  
 investigation is hampered by USAF aircraft flooding into the base. Special 9/26/1994 #41775  
tion, which takes the disassembled aircraft back to the US.                 9/26/1994 #41775  
 Stealth Technology Reconnaissance Aircraft, the Mach 5+ hypersonic replace 9/26/1994 #41776  
insisted that it wasn't a "stealth aircraft," and claimed it was silent.    11/22/1994 #41860  
oting a British Airways Boeing 737 aircraft with 60 passengers when they ar 1/6/1995 #41956  
tects an object rushing toward the aircraft. Some 6,000 feet away, the pilo 2/1995 #42006  
 discrete and notifiable hazard to aircraft safety will continue to be conc 2/20/1995 #42052  
ut this later proves to be a small aircraft whose transponder is not initia 5/25/1995 #42227  
g months NORAD said it was a small aircraft whose transponder was not worki 5/25/1995 #42229  
server(s) very familiar / military aircraft.                                6/25/1995 #42272  
 to be very familiar with military aircraft and this was not that. At 7:30  6/25/1995 #42275  
eadlights" in a row. "Not ordinary aircraft" / observer(s).                 7/28/1995 #42330  
 a white light bearing down on the aircraft before halting only 300 feet aw 7/31/1995 #42347  
 silvery object approaches the TAM aircraft. The sighting lasts about 10 mi 8/8/1995 #42368  
 IOWA CITY, IA 1 observer. 2 white aircraft meet / sky. Fly toward(s) weird 10/1/1995 #42524  
s sighted again four times. Eleven aircraft seemed to be chasing it. Later  10/5/1995 #42536  
while still others saw two F-5 jet aircraft fly over the area at low altitu 1/20/1996 #42697  
 facilities. The same day, a cargo aircraft takes off from Canoas Air Force 1/23/1996 #42709  
                     BARTLETT, TN "Aircraft" = metallic slivers / sky. Obje 1/25/1996 #42711  
hover and maneuver. Disappear. Not aircraft..                               1/25/1996 #42711  
about the size of a commercial jet aircraft. The duration of the sighting w 2/18/1996 #42771  
dent witnesses. A pilot of a small aircraft over Saginaw, Michigan had to d 2/27/1996 #42786  
   MIDDLETOWN, NJ Several / train. Aircraft simply stops / sky. Turns brigh 3/23/1996 #42836  
Sea, then flew 30 meters above the aircraft. The plane requested and made a 6/9/1996 #42929  
en employees about an anti-gravity aircraft the USAF was developing.  https 6/21/1996 #42937  
traveling at the same speed as the aircraft but about 500 feet lower. The p 7/1996 #42943  
G, for example, worked with Hughes Aircraft as the prime contractors for th 8/7/1996 #42971  
nly at the sound of an approaching aircraft. At 8:30 p.m. the witnesses aga 9/23/1996 #43039  
bject was seem from an Embraer-712 aircraft 35 miles east of Pelotas Airpor 10/5/1996 #43058  
 Brazil, one of the EMB-312 Tucano aircraft’s wings breaks off and causes i 11/16/1996 #43112  
l spherical object approaching the aircraft from behind and passing just at 11/16/1996 #43112  
inous flying object paced an Orion aircraft for several minutes, then zippe 11/28/1996 #43125  
e we have already lost five of our aircraft as a result of lighting." Aroun 12/9/1996 #43133  
kely to be a military experimental aircraft.                                2/25/1997 #43209  
UU2 flares dropped by A-10 Warthog aircraft in a training exercise at the B 3/13/1997 #43229  
 public that there is a low-flying aircraft over Howden Moors, Yorkshire, E 3/24/1997 #43239  
. The main concern is that a light aircraft or a helicopter has come down.  3/24/1997 #43239  
e place, and at least 1–2 civilian aircraft are reported in the area.       3/24/1997 #43239  
d, but suspects it is some kind of aircraft. Suddenly she falls down on her 5/30/1997 #43302  
, New Mexico Russia Germany Hughes Aircraft Bell Labs Moon US Army Col. Phi 6/1997 #43304  
n companies (including IBM, Hughes Aircraft, Bell Labs) reverse engineer th 6/1997 #43304  
ivered to US companies like Hughes Aircraft, Bell Labs and IBM. Corso also  6/1997 #43308  
ts. The object passed close by the aircraft.                                6/7/1997 #43317  
ment programs (such as the Stealth aircraft), the vulnerability of the US a 8/3/1997 #43365  
ize of a fuselage of a small light aircraft, heading toward the Boeing 747  8/9/1997 #43376  
radar, and it does not trigger the aircraft’s collision warning system. The 8/9/1997 #43376  
ite object on the left side of the aircraft. At first it seems stationary,  Winter 1997 #43468  
g the lineage of every Skunk Works aircraft since the XP-80. Past the DarkS Late 1990's #43480  
n. There was also unusual military aircraft activity in the area.           5/13/1998 #43566  
ide of St. Mary’s Church. Probable aircraft.                                7/2/1998 #43598  
r grey disks wobble passing over / aircraft speed. No further details.      7/19/1998 #43611  
nd the UFO disappears before other aircraft arrive.                         10/19/1998 #43665  
 also seen from three other nearby aircraft. A Civil Aviation Authority sou 2/3/1999 #43721  
Michael Hawkins, a Lockheed Martin aircraft mechanic, and his wife Lia Simm 4/20/1999 #43759  
anded in the city. Jet interceptor aircraft were scrambled from Anapolis AF 6/12/1999 #43785  
ibly fast". The USNTA said another aircraft in the area saw nothing.        8/9/1999 #43819  
ree gigantic lights approach their aircraft at cruising altitude (37,000 fe 10/26/1999 #43865  
ey also claimed to have seen seven aircraft flying around the scene.        1/12/2000 #43926  
ater suggested to be former Hughes Aircraft counsel Jeffrey W Griffith, and 5/8/2000 #43991  
f a radar target one mile from the aircraft. It drifted toward the east unt 6/22/2000 #44006  
, when he sees a large and unusual aircraft looming up over the skyline. It 9/3/2000 #44036  
ding 56 near misses, all affecting aircraft safety. Most cases involve mult 10/15/2000 #44056  
lls, flying loops around passenger aircraft, pacing planes despite pilots’  10/15/2000 #44056  
lid phenomena cavorting near their aircraft.” The primary danger is in the  10/15/2000 #44056  
s. Two A-10 Thunderbolt II fighter aircraft appear and try to follow the ob 11/4/2000 #44071  
. The UK government blames a model aircraft.                                1/14/2001 #44124  
ilver spheres passed under a C-130 Aircraft while flying over Salida, Color 8/10/2001 #44231  
 apex. At 11:50 p.m. three unknown aircraft traveling in formation made imp 9/11/2001 #44259  
 that they think belong to another aircraft at a higher altitude, but air t 12/11/2001 #44287  
 traffic controllers have no other aircraft on their radar.                 12/11/2001 #44287  
me aware of unusual and persistent aircraft activity. In both locations, wi 7/26/2002 #44366  
is home rattling from a low-flying aircraft and goes out to see a single je 7/26/2002 #44366  
 artificial gravity on spacecraft, aircraft propulsion and fuelless electri 7/29/2002 #44370  
    At 9:05 p.m. a triangle-shaped aircraft with white lights was sighted h 8/30/2002 #44387  
s at all three corners, unlike any aircraft and larger than a Boeing 747. H 9/15/2002 #44398  
rce Base who confirmed they had no aircraft up that night. He also contacte 9/15/2002 #44399  
 mentioned in relation to a Hughes Aircraft attorney Jeffrey W. Griffith an 10/16/2002 #44418  
cation both inside and outside the aircraft. The engine block has been spli 10/23/2002 #44422  
eard what sounded like a muted jet aircraft engine sound. However, what see 10/29/2002 #44424  
y said that unless an unidentified aircraft appeared on their radar, "we do 10/29/2002 #44424  
fident these were not conventional aircraft. He called 911, and a Winfield  3/14/2003 #44502  
 the pilot if he can see any other aircraft near his plane. He cannot, but  6/5/2003 #44554  
h no friction. The UFO follows the aircraft for almost an hour before movin 6/5/2003 #44554  
eland saw what looked like a light aircraft trailing flames and smoke, whic 8/25/2003 #44582  
rge, silent, dark boomerang shaped aircraft was seen over Centerville, Mont 9/26/2003 #44609  
 dented by a hammer. There is also aircraft skin damage and hydraulic damag 1/4/2004 #44643  
t over Slane, County Meath. As the aircraft throttles back to 265 mph at 2, 1/4/2004 #44644  
e wind shear warning device. Other aircraft in the vicinity are watching th 1/4/2004 #44644  
e turbulence in its wake. A second aircraft encounter occurred on the same  1/4/2004 #44645  
al UFO. Ruling out lens flares and aircraft, he contacts the Ministry of De 1/27/2004 #44657  
ddenly it begins moving toward the aircraft and gets very close. The pilot  2/20/2004 #44668  
pment to search for drug-smuggling aircraft record 11 unidentified objects  3/5/2004 #44672  
o. A Mexican military surveillance aircraft captured multiple objects (11)  3/5/2004 #44673  
hich remained visible ahead of the aircraft for between 10 and 15 minutes.  3/25/2004 #44679  
on, IIT Research Institute, United Aircraft Research Laboratory, Chrysler C 8/2004 #44724  
 the object was yellow. A military aircraft was flying to the northwest, bu 9/10/2004 #44752  
ludes tat the object “was no known aircraft or air vehicle currently in the 11/14/2004 #44784  
 not actually move except when the aircraft’s own infrared camera moves. We 11/14/2004 #44784  
ggested they were not conventional aircraft. Photographs were reportedly ta 12/18/2004 #44800  
 to protect an incoming classified aircraft.  Walker states despite listeni 2005 #44804  
eared to go back outside after the aircraft landed, but they saw no signs o 2005 #44804  
lished aluminum. A small propeller aircraft just south of the mountains sta 1/22/2005 #44809  
bjects vanished immediately as the aircraft came into view.                 1/22/2005 #44809  
est, flew directly under a private aircraft flying at 3,500 feet near Phoen 5/8/2005 #44834  
one around Washington, D.C. As the aircraft bears down on Washington from t 5/11/2005 #44840  
are sent scurrying for safety. The aircraft flies over the vice president’s 5/11/2005 #44840  
swell crash may have been military aircraft tests using Japanese POWs, suff 6/2005 #44846  
 dangerously close to a commercial aircraft flying at 3,000 feet. The plane 6/28/2005 #44849  
es further harassment, causing the aircraft to become uncontrollable for a  6/28/2005 #44849  
rnados are scrambled and reach the aircraft 25 minutes later, but there is  6/28/2005 #44849  
 moving slowly and parallel to the aircraft. The flight plan operator is al Late 7/2005 #44857  
at a distance of 12 miles from the aircraft.                                Early 10/2005 #44884  
m. an object trailed by a military aircraft flew over Coon Rapids, Minnesot 10/6/2005 #44886  
l-weather stealth tactical fighter aircraft developed for the Air Force, of 12/15/2005 #44909  
e accompanied by many conventional aircraft.                                2/26/2006 #44925  
fication of common objects such as aircraft and balloons, while the remaini 5/15/2006 #44942  
R. Gochnour patents a plasma based aircraft design shaped as a flying sauce 5/18/2006 #44945  
s for Russian Sukhoi Su-27 fighter aircraft.                                9/5/2006 #44958  
 was not a commercial nor military aircraft.                                9/17/2006 #44963  
the crew of the object above their aircraft. It is believed that both the p 11/7/2006 #44981  
moving light cross in front of his aircraft while flying over Gagetown, New 11/12/2006 #44984  
d cover. The man used to fly small aircraft, so he was experienced with the 4/17/2007 #45018  
 shapes and types of various small aircraft.                                4/17/2007 #45018  
 England, in a BN2a Mk3 Trislander aircraft at about 2:00 p.m. in fine weat 4/23/2007 #45022  
oked like the Concorde (supersonic aircraft) was sighted in Riverview, New  8/9/2007 #45045  
ct Oxcart, the A-12 reconnaissance aircraft program, is declassified.       9/2007 #45051  
at both ends, larger than a normal aircraft, and it made no sound as it mov 9/21/2007 #45065  
 are no other civilian or military aircraft or balloons in the area.        10/30/2007 #45086  
tions of the sun on high- altitude aircraft. When she asks about military a 1/8/2008 #45112  
raft. When she asks about military aircraft reported by witnesses, Lewis vo 1/8/2008 #45112  
remains intact and photos show the aircraft carefully mothballed. Some of t 4/22/2008 #45130  
 carefully mothballed. Some of the aircraft are flown periodically and have 4/22/2008 #45130  
m of Investigation of Unidentified Aircraft and UFO cases investigated from 10/31/2008 #45181  
of restricted airspace by “unknown aircraft” near the Bush ranch.           11/5/2008 #45187  
ols were secret USG/USG contractor aircraft. In December 2010, BAASS direct 2010 #45263  
ntified traffic crossing a passing aircraft, which reports visual contact w 3/3/2010 #45271  
rget reappears on radar behind the aircraft.                                3/3/2010 #45271  
g, flashing, orange chevron-shaped aircraft was sighted over Corvallis, Ore 3/14/2010 #45273  
lectromagnetically driven wingless aircraft that can self-lift, hover and f 12/2011 #45335  
t in diameter flying alongside the aircraft. As the UFO begins to soar abou 2/18/2012 #45339  
d Malmstrom who stated they had no aircraft in that area. Civilians in near 9/19/2012 #45353  
gram to build a flying saucer-type aircraft designed to shoot down Soviet b Late 2012 #45355  
used to develop various classified aircraft. Past examples of devices teste 2013 #45356  
-71 and the F-117A and B-2 stealth aircraft. Sites within this region (semi 2013 #45356  
manoeuvres impossible for a manned aircraft. The USAF refuses to make any d 2013 #45356  
 delayed departure of a commercial aircraft. No transponder signal or other 4/25/2013 #45365  
 Havilland Canada Dash 8 turboprop aircraft see a pinkish or reddish light  4/25/2013 #45365  
                           Stealth aircraft researcher Joseph Jones claims  6/2013 #45368  
irginia, has an encounter with an “aircraft [that] was white in color and a 6/27/2013 #45376  
“pass down the right side of their aircraft with approximately 200 feet of  6/27/2013 #45376  
UK Airprox Board rules out another aircraft or weather balloon.             7/19/2013 #45378  
ght testing of exotic experimental aircraft. Over the next 30 years, Uhouse 11/1/2013 #45392  
ed of approximately 0.1 Mach. “The aircraft had an approximately 5-foot win 11/18/2013 #45395  
s experience as Army and Air Force aircraft maintenance technicians, see a  11/19/2013 #45397  
-collision lights required for all aircraft. The object has a wingspan larg 11/19/2013 #45397  
              Kansas Texas Day. An aircraft matching the black triangle des 2/2014 #45401  
lin snaps pictures of a triangular aircraft while photographing wildlife in 2/2014 #45401  
an Muskett photograph a triangular aircraft giving off a long contrail over 3/10/2014 #45404  
knots at 18,000 feet. “The unknown aircraft appeared to be small in size, a 3/26/2014 #45405  
r of time before one of our F/A-18 aircraft has a mid-air collision with an 3/26/2014 #45405  
oving objects do not appear on the aircraft’s radar.                        4/23/2014 #45407  
 in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Both aircraft are able to maintain a radar tr 4/24/2014 #45408  
ear-stationary at 11,000 feet. The aircraft are also able to lock onto the  4/24/2014 #45408  
actices, and there are no ships or aircraft in the area at the time. Howeve 1/27/2015 #45428  
O is a Beechcraft Model 76 Duchess aircraft moving at 85 mph deploying para 1/27/2015 #45428  
er of drone cases posing a risk to aircraft leads the UK Airprox Board to l 2017 #45462  
including toys and weather), model aircraft, and unknown objects.           2017 #45462  
 must be no difference between the aircraft and the crew…you cannot just ta 3/27/2017 #45466  
at, notices an object close to the aircraft. He mentions it to the captain, 7/14/2017 #45475  
ect is not close enough to hit the aircraft and that they will miss it. It  7/14/2017 #45475  
on The FAA detects an unidentified aircraft flying “fast” (relative to comm 10/25/2017 #45487  
egon. In an effort to identify the aircraft, the FAA contacts commercial ai 10/25/2017 #45487  
detect missile launches, and later aircraft, this highly sophisticated capa 1/2018 #45499  
at speed down the left side of the aircraft. His initial reaction is that h 2/1/2018 #45505  
rque is unable to verify any other aircraft in the area.                    2/24/2018 #45513  
rone from operational service. The aircraft was first operationally deploye 3/9/2018 #45522  
me altitude within 200 feet of the aircraft, heading in an easterly directi 5/5/2018 #45526  
ject pass 500–1,000 feet below the aircraft. He estimates it is 20–40 inche 7/5/2018 #45533  
 follow the three objects with the aircraft’s multi- sensor imaging system, 11/6/2018 #45543  
altitude of 39,000 feet. Two other aircraft, a Norwegian Airlines 737 in fr 11/9/2018 #45544  
ights. Shannon verifies that other aircraft have witnessed the event.       11/9/2018 #45544  
between three and 10 feet from the aircraft at the same level.” The pilot c 12/30/2018 #45553  
 Centre assumes that it is another aircraft. 21 Aerospace Control and Warni 1/6/2019 #45556  
es down the left- hand side of the aircraft. The wingman independently sees 1/15/2019 #45558  
ect as it passes over the leader’s aircraft. He maintains the formation at  1/15/2019 #45558  
 EA-18G Growler electronic warfare aircraft from Air Test and Evaluation Sq 2/13/2019 #45562  
ss down the right-hand side of the aircraft at 6,000 feet. It is impossible 3/30/2019 #45568  
eneath them from the center of the aircraft and under the right-hand wing a 4/28/2019 #45573  
ses down the left-hand side of the aircraft, slightly above and within 16 f 5/5/2019 #45577  
tion about reports of unidentified aircraft after officially requesting mor 9/6/2019 #45606  
ons about the threat that superior aircraft flying in United States airspac 9/6/2019 #45606  
ons about the threat that superior aircraft [UAP] flying in United States a 9/6/2019 #45607  
 Jenny Randles determines that two aircraft at that location, but they are  11/9/2019 #45616  
2 o’clock position relative to the aircraft. It performs a 180° turn and th 11/11/2019 #45617  
dd ground-based spotting teams and aircraft equipped to hunt drones. Howeve 1/8/2020 #45625  
ditions or unidentified commercial aircraft.” Finally, four reports are con 1/13/2020 #45626  
firmed by law enforcement, but the aircraft are unidentifiable.             1/13/2020 #45626  
at nearly the same altitude as the aircraft. The UFO then projects an illum 3/19/2020 #45639  
 beam of bright white light on the aircraft and appears to take a collision 3/19/2020 #45639  
the beam of light illuminating the aircraft ceases, and the UFO suddenly ac 3/19/2020 #45639  
 the same speed and heading of the aircraft, maintains separation, and begi 3/19/2020 #45639  
ively observing the object. As the aircraft and its attendant UFO approache 3/19/2020 #45639  
erpendicular heading away from the aircraft and parallel to the border with 3/19/2020 #45639  
rned about reports of unidentified aircraft over US military bases and that 7/23/2020 #45654  
at appears to be headed toward the aircraft, almost head on, slightly up an 9/1/2020 #45660  
and UAP interference with military aircraft, ships, and weapons systems, co 4/15/2021 #45682  
combination of manned and unmanned aircraft and surface vessels to test the 4/19/2021 #45683  
rd to a possible collision with US aircraft, and that they could pose a sec 6/25/2021 #45694  
s the corporate counsel for Hughes Aircraft. Two co-founders of TRW (Ramo a 9/15/2021 #45710  
d Wooldridge) resigned from Hughes Aircraft in 1953 and eventually merged w 9/15/2021 #45710  
omical (11%), astronautical (11%), aircraft (7%), or ground facilities (2%) 11/19/2021 #45723  
the object’s lights go out and the aircraft’s avionics system fails. Other  4/22/2022 #45745  
rious UAP that zipped by a pilot’s aircraft in a US Navy training yard. It  5/17/2022 #45750  
f a painting inside the old Hughes Aircraft building at 999 N. Sepulveda Bo 10/20/2022 #45783  
## Word: "aircraft's" (Back to Top)
d a shaft of light from above. The aircraft's engine faltered, then died, b 7/23/1947 #3220  
h of the city of Saratov, when his aircraft's electrical system was knocked 5/6/1949 #4161  
he disc-shaped UFO intersected the aircraft's path at a right angle.        1/24/1963 #17639  
 in daylight, one sped below a jet aircraft's contrail moving like a sailed 10/11/1966 #20989  
paced by a cone-shaped object. The aircraft's magnetic compass oscillated 1 2/2/1967 #21443  
oved above and below the T-33. The aircraft's radio emitted static and ceas 6/6/1967 #22472  
object flying above the plane. The aircraft's engines stopped (EM effects)  9/29/1967 #23146  
t, which changed color to red. The aircraft's electronic instruments all we 3/18/1972 #26616  
d electrical interference with the aircraft's instruments. (NICAP: 03 - EME 7/16/1978 #33387  
d electrical interference with the aircraft's instruments.                  7/16/1978 #33391  
 the smaller satellite objects the aircraft's radio failed until the small  8/22/1978 #33549  
nty, CA The complete failure of an aircraft's electronics, including the tr 4/4/1981 #35885  
        The complete failure of an aircraft's electronics, including the tr 4/8/1981 #35888  
runswick, Canada at 10:06 p.m. The aircraft's tactical collision avoidance  11/12/2006 #44984  
## Word: "aircraft--probably" (Back to Top)
istopher O'Brien videotaped 7 or 8 aircraft--probably helicopters--escortin 12/1/1993 #41316  
## Word: "aircraft-observer" (Back to Top)
        MORRO BAY, CA Ex-Air Force aircraft-observer(s). 8 metallic ovoids  3/23/1950 #4705  
## Word: "aircraftman" (Back to Top)
, Flight Lt. R. Paris, and Leading Aircraftman George Grime) and civilians  9/19/1952 #7980  
dnesborough, Kent, England, Senior Aircraftman William Maguire tracks on ra 9/20/1952? #7986  
## Word: "aircrafts" (Back to Top)
 were then chased away by military aircrafts.                               11/26/2003 #44622  
 He does not speculate on what the aircrafts were, but states other personn 2005 #44804  
rom the current paradigm of manned aircrafts and shift toward a paradigm of 3/27/2017 #45466  
fts and shift toward a paradigm of aircrafts that behave like a human.” Els 3/27/2017 #45466  
## Word: "aircrafts'" (Back to Top)
 disc toward the plane. First, the aircrafts' inertial navigation systems f 9/19/1976 #31411  
## Word: "aircrew" (Back to Top)
 NEAR BERGSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, TX Aircrew. 6M glass disk flashes and spins 7/7/1947 #2885  
        BAY OF BISCAY T = GMT. 3 / aircrew. Grey flying tadpole / 4800M alt 7/13/1947 #3163  
                   MEXICO CITY, MX Aircrew and 4 pilots / ground and more.  3/17/1950 #4659  
Object Trailing Sparks Observed By Aircrew (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Cod 3/23/1956 #12764  
        Pacific Ocean Flying Tiger aircrew observed three red oval objects, 2/11/1965 #18808  
        At 7:20 p.m. an Air France aircrew in France saw a metallic disc-sh 4/9/1965 #18901  
 former Royal Australian Air Force aircrew member. He saw three glowing obj 2/26/1975 #29853  
[to] east-northeast at MACH-1 says aircrew.                                 6/23/1976 #31133  
lle, France 5:33 p.m. A commercial aircrew is flying a Boeing 737-800 airli 11/11/2019 #45617  
## Word: "aircrewman" (Back to Top)
tonio, Texas Witness:  one ex-USAF aircrewman Woolsey. Three circular alumi 10/19/1952 #8163  
tonio, Texas. At 1:30 p.m. ex-USAF aircrewman Woolsey saw three circular al 10/19/1952 #8165  
## Word: "aircrews" (Back to Top)
o with a B- 29 at 25,000 feet. The aircrews making these reports do not thi 5/28/1952 #6378  
d cautions and recommendations for aircrews and air traffic controllers.    6/2019 #45583  
## Word: "aircycle" (Back to Top)
. He claims to recognize it as an “aircycle,” kind of a winged balloon with 12/1/1896 #373  
## Word: "airdrie" (Back to Top)
                                   AIRDRIE, ALTA 3 observer(s). Red-glowing 10/19/1967 #23269  
g lights descended out of sight in Airdrie, Alberta, Canada at 11:20 p.m.   9/15/2003 #44603  
                                   Airdrie, Alberta 1:00 p.m. Three people  12/24/2003 #44632  
 Alberta 1:00 p.m. Three people in Airdrie, Alberta, watch a chrome-colored 12/24/2003 #44632  
## Word: "airdrome" (Back to Top)
nging light. (Page 96 Ref.1) Ghedi Airdrome area (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 12/2/1944 #1717  
                            HESTON AIRDROME, LONDON Solid RADAR blip. 30 go 11/10/1950 #5272  
a Hamilton AFB Novato Hamilton AFB Airdrome 9:10 p.m. A witness in Oakland, 8/13/1952 #7576  
Capt. Kenneth Broden, Hamilton AFB Airdrome Officer, he orders an F-94 jet  8/13/1952 #7576  
                        Montelimar Airdrome (N of), France A round dot chan 2/18/1956 #12726  
r 'bowl' going south slow. Reaches airdrome and vanishes in place.          5/23/1961 #16696  
## Word: "aire" (Back to Top)
t torpedo goes over house and down Aire Valley. 20X / 20 years..            1/10/1994 (approximate) #41367  
course at the Escuela Superior del Aire in Madrid, Spain. Along with consul 9/14/1998 #43645  
## Word: "aire-sur-l'adour" (Back to Top)
                                   AIRE-SUR-L'ADOUR, FR Luminous green bund 3/9/1975 #29881  
                                   AIRE-SUR-L'ADOUR, FR Loud banging / gara 4/25/1976 #31020  
                                   AIRE-SUR-L'ADOUR, FR Girl / 17. Silent 2 7/19/1976 #31173  
## Word: "aire-sur-la-lys" (Back to Top)
                                   AIRE-SUR-LA-LYS, FR Numerous separate ob 10/15/1954 #11084  
## Word: "aired" (Back to Top)
dio Moscow Cuba Turkey In a speech aired on Radio Moscow, Nikita Khrushchev 10/28/1962 #17512  
een / many. Station/depot/facility aired regular ufo programs.              10/1966 #20942  
t / center. 1500M altitude. Videos aired.                                   2/17/1990 #39420  
9, 1997, in Washington, D.C. It is aired by the Fox TV show Sightings and a 1994 #41341  
## Word: "aires" (Back to Top)
 grove near Monte-Brandsen, Buenos Aires province, Argentina. Two one-meter 9/20/1954 #10374  
                            BUENOS AIRES, ARG Cops and workers. Disk maneuv 10/23/1954 #11325  
         Linha Bela Vista Venâncio Aires, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Evening 12/9/1954 #11787  
said to be 2.5 miles from Venâncio Aires, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, when h 12/9/1954 #11787  
                  Dudignac, Buenos Aires province, Argentina 9:30 a.m. Pedr 8/30/1955 #12418  
storm clouds over Dudignac, Buenos Aires province, Argentina. When he devel 8/30/1955 #12418  
 between Unsue and Bolivar, Buenos Aires province, Argentina. The object ma 8/8/1958 #15185  
             Over La Verde, Buenos Aires province, Argentina an airplane's  8/31/1958 #15235  
                            BUENOS AIRES, ARG Many separate observer(s). Gr 10/18/1958 #15354  
        Pehuelches station, Buenos Aires, Argentina 5:30 p.m. Antonio Sanch 5/20/1959 #15741  
es from Pehuelches station, Buenos Aires, Argentina. They see a saucer-shap 5/20/1959 #15741  
                            Buenos Aires harbor, Argentina The Argentine Na 6/1959 #15753  
ubmarine-like object in the Buenos Aires harbor, Argentina. It is shaped li 6/1959 #15753  
ghway 35 near Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina had a close en 5/9/1962 #17155  
 northwest of Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires province, Argentina that involved  5/12/1962 #17166  
six provinces in Argentina: Buenos Aires, La Rioja, Neuquen, La Pampa, Cord 5/13/1962 #17172  
za. In Mercedes, located in Buenos Aires province, Argentina an Air Force m 5/13/1962 #17172  
om Espora Naval Air Base in Buenos Aires province, Argentina. The plane's r 5/22/1962 #17193  
eneral Pirana, Argentina in Buenos Aires province at 1:45 a.m., Sr. P. Atil 8/5/1962 #17322  
amed Bellantoni in Dolores, Buenos Aires province, Argentina encountered a  8/28/1962 #17370  
p running in Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires province, Argentina at 8:00 p.m. A 10/10/1962 #17465  
                            Buenos Aires Airport, Argentina A large, fiery  12/21/1962 #17600  
                            Buenos Aires, Argentina At Ezeiza Airport, pilo 12/22/1962 #17604  
port Ezeiza Partido Greater Buenos Aires Argentina About 3:00 a.m. At Ezeiz 12/22/1962 #17606  
t Ezeiza Partido in Greater Buenos Aires, Argentina, tower operators Horaci 12/22/1962 #17606  
aircraft at Ezeiza Airport, Buenos Aires, Argentina. The UFO rose to 10 met 12/22/1962 #17607  
     San Miguel Observatory Buenos Aires, Argentina 10:55 p.m. Astronomers  9/14/1964 #18552  
the San Miguel Observatory, Buenos Aires, Argentina, watch an object with t 9/14/1964 #18552  
     San Miguel Observatory Buenos Aires, Argentina Midnight. Astronomers a 11/14/1964 #18616  
the San Miguel Observatory, Buenos Aires, Argentina, see an elongated, flat 11/14/1964 #18616  
 Observatory in San Miguel, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, astronomers w 11/14/1964 #18617  
                            Buenos Aires province, Argentina A couple is dr 1965 #18689  
riving on a country road in Buenos Aires province, Argentina, when their ca 1965 #18689  
                            BUENOS AIRES, ARG Photographs of 2 saucer-cigar 7/3/1965 #19057  
 7:30 p.m. in Villas Rosas, Buenos Aires province, Argentina Maria Andres,  7/19/1965 #19137  
onte de los Curas, Quilmes, Buenos Aires province, Argentina when he saw a  7/20/1965 #19153  
                            BUENOS AIRES, ARG 2 observer(s). 1M top lands / 8/1/1965 #19237  
heir home in Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires province, Argentina when they hear 8/20/1965 #19444  
             FLORES DISTR / BUENOS AIRES, ARG 3+observer(s). Bright horsesh 11/18/1965 #19728  
                            BUENOS AIRES GOING QUICKLY [TO] NEQUEN, ARG Glo 1/7/1966 #19808  
                Montevideo, Buenos Aires, S.America Local astronomer took t 11/12/1966 #21093  
in the morning in Necochea, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina a close encoun 5/7/1967 #22296  
                            Buenos Aires, Argentina Fabio Zerpa founds the  1968 #23631  
 de Fénomenos Espaciales in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It publishes a monthly 1968 #23631  
           Chascomús Maipú, Buenos Aires, Argentina Mexico City Argentine e Early 5/1968 #23939  
me from Chascomús to Maipú, Buenos Aires, Argentina. They are just outside  Early 5/1968 #23939  
king home after midnight in Buenos Aires province, Argentina when he was co 6/4/1968 #24006  
                       NEAR BUENOS AIRES, ARG UFO going quickly. Big magnet 6/15/1968 #24037  
to his house in Avellaneda, Buenos Aires, Argentina in a black car. When he 6/20/1968 #24056  
              Sierra Chica, Buenos Aires, Argentina 11:25 a.m. Oscar Heribe 7/2/1968 #24131  
ing to him at Sierra Chica, Buenos Aires, Argentina. They have short, white 7/2/1968 #24131  
 his horse in Sierra Chica, Buenos Aires, Argentina and encountered two str 7/2/1968 #24133  
    Highway 226 La Pastora, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2:00 a.m. Juan Sivori,  7/25/1968 #24225  
ighway 226 near La Pastora, Buenos Aires, Argentina. It is only 115 feet fr 7/25/1968 #24225  
 At 2:05 a.m. in Olavarria, Buenos Aires, Argentina a corporal and several  7/25/1968 #24226  
 Route 3 in General Alvear, Buenos Aires, Argentina when he observed at the 7/25/1968 #24227  
              Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina - Mrs. Emilia Larrude d 8/31/1968 #24410  
On this night in Pergamino, Buenos Aires, Argentina J. Bautista Perazzo all 9/10/1968 #24450  
is evening in Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires province, Argentina 19-year-old Os 9/19/1971 #26348  
ion Gil, near Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina when he noticed a brigh 9/20/1971 #26354  
                            Buenos Aires, Argentina Oscar A. Uriondo and Ro 1972 #26529  
nomenos Aéreos Inusuales in Buenos Aires, Argentina.                        1972 #26529  
le driving in Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires province, Argentina. He stopped th 8/8/1972 #26885  
n Medanos and Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina when he stopped to pick 8/28/1972 #26966  
n his home in Tres Arroyos, Buenos Aires province, Argentina when the TV pi 11/28/1972 #27150  
 his shack in Tres Arroyos, Buenos Aires, Argentina with his dog and his ca 12/30/1972 #27193  
n his Fiat 1500 in Oriente, Buenos Aires province, Argentina at 10:30 p.m.  5/14/1973 #27486  
:15 a.m. near Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina when he became 10/28/1973 #28311  
theast of General Pinto, in Buenos Aires province, Argentina was drinking t 10/29/1973 #28319  
nd in a garden in La Plata, Buenos Aires province, Argentina at around 11:3 11/26/1974 #29611  
ear Bahía Blanca, Argentina Buenos Aires Hospital Ferroviario 3:30 a.m. Car 1/4/1975 #29715  
akes up in the afternoon in Buenos Aires some 400 miles away, where someone 1/4/1975 #29715  
 town outside Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina when he saw a blindingl 1/5/1975 #29723  
lying beside a road outside Buenos Aires. The time was 7:30 a.m. but his wa 1/5/1975 #29723  
                            Buenos Aires, Argentina Guillermo Carlos Roncor 10/1976 #31440  
ins publishing UFO Press in Buenos Aires, Argentina, until November 1986.   10/1976 #31440  
nters near Coronel Dorrego, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina heard strange  8/22/1978 #33550  
-shaped" craft in Necochea, Buenos Aires province, Argentina. Their luminos 8/31/1978 #33612  
year-old boy in Marcos Paz, Buenos Aires province, Argentina photographed a 9/21/1978 #33724  
                            Buenos Aires Province, Argentina Car participat 9/22/1978 #33728  
                            Buenos Aires Province, Argentina Car participat 9/22/1978 #33729  
                            Buenos Aires, Argentina 4:30 a.m. Carlos Aceved 9/23/1978 #33734  
on the flat pampas south of Buenos Aires, Argentina, stragglers on the fina 9/23/1978 #33734  
eters. Cronica, May 7, 1979 Buenos Aires, Argentina (E,R) police car (NICAP 5/5/1979 #34543  
                            Buenos Aires, Argentina Alejandro Agostinelli a 1980 #35113  
Aéreos No Convencionales in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and publish three issu 1980 #35113  
                            BUENOS AIRES, ARG Hundreds / observer(s). 8-min 6/14/1980 #35363  
órdoba Jorge Newbery Ezeiza Buenos Aires Rosario Argentina Pajas Blancas Ai 6/14/1980 #35368  
bery and Ezeiza airports in Buenos Aires, and Rosario, Argentina, including 6/14/1980 #35368  
 farmer in Los Acantilados, Buenos Aires province, Argentina observed flame 1/23/1981 #35796  
                            BUENOS AIRES, ARG Hundreds / observer(s) and ra 2/4/1984 #37177  
          General Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina 8:30 p.m. The brothers  3/3/1988 #38482  
ship near General Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina, when they notice some  3/3/1988 #38482  
se in Barrio Supe, Berisso, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina riding on a fr 8/31/1990 #39707  
                            Buenos Aires, Argentina The Centro de Estudios  4/1993 #40922  
nómenos Aéreos Inusuales in Buenos Aires, Argentina, publishes the first is 4/1993 #40922  
                            Buenos Aires, Argentina Night. Two policemen in 11/28/2002 #44453  
ina Night. Two policemen in Buenos Aires, Argentina, see a large light mane 11/28/2002 #44453  
 8:10 p.m. in Almagro Pale, Buenos Aires, Argentina.                        10/26/2008 #45178  
## Word: "airfield" (Back to Top)
io Rossi, flight instructor at the airfield at Orbetello, Grosseto, Italy,  10/10/1936 #1252  
h of a Nazi rocket from Kummerdorf Airfield in Bremen, Germany with both of 2/12/1944 #1573  
s just outside the boundary of the airfield. Ziller is thrown from the airc 2/18/1945 #1790  
                        GARDERMOEN AIRFIELD, NORWAY Military observer(s). V 7/22/1946 #2076  
    Phoenix, Arizona Hamilton Army Airfield Novato, California James E. McD 7/7/1947 #2940  
ligence officer from Hamilton Army Airfield [now closed] in Novato, Califor 7/7/1947 #2940  
yhee in Boise, Idaho Hamilton Army Airfield [now closed] in Novato, Califor 7/12/1947 #3157  
o have flown in from Hamilton Army Airfield [now closed] in Novato, Califor 7/12/1947 #3157  
                     Hamilton Army Airfield Novato, California 2:50 p.m. As 7/29/1947 #3255  
, white objects near Hamilton Army Airfield [now closed] in Novato, Califor 7/29/1947 #3255  
n Tacoma, Washington Hamilton Army Airfield in Novato, California Crisman a 7/31/1947 #3264  
rown and Davidson at Hamilton Army Airfield in Novato, California. They qui 7/31/1947 #3264  
r Tacoma, Washington Hamilton Army Airfield [now closed] in Novato, Califor 8/1/1947 #3281  
n board the B-25 for Hamilton Army Airfield [now closed] in Novato, Califor 8/1/1947 #3281  
                     Hamilton Army Airfield Novato, California Tacoma, Wash 8/8/1947 #3307  
has just returned to Hamilton Army Airfield [now closed] in Novato, Califor 8/8/1947 #3307  
 Kentucky State Police Godman Army Airfield in Fort Knox, Kentucky Elizabet 1/7/1948 #3542  
Guy F. Hix’s office at Godman Army Airfield in Fort Knox, Kentucky, reporti 1/7/1948 #3542  
on Owensboro, Kentucky Godman Army Airfield 1:20–2:10 p.m. Army Flight Serv 1/7/1948 #3543  
ght Service reports to Godman Army Airfield control tower that the object i 1/7/1948 #3543  
  Louisville, Kentucky Godman Army Airfield at Fort Knox Bowling Green, Ken 1/7/1948 #3544  
uinton A. Blackwell at Godman Army Airfield at Fort Knox breaks in over the 1/7/1948 #3544  
                       Godman Army Airfield Fort Knox, Kentucky 4:45–7:06 p 1/7/1948 #3545  
 weather theodolite at Godman Army Airfield in Fort Knox, Kentucky, for mor 1/7/1948 #3545  
ght object to the southwest of the airfield that appears and disappears int 1/7/1948 #3546  
ntific team. Team meets at Durango Airfield in Durano CO.                   3/25/1948 #3597  
,000 feet altitude and circled the airfield, blinking once per second, fina 1/4/1949 #3960  
r objects zip over B25 at Peterson Airfield.                                4/15/1949 #4091  
 Wyoming National Guard are on the airfield at the Municipal Airport in Che 5/21/1950 #4959  
                       Farnborough Airfield, Hampshire, England 11:27 a.m.  8/14/1950 #5124  
 two other officers at Farnborough Airfield, Hampshire, England, hear a hum 8/14/1950 #5124  
                       Farnborough Airfield, Hampshire, England 4:09 p.m. F 9/5/1950 #5169  
g on the watchtower at Farnborough Airfield, Hampshire, England, with five  9/5/1950 #5169  
, GA 5 observer(s). 2 saucers over airfield. 1 going quickly north. 1 going 11/14/1950 #5276  
            Lawson AFB Lawson Army Airfield Dearing, Georgia Day. USAF Lt.  7/9/1951 #5569  
ned at Lawson AFB [now Lawson Army Airfield] with the 117th Tactical Reconn 7/9/1951 #5569  
ers zigzag all over brand-new RCAF airfield. Supersonic.                    1/1/1952 #5855  
        Baltimore (Bet. Friendship Airfield and), MD MATS C-47 Crew Encount 2/12/1952 #5899  
rt plane flying between Friendship Airfield and Baltimore, Maryland sighted 2/12/1952 #5900  
 to Gray AFB [now Robert Gray Army Airfield] at Fort Hood, Texas; Site Char 2/22/1952 #5920  
at Campbell AFB [now Campbell Army Airfield] near Hopkinsville, Kentucky, a 2/22/1952 #5920  
er(s). Bright amber saucer stops / airfield. Rises going quickly southwest  4/12/1952 #6059  
 and moved across the RCAF Station airfield at North Bay, stopped and moved 4/12/1952 #6061  
rom the southwest, move across the airfield, stop, and then take off in the 4/12/1952 #6063  
e while revolving. It stopped over airfield K-14 at Kimpo, Korea. Next it r 6/6/1952 #6456  
             NEAR OSLO, NORWAY 2 / airfield. Ovoid in plasma glow going qui 7/12/1952 #6771  
Commander Pierre of Elisabethville Airfield was sent out to intercept two F 8/16/1952 #7613  
 it. It makes two turns around the airfield. When the rotating airport beac 8/27/1952 #7755  
s down to 100 mph northeast of the airfield. Two F-86 Sabre jets are scramb 9/1952 #7801  
ny saucer goes back and forth over airfield / 3 minute(s). Rises and gone.  9/10/1952 #7889  
-shaped object land briefly on the airfield 100 m away, producing a dull so 10/27/1952 #8197  
nd. Orange-red ball maneuvers over airfield. Silent. 700mph. Veers.         12/12/1952 #8411  
r saucer "changes shape". Hovers / airfield / 3 minute(s). Silent. Zooms aw 12/24/1952 #8444  
rman in the sky to the east of the airfield. They were lost from view in th 1/24/1953 #8564  
ect With Falling Leaf Motions Over Airfield (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 2/8/1953 #8649  
maneuvering in spiral pattern over airfield (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: 3/25/1953 #8786  
maneuvering in spiral pattern over airfield (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 5/5/1953 #8864  
                         Marignane Airfield, France 9:00 p.m. Shortly after 1/4/1954 #9443  
the South, landed at the Marignane airfield in Bouches-du-Rhone Department. 1/4/1954 #9443  
                         Marignane Airfield [now Marseille Provence Airport 1/4/1954 #9445  
 the south, lands at the Marignane Airfield [now Marseille Provence Airport 1/4/1954 #9445  
       Lawson AFB [now Lawson Army Airfield] in Fort Benning, Columbus, Geo 8/11/1954 #10126  
tor at Lawson AFB [now Lawson Army Airfield] in Fort Benning, Columbus, Geo 8/11/1954 #10126  
meter and 1.5 m thick, land on the airfield. The witness, Vitorino Lourenco 9/20/1954 #10369  
            RAF Sek Kong Shek Kong Airfield China Day. RAF pilot Michael Fo 10/1954 #10537  
ned at RAF Sek Kong [now Shek Kong Airfield] near Hong Kong is scrambled in 10/1954 #10537  
       JONCHES, FR 2 odd men watch airfield. Red object quickly going up [t 10/2/1954 #10589  
lent silver saucer maneuvers 3km / airfield. "No illusion". / r138#9.       10/9/1954? #10824  
                       North Weald Airfield, Essex, England Flight Lt. Jimm 10/14/1954 #11005  
                       North Weald Airfield, Essex, England 4:15 p.m. Fligh 10/14/1954 #11058  
ter Meteor Mk.8 out of North Weald Airfield, Essex, England, at 16,000 feet 10/14/1954 #11058  
             NEAR NIMES-COURBESSAC AIRFIELD, FR 30M cylinder/cigar-shape la 10/15/1954 #11087  
                  Nimes-Courbessac Airfield, France A yellow, cigarshaped o 10/15/1954 #11103  
    At 7:50 p.m. at the Courbessac Airfield in Nimes, France a yellow, ciga 10/15/1954 #11119  
  Louisville, Kentucky Godman Army Airfield at Fort Knox Bedford, Indiana W 11/12/1954 #11629  
 12 miles northwest of Godman Army Airfield at Fort Knox. It is later sight 11/12/1954 #11629  
ggs Air Force Base [now Biggs Army Airfield] in El Paso, Texas Weed, New Me 4/5/1955 #12080  
ggs Air Force Base [now Biggs Army Airfield] in El Paso, Texas, sees an app 4/5/1955 #12080  
                          Keflavík Airfield, Iceland Afternoon. Lt. Col. Ed 5/4/1955 #12118  
r Interceptor Squadron at Keflavík Airfield, Iceland, and 1stLt. Joseph Bur 5/4/1955 #12118  
                          Plessiel Airfield, near Abbeville, France Mr. Mau 7/18/1955 #12269  
in and five other witnesses on the airfield were blinded by a light from a  7/18/1955 #12269  
o'clock in the morning at Plessiel Airfield, near Abbeville, France Mr. Mau 7/18/1955 #12270  
fly made by a pilot landing at the airfield.                                2/17/1956 #12724  
                         GABLINGEN AIRFIELD, GERM Glitter-globular hovers.  3/16/1956 #12757  
                          Engels-2 airfield Saratov, Russia One early U-2 m 7/9/1956 #12957  
artin Knutson, flies over Engels-2 airfield, near Saratov, Russia, and phot 7/9/1956 #12957  
ins. When a jet takes off from the airfield, the object shoots out of sight 8/22/1956 #13116  
                     RAF Winkleigh Airfield Devon, England 4:50 a.m. A truc 5/1957 #13630  
 edge of the disused RAF Winkleigh Airfield [now the site of the West of En 5/1957 #13630  
n a jet aircraft took off from the airfield, the object went out of sight a 8/22/1957 #13922  
ins. When a jet takes off from the airfield, the object goes out of sight a 8/22/1957 #13924  
took off from the nearby U.S. Navy airfield, the object went out of sight a 8/22/1957 #13925  
. Civil sees balloon-object land / airfield. Rises. Hovers / 250M. Vanishes 3/2/1958 #14908  
ject with bright light land on the airfield (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 3/2/1958 #14909  
 balloon-shaped object land on the airfield then take off slowly and hover  3/2/1958 #14910  
 balloon-shaped object land on the airfield in Tampa, Florida and then take 3/2/1958 #14912  
ld Carlos Alejo Rodriguez near the airfield in Pan de Azucar near the city  5/5/1958 #15019  
2+observer(s). Night light circles airfield. 2nd night light joins. Going n 5/30/1958 #15060  
rn to land at the south edge of an airfield, but then stopped, stood motion 5/30/1958 #15062  
w sphere/orb/globe stops 100M over airfield / 20 minute(s). Pulsates. Vibra 3/15/1959 #15646  
 100 meters over the Torino, Italy airfield at 11:00 p.m. It was pulsating  3/15/1959 #15647  
d ball of light hovering above the airfield at 3,000–7,000 feet. Descriptio 4/12/1959 #15699  
nsported by helicopter to a nearby airfield at Aktyubinsk. It was badly dam 9/26/1959 #15994  
   Czech Air Force Czechoslovakian airfield Czech Republic 8:00 p.m. Czech  11/16/1959 #16089  
r named Bezák to a Czechoslovakian airfield [now in the Czech Republic] to  11/16/1959 #16089  
ercises. At about 6 miles from the airfield, the car engine begins to stall 11/16/1959 #16089  
rt the car again. Personnel at the airfield tell them they had seen a flami 11/16/1959 #16089  
de a 90° turn, and passed over the airfield again. The tower tracks the obj 11/16/1959 #16089  
                      Mys Schmidta airfield in Siberia The Discoverer 14 Co 8/18/1960 #16406  
returns images of the Mys Schmidta airfield in Siberia.                     8/18/1960 #16406  
-2P mail biplane takes off from an airfield at or near Sverdlovsk, Russia,  1961 #16550  
invasion of Cuba because it has an airfield that does not need extending to 4/4/1961 #16643  
a red, blinking light approach the airfield runway. The light stopped and m 8/10/1964 #18477  
       Anchorage, Alaska Tachikawa Airfield, Tokyo, Japan Night. A Flying T 2/11/1965 #18809  
om Anchorage, Alaska, to Tachikawa Airfield, Tokyo, Japan, encounters three 2/11/1965 #18809  
he landing of an oval object on an airfield where he had gone "drawn by a s 9/1/1965 #19491  
 hovered near the Skowhegan, Maine airfield. It maneuvered in the sky for f 2/11/1966 #19898  
            On this night near the airfield in Key West, Florida in 1966 se 3/22/1966 #20033  
t moves away. The object above the airfield disappears, and when Korenek tu 9/1966 #20827  
                           BANEASA AIRFIELD, ROMANIA Bullet-cone hovers / 2 12/2/1967 #23532  
                           Băneasa Airfield Aurel Vlaicu International Airp 12/2/1967 #23533  
ty in the radar station at Băneasa Airfield [now Aurel Vlaicu International 12/2/1967 #23533  
red for two hours over the Baneasa airfield in the Bucuresti province of Ro 12/2/1967 #23534  
eard emanating from the field. The airfield had closed at sunset.           7/29/1968 #24256  
ge and 3 small ovoids near Lekness Airfield. / BFJ v3#11p9.                 1/21/1972 #26551  
indrical object all over/all about airfield / very low altitude / 45 minute 6/22/1972 #26723  
                            HUNTER AIRFIELD, GA 2 MPs. 75' saucer buzzes je 9/8/1973 #27776  
commandant of the Caselle military airfield, sees the UFO on his own radar  11/30/1973 #28490  
 red sphere/orb/globe maneuvers to airfield. Turns bright white. Going quic 12/31/1974 #29663  
 sighted a UFO. Diemert was at his airfield, Friendship Field, when the obj 4/10/1975 #29984  
oting a plane with a student at an airfield in Shangxi province, China. The 7/26/1978 #33418  
llers. Round silver object circles airfield. 2nd object going quickly south 10/30/1978 #33891  
                          Tobalaba Airfield, Santiago, Chile Pilots and air 10/30/1978 #33896  
                              LODZ AIRFIELD, POLAND Airline(s)/airliner pil 8/20/1979 #34761  
       Interstate 75 Grayling Army Airfield Grayling, Michigan 11:00 p.m. T 6/17/1980 #35379  
n Interstate 75 near Grayling Army Airfield in Grayling, Michigan, when the 6/17/1980 #35379  
                         Przasnysz Airfield, Poland Night. The commander of 2/1984 #37172  
t guarding warehouses at Przasnysz Airfield, Poland, sees a light silently  2/1984 #37172  
                   Mikha Tskhakaya Airfield south of Senaki, Georgia Black  Spring 1984 #37231  
 to south over the Mikha Tskhakaya Airfield south of Senaki, Georgia. The M Spring 1984 #37231  
                            Mielec airfield, Poland 8:00 p.m. Kazimierz Lub Late Summer 1984 #37434  
f of air traffic control at Mielec airfield, Poland, reports that a pilot a Late Summer 1984 #37434  
nd, reports that a pilot and 30–40 airfield workers and military personnel  Late Summer 1984 #37434  
helicopters return to the military airfield at Buzău. One of the pilots, Lt 11/1992 #40700  
ent object scouting decommissioned airfield. Going west.                    4/20/1993 #40945  
ng toward the northern part of the airfield. After several minutes it incre 5/5/1995 #42179  
 hangar at the northern end of the airfield. USAF personnel were advised to 2005 #44804  
ome bodies were sent to Muroc Army Airfield (now Edwards AFB) and eventuall 1/1/2008 #45110  
## Word: "airfields" (Back to Top)
nd ovoids pace and buzz planes and airfields..                              1941 #1351  
d to various military and civilian airfields and made ready to take off, fu 10/25/1962 #17495  
## Word: "airfoil" (Back to Top)
trait, Tasman Peninsula A singular airfoil of glistening bronze color; dome Summer 1942 #1418  
waters of Bass Strait. A “singular airfoil of glistening bronze color” appe Summer 1942 #1419  
t is metallic with a flat circular airfoil. The cabin at the top center is  1948 #3522  
, WA Ex military pilot. Ovoid with airfoil. 3500M altitude. Rocks. Away fas 6/1/1952 #6407  
a, WA Oval object with a "definite airfoil" perform a fast climb (NICAP: 01 6/1/1952 #6411  
. One oval object with a "definite airfoil" performed a fast climb for 7 se 6/1/1952 #6414  
val-shaped object with a "definite airfoil" performed a fast climb for 7 se 6/1/1952 #6420  
CO Air Force pilot. Luminous white airfoil without trailing edge glides / 1 7/9/1952 #6730  
 Springs, CO Object shaped like an airfoil less its trailing edge, luminous 7/9/1952 #6734  
Griffin. One object shaped like an airfoil less its trailing edge, luminous 7/9/1952 #6737  
minous white object shaped like an airfoil moving slowly and erratically li 7/9/1952 #6740  
    At 12:45 p.m. a luminous white airfoil without a trailing edge glided t 7/9/1952 #6742  
 about 60 ft. long, shaped like an airfoil or streamlined cigar with a red  10/18/1973 #28144  
## Word: "airframe" (Back to Top)
by the Joint Chiefs, including the airframe, propulsion equipment, and the  7/5/1947 #2721  
hits them so hard that the plane’s airframe groans in protest, and the alti 10/24/1982 #36663  
aircraft and not to one particular airframe. Funding of the project alleged 3/1990 #39434  
## Word: "airglow" (Back to Top)
 eleven Earth sciences: aurora and airglow, cosmic rays, geomagnetism, grav 7/1/1957 #13768  
## Word: "airgram" (Back to Top)
ound. (See Dec. 19, Dept. of State AIRGRAM) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases 11/12/1966 #21093  
sy in Moscow sends an unclassified airgram to the US Department of State dr 2/20/1968 #23769  
      A secret US State Department airgram on “Guidance for Dealing with Sp 7/26/1973 #27653  
## Word: "airlift" (Back to Top)
 involving the use of a helicopter airlift, tactical air support, and an am 7/5/1957 #13779  
bob Smokey, Army troops conduct an airlift assault.                         8/31/1957 #13959  
## Word: "airlifted" (Back to Top)
rns down, and an emergency team is airlifted from the Kola Peninsula in nor 10/1982 #36625  
## Word: "airline" (Back to Top)
 world’s first scheduled passenger airline service took off from St. Peters 1/1/1914 #895  
a beach near Norrvikssand, Sweden. Airline pilot Torvald Linden and other w 7/10/1946 #2046  
ports seriously after sightings by airline pilots, other qualified observer 7/1947 #2493  
cer going quickly northwest. Delta airline(s)/airliner questions all pilots 7/6/1947 #2745  
        16KM SOUTHEAST / BOISE, ID Airline(s)/airliner passenger. Saucer fl 7/6/1947 #2749  
                     Mr. Bates, an airline passenger in a plane flying sout 7/6/1947 #2817  
foundland 5:30 p.m. Three civilian airline mechanics (John N. Mehrman Jr.,  7/10/1947 #3110  
                OVER BAY OF BISCAY Airline crew / 1200M altitude. Grey 'fly 7/11/1947 #3128  
nd Russia Bernt Balchen, Norwegian Airline director and former USAF Colonel 10/14/1947 #3457  
away at terrific speed. Later, the airline head reports that intelligence o 1/1950 #4469  
   ATLANTA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, GA 6 airline(s)/airliner pilots / ground. Sil 3/18/1950 #4671  
nta Municipal Airport, Georgia six airline pilots on the tarmac reported si 3/18/1950 #4678  
 Lady Eleanor Roosevelt interviews airline pilots Jack Adams and G. W. Ande 3/26/1950 #4730  
                  IRONWOOD, MICH 6 airline(s)/airliner pilots / ground / (s 3/29/1950 #4758  
l jokers. Considine asks him about airline pilot witnesses. Watson accuses  11/16/1950 #5278  
seen by Mr. B. Blair, a commercial airline pilot in flight at that time. At 11/27/1950 #5295  
               OVER BRITISH GUIANA Airline(s)/airliner crew. Huge green bal 11/28/1950 #5296  
             MT. KILIMANJARO, KNYA Airline(s)/airliner crew and more/others 2/19/1951 #5446  
Air Traffic Controller and capitol airline(s)/airliner flight 610 crew. Lin 11/18/1951 #5777  
ly by scientists, AFOSI personnel, airline and military pilots, security in 2/19/1952 #5911  
                     CLEVELAND, OH Airline workers. Brill saucer / 3000' al 4/13/1952 #6066  
oject Bluebook Case #1113. Central airline(s)/airliner crew and passengers. 4/14/1952 #6073  
isconsin Witness: unidentified CAL airline pilot. Several light colored obj 4/14/1952 #6077  
             QUANTICO, VA National airline(s)/airliner flight and marine pi 7/10/1952 #6748  
. William Bruen, piloting National Airline Flight 611 heading north from Ja 7/13/1952 #6797  
                   LOS ANGELES, CA Airline exec to papers. Saucers 4 nights 7/15/1952 (approximate) #6820  
            WASHINGTON AIRPORT, VA Airline(s)/airliner crew. Night light fl 7/20/1952 #6944  
dar operators at several airports, airline pilots. Many unidentified blips  7/26/1952 #7169  
ashington area, at varying speeds. Airline pilots reported spotting unident 7/26/1952 #7180  
                   At 5:10 a.m. an airline pilot named Quinn, flying a DC-3 8/5/1952 #7474  
 / 3.5 hours / 10 mile(s) area and airline(s)/airliner pilots visual. Type  8/13/1952 #7567  
             DALLAS, TX Blue Book. Airline(s)/airliner pilot chases night l 8/13/1952 #7568  
stchester, California Santa Monica Airline stewardess Gloria Lee of Westche 9/1953 #9131  
   MANCHE DEPARTMENT, FR 2 British airline(s)/airliner pilots. Classic meta 10/18/1953 #9237  
chief pilot Ulf Christiernsson and airline mechanic Johansson saw a nearly  12/17/1953 #9383  
                  Unknown City, AU Airline pilot saw huge, apparently metal 1/1/1954 #9434  
                        DURHAM, NC Airline(s)/airliner crew and 1 / ground. 1/25/1954 #9498  
ding up UFO reporting procedures. “Airline pilots are asked not to discuss  2/13/1954 #9540  
Los Angeles, California Commercial airline representatives meet with Milita 2/17/1954 #9550  
 worked out a plan with commercial airline companies to report sightings qu 2/23/1954 #9565  
hat the “nation’s 8,500 commercial airline pilots have been seeing a lot of 2/23/1954 #9566  
orce can investigate quickly. Each airline is to have an “internal security 2/23/1954 #9566  
.C. New York City National Airport Airline pilot William B. Nash writes to  4/18/1954 #9697  
01. The letter covers Pan-American airline pilot UFO sightings of 8-10 flyi 8/1/1954 #10086  
    ALTOONA AND PHILADELPHIA, PA 3 airline(s)/airliner crews and more/other 9/27/1954 #10466  
        NEAR PUNTA SAN JUAN, VNZ 2 airline(s)/airliner crews. Night light m 1/2/1955 #11910  
                      ALBANY, NY 3 airline(s)/airliner crews and Air Traffi 6/23/1955 #12207  
        5MI NNE / POUGHKEEPSIE, NY Airline pilot. Meteor-night light passes 10/2/1955 #12482  
                  Poughkeepsie, NY Airline Pilots Report Round Blue-White O 10/2/1955 #12485  
             NEAR UBATUBA, BRZ 4 / airline(s)/airliner crew. Huge luminous  10/28/1955 #12526  
                JACKSONVILLE, FL 2 airline(s)/airliner crews and many / gro 12/11/1955 #12603  
m. Near Jacksonville, Florida, two airline pilots and ground observers see  12/11/1955 #12605  
Bluebook Case #3977. Unidentified. Airline crew. Intense white night light  2/19/1956 #12730  
                      PASADENA, CA Airline(s)/airliner pilot and Ground Obs 9/6/1956 #13191  
                      Pasadena, CA Airline Pilot Reports UFO To Air Defense 9/6/1956 #13195  
eported to the US Air Force by two airline pilots for Western Airlines.     9/6/1956 #13196  
            60 MI NNE / MOBILE, AL Airline(s)/airliner pilots. Fireball sto 11/14/1956 #13326  
                     HAWTHORNE, CA Airline worker and more/others / car. Mi 12/10/1956 #13394  
                  On this night an airline pilot flying over Indianapolis,  1/24/1957 #13474  
                NEAR RIO DOCE, BRZ Airline(s)/airliner pilot and copilot. L 7/14/1957 #13794  
D, OH Project Bluebook Case #4847. Airline(s)/airliner flight 841 chases mo 7/29/1957 #13850  
T / LAFAYETTE, LA Captain Gile and airline(s)/airliner crew. Large silver d 11/9/1957 #14497  
uisiana) Airport 9:15 a.m. Eastern Airline pilot Capt. Truman Gile Jr. is p 11/9/1957 #14506  
  EAST-NORTHEAST / LOS ANGELES, CA Airline(s)/airliner passenger. 250' meta 11/11/1957 #14528  
            Los Angeles (near), CA Airline passenger saw elliptical UFO fly 11/11/1957 #14532  
                OVER QUERETARO, MX Airline(s)/airliner crew. 200M round obj 12/10/1957 #14701  
      NEAR LAGOS, MX Pilot and 2 / airline(s)/airliner crew. Round object e 12/10/1957 #14702  
m. three crewmembers of a Mexicana Airline flight reported witnessing a rou 12/10/1957 #14705  
               EAST / CHATHAM, ONT Airline(s)/airliner pilot and cops and m 12/12/1957 #14716  
, PHL Project Bluebook Case #5800. Airline pilot. Shiny metallic object fal 5/9/1958 #15024  
                   At 1:05 p.m. an airline pilot for Philippines Airline sa 5/9/1958 #15027  
. an airline pilot for Philippines Airline saw a bright, shiny metallic obj 5/9/1958 #15027  
                    Fort Bragg, NC Airline pilots saw an orange round objec 5/15/1958 #15034  
            NEAR SHANNON, IREL KLM airline(s)/airliner pilot / early mornin 6/28/1958 #15120  
          CURACAO, WEST INDIES KLM airline(s)/airliner man and 1. 8 saucers 8/23/1958 #15219  
                          Some 450 airline pilots have signed a petition pr 12/1958 #15465  
A group of more than 50 commercial airline pilots, all of whom have had at  12/21/1958 #15494  
          A group of 50 commercial airline pilots who have seen UAP tell a  12/21/1958 #15495  
.” This policy effectively stopped airline pilots from discussing the UAP a 12/21/1958 #15495  
gress, the American public and the airline industry into a false sense of s 12/21/1958 #15495  
nd passengers. 3 300' saucers pace airline(s)/airliner. Not / RADAR. / MJ#2 2/11/1959 #15585  
    BRADFORD, PA AND MORE/OTHERS 6 airline(s)/airliner crews. 3 saucers pac 2/24/1959 #15600  
ircraft, and five other commercial airline pilots indicate that they can se 2/24/1959 #15604  
            OVER ITAPETININGA, BRZ Airline(s)/airliner crew and ground obse 5/7/1959 #15724  
                        Elburn, IL Airline pilot saw a string of 3-4 white  8/19/1959 #15931  
                          Nome, AK Airline employee, others, saw a silvery  2/14/1960 #16174  
   Pacific Ocean near, Wake Island Airline pilots, ship, reported a bright  9/21/1961 #16864  
         SOUTHWEST / BRISTOL, ENGL Airline(s)/airliner pilots. Brown colore 5/21/1962 #17183  
 “I wouldn’t dare risk telling the airline of the incident. If I could tell 7/17/1963 #17835  
e #unknown. Observer(s) = Hawaiian airline(s)/airliner flight. No further d 9/9/1963 #17928  
SMAN SEA WITH AUCKLAND, NZ Quantas airline(s)/airliner RADAR and ground RAD 1/14/1965 #18725  
O, JP Air Force man / flying tiger airline(s)/airliner. 3 1000' saucers / R 2/11/1965 #18804  
                                An airline pilot saw two red UFOs from the  7/16/1965 #19111  
                Ms. MacPherson, an airline stewardess, saw a slow moving si 7/19/1965 #19136  
        Over, PA Early morning. An airline pilot observed an unidentified b 4/20/1966 #20348  
West Virginia. The crew of Braniff Airline Flight 42, headed east at 33,000 5/4/1966 #20447  
e 11 o'clock position from Braniff Airline Flight 42 headed east at 33,000  5/4/1966 #20448  
       HELSINKI TO/FROM OULU, FINL Airline crew. 3 cigars and 20 saucers pa 12/1966 #21169  
                NEAR TIKSI, RUSSIA Airline(s)/airliner crew / daytime. Pear 2/1967 #21425  
 a.m. EST. A former Navy pilot and airline navigator saw a brilliant white  2/7/1967 #21473  
    Andover, MA About 6:55 p.m. An airline salesman driving on route 93 slo 2/17/1967 #21583  
th 3 lights paces cop car. 18 mm / airline(s)/airliner. Going quickly west  3/2/1967 #21722  
berta, CAN G,V, civil & mil radar, airline crew obs (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Case 3/6/1967 #21775  
os Alamos, New Mexico 8:45 a.m. An airline pilot watches a small silvery-wh 3/24/1967 #21971  
   Maryville, TN 9:50 p.m. EST. An airline mechanic and his wife w observed 4/22/1967 #22206  
       ENDERBY, BC Pacific-western airline(s)/airliner pilot. Pink object z 7/19/1967 #22696  
a at 10 p.m., Mr. H. Schindler, an airline pilot, saw a pink object zigzag  7/19/1967 #22702  
      PISCO TO/FROM LIMA, PERU 5 / airline crew. Globe / light all over/all 8/6/1967 #22822  
30 rpm. Night lights going [to] by airline(s)/airliner.                     8/6/1967 #22824  
              NEAR ARKHARA, RUSSIA Airline(s)/airliner crew. Luminous round 10/31/1967 #23374  
  CAPE KAMENNY, RS AND MORE/OTHERS Airline(s)/airliner crews and more/other 12/3/1967 #23538  
d. In the middle of the afternoon, airline crews and others near Cape Kamen 12/3/1967 #23546  
ATITUDE COORDS. UNKNOWN 3 / Iberia airline(s)/airliner crew. Bright red obj 2/25/1969 #24942  
tly after 1 p.m. Mr. Garfinkel, an airline passenger on an Eastern Airlines 4/27/1969 #25098  
                    MENLO PARK, CA Airline(s)/airliner pilot. Thin object w 5/5/1969 #25116  
       Minas Gerais region, Brazil Airline flight paced for 20 minutes by g 8/9/1971 #26277  
mployees of the Argentine National Airline also observed the UFO. Later tha 7/9/1973 #27625  
                  OVER QUITMAN, GA Airline(s)/airliner pilot. Football obje 9/5/1973 #27764  
                      KEY WEST, FL Airline(s)/airliner exec and 1. Silent f 10/22/1973 #28233  
agua, Nicaraugua by helicopter and airline pilots, and was also seen by gro 11/15/1973 #28425  
      MARCOULE, FR AND MORE/OTHERS Airline(s)/airliner Captain. Red cylinde 12/13/1973 #28563  
 luminous orange discs observed by airline crew                             1/26/1974 #28708  
                      Cordoba, Arg Airline crew flanked by objects (NICAP:  3/13/1974 #28878  
                    Taiwan, Taiwan Airline pilot reported cigar and five sm 3/17/1974 #28895  
         NEAR PAJAS BLANCAS, ARG 2 airline crews. Bright object with lumino 4/2/1974 #28989  
  CORDOBA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, ARG 2 airline(s)/airliner pilots. Vibrant brig 6/29/1974 #29227  
 35 MI SOUTHEAST / QUEBEC, QBC SAS airline(s)/airliner pilot. Delta-object  7/1974 #29233  
ite lights flashing buzzes capitol airline(s)/airliner DC8. / r11p53.       10/11/1974 #29516  
    OFF NORTHWEST / SICILY British airline(s)/airliner crew and passengers. 3/15/1975 #29902  
     ZAGREB TO/FROM BELGRADE, YUGO Airline(s)/airliner crew and RADAR. Lumi 10/28/1975 #30493  
        NEAR PALMA, MAJORCA Iberia airline(s)/airliner paced / long object  3/11/1976 #30932  
 going down. Explodes. Fragments = airline(s)/airliner and Ni and Sb. Foil  8/6/1976 #31238  
          DJERBA ISLAND, TUNISIA 2 airline(s)/airliner pilots and RADAR's.  8/7/1976 #31242  
Boeing 727 for the Brazilian Varig airline sees a disc-shaped object about  Mid 9/1976 #31384  
nd first officer of the Portuguese airline TAP, flying a Boeing 707 airline 9/19/1976 #31413  
a Airport, Japan Control tower and airline pilot on runway observed glowing 10/17/1976 #31472  
n Captain Masara Saito, age 34, an airline pilot for Toa Airlines, situated 10/17/1976 #31475  
             OVER IBAGUE, COLOMBIA Airline(s)/airliner crew and ground RADA 1/21/1977 #31733  
                 NEAR BOGOTA, COL. Airline pilot and many. Luminous/glowing 2/19/1977 #31828  
. (Reference: Catalog of Military, Airline, Private Pilots Sightings from 1 3/12/1977 #31900  
LOT SIGHTINGS Catalog of Military, Airline, Private Pilots Sightings from 1 7/1/1977 #32224  
        NEAR BILLINGS, MT Frontier airline(s)/airliner pilot. Glowing ovoid 9/7/1977 #32464  
                EAST / EL PASO, TX Airline(s)/airliner DC10 crew. 350' cyli 9/22/1977 #32504  
   SOUTH / SOCORRO, NM Continental airline(s)/airliner pilot. UFO type unkn 10/10/1977 #32565  
     Los Angeles, CA R/V involving airline crew (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases 12/8/1977 #32747  
          NORTH / GRAND CANYON, AZ Airline(s)/airliner pilot. Spherical OVJ 1/7/1978 #32858  
zes commercial flights IH662+Malta Airline. Rocket?                         3/9/1978 #33020  
, Iran Mehrabad Airport An Iranian airline pilot is flying between Ahvaz an 4/1978 #33111  
             NEAR PERTH, AUSTRALIA Airline(s)/airliner pilot. Small objects 8/22/1978 #33541  
  WEST / COSTA DE CAPARICA, PORTGL Airline(s)/airliner pilot. UFO hovers /  8/30/1978 #33596  
rranean Barcelona, Spain 8:35 p.m. Airline pilots flying over the Mediterra 9/9/1978 #33649  
tes, including police, guards, and airline workers.                         9/14/1978 #33677  
       (LOC UNKN), NFLD 2 separate airline(s)/airliner pilots. Domed disk w 11/21/1978 #33970  
le on the ground, one a commercial airline pilot, observed a disc-shaped ob 12/16/1978 #34144  
ject with glowing white lights. An airline pilot flying in the vicinity als 12/16/1978 #34152  
several falling leaf movements. An airline pilot flying in the vicinity als 12/16/1978 #34158  
            COOK STRAIT, NZ TV and airline(s)/airliner crews and RADAR and  12/30/1978 #34229  
                   Makapu'u, HI An airline stewardess was at the shore in M 4/29/1979 #34528  
                                An airline stewardess was at the shore in M 4/29/1979 #34529  
      Hailey, ID Private pilot and airline crew saw string of orange object 5/26/1979 #34589  
               KAWAGOE, JAPAN Toho airline(s)/airliner pilot. 3 disks follo 8/17/1979 #34750  
             LODZ AIRFIELD, POLAND Airline(s)/airliner pilot. 4 luminous ob 8/20/1979 #34761  
      Santiago, Chile An LAN Chile airline pilot reported that a UFO made a 6/14/1980 #35366  
h the runway.” The crew of another airline flight 90 miles away reports sig 6/20/1980 #35382  
 10 mile hemisphere seen / several airline crews! Going quickly east / 300M 6/22/1980 #35387  
          Over Lake Michigan Major airline L-1011 jumbo jet en route from S 7/4/1981 #35986  
range double-sphere follows Iberia airline(s)/airliner 727.                 7/25/1981 #36033  
ange, yellow and white lights. The airline crews of two more planes also wi 2/8/1982 #36328  
          Several intercontinental airline pilots reported sighting a mushr 4/9/1984 #37254  
               NEAR MINSK, BELORUS Airline(s)/airliner crew huge beam light 9/7/1984 #37457  
and some to lose power. Commercial airline pilot Randy Etting sees the ligh 5/26/1985 #37593  
              OVER THUNDER BAY, ON Airline(s)/airliner crew. Solid 1000' RA 5/16/1987 #38173  
                    On this day an airline crew tracked a UFO on their weat 5/16/1987 #38175  
        FORT-DE-FRANCE, MARTINIQUE Airline(s)/airliner pilot and Air Traffi 8/21/1987 #38250  
         ATHENS TO/FROM CORFU, GRC Airline(s)/airliner pilot and ground RAD 2/11/1988 #38454  
         QIJIAOJING, CH 2 separate airline(s)/airliner crews. Luminous/glow 3/18/1988 #38511  
               SORRENTO, ITL Greek airline(s)/airliner pilot and US militar 3/29/1989 #38884  
t and US military jet. UFO follows airline(s)/airliner / 25 minute(s). Ligh 3/29/1989 #38884  
         NEAR ST. JOHN'S, NFLD 2 / airline(s)/airliner crew. Dark 2M ovoid  6/11/1989 #38985  
                      OVER MENORCA Airline(s)/airliner crew. RADAR spots ob 9/2/1990 #39715  
      OFF NORTH SCOTLAND Icelandic airline(s)/airliner crew. 2 white blowba 4/21/1993 #40947  
47 Roswell incident in New Mexico, airline pilot Kent Jeffrey circulates th 3/1994 #41432  
                        PUEBLO, CO Airline crew and airborne RADAR. Large e 5/25/1995 #42223  
           Bovina, TX America West airline crew observed cigar-shaped objec 5/25/1995 #42226  
 and sighted from an American West airline flight emerging from a thunder c 5/25/1995 #42228  
 cloud near Bovina, Texas. Another airline crew flying near Pueblo, Colorad 5/25/1995 #42228  
         PACIFIC 147W-47N Canadian airline(s)/airliner pilot. Bright yellow 6/9/1995 #42245  
Y, UT Air Traffic Controller and 5 airline observer(s). 2 blue and 4 white  9/11/1995 #42453  
ROM/BETWEEN BEIJING, CH 4 separate airline(s)/airliner pilots. Green ovoid  12/4/1995 #42637  
                  NEAR SAGINAW, MI Airline(s)/airliner pilot dives to avoid 2/27/1996 #42785  
HEATLAND, WY Huge saucer / follows airline(s)/airliner going northeast. Hov 8/25/1996 #42993  
s and several RAF and CG bases and airline(s)/airliner and tanker. 2 large  10/5/1996 #43053  
             PUERTO VALLARTA, MX 2 airline(s)/airliner pilots. Night light  1/3/1998 #43487  
              At 2:36 a.m. CDT two airline pilots in separate commercial ai 10/26/1999 #43865  
along the New Jersey Turnpike, saw airline flights heading to Newark Airpor 7/15/2001 #44209  
                                An airline captain of Aer Lingus flight EIN 9/10/2002 #44394  
a rock along the way. A commercial airline pilot landing in New Zealand see 5/16/2006 #44943  
he databases are the NIDS database airline and military pilot sightings, th 9/30/2010 #45300  
craft, the FAA contacts commercial airline pilots in the vicinity who visua 10/25/2017 #45487  
       Aegean Sea Turkey Greece An airline passenger films a supposed UFO o 3/2019 #45565  
## Word: "airliner" (Back to Top)
ity, PA Resembled a modern day jet airliner without wings; weird glow (Page 7/1939 #1308  
eller-shape rotates slowly beneath airliner. 200mph.                        7/5/1947 #2708  
ting slowly as it flew beneath the airliner. It was flying at an estimated  7/5/1947 #2732  
uickly northwest. Delta airline(s)/airliner questions all pilots on Ft. Wor 7/6/1947 #2745  
M SOUTHEAST / BOISE, ID Airline(s)/airliner passenger. Saucer flashes by go 7/6/1947 #2749  
 V formation / 300M altitude below airliner.                                8/1/1947 #3279  
      The pilot and co-pilot of an airliner flying over Everett, Massachuse 8/4/1947 #3292  
. 2 skeet-saucers going [to] under airliner / 1500kph.                      8/18/1947 #3344  
t light splits / 2. Turn toward(s) airliner. Wink out and gone.             9/13/1947 #3394  
 / 1400kph! 4500M altitude. Passes airliner.                                9/16/1947 #3397  
es DC3. Circular blue-flame passes airliner. Turns going down [to] and wink 1/9/1948 #3550  
    HONG KONG TO/FROM SAIGON All / airliner. Huge metallic cylinder/cigar-s 8/1948 #3763  
s morning everyone on a Air France airliner flying over the South China Sea 8/1/1948 #3767  
 turn and depart ahead of a United airliner taking off from Elko airport. ( 5/2/1949 #4137  
LE, OR Project Bluebook Case #416. Airliner and Portland Air Traffic Contro 7/30/1949 #4296  
NTIAGO TO/FROM ANTILLA, CUBA All / airliner and many / ground. Classic sauc 3/9/1950 #4595  
ll as by passengers and crew of an airliner flying from Santiago to Antilla 3/9/1950 #4599  
AIRPORT/APARTMENT, GA 6 airline(s)/airliner pilots / ground. Silent aluminu 3/18/1950 #4671  
R GREENWOOD, MS Crew and several / airliner. Strange bright object / 10 min 3/20/1950 #4685  
ct passes directly in front of the airliner at a distance of not more than  3/20/1950 #4690  
imately 1,000 feet higher than the airliner. They watch the object for 25–3 3/20/1950 #4690  
            OVER ACRE, ISRAEL Leb. airliner. Objects going quickly west. Ve 3/26/1950 (approximate) #4721  
al discs were seen from a Lebanese airliner off the coast of the ancient ci 3/26/1950 #4732  
       IRONWOOD, MICH 6 airline(s)/airliner pilots / ground / (seen thru) b 3/29/1950 #4758  
  LITTLE ROCK, AR Saucer arcs over airliner. Light flashes / top. 8 10' por 3/31/1950 #4776  
       NORTHWEST / CARACAS, VNZ US airliner rocks violently. Huge turtle pa 4/2/1950 #4788  
dish-orange disc passed a TWA DC-3 airliner being flown over South Bend, In 4/27/1950 #4911  
ngers on an American Airlines DC-6 airliner headed southwest out of Washing 5/29/1950 #4972  
 again, while the object paces the airliner about 20–30 seconds before it c 5/29/1950 #4972  
                  COMMERCE, TX 2 / airliner. Saucer seen / 30 km. Sudden bu 6/24/1950 #5000  
s also seen by the crew of another airliner and a navy transport plane. The 6/24/1950 #5004  
g / 6-8 lights in near collision / airliner. Going north. / r32p150.        10/5/1950 #5210  
ys, California at 7:32 p.m., a CAL airliner had a near collision with a lum 10/5/1950 #5214  
    OVER BRITISH GUIANA Airline(s)/airliner crew. Huge green ball-saucer di 11/28/1950 #5296  
 kilometers toward a Stratocruiser airliner flying over British Guinea, and 11/28/1950 #5297  
nea, and was sighted by the entire airliner crew.                           11/28/1950 #5297  
  MT. KILIMANJARO, KNYA Airline(s)/airliner crew and more/others. Photograp 2/19/1951 #5446  
     Twelve witnesses flying in an airliner, including two men name Bicknel 2/19/1951 #5451  
ject, about the same size as their airliner, streak past at about same alti 11/2/1951 #5763  
ilene, Texas. The object paced the airliner for about one minute. It then b 11/2/1951 #5764  
 Controller and capitol airline(s)/airliner flight 610 crew. Liner paced /  11/18/1951 #5777  
ook Case #1113. Central airline(s)/airliner crew and passengers. Light colo 4/14/1952 #6073  
ubmarine". Lights flash. 3X size / airliner.                                5/3/1952 (approximate) #6250  
e huge, three times larger than an airliner.                                5/3/1952 #6252  
veral disc-shaped UFOs followed an airliner over Mill Valley in Marin Count 6/12/1952 #6488  
 GORDONSVILLE, VA CAA / ground and airliner. USAF and marine jets chase sil 6/15/1952 #6504  
:25 p.m., the crew of a commercial airliner reports a silver sphere over Ri 6/15/1952 #6510  
           At 9:05 p.m. EDT a BOAC airliner with 22 witnesses aboard tracke 6/29/1952 #6668  
 quickly [to] by. Returns. Circles airliner. Going quickly east. Nothing /  7/1952 #6677  
2 observer(s). 2 yellow disks pace airliner / lower altitude. 1 turns grey  7/8/1952 #6725  
  QUANTICO, VA National airline(s)/airliner flight and marine pilot. Green  7/10/1952 #6748  
ear), VA Light Maneuvers Near C-60 Airliner (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Co 7/10/1952 #6749  
 to the west then ascending to the airliner’s altitude of 11,000 feet, then 7/13/1952 #6797  
red objects maneuvered below their airliner, in formation.                  7/14/1952 #6815  
er seen near United Airlines (UAL) airliner. No further details.            7/17/1952 #6851  
 a saucer-shaped object pacing his airliner.                                7/17/1952 #6872  
 WASHINGTON AIRPORT, VA Airline(s)/airliner crew. Night light flashes by be 7/20/1952 #6944  
uickly southwest extremely fast as airliner signals.                        7/20/1952 #6945  
ange night light 3 lengths ahead / airliner as if towing it!                7/22/1952 #6997  
 a speed faster than a four-engine airliner at an altitude of 1,100 to 2,00 7/23/1952 #7078  
s AFB saw a UFO "directly over the airliner."                               7/26/1952 #7180  
 disappear from CAA radar when the airliner approaches then come back in be 7/29/1952 #7320  
iginates the program, rents a DC-3 airliner, fills it with 20 newsmen, and  8/1/1952 #7410  
s / 10 mile(s) area and airline(s)/airliner pilots visual. Type unknown.    8/13/1952 #7567  
  DALLAS, TX Blue Book. Airline(s)/airliner pilot chases night light / 900M 8/13/1952 #7568  
r(s). Cream-colored box drops over airliner. Paces just above. Going quickl 8/15/1952 #7603  
er / tight vertical circles around airliner. No further details. / r78p165. 8/28/1952 #7757  
            LeRoy, NY Disc circled airliner verttically. [UFOE, II] (NICAP: 8/28/1952 #7769  
g tight vertical circles around an airliner.                                8/28/1952 #7772  
emed to fly in formation with DC-6 airliner. Total of 8 hours.              9/2/1952 #7828  
ed to fly in formation with a DC-6 airliner. The radar sightings lasted a t 9/2/1952 #7830  
Humming. Blue-glowing ovoid buzzes airliner. Continues.                     9/14/1952 #7919  
ry fast on a collision course with airliner (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB 9/14/1952 #7931  
ast on a collision course with the airliner.  Note:  the summary card attac 9/14/1952 #7937  
 30' bronze sphere/orb/globe below airliner / 25 minute(s). Follows highway 9/15/1952 #7948  
d with green halo going [to] under airliner. Rises and speeds away going qu 9/20/1952 (approximate) #7984  
w of a commercial Maritime Central airliner flying at 9,000 feet above Chat 4/16/1953 #8831  
makes a complete circle around the airliner, and speeds away toward the coa 5/10/1953 #8873  
rizon to 3500' overhead. Size = 3X airliner. Hovers 5 min.                  6/1953 #8919  
ilots. Huge metallic saucer passes airliner going quickly southeast to Pari 10/9/1953 #9210  
EPARTMENT, FR 2 British airline(s)/airliner pilots. Classic metal saucer se 10/18/1953 #9237  
 UFO and an American Airlines DC-6 airliner at 12:10 a.m. over the Conowing 10/19/1953 #9244  
Sweden After the crew of a Swedish airliner reports a wingless circular UFO 12/17/1953 #9380  
             DURHAM, NC Airline(s)/airliner crew and 1 / ground. Vibrant br 1/25/1954 #9498  
    NEAR BARQUISIMETO, VNZLA All / airliner. Rotating top-saucer. Light str 2/3/1954 #9531  
s, was seen by several on board an airliner flying near Barquisimeto, Venez 2/3/1954 #9532  
saucers going down [to] and circle airliner. / MJ#251.                      3/22/1954 #9631  
 front of the V. When a commercial airliner appears, the objects split form 3/24/1954 #9639  
 Round object glows. Sharp turns / airliner speed. 1km altitude.            6/7/1954 #9869  
               Columbus (near), OH Airliner Investigates Strange Object (NI 6/26/1954 #9952  
 a newspaper article, a crew of an airliner is asked to investigate; the cr 6/26/1954 #9954  
ovals moving the same speed as his airliner, 265 mph, on a parallel course. 6/29/1954 #9962  
s smaller UFO's. Zips off to avoid airliner.                                9/22/1954 #10391  
 AND PHILADELPHIA, PA 3 airline(s)/airliner crews and more/others. Huge glo 9/27/1954 #10466  
      PARAIBA RIVER, SP, BRZ All / airliner panic. 19 100' saucers pace. /  11/21/1954 #11679  
razil Shiny Objects Encountered By Airliner (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Co 11/21/1954 #11682  
f National Airlines Douglas PP-ANM airliner at 9,000 feet over Paraíbo do S 11/21/1954 #11683  
at 7,200 feet and passes below the airliner at high speed. The duration is  11/21/1954 #11683  
night a round-shaped UFO buzzed an airliner flying over the Paraiba River n 11/21/1954 #11685  
Perfect metal sphere flashes under airliner. Amazing speed.                 12/17/1954 #11825  
PIRITU, VNZL Crew and riders / Lav airliner. 3 turtle-saucers shoot vibrant 12/17/1954 #11826  
R PUNTA SAN JUAN, VNZ 2 airline(s)/airliner crews. Night light maneuvers. B 1/2/1955 #11910  
   Punta San Juan (near), Venezula Airliner enroute to Maracaibo approached 1/2/1955 #11911  
et. Virginia and Kansas, air space Airliner pilot saw a dark object leaving 1/14/1955 #11932  
cer with portholes and rings paces airliner. Radio Frequency Interference ( 2/2/1955 #11961  
           Valera (near), Venezula Airliner en route fr Barquisimeto; radio 2/2/1955 #11965  
11:15 a.m. A Venezuelan Aeropostal airliner piloted by Captain Dario Celis  2/2/1955 #11968  
Round silvery object easily passes airliner / higher altitude. Going quickl 2/3/1955 #11971  
                     Ft. Wayne, IN Airliner Encounters 5 Objects That Depar 2/7/1955 #11981  
 southeast under nose / Portuguese airliner. / r139 #1p72.                  5/24/1955 (approximate) #12153  
/cigar-shape buzzes B17+airline(s)/airliner. Fast 180 turns. Going quickly  5/25/1955 #12157  
           ALBANY, NY 3 airline(s)/airliner crews and Air Traffic Controlle 6/23/1955 #12207  
omed saucer hovers. Climbs away as airliner nears. / r78p174.               7/17/1955 #12263  
, OH Disc hovered, climbed away as airliner approached. [UFOE, XII] (NICAP: 7/17/1955 #12265  
ing quickly [to] Los Angeles. 25 / airliner. Metal UFO paces / 45 minute(s) 8/20/1955 #12376  
  NEAR UBATUBA, BRZ 4 / airline(s)/airliner crew. Huge luminous ball change 10/28/1955 #12526  
ect With Light On Rear Observed By Airliner (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Co 11/14/1955 #12568  
e saw what he first thought was an airliner and blinked his lights twice as 11/14/1955 #12569  
     JACKSONVILLE, FL 2 airline(s)/airliner crews and many / ground. USAF j 12/11/1955 #12603  
s. 2250mph. Vague shape / lights / airliner. / LDLN#132p26.                 2/17/1956 #12721  
, identified as an Air France DC-3 airliner flying over the Les Mureaux mil 2/17/1956 #12723  
nds and are certain it is no civil airliner. The sighting duration is nearl 2/17/1956 #12723  
 p.m. It was twice the size of and airliner, and made 2,000 mph bursts of s 2/17/1956 #12724  
 Houston, TX Object Evades Crew of Airliner (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Co 2/19/1956 #12731  
plane. Flash. Swarm / objects pace airliner. Duck / clouds and return.      2/21/1956 #12734  
 NY 1 observer. Slanting line near airliner = saucer tilting. Air Force uni 2/22/1956 #12735  
              OVER SCHENECTADY, NY Airliner and jets chase UFO / 1600kph. G 4/8/1956 #12799  
 90° to the left appearing like an airliner heading in to land at Albany. T 4/8/1956 #12803  
r to orange and seems to block the airliner’s path or risk collision. It di 4/8/1956 #12803  
in but standing still ahead of the airliner to the west. The Convair airlin 4/8/1956 #12803  
 airliner to the west. The Convair airliner contacts Griffiss AFB [now Grif 4/8/1956 #12803  
 identify aircraft. He is told the airliner is seen and the orange UFO are  4/8/1956 #12803  
e orange UFO are to the south. The airliner is ordered to maintain course t 4/8/1956 #12803  
l observer(s). Huge object circles airliner 3X. Shoots going up / terrific  7/1/1956 #12942  
              ATLANTIC NEAR AZORES Airliner takes evasive action. White nig 8/16/1956 #13091  
           PASADENA, CA Airline(s)/airliner pilot and Ground Observer Corps 9/6/1956 #13191  
1. 8 cigars hover overhead. Follow airliner. Return and maneuver. Rise goin 9/28/1956 #13251  
VICKSBURG, MS Silver ovoid dives / airliner. Quickly going up [to] and goin 10/25/1956 #13290  
 60 MI NNE / MOBILE, AL Airline(s)/airliner pilots. Fireball stops dead. Zi 11/14/1956 #13326  
ect descended, hovered in front of airliner, then sped away at upward angle 11/14/1956 #13328  
d several targets flying behind an airliner , G,V (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, 2/13/1957 #13498  
k several targets flying behind an airliner at a distance of 5–6 miles and  2/13/1957 #13502  
ntic Ocean (off Carolinas), At Sea Airliner Encounters Green Object (NICAP: 3/9/1957 #13538  
a Pan American World Airways DC-6A airliner at a point over the Atlantic Oc 3/9/1957 #13540  
               Maiquetia, Venezula Airliner en route to Maiquetia sighted U 4/19/1957 #13605  
runway. It is about the size of an airliner. He watches it a while, then ge 5/1957 #13630  
TH / ROCHESTER, KENT Saucer buzzes airliner. All radio malfunctions due to  5/31/1957 #13687  
                          Kent, UK Airliner suffered radio failure during U 5/31/1957 #13688  
ester, England 7:17 a.m. A British airliner is flying over Kent, two miles  5/31/1957 #13690  
    At 7:17 a.m. a British Airways airliner flying over Kent, England exper 5/31/1957 #13691  
ly to 1,000 feet and parallels the airliner at a higher altitude and about  6/3/1957 #13698  
 first on the opposite side of the airliner (then at 9,000 feet). A crew fr 6/3/1957 #13698  
 about 10,000 feet, and follow the airliner to Converse, Louisiana, where t 6/3/1957 #13698  
ch confirms the two targets in the airliner’s vicinity. The objects disappe 6/3/1957 #13698  
wing object passed near a LAV DC-3 airliner flying between Puerto Cabello a 6/9/1957 #13715  
ke object paced, maneuvered around airliner. [UFOE, X] (NICAP: 11 - Aviatio 6/30/1957 #13759  
uvered around a Real Aerovias DC-3 airliner flying from Belo Horizonte to R 6/30/1957 #13760  
asses, crossing above or under the airliner, and then in front and behind i 6/30/1957 #13760  
s and maneuvers all over/all about airliner / one hour. Going quickly [to]  7/4/1957 #13775  
Disc with dome and portholes paced airliner. [UFOE, X] (NICAP: 11 - Aviatio 7/4/1957 #13776  
lluminated windows followed a REAL airliner flying between Campos and Victo 7/4/1957 #13777  
     NEAR RIO DOCE, BRZ Airline(s)/airliner pilot and copilot. Luminous cyl 7/14/1957 #13794  
bes the official USAF explanation (airliner) as “literally ridiculous.” Bra 7/17/1957 #13808  
ct Bluebook Case #4847. Airline(s)/airliner flight 841 chases moon-size obj 7/29/1957 #13850  
                     Cleveland, OH Airliner Unable To Catch Object (NICAP:  7/29/1957 #13851  
immed once, crossed the bow of the airliner, which then gave chase but was  7/29/1957 #13853  
 and then crossed the bow of their airliner. They gave chase but were unabl 7/29/1957 #13855  
          Joinville (near), Brazil Airliner cabin lights dimmed and engine  8/14/1957 #13892  
lynn, was flying in a Pan Am DC-7C airliner over Norfolk County at the time 10/8/1957 #14080  
     WEST / QUINCY, FL 1 / US90. 2 airliner size eggs with flashing lights  10/15/1957? #14115  
                 Ararangua, Brazil Airliner direction finder and transmitte 11/3/1957 #14239  
TE, LA Captain Gile and airline(s)/airliner crew. Large silver disk hovers  11/9/1957 #14497  
HEAST / LOS ANGELES, CA Airline(s)/airliner passenger. 250' metallic saucer 11/11/1957 #14528  
     OVER QUERETARO, MX Airline(s)/airliner crew. 200M round object flashes 12/10/1957 #14701  
LAGOS, MX Pilot and 2 / airline(s)/airliner crew. Round object emits rays / 12/10/1957 #14702  
    EAST / CHATHAM, ONT Airline(s)/airliner pilot and cops and many. Saucer 12/12/1957 #14716  
 NEAR SHANNON, IREL KLM airline(s)/airliner pilot / early morning. Luminous 6/28/1958 #15120  
URACAO, WEST INDIES KLM airline(s)/airliner man and 1. 8 saucers / 4.5km al 8/23/1958 #15219  
                                   AIRLINER TO NY Copilot. Brilliant yellow 1/14/1959 #15552  
rs. 3 300' saucers pace airline(s)/airliner. Not / RADAR. / MJ#250.         2/11/1959 #15585  
D, PA AND MORE/OTHERS 6 airline(s)/airliner crews. 3 saucers pace. / r46p27 2/24/1959 #15600  
rwin decided it could have been an airliner on fire attempting a crash land 2/28/1959 #15624  
 OVER ITAPETININGA, BRZ Airline(s)/airliner crew and ground observer(s). Lu 5/7/1959 #15724  
 Air Traffic Controllers and all / airliner. Fireball night light going sou 5/13/1959 #15727  
ian ATC, and all onboard a Braniff airliner witnessed a fireball fly across 5/13/1959 #15730  
ways plane, and a Canadian Pacific airliner.                                7/11/1959 #15834  
hover. Shoot going quickly west as airliner passes. Going quickly [to] back 9/10/1959 (approximate) #15963  
the area where the wreckage of the airliner was found. The UFO was stationa 9/29/1959 #15997  
 and 1. Cylinder/cigar-shape paces airliner going southwest / 10 minutes. L 10/7/1959 #16024  
                  RESISTENCIA, ARG Airliner chases grey ovoid. 4 small obje 10/16/1959 #16034  
    SOUTHWEST / GORDONSVILLE, VA 2 airliner crews. Huge wingless fuselage g 3/1960 #16189  
RICO Luminous UFO paces Venezuelan.airliner / 20 minute(s). Shoots away. /  7/2/1960 #16325  
y sighted what they thought was an airliner about to crash. When the UFO ha 8/13/1960 #16373  
see what they think at first is an airliner about to crash. It turns out to 8/13/1960 #16380  
gars maneuvered within sight of an airliner and then paced the DC-4 aircraf 12/21/1961 #17002  
UTHWEST / BRISTOL, ENGL Airline(s)/airliner pilots. Brown colored sphere/or 5/21/1962 #17183  
ing an Aer Lingus Vickers Viscount airliner above southern England at 17,00 5/21/1962 #17187  
 descended when he is watching the airliner. The UFO immediately rises abou 12/22/1962 #17606  
mes Moseley, that the 4 engine jet airliner she had been flying in was purs 7/17/1963 #17835  
 Observer(s) = Hawaiian airline(s)/airliner flight. No further details [in] 9/9/1963 #17928  
       KUANGTUNG TO/FROM WUHAN, CH Airliner chased / 3 luminous saucers / 1 10/1963 (approximate) #17961  
ngdong Wuhan, China A Lisunov Li-2 airliner on the Guangdong to Wuhan, Chin 10/1963 #17968  
re/others. Huge domed saucer paces airliner. Going quickly [to] away. / LDL 7/12/1964 #18403  
Zaitsev is aboard a Tupolev Tu-104 airliner above Bologoye, Tver Oblast, Ru 7/12/1964 #18404  
 domed disc-shaped object paced an airliner flying from Leningrad to Moscow 7/12/1964 #18405  
24. 4+2 night lights buzz and pace airliner. Vanish. / r70p3-100.           7/16/1964 #18413  
TON NATIONAL AIRPORT/APARTMENT, VA Airliner / near collision / black delta/ 1/3/1965 #18692  
TH AUCKLAND, NZ Quantas airline(s)/airliner RADAR and ground RADAR. 7 objec 1/14/1965 #18725  
orce man / flying tiger airline(s)/airliner. 3 1000' saucers / RADAR's. / r 2/11/1965 #18804  
JI AND MATSUYAMA, JPN Object paces airliner / 55 mile(s). Radio Frequency I 3/18/1965 #18862  
yama, Japan the crew of a Japanese airliner Convair 240 sighted three elong 3/18/1965 #18865  
meji), Japan Object Paces Japanese Airliner (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, Code: E 3/21/1965 #18871  
 some distance away by an airborne airliner pilot, according to John Colomb 3/31/1965 #18882  
 Australia: An Ansett-A.N.A. DC-6B airliner (VH-INH) en route to Port Mores 5/28/1965 #18969  
 Australia Elliptical object paced airliner, accelerated and sped away, pho 5/28/1965 #18972  
erra 3:25 a.m. An Ansett-ANA DC-6b airliner piloted by Capt. John Barker is 5/28/1965 #18973  
   The crew of an Ansett-ANA DC-6B airliner flying over the Bougainville Re 5/28/1965 #18974  
ka, Kansas Night. A TWA Boeing 707 airliner flying west of Topeka, Kansas,  8/1/1965 #19245  
ike notes that they look just like airliner blips. They brighten and dim on 8/2/1965 #19265  
ect change course and approach his airliner. The UFO follows the aircraft f 9/6/1965 #19527  
 hovers / high altitude. 4X size / airliner.                                9/17/1965 #19577  
lowing disk follows and 'observes' airliner / 30 minute(s) going southwest. 1/7/1966 #19808  
tion, then approaching the Braniff airliner to a distance of 3 miles. It th 5/4/1966 #20447  
position, then come at the Braniff airliner to within three miles distance, 5/4/1966 #20448  
       ITAGUAI, BRAZIL 1 observer. Airliner sized dark 'tire' hovers and wo 5/15/1966 #20481  
ppeared to be about the size of an airliner.                                5/15/1966 #20482  
iscs flying off each wingtip of an airliner. The outer discs lagged briefly 5/17/1966 #20495  
agged briefly during a turn by the airliner. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 1 5/17/1966 #20495  
iscs flying off each wingtip of an airliner. The outer discs lagged briefly 5/17/1966 #20499  
agged briefly during a turn by the airliner.                                5/17/1966 #20499  
cigar-shaped object, as long as an airliner (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 6/8/1966 #20539  
pletely silent, and the size of an airliner.                                6/8/1966 #20541  
cigar-shaped object, as long as an airliner, buzzed the witness' car.  Sigh 6/8/1966 #20542  
entist/science. Huge saucer buzzes airliner. Turns. Maneuvers. Changes shap 7/12/1966 #20641  
w saucer with red rim. Bigger than airliner. 90M altitude. No further detai 10/9/1966 #20977  
             ACAPULCO, MEXICO 25+/ airliner. Night lights hover near airpor 10/31/1966 #21052  
s points / clear sky pace and buzz airliner. Numerous observer(s). Location 12/7/1966 #21189  
 Luanda, Angola A TAP Air Portugal airliner piloted by Capt. Henrique Maia  12/7/1966 #21190  
     NEAR TIKSI, RUSSIA Airline(s)/airliner crew / daytime. Pearly disk pas 2/1967 #21425  
             Lima, Peru Cone paced airliner (E-M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cas 2/2/1967 #21439  
                        Lima, Peru Airliner buzzed by maneuvering coneshape 2/2/1967 #21441  
itti is flying a Faucett Perú DC-4 airliner from Chiclayo to Lima, Peru, wh 2/2/1967 #21442  
re onboard a Fawcett Airlines DC-4 airliner flying between Chiclayo and Lim 2/2/1967 #21443  
exico Night. A Guatemalan Aviateca airliner piloted by Col. Alfredo Castane 2/15/1967 #21556  
 paces cop car. 18 mm / airline(s)/airliner. Going quickly west when spotli 3/2/1967 #21722  
cer-shaped object, as big as a jet airliner, flew straight and fast to the  3/9/1967 #21839  
 saucer-shaped light, as big as an airliner, fly straight and fast to the e 3/9/1967 #21840  
 pilot, copilot, and hostess of an airliner flying at 17,000 feet saw a clu 3/11/1967 #21857  
 Air Force C47+ground observer(s). Airliner paced / orange saucer. Circles. 3/21/1967 #21928  
IURA GOING QUICKLY [TO] LIMA, PERU Airliner chased / 120'"dart" shapes. Sho 3/22/1967 #21939  
y Bay, Spain Night. The crew of an airliner flying above the French-Spanish 3/22/1967 #21944  
 object about twice the size of an airliner. It moved sideways at first, th 3/30/1967 #22013  
dmonton, Alberta, CAN Object paced airliner (radar) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Case 4/6/1967 #22076  
t paced a Canadian Pacific Western airliner flying near Edmonton, Alberta,  4/6/1967 #22084  
e around 9:40–10:08 p.m. The Ozark Airliner Flight 319 crew sees two large  4/17/1967 #22153  
n City, Missouri an Ozark Airlines airliner coming in for a landing had a d 4/17/1967 #22157  
the Braniff blip. When the Braniff airliner touches down, however, the situ 5/13/1967 #22337  
me. The co-pilot of a BEA Vanguard Airliner saw a fast-moving, disc-shaped  Mid 1967 #22508  
al blip follows another Air Canada airliner before veering away to the nort 7/6/1967 #22622  
RBY, BC Pacific-western airline(s)/airliner pilot. Pink object zigzags thro 7/19/1967 #22696  
object crosses western sky. Size = airliner. No further details.            8/5/1967 #22810  
d object flying across the sky. An airliner flying at an altitude of 1,200  8/5/1967 #22813  
ht lights going [to] by airline(s)/airliner.                                8/6/1967 #22824  
u Pisco, Peru 8:00 p.m. A Peruvian airliner piloted by Capt. Samuel Sanguaz 8/6/1967 #22831  
           SOUTHWEST / HALIFAX, NS Airliner. White night lights. Ground RAD 8/23/1967 #22894  
t around lower portion, approached airliner from west, passed under starboa 9/10/1967 #23031  
       At 7:30 p.m. Aeroflot IL-14 airliner flying over Volgograd, Russia w 9/19/1967 #23096  
 Bt., Russia Time not reported. An airliner encountered an unidentified obj 9/29/1967 #23146  
has seen a large airplane or small airliner crash into the waters off Shag  10/4/1967 #23176  
 near head-on collision between an airliner and a grayish, open triangle or 10/27/1967 #23357  
   NEAR ARKHARA, RUSSIA Airline(s)/airliner crew. Luminous round object hov 10/31/1967 #23374  
t hovers. Not on ground RADAR. 2nd airliner sees.                           10/31/1967 #23374  
ight over Arkhara, Amur, Russia an airliner crew saw a luminous round objec 10/31/1967 #23379  
 p.m. It was also seen by a second airliner. It did not show up on ground r 10/31/1967 #23379  
                     An Aer Lingus airliner, flying at 10,000 feet to Dubli 11/21/1967 #23492  
NNY, RS AND MORE/OTHERS Airline(s)/airliner crews and more/others. Luminous 12/3/1967 #23538  
he objects approaches a commercial airliner, makes a 180° turn without slow 1/15/1968 #23667  
UICKLY [TO] IRON RANGE, QLD, AUSTR Airliner paced / UFO briefly. Shoots off 3/2/1968 #23803  
 triggered around the time that an airliner flying at 6,000 feet from Cairn 3/2/1968 #23806  
Punta Arenas, Chile Cylinder above airliner (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)    6/4/1968 #24004  
AR ORADEA, ROMANIA 3M ovoid passes airliner going quickly west / 1200mph. S 8/17/1968 #24345  
abrian is flying an Ilyushin Il-18 airliner at 22,800 feet in the vicinity  8/17/1968 #24346  
CANARY ISLANDS 20cm fireball paces airliner. Lights interior blue. Zigzags. 9/17/1968 #24472  
R MOUNTAINS, NORW 3 SAS-airline(s)/airliner crews. Huge glowing-ball divide 11/1/1968 #24614  
RDS. UNKNOWN 3 / Iberia airline(s)/airliner crew. Bright red object paces.  2/25/1969 #24942  
         MENLO PARK, CA Airline(s)/airliner pilot. Thin object with bulge / 5/5/1969 #25116  
                        In 1971 an airliner crew reported sighting four met 6/5/1971 #26158  
t 33,000 feet altitude from a DC-9 airliner flying 40 miles southwest of La 9/20/1971 #26355  
 Kasting is flying on a commercial airliner between Dallas, Texas, and Denv 12/20/1971 #26509  
   Three witnesses in a Boeing 727 airliner and Air Traffic Controllers rep 12/28/1971 #26521  
and Linz, Austria an Austrian DC-9 airliner had a near collision with a hug 3/18/1972 #26616  
 two copilots are flying a Wardair airliner at 22,000 feet some 180 miles n 10/23/1972 #27087  
ed bullet-shaped UFO approached an airliner that was flying 160 miles north 10/23/1972 #27089  
               REYKJAVIK, ICEL 3 / airliner. 3 X-bright objects pass north  11/1972 #27103  
             SOUTHEAST / OHURA, NZ Airliner. Intense blue-white fireball pa 2/2/1973 #27260  
and Intense blue-white light paced airliner for 20-25 seconds, navigation i 2/2/1973 #27264  
   McAlester, OK Disc Cavorts Near Airliner / Confirmed By Radar (NICAP: 07 2/14/1973 #27288  
ur de Weerdt is watching a distant airliner in Borgerhout, Belgium, when he 3/24/1973 #27372  
NGL 2 observer(s). Red disk buzzes airliner. Plane turns. Disk going quickl 7/28/1973 #27658  
observer(s). Glaring ovoid follows airliner in landing pattern.             9/3/1973 #27750  
       OVER QUITMAN, GA Airline(s)/airliner pilot. Football object hovers.  9/5/1973 #27764  
ject hovers. Shoots into clouds as airliner nears.                          9/5/1973 #27764  
           KEY WEST, FL Airline(s)/airliner exec and 1. Silent flying wing  10/22/1973 #28233  
              NEAR LA PAZ, BOLIVIA Airliner and Air Force pilots. Luminous/ 11/11/1973 #28402  
Brilliant shiny object over hills. Airliner circles and goes.               12/5/1973 #28521  
             PISA AND LIVORNO, ITL Airliner delays landing 3X. Night lights 12/6/1973 #28528  
 Beginning at around 7:45 a.m., an airliner was delayed from landing three  12/6/1973 #28534  
            NNW / LIMA, PERU All / airliner / 3km altitude. UFO follows pla 12/8/1973 #28539  
ULE, FR AND MORE/OTHERS Airline(s)/airliner Captain. Red cylinder/cigar-sha 12/13/1973 #28563  
glund and the crew of a Boeing 727 airliner flying near Lisbon, Portugal, s 1/26/1974 #28709  
 flight crew of his SAS Boeing 727 airliner flying east of Lisbon, Portugal 1/26/1974 #28710  
                            TAIWAN Airliner crew. 2+2 ovoids and cylinder/c 3/17/1974 #28894  
                        Taiwan TWA airliner crew observed shiny oval or cig 3/17/1974 #28896  
          Taiwan The crew of a TWA airliner over Taiwan sees a shiny oval o 3/17/1974 #28897  
IRPORT/APARTMENT, ARG 2 airline(s)/airliner pilots. Vibrant bright object s 6/29/1974 #29227  
HEAST / QUEBEC, QBC SAS airline(s)/airliner pilot. Delta-object going quick 7/1974 #29233  
ises and goes going northeast when airliner nears.                          9/10/1974 #29443  
flashing buzzes capitol airline(s)/airliner DC8. / r11p53.                  10/11/1974 #29516  
THWEST / SICILY British airline(s)/airliner crew and passengers. 6 bright s 3/15/1975 #29902  
cribed as being the size of a DC-8 airliner. The UFO had many unblinking li 3/18/1975 #29911  
                  WILKES-BARRE, PA Airliner crew. Daylight disk turns. Goin 7/6/1975 #30161  
 TO/FROM BELGRADE, YUGO Airline(s)/airliner crew and RADAR. Luminous/glowin 10/28/1975 #30493  
R PALMA, MAJORCA Iberia airline(s)/airliner paced / long object with bright 3/11/1976 #30932  
lma de Majorca, Spain Object paced airliner (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)    3/11/1976 #30935  
e right of the light. A Portuguese airliner in the vicinity also observes t 7/30/1976 #31203  
 from a British Airways Trident II airliner near the Portuguese Coast, 64 k 7/30/1976 #31204  
W / MONASTIR, TUNS UFO follows jet airliner / landing approach. "Complete m 8/4/1976 #31229  
. Explodes. Fragments = airline(s)/airliner and Ni and Sb. Foil and plastic 8/6/1976 #31238  
JERBA ISLAND, TUNISIA 2 airline(s)/airliner pilots and RADAR's. Saucer land 8/7/1976 #31242  
 seen on the starboard side of the airliner, apparently 10–15 miles away an 9/10/1976 #31372  
 four crew members on a Boeing 707 airliner, Duarte, Alexio, Graca, and San 9/19/1976 #31412  
e airline TAP, flying a Boeing 707 airliner at 4000 feet altitude and at a  9/19/1976 #31413  
t for Toa Airlines, situated in an airliner on the runway and preparing to  10/17/1976 #31475  
 Íslands [now Air Iceland Connect] airliner in flight from Akureyi to Reykj 12/18/1976 #31613  
  OVER IBAGUE, COLOMBIA Airline(s)/airliner crew and ground RADAR's. Night  1/21/1977 #31733  
ota, Columbia G,A,V, mult. radars, airliner report (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases 1/21/1977 #31735  
                  Bogota, Columbia Airliner, R/V, reaction to landing lites 1/21/1977 #31736  
ilots and passengers of an Iranian airliner flying at more than 6 miles alt Mid 3/1977 #31908  
flash is seen just in front of the airliner. Maastricht radar watches the t 4/14/1977 #31980  
lips / 3600mph going quickly east. Airliner sees 1 night light 300mi / sout 4/23/1977 #32016  
(s) / ground. Silent ovoid follows airliner / 30 second(s). Larger than pla 5/26/1977 #32128  
10 PM. An ovoid object followed an airliner for 30 seconds according to one 5/26/1977 #32131  
hat the object was larger than the airliner and flew away toward the east.  5/26/1977 #32131  
       An ovoid object followed an airliner for 30 seconds over Dowagiac, M 5/26/1977 #32136  
hat the object was larger than the airliner and flew away toward the east.  5/26/1977 #32136  
r-shaped object rushing toward the airliner. When it gets dangerously close 7/16/1977 #32281  
RDWOOD, SOUTH AUS 50M silent phony airliner lands by power lines. Going up  7/30/1977 #32321  
R BILLINGS, MT Frontier airline(s)/airliner pilot. Glowing ovoid pulses whi 9/7/1977 #32464  
     EAST / EL PASO, TX Airline(s)/airliner DC10 crew. 350' cylinder/cigar- 9/22/1977 #32504  
ect with row of "windows" overtook airliner, accelerated, made 90-degree tu 9/22/1977 #32508  
 Fireball dims and turns when near airliner. F4 jet chases!                 10/7/1977 #32556  
SOCORRO, NM Continental airline(s)/airliner pilot. UFO type unknown. Separa 10/10/1977 #32565  
ating light flew alonside a Soviet airliner for 24 minutes as it flew over  10/11/1977 #32569  
             CENTRAL GREENLAND 3 / airliner. Row / 7 bright ovoids. Going u 11/4/1977 #32658  
circular objects maneuvered around airliner                                 12/8/1977 #32749  
nking lights top and bottom, paced airliner for 20 minutes. Emitted green " 12/22/1977 #32807  
ing the flight of a Yakolev Yak-40 airliner between the Medvezhye gas field 1/1978 #32836  
ars up in front of the nose of the airliner.                                1/1978 #32836  
ORTH / GRAND CANYON, AZ Airline(s)/airliner pilot. Spherical OVJ in center  1/7/1978 #32858  
 OVJ in center / large glow. Paced airliner. No further details.            1/7/1978 #32858  
                OFF HYERES, FR 2 / airliner. Black rectangle hovers / coast 4/2/1978 #33115  
  ENFIELD, CT 7 observer(s). Huge "airliner" hovers / 100' altitude. Extend 4/13/1978 #33144  
     AHVAZ GOING [TO] TEHRAN, IRAN Airliner sees UFO. RADAR confirms. Blip  4/15/1978? #33147  
ison, WI Oval w/red lights circled airliner (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)    6/24/1978 #33304  
lowing object going [to] to Saveh. Airliner instruments electro-magnetic ef 7/16/1978 #33386  
    In air space, Iran A Lufthansa airliner flying over the northern part o 7/16/1978 #33387  
                       A Lufthansa airliner flying over the northern part o 7/16/1978 #33391  
  NEAR PERTH, AUSTRALIA Airline(s)/airliner pilot. Small objects exit large 8/22/1978 #33541  
o Perth, Australia Object ahead of airliner, opening appeared, smaller obje 8/22/1978 #33546  
 to Perth a Murchison Air Services airliner encountered a large cigar-shape 8/22/1978 #33549  
aped object that flew ahead of the airliner. An opening appeared in the obj 8/22/1978 #33549  
haped object followed a Boeing 727 airliner over Mattenheim, Germany. They  8/28/1978 #33587  
STA DE CAPARICA, PORTGL Airline(s)/airliner pilot. UFO hovers / 10K' altitu 8/30/1978 #33596  
 UNKN), NFLD 2 separate airline(s)/airliner pilots. Domed disk with legs an 11/21/1978 #33970  
                  Newfoundland Two airliner crews encountered disc with dom 11/21/1978 #33973  
                 Lufthansa and TWA airliner crews flying over Newfoundland  11/21/1978 #33975  
wo yellow lights paced a "Tristar" airliner from Heathrow Airport, Kent, En 11/23/1978 #33990  
eported that a UFO streaked by his airliner although the UFO did not appear 12/16/1978 #34152  
eported that a UFO streaked by his airliner although the UFO did not appear 12/16/1978 #34158  
 COOK STRAIT, NZ TV and airline(s)/airliner crews and RADAR and film. Delta 12/30/1978 #34229  
altitude of 14,400 feet. An Iberia airliner in the area is alerted, and the 2/25/1979 #34447  
ois 10:00 a.m. Two witnesses on an airliner about one hour south of Chicago 5/7/1979 #34550  
 a line, moving to the left of the airliner. The objects performed up and d 5/29/1979 #34594  
    KAWAGOE, JAPAN Toho airline(s)/airliner pilot. 3 disks follow Cessna. P 8/17/1979 #34750  
  LODZ AIRFIELD, POLAND Airline(s)/airliner pilot. 4 luminous objects fly / 8/20/1979 #34761  
er in Vienna 3:50 p.m. A Dutch KLM airliner is flying just over 30,000 feet 5/7/1980 #35315  
. At 5:50 p.m., a German Lufthansa airliner comes in close contact with a s 5/7/1980 #35315  
nexplained echo shows up. When the airliner is about 6,500 feet from the ru 10/16/1980 #35573  
e strong radio interference as the airliner touches down. Other anomalous t 10/16/1980 #35573  
ng is corroborated by a commercial airliner.                                11/5/1980 #35620  
four Iberia Boeing 727s, a British airliner, an air-taxi, and a Transeuropa 11/11/1980 #35634  
bserver(s). 1+1 cigars pace Soviet airliner through cloud. 5 lights / sides 2/25/1981 #35842  
st of), Estonia An Aeroflot YAK-40 airliner flying northwest of Tallinn, Es 2/25/1981 #35843  
                An Aeroflot YAK-40 airliner flying northwest of Tallinn, Es 2/25/1981 #35845  
2–3 times faster than a commercial airliner. The witness can hear no sound. 6/10/1981 #35961  
Lockheed L-1011 TriStar commercial airliner, east at 37,000 feet over south 7/4/1981 #35987  
e-sphere follows Iberia airline(s)/airliner 727.                            7/25/1981 #36033  
en by the crew of an Iberia B- 727 airliner as it flew between Valencia and 7/25/1981 #36035  
een by the crew of an Iberia B-727 airliner as it flew between Valencia and 7/25/1981 #36036  
f), AU A mechanical engineer on an airliner flying northwest of Launceston, 6/27/1982 #36519  
       A mechanical engineer on an airliner flying northwest of Launceston, 6/27/1982 #36522  
hape of a cigar and the size of an airliner, in view and on their screens f 3/27/1983 #36819  
hape of a cigar and the size of an airliner, in view and on their screens f 3/27/1983 #36820  
             30M EAST / TOLEDO, OH Airliner / 43K' altitude. DC9-size red b 1/22/1984 #37139  
ed object about the size of a DC-9 airliner move from northeast to southwes 1/22/1984 #37140  
ted to be the size of a Boeing 747 airliner if all connected to one object, 5/31/1984 #37344  
ted to be the size of a Boeing 747 airliner if all are connected to one obj 5/31/1984 #37348  
ted to be the size of a Boeing 747 airliner if all connected to one object, 5/31/1984 #37349  
    NEAR MINSK, BELORUS Airline(s)/airliner crew huge beam lights large are 9/7/1984 #37457  
pilots of a Soviet Aeroflot Tu-134 airliner are startled to see a strange,  9/7/1984 #37458  
double” object, believed to be the airliner and the unidentified object. Ye 9/7/1984 #37458  
na 10:40 p.m. A Chinese Boeing 747 airliner encounters a UFO on its flight  6/11/1985 #37598  
t. The UFO crosses the path of the airliner at an altitude of 33,000 feet a 6/11/1985 #37598  
he UFO flew across the path of the airliner at its altitude of 33,000 feet  6/11/1985 #37599  
uickly south. Low altitude. Evades airliner. Abduction / 30 September.      8/13/1986 #37986  
or 4–5 minutes. It passes above an airliner going in the opposite direction 8/13/1986 #37987  
 altitude. Later, it flew above an airliner, seemingly evading detection by 8/13/1986 #37989  
 detection by the occupants of the airliner. When it passed above the airli 8/13/1986 #37989  
airliner. When it passed above the airliner, it tipped up on one edge and r 8/13/1986 #37989  
                GREENSBORO, NC 2 / airliner. Delta/triangle/box-like craft  10/12/1986 #38045  
 A radar target passed close to an airliner near the city of Magadan, Russi 11/25/1986 #38078  
   OVER THUNDER BAY, ON Airline(s)/airliner crew. Solid 1000' RADAR blip /  5/16/1987 #38173  
                                   Airliner en route from Toronto to Winnip 5/16/1987 #38174  
T-DE-FRANCE, MARTINIQUE Airline(s)/airliner pilot and Air Traffic Controlle 8/21/1987 #38250  
two rows of lights, approached the airliner at a rapid speed 50 miles east  12/12/1987 #38357  
HENS TO/FROM CORFU, GRC Airline(s)/airliner pilot and ground RADAR. Ball-li 2/11/1988 #38454  
         Beira, Mozambique, Africa Airliner encounters huge object with lig 2/11/1988 #38456  
into, and crew of a LAM Boeing 737 airliner witnessed a hovering object wit 2/11/1988 #38458  
JIAOJING, CH 2 separate airline(s)/airliner crews. Luminous/glowing 1' ball 3/18/1988 #38511  
    SORRENTO, ITL Greek airline(s)/airliner pilot and US military jet. UFO  3/29/1989 #38884  
litary jet. UFO follows airline(s)/airliner / 25 minute(s). Lights up / bot 3/29/1989 #38884  
ETZ, VOLOGDA, RUSSIA UFO 3x size / airliner. Hovers / 1000' altitude. Absol 4/24/1989 #38923  
AR ST. JOHN'S, NFLD 2 / airline(s)/airliner crew. Dark 2M ovoid / complex m 6/11/1989 #38985  
 information from a Tupolev Tu-154 airliner crew flying from Simferopol, Cr 7/26/1989 #39033  
           OVER MENORCA Airline(s)/airliner crew. RADAR spots object going  9/2/1990 #39715  
uselage north going quickly south. Airliner speed.                          11/25/1990 #39908  
lage flying from north to south at airliner speed in Milton, Florida at 12: 11/25/1990 #39910  
igar-shaped object crossed path of airliner                                 3/6/1991 #39998  
gston, Ontario, stops ahead of the airliner, then proceeds to the north.    3/6/1991 #39999  
UFO stopped in the sky ahead of an airliner, Air Charter flight 866.        3/6/1991 #40001  
                    Kunshan, China Airliner encounters ring-shaped object,  3/18/1991 #40020  
ptain Zho, the pilot of a regional airliner over Kunshan, Jiangsu, China, s 3/18/1991 #40021  
linder/cigar-shape passes Alitalia airliner. Air Traffic Controller confirm 4/21/1991 #40042  
a McDonnell Douglas MD-80 Alitalia airliner with 57 passengers. They are ov 4/21/1991 #40046  
UICKLY [TO] XIAMEN, CH Saucer near airliner. Liner drops and douses lights  5/17/1991 #40065  
sion occurred between a Boeing 707 airliner and a disc-shaped object over J 5/17/1991 #40067  
ngdu, Sichuan province, China. The airliner dropped in altitude and extingu 5/17/1991 #40067  
pcion, Paraguay Paced Cessna 210 & airliner, R/V, E-M. (NICAP: 11 - Aviatio 6/8/1991 #40090  
wer and a Líneas Aéreas Paraguayas airliner, with the pilot reporting a bri 6/8/1991 #40092  
al-shaped object buzzed a Japanese airliner, then paced a Cessna for 25 min 6/8/1991 #40093  
         NEAR BAWDSEY, SUFFOLK 4 / airliner. Wingless fuselage passes very  6/17/1991 #40100  
lain cylinder/cigar-shape larger / airliner. Gone / flash. 5 helicopters se 7/1/1991 #40110  
EAST / PITTSBURGH, PA Astronomer / airliner. 3 saucers in formation. Incred 9/8/1991 #40180  
going southeast. Rises and circles airliner. Goes back going northwest. Moo 12/20/1991 #40262  
  POLEGATE EAST SUSSEX Low silent "airliner" going down / doesn't crash. Ma 5/1/1992 #40441  
ORTH SCOTLAND Icelandic airline(s)/airliner crew. 2 white blowballs follow  4/21/1993 #40947  
                       Ottawa, CAN Airliner crew saw dark blue, metallic-ap 5/20/1993 #40987  
                    Ottawa, Canada Airliner crew saw dark blue, metallicapp 5/20/1993 #40988  
         SOUTHEAST / URUMQI, CHINA Airliner underflown / shiny sphere/orb/g 7/1/1993 #41045  
us UFO maneuvered erratically near airliner                                 1/27/1994 #41384  
          Paris, France Air France airliner—UFO encounter, tracked on milit 1/28/1994 #41389  
 Duboc and two members of his A320 airliner crew briefly observe over Coulo 1/28/1994 #41390  
 by the crew of an Air France A320 airliner, and reported to air traffic co 1/28/1994 #41391  
              A Boeing 737 Chinese airliner had a near collision with a fly 3/14/1994 #41457  
 5. Saucer with protrusion. Size / airliner. Red and green lights blink.    7/16/1994 #41622  
red disc-shaped UFO the size of an airliner at 10:15 a.m. The craft had som 7/16/1994 #41626  
 ground. 2 yellow fireballs follow airliner. Make 90-turn straight/strait(s 8/27/1994 #41693  
appears only yards in front of the airliner as it flies at 4,000 feet. It i 1/6/1995 #41956  
 to be only meters in front of the airliner as it flew at 13,000 feet, and  1/6/1995 #41957  
rs / 30K' altitude / 30 minute(s). Airliner passes under.                   2/8/1995 #42026  
r 10:30 p.m. An America West B-757 airliner is cruising at 39,000 feet near 5/25/1995 #42227  
o explanation can be found. As the airliner proceeds to the west and the ob 5/25/1995 #42227  
CIFIC 147W-47N Canadian airline(s)/airliner pilot. Bright yellow-white obje 6/9/1995 #42245  
 object, “bigger than a commercial airliner, “ flying flat side forward. A  7/29/1995 #42342  
rted flying saucer as large as the airliner, has two green lights at each e 7/31/1995 #42347  
         At 8:15 p.m. a Boeing 727 airliner narrowly missed a UFO that dart 7/31/1995 #42348  
 RI 1 observer. 3 white balls pace airliner. Vanish and return / different  9/30/1995 #42521  
within 330 meters of an Airbus 330 airliner flying near Orly Airport in Par 11/30/1995 #42634  
 BEIJING, CH 4 separate airline(s)/airliner pilots. Green ovoid follows air 12/4/1995 #42637  
rliner pilots. Green ovoid follows airliner / 900kph. / r226#32.            12/4/1995 #42637  
       NEAR SAGINAW, MI Airline(s)/airliner pilot dives to avoid extremely  2/27/1996 #42785  
        OVER, NM Location unknown. Airliner / near collision / huge delta/t 3/3/1996 #42800  
 p.m. an intense fireball paced an airliner while flying over Philipsburg,  4/12/1996 #42864  
black sphere shot at an Air France airliner from the Mediterranean Sea, the 6/9/1996 #42929  
Y Huge saucer / follows airline(s)/airliner going northeast. Hovers and zig 8/25/1996 #42993  
 huge disc-shaped UFO following an airliner to the northeast at 1:30 a.m. T 8/25/1996 #42995  
al RAF and CG bases and airline(s)/airliner and tanker. 2 large night light 10/5/1996 #43053  
O seems to be twice the size of an airliner. Other witnesses to a strange o 3/8/1997 #43222  
land between an Aer Lingus BAe-146 airliner and a unidentified flying objec 6/7/1997 #43317  
 are supervising the landing of an airliner when they notice a light about  7/14/1997 #43350  
 the Boeing 747 at high speed. The airliner is in level flight at 20,000 fe 8/9/1997 #43376  
ly going up [to] extremely fast as airliner nears. / r226#38.               11/17/1997 #43445  
 the Astra was anything but an old airliner.  https://archive.org/details/h Late 1990's #43480  
  PUERTO VALLARTA, MX 2 airline(s)/airliner pilots. Night light going west. 1/3/1998 #43487  
(s). Small white disk circles over airliner going east. Fades and vanishes! 6/30/1998 #43597  
ying in the sky above a Boeing 727 airliner. He then witnessed a military j 11/30/1998 #43693  
 the UFO just before it bathes the airliner in incandescent light. The obje 2/3/1999 #43721  
assed to within 400 feet above the airliner. Its speed was described as "in 8/9/1999 #43819  
LIA Featureless white ball follows airliner going east. Perfectly paced.    2/18/2000 #43952  
he same time as the crew of a DC-9 airliner and another crew of a Bell Rang 3/2/2000 #43963  
thematician flying on a commercial airliner from Denver, Colorado to San Jo 4/23/2000 #43985  
               The pilot of a DC-9 airliner sighted a domed disc flying at  5/26/2000 #43998  
hode Island a westbound commercial airliner flying at 8,000 feet altitude o 6/22/2000 #44006  
hed to is larger than a commercial airliner that happens to pass by.        11/4/2000 #44072  
     NORTH / SEATTLE, WA Ex-Navy / airliner. Black box hovers over universi 6/10/2001 #44193  
n 8:06 p.m. Pilots of a commercial airliner flying above Craik, Saskatchewa 12/11/2001 #44287  
ght. It had no exterior lights. An airliner was seen passing below the UFO. 4/6/2003 #44512  
ed to be about the size of a small airliner. It was estimated to be traveli 4/18/2003 #44516  
 at the same altitude as the Dutch airliner, copied the 747's maneuvers, an 10/23/2003 #44612  
lying an ATR 42-300 twin turboprop airliner has a near-miss with a luminous 2004 #44635  
, which is passing in front of the airliner. The UFO angles to the port sid 1/4/2004 #44643  
riangular UFO flew in front of the airliner. It also caused a huge turbulen 1/4/2004 #44645  
obe light over Slane, Ireland. The airliner encountered a triangular UFO wi 1/4/2004 #44645  
7:00 p.m. the crew of a commercial airliner flying near Omaha, Nebraska rep 3/25/2004 #44679  
gth was longer than any commercial airliner. The witness viewed the object  8/20/2004 #44736  
rcular metallic UFO the size of an airliner is seen above the Pemex oil ref 8/28/2004 #44744  
nce Argentina 7:30 p.m. Just as an airliner is making its final approach to Late 7/2005 #44857  
mit another flash, and vanish. The airliner crew does not see the UFO.      Late 7/2005 #44857  
        The pilot of an Air France airliner reported sighting a UFO 10 mile 8/13/2005 #44862  
sighted following a commercial jet airliner at 5:30 p.m. Two hours later a  8/5/2009 #45232  
near Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China. An airliner preparing for descent first not 7/7/2010 #45286  
 Sussex, England 12:45 p.m. A B757 airliner pilot is approaching Gatwick Ai 5/5/2018 #45526  
es is several times the size of an airliner. After a few seconds it moves s 8/12/2018 #45536  
  London, England 2:00 p.m. A B787 airliner pilot flying over London, Engla 3/30/2019 #45568  
aircrew is flying a Boeing 737-800 airliner at 37,000 feet altitude and 506 11/11/2019 #45617  
tches the speed and heading of the airliner before beginning to cross above 11/11/2019 #45617  
der Night. A commercial Boeing 767 airliner is flying from Mexico City to H 3/19/2020 #45639  
## Word: "airliner's" (Back to Top)
e sparks coming from the rear. The airliner's radio failed to work during t 10/23/1972 #27089  
## Word: "airliner-size" (Back to Top)
         SOUTH / FORT DUCHESNE, UT Airliner-size saucer approaches 2 differ 9/28/1966 #20930  
## Word: "airliner-ufo" (Back to Top)
          Paris, France Air France airliner-UFO encounter, tracked on milit 1/28/1994 #41388  
## Word: "airliners" (Back to Top)
            VANDALIA AIRPORT, OH 2 airliners and Air Traffic Controller and 3/8/1950 #4590  
ock in the morning the crew of two airliners, the Air Traffic Controller, a 3/8/1950 #4594  
GGETT, CA Navy transport and all / airliners. Cylinder/cigar-shape maneuver 6/24/1950 #5001  
 north. 1 going quickly northeast. Airliners ordered to watch.              11/14/1950 #5276  
 identified as off-course civilian airliners, while two remain unidentified 4/17/1952 #6106  
s. Formation / saucers. Very high. Airliners confirm night lights. / The Ne 7/26/1952 #7148  
NY, NY Pulsing saucer passes 3 PAA airliners / 22K' altitude. / MJ#252+/ r1 4/23/1954 #9709  
   OFF SC COAST Blue Book. Several airliners. Fiery tail falls off green sp 3/9/1957 #13534  
0:10 p.m. the crew of two separate airliners flying over Chesapeake Bay nea 8/30/1957 #13955  
                    Taft, CA Three Airliners See Silver Object (NICAP: 11 - 1/4/1959 #15534  
               SF TO/FROM HAWAII 8 airliners. Huge Brill objects maneuver a 7/11/1959 #15832  
         NORTHEAST / MIDWAY ISLAND Airliners and ship. 2X moon-size object  9/21/1961 #16862  
sengers and crew of two Boeing 707 airliners, a BOAC flight and a Pan Am fl 9/21/1961 #16867  
saucer-shaped objects, the size of airliners, flew over Ballarat, Victoria, 10/5/1965 #19645  
                  FARMINGTON, NM 3 airliners and passengers. 4 photographs. 4/22/1966 #20358  
                 CHARLESTON, WVA 2 airliners and Air Traffic Controller RAD 5/4/1966 #20441  
LULU, HI 7 cops and ships crew and airliners. Yellow fireball east going we 1/22/1967 #21364  
                    SAN JUAN, PR 2 airliners and 3 Air Force jets. Huge 40M 6/1970 #25681  
 74KM SOUTHWEST / LANAJEVO, YUGO 2 airliners and ground RADAR. White metall 9/20/1971 #26350  
     TOHOKU AND KANTO, JPN Several airliners. 16 blue-grey objects / 2 form 1/15/1975 #29751  
BURG AIR FORCE BASE, CA 4 separate airliners. UFO type unknown. Tracked on  9/10/1977 #32475  
rossed the flight path of incoming airliners.                               11/12/1978 #33950  
pendently by the crew of two other airliners in the area.                   9/22/1980 #35528  
pendently by the crew of two other airliners in the area.                   9/22/1980 #35529  
                (WIDE AREA), ARG 2 airliners and more/others. Bright fast s 10/31/1981 #36195  
              Marcos-Juarez, Arg 2 airliners report object (NICAP: 11 - Avi 10/31/1981 #36196  
  BOM JESUS, BRZ AND MORE/OTHERS 3 airliners and ground RADAR's. Fireball z 2/8/1982 #36323  
hts hovers 20min. Huge compared to airliners.                               6/25/1984 #37378  
                  (NORTHERN), MI 3 airliners and ground observer(s). 3 50M  7/26/1984 #37418  
                  MINSK, BELARUS 2 airliners. Green cloud zips all over/all 1/29/1985 #37551  
ertown, Massachusetts, is watching airliners land at Logan Airport when he  7/15/1986 #37943  
de. They were as big as Boeing 747 airliners, according to the observers.   12/2/1988 #38735  
               (NW), IN 2 separate airliners. Boomerang going quickly north 10/24/1989 #39182  
      KUNSHAN NORTHWEST / SHANGHAI Airliners and Air Traffic Controller. La 3/18/1991 #40019  
     WEST / TULA, RUSSIA Crews / 2 airliners. 1 veers to avoid huge glowing 8/20/1991 #40162  
ty, Mexico 4:00 p.m. Pilots of two airliners preparing to land at Benito Ju 9/16/1993 #41199  
           LEESBURG, VA 2 separate airliners report UFO to FAA tower. Strea 10/3/1994 (approximate) #41780  
         Macapá, Amapá, Brazil Two airliners, one from TAM and the other fr 8/8/1995 #42368  
icularly when there are commercial airliners “stacking” as a result. Despit 3/24/1997 #43239  
line pilots in separate commercial airliners, both former military pilots,  10/26/1999 #43865  
es also reported that they thought airliners taking off from Portland Inter 9/3/2004 #44746  
es also reported that they thought airliners taking off from Portland Inter 9/5/2004 #44748  
## Word: "airlines" (Back to Top)
 Project Bluebook Case #34. United Airlines (UAL) DC3 flight 105. 1 big and 7/4/1947 #2634  
 BOISE TO/FROM MERIDIAN, ID United Airlines (UAL) pilot. Flat black saucer  7/9/1947 #3041  
OUNTAIN HOME, ID 2 pilots / United Airlines (UAL) flight-105. Saucer weaves 7/28/1947 #3237  
                            United Airlines flight 105 flying between Mount 7/28/1947 #3242  
Winthrop Hotel Arnold calls United Airlines pilot Capt. Emil J. Smith and a 7/30/1947 #3259  
 MOUNTAIN HOME, ID Pilots / United Airlines (UAL) flight 147. 2 skeet-sauce 8/18/1947 #3344  
 targets", passed beneath a United Airlines transport plane flying at 8,000 8/18/1947 #3347  
roject Bluebook Case #121. Eastern Airlines DC3. Circular blue-flame passes 1/9/1948 #3550  
sville, Georgia 11:30 p.m. Eastern Airlines pilot Hugh DuBose, flying a DC- 1/9/1948 #3552  
d on July 25, 1948, by two Eastern Airlines pilots                          7/20/1948 #3716  
   Arnhem, Netherlands Two Eastern Airlines pilots reported having seen a h 7/20/1948 #3718  
       Montgomery, Alabama Eastern Airlines pilots Chiles and Whitted see U 7/24/1948 #3723  
n B. Whitted are flying an Eastern Airlines DC-3 at 5,000 feet, 20 miles so 7/24/1948 #3734  
captain and co-pilot of an Eastern Airlines DC-3, Chiles and Whitted, while 7/24/1948 #3735  
00–203–79,p.12,sec.Q): Two Eastern Airlines pilots reported seeing an objec 7/25/1948 #3736  
d on July 25, 1948, by two Eastern Airlines pilots.                         8/3/1948 #3769  
co Sandia Peak Albuquerque Pioneer Airlines Flight 63 9:05 p.m. Pilot Capt. 12/5/1948 #3909  
 Van Lloyd and the crew of Pioneer Airlines Flight 63 also see the second o 12/5/1948 #3909  
lso makes reference to the Eastern Airlines sighting of July 25, 1948. Also 1/31/1949 #3987  
Hood, Oregon Witnesses:  Northwest Airlines Capt. Thrush, two Portland cont 7/30/1949 #4299  
clouds narrowly missing an Eastern Airlines flight and disappeared into ano 1/31/1950 #4520  
nsas Witnesses: Chicago & Southern Airlines Capt. Jack Adams, First Officer 3/20/1950 #4689  
                  Chicago Southern Airlines Memphis, Tennessee Little Rock, 3/20/1950 #4690  
sas 9:26 p.m. Chicago and Southern Airlines Capt. Jack Adams and First Offi 3/20/1950 #4690  
ir Traffic Controller and 2 United Airlines (UAL) men. Brill night light /  3/26/1950 #4725  
rator Marie H. Matthews and United Airlines employees Robert Higbee and Fre 3/26/1950 #4731  
 several passengers on an American Airlines DC-6 airliner headed southwest  5/29/1950 #4972  
          At 9:15 p.m. an American Airlines DC-6 flying at 8000' altitude,  5/29/1950 #4974  
                           Eastern Airlines executive Eddie Rickenbacker te 6/12/1950 #4983  
 A cigar-shaped UFO paces a United Airlines plane (Capt. E. L. Remlin, Firs 6/24/1950 #5004  
an Fernando, CA California Central Airlines plane buzzed by wing-like UFO.  10/5/1950 #5211  
ando Van Nuys A California Central Airlines plane, piloted by Capt. Cecil H 10/5/1950 #5213  
rom Raleigh, North Carolina, Miami Airlines DC-4 pilot Capt. George A. Wood 10/15/1950 #5236  
Fuqua, ground personnel at Western Airlines, go up to the roof of the airpo 11/26/1950 #5287  
    Sioux City, Iowa Mid-Continent Airlines Flight 9 9:20 p.m. Sioux City,  1/20/1951 #5407  
ames F. Bachmeier of Mid-Continent Airlines Flight 9 takes off and Vinther  1/20/1951 #5407  
y, Iowa warned the Mid-Continental Airlines DC-3 flight to watch for an app 1/20/1951 #5408  
                          American Airlines Dodge City, Kansas 3:20 a.m. Am 5/22/1951 #5517  
ge City, Kansas 3:20 a.m. American Airlines pilot Capt. W. R. Hunt observes 5/22/1951 #5517  
rcled around and paced an American Airlines flight 100 miles southwest of D 5/22/1951 #5518  
 7:15 a.m. The crew of an American Airlines DC-4 is flying east of Abilene, 11/2/1951 #5763  
          At 7:15 a.m. an American Airlines DC-4 passenger plane was follow 11/2/1951 #5764  
on, DC Witnesses:  Crew of Capital Airlines DC-4 Fliqht 610, Andrews AFB Se 11/18/1951 #5779  
ington, D.C. The crew of a Capital Airlines DC-4, Flight 610, and Andrews A 11/18/1951 #5780  
que, New Mexico, and a Trans World Airlines pilot also see the fireball.    11/20/1951 #5782  
          Coopersville, MI Capital Airlines Pilot Confirms Michigan Sightin 11/24/1951 #5785  
 Mount Clemens 6:24 p.m. A Capital Airlines Flight 94 pilot and several con 11/24/1951 #5790  
ple on their way to work at United Airlines in San Mateo, California, obser 1952 #5841  
                      Pan American Airlines flight 203 was flying 600 miles 5/8/1952 #6277  
 Leon Blanks are flying a National Airlines C-60 airplane 15 miles south of 7/10/1952 #6751  
                        A National Airlines flight flying some sixty miles  7/13/1952 #6798  
pilot. 55m saucer seen near United Airlines (UAL) airliner. No further deta 7/17/1952 #6851  
e AFB sighting, a pilot for United Airlines flying over Lake Erie near Sand 7/17/1952 #6872  
                          American Airlines Denver, Colorado Los Angeles Ch 7/18/1952 #6895  
es Chicago Early morning. American Airlines pilot Capt. Paul L. Carpenter,  7/18/1952 #6895  
ft could perform.” Several Capitol Airlines pilots (one of them Capt. S. C. 7/19/1952 #6935  
by Capt. Howard Dermott, a Capitol Airlines pilot, and Sgt. Davenport at An 7/19/1952 #6935  
                       Herndon, VA Airlines Flight Visual / Ground Radar Tr 7/20/1952 #6950  
Witness:  Don Epperly, Trans Texas Airlines station manager and weather obs 7/22/1952 #7020  
         OVER FLORENCE, SC Eastern Airlines flight crew. Steady white night 7/26/1952 #7155  
kow and a stewardess of a National Airlines flight near Washington National 7/26/1952 #7174  
inia and from Maryland. A National Airlines flight near Andrews AFB saw a U 7/26/1952 #7180  
e Nations Capital. When an Eastern Airlines pilot tried to check on the rad 7/29/1952 #7306  
d Washington, D.C. When an Eastern Airlines pilot tries to check on the rad 7/29/1952 #7320  
  NORTH / JACKSONVILLE, FL Eastern Airlines crew. Extremely bright night li 7/30/1952 #7339  
amed Quinn, flying a DC-3 for PAGA Airlines between Lima and Hueca, Peru, t 8/5/1952 #7474  
s Love Field, Texas Night. Pioneer Airlines pilot Capt. Max M. Jacoby sees  8/13/1952 #7575  
ia Witness:  pilot of Flying Tiger Airlines airplane N67977. One blue light 9/14/1952 #7937  
lvania the pilot of a Flying Tiger Airlines transport plane, # N67977, saw  9/14/1952 #7944  
           Anaco, Venezuela Avensa Airlines pilot reported round gray objec 1953 #8475  
30E with UFO. American and Eastern Airlines pilots reported UFO. Jets fell  6/24/1953 #8959  
. J. L. Kidd is flying an American Airlines DC-6 between Philadelphia and W 10/19/1953 #9243  
rred between a UFO and an American Airlines DC-6 airliner at 12:10 a.m. ove 10/19/1953 #9244  
s that representatives of major US airlines will meet in Los Angeles with M 2/13/1954 #9540  
        OVER LONG BEACH, CA United Airlines (UAL) FLT193 near collision / U 4/14/1954 #9689  
        COLUMBUS, OH 2+60 / United Airlines (UAL) liner. Saucer low over ho 6/26/1954 #9950  
e aboard one of three Scandinavian Airlines planes flying above the Lifjell 6/30/1954 #9969  
J.V.D. Whitisy, flying Royal Dutch Airlines DC-4 (PH-DBZ). Three or four da 8/29/1954 #10202  
. Whitisy, flying on a Royal Dutch Airlines DC- 4, see 3–4 dark, lens-shape 8/29/1954 #10204  
. D. Whitisy, flying a Royal Dutch Airlines DC-4 (PH-DBZ) at 11:05 a.m. nea 8/29/1954 #10205  
re also seen by personnel of Varig airlines and some civilians. There are m 10/24/1954 #11365  
erator, and passengers of National Airlines Douglas PP-ANM airliner at 9,00 11/21/1954 #11683  
DOBBINS AIR FORCE BASE, GA Eastern Airlines pilot. Red sphere hovers. Green 2/9/1955 #11983  
 Albany Boston 12:15 p.m. A Mohawk Airlines DC-3 is cruising at 3,000 feet  6/23/1955 #12209  
, NZ Bright object passed National Airlines DC-3. [UFOE, X] (NICAP: 11 - Av 10/31/1955 #12533  
 Texas Witnesses:  crew of Eastern Airlines Super Constellation.  One inten 2/19/1956 #12732  
                        An Eastern Airlines flight crew reported that a whi 2/19/1956 #12733  
ny passengers take off on American Airlines Flight 715 from Albany, New Yor 4/8/1956 #12803  
 by two airline pilots for Western Airlines.                                9/6/1956 #13196  
               Jackson, AL Capital Airlines Pilots Sees Acrobatic UFO (NICA 11/14/1956 #13327  
er H. Macintosh are flying Capital Airlines Flight 77 from New York City to 11/14/1956 #13329  
              ABERDEEN, MD Eastern Airlines pilot Duboise passed / torpedo. 11/23/1956 #13345  
was seen by two men from a Capital Airlines flight northeast of Hickory, No 11/29/1956 #13364  
bbey Zimmerman, flying Trans-Texas Airlines Flight 103, are told by the con 6/3/1957 #13698  
leveland, Ohio Witnesses:  Capital Airlines Capt. R.L. Stimley, First Offic 7/29/1957 #13853  
veland, Ohio at 10:31 p.m. Capital Airlines Captain R. L. Stimley and First 7/29/1957 #13855  
a Catarina, Brazil 8:55 p.m. Varig Airlines pilot Capt. Jorgé Campos Araujo 8/14/1957 #13893  
t with a green dome buzzed a Varig Airlines C-47 flying near Joinville, San 8/14/1957 #13894  
Norfolk, Virginia Night. A Capital Airlines pilot is flying a Viscount at 1 8/30/1957 #13952  
orfolk, Virginia, with a Northeast Airlines DC-6 directly above on the same 8/30/1957 #13952  
 near Norfolk, Virginia, a Capital Airlines flight and a Northwest Airlines 8/30/1957 #13955  
al Airlines flight and a Northwest Airlines DC-6, sighted a bright object t 8/30/1957 #13955  
and his copilot are flying a Varig Airlines C-46 cargo plane from Porto Ale 11/4/1957 #14283  
l UFO is seen flying below Western Airlines Flight 61 over the desert east  11/11/1957 #14534  
am, Windsor area, CAN Trans-Canada Airlines pilot, many police, saw orange  12/12/1957 #14719  
ipine Islands Witness:  Phillipine Airlines pilot.  One object with a shiny 5/9/1958 #15026  
   Bahia State Coast, Brazil Varig Airlines pilot watched a brightly lumino 5/27/1958 #15055  
ds. At one point a passing Capitol Airlines Flight 407 flies directly betwe 10/7/1958 #15329  
r W. Killian is flying an American Airlines flight from Newark to Detroit w 2/24/1959 #15604  
             At 8:45 p.m. American Airlines pilot Capt. Killian on Flight 9 2/24/1959 #15606  
esses from Pan American and United Airlines flights also reported seeing th 2/24/1959 #15606  
ect Bluebook Case #unknown. United Airlines (UAL) FLT333 sees 3-4 headlight 8/19/1959 #15928  
                           EASTERN AIRLINES FLIGHT 541 FM WDC Crew and 1. C 10/7/1959 #16024  
                           Eastern Airlines flight 541, flying over Virgini 10/7/1959 #16027  
different pilots in two commercial airlines planes flying between Bryce Can 1/3/1960 #16149  
zuela Pilot and crew of Venezuelan Airlines Super-Constellation arriving fr 7/2/1960 #16326  
ton, Texas Witnesses:  Trans-Texas Airlines Capt. A.V. Beather, flying DC-3 7/20/1961 #16768  
o'clock in the morning Trans-Texas Airlines Capt. A.V. Beather sighted two  7/20/1961 #16769  
O maneuvered sharply around a VASP Airlines plane. [NICAP UFOE, X] (NICAP:  7/24/1961 #16772  
known City, UK Irish International Airlines pilot watched spherical UFO pas 5/21/1962 #17185  
    EAST / PHOENIXVILLE, PA United Airlines (UAL) pilot. Silver cylinder wi 4/10/1963 #17724  
PACIFIC 151° 10W-21° 49N Northwest airlines crew. UFO near Hawaii. Project  10/25/1963 #18009  
50 p.m. seven UFOs paced a Quantas Airlines Electra flying between Auckland 1/14/1965 #18730  
the cabin window of a Flying Tiger Airlines cargo plane flying over the Nor 2/11/1965 #18811  
t. Yoshiharu Inaba is flying a TOA Airlines Convair 240 from Osaka to Hiros 3/18/1965 #18864  
Joji Negishi, the pilot of a Tokyo Airlines Piper Apache, who says he is be 3/18/1965 #18864  
and goes to 15,000 feet. An Iberia Airlines jet passes him on the way up at 9/17/1965 #19580  
so, TX 10:00 p.m. CST. An American Airlines flight from San Francisco to Ho 1/16/1966 #19839  
            Charleston, WV Braniff Airlines Flt. 42 (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviat 5/4/1966 #20444  
ous objects paced Canadian Pacific Airlines plane at 35,000 feet for seven  12/30/1966 #21229  
s objects paced a Canadian Pacific Airlines plane at 35,000 feet over the P 12/30/1966 #21231  
     Winslow (near), AZ Lear/Nat'l Airlines (P, AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation C 1/13/1967 #21295  
erque control contacted a National Airlines DC-8 over Casa Grande, Arizona, 1/13/1967 #21301  
ying object that paced the Fawcett Airlines DC-4 passenger liner in flight  2/2/1967 #21438  
ot Calderon were onboard a Fawcett Airlines DC-4 airliner flying between Ch 2/2/1967 #21443  
ce 2134Z (4:34 p.m. EST). An Irish Airlines flight crew saw an object that  3/24/1967 #21962  
                   Pacific Western Airlines Edmonton, Alberta, Internationa 4/6/1967 #22081  
irport 9:45 p.m. A Pacific Western Airlines pilot and crew see a dull orang 4/6/1967 #22081  
 Jefferson City, Missouri an Ozark Airlines airliner coming in for a landin 4/17/1967 #22157  
indler is piloting Pacific Western Airlines Flight 748 westbound near the W 7/26/1967 #22735  
iviroli, commander of an Argentine Airlines Avro, sees a UFO, along with hi 6/6/1968 #24013  
an airline passenger on an Eastern Airlines flight flying over Connecticut  4/27/1969 #25098  
   Rosewood, OH 7:30 p.m. American Airlines Flight 21, a Boeing 747 at 33,0 10/18/1973 #28163  
                   La Paz, Bolivia Airlines crew & interceptor pilot (NICAP 11/11/1973 #28409  
o, to Cordoba, Argentina Argentine Airlines plane flanked by two glowing ob 3/13/1974 #28879  
co Córdoba, Argentina An Argentine Airlines plane en route from San Juan, P 3/13/1974 #28880  
ont Apica 3:36 p.m. A Scandinavian Airlines flight en route to Burlington,  7/14/1974 #29259  
 The captain and crew of a Capital Airlines DC-8 descending into Gander, Ne 10/11/1974 #29519  
ut. Witnesses included an American Airlines crew and two Air National Guard 1/15/1975 #29752  
atch out for the UFO. Toa Domestic Airlines pilot Capt. Masarus Saito says  10/17/1975 #30437  
Balearic Islands, Spain An Iberian Airlines pilot flying above Palma de Mal 3/11/1976 #30936  
ttleship-Sized Object Tracked By 3 Airlines (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: 7/30/1976 #31201  
lane.” Capt. Masara Saito, 34, Toa Airlines [now Japan Air System] pilot, i 10/17/1976 #31474  
, age 34, an airline pilot for Toa Airlines, situated in an airliner on the 10/17/1976 #31475  
l Parreno, the pilot of an Iberian Airlines Boeing 727 on a flight from San 11/19/1976 #31558  
ight Engineer Negassa of Ethiopian Airlines Flight ET-701 are flying near Q 3/9/1977 #31885  
       SOUTH / SYRACUSE, NY United Airlines (UAL) DC10 / autopilot veers le 3/12/1977 #31899  
lot and first officer of an United Airlines DC-10 observed a round bright w 3/12/1977 #31900  
 in Massachusetts 9:05 p.m. United Airlines Flight 94 is flying south of Sy 3/12/1977 #31901  
                      Billings, MT Airlines pilot encountered object (NICAP 9/4/1977 #32459  
orge Didlake, piloting Continental Airlines Flight 954, is climbing to 33,0 9/22/1977 #32510  
tly lit windows passed Continental Airlines flight 954 near El Paso, Texas  9/22/1977 #32513  
 over Hailey, Idaho when a Braniff Airlines crew, as well as private pilots 5/29/1979 #34594  
Parker is a passenger on a Western Airlines flight passing over Monterey Ba 11/6/1980 #35622  
gas, NV A Las Vegas pilot for Omni Airlines and his teenage passenger escap 12/18/1980 #35724  
tnessed by Pedro Heslop of Austral Airlines and Alberto Paracampo of Aeroli 10/31/1981 #36197  
 7:25 AM. The cabin crew of United Airlines flight 729, flying westbound at 1/22/1984 #37140  
t was viewed by the crew of United Airlines flight 729 westbound at 43,000  1/22/1984 #37148  
EAR BIMINI ISLAND, BAHAMAS Eastern Airlines 747 pilot. Shiny chrome sphere  8/1985 (approximate) #37632  
nt and former president of EMBRAER Airlines, with his pilot, Commander Alci 5/19/1986 #37882  
          Fort Yukon, Alaska Japan Airlines flight #1628, a Boeing 747 frei 11/17/1986 #38068  
arger UFOs moved away from the 747 Airlines Flight 1628 there remained two  11/17/1986 #38068  
              Fort Yukon, AK Japan Airlines freighter aircraft encountered  11/17/1986 #38071  
iam Cantrell and the crew of Delta Airlines Flight 1083 are near Charleston 6/25/1987 #38200  
ing sleds. Later that night United Airlines flight 1405 reported that two U 12/12/1987 #38357  
a, São Paulo, Brazil 3:46 a.m. TAM Airlines Flight 573 in the vicinity of A 5/30/1989 #38967  
 o'clock in the morning a Canadian Airlines International crew watched a da 6/11/1989 #38986  
throw Airport, London, UK Alitalia Airlines plane on final approach saw rou 4/21/1991 #40044  
/ GEORGE AIR FORCE BASE, CA United Airlines (UAL) crew. 50' fuselage going  8/5/1992 #40551  
ifornia 1:45 p.m. Pilots of United Airlines Flight 934 are flying at 23,000 8/5/1992 #40552  
             At 1:45 p.m. a United Airlines Boeing 747 crew flying 50 miles 8/5/1992 #40553  
he commercial sensibilities of the airlines should now be set aside along w 2/20/1995 #42052  
 Amazonas, Brazil Dusk. As a Varig Airlines flight is descending about 37 m 7/1/1995 #42289  
going [to] rear / departing United Airlines (UAL) DC10. 45° ascent.         4/7/1996 #42853  
7-200 operated by China’s Southern Airlines takes off from Beijing on a rou 12/19/1996 #43148  
loon, which is spotted by a United Airlines pilot in nearly the same locati 8/9/1997 #43376  
                PASSENGER / UNITED AIRLINES (UAL) FLIGHT 739 OVER CONTROL,  4/23/2000 #43984  
sks the Turkish Air Force, Turkish Airlines, and other agencies to submit r 6/2003 #44551  
 worker who is pushing back United Airlines Flight 446, which is departing  11/7/2006 #44981  
as seen by close to a dozen United Airlines employees, ranging from pilots  11/7/2006 #44981  
Blenus Green, pilot of an American Airlines Airbus A321 flying on the same  2/24/2018 #45513  
t. Two other aircraft, a Norwegian Airlines 737 in front of it and a Virgin 11/9/2018 #45544  
n California 6:45 p.m. An American Airlines pilot reports that a man flying 8/29/2020 #45659  
port, California 1:45 p.m. A China Airlines crew member reports what appear 10/14/2020 #45662  
 New Mexico 12:19 p.m. An American Airlines Airbus A320 pilot reports a lon 2/21/2021 #45678  
observers mentioned include United Airlines Capt. Joe Vallejo who claims he 10/20/2022 #45779  
## Word: "airmail-plane" (Back to Top)
der/cylindrical object forces DH-4 airmail-plane to land. / r171+150.       9/25/1926 (approximate) #1063  
## Word: "airman" (Back to Top)
ater of hoaxing the report. Later, airman Lt. Zwickau claims that he was fi 3/13/1913 #886  
                  At midnight U.S. Airman Sobinski and another Army Air For 3/25/1942 #1406  
 F-51 aircraft being piloted by an airman named Armstrong while he was flyi 6/28/1947 #2450  
                 BOISE, ID Retired airman and several. 3 silver saucers / v 7/5/1947 #2700  
  SOUTH / REDWOOD CITY, CA Retired airman. A. Fernandez. 6' disk going quic 7/5/1947 #2702  
                BOURGET-LE-LAC, FR Airman. Disk 2km overhead. 6 jets / tang 10/1947 (approximate) #3436  
       Arizona Taos, New Mexico An airman stationed in Arizona is called ou 1948 #3522  
day at 11:05 a.m. a U.S. Air Force Airman Smith, driving along Highway 20 w 5/13/1949 #4186  
Davis-Monthan AFB, Tucson, AZ Four Airman View Metallic Craft (NICAP: 01 -  10/12/1949 #4389  
          WESTFIELD AND AGAWAM, MA Airman and 1. Huge saucer slowly going w 4/6/1950 #4801  
gineer named McAleese, and another airman are flying in a C-47 heading east 1/22/1951 #5413  
nada Warrant Officer W. J. Yeo and Airman Crandell observed a strange craft 1/1/1952 #5857  
cer Maj. Rudolph Pestalozzi and an airman standing outside the Davis-Montha 5/1/1952 #6243  
Sergeant, a Staff Sergeant, and an Airman First Class. Ten times, an alumin 5/7/1952 #6266  
                    RAPID CITY, SD Airman and 2 civil. 5+silver cigars in n 6/1/1952 #6408  
     At six o'clock in the evening Airman Beatty and two civilians in Rapid 6/1/1952 #6422  
e #1249. Photograph-reconnaissance airman Hendry / B26. Very fast porcelain 6/2/1952 #6423  
erators Lt. A. N. Robinson Jr. and Airman Ray H. Foote, plus 5 other contro 6/23/1952 #6607  
            NORTHEAST / DELPHI, IN Airman and several. Large blue-white nig 7/12/1952 #6765  
         Technical Sgt. Mahone and Airman Third Class Jennings saw a UFO at 7/18/1952 #6903  
       KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM Airman Donaldson. 8-10 orange balls fly  7/26/1952 #7142  
 Kirtland AFB, New Mexico Witness: Airman lst Class J.M. Donaldson. Eight t 7/26/1952 #7172  
land AFB, New Mexico at 12:05 a.m. Airman 1st Class J. M. Donaldson observe 7/26/1952 #7179  
       HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM Airman. White saucer makes 180-turn over 7/30/1952 #7349  
2:20 a.m. in Phoenix, Arizona USAF Airman W. F. Vain sighted a yellow ball  8/4/1952 #7451  
                    MORNINGTON, NZ Airman / ground. Cymbal-saucer going nor 10/27/1952 #8189  
                      SUWON, KOREA Airman / 5 second(s). 2 36cm saucers far 1/24/1953 #8562  
 diameter discs were spotted by an airman in the sky to the east of the air 1/24/1953 #8564  
      Sampson AFB, NY At 2320 Z an airman at Sampson AFB, New York, visuall 1/26/1953 #8573  
                   At 6:20 p.m. an airman witnessed a 60 meter long luminou 1/26/1953 #8575  
rly direction at a slow speed. The airman making this visual observation re 1/26/1953 #8576  
reveport, Louisiana Witness:  USAF airman/private pilot.  Five yellow discs 2/27/1953 #8713  
m. in Shreveport, Louisiana a USAF airman and private pilot spotted five ye 2/27/1953 #8715  
mplete and it was handed off to an airman. Werner’s diary reviewed by Ray F 5/21/1953 #8899  
 the object is the moon. The first airman gets hysterical and calls the Cha 6/30/1953 #8976  
xpedition year.” He is replaced by Airman 1C Max G. Futch.                  7/31/1953 #9027  
              ZURICH, SWZ Military airman / (seen thru) binoculars. 15M dom 8/7/1954 #10108  
Cheyenne, Wyoming Witnesses:  USAF Airman/Basic I.J. Shapiro and E.C. Ingbe 5/23/1955 #12150  
RNZAF Base Ohakea near Bulls RNZAF Airman Derek Mansell is a passenger in a 6/1956 #12879  
                     WAIKUMETE, NZ Airman / ground. Domed saucer flickers.  6/10/1956 #12891  
ht orange lights was sighted by an airman flying over Destin, Florida at 6: 11/9/1956 #13319  
                  CHIPPENHAM, ENGL Airman and 1 / ground. Dark saucer with  1/24/1957 #13471  
           At around 11:00 a.m. an airman and two others on the ground in C 1/24/1957 #13473  
 Dakota Between 6:30 and 7:00 p.m. Airman 2nd Class Wallace Fowler is sitti Late Spring 1957 #13662  
        KEESLER AIR FORCE BASE, MS Airman. Ovoid going north. Rapidly speed 11/5/1957 #14300  
northwest of Las Vegas at 10:55pm. Airman at the Air Force radar installati 6/17/1959 #15772  
                              USAF Airman 3rd Class Larry W. Rogers, 3926th 1960 #16145  
                NEAR FT. BRAGG, NC Airman. Metallic domed 10M saucer drops  8/1960 #16358  
          At 7:22 a.m. local time, Airman Edward Lowe, a radar operator at  4/17/1964 #18178  
nt occurred. Shortly afterward, an airman walks into a clothing store in Al 4/30/1964 #18231  
                        An unnamed airman allegedly walks into a clothing s 4/30/1964 #18236  
 the sighting. Two days later, the airman returns to the clothing store and 4/30/1964 #18236  
k Nevins, Airman1C Bob Garner, and Airman 1C Mike Rundag—above ground to se Late 1964 #18583  
FB, Mississippi. At 4:05 a.m. USAF Airman Corum, a weather observer, sighte 4/4/1965 #18896  
stralia Mr. D. Armstrong, a former airman, was called outside by his sons a 6/2/1965 #18984  
00 p.m. Mr. D. Armstrong, a former airman, was called outside by his sons a 6/2/1965 #18985  
     GOODFELLOW AIR FORCE BASE, TX Airman. Short cylinder/cylindrical objec 5/7/1966 #20456  
 Force Base, Texas at 9:55 p.m. by Airman 3rd class W. L. Whitehead. It had 5/7/1966 #20460  
ot Air Force Base, North Dakota An airman observed and reported by radio a  8/24/1966 #20801  
akota N-7 (near Mohall) 10:00 p.m. Airman 3d Class Michael D. Mueller repor 8/24/1966 #20802  
  At ten o'clock in the evening an airman at Minot Air Force Base, North Da 8/24/1966 #20803  
, Montana Pondera County 1:30 a.m. Airman 1C Patrick McDonough is working o 9/1966 #20826  
g's Seattle plant Late evening. An airman with the Malmstrom AFB Oscar-Flig 3/24/1967 #21973  
    65KM SOUTH / WELLS, NV Veteran airman. 3 10M disks 1500M below light pl 11/2/1967 #23385  
, age 29, a retired U.S. Air Force airman sighted a huge, silent triangular 10/2/1971 #26401  
      George AFB, CA 1:00 a.m. Two airman at George AFB, California, verifi 6/19/1972 #26720  
                                   Airman First Class Steven Briggs and Air 10/14/1972 #27077  
rman First Class Steven Briggs and Airman Dennis Hillsgeck, stationed at Mc 10/14/1972 #27077  
                ORANGE, FR Retired airman. Elongated UFO / 3km altitude nor 8/15/1974 #29346  
re visible near the trailing edge. Airman Michael J. Myers, an air policema 10/30/1975 #30523  
one, Maine Around 2:00 a.m. Senior Airman James M. Dunn is on K-9 security  Summer 1977 #32181  
             NEAR SOROCABA, BRAZIL Airman and 3 / car. Phony plane going do 1/15/1980 (approximate) #35136  
                      HUNINGUE, FR Airman and 1 / ground. Metallic ovoid wo 5/26/1980 #35342  
 Nellis AFB Las Vegas, Nevada USAF Airman Simone Mendez, 21, trained as a t 10/1981 #36150  
               GRAND FORKS AFS, ND Airman 1C. Silent amber night lights cri 9/8/1989 #39093  
m. A senior master sergeant and an airman are patrolling the perimeter of t 5/5/1995 #42179  
           BRAWLEY, CA Ex-military airman. Sting-ray craft with lights flie 5/23/1995 #42220  
        MOOSEHEAD LAKE, ME Retired airman and 2. Huge cylinder/cigar-shape  8/6/1995 #42361  
                            Former Airman First Class Charles J Hall releas 5/7/2003 #44528  
## Word: "airman1c" (Back to Top)
d crew members—T/Sgt. Jack Nevins, Airman1C Bob Garner, and Airman 1C Mike  Late 1964 #18583  
## Word: "airmen" (Back to Top)
                ZUIDER ZEE, NETH 2 airmen. British bomber followed / orange 3/25/1942 #1404  
eshire, England, when he and other airmen see a pencil-shaped, metallic obj Summer 1944 #1612  
, Jönköping, Sweden, killing three airmen. Rumors circulate that it collide 8/12/1946 #2122  
                             Three airmen flying aboard an Army Air Force B 7/6/1947 #2818  
           NEAR TULSA, OK Separate airmen. Perfect ring / light going north 7/10/1947 #3095  
          At 8:00 p.m. CDT several airmen near Tulsa, Oklahoma saw a perfec 7/10/1947 #3120  
ORTHWEST / MEXICO, MO 2 experience airmen / BT-13 plane. 3 grey disks going 8/26/1947 #3371  
ford Airport Oregon 11:30 p.m. Six airmen and tower operators at Medford Mu 8/8/1949 #4313  
00KM SOUTH / KODIAK NAS, AK 6 Navy airmen can't catch fireball going quickl 1/23/1950 #4505  
Eles, Earl DuQuoin, and four other airmen of the 187th Fighter Squadron of  5/21/1950 #4959  
          On this day in 1950, two airmen flying over the Sussex, England c 11/26/1950 #5288  
  At 10:05 p.m. two U.S. Air Force airmen at Stewart AFB in Orange County,  1/12/1951 #5393  
   SPOKANE, WA Blue Book report. 4 airmen. Saucer going ESE slow 2800' over 5/29/1951 #5521  
            EAST / MORIARITY, NM 4 airmen. Very fast saucer. Erratic flight 4/13/1952 #6065  
    Ruppelt has four officers, two airmen, and two civilians on his permane 6/1952 #6402  
ce to the radar beam. The watching airmen see the red light wobble or flutt 6/19/1952 #6551  
    ELLSWORTH AIR FORCE BASE, SD 4 airmen / ground. 3 white saucers faster  7/9/1952 #6732  
 City AFB, SD A sergeant and three airmen reported that three milky white d 7/9/1952 #6736  
etween 30,000 and 40,000 feet. The airmen observed the objects which appear 7/9/1952 #6736  
             EAST / RAPID CITY, SD Airmen / drive-in. Several saucers going 7/17/1952 #6860  
tenant, two Staff Sergeants, three airmen.  One blue circle with a blue tra 7/21/1952 #6978  
 and disappears at 4,600 mph. Four airmen at the MacDill radar site see an  7/22/1952 #7027  
    SELFRIDGE AIR FORCE BASE, MI 3 airmen / ground. 2+1+1+1 white saucers s 7/27/1952 #7187  
 Air Ministry, London: A number of airmen and officers of the R.A.F., Topcl 9/20/1952 #7982  
    CHENNAULT AIR FORCE BASE, LA 3 airmen. White night light north going so 10/6/1952 #8095  
 explained a brief sighting by two airmen as a meteor. But at 7:15 p.m. an  12/10/1952 #8410  
    Patrick AFB, FL At 2400 Z four airmen at Patrick AFB, Florida, visually 1/22/1953 #8560  
 Witnesses: two officers and three airmen of USAF AC&W squadron, visually a 2/17/1953 #8684  
                At 10:04 p.m. five airmen of the US Air Force 754 AC&W Squa 2/17/1953 #8685  
arch radar set. He calls two other airmen to witness it. One of the two thi 6/30/1953 #8976  
 scrambled but can locate nothing. Airmen at Bawdsey can see nothing but fo 10/9/1953 #9217  
                  WASHINGTON, DC 3 airmen / ground / telescope. Night light 10/19/1953 #9241  
the missing aircraft, with the two airmen named Moncla and Wilson. The radi 11/23/1953 #9319  
y and the British War Office order airmen and soldiers to tell the public n 1/25/1954 #9499  
                 OCKSTADT, GERM 12 airmen. Silent silver saucer maneuvers 3 10/9/1954? #10824  
                   BRADENTON, FL 3 airmen / car. Dark saucer 1000' near US4 1/6/1955 #11923  
miner that “British scientists and airmen” have examined the wreckage of a  5/22/1955 #12148  
               KENORA, ONT 2 civil airmen. 120cm x 23cm saucer checks out s 8/20/1955 #12377  
        LOGANSPORT, LA 2 Air Force airmen / car and separate observer(s). P 11/2/1957 #14198  
o, New Mexico 1:45–1:55 a.m. Seven airmen at Holloman Air Force Base near A 11/7/1957 #14458  
      AALBORG AIR FORCE BASE, DK 2 airmen / ground. Small delta/triangle/bo 4/1/1958 (approximate) #14956  
; many other air base officers and airmen; and Offutt air traffic control t 9/8/1958 #15261  
         FORT PIERCE, FL Mayor and airmen. Fireball / fantastic maneuvers.  3/22/1961 #16638  
 NORTHEAST / FLORIANOPOLIS, BRAZIL Airmen. Luminous disk circles / sea leve 5/28/1961 (approximate) #16701  
       A luminous disc was seen by airmen circling below at sea level north 5/28/1961 #16702  
y coincidence happened to have two airmen driving north on the causeway in  2/19/1962 #17053  
rk] near Burns Flat, Oklahoma. The airmen are shown a short 20–30-minute Ai Spring 1962 #17078  
                  NORTH / EGYPT UK airmen. Strong fireball passes 4 RAF jet 9/11/1962 #17393  
ort] Moses Lake, Washington Night. Airmen on security patrol at Larson AFB  10/2/1962 #17452  
Glasgow, Montana 9:32 p.m. Several airmen of the 91st Bombardment Wing at G 8/10/1963 #17882  
                 RAF COSFORD, ENGL Airmen / ground. Dome lands behind hanga 12/10/1963 #18069  
Great Britain At the RAF camp, two airmen observed a dome-shaped object tha 12/10/1963 #18071  
                 At 11:30 p.m. two airmen on the ground at RAF Cosford, Eng 12/10/1963 #18073  
s seen by 143 combat defense force airmen, missile maintenance men, and NCO 8/1/1965 #19242  
Edward Island 6:30 a.m. Eight RCAF airmen are refueling an aircraft in Summ 9/21/1966 #20909  
         NORTH / CARPIO, ND 3 USAF airmen / car chase multi-color object /  3/5/1967 #21757  
ota. Reported by the guards, other airmen in trucks chased it. It shot up v 3/5/1967 #21769  
                    CHARTRES, FR 3 airmen / ground. Night lights play / sky 7/14/1972 #26795  
sky over Chartres, France by three airmen. One flew off to the east; anothe 7/14/1972 #26799  
     McChord AFB, WA 2:00 p.m. Two airmen were instructed to check the tact 10/14/1972 #27074  
mp. Eichner told how he and fellow airmen had seen a football-shaped reddis 10/27/1975 #30477  
          RAF CREDENHILL, HEREFORD Airmen and more/others. Ovoid with 8 red 1/26/1977 #31750  
gton [now closed] 10:20 p.m. Three airmen stationed at RAF Waddington in Li 5/21/1977 #32121  
ington in Yorkshire Early morning. Airmen on the night shift at RAF Boulmer 7/30/1977 #32323  
d, South Dakota. Two security men, Airmen 1st Class Kenneth Jenkins and Way 11/16/1977 #32677  
 John W. Mills III and a few other airmen are on top of the barracks for a  5/1980 #35296  
rton AFB, San Bernardino, CA Three airmen and five civilians at separate lo 8/3/1980 #35440  
  AIR FORCE BASE NEAR SHAOGUAN, CH Airmen. Orange-white night light hovers  11/14/1980 #35637  
 sighting on December 26, when the airmen saw something apparently descendi 12/28/1980 #35750  
ter squadron to submit a Notice to Airmen aviation flight safety report. Ac 2/2015? #45430  
## Word: "airmiss" (Back to Top)
UFO close approaches for the Joint Airmiss Working Group in the UK, former  2/20/1995 #42052  
## Word: "airo" (Back to Top)
                      NEWBURGH, NY Airo expert. Wingless fuselage skips thr 3/16/1997 #43233  
## Word: "airpark" (Back to Top)
now the Clinton-Sherman Industrial Airpark] Burns Flat, Oklahoma All base p Spring 1962 #17078  
now the Clinton-Sherman Industrial Airpark] near Burns Flat, Oklahoma. The  Spring 1962 #17078  
## Word: "airplance" (Back to Top)
, and according to the witness the airplance experienced radio interference 9/11/1969 #25364  
was estimated to be the size of an airplance, but its light was powerful en 2/12/1995 #42039  
## Word: "airplane" (Back to Top)
clair, New Jersey, watch a mystery airplane that emits a large puff of smok 8/22/1909 #806  
ople are claiming is Tillinghast’s airplane bearing a powerful searchlight, 12/24/1909 #825  
ani Brăila Târgovişte 8:00 p.m. An airplane with a powerful searchlight is  1/29/1913 #875  
rnopil, Ukraine Evening. A Russian airplane equipped with a searchlight is  2/1/1913 #876  
round. Possible Chinese lantern or airplane.                                2/29/1916 #943  
ne, when they hear the noise of an airplane. They see an unidentified aircr 4/13/1917 #955  
ll, Whanganui, New Zealand, see an airplane moving swiftly off the South Sp 8/12/1918 #975  
they thought it might have been an airplane. A boat was sent out but nothin 9/9/1922 #1027  
                        Durham, NY Airplane. (Page 6 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 - D 4/1932 #1140  
ns to his face and hands after his airplane passed close by the object.     7/5/1933 #1168  
and visibility is good. He sees an airplane fly over the city from the west 1/2/1934 #1193  
rbotten province, Sweden A mystery airplane is seen again over Västerbotten 1/9/1934 #1194  
Norway Night. A large unidentified airplane is seen over eastern Finland cl 2/2/1934 #1201  
this evening an unknown mysterious airplane made an emergency landing on Fa 2/5/1934 #1204  
ssouri, is summoned to an apparent airplane crash one Saturday. When he arr Early Spring 1941 #1355  
cidental” injuries or illnesses to airplane crashes and catastrophic natura 11/1943 #1541  
 when they see what seems to be an airplane about to crash. It abruptly sto 10/1944 #1674  
 one of the objects followed their airplane halfway to Iwo Jima. I saw them 7/1945 #1886  
 above the ground, it is moving at airplane speed toward the southwest.     5/24/1946 #1997  
the inventions is a “circle-winged airplane.” In later issues, Hefferlin an 7/1946 #2021  
 with Col. Westergard, head of the Airplane Design Section for the Swedish  2/17/1947 #2241  
 circular objects flying below his airplane. They were shiny and reflected  7/4/1947 #2673  
 craft is the brainchild of German airplane engineers, Walter and Reimar Ho 7/5/1947 #2721  
n a courier pouch and loaded on an airplane to be flown on to the Fort Wort 7/6/1947 #2812  
lving objects came flying at their airplane this afternoon, one-by-one, for 7/6/1947 #2819  
 (EDT) "blob," the size of a small airplane, reflecting white light (FOIA;  7/7/1947 #2925  
r(s). 4 disks wobble going south / airplane speed into mountain top.        7/11/1947 #3132  
s not only through the glass of my airplane but turned my airplane sideways 7/12/1947 #3139  
glass of my airplane but turned my airplane sideways where I could open my  7/12/1947 #3139  
saucer going east / 400M altitude. Airplane speed. / AFU Sweden.            7/23/1947 #3215  
terference” UFO cases involving an airplane.                                7/23/1947 #3217  
This second UFO outdistanced their airplane.                                8/4/1947 #3292  
, Russia] right after the war. The airplane is 33 feet long, shaped like a  11/1947 #3474  
 was about the size of a Piper Cub airplane and flying point first below th 2/20/1948 #3583  
ca Cruisair four-passenger private airplane.  A single bright white light a 7/1948 #3690  
group of people are waiting for an airplane at the landing strip when one o 9/23/1948 #3811  
ound object” going too fast for an airplane.                                1949? #3944  
it moves like the “slow roll of an airplane.” There is no noise, nor is the 4/28/1949 #4129  
1:43;22:05 - Large white size like airplane landing lights obj (NICAP: 01 - 5/3/1949 #4140  
ady Ivanovich Apraksin takes a new airplane for a flight at the Kapustin Ya 5/6/1949 #4158  
o chase them, but they outflew his airplane.                                8/8/1949 #4314  
ject flew within 100 feet under an airplane that was flying four miles sout 9/25/1949 #4369  
 flying saucer the size of a large airplane 3,000 feet over their train. Tw 4/7/1950 #4819  
 when he hears the sound of a DC-3 airplane overhead. He looks up and sees  6/27/1950 #5018  
8 p.m. four witnesses flying in an airplane over Big Bear Lake, California  1/14/1951 #5399  
ar-like object gyrating around the airplane at 21,000 feet for 20 minutes a 5/22/1951 #5517  
ears. Its speed is “faster than an airplane, slower than a meteor.”         6/1/1951 #5535  
s the UFO barrel-rolled around the airplane for 10 minutes.                 7/9/1951 #5570  
the pilots report seeing a “silver airplane with highly swept- back wings,” 9/23/1951 #5685  
student, flying in an aeronca 65CV airplane over Torrance, California sight 12/7/1951 #5813  
0 feet away. One of the witnesses, airplane mechanic Leonard L. Musel, said 1952 #5841  
" formation twice flew parallel to airplane during 3-4 minute period.       4/24/1952 #6175  
te was apparently circling a large airplane for about three minutes. Not li 4/28/1952 #6206  
In the first, the UFO resembles an airplane coming directly toward them ove 5/7/1952 #6270  
e a light, 10 times the size of an airplane landing light, approach them ov 5/8/1952 #6275  
haped object larger than a MiG jet airplane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Co 5/15/1952 #6328  
haped object larger than a MiG jet airplane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Co 5/15/1952 #6329  
right star crossed the nose of the airplane while being observed for 15 sec 6/17/1952 #6525  
MIDDLETON, NS Teacher. Long cone / airplane speed. Flies wide-end first. Si 6/21/1952 #6568  
 another man heard a sound like an airplane and witnessed two objects looki 6/23/1952 #6614  
rk Discs Sighted From State Patrol Airplane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Co 7/5/1952 #6713  
Patrolman Hamilton in State Patrol airplane. Three dark discs hovered and t 7/5/1952 #6715  
orman, Oklahoma, in a State Patrol airplane when he sees three dark discs 4 7/5/1952 #6717  
re flying a National Airlines C-60 airplane 15 miles south of Quantico, Vir 7/10/1952 #6751  
 somewhat smaller than the average airplane. It had a small flame coming fr 7/18/1952 #6903  
bject blaze across the nose of his airplane. Two other pilots vainly try to 7/29/1952 #7319  
igars circle area / 15 minute(s) / airplane speed.                          9/5/1952 #7854  
pulled up in front of the witness' airplane.  Seen for 2 seconds.           9/13/1952 #7915  
obler was flying his Beech Bonanza airplane when he sighted a flying object 9/13/1952 #7917  
d and then pull up in front of his airplane. This encounter was very brief, 9/13/1952 #7917  
s:  pilot of Flying Tiger Airlines airplane N67977. One blue light flew ver 9/14/1952 #7937  
 Teller-Ulam design the size of an airplane hangar. Unlike later thermonucl 11/1/1952 #8228  
moved aft off the left side of the airplane, as detected visually and by ai 3/14/1953 #8752  
earby, but neither Markhoff or the airplane can be located, despite months  6/1953 #8922  
proached to within .5 miles of the airplane, and once to within 6 miles, du 6/24/1953 #8967  
val object made four passes at the airplane (three times at 10-20 miles dis 8/20/1953 #9089  
l object made four passes at their airplane (three times at 10-20 miles dis 8/20/1953 #9091  
9:00 a.m. an object shaped like an airplane "wing tank" fell from the sky o 9/22/1953 #9174  
purplish, and they head toward the airplane in single file. The other 8 obj 3/24/1954 #9639  
d at a 25-30' angle under the lead airplane of a formation, and over the ai 5/10/1954 #9771  
plane of a formation, and over the airplane of Higgin. Sighting lasted a fe 5/10/1954 #9771  
 to shake. A noise like that of an airplane engine is heard until the momen 6/18/1954 #9910  
bject appeared to be similar to an airplane with a glass bottom with orange 6/21/1954 #9915  
ow on the north (port) side of one airplane. When developed it shows two sm 6/30/1954 #9969  
NGIERS, MOROCCO Disk-UFO = size of airplane. Seen / 10 minute(s). No furthe 9/5/1954 #10252  
lew in a manner to avoid a passing airplane.                                9/22/1954 #10397  
served a blue light and thought an airplane had made an emergency landing.  10/9/1954 #10845  
light at first, he thought that an airplane had made an emergency landing.  10/9/1954 #10863  
hich he first thought was a downed airplane. It resembled a large "plate" r 10/24/1954 #11366  
, then disappeared in the glare of airplane landing lights.  Sighting laste 10/29/1954 #11479  
report(s). Umbrella saucers pass / airplane speed. No further details.      1/5/1955 (approximate) #11919  
 a bell-shaped flying "swallow" an airplane. No aircraft were reported miss 3/9/1955 #12039  
s over, in front of, and under the airplane. When the pilot puts the plane  3/24/1955 #12059  
in front of and under a Beechcraft airplane over the Ryuku Islands, Okinawa 3/24/1955 #12060  
 on the south side of the peak. An airplane from Biggs Air Force Base [now  4/5/1955 #12080  
t. Williams. Looking like a "light airplane on fire," it changed course, lo 5/29/1955 #12166  
 Orbit. This issue reviews several airplane crashes and disappearances that 7/1/1955 #12229  
which changes course and paces the airplane at the same speed. After 15–18  1956 #12636  
ery light that was dropped from an airplane.                                2/9/1956 #12703  
 moving 4-5 times the speed of the airplane, was evaded by the pilot.       2/19/1956 #12732  
nd KTTV in Los Angeles sends up an airplane to watch for the approaching sp 4/28/1956 #12817  
d, leading to speculation that the airplane had been hit by something. Howe 7/22/1956 #13007  
Dakota. It was the size of a small airplane, and it oscillated in a side-to 9/22/1956 #13236  
00 feet in diameter fly toward the airplane from the left and take up a fix Fall 1956 #13239  
 of me." He thought it might be an airplane, but it wasn't. "It went too fa 11/8/1956 #13314  
tonation of an XW-25 warhead in an airplane crash. The purpose of the test  4/24/1957 #13615  
ts it, “an antenna bigger than the airplane” would be required to emit as s 7/17/1957 #13808  
ERRACE, FL 3 observer(s). Wingless airplane with dome stops / 56 th street. 7/20/1957 #13815  
 for 30 minutes, then hide from an airplane that passed overhead. They were 8/15/1957 #13901  
oning. They drive him to a waiting airplane, which stops briefly at Wright- 11/17/1957 #14571  
d the photo using parts of plastic airplane models.                         12/3/1957 #14666  
that the object photographed is an airplane, distorted by Baraúna through a 1/16/1958 #14831  
dish Light Performs Maneuvers Near Airplane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Co 2/4/1959 #15579  
roup of volunteers. No trace of an airplane crash was found, but Irwin was  2/28/1959 #15624  
 and the pilot of a Mooney private airplane.  One pear-shaped object, color 9/13/1959 #15970  
tery satellite viewed by a Swedish airplane and reported in Dagens Nyheter, 3/6/1960 #16198  
6 p.m. About 20-25 minutes after a airplane had dropped off witness C. T. W 6/22/1960 #16316  
lently at the speed of a Piper Cub airplane, alternately hovering and movin 9/2/1960 #16431  
. It followed their Beech Debonair airplane, zigzagged, and then landed. Th 1/10/1961 #16576  
 air. It was going faster than any airplane I ever saw and it just disappea 11/18/1961 #16964  
east. At first I thought it was an airplane but when I really looked, I jus 11/18/1961 #16964  
        What looked like a flaming airplane making a loud roaring noise plu 5/25/1962 #17202  
                                An airplane being flown over the state of C 1/3/1963 #17626  
ort, Ohio, see what seems to be an airplane on fire, but the house-sized ob 10/1963 #17969  
ide. When they come abreast of the airplane, they slow to its speed. After  4/20/1964 #18180  
r a short time, they fly above the airplane and take up position above and  4/20/1964 #18180  
 not functioning. At one point the airplane’s engines stop (the oil begins  4/20/1964 #18180  
a steady altitude and course.” The airplane allegedly continues flying in c 4/20/1964 #18180  
start the engines in sequence. The airplane has covered a distance of 305 m 4/20/1964 #18180  
e object that is definitely not an airplane fly straight toward their car b 4/25/1964 #18204  
vering Echelon Formation Closes On Airplane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Co 7/16/1964 #18414  
y two more.  They closed in on the airplane, then rapidly slowed nd flew al 7/16/1964 #18417  
hey slowed rapidly, then paced his airplane for five minutes.               7/16/1964 #18423  
he C-124 from ahead and below. The airplane evaded the object. Sighting las 8/18/1964 #18495  
ir C-124 from ahead and below. The airplane evaded the object. The sighting 8/18/1964 #18498  
ems to be the landing lights of an airplane apparently coming into her yard 1/12/1965 #18720  
bs between. Whole Assembly spins! "Airplane" / Blue Book..                  5/27/1965 #18967  
A blinding object, smaller than an airplane and having metallic legs, was s 7/17/1965 #19116  
gly bright object, smaller than an airplane and having metallic legs, was s 7/17/1965 #19118  
ver. Small humanoid (or Grey)-size airplane / farm field. No jets / props.  10/15/1965 (approximate) #19658  
hen he sees an object like a small airplane parked on the ground. It is sil Mid 10/1965 #19659  
 silver metallic objects chased an airplane near an aerodrome in Harlin, Qu 3/2/1966 #19933  
on, IN 2:30 p.m. EST. An ex-Marine airplane mechanic and another witness sa 3/8/1966 #19948  
ng the road. It was shaped like an airplane fuselage, 25 m long, with a "bu 3/23/1966 #20047  
e, Oklahoma. It was shaped like an airplane fuselage, 25 meters long, with  3/23/1966 #20055  
da Gov. W. Haydon Burns’s campaign airplane is paced by a UFO. Copilot Herb 4/25/1966 #20415  
   Pasadena, CA Three objects near airplane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Co 4/30/1966 #20432  
 minutes. It took off fast when an airplane came into view. Two more sighti 5/4/1966 #20449  
the object, which took off like an airplane, flying away to the southeast.  6/13/1966 #20557  
ng the object, it took off like an airplane and flew away toward the southe 6/13/1966 #20558  
 dinner. She heard a sound like an airplane and saw a 50-foot diameter disc 8/11/1966 #20739  
 about 10 smaller objects. When an airplane approached, the smaller objects 8/13/1966 #20741  
30 seconds near a Cessna 150 light airplane being flown by a Mr. Hockenberr 11/30/1966 #21166  
aw what at first appeared to be an airplane. Instead it was a flying humano 12/4/1966 #21182  
or ellipse that first flew like an airplane, but then moved with irregular, 2/3/1967 #21445  
with a wispy white trail flying at airplane speed on her right side for abo 2/21/1967 #21614  
apes and data to them and list the airplane loss as “equipment malfunction. 3/1967 #21700  
tnesses, and two shot away when an airplane Jet approached (aircraft avoida 4/12/1967 #22116  
object shot away on approach of an airplane. There were also sightings in R 4/12/1967 #22122  
 in various directions below their airplane during its final landing approa 4/17/1967 #22153  
small plane passed beneath it. The airplane then reversed course in an appa 4/21/1967 #22197  
 the side and then the tail of his airplane, forcing the plane to crash. Th 7/27/1967 #22743  
eding, before it zooms away as the airplane nears Pisco.                    8/6/1967 #22831  
ge and reports he has seen a large airplane or small airliner crash into th 10/4/1967 #23176  
ITH FT DUCHESNE, UT Saucer follows airplane into sunset. Glass dome atop.   10/18/1967 #23251  
when he goes outside to observe an airplane. But the supposed aircraft is a 12/2/1967 #23533  
ed body lights that dimmed when an airplane flew past.                      2/24/1968 #23783  
MISOARA, ROMANIA Weird saucer with airplane tail-section / rear. Disappears 4/20/1968 #23916  
ball with a reddish trail. When an airplane approached it, the object "blin 7/5/1968 #24146  
lights followed a Cessna 172 light airplane flying over Warren, Ohio at 10: 7/8/1968 #24160  
white saucer. Stops / 5 minute(s). Airplane sound. Going quickly west. / LD 7/20/1968 #24192  
et in a Piper Navajo single-engine airplane when they see a large cigar-sha 8/22/1968 #24369  
the metal. It was the length of an airplane, and not tall enough to stand u 9/8/1968 #24442  
with red lights on top flies by at airplane speed.                          9/23/1968 #24502  
 the disc moved at the speed of an airplane.                                9/23/1968 #24505  
erneath it. It blinked out when an airplane approached.                     10/19/1968 #24576  
itnessed the descent of a "mystery airplane" on Maxambona Hill in the middl 3/31/1969 #25041  
t, and the UFO actually pulled the airplane towards it.                     9/11/1969 #25364  
g up and down. 3-4km altitude. "No airplane!".                              8/1970 #25764  
 was almost the same as that of an airplane.                                10/28/1970 #25889  
ressed in black, he arrives via an airplane “made of two dishes, like, one  1/23/1971 #25999  
ts on board a single-engine Cessna airplane watch as a “huge star” approach 10/5/1971 #26410  
aped object with a tailfin like an airplane hovered over Marcq-en-Baroeul,  6/30/1972 #26746  
ject shines a beam of light at the airplane, bathing it in light that is br 10/23/1972 #27087  
ar Tyler, Texas, when a small “cub airplane” seems to fly directly in front 9/23/1973 #27859  
 morning at five a.m. saw a small "airplane" change shape into a cigar, hov 9/23/1973 #27861  
' altitude / 300' away. Turns into airplane and goes!                       10/15/1973? #28045  
gated triangle south going north / airplane speed. 400M altitude. / r30p469 3/5/1974 #28855  
lost it because of the back of the airplane.”                               10/10/1974 #29512  
around in a circle, bigger than an airplane. A beeping sound was heard. The 10/31/1974 #29571  
ands. The UFO disappeared when the airplane turned toward the light. The vi 11/24/1974 #29606  
ying parallel to his Aeronca Champ airplane. His magnetic compass began rot 11/28/1974 #29620  
e feels a strange vibration in his airplane. Then he sees to the right, pac 5/3/1975 #30026  
 left. A third disc approached his airplane head on, and he felt a jolt, as 5/3/1975 #30029  
 testing some new equipment in his airplane southeast of Wright-Patterson A 5/6/1975 #30041  
 call from the pilot of a military airplane who warns them that he has just 8/20/1975 #30291  
n two undated photos taken from an airplane by J. Allen Hynek that appeared Late 10/1975 #30470  
 Denmark. He thinks it might be an airplane in trouble. He speeds up to 90  6/21/1976 #31121  
 him that the radar shows both his airplane and another object nearby. The  8/13/1976 #31261  
er than a car, but smaller than an airplane.” Capt. Masara Saito, 34, Toa A 10/17/1976 #31474  
 because he thought he had seen an airplane crashing. He sat there for seve 12/6/1976 #31587  
overhead, he realizes it is not an airplane. He jumps out of his truck to g 12/15/1976 #31604  
ort in Massachusetts. Suddenly the airplane starts a gradual, smooth (15° b 3/12/1977 #31901  
coupled the autopilot and flew the airplane manually.” Meanwhile, the UAP “ 3/12/1977 #31901  
 in the distance he thought was an airplane but heard no engine sound. The  6/17/1977 #32170  
 in the distance he thought was an airplane but heard no engine sound. The  6/17/1977 #32173  
and Dallas, TX Red sphere ahead of airplane, navigation instruments and rad 10/26/1977 #32615  
 and Troy, Missouri, and paces the airplane for 3 minutes. The light then m 11/18/1977 #32686  
ool playing field. They notice an “airplane” that passes slowly over the fi 1/31/1978 #32928  
ead-on pass at two witnesses in an airplane. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)   7/4/1978 #33330  
tlined metallic sphere the size of airplane rush in from the East (Chicago) 7/4/1978 #33332  
tlined metallic sphere the size of airplane rush in from the east at a spee 7/4/1978 #33334  
ead-on pass at two witnesses in an airplane.                                7/4/1978 #33336  
re flying a radio-controlled model airplane in a field in Marshall, Michiga 7/27/1978 #33428  
 the altitude of his Beech Bonanza airplane (9500 feet). It went below his  9/10/1978 #33660  
UFO playing cat and mouse with his airplane which was a Cessna 182L. It’s h 10/21/1978 #33848  
he outside… it’s hovering and it’s Airplane not an aircraft… (end of transm 10/21/1978 #33848  
wed fiery particles, resembling an airplane on fire. (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 12/21/1978 #34188  
ed fiery particles, resembling “an airplane on fire.” Smaller objects surro 12/21/1978 #34194  
 above the road. Thinking it is an airplane crash, they get out of the car  4/19/1979 #34515  
r objects slightly higher than the airplane. They gradually fade from view. 5/7/1979 #34550  
 12:05 a.m. The pilot of a private airplane flying near Hailey, Idaho, spot 5/26/1979 #34590  
ht be from a downed drug-smuggling airplane. He turns south on 220, acceler 8/27/1979 #34787  
e is inconsistent with anything an airplane could have caused. Meridan Fren 8/27/1979 #34787  
aped objects paced a police Cessna airplane with three passengers flying 30 9/9/1979 #34854  
 yellow going [to] red. Going up / airplane sound.                          9/21/1979 #34911  
n Two women see a green, miniature airplane outside a house in Matsbo, near Early Summer 1980 #35351  
ct and watch it shoot right by the airplane’s left wingtip only 30 feet awa 9/4/1980 #35494  
r passengers onboard a Piper Aztec airplane, including Wendy and Michael Ga 9/21/1980 #35525  
pproached to within 200 feet of an airplane flying over Boca Raton, Florida 9/28/1980 #35541  
d UFO passed within 500 feet of an airplane being flown by Mr. Dennis, (NIC 4/4/1981 #35885  
-shaped object pulls alongside the airplane. Simultaneously, Dennis’s dista 4/8/1981 #35887  
d UFO passed within 500 feet of an airplane being flown by Mr. Dennis, a fl 4/8/1981 #35888  
e sky that he first thought was an airplane. It increased in brightness and 6/12/1981 #35967  
ve the house. It is bigger than an airplane, shaped like an arrowhead, and  7/30/1981 #36041  
 UFO with a spinning ring paced an airplane off its left wing over San Jose 8/8/1981 #36063  
 UFO with a spinning ring paced an airplane off its left wing over San Jose 8/8/1981 #36065  
nesota. It matches the pace of the airplane until it reaches a point about  9/2/1982 #36593  
eu Sousa is aboard his twin-engine airplane returning from a visit to a far 5/23/1983 #36865  
roach and shine more brightly. His airplane instruments start to go haywire 5/23/1983 #36865  
ltar. They see what seems to be an airplane with its landing lights on and  Mid 6/1984 #37364  
e the rounded-off "tail fin" of an airplane with a very short fuselage came 6/22/1984 #37374  
e the rounded-off "tail fin" of an airplane with a very short fuselage came 6/22/1984 #37375  
e disc-shaped UFO followed a Piper airplane from Cordoba to Resistensia, Ar 9/23/1984 #37465  
e disc-shaped UFO followed a Piper airplane from Cordoba to Resistensia, Ar 9/23/1984 #37468  
ect’s outline does not resemble an airplane or helicopter, and it has an in 12/23/1985 #37735  
quickly to left, passing below the airplane. Its speed was estimated at 1,2 5/11/1986 #37866  
                       Xingu light airplane São José dos Campos Brasilia 9: 5/19/1986 #37880  
s Brasilia 9:00 p.m. A Xingu light airplane piloted by Col. Ozires Silva, a 5/19/1986 #37880  
nt to point. Their low performance airplane could not gain on the object, w 5/19/1986 #37882  
er(s). 2 night lights going east / airplane speed. Turn going northwest. La 6/17/1986 #37915  
30 minutes. The objects follow the airplane for about 350 miles. The pilot  11/17/1986 #38072  
 white lights continue to pace the airplane, then drop back and are lost fr 11/17/1986 #38072  
ward their right. It looks like an airplane fuselage without any markings,  3/6/1987 #38130  
hts appear on the left side of the airplane’s wing. Some passengers now can 3/12/1987 #38139  
ect in the shape of the supersonic airplane Concorde at Wolverhampton, Engl Mid 11/1987 #38326  
r southern Leeds, England, then an airplane appeared in the sky. The UFO zi 1/3/1988 #38390  
ight is coming straight toward the airplane, and the pilot makes a steep tu 6/1/1988 #38579  
oking out the front windows of the airplane.” The wall of light passes at a 10/1988 #38661  
. a silent, mysterious low-flying "airplane" and a mushroom-shaped disc wer 11/6/1988 #38705  
owing a movement unlike that of an airplane that appears shortly afterward. 3/9/1989 #38869  
an now see a strong light near the airplane. It maneuvers near the aircraft 5/30/1989 #38967  
is shows that the object is not an airplane, balloon, kite, or model airpla 7/6/1989 #39013  
 airplane, balloon, kite, or model airplane.                                7/6/1989 #39013  
erve an object “as wide as a small airplane is long” with colored flashing  10/16/1989 #39174  
n 6:50 p.m. A pilot flying a small airplane 20 miles north of La Ronge, Sas 11/1/1989 #39207  
they do not make movements like an airplane or helicopter. Interceptors app 1/22/1990 #39387  
ontrol, he photographs an ordinary airplane several minutes later in the sa 3/31/1990 #39503  
on the film. At the same time, the airplane lights come out brighter than t 3/31/1990 #39503  
h closer to the observers than the airplane. Lab experiments show that this 3/31/1990 #39503  
n going southeast over racetrack / airplane speed.                          10/10/1990 #39768  
ght its outline looked like a DC-9 airplane about to crash, but the nose of 5/1/1992 #40443  
ts on the craft turned off when an airplane passed nearby.                  1/5/1994 #41364  
ut places the target closer to the airplane than the pilot’s estimate. SEPR 1/28/1994 #41390  
ficer Franco Giambattista, that an airplane has fallen. Franco goes outside 3/6/1994 #41443  
                               An "airplane" landed on a jagged peak in Par 6/27/1994 #41589  
a “topper” and much larger than an airplane, aims an intense white light at 10/15/1996 #43070  
 speed five times greater than the airplane. It measures about 3-by-3 feet  11/16/1996 #43112  
ed-egg saucer going [to] over / 3X airplane speed.                          1/1/1997 #43161  
ax, Nova Scotia An object like an “airplane wing cross-sectioned” is seen b 12/22/1997 #43471  
o be "several times larger than an airplane." It hovered, than zipped acros 8/29/1998 #43639  
pt halt, then accelerates past the airplane at an incredible speed. RAF rad 2/3/1999 #43721  
 next to the tail, unlike a normal airplane. The body of the object was lon 5/17/2000 #43996  
st they thought it was an arriving airplane, but then a second light appear 7/28/2002 #44367  
t 14 different areas of the downed airplane that are widely separated in lo 10/23/2002 #44422  
t appeared shaped like an ordinary airplane, but could hover, levitate upwa 1/8/2003 #44475  
d at a speed faster than a typical airplane. It was in view for five second 9/20/2003 #44605  
er moved. The color was odd for an airplane as well, because it black/grey  12/10/2003 #44627  
is taken to a secure location. The airplane is a Cessna 150 piloted by two  5/11/2005 #44840  
ght. He thinks that it might be an airplane or reflections from the ground, 4/23/2007 #45022  
ht. Another photo clearly shows an airplane with a contrail. CAAC conducts  7/7/2010 #45286  
king on an unmanned reconnaissance airplane it has named SR-72, which can f 11/1/2013 #45391  
white lights moving faster than an airplane.                                8/6/2018 #45535  
ece. The film is taken through the airplane window and shows a massive, gra 3/2019 #45565  
## Word: "airplane's" (Back to Top)
s drawn. He tried to close but his airplane's engine started malfunctioning 1/31/1916 #942  
m object, shaped something like an airplane's propeller, with 10-12 small c 7/29/1948 #3752  
m object, shaped something like an airplane's propeller, with 10-12 small c 7/29/1948 #3754  
 disappeared into the glare of the airplane's landing lights. The sighting  10/29/1954 #11484  
rical system. The reception of the airplane's radio was suddenly interrupte 8/14/1957 #13894  
uenos Aires province, Argentina an airplane's engine increased revolutions  8/31/1958 #15235  
bout 30 feet long and resembled an airplane's fuselage without wings, with  10/24/1973 #28270  
arily impaired his vision, and the airplane's control would not respond for 5/5/1977 #32059  
## Word: "airplane-like" (Back to Top)
r while driving saw an object with airplane-like lights (body lights), but  2/20/1967 #21604  
## Word: "airplane-sized" (Back to Top)
 close encounter with two UFOs. An airplane-sized object was seen changing  9/9/1973 #27795  
y. The lights seem to come from an airplane-sized object with a green light 3/25/1980 #35241  
## Word: "airplanes" (Back to Top)
 August 29 that there are no Union airplanes in South Africa, so any myster 8/11/1914 #909  
est. Sporadic sightings of mystery airplanes continue in the region for the 8/13/1914 #911  
 follows suit 5 minutes later. The airplanes do not reappear, but Ottawa is 2/14/1915 #925  
ill being reported. Even though 24 airplanes participated in the search, no 3/4/1934 #1206  
London, England Night. Two mystery airplanes circle around London, England: 6/11/1934 #1210  
 incident was caused by commercial airplanes used as a psychological warfar 2/24/1942 #1388  
d, declares that they had flown no airplanes over Los Angeles during the wa 2/24/1942 #1388  
t what they call “scarecrow” dummy airplanes that explode with a sheet of f 11/4/1944 #1692  
e been Soviet test missiles or jet airplanes.                               1/9/1947 #2224  
t Orange, New Jersey, when several airplanes fly overhead. She looks out an 7/4/1947 #2652  
ery oval objects which avoided 3-4 airplanes (FOIA) 2-4 hrs (NICAP: 01 - Di 4/6/1949 #4078  
n, Mr. D. Swarz was watching 2 AT6 airplanes when his attention was drawn t 7/3/1949 #4262  
ians who watch the skies for enemy airplanes, is created by the US Air Defe 1/1950 #4468  
hears a sound like a flight of jet airplanes and rushes out of his house in 4/6/1950 #4802  
was given to this being USAF KC-97 airplanes involved in a refueling operat 9/16/1952 #7961  
 were nothing more than reports of airplanes, balloons, astronomical phenom 7/30/1958 #15162  
 p.m. three people in two separate airplanes sighted a disc-shaped object o 2/7/1963 #17659  
 spokesperson says the lights were airplanes shooting flares in the area.   2/8/1967 #21483  
nd is convinced she is only seeing airplanes and, on one occasion, a street 1972 #26528  
an prone to disappearing ships and airplanes. He quotes his friend J. Manso 9/1974 #29412  
ne second later, all “too fast for airplanes.”                              8/6/1977 #32367  
olivian Air Force dispatches three airplanes and discovers the crash site o 5/6/1978 #33190  
 and passengers of some commercial airplanes were forced to delay their tak 6/14/1980 #35370  
s. There appeared to be very small airplanes circling this huge unmoving ob 11/6/1982 #36676  
m. There appeared to be very small airplanes circling this huge unmoving ob 11/6/1982 #36677  
 in the rear. The video also shows airplanes flying in formation. The tape  7/24/1984 #37413  
 distant trees. There are 6 normal airplanes in the sky at the same time.   11/28/2000 #44084  
cross the sky but do not look like airplanes. In Moncton, another witness s 1/17/2004 #44651  
icers in the back seats of the two airplanes) witness the object for about  11/14/2004 #44784  
 were not balloons, helicopters or airplanes. They made no sound and were v 5/16/2010 #45282  
 or other features associated with airplanes, and the light seems to have a 3/19/2020 #45639  
## Word: "airport" (Back to Top)
Field Hawthorne (Calif.) Municipal Airport The Northrop N-9M, a prototype f 12/27/1942 #1473  
 [now Hawthorne (Calif.) Municipal Airport] with pilot John Wescott Myers.  12/27/1942 #1473  
x Field [now Bonriki International Airport] on Tarawa Atoll in the Pacific  12/1943? #1548  
x Field [now Bonriki International Airport] on Tarawa Atoll in the Pacific  12/1943? #1548  
ld, New Mexico Wendover Field [now Airport], Utah Sandia Base [now part of  9/1945 #1935  
w Mexico, from Wendover Field [now Airport], Utah, to be closer to Los Alam 9/1945 #1935  
Northrop Field Hawthorne Municipal Airport Muroc Army Air Field Edwards AFB 6/25/1946 #2015  
rop Field [now Hawthorne Municipal Airport] to Muroc Army Air Field [now Ed 6/25/1946 #2015  
sky slow and straight. / letter to airport.                                 4/11/1947 (approximate) #2261  
s a disc-shaped UFO flash over the airport at Pittsburg, Kansas.            Summer 1947 #2357  
k of Mount Adams. Arnold tells the airport staff about it in Yakima at 4:00 6/24/1947 #2398  
        NORTHEAST / CEDAR CITY, UT Airport manager and aviators. Saucer goi 6/26/1947 #2415  
 V-formation / 120mph. Spiral over airport. Make cloud!                     6/29/1947 #2455  
ph. They flew in a spiral over the airport, and appeared to make a cloud.   6/29/1947 #2469  
iams AFB [now Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport], Arizona Grand Canyon 9:10 a.m. 6/30/1947 #2486  
iams AFB [now Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport], Arizona, near the Grand Canyon 6/30/1947 #2486  
s straight going quickly east over airport.                                 7/3/1947 #2559  
 Glows. Going ESE toward(s) Holman Airport.                                 7/4/1947 #2636  
oing quickly north. Also 8 disks / airport. / r187#308.                     7/5/1947 #2681  
                    ZANESVILLE, OH Airport tower. 2 silent ovoid disks just 7/5/1947 #2713  
                        ATHENS, GA Airport swamped / calls. 3 silver saucer 7/7/1947 #2915  
ana Ellington Field [now Ellington Airport], Houston, Texas Gen. Hoyt Vande 7/7/1947 #2933  
 at Ellington Field [now Ellington Airport] in Houston, Texas, calls concer 7/7/1947 #2933  
nslucent saucer hovers / edge over airport as clouds pass.                  7/8/1947 (approximate) #2982  
           Boise (Idaho) Municipal Airport The FBI interviews Capt. Emil J. 7/9/1947 #3055  
Stevens at Boise (Idaho) Municipal Airport about their July 4 sighting.     7/9/1947 #3055  
            Gowen Field [now Boise Airport], Boise, Idaho 12:17 p.m. Idaho  7/9/1947 #3063  
 to land at Gowen Field [now Boise Airport], Boise, Idaho. Johnson takes 10 7/9/1947 #3063  
FB [now Stephenville International Airport] Stephenville Crossing, Newfound 7/10/1947 #3110  
FB [now Stephenville International Airport] are returning from a fishing tr 7/10/1947 #3110  
APA, GUATEMALA Pan-AM passengers / airport/apartment. Flat-shaped object tr 7/11/1947 (approximate) #3122  
a layover, and all three go to the airport to talk to him.                  7/12/1947 #3157  
                        Morristown Airport New Jersey Day. John H. Janssen, 7/23/1947 #3217  
 at 6,000 feet near the Morristown Airport in New Jersey. He sees a flash o 7/23/1947 #3217  
                  MYRTLE CREEK, OR Airport manager chases round metallic ob 8/6/1947 #3297  
     Itazuke Air Base [now Fukuoka Airport] Fukuoka, Japan An incoming rada 9/16/1947 #3399  
p at Itazuke Air Base [now Fukuoka Airport], Fukuoka, Japan, moving 840–900 9/16/1947 #3399  
n (and later physicist) working on airport operational systems, including r Spring 1948 #3593  
                         STA.MARIA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, AZORES Numerous obser 7/10/1948 #3706  
            LOS ALAMOS, NM Group / airport see tilted silver disk. Size = d 9/23/1948 #3806  
roup at the Los Alamos, New Mexico airport saw a tilted, silver disc-shaped 9/23/1948 #3812  
h speed. The light is also seen by airport control tower operators Lloyd D. 10/1/1948 #3827  
ento, California Sacramento Mather Airport Evening. USAF Brig. Gen. William 1949? #3944  
 Mather AFB [now Sacramento Mather Airport] in Sacramento, California. He a 1949? #3944  
OH Huge white ball / light circles airport tower. Both Air Traffic Controll 1/1949 #3949  
the drive to the hospital from the airport, Forrestal attempts to jump out  4/2/1949 #4065  
 saucer. Rocks 6x. Going [to] over airport. Shoots going quickly east.      4/3/1949 #4066  
ited airliner taking off from Elko airport. (FOIA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01  5/2/1949 #4137  
ake AFB Grant County International Airport Washington State Hanford Atomic  5/21/1949 #4200  
FB [now Grant County International Airport] in Washington State to intercep 5/21/1949 #4200  
Aeronautical engineer Molt Taylor, airport manager at Longview, Washington, 7/3/1949 #4261  
                 Medford Municipal Airport Rogue Valley International–Medfo 8/8/1949 #4313  
Rogue Valley International–Medford Airport Oregon 11:30 p.m. Six airmen and 8/8/1949 #4313  
wer operators at Medford Municipal Airport [now the Rogue Valley Internatio 8/8/1949 #4313  
Rogue Valley International–Medford Airport] in Oregon see 1–7 shiny objects 8/8/1949 #4313  
stralia, where he landed at a vast airport. A gigantic spacecraft was alrea Early 1950's #4457  
                          Falmouth Airport Frances Crane Wildlife Managemen 2/2/1950 #4526  
 5:10 p.m. Four people at Falmouth Airport [now part of Frances Crane Wildl 2/2/1950 #4526  
clude Marvin R. Odom, owner of the airport, and Lt. Philip Foushee Jr. of O 2/2/1950 #4526  
              TEATICKET, MA Many / airport. 2 cigars maneuver. Fireball dro 2/5/1950 #4528  
the sky at 5:10 p.m. near Falmouth Airport on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. A fi 2/5/1950 #4531  
                   ALBUQUERQUE, NM Airport weathermen with theodolite. Whit 2/24/1950 #4549  
e, New Mexico Witnesses: Municipal Airport Weather Observers Luther McDonal 2/24/1950 #4553  
 Albuquerque, New Mexico Municipal Airport Weather Observers, Luther McDona 2/24/1950 #4555  
llic disk hovers 5km over city and airport. Then going quickly south. / r13 3/1/1950 #4567  
tallic disc hovered over Chihuahua Airport in Mexico at five kilometers alt 3/1/1950 #4571  
                          VANDALIA AIRPORT, OH 2 airliners and Air Traffic  3/8/1950 #4590  
other ground witnesses at Vandalia Airport, Ohio sighted a bullet-shaped UF 3/8/1950 #4594  
                 CD MEXICO, DF, MX Airport observer(s) and Cadet with teles 3/11/1950 #4609  
                   Mexico City, MX Airport observers saw 4 UFOs, one throug 3/13/1950 #4625  
                           Central Airport in Mexico City, Mexico Day. At t 3/13/1950 #4627  
o City, Mexico Day. At the Central Airport in Mexico City, Mexico, Santiago 3/13/1950 #4627  
de Aviación), J. de la Vega of the airport commander’s office, and others s 3/13/1950 #4627  
                  NEAR MEXICO CITY AIRPORT/APARTMENT, MX Private pilot. 7M  3/14/1950 #4631  
ght a private pilot at Mexico City Airport, Mexico witnessed a 7 meter in d 3/14/1950 #4637  
 GUAT 4 silver saucers / 25K' over airport/apartment runways. 1Kmph going q 3/15/1950 #4639  
ars from other pilots at La Aurora Airport in Guatemala City that large, fa 3/15/1950 #4643  
                           ATLANTA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, GA 6 airline(s)/airli 3/18/1950 #4671  
          At the Atlanta Municipal Airport, Georgia six airline pilots on t 3/18/1950 #4678  
                     WEST NATIONAL AIRPORT, DC Man dives private plane / 40 3/26/1950 #4722  
                              RENO AIRPORT, NV CAA Air Traffic Controller a 3/26/1950 #4725  
ard Field Reno–Tahoe International Airport Reno, Nevada 8:50 p.m. CAA Tower 3/26/1950 #4731  
ield [now Reno–Tahoe International Airport] outside Reno, Nevada. It hangs  3/26/1950 #4731  
observer(s). Silent saucer circles airport/apartment / 50mph. Flat turns. T 3/30/1950 #4768  
                             LOGAN AIRPORT, MASS 3 Air Traffic Controllers  4/7/1950 #4812  
                     Boston (Logan Airport), MA Deep-blue ellipsoid object  4/7/1950 #4814  
                             Logan Airport Boston Massachusetts A CAA contr 4/7/1950 #4815  
AA control tower operator at Logan Airport in Boston, Massachusetts, watche 4/7/1950 #4815  
server(s). 200' cone over city and airport. 700mph. 15K' altitude. Goes wes 4/25/1950 #4892  
er the Vancouver, British Columbia airport at 15,000 feet altitude, and the 4/25/1950 #4897  
litary observer(s). Saucer lands / airport / 5 minute(s). Sets grass afire. 5/17/1950 (approximate) #4946  
ject landed at the Amarillo, Texas airport for five minutes. Its touchdown  5/17/1950 #4950  
                         Municipal Airport in Cheyenne, Wyoming 3:50 p.m. T 5/21/1950 #4959  
e on the airfield at the Municipal Airport in Cheyenne, Wyoming, when they  5/21/1950 #4959  
r Traffic Controller and several / airport/apartment. Shiny silver disks ho 8/1950 (approximate) #5088  
g metal saucer / 4K' altitude over airport. Vapor trail.                    9/1950 #5155  
                          HEATHROW AIRPORT/APARTMENT, ENG 4 / PanAm. Long o 11/5/1950 #5260  
                          Heathrow Airport, London Four Pan American Airway 11/5/1950 #5265  
ect fly east to west over Heathrow Airport, London, at 1,000 mph.           11/5/1950 #5265  
bove Huron (South Dakota) Regional Airport. Weather Bureau observer Gene Fo 11/26/1950 #5287  
Airlines, go up to the roof of the airport administration building for a be 11/26/1950 #5287  
ratory, the manager of the Artesia Airport, and three pilots. The balloon c 1/16/1951 #5402  
he others saw two objects from the airport; flying side-by-side, they circl 1/16/1951 #5402  
       Artesia, New Mexico Artesia Airport Raymond Dugan and Raymond E. Sti 1/16/1951 #5403  
nd four civilian pilots at Artesia Airport see two similar objects circling 1/16/1951 #5403  
rver(s). Silver saucer passes over airport. Wind direction differs.         3/26/1951 (approximate) #5493  
         Mexico City International Airport Cuernavaca New Zealand US A dubi Summer 1951 #5549  
ed above Mexico City International Airport at the same time as a visit by U Summer 1951 #5549  
FB [now Grant County International Airport] Moses Lake, Washington 8:28 p.m 8/26/1951 #5631  
FB [now Grant County International Airport], near Moses Lake, Washington, t 8/26/1951 #5631  
         SANTA FE, NM Meteor nears airport / loud noise. Air Traffic Contro 9/18/1951 #5675  
 Coast 30 miles west of Long Beach Airport, where the jets circled and then 9/23/1951 #5687  
r Roy Messmore at Hulman Municipal Airport. One round silver object flew di 10/9/1951 #5714  
                  Hulman Municipal Airport [now Terre Haute Regional Airpor 10/9/1951 #5715  
 Airport [now Terre Haute Regional Airport] five miles east of Terre Haute, 10/9/1951 #5715  
r Roy Messmore at Hulman Municipal Airport [now Terre Haute Regional Airpor 10/9/1951 #5715  
 Airport [now Terre Haute Regional Airport], five miles east of Terre Haute 10/9/1951 #5715  
r Roy Messmore at Hulman Municipal Airport in Terre Haute, Indiana sighted  10/9/1951 #5716  
 Minnesota University of Minnesota airport General Mills tracking station a 10/11/1951 #5725  
ast of the University of Minnesota airport moving at high speed from west t 10/11/1951 #5725  
 western sky over the Apple Valley Airport in San Bernardino County, Califo 1/7/1952 #5862  
t in a fighter plane from the city airport. On his first approach he comes  3/29/1952 #5993  
[now Southern California Logistics Airport] near Victorville, California Ap 5/1/1952 #6244  
[now Southern California Logistics Airport] near Victorville, California, f 5/1/1952 #6244  
ant. Going quickly [to] St. Joseph airport.                                 5/9/1952 #6278  
flew off quickly toward St. Joseph Airport.                                 5/9/1952 #6283  
                           CATANIA AIRPORT/APARTMENT AND, ITL Numerous HIQ  6/4/1952 #6435  
Kimpo Air Base Gimpo International Airport Seoul, Korea 8:42 a.m. Flight Sg 6/6/1952 #6454  
 Air Base [now Gimpo International Airport] in Seoul, Korea, observes a dul 6/6/1952 #6454  
                            O'Hare Airport in Chicago, Illinois 6:44 p.m. T 6/11/1952 #6476  
itude several miles east of O’Hare Airport in Chicago, Illinois. One passes 6/11/1952 #6476  
                        LE BOURGET AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR Air Traffic Contro 6/12/1952 #6481  
HITA, KS "Balloon". Jumps all over airport. Going quickly east / 400mph. Gl 6/12/1952 #6482  
                       Le Bourget (airport), France Control tower operators 6/13/1952 #6493  
                  Paris–Le Bourget Airport, France 1:00 a.m. M. Veillot and 6/13/1952 #6496  
trol operators at Paris–Le Bourget Airport, France, watch a prominent orang 6/13/1952 #6496  
d crosses the sky southwest of the airport, accelerating rapidly. The light 6/13/1952 #6496  
ield [now Louisville International Airport], Louisville, Kentucky 11:50 p.m 6/15/1952 #6511  
ield [now Louisville International Airport], Louisville, Kentucky. It has a 6/15/1952 #6511  
        Pueblo (Colorado) Memorial Airport 8:45 p.m.. Orville Foster, a US  6/17/1952 #6529  
 at the Pueblo (Colorado) Memorial Airport, watches a UFO through the burea 6/17/1952 #6529  
     Spokane, Washington Witness:  Airport weather observer Rex Thompson. O 6/23/1952 #6601  
r Field [now Spokane International Airport] Spokane, Washington 4:05 pm. Ai 6/23/1952 #6610  
port] Spokane, Washington 4:05 pm. Airport weather observer Rex Thompson se 6/23/1952 #6610  
r Field [now Spokane International Airport], Spokane, Washington.           6/23/1952 #6610  
                                   Airport weather observer Rex Thompson in 6/23/1952 #6615  
ania Witness: assistant manager of airport.  Three sightings of flashing li 6/26/1952 #6638  
                            O'Hare Airport, Chicago, IL A bright silver smo 6/29/1952 #6664  
                            O'Hare Airport, Chicago, Illinois witnesses:  t 6/29/1952 #6665  
                            O’Hare Airport Chicago 5:45 p.m. Three Air Forc 6/29/1952 #6666  
e 83rd Air Base Squadron at O’Hare Airport in Chicago spot a flat, oval obj 6/29/1952 #6666  
n Park Ridge, Illinois near O'Hare Airport sighted a thirty foot in diamete 6/29/1952 #6667  
          Chicago, Illinois O'Hare Airport 11:50 p.m. Mrs. J. D. Arbuckle s 7/3/1952 #6705  
ublic information office at O’Hare Airport says it has received 16 reports  7/3/1952 #6705  
se Beach, Chicago, Illinois O’Hare Airport 8:42 p.m. O’Hare AFB weather obs 7/12/1952 #6784  
6th Defense Wing located at O’Hare Airport.                                 7/12/1952 #6784  
ered over Palm Beach International Airport, then followed an SA-l6 twin-eng 7/15/1952 #6827  
shington, D.C. Washington National Airport Air Route Traffic Control radar  7/19/1952 #6926  
UFO to within about 4 miles of the airport (1st event) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR C 7/19/1952 #6926  
ional [now Ronald Reagan National] Airport’s Air Route Traffic Control (ART 7/19/1952 #6935  
ional [now Ronald Reagan National] Airport’s Air Route Traffic Control (ART 7/19/1952 #6935  
second, shorter-range radar in the airport control tower (operated by Howar 7/19/1952 #6935  
                        WASHINGTON AIRPORT, VA Airline(s)/airliner crew. Ni 7/20/1952 #6944  
 tracked on ARTC radar at National Airport in Arlington, Virginia.          7/20/1952 #6956  
               Washington National Airport Andrews AFB, Maryland Bolling AF 7/21/1952 #6981  
elt first hears about the National Airport sightings in D.C. when he buys a 7/21/1952 #6981  
wspaper in the Washington National Airport terminal. He has been to Andrews 7/21/1952 #6981  
 a.m. Mr. D. Weins, the Los Alamos Airport control tower operator at the AE 7/22/1952 #7030  
                               LAX AIRPORT/APARTMENT, CA 3 Air Traffic Cont 7/23/1952 #7050  
on AFB Dayton, Ohio Clinton County Airport Wilmington, Ohio 7:15 p.m. Many  7/23/1952 #7083  
lloons sent up from Clinton County Airport in Wilmington, Ohio.             7/23/1952 #7083  
                        WEISER, ID Airport manager. Bright metallic ovoid.  7/24/1952 #7104  
. Dewey Fournet to get over to the airport in Washington. Fournet was a rad 7/26/1952 #7140  
roject HOLCOMBE and arrived at the airport with Al Chop, AF Press Officer,  7/26/1952 #7140  
ndrews AFB and Washington National Airport (2nd event) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR C 7/26/1952 #7165  
ers at Fairfax Field and Municipal Airport. One greenish light with red-ora 7/26/1952 #7170  
shington, D.C. Washington National Airport Ronald Reagan National Andrews A 7/26/1952 #7174  
es flight near Washington National Airport [now Ronald Reagan National] see 7/26/1952 #7174  
 move at around 100 mph. Soon, the airport and Andrews AFB in Maryland are  7/26/1952 #7174  
laware to intercept them. National Airport staff hustle newspaper reporters 7/26/1952 #7174  
he target speeds away. At National Airport, the objects reappear shortly be 7/26/1952 #7174  
spokesman Albert M. Chop is in the airport radar tower and notes that every 7/26/1952 #7174  
ers at Fairfax Field and Municipal Airport, Kansas City, Missouri saw a gre 7/26/1952 #7178  
gets on the ARTC radar at National Airport at 9:08 p.m. and 9:15 p.m. Visua 7/26/1952 #7180  
h Air Force personnel and National Airport employees observed a large round 7/27/1952 #7207  
ets" appeared on radar at National Airport near Washington, D.C. F-94 inter 7/27/1952 #7215  
Bluebook Case #1739. Unidentified. Airport workers. White saucer hovers ove 7/29/1952 #7284  
yees Douglas and Hess at Municipal Airport. One bright white circular objec 7/29/1952 #7317  
                                   airport in Macdonald, Manitoba An orange 7/29/1952 #7327  
ationary object is observed at the airport in Macdonald, Manitoba, in the s 7/29/1952 #7327  
ith a flat bottom at the Municipal Airport. The object flew very fast, and  7/29/1952 #7338  
shington, D.C. Washington National Airport 8:30–9:00 p.m. We, the People, a 8/1/1952 #7410  
 radar room of Washington National Airport there are more newsmen and TV ca 8/1/1952 #7410  
/ complex change of formation over airport.                                 8/3/1952 #7431  
    Haneda AFB Tokyo International Airport Tokyo Bay Johnson Air Base Iruma 8/5/1952 #7472  
eda AFB [later Tokyo International Airport], Japan. Control tower operators 8/5/1952 #7472  
on AFB in Ohio Washington National Airport A special CIA/Office of Scientif 8/8/1952 #7515  
FOs during the Washington National Airport cases.                           8/8/1952 #7515  
            YOUNGSTOWN, NY Niagara airport. Many military and civil. RADAR? 8/9/1952 #7517  
Drive, Rockford, Illinois Rockford airport O’Hare Airport in Chicago 5:38 p 8/10/1952 #7539  
, Illinois Rockford airport O’Hare Airport in Chicago 5:38 p.m. Roy E. Muns 8/10/1952 #7539  
s the CAA operator at the Rockford airport, who calls O’Hare Airport in Chi 8/10/1952 #7539  
Rockford airport, who calls O’Hare Airport in Chicago, which sends two USAF 8/10/1952 #7539  
cts drift / halo / dark smoke near airport. Quickly going up / sequence ext 8/14/1952 #7583  
inois Chicago Filter Center O’Hare Airport in Chicago 10:10 p.m. Ground Obs 8/21/1952 #7670  
86 Sabre jet scrambled from O’Hare Airport in Chicago. The pilot makes four 8/21/1952 #7670  
          MACDONALD, MB 2 WX men / airport/apartment. Disk subtends 3°. 2 t 8/27/1952 #7748  
                         Macdonald Airport in Manitoba 4:45 a.m. Two meteor 8/27/1952 #7755  
teorological officers at Macdonald Airport in Manitoba see a disc-shaped ob 8/27/1952 #7755  
nd the airfield. When the rotating airport beacon light strikes it, the obj 8/27/1952 #7755  
t was gone in one second after the airport tower beacon hit it.             8/27/1952 #7756  
 Brookley AFB [now Mobile Downtown Airport] in Mobile, Alabama 9:30 p.m. Th 8/28/1952 #7773  
 Brookley AFB [now Mobile Downtown Airport] in Mobile, Alabama, their obser 8/28/1952 #7773  
                     CHICAGO, IL 2 airport/apartment RADAR's. 40 blips goin 9/2/1952 #7822  
                Chicago, IL Midway Airport 40 targets flying in miscellaneo 9/2/1952 #7827  
und controlled approach) at Midway Airport. 40 targets flew in miscellaneou 9/2/1952 #7828  
                            Midway Airport in Chicago Elkhorn, Wisconsin O’ 9/2/1952 #7829  
 Chicago Elkhorn, Wisconsin O’Hare Airport in Chicago 12:01 a.m. CAA radar  9/2/1952 #7829  
0 targets simultaneously at Midway Airport in Chicago, flying in various di 9/2/1952 #7829  
 Wisconsin, claims that the Midway Airport Tower supervisor has called them 9/2/1952 #7829  
ng there are 40 targets plotted by airport radar flying from 3,000 to 6,000 9/2/1952 #7829  
 4706th Interceptor Wing at O’Hare Airport in Chicago. At 5:55 a.m., a pair 9/2/1952 #7829  
rking for ground control at Midway Airport in Chicago, Illinois picked up 4 9/2/1952 #7830  
UINCY, IL WX man and more/others / airport/apartment. Shiny silver saucer b 9/5/1952 #7851  
Domed saucer hovers and rocks over airport. Shoots straight up.             9/5/1952 (approximate) #7852  
                             KARUP AIRPORT, DK 3 Air Force officers. Shiny  9/20/1952 #7985  
aucers circle about near Stapleton airport. Higher / passing C47.           9/24/1952 #8016  
apan Itazuke Air Base [now Fukuoka Airport] Tsutsusaki Lighthouse 8:35 p.m. 9/28/1952 #8049  
from Itazuke Air Base [now Fukuoka Airport], a series of targets appear dir 9/28/1952 #8049  
                          KEFLAVIK AIRPORT/APARTMENT, ICEL 4 USAF officers. 10/8/1952 #8103  
raft on the ground at the Le Vigan Airport, Gard, France. The cigar-shaped  10/15/1952 #8136  
e, Tennessee Witnesses: persons at airport weather station.  Six white ligh 10/21/1952 #8171  
ersons at the Knoxville, Tennessee airport weather station saw six white li 10/21/1952 #8173  
                         MARIGNANE AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR Saucer lands / tar 10/27/1952 #8188  
                         Marignane Airport, France Customs officer Gabriel  10/27/1952 #8197  
ct land briefly on a runway of the airport at Marignane, Bouches-du-Rhône,  10/27/1952 #8198  
iest was at 2:03 a.m. at Marignane Airport, where customs official Gabriel  10/27/1952 #8202  
                             KARUP AIRPORT, JUTLAND, DK Military observer(s 11/12/1952 #8260  
3' saucer changes shape 1500' over airport/apartment runway. Goes going qui 11/15/1952 #8273  
                          Florence Airport, South Carolina Landrum, South C 11/16/1952 #8289  
air traffic controller at Florence Airport, South Carolina, watches a huge, 11/16/1952 #8289  
tone AFB [now Loring International Airport], Maine Florida ATIC Col. Donald 11/25/1952 #8340  
tone AFB [now Loring International Airport], Maine, on the night of October 11/25/1952 #8340  
               Washington National Airport, D.C. Radar trackings similar to 11/30/1952 #8357  
r operators at Washington National Airport. Radar trackings similar to thos 11/30/1952 #8358  
               Washington National Airport Washington, D.C. Andrews AFB 12: 11/30/1952 #8359  
 VG-2 radar at Washington National Airport in Washington, D.C. Suggestive o 11/30/1952 #8359  
l operators at Washington National Airport in Arlington, Virginia had radar 11/30/1952 #8360  
   Laredo AFB Laredo International Airport Texas 8:46 p.m. USAF pilot Lt. R 12/4/1952 #8377  
redo AFB [now Laredo International Airport], Texas, is flying a T-28 traine 12/4/1952 #8377  
ake AFB Grant County International Airport Hanford nuclear plant Richland,  12/10/1952 #8409  
now the Grant County International Airport] spots a light over the Hanford  12/10/1952 #8409  
TESVILLE, VA Aero engineer and 2 / airport. Fireball over whirlwind / trash 12/14/1952 #8416  
son AFB Grant County International Airport Moses Lake, Washington 7:30 p.m. 12/22/1952 #8443  
FB [now Grant County International Airport] near Moses Lake, Washington, st 12/22/1952 #8443  
rrin AFB [now North Texas Regional Airport] near Denison, Texas Vega, Texas 12/29/1952 #8462  
rrin AFB [now North Texas Regional Airport] near Denison, Texas, are piloti 12/29/1952 #8462  
d Fort Worth Meacham International Airport Oklahoma City Paris, Texas Dalla 1/6/1953 #8510  
w Fort Worth Meacham International Airport] about a UFO northeast of Dallas 1/6/1953 #8510  
FB [now Grant County International Airport], Moses Lake, Washington Ephrata 1/8/1953 #8515  
FB [now Grant County International Airport], Moses Lake, Washington, all on 1/8/1953 #8515  
                          Keflavik Airport, Iceland Radar operators tracked 2/3/1953 #8630  
r Field [now Spokane International Airport] 1:34 a.m. A B-36 aircraft pilot 2/6/1953 #8643  
r Field [now Spokane International Airport].                                2/6/1953 #8643  
Station [now Northeastern Regional Airport] in Edenton, North Carolina Virg 2/11/1953 #8664  
Station [now Northeastern Regional Airport] in Edenton, North Carolina, Mar 2/11/1953 #8664  
ge night light all over Natrona Co Airport "like a hunting dog". Going quic 3/23/1953 #8777  
                            Torbay Airport, Newfoundland, CAN GCA Radar Tra 4/12/1953 #8818  
, Nevada Stead AFB [now Reno Stead Airport] 4:10 p.m. Ten round, flat, meta 4/12/1953 #8819  
route to Stead AFB [now Reno Stead Airport]. The copilot takes control of t 4/12/1953 #8819  
eared on the radar scope at Torbat Airport, Newfoundland, Canada. It was on 4/12/1953 #8820  
80 degree turn 8 miles west of the airport. If fade from the radar scope 30 4/12/1953 #8820  
               Washington National Airport A flawed CAA report states the J 5/1953 #8850  
 the July 1952 Washington National Airport radar returns were weather targe 5/1953 #8850  
Subhash Chandra Bose International Airport], India Jagalgori BOAC Flight 78 5/2/1953 #8857  
Subhash Chandra Bose International Airport], India, killing all 43 on board 5/2/1953 #8857  
n AFB San Bernardino International Airport, California Night. An F-94C Star 6/1953 #8922  
 [now San Bernardino International Airport], California, there appears to b 6/1953 #8922  
ce Base Stephenville International Airport Stephenville, Newfoundland Two F Summer 1953 #8952  
se [now Stephenville International Airport], near Stephenville, Newfoundlan Summer 1953 #8952  
rrin AFB [now North Texas Regional Airport] in Sherman, Texas Sherman Denis 7/26/1953 #9018  
rrin AFB [now North Texas Regional Airport] in Sherman, Texas, ground obser 7/26/1953 #9018  
         Amarillo, Texas Witness:  Airport control tower chief C.S. Brown.  8/3/1953 #9043  
   At 12:04 p.m. over the Amarillo Airport, Texas a transparent disc stoppe 8/3/1953 #9044  
tation Barbers Point (now Kalaeloa Airport) Hawaii 5:00 p.m.–12:00 midnight 8/6/1953 #9052  
tation Barbers Point [now Kalaeloa Airport], Hawaii, from the airport contr 8/6/1953 #9052  
alaeloa Airport], Hawaii, from the airport control tower and from the air.  8/6/1953 #9052  
                 Castle AFB Castle Airport Aviation and Development Center  8/20/1953 #9090  
object near Castle AFB [now Castle Airport Aviation and Development Center] 8/20/1953 #9090  
nville AFB [now Mid-Delta Regional Airport], Mississippi 9:45 p.m. A USAF p 8/27/1953 #9117  
nville AFB [now Mid-Delta Regional Airport], Mississippi.                   8/27/1953 #9117  
 Dam, Maryland Washington National Airport [now Ronald Reagan International 10/19/1953 #9243  
t [now Ronald Reagan International Airport] 12:10 a.m. Capt. J. L. Kidd is  10/19/1953 #9243  
s. Kidd radios Washington National Airport [now Ronald Reagan International 10/19/1953 #9243  
t [now Ronald Reagan International Airport] to report a near collision and  10/19/1953 #9243  
 AFB Chippewa County International Airport Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan Soo L 11/23/1953 #9318  
[now Chippewa County International Airport], south of Sault Ste. Marie, Mic 11/23/1953 #9318  
                           YUBA CO AIRPORT, CA Brilliant blue saucer hovers 12/28/1953 #9401  
liant blue saucer hovers 300' over airport building. Wobbles. Abrupt motion 12/28/1953 #9401  
e, California Witness: Yuba County Airport Manager Dick Brandt. One saucer, 12/28/1953 #9403  
ucer flashes across sky. Melbourne airport/apartment inundated / reports.   1/3/1954 #9439  
                         Marignane Airport, France Mr. Chesneau, fireman, s 1/4/1954 #9444  
e Airfield [now Marseille Provence Airport], Bouches-du-Rhône, France Arles 1/4/1954 #9445  
e Airfield [now Marseille Provence Airport], Bouches-du-Rhône, France. Ther 1/4/1954 #9445  
 witness present, a fireman at the airport named Chesneau. The machine disa 1/4/1954 #9445  
esneau, a fireman at the Marignane Airport in France, saw a round luminous  1/4/1954 #9446  
lowly descend toward the Marignane Airport, France at 9:00 p.m. He went ins 1/5/1954 #9452  
                        LA GUARDIA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, NY Several / ground.  1/14/1954 #9483  
s radio operator tried to tell the airport about the UFO. The UFO was green 2/3/1954 #9532  
 must radio reports to the nearest airport and make no public statements or 2/17/1954 #9550  
  MONTEVIDEO, URG Many / beach and airport/apartment Air Traffic Controller 2/28/1954 #9572  
            Carrasco International Airport Montevideo, Uruguay 2:30 p.m. Em 3/1/1954 #9588  
mployees at Carrasco International Airport in Montevideo, Uruguay, watch a  3/1/1954 #9588  
t discs were spotted over Carrasco Airport in Montevideo, Uruguay at 2:30 p 3/1/1954 #9590  
redo AFB [now Laredo International Airport], Texas San Antonio, Texas 11:07 3/8/1954 #9603  
redo AFB [now Laredo International Airport], Texas. It tilts to a vertical  3/8/1954 #9603  
            COLUMBIA, MO Several / airport. Bright white saucer east going  4/10/1954 #9680  
ngton, D.C. New York City National Airport Airline pilot William B. Nash wr 4/18/1954 #9697  
e “whole story” about the National Airport sightings. He claims the Air For 4/18/1954 #9697  
                        WASHINGTON AIRPORT, VA Project Bluebook Case #2997. 5/5/1954 #9752  
                           ATLANTA AIRPORT, GA 1 observer. 3 silent 20' met 5/10/1954 #9767  
r policemen at Washington National Airport. Two bright lights were seen on  5/11/1954 #9775  
                          National Airport in Washington, D.C. Capitol buil 5/12/1954 #9779  
guard next to a hangar at National Airport in Washington, D.C. They see a f 5/12/1954 #9779  
ick Husband Amarillo International Airport Texas Gen. Nathan F. Twining, US 5/15/1954 #9804  
ick Husband Amarillo International Airport], Texas, says that the Air Force 5/15/1954 #9804  
not be a balloon, and radio Boston airport control tower, which tells them  6/1/1954 #9860  
                  DUSSELDORF, GERM Airport/apartment officers. Metallic sau 6/10/1954 #9885  
 lightplane; radar at Dayton, Ohio airport, tracked very fast target at sam 6/25/1954 #9946  
    West Berlin, Germany Tempelhof Airport Some 300 people in West Berlin,  Late 6/1954 #9947  
lf Hermes, a director at Tempelhof Airport [now closed], says the witnesses Late 6/1954 #9947  
Also several observer(s) / 2230h / airport. / r138#2.                       8/7/1954 #10108  
ack object going [to] 370 kph over airport / 300M altitude. No further deta 8/27/1954 #10185  
nical school going south toward(s) airport. Drops lit object.               9/10/1954 #10282  
              Rome, Italy Ciampino Airport in Rome Pratica di Mare Air Base 9/17/1954 #10333  
nel at a military unit at Ciampino Airport in Rome see it as a “half cigar” 9/17/1954 #10333  
litary witnesses near the Ciampino Airport, ten miles outside of Rome, Ital 9/17/1954 #10335  
                       Santa Maria Airport, Azores A guard saw a craft, 3.5 9/20/1954 #10369  
t 11:00 p.m. Vitorino Monteiro, an airport guard at Santa Maria Airport,  s 9/20/1954 #10373  
o, an airport guard at Santa Maria Airport,  saw a bluish metallic pecan sh 9/20/1954 #10373  
                         STA.MARIA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, AZORES Project Bluebo 9/21/1954 #10378  
                       Santa Maria Airport, Azores 10 ft x 5 ft light metal 9/21/1954 #10380  
nta Maria, Azores Islands Witness: airport guard.  One 10'x5' light metalli 9/21/1954 #10382  
                       Santa Maria Airport Vila do Porto, Azores 9:45 p.m.  9/21/1954 #10383  
45 p.m. A guard at the Santa Maria Airport in Vila so Porto, Azores, sees a 9/21/1954 #10383  
orth of Fontainebleau, France Orly Airport Shortly after 8:00 p.m. Mme. Gam 9/22/1954 #10395  
emerge. When an aircraft from Orly Airport approaches, the ball rises at hi 9/22/1954 #10395  
een by a Mr. Guyard at the Challes Airport in Savoie department, France. Th 9/26/1954 #10454  
                         LA CUMBRE AIRPORT, ARG Air Traffic Controllers. St 10/23/1954 #11326  
ugoslavia [now Serbia] Zemun Polje Airport 6:15 a.m. Several UFOs, some des 10/25/1954 #11390  
nd staff at the nearby Zemun Polje Airport. The event is a culmination of U 10/25/1954 #11390  
nesses at the Belgrade, Yugoslavia airport sighted over twenty UFOs. There  10/25/1954 #11396  
g four Portuguese nationals at the airport on Terciera Island in the Azores 10/29/1954 #11484  
              NEAR CALCUTTA, INDIA Airport Air Traffic Controller and more/ 10/31/1954 #11496  
ield [now Louisville International Airport] 3:00–6:00 p.m. A white, motionl 11/12/1954 #11629  
ield [now Louisville International Airport] follows the object for 45 minut 11/12/1954 #11629  
                              NEAR AIRPORT / BERCK, FR Landed 'round hut' c 11/13/1954 #11632  
      Berck, France Near the local airport, Mr. Davril saw a craft like a r 11/13/1954 #11636  
       At 3:30 a.m. near the local airport in Berck, Pas-de-Calais, France, 11/13/1954 #11640  
ler. 2 luminous objects hover over airport / 2 hours. / r242p50.            11/25/1954 #11701  
ologist, control tower operator at airport watched two hovering luminous ob 11/25/1954 #11702  
 hover over the Cordoba, Argentina airport for two hours starting at 5:25 a 11/25/1954 #11705  
   SOUTH / CERRO MORENO, CHILE 3 / airport. Elongated disk overhead. Shoots 1/2/1955 #11909  
k 15M object going down / Height / airport/apartment tower. All baffled. /  1/20/1955 #11938  
        Ryukyu Islands, Japan Naha Airport on Okinawa US Kadena Air Base 2: 3/24/1955 #12059  
ins to stall, the pilot calls Naha Airport on Okinawa, which alerts the US  3/24/1955 #12059  
ollar / arms length. Fades away. = airport beacon / Blue Book.              4/6/1955 #12082  
New Orleans (3 miles NE of Moisant Airport), LA L-19 Encounters Silver Delt 4/21/1955 #12097  
                          Keflavik Airport, Iceland 10 round, white objects 5/4/1955 #12115  
ir observer(s). 5 rhomboids circle airport / 2km altitude. / APRO 8'55.     5/27/1955 #12162  
homboid-shaped objects circled the airport at Pisco, Peru at 11:00 p.m. The 5/29/1955 #12167  
                         BRYAN, TX Airport/apartment tower. Cylinder/cylind 6/15/1955 #12197  
NGTON, DC Yellow-saucer / National airport/apartment. Lights electro-magnet 6/26/1955 #12213  
its own length approached National Airport, stopped, oscillated, and moved  6/26/1955 #12214  
f at high speed. Ceiling lights at airport went out when object approached; 6/26/1955 #12214  
                          National Airport in Washington, D.C. Silver Hill  6/26/1955 #12217  
its own length approaches National Airport in Washington, D.C., stops, osci 6/26/1955 #12217  
 high speed. Ceiling lights at the airport go out when the object approache 6/26/1955 #12217  
                          National Airport Ronald Reagan Washington Nationa 7/26/1955 #12290  
 Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport Washington, D.C. A brilliant rou 7/26/1955 #12290  
its own length approaches National Airport [now Ronald Reagan Washington Na 7/26/1955 #12290  
 Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport] in Washington, D.C., stops, osc 7/26/1955 #12290  
 high speed. Ceiling lights at the airport go out when the object approache 7/26/1955 #12290  
mbus Cincinnati Greater Cincinnati Airport Wright-Patterson AFB 11:50 p.m.  8/23/1955 #12399  
ible speed. The Greater Cincinnati Airport also tracks unidentified blips o 8/23/1955 #12399  
              NEAR DACCA, PAKISTAN Airport/apartment crews. Large round blu 11/4/1955 #12548  
g south / 7 min. 2nd joins. Lights airport.                                 11/4/1955 #12548  
"Big moon buzzes town". Fast. Over airport. No planes in area.              1/25/1956 #12682  
ield [now Louisville International Airport] in Louisville, Kentucky, on a m 1/31/1956 #12687  
                              ORLY AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR Large RADAR blip / 2/17/1956 #12721  
                              Orly Airport, Paris, France Gometz-le-Châtel, 2/17/1956 #12723  
m. Air traffic controllers at Orly Airport, Paris, France, see a target app 2/17/1956 #12723  
       Multiple radar sets at Orly Airport, Paris, France tracked an unknow 2/17/1956 #12724  
                              Orly Airport, Paris, France Light red blinkin 2/18/1956 #12727  
cer rumbles. Trails smoke. Circles airport/apartment. Going quickly northwe 2/23/1956 #12736  
Schenectady Griffiss International Airport, Rome, New York Syracuse Oswego, 4/8/1956 #12803  
ss AFB [now Griffiss International Airport], Rome, New York, where controll 4/8/1956 #12803  
rey blimps and silver saucers over airport etc. Air Force team sent in.     7/12/1956 #12966  
    Pixley, California Kern County Airport [now closed] in Lost Hills 11:00 7/22/1956 #13007  
n emergency landing at Kern County Airport [now closed] in Lost Hills. An e 7/22/1956 #13007  
 1. 2 white disks hover 1200M over airport. Quickly going up. / r140#9p7.   9/3/1956 #13177  
 zooms away in 5–8 seconds. Gander Airport confirms that it had a radar tar Fall 1956 #13237  
 California Castle AFB [now Castle Airport Aviation and Development Center] 10/7/1956 #13266  
rnia, reach Castle AFB [now Castle Airport Aviation and Development Center] 10/7/1956 #13266  
e FAA shops at Miami International Airport. Surprised by the unexpected tar 11/8/1956 #13315  
server(s). Metal saucer stops over airport 2X. Splits. Rejoins. Going quick 12/4/1956 #13388  
     Itazuke Air Base [now Fukuoka Airport] in Fukuoka, Japan 4:20 p.m. Nea 12/17/1956 #13408  
Near Itazuke Air Base [now Fukuoka Airport] in Fukuoka, Japan, a USAF pilot 12/17/1956 #13408  
               Lincoln AFB Lincoln Airport, Nebraska 2:30 a.m. The USAF ope 2/13/1957 #13502  
es within Lincoln AFB [now Lincoln Airport, Nebraska], the GCA and NCOIC, t 2/13/1957 #13502  
            Long Beach-Los Angeles Airport, CA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) 3/22/1957 #13550  
            Long Beach-Los Angeles Airport, CA At 11:55 p.m., two objects t 3/22/1957 #13552  
radar at Los Angeles International Airport. The targets were rectangular an 3/22/1957 #13552  
mi Hills Oxnard AFB [now Camarillo Airport] Mrs. Robert Beaudoin, the wife  3/22/1957 #13553  
t nearby Oxnard AFB [now Camarillo Airport]. At 12:30 a.m., they see a gree 3/22/1957 #13553  
     NORTHWEST PLYMOUTH, NZ 2 near airport. Cylinder/cigar-shape-night ligh 4/7/1957 #13587  
adio signals received at Maiquetia airport at same time (NICAP: 03 - EME Ca 4/19/1957 #13605  
                      Pajasblancas Airport, Argentina When his motorcycle s 5/1/1957 #13637  
       Pajas Blancas International Airport in Córdoba, Argentina 7:00 a.m.  5/1/1957 #13638  
s from Pajas Blancas International Airport in Córdoba, Argentina, sees a UF 5/1/1957 #13638  
down a road near the Pajas Blancas Airport in Cordoba province, Argentina s 5/1/1957 #13639  
rtly after takeoff from Shreveport Airport a small light was visible nearby 6/3/1957 #13697  
            Shreveport (Louisiana) Airport Converse, Louisiana England AFB  6/3/1957 #13698  
 AFB [now Alexandria International Airport] 9:35 p.m. Shortly after takeoff 6/3/1957 #13698  
akeoff from Shreveport (Louisiana) Airport, Capt. Lynn Kern and Flight Offi 6/3/1957 #13698  
 AFB [now Alexandria International Airport], which confirms the two targets 6/3/1957 #13698  
 AFB [San Bernardino International Airport], California The Air Defense Com 7/1957 #13765  
 AFB [San Bernardino International Airport], California. Soon afterwards, t 7/1957 #13765  
Air Force B26 / one hour. Hovers / airport. Quickly going up. Military inve 7/14/1957 #13795  
 Forbes Field [now Topeka Regional Airport], Kansas Mississippi Louisiana T 7/17/1957 #13808  
 Forbes Field [now Topeka Regional Airport], Kansas, on an electronic warfa 7/17/1957 #13808  
going down / clouds. Maneuver over airport and city / 2 hours.              7/26/1957 #13842  
              Naples International Airport, Italy An Italian Air Force nonc 8/4/1957 #13876  
trol tower at Naples International Airport, Italy, and about 30 other witne 8/4/1957 #13876  
Naval Air Station Cecil [now Cecil Airport] in Jacksonville, Florida 3:40 p 8/22/1957 #13924  
Naval Air Station Cecil [now Cecil Airport] in Jacksonville, Florida, chase 8/22/1957 #13924  
men? Large metallic ovoid hovers / airport. Away extremely fast. / r46p124. 9/19/1957 #14008  
[now Chippewa County International Airport] south of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich 9/20/1957 #14020  
[now Chippewa County International Airport] south of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich 9/20/1957 #14020  
closed], California Salt Lake City Airport 4:00 a.m. A huge fireball plunge 10/10/1957 #14094  
rts the incident to Salt Lake City Airport.                                 10/10/1957 #14094  
            El Paso (3 miles SE of airport), TX Egg shaped object w/bluish  11/4/1957 #14278  
        Texas state border El Paso Airport Texas Franklin Mountains 7:30 p. 11/4/1957 #14287  
iving 3 miles southeast of El Paso Airport in Texas when his car engine sta 11/4/1957 #14287  
                       Long Beach (Airport), CA Zibello (McDonald list; FUF 11/5/1957 #14325  
r crew. Large silver disk hovers / airport. Air Defense Command investigati 11/9/1957 #14497  
             Lafayette (Louisiana) Airport 9:15 a.m. Eastern Airline pilot  11/9/1957 #14506  
ake off from Lafayette (Louisiana) Airport when he sees a big silvery objec 11/9/1957 #14506  
BRZ Silent 60M saucer hovers 90M / airport. All cars electro-magnetic effec 11/15/1957 #14555  
ucer / treetop level 80M away near airport.                                 11/17/1957 #14570  
b / light going southwest. Stops / airport / 60M altitude. Quickly going up 2/6/1958 (approximate) #14873  
                           Dayton (airport), OH Pilot saw a very dark blue  4/7/1958 #14965  
         Denmark Vojens Skrydstrup Airport A Danish fighter pilot reports s 4/10/1958 #14974  
lso tracked on radar at Skrydstrup Airport in Vojens, Denmark. The pilot at 4/10/1958 #14974  
                 JOHANNESBURG, RSA Airport Tech and more/others. Red-white  4/11/1958 #14975  
           Johannesburg, S. Africa Airport instrument inspector, others wat 4/11/1958 #14976  
 proceeded across town to the Muni Airport at Great Falls and hovered over  5/1958 #15006  
ta Carlos A. Curbelo International Airport San Carlos, Uruguay 3:40 p.m. Ex 5/5/1958 #15018  
ta Carlos A. Curbelo International Airport] near San Carlos, Uruguay, when  5/5/1958 #15018  
        Pueblo, Colorado Witness:  airport weather observer O.R. Foster, us 6/14/1958 #15095  
                     At 10:46 a.m. airport weather observer O. R. Foster in 6/14/1958 #15098  
  TOWNSVILLE, QLD Engineer and 2 / airport. Red-gold object swings and mane 10/7/1958 #15321  
                  OPORTO, PORTUGAL Airport workers and small plane. 2 brigh 10/17/1958 #15350  
lso see the UFO hovering above the airport, watching it through their binoc 11/4/1958 #15425  
s and many. Disk hovers / official airport opening. Military inv.           11/5/1958 #15427  
a, Kansas Philip Billard Municipal Airport 1:35 a.m. A Mrs. Kinney, who is  11/11/1958 #15438  
rs at the Philip Billard Municipal Airport, who know her well and tell her  11/11/1958 #15438  
            Troy Peak (and Tonopah Airport), NV (McDonald list) Three Radar 11/13/1958 #15441  
                           EL COCO AIRPORT/APARTMENT, COSTA RICA Air Traffi 2/4/1959 #15578  
                            London Airport (now Heathrow) England 7:25 p.m. 2/25/1959 #15615  
above one of the runways at London Airport [now Heathrow], England. Airport 2/25/1959 #15615  
n Airport [now Heathrow], England. Airport and air defense radars do not pi 2/25/1959 #15615  
                          HEATHROW AIRPORT/APARTMENT Many observer(s). Bril 2/26/1959 #15618  
which hovered for 20 minutes above airport, then climbed away at high speed 2/26/1959 #15619  
B St. Hubert Montreal/Saint-Hubert Airport Quebec 8:00 p.m. Control tower o 4/7/1959 #15694  
 Hubert [now Montreal/Saint-Hubert Airport], Quebec, spot a red, glowing li 4/7/1959 #15694  
0 p.m. Control tower personnel and airport officials at St. Hubert Air Defe 4/12/1959 #15699  
ater contacted Washington National Airport and heard from the radar tower t 7/5/1959 #15817  
lian Air Force) B-26, hovered near airport. [NICAP UFOE, X] (NICAP: 11 - Av 7/14/1959 #15849  
                           VNUKOVO AIRPORT, RUSSIA 3 disks / RADAR. Planes  8/1959 #15885  
ht rapidly descending north of the airport. It stops abruptly and hovers ab 9/24/1959 #15987  
lle Highway, then turns toward the airport. The object turns reddish-orange 9/24/1959 #15987  
to about 10 miles northeast of the airport to hover again. Dickerson arrive 9/24/1959 #15987  
er again. Dickerson arrives at the airport to report his sighting in person 9/24/1959 #15987  
 James Connally AFB [now TSTC Waco Airport] near Waco, Texas Waco Night. Vi Early 1960 #16146  
 James Connally AFB [now TSTC Waco Airport] near Waco, Texas. They notice a Early 1960 #16146  
   Lambert–St. Louis International Airport Missouri Two policemen are in th 3/24/1960 #16206  
of Lambert–St. Louis International Airport in Missouri, one on the north si 3/24/1960 #16206  
               Washington National Airport Levelland The Air Force gives a  7/13/1960 #16335  
ations for the Washington National Airport and Levelland cases.             7/13/1960 #16335  
        MOLINE, IL AND MORE/OTHERS Airport weathermen and more. Large silve 11/11/1960 #16496  
ight shiny object hovers 50k' over airport/apartment. RADAR's track. / r242 6/19/1961 #16730  
ers for more than an hour above an airport at Exeter, Devon, England. Offic 6/19/1961 #16732  
                      Utah Central Airport [now closed] in Granger, Utah Hi 10/2/1961 #16889  
in a Mooney M20A from Utah Central Airport [now closed] in Granger, Utah, w 10/2/1961 #16889  
s. Several other people, including airport controller Jay Galbraith, also s 10/2/1961 #16889  
lbraith, also see the UFO from the airport. Investigators from Hill AFB nea 10/2/1961 #16889  
ill AFB near Ogden arrive quickly. Airport attendant Russell M. Woods tells 10/2/1961 #16889  
hed aluminum over the Utah Central Airport in Salt Lake City, Utah at noon. 10/2/1961 #16890  
                       CAMBA PUNTA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, ARG 8+observer(s). Sp 7/31/1962 #17307  
g quickly west. 1 stops and lights airport. / MJ#292+/ APRO 9'62.           8/2/1962 #17314  
                       Camba Punat Airport, Argentina Luis Harvey, airport  8/2/1962 #17316  
at Airport, Argentina Luis Harvey, airport manager, and his staff thought t 8/2/1962 #17316  
                       Cambá Punta Airport [now Doctor Fernando Piragine Ni 8/2/1962 #17317  
ndo Piragine Niveyro International Airport] Corrientes, Argentina Around 12 8/2/1962 #17317  
c control operators at Cambá Punta Airport [now Doctor Fernando Piragine Ni 8/2/1962 #17317  
ndo Piragine Niveyro International Airport], near Corrientes, Argentina, se 8/2/1962 #17317  
unidentified light approaching the airport. They call the airport manager,  8/2/1962 #17317  
oaching the airport. They call the airport manager, Luís Harvey, who arrive 8/2/1962 #17317  
                       Camba Punat Airport, Corrientes province, Argentina. 8/2/1962 #17318  
vince, Argentina. Sr. Luis Harvey, airport manager, and his staff thought t 8/2/1962 #17318  
FB [now Grant County International Airport] Moses Lake, Washington Night. A 10/2/1962 #17452  
FB [now Grant County International Airport] near Moses Lake, Washington, se 10/2/1962 #17452  
   Forbes AFB [now Topeka Regional Airport], Topeka, Kansas Dawn. An object 10/12/1962 #17468  
er Forbes AFB [now Topeka Regional Airport], Topeka, Kansas. Its flight pat 10/12/1962 #17468  
                      Buenos Aires Airport, Argentina A large, fiery disk w 12/21/1962 #17600  
                            EZEIZA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, ARG Fiery saucer 10M  12/22/1962 #17603  
 Buenos Aires, Argentina At Ezeiza Airport, pilots and control tower operat 12/22/1962 #17604  
              Ezeiza International Airport Ezeiza Partido Greater Buenos Ai 12/22/1962 #17606  
 3:00 a.m. At Ezeiza International Airport [now Ministro Pistarini Internat 12/22/1962 #17606  
w Ministro Pistarini International Airport] at Ezeiza Partido in Greater Bu 12/22/1962 #17606  
ht crews of two aircraft at Ezeiza Airport, Buenos Aires, Argentina. The UF 12/22/1962 #17607  
 in the sky. Local astronomers and airport officials could not account for  6/18/1963 #17792  
lent metallic disk going east near airport / 300M altitude. / news.         7/16/1963 #17832  
lic disc flew to the east near the airport in Ontario, California at 300 me 7/16/1963 #17834  
5 past the Mount Vernon, Illinois, airport when they notice a bright white  8/4/1963 #17863  
raft mechanic. Star maneuvers over airport. 45° and 90° turns. Speeds away. 11/3/1963 #18025  
ARRASCO, URG Hundreds / resort and airport. Metallic saucer hovers and "bal 12/5/1963 #18064  
                           KAI TAK AIRPORT, HONG KONG Low-altitude UFO's mi 2/1964 #18122  
lot at the Lawrence, Massachusetts airport sighted a yellowish white light  5/18/1964 #18285  
 his wife were 30 km away from the airport when an intensely bright object  6/5/1964 #18331  
ile driving near the Pajas Blancas airport in Cordoba province, Argentina a 6/5/1964 #18332  
Lavonia, Georgia Anderson Regional Airport in South Carolina 1:00 a.m. Beau 6/30/1964 #18386  
personnel at the Anderson Regional Airport in South Carolina, where he meet 6/30/1964 #18386  
ok Case #9031. Night light circles airport. Blinks. Maneuvers. Going quickl 8/10/1964 #18473  
al Station José Aponte de la Torre Airport Ceiba, Puerto Rico 9:00 p.m. The 11/19/1964 #18629  
ation [now José Aponte de la Torre Airport] in Ceiba, Puerto Rico, which th 11/19/1964 #18629  
FB [now Myrtle Beach International Airport] 10:45 p.m. Private pilot George 11/22/1964 #18632  
FB [now Myrtle Beach International Airport] and reports them.               11/22/1964 #18632  
               WASHINGTON NATIONAL AIRPORT/APARTMENT, VA Airliner / near co 1/3/1965 #18692  
                    NEAR MARIGNANE AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR 2 / air France cre 4/9/1965 #18900  
ng at 15km altitude near Marignane Airport. It suddenly vanished.           4/9/1965 #18901  
zores islands Portugal Santa Maria Airport 4:30 p.m. A white cylindrical ob 7/9/1965 #19088  
electric clocks at the Santa Maria Airport stop when the object passes over 7/9/1965 #19088  
aches the zenith directly over the airport. Attempts to identify it are uns 7/9/1965 #19088  
At 3:00 p.m. at Santa Maria Island Airport on the Azores, airport clocks st 7/9/1965 #19091  
aria Island Airport on the Azores, airport clocks stopped and compasses spu 7/9/1965 #19091  
             Porto, Portugal Porto Airport 4:30 a.m. Laura de Freitas Macha 7/12/1965 #19096  
in Porto, Portugal, near the Porto Airport. She notices a luminous red obje 7/12/1965 #19096  
tralian Capital Territory Canberra Airport 11:00 a.m. An object descends ne 7/15/1965 #19106  
ontrol tower operators at Canberra Airport.                                 7/15/1965 #19106  
ir traffic controllers at Canberra Airport, Australian Capital Territory wa 7/15/1965 #19107  
                          CANBERRA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, AUST Air Traffic Cont 7/18/1965 #19120  
Caldwell, Kansas, speed toward the airport to investigate local sightings w 8/1/1965 #19246  
                 Wichita Municipal Airport Wichita Dwight D. Eisenhower Nat 8/2/1965 #19265  
hita Dwight D. Eisenhower National Airport Wellington, Kansas 2:30 a.m. Uni 8/2/1965 #19265  
ar screen at the Wichita Municipal Airport [now Wichita Dwight D. Eisenhowe 8/2/1965 #19265  
hita Dwight D. Eisenhower National Airport] in Kansas and continue intermit 8/2/1965 #19265  
n an estate near the Huanaco, Peru airport at 5:00 a.m. A being with a big  9/1/1965 #19493  
 50' fireball / 100' altitude near airport. Same again 10 mn later.         11/9/1965 #19706  
ome. 2 passes / same altitude over airport.                                 12/22/1965 #19785  
t 1.5 miles to the vicinity of the airport, where an aircraft’s landing lig 2/6/1966 #19887  
                   Muscogee County Airport Fort Benning Columbus, Georgia 5 3/27/1966 #20101  
ation operators at Muscogee County Airport [now Columbus Metropolitan Airpo 3/27/1966 #20101  
Airport [now Columbus Metropolitan Airport] and military operators at Fort  3/27/1966 #20101  
                          MUSCOGEE AIRPORT/APARTMENT, GA 2 distant RADAR's  3/28/1966 #20107  
ject with pairs of lights near LAX airport.                                 4/3/1966 #20210  
ean near Los Angeles International Airport, a Coast Guard helicopter pilot  4/3/1966 #20212  
ere seen over the Trenton, Ontario airport on this night, and one landed on 4/4/1966 #20226  
 washtub" moved southeast over the airport, dog barked (animal reactions).  4/7/1966 #20263  
h Greater Pittsburgh International Airport 5:00 a.m. Portage County Deputy  4/17/1966 #20318  
e Greater Pittsburgh International Airport. Beighey calls Panzarella and sa 4/17/1966 #20318  
ns were driving south of Castlegar Airport in British Columbia when they we 6/8/1966 #20547  
                     Fulton County Airport, GA 3:50 a.m. Federal Aviation A 7/25/1966 #20679  
                          Heathrow Airport Air Traffic Control London, Engl 9/1966 #20825  
itude by all personnel at Heathrow Airport Air Traffic Control in London, E 9/1966 #20825  
 State Highway 71 Wharton Regional Airport 4:00 a.m. Deputy Sheriff Ed Kore 9/1966 #20827  
ming object above Wharton Regional Airport to the east. He accelerates towa 9/1966 #20827  
                          HEATHROW AIRPORT/APARTMENT, LONDON All tower pers 9/15/1966 #20883  
FO was seen northeast of Roosevelt Airport in Utah at 4:30 p.m. by three me 9/30/1966 #20940  
 airliner. Night lights hover near airport. RADAR blips match. Shoot away v 10/31/1966 #21052  
bject landed at the local military airport in Fubara, Italy. It carried fla 11/10/1966 #21088  
         Washington, D.C. National Airport Wertheimer goes to Washington, D 12/2/1966 #21178  
nterview witnesses of the National Airport radar-visual sightings of 1952.  12/2/1966 #21178  
           At the Gallipolis, Ohio airport in the middle of the afternoon f 12/4/1966 #21182  
 to Stone’s Corner near the Joplin airport. He waits for nearly an hour bef 1/13/1967 #21298  
 a blue stripe. It hovered over an airport, then accelerated and sped away, 1/18/1967 #21340  
ed to the Lawrenceville- Vincennes Airport that he observed an object for o 2/2/1967 #21440  
yo Lima Jorge Chávez International Airport in Callao 6:30 p.m. Capt. Oswald 2/2/1967 #21442  
ands at Jorge Chávez International Airport in Callao.                       2/2/1967 #21442  
                       WHARTON, TX Airport/apartment manager and many. Roun 2/12/1967 #21515  
Evening. Many people, including an airport manager, saw a bell-shaped objec 2/12/1967 #21518  
let-shaped object flew over Dublin Airport, Ireland. It gave off blue and y 2/26/1967 #21662  
 Haverhille, MA 2:00 a.m. EST,. An airport owner, alerted by a whirring sou Spring 1967 #21921  
rande do Sul, Brazil Salgado Filho Airport near Gravataí Cruzeiro do Sul A  3/21/1967 #21936  
 while on its way to Salgado Filho Airport near Gravataí. The control tower 3/21/1967 #21936  
dart" shapes. Shoot away near Lima airport.                                 3/22/1967 #21939  
 wingless DC3 fuselage maneuvers / airport. Shoots going quickly northeast  3/23/1967 #21950  
at he observed an object, near the airport, in the west that appeared to be 3/23/1967 #21955  
Brazil Salgado Filho International Airport Day. The crew of a Brazilian Air 3/27/1967 #22001  
wer at Salgado Filho International Airport, which asks the mapping aircraft 3/27/1967 #22001  
s Edmonton, Alberta, International Airport 9:45 p.m. A Pacific Western Airl 4/6/1967 #22081  
t Edmonton, Alberta, International Airport.                                 4/6/1967 #22081  
, Missouri Jefferson City Memorial Airport Missouri River bluff Highway 94  4/17/1967 #22153  
t 10 minutes then heads toward the airport. Two smaller objects emerge from 4/17/1967 #22153  
size of a DC-3. Metz drives to the airport on Highway 94 and finds two more 4/17/1967 #22153  
witnesses. Jefferson City Memorial Airport employees watch a flat, circular 4/17/1967 #22153  
h to south. The object circled the airport, turned on a bright light, made  5/9/1967 #22301  
h to south. The object circled the airport, turned on a bright light, made  5/9/1967 #22305  
                       NEAR MOSCOW AIRPORT Invisible whistling-rumbling ent 5/11/1967 #22314  
         COLORADO SPRS, CO Blips / airport/apartment and USAF RADAR's all a 5/13/1967 #22332  
 1640 MDT, at the Colorado Springs airport an object was picked up on radar 5/13/1967 #22335  
at the Colorado Springs, Colorado, airport. A Braniff flight is coming in f 5/13/1967 #22337  
e right (east) and passes over the airport at an estimated height of about  5/13/1967 #22337  
 At the Colorado Springs, Colorado airport an unidentified flying object wa 5/13/1967 #22339  
e east (right) and passed over the airport at an indicated height of 200 fe 5/13/1967 #22339  
rneath (body lights). Indianapolis airport radar reportedly tracked the obj 5/15/1967 #22345  
e (EM effects) was reported by the airport control tower director. (Baltimo 6/24/1967 #22545  
ns interference is reported by the airport control tower director.          6/24/1967 #22549  
 9:24 p.m. A radar operator in the airport at Kenora, Ontario, notes an uni 7/6/1967 #22622  
                  NEAR KENORA, ONT Airport Radars. UFO chases planes about  7/7/1967 (approximate) #22624  
            Winnipeg International Airport Manitoba Kenora, Ontario Kenora  7/7/1967 #22629  
rt Manitoba Kenora, Ontario Kenora Airport 7:00 p.m. Air traffic controller 7/7/1967 #22629  
trollers at Winnipeg International Airport in Manitoba, while monitoring an 7/7/1967 #22629  
r object is detected on the Kenora Airport radar headed northeast. For thre 7/7/1967 #22629  
 Mexico City, Mexico 8:17 p.m. LT. Airport control tower personnel and othe 8/6/1967 #22827  
aneuvered) as they passed over the airport. (Ramos letter, 8/8/67, NICAP fi 8/6/1967 #22827  
ichoacán Mexico City International Airport Salamanca, Guanajuato, Mexico Ca 8/6/1967 #22830  
e at the Mexico City International Airport watch a group between 8:10 and 8 8/6/1967 #22830  
ors at Mexico City's international airport, and thousands of other ground w 8/6/1967 #22835  
ange formation, then pass over the airport.                                 8/6/1967 #22835  
                         MAIQUETIA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, VNZ Small humanoid (o 8/26/1967 #22930  
                         Maiquetia Airport, Venezuela Esteban D. Cova, a pr 8/26/1967 #22932  
rines, was relieved of duty at the airport and returned to his quarters. Th 8/26/1967 #22932  
ust leaving the hangar at Maquetia Airport, Venezuela when he was accosted  8/26/1967 #22935  
T. A pilot was requested by Toledo airport control tower to check out an un 8/29/1967 #22951  
e bottom (body lights). Harrisburg airport control tower had reported an od 8/31/1967 #22962  
he vicinity of Washington National Airport saw a silver disc with a dome (s 9/11/1967 #23041  
[now Chippewa County International Airport] Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan Lake 9/11/1967 #23046  
[now Chippewa County International Airport] south of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich 9/11/1967 #23046  
, and once appeared to approach an airport as if to land. (Southbridge Even 9/13/1967 #23048  
                     SOUTH / MINOT AIRPORT/APARTMENT, ND 2 saucers going ea 9/24/1967 #23125  
                         MAIQUETIA AIRPORT, VNZ Air Traffic Controller. 3 l 9/28/1967 #23138  
           Maiquetia International Airport Simón Bolívar International Airp 9/28/1967 #23144  
irport Simón Bolívar International Airport Venezuela 1:30 a.m. Omar Amaya T 9/28/1967 #23144  
her at the Maiquetia International Airport [now the Simón Bolívar Internati 9/28/1967 #23144  
ow the Simón Bolívar International Airport], Venezuela, watches three lumin 9/28/1967 #23144  
 Force Base Arkansas International Airport Blytheville, Arkansas 6:16 a.m.  10/21/1967 #23281  
e Base [now Arkansas International Airport] in Blytheville, Arkansas, see t 10/21/1967 #23281  
                 KAZAN, RUSSIA 2 / airport. Red Saturn sphere/orb/globe hov 11/6/1967 #23410  
                        LE BOURGET AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR Weathermen. Bright 11/13/1967 #23441  
                 FT. SIMPSON, NWTL Airport/apartment weatherman. Blue-green 11/15/1967 #23454  
PST. A weather observer at a local airport saw a spherical object glowing b 11/15/1967 #23460  
    Quebecair Flight 650 Sept-Îles Airport, Quebec The crew of Quebecair Fl 11/15/1967 #23464  
the end of the runway at Sept-Îles Airport, Quebec. It is as large as a sta 11/15/1967 #23464  
irfield Aurel Vlaicu International Airport Bucharest, Romania 9:30 p.m. A l 12/2/1967 #23533  
ld [now Aurel Vlaicu International Airport] near Bucharest, Romania, when h 12/2/1967 #23533  
                     Warsaw Modlin Airport, Poland 9:00 p.m. A Polish Air F 1968 #23632  
pilot takes off from Warsaw Modlin Airport, Poland, in a MiG-21 for a short 1968 #23632  
      Three Hills, Alberta Calgary Airport 7:25 a.m. Two farmers driving a  1/15/1968 #23666  
g saucer. They contact the Calgary Airport, but officials there have had no 1/15/1968 #23666  
                           KANAWHA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, WV FAA Air Traffic Co 4/4/1968 #23889  
                      Punta Arenas airport, Chile Capt. U. Tiviroli, comman 6/6/1968 #24013  
ng a night landing at Punta Arenas airport, Chile. An unusually bright obje 6/6/1968 #24013  
k to the plane. It is also seen by airport observers.                       6/6/1968 #24013  
             MOCHA ISLAND, CHL 5 / airport. Brilliant white saucer. Stops / 7/20/1968 #24192  
 jet with very short wings circles airport. Very slow.                      7/22/1968 #24201  
                       LO CASTILLO AIRPORT/APARTMENT, CHILE Several UFO's s 7/24/1968 #24216  
oys riding their bicycles near the airport in Riviere Du Loup, Quebec stopp 7/26/1968 #24234  
 White ovoid seems / land / closed airport. Buzzing sound heard.            7/29/1968 #24247  
arently land near a deserted grass airport in Barnstable, Massachusetts on  7/29/1968 #24256  
a/triangle/box-like craft / Skulte Airport. 12 small objects exit and re-en 8/4/1968 #24293  
a-cylinder/cigar-shape hovers near airport. Separate observer(s).           9/8/1968 #24437  
de. Itr hovered near the municipal airport. When they turned a corner some  9/8/1968 #24442  
              BISMARCK, ND 4+1+1 / airport/apartment tower. 2 brilliant obj 11/26/1968 #24709  
ischer) at Bismarck (North Dakota) Airport observe two swiftly moving round 11/26/1968 #24718  
ntrollers at Bismark, North Dakota airport, Watts and Wilhelm, watched two  11/26/1968 #24719  
                         PAU-UZEIN AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR 4 / 2 helicopters  2/25/1969 #24943  
bject west going quickly east over airport. No RADAR physical trace(s).     2/25/1969 #24943  
                    Near Pau-Uzein Airport, France at 8:00 p.m. four witnes 2/25/1969 #24944  
rapidly from west to east over the airport. The UFO did not appear on radar 2/25/1969 #24944  
ps and starts. Goes slow toward(s) airport. / News.                         3/12/1969 #25000  
                              Pori Airport, Finland Vaasa During a Fouga Ma 4/12/1969 #25057  
 aircraft training mission at Pori Airport, Finland, a Finnish Defence Forc 4/12/1969 #25057  
imately 5,000–9,800 feet above the airport. Tukeva reports that the objects 4/12/1969 #25057  
                     KNOXVILLE, TN Airport/apartment FAA men and more/other 5/10/1969 #25120  
                       GENEVA, SWZ Airport/apartment weatherman. 10M ovoid  5/14/1969 #25135  
loverdale, Western Australia Perth Airport Kalamunda 6:35 p.m. A 13-year-ol 5/23/1969 #25160  
aneously gets a request from Perth Airport to check out an unidentified ech 5/23/1969 #25160  
5cm sphere/orb/globe flies between airport/apartment blocks. Silent. Very c 6/1/1969 #25183  
 and 2 point night lights. Flies / airport/apartment buildings again. Sever 6/1/1969 #25187  
             At 8:25 p.m. near the airport in West Beach, Adelaide, South A 7/17/1969 #25276  
raph of a UFO was taken at Flippin Airport in Arkansas. That afternoon in S 7/18/1969 #25280  
r object with lights hovering over airport sped away making high, whining s 10/30/1969 #25436  
r object with lights hovering over airport sped away making high, whining s 10/30/1969 #25437  
                        WAIPUKURAU AIRPORT/APARTMENT, NZ Guard and dog. 60' 10/31/1969 #25442  
  While flying from Toronto Island Airport south over Lake Ontario a light  12/5/1969 #25489  
, packed a small bag, drove to the airport and took a plane to Oklahoma Cit 7/4/1970 #25727  
RES, QB White cloud over road near airport. 3 see figure inside and drive t 7/11/1970 #25733  
 Three women were driving near the airport in Trois Rivieres, Quebec, Canad 7/11/1970 #25734  
ir Traffic Controllers and pilot / airport. Flat disk hovers and wobbles /  3/3/1971 #26041  
ials at the McCarran International Airport control tower said they had not  6/26/1971 #26195  
onlike ball / light maneuvers over airport and roadway. Going quickly [to]  8/25/1971 #26304  
ROATIA Air Traffic Controllers / 2 airport/apartment towers and pilot and R 10/1971 #26391  
                     Santos Dumont Airport Rio de Janeiro Brazil Early morn 10/5/1971 #26410  
to runway 20L at the Santos Dumont Airport in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, four  10/5/1971 #26410  
o young men driving near Karlskoga Airport, Orebro, Sweden experienced phys 11/1/1971 #26444  
hted object on the ground near the airport in Itaperuna, Brazil. The UFO wa 12/20/1971 #26510  
            Sarajevo International Airport in Bosnia 7:00 p.m. Sarajevo Int Early 2/1972 #26561  
a 7:00 p.m. Sarajevo International Airport in Bosnia picks up an unidentifi Early 2/1972 #26561  
                          SARAJEVO AIRPORT/APARTMENT, BOSNIA Air and ground 2/4/1972 (approximate) #26563  
bservers on the ground at Sarajevo Airport, Yugoslavia at 7:30 p.m. as it i 2/7/1972 #26566  
 ORANGEBURG, SC Silent plane nears airport. Never lands. 2nd time in 1 week 7/27/1972 #26841  
 the sky at 3:00 p.m. near Gatwick Airport, England. It flew from the north 8/13/1972 #26916  
                  DALLAS-FT. WORTH AIRPORT 6 observer(s). 10M domed saucer  8/24/1972 #26952  
ped craft at the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport construction site at 9:50 p.m.   8/24/1972 #26953  
ollers and more. Brill saucer near airport/apartment. Jets scramble. / r11p 9/14/1972 #26992  
Palm Beach (Florida) International Airport Homestead AFB [now Homestead Air 9/14/1972 #26997  
mi–Dade County Miami International Airport 4:20 a.m. An unidentified target 9/14/1972 #26997  
Palm Beach (Florida) International Airport by FAA air traffic controller C. 9/14/1972 #26997  
tly before the jets arrive. At the airport, FAA watch supervisor George Mor 9/14/1972 #26997  
. Officials at Miami International Airport, which also tracks the strange o 9/14/1972 #26997  
 the West Palm Beach International Airport by FAA air traffic controller C. 9/14/1972 #27000  
ere scrambled from West Palm Beach Airport, Florida to intercept the glowin 9/14/1972 #27000  
. Officials at Miami International Airport also tracked the strange object. 9/14/1972 #27000  
ight lights. Odd saucer stops over airport/apartment building. Fin / rear.  10/29/1972 #27100  
                            AURORA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, GUATEMALA 3 brilliant 11/24/1972 #27137  
ing saucer rises / sea. Stops over airport. Changes color(s). Going quickly 3/25/1973 #27374  
nardino, California, International Airport Holloman AFB, New Mexico Wright- 5/1973 #27460  
nardino, California, International Airport] the two men are immediately tak 5/1973 #27460  
                    CAPE GIRARDEAU AIRPORT, MO 7 night lights in a row. 3 s 5/11/1973 #27475  
  FARMINGTON, MO Physicist and 3 / airport / (seen thru) binoculars. Appare 5/24/1973 #27523  
                         Municipal Airport in Farmington, Missouri 9:20 p.m 5/24/1973 #27527  
entification team at the municipal airport in Farmington, Missouri, see a c 5/24/1973 #27527  
ject over the Farmington, Missouri airport at 10:00 p.m.                    5/24/1973 #27528  
 CITY Night light / RADAR. Circles airport several X. Extremely fast. Silen 6/2/1973 (approximate) #27545  
e a "flat football" near Fairfield Airport about 10 p.m. (NICAP: 01 - Dista 7/6/1973 #27615  
rapidly, and then hovered over the airport. A helicopter was sent up to inv 10/14/1973 #28030  
merous witnesses at Raleigh County Airport reported a UFO with red, green,  10/15/1973 #28048  
            DOVER, DE Shoppers and airport Air Traffic Controllers and RADA 10/16/1973 #28070  
eball maneuvers all over/all about airport. Going northwest and quickly goi 10/23/1973 #28246  
                            TORINO AIRPORT/APARTMENT, ITL Pilots and many a 11/30/1973 #28485  
red and darted around near CaseIle Airport, seen by pilots and tracked on a 11/30/1973 #28489  
ort, seen by pilots and tracked on airport radar                            11/30/1973 #28489  
                           Caselle Airport, Turin, Italy Turin Rome 7:00 p. 11/30/1973 #28490  
Marano is about to land at Caselle Airport, Turin, Italy, in a Piper Navajo 11/30/1973 #28490  
cked a UFO near the Torino-Caselle Airport in Turin, Italy; a business pilo 11/30/1973 #28491  
                          CHARMEIL AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR Several separate o 12/19/1973 #28583  
de a loop in the sky over Charmeil Airport, France. They flew away and came 12/19/1973 #28588  
ht light maneuvers over field near airport. Circle / burnt grass found.     5/5/1974 (approximate) #29082  
                        FARMINGTON AIRPORT/APARTMENT, MO Night lights. Plan 5/24/1974 #29130  
ct was seen zigzagging over Nashua airport.                                 6/14/1974 #29192  
                           CORDOBA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, ARG 2 airline(s)/airl 6/29/1974 #29227  
cy Interference (RFI) / Bagotville Airport.                                 7/1974 #29233  
ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION (AEC), NY Airport/apartment Air Traffic Controller 8/20/1974 #29372  
ing southeast out of Half Moon Bay Airport, California spotted a daylight U 9/6/1974 #29427  
na. Night light follows plane into airport/apartment. Turns going west. / L 10/10/1974 #29509  
iles from Gander, Breen radios the airport, which has no traffic in the are 10/10/1974 #29512  
 in an eastward direction near the airport in Groton, Connecticut. Witnesse 1/15/1975 #29752  
b/globe / 15M altitude. Near local airport. / r30p539.                      2/12/1975 #29805  
ted 7 miles north of the Harlowton airport...(Harlowton Times newspaper) (N 2/18/1975 #29823  
             Tasman Highway Hobart Airport, Cambridge, Tasmania 9:30 p.m. A 7/1975 #30142  
ong the Tasman Highway near Hobart Airport, Cambridge, Tasmania. The interi 7/1975 #30142  
ots and air traffic controllers at airport observed red-orange disc, gray m 8/14/1975 #30269  
Stockton (California) Metropolitan Airport 9:35 p.m. Maj. Claude Riddle is  8/14/1975 #30270  
Stockton (California) Metropolitan Airport. Suddenly, air traffic controlle 8/14/1975 #30270  
 the object while walking near the airport. After 5 minutes of hovering nea 8/14/1975 #30270  
ter 5 minutes of hovering near the airport, the object turns bright red and 8/14/1975 #30270  
c controllers at Stockton Memorial Airport, San Joaquin County, California  8/14/1975 #30271  
any, New York Lake Saratoga Albany Airport South Glens Falls area Lake Geor 8/20/1975 #30291  
 Air traffic controllers at Albany Airport locate the object on a radar sca 8/20/1975 #30291  
0 feet above him headed toward the airport. The controllers locate the obje 8/20/1975 #30291  
                             Jerez Airport Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz, Spa 9/1975? #30333  
rning to Jerez air base [now Jerez Airport], Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz, S 9/1975? #30333  
 going quickly southeast toward(s) airport. Absolute(ly) silent. 2 beams li 9/9/1975 #30348  
ovoid cloud with light hovers over airport / one hour and more.             9/20/1975 #30371  
d lit from inside hovered over the airport in Zaventem, Belgium for over an 9/20/1975 #30374  
                             Akita Airport Akita Prefecture, Japan Morning. 10/17/1975 #30437  
 Broadcasting Company, is at Akita Airport in Akita Prefecture, Japan, when 10/17/1975 #30437  
e the ground some 5 miles from the airport. Telecommunications officer Keni 10/17/1975 #30437  
   Loring AFB Loring International Airport Limestone, Maine 7:45 p.m. S/Sgt 10/27/1975 #30487  
ring AFB [now Loring International Airport] near Limestone, Maine, when he  10/27/1975 #30487  
ring AFB [now Loring International Airport] tower near Limestone, Maine, wh 10/27/1975 #30488  
urtsmith AFB [now Oscoda-Wurtsmith Airport] near Oscoda, Michigan 1:00 a.m. 10/29/1975 #30510  
urtsmith AFB [now Oscoda-Wurtsmith Airport] near Oscoda, Michigan.          10/29/1975 #30510  
urtsmith AFB [now Oscoda-Wurtsmith Airport], Michigan Lake Huron 10:10–11:0 10/30/1975 #30522  
urtsmith AFB [now Oscoda-Wurtsmith Airport], Michigan, by security police o 10/30/1975 #30522  
apids, Iowa Cedar Rapids Municipal Airport 7:00 p.m. Suzanne Erenberger and 11/17/1975 #30636  
ding at the Cedar Rapids Municipal Airport and that Erenberger’s details ar 11/17/1975 #30636  
:00 p.m. Great Falls International Airport. UFO sighted, oblong object 10'  12/11/1975 #30704  
:00 a.m. Great Falls International Airport. Egg-shaped UFO on ground. (NIDS 12/23/1975 #30731  
             NORTH / CARACAS, VNZL Airport/apartment Air Traffic Controller 3/5/1976 #30926  
                     Simón Bolívar Airport Caracas, Venezuela Caribbean Sea 3/15/1976 #30943  
he landing strips at Simón Bolívar Airport near Caracas, Venezuela, at 3,00 3/15/1976 #30943  
reported to the MOD and Manchester Airport.                                 4/2/1976 #30979  
 lights / fantastic maneuvers over airport. Gone / Dawn. / International UF 7/14/1976 #31162  
       Gobernador Edgardo Castello Airport Viedma, Rio Negro, Argentina Bef 7/14/1976 #31164  
at the Gobernador Edgardo Castello Airport in Viedma, Rio Negro, Argentina. 7/14/1976 #31164  
ilots and RADAR's. Saucer lands by airport. Rises and turns going quickly s 8/7/1976 #31242  
       Djerba-Zarzis International Airport, Tunisia 11:48 p.m. The control  8/7/1976 #31244  
at the Djerba-Zarzis International Airport, Tunisia, tracks a UFO on radar  8/7/1976 #31244  
 that seems to touch down near the airport then turn south after climbing u 8/7/1976 #31244  
                  BIZERTE, TUNISIA Airport/apartment RADAR tracks UFO east  8/8/1976 #31246  
ks UFO east going west. 37 KM with airport. Turns going quickly south insta 8/8/1976 #31246  
       Sidi Ahmed Air Base Bizerte Airport, Tunisia US Sixth Fleet in the M 8/8/1976 #31247  
 at Sidi Ahmed Air Base at Bizerte Airport, Tunisia, tracks a target going  8/8/1976 #31247  
holz Petershagen, Germany Hannover airport 8:30 a.m. The pilot of a Piper A 8/13/1976 #31261  
adio to flight control at Hannover airport. The air traffic controller tell 8/13/1976 #31261  
ORTH / TEHRAN, IRAN Many calls and airport/apartment Air Traffic Controller 9/18/1976 #31392  
 the city of Tehran, Iran Mehrabad Airport Shahrokhi Airbase [now Hamadan A 9/18/1976 #31395  
e of them call the nearby Mehrabad Airport, reaching night supervisor Houss 9/18/1976 #31395  
minutes after takeoff from Portela Airport in Lisbon, Portugal when they sp 9/19/1976 #31413  
ller satellite objects near Lisbon airport, Portugal.                       9/22/1976 #31419  
                             Akita Airport, Japan Disc Hovers Near Japanese 10/17/1976 #31471  
t, Japan Disc Hovers Near Japanese Airport (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Cod 10/17/1976 #31471  
                             Akita Airport, Japan Control tower and airline 10/17/1976 #31472  
                             Akita Airport, Japan 10:40 a.m. A brilliant go 10/17/1976 #31474  
 golden disc hovers south of Akita Airport, Japan, for 5 minutes. Kenichi W 10/17/1976 #31474  
            At 10:40 a.m. at Akita Airport, Japan Captain Masara Saito, age 10/17/1976 #31475  
. It hovered to the south near the airport for five minutes, then flew away 10/17/1976 #31475  
         Kenner, Louisiana Moisant Airport [now Louis Armstring New Orleans 11/23/1976 #31568  
rmstring New Orleans International Airport] 3:30 a.m. A lounge owner and an 11/23/1976 #31568  
n heads slowly east toward Moisant Airport [now Louis Armstring New Orleans 11/23/1976 #31568  
rmstring New Orleans International Airport].                                11/23/1976 #31568  
, then moved slowly toward Moisant Airport in the east.                     11/23/1976 #31569  
 CORSICA Brilliant white ball near airport. 2nd joins. Fantastic ballet. Qu 12/14/1976 #31599  
                        KALGOORLIE AIRPORT/APARTMENT, SOUTH AUSTR Weatherma 12/16/1976 #31607  
                        Kalgoorlie Airport in Western Australia Scotia nick 12/16/1976 #31608  
logical officer for the Kalgoorlie Airport in Western Australia, sees a whi 12/16/1976 #31608  
                         El Dorado Airport Bogotá, Colombia Night. Capt. Gu 1/21/1977 #31744  
are 7 minutes out of the El Dorado Airport in Bogotá, Colombia, westbound a 1/21/1977 #31744  
 at 20,000 feet. At the same time, airport radar operator Jorge Jimenez wat 1/21/1977 #31744  
 Syracuse, New York Boston’s Logan Airport in Massachusetts 9:05 p.m. Unite 3/12/1977 #31901  
 on a course toward Boston’s Logan Airport in Massachusetts. Suddenly the a 3/12/1977 #31901  
                          Mehrabad Airport in Tehran, Iran same distance so Mid 3/1977 #31908  
th of Tehran Observers at Mehrabad Airport in Tehran, Iran, see 20–25 UFOs  Mid 3/1977 #31908  
           Vancouver International Airport British Columbia Richmond About  4/18/1977 #31992  
 office at Vancouver International Airport in British Columbia have just go 4/18/1977 #31992  
n they see a “blue flash” over the airport. It appears in the south sky abo 4/18/1977 #31992  
nd, Alaska Anchorage International Airport 9:30 p.m. Pilot William Sorum an 4/23/1977 #32017  
 others at Anchorage International Airport see a linear flight of four sepa 4/23/1977 #32017  
, Colombia El Dorado International Airport Manuel Lopez, the pilot of a sin 4/29/1977 #32035  
landing at El Dorado International Airport by radio. He is rushed to a mili 4/29/1977 #32035  
   Loring AFB Loring International Airport Limestone, Maine Around 2:00 a.m Summer 1977 #32181  
ring AFB [now Loring International Airport] near Limestone, Maine, when he  Summer 1977 #32181  
                           Dum Dum Airport [now Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose  7/16/1977 #32281  
 Subhas Chandra Bose International Airport] Kolkata, India 11:15 p.m. As Ai 7/16/1977 #32281  
akes its final approach to Dum Dum Airport [now Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose  7/16/1977 #32281  
 Subhas Chandra Bose International Airport] in Kolkata, India, air traffic  7/16/1977 #32281  
southwest London, England Heathrow Airport 9:10 p.m. A man in Teddington, s 8/4/1977 #32360  
the right of a well known Heathrow Airport flight path. Watching it through 8/4/1977 #32360  
                     Port Columbus Airport John Glenn Columbus Internationa 8/6/1977 #32367  
 John Glenn Columbus International Airport Columbus, Ohio 8:55 p.m. A young 8/6/1977 #32367  
young woman close to Port Columbus Airport [now John Glenn Columbus Interna 8/6/1977 #32367  
 John Glenn Columbus International Airport] in Columbus, Ohio, stops her ca 8/6/1977 #32367  
                            KOPING AIRPORT, SWEDEN Silent 12M cylinder/ciga 8/24/1977 #32419  
). Night lights pace liner. Circle airport. Resume pacing.                  9/10/1977 #32476  
sfield Cheshire England Manchester Airport 2:45 p.m. A group of 10 children 10/4/1977 #32550  
usly and check with the Manchester Airport, which reports that nothing unus 10/4/1977 #32550  
                    Cagliari Elmas Airport on Sardinia, Italy Decimomannu,  10/27/1977 #32623  
rdinia 5:35 p.m. At Cagliari Elmas Airport on Sardinia, Italy, three helico 10/27/1977 #32623  
nd civilian witnesses and from the airport control tower. Air Force Col. Gi 10/27/1977 #32623  
erish exchange of messages between airport personnel, the NATO base at Deci 10/27/1977 #32623  
. Mario d’Angelo, commander of the airport’s Air Force base, sends a detail 10/27/1977 #32623  
                    Cagliari Elmas Airport on Sardinia, Italy Italian Air F 11/2/1977 #32656  
 tower personnel at Cagliari Elmas Airport on Sardinia, Italy, see a circul 11/2/1977 #32656  
ORNE, NZ Mirror-like disk hovers / airport. Sheep scared nearby. Sharp cont 11/28/1977 #32701  
                 OXNARD TO/FROM LA AIRPORT, CA 2 bright circular lights pac 12/8/1977 #32745  
RREIRO, PORTUGAL Several calls and airport weathermen. UFO zigzags and flas 12/13/1977 #32762  
              Detroit Metropolitan Airport Merriman Road Michigan Avenue Wa 2/10/1978 #32965  
is way to the Detroit Metropolitan Airport on I-275 when he and his wife se 2/10/1978 #32965  
ISLAND, ATLANTIC OCEAN. Pilot near airport. Large cylinder/cigar-shape cros 3/10/1978 #33022  
       Ahvaz Tehran, Iran Mehrabad Airport An Iranian airline pilot is flyi 4/1978 #33111  
ase. Radar controllers at Mehrabad Airport track a target 20 times the size 4/1978 #33111  
                          CIAMPINO AIRPORT, ITL 2 observer(s). Wedge-shape  4/27/1978 #33174  
ampino–G. B. Pastine International Airport Rome, Italy Two witnesses near t 4/27/1978 #33175  
ampino–G. B. Pastine International Airport in Rome, Italy, watch a small gr 4/27/1978 #33175  
Shiraz Tehran, Iran Isfahan Tehran airport Spain 10:30 p.m. Capt. Namdar, t 6/11/1978 #33274  
w him at amazing speed. The Tehran airport cannot confirm a radar tracking. 6/11/1978 #33274  
R NEUSTADT, AUSTRIA 5M saucer over airport. Follows 2 / car. Bobs going up  7/13/1978 #33378  
       Tehran, Iran Saveh Mehrabad Airport Residents sleeping on their terr 7/16/1978 #33390  
him. The control tower at Mehrabad Airport confirms the existence of the li 7/16/1978 #33390  
                 Logroño-Agoncillo Airport La Rioja, Spain 1:20 a.m. A sold 7/20/1978 #33404  
y section of the Logroño-Agoncillo Airport in La Rioja, Spain, sees a stran 7/20/1978 #33404  
                            SHANXI AIRPORT, CH 2 UFO's circle airport/apart 7/26/1978 #33416  
 SHANXI AIRPORT, CH 2 UFO's circle airport/apartment 2X. Not on RADAR. Plan 7/26/1978 #33416  
see two glowing objects circle the airport twice before moving off. Yongkao 7/26/1978 #33418  
ite spot going northwest slow over airport. Local wave.                     8/5/1978 #33473  
rthwest over Gatwick International Airport in England.                      8/5/1978 #33478  
                           Gatwick Airport Crawley, West Sussex, England Ai 8/16/1978 #33518  
Air traffic controllers at Gatwick Airport near Crawley, West Sussex, Engla 8/16/1978 #33518  
                          Heathrow Airport in London, England UFOs are repo 9/1978 #33618  
 UFOs are reported around Heathrow Airport in London, England. A spokesman  9/1978 #33618  
    Mejillones, Chile Cerro Moreno airport Andrés Sabella Gálvez Internatio 10/1978? #33787  
ndrés Sabella Gálvez International Airport Antofagasta Easter Island 12:00  10/1978? #33787  
iers. Ground radar at Cerro Moreno airport [now Andrés Sabella Gálvez Inter 10/1978? #33787  
ndrés Sabella Gálvez International Airport] in Antofagasta picks up the obj 10/1978? #33787  
een halo. Unidentified. [W / Reims Airport].                                10/10/1978 #33824  
hile Pilots, ATC's rep object near airport (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)     10/30/1978 #33895  
                         FIUMICINO AIRPORT/APARTMENT, ITL Air Force persons 11/12/1978 #33948  
                   WEST / HEATHROW AIRPORT/APARTMENT Several air and ground 11/23/1978 #33986  
ngle/box-like craft paces plane to airport. Back several X. / r171.         11/23/1978 #33986  
a "Tristar" airliner from Heathrow Airport, Kent, England. It came back sev 11/23/1978 #33990  
                          HEATHROW AIRPORT/APARTMENT AND HOUNSLOW, ENG Many 11/25/1978 #33998  
low lights were seen over Heathrow Airport and in Ducklington, England that 11/25/1978 #34005  
                          HEATHROW AIRPORT/APARTMENT, ENGL Ground crews. Un 11/28/1978 #34013  
                         PRESTWICK AIRPORT/APARTMENT, SCOTLAND Silver trian 12/3/1978 #34053  
       near McCarran International Airport, NV Las Vegas Sun: A couple on t 12/16/1978 #34144  
vering near McCarran International Airport (now called Harry Reid Internati 12/16/1978 #34144  
ow called Harry Reid International Airport) before disappearing into the mo 12/16/1978 #34144  
         Las Vegas, NV At McCarran Airport a married couple and a child saw 12/16/1978 #34152  
          At 5:30 a.m. at McCarran Airport in Las Vegas, Nevada a married c 12/16/1978 #34158  
Blenheim Christchurch Christchurch Airport 3:30 a.m. Wellington Air Traffic 12/21/1978 #34193  
appears. As they near Christchurch Airport, Powell and his copilot Ian Piri 12/21/1978 #34193  
n. It hovered over a lake near the airport, and then over the airport.      2/5/1979 #34407  
ear the airport, and then over the airport.                                 2/5/1979 #34407  
ain Manises Air Base [now Valencia Airport] 11:00 a.m. An uncorrelated rada 3/13/1979 #34474  
rom Manises Air Base [now Valencia Airport] to identify the target, but the 3/13/1979 #34474  
                        Blackbushe Airport Yateley, Hampshire, England Basi 8/27/1979 #34788  
Adlington has just left Blackbushe Airport in Yateley, Hampshire, England,  8/27/1979 #34788  
a, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia Alykel Airport near Norilsk Messoyakha Gas Fiel 10/27/1979 #34971  
s seen shortly afterward at Alykel Airport near Norilsk, and the Messoyakha 10/27/1979 #34971  
cm red fireball inside and outside airport/apartment building! Goes through 11/8/1979 #34984  
Air Base, Madrid Barcelona Manises airport in Valencia Los Llanos Air Base  11/11/1979 #34997  
n emergency landing at the Manises airport in Valencia. The lights abandon  11/11/1979 #34997  
 the UFOs passes very close to the airport runway, and emergency lights are 11/11/1979 #34997  
 Mierzęcice Air Base [now Katowice Airport], Poland During interception exe 1980 #35116  
 Mierzęcice Air Base [now Katowice Airport], Poland, notice a saucer-shaped 1980 #35116  
e smaller objects were observed on airport radar joining a larger, brighter 3/22/1980 #35228  
Burlington (Vermont) International Airport Malletts Bay 10:00–11:00 p.m. Bu 3/22/1980 #35230  
Burlington (Vermont) International Airport radar tracks three small objects 3/22/1980 #35230  
   La Joya Air Base Mariano Melgar Airport Arequipa, Peru 7:15 a.m. Personn 4/11/1980 #35269  
r Base [part of the Mariano Melgar Airport], Arequipa, Peru, see a strange  4/11/1980 #35269  
oots off at great speed toward the airport, then disappears after breaking  4/20/1980 #35280  
                      Gran Canaria Airport Canary Islands Ocean 11:05 p.m.  5/22/1980 #35339  
sit Control Center at Gran Canaria Airport in the Canary Islands detects so 5/22/1980 #35339  
ing bull was found dead. No nearby airport had ever seen such a craft. At 2 6/5/1980 #35355  
 and the house caught fire. Nearby airport radar confirmed the presence of  6/5/1980 #35355  
s by numerous witnesses, including airport personnel and meteorologists, wi 6/14/1980 #35365  
es Rosario Argentina Pajas Blancas Airport Uruguay Brazil Chile Paraguay 7: 6/14/1980 #35368  
 and Rosario, Argentina, including airport personnel and meteorologists, wi 6/14/1980 #35368  
ce of the river.” At Pajas Blancas Airport in Córdoba, a UFO causes operati 6/14/1980 #35368  
nding pattern of aircraft into the airport. Sightings occur around the same 6/14/1980 #35368  
cked on radar at the Jorge Newbery airport in Ezeiza.                       6/14/1980 #35370  
00 feet about 5 miles south of the airport in Red Bluff, California. His pa 9/4/1980 #35494  
                           TIANJIN AIRPORT, CHINA Unidentified RADAR blip d 10/16/1980 #35570  
      Tianjin Binhai International Airport, China Evening. Operators at Tia 10/16/1980 #35573  
rs at Tianjin Binhai International Airport, China, are observing the moveme 10/16/1980 #35573  
ande do Sul, Brazil Ocean Day. The airport control tower at Canoas, Rio Gra 10/31/1980 #35599  
aveling slowly and noiselessly. An airport and the police department in Kir 11/18/1980 #35654  
                             PERTH AIRPORT, WEST AUS Air Traffic Controller 12/4/1980 #35692  
visual sighting of four objects at airport                                  12/4/1980 #35697  
s at the Perth, Western Australia, airport report watching “silver tumbling 12/4/1980 #35698  
Cessna 172 back to North Las Vegas Airport. The object striked with such fo 12/18/1980 #35724  
now Austin-Bergstrom International Airport] 9:00 p.m. While driving through 12/29/1980 #35757  
now Austin-Bergstrom International Airport]. In August 1981, Cash, Landrum, 12/29/1980 #35757  
                          SAN JOSE AIRPORT/APARTMENT, CA 2 / Cessna and Air 2/9/1981 #35818  
                          SAN JOSE AIRPORT/APARTMENT, CA 2+observer(s). Red 2/19/1981 #35835  
                     NEAR SAN JOSE AIRPORT, CA Pilot and 1+1. Bright red ni 2/28/1981 #35848  
                            CANNON AIRPORT/APARTMENT / RENO, NV 4' metal sa 4/20/1981 #35905  
ssna 210 at 1,600 feet over Cannon Airport in Reno, Nevada at 10:30 a.m. wh 4/20/1981 #35909  
CFB Penhold [now Red Deer Regional Airport] Before midnight. Two teenage bo 7/16/1981 #36012  
CFB Penhold [now Red Deer Regional Airport]. A cube-shaped object 100 feet  7/16/1981 #36012  
     BEIJING, CH 2 and more/others airport workers. White disk hovers over  12/24/1981 #36276  
rt workers. White disk hovers over airport. No explanation. No further deta 12/24/1981 #36276  
 RC agreed to meet three men at an airport about UFOs and then never contac 1982 #36291  
              CHRISTCHURCH, NZ 4 / airport. Saturn-saucer going northwest.  1/26/1982 #36313  
buco, Brazil Belo Horizonte Galeão Airport in Rio de Janeiro Rio-Niterói Br 2/8/1982 #36327  
 aircraft begins landing at Galeão Airport in Rio de Janeiro. Some witnesse 2/8/1982 #36327  
umps going northwest. By Fullerton Airport.                                 3/19/1983 #36789  
of a Boeing 747 hovered over Gorki Airport at low altitude for 40 minutes.  3/27/1983 #36817  
hny Novgorod], Russia Radar at the airport at Gorky [now Nizhny Novgorod],  3/28/1983 #36821  
                           Darłowo Airport, Poland An unauthorized target a 7/7/1983 #36904  
rs on the radar screens at Darłowo Airport, Poland, corresponding to a rota 7/7/1983 #36904  
 at the Greater Rockford, Illinois airport. (Source: APRO Bulletin, Septemb 12/12/1983 #37070  
 at the Greater Rockford, Illinois airport.                                 12/12/1983 #37072  
ampus Columbus, Ohio Port Columbus Airport John Glenn Columbus Internationa 2/23/1984 #37201  
 John Glenn Columbus International Airport 4:00 p.m. Five witnesses, all wi 2/23/1984 #37201  
 in the direction of Port Columbus Airport [now John Glenn Columbus Interna 2/23/1984 #37201  
 John Glenn Columbus International Airport].                                2/23/1984 #37201  
      Grantley Adams International Airport Barbados Northern part of the is 4/12/1984 #37258  
ar at Grantley Adams International Airport in Barbados tracks a large group 4/12/1984 #37258  
                                   AIRPORT / SUFFOLK 3 Air Traffic Controll 4/19/1984 #37269  
                     At an eastern airport, UK 16.00 GMT. Air traffic contr 4/19/1984 #37273  
 traffic controllers at an eastern airport in England witnessed a glowing s 4/19/1984 #37273  
 traffic controllers at an eastern airport in England witnessed a glowing s 4/19/1984 #37276  
tchess County, New York Stormville airport Green Haven Correctional Facilit 6/21/1984 #37370  
,” so they drive to the Stormville airport. After waiting in the snack bar  6/21/1984 #37370  
  Rzeszów, Poland Rzeszów-Jasionka Airport Mielec Airport 4:30 p.m. A myste 7/13/1984 #37395  
nd Rzeszów-Jasionka Airport Mielec Airport 4:30 p.m. A mysterious object co 7/13/1984 #37395  
t controller from Rzeszów-Jasionka Airport estimates it is at 6,500 feet an 7/13/1984 #37395  
ly moving to the northwest. Mielec Airport air traffic controller Kasimierz 7/13/1984 #37395  
                           Otopeni Airport Henri Coandă International Airpo 8/23/1984 #37438  
Airport Henri Coandă International Airport Bucharest, Romania Alexeni Air F 8/23/1984 #37438  
ternoon. Military radar at Otopeni Airport [now Henri Coandă International  8/23/1984 #37438  
rt [now Henri Coandă International Airport] near Bucharest, Romania, picks  8/23/1984 #37438  
       Port Columbus International Airport John Glenn Columbus Internationa 7/1985 #37613  
 John Glenn Columbus International Airport Ohio 3:00 p.m. As a pilot is fly 7/1985 #37613  
rd the Port Columbus International Airport [now the John Glenn Columbus Int 7/1985 #37613  
 John Glenn Columbus International Airport] in Ohio, the airport gives him  7/1985 #37613  
nternational Airport] in Ohio, the airport gives him authorization to inves 7/1985 #37613  
lawayo Matabeleland South Bulawayo Airport Thornhill 5:45 p.m. Two Hawk jet 7/22/1985 #37628  
n and tracked on radar at Bulawayo Airport. It looks orange and round with  7/22/1985 #37628  
rturo Merino Benítez International Airport Afternoon. For several hours, wi 8/17/1985 #37645  
rturo Merino Benítez International Airport tracks them on radar. Early expl 8/17/1985 #37645  
                        TUCSON, AZ Airport RADAR and cops. 60 night lights  10/7/1985 #37675  
 Connecticut Bradley International Airport in Windsor Locks 9:00 p.m. Multi 1/9/1986 #37762  
indows” near Bradley International Airport in Windsor Locks. The FAA claims 1/9/1986 #37762  
d square and triangle-paths around airport.                                 5/1986 #37850  
 p.m. 2ndSgt Sergio Mota da Silva, airport flight controller for São José d 5/19/1986 #37878  
    Watertown, Massachusetts Logan Airport 12:00 midnight. A single witness 7/15/1986 #37943  
s watching airliners land at Logan Airport when he sees a string of three b 7/15/1986 #37943  
ight lights flash / 45 minute(s) / airport. RADAR confirm. Hovers and maneu 8/13/1986 #37985  
ng in the sky  for 45 minutes. The airport radar confirmed that there were  8/13/1986 #37988  
                           Magadan Airport, Russia Kamchatka Afternoon. Civ 11/25/1986 #38077  
 and military personnel in Magadan Airport, Russia, notice an unidentified  11/25/1986 #38077  
                            ATHENS AIRPORT, GRC USAF C141 pilot. Classic sa 4/26/1987 #38166  
zhou, Zhejiang Province, China the airport tower personnel saw a small ball 8/27/1987 #38262  
 the aircraft and hovered near the airport in Indianapolis, Indiana. The wi 12/5/1987 #38350  
LIN, COL. Fast-moving-star circles airport. Ignores landing instructions..  2/9/1988 #38447  
"Floating city / sky" windows like airport/apartment bldg.                  2/16/1988 #38468  
                         El Tepual Airport in Puerto Montt, Chile 8:10 p.m. 6/1/1988 #38579  
pproach to the runway at El Tepual Airport in Puerto Montt, Chile, suddenly 6/1/1988 #38579  
                        NEAR OADBY AIRPORT/APARTMENT, LEICS Vibrant bright  6/20/1988 (approximate) #38587  
MSK, RS Many observer(s). UFO over airport/apartment runway / 4 minute(s).  10/21/1988 #38680  
eets Jacques Vallée at the Detroit airport, they spoke for a “long time” ov 10/23/1988 #38682  
         EG&G building at McCarran Airport in Las Vegas, Nevada Area 51 at  12/6/1988 #38748  
k at the EG&G building at McCarran Airport in Las Vegas, Nevada. There he m 12/6/1988 #38748  
e Mihai Kogălniceanu International Airport southeast Romania 9:20 p.m. Afte Late 3/1989 #38880  
w Mihai Kogălniceanu International Airport] in southeast Romania, 18–20 air Late 3/1989 #38880  
ilots and RADAR and many. UFO over airport/apartment. Landings diverted far 4/2/1989 #38887  
ed low over the Santa Fe de Bogotá airport in Colombia, causing air traffic 4/2/1989 #38888  
            El Salvador’s Ilopango Airport Nicaragua The Kerry Committee re 4/13/1989 #38905  
ine through El Salvador’s Ilopango Airport. Castillo tried to bust the oper 4/13/1989 #38905  
onanza from the Bar Harbor-Trenton airport. At around 3:45 p.m. they spotte 7/22/1989 #39030  
ed back for the Bar Harbor-Trenton airport. The Aerial Direction Finder was 7/22/1989 #39030  
               Sochi International Airport, Krasnodar Krai, Russia Simferop 7/26/1989 #39033  
 controller at Sochi International Airport, Krasnodar Krai, Russia, receive 7/26/1989 #39033  
lights report multiple UFOs to the airport.                                 7/26/1989 #39033  
5 minutes hovering above the civil airport before descending. The lights tu 10/1989 #39138  
sphere. Pilots taking off from the airport can see the object, but it is no 10/1989 #39138  
craft takeoffs and landings at the airport correspond to some of Weselak’s  10/9/1989 #39156  
          MMBATHO, RSA Engineers / airport. Silver ovoid hovers. Photograph 11/14/1989 #39230  
anoids (or Greys) float / 12-story airport/apartment to UFO. / IURv22#1+/ M 11/30/1989 #39278  
. Deep red-glowing burger bun over airport/apartment building. Turns going  2/5/1990 #39408  
brest. 2 observer(s). Hexagon near airport. 6 lights blink / corners.       4/12/1990 #39521  
                           PALOMAR AIRPORT, CA Triangle shines 2-3 bright l 6/1990 #39603  
IRGHIZ 100M saucer / 150M over old airport. Lands. Circular / burnt grass.  9/21/1990 #39742  
n its rim that hovered over an old airport near Frunze, Kyrgistan. The UFO  9/21/1990 #39744  
rs. Rises. Vanishes. Same again. / airport/apartment block.                 10/12/1990 #39782  
                             BRICY AIRPORT, FR AV.Maint.crew. Huge dark mas 11/5/1990 #39845  
                     N20 WITH ORLY AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR Optical engineer.  11/5/1990 #39859  
                      Rome Gatwick Airport North Sea Around 6:00 p.m. The p 11/5/1990 #39866  
irways flight from Rome to Gatwick Airport notice a large, silver-shaped ob 11/5/1990 #39866  
 people around the city and at the airport also report seeing unusual light 11/7/1990 #39881  
a.m. saw an object descend over an airport runway, hover, then move over a  11/28/1990 #39913  
                        MANCHESTER AIRPORT, ENG Satellite re-entry is actua 2/20/1991 #39978  
              SOSNOVYY BOR, RUSSIA Airport RADAR and visual. Fast erratic U 3/2/1991 #39990  
a at 7:30 p.m. It was picked up on airport radar in Leningrad (St. Petersbu 3/2/1991 #39991  
lia, Brazil Lago Sul area Brasilia airport 7:00–9:00 p.m. A bright, oval-sh 4/11/1991 #40034  
Sul area and close to the Brasilia airport. Later, it identifies the object 4/11/1991 #40034  
                          Heathrow Airport, London, UK Alitalia Airlines pl 4/21/1991 #40044  
nel Romney, Kent, England Heathrow Airport, London 8:00 p.m. Captain Achill 4/21/1991 #40046  
 and preparing to land at Heathrow Airport, London, when they see a round o 4/21/1991 #40046  
                          Heathrow Airport, London, England 2:38 p.m. A Bri 6/1/1991 #40080  
anding at 8,000 feet near Heathrow Airport, London, England, when the pilot 6/1/1991 #40080  
a small aircraft and hovered above airport, E-M effects on plane            6/8/1991 #40091  
ción, Paraguay Concepción Asunción Airport 6:00 p.m. Pilot Cesar Escobar an 6/8/1991 #40092  
n his Cessna 210. While monitoring airport frequencies near Concepción, he  6/8/1991 #40092  
rse. The object is also showing on airport radar. He hears the pilot exclai 6/8/1991 #40092  
he begins descending into Asunción Airport at 7:22 p.m., the object stops f 6/8/1991 #40092  
s followed the Cessna 210 into the airport. He is asked if he can see it, a 6/8/1991 #40092  
bject. After the Cessna lands, the airport lights are turned off to better  6/8/1991 #40092  
ircraft and then hovered above the airport; electro-magnetic effects were r 6/8/1991 #40093  
                   London (Gatwick Airport) Hamburg, Germany 6:30 p.m. Walt 6/17/1991 #40101  
light DA 4700 from London (Gatwick Airport) to Hamburg, Germany, see a wing 6/17/1991 #40101  
                    EAST / GATWICK AIRPORT 737 crew and Air Traffic Control 7/15/1991 #40121  
                     Crete Gatwick Airport Crawley, West Sussex, England 5: 7/15/1991 #40123  
 on a flight from Crete to Gatwick Airport near Crawley, West Sussex, Engla 7/15/1991 #40123  
                          CARRASCO AIRPORT/APARTMENT, URUG Landing lights n 10/19/1991 #40213  
cube-shaped object was observed by airport personnel at Dyce Airport, Aberd 11/9/1991 #40223  
erved by airport personnel at Dyce Airport, Aberdeen, Scotland at 12:15 p.m 11/9/1991 #40223  
       Benito Juárez International Airport Mexico City, Mexico UFO sighting 3/4/1992 #40353  
at the Benito Juárez International Airport in Mexico City, Mexico, are conf 3/4/1992 #40353  
rs. Tilts and going quickly NNE as airport lights flash.                    4/19/1992 #40424  
                CLAVERING, ESSEX 2 airport workers / car. Classic 60' sauce 6/18/1992 #40496  
[now Southern California Logistics Airport], Victorville, California 1:45 p 8/5/1992 #40552  
[now Southern California Logistics Airport], Victorville, California, when  8/5/1992 #40552  
                           SATOLAS AIRPORT/APARTMENT, EAST / LYON, FR Air T 3/31/1993 #40910  
blowballs follow liner to Keflavic airport/apartment.                       4/21/1993 #40947  
                 SOUTHWEST / KARUP AIRPORT/APARTMENT, DK Repeat observer(s) 4/27/1993 #40952  
         Los Angeles International Airport in California 6:00 p.m. A passen 6/3/1993 #41003  
s out of Los Angeles International Airport in California sees a small cloud 6/3/1993 #41003  
hile the witnesses was calling the airport the "robot" disappeared from sig 7/17/1993 #41068  
. 2 rim-joined hat-UFO's soar over airport / 15 minute(s). No further detai 8/1993 #41096  
        Henri Coandă International Airport at Otopeni, Romania 1:56 a.m. Fo 8/14/1993 #41137  
e above Henri Coandă International Airport at Otopeni, Romania. They first  8/14/1993 #41137  
       Benito Juárez International Airport Mexico City, Mexico 4:00 p.m. Pi 9/16/1993 #41199  
and at Benito Juárez International Airport in Mexico City, Mexico, see an o 9/16/1993 #41199  
high altitude going [to] toward(s) airport. Several 90° turns. Then quickly 12/27/1994 #41906  
                        Manchester Airport, England 6:48 p.m. Capt. Roger W 1/6/1995 #41956  
re preparing to land at Manchester Airport, England. The object appears onl 1/6/1995 #41956  
gland on its descent to Manchester Airport at 6:40 p.m. The object appeared 1/6/1995 #41957  
                           Guiyang Airport [now Guiyang Longdongbao Interna 2/1995 #42006  
 Guiyang Longdongbao International Airport] Guizhou province, China A Boein 2/1995 #42006  
 approach at 7,900 feet at Guiyang Airport [now Guiyang Longdongbao Interna 2/1995 #42006  
 Guiyang Longdongbao International Airport], Guizhou province, China, when  2/1995 #42006  
                    NEAR SALT LAKE AIRPORT/APARTMENT, UT 1 / Delta Flight 1 2/20/1995 #42051  
 OR Man in bed. Bright ball enters airport/apartment / 75 min. Observer(s)  4/25/1995 #42174  
           San Carlos de Bariloche Airport, Rio Negro, Argentina 6:10 p.m.  7/31/1995 #42347  
attern for San Carlos de Bariloche Airport, Rio Negro, Argentina. Capt. Jor 7/31/1995 #42347  
nco begins to land, the runway and airport lights go out, so he is forced t 7/31/1995 #42347  
,800 feet, accompanied by the UFO. Airport chief Maj. Jorge Orviedo reports 7/31/1995 #42347  
aj. Jorge Orviedo reports that the airport’s radio support is cut off, and  7/31/1995 #42347  
pproach to San Carlos de Bariloche airport, Rio Negro province, Argentina.  7/31/1995 #42348  
 CITY, TN Several bell-shapes near airport. Beams going down / ground. Hove 9/19/1995 #42481  
aped objects were sighted near the airport in Johnson City, Tennessee on th 9/19/1995 #42487  
ya Fish Market Dubai International Airport 6:20 p.m. Mohammad Ahsan and fou 11/27/1995 #42625  
utheast toward Dubai International Airport.                                 11/27/1995 #42625  
                              ORLY AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR Airbus crew. Recta 11/30/1995 #42633  
rbus 330 airliner flying near Orly Airport in Paris, France. It had 5-6 "ex 11/30/1995 #42634  
                       WALLA WALLA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, WA Air Traffic Contro 2/3/1996 #42734  
ite lights going quickly [to] over airport. Incredible speed. No radar.     3/24/1996 #42839  
an emergency landing at Ben Gurion airport in Israel. No Israeli military l 6/9/1996 #42929  
              BREEZAND AND SCHIPOL AIRPORT, HOLLAND Luminous white disk hov 9/9/1996 #43010  
e Rio Grande do Sul Brazil Pelotas Airport 10:00 a.m. Businessman-pilot Har 10/5/1996 #43057  
e Infraero control room at Pelotas Airport visually confirm the observation 10/5/1996 #43057  
 aircraft 35 miles east of Pelotas Airport, Brazil at 10:30 a.m. A disc was 10/5/1996 #43058  
pear in three-minute intervals. An airport operator in Jackson, Ohio, recei 10/16/1996 #43073  
eijing Wuhan Capital International Airport A Boeing 757-200 operated by Chi 12/19/1996 #43148  
os Beijing’s Capital International Airport, requesting permission to land.  12/19/1996 #43148  
 Air Base, Italy Venice Marco Polo Airport Istrana Treviso air bases 6:45–1 3/6/1997 #43221  
They zoom toward Venice Marco Polo Airport before heading toward Istrana an 3/6/1997 #43221  
 observer(s). 2 saucers hover near airport/apartment runway at beach. Flash 3/17/1997 #43234  
fic Ocean Chacalluta International Airport Aerial lights are seen for sever 3/30/1997 #43245  
xperts at Chacalluta International Airport. The Directorate General of Civi 3/30/1997 #43245  
                          Kirkwall Airport Orkney, Scotland Aberdeen Phoeni 5/30/1997 #43302  
is crossing the tarmac at Kirkwall Airport in Orkney, Scotland, to board Br 5/30/1997 #43302  
        Henri Coandă International Airport at Otopeni, Romania Buftea Corbe 7/14/1997 #43350  
lers at Henri Coandă International Airport at Otopeni, Romania, are supervi 7/14/1997 #43350  
 radar. The duty officer turns the airport video cameras toward the UFO and 7/14/1997 #43350  
d white, orange, and red. When the airport lights are switched on for anoth 7/14/1997 #43350  
he lights appear brighter when the airport lights are on and dim as soon as 7/14/1997 #43350  
                           Kennedy Airport (near), NY Near miss with object 8/9/1997 #43375  
York John F. Kennedy International Airport 5:07 p.m. Swissair Flight 127 to 8/9/1997 #43376  
near John F. Kennedy International Airport, when pilots Capt. Philippe Bobe 8/9/1997 #43376  
ral / car. Triangle maneuvers near airport. Never lands. Wobbles / 15M alti 7/18/1998 #43608  
iangular object maneuvered near an airport west of Longmont, Colorado at 8: 7/18/1998 #43610  
ontrol at Manchester International Airport said they had nothing on radar.  9/21/1998 #43649  
 shower. At 5:30 a.m. at Teterboro Airport in New Jersey near New York City 12/15/1998 #43699  
ew York City, a man working at the airport felt a strange compulsion to go  12/15/1998 #43699  
darted back and forth over Ontario Airport. When two commercial jetliners a 4/20/1999 #43759  
r Dallas-Forth Worth International Airport, Texas saw three gigantic lights 10/26/1999 #43865  
FO approached Gandhi International Airport in New Delhi, India at 11:55 p.m 4/8/2000 #43978  
                           Barnaul Airport in Altai Krai, Russia 12:30 a.m. 1/22/2001 #44127  
ai Krai, Russia 12:30 a.m. Barnaul Airport in Altai Krai, Russia, shuts dow 1/22/2001 #44127  
ct at Barnaul and lands at another airport. Sergei Kurennoi, the chief airs 1/22/2001 #44127  
mutilation incident to Logan-Cache Airport. As Simmons tried to block a com 2/24/2001 #44142  
p on radar at Newark International Airport.                                 7/14/2001 #44208  
 airline flights heading to Newark Airport apparently being diverted becaus 7/15/2001 #44209  
he Brisbane, Queensland, Australia airport runway at 9:30 p.m.              4/17/2002 #44331  
l 2 in Kota Kinabalu International Airport, Sabah, Malaysia 7:06 p.m. A rot 10/4/2002 #44414  
l 2 in Kota Kinabalu International Airport, Sabah, Malaysia, records a vide 10/4/2002 #44414  
o unusual object is tracked by the airport radar. A security guard sees the 10/4/2002 #44414  
-northeast of O'Hare International Airport for 45 seconds. They hung in the 11/28/2002 #44455  
Palmas–Brigadeiro Lysias Rodrigues Airport Palmas Brasilia 4:45 p.m. Shortl 6/5/2003 #44554  
Palmas–Brigadeiro Lysias Rodrigues Airport in Palmas, Brazil, to Brasilia,  6/5/2003 #44554  
               São Paulo–Congonhas Airport, Brazil Afternoon. A Brazilian p 2004 #44635  
phere near the São Paulo–Congonhas Airport, Brazil. The encounter lasts 14  2004 #44635  
                            Dublin Airport Slane east coast of Ireland 8:30 1/4/2004 #44643  
oast of Ireland approaching Dublin Airport. It is being followed in for lan 1/4/2004 #44643  
      east coast of Ireland Dublin Airport Slane, County Meath 10:30 p.m. A 1/4/2004 #44644  
coast of Ireland, bound for Dublin Airport, when the crew sees a flashing s 1/4/2004 #44644  
n Linthicum, Maryland near the BWI airport at around 2:00 a.m. The witness  2/11/2004 #44661  
ng off from Portland International Airport must have seen this object.      9/3/2004 #44746  
ng off from Portland International Airport must have seen this object.      9/5/2004 #44748  
ld Reagan Washington International Airport Arlington, Virginia Late morning 4/27/2005 #44827  
ld Reagan Washington International Airport in Arlington, Virginia, causing  4/27/2005 #44827  
 target gets within 7 miles of the airport, then vanishes. Although it is n 4/27/2005 #44827  
              Dulles International Airport Virginia Washington, D.C. 5:30 a 5/3/2005 #44829  
ght path into Dulles International Airport in Virginia, west of Washington, 5/3/2005 #44829  
coming from behind a hill near the airport in Carolina, Puerto Rico, it tur 5/15/2005 #44842  
                            Dublin Airport, Ireland Malahide, County Dublin 6/28/2005 #44849  
f unidentified lights above Dublin Airport in Ireland, a UFO 30 feet wide a 6/28/2005 #44849  
do except escort the plane to a UK airport, accompanied by the UFO.         6/28/2005 #44849  
                        Santa Rosa Airport La Pampa province Argentina 7:30 Late 7/2005 #44857  
s final approach to the Santa Rosa Airport, La Pampa province, Argentina, t Late 7/2005 #44857  
 La Pampa province, Argentina, the airport control tower operator notices a Late 7/2005 #44857  
ing a UFO 10 miles west of Gatwick Airport, Sussex, England. The object was 8/13/2005 #44862  
                Tonopah Test Range Airport Nevada Afghanistan Kandahar Inte 9/1/2005 #44867  
Afghanistan Kandahar International Airport The 30th Reconnaissance Squadron 9/1/2005 #44867  
is activated at Tonopah Test Range Airport in Nevada. RQ-170 Sentinels have 9/1/2005 #44867  
 sighted at Kandahar International Airport in late 2007. This sighting, and 9/1/2005 #44867  
seen above the North York, Ontario airport, quickly moving in the western s 9/9/2005 #44872  
              O’Hare International Airport in Chicago, Illinois Charlotte,  11/7/2006 #44981  
uthorities at O’Hare International Airport in Chicago, Illinois, receive a  11/7/2006 #44981  
eceive a report that a group of 12 airport employees are witnessing a metal 11/7/2006 #44981  
dependent witnesses outside of the airport also see the object. One describ 11/7/2006 #44981  
isc-shaped craft hovering over the airport, which was “obviously not clouds 11/7/2006 #44981  
er for several minutes over a busy airport but not be registered on radar o 11/7/2006 #44981  
isses disc at O’Hare International Airport in Chicago, IL as a “weather phe 1/1/2007 #44996  
s sighted over the Burke Lakefront Airport in Cleveland, Ohio. It had white 2/17/2007 #45006  
e planes approaching Orange County Airport from the NNE and go past to the  4/17/2007 #45018  
apids, Iowa, near the Eastern Iowa Airport at 11:03 p.m.                    11/23/2007 #45097  
                            O’Hare Airport Alderney Former UK Ministry of D 7/29/2008 #45152  
 New York Times, citing the O’Hare Airport and Alderney UFO cases. He concl 7/29/2008 #45152  
          Louisville International Airport in Kentucky 1:55 p.m. A package  6/24/2009 #45228  
andler at Louisville International Airport in Kentucky sees a reflection in 6/24/2009 #45228  
   Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China Jiuqua 7/7/2010 #45286  
ve Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport near Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China.  7/7/2010 #45286  
tration of China (CAAC) closes the airport down, grounding outbound flights 7/7/2010 #45286  
                  Rafael Hernández Airport runway in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico 4/25/2013 #45365  
irectly above the Rafael Hernández Airport runway in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico 4/25/2013 #45365  
ication from the object alerts the airport tower, creating a dangerous situ 4/25/2013 #45365  
cean, traverses the space over the airport twice, then returns to the Atlan 4/25/2013 #45365  
                        Manchester Airport Macclesfield, Cheshire, England  6/13/2014 #45410  
00 feet and headed into Manchester Airport observe a man-like object that p 6/13/2014 #45410  
                           Gatwick Airport Crawley, West Sussex, England 7: 7/14/2017 #45475  
s holding at 7,000 feet at Gatwick Airport near Crawley, West Sussex, Engla 7/14/2017 #45475  
                        Manchester Airport, England 6:10 p.m. An Airbus A32 2/1/2018 #45505  
g from 10,000 feet into Manchester Airport, England, when he sees a grayish 2/1/2018 #45505  
                           Gatwick Airport Crawley, West Sussex, England 12 5/5/2018 #45526  
liner pilot is approaching Gatwick Airport near Crawley, West Sussex, Engla 5/5/2018 #45526  
, Ireland Dingle peninsula Shannon Airport 6:47 a.m. A British Airways 787  11/9/2018 #45544  
idly veers north. She asks Shannon Airport if there are military planes in  11/9/2018 #45544  
                           Gatwick Airport in West Sussex, England Sighting 12/19/2018 #45552  
pt around 1,000 flights at Gatwick Airport in West Sussex, England, causing 12/19/2018 #45552  
                           Glasgow Airport, Scotland 6:45 p.m. The pilot of 12/30/2018 #45553  
 approaching the runway at Glasgow Airport, Scotland, sees an “object pass  12/30/2018 #45553  
                           Gatwick Airport Crawley, West Sussex, England 12 4/28/2019 #45573  
 A319 is climbing out from Gatwick Airport, near Crawley, West Sussex, Engl 4/28/2019 #45573  
                           Gatwick Airport, England 2:00 p.m. An Airbus A32 5/5/2019 #45577  
 A320 pilot departing from Gatwick Airport, England, sees a totally white o 5/5/2019 #45577  
est Yorkshire, England John Lennon Airport in Liverpool 5:16 p.m. A young c 11/9/2019 #45616  
by side and landing at John Lennon Airport in Liverpool 25 minutes later. N 11/9/2019 #45616  
         Los Angeles International Airport in California 6:45 p.m. An Ameri 8/29/2020 #45659  
ing into Los Angeles International Airport in California. About 10 minutes  8/29/2020 #45659  
                             Leeds Airport, England 10:13 p.m. A B737 is ap 9/1/2020 #45660  
is approaching the runway at Leeds Airport, England, at 1,800 feet. Both pi 9/1/2020 #45660  
         Los Angeles International Airport, California 1:45 p.m. A China Ai 10/14/2020 #45662  
hwest of Los Angeles International Airport, California. The air traffic con 10/14/2020 #45662  
avis- Monthan Tucson International Airport 10:30 p.m. An unidentified drone 2/9/2021 #45676  
 the base and Tucson International Airport after the Tucson Police Departme 2/9/2021 #45676  
## Word: "airports" (Back to Top)
s AFBs and local (as a local wave) airports/apartments. Jets chase 8+object 7/20/1952 #6942  
ON, DC Air Traffic Controllers / 2 airports/apartments. Formation / saucers 7/26/1952 #7148  
esses:  radar operators at several airports, airline pilots. Many unidentif 7/26/1952 #7169  
dnight, radar operators at several airports tracked many unidentified blips 7/26/1952 #7180  
quare windows hums past Stonehenge airports/apartments. / FSRv22#3.         1/11/1975 #29740  
 Córdoba, Jorge Newbery and Ezeiza airports in Buenos Aires, and Rosario, A 6/14/1980 #35368  
l landing lights, and there are no airports in the vicinity. Pulling over t 3/21/1982 #36404  
t several flights to land in other airports. The UFO was sighted by pilots, 4/2/1989 #38888  
s with other military bases, civil airports, and local police. The police c 3/31/1993 #40914  
e region reported UFOs that night. Airports said there were no planes in ar 10/15/1996 #43071  
nd diverting inbound ones to other airports. Normal operations resume an ho 7/7/2010 #45286  
acec in Stockholm Kiruna and Luleå airports west of Stockholm A military-st 1/17/2022 #45734  
m, as well as the Kiruna and Luleå airports. A police helicopter is seen pu 1/17/2022 #45734  
## Word: "airproof" (Back to Top)
be built with some light material, airproof fireproof, waterproof. The insi Summer 1931 #1130  
## Word: "airprox" (Back to Top)
kpit on his left-hand side. The UK Airprox Board rules out another aircraft 7/19/2013 #45378  
ng a risk to aircraft leads the UK Airprox Board to launch a Small Unmanned 2017 #45462  
 long than it was vertically.” The Airprox board is unable to identify the  12/30/2018 #45553  
 with a white light on top. The UK Airprox Board places this incident in th 4/28/2019 #45573  
that matched what they saw. The UK Airprox Board concludes that a “definite 9/1/2020 #45660  
## Word: "airprt" (Back to Top)
                             GORKY AIRPRT, RUSSIA 747-size cigar. No wings. 3/27/1983 (approximate) #36818  
## Word: "airreport" (Back to Top)
://www.theparacast.com/darkmatters/AIRReport.pdf   https://www.abovetopsecr 12/15/1978 #34142  
://www.theparacast.com/darkmatters/AIRReport.pdf   https://www.abovetopsecr 12/15/1978 #34143  
## Word: "airs" (Back to Top)
st 2010, a major TV show in Brazil airs information stating that the origin 1/16/1958 #14831  
egment of Armstrong Circle Theater airs on CBS. USAF Reserve Lt. Col. Spenc 1/22/1958 #14838  
ro Shield” episode of Outer Limits airs on ABC-TV. It features an alien wit 2/10/1964 #18127  
 over city. Photos. Newspapers. TV airs films. No further details.          4/9/1967 #22097  
tty and Barney Hill abduction case airs, starring James Earl Jones and Este 10/20/1975 #30454  
        Roswell The Sci Fi channel airs a fictional miniseries about UFOs a 12/2/2002 #44457  
entary narrated by Peter Jennings, airs on ABC-TV. The show mentions the Ke 2/24/2005 #44816  
## Word: "airship" (Back to Top)
people and takes them on board the airship.                                 1886 #273  
ingenious, while others (a Martian airship) are peculiar but unconvincing.  8/1895 #319  
granted a patent for a cylindrical airship with a cone- shaped bow, “two wi 8/11/1896 #329  
           SAN FRANCISCO, CA Great airship over Sutro House. Beams going do 11/5/1896 (approximate) #336  
a Afternoon and evening. A mystery airship wave begins in California when r 11/17/1896 #340  
s announces that he represents the airship inventor, a “very wealthy man wh 11/22/1896 #347  
 from Maine in 1889. He claims the airship is a 150-foot metal contraption  11/22/1896 #347  
 interests.” Hart asserts that the airship can carry four men and 1,000 pou 11/22/1896 #347  
sco to Oakland, California, see an airship alternately stop, hover, and mov 11/24/1896 #356  
ng through binoculars and says the airship’s turns causes the searchlight t 11/24/1896 #356  
                        FRESNO, CA Airship with lights / both ends. Beams i 11/25/1896 #358  
nough. They then notice a 150-foot airship hovering 20 feet above the water 11/25/1896 #361  
est / great altitude. Called Great Airship.. .                              11/26/1896 #362  
er John Bawl and his family see an airship moving to the southwest over his 11/26/1896 #364  
d three other men see an unlighted airship in a clear sky 1,000 feet over O 11/26/1896 #365  
 of lights attached to an apparent airship moving at an altitude of about 5 11/27/1896 #367  
nia Percy Drew watches an enormous airship with a red light over Oakland, C 11/28/1896 #368  
RE AND DELANO, CA 100+observer(s). Airship. Descends. Rises. Shoots going q 11/29/1896 #369  
s in Tulare, California watched an airship descend, then rise, and finally  11/29/1896 #370  
, CA Several separate observer(s). Airship west beams / light. Horses panic 11/30/1896 #371  
veral independent witnesses saw an airship fly over emitting beams of light 11/30/1896 #372  
Los Angeles Harry Lytle watches an airship as it flies toward the southwest 12/1/1896 #373  
n by some “hoboes.” He assumes the airship is his stolen invention.         12/1/1896 #373  
            On this day in 1896 an airship descended from the sky 15 miles  12/2/1896 #374  
                           A large airship flew over the small town of Camp 12/7/1896 #376  
. He sees an enormous, fish-shaped airship with extended wings, a large tai 12/26/1896 #380  
s Dashiel and Thomas Murphy on the airship Icarus that is sailing from Salt 12/26/1896 #380  
ople in Acampo, California, see an airship the size of a small house, seemi Mid 1/1897 #381  
EBR "Sober observer(s)". 12M great airship. Days later seen 40 mile(s) sout 1/30/1897 #382  
                         A mystery airship with an immense artificial brigh 1/30/1897 #383  
glaring light,” apparently from an airship, is seen for nearly 30 minutes w 1/31/1897 #384  
ka Colorado Texas Ohio The mystery airship wave continues, from Nebraska an 2/1897 #385  
btedly play a major role, but many airship reports emanate from manifestly  2/1897 #385  
Kansas, can see the outlines of an airship behind a large light that passes Mid 2/1897 #388  
 March hundreds / observer(s). Big airship news.                            3/14/1897 #391  
elleville, Kansas, watch a lighted airship moving at 75 mph and “lighting u 3/23/1897 #393  
                 CHICAGO, IL Great airship. Enormous. Seen from skyscraper. 4/2/1897 #410  
everal reliable observer(s). Conic airship. Bright light / windows. / news  4/2/1897 #411  
icago and North Western Railway An airship allegedly lands near Elburn, Ill Early 4/1897 #413  
                 OMAHA, NEBR Great airship back. Ridicule abates when all s 4/5/1897 #415  
and it turns out to be on a landed airship 200 feet long, whose crew are ap 4/6/1897 #416  
              SIOUX CITY, IA Great airship looks like cigar-balloon. 35' X  4/7/1897 #417  
nd Schermerville, Illinois, see an airship earing multicolored lights and s 4/9/1897 #420  
 powerful light. By 9:30 p.m., the airship is last seen over South Chicago. 4/9/1897 #420  
ells the newspapers he is sure the airship is the star Alpha Orionis (Betel 4/9/1897 #420  
ield, Wisconsin, see a cone-shaped airship with a bright headlight moving s 4/10/1897 #423  
s 5:30 a.m. An alleged photo of an airship is taken at 4356 East Ravenswood 4/11/1897 #429  
phed a piece of canvas on which an airship is painted.                      4/11/1897 #429  
 Benton Harbor, Michigan, watch an airship rapidly moving north-northwest f 4/11/1897 #431  
sconsin Lake Michigan 9:00 p.m. An airship approaches Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 4/11/1897 #433  
imed he was visited by a man in an airship who projected pictures onto the  4/11/1897 #436  
                   At 9:00 p.m. an airship hovered near Milwaukee, Wisconsi 4/11/1897 #437  
             At 10:30 p.m. another airship sighting with occupants aboard w 4/11/1897 #438  
  FONTANELLE, IA All / town. Great airship southeast going north overhead / 4/12/1897 #441  
ilroad, says he caught sight of an airship moving parallel with the train s 4/12/1897 #446  
before the crescendo in a wave of "airship" sightings across the United Sta 4/12/1897 #448  
nton, South Dakota, watch a winged airship passing to the north over the to 4/13/1897 #453  
from Carlinville, Illinois that an airship was headed his way. He went out  4/13/1897 #455  
 Michigan 4:30 a.m. Farmers see an airship land about 3 miles northwest of  4/14/1897 #463  
    Gas City, Indiana 3:00 p.m. An airship looking like an “immense bird” a 4/14/1897 #464  
t of Birmingham, Iowa 7:30 p.m. An airship 100 feet long and 20 feet high i 4/14/1897 #466  
ing a lantern that he waves as the airship ascends.                         4/14/1897 #466  
ley and vintner Adolf Wenke see an airship land on Jefferson Street three m 4/14/1897 #468  
before the peak date in a wave of "airship" sightings around the United Sta 4/14/1897 #472  
igate. It is a landed cigar-shaped airship about 200 feet long and 50 feet  4/15/1897 #487  
ging to Melvin Bannister Night. An airship with red, green, and white light 4/15/1897 #488  
ls, along with a strange coin. The airship takes off with a whizzing sound. 4/15/1897 #488  
9:00 and 10:00 p.m. A cigar-shaped airship with a row of red lights along t 4/15/1897 #491  
ke. Investigating, he discovers an airship undergoing repairs. The aeronaut Mid 4/1897 #492  
irs are complete, they reenter the airship and take off with a loud hissing Mid 4/1897 #492  
 J. W. Lansing sees a cigar-shaped airship twice in Grinnell, Iowa. It move Mid 4/1897 #493  
in Eldridge, North Dakota, sees an airship that looks like a car attached t Mid 4/1897 #494  
is was the peak date in a wave of "airship" sightings around the United Sta 4/15/1897 #495  
      At 11:00 p.m. a cigar-shaped airship without wings and with yellow li 4/15/1897 #500  
 SPRINGFIELD, MO 1 observer. Great airship on ground. 2 classic nordics. Od 4/16/1897 #501  
ncennes, IN 9:00 p.m. A mysterious airship passed over the city twice on th 4/16/1897 #503  
 Vincennes Morning Commercial, the airship first appeared about nine oclock 4/16/1897 #503  
   Danvers, Illinois 12:03 a.m. An airship and a smaller “trailer which fol 4/16/1897 #505  
suers get within 2,100 feet of the airship, it spreads out four massive win 4/16/1897 #507  
of unknown composition” out of the airship.                                 4/16/1897 #507  
ng insurance agent, spots a landed airship in a clearing. Next to it is a n 4/16/1897 #508  
etters. The man tells him that the airship runs on electricity and that his 4/16/1897 #511  
potted a 30-foot long cigar-shaped airship with something hanging down ten  4/16/1897 #513  
eenville, Texas came upon a landed airship. He described it as an "immense  4/16/1897 #516  
        Aurora, TX Aurora, TX: An “airship” crashed into Judge Proctor’s wi 4/17/1897 #517  
                  WATERLOO, IA 13M airship lands. Aviator does not request  4/17/1897 #518  
Worth Aurora Cemetery 6:00 a.m. An airship is said to collide with the towe 4/17/1897 #523  
 bridge in Lexington, Kentucky. An airship lands and settles in a vacant lo 4/17/1897 #525  
y of their questions, reenters the airship, and flies away to the southeast 4/17/1897 #525  
bright light attached to a massive airship in the form of a balloon with a  4/19/1897 #534  
harles, Louisiana, when he sees an airship moving toward him about half a m 4/19/1897 #536  
 Warren. The man is taken into the airship and introduced to two others, a  4/19/1897 #536  
Hispanic man. Wilson tells him the airship is sustained by a gas, and that  4/19/1897 #536  
h as a 300-foot-long, cigar-shaped airship with a carriage underneath desce 4/19/1897 #538  
ound its neck that connects to the airship above. They cut the cable and th 4/19/1897 #538  
 above. They cut the cable and the airship floats away. A few weeks later,  4/19/1897 #538  
headed toward Iowa. Ligon says the airship is 130 feet long and 20 feet wid 4/19/1897 #539  
o have met aeronauts from a landed airship near the city around the same ti 4/19/1897 #539  
reenfield, Illinois when he saw an airship in the sky, estimated to be only 4/19/1897 #540  
ne miles away found a letter with "Airship Co., Oakland, California" letter 4/19/1897 #540  
               NNW / LANCASTER, OH Airship going down / field. Horse spooke 4/20/1897 (approximate) #541  
                        UVALDE, TX Airship lands. Crew / 3 ask sheriff / wa 4/20/1897 #542  
ness was told this was indeed "The Airship" and that it used compressed air 4/20/1897 #544  
f Elkton, South Dakota, patents an airship consisting of a cigar-shaped bal 4/20/1897 #545  
of the Elkton blacksmith shop. The airship rises 8 feet into the air before 4/20/1897 #545  
ehind his house. He finds a landed airship and its crew of three men, one o 4/20/1897 #546  
n Baylor’s yard, the men board the airship, which speeds away northward tow 4/20/1897 #546  
nty Clerk Henry J. Bowles sees the airship as it passes over Getty Street i 4/20/1897 #546  
ness was told this was indeed "The Airship" and that it used compressed air 4/20/1897 #547  
AND MCKINNEY SPRS / 23 APRIL Great airship lands 3X / 4 days.               4/21/1897 #548  
eps outside the office and sees an airship, 50–60 feet long and bearing a p 4/21/1897 #550  
but by the time they come out, the airship is gone.                         4/21/1897 #550  
ng the mayor, observe a low-flying airship heading slowly southwest above K 4/22/1897 #557  
He goes outside and sees an oblong airship with wings and brilliant lights. 4/22/1897 #559  
closer. Some 90 feet away from the airship he is stopped by a man who asks  4/22/1897 #559  
ing noise. Outside, he sees a huge airship in his cornfield. Before he can  4/22/1897 #560  
amed Wilson and Jackson when their airship suffers a gas leak and lands.    4/23/1897 #565  
 that they had discovered a landed airship near the town of Kountze, Texas. 4/23/1897 #567  
 to the two human occupants of the airship, named Jackson and Wilson, who w 4/23/1897 #567  
ennessee Sacramento, California An airship in need of repairs lands near St 4/24/1897 #568  
o, California, the inventor of the airship, which can travel as fast as 93  4/24/1897 #568  
 large rope that is attached to an airship in the sky not far above them. A 4/25/1897 #573  
e cuts the rope and returns to the airship, which moves away to the northea 4/25/1897 #573  
the outline of what seems to be an airship. Whittier makes many copies of t 4/25/1897 #574  
                        MERKEL, TX Airship anchor caught / railroad/railway 4/26/1897 #576  
pported an elongated carriage. The airship went down toward a hill to the s 4/26/1897 #579  
   WINNIPEG, MBA Many observer(s). Airship follows river going east. Turns  5/1/1897 #584  
         On this evening a mystery airship flew over Winnipeg, Manitoba, Ca 5/1/1897 #585  
diana, when he encounters a landed airship 40 feet long. The object spooks  5/2/1897 #586  
ot run past it. Shaffer claims the airship is crewed by midgets who speak n 5/2/1897 #586  
       JENNY LIND, ARK Whole town. Airship northeast going southwest. Lands 5/4/1897 #587  
of Jenny Lind, Arkansas watched an airship fly over from the northeast to t 5/4/1897 #589  
          HOT SPRINGS, ARK 2 cops. Airship lands. Riders gather water. Woma 5/6/1897 #590  
traveling around the country in an airship and hope to end up in Nashville, 5/6/1897 #593  
 the spot 40 minutes later and the airship is gone.                         5/6/1897 #593  
, ON 2 observer(s) and more. Great airship follows train as it turns going  8/16/1897 #604  
n this night at 12:40 a.m. a giant airship followed a train as it rounded a 8/16/1897 #605  
Carolina Grove Street 6:45 p.m. An airship with an attached car is seen mov 8/26/1897 #606  
e window, he sees a rapidly moving airship with a light on each end. It has 8/28/1897 #607  
hilltop see the full outline of an airship with headlights and windows.     Mid 1/1899 #630  
e in McAlester, Oklahoma, watch an airship “like a railway car suspended fr 1/26/1899 #631  
   PINOS ALTOS, NM Man photographs airship. 3 cylinders lashed together wit 3/7/1901 #643  
n sees it is a searchlight from an airship about 100 feet long and propelle 8/3/1905 #679  
er, A. J. Morey, also glimpses the airship.                                 8/3/1905 #679  
 Several separate observer(s). 21M airship with searchlight. Large wings! / 8/4/1905 #680  
ee a “cigar-shaped object” like an airship pass over the city. It is seen f 9/16/1906 #688  
Indianapolis, Indiana 5:00 p.m. An airship again floats over the southeaste 10/7/1906 #690  
achusetts About 6:00 p.m. A “large airship sailing very high” is seen passi 7/25/1908 #715  
es the outline of a torpedo-shaped airship about 1,300 feet in altitude. It 5/9/1909 #733  
sex, England said a torpedo-shaped airship flew silently to the west toward 5/9/1909 #734  
                    A cigar-shaped airship with a searchlight was seen flyi 5/12/1909 #736  
minated, 80 to 100 foot long, dark airship, flying over King's Lynn, Norfol 5/13/1909 #742  
gland reported that a cigar-shaped airship flew into a strong wind to the n 5/16/1909 #751  
iff, Wales observed a cigar-shaped airship that curved up and down the coas 5/19/1909 #768  
d South Island Australia A mystery airship wave begins in New Zealand with  7/1909 #778  
    KELSO, NZ Several observer(s). Airship going down. Hovers over school / 7/23/1909 #779  
dren in Kelso, New Zealand, see an airship shaped like a boat that flies to 7/23/1909 #780  
each. House-sized luminous/glowing airship glides and maneuvers / rocks. Go 7/24/1909 #782  
 MORE/OTHERS Numerous observer(s). Airship. 2 lights / ends. 2 figure(s) se 7/24/1909 #783  
se-sized luminous dirigible-shaped airship at around 9:00 p.m. It glided an 7/24/1909 #784  
Z Farmers. Rumble. Horses spooked. Airship 50 overhead. Lights / front and  7/30/1909 #787  
 out to pasture were spooked by an airship that flew low overhead. It had l 7/30/1909 #790  
. Whirr sound. Animals scared. 50M airship overhead. Away very fast.        7/31/1909 #792  
    DUNEDIN, NZ 1 observer. Flying airship. Brilliant light from mast / ant 7/31/1909 #793  
le, New Zealand a farmhand saw an "airship" about 150-feet long at dawn. It 7/31/1909 #795  
e horses. A flying fuselage-shaped airship flew over Dunedin, New Zealand l 7/31/1909 #795  
tch a large lighted object like an airship float over the town.             8/9/1909 #803  
ers Island, New York, see a winged airship 60 feet long and 20 feet wide. M 8/18/1909 #805  
N, ESTONIA Many observer(s). Great airship circles town twice. Going quickl 8/24/1909 #808  
 WEST AUS 1+3 observer(s). Mystery airship = squarish blimp. Reflective fla 10/25/1909 #816  
         Worcester, MA "Mysterious Airship" emitting a bright beam of light 12/22/1909 #820  
ect one or two figures inside. The airship is attributed to a Worcester bus 12/22/1909 #821  
and neighboring communities see an airship with lights flying at an altitud 12/23/1909 #822  
pman Mountain 4:30 p.m. An unknown airship flies high over Huntsville, Alab 1/12/1910 #831  
 Knoxville, Tennessee, see a large airship moving south. Its outlines are d 1/14/1910 #833  
                    PARAGOULD, ARK Airship with strong beam north going qui 1/15/1910 #834  
tern Australia 5:30 p.m. A mystery airship is seen at Minderoo Station, Wes 10/25/1910 #848  
Medicine Hat, Alberta 1:10 a.m. An airship with a powerful headlight and re 10/27/1910 #850  
            DOVER, KENT Cop and 2. Airship with lights going quickly southe 1/4/1913 #865  
                                An airship with lights was spotted by three 1/4/1913 #867  
hts “thought to be the lamps of an airship” maneuver in the sky over Lavern 1/6/1913 #868  
DIFF, WALES Chief Constable. Vague airship leaves (something behind) dense  1/17/1913 #869  
Ceredigion, Wales, watch a mystery airship with searchlights that turns sou 1/25/1913 #873  
rch at Aberavon, Wales, watches an airship flying for an hour over Swansea  2/2/1913 #877  
 of East Croydon, England, sees an airship come in from the southeast and d 2/2/1913 #878  
. Robert Lawrence Thornton sees an airship pass over his house in Framfield 2/2/1913 #879  
Fenton railway station Evening. An airship is seen at several locations aro 2/21/1913 #883  
, Brandenburg, Germany, observe an airship catch fire and explode. The fire 3/13/1913 #886  
       Cardiff, Wales 8:23 p.m. An airship reappears over Cardiff, Wales, o 4/8/1913 #887  
.m. whilst on patrol, I sighted an airship steering south-southeast with a  9/6/1914 #915  
 Norway Some 20–30 people watch an airship flying at 2,300 feet descend to  11/21/1914 #921  
BIGFORK, MT 1 observer. Large dark airship / low altitude. Buzzes. Going qu 2/9/1915 #923  
                      A large dark airship flew at a low altitude near Bigf 2/9/1915 #924  
UFO film ever made, The Mysterious Airship premieres in the United States.  4/26/1915 #927  
the film does involve a mysterious airship built by aeronauts, but it is mo 4/26/1915 #927  
odore Warren sees a cigar- shaped “airship” with windows that shine with gr Summer 1918 #974  
adder like monster the shape of an airship only much wider” during a thunde Late 7/1921 #1012  
Chichester sees a dull gray-white “airship” as he is making the first solo  6/6/1931 #1127  
hichester / plane. Dull grey-white airship. Flashes. / r65p15.              6/10/1931 #1128  
ester spotted a dull grayish-white airship while flying over the Tasman Sea 6/10/1931 #1129  
ilvery cigar-shaped object like an airship; appeared to be a line of window 2/19/1944 #1575  
t resembles a Zeppelin or the R101 airship, only bigger.                    6/1944 #1601  
rt A.R.A. "Punta Medanos." A large airship (never identified) was sighted f 11/12/1963 #18033  
ORWAY Cop and pilots and 200. Huge airship. Shiny sphere/orb/globe going up 8/25/1976 #31297  
old Anotnio Ferreira witnessed an "airship," red on the bottom, gray metall 11/23/1977 #32694  
fes and spotted the dull metallic "airship" when his plane was at 60 meters 11/23/1977 #32694  
ARLOVY VARY, CZK AND WIDE AREA 35M airship with strong lights northwest goi 12/2/1983 #37061  
LEEDS, NORTH YORKS 1 observer. Red airship lights sky red. Lands behind Kir 12/24/1984 #37530  
efense thinks it resembles a large airship. Finally, the order is given to  9/2/1990 #39716  
his vehicle. He sees a cylindrical airship 33–40 feet long and 13–16 feet i 1/13/1996 #42681  
Francisco (1896), CA Seals dive as airship emits beam of light (NICAP: 04 - 11/22/1996 #43115  
years to the night after the first airship sighting there--a large rotating 11/23/1996 #43119  
y a Tethered Aerostat Radar System airship used to provide radar data in su 2/20/2002 #44319  
## Word: "airship'" (Back to Top)
      YONKERS, NY 3 locals. 'Great airship' with partially covered spotligh 4/30/1897 #583  
## Word: "airship-" (Back to Top)
 geodesic engineer saw maneuvering airship- like object September 24 (secti 9/14/1989 #39100  
 geodesic engineer saw maneuvering airship- like object September 24 (secti 9/14/1989 #39100  
## Word: "airship-like" (Back to Top)
ing's Lynn. Looking up, he saw the airship-like object speed overhead, two  5/13/1909 #739  
 Geodesic engineer saw maneuvering airship-like object September 24         9/21/1989 #39114  
v in Voronezh, Russia witnessed an airship-like elliptical object that flew 9/24/1989 #39120  
## Word: "airships" (Back to Top)
   NEW MINAS, NS 3 observer(s). 15 airships going quickly east. Man seen /  10/1796 (approximate) #94  
ifically, saying that two or three airships exist (a second built in an eas 11/22/1896 #347  
he watches it from Ashbury Street. Airships are seen later at Oakland, Alam 11/22/1896 #349  
 Canada, there were 65 reports of "airships" on this day, including 25 in I 4/12/1897 #448  
 Canada. There were 48 reports of "airships" on this day, including 13 in M 4/14/1897 #472  
 There were over fifty reports of "airships" on this day, including 18 in M 4/15/1897 #495  
” One aeronaut tells him that five airships have been built in an Iowa town 4/22/1897 #560  
 tell him that this is one of five airships touring the country (and the sa 4/28/1897? #582  
Repeated sightings of unidentified airships, sometimes flying against the w Summer 1908 #706  
mbeth North The subject of mystery airships is brought up in a debate in th 5/17/1909 #753  
. Haldane replies that 7 dirigible airships have been built and another 5 a 5/17/1909 #753  
paper clippings with references to airships or the German army, and a tin b 5/18/1909 #758  
s “man-lifting” 25-foot-long model airships to advertising firms in the UK, 5/19/1909 #765  
gs of unusual nocturnal lights and airships seen in both daytime and nightt 7/1909 #778  
rts that two or three cigar-shaped airships are seen above the Vickers ship 8/10/1914 #908  
## Word: "airshow" (Back to Top)
  BERNE, SWITZ Hundreds / military airshow. White triangle hovers / 3km alt 5/26/1956 #12867  
undreds of witnesses at a military airshow in Flutag outside of Bern, Switz 5/26/1956 #12868  
M4 after attending the Farnborough Airshow in Hampshire, England, when they 9/6/1980 #35501  
       MANSFIELD, NOTTS Man videos airshow. Small black objects zoom around 8/15/1993? #41140  
 generation Aurora was also at the airshow in a hangar, and states he accid 12/2014 #45425  
## Word: "airsock" (Back to Top)
BASE Guard. Extra moon hovers over airsock / 16 minute(s). Edge glows. Zips 1/6/1954 #9455  
## Word: "airspace" (Back to Top)
 LZ 13 Hansa Zeppelin over British airspace.                                10/14/1912 #864  
nvolved in a violation of Sweden’s airspace. MP Elof Lindberg accuses him o 4/30/1934 #1208  
eader Joseph Stalin to fly into US airspace two disc- or wing-shaped aircra 7/1/1947 #2523  
 Midway Island to Oahu, Hawaii, in airspace A bright light with no blue or  9/13/1947 #3395  
might be making incursions into US airspace and returning to the USSR over  1/24/1949 #3977  
Brill fireball hovers / restricted airspace.                                1/14/1950 #4487  
ght hover over restricted military airspace for about two minutes.          1/14/1950 #4489  
ght hover over restricted military airspace for about two minutes. (Source: 6/14/1950 #4986  
of UFOs take place over restricted airspace at Oak Ridge, Tennessee. After  10/12/1950 #5222  
                                in airspace over, Korea UFO Circles Fleet o 1951 #5374  
Pacific bet. Hawaii and Calif., in airspace Bright Light Crosses C-97's Pat 6/28/1952 #6656  
                                In airspace over, Japan Object moving down  8/10/1952 #7538  
             NY to Puerto Rico, In Airspace Three Pan American Airways pilo Fall 1952 #8011  
s going quickly north / restricted airspace. Blink and glow. No RADAR.      11/12/1952 #8261  
             Miami to New York, In Airspace Pan American Airways flight saw 2/11/1955 #11997  
                North/South Dakota Airspace, Various 1956, Late; Bet. N. &  1956 #12630  
                North/South Dakota Airspace, Various RB-36H Encounter / Gnd 1956 #12631  
                North/South Dakota Airspace, Various Fall/Winter 1956; Nort 1956 #12632  
                                   Airspace over Guam, Guam Pilot saw a rou 12/31/1956 #13421  
  Air Force Base, Southwest US, In Airspace Radar Confirms Incident (NICAP: Summer 1958 #15110  
 produce a single unified image of airspace over a wide area. SAGE directs  6/26/1958 #15117  
rring to close approaches to Cuban airspace by Fort Bliss–based reconnaissa 1/12/1961 #16577  
inistration expands the restricted airspace in the vicinity of Groom Lake,  1/1962 #17014  
lloon that is floating in American airspace in a westerly direction with th 1965? #18680  
s that this Soviet violation of US airspace has “never been declassified.”  1965? #18680  
 and maintained for assessment of “airspace sovereignty.”                   1971 #25959  
rological observer over prohibited airspace at the RAAF Woomera Range Compl 12/20/1971 #26509  
-4 Phantoms from Denver enter base airspace to pursue it.                   1975 #29680  
ave been maneuvering over Algerian airspace since January, some near milita 3/7/1975 #29878  
authority to proceed into Canadian airspace, if necessary, to locate UFO. A 10/29/1975 #30506  
ee U.S. Air Force jets entered the airspace, but reappeared after the jets  11/27/1975 #30670  
                         Wisconsin airspace, WI Radar-Visual (NICAP: 09 - R 6/24/1978 #33305  
t might have strayed into McCarran airspace, controllers telephoned Nellis  12/16/1978 #34144  
y of unknown aircraft to penetrate airspace and over above SAC bases, their 12/20/1978 #34183  
y of unknown aircraft to penetrate airspace and over above SAC bases, their 12/20/1978 #34186  
hile flying over prohibited Soviet airspace. All 269 passengers and crew ab 9/1/1983 #36968  
e Air Force establishes restricted airspace around the site. Armed guards p 7/11/1986 #37939  
eek editors find that there are no airspace restrictions above the presenta 11/22/1988 #38718  
perate experimental aircraft in UK airspace, but David Clarke discovers tha 8/4/1990 #39679  
ble stealthy platform flying in UK airspace.” A 1992 letter from the Britis 8/4/1990 #39679  
t proceeded east through Alma-Alta airspace at the slightly lower altitude  8/28/1991 #40168  
n 5,000 reports of UFOs in Chinese airspace.                                1995 #41925  
 that one has penetrated Brazilian airspace.                                1/13/1996 #42681  
irport. Sergei Kurennoi, the chief airspace controller at Barnaul, sees the 1/22/2001 #44127  
, Nagib Ayub, on a UFO seen in the airspace in Rio Grande do Sul in 1954; t 5/20/2005 #44844  
t was near the restricted military airspace for Camp Atterbury, located 20  5/3/2006 #44938  
ary 8 as a violation of restricted airspace by “unknown aircraft” near the  11/5/2008 #45187  
 the W-72 warning area, a patch of airspace off the coast of Virginia and N 6/27/2013 #45376  
he Cube” past Lancaster in Edwards airspace, which is a Lockheed Martin Sku 4/18/2016 #45451  
ley, West Sussex, England, in busy airspace when the First Officer and Capt 5/5/2018 #45526  
r aircraft flying in United States airspace may pose,” Walker tells Politic 9/6/2019 #45606  
raft [UAP] flying in United States airspace may pose.” An earlier letter fr 9/6/2019 #45607  
 Monthan. It flies into controlled airspace surrounding the base and Tucson 2/9/2021 #45676  
rom several overflights of British airspace.  Note: There is nothing in dec 8/12/2022 #45762  
 included UAP sighted over British airspace.                                8/12/2022 #45762  
## Word: "airspeed" (Back to Top)
eini Dittmar attains an unofficial airspeed record of 623 mph in a rocket-p 10/2/1941 #1371  
eini Dittmar attains an unofficial airspeed record of 702 mph in a rocket-p 7/6/1944 #1620  
ward Mortlock Donaldson attains an airspeed record of 616 mph in a Gloster  9/7/1946 #2171  
F Col. Albert Boyd reaches a world airspeed record of 624 mph in a Lockheed 6/19/1947 #2342  
Marion Eugene Carl attains a world airspeed record of 651 mph in a Douglas  8/25/1947 #3368  
k Yeager again makes an unofficial airspeed record of 891 mph in a Bell X-1 11/6/1947 #3480  
. Dick Johnson reaches an official airspeed record of 671 mph (slightly mor 9/15/1948 #3802  
h Carolina. The C-45, flying at an airspeed of 160 mph, could not catch up  1/24/1950 #4510  
F. Barns attains an official world airspeed record of 716 mph in a North Am 7/16/1953 #8999  
 Lithgow attains an official world airspeed record of 736 mph in a Supermar 9/26/1953 #9180  
a Pilot Horace A. Hanes attains an airspeed record of 822 mph in a North Am 8/20/1955 #12378  
ot Peter Twiss reaches an official airspeed of 1,132 mph in a Fairey Delta  3/10/1956 #12751  
ng Mach 3 (twice that of the world airspeed record in 1957) was a weather p 9/24/1957 #14030  
iet Col. Georgy Mosolov reaches an airspeed record of 1,484 mph in a Mikoya 10/31/1959 #16071  
USAF Maj. Joseph Rogers attains an airspeed of 1,526 mph in a Convair F-106 12/15/1959 #16120  
ilot Robert G. Robinson reaches an airspeed of 1,606 mph in a McDonnell-Dou 11/22/1961 #16972  
t tube, a device that controls the airspeed indicator, froze when the A-12  5/24/1963 #17765  
ing the 45–50 minutes at indicated airspeed of 184–218 knots.               4/20/1964 #18180  
eorge T. Morgan Jr. attain a world airspeed record of 2,193 mph in a Lockhe 7/28/1976 #31188  
## Word: "airstation" (Back to Top)
claims he saw the experiment at an airstation in Toronto, Canada.  https:// 1953 #8481  
## Word: "airstream" (Back to Top)
ry color and flew away. [Note: the Airstream model of trailer, common for t 8/23/1954 #10172  
er object the size and shape of an Airstream trailer flies alongside them,  3/3/2003 #44499  
## Word: "airstrike" (Back to Top)
s too late for them to react to an airstrike by our own air force; we also  3/27/2017 #45466  
## Word: "airstrikes" (Back to Top)
lf of Tonkin Resolution is passed, airstrikes against Vietnam begin         8/7/1964 #18470  
## Word: "airstrip" (Back to Top)
re pass horizontally over the base airstrip (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 3/31/1949 #4060  
assing horizontally above the base airstrip. After 10–15 seconds it disappe 3/31/1949 #4063  
our feet in diameter just above an airstrip. It dove vertically, emitting a 6/22/1952 #6589  
e saucers faster / jet. 1 hovers / airstrip.                                7/9/1952 #6732  
 going quickly west into mist over airstrip. / r136#4p30.                   8/7/1952 #7496  
 ovoid going northeast. Stops near airstrip. Away going quickly southeast.  11/3/1952 #8231  
2 observer(s). 25' saucer all over airstrip / 7K' altitude. Flips over. Ins 12/4/1952 #8368  
mergency landing on the former U-2 airstrip at Groom Lake, Nevada. He claim 7/28/1957 #13848  
 near Tyuratam, Kazakhstan Iranian airstrip at Zahedan The U-2 spy plane pi 4/9/1960 #16219  
a Su-9. Powers lands at an Iranian airstrip at Zahedan. A 1994 CIA monograp 4/9/1960 #16219  
               Wake Island (on the airstrip), Wake Island Saw a reddish, bl 8/10/1964 #18474  
     HAVERHILL, MA Saucer hovers / airstrip. 2 figure(s) move / dome. Glowi 4/1967 (approximate) #22026  
Mount Whaleback, Western Australia airstrip near Mount Whaleback, Western A 4/29/1967 #22247  
other oil drillers drive out to an airstrip near Mount Whaleback, Western A 4/29/1967 #22247  
  VANDOEUVRE, FR 1M ovoid hovers / airstrip. Flashes red code-like signals  9/4/1968 #24426  
   DAX, FR Helicopter base. Ovoid. Airstrip lights electro-magnetic effect  4/7/1975 #29979  
 quickly east from coast. 1 buzzes airstrip.                                11/12/1978 #33948  
te helicopter landing pad, with no airstrip or runway, surrounded by an 8 f 12/14/1980 #35716  
 It hovers at the north end of the airstrip for 6–7 minutes, changes from w 6/9/1987 #38188  
.C. White House rural Pennsylvania airstrip 11:28 a.m. Radar trackers spot  5/11/2005 #44840  
ted maps from a rural Pennsylvania airstrip and they are lost. Authorities  5/11/2005 #44840  
 are preparing to take off from an airstrip about 40 miles northwest of Tuc 11/6/2018 #45543  
## Word: "airstrips" (Back to Top)
nd landings, they mark two unpaved airstrips (runways 9/27 and 03/21) on th 10/1960 #16472  
## Word: "airsuit" (Back to Top)
rence (RFI). Pseudo-human/entity / airsuit appears / home. Watches observer 11/25/1972 (approximate) #27141  
## Word: "airtel" (Back to Top)
 the FBI transmits a 2-page secret Airtel to headquarters that says the MJ- 10/25/1988 #38694  
## Word: "airtight" (Back to Top)
hips “are round like the moon with airtight shutter at the front, glass. Th Summer 1931 #1130  
cinnati, Ohio. She places it in an airtight jar. After the Stringfields con 9/25/1956 #13245  
## Word: "airtime" (Back to Top)
uced by Life magazine, devotes its airtime to the recent UFO sightings over 8/1/1952 #7410  
## Word: "airwaves" (Back to Top)
M opesti nipitia secomba” over the airwaves. He intends for it to be picked 10/27/1926 #1065  
## Word: "airway" (Back to Top)
 seen an object go by on Victor-2 [airway]. As we approached Albany, we ove 6/23/1955 #12209  
## Word: "airways" (Back to Top)
luding Mr. Leidy, for Pan American Airways. Watched briefly while one trans 7/10/1947 #3101  
Leidy, a mechanic for Pan American Airways, took photographs of a C-54 size 7/10/1947 #3118  
 10:40 a.m. Three men of the 147th Airways and Air Communications Service S 8/14/1947 #3331  
or and S/Sgt. Ellis R. Lorimer and airways communications staffer S/Sgt. Vi 6/21/1950 #4998  
 Airport, London Four Pan American Airways employees (Fred Wilkinson, Patri 11/5/1950 #5265  
xico, Texas, and Oklahoma. Capitol Airways pilot H. R. DeHoney is flying at 11/3/1951 #5766  
th Carolina 2:27 a.m. Pan American Airways pilot Clayton C. Gallagher and h 5/8/1952 #6275  
 Virginia Witnesses:  Pan American Airways First Officer William Nash, Seco 7/14/1952 #6815  
Fortenberry, flying a Pan American Airways DC-4, see six crimson dots at 30 7/14/1952 #6817  
g a DC-4 aircraft for Pan American Airways when they sighted six luminous r 7/14/1952 #6818  
co, In Airspace Three Pan American Airways pilots watched UFO hover, speed  Fall 1952 #8011  
,000 feet sees nothing. CAA Senior Airways Specialist Austin M. Stapf claim 11/30/1952 #8359  
kay, Queensland Australia National Airways DC-3 6:08 p.m. Capt. B. L. Jones 5/10/1953 #8872  
s is flying an Australian National Airways DC-3 just south of Mackay, Queen 5/10/1953 #8872  
is piloting an Australian National Airways DC-3 near Woronora Dam, New Sout 5/10/1953 #8873  
, a pilot with Australian National Airways, is at his home in Doncaster Eas 1/1/1954 #9436  
ean A BOAC Strato Cruiser (British Airways) on a trans Atlantic flight with 6/29/1954 #9958  
New York, In Airspace Pan American Airways flight saw two reddish-green obj 2/11/1955 #11997  
              New Zealand National Airways DC-3 Flight 108 Waitara, New Zea 11/1/1955 #12540  
g light paces New Zealand National Airways DC-3 Flight 108 west of Waitara, 11/1/1955 #12540  
       At 8:30 p.m. a Pan American Airways flight engineer named Mueller si 1/22/1956 #12679  
s reported by a Pan American World Airways radar expert. Donald Freestone s 11/8/1956 #13315  
  San Juan (near), PR Pan American Airways pilot took evasive action as fie 3/9/1957 #13536  
kle, piloting a Pan American World Airways DC-6A airliner at a point over t 3/9/1957 #13540  
             New York Pan American Airways Plane almost collides with UFO ( 3/10/1957 #13541  
             New York Pan American Airways Plane almost collides with UFO ( 3/10/1957 #13542  
   Off East Coast, FL Pan American Airways pilot observed brilliant pulsati 3/29/1957 #13570  
            At 7:17 a.m. a British Airways airliner flying over Kent, Engla 5/31/1957 #13691  
    Boston (near), MA Pan American Airways pilot saw a brilliant object fly 10/8/1957 #14073  
 an Air Force bomber crew, a Slick Airways plane, and a Canadian Pacific ai 7/11/1959 #15834  
from the sky. The next day Braniff Airways Flight 542, carrying 28 passenge 9/29/1959 #15997  
         Corona, NY A Pan American Airways mechanic, about 1:30 a.m., notic 11/3/1963 #18026  
lot and crew of a British European Airways plane flying at 27,000 feet had  11/15/1967 #23459  
as a triangular object. When a Jat Airways Convair approaches the target, i Early 2/1972 #26561  
sbon, Portugal 9:00 p.m. A British Airways Trident 2E piloted by Capt. Denn 7/30/1976 #31203  
d UFOs were sighted from a British Airways Trident II airliner near the Por 7/30/1976 #31204  
ia 6:00–7:00 p.m. British European Airways Flight 831 from Moscow to London 9/10/1976 #31372  
cloud to the west. A South African Airways jumbo jet describes the same phe 3/24/1977 #31929  
eet for a landing, a senior Kuwait Airways pilot and crew observed a huge,  6/20/1980 #35381  
eet for a landing, a senior Kuwait Airways pilot and crew observe a huge, b 6/20/1980 #35382  
ian border 4:05 p.m. Greek Olympic Airways Flight OA 132, piloted by Christ 8/15/1985 #37643  
The pilot and copilot of a British Airways flight from Rome to Gatwick Airp 11/5/1990 #39866  
don, England 2:38 p.m. A Britannia Airways Boeing 737 is descending for a l 6/1/1991 #40080  
45 p.m. The copilot of a Britannia Airways Boeing 737 on a flight from Cret 7/15/1991 #40123  
Mark Stuart are piloting a British Airways Boeing 737 aircraft with 60 pass 1/6/1995 #41956  
                         A British Airways Boeing-737 flight with 60 passen 1/6/1995 #41957  
                        UK British Airways In briefing notes on the safety  2/20/1995 #42052  
ng Group in the UK, former British Airways Capt. Graham Sheppard comments:  2/20/1995 #42052  
Orkney, Scotland, to board British Airways Flight 8773 to Aberdeen when she 5/30/1997 #43302  
hannon Airport 6:47 a.m. A British Airways 787 is flying eastward just off  11/9/2018 #45544  
ght path. The pilot of the British Airways plane notices a bright light mov 11/9/2018 #45544  
About 10 minutes later, a Jet Blue Airways pilot spots the flying man.      8/29/2020 #45659  
## Word: "airy" (Back to Top)
                               MT. AIRY, NC Football coach and team. White  10/12/1952 #8121  
                               MT. AIRY, NC 2 kids and more. 6M lighted sau 3/2/1959 #15629  
d 60 meters over a quarry in Mount Airy, North Carolina at 7:30 p.m. It had 3/2/1959 #15630  
                             MOUNT AIRY, MD Project Bluebook Case #9305. 3  3/8/1965 #18847  
                             Mount Airy, MD Six Lights Just Miss House (NIC 3/8/1965 #18848  
                             Mount Airy, Maryland Three persons saw a cigar 3/8/1965 #18849  
                               Mt. Airy, Maryland Witness:  J.H. Martin, in 3/8/1965 #18850  
                             Mount Airy, Maryland 7:40 p.m. J. H. Martin, a 3/8/1965 #18851  
 and his two sons observe in Mount Airy, Maryland, six lights he estimates  3/8/1965 #18851  
t 7:40 p.m. three persons in Mount Airy, Maryland, including an instrument  3/8/1965 #18852  
                             Mount Airy, North Carolina 3:00 a.m. Thelma B. 8/19/1965 #19426  
plosion in their backyard in Mount Airy, North Carolina. The sound seems to 8/19/1965 #19426  
                             MOUNT AIRY, NC Luminous vertical cylinder/ciga 8/20/1965 #19429  
                             Mount Airy, North Carolina Mrs. T. E. Schumake 8/20/1965 #19437  
 EDT Mrs. T. E. Schumaker of Mount Airy, North Carolina was awakened by a l 8/20/1965 #19441  
                               MT. AIRY, NC Dog covers ears. 5m domed sauce 8/1968 #24277  
                             MOUNT AIRY, NC 6-7 separate observer(s). Red c 2/3/1973 #27266  
 Red circular object smokes. / Mt. Airy Times 16.3.73. / r231'74.           2/3/1973 #27266  
                               Mt. Airy, NC Rash of UFO sightings by citize 10/24/1973 #28263  
itizens as well as police in Mount Airy, Surry County, North Carolina. They 10/24/1973 #28271  
s reported a UFO sighting near Mt. Airy Md. (Actual FOIA document) (NICAP:  7/30/1976 #31200  
                             MOUNT AIRY, NC Huge dome / portholes turns / s 10/30/1990 #39818  
e ground was seen at 9:30 in Mount Airy, North Carolina for three minutes.  10/30/1990 #39819  
## Word: "ais" (Back to Top)
rs MUST report UFOs immediately to AIS (Military), LATCC. A completed repor 1984 #37087  
## Word: "aische-en-rafail" (Back to Top)
   A young woman returning home at Aische-en-Rafail near Lierneaux, Belgium 1/24/1974 #28702  
## Word: "aische-en-refail" (Back to Top)
                                   AISCHE-EN-REFAIL, BELGIUM Car malfunctio 1/24/1974 #28697  
                                   Aische-en-Refail, Belgium Disc-like obje 1/24/1974 #28700  
                                   AISCHE-EN-REFAIL, BELGIUM Rigid manta-de 12/24/1989 #39337  
## Word: "aisle" (Back to Top)
n see a lighted room with a golden aisle and five occupants seated on the l 1/8/1974 #28666  
.m. he was alone at the time in an aisle when he heard some peculiar sounds 8/11/1995 #42376  
## Word: "aisne" (Back to Top)
       Southwest of Saint-Quentin, Aisne, France Schweinfurt, Germany Night 2/24/1944 #1579  
Night. Southwest of Saint-Quentin, Aisne, France, three silver objects are  2/24/1944 #1579  
g home from the theater in Hirson, Aisne Department when they saw a luminou 9/7/1954 #10265  
                           Hirson, Aisne, France Buire 12:30 a.m. Robert Ch 9/7/1954 #10267  
g home from the theater in Hirson, Aisne, France, when they see a luminous  9/7/1954 #10267  
oad tracks in Origny-en-Theirache, Aisne department, France. It changed dir 9/7/1954 #10269  
                          La Fère, Aisne, France 9:30 p.m. Two soldiers at  10/6/1954 #10757  
 the military barracks in La Fère, Aisne, France, watch a luminous craft in 10/6/1954 #10757  
 the military barracks in La Fere, Aisne, France two soldiers saw a strange 10/6/1954 #10761  
owly into the wind over Vendhuile, Aisne, France. It made a 90 degree turn  9/8/1971 #26325  
                           Hirson (Aisne), France 5:30 a.m. The witness was 2/28/1974 #28820  
                           CHAUNY, AISNE, FR 1 observer. Night lights form  11/24/1990 #39904  
## Word: "aiss" (Back to Top)
Air Intelligence Service Squadron (AISS) is created at Ent AFB [now the US  1/3/1953 #8499  
hat he first suggests using 4602nd AISS field units to conduct Blue Book fi 1/14/1953 #8539  
ngs, Colorado, to brief the 4602nd AISS on how they might help Blue Book in 1/24/1953 #8563  
             Gen. Burgess’s 4602nd AISS plan is approved. It is seen as aid 3/23/1953 #8780  
 is seen as aiding ATIC and giving AISS personnel valuable experience in fi 3/23/1953 #8780  
                        The 4602nd AISS has taken over nearly all of Blue B 7/1953 #8978  
igence at the Pentagon, the 4602nd AISS, and ATIC (although ATIC only gets  8/26/1953 #9112  
 from an informant that the 4602nd AISS has a “crashed object” program. His 10/14/1954 #11054  
 states he is told the USAF 4602nd AISS has a “crashed object” program. Mat 10/14/1954 #11075  
White Jr., commander of the 4602nd AISS at Ent AFB [now the US Olympic Trai 11/17/1954 #11664  
 Cybulski, commander of the 4602nd AISS at Ent AFB [now the US Olympic Trai 2/15/1955 #12004  
mber of unknowns. It suggests that AISS and ATIC “strive to reach as many c 2/15/1955 #12004  
                        The 4602nd AISS guide to investigating UFOs is comp 3/15/1955 #12049  
ado Springs, Colorado At the Fifth AISS Commander’s Conference at Ent AFB [ 5/23/1955 #12151  
                        The 4602nd AISS reports that of its 194 preliminary 6/30/1955 #12221  
efense Command disbands the 4602nd AISS and reassigns UFO investigative dut 7/1957 #13765  
eld Activities Group of the 1006th AISS at Norton AFB [San Bernardino Inter 7/1957 #13765  
ty, Virginia, replacing the 1006th AISS. The unit will also be responsible  7/1959 #15807  
in late 1947; he states the 4062nd AISS group was at all three sites and re 1994 #41349  
## Word: "aitana" (Back to Top)
                            Sierra Aitana, Spain 6:00 a.m. A radar installa 7/28/1975 #30211  
llation in the mountains of Sierra Aitana, Spain had a close encounter with 7/28/1975 #30212  
## Word: "aitape" (Back to Top)
s seen high in the sky that day in Aitape, Papua New Guinea. It was visible 1/1/1966 #19801  
## Word: "aiufofsr#2" (Back to Top)
pass off up to 19° for 48 hours. / AIUFOFSR#2.                              5/25/1978 #33239  
## Word: "aix" (Back to Top)
lice and Air Traffic Controllers / Aix.                                     6/25/1993 #41033  
## Word: "aix-en-provence" (Back to Top)
                                   AIX-EN-PROVENCE, FR Vibrant bright cylin 9/21/1952 #7994  
                                   AIX-EN-PROVENCE, BDR, FR Saucer hangs hi 10/15/1954 #11078  
                                   AIX-EN-PROVENCE, FR "Split-banana" stops 12/28/1973 #28608  
                                   Aix-en-Provence, France Vevey, Switzerla 1974 #28626  
tude sur les Soucoupes Volantes in Aix-en-Provence, France, and soon establ 1974 #28626  
                                   Aix-en-Provence, France The SOS-OVNI gro 1/1991 #39943  
mèna, edited by Perry Petrakis, in Aix-en-Provence, France. It continues th 1/1991 #39943  
                                   AIX-EN-PROVENCE, FR Air Traffic Controll 4/4/1994 #41476  
## Word: "aj" (Back to Top)
eleased by authors Tom DeLonge and AJ Hartley. DeLonge claims his “advisors 4/5/2016 #45449  
## Word: "ajaccio" (Back to Top)
                                   AJACCIO, CORSICA Businessman. Luminous b 1/5/1974 #28647  
                                   AJACCIO, CORSICA Newsman photographs ora 4/9/1977 #31967  
                          CINARCA, AJACCIO, CORSICA Several / car. Luminous 4/17/1977 #31985  
## Word: "ajar" (Back to Top)
 / field. 3M sphere / ground. Door ajar. Dials and controls inside.         8/1933 (approximate) #1170  
## Word: "ajax" (Back to Top)
translation of Sophocles’s tragedy Ajax that he is copying.                 5/22/1949 #4203  
                                   AJAX, ON 2 separate observer(s). Flaming 7/3/1952 #6696  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Ajax” YieldMax: 20KT                     11/11/1966 #21089  
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Ajax” Yield: 20KT                        7/6/1977 #32240  
ed object was seen in the sky over Ajax, Ontario during daylight hours. It  4/25/2001 #44163  
## Word: "ajo" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Ajo” YieldMax: 20KT                      1/30/1970 #25563  
nd also in formation, were seen in Ajo, Arizona at 5:00 p.m. for 25 seconds 9/16/2009 #45248  
                              East Ajo Way and South Palo Verde Road in Tuc 2/9/2021 #45676  
is spotted from the corner of East Ajo Way and South Palo Verde Road in Tuc 2/9/2021 #45676  
## Word: "ajvas" (Back to Top)
ude aeronautical engineer Vladimir Ajvas, AF Capt. Stjepan Djitkol, and sta 10/25/1954 #11390  
## Word: "ak" (Back to Top)
          SOUTHEAST / ADAK ISLAND, AK 60M sphere/orb/globe going up / sea.  8/1945 (approximate) #1906  
                            HEALY, AK 1 observer. Glittering silver disk ov 5/25/1947? #2296  
         ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BASE, AK 3 teens. Small white disk faster / fi 7/9/1947 #3044  
         Elmendorf AFB, Anchorage, AK Round 3' Aluminum Object At Great Spe 7/11/1947 #3136  
         ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BASE, AK Several officers. Grey object follows 7/12/1947 #3151  
                   FT. RICHARDSON, AK 2 Army officers. 3m sphere extremely  8/4/1947 (approximate) #3286  
                      NEAR BETHEL, AK Project Bluebook Case #58. Local pilo 8/4/1947 #3288  
                           Bethel, AK Smooth surfaced black object larger t 8/4/1947 #3289  
                   Ft. Richardson, AK A 2-3 ft silver sphere traveling S at 9/17/1947 #3400  
                        Fairbanks, AK A noiseless object with a flat discus 4/18/1948 #3625  
                     Unknown City, AK Two Air Force officers reported appro 7/9/1948 #3702  
    Shemya AFB - Aleutian Islands, AK Bombers see a dull-yellowish light fl 3/29/1949 #4059  
                 TIGVARIAK ISLAND, AK Project Bluebook Case #428. Geodetic  8/22/1949 (approximate) #4335  
          32KM NORTH / KODIAK NAS, AK 1800MPH blip. RADAR / visual (observa 1/22/1950 #4500  
                       Kodiak NAS, AK USN P2V3 Patrol Plane and USS Tillamo 1/22/1950 #4501  
                Kodiak NAS (near), AK Maneuvering red exhaust-like or orang 1/22/1950 #4502  
         100KM SOUTH / KODIAK NAS, AK 6 Navy airmen can't catch fireball go 1/23/1950 #4505  
         ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BASE, AK Lt. Col. and 1. 3 orange cylinders go 1/26/1950 #4512  
      Aleutian Islands (north of), AK 3 ft red and white elliptical object  1/31/1950 #4521  
              60KM NORTH / JUNEAU, AK M. Konrad takes movies. 8 saucers lan 4/1950 #4779  
                     PERIL STRAIT, AK 3 USCG. 2 white saucers connected / s 7/8/1950 #5050  
                   NUNIVAK ISLAND, AK Aleuts terrorized. Huge fireball / ov 9/1/1950 #5162  
orryuk, Nunivak Island, Aleutians, AK Strange deep red ball of fire near th 9/1/1950 #5163  
        10 MI NORTHWEST / GULKANA, AK NW.Al crew. 2 flashes. Dark cloud ris 12/11/1950 #5337  
         Gulkana (10 miles NW of), AK 2 white flashes, followed by dark clo 12/11/1950 #5338  
              LADD AIR FORCE BASE, AK Project Bluebook Case #897. Observer( 2/26/1951 #5459  
                         Ladd AFB, AK Oblong Object Hovers Over Runway (NIC 2/26/1951 #5460  
              LADD AIR FORCE BASE, AK Objects / 3 ground and air RADAR's go 1/22/1952 #5873  
                    Nenana (E of), AK Radar operator at ADC tracks object A 1/22/1952 #5874  
                        ANCHORAGE, AK 12 observer(s) / (seen thru) binocula 4/14/1952 #6072  
         Elmendorf AFB, Anchorage, AK (FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 7/5/1952 #6711  
AKE WITH ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BASE, AK Bogeys / ground and air RADAR's. F94s 7/21/1952 #6967  
                      Beluga Lake, AK Aircraft Has Radar Contact But No Vis 7/21/1952 #6976  
            SOUTHEAST / TALKEETNA, AK Ground and air RADAR blip. Jet chases 7/24/1952 #7105  
         Elmendorf AFB, Anchorage, AK (FUFOR Index) F-94 Makes Radar Contac 7/24/1952 #7111  
                        ANCHORAGE, AK 12+observer(s) / (seen thru) binocula 9/5/1952 (approximate) #7852  
                           Angoon, AK 2 shiny spheres connected by a solid  12/6/1952 #8385  
              LADD AIR FORCE BASE, AK Project Bluebook Case #2266. Ground R 12/8/1952 #8393  
                         Ladd AFB, AK White, oval light which changed to re 12/8/1952 #8395  
              LADD AIR FORCE BASE, AK 3 military observer(s). HIQ. Night li 12/16/1952 #8424  
                    Barter Island, AK Object With Falling Leaf Motions Over 2/8/1953 #8649  
                    TURNAGAIN ARM, AK 5 observer(s) and jet chase. Red 90cm 2/16/1953 #8677  
                           Willow, AK C-47 Chases Maneuvering Light (NICAP: 2/16/1953 #8679  
         Elmendorf AFB, Anchorage, AK Nocturnal light with rapid vertical t 2/17/1953 #8682  
                 NEAR SKILAK LAKE, AK 4+observer(s). Huge saucer over Kenai 3/14/1953 #8748  
                         COLD BAY, AK 9 / C54 crew. Red fireball-night ligh 1/28/1954 #9504  
                         Cold Bay, AK Red Fireball Hovers Near C-54 (NICAP: 1/28/1954 #9505  
                       COOK INLET, AK Glowing UFO crosses bay 4X. Fireball  4/21/1954 #9699  
         ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BASE, AK Ground observer(s). Bright round nigh 11/4/1954 #11556  
                        Fairbanks, AK GCI Tracks Uncorrelated Target Over A 1/28/1955 #11948  
                      KING SALMON, AK 2 Air Traffic Controllers. Comet-fire 7/30/1955 #12304  
              ST. LAWRENCE ISLAND, AK Several / USAF. Bright object hovers  8/1956 #13035  
                           KODIAK, AK Cop. Red fireball going west 15M over 11/4/1957 #14270  
                           Kodiak, AK A "steady dit-dit-dit" interference o 11/4/1957 #14274  
    Atka Island, Aleutian Islands, AK P2V-5F Encounters 3 Lights Tracked at 1/11/1958 #14819  
                       Hawk Inlet, AK Diesel Generator Disrupted On Fishing 12/16/1958 #15476  
               200MI EAST / UMIAK, AK Trappers. Red saucer rises falls hove 2/8/1959? #15582  
ME GOING QUICKLY [TO] ST. MICHAEL, AK Hundreds / observer(s). Silver cylind 2/14/1960 #16173  
                             Nome, AK Airline employee, others, saw a silve 2/14/1960 #16174  
                       DILLINGHAM, AK 25' ovoid with legs. Grass and oilcan 5/19/1960 #16285  
                       Dillingham, AK Silver-colored round object 20-25 ft  5/19/1960 #16287  
                Residents in Ekuk, AK see a 25 foot silver round object hov 5/19/1960 #16292  
                         KOTZEBUE, AK Project Bluebook Case #7818. 7 observ 2/25/1962 #17059  
                         Kotzebue, AK Red light, trailed 30 secs later by a 2/25/1962 #17060  
                           PALMER, AK Project Bluebook Case #7931. Unidenti 5/27/1962 #17208  
                           Palmer, AK (NARA) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 5/27/1962 #17209AK,” a PFC on guard duty at the Motor Po 12/10/1964 #18655  
ke device protruded from one end.  AK states there were no smells, vibratio 12/10/1964 #18655  
                Various Locations, AK (McDonald list) Tear Drop Shaped Obje 1/28/1965 #18778  
                 RUSSIAN R, KENAI, AK Photograph / saucer rises / riverback 7/5/1965 #19069  
   Fort Riley, KA Fort Riley, KA: “AK” (Aaron Kaback) was on guard duty at  11/1965 #19690  
                     COLD BAY AFS, AK Project Bluebook Case #11092. Air Tra 10/26/1966 #21034  
                     Cold Bay AFS, AK Tower operator saw a white object app 10/26/1966 #21035  
                        PT BARROW, AK 3+saucers going west. Land / ice offs 2/12/1967 #21516  
                           Barrow, AK Night. A man saw a basically red obje 2/12/1967 #21519  
                            HOMER, AK Farmer. Glowing-object with square wi 3/21/1967 #21931  
                            Homer, AK 7:30 p.m. AKST (10:30 p.m. CST). Two  3/21/1967 #21935  
                      Eielson AFB, AK (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Fairbank 7/11/1968 #24168  
                       HAWK INLET, AK Seamen. White 6M glowing-ball nears b 12/15/1968 #24769  
                       HAWK INLET, AK 2 observer(s). Silent glowing-ball ba 12/16/1968 #24774  
             PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND, AK 2 / (seen thru) binoculars on boat. 3 1/16/1969 #24851  
                         STEBBINS, AK 20+observer(s). Ovoid with portholes  8/16/1972 #26919  
                      ST. MICHAEL, AK 2 observer(s). Football-UFO over Nort 8/17/1972 #26924  
                     Norton Sound, AK Multi witness, long duration (#533) l 8/17/1972 #26925  
            DOUGLAS ISL.NR JUNEAU, AK 6 / (seen thru) telescope. Small glow 8/14/1973 #27700  
                           BETHEL, AK 7cm silver disk maneuvers low. Dives  9/3/1976 #31330  
    NEAR ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BASE, AK Air Traffic Controller and more/other 4/23/1977 #32016  
                    SHEMYA ISLAND, AK Air Force Base here. 5 saucers do acr 2/16/1978 #32972  
                       OFF SEWARD, AK Boat. Bowl going down / clouds 2' ove 7/5/1979 #34647  
     Gulf of Alaska, S. of Seward, AK Object Just Off The Water / Radar Tra 7/5/1979 #34648  
                      KEKU STRAIT, AK 300+observer(s). Red fireball slows a 1/24/1980 #35143  
                      Little Rock, AK Two teenagers in Little Rock saw a sm 6/6/1981 #35955  
nderground locations at Mt. Hayes, AK, Mt. Ziel, Australia, Mt. Nyangani, Z 7/1982 #36525  
                SOUTH / FT. YUKON, AK Huge walnut paces JAL 747. Ground and 11/17/1986 #38069  
                        NE Alaska, AK JAL Flight 1628 (C), Saturn-shaped, R 11/17/1986 #38070  
                       Fort Yukon, AK Japan Airlines freighter aircraft enc 11/17/1986 #38071  
                     NORTH ALASKA, AK Separate JAL crew sees night lights p 1/11/1987 #38097  
                     In air space, AK Large Discs / Flight 53 Tracks At A M 1/31/1987 #38107  
                     NORTH / ELIM, AK 4 separate observer(s). 600' object w 3/17/1987 #38145  
                          GAMBELL, AK Several observer(s). Large object wit 3/17/1987 #38146  
                         SAVOONGA, AK Call going [to] National Guard. 1 obs 3/17/1987 #38147  
      PORT GRAHAM AND ENGLISH BAY, AK Flying wing with red and blue lights  1/22/1990 #39386  
        IZHUT BAY, AFOGNAK ISLAND, AK Night light vanishes and instantly re 11/21/1992 #40723  
   PILLAR MOUNTAIN, KODIAK ISLAND, AK Report / spheres falling / sky and 1  5/27/1993 #40991  
                           PALMER, AK 15 observer(s) and police calls. Sile 3/17/1994 #41460  
                        MANOKOTAK, AK AND DILLINGHAM AND ALEKNAGIK 7+separa 10/14/1994 #41804  
                       WAINWRIGHT, AK Pilot and several / ground. Bright li 1/1/1995 #41929  
                         GUSTAVUS, AK Boatload / fishermen. Very large oran 2/12/1995 #42038  
           PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND, AK 1 observer. Moon-size disk west going 10/27/1995 #42563  
                 MOUNTAIN VILLAGE, AK Woman. Night light stationary. Sweeps 3/2/1996 #42799  
                         NIKISHKA, AK Family awakened. Bright object steaks 4/12/1996 #42862  
## Word: "ak-47" (Back to Top)
s rear end, he considers taking an AK-47 and shooting it out, but receives  2/1984 #37172  
## Word: "aka" (Back to Top)
round weapons complex in Thuringia aka the Harz. The crafts were shaped lik 1958 #14787  
personic replacement for the SR-71 aka Aurora.  Majic Eyes Only, p213       9/26/1994 #41776  
wing that displayed a “Fluxliner,” aka an Alien Reproduction Vehicle (ARV). 12/2014 #45425  
## Word: "akademgorodok" (Back to Top)
 Russia where it was hidden in the Akademgorodok region. The body of a shor 12/6/1978 #34066  
## Word: "akademi" (Back to Top)
       Kallavesi lake, Finland Åbo Akademi University in Turku University o 8/1964 #18466  
 fragment is x-ray analyzed at Åbo Akademi University in Turku, which state 8/1964 #18466  
## Word: "akademski" (Back to Top)
nutes to two hours. Members of the Akademski Astronomsko-Astronautiki Klub  10/18/1968 #24571  
## Word: "akavi" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Akavi” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT       12/3/1981 #36244  
## Word: "akbar" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Akbar” YieldMax: 20KT                    11/9/1972 #27112  
## Word: "ake" (Back to Top)
iting for a bus in Straken, Sweden Ake Westerberg saw a little man standing 2/16/1971 #26021  
ing north and 3 going northwest. / Ake Franzen.                             10/11/1972 #27066  
## Word: "akerberg" (Back to Top)
 Sea 10:00 p.m. Policeman Ernst W. Akerberg and his wife Karin are at their 8/5/1957 #13881  
## Word: "akers" (Back to Top)
uires after an acquaintance, C. C. Akers of Eagle Pass, Texas. After procur 4/20/1897 #546  
asses over Getty Street in Uvalde. Akers tells a reporter in Galveston that 4/20/1897 #546  
ory up, possibly in collusion with Akers.                                   4/20/1897 #546  
Navy Chief Fire Controlman William Akers, Davidson, Fitzsimmons, Moorman) s 4/24/1949 #4104  
## Word: "akf" (Back to Top)
 Congo Brazzaville La Semaine de L’akf Laketi Mission Mossaka District 7:35 6/18/1954 #9910  
zzaville newspaper La Semaine de L’akf that he and others had seen a UFO ov 6/18/1954 #9910  
## Word: "akhurst" (Back to Top)
London, again and meet with Leslie Akhurst, John Dickison, and Alec Cassie. 6/20/1968 #24054  
## Word: "akin" (Back to Top)
icer candidate school, Maj. Warren Akin, suggests, at a meeting of the Juni 5/15/1958 #15036  
ort as “Buoyant Plasma Formation,” akin to ball lightning, and it supposedl 5/15/2006 #44942  
tnov states he has found an effect akin to modification of a local gravitat 2/4/2020 #45630  
## Word: "akira" (Back to Top)
                          Lt. Gen. Akira Hirano, chief of Japan’s Air Self- 9/1977 #32453  
## Word: "akirkeby" (Back to Top)
                                   AKIRKEBY, BORNHOLN, DK Farm boy. Triangl 10/10/1988 #38667  
                                In Akirkeby, Denmark a tractor's headlights 10/10/1988 #38669  
## Word: "akita" (Back to Top)
                                   AKITA, HONSHU, JP Project Bluebook Case  11/21/1949 #4420  
                                   Akita, Honshu, Japan Rectangular object  11/21/1949 #4421  
 An F-80 fighter pilot flying over Akita, Japan saw a rectangular-shaped UF 11/21/1949 #4422  
                NEAR BANGKOK, THAI Akita Takao photographs temple. Silver S 3/7/1973 #27335  
                                   Akita Airport Akita Prefecture, Japan Mo 10/17/1975 #30437  
                     Akita Airport Akita Prefecture, Japan Morning. Masaki  10/17/1975 #30437  
aki Machida, a TV reporter for the Akita Broadcasting Company, is at Akita  10/17/1975 #30437  
 Akita Broadcasting Company, is at Akita Airport in Akita Prefecture, Japan 10/17/1975 #30437  
ng Company, is at Akita Airport in Akita Prefecture, Japan, when he sees a  10/17/1975 #30437  
                           SOUTH / AKITA AIR FORCE BASE, JPN 50+ground-air  10/17/1976 #31470  
                                   Akita Airport, Japan Disc Hovers Near Ja 10/17/1976 #31471  
                                   Akita Airport, Japan Control tower and a 10/17/1976 #31472  
                                   Akita Airport, Japan 10:40 a.m. A brilli 10/17/1976 #31474  
lliant golden disc hovers south of Akita Airport, Japan, for 5 minutes. Ken 10/17/1976 #31474  
                  At 10:40 a.m. at Akita Airport, Japan Captain Masara Sait 10/17/1976 #31475  
## Word: "akkan" (Back to Top)
evening two 13-year old boys named Akkan and Green in Loughborough, Leicest 2/11/1972 #26572  
## Word: "akko" (Back to Top)
t of the ancient city of Acre (now Akko), Israel. They were travelling nort 3/26/1950 #4732  
## Word: "akkuratov" (Back to Top)
land Soviet polar aviator Valentin Akkuratov is flying a Tupolev Tu-4 aircr 1956 #12636  
es.” Thinking it is a US aircraft, Akkuratov heads back into the clouds. Af 1956 #12636  
outheast, the cloud cover ends and Akkuratov encounters it again. He decide 1956 #12636  
rov, Igor Bestuzhev-Lada, Valentin Akkuratov, Leonid Reino, Georgi Uger, Ge 5/17/1967 #22369  
## Word: "aklavik" (Back to Top)
                                   Aklavik, Northwest Territories, Canada H 2/22/1997 #43202  
ries, Canada Highway Ice Road Near Aklavik, Northwest Territories, Canada,  2/22/1997 #43202  
## Word: "akon" (Back to Top)
 from a friendly space alien named Akon.                                    10/1917 #968  
ary. The friendly extraterrestrial Akon, with whom she has been in telepath 12/27/1954 #11864  
 spaceship is waiting for her, and Akon takes her in his hands and says, “N 4/7/1956 #12798  
 second alien, who looks much like Akon except he is darker and more muscul 4/7/1956 #12798  
s the ship first rises into space, Akon says he has been watching her for s 4/7/1956 #12798  
 her a vegetarian meal. Klarer and Akon begin a lifelong romantic attachmen 4/7/1956 #12798  
## Word: "akrij" (Back to Top)
  It also states that Corona East, Akrij and Sienna are three PSV craft in  3/27/2017 #45466  
## Word: "akron" (Back to Top)
                                   AKRON, OH 2 observer(s). 200 Ft. 'comet' 7/14/1925 #1049  
ke a hissing sound as it flew over Akron, Ohio at 9:45 p.m. It then shot up 7/14/1925 #1050  
                                   AKRON, OH 2 BF Goodrich executives and f 7/4/1947 #2628  
                                   Akron, OH Pulsing amber light fly straig 8/23/1952 #7691  
                                   Akron, Ohio Witnesses:  USAF 2nd Lt. H.K 8/23/1952 #7692  
level for seven minutes outside of Akron on US Highway 224 in Atwater, Ohio 8/23/1952 #7694  
                                   AKRON, OH Glowing disk / high speed. 08  10/8/1953 #9207  
owing disc flew at high speed over Akron, Ohio at 8:40 p.m.                 10/8/1953 #9208  
                              NEAR AKRON, OH Very large round glowing-objec 11/1954 #11508  
                                   AKRON, OH Ground Observer Corps (GOC) ob 8/7/1955 #12339  
                                   Akron and Alliance, OH Hovering disc- li 10/2/1955 #12484  
ile spinning counterclockwise near Akron, Ohio. It appeared to spin in a cl 9/25/1959 #15991  
                                   AKRON, OH Private pilot and ground RADAR 7/4/1961 #16746  
                                   Akron, OH Object Dives At Plane, Climbs  7/4/1961 #16747  
residents of twelve cities between Akron, Ohio and Syracuse, New York.      12/2/1962 #17569  
                              EAST AKRON, OH 2+1 separate cops. Brilliant b 11/7/1966 #21081  
t & Comment, Goodyear UFO Society, Akron, OH, Jan. 9, 1968.) (NICAP: 02 - C 12/22/1967 #23598  
             Dollie Hansen of West Akron, Ohio was a UFO contactee who clai 8/8/1969 #25312  
colored UFO maneuvering over South Akron, Ohio she decided to lie down on t 8/22/1969 #25326  
 Columbus Cleveland Ohio Mansfield Akron 11:00 p.m. Army Reserve Capt. Lawr 10/18/1973 #28172  
ally. They make radio contact with Akron and fly on to Cleveland without fu 10/18/1973 #28172  
                                   Akron, OH Dogs hid as boomerang passed ( 7/25/1996 #42965  
## Word: "akrotiri" (Back to Top)
                            Cyprus Akrotiri Dhekelia RAF Lakenheath A huge  8/16/1981 #36078  
t a Sovereign British Base, either Akrotiri or Dhekelia, track it at 30,000 8/16/1981 #36078  
## Word: "aksaray" (Back to Top)
                                   Aksaray central Anatolia, Turkey After s 12/15/1981 #36257  
e of 650–980 feet above his car in Aksaray, central Anatolia, Turkey. It pe 12/15/1981 #36257  
                At dusk in 1981 in Aksaray, Nigde province, Turkey a bright 12/15/1981 #36258  
                                   AKSARAY, TURKEY Huge silent flashy ovoid 12/21/1981 #36272  
                                   Aksaray, Turkey Building Site of the Aks 12/21/1981 #36273  
saray, Turkey Building Site of the Aksaray Engine Factory Captain O. Celen  12/21/1981 #36273  
ptain O. Celen and other people in Aksaray, Turkey, see a huge, glittering, 12/21/1981 #36273  
ight over the building site of the Aksaray Engine Factory. It is hovering a 12/21/1981 #36273  
th a bright green colored light in Aksaray, Turkey. It flew at an estimated 12/21/1981 #36274  
## Word: "akst" (Back to Top)
               Homer, AK 7:30 p.m. AKST (10:30 p.m. CST). Two families saw  3/21/1967 #21935  
## Word: "aktyubinsk" (Back to Top)
helicopter to a nearby airfield at Aktyubinsk. It was badly damaged by some 9/26/1959 #15994  
## Word: "akureyi" (Back to Top)
                                   Akureyi Reykjavik, Iceland Mælifell volc 12/18/1976 #31613  
d Connect] airliner in flight from Akureyi to Reykjavik, Iceland, picks up  12/18/1976 #31613  
## Word: "akureyri" (Back to Top)
                                   AKUREYRI, ICELAND Numerous observer(s).  10/26/1952 #8186  
## Word: "al" (Back to Top)
     PRINCETON UNIVERSITY/UNIVERSE(AL), NJ Ex-registrar. Moon-size fiery ri 6/18/1947 #2339  
           MAXWELL AIR FORCE BASE, AL 4 observer(s). Night light zigzags. W 6/28/1947 #2443  
          Maxwell AFB, Montgomery, AL Object Zig-Zags With Bursts of Speed  6/28/1947 #2446  
nd rough tops. Smith/Stevens Case (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A 7/4/1947 #2650  
                       BIRMINGHAM, AL Many separate observer(s). Up to 11 s 7/6/1947 #2787  
TCHES TWO IN FLIGHT - Photographer Al Hixenbaugh took a photo of a flying s 7/7/1947 #2836  
                       MONTGOMERY, AL Teen. 7 silver disks like tin-plates  7/7/1947 #2892  
                           MARION, AL 2 observer(s). 5-7 luminous white dis 7/7/1947 #2903  
p.m. Louisville Times photographer Al Hixenbaugh is at Preston Street and B 7/7/1947 #2942  
                     COOK SPRINGS, AL 1 / private plane. Flash. 1M saucer s 7/8/1947 #2960  
                          RED BAY, AL Private pilot. Near collision with si 7/8/1947? #2963  
head as they are flying a DC-3 for Al Jones Flying Service. Peck hauls back 8/4/1947 #3291  
                       Montgomery, AL A silver parachute-shaped 8 ft disc w 4/9/1948 #3618  
           SOUTHWEST / MONTGOMERY, AL Chiles and Whitted. Jet-cylinder/ciga 7/24/1948 #3727  
                Montgomery (near), AL Chiles/Whitted Case (AL) (NICAP: 11 - 7/24/1948 #3732  
ry (near), AL Chiles/Whitted Case (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A 7/24/1948 #3732  
            GUNTER AIR FORCE BASE, AL Project Bluebook Case #397. Saucers g 6/18/1949 #4241  
           Eielson Air Force Base, AL USAF WB-29 lands at Eielson Air Force 9/3/1949 #4344  
29 lands at Eielson Air Force Base AL with filter paper samples indicating  9/3/1949 #4344  
yton, OH Kerr/Miller/Rabenek Case (AL) Three Aircraft Spot UFO / Radar Trac 3/8/1950 #4592  
                NEAR AUTAUGAVILLE, AL 2 observer(s). 3 saucers in formation 3/30/1950 #4765  
                            SELMA, AL Radio engineer and 20. 3 saucers zip  3/30/1950 #4766  
bile (Brookley AFB & Bates Field), AL Object flying to the NE or E over Bro 4/10/1950 #4840  
 LARAMIE, WY 4 university/universe(al) students. Extremely slow round glitt 4/24/1950 (approximate) #4883  
  Goshen, IN Adickes/Manning Case (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU 4/27/1950 #4907  
                       BIRMINGHAM, AL 2+1 observer(s). Ghostly object grows 5/4/1950 #4921  
 Mt. Vernon, VA Sperry/Gates Case (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)         5/29/1950 #4969  
ett, CA Navy transport pilot Case (AL, M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB:  6/24/1950 #5003  
of UFO taken by newspaper reporter Al Hixenbaugh (NICAP: 08 - Photographic  6/27/1950 #5015  
gest and Everett avenues 4:15 p.m. Al Hixenbaugh, a photographer for the Lo 6/27/1950 #5018  
                 REDSTONE ARSENAL, AL Project Bluebook Case #758. 2 civil o 7/13/1950 #5060  
                       BIRMINGHAM, AL Cylinder/cigar-shape drops right over 9/25/1950 #5194  
sco (near), CA Hardin/Conroy Case (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)         10/5/1950 #5212  
ouisville (Ky.) Times photographer Al Hixenbaugh on June 27, 1950. It also  11/17/1950 #5279  
                       MONTGOMERY, AL 3+observer(s). Saucer southwest going 11/23/1950 #5284  
          Maxwell AFB, Montgomery, AL (32.37° N, 86.36° W). Thompson. (McDo 11/23/1950 #5285  
  10 MI NORTHWEST / GULKANA, AK NW.Al crew. 2 flashes. Dark cloud rises and 12/11/1950 #5337  
  Bradford (near), IL Shutts Case (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)         12/27/1950 #5366  
  Dodge City (near), KS Hunt Case (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)         5/22/1951 #5516  
                       MONTGOMERY, AL Air Force man. 75' saucer southwest / 7/8/1951 #5562  
erto Rico, Zamott/Harris/Hutchins (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)         1952 #5835  
                                US Al Chop appointed public information off 4/1952 #6002  
 G. Washington university/universe(al). Metallic saucer hovers and maneuver 7/1/1952 #6683  
h-white light hovering Bruen Case (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU 7/13/1952 #6795  
       HILLANDALE AND MORE/OTHERS, AL 3 engineers. Round glowing-object des 7/14/1952 #6806  
 N of ), VA Nash/Fortenberry Case (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A 7/14/1952 #6811  
        Denver, CO Carpenter Case (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)         7/18/1952 #6890  
ington, D.C. Pierman/Wheaton Case (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)         7/20/1952 #6947  
                       HUNTSVILLE, AL 4+observer(s). Dark double-cone disk  7/22/1952 #6996  
            Brookley AFB (Mobile), AL Barrel-shaped black object 3.5-4 ft d 7/22/1952 #7014  
                          GADSDEN, AL 2 teens. Large Saturn saucer hovers o 7/25/1952 #7130  
BE and arrived at the airport with Al Chop, AF Press Officer, just in time  7/26/1952 #7140  
Jr., USAF public relations officer Al Chop, and Navy radar specialist Lieut 7/29/1952 #7328  
           MAXWELL AIR FORCE BASE, AL Air Traffic Controllers. Revolving sp 7/30/1952 #7354  
       Dallas, TX Jacoby/McNaulty (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)         8/13/1952 #7570  
                       (NORTHERN), AL USAF T6G pilot. Intense-bright white  8/17/1952 #7618  
                       BIRMINGHAM, AL Flickering blue light circles city /  8/27/1952 #7751  
 BROOKLEY AIR FORCE BASE / MOBILE, AL Several military and civil observer(s 8/28/1952 #7767  
             Brookley AFB, Mobile, AL Multiple red stationary and maneuveri 8/28/1952 #7768  
UFOE, V]. Zammett/Harris/Hutchins (AL) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)     Fall 1952 #8011  
                         Elberton, AL Object, shaped like a plate, with a b 10/24/1952 #8179  
ar Richmond, Virginia, Rivas Case (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)         10/29/1952 #8213  
                           Mobile, AL Bluish-white object 1-2 ft size with  1/1/1953 #8491  
              US31 NEAR FALKVILLE, AL 1 observer. Saucer / 4000' altitude.  1/29/1953 #8607  
                     Utah Pentagon Al Chop has written a press release on t 2/9/1953 #8653  
                            Ramer, AL Hawk and Stern. (McDonald list; FUFOR 2/16/1953 #8678  
                         Saraland, AL Highly polished spinning top or cone- 8/2/1953 #9038  
h Channel, UK Fletcher/Lemon Case (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)         10/18/1953 #9239  
                  NEAR TUSCALOOSA, AL 2 / plane. 2+6 white objects circle b 2/1/1954 #9524  
       Tuscaloosa (35 miles SW of, AL Naval Research A/c Encounters 6 Objec 2/1/1954 #9525  
 is classified; a 1953 letter from Al Chop to Henry Holt & Co. attacking th 4/11/1954 #9682  
          ASTRONOMERS F.MANNING ET AL Large dark straight/strait(s)-line fo 5/6/1954 #9758  
ts on a horizontal line BOAC Case (AL) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, R 6/29/1954 #9961  
          BROOKLEY AIR FORCE BASE, AL Saucer going north. Circles bay. Trac 6/30/1954 #9966  
            Brookley AFB (Mobile), AL Object With Short Stubby Wings Tracke 6/30/1954 #9967  
               SOUTH / MONTGOMERY, AL Military pilots and engineers. 20M me 8/1954? #10078  
          Maxwell AFB, Montgomery, AL Two Helicopters Encounter Saucer (NIC 8/11/1954 #10123  
           MAXWELL AIR FORCE BASE, AL Ground and air observer(s) and RADAR' 8/12/1954 #10133  
           In air over S. Alabama, AL Col. Coleman Case / Chases UFO At Low 7/1955 #12224  
                             MIDAN AL TAHRIR, EGYPT Numerous observer(s). T 9/19/1955 #12462  
                       BIRMINGHAM, AL 2 Air Force pilots / B25. 15m silver  6/5/1956 #12884  
               60 MI NNE / MOBILE, AL Airline(s)/airliner pilots. Fireball  11/14/1956 #13326  
                          Jackson, AL Capital Airlines Pilots Sees Acrobati 11/14/1956 #13327  
                           Mobile, AL Luminous object descended, hovered in 11/14/1956 #13328  
                                   AL AHMADI, KUWAIT 2 separate observer(s) 9/1957 (approximate) #13963  
                            SELMA, AL Air Force Captain and 5. Radio Freque 10/29/1957 #14160  
                            Selma, AL 3 USAF pilots at Selma saw a bright o 11/5/1957 #14327  
            NORTHEAST / PELL CITY, AL Sky lit. Car malfunctions due to EME  11/6/1957 #14360  
                        Pell City, AL Car motor stalled, as driver attempte 11/6/1957 #14404  
                         CHEROKEE, AL High School principal and 1. Saucer w 11/21/1957 #14585  
                        SHEFFIELD, AL Amateur astronomer. Moon-size neon-gl 12/26/1957 #14760  
                  WEST / ANNISTON, AL Guard. 2M ovoid going [to] 15kph / 15 12/6/1958 #15469  
                ANNISTON ORDNANCE, AL Military and civil. Silent silver glo 1/2/1959 #15528  
 Bay Minette (About 7 miles W of), AL Silver-like object with tapered edges 5/19/1961 #16687  
          Maxwell AFB, Montgomery, AL Dime-Shaped Object Observed / Weather 5/20/1961 #16690  
                   Dauphin Island, AL Reddish-orange object change shape fr 2/19/1962 #17050  
ght F-169 en route from Anchorage, AL, to Japan. Capt. R.W. (initials) and  2/11/1965 #18803  
                           WILMER, AL 4M domed saucer / road. Car malfuncti 1/7/1966 #19809  
      Georgetown (3 miles SW of ), AL E-M Effects On Car and Watch (NICAP:  1/7/1966 #19810  
                           Heflin, AL 4:00 p.m. CST. An obiect emitting a h 4/5/1966 #20238  
ston, WV Braniff Airlines Flt. 42 (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU 5/4/1966 #20444  
                      GAYLESVILLE, AL Project Bluebook Case #10899. NASA Ae 8/26/1966 #20808  
                      Gaylesville, AL Cluster of 4 small, glowing, orange y 8/26/1966 #20809  
                          Decatur, AL 7:30 p.m. CDT. A former army aerial p 9/23/1966 #20917  
(near), AZ Lear/Nat'l Airlines (P, AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU 1/13/1967 #21295  
                           MOBILE, AL 2 college kids. 13M saucer lands / fi 10/28/1969 #25428  
                   NEAR PELL CITY, AL 2 / car. 2 cylinders / collision cour 10/22/1970 #25884  
ncan Cameron, Steward Swerdlow and Al Bielek claimed to have been participa 1/1971 #25963  
                      NEAR MOBILE, AL Silent grey flying-wing low and slow  8/13/1971 #26282  
                        LEXINGTON, AL 1 / car. Shiny ovoid 12M overhead lig 2/2/1973 (approximate) #27261  
                     WHEELER LAKE, AL Several observer(s). Ball / light in  2/4/1973 #27268  
                        CARRVILLE, AL Early AM. W. Clayton. Large round obj 9/7/1973 #27775  
NOTASULGA AND AUBURN AND TUSKEGEE, AL Many observer(s). 2 round red objects 9/8/1973 #27777  
                           LANETT, AL AND MORE/OTHERS 2+observer(s). 20' li 9/8/1973 #27778  
                   NEAR CARRVILLE, AL 2 observer(s). Large lit object / low 9/13/1973 #27810  
                      JORDAN LAKE, AL 3+observer(s). 4 washtub saucers foll 9/14/1973 #27820  
                  TANNER WILLIAMS, AL Tot playing. "Nice monster with grey  10/11/1973 #27987  
                  Tanner Williams, AL A three-year old boy reported to his  10/11/1973 #27993  
                      NEAR MOBILE, AL 2 teens. 12' sphere/orb/globe lands / 10/16/1973 #28063  
                      NEAR LOXLEY, AL Truck sucked into huge cylinder/cigar 10/17/1973 #28113  
                        Falkville, AL Alleged humanoid photo. Police Chief  10/17/1973 #28125  
                           Loxley, AL Clarence Patterson and his pickup tru 10/17/1973 #28126  
                       MOBILE BAY, AL Guard. Luminous 5'x5'OVOID 6" over ba 11/17/1973 (approximate) #28436  
               OVER SAGRES, PORT 4 Al. crews. 10-15 orange saucers going no 1/26/1974 #28705  
                            EAST / AL MUKALLA, YEMEN 3 observer(s). 3 large 2/8/1974 #28745  
                  Al-Hud Mosque in Al Mukalla, Yemen Wadi Jawlan Sunset. Mu 2/8/1974 #28748  
n the roof of the Al-Hud Mosque in Al Mukalla, Yemen, when they see three l 2/8/1974 #28748  
                     HACKNEYVILLE, AL Dull glow exits abandoned house. Foll 2/12/1974 #28759  
                       SOUTH ROCCO AL PORTO, ITL 1 / car. Radio Frequency I 7/15/1974 #29261  
Air Force Archives at Maxwell AFB, AL withdraw Project Blue Book files from 4/1975 #29931  
                         OHATCHEE, AL Ovoids / woods. Pace car / 13 mile(s) 2/18/1976 #30878  
                  Okatchee (near), AL 8:00 p.m. EST. Two women driving in a 2/18/1976 #30880  
                           HAYDEN, AL 6+observer(s). Fast 65' saucer stops. 8/11/1977 #32381  
royo Grande, California, and Mayor Al Dutra of Grover City are leaving a me 3/16/1978 #33043  
                        NORTHPORT, AL 3 observer(s). Intensely bright ovoid 5/13/1978 #33201  
                       TUSCALOOSA, AL Metallic UFO. Car radio = burst / sta 5/24/1978 #33235  
                       Tuscaloosa, AL Driving in the city a 21-year-old col 5/24/1978 #33236  
                                   AL SABRIYAH, KWT UFO hovers / water towe 11/21/1978 #33971  
 water tower for 30 minutes at the Al Sabriyah Oil Field in Kuwait. At 6:00 11/21/1978 #33975  
                          GADSDEN, AL 2 teens. Domed saucer going north / 7 11/15/1979 #34999  
         WUHAN UNIVERSITY/UNIVERSE(AL), CH Several astrophysics types. Sauc 11/11/1980 #35633  
linois side of the river 3:10 a.m. Al Wagner, toll booth operator at the Mi 7/22/1981 #36023  
                      MOORESVILLE, AL 90m ovoid going [to] 45m over road. M 10/14/1981 #36171  
                   NEAR IRVINGTON, AL 1 / car. 60M submersible/USO with bul 2/3/1983 #36759  
                    Mobile (near), AL 1:10 AM. A 28-year-old woman observed 2/3/1983 #36760  
COLUMBUS STATE UNIVERSITY/UNIVERSE(AL), OH 5 HIQ observer(s). Cone-rectangl 2/23/1984 #37199  
er paces. Compasses spin. Separate Al. observer(s).                         9/23/1984 #37464  
                           LOXLEY, AL 3 separate observer(s). Short jet sou 3/13/1988 #38502  
                          MAYLENE, AL 1 observer. Brief out-of-body experie 11/9/1988 #38707  
                            Fyffe, AL Local concentration of sightings.     2/1989 #38813  
                       CROSSVILLE, AL Banana-UFO. Silent and slow. Bright l 2/10/1989 #38828  
                            FYFFE, AL Jumbo banana-UFO hovers. Going [to] 6 2/10/1989 #38829  
                           DAWSON, AL Fyffe-UFO followed here 12 mile(s) /  2/10/1989 #38830  
                3MI SOUTH / FYFFE, AL Multiple observer(s) and 40 police ca 2/24/1989 #38848  
                        GERALDINE, AL Fyffe-UFO returns. Cops / 6 agencies  3/1/1989 #38857  
                         FT PAYNE, AL Highway Patrol reports Fyffe-UFO. Als 3/1/1989 #38858  
                            FYFFE, AL Local man photographs banana-delta/tr 3/9/1989 #38867  
                           DUTTON, AL 2 observer(s). White ovoid passes. Po 7/18/1989 #39026  
                          WARRIOR, AL Boomerang with Fantail going [to] ove 5/19/1990 #39577  
fidavit material was taken by Col. Al Clark to Maj. Gen. McMullen in Washin 9/16/1991 #40189  
                       HUNTSVILLE, AL 12' saucer over road. 3 windows. Goin 1/10/1992 #40283  
                             ELBA, AL 3 observer(s). Silent boomerang with  1/21/1993 #40807  
                       CROSSVILLE, AL Entire city council. Night light move 2/2/1993 #40833  
        GERALDINE AND ALBERTVILLE, AL AND MORE/OTHERS Saucer and night ligh 2/2/1993 #40834  
                     CHILDERSBURG, AL Bright ball and antennas / 5 nights.  6/4/1993 #41004  
                       MONTGOMERY, AL 1 observer. Saucer / 200' altitude. 4 10/6/1993 #41219  
                           MOBILE, AL 2+kids. Dark object going [to] overhe 3/19/1995 #42111  
                       RAINSVILLE, AL 1 / truck. 2 8' orange glowing-orbs o 3/29/1995 #42122  
                         FLORENCE, AL 2 observer(s). Round green concentric 6/24/1995 #42268  
      STANFORD UNIVERSITY/UNIVERSE(AL), CA 1 observer. Round object with ri 9/19/1995 #42482  
                       HUNTSVILLE, AL Man fishing. 3 poor Polaroids / domed 11/12/1995 #42596  
                           NORTH / AL JUBAYL, ARABIA Several campers. Brill 3/29/1996 #42844  
                COAST / ISRAEL Fr. Al. crew. Black 50cm sphere rises / sea  6/9/1996 #42928  
                           VALLEY, AL Farmer photographs / dark "thimble".  9/26/1996 #43042  
                       SUMMERDALE, AL Huge ovoid hovers / trees. Upright ba 1/18/1997 #43172  
                         FAIRHOPE, AL 1+dog. Silent 180M "truck tire" with  4/5/1997 #43251  
nd author Nick Cook in Huntsville, AL, stated Huntsville was where big pict 8/1997 #43363  
                            In Dir Al Awsan, Israel a young girl, Miss Suha 10/16/1997 #43430  
                I10 / (SOUTHEAST), AL Perfect silver sphere hovers. Shoots  2/3/1998 #43512  
                       Huntsville, AL company Transdimensional Technologies 3/2004 #44671  
06-E Bob Wallace Ave., Huntsville, AL 35801.  An archived version of the co 3/2004 #44671  
jects.html   https://arc-sos.state.al.us/cgi/corpdetail.mbr/detail?corp=676 3/2004 #44671  
show-off-power-cubed.php   https://al.ltddir.com/companies/transdimensional 3/2004 #44671  
—a woman he calls the Black Widow, Al Barker, Bill Salter, and a retired mi 6/2005 #44846  
, NY were real, but that claims by Al Bielek and others may be disinformati 10/2006 #44970  
                       Huntsville, AL Ex-US Navy Aviator Ryan Graves gives  6/3/2022 #45753  
the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville AL. Graves states at the conference that 6/3/2022 #45753  
                       Huntsville, AL ex-Col. John B. Alexander states on v 6/4/2022 #45754  
the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville AL that MJ-12 was real, but then claimed 6/4/2022 #45754  
                       Huntsville, AL Panel held at the SCU APC conference  6/4/2022 #45755  
the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville AL: “The National Security Implications  6/4/2022 #45755  
                       Huntsville, AL Dr. Alexander Wendt gives the virtual 6/4/2022 #45756  
the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville AL, on potential societal collapse and m 6/4/2022 #45756  
in Huntsville, dies in Huntsville, AL. Retired UK intelligence officer Fran 6/15/2022 #45758  
physics” who worked in Huntsville, AL and disappeared. Coulthart says BAE S 2/28/2023 #45797  
## Word: "al-aish" (Back to Top)
                               Umm Al-Aish, Kuwait Kuwaiti Oil Company A cy 11/9/1978 #33939  
 of the Kuwaiti Oil Company at Umm Al-Aish, Kuwait, causing the pumping sta 11/9/1978 #33939  
## Word: "al-hamriya" (Back to Top)
       Dubai, United Arab Emirates al-Hamriya Fish Market Dubai Internation 11/27/1995 #42625  
 They are silently moving from the al-Hamriya Fish Market southeast toward  11/27/1995 #42625  
## Word: "al-hud" (Back to Top)
                                   Al-Hud Mosque in Al Mukalla, Yemen Wadi  2/8/1974 #28748  
if are standing on the roof of the Al-Hud Mosque in Al Mukalla, Yemen, when 2/8/1974 #28748  
## Word: "al-makalla" (Back to Top)
ng at Wadi Jawlan in Yemen east of Al-Makalla, three Arab men saw three lar 2/8/1974 #28749  
## Word: "al-sabriyah" (Back to Top)
               Kuwaiti oilfield at Al-Sabriyah Iraqi border 5:30 a.m. A UFO 11/21/1978 #33974  
appears over a Kuwaiti oilfield at Al-Sabriyah near the Iraqi border. An em 11/21/1978 #33974  
## Word: "ala" (Back to Top)
                 Anápolis Air Base ALA 2, Goiás, Brazil 11:00 p.m. Brazilia 6/19/1987 #38194  
 his aircraft at Anápolis Air Base ALA 2, Goiás, Brazil, when the control t 6/19/1987 #38194  
                       Rainsville (Ala.) Night. Susan Stockman, a reporter  3/9/1989 #38869  
an, a reporter for the Rainsville (Ala.) Weekly Post, is with general manag 3/9/1989 #38869  
## Word: "alabama" (Back to Top)
                       Huntsville, Alabama Chapman Mountain 4:30 p.m. An un 1/12/1910 #831  
irship flies high over Huntsville, Alabama, against the wind, from southwes 1/12/1910 #831  
well Field Maxwell AFB Montgomery, Alabama 9:20 p.m. Two pilots and two int 6/28/1947 #2448  
d [now Maxwell AFB] in Montgomery, Alabama, see a bright light zigzagging a 6/28/1947 #2448  
light in the sky over Maxwell AFB, Alabama as 9:20 p.m. The light made quic 6/28/1947 #2451  
                       Birmingham, Alabama 8:45 p.m. Army Staff Sgt. Ira L. 7/6/1947 #2813  
moving at 500 mph over Birmingham, Alabama. A new one appears every 5 secon 7/6/1947 #2813  
e St. Louis, Missouri: Birmingham, Alabama; Tucson, Arizona; Patterson, New 7/6/1947 #2815  
 nocturnal lights over Birmingham, Alabama. The discs whirled through the s 7/6/1947 #2829  
                       Montgomery, Alabama Eastern Airlines pilots Chiles a 7/24/1948 #3723  
                       Montgomery, Alabama Chiles-Whitted UFO encounter: At 7/24/1948 #3724  
                       Montgomery, Alabama Columbus, Ohio 2:45 a.m. Capt. C 7/24/1948 #3734  
 20 miles southwest of Montgomery, Alabama, when they see an object about 1 7/24/1948 #3734  
ted, while flying over Montgomery, Alabama reported seeing a torpedo-shaped 7/24/1948 #3735  
obile Aeroplex at Brookley Mobile, Alabama An Air Force Captain Hall, flyin 3/15/1950 #4643  
e Aeroplex at Brookley] in Mobile, Alabama, he is interrogated by a USAF in 3/15/1950 #4643  
ew in formation over Autaugaville, Alabama at 5:30 p.m. They went up, down, 3/30/1950 #4770  
 engineer, and 20 others in Selma, Alabama sighted three discs zip across t 3/30/1950 #4770  
      At 10:00 p.m. in Birmingham, Alabama a ghostly object grew and change 5/4/1950 #4922  
                 Redstone Arsenal, Alabama Witnesses: two skilled Arsenal e 7/13/1950 #5063  
                 Redstone Arsenal, Alabama. At 5:00 p.m. two skilled Arsena 7/13/1950 #5066  
 flip over the city of Montgomery, Alabama. A second disc flew from the sou 11/23/1950 #5286  
entagon Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama World War II air intelligence re 1952 #5838  
agon to Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama. This shift is probably why Blue 1952 #5838  
 of three engineers in Hillandale, Alabama watched a round glowing object d 7/14/1952 #6818  
       Chickasaw and Brookley AFB, Alabama Witnesses:  USAF control tower o 8/28/1952 #7771  
                        Chickasaw, Alabama Brookley AFB [now Mobile Downtow 8/28/1952 #7773  
obile Downtown Airport] in Mobile, Alabama 9:30 p.m. Three civilians in Chi 8/28/1952 #7773  
p.m. Three civilians in Chickasaw, Alabama, report to Brookley AFB [now Mob 8/28/1952 #7773  
obile Downtown Airport] in Mobile, Alabama, their observation of multiple r 8/28/1952 #7773  
ors at Chickasaw and Brookley AFB, Alabama, an officer from the USAF Office 8/28/1952 #7774  
                         Elberton, Alabama Witnesses:  USAF Lt. Rau, Capt.  10/24/1952 #8180  
At 8:26 p.m. flying over Elberton, Alabama at 5,000 feet in a Beech T-11 tr 10/24/1952 #8182  
                    Fort McClellan Alabama Operation Top Hat, a “local fiel 9/15/1953 #9168  
l] at Fort McClellan [now closed], Alabama. The experiments use Chemical Co 9/15/1953 #9168  
 research balloon over Tuscaloosa, Alabama at 2:00 p.m. It was witnessed by 2/1/1954 #9527  
obile Aeroplex at Brookley Mobile, Alabama 6:50 p.m. Four civilians and sev 6/30/1954 #9970  
e Aeroplex at Brookley] in Mobile, Alabama, see a brilliant silver or white 6/30/1954 #9970  
Brookley Air Force Base in Mobile, Alabama. The object came from the south  6/30/1954 #9971  
 control tower at Maxwell Field in Alabama. It was seen by both ground and  8/11/1954 #10130  
ing at 2000 ft. above Maxwell AFB, Alabama. Dispatched local helicopter NBR 8/12/1954 #10131  
           Maxwell AFB Montgomery, Alabama 2:29 a.m. Four military men on U 8/12/1954 #10137  
ters at Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama, see a glowing red disc soar aro 8/12/1954 #10137  
ched. At Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama nearly an hour later, at 2:29 a. 8/12/1954 #10139  
                                   Alabama Meteorite or something hurls thr 11/30/1954 #11732  
rls thru roof of Mrs. H. Hodges in Alabama.                                 11/30/1954 #11732  
                    In air over S. Alabama, AL Col. Coleman Case / Chases U 7/1955 #12224  
           Miami, Florida Southern Alabama 2:00 p.m. Col. William T. Colema 7/1955 #12226  
 is moving northward into southern Alabama, he spots at 2 o’clock high what 7/1955 #12226  
coal and iron plant in Birmingham, Alabama on this night.                   4/3/1956 #12783  
g humanoid was seen in Birmingham, Alabama.                                 4/5/1956 #12791  
             New York City Mobile, Alabama Jackson, Alabama Gulf of Mexico  11/14/1956 #13329  
York City Mobile, Alabama Jackson, Alabama Gulf of Mexico 10:10 p.m. Captai 11/14/1956 #13329  
t 77 from New York City to Mobile, Alabama. While approximately above Jacks 11/14/1956 #13329  
While approximately above Jackson, Alabama, they see something like a brill 11/14/1956 #13329  
            Gulf of Mexico Mobile, Alabama 5:10 a.m. The US Coast Guard Cut 11/5/1957 #14342  
o about 200 miles south of Mobile, Alabama, tracks a radar target at a rang 11/5/1957 #14342  
owing ovoid object over Sheffield, Alabama. The object was first seen flyin 12/26/1957 #14761  
                In Calhoun County, Alabama at 7 p.m. a silent silver globe  1/2/1959 #15529  
                       Huntsville, Alabama Detroit, Michigan Lt. Col. Lee B 2/25/1959 #15614  
my Ballistic Agency in Huntsville, Alabama, gives a talk at the Detroit Cha 2/25/1959 #15614  
                           Mobile, Alabama Moon Night. Two amateur astronom 10/8/1959 #16028  
Two amateur astronomers in Mobile, Alabama, observe an unknown object trave 10/8/1959 #16028  
hin Island Toll Bridge Causeway in Alabama saw a reddish-orange object to t 2/19/1962 #17053  
           At 7:30 p.m. in Mobile, Alabama Mrs. B. Crutchfield saw a sphere 3/6/1965 #18846  
                           Wilmer, Alabama A civilian had to stop his car w 1/7/1966 #19812  
Wilmer-Georgetown Road Georgetown, Alabama 3:27 p.m. High school student Ga 1/7/1966 #19814  
t 3 miles southwest of Georgetown, Alabama. He sees a large silver ball abo 1/7/1966 #19814  
high school student in Georgetown, Alabama was returning home from school w 1/7/1966 #19815  
                      Gaylesville, Alabama Witnesses:  Mr. and Mrs. Funk an 8/26/1966 #20810  
                   In Gaylesville, Alabama at 8:50 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Funk a 8/26/1966 #20811  
                          Needham, Alabama. A bright ovoid object with thre 8/26/1968 #24380  
g near Mobile College in Wildwood, Alabama at 10:15 p.m. At first they noti 10/28/1969 #25431  
        Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama Washington, D.C. Air Force Secre 12/17/1969 #25501  
oved to Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama, in a building that requires sec 12/17/1969 #25501  
ives at Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama 3:30 p.m. Project Blue Book’s do 1/30/1970 #25564  
ives at Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama.                                 1/30/1970 #25564  
                     In Lexington, Alabama a UFO landed in a pasture at 12: 2/18/1973 #27296  
US Flurry of sightings in Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Ohi 8/31/1973 #27734  
de lighted UFO passed over Lanett, Alabama at low altitude. News coverage o 9/8/1973 #27784  
          Around 4:00 a.m. Auburn, Alabama police officer Keith Broach had  9/9/1973 #27795  
s were also witnessed by a Lanett, Alabama police officer.                  9/9/1973 #27795  
 This occurred in Tanner Williams, Alabama not far from Pascagoula.         10/11/1973 #28006  
                        Falkville, Alabama After 10:00 p.m. Falkville, Alab 10/17/1973 #28133  
labama After 10:00 p.m. Falkville, Alabama, Police Chief Jeffrey Greenhaw r 10/17/1973 #28133  
 Chief Jeff Greenhaw of Falkville, Alabama photographed a 5 1/2 foot tall b 10/17/1973 #28142  
ct with a green light near Loxley, Alabama. He was pulled out of the truck  10/17/1973 #28143  
r the western shore of Mobile Bay, Alabama. They moved at a speed higher th 11/9/1973 #28398  
                      Maxwell AFB, Alabama Don Berliner of the Fund for UFO 1/1974 #28636  
ct Blue Book files at Maxwell AFB, Alabama, which include many witness name 1/1974 #28636  
iles transferred from Maxwell AFB, Alabama, to Natignal Archives in Washing 3/1975 #29860  
        Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama Blue Book files are withdrawn fr 4/1975 #29930  
ives at Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama, as the security classification  4/1975 #29930  
 in the morning in Cahaba Heights, Alabama when they saw on the dark side o 10/26/1975 #30475  
-appeared were sighted. In Mobile, Alabama a UFO, changing colors, moved ac 11/13/1975 #30615  
-appeared were sighted. In Mobile, Alabama a UFO, changing colors, moved ac 11/13/1975 #30616  
14 miles from Chatchee to Lincoln, Alabama. Near Okatchee, The two objects  2/18/1976 #30880  
14 miles from Chatchee to Lincoln, Alabama. Near Okatchee, Alabama they saw 2/18/1976 #30881  
o Lincoln, Alabama. Near Okatchee, Alabama they saw a large orange object i 2/18/1976 #30881  
d them until they reached Lincoln, Alabama, where the UFOs approached to wi 2/18/1976 #30881  
     National Archives Montgomery, Alabama The National Archives starts mic 2/19/1976 #30886  
ees Marketing Group in Montgomery, Alabama.                                 2/19/1976 #30886  
                           Mobile, Alabama J. Allen Hynek arrives on the se 7/23/1976 #31183  
nters of the Third Kind in Mobile, Alabama, and gives a lecture on UFOs to  7/23/1976 #31183  
                           Hayden, Alabama Nocero Umbra, Perugia, Italy 8:4 8/11/1977 #32384  
 A couple are driving near Hayden, Alabama, when they see an object hoverin 8/11/1977 #32384  
ving on a mountain road in Hayden, Alabama at 10:45 p.m. CDT when a 65-foot 8/11/1977 #32388  
                           Hayden, Alabama 8:40 p.m. The same couple in Hay 8/28/1977 #32434  
40 p.m. The same couple in Hayden, Alabama, who saw a UFO on August 11 see  8/28/1977 #32434  
                        Northport, Alabama 10:45 p.m. A teen couple are sit 5/13/1978 #33204  
e sitting on a porch in Northport, Alabama, when they see an intensely brig 5/13/1978 #33204  
Driving in the city of Tuscaloosa, Alabama at 9:15 p.m. a 21-year-old colle 5/24/1978 #33238  
       Interstate 65 near Ardmore, Alabama 1:00 p.m. A witness and his fath 7/1978 #33319  
rth on Interstate 65 near Ardmore, Alabama. Just after passing the welcome  7/1978 #33319  
                        Demopolis, Alabama 4:00 a.m. Bobby Hines wakes up a 12/31/1978 #34247  
wakes up at her home in Demopolis, Alabama, because her dogs are barking ou 12/31/1978 #34247  
                          Gadsden, Alabama 9:00 p.m. Two teenage boys in Ga 11/15/1979 #35001  
 p.m. Two teenage boys in Gadsden, Alabama, see a domed disc the size of a  11/15/1979 #35001  
                        Demopolis, Alabama 4:00 a.m. A family in Demopolis, 12/31/1979 #35107  
a 4:00 a.m. A family in Demopolis, Alabama, wakes up to the sound of their  12/31/1979 #35107  
d Colby. Cash moved to Birmingham, Alabama where, as Dr. Bryan McClelland s 12/29/1980 #35758  
 driving on a highway near Mobile, Alabama. She could see 20-30 occupants i 2/3/1983 #36761  
 UFO overhead. 6 February saucer / Alabama.                                 2/7/1988 #38442  
old woman driving home in Maylene, Alabama spotted a bright light "new to t 11/9/1988 #38709  
                        Grove Oak, Alabama Fyffe, Alabama Crossville, Geral 2/10/1989 #38832  
         Grove Oak, Alabama Fyffe, Alabama Crossville, Geraldine, and Colli 2/10/1989 #38832  
ille, Geraldine, and Collinsville, Alabama Dawson and Dog Town, Alabama Lic 2/10/1989 #38832  
ille, Alabama Dawson and Dog Town, Alabama Lick Skillet, Tennessee 8:42 p.m 2/10/1989 #38832  
ee 8:42 p.m. A woman in Grove Oak, Alabama, tells the Fyffe, Alabama, polic 2/10/1989 #38832  
ove Oak, Alabama, tells the Fyffe, Alabama, police department that she has  2/10/1989 #38832  
ille, Geraldine, and Collinsville, Alabama. The DeKalb County Sheriff’s Off 2/10/1989 #38832  
es, including Dawson and Dog Town, Alabama, and Lick Skillet, Tennessee, re 2/10/1989 #38832  
                         In Fyffe, Alabama a lighted triangular-shaped obje 2/10/1989 #38833  
                            Fyffe, Alabama Fyffe, Alabama, police officer D 2/15/1989 #38841  
             Fyffe, Alabama Fyffe, Alabama, police officer Dennison Scott a 2/15/1989 #38841  
tions, centered on De Kalb County, Alabama reported UFOs. Sightings started 3/1/1989 #38860  
 UFOs. Sightings started in Fyffe, Alabama at 8:00 p.m. At 10:10 p.m. polic 3/1/1989 #38860  
f reported sightings in Geraldine, Alabama, and took one poor-quality photo 3/1/1989 #38860  
                           Skirum, Alabama Geraldine, Alabama 7:30 p.m. Gar 3/12/1989 #38871  
        Skirum, Alabama Geraldine, Alabama 7:30 p.m. Gary Coker of Skirum,  3/12/1989 #38871  
ma 7:30 p.m. Gary Coker of Skirum, Alabama, sees a large UFO with red and g 3/12/1989 #38871  
es away. Another man in Geraldine, Alabama, sees an object the size of a fo 3/12/1989 #38871  
icle at close range in Huntsville, Alabama. They experienced at least 25 mi 10/27/1989 #39189  
       Driving to work in Warrior, Alabama at 4:35 a.m. a man saw a boomera 5/19/1990 #39578  
nd on some back roads in Daviston, Alabama on this night when he saw a brig 11/9/1991 #40224  
bduction experience in Gardendale, Alabama. Leah Haley saw a moon-like obje 10/8/1992 #40667  
 several UFO reports occurred over Alabama and Pennsylvania. At 5 a.m. nois 1/28/1993 #40817  
he window of her home in Dog Town, Alabama where she saw a UFO with several 1/28/1993 #40817  
with several lights. In Adamsburg, Alabama at UFO was sighted at 6:30 p.m.  1/28/1993 #40817  
alth-aircraft like UFO in Gadsden, Alabama. The US Air Force denied that it 1/28/1993 #40817  
p.m. in the suburbs of Montgomery, Alabama a woman driving home on a clear  10/6/1993 #41222  
 a UFO landed on a lawn in Mobile, Alabama. The object was dark and its fea 3/19/1995 #42112  
he Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama were taken by a fisherman.       11/12/1995 #42598  
                        In Valley, Alabama a farmer photographed a dark thi 9/26/1996 #43044  
hitt Brantley of the University of Alabama in Huntsville, publish a paper t 8/1/1997 #43364  
        Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama Archives II facility in College  Early 3/1998 #43528  
lmed at Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama, in February 1975 that the Natio Early 3/1998 #43528  
 On that same night in Huntsville, Alabama a row of 5 or 6 blinking lights  6/5/1999 #43780  
                       Tuscaloosa, Alabama 5:45 p.m. A man and woman in Tus 10/29/1999 #43867  
.m. A man and woman in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, see a nickel-colored object eme 10/29/1999 #43867  
 Mr. & Mrs. Vinsant of Birmingham, Alabama awoke to bright white lights ill 12/5/1999 #43893  
the Police Headquarters in Mobile, Alabama.                                 2/19/2002 #44318  
es (see May/June 2022) Huntsville, Alabama is a location where ongoing deep 5/2002 #44335  
                           Mobile, Alabama Montgomery Big Bateau Bay in Spa 10/23/2002 #44422  
ry Big Bateau Bay in Spanish Fort, Alabama 7:40 p.m. Pilot Thomas J. Prezio 10/23/2002 #44422  
J. Preziose takes off from Mobile, Alabama, in a Cessna 208B single-engine  10/23/2002 #44422  
he Big Bateau Bay in Spanish Fort, Alabama. The pilot’s final words are: “N 10/23/2002 #44422  
 approached the car in Moundville, Alabama at 4:00 a.m. Two egg-shaped obje 1/6/2003 #44471  
 seen in Mount Olive, Hale County, Alabama. The sighting reportedly lasted  8/15/2005 #44863  
euvering in the daytime skies over Alabama on this day. The first report wa 9/9/2009 #45244  
at 8:17 a.m. from Franklin County, Alabama of a dark chevron or boomerang-s 9/9/2009 #45244  
from Birmingham, Jefferson County, Alabama of three silver boomerang shaped 9/9/2009 #45244  
www.ufojoe.net/elizondo/transcript/alabama                                  3/15/2019 #45567  
ril 2016) and led by University of Alabama astrophysicist and science ficti 6/15/2019 #45585  
 program' in or around Huntsville, Alabama..that city has become the focus  5/2022 #45746  
ligence services." “In Huntsville, Alabama, USA there’s a very black progra 5/2022 #45746  
## Word: "aladino" (Back to Top)
atuba, São Paulo, Brazil São Paulo Aladino Félix and a friend are climbing  11/1952 #8227  
## Word: "alagoas" (Back to Top)
ast between Maceió and Paripueira, Alagoas, Brazil 6:00 a.m. At some place  4/1958 #14955  
ast between Maceió and Paripueira, Alagoas, Brazil, Wilson Lustosa stops to 4/1958 #14955  
rage garage in Santana do Ipanema, Alagoas, Brazil when they spotted a huge 4/1/1999 #43752  
## Word: "alain" (Back to Top)
    France, exact location unknown Alain Berard saw a large, bright object  2/17/1949 #4014  
                                   Alain Berard saw a large, bright object  2/17/1949 #4016  
                  Grouzies, France Alain Bressol observed a large, disk-sha 7/29/1965 #19200  
                                   Alain Bressol of Grouzies, France observ 7/29/1965 #19204  
                                   Alain G. was tent camping with three ado 7/8/1971 #26218  
l Helair, Skylook, May 1976, p. 5; Alain Gamard, UFO Register, volume 7, p. 1/5/1976 #30760  
e has built himself. Mathematician Alain Esterle replaces Poher as GEPAN di 12/30/1979 #35103  
cian Jean-Jacques Velasco replaces Alain Esterle as director of GEPAN. Este 7/1983 #36898  
ppears, with Ciel et espace editor Alain Cirou, on a well-known French TV p 3/30/2007 #45014  
## Word: "alair" (Back to Top)
 his gun, but called to his friend Alair Narby, also 13 years old. Jos's tw 4/6/1977 #31953  
## Word: "alaish" (Back to Top)
                               UMM ALAISH, KUWAIT 45M saucer going down. Pu 11/9/1978 #33930  
## Word: "alajarvi" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR ALAJARVI, FINL Army Major and 1. Large s 7/15/1948? #3709  
t that flew from west to east over Alajarvi, Finland. The craft had no wing 7/15/1948 #3710  
## Word: "alamagordo" (Back to Top)
                                   Alamagordo, New Mexico Witness:  USAF Lt 10/7/1952 #8101  
t a low altitude at 9:30 p.m. over Alamagordo, New Mexico. A sound of rushi 8/12/1958 #15199  
as driving through the desert near Alamagordo, New Mexico at 1:20 a.m. when 8/13/1975 #30265  
## Word: "alameda" (Back to Top)
Street hill Ashbury Street Oakland Alameda San Leandro San Jose, California 11/22/1896 #349  
irships are seen later at Oakland, Alameda, San Leandro, San Jose, Californ 11/22/1896 #349  
                                   Alameda, California About 2:30 p.m. C. F Fall 1912 #863  
mile away in the northern sky over Alameda, California. They are traveling  Fall 1912 #863  
ject flew in over the shoreline at Alameda Naval Yard in California. There  2/7/1950 #4532  
rver(s). 30' cone going north over Alameda Naval Yard. 5K' altitude. Going  2/8/1950 #4533  
                       HAYWARD AND ALAMEDA, CA USAF man and 1. 2 dark disks 7/28/1952 #7234  
med Bray in Hayward, California in Alameda county at 11:45 a.m.             9/22/1953 #9174  
                   Myton, Utah NAS Alameda [now closed], California Salt La 10/10/1957 #14094  
vy DC-6 transport plane out of NAS Alameda [now closed], California, with 3 10/10/1957 #14094  
## Word: "alamitos" (Back to Top)
vy pilots at Naval Air Station Los Alamitos tell news reporters they have o 7/5/1956 #12954  
             Naval Air Station Los Alamitos [now Joint Forces Training Base Late 7/1956 #13016  
now Joint Forces Training Base–Los Alamitos], California US Hawaii A group  Late 7/1956 #13016  
ots based at Naval Air Station Los Alamitos [now Joint Forces Training Base Late 7/1956 #13016  
now Joint Forces Training Base–Los Alamitos], California, tell news reporte Late 7/1956 #13016  
## Word: "alamo" (Back to Top)
                                   ALAMO LAKE, AZ 300' domed ovoid hovers / 3/9/1975 #29882  
                           SOUTH / ALAMO, NV 2 / car. 35' saucer going down 5/21/1978 #33230  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Alamo” YieldMax: 150KT                   7/7/1988 #38598  
## Word: "alamogordo" (Back to Top)
ity site White Sands Missile Range Alamogordo, New Mexico The first detonat 7/16/1945 #1900  
the White Sands Missile Range near Alamogordo, New Mexico. At this time, th 7/16/1945 #1900  
e Sands Proving Ground, New Mexico Alamogordo New Mexico 4:11 p.m. A Hermes 5/15/1947 #2284  
f course and lands 6 miles east of Alamogordo five and a half minutes after 5/15/1947 #2284  
                                   Alamogordo Army Air Field Project Mogul  6/4/1947 #2312  
umber 4 is allegedly launched from Alamogordo Army Air Field.               6/4/1947 #2312  
                                   Alamogordo Army Air Field Holloman AFB N 6/27/1947 #2432  
pt. Robert D. Dwan, a pilot out of Alamogordo Army Air Field [now Holloman  6/27/1947 #2432  
                   White Sands, NM Alamogordo, NM Roswell, NM Military inst 7/1/1947 #2500  
tary installations at White Sands, Alamogordo, and Roswell, New Mexico trac 7/1/1947 #2500  
nd Air Force Base near Albuquerque Alamogordo White Sands Missile Range US  7/1/1947 #2524  
 bring a group of radar experts to Alamogordo to evaluate unexplained radar 7/1/1947 #2524  
            Roswell Army Air Field Alamogordo 3:00 a.m. Acting on what he c 7/5/1947 #2718  
rns to Roswell Army Air Field from Alamogordo to alert Colonel William H. B 7/5/1947 #2718  
                                   Alamogordo AAF Kirtland AAF New Mexico W 7/7/1947 #2929  
than Twining unexpectedly flies to Alamogordo AAF and Kirtland AAF in New M 7/7/1947 #2929  
                      Holloman AFB Alamogordo, New Mexico Watson Laboratori 4/5/1948 #3612  
x Afternoon. At Holloman AFB, near Alamogordo, New Mexico, three highly tra 4/5/1948 #3612  
       Dugway Proving Ground, Utah Alamogordo–White Sands Guided Missile Ra Late 1948 #3842  
ered: Dugway Proving Ground, Utah; Alamogordo–White Sands Guided Missile Ra Late 1948 #3842  
eported from El Paso, Albuquerque, Alamogordo, Roswell, Socorro, and other  1/31/1949 #3986  
                                   Alamogordo, NM AFOSI Case 69; 21:15-21:3 5/12/1949 #4181  
           Holloman AFB Highway 70 Alamogordo, New Mexico 9:30 p.m. Astrono 5/12/1949 #4183  
ves Holloman AFB on Highway 70 for Alamogordo, New Mexico. Shortly after no 5/12/1949 #4183  
                                   Alamogordo, NM AFOSI Case 87; 20:00 - ro 8/6/1949 #4307  
                                   Alamogordo, NM AFOSI Case 88; 20:00-20:0 8/6/1949 #4308  
                                   Alamogordo, NM AFOSI Case 89; 20:15 - ro 8/6/1949 #4309  
                                   Alamogordo, NM AFOSI Case 90; 20:30 - ro 8/6/1949 #4310  
Going quickly northeast going [to] Alamogordo.                              10/12/1949 #4388  
                                   ALAMOGORDO, NM OSI agent. Object / 15km  12/13/1949 #4437  
                                   Alamogordo (Holloman AFB), NM Cinetheodo 4/27/1950 #4906  
                                   Alamogordo (Holloman AFB), NM Askania Th 5/24/1950 #4963  
                                   Alamogordo (Holloman AFB), NM Two Object 8/30/1950 #5148  
                                   Alamogordo (Holloman AFB), NM Objects Fi 8/31/1950 #5153  
                                   ALAMOGORDO, NM 2 Air Force pilots watch  2/14/1951 #5442  
                                   Alamogordo, NM Two Air Force pilots, whi 2/14/1951 #5443  
 hovering as they were flying near Alamogordo, New Mexico.                  2/14/1951 #5444  
                     Holloman AFB, Alamogordo, NM (FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01  7/30/1952 #7359  
                           SOUTH / ALAMOGORDO, NM 2 military / drive-in. Br 10/7/1952 #8099  
                                   Alamogordo, NM Pale blue oval, with its  10/7/1952 #8100  
                              NEAR ALAMOGORDO, NM 2 scientists. Orange-yell 2/26/1953 (approximate) #8708  
                         Wisconsin Alamogordo, New Mexico Holloman AFB Jim  1954 #9418  
al Lorenzen move from Wisconsin to Alamogordo, New Mexico, to work as civil 1954 #9418  
                                   ALAMOGORDO, NM 2+observer(s). 2nd moon h 11/2/1954 #11532  
                                   ALAMOGORDO Astronomer photos perfect and 11/26/1956 #13355  
                     Holloman AFB, Alamogordo, NM During a missile test fir 12/15/1956 (approximate) #13403  
                       SOUTHEAST / ALAMOGORDO, NM 2 separate observer(s). O 11/5/1957 #14305  
           Holloman Air Force Base Alamogordo, New Mexico 1:45–1:55 a.m. Se 11/7/1957 #14458  
en at Holloman Air Force Base near Alamogordo, New Mexico—Bradford Rickets, 11/7/1957 #14458  
                                   Alamogordo, New Mexico An Associated Pre 7/29/1958 #15158  
xico An Associated Press writer in Alamogordo, New Mexico, sees an abridged 7/29/1958 #15158  
                                   ALAMOGORDO, NM 12+observer(s). 35+night  8/8/1958 #15182  
                                   ALAMOGORDO, NM Electrical engineer and f 8/12/1958 #15196  
                   Tucson, Arizona Alamogordo, New Mexico Jim Lorenzen is h 1960 #16140  
oral move to Tucson, Arizona, from Alamogordo, New Mexico. On their third d 1960 #16140  
                     Holloman AFB, Alamogordo, New Mexico Alamogordo A B-57 4/30/1964 #18231  
lloman AFB, Alamogordo, New Mexico Alamogordo A B-57 pilot at Holloman AFB, 4/30/1964 #18231  
ordo A B-57 pilot at Holloman AFB, Alamogordo, New Mexico, radios to the co 4/30/1964 #18231  
man walks into a clothing store in Alamogordo and spins an incredible story 4/30/1964 #18231  
dly walks into a clothing store in Alamogordo, NM and states a UFO is in a  4/30/1964 #18236  
                                   Alamogordo, NM Objects sighted and track 3/2/1967 #21726  
motion were taken on this night in Alamogordo, New Mexico. Three teenagers- 12/24/1970 #25952  
At 10:35 p.m. Jerry Mozer, also of Alamogordo, New Mexico took a photo of a 12/24/1970 #25952  
led as it hung in the sky south of Alamogordo, New Mexico after 3 a.m. It s 1/1/1971 #25965  
           Holloman Air Force Base Alamogordo, New Mexico 6:00 a.m. A 16-mm 5/1971 #26091  
Os at Holloman Air Force Base near Alamogordo, New Mexico. It supposedly sh 5/1971 #26091  
                      Holloman AFB Alamogordo, New Mexico The documentary f 5/9/1974 #29097  
ows stock footage of Holloman AFB, Alamogordo, New Mexico, and a recreation 5/9/1974 #29097  
                                   Alamogordo, NM Staff Sgt. Charles L. Moo 8/13/1975 #30258  
                                   ALAMOGORDO, NM Sgt. moody abduction. "Sl 8/13/1975 #30261  
                                   Alamogordo, NM 1:20 a.m. Mr. Moody, age  8/13/1975 #30262  
                                   Alamogordo, NM Sgt. Charles L. Moody abd 8/13/1975 #30263  
                      Holloman AFB Alamogordo, New Mexico 1:15 a.m. Sgt. Ch 8/13/1975 #30264  
man AFB, is out in the desert near Alamogordo, New Mexico, awaiting a meteo 8/13/1975 #30264  
                              NEAR ALAMOGORDO, NM 3 / car "lost". Pseudo-hu 5/21/1976 #31068  
                                   Alamogordo, NM A luminous UFO shaped lik 5/21/1976 #31069  
hat paced a car in the desert near Alamogordo, containing three occupants.  5/21/1976 #31069  
hat paced a car in the desert near Alamogordo, New Mexico containing three  5/21/1976 #31070  
 hospital Walker AFB Holloman AFB, Alamogordo Corona, New Mexico USAF relea 6/24/1997 #43338  
roject Excelsior, at Holloman AFB, Alamogordo, in which Capt. Joseph Kittin 6/24/1997 #43338  
on AFB Sandia Army Base Los Alamos Alamogordo Nevada Test Site Serpo UK Min 11/1/2005 #44898  
 meeting was set for April 1964 in Alamogordo, where the aliens (nicknamed  11/1/2005 #44898  
## Word: "alamos" (Back to Top)
                               Los Alamos, New Mexico Leslie Groves approve 10/19/1942 #1457  
ct at the Site Y laboratory in Los Alamos, New Mexico.                      10/19/1942 #1457  
                               Los Alamos, New Mexico The Los Alamos site i 11/25/1942 #1462  
    Los Alamos, New Mexico The Los Alamos site in New Mexico is acquired fo 11/25/1942 #1462  
                               Los Alamos, NM Los Alamos Laboratory begins  4/1/1943 #1488  
                Los Alamos, NM Los Alamos Laboratory begins operations in N 4/1/1943 #1488  
                               Los Alamos Laboratory New Mexico Los Alamos  4/1/1943 #1489  
s Alamos Laboratory New Mexico Los Alamos Laboratory is established in New  4/1/1943 #1489  
                     Oak Ridge Los Alamos The Y-12 plant at Oak Ridge has s 4/5/1944 #1589  
0 grams of enriched uranium to Los Alamos. Italian-American physicist Emili 4/5/1944 #1589  
                               Los Alamos Oppenheimer reveals Segrè’s final 7/4/1944 #1618  
rè’s final measurements to the Los Alamos staff, and the development of the 7/4/1944 #1618  
                               Los Alamos, NM Green Fireballs seen in South 1945 #1740  
                       Hanford Los Alamos The first Hanford plutonium arriv 2/2/1945 #1770  
t Hanford plutonium arrives at Los Alamos.                                  2/2/1945 #1770  
  Manhattan Project Omega Site Los Alamos Laboratory New Mexico Manhattan P 8/21/1945 #1925  
t the remote Omega Site of the Los Alamos Laboratory in New Mexico when his 8/21/1945 #1925  
                               Los Alamos, New Mexico Oxnard Field, New Mex 9/1945 #1935  
tor, Jerrold R. Zacharias from Los Alamos, New Mexico, moves to Oxnard Fiel 9/1945 #1935  
irport], Utah, to be closer to Los Alamos. This marks the beginning of Sand 9/1945 #1935  
ect plant opened - the Soviet "Los Alamos" (Weapons design and research, wa 1946 #1956  
                               Los Alamos Laboratory Sandia Base, New Mexic 1/29/1947 #2236  
 staffed by the Army and Navy. Los Alamos Laboratory’s ordnance engineering 1/29/1947 #2236  
t secrecy that has prevails at Los Alamos.                                  1/29/1947 #2236  
          Roswell Daily Record Los Alamos, New Mexico Kirtland AFB Roswell  7/9/1947 #3054  
 loaded C-54’s carry debris to Los Alamos, New Mexico, via Kirtland AFB, ac 7/9/1947 #3054  
                               Los Alamos, NM Photographer Nicholas Van Pop 4/1948 (estimated) #3599  
Hollywood with Dr. Wang to the Los Alamos complex and boards a bus with bla 4/1948 (estimated) #3599  
vestigations AEC’s Sandia Base Los Alamos in New Mexico Physicist Joseph Ka 4/27/1948 #3630  
ations, AEC’s Sandia Base, and Los Alamos in New Mexico, under orders from  4/27/1948 #3630  
eet with security personnel at Los Alamos. Kaplan reports that “these occur 4/27/1948 #3630  
newetak Atoll Marshall Islands Los Alamos, New Mexico During the Zebra nucl 5/15/1948 #3651  
aft could collect samples. The Los Alamos, New Mexico, personnel assigned t 5/15/1948 #3651  
                               LOS ALAMOS, NM Group / airport see tilted si 9/23/1948 #3806  
                               Los Alamos, NM Sun-reflecting glint in the s 9/23/1948 #3809  
                               Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico 9 9/23/1948 #3811  
atory, New Mexico 9:40 a.m. At Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico,  9/23/1948 #3811  
   At 9:40 a.m. a group at the Los Alamos, New Mexico airport saw a tilted, 9/23/1948 #3812  
e document is the September 23 Los Alamos National Laboratory sighting in N 9/30/1948? #3817  
                               Los Alamos, NM Green fireballs prominent in  11/1948 #3859  
                               Los Alamos, NM Dec. 5 - 8,11,13,14,20 & 28,  12/1948 #3898  
 5 - 8,11,13,14,20 & 28, 1948; Los Alamos, NM. OSI, pilots, Los Alamos (NIC 12/1948 #3898  
; Los Alamos, NM. OSI, pilots, Los Alamos (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters,  12/1948 #3898  
                               LOS ALAMOS, NM FBI report. Green fireballs o 12/5/1948 (approximate) #3905  
            Bernal, New Mexico Los Alamos National Laboratory 9:02 p.m. Lin 12/12/1948 #3926  
hat it is flying directly over Los Alamos National Laboratory, and it maint 12/12/1948 #3926  
                               Los Alamos (W of), NM AFOSI Case 14; AESS OP 12/20/1948 #3933  
           Lt. Col. Doyle Rees Los Alamos In a confidential memo to Lt. Col 12/20/1948 #3935  
tion of an informal group, the Los Alamos Astrophysical Association, whose  12/20/1948 #3935  
                       west of Los Alamos, New Mexico Los Alamos 8:54 p.m.  12/20/1948 #3936  
west of Los Alamos, New Mexico Los Alamos 8:54 p.m. Shortly after they have 12/20/1948 #3936  
 Security Service post west of Los Alamos, New Mexico, spot a blue-white fi 12/20/1948 #3936  
7–8 miles, west to east toward Los Alamos.                                  12/20/1948 #3936  
                               Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 15: 04:31 - white  12/28/1948 #3937  
utopsies of “midget people” at Los Alamos, experiments at Holloman AFB and  1949 #3947  
                               Los Alamos, NM Rocket shaped UFO sighted nea 1/6/1949 #3963  
Rocket shaped UFO sighted near Los Alamos, NM                               1/6/1949 #3963  
                               Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 17: 03:10 - brilli 1/6/1949 #3966  
rated over the A.E.C. plant at Los Alamos, N.M. (Circulation of this Memo t 1/31/1949 #3987  
                               Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory in New Mexi 2/16/1949 #4010  
on Aerial Phenomena is held at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory in New Mexi 2/16/1949 #4010  
                               Los Alamos Cabell writes Von Kármán and says 2/18/1949 #4017  
ays he has a transcript of the Los Alamos meeting and that Hynek is studyin 2/18/1949 #4017  
                               Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 25; 19:05 - Green- 2/27/1949 #4025  
                               Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 26; 00:10 - AESS I 3/2/1949 #4031  
                               Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 27; 01:59 - bright 3/3/1949 #4033  
                               Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 32-34; PFC. Max Eu 3/7/1949 #4036  
                               LOS ALAMOS, NM Blue Book. Guard stations 103 3/8/1949 #4037  
                               Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 36; 18:36 - bright 3/8/1949 #4038  
                               Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 37; 18:35 - white  3/8/1949 #4039  
as sighted in the sky near the Los Alamos Atomic Energy research facility i 3/8/1949 #4042  
                               Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 47; 22:00 - green  4/5/1949 #4075  
                               Los Alamos, New Mexico Fejarito Mountain 10: 4/5/1949 #4076  
ope of Fejarito Mountain, near Los Alamos, New Mexico. It disappears behind 4/5/1949 #4076  
                               Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 48; 12:05 - btwn l 4/6/1949 #4077  
                               Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 49; 01:35 - green  4/7/1949 #4080  
                               Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 50; 01:00 - green  4/7/1949 #4081  
       Sandia Base, New Mexico Los Alamos, Sandia, and White Sands Killeen  4/27/1949 #4115  
nd radar observations covering Los Alamos, Sandia, and White Sands. Scienti 4/27/1949 #4115  
                               Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico 4/28/1949 #4127  
meet with security officers at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico 4/28/1949 #4127  
                               Los Alamos, NM Saw 13 saucer shaped objects  5/1949 #4135  
                               Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 59; 21:43 - bright 5/3/1949 #4139  
                               Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 60; 21:26;21:43;22 5/3/1949 #4140  
                               Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 61; 21:26-white ba 5/3/1949 #4141  
                               Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 63; 01:05 - round  5/6/1949 #4156  
                               Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 71; 00:40 - green  6/2/1949 #4223  
                               Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 72; 20:57 - obj gr 6/11/1949 #4235  
                               Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 73; 20:10 - round, 6/20/1949 #4243  
                               Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 74; 20:10 - blue-g 6/20/1949 #4244  
                               Los Alamos, New Mexico Kaplan responds to a  7/13/1949 #4269  
iring about his April visit to Los Alamos, New Mexico. He explains that he  7/13/1949 #4269  
says that Norris Bradbury, the Los Alamos lab director, has urged that a cl 7/13/1949 #4269  
                               Los Alamos, New Mexico A radar-tracking UFO  Fall 1949 #4366  
at a key atomic base (probably Los Alamos, New Mexico). The base radar scop Fall 1949 #4366  
                               Los Alamos, New Mexico Bedford, Massachusett 10/14/1949 #4394  
setts At another conference in Los Alamos, New Mexico, attended by 16 repre 10/14/1949 #4394  
urth Army, the FBI, AFSWP, and Los Alamos scientists (Edward Teller, George 10/14/1949 #4394  
Hollywood with Dr. Wang to the Los Alamos complex and sees and makes detail 11/1949 #4407  
                      Pentagon Los Alamos Joseph Kaplan brings the green fi 11/3/1949 #4409  
e group was trying to pinpoint Los Alamos with a new sort of weapon.”       11/3/1949 #4409  
                               LOS ALAMOS, NM Kids and Scientist. 2 blue-gr 11/16/1949 #4416  
                               Los Alamos, NM Office MEMO, Director FBI, SA 1/31/1950 #4520  
peared to be concentrated near Los Alamos, N.M. This UFO was also sighted n 1/31/1950 #4520  
This UFO was also sighted near Los Alamos on Jan. 6, 1949.                  1/31/1950 #4520  
                               LOS ALAMOS, NM Project Bluebook Case #645. 2 2/24/1950 #4548  
uquerque, NM UAO observed over Los Alamos (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters,  2/24/1950 #4551  
lored, round UFO hovering over Los Alamos, New Mexico. It moved around for  2/24/1950 #4555  
                               Los Alamos, NM AEC Investigators Sighted cyl 2/25/1950 #4557  
                               Los Alamos, New Mexico Witnesses: Twelve Ato 2/25/1950 #4558  
                               Los Alamos, New Mexico. Twelve Atomic Energy 2/25/1950 #4559  
 UFO at 3:55 p.m. while at the Los Alamos nuclear facility. It was silver c 2/25/1950 #4559  
                               LOS ALAMOS, NM Night lights and fireballs zi 3/17/1950 #4661  
                               LOS ALAMOS, NM 15+scientist/science / (seen  4/17/1950 #4856  
                               Los Alamos, New Mexico More than 15 people r 4/17/1950 #4859  
feet on the eastern horizon at Los Alamos, New Mexico. One scientist watche 4/17/1950 #4859  
jects were sighted east of the Los Alamos AEC nuclear facility in New Mexic 4/17/1950 #4860  
                               Los Alamos, New Mexico Physicist Enrico Ferm Summer 1950 #4996  
ring a casual conversation (in Los Alamos, New Mexico?) with fellow physici Summer 1950 #4996  
ry in Massachusetts New Mexico Los Alamos Project Twinkle head and chemist  2/25/1951 #5458  
tions in New Mexico, including Los Alamos, and argues that they are a targe 2/25/1951 #5458  
diation Laboratory at Berkeley Los Alamos, New Mexico The Lawrence Livermor 1952 #5836  
ar weapon design laboratory at Los Alamos, New Mexico. Edward Teller and Er 1952 #5836  
re regarded as its cofounders. Los Alamos and Livermore soon establish a ri 1952 #5836  
 engine are being conducted at Los Alamos, Oak Ridge and Langley, with the  1952 #5845  
      Pentagon White Sands and Los Alamos, New Mexico Killeen Base, Texas O 1/29/1952 #5884  
on of cases at White Sands and Los Alamos, New Mexico; Killeen Base, Texas; 1/29/1952 #5884  
hich analyzed UAP at the AEC’s Los Alamos National Lab, Sandia Base, White  2/19/1952 #5911  
mmary shows UAP were seen near Los Alamos repeatedly by scientists, AFOSI p 2/19/1952 #5911  
Col. Rees started the informal Los Alamos Astrophysical Association to stud 2/19/1952 #5911  
                               Los Alamos, NM Radiation was detected at Los 5/25/1952 #6359  
, NM Radiation was detected at Los Alamos at 2330 hours (NICAP: 10 - Nuclea 5/25/1952 #6359  
                               Los Alamos, New Mexico According to Sgt. Ric 6/18/1952 #6542  
ed in 1949 (EBE-1) and kept at Los Alamos, New Mexico, dies of unknown caus 6/18/1952 #6542  
                         SSW / LOS ALAMOS, NM Project Bluebook Case #1538.  7/22/1952 #6989  
                               Los Alamos, NM Saw 8 large, round, bright al 7/22/1952 #7012  
                               Los Alamos, New Mexico Witnesses: control to 7/22/1952 #7019  
t 10:50 a.m. Mr. D. Weins, the Los Alamos Airport control tower operator at 7/22/1952 #7030  
trol tower operator at the AEC Los Alamos nuclear research facility in New  7/22/1952 #7030  
                               LOS ALAMOS CANYON, NM 6 separate observer(s) 7/29/1952 #7278  
                               LOS ALAMOS, NM Several separate observer(s). 7/29/1952 #7280  
                               Los Alamos, NM Jets scrambled from Kirtland  7/29/1952 #7301  
                               Los Alamos, NM White object moving E to W &  7/29/1952 #7304  
M Air Force reserve colonel at Los Alamos saw a strange ellipse shaped ligh 7/29/1952 #7310  
                               Los Alamos Scientific Labs, New Mexico Kirtl 7/29/1952 #7322  
0:00 a.m. Several employees of Los Alamos Scientific Labs, New Mexico (incl 7/29/1952 #7322  
                               LOS ALAMOS, NM Ground and air observer(s). M 8/2/1952 #7414  
          Wright-Patterson AFB Los Alamos Oak Ridge CIA operative Frederick 8/15/1952 #7610  
 and mentions the sightings at Los Alamos and Oak Ridge at a time when the  8/15/1952 #7610  
            BERNALILLO TO/FROM LOS ALAMOS, NM (Up). 3 / plane. Air Force ve 8/29/1952 #7775  
                               Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, New Mexico 10/23/1952 #8178  
lt holds a briefing on UFOs at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, New Mexico 10/23/1952 #8178  
                               LOS ALAMOS, NM Project Bluebook Case #2219.  11/12/1952 #8261  
                               Los Alamos, NM 4 red-white-green lights fly  11/12/1952 #8263  
                               Los Alamos, New Mexico Witness: security ins 11/12/1952 #8264  
                               LOS ALAMOS, NM Security Gd. Green ovoid fire 8/3/1953 #9041  
                               Los Alamos Sandia Laboratories Bikini Enewet 4/7/1954 #9673  
ell as nuclear scientists from Los Alamos and Sandia Laboratories in New Me 4/7/1954 #9673  
                               Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, New Mexico 1955 #11892  
al rocket, is initiated at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, New Mexico 1955 #11892  
                               LOS ALAMOS, NM 2 separate observer(s). Silen 3/24/1967 #21957  
                               Los Alamos, NM Disc hovers for 10 minutes. ( 3/24/1967 #21961  
                               Los Alamos, NM Disc hovers for 10 minutes (N 3/24/1967 #21966  
                               Los Alamos, New Mexico 8:45 a.m. An airline  3/24/1967 #21971  
 hovering for 10 minutes above Los Alamos, New Mexico. Then it moves across 3/24/1967 #21971  
f the craft were then taken to Los Alamos afterwards. A CIA source told ufo 3/14/1975 #29900  
Mexico Texico Artesia Carlsbad Los Alamos Scientific Laboratories 6:00–10:3 1/23/1976 #30815  
, composed of employees of the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratories, arrive i 1/23/1976 #30815  
xamined for over two months at Los Alamos National Laboratory.  https://doc 12/13/1977 #32771  
  New Mexico Dulce, New Mexico Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory In one case 3/24/1978 #33077  
uscle samples, are sent to the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory for microsc 3/24/1978 #33077  
separate private laboratories. Los Alamos detects the presence of naturally 3/24/1978 #33077  
undland Lance Cove Cape Broyle Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, New Mexico 4/2/1978 #33119  
Warren and Robert Freyman from Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, New Mexico 4/2/1978 #33119  
s the Department of Energy and Los Alamos National Laboratory are attemptin 2/16/1979 #34431  
 told Weitzel the UAP was from Los Alamos National Laboratories and Weitzel 7/1980 #35398  
Mexico Kirtland Air Force Base Los Alamos After doing a radio show in Albuq 9/8/1980 #35504  
alive, was found and housed at Los Alamos until its death in the early 1950 9/8/1980 #35504  
                               Los Alamos, NM Bob Lazar appears on the fron 6/27/1982 #36517  
 the front Sunday page of the “Los Alamos Monitor”                          6/27/1982 #36517  
                               Los Alamos, NM Area-51/S-4 worker Bob Lazar  7/28/1982 #36553  
 and is said to be working in “Los Alamos, NM National Laboratory”          8/21/1982 #36578  
Alexander, two scientists from Los Alamos National Laboratory and represent 1983 #36738  
            Lake Tahoe, Nevada Los Alamos National Laboratory Nuclear Test  6/22/1983 #36889  
ics at Lake Tahoe, Nevada, the Los Alamos National Laboratory puts forward  6/22/1983 #36889  
alleged participants were from Los Alamos National Laboratory, CIA, NSA, IN 5/20/1985 #37591  
Cravens, assistant director of Los Alamos National Laboratory’s Center for  4/1988 #38527  
indirect ties to UAP research. Los Alamos colleague Oke Shannon told a jour 4/1988 #38527  
Williams was still employed at Los Alamos at the time; Puthoff became invol 4/1988 #38527  
er Green Beret William English Los Alamos After speaking to John Lear by ph 10/8/1988 #38665  
 by Bob Lazar while working at Los Alamos.                                  10/8/1988 #38665  
assigned to the Medical Lab at Los Alamos during WWII and sometime afterwar 3/16/1991 #40015  
 claims bodies were flown into Los Alamos, which was classified as a “Green 3/16/1991 #40015  
g technology at Brookhaven and Los Alamos. Of note, Mona Rowe, an employee  11/24/1992 #40726  
omic Energy Commission (AEC)’s Los Alamos National Laboratory and its Z Div 1994 #41349  
by the Army and Navy. AFSP and Los Alamos National Laboratory’s Z Division  1994 #41349  
 Sandia National Laboratories, Los Alamos, Nevada National Security Site, e 1994 #41349  
tersen, Sen. Harrison Schmidt, Los Alamos physicist Johndale Solem, USAF sp 1/28/1996 #42725  
ute Mesa, Area 19, Groom Lake, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Kirtland AFB 8/30/1996 #43001  
ing to their own scientists at Los Alamos like Claytor.  https://www.biblio 5/17/1999 #43770  
al Security LLC, which manages Los Alamos, filed a patent in 2021 for aeros 5/17/1999 #43770  
ion in 1982 and re-analyzed at Los Alamos, to which it was concluded it was 5/3/2003 #44524  
reen claims the image was from Los Alamos National Lab. He says he was give 8/19/2003 #44576  
exico Corona Pelona Peak Datil Loa Alamos National Laboratory Roswell Army  11/1/2005 #44898  
Patterson AFB Sandia Army Base Los Alamos Alamogordo Nevada Test Site Serpo 11/1/2005 #44898  
dies were later transferred to Loa Alamos National Laboratory. Roswell Army 11/1/2005 #44898  
e first sent to Sandia then to Los Alamos. The live entity established comm 11/1/2005 #44898  
veral dead were transferred to Los Alamos National Laboratory, while the cr 11/1/2005 #44899  
r was a “simple technician” at Los Alamos with no clearance. McGarity also  12/5/2005 #44907  
as as Required. Attendees from Los Alamos National Laboratory, CIA, NSA, IN 4/28/2006 #44936  
n says he was denied access by Los Alamos National Laboratory and DOD when  6/28/2008 #45148  
telligence offices surrounding Los Alamos and other AEC facilities have rel 6/28/2008 #45148  
four “alien” occupants went to Los Alamos upon delivery of the craft to A51 11/1/2013 #45392  
tory of the alien occupants at Los Alamos was told to him.                  11/1/2013 #45392  
security laboratories, Sandia, Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore, assist. N 3/22/2017 #45465  
ses some UAP related research. Los Alamos publishes planetary defense resea 3/22/2017 #45465  
 Alvarez had already worked at Los Alamos prior to the alleged crash, and w 4/25/2019 #45572  
National Security LLC based in Los Alamos, NM, filed a patent for aerospace 6/25/2021 #45695  
me the manager and operator of Los Alamos National Laboratory. *   https:// 6/25/2021 #45695  
r Manager, Special Projects at Los Alamos National Laboratory Oke Shannon s 9/24/2022 #45770  
r Manager, Special Projects at Los Alamos National Laboratory Oke Shannon p 9/26/2022 #45772  
## Word: "alamosa" (Back to Top)
                                   ALAMOSA, CO 2 teens. Meteor = silent glo 3/1947 #2246  
                                   ALAMOSA, CO Brilliant cylinder/cigar-sha 5/14/1967 #22341  
                While driving near Alamosa, Colorado at 11:15 p.m. an Adams 5/14/1967 #22342  
                 20 MI NORTHEAST / ALAMOSA, CO Snippy / lady = horse mutila 9/9/1967 #23024  
y’s College of Veterinary Medicine Alamosa A 3-year-old saddle horse named  9/9/1967 #23026  
 A nearby bush is flattened oddly. Alamosa County Sheriff Ben Phillips blam 9/9/1967 #23026  
are probably weathered hoofprints. Alamosa veterinarian Wallace Leary later 9/9/1967 #23026  
                                   Alamosa, Colorado The carcass of a horse 9/15/1967 #23065  
ed mutilated on a ranch outside of Alamosa, Colorado. Unusual radioactivity 9/15/1967 #23070  
        Dr. John Altshuler came to Alamosa County, Colorado to examine the  10/8/1967 #23196  
g quickly southwest. Photographs / Alamosa. CO / 0120h.                     10/14/1967 #23235  
ung over Flattop Mountain south of Alamosa, Colorado for about three hours. 12/19/1978 #34176  
 white lights that illuminated the Alamosa valley in Colorado. When they tu 7/18/1992 #40526  
    At 2:30 a.m. Mr. Oringdulph of Alamosa, Colorado - the witness of a noc 5/31/1994 #41543  
U.S. Highway 160 ten miles east of Alamosa, Colorado. A gigantic dark shado 8/15/1995 #42388  
d object entered a woman's home in Alamosa, Colorado through her back door. 10/30/1998 #43672  
 cloud was seen in the sky east of Alamosa, Colorado on highway 60. Inside  7/24/1999 #43813  
## Word: "alan" (Back to Top)
er Charles Francis Coe and his son Alan see a globe of light shooting acros 2/20/1948 #3582  
disembodied extraterrestrial named Alan, he is invited on board the craft,  7/4/1950 #5042  
ontactee circuit. He finally meets Alan in person in 1961.                  7/4/1950 #5042  
                     FBI memo from Alan H. Belmont to D. Milton Ladd on gre 8/23/1950 #5136  
              An FBI memorandum to Alan H. Belmont from Victor P. Keay repo 10/27/1952 #8199  
            Research chemist Wells Alan Webb and two other witnesses were t 1/30/1953 #8620  
a, Arizona 9:45 a.m. Chemist Wells Alan Webb is standing in a field near th 5/5/1953 #8866  
 Cape Canaveral, Florida Astronaut Alan Shepard becomes the first American  5/5/1961 #16676  
accompanied by his 14-year-old son Alan and three other witnesses, watch an 8/2/1965 #19263  
nd hovers. At that precise moment, Alan snaps a photograph with his inexpen 8/2/1965 #19263  
pensive camera, using ASA 64 film. Alan decides not to try for a second sho 8/2/1965 #19263  
 in Tulsa, Oklahoma by 14-year-old Alan Smith at 1:45 a.m. Unlike most phot 8/2/1965 #19272  
made a high pitched whining sound. Alan took his shot when the UFO was almo 8/2/1965 #19272  
  Yerecoin, Australia Farm manager Alan Pool, 43, saw an object, 6 m in dia 11/16/1967 #23470  
                      Farm manager Alan Pool, age 43, saw an object, six me 11/16/1967 #23472  
Liverpool, England John Harney and Alan W. Sharp launch a new publication,  1/1968 #23639  
an 30-50 nautical miles from them. Alan Bean, Owen Garriott and Jack Lousma 9/20/1973 #27848  
ham, Berkshire, England 10:20 p.m. Alan Lott is walking his dog in Caversha 1/31/1975 #29775  
Hatch, U computer database, citing Alan Landsburg, In Search of Extraterres 6/12/1975 #30098  
England 6:45 p.m. British diplomat Alan K. Rothnie is driving near Rolvende 10/15/1977 #32578  
olice Sgt. Tony Dodd and Constable Alan Dale are driving near Cononley, Nor 1/1978 #32837  
onal possession. He is replaced by Alan Hall, a retired CIA employee who ac 10/1978 #33786  
                                   Alan N. Hall, a retired CIA employee, of 12/1978 #34035  
rden, West Yorkshire, UK Constable Alan Godfrey encountered craft on road,  11/28/1980 #35678  
rden, West Yorkshire, UK Constable Alan Godfrey encountered craft on road,  11/28/1980 #35679  
                  Police constable Alan Godfrey, age 31, was on routine pat 11/28/1980 #35680  
rkshire, England, Police Constable Alan Godfrey allegedly sees a bright lig 11/29/1980 #35682  
FON. Schuessler and NASA physicist Alan Holt interviewed the witnesses, who 12/29/1980 #35758  
rnia. Schratt claims U.S. Senators Alan Cranston and California Congressman 11/12/1988 #38714Alan Caviness” claims when he was on act 1/1989 #38774  
including Harvard Professor of Law Alan Dershowitz) regarding the validity  5/1994 #41510  
rk constantly. Fernando’s brother, Alan Bruno de Oliveira, 10, picks up a c 1/2/1998 #43486  
particles. Meteorite impact expert Alan Hildebrand the University of Calgar 4/1/2001 #44156  
 abductee Travis Walton; and actor Alan Tafoya.                             7/1/2017 #45474  
## Word: "aland" (Back to Top)
                                   ALAND ISLAND, FINLAND 2 observer(s). Whi 11/14/1976 #31544  
                        Kolsva and Aland Island, Sweden Multiple sightings  11/14/1976 #31547  
## Word: "alanda" (Back to Top)
                     AMMAN AND ABU ALANDA, JORDAN Many observer(s). Glaring 9/12/1996 #43017  
## Word: "alanding" (Back to Top)
 a ground search, but no traces of alanding can be found.                   7/3/1947 #2584  
## Word: "alarm" (Back to Top)
ght as a carbon-arc light, causing alarm among the residents.               2/14/1889 #287  
ng the entire incident was a false alarm due to anxiety and “war nerves.” K 2/24/1942 #1388  
joke. Neither are they a cause for alarm to the population.” The discrepanc 4/27/1949 #4117  
 head-on passes. These close calls alarm the pilot so much he lands immedia 8/6/1953 #9052  
he gun emplacements. His shouts of alarm rouse his comrades inside the fort 11/4/1957 #14284  
 out. Only a few minutes after the alarm, two other men are out of the fort 11/4/1957 #14284  
 Salas briefs Lt. Fred Meiwald, an alarm rings through the small LCC and bo 3/24/1967 #21973  
IC ST. LOUP, FR 3+observer(s). UFO alarm. Single grey cloud going [to] blac 5/14/1968 #23960  
e group for Mr. Vas to call out in alarm. The "spaceman" showed no concern  1/14/1969 #24842  
e heard the station’s transmission alarm system go off. Opening the door, h 3/12/1969 #25002  
 Pembroke, Ontario, CAN Dog raised alarm to a landed object (NICAP: 04 - An 5/11/1969 #25124  
 security guards to investigate an alarm at one of India’s 10 launch sites. Autumn 1973 #27860  
uards find that the inner security alarm has also been triggered, meaning t Autumn 1973 #27860  
 luminous/glowing 7' belljar. Fire alarm trips. Ashes and powder. / r178p16 10/21/1973 #28224  
nard Stringfield finds that a fire alarm had gone off at the same time in a 10/21/1973 #28228  
hed her driveway, the witness took alarm and returned to bed, where she fel 10/28/1973 #28312  
Glowing-ovoid with rows of lights. Alarm bell rings / synch / pulsations.   12/6/1973 #28527  
                         A burglar alarm went off in a house in La Selva Be 12/6/1973 #28536  
fs came in response to the burglar alarm call and also saw the lights from  12/6/1973 #28536  
         CARIGNAN, FR UFO detector alarm. 2 disks circle water tower vertic 3/23/1974 #28931  
                        MENTON, FR Alarm sounds. Silent flat-white saucer s 7/25/1974 #29276  
 luminous ovoid near farm. Burglar alarm rings 6km / west 20 minute(s) late 6/6/1975 #30086  
west of Meymans, France. A burglar alarm went off at around the same time.  6/6/1975 #30089  
men runs into the camp to sound an alarm, while the other stays to watch it Fall 1975 #30380  
mote electronic sensors trigger an alarm at Malmstrom AFB, Great Falls, Mon 11/7/1975 #30576  
al damage to a CB radio, a burglar alarm, an adding machine, a cash registe 7/31/1976 #31206  
damage of the CB radio and burglar alarm. The UFO hung in the air, 100 feet 7/31/1976 #31207  
artner responded to an penetration alarm on the outer zone of the site, wit 11/1977 #32648  
island, South Dakota 10:59 p.m. An alarm sounds at the Ellsworth AFB L-09 m 11/16/1977 #32677  
home in Nimes, France when his car alarm went off and woke him up. He then  7/15/1979 #34655  
nd only 3 feet away. The seat belt alarm also comes on during the encounter 12/3/1980 #35690  
d only a meter away. The seat belt alarm also came on during the encounter. 12/3/1980 #35691  
              VOLPAGO, ITL Farmer. Alarm. Dark mass hovers / electric panel 6/10/1982 #36493  
t’s movement-detecting sensors and alarm systems fail, as does the computer 7/24/1984 #37412  
. The plant’s movement sensors and alarm fails, and the computer responsibl 7/24/1984 #37416  
ge, Montana, who tells him that an alarm response team responded to a secur Winter 1987 #38370  
he security lights are out and the alarm team’s vehicle parked 50 feet from Winter 1987 #38370  
for a different site with the same alarm pattern, which they then reset. On 9/1991 #40178  
ht above the site experiencing the alarm. The light moves away as they pull 9/1991 #40178  
t close range after a home burglar alarm system and lights were effected at 8/29/1992 #40596  
ed to go back to sleep despite the alarm that she felt. That same evening a 3/19/1995 #42112  
er the Pacific Ocean, causing some alarm. Witnesses include civil servants  3/30/1997 #43245  
mans for a time. Jacobs raises the alarm that apparent benevolence from the 1/1998 #43482  
stance from shore. Immediately the alarm was sounded and the military polic 6/22/2003 #44557  
        Des Plaines, IL Dog raises alarm and barks at hovering object in da 2/28/2006 #44926  
## Word: "alarm-like" (Back to Top)
ft. The student hears a prolonged, alarm-like noise. They watch the UFO for 4/13/1974 #29012  
## Word: "alarm-system" (Back to Top)
n near Monarch, Montana. Due to an alarm-system malfunction, two men are st 3/1992 #40343  
## Word: "alarmed" (Back to Top)
 Paso, Texas, S/Sgt Ralph Bayer is alarmed to see an aircraft approaching f Mid 2/1945 #1785  
 history of mankind, they would be alarmed. We should, therefore, expect at 2/1949 #3990  
history of mankind, they should be alarmed. We should, therefore, expect at 8/10/1949 #4315  
ughter called to him it apparently alarmed the two figures, for they rushed 6/17/1950 #4992  
 from Mars, there is nothing to be alarmed about!"                          5/15/1954 #9797  
 was a shooting star. Later he was alarmed when his yard seemed to be ablaz 10/1/1954 #10562  
 a shooting star, but later he was alarmed when his yard looked to be ablaz 10/1/1954 #10579  
ing out two flickering red lights. Alarmed, the witnesses rushed back to th 12/28/1954 #11869  
lcox hears a voice say, “Do not be alarmed. We have talked to people before 4/24/1964 #18199  
fined voice, telling him “Don’t be alarmed, I am not here to cause you any  9/4/1965 #19520  
 several calls to the station from alarmed citizens. He takes several photo 12/9/1965 #19762  
ns to his group’s camp and becomes alarmed when he sees smoke rising from i 11/22/1966 #21141  
& Bartlett, between, IL Dog in car alarmed as disc directs light beam into  3/7/1967 #21786  
ll, and the red light re-appeared. Alarmed by this, they walked to the home 8/23/1967 #22908  
ir raised and was growling softly. Alarmed, the witness left the scene. Whe 1/15/1969 #24850  
tic suddenly erupted on the radio. Alarmed, he armed himself with a gun and 5/26/1974 #29136  
 the woods, some 40 yards distant. Alarmed, he got back into his car and dr 8/20/1974 #29373  
ay. The local resident noted their alarmed condition and took them in, and  9/16/1974 #29460  
ced a localized “whirlwind,” which alarmed them and caused them to load the 11/12/1976 #31540  
gecombe, North Carolina. They were alarmed and ran home. Looking back, they 11/12/1976 #31541  
a gesture as if pointing downward. Alarmed, she runs back to the house and  Late 9/1977 #32518  
Canyon access road to check out an alarmed building and observed a landed U 8/9/1980 #35449  
d observed a landed UFO next to an alarmed building. The UFO was around dis 8/9/1980 #35449  
rmur like chatter. The witness was alarmed to see that the beings somehow h 12/15/1994 #41895  
erandah steps then suddenly became alarmed and returned back home. She thre 2/10/1996 #42754  
Watch and Conning Officer were not alarmed by the object. SN Derek Smith st 5/9/2022 #45747  
## Word: "alarming" (Back to Top)
clothes are soaked and he feels an alarming feeling as if he is getting cru 12/1959 #16107  
betes also manifested itself in an alarming fashion. UFO report involving p 10/5/1970 #25870  
0’s over Arctic region of Norilsk, alarming local military units.           Late 1970's #32823  
ppear to be on a collision course, alarming the crew. The captain requests  11/11/1979 #34997  
## Word: "alarmingly" (Back to Top)
Geiger counter indicates a reading alarmingly above normal (3 roentgens per 1/10/1977 #31715  
## Word: "alarmist" (Back to Top)
public, "in view of their probable alarmist tendencies" to accept such inte 8/1/1952 #7387  
## Word: "alarms" (Back to Top)
lights flashing in the grove. This alarms them, and they go to a nearby hou 8/19/1952 #7651  
FORCE BASE, MT Spring. UFO's seen. Alarms. 10 missiles inoperative. / r120p 4/1966 (approximate) #20184  
           Malmstrom AFB, MT UFOs, alarms, 10 missiles inoperative (NICAP:  4/1966 #20188  
oth outer and inner-zone intrusion alarms are activated at the remote missi 10/24/1968 #24587  
figure in transparent bubble. Fire alarms.                                  10/21/1973 #28225  
ana, when both the outer and inner alarms go off. A security alert team arr 3/1974 #28830  
ts come back on and all the bunker alarms go off. A roving unit needs to co 5/1974 #29075  
 needs to come by to reset all the alarms manually. Phillips admits that mo 5/1974 #29075  
sponded to 30. All have been false alarms.                                  Late 1974 #29532  
ALMSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, MT Remote alarms. RADAR-visual. 300' saucer. Quick 11/7/1975 #30572  
          UNKNOWN MISSILE SITE, ND Alarms. Night lights hover and maneuver. 9/10/1976 #31366  
denone, Italy 3:00 a.m. Electronic alarms suddenly sound at NATO’s Aviano A 7/1/1977 #32227  
rly morning. A fleet of 10–15 UFOs alarms people in Choconta, Colombia. Eig 5/9/1979 #34552  
ndeed has malfunctioned, and false alarms are caused by a rare alignment of 9/26/1983 #36986  
m for UFO's. The trackers activate alarms when radar spots UFO's and spotte 3/23/1985 #37573  
 missile launch site with multiple alarms. They arrive, clear the site, and 9/1991 #40178  
ive, clear the site, and reset the alarms. Then he gets another call for a  9/1991 #40178  
      MT. SEYMOUR, BC 3 cylinders. Alarms and lights electro-magnetic effec 8/29/1992 #40594  
 NEAR GLEN MAWR, PA RADAR detector alarms. 250' x200' delta/triangle/box-li 10/27/1992 #40692  
ht light passes. Magnetic detector alarms. Normal when observer(s) moves aw 12/30/1992 (approximate) #40771  
BELLINGHAM, UK 2 separate infrared alarms trip. Dome going quickly [to] ove 8/21/1994 #41684  
nty at 12:25 p.m. It made security alarms go off and left behind a cloud of 12/4/2006 #44989  
## Word: "alaska" (Back to Top)
                          Eklutna, Alaska Anchorage Night. Holger Berg and  10/1936 #1250  
ian Conservation Corps in Eklutna, Alaska, are walking south toward Anchora 10/1936 #1250  
             Adak Aleutian Islands Alaska Radioman Robert S. Crawford and 1 Summer 1945 #1883  
t of Adak in the Aleutian Islands, Alaska. The UFO, showing darkly against  Summer 1945 #1883  
 Elmendorf-Richardson], Anchorage, Alaska 11:00 a.m. USAAF Col. Bruce H. Pe 7/11/1947 #3138  
 Elmendorf-Richardson], Anchorage, Alaska. Estimated altitude is 3,000–4,00 7/11/1947 #3138  
Elmendorf- Richardson], Anchorage, Alaska 6:30 p.m. USAAF Maj. Edward Graha 7/12/1947 #3159  
Elmendorf- Richardson], Anchorage, Alaska, see a balloon-like grayish objec 7/12/1947 #3159  
                           Bethel, Alaska Pilots Capt. Jack Peck and Vince  8/4/1947 #3291  
 a smooth UFO northwest of Bethel, Alaska, dead ahead as they are flying a  8/4/1947 #3291  
ut wings while flying over Bethel, Alaska. This second UFO outdistanced the 8/4/1947 #3292  
                    Fielding Lake, Alaska West-Northwest East-Southeast Car 7/9/1948 #3704  
oup, are fishing at Fielding Lake, Alaska, when they hear a loud roar and n 7/9/1948 #3704  
four gray discs flew over Houston, Alaska heading north. According to witne 5/11/1949 #4179  
                                   Alaska Actor, producer, and director Mik 8/1949 #4301  
ootage of a spaceship recovered in Alaska by government agents. He produces 8/1949 #4301  
                                In Alaska, a scientist on Tigvariak Island  8/22/1949 #4336  
    Seattle, Washington Anchorage, Alaska On the Seattle, Washington, to An 1/1950 #4469  
Seattle, Washington, to Anchorage, Alaska, route, an air freighter is paced 1/1950 #4469  
                           Kodiak, Alaska U.S. Navy patrol plane pilot, Lt. 1/22/1950 #4499  
iak [now Coast Guard Base Kodiak], Alaska Kodiak 2:40 a.m. Navy patrol pilo 1/22/1950 #4503  
iak [now Coast Guard Base Kodiak], Alaska. He obtains a radar reading on an 1/22/1950 #4503  
 Islands at 1,800 mph over Kodiak, Alaska, according to airborne radar. It  1/22/1950 #4504  
om the Kodiak Naval Air Station in Alaska spotted two orange lights rotatin 1/23/1950 #4506  
                           Kodiak, Alaska Gen. Charles Cabell, possibly ins Late 1/1950 #4511  
, possibly inspired by the Kodiak, Alaska, case, sends a letter to ATIC ask Late 1/1950 #4511  
e Elmendorf-Richardson] Anchorage, Alaska 4:00 p.m. Lt. Col. Lester F. Math 1/26/1950 #4513  
 Elmendorf-Richardson], Anchorage, Alaska, notices three reddish objects ab 1/26/1950 #4513  
h at 1600 km/h over Elmendorf AFB, Alaska. It was witnessed by a Lieutenant 1/26/1950 #4514  
                           Kodiak, Alaska The Knoxville Journal, Knoxville, 1/30/1950 #4519  
                           Juneau, Alaska Mikel Konrad made a movie of eigh 4/1950 #4783  
 Elmendorf-Richardson], Anchorage, Alaska 11:30 p.m. Capt. Marcellus D. O’S 5/5/1950 #4924  
 Elmendorf-Richardson], Anchorage, Alaska, see a reddish-orange object hove 5/5/1950 #4924  
             l0 mi. NW of Gulcana, Alaska Witnesses:  crew of Northwest Air 12/11/1950 #5339  
ed ten miles northwest of Gulcana, Alaska at 10:13 p.m.                     12/11/1950 #5340  
                         Ladd AFB, Alaska Witness:  USAF Sgt. J.B. Sells. O 2/26/1951 #5461  
                         Ladd AFB, Alaska. At 7:10 a.m. USAF Sgt. J. B. Sel 2/26/1951 #5462  
adar operator at ADC tracks object Alaska, G,A (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Co 1/22/1952 #5874  
                          northern Alaska outpost Murphy Dome Air Force Sta 1/22/1952 #5876  
e Station 12:20 a.m. At a northern Alaska outpost, Murphy Dome Air Force St 1/22/1952 #5876  
 a radar station at Murphy's Dome, Alaska tracked a UFO moving at 1,500 mph 1/22/1952 #5877  
                                   Alaska, At Sea Another Radar-Inspired Na 4/17/1952 #6102  
                   Nunivak Island, Alaska 12:58 a.m. Four high-altitude con 4/17/1952 #6105  
ails heading east-southeast toward Alaska are seen by NORAD defense observe 4/17/1952 #6105  
fense observers at Nunivak Island, Alaska.                                  4/17/1952 #6105  
fense radar picked up a bogey over Alaska southeast of Talkeetna. A fighter 7/24/1952 #7120  
                         Ladd AFB, Alaska Witnesses:  pilot lst Lt. D. Dick 12/8/1952 #8396  
hours. At Ladd AFB near Fairbanks, Alaska Project Blue Book explained a bri 12/10/1952 #8410  
     Eielson AFB near Moose Creek, Alaska Chicago, Illinois Illinois Roswel Mid 2/1953 #8676  
ting Eielson AFB near Moose Creek, Alaska, with Gen. William H. Blanchard w Mid 2/1953 #8676  
sport plane flying over Anchorage, Alaska at 11:50 p.m. and was witnessed b 2/16/1953 #8680  
servers at Skilak Lake, Anchorage, Alaska over the Kenai Mountains. It bobb 3/14/1953 #8755  
 States Pacific Atlantic Caribbean Alaska Northeast Strategic Air Command T 9/1/1954 #10228  
 the Pacific, Atlantic, Caribbean, Alaska, Northeast, and of Strategic Air  9/1/1954 #10228  
CI Tracks Uncorrelated Target Over Alaska (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R 1/28/1955 #11948  
           Eielson AFB, Fairbanks, Alaska Banks Island, Northwest Territori 6/7/1955 #12190  
n route to Eielson AFB, Fairbanks, Alaska, registers an electronic contact  6/7/1955 #12190  
as taken at a school in Anchorage, Alaska by a man named G. Henning.        8/5/1955 #12333  
                           Kodiak, Alaska Mission Road 10:00 p.m. Jan Bouch 11/4/1957 #14288  
an Boucher, a policeman in Kodiak, Alaska, sees a red ball of fire with a g 11/4/1957 #14288  
 four flying north of Adak Island, Alaska sighted a formation of three ligh 1/11/1958 #14820  
                            Umiat, Alaska 350 km east of Umiat, trappers sa 2/1959 #15573  
treaked through the sky over Nome, Alaska on a curved flight trajectory. Th 2/14/1960 #16175  
                             Ekuk, Alaska Dillingham Wright Patterson AFB A 5/19/1960 #16289  
 observers in the village of Ekuk, Alaska, south of Dillingham. It barely c 5/19/1960 #16289  
                          Kotzbue, Alaska Witnesses:  one U.S. Army private 2/25/1962 #17061  
vate and six civilians in Kotzbue, Alaska sighted a red light in the night  2/25/1962 #17062  
     Numerous witnesses in Palmer, Alaska watched two triangular UFOs dive  5/27/1962 #17211  
                    Bt. Anchorage, Alaska & Tachikawa Air Base, Japan Radar 2/11/1965 #18806  
                        Anchorage, Alaska Tachikawa Airfield, Tokyo, Japan  2/11/1965 #18809  
ht F-169) en route from Anchorage, Alaska, to Tachikawa Airfield, Tokyo, Ja 2/11/1965 #18809  
e North Pacific between Anchorage, Alaska and Tachikawa AFB, Japan. The UFO 2/11/1965 #18811  
t of the Russian River near Kenai, Alaska.                                  7/5/1965 #19070  
       Cold Bay Air Force Station, Alaska Witness:  civilian control tower  10/26/1966 #21037  
       Cold Bay Air Force Station, Alaska. No time given. Sometime after da 10/26/1966 #21039  
 same time. (Fairbanks News-Miner, Alaska, 2/14/67, copy in NICAP files.) ( 2/12/1967 #21519  
nt Nyangani, Zimbabwe Mount Hayes, Alaska Mount Ziel in Australia’s Norther 7/9/1974 #29253  
t Nyangani, Zimbabwe; Mount Hayes, Alaska; and Mount Ziel in Australia’s No 7/9/1974 #29253  
gton, D.C. Los Angeles, California Alaska New York City psychic Ingo Swann  2/1975 #29781  
tion, deduced by Swann as possibly Alaska. Along with two twin bodyguards,  2/1975 #29781  
                           Bethel, Alaska Early morning. A witness in Bethe 9/3/1976 #31334  
arly morning. A witness in Bethel, Alaska, hears a high-pitched whine and l 9/3/1976 #31334  
ne in the early morning in Bethel, Alaska, and looked out onto the tundra w 9/3/1976 #31337  
    Seattle, Washington Anchorage, Alaska Middleton Island, Alaska Anchorag 4/23/1977 #32017  
nchorage, Alaska Middleton Island, Alaska Anchorage International Airport 9 4/23/1977 #32017  
Seattle, Washington, to Anchorage, Alaska. About 50 miles east of Middleton 4/23/1977 #32017  
50 miles east of Middleton Island, Alaska, they see a bright white star mov 4/23/1977 #32017  
                           Gulf of Alaska, S. of Seward, AK Object Just Off 7/5/1979 #34648  
   Richardson Highway Summit Lake, Alaska Early evening. Bonnie McCrory and 10/27/1982 #36666  
chardson Highway near Summit Lake, Alaska, when their pickup stops with a f 10/27/1982 #36666  
ike a golf ball, near Summit Lake, Alaska. It changed color to orange, and  10/27/1982 #36667  
                                US Alaska US physicist Bernard Eastlund fil 1/10/1985 #37546  
                       Fort Yukon, Alaska Japan Airlines flight #1628, a Bo 11/17/1986 #38068  
                                NE Alaska, AK JAL Flight 1628 (C), Saturn-s 11/17/1986 #38070  
                       Fort Yukon, Alaska Anchorage Fairbanks 5:10 p.m. Jap 11/17/1986 #38072  
 is in the vicinity of Fort Yukon, Alaska, on its way to Anchorage. The jet 11/17/1986 #38072  
                             NORTH ALASKA, AK Separate JAL crew sees night  1/11/1987 #38097  
                           Gakona, Alaska Wrangell–Saint Elias National Par 1993 #40778  
gins construction north of Gakona, Alaska, just west of Wrangell–Saint Elia 1993 #40778  
the Air Force, Navy, University of Alaska Fairbanks, and DARPA. Its origina 1993 #40778  
 at sea off the coast of Gustavus, Alaska at 10:30 p.m. The object returned 2/12/1995 #42040  
achusetts Clear Air Force Station, Alaska RAF Fylingdales in north Yorkshir 1/31/2001 #44136  
chusetts; Clear Air Force Station, Alaska; RAF Fylingdales in north Yorkshi 1/31/2001 #44136  
om behind a mountain in Anchorage, Alaska at 2:02 p.m. It stopped, then mov 10/8/2006 #44973  
       Pentagon's C Ring Las Vegas Alaska Hawaii The Defense Intelligence A Fall 2007? #45070  
told about a large pyramid beneath Alaska that “might” be suppressing human 9/28/2021 #45711  
 of a large underground pyramid in Alaska between 1959-61. He claimed it wa 9/28/2021 #45711  
## Word: "alaskan" (Back to Top)
emarked, “we often see UFOs on the Alaskan run!”                            2/11/1965 #18803  
quare-mile radio transmitter using Alaskan natural gas to generate current  1/10/1985 #37546  
lerod” to a secret location in the Alaskan wilderness where a triangular UA 3/31/1995 #42130  
## Word: "alassio" (Back to Top)
                                   ALASSIO, ITL 12 / (seen thru) binoculars 8/25/1996 #42994  
## Word: "alava" (Back to Top)
 windows in her home in Alegria de Alava, Spain at 12:40 a.m. in order to r 12/6/1978 #34068  
## Word: "alba" (Back to Top)
                                   ALBA ADRIATICA, ITL Ovoid with halo rota 11/1975 #30530  
oad 11:35 p.m. A friend is driving Alba Dunlap home northbound on Runnymede 3/21/1981 #35871  
unded and the military police from Alba got involved. A motorboat was sent  6/22/2003 #44557  
## Word: "albacete" (Back to Top)
              NORTH / SANTA MARTA, ALBACETE, SP 10M saucer-ring flys about  4/4/1970 #25624  
in Valencia Los Llanos Air Base in Albacete Sagunto Africa 11:00 p.m. Fligh 11/11/1979 #34997  
 the nearby Los Llanos Air Base in Albacete to intercept the object. The pi 11/11/1979 #34997  
il, Grenada Los Llanos Air Base in Albacete, Castilla–La Mancha 4:20 p.m. T 11/17/1979 #35005  
ambled from Los Llanos Air Base in Albacete, Castilla–La Mancha. By the tim 11/17/1979 #35005  
## Word: "albania" (Back to Top)
                          Scutari, Albania (then called Uskudar, a part of  11/2/1885 #271  
## Word: "albanian" (Back to Top)
the CIA in 1949 when it was aiding Albanian resistance fighters.)           10/10/1967 #23204  
## Word: "albans" (Back to Top)
                               ST. ALBANS ABBEY, HERTFS Date exact. Many ob 1/1/1254 #11  
                               St. Albans, West Virginia Dusk. Michael D. S 7/1958 #15129  
his brother Tom are at home in St. Albans, West Virginia, and listening to  7/1958 #15129  
                            In St. Albans, West Virginia a woman saw "Mothm 11/26/1966 #21151  
      Later that same night in St. Albans, West Virginia, 13-year-old Sheil 11/27/1966 #21153  
                               St. Albans, UK Bright yellow sphere hovered  2/9/1973 #27278  
ay between Hemel Hempstead and St. Albans in Hertford, England encountered  2/9/1973 #27279  
## Word: "albany" (Back to Top)
                                   ALBANY, GA 4 observer(s). Big bright pla 6/30/1947 #2479  
                                   ALBANY, OR 2 observer(s). Silver disk go 7/5/1947 #2699  
                                   Albany (near Turner AFB), GA Co-Pilot in 9/22/1948 #3805  
                                   ALBANY, CA Teen. White cone saucer spins 3/29/1950 #4756  
                                   Albany, NY Minimum 3-5 Minute Incident D 2/26/1952 #5932  
 Ohio Turner AFB Naval Air Station Albany Albany, Georgia Wright-Patterson  7/23/1952 #7083  
urner AFB Naval Air Station Albany Albany, Georgia Wright-Patterson AFB Day 7/23/1952 #7083  
 Turner AFB [now Naval Air Station Albany] in Albany, Georgia, observe four 7/23/1952 #7083  
 [now Naval Air Station Albany] in Albany, Georgia, observe four round, flu 7/23/1952 #7083  
                              NEAR ALBANY, GA Project Bluebook Case #2365.  1/28/1953 #8589  
                                   Albany, Georgia Witnesses: radar mainten 1/28/1953 #8599  
 Turner AFB [now Naval Air Station Albany] in Albany, Georgia Dobbins Air R 1/28/1953 #8604  
 [now Naval Air Station Albany] in Albany, Georgia Dobbins Air Reserve Base 1/28/1953 #8604  
 Turner AFB [now Naval Air Station Albany] tower operators in Albany [not D 1/28/1953 #8604  
Station Albany] tower operators in Albany [not Dobbins Air Reserve Base in  1/28/1953 #8604  
                                   ALBANY, NY 2 women. Shiny ovoid follows  10/23/1953 #9248  
                                   ALBANY, NY 3 airline(s)/airliner crews a 6/23/1955 #12207  
                   Utica, New York Albany Boston 12:15 p.m. A Mohawk Airlin 6/23/1955 #12209  
f Utica, New York, on a heading to Albany. Both pilot and copilot see an ob 6/23/1955 #12209  
ed if anyone else had seen it. The Albany control tower also reported that  6/23/1955 #12209  
ictor-2 [airway]. As we approached Albany, we overheard that Boston radar h 6/23/1955 #12209  
                                   Albany, New York Schenectady Griffiss In 4/8/1956 #12803  
 American Airlines Flight 715 from Albany, New York, heading north then nea 4/8/1956 #12803  
 an airliner heading in to land at Albany. The white light moves about 90°  4/8/1956 #12803  
                               NEW ALBANY, MS Cigar-object hovers / 45° ang 7/5/1959 #15815  
vering over the suburb of Menands, Albany County, New York. She also report 8/11/1965 #19368  
only three feet above a roadway in Albany, New York. A blinding bright obje 4/18/1966 #20333  
                           NORTH / ALBANY DOWNS, AUS Silver ovoid just over 3/16/1967 #21896  
                       CONYERS AND ALBANY, GA Several separate observer(s). 11/17/1968 (approximate) #24664  
                                   Albany, GA Glowing yellow-white oval ahe 11/22/1968 #24681  
                                   Albany, GA Oval object beamed light down 11/22/1968 #24688  
down Highway 91 between Newton and Albany, Georgia at 8:10 p.m. when he enc 11/22/1968 #24692  
                            Newton Albany, Georgia 8:05 p.m. An accountant  11/23/1968 #24695  
 along the road between Newton and Albany, Georgia. When he rounds a bend h 11/23/1968 #24695  
                                   ALBANY, GA Man / SR333. Beam into car. O 10/5/1973 #27944  
                                   ALBANY, OH Several and cops. Night light 10/16/1973 #28068  
                                   Albany, Ohio Athens, Ohio 7:30 p.m. Upon 10/16/1973 #28085  
io 7:30 p.m. Upon arriving home at Albany, Ohio, Mary Geddis sees a “ghost- 10/16/1973 #28085  
             Upon arriving home in Albany, Ohio in the evening a woman saw  10/16/1973 #28091  
                                   Albany, OH 7:30 p.m. Upon arriving home, 10/19/1973 #28187  
ple radar confirmation occurred in Albany and Saratoga Counties, New York.  8/20/1974 #29374  
                                   Albany, New York Lake Saratoga Albany Ai 8/20/1975 #30291  
    Albany, New York Lake Saratoga Albany Airport South Glens Falls area La 8/20/1975 #30291  
ng. Police stations in the area of Albany, New York, receive numerous calls 8/20/1975 #30291  
ith it. Air traffic controllers at Albany Airport locate the object on a ra 8/20/1975 #30291  
,000 mph. About five miles outside Albany, the target vanishes. The control 8/20/1975 #30291  
speed. During the same time as the Albany sightings, large discs and bright 8/20/1975 #30291  
                               NEW ALBANY, IN Several observer(s). Cone / l 11/24/1976 #31570  
                       Indiana New Albany, Indiana Kentucky border 10:30 p. 11/24/1976 #31571  
gside his pickup truck outside New Albany, Indiana. It follows him from the 11/24/1976 #31571  
llowed a truck on a highway in New Albany, Indiana at 10:30 p.m. It went aw 11/24/1976 #31572  
                       NORTHEAST / ALBANY, WY Odd orange glow follows 2 / s 1/17/1979 #34352  
                                   Albany, NY While driving home, a woman a 6/10/1982 #36495  
                                   Albany (south of), NY 7:45 PM. A truck d 3/21/1984 #37234  
n Interstate highway I-87 south of Albany saw a delta-shaped UFO that looke 3/21/1984 #37234  
            Interstate 87 south of Albany, New York 7:45 p.m. A truck drive 3/21/1984 #37236  
 driving on Interstate 87 south of Albany, New York, sees a boomerang-shape 3/21/1984 #37236  
n Interstate highway I-87 south of Albany, New York saw a delta-shaped UFO  3/21/1984 #37238  
                               NEW ALBANY, IN 1 observer. Large layer cake  6/19/1987 #38193  
                               NEW ALBANY, IN Phony 747 flies backwards. 60 12/17/1987 #38366  
two people in a car driving in New Albany, Indiana watched a huge, manta ra 3/4/1990 #39447  
                               NEW ALBANY, IN 2 / car. Diamond-shape with l 4/4/1990 #39507  
                                   ALBANY, CA 1 observer. Bizarre rectangle 6/7/1995 #42242  
                                   ALBANY, NY 1 observer. Triangular craft  11/3/1995 #42579  
                        I5 NORTH / ALBANY, OR 1 / reststop. Black delta hum 4/26/1996 #42886  
merang-shaped UFO was spotted over Albany, California at 9:30 p.m.          5/19/2003 #44543  
r the road briefly in Guilderland, Albany County, New York. It had white li 8/11/2004 #44732  
## Word: "albatross" (Back to Top)
                              HMAS Albatross Naval Air Station near Nowra,  8/31/1954 #10218  
us” O’Farrell is returning to HMAS Albatross Naval Air Station near Nowra,  8/31/1954 #10218  
ing at 250 mph. O’Farrell contacts Albatross, which in turn confirms that i 8/31/1954 #10218  
## Word: "albeit" (Back to Top)
strophe. This corroborates Deacon, albeit with no proof.  Franc Milburn, fo 10/2006 #44970  
s been given to him by USG sources albeit with no verification.  Rep. Mike  10/2006 #44970  
## Word: "albemarle" (Back to Top)
                                   ALBEMARLE, NC Hunter. Classic 6m saucer  11/27/1973 (approximate) #28469  
                                   ALBEMARLE, NC Several separate observer( 8/1/1974 #29294  
                On this evening in Albemarle, North Carolina a round, orang 8/1/1974 #29297  
## Word: "albera" (Back to Top)
                                   ALBERA LIGURE, ITL 2 observer(s). Brassy 6/27/1949 #4252  
seen at only 10 meters altitude in Albera Ligure, Italy at 8:20 p.m. It emi 6/27/1949 #4254  
## Word: "alberini" (Back to Top)
remona, Italy Two students, Pietro Alberini and Pericle Sacchi, who were hu 11/2/1954 #11536  
## Word: "alberni" (Back to Top)
                              PORT ALBERNI, BC 2 observer(s). Ducks and chi 4/1947 #2252  
oved towards two witnesses in Port Alberni, British Columbia at 6:00 a.m.,  10/28/2005 #44897  
## Word: "albert" (Back to Top)
                                   Albert Einstein born                     3/14/1879 #216  
      Mars French parapsychologist Albert de Rochas is asked to hypnotize a 1895 #318  
    Manchester, England Afternoon. Albert Alfred Buss is observing the sun  10/10/1914 #920  
nd Eugene Wigner. He has persuaded Albert Einstein to sign it as well. The  8/2/1939 #1313  
thumberland England North Sea Pvt. Albert Lancashire, 27, is standing guard Late Summer 1942 #1440  
an named Nelson, A. C. Butler, and Albert Profitt) are driving 2 miles sout 9/1944 #1662  
 Edwards AFB California USAAF Col. Albert Boyd reaches a world airspeed rec 6/19/1947 #2342  
 Ranch Twin Falls, Idaho 1:00 p.m. Albert Clarence Urie and his two sons Bi 8/13/1947 #3320  
ay. USAF VHF DF Operator and pilot Albert R. Pickering, Detachment 733, 103 1/7/1948 #3546  
Truettner (T-2 engineer), and Col. Albert Deyarmond (analyst in Intelligenc 1/22/1948 #3563  
 Cabell. Written by Sign operative Albert Deyarmond, it is overtly submissi 11/8/1948 #3871  
                         Scientist Albert Collins claims he worked on elect 1949 #3947  
authored by Lawrence Truettner and Albert B. Deyarmond and approved by Col. 2/11/1949 #4003  
S aircraft “in embryo stage.” Rep. Albert J. Engel (R-Mich.) thinks the sam 4/5/1950 #4799  
VADM Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, Gen. Albert Coady Wedemeyer, USMC Maj. Donald 1952 #5843  
ield, Massachusetts 3:00 p.m. Rev. Albert Baller is sitting in a train at t 2/20/1952 #5915  
ith visits Air Force UFO spokesman Albert M. Chop. AMC claims it is investi 3/3/1952 #5942  
r Julius Adams Stratton, physicist Albert G. Hill, and chemical engineer Wa 4/1952 #6010  
           Bridgeport, Connecticut Albert K. Bender, a factory worker in Br 4/1952 #6011  
Plunkett forms a British branch of Albert K. Bender’s International Flying  Summer 1952 #6580  
s speed away. USAF press spokesman Albert M. Chop is in the airport radar t 7/26/1952 #7174  
ss: Ground Observer Corps observer Albert Lathrop. Two objects, shaped like 8/19/1952 #7647  
.m. Ground Observer Corps observer Albert Lathrop sees two objects shaped l 8/19/1952 #7649  
nia Ground Observer Corps observer Albert Lathrop sighted two objects shape 8/19/1952 #7652  
   Palomar Gardens Café California Albert and Betty Bailey go to the Paloma Late 8/1952 #7734  
RAF 269 Squadron (Master Signaller Albert Thomson, Sgt. Flight Engineer Tho 9/19/1952 #7980  
               The first number of Albert K. Bender’s Space Review is publi 10/1952 #8072  
ratton indicates that Lab Director Albert G. Hill should organize the study 12/2/1952 #8363  
ay be from another planet. Signed, Albert M. Chop, Air Force Press Desk.    1/26/1953 #8569  
Holt & Co. Air Force Press Officer Albert M. Chop writes a letter to Keyhoe 1/26/1953 #8574  
                                   Albert K. Bender appoints Gray Barker as 2/1953 #8625  
   USAF Public Information Officer Albert M. Chop claims the CIA “killed” a 2/9/1953 #8656  
   Pentagon Pentagon press officer Albert M. Chop writes to Maj. Donald E.  2/25/1953 #8703  
tales, and the latest rumors about Albert K. Bender. It continues through O 9/1953 #9133  
            South Pole Los Angeles Albert K. Bender confides to Gray Barker 9/28/1953 #9186  
al issue of Space Review edited by Albert K. Bender states that UFOs are “n 10/1953 #9197  
metime before midnight 15-year-old Albert Geraud was on his bicycle on rout 10/18/1954 #11224  
                     Princeton, NJ Albert Einstein dies                     4/18/1955 #12095  
estselling book about the supposed Albert K. Bender mystery and his encount 1956 #12634  
ard J. Ruppelt, Dewey Fournet, and Albert M. Chop assist in the production. 5/3/1956 #12828  
   Kilburn Estate District 21 King Albert Park Singapore 8:20 p.m. Physicia 7/26/1956 #13021  
n Estate, in District 21 near King Albert Park, Singapore. They dart about  7/26/1956 #13021  
er), Frank Edwards, Leon C. LeVan, Albert H. Baller, Charles A. Maney, Talb 10/19/1956 #13286  
 powered X-15 flight is piloted by Albert Scott Crossfield out of the Dryde 9/17/1959 #15981  
 are nonsense.” NICAP board member Albert Baller writes: “If the UFOs are b 2/27/1960 #16186  
tin E. Vigil, David Kingsbury, and Albert Vega) investigate and find the gr 4/26/1964 #18209  
y, Queensland, Australia, owned by Albert Pennisi. Pedley’s attention is dr 1/19/1966 #19858  
of the US” on its radar. USAF Maj. Albert Morse of NORAD spacetrack network 5/10/1966 #20474  
ut 12:00 noon. Electrical engineer Albert Fulton and superintendent Sherman Mid 8/1967 #22882  
area where the objects were seen. (Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Data 8/12/1968 #24317  
ilvery outfit was seen to emerge. (Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Data 8/12/1968 #24318  
olla Bay, Sonora, Mexico 9:00 p.m. Albert Formiller is fishing for bass in  11/5/1970 #25902  
olation of the agreement, to Judge Albert Vickers Bryan Jr. of the US Distr 3/1972 #26584  
           Beltsville, MD Lawrence Albert sighted a solid, spherical, evenl 11/11/1975 #30605  
ry far from his location. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Data 4/23/1976 #31016  
ing a loud humming sound. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Data 2/17/1977 #31824  
re strange looking boots. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Data 4/12/1977 #31974  
mes where his mother was. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Data 4/25/1977 #32024  
T: Italian UFO catalogue, case 93; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Data 5/5/1977 #32057  
veralls with green belts. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Data 8/3/1977 #32350  
:00 a.m. Former USAF UFO spokesman Albert M. Chop and his wife and daughter 1/1/1979 #34275  
ead of INSCOM at the time was Gen. Albert Stubblebine, who utilized the Mon 1983 #36738  
nnected to the group are Maj. Gen. Albert Stubblebine, Jack Houck (Boeing), 5/20/1985 #37590  
n and others in 1990 and Maj. Gen. Albert Stubblebine referred to during th 3/9/1992 #40368  
d into a hotel room with Maj. Gen. Albert Stubblebine and people who were “ 3/9/1992 #40369  
                         Maj. Gen. Albert Stubblebine III, when he was reti 5/22/1992 #40470  
tor Harrison Schmitt, psychologist Albert Harrison, and Christopher (Kit) G 12/1995 #42635  
## Word: "alberta" (Back to Top)
wift Current, Saskatchewan Irvine, Alberta Medicine Hat, Alberta 1:10 a.m.  10/27/1910 #850  
ewan Irvine, Alberta Medicine Hat, Alberta 1:10 a.m. An airship with a powe 10/27/1910 #850  
Saskatchewan. Observers at Irvine, Alberta, see it at 4:45 a.m. going west. 10/27/1910 #850  
. It is also seen at Medicine Hat, Alberta, flying southwest.               10/27/1910 #850  
 At 3:00 p.m. a woman in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada saw a small silver color 7/1/1947 #2529  
                      Peace River, Alberta, CAN Bright orange flaming egg-s 11/17/1948 #3878  
                          Calgary, Alberta During a launch of a pibal ballo 6/8/1952 #6470  
nch of a pibal balloon at Calgary, Alberta, a silvery ellipse with a sharp  6/8/1952 #6470  
 the northwest horizon of Calgary, Alberta for ten minutes. It too shot awa 1/1/1953 #8495  
mental Station [now CFB Suffield], Alberta After RCAF pilots fail to interc 1954 #9423  
mental Station [now CFB Suffield], Alberta. All RCAF planes and commercial  1954 #9423  
nadian Rockies, near Fort MacLeod, Alberta photographed in color "an intens 8/23/1956 #13125  
                      Ft. Macleod, Alberta, CAN RCAF Pilot Photographs Obje 8/27/1956 #13138  
rce Canadian Rockies Fort Macleod, Alberta 7:20 p.m. Royal Canadian Air For 8/27/1956 #13140  
anadian Rockies near Fort Macleod, Alberta. He is flying at 36,000 feet in  8/27/1956 #13140  
                          Sibbald, Alberta 7:00 p.m. Edna Ireland is drivin 11/3/1957 #14250  
ing with two friends near Sibbald, Alberta, when a blinking light appears i 11/3/1957 #14250  
           RCAF Station Cold Lake, Alberta Victoria, British Columbia Calga 5/13/1958 #15031  
ictoria, British Columbia Calgary, Alberta 12:15 p.m. A Royal Canadian Air  5/13/1958 #15031  
 flying to RCAF Station Cold Lake, Alberta, from Victoria, British Columbia 5/13/1958 #15031  
out 25 miles southwest of Calgary, Alberta, a large, thick, black cloud sud 5/13/1958 #15031  
                         Edmonton, Alberta, CAN Brown, cigar-shaped object  6/18/1959 #15776  
                         Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Witnesses: A. Cavelli an 6/18/1959 #15777  
 awoke at 3:30 a.m. in Wetaskiwin, Alberta, Canada to see two beings in her 8/8/1961 #16786  
                       Lethbridge, Alberta Two teenage boys in Lethbridge,  11/30/1962 #17565  
ta Two teenage boys in Lethbridge, Alberta, see an elliptical object hoveri 11/30/1962 #17565  
                         Cochrane, Alberta Circle J Ranch 9:30 a.m. Bill He Mid 10/1965 #19659  
 the Circle J Ranch near Cochrane, Alberta, is on his horse in a pasture wh Mid 10/1965 #19659  
ue River, British Columbia Jasper, Alberta A witness driving between Blue R 5/22/1966 #20507  
ver, British Columbia, and Jasper, Alberta, sees a gray object the size of  5/22/1966 #20507  
                         Edmonton, Alberta, CAN 9:00 p.m. MST (8:00 p.m.).  2/27/1967 #21676  
vered over a hospital in Edmonton, Alberta. It was white on top and red on  2/27/1967 #21678  
                                   Alberta, CAN G,V, civil & mil radar, air 3/6/1967 #21775  
                         Edmonton, Alberta, CAN Object paced airliner (rada 4/6/1967 #22076  
Pacific Western Airlines Edmonton, Alberta, International Airport 9:45 p.m. 4/6/1967 #22081  
y. Confirmed by radar at Edmonton, Alberta, International Airport.          4/6/1967 #22081  
ern airliner flying near Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and then sped away. The 4/6/1967 #22084  
                         Edmonton, Alberta, CAN 2:00 a.m. MST. A 14-year-ol 5/7/1967 #22292  
                         Edmonton, Alberta Mount Pleasant Cemetery 2:00 a.m 5/7/1967 #22294  
en lights for 4 hours in Edmonton, Alberta, in the Mount Pleasant Cemetery. 5/7/1967 #22294  
itude over a cemetery in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada at around 2:00 a.m. It w 5/7/1967 #22297  
                         St. Paul, Alberta Canada The town of St. Paul, Alb 6/3/1967 #22457  
berta Canada The town of St. Paul, Alberta, officially dedicates a UFO land 6/3/1967 #22457  
                          Calgary, Alberta, CAN Dr. J. Allen Hynek stated:  7/3/1967 #22597  
  Highwood Ranger Station Calgary, Alberta Canada American Colorado 5:30 p. 7/3/1967 #22600  
on, 50 miles southwest of Calgary, Alberta, take two color photos of a dayl 7/3/1967 #22600  
                          Duhamel, Alberta CFB Namao [now CFB Edmonton] Def 8/5/1967 #22815  
r in his cow pasture near Duhamel, Alberta. A UFO group from Edmonton visit 8/5/1967 #22815  
                       In Duhamel, Alberta, Canada four rings created by pr 8/5/1967 #22817  
ocycle two miles north of Lacombe, Alberta, Canada was chased by a red UFO  8/23/1967 #22909  
                       Drumheller, Alberta, CAN Time not reported. A couple 9/1967 #22966  
                            Taber, Alberta, CAN Evening. A truck driver saw 9/1967 #22968  
        Highway 36 south of Taber, Alberta Evan Evanson, 18, is returning h Early 9/1967 #22983  
ruck on Highway 36 south of Taber, Alberta, when his engine heats up and he Early 9/1967 #22983  
spberry Ridge station Mount Burke, Alberta Highwood Ranger Station 1:00 a.m 9/18/1967 #23085  
ry Ridge station near Mount Burke, Alberta. He hears a strange pulsating so 9/18/1967 #23085  
 o'clock in the morning in Nanton, Alberta, Canada and then saw an object g 9/18/1967 #23086  
                                   Alberta Raspberry Ridge Lookout Station  10/7/1967 #23189  
Raspberry Ridge Lookout Station in Alberta when the cabin lights begin to f 10/7/1967 #23189  
                 Bow River Forest, Alberta, CAN Time not reported. A forest 10/10/1967 #23202  
ut in Bow River Provincial Forest, Alberta, Canada saw an oval object with  10/10/1967 #23206  
              Highway 2 Aldersyde, Alberta 8:00 p.m. Nora Tibbs is driving  10/11/1967 #23217  
iving on Highway 2 near Aldersyde, Alberta, when the headlights, radio, and 10/11/1967 #23217  
        At 7:50 p.m. in Aldersyde, Alberta, Canada an oval-shaped UFO with  10/11/1967 #23218  
                Elnora and Mirror, Alberta bt., CAN 1:50 a.m. A locomotive  10/13/1967 #23232  
                     Medicine Hat, Alberta, CAN 9:45 p.m. MDT. Five teenage 10/19/1967 #23270  
                          Calgary, Alberta University of Alberta 6:00 p.m.  11/17/1967 #23477  
    Calgary, Alberta University of Alberta 6:00 p.m. David Seewaldt, 13, is 11/17/1967 #23477  
 crossing a vacant lot in Calgary, Alberta. He hears a high-pitched sound a 11/17/1967 #23477  
 a Dr. Masson of the University of Alberta.                                 11/17/1967 #23477  
                          Calgary, Alberta, CAN 5:45 p.m. MST. While walkin 11/19/1967 #23481  
    At 10:20 p.m. near High River, Alberta, Canada a car radio began fading 11/28/1967 #23520  
                         Edmonton, Alberta, CAN Dome-shaped object hovering 12/13/1967 #23579  
                         Edmonton, Alberta 2:00 a.m. As a man is driving ne 12/13/1967 #23581  
As a man is driving near Edmonton, Alberta, his car lights dim and engine s 12/13/1967 #23581  
       At 2:00 a.m. near Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, the lights of a car dim 12/13/1967 #23582  
                      Three Hills, Alberta Calgary Airport 7:25 a.m. Two fa 1/15/1968 #23666  
 driving a truck near Three Hills, Alberta, see an object that looks “like  1/15/1968 #23666  
                     small town in Alberta Morning. Barbara Smyth, a teache 2/18/1969 #24928  
myth, a teacher in a small town in Alberta, is driving to school when she s 2/18/1969 #24928  
as out walking his dog in Calgary, Alberta when he saw a circular object wi 4/26/1969 #25096  
d that shook the building in Olds, Alberta, Canada. Looking out a window, h 7/1/1969 #25244  
                             Abee, Alberta 3:30 p.m. Sylvia Annola, 10, see 7/16/1969 #25274  
ll on her family’s farm near Abee, Alberta. She looks directly at the objec 7/16/1969 #25274  
ing fourteen miles west of Ponoka, Alberta, Canada had a similar UFO close  8/5/1969 #25311  
f the size of a cabin" near Banff, Alberta, Canada. It had four windows thr 9/25/1970 #25851  
en-year-old David McTrow of Banff, Alberta, Canada saw a green, domed disc  9/25/1970 #25853  
                         Rosedale, Alberta Evening. Esther Clappison sees a 6/9/1971 #26162  
t through her windows in Rosedale, Alberta, and goes out onto her porch and 6/9/1971 #26162  
Miss Esther Clappison or Rosedale, Alberta noticed a light outside her home 6/9/1971 #26165  
ject in an oilfield in Drumheller, Alberta, Canada at 4:30 p.m. It was not  9/23/1971 #26369  
vily wooded area near Beaver Lake, Alberta, Canada a man felt compelled to  8/6/1972 #26882  
                              Utah Alberta Missoula, Montana 2:29 p.m. An e 8/10/1972 #26892  
hward, leaving the atmosphere over Alberta. It is seen by many people and r 8/10/1972 #26892  
 near a farm east of Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada a man saw a bright light 12/31/1973 #28623  
        Provincial Highway 2 Olds, Alberta 7:30 p.m. Jesse and Johanna Chil 11/5/1974 #29586  
on Provincial Highway 2 near Olds, Alberta, when they see a disc about 9 fe 11/5/1974 #29586  
                         Redwater, Alberta (north of), CAN 40' Object Cause 11/5/1975 #30557  
                           Bowden, Alberta (10 mi south of), CAN 9:50 p.m.  11/5/1975 #30559  
t flying 10 miles south of Bowden, Alberta. Mr. Morrow was proceeding north 11/5/1975 #30559  
                         Redwater, Alberta 12:30 a.m. Jim Divall is driving 11/5/1975 #30561  
vall is driving north of Redwater, Alberta, when he comes upon a large, bla 11/5/1975 #30561  
                                   Alberta Highway 46 Highway 63 Boyle, Alb 12/15/1976 #31604  
berta Highway 46 Highway 63 Boyle, Alberta 7:00 a.m. Arnold Barker is drivi 12/15/1976 #31604  
 Arnold Barker is driving south on Alberta Highway 46 [now Highway 63] near 12/15/1976 #31604  
63] nearly 3 miles south of Boyle, Alberta, when he sees two bright flashin 12/15/1976 #31604  
                         Edmonton, Alberta Chris Jensen farm 27 miles north Mid 8/1977 #32401  
n farm 27 miles north of Edmonton, Alberta Between 2:00 and 3:00 p.m. Canut Mid 8/1977 #32401  
n farm 27 miles north of Edmonton, Alberta. They are taking photos when the Mid 8/1977 #32401  
                         Edmonton, Alberta CFB Edmonton 9:30 p.m. Brian Mos 2/2/1978 #32946  
ing in a neighborhood of Edmonton, Alberta, when he sees a car-sized object 2/2/1978 #32946  
                          Calgary, Alberta 8–9 miles northwest of Calgary,  4/2/1978 #33120  
ta 8–9 miles northwest of Calgary, Alberta 1:40 p.m. Warren Smith is 8–9 mi 4/2/1978 #33120  
is 8–9 miles northwest of Calgary, Alberta, when his border collie starts r 4/2/1978 #33120  
                      Bragg Creek, Alberta, Can Late in the evening four wi 11/11/1978 #33944  
traveling by car near Bragg Creek, Alberta on a snowy night noticed a brigh 11/11/1978 #33946  
                          Therien, Alberta 4:30 a.m. A pilot and two other  12/20/1979 #35088  
itnesses are driving near Therien, Alberta, when they see an elongated obje 12/20/1979 #35088  
          Four children in Granum, Alberta, Canada at about 10 p.m. observe 8/30/1991 #40174  
          On the same night as the Alberta sighting in Blairsville, Pennsyl 8/30/1991 #40175  
      A 15-year-old girl in Taber, Alberta saw a large black disc outside h 7/6/1992 #40514  
.m. three witnesses in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada saw several dark triangu 8/11/1993 #41130  
                 North Lethbridge, Alberta 12:30 a.m. Two friends are watch 8/12/1993 #41133  
k school yard in North Lethbridge, Alberta, when they see a dark, gray-blac 8/12/1993 #41133  
     On the outskirts of Edmonton, Alberta a large shining ball of light de 4/22/1994 #41500  
f smoke in the sky over Gull Lake, Alberta, Canada and stopped dead; it the 8/10/1994 #41668  
-shaped object flew over Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. It had a large light wi 9/6/1994 #41719  
                Highway 16 Nojack, Alberta Two witnesses driving along High 7/3/1997 #43345  
ving along Highway 16 near Nojack, Alberta, see a “black ring” with faint l 7/3/1997 #43345  
                     Lac La Biche, Alberta Night. Two witnesses are driving 11/13/1997 #43440  
re driving home near Lac La Biche, Alberta, when they see a diamond-shaped  11/13/1997 #43440  
le shaped UFO was seen in Calgary, Alberta, Canada at 1:30 a.m. The witness 8/29/1998 #43639  
                       In Calgary, Alberta, Canada two witnesses observed a 8/1/1999 #43817  
iangular object over Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada; it made sharp turns ove 8/26/1999 #43836  
ar object as it hovered over Gunn, Alberta, Canada at 10:05 p.m. The colors 8/25/2000 #44033  
n back surface flew over Irricana, Alberta, Canada making a low humming sou 2/27/2001 #44143  
                          Calgary, Alberta 6:30 p.m. An irregularly shaped  3/11/2001 #44149  
e wind above a witness in Calgary, Alberta, who manages to take a photograp 3/11/2001 #44149  
                          Etzikom, Alberta University of Lethbridge Departm 4/1/2001 #44156  
rite Brethren Colony near Etzikom, Alberta, see a brilliant fireball fallin 4/1/2001 #44156  
                       In Manning, Alberta, Canada at 12:30 a.m. two witnes 8/25/2001 #44246  
                       In Calgary, Alberta three witnesses reported a trian 9/9/2001 #44255  
                   In Beaverlodge, Alberta, Canada two children saw a white 11/13/2001 #44275  
 Canadian army base near Edmonton, Alberta at 1:30 a.m.                     7/6/2002 #44355  
clear and windless night in Leduc, Alberta, Canada. He saw three points of  9/15/2002 #44397  
                       Villeneuve, Alberta 10:30 p.m. Two witnesses in Vill 1/31/2003 #44482  
 p.m. Two witnesses in Villeneuve, Alberta, watch a large white object desc 1/31/2003 #44482  
ield and farmhouses in Villeneuve, Alberta, Canada. There were two witnesse 1/31/2003 #44483  
from work at 1:00 a.m. in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and as he came out of an 4/18/2003 #44515  
descended out of sight in Airdrie, Alberta, Canada at 11:20 p.m.            9/15/2003 #44603  
                          Airdrie, Alberta 1:00 p.m. Three people in Airdri 12/24/2003 #44632  
1:00 p.m. Three people in Airdrie, Alberta, watch a chrome-colored “marble” 12/24/2003 #44632  
orth to the southwest in Westlock, Alberta, Canada at 11:10 p.m. It seemed  9/11/2004 #44754  
 close range northeast of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. They buzzed the car onl 3/5/2005 #44819  
ouse they occupied in Bragg Creek, Alberta, Canada. They looked outside and 1/30/2006 #44920  
orts from Nova Scotia, Ontario and Alberta, Canada on this day. At 1:00 a.m 8/20/2006 #44956  
his day. At 1:00 a.m. in Edmonton, Alberta rotating lights were seen on a w 8/20/2006 #44956  
ect was sighted over High Prairie, Alberta, Canada at 6:00 p.m. It had two  12/5/2006 #44990  
ects were photographed in Calgary, Alberta, Canada several times as they we 9/13/2007 #45056  
ed over the witness in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada for this close encounter 8/15/2008 #45158  
 at first, was sighted in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. It then headed off the  9/6/2008 #45166  
angular object flew over Edmonton, Alberta, Canada at 12:35 a.m. It reporte 9/30/2008 #45172  
ree witnesses in a car in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and then hovered for awh 11/30/2008 #45194  
          Cincinnati area Calgary, Alberta Saskatchewan Day. A Cargojet fli 11/17/2018 #45546  
om the Cincinnati area to Calgary, Alberta, observes bright lights high abo 11/17/2018 #45546  
a's north Atlantic coast Edmonton, Alberta High Prairie, Alberta Winnipeg,  11/21/2018 #45548  
st Edmonton, Alberta High Prairie, Alberta Winnipeg, Manitoba Morning. The  11/21/2018 #45548  
ll phone tower” near High Prairie, Alberta. This time, CADS responds by not 11/21/2018 #45548  
## Word: "albertan" (Back to Top)
to the sky and flew away. (Ca/gary Albertan, 10/18/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP 9/1967 #22966  
## Word: "albertine" (Back to Top)
0 p.m. Orrin Williams and his wife Albertine, along with Mr, and Mrs. Cecil 7/7/1947 #2939  
## Word: "alberto" (Back to Top)
 Maggiore 1:00 p.m. UFO researcher Alberto Perego is driving past the churc 10/30/1954 #11492  
rict above Vatican City 11:00 a.m. Alberto Perego is in the Tuscolana distr 11/6/1954 #11585  
      At 11:00 a.m. in the morning Alberto Perego watched about 100 white s 11/6/1954 #11586  
district of Rome, Italy 11:30 a.m. Alberto Perego is returning from the Tus 11/7/1954 #11589  
 Castel Gandolfo, Italy 11:30 a.m. Alberto Perego watches even more formati 11/12/1954 #11628  
writes to retired Italian diplomat Alberto Perego that he is most intereste 2/26/1957 #13514  
 Martinez, and one of his drivers, Alberto Gallegos, sees a UFO approach th 11/6/1957 #14419  
 Lou Zinsstag, meets with diplomat Alberto Perego and Mario Maioli at Risto 6/13/1959 #15768  
, Peru Several tourists, including Alberto Ugarte and Elwin Voter, observed 8/20/1965 #19438  
tourists in Cuzco, Peru, including Alberto Ugarte and Elwin Voter, observed 8/20/1965 #19443  
righter. Plant director Col. Jorge Alberto Silveira Martins calls the Army  3/12/1966 #19954  
d his 14-year-old assistant Carlos Alberto do Nascimento, were in an eighth 11/24/1967 #23508  
           Salvador, Bahia, Brazil Alberto Romero founds Grupo de Pesquisas 1972 #26531  
pital Ferroviario 3:30 a.m. Carlos Alberto Diaz is walking home from a bus  1/4/1975 #29715  
n Space Agency, amateur astronomer Alberto Caballero identifies a Sun-like  8/15/1977 #32402  
dro Heslop of Austral Airlines and Alberto Paracampo of Aerolineas Argentin 10/31/1981 #36197  
st, John Child, Mercedes Carrasco, Alberto Borras, Trinidad Pastrana, Sean  11/5/2010 #45305  
## Word: "alberton" (Back to Top)
                                   Alberton, South Australia A couple captu 5/1967 #22258  
of footage of an unusual object at Alberton, South Australia. The UFO is en 5/1967 #22258  
## Word: "albertville" (Back to Top)
                                In Albertville, Minnesota a 5-6 foot wide d 9/13/1992 #40620  
                     GERALDINE AND ALBERTVILLE, AL AND MORE/OTHERS Saucer a 2/2/1993 #40834  
## Word: "albi" (Back to Top)
                                   ALBI, FR 2 observer(s). Brilliant red 10 9/13/1981 #36113  
## Word: "albias" (Back to Top)
                                   ALBIAS, FR 1 / car. 3M saucer on legs /  9/28/1954 (approximate) #10483  
                  At 11:45 p.m. in Albias, Tarn-Garonne department, France  9/28/1954 #10492  
## Word: "albin" (Back to Top)
s a question to Prime Minister Per Albin Hansson, asking what action the go 1/27/1934 #1197  
## Word: "albinia" (Back to Top)
                                   ALBINIA, ITL Numerous motorists. Luminou 12/23/1978 #34198  
er disc was sighted over a road in Albinia, Tuscany, Italy. It moved off ov 12/23/1978 #34199  
## Word: "albino" (Back to Top)
inside a room with a tall blond or albino woman who wore a long gown. She w 1/23/1976 #30817  
nside. His eyes were pink "like an albino rabbit," and were so penetrating  11/14/1976 #31549  
                                   ALBINO, ITL 2 / (seen thru) binoculars.  1/6/1979 #34307  
## Word: "albinos" (Back to Top)
t. 6 in. tall hooded human-looking albinos. Following the incident John had 10/27/1974 #29561  
## Word: "albion" (Back to Top)
                      ELBA TO/FROM ALBION, ID 5 / car. Dark object going no 7/12/1947 #3154  
                           SOUTH / ALBION, IL 4 / car and several / farm. S 11/22/1956 #13344  
                                   Albion, Michigan 7:50 p.m. Donald Shive, 10/19/1980 #35576  
two children are driving west near Albion, Michigan, when they see an objec 10/19/1980 #35576  
## Word: "albiosc" (Back to Top)
                                   ALBIOSC, FR Anonymous doctor. Famous pho 3/23/1974 #28933  
                                   Albiosc, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France 3/23/1974 #28937  
dly photographs an odd object near Albiosc, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France 3/23/1974 #28937  
## Word: "albiosco" (Back to Top)
                                   Albiosco, France Albiosco, France (NICAP 3/23/1974 #28934  
                  Albiosco, France Albiosco, France (NICAP: 08 - Photograph 3/23/1974 #28934  
## Word: "alborache" (Back to Top)
                                   ALBORACHE, SPAIN 1+dog. Blinding object  7/30/1975 #30214  
## Word: "albornoz" (Back to Top)
 Neuquen Province, Arg Jose Fermin Albornoz, an illiterate shephard, awoke  2/18/1981 #35831  
                       Jose Fermin Albornoz, an illiterate shephard, awoke  2/18/1981 #35832  
om the area, apparently terrified. Albornoz said the spherical light was bl 2/18/1981 #35832  
## Word: "albq" (Back to Top)
                  LA CODEROSA WITH ALBQ, SP Night light lands. Foresters th 3/22/1968 #23856  
         KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE / ALBQ, NM All RADAR's out / 5+hours. Unid 8/13/1980 #35457  
## Word: "albufeira" (Back to Top)
                   Hotel Da Balaia Albufeira, Portugal 5:00 a.m. Teresa de  8/10/1976 #31251  
her room at the Hotel Da Balaia in Albufeira, Portugal, and sees a vivid lu 8/10/1976 #31251  
 holiday at the Hotel Da Balaia in Albufeira, Algarve, Portugal and had gon 8/10/1976 #31252  
## Word: "albufiera" (Back to Top)
                                   ALBUFIERA, PORT 2 observer(s). Phony bui 8/10/1976 #31248  
## Word: "album" (Back to Top)
ontactee Howard Menger releases an album of “Authentic Music from Another P 1957 #13431  
ck Hilberg start publishing Saucer Album in Cleveland, Ohio. It becomes UFO Summer 1963 #17801  
note to his 1974 Walls and Bridges album.                                   8/23/1974 #29379  
t depicted on Mike Oldfield’s 1973 album Tubular Bells.                     7/26/2007 #45040  
## Word: "albuquerque" (Back to Top)
fins moves trees. No trace found / Albuquerque Journal 29 Jun. '47.         9/11/1946 #2174  
limp / 150mph over mountain-top. / Albuquerque Journal 29 Jun. '47.         6/22/1947 #2362  
southeast across sky. / Gallup and Albuquerque Journal 20 Jun. '47.         6/25/1947 #2407  
n over town going quickly south. / Albuquerque Journal-27 Jun. '47.         6/25/1947 #2409  
bject streaks by. Lands on hill. / Albuquerque Journal 2 Jul. '47. / r15p15 6/27/1947 #2421  
uickly southeast. / Gallup Ind and Albuquerque Journal 01 Jul. '47. / r187# 6/27/1947 #2426  
s were the radarmen at Roswell and Albuquerque. (R.G.: Interestingly, this  7/1/1947 #2501  
                                   ALBUQUERQUE, NM Many observer(s). 13 sil 7/1/1947 #2514  
                                   Albuquerque, New Mexico Night. Albuquerq 7/1/1947 #2520  
    Albuquerque, New Mexico Night. Albuquerque, New Mexico, Chamber of Comm 7/1/1947 #2520  
exico Kirtland Air Force Base near Albuquerque Alamogordo White Sands Missi 7/1/1947 #2524  
ne at Kirtland Air Force Base near Albuquerque allegedly track an object “f 7/1/1947 #2524  
lver disc-shaped objects flew over Albuquerque, New Mexico. They flew first 7/1/1947 #2533  
                                   ALBUQUERQUE, NM 1 observer. 5 saucers go 7/5/1947 #2683  
                                   Albuquerque, NM 9:00 AM. Five discs flew 7/5/1947 #2717  
d Fort Stanton Lincoln, New Mexico Albuquerque Fort Stanton cemetery 10:00  7/5/1947 #2722  
lph Lovelace II travels there from Albuquerque to examine the survivor, who 7/5/1947 #2722  
                                   Albuquerque, New Mexico - Five discs fle 7/5/1947 #2728  
ng quickly south fast. / letter to Albuquerque Journal 9 Jul. '47.          7/6/1947 #2770  
                                   ALBUQUERQUE, NM 7+observer(s) / cafe. 2  7/9/1947 #3033  
  Two small saucers were seen over Albuquerque, New Mexico on this day. One 7/9/1947 #3072  
                                   ALBUQUERQUE, NM Scientist / university o 7/27/1948 #3745  
                                   Albuquerque, NM AFOSI Case 3: 08:33-08:4 7/27/1948 #3746  
versity of New Mexico scientist in Albuquerque, New Mexico saw a flat metal 7/27/1948 #3748  
                                   Albuquerque, NM AFOSI Case 9; Commercial 12/5/1948 #3908  
 Las Vegas, New Mexico Sandia Peak Albuquerque Pioneer Airlines Flight 63 9 12/5/1948 #3909  
 C-47 passes 20 miles northeast of Albuquerque. Capt. Ernest Van Lloyd and  12/5/1948 #3909  
                                   Albuquerque, NM AFOSI Case 10; AESS Obse 12/6/1948 #3911  
                       Sandia Base Albuquerque, New Mexico 10:55 p.m. Atomi 12/6/1948 #3914  
of the moon at Sandia Base outside Albuquerque, New Mexico. It is visible f 12/6/1948 #3914  
                     Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, New Mexico Two AFOSI office 12/8/1948 #3918  
 flying a T-7 out of Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, New Mexico, at 5,000 feet w 12/8/1948 #3918  
                     Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, NM AFOSI Case 16: 17:50 - b 1/6/1949 #3965  
                     Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, New Mexico 5:30 p.m. PFC Ev 1/6/1949 #3967  
 Ordnance section at Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, New Mexico. It is about 1,5 1/6/1949 #3967  
. Sightings reported from El Paso, Albuquerque, Alamogordo, Roswell, Socorr 1/31/1949 #3986  
  UCLA University of New Mexico in Albuquerque Sandia Base UCLA geophysicis 2/8/1949 #3998  
at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. He finds LaPaz’s understand 2/8/1949 #3998  
                                   Albuquerque, NM AFOSI Case 24; time unkn 2/17/1949 #4013  
          University of New Mexico Albuquerque, New Mexico Sandia Base, New 2/17/1949 #4015  
evation for less than 6 minutes in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The object is f 2/17/1949 #4015  
                                   Albuquerque, NM AFOSI Case 40; 21:55 - B 3/13/1949 #4043  
                                   Albuquerque, NM AFOSI Case 51; 19:30 - w 4/12/1949 #4088  
                AFOSI headquarters Albuquerque, New Mexico Lt. Col. Doyle R 4/25/1949 #4109  
response, Joseph Kaplan arrives in Albuquerque, New Mexico, having been dir 4/25/1949 #4109  
                                   Albuquerque, NM AFOSI Case 58; 22:15 - B 4/30/1949 #4133  
 Base, Texas Sandia Mountains near Albuquerque, New Mexico The Fourth Army’ 5/19/1949 #4196  
 post in the Sandia Mountains near Albuquerque, New Mexico. It is equipped  5/19/1949 #4196  
                                   Albuquerque, NM AFOSI Case 76; 01:38 - r 6/27/1949 #4253  
          Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico 5:49 p.m. Civil  11/27/1949 #4427  
cond over Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico.                 11/27/1949 #4427  
 Kirtland AFB McIntosh, New Mexico Albuquerque 6:00 p.m. Kirtland AFB Deput 11/27/1949 #4428  
sees a green fireball descend near Albuquerque.                             11/27/1949 #4428  
                                   ALBUQUERQUE, NM Airport weathermen with  2/24/1950 #4549  
                                   Albuquerque, NM UAO observed over Los Al 2/24/1950 #4551  
                                   Albuquerque, New Mexico Witnesses: Munic 2/24/1950 #4553  
ht up in the sky. At 1:55 p.m. two Albuquerque, New Mexico Municipal Airpor 2/24/1950 #4555  
nes jammed / calls. Also Hobbs and Albuquerque / NM.                        3/16/1950 #4653  
                     Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, NM 4925th Test Group Sees U 3/21/1950 #4694  
                     Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, NM 4925th Test Group Sees U 3/22/1950 #4700  
 Saucer inside? Separate saucers / Albuquerque and Walker Air Force Base.   9/17/1950 #5180  
                              EAST ALBUQUERQUE, NM Sandia guard&family. Fly 8/25/1951 #5620  
                                   Albuquerque, NM Wife saw a flying wing-s 8/25/1951 #5621  
                                   Albuquerque, New Mexico Witnesses: Sandi 8/25/1951 #5623  
                  Sandia Base east Albuquerque, New Mexico Around 9:58 p.m. 8/25/1951 #5626  
 are in their trailer home in east Albuquerque, New Mexico, and watch a lar 8/25/1951 #5626  
                                In Albuquerque, New Mexico Sandia Base Secu 8/25/1951 #5628  
                                   Albuquerque, NM The eighth fireball in 1 11/10/1951 #5774  
s Big Springs, Texas Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, New Mexico 6:42 p.m. A vivi 11/20/1951 #5782  
ce pilots landing at Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, New Mexico, and a Trans Wor 11/20/1951 #5782  
                                   Albuquerque, NM Summer, 1952; Secret fig 1952 #5831  
Summer, 1952; Secret fighter base, Albuquerque, NM, G,V (NICAP: 09 - RADAR  1952 #5831  
                                   Albuquerque, NM Summer 1952; Albuquerque 1952 #5832  
      Albuquerque, NM Summer 1952; Albuquerque, NM, Secret Fighter Base (M) 1952 #5832  
                                   ALBUQUERQUE, NM Sandia engineer and 1. B 4/1952 #6005  
                      Sandia Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico Sandia Mountains 4/23/1952 #6163  
 Mountains Tijeras Canyon downtown Albuquerque 10:45 a.m. Engineers Carl Ha 4/23/1952 #6163  
 Marvin Harvey are at Sandia Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico, when they look  4/23/1952 #6163  
sappears in a cloud above downtown Albuquerque.                             4/23/1952 #6163  
                                   Albuquerque Journal composing room Albuq 5/1/1952 #6245  
Albuquerque Journal composing room Albuquerque, New Mexico Sandia Base 1:45 5/1/1952 #6245  
, New Mexico Sandia Base 1:45 p.m. Albuquerque Journal composing room emplo 5/1/1952 #6245  
er B-29s or B-50s—flying west over Albuquerque, New Mexico. The round objec 5/1/1952 #6245  
New Mexico Bel-Air neighborhood of Albuquerque 12:22 a.m. Mrs. Hanley Marks 5/7/1952 #6268  
ome in the Bel-Air neighborhood of Albuquerque.                             5/7/1952 #6268  
                                   ALBUQUERQUE, NM Odd object dives at car. 5/10/1952 #6287  
                                   Albuquerque, NM Saw 2 silvery disc-shape 5/10/1952 #6292  
                                   Albuquerque, New Mexico 3:00 p.m. USAF L 5/10/1952 #6296  
e are in the yard of their home in Albuquerque, New Mexico, when they see t 5/10/1952 #6296  
                     Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, NM Silvery or aluminum colo 5/23/1952 #6349  
                       NORTHEAST / ALBUQUERQUE, NM Project Bluebook Case #1 5/28/1952 #6369  
                 OTTO RADIO EAST / ALBUQUERQUE, NM AND WIDE AREA 5 B29s see 5/28/1952 #6370  
                                   Albuquerque, NM (1:45-2:40 PM) 2 circula 5/28/1952 #6372  
                                   Albuquerque, NM (8:20-8:40 PM) 2 circula 5/28/1952 #6373  
                                   Albuquerque, New Mexico Witnesses:  two  5/28/1952 #6375  
                                   Albuquerque, New Mexico 1:45 p.m. Albuqu 5/28/1952 #6376  
 Albuquerque, New Mexico 1:45 p.m. Albuquerque, New Mexico, fire department 5/28/1952 #6376  
                                   Albuquerque, New Mexico Santa Fe Otto, N 5/28/1952 #6377  
e size of the full moon is seen in Albuquerque, New Mexico, from eight grou 5/28/1952 #6377  
                                   Albuquerque, New Mexico Tulsa, Oklahoma  5/28/1952 #6378  
 primary sighting takes place near Albuquerque, New Mexico, and involves th 5/28/1952 #6378  
                                   ALBUQUERQUE, NM 1 military observer(s).  6/5/1952 #6440  
                                   Albuquerque, NM Shiny round object fly 5 6/5/1952 #6443  
                                   Albuquerque, New Mexico Witness: S/Sgt T 6/5/1952 #6446  
ook as "unknowns." At 6:15 p.m. in Albuquerque, New Mexico a shiny disc was 6/5/1952 #6449  
                                   ALBUQUERQUE, NM Project Bluebook Case #1 6/7/1952 #6458  
                                   Albuquerque, NM B-25 Crew Encounters Rec 6/7/1952 #6460  
                                   Albuquerque, New Mexico Witnesses: crew  6/7/1952 #6461  
eral hours later, at 11:18 a.m. in Albuquerque, New Mexico, a rectangular-s 6/7/1952 #6462  
                                   ALBUQUERQUE, NM 2 civil observer(s). 4 s 6/8/1952 #6464  
                                   Albuquerque, NM 4 shiny objects fly stra 6/8/1952 #6467  
                                   Albuquerque, New Mexico Witnesses: Mr. a 6/8/1952 #6468  
                                   Albuquerque, New Mexico 10:50 a.m. Four  6/8/1952 #6469  
in a diamond formation are seen in Albuquerque, New Mexico, from the ground 6/8/1952 #6469  
                                In Albuquerque, New Mexico at 10:50 a.m. Mr 6/8/1952 #6471  
                     Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, NM Famous F-86 shooting inc Summer 1952 #6570  
                     Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, NM 2 silvery disc-like obje 6/28/1952 #6653  
                   Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico 1:20 p.m. Two ob 6/28/1952 #6659  
 Service hangar at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico, see two silvery 6/28/1952 #6659  
                                   Albuquerque, New Mexico Lincoln LaPaz te 7/19/1952 #6930  
incoln LaPaz tells newspapermen in Albuquerque, New Mexico, that UFOs “can  7/19/1952 #6930  
                     Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, NM 8-10 orange balls in tri 7/26/1952 #7162  
                                   Albuquerque, NM Air Force reserve colone 7/29/1952 #7310  
c Labs, New Mexico Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque 10:00 a.m. Several employees 7/29/1952 #7322  
 interceptors from Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque arrive 5 minutes later. The  7/29/1952 #7322  
                                   Albuquerque, New Mexico 9:15 p.m. Air Fo 7/29/1952 #7329  
east 10 luminous objects pass over Albuquerque, New Mexico. At first they a 7/29/1952 #7329  
                                   Albuquerque, NM Stationary orange light. 7/30/1952 #7356  
                                   Albuquerque, New Mexico Witness: USAF ls 7/30/1952 #7360  
                                   ALBUQUERQUE, NM Project Bluebook Case #1 8/1/1952 #7399  
                                   Albuquerque, NM At 9:50 p.m. a Scripps-H 8/1/1952 #7402  
                                   Albuquerque, New Mexico University of Ne 8/1/1952 #7411  
 glowing white objects overhead in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The objects shi 8/1/1952 #7411  
                                   ALBUQUERQUE, NM 3+separate observer(s).  8/9/1952 #7520  
                                   Albuquerque, NM F-86 Shooting Incident / 9/1952 #7800  
                   Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico 10:00 a.m. A rad 9/1952 #7801  
A radar scope near Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico, picks up an unk 9/1952 #7801  
                                   ALBUQUERQUE, NM 2 observer(s). Solid fli 9/6/1952 #7864  
                                   Albuquerque, NV Series of 20 ft black sm 11/27/1952 #8347  
                                   Albuquerque, New Mexico Witnesses: pilot 11/27/1952 #8348  
                                In Albuquerque, New Mexico at 12:10 p.m. a  11/27/1952 #8349  
                              NEAR ALBUQUERQUE, NM Pilot. Elongated cigar e 12/28/1952 #8451  
                              NEAR ALBUQUERQUE, NM 9 green fireball-saucers 7/3/1954 #9985  
                                   Albuquerque, NM Albuquerque, New Mexico, 7/3/1954 #9988  
                   Albuquerque, NM Albuquerque, New Mexico, G,V (NICAP: 09  7/3/1954 #9988  
                                   Albuquerque, New Mexico Nine green spher 7/3/1954 #9990  
r at 24,000 feet 20 miles north of Albuquerque, New Mexico.                 7/3/1954 #9990  
                                   Albuquerque, New Mexico 9:25 p.m. Three  4/8/1955 #12089  
exico 9:25 p.m. Three residents of Albuquerque, New Mexico, watch a blue-gr 4/8/1955 #12089  
                                   ALBUQUERQUE, NM Woman / home. Gold spher 11/4/1957 #14266  
                     Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, NM Egg-shaped UFO hovers ov 11/4/1957 #14273  
                                   Albuquerque (Kirtland AFB), NM Highly ma 11/4/1957 #14279  
                   Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico Manzano Nuclear  11/4/1957 #14289  
nzano Nuclear Weapons Storage Area Albuquerque Low Frequency Range Station  11/4/1957 #14289  
le over one end of Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico, at 150–200 mph. 11/4/1957 #14289  
, then turning south, circling the Albuquerque Low Frequency Range Station. 11/4/1957 #14289  
                       SOUTHWEST / ALBUQUERQUE, NM 1 / moving-van. Night li 11/5/1957 #14319  
calde, New Mexico State Highway 68 Albuquerque Lovelace Clinic in Albuquerq 2/17/1958 #14878  
 68 Albuquerque Lovelace Clinic in Albuquerque Evening. Flora Evans and Ber 2/17/1958 #14878  
rarily blinded. Their trip home to Albuquerque inexplicably takes 4 hours i 2/17/1958 #14878  
r doctor at the Lovelace Clinic in Albuquerque, to see about possible radia 2/17/1958 #14878  
                                   ALBUQUERQUE, NM USAF man. ~30 gold night 4/14/1958 #14982  
                                   Albuquerque, NM Air Force Staff Sergeant 4/14/1958 #14983  
                                   Albuquerque, New Mexico 8:30 p.m. High-s 7/18/1958 #15149  
fman is gazing at the night sky in Albuquerque, New Mexico, when he sees an 7/18/1958 #15149  
                             Hobbs Albuquerque, New Mexico Roswell Corona K 8/13/1959 #15913  
 flying a Cessna 170 from Hobbs to Albuquerque, New Mexico, at 8,000 feet,  8/13/1959 #15913  
 back to normal. The controller at Albuquerque cancels his flight plan and  8/13/1959 #15913  
ing a Cessna 170 between Hobbs and Albuquerque, New Mexico encountered thre 8/13/1959 #15916  
                      Kirtland AFB Albuquerque New Mexico 9:58 p.m. A radar 9/13/1959 #15971  
rget is tracked at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico, moving at 2,300 9/13/1959 #15971  
                   Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico 9:20 a.m. A rada 10/1/1959 #16007  
urse is tracked at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico. At 10:29 a.m.,  10/1/1959 #16007  
                                   Albuquerque (W of), NM (McDonald list) T 12/23/1959 #16130  
                                   ALBUQUERQUE, NM Several silver saucers z 9/2/1961 #16811  
                                   Albuquerque, NM Object stops twice and e 9/2/1961 #16812  
              northeast section of Albuquerque, New Mexico 4:40–4:50 p.m. A 9/2/1961 #16813  
s home in the northeast section of Albuquerque, New Mexico, when he sees a  9/2/1961 #16813  
                                   Albuquerque, NM White Object Seen / Trac 5/24/1962 #17197  
                                   ALBUQUERQUE, NM Ovoid bobs around sky ne 4/28/1963 #17731  
o EME (electro-magnetic effects) / Albuquerque. / MJ#25+/ r8#599.           4/28/1964 #18213  
           southwestern New Mexico Albuquerque Winslow, Arizona Los Angeles 1/13/1967 #21299  
owest objects into the top object. Albuquerque radar tracks a target 39 mil 1/13/1967 #21299  
wing. It then pulls forward again. Albuquerque radar reports that it looks  1/13/1967 #21299  
 retracted up into the top object. Albuquerque radar tracked the object 39  1/13/1967 #21301  
r 30 seconds then blinked back on. Albuquerque control contacted a National 1/13/1967 #21301  
rmed the Lear Jet pilot's reports. Albuquerque control warned the Lear that 1/13/1967 #21301  
n. When the object blinked off the Albuquerque radar controllers would lose 1/13/1967 #21301  
                                   ALBUQUERQUE, NM 3 teens / car buzzed / n 5/26/1967 #22401  
                                   Albuquerque, NM Luminous object chased c 5/26/1967 #22402  
   Atrisco Drive NW Central Avenue Albuquerque, New Mexico 10:15 p.m. Three 5/26/1967 #22405  
ive NW, north of Central Avenue in Albuquerque, New Mexico. A white light s 5/26/1967 #22405  
ased a car with three teenagers in Albuquerque, New Mexico then hovered dir 5/26/1967 #22406  
                      Kirtland AFB Albuquerque, New Mexico Manzano Nuclear  11/6/1973 #28376  
stern portion of Kirtland AFB near Albuquerque, New Mexico, sees a large, g 11/6/1973 #28376  
pons Storage Facility Kirtland AFB Albuquerque, New Mexico Chilili, New Mex 5/17/1974 #29109  
lity attached to Kirtland AFB near Albuquerque, New Mexico, registers a bur 5/17/1974 #29109  
                                   ALBUQUERQUE, NM 2 observer(s). 60' sauce 5/28/1974 #29139  
                                   Albuquerque, NM A resident was awakened  5/28/1974 #29141  
                                   Albuquerque, New Mexico Sandia Mountains 5/28/1974 #29142  
andia foothills Day. A resident of Albuquerque, New Mexico, sees a large gl 5/28/1974 #29142  
football-shaped disc moving across Albuquerque toward the Sandia foothills. 5/28/1974 #29142  
 on a nearby hill on this night in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The witnesses w 5/28/1974 #29143  
uge, Louisiana Roswell, New Mexico Albuquerque, New Mexico Stanton Friedman 2/28/1978 #33002  
viewed Lydia Sleppy, who worked at Albuquerque radio station KOAT and remem 2/28/1978 #33002  
choenfeld Clinical Laboratories in Albuquerque Many cattle mutilations are  7/5/1978 #33339  
choenfeld Clinical Laboratories in Albuquerque. Schoenfeld finds “highly su 7/5/1978 #33339  
                                   Albuquerque, NM Ufologist Paul Bennewitz 1979 #34253  
r of Thunder Scientific Company in Albuquerque, NM, lives next to the Manza 1979 #34253  
ver the Manzano Test Range outside Albuquerque.                             1979 #34253  
                 Memo from FBI SAC Albuquerque to FBI Director writes that  2/16/1979 #34431  
                                   Albuquerque, New Mexico Fort Worth, Texa 4/20/1979 #34517  
c hearing on cattle mutilations in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Its goal is to  4/20/1979 #34517  
A phantom helicopter was seen over Albuquerque, New Mexico on this night.   9/11/1979 #34862  
t, New Mexico Cimarron, New Mexico Albuquerque, New Mexico Manzano Weapons  5/5/1980 #35306  
ns Storage Area at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque As she is driving home from  5/5/1980 #35306  
r loss of time. Paul Bennewitz, an Albuquerque, New Mexico, owner of humidi 5/5/1980 #35306  
ns Storage Area at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque) where she sees tanks of wat 5/5/1980 #35306  
                                   Albuquerque, New Mexico Wyoming R. Leo S 6/3/1980 #35353  
rives at Paul Bennewitz’s house in Albuquerque, New Mexico, for another hyp 6/3/1980 #35353  
 Pecos, New Mexico Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque Sandia Laboratories Manzano  7/1980 #35397  
nd is debriefed at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque. An alien, a man in a dark s 7/1980 #35397  
 Weapons Storage Area Kirtland AFB Albuquerque, New Mexico Coyote Canyon Be 8/8/1980 #35447  
e Area adjacent to Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico, see a bright li 8/8/1980 #35447  
                                   Albuquerque, NM UFO landing near Kirtlan 8/9/1980 #35452  
land in the Manzano Mountains near Albuquerque, New Mexico, near the Sandia 8/10/1980 #35455  
 at the Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico three Sandia Fac 8/22/1980 #35476  
                                   Albuquerque, New Mexico Kirtland Air For 9/8/1980 #35504  
Alamos After doing a radio show in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Bill Moore is c 9/8/1980 #35504  
        Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque Manzano Nuclear Weapons Stor 10/26/1980 #35590  
ng near Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque and the nearby Manzano Nucle 10/26/1980 #35590  
rd of his home on the east side of Albuquerque, New Mexico 5:19 p.m. A work 6/10/1981 #35961  
rd of his home on the east side of Albuquerque, New Mexico, when he sees an 6/10/1981 #35961  
                   Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico Sen. Pete Domeni 7/30/1981 #36040  
t. Richard Doty at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico, about AFOSI inv 7/30/1981 #36040  
                                   Albuquerque, New Mexico William Moore me 12/29/1981 #36282  
er Richard Doty in a restaurant in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Doty provides M 12/29/1981 #36282  
                                   Albuquerque, NM Investigator Paul Bennew 1982 #36283  
                                   Albuquerque, New Mexico Kirtland AFB Hol 4/9/1983 #36830  
oswell Linda Moulton Howe flies to Albuquerque, New Mexico, to interview Sg 4/9/1983 #36830  
       North Hollywood, California Albuquerque, New Mexico Kirtland AFB Nor 12/11/1984 #37522  
ave the roll developed. Postmarked Albuquerque, New Mexico, the package is  12/11/1984 #37522  
                                   Albuquerque Dulce, New Mexico Holloman A 12/29/1987 #38378  
eir John Lear, based on stories by Albuquerque businessman Paul Bennewitz,  12/29/1987 #38378  
          Anna Kaseman Hospital in Albuquerque After eight years of stress, 8/1988 #38611  
im to the Anna Kaseman Hospital in Albuquerque, where he stays for a month. 8/1988 #38611  
                                   Albuquerque, New Mexico Albuquerque, New 3/1/1989 #38859  
           Albuquerque, New Mexico Albuquerque, New Mexico, ufologist Rober 3/1/1989 #38859  
                   Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico Washington, D.C. Summer 1991 #40102  
d in safe rooms at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Washington, Summer 1991 #40102  
                                   Albuquerque Horse Springs, New Mexico Pl Summer 1992 #40501  
San Agustin An unnamed family from Albuquerque is hiking and prospecting ab Summer 1992 #40501  
                     Bovina, Texas Albuquerque FAA Air Route Traffic Contro 5/25/1995 #42227  
left to right. Waller contacts the Albuquerque FAA Air Route Traffic Contro 5/25/1995 #42227  
 of the air traffic controllers at Albuquerque contacts NORAD, which confir 5/25/1995 #42227  
t. According to FAA audio records, Albuquerque ATC contacted NORAD’s Wester 5/25/1995 #42229  
hile driving on Interstate 10 from Albuquerque, New Mexico to El Paso, Texa 1/11/2005 #44807  
                  The night sky in Albuquerque, New Mexico turned white at  7/31/2010 #45288  
der. The air traffic controller in Albuquerque is unable to verify any othe 2/24/2018 #45513  
                 Chicago, Illinois Albuquerque, New Mexico The extensive ca 11/2020 #45664  
sferred from Chicago, Illinois, to Albuquerque, New Mexico, where a digitiz 11/2020 #45664  
## Word: "albury" (Back to Top)
peared. Witnesses in Wodonga, West Albury, Wangaratta and Tallangatta indep 3/10/1961 #16625  
peared. Witnesses in Wodonga, West Albury, Wangaratta and Tallangatta indep 3/10/1961 #16626  
                                   ALBURY, AUSTR 2 observer(s). Cylinder/ci 3/29/1978 #33092  
                                   Albury, New South Wales, Australia 7:30  3/29/1978 #33097  
nborg are out mustering sheep near Albury, New South Wales, Australia. They 3/29/1978 #33097  
                                   Albury, New South Wales, AU A chrome col 3/30/1978 #33100  
ter 7:00 o'clock in the morning in Albury, New South Wales, Australia a chr 3/30/1978 #33101  
## Word: "albussac" (Back to Top)
                                   ALBUSSAC, 19, FR Farmer. Saucer shoots c 10/13/1954 #10987  
## Word: "alcala" (Back to Top)
                                   ALCALA DEL RIO, SP Luminous red saucer o 8/1969 #25304  
## Word: "alcalde" (Back to Top)
                                   ALCALDE, NM 2 / car and several pilots.  2/17/1958 #14877  
                                   Alcalde, New Mexico State Highway 68 Alb 2/17/1958 #14878  
nd lights up a canyon northeast of Alcalde, New Mexico, along State Highway 2/17/1958 #14878  
                                   ALCALDE, NM 8 separate observer(s) / (se 4/24/1984 #37283  
## Word: "alcanices" (Back to Top)
                                   ALCANICES, SP "Fire" in woods. Circular  9/18/1971 #26343  
## Word: "alcantara" (Back to Top)
                        HERRERA DE ALCANTARA, SP 15x20M domed diamond lands 4/13/1974 #29010  
## Word: "alcaracejo" (Back to Top)
ryside three kilometers outside of Alcaracejo, Spain in Cordoba province, S 7/10/1972 #26790  
## Word: "alcaracejos" (Back to Top)
                                   ALCARACEJOS, SP 1.5M saucer hovers and b 7/10/1972 #26786  
                                   Alcaracejos, Cordoba, Spain Luminous obj 7/10/1972 #26788  
                                   Alcaracejos, Cordoba, Spain Luminous obj 7/10/1972 #26789  
## Word: "alcazar" (Back to Top)
 at 9:00 p.m. a motorcyclist named Alcazar in Igries, Huesca province, Spai 8/7/1967 #22842  
## Word: "alcazares" (Back to Top)
                               LOS ALCAZARES MILITARY CAMP, SP Guard. 65cm  4/1966 #20185  
## Word: "alcester" (Back to Top)
orth over the A422 highway east of Alcester, Warwickshire, England. The man 3/13/1980 #35213  
orth over the A422 highway east of Alcester, Warwickshire, England. The man 3/13/1980 #35215  
## Word: "alcineu" (Back to Top)
orto Velho, Rondônia Night. Farmer Alcineu Sousa is aboard his twin-engine  5/23/1983 #36865  
## Word: "alcinos" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Alcinos” Yield: 150KT                    5/18/1991 #40069  
## Word: "alcir" (Back to Top)
their radar. He and his companion, Alcir Pereira da Silva, saw bright red-o 5/19/1986 #37874  
José dos Campos. His copilot Cmdr. Alcir Pereira da Silva receives a call f 5/19/1986 #37880  
irlines, with his pilot, Commander Alcir Pereira da Silva, was descending t 5/19/1986 #37882  
## Word: "alcoa" (Back to Top)
                                   ALCOA, TN 1 observer / (seen thru) binoc 9/9/1955 #12440  
                              near Alcoa, Tennessee Witness:  M.N. Dawkins, 9/9/1955 #12443  
a brown, almost square object near Alcoa, Tennessee that flew with a circul 9/9/1955 #12445  
## Word: "alcobaca" (Back to Top)
sky several times over the town of Alcobaca, Portugal before "blowing up."  5/13/1952 #6318  
## Word: "alcobata" (Back to Top)
                                   ALCOBATA, PORTUGAL Cigar goes back and f 5/13/1952 #6308  
## Word: "alcocebre" (Back to Top)
                                   ALCOCEBRE, SP Diver. 7 x3M cylinder/cyli 7/26/1970 #25752  
 from the ocean along the coast of Alcocebre, Spain and loses itself in the 7/29/1970 #25756  
## Word: "alcocks" (Back to Top)
                                   ALCOCKS GREEN, BIRMINGHAM Silent cylinde 10/12/1973 #28012  
## Word: "alcohol" (Back to Top)
 New York City, who prescribes him alcohol. He then plunges to his death fr 11/28/1953 #9324  
cannabinoids, riot control agents, alcohol, and caffeine.                   1/1956 #12641  
 the glow, which resembles burning alcohol or benzene.                      1/15/1956 #12661  
 Roy Craig runs tests on it at the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division of the  Early 9/1957 #13971  
nger, an agent of the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms?] is driv 1/12/1965 #18717  
 to be dehydrated and confused. No alcohol or drugs are found. They are the 3/2/1965 #18832  
meat. Both John and Elaine gave up alcohol and John stopped smoking.        10/27/1974 #29561  
s. At first they were subjected to alcohol tests but it proved negative, bo 1982 #36284  
## Word: "alcoholic" (Back to Top)
lty-tasting drink, but requests an alcoholic drink, only to find that the e 5/1978 #33181  
## Word: "alcorcon" (Back to Top)
                                   ALCORCON, SP Vibrant bright landed green 5/1969 #25103  
## Word: "alcores" (Back to Top)
                       VILLALBA DL ALCORES, SP "Mushroom cap" maneuvers / t 7/24/1970 #25746  
s outside the town of Villalba del Alcores, Spain. It left behind burnt pla 7/24/1970 #25748  
                       VILLALBA DL ALCORES, SP Buzz. 2M halo / light going  9/19/1970 #25841  
 woman on a farm near Villalba del Alcores, Valladolid, Spain making a buzz 9/19/1970 #25842  
                       VILLALBA DL ALCORES, SP Night light going [to] all o 5/1/1971 #26093  
                       VILLALBA DL ALCORES, SP Same observer(s) finds 3M sa 5/2/1971 #26096  
## Word: "alcorn" (Back to Top)
      LONGREACH, QLD, AUS Reverend Alcorn. 10 delta/triangle/box-like craft 7/23/1964 #18432  
                                   ALCORN, 12, FR 1.5M pseudo-human/entity  6/26/1975 #30120  
## Word: "alcova" (Back to Top)
 observer(s). 4 saucers hover over Alcova Reservoir / 20K' altitude. 5th jo 9/16/1972 #27003  
## Word: "alcántara" (Back to Top)
                        Herrera de Alcántara, Cáceres, Spain 2:00 a.m. Juli 4/13/1974 #29012  
 wife, and a student at Herrera de Alcántara, Cáceres, Spain, observe a lum 4/13/1974 #29012  
## Word: "aldaya" (Back to Top)
                                In Aldaya, Valencia, Spain Juan Gazcon del  8/25/1968 #24377  
## Word: "aldebaran" (Back to Top)
rs Rigel, Capella, Betelgeuse, and Aldebaran, “clearly visible in the easte 8/2/1965 #19264  
## Word: "aldebaron" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Aldebaron” YieldMax: 200KT               7/2/1966 #20629  
## Word: "aldeburgh" (Back to Top)
                                   Aldeburgh, Suffolk, England Mrs. Whitela 1916? #938  
Suffolk, England Mrs. Whiteland of Aldeburgh, Suffolk, England, sees from a 1916? #938  
## Word: "aldeia" (Back to Top)
                                   ALDEIA DO BISPO, PORTUGAL Disk at differ 7/10/1957 #13783  
## Word: "alden" (Back to Top)
on to Col. Howard McCoy, Maj. Gen. Alden Crawford (chief of T-3), Gen. Fran Mid 9/1947 #3396  
tnesses:  Warrant Officer and Mrs. Alden. Two bright red, round objects wit 2/24/1953 #8699  
s evening Warrant Officer and Mrs. Alden saw two bright red, round objects  2/24/1953 #8700  
officers Mark E. Paine and Michael Alden watch three luminous UFOs in a tri 8/11/1974 #29323  
ampshire Mark E. Paine and Michael Alden of the Tilton Police Department wi 8/11/1974 #29325  
## Word: "alder" (Back to Top)
                   TILTON, NH Also Alder and Payne and Laconia and more/oth 8/11/1974 #29320  
                                   ALDER LAKE, WA 2 observer(s). Silent man 3/7/1987 #38131  
## Word: "aldergrove" (Back to Top)
ing in a triangular formation over Aldergrove, British Columbia, Canada at  10/11/2006 #44974  
## Word: "alderley" (Back to Top)
                                   Alderley Road Wilmslow Cheshire England  1/7/1966 #19813  
s checking business property along Alderley Road in Wilmslow, Cheshire, Eng 1/7/1966 #19813  
## Word: "alderman" (Back to Top)
s seen by a single witness, a Mrs. Alderman, for approximately one minute.  11/29/1957 #14640  
## Word: "alderney" (Back to Top)
hannel Islands Jersey ATC Casquets Alderney Afternoon. The passengers of Fl 4/23/2007 #45022  
ve been near the Casquets, west of Alderney, and the second some miles nort 4/23/2007 #45022  
                    O’Hare Airport Alderney Former UK Ministry of Defence o 7/29/2008 #45152  
mes, citing the O’Hare Airport and Alderney UFO cases. He concludes: “The U 7/29/2008 #45152  
## Word: "aldershot" (Back to Top)
                                   ALDERSHOT, HAMPS Helmeted figure floats  5/15/1877? #210  
                                   Aldershot, UK A strange being dressed in 1880 #222  
                                   Aldershot, Great Britain A strange being 1880 #224  
                                   ALDERSHOT, HAMPS 1 observer. Dog won't m 9/9/1965 #19542  
tindale in a residential area near Aldershot, Hampshire, England reported t 9/9/1965 #19543  
                                   ALDERSHOT, HAMPS Man / 78 abduction / 4' 8/12/1983 #36946  
                                   Aldershot, UK Fisherman taken aboard UFO 8/12/1983 #36947  
                 Basingstoke Canal Aldershot, Hampshire, England Around 1:0 8/12/1983 #36948  
ing along the Basingstoke Canal in Aldershot, Hampshire, England, when a di 8/12/1983 #36948  
layed with their sons in a park in Aldershot, England. The object appeared  9/4/2004 #44747  
## Word: "aldersyde" (Back to Top)
                                   ALDERSYDE, ALTA Saucer 400' over farm. 2 10/11/1967 #23210  
                                   Aldersyde, Alta., CAN Oval with dome cir 10/11/1967 #23213  
                         Highway 2 Aldersyde, Alberta 8:00 p.m. Nora Tibbs  10/11/1967 #23217  
Tibbs is driving on Highway 2 near Aldersyde, Alberta, when the headlights, 10/11/1967 #23217  
                   At 7:50 p.m. in Aldersyde, Alberta, Canada an oval-shape 10/11/1967 #23218  
## Word: "alderwood" (Back to Top)
                                   Alderwood Manor, WA 5:35 p.m. PST. A wit 11/5/1967 #23404  
## Word: "aldinga" (Back to Top)
                                   ALDINGA, SOUTH AUSTRALIA Blue strobe man 4/15/1994 #41492  
d Noarlunga, South Australia Moana Aldinga Beach 11:30 a.m. A witness spots 8/5/2000 #44028  
imilar material falls on Moana and Aldinga Beach, where one witness also se 8/5/2000 #44028  
## Word: "aldini" (Back to Top)
alogical Institute Night. Giuseppe Aldini, 17, is with his family in Montal 6/1967 #22439  
## Word: "aldo" (Back to Top)
r Adm. Eladio M. Vázquez and Capt. Aldo Molinari watch a UFO from the US Mi 5/4/1962 #17150  
                               Sr. Aldo Juan Santiago, with Miss Espinoza a 7/8/1968 #24159  
                 Garbage collector Aldo Natoli was on his way to work in Vi 10/4/1979 #34941  
## Word: "aldrich" (Back to Top)
ht. (Ref. 3; Witness report to Jan Aldrich, Project 1947.) (NICAP: 11 - Avi 4/5/1943 #1491  
erated and sped away. (Ref. 3; Jan Aldrich, Project ACUFOE, from CUFOS repo 6/1944 #1599  
haust coming out of its tail. (Jan Aldrich) Late December through February  12/23/1944 #1731  
econd(s). RCAF investigating. / J. Aldrich p6+Internet.                     7/3/1947 #2565  
urn back going quickly north. / J. Aldrich.                                 8/15/1948 (approximate) #3780  
ed bottom (Berliner; cf. FOIA; Jan Aldrich) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 4/3/1949 #4067  
rth Truro, MA (McDonald files; Jan Aldrich; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR 10/21/1951 #5739  
t. Col. Doyle Rees of OSI. (Jan L. Aldrich, “Have We Visitors from Space?”  2/25/1952 #5931  
shaped lights (McDonald files; Jan Aldrich; cf. Ruppelt p. 140; FUFOR Index 5/25/1952 #6357  
faced, flat oval 30 ft object (Jan Aldrich; unpublished Ruppelt manuscript) 6/29/1952 #6664  
oenix, AZ Gaudet [and Wolf?]. (Jan Aldrich; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Dista 6/30/1952 #6672  
aucer. Big surge / wattmeter. / J. Aldrich.                                 8/6/1952 #7476  
 Red disk stops. Shoots away. / J. Aldrich.                                 8/24/1952 #7700  
teor-sphere exits odd cloud. / Jan Aldrich.                                 1/25/1954 #9498  
    West Berlin, West Germany (Jan Aldrich) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 7/5/1954 #9996  
    French Equatorial, Africa (Jan Aldrich) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 7/19/1954 #10028  
nknown location, West Germany (Jan Aldrich) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 8/7/1954 #10111  
 N France or W Germany, Europe Jan Aldrich (date could be 23rd) (NICAP: 01  8/22/1954 #10163  
g [to] over Chowpatty Beach. / Jan Aldrich.                                 10/8/1954 #10802  
es against wind. No contrail. / J. Aldrich.                                 1/31/1955 #11954  
th straight and level. / r150+/ J. Aldrich.                                 3/16/1955 #12050  
d level. No further details. / Jan Aldrich.                                 2/15/1956 #12715  
uncanville AFS, TX McConnell. (Jan Aldrich; McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Rad 8/10/1956 #13066  
ect seen. No further details. / J. Aldrich.                                 6/28/1958 #15120  
nge object. (Project 1947 reports, Aldrich fit Greenwood; cited in Weinstei 4/20/1966 #20348  
                                   Aldrich, Staffordshire, UK 2:30 a.m. The 8/16/1971 #26287  
radiates bright golden light. / J. Aldrich.                                 3/1973 #27319  
ucer going [to] 4K' below plane. / Aldrich files.                           9/4/1995 #42439  
.se/Downloads/Books/DigitizedbyAFU/Aldrich,%20Jan%20-%20The%20Ghost%20Rocke 12/3/1999 #43892  
## Word: "aldridge" (Back to Top)
                       James Allen Aldridge and his family heard a loud bla 11/24/1965 #19734  
h in the western sky at 18:45 p.m. Aldridge went to his barn to check on hi 11/24/1965 #19734  
t the sight of the strange figure. Aldridge then drove off to get the polic 11/24/1965 #19734  
                                   ALDRIDGE, BIRMINGHAM Cop and crowd. Huge 8/1971 #26255  
d existed. Puthoff wrote to a Pete Aldridge and Under Secretary Jacques Gan 9/10/2003 #44595  
## Word: "aldrin" (Back to Top)
trong, Richard F. Gordon Jr., Buzz Aldrin, David Scott, and Rusty Schweikar 2/16/1965 #18819  
bject apparently not the S4B. Buzz Aldrin recounts encounter. Brad Sparks i 6/18/1969 #25222  
 the moon, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.                                  7/21/1969 #25288  
SAF Whitten Peters, astronaut Buzz Aldrin, General Aviation Manufacturers A 11/27/2002 #44452  
## Word: "alec" (Back to Top)
      Mosborough Sheffield England Alec Birch, 14, snaps an out-of-focus ph 2/1962 #17033  
in Mosborough, Sheffield, England. Alec and his father show the photo later 2/1962 #17033  
C-2 television on October 6, 1972, Alec confesses that he had superimposed  2/1962 #17033  
Leslie Akhurst, John Dickison, and Alec Cassie. Their request to record the 6/20/1968 #24054  
, Manitoba 3:30 a.m. Arthur Honke, Alec Honke, and Gordon Campbell are driv 9/19/1971 #26347  
d, Nottinghamshire, England Night. Alec Birch, who has confessed to faking  1/27/2004 #44657  
## Word: "alegario" (Back to Top)
Claudino da Silva, Mustafa Esgaib, Alegario Campos, and João Manuel Vasquez 2/19/1958 #14881  
## Word: "alegre" (Back to Top)
                             Porto Alegre, Brazil House lights failed as UF 8/30/1954 #10208  
                             Porto Alegre, Brazil Formation of silver, circ 10/24/1954 #11359  
       Canoas Air Force Base Porto Alegre, Brazil Rio de Janeiro 1:00–6:00  10/24/1954 #11365  
e Canoas Air Force Base near Porto Alegre, Brazil, watch a number of “circu 10/24/1954 #11365  
r Gravatai Air Force Base in Porto Alegre, Brazil.  It began making fast, t 10/24/1954 #11373  
                             PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ Air Force officer. Grey disk 10/26/1954 #11411  
                        NEAR PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ 2 long-haired pseudo-human/e 11/10/1954 #11616  
                             Porto Alegre, Brazil An agronomist and his fam 11/10/1954 #11619  
                             Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul Brazil An agron 11/10/1954 #11620  
a landed UFO along a road in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Two m 11/10/1954 #11620  
ase Rio Grande do Sul Brazil Porto Alegre 9:45 p.m. At Santa Maria Air Forc 11/22/1954 #11691  
t to weather headquarters at Porto Alegre. The object remains in view until 11/22/1954 #11691  
                             Porto Alegre São Paulo, Brazil Araranguá, Sant 11/4/1957 #14283  
rlines C-46 cargo plane from Porto Alegre to São Paulo, Brazil. They are ne 11/4/1957 #14283  
pears. De Beyssac returns to Porto Alegre. It turns out that the right engi 11/4/1957 #14283  
                  BEACH NEAR PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ 4 / car. Domed saucer going  11/2/1959 #16075  
                        NEAR PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ Air Force C47+ground observe 3/21/1967 #21928  
viços Aéreos Cruzeiro do Sul Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Salgad 3/27/1967 #22001  
see a UFO in the vicinity of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The B 3/27/1967 #22001  
                             PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ Bright saucer zigzags all ov 8/4/1967 #22793  
            Morro do Policia Porto Alegre Brazil Night. A bright object app 8/4/1967 #22805  
 area of Morro do Policia in Porto Alegre, Brazil, for 30 minutes and is ph 8/4/1967 #22805  
                             PORTO ALEGRE AND MORRO AZUL, BRZ Moon-size obj 5/31/1968 #23995  
ving away. A student named Antônio Alegre examines the landing site shortly 7/1/1968 #24118  
                             PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ Large light violet ovoid see 9/1/1968 #24418  
                             PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ Soldiers / Vila Floresta. Fi 1/5/1969 #24817  
r in the air. At 9:00 p.m. in Port Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil  1/5/1969 #24818  
                             Porto Alegre, Brazil Brasília The Porto Alegre 1/23/1971 #25999  
 Alegre, Brazil Brasília The Porto Alegre, Brazil, newspaper Correiro do Po 1/23/1971 #25999  
           BEACH SOUTHEAST / PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ 2 observer(s). Silent UFO em 12/19/1971 #26507  
                             PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ Many observer(s) and photogr 1/10/1977 #31714  
                             MONTE ALEGRE, BRZ Man imprisoned / cone-beam g 3/1981 #35853  
                             PORTO ALEGRE AND AREA, BRZ Several separate ob 5/20/1982 #36475  
                             PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ 1 observer. Glowing-cloud-sa 2/24/1992 #40333  
 At 7:50 p.m. an observer in Porto Alegre, Brazil saw a glow in the clouds, 2/24/1992 #40336  
                             PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ Silent 4 / 1 cylinder goes o 4/3/1992 #40407  
## Word: "alegrete" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR ALEGRETE, BRZ 2 / ranch. Cows upset. Cal 10/28/1970 (approximate) #25887  
## Word: "alegria" (Back to Top)
                                   ALEGRIA, RGS, BRZ Hat shaped object hove 2/5/1968 #23736  
 opened the windows in her home in Alegria de Alava, Spain at 12:40 a.m. in 12/6/1978 #34068  
## Word: "aleister" (Back to Top)
 Arolla (near Zermatt), Swiss Alps Aleister Crowley was walking in the moun 1896 #323  
a, near Zermatt, Swiss Alps Author Aleister Crowley was walking in the moun 1896 #324  
cist Jack Parsons for his links to Aleister Crowley and L. Ron Hubbard, and 3/31/2011 #45322  
## Word: "aleixo" (Back to Top)
hologist and UFO researcher Hulvio Aleixo, who says he is in severe shock.  9/14/1967 #23060  
e a large footprint is also found. Aleixo subjects the boy to psychological 9/14/1967 #23060  
## Word: "alejandro" (Back to Top)
                     On this night Alejandro Hernandez and his 13-year-old  9/26/1978 #33753  
           Buenos Aires, Argentina Alejandro Agostinelli and Juan Carlos Za 1980 #35113  
## Word: "alejo" (Back to Top)
3:40 p.m. Experienced pilot Carlos Alejo Rodriguez is flying his Piper Cub  5/5/1958 #15018  
 being flown by 40-year-old Carlos Alejo Rodriguez near the airfield in Pan 5/5/1958 #15019  
## Word: "aleknagik" (Back to Top)
  MANOKOTAK, AK AND DILLINGHAM AND ALEKNAGIK 7+separate observer(s). Delta/ 10/14/1994 #41804  
## Word: "aleksandr" (Back to Top)
circle and fly away. Watch officer Aleksandr Polorotov begins taking photos Summer 1990 #39620  
## Word: "aleksandrovich" (Back to Top)
              At 7:00 p.m. Ignatiy Aleksandrovich Srartsev and two of his f 7/25/2000 #44022  
## Word: "alem" (Back to Top)
                             YERGA ALEM, ETHIOPIA Many observer(s). Green s 4/5/1959 (approximate) #15693  
## Word: "aleman" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Aleman” YieldMax: 20KT                   9/11/1986 #38024  
## Word: "alencar" (Back to Top)
Ceara, Brazil José Jean Pereira de Alencar founds the Centro de Estudos Ufo 1977 #31652  
le with his friend Plínio Couto de Alencar Júnior to a party. The cycle bre 8/12/1983 #36949  
## Word: "alencon" (Back to Top)
                                   ALENCON TO/FROM BERNAY, FR Huge luminous 3/25/1995 #42116  
erved covering the roadway between Alencon and Bernay, Eure, France at arou 3/25/1995 #42118  
## Word: "alene" (Back to Top)
 Vera Sutton, John Charley Sutton, Alene Sutton, June Taylor, O. P. Baker)  8/21/1955 #12386  
                         COEUR D / ALENE, ID Woman abduction / home. Pseudo 6/20/1977 #32175  
## Word: "alenquer" (Back to Top)
                           SOUTH / ALENQUER, BRAZIL Big ball / light zigzag 6/20/1981 #35976  
to Torres Vedras Ota Air Base Ota, Alenquer, Portugal 10:50 a.m. Capt. Júli 11/2/1982 #36674  
g Center of the Air Force] in Ota, Alenquer, Portugal. He encounters a meta 11/2/1982 #36674  
## Word: "alentejo" (Back to Top)
                                   ALENTEJO AREA, PORTUGAL Odd bluish ball  9/14/1946 #2181  
n. No further details. / Diario de Alentejo.                                7/12/1958 #15138  
y. No further details. / Diario do Alentejo.                                9/8/1965 #19534  
## Word: "alençon" (Back to Top)
                                   Alençon, Normandy, France 5:00 a.m. Seve 6/12/1790 #91  
rance 5:00 a.m. Several farmers in Alençon, Normandy, France, see a large g 6/12/1790 #91  
## Word: "aleppo" (Back to Top)
 over 2 villages. Also saucer over Aleppo. No further details.              1/21/1956 (approximate) #12675  
## Word: "alerces" (Back to Top)
r a lake, Lago Menendez in the Los Alerces National Park, Chubut province,  1/23/2008 #45113  
## Word: "alert" (Back to Top)
y block, tells the police chief to alert the mayor and police chief in Otta 2/14/1915 #925  
pear, but Ottawa is placed on high alert. Later, Brockville police find two 2/14/1915 #925  
rompted Gen. Pontus Reuterswärd to alert Minister of Defence Janne Nilsson  1/4/1937 #1261  
ct. An aircraft approaches, a full alert is sounded, and three cruisers (Vi 8/5/1942 #1430  
 agencies are placed on heightened alert status when balloons are found in  11/3/1944 #1691  
bly interest defense budget and to alert west against east.”                8/24/1946 #2154  
all ahead to Pendleton, Oregon, to alert them of Arnold’s arrival at an air 6/24/1947 #2398  
l, all three facilities go on full alert.                                   7/1/1947 #2500  
turns or zigzagging. Radio reports alert other officers (including Walter L 7/4/1947 #2658  
 Army Air Field from Alamogordo to alert Colonel William H. Blanchard, Rosw 7/5/1947 #2718  
calls the local fire department to alert them about the crash. One truck, w 7/5/1947 #2719  
h necessary crews, on a continuous alert basis. These aircraft should be eq 2/12/1948 #3576  
ircraft at all bases on continuous alert for UFOs. It costs too much and pr 3/3/1948 #3587  
s proposal to maintain fighters on alert for UFOs “unfeasible.”             3/17/1948 #3589  
he Army OSI and the IPU put on Red Alert and the ADC activated the local mi 3/25/1948 #3596  
B, GA Massey, a member of civilian alert, observed a squash-shaped object w 7/24/1948 #3731  
er at Sandia Base). He promises to alert Scientific Advisory Board chairman 2/8/1949 #3998  
 McCulloch puts the entire base on alert.                                   3/17/1949 #4049  
S, Various Radar-Inspired National Alert (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 12/6/1950 #5325  
A Sighting 2 Hours Before National Alert (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, C 12/6/1950 #5327  
ce has been put “on immediate high alert for any data whatsoever concerning 12/8/1950 #5334  
t nationwide Air Defense Readiness alert.                                   4/16/1952 #6093  
ea Another Radar-Inspired National Alert (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 4/17/1952 #6102  
A nationwide Air Defense Readiness Alert is declared at 5:11 a.m. SAC is no 4/17/1952 #6106  
re launch of nuclear missiles. The alert is canceled at 7:40 a.m.           4/17/1952 #6106  
esman says that jet patrols are on alert 24 hours a day.                    7/3/1952 #6705  
     Washington DC USAF on 24 hour alert. Shoot Down order newspaper articl 7/28/1952 #7222  
             GREAT FALLS, MT Radio alert / McChord Air Force Base. 50 obser 7/29/1952 #7288  
being tracked on radar, a scramble alert is issued at 11:55 p.m., and an F- 8/5/1952 #7472  
nimal damage. A few days later, an alert is sounded, allegedly because of d Late Summer 1952 #7612  
n intercept stand-by duty when the alert whistle goes off. Minutes later he 2/11/1953 #8664  
e base is supposedly placed on red alert.                                   Summer 1953 #8952  
hoots going up [to] and away. RCAF alert.                                   7/13/1955 #12257  
the UFO). Orly radios the pilot to alert him to the unidentified target. Ra 2/17/1956 #12723  
flying F-86’s near Modesto, CA, on alert duty due to civilian UFO reports i Late 1956 #13277  
f Miami, Florida was placed on an "alert status."                           11/8/1956 #13315  
ussia 3:05 p.m. A national defense alert is called when the first of two or 9/20/1957 #14020  
ds and altitudes. SAC goes on high alert and apparently launches nuclear bo 9/20/1957 #14020  
ear bombers toward Russia, but the alert is called off when the UFOs disapp 9/20/1957 #14020  
pear. NORAD triggers a White House alert. High-level meetings of CIA and US 9/20/1957 #14020  
ter midnight an UFO approached the alert hanger where one guard was standin 5/1958 #15006  
t was apparently hovering over the alert hanger and the atomic bomb storage 5/1958 #15006  
ts its landing gear, he manages to alert another mechanic in time for them  Summer 1958 #15112  
onal Atlas-D ICBM squadron goes on alert at Francis E. Warren AFB, west of  9/9/1959 #15962  
ite light. They drive back home to alert her husband, Joseph A. Gasslein, a 4/24/1962 #17127  
kill him. The family stayed on the alert all night.                         8/19/1962 #17346  
aval blockade of Cuba. US military alert is set at DEFCON 3, and Castro mob 10/22/1962 #17485  
 bombers go on continuous airborne alert, and B-47 medium bombers are dispe 10/25/1962 #17495  
lf at 1:30 a.m. This results in an alert at the base for all personnel to b 8/1/1965 #19242  
             Edwards AFB, CA Major alert. Audio recordings (NICAP: 10 - Nuc 10/7/1965 #19647  
ntions that some missiles went off alert for 24 hours after a UFO sighting  8/24/1966 #20802  
 a UFO sighting at the N-1 missile alert facility.                          8/24/1966 #20802  
in which a flying object took “off alert” all 10 of the nuclear-tipped miss 9/1966 #20820  
he fleet. The naval patrol goes on alert, and the fleet commander orders hi Early 1968 #23635  
    LUDA = DALIEN, CH Big military alert. Ovoid maneuvers and lands. All ra 1/1968 (approximate) #23637  
(since 1960) Operation Chrome Dome alert mission to deter a Soviet nuclear  1/21/1968 #23684  
yes, and didn’t think he needed to alert anyone, since McDonald is a friend 2/7/1968 #23739  
F-4 Phantom jets on high readiness alert cannot take off. Soon the messagin 6/1971 #26153  
y. They run out into the street to alert others, and the object follows the 10/2/1971 #26400  
he ran back to the family house to alert the others. The bright glow was no 11/2/1971 #26450  
   Malmstrom AFB, MT Rumors Of Red Alert & Possible Major Incident (Unfound 1/15/1972 #26546  
 Wagon" (a high security violation alert). Four additional security officer 10/14/1972 #27077  
e creatures. Soon another security alert team arrived. They conducted a sea 10/14/1972 #27077  
to Mt. Lambert. Nobody hears radio alert.                                   9/12/1973 #27806  
st of Abilene, Texas, when a major alert goes off at the base after a large 10/1973 #27902  
es past the figures. The witnesses alert the sheriff’s office, and two offi 10/22/1973 #28241  
saucer over NSA radio towers / big alert. / r174p154+/ r120p174.            10/25/1973 #28279  
base is communicating a DEFCON III alert to conventional and nuclear forces 10/25/1973 #28284  
Malmstrom AFB Romeo Flight missile alert facility near Brady, Montana Romeo 3/1974 #28830  
Malmstrom AFB Romeo Flight missile alert facility near Brady, Montana, when 3/1974 #28830  
nd inner alarms go off. A security alert team arrives and sees a large, bri 3/1974 #28830  
Malmstrom AFB Romeo Flight missile alert facility near Brady, MT. A missile 3/1974 #28831  
y personnel assigned to the Bomber Alert Area of Grand Forks AFB near Emera 10/14/1974 #29527  
 to within one-quarter mile of the alert area before they are noticed. With 10/14/1974 #29527  
lmstrom AFB K-01 Minuteman missile alert facility 1.7 miles east-northeast  2/17/1975 #29820  
lmstrom AFB K-01 Minuteman missile alert facility 1.7 miles east-northeast  2/17/1975 #29820  
ar weapons storage sites, aircraft alert areas and missile control complexe 10/1975 #30401  
nne Mountain, CO Security Option 5 Alert At NORAD (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, 10/1975 #30406  
 that triggers a Security Option 5 Alert. According to an informant at the  Late 10/1975 #30471  
 US is airborne. The base stays on alert through 6:00 a.m.                  Late 10/1975 #30471  
e base is immediately put on major alert status, a Security Option 3, and S 10/27/1975 #30487  
UFO's / RADAR / 20 minute(s). Full alert. USAF UFO inv. agency all over.    10/28/1975 (approximate) #30498  
tely silent. The base goes on full alert and a sweep is made by security, b 10/28/1975 #30503  
al miles NW of Loring AFB, Me. The alert helo was launched to identify the  10/31/1975 #30524  
ut was unable to make contact. The alert helo was launched again at 0146 ho 10/31/1975 #30524  
orthwest of Loring AFB, Maine. The alert helicopter is launched to identify 10/31/1975 #30525  
opter checks the area and Sabotage Alert Teams consisting of 4–6 men are or 11/7/1975 #30576  
ral light was made by the Sabotage Alert Teams on the ground. The radar tar 11/8/1975 #30582  
ommander Bruce Fenstermacher is on alert duty at one of the underground lau Autumn 1976 #31421  
nge, Australia Dog and Horse raise alert to bright object near ground (NICA 5/26/1977 #32132  
 power outage occurs at the Victor Alert facility that houses fighter aircr 7/1/1977 #32227  
d and ran back inside her house to alert the others, but the little men had 8/31/1977 #32447  
                     USAF Security Alert Team member Mario A. Woods Jr., st 11/1977 #32648  
ze of a football field. The police alert the Center for UFO Studies and All 4/29/1978 #33179  
r and contact external security to alert radar technician Timothy Collins.  5/14/1978 #33210  
of the teens run to the village to alert the police, who upon their arrival 9/1/1978 #33622  
, however, and workers are able to alert their boss, who steps outside and  11/21/1978 #33974  
out, and the missile site goes off alert. The hum is gone, but they can sti Early 1/1979 #34280  
re reporting it to the police, who alert the Center for UFO Studies, which  8/2/1979 #34702  
urn back to a railway crossing and alert the guards to the object, which is 9/5/1979 #34838  
, triangular object above the B-52 Alert Pad about half a mile away. It beg 5/1980 #35296  
dio does not work when he tries to alert others. Suddenly a yellow light sh 8/17/1980 #35462  
isual reports that local witnesses alert him to. It passes through the Kirk 11/18/1980 #35654  
s patrol car. When he attempted to alert headquarters to its presence he fo 11/28/1980 #35680  
The UFO sets off a Condition Zebra alert in the Naval Command Center, and A Early 5/1981 #35924  
ot-deep shaft prior to testing, an alert goes off that the facility is unde 1982 #36285  
                   Reading, UK UFO Alert as Mystery Light Passes over Berks 3/15/1983 #36783  
nutes, he goes inside his house to alert his family, but when they come out 3/24/1983 #36805  
nuclear strike and moves to a high alert. Historians such as Thomas Blanton 11/7/1983 #37044  
ommissioner. The BDF is put on Red Alert. By 2:20 a.m., the formation is 14 4/12/1984 #37258  
 The encounter lasts 9 minutes. An alert is triggered at NORAD. The object  5/5/1984 #37317  
 Traffic Control Center is on full alert, radar screens showing numerous un 5/19/1986 #37881  
tary radar ATC system, was on full alert due to numberous UFOs cluttering t 5/19/1986 #37882  
    Malmstrom AFB Alpha-01 missile alert facility southeast of Belt, Montan Fall 1986 #38035  
the Malmstrom AFB Alpha-01 missile alert facility southeast of Belt, Montan Fall 1986 #38035  
climbs. She claims to send a flash alert to the Commander-in-Chief of NORAD 12/1986 #38079  
 object then disappears. The flash alert is allegedly recalled the next day 12/1986 #38079  
and fast climbs. She sends a flash alert to the Commander- in-Chief of NORA Mid 12/1986 #38083  
copes. Nothing turns up. The flash alert is recalled the following day. A s Mid 12/1986 #38083  
te lights.” After 15 minutes, they alert the Dane County Sheriff and are so 1/15/1987 #38099  
        Malmstrom AFB N-01 missile alert facility northwest of Grassrange,  Winter 1987 #38370  
 at the Malmstrom AFB N-01 missile alert facility northwest of Grassrange,  Winter 1987 #38370  
ponse team responded to a security alert at the N-06 launch site and had no Winter 1987 #38370  
C loses power. At that moment, the alert team bursts from its vehicle and r Winter 1987 #38370  
nt about 20 miles away. The Bakers alert the Coast Guard, and Seaman James  3/4/1988 #38487  
       Somerville, OH Barking dogs alert witness to domed objects (NICAP: 0 1/18/1989 #38785  
  Ispwich, MA Dog in house curious/alert to disc outside (NICAP: 04 - Anima 8/31/1989 #39078  
en takes off to the west. The boys alert two teachers in the school, Bob Ma 10/11/1989 #39162  
t and attempted to run upstairs to alert her husband. A period of about 50  3/13/1990 #39458  
r stations and aircraft are put on alert. At 9:38 p.m., a UFO is seen at 6, 3/21/1990 #39475  
ntional aircraft, issued a general alert for air traffic to avoid the area. 8/28/1991 #40168  
t Anthony W. Keel is working as an alert response team leader at the Ellswo 9/1991 #40178  
l police. The police call ahead to alert the meteorological officer at near 3/31/1993 #40914  
               ELAT, ISRAEL Police alert. Hundreds / observer(s). Large fir 8/4/1996 #42970  
ho, Cordoba, Argentina, receive an alert on their car radio about several U 9/6/2001 #44250  
ho, Cordoba, Argentina, receive an alert about a mystery light. They see 7– 9/6/2002 #44391  
nuclear missiles. The five Missile Alert Facilities affected, Alpha through 10/23/2010 #45303  
r missiles, affecting five Missile Alert Facilities Alpha through Echo comp 10/23/2010 #45304  
r Malmstrom AFB’s Oscar-01 Missile Alert Facility and Launch Control Center 9/19/2012 #45353  
ey cannot see any propellors. They alert Gatwick, but the controllers there 7/14/2017 #45475  
## Word: "alerted" (Back to Top)
of the 4th Interceptor Command are alerted, but their aircraft remain groun 2/24/1942 #1388  
rew on a naval destroyer they were alerted to their stations. Shortly five  1943 #1474  
involved, and the press is already alerted.                                 7/8/1947 #3019  
nger 1st Lt. John H. Van Santen is alerted by Fehrevach and also sees the o 1/24/1950 #4509  
 radar units and fighter squadrons alerted for further observation. Atomic  8/4/1950 #5099  
Press, the Air Defense Command has alerted jet interceptor pilots to take o 7/28/1952 #7263  
 Montana Witnesses:  USAF persons, alerted that UFOs were coming from the d 7/29/1952 #7318  
personnel near Ennis, Montana were alerted that UFOs were coming from the d 7/29/1952 #7335  
4 a.m., the Air Defense Command is alerted and authorizes the scramble of t 9/2/1952 #7829  
e morning a terrified growling dog alerted the witness to a presence outsid 12/15/1953 #9367  
denly failed at the same spot, and alerted neighbors saw the object again.  10/27/1954 #11445  
denly failed at the same spot, and alerted neighbors saw the object again.  10/27/1954 #11453  
Hill Elizabeth Klarer, having been alerted by her sister May that the local 12/27/1954 #11864  
                                   Alerted by some children to the presence 12/27/1954 #11865  
 American military authorities are alerted. Military Police Cpl. Ben Elliot 1/15/1956 #12661  
ge Chowanski, an auto mechanic was alerted by the barking of his dog and he 12/30/1957 #14770  
ving in Drakestown, New Jersey was alerted by the barking of his dog and he 12/30/1957 #14772  
Ontario 2:00 a.m. Two brothers are alerted by their journalist brother abou Summer 1960 #16313  
r also sees the object after he is alerted by radio. He is buzzed by the UF 1/12/1965 #18720  
local police dispatch the officers alerted the Air Force, who sent out figh 4/17/1966 #20305  
t 6,000 feet, everyone on board is alerted and watches the object pacing th 4/25/1966 #20415  
es of a nearby restaurant who were alerted by the witness. (Los Angeles NIC 5/24/1966 #20509  
ts bottom. One of the observers is alerted by his dog barking persistently  6/16/1966 #20568  
UFO over a missile site. NORAD was alerted and jet interceptors were scramb 9/21/1966 #20911  
 2:00 a.m. EST,. An airport owner, alerted by a whirring sound, saw an obje Spring 1967 #21921  
ST (10:50 p.m. CST). A barking dog alerted five witnesses (animal reactions 3/22/1967 #21946  
nd was heard. Others on shore were alerted during the 15-minute sighting, a 6/18/1967 #22517  
rs. Barking dogs (animal reaction) alerted the witnesses. The object was ho 8/12/1967 #22865  
at Wernersville, Pennsylvania, are alerted by a neighbor to go outside and  9/29/1967 #23147  
e east, reaching a great altitude. Alerted by their shouts, other witnesses 7/1/1968 #24118  
f of Tonkin. Ensign Will Miller is alerted by the lookout about a possible  1969 #24805  
te Pani, Cabo De Creus, Spain were alerted by another soldier to a fiery re 3/25/1971 #26054  
rt, Eastern Cape, South Africa, is alerted to a “fiery red ball hovering at 6/26/1972 #26735  
ere glad that the noise he created alerted them to the apparent problem wit 8/26/1972 #26956  
 approximately 6:00 a.m., NORAD is alerted. Two F-106 jet fighters are disp 9/14/1972 #26997  
acked for about an hour. NORAD was alerted and at approximately 6:00 a.m. t 9/14/1972 #27000  
th of the site, Sgt. Alexander was alerted by his dog to two creatures stan 10/14/1972 #27077  
V interference at 8:40 p.m. and it alerted him to the nearby presence of a  10/28/1973 #28314  
lent. Nine other air policemen are alerted, and four F-101 Voodoo Air Natio 11/6/1973 #28376  
tedly honked their car horn, which alerted farmer Roger Weber, who came out 3/2/1975 #29870  
wick, Northumberland, England, are alerted by a call from a civilian who is 7/30/1977 #32323  
 An Iberia airliner in the area is alerted, and the pilot reports an intens 2/25/1979 #34447  
       Rio, Brazil Cows and horses alerted, then ran as small light flew by 12/18/1980 #35727  
f 900–1000 ft. Two other officers, alerted by radio, also observed the UFO. 11/27/1982 #36691  
telligence facility at Rockbank is alerted that its security has been breac 7/22/1983 #36921  
s, South Dakota, after having been alerted by a citizen 10 minutes earlier. 3/6/1984 #37219  
       Coon Rapid, MN Barking dogs alerted witness to treetop hovering sphe 12/25/1987 #38372  
           Sharon, PA Barking dogs alerted to triangle, treetop height (NIC 1/25/1988 #38433  
             Crestview, FL Barking alerted witness to disc, which put light 4/21/1989 #38916  
 them, and the Coast Guard is also alerted.                                 6/2/1989 #38973  
ctoria, Entre Rios, Argentina were alerted to two maneuvering lights in the 8/13/1991 #40152  
et-shaped object with searchlights alerted witness (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reac 10/1992 #40656  
                   Custer, SD Dogs alerted to white lights (NICAP: 04 - Ani 10/11/1994 #41800  
                              Dogs alerted witnesses to the presence in the 10/11/1994 #41801  
l. There are rumors that NORAD has alerted the Brazilian authorities that i 1/13/1996 #42681  
 a barking dog and a booming sound alerted the witness to two bright lights 6/18/1996 #42934  
na at 11:00 p.m. when a radio call alerted him that police in neighboring A 7/21/2002 #44362  
ntly some border guards had become alerted to the presence of the strange c 8/2/2004 #44725  
ader of Mirage 4 military jets was alerted by one of his fellow crew member 10/15/2004 #44768  
craft. The flight plan operator is alerted, and they both watch the UFO sto Late 7/2005 #44857  
ight to bed; the other is where he alerted the dogs and made them check out 4/12/2008 #45127  
eorgia 11:45 p.m. “Derek Jones” is alerted by his two dogs barking in his b 5/8/2009 #45220  
## Word: "alerting" (Back to Top)
e armed forces to waste no time in alerting the people. Any sudden, hostile 2/27/1960 #16186  
 to Christchurch run, New Zealand, alerting him to the position of the obje 12/21/1978 #34193  
eft arm. She screamed hysterically alerting her neighbors to the scene. She 10/16/1997 #43430  
## Word: "alerts" (Back to Top)
 and also has a red light. Chidsey alerts other Missouri Pacific train stat 2/26/1897 #389  
e Ontario Agricultural College. He alerts other residents in his boarding h 2/15/1915 #926  
en by 30 soldiers, and Reuterswärd alerts the press that planes had flown o 1/22/1934 #1196  
ng highly unusual, perhaps Soviet, alerts the next higher headquarters. Mar 7/6/1947 #2812  
l visible when he arrives home and alerts his mother and grandmother. Possi 7/7/1947 #2941  
is sees two similar objects and he alerts M/Sgt Ernest Davis Jr., who also  5/28/1948 #3660  
t of Mount Vernon, Virginia, Gates alerts Sperry to a bright blue or bluish 5/29/1950 #4972  
f a B-36 at high altitude. Bechtel alerts the radar station but it is unabl 5/10/1952 #6296  
North Korea 3:20 a.m. Ground radar alerts the crew of an F-94 Starfire inte 5/26/1952 #6366  
a total of 54 have gone by. Munson alerts the CAA operator at the Rockford  8/10/1952 #7539  
hovers, then descends again. Scott alerts Capt. Everett A. Turner at the Ch 8/21/1952 #7670  
omas McRae notifies the FBI, which alerts the Air Force at Dobbins AFB [now 7/7/1953 #8989  
d by Sgt. Francis R. Salinder, who alerts the base and a combat team search 12/30/1953 #9409  
n Ports and Lights Administration, alerts pilots and astronomers to keep wa 10/5/1954 #10731  
lls Naha Airport on Okinawa, which alerts the US Kadena Air Base. Two jets  3/24/1955 #12059  
y abruptly into a passage. Suddard alerts the police, but they find nothing 8/16/1955 #12364  
 3 minutes and it doesn’t move. He alerts copilot James E. Hall, the stewar 11/9/1957 #14506  
hen rejoins the other two. Killian alerts copilot James John Dee and then a 2/24/1959 #15604  
object descending from the sky and alerts the crew. It gets brighter as it  12/13/1959 #16117  
 classification level of Moon Dust Alerts and reports, focus of Moon Dust o 4/25/1961 #16662  
RAD radar picks up the object; ADC alerts several bases, including Nellis A 4/18/1962 #17120  
California 8:15 p.m. A barking dog alerts the caretaker of the Butano Creek 11/3/1964 #18605  
 when it should not have. The team alerts the Jet Propulsion Lab. The signa 10/22/1965 #19672  
ue smoke rising from the woods and alerts local radio station WHJB. Another 12/9/1965 #19762  
de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, alerts 10 employees to a mysterious ligh 3/12/1966 #19954  
ians have seen the UFO. Panzarella alerts the Rochester, Pennsylvania, poli 4/17/1966 #20318  
ey of the Joplin, Missouri, police alerts fellow officers about an unexplai 1/13/1967 #21298  
 with flashing lights.” Cunningham alerts the Joplin station because the ob 1/13/1967 #21298  
                    Ozarks, MO Dog alerts owner to near-ground object (NICA 2/19/1967 #21597  
. The control tower operator there alerts pilots of a Cruzeiro do Sul aircr 3/21/1967 #21936  
          Redlands, CA Barking dog alerts to slow moving round object at 30 2/4/1968 #23732  
ts to 15 miles at 3:35 a.m. RAPCON alerts the pilots (instructor pilot Maj. 10/24/1968 #24587  
he organization’s difficulties. He alerts the board of directors to the gro 10/27/1969 #25425  
irl guide leader Claudine Dieupart alerts 43 other girl guides and Belgian  7/4/1972 #26764  
                    Morton, MN Dog alerts, chases triangle (NICAP: 04 - Ani 7/15/1972 #26802  
seconds, the figure withdraws. She alerts her husband, who goes outside to  11/22/1973 #28459  
 can see its underside. As the man alerts people to the object on his CB ra Early 4/1974 #28990  
00 p.m. After his sister calls and alerts him to a “fiery glow” near his ba 10/7/1975 #30421  
                Strathmore, CA Dog alerts to huge cigar then hides (NICAP:  6/15/1976 #31111  
0 feet. Around 12:30 a.m., Pirouzi alerts the Iranian Air Force command pos 9/18/1976 #31395  
Admiral Benbow Inn parking lot and alerts the night watchman, who sees the  3/1981 #35859  
ile away to the northeast. The man alerts his neighbor and they return to t Late 7/1987 #38218  
appear above some nearby trees. He alerts the oher pilots to come out, and  Late 3/1989 #38880  
ther communication from the object alerts the airport tower, creating a dan 4/25/2013 #45365  
fornia. The air traffic controller alerts another pilot who is preparing to 10/14/2020 #45662  
he Federal Aviation Administration alerts local law enforcement and the FBI 10/14/2020 #45662  
## Word: "ales" (Back to Top)
                                   ALES, GARD, FR Several observer(s). Sauc 10/9/1954 #10825  
                                   ALES, GARD 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. F 7/31/1968 #24265  
## Word: "alessandra" (Back to Top)
ime Charles Hardman was walking on Alessandra Street in Temple City when he 5/16/1966 #20490  
## Word: "alessandria" (Back to Top)
                                   Alessandria, Italy Parma Turin A fall of 10/18/2002 #44419  
 angel hair covers a large area of Alessandria, Italy, including roofs, car 10/18/2002 #44419  
## Word: "alessandrino" (Back to Top)
           Santa Maria del Tempio, Alessandrino, Italy 12:50 a.m. Mauro Bel 4/16/1974 #29040  
r villa in Santa Maria del Tempio, Alessandrino, Italy, when they notice a  4/16/1974 #29040  
## Word: "alessandrio" (Back to Top)
                 western suburb of Alessandrio, Piedmont, Italy 8:00–8:15 a 9/2/1978 #33626  
ng combined in a western suburb of Alessandrio, Piedmont, Italy. He sees an 9/2/1978 #33626  
take place in the same area around Alessandrio on September 3, 6, 7, and 13 9/2/1978 #33626  
                                   Alessandrio, Piedmont, Italy 10:00 p.m.  9/3/1978 #33630  
etween a road and a maize field in Alessandrio, Piedmont, Italy. The strip  9/3/1978 #33630  
## Word: "alessandro" (Back to Top)
ent—Giancarlo Abete, Publio Fiori, Alessandro Scajola, and Martino Scovacri 7/10/1984 #37390  
ter, Rassegna Casistica, edited by Alessandro Cortellazi in Turin, Italy. I 7/1988 #38597  
                                   Alessandro Boscolo and two friends were  11/9/1996 #43110  
-year-old Giovanni and 15-year-old Alessandro, were walking alone on the Vi 9/4/1997 #43394  
## Word: "aleutian" (Back to Top)
                                   Aleutian Islands, At Sea Aboard the US a 3/1945 #1801  
                                   Aleutian Islands Aboard the US attack tr 3/1945 #1803  
                                   Aleutian Islands, At Sea Crew saw large  Summer 1945 #1880  
                              Adak Aleutian Islands Alaska Radioman Robert  Summer 1945 #1883  
t of the ocean east of Adak in the Aleutian Islands, Alaska. The UFO, showi Summer 1945 #1883  
                      Shemya AFB - Aleutian Islands, AK Bombers see a dull- 3/29/1949 #4059  
                                   Aleutian Islands (north of), AK 3 ft red 1/31/1950 #4521  
                      Atka Island, Aleutian Islands, AK P2V-5F Encounters 3 1/11/1958 #14819  
## Word: "aleutians" (Back to Top)
        McKorryuk, Nunivak Island, Aleutians, AK Strange deep red ball of f 9/1/1950 #5163  
## Word: "aleuts" (Back to Top)
                NUNIVAK ISLAND, AK Aleuts terrorized. Huge fireball / ovoid 9/1/1950 #5162  
## Word: "alex" (Back to Top)
entucky 9:00 p.m. George Alverson, Alex Oxford, and Charley Hunter are walk 4/17/1897 #525  
at an altitude of around 400 feet. Alex Randall of Revere reports wings, ta 12/23/1909 #822  
. Air Traffic Controller and pilot Alex A. Boudreaux and VHF Direction-Find 1/7/1948 #3546  
, MN 10:15 p.m. Robert Lerdahl and Alex Ellison saw about 36 UFOs which pas 4/29/1957 #13623  
 or 7:10 p.m. Typewriter repairman Alex Donald Chisholm is at home at 21950 8/18/1958 #15215  
n for about one second. Supervisor Alex Geddes, who was not present, sends  9/25/1958 #15281  
J. Friend, Col. Leonard T. Glaser, Alex Francis Arcier, Maj. James F. Byrne 2/17/1959 #15591  
             Grassy Plains, Canada Alex Gillis and Jerry Monkman saw from a 4/29/1959 #15717  
l, Bedfordshire, England 1:45 p.m. Alex Butler, 10, and five young friends  1/28/1967 #21409  
h of lightning strikes nearby, and Alex sees a little blue man about 3 feet 1/28/1967 #21409  
pearing. Fravor and another pilot, Alex Dietrich, say in an interview that  11/14/2004 #44784  
## Word: "alexander" (Back to Top)
land Before midnight. Schoolmaster Alexander Campbell and one other person  9/10/1798 #96  
 and disappears. Historian William Alexander Taylor, who supplies the story Late 3/1873 #200  
              Leroy, KS 10:30 p.m. Alexander Hamilton was awakened by a noi 4/19/1897 #532  
                     Leroy, Kansas Alexander Hamilton was awakened by a noi 4/19/1897 #533  
 Center, Kansas 10:30 p.m. Rancher Alexander Hamilton, his son Will, and hi 4/19/1897 #538  
search carried out in the 1950s by Alexander D. Mebane uncovers a handful o 2/9/1913 #881  
elivered to Roosevelt by economist Alexander Sachs on October 11. Roosevelt 8/2/1939 #1313  
gan 3:00 p.m. USAF Reserve 1st Lt. Alexander Kokolonis is flying a C-47 at  5/28/1948 #3660  
cal employees, including Kaeel and Alexander, of the Air Force Base. A dark 8/30/1950 #5149  
ndland, Canada including Kaeel and Alexander sighted a dark, barrel-shaped  8/30/1950 #5151  
n informant is revealed to be Rolf Alexander, who is in fact Allan Alexande Summer 1951 #5549  
lf Alexander, who is in fact Allan Alexander Stirling, a New Zealand seaman Summer 1951 #5549  
                    Army Col. John Alexander states former Douglas engineer 1954 #9424  
esources to UAP crash recoveries.  Alexander states Hal Puthoff told him th 1954 #9424  
Myths, Conspiracies and Realities, Alexander, p198     Note: The SOM1-01 ma 1954 #9424  
by Ted Bloecher, Isabel Davis, and Alexander Mebane. The group holds regula 2/1954 #9519  
                Frankfurt, Germany Alexander Litvinenko Soviet defector Nik 9/1957 #13965  
 when compared to the poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko in 2006, although i 9/1957 #13965  
observed two tall men walking down Alexander Avenue. They were dressed like 6/26/1959 #15792  
y chairman. Members include author Alexander Kazantsev, engineer Arkady Tik 10/18/1967 #23265  
ojonup Western Australia 9:30 p.m. Alexander Spargo is traveling alone in h 10/30/1967 #23371  
sistant Secretary of the Air Force Alexander H. Flax, Frederick Seitz expre 1/8/1969 #24826  
th Africa a witness by the name of Alexander saw a bright red object only t 7/21/1972 #26823  
ers arrived, including Sgt. Darren Alexander and his dog "Champ." Approxima 10/14/1972 #27077  
 400 yards south of the site, Sgt. Alexander was alerted by his dog to two  10/14/1972 #27077  
 near a remote power station. Sgt. Alexander yelled for the creatures to st 10/14/1972 #27077  
stead both creatures moved towards Alexander, who noticed that one of them  10/14/1972 #27077  
ject he thought was a weapon. Sgt. Alexander then fired six rounds form his 10/14/1972 #27077  
 revolver. After firing the shots, Alexander returned to his vehicle and ra 10/14/1972 #27077  
sile launches by the submarine USS Alexander Hamilton.                      11/19/1976 #31559  
an MacKenzie, PS James Trohear, PC Alexander Inglis, and PC David Wild) and 8/28/1977 #32432  
 by Russian science-fiction writer Alexander Kazantsev, aerospace engineer  1980 #35114  
      Moscow Army Lt. Col. John B. Alexander discusses in Military Review h 12/1980 #35686  
as investigated by ex-Col. John B. Alexander on behalf of the inspector Gen 12/29/1980 #35753  
w York City 7:55 a.m. Stephen Eric Alexander is waiting for a school bus wi 12/10/1982 #36712  
                      Col. John B. Alexander and the US Army Intelligence a 1983 #36738  
, John Hutchison, George Hathaway, Alexander, two scientists from Los Alamo 1983 #36738  
 Gibraltar Greece 4:10 p.m. Seaman Alexander Globa and mate of the watch Se Mid 6/1984 #37364  
irginia Pentagon Army Col. John B. Alexander (Howard Blum gives him the pse 5/20/1985 #37590  
eing), and remote viewer Ed Dames. Alexander states that one of ATP’s goals 5/20/1985 #37590  
ld E. Puthoff (Partridge), John B. Alexander (Chickadee), C. B. Scott Jones Fall 1986 #38034  
 supervision led by USAF Col. John Alexander to determine if UAP evidence s 4/1988 #38527  
ually a pseudonym for Col. John B. Alexander). Founded in 1987, according t 9/1990 #39711  
include David Morehouse, Col. John Alexander, Lyn Buchanan, Paul H. Smith,  3/9/1992 #40368  
d are retired US Army Col. John B. Alexander who characterizes the NIDS eff Fall 1994 #41773  
hires retired US Army Col. John B. Alexander part-time and biochemist Colm  12/1995 #42635  
 Kelleher as deputy administrator. Alexander puts together a Scientific Adv 12/1995 #42635  
odore Rockwell, and Army Col. John Alexander. Journalist George Knapp was a 1/28/1996 #42725  
me, he was accompanied by Dr. John Alexander who represented that he had go 7/23/1997 #43357  
                                   ALEXANDER, AR Driver / I30. 2 white disk 11/11/1998 #43679  
                                   Alexander, Arkansas 11:55 a.m. Two dayli 11/11/1998 #43680  
M. Jones as she is driving through Alexander, Arkansas: “The first was larg 11/11/1998 #43680  
n of a new Project Blue Book. John Alexander and others at NIDS are seeming 1/24/2000 #43934  
                         Col. John Alexander tells Jacques Vallée he believ 5/11/2002 #44342  
d by BDM Corp. and led by Col John Alexander, was killed because “there was 10/2/2003 #44610  
 “McGarity,” a friend of Col. John Alexander and former manager of operatio 12/5/2005 #44907  
iled Dr. Hal Puthoff and Col. John Alexander from a General Motors Co. corp 4/28/2006 #44936  
d recovered UAP craft. Puthoff and Alexander held their own General Motors  4/28/2006 #44936  
a/7D5xIGk  Note: In 1985 Col. John Alexander led the “Advanced Theoretical  4/28/2006 #44936  
              Political scientists Alexander Wendt and Raymond Duvall publi 5/6/2008 #45134  
                         Col. John Alexander states that “if five people kn 2/15/2011 #45316  
Myths, Conspiracies and Realities, Alexander, p45.                          2/15/2011 #45316  
                         Col. John Alexander states there was no black UAP  2/15/2011 #45317  
were claimed by some in the 1980s. Alexander states he worked at TA-33 and  2/15/2011 #45317  
Myths, Conspiracies and Realities, Alexander, p145.                         2/15/2011 #45317  
 intelligences on Earth. Col. John Alexander claims he was involved in tele 7/2011 #45330  
versity of Lincoln Cuba Biologists Alexander L. Stubbs of the University of 1/4/2019 #45555  
    Huntsville, AL ex-Col. John B. Alexander states on video at the SCU AAP 6/4/2022 #45754  
                Huntsville, AL Dr. Alexander Wendt gives the virtual presen 6/4/2022 #45756  
ficer Jim Semivan states Col. John Alexander sent materials related to Semi 9/5/2022 #45769  
## Word: "alexandra" (Back to Top)
             King's Junction Queen Alexandra Dock Cardiff, Wales Bristol Ch 5/19/1909 #765  
an at King’s Junction in the Queen Alexandra Dock at Cardiff, Wales, sees a 5/19/1909 #765  
                                   Alexandra Park, London, UK Circular, lum 5/25/1955 #12158  
d Canaberra Rua 15 de Novembro Rua Alexandra de Motta Night. Adilon Batista 7/26/1965 #19181  
the Rua 15 de Novembro and the Rua Alexandra de Motta, they see a light bea 7/26/1965 #19181  
d factory employee, and her friend Alexandra Stepanovna, an engineer, toget 7/4/1989 #39009  
## Word: "alexandra's" (Back to Top)
anovna, an engineer, together with Alexandra's six-year-old daughter, were  7/4/1989 #39009  
## Word: "alexandre" (Back to Top)
      St.-Jean-d'Asse, France. Mr. Alexandre Tremblay, a café owner, was dr 10/7/1954 #10793  
   University of Lisbon physicists Alexandre Martins and Mario Pinheiro fin 2/1/2007 #45004  
## Word: "alexandrescu" (Back to Top)
UFO researchers Ion Hobana, Harald Alexandrescu, and Dan D. Farcaş establis 9/28/1998 #43654  
## Word: "alexandria" (Back to Top)
                                   ALEXANDRIA, VA Ray / light / window wake 7/4/1947 #2595  
                                   Alexandria, Virginia After 4:00 a.m. Mrs 7/4/1947 #2653  
in Kole is awakened in her home in Alexandria, Virginia, by something shini 7/4/1947 #2653  
                                   ALEXANDRIA, LA 4 observer(s). Saucer goi 7/6/1947 #2745  
                                   ALEXANDRIA, KY Retired teacher. 5 classi 7/1949 #4257  
                                   ALEXANDRIA, VA 2 USAF pilots. Odd craft  11/28/1951 #5795  
                              NEAR ALEXANDRIA, VA Top CIA man and military  5/1952 #6226  
                                   Alexandria, Virginia 10:00 p.m. A senior Early 5/1952 #6248  
ving a lawn party at his home near Alexandria, Virginia, for some VIPs. He  Early 5/1952 #6248  
                                   Alexandria, VA Top CIA Official & Guests 5/22/1952 #6347  
object hover for four minutes over Alexandria, Virginia at 9:30 p.m.        7/20/1952 #6957  
                      4 MILES WITH ALEXANDRIA, VA Cop and 2 USAF and civili 7/23/1952 #7053  
                                   Alexandria, VA 9:00 p.m. A red object, s 7/23/1952 #7060  
termined, was sighted southwest of Alexandria, Virginia. The object hovered 7/23/1952 #7060  
                                   ALEXANDRIA, IN 4 observer(s). 6 aluminum 7/30/1952 #7344  
                                   Alexandria, Indiana 1:10 p.m. Willie Vau 7/30/1952 #7364  
Indiana 1:10 p.m. Willie Vaught of Alexandria, Indiana, sees a strange look 7/30/1952 #7364  
                                   Alexandria, VA Six round or disc-shaped, 3/18/1954 #9628  
                                   ALEXANDRIA AND MUZHA, EGYPT Hundreds / o 10/9/1954 #10836  
                                   Alexandria, Egypt A cylindrical UFO with 10/10/1954 #10892  
 red and green lights is seen over Alexandria, Egypt.                       10/10/1954 #10892  
nverse, Louisiana England AFB [now Alexandria International Airport] 9:35 p 6/3/1957 #13698  
s ADC radar site, England AFB [now Alexandria International Airport], which 6/3/1957 #13698  
                                   ALEXANDRIA, LA Near England Air Force Ba 6/23/1958 #15114  
                                   ALEXANDRIA, VA 1 observer. Huge silent s 10/7/1958 #15325  
                                   Alexandria, VA Saturn shaped “silvery” o 10/7/1958 #15327  
                                   Alexandria, Virginia 6:02 p.m. Chemist J 10/7/1958 #15329  
und its equator) in a clear sky in Alexandria, Virginia. It rapidly rises a 10/7/1958 #15329  
                   Roseville, Ohio Alexandria, Virginia Condon, Low, Hartma 5/5/1967 #22275  
ivision of the Raytheon Company of Alexandria, Virginia] at the NPIC on a p 5/5/1967 #22275  
rom a private pilot flying between Alexandria and Leesville, Louisiana that 7/27/1967 #22743  
## Word: "alexandria-leesville" (Back to Top)
                                   Alexandria-Leesville, LA 2:00 a.m. EDT.  7/27/1967 #22740  
## Word: "alexandroupolis" (Back to Top)
                                   ALEXANDROUPOLIS, GREECE Gold triangle go 10/4/1967 #23173  
## Word: "alexandrov" (Back to Top)
 countries send letters to Anatoly Alexandrov, president of the Academy of  9/20/1977 #32499  
ena, proposed by scientist Anatoly Alexandrov. Two research commissions are 10/1977 #32539  
## Word: "alexandrovich" (Back to Top)
               A young man, Andrey Alexandrovich Zabava, was spending time  8/2/2004 #44725  
## Word: "alexandru" (Back to Top)
ucaş Mountains Romania Day. Cornel Alexandru Olteanu is gathering mushrooms 10/1979 #34937  
## Word: "alexania" (Back to Top)
manoid encounters, was awakened in Alexania, Goias State, Brazil by a telep 11/28/1967 #23517  
igating team on Wilson P. Gusmao’s Alexania Fazenda, Goias State, Brazil wh 1/31/1969 #24882  
                                   ALEXANIA, BRAZIL Rancher. Saucer lands.  3/3/1969 (approximate) #24958  
## Word: "alexeni" (Back to Top)
ational Airport Bucharest, Romania Alexeni Air Force Base Urziceni Afternoo 8/23/1984 #37438  
ia, picks up a target flying above Alexeni Air Force Base [now closed] east 8/23/1984 #37438  
## Word: "alexeyev" (Back to Top)
                   Soviet Union V. Alexeyev said that at some “unnamed” wea 1977 #31648  
## Word: "alexio" (Back to Top)
 on a Boeing 707 airliner, Duarte, Alexio, Graca, and Santos, flying over t 9/19/1976 #31412  
## Word: "alexis" (Back to Top)
     Froncles, France Mr. and Mrs. Alexis Lartillot and Georgette Mongot ob 9/28/1954 #10484  
 Georgette Mongot and Mr. and Mrs. Alexis Lartillot in Froncles, France obs 9/28/1954 #10489  
                               ST. ALEXIS / MONTCALM, QB Glowing-object / t 11/8/1964 #18610  
                    A woman in St. Alexis de Montcalm, Quebec, Canada saw a 7/2/1968 #24135  
roup included Pharos Technologies, Alexis Pezarro, John Hutchison, George H 1983 #36738  
aville, Hauts-de-Seine, France Rue Alexis Maneyrol Evening. A woman is walk 2/6/1991? #39974  
named Sylvia, who lives on the Rue Alexis Maneyrol, goes back to look for t 2/6/1991? #39974  
## Word: "alfa-class" (Back to Top)
 3:00 a.m. The watch officer of an Alfa-class nuclear submarine in the Whit 9/20/1977 #32498  
## Word: "alfalfa" (Back to Top)
r. Hunnicutt reported an odor like alfalfa and almonds. No UFO was seen.    5/25/1955 #12160  
mer. Silent ovoid hovers / 8M over alfalfa field. Blunt ends. Going up [to] 9/1962 #17377  
overing just eight meters above an alfalfa field. It had blunt ends. It asc 9/26/1962 #17442  
s. Each carries a tray filled with alfalfa, roots, soil, leaves, and brush. 4/24/1964 #18199  
 table legs were discovered in the alfalfa field. (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases) Late 6/1964 #18374  
farm. 16m domed metallic saucer in alfalfa field / 20 minute(s). Departure  3/23/1969 #25038  
/ patio. Pseudo-human/entity views alfalfa field. / r50p30.                 8/16/1970 #25789  
an was examining a nearby field of alfalfa. He then turned and took long st 8/16/1970 #25791  
tops. Animals react. Burnt patch / alfalfa.                                 9/4/1974 #29419  
atch of vegetation was found in an alfalfa field.                           9/4/1974 #29423  
                 Pasco, Washington alfalfa field 10 miles north of Pasco, W 8/29/1979 #34799  
ington 8:00 a.m. A woman is in her alfalfa field 10 miles north of Pasco, W 8/29/1979 #34799  
 material, and an analysis of wild alfalfa near the landing site shows chlo 1/8/1981 #35779  
               Varzi, Pavia, Italy alfalfa field 5:00 a.m. Retired restaura 6/5/1983 #36876  
house. It is hovering low above an alfalfa field. Its upper portion is slow 6/5/1983 #36876  
.m. Giuseppe Cocozza goes into his alfalfa field near Prata di Principato U 10/8/1984 #37480  
rance a man saw down in a field of alfalfa a luminous square 10 x 10 meters 9/4/1989 #39091  
## Word: "alfalfal" (Back to Top)
                                   ALFALFAL DAM, CHILE 5 observer(s). 2 fir 1/24/1998 #43503  
         In Santiago, Chile at the Alfalfal Dam five observers first saw tw 1/24/1998 #43504  
## Word: "alfaro" (Back to Top)
                     Gen. Emiliano Alfaro Arregui, chief of staff of the Sp 1/16/1979 #34348  
## Word: "alfena" (Back to Top)
                                   ALFENA, PRT Many separate observer(s). M 9/10/1990 #39722  
## Word: "alfondo" (Back to Top)
co Popocatépetl 6:10 a.m. Reporter Alfondo Reyes is observing the eruption  12/19/2000 #44106  
## Word: "alfonse" (Back to Top)
 Flashes / southwest edge / crater Alfonse. Also bright red light.          2/17/1967 #21578  
## Word: "alfonso" (Back to Top)
                     At 12.30 a.m. Alfonso Rey, age 62, was watching televi 11/28/1972 #27150  
y 9:58 p.m. Fiat Corporation pilot Alfonso Isaia chases a luminous, saucer- 3/9/1974 #28872  
             Navelli (near), Italy Alfonso Marinelli was traveling when his 12/12/1978 #34099  
                     At 11:45 p.m. Alfonso Marinelli was traveling in his n 12/12/1978 #34102  
                           Ricardo Alfonso was driving to work at Taos Elem 12/10/1997 #43457  
rnard Haisch (Lockheed Martin) and Alfonso Ruedo (California State Universi 8/1998 #43618  
                             Jorge Alfonso was walking his dog in Cabo Frio 2/4/1999 #43722  
r walking home along the Plazoleta Alfonso de la Vega in Frias, Argentina n 4/17/2000 #43982  
 Woodward of Cal State University, Alfonso Rueda of Cal State University, B 5/2002 #44335  
## Word: "alford" (Back to Top)
e and calls her neighbor Mrs. Judd Alford, who can see a ring of white ligh 2/22/1967 #21623  
                                   ALFORD TO WHYALLA, SOUTH, AUSTR Elongate 12/30/1978 #34228  
## Word: "alfred" (Back to Top)
chester, England Afternoon. Albert Alfred Buss is observing the sun using a 10/10/1914 #920  
nal founding members are physicist Alfred Lee Loomis, biologist Caryl Parke 7/3/1946 #2025  
lm Stockholm Air Attaché Maj. Gen. Alfred A. Kessler Jr. informs the War De 8/24/1946 #2154  
amey and intelligence officer Col. Alfred Kalberer hold a press conference  6/30/1947 #2487  
            Fort Worth, Texas Col. Alfred Kalberer holds another press conf 7/1/1947 #2519  
acobsen’s informant, EG&G engineer Alfred O’Donnell, the upcoming Roswell,  7/1/1947 #2523  
.m. Annie Jacobsen has interviewed Alfred O’Donnell, later an engineer at E 7/5/1947 #2721  
op-level assessment team (possibly Alfred Loedding or Col. William R. Cling 7/28/1947 #3239  
d McCoy asks for a meeting between Alfred Loedding (aeronautics engineer at Late 8/1947 #3369  
t Field, Ohio In Washington, D.C., Alfred Loedding (as Wright Field T-2’s l 9/5/1947 #3386  
arrett’s office in the Pentagon to Alfred Loedding at AMC.                  9/21/1947 #3412  
 Col. McCoy with the assistance of Alfred Loedding, “AMC Opinion Concerning 9/23/1947 #3417  
t Charles Carroll had mentioned to Alfred Loedding in their meeting of Sept 9/24/1947 #3424  
nd, recently ceded to Russia. Gen. Alfred A. Kessler Jr., former US militar 10/14/1947 #3457  
) in a memo titled “Flying Discs.” Alfred Loedding, who is convinced that t 12/30/1947 #3516  
David Hall and Wendy Ann Connors, “Alfred Loedding: New Insight on the Man  12/30/1947 #3516  
Robert R. Sneider (project chief), Alfred Loedding (T-3 engineer), Lawrence 1/22/1948 #3563  
is deemed important enough to send Alfred Loedding and one of Clingerman’s  4/5/1948 #3612  
cy Rating report is written up for Alfred Loedding from Miles E. Goll, whic 5/5/1948 #3639  
te and Lts. Bernard G. Raferty and Alfred H. Jones are at the other. When t 6/6/1949 #4228  
rthwest 10:30 a.m. Mining engineer Alfred Roos hears a swishing sound at hi Mid 8/1951 #5608  
                              NEAR ALFRED, ONT Square object descends / 20  5/1/1952 #6233  
                        Brig. Gen. Alfred R. Maxwell of the Research and De 7/31/1952 #7372  
two other metaphysics enthusiasts, Alfred C. Bailey and his wife Betty of W 8/2/1952 #7424  
ng afterward, Lyman, his wife, and Alfred C. Bailey hear a mysterious code  8/22/1952 #7683  
er and former Project Sign liaison Alfred Loedding and his wife Marion see  10/1952 #8076  
asks Lucy McGinnis, accompanied by Alfred Bailey, to drive him a bit more t 11/20/1952 #8307  
s him and they have a falling out. Alfred C. Bailey later says he has seen  11/24/1952 #8333  
e G. Meade, Maryland 9:30 p.m. Pfc Alfred V. De Bonise and Sgt1C James Conl 12/7/1953 #9345  
         In a newspaper interview, Alfred Loedding alludes to the 1948 Esti 10/10/1954 #10894  
es west of Canadian, Texas, S/Sgt. Alfred A. Calvin and a civilian witness  11/2/1957 #14214  
     Comstock, Minnesota A farmer, Alfred Ernst, saw an object rise from a  5/5/1964 #18242  
     Comstock, Minnesota 8:30 a.m. Alfred Ernst, a farmer near Comstock, Mi 5/5/1964 #18244  
  At 8:30 in the morning a farmer, Alfred Ernst, saw an object rise from a  5/5/1964 #18245  
gns a book contract with publisher Alfred A. Knopf. In August 1973, they su 3/1972 #26584  
                                   Alfred A. Knopf publishes The CIA and th 6/12/1974 #29180  
Menlo Park, California White House Alfred Webre joins the Center for the St 1/1977 #31666  
ampshire, England Around 1:00 a.m. Alfred Burtoo is fishing along the Basin 8/12/1983 #36948  
d T. Regan, George A. Keyworth II, Alfred H. Kingon and John A. Svahn. Cont 6/11/1985 #37600  
                              King Alfred’s College in Winchester, Hampshir 7/17/1992 #40523  
rop Circle Studies is held at King Alfred’s College in Winchester, Hampshir 7/17/1992 #40523  
      Journalist George Knapp says Alfred O’Donnell, a former senior manage 2/28/2023 #45796  
## Word: "alfredo" (Back to Top)
to everything. Engineering student Alfredo Jacopozzi collects samples in a  10/27/1954 #11449  
 Aviateca airliner piloted by Col. Alfredo Castaneda and Col. Carlos Samyoa 2/15/1967 #21556  
 11:00 p.m. Patricio Hanessian and Alfredo Padilla are driving in the state Mid 5/1967 #22347  
rative Command (whose head is Gen. Alfredo Chamorro Chapinal) at Torrejón A 1/15/1992 #40288  
                        Spain Gen. Alfredo Chamorro Chapinal signs a propos 4/13/1992 #40416  
               At around 1:00 a.m. Alfredo de Oliveira Mendes, age 27, a pa 4/17/1996 #42872  
## Word: "alfs" (Back to Top)
liens are called Alien Life Forms (ALFs) and that he has seen photos of ali 12/18/1988 #38755  
## Word: "alfven" (Back to Top)
 document also alleges that Hannes Alfven, who would win the Nobel Prize in 8/17/1949 #4320  
## Word: "alg" (Back to Top)
                             ORAN, ALG Newsman and 2 grocers. Brilliant dis 7/11/1952 #6757  
                      LAMORICIERE, ALG Meteor and 2 night lights. Then ovoi 7/11/1952 #6760  
                       BOUKANEFIS, ALG 2 bakers. "Agile" dinner-plate going 7/15/1952 #6823  
                   TIARET PLATEAU, ALG 3 "reliable observer(s)". Shiny cyli 7/26/1952 #7157  
                    ECKHUHL, ORAN, ALG 3 women. Luminous/glowing silent fla 7/26/1952 #7158  
                       LODI, ORAN, ALG Very large "inverted cone" seen / se 7/28/1952 #7243  
                     FRENDA, ORAN, ALG 2 cops. Saucer with luminous/glowing 7/29/1952 #7282  
                       MOSTAGANEM, ALG Numerous observer(s). Saucer seen /  7/29/1952 #7292  
                      AIN TEDELES, ALG Many observer(s). Classic saucer blo 7/29/1952 #7298  
                          ALGIERS, ALG Shiny black disk shoots up from hori 7/30/1952 #7340  
           TLELAT-ED-DOUAIR, ORAN, ALG 3 cops and Cadi. Strange luminous/gl 7/30/1952 #7353  
     TLEMCEN AND OUED TARIA, ORAN, ALG Cylinder/cigar-shape / 600M altitude 8/1/1952 (approximate) #7389  
          SKIKDA = PHILLIPPEVILLE, ALG Many at docks see huge red saucer go 8/14/1952 #7586  
                   SIDI-BEL-ABBES, ALG Cylinder/cigar-shape flies right ove 10/10/1952 #8110  
          ST. ARNAUD, CONSTANTINE, ALG Huge saucer. Noise. Trails / smoke.  1/12/1954 #9478  
                      JEAN-MERMOZ, ALG Several observer(s). Luminous/glowin 10/20/1954 #11259  
                     AIN-EL-TURCK, ALG Small man with glowing eyes on beach 10/24/1954 #11349  
                 NEAR LAMORICIERE, ALG Fr. soldiers. Huge UFO hovers and fl 2/23/1956 (approximate) #12737  
                        BOUAHMAMA, ALG Legionaire. 300M saucer going down.  3/1958 #14901  
                         HAMAGUIR, ALG Fr. weatherman. Odd whirlwind. Shado 10/1966 (approximate) #20943  
                           BECHAR, ALG Date approximate. UFO sighting. Dipl 2/1975 (approximate) #29778  
               COAST NORTH / ORAN, ALG UFO with vibrant bright light. Altit 3/6/1975 #29874  
                     SIDI EMBAREK, ALG 2 / truck. 2M saucer lights area / m 8/26/1975 #30307  
                      AIN OUSSERA, ALG Several military observer(s). Intens 9/1975 #30332  
                         BERRAHAL, ALG Same 2 / car. Dark ovoid with 8 lit  8/13/1977 #32399  
## Word: "algarve" (Back to Top)
                          ALJEZUR, ALGARVE, PORTUGAL Civil and military obs 7/30/1965 #19207  
 the Hotel Da Balaia in Albufeira, Algarve, Portugal and had gone into the  8/10/1976 #31252  
## Word: "algeciras" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR ALGECIRAS, SP Rancher Jose Ayala. Flying 3/26/1950 #4724  
t a local water plant in El Cobre, Algeciras province, Spain at three a.m.  10/16/1959 #16035  
                           SOUTH / ALGECIRAS, SP All / Ceuta ferry. UFO's r 4/15/1974 (approximate) #29024  
         Strait of Gibraltar Ceuta Algeciras, Spain Passengers on a ferry o 4/15/1974 #29029  
ait of Gibraltar between Ceuta and Algeciras, Spain, see a round, intense t 4/15/1974 #29029  
rs aboard a ferry off the coast of Algeciras, Cadiz, Spain saw a round, int 4/15/1974 #29033  
 flying in the same direction over Algeciras, Spain at about the same time. 12/20/1976 #31627  
                                   Algeciras (near), Spain 10:30 AM. A truc 3/1981 #35855  
## Word: "alger" (Back to Top)
                                   Alger, Ohio Dusk. A man is in a cornfiel 10/1938 #1296  
n a cornfield with his father near Alger, Ohio, when an object moves up and 10/1938 #1296  
## Word: "algeria" (Back to Top)
                          OUALLEN, ALGERIA Legionaires and weatherman. Meta 4/7/1942 (approximate) #1409  
             BLIDA AIR FORCE BASE, ALGERIA Sentry. Red round object rises o 12/1947 (approximate) #3495  
                             ORAN, ALGERIA Mechanic. Silver saucer maneuver 7/3/1952 #6698  
                    BONE = ANNABA, ALGERIA Luminous sphere seen. Observer(s 7/6/1952 #6718  
                             Oran, Algeria 11:00 p.m. Three women in Oran,  7/26/1952 #7176  
ia 11:00 p.m. Three women in Oran, Algeria, notice a large, orange-red, lum 7/26/1952 #7176  
                      LAMORICIERE, ALGERIA Motorists. Phosphorescent disk s 7/29/1952 #7281  
                              SIG, ALGERIA Couple. Silent cylinder/cigar-sh 7/31/1952 #7367  
                     AOULEF OASIS, ALGERIA Lt. grey ovoid east going quickl 8/7/1952 #7496  
                 NEAR CONSTANTINE, ALGERIA 2 observer(s). Luminous/glowing  8/14/1952 #7588  
   Phillippeville [modern Skikda], Algeria Constantine, Algeria 7:20 p.m. P 8/14/1952 #7594  
dern Skikda], Algeria Constantine, Algeria 7:20 p.m. People on the docks of 8/14/1952 #7594  
of Phillippeville [modern Skikda], Algeria, see an enormous red disc leavin 8/14/1952 #7594  
5 p.m., two people in Constantine, Algeria, watch a luminous object flying  8/14/1952 #7594  
                     SIDI FERRUCH, ALGERIA Many observer(s). Cylinder/cigar 10/6/1952 #8092  
ar-shaped object was seen in Oran, Algeria at 6:30 p.m. At 7:28 p.m. two wi 10/6/1952 #8096  
                            TENES, ALGERIA Flying cigar seen here and Monte 11/5/1953 #9283  
               BORDJ-BOU-ARRERIDJ, ALGERIA Hemisphere slowly descends leavi 11/5/1953 #9284  
                            SETIF, ALGERIA Cylinder/cigar-shape circles tow 1/18/1954 #9490  
                    AWLED DJELLAL, ALGERIA Large luminous rectangle-object  1/18/1954 #9491  
           Constantine Department, Algeria 1:30 p.m. Many persons in Saint  1/18/1954 #9492  
      Saint-Arnaud [now El Eulma], Algeria Bordj de la Remonte fort (southw 1/18/1954 #9494  
le in Saint-Arnaud [now El Eulma], Algeria, observe an object that leaves a 1/18/1954 #9494  
 object circled the town of Setif, Algeria at a high altitude. It left a bl 1/18/1954 #9495  
                          ALGIERS, ALGERIA Several observer(s). Yellow-oran 1/27/1954 #9502  
                         OFF ORAN, ALGERIA Several cars stop. Large red-ora 7/1954 #9975  
                     NEAR MARENGO, ALGERIA 2 / mopod/motorscooter/motorbike 8/30/1954? #10207  
                        LAVARANDE, ALGERIA Gasoline truck drivers run. Sauc 10/11/1954 #10912  
                        Lavarande, Algeria A large disk flying very low ove 10/11/1954 #10933  
                     In Lavarande, Algeria a large disc flew very low over  10/11/1954 #10949  
                     Ain-el-Turck, Algeria A small man with strange glowing 10/24/1954 #11360  
                      Aïn El Turk, Algeria A small man with strange glowing 10/24/1954 #11364  
ing eyes is seen near Aïn El Turk, Algeria, along the coast.                10/24/1954 #11364  
anean shore in Ain-el-Turck, Oran, Algeria.                                 10/24/1954 #11370  
                           BARIKA, ALGERIA Every day / days. Saucers pass n 10/26/1954 #11410  
 French soldiers near Lamoriciere, Algeria watched a huge UFO hover and fla 2/23/1956 #12738  
                          MARENGO, ALGERIA French Air Force carrier plane c 1/3/1957 #13449  
               Bouamama Sidi Chami Algeria A French Foreign Legionnaire on  3/1958 #14905  
duty at Bouamama, near Sidi Chami, Algeria, hears a whistling noise and see 3/1958 #14905  
                HAMAGUIR PRV.GNDS, ALGERIA Black disk filmed. Hovers / 3000 4/1963 #17718  
                           BECHAR, ALGERIA Fr. Air Force transport crew. Fa 12/22/1965 #19785  
                        Hammaguir, Algeria Night. French rocket scientist J 1/1967 #21243  
Vehicles Test Center at Hammaguir, Algeria. When they arrive at a row of bu 1/1967 #21243  
er he had stepped on a landmine in Algeria, leaving his right side partiall 11/1/1968 #24620  
                                   Algeria south of France 3:55 a.m. A part 11/2/1968 #24625  
                          ALGIERS, ALGERIA AND AREA Several separate observ 11/13/1968 #24652  
                         IN SALAH, ALGERIA 3 observer(s). Luminous disk goi 9/11/1970 #25835  
                                   Algeria, Africa The UFOs in this report  1/1975 #29683  
m the American embassy in Algiers, Algeria. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)  1/1975 #29683  
                             ORAN, ALGERIA 3 US journalists come to cover " 1/25/1975 #29766  
                          CENTER / ALGERIA Another UFO sighting queried via 2/1975 (approximate) #29779  
 Bechar The US Embassy in Algiers, Algeria, sends a report to US Secretary  3/7/1975 #29878  
ruck on a highway in Sidi Embarek, Algeria watched a two-meter wide disc-sh 8/26/1975 #30311  
                      SIDI MABRUK, ALGERIA 2+2 observer(s). 13cm luminous/g 9/30/1975 #30397  
                                   Algeria Algiers undeveloped region of Al Late 10/1976 #31495  
eria Algiers undeveloped region of Algeria south of Algiers 7:30 p.m. Four  Late 10/1976 #31495  
plomat in an undeveloped region of Algeria south of Algiers watch a bright  Late 10/1976 #31495  
                    OUED ATHMANIA, ALGERIA 1 / car. Silent dome with "head" 3/12/1977 #31898  
               SOUTHWEST / ANNABA, ALGERIA 2 / car. 6 luminous balls. 1 pul 8/13/1977 #32398  
            Mediterranean Algiers, Algeria 7:30 a.m. Seamen on the Russian  7/1978 #33318  
ot far off the coast from Algiers, Algeria, observe a pearly white flattene 7/1978 #33318  
        Mediterranean Sea north of Algeria Torrejón Air Base in Madrid, Spa 3/13/1979 #34474  
ver the Mediterranean Sea north of Algeria by radar in the Pegaso control r 3/13/1979 #34474  
             SIDI AICH = TINEBDAR, ALGERIA Many observer(s). Green flying w 8/13/1992 #40568  
## Word: "algerian" (Back to Top)
e injuries he had sustained in the Algerian war improved dramatically in th 11/1/1968 #24620  
ce 3:55 a.m. A partially paralyzed Algerian veteran, Dr. X, has suffered an 11/2/1968 #24625  
chines” have been maneuvering over Algerian airspace since January, some ne 3/7/1975 #29878  
## Word: "alges" (Back to Top)
                                   ALGES AND CRUZ QUEBRADA, PORTUGAL Severa 9/21/1959 #15983  
## Word: "alghero" (Back to Top)
                                   ALGHERO, SARDINIA 1 observer. Circle / l 5/1955 #12109  
## Word: "alghult" (Back to Top)
                                   ALGHULT, SWD Bicycle generator hit / bea 10/10/1944 #1675  
                    A bicyclist in Alghult, Sweden reported that on this ev 10/10/1944 #1677  
## Word: "alghut" (Back to Top)
                                   Alghut, Sweden At 8:00 p.m. a man on a b 10/10/1944 #1676  
## Word: "algiers" (Back to Top)
                                   ALGIERS, ALG Shiny black disk shoots up  7/30/1952 #7340  
                                   ALGIERS, ALGERIA Several observer(s). Ye 1/27/1954 #9502  
                                   ALGIERS, ALGERIA AND AREA Several separa 11/13/1968 #24652  
nger, from the American embassy in Algiers, Algeria. (NICAP: 02 - Close Enc 1/1975 #29683  
     Oran Bechar The US Embassy in Algiers, Algeria, sends a report to US S 3/7/1975 #29878  
                           Algeria Algiers undeveloped region of Algeria so Late 10/1976 #31495  
veloped region of Algeria south of Algiers 7:30 p.m. Four physicians and a  Late 10/1976 #31495  
veloped region of Algeria south of Algiers watch a bright oval light on the Late 10/1976 #31495  
                     Mediterranean Algiers, Algeria 7:30 a.m. Seamen on the 7/1978 #33318  
rranean not far off the coast from Algiers, Algeria, observe a pearly white 7/1978 #33318  
## Word: "algo" (Back to Top)
ine and proceeded north toward Mt. Algo, just southwest of the main section 9/11/1973 #27803  
over the river, heading toward Mt. Algo. There they turned south on Schaght 9/11/1973 #27803  
ed a line of lights descending Mt. Algo on its steep, north side. The witne 9/11/1973 #27803  
ine and proceeded north toward Mt. Algo, just southwest of the main section 9/12/1973 #27809  
over the river, heading toward Mt. Algo. There they turned south on Schaght 9/12/1973 #27809  
ed a line of lights descending Mt. Algo on its steep, north side. The witne 9/12/1973 #27809  
## Word: "algodonales" (Back to Top)
                                   ALGODONALES, SP 2 Mx10cm fireball-disk g 6/9/1972 #26708  
                                   Algodonales, Cadiz, Spain Pulsating yell 6/9/1972 #26709  
                                   Algodonales, Cadiz, Spain Motorist exper 6/9/1972 #26710  
      At 10:30 p.m. a young man in Algodonales, Cadiz, Spain observed a ver 6/9/1972 #26711  
## Word: "algodones" (Back to Top)
                                   ALGODONES AND HOBBS AND CARLSBAD AND ART 8/1/1965 #19230  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Algodones” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT   8/18/1971 #26294  
## Word: "algoma" (Back to Top)
he circumference, hovered over the Algoma steel plant. The object abruptly  8/19/1966 #20767  
## Word: "algora" (Back to Top)
de the highway on the outskirts of Algora. At 5:45 a.m. Julio left the bar  2/5/1978 #32957  
## Word: "algorithms" (Back to Top)
scope observations, and design new algorithms using artificial intelligence 7/26/2021 #45700  
## Word: "algorta" (Back to Top)
                                   ALGORTA, SP 2 military / observer(s) tow 3/27/1950 #4736  
## Word: "algosaray" (Back to Top)
                         Ganada de Algosaray, Argentina An object was repor 1/31/1963 #17646  
ported to have landed in Ganada de Algosaray, Argentina. The Lopez brothers 1/31/1963 #17647  
## Word: "algoz" (Back to Top)
                                   ALGOZ, PRT Man sees saucer and hides. 6  6/10/1960 (approximate) #16310  
around a landed disc-shaped UFO in Algoz, Portugal at 3:30 a.m. The boarded 6/10/1960 #16311  
## Word: "algunilla" (Back to Top)
as Sanchez, age 21, was driving to Algunilla, Spain when he encountered a b 3/21/1974 #28920  
## Word: "alhama" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR ALHAMA DE GRANADA, SP 3M cone / ground 2 4/13/2001 #44157  
## Word: "alhambra" (Back to Top)
                                   ALHAMBRA, CA 2 / car. Ovoids cavort. Gyr 7/4/1947 #2638  
## Word: "ali" (Back to Top)
lls, Venezuela Auyán-tepui plateau Ali R. Diaz is aboard a DC-3 tourist pla 12/21/1962 #17601  
ral Anatolia, Turkey After sunset. Ali Ozel sees an extremely bright light  12/15/1981 #36257  
 a sonic boom. According to Hassan Ali Dar, deputy director of the Astronom 7/30/2021 #45701  
## Word: "alianca" (Back to Top)
lo, Brazil the manager of the Bela Alianca Fazenda or ranch heard his pigs  2/20/1969 #24936  
## Word: "alicante" (Back to Top)
                                   ALICANTE, SPAIN Family / car. 2 saucers  7/27/1965 #19187  
me day a married couple in Buscot, Alicante, Spain saw three UFOs illuminat 3/6/1969 #24978  
Granada, Malaga, Valencia, Murcia, Alicante, Melilla, and Cadiz. At 1:50 a. 12/20/1976 #31627  
balls of light flew over Valencia, Alicante, and Almeria. Objects flew rapi 12/20/1976 #31627  
ding his motorcycle near Orihuela, Alicante, Spain around midnight noticed  7/31/1993 #41095  
                                   ALICANTE, SP 2 tourists and locals. Brig 7/29/1995 #42339  
                                   ALICANTE, SP Several / car. Cellphones a 2/20/1999 #43731  
        Several people in a car in Alicante, Spain have their cellular mobi 2/20/1999 #43732  
## Word: "alice" (Back to Top)
bservatory in Pasadena, California Alice May Williams of Auckland, New Zeal Summer 1931 #1130  
are also given by Marguerite Weir, Alice Wells, and others. Beginning in Ma 1/1936 #1242  
tars where his long-time associate Alice K. Wells sets up a roadside café,  1944 #1560  
ker Eames is driving with his wife Alice on State Highway 2 near Gardner, M 7/13/1947 #3171  
ect whizzing through the sky. Miss Alice Giroux, a University of Vermont co 7/11/1948 #3707  
gs, but not before they stop in at Alice Wells’s Palomar Gardens Café on th 10/14/1949 #4395  
rmant meets with George Adamski at Alice Wells’s restaurant, the Palomar Ga 8/20/1950 #5132  
 two associates, Lucy McGinnis and Alice Wells, drive out from the Palomar  11/20/1952 #8306  
                                   ALICE SPRINGS, NT, AUSTR Strange object  2/18/1954 #9552  
                100 miles south of Alice Springs, Northern Territory Two Na 3/1954? #9579  
 at close range 100 miles south of Alice Springs, Northern Territory. One n 3/1954? #9579  
                                   ALICE SPRINGS, AUSTR Several observer(s) 3/17/1954 #9624  
 Pennsylvania Walsh Park 7:45 p.m. Alice W. Gasslein and her mother are dri 4/24/1962 #17127  
, etc.) is contributed by his wife Alice to the American Heritage Center (U 6/23/1964 #18368  
urchased at a naval surplus store. Alice Wells, head of the Adamski Foundat 4/24/1965 #18916  
rth. She and her grandmother, Mrs. Alice Buckner, went out to the yard for  2/10/1977 #31806  
rth. She and her grandmother, Mrs. Alice Buckner, went our to the yard at 7 2/10/1977 #31808  
                            WEST / ALICE, TX 1 observer. Saucer levitates H 6/12/1981 #35963  
                                   Alice, TX Truck Slows Down, Water In Tan 6/12/1981 #35964  
                                   Alice, TX Disc with dome hovered over tr 6/12/1981 #35965  
aded west on highway FR 665 toward Alice, Texas after finishing a job. His  6/12/1981 #35967  
ss was at an Italian restaurant in Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Austr 2/10/1996 #42755  
g the entire local police force of Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Austr 11/25/1996 #43123  
                                   ALICE SPRINGS, AUST Daytime. 6 orange ni 11/26/1996 #43124  
ntsville, Texas 15-year-old Joanna Alice Stevenson was awoken around midnig 10/18/1997 #43432  
  On this evening at 10 p.m. Maria Alice Medina was sitting on her verandah 12/5/1999 #43894  
uple living north of Pine Gap near Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Austr 5/15/2000 #43995  
           North of Pine Gap, near Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Austr 6/7/2000 #44001  
                                In Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Austr 11/27/2002 #44451  
erpo UK Ministry of Defence London Alice Bradley Sheldon An anonymous email 11/1/2005 #44898  
 is was a CIA document authored by Alice Bradley Sheldon (a science fiction 11/1/2005 #44898  
aims it was written by CIA officer Alice Bradley Sheldon under the pseudony 11/1/2005 #44899  
## Word: "alice-in-wonderland" (Back to Top)
entire incident…has too much of an Alice-in-Wonderland flavor for comfort.” 8/5/1953 #9049  
## Word: "alicia" (Back to Top)
 associates Enrique Villagrasa and Alicia Araujo, are usually postmarked in 5/31/1967 #22431  
         Caracas, Venezuela - Miss Alicia Rivas Aguilar, age 23, was gettin 9/8/1967 #23021  
zarre animal killings in the area, Alicia Fajardo encountered a strange win 11/11/1995 #42593  
## Word: "alie-" (Back to Top)
ppearing from nowhere, two strange alie- looking beings directly behind him 2/24/1977 #31846  
## Word: "alief" (Back to Top)
                                   ALIEF, TX 1 observer. Pentagon / 300m al 12/1975 #30678  
## Word: "alien" (Back to Top)
fuels speculation that an advanced alien race indigenous to Mars has built  5/1894 #314  
maged windmill or ends up with the alien in the grave. Adding to the myster 4/17/1897 #523  
e crash or mid-air explosion of an alien spaceship. Several anomalies still 6/30/1908 #712  
hic messages from a friendly space alien named Akon.                        10/1917 #968  
eone is fishing for us and that an alien race considers us its property, wa 12/1/1919 #994  
ate a similar scenario with a fake alien crash in the US.                   10/30/1938 #1300  
rd sees someone take a photo of an alien propped up by the arms between two Early Spring 1941 #1355  
or Moira McGhee wrote in her book "Alien Gene" that the Pearl Harbor attack 12/7/1941 #1377  
). Silver disk crashed / Arroyo. 3 alien bodies. (Controversial.)           7/4/1947 #2641  
esses who shared details about the alien humanoid bodies, they had baldhead 7/4/1947 #2672  
nd supposedly tells him that three alien bodies had been found. Other witne 7/8/1947 #3026  
t Unit. A crate allegedly carrying alien bodies is flown from Roswell to Fo 7/9/1947 #3054  
w blown; 5 Aliens suffocated; each Alien approx. 4 ft. in ht., oversized he 1948 #3519  
d the UK), propaganda, and even an alien autopsy.                           1948 #3523  
the Air Force knows UFOs are real, alien, and covering up information from  12/24/1949 #4443  
his first encounter he saw a short alien, covered in brown fur, with large  1951 #5372  
wing eyes. He also encountered an "Alien Mantis", which often seemed to be  1951 #5372  
be in control, followed by typical Alien Grays, eight the first time. There 1951 #5372  
movie, the plot revolves around an alien who lands in a UFO in Washington,  9/18/1951 #5677  
s 1980s disinformation, the living alien retrieved in 1949 (EBE-1) and kept 6/18/1952 #6542  
phrase "interplanetary aspects and alien origin". On 5/29/2023, ex-CIA (GS- 8/1/1952 #7387  
nable. “interplanetary aspects and alien origin not being thoroughly exclud 8/1/1952 #7409  
tection scheme allegedly linked to alien technology. Jerome Clark writes th 9/1952 #7804  
 and that the US had custody of an alien for some time before it died. It s 11/18/1952 #8295  
 fitting, dark colored suites. One Alien appeared to be female. One Alien h 1953? #8470  
e Alien appeared to be female. One Alien had been alive at the crash site b 1953? #8470  
oswell incident and that a crashed alien spacecraft had indeed been recover Mid 2/1953 #8676  
ion will probably be that UFOs are alien vehicles.                          4/1953 #8805  
 Stringield that he had seen three alien bodies in a crate at Wright-Patter 5/21/1953 #8897  
ns walked away from the crash. One Alien was carried on a stretcher. All al Summer 1953 #8945  
rage facility near Washington D.C. Alien description: Large helmeted heads, Summer 1953 #8945  
walked, 3.5 to 4.0 feet tall, used Alien language.                          Summer 1953 #8945  
the S.I.V. was the meeting with an Alien delegation at Muroc Air Field (Edw 2/19/1954 (approximate) #9557  
ed about the desert by the saucer. Alien description (seen from helicopter  4/12/1954 #9683  
ss, Smith attempts to decipher the alien charts in hopes of learning how to 7/28/1954 #10059  
er. Many episodes deal with UFO or alien themes, including the season opene 4/5/1955 #12081  
h she learns also carries a second alien, who looks much like Akon except h 4/7/1956 #12798  
ancisco de Sales, Brazil. A famous alien abduction and sexual encounter cas 10/16/1957 #14131  
nched. Laika = first dog in space. Alien dognappings follow.                11/4/1957 #14256  
[Angle: Artificial satellite spurs Alien interest in mankind. Other Angle:  11/12/1957 #14535  
2,000- word inscription is from an alien named Ulo, with later text added b 11/21/1957 #14590  
l details revealed later, a second alien body was recovered on shore a shor 1/21/1959 #15560  
time after the first recovery. The alien that had still been alive was trea 1/21/1959 #15560  
ress purpose of communicating with alien civilizations.                     5/28/1960 #16303  
ates on the possibility of finding alien artifacts on earth and the possibi 12/14/1960 #16532  
ical area where he claimed that an alien craft had plummeted to Earth in 19 1961 #16545  
its airs on ABC-TV. It features an alien with wraparound eyes. UFO skeptic  2/10/1964 #18127  
on discounts the possibility of an alien abduction and prefers to think tha 3/7/1964 #18145  
suddenly came face to face with an Alien in a self contained space suite. D 1965 #18679  
isturbance in the atmosphere. (The Alien would have to lock his knees in a  1965 #18679  
ssing up in overalls to pose as an alien, although his story does not compl 1/26/1965 #18769  
y and communication with two small alien beings, about three feet tall. The 5/3/1965 #18925  
 dare look to see the craft or the alien depart.                            8/14/1965 #19391  
e was one—reports vary) include an alien craft; debris from Kosmos 96 (Jame 12/9/1965 #19762  
enberger not to think of him as an alien and concludes by saying, “We will  Early 11/1966 #21070  
onversation". Hutchins claimed the alien spoke perfect English. "Didn't hav 11/17/1966 #21119  
. There was no return visit by the alien.                                   11/17/1966 #21119  
anied by two guides she visited an alien realm where she saw cities, strang 1/25/1967 #21389  
nusual visit from a four foot tall alien in his office at the Caracas Hospi 8/7/1967 #22841  
ska patrolmen. Was told there were alien bases off the Florida coast, the p 12/3/1967 #23535  
ng vehicle operated by intelligent alien beings was responsible for the par 1968 #23624  
 was questioning Parravicini in an alien language, which he was able to und 6/4/1968 #24006  
 corner. Since this experience the alien beings have allegedly contacted Pa 6/4/1968 #24006  
he earth in these past years.” The alien crew contacted him and communicate 9/10/1968 #24450  
better able to comprehend what the alien was trying to say. The leader conv 5/4/1969 #25115  
ers the “unpleasant possibility of alien visitors to our planet, or at leas 10/1969 #25389  
tors to our planet, or at least of alien controlled UFO’s.” It recommends k 10/1969 #25389  
ke conversation Tiihonen asked the alien if the Apollo 13 astronauts, then  4/15/1970 #25633  
earched, developed and implemented alien spacecraft technology and test flo 1972 #26526  
do, who had been involved in other alien encounters, was lounging on the te 10/22/1972 #27085  
d Gleason’s visit there to see the alien bodies. Homestead replies that “no 2/19/1973 #27298  
ourt to release all information on alien crash retrievals. Gleason does not 2/19/1973 #27298  
on escorted Jackie Gleason to view alien bodies at Homestead, but everythin 2/19/1973 #27298  
 of distance for the Gleason/Nixon alien event to have occurred.            2/19/1973 #27298  
t returned to the site of his 1971 alien abduction in Apache Junction, Ariz 3/21/1973 #27356  
 sent as long delayed echoes by an alien space probe that had been detected 4/1973 #27396  
Mexico, that shows several of the “alien visitors” and their meeting with t 5/1973 #27460  
tary is monitoring signals from an alien group that their extraterrestrial  5/1973 #27460  
 Weinbrenner claim the film shows “alien visitors” and their meeting with m 5/1973 #27461  
 states the 7602nd would stage UAP/alien abductions and/or interactions to  10/11/1973 #28009  
down the trail. There was nothing "alien" about the trio aside from the fac 10/20/1973 #28222  
 saw it in the claws of one of the alien creatures. At sunrise the campers  10/20/1973 #28222  
roach slowly. Soon a human looking alien named Cyril, whom he had met on a  11/18/1973 #28443  
 learns that the guard had seen an alien sifting through files and papers.  4/1974 #28982  
o claims to sense four underground alien bases, volunteering the data outsi 7/9/1974 #29253  
ey are operating in an environment alien to them. In many cases they drive  1975 #29670  
irst books to reject the notion of alien involvement in UFO experiences and 1975 #29671  
th a sexy, scantily dressed female alien in a Los Angeles, California, supe 2/1975 #29781  
r travel, and the possibility that alien probes have already visited Earth. 1976 #30749  
men all recalled being abducted by alien beings on a spaceship, and probed  1/6/1976 #30762  
 remembered much more. One kind of alien was about four feet tall, a second 3/5/1976 #30928  
                               The alien abduction of a 19-year-old married 6/20/1976 #31117  
lunar surface—all of it indicating alien mining operations. Leonard argues  8/1976 #31214  
argues that NASA secretly knows of alien activity on the Moon. It is possib 8/1976 #31214  
i-conscious state, followed by his alien abduction experience for the next  10/31/1976 #31513  
is AFB for three days. Three small alien craft were observed separating (or 1977 #31658  
dia and soon sightings of UFOs and alien occupants spring up within a 20-mi 2/4/1977 #31790  
 forces and a landed (or disabled) alien craft. (Case B-13 in Status Report Spring 1977 #31919  
 hand witnesses of crashed UFOs or alien bodies to contact Stringfield with 5/1977 #32042  
 he has conducted medical tests on alien cadavers at a major medical facili 5/1977 #32042  
his, Doctor Y, who has examined an alien tissue sample under a microscope.  5/1977 #32042  
 are the latest logical step in an alien information-gathering process. Eac 12/1977 #32720  
mains of a dismembered and charred alien humanoid.  [Retrievals of the Thir 1978 #32830  
 MP at Ft. Dix shoots and kills an Alien. Incident report sent to Col. Land 1/18/1978 #32890  
          Fort Dix/McGuire AFB, NJ Alien being shot dead by MPs (NICAP: 07  1/18/1978 #32892  
 true, although he did not see the alien.                                   1/18/1978 #32894  
 contacts and he begins to channel alien writings.                          3/18/1978 #33055  
ubject of retrievals or storage of alien craft, and/or deceased alien human 7/29/1978 #33449  
ge of alien craft, and/or deceased alien humanoids recovered from the craft 7/29/1978 #33449  
 Langley AFB and MacDill AFB held “alien craft,” and claimed UAP projects w 8/1978 #33460  
s, Barrionuevo and Mercado, saw an alien being with a light attached to its 10/5/1978 #33798  
being forced to mate with a female alien. He is tranquilized again and retu 6/28/1979 #34639  
e enough for him to see the female alien and a childlike alien observing hi 6/28/1979 #34639  
e the female alien and a childlike alien observing him from a distance. He  6/28/1979 #34639  
 he is taken into the hangar of an alien craft by a green beam of light bef 6/28/1979 #34639  
of one large room with three other alien beings and an almost human appeari 9/14/1979 #34884  
ldly trip the beings showed her an alien zoo with many bizarre animals. The 9/14/1979 #34884  
Doty states the 7602nd would stage alien abductions and/or interactions to  1980's #35110  
reitas Jr. advocates searching for alien probes or artifacts on planets, sa 3/1980 #35189  
 three photos allegedly showing an alien cadaver encased in glass in Wright 3/22/1980 #35229  
s / missing time. Calf mutilated / alien base. Body parts / red liquid!     5/5/1980 #35305  
ion,” which features a photo of an alien cadaver similar to the ones he was 5/6/1980 #35308  
picting a crashed saucer and small alien bodies.                            6/1980 #35350  
eives eight more prints showing an alien cadaver encased under glass. One p 6/2/1980 #35352  
at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque. An alien, a man in a dark suit from Sandia  7/1980 #35397  
nnection, a film about the ancient alien hypothesis.  https://www.latimes.c 7/1980 #35399  
hotos allegedly showing part of an alien cadaver is released by Charles Wil 8/1980 #35436  
at they had been abducted by three alien being. The beings were described a 9/7/1980 #35502  
that the Roswell incident involved alien bodies and that in 1949 another al 9/8/1980 #35504  
en bodies and that in 1949 another alien, this one still alive, was found a 9/8/1980 #35504  
18, 1978, an MP shot and killed an alien at the Ft. Dix Army base next to t 9/16/1980 #35522  
. He is also convinced there is an alien base beneath Archuleta Peak northw 10/26/1980 #35590  
witz believe there is an impending alien invasion because Bennewitz is actu 11/26/1980 #35673  
 investigators what they were. The alien told Godfrey that they had met bef 11/28/1980 #35680  
ecalls being medically examined by alien creatures. In May, Godfrey had inv 11/29/1980 #35682  
rents that he is going to board an alien spacecraft and take a 42-month int 11/29/1980 #35683  
ton, who claims to have touched an alien spacecraft; he had interviewed Pen 12/28/1980 #35749  
e M. Graham asking about rumors of alien technology and bodies at Wright-Pa 10/19/1981 #36179  
 man told Green “the stories about alien incursions, recoveries and informa 1982 #36293  
liefs. Roswell and the 1949 living alien are mentioned, as well as Projects 4/9/1983 #36830  
              Frunze, Russia Space Alien Baby Found Alive (NICAP: 07 - Enti 7/14/1983 #36911  
 https://cdn.preterhuman.net/texts/alien.ufo/Sarbacher%20to%20Steinman%20Me 11/29/1983 #37058  
mpete with sex with a light-haired alien female who says her name is Cabala 12/14/1983 #37074  
ns publishes Visions, Apparitions, Alien Visitors, which equates a wide ran 1984 #37092  
re to find out that there was some alien life form that was going to attack 11/19/1985 #37711  
Ulster County, NY Whitley Strieber alien encounter (section XIII). (NICAP:  12/26/1985 #37736  
Ulster County, NY Whitley Strieber alien encounter                          12/26/1985 #37737  
RUSSIA Observer(s) give food to 7' alien. Steals rest later. Leaves wrapper 7/1986? #37926  
ual aliens, and the presence of an alien base on Area 51. The group meets s Fall 1986 #38034  
 “befabs” to describe “beings from alien objects.” Another file, from Wrigh 10/28/1986 #38056  
 Jacobs’s cover illustration of an alien with large black eyes jars many pe 2/1987 #38108  
n had raised the possibility of an alien invasion during the Geneva Summit  2/16/1987 #38121  
e sketches of both the UFO and the alien, which are remarkably similar.     8/31/1987 #38265  
e sketches of both the UFO and the alien, which were remarkably similar.    8/31/1987 #38266  
 would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.”   9/21/1987 #38290  
nd insider information discuss the alien visitors and treaties with earthly 12/1987 #38342  
ody parts, friendly and unfriendly alien species, the creation of humans an 12/1987 #38342  
 culture by aliens, acquisition of alien technology, and the dangers of an  12/1987 #38342  
 technology, and the dangers of an alien takeover.                          12/1987 #38342  
his photograph. He claims that the alien is actually waving goodbye to him, 12/1/1987 #38345  
. Direct communication between one alien group and the US government took p 12/29/1987 #38378  
) to release information about the alien presence on earth. Many ParaNet me 12/29/1987 #38378  
 https://cdn.preterhuman.net/texts/alien.ufo/UFOBBS/1000/1953.ufo   https:/ 12/29/1987 #38379  
 unite if we were threatened by an Alien race from a hostile planet.        5/5/1988 #38555  
Bennewitz describing Project Beta: Alien base located in New Mexico consist 6/6/1988 #38581  
ory and propose ways of destroying Alien bases.                             6/6/1988 #38581  
long-standing relationship with an alien civilization; a version of Abraham 10/8/1988 #38665  
ge Report number 13 that refers to alien bodies; and a paper on Project Exc 10/8/1988 #38665  
 130 feet. They are referred to as Alien Reproduction Vehicles. A videotape 11/12/1988 #38713  
’s and Lear’s tales of crashes and alien bodies, adding that the aliens are 12/18/1988 #38755  
 adding that the aliens are called Alien Life Forms (ALFs) and that he has  12/18/1988 #38755  
ith the craft, its propulsion, and alien technology, as well as photos of g 3/1989 #38855  
hnology, as well as photos of gray alien bodies. The aliens are allegedly f 3/1989 #38855  
catches a glimpse of a small, gray alien standing between two men in white  3/1989 #38855  
ry begins reverse-engineering what alien tech they have acquired. Then in M 3/1989 #38855  
ne died soon afterwards. The alive alien was eventually moved to the S-4 fa 5/7/1989 #38939  
there have been at least 16 downed alien craft, 65 bodies, and one live ali 5/23/1989 #38960  
ien craft, 65 bodies, and one live alien retrieved between 1947 and 1952, w 5/23/1989 #38960  
and signed a formal treaty with an alien ambassador, His Omnipotent Highnes 5/23/1989 #38960  
roup to “discover the truth of the alien question.” Much more spurious and  5/23/1989 #38960  
 space travel. (3) The behavior of alien abductors contradicts the idea tha 6/1989 #38970  
s told Roswell was recovery of an “alien” spacecraft. Says bodies could hav 7/1989 #39001  
anicked and mentally commanded the alien to leave. The next morning she lea 10/31/1989 #39199  
rt with evidence his core claim of alien technology.                        11/10/1989 #39224  
lack SAPs are actually covers for “alien” projects known as Level 1; grey p 1990 #39354  
r claimed she was taken onboard an alien craft that left Earth's gravity. H 1/30/1990 #39398  
OK Richard Siefried. Vivid dream / alien arm / tent. Possible encounter.    6/13/1990 #39615  
ed to be very kind, blue eyes. The alien was dressed in a loose-fitting tun 9/13/1990 #39731  
 that she might be abducted by the alien, and she rushed home to her childr 9/13/1990 #39731  
aped objects that he concludes are alien. He speaks of numerous underground 1991 #39935  
ks of numerous underground levels, alien bodies in liquid tanks, and even s 1991 #39935  
to a small building where the live alien was delivered in a separate vehicl 4/12/1991 #40038  
k from a space mission, or even an alien artificial object. However, a deta 11/6/1991 #40220  
ed back to his vehicle by the Grey alien.                                   11/9/1991 #40224  
ames also claims aerospace company Alien Technology Transfer asked governme 3/9/1992 #40368  
as been commonly reported in other alien abduction experiences.             6/18/1992 #40497  
 an "electric shock", and then the alien hand vanished. Two days later the  8/13/1992 #40569  
roceed. If the government did have alien hardware in its possession, Area 5 10/1992 #40653  
rre shows that involve no shred of alien technology. There are many militar 10/1992 #40653  
tience to figure out what could be alien and what is not."                  10/1992 #40653  
hat night. A female, human-looking alien then came into the room. She had s 10/8/1992 #40667  
came him, and he believed that the alien had come for his girlfriend, still 12/16/1992 #40750  
ructing her to defend herself from alien abductors during any subsequent ab 4/5/1993 #40927  
ries of encounters with a humanoid alien near his home in Pretore, Ascoli P 5/9/1993 #40971  
that contained clothing. A female "alien" with short brown hair, wearing a  8/10/1993 #41123  
round. The face was a classic Grey alien, with an egg-shaped head with larg 9/1/1993 #41174  
porch outside, and a group of Grey alien looking creatures peered in the wi 11/18/1993 #41284  
ves that what he saw was a crashed alien spacecraft recovered by the U.S. m 11/26/1993 #41304  
e to her seem to have a pattern of alien intrusions and disturbances. The w 1994 #41345  
s. The women describe a variety of alien types: grays, insectoids, humanoid 1994 #41345  
s and placing them into a box. One alien group appears to harvest “negative 1994 #41345  
und military facilities. Human and alien workers are sometimes described as 1994 #41345  
ho ask “What do you know about the alien agenda? What have they told you? W 1994 #41345  
eed to interrogate abductees about alien intrusions.                        1994 #41345  
of the people who had shared their alien encounters with him (some of their 5/1994 #41510  
to find that a 10-foot-tall female alien with six fingers and braided leg f Early 6/1994 #41548  
leg fur is in his room. He and the alien have sex for 40 minutes before it  Early 6/1994 #41548  
ir ship. He asks to see the female alien again but is rebuffed. The aliens  Early 6/1994 #41548  
 hunter was captured by human-like alien beings, dressed in camoflauge. Sma 9/2/1994 #41713  
. He then noticed a “human-looking alien” standing inside his house. His ne 12/23/1994 #41904  
          CHICO, CA 3 kids. "Round alien ship" overhead. Yellow and red and 2/14/1995 #42048  
broadcasts for the first time the “alien autopsy film,” a 17-minute black-a 8/28/1995 #42425  
dical examination of autopsy of an alien by the US military. The program, h 8/28/1995 #42425  
onathan Frakes, is given the title Alien Autopsy: Fact or Fiction. The film 8/28/1995 #42425  
uthentic autopsy on the body of an alien recovered from the 1947 crash of a 8/28/1995 #42425  
rams discussing the possibility of alien life.  Goldin was appointed NASA A 8/7/1996 #42971  
ot see its entire figure. Both the alien and young boy stared at each other 9/16/1996 #43025  
s that while he was staring at the alien there appeared to be a white light 9/16/1996 #43025  
mics, environment, and event-level alien encounters as origins of the abduc 10/1996 #43048  
ea-51 S-4, speaks in “Area 51: The Alien Interview” by Rocket Pictures. Cla 2/1997 (approximate) #43182  
to interpret the responses from an alien in custody. Aliens were highly psy 2/1997 (approximate) #43182  
” (SAPs) connected to the study of alien technology that are dominated by p 4/10/1997 #43260  
 of staff Jay Heiler dressed in an alien costume and proclaiming him “the g 6/19/1997 #43331  
. James McAndrew, stating that any alien bodies found at Roswell, New Mexic 6/24/1997 #43338  
ed about the exact date. Claims of alien bodies at Roswell Army Air Field h 6/24/1997 #43338  
Capt. James McAndrew, which states alien bodies found at Roswell, NM and Ho 6/24/1997 #43339  
s well as the mutilated remains of alien bodies.                            9/7/1997 #43401  
ature, nothing seemed to work. The alien stayed right beside her. Then sudd 9/11/1997 #43405  
ature, nothing seemed to work. The alien stayed right beside her. Then sudd 9/12/1997 #43407  
r balcony at night when an unknown alien looking figure suddenly began pull 10/16/1997 #43430  
ch he reviews his investigation of alien implants since 1995. Leir has perf 1998 #43479  
than their house. They also saw an alien figure floating next to the object 5/7/1998 #43562  
keland, Florida spotted a strange "alien" entity standing on the corner of  7/12/1998 #43602  
ates this has already occurred and alien abduction scenarios are testing by 8/22/1998 #43635  
ia, in March 1969 that involved an alien autopsy.                           9/13/1998 #43644  
onspiracy theorists claim it is an alien satellite, dubbed the Black Knight 12/11/1998 #43698  
 MILABS: Military Mind Control and Alien Abduction, a review of people clai 1999 #43707  
 The hybrids combine the human and alien in a shared mission to save the Ea 1999 #43708  
ffering a rigorous critique of the alien explanation for the abduction phen 3/1999 #43740  
itts claims told her she could see alien bodies. Curiously, Petersen has al 12/3/1999 #43892  
ngs, crashes, close encounters, or alien abductions. No evidence of an extr 2000 #43911  
 a psychologist who specializes in alien abduction cases. Romanek claims th 2000 #43913  
 awoke at 4:15 a.m. to see a short alien being standing next to her hed.  T 1/3/2000 #43917  
el” about three verified cases of “alien landings” in 1947, 1953 and 1984.  5/8/2000 #43992  
alking in the living room. Soon an alien figure came to his bedroom door an 7/12/2000 #44015  
at was brought to Earth by another alien race. They inserted a long tube do 7/12/2000 #44015  
 Mexico, crash site to build three Alien Reproduction Vehicles (ARVs) by 19 5/9/2001 #44182  
hildren looked human but with some alien traits, "almost like hybrids." The 8/2/2001 #44220  
in 1994 that years earlier he saw “alien autopsy” materials when he was the 3/5/2002 #44323  
lleged to have participated in an “alien dissection”; Puthoff also gives th 3/5/2002 #44323  
ho had first hand knowledge of USG alien reproduction vehicles (ARVs) at Ar 4/25/2002 #44333  
including Murat Esici, 11, saw an "alien being" emerge from the landed craf 6/5/2002 #44347  
they saw an unusual craft with the alien beside it. "His eyes and hands wer 6/5/2002 #44347  
ealing with reverse engineering an alien craft. Davis takes 15 pages of not 10/16/2002 #44417  
who tells him UFOs are “real,” but alien abductions are not. Gansler also t 10/16/2002 #44418  
s senses, Simon struggled with the alien and managed to grab a small knife  1/4/2003 #44468  
fe next to his bed and stab at the alien. The alien seemed to have been hur 1/4/2003 #44468  
his bed and stab at the alien. The alien seemed to have been hurt, and rela 1/4/2003 #44468  
                          A failed alien abduction attempt was alleged in a 2/11/2003 #44486  
rth, we are likely to encounter an alien civilization significantly older t 6/10/2003 #44555  
the “MiLAB '' phenomena, i.e. fake alien abductions.  Schowengerdt states t 7/2003 #44560  
luding one in which a photo of an “alien face” is inserted. Green claims th 8/19/2003 #44576  
[d] to know,” but wouldn’t confirm alien biology outright.  https://www.ama 8/23/2003 #44581  
" that after the Earth changes the alien beings will come for us, and that  9/3/2003 #44592  
erprets the videotape as “proof of alien visitation,” but science writer an 3/5/2004 #44672  
idden project reverse engineering “alien”hardware. Westwood writes two are  3/6/2004 #44674  
 believed there was an underground alien base hidden inside Ayu-Dug (Bear)  8/2/2004 #44725  
several seconds of observation the alien figure simply dissolved into thin  8/2/2004 #44725  
claimed they witnessed a dwarfish "alien" humanoid being that stood 70 cent 9/9/2005 #44871  
o memory. Clancy demonstrates that alien abduction stories give people mean 10/2005 #44883  
UFO to contact his home planet. An alien/US military meeting was set for Ap 11/1/2005 #44898  
ef glimpse of what looked to be an alien face. The figure was standing by a 11/25/2005 #44906  
hina all had custody of recovered “alien hardware.” Vallee wonders if this  12/6/2005 #44908  
 was about to reveal rumblings of “alien” hardware that had been distribute 10/17/2006 #44976  
nus footage for the re-release of “Alien Interview”. “Victor” claims that D 2008 #45105  
 Donald Rumsfeld has been aware of alien interviews since 1974.             2008 #45105  
he future that were pale and “grey alien” in appearance, having lived in an 2008 #45109  
; he states Blanchard told him an “alien spacecraft” had been recovered nea 1/1/2008 #45110  
e what looked like "a typical grey alien being in my garden." It was transl 4/12/2008 #45127  
be “tissues” from an autopsy of an alien with two documents, no provenance. 2011 #45310  
arly in its construction and four “alien” occupants went to Los Alamos upon 11/1/2013 #45392  
 it at WPAFB, but the story of the alien occupants at Los Alamos was told t 11/1/2013 #45392  
at displayed a “Fluxliner,” aka an Alien Reproduction Vehicle (ARV). He sta 12/2014 #45425  
slides that purport to show a dead alien. The slides, discovered in 1998 in 5/5/2015 #45437  
led Kodachrome) about the supposed alien. In the process he has gathered UF 5/5/2015 #45437  
d, which reveals that the supposed alien is actually the mummified body of  5/5/2015 #45437  
tions have detailed for him how an alien invasion is already underway. The  9/2015 #45438  
 invasion is already underway. The alien hierarchy consists of insect-like  9/2015 #45438  
hange, the day when they and their alien masters supplant or absorb humanki 9/2015 #45438  
nt agents including for the EPA   “Alien” abductions are faked to psycholog 4/5/2016 #45449  
eagues were told of crash recovery/alien biology programs in SCIFs with tho 4/30/2019 #45575  
 somewhere where we’re keeping the alien specimens and spaceship? And you k 5/18/2021 #45689  
ompany B” due to its possession of alien technology. Elizondo also states:  10/21/2021 #45717  
oss Perot and not the classic gray alien.  https://www.liberationtimes.com/ 2/28/2023 #45796  
## Word: "alien's" (Back to Top)
 felt a sensation of cold from the alien's touch.                           11/6/1972 #27109  
 see her hand go right through the alien's body. She screamed out loud, tel 9/11/1997 #43405  
 see her hand go right through the alien's body. She screamed out loud, tel 9/12/1997 #43407  
 black eyes. As soon as he saw the alien's face he pulled his blanket over  11/25/2005 #44906  
## Word: "alien-built" (Back to Top)
 potential interstellar travelers, alien-built satellites, and UAPs. Ufolog 7/26/2021 #45700  
## Word: "alien-contact" (Back to Top)
uch of the scenario similar to the alien-contact mythos later spun by Lear  7/1/1989 #39002  
## Word: "alien-derived" (Back to Top)
ment and knowledge of USG work in “alien-derived technologies, crashes, lan 4/25/2002 #44333  
## Word: "alien-military" (Back to Top)
 mentioned as the site of a “joint alien-military underground facility” in  2/20/2015 #45431  
## Word: "alien_scientist" (Back to Top)
96e902a.html   https://twitter.com/Alien_Scientist/status/13069816684193013 6/15/2022 #45758  
iGravity.pdf   https://twitter.com/Alien_Scientist/status/13079750740504412 6/15/2022 #45758  
## Word: "alienaliensamongus07" (Back to Top)
w.bibliotecapleyades.net/vidaalien/alienaliensamongus07.htm     Note: John  12/3/1999 #43892  
## Word: "alienate" (Back to Top)
 He says that hostile action might alienate us from “beings of far superior 7/29/1952 #7326  
## Word: "aliencontacttops00good" (Back to Top)
t. *   https://archive.org/details/aliencontacttops00good/page/258/mode/1up 2/16/1979 #34431  
ther.  https://archive.org/details/aliencontacttops00good/page/223/mode/1up 10/1989 #39139  
wb8c   https://archive.org/details/aliencontacttops00good (p218, p222)      3/16/2022 #45740  
## Word: "aliens" (Back to Top)
Hauser age 17. Apparently raised / aliens. Amazing. see reference.          5/28/1828 #123  
ing her encounters with telepathic aliens who fly in a circular machine “li Summer 1931 #1130  
st Mark Oliphant because, as enemy aliens in Britain, they are ineligible t 3/1940 #1326  
size near car. "Communication with aliens".                                 12/1940 #1348  
t. ht.; one portal window blown; 5 Aliens suffocated; each Alien approx. 4  1948 #3519  
 in 1969 and 1975) with large-eyed aliens in UFOs in Colombia. After the fi 1950 #4463  
nel communications from him. These aliens seek to raise humanity’s “vibrati 1/6/1952 #5861  
 Neptune, Regga of Mars, and other aliens continue sending messages by both 8/25/1952 #7733  
alls her abduction by black-garbed aliens. She undergoes a physical examina 3/22/1953 #8775  
oes a physical examination and the aliens show her a cure for cancer.       3/22/1953 #8775  
nd superior officers arrive. Three Aliens walked away from the crash. One A Summer 1953 #8945  
en was carried on a stretcher. All aliens eventually died, taken to storage Summer 1953 #8945  
issue of Look. His message is that aliens are here, the military knows it,  10/1/1953 #9198  
l Life,” in which he speculates on aliens crossing space in search of new p 10/1/1953 #9198  
ooked into how to communicate with aliens. That projects existence was reve 1954 #9414  
intelligence officer met two other aliens at a prearranged location in a de 1954 #9414  
echniques imparted to him by space aliens from Venus.                       1954 #9419  
t every possible information about Aliens and how they interacted with the  2/19/1954 (approximate) #9557  
 Force Base to view the remains of aliens who had crashed at Roswell, New M 2/20/1954 #9560  
laim he actually visited with live aliens and conducted a treaty with them. 2/20/1954 #9560  
ft. in diameter. There were 4 dead Aliens scattered about the desert by the 4/12/1954 #9683  
cecraft propulsion. Smith asks the aliens to communicate by radio at an app 7/28/1954 #10059  
n had a close encounter with three aliens in Brazil. While fishing in the r 12/15/1954 #11817  
hat he has been selected by Nordic aliens to bring their message of peace t 1955 #11896  
hrist. Adamski further claims that aliens are peacefully living on Earth, a 1955 #11896  
McBride reported being abducted by aliens while driving along the highway i 5/10/1957 #13654  
 by completely human-looking space aliens, four males and two females, who  11/5/1957 #14343  
ccess and establishes contact with Aliens.                                  1959 #15506  
 an arm bracelet was removed. Both aliens had six digits on their hands and 1/21/1959 #15560  
y was conducted on one of the dead aliens; the one in a coma was put in a s 1/21/1959 #15560  
 Swan's claims of contact with the aliens. With two Naval Intelligence offi 7/9/1959 #15829  
ials. According to the report, the aliens represented an organization calle 7/9/1959 #15829  
l tales and claims that angels are aliens, that the Bible and other ancient 1962 #17010  
t with a needle, the Star Map. The aliens are 5 feet tall with gray skin, o 3/7/1964 #18145  
 Intelligence officer meets with 2 Aliens at prearranged location in the de 4/15/1964 #18174  
m Wight-Patterson AFB, that 2 live Aliens were held in captivity in an arti 1965 #18679  
parate but identical meetings with aliens. The students were in two groups  8/21/1965 #19450  
t Earth might have been visited by aliens many times in the past few billio 1966 #19795  
              Another abduction by aliens occurred to Betty Andreassen and  1/23/1967 #21368  
gnetic effects). 15m saucer lands. Aliens exit. Telepathy = "keep landing s 3/10/1967 (approximate) #21845  
ront of them. Two bizarre looking "aliens" emerged from the object and walk 3/10/1967 #21854  
d had the uncanny feeling that the aliens knew what they were thinking. Rol 3/10/1967 #21854  
ndows, the men spoke to one of the aliens, who reportedly told them that th 3/10/1967 #21854  
 a number of alleged contacts with aliens at 10:30 p.m. in Wellington, Texa 3/31/1967 #22025  
ublic park and as a safe place for aliens to land. Minister of National Def 6/3/1967 #22457  
ed being abducted on this night by aliens while driving on a New Mexico hig 6/21/1967 #22531  
 strange lettering under them. Two aliens, and control panels with lights a 10/24/1967 #23302  
athically. He is taken on board by aliens (who first ask him, “Are you the  12/3/1967 #23545  
ing taken aboard the craft by four aliens about 4.5 to 5 feet tall with sla 12/3/1967 #23547  
instruments. There sketches of the aliens and the UFO craft were quite simi 8/7/1968 #24308  
ceive telepathic messages from the aliens who make marks on the windshield  9/1/1968 #24421  
ETH because it is so unlikely that aliens can get here from there. This att 10/31/1968 #24608  
llway, and seeing four short, Grey aliens who had large eyes and ears, no h 2/10/1969 #24909  
 very high speed. At one point the aliens brought him a small cube-shaped c 8/15/1970 #25787  
d, which he was told to drink. The aliens spoke among each other in a stran 8/15/1970 #25787  
 looked like from the outside. The aliens told him that their main interest 8/15/1970 #25787  
rous instruments. At one point the aliens told one of the witnesses that th 10/16/1971 #26427  
th black visors. She described the aliens as being very tall, approximate e 6/1/1972 #26696  
om the craft. He believes that the aliens knew he had been trying to help,  8/26/1972 #26956  
here he views the remains of small aliens in a top secret repository. McKit 2/19/1973 #27298  
ttle known in 1975, among them the aliens’ clinical coldness, their curiosi 10/16/1973 #28088  
m of the mountain. No trace of the aliens remained aside from their footpri 10/20/1973 #28222  
        Donald E. Keyhoe publishes Aliens from Space, in which he continues 12/1973 #28495  
 units supposedly transported live aliens from the "crash" site. (HC additi 1/23/1974 #28693  
er units supposedly transport live aliens from the crash site. At 10:00 p.m 1/23/1974 #28694  
r units allegedly transported live aliens from the "crash" site.            1/23/1974 #28695  
his third close encounter with the aliens.                                  2/9/1974 #28755  
e. He was finally released and the aliens apparently recalled his double. T 2/28/1974 #28825  
pparently recalled his double. The aliens told the witness that they were h 2/28/1974 #28825  
round him. He remembered that the "aliens" told him not to be afraid, and t 3/15/1974 #28892  
blue-eyed young man was one of the aliens. The man was described as about 5 4/26/1974 #29064  
 and then he passed out again. The aliens were described as five feet tall, 5/9/1974 #29098  
ople who have been examined by the aliens, voluntarily or otherwise. He tol 9/3/1974 #29418  
, New Mexico, in 1948 with 12 dead aliens aboard. The Air Force allegedly i 10/11/1974 #29521  
ew Mexico, crash/retrieval and the aliens allegedly stored in Hangar 18, ca 11/2/1974 #29580  
orests, etc. Lya told him that the aliens insisted that all nuclear tests m 4/22/1975 #30000  
 was then told that their group of aliens was leaving Earth, and was going  4/22/1975 #30000  
to recall an abduction by two Grey aliens about 4 feet 8 inches tall. (Sour 8/13/1975 #30262  
scenario with shortish, human-like aliens with big heads and wearing covera 8/13/1975 #30264  
to recall an abduction by two Grey aliens about 4 feet 8 inches tall, with  8/13/1975 #30265  
rnments have been cooperating with aliens since 1943.                       12/12/1975 #30708  
es Rak, claim they are abducted by aliens during a camping trip near Allaga 8/20/1976 #31282  
ustralian goes inside and sees two aliens, one dead and the other making a  1977 #31656  
em inside the UFO. The eyes of the aliens were reportedly black and shiny b 3/20/1977 #31921  
ds the nose and did not blink. The aliens were about six and a half to seve 3/20/1977 #31921  
mits that no one on the patrol saw aliens—only that they saw something that 4/25/1977 #32026  
sue sample under a microscope. The aliens are said to be 3.5–4.5 feet tall, 5/1977 #32042  
                   An abduction by aliens including a physical exam occurre 7/19/1977 #32294  
earlier had another encounter with aliens. They watched six or seven humano 8/1/1977 #32345  
City. The plot involves benevolent aliens who make their presence known to  11/17/1977 #32680  
f UFO abduction cases. Most of the aliens they describe are small with larg 12/1977 #32720  
ecific information of value to the aliens.                                  12/1977 #32720  
ing, including at least one of the aliens, who reacted in a surprised manne 2/5/1978 #32957  
ession "three seven, squared." The aliens indicated that they would like to 2/5/1978 #32957  
r been briefed on the matter), the aliens look no different from ordinary h 3/27/1978 #33087  
erplanetary vehicles and crewed by aliens. He also describes seeing 100's o 11/9/1978 #33929  
ing hypnosis she recalled that the aliens had huge, baldheads, and deep-set 11/25/1978 #34005  
 the lounge. Jean noticed that the aliens were inspecting the ornaments on  1/4/1979 #34296  
 the lounge. Jean noticed that the aliens were inspecting the ornaments on  1/5/1979 #34304  
 Linda Moulton Howe that he thinks aliens are responsible).                 2/16/1979 #34429  
            On this night two Grey aliens materialized briefly in abductee  4/21/1979 #34520  
An alleged abduction experience by aliens occurred this afternoon near Dubo 6/6/1979 #34601  
in and returned to the ground. The aliens are approximately 4 feet tall wit 6/28/1979 #34639  
ira states that he encountered the aliens again in 1982, with the craft sup 6/28/1979 #34639  
. He is then taken to meet the two aliens once more, the younger of whom he 6/28/1979 #34639  
s arrested for speeding. He thinks aliens are chasing him. Turner continues 8/29/1979 #34803  
rm of a tunnel and encountered two aliens in a field. (NICAP: 02 - Close En 9/14/1979 #34881  
rm of a tunnel and encountered two aliens in a field. A huge craft hovered  9/14/1979 #34884  
                               Two aliens briefly paralyzed a female witnes 2/2/1980 #35154  
ter recalled interacting with Grey aliens and encountering an environment i 4/2/1980 #35249  
r, who also remembers watching the aliens mutilate a calf. Hansen also reme 5/5/1980 #35306  
g he needs to protect himself from aliens. A strained and brief hypnosis se 6/3/1980 #35353  
d-like apparatus. At one point the aliens connected some type of equipment  9/25/1980 #35535  
 that he has uncovered evidence of aliens controlling humans through electr 10/26/1980 #35590  
n Bennewitz has nothing to do with aliens; rather, it is to protect the tec 11/17/1980 #35645  
sible that Adamski was abducted by aliens and placed on the coal pile “by s 11/29/1980 #35682  
tish Columbia, a man obsessed with aliens and UFOs to the point of building 11/29/1980 #35683  
and crying, he remembered that the aliens were showing him tanks and he did 12/31/1980 #35759  
to do this again." He recalled the aliens telling him that they were just g 12/31/1980 #35759  
ings), humanoids (human-like), and aliens (short and like the “greys”). He  7/31/1981 #36047  
nto her head. During the exam, the aliens were particularly interested in h 1/22/1982 #36306  
gine cut out; He saw close UFO and aliens and his eyesight was effected. (N 2/20/1982 #36358  
e been delivered to Earth by space aliens (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)         1983 #36735  
involvement in communications with aliens. He speaks of documents that tell 1/10/1983 #36742  
 extraterrestrials under which the aliens are free to conduct animal mutila 1/10/1983 #36742  
              Ckolo, Bolivia Space Aliens Terrorize Tiny Mountain Village ( 3/2/1983 #36773  
eing abducted aboard a UFO by Grey aliens, which included a physical exam i 3/24/1983 #36803  
eing abducted aboard a UFO by Grey aliens, which included a physical exam i 3/24/1983 #36810  
ctronic communications effort with aliens), and the defunct Garnet (investi 4/9/1983 #36830  
ed the grass. An abduction by Grey aliens followed, involving a medical exa 6/30/1983 #36896  
ng apparent pregnancies induced by aliens.                                  Early 7/1983 #36900  
usinessman says he was abducted by aliens (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)        8/9/1983 #36938  
 tough,” and he had heard that the aliens “were constructed like certain in 11/29/1983 #37057  
rtedly very lightweight, possible “aliens” constructed like insects here on 11/29/1983 #37058  
), physiological studies of actual aliens, and the presence of an alien bas Fall 1986 #38034  
eyes and standing 3 feet tall. The aliens take blood samples from them and  3/7/1987 #38132  
s they are talking about recovered aliens and seems nonchalant about the su 8/30/1987 #38264  
 creation of humans and culture by aliens, acquisition of alien technology, 12/1987 #38342  
s him to be calm. A group of green aliens then performs medical experiments 12/1/1987 #38345  
ents of this film, saying that the aliens who abducted him do not want huma 12/1/1987 #38345  
lce, New Mexico, populated by gray aliens and humans. Direct communication  12/29/1987 #38378  
4, the first communication between aliens and the USG took place at Holloma 12/29/1987 #38379  
al childhood experiences with gray aliens. Several nights later, Karla awak 1988 #38383  
 Receive 25 Secret CIA Memos About Aliens On Earth                          1/28/1988 #38434  
w Mexico consisting of type "Grey" Aliens. NASA CIR film has aided in locat 6/6/1988 #38581  
tary involvement with the "Greys". Aliens helped US Military to build a wor 6/6/1988 #38581  
oman film footage, saying it shows aliens emerging from a disc-shaped craft 10/14/1988 #38674  
                   An abduction by aliens with a physical exam occurred on  10/24/1988 #38687  
 and alien bodies, adding that the aliens are called Alien Life Forms (ALFs 12/18/1988 #38755  
Fs) and that he has seen photos of aliens that supposedly landed at Holloma 12/18/1988 #38755  
l panels; photographed 5 foot tall aliens with almost normal human heads wi 1/1989 #38772  
 skin and blue uniforms; inside of aliens had green fluid and black innards 1/1989 #38772  
nnot be manufactured on Earth. The aliens have left only 500 pounds of it,  3/1989 #38855  
s photos of gray alien bodies. The aliens are allegedly from the Zeta Retic 3/1989 #38855  
onflict occurred. This is when the aliens leave and the military begins rev 3/1989 #38855  
er disc-shaped craft, and two Grey aliens were captured alive. They had thr 5/7/1989 #38939  
ree landing gear. There were three aliens onboard; two alive but one died s 5/7/1989 #38939  
 the Eisenhower years. Cooper says aliens from a dying planet orbiting Bete 5/23/1989 #38960  
ighness Krill. But, he claims, the aliens broke the treaty, abducting human 5/23/1989 #38960  
contradicts the idea that advanced aliens are conducting genetic or scienti 6/1989 #38970  
tnesses, followed by the two other aliens. The robot stretched out its hand 10/28/1989 #39191  
 got a close look at the other two aliens, whom he described as wearing sil 10/28/1989 #39191  
. She then believed that the three aliens who had entered her apartment had 10/31/1989 #39199  
rrestrial beings described as grey aliens from a planet orbiting the twin b 11/10/1989 #39224  
ey and Betty Hill as the origin of aliens they allegedly encountered in the 11/10/1989 #39224  
Cortile”) is allegedly abducted by aliens from her 12th-story apartment on  11/30/1989 #39283  
lower east side of Manhattan. Five aliens come into her bedroom while she i 11/30/1989 #39283  
 room. Linda and three of the five aliens are floated out through her livin 11/30/1989 #39283  
African UFO crash with insect-like aliens. Walker hints that there has been 1/26/1990 #39390  
en governmental collaboration with aliens in the past.                      1/26/1990 #39390  
ibed the beings as seven-foot tall aliens with cat eyes, who he watched wal 4/15/1990 #39528  
had passed. While in the field the aliens appeared to clean their suits, an 5/18/1990 #39576  
with them, but she refused and the aliens left.                             5/18/1990 #39576  
pparently “in charge” of the other aliens. Luca feels that the human race i 6/1990 #39604  
d tanks, and even several humanoid aliens from the Pleiades. Later Morton l 1991 #39935  
ound Area 51 and suggests that the aliens there are from “Krondac,” a plane 1991 #39935  
amar Valerian.” Grace claims “grey aliens” await a human being in the “ligh 1/1991 #39944  
any Americans had been abducted by aliens and gave $200,000 to Robert Bigel 5/22/1991 #40075  
rver(s) beamed aboard and gives 7' aliens a $20 bill!                       6/8/1991 #40088  
 US government’s interactions with aliens and crashed saucers. Meetings are Summer 1991 #40102  
UFO outside Roswell with bodies of aliens; she states he told her “I want y 7/9/1991 #40116  
riences reported being abducted by aliens again in 1991, this time for 70 m 12/15/1991 #40261  
 was returned she noticed that the aliens had put her earrings back on back 12/15/1991 #40261  
crash of a UFO and the recovery of aliens—both dead and alive—on the Plains 2/15/1992 #40331  
f hybrid making and clues that the aliens exploit human genes to repopulate 3/1992 #40342  
was a model of their "temple." The aliens told Luis that they were here on  3/5/1992 #40359  
eader left to speak with the other aliens, and Luis lost consciousness agai 3/5/1992 #40359  
) think they have been abducted by aliens.                                  5/1992 #40439  
in which he argues that ostensible aliens, angels, and otherworldly entitie 5/1/1992 #40442  
bductee was informed that the Grey aliens were androids, and lived for only 7/25/1992 #40535  
ecall an abduction by gray-skinned aliens. The man is taken into a craft, w 3/16/1993 #40885  
low man. He was also told that the aliens had several bases in the area, in 3/20/1993 #40895  
n enormous pedestal. There were 13 aliens in the room. Two of them led Dann 5/13/1993 #40976  
owards the group of witnesses. The aliens were beneath the immense flying c 8/8/1993 #41118  
rough dreams that one of the black aliens stooped over her naked body like  8/8/1993 #41118  
ew Hampshire. Several undescribed "aliens" exited the object and appeared t 12/9/1993 #41327  
d cylinders. There are accounts of aliens apparently taking human souls and 1994 #41345  
to have had miraculous healings by aliens. Still, Turner suggests that this 1994 #41345  
ggests that this does not make the aliens humanity’s benefactors. If they c 1994 #41345  
d meets with a group of three-eyed aliens on their ship. He asks to see the Early 6/1994 #41548  
e alien again but is rebuffed. The aliens show him images of Mars (or Jupit Early 6/1994 #41548  
is campsite when a large group of "aliens dressed in camo appeared", and be 9/2/1994 #41713  
tempt, a man reported undescribed "aliens" in his room late at night in Sag 9/9/1994 #41731  
at play in the organizations: “the aliens are here, real good guys, we must 12/10/1994 #41888  
t there is no strong evidence that aliens are visiting the Earth either in  1995 #41923  
ming from retrieval of the Roswell aliens. Nick Redfern has examined it and 2/22/1995 #42058  
 Arizona reported a visitation by "aliens" in her bedroom late at night. Th 1/28/1996 #42724  
eling to other planets and meeting aliens.                                  5/5/1996 #42896  
nded by "three distinct species of aliens". Nearby were several silvery ovo 9/15/1996 #43020  
e several silvery ovoid craft. The aliens told Ricardo that they were part  9/15/1996 #43020  
amily. Saucer over house. Dreams / aliens. Dad has cuts and marks..         11/5/1996 #43107  
 was supposedly dropped off by the aliens.                                  12/9/1996 #43133  
he told of his adventures with the aliens were similarly fictitious. She al 1997 #43155  
esponses from an alien in custody. Aliens were highly psychic.              2/1997 (approximate) #43182  
 appeared in the room, and the two aliens who remained standing moved towar 2/24/1997 #43207  
mber being poked and probed by the aliens. They took blood samples, then le 10/18/1997 #43432  
eceiving communications from space aliens. The following day his skeptical  12/1997 #43452  
ination of beliefs in ghosts, god, aliens, and Buddhism combined.           12/1997 #43452  
atrist Roger K. Leir publishes The Aliens and the Scalpel, in which he revi 1998 #43479  
reat expresses his belief that the aliens are not doing research; rather, t 1/1998 #43482  
 and families for generations. The aliens create pregnancies, steal fetuses 1/1998 #43482  
ture from humans to thrive, so the aliens bring abductees back to touch and 1/1998 #43482  
t look less and less like the gray aliens. Another series of hybridizations 1/1998 #43482  
es of hybridizations occurs as the aliens breed or engineer early-stage hyb 1/1998 #43482  
cs). Some adult hybrids assist the aliens in their work, while others live  1/1998 #43482  
that apparent benevolence from the aliens is a con to lull us into complace 1/1998 #43482  
 emotion, and the otherness of the aliens awakens a sense that humans are n 1999 #43708  
 said that he had had contact with aliens at 2:15 a.m. They took him into t 4/22/1999 #43760  
e mental and physical controls the aliens use on the abductees.             7/2/1999 #43789  
ordic, small hairy, and tall “grey aliens” and short “grey aliens” appearan 7/31/1999 #43815  
tall “grey aliens” and short “grey aliens” appearance. Locations of recover 7/31/1999 #43815  
n told him Eric Walker stated live aliens were retrieved, studied and “allo 7/31/1999 #43815  
g, China, claims he is abducted by aliens and flown to Qinhuangdao, Hebei p 12/1999 #43890  
ut 13 years old. She tells him the aliens cured her of a disease. Zhang bri 12/1999 #43890  
n which it was commonly known that aliens exist and live among us.” Fitts c 12/3/1999 #43892  
ence. He has many experiences with aliens since then, allegedly discovering 2000 #43913  
ing electronic communications with aliens. He also claims aliens have follo 2000 #43913  
ations with aliens. He also claims aliens have followed his car, visited hi 2000 #43913  
ot have any evidence whatsoever of aliens or UFOs.”                         3/1/2000 #43959  
center of the room. He met several aliens described as about six feet tall, 7/5/2000 #44010  
f warmth. She also sensed that the aliens had chosen Earth for a reproducti 5/2/2001 #44174  
be fine. The witness felt that the aliens needed human bodies as some kind  5/2/2001 #44174  
Argentina felt herself summoned by aliens, and she felt herself traveling t 8/2/2001 #44220  
traits, "almost like hybrids." The aliens told her that soon they would be  8/2/2001 #44220  
Roswell crash and the existence of aliens; the Keys, who are subject to fre 12/2/2002 #44457  
to frequent experimentation by the aliens; and the Clarkes, who sheltered o 12/2/2002 #44457  
who sheltered one of the surviving aliens from the crash.                   12/2/2002 #44457  
lieved they had communication with aliens were shown a series of slides, in 8/19/2003 #44576  
 of analyses done at LANL on “live aliens” from 1950-51. Green didn’t know  8/19/2003 #44576  
igence utilize cooperation between aliens and humans in Utah, New Mexico, A 2004 #44638  
ot used their weapons against the "aliens" for fear of retaliation. A femal 8/25/2004 #44741  
 believing he had been abducted by aliens.                                  8/26/2004 #44743  
 to Believe They Were Kidnapped by Aliens, in which she describes her psych 10/2005 #44883  
pril 1964 in Alamogordo, where the aliens (nicknamed Ebens) landed and retr 11/1/2005 #44898  
S had an exchange program with the aliens, where one entity was left behind 11/1/2005 #44898  
rto Rico he saw three or four Grey aliens standing near a landed bell-shape 2/28/2006 #44927  
 "There's some [expletive deleted] aliens back there!" After he had finally 8/30/2009 #45240  
nd no evidence of extraterrestrial aliens in more than 50 years. But the st 12/1/2009 #45259  
sence of such phenomena means that aliens could be monitoring our weapons a 9/27/2010 #45298  
esses, Redfern concludes that the “aliens” found at the Roswell crash in Ne 6/2017 #45472  
nment, and that flying saucers and aliens were a convenient cover story. Th 6/2017 #45472  
 the Nevada facility to search for aliens after watching Area 51 conspiracy 6/27/2019 #45588  
cast with the show title “UFOs and Aliens2/6/2022 #45738  
## Word: "aliensfromspacer00keyh" (Back to Top)
/2up   https://archive.org/details/aliensfromspacer00keyh/page/70/mode/2up  2/9/1953 #8656  
nce.”  https://archive.org/details/aliensfromspacer00keyh/page/86/mode/2up  10/29/1962 #17518  
## Word: "alight" (Back to Top)
l moon drift over their houses and alight on the ground south of Gatchellvi 3/8/1977 #31878  
## Word: "alighted" (Back to Top)
c-shaped UFO hovered over and then alighted on the bay, only 15 feet away f 11/28/1953 #9325  
advanced another step the creature alighted one meter off the ground and fl 10/18/1954 #11225  
entrance to a corridor, where they alighted. Further along was another corr 2/5/1978 #32957  
## Word: "align" (Back to Top)
g at 6:45 p.m., some eight objects align themselves across a section of the 6/26/1959 #15790  
## Word: "aligned" (Back to Top)
haped lights, reddish in color and aligned side by side, moving from the ea 1946 #1960  
 the end of WWII, Nazi Germany had aligned itself with “Reptilian” UAP occu 3/1/1955 #12027  
rtical panels and two horizontally aligned panels slide apart—and the three 1965 #18690  
cular (disc-shaped) black objects, aligned diagonally, each with a diameter 5/6/1967 #22282  
tance of two kilometers. They were aligned in a straight, diagonal line in  5/6/1967 #22288  
 swirling grass. Objects took off, aligned in formation, climbed into cloud 9/1/1974 #29416  
ationary, 40-foot tall, vertically aligned tube in the sky. They said it wa 6/5/1998 #43581  
## Word: "alignment" (Back to Top)
away. They are moving “in absolute alignment” about 20 feet from the ground 1933 #1151  
um. The object flips to a vertical alignment, showing its base, and then ti 8/30/1962 #17373  
 conducting a below-ground azimuth alignment procedure at the Ellsworth AFB Early 1/1979 #34280  
descend the ladder to continue the alignment. Then the lights go off, the t Early 1/1979 #34280  
 false alarms are caused by a rare alignment of sunlight on high-altitude c 9/26/1983 #36986  
lights along its bottom in perfect alignment.                               2/25/1999 #43735  
## Word: "alignments" (Back to Top)
em to figure in each sighting. The alignments, which he calls “orthotenic l 1958 #14781  
es Vallée later concludes that the alignments can be explained by chance al 1958 #14781  
## Word: "aligns" (Back to Top)
 as the Twenty-Fifth Air Force and aligns the 9th Reconnaissance Wing and t 9/29/2014 #45415  
## Word: "aligote" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Aligote” YieldMax: 20KT                  5/29/1981 #35948  
## Word: "alijo" (Back to Top)
 buzzed a car driving on a road in Alijo, Portugal at 10:30 a.m. Two 5-foot 9/20/1970 #25844  
                                   ALIJO, PORTUGAL 2 / car. 2M saucer buzze 9/20/1973 #27842  
## Word: "alike" (Back to Top)
 to know why both men were dressed alike. His speech was very precise. He p 11/17/1966 #21119  
ree more such beings appeared, all alike except that one lacked a large sto 6/4/1970 #25690  
fact that they all dressed exactly alike and had similar features. One of t 10/20/1973 #28222  
y jumpsuits. They looked very much alike except one had long blond hair and 8/4/1980 #35441  
## Word: "aliment" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Aliment” YieldMax: 20KT                  5/15/1969 #25138  
## Word: "aliquippa" (Back to Top)
                                   Aliquippa, PA (McDonald list) RV Draws S 5/8/1956 #12837  
's were observed moving south over Aliquippa, Pennsylvania at an altitude o 5/8/1956 #12838  
## Word: "aliranta" (Back to Top)
inland 3:00 p.m. Two young men, P. Aliranta and E J Sneck, were working in  2/5/1971 #26013  
ck, were working in the woods when Aliranta noticed a 15 foot metallic obje 2/5/1971 #26013  
ä Kinnula Finland 3:00 p.m. Petter Aliranta and Esko Juhani Sneck are worki 2/5/1971 #26014  
can be seen. The entity approaches Aliranta, who turns on his chain saw. Su 2/5/1971 #26014  
id is rising back up into the air, Aliranta grabs it by the heel of its boo 2/5/1971 #26014  
n this afternoon two young men, P. Aliranta and E. J. Sneck, were working i 2/5/1971 #26015  
gaskyla, Kinnula, Finland when Mr. Aliranta noticed a 15 foot wide metallic 2/5/1971 #26015  
lking on top of the deep snow, and Aliranta moved toward it with his power  2/5/1971 #26015  
 seen. The humanoid retreated from Aliranta and was levitating into the obj 2/5/1971 #26015  
## Word: "alitalia" (Back to Top)
 Commander Tranquillo, pilot of an Alitalia Air Line DC-9 en route from Tur 11/30/1973 #28490  
y.” Commander Mezzalami in another Alitalia DC-9 reports: “I was able to ob 11/30/1973 #28490  
GL 10' cylinder/cigar-shape passes Alitalia airliner. Air Traffic Controlle 4/21/1991 #40042  
      Heathrow Airport, London, UK Alitalia Airlines plane on final approac 4/21/1991 #40044  
e flying a McDonnell Douglas MD-80 Alitalia airliner with 57 passengers. Th 4/21/1991 #40046  
## Word: "alive" (Back to Top)
orld and All,” keeping the subject alive for many years.                    1/3/1928 #1083  
ile three others allegedly emerged alive. When they were found by the U.S.  5/31/1947 #2303  
l Army Air Field, but one is still alive and taken to Fort Stanton [now clo 7/5/1947 #2722  
 taken from a crashed saucer. Kept alive in a controlled environment, appea 1949 #3941  
s not expect to leave the hospital alive. He is admitted under the care of  4/2/1949 #4065  
osphere and returned them to earth alive. It was the first successful fligh 7/22/1951 #5580  
 man 3 feet tall who is later kept alive in a secret site in California. Ro 7/22/1952 #7024  
ht with plasma. Dances about as if alive / 4 minute(s).                     9/14/1952 #7921  
d to be female. One Alien had been alive at the crash site but attempts to  1953? #8470  
ery. The alien that had still been alive was treated at the Gdynia-Redlow h 1/21/1959 #15560  
e Soviet parliament that Powers is alive and much of the U-2 technologies h 5/7/1960 #16259  
kept the research of this incident alive. The Blue Book report changed the  12/9/1965 #19760  
e they are known to have been seen alive; it is presumed they go directly f 8/20/1966 #20779  
orrect answer. ‘Castro, he’s still alive, okay.’” At the same meeting Helms 5/10/1967 #22310  
e program is part of the BBC’s Man Alive series and includes the “man from  1/1972 #26534  
s a small brown moth, capturing it alive, and sealing it inside a box. When 8/1972 #26862  
f…. Except that it seems very much alive, like it’s even moving.”           8/1972 #26862  
with two dead bodies and one still alive, retrieved.  [Retrievals of the Th 1978 #32831  
1949 another alien, this one still alive, was found and housed at Los Alamo 9/8/1980 #35504  
nze, Russia Space Alien Baby Found Alive (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)         7/14/1983 #36911  
. Fourteen men are possibly boiled alive. The incident is covered up by Sov 6/27/1985 #37609  
 were found at the site, very much alive. “They learned the English languag 8/30/1987 #38264  
had left "the traffic on I-20 came alive and the parking lot became active. 1/19/1988 #38417  
 and two Grey aliens were captured alive. They had three fingers/toes on ea 5/7/1989 #38939  
ere were three aliens onboard; two alive but one died soon afterwards. The  5/7/1989 #38939  
 but one died soon afterwards. The alive alien was eventually moved to the  5/7/1989 #38939  
e recovery of aliens—both dead and alive—on the Plains of San Agustin, New  2/15/1992 #40331  
hat cow is another one, apparently alive, sitting on its knees. At that mom 9/13/1994 #41743  
ed, and five were supposedly taken alive and unhurt. Earlier that same morn 1/20/1996 #42697  
 vowed that “he would not be taken alive.”                                  11/5/2001 #44272  
rial” bodies recovered and one was alive; military was working with materia 7/21/2003 #44567  
nd one of the humans who was still alive. A medical retrieval team came for 1/15/2005 #44808  
let light the fibers wiggle “as if alive.” Another witness says the strands 10/25/2014 #45421  
## Word: "aljezur" (Back to Top)
                                   ALJEZUR, ALGARVE, PORTUGAL Civil and mil 7/30/1965 #19207  
## Word: "aljustrel" (Back to Top)
                            Fátima Aljustrel Portugal Cova da Iria Some 18, 8/13/1917 #960  
been flocking to Fátima and nearby Aljustrel, Portugal, drawn by reports of 8/13/1917 #960  
## Word: "alkmaar" (Back to Top)
 Going quickly southwest toward(s) Alkmaar.                                 9/9/1996 #43010  
## Word: "all-european" (Back to Top)
 the Belgian UFO wave to set up an all-European agency to study UFO reports 12/1/1993 #41315  
## Word: "all-night" (Back to Top)
area of Rome, Italy, then go on an all-night taxi ride around the city. He  6/13/1959 #15768  
ront. Jay Munger, proprietor of an all-night bowling alley, and two police  7/4/1967 #22610  
## Word: "all-out" (Back to Top)
nciples almost with abandon, in an all-out effort to be sure that no UFO re 4/22/1967 #22208  
## Word: "all-russian" (Back to Top)
            Russia Soviet Union An All-Russian Research Public Organization 1980 #35114  
    Vadim Chernobrov registers the All-Russian Scientific Organization, Kos 2004 #44636  
## Word: "all-sky" (Back to Top)
l. Its passage is registered by an all-sky camera used for the study of aur 7/7/1962 #17265  
## Word: "all-time" (Back to Top)
e frequency of UFO reports hits an all-time high. USAF issues another long  5/6/1949 #4160  
## Word: "all-union" (Back to Top)
ting of the UFO Study Group of the All-Union Committee on Cosmonautics of t 10/18/1967 #23265  
ing and embarrassing to the DOSAAF All-Union Committee of Cosmonautics. Arm 11/10/1967 #23437  
 established a “UFO Section of the All-Union Cosmonautics Committee” in Oct 2/1968 #23720  
dolfovich Mustel, president of the All-Union Astronomical and Geodetic Soci 2/29/1968 #23791  
tion of Natural Environment of the All-Union Council of Scientific Technica 2/1984 #37170  
## Word: "all-weather" (Back to Top)
o Lab and Capt. James E. Cocker of All-Weather Flying Division (both based  1/22/1951 #5413  
aptor, a single-seat, twin-engine, all-weather stealth tactical fighter air 12/15/2005 #44909  
## Word: "all-white" (Back to Top)
in Island, Nunavut. The object has all-white “unconventional running lights 9/18/1951 #5678  
 crew member see five men, “two in all-white garb, two in dark trousers and 7/28/1962 #17295  
## Word: "allagash" (Back to Top)
                       Eagle Lake, Allagash Waterway, ME Campers saw glowin 8/26/1967 #22931  
                       Eagle Lake, Allagash Waterway, ME Campers saw glowin 8/26/1967 #22934  
                                   Allagash, Maine Eagle Lake Brothers Jim  8/20/1976 #31282  
 aliens during a camping trip near Allagash, Maine. According to the four m 8/20/1976 #31282  
    MUD BEACH / CHAMBERLAIN LK, ME Allagash 4 and more/others. Fireball hov 8/24/1976 #31296  
a camping trip on East Lake in the Allagash Waterway, Maine when at around  8/26/1976 #31307  
                          OJAI, CA Allagash Jim "frozen" and partly levitat 5/1982 #36458  
                     TOWNSHEND, VT Allagash man and wife abduction. Cyst re 5/21/1988 #38572  
g trip with three other men in the Allagash Wilderness area of Maine. Jack' 5/21/1988 #38574  
ucted during a rafting trip on the Allagash River in Maine (one of the 'All 11/22/1993 #41299  
## Word: "allagash-4" (Back to Top)
                   SMITH BROOK, ME Allagash-4 beamed going up / saucer from 8/26/1976 #31304  
## Word: "allagash-jack" (Back to Top)
                     TOWNSHEND, VT Allagash-Jack. Dream interrupted. Small  1/6/1990 #39365  
## Word: "allagash-jim" (Back to Top)
SHERMAN, TX Odd sounds and lights. Allagash-Jim levitated / bed. Possible m 6/1980 #35345  
## Word: "allah" (Back to Top)
                   JERICHO AND RAM ALLAH, PALESTINE Many observer(s). 2 sil 4/7/1950 #4807  
## Word: "allahabad" (Back to Top)
                                   ALLAHABAD, INDIA Cylinder/cigar-shape le 3/15/1951 #5486  
## Word: "allan" (Back to Top)
 with the Swedish Defense Minister Allan Vougt and two members of the speci 7/16/1946 #2059  
ndia Base Intelligence Officer Lt. Allan B. Clark and Sandia’s AF-Civil Air 12/12/1948 #3926  
 be Rolf Alexander, who is in fact Allan Alexander Stirling, a New Zealand  Summer 1951 #5549  
 as Allingham existed. Christopher Allan and Steuart Campbell allege in 198 10/1954 #10536  
a, McGeorge Bundy, Gordon Gray and Allan Dulles, and topics often include s 12/28/1954 #11870  
tion Center in Lexington, Kentucky Allan Memorial Institute of McGill Unive 2/1957 #13481  
eriments to be administered at the Allan Memorial Institute of McGill Unive 2/1957 #13481  
s Reese Technology Center, Lubbock Allan Haney and some friends “on a numbe Summer 1957 #13746  
heast), including a Mr. Duncan and Allan D. Baker. Stokes stops and gets ou 11/4/1957 #14286  
ve auditory effect is biophysicist Allan H. Frey. In his experiments, the s 1961 #16547  
ng Flying Saucer Digest, edited by Allan J. Manak in Cleveland, Ohio. Rick  Spring 1967 #21925  
identification of Venus. Ufologist Allan Hendry does calculations and agree 1/6/1969 #24821  
South Wales 12:45 p.m. Greengrocer Allan James is checking a load on his tr 9/10/1972 #26986  
rist Robert Emenegger and producer Allan Sandler. The colonels encourage th 5/1973 #27460  
aker Robert Emenegger and producer Allan Sandler and encourage them to make 5/1973 #27461  
Allen Hynek as editor-in-chief and Allan Hendry as managing editor.         11/1976 #31515  
 ghostwritten by Elaine M. Hendry, Allan Hendry’s wife and a graduate stude 1977 #31649  
a possible landing site. (Sources: Allan Hendry, The UFO Handbook, p. 120;  3/7/1977 #31871  
near a Nike missile base. (Source: Allan Hendry, International UFO Reporter 4/29/1977 #32034  
iangular to rectangular. (Sources: Allan Hendry, International UFO Reporter 5/7/1977 #32067  
 UNICAT database, case 195, citing Allan Hendry). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 5/7/1977 #32067  
ne in less than a second. (Source: Allan Hendry, International UFO Reporter 5/11/1977 #32086  
s, then flew away slowly. (Source: Allan Hendry, International UFO Reporter 5/11/1977 #32087  
lew away toward the east. (Source: Allan Hendry, International UFO Reporter 5/26/1977 #32131  
at was very close to him. (Source: Allan Hendry, International UFO Reporter 6/28/1977 #32202  
helicopter and appearing on radar. Allan Hendry, the investigator at the ti 12/27/1977 #32815  
ert the Center for UFO Studies and Allan Hendry interviews some of the witn 4/29/1978 #33179  
     Evanston, Illinois Astronomer Allan Hendry publishes The UFO Handbook, 8/1/1979 #34699  
ohnson’s problems have cleared up. Allan Hendry of CUFOS determines that th 8/27/1979 #34787  
tinues to undergo anxiety attacks. Allan Hendry and Fred Whiting from the C 8/29/1979 #34803  
ruce Maccabee, J. Allen Hynek, and Allan Hendry; the debunkers are Philip J 9/6/1980 #35500  
udies can no longer afford to keep Allan Hendry on as a full-time investiga 2/28/1981 #35849  
 appearances by Bruce Maccabee and Allan Hendry.                            10/12/1982 #36640  
ease of data through Emenegger and Allan Sandler was halted because “politi 4/9/1983 #36830  
wn as the Frey effect, named after Allan H. Frey, an American scientist, wh 9/1/2018 #45538  
## Word: "allanton" (Back to Top)
                                   ALLANTON, SCOT 1 observer. Big silent bl 11/17/1994 #41852  
## Word: "allard" (Back to Top)
ings in Canada to Gen. Jean Victor Allard, Chief of the Defence Staff. It r 11/14/1967 #23450  
## Word: "allary" (Back to Top)
 A circular craft was seen by Jean Allary between Montmoreau and Villebois- 10/3/1954 #10661  
rance 11:15 p.m. Young farmer Jean Allary sees a circular object near Ronse 10/3/1954 #10666  
ircular craft was seen by Mr. Jean Allary, age 22, while riding a motorcycl 10/3/1954 #10671  
## Word: "alled" (Back to Top)
      Belle-Ile, France At a place alled "La Butte" a luminous sphere, whic 11/21/1952 #8315  
saw a luminous disk in the sky and alled her family. When everyone saw the  10/23/1954 #11336  
## Word: "allegan" (Back to Top)
                                   ALLEGAN, MI 27 observer(s). 20 8m silver 7/5/1947 #2709  
onal Weather Service radar station Allegan County sheriff’s office 9:15 p.m 3/8/1994 #41449  
gh binoculars around 9:40 p.m. The Allegan County sheriff’s office contacts 3/8/1994 #41449  
## Word: "allegation" (Back to Top)
 be ashamed and embarrassed by his allegation that his country and Britain  12/28/1980 #35749  
cess Program (SAP) protocols.  The allegation of a group existing, possibly 7/22/1993 #41077  
## Word: "allegations" (Back to Top)
en. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz.) that allegations about the Air Force withhold 1/1958 #14791  
ject/     Note: Nichols made these allegations in a book in 1992 with no in 1/1971 #25963  
ackenhut Corp. was later linked to allegations of secret UAP work at secure 8/1/1993 #41101  
gy (DOE). One year after Kissner’s allegations, the DOE told the GAO it cou 1994 #41349  
ced: an investigation into the CIA allegations conducted by CIA Inspector-G 8/18/1996 #42985  
stigation into the law enforcement allegations by Justice Department Inspec 8/18/1996 #42985  
ilitary. Pazrt of this is based on allegations that human pharmaceuticals h 1997 #43154  
r household objects (verifying the allegations made by California skeptic K 1997 #43155  
to a UFO report is provided. These allegations are treated uncritically in  8/3/1997 #43365  
an of the TAI board, denied Fitts’ allegations and Joe Firmage, another Boa 12/3/1999 #43892  
e Wen Ho Lee spy scandal and other allegations that the Department of Energ 2000 #43909  
hat of a concussion. None of these allegations have been proven in court.   2/6/2019 #45560  
   Christopher Mellon states “many allegations” exist out there that there  9/2022 #45765  
  Wackenhut and SAIC are linked to allegations of secretive UAP work, most  9/26/2022 #45772  
## Word: "allege" (Back to Top)
stopher Allan and Steuart Campbell allege in 1986 that the book was written 10/1954 #10536  
hese incidents, which some persons allege have taken place.”                3/25/1966 #20081  
## Word: "alleged" (Back to Top)
es a series of six articles on the alleged discovery by English astronomer  8/25/1835 #130  
3. He calls it the Nonesuch. On an alleged test flight to Los Angeles on Ma 12/1/1896 #373  
rk, Chicago, Illinois 5:30 a.m. An alleged photo of an airship is taken at  4/11/1897 #429  
d,” or a “Martian” according to an alleged Army Signal Service officer name 4/17/1897 #523  
er sister Barbara have their first alleged encounter with a UFO on their pa 10/1917 #968  
f US coast, In Air Space Lights of alleged aircraft (Page 11 Ref. 1) (NICAP 7/22/1937 #1274  
posedly classifies for 50 years an alleged UFO incident because of fears it Late 1942? #1456  
         Rhine River area, Germany Alleged aircraft that climbed out of ran 12/5/1944 #1718  
                  Viareggio, Italy Alleged jet; multiple spurts of flame; n 2/15/1945 #1784  
                  Po Valley, Italy Alleged flares: cluster of 11 or more co 2/21/1945 #1791  
 report, “Sweden: Guided Missiles, Alleged Rockets over Sweden.” Both the n 4/15/1947 #2263  
              White Sands, NM This alleged incident is listed for-the-recor 7/1/1947 #2515  
                Roswell, NM Famous alleged UFO crash (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cas 7/3/1947 #2574  
                Roswell, NM Famous alleged UFO crash and bodies recovered ( 7/3/1947 #2575  
 this day in UFOCAT, including the alleged discovery of the famous Roswell  7/3/1947 #2586  
      Danforth, IL Specimens of an alleged “Flying Saucer” were brought to  8/1947 #3272  
                                An alleged CIA OSI information report on th 8/17/1949 #4320  
 to specifically credit the Navy’s alleged “top secret” project the Flying  3/27/1950 #4741  
the best new evidence of 1950, the alleged first authentic photographs and  11/17/1950 #5279  
oviet bloc, largely in response to alleged Soviet, Chinese, and North Korea 4/13/1953 #8823  
Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio Date of alleged UFO crash and retrieval near Kin 5/21/1953 #8897  
n the same day as Cedric Allingham alleged UFO contact UFO sightings were r 2/18/1954 #9556  
eed over treetops. Hoax by hunters alleged.                                 9/23/1954 #10406  
ranco, Portugal Hoaxed story of an alleged sighting by Cesar Cardoso at Cas 9/24/1954 #10436  
LY” documentation, specifically an alleged briefing document of a Majestic- 11/20/1955 #12580  
ok West Wing with it. TRW also has alleged linkages to UAP crash recoveries 1956 #12639  
ceived two strange letters from an alleged Carlos Miguel Allende who claims 4/1956 #12779  
l 1956). Ufologists later link the alleged experiment back to T. Townsend B 4/1956 #12779  
                                   Alleged unnamed U.S. Navy pilots at Nava 7/5/1956 #12954  
hey are supposedly from Venus. His alleged trip lasts an hour. When he retu 7/16/1956 #12974  
                                   Alleged unconfirmed reports of a domed d 9/1956 #13168  
acific Ocean, At Sea Photograph of alleged disc-shaped UFO. [UFOE, VIII] (N 12/1957 #14647  
                                   Alleged USAF Project Orion used drugs an 1958 #14788  
                                An alleged one page memo from President Ken 6/28/1961 #16738  
os Angeles, California, noting the alleged extraterrestrial signals detecte 11/13/1962 #17545  
at 1:45 a.m. Unlike most photos of alleged UFOs taken by teenagers, this on 8/2/1965 #19272  
y two men named Pereira and Viana, alleged UFO contactees, were found dead  8/17/1966 #20759  
Watts had the first of a number of alleged contacts with aliens at 10:30 p. 3/31/1967 #22025  
ect, fired by Dr. E. U. Condon for alleged "incompetence" in controversy ov 2/9/1968 #23745  
         Berezovsky (near), Russia Alleged crash/retrieval on the web, and  3/1968 #23796  
tory Channel. Shows footage of the alleged crashed UFO near Berezovsky (Sve 3/1968 #23796  
dlovsk region) in 1968 and related alleged KGB documents. (NICAP: 06 - Trac 3/1968 #23796  
 FBI employee Guy Bannister. It is alleged Permindex is aware of advanced U 1970 #25523  
                                   Alleged AIL-Eaton contractor Preston Nic 1/1971 #25963  
aptured flying saucer. This was an alleged ongoing 1972 Top Secret project  1972 #26526  
e72-75.htm     Note: This story is alleged but if true, highlights the Air  5/1973 #27461  
AF and NASA. The appearance of the alleged entities Hickson and Parker saw  10/11/1973 #28009  
                     Falkville, AL Alleged humanoid photo. Police Chief Jef 10/17/1973 #28125  
eludes them. Soil samples from the alleged landing site are submitted to ge 11/2/1975 #30540  
                     Lumberton, OH Alleged skirmish between U.S. military f Spring 1977 #31919  
book immediately prompts dozens of alleged first- hand witnesses of crashed 5/1977 #32042  
is program “UFOHEAP” that collects alleged materials from UAP for NASA anal 1/17/1978 #32888  
                                   Alleged USAF Incident/Complaint Form sho 1/18/1978 #32895  
e: Other claims from Stringfield’s alleged sources include: *   AFOSI inter 8/1978 #33460  
stigations Subcommittee about the “alleged ability of unknown aircraft to p 12/20/1978 #34183  
mmittee he is concerned about the “alleged ability of unknown aircraft to p 12/20/1978 #34186  
                                An alleged abduction experience by aliens o 6/6/1979 #34601  
rtland AFB, NM, 8 Aug–3 Sept 1980, Alleged Sightings of Unidentified Aerial 9/8/1980 #35505  
stricted Test Range, as well as an alleged report of a UFO landing on Augus 9/8/1980 #35505  
 Commander Charles Halt visits the alleged December 26 landing site with 20 12/28/1980 #35749  
MJ-12, Project Aquarius, and other alleged revelations. Pratt secretly tape 1/2/1982 #36294  
            On the same day as the alleged disappearance of the Soviet sail 2/10/1982 #36337  
al times; this man was studying an alleged energy machine “Johnson’s motor, 9/29/1982 #36619  
rvous, but Howe asks him about the alleged 1971 Holloman AFB landing. Doty  4/9/1983 #36830  
                                   Alleged CIA documents show the Army’s re 5/1984 #37308  
ronomer Jacques Vallée writes that alleged participants were from Los Alamo 5/20/1985 #37591  
te). Another, only known as Raven (alleged to be DIA scientist Jack Verona, Fall 1986 #38034  
comparative analysis of nearly 300 alleged abduction cases up through 1985, 1987 #38089  
ulf Breeze, Florida, has his first alleged encounter with a UFO. He sees a  11/11/1987 #38322  
n’s name was also mentioned on the alleged meeting notes between Dr. Eric D 4/1988 #38527  
is convinced of the reality of the alleged UFO contact at Holloman AFB. Pau 10/14/1988 #38674  
s EG&G, and he is made aware of an alleged Project Galileo, an antigravity  5/15/1989 #38953  
ject and Project Looking Glass, an alleged technological project to see bac 5/15/1989 #38953  
on in the military about this. The alleged additional savings of $300 milli 11/22/1989 #39245  
is, of which ARPA came out of. The alleged transcript claims Walker told Az 1990 #39355  
 an extended conversation about an alleged South African UFO crash with ins 1/26/1990 #39390  
 inquiry despite knowing that “the alleged observations did not correspond  3/1990 #39435  
                                   Alleged former intelligence community me 1/1991 #39944  
                                   Alleged NRO document on a “Blue Fire” se 7/28/1991 #40136  
y plausible technical details. The alleged location was a good one--an off- 10/1992 #40653  
ar the facility at the time of the alleged crash retrieval.  https://www.am 11/24/1992 #40726  
e 1980s and 1990s when a series of alleged USG documents were sent to ufolo 7/22/1993 #41077  
dustry since the 1940s. The theory alleged that a “group” of key figures ke 7/22/1993 #41077  
borated by VADM Thomas R. Wilson’s alleged testimony (see 16 October 2002)  7/22/1993 #41077  
cuments responsive” related to the alleged group.  https://www.amazon.com/F 10/12/1993 #41232  
oom Lake “Groom Lake Toxic Burning Alleged” A former worker at the secret A 3/20/1994 #41461  
tion and felt overwhelmed, and the alleged NHI asked him if he “intentional 7/1994 #41596  
    Disclosure Project founder and alleged Clinton Administration briefer S Mid 1990's #41926  
em was to remote view the moon and alleged “humanoids” operating on the bac 3/31/1995 #42130  
t detailing an audit related to an alleged UAP crash in 1947 near Roswell,  7/28/1995 #42338  
ce of an original filmstrip of the alleged autopsy has never been independe 8/28/1995 #42425  
the school has participated in the alleged operation. He insists to journal 5/8/1996 #42900  
      USAF Master Sgt. Dan Morris, alleged NRO operative, states: “I became 8/30/1996 #43002  
arius-documents/  Note: In 2009 an alleged witness “Stein” told ufologist L 8/30/1996 #43002  
 the subject of disinformation, as alleged analyses he received from Walter 1/13/1997 #43171  
of Newton’s third law based on the alleged work of Bearden, Wallace, Dan Fr 1/1998 #43483  
ment 115) and Charles Brush. It is alleged that cold fusion with zero-point 1/1998 #43483  
chieve weightlessness based on the alleged claims of William Crookes and Ru 1/1998 #43483  
e speed of light.  The source also alleged he worked hand in hand with a di 6/17/1998 #43589  
fore the “China problem surfaces.” Alleged funding sources for a clandestin 11/1998 #43673  
                                An alleged “Burned memo” from MJ-1 to MJs 2 1/23/1999 #43720  
                                An alleged CIA source tells ufologist Tim C 7/7/1999 #43798  
, and a hoax. Die Glocke and other alleged Nazi “miracle weapons” have sinc 2000 #43910  
                Loveland, Colorado Alleged abductee Stan Romanek of Lovelan 2000 #43913  
, which has the goal of disclosing alleged government UFO secrecy. The purp 5/9/2001 #44182  
Col. Dr. Robert Parvin Williams is alleged to have participated in an “alie 3/5/2002 #44323  
failed alien abduction attempt was alleged in a report filed with the Natio 2/11/2003 #44486  
 the PI-40 Committee under Reagan. Alleged Study Group members include Gord 2004 #44638  
ge at AAC Fort Worth, TX after the alleged Roswell crash; it is later digit 2004 #44639  
                                   Alleged US Army/DIA official John Maynar 8/2004 #44724  
 years, all of it extracts from an alleged original document—a top secret,  11/1/2005 #44898  
    Disclosure Project founder and alleged Clinton Administration briefer S 4/28/2006 #44935  
    Disclosure Project founder and alleged Clinton Administration briefer S 4/28/2006 #44936  
    Disclosure Project founder and alleged Clinton Administration briefer S 4/28/2006 #44937  
power generation, human interface, alleged extraterrestrial implants, abduc 10/17/2008 #45175  
                                   Alleged former NASA employee claims a sa 12/3/2008 #45196  
                               Two alleged Hill AFB employees in Ogden, Uta 12/15/2010 #45307  
y have interfered with some of the alleged UAP, facilities he claims were l 3/26/2011 #45320  
told to him by Brent Friedman, the alleged neighbor of former Secretary of  2012 #45336  
egina Dugan in the early 1980s. He alleged the class was taught by Maj. Ed  7/2012 #45346  
                                   Alleged former USAF Sgt. Daniel Brad Mac 7/8/2012 #45348  
program said to end in 1979 is the alleged “Eisenhower Briefing Document,”  2014 #45400  
                                   Alleged Vietnam-era intelligence analyst 6/22/2014 #45411  
 and Hal Puthoff, comments on four alleged “legacy” UAP programs hidden fro 2018 #45498  
e with details on UAP behavior and alleged bibliographies containing classi 5/2/2018 #45525  
otic metamaterials” recovered from alleged UAP sources for study and possib 7/2018 #45532  
verse engineering.  TTSA purchased alleged UAP metamaterials over the follo 7/2018 #45532  
 lawsuit by five diplomats, on the alleged basis that Ottawa has not prompt 2/6/2019 #45560  
 worked at Los Alamos prior to the alleged crash, and was a member of the C 4/25/2019 #45572  
tail concerning the events [of the alleged Sierra Madre UAP crash recovery] 4/25/2019 #45572  
opulsion, and it is noted that the alleged high speeds and maneuvers would  6/25/2021 #45694  
lizabeth Elliot,” mentioned in the alleged VADM Wilson memo as connected to 9/15/2021 #45710  
th ufologist Linda Moulton Howe by alleged US Army counterintelligence warr 9/28/2021 #45711  
ublishes a clear photograph of the alleged “Calvine UFO,” a large diamond U 8/12/2022 #45762  
                                   Alleged USG “insiders” tell journalist C 10/14/2022 #45778  
d he began flying it mentally; and alleged Nellis AFB radar operator Niara  10/20/2022 #45779  
## Word: "allegedly" (Back to Top)
are powder. The original source is allegedly from a June 17 report by a Pol 6/12/1790 #91  
th-central Dundy County, Nebraska, allegedly see a blazing object fall from 6/6/1884 #258  
red glass he finds a slip of paper allegedly written by Capt. James Dashiel 12/26/1896 #380  
d North Western Railway An airship allegedly lands near Elburn, Illinois, w Early 4/1897 #413  
, including Mayor Barton C. Wells, allegedly see an object “resembling the  4/14/1897 #469  
ngers beneath it. At some point he allegedly brings his invention out for a 4/20/1897 #545  
nd A. W. Hodges of Kountze, Texas, allegedly meet two aeronauts named Wilso 4/23/1897 #565  
named Jackson and Wilson, who were allegedly repairing a punctured "air com 4/23/1897 #567  
rgiate, Varese An unknown aircraft allegedly crashes at Magenta, just west  6/13/1933 #1159  
r von Braun's laboratory An object allegedly falls from the sky in Langenau Summer 1937 #1272  
rk. The episode becomes famous for allegedly causing panic among its listen 10/30/1938 #1300  
g to Annie Jacobsen, the confusion allegedly inspires Joseph Stalin to crea 10/30/1938 #1300  
ld create mass panic. The incident allegedly involves an RAF reconnaissance Late 1942? #1456  
r the English coastline when it is allegedly intercepted by a strange metal Late 1942? #1456  
                     An object was allegedly shot down by the U.S. military 6/22/1944 #1613  
y his devices and documents, which allegedly include a prototype flying sau 5/1945 #1858  
     San Antonio, New Mexico A UFO allegedly crashes near San Antonio, New  8/16/1945 #1924  
27 finds of mysterious substances, allegedly from ghost rockets. None are r 9/21/1946 #2185  
d in the crash, while three others allegedly emerged alive. When they were  5/31/1947 #2303  
d Project Mogul flight number 4 is allegedly launched from Alamogordo Army  6/4/1947 #2312  
shington Harold A. Dahl and others allegedly saw six tire-shaped objects, 3 6/21/1947 #2353  
on Charles and two crewmen when he allegedly sees six doughnut-shaped objec 6/21/1947 #2356  
is son, and others on board a boat allegedly saw six donut-shaped objects,  6/21/1947 #2358  
ssociate Fred L. Crisman, and they allegedly go to the beach to pick up fra 6/22/1947 #2363  
the end of World War II. One craft allegedly contains living dwarves or chi 7/1/1947 #2523  
nd Air Force Base near Albuquerque allegedly track an object “flitting arou 7/1/1947 #2524  
t. Before midnight, Frank Kaufmann allegedly sees a brilliant glow on the r 7/4/1947 #2670  
trieval of UFO wreckage and bodies allegedly occurred on this day from a cr 7/4/1947 #2672  
s secure the area. Five bodies are allegedly found on the site. The impact  7/5/1947 #2721  
find what happened to the brothers allegedly takes place; informants like A 7/5/1947 #2721  
ese detainees during World War II. Allegedly, aerospace physician William R 7/5/1947 #2722  
 with an interesting story. Brazel allegedly gets on the phone with Joyce a 7/6/1947 #2807  
  1st Lt. Walter Haut states in an allegedly signed affidavit he was statio 7/8/1947 #3029  
 First Air Transport Unit. A crate allegedly carrying alien bodies is flown 7/9/1947 #3054  
 of New Mexico A dubious document, allegedly written on this date by DCI Ad 9/19/1947 #3407  
cretary of Defense James Forrestal allegedly establishes a top-secret contr 9/24/1947 #3423  
       DCI Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter allegedly writes a letter to Air Materie 9/24/1947 #3425  
              An “unknown missile” allegedly crashes this month in Mexico n 10/1947 #3441  
 human heads. Private property was allegedly purchased to facilitate transp 1948 #3527  
Texas A silver, disc-shaped object allegedly crashes some 30 miles south-so 7/7/1948 #3699  
ectors in Death Valley, California allegedly observed a disc-shaped object  8/19/1949 #4330  
aucers in the southwest. The metal allegedly “defied analysis.” Bodies are  1/16/1950 #4494  
d as a spaceship with a propeller, allegedly landed in Penon de Los Banos,  3/13/1950 #4629  
r topics, until during lunch Fermi allegedly says suddenly, “But where is e Summer 1950 #4996  
ng UFO. Motion picture footage was allegedly obtained, but subsequently los 7/14/1951 #5576  
ies outside of US aerospace. It is allegedly rejected.  https://www.thomast 1952 #5843  
            CIA Project Moonstruck allegedly studies long range use of freq 1952 #5844  
Ballena, Peru at 4:30 p.m. when he allegedly encountered a 10 meter in diam 2/28/1952 #5935  
and, Germany, North Sea Jet pilots allegedly discover the wreck of a flying 6/1952 #6404  
nadian researcher Wilbert B. Smith allegedly shows Rear Admiral Herbert B.  7/28/1952 #7266  
w days later, an alert is sounded, allegedly because of danger of attack by Late Summer 1952 #7612  
rs in a bogus oil detection scheme allegedly linked to alien technology. Je 9/1952 #7804  
 US military devices. The study is allegedly based on more than 1,800 sight 9/26/1952 #8036  
telescope. The cigar-shaped UFO is allegedly following them.                11/20/1952 #8307  
hop added. Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt allegedly said “it’s a raw deal, but we  2/9/1953 #8656  
 telepathy with the abductees, and allegedly left them with some informatio 3/22/1953 #8776  
skogee, OK 2:00 p.m. The photo was allegedly taken in the Summer of 1953 by Summer 1953 #8949  
l if he repeats it. The experience allegedly terrifies him, and he decides  9/28/1953 #9186  
: The SOM1-01 manual states it was allegedly taken from Kirtland AFB Buildi 1954 #9424  
s. The Baltimore GOC Filter Center allegedly tracks an object on radar over 6/12/1954 #9897  
d working and the paint on the car allegedly changed color.                 7/20/1954 #10029  
tee book, Flying Saucer from Mars, allegedly written by one Cedric Allingha 10/1954 #10536  
      The Swedish Defense Ministry allegedly requests a secret investigatio 10/1/1954 #10564  
           The French Air Ministry allegedly launches a UFO investigation a 10/2/1954 #10610  
          The Italian Air Ministry allegedly sets up UFO detection posts fo 10/7/1954 #10789  
e, along with his 14-year-old son, allegedly has a second encounter with a  10/10/1954 #10893  
shed object” program. Material has allegedly already been recovered. This w 10/14/1954 #11075  
an accepted the invitation and was allegedly flown on a trip to see the pyr 2/24/1955 #12017  
roup, a R&D intelligence operation allegedly established by Pres. Truman in 11/20/1955 #12580  
rs with access to the information, allegedly pertaining to UAP crash recove 11/20/1955 #12580  
Blagodati, Primorsky Krai, Russia, allegedly see an enormous silvery object 1956 #12637  
lassified in 1995. Winterhaven was allegedly based on the designs of Thomas 2/25/1956 #12739  
 side effects. The project is soon allegedly linked to the work of Thomas T 4/1956 #12778  
 experiment,” as it becomes known, allegedly utilized electrogravitics for  4/1956 #12778  
 Dick Miller plays tape recordings allegedly made by Mon-Ka, a Martian, in  4/28/1956 #12817  
00 a.m. A domed, disc-shaped craft allegedly lands within White Sands Provi 9/1956 #13167  
 shortly taking off. Personnel are allegedly assembled at Holloman AFB and  9/1956 #13168  
ith them. One of the pursuing jets allegedly goes missing and the wreckage  Late Spring 1957 #13662  
r and transmitter) have burnt out, allegedly simultaneously.                11/4/1957 #14283  
e latter, an unknown flying object allegedly took complete control of a car 12/8/1957 #14690  
AFB in the US, while Habermohl was allegedly captured by USSR and moved to  1958 #14787  
ense EM fields. The Kugelblitz was allegedly larger and built in an undergr 1958 #14787  
hanic at Holloman AFB, New Mexico, allegedly sees a disc-like craft hoverin Summer 1958 #15112  
n injured occupant of the craft is allegedly found wandering in the area. H 1/21/1959 #15558  
nt to the Soviet Union. An autopsy allegedly revealed a different structure 1/21/1959 #15560  
red being taken to the U.S.S.R. is allegedly being stored in an isolated to 1/21/1959 #15560  
tered various races of people, who allegedly lived in dwellings shaped like 4/1/1959 #15689  
esearch locations and the body was allegedly taken to an underground bunker 9/26/1959 #15994  
 government with access to Castro. Allegedly, after several unsuccessful at 9/1960 #16428  
toothbrush. The plot is abandoned, allegedly because CIA station chief Larr 9/1960 #16429  
network. A huge disc-shaped object allegedly appears at an estimated altitu Summer 1961 #16734  
         Rome, Italy Milan Adamski allegedly has a private audience with Po 5/31/1963 #17774  
altitude and course.” The airplane allegedly continues flying in complete s 4/20/1964 #18180  
                 An unnamed airman allegedly walks into a clothing store in 4/30/1964 #18236  
dy to land. Abnormal radioactivity allegedly was found at the site.         5/17/1964 #18277  
o land. Abnormal radioactivity was allegedly found at the landing site.     5/17/1964 #18278  
F Atlas missile launch where a UFO allegedly causes the ICBM’s warhead to m 9/15/1964 #18556  
standing by the barn. The photo is allegedly confiscated by government agen 1/26/1965 #18769  
including several pieces of metal, allegedly from an F-51. He reports the s 4/24/1965 #18916  
s day in 1965 three glowing beings allegedly appeared to a witness named Br 6/7/1965 #18997  
oject 11:30 p.m. A luminous UFO is allegedly photographed in Beaver, Pennsy 8/8/1965 #19341  
ion, shook a school building as it allegedly landed on the roof. Faculty an 8/25/1965 #19463  
ion, shook a school building as it allegedly landed on the roof in Callao,  8/25/1965 #19465  
e barrio of Aluche, Madrid, Spain, allegedly see an unusual flying object.  2/6/1966 #19888  
uction and forced sexual encounter allegedly occurred near Melbourne, Victo 8/11/1966 #20739  
 One of the boys had a camera, and allegedly took this photo. (NICAP: 08 -  5/11/1967 #22316  
dán Peña in Aluche, Madrid, Spain, allegedly reappears in the neighborhood  6/1/1967 #22448  
object with three legs and windows allegedly landed in Santa Monica near Ma 6/1/1967 #22449  
e last call made. The visitor’s ID allegedly said CIA. After his admissions 7/3/1967 #22604  
rmal. A two-man coast guard patrol allegedly sees the UFO land on the south Early 1968 #23635  
s experience the alien beings have allegedly contacted Parravicini several  6/4/1968 #24006  
l Late evening. A civil servant is allegedly snatched off the São Paulo Hig 7/17/1968 #24185  
res, Argentina J. Bautista Perazzo allegedly had contact with extraterrestr 9/10/1968 #24450  
fficers and four Americans who are allegedly naval attachés with the US Emb 10/24/1969 #25422  
        A Soviet supersonic bomber allegedly disappeared without a trace in 4/24/1970 #25643  
at Camp Hero in Montauk, NY, which allegedly did some experiments at Brookh 1/1971 #25962  
w Mexico 6:00 a.m. A 16-mm film is allegedly taken of retrieved UFOs at Hol 5/1971 #26091  
yland, while in a soundproof room, allegedly hears spoken words broadcast b 1973 #27200  
oleman and Col. George Weinbrenner allegedly meet with Hollywood documentar 5/1973 #27461  
r-old man and two 10-year-old boys allegedly see a bright-white, dome-shape 10/25/1973 #28285  
 Observatory in Campo, California, allegedly registers a perturbation at 7: 11/16/1973 #28434  
4.pdf  Note: Gen. Curtis LeMay was allegedly present at a close encounter b 12/28/1973 #28612  
st skeletal in nature. Other units allegedly transported live aliens from t 1/23/1974 #28695  
es, Var 11:30 p.m. A French doctor allegedly photographs an odd object near 3/23/1974 #28937  
 night that month. A guard on duty allegedly suffers a nervous breakdown af 4/1974 #28984  
t the plane, drawing closer. Then, allegedly, the UFO strikes the F-4, forc 6/9/1974 #29175  
 dead aliens aboard. The Air Force allegedly is storing the bodies at Wrigh 10/11/1974 #29521  
co, crash/retrieval and the aliens allegedly stored in Hangar 18, calling i 11/2/1974 #29580  
eemed embarrassing to the USAF are allegedly destroyed, and redactions are  4/1975 #29931  
the scene. Some glowing powder was allegedly found on the ground in the are 7/12/1975 #30174  
n trip in the Swiss Alps when they allegedly encounter a circular object ho 7/26/1975 #30208  
ss shook Treena’s hand while Sunar allegedly explained that they were here  8/23/1976 #31294  
s Toros, Durazno, Uruguay. The UFO allegedly causes the deformation of a me 10/19/1976 #31481  
g a 600 foot diameter aerial craft allegedly settled over a small mountain  10/28/1976 #31501  
pilot of a single-engine plane, is allegedly blinded in flight by a UFO nea 4/29/1977 #32035  
te House President Jimmy Carter is allegedly given a UFO briefing at the Wh 6/14/1977 #32162  
 out of sight. A panic ensues, and allegedly 300 people are injured and two 7/7/1977 #32245  
nspecting the rear fence line, he (allegedly) sees a helmeted figure in a g 11/16/1977 #32677  
           USAF officer in Detroit allegedly tells a college student he hea 1978 #32831  
d Army officer Anatoly Malishev is allegedly confronted near Pirogovskoye R 5/1978 #33181  
n his arms, and these last a week. Allegedly, doctors at the hospital tell  5/13/1978 #33202  
an translocation in time or space) allegedly occurred near Mendoza, Argenti 7/6/1978 #33346  
 a military source “Mr. J.J.,” who allegedly served in Nike Missile Air Int 8/1978 #33460  
 did yardwork for a “Mrs. G.,” who allegedly worked in the Foreign Material 8/1978 #33460  
nd saw a photo of a small humanoid allegedly killed in a skirmish with USG  8/1978 #33460  
 driven to and blindfolded; he was allegedly ordered to stand guard as scie 8/1978 #33460  
occurred at Nellis AFB in 1968; it allegedly said a large UAP hovered over  8/1978 #33460  
rt and stocky; the security detail allegedly fired but their weapons jammed 8/1978 #33460  
s north. The gasoline tank is also allegedly drained.                       9/23/1978 #33734  
from the Watergate break-in, which allegedly uncovers a history of presiden 10/25/1978 #33874  
When first discovered the humanoid allegedly still had shown vital signs, a 12/6/1978 #34066  
author David Langford publishes an allegedly nonfiction novelette, An Accou 1979 #34254  
ear a hunter campsite, a UAP crash allegedly occurred on this date. The inf 6/27/1979 #34637  
y guard Antonio Carlos Ferreira is allegedly abducted from his workplace, a 6/28/1979 #34639  
ut Zanfretta refused to accept it. Allegedly, local residents reported a po 12/2/1979 #35040  
ylvania, who show him three photos allegedly showing an alien cadaver encas 3/22/1980 #35229  
             Another set of photos allegedly showing part of an alien cadav 8/1980 #35436  
to analyst Gary Sick, meetings are allegedly held in Paris, France, between 10/15/1980 #35569  
and, Police Constable Alan Godfrey allegedly sees a bright light ahead on B 11/29/1980 #35682  
hem what appears to be a star map. Allegedly the cosmonauts film the event  5/14/1981 #35937  
 triangle more than 700 feet long. Allegedly, the Ministry of Defence had s 8/16/1981 #36078  
enveloped in a blazing light which allegedly melted his tape recorder. It a 9/16/1981 #36118  
UAP work. Another son of a man who allegedly worked underground beneath For 1982 #36292  
 submitted to a physical exam, and allegedly had something implanted into h 1/22/1982 #36306  
ur cosmodrome, Kazakhstan Two UFOs allegedly hover above the Baikonur cosmo 6/1/1982 #36489  
ts Phoenix, Phoenix II and Rainbow allegedly occur at Camp Hero in Montauk, 1983 #36739  
cumentation exists for experiments allegedly conducted at Montauk, however. 1983 #36739  
ng 22,000 mph, changes course, and allegedly flies back into outer space. T 5/5/1984 #37321  
oint Nuclear Plant at Buchanan, NY allegedly see a UAP with lights oscillat 7/24/1984 #37416  
w USAF Lt. Col. Robert R. Hippler (allegedly an officer in a top secret Air Fall 1986 #38034  
hen disappears. The flash alert is allegedly recalled the next day.  https: 12/1986 #38079  
“Dulce Papers,” a set of documents allegedly disclosing unethical experimen 12/1987 #38342  
e the Biefield-Brown effect, which allegedly converts electrostatic energy  4/1988 #38526  
al exams by the beings. A lump was allegedly discovered and the cyst remove 5/21/1988 #38574  
the dubious “O.H. Krill” document, allegedly written by a USAF NCO named Jo 10/8/1988 #38665  
Pulsar, nicknamed the Aurora, that allegedly can be anywhere in the world 3 11/12/1988 #38713  
A demonstrated, but there was also allegedly an exhibit to garner support f 11/12/1988 #38714  
ke, Nevada Physicist Edward Teller allegedly calls the out-of-work physicis 11/28/1988 #38724  
                      Robert Lazar allegedly interviews at EG&G, but is inf 12/1/1988 #38732  
e east and the other to the north. Allegedly, the triangular objects were t 12/28/1988 #38763  
 Nevada test facility Robert Lazar allegedly sees a disc on his third visit 3/1989 #38855  
 gray alien bodies. The aliens are allegedly from the Zeta Reticuli 1 and 2 3/1989 #38855  
hey are relaxed or sleeping. Lazar allegedly catches a glimpse of a small,  3/1989 #38855  
l be arrested for espionage. He is allegedly given a transcript of Tracy’s  4/6/1989 #38895  
a huge hairy humanoid. The visitor allegedly wanted to "take possession" of 4/10/1989 #38899  
order. Two Mirage fighter aircraft allegedly pursue a fast-moving UFO and s 5/7/1989 #38938  
    A South African Mirage FIIG AF allegedly jet shot down a UFO that flew  5/7/1989 #38939  
 Hill as the origin of aliens they allegedly encountered in their abduction 11/10/1989 #39224  
duction from 12th floor apartment, allegedly witnessed by international fig 11/30/1989 #39281  
duction from 12th floor apartment, allegedly witnessed by international fig 11/30/1989 #39282  
ano (pseudonym “Linda Cortile”) is allegedly abducted by aliens from her 12 11/30/1989 #39283  
r airframe. Funding of the project allegedly reaches $2.3 billion in fiscal 3/1990 #39434  
0 feet from the disc, the jets are allegedly thrown to the ground and destr 5/25/1990 #39592  
ey then used a laser-like light to allegedly clear Carlos's arteries of pla 8/15/1990 #39689  
s and UAP crash recoveries. Walker allegedly attended the meetings while Ex 9/6/1990 #39717  
ries, A. Blazhis and A. Varenitsa, allegedly disappear and reappear with no 9/13/1990 #39729  
 maneuverability. Area 51 insiders allegedly contact him, including someone 1991 #39935  
 and crashed saucers. Meetings are allegedly held in safe rooms at Kirtland Summer 1991 #40102  
 Vatican back to the 15th century; allegedly the Vatican has UAP sighting p 7/1991 #40108  
und Naval Intelligence. COM-12 was allegedly trying to leak information dam 5/13/1992 #40463  
d involved in contractor Psi-Tech, allegedly states there are structures be 5/22/1992 #40470  
jo, Puerto Rico a UFO abductee was allegedly visited by a man with human ap 7/25/1992 #40535  
ilities by CSETI, a nonprofit that allegedly briefed members of Congress an 8/1/1993 #41101  
tee under Sen. Byrd, Dick D’Amato, allegedly states somewhere between $40 b 1994 #41346  
sends two MiG-21 interceptors that allegedly experience technical malfuncti 10/8/1994 #41795  
into his house. Brazilian soldiers allegedly retrieve the wreckage and the  1/12/1995 #41971  
l, New Mexico. The film footage is allegedly supplied to him by a retired m 8/28/1995 #42425  
 hospital in Belo Horizonte, where allegedly one of the creatures dies.     1/21/1996 #42704  
a pattern of black budget programs allegedly changing the names of its pers 8/30/1996 #43000  
              Steven Greer’s CSETI allegedly briefs members of Congress wit 8/30/1996 #43001  
d live extraterrestrial entities. (Allegedly entities can dematerialize whe 8/30/1996 #43001  
ed ET spacecraft in Nevada. It was allegedly operated by USAF/NASA/CIA/MJ12 8/30/1996 #43002  
l fires of unknown origin that had allegedly broken out as the object or ob 10/3/1996 #43052  
northeastern Poland. The debris is allegedly retrieved by soldiers. The Pol 3/15/1997 #43232  
ted by private contractors. Others allegedly there are retired Cmdr. Will M 4/10/1997 #43260  
g from Rockefeller Co., which also allegedly funds some of the companies me 8/19/1997 #43387  
ex-KGB source" a cylindrical craft allegedly exploded into small pieces ove 9/7/1997 #43401  
nto the object. A sperm sample was allegedly taken from the young man.      10/3/1997 #43424  
leaving Plant 42 in Palmdale, Cook allegedly sees a large chart illustratin Late 1990's #43480  
eate a magnetic vortex field which allegedly “disrupts” gravity’s effect on 1998 #43481  
 (VI) Nuclear antigravitation that allegedly causes a breakdown of Newton’s 1/1998 #43483  
connected with the the DIA and NSA allegedly claim in a face to face meetin 3/11/1998 #43532  
Sands Proving Grounds. The Colonel allegedly knew someone who worked on a U 6/17/1998 #43589  
 life forms. The “program” is also allegedly considering the usage of techn 8/22/1998 #43635  
                                An allegedly leaked teletype is given to uf 11/1998 #43673  
o their ship, and when he returned allegedly no time had passed.            4/22/1999 #43760  
s former government personnel were allegedly discussing how to shape the pu 12/3/1999 #43892  
xperiences with aliens since then, allegedly discovering mysterious wounds  2000 #43913  
t is uncertain if what the witness allegedly encountered was a secret U.S.  1/30/2000 #43937  
 Vallée the story of Zodiac, which allegedly involved real people like Dale 3/3/2001 #44147  
 a hanger at Norton Air Force Base allegedly called “Flux Liners.” He also  5/9/2001 #44183  
USSR to discuss UFOs. The man then allegedly told Kisling he was from a “se 6/29/2002 #44354  
everal AATIP products years later, allegedly meets with VADM Thomas R. Wils 10/16/2002 #44418  
 that a rock from Socorro, NM that allegedly had traces of metal abrasions  5/3/2003 #44524  
in Pacific Beach, CA, after he had allegedly gone AWOL from nearby Camp Pen 7/2003 #44560  
Fuller states Lee scrolled through allegedly classified files on the laptop 7/2003 #44560  
r and 34 others, and meetings were allegedly held at Marine Base Quantico,  2004 #44638  
                             A UFO allegedly crashed in the early morning h 5/15/2004 #44702  
neywell are mentioned as well that allegedly receive money to work on highl 8/2004 #44724  
braska a bright oval-shaped object allegedly picked up a cow.               1/31/2005 #44812  
ght-Patterson AFB. The live entity allegedly helped USG establish communica 11/1/2005 #44899  
GW) jammers followed an orb, which allegedly used HFGW to communicate.  htt 2008 #45108  
 FOX TV producer Robert Kiviat for allegedly running a disinformation schem 10/2008 #45173  
               CSETI and Aero Inc. allegedly briefs someone in the Obama Ad 2/13/2009 #45212  
t UFOs in the area. Chinese troops allegedly cordon off the area with no ex 10/13/2010 #45302  
ems Applications Program (AAWSAP), allegedly visited the Washington, D.C. h 2/2011 #45312  
 for future fiscal years. Lacatski allegedly met DHS’s Jim Bell and Sacha M 2/2011 #45312  
he 14th Annual Aztec UFO Symposium allegedly from different military source 3/26/2011 #45320  
monic in origin. The Collins Elite allegedly believes all UAP are demonic a 3/31/2011 #45322  
ven “the Collins Report,” which is allegedly a briefing document from the 1 3/31/2011 #45322  
” and “Ponnar,” but those attempts allegedly failed. Officials were concern 3/31/2011 #45322  
 drinking. While on watch, Accetta allegedly saw the triangle UAP four othe 11/15/2011 #45334  
Reagan administration). Herrington allegedly stated he had been briefed for 2012 #45336  
ights.” When asked why, Herrington allegedly stated “there is intelligent l 2012 #45336  
ould grow up in.”  Herrington also allegedly stated the existence of extrat 2012 #45336  
nown as “slots.” These “slots” are allegedly simulations of various destina 7/2012 #45346  
rtically quickly; the general also allegedly said the ARVs were capable of  12/2014 #45425  
5s from MacDill AFB in Florida. He allegedly told Fish they were sometimes  3/6/2015 #45434  
the east coast of Florida; the UAP allegedly came from a hotspot east of Mi 3/6/2015 #45434  
e a human.” Elsewhere on the site, allegedly non-public reports from Raythe 3/27/2017 #45466  
lassification level. The Group has allegedly been linked to UAP elsewhere ( 11/29/2018 #45549  
ed member, Dr. Luis W. Alvarez, is allegedly linked to a UAP crash recovery 4/25/2019 #45572  
                      Richard Doty allegedly states some previous and curre 2/2/2020 #45629  
 and the humanoids.” The executive allegedly told the source the program wa 8/1/2021 #45703  
roughout the Philippines. This was allegedly discovered, told to the Truman 10/2021 #45713  
ecrecy.” This group has since been allegedly trying to monopolize this tech 10/2021 #45713  
 lost her scent near where she was allegedly abducted and government offici 11/16/2021 #45722  
eriments and modern black projects allegedly developing triangle antigravit 6/15/2022 #45758  
ed with operating UAP craft   Navy allegedly has information on an underwat 9/26/2022 #45772  
interviewing a woman “CRM” who was allegedly a psychic to understand UAP ho 10/20/2022 #45781  
The council of those ET/UT species allegedly tasked with maintaining the st 10/20/2022 #45781  
plans.  A second disputed document allegedly created five months later on 5 12/17/2022 #45787  
t.  A third disputed document also allegedly created that same date on 5 No 12/17/2022 #45787  
## Word: "alleges" (Back to Top)
nada and the UK. The document also alleges that Hannes Alfven, who would wi 8/17/1949 #4320  
lls it a suicide, the Olson family alleges murder because, especially in th 11/28/1953 #9324  
al Radio broadcaster Frank Edwards alleges on his show that the wreckage of 1/13/1954 #9480  
azi antigravity programs, which he alleges led him to establish the Office  3/1/1955 #12027  
rbit. However, a follow-up article alleges that the object was “the remains 2/1960 #16162  
 Interpretation Center. The source alleges key evidence is being held by NP 1962 #17011  
s. UFO skeptic Martin S. Kottmeyer alleges that this episode influenced Bar 2/10/1964 #18127  
arch 7 column by Drew Pearson that alleges the US attempted to assassinate  4/24/1967 #22214  
 2007 documentary My Enemy’s Enemy alleges that Nazi war criminal Klaus Bar 10/7/1967 #23190  
s the “Deneb Report,” the document alleges that the following incident took 8/25/1974 #29386  
e Rendlesham Forest UFO Conspiracy alleges that the events were created by  12/28/1980 #35750  
culture.” Each of the four, Walker alleges, became highly successful in tec 8/30/1987 #38264  
t Holloman AFB in April 1964. Lear alleges that the MJ-12 group entered int 12/29/1987 #38378  
 summit of the mountain; the group alleges to have heard voices as well.  h 10/23/1988 #38683  
e of nine flying saucers, which he alleges are extraterrestrial in origin.  5/15/1989 #38952  
 didn’t have a need to know. Greer alleges the program was UAP related and  7/28/1991 #40136  
nformation damaging Aquarius. Also alleges the Jicarilla Indian Reservation 5/13/1992 #40463  
test rail gun technology. Casolaro alleges Wackenhut Corp. and the Cabazon  8/1/1993 #41101  
dministration briefer Steven Greer alleges he meets the following people in Mid 1990's #41926  
Hazardous Waste Act, Workers’ Suit Alleges U.S. Cites National Security In  2/8/1996 #42747  
gDocument/     Note: McKenzie also alleges her supervisor’s real identity w 8/30/1996 #43000  
ted Project Aquarius document that alleges Snowbird began in 1972 and it wa 8/30/1996 #43002  
possible disinformation. The story alleges there is an underground facility 2005 #44803  
ntries from incursions by UFOs, he alleges.                                 9/20/2005 #44877  
e interested in UAP, receives what alleges to be a 3,000-page report compil 11/1/2005 #44899  
dministration briefer Steven Greer alleges an E-Systems executive told him  4/28/2006 #44935  
dministration briefer Steven Greer alleges an unnamed witness told him whil 4/28/2006 #44936  
ators and anti-gravity methods and alleges this technology has been: (1) ac 2/13/2009 #45212  
                    Bernard Mendez alleges he attended a “jump room” school 7/2012 #45346  
 the era were actually UAP. Howard alleges some black triangles are funded  6/22/2014 #45411  
ys they are tracking; Steven Greer alleges the US Army “black shelved” othe 11/15/2015 #45440  
ation’s goal; in this case, Kiviat alleges, an attempt to frame UAP in a sp 2/26/2019 #45564  
## Word: "allegheny" (Back to Top)
State Highway 8 Richland Township, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania Butler Va 11/23/1957 #14604  
urnpike exit in Richland Township, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. It has a 11/23/1957 #14604  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Allegheny” YieldMax: 20KT                9/29/1962 #17446  
                  POKER FLAT, CA = Allegheny. 1 rancher. Huge tubular UFO a 3/24/1980 #35235  
## Word: "allegiance" (Back to Top)
usetts Subcommittee) transfers his allegiance to MUFON.                     1971 #25958  
y and L. Ron Hubbard, and Parsons’ allegiance to the United States. Parsons 3/31/2011 #45322  
ge amount of money and no national allegiance that maintains total control  4/5/2016 #45449  
## Word: "alleging" (Back to Top)
 intelligence summary is released, alleging that the Soviets in eastern Sib 6/9/1947 #2315  
at the US Forces in Austria a memo alleging that Walter Horten has admitted 5/7/1948 #3643  
cully writes an article in Variety alleging that the US government has retr 10/12/1949 #4391  
ic media and in a signed affidavit alleging Project Pegasus gave the DOD fo 1981 #35765  
 to a Canadian intelligence report alleging an RDB connection to UAP (see 3 9/6/1990 #39717  
eives his first comm from a source alleging to be NHI. The comms were as fo Early 1994 #41352  
esponsible for some UAP sightings, alleging occult rituals were responsible 3/31/2011 #45322  
Congress, and he filed a complaint alleging that he suffered illegal retali 6/5/2023 #45798  
## Word: "allegory" (Back to Top)
e sky by phantom armies told as an allegory of what awaits an unrepentant h 4/4/1561 #32  
## Word: "allemagne" (Back to Top)
cer of the Gendarmerie Maritime en Allemagne, watches a luminous, egg-shape 9/29/1952 #8062  
## Word: "allemans" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR ALLEMANS DU DROPT, FR Several separate o 2/13/1977 #31813  
## Word: "allen" (Back to Top)
 England Peterborough Night. C. W. Allen and two other men are motoring thr 5/13/1909 #740  
owed by the rumbling of an engine. Allen sees an oblong dark shape, perhaps 5/13/1909 #740  
m, chrome, and zircon. Dr. John E. Allen, chief geologist of the Oregon dep 1/7/1947 #2223  
 10:30 a.m. CAA official Irving C. Allen is flying a small aircraft near Mo 7/4/1947 #2655  
ducting domestic surveillance, but Allen Dulles ensures it can handle “othe 7/26/1947 #3233  
assures FBI Deputy Director Edward Allen Tamm that he is unaware of any suc 8/15/1947 #3336  
hio State University astronomer J. Allen Hynek) as an explanation. This imp 1/7/1948 #3544  
hio State University astronomer J. Allen Hynek in Columbus as a project con 5/7/1948 #3643  
ynamically feasible; consultant J. Allen Hynek says it might be a fireball  7/26/1948 #3742  
                     Astronomer J. Allen Hynek is officially tasked by Proj 12/16/1948 #3930  
d, atmospheric physicist James Van Allen, describing the Moore theodolite c 5/12/1949 #4182  
Oak Ridger columnist Robert Sharon Allen reports that the Atomic Energy Com 10/12/1950 #5221  
an Guatemala Frank Wisner succeeds Allen Dulles as CIA Deputy Director of P 8/23/1951 #5616  
to pass on to Joseph Kaplan and J. Allen Hynek. In the evening, Possony spe Early 5/1952 #6249  
 North Carolina 9:00 p.m. James J. Allen sees a UFO 6 feet high, 8 feet lon 8/6/1952 #7490  
eside it. When the witness, Mr. J. Allen, asked him if he was hurt, he and  8/6/1952 #7493  
              That same evening in Allen, Maryland at 9:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs 9/11/1952 #7897  
                                   Allen, MD A white light with red trim an 9/12/1952 #7901  
                                   Allen, Maryland Witnesses:  Mr. and Mrs. 9/12/1952 #7903  
              That same evening in Allen, Maryland at 9:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs 9/12/1952 #7907  
cated aviation columnist Robert S. Allen writes in his column that the “Air 9/26/1952 #8036  
eting in Boston, Massachusetts, J. Allen Hynek presents a paper on “Unusual 10/9/1952 #8107  
, Georgia Witness:  USAF Lt. James Allen. One orange, blimp-shaped object,  10/31/1952 #8220  
orgia on highway 85 USAF Lt. James Allen watched an 80 foot long orange, bl 10/31/1952 #8222  
this panel were Capt. Ruppelt, Dr. Allen Hynek, Prof. S. GOUDSMIT, L. ALVAR 1/26/1953 #8568  
nched on the order of CIA Director Allen Dulles and under the direction of  4/13/1953 #8823  
s, John Q. Black, 48, and John Van Allen, reported that an object, silvery, 5/20/1953 #8888  
 sighting, so his partner John Van Allen cannot corroborate the story. The  5/20/1953 #8889  
ohn Q. Black, age 48, and John Van Allen, reported that they saw a silvery  5/20/1953 #8890  
 a letter by Fritz A. Werner to J. Allen Hynek dated May 15, 1973, 16 AEC e 5/21/1953 #8898  
consin Lt. Robert M. Olsson and J. Allen Hynek visit Coral Lorenzen in Wisc 6/1953 #8924  
e, including the "little man." Van Allen saw only the landing marks, about  6/20/1953 #8943  
med away. His partner Mr. John Van Allen only saw the tripod landing gear m 6/20/1953 #8944  
e: Blue Book scientific advisor J. Allen Hynek said often the Project had p 12/18/1953 #9384  
          CIA agent Morris “Morse” Allen simulates the ultimate experiment  2/19/1954 #9558  
andidate,” or programmed assassin. Allen’s victim is a secretary whom he pu 2/19/1954 #9558  
she would not hesitate to ‘kill.’” Allen leaves a pistol nearby, which the  2/19/1954 #9558  
gger on her sleeping friend. After Allen brings the “killer” out of her tra 2/19/1954 #9558  
cated aviation columnist Robert S. Allen, about a pro- UFO report that USAF 4/18/1954 #9697  
Book head Capt. Charles Hardin and Allen Hynek meet with Col. John M. White 11/17/1954 #11664  
CIA project under the direction of Allen Dulles.                            12/1/1954 #11743  
, McGeorge Bundy, Gordon Gray, and Allen Dulles—is a subcommittee dealing w 12/28/1954 #11868  
ply from a lawyer for CIA Director Allen Dulles, who says the problem is th 6/1955 #12173  
ms of George Adamski, CIA Director Allen Dulles replies that the “CIA shall 9/20/1955 #12463  
                      CIA Director Allen Dulles informs the joint Intellige 10/18/1955 #12507  
iguel Allende [a pseudonym of Carl Allen], who alludes to a US Navy experim 1/13/1956 #12657  
Goerman identifies Allende as Carl Allen, who lives near him in Pennsylvani 4/1956 #12777  
lains the entire mess, saying that Allen had written all three of the annot 4/1956 #12777  
lende was later identified as Carl Allen, who also admits to writing the an 4/1956 #12779  
vinced that his correspondent Carl Allen has written all or most of it. Cap Summer 1956? #12914  
herby and Cmdr. Hoover ask for the Allen letters and these are included in  Summer 1956? #12914  
ompany of Garland, Texas. In 1969, Allen confesses to APRO that he had writ Summer 1956? #12914  
en Blue Book scientific advisor J. Allen Hynek later said (see 1979) the US 7/5/1956 #12953  
ty’s Fred Whipple, who recruits J. Allen Hynek as assistant director to hel 9/11/1956 #13214  
ion Center in Lexington, Kentucky. Allen Dulles approves psychiatrist Donal 2/1957 #13481  
 included the discovery of the Van Allen radiation belts by Explorer 1 and  7/1/1957 #13768  
                                   Allen Park, Michigan 10:00 p.m. Mrs. Jam 10/1957 #14051  
ameter, just above the treetops in Allen Park, Michigan. They chase it for  10/1957 #14051  
Loma. The aircraft, piloted by Lt. Allen L. Ries, tracks the UFO on airborn 10/14/1957 #14110  
first spacecraft to detect the Van Allen radiation belt.                    1/31/1958 #14856  
een Maj. Hector Quintanilla and J. Allen Hynek; it appears to be a code for 1959 #15516  
seconds. A local radio astronomer, Allen Barrot, claims the couple saw the  3/22/1959 #15665  
           A memo reaches CIA head Allen Dulles’s desk recommending the rem 12/11/1959 #16116  
s Director of Central Intelligence Allen Dulles tells Congress that all U-2 5/9/1960 #16260  
cer Richard M. Bissell Jr. and DCI Allen W. Dulles initiate talks with two  9/1960 #16428  
a Director of Central Intelligence Allen Dulles and CIA Deputy Director for 11/18/1960 #16508  
 is to give its primary advisor J. Allen Hynek a raise of $1,000 per year a 3/17/1961 #16634  
 Phenomena; another he gives to J. Allen Hynek for Project Blue Book; and t 4/18/1961 #16653  
                                   Allen Dulles resigns as director of cent 9/27/1961 #16875  
 especially under the influence of Allen Dulles, has engineered disinformat 3/1962 #17066  
                  An article by J. Allen Hynek appears in the Yale Scientif 4/1963 #17720  
                   Cleveland, Ohio Allen H. Greenfield and Rick Hilberg sta Summer 1963 #17801  
, Illinois Jacques Vallée meets J. Allen Hynek for the first time at his re 11/17/1963 #18047  
  Cleveland, Ohio Atlanta, Georgia Allen H. Greenfield, Rick Hilberg, and D 3/1964 #18143  
 personally investigated by Dr. J. Allen Hynek for Project Blue Book. Every 4/24/1964 #18202  
 Cleveland, Ohio Teenage UFO buffs Allen H. Greenfield, Rick Hilberg, and D 6/27/1964 #18377  
            Socorro, New Mexico J. Allen Hynek writes to a citizen interest 11/5/1964 #18607  
                             James Allen Aldridge and his family heard a lo 11/24/1965 #19734  
R. Leo Sprinkle, and astronomer J. Allen Hynek. Menzel calls the Exeter pol 2/27/1966 #19925  
 conference, the USAF spokesman J. Allen Hynek suggested that the Dextor, M 4/1/1966 #20189  
e. Blue Book scientific advisor J. Allen Hynek later corroborated this, pro 4/5/1966 #20253  
ence Tacker, Donald Keyhoe, and J. Allen Hynek. The tenor of the show is to 5/10/1966 #20474  
s, a retired Boeing engineer named Allen, there where 30 witnesses, includi 5/11/1966 #20478  
urd explanations that he made up: “Allen, how could you have sat on this da 6/8/1966 #20543  
           Portage County, Ohio J. Allen Hynek writes to a citizen interest 7/29/1966 #20695  
etworks with James E. McDonald, J. Allen Hynek, Carl Sagan, and the Colorad 1967 #21238  
 USAF Project Blue Book advisor J. Allen Hynek through his work. Wood recom 1967 #21240  
William T. Powers, assistant to J. Allen Hynek of Northwestern University,  4/21/1967 #22194  
              Condon recommends J. Allen Hynek and Richard H. Hall to Encyc 4/28/1967 #22244  
a Saturday night, a group of pals, Allen, Bobby, Rick, and Danny were hangi 5/11/1967 #22316  
has had with John G. Fuller and J. Allen Hynek in early 1966. McDonald urge 6/7/1967 #22478  
      Calgary, Alberta, CAN Dr. J. Allen Hynek stated: "best daylight disc  7/3/1967 #22597  
ARET watch lists. NSA Director Lew Allen testifies before the Senate Intell 8/1967 #22770  
ng west. Going quickly southwest / Allen, OK. / r109p168.                   9/22/1967 #23109  
                                   Allen Fittstown Oklahoma Highway 8:00 p. 9/22/1967 #23114  
pickup truck with jumper cables in Allen [or Fittstown], Oklahoma, when the 9/22/1967 #23114  
Wisconsin State University–Oshkosh Allen R. Utke, Wisconsin State Universit 11/30/1967 #23525  
obert L. Hall, James A. Harder, J. Allen Hynek, James E. McDonald, and Carl 7/29/1968 #24253  
ct Blue Book scientific advisor J. Allen Hynek later wrote the Committee ig 11/15/1968 #24662  
Portholes. All dogs bark. / Dr. G. Allen.                                   11/30/1968 #24735  
. They sent their photos to Dr. G. Allen.                                   11/30/1968 #24737  
 Condon Report and UFOs" by Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Bulletin of the Atomic Scie 4/1969 #25044  
ing activities and investigations. Allen R. Utke, associate professor of ch 5/31/1969 #25174  
p and darted toward Chicago.” Bill Allen, a photographer-reporter for The M 6/20/1969 #25230  
mes A. Harder, R. Leo Sprinkle, J. Allen Hynek, David Saunders, James McDon 8/22/1969 #25325  
 will evaluate all the entries: J. Allen Hynek, R. Leo Sprinkle, Frank B. S 3/12/1972 #26601  
ct Blue Book scientific advisor J. Allen Hynek writes that Blue Book was a  5/1972 #26666  
                                J. Allen Hynek publishes The UFO Experience 7/1972 #26749  
m. EST a 27-year-old witness named Allen saw a 30 meter long football-shape 1/14/1973 #27236  
ntly located by investigators. Mr. Allen Degnor, a Ceduna truck driver who  2/4/1973 #27270  
          MT. HOLLY SPRS AND LOWER ALLEN AND EAST PENNSBORO, PA Many observ 9/15/1973 #27824  
             Evanston, Illinois J. Allen Hynek and Sherman J. Larsen establ 10/1973 #27901  
ormer Project Blue Book advisor J. Allen Hynek stated the testimony was sin 10/11/1973 #28009  
f MUFON stated he was told to join Allen Hynek of CUFOS in Chicago in a pre 1974 #28633  
 Vallee noted he could not tell J. Allen Hynek because Puthoff asked Vallee 2/11/1974 #28758  
at features talks by astronomer J. Allen Hynek, ufologist Jacques Vallée, p 1/20/1975 #29758  
                                J. Allen Hynek states Donald Rumsfeld told  4/13/1975 #29985  
 black before an interview with J. Allen Hynek.                             5/3/1975 #30026  
ation employees Bill Kendricks and Allen Kerr see a light on the western ho 5/13/1975 #30056  
hotos taken from an airplane by J. Allen Hynek that appeared in his book Th Late 10/1975 #30470  
             Jacques Vallée and J. Allen Hynek publish The Edge of Reality, 12/15/1975 #30718  
                Mobile, Alabama J. Allen Hynek arrives on the set of Steven 7/23/1976 #31183  
he Center for UFO Studies, with J. Allen Hynek as editor-in-chief and Allan 11/1976 #31515  
eter oval-shaped UFO. (Sources: J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies case  12/18/1976 #31611  
        Northwestern University J. Allen Hynek publishes The Hynek UFO Repo 1977 #31649  
illermo Bravo. Speakers include J. Allen Hynek, Jacques Vallée, John A. Kee 4/17/1977 #31987  
                               Old Allen Road and Frayser-Raleigh Road in M 5/16/1977 #32098  
uad spot a triangular UFO near Old Allen Road and Frayser-Raleigh Road in M 5/16/1977 #32098  
f this. The case is reported to J. Allen Hynek by a friend, and he later vi 6/17/1977 #32172  
vid M. Jacobs, Frank Salisbury, J. Allen Hynek, Ted Phillips, Dennis Hauck, 6/24/1977 #32190  
50 feet from the road. (Source: J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies case  7/9/1977 #32252  
on UFOs that features essays by J. Allen Hynek, R. Leo Sprinkle, James A. H 1/1978 #32834  
airy, accompanied by ufologists J. Allen Hynek, Jacques Vallée, David R. Sa 7/14/1978 #33383  
ings on UFOs. Speakers included J. Allen Hynek, Jacques Vallee, Stanton Fri 11/27/1978 #34009  
 UN Special Political Committee J. Allen Hynek, Jacques Vallée, Stanton T.  11/27/1978 #34010  
r Project Blue Book consultants J. Allen Hynek and Jacques Vallée speak to  12/8/1978 #34079  
ct Blue Book scientific advisor J. Allen Hynek states the CIA’s Robertson P 1979 #34260  
ponents include Bruce Maccabee, J. Allen Hynek, and Allan Hendry; the debun 9/6/1980 #35500  
     Perthshire, Scotland James W. Allen, 14, is photographing Ben Vrackie  10/1980 #35550  
ton, Illinois, office and moves to Allen Hynek’s home.                      2/28/1981 #35849  
rence in Chicago, with talks by J. Allen Hynek, Budd Hopkins, Bruce Maccabe 9/25/1981 #36137  
                                   ALLEN, ARG Car malfunctions due to EME ( 2/19/1982 #36351  
                                   Allen, Rio Negro Province, Arg Mushroom- 2/19/1982 #36352  
                                   Allen, Rio Negro Province, Argentina E-M 2/19/1982 #36354  
is truck along a secondary road in Allen, Rio Negro Province, Argentina whe 2/19/1982 #36357  
n Shrub Oak, New York. (Source: J. Allen Hynek, Philip Imbrogno, and Bob Pr 3/30/1983 #36823  
 Genoa, Italy. Speakers include J. Allen Hynek, Roberto Pinotti, and Antoni 5/4/1984 #37313  
                  New York City J. Allen Hynek gives a presentation on “Pro 5/29/1984 #37341  
ation. The tape is analyzed by Lew Allen at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory,  7/24/1984 #37413  
 the videotape was done by Dr. Lew Allen of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.  7/24/1984 #37415  
nois Phoenix Glenview, Illinois J. Allen Hynek moves to Scottsdale, Arizona 8/1984 #37426  
y, NY Astronomer and UFO expert J. Allen Hynek, accompanied by field invest 10/1984 #37472  
      Astronomer and UFO expert J. Allen Hynek, accompanied by field invest 10/5/1984 #37478  
rway, with the participation of J. Allen Hynek, who arrives on January 26,  1/13/1985 #37548  
            Scottsdale, Arizona J. Allen Hynek dies in Scottsdale, Arizona, 4/27/1986 #37846  
                            Dr. J. Allen Hynek, scientific consultant to th 4/27/1986 #37847  
ils Project Blue Book officials J. Allen Hynek and Lt. Col. Robert Friend h 1/1989 #38773  
                              Glen Allen, MS Forest animals freeze as cylin 1/18/1989 #38784  
ct Blue Book scientific advisor J. Allen Hynek told a crowd at the Goddard  6/1989 #38972  
                              FORT ALLEN, PR Men ordered inside. Base lit / 7/19/1990 #39650  
                              Fort Allen Training Center in Juana Díaz, Pue 7/19/1990 #39651  
dnight. The base perimeter at Fort Allen Training Center in Juana Díaz, Pue 7/19/1990 #39651  
 tells UFO investigators that Fort Allen personnel have been briefed on UFO 7/19/1990 #39651  
                              Fort Allen, Puerto Rico. According to an arti 7/19/1990 #39652  
ary Matters, a documentary film by Allen Ross, premieres at the theatre of  6/3/1993 #41002  
 Stan Winston, and cinematographer Allen Daviau, are shown commenting on th 8/28/1995 #42425  
                                   ALLEN, TX Email report. 3M silver hubcap 3/27/2002 #44327  
                                In Allen, Texas at 8:00 a.m. a three meter  3/27/2002 #44328  
 At 6:15 p.m., private pilot Steve Allen and three other witnesses 5 miles  1/8/2008 #45112  
 speed faster than a military jet. Allen thinks the lights are spread out o 1/8/2008 #45112  
 show a target four miles north of Allen’s sighting that moves at an appare 1/8/2008 #45112  
aker who created this movie, James Allen, died of heavy metal poisoning thr 12/2014 #45425  
story channel. The main role of J. Allen Hynek is played by Aidan Gillen, w 1/8/2019 #45557  
r Intelligence of New York, and J. Allen Hynek’s Project Blue Book copies)  11/2020 #45664  
ied calendar entry from former DCI Allen Dulles shows he met with President 12/17/2022 #45787  
## Word: "allen's" (Back to Top)
lew at treetop level, crossed over Allen's car (at which time his radio sto 10/31/1952 #8220  
 at treetop level and crossed over Allen's car. As Lt. Allen's car passed u 10/31/1952 #8222  
d crossed over Allen's car. As Lt. Allen's car passed underneath it his rad 10/31/1952 #8222  
## Word: "allendale" (Back to Top)
at the time, 60 miles southwest of Allendale, South Carolina. At 8:15 p.m.  3/8/1982 #36385  
## Word: "allende" (Back to Top)
a, who calls himself Carlos Miguel Allende [a pseudonym of Carl Allen], who 1/13/1956 #12657  
eone calling himself Carlos Miguel Allende, which claim that as a result of 4/1956 #12777  
t the sailors showed side effects. Allende says he has witnessed all of thi 4/1956 #12777  
interested but tells him about the Allende letters, which talk about the sa 4/1956 #12777  
972. Sometime in the 1970s, Carlos Allende appears at APRO headquarters and 4/1956 #12777  
970s, Robert A. Goerman identifies Allende as Carl Allen, who lives near hi 4/1956 #12777  
om someone known as “Carlos Miguel Allende,” who claims that an 1943 experi 4/1956 #12778  
ters from an alleged Carlos Miguel Allende who claims the USS Eldridge or t 4/1956 #12779  
ent at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. Allende claims he witnessed it, and the  4/1956 #12779  
 before experiencing side effects. Allende later tells APRO the “Philadelph 4/1956 #12779  
d” him into saying it was a hoax.  Allende was later identified as Carl All 4/1956 #12779  
s connect his involvement with the Allende letters and the Philadelphia exp 4/20/1959 #15709  
 spent $3 million in anti–Salvador Allende propaganda “to scare voters away 9/4/1964 #18533  
paganda “to scare voters away from Allende’s FRAP coalition.” Richard Helms 9/4/1964 #18533  
e propaganda campaign to denigrate Allende—were ‘indispensable ingredients  9/4/1964 #18533  
t support of the US. Thus, in 1964 Allende loses once more as the FRAP cand 9/4/1964 #18533  
  Chile Chilean President Salvador Allende is overthrown by the armed force 9/11/1973 #27801  
## Word: "allende-letters" (Back to Top)
//kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2009/07/allende-letters.html   http://kevinrandl 4/1956 #12778  
//kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2009/07/allende-letters.html   http://kevinrandl 4/1956 #12779  
## Word: "allene" (Back to Top)
Greenwich, Ohio Sisters Lucile and Allene Holt, daughters of Rev. Turner Ha 1939? #1303  
## Word: "allentown" (Back to Top)
                                   ALLENTOWN, PA Project Bluebook Case #208 9/13/1952 #7910  
                                   Allentown, PA A white light with red tri 9/13/1952 #7913  
                                   Allentown, Pennsylvania Witness: private 9/13/1952 #7915  
             On that same night in Allentown, Pennsylvania at 7:40 p.m., pr 9/13/1952 #7917  
                                   Allentown, Pennsylvania 9:40 p.m. Lester 4/13/1958 #14980  
owing like a white neon light over Allentown, Pennsylvania. It travels nort 4/13/1958 #14980  
                                   ALLENTOWN, PA Ivan Sanderson and 1. Nigh 9/25/1965 #19597  
                                S. Allentown, PA 7:10 p.m. EST. A woman and 10/30/1967 #23368  
                                   ALLENTOWN, PA Cross with circles / botto 3/24/1996 #42840  
                                In Allentown, Pennsylvania a slow moving, s 8/28/2008 #45162  
## Word: "aller" (Back to Top)
                                   ALLER, SPAIN Several observer(s). Triang 2/25/1996 #42780  
## Word: "allergic" (Back to Top)
ee burns on her face and hands (an allergic reaction?), and parts of her nu 7/22/1968 #24204  
s given a physical and treated for allergic reactions to unknown substances 12/6/1988 #38748  
## Word: "allerod" (Back to Top)
                                   ALLEROD FIELD, DK 2 / light plane. 50cm  6/7/1988 #38583  
## Word: "allerton" (Back to Top)
                                   ALLERTON, NJ AND MORE Several separate o 7/11/1954 #10007  
## Word: "alleud" (Back to Top)
gium 1:30 a.m. A nurse in Braine l’Alleud, Belgium, hears an intense hum an 5/17/1991 #40066  
## Word: "alleviate" (Back to Top)
t of a rural relocation program to alleviate poverty in the area.           10/13/2010 #45302  
## Word: "alley" (Back to Top)
'men' / silver space-suits hide in alley.                                   11/1926 #1066  
g about 20– 25 feet above a nearby alley.                                   8/15/1946 #2138  
or Grey). Feet together. Hops into alley. Silver disk / chest.              8/16/1955 #12362  
ed again briefly at the end of the alley, then moved away erratically to th 4/23/1966 #20388  
proprietor of an all-night bowling alley, and two police officers, Frank Ra 7/4/1967 #22610  
mall humanoids (or Greys) emerge / alley and retrieve fourth who looks disa 6/12/1977 #32158  
ree small figures emerging from an alley adjacent to the hotel. His first t 6/12/1977 #32161  
gue and carried him off toward the alley. Throughout the encounter he felt  6/12/1977 #32161  
oon Edith Sage was walking down an alley on her way to some nearby shops in 8/4/1980 #35441  
a, Canada and as he came out of an alley he saw a dwarfish figure run acros 4/18/2003 #44515  
bject behind the trees in the back alley. The two step out on the patio for 8/11/2003 #44574  
## Word: "alleyrat" (Back to Top)
                                   Alleyrat, Creuse, France La Vaureille 10 10/26/1954 #11418  
 his bicycle from the town hall at Alleyrat, Creuse, France, to his residen 10/26/1954 #11418  
## Word: "alleys" (Back to Top)
As they were walking by one of the alleys they saw a strange disc-shaped ob 8/29/1979 #34804  
## Word: "alleyway" (Back to Top)
mping manner, disappearing down an alleyway. Moments later the bright white 12/16/1978 #34155  
y brown skin, crouched in a nearby alleyway. It had very small hands with t 1/20/1996 #42697  
## Word: "alli" (Back to Top)
ile driving home. At 5:45 p.m. Sam Alli saw a glowing white-and-yellow glob 11/24/1970 #25918  
## Word: "alliance" (Back to Top)
                                   ALLIANCE, OH Astronomer / space scientis 2/26/1954 #9567  
                                   ALLIANCE, OH 8 separate observer(s). Ora 10/2/1955 #12481  
                         Akron and Alliance, OH Hovering disc- like UFO obs 10/2/1955 #12484  
                                   ALLIANCE, OH Silver ovoid briefly / wind 5/7/1956 #12834  
 the house of Mr. & Mrs. Aellig in Alliance, Ohio. Eleven or twelve men, al 9/25/1957 #14033  
                            WEST / ALLIANCE, OH 2 / car. Dark 45' saucer lo 4/22/1966 #20355  
                                   Alliance, OH 12:15 a.m. A disc emitting  4/22/1966 #20366  
m a late night teachers meeting in Alliance, Ohio. They were near the golf  4/22/1966 #20376  
                                   Alliance, OH C1, no details. (EGBA,685)  4/13/1976 #30994  
list Gary Webb publishes his “Dark Alliance” series in the San Jose (Calif. 8/18/1996 #42985  
rcury News, Webb expands the “Dark Alliance” series into a book that respon 8/18/1996 #42985  
 claims. Webb’s reporting in “Dark Alliance” remains controversial. Many wr 8/18/1996 #42985  
 Ricardo that they were part of an alliance of interstellar worlds engaged  9/15/1996 #43020  
## Word: "allied" (Back to Top)
                               The Allied Powers (Britain, France, and Russ 5/24/1915 #928  
ate of war between Germany and the Allied Powers.                           6/28/1919 #988  
ri, Italy, a key supply center for Allied forces. 28 Allied ships are sunk, 12/2/1943 #1549  
upply center for Allied forces. 28 Allied ships are sunk, including the US  12/2/1943 #1549  
ent luminous silver objects follow allied bombers. Bigger / planes.         3/1944 #1582  
 province, Italy 10:30 a.m. During Allied operations in the area around Lor Early 7/1944 #1617  
       LORETO, ITL AND MORE/OTHERS Allied and German troops. Metallic ovoid 7/5/1944 (approximate) #1619  
                               The Allied command creates the Combined Inte 8/17/1944 #1645  
ls have “no detectable effects” on Allied planes. He does not know whether  12/13/1944 #1719  
AR HEYDEBRECK = KEDZIERZYN, POLAND Allied prisoners of war / ground. White  1/22/1945 #1760  
                 On this afternoon Allied POWs on the ground watched a whit 1/22/1945 #1762  
 submarine engines, is captured by Allied forces in Leonstein, Austria. Sup 5/1945 #1858  
 that were recovered in Germany by Allied forces.                           1/10/1946 #1964  
t up from the ground, intercepting Allied bomber formations by firing a spr 8/20/1947 #3355  
Bavaria (OBF) could interfere with Allied craft with intense EM fields. The 1958 #14787  
erized as a “political adventurer” allied with Ruppelt, both of whom are in 10/1958 #15294  
d) El Choro, Poopó, Bolivia Night. Allied forward spotters along the easter 6/15/1968 #24040  
- aircraft ground fire. During the Allied attack the presumed helicopters m 6/15/1968 #24040  
ated from the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) headquarter 11/7/1983 #37044  
## Word: "allier" (Back to Top)
seen over Marcillat-en-Combraille, Allier department, France. It shot up an 12/11/1953 #9359  
sky slowly over the Vichy stadium, Allier, France and was seen by many. The 9/24/1954 #10439  
                         In Vichy, Allier department, France at 6:30 p.m.,  10/2/1954 #10617  
anded in the woods near Lalizolle, Allier, France. Dogs refused to go near  10/24/1954 #11367  
sky quickly in Varennes-sur-Teche, Allier, France.                          10/25/1954 #11398  
                        In Thoury, Allier, France an orange football shaped 10/28/1954 #11469  
                          Voussac, Allier, France Vacheresse Forest 6:00 p. 11/8/1954 #11599  
 6:00 p.m. Witnesses near Voussac, Allier, France, in the Vacheresse Forest 11/8/1954 #11599  
theast from Bourbon-L'Archambault, Allier, France. It stopped in midair, th 11/29/1954 #11731  
 a field at a farm in Les Riveaux, Allier department, France. Two glowing t 12/25/1973 #28604  
s driving between Gipey and Cosne, Allier department, France, sighted a red 4/15/1974 #29032  
                   In Bizeneuille, Allier, France an intensely bright red d 9/8/1974 #29435  
## Word: "alliers" (Back to Top)
                            Biozat Alliers Effiat Puy-de-Dome, France 9:15  10/20/1954 #11276  
iding a motorcycle between Biozat, Alliers, and Effiat, Puy-de- Dome, Franc 10/20/1954 #11276  
## Word: "allies" (Back to Top)
to World War II on the side of the Allies the next day. The Japanese milita 12/7/1941 #1377  
, and increased military aid to US allies for the containment of Communist  4/7/1950 #4818  
mation and will coordinate with US allies to “better assess the nature and  12/27/2021 #45730  
## Word: "alligator" (Back to Top)
ode feels heat on his left arm; an alligator bite on his left index finger  9/3/1965 #19512  
d arms was bumpy and rough like an alligator, and there were scales on thei 8/25/1976 #31302  
## Word: "allingham" (Back to Top)
                            Cedric Allingham meets and takes a picture of a 2/18/1954 #9551  
uth, Scotland UFO contactee Cedric Allingham heard a swishing sound and loo 2/18/1954 #9555  
each nostril was a tiny tube. When Allingham drew a sketch of planetary orb 2/18/1954 #9555  
of water surrounded by vegetation. Allingham touched and photographed the s 2/18/1954 #9555  
         On the same day as Cedric Allingham alleged UFO contact UFO sighti 2/18/1954 #9556  
s, allegedly written by one Cedric Allingham, who claims that while vacatio 10/1954 #10536  
n concludes that no such person as Allingham existed. Christopher Allan and 10/1954 #10536  
 to the hoax. The photo of “Cedric Allingham” is really Peter Davies, who p 10/1954 #10536  
## Word: "allingham's" (Back to Top)
" In further exchanges he verified Allingham's suggestions that the Martian 2/18/1954 #9555  
. The interview had lasted ½ hour. Allingham's contact claims are regarded  2/18/1954 #9555  
## Word: "allison" (Back to Top)
dds American physicist Samuel King Allison, Russian-American physicist Greg 6/28/1941 #1367  
                                   ALLISON PARK, PA 1 observer / (seen thru 12/16/1997 #43463  
## Word: "alloa" (Back to Top)
                                   ALLOA, SCOTLAND 2+observer(s). 2' saucer 5/15/1994 #41526  
r fence of the Glenochil Prison in Alloa, Scotland. The object was a "brigh 5/15/1994 #41527  
## Word: "allocate" (Back to Top)
nse implications of UFOs, he would allocate the assessment of their wider i 7/19/1966 #20657  
## Word: "allocated" (Back to Top)
T physicist Karl Taylor Compton is allocated $340,000 for nuclear reactor r 12/18/1941 #1379  
## Word: "allocating" (Back to Top)
officer at Holloman wants to cease allocating funds for the project.        8/27/1951 #5636  
bjectives include more efficiently allocating scarce intelligence resources 10/1/1961 #16886  
## Word: "allocation" (Back to Top)
luded in the 1985 US budget, as an allocation of $455 million for “black ai 3/1990 #39434  
## Word: "allocco" (Back to Top)
ng Township, NJ 9:30 PM. Mrs.Nancy Allocco and her two children, Lee, age t 5/9/1977 #32077  
## Word: "allot" (Back to Top)
         At 12:15 a.m. a man named Allot drove through a luminous dome in t 3/11/1969 #24997  
## Word: "allow" (Back to Top)
but the island is too overgrown to allow a search.                          8/12/1946 #2123  
ss a baseline of at least 12 miles allow for triangulation that locates the 1/1/1954 #9437  
d reveals that ATIC will no longer allow reporters seeking UFO information  1/6/1954 #9456  
George T. Gregory persuades him to allow the Air Force to give a briefing,  8/8/1958 #15184  
e exposed part. The soil would not allow water to pass through. Further exp 11/2/1971 #26450  
Operations. It isn’t a practice to allow the public to study these files. S 10/2/1972 #27044  
 her presence, and no longer would allow her near it. All took polygraph te 1/6/1976 #30762  
to the back gate of McGuire AFB to allow entry to New Jersey State Police w 1/18/1978 #32889  
irated it, making modifications to allow it to monitor intelligence operati 1982 #36286  
 public spectacles of them, but to allow them to be absorbed into American  8/30/1987 #38264  
 mind-sharing procedure that would allow the witness to learn new things. A 3/16/1993 #40886  
ion Act of 1977 or thereafter that allow DOE agencies such as the National  1994 #41349  
mediately, but his family will not allow it. The death certificate gives th 2/15/1996 #42764  
 security operations as well as to allow public servants to secretly consid 3/3/1997 #43217  
 provide a united front that would allow THE THEORY to be presented publicl 3/11/1998 #43532  
dern electrodynamic theory doesn’t allow for this to happen. Bearden states 12/24/2013 #45399  
er deceleration, its path will not allow it to be captured into a solar orb 10/19/2017 #45485  
cords with Cuban authorities or to allow Cuban investigators access to US d 10/24/2017 #45486  
ion to oversee the loan refused to allow the General Accounting Office to e 10/21/2021 #45717  
## Word: "allowable" (Back to Top)
1,000–2,000 feet, near the minimum allowable separation of 1,000 feet. The  3/19/2020 #45639  
## Word: "allowed" (Back to Top)
ose with the highest clearance are allowed close to the center of the impac 7/5/1947 #2722  
 of debris remains that Rickett is allowed to examine.                      7/8/1947 #3013  
t. in diam. The wobble of the disk allowed them to estimate it’s thickness  4/25/1952 #6180  
heekbones and a sharp chin. He was allowed to redress himself and spent a s 10/16/1957 #14131  
stion.” PJ had a TS clearance that allowed him to fully research gaining va 1962 #17012  
mation “in the public interest” is allowed, and AFR 11-7, which states that 10/29/1962 #17516  
mation “in the public interest” is allowed and AFR 11-7 which states inform 10/29/1962 #17518  
r rocket engine code-named Kiwi is allowed to overheat until it bursts, sen 1/12/1965 #18718  
resby, Papua New Guinea, he is not allowed to have the film processed until 5/28/1965 #18973  
unes. After losing power Mr. Field allowed his car to roll backward away fr 3/30/1966 #20166  
iously with Benjamin Simon and was allowed to question Betty and Barney Hil 1/5/1967 #21259  
ther parent could explain why they allowed their children to be so intensel 1/28/1967 #21411  
shoulder. This immobilized him and allowed his captors to lift him and some 10/11/1973 #28005  
viewed by Francis Ridge, nobody is allowed to enter the base, except cleare Late 10/1975 #30471  
 60 feet high. As soon as daylight allowed, the witness photographed the fo 8/23/1976 #31294  
as shown a guest room where he was allowed to sleep comfortably. Later, he  8/26/1976 #31306  
 others to let him go. He was then allowed to walk out and down a stairway  5/10/1978 #33199  
He was then taken on a journey and allowed to view a larger vessel in fligh 5/17/1979 #34566  
 “jump room” at this location that allowed for full teleportation of humans 1981 #35765  
l with a Top Secret Clearance were allowed to view the documents for the co 11/3/1981 #36205  
rt hearing. NOT even the Judge was allowed to see them, even though he rule 11/3/1981 #36205  
s public at a press conference and allowed the pilots and radar operators t 5/19/1986 #37874  
ense Investigative Service was not allowed to conduct semiannual inspects o 7/24/1986 #37952  
ily restricted, and guests are not allowed to see the rear of the B-2. Howe 11/22/1988 #38718  
mes the “sport model,” which he is allowed to examine on his fourth visit t 3/1989 #38855  
eny that its US ally has ever been allowed to operate experimental aircraft 8/4/1990 #39679  
s?” Greer asserted his citizenship allowed him to do this, but Stubblebine  3/9/1992 #40369  
ould not be able to exit until PPD allowed it. Sherman next decides to use  Mid 1995 #42258  
r that such suspicions will not be allowed. Mike Maloney, a former photogra 8/28/1995 #42425  
d. After a few more minutes he was allowed to walk to a window or screen. A 9/6/1995 #42445  
liens were retrieved, studied and “allowed to blend into” the human populat 7/31/1999 #43815  
h Podkletnov directly but were not allowed to due to Russian technology tra 7/29/2002 #44370  
iculi. It died in 1952 after being allowed to use a communication device in 11/1/2005 #44898  
## Word: "allowing" (Back to Top)
n cut off the earth’s “magnetism,” allowing the object to rise. The occupan 1906 #684  
luminous sphere, stops and hovers, allowing him to take two photos that dep 5/16/1953 #8879  
. They watch it through a sextant, allowing them to estimate its rate of as 7/29/1954 #10063  
to shoot the tops of nearby trees, allowing a reference to the height and r 1/3/1958 #14800  
ir Force to give a briefing, while allowing people like Menzel, Ruppelt, an 8/8/1958 #15184  
t and the UFO at 2 miles distance, allowing him to estimate the UFO’s size  10/7/1958 #15329  
ject reappears throughout the day, allowing all the mine workers (about 70) 1961 #16551  
ngines built by Pratt and Whitney, allowing for speeds up to Mach 3.        1/1963 #17623  
seems to make the car transparent, allowing him to see the contents of the  5/22/1973 #27518  
ok at it. Then the light goes out, allowing her to see a Y-shaped object em 12/5/1979 #35054  
e UFO keeps pace and moves closer, allowing the witnesses to see more detai 7/12/1981 #36002  
rts in 53 RAAF files through 1984, allowing him to compile a detailed summa 1982 #36289  
moving ahead of the plane and then allowing it to catch up. As it approache 2/8/1982 #36327  
, the object approaches the plane, allowing crew and 150 passengers to view 2/8/1982 #36327  
tate 84 and all the lights go out, allowing him to see the boomerang shape. 3/24/1983 #36808  
 the craft can become transparent, allowing one to look through it like a w 3/1989 #38855  
ne point, the disc tilts slightly, allowing Swanson to view its underside,  4/22/1998 #43557  
reports made to Canadian agencies, allowing them to create a yearly statist 2000 #43907  
t. Soon it banks to the southeast, allowing them to see clearly its triangu 11/19/2013 #45397  
The jets’ radar has been upgraded, allowing them to zero in on unidentified 3/26/2014 #45405  
## Word: "allows" (Back to Top)
aterborne Sources.” This directive allows waterborne sources for CIRVIS and 3/10/1954 #9609  
 video image projected on the wall allows her to view scenes from their hom 4/7/1956 #12798  
d by a system codenamed Rye, which allows remote access to Harvest.         1/1962 #17015  
phs written by Shklovsky and Sagan—allows them to express their views witho 1966 #19795  
ise visit in Washington, D.C., and allows him to photocopy the Low memorand 11/22/1967 #23495  
 9:15 p.m. The objects’ slow speed allows her to take photos. At one point  3/20/1973 #27352  
 the four men, hypnotic regression allows them to recall being taken aboard 8/20/1976 #31282  
valve in the primary system, which allows large amounts of nuclear reactor  3/28/1979 #34493  
s public at a press conference and allows the pilots and radar officers to  5/19/1986 #37881  
ediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty allows the Soviets to test-fire IRBMs in 10/1988 #38661  
t procedure for future cases. This allows him to personally view, handle, a 11/16/1992 #40714  
 Archives The US National Archives allows the entire collection of sanitize 2007 #44994  
terial utilized by the Tic Tac UAP allows the craft to slow down the speed  3/20/2020 #45640  
de “some technological leap” that “allows them to conduct this sort of acti 7/23/2020 #45654  
 states new Congressional language allows individuals in those programs to  9/2022 #45765  
## Word: "alloy" (Back to Top)
control.” “Heat resistant metal or alloy not yet known.”                    7/8/1947 #2953  
alysis is said to have revealed an alloy with a high manganese content, alt 6/12/1960 #16312  
tive analysis suggests a zinc-iron alloy, perhaps from a zinc pail. In 1966 4/24/1964 #18200  
y high nickel content and a unique alloy composition. It was hinted that th 9/7/1968 #24436  
o be "skin material" of an unknown alloy, and interior bracing and piping c 4/18/2003 #44516  
cluded it was an aluminum-titanium alloy not from Earth. In 1992, Green use 5/3/2003 #44524  
the presence of an EM field was an alloy of germanium, uranium and rhodium. 8/2014 #45413  
## Word: "alloys" (Back to Top)
e site was 90% tin with some other alloys. Jacques Vallee believes this cas 12/13/1954 #11805  
ed material was 90% tin with other alloys.                                  12/14/1954 #11808  
llurgical analyses on shape memory alloys Battelle itself performed for Wri 5/5/1955 #12123  
hey seem to be looking for “exotic alloys.”  https://ufos-scientificresearc 6/8/1978 #33262  
ne” the size of a school bus whose alloys had an iridescent sheen. Adair st 1999 #43709  
## Word: "allred" (Back to Top)
x miles west of Vernal, Utah named Allred and Barton saw a reddish orange b 2/1/1968 #23725  
## Word: "alluded" (Back to Top)
is story re: the craft in 1991 and alluded he had to protect that informati 1990 #39358  
## Word: "alludes" (Back to Top)
ould be ready about 15 August.” It alludes to his meeting with CIA rocket c 7/29/1952 #7325  
wspaper interview, Alfred Loedding alludes to the 1948 Estimate of the Situ 10/10/1954 #10894  
e [a pseudonym of Carl Allen], who alludes to a US Navy experiment to make  1/13/1956 #12657  
           President Ronald Reagan alludes to a secret space fleet in an en 6/11/1985 #37600  
gacy aerospace corporations. Davis alludes that he or his AATIP colleagues  4/30/2019 #45575  
standing of general relativity. He alludes to the idea that if there is an  2/22/2023 #45794  
## Word: "allumette" (Back to Top)
                                   ALLUMETTE ISLAND, QBC 3 observer(s). Sil 9/3/1969 #25349  
## Word: "ally" (Back to Top)
ment continues to deny that its US ally has ever been allowed to operate ex 8/4/1990 #39679  
ic domed saucer. Video taken. Near Ally Pally and palace.                   5/1993 #40962  
## Word: "alm" (Back to Top)
       Åsbygda, Ringerinke, Norway Alm school 5:30 p.m. Three witnesses, in 10/25/1977 #32609  
 again. The boys run to the nearby Alm school. They notice the object ascen 10/25/1977 #32609  
 again. The boys ran to the nearby Alm school. They noticed the object asce 10/25/1977 #32610  
## Word: "alma" (Back to Top)
an Wagner is driving with his wife Alma south of Las Cruces, New Mexico, wh 7/24/1957 #13827  
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Alma” Yield: 782KT                       6/8/1962 #17222  
ighway 180 Luna Mountain 7:30 p.m. Alma Hobbs is driving with her two child 12/8/1981 #36252  
                                   ALMA ATA, KAZAK Thin 2500M needle-cylind 10/25/1988 #38691  
                                   ALMA ATA, KAZAK Dozens / military Office 7/24/1996 #42964  
 1949, a Los Angeles businesswoman Alma Lawson stated a “sober and conserva 4/25/2019 #45572  
## Word: "alma-alta" (Back to Top)
ere verified by radar at Baikonur, Alma-Alta, and Bishkek. The jets had no  8/28/1991 #40168  
 the object proceeded east through Alma-Alta airspace at the slightly lower 8/28/1991 #40168  
 4500 meters. Radar dispatchers in Alma-Alta, fearing a collision with conv 8/28/1991 #40168  
## Word: "almada" (Back to Top)
ed the roof of 32-year-old Beatriz Almada da Costa's house in the village o 9/10/1977 #32478  
## Word: "almagro" (Back to Top)
object was spotted at 8:10 p.m. in Almagro Pale, Buenos Aires, Argentina.   10/26/2008 #45178  
## Word: "almanac" (Back to Top)
e Officer’s Guide or the Air Force Almanac (it is an Army AFB). The name of 12/29/1980 #35752  
## Word: "almansa" (Back to Top)
                                   ALMANSA, SP Night lights and fireballs n 1/28/1950 #4515  
                                   ALMANSA, SPN Many observer(s). 4 silent  4/21/1952 #6144  
## Word: "almar" (Back to Top)
CRUZ, CA UFO going south 150' over Almar Ave near lighthouse. Turns going w 10/16/1973 #28074  
## Word: "almaseda" (Back to Top)
                                   Almaseda, near Castelibranco, Portugal C 9/24/1954 #10434  
tall emerge from a landed craft in Almaseda, near Castelibranco, Portugal.  9/24/1954 #10438  
## Word: "almaty" (Back to Top)
                                   Almaty, Kazakhstan Kok Tobe Mountain Aft 4/19/1991? #40041  
rnoon. Two militiamen on patrol in Almaty, Kazakhstan, notice a flare at th 4/19/1991? #40041  
## Word: "almeida" (Back to Top)
itness, jet pilot Lt. H. Ferraz de Almeida, sees a dull silver object movin 10/24/1954 #11365  
                         Conceicao Almeida, Brazil Three witnesses, among t 2/24/1958 #14888  
were traveling by car in Conceicao Almeida, Brazil when their engine stalle 2/24/1958 #14890  
 Janeiro, Brazil 2:00 a.m. Ivan de Almeida and other medical staff at the L 3/6/1966 #19944  
## Word: "almendralejo" (Back to Top)
                           NORTH / ALMENDRALEJO, SP 1M night light glides u 3/18/1974 #28899  
## Word: "almendro" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Almendro” Yield: 200KT YieldMax: 1000KT  6/6/1973 #27553  
## Word: "almere" (Back to Top)
o white disks / Bergen-Aan-See and Almere Suiten.                           9/8/1996 #43008  
## Word: "almeria" (Back to Top)
 flew over Valencia, Alicante, and Almeria. Objects flew rapidly toward the 12/20/1976 #31627  
## Word: "almind" (Back to Top)
                                   Almind, Denmark 1:00–2:00 a.m. Three you 12/15/1957 #14730  
men see a huge light in the sky at Almind, Denmark. It is oval-shaped, emit 12/15/1957 #14730  
## Word: "almirante" (Back to Top)
nal Geophysical Year research ship Almirante Saldanha is anchored on the so 1/16/1958 #14831  
## Word: "almiro" (Back to Top)
ew members, including photographer Almiro Baraúna, see a Saturn-shaped obje 1/16/1958 #14831  
al effects. The guard, 31-year-old Almiro de Freitas, was on guard duty at  8/30/1970 #25816  
## Word: "almonaster" (Back to Top)
                                   ALMONASTER LA REAL, SP Girl / 20. Flash. 8/3/1977 #32348  
## Word: "almond" (Back to Top)
 ears, a wealth of black hair, and almond eyes. Over the years he continues 10/27/1926 #1065  
thills. 15 July saucer hovers over almond orchard.                          7/13/1953 #8995  
ing north. Strong beam going down. Almond object exits. / r204p93.          12/16/1965 #19772  
, very light skin, and large black almond shaped eyes. The being communicat 4/2/1967 #22048  
ube that ran to his collar. He had almond shaped eyes and seemed to be smil 3/25/1972 #26623  
e feet tall, with light skin, huge almond shaped eyes, and a small lower ja 5/9/1974 #29098  
l, pale, fair haired, with slanted almond eyes and high cheekbones. They wo 7/31/1975 #30219  
d by something gauzy. There was an almond smell in the air that made Mr. Co 8/28/1975 #30315  
over them, and was described as an almond shaped craft pointed at the ends. 10/19/1975 #30449  
 oval-shaped head with large black almond shaped eyes, smooth gray skin, a  3/13/1990 #39458  
ds (or Greys). Pointed ears. White almond eyes. / LDLN#311.                 8/31/1990 #39706  
s lizard-like, very muscular, with almond shaped black eyes with yellow sli 9/20/1994 #41765  
= pseudo-human/entity? Stiff hair. Almond eyes. Vanishes. Back / 26 June.   6/19/1996 #42935  
d 3-4 feet tall, had long fingers, almond eyes, and big heads. There was a  2/28/2006 #44927  
## Word: "almond-" (Back to Top)
ested by four-fingered beings with almond- shaped eyes and languid limbs.”  8/20/1976 #31282  
## Word: "almond-like" (Back to Top)
 pine needles, which still had the almond-like scent. When he put these in  8/28/1975 #30315  
## Word: "almond-shaped" (Back to Top)
ost no forehead and eyes that were almond-shaped. Its face was olive in sha 10/18/1954 #11225  
t light hair, light skin and large almond-shaped eyes. The witness was not  1/8/1974 #28669  
ces were human-like but with large almond-shaped eyes. In single file the t 4/23/1976 #31019  
rge hairless heads with large dark almond-shaped eyes. They also wore unifo 5/21/1976 #31070  
oval-shaped heads and huge, black, almond-shaped eyes. They all wore metall 8/26/1976 #31307  
oves. Its face is dark bronze with almond-shaped eyes and large pupils. The 9/18/1978 #33708  
oom. She was human like with black almond-shaped eyes, brown skin, a large  6/18/1979 #34618  
ing had white hair and large, red, almond-shaped protruding eyes. The figur 10/7/1979 #34951  
ts, and have green faces with big, almond-shaped eyes and slits for mouths. 8/8/1981 #36064  
all Grey humanoid being with large almond-shaped eyes looking at him. The b 12/2/1987 #38348  
or. He had an oval head with large almond-shaped eyes and huge pointed ears 5/15/1991 #40064  
etely bald. It had two large black almond-shaped eyes, and it was very skin 7/21/1991 #40129  
 arms, a large head and large dark almond-shaped eyes; his skin was gray in 3/13/1992 #40377  
lmet, and they could see two large almond-shaped eyes. Around his neck was  11/23/1992 #40724  
eings. The smaller figure had dark almond-shaped eyes, small nostrils, and  2/1/1993 #40831  
were small and slight and had huge almond-shaped eyes. Sleeping next to her 8/20/1993 #41148  
with an egg-shaped head with large almond-shaped eyes. She also saw a blue  9/1/1993 #41174  
rt Grey humanoids with large black almond-shaped eyes. The beings took fles 11/8/1993 #41266  
      WILLISTON, VT Light flashes. Almond-shaped object hovers. Then moves  8/16/1995 #42393  
im. It had large black eyes and an almond-shaped head, no ears, a slit for  9/16/1996 #43025  
ic Grey humanoids with large black almond-shaped eyes. He later found a tri 3/11/2000 #43965  
igure, with large bright yellowish almond-shaped eyes. The figure floated t 8/2/2000 #44026  
tes. At 7:50 p.m. two rapid moving almond-shaped discs initially flew in fr 3/26/2004 #44680  
ith a huge hairless head and large almond-shaped eyes, peering in the windo 8/28/2009 #45239  
## Word: "almonds" (Back to Top)
 reported an odor like alfalfa and almonds. No UFO was seen.                5/25/1955 #12160  
## Word: "almonte" (Back to Top)
                                   ALMONTE, ON Girl / 7. Big storm. Classic 8/1972 (approximate) #26858  
                                   ALMONTE, SP 2 buzzing 1M saucers glide 5 12/25/1973 #28602  
                              POZO ALMONTE, CHL Many and video. Glowing-rin 6/21/1997 #43333  
## Word: "almos" (Back to Top)
                        La Serra d’Almos, Catalonia, Spain 6:00 a.m. A farm 8/16/1968 #24342  
oing barnyard chores at La Serra d’Almos, Catalonia, Spain, glimpses a ligh 8/16/1968 #24342  
feet above the ground in Sierra De Almos Tivissa, Terragona, Spain and he w 8/16/1968 #24343  
## Word: "almost" (Back to Top)
to have no use for them, as he was almost naked and seemed to be suffering  4/14/1897 #463  
nded. A strange man near 3 m tall, almost naked and suffering from the heat 4/17/1897 #520  
nded. A strange man near 3 m tall, almost naked and suffering from the heat 4/17/1897 #521  
an nearly 3 meters (10 feet) tall, almost naked and suffering from the heat 4/17/1897 #526  
ong one side” and on the other “at almost evenly spaced intervals … curious 8/22/1924 #1041  
est support, in total darkness. He almost dies from carbon monoxide poisoni 1933 #1150  
 come from a “great blazing light, almost a ball of fire,” that is moving a 1/22/1935 #1223  
would be generated. Now it appears almost certain that this could be achiev 8/2/1939 #1311  
d the mountains. It banks sharply, almost on edge, and gains altitude, disa 10/1943 #1532  
join the search. They searched for almost 24 hours and found nothing. The f 6/1944 #1597  
sts are killed, and Arnold Kramish almost killed, after being sprayed with  9/2/1944 #1664  
ly against the setting sun, climbs almost straight up for a few moments, th Summer 1945 #1883  
mpted and would map and photograph almost 1,400,000 square km of the Antarc 1946 #1955  
              Bakersfield, CA Ten "Almost Round" Objects In Formation (NICA 6/14/1947 #2328  
at an altitude of 9200 feet and at almost 1700 mph. He estimated them to be 6/24/1947 #2379  
acked, the attacking plane will be almost surely destroyed.” “Part of the d 7/8/1947 #2953  
. . . [At T-2 there was] confusion almost to the point of panic."           7/31/1947 #3265  
exhaust ports on the sides. It was almost hat shaped with a flat bottom and 8/13/1947 #3322  
                    Houston, TX An almost round or oval or saucer-shaped ob 11/2/1947 #3478  
near-instantly censored/banned and almost all copies recalled, several copi 6/1948 (approximate) #3665  
Deyarmond, Loedding, and Truettner almost certainly are part of the writing 9/30/1948? #3817  
d intelligent in behavior. This is almost like a supplement to the Estimate 10/7/1948 #3829  
 scientific intelligence. Problems almost immediately involve recruitment a 1/1/1949 #3954  
 paths, whereas, in earlier months almost all of the green fireballs observ 8/17/1949 #4319  
the green fireballs observed moved almost horizontally. There appears to be 8/17/1949 #4319  
spaper articles on a crash saucer “almost 3 years ago”, research program, e 12/31/1949 #4453  
s. One was badly damaged the other almost perfectly intact. Description: Ea 1/16/1950 #4493  
minescent. The object hovers in an almost horizontal position, elevation 20 7/1950 #5035  
it, it gives off a purplish glow, “almost a mist, that looked as though it  9/26/1950 #5199  
ar return. At first, the object is almost stationary, but then it dives sud 1/22/1952 #5876  
r-shaped, silver UFO for 2 minutes almost directly overhead in Butler, Miss 3/29/1952 #5994  
echnological warfare capabilities. Almost all of the UFO analysis involves  3/31/1952 #5998  
erved 5 or 6 semi-circular objects almost overhead, glowing with a yellowis 4/16/1952 #6091  
 appear very maneuverable, seem to almost collide, then break away in a rig 5/1/1952 #6244  
rom the west. It stops then climbs almost vertically, stops again, then lev Early 5/1952 #6248  
south-southeast, the other heading almost due east. The observation lasts 3 6/28/1952 #6659  
ay at 41,200 feet altitude heading almost directly toward the base at 532 m 7/22/1952 #7027  
 white discs or globes, about ½ to almost the full apparent size of the bal 8/29/1952 #7788  
ll Islands yielding 10.4 megatons, almost 500 times the yield of the bomb d 11/1/1952 #8228  
miles SW of), TX Blue white object almost crashes into fighter (M) (NICAP:  12/4/1952 #8375  
target. The UFO reversed direction almost instantly, did a chandelle in fro 12/10/1952 #8410  
eft, each turn 5 seconds apart. It almost stops, accelerates to its origina 1/10/1953 #8530  
erates to its original high speed, almost stops again, speeds up again, and 1/10/1953 #8530  
 direction at about 6,500 feet. It almost stops in mid-flight then rises ve 1/17/1953 #8549  
eams emitted from the objects) for almost two and a half hours.             4/14/1953 #8824  
es it describes it as “dead-white, almost ephemeral in its delicacy and app 11/16/1953 #9303  
            Elsinore, CA Dark blue almost black gun-metal "glint" delta-sha 5/18/1954 #9809  
afety belts, and took off, turning almost straight up.                      9/20/1954 #10373  
collective physiological reaction. Almost certainly a hoax.                 9/30/1954 #10517  
above the Route N23 road. They are almost paralyzed, then the UFO leaves, f 10/7/1954 #10788  
g sparks, and it was lost to sight almost immediately.                      10/8/1954 #10814  
g sparks, and it was lost to sight almost immediately.                      10/8/1954 #10818  
er saw a bright object, which came almost to the ground. When he tried to a 10/14/1954 #11046  
ce saw a bright object, which came almost to the ground. When he tried to a 10/14/1954 #11067  
her normal yet striking, featuring almost no forehead and eyes that were al 10/18/1954 #11225  
rged from it, and went back inside almost immediately. The craft took off v 10/21/1954 #11296  
nly, not in an unkind fashion, but almost sadly, compassionately."          10/21/1954 #11298  
nly, not in an unkind fashion, but almost sadly, compassionately.”          10/21/1954 #11302  
rged from it, and went back inside almost immediately. The craft took off v 10/21/1954 #11305  
nly, not in an unkind fashion, but almost sadly, compassionately."          10/21/1954 #11307  
te. A. Treussard and a friend were almost blinded by a luminous disk, which 10/25/1954 #11387  
re it landed on edge, very gently. Almost immediately it rose into the sky  11/3/1954 #11547  
re it landed on edge, very gently. Almost immediately it rose into the sky  11/3/1954 #11548  
y, or perhaps a day later, he felt almost paralyzed all day, and was in the 11/9/1954 #11611  
tly glowing, sometimes coming down almost to the ground.                    11/22/1954 #11688  
wing softly, sometimes coming down almost to the ground.                    11/22/1954 #11692  
), CA (McDonald list) Object Rises Almost Vertically, Blip On Radar (BBU) ( 3/29/1955 #12065  
t. It is described as “light gray, almost round, with a center line         6/23/1955 #12209  
object with large rounded windows, almost directly overhead. The windows we 7/17/1955 #12267  
            Rock Garden, TN Brown, almost square object fly with a circular 9/9/1955 #12442  
kins, using binoculars. One brown, almost square object flew with a circula 9/9/1955 #12443  
using binoculars, spotted a brown, almost square object near Alcoa, Tenness 9/9/1955 #12445  
s unidentified. “One disc ascended almost vertically, at a relatively slow  10/4/1955 #12488  
ld, the object shoots out of sight almost instantly. The car battery is com 8/22/1956 #13116  
aft, about 40 m in diameter, which almost touched the grass. They rushed to 1/15/1957 #13456  
ew York Pan American Airways Plane almost collides with UFO (NY to San Juan 3/10/1957 #13541  
ew York Pan American Airways Plane almost collides with UFO (NY to San Juan 3/10/1957 #13542  
 test run out of Area 51 and flies almost 90 miles without incident when su 4/4/1957 #13581  
ace with a "quizzical" expression. Almost immediately the object left towar 5/1957 #13628  
rt of lift descended from its base almost to the ground. In it was a man of 5/1/1957 #13637  
lve. A lift descends from its base almost to the ground. In it is a man of  5/1/1957 #13638  
f rejection of the need to clarify almost any significant aspect of a UFO c 7/17/1957 #13808  
ield, the object went out of sight almost instantaneously. The car battery  8/22/1957 #13922  
ield, the object goes out of sight almost instantly. The car battery is com 8/22/1957 #13924  
ield, the object went out of sight almost instantaneously. The car battery  8/22/1957 #13925  
ydon (Warwickshire), UK Meteor Jet Almost Collides With Object (NICAP: 09 - 10/21/1957 #14138  
up from the road ahead and ascends almost vertically at great speed slightl 11/3/1957 #14243  
Ellensburg (near), WA Truck motor "almost stopped, "caught again, as UFO si 12/3/1957 #14665  
g. It oscillated and sparkled. For almost five minutes the glow and the spa 12/16/1957 #14736  
tude. It then shot away, vanishing almost instantly, and the witnesses' car 2/24/1958 #14890  
away and is said to be visible for almost half an hour. After the explosion 8/1/1958 #15174  
els the Avro CF-105 Arrow program. Almost all Avro Canada employees are lai 2/20/1959 #15596  
t its position above the ocean was almost on a level with the observers sta 6/26/1959 #15789  
  A 60-foot wide oval-shaped disc, almost circular, with a strong bluish li 5/13/1960 #16271  
olls down the window and looks up. Almost immediately, the Hills hear a rhy 9/19/1961 #16857  
y develops a series of warts in an almost geometrically perfect circular ri 3/25/1962 #17079  
nesses say the object is traveling almost horizontally northeast of Las Veg 4/18/1962 #17120  
bmarine with no markings and dacks almost awash. He and another crew member 7/28/1962 #17295  
seven witnesses viewed the UFO for almost an hour.                          8/22/1962 #17354  
ylinder over 3 m long reached down almost to touch the road, with a small d 9/5/1962 #17386  
antiaircraft        And that would almost surely be followed by an invasion 10/27/1962 #17505  
 window ,a slowly spinning object, almost stationary, 500 m away. It appear 2/20/1963 #17674  
a whining noise and the car engine almost fails. The object then moves behi 8/4/1963 #17863  
olasses Pond, Ellsworth, Maine for almost an hour. The craft had body light 8/13/1963 #17900  
e police, who notify the military. Almost immediately, men in uniform cordo 4/25/1964? #18205  
hey notice it is moving and is now almost directly overhead. He stops the c 6/1964 #18314  
efore it begins revolving swiftly, almost to a blur, then explodes silently 10/7/1964 #18574  
erve a manta ray–shaped object fly almost directly overhead at Carswell AFB 7/28/1965 #19196  
lan took his shot when the UFO was almost directly overhead.                8/2/1965 #19272  
 from an angle of 35°–40° and from almost exact north. It passes directly o 1/18/1966 #19850  
ancaster, OH 11:55 p.m. A motorist almost struck a> blindingly bright objec 4/18/1966 #20329  
n a series of maneuvers, descended almost to the ground, then sped away "li 8/1/1966 #20715  
n a series of maneuvers, descended almost to the ground, then sped away "li 8/1/1966 #20719  
ays: “Our study would be conducted almost exclusively by nonbelievers who,  8/9/1966 #20734  
best to be objective but having an almost zero expectation of finding a sau 8/9/1966 #20734  
p of the disc. It next appeared to almost land in a small field less than 8 8/19/1966 #20773  
and changed color hung stationary, almost touching the road, and would abru 11/8/1966 #21084  
arks. The man next dragged Timothy almost to the craft when his captors sud 2/5/1967 #21462  
, football-shaped objects, a dull, almost grey luminous color; flew northea 2/12/1967 #21522  
en lights seen to the sides.  Made almost instantaneous 90^ turn to left, s 2/27/1967 #21677  
e light that lasted 10 seconds and almost blinded them.  Then it accelerate 3/9/1967 #21838  
he nearest house, "visibly shaken, almost to the point of hysteria." Two fo 3/12/1967 #21874  
. McDonald, who says he has found “almost no correlation between so-called  4/6/1967 #22079  
e well-known scientific principles almost with abandon, in an all-out effor 4/22/1967 #22208  
or two or three minutes. It passed almost over-head and took off into space 5/17/1967 #22365  
 that the wall is 18 inches thick. Almost immediately the opening closes. W 5/20/1967 #22382  
silver-colored, oval-shaped object almost overhead and moving slowly to the 9/20/1967 #23100  
ey saw three men on the road, who "almost flew off and disappeared." They w 10/21/1967 #23279  
n the object and immerses the car. Almost immediately, the car stops dead.  10/30/1967 #23371  
obust antigravitic programs later, almost assuredly done in the black. He a 1968 #23633  
m the Colorado project, citing an “almost unanimous lack of confidence” amo 2/24/1968 #23782  
rous multi-colored lights. The car almost stopped as the object flew low ov 3/3/1968 #23813  
 a.m. Raul Calcedo met two giants, almost 3 m tall, in Ricardone. He fled i 7/1/1968 #24112  
ntina Raul Calcedo met two giants, almost 3 m tall, in Ricardone. He fled i 7/1/1968 #24114  
en he got home, the trip had taken almost two hours longer to complete than 8/29/1968 #24402  
d a reddish light, then descended, almost touching the roofs of houses in C 9/11/1968 #24452  
feet and descended to where it was almost at eye level with the witness, wh 12/10/1968 #24757  
as paralyzed; as the UFO took off, almost horizontally, the witness fainted 2/6/1969 #24897  
 to have been global in nature for almost 50,000 years” and considers the “ 10/1969 #25389  
 dark colored and its wingspan was almost the same as that of an airplane.  10/28/1970 #25889  
 of his car about 30 feet away and almost on the ground. Wilkinson slows do 11/1/1970 #25898  
ed towards the shore very stiffly, almost like a robot. It walked past the  8/16/1971 #26290  
ked up to the being's face, he was almost in a full standing position. The  8/16/1971 #26291  
his shoulders. The body itself was almost transparent, with only the outlin 10/28/1971 #26438  
w him. The light swooped very low, almost at ground level, and he then saw  12/13/1971 #26496  
ilvery "triangular-shaped" UFO for almost one hour (7-8 p.m.) before it dis 7/3/1972 #26756  
e object she had seen on July 3 at almost the same spot. This time it seems 7/25/1972 #26833  
so they can see the object better. Almost a dozen portholes are visible, wh 10/23/1972 #27087  
 was reportedly so bright that it "almost hurt your eyes to look at it." It 2/18/1973 #27296  
group of flashing lights overhead, almost directly above the car. (NICAP: 0 5/12/1973 #27479  
 group of flashing lights overhead almost directly above his car. They move 5/12/1973 #27481  
i, Italy they saw a bizarre figure almost six meters tall, leaning against  8/16/1973 #27706  
sylvania reported that his vehicle almost struck a huge gorilla like animal 8/17/1973 #27709  
al with an "anorak" type hood that almost completely covered his face. He h 9/9/1973 #27794  
ude about 200 meters off the road, almost directly over an electric power s 9/14/1973 #27823  
t rose straight up and disappeared almost instantly. Hickson "heard" a mess 10/11/1973 #28005  
 to steer the car to a halt in the almost complete darkness. Thinking she c 10/16/1973 #28089  
kin felt neither cold nor rubbery. Almost simultaneously, one of his studen 10/20/1973 #28222  
creatures turned towards the other almost touching it, and at the same time 10/25/1973 #28286  
 at James Connally AFB. The object almost collides with the plane before fl 12/28/1973 #28612  
 very long brown hair that reached almost to the floor. They appeared to be 1/8/1974 #28667  
s about 5 to 6 ft tall, very thin, almost skeletal in nature with a coverin 1/23/1974 #28693  
n Anglesey, Wales, are in the area almost immediately and cordon off access 1/23/1974 #28694  
ead, about 5–6 ft tall, very thin, almost skeletal in nature with a coverin 1/23/1974 #28694  
t tall, and so very thin they were almost skeletal in nature. Other units a 1/23/1974 #28695  
ompany’s check valves. The ball is almost perfectly balanced, and it takes  3/27/1974 #28961  
five minutes it moved off, passing almost directly over the witnesses, maki 5/11/1974 #29100  
planes say that the small craft is almost totally destroyed and that they h 8/25/1974 #29386  
y vary in color from bright red to almost white and remain in the area for  1/31/1975 #29774  
 South Wales, Australia. It was an almost perfect circle of dead grass, wit 5/6/1975 #30042  
e from their car an orange object, almost circular with a flat bottom and a 7/15/1975 #30182  
dge, Ontario on this night, and he almost ran over one of its occupants wit 10/7/1975 #30422  
im. Jean Claude ran home. Note: An almost identical humanoid was seen in Ch 1/5/1976 #30761  
n jumped at distance of 200 meters almost instantaneously.                  4/7/1976 #30990  
ing up [to] and going quickly east almost vertically.                       8/22/1976 #31290  
 a clockwise rotating rim hovering almost overhead, just 50-60 feet away. T 9/10/1976 #31373  
tes. He also lost his eyesight for almost two days after the incident. The  12/6/1976 #31587  
g to the right and stopping again. Almost immediately they spot another haz 1/21/1977 #31742  
odies, but their long arms reached almost below their knees. Also conspicuo 2/24/1977 #31846  
titude.” It is perfectly round and almost 3° arc in apparent diameter. Dani 3/12/1977 #31901  
impossible date of April 30. He is almost in hysterics and one of the soldi 4/25/1977 #32026  
mpossible date of April 30. He was almost in hysterics and one of the soldi 4/25/1977 #32027  
have borne a heavy weight, because almost all the limbs are snapped off the 5/3/1977 #32050  
of it, and the result was to break almost all of the limbs, including snapp 5/3/1977 #32053  
es nearer. He regains control when almost “touching the tree tops” and the  6/17/1977 #32171  
ee the UFO. The object then floats almost directly above them, and the midd 6/17/1977 #32172  
m, watch the objects with Wood for almost 2 hours. They are tracked on base 7/1977 #32222  
nce, dogs in the neighborhood bark almost constantly. The objects disappear 8/3/1977 #32353  
ortholes. It hovers for 20 seconds almost on the flight path. It moves away 8/4/1977 #32360  
ked on FAA radar in V-formation at almost 17,000 mph                        9/22/1977 #32509  
n see two humanoid figures visible almost to the waist inside the dome. The Late 9/1977 #32518  
d hear another explosion, which is almost immediately determined to have be 4/2/1978 #33119  
a with extreme force. Large cracks almost two feet across were observed dev 4/2/1978 #33119  
about 200 yards and then takes off almost simultaneously.                   7/11/1978 #33366  
                 ASPSLEY, QLD Taxi almost hits minibus. Hiss. No driver.no  10/10/1978 #33826  
it moves to the right and vanishes almost immediately. Other radars pick up 12/31/1978 #34246  
bars of an H-shaped sign taking up almost the entire top. Suddenly the obje 5/22/1979 #34574  
ght. The UFO moves off and is gone almost instantly. After about 5 minutes, 6/12/1979 #34610  
wnwards. It was nine feet high and almost 3 feet wide. He then noticed two  7/25/1979 #34681  
d under the UFO, which accelerates almost straight up in 5–10 seconds, dimi 7/27/1979 #34683  
sses the 1.5 miles separating them almost instantaneously. It makes no soun 8/27/1979 #34787  
th three other alien beings and an almost human appearing girl of about 19  9/14/1979 #34884  
ext thing she remembers is driving almost 6 miles further ahead at the inte 9/20/1979 #34907  
ea of about 100 square meters. For almost an hour the witnesses watched the 4/20/1980 #35281  
inted ears, protruding mouths, and almost no hair. They both wore shiny, al 4/23/1980 #35286  
ost no hair. They both wore shiny, almost luminous black diver suits. Their 4/23/1980 #35286  
 10 seconds and begins to pulsate, almost sounding as if it will stall. It  9/13/1980 #35520  
ct striked with such force that it almost ripped off the wing. He stated he 12/18/1980 #35724  
seen across the field to the east, almost in line with a farmhouse, as the  12/28/1980 #35749  
 the machine. The object takes off almost immediately, rising above the tre 1/8/1981 #35779  
tall, square in shape and metallic almost robotic in nature; it lacked a he 2/13/1981 #35826  
n shape, and appeared metallic and almost robotic in nature. It did not see 2/13/1981 #35827  
t is moving south when it makes an almost right-angle turn and disappears t 7/15/1981 #36006  
g location, the object moves away, almost instantly. They see it again hove 6/10/1982 #36498  
was described as completely black, almost two-meters tall, and wearing a bl 11/10/1982 #36678  
the east and are lost to view, but almost immediately a family living a qua 3/24/1983 #36806  
 view, a driver pulls up and stops almost directly underneath it. The light 3/24/1983 #36807  
ten reported by UFO witnesses, “is almost suggestive of the witness being t 9/1983 #36964  
r, the red and yellow object comes almost within touching distance. When th 4/27/1984 #37306  
of a farmhouse. The object was now almost directly above them at an approxi 7/15/1984 #37401  
5-foot pole; the camera has to pan almost 180° to cover the entire length o 7/24/1984 #37412  
 flight from Beijing to Paris that almost forces the captain to make an eme 6/11/1985 #37598  
on the Peking to Paris flight that almost forced the captain to make an eme 6/11/1985 #37599  
sfully intercepted and identified. Almost half of the total are identified  1986 #37742  
long its outer edges. They pull up almost directly underneath it, park, and 10/14/1986 #38048  
 yard so thoroughly that it seemed almost tangible. "It was so dense that m 3/23/1987 #38153  
n to a streak of light in the sky. Almost as soon as he focused on it, the  1/19/1988 #38417  
otographed 5 foot tall aliens with almost normal human heads with more roun 1/1989 #38772  
en, and then the figure of a giant almost eight meters tall appeared. He se 6/29/1989 #38996  
s” pace them on their left. One is almost exactly square, while the other i 7/26/1989 #39033  
 in a window in the object. It had almost human facial features, but it had 2/7/1990 #39414  
he object bearing the lights stops almost directly overhead. She sees a lar 2/21/1990 #39425  
ightly lit being in the house, who almost blinded her with light.           8/5/1990 #39681  
ithin its center, blasting it into almost two equal parts and bending its i 8/28/1991 #40168  
ices an odd dark object in the sky almost above the church. The image is sh 9/19/1991 #40194  
her. Their facial expressions were almost entirely blank. Stunned by their  7/23/1992 #40531  
d her. The touch was very painful, almost like an "electric shock", and the 8/13/1992 #40569  
d to have been 3 ½ meters tall, or almost nine feet.                        9/19/1992 #40631  
l. Crump gets out and sees the UFO almost directly overhead. The moonlight  2/4/1993 #40838  
 would later come forward and tell almost exactly the same story: a story o 8/8/1993 #41118  
eir presence, she watched them for almost an hour, while they watched her.  11/18/1993 #41284  
the subsequent reported events are almost certainly untrue. However, other  Early 6/1994 #41548  
s, and their noses and mouths were almost indistinguishable. They had thin  12/15/1994 #41895  
ls good and what’s true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into super 1995 #41923  
 middle of the road, where a truck almost hit him. Later under hypnosis he  5/7/1995 #42189  
ne o'clock in the morning. She was almost completely unable to move, but ma 7/13/1995 #42299  
re had an amazingly smooth stride, almost like it was walking on air. It se 8/15/1995 #42390  
ght and a metallic smell you could almost taste. Standing in the garden was 2/10/1996 #42754  
bcommittee on Investigations Bevan almost started a third world war. Bevan  6/21/1996 #42937  
ish or blue-green fireball descend almost vertically to the east of his loc 10/3/1996 #43052  
ution, because their own world was almost totally ruined, and now there wer 3/10/1997 #43225  
rclockwise. The observation lasted almost two hours, during which they were 6/5/1997 #43311  
out multicolored lights that hover almost directly above them. Some of the  6/18/1997 #43328  
destination he noticed that he had almost three hours he could not account  8/5/1997 #43369  
 his eyes were black in color with almost no white area. He had neither eye 7/12/1998 #43602  
 that were orange in color. It was almost two meters tall, with long dangli 8/24/1998 #43637  
arent, so much so that it appeared almost "invisible". The lower part consi 8/14/1999 #43822  
bserved a huge, oval-shaped craft, almost one kilometer in length, over the 8/18/1999 #43826  
e was surprised to see that it was almost five a.m. already, although it se 9/23/2000 #44045  
wed through binoculars as it stood almost upright with bright lights at eac 10/5/2000 #44053  
it and forms a line and disappears almost instantly to the south. As they l 1/1/2001 #44114  
shadowy figures that had appeared, almost dancing around his bed, while he  4/23/2001 #44161  
oke very quickly among themselves. Almost at the same time three humanoids  5/2/2001 #44174  
 color and appeared very flexible, almost gelatinous. They possessed small  5/2/2001 #44174  
human but with some alien traits, "almost like hybrids." The aliens told he 8/2/2001 #44220  
evation from the ground. It looked almost transparent with two red and whit 12/10/2001 #44286  
lastic. They eyes were very light, almost white, and their speed was hesita 3/26/2002 #44326  
from it, and remained separate for almost an hour. The UFO departed toward  5/5/2002 #44338  
allée writes that UFO research has almost certainly been privatized in the  5/6/2002 #44341  
of sorts, organized after an audit almost blew their cover, and a special a 10/16/2002 #44418  
 witnesses and the sighting lasted almost two minutes.                      1/31/2003 #44483  
ional UFO Reporting Center: "I was almost abducted, along with my friends,  2/11/2003 #44486  
rushed outside to gave at the UFO, almost paralyzed with fear. She got a ve 5/13/2003 #44536  
 This last one was the largest and almost transperent; we could see the sta 5/16/2003 #44538  
 vertically that it seemed like it almost disappeared.                      5/27/2003 #44547  
. The UFO follows the aircraft for almost an hour before moving away.       6/5/2003 #44554  
wick, Lancashire, England and were almost back home when they looked up and 7/16/2003 #44565  
of the house. As the UFO came down almost noiselessly it transformed itself 9/3/2003 #44592  
trees and a lake between them. The almost deserted village was not on any m 8/25/2004 #44741  
mons sees a “silent, abstract blob almost like the underside view of a mant 9/12/2004 #44755  
. She describes it as “very large, almost gossamer, sprinkled with lights b 9/12/2004 #44755  
ossamer, sprinkled with lights but almost like dusted with luminous powder. 9/12/2004 #44755  
constant speed from south to north almost directly above the town.          6/19/2005 #44848  
g left to right and right to left, almost hitting each other. They are comp 9/17/2005 #44876  
, but the humming sound had become almost deafening. Suddenly a strong wind 1/30/2006 #44920  
ny coyote they had ever heard, and almost like a siren but not as perfect.  1/30/2006 #44920  
or, darker than the night sky, and almost seemed to absorb any light; the l 5/3/2006 #44938  
o the North moving back and forth, almost flittering like a moth. He first  4/17/2007 #45018  
eed into the southern sky and shot almost straight up as it went out of sig 5/6/2007 #45027  
 he is surprised to see that it is almost on top of him. He stops the car o 11/25/2009 #45256  
and within an instant it was gone, almost as if it shot out of the universe 5/16/2010 #45283  
he body or wings. The object slows almost to a hover as it passes above the 10/6/2013 #45389  
ter squadron report sighting UFOs “almost daily” while training for a deplo 2/2015? #45430  
in,’” Graves says. Once, an object almost collides with two jets, prompting 2/2015? #45430  
emains shrouded in mystery, it was almost certainly not generated by the re 8/11/2016 #45457  
ere done at the unclassified level almost 20 years before this framework wa 4/2017 #45467  
 to be headed toward the aircraft, almost head on, slightly up and to the l 9/1/2020 #45660  
“translucent” like a “lava lamp,” “almost like viscous, but in the air, and 5/9/2022 #45747  
## Word: "almoster" (Back to Top)
                                   ALMOSTER, SPN 80cm saucer hovers and spi 3/31/1974 #28975  
## Word: "almusafes" (Back to Top)
                                   ALMUSAFES, VLNC, SPAIN 2M glowing-sphere 9/1/1976 #31321  
## Word: "almy" (Back to Top)
                          Newport (Almy Pond), RI Circular silver object wi 4/5/1956 #12789  
## Word: "alnwick" (Back to Top)
                                   ALNWICK, NORTH ENGLAND Cylinder/cylindri 9/10/1798 #95  
                                   Alnwick, Northumberland, England Before  9/10/1798 #96  
a “remarkable comet, or meteor” at Alnwick, Northumberland, England. It rap 9/10/1798 #96  
                  RAF Boulmer near Alnwick, Northumberland, England RRH Sta 7/1977 #32222  
 over the sea off RAF Boulmer near Alnwick, Northumberland, England. Two ot 7/1977 #32222  
                    RAF Boulmer in Alnwick, Northumberland, England North S 7/30/1977 #32323  
 the night shift at RAF Boulmer in Alnwick, Northumberland, England, are al 7/30/1977 #32323  
## Word: "alo" (Back to Top)
h sides of 10–12 feet. Some stones alo seem to have been moved recently.    8/19/1966 #20772  
## Word: "aloanei" (Back to Top)
ze of a football stadium. Col. Dan Aloanei is flying a MiG-29 and sees them Late 3/1989 #38880  
## Word: "aloft" (Back to Top)
t move significantly despite winds aloft. Northrop engineering test pilot M 4/18/1950 #4867  
ound, no radar tracks, no balloons aloft.                                   4/25/1954 #9721  
e number of different objects were aloft at the same time. The flurry of UF 11/8/1956 #13314  
 an F-86 jet fighter that was sent aloft to investigate an UFO that had bee 5/1961 #16669  
 it has no meteorological balloons aloft.                                   9/5/1968 #24431  
Air Force fighter planes were sent aloft in unsuccessful pursuit, although  10/1975 #30401  
t Project Mogul balloon array sent aloft to detect signs of Soviet nuclear  7/1995 #42286  
thropomorphic test dummies carried aloft in high-altitude balloons, and the 6/24/1997 #43338  
e driveway, he saw some blue light aloft to the North moving back and forth 4/17/2007 #45018  
## Word: "aloha" (Back to Top)
                                   ALOHA, OR 1 observer. Dome-shape nears f 4/15/1992 #40417  
20-year-old witness in his yard in Aloha, Washington at 10:55 p.m. It stopp 4/15/1992 #40418  
## Word: "alois" (Back to Top)
th of San Antonio, Texas 9:15 p.m. Alois Olenick, 48, is driving west on Mo 5/3/1975 #30027  
## Word: "alojz" (Back to Top)
  Stara Cerkev, Slovenia 7:30 p.m. Alojz Krz comes across a UFO sitting on  5/1971 #26092  
## Word: "alojzy" (Back to Top)
on. An orange glow remains behind. Alojzy Pawlik sees the same object in La 8/29/1979 #34800  
## Word: "alomar" (Back to Top)
r. Her two space friends, Affa and Alomar, direct Swan’s hand to draw a ser 7/28/1954 #10059  
## Word: "alone" (Back to Top)
imes four in a square, and several alone, and between these balls blood- co 4/4/1561 #32  
this day, including 25 in Illinois alone. Below are summarized two of the m 4/12/1897 #448  
this day, including 13 in Michigan alone. Below are summarized two of the m 4/14/1897 #472  
this day, including 18 in Michigan alone. There were six humanoid reports,  4/15/1897 #495  
house. Harry walks back to the car alone and sees 20 little men walking in  Late Summer 1919 #993  
rctica. In 1934 he spends 5 months alone in a hut, 100’s of km’s from the n 1933 #1150  
s every night over Germany, either alone or in formations of four. Johnson  Early 11/1944 #1690  
ersations with Smith when they are alone. They try but fail to locate a lis 7/30/1947 #3259  
ng. Aerojet engineer Daniel Fry is alone during the holiday at White Sands  7/4/1950 #5042  
sightings with 250 of them in 1952 alone. Of the 1500, 28% remain UNEXPLAIN End of 7/1952 #7224  
rthwest then northeast then south) alone takes it over Baltimore, Catonsvil 9/12/1952 #7905  
r a total of seven times. Black is alone for each sighting, so his partner  5/20/1953 #8889  
ience with UFOnauts. While walking alone near a cliff in Wegierska Gorka, C 7/15/1954 #10020  
ird observation by A. Villas-Boas. Alone in the fields on a clear night, he 10/16/1957 #14127  
.m. Antonio Villas-Boas is plowing alone near São Francisco de Sales, Minas 10/16/1957 #14128  
e early morning hours of this day. Alone in the fields on a clear night, An 10/16/1957 #14131  
sinfectant liquid he was then left alone with a woman of short stature with 10/16/1957 #14131  
gnments can be explained by chance alone.                                   1958 #14781  
                 A witness driving alone in Bygholm, Denmark saw a stationa 1/13/1959 #15550  
                      A worker was alone at a local water plant in El Cobre 10/16/1959 #16035  
uncontrollable at high speeds (let alone supersonic speeds).                12/1961 #16985  
known” per month in its first year alone. Blue Book scientific advisor J. A 4/5/1966 #20253  
n the country and had taken a walk alone after dinner. She heard a sound li 8/11/1966 #20739  
                 A witness driving alone at 10:55 p.m. between Ashington an 2/13/1967 #21538  
 a man in white coveralls standing alone by the side of the road. Their dog 3/26/1967 #21998  
                     A man walking alone at night along a bridal path in Bo 6/24/1967 #22551  
30 p.m. Barbara Fawcett is driving alone on North Key Largo, Florida, near  7/20/1967 #22710  
iddle of the afternoon a woman was alone in her house in Seaford, Long Isla 9/26/1967 #23133  
p.m. Alexander Spargo is traveling alone in his car on the Mayanup–Kojonup  10/30/1967 #23371  
                    A woman living alone in an isolated cabin on Keats Isla 1/29/1968 #23708  
med surprised that she lived there alone. They finally left disappearing do 1/29/1968 #23708  
Mrs. Emilia Larrude de Salazar was alone with her children at home this nig 8/31/1968 #24410  
h Carolina at 12:30 a.m. A man was alone in his lake front cottage when he  12/10/1968 #24757  
400km south! Horse going [to] home alone. Man sick-dies..                   4/20/1969 #25071  
x, a trans-Atlantic sailor sailing alone, saw two star-like objects, ten ti 7/20/1969 #25282  
York City component of the program alone examines more than 2 million maile 4/14/1971 #26072  
ys; while crossing a grassy field, alone, he saw a bright object slowly app 5/15/1971 #26110  
 They were now much closer to him. Alone on the hill, he panicked and ran t 10/28/1971 #26438  
a female voice that told him to go alone to a certain crossroads. He did so 5/5/1972 #26671  
e-year-old boy, Mario Mercier, was alone on an ice skating rink on a sunny  11/28/1972 #27151  
          At 2:30 a.m. a woman was alone in her bedroom in Derry, Pennsylva 8/21/1973 #27718  
iff Fred R. Diamond, they are left alone in an interrogation room where the 10/11/1973 #27997  
and two close encounters from Ohio alone.                                   10/11/1973 #28000  
 Thinking she could not stay there alone in the vehicle, she climbed out th 10/16/1973 #28089  
                       A woman was alone traveling by car in Iowa when she  10/19/1973 #28199  
nto her body. She was left briefly alone in the brightly lit room, and then 10/20/1973 #28220  
      At 9:15 a.m. the witness was alone at home with her young daughter an 12/12/1973 #28559  
fferana, Italy a woman was working alone in a small room of her house when  1/8/1974 #28669  
il a man reported that he was home alone at 7:30 p.m., standing in his kitc 2/28/1974 #28825  
 p.m. Ms. Becky Ingram was driving alone on a country road on Pisgah Ridge, 5/5/1974 #29086  
s father to take a look. Returning alone, the boy sees the object carrying  7/22/1975 #30200  
         On this evening a man was alone in his leather shop in Arizona whe 12/4/1975 #30685  
ce, and have tried hard to be left alone.                                   1/6/1976 #30762  
ed in panic, so he was left behind alone. With a mixture of fear and curios 4/23/1976 #31019  
   At around 1:00 a.m. a woman was alone at her home in Ravenna, Italy when 9/3/1976 #31338  
the 1975 Oxford abduction case, is alone in his home in Old Orchard Beach,  9/11/1976 #31376  
t 8:20 p.m. A teenage girl driving alone near Putnam, Connecticut, passes u 11/10/1976 #31538  
 Scotia 12:45 a.m. Tom Thibault is alone on the road to Southville, Nova Sc 2/10/1977 #31807  
wed Antonio, still naked, standing alone. Other images included a view of h 9/15/1977 #32485  
ith the sound, leaving the witness alone. He returned to his car in the mor 1/10/1978 #32870  
esia followed and he found himself alone in a field miles away from where h 3/18/1978 #33056  
COW, RS 17 UFO's reported 03 April alone. 120 over Moscow in all of 1978.   4/3/1978 #33122  
razil The witness was walking home alone when he observed a very bright obj 5/10/1978 #33194  
 p.m. the witness was walking home alone in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Bra 5/10/1978 #33199  
, Vermont 11:20 p.m. A man driving alone in a remote area on State Highway  7/11/1978 #33366  
ssibly because he wants to be left alone.                                   9/27/1978 #33762  
nt Communist Party politician, was alone in a wooded area in Jaraba, Zarago 10/15/1978 #33837  
ve away leaving his young daughter alone at home at 1:30 a.m. John drove in 12/14/1978 #34127  
e son of the school's janitor, was alone in a school room in Loreto, Santia 1/13/1979 #34339  
e humanoid descended to the ground alone. Both men remained in the jeep, ar 8/16/1980 #35459  
, the boy returns to the same spot alone and sees another light for about o 12/5/1980 #35701  
 Midnight, the witness was driving alone outside of Winnipeg when he saw a  8/16/1981 #36077  
, Tasmania 7:30 p.m. A man driving alone near Hampshire, Tasmania, finds th 7/6/1982 #36531  
irds disperse and leave the object alone, drifting silently at 25 mph. Afte 12/10/1982 #36712  
At the second meeting with Gersten alone, he speaks openly about the 1977 E 1/10/1983 #36742  
    At eleven p.m. the witness was alone in her apartment in Yalta, Crimea, 1/25/1987 #38104  
communications officer is sleeping alone on the moors near Bishop Monkton,  3/1987 #38128  
p. Pscolka goes up to the facility alone after posting guards. When he gets Winter 1987 #38370  
                    Mrs. Rayna was alone at home in Sedona, Arizona and tak 8/10/1989 #39053  
 do not want to fly away, leave me alone, don’t touch me!” Something invisi 10/8/1989 #39150  
Belgium 6:45 p.m. A man is driving alone in his car on the Rue Mathieu de L 11/29/1989 #39275  
re no deterioration, to leave them alone because another craft might come a 1990 #39358  
Her next recollection was standing alone in her yard next to the generator  5/14/1991 #40061  
homes. 7 separate observer(s) here alone!                                   2/5/1992 #40316  
ellomonte, Puerto Rico was sitting alone in her rocking chair on the rear p 3/11/1992 #40372  
izzy and numb. He was briefly left alone before two beings entered the room 4/12/1992 #40414  
but I don't want to. Just leave me alone, I am busy." The woman ran back to 5/30/1993 #40997  
A 1 observer / US101. Night lights alone and more / triangle formation near 2/7/1995 #42024  
                 Nocturnal lights, alone and in a triangular formation, wer 2/7/1995 #42025  
gton. At 6:30 a.m. Mr. Canoose was alone when he saw a strange creature abo 2/10/1995 #42033  
ock in the morning the witness was alone in his room in Garmisch-Partenkirc 4/3/1995 #42137  
, New Jersey. At 10:30 p.m. he was alone at the time in an aisle when he he 8/11/1995 #42376  
went into the woods to investigate alone, on the way there he ran into a fa 2/23/1996 #42776  
bia Juan Sudarsky was walking home alone at around 3:00 a.m. when he sudden 3/10/1997 #43225  
oman in Lachlan, Tasmania, is home alone in her kitchen when she notices a  6/24/1997 #43337  
-year-old Alessandro, were walking alone on the Via Vittorioin in Cordenons 9/4/1997 #43394  
 started following her car. "I was alone and very scared after I sighted it 5/9/2004 #44698  
s them a feeling that they are not alone in the universe. New York Times re 10/2005 #44883  
           The witness was driving alone from Elaine to Crumrod, Arkansas a 2/15/2006 #44923  
cognize the possibility that radar alone cannot always tell us what’s out t 7/29/2008 #45152  
 files to the public. This release alone generates 196 separate news items  8/5/2010 #45290  
uncontrollable at high speeds (let alone supersonic speeds).                Late 2012 #45355  
38 billion in “plugs” for the 2009 alone for the Air Force, they state.  ht 11/18/2013 #45396  
 exercise these powers at all, let alone do so in secret, with virtually no 2/24/2014 #45402  
 compelling evidence we may not be alone.”                                  12/19/2017 #45495  
he had them in his library and was alone with them to perform analysis. It  2/20/2019 #45563  
## Word: "along" (Back to Top)
a pyramidal form is seen traveling along the course of the River Isla near  9/9/1767 #83  
 of a hill, unearthing some plants along the slope. The heat is so intense  6/12/1790 #91  
describes his astral visit to Mars along with his sister Anna Cridge and wi 1873 #198  
owa 8:00 p.m. Many people in towns along the Burlington, Cedar Rapids, and  4/8/1897 #418  
h wings and a rudder flying slowly along about 150 feet in the air, and he  4/14/1897 #467  
it has a powerful searchlight, and along the side appear a row of lighted w 4/14/1897 #470  
possibly the same object “bounding along through space like a balloon.”     4/14/1897 #470  
m milk. The man returns the tools, along with a strange coin. The airship t 4/15/1897 #488  
d airship with a row of red lights along the sides passes above Emerson, So 4/15/1897 #491  
eared about nine oclock, traveling along the extreme eastern portion of the 4/16/1897 #503  
erved a heavy object being dragged along the ground by a rope attached to a 4/25/1897 #571  
erved a heavy object being dragged along the ground by a rope attached to a 4/25/1897 #572  
After about 10 min a man came down along the rope cut the end free, and wen 4/25/1897 #572  
erved a heavy object being dragged along the ground by a rope attached to a 4/25/1897 #575  
 about ten minutes a man came down along the rope and cut the end free. He  4/25/1897 #575  
ad. It shines a bright searchlight along the ground.                        1/26/1899 #631  
up and down. It has smaller lights along the sides. Jackson wakes up W. E.  8/3/1905 #679  
ä-Vilppula], Finland While playing along the shore of a lake near Vilppula  Summer 1907 #695  
nearby explosion. Looking eastward along College Street they observed a tor 7/2/1907 #698  
00 p.m. Mr. Lethbridge was walking along a road near the mountains when he  5/18/1909 #756  
, Wales Mr. Lethbridge was walking along a road near the mountains when he  5/18/1909 #757  
        Mr. Lethbridge was walking along a road around 11 p.m. near the mou 5/18/1909 #759  
h-flying, meandering “searchlight” along Windham Center Road for about an h 9/1909 #809  
t disappeared into a bank of smoke along the river. "Flags on the custom ho 1/13/1910 #832  
hat as all accounts are positioned along a great circle arc, the source is  2/9/1913 #881  
 of a powerful searchlight running along the tracks. Other witnesses hear t 2/21/1913 #883  
beritz 6:00 p.m. Two women walking along a forest road by the Schwielowsee  3/13/1913 #886  
  Georgian Bay, Ontario small cove along the shore of Georgian Bay, Ontario 8/1914 #907  
 with seven others in a small cove along the shore of Georgian Bay, Ontario 8/1914 #907  
med Uden and Hopkins are wandering along Caerphilly Mountain, South Wales,  9/1914 #914  
n, PA John Boback, 17, was walking along the railroad tracks between Youngs 10/1916 #952  
 12:30 p.m. John Boback is walking along railroad tracks in Youngstown, Pen Late Summer 1917 #962  
vania John Boback, 17, was walking along the railroad tracks between Youngs 10/1917 #967  
above a neighbor’s garden, travels along a hedge, traverses a field, and ci 1/22/1919 #983  
lar arrangement of dots and dashes along one side” and on the other “at alm 8/22/1924 #1041  
iform on vertical saucer.. rolling along!                                   1/1925? #1046  
Scotland 9:30 p.m. Two men walking along a lane at Tomintoul, Scotland, see 1930 #1108  
nt and a light swirl of grey smoke along its sides. It was huge compared to 1932 #1135  
 Van Keuren is fishing with others along the waterway off Beach Haven, New  Summer 1933 #1164  
es from Laguna Beach to a property along the Star Route in Valley Center, C 3/1940 #1324  
an Haworth are subsequently added, along with a representative of the Direc 4/10/1940 #1331  
ir, Pennsylvania, as he is walking along a country road, young Frank Sever  Summer 1940 #1340  
n. The incident is front-page news along the Pacific coast and earns some m 2/24/1942 #1388  
d lights spaced at equal distances along its body. (Page 34-35 Ref. 1) (NIC 11/28/1942 #1463  
as four pairs of red lights spaced along its body and is flying on a level  11/28/1942 #1464  
d lights spaced at equal distances along its body.                          11/28/1942 #1465  
th several portholes evenly spaced along its side; motionless until speedin 5/27/1943 #1504  
Gdynia, Poland, is walking to work along the Baltic Sea when he sees a flat 7/18/1943 #1518  
r to Palomar Mountain, California, along the Road to the Stars where his lo 1944 #1560  
; appeared to be a line of windows along the bottom of the object. (Page 60 2/19/1944 #1575  
aped object with lighted portholes along the side hovering in a nearby ravi Spring 1944 #1586  
 Battalion is bivouacked on a hill along the Autobahn between Mannheim and  3/25/1945 #1827  
er numerous balls of light tagging along with them.                         4/3/1945 #1838  
nsson-Paasonen, staying in a sauna along lake Längelmävesi, Finland, wakes  8/1945 #1911  
of fire streaking in her direction along the opposite shore. She throws her 8/1945 #1911  
 Doris La Fountain is driving home along Market Street after finishing a co 8/10/1945 #1922  
Sigvat Skaug and his son, who live along Lake Mjøsa in southeastern Norway, 7/18/1946 #2062  
looks up to see an object bouncing along the surface, stirring up a wake. T 7/19/1946 #2073  
ohnson is driving on US Highway 41 along Lake Michigan north of Chicago, Il 8/1946 #2092  
y were very, very high, fluttering along in a string and pretty soon they v 6/23/1947 #2368  
ped objects, very high, fluttering along in a string toward NW. [UFOE, XII] 6/23/1947 #2374  
 bright, shapeless object speeding along in the sky for 30 seconds.         7/1/1947 #2517  
and brings astronomer Oscar Monnig along to comment that the discs are “an  7/1/1947 #2519  
ess correspondent John C. Corlett, along with artist V. H. Selby and their  7/4/1947 #2663  
ell Police Department, makes a run along Pine Lodge Road northwest of Roswe 7/5/1947 #2719  
 the back of his truck or drags it along behind. He stores it in a livestoc 7/5/1947 #2725  
. Moon-size sphere/orb/globe skims along southwest going northwest. No furt 7/6/1947 #2734  
thing has touched down and skipped along. The largest piece of debris is re 7/7/1947 #2928  
n Williams and his wife Albertine, along with Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Grant, are 7/7/1947 #2939  
. Charles Crockett, 15, is walking along Western Avenue in Manchester, Main 7/7/1947 #2941  
/ car. Soft white 50cm disk scoots along just over ground. Maneuvers.       7/8/1947 #2958  
 family. Flying pancake disk skips along going northwest.                   7/8/1947 #3000  
, and pieces with unusual markings along their length are handed from man t 7/8/1947 #3012  
 are asking to speak with him. He, along with a few members of his staff, d 7/8/1947 #3021  
side emitting flames and is flying along the Snake River Canyon six miles w 8/13/1947 #3320  
ge object was flying at high speed along the canyon which is about 400 feet 8/13/1947 #3322  
seudonym L. R. Johannis) is hiking along the left bank of the Torrente Chia 8/14/1947 #3330  
 path from northwest to southeast, along the coast. Sometimes they come to  Spring 1948 #3593  
ing and then right itself and move along perpendicular. The object was clea 4/8/1948 #3616  
gs and one large foot. They "slid" along the ground. They were covered with 2/1949 #3992  
Oil of New Jersey, is driving noth along the Pan-American Highway about 6 m 2/1949 #3994  
S. Air Force Airman Smith, driving along Highway 20 west of Boise, Idaho sp 5/13/1949 #4186  
he Research and Development Board, along with some appendices that later fi 5/19/1949 #4195  
eorgia. There were several reports along the west coast of Florida as it fl 6/5/1949 #4226  
ying, or crazy, and “further study along present lines would only confirm t 8/10/1949 #4315  
ushwell and his wife are traveling along a straight highway in New Mexico.  Fall 1949 #4367  
. PALOMAR, CA Small black dot zips along below 7K' altitude clouds. Geiger  10/17/1949 #4396  
s overhead and wobbles as it moves along.                                   2/26/1950 #4560  
 circular disc with 9-12 portholes along the lower side emitting a soft pur 3/20/1950 #4689  
metallic and had two rows of holes along the sides each about a foot in dia 6/17/1950 #4992  
 and watch it for about 20 minutes along the highway. They begin to drive c 6/30/1950 #5027  
allic disks with a “notch or band” along their outer edges. USAF personnel  8/15/1950 #5126  
shaped object closely paced a jeep along a road in Nanyuki, Kenya at 10:45  12/2/1950 #5312  
ving two white and two orange jets along it.  The center revolved when the  12/6/1950 #5328  
with two white and two orange jets along it. It flies away at high speed.   12/6/1950 #5331  
ovement toward us and began moving along with us about 45 degrees off the b 2/8/1951 #5434  
 one end, and at regular intervals along the fuselage are vertical dark ban 2/19/1951 #5449  
ull silver cover, but at intervals along the fuselage were dark vertical ba 2/19/1951 #5451  
 since locals say the old railroad along the Jackson and Whaleyville loggin 3/1951 #5469  
ome 200 people have been gathering along the road, hoping to catch a glimps 3/1951 #5469  
 the Pentagon. Project Grudge goes along with it.                           5/21/1951 #5513  
luminated dome, and smaller lights along the rim. A hole opens in the botto 3/1952 #5940  
tests release zinc cadmium sulfide along a 100-to-150-nautical-mile line ap 3/26/1952 #5980  
Industrial Commission of Missouri, along with several others, watches a cyl 3/29/1952 #5994  
ving two bright pinpoints of light along its main axis” at London, Ontario. 4/1952? #6008  
 Hotel in Los Angeles, California, along with national media reporters and  4/2/1952 #6016  
uz, CA 2 faint objects flying fast along the horizon (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 4/15/1952 #6080  
faint objects observed flying fast along the horizon for 6-8 seconds, using 4/15/1952 #6081  
th two dozen black windows running along its side. It hovers nearby for at  Late 5/1952 #6362  
.m. Two silvery objects move south along the East Coast and hover near Fort 7/1/1952 #6690  
nside, and the disk vibrated, rose along the turretlike cylinder, then spun 7/11/1952 #6761  
aeronautical engineer Paul R. Hill along with his wife Frances saw two ambe 7/16/1952 #6846  
 George’s County, Maryland, moving along at 100–130 mph. Two of the targets 7/19/1952 #6935  
e glow could be seen through slits along the deck. A man wearing a diving h 7/24/1952 #7113  
-shaped objects, each with a ridge along the top, crossed in front of and a 7/24/1952 #7114  
e glow could be seen through slits along the deck. A man wearing a diving h 7/25/1952 #7139  
tilla” of UFOs “seemingly floating along, making no sound” at 3724 Dexter R 7/27/1952 #7213  
he object, showing on ground radar along with the F-94, outdistanced the in 7/29/1952 #7307  
object moves with a rolling motion along its long axis. It disappears by ra 8/3/1952 #7437  
pellers were spaced close together along the outer edge of the object, revo 8/25/1952 #7729  
ders of a motionless human figure. Along its outer edge are a series of pro 8/25/1952 #7732  
ey revolve “in a horizontal plane” along the edge of the object. He stops a 8/25/1952 #7732  
 of small propellers were arranged along the outer edge of the object space 8/25/1952 #7736  
abat, Fr. Morocco Disc with lights along part of its circumference (Berline 9/9/1952 #7885  
Intelligence. One disc with lights along part of its circumference, flew tw 9/9/1952 #7886  
. Colisimo sees a disc with lights along part of its circumference over Rab 9/9/1952 #7887  
igence, sighted a disc with lights along part of its circumference. It flew 9/9/1952 #7888  
ure walking with “fluid movements” along the road. It is wearing an Arab-st 10/1952 #8073  
 the west. Keyhoe reviews the film along with some Air Force officers. It s 11/16/1952 #8289  
 1:00 p.m. Adamski’s group picnics along the roadside. At 1:30 p.m., they s 11/20/1952 #8307  
onary, and five others are driving along the road to Bocaranga, Ubangi-Shar 11/22/1952 #8323  
atus of UFOs in January. Somewhere along the line, MIT’s Lincoln Labs and C 12/10/1952 #8408  
 Hong Kong harbor, China, watches, along with many others on shore and aboa 1953 #8478  
d, reports the UFO is moving south along the North Carolina coast. He is de 2/11/1953 #8664  
imes per minute, moved up and down along a mountain range.                  3/11/1953 #8745  
ar. On June 20 the saucer returns, along with a barrel-chested “midget pilo 5/20/1953 #8889  
egon, when they see three entities along the side of the road only 6 feet a Summer 1953 #8953  
aight, stopped for 7 seconds, sped along, stopped again, was joined by a si 8/3/1953 #9043  
sks flying very low, quite slowly, along a straight course, with a "hard" s 8/16/1953 #9073  
s flying very low and quite slowly along a straight course in Tours, France 8/16/1953 #9075  
 dimension. He tells Jarrold this, along with some insights into a geologic 12/1953 #9330  
        At 3:30 p.m. while walking along the coast near Lossiemouth, Scotla 2/18/1954 #9555  
object. It gets out in undergrowth along the shore then walks around. When  4/8/1954 #9677  
publisher”) and a detailed account along with 3 other witness names is imme 4/13/1954 #9686  
level. Lincoln LaPaz investigates, along with J. Stewart Williams and Clyde 5/1/1954 #9744  
ered only a meter above the ground along Highway 3, 15 kilometers outside o 5/24/1954 #9834  
 12 times long as wide, moved fast along the surface of the lake.           7/25/1954 #10051  
 two rows of oval-shaped portholes along the sides and an orange exhaust. T 9/3/1954 #10239  
ound flat object, was seen gliding along rapidly in calm air over Le Pin, I 9/16/1954 #10324  
45 minutes, plotting a slow course along the coast.                         9/17/1954 #10333  
shaped object descended and landed along the banks of the River Marne in Jo 9/25/1954 #10444  
ge men wearing dark green uniforms along the side of the road to his right. 9/30/1954 #10519  
:45 p.m. A teacher, Mlle. Jaillet, along with 23 schoolchildren, see an elo 10/2/1954 #10611  
ls and very bright eyes. It walked along the road for about a minute and th 10/9/1954 #10867  
 France 11:30 a.m. Marius Dewilde, along with his 14-year-old son, allegedl 10/10/1954 #10893  
au, and Marion Tanneur are driving along D14 about 1 mile from Chateauneuf- 10/11/1954 #10941  
  A man was returning from fishing along the canal at Reims, Marne, France  10/17/1954 #11180  
les following a complex trajectory along a river in Formerie, Oise departme 10/18/1954 #11221  
meter off the ground and flew away along the villa lane, maintaining a flig 10/18/1954 #11225  
down and begins to hang from wires along the road. It descends in both stra 10/22/1954 #11320  
is seen near Aïn El Turk, Algeria, along the coast.                         10/24/1954 #11364  
 a look, but he only goes 300 feet along the road before the engine fails.  10/25/1954 #11392  
lowing cylindrical object was seen along the roadside in Coulogne, Pas-de-C 10/29/1954 #11480  
 his family encounter a landed UFO along a road in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande 11/10/1954 #11620  
Gonzáles are driving a panel truck along Calle Bella Vista in Petare, Carac 11/28/1954 #11722  
r an unfindable town called Carera along the Transandean Highway in Venezue 12/9/1954 #11788  
  Taking a rest stop while driving along the Pan-American highway near San  12/16/1954 #11824  
                 A man was walking along a path near a local church in Somm 12/30/1954 #11882  
The agency field tests it covertly along Florida’s Gulf Coast. The incidenc 3/1955 #12024  
e George Adamski is in attendance, along with Charles Laughead, Dorothy Mar 3/12/1955 #12046  
30 a.m. Robert Hunnicut is driving along the Loveland-Madeira Road in the B 5/25/1955 #12159  
 again, and began to "feel its way along the crooked edge of the cane field 5/29/1955 #12166  
 Hovers / 10M. Windows. Going [to] along beach. / r139#1p74.                6/2/1955 #12175  
ia La Mar, Venezuela and then flew along the beach.                         6/2/1955 #12176  
n radar had also tracked an object along Victor-2, passing Boston.”         6/23/1955 #12209  
d and the CIA begins utilizing it, along with the US Air Force, for Project 7/1955 #12225  
ge from some nearby woods and walk along a fence. The dwarf was visible for 7/20/1955 #12274  
ley, age 20, was cutting the grass along Highway 118 in Bronwood, Georgia w 8/1/1955 #12318  
ls copies of it beginning in 1956, along with his analysis and commentary.  10/25/1955 #12519  
spot the object behind them flying along the coast on a parallel course. Ch 11/1/1955 #12540  
 ion-lifter devices produce thrust along their axis regardless of the direc 11/30/1955 #12594  
                     While walking along the river bank in Grand Ledge, Mic 3/23/1956 #12765  
 p.m. Koto Ward, a factory worker, along with many others, see a large brig 5/1/1956 #12824  
ch was sighted by a man named Hunt along Highway 1 in Flood, British Columb 5/17/1956 #12858  
ety officer named Kume are walking along Number 1 Pier, Kobe, Japan, when t 11/21/1956 #13340  
or about this date a woman driving along a desolate road in Ridgefield, Con 2/9/1957 #13488  
powerful lights. Later, at a point along the flight path, a small radio tra 2/15/1957 #13509  
 the wife of an Air Force officer, along with her 17-year-old daughter Caro 3/22/1957 #13553  
zuela Agriculturist Luis Petriera, along with several others, watches a glo 3/23/1957 #13557  
 Garcin and Julia Rami are walking along road D24 a half-mile east of Vins- 4/14/1957 #13602  
next hour, six sightings were made along the same course by independent wit 5/1/1957 #13637  
g abducted by aliens while driving along the highway in Lake Isabella, Cali 5/10/1957 #13654  
man named Fekete was bicyling home along a road in Beaucourt-sur-Ancre, Fra 5/10/1957 #13655  
red on high speed UFOs on this day along the Pacific Coast of the Soviet Un 7/25/1957 #13838  
diana, and notices people standing along the road looking at the sky. She s 8/1957 #13868  
reen coveralls. They seem to float along the ground and take a vessel from  9/1957 #13966  
pproximately 3 minutes in diameter along its major axis and 1 minute along  10/6/1957 #14066  
 along its major axis and 1 minute along its minor axis. Smaller flat-white 10/6/1957 #14066  
te objects flew in trail formation along an irregular path, frequently bank 10/8/1957 #14077  
jects that flew in trail formation along an irregular path, frequently bank 10/8/1957 #14081  
 midnight. José Alvarez is driving along Route 51 in Whitharral, Texas, whe 11/2/1957 #14218  
Brazilian Army and USAF personnel, along with investigators of the Brazilia 11/4/1957 #14284  
employee Lon Yarborough is driving along US Highway 81 about 1.5 miles sout 11/5/1957 #14347  
5:40 a.m. Richard Kehoe is driving along Vista Del Mar in Playa Del Rey, Ca 11/6/1957 #14421  
pan, Engineer Supply Center, sees (along with his wife and a Japanese boat  11/10/1957 #14524  
extending down from it as it moved along." The UFO was accompanied by five  11/14/1957 #14552  
r Several UFO sightings take place along the Finland-Russia border. A cigar 12/1957 #14651  
object stalled as many as six cars along that sparsely traveled road.       12/8/1957 #14692  
ds after it. The UFO is seen later along the coast and photographed.        12/15/1957 #14730  
 Porã, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, along the Paraguayan border. They see a  12/21/1957 #14755  
ings, when plotted on a map, occur along straight-line paths, even though d 1958 #14781  
olled publicity,” but agrees to go along with it. Soon, however, Richard E. 1/1958 #14791  
 York 1:30 a.m. A woman is driving along the New York State Thruway near Ni 1/1958 #14793  
ollowed two witnesses in their car along the side of road in Bloemfontein,  1/5/1958 #14810  
heads home. The UFO chases his car along Benns Road, practically touching t 1/13/1958 #14824  
roughly around the Yauca District) along the Pan American Highway 220 miles 1/30/1958 #14851  
 northeast of Alcalde, New Mexico, along State Highway 68. The two women ar 2/17/1958 #14878  
Ortiz, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, along Highway 463 and shining their ligh 2/19/1958 #14881  
as, Brazil 6:00 a.m. At some place along the Brazilian coast between Maceió 4/1958 #14955  
1958 a cigar-shaped UFO maneuvered along the course of the Ohio River. It h 4/2/1958 #14960  
er. It had a long row of portholes along its side, and flew downriver.      4/2/1958 #14960  
ndal and the submarine KNM Sarpen, along with divers, search fruitlessly fo 6/1/1958 #15074  
ndal and the submarine KNM Sarpen, along with divers, searched for the airc 6/1/1958 #15075  
about 4 meters in diameter. Moving along by leaps, half-disappearing among  6/12/1958 #15092  
rises up to their height and flies along with them for a while at their spe 6/29/1958 #15126  
dge and has 12 small orange lights along its edges.                         7/18/1958 #15149  
creates an aurora 2,100 miles long along the geomagnetic meridian.          8/1/1958 #15174  
ia Mars Between 6:38 and 6:40 p.m. Along the border of Russia and India, an 12/6/1958 #15471  
" was encountered dragging himself along the beach. Part of his face appear 1/21/1959 #15560  
l hours before taking off westward along the Tsugaru Strait and disappearin Spring 1959 #15662  
ed with lung disease. As he walked along he sighted a light coming down fro 3/29/1959 #15678  
ing home after work on his bicycle along the road between Svendborg and Nyb 4/15/1959 #15705  
Italy Copenhagen, Denmark Adamski, along with follower Lou Zinsstag, meets  6/13/1959 #15768  
 traveling toward the main station along the power lines. The chief enginee 8/17/1959 #15923  
d earth is discovered on the spot, along with a kerosene smell. Air Force i 9/7/1959 #15960  
        At 2:30 a.m. while driving along highway 559 in Wallingford, Kentuc 9/7/1959 #15961  
fter two minutes the craft floated along the street for 25 meters then disa 9/29/1959 #16000  
       Kenneth Lindsey was walking along a road near Modesto, California at 12/22/1959 #16128  
us green ball of light was spotted along the coastline in Acarau, Ceara Sta 5/17/1960 #16281  
 southeast. Another light followed along after it a short time later.       5/17/1960 #16281  
 trashcans and drags them swirling along the ground. It flies between two h 5/19/1960 #16289  
 for about an hour. They drive out along country roads until they get withi Summer 1960 #16313  
ing white light ran back and forth along the rod. The UFO made several dash 11/27/1960 #16516  
o Paolini Pisani is driving a jeep along the highway between La Victoria an 1/1961 #16555  
 where the soil has been displaced along the floor of the lake, as if somet 2/1961 #16593  
 of the lake, as if something slid along the ground and submerged, ploughin 2/1961 #16593  
rousers with a vertical white band along the side. Two figures were visible 4/18/1961 #16652  
rousers with a vertical white band along the side. Two other figures are vi 4/18/1961 #16653  
e, they find about 20 cars stopped along the road and people watching a lum 6/5/1961 #16721  
ntinued to observe it as the drove along a desolate section of U.S. Route 3 9/19/1961 #16858  
ey see that the light is traveling along in front of them. It breaks into f 10/21/1961 #16922  
 breaks into four lights that move along with the car, even as DuBois drive 10/21/1961 #16922  
t also had square ports or windows along the side.                          11/22/1961 #16973  
agent Cavalheiro Mendes is walking along the beach in Balneário Pinhal, Rio Late 11/1961 #16979  
        Mr. R. Wildman was driving along a road in Aston Clinton, England t 2/9/1962 #17044  
bserved to left of aircraft "going along with the ship" for about 5 seconds 7/17/1962 #17277  
g. A French businessman is driving along a minor road in Var department, so 11/1962 #17525  
stralia 9:30 p.m. A man is driving along the Lyndoch-Gawler Road near Sandy 6/28/1963 #17814  
mittee. Vinson forwards it to USAF along with his own request for informati 7/2/1963 #17824  
ng a "whirring sound" follow a car along Centralia road. When the car stopp 8/9/1963 #17881  
 an hour. Body lights were visible along its length, and rays of light shon 8/13/1963 #17895  
an hour. The craft had body lights along its length, and there were rays th 8/13/1963 #17900  
ng, whho glided down to the ground along two vertical beams of light. He wa 8/28/1963 #17920  
 long cylindrical object with fins along its sides appears from the north a 9/14/1963 #17938  
A row of black markings is visible along the blunt forward edge as the obje 10/4/1963 #17980  
te. "A truck driver was travelling along a lonely road at night during a vi 10/12/1963 #17988  
5–20 feet across. It seems to move along with the teens for a short while.  11/16/1963 #18045  
eing driven by a man named Grazier along Salt Creek, Tilley, South Australi 3/13/1964 #18149  
The UFOs came from above and paced along the left side of their transport p 4/20/1964 #18181  
hen rises but maintains its course along the highway before veering toward  4/22/1964 #18184  
 and his daughter Lynn are driving along the northern shore of Green Lake,  6/1964 #18314  
r, and a businessman--were driving along highway 9 when a rectangular shape 6/14/1964 #18358  
des revolving clockwise as it flew along silently above the road. Some dist 6/14/1964 #18358  
 the predawn hours. The discs flew along, tipping back and forth. They form 6/24/1964 #18372  
more than a minute as he travelled along at 65 mph. The UFO went up over th 6/29/1964 #18383  
plane, then rapidly slowed nd flew along with it for a total of 5 minutes.  7/16/1964 #18417  
iny, dome-shaped object in a field along the roadside. Looking for the sour 7/16/1964 #18421  
e rounded front part and six pipes along the straight rear portion, made a  8/15/1964 #18489  
e rounded front part and six pipes along the straight rear portion fly thro 8/15/1964 #18491  
an UFO as it hovered over and flew along the demilitarized zone between Nor 10/1964 #18565  
down oscillating path as they flew along. The sighting lasted three minutes 1/11/1965 #18710  
V repairman Sid Padrick is walking along Manresa Beach near his home in Wat 1/30/1965 #18784  
s saw it from two different points along the coast. A lifeboat, two RAF hel 2/12/1965 #18813  
                           Walking along the beach near Guarani, Brazil fiv 2/14/1965 #18814  
rooper locates the two men walking along State Route 487 south of Lopez, ab 3/2/1965 #18832  
es a similar maneuver then follows along the plane’s left wing for about 56 3/18/1965 #18864  
lack, oval object with four lights along the bottom, flew in and out of the 4/4/1965 #18894  
val-shaped object with four lights along the bottom (see sketch below). It  4/4/1965 #18896  
ly after the investigation is well along that she realizes her husband was  4/24/1965 #18916  
ows of lights across the front and along the side flew over Nebo, Queenslan 6/24/1965 #19025  
, an aircraft artist, is strolling along a beach at Vaucluse, New South Wal 7/19/1965 #19134  
ts points move from north to south along the Jura Mountains from Biel/Bienn 8/3/1965 #19291  
h their families, and were walking along a wooded road at 10:30 a.m. when t 8/3/1965 #19294  
fessional astronomer and his wife, along with three others, are driving eas 8/9/1965 #19348  
iced two unusual "persons" walking along the side of the road next to a bea 8/13/1965 #19383  
so had “other smaller eyes located along its body.” A few seconds later, th 8/30/1965 #19480  
trand drives him back to the field along Route 150 to investigate. When he  9/3/1965 #19511  
There were three more cars stopped along the road, and the occupants of the 9/3/1965 #19518  
eople saw "a luminous man" walking along the tracks. Police report.         12/16/1965 #19773  
erks is checking business property along Alderley Road in Wilmslow, Cheshir 1/7/1966 #19813  
ight at the front, small portholes along the side, and a bluish glow at the 2/14/1966 #19903  
r-old children standing alongside, along with one being over 6 feet tall. T 2/25/1966 #19917  
th a row of red lights paced a car along a country road, then swooped down  3/14/1966 #19969  
 blue lights in apparent portholes along its side. The UFO stopped overhead 3/15/1966 #19970  
k gray, and showed about 30 lights along its periphery.                     3/28/1966 #20113  
 color, and showed about 30 lights along its periphery.                     3/28/1966 #20120  
  Playa Del Ray, CA 6:50 p.m. PST. Along the coast of the Pacific Ocean nea 4/3/1966 #20212  
nd Gary Hunt, both 12, are walking along Redcoat Road in Norwalk, Connectic 4/8/1966 #20276  
 light on each end and blue lights along its perimeter was seen hovering of 4/16/1966 #20303  
fixed to each end, and blue lights along its length. At 10:44 p.m. in Westo 4/16/1966 #20304  
e trees at the top of a small hill along the road. The light is headed in t 4/17/1966 #20318  
 114. At midnight, two men driving along that route saw a beam sweep the ro 4/19/1966 #20345  
At 12:00 midnight, two men driving along that route see the lighted disc ri 4/19/1966 #20346  
arallel with the car as they drove along the highway at about 45 m.p.h. It  6/8/1966 #20547  
f a sudden the 6 generators failed along with the engines of the idling Sky Summer 1966 #20590  
two or three port-like black spots along the body, flying overhead. The obj 6/24/1966 #20606  
 a luminous trail, quietly walking along the streets, while children and ad 7/5/1966 #20633  
like an arc-light.  Traveled south along some power lines, then turned sout 10/23/1966 #21031  
er witness saw bright white lights along its side. (Fowler 1974, p. 342.) ( 10/28/1966 #21044  
en it reaches Ursa Major, it paces along the Big Dipper, then turns and tak 10/31/1966 #21053  
e driving a truck with a colleague along US Highway 50 near Parkersburg, We 11/4/1966 #21075  
isc with a row of orange portholes along the lower portion. The object, ill 11/12/1966 #21094  
 farmer's truck as it followed him along the Victoria blacktop about 7:00 P 1/1967 #21241  
 with “flames” of different colors along its side. The light begins moving  1/1967 #21243  
ce its emphasis. Lt. Col. Hippler, along with Col. Raymond Sleeper, Blue Bo 1/12/1967 #21290  
as well as 19 other people driving along Interstate 91 in Cromwell, Connect 1/24/1967 #21377  
. On top were several protrusions, along which moved green flashes of light 1/26/1967 #21393  
st Virginia, Tad Jones was driving along the same highway at the same time  1/26/1967 #21402  
tionary in the atmosphere or shoot along at 100,000 kilometers per hour. Th 2/1967 #21431  
. The object oscillated as it flew along over the Merritt Parkway and retur 2/7/1967 #21473  
tness's car just above phone wires along the road, appearing big enough to  2/12/1967 #21518  
Max Recod and his wife are driving along Route 66 south of Kingman, Arizona 2/16/1967 #21572  
le saw a shiny cigar-shaped object along with two round objects for several 2/18/1967 #21589  
5 p.m. EST (11:45 a.m. CST). A man along with his mother saw a metallic- ap 2/21/1967 #21611  
wo airborne lights like headlights along with other colored lights. (Richmo 2/22/1967 #21620  
gar-shaped object with body lights along its length was reported. The light 3/2/1967 #21724  
e square luminous windows in a row along the side. (Lewistown newspaper, co 3/3/1967 #21743  
. Vapor trails emerged from points along the outer edge of the object. It h 3/12/1967 #21870  
ght that chases them at high speed along the road. It finally splits into t 3/24/1967 #21970  
 he just nodded and said something along the line of, ‘But be careful, don’ 5/10/1967 #22310  
                A pilot and police along with several other witnesses in no 5/15/1967 #22349  
witnesses. The object moved slowly along a highway below tree-top level. (D 5/21/1967 #22385  
o, and Johnny Sanchez) are driving along Atrisco Drive NW, north of Central 5/26/1967 #22405  
he object and three oblong windows along the side. (Letter dated 6/5/67, NI 5/28/1967 #22413  
sc) that had white flashing lights along its surface. The object moved slow 5/29/1967 #22419  
ussia 11:00 p.m. LT. While walking along the banks of the river M. Gavrilyu Early 6/1967 #22452  
out 36 feet long with four windows along the side; a boom-like aerial protr 6/13/1967 #22503  
inutes.  The object then proceeded along its original path at high speed an 6/24/1967 #22547  
      A man walking alone at night along a bridal path in Bovington, Englan 6/24/1967 #22551  
e bottom, and a row of blue lights along the bottom.  Circled m.n aircraft, 6/29/1967 #22572  
stitute, observed a strange object along with four other people. The weathe 7/17/1967 #22679  
 of 15 to 20 yards, while he drove along at 55 mph. It was a rounded object 7/17/1967 #22683  
o red lights and two green, lights along the outer edge (body lights). The  7/19/1967 #22699  
 white lights flashing in sequence along the side, was sighted by three ama 7/27/1967 #22742  
from CFB Namao [now CFB Edmonton], along with Gareth H. S. Jones of the Def 8/5/1967 #22815  
shaped object with a row of lights along its length that flashed in sequenc 8/11/1967 #22861  
apparently solid. It glided slowly along a low-altitude, horizontal path. ( 8/14/1967 #22875  
 He pulls to the side of the road, along with the car he is passing and a c 8/27/1967 #22940  
e CIA under DCI Richard Helms goes along with the military’s lower number f 9/1967 #22974  
rom the northeast to the southwest along a straight line at an altitude of  9/4/1967 #22995  
 edge. Pinkish lights were visible along its rim, and a red light on top (b 9/8/1967 #23019  
“Fábio Jose Diniz,” 16, is walking along an asphalt path near the deserted  9/14/1967 #23060  
s out of nowhere and slides upward along the column. Two humanlike figures, 9/14/1967 #23060  
It hovered for a while, then moved along the shore, rose and disappeared. ( 10/1967 #23153  
r other teenagers driving in a car along Highway 3 see an object flying low 10/4/1967 #23176  
nt businessman is riding a bicycle along a wash in the back of his home in  10/9/1967 #23201  
y above it. There are dark shadows along the bases of the fuselages and the 10/26/1967 #23334  
 with six very bright white lights along one side occurred at three o'clock 10/27/1967 #23357  
      Ririe, ID Domed disc, lights along rim, two beings visible in clear d 11/2/1967 #23389  
dly terrorized locals on the beach along the Amazon River in Manaus, Brazil 11/8/1967 #23428  
 Wilson was to have later contacts along with members of the Brazilian defe 11/28/1967 #23517  
 6 when he notices some red lights along State Route 63 that might be a sta 12/3/1967 #23545  
ddock while driving his patrol car along a highway. He pulled in to investi 12/3/1967 #23547  
ing it for 15 minutes as she walks along, but it drifts out of sight when s 12/10/1967 #23567  
of blinking white and green lights along the rim (body lights). (Unidentifi 12/11/1967 #23569  
9:00 p.m. Two people are traveling along a back road in Wells Township, Bra 12/27/1967 #23615  
ights going on and off in sequence along its midsection. It also had five s 1/17/1968 #23668  
 bright white lights spaced evenly along the top section. Linda walked clos 1/17/1968 #23668  
ations and Journalism, was walking along the beach in the town of Torres, R 1/25/1968 #23700  
a nearby hedge; it traveled slowly along the road and then disappeared. The 2/29/1968 #23793  
do Vidal and his wife were driving along Route 2 when they were caught in " 5/1968 #23936  
gentine Airlines Avro, sees a UFO, along with his copilot and 18 passengers 6/6/1968 #24013  
via Night. Allied forward spotters along the eastern part of the Demilitari 6/15/1968 #24040  
sions around Cồn Cỏ (Tiger Island) along the north central coast. Around 3: 6/15/1968 #24040  
he lake. He parks his car and runs along a trail to get closer. He is about 7/1968 #24108  
o lived in a third floor apartment along with his wife and young son, was w 7/1/1968 #24121  
ot that had merged with the object along with 3 or 4 other dots. The object 7/1/1968 #24121  
hute like objects then disappeared along with the humanoids. The witness de 7/20/1968 #24195  
 a spinning top a they are driving along Highway 226 near La Pastora, Bueno 7/25/1968 #24225  
           Three young men walking along a street in Montreal, Quebec at 5: 8/4/1968 #24296  
ck at Buff Ledge Camp [now closed] along the shore of Lake Champlain north  8/7/1968 #24307  
d is expelled, the object retreats along its original path and vanishes sec 8/7/1968 #24307  
ppear moments later as it descends along the same trajectory and plunges br 8/7/1968 #24307  
hotographer was a 45-year-old man, along with his girlfriend, and there wer 8/18/1968 #24353  
ich they ascended to their machine along the light beam. There was an "expl 9/1/1968 #24422  
trial beings. He said he was going along National Highway # 8 when he caugh 9/10/1968 #24450  
hing at great speed. He follows it along Interstate 35 toward Luling and Sa 9/18/1968 #24479  
lanations for the various reports, along with 11 pages of attachments cobbl 10/24/1968 #24587  
es is driving his 1967 Ford Custom along the road between Newton and Albany 11/23/1968 #24695  
       Colorado David R. Saunders (along with journalist R. Roger Harkins)  12/1968 #24739  
pain a deltoid object was observed along the roadside, emitting a strong ye 12/10/1968 #24756  
Wells", were driving by automobile along a highway when they had three unac 2/10/1969 #24909  
 100 feet in diameter and floating along at 40 mph. It begins to follow the 3/4/1969 #24968  
d army general had become stranded along a dirt road near Barra da Tijuca,  3/17/1969 #25020  
in was reported missing, this time along with his niece. On June 12, both R 4/20/1969 #25075  
phantom either walking or floating along at 20 mph in Nova Scotia. The tall 4/24/1969 #25088  
 They slowly matched speed, moving along w a rapid, rocking motion before a 4/27/1969 #25098  
a justice of the peace, is walking along a trail about 4 miles northwest of 6/26/1969 #25236  
res felt a prickling sensation all along his spinal column. The being said: 8/11/1969 #25317  
 Vedaa and a passenger are driving along Interstate 80S [now Interstate 76] 8/29/1969 #25337  
r hundreds of people in Kygole and along the Darling Downs report the objec 8/31/1969 #25344  
g a woman was walking with her son along a footpath in a wooded area in Mon 9/22/1969 #25375  
 Georgia talking. They were parked along the side of the road in the suburb 12/27/1969 #25510  
ed the UFO. Then the mist vanished along with the UFO. After this experienc 1/7/1970 #25541  
 when he announces that he will go along with it as soon as he gets written 7/23/1970 #25745  
known craft emerged from the ocean along the coast of Alcocebre, Spain and  7/29/1970 #25756  
at appeared to be random locations along the corridor. He walked to his lef 8/15/1970 #25787  
ica, France. The photos were taken along the cloudy shoreline in the town o 2/12/1971 #26019  
ga, Sweden. It had small portholes along the side, and a green light. In Hu 4/30/1971 #26087  
r and appeared to have burnt areas along the bottom. The witness, sitting b 5/21/1971 #26121  
m. James E. McDonald is found dead along a shallow creek in Tucson, Arizona 6/13/1971 #26173  
p.m. a bright light floated slowly along to a point over the sea in Brunswi 6/28/1971 #26201  
calmly back. The object then moves along a mud track and disappears into a  6/29/1971 #26203  
e some kind of object in a cockpit along with the being. The being spoke to 8/16/1971 #26291  
n. There were control consoles all along the wall, and there were several 7 8/17/1971 #26293  
io, age 19, was returning by truck along an isolated road from a local ranc 9/20/1971 #26354  
nes in the area were found severed along what appeared to be the object's t 9/20/1971 #26354  
d his fiancée rush into the street along with many others to see the object 10/2/1971 #26400  
t around 11 p.m. a disc-shaped UFO along the roadside of Highway 116 in Mos 12/21/1971 #26512  
ana Granville Matthews was driving along the Warminster-Bath Road near Norr 3/7/1972 #26590  
 yards ahead of her and was loping along quickly . She noted little about h 3/7/1972 #26590  
r and saw the tall figure striding along through deep pools of water alongs 3/7/1972 #26590  
            The principal witness, along with her mother and two friends, w 6/1/1972 #26696  
cer shaped with a dome on top, and along side of it on the left was a very  6/1/1972 #26696  
tude around 9 p.m. for two minutes along the shore of Calais, France. It dr 6/29/1972 #26743  
course sharply and appeared to fly along a downward curve in opposite direc 7/19/1972 #26812  
d saw six grayish figures standing along the side of the road. One of them  7/19/1972 #26814  
th a group of people in three cars along a lonely stretch of road in Barrio 8/1972 #26864  
r. Faltersack, age 18, was driving along County Road JF in Waukesha County, 8/21/1972 #26945  
ollowed a car with two people home along Highway 203 near Beausejour, Manit 9/7/1972 #26980  
 looked like red fluorescent paint along the top, and it had four feet comi 9/11/1972 #26987  
00 a.m. Virgilio Gomez was driving along a lonely road near the University' 9/22/1972 #27026  
these UFO reports have been passed along to the NRC. Evidence suggests that 10/2/1972 #27044  
 Ralph and Grace Clapp are driving along Middle Country Road near Selden, N 10/9/1972 #27063  
watch an unknown aircraft maneuver along Sognefjord, Vestland, Norway. Thir 11/13/1972 #27122  
. It had nine windows or portholes along the side.                          2/24/1973 #27316  
d been detected in 1927. Published along with an accompanying editorial dis 4/1973 #27396  
                   A woman driving along US highway 1 in southern Rhode Isl 4/10/1973 #27422  
, disappearing into the underbrush along the highway. When he turned to go  5/22/1973 #27520  
 a tear drop with a flange running along its topside from one end to the ot 6/1973 #27543  
              Three youths walking along Tallebudeera Creek Road, Queenslan 8/4/1973 #27681  
ix and she asked her brother to go along with her for company. At around te 8/4/1973 #27683  
 A father and his son were driving along a main highway in the Exeter area  8/9/1973 #27687  
 A father and his son were driving along the main highway in the Exeter, Ne 8/9/1973 #27688  
the day when they saw a landed UFO along the side of the highway. A tall hu 8/9/1973 #27688  
e a teardrop with a flange running along its topside from one end to the ot 9/1973 #27735  
h on Schaghticoke Road, which runs along the base of the mountain, to Bonu' 9/11/1973 #27803  
e girls, camping out in a backyard along the Housatonic, observed a line of 9/11/1973 #27803  
h on Schaghticoke Road, which runs along the base of the mountain, to Bonu' 9/12/1973 #27809  
e girls, camping out in a backyard along the Housatonic, observed a line of 9/12/1973 #27809  
ark in Actinolite, Ontario, Canada along with some friends during the eveni 9/26/1973 #27872  
 and red glowing eyes in the woods along highway 701 in Sidney, North Carol 9/26/1973 #27873  
ebec 12:45 a.m. A couple strolling along a country road near St.-Mathias-su 10/6/1973 #27960  
ver gray on top,with bright lights along the bottom. (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 10/17/1973 #28116  
reported that she had been driving along a deserted highway when her vehicl 10/20/1973 #28220  
fashion, their arms flopping oddly along their sides. Debbie accelerates an 10/22/1973 #28241  
S National Security Agency station along Murat Road on North West Cape, nor 10/25/1973 #28284  
es with glowing green eyes walking along a fence, one in front of the other 10/25/1973 #28285  
eet tall, is running its left hand along the fence, while the smaller one i 10/25/1973 #28285  
75 feet from a fence line. Walking along the fence line were two tall figur 10/25/1973 #28286  
Dionisio Llanca is changing a tire along Highway 3 some 11 miles from Bahía 10/28/1973 #28309  
lanca, age 25, was changing a tire along a deserted road at 1:15 a.m. near  10/28/1973 #28311  
es on this foggy night encountered along the roadway a three-foot-tall huma 11/7/1973 #28383  
lue saucer going south. Going east along Route 1313 / low altitude. / news. 11/10/1973 (approximate) #28399  
p truck, and then could only creep along as the UFO paced them only 30 mete 11/19/1973 #28449  
 well. A 26-year-old woman driving along Route 322 at 9 p.m. in Logan, New  12/3/1973 #28515  
nts in a 51-inch square are found, along with ladder marks. The area appear 12/6/1973 #28533  
cigar-shaped UFO with four or five along the side and an appendage appeared 12/20/1973 #28592  
s 12:30 a.m. Two women are driving along Hamilton Road, Quakers Hill, New S 1974 #28632  
  Driving toward Warneton, Belgium along the French-Belgian border, the wit 1/7/1974 #28661  
         Two students were walking along the beach in Mar Del Plata, Argent 1/15/1974 #28680  
revolver, and heads for her house. Along the way, he sees “shadows of four  2/6/1974 #28742  
France 1:30 p.m. A man was walking along a rural road when he suddenly felt 2/14/1974 #28770  
Large flat object going NNW rising along Belgian frontier.                  2/25/1974 #28797  
 man known as "Anders" was walking along a dark road in Gustavslund outside 3/23/1974 #28939  
green object on or near the ground along a road near Ombreiro, Lugo, Spain. 3/30/1974 #28973  
t, Present, and Future is released along with a paperback book of the same  5/9/1974 #29097  
 and described a row of gyroscopes along an inner wall. "Pinwheels" of ligh 5/26/1974 #29135  
 Beitbridge, Zimbabwe, takes place along the A4 highway, during which motor 5/31/1974 #29149  
ight around the car. As they drove along it suddenly became very cold in th 5/31/1974 #29150  
ton, NH 9:30 p.m. A family driving along Route 150 encountered a structured 6/6/1974 #29168  
right shiny object flying very low along the shore. It remaining stationary 6/18/1974 #29212  
pse-shaped UFO with rows of lights along the side approached a police car o 7/9/1974 #29254  
ica at 11:50 p.m. It had portholes along the sides of the craft. Electrical 7/9/1974 #29255  
 objects. It moved into some trees along the highway between Exits 4 and 5, 8/20/1974 #29373  
ol, the object quickly turns south along the Texas coast, avoiding entry ov 8/25/1974 #29386  
 married woman was driving her car along a mountain road with the radio on  9/22/1974 #29470  
asive human-looking entity walking along the side of the road near the UFO  11/8/1974 #29589  
 out of sight, then appears again. Along with a deputy sheriff, they watch  11/11/1974 #29592  
.m. A businessman is taking a walk along the shore of Nørresø in Viborg, De 11/17/1974 #29598  
 silver, and it has a black stripe along its perimeter. A row of lights is  1/2/1975 #29701  
imeter. A row of lights is visible along the lower edge. He estimates that  1/2/1975 #29701  
az is walking home from a bus stop along Daniel de Solier street, Ingeniero 1/4/1975 #29715  
er their car, and then followed it along road. They made a sharp turn in th 1/10/1975 #29738  
er their car, and then followed it along road. They made a sharp turn in th 1/10/1975 #29739  
duced by Swann as possibly Alaska. Along with two twin bodyguards, Swann an 2/1975 #29781  
ounded hump on its top and bottom, along with red and orange lights on the  3/2/1975 #29867  
ht suits and taken to Holloman AFB along with the craft; segments of the cr 3/14/1975 #29900  
ng men and three girls are driving along the Mount Flora to Dingo Beach Roa 3/22/1975 #29916  
Shinda, age 42, went for this walk along the beach in Kawanoe City, Shikoku 3/31/1975 #29928  
er on Highway 701 chased an object along Highway 701 before losing it into  4/3/1975 #29947  
n, North Carolina chased an object along Highway 701 before losing it into  4/3/1975 #29953  
tators who had stopped to watch it along the side of a highway in Gerena, S 4/26/1975 #30007  
ints were found in the area later, along with some other ground marks.      5/18/1975 #30063  
. A family of four is driving home along the Tasman Highway near Hobart Air 7/1975 #30142  
R Robed pseudo-human/entity glides along road. To the side and back. 2 obse 7/14/1975 #30178  
motionless as they glided smoothly along just above the rough terrain. Alth 8/8/1975 #30244  
ns storage area, Staff Sgt. Lewis, along with Sgt. Clifton W. Blakeslee and 10/28/1975 #30500  
orage area, S/Sgt. Danny K. Lewis, along with Sgt. Clifton W. Blakeslee and 10/28/1975 #30503  
lse until he finds himself walking along a highway, with the UFO departing  11/5/1975 #30562  
matic experience. Targeting teams, along with computer specialists, are bro 11/7/1975 #30576  
driving his truck on a gravel road along Toppenish Ridge in the Yakama Indi 12/14/1975 #30715  
 7:20 p.m. Ruby Breslin is driving along Central Expressway in Dallas, Texa 2/1976 #30841  
 to the woman that she was "coming along real well."                        2/7/1976 #30851  
. Norman Collinson is driving home along the M62 and M66 motorways near Bur 4/2/1976 #30979  
 disc on its head. It also floated along without its feet touching the grou 7/15/1976 #31165  
e object has two revolving stripes along its side and a black hatch on its  8/1976 #31217  
and 6:30 p.m. A couple out walking along a road on Cartmel Fell in Lake Dis 8/14/1976 #31263  
s a total fabrication, and he went along with the narrative for financial g 8/20/1976 #31282  
f the Hood family are driving back along a country road to their home in Li 9/11/1976 #31377  
de. Most southwest going northeast along coast. Sparks and fragments. / r26 9/19/1976 #31400  
r footprints leading from a puddle along the route taken by the being. McDe 10/15/1976 #31465  
ows of square windows were visible along the perimeter, and a white light b 10/21/1976 #31484  
5 meters long) with round openings along the fuselage. A blue-green light s 12/5/1976 #31582  
148 feet long) with round openings along the fuselage. A blue-green light i 12/5/1976 #31584  
English professor Alvin H. Lawson, along with technical writer John DeHerre 1977 #31655  
in Menesses are doing some hunting along a dike canal about one mile northe 1/21/1977 #31743  
ne in a boat and the other walking along the shore. Melerine sees a bright  1/21/1977 #31743  
 balloon-like thing that stretched along one side of the road for a distanc 1/27/1977 #31761  
 with no idea of how he got there. Along the roadside there was no longer a 1/27/1977 #31761  
 with flashing yellow white lights along the edge and a red light on top of 2/3/1977 #31784  
 4–7 brighter spots on it. Walking along, they watch the object disappear a 2/4/1977 #31789  
 of constant intensity. Lothar ran along the outside wall of his kitchen an 2/24/1977 #31846  
lights. They are arranged in a row along the left side of the road and have 3/4/1977 #31858  
ith a friend, Mrs. Ann Strickland, along a country road when their car stop 3/7/1977 #31869  
ith a friend, Mrs. Ann Strickland, along a country road when their car stop 3/7/1977 #31870  
ith a friend, Mrs. Ann Strickland, along a country road near Winchester, Ha 3/7/1977 #31874  
Meanwhile, the UAP “followed right along with us” for about 4–5 more minute 3/12/1977 #31901  
he bottom half with dark portholes along the side.                          4/18/1977 #31992  
g home from his girlfriend's house along a road off Farm Street, 1.2 miles  4/22/1977 #32013  
he scene. Arriving, they proceeded along the lake road and noticed a "large 5/3/1977 #32053  
 two purple objects for 30 seconds along the side of the road. A pinkish-pu 6/6/1977 #32153  
cles were dragged twenty-five feet along the highway not under their own po 6/6/1977 #32153  
round, featureless head, "jolting" along about 150 meters away.             6/12/1977 #32160  
r Cape Garupi. moves east and west along north coast of Brazil. Longitude & 6/15/1977 (approximate) #32164  
object, a yellow-orange disc, flew along the shoreline of the lake, passing 6/17/1977 #32170  
all the lights vanished instantly, along with the force field. The craft be 6/17/1977 #32172  
object, a yellow-orange disc, flew along the shoreline of the lake, passing 6/17/1977 #32173  
e to other witnesses in localities along a 110-mile, north-to-south line, f 7/26/1977 #32317  
way between the two villages winds along a creek at the foot of a mountain, 8/3/1977 #32356  
f a mountain, with lush vegetation along the way. While walking along the f 8/3/1977 #32356  
ation along the way. While walking along the footpath, at around 7:55 p.m., 8/3/1977 #32356  
at a very low altitude as he drove along a winding mountain road. The UFO c 8/16/1977 #32407  
highway and runs a parallel course along the interstate. Directly over the  8/17/1977 #32409  
as a very reliable man was driving along a highway in Lluchmayor Palma de M 8/25/1977 #32423  
ed bushes were foundin the quarry, along with three holes in the ground tha 8/30/1977 #32441  
rom 12:00 midnight by military men along the Finnish border; when they try  9/20/1977 #32499  
ive silent disc-shaped object flew along some power lines. One of the UFOs  9/26/1977 #32521  
ive silent disc-shaped object flew along some power lines in Griselles, Fra 9/26/1977 #32523  
ploice officer, ex-pilot, watched, along with other young men, a "star" in  10/13/1977 #32570  
ex-pilot in Toledo, Ohio, watches, along with other young men, a “star” in  10/13/1977 #32571  
l, square indentations in patterns along its sides and it rotates as it mov 10/13/1977 #32572  
 saw, about 200 meters behind them along the road, a small point of light n 11/13/1977 #32671  
g a woman was driving her daughter along a lonely stretch of road near Cold 11/29/1977 #32709  
d figure leaped out of some bushes along the side of the road. The figure j 11/29/1977 #32709  
and white lights forming portholes along the sides. It is shaped like a tor 12/1/1977 #32722  
ained booms or skyquakes heard all along the eartern seaboard of the United 12/2/1977 #32731  
                                   Along the coast of Tatapouri, New Zealan 12/6/1977 #32738  
a car with three female passengers along Highway 35 for a mile until they s 12/6/1977 #32738  
nt of the fog stopped and returned along its original path towards him. It  1/10/1978 #32870  
r. Then the fog quickly dissipated along with the sound, leaving the witnes 1/10/1978 #32870  
en deposited on Canadian territory along a 370-mile path from Great Slave L 1/24/1978 #32912  
ery balloon-like object float down along the course of the river and land o 1/27/1978 #32917  
ery balloon-like object float down along the course of the river and land o 1/27/1978 #32921  
 follow them. Julio obeyed, taking along his dog and the gun. Julio was the 2/5/1978 #32957  
idor, where they alighted. Further along was another corridor, with two met 2/5/1978 #32957  
ined by a gentle curve. Continuing along the circular passage, he came to a 2/5/1978 #32957  
buttons. The seat began to revolve along a track in the central console. Ju 2/5/1978 #32957  
ow hum. The object moves southwest along the freeway at about 30–40 mph at  2/22/1978 #32990  
s. It appears to have black shapes along its side and is shaped like a shor 3/29/1978 #33097  
ape going quickly east. Black line along side. No props or jets etc.        4/9/1978 #33134  
ighted by a Mr. Hake while driving along Highway 83 in Baltimore, Maryland. 4/25/1978 #33168  
 Taire mountain on the Rio Bermejo along the border of Bolivia and Argentin 5/6/1978 #33190  
aken on board by the two entities, along with two additional ones. There ar 5/10/1978 #33196  
acio Sanchez Munoz, 19, is walking along the road between Cuajimalpa boroug 5/15/1978 #33217  
Sanchez Munoz, age 19, was walking along the road between Caujimolpa and Ob 5/15/1978 #33220  
 down. Then a spotlight cone moves along the gutter of the terrace from lef 6/26/1978 #33313  
ez and Gomez remove the substance, along with control samples, and send the 7/5/1978 #33339  
        Two young men were walking along the railroad tracks on the outskir 7/9/1978 #33362  
of the car lifts up and gets moved along the road for 300 feet, completely  7/27/1978 #33427  
chesk, Ukraine A group of tourists along the shore of the Sea of Azov near  8/8/1978 #33489  
ss of time and were somewhere else along the road than they should have bee 9/23/1978 #33738  
 silver “suitcase,” and they glide along a fence along a steep incline a sh 10/2/1978 #33790  
ase,” and they glide along a fence along a steep incline a short way before 10/2/1978 #33790  
A Mr. and Mrs. Trantor are driving along the A580 near Lowton, England, whe 10/8/1978 #33817  
 object flying at 30 mph northward along Interstate 93 at a height of 100 f 10/20/1978 #33847  
nd rows of red and greenish lights along the edges that reflect against a m 10/20/1978 #33847  
da de los Martires, as a car comes along and illuminates them with its head 11/20/1978 #33967  
5M saucer going south low and slow along coastline. Luminous underside.     12/1/1978 #34038  
.5 meters in diameter, flew slowly along the coast heading south in Giulian 12/1/1978 #34042  
.5 meters in diameter, flew slowly along the coast heading south in Giulian 12/1/1978 #34045  
 a photo of a UFO as he is walking along a beach in Kuwait. It shows a dome 12/2/1978 #34048  
 and flashlight, moving cautiously along a house wall. Something pushes him 12/6/1978 #34065  
y 11:00 p.m. Two young men walking along a mountain slope near Milanere, To 12/8/1978 #34077  
30 p.m. two young men were walking along a mountainside path in Milanere, T 12/8/1978 #34078  
 saw a "row of shining green ports along its periphery." Then, she thought  12/12/1978 #34100  
  Brewer, ME A man drove in a daze along a very desolate stretch of road. A 12/14/1978 #34117  
 at 1:30 a.m. John drove in a daze along Route 9E, a very desolate stretch  12/14/1978 #34127  
t-style ship in which he was taken along with three other humans. He was ma 1/3/1979 #34292  
rp, Gauteng, South Africa. Driving along a remote country road, they find t 1/4/1979 #34294  
id-shaped UFO chased a car driving along Route 26 for three hours between T 1/9/1979 #34326  
e was given a metal bar as a gift, along with the message that the occupant 5/16/1979 #34562  
e was given a metal bar as a gift, along with the message that the occupant 5/16/1979 #34565  
ometrical shapes appear and vanish along the side of the UFO. A blinking re 5/22/1979 #34574  
a row of red and blue-green lights along its leading edge between two headl 5/25/1979 #34579  
1:30 a.m. A Swedish man is walking along a dark road after leaving a tavern 7/4/1979 #34646  
ct” moving rapidly and soundlessly along the surface of the water without d 8/1979 #34692  
 the ground. A blue-green light is along its sides, shading away into white 8/1979 #34692  
they see an object gliding swiftly along the surface and vanishing behind s 8/10/1979 #34725  
ing as this occurs. These effects, along with involuntary body movements an 8/12/1979 #34740  
H Several. Thick disk going / 200M along Qingge River banks.                8/26/1979 #34780  
ing from a grove of trees standing along State Highway 220 near the Red Riv 8/27/1979 #34787  
5 p.m. Three men are driving north along Richmond Township Road A near New  9/4/1979 #34834  
opa, California. The box then flew along the San Andreas fault line.        9/9/1979 #34857  
 the Pan Am building and flies off along the Hudson River at a high altitud 10/4/1979 #34940  
e tailings in Warren and then flew along the ridge of a mountain. It turned 3/6/1980 #35197  
ona at around 1 p.m. and then flew along the ridge of a mountain. It turned 3/6/1980 #35199  
ed object with red and blue lights along its length. The spotlight switches 3/15/1980 #35218  
nding and ascending over the trees along the riverbank.                     3/19/1980 #35223  
kcom notices a bright light moving along the railroad tracks in James, Geor 3/24/1980 #35238  
ter 5–10 minutes, it begins moving along the tracks again with a pulsing “s 3/24/1980 #35238  
 Smith and Jill Harper are walking along Hidden Beach in Rio Del Mar, Calif 6/15/1980 #35375  
Pecos, NM A Civil Air Patrol cadet along with several other witnesses obser 7/16/1980 #35414  
0:30 a.m. a Civil Air Patrol cadet along with several other witnesses obser 7/16/1980 #35415  
ly are parked at a scenic overlook along Skyline Drive in Shenandoah Nation 9/3/1980 #35493  
o meets with him at his home today along with Jerry Miller, Kirtland’s scie 10/26/1980 #35590  
 six evenly spaced black portholes along the edge. It then disappears to th 7/4/1981 #35987  
and Mrs. Ken Thew are driving east along a back road from Pleasant Point to 7/12/1981 #36002  
d green lights. It paced their car along a back road, making no sound. The  7/12/1981 #36003  
0 seconds it emits swirls of vapor along its entire length that gradually d 7/15/1981 #36007  
.m. A husband and wife are driving along a bumpy road near Kinston, North C 7/31/1981 #36049  
 Daylight. The witness was driving along a highway when a brilliant silvery 8/19/1981 #36081  
 Olsen Road interchange. They stop along the freeway to watch, but the obje 9/18/1981 #36129  
ears suddenly in the north gliding along just above the treetops. Four oblo 10/15/1981 #36172  
hts. Frightened, he fled the scene along with the other man who had only se 10/24/1981 #36185  
ather slow speed from east to west along a path north of the witnesses. Kno 12/4/1981 #36246  
9:00 p.m. Aubre Brogden is driving along Vermont Highway 36 near Bakersfiel Mid 2/1982 #36347  
rel, age 41, was driving his truck along a secondary road in Allen, Rio Neg 2/19/1982 #36357  
attorel was traveling in his truck along a secondary road when suddenly the 2/20/1982 #36358  
a large cigar with a row of lights along the side, over the town of Abram i 8/13/1982 #36576  
otia 7:50 p.m. A couple is driving along Quinpool Road near Armview Avenue  10/18/1982 #36653  
FO pass overhead in various places along the South Wales coast. They includ 2/19/1983 #36766  
ea, West Glamorgan, Wales. It flew along the coastline at various points. I 2/19/1983 #36767  
ountains of Mongolia when he sees, along with two of his commanding officer 3/23/1983 #36793  
          Huepul, Chile A UFO came along and flew over a soccer match in pr 4/28/1983 #36847  
                        A UFO came along and flew over a soccer match in pr 4/28/1983 #36848  
1:00 a.m. Alfred Burtoo is fishing along the Basingstoke Canal in Aldershot 8/12/1983 #36948  
neuvering over hills while driving along the A59 Highway on Blubberhouses M 10/29/1983 #37030  
30 p.m. Four witnesses are driving along Illinois Highway 70 near Eddie Roa 12/30/1983 #37086  
, tracks a spherical object flying along the Caspian Sea coast at 6,500 fee 1984 #37097  
 like a house key. The cloud moves along the length of the key, flashing an 4/25/1984 #37293  
like object that follows their car along West Ridge Road in Cornville, Main 4/27/1984 #37306  
 a flattened football. A car stops along the road, and the driver gets out  5/5/1984 #37316  
-shaped object with lights running along its leading edge was seen flying o 7/19/1984 #37403  
-shaped object with lights running along its leading edge was seen flying o 7/19/1984 #37405  
 object paced a car for 20 minutes along a highway in Martinsburg, West Vir 12/30/1984 #37535  
 object paced a car for 20 minutes along a highway in Martinsburg, West Vir 12/30/1984 #37536  
g sees the lights as he is driving along I-94. He pulls off the road and sn 5/26/1985 #37593  
sees hundreds of crystals breaking along the wing. The aircraft turbulence  7/1985 #37613  
en they see an amber ball skipping along the sky. It crosses the sky in 25  7/14/1985 #37619  
Locks 9:00 p.m. Multiple cars stop along Interstate 84 in Hartford, Connect 1/9/1986 #37762  
             Multiple cars stopped along Interstate 84 in Hartford, Connect 1/9/1986 #37763  
 the road at Hajdudorog and moving along with them. It is about 325 feet aw 4/22/1986 #37833  
es, while another moves to and fro along its middle. The sighting lasts for 4/22/1986 #37833  
ght-orange lights. They are moving along the same glide path as the incomin 7/15/1986 #37943  
t, and it has a haze of pale green along one side.                          8/13/1986 #37987  
a pale green haze that was visible along one side. As a special note, a UFO 8/13/1986 #37989  
e pavement. The lights are running along its outer edges. They pull up almo 10/14/1986 #38048  
b a couple hours later. She brings along a colleague, Peter A. Hough. The i 10/28/1986 #38056  
d First Officer Takanori Tamefuji, along with Flight Engineer Yoshio Tsukud 11/17/1986 #38072  
in. At 2:50 a.m., they are driving along Quarry Road west of town and see a 1/15/1987 #38099  
 8:20 p.m. the witness was walking along a dirt road in Dobroslawice, Polan 3/7/1987 #38134  
UFO was first seen above the trees along the shorline. It then went down to 12/25/1987 #38373  
 begins quickly moving up and down along the bridge like a sine wave for 30 1/5/1988 #38405  
rick, Sean, and Wayne are en route along the Eyre Highway from Perth, Weste 1/20/1988 #38422  
 with red and blue blinking lights along the bottom edge. 5–6 bright triang 3/4/1988 #38487  
 Florida. He found himself walking along a dirt path in a dark wooded area  5/1/1988 #38551  
, Ohio 10:30 p.m. A man is driving along State Highway 113 in Lorain County 9/25/1988 #38649  
y” have been in control of him all along. The experiences end shortly after 11/11/1988 #38711  
al witnesses were driving together along an isolated section of Route 4 in  2/7/1989 #38820  
t and back, porthole-like openings along the sides, fins on its tail, and t 2/13/1989 #38839  
a third trip to view a flight test along Groom Lake Road, Nevada. They are  4/5/1989 #38894  
white and red lights moving slowly along the body of the terminally ill pat 4/18/1989 #38908  
ar and Cooper. Moore decided to go along with the disinformation game in or 7/1/1989 #39002  
are walking with a 6-year-old girl along the Dnieper River in a park near K 7/4/1989 #39007  
 9:00 p.m. while driving southwest along the eastern coastal highway near E 8/10/1989 #39054  
Oregon and for seventy miles north along the coastline. In Tillamook Bay a  9/28/1989 #39131  
oving but heard nothing. Her aunt, along with her aunt's husband, managed t 10/11/1989 #39164  
minutes. About 7–9 lights are seen along its edge. One witness estimates it 10/21/1989 #39179  
ot. At one point, the streetlights along Route 112 weaken when one of the o 11/20/1989 #39241  
e, shining discs appear in the sky along the Yaroslavskoye Shosse outside M 3/12/1990 #39456  
ee UFOs hovering above power lines along the Tallinn Highway, Estonia, on s Early 4/1990 #39506  
riangles were submitted to SOBEPS, along with a more unusual report by two  4/22/1990 #39541  
e lights or windows equally spaced along the midsection of its dark gray me 7/13/1990 #39644  
was a red light. The object glided along laterally until she lost sight of  7/13/1990 #39644  
 light like a large neon tube runs along two sides. The witnesses see three 7/26/1990 #39663  
her high-speed contacts take place along the border of Germany and southern 11/5/1990 #39867  
0 p.m. Four family members driving along the E411 motorway near Spontin, Be 1/6/1991 #39947  
beam and sound disappear suddenly, along with the UFO, and they restart the 2/22/1991 #39982  
up of lights located symmetrically along the edges. They are grouped toward 5/17/1991 #40066  
 water. The object had six windows along its rim and several man-like figur 5/18/1991 #40070  
with a pale halo flew east to west along the waterfront in Clacton-on-Sea,  6/5/1991 #40084  
lar UFO hovering low to the ground along the roadside. It had solid white l 8/30/1991 #40175  
de. It had solid white light beams along its outer structure and horizontal 8/30/1991 #40175  
malous, glowing objects that float along and then sharply change direction, 9/15/1991 #40187  
ross flying just over the treetops along Rte 3-A near the I-93 overpass in  3/3/1992 #40350  
y a woman driving on Bruce Highway along the Sunshine Coast to Brisbane, Qu 5/8/1992 #40460  
 foot in length) is in the crater, along with pieces of the car. The rock i 10/9/1992 #40671  
ar 20 foot long bright pink lights along the side. There was also another c 10/10/1992 #40673  
Virginia an ambulance crew driving along Panther Creek spotted a saucer wit 2/19/1993 #40854  
 a woman was taking a morning walk along a country road by herself when whe 2/28/1993 #40866  
. It had 18 square glowing windows along its side. Five huge beams of power 3/20/1993 #40894  
ian Canfield was driving his truck along a road in the foothills of Mount R 4/19/1993 #40944  
going northeast. Curves going east along A10 freeway.                       11/22/1993 #41294  
slowly, and one man says he walked along with it more than 320 feet. Geolog 9/14/1994 #41749  
 made a humming sound as they flew along very low and slowly, then turned a 12/29/1994 #41912  
 of the object and a beam of light along the middle. It was back the next n 1/5/1995 #41952  
e airlines should now be set aside along with the media’s inability to give 2/20/1995 #42052  
hth of a mile away; it had windows along its side, and gave off a faint hum 3/1/1995 #42070  
usband) are driving home (probably along State Highway 8, adjacent to the N 7/15/1995 #42303  
at darted into its path, then flew along beside it as it made a landing app 7/31/1995 #42348  
                 Several cars stop along Interstate 80 highway near Sacrame 8/11/1995 #42374  
berto Marcelo, age 29, was driving along a road near his city of Santa Barb 9/24/1995 #42508  
to Varginha, Minas Gerais, Brazil, along Highway 491. About 3 miles from Va 1/13/1996 #42681  
17-year-old boy wandering confused along the shore of Ilopango Lake. Under  2/29/1996 #42789  
ey crossed State Highway 61, drove along an old cattle trail, and soon came 6/4/1996 #42921  
.5 feet thick, has slitlike lights along its edge. The next morning, she fi 7/17/1996 #42961  
ter tall, and had slit like lights along the edge. Three circular patches o 7/17/1996 #42962  
tigate, they find an object moving along the ground, occasionally emitting  8/17/1996 #42984  
e dam. It had many white portholes along the rim of the object. The encount 8/25/1996 #42995  
 he saw a figure suddenly appears, along with what resembled an inflatable  9/15/1996 #43021  
d two tractor-trailers had stopped along the highway and their passengers h 10/3/1996 #43051  
otball with orange halo going west along Loire River.                       1/1/1997 #43160  
er-gray objects follow five people along a road. They hover above the highw 2/22/1997 #43202  
lost to view as the witnesses turn along an ice road.                       2/22/1997 #43202  
 and her three children are chased along a highway near Whitehorse, Yukon,  3/30/1997 #43244  
A woman is sitting on a park bench along the St. Clair River in Sarnia, Ont 4/20/1997 #43268  
field near a highway he is driving along at Treherne, Manitoba. It remains  6/8/1997 #43318  
 The creature was last seen moving along a barbwire fence. Shortly later sh 6/26/1997 #43341  
ars in the same location and flies along a similar path, flaring every two  6/28/1997 #43343  
ack, Alberta Two witnesses driving along Highway 16 near Nojack, Alberta, s 7/3/1997 #43345  
is sister's house, and his sister, along with her husband and son, also obs 8/15/1997 #43383  
 same two boys in Cordenons, Italy along with two other friends went into t 9/5/1997 #43395  
 were traveling by car to Victoria along the Hume Freeway. The weather was  10/13/1997 #43427  
:15 p.m. It had three white lights along the bottom.                        4/11/1998 #43547  
uperior del Aire in Madrid, Spain. Along with consultations and contributio 9/14/1998 #43645  
 the witness was driving his truck along his paper route in Sunrise Beach,  9/25/1998 #43651  
e trees. It had four bright lights along its bottom in perfect alignment.   2/25/1999 #43735  
oject Environment, which he claims along with Project Medea looked at damag 7/7/1999 #43798  
. It was a blue-gray figure moving along the trail toward her. His first im 8/22/1999 #43831  
ice officers around these locales, along with various other eyewitnesses, r 1/5/2000 #43920  
 pacing his car. Panicked, he sped along road, but then was inexplicably ov 3/23/2000 #43967  
ght, a police officer walking home along the Plazoleta Alfonso de la Vega i 4/17/2000 #43982  
seconds, after which the car drove along the left lane. The creature follow 7/13/2000 #44016  
he essays written by participants, along with reflections by Walter N. Webb 9/2000 #44035  
gland at 1:00 a.m. and was walking along Duckworth Street when he heard a s 10/28/2000 #44063  
pizzas in Cygnet, Ohio, is stopped along Cygnet Road when she sees an elong 10/31/2000 #44068  
bs another 300 feet and moves west along some railroad tracks. Two A-10 Thu 11/4/2000 #44071  
uth 12:01 a.m. Five people driving along Highway 3 south of New Plymouth, N 1/1/2001 #44114  
eported sighting five discs flying along the western shore of North Island, 1/1/2001 #44115  
et. Other witnesses, further south along the New Jersey Turnpike, saw airli 7/15/2001 #44209  
al products salesman was returning along a desrted road around 3 p.m. in Ca 3/26/2002 #44326  
 men were walking home at midnight along a deserted road when out of nowher 5/3/2002 #44336  
ights/craft, as they seemed to fly along slowly. They went back to the area 6/8/2002 #44349  
veling in a pickup truck northward along Provincial Highway 24 between Achi 9/9/2002 #44392  
e-foot diameter orb” quickly moves along the perimeter fences of Area 2, a  10/2002 #44411  
            A three-foot orb moves along the perimeter fences of Area 2, a  10/2002 #44412  
03 p.m. He noticed someone walking along the road so he flashed on his high 1/22/2003 #44477  
ng Center: "I was almost abducted, along with my friends, I think we all fe 2/11/2003 #44486  
and passenger of a truck traveling along a highway in Houston, British Colu 3/3/2003 #44499  
ing UFO that was as big as a house along Highway 13 south of Highway 2 in C 5/8/2003 #44529  
 10:10 p.m. It had pinpoint lights along its side that flickered sometimes. 5/27/2003 #44547  
e fuselage-shaped object flies low along a road, under some guy wires, and  8/10/2003 #44572  
ich appeared to crash near Lispole along the R559 route. No wreckage was ev 8/25/2003 #44582  
drove as fast as he could eastward along the base of the hill until he came 3/12/2004 #44676  
center. Other cars stopped to park along the highway to look at it.         3/21/2004 #44678  
of it. It was light brown in color along the sides of the wings, with a dar 4/5/2004 #44684  
a similar triangular craft before, along with her older daughter, but had n 4/16/2004 #44689  
 a man at a petrol service station along with five employees. He took one p 7/31/2004 #44722  
d numerous red lights were running along its edges, constantly blinking in  8/2/2004 #44725  
everal dimly lit yellowish windows along its top section. When the craft wa 8/2/2004 #44725  
ating from it. When the UFO passed along the seashore, Andrey noticed that  8/2/2004 #44725  
y noticed that all electric lights along the seashore blinked out simultane 8/2/2004 #44725  
lights on the underneath side flew along the highway, then over cars in Sio 12/23/2004 #44801  
 shaped UFO with four main lights, along with a bunch of small white lines  4/25/2005 #44826  
nd the light on the ridge pulsated along the horizon, while clouds of smoke 1/30/2006 #44920  
he house, followed by a scratching along the walls on every side. Both of t 1/30/2006 #44920  
f a mountain, bouncing over a rock along the way. A commercial airline pilo 5/16/2006 #44943  
d Night. Ufologist Bill Chalker is along the Mekong River in Phon Phisai Di 10/6/2006 #44971  
 hovering and floating over houses along Lake Ontario in Grimsby, Ontario,  2/9/2007 #45005  
Coos Bay, Oregon as it flew slowly along the Pacific Ocean coastline. At th 9/20/2007 #45063  
haped object with a beam of light, along with a possible creature sighting, 11/5/2007 #45091  
sighted moving from south to north along the Interstate 5 corridor in Cowli 2/19/2008 #45121  
sts. When skeptics are not arguing along those lines, they use a priori log 5/6/2008 #45134  
r object was seen travelling north along the Interstate-5 freeway between E 10/24/2008 #45176  
three large round objects lined up along Highway 35 in Liverpool, Brazoria  10/27/2008 #45179  
ss a triangular object with lights along its rounded edges and in the cente 11/17/2008 #45188  
ade no sound, and had white lights along its front edge.                    11/29/2008 #45193  
t to the Skinwalker Ranch in Utah. Along with Colm Kelleher, she experience 8/2009 #45231  
alayas Indian Army troops deployed along the Chinese border from Ladakh to  8/1/2012 #45350  
brids, usually in a large facility along with humans being examined. These  8/3/2012 #45351  
 see short and tall gray humanoids along with a few mantis-like, reptilian, 8/3/2012 #45351  
ngton, D.C. Forty UFO researchers, along with political and military repres 4/29/2013 #45366  
ft toward Greensburg. As she drove along she noticed a large object hoverin 6/1/2013 #45369  
ngth. The wife sees it as tumbling along its central axis.                  7/15/2013 #45377  
ogy in Utah reachable only by air, along with locations in Enzo, CA, Lancas 11/1/2013 #45393  
20 p.m. A couple are walking south along North Lake Shore Drive just north  8/9/2017 #45478  
ein Atoll in the Marshall Islands, along with an option for another radar s 3/28/2020 #45642  
arget balloons—or they are playing along by acting like they do not know, w 4/15/2021 #45682  
and two sets of three white lights along the side, just above the treetops. 11/8/2021 #45720  
 was in a room with a flat console along one wall where someone behind him  10/20/2022 #45779  
## Word: "alongside" (Back to Top)
scs near the Sun. “They were three alongside each other, sometimes four in  4/4/1561 #32  
 the gully as the larger man walks alongside. The next thing she remembers  1930 #1106  
c dive at their aircraft and hover alongside, then accelerate and climb awa 4/5/1943 #1491  
ed hump above and below. It hovers alongside with a slight wobble, then acc 4/5/1943 #1492  
0 a.m. a round, orange object flew alongside and then dove at an Army Air F 4/5/1943 #1493  
eet altitude saw a dark shape pull alongside the plane and pace it at a dis 2/1944 #1569  
 Italy. Suddenly a light is flying alongside them at 13,000 feet. It doesn’ 3/18/1945 #1817  
ery thin, shiny metallic disc flew alongside the AT-6, then made a pass at  3/29/1952 #5990  
atrolman. Silver object going [to] alongside B50 bomber. 3 separate observe 6/24/1952 #6617  
disc” drop down from above and fly alongside his aircraft for several secon 7/30/1952 #7362  
t overtakes the aircraft and flies alongside it for 15 miles, then picks up 11/1/1955 #12540  
 motor stopped, then oval UFO seen alongside road (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)   7/30/1962 #17303  
y as chromium, was seen in a field alongside a road by five boys at 12:30 p 7/16/1964 #18422  
ze of 9-year-old children standing alongside, along with one being over 6 f 2/25/1966 #19917  
OOSEVELT, UT Windowed saucer flies alongside car then zips off.             11/1/1966 #21056  
sc with a blinking red light hover alongside his Cessna 150, then : shoot s 11/30/1966 #21164  
 have a big K on it with a small x alongside and letters and numbers around 1/9/1967 #21278  
out 30 feet in diameter, came down alongside their car. (NICAP files) (NICA 1/17/1967 #21330  
tographs moon. Sharp image / ovoid alongside. 1 / 16th moon-size. Satellite 2/13/1967 #21528  
ry wheel.” The UFO comes to a stop alongside the car, tilts, starts off slo 4/5/1967 #22066  
ldren saw an oval light that moved alongside the highway, crossed over it,  11/3/1967 #23396  
 in front of a light on the ground alongside the highway as they drove by.  12/12/1968 #24766  
ade a sharp turn, approached, drew alongside, and then paced his car for a  8/5/1969 #25311  
ed a half-mile away. When he comes alongside the truck, the object moves to 11/1/1970 #25898  
ight side of the road. Honke pulls alongside it and steps out of the car. T 9/19/1971 #26347  
f cows and sheep dead and scorched alongside the road. Using a Geiger count 9/20/1971 #26354  
re identical objects then appeared alongside the first. (Los Angeles NICAP  11/5/1971 #26459  
 along through deep pools of water alongside the road. She drove home badly 3/7/1972 #26590  
er area when they saw a landed UFO alongside the highway. A humanoid was st 8/9/1973 #27687  
foot tall giant running in a ditch alongside the truck at speeds up to 60 m 12/31/1973 #28623  
lashing red and white lights draws alongside the plane as it flies at 290 m 10/11/1974 #29519  
-LE-MIGNON, FR 140M crescent paces alongside car / 25 minute(s).            2/8/1975 #29790  
 Then he sees to the right, pacing alongside, a 10-to 12-foot-diameter disc 5/3/1975 #30026  
iminish to a blinding point source alongside his pickup truck outside New A 11/24/1976 #31571  
cal object about 40 feet long pass alongside him a few hundred feet away at 2/16/1977 #31822  
 slightly smaller stature standing alongside the road. He was human looking 3/5/1977 #31860  
 slightly smaller stature standing alongside the road. He was human looking 3/5/1977 #31861  
he recounts his experiences living alongside his men. Three months after th 7/1977 #32220  
ving at a high rate of speed comes alongside a small aircraft flying at 13, 11/18/1977 #32686  
William Jordan as Maj. Jake Gatlin alongside William Caskey Swaim as Staff  2/19/1978 #32982  
 sees a large oval object floating alongside about 50 feet away. He thinks  3/12/1978 #33036  
wa, Iowa. She is on Cliffland Road alongside the Des Moines River in a wood 8/24/1978 #33563  
. He was floated onboard the craft alongside and once inside he believed he 6/18/1979 #34616  
. He was floated onboard the craft alongside and once inside he believed he 6/18/1979 #34618  
 when a bullet-shaped object pulls alongside the airplane. Simultaneously,  4/8/1981 #35887  
began to follow the car, traveling alongside them. Suddenly the car engine  9/1982 #36588  
ing outside, nude and unconscious, alongside his clothing in a rumpled pile 11/29/1982 #36702  
outside, nude and unconscious, and alongside him was his clothing in a rump 11/30/1982 #36703  
 turn only to have the object pull alongside and pace his vehicle. (NICAP:  1/22/1984 #37142  
 feet they saw that the object was alongside of them on the left side of th 7/15/1984 #37401  
the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) alongside the Energy Research and Develo 7/24/1984 #37416  
 ahead of car; second object paced alongside car, bright illumination of ar 9/15/1985 #37662  
 ahead of car. Second object paced alongside car, bright illumination of ar 9/15/1985 #37663  
road to get a better look and stop alongside an open field. The main cigar- 3/6/1987 #38130  
ive circular objects on the ground alongside the road. The vehicle's engine 2/7/1989 #38820  
maneuvering slowly over the fields alongside the highway. They stopped thei 11/6/1989 #39216  
fueling from a KC-135 Stratotanker alongside two F-111s. The sighting becam 12/22/1992 #40762  
ngless fuselage going quickly [to] alongside. RADAR invisible. / r226#30.   7/11/1995 #42296  
ght on, she saw a strange creature alongside the pond in her front yard onl 6/26/1997 #43341  
s in Ulldemolins, Terragona, Spain alongside an isolated field when he noti 6/21/1998 #43591  
 high speed, then positions itself alongside, behind, and above the jet. It 8/6/2001 #44227  
hape of an Airstream trailer flies alongside them, then zooms away.         3/3/2003 #44499  
P work. Other companies referenced alongside Atlantic in Outgrowth at the t 8/2004 #44724  
video, is released by the Pentagon alongside the 2004 FLIR1 footage. Althou 11/14/2004 #44784  
gia came upon a stand of oak trees alongside a field where they had just ru 8/5/2006 #44952  
e about 30 feet in diameter flying alongside the aircraft. As the UFO begin 2/18/2012 #45339  
 drone- like object is seen flying alongside on the left. Soon it banks to  11/19/2013 #45397  
ased by the Department of Defense, alongside footage from the 2004 USS Nimi 2/2015? #45430  
## Word: "alonside" (Back to Top)
ning a bright pulsating light flew alonside a Soviet airliner for 24 minute 10/11/1977 #32569  
## Word: "alonzo" (Back to Top)
ory complex], New Mexico 8:00 p.m. Alonzo M. Swan and L. D. Dodson (an eque 9/2/1891 #296  
## Word: "alopecia" (Back to Top)
air loss to the autoimmune disease alopecia areata, that her other symptoms 12/29/1980 #35757  
## Word: "alora" (Back to Top)
s observed on the runway by Horado Alora and Mario Pezzuto, the two control 12/21/1962 #17600  
Argentina, tower operators Horacio Alora and Mario Pezzutto are watching an 12/22/1962 #17606  
bject is at the end of the runway. Alora sees a large, round, glowing objec 12/22/1962 #17606  
## Word: "aloud" (Back to Top)
ut to them, whereupon they laughed aloud, then turned and fled into the bru 9/27/1973 #27879  
## Word: "alouette" (Back to Top)
. four witnesses, including two in Alouette II helicopters, visually tracke 2/25/1969 #24944  
## Word: "alpaca" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Alpaca” Yield: .33KT                     2/12/1965 #18812  
## Word: "alpena" (Back to Top)
                                   ALPENA, MICH Civil observer(s) / car. Tu 7/23/1956 #13009  
## Word: "alpert" (Back to Top)
.S. Coast Guard photographer Shell Alpert. Four roughly elliptical blobs of 7/16/1952 #6842  
Guard photographer Seaman Shell R. Alpert sees several bright lights throug 7/16/1952 #6843  
bjects dim then brighten suddenly. Alpert grabs a camera and films 4 roughl 7/16/1952 #6843  
  A U.S. Coast Guardsman, Shell R. Alpert, took a famous photograph of four 7/16/1952 #6845  
ford, the UFO photo taken by Shell Alpert, a photo taken by August C. Rober 8/23/1952 #7693  
## Word: "alpes" (Back to Top)
n a clearing in Villeneuve Loubet, Alpes Maritimes Department, France. At a 8/18/1975 #30288  
## Word: "alpes-" (Back to Top)
 the Durance River near Corbières, Alpes- de-Hautes-Provence, France. He se Early 10/1954 #10609  
## Word: "alpes-de-haute-provence" (Back to Top)
s a French physician living in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence department of so 11/1/1968 #24620  
                          Albiosc, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France Tavernes 3/23/1974 #28937  
graphs an odd object near Albiosc, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France. The col 3/23/1974 #28937  
## Word: "alpes-de-hautes-provence" (Back to Top)
           Durance River Corbières Alpes-de-Hautes-Provence France Maxime P Early 10/1954 #10609  
## Word: "alpes-haut-provence" (Back to Top)
occurred on this day in Valensole, Alpes-Haut-Provence department, France.  7/1/1965 #19049  
s in St. Michel, east of Manosque, Alpes-Haut-Provence, France saw a 12 met 9/16/1971 #26338  
    At 9:00 p.m. in Barcelonnette, Alpes-Haut-Provence, France a ball of li 11/1/1975 #30535  
## Word: "alpes-maritime" (Back to Top)
ice from Beausoleil, France in the Alpes-Maritime viewed a transparent bubb 8/1/1951 #5592  
d the dog began barking in Cannes, Alpes-Maritime Department, France. Looki 7/21/1969 #25289  
void object fly east over Imperia, Alpes-Maritime, France and Genova, Italy 12/5/1984 #37517  
                          In Nice, Alpes-Maritime, France a 10-year-old gir 12/10/1984 #37521  
agged peak in Parc de la Mouliere, Alpes-Maritime, France in the early afte 6/27/1994 #41589  
d it. (2) At 4:30 a.m. at Antibes, Alpes-Maritime Department, France three  8/10/1994 #41667  
e highway D89 southwest of Boreon, Alpes-Maritime, France, aiming beam of l 4/22/1996 #42879  
raph of a mountain in St. Barnabe, Alpes-Maritime, France in the early afte 4/25/1997 #43278  
as photographed over Col de Vence, Alpes-Maritime department, France on thi 11/4/1999 #43874  
## Word: "alpes-maritimes" (Back to Top)
                             Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, France Alps Robert Dami Winter 1936 #1254  
ert Damion, an astronomer of Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, France, who has a priva Winter 1936 #1254  
12:50 a.m. in Oloron-Sainte-Marie, Alpes-Maritimes, France a whitish cylind 10/17/1952 #8149  
 in the sky over the city of Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, France.                 10/8/1954 #10823  
 Casella, was riding home in Biot, Alpes-Maritimes department, France when  10/14/1954 #11066  
p.m. in the mountains of Auribeau, Alpes-Maritimes, France three witnesses  10/15/1976 #31466  
led to the northwest over Antibes, Alpes-Maritimes, France at 250 meters al 1/14/1979 #34342  
## Word: "alpha" (Back to Top)
he is sure the airship is the star Alpha Orionis (Betelgeuse).              4/9/1897 #420  
lanic Cloud, 47 Tucanae, Omega and Alpha Centauri clusters.” “Their masters 7/3/1947 #2551  
after the November 29 sighting, an alpha and gamma ray increase is correlat 10/12/1950 #5222  
 indicated an abnormal increase in alpha and gamma ray radiation that could 11/29/1950 #5300  
setta, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Alpha Centauri system Elizabeth Klarer r 4/7/1956 #12798  
m their home planet, Meton, in the Alpha Centauri system. They serve her a  4/7/1956 #12798  
            Los Angeles California Alpha Centauri Contactee Gabriel Green e 1/1957 #13440  
Korendor, orbiting the triple star Alpha Centauri. At its peak, AFSCA has m 1/1957 #13440  
A radiological survey team detects alpha radiation, but no serious beta or  4/24/1957 #13615  
ldly ride to another planet in the Alpha Centauri system. There he encounte 4/1/1959 #15689  
nidentified satellite, termed 1960 Alpha [however, the designation of 1960  3/6/1960 #16198  
 [however, the designation of 1960 Alpha 1 is reserved for the Pioneer 5 sp 3/6/1960 #16198  
County, New York. Trace amounts of alpha radiation are found on their cloth 3/2/1965 #18832  
ehydrated. Later, trace amounts of alpha radiation were found on their clot 3/5/1965 #18844  
n Diego, CA R. T. (initials), with ALPHA RED TOP SECRET CRYPTO Clearance, r 7/3/1967 #22593  
                  Marine “RT” with Alpha Red TS Crypto Clearance states he  7/3/1967 #22604  
burg warehouse Winchester hospital Alpha Centauri 11:15 p.m. Harry Joe Turn 8/29/1979 #34803  
ts and pants, one of whom is named Alpha La Zoo Loo. He seems to take a tri 8/29/1979 #34803  
a trip in space to a planet beyond Alpha Centauri. On September 3, after ta 8/29/1979 #34803  
Missile Alert Facilities affected, Alpha through Echo, are responsible for  10/23/2010 #45303  
ting five Missile Alert Facilities Alpha through Echo comprising the 319th  10/23/2010 #45304  
## Word: "alpha-01" (Back to Top)
                     Malmstrom AFB Alpha-01 missile alert facility southeas Fall 1986 #38035  
high speed above the Malmstrom AFB Alpha-01 missile alert facility southeas Fall 1986 #38035  
ana Monarch, Montana Belt, Montana Alpha-01 missile launch facility Night.  1/1993 #40782  
s, he tells them to proceed to the Alpha-01 missile launch facility not far 1/1993 #40782  
## Word: "alpha-beta" (Back to Top)
ber 23, an unexplained increase in alpha-beta background radiation is detec 10/12/1950 #5222  
## Word: "alphabet" (Back to Top)
, in response the man produced an "alphabet" and spelled out a message sayi 12/7/1896 #376  
ore messages written in an unknown alphabet. Reeves subsequently had furthe 3/2/1965 #18833  
## Word: "alphabetically" (Back to Top)
47, to January 1, 1964, with names alphabetically after Hubbard, James E.;  7/12/1973 #27631  
## Word: "alphanumerics" (Back to Top)
sisted of phonetically transmitted alphanumerics. It is not known whether t 3/23/1992 #40397  
## Word: "alphonzo" (Back to Top)
e Province, Argentina on Route 98, Alphonzo L. and his wife saw, about 400  10/31/1973 #28326  
## Word: "alpine" (Back to Top)
d a luminous round object over the alpine glacier, brightly illuminating th 12/31/1978 #34245  
d a luminous round object over the alpine glacier, brightly illuminating th 12/31/1978 #34252  
                                   ALPINE, CA Cop abduction. 60' saucer. Mi 8/30/1981 #36090  
                                   Alpine (near), CA UFO brightly illuminat 8/30/1981 #36091  
ficer was driving near the town of Alpine, California when he encountered a 8/30/1981 #36093  
ny samples, including soil, grass, alpine weeds, and water from the nearby  1/31/1996 #42729  
## Word: "alportel" (Back to Top)
                                   ALPORTEL, PRT UFO / mountain top. Hole f 1/1962? #17013  
## Word: "alps" (Back to Top)
      Arolla (near Zermatt), Swiss Alps Aleister Crowley was walking in the 1896 #323  
       Arolla, near Zermatt, Swiss Alps Author Aleister Crowley was walking 1896 #324  
     Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, France Alps Robert Damion, an astronomer of Nic Winter 1936 #1254  
o has a private observatory in the Alps, claims that for several nights a “ Winter 1936 #1254  
                      Turin, Italy Alps 10:40–10:45 p.m. Capt. Lever and th 11/28/1942 #1464  
r, as the Lancaster approaches the Alps at 14,000 feet, the crew sees the o 11/28/1942 #1464  
y Kaiserslautern, Germany Bavarian Alps England 9:45 a.m. Acting Squadron L 4/25/1945 #1854  
tesgaden, Germany, in the Bavarian Alps. Just after a turn near Kaiserslaut 4/25/1945 #1854  
                             SOUTH ALPS, NZ Very shiny cylinder/cigar-shape 11/22/1955 #12583  
                            French Alps Swiss border The director of an eng 11/27/1957 #14632  
ped objects hovering in the French Alps for 8 minutes. The group performs a 11/27/1957 #14632  
n sky, just above the crest of the Alps, moving majestically and changing s 2/23/1971 #26030  
                             Swiss Alps Zwischbergen, Valais, Switzerland 3 7/26/1975 #30208  
two-day mountain trip in the Swiss Alps when they allegedly encounter a cir 7/26/1975 #30208  
 a scenic spot in Japan's Southern Alps near Hakushu, Japan when Furuya bec 10/1/1975 #30409  
                         DACHSTEIN ALPS, AUSTRIA KLM and Lufthansa and more 5/7/1980 #35309  
achstein Mountains in the Austrian Alps Air Control Center in Vienna 3:50 p 5/7/1980 #35315  
achstein Mountains in the Austrian Alps. The pilot sees a gray spherical ob 5/7/1980 #35315  
object as it flew over the Pennine Alps in Derbyshire, England on its desce 1/6/1995 #41957  
## Word: "alps-de-haute-provence" (Back to Top)
                        Valensole, Alps-de-Haute-Provence, France 5:45 a.m. 7/1/1965 #19047  
s farming just north of Valensole, Alps-de-Haute-Provence, France, when he  7/1/1965 #19047  
## Word: "alresford" (Back to Top)
  Selborne, Hampshire, England New Alresford Bradley Dawn. Parson-naturalis 9/21/1741 #63  
to the neighboring villages of New Alresford and Bradley.                   9/21/1741 #63  
## Word: "alright" (Back to Top)
heir windshield. The car functions alright after the lights had departed.   1/5/1967 #21263  
 to relax that everything would be alright. At the same time he noticed on  6/11/1969 #25211  
 row of yellow windows. The TV was alright after the UFO left.              11/3/1980 #35614  
s head tell him he was going to be alright. He thinks he was experimented u 5/7/1995 #42189  
ir daughter and found that she was alright. They then went back to sleep. T 12/4/1995 #42638  
## Word: "alsace" (Back to Top)
                       Bollwiller, Alsace, Germany A woman driving through  4/9/1980 #35261  
## Word: "alsager" (Back to Top)
                                   ALSAGER, CHESHIRE 1 / car. Brown colored 12/14/1976 #31601  
                                   ALSAGER, CHESHIRE Ex-RAF Test Pilot and  4/15/1977 #31981  
## Word: "alsatian" (Back to Top)
ore furious knocks were heard, her Alsatian dog jumped toward the door, but 12/1953 #9327  
 put down some food for the family Alsatian dog and called him from the gar 1/4/1979 #34296  
 put down some food for the family Alsatian dog, Hobo, and called him from  1/5/1979 #34304  
## Word: "alsen" (Back to Top)
: Geophysics Lab balloon observers Alsen, Johnson, Chance. Two irregular, r 4/5/1948 #3611  
## Word: "alsina" (Back to Top)
 in the bar at the corner of Calle Alsina and Calle Pringles, in Tres Arroy 11/28/1972 #27150  
## Word: "alsop" (Back to Top)
                Joseph and Stewart Alsop examine the January 29 Korean inci 2/20/1952 #5916  
  In his syndicated column, Joseph Alsop goes so far as to describe “classi 10/13/1959 #16031  
## Word: "alspach" (Back to Top)
lmington, NC (34.23° N, 77.94° W). Alspach and Colvin (NICAP: 01 - Distant  5/31/1948 #3662  
ington, North Carolina. Mrs. H. D. Alspach, Mrs. Charles Colvin, and Mrs. I 5/31/1948 #3663  
ington, North Carolina. Mrs. H. D. Alspach reported that the object emitted 5/31/1948 #3664  
## Word: "alston" (Back to Top)
cs and technologists for 18 years. Alston Chase’s book Harvard and the Unab 9/1959 #15952  
## Word: "alt" (Back to Top)
/ rear. Going quickly south / 3 km.alt. / r171p73.                          7/3/1947 #2566  
red-texts.com/ufo/rufo/rufo06.htm (alt URL added by RG) *   https://www.nic 2/19/1952 #5911  
/www.nicap.org/ncp/ncp-brumac.htm (alt URL added by RG)                     2/19/1952 #5911  
 Private pilot. 15cm saucer / 750M.alt. 386kph going quickly northeast. / U 6/28/1953 #8974  
. Passed directly over tower at an Alt. of 3000 to 4000 ft. and was visible 2/6/1954 #9538  
on (seen from helicopter at 30 ft. alt.): Height was between 4.0 to 4.5 ft. 4/12/1954 #9683  
, while flying an C-47 at 6500 ft. alt., spotted an UFO. “It was colored li 9/29/1959 #15997  
massive and was at about 13000 ft. alt. The UFO appeared to be about 1000 f 9/29/1959 #15997  
ort-visitor-interviews/129123907/ (alt newspaper link added by RG)          6/22/1960 #16317  
ingDocument/mode/2up?view=theater (alt URL added by RG)                     1961 #16553  
ver objects, radar blips at 7 mile alt (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, R 3/2/1967 #21727  
nicap.org/reports/490524rogue.htm (alt linked added by rg)                  3/1968 #23799  
la-ufo-new-witness-comes-forward/ (alt URL added by RG)   https://www.amazo 10/11/1973 #28009  
-ENCOUNTER-MY-STORY/dp/198299584X (alt URL added by RG)   https://www.onlyi 10/11/1973 #28009  
alien-abduction-in-pascagoula-ms/ (alt URL added by RG)     Note: AFOSI cou 10/11/1973 #28009  
/12/an-extraterrestrial-007/ (rg - alt non-paywall URL)                     4/1974 #28984  
ils/john-lear-statement-1987 (rg - alt URL of his Dec. 29, 1987 statement)  12/29/1987 #38379  
sureProjectBriefingDocument/ (rg - alt URL)                                 1994 #41346  
osureProjectBriefingDocument (rg - alt URL)                                 8/22/1998 #43635  
*   https://archive.ph/cvS5q (rg - alt URL) *   https://www.jpost.com/omg/f 5/7/2003 #44528  
## Word: "alta" (Back to Top)
                  NORTH / CALGARY, ALTA Huge blimp with blinding light slow 8/10/1915 (approximate) #932  
                         EDMONTON, ALTA Mrs. Olsen. 1M silver object going  7/1/1947 #2507  
        DRUMHELLER AND LETHBRIDGE, ALTA Several observer(s). 3 saucers. 1 h 7/12/1947 (approximate) #3142  
                    SPRING COULEE, ALTA 5 / car. Silent shiny circular obje 7/12/1947 #3145  
                 SOUTH / EDMONTON, ALTA Thousands / observer(s). Fiery red  4/19/1950 #4868  
               SOUTH / MORINVILLE, ALTA 2 / car. Big flash and near collisi 4/23/1950 #4880  
y Puerto Belgrano Naval Base Punta Alta, Argentina The Argentine Navy estab 1952 #5839  
uerto Belgrano Naval Base in Punta Alta, Argentina.                         1952 #5839  
                     NEAR CALGARY, ALTA Theodolite observer(s). Silver 8 /  6/8/1952 #6465  
                        HAY LAKES, ALTA 2 observer(s). Silent silver ovoid  8/5/1952 #7457  
                   WEST / BLUESKY, ALTA 3 / car. "Boot-shape" UFO = mass /  11/28/1952 #8350  
                          CALGARY, ALTA 2 observer(s). Bright object hovers 1/1/1953 #8490  
                           Ciolica Alta, Italy A young man named Fabrizio B 10/27/1954 #11444  
'clock in the afternoon in Ciolica Alta, Italy a young man named Fabrizio B 10/27/1954 #11452  
                  NEAR FT. MCLEOD, ALTA RCAF pilot / 11km altitude photogra 8/23/1956 #13122  
                          SIBBALD, ALTA 3 / PR9. Night light going [to] ove 11/3/1957 #14231  
                          Calgary, Alta. (near ), CAN Car motor missed, hea 11/3/1957 #14241  
entifying markers crashed into the Alta fjord, Norway. At the impact site,  6/1/1958 #15075  
                         EDMONTON, ALTA Many separate observer(s). Luminous 8/27/1958 #15227  
                         EDMONTON, ALTA Project Bluebook Case #6400. 2 obse 6/18/1959 #15774  
                       WETASKIWIN, ALTA 2+1 observer(s). 2 small humanoids  8/8/1961 #16785  
e craft took off at high speed. In Alta, a number of people reported a brig 7/30/1962 #17304  
             On this day near Cruz Alta, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil on the r 7/30/1962 #17306  
                SOUTHWEST CALGARY, ALTA Red-orange tube exits cloud going q 8/1/1963 #17858  
Two men witnessed a UFO landing in Alta Gracia, Cordoba Province, Argentina 11/28/1963 #18059  
                             MILPA ALTA, MEXICO Several observer(s). Fireba 8/4/1965 (approximate) #19303  
             NORTHWEST / COCHRANE, ALTA 1 observer. Small humanoid (or Grey 10/15/1965 (approximate) #19658  
                         EDMONTON, ALTA Cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / hospi 2/27/1967 #21670  
                         EDMONTON, ALTA NCP#1206. Bright night light / NNW. 4/6/1967 #22072  
                         VAUXHALL, ALTA 2 separate cars. Headlights electro 5/1967 #22249  
                         EDMONTON, ALTA Kids / (seen thru) binoculars. Sauc 5/7/1967 #22290  
                    NEAR MT. HEAD, ALTA 3 prospectors. 8M ovoid drops small 7/3/1967 #22594  
                          DUHAMEL, ALTA 6 separate crop-circles found. Phot 8/5/1967 #22808  
                SOUTHWEST / TABER, ALTA Pickup overheats. Saucer hovers nex 9/5/1967? #23001  
                    WEST / NANTON, ALTA Forester. Pulsing sound. Green-glow 9/18/1967 #23078  
                    WEST / NANTON, ALTA Forester. Electro-magnetic effect ( 10/7/1967 #23188  
                        ALDERSYDE, ALTA Saucer 400' over farm. 2 observer(s 10/11/1967 #23210  
                        Aldersyde, Alta., CAN Oval with dome circled car, d 10/11/1967 #23213  
                       HIGH RIVER, ALTA Car stalls. Radio and lights electr 10/12/1967 #23225  
                   NORTH / ELNORA, ALTA Railroad/railway crew. 40' saucer f 10/13/1967 #23229  
                          AIRDRIE, ALTA 3 observer(s). Red-glowing light-bu 10/19/1967 #23269  
                          CALGARY, ALTA Teen beamed to saucer / orange ligh 11/17/1967 #23475  
                       High River, Alta., CAN Elongated blue-green object,  11/28/1967 #23516  
                         EDMONTON, ALTA Car malfunctions due to EME (electr 12/13/1967 #23577  
                      THREE HILLS, ALTA 2+3 observer(s). Glowing "stunted D 1/15/1968 #23664  
                     MEDICINE HAT, ALTA 2 observer(s). Rotating object ligh 4/18/1968 #23911  
                         WESTLOCK, ALTA Disk spins. Lights / edge. Shifts e 11/7/1968 #24640  
                       VALLEYVIEW, ALTA 3 RCMP and more/others. Round red o 1/21/1969 #24862  
                        CRAIGMYLE, ALTA 1 observer. Silent 15M saucer lifts 2/18/1969 #24926  
                          CALGARY, ALTA Dog stops. 30' saucer / ground. 2 t 4/26/1969 #25093  
                             OLDS, ALTA 20' diameter green cylinder/cylindr 7/1/1969 #25243  
                             ABEE, ALTA Girl. Grey saucer / 3' altitude 10' 7/16/1969 #25271  
                            BANFF, ALTA 2 / car. 10' diamond fireball follo 12/15/1969? #25497  
                   WEST / CALGARY, ALTA MD. Horse frantic. 40' saucer overh 8/25/1970? #25805  
                    NEAR GLEICHEN, ALTA Night light paces car. Car lifted 2 5/14/1971 #26108  
                         ROSEDALE, ALTA Box going down / field. 2 pseudo-hu 6/9/1971 #26160  
                       DRUMHELLER, ALTA 3 observer(s). 12x12x10'BOX / oilfi 9/23/1971 #26367  
                  NORTH / TOFIELD, ALTA Night light crosses beaver lake. Oc 8/6/1972 #26879  
                            CLYDE, ALTA Woman sees odd figure by remote cab 11/4/1972 #27107  
           PR41 SOUTH / VERMILION, ALTA 2 separate observer(s). Flying oil- 3/5/1973 #27332  
                       STRATHMORE, ALTA 2 / car. Saucer lights field. Photo 10/20/1973 #28204  
 Zinn, a police officer from Terra Alta, West Virginia was driving home via 10/26/1973 #28297  
                         PINA, TOA ALTA, PR Silver ovoid with antennas / lo 11/2/1973 #28346  
              EAST / MEDICINE HAT, ALTA Night light. 8' giant runs beside t 12/31/1973 #28621  
                       NEAR TABER, ALTA 2 observer(s). 10' sphere/orb/globe 12/1/1974 #29626  
                          LANARIA, ALTA Y-shaped landing marks dug / farm f 6/21/1975 #30113  
                            PEERS, ALTA "Truck" / roadside = saucer. Silver 10/14/1975 #30429  
 home that was near Carapito Beira Alta, Portugal. They saw on top of a nea 1/3/1977 #31687  
                    Carapito Beira Alta, Portugal 12:30 a.m. A man was trai 1/4/1977 #31689  
                    Carapito Beira Alta, Portugal 12:30 a.m. A man was trai 1/4/1977 #31690  
 in a pine grove in Carapito Beira Alta, Portugal when the animal suddenly  1/4/1977 #31691  
                         EDMONTON, ALTA Several separate observer(s). Brill 3/11/1977 #31895  
                         EDMONTON, ALTA Several kids / schoolyard. Ovoid wi 4/7/1977 #31954  
                     GUARDA, BEIRA ALTA, PRT 12 firemen. Strange shiny obje 8/1977 #32337  
                          Mediania Alta Loiza, PR Two witnesses suddenly no 8/31/1977 #32444  
                       In Mediania Alta Loiza, Puerto Rico at 8 p.m. two wi 8/31/1977 #32447  
          9MI NORTHWEST / CALGARY, ALTA Dog excited. Silver grey disk exten 4/2/1978 #33113  
               WEST / BRAGG CREEK, ALTA 4 / 2 cars. 150' saucer hovers. 30+ 11/11/1978 #33943  
        NEAR ROCKY MOUNTAIN HOUSE, ALTA DC9 crew and pass. Metallic disk ho 6/12/1980 #35358  
                         RED DEER, ALTA 1 / car. Circular metal object hove 7/22/1981 #36021  
                                   Alta, Troms og Finnmark, Norway 2:00 a.m 10/14/1982 #36641  
Norway 2:00 a.m. Four residents of Alta, Troms og Finnmark, Norway, see thr 10/14/1982 #36641  
                     GRAND CENTRE, ALTA PR28-30M south / weapons range. Mou 1/27/1989 #38802  
                         EDMONTON, ALTA 1 observer. 800' UFO 1500' away. Sh 5/28/1989 #38965  
                        COLD LAKE, ALTA 2 air traffic controllers. UFO mane 12/18/1989 #39319  
                           GRANUM, ALTA 4 kids. Saucer hovers and zips over 8/30/1991 #40171  
                            TABER, ALTA Girl / 15. Large black disk near wi 7/6/1992 #40513  
                         FAIRVIEW, ALTA 50 observer(s) and RCMP / 30 minute 7/17/1992 #40522  
             MIQUELON LAKE / PARK, ALTA Silent UFO's fly / lines and circle 6/28/1993 #41040  
                        COLD LAKE, ALTA 2 observer(s). CE1 encounter / 20 m 12/19/1993 #41332  
                         EDMONTON, ALTA Several observer(s). Series delta/t 5/11/1994 #41522  
       JASPER NOT PLOTTED ON MAPS, ALTA 3 Park Wardens. Blue-glowing object 2/3/1995 #42015  
                             TERRA ALTA, WV Several / farm. 3 ovoids / delt 10/1995 #42522  
                         RED DEER, ALTA 1 observer. 2 silver grey disks wob 7/19/1998 #43611  
## Word: "altafjord" (Back to Top)
                                   ALTAFJORD, NORW 1 observer. Delta/triang 6/1/1958 #15073  
                                   Altafjord, Troms og Finnmark, Norway 11: 6/1/1958 #15074  
 identifying marks plunge into the Altafjord, Troms og Finnmark, Norway. A  6/1/1958 #15074  
## Word: "altagracia" (Back to Top)
                             VILLA ALTAGRACIA, DOM.REP 2 figure(s) exit UFO 9/16/1972 (approximate) #27005  
                             VILLA ALTAGRACIA AND MORE/OTHERS, DOMN.REP 2 o 4/24/1973 #27441  
## Word: "altai" (Back to Top)
malaya Mountains UFO’s seen around Altai Himalaya                           1926 #1052  
imbing in the Humbolt Range of the Altai Mountains in Mongolia, explorer Ni 8/5/1927 #1078  
                                   ALTAI MOUNTAIN, GORNO-ALTAY, RUSSIA Orbs 9/12/1978 #33666  
                                   Altai Mountains of Mongolia Night. Russi 3/23/1983 #36793  
ajor V. Gorsky is stationed in the Altai Mountains of Mongolia when he sees 3/23/1983 #36793  
                    Krutikha River Altai Krai, Russia Ob River Krutikha The 6/6/1997 #43315  
s traveling on the Krutikha River, Altai Krai, Russia, when they see a lumi 6/6/1997 #43315  
                Barnaul Airport in Altai Krai, Russia 12:30 a.m. Barnaul Ai 1/22/2001 #44127  
ssia 12:30 a.m. Barnaul Airport in Altai Krai, Russia, shuts down after a s 1/22/2001 #44127  
## Word: "altair" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Altair” YieldMax: 20KT                   6/5/1967 #22467  
## Word: "altamira" (Back to Top)
                Caracas, Venezuela Altamira 9:30 p.m. Many residents of Car 2/10/1955 #11992  
to southwest. José Agustín Díaz in Altamira clocks its time as 6–8 minutes. 2/10/1955 #11992  
                                In Altamira, Venezuela at 9:30 p.m. a teena 2/10/1955 #11993  
## Word: "altamirano" (Back to Top)
htings in the region, Mrs. Lourdes Altamirano watched a huge luminous objec 9/13/1986 #38027  
## Word: "altamont" (Back to Top)
                                   Altamont, New York About 9:30 p.m. Ruth  4/19/1974 #29047  
l hundred feet from their house in Altamont, New York. Curious, they walk t 4/19/1974 #29047  
                                   ALTAMONT, NY 4 observer(s). Saucer going 4/30/1974 #29071  
   At shortly before 10:00 p.m. in Altamont, New York a young girl looked o 4/30/1974 #29072  
## Word: "altamura" (Back to Top)
                                   ALTAMURA, ITL 3 / car. Fireball quickly  2/6/1974 #28740  
## Word: "altar" (Back to Top)
                                   ALTAR, MEXICO Many observer(s). Large lu 8/11/1955 #12349  
to a local sandy beach on Isla del Altar, El Salvador. There he noticed tha 1/15/1969 #24849  
going quickly [to] church and hits altar.                                   8/5/1977 #32362  
## Word: "altavista" (Back to Top)
                                   AltaVista, VA Bright Light In Erratic Pa 1/27/1965 #18772  
## Word: "alter" (Back to Top)
ears. The two other objects do not alter course but disappear to the north. 8/13/1952 #7574  
 to approach the light and have to alter course to avoid a collision that s 12/10/1952 #8409  
n a way that a swarm of bees might alter its appearance.” They appear opaqu 6/29/1954 #9962  
ne point a jet aircraft appears to alter its course to fly closer to one of 7/28/1959 #15884  
ving parts and employ vibration to alter nuclear interactions with gravity  1/1998 #43483  
ary level to radically and rapidly alter current population mindset is the  3/11/1998 #43532  
vity modification is real, it will alter the entire aerospace business.” GR 7/29/2002 #44370  
ore revealed footage guaranteed to alter the landscape of the debate.” “Unf 12/4/2018 #45550  
## Word: "alteration" (Back to Top)
sc. Other possibilities include an alteration in the density of the passing 10/13/1917 #970  
## Word: "alterations" (Back to Top)
ounters due to inducing perceptual alterations or hallucinations in those a 5/15/2006 #44942  
## Word: "altercation" (Back to Top)
on; he claims in 1979 there was an altercation at the Dulce laboratory; by  12/29/1987 #38379  
## Word: "altered" (Back to Top)
 Halberstadt, Germany Two rockets; altered course; fiery head and blazing s 1/2/1944 #1561  
inea pigs) who had been surgically altered using similar methods to those u 7/1/1947 #2523  
me they experience the onset of an altered state of consciousness that leav 9/19/1961 #16857  
entity. Blue beam transport. "Time altered".                                9/23/1962 #17431  
ness. She experienced some kind of altered state of consciousness, in which 2/22/1973 #27310  
ocation from one place to another, altered appearance of the terrain, human 5/31/1974 #29147  
ocation from one place to another, altered appearance of the terrain, human 5/31/1974 #29149  
 his surroundings seemed strangely altered.                                 5/5/1977 #32059  
 Mendoza, Argentina Car levitated, altered environment, memory loss, transl 7/6/1978 #33343  
 Mendoza, Argentina Car levitated, altered environment, memory loss, transl 7/6/1978 #33344  
experienced viewing an unfamiliar, altered or otherworldly, environment, an 9/20/1978 #33719  
antennas appear to be deliberately altered.                                 8/29/1979 #34803  
liam Moore gives Paul Bennewitz an altered version of the Project Aquarius  Summer 1981 #35977  
 Intelligence, knowing it has been altered, in order to retain his access t Summer 1981 #35977  
the original said that the NSA had altered Bennewitz’s photos and incidenta Summer 1981 #35977  
found them to be authentic. In the altered memo, NSA becomes NASA.          Summer 1981 #35977  
nding scenery appeared strange and altered. After the experience all observ 1/30/1983 #36756  
o appear in silhouette with voices altered. They embarrassingly proclaim th 10/14/1988 #38674  
t the Project Aquarius message was altered by Moore, that Richard Doty had  6/1989 #38971  
0 minute(s) missing time. Possible altered memory.                          3/24/1990 #39483  
that is accessible through certain altered states of consciousness that und 5/1/1992 #40442  
louds. It made a buzzing noise. It altered its shaped to that of a sphere w 12/31/1992 #40775  
and moved "6 inches", based on the altered location of the building and the 8/15/1995 #42389  
## Word: "altering" (Back to Top)
ope ceases for 5–15 seconds. After altering course the object no longer app 1/12/1950 #4484  
d sexual appetite and strange time altering episodes.                       1/3/1979 #34292  
ent on a “Method and apparatus for altering a region in the earth’s atmosph 1/10/1985 #37546  
pace Operations publish a paper on altering the mass of small test samples  6/2001 #44189  
## Word: "alternate" (Back to Top)
rpret this as a visitation from an alternate reality or an abduction case,  812 #2  
           WORLDWIDE Radio signals alternate 25K-75 meters on close approac 8/26/1924 (approximate) #1042  
                                   Alternate date for the organization of t 7/1947 #2491  
                         Aztec, NM Alternate date for Crash/Recovery at Azt 2/13/1948 #3577  
n. McDonald searches carefully for alternate explanations, but can find non 1/10/1954 #9476  
maneuvers over town. Luminous rays alternate colors.                        10/23/1954 #11325  
rs over town / 5 minute(s). Lights alternate red / green. / LDLN#84.        6/18/1966 #20574  
 watched a disc-shaped object with alternate red and green lights around it 1/5/1967 #21256  
it is metallic and has lights that alternate in red, blue, and green colors 1/26/1967 #21399  
r and 15 feet tall, with a band of alternate non- ; blinking red and green  4/28/1967 #22242  
c elliptical object with a belt of alternate red and green lights was seen  4/28/1967 #22246  
 Some 8–10 other lights on its rim alternate red and green, giving the impr 2/4/1968 #23734  
ed ovoid east going west. Color(s) alternate. Car malfunctions due to EME ( 7/1968? #24101  
eriously felt compelled to take an alternate route. Suddenly a brilliant li 3/23/1974 #28938  
r going up and down. Lights / edge alternate red-blue-white-yellow-green in 9/18/1976 #31394  
red and bottom yellow. Top and bot alternate.                               9/6/1980 #35498  
d disk hovers over trees. Color(s) alternate. Going quickly [to] sea.       10/30/1981 #36193  
overs. Green and orange glow bands alternate top and bottom/underside..     7/24/1987 #38215  
ngle/box-like craft. Corner lights alternate with center light. Silent and  2/5/1998 #43513  
rado, with Cheyenne Mountain as an Alternate Command Center.                7/28/2006 #44951  
## Word: "alternated" (Back to Top)
med to turn toward it.  The lights alternated leading each other during mor 9/26/1952 #8035  
 toward their aircraft. The lights alternated leading each other during the 9/26/1952 #8038  
 an unidentified light source that alternated between yellow and pink as it 4/18/1967 #22159  
 an unidentified light source that alternated between yellow and pink as it 4/18/1967 #22160  
himmering white lights. The object alternated between hovering and moving a 5/20/1967 #22378  
 ten equally spaced windows, which alternated yellow-green and red in color 4/21/1974 #29055  
## Word: "alternately" (Back to Top)
akland, California, see an airship alternately stop, hover, and move on. Mi 11/24/1896 #356  
elby, North Yorkshire, England. It alternately flies and hovers, flashing a 2/21/1913 #883  
clouds, causing the sun’s image to alternately brighten and dim and so seem 10/13/1917 #970  
serves a bright aerial sphere that alternately moves and stops for 30 minut 6/1944 #1602  
heir way. The screens show a blip, alternately fuzzy and strong, some 8 mil 4/24/1945 #1853  
t; the vapor increased and flames (alternately reddish and greenish) shot o 3/18/1950 #4674  
t. The vapor increased and flames, alternately red and green, shot out of t 3/18/1950 #4680  
ors, glowing white, green, and red alternately.                             11/26/1950 #5287  
, the UFO plays tag with the F-94, alternately accelerating away when it ge 7/26/1952 #7175  
 Visible for 5 minutes, the object alternately hovers and turns before spee 8/1952 #7385  
rapher, others, observed two discs alternately hovering and darting around. 9/30/1952 #8069  
 50 feet above a house. It appears alternately as a sphere and an oblong, a 4/22/1954 #9705  
wing object seen by GOC observers; alternately hovered, moved rapidly. [UFO 6/11/1954 #9892  
of unequal length coming out of it alternately. It goes through its maneuve 6/18/1954 #9910  
ion saw three disc-like UFOs which alternately hovered and moved at high sp 7/12/1959 #15836  
the speed of a Piper Cub airplane, alternately hovering and moving horizont 9/2/1960 #16431  
earby field. It brightens and dims alternately. As they slow down, a row of 5/12/1962 #17165  
eived on two different frequencies alternately.                             5/15/1964 #18270  
 the rim from which lights flashed alternately. The UFO moved slowly, then  3/17/1966 #19979  
similar object five times. The UFO alternately hovered and sped up, the las 4/7/1966 #20267  
0–500 ft. above the road, it would alternately start and stop ahead of them 4/17/1966 #20305  
he yellow light blinked or flashed alternately with the red lights. The obj 4/23/1966 #20388  
ow light is on top of the dome and alternately flashes on when the red ligh 4/23/1966 #20390  
 then disappeared. Its lights were alternately red and bluish-green.        6/18/1966 #20579  
 then disappeared. Its lights were alternately red and bluish-green.        6/18/1966 #20582  
The bright UFO approached the base alternately moving at low to high speeds Summer 1966 #20590  
 by mist or vapor. The lights were alternately yellow and green. As he appr 6/24/1966 #20605  
ed multi-colored oval objects that alternately hovered and moved around, co 7/25/1966 #20679  
, UT Round object just above tree. Alternately bright / dim. Never moved.   11/10/1966 #21086  
ch at times turned red. The object alternately hovered and moved at high sp 2/26/1967 #21657  
which at times turned red. The UFO alternately hovered and moved at high sp 2/26/1967 #21663  
 They flash orange and blue lights alternately and make no sound. They mane 6/18/1967 #22519  
 the top (body lights). The object alternately hovered and moved around, ci 7/28/1967 #22746  
nt," often red-orange objects that alternately hovered and moved around. (S 8/30/1967 #22959  
ghts", red and other colors, which alternately blinked on and off. Standing 10/29/1967 #23364  
gether. Around the rim is a row of alternately flashing orange and green li 11/2/1967 #23390  
ased pulsating orange objects that alternately hovered, swinging like pendu 10/15/1973 #28057  
ased pulsating orange objects that alternately hovered, swinging like pendu 10/15/1973 #28058  
change shape as it flies, becoming alternately larger and smaller, dimming  11/18/1973 #28442  
low altitude. Top and bottom flash alternately.                             11/28/1973 #28472  
AD radar saw and tracked UFOs that alternately hovered and darted around at 11/11/1975 #30608  
rizon close to the ocean. The UFOs alternately move toward and away from th 10/23/1976 #31488  
ht hand face of the rocks, sliding alternately open and shut like the door  10/30/1977 #32639  
rain, observed by citizens. Object alternately hovered and accelerated      5/14/1978 #33209  
ike two hubcaps put together” that alternately hovers and maneuvers slowly  6/18/1978 #33288  
metallic and silent. He chases it, alternately moving and hovering, for 5 m 9/5/1979 #34839  
head. He fetl attracted to it, and alternately frightened and secure while  11/28/1980 #35680  
 London, England, watch a UFO that alternately hovers, moves slowly, shoots 12/15/1980 #35719  
hite, with the two colors flashing alternately and transposing positions wh 10/30/1981 #36194  
 triangular object, humming noise, alternately moved and hovered (section I 11/29/1989 #39270  
 triangular object, humming noise, alternately moved and hovered            11/29/1989 #39271  
cts with red and green body lights alternately hovered and darted around. U 10/10/1990 #39771  
oborated the sighting of UFOs that alternately hovered and darted around.   10/10/1990 #39773  
ving, with one green light and two alternately strobing white lights.       8/15/2005 #44864  
ct with lights that are turning on alternately from left to right. Her cell 7/13/2006 #44950  
. The object leaves no trail as it alternately maneuvers and hovers. One of 10/9/2021 #45716  
## Word: "alternates" (Back to Top)
Large silent circular mass hovers. Alternates red and blue. Rocks and quick 10/2/1954 (approximate) #10590  
oximately 500 feet away. The light alternates from deep orange to yellow an 10/21/1954 #11304  
UE, NM 1 / moving-van. Night light alternates bright and dim. Possible land 11/5/1957 #14319  
## Word: "alternating" (Back to Top)
 Venice, Italy. It has windows and alternating white and red lights. Two fi 8/17/1936 #1247  
ut during chase; (3) light, a glow alternating between weak and (NICAP: 11  2/17/1945 #1789  
out rotating objects that give off alternating colors over Newport News, Vi 7/26/1952 #7174  
 from bright white to dull orange, alternating several times. It then moves 10/21/1965 #19670  
 of the subject, its unique format—alternating paragraphs written by Shklov 1966 #19795  
object with flashing white lights, alternating red and green lights. (NICAP 4/13/1966 #20293  
ng off brilliant, flaming light of alternating white-green-red colors. The  5/4/1966 #20447  
g off a brilliant flaming light of alternating white-green-red colors. Rada 5/4/1966 #20448  
ia when the UFO approached. It had alternating white and greenish-yellow li 6/24/1966 #20608  
brations and heard a sound like an alternating frequency beep. (Arkansas Ga 3/12/1967 #21866  
 central white light surrounded by alternating rows of revolving yellow lig 6/22/1967 #22533  
ting counter-clockwise and showing alternating silver metallic and black si 6/30/1967 #22580  
arge, round, revolving object with alternating triangular areas of colorati 10/27/1967 #23343  
arge, round, revolving object with alternating triangular areas of colorati 10/27/1967 #23351  
rightly illuminated aerial object, alternating colors from brilliant white  10/24/1968 #24587  
. A central section is filled with alternating blue and gold rectangular li 11/1973 #28329  
e and three legs. White and orange alternating bands are on the glowing obj 1/7/1974 #28660  
 An elliptical object with rows of alternating red and green lights hovers  7/9/1974 #29252  
es it has a dome on top and small, alternating red-and-blue lights on each  1975 #29680  
side down with a dome on top, with alternating red and orange lights blinki 8/8/1975 #30244  
 ringed with small windows and has alternating and flashing blue and red li 11/7/1978 #33924  
ad green and orange bands of color alternating from the top and bottom.     7/24/1987 #38217  
 Each time it appeared as a row of alternating red and blue lights (the dra 8/11/1993 #41131  
s). Huge object with ring / lights alternating orange and blue-green. / CUF 2/1/1996 #42731  
, New Jersey on this night. It had alternating green and yellow lights arou 1/11/1998 #43498  
s, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. It had alternating yellow, white and blue light 11/22/2002 #44448  
 to green to yellow color pattern, alternating frequently to blue as well.  4/12/2003 #44513  
inking lights, and the lights were alternating blue and red, while the obje 5/7/2004 #44695  
## Word: "alternation" (Back to Top)
 textile fibers. They have a clear alternation of bright and dark segments. 10/18/2002 #44419  
## Word: "alternative" (Back to Top)
entists, and skeptics have offered alternative explanations that include ps 10/13/1917 #970  
 Bush (with James B. Conant as his alternative), Maj. Gen. Wilhelm D. Styer 9/23/1942 #1447  
 unidentified targets, there is no alternative. At 3:10 a.m., ADC Commander 4/16/1952 #6093  
n on earth. I can therefore see no alternative to accepting the theory that 7/11/1954 #10009  
t of three books that set forth an alternative occult history shaped by Atl 1957 #13430  
ed by malnutrition generated by an alternative diet regimen. James W. Mosel 8/11/1958 #15192  
cluding a distressing episode with alternative landscapes on a road that he 11/1/1968 #24620  
Strategic Defense Initiative as an alternative to a proliferation of missil 3/23/1983 #36792  
d Jupiter Technologies to explore “alternative fuel sources.” Church, the C Summer 1985 #37607  
ed at Jupiter could be a source of alternative energy.  https://www.urigell Summer 1985 #37607  
Alta, and Bishkek. The jets had no alternative but to back off, and the obj 8/28/1991 #40168  
ent population mindset is the only alternative that may prove successful in 3/11/1998 #43532  
osed off Route 78, so they took an alternative route and stumbled upon the  9/16/2007 #45059  
y “black shelved” other inventor’s alternative energy device by buying it a 11/15/2015 #45440  
ms, the agency has found plausible alternative explanations.                1/19/2022 #45735  
## Word: "alternatively" (Back to Top)
 bend the images of the stars, or, alternatively, the witness saw lights on 3/22/1957 #13553  
nd white (or yellow) rays of light alternatively. They watch for about 20 m 5/10/1957 #13653  
neuvers over Milan, Michigan. They alternatively hover, rise and fall quick 3/17/1966 #19983  
## Word: "alternatives" (Back to Top)
time suggests different and richer alternatives to the ETH. Vallée cites th 6/1989 #38970  
 indoctrination may be only viable alternatives.”  “This writer is encourag 3/11/1998 #43532  
## Word: "alternator" (Back to Top)
l level. The cut-off switch on the alternator needs replacing, as does some 2/5/1979 #34405  
that it can’t be jump-started. The alternator also has to be replaced. The  10/6/1979 #34946  
st. The truck’s electrical system (alternator and battery) is damaged.      11/24/1981 #36232  
st. The truck's electrical system (alternator and battery) was damaged.     11/24/1981 #36233  
## Word: "alters" (Back to Top)
n Interchange for over an hour. It alters its course frequently and hovers  2/25/1913 #884  
eem to pass through it. The object alters course and heads toward Old Town, 4/9/1943 #1494  
ter 15–18 minutes, the UFO sharply alters course, speeds ahead, and rises q 1956 #12636  
            Cape Canaveral, FL UFO alters launch of U.S. Navy Polaris missi 1/10/1961 #16569  
Haiti, At Sea (McDonald list) UFO "Alters" Navy Polaris Missile Test (NICAP 1/10/1961 #16571  
lose to the length of the Polaris, alters its tracking, but does not block  1/10/1961 #16574  
## Word: "alterwitz" (Back to Top)
unter listed in EGBA. Witness was "Alterwitz". (EGBA, page 672) (NICAP: 02  6/16/1972 #26716  
## Word: "althea" (Back to Top)
ce L. “Kelly” Johnson and his wife Althea (near Agoura, California) and a L 12/16/1953 #9374  
## Word: "althen-des-paluds" (Back to Top)
                           Monteux Althen-des-Paluds Vauclude France 2:30 p 10/7/1954 #10790  
way in a field between Monteux and Althen-des-Paluds, Vauclude, France. He  10/7/1954 #10790  
 was traveling between Monteux and Althen-des-Paluds when saw a metallic ob 10/7/1954 #10798  
## Word: "althought" (Back to Top)
reddened even through his uniform. Althought the redness went away rapidly, 5/13/1978 #33205  
## Word: "althoven" (Back to Top)
                                   ALTHOVEN, AUSTRIA 2 cops. Flattened star 11/19/1954 #11668  
## Word: "altimeter" (Back to Top)
 near the observatory using radio, altimeter, and radars on October 21 and  10/14/1949 #4395  
just snaps out. Coyne looks at the altimeter and realizes they have been as 10/18/1973 #28172  
irframe groans in protest, and the altimeter goes “wacky.” It continues to  10/24/1982 #36663  
bulence from the object, and their altimeter malfunctioned. The craft made  10/24/1982 #36664  
## Word: "altitude" (Back to Top)
ize fireball hovers / 8 minute(s). Altitude = 50km. Same / 22 Mar. '1680.   7/9/1686 #51  
   WILMINGTON, DE 60M object / 30m altitude. Type unknown. 3 glowing-balls  7/13/1860 #153  
d with scales. Metallic noise. Low altitude. No further details. / r8#001 / 3/15/1868 #171  
vation of an unknown object at low altitude in the nineteenth century.      7/1868 #174  
n Columbus, Georgia, at a very low altitude. Coming from the south, it head 9/30/1880 #240  
 Fireball-saucer circles pier / 6M altitude. Blinding lights. Sinks quietly 11/2/1885 #268  
uminous object circled the harbor. Altitude: 5-6 m. Illuminated the whole t 11/2/1885 #269  
uminous object circled the harbor. Altitude: 5-6 m. Illuminated the whole t 11/2/1885 #270  
us object circled the harbor at an altitude of 56 meters for 90 seconds. It 11/2/1885 #271  
the ship "Siberian." It rose to an altitude of 16 meters, flew against the  11/12/1885 #272  
oard the "Siberian." It rose to an altitude of 16 m, flew against the wind, 11/12/1887 #281  
oard the "Siberian." It rose to an altitude of 16 m, flew against the wind, 11/12/1887 #282  
land, at only several hundred feet altitude. It lights up the village “as b 2/7/1889 #286  
r approaching from the ocean at an altitude of 50 feet. It changes shape fr 1/1892? #297  
w it. The object is hovering at an altitude of 2,100 feet and begins circli 4/16/1892 #302  
rges / clouds and maneuvers / 120M altitude. Vibrant bright lights.         7/3/1896 #326  
Hundreds watch as it passes at low altitude for 30 minutes, avoiding buildi 11/17/1896 #340  
ge 'spread-out canvas sheet' / 2K' altitude floats going quickly northeast  11/20/1896 #341  
aerial light at about 300–400 feet altitude when he is at Market and 8th st 11/22/1896 #349  
ly going quickly northwest / great altitude. Called Great Airship.. .       11/26/1896 #362  
o an apparent airship moving at an altitude of about 500 feet at about 25 m 11/27/1896 #367  
llel with them at about 1,000 feet altitude. The lights outdistance the tra 12/4/1896 #375  
 9:30 p.m. It then descended to an altitude of 200 feet, traveled at a rema 2/1/1897 #386  
r 10 minutes it returns at a lower altitude, now visible as a conical objec 2/4/1897 #387  
 northwestward slowly, came to low altitude. A crowd gathered at a street c 3/28/1897 #399  
 northwestward slowly, came to low altitude. A crowd gathered at a street c 3/28/1897 #400  
 northwestward slowly, came to low altitude. A crowd gathered at a street c 3/28/1897 #401  
r Bloomington, Illinois, at a high altitude toward the northeast.           4/11/1897 #430  
bject, which flew up with it to an altitude of about 150 m and circled "lik 4/14/1897 #461  
bject, which flew up with it to an altitude of about 150 meters and circled 4/14/1897 #474  
 Michigan. It flew at an estimated altitude of 500 feet, and was clearly vi 4/15/1897 #500  
slowly descending to about 50 feet altitude above Center Avenue. A red ligh 4/16/1897 #506  
. The light suddenly ascends to an altitude of 1,000 feet. As he watches, t 4/16/1897 #510  
e craft descended to about 50 feet altitude, then rose swiftly and flew out 4/16/1897 #515  
 moving to the northwest at a high altitude.                                4/17/1897 #522  
ses over Trenton, Tennessee, at an altitude of about 1,500 feet. It has a r 4/17/1897 #524  
 tint and no more than 300 feet in altitude. The witnesses include Harry M. 4/22/1897 #558  
hed to a cigar-shaped object at an altitude of 500 feet. He calls his fathe 4/24/1897 #569  
 the object rising. It reached the altitude of the cloud ceiling and flew t 4/26/1897 #578  
e object ascending. It reached the altitude of the cloud ceiling and flew t 4/26/1897 #579  
st moving to the north at 500 feet altitude. When it nears the city, the li 7/4/1897 #597  
ve Street. It is about one mile in altitude.                                8/26/1897 #606  
t. Maneuvers all directions / high altitude. Going [to] behind mountains.   1/2/1898 #615  
fast below the clouds. They gained altitude, turned, and travelled off to t 2/28/1904 #671  
ensely dark object flies / 2 miles altitude. No further details.            9/2/1905 #681  
r Llangollen, Gwynedd, Wales at an altitude over two miles.                 9/2/1905 #682  
 like a stovepipe. From an initial altitude of 60 feet, the object sinks do 11/1906 #692  
ould not have survived to such low altitude, but a stony asteroid might hav 6/30/1908 #709  
nd. The object disintegrates at an altitude of 3–6 miles rather than hittin 6/30/1908 #711  
 the devastation exploded above an altitude of three miles and left an area 6/30/1908 #712  
ng [to] overhead very slow / great altitude.                                7/1908? #713  
00 feet as it passes by at 60 feet altitude. Three seconds later it is gone 1909 #719  
dirigible going quickly west / 60M altitude. 3 booms / regular intervals.   3/4/1909 #722  
dirigible heading west at 200 feet altitude. He walks for about 50 yards wa 3/4/1909 #723  
shaped airship about 1,300 feet in altitude. It rises higher then travels s 5/9/1909 #733  
s in front and behind moving at an altitude of 500–600 feet. They dimly per 5/13/1909 #740  
tle-shaped object pass by at a low altitude. She thinks she can see a man i 5/16/1909 #750  
shaped object flew slowly at a low altitude over Waihi, New Zealand at 8:30 8/3/1909 #800  
 at both ends. It rose to a higher altitude, circled, and then went behind  8/3/1909 #800  
ts front and back sails at a great altitude from west to east over Concord, 8/9/1909 #802  
 7:00 and 7:30 p.m., flying at low altitude and sporting a searchlight. One 12/22/1909 #821  
n airship with lights flying at an altitude of around 400 feet. Alex Randal 12/23/1909 #822  
gar-shaped object hovering at 30 m altitude. A man appeared at a lateral do 1/1910 #827  
gar-shaped object hovering at 30 m altitude. A man appeared at a lateral do 1/1910 #828  
nd 11:00 a.m. at 500 to 1,000 feet altitude. It disappeared into a bank of  1/13/1910 #832  
m north going quickly south / 300M altitude. 3-4 figure(s) aboard. / L. Far 1/15/1910 #834  
y into the sky until it reaches an altitude of several hundred feet, when i Summer 1910 #840  
askachewan, Canada at an estimated altitude of 600 feet.                    10/27/1910 #851  
a.m. Two objects flying at a great altitude are seen over East Providence,  10/29/1910 #852  
imates its speed at 40 mph and its altitude as 700 feet. It has a yellowish 1/27/1913 #874  
 substance floats by at a constant altitude. Some pieces, 6–8 inches long,  Summer 1914 #902  
observer. Large dark airship / low altitude. Buzzes. Going quickly southwes 2/9/1915 #923  
A large dark airship flew at a low altitude near Bigfork, Montana around fi 2/9/1915 #924  
re/orb/globe rises / meadow to 15M altitude. Clear outline. Heads off.      9/4/1915 #935  
iddle.” Moving swiftly at 600 feet altitude, the object carries a long rope 2/29/1916 #943  
50 feet long flying overhead at an altitude of 500 feet.                    Winter 1918? #979  
t. intense glowing-ball slow / low altitude. Controlled maneuvers.          1/22/1919 #982  
 glowing ball flew slowly at a low altitude over Shuttlewood, Derbyshire, E 1/22/1919 #984  
m orange-red luminous sphere / low altitude. 1 observer moves to let it pas 8/1919 (approximate) #992  
ject going quickly northeast / 23m altitude. Abrupt turn going quickly east 6/8/1920 #1001  
ical object flying at only 75 feet altitude, passing over Rushville, Missou 6/8/1920 #1002  
ehind hedge. Moves away / very low altitude.                                6/24/1924 #1040  
f Nicolae Bălcescu, Romania, at an altitude of 650–950 feet. He estimates i 7/1927 #1074  
ed upside down,” speed by at a low altitude (15–20 feet), emitting 4–5 rays Early 11/1928 #1090  
 passes over him at about 100 feet altitude, but the force knocks him to hi 9/1929 #1103  
report. Silent metallic disk / 2km altitude flies overhead. No further deta 7/25/1930 #1115  
est going east slow and level / 1M altitude toward(s) ruins.                5/1931 #1125  
California. They maintain the same altitude from east to west in a great ar Early Summer 1932 #1145  
r of their formation from a higher altitude. Two Hawkers experience mechani 7/5/1933 #1167  
 tracks. It is at about 1,300 feet altitude and visible for 15 minutes.     1/2/1934 #1193  
1 observer. Aluminum pan / rooftop altitude. Robot(s)/android(s) float out  4/1935 (approximate) #1225  
here north going south twice / low altitude. Straight and level trajectory  9/1935 #1232  
ght, which is at a slightly higher altitude and moving at nearly 440 mph. R 10/10/1936 #1252  
 at 5–10 mph at less than 100 feet altitude from north to south in Minneapo 1938 #1280  
ing west. Turns going north / 250M altitude / 250kph. Whistles. Rectangular 8/27/1938 (approximate) #1291  
 Col. Mario Pezzi reaches a record altitude of 56,850 feet in a Caproni Ca. 10/22/1938 #1298  
haped object hovers silently at an altitude of 230–260 feet. Suddenly it be Early 8/1939 #1312  
ct approaching from the east at an altitude of 20–30 feet. When it gets clo Late Summer 1939 #1314  
O traveling at 50mph, 200–300 feet altitude                                 1941 #1350  
is traveling at about 50 mph at an altitude of 200–300 feet and is clearly  1941 #1352  
ar not engine noise. Wobble / high altitude. / r114.                        8/12/1942 #1432  
er and larger. When they reach his altitude, they stop climbing and stay at 12/1942 #1470  
they stop climbing and stay at his altitude. He makes another full turn, bu 12/1942 #1470  
ections. Absolute(ly) silent. High altitude. Also others / 13 April and 10  6/4/1943 #1509  
hauny, France. They flew at a high altitude, and were absolutely silent.    6/4/1943 #1510  
e a whistling sound, rose to 100 m altitude, then left at fantastic speed.  9/1943 #1523  
e a whistling sound, rose to 100 m altitude, then left at fantastic speed.  9/1943 #1524  
sharply, almost on edge, and gains altitude, disappearing in seconds.       10/1943 #1532  
west. Going quickly southwest. Low altitude.                                12/1943 (approximate) #1546  
lying over southwest Ukraine at an altitude of 3 miles when a large, ellipt 1944 #1559  
0 a.m. a bomber crew at 4,500 feet altitude saw a dark shape pull alongside 2/1944 #1569  
et saw above them, at an estimated altitude of 50,000 feet, a silver disc.  6/1944 #1599  
atches a cigar-shaped object at an altitude of about 5,000 feet above the K Summer 1944 #1609  
nge moon going [to] overhead / low altitude. Great heat. Turns white. Going 8/1944 #1631  
shaped object flew overhead at low altitude in Gardouch, Haute-Garronne, Fr 8/30/1944 #1651  
osses sky west going east / steady altitude.                                9/1944 #1653  
veling at about 30 mph and 40 feet altitude from the front lines toward the 9/1944 #1663  
nd fighters, as it dropped from an altitude of 100–110 km (62–68 mi) at up  9/7/1944 #1666  
gnetic effect (EME). 250mph / 450M altitude. / r2p33.                       11/27/1944 #1707  
Squadron. Brilliant fireball / 2K' altitude. 200mph. RADAR malfunctions due 12/15/1944 #1722  
 from the 415th NFS at 10,000 feet altitude over Hagenau, France in the Bas 12/22/1944 #1728  
A red ball of light climbed to the altitude of a Beaufighter from the 415TH 12/24/1944 #1733  
er light pass parallel and at same altitude. (Page 125 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 -  1/10/1945 #1754  
f the fleet. Before they can reach altitude, the object moves back to the w 2/7/1945 #1774  
ee 3 groups / night lights at 700M altitude. / Don Berliner and more/others 2/13/1945 #1780  
sts. After about 45 minutes, at an altitude of around 800 meters, one of th 2/18/1945 #1790  
at was moving horizontally at same altitude. (Page 145 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 -  3/5/1945 #1808  
ly detected 25–30 miles away at an altitude of 1,500 feet, but occasionally 4/1945 #1834  
 star-like light approach and lose altitude. Radar contact was then lost. T 4/18/1945 #1848  
a Island sees two objects at their altitude of 11,000 feet, changing from c 5/3/1945 #1862  
ws military V-ship / 5 hours. 35k' altitude.                                6/5/1945 (approximate) #1874  
These craft where hovering at high altitude above the top-secret Plutonium  Summer 1945 #1879  
n). Huge red saucer / RADAR / 20km altitude. 6 6F6s can't reach. / LDLN#343 7/15/1945? #1894  
ht lights exit large object / high altitude. Finally going west. / Flying S 7/20/1945? #1902  
 Sea C-46 had engine trouble, lost altitude, as three UFOs were observed fr 8/28/1945 #1929  
ond Leatherbarrow, estimates their altitude at 50,000 feet based on reflect 1946 #1960  
rb/globe passes through disk / 15M altitude. 2 pseudo-human/entity in dome. 2/1946 (approximate) #1968  
ns motionless at 5,000–10,000 feet altitude, which at that height would mak 4/1946 #1980  
White Sands Pad 33, reaching 5.5km altitude (radio cut off after launch, fi 4/16/1946 #1982  
est at White Sands Pad 33, 112.6km altitude                                 5/10/1946 #1989  
ingless cylinder/cigar-shape / 90M altitude shoots bursts / sparks. Going q 5/24/1946 #1996  
est at White Sands Pad 33, 112.1km altitude                                 5/29/1946 #2000  
 cigar moves rapidly at 1,000 feet altitude over Katrineholm, Sweden.       5/31/1946 #2002  
est at White Sands Pad 33, 117.2km altitude                                 6/13/1946 #2011  
est at White Sands Pad 33, 107.8km altitude (nose separation failure)       6/28/1946 #2017  
ape east going quickly west / 28K' altitude. Clear outline. Vibrant bright  7/7/1946 #2029  
he east to the west at 28,000 feet altitude at 7:45 p.m. and was seen by se 7/7/1946 #2030  
est at White Sands Pad 33, 134.4km altitude                                 7/9/1946 #2032  
 a thermos” descending from a high altitude.                                7/9/1946 #2036  
ht yellow-red object / steady high altitude. Southeast going quickly northw 7/13/1946 #2056  
ass over their heads at a very low altitude. They fall simultaneously into  7/18/1946 #2062  
 test at White Sands Pad 33, 4.8km altitude (oxygen pump explodes)          7/19/1946 #2065  
silent cylinder/cigar-shape / 900M altitude. Fire and sparks / tail.        7/22/1946 #2076  
est at White Sands Pad 33, 161.5km altitude                                 7/30/1946 #2085  
EAST / TAMPA, FL 3 C47 crew / 30K' altitude. 60M cylinder/cigar-shape with  8/1/1946 #2094  
th of Tampa, Florida at 4,000 feet altitude, sighted a cylinder-shaped UFO  8/1/1946 #2101  
ward the south-southwest at a high altitude.                                8/5/1946 #2106  
DEN Teacher. Object / 800kph. 500M altitude. Faint blue glow / nose. / FSRv 8/7/1946 #2108  
ome of the rockets are seen at low altitude, maneuver in half circles, and  8/8/1946 #2111  
t-like object moving quickly at an altitude of 1,600 feet. They can see sma 8/13/1946 #2131  
ional training flight at 200 meter altitude observed a cigar-shaped object  8/14/1946 #2133  
 test at White Sands Pad 33, 6.4km altitude (Radio cut-off 16.5s after laun 8/15/1946 #2136  
le test at White Sands Pad 33, 0km altitude (Control failure led to cut-off 8/22/1946 #2147  
ER AIR FORCE BASE, OK Saucer / 60M altitude. 12 portholes / lower part. 1 h 8/25/1946 (approximate) #2158  
res visible inside, hovered at low altitude. After about 1-1/2 minutes the  Late 8/1946 #2159  
 Ghost rockets here also. 15K-30K' altitude north going quickly south. / LD 9/1/1946 (approximate) #2165  
e tail. It is traveling fast at an altitude of 75 feet. Rinaldi sees it hit 9/11/1946 #2177  
ne speed. Absolute(ly) silent. 6km altitude.                                9/12/1946 #2179  
quickly north. Faster / plane. Low altitude. / L'Espoir 24 SEPT46.          9/23/1946 (approximate) #2188  
est at White Sands Pad 33, 173.8km altitude                                 10/10/1946 #2200  
est at White Sands Pad 33, 104.6km altitude (subnormal propulsion performan 10/10/1946 #2201  
ect moving over the trees at a low altitude. It is dart-shaped and has shor 10/21/1946 #2204  
 test at White Sands Pad 33, .32km altitude (Guidance failure preceded emer 11/7/1946 #2206  
est at White Sands Pad 33, 101.4km altitude (Sub-normal propulsion performa 11/21/1946 #2207  
est at White Sands Pad 33, 152.9km altitude (Control system failed at altit 12/5/1946 #2210  
altitude (Control system failed at altitude)                                12/5/1946 #2210  
est at White Sands Pad 33, 184.4km altitude (Rocket exploded at 440s)       12/17/1946 #2212  
 a stationary light hovering at an altitude of 3,000–4,000 feet above Rosev 1947 #2220  
est at White Sands Pad 33, 116.2km altitude (Degraded performance led to ro 1/10/1947 #2225  
AF Mosquito chases RADAR blip 22K' altitude going quickly west to Norfolk.  1/16/1947 #2226  
ated to be faster than sound at an altitude of 38,000 feet over the North S 1/16/1947 #2228  
test at White Sands Pad 33, 49.9km altitude (Degraded performance led to ro 1/23/1947 #2233  
est at White Sands Pad 33, 109.4km altitude (Blossom 1 — Propulsion degrade 2/20/1947 #2242  
est at White Sands Pad 33, 165.2km altitude                                 3/7/1947 #2247  
number, and could not estimate the altitude, size or speed.                 3/30/1947 #2251  
est at White Sands Pad 33, 129.2km altitude                                 4/1/1947 #2258  
est at White Sands Pad 33, 102.2km altitude                                 4/8/1947 #2260  
est at White Sands Pad 33, 142.4km altitude (Successful test of ram-jet pay 4/17/1947 #2264  
t to northwest at about 3,000 feet altitude in a flat trajectory.           5/14/1947 #2281  
their axes and are at an estimated altitude of 20,000 feet. They are silver Late 5/1947 #2298  
test at White Sands Pad 33, 79.3km altitude (Hermes II prototype with dummy 5/29/1947 #2300  
ects glistening in the sun at high altitude (McDonald list; FOIA; FUFOR Ind 6/12/1947 #2323  
igh-speed, round objects at a high altitude over Weiser, Idaho. They move u 6/12/1947 #2324  
0cm ball going quickly west / ~20M altitude. Extremely fast. No further det 6/16/1947 (approximate) #2332  
n a speeding plane at an estimated altitude of 1,000 feet. The object stays 6/22/1947 #2364  
. 2 platters going southeast / 3km altitude. Odd dips reflect sun. / news.  6/23/1947 #2371  
 saucers flying in formation at an altitude of 9200 feet and at almost 1700 6/24/1947 #2379  
 North going quickly south / 1500m altitude.                                6/24/1947 #2382  
 Farmer. Silver sphere hovers / 5' altitude. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) e 6/24/1947 #2384  
10M saucers going southeast / 300M altitude. Compass spins / r15p14.        6/24/1947 #2389  
 of 1,500 miles per hour and at an altitude of 9,500 feet. When he landed i 6/24/1947 #2402  
 / plane speed in succession. High altitude. No further details.            6/25/1947 #2406  
rmstrong. 6 3' white saucers / 6K' altitude going quickly southeast / 250kn 6/28/1947 #2438  
ing quickly west. Going [to] 2400M altitude.                                6/28/1947 #2439  
hwest sky going quickly north. 9K' altitude. / r15p17.                      6/29/1947 #2457  
isks west going quickly east / low altitude. Maneuver / circles. "Size and  6/29/1947 #2459  
erver(s). 25' flat oval disk / 5K' altitude and tremendous speed/velocity g 6/29/1947 #2463  
lew off to the north at 9,000 feet altitude.                                6/29/1947 #2468  
ing quickly southwest fast / ~100m altitude.                                6/30/1947 (approximate) #2472  
iams Field, Arizona at 9000 meters altitude when toward the south when he s 6/30/1947 #2489  
speed over Indian reservation. 5K' altitude.                                7/1/1947 #2502  
 white saucers dip and roll / high altitude. Going quickly east on edge. /  7/2/1947 #2537  
 Several bright thin disks / 5000' altitude going quickly southwest fast st 7/2/1947 #2542  
 northwest overhead. 800kph / 450M altitude. / MJ#275+281.                  7/2/1947 #2546  
going quickly east overhead / 400' altitude. Ditto / 4 July / 2100h. / r187 7/3/1947 #2554  
bserver(s). Silver football / high altitude. Going south. Engine sound. Goi 7/3/1947 #2558  
oderate speed over a meadow at low altitude, heading toward the southwest.  7/3/1947 #2588  
g quickly southeast. 500mph / high altitude. No further details.            7/4/1947 #2598  
shiny metal saucers maneuver 2-5K' altitude. 1 goes up. 2 going quickly eas 7/4/1947 #2600  
ks going quickly southwest / 3000M altitude. Too fast to catch.             7/4/1947 #2601  
 over and over. Straight up / high altitude. Going quickly northeast. No fu 7/4/1947 #2604  
theast. Extremely fast / very high altitude. Straight and level trajectory. 7/4/1947 #2611  
rge disk rises into clouds at 20K' altitude. No report made.                7/4/1947 #2615  
? Tilts and going northwest / 300' altitude.                                7/4/1947 #2616  
te plane. 50' skeet-saucer / 7000' altitude going quickly NNW / 500mph over 7/4/1947 #2618  
OR G. Graen and wife. Ovoid / 10K' altitude going quickly south / terrific  7/4/1947 #2621  
fast green disk passes close / 35' altitude. Going south.                   7/4/1947 #2622  
e speed. Absolute(ly) silent. 10K' altitude.                                7/4/1947 #2623  
/ fireworks. Metal 30' disk / 20K' altitude. Extremely quickly going up [to 7/4/1947 #2624  
y southwest to sea / 350mph. 1000' altitude. 'Crackling noise'.             7/4/1947 #2629  
ad in a loose formation. They gain altitude rapidly and move to the west.   7/4/1947 #2659  
 speeding over Boise, Idaho, at an altitude of about 10,000 feet. It takes  7/4/1947 #2663  
uising at an estimated 10,000 feet altitude, Mr. Harris and his passenger s 7/4/1947 #2673  
 / fast erratic trajectories. 10K' altitude. 1 flew going quickly east. No  7/5/1947 #2684  
ver saucers / V-formation. Extreme altitude going quickly south / 1000+MPH. 7/5/1947 #2694  
 disk circles / 30 minute(s) / 5K' altitude. Going south.                   7/5/1947 #2706  
st. Bobs going up and down / 6500' altitude.                                7/5/1947 #2712  
lost in the clouds at an estimated altitude of 8,000 feet.                  7/5/1947 #2730  
les observer several times at 60cm altitude!                                7/6/1947 #2733  
 / McKee Bridge. Silver disk / 7K' altitude overhead straight and level.    7/6/1947 #2740  
etallic disk going [to] sky / 25km altitude. 3 saucers / dust cloud.        7/6/1947 #2747  
5. Bright silver 40' saucer / 10K' altitude. Shoots going quickly east. / F 7/6/1947 #2752  
ing disk going quickly east / high altitude. Straight and level flight. (Se 7/6/1947 #2755  
southwest faster / any plane. 10K' altitude. Rod sticks going down / center 7/6/1947 #2764  
nd flip going quickly north / 500' altitude below clouds.                   7/6/1947 #2768  
ckly west / incredible speed. 20K' altitude. Type unknown.                  7/6/1947 #2769  
r north going quickly south / high altitude. Change formations. Going quick 7/6/1947 #2774  
st going quickly southwest / 2500' altitude with whistling sound. No furthe 7/6/1947 #2776  
 silent saucers going south / high altitude. Kite-like object bobs going up 7/6/1947 #2783  
(s). Luminous disk very fast / 3K' altitude north going quickly south. Rim  7/6/1947 #2788  
s saucers drift going west / cloud altitude. No further details.            7/6/1947 #2795  
n oval-shaped UFO flying at a high altitude for nearly 2 minutes near Encam 7/6/1947 #2810  
ny plane." It flew at an estimated altitude of ten thousand feet. It had wh 7/6/1947 #2823  
speed. They appeared to be gaining altitude as they flew. At the same time  7/6/1947 #2825  
t below the clouds at an estimated altitude of 500 feet. At 7:00 p.m. a bla 7/6/1947 #2825  
imated to be flying at 20,000 feet altitude. A round object flew across the 7/6/1947 #2826  
plane, and it seemed to be gaining altitude as it flew toward the northwest 7/6/1947 #2826  
cs drifted to the west at the same altitude as the clouds at 10:30 p.m. ove 7/6/1947 #2830  
silver disks circle overhead / 2K' altitude. / r187#595.                    7/7/1947 #2861  
er(s) / 2 / planes. Saucer / 1200M altitude. Away / 9000kph and more. / Arm 7/7/1947 #2862  
 disks / single file. Fast / 5000' altitude.                                7/7/1947 #2868  
pancake" / terrific speed. 10-12K' altitude. Straight and level going quick 7/7/1947 #2870  
 observer(s). 2 big saucers / high altitude going south. Later 3 disks goin 7/7/1947 #2875  
d persons. Fast disk spins / 1200m altitude. Also San Antonio.              7/7/1947 #2890  
kly east. Rotate. Contrails. 1200m altitude. / r131#4p18.                   7/7/1947 #2894  
isk "electric clock" 500mph / 250' altitude. Going quickly south fast.      7/7/1947 #2896  
graph see reference. 100mph / 150' altitude.                                7/7/1947 #2899  
craft formation going east / 1000' altitude.                                7/7/1947 #2900  
s). Huge fireball maneuvers / high altitude. Going quickly north. Gone fast 7/7/1947 #2904  
HILLS, CA 1 observer. "Little sun" altitude / bright and dim. Straight and  7/7/1947 #2913  
away, moving at 200 mph, and at an altitude of 1,000–2,000 feet. Robert Del 7/7/1947 #2942  
spot for two minutes at 2,000 feet altitude.                                7/7/1947 #2945  
 flying at an estimated 1,000 feet altitude. It circled in the east for abo 7/7/1947 #2947  
ing quickly north. Thousands / Ft. altitude. Vapor trails.                  7/8/1947 #2959  
g northeast fast and silent / high altitude. Single file. / r111p20.        7/8/1947 #2962  
ly west across wind / 300+mph. 8K' altitude. / r55p95.                      7/8/1947 #2965  
lic disk going [to] 1200kph / 600M altitude. Windows. Steams / pipes!       7/8/1947 #2968  
y yards. Going quickly south. High altitude. Back / 1400-1430h. Going south 7/8/1947 #2969  
4 metallic disks going west / 150M altitude. Tilt side to side.             7/8/1947 #2971  
 dark spot / center. Fast / 5-10K' altitude.                                7/8/1947 #2976  
1M disk with hole / center at 500' altitude. Low speed.                     7/8/1947 #2979  
rs in formation going south / high altitude / groups / 4+3+1. / R. C. Times 7/8/1947 #2984  
ARMY AIR BASE, CA F51 pilot / 20K' altitude. Flat reflective disk. Can't re 7/8/1947 #2987  
ers going quickly northeast / 400M altitude. 1100kph. / r187#733.           7/8/1947 #2989  
r saucer going quickly east / high altitude. (Balloon earlier went going [t 7/8/1947 #2990  
 southwest straight and level. 3km altitude. Slight tilt.                   7/8/1947 #2993  
an estimated 800 mph at 2,000 feet altitude. He described it as having two  7/8/1947 #3028  
 in its center, flying at 500 feet altitude over Spokane, Washington. At 5: 7/8/1947 #3028  
g quickly northwest over bay. 1 km altitude. / news.                        7/9/1947 #3035  
ny and 1 dull. Slow and fast. 10K' altitude. Going east.                    7/9/1947 #3040  
ing quickly south over field / 4K' altitude. Straight and level.            7/9/1947 #3044  
bserver(s). Saucers maneuver / low altitude / 30 minute(s). 1 observer fire 7/9/1947 #3047  
est at White Sands Pad 33, 16.25km altitude (Early yaw led to termination a 7/10/1947 #3076  
 / light plane. 1M cake pan / 600M altitude 1500M away. (Cake pan missing!) 7/10/1947 #3082  
nd shiny 3' disk. Not fast. 1 mile altitude? Straight and level going quick 7/10/1947 #3083  
anics. Oval silvery saucers / 150M altitude. No further details / News Disp 7/10/1947 #3085  
kly south / 350kph into wind. 500M altitude straight & level flight. / r171 7/10/1947 #3086  
erill. 8' silver disk fast / 6000' altitude. Makes steep bank going quickly 7/10/1947 #3088  
& level flight. Constant speed and altitude..                               7/10/1947 #3095  
ped object flew over at 600 meters altitude.                                7/10/1947 #3114  
 northeast at a constant speed and altitude.                                7/10/1947 #3120  
BAY OF BISCAY Airline crew / 1200M altitude. Grey 'flying tadpole' / 2400M  7/11/1947 #3128  
ude. Grey 'flying tadpole' / 2400M altitude.                                7/11/1947 #3128  
nch. Disk going quickly west / 3km altitude. Faster / any plane. 1500kph. S 7/11/1947 #3129  
bble going quickly north fast. Low altitude. Humming. Silver trails.        7/11/1947 #3134  
ks maneuver / 2 groups. Fast. High altitude. Direction unknown.             7/11/1947 #3135  
son], Anchorage, Alaska. Estimated altitude is 3,000–4,000 feet.            7/11/1947 #3138  
 swerves going quickly east / 12K' altitude.                                7/12/1947 #3152  
 flying northwest at 100 mph at an altitude of 1,500 feet and following the 7/12/1947 #3159  
/ 1 side and silver. 120kph / 300M altitude into cloud.                     7/13/1947 #3162  
rcrew. Grey flying tadpole / 4800M altitude. / Arg. papers.                 7/13/1947 #3163  
k swoops and flips. 400 kph / 750M altitude. Turns going south.             7/13/1947 #3166  
ange positions in formation. 2000M altitude?                                7/13/1947 #3167  
k going quickly [to] Cfast / 1500M altitude. No further details / Daily New 7/14/1947 #3176  
sc shot through the sky fast at an altitude of 1500 meters. At 7:20 p.m. a  7/14/1947 #3180  
OR Disk going south 500kph / 1200M altitude. Brisk 30° turn going quickly s 7/16/1947 #3190  
ast straight & level flight / 120M altitude directly overhead. Vancouver Su 7/19/1947 #3199  
veral / farm. "Saucer" drops / 20M altitude. Fast spin. Blue light. Finally 7/20/1947 #3203  
l going quickly NNW / 250kph. 550M altitude 1 km away.                      7/20/1947 #3204  
er ovoid going quickly NNE / 2000M altitude. 1000kph. No tail.              7/21/1947 #3208  
f 600 miles per hour, at 7000 feet altitude.                                7/21/1947 #3211  
nt silver saucer going east / 400M altitude. Airplane speed. / AFU Sweden.  7/23/1947 #3215  
died, but the plane maintained its altitude. He felt a prickling sensation  7/23/1947 #3220  
ucer going quickly east fast / 30M altitude. Lady report(s) dishpan missing 7/24/1947 #3222  
RG J. Arigues sees saucer / 60-70M altitude near home. No further details / 7/24/1947 #3225  
aped tube" going south slow / 240M altitude.                                7/24/1947 #3227  
silver disk going west / very high altitude. Leaves (something behind) puff 7/28/1947 #3236  
n flying toward the west at a high altitude In Norwood, Manitoba. If left b 7/28/1947 #3241  
est at White Sands Pad 33, 160.7km altitude (Near vertical trajectory.)     7/29/1947 #3244  
FERRY, MT 2 / car. 1M saucer / 3km altitude. Flutters. Going up and down. L 7/29/1947 #3246  
 fast. Seen / 2 minutes. Very high altitude. No further details / news.     7/29/1947 #3247  
to] going quickly southeast / 150M altitude. 12' x5'. Silent. Landing?      7/29/1947 #3248  
 are flying at about 750 mph at an altitude of 6,000–10,000 feet heading so 7/29/1947 #3255  
 38cm metallic saucer wavers / 25M altitude. Indents / dome. Follows railro 8/1947 (approximate) #3269  
d 1. 12 disks / V formation / 300M altitude below airliner.                 8/1/1947 #3279  
ols to bring his plane up to safer altitude. Now 1,000 feet higher, the pil 8/4/1947 #3291  
 quickly northeast abreast / 2500M altitude. Rise and dip.                  8/5/1947 (approximate) #3294  
cers / vertical V formation / 25K' altitude. Going quickly north / 1000mph. 8/11/1947 #3311  
n towards them at 1,000 mph and an altitude of 75 feet about 1/2 mile away. 8/13/1947 #3320  
ked stationary target at 200 miles altitude using a modified CPS-4 radar (N Late 8/1947 #3366  
grey disks going northwest / 9000' altitude. No further details.            8/26/1947 #3371  
 a target moving 450–478 mph at an altitude of 1,500 feet. It changes cours 8/28/1947 #3375  
quickly southeast / 1400kph! 4500M altitude. Passes airliner.               9/16/1947 #3397  
tenna passes cloud to cloud / 200M altitude.                                9/25/1947 (approximate) #3426  
 Turns north. Returns. Hovers / 6M altitude. Going up [to] and going quickl 10/1947 (approximate) #3435  
est at White Sands Pad 33, 156.1km altitude (Internal explosion at 83.5s)   10/9/1947 #3451  
and 2. 1M saucer going east / 200M altitude. Tail like a rocket. No further 10/10/1947 #3452  
t going quickly southeast / 8-10K' altitude.                                10/14/1947 #3454  
lack spots / center. 120kph / 800M altitude.                                11/1947 (approximate) #3472  
test at White Sands Pad 33, 26.7km altitude (GE technology proving flight)  11/20/1947 #3493  
est at White Sands Pad 33, 104.6km altitude (Stable flight but less than pl 12/8/1947 #3497  
table flight but less than planned altitude)                                12/8/1947 #3497  
in diameter and flying at 200 feet altitude.                                12/14/1947 #3502  
l (1 mile W of), CA High speed low altitude object trailing red, green and  12/30/1947 #3514  
0 feet tall by 43 feet wide, at an altitude of 4 miles and moving at 10 mph 1/7/1948 #3542  
es away at about 240–300 mph at an altitude of 50,000–60,000 feet during mo 1/7/1948 #3544  
ying a DC-3 aircraft at 3,000 feet altitude near Cartersville, Georgia, obs 1/9/1948 #3552  
 cross his flight path at the same altitude and then turn earthward. The ob 1/9/1948 #3552  
Silver object going [to] by / 600' altitude. Type unknown. / Col. Ewert goi 1/21/1948 #3559  
est at White Sands Pad 33, 159.3km altitude (Payload separation failure)    1/22/1948 #3561  
er, maintains a slow speed and low altitude until it disappears from sight. 2/1948 #3570  
 test at White Sands Pad 33, 111km altitude (Successfully maneuvered by gro 2/6/1948 #3575  
KAGEN, DK 2 pilots. Missile / 22K' altitude. Many such southeast going quic 2/21/1948 (approximate) #3585  
 test at White Sands Pad 33, 5.5km altitude (Low altitude flight prevented  3/19/1948 #3591  
 Sands Pad 33, 5.5km altitude (Low altitude flight prevented any data recov 3/19/1948 #3591  
F pilot John Cunningham reaches an altitude of 59,430 feet in a de Havillan 3/23/1948 #3595  
low the squadron at 200 mph and an altitude of about 1,000 feet. Meyers est 4/1/1948 #3603  
n and was flying south at 1,500 ft altitude when he saw a half-moon shaped  4/1/1948 #3604  
 test at White Sands Pad 33, 144km altitude (Three previous launch attempts 4/2/1948 #3605  
tions. One object is lost at a low altitude. The other goes up quickly and  4/5/1948 #3612  
flying through the air at 250 feet altitude over Longview, Washington in th 4/7/1948 #3614  
e test at White Sands Pad 33, 56km altitude (Faulty steering led to high ro 4/19/1948 #3626  
than a 42 ft AT-6 at the indicated altitude. (FOIA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 4/19/1948 #3627  
avy (USN) pilot. 30+'sphere. 4500' altitude. Going quickly south / 100mph a 4/30/1948 #3632  
opposite course S to N at constant altitude (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Co 4/30/1948 #3633  
m the south to north at a constant altitude, 1000 feet below an aircraft. I 4/30/1948 #3635  
est at White Sands Pad 33, 127.3km altitude (Bumper 1 Premature cut-off of  5/13/1948 #3648  
est at White Sands Pad 33, 139.7km altitude (Steady flight with low roll ra 5/27/1948 #3656  
est at White Sands Pad 33, 139.7km altitude (Steady flight with low roll ra 5/27/1948 #3657  
st, and then speeds away at a high altitude.                                5/31/1948 #3663  
eed away toward the east at a high altitude.                                5/31/1948 #3664  
test at White Sands Pad 33, 62.3km altitude (Blossom 2 — Cut-off at 57.7s;  6/11/1948 #3668  
Ivanovich Apraksin is flying at an altitude of 6.5 miles above a solid laye 6/16/1948 #3671  
alculated at going 9,000 mph at an altitude of 60,000 feet. The commanders  Summer 1948 #3679  
 quickly northeast / sequence. 1K' altitude. / MJ#242.                      6/29/1948 #3681  
ylindrical object maneuvers / 12km altitude / 45 minute(s). All clocks stop 7/10/1948 #3706  
e vicinity of San Acacia, N.M., at altitude of 20,000 ft. Formation varied  7/17/1948 #3711  
objects going quickly north / 20K' altitude. Shift position. 1500MPH.       7/17/1948 #3712  
 travelling at high speed and high altitude. Description: Appeared wingless 7/25/1948 #3736  
test at White Sands Pad 33, 86.9km altitude (Turbine overspeed led to prema 7/26/1948 #3739  
maneuvers going quickly south. 5K' altitude.                                7/26/1948 #3740  
e south at an estimated 5,000 feet altitude. The Air Force explanation was  7/26/1948 #3744  
tal propeller shape going [to] 30' altitude into woods. Dwg / r48p40.       7/29/1948 #3749  
n object swept over a road at 10 m altitude.                                7/29/1948 #3751  
ilently above the trees at 30 feet altitude some 300 feet away heading sout 7/29/1948 #3753  
ast heading 90°. They estimate its altitude as 2,000 feet covering a distan 7/31/1948 #3760  
 with no wings flew at a very high altitude and was seen in the skies 25 ki 8/3/1948 #3772  
est at White Sands Pad 33, 165.7km altitude                                 8/5/1948 #3774  
test at White Sands Pad 33, 13.4km altitude (Bumper 2 First stage failed du 8/19/1948 #3784  
 was sighted flying at 50,000 feet altitude over Mint Canyon, California. I 8/31/1948 #3791  
est at White Sands Pad 33, 150.6km altitude (Vehicle broke up at 370s at 84 9/2/1948 #3795  
(Vehicle broke up at 370s at 84 km altitude.)                               9/2/1948 #3795  
est at White Sands Pad 33, 150.3km altitude (Bumper 3 WAC stage failed)     9/30/1948 #3816  
lassic silver saucer hovers / 300M altitude? 30M diameter? Shoots away extr 10/1948 #3819  
from the light at about 5,000 feet altitude. Gorman climbs to 14,000 feet b 10/1/1948 #3827  
way to the northeast at 1,000 feet altitude in a gradual climb traveling at 10/24/1948 #3852  
tified targets were tracked at low altitude (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: 10/29/1948 #3854  
 test at White Sands Pad 33, 4.8km altitude (Bumper 4 Explosion in tail of  11/1/1948 #3860  
est at White Sands Pad 33, 145.3km altitude (First Hermes B ‘Organ’ test of 11/18/1948 #3879  
est at White Sands Pad 33, 108.4km altitude (Vane failure at 22s caused err 12/9/1948 #3919  
s its horizontal flight at the low altitude (for a meteor) of 8–10 miles. L 12/12/1948 #3926  
 the west for 2.2 seconds at a low altitude, then ascended. It was seen by  12/12/1948 #3927  
 the intense lime-green color, low altitude of only 8–10 miles yet exhibiti 12/20/1948 #3935  
 feet wide, cross their path at an altitude of 1,500–1,600 feet. It is only 1/1/1949 #3955  
looked dark. It flew at 3,000 feet altitude and circled the airfield, blink 1/4/1949 #3960  
ry guard. White 2' diamond / 1500' altitude. Crosses sky very fast.         1/6/1949 #3964  
xico. It is about 1,500–2,000 feet altitude and flying faster than a jet. P 1/6/1949 #3967  
 south going north, moving from an altitude of 8,000 feet in a gradual desc 1/27/1949 #3981  
erall climb and loss to view at an altitude of around 40,000 feet. The boun 1/27/1949 #3981  
5,000–50,000 mph, with a beginning altitude of 60,000 feet and a final alti 1/31/1949 #3988  
ltitude of 60,000 feet and a final altitude around 40,000 feet. LaPaz accom 1/31/1949 #3988  
les USAF T11 / 40 second(s) / 10K' altitude.                                2/28/1949 #4026  
t flew toward the southeast at the altitude of the cloud layer, and was see 3/8/1949 #4042  
aft light traveling W to E at high altitude (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 3/18/1949 #4050  
de circle going west / 65kph. 150m altitude.                                4/28/1949 #4119  
' metal cylinder/cigar-shape / 5mi altitude. 500mph estimated. Rolls and so 4/28/1949 #4120  
0 mph and at an estimated 500 feet altitude. At 5:45 p.m. a 700 foot long m 4/28/1949 #4131  
er Tucson, Arizona at an estimated altitude of five miles. It rolled and so 4/28/1949 #4131  
s going southwest / 400kph. 4200 M altitude. Silent. Veer going south / pre 5/2/1949 #4136  
to the southwest at 400 kph and an altitude of 4200 meters. They were silen 5/2/1949 #4138  
 flying at about 200–250 mph at an altitude of 1,000 feet. The objects make 5/5/1949 #4150  
oved very slowly, dropping from an altitude of 1200 feet to 440 feet. It wa 5/6/1949 #4164  
 a washtub. It maintained the same altitude, fluttering as it disappeared b 5/16/1949 #4188  
ver the Hanford Atomic Works at an altitude of 17,000–20,000 feet. The silv 5/21/1949 #4200  
e. 7 20' ovoids / row. 200mph. 3k' altitude. Turn going north. / MJ#253.    5/27/1949 #4211  
 Brassy disk with glassy top / 10M altitude. Blows gas. Going [to] over hil 6/27/1949 #4252  
ar dome was seen at only 10 meters altitude in Albera Ligure, Italy at 8:20 6/27/1949 #4254  
sharply into a cloud at 2,500 feet altitude and then fly around it repeated 6/29/1949 #4256  
h a falling-leaf motion. Estimated altitude is 30,000 feet at 300 mph, with 7/3/1949 #4261  
es from the west at about the same altitude, oscillating at 48 per minute,  7/3/1949 #4261  
tal objects circle and play / 450m altitude. Type unknown.                  7/23/1949 #4275  
s circle and maneuver at 1500 feet altitude for three hours. There was also 7/23/1949 #4277  
rafts / V formation. 800kph. 2500M altitude. Engine electro-magnetic effect 7/24/1949 #4278  
ation at a speed of 600 mph and an altitude of 8500 feet. They executed a s 7/24/1949 #4286  
. 7M saucer whirls across sky. 6K' altitude. Passes through clouds. No furt 7/26/1949 #4288  
irled across the sky at 6,000 feet altitude, passing through some clouds.   7/26/1949 #4293  
 more/others. Night lights / 7000' altitude over high tension power lines l 7/30/1949 #4296  
ers / V formation going ESE / 10K' altitude. 150mph. Glow. Plane chases.    8/8/1949 #4311  
at variable speeds at an estimated altitude of 30,000 feet. They fly in for 8/8/1949 #4313  
 the east-southeast at 10,000 feet altitude at a speed of 150 mph. The pilo 8/8/1949 #4314  
ers going north / V formation. 15M altitude. Tilt and veer going northwest. 8/15/1949 (approximate) #4317  
 and disappears to the south at an altitude of 50 feet. In the distance she 8/16/1949 #4318  
hlight hits round object / 4 miles altitude. Glows. Same to 10 Mar. '50.    8/19/1949 #4325  
tallic saucer going southeast. 2km altitude / 1200+Kph. / r93 #2.           9/6/1949 #4348  
etallic disc-shaped object at 2 km altitude fly to the southeast at a speed 9/6/1949 #4349  
ject climbs 800mph going [to] 15K' altitude going north. Contrail doesn't d 9/8/1949 #4351  
ight finds sphere/orb/globe / 17K' altitude. Rises to avoid beam?           9/11/1949 #4354  
seem to be traveling at 5,000 feet altitude, going north to south. Each lig 9/14/1949 #4357  
 cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / 80' altitude. Vanishes!                      10/1949 #4379  
ary. Silver sphere/orb/globe / 35' altitude. Fantastic speed. Silent. Going 10/12/1949 #4388  
all black dot zips along below 7K' altitude clouds. Geiger center offscale! 10/17/1949 #4396  
four objects to the east at a high altitude. All are oval and a metallic wh 11/3/1949 #4411  
white cylinder/cigar-shape / 3000' altitude. 50mph by hospital. Straight an 11/18/1949 #4419  
ot. 60x20' rectangle. 500mph. 30K' altitude. No explanation.                11/21/1949 #4420  
GORDO, NM OSI agent. Object / 15km altitude. Stops / 5 minute(s). Changes c 12/13/1949 #4437  
 45' metal ovoid / SL flight / 2K' altitude. 400mph.                        1/6/1950 #4473  
eet long, was flying at 2,000 feet altitude at a speed of 400 mph.          1/6/1950 #4475  
7,000 feet so they are at the same altitude as the UFO and turns to head di 1/24/1950 #4509  
 Fireball going quickly west / 9km altitude. Heavy smoke trail. Slows and g 2/1/1950 #4522  
north over Alameda Naval Yard. 5K' altitude. Going quickly southeast / 80mp 2/8/1950 #4533  
 private plane. 20m saucer / 1500m altitude. Going quickly [to] as plane ne 2/22/1950 #4545  
ver town. Type unknown. 50 mile(s) altitude / RADAR. Chase.                 2/22/1950 #4546  
ter hovering momentarily at a high altitude (50 miles?), they speed away.   2/22/1950 #4547  
d and green. It disappears at high altitude.                                2/24/1950 #4554  
nged with lights hovering at a low altitude, when it suddenly took off with 2/27/1950 #4563  
 civil RADAR's and visual. 40k-80k altitude. No planes scheduled / area.    3/1/1950 #4568  
rport in Mexico at five kilometers altitude during the day, then shot off q 3/1/1950 #4571  
set. The object was circling at at altitude of about 40,000 feet over Oak R 3/1/1950 #4572  
er. 15M turtle saucer hovers / low altitude. Keeps away as observer(s) near 3/5/1950 #4580  
 NEBR 16+cop. 8m night light / 30m altitude. Changes shape. Extremely brigh 3/5/1950 #4581  
 shell-shaped disc hovering at low altitude. The 15 meter wide object kept  3/5/1950 #4584  
re watching a UFO hovering at high altitude near Dayton, Ohio. The CAA has  3/8/1950 #4593  
 of the CPS-4 radar at 47,000 feet altitude and higher. Further indications 3/9/1950 #4598  
s going [to] N. toward(s) Tujunga. Altitude = 5000'.                        3/10/1950 #4601  
server(s). 200' metal ovoid / 45K' altitude. Silent and still. Then shoots  3/10/1950 #4603  
 object hung in sky at 40,000 feet altitude over Indian School Road southea 3/10/1950 #4608  
TA ARENAS, CHL 18cm sphere / 5400M altitude / 3 hours. Crosses sky going we 3/11/1950 #4611  
ping-pong-shaped object at extreme altitude (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 3/11/1950 #4613  
ches. Plain 4M disk circles / 300M altitude. Going quickly southwest toward 3/12/1950 #4618  
in Falfurrias, Texas at 300 meters altitude for a few minutes. It flew off  3/12/1950 #4620  
2 saucers and 2 pear-shapes / 10K' altitude. No further details.            3/13/1950 #4622  
-disk going east / oilfield / 150M altitude. 90° turn going quickly north / 3/13/1950 #4623  
gnetic effects). 30m saucer / 100m altitude trails streamer. Military inves 3/15/1950 #4641  
ed cone. Photographs (lost). 9000' altitude.                                3/16/1950 #4649  
re. Plane chases 30M saucer / 10km altitude. / r150p11.                     3/17/1950 #4659  
en. 3 silver saucers tumble / 10K' altitude. 1 shoots going up. 1 going nor 3/17/1950 #4662  
isk going quickly southwest. 6-7km altitude. Impossible climb.              3/18/1950 #4671  
west at between 6000 and 7000 feet altitude. It then made an "impossible cl 3/18/1950 #4678  
saucers going east. Circle / 3000M altitude / 300kph. Maneuvers. Going quic 3/19/1950 #4681  
te sphere/orb/globe / 2Kmph / 15K' altitude goes by going quickly west / se 3/20/1950 #4684  
 going quickly west to sea / 2000' altitude.                                3/23/1950 #4705  
cCullen. Huge saucer hovers / 20K' altitude. Then goes going quickly east v 3/23/1950 #4707  
ast going quickly west / very high altitude. Brusk turn and disappears. / n 3/25/1950 #4719  
ru) binoculars. 3+2 saucers / 25K' altitude. 1800+mph going south. Returns  3/26/1950 #4723  
velling north and flying at a high altitude while emitting trails of smoke. 3/26/1950 #4732  
 in color, and flew at 30,000 feet altitude at a speed greater than 1,800 m 3/26/1950 #4732  
wing east going quickly west / low altitude in nearby mountains.            3/27/1950 #4736  
rough binoculars flying at extreme altitude and speed (NICAP: 01 - Distant  3/28/1950 #4747  
ck saucers maneuver / unison / 75m altitude below clouds.                   3/29/1950 #4754  
en. White cone saucer spins / 150M altitude. Blue streaks / bottom/undersid 3/29/1950 #4756  
ovoids dive fast. Level off / 600M altitude. Buzz and whirl / 2 minute(s).  3/31/1950 #4775  
k / light plane. Can't reach / 9km altitude.                                4/1950 #4781  
ll flashes going quickly west. 6K' altitude. No plane insists observer(s).  4/2/1950 #4789  
. 65cm round object circles / 200' altitude.                                4/4/1950 #4791  
te cylinder/cigar-shape seen / low altitude. Direction unknown.             4/5/1950 #4796  
ds. Double-hoop disk hovers / high altitude. Small object detaches and away 4/6/1950 #4800  
bject moving slowly westward at an altitude of 25,000 feet. He watches it f 4/6/1950 #4802  
bserved an object 60 m away at low altitude. It was a gray metal disk, 5 m  4/8/1950 #4827  
y 60 meters away hovering at a low altitude. It was a gray metallic disc, f 4/8/1950 #4831  
rver(s) and cops. 30' saucer / 4K' altitude. Stops. Spins. Goes going west  4/10/1950 #4838  
n. Grey-white clam-shape / 2 miles altitude. Goes going quickly southwest / 4/10/1950 #4839  
d at about 10–15 mph at 1,500 feet altitude about 3–4 miles away from Berke 4/10/1950 #4841  
n / 8M glowing-ovoid. 150kph / low altitude.                                4/23/1950 #4880  
glittering object going west / 3K' altitude.                                4/24/1950 (approximate) #4883  
n shoot away extremely fast. 2400M altitude.                                4/24/1950 #4885  
ver city and airport. 700mph. 15K' altitude. Goes west going quickly southe 4/25/1950 #4892  
LL, CT 2 observer(s). Saucer / low altitude. Erratic flight. Lit windows /  4/25/1950 #4893  
sh Columbia airport at 15,000 feet altitude, and there were many calls to t 4/25/1950 #4897  
 missile test. 10M objects / 150K' altitude. Very fast. No further details. 4/27/1950 #4899  
et in diameter and 150,000 feet in altitude.                                4/27/1950 #4909  
 circle going north / 300kph. 600M altitude. / news report.                 4/28/1950 #4913  
erous observer(s). 4 saucers / low altitude. Going [to] horizon slowly. Lea 5/3/1950 #4919  
department, France flying at a low altitude slowly toward the the horizon.  5/3/1950 #4920  
rver(s). Silver 100' saucer / 100' altitude. Hovers 10 minute(s). Oscillate 5/7/1950 #4929  
lvery white object hover at 100 ft altitude (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 5/7/1950 #4930  
lvery white object hovered at 100' altitude, moved back and forth for 10 mi 5/7/1950 #4932  
m Lt. grey disk going north / 150M altitude. Spins. Light smoke trail.      5/10/1950 #4935  
the southeast at about 12,000 feet altitude. He follows it with a 4x spygla 5/20/1950 #4955  
s and green fireballs / FBI. 150k' altitude. / International UFO Reporter ( 5/24/1950 #4962  
n to the left at a slightly higher altitude. The light very briefly passes  5/29/1950 #4972  
ican Airlines DC-6 flying at 8000' altitude, climbing from Washington, D.C. 5/29/1950 #4974  
ilver disks circle several X / 60M altitude. Shoot to distance.             6/2/1950 #4979  
e Book. 2+3 pilots. Saucer / 3000' altitude. 1200mph. Blue flame. Roars. 3  6/21/1950 #4993  
tion at the tail end. He estimates altitude as 50,000–100,000 feet and a sp 6/24/1950 #5004  
AC, MI Farmer. Military C54 / 150m altitude! 8m saucer / under plane and zi 6/29/1950 #5022  
ergeants. 50' silver saucer / 25K' altitude going quickly southeast / 600mp 7/5/1950 #5043  
od observer(s). 50' saucer / 1000' altitude. Goes / 50mph then zooms over h 7/6/1950 #5045  
0mph going quickly [to] WNW. 1500' altitude.                                7/8/1950 #5050  
g [to] 100M from observer(s) / low altitude. Swish sound. Suddenly going qu 7/17/1950 #5069  
erver(s). 100' saucer hovers / 1K' altitude. Dashes off. Leaves (something  7/25/1950 #5077  
lver disks hover and circle / high altitude. Line up and going quickly sout 8/1950 (approximate) #5088  
r-shape hovers 5km offshore. 200+M altitude. Going quickly south. Returns a 8/1950 #5089  
 seen over the city at 15,000 feet altitude for about an hour, moving again 8/2/1950 #5098  
 cylinder/cylindrical object / 80' altitude. Churning motion. Going quickly 8/4/1950 #5100  
 10' cylindrical object at 50-100' altitude, flying with a churning or rota 8/4/1950 #5103  
gar or ovoid object at 50-100 feet altitude, flying with a churning or rota 8/4/1950 #5106  
 about 100 feet in diameter, at an altitude of 700–1,000 feet. He watches i 8/14/1950 #5124  
ence for measuring distance, size, altitude, azimuth, and speed. In October 8/15/1950 #5126  
pened pencil" paces plane / higher altitude through turns.                  8/20/1950 #5129  
er, flew at 3-5 m.p.h.  and 15-20' altitude for 5 minutes.                  8/30/1950 #5149  
n. 30' rotating metal saucer / 4K' altitude over airport. Vapor trail.      9/1950 #5155  
 metallic saucer going west / high altitude. Yellow glow? 1.20M diameter?   9/30/1950 #5200  
nished.  The other hovered at 5-6, altitude, 50' away, left and returned se 10/15/1950 #5233  
nished. The other hovered at a low altitude only 50 feet away, then left an 10/15/1950 #5237  
in 6 10M turns over orchard / 150M altitude. Going north.                   10/19/1950 #5242  
 [to] 1100mph. 13K going [to] 30K' altitude / 5 second(s). Impossible turns 11/10/1950 #5272  
BEI, CH 3 students. Saucer / 3000' altitude. Going northeast slow. Turns go 11/11/1950 #5275  
on at a speed of 500 mph and at an altitude of 10,000 feet, making a sound  11/27/1950 #5295  
"table knives" passed over at high altitude, weaving up and down.           12/5/1950 #5320  
. By 1040 hours, 40 aircraft at an altitude of 32,000 feet were confirmed b 12/6/1950 #5322  
 sweeps going north. Returns / low altitude. 450mph going north.            12/7/1950 #5333  
Absolute(ly)-silent object / 3500' altitude. 140MPH. Type unknown. Wilderne 12/10/1950 #5335  
 going west near Burlington. 5000' altitude.                                12/13/1950 #5344  
s. Fantastic close maneuvers / 30M altitude. Going quickly southwest.       12/14/1950 #5346  
al metallic discs flying at a high altitude. He claims to “have two days of 1951 #5375  
 counterclockwise going east / low altitude. Rectangular windows / rim. Man 1/1/1951 #5381  
d and by US81. 1 going north / low altitude. Light humming.                 1/8/1951 #5385  
 p.m. One passed overhead at a low altitude, and made a faint humming sound 1/8/1951 #5388  
rk saw a fireball drop from a high altitude, and then zig-zag. It made clea 1/12/1951 #5393  
3 / small plane. 50' saucer / 30K' altitude. Going quickly west. Wind = due 1/14/1951 #5396  
diameter and flying at 30,000 feet altitude.                                1/14/1951 #5399  
observing their 110' balloon at an altitude of 112,000' when a dull white,  1/16/1951 #5402  
hwest. Circles 3X and hovers / 30M altitude. Atomic test in progress.       1/31/1951 (approximate) #5422  
 GALENA, IL 12m baseball-bat / 90M altitude. Skirts hills. Silent. Lightnin 2/3/1951 #5430  
e, which was flying at 10,000 feet altitude at the time. The UFO sighting w 2/10/1951 #5440  
watch large balloon. Saucer / high altitude hovers. Going quickly northwest 2/14/1951 #5442  
ound white object hovering at high altitude. [III] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 2/14/1951 #5443  
otball over runway. Wobbles / 18K' altitude. Very fast going quickly north. 2/26/1951 #5459  
t / 3Kmph. Stops. Going up / 150mi altitude. / r210v30#7.                   3/1951 (approximate) #5467  
st at a speed of 98–104 mph and an altitude of 3,000–4,000 feet. It stops a 3/1951 #5470  
dar tracks the object to 100 miles altitude.                                3/1951 #5470  
north to south at about 4,000 feet altitude near the club’s hanger in New D 3/15/1951 #5489  
 CHORWON, KOREA Domed saucer / low altitude hit / M1 rounds. 1 observer has 4/1951 (approximate) #5496  
metallic saucer going south / 500M altitude. Stops. Turns going quickly wes 5/1951 #5511  
D 2 observer(s). 25M saucer / 300M altitude. Absolute(ly) silent straight & 6/9/1951 #5538  
shaped object flying at 300 meters altitude. It was absolutely silent and c 6/9/1951 #5539  
d continued to fly slowly at a low altitude toward Leningrad, Russia.       6/9/1951 #5539  
 / jet. Metal saucer hovers / 500M altitude. Jet chases. Quickly going up / 6/15/1951 #5541  
en the objects flew to about 100 m altitude and climbed rapidly out of sigh 6/19/1951 #5545  
en the objects flew to about 100 m altitude and climbed rapidly out of sigh 6/19/1951 #5547  
 southwest / drive-in movie. 1000' altitude. Wobbles. Shoots going quickly  7/8/1951 #5562  
s and fins / 1 end. 900mph / 1500' altitude / 20 second(s).                 7/24/1951 #5582  
 Flew 800-1,000 m.p.h. at 1-2,000' altitude, leaving a faint swath.  20 sec 7/24/1951 #5584  
s at one end flew at 900 mph at an altitude of 1500 feet over Portsmouth, N 7/24/1951 #5585  
t. 6M cylinder/cigar-shape / 1800M altitude. Going quickly [to] WNW very fa 8/8/1951 #5597  
ll Bridgeman attains an unofficial altitude of 79,494 feet in a Douglas D-5 8/15/1951 #5607  
r heads at an estimated 800-1,000' altitude with no sound.  Size estimated  8/25/1951 #5623  
 at an estimated 800 to 1,000-feet altitude. The craft made no sound. Its s 8/25/1951 #5628  
times, then shot up to a very high altitude, blinking at two second interva 8/26/1951 #5633  
ates the objects are at 2,000 feet altitude and flying at 700 mph—much too  8/30/1951 #5638  
ear crosses US70 going east / 150' altitude. Porthole / door.               8/31/1951 #5639  
ard, drifting slowly at about 150' altitude, then headed up in a circular f 8/31/1951 #5641  
 drifting slowly at about 150 feet altitude. It then shoots up in a circula 8/31/1951 #5642  
rm sound. 20M metallic ovoid / low altitude overhead! Quickly going up [to] 9/1951 (approximate) #5644  
 air. Silver object circles / 17km altitude. Jets chase. / Lumieres dans la 9/23/1951 #5681  
ntly been circling the fleet at an altitude of 5,000 feet and speeds of “sl Fall 1951 #5686  
oaches slowly from the east, loses altitude, makes a 90° turn, accelerates, 10/4/1951 #5704  
soundlessly at high speed and high altitude west of Naval Air Station Whidb 10/16/1951 #5730  
t before the blast, they see at an altitude of a few thousand feet a format 10/30/1951 #5754  
irliner, streak past at about same altitude and same easterly heading. The  11/2/1951 #5763  
3 hunters. Maneuvers. Silent. 600M altitude. Away extremely fast. / r106p24 11/29/1951 #5796  
an and 2 kids. Saucer hovers / low altitude. Human-shape inside. / r67p144. 12/1951 #5799  
ere going quickly southeast / 150m altitude. Silent. Faster / jet.          1/3/1952 #5858  
pedo plane was flying at 6000 feet altitude when the crew first spotted the 1/21/1952 #5872  
t, and then climbed to the plane's altitude. It started a rapid climb from  1/21/1952 #5872  
om 600 to 1,800 mph at 52,000 feet altitude. It splits into two targets 5–1 2/2/1952 #5893  
lame exhaust was spotted at a high altitude by the crew of a US Air Force A 2/11/1952 #5898  
blue-white 40M saucers hover / 6km altitude. Tilt. Drop suddenly.           2/18/1952 #5906  
 GASSVILLE, ARK Hoops tilt / great altitude. Light reflects / invisible cen 2/25/1952 #5930  
 1 flies straight and level at 6K' altitude. 2nd goes left and right of 1st 3/10/1952 #5951  
objects come from behind him at an altitude of 5,000–7,500 feet while he is 3/10/1952 #5953  
d fireballs / 90mph / 22K and 25K' altitude. Return. / LDLN#330+/ r185p7.   3/22/1952 #5967  
(90 m.p.h.) at 22,500' and 25,000' altitude.                                3/23/1952 #5969  
 MASS Whoosh! Saucer stops / 1500' altitude. Turns / edge. Going quickly so 3/30/1952 #5996  
d abruptly in the air at 1500-feet altitude. It turned on its edge and then 3/30/1952 #5997  
al saucer-sphere/orb/globe / great altitude. Hovers or moves slowly.        4/1/1952 #6013  
or, very large and at a tremendous altitude (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 4/2/1952 #6015  
erves a large silver UFO at a high altitude. It looks like a B-36 without w 4/2/1952 #6017  
for about an hour at a much higher altitude than the vapor trails from the  4/2/1952 #6017  
 [to] and going quickly west. 20K' altitude.                                4/5/1952 #6028  
minum bow-tie" somersaults / 5000' altitude. Crosses sky faster / jet plane 4/9/1952 #6048  
line workers. Brill saucer / 3000' altitude. Vibrates and fades into distan 4/13/1952 #6066  
going quickly east / 1200mph. 40K' altitude. 1 ZIGZAGs. / r136#7p61.        4/17/1952 #6096  
rallel to the ground at a constant altitude (between 10,000 and 20,000 feet 4/19/1952 #6131  
s over base / terrific speed. 15k' altitude.                                4/20/1952 (approximate) #6133  
cylinder/cylindrical object / 40K' altitude. North going quickly south / 15 4/20/1952 #6134  
the morning, flying at 40,000 feet altitude. It was moving from north to so 4/20/1952 #6141  
ject moving at high speed and high altitude across the sky from Temple Bar  4/22/1952 #6157  
TON, MASS Engineer. Object at 40K' altitude. Extreme accelerations and flat 4/23/1952 #6161  
n, Massachusetts. He estimates its altitude at 40,000 feet. It decelerates  4/23/1952 #6162  
 is passing overhead at 2,000 feet altitude at 200–400 mph and is roughly 6 4/23/1952 #6163  
. Silent odd-shaped ovoids / 2000' altitude. 240mph.                        4/24/1952 #6166  
 a black object hovering at a high altitude under an overcast. This one is  4/25/1952 #6185  
CT HTS, IL 12m saucer hovers / 30M altitude near observer(s). 3 figure(s) / 5/1952 #6227  
nown target on his M33 scope at an altitude of 18,000 feet about 130 miles  5/1952 #6229  
ngless silver object at 5,000 feet altitude in the Hanford area (NICAP: 01  5/1/1952 #6236  
ing up with the planes at the same altitude, moving in a “tumbling or pitch 5/1/1952 #6245  
range silent glowing-disks / 2500M altitude. Swerve / diamond. 2400kph?     5/10/1952 #6290  
ows a similar path but at a higher altitude. The first object is the size o 5/10/1952 #6296  
ject is the size of a B-36 at high altitude. Bechtel alerts the radar stati 5/10/1952 #6296  
the discs approaches at such a low altitude that it must ascend to pass ove 5/10/1952 #6298  
olina from the south at a very low altitude. They flew straight and level f 5/10/1952 #6299  
e-green in color and its estimated altitude above the terrain was 30,000 to 5/12/1952 #6304  
-green in color, and its estimated altitude above the terrain is 20,000–30, 5/12/1952 #6305  
rightness varies with the object’s altitude. The Air Force explains it as t 5/12/1952 #6305  
e-green in color and its estimated altitude was 30,000-40,000 feet. The obj 5/12/1952 #6306  
rightness varied with the object's altitude                                 5/12/1952 #6306  
5. Metallic saucer dives / extreme altitude. Circles area 2X.               5/13/1952 #6310  
on-Ni, North Korea at 8,000-10,000 altitude. The object was estimated to be 5/15/1952 #6334  
 east at 2,000 mph and 10,000 feet altitude. They hear deep, soft intermitt 5/25/1952 #6363  
. Each object flew at an estimated altitude of between 10,000 and 15,000 fe 5/29/1952 #6385  
hoots going quickly west. 10K-15K' altitude. / r116p44.                     5/30/1952 #6386  
y pilot. Ovoid with airfoil. 3500M altitude. Rocks. Away fast. / r185p9.    6/1/1952 #6407  
 180 mph toward Santa Monica at an altitude of 11,000 feet. The object sudd 6/1/1952 #6418  
 ITL 3 / outing. Disk hovers / 3km altitude. Then sways and maneuvers. Goin 6/3/1952 (approximate) #6431  
R 2 small and 1 huge saucer / 15K' altitude. Hover then zoom up. No further 6/4/1952 #6434  
hru) binoculars. Silver disk / 9km altitude. Slow maneuvers. Shoots to sea. 6/4/1952 #6435  
were sighted flying at 15,000 feet altitude in Chartres, France. The three  6/4/1952 #6439  
book Case #1260. B25 crew / 11.5K' altitude. 6' x4' rectangular object 300' 6/7/1952 #6458  
). Silver 8 / 1 ovoid going / 50k' altitude. Sharp outline. Reflects.       6/8/1952 #6465  
s are approximately 15,000 feet in altitude and traveling 300 mph. There is 6/8/1952 #6469  
 seconds at 500 mph and 6,000 feet altitude several miles east of O’Hare Ai 6/11/1952 #6476  
. Unidentified blip 650knts / 60K' altitude or greater!                     6/12/1952 #6479  
 target at 650 knots at 60,000+ ft altitude (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: 6/12/1952 #6485  
50 m.p.h.) at greater than 60,000' altitude.                                6/12/1952 #6487  
g at 650 knots (750 mph) and at an altitude greater than 60,000 feet.       6/12/1952 #6490  
th a golden glow” above 35000 feet altitude. At 20:05 the jet lost sight of 6/15/1952 #6498  
cer going quickly [to] 800MPH. 6K' altitude. Going up / 11K' and more. / r1 6/15/1952 #6501  
orts very shiny object / very high altitude. Also seen / Gordonsville.      6/15/1952 #6503  
ase silvery sphere/orb/globe. 35K' altitude and more.                       6/15/1952 #6504  
ves southwest for 30 seconds at an altitude of 5,000–8,000 feet and then ri 6/15/1952 #6509  
orbs follow B36 going east / lower altitude. Take sudden turn going quickly 6/18/1952 #6534  
ct at approximately 11,000 feet in altitude off their left wing. The object 6/18/1952 #6541  
observation) / red-glow disk / 4K' altitude. Also 26 November and 15 Decemb 6/19/1952 #6543  
 Several saucers and cigars / high altitude. / Air Force report. News copy  6/19/1952 #6545  
hington, flying silently at a high altitude. Unofficial sources report that 6/19/1952 #6552  
ely fast. Size / B29 / 1 mile. 8k' altitude?                                6/20/1952 #6555  
UITAR-pick dives past bomber / 8K' altitude.                                6/21/1952 #6566  
ission (AEC) site. Eludes F47. 8km altitude. Blinks.                        6/21/1952 #6569  
rted soup plates" 200 m away at an altitude of about 1 m. She observed them Summer 1952 #6575  
y and pass across a pasture at 7 m altitude. She stopped her car and observ Summer 1952 #6576  
 engineer of B-29 bomber at 8,000' altitude. One flat object with a sharply 6/21/1952 #6577  
a B-29 bomber flying at 8,000 feet altitude near Kelly AFB [now Kelly Field 6/21/1952 #6578  
 of a B-29 bomber flying at 8,000' altitude, witnessed a flat object with a 6/21/1952 #6582  
vestigate it, flying at 8,000 feet altitude.                                6/21/1952 #6583  
rth, dropping from 800 to 100 feet altitude over the west end of the runway 6/22/1952 #6588  
Very large silver disk flies / low altitude. Seen 1 min. No further details 6/23/1952 #6593  
egular descent. It flew at a fixed altitude for 6-7 seconds, approached the 6/23/1952 #6612  
 slowly toward the south, at a low altitude. It flew with a slight tilt, an 6/26/1952 #6639  
server(s) / RADAR. 2 cigars / 15km altitude / 5 minute(s). Going quickly so 7/1/1952 #6682  
heading over Boston at a very high altitude. An identical UFO is following  7/1/1952 #6689  
UFOs appeared to be at a very high altitude, and the couple watched as the  7/1/1952 #6691  
ar lights flash over country / low altitude. Many calls.                    7/3/1952 #6697  
s speed at only a few hundred feet altitude.                                7/3/1952 #6704  
yellow disks pace airliner / lower altitude. 1 turns grey and turns away.   7/8/1952 #6725  
 Circles city / 200mph / 2 mile(s) altitude. Going east again. / APRO v1#2. 7/8/1952 #6726  
feet, distance at 15–20 miles, and altitude at 30,000 feet, heading northwe 7/9/1952 #6740  
0,000 feet 20 miles away. It gains altitude and gradually diminishes to a b 7/9/1952 #6740  
sual (observation). 2 disks / 10k' altitude. / r28 p307. / The New York Tim 7/10/1952 #6745  
he sky at terrific speed at a high altitude.                                7/10/1952 #6752  
dar fix places them at 10,560 feet altitude and 7 miles distant.            7/10/1952 #6753  
g quickly southwest fast. Moderate altitude into cloud.                     7/11/1952 #6757  
Energy Commission (AEC) plant. 4km altitude. Air Force investigate. / Flyin 7/11/1952 #6758  
id passes straight and level / low altitude. No further details.            7/11/1952 #6760  
saucer turns going northwest / 5K' altitude.                                7/12/1952 #6764  
ckly east. Going quickly west. 4km altitude. Erratic maneuvers.             7/13/1952 #6789  
t then ascending to the airliner’s altitude of 11,000 feet, then parallel c 7/13/1952 #6797  
pin fast. Glow yellow-orange. 150M altitude. No further details / news acco 7/14/1952 #6807  
 1 observer. Silent saucer / 5000' altitude. Tilts. Rises. Away / incredibl 7/16/1952 #6836  
2 observer(s). 4 2' saucers / 200' altitude. Sharp turns. (During lightenin 7/17/1952 #6847  
400 hours. Fly in formation / high altitude.                                7/17/1952 #6858  
 Base. Straight and level and same altitude. Separate observer(s).          7/17/1952 #6860  
a lightning storm at only 200 feet altitude, making sharp turns.            7/17/1952 #6870  
ot. 4 night lights race past. 25K' altitude. 180-turns. 3000+MPH! / r242p35 7/18/1952 #6877  
” speeding around in the air at an altitude of 25,000– 30,000 feet near Den 7/18/1952 #6895  
s oscillate/oscillation over lake. Altitude = 900M / Msl. Going quickly nor 7/19/1952 #6915  
ing erratically at an undetermined altitude. Approach Control picked up ano 7/20/1952 #6940  
 2 / farm. Noise. Metal disk / 3km altitude. Wobbles. 150kph. Rises going q 7/21/1952 #6958  
under private plane / 800kph. 150M altitude.                                7/21/1952 #6960  
ovoid makes loops going north. 3km altitude. 300kph. Featureless.           7/21/1952 #6961  
lta/triangle/box-like craft / 12K' altitude and 600mph stops dead! Report g 7/21/1952 #6965  
d of 1200 miles per hour and at an altitude of 50,000 feet.                 7/21/1952 #6985  
ing in the sky near a bank of high altitude clouds.                         7/21/1952 #6986  
 a.m. 37 miles away at 41,200 feet altitude heading almost directly toward  7/22/1952 #7027  
bject to the south-southeast at an altitude of 41,000 feet (reportedly Navy 7/22/1952 #7027  
rs going quickly northwest / 1500' altitude. Circle Bird Rock. Going quickl 7/23/1952 #7039  
ation). Blue-glowing object / 25K' altitude. Going quickly [to] away. / r24 7/23/1952 #7044  
 south going quickly [to] 2 / 43K' altitude. F94s and F86's chase. Can't ca 7/23/1952 #7046  
drops. Stops and "bounces" / 1000' altitude. Goes slowly going southwest.   7/23/1952 #7052  
-94 jet interceptors at 35-46,000' altitude.  Three cylindrical objects in  7/23/1952 #7076  
ertical stack formation flew at an altitude of 50-80,000'.  Seen for 20 min 7/23/1952 #7076  
 than a four-engine airliner at an altitude of 1,100 to 2,000 feet. When th 7/23/1952 #7078  
ptors flying at 35,000–46,000 feet altitude near Altoona, Pennsylvania, see 7/23/1952 #7081  
vertical-stack formation fly at an altitude of 50,000–80,000 feet for 20 mi 7/23/1952 #7081  
flew to the northwest at 1500 feet altitude, circled Bird Rock, then flew o 7/23/1952 #7085  
follows road going northeast / 1k' altitude. Turns sharply going quickly we 7/24/1952 #7092  
ange glowing object circles / high altitude. 2 jets / same area shortly aft 7/24/1952 #7093  
over firing range. Maneuver / high altitude.                                7/25/1952 #7128  
      PLAINVIEW, TX T33 jet / 30K' altitude. Brilliant distant white object 7/26/1952 #7152  
w. Steady white night light / 22K' altitude. Straight and level flight. Ver 7/26/1952 #7155  
F / B25. White night light / 2350m altitude. Going up. Splits / 2. Level of 7/27/1952 #7183  
lic disk going quickly west / 20K' altitude. Tilts. Lost in haze. No furthe 7/27/1952 #7189  
in disk wobbles across sky / 2500' altitude. Same / Washington 2100h.       7/27/1952 #7192  
White-glowing disk / 200mph. 5000' altitude. Streaks / light over Tarrytown 7/27/1952 #7200  
ry object moving rapidly at a high altitude over Manhattan Beach, Californi 7/27/1952 #7214  
/ TYRONE, PA AA flight #519 / 18k' altitude. Small UFO's all over/all about 7/28/1952 #7233  
  GENEVA, NY Ellipse hovers / high altitude. Jet contrails converge. Ovoid  7/28/1952 #7235  
A Pale blue object circles / 1500' altitude. Drops. Hovers. 500hz ripple so 7/28/1952 #7248  
 Langley Air Force Base. Below 5K' altitude.                                7/29/1952 #7287  
sway west going quickly east. 40K' altitude.                                7/29/1952 #7288  
ral. Ovoid splits / 2 pieces. 30K' altitude. Separate paths.                7/29/1952 #7293  
timated 2,600 m.p.h., below 5,000' altitude, toward the air base for about  7/29/1952 #7314  
imated speed of 2,600 mph below an altitude of 5,000 feet. It was in sight  7/29/1952 #7336  
 Bluebook Case #1758. Saucer / 5K' altitude rises to 10K' when C97 passes.  7/30/1952 #7343  
LIBERTY LAKE, WA UFO hovers / 30K' altitude / 60 minute(s). Going up / plan 7/30/1952 #7345  
t cylinder/cigar-shape. Very fast. Altitude = 1KM. No exhaust. No further d 7/31/1952 #7367  
 C. Dishpan saucer drops from 600M altitude. Sudden turn back up and away.  7/31/1952 #7369  
N, ALG Cylinder/cigar-shape / 600M altitude going quickly north very fast.  8/1/1952 (approximate) #7389  
illiant white disc observed at low altitude. Others reported oval object. [ 8/1/1952 #7401  
rvers estimate 4-foot UFO at 5500' altitude. Flat-shape. No further details 8/3/1952 #7430  
ly [to] over US Army depot / 2500' altitude. / Blue Book report.            8/4/1952 #7441  
te dots of indefinite shape, at an altitude of an estimated 5,000 feet, pas 8/5/1952 #7468  
 back after they reach 15,000 feet altitude. Around 12:00 midnight yet anot 8/5/1952 #7470  
a domed object swoop down to a low altitude, hover, zigzag, then speed away 8/7/1952 #7507  
ru) binoculars. 2.5mi away. 1 mile altitude. Glows.                         8/8/1952 #7513  
eet. The object is at an estimated altitude of 5,000 feet. It moves several 8/9/1952 #7525  
tudent and 1. Saucer hovers / high altitude. Impossible accelerations. Abso 8/10/1952 #7532  
 Captain and 1. 2+4+1 UFO's / 180m altitude. 600kph. B26 finds nothing.     8/10/1952 #7535  
t saucers glow bright. Float / low altitude and follow road. No further det 8/10/1952 #7536  
      NEAR CAPE MAY, NJ F94 / 20K' altitude chases night light. Night light 8/12/1952 #7549  
X Silent 5M saucer with oars / 20' altitude. Olive drab. Passes T6 pilot. / 8/12/1952 #7552  
t 45° to their left and at a lower altitude, with the waters of the Delawar 8/12/1952 #7559  
ns. They rose rapidly from a lower altitude and passed the plane.           8/12/1952 #7561  
ed down to no more than 1,500 feet altitude, remained stationary for 2-3 mi 8/13/1952 #7579  
Silver cylinder/cigar-shape / 10K' altitude and "tremendous speed" going qu 8/15/1952 #7599  
 Saucer with odd flat spots / 240m altitude. 1100kph. 300m away. DWG.       8/15/1952 #7605  
6M ovoid going south. Stops / 150M altitude. Violet glowing. Vibrates and g 8/15/1952 #7607  
same time and possibly at the same altitude. At 5:00 a.m., in Napa, Califor 8/15/1952 #7609  
nt saucer flies behind hill. 5000' altitude. Tremendous speed.              8/16/1952 #7616  
ylinder/cylindrical object / 7000' altitude going quickly south / jet speed 8/17/1952 #7624  
e spotters. Orange 9M ovoid / 600M altitude. Vertical then horizontal traje 8/18/1952 #7631  
m-white saucers pass overhead. 4K' altitude / 300mph. Direction unknown.    8/19/1952 #7639  
TX Big silent saucer rotates / low altitude / 5 minute(s). Sways to and fro 8/20/1952 #7656  
ndescribed object flying at 500 ft altitude (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters,  8/20/1952 #7659  
An undescribed object flew at 500' altitude for several minutes.  No furthe 8/20/1952 #7662  
ct fly through the sky at 500 feet altitude for several minutes.            8/20/1952 #7665  
 SPRINGS, NY 2 saucers hover / low altitude. Tip on edge and speed away in  8/22/1952 #7675  
oing quickly east / 1400kph? 4500M altitude estimated.                      8/24/1952 #7697  
ebook Case #1972. 75' saucer / 10' altitude. Figure / window. Small propell 8/25/1952 #7719  
AST / GLENDALE, CA Huge gold ball. Altitude = 30 km. Seen / 8 min going nor 8/25/1952 #7722  
observer(s). Huge domed disk / low altitude. Long thin object hovers then g 8/25/1952 #7723  
at four miles range and 4,000 feet altitude. Robinson and others see one ob 8/28/1952 #7773  
gless disk going southeast / 1500M altitude over clouds. 600kph. No further 9/1/1952 #7805  
e. 5 white saucers / series. 7000' altitude. No further details.            9/6/1952 #7859  
/ farm. 5' slate-grey ovoid / 100' altitude. Going down [to] near power lin 9/6/1952 #7861  
. 3 blue objects / triangle / 900M altitude going quickly north or going qu 9/13/1952 #7912  
r / lights / rim. Going down / 12M altitude. Scares cows. Away and back. /  9/14/1952 #7920  
 ground as it passes, and it gains altitude and disappears again.           9/14/1952 #7938  
 disks going north 200' apart. 5K' altitude. Silent. No flame.              9/15/1952 #7950  
ovoid paces 2 military / car / low altitude. Flames and going quickly [to]  9/15/1952 #7952  
 quickly northeast overhead / 300m altitude. 2 red flames / rear.           9/17/1952 #7966  
RWAY 3 woodsmen. 18M saucer / 500' altitude. Hovers a while. Going quickly  9/18/1952 #7972  
Kilburn, were flying at 5,000 feet altitude over Dishforth, North York, Eng 9/19/1952 #7981  
t swung like a pendulum as it lost altitude. Ten British officers had just  9/19/1952 #7981  
craft two miles back. The UFO lost altitude, and then fluttered like a leaf 9/19/1952 #7981  
n and 1. Silver disk hovers / high altitude. Going quickly north as plane n 9/22/1952 #8003  
r going south down Broadway / 150M altitude! 2nd follows / 90m. Pointed and 9/24/1952 #8018  
 DENMARK, WI 2 silver disks / high altitude. Going southwest slow. Jump / l 9/26/1952 #8030  
Going southwest slow. Jump / lower altitude. Light plane by. / r136#11.     9/26/1952 #8030  
-object going quickly north / 600m altitude. / Blue Book files.             9/26/1952 #8032  
ck spot in its center flying at an altitude of 3.7 miles above his home 1.2 9/29/1952 #8062  
2. Unidentified. RF80 pilot / 22K' altitude. Luminous white dot paces. Sudd 10/1/1952 #8078  
USAF men. Silver UFO hovers / 40K' altitude / one hour. 2nd zooms upward.   10/9/1952 #8105  
 USAF wire. 2 10cm disks / unknown altitude. Silent. Northwest going quickl 10/10/1952 #8109  
d and blue saucer flies over / low altitude.                                10/12/1952 #8122  
ar woods. Silver disk hovers / 40M altitude 30M away. Green glow. Maneuvers 10/14/1952 #8131  
 R5D plane. Circular object / 12K' altitude. Pink lights wink. / r185.      10/19/1952 #8157  
er going quickly southwest / 9200' altitude. 350knts.                       10/19/1952 #8159  
(s). Dull tone. Huge saucer / 150' altitude overhead. Red and green lights  10/22/1952 #8174  
 Force Base. Orange objects / 10k' altitude. West going quickly east. 4 min 10/25/1952 #8183  
lls were seen at 300 to 400 meters altitude over the town of Gaillac, Franc 10/27/1952 #8205  
over-end going quickly east / 700' altitude.                                10/29/1952 #8209  
KSBORO, TX 12m metal saucer / 600m altitude / 800mph. 1 second(s) orange fl 10/29/1952 #8210  
erver(s). Huge cigars hover / high altitude. Shoot away when jets chase.    11/4/1952 (approximate) #8237  
R. Blip / 250mph. Incredible 150K' altitude / 70 minute(s). See Glasgow, Mt 11/13/1952 #8266  
cers / V formation. Silent. 2K-3K' altitude. 90° turn going quickly southwe 11/13/1952 #8267  
or 1 hour, 28 minutes, at 158,000' altitude (30 miles) and a speed of 240 m 11/13/1952 #8270  
ed lights rotates clockwise / 400' altitude. / Blue Book files.             11/15/1952 #8275  
e turn to the south and climbed in altitude. When the plane banked toward t 11/15/1952 #8282  
m orange to white, was seen at low altitude. It oscillated left and right,  11/21/1952 #8315  
 luminous sphere was seen at a low altitude. It seemed to be spinning and i 11/21/1952 #8318  
AR. Silent night light / 1500-12K' altitude. To 425kts. Follows and eludes  11/26/1952 #8342  
 Then zigzags / 20 minute(s). 50K' altitude. "No star".                     11/28/1952 #8352  
ged for 20 minutes. It's estimated altitude was 50,000 feet; "not a star" a 11/28/1952 #8354  
25' saucer all over airstrip / 7K' altitude. Flips over. Instant 90-turns!  12/4/1952 #8368  
eral seconds and drops down to his altitude again, then stops and hovers. A 12/4/1952 #8377  
ght which changed to red at higher altitude (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 12/8/1952 #8395  
ght which changed to red at higher altitude, flew straight and level for 2  12/8/1952 #8396  
silvery object, losing and gaining altitude (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 12/15/1952 #8421  
pan, in an F-84G at 27,000 feet in altitude, observes an object like a rota 12/29/1952 #8461  
g flight headed west at 6,000 feet altitude and 300 mph when they see a lar 12/29/1952 #8462  
ralleling their course at the same altitude and closing slightly. After 5 m 12/29/1952 #8462  
ALIA Brilliant night light / 2000' altitude. Going north slowly. Turns goin 12/30/1952 #8464  
inder/cigar-shape exits cloud. Low altitude. Mt. Carmel. 2 saucers seen.    1/4/1953 #8501  
r(s). Flying wing / 800kph. < 150m altitude. NNW going quickly SSW. Silent. 1/4/1953 #8502  
UEGO, GUAT Huge gold ovoid / 6500' altitude. Going northwest / 400mph. 90°  1/17/1953 #8545  
mmediately resumes flight at a new altitude. The object is lost to view bec 1/17/1953 #8549  
Saucer-cylinder/cigar-shape / 600' altitude. Drifts / several minutes. Goin 1/19/1953 #8552  
requency humming. Hazy ends. 2500M altitude?                                1/26/1953 #8570  
und. It flew at an estimated 2500m altitude. In one minute the object trave 1/26/1953 #8575  
bject to be on a 270 azimuth at an altitude of 10,000-15,000 feet moving aw 1/26/1953 #8576  
nt orbs in formation. 150mph / 2K' altitude. Southeast going quickly northw 1/28/1953 #8586  
 Flying at an estimated 2,000 feet altitude, they changed into a row format 1/28/1953 #8605  
LLE, AL 1 observer. Saucer / 4000' altitude. 350mph. Tilted / 1 side. 90-tu 1/29/1953 #8607  
 yellow. The pilot estimates their altitude to range between 15,000 feet to 2/1/1953 #8627  
ts. Going quickly west / very high altitude.                                2/3/1953 #8628  
off toward the west at a very high altitude. Project Blue Book lists the ex 2/3/1953 #8633  
es going quickly southeast / 7000' altitude. 200kts. Short flashes.         2/6/1953 #8639  
 white omnidirectional light at an altitude of approximately 7,000 feet on  2/6/1953 #8643  
t was sighted. The light was at an altitude of approximately 7,000 feet on  2/6/1953 #8644  
he bright object change speeds and altitude, then pull away from him. The U 2/7/1953 #8648  
es that the light has risen to his altitude and is only 2,000 feet away. Cl 2/11/1953 #8664  
         LORIS, SC 25M ovoid / 21m altitude over barnyard. 3 beams down. Pi 2/14/1953 #8675  
 night light-saucer rotates / 30K' altitude / 40 minute(s). Big oil field.  2/25/1953 #8701  
d was seen rotating at 30,000 feet altitude over a big oil field.           2/25/1953 #8706  
2543. 1 observer. 5 saucers / 10K' altitude. 3 vanish and 2 remain / 90-tur 2/26/1953 #8707  
ce RADAR-gunnery meet. Stop / high altitude. Vanish.                        3/5/1953 #8729  
scent-shaped object at a very high altitude over the project. (NICAP: 01 -  3/5/1953 #8731  
inoculars. 2 disks maneuver / high altitude. 1 shoots straight up. Other to 3/23/1953 #8778  
LAIN, ENGL Test bomber crew / 60K' altitude. RADAR blip. Thin silver ovoid  4/1953 (approximate) #8801  
high rate of speed at an estimated altitude of 7,500 feet over Sweetwater,  4/12/1953 #8819  
an that of the C-47 and at a lower altitude. They are observed for approxim 4/12/1953 #8819  
 Long Beach to Stead AFB, NV at an altitude of 10,500 feet. They described  4/12/1953 #8821  
n that of the C-47, and at a lower altitude. The object were observed for a 4/12/1953 #8821  
aft. 70mph going quickly SSW / 30M altitude. / r116p60+/ r137#5p32.         4/19/1953 #8836  
 Brown cylinder/cigar-shape / 60K' altitude. 90-turn. Constant contrail. Go 4/28/1953 (approximate) #8847  
orce Base in Texas at an estimated altitude of 60,000 feet, moving at an es 4/28/1953 #8848  
 football going quickly south. Low altitude and high speed. Tinny sound. 3  5/4/1953 #8858  
ling south at high speed and a low altitude, and disappears into low-hangin 5/4/1953 #8861  
ed a flying football fly by at low altitude and high speed, heading south.  5/4/1953 #8862  
ot and 3. 2+6 saucers cavort / 3km altitude. Faster / any jet. / 137#2p61+r 5/21/1953 #8893  
6X / 1250 and more/others mph. 5km altitude. / r137#2p67.                   5/23/1953 #8901  
han 1,250 mph at 5,000–15,000 feet altitude.                                5/23/1953 #8906  
r-shaped object darted into a high altitude cloud over Melbourne, Victoria, 5/23/1953 #8907  
boy scouts. Glowing object / 7000' altitude. Going quickly north. Chair sha 6/3/1953 #8927  
cylinder/cigar-shape / 15mph / low altitude near reservoir. Silent. No wing 6/15/1953 #8933  
 triangle going quickly SSE / 18K' altitude.                                7/1/1953 #8981  
). 3 small saucers hover / treetop altitude / 2 hours. Large saucer joins i 7/2/1953 #8984  
west slightly faster / clouds. 9km altitude.                                7/24/1953 #9011  
N 9632W sighted 7 UFOs hovering at altitude of 5 to 8 thousand feet near Pe 7/26/1953 #9015  
CIA wire. 7 UFO's maneuver / 5-8K' altitude. / MJ#242.                      7/26/1953 #9016  
letter “Z.” Then they circle, gain altitude, and fade from sight. Citizens  7/26/1953 #9018  
ar. Bright silver 6M sphere / 150M altitude. Square windows / center.       8/9/1953 #9055  
 Eugene Carl reaches an unofficial altitude of 83,235 feet in a Douglas D-5 8/21/1953 #9095  
rilliant egg hovers 30M away / 20M altitude! Going north. Flame-glow 60cm a 8/24/1953 (approximate) #9107  
.m. It shot up rapidly to a higher altitude, then stopped and circled. Two  8/31/1953 #9125  
port plane at 140 mph at 6000 feet altitude on a training mission, encounte 9/2/1953 #9137  
verhead going quickly north. 3000' altitude below overcast.                 9/7/1953 #9149  
and, Ohio, at less than 3,000 feet altitude. It is shaped like an equilater 9/7/1953 #9154  
shaped objects at about 3,000 feet altitude. He can also see an apparent ca Late 9/1953 #9179  
MD Astronomer. 2 huge cigars / 3K' altitude. Cabin lights / nose and portho 9/28/1953 #9182  
g north straight and level at high altitude. Absolute(ly) plain and silent. 10/1953 (approximate) #9194  
ey Manor], Suffolk, England, at an altitude of 36,000 feet above the Nether 10/9/1953 #9217  
bserver(s). Luminous ovoid / 1500M altitude. Going quickly north. First see 10/11/1953 #9219  
  PLEASANT HILL, CA 4 discs / high altitude scare turkeys. Emit angel hair. 10/13/1953 #9221  
in nine seconds at about 40,000 ft altitude and 25° elevation. The object g 10/15/1953 #9230  
th. Maneuvers / all sides / higher altitude.                                10/23/1953 #9248  
ound, silver object circled at low altitude. [UFOE, VII] (NICAP: 01 - Dista 10/30/1953 #9262  
SEND, KENT Sphere/orb/globe / high altitude. Several observer(s). 400' meta 11/3/1953 #9274  
hite metal sphere/orb/globe / 60K' altitude / theodolite. Strong RADAR blip 11/3/1953 #9275  
 30' glowing "barrel-shape" / 150' altitude. Roars. No planes down.         11/10/1953 #9290  
, ESSEX 2 RAF pilots. Saucer / low altitude trails sparks. Seen 1910hrs / G 11/13/1953? #9295  
 a.m. All of the objects are at an altitude of more than 5,000 feet.        11/22/1953 #9315  
AR shows rapid changes / speed and altitude. Type unknown.                  12/3/1953 #9335  
pid changes in the UFO’s speed and altitude. At 7:35 p.m. a pulsating orang 12/3/1953 #9340  
object poised motionless at a high altitude over Saint-Émilion, Gironde, Fr 12/9/1953 #9352  
ut 1,970 feet under the DC-3 at an altitude of 7,055 feet. Air Force Gen. B 12/15/1953 #9366  
flying at about 15,000 ±2,000 feet altitude to the west, hovering about 30– 12/16/1953 #9374  
noculars) after reaching 90+ miles altitude.                                12/16/1953 #9374  
t metallic sphere/orb/globe / 700M altitude. 700mph. Big investigate. / LDL 12/17/1953 #9377  
oids going quickly east / 50K' and altitude. 400+knts. Can't catch.         12/24/1953 #9390  
d. The UFOs were flying at 50,000' altitude at a speed in excess of 400 kno 12/24/1953 #9395  
re speed of 90,000 mph, a hovering altitude of 4 miles, and a diameter of 1 1/1/1954 #9437  
ingless DC3-size hemisphere / 300M altitude. Turns going quickly east and a 1/7/1954 #9458  
although it appears to be at a low altitude. Several students of the Colleg 1/9/1954 #9473  
ral / ground. Fireball drops / low altitude. B47 buzzed / fireball just aft 1/14/1954 #9483  
er/cigar-shape circles town / high altitude. Leaves (something behind) blue 1/18/1954 #9490  
comes from a plane flying at great altitude. At 2:30 p.m., inhabitants of S 1/18/1954 #9494  
ng cigar-shaped and flying at high altitude. Finally, at 4:45 p.m., a large 1/18/1954 #9494  
e town of Setif, Algeria at a high altitude. It left a blue smoke trail as  1/18/1954 #9495  
r Corps (GOC). Orange saucer / 5K' altitude. Horizontal flight then shoots  1/27/1954 #9501  
ld. It passes over their car at an altitude of 25 feet. The radio goes blan 1/29/1954 #9512  
out making any noise at 4,000 feet altitude. Separate blips on the radar sc 2/4/1954 #9536  
 Controller. Saucer flashes / high altitude going west. 0230h same circles  2/21/1954 #9561  
 [to] steamship in formation. 15K' altitude. Objects quickly going up [to]  2/22/1954 #9563  
ins stationary for 2 minutes at an altitude of several thousand feet.       3/1/1954 #9587  
base see a light at about the same altitude and to the left, apparently hea 3/5/1954 #9598  
ft landing light at about the same altitude approaching on a collision cour 3/5/1954 #9598  
Many observer(s). Disk / very high altitude. Edge glows. Center dark. Goes  3/23/1954 #9633  
               A disc at very high altitude was seen hovering over Norwich, 3/23/1954 #9635  
-shaped object flying at 3000 feet altitude over Cape Canaveral, Florida. T 3/25/1954 #9644  
E, VA F6F pilot. 2 saucers / 3500' altitude going quickly east. 4Kmph. Look 4/7/1954 #9668  
ng at a high rate of speed and low altitude. Once it is clear of the ship,  4/7/1954 #9673  
. Northwest going southwest / high altitude. No further details.            4/15/1954 #9692  
ghts at the base, flying at a high altitude from the northwest toward the s 4/15/1954 #9693  
kly SSW horizon / 1 minute(s). 5K' altitude. / MJ#252.                      4/16/1954 #9694  
ucer passes 3 PAA airliners / 22K' altitude. / MJ#252+/ r173p133.           4/23/1954 #9709  
N., FR Cylinder/cigar-shape at 2KM altitude goes rapidly going south to Spa 4/28/1954 #9730  
 flew at an estimated 2,000 meters altitude.                                4/28/1954 #9732  
0 feet and moving down to 15 miles altitude.                                5/7/1954 #9762  
   LAWTON, OKLA Saucer hovers / 3m altitude. Small humanoid (or Grey) on gr 5/11/1954 #9773  
ts in formation / 5 minute(s). 7K' altitude.                                5/13/1954 #9786  
USMC) jets chase 16 saucers / 10km altitude. Going quickly north. / MJ#253+ 5/14/1954 #9792  
UK RAF jets chase huge disk / 50K' altitude. Fast 180° turn. Multiple RADAR 5/14/1954 #9793  
 of four, dead ahead but at higher altitude, 15° above. He radios Capt. Roy 5/14/1954 #9796  
s contrail. Jorgensen, at a higher altitude, sees the UFOs below his left w 5/14/1954 #9796  
UK Cyclist. 15m bright saucer / 6m altitude 27m away. / r3p247. Burning hay 5/20/1954 #9818  
ic luminous saucer going down / 1M altitude. 2 human-like shadows inside..  5/24/1954 #9829  
onds. The aircraft is flying at an altitude of 18,500 feet at 253 mph. The  5/24/1954 #9832  
Richmond, Indiana and flying at an altitude of 18,500 feet, suddenly notice 5/24/1954 #9833  
NWALL Cylinder/cigar-shape / 5000' altitude. Hissing sound. Blue-black. Ter 5/25/1954 #9836  
TN 3 TVA men. 2 silver orbs / 20K' altitude near steam-plant. Instant speed 5/27/1954 #9837  
urray reaches an unofficial record altitude of 90,440 feet in a Bell X-1A.  5/28/1954 #9838  
ing lights fly at 24,000-44,000 ft altitude (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Co 6/1/1954 #9858  
of USAF B-47 jet bomber at 34,000' altitude.  One object with running light 6/1/1954 #9859  
 running lights flew at 24-44,000' altitude for 1 hour.                     6/1/1954 #9859  
feet higher than their 10,000 feet altitude but cannot close with the objec 6/1/1954 #9860  
7 jet bomber was flying at 34,000' altitude located 400 miles south of Minn 6/1/1954 #9862  
lights that flew at 24,000-44,000' altitude for one hour.                   6/1/1954 #9862  
. 2 saucers fly / parallel / 1500M altitude. Bright / overcast sky.         6/6/1954 #9868  
 Sharp turns / airliner speed. 1km altitude.                                6/7/1954 #9869  
rs over summit / 15+min. 1 mile(s) altitude.                                6/7/1954 #9870  
officers. Metallic saucer / 18000' altitude. Tremendous speed. Reflects sun 6/10/1954 #9885  
descended at 45 degrees from great altitude, passed under his aircraft, mad 6/10/1954 #9888  
 WILMINGTON, DE Huge object / 22km altitude. Square trajectory. Jets can't  6/12/1954 #9894  
not reach a hovering craft at high altitude in the sky between Washington,  6/14/1954 #9903  
rey 80' blimp-shape. Drifts / 300' altitude. Veers. Up and away sharply.    6/22/1954 #9924  
d over Cleveland, Ohio at 300 feet altitude. The object veered up sharply a 6/22/1954 #9929  
nd maneuvers / all directions. 8k' altitude. Red glow / beneath. Extremely  6/27/1954 #9956  
/cylindrical object hovers / 2-3K' altitude. Size / plane. No wings. Quickl 7/1954 #9974  
 around large saucer / center. Low altitude. Scope photographs / r55.       7/3/1954 #9986  
h portholes / 1 side. Hovers / 30M altitude. 140° turn going southeast.     7/3/1954 #9987  
 other. The objects are at a great altitude, because even through binocular 7/8/1954 #10003  
isk flies over countryside / 3000' altitude. No further details.            7/13/1954 #10012  
thwest toward(s) coast. Slow / low altitude. Flames / rear.                 7/13/1954 #10013  
s woods and stops over cabin / 20M altitude. Humming. Dwg.                  8/1954 (approximate) #10080  
ickly northeast fast. Silent. 150m altitude. Vanishes in place.             8/1954 #10083  
 feet in diameter and flying at an altitude of 500 feet. It disappears abru 8/1954 #10085  
e object flying at 1,000 mph at an altitude of 5,000 feet above the Dublin  8/1/1954 #10090  
er ovoid / 5K' going down [to] 1K' altitude. Fades away in place!           8/2/1954 #10091  
n in the clear night air at a high altitude. They move at incredible speed, 8/4/1954 #10099  
fiery Tlw-red objects circle / 6km altitude. Clearly seen. Shape unknown.   8/6/1954 #10102  
quickly west toward(s) Ilanz / 3km altitude. Suddenly turns quickly going u 8/18/1954 #10150  
y toward Ilanz at three kilometers altitude, making sudden turns. It finall 8/18/1954 #10152  
 over/all about oil refinery. 750m altitude. Going quickly south.           8/22/1954 #10162  
o minutes. It flew at an estimated altitude of 2,500 feet and left going so 8/22/1954 #10164  
man sees very large UFO / 20 miles altitude! Leaves (something behind) long 8/26/1954 #10179  
g [to] 370 kph over airport / 300M altitude. No further details.            8/27/1954 #10185  
wo luminous orange objects at high altitude came from the west at high spee 8/31/1954 #10222  
SON, SI, NZ 3 saucers hover / 450' altitude / 6 minute(s). Telephoto photog 9/9/1954 #10275  
g object. The object, flying at an altitude of 800 meters, gave off an inte 9/14/1954 #10296  
/ large dark object 50M away / 30' altitude. Sputters. Sparks and away. / r 9/15/1954 #10308  
 others watch a disc descend to an altitude of 500 feet over three adjoinin 9/15/1954 #10311  
he point down. It had an estimated altitude of 2500 feet and a speed of 150 9/17/1954 #10335  
owing UFO's / tremendous speed and altitude. / naval speedmail.             9/20/1954 #10367  
r(s) and more. Odd shape UFO / low altitude / 15 mn. Dump catches fire.     9/22/1954 #10388  
g quickly east in jumps. 2nd / low altitude spins. 1 stop = 15 minute(s)!   9/23/1954 #10410  
ly and 1. Silent 25' saucer / 15K' altitude rolls and loops about. / Blue B 9/24/1954 #10430  
e 12 m in diameter hovering at 1 m altitude, turning red, blue, and taking  9/30/1954 #10514  
gar-shape shoots light beams. High altitude. Goes going north.              10/1/1954 #10549  
men. Ovoid passes / amazing speed. Altitude = 3000'. No further details.    10/2/1954 #10582  
ver(s). Orange ovoid wobbles / low altitude. Right date / LDLN#345.         10/2/1954 #10584  
        NESSIER, FR 5M saucer / 1M altitude going up [to] as 2 observer(s)  10/2/1954 #10600  
 cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / low altitude. Going up [to] and going quickl 10/2/1954 #10601  
rved at the same spot, at very low altitude.                                10/2/1954 #10605  
ed at the same spot, at a very low altitude.                                10/2/1954 #10614  
r(s). 15' saucer going down / 300' altitude over crematorium. Blows smoke / 10/3/1954 (approximate) #10623  
7 observer(s). Huge red ball / low altitude. Leaves (something behind) gree 10/3/1954 #10624  
armers. Silent orange ovoid / 300M altitude. Possible landing going SW.     10/3/1954 #10635  
cigar-shape north going south. Low altitude. No further details. / LDLN#319 10/3/1954 #10649  
 going quickly west overhead / low altitude. No further details.            10/3/1954 #10652  
Observer(s) cannot move. UFO / 50M altitude west going quickly east. Nitrob 10/5/1954 #10718  
ing [to] all over/all about / 300M altitude. Lands behind trees. / Lumieres 10/5/1954 #10720  
, and sees a dazzling light at low altitude. It blinks out. When he gets to 10/6/1954 #10756  
east going quickly southwest / 70M altitude. 8 October casserole-UFO seen.  10/7/1954 #10766  
aucer maneuvers. Going down / 180M altitude. Shoots away. No further detail 10/7/1954 #10768  
p follows man going [to] town / 5M altitude. Open door. / r138#9.           10/8/1954 #10804  
 crosses sky / 30 second(s). 2700M altitude. No contrail.                   10/9/1954 #10826  
 mushroom with stalk hovers / 600M altitude. Going quickly east. / r3p67+/  10/9/1954 (approximate) #10832  
NNET, FR Brill round object / high altitude leaves luminous/glowing trail g 10/10/1954 #10870  
ng, it dived to the ground from an altitude of about 800 m, then flew off h 10/10/1954 #10889  
it dove towards the ground from an altitude of about 800 meters, then flew  10/10/1954 #10901  
rmer can't describe UFO. From 200M altitude comes very close to ground.     10/11/1954 #10904  
ilway line. Quickly going up / 10M altitude / one hour. Going quickly east. 10/11/1954 #10907  
saucer makes sharp maneuvers. 300' altitude. No wings. Going up [to] clouds 10/11/1954 #10915  
s failed; two UFOs observed at low altitude ahead of car (NICAP: 03 - EME C 10/11/1954 #10923  
ellowred light, 200 m away at 10 m altitude. It was motionless and silent.  10/11/1954 #10934  
ar in the sky ahead of them at low altitude, and their car stalls and the h 10/11/1954 #10941  
meters away from them at 10 meters altitude. It was motionless and silent.  10/11/1954 #10951  
2.5M bell-shape glows. Hovers / 1M altitude. Sparks. Quickly going up [to]  10/12/1954 (approximate) #10956  
follows N471 going southwest / low altitude. 2 / car follow saucer! Up and  10/12/1954 #10967  
llowish and a purple light. Losing altitude, the craft came very close to t 10/12/1954 #10974  
llowish and a purple light. Losing altitude, the craft came very close to t 10/12/1954 #10984  
 Saucer shoots colored flames. Low altitude flight. No further details.     10/13/1954 #10987  
 / car. Luminous globe going / low altitude. Lands / field a few seconds. G 10/13/1954 #10995  
aucer going northwest slowly / low altitude. No further details. / r30p166. 10/14/1954 #11011  
 rectangle going down. Stops / 10M altitude. Window / side. Kids terrorized 10/14/1954 #11012  
mist at factory. Ovoid hovers / 2M altitude. 3 small humanoids (or Greys) g 10/14/1954 #11032  
se heat swoop over his house at an altitude of 50 feet. The cows panic and  10/14/1954 #11056  
es near his car to the west at low altitude. It is so bright that he stops  10/14/1954 #11059  
mer and 4. Large night light / 2K' altitude. Brightens. Rises. Drops. Rises 10/15/1954? #11085  
 going south toward(s) coast / low altitude. 2nd saucer follows. / r251p104 10/15/1954 #11092  
l. Half barrel saucer wavers / 10M altitude. / LDLN#320.                    10/15/1954 #11093  
0, FR 2 observer(s). 20X2M saucer. Altitude = 4M / 3 minute(s). Glow radiat 10/16/1954 #11135  
ne-Infeneure, France 4 UFOs at low altitude ahead of car. One descended tow 10/16/1954 #11139  
, saw four objects, at about 300 m altitude, flying slowly in echelon forma 10/16/1954 #11144  
elon formation at about 300 meters altitude. One of UFOs dropped abruptly t 10/16/1954 #11150  
etallic blimp extremely fast / low altitude. Spotlights light ground like d 10/17/1954 #11165  
northwest 'at dizzying speed'. Est altitude 5-6 KM.                         10/21/1954 #11288  
rtheast. Jet-speed and more. 1200' altitude.                                10/21/1954 #11290  
ry luminous lens disk hovers / 8km altitude. Clouds intervene..             10/21/1954 #11293  
s. Star-like disk maneuvers / high altitude. Brightens and dims. Then going 10/23/1954 #11326  
g-saucer hovers / 3 minutes / 100' altitude. Vanishes or goes dark.         10/23/1954 #11333  
rds 2M saucer / marsh. Going / low altitude. Traces. / r8#308.              10/24/1954 #11350  
Luminous/glowing globe stops / 20M altitude 50M away. Quickly going up [to] 10/24/1954 #11358  
a zigzag fashion. He estimates its altitude as 40,000–45,000 feet and sugge 10/24/1954 #11365  
zzing noise and flying at very low altitude, nearly brushing the tops of th 10/24/1954 #11366  
 machine took off vertically to an altitude of about 100 meters, and then f 10/24/1954 #11368  
a luminous globe stop at 20 meters altitude, just 50 meters away. It took o 10/24/1954 #11372  
 silver saucers / V formation. 9K' altitude. Going [to] 3000kph. / r114p58+ 10/25/1954 #11374  
server(s). Saucer going down / 50M altitude. Going quickly [to] WNW. Lands. 10/27/1954 #11434  
40. Cylinder/cigar-shape flies 20M altitude. Follows turns / road. Turns 90 10/27/1954 #11439  
wing the turns of the road at 20 m altitude. Suddenly it tumed at a right a 10/27/1954 #11447  
the turns of the road at 20 meters altitude. It suddenly tumed at a right a 10/27/1954 #11453  
 ITL 3 observer(s). 8M ovoid / 12M altitude over tree. Aims beams going [to 10/28/1954 #11457  
er(s). 2 white dots maneuver / 2km altitude. Going quickly south. Absolute( 10/30/1954 #11486  
three times. Then the craft gained altitude and flew away, leaving a bluish 10/30/1954 #11490  
appear and move to the north at an altitude of about 6,500 feet.            10/30/1954 #11492  
three times. The craft then gained altitude and flew away, leaving a bluish 10/30/1954 #11493  
. 3M top saucer hides / trees / 6M altitude 6M away. Exits and going quickl 11/1954 (approximate) #11507  
e round glowing-object drops / 30M altitude. Maneuvers. Shoots up. Returns  11/1954 #11508  
/motorbike. Red ovoid passes / low altitude. Brilliant blinding light light 11/1/1954 #11515  
zed a man on a motorcycle at a low altitude on a road near Bucine, Tuscany, 11/1/1954 #11524  
(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape / 30-40M altitude. Lights and porthole. Going dow 11/3/1954 #11544  
mer / bike. Red-glow torpedo / low altitude. 90° turns and maneuvers.       11/4/1954 #11558  
nverge going [to] transform. 7500M altitude. 1200+kph. / r114p56.           11/6/1954 #11583  
r with invisible teacup atop. 500' altitude.                                11/9/1954 #11607  
 bullet-cylinder/cigar-shape / 30M altitude. 2 observer(s) run beneath. Whi 11/9/1954 #11609  
-shaped cigar hovered at 30 meters altitude over a farm in Froberville, Sei 11/9/1954 #11614  
erver(s). White-yellow ovoid / 7km altitude. 4 small dark objects orbit. /  11/10/1954 #11617  
    TRAVERSONE, ITL Red beam / low altitude sweeps 2 tractors. Gas engine m 11/10/1954 #11618  
thing behind) reddish trail. 9000' altitude. Going south / very fast.       11/14/1954 #11643  
in a vertical V formation at a low altitude at four o'clock in the afternoo 11/15/1954 #11660  
nd. When the object had reached an altitude of 20 meters it expelled a larg 11/23/1954 #11697  
). Sci-Fi saucer hovers / very low altitude in center of town.              11/28/1954 #11718  
 moving at a 1,500 knot clip at an altitude of 65,000 feet?”                12/1954 #11736  
CO RADAR-visual. Precise speed and altitude charts made / military pilots.  12/2/1954 #11744  
 cylinder/cigar-shape passes / 40M altitude. Big porthole / side. Suddenly  12/3/1954 #11748  
bject passed overhead at 40-meters altitude. It had a large porthole on its 12/3/1954 #11755  
 glowing saucer spins slowly / 3K' altitude. Going northwest. Dark "porthol 12/5/1954 #11761  
 Luminous saucer circles down / 1M altitude. Dwarf visible / dome. Up and g 12/14/1954 #11806  
2:00 noon, they descend to a lower altitude, and witnesses see they are met 12/14/1954 #11807  
 it the UFO rose up to a very high altitude and flew away toward Portugal,  12/19/1954 #11840  
AZ RADAR and F86 pilot. UFO / 10K' altitude chased going quickly south. Haz 12/23/1954 #11855  
cts going south. Circle town / low altitude.                                12/25/1954 #11859  
MO, ITL Cylinder/cigar-shape / 25M altitude. Silhouettes visible in transpa 12/29/1954 #11871  
linder/cigar-shape going down / 5M altitude. 3 propellers / top and 3 below 12/30/1954 #11878  
me hovers / valley at mountain-top altitude. Drops / roof level near railro 12/30/1954 #11880  
ver(s). Silent 30M disk stops / 1M altitude. Pseudo-human/entity exits and  12/31/1954 #11883  
, CA WW1-helmet saucer going / low altitude. Green beam / top. Green / ligh 1/1955 #11902  
 TALARA, PERU Disk maneuvers / 6km altitude. Lit dome. Going [to] too high  1/12/1955 #11930  
 chase but the disc ascended to an altitude too high to follow.             1/16/1955 #11935  
ct easily passes airliner / higher altitude. Going quickly west.            2/3/1955 #11971  
ET, CA 2 observer(s). Saucer / low altitude glows high-intensity blue. 2 se 2/8/1955 #11982  
k object rushes over silently. Low altitude.                                2/10/1955 #11987  
' saucer with windows / edge. 150m altitude. News and USAF investigation.   2/15/1955 #12003  
th long tail circled downtown! 3km altitude below clouds.                   3/12/1955 #12044  
Ex pilot and 1. Disk hovers / 11K' altitude. Shoots 3mi going quickly north 3/28/1955 (approximate) #12064  
rmed. Country: USA Name: “HA (High Altitude)” Yield: 3KT                    4/6/1955 #12084  
lonel and 1. 10+60' saucers / 25K' altitude / loose formation. 1000knts and 5/4/1955 #12114  
      DINAN, FR Domed saucer / low altitude. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) / 5/14/1955 #12130  
r seen as large square glow / 30K' altitude. 90-turns. Leaves (something be 5/17/1955 #12135  
It was at an estimated 30,000 feet altitude. It made 90 degree turns for 3  5/17/1955 #12139  
. 5 rhomboids circle airport / 2km altitude. / APRO 8'55.                   5/27/1955 #12162  
n fire," it changed course, losing altitude and trailing flames. It touched 5/29/1955 #12166  
00 p.m. They flew at one kilometer altitude, and were viewed through a theo 5/29/1955 #12167  
UK trawler crew. Silver disk / 3km altitude. Crosses sky / 5 minutes. "No p 6/5/1955 #12183  
UR, BELGIUM Classic saucer / 1.5km altitude. Photographs pass fake tests. / 6/5/1955 #12184  
 disc moving at a high speed at an altitude of around 4,900 feet. He takes  6/5/1955 #12186  
t flew at an estimated 3000 meters altitude, and crossed the sky in five mi 6/5/1955 #12187  
 cylinder/cigar-shape at 500-1000' altitude. Red "jet". Soft hissing sounds 6/15/1955 #12198  
over the town of Anita, Iowa at an altitude under 1000 feet at 9:47 p.m. It 6/15/1955 #12199  
tting a ring of white sparks at an altitude of 3,000 feet above Hârşeni, Ro Summer 1955 #12206  
Saucer / 4 windows. 4500MPH. 3500' altitude. / r37p143.                     6/23/1955 #12207  
 an estimated 500 feet above their altitude. They estimate the length of th 6/23/1955 #12209  
 crews. Cylinder/cigar-shape / 7K' altitude / 16 minute(s). Strong beams /  6/30/1955 #12220  
 cigar-shaped object at 7,000 feet altitude, emitting strong beams of light 6/30/1955 #12222  
. Coleman Case / Chases UFO At Low Altitude (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Co 7/1955 #12224  
to it. He gives chase to it at low altitude over farmland and sees its shad 7/1955 #12226  
(s). 3 huge white saucers / 1 mile altitude. Going straight and level singl 7/7/1955 #12239  
cal object going down. Stops / 10M altitude. Going up [to] and away.        7/8/1955 #12240  
te observer(s). 15m saucer / 4500m altitude going quickly NNE / very fast.  7/9/1955 #12242  
isk going quickly southwest / 25K' altitude. Stack formation. / r139 #2p15. 7/10/1955 #12247  
tronomer. 800' meteor / 40 mile(s) altitude / 63000mph "artificial"..       7/14/1955 #12259  
 observer(s). Silver saucer / 22km altitude. Jets chase. Rises / 32km. Jets 7/20/1955 #12271  
TI, OH 1 observer. Pear-UFO / 500' altitude sprays peach tree. Dead to root 7/22/1955 #12276  
object flying slowly at 1,000 feet altitude. The liquid caused his bare ski 7/22/1955 #12280  
ports. 100' ovoid-saucer / 2 miles altitude. Stops / 30 second(s) then out  7/24/1955 #12282  
 MO B47 pilot. White saucer / 66K' altitude. Going quickly southwest / 1300 7/26/1955 #12287  
veral 90-turns / 5 minute(s). 25K' altitude. Supersonic.                    7/30/1955 #12304  
red to chase him at less than 70 m altitude. It measured about 30 m in diam 8/1/1955 #12315  
quickly south / 10 minute(s). 15K' altitude. Exits going up. 9 August milit 8/7/1955 #12339  
ski-saucer drops and hovers / 200' altitude. Shoots going quickly north. Ba 8/15/1955 #12361  
er Gibb reaches an official record altitude of 65,876 feet in an English El 8/29/1955 #12415  
Large saucer / windows / edge. Low altitude. Drone sound. / r139 #2p82.     8/31/1955 #12419  
ndows around the rim flew at a low altitude in Ponteland, Northumberland, E 8/31/1955 #12420  
coin-disk going quickly east / 9km altitude. 3000kph. Ash falls..           9/1/1955 #12424  
est pilot Ray J. Goudey reaches an altitude of 65,000 feet in a Lockheed U- 9/8/1955 #12438  
 Round black saucer hovers / 5500' altitude. Circles and maneuvers. Going e 9/9/1955 #12439  
rver(s). Glowing-saucer / very low altitude. Rises / treetops and hovers ag 9/11/1955 #12447  
ing. It made an ascent to a higher altitude, flew to the southeast, and the 9/13/1955 #12452  
d / 1700mph. Several RADAR's. 32K' altitude.                                9/22/1955 #12466  
ing at a speed of 1,700 mph and an altitude 32,000 feet, was tracked on sev 9/22/1955 #12469  
2 observer(s). 8M grey plate / 50M altitude spins / 6 second(s). Slants goi 9/23/1955 #12470  
shaped disc flew at only 50 meters altitude over the town of Kreuzlingen, S 9/23/1955 #12471  
lticolor night lights rotates. 45M altitude. Absolute(ly) silent. Going qui 10/1955 #12474  
eball scouts barns and cabins / 1m altitude. Follows road and creek bed.    10/1955 #12475  
volving slowly to the right, to an altitude of about 6,000 feet, where its  10/4/1955 #12488  
d Ahern. Silver-white saucer / 5K' altitude. 1000mph. Silent. No trail.     10/8/1955 #12493  
d jumps / 4 times. Very fast. 50K' altitude. Exits going up.                10/12/1955 #12501  
rneath. Going quickly east / 5000' altitude. / news.                        10/29/1955 #12530  
N Bright yellow night light / 150' altitude. Nears ship. Responds / lamp si 11/8/1955 #12555  
 Silver-grey hemisphere / very low altitude. Silent glide going northwest.  11/10/1955 #12560  
O Blue Book. Senator. Blimp / 15K' altitude. Descends. Levels off. Rises an 11/25/1955 #12590  
treaks going quickly south / 2500' altitude. Vanishes in sight.             12/12/1955 #12608  
the south. It flew at an estimated altitude of 2500 feet and vanished quick 12/12/1955 #12609  
 1,300 feet away at about 400 feet altitude. It begins moving again at 35 m 1956 #12638  
 object whistles going north / low altitude. Fast spin. Flashes. / FSRv2#1. 1/9/1956 #12652  
 observer. Silent 45M saucer / 15M altitude. Lights farmyard. Glows. Gone i 1/17/1956 #12663  
ver(s). Silent domed saucer / 15K' altitude. Moves / jerks. Several recent  1/20/1956 #12672  
 Amber pumpkin / 1000+knts / 7500M altitude. Going quickly southwest.       2/11/1956 #12708  
micircle going quickly north. 600m altitude. Level course. Seen 3 second(s) 3/3/1956 #12744  
east. Row / windows on side. 1200M altitude?                                3/22/1956 #12762  
r object going [to] overhead / low altitude. Going quickly north. Huge red  4/1956 #12773  
porarily. Maintain your course and altitude. We’re sending two jets to inte 4/16/1956 #12809  
car. Silent half-egg hovers / 300M altitude. Loops. Speeds back going quick 4/24/1956 #12813  
se in brightness in the E at “high altitude” (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 4/28/1956 #12816  
over Aliquippa, Pennsylvania at an altitude of 5,000 to 15,000 feet at an e 5/8/1956 #12838  
 out of large saucer. Silent / low altitude. Possible abduction. / r8#382.  5/9/1956 #12840  
enith, merging, and diving to 50 m altitude. As the bus arrived, it seemed  5/9/1956 #12841  
 and out of a larger disc at a low altitude in Jacksonville, Florida shortl 5/9/1956 #12842  
 zenith, merging, and diving to an altitude of only 50 meters. It seemed th 5/9/1956 #12842  
flying in close formation at a low altitude over Ada, Oklahoma at 10:22 p.m 5/17/1956 #12857  
rshow. White triangle hovers / 3km altitude. Center spins. / r153p17.       5/26/1956 #12867  
ed craft hover at three kilometers altitude. The center of the craft was sp 5/26/1956 #12868  
r saucer going quickly south. 900m altitude. Spins. Silent. / Blue Book rep 6/5/1956 #12884  
nt domed saucer circles car / 100' altitude 100' away. Vanishes. / r8#383.  6/6/1956 #12885  
ver(s) / plane. 400' object / 40K' altitude / 8 hours! 4 square circuits /  6/29/1956 #12928  
inute(s) apart. No contrails. High altitude.                                6/30/1956 #12931  
ng quickly southwest. 5000kph. 6km altitude.                                7/15/1956 #12972  
cts sun. Hovers and gyrates. 1500' altitude. Going quickly [to] east-northe 7/18/1956 #12981  
 as that of a large bomber at high altitude.                                7/23/1956 #13013  
hru) telescope. Domed saucer / low altitude. Meriden, CT Ground Observer Co 7/28/1956 #13022  
 luminous/glowing 4M object / 150M altitude. Colored lights. / r140#2p98.   7/30/1956 #13030  
t silent orange umbrella top / 30M altitude. Paces fast car. Up and away.   8/1956 #13034  
 USAF. Bright object hovers / 9 km altitude. Quickly going up [to] to 24km! 8/1956 #13035  
erver(s). Saucer easily seen / 3K' altitude. Stops / 20 second(s). Shoots g 8/10/1956 #13065  
Watchman. 24M round object / 1500' altitude. Orange glow. Loud hiss. Away s 8/22/1956 #13114  
FT. MCLEOD, ALTA RCAF pilot / 11km altitude photographs silver 10M saucer.  8/23/1956 #13122  
t 460 mph, he sees at a much lower altitude a “bright light which was sharp 8/27/1956 #13140  
   LE HOULME, FR Domed saucer / 9M altitude. Rays shoot / antenna base. 3 p 9/1956 #13164  
eballs and saucers / 3000kph / 5km altitude. RADAR traces. Jets chase. / AP 9/4/1956 #13181  
aucers going [to] over city / 600M altitude. Glow red and green. Split and  9/6/1956 #13190  
Iven Carl Kincheloe Jr. reaches an altitude of 126,283 feet in the Bell X-2 9/7/1956 #13203  
euvers and hovers repeatedly. High altitude. Going quickly west.            9/8/1956 #13207  
ucers that appeared at a very high altitude in the sky. The sighting lasted 9/20/1956 #13228  
ass sphere/orb/globe hovers / 16km altitude / 60kph wind. 2 jets quickly go 9/22/1956 #13233  
ansport. As it reaches the plane’s altitude, it tilts, shoots to one side,  Fall 1956 #13237  
/ BRISTOL, TN 2 10M saucers / 300M altitude. 1 hovers. 1 rocks. Dark circle 9/24/1956 #13240  
bjects were observed at 300 meters altitude in Gibston, Tennessee at 5:30 a 9/24/1956 #13242  
ct going quickly northwest / 1200M altitude. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v 10/16/1956 #13282  
65 miles southwest of Miami, at an altitude of between 7000 and 8000 feet.  11/8/1956 #13315  
a half mile in front of them at an altitude of 300 feet. As it makes a shar 11/11/1956 #13322  
 / 240km! Swoops going down / 300M altitude. Separate observer(s).          11/14/1956 #13324  
 WI 2 observer(s). 10M saucer / 9M altitude. Ringed / 6 flashing lights. 2n 11/25/1956 #13350  
lver gondola saucer hovers / 1500M altitude. Shoots up with contrail.       11/27/1956 #13358  
K, MN Farmer. Saucer hovers / 100M altitude. Quickly going up [to] and hove 11/28/1956 #13361  
 noise. 16' saucer going up / 150' altitude. Now silent. Going quickly nort 11/30/1956 #13365  
 object fly at an estimated 100 ft altitude over water (NICAP: 01 - Distant 11/30/1956 #13369  
d object flew at an estimated 100' altitude over water for 10 minutes.  No  11/30/1956 #13370  
bject fly at an estimated 100 feet altitude over water from Charleston AFB, 11/30/1956 #13372  
, ND Cops. Small round ball / 300M altitude. Maneuvers going up and down [t 12/1/1956 #13379  
then ascended to a somewhat higher altitude in Forest Lake, Minnesota. The  12/2/1956 #13385  
ND House sized object hovers / 60M altitude. Small objects exit / all direc 12/10/1956? #13393  
right green 6M sphere hovers / 2K' altitude. Going down. / r234p107+/ r140. 12/11/1956 #13398  
 green object passes over car / 6M altitude 5 times! Emits sparks.          12/22/1956 (approximate) #13411  
ight / 3 observer(s). Passes / 55' altitude.                                12/30/1956 #13419  
 object traveling slowly at a high altitude. They watch it for 45 minutes.  1/1/1957 #13445  
otograph / perfect 8M saucer / 20M altitude. Going quickly southeast rising 1/17/1957 #13464  
maneuvering in formation at a high altitude. One breaks away from the other 1/21/1957 #13468  
aucer has green glowing base. 500' altitude. No explanation.                2/1957 #13480  
server(s). 3 bright saucers / 18km altitude. Searches with beam. Quickly go 2/13/1957 #13496  
OR Index) Nebulous Targets At High Altitude (R/V) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, 2/13/1957 #13499  
 truck. 4M egg chases truck / 360M altitude. Stops and starts. Going quickl 2/21/1957 #13512  
) and military. Night light / 40K' altitude sweeps sky several times. RADAR 2/27/1957 #13515  
etallic disk flies / gardens / low altitude. Sharp fast exit going up / ang 3/2/1957 #13518  
e gardens in Kyoto, Japan at a low altitude. It then made a fast exit at a  3/2/1957 #13519  
 in motion and constantly changing altitude. Radar calls Ott back and says  3/22/1957 #13553  
 all over/all about sea / 60K-14K' altitude. Maneuvers. Going quickly south 4/4/1957 #13578  
 / field. Passes water tower / low altitude. Maneuvers away.                5/2/1957 #13641  
een UFO sped past below observer's altitude. [UFOE, IV] (NICAP: 01 - Distan 5/12/1957 #13658  
Series / ovoids going south / high altitude. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v 5/13/1957 #13659  
ack going quickly east. All / 25k' altitude. / r148.                        5/24/1957 #13676  
ntified blips dart and turn / high altitude. Absolute(ly) mystery.          6/1957 #13692  
lue-green object at about 400 feet altitude. It then climbs rapidly to 1,00 6/3/1957 #13698  
parallels the airliner at a higher altitude and about a half-mile away. Ker 6/3/1957 #13698  
ZL AND WIDE AREA Huge meteor / low altitude crashes. Saucers east to/from/b 6/4/1957 #13700  
e. Luminous red disk cruises / 9K' altitude. / El Nacional. / r141.         6/5/1957 #13702  
 Definite silver disk hovers / 8km altitude.                                6/6/1957 #13709  
s Corners, Ontario at an estimated altitude of 8,000 meters. That night a f 6/6/1957 #13710  
atrol. UFO dives going down / 200' altitude. 1500mph. Quickly going up [to] 6/13/1957 #13722  
ucer going quickly northwest / 1km altitude. Odd "plop" sound.              7/10/1957 #13785  
e shiny cylinder/cigar-shape / low altitude. Stops. Continues. No further d 7/11/1957 #13789  
 flying fish going west slow / 15M altitude. Featureless.                   7/15/1957 #13796  
 at between 18,500 and 20,000 feet altitude, with the idea of demonstrating 7/19/1957 #13814  
y see a large, fast object at high altitude moving east toward the Organ Mo 7/24/1957 #13827  
It flies above the observers at an altitude of 3,300 feet and produces a wh 7/25/1957 #13837  
sharp maneuvers. Going down / 900M altitude. / and #14p5.                   8/2/1957 #13871  
t rose, then hovered at 900 meters altitude.                                8/2/1957 #13872  
eld. Clangs! Going southeast / 30M altitude. Colored lights / rim.          8/18/1957 #13903  
ILLE, IN 3M ovoid going down / 30M altitude over cornfield. Lights / rim. C 8/18/1957 #13904  
cal object-UFO photographed. 4000' altitude. 90-turn. 250-500mph. Silent. / 8/20/1957 #13909  
f a brilliant glow at an estimated altitude of 3,000–4,000 feet, traveling  8/20/1957 #13912  
r 2 ships. Clear RADAR blip / 14km altitude. Vanishes! / r141#4.            8/30/1957 #13949  
iles in front of us at 60,000 feet altitude.” The Northeast pilot tries to  8/30/1957 #13952  
 blue silent 5M object hovers / 3M altitude 30M away. Going quickly [to] fa 8/31/1957 #13957  
ght training flight at 25,000 feet altitude between Cordoba and Coruche, Po 9/4/1957 #13979  
uickly northeast very fast / 1500M altitude.                                9/18/1957 #14006  
,300 mph radar target at 50,000 ft altitude tracked/ multiple radars (NICAP 9/20/1957 #14018  
m 800 to 12,000 mph and varying in altitude from 50,000 to 135,000 feet, is 9/20/1957 #14020  
 Saucer circles Army group / 1200M altitude. Shoots going quickly [to] hori 9/22/1957 #14024  
ar-shape going [to] overhead / 20M altitude. Pseudo-human/entity in porthol 10/1957 #14048  
ot. Fast silver night light / high altitude. Sputnik? / LDLN#334p34+/ r141. 10/8/1957 #14070  
"Flaming whale" going south / 150M altitude. 3 minute(s) to horizon. Seen / 10/10/1957 #14087  
ip 65 feet thick. When it is at an altitude of 20 feet, the UFO stops in th 10/10/1957 #14095  
 off, stopping at about 1,650 feet altitude. At that moment a smaller objec 10/10/1957 #14095  
? plays tag 20x / farm field. 100M altitude.                                10/14/1957 #14106  
T Ex-CIC / RAAF! Dark ovoid / 300M altitude passes / 600kph. / r120p161+/ r 10/16/1957 #14122  
It moves from south to north at an altitude of 1,000–1,500 feet.            10/16/1957 #14130  
2 / farm. 2 cylinders hover / high altitude. Silent. Wingless with 3-pointe 10/21/1957 #14136  
ucer wobbles slow then fast. 1500M altitude. Pulses.                        10/29/1957 #14160  
 disk spins fast. Up and down / 3M altitude. Follows woman / bicycle. Separ 10/30/1957 (approximate) #14163  
 saucer going quickly south / 200M altitude. Stops / town. Shoots going qui 10/30/1957 #14164  
 Going [to] through cemetery / low altitude. Follows road. Turns.           11/1/1957 #14185  
rce Sabre jet pilot pursued a high altitude, hovreing craft over Johannesbu 11/1/1957 #14190  
gstown, Ohio at 3:00 a.m. at a low altitude, follows a road, and then turne 11/1/1957 #14192  
llet-shape slows and hovers / high altitude. Gains speed and going quickly  11/4/1957 #14264  
d. The object maintains a constant altitude while oscillating. Ferreira ord 11/4/1957 #14281  
low dive to about 1,500–2,500 feet altitude as it swerves to pass to the so 11/4/1957 #14286  
50 feet, heading west and changing altitude occasionally. When it gets to t 11/4/1957 #14287  
s east again at about 200–300 feet altitude. Suddenly it shoots up in a ste 11/4/1957 #14289  
cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / high altitude. USAF jets show (too low.)      11/5/1957 #14307  
ald list) AN/FPS-16 Tracks at High Altitude (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: 11/5/1957 #14326  
effects). 200M saucer hovers / 60M altitude. Ground burnt. / r79p12.        11/6/1957 #14360  
 60M ovoid changes color(s) / 600M altitude. Zigzag course. Going quickly s 11/6/1957 #14362  
se #5205. 5M red ovoid hovers / 4M altitude. Several observer(s) insist.. n 11/6/1957 #14377  
d object coming toward them at low altitude. It moved slowly, illuminating  11/6/1957 #14409  
 Night light going southeast / low altitude. Quickly going up [to] overhead 11/7/1957 #14447  
ives and circles lake / slow / low altitude. Follows coast.                 11/7/1957 #14453  
aucer going west. Going down / low altitude overhead. Going quickly south.  11/8/1957 #14475  
ared to be coming. It swung at low altitude and dropped to the ground. Peop 11/8/1957 #14482  
ared to be coming. It swung at low altitude and then dropped to the ground. 11/8/1957 #14493  
 effects). 16M object hovers / 15m altitude. Type unknown. / r8#439.        11/9/1957 #14495  
ADISON, OH 12 Mx3M 'acorn' / 20M / altitude. Observer(s) gets sick. Dog die 11/10/1957 #14510  
-cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / 22M altitude. Going west slow. Blimp? / Benk 11/10/1957 #14515  
ge red-orange sphere hovers / 700' altitude. Maneuvers. Going quickly north 11/14/1957 #14547  
 offshore. Shifts to and fro / 3km altitude.                                11/15/1957 #14556  
nute(s) / V-formation. Under 1500M altitude / amateur astronomer.           11/19/1957 #14579  
mers moving horizontally at a high altitude from west to east.              12/1957 #14651  
(s). Air Force plane circles / low altitude as 1M disk hovers above.. vanis 12/1/1957 (approximate) #14655  
S Air Force plane circled at a low altitude as a 1 meter in diameter disc h 12/1/1957 #14661  
d 1. Circular object hovers / 200M altitude / 5 minute(s). Shoots going qui 12/5/1957 #14672  
r(s). Luminous saucer hovers / 6km altitude / hills. Suddenly going quickly 12/8/1957 #14684  
server(s). 10M red disk roars / 6M altitude lights ground. Going [to] woods 12/8/1957 #14685  
 over some hills at six kilometers altitude. It suddenly shot away toward t 12/8/1957 #14695  
jects cross the sky at 20,000 feet altitude in Bogotá, Colombia. At 1:00 p. 12/10/1957 #14705  
 15M saucer. Dome / bottom. 50mph. Altitude = 6 meters.                     12/11/1957 #14707  
many. Saucer spins. Fast arc / low altitude. / LDLN#334p35+/ r141.          12/12/1957 #14716  
ge oval UFO curving rapidly at low altitude. [UFOE, X] (NICAP: 11 - Aviatio 12/12/1957 #14719  
ow sphere maneuvers in trees / 12M altitude. Zigzags. / NICAP report.       12/27/1957 #14762  
zechoslovakia and once achieved an altitude of 12,400m and a speed of 2000  1958 #14787  
away from the camera, flying at an altitude of 7,000– 8,000 feet, and movin 1/3/1958 #14800  
grey saucer follows roadside / low altitude. Sudden acceleration away.      1/5/1958 (approximate) #14809  
ge Free State, South Africa at low altitude. It then abruptly shot off into 1/5/1958 #14810  
 for about 8 minutes at a 150-foot altitude, glowing red. A truck and bus a 1/30/1958 #14851  
 about eight minutes at a 150-foot altitude, glowing red. A truck and a bus 1/30/1958 #14852  
 a motor, and flew at an estimated altitude of 20,000 feet.                 2/2/1958 #14869  
g southwest. Stops / airport / 60M altitude. Quickly going up. / APRO 7'61. 2/6/1958 (approximate) #14873  
2. 3M ovoid with buzzing arms / 1M altitude. BEAMs toward(s) car and observ 2/24/1958 #14886  
nt it rose up to about 600 feet in altitude. The UFO then began a series of 2/24/1958 #14890  
ery in color and hovering at a low altitude. It then shot away, vanishing a 2/24/1958 #14890  
take off slowly and hover at 250 m altitude before disappearing. It showed  3/2/1958 #14910  
off slowly and hover at 250 meters altitude before disappearing. It had a b 3/2/1958 #14912  
elta/triangle/box-like craft / low altitude. Brilliant horseshoe objects ex 4/15/1958 #14986  
tanding on duty. At about 1000 ft. altitude. The UFO appeared as a round me 5/1958 #15006  
ross their flight path at the same altitude. Their VHF communications with  5/13/1958 #15031  
t approaching them directly at low altitude from the northeast. It flies ov 6/1958 #15072  
4M disk going [to] overhead / 100M altitude. Glows. Antenna / top. Chimes!  6/4/1958 #15079  
852. Weatherman. 10M Saturn / 30K' altitude. 500mph and more. No balloon. / 6/14/1958 #15093  
 Red star south going north / 100M altitude. Circles base. Then denied. / r 7/17/1958 #15145  
ction at 70–100 mph and 1,000 feet altitude for 10 seconds. It is flying wi 7/18/1958 #15149  
 incredibly fast. Jet noise. ~12km altitude. (UPI) / r28p436.               7/26/1958 #15154  
d 2 colored beams going down. 500M altitude.                                8/1958 #15167  
ng down. 2nd and 3rd join from low altitude. Complex maneuvers. Going quick 8/1958 (approximate) #15169  
 3 observer(s). 2 40cm disks / low altitude stop / several minutes. Circle  8/1/1958 #15172  
tion is another concern—even at an altitude of 50 miles. A crew member on J 8/1/1958 #15174  
 formation. Silent maneuvers / low altitude. / NICAP v1#5.                  8/8/1958 #15182  
 Dull silver saucer 30M away / 60M altitude. Beams going down. Going quickl 8/8/1958 #15183  
ily. Small ovoid going south / low altitude. Air-rushing sound.             8/12/1958 #15196  
y as it flew to the south at a low altitude at 9:30 p.m. over Alamagordo, N 8/12/1958 #15199  
. 6M ovoid follows road / very low altitude. Glows. Stops. Vanishes.        8/18/1958 #15211  
liner man and 1. 8 saucers / 4.5km altitude pass in formation. 3X-4X plane  8/23/1958 #15219  
 BREWSTER, WA Cop. 1M saucer / 20M altitude tilts and flashes. Possible ele 9/1/1958 #15241  
strong night light going down / 1M altitude. 90° turn. Separate observer(s) 9/5/1958 #15253  
 Cops and more/others. Disk / high altitude clearly seen. Going southwest.  9/16/1958 #15267  
 effects). Dull red 25M disk / 75M altitude. Light humming. AOK after. / r1 9/20/1958 #15271  
e observer(s). 6M saucer hovers 5' altitude. Wobbles and smokes. / MJ#245+/ 9/21/1958 #15272  
oscillating motion to about 6 feet altitude, then crosses over her driveway 9/21/1958 #15276  
whistle overhead to rock-pile / 1M altitude. Turn going southwest.          10/1958 #15289  
ANSDALE, PA 5M saucer hovers / 10M altitude. Lit dome. 3 observers walk und 10/1958 #15292  
rtheast over Air Force Base / 350M altitude. 2x moon-size. Turns toward(s)  10/2/1958 #15298  
ite glowing-object going down / 3M altitude 6M from house!                  10/7/1958 #15322  
re/others. Grey ovoid hovers / 3km altitude. Rises and going quickly northe 10/7/1958 #15324  
gray, oval object in the sky at an altitude of 8,000–10,000 feet at the ent 10/7/1958 #15328  
 round glowing-object hovers / 20M altitude near Nike base. Quickly going u 10/10/1958 (approximate) #15332  
, MI 24 round amber objects / high altitude. Dime-size. 2 groups / 12 each. 10/17/1958 #15349  
ass. Brilliant green flare / 1200M altitude going south. Lights ground.     10/18/1958 #15355  
yland. The object flew at 150 feet altitude, and when it approached their c 10/26/1958 #15386  
Saucer hovers and pulsates / 1100M altitude. 4 lights. Changes color(s).    10/31/1958 #15405  
DON EAST, ONT Saucer descends / 4M altitude. Up and down in jerks. Silent.  10/31/1958 #15406  
isk going quickly southeast / high altitude / several minutes. Lost in clou 10/31/1958 #15407  
l, aluminum-colored object at 2 km altitude, coming down to 4 m, flying up  10/31/1958 #15409  
t spotted flying at two kilometers altitude in Caledon East, Ontario but it 10/31/1958 #15410  
a go-around maneuver and climbs in altitude to await the disappearance of t 11/4/1958 #15425  
(s). Blazing fireball floats / low altitude. Quickly going up [to] vertical 11/11/1958 #15436  
city center. Silent. 800 kph. 300M altitude?                                11/11/1958 (approximate) #15437  
MBUS, OH Double disk spins? / high altitude. Steadily going north across sk 11/17/1958 #15445  
, was seen coming down from a high altitude, hovering at tree height, then  11/17/1958 #15448  
s B52 fuselage circles slow / high altitude. Hovers / same spot 3X. Going q 12/1/1958 #15466  
 fuselage circled slowly at a high altitude east of Grants, New Mexico at 2 12/1/1958 #15467  
d. 2M ovoid going [to] 15kph / 15M altitude. Hovers / ordnance depot. Shoot 12/6/1958 #15469  
erver(s). Saucer passes / very low altitude. Power blackout / entire city.  12/6/1958 #15470  
top saucer going west slow / 1200M altitude. News silenced!                 12/12/1958 #15475  
ITL 1 / train. Metallic disk / 10M altitude 200M away. Lit portholes / dome 1/1959 #15517  
 cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / 40M altitude. Red and green and white lights 1/3/1959 #15530  
ered over Dover, Ohio at 40 meters altitude. It was large, silent, and had  1/3/1959 #15532  
wing-sausage going southwest / low altitude. Turns going west. Unknown. sep 1/6/1959 #15536  
5 cigars maneuver and circle / 50M altitude. Red lights flash / top. Absolu 1/8/1959 #15540  
Cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / 300M altitude / 30 minute(s). Turns vertical. 1/29/1959 #15570  
   CINCINNATI, OH B57 pilot / 12km altitude and more/others. Brilliant roun 2/20/1959 #15593  
N, OH 1 / SR21. Dark saucer / 150M altitude. Red light / top. No blimp in a 2/25/1959 #15608  
und for five minutes at 150 meters altitude. No blimp was flying in the are 2/25/1959 #15616  
 and more. 6M lighted saucer / 60M altitude near quarry. No further details 3/2/1959 #15629  
. Beams going down. Descends / low altitude.                                3/14/1959 #15643  
light down, and descended to a low altitude.                                3/14/1959 #15645  
Intensely blue object hovers / low altitude near mine. No further details.  3/22/1959 #15663  
 a few minutes at 3,000–7,000 feet altitude. It suddenly darts to the north 4/7/1959 #15694  
 DK 1 observer. Metallic dome / 1M altitude. Away and back. Follows motorbi 4/14/1959 #15702  
/ ground. Paces bicycle / 5km / 6M altitude. Luminous and glassy. / FSR'59# 4/15/1959 #15703  
d a circular UFO appeared at a low altitude, perhaps 100 meters. He felt pa 4/26/1959 #15714  
nd green light / side. Going / low altitude.                                6/21/1959 #15778  
409. 9x1 gold ovoid. 100mph. 4000' altitude. Vanishes.                      6/30/1959 #15801  
 trees. Follow 2 observer(s) / 12M altitude. Sandy surface.                 7/1959 #15805  
aped objects flying at 36,000 feet altitude over the China Sea.             7/4/1959 #15814  
cylinder/cylindrical object / high altitude overtakes 2 planes. Planes audi 7/7/1959 #15821  
photographs / classic saucer / low altitude. News.                          7/8/1959 #15822  
g object seen moving slowly at low altitude in V-formation. (Two WTTV emplo 7/8/1959 #15826  
(s) / 9M domed saucer. Hovers / 8M altitude. Green beams. / r3p13+/ MJ#255+ 7/13/1959 #15838  
going south over NJ Turnpike / low altitude. "Pulses".                      7/15/1959 (approximate) #15855  
server(s). Flashing "streak" / 15' altitude shoots going quickly north towa 7/18/1959 #15858  
ball going southwest / 30kph. 700M altitude. Light buzz. Changes color(s).  7/21/1959 #15866  
 at 30 km/hour heading south at an altitude of 700 meters. It made a slight 7/21/1959 #15868  
e. Going quickly [to] to sea / low altitude. / r97#035.                     7/22/1959 #15870  
lluminted dome on the top at a low altitude. It flew out to sea. The witnes 7/22/1959 #15871  
y. A domed disc came down to a low altitude. It had a dark, concave base, a 7/25/1959 #15878  
 MEMPHIS, TN Girl. 1M saucer / low altitude. Dome hops going up and down [t 8/12/1959 #15905  
O crossed road ahead of car at low altitude. Motor and headlights failed (N 8/13/1959 #15910  
o satellite lights approach at low altitude. The car motor stalls and the h 8/13/1959 #15914  
 Mexico, moving at 2,300 mph at an altitude of 60,000 feet and heading nort 9/13/1959 #15971  
adar cross section, extremely high altitude, and high-speed performance.    9/14/1959 #15976  
cer with rectangular windows / low altitude. Beam searches going down. Goin 9/15/1959? #15978  
les south of Redmond but varies in altitude from 6,000 to 52,000 feet. The  9/24/1959 #15987  
r. 2 brilliant spheres hover / 3km altitude. 1 lands and quickly going up.  9/25/1959 #15988  
pheres hovered at three kilometers altitude northwest of Tres Arroyos, Arge 9/25/1959 #15990  
clockwise direction when rising in altitude. It eventually landed in a fiel 9/25/1959 #15991  
t ovoid swoops and 180° turns. 20M altitude. Maneuvers. Bright and dim. / N 9/26/1959 #15992  
 object going quickly north / high altitude / 30 second(s). Type unknown. N 9/26/1959 #15993  
ndrical object hovers level / 100M altitude. Lights / rear. Quickly going u 10/1/1959 #16005  
at 1,000 mph to the northwest. Its altitude is 41,000 feet. Two F-89J Scorp 10/1/1959 #16007  
USS chambers / 10 kts / 1 hr. 150M altitude.                                10/3/1959 #16012  
ireball going quickly south / high altitude. Short irregular tail. Stops. T 10/15/1959 #16032  
 black disk with silver ring / 80' altitude. Clank and gone. / MJ#258.      10/19/1959 #16037  
around it, hovering at eighty feet altitude and making a whirring noise. On 10/19/1959 #16044  
y the object drops down to 50 feet altitude and hovers 100 feet away in fro 10/22/1959 #16052  
rs / car paced / 50km. Stays / 15M altitude. / r148p285+/ r8#499.           10/25/1959 #16057  
ed band moving at high speed at an altitude of 1,600–2,600 feet. It is comp 11/16/1959 #16089  
r tracks the object on radar at an altitude of 3,000 feet during its second 11/16/1959 #16089  
aucers going [to] overhead / 8000M altitude. / news.                        11/17/1959 #16090  
row of windows fly slowly by at an altitude of 500 feet, headed in the dire Late 12/1959 #16134  
It disappears at about 90,000 feet altitude.                                Early 1960 #16146  
nder/cigar-shape crosses road / 2M altitude. Horse ignores! Maneuvers / far 1/29/1960 #16158  
overing for about 10 minutes at an altitude of 500–600 feet. Then with a lo 2/6/1960 #16169  
g again until it is at a very high altitude well to the north.              2/6/1960 #16169  
Silver cylinder/cigar-shape / 600M altitude going quickly southeast. Curves 2/14/1960 #16173  
l. 3 saucers / row. Going [to] 2K' altitude. 19' / film. / r242p40+/ APRO 8 3/4/1960 #16193  
aircraft cruising at unprecedented altitude—perhaps 80,000 feet. At the tim 4/8/1960 #16218  
had a red glow. They flew at a low altitude, and made sharp turns.          4/25/1960 #16243  
ased by a huge round object at low altitude for about 20 minutes. It pursue 5/17/1960 #16281  
ic saucers glide up dry wash / low altitude. Going east.                    6/1960 #16304  
 object falls from the sky from an altitude of 1,000–2,000 feet and splits  6/12/1960 #16312  
Fat 20M cylinder/cigar-shape / 30M altitude going northeast slow. Orange an 6/28/1960 (approximate) #16318  
igar-shape hovers and turns / 200M altitude. Possible landing / hills. Ball 6/29/1960 #16319  
tallic torpedo passes / few meters altitude. Straight and level flight. No  7/1960 #16320  
 5M glowing-disc crosses road / 2M altitude. Follows car / 1km. / r30p243.  8/2/1960 #16363  
descended to about 100 or 200 feet altitude it suddenly reversed direction  8/13/1960 #16373  
lights, descending to 100–200 feet altitude. It suddenly reverses course, c 8/13/1960 #16380  
while keeping a constant speed and altitude. It went behind the mountain to 8/16/1960 #16397  
und object. Flashes color(s). 60km altitude / FAA estimated.                9/20/1960 #16455  
usands / huge parachutes / 15-50K' altitude. None land. / Flying Saucer Rev 9/25/1960 #16460  
 about 60–70 mph at about 400 feet altitude. After one minute, it stops and 10/4/1960 #16477  
AURE, FR Luminous rectangular / 4M altitude 10M away. Shadows / 2 helmeted  10/20/1960 (approximate) #16485  
ET, FR Gendarme. Domed disk / 150M altitude lights area near nuclear power  2/1961 #16591  
 cigar-shaped object moving at low altitude to the northeast. It is bright  2/28/1961 #16615  
shore. It then ascended to 60 feet altitude, and flew away to the south at  4/29/1961 #16668  
allic ovoid object maneuver at low altitude in Ocumare del Tuy, Venezuela a 5/22/1961 #16694  
l on this night. It climbed to the altitude of the DC-3 and circled the pla 5/28/1961 #16702  
n object emerged, hovering at 10 m altitude for a brief time, its underside 6/3/1961 #16714  
remains in sight for 2 hours at an altitude of 80,000–120,000 feet. Project 6/3/1961 #16716  
t emerged and hovered at 10 meters altitude above the waves for a brief tim 6/3/1961 #16717  
es deep. Flight above the critical altitude proves dangerous if not nearly  6/9/1961 #16722  
d stopped to hover at 20-30 meters altitude, 250 meters away. It changed co 6/11/1961 #16725  
    RYBINSK, RS 100M saucer / 20km altitude. Small saucers all over/all abo 6/21/1961 #16733  
 allegedly appears at an estimated altitude of 12.5 miles, surrounded by a  Summer 1961 #16734  
 quickly several times to a higher altitude. Filler estimates it is moving  Summer 1961 #16735  
s farm near Beloit, Ohio, at a low altitude. They are traveling in single f Summer 1961 #16736  
ar running boards.  Hovered at 50' altitude for 3-5 minutes, then flew stra 8/12/1961 #16790  
ty, Missouri. It hovers at 50 feet altitude for 3–5 minutes, then flies str 8/12/1961 #16791  
nder/cigar-shape going west / 600M altitude. Sudden green flame / rear and  8/14/1961 #16793  
ng lights passes behind trees. Low altitude.                                8/17/1961 #16797  
lights) passed behind trees at low altitude. [NICAP UFOE, II] (NICAP: 02 -  8/17/1961 #16798  
 behind some trees flying at a low altitude.                                8/17/1961 #16799  
hinks the object was at 2,500 feet altitude. On October 9, Douglas M. Crouc 10/2/1961 #16889  
(s). Metallic disk maneuvers / low altitude. Spins. Lights / edge and porth 11/10/1961 #16961  
3 observer(s). 10' diamond / 1200' altitude going [to] overhead. Pulsing li 12/13/1961 #16989  
e returns to his previous assigned altitude and heading. After a few minute 1962 #17006  
st going quickly west. Some / high altitude.                                2/11/1962 #17046  
illiant light. . . moving at great altitude as if towards the moon." [NICAP 2/11/1962 #17047  
y students photograph disk / 2000' altitude. Leaves crimson trail / sky.    3/1962 #17064  
buzzes USAF F105. MACH 2.7 / 4000' altitude.                                3/26/1962 #17081  
t light zigzags over farmer at 15M altitude. "Cloud-shape". Goes at high sp 4/7/1962 #17102  
ng a record flight to 200,000 feet altitude. Note: most civilian sources li 4/29/1962 #17135  
 took off, crossed the road at low altitude, rose with a flame, and separat 5/12/1962 #17162  
 took off, crossed the road at low altitude, rose with a flame, and separat 5/12/1962 #17166  
 / car. Cylinder/cigar-shape / low altitude. Fog fills woods. "House" lands 5/13/1962 #17168  
e a long object flying at moderate altitude and emitting a powerful, multic 5/13/1962 #17171  
Domed saucer with portholes / 750M altitude. Cat and mouse / jets / 40 minu 5/23/1962 #17194  
nd mouse with jets at an estimated altitude of 750 meters. The Air Force ex 5/23/1962 #17195  
 and slow north going south / 500' altitude. Wavers. Variable speeds.       6/19/1962 #17232  
ghts going quickly northeast / low altitude. Satellite?                     7/9/1962 #17266  
oved toward the northeast at a low altitude. Other sightings of UFOs occurr 7/9/1962 #17268  
DESERT, CA 2nd X15 / worlds record altitude / 314K' films 5-8 UFO's pacing! 7/17/1962 #17276  
pe going quickly northeast / 1000M altitude. Silent. Blinding flashes.      7/19/1962 #17285  
ted a bright object moving at high altitude.                                7/30/1962 #17304  
 dome on top. It was flying at the altitude of the Phone poles, slowly spin 9/13/1962 #17394  
lunt ends. It ascended to a higher altitude and then flew away toward the s 9/26/1962 #17442  
ds of Mach 3.3–3.5, an operational altitude of 87,000–95,000 feet, and a ra 10/1962 #17449  
es for at least 90 minutes at high altitude.                                10/1962 #17449  
rosses moons face. Seems / extreme altitude.                                10/4/1962 #17454  
 MASS Man / roof. 12M ovoid / 600M altitude. 3M tube hangs down and clicks  11/1/1962 #17526  
t flying at an estimated 2000 feet altitude at two o'clock in the afternoon 11/1/1962 #17531  
objects hovering 1 km away at 20 m altitude above Lake Major. Diameter: abo 12/19/1962 #17595  
as Lago Maggiore at only 20 meters altitude. The UFOs rose vertically and f 12/19/1962 #17596  
s of two aircraft. It rose to 10 m altitude, hovered, and flew away to the  12/21/1962 #17600  
gentina. The UFO rose to 10 meters altitude, hovered a short while, then fl 12/22/1962 #17607  
 from the east. It stopped at 15 m altitude over his farmhouse. The object  2/15/1963 #17667  
 which it stopped spinning, gained altitude with a vertical shifting, and l 2/20/1963 #17674  
holes hovers. Drops going [to] 1K' altitude. Bright beam going down / 15 se 2/27/1963 #17686  
 bright crescent going west / high altitude. Going down [to] slow to sea. / 3/11/1963 #17697  
d UFO was "much higher" than their altitude of 40,000 feet and moving "very 3/11/1963 #17698  
crescent-shaped UFO flying at high altitude. The object flew off to the wes 3/11/1963 #17699  
 Black disk filmed. Hovers / 3000M altitude / 5 minute(s). Away / 62 Gs!    4/1963 #17718  
d and white sphere/orb/globe / 500 altitude lights street like day. South g 5/28/1963 (approximate) #17768  
w of lights / side. 'Sizzles'. Low altitude. Sharp turns going quickly nort 6/21/1963 #17797  
 yellow lig3hts. Apparently at low altitude, the object made a "sizzling so 6/21/1963 #17799  
ar loud humming. 30' saucer / 100' altitude over power lines. / R. Fowler / 6/26/1963 #17805  
nd slow over hills. Estimated 750M altitude. News.                          7/7/1963 #17825  
isk going east near airport / 300M altitude. / news.                        7/16/1963 #17832  
 Ontario, California at 300 meters altitude. It made no sound and was estim 7/16/1963 #17834  
ject was observed hovering at high altitude. The UFO moved up and down, bac 7/20/1963 #17843  
flashing red light on top, at 20 m altitude. It had three "legs" and a peri 7/22/1963 #17847  
e! Domed saucer going north / 200' altitude. 12+square portholes / blue-lig 8/1963 (approximate) #17854  
 pilot Joseph A. Walker reaches an altitude of 353,200 feet (66.9 miles) in 8/22/1963 #17915  
 overhead. Drops going down / 100M altitude. Shoots going up [to] and away. 10/1963 #17964  
omed silver saucer 300' away / 20' altitude. Figure(s) move / windows.      10/1963 #17965  
south / 10 second(s). 135mph. 300' altitude.                                11/11/1963 #18030  
hind trees, crossed highway at low altitude, turned, appeared to follow car 1/26/1964 #18120  
 can fly more than 2,000 mph at an altitude of 70,000 feet. The YF-12A is a 2/29/1964 #18140  
 formation making rapid changes in altitude. They were first detected at 12 4/17/1964 #18178  
eeding at an estimated 35,000 feet altitude. They are flying a in a C-130 t 4/20/1964 #18180  
n the cold air). Instead of losing altitude, it maintains “a steady altitud 4/20/1964 #18180  
g altitude, it maintains “a steady altitude and course.” The airplane alleg 4/20/1964 #18180  
entered a strange haze at 12,000 m altitude, and it experienced a total fai 4/20/1964 #18181  
ne failure the plane did not loose altitude.  The entire encounter lasted a 4/20/1964 #18181  
). .22 slugs Ping off saucer / 30M altitude. Saucer going north. / r79p21+/ 4/24/1964 #18189  
O 2 fast cylinders with fins / 60M altitude. Cylinders tumble near Farmingt 5/2/1964 #18238  
bjects that are flying at very low altitude and are lost from view behind b 5/15/1964 #18270  
A fiery object, maneuvering at low altitude, was seen from Wooster and Smit 5/17/1964 #18277  
a fiery object, maneuvering at low altitude, was seen from Massillon, Ohio. 5/17/1964 #18278  
a beeping noise, rose first to the altitude of the Phone poles, then took o 5/18/1964 #18283  
e saucer going [to] 200mph / 1000' altitude. / r70p3-96.                    5/26/1964 #18300  
15–20 feet in length at 1,000 feet altitude, at Cambridge, Massachusetts. I 5/26/1964 #18306  
lus clouds are at least 3,500 feet altitude, thus the UFO’s speed is at lea 5/26/1964 #18306  
l going down [to] slow / 45° to 2M altitude. 10 small night lights follow.  6/5/1964 #18329  
nding slowly in the sky from a low altitude in Cleveland, Ohio. The ball of 6/5/1964 #18333  
alf an hour before midnight, at an altitude of about 1000 feet, flying at a 6/12/1964 #18348  
gle/box-like crafts circle at 50K' altitude / 3 minute(s). No further detai 7/23/1964 #18432  
r. Aluminum sphere/orb/globe / 15M altitude. Rim glows. 3 beams / light. /  7/27/1964 #18440  
vered for 4-5 minutes at 15 meters altitude over a farm in Sherburne, New Y 7/27/1964 #18450  
d so, a jet aircraft flying at low altitude circled its position. On Jul. 3 7/28/1964 #18456  
d so, a jet aircraft flying at low altitude circled its position. On July 3 7/28/1964 #18457  
10. Transparent domed object / 12M altitude. Figure and instruments inside. 8/1964 #18462  
10. Round white object going / 20M altitude 50M away. Beams going down. Sto 8/1964 #18465  
rver(s). Slow red domed disk / low altitude curves going [to] WSW overhead. 8/15/1964 #18484  
rbs play tag east going west / 6K' altitude. / r70p102.                     8/15/1964 #18486  
ed object that hovered at 500 feet altitude. When it climbed, their car rad 8/30/1964 #18523  
es a white light zigzagging at low altitude and, thinking it is a helicopte 9/5/1964 #18539  
trajectory out to sea. They gained altitude, but then suddenly dipped and p 9/20/1964 #18561  
cigar-shape circles town 3x / 15km altitude. / r211p112.                    9/24/1964 #18562  
 saucer passes over factory. 2000' altitude / 300mph Est. / MJ#205.         10/1/1964 #18567  
ts. It flew under a cloud at 2,500 altitude, at an estimated speed of 300 m 10/1/1964 #18568  
s). Large red glowing saucer / low altitude stampedes 50 cattle.            10/30/1964 #18598  
 Puerto Rico Radar tracking of low altitude low speed object (NICAP: 09 - R 11/18/1964 #18624  
y flying in the neighborhood at an altitude of 30,000 feet. The aircraft re 11/19/1964 #18629  
 moving slowly at about 3,000 feet altitude. After 2–3 minutes, the smaller 11/22/1964 #18632  
left, it rose to about 200 feet in altitude, tilted slightly, then disappea 12/21/1964 #18671  
sk hovers. Going down [to] to 450M altitude. Tilts upward and away.         12/28/1964 #18675  
hel, Vermont at high speed and low altitude in rapid succession.            1/4/1965 #18694  
 erratically at 12,000–15,000 feet altitude above the US Capitol Building.  1/11/1965 #18709  
ewsboy. 30M football hovers / 135M altitude. 180° turn going quickly southw 1/14/1965 #18724  
AR. 7 objects / V formation / 45k' altitude. / r229'82.                     1/14/1965 #18725  
ng noise. It hovered at 135 meters altitude before it made a 180 degree tur 1/14/1965 #18731  
d cover at around 2,000–5,000 feet altitude. It seems to hover for a moment 1/15/1965 #18740  
bserver. 40' circle / lights / 50' altitude tilts. Rotates / wheel. Structu 1/17/1965 #18742  
pes in the sky at 2,000–4,000 feet altitude. The larger one seems to be abo 1/19/1965 #18750  
ted as the object moved away at an altitude of 4'.  The sighting lasted 25  1/23/1965 #18757  
 m wide, rise from the beach to an altitude of about 20 m. He came back to  2/3/1965 #18795  
et wide, rise from the beach to an altitude of 60 feet. He returns with oth 2/3/1965 #18796  
ver(s). 3 large bright orbs / 200' altitude. Going quickly east / 2000mph.  2/16/1965 #18816  
1 observer(s). Domed saucer / 500' altitude. Blue and white lights. Hums. / 2/16/1965 #18817  
at its closest approach, and at an altitude of 500 feet. It made a humming  2/16/1965 #18820  
50 feet distance, and an estimated altitude of only 65 feet from the ground 3/6/1965 #18846  
barn and the house at an estimated altitude of 100–500 feet, flying in a st 3/8/1965 #18851  
ights. It flew above them at a low altitude, and avoided hitting their hous 3/8/1965 #18852  
m Osaka to Hiroshima, Japan, at an altitude of 6,500 feet. Just after the a 3/18/1965 #18864  
0 m away, in the northwest at 30 m altitude. It turned east, then left towa 4/8/1965 #18899  
 France crew. Metallic disk / 15km altitude. Suddenly disappears.           4/9/1965 #18900  
shaped object while flying at 15km altitude near Marignane Airport. It sudd 4/9/1965 #18901  
fornia. The YF-12A also reaches an altitude record of 80,257 feet.          5/1/1965 #18924  
 disk / 1M apparent diameter. 100' altitude. Northeast going quickly southw 5/23/1965 #18951  
heast to southwest at an estimated altitude of only 100 feet.               5/23/1965 #18954  
served an object in a field at 4 m altitude. It had blinding white lights,  5/24/1965 #18959  
served an object in a field at 4 m altitude. It had blinding white lights,  5/24/1965 #18964  
n foot wide disc, hovered at a low altitude 100 yards away from the witness 5/27/1965 #18968  
ionary, bright, yellow light at an altitude of 25° above the horizon. He es 6/7/1965 #18996  
onary light in the northwest at an altitude of 40° above the horizon for 4  6/7/1965 #18996  
minutes at an estimated 3,000 feet altitude. A photo of the same or a simil 6/13/1965 #19003  
ight round object going down / 12M altitude. Snoops around farm. Many light 6/19/1965 #19014  
ar-shape going [to] sideways / low altitude. Portholes glow / entire side.  6/19/1965 #19016  
he south quadrant. It maintains an altitude above the horizon between 35 an 7/3/1965 #19063  
st, decreasing in size and gaining altitude. Cpl. Uladislao Duran Martinez  7/3/1965 #19064  
 the object with binoculors as its altitude reached about 300m. Its shape w 7/6/1965 #19076  
 the object with binoculars as its altitude reached about 300 meters. Its w 7/6/1965 #19079  
es all agree that the UFO is at an altitude of 24,000–30,000 feet. At no ti 7/9/1965 #19088  
). 2 white saucers over base / low altitude. Going quickly [to] toward(s) R 7/17/1965 #19113  
d traces. It flew up to about 10 m altitude, then went away. The craft show 7/17/1965 #19116  
rks. It flew up to about 10 meters altitude, stopped, then went away. The c 7/17/1965 #19118  
g stationary high in the sky at an altitude above 100,000 feet.             7/18/1965 #19122  
65. 40' silver saucer hovers / 10M altitude. Rapid takeoff. No further deta 7/20/1965? #19140  
l saucers orbit 100M saucer. 100km altitude. / r193#15.                     7/26/1965 #19177  
s / 5 minute(s). Going up [to] 25M altitude. Away / horizontal.             7/26/1965 #19178  
ded, but were seen at an estimated altitude of 60 miles.                    7/26/1965 #19182  
 Mushroom saucer going down / 100M altitude. Portholes / rim. Metallic tube 7/27/1965 #19185  
ort Worth, Texas, below 1,000 feet altitude. The object moves at a constant 7/28/1965 #19196  
h the Carswell control zone at low altitude. The sighting is verified by th 7/28/1965 #19196  
ral blips / weather RADAR. 6K'-9K' altitude. Many visual observer(s) / vari 8/1/1965 #19229  
ppear at approximately 22,000 feet altitude. One is moving south, and anoth 8/1/1965 #19244  
M metallic hoop blocks road / 1.5M altitude. Gets misty. Vanishes.          8/2/1965 #19252  
icinity of Wellington, Kansas. The altitude ranges from 5,000–20,000 feet.  8/2/1965 #19265  
 It hovers above the surface at an altitude of 490 feet. A motorboat with s 8/2/1965 #19267  
cts / V formation. 9000mph. 5K-12K altitude. / r74p167.                     8/4/1965 #19296  
'Ferris wheel' 2X moon-size / 600M altitude blinks color(s) going south. /  8/5/1965 (approximate) #19326  
or an unknown distance, at such an altitude that the witness could see the  8/9/1965 #19350  
LE, WA Slow 50cm glowing-ball / 6M altitude. Quickly going up [to] fast as  8/10/1965 #19357  
oadside. Metallic disk hovers / 5M altitude. Follows car. Quickly going up  8/15/1965 (approximate) #19396  
d then vanished while still at low altitude.                                8/16/1965 #19410  
 sound," then saw an object at low altitude on the farm of William Butcher. 8/20/1965 #19439  
field, sometimes fluttering to low altitude with a falling-leaf motion. The 9/3/1965 #19505  
erhaps in the rear, and flew at an altitude of only 300-400 feet. It passed 9/3/1965 #19514  
 Giant luminous/glowing disk / low altitude. Going [to] toward(s) hill. Vee 9/15/1965 #19562  
r(s). White triangle hovers / high altitude. 4X size / airliner.            9/17/1965 #19577  
ision / huge luminous object / 3km altitude. Several photographs.           9/19/1965 #19581  
wo Lights Illuminate Car At 30-50' Altitude (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters,  9/25/1965 #19601  
jects flew side-by-side, at 30-50' altitude, pacing the witnesses' car for  9/25/1965 #19603  
second object took off to a higher altitude, and changed color from orange  10/8/1965 #19651  
flashing lights moves slowly. 100' altitude. 1500' / observer(s).           10/18/1965 #19665  
 luminous orange 60cm sphere / 15M altitude. Follows woman all the way home 11/1965 #19691  
going [to] directly overhead / 60m altitude. "Got a good look".             11/1965 #19693  
lots / runway. 50' fireball / 100' altitude near airport. Same again 10 mn  11/9/1965 #19706  
w. Fast dark dome. 2 passes / same altitude over airport.                   12/22/1965 #19785  
us disk going southwest / very low altitude. 2 more going south / high alti 1/8/1966 #19816  
ltitude. 2 more going south / high altitude / 2200hrs.                      1/8/1966 #19816  
bjects are seen flying at a higher altitude.                                1/8/1966 #19817  
-shaped object that hovered at low altitude, flew in circular patterns over 1/11/1966 #19826  
asionally making abrupt changes in altitude (vertical maneuvers). Sightings 1/11/1966 #19826  
-shaped object that hovered at low altitude over Wanaque Reservoir, New Jer 1/11/1966 #19829  
asionally making abrupt changes in altitude and other vertical maneuvers. S 1/11/1966 #19829  
ate observer(s). Silver disk / low altitude. Jet chases. Object going quick 1/17/1966 #19842  
). "Arrowhead" skims terrain / 10' altitude north going quickly south. Grav 1/18/1966 #19845  
One yellow, lighted object at 500; altitude and a pulsating red glow on the 2/6/1966 #19885  
, neon-like lights at 250–500 feet altitude in Nederland, Texas. It casts a 2/6/1966 #19887  
 tadpole-shaped object at 500 feet altitude. It cast a pulsating red glow t 2/6/1966 #19889  
 / light plane. Domed disk / 2400M altitude. Several photographs. 1 sent to 2/13/1966 #19899  
t and more. 2 luminous disks / low altitude. Shoot beams going down. Going  2/28/1966 (approximate) #19927  
 silent 6M ovoid going down / 300M altitude. General panic.                 3/12/1966 #19952  
hile a third UFO hovers at a lower altitude.                                3/17/1966 #19983  
. It had been following them at an altitude of about 60 ft. Both the young  3/20/1966 #19998  
. Rods extend going down. Very low altitude. / r235p21+/ r41p186.           3/20/1966 #20003  
ights at an estimated 150-200 feet altitude. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 02 - Cl 3/24/1966 #20065  
er the car, and then hovered at an altitude of approximately 400 meters. Th 3/27/1966 #20102  
er with rim / edge dangles / 1500' altitude.                                3/28/1966 #20104  
white cylinder/cigar-shape / 1500M altitude. Going quickly southeast. / r18 3/28/1966 #20107  
lens-shaped object hovering at 1 m altitude. It had one intense white light 3/31/1966 #20174  
A blue-green sphere hovered at low altitude, ascended and departed to the s 4/4/1966 #20221  
owing UFO pulses and circles / low altitude over trailer. / O. Binder.      4/5/1966 #20228  
eaming sphere/orb/globe spins / 6M altitude. Goes slowly. / USAF Tech. Inte 4/5/1966 #20229  
und level and rainbowlike up to an altitude of 7 m. Top and bottom diameter 4/5/1966 #20239  
inous object had flown at very low altitude over her trailer, circled and l 4/5/1966 #20240  
l object, 30 m long, flying at 5 m altitude, between a high-tension line an 4/5/1966 #20243  
ike sphere hovered and spun at low altitude, shooting its exhaust onto the  4/5/1966 #20245  
apor-like sphere hovering at a low altitude in Lycoming, New York. The obje 4/5/1966 #20251  
the northwest. As the object gains altitude, some accounts describe it as b 4/6/1966 #20257  
bright red lights, hovering at low altitude (estimated to be about 400 feet 4/7/1966 #20266  
lights were seen hovering at a low altitude in Lincoln, Nebraska. They sped 4/7/1966 #20272  
UFO in front / car. Going up / 30M altitude and going quickly east to sea.  4/8/1966 #20273  
meter2.5 m, height, 1.5 m. Minimum altitude was 2 m, held for 5 min, with a 4/8/1966 #20275  
ilent orange 9M spiral-shape / low altitude going up [to] slow and going no 4/13/1966 #20292  
 car. Crosses road behind car / 5M altitude. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (A 4/17/1966 #20306  
en cross the road behind it at 5 m altitude. The object reflected sunlight. 4/17/1966 #20316  
Orange UFO glides over road / 100' altitude. 90-turns. Goes into trees.     4/22/1966 #20362  
ted seeing an object flying at low altitude and apparently landing. Four sm 4/22/1966 #20368  
 within 600 feet at about 100 feet altitude. The object made a right angle  4/22/1966 #20369  
have observed an object fly at low altitude and land outside Bagley. Four d 4/22/1966 #20370  
reet of Bagley, Minnesota at a low altitude, jumped over a school bus and l 4/22/1966 #20379  
 approach to within 600 feet at an altitude of only 100. It made a 90 degre 4/22/1966 #20381  
 WV Man / SR2. Classic 10M saucer. Altitude = 30M. "2 bowls together".      4/26/1966 #20419  
ect shaped like 2 bowls, at 100 ft altitude ahead of a car (NICAP: 02 - Clo 4/26/1966 #20420  
ike two bowls glued together, 30 m altitude, ahead of his car. Estimated di 4/26/1966 #20421  
ued together. It flew at 30 meters altitude, ahead of his car. He estimated 4/26/1966 #20422  
pipes circles private pilot / 10K' altitude. Extremely fast.                4/29/1966 #20425  
ingle private pilot at 10,000 feet altitude. According to the witness, who  4/29/1966 #20428  
ops and hovers at about 1,000 feet altitude. Then three smaller objects app 6/2/1966 #20523  
 appear to come from it; they gain altitude, separate, and disappear at ter 6/2/1966 #20523  
rth American XB-70 Valkyrie. At an altitude of about 25,000 feet, Walker’s  6/8/1966 #20544  
ward the soldiers it hovered at an altitude of 300–500 ft. All of a sudden  Summer 1966 #20590  
rver(s). Silent silver disk / 300M altitude. Fast. Stops. Turns back. Circl 7/16/1966 #20647  
t, about 5 m long, hovering at low altitude, about 300 m from them. They no 7/17/1966 #20648  
ive meters long, hovering at a low altitude about 300 meters away from them 7/17/1966 #20649  
id with portholes going down / 25M altitude. Spins. Beams going down.       7/18/1966 #20652  
server(s). 2 silver saucers / 25km altitude. 1 circles town 2x. 1 going nor 7/22/1966 #20665  
 in Manitoba. One was at so low an altitude that it seemed about to land.   7/23/1966 #20672  
Red disk pulses. Low speed and low altitude. Seen / 5 minute(s). No further 7/25/1966 (approximate) #20675  
cer going quickly south / very low altitude over farm. Small portholes.     8/1966 (approximate) #20707  
rver(s). Silver saucer rocks / 75' altitude. Solid with fuzzy rim. / r109p1 8/1/1966 #20714  
eing an unidentified object at low altitude.                                8/1/1966 #20716  
vering above a tree near them. Its altitude is about 75 feet. They describe 8/1/1966 #20718  
eing an unidentified object at low altitude.                                8/1/1966 #20721  
oods lit up. Very large ovoid / 2M altitude. Lit portholes. / r8#787.       8/18/1966 #20760  
hrome saucer hovers and flips. Low altitude. Tilts and quickly going up [to 8/19/1966 (approximate) #20765  
theast, climbed to about 30 meters altitude, and hovered for one minute ove 8/19/1966 #20773  
 engineer and 4. 9M saucers / 900m altitude. Going quickly west extremely f 8/26/1966 #20808  
 of the other (disc), flying at an altitude of about 200 meters. (Flying Sa 8/31/1966 #20818  
ing. A UFO is seen hovering at low altitude by all personnel at Heathrow Ai 9/1966 #20825  
 All tower personnel. Saucer / low altitude. Flies away / 3000mph!          9/15/1966 #20883  
 cylinder/cigar-shape passes / 1km altitude. No further details. / Montmore 9/16/1966 #20887  
ionary, while the third varied its altitude during the 90 second sighting.  9/28/1966 #20932  
ary while the third one varied its altitude, and rose vertically. The sight 9/28/1966 #20933  
EAR ROOSEVELT, UT 55' saucer / 15M altitude wobble-hovers / 50kph. Shoots a 9/30/1966 #20935  
red rim. Bigger than airliner. 90M altitude. No further details.            10/9/1966 #20977  
6m x 2m cylinder/cigar-shape / 15m altitude. Glows and sparks. Lights groun 10/10/1966 #20978  
ines bluish light through windows. Altitude = 300'.                         10/15/1966 #21002  
ic flat-bottom ovoid hovers / 210M altitude. Lights. Vanishes!              10/16/1966 #21009  
ne. Makes noise and vanishes. 500M altitude. 500kph estimated. No further d 10/21/1966 #21022  
 oval UFO approached slowly at low altitude, then sped away when he shone a 10/23/1966 #21029  
te object approached runway at 50' altitude.  Runway lights were then turne 10/26/1966 #21037  
ect approach the runway at 50 feet altitude. The runway lights were then tu 10/26/1966 #21039  
lta/triangle/box-like craft / high altitude. Circles and maneuvers. Soyuz l 11/1966 (approximate) #21054  
f its lights at about 100–150 feet altitude. The lights come back on and it 11/6/1966 #21080  
l saucer going north. Hovers / 60M altitude. Veers going quickly northeast  11/7/1966 #21081  
hat hovered or moved slowly at low altitude. The driver felt and heard a de 11/18/1966 #21121  
ver 2 m long, flying at about 40 m altitude and then coming down behind a h 11/19/1966 #21127  
 5 min. Darkens out. 60M estimated altitude. No further details.            11/25/1966 #21147  
y the stalled car and increased in altitude to between 500-1000 feet, then  11/30/1966 #21167  
ight & level flight. 300kph / 150M altitude. Lights / rim.                  12/5/1966 #21184  
d, France. It flew at an estimated altitude of 150 meters, a speed of 300 k 12/5/1966 #21186  
 object cross the road at 100 feet altitude and about 100 feet away. It the 12/13/1966 #21200  
(s). 3 saucers in formation / 50k' altitude. Hover and maneuver. Fourth joi 12/16/1966 #21204  
om Dry Lake. Ray glides to a lower altitude to perform a controlled bailout 1/5/1967 #21260  
ng sound the UFO rose to 50 meters altitude then dropped back again to near 1/11/1967 #21288  
thru) binoculars. 18' saucer / low altitude with beams going down. Quickly  1/18/1967 #21338  
ection at the rear approach at low altitude (estimated 400-500 feet), viewe 1/18/1967 #21341  
pproach them at about 400–500 feet altitude. As it nears, the object emits  1/18/1967 #21343  
isc-shaped UFO approached at a low altitude, emitted two beams of light dow 1/18/1967 #21345  
t was now hovering at 100-300 feet altitude and as it moved to the side of  1/20/1967 #21361  
n. 100M cylinder/cigar-shape / 15M altitude. WHIRRs and rocks. Going north. 1/24/1967 #21371  
me. Pearly disk passes IL-18 / 8km altitude. 90° turn quickly going up.     2/1967 #21425  
ees an object approaching at a low altitude over a road shoulder. It lands  2/5/1967 #21460  
us ovoid object coming at very low altitude over a nearby cemetery. He call 2/5/1967 #21463  
 white light beams. It flew at low altitude, slowly and silently. (Westport 2/7/1967 #21474  
T AUSTR Farmer. Orange saucer / 4M altitude. Dirt swirls under. Dog chases. 2/9/1967 #21486  
rtheast to southwest at 1,000 feet altitude. The object is silent when hove 2/10/1967 #21505  
object hovered at about 40-50 feet altitude. Later it maneuvered around a U 2/14/1967 #21547  
oing down. Shoots back up to 2400M altitude.                                2/16/1967 #21557  
y lights approach their car at low altitude late on a cloudy night. The gro 2/16/1967 #21569  
reen, approaching their car at low altitude. The lights are attached to an  2/16/1967 #21572  
na at 11:43 p.m. at under 300 feet altitude. As the UFO passed over the hig 2/16/1967 #21577  
hts apparently on an object at low altitude and moving very slowly. A brigh 2/17/1967 #21584  
llow windows. Antenna. Hovers / 6M altitude.                                2/19/1967 #21592  
 rough bottom, hovering at 20 feet altitude over a plaza in Hollywood, Flor 2/19/1967 #21598  
 rancher saw a glowing disc at low altitude. The object was viewed for 10 m 2/21/1967 #21610  
e. Then quickly going up. Very low altitude. Lit dome.                      2/22/1967 #21617  
ILTON, IN Disk follows creek / 50M altitude. Slow. 2 bright lights / front. 2/22/1967 #21618  
 UFO moving slowly at 100–200 feet altitude, following the course of a cree 2/22/1967 #21623  
uickly southeast. 10M apart / 300M altitude.                                2/25/1967 #21645  
light. The UFOs flew up from a low altitude at a 30-degree angle, sped up,  2/25/1967 #21652  
northwest, moving at 660 mph at an altitude of 33,000 feet. Two MiG-21s are 3/1967 #21700  
 disks overhead. RADAR blips / 7km altitude. Circle base. Going quickly eas 3/2/1967 #21720  
 silver objects, radar blips at an altitude of 7 miles. A news blackout is  3/2/1967 #21731  
. and were detected on radar at an altitude of seven kilometers. They circl 3/2/1967 #21732  
p and down. Follows car / very low altitude. Going quickly northeast. Dog h 3/3/1967 #21738  
WD 30M and 15M saucers hover / 20M altitude. Going north slow then extremel 3/4/1967 #21750  
y in color. They hovered at 20 111 altitude for 15 min. The object left wit 3/4/1967 #21752  
depot/facility. 5 photographs. Low altitude. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v 3/5/1967 #21756  
gle/box-like craft paces car / low altitude. Light humming and away. / r233 3/5/1967 #21758  
 in diameter, hovered at 20 meters altitude near an electric plant. They fl 3/5/1967 #21767  
se #11460. Cop. Domed saucer / low altitude. Rim pulses. Bottom/underside s 3/6/1967 #21771  
witness and passed overhead at low altitude, making a hieeing sound.        3/6/1967 #21777  
ess, then passed overhead at a low altitude. Like the Benton Harbor, Michig 3/6/1967 #21779  
observer(s). 30' gray saucer / 40' altitude south going north / 20mph. Hums 3/8/1967 #21792  
ite lights hovered at an estimated altitude of 1,000 feet at the Andover, M 3/9/1967 #21842  
7 / car. Dark domed football / 30M altitude. Going [to] 400kph. Surrounded  3/10/1967 #21846  
approach their aircraft at a lower altitude, passing below and out of sight 3/11/1967 #21857  
  PARAGOULD, ARK Disk hovers / low altitude 50M away / observer(s). Sweeps  3/12/1967 #21860  
s disagree on the size, shape, and altitude of the lights.                  3/12/1967 #21872  
  FREE SOIL, MI Glowing-ovoid / 2M altitude. Ringed / lights. Loud humming. 3/16/1967 #21892  
, PA Saucer follows car home / 30M altitude. Hovers over house / 5 min. Sev 3/17/1967 #21908  
-white globes of light at 200 feet altitude, which start moving toward the  3/20/1967 #21923  
5M disk whines. Circles car / 400M altitude. Green glow. Follows / 15 minut 3/22/1967 #21942  
meter hovering 500 feet away at an altitude of 1,500 feet. It begins to cir 3/22/1967 #21948  
ly. Up and down over 3 farms / low altitude. Beams down.                    3/25/1967 (approximate) #21980  
rver(s). Fiery object hovers / low altitude. Possible spin. Fades? See case 3/26/1967 #21992  
ast 1M saucer. Stops. Hovers / 20M altitude / 3 minute(s). P342.            4/1/1967 #22036  
pped and hovered at only 20 meters altitude near two young men for three mi 4/1/1967 #22045  
  SAN CATALDO, ITL 30M saucer / 5M altitude. 3 pseudo-human/entity / ground 4/4/1967 #22050  
w and red. Going [to] over car 1km altitude.                                4/5/1967 #22058  
eir car at an estimated 3,000 feet altitude. (Belleville Telescope, 4/6/67, 4/5/1967 #22063  
 of a red disc with windows at low altitude. ((NICAP report form.) (NICAP:  4/6/1967 #22074  
riods. It eventually ascends to an altitude higher than the capabilities of 4/10/1967 #22105  
r as they passed at about 200 feet altitude. (Letter to Herb Roth, 5/5/67,  4/12/1967 #22118  
 passed overhead at about 200 feet altitude. The witnesses, in two 16-foot  4/12/1967 #22124  
 the river basin at about 500 feet altitude. It stops, descends to 100 feet Mid 4/1967 #22134  
 grey object follows terrain / 12M altitude 1km away. Brief.                4/17/1967 #22144  
minutes later jet aircraft at high altitude flew in the same direction as t 4/17/1967 #22147  
 light approaching their car at an altitude of 60-80 feet. As it moved clos 4/17/1967 #22149  
inutes later, several jets at high altitude were seen pursuing the same cou 4/17/1967 #22154  
aucers in violent maneuvers / 20K' altitude.                                4/21/1967 #22180  
euvers at an estimated 20,000 feet altitude. Viewed through binoculars, the 4/21/1967 #22186  
, NJ Ovoid with lights hovers / 8M altitude. Going quickly southwest as hea 4/22/1967 #22203  
nd paced the car at J an estimated altitude of 200 feet, remaining visible  4/27/1967 #22229  
inally the UFO moved away, gaining altitude and disappearing at high speed. 5/1/1967 #22263  
ects). Large metallic saucer / low altitude. Lights / rim. Good photograph. 5/6/1967 #22280  
-shaped object hovered at 200 feet altitude over a cemetery in Edmonton, Al 5/7/1967 #22297  
 and saw it stop 30 m away at 30 m altitude. It was shaped like an inverted 5/11/1967 #22317  
e saw it stop 30 meters away at an altitude of 30 meters. It was shaped lik 5/11/1967 #22319  
larly with respect to the reported altitude changes, even if AP had been li 5/13/1967 #22339  
LIGHT DROPS / WEST SKY Levels / 1m altitude. = large dark body.             5/17/1967 #22363  
he western sky. It flew down to an altitude estimated as about one mile, wh 5/17/1967 #22366  
overing and moving at an estimated altitude of 1,500-2,000 feet. (Witness l 5/20/1967 #22378  
M saucer going [to] overhead / 20M altitude. 20kph. / LDLN#94+/ r8#845.     5/22/1967 #22387  
nd hover at an estimated 5000 feet altitude. It emitted a bright red flame  5/25/1967 #22399  
5M cylinder/cigar-shape / very low altitude. 4 legs. Small humanoid (or Gre 5/30/1967 #22423  
shaped object was seen at very low altitude over a farm in Ribeirao Pires,  5/30/1967 #22427  
imated 100 mph at about 2,000 feet altitude. (Stroud letter, 7/21/67, NICAP 6/1967 #22436  
jet trainer flying at 1,200 meters altitude encountered an unidentified obj 6/6/1967 #22472  
r/cylindrical object upright / 30M altitude / field. Spins and going up / e 6/11/1967 #22489  
y post at an estimated 15,000 feet altitude. (La Voz Del Interior 6/26/67,  6/24/1967 #22544  
y post at an estimated 15,000 feet altitude. Other groups of UFOs are seen  6/24/1967 #22548  
ent soup-bowl saucer hovers / 100M altitude. Going north. Stops again. Goin 6/27/1967 #22561  
ing southeast / 30s. Drops / 4000M altitude / 15 second(s). Goes going up [ 7/1967 #22585  
tallic object hovers / wind / 350M altitude. Quickly going up. Separate obs 7/1967 #22586  
oing quickly south / 100mph. 2500' altitude. Explodes. Fragments going down 7/3/1967 #22595  
m less than 2 miles away and at an altitude of approximately 2,000 feet. It 7/3/1967 #22600  
oward the hikers, gradually losing altitude, then at a distance of about on 7/3/1967 #22600  
meter, and traveling 100 mph at an altitude of 2,000– 3,000 feet. The red-o 7/3/1967 #22602  
ange ball (sphere) hovering at low altitude, clearly visible beneath a heav 7/14/1967 #22658  
s). The object moved slowly at low altitude until lost behind trees. (Penns 7/15/1967 #22662  
sk with shining edge, flying at an altitude of some 350 feet at the speed o 7/17/1967 #22679  
anslucent, pass by at an estimated altitude of less than 500 feet. One of t 7/18/1967 #22693  
 Fireball zigzags. Going down / 2M altitude. Wanders. Zigzags away. / r193# 7/19/1967 #22697  
hts). The object approached at low altitude, passed overhead, made a tight  7/19/1967 #22699  
ite light coming toward him at low altitude, a dark band visible around the 7/28/1967 #22746  
). Ovoid hovers. Going down / 50cm altitude only 5M away. Sudden vertical t 8/1967 #22763  
 object by woods = 6M saucer / 40M altitude. / r30p278.                     8/1967 (approximate) #22764  
 tree-top level and hovered at low altitude close to the witnesses. Finally 8/1/1967 #22773  
 1 object size of 727 plane / 700' altitude.                                8/2/1967 #22774  
bject reappeared at about 100 feet altitude, hovered over a wheat field and 8/3/1967 #22784  
llic, hovered for a few sec at 1 m altitude, then rose slowly to the east a 8/4/1967 #22800  
 the sky. An airliner flying at an altitude of 1,200 feet would have fit in 8/5/1967 #22813  
Michigan very fast at an estimated altitude of 5,000 feet.                  8/9/1967 #22854  
 type unknown hovers / field / 37M altitude. Paces 2 / car both sides / roa 8/10/1967 #22855  
ly in a rectangular pattern at low altitude, then accelerated upward and ou 8/11/1967 #22862  
erver(s). Domed ovoid hovers / 10M altitude by bonfire. Zigzag maneuvers. G 8/15/1967 #22880  
t ovoid going southwest slow. 240m altitude. Car follows. Tilts / circular  8/25/1967 #22919  
 object approached at an estimated altitude of 500 feet, disappeared into a 8/25/1967 #22923  
ently to the southwest at 800 feet altitude. Two witnesses in a car attempt 8/25/1967 #22926  
d layer. It stops and hovers at an altitude of 1,300 feet and seems to have 9/1967 #22972  
ng southwest. Straight trajectory. Altitude = 2500'.                        9/4/1967 #22994  
thwest along a straight line at an altitude of about 2,500 feet. The object 9/4/1967 #22995  
 Apure River west going east / low altitude. Very circular.                 9/10/1967 #23028  
moved slowly across the sky at low altitude. (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommitt 9/10/1967 #23030  
ure River from west to east at low altitude.                                9/10/1967 #23032  
Mountains in a DC-6 at 16,000 feet altitude, 65 miles north of Reus, Tarrag 9/10/1967 #23033  
 figure 8's, at about 200-300 feet altitude. (Letter and visit to NICAP Off 9/11/1967 #23040  
 a string of lights flying at high altitude. (North Dakota NICAP Subcommitt 9/24/1967 #23126  
aw a white light that moved at low altitude over the highway ahead of a pur 9/25/1967 #23130  
, ONT Glowing UFO maneuvers / 300' altitude. Several cars electro-magnetic  10/1/1967 #23157  
 humming. Going quickly ESE / 750M altitude. / r109p165.                    10/5/1967 #23178  
at speeds of 80 knots, and changed altitude. Most targets were over the oce 10/6/1967 #23186  
d night lights 1km offshore / 600' altitude. Vanish. 4 more going quickly n 10/11/1967 #23212  
 lights, 55-60 feet long and at an altitude of 500-600 feet was watched for 10/11/1967 #23220  
ic. 3M silver ovoid with legs. 15M altitude. Small dome. Quickly going up [ 10/12/1967 #23223  
nd it. It disappears at an extreme altitude after 3 minutes.                10/14/1967 #23237  
llong, India an object at 500 feet altitude swooped down to ground level an 10/17/1967 #23248  
angulates crescent-UFO. 50 mile(s) altitude & 1800' wide!                   10/18/1967 #23254  
pinning. It swooped down from high altitude, leveled off, and moved away at 10/19/1967 #23270  
ver(s) and RADAR. 2 saucers / 400m altitude going west. Turn southwest and  10/21/1967 #23275  
ght disk going [to] overhead / low altitude.                                10/21/1967 #23276  
von, England. It maneuvered at low altitude over the treetops, and a second 10/24/1967 #23306  
d HVRSs. Going quickly west. 1500M altitude.                                10/25/1967 #23311  
S Blazing disk follows train / low altitude going west. Railroad/railway ma 10/25/1967 #23312  
al. Very fast. Jet pursues at high altitude.                                10/25/1967 #23315  
iameter, 100 m away, at about 15 m altitude. He made the rest of his journe 10/26/1967 #23333  
ng craft descends and hovers at an altitude of 200–300 feet at a distance o 10/26/1967 #23334  
as 20 meters in diameter and at an altitude of about 15 meters. He was able 10/26/1967 #23335  
igar-shaped object flying at a low altitude, estimated to be only 250 feet. 10/27/1967 #23355  
inding 5M crown saucer hovers / 2M altitude. Away / truck nears.            11/2/1967 #23384  
erver(s). Silent ovoid hovers / 8M altitude. 2 beams. Follows car and boat. 11/8/1967 #23420  
ight on one end. It hovered at low altitude, moved back and forth (maneuver 11/8/1967 #23421  
he road ahead at about 160 feet in altitude. The object hovers about 90 sec 11/8/1967 #23425  
lta/triangle/box-like craft / high altitude. Notch / shortest edge. No furt 11/15/1967 #23456  
was sighted by a BEA pilot at high altitude in flight over Florence, Italy. 11/15/1967 #23465  
uickly [to] over Maple Creek / 30M altitude.                                11/19/1967 #23480  
   SOFIA, BULG Large object / 30km altitude changes shape several X. Film a 11/21/1967 #23489  
itnesses saw a slowly moving, high altitude object emitting a pale blue lig 11/21/1967 #23490  
cket test going quickly east / 5km altitude. Drops red fireball. Beams and  12/3/1967 #23538  
oids (or Greys) in dome look down. Altitude = 100'. Distant = 300'.         12/8/1967 #23559  
t. Powerful fireball outside / low altitude changes color(s).               12/14/1967 #23583  
box-like craft hovers. Nears / low altitude. Sharp turn and away fast.      12/14/1967 #23584  
hts). The object approached at low altitude, hovered over a nearby field. ( 12/15/1967 #23589  
ddle. The object approached at low altitude, and then hovered over a nearby 12/15/1967 #23592  
et in diameter, moving at the same altitude and speed as his MiG. His wingm 1968 #23632  
lowing "stunted Dill pickle" / low altitude. 10 minute(s). / r00p61.        1/15/1968 #23664  
efore the UFO rose upm to a higher altitude, levelled off, and then moved a 1/17/1968 #23668  
.2 meters in length, and was at an altitude of only 200 meters above the tr 1/18/1968 #23672  
white-orange fluorescent tube. 60M altitude. Going quickly south.           1/20/1968 #23678  
rate report(s). Huge saucer / 300M altitude. Large luminous/glowing ball /  2/1968 #23716  
PA 2 observer(s). 55' saucer / 30' altitude. "Old and metallic". 2 figure(s 2/1968 #23718  
maneuvers all over/all about / 90M altitude. / FSRv17#4+/ r41p213.          2/4/1968 #23729  
e northwest for about a mile at an altitude of 300 feet. Coming to a stop,  2/4/1968 #23734  
oise. 30m saucer lights field / 6m altitude. Windows. Cows missing. Going q 2/9/1968 #23742  
ffic Controller and 1 / car at 1km altitude. Sharp maneuvers over road.     2/13/1968 #23752  
ck and forth across the road at an altitude of 2,000 to 5,000 feet near Mis 2/13/1968 #23756  
 farmyard, sometimes hovering, its altitude ranging from 3 feet to 20 feet. 2/19/1968 #23767  
athermen. "Unnatural" sphere / 1km altitude / 7 minute(s).                  2/28/1968 #23788  
, MBA Huge rectangle hovers / 100M altitude. Several cars stop. Away / jet  3/2/1968 #23805  
g, 250 feet wide, and flying at an altitude of 2,000 feet. It passes them i 3/3/1968 #23815  
. Orange glow disks maneuver / low altitude. 'Lengthy report' / No further  3/12/1968 #23837  
ickly to the north without gaining altitude, getting smaller until it was o Spring 1968 #23851  
ST. VOIR, FR Silent fuselage / low altitude. Shoots truncated rays all over 3/27/1968 #23863  
 observer(s). Saucer-delta / 7000M altitude. Theodolite and photos. Seen on 3/29/1968 #23865  
erver(s). Round disk hovers / high altitude. Drops. Becomes delta/triangle/ 4/13/1968 #23904  
 farm. 1 going quickly south / low altitude. No traces.                     5/7/1968 #23949  
them flying in a V-formation at an altitude of 500 feet. They look like the 5/10/1968 #23955  
nged beings flying at an estimated altitude of 500 feet. The beings appeare 5/10/1968 #23956  
ering overhead at about 100 meters altitude. Frightened, they watched from  5/17/1968 #23970  
isor. Bright circular object / low altitude. Dogs frantic. Electro-magnetic 5/29/1968 #23992  
ight circular UFO hovered at a low altitude over Mosinee, Wisconsin at 10:0 5/29/1968 #23994  
boat. Brilliant domed ovoid / 600M altitude. Red bottom. / r156#2.          6/4/1968 #24002  
ylinder/cylindrical object / 1800M altitude. Photographs. / Flying Saucer R 6/4/1968 #24003  
90 feet. The object is at the same altitude as the aircraft, 7,500 feet, an 6/18/1968 #24044  
r some minutes over Poopo at a low altitude, illuminating the village like  6/19/1968 #24051  
AR, ARG Diamond object spins / .5M altitude. Red beam going down. Powder an 6/21/1968 #24058  
ic disc going southeast slow / 10M altitude. Red light winks / center. / r2 6/27/1968 #24086  
 off to the east, reaching a great altitude. Alerted by their shouts, other 7/1/1968 #24118  
us object zigzag above them at low altitude.                                7/2/1968 #24133  
cone-saucer dives going down / 10M altitude. Hovers and flashes purple and  7/5/1968 #24144  
s and many. Cloud saucer / extreme altitude and size. Odd large maneuvers.  7/6/1968 #24147  
hony train floats across road / 1M altitude! No tracks!!                    7/7/1968 #24150  
RG 4 / car. 20M orange ovoid / low altitude. Slow and silent. Odor / wet pa 7/8/1968 #24155  
t a yellow circular object at high altitude moving west to east near Truro, 7/18/1968 #24189  
maneuver all over area. Large. Low altitude.                                7/21/1968 #24196  
20' silver top-saucer hovers / 10M altitude. / r215p51. / r79p41+/ r41.     7/25/1968 #24220  
A, YUGO Silent blue object / 1500M altitude going quickly NNW over city. Sh 7/27/1968 #24238  
r north going quickly south / 200M altitude. Car malfunctions due to EME (e 7/28/1968 #24241  
n. Round 2M object maneuvers / 20M altitude / 3 min. Going [to] away parall 7/31/1968 #24268  
UFO southeast going northeast. 1km altitude. Tail lights ground. Light goes 8/1968 #24275  
rs. 5m domed saucer 30m away / 15m altitude. Small figure / dome port.      8/1968 #24277  
overs still as clouds pass. 1 mile altitude. 10' wide. Away / 45°.          8/1968 (approximate) #24278  
erver(s). Saucer lights area / low altitude. 3 small humanoids (or Greys) i 8/9/1968 #24311  
t light zigzags going south. 7-8km altitude.                                8/18/1968 #24349  
0' silver-red saucer 12M away / 2M altitude. 4 legs. Small portholes / top. 8/29/1968 #24393  
lliant metallic pear hovers / high altitude. Going west. Stops. Away extrem 8/29/1968 #24394  
 in from Bollullos. Descends to 3M altitude.                                8/31/1968 #24406  
ical ovoid. 50cm wide and 1m tall. Altitude = 6M. Avoids car. / r230v4#3.   9/1/1968 #24419  
oon. Going quickly [to] fast / low altitude. Vanishes suddenly.             9/2/1968 #24424  
 beach. Brilliant 8M saucer / 150M altitude passes 500M away by Itaipu Rock 9/9/1968 #24444  
 factory. Silent 5M saucer / 3000' altitude beams light going down. Traject 9/14/1968 #24458  
M Bright 30cm object hovers / 400M altitude. Goes silently northwest going  9/15/1968 #24462  
ver the area at high speed and low altitude.                                9/15/1968 #24467  
, gray, football-shaped UFOs at an altitude of 2,500 feet and 2 miles away  9/18/1968 #24478  
illiant 20M circle / lights / 100M altitude. Glides. Away going quickly wes 9/24/1968 #24507  
ed luminous saucer maneuvers / low altitude. Follows car / 3km. Hums.       10/4/1968 #24542  
Z Huge pear-shaped Ob hovers / 30M altitude 50M away. Moves off and lands / 10/12/1968 #24557  
st going quickly southeast / 3000' altitude. Seen / 12 second(s).           10/13/1968 #24560  
ates that the UFO was flying at an altitude of 16 miles and a speed of 20 m 10/18/1968 #24571  
ere/orb/globe going [to] slow / 2M altitude. Rises and drops when observer( 10/24/1968 #24583  
server(s). Brilliant 25'SCR / 200' altitude. Stops. Maneuvers. Stops over f 10/24/1968 #24585  
ject west going quickly east / low altitude. Absolute(ly) silent. Sudden sh 11/6/1968 #24636  
ar-shape hovers 400M offshore. 60M altitude. Glows white-yellow.            11/22/1968 #24680  
 feet wide that hovered at 75 feet altitude. His car engine and headlights  11/22/1968 #24692  
 to descend as it approached to an altitude of 200 feet, and then flew dire 11/25/1968 #24706  
 Captain. 500M sphere hovers / 8km altitude. Fireball orbits incoherently.  12/1/1968 #24742  
. Going northwest over rails / low altitude.                                12/8/1968 (approximate) #24750  
 FR Luminous ovoid with legs / 50M altitude. Going [to] left. Small sphere/ 12/29/1968 #24795  
ng [to] horizon / 4 minute(s). 5K' altitude. No planes / balloons up.       12/31/1968 #24796  
, MO 2 cops. 160' disk glows / low altitude. Light plane circles going [to] 1/2/1969 #24813  
 cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / 30M altitude / 10 second(s). Lights / ends.  1/15/1969 (approximate) #24845  
inoculars on boat. 30M disk / 450M altitude. Vibrant bright. Away extremely 1/16/1969 #24851  
" fly silently over trees at a low altitude, from north to south. The UFO i 1/28/1969 #24875  
 maneuvers and circles. Stops / 1M altitude. Shoots going up [to] as observ 2/4/1969 (approximate) #24893  
hape going quickly southwest / low altitude.                                2/13/1969 #24917  
cigar-shaped object flew by at low altitude flying to the southwest at high 2/13/1969 #24919  
linder/cigar-shape paces car / low altitude. Blows dust and leaves / takeof 2/20/1969 #24932  
ar closely for 20 minutes at a low altitude. A woman also saw the object wh 3/12/1969 #25003  
 MI 2 / car. UFO follows car / low altitude. Type unknown. Shoots away mile 3/13/1969 #25004  
 ITL Green turtle with claws / low altitude. Domed 5M saucer lands. 2 figur 3/19/1969 #25028  
LLERS, FR Rectangular object / low altitude. 4-5 portholes / top and bottom 3/21/1969 #25034  
. 3 extremely bright saucers / low altitude spin over Major intersection. / 4/21/1969 #25077  
over a major intersection at a low altitude in Guanabara, a city in Rio de  4/21/1969 #25080  
liant circular object hovers / low altitude. Beams pulse going down. Burnt  5/12/1969 #25129  
t circular object hovered at a low altitude near some railroad tracks in Ca 5/12/1969 #25132  
domed sphere/orb/globe hovers / 1M altitude. Going quickly south. Large mus 5/26/1969 #25163  
2 / truck. Bright 13M saucer / low altitude. Darkens and quickly going up [ 5/31/1969 #25170  
med saucer follows motorbike / low altitude. Glows orange. Whistles. Going  6/1969 (approximate) #25178  
MG, BRZ Red-orange 50M object / 1M altitude 150M away. MD takes photographs 6/4/1969? #25198  
tted the UFO was at about 500 feet altitude and a ¼ mile away. Soon they co 6/10/1969 #25209  
enrich. Approach observer(s) / 15M altitude. Vanish.                        6/12/1969 #25212  
ng footballs pace wingtips / 2500M altitude. Away and back.                 6/17/1969 #25218  
maneuvers all over/all about / low altitude. 60M from porch. Going quickly  6/23/1969 #25232  
 no sound, and flew about at a low altitude, then flew away to the northeas 6/23/1969 #25233  
38 minutes as it travels at a high altitude.                                7/13/1969 #25268  
 ABEE, ALTA Girl. Grey saucer / 3' altitude 10' away. Blinding lights going 7/16/1969 #25271  
, flying at an estimated 2000 feet altitude.                                7/17/1969 #25275  
ia a pinkish object flying at high altitude first stopped in mid-air, then  7/17/1969 #25276  
separated, one flying off at a low altitude, the other climbing higher in t 7/20/1969 #25282  
FT. WORTH, TX 3' boat floats / 20' altitude / backyard. Going down / 3'. Wh 9/1969 (approximate) #25346  
Domed crescent hovers / end / high altitude. Green fireball shoots going qu 9/5/1969 #25353  
 it moved very slowly off at a low altitude.                                9/22/1969 #25375  
oon-size blue flashing disk / high altitude / one hour. Lost clouds.        10/1969 #25387  
USTR 3 observer(s). 2 objects / 4M altitude. Going up [to] and join cratere 10/11/1969 #25405  
d join cratered turtle-shape / 6km altitude. / r114.                        10/11/1969 #25405  
that passed overhead at 3,000 feet altitude in Shirley, Massachusetts at 8: 10/14/1969 #25414  
ermen / 2 boats. Domed disk / 100M altitude. Turns violet and quickly going 10/28/1969 (approximate) #25426  
 / 60cm dia going southeast / 50cm altitude. Slow and very close. Vines die 10/28/1969 (approximate) #25427  
d disc-shaped object at 100 meters altitude at 3:50 a.m. the object turned  10/28/1969 #25429  
on the object. It hovered at a low altitude, flattening the high grass and  10/28/1969 #25431  
NZ Guard and dog. 60' saucer / 60M altitude. Going [to] fast when lit. / Fl 10/31/1969 #25442  
es / field. Circles twice 150+600M altitude. Going quickly southwest. / r30 11/18/1969 #25463  
all about. Evasive maneuvers / low altitude. Dome going. / r171.            12/7/1969 #25492  
 BASE Night light maneuvers at 10M altitude. Green glow. Going west.        1/1970 #25525  
observer(s). Glowing-saucer / 100M altitude hits porch / curved beam / ligh 1/1/1970 #25529  
oddly. Red saucer seen later / low altitude. See Rouillac.                  1/5/1970 #25535  
ject was seen flying at a very low altitude. The witnesses were 19-year-old 1/5/1970 #25536  
Absolute(ly) silent. Estimated 1km altitude or less.                        2/26/1970 #25591  
neuvers. Absolute(ly) silent / low altitude. / r222p94.                     3/28/1970 #25612  
nes find 20 huge saucers / extreme altitude!                                4/24/1970 #25642  
owing object sails over town / low altitude. Observer(s) chases.            4/31/1970 #25647  
s. Night light SSE going NNW / low altitude. = trapezoid with small base in 6/1970 (approximate) #25680  
ad. It hovers for 30 seconds at an altitude of 66 feet. Relative to the tre 6/1970 #25684  
. 2 fast orange globes pass / 1.5M altitude. Withered grass.                6/13/1970 #25698  
 Orange-glowing ovoid hovers / low altitude. Beams light ground.            6/24/1970 #25705  
 feels a wave of heat. At 330 feet altitude, the object jumps vertically an 7/25/1970 #25750  
er north going south / 50kph. 500M altitude. Descends overhead. 2 hours / m 8/1970 (approximate) #25762  
nd starts going up and down. 3-4km altitude. "No airplane!".                8/1970 #25764  
ng southwest overhead. 400kph. 3km altitude.                                8/7/1970 #25773  
lav, Den Ellipse approached at low altitude, heat felt. See Section V (E,R, 8/13/1970 #25780  
S, MI 2 cops. 50' fireball / 1000' altitude below overcast. 1K' away. Spark 9/10/1970 #25834  
er/cigar-shape going south / 1500M altitude. Luminous disk going south / 20 9/21/1970 #25846  
ndow ledge. 30M saucer hovers / 6M altitude.                                10/5/1970 #25864  
r about 20 feet to the right at an altitude of 10–15 feet. At one point it  11/1/1970 #25898  
rists. Red saucer going down / low altitude over railroad/railway tracks. / 12/17/1970 #25943  
(s). 2M disk going [to] over / low altitude. So bright / headlights wash ou 12/23/1970 #25950  
ical object hovers vertical / 200M altitude. Vanishes and reappears 6X!     1/1971 #25960  
er saucers north going south / low altitude. Linear formation. Separate and 1/2/1971 #25967  
tly in a linear formation at a low altitude. They then tilted and separated 1/2/1971 #25968  
ALCAZAR, SP Rain. Disk hovers / 2M altitude. Lights area. Huge power outage 1/20/1971 #25992  
ights going [to] past window / low altitude. Observer(s) exits and fires sh 2/17/1971 #26022  
IL Farmer. 10M glowing-cloud / 20M altitude. Blue beams sideways 2X. Traces 2/19/1971 #26027  
beam / light moves over road / 20M altitude. No visible source.             3/4/1971 #26042  
tly east going quickly west / 300M altitude.                                3/29/1971 #26057  
t object slowly approaching at low altitude, passing over some high-tension 5/15/1971 #26110  
ht object slowly approach at a low altitude, passing over some high-tension 5/15/1971 #26111  
PDC, FR Domed 4M saucer / very low altitude / quarry. Small humanoid (or Gr 5/30/1971 #26144  
en tilting in the sky at 15 meters altitude above a residential neighborhoo 6/24/1971 #26190  
LHOUSE, FR Saucer tilts away / 15M altitude. Levels off. Lights ground. Cir 6/25/1971 #26192  
e object dropped to about 500 feet altitude. Three other individuals living 6/26/1971 #26195  
passed by silently at an estimated altitude of 200 feet before flying out o 6/28/1971 #26200  
OS, VNZ 30M bell going down / 60cm altitude. Ladder going down. 2 pseudo-hu 7/7/1971 #26210  
-shape with domes / both ends. 8K' altitude. Gone / 1 second(s).            7/15/1971 (approximate) #26228  
rver. Large tapering object / high altitude / 6+min. Silent. Throws sparks. 7/15/1971 #26229  
about one- quarter mile away at an altitude of 1,000 feet. After 10 minutes 7/17/1971 #26234  
 Saucer going [to] over road / low altitude. Electro-magnetic effect (EME)  7/18/1971 #26236  
HYACINTHE, QB 5 night lights / 15M altitude. 2 11' circles / crushed and bu 7/20/1971 #26238  
ars. Bright sphere/orb/globe / low altitude. Blue windows going west. 5+7 A 7/27/1971 #26245  
le with colored lights. Fast. High altitude. Instant 180° turn.             7/28/1971 #26248  
ored lights moving rapidly at high altitude. Turning their telescope on it, 7/28/1971 #26249  
ored lights flew by fast at a high altitude. It then made a 180 degree turn 7/28/1971 #26250  
4 windows. It hovered at 50 meters altitude directly above his car for two  8/8/1971 #26274  
object descended to only 11 meters altitude near the shoreline, then divide 8/14/1971 #26285  
rection of a nearby river at a low altitude.                                8/19/1971 #26296  
 (EDT) while flying at 10,000 feet altitude over Lago de Cote, three miles  9/4/1971 #26319  
eaf descent. Glows. Vanishes / low altitude.                                9/5/1971 #26320  
AR. White metallic triangle / high altitude. / r84p207.                     9/20/1971 #26350  
 object was sighted at 33,000 feet altitude from a DC-9 airliner flying 40  9/20/1971 #26355  
void lights area yellow. 500-1000M altitude. Sudden 70° turn going quickly  9/22/1971? #26361  
ped UFO flew at 500 to 1000 meters altitude over the city of Marseille, Fra 9/22/1971 #26364  
stern sky. It descended to a lower altitude, rose again, then shot away to  9/25/1971 #26381  
side. The object descends to their altitude and slows rapidly to their air  10/5/1971 #26410  
t off toward the west, one at high altitude, the other at a low altitude.   10/28/1971 #26436  
 high altitude, the other at a low altitude.                                10/28/1971 #26436  
orce Base. The object flying at an altitude of approximately 500 - 1000 fee 11/6/1971 #26463  
vers and spins. Crosses town / low altitude.                                12/4/1971 #26485  
 as it passed over the town at low altitude.                                12/4/1971 #26486  
down [to] and hovers by levee. 15M altitude. Seen / 30 minute(s).           1/17/1972 #26547  
maneuvers / all directions / 4500M altitude. Going quickly west.            1/22/1972 #26552  
L 16M saucer 30M ahead / car. 120M altitude. 2M rectangular windows rotate  2/11/1972 #26570  
head of his car at just 120 meters altitude. It was about 50 to 60 feet in  2/11/1972 #26573  
 hides. 6' blue glowing-ball / 60' altitude follows girls home.             2/12/1972 #26575  
ht followed a girl home at 60 feet altitude. The close encounter lasted 15  2/12/1972 #26577  
 AFRICA 3 egg-shaped objects / low altitude. / J'burg star 21.7.72.         3/13/1972 #26602  
-cylinder/cylindrical object / 35M altitude. Maneuvers going quickly southw 3/18/1972 #26612  
bserver(s). Orbs play in sky / 1km altitude. / LDLN#120. / r30p380. Missile 3/18/1972 #26614  
e-sphere follows phone-lines / 10M altitude. Radio Frequency Interference ( 3/20/1972 #26619  
in. Size = 2cm / arms length. 600M altitude.                                3/27/1972 #26626  
saucer shoots green beams up. 300M altitude. Extremely bright. Suddenly dro 4/6/1972 #26638  
/ car. Luminous/glowing ball / 10M altitude paces car to Navekvarn. Exact s 4/13/1972 #26643  
ucer going quickly southeast / 30M altitude. Beams front and rear. Also see 4/17/1972 #26649  
). Flying gas-bottle hovers / 40cm altitude 12M away! Glows. Quickly going  5/1972 #26665  
ding pads, descended from 150 feet altitude with a falling leaf motion, pas 5/13/1972 #26682  
d toward the south slowly at a low altitude. It directed a beam of light up 6/2/1972 #26698  
cylinder/cylindrical object / 100' altitude scares sheep and birds. East go 6/11/1972 (approximate) #26713  
 / side. Spike / top flashes. 350M altitude?                                6/21/1972 #26721  
 through the cloudless sky at high altitude from north to south. It changes Summer 1972 #26722  
over/all about airfield / very low altitude / 45 minute(s). Observers dive  6/22/1972 #26723  
TZBURG, RSA Bus-sized object / 4K' altitude descends. Going quickly SSW tow 6/22/1972 #26725  
rcular orange object hovers / 250M altitude / 2 minute(s). Drops liquid. Go 6/29/1972 #26740  
 several witnesses at 200–500 feet altitude in Buffalo, South Dakota, at a  6/29/1972 #26742  
r orange UFO hovered at 250 meters altitude around 9 p.m. for two minutes a 6/29/1972 #26743  
ROM DROMANA, VCT 100' saucer / 30' altitude. Follows lady / 8mi. Hums. / r2 7/3/1972 #26755  
ERMONT, BELGIUM Glowing-lens / 2km altitude. Southeast going quickly northe 7/4/1972 #26760  
cts flying about randomly at a low altitude. A neighbor describes them as v 7/5/1972 #26774  
ing quickly northeast fast / 1500M altitude.                                7/6/1972 #26776  
euvers / sky. No description. 150m altitude. Silent. Glider / one hour?     7/7/1972 #26781  
8 white orbs / octagon hover / low altitude / 5 minute(s). Evaporate / 1 mi 7/11/1972 #26792  
 Sharp edges. One is [a] box. 500M altitude. Rise going south slow.         7/14/1972 #26796  
s and many. 1M saucer spins / high altitude. Going down [to] just over poli 7/16/1972 #26803  
hat-saucer going quickly NNW / low altitude. Stops / railroad/railway stati 7/19/1972 #26810  
Maneuvers all over/all about / low altitude.                                7/27/1972 #26837  
 underside. It maneuvered at a low altitude.                                7/29/1972 #26846  
object, 50-60' in diameter at 300' altitude while driving. There was an unc 7/31/1972 #26849  
0-60 feet in diameter, at 300 feet altitude while driving. It had large squ 7/31/1972 #26852  
sk north going quickly south / low altitude. 60cm / arms length. All over / 8/2/1972 #26867  
M saucer going quickly east / 600' altitude over Vienna. / Flying Saucer Re 8/3/1972 #26868  
seems 2' wide 1 mile away / 1 mile altitude.                                8/8/1972 (approximate) #26884  
ht orange again. Estimated at 200' altitude other motorists in vicinity got 8/11/1972 #26895  
aucer going southwest slowly / 30M altitude.                                8/18/1972 #26927  
50. Blinding white 35' saucer / 3M altitude. Night lights to 0600h. / APRO  8/19/1972 #26929  
nse groups by radio. Saucer / 600m altitude. TVs electro-magnetic effect (E 8/20/1972? #26933  
llic Saturn-sphere/orb/globe / 80M altitude. 50kph. Power plant explodes!   8/20/1972 #26934  
fects). Large circular object / 8M altitude. Beeps and away. Car starts / l 8/21/1972 #26941  
feet in diameter hovering at a low altitude and making a beeping sound. It  8/21/1972 #26945  
c effects). Orange 8M saucer / low altitude. Fuses Blown. Engine OK after.  8/22/1972 #26948  
anitoba. It paced the car at a low altitude and flew quite close, and then  9/7/1972 #26980  
 huge cylinder/cigar-shape / 1000' altitude. Join / V formations. Going qui 9/10/1972 #26985  
        Butler, IN 1:55 p.m. 8-10' altitude!!! City Editor of the Aubury Ev 9/11/1972 #26987  
hover over Alcova Reservoir / 20K' altitude. 5th joins. All going quickly n 9/16/1972 #27003  
ge metallic disk going west / 800M altitude. Several photographs. / Midi Li 9/16/1972 #27004  
s disk with very strong beam / low altitude. Hovers / one hour. / news. No  9/26/1972 (approximate) #27031  
 Fireball tumbles and blinks / 60M altitude. Instant acceleration away. / N 9/29/1972 #27040  
nge sphere that was at a very high altitude hovering over Hanoi, Vietnam in 9/30/1972 #27041  
at home. 3 disks going south / low altitude. Rims glow red. No further deta 10/5/1972 #27050  
lifornia three discs flew at a low altitude toward the south. They had red  10/5/1972 #27051  
ver(s). Silver blimp hovers / high altitude over homes. No further details  10/9/1972 #27061  
 1 observer photographs disk / low altitude. Going down [to] into sea. Also 10/27/1972 #27091  
st going southeast 500M away / low altitude.                                10/29/1972 #27099  
id ovoids / incredible speed / low altitude going quickly [to] Red River Ar 12/1972 #27157  
metallic object crosses road / 15m altitude 60M away! Long yellow tail.     12/2/1972 #27159  
t light going [to] over farm / 10' altitude. "Studies" man / tractor. Going 12/16/1972 #27178  
"train" object going quickly / low altitude. Orange smoke and portholes. Ca 1/1/1973 #27204  
sks going quickly northwest / high altitude. Absolute(ly) silent.           1/1/1973 #27205  
iscs at 9:15 a.m. flying at a high altitude and heading toward the northwes 1/1/1973 #27211  
0' domed saucer with antennas. Low altitude. Possible blimp. Going quickly  1/2/1973 #27213  
d metallic saucer chases car / low altitude. Headlights dim. / r231-1974#1p 1/3/1973 #27217  
ed disc chased a car at a very low altitude. The car's headlights dimmed du 1/3/1973 #27219  
Circular object crosses road / low altitude as if landing / field.          1/6/1973 #27222  
 the road in front of him at a low altitude, as if intending to land in a n 1/6/1973 #27223  
Spotlights all over/all about. Low altitude. Observer(s) flee.              1/14/1973 #27234  
 the pastoral countryside at a low altitude. The observers drove away frigh 1/14/1973 #27235  
) binoculars. Huge wheel / extreme altitude going south. Slow spin.         2/11/1973 #27280  
 the morning. It was at an extreme altitude and flew offshore to the south. 2/11/1973 #27282  
uth Carolina. One hovered at a low altitude, the other landed. The second U 2/11/1973 #27284  
me with rim and 3 small orbs / low altitude. Going west.                    2/14/1973 #27287  
rilliant round object hovers / 1km altitude. Colored lights. Going quickly  2/21/1973 #27302  
h a row of lights, hovering at 50' altitude. (Reggie Bone incident) (NICAP: 2/21/1973 #27304  
er an open field at about 400 feet altitude. The lights seem to be porthole 2/21/1973 #27305  
r(s). Ovoid / disk over towns. Low altitude.                                2/22/1973 #27306  
URG, SC Cylinder/cigar-shape / low altitude. Many see 2 blinking lights / k 2/22/1973 #27309  
oing northwest up Grant Ave. / 90M altitude. / r231.                        3/4/1973 #27330  
 observer(s). Flying oil-rig / low altitude. / Vermilion Standard 14.3.     3/5/1973 #27332  
E, MO 10 observer(s). Saucer / low altitude going [to] over reservoir. Abru 3/19/1973 #27350  
 saucers going south. Hover / 200M altitude. 1 going east. 1 going west. UF 3/22/1973 #27358  
s). Crescent going down / very low altitude near road. Possible landing. /  3/23/1973 #27367  
ct pacing the aircraft at a higher altitude. Suddenly the object stops and  3/24/1973 #27372  
m loops generally going east. 800M altitude.                                3/28/1973 #27383  
rls. Triangle hovers / trees / 60M altitude. Lights glow. Buzzes / moving a 3/28/1973 #27384  
 off toward the east at 800 meters altitude.                                3/28/1973 #27386  
uble-domes / bat shapes pass / low altitude. See reference figure 2d.       3/29/1973 #27389  
/ car stop. Big disk overhead / 6M altitude. Colored beams quickly going do 4/1973 #27394  
, RI Silent white 12M object / 45M altitude. Dims. Going quickly east. E1B  4/9/1973 #27417  
). Glowing-ovoid going south / low altitude. Stops over home. Going quickly 4/24/1973 #27442  
er(s). Blue-green hemisphere / 30M altitude. 2 beams search going down.     5/12/1973 #27478  
 saucer-cylinder/cigar-shape / 50M altitude. Faint whoosh. Hovers / 5mn. Go 5/14/1973 #27482  
, ITL 2 / beach. Domed saucer / 3M altitude comes 50M from car. "Hair raisi 5/18/1973 #27501  
r glows and hovers and spins / 30M altitude. Animals stare.                 5/18/1973 #27503  
te) flying silently overhead at an altitude of about 2,500 feet. Through bi 5/24/1973 #27527  
 2 observer(s). Row / lights / low altitude. 15' circular scorched. Several 6/3/1973 #27547  
) report diamond-observer(s) / low altitude. / Reading Eve.Post 7.6.73.     6/6/1973 #27552  
d-shaped UFO was observed at a low altitude over Woodley, England at 10:05  6/6/1973 #27554  
ral observer(s). 30M saucer / 400M altitude. Vanishes / sharp curve going q 6/12/1973 #27561  
nns Wood, Pennsylvania at 500 feet altitude for several minutes before asce 6/13/1973 #27563  
) flying rapidly toward him at low altitude (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)  6/14/1973 #27567  
Witness said light descended to an altitude of about 20 meters (75 feet) ab 7/1973 #27607  
cation. The object was at a higher altitude, and remained in the sky for fo 7/9/1973 #27625  
r object going [to] overhead / low altitude. Type unknown. No further detai 7/29/1973 #27660  
). Cylinder/cigar-shape / very low altitude. Stops / well. Cylinder/cigar-s 8/6/1973 #27686  
t shaped object passes fast / high altitude.                                8/10/1973 #27690  
rver. Tlw disk going quickly / low altitude over town. / BFJ'74 v4#3p28.    8/27/1973 #27724  
er(s). Ovoid going down / very low altitude. Plants scorched. / r156.#17'73 9/4/1973 #27759  
 ovoid object was seen at very low altitude in Maubeuge, Nord, France. Plan 9/4/1973 #27762  
S, GA 2 / car. Saucer hovers / 45M altitude / 5 minutes. Takes off spinning 9/6/1973 #27771  
rver(s). 2 round red objects / low altitude. / Ark.Gzt 10.9.73 and more/oth 9/8/1973 #27777  
' lighted object passes / very low altitude. / many local (as a local wave) 9/8/1973 #27778  
passed over Lanett, Alabama at low altitude. News coverage of the sighting  9/8/1973 #27784  
t with protruding pipes / very low altitude. Scares cat. / r231.            9/9/1973 #27788  
bserver(s). Large lit object / low altitude. Traces and burnt grass found / 9/13/1973 #27810  
t (truncated cone) hovering at low altitude (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)  9/14/1973 #27821  
e a truncated cone hovering at low altitude about 200 meters off the road,  9/14/1973 #27823  
ent salad-bowl saucer hovers / low altitude.                                9/19/1973 #27834  
l shaped domed disc hovered at low altitude over Dunkerque, Nord, France. I 9/19/1973 #27840  
er with square windows going / low altitude. / Can. UFO report v3#1p24.     9/20/1973 #27843  
t dome and ribbed edge hovers / 6' altitude. Darts north and south. Quickly 9/21/1973 #27851  
 3 observer(s). Fast sphere / high altitude. Vanishes. Second entry cites 2 9/23/1973 #27856  
le east going quickly west / 2500M altitude. Faster / jet.                  9/28/1973 #27882  
er(s). Brilliant fast object / low altitude. Follows plane going west. Foll 10/1/1973 #27909  
delta/triangle/box-like craft / 3M altitude. Pseudo-human/entity outside. B 10/4/1973 #27931  
ights makes fantastic passes / low altitude.                                10/5/1973 #27942  
 the area at high speeds and a low altitude. A third case of this day invol 10/5/1973 #27953  
glistening vapor rose to 1200 feet altitude, turned, then shot away leaving 10/5/1973 #27953  
RADES, FR Huge shiny sphere / high altitude. Vanishes leaving 5 small ovoid 10/6/1973 #27956  
gar-shape going quickly south. Low altitude. Row / windows / side. / r232v3 10/12/1973 #28010  
x near Mount Baldy, Arizona, at an altitude of 2,500 feet. He notices a red 10/12/1973 #28017  
 cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / 20M altitude by tree. Gone later.            10/15/1973 (approximate) #28038  
server(s). 80' domed saucer / 200' altitude / 300' away. Turns into airplan 10/15/1973? #28045  
otball-shape going east / very low altitude. Glow lights area. Going up. /  10/16/1973 #28067  
et for a 20 degree dive but gained altitude from 1700 ft. to 3500 ft. with  10/18/1973 #28144  
escend quickly. When he gets to an altitude of 650 feet above the treetops, 10/18/1973 #28172  
erver(s). Domed saucer going / low altitude. Photographs. / FSRv20#1p32+/ r 10/19/1973 #28178  
d a large round object at very low altitude. Both witnesses were scared by  10/24/1973 #28273  
angle/box-like craft hovers / high altitude. Shoots quickly going down. Tur 10/25/1973 #28281  
 the sky 5 miles to his west at an altitude of 2,000 feet. After about 20–2 10/25/1973 #28284  
quen Province, Argentina at 2000 m altitude or less. There were four UFOs i 10/27/1973 #28302  
Night light follows car here / low altitude / 35 mile(s) going quickly east 10/30/1973 #28320  
LAND, PA AND NJ Disk / light / low altitude. / Beaver Co. Times 6.11.73.    11/1/1973 #28332  
server(s). Ovoid passes / very low altitude. / Carolina Pacemaker 3.11.73.  11/1/1973 #28334  
      PORT STANLEY, ON Ovoid / low altitude follows man home. / St. Thomas  11/2/1973 #28345  
Diamond-shaped object passes / low altitude. / contact-USA v1#2p5 / '73.    11/3/1973 #28360  
s and 2. Round silver object / low altitude. / Dunn Daily Record 9.11.73.   11/6/1973 #28370  
ts chase. Going quickly east / low altitude.                                11/6/1973 #28373  
et of it, as it is 700–800 feet in altitude. It now appears football-shaped 11/6/1973 #28375  
 1 / car chased / domed disk / low altitude. / Indio Daily News 8.11.73+/ r 11/8/1973 #28385  
 Going east along Route 1313 / low altitude. / news.                        11/10/1973 (approximate) #28399  
r object / clouds. Going down / 5M altitude. Lands. Changes color(s) red go 11/10/1973 #28401  
0' ovoid chases car to 100mph / 4' altitude! / Ottawa Journal.              11/11/1973 #28406  
-sphere/orb/globe / 3200kph / 900M altitude. Going quickly west. / r181p176 11/12/1973 #28411  
here/orb/globe scouts around / 10' altitude. Lands several times. Lens / si 11/16/1973 #28431  
TX 2 / car chased / triangle / low altitude. / r231'74p82+Dallas Times 20.1 11/18/1973 #28440  
server. Circular object / very low altitude lights trees oddly. No further  11/21/1973 #28452  
ints going quickly [to] SR14 / low altitude. Rosebud News 22.11.73.         11/22/1973 #28457  
lights moves in jerks. Drops / 15M altitude.                                11/25/1973 #28465  
/ 10. 10M hexagon-disk nears / low altitude. Top and bottom flash alternate 11/28/1973 #28472  
 domed object circles bridge / low altitude. Fin / bottom. / news.          11/29/1973 #28479  
2 observer(s). Slow triangle / low altitude. / King of Prussia Post 30.11.7 11/29/1973 #28481  
from the east, stopped at 500 feet altitude, then moved away quickly to the 11/29/1973 #28483  
ow beam sweeps ground. Ovoid / 50' altitude appears.                        12/2/1973 #28500  
 Red-orange bowl passes / very low altitude. / W. Star-Journal 11.12.73.    12/2/1973 #28504  
x650cm window / light hovers at 2M altitude / 20 minute(s). Going southwest 12/3/1973 #28513  
BEND, OR Multicolored object / low altitude follows observer(s) home! / Coo 12/4/1973 #28517  
Several observer(s). Saucers / low altitude. Power out. 65 bulls panic and  12/5/1973 #28519  
as seen over some marshes at a low altitude near Nimes, Gard, France. At da 12/5/1973 #28523  
 / LIMA, PERU All / airliner / 3km altitude. UFO follows plane / 15 minute( 12/8/1973 #28539  
Arroyo in car paced by ovoid / low altitude. No further details.            12/10/1973 #28544  
 cops. Silent 5M cone-saucer / 20M altitude. Going southwest. / LDLN#132.   12/10/1973 #28545  
e was paced by an ovoid UFO at low altitude near Sabana Grande, Puerto Rico 12/10/1973 #28551  
n front of the witnessat 12 meters altitude. It had 4 or 5 bars and small r 12/11/1973 #28556  
al-shaped craft hovering at a high altitude overhead. It appeared to be roc 12/12/1973 #28559  
ne-saucer with lights hovers / 30M altitude. Going quickly north. Fast and  12/13/1973 #28562  
t with lights hovered at 30 meters altitude over a road in Haisnes-lez-la-B 12/13/1973 #28569  
m workers paced / object / treetop altitude. Stops and turns with truck.    12/19/1973 #28580  
he sky and came back down to a low altitude. It changed color from red to g 12/20/1973 #28594  
 effect (EME). 5 Mx3M saucer / 50M altitude. Flashes and leaps. Going quick 12/22/1973 #28597  
before disappearing at 90,000 feet altitude. *   http://www.noufors.com/Doc 12/28/1973 #28612  
observer. Bright blue sphere / low altitude. / Pt. Townsend Leader 3.1.74.  12/30/1973 #28614  
a massive disc-shaped object at an altitude no greater than the nearby powe 1974 #28632  
split apart over power plant / low altitude. / r71p105.                     1/1974 #28635  
southwest at an estimated 800 feet altitude. Their sighting lasted 30 secon 1/4/1974 #28644  
server(s). 1.5M ovoid blinks / 20M altitude 200M away. Nears. Going quickly 1/8/1974 #28663  
aucer paces car / 3 minute(s). 50m altitude. 3 helicopters circle after.    1/22/1974 #28689  
rs going north / V formation. 40K' altitude. / MJ#249+/ r114p64.            1/26/1974 #28705  
ped objects, flying at 31,000 feet altitude.                                1/26/1974 #28710  
outheast slow toward(s) bay / high altitude. / Le Telegramme / r30.         2/3/1974 #28732  
 Large orange saucer hovers / 800M altitude. Turns blue going south.        2/3/1974 (approximate) #28733  
POULDERGAT, FR Orange saucer / low altitude comes and goes in jumps. 0800 1 2/4/1974 #28735  
object with rotating beacon at 50M altitude. Flashes. Suddenly going quickl 2/4/1974 #28736  
 going down. Red ovoid paces / low altitude. Beams going down. 90° turns. B 2/6/1974 #28740  
erver(s). Domed saucer glows / 15M altitude. Vanishes and reappears. Back / 2/8/1974 (approximate) #28746  
     VIGEVANO Dark rectangle / 20M altitude 70M away. White lights / sides  2/9/1974 #28750  
abandoned house. Follows car / low altitude to 150kph.                      2/12/1974 #28759  
ng from the bottom, and flew at an altitude of only 100 feet.               2/19/1974 #28782  
 SP 3 observer(s). 1M saucer at 6M altitude. Rises vertically at fantastic  2/25/1974 #28799  
ars / N21. Silent 2M saucer / high altitude drops over car. Car malfunction 2/27/1974 #28805  
/globe and white panel hover / low altitude. Blue cloud / road. Car malfunc 2/27/1974 #28806  
et in diameter that moved at a low altitude slowly through the sky. They fl 3/1/1974 #28842  
2M domed saucer follows car / 5km. Altitude = 50M. Going northeast. Police  3/2/1974 #28845  
going north / airplane speed. 400M altitude. / r30p469.                     3/5/1974 #28855  
. 20M top-saucer going south / 80M altitude. Turns going west and away / Le 3/13/1974 #28875  
ds and cylinder/cigar-shape / 45K' altitude. Going quickly southwest. No tr 3/17/1974 #28894  
dow. 2M saucer 4M away hovers / 1M altitude. 2 helmeted heads visible insid 3/19/1974 #28910  
LLE, 16, FR 4 girls. 5M dome / 10M altitude. 2 rays taper off quickly going 3/26/1974 #28953  
t coming from it. It flew at a low altitude of under 10 meters, and was est 3/26/1974 #28958  
, FR Luminous white crescent / low altitude immobile behind trees near hous 3/28/1974 #28963  
00 feet of his car at only 75 feet altitude. He took three photographs. The 4/1/1974 #28988  
with trapezoid inside hovers / 50M altitude. Quickly going up [to] fast and 4/13/1974 #29011  
ers overhead / 20 second(s) / 500' altitude. Going quickly SSW.             4/14/1974 #29016  
lent white 50M saucer glows / 250M altitude. Going quickly [to] 100kph sout 4/14/1974 #29017  
tic effect (EME). Huge ovoid / low altitude. Silent. Beams / light.         4/15/1974 #29026  
er near a huge rock, travel at low altitude, then fall into the water again 4/15/1974 #29029  
t changes course to the east at an altitude of 2,000 feet and appears to be 4/15/1974 #29031  
ear a huge rock, traveled at a low altitude, then dropped into the water. I 4/15/1974 #29033  
M glowing metal ovoid stops / 100M altitude. Big noise. Zigzags.            4/21/1974 #29052  
 ovoid object halted at 100 meters altitude, made a loud noise, then zig-za 4/21/1974 #29055  
e. 2 balls maneuver. 1 drops / 50M altitude. Joins 2nd. Both quickly going  5/21/1974 #29122  
URNAY, ISERE Rectangular UFO / 10M altitude. Large spotlight / front. Goes  6/1974 (approximate) #29151  
with white stripe going west / low altitude. Absolute(ly) silent.           6/1/1974 #29156  
dage. Sharply outlined / sky. 900M altitude estimated. Hovers / 5 minute(s) 6/4/1974 #29160  
ed in the sky, and at an estimated altitude of 900 meters.                  6/4/1974 #29162  
oid going [to] over 2 houses / 50M altitude. Possible landing / woods.      6/5/1974 #29164  
) flying rapidly toward him at low altitude (estimated 100 meters). (Infore 6/14/1974 #29190  
lying rapidly towards him at a low altitude. The object paced his car at a  6/14/1974 #29193  
ET Plain silver saucer hovers / 4' altitude. 3 small humanoids (or Greys) g 6/15/1974 #29196  
ast going quickly west fast. ~300M altitude. ~1000mph.                      6/20/1974 #29216  
Y 2 cops. 40' saucer hovers / 200' altitude. Beams lights going down / crui 7/9/1974 #29247  
rference (RFI). Domed saucer / 10M altitude. Quickly going up [to] fast whe 7/15/1974 #29261  
ARMINGTON, MO Silent 8m UFO at 15m altitude. Varies size as if breathing. T 8/5/1974 (approximate) #29308  
void going [to] overhead slow. 1km altitude. / r50p503.                     8/11/1974 #29321  
w slowly overhead at one kilometer altitude.                                8/11/1974 #29324  
 over earthquake fault-zone / 100M altitude.                                8/12/1974 #29332  
 FR Ovoid north going south. 1200M altitude. Stops. 2 flares light. All van 8/12/1974 #29335  
hat appeared to be at only 60 feet altitude above the lake.                 8/14/1974 #29345  
etired airman. Elongated UFO / 3km altitude northwest going quickly southea 8/15/1974 #29346  
nt luminous white saucer / treetop altitude southeast going quickly northwe 8/15/1974 #29349  
 minute(s). Continues going north. Altitude = 1000M.                        8/16/1974 #29361  
 and level south going north / 50M altitude. / r30.                         8/17/1974 #29365  
r(s). Huge square white UFO / 350M altitude. 200kph east going west. 3 sauc 8/18/1974 #29368  
E Red sphere/orb/globe flies / low altitude with trail. Shoots going quickl 8/18/1974 #29370  
itary RADAR's. Night lights / 500' altitude / 4h. 3k and mph. Flash. Vanish 8/20/1974 #29372  
es D963 several X. Fog / base. 10M altitude. Going east. / r30p509.         8/25/1974 #29383  
ling at a speed of 2,500 mph at an altitude of 75,000 feet, the UFO is firs 8/25/1974 #29386  
2 observer(s). Luminous mass / low altitude. Dogs bark. Burnt trees Foret / 8/26/1974 #29389  
delta/triangle/box-like craft / 3' altitude. Floodlights. Instant accelerat 9/1974 #29407  
ic saucers / field. Going up / low altitude. / r98#30p121+/ r14p265+/ APRO  9/1/1974 #29413  
   HERGIES, NORD 1+3 saucers / low altitude with strong light / ground. Fla 9/7/1974 #29428  
litary airbase. Bright beams. 400M altitude east going west. No RADAR.      9/10/1974 #29445  
ERE, BC 4+kids. 22M fireball / 60M altitude scans mountains / laser. Strang 9/14/1974 #29454  
aches the car from the right at an altitude of about 30 feet. The car stops 9/21/1974 #29467  
flies off slowly at about 100 feet altitude for a few hundred yards, then t 9/21/1974 #29467  
aroid shots / classic saucer / low altitude. Look good so far.              9/28/1974 (approximate) #29488  
server(s). Dark round object / 20M altitude. Muted buzz. Small lights. Goin 10/1974 #29497  
lars. Disk with lights edges. 300M altitude WNW going ESE.                  10/9/1974 #29507  
oval shapes hovering at 1,500 feet altitude in the northwestern sky. Althou 10/14/1974 #29527  
ing-disk paces through turns / 30M altitude. Bigger / moon. Going up.       10/28/1974 #29563  
r crosses D22. Hovers / field / 6M altitude. Curves going north.            11/5/1974 #29585  
 clouds. Going quickly NNW / 3000' altitude. / r199p80.                     11/24/1974 #29605  
tudies entire length / train / low altitude. Finally going quickly north.   11/27/1974 (approximate) #29613  
 at the same speed (75–80 mph) and altitude, pacing him at 120° at an estim 11/28/1974 #29619  
bject. The object hovered at a low altitude and moved up and down. On sever 12/1/1974 #29627  
 on their left at about 1,500 feet altitude. They have no wings, tail secti Winter 1974 #29653  
s. Saucer-cylinder/cigar-shape 15M altitude over trees. Lights area like da 12/26/1974 #29659  
s it is about 3–5 miles away at an altitude of 2,000 feet. It stops and hov 1/1/1975 #29690  
es that it is flying at 5,000 feet altitude traveling diagonally to the dir 1/2/1975 #29701  
oups. Dome-object paces cars / low altitude. Windows. Lands?                1/9/1975 #29736  
t. Going [to] east-northeast / 35M altitude!                                1/21/1975 #29759  
2 / car. Orange glowing-ball / low altitude lights area. Hovers and maneuve 1/24/1975 #29763  
ver Barham, Kent, England at a low altitude and illuminated the area. It st 1/24/1975 #29765  
nlit object spins going east / low altitude. Curves back going north over h 2/6/1975 #29786  
y N & S of object at same relative altitude. (UFOFC, Ridge files) (NICAP: 0 2/9/1975 #29791  
r cylinder/cigar-shape going / 50M altitude. Vanishes. 6 cigars exit. / LDL 2/10/1975 #29792  
nous saucers close together / high altitude. 1 zips going quickly north. Ot 2/10/1975 #29795  
ous/glowing sphere/orb/globe / 15M altitude. Near local airport. / r30p539. 2/12/1975 #29805  
. Luminous ball going north at low altitude. / Lt. Col. Lobet. No further d 2/16/1975 #29813  
 green 1.4M 'propane bottle' / low altitude going [to] to row / trees. Vani 2/20/1975 (approximate) #29831  
grey silent bus crosses road / low altitude. 3 south-lights / front.        2/22/1975 #29835  
ru) binoculars. Cone-object / 400M altitude / 30 minute(s). Changes brightn 3/1/1975 #29861  
a cone-shaped object at 400 meters altitude for 30 minutes through binocula 3/1/1975 #29862  
y through the evening sky at a low altitude. (Source: Wendelle C. Stevens,  3/2/1975 #29865  
y through the evening sky at a low altitude. It came from the Patagonian me 3/2/1975 #29869  
ALG UFO with vibrant bright light. Altitude = 50K Ft. Latest in diplomatic  3/6/1975 #29874  
ngers. 6 bright shiny disks / 300M altitude. Shoot going quickly south.     3/15/1975 #29902  
 west, while maneuvering, at a low altitude.                                3/18/1975 #29911  
th searchlight lights pecan trees. Altitude = 60m. Going quickly southeast. 4/3/1975 #29939  
t flew over Highway 55 at 200 feet altitude and lit up some pecan trees. (N 4/3/1975 #29946  
an object hovering silently at low altitude, accelerating instantly, and tu 4/3/1975 #29952  
seboro, North Carolina at 200 feet altitude and lit up some pecan trees. At 4/3/1975 #29953  
sterly direction at an approximate altitude of 300 feet. The UFO was descri 4/10/1975 #29984  
er comes from behind / house / low altitude. Going up [to] and lost / stars 4/18/1975 #29992  
server(s). 75' saucer hovers / 50' altitude. Radio beeps 3 / second(s). Bea 4/19/1975 #29996  
ll east going west going down / 3M altitude. Plays cat and mouse. Possible  5/1/1975 #30016  
ange ball of light was seen at low altitude over the village of Lezay, Deux 5/1/1975 #30017  
here follows car going west / 200M altitude. Hides near towns. Portholes an 5/3/1975 (approximate) #30020  
 followed a car west at 200 meters altitude. It hid when the car approached 5/3/1975 #30030  
/cigar-shape. 1M wide. Hovers / 8M altitude. Pulses red. / r30.             6/24/1975 #30118  
east and southeast. Enormous. High altitude.                                6/26/1975 #30121  
 cylinder/cylindrical object / 10M altitude. 2 antennas / 45° / top. Going  6/27/1975 #30124  
 hung in the sky at only 10 meters altitude in Bouillancourt-la-Bataille, S 6/27/1975 #30126  
 hung in the sky at only 10 meters altitude in Bouillancourt-la-Bataille, S 6/27/1975 #30127  
 SPAIN 2 observer(s). Saucer / low altitude going [to] in / sea. Lands / be 6/28/1975 (approximate) #30129  
isc-shaped object came in at a low altitude over the sea and landed on the  6/28/1975 #30130  
/ car. Dazzling funnel paces / low altitude. Blindingly bright.             7/4/1975 #30153  
et in diameter at about 75 feet in altitude. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR,  7/4/1975 #30156  
        BAVAY, FR 12M saucer / 20M altitude. 12M saucer all over/all about  7/10/1975 #30171  
 / industrial complex. Stops / 20M altitude.                                7/12/1975 #30173  
trajectory west going east / 4000' altitude. 700mph.                        7/13/1975 #30177  
[to] Apollo watchers. Silent / 1K' altitude. Legs.                          7/20/1975 #30190  
sses. It was estimated to be at an altitude of one thousand feet and made n 7/20/1975 #30192  
Ohio. It was estimated to be at an altitude of one thousand feet and made n 7/20/1975 #30194  
TL 3M 'fusiform' object stops / 5M altitude / 8M offshore. Somewhat rectang 7/23/1975 #30203  
lts and "hides" / city center! Low altitude. 1 observer.. no others found.  8/5/1975 #30237  
near the center of the city at low altitude.                                8/5/1975 #30238  
, FR Yellow domed disk hovers / 5M altitude. 2 1.5M luminous/glowing small  8/8/1975 #30243  
r. Silver-grey 15m rectangle / 30m altitude 45m away. Gone / seconds. / CUF 8/9/1975 #30246  
disk with legs and antennas / 200' altitude. Going quickly NNW. / R. Haines 8/10/1975 #30247  
at was hovering at about 20 meters altitude. He activated a special camera  8/13/1975 #30257  
us. It stops descending at 20 feet altitude and begins approaching Moody. U 8/13/1975 #30264  
object through field glasses at an altitude of about 2,000 feet, then it mo 8/14/1975 #30270  
 and bright lights are seen at low altitude less than 50 miles north over t 8/20/1975 #30291  
 Going south slow and silent. 760m altitude estimated. / CUFOS.             8/24/1975 #30301  
 Cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / low altitude / 12 minute(s). Pivots end-on t 8/24/1975 #30303  
 the south slowly, at an estimated altitude of 760 meters, making no sound. 8/24/1975 #30304  
2M saucer lights area / miles! 25M altitude. 200kph. Sudden stops.          8/26/1975 #30307  
 around. It flew at only 25 meters altitude at a speed of 200 kph, and made 8/26/1975 #30311  
r(s). 10' bell-helmet hovers / low altitude. Square indents all over/all ab 8/27/1975 #30313  
car. Large moonlike 15M dome / 18M altitude. Follows D48 slowly.            8/29/1975 #30320  
 FR Sun-size red-orange ball / low altitude. Maneuvers. Going down [to] beh 9/1975 #30331  
sphere/orb/globe going down / 300M altitude. Lights area. Quickly going up  9/1975 #30332  
ABRIT, FR 1 / car. 10M saucer / 8M altitude. Glides going [to] WSW slowly.  9/14/1975 #30355  
oise. Round object going down / 1M altitude. Slow spin. Observer(s) has odd 9/15/1975 #30361  
 down when observer(s) waves. 150' altitude. / CUFOS.                       9/16/1975 #30365  
ags going east up River Seine / 5M altitude. (Triangulated.)                9/19/1975 #30368  
p the Seine River at only 5 meters altitude. The size and distance of the o 9/19/1975 #30369  
er(s). Cone-mushroom hovers / 900M altitude. Becomes luminous disk. Away ve 9/22/1975 #30376  
 12 observer(s). 250M saucer / 20M altitude. Cone detaches going up and dow 9/26/1975 #30386  
, WA McChord RADAR sees UFO / 18K' altitude. Many civil report(s). 2 jets s 9/26/1975 #30387  
rectangle going west / 60kph. 200M altitude. Drops / trees. Gone / flash.   9/29/1975 #30392  
Odd object going down. Stops / low altitude. Strong red beams. Quickly goin 10/4/1975 #30415  
er(s). 10M sphere/orb/globe / 60cm altitude. Beams going down. Spins. Scans 10/17/1975 #30433  
lver object glows and hovers / 8K' altitude. Shoots away suddenly.          10/26/1975 #30474  
roaching the north perimeter at an altitude of about 300 feet. It has a red 10/27/1975 #30487  
cted nuclear storage area at a low altitude of 150 feet. Back at the weapon 10/27/1975 #30487  
ased in speed and raised to a high altitude and could not be discerned from 10/28/1975 #30492  
ng Loring AFB from the north at an altitude of about 3,000 feet. (NICAP: 02 10/28/1975 #30500  
stone, Maine, from the north at an altitude of about 3,000 feet. It approac 10/28/1975 #30503  
B, Maine. The helicopter was at an altitude of 150 feet and penetrated Lori 10/29/1975 #30508  
arante, Ceara State, Brazil at low altitude for two hours, causing panic. I 10/29/1975 #30513  
ng at a speed of 200 knots, and an altitude of 2000 feet, sighted at least  10/30/1975 #30523  
 turned north and appeared to lose altitude. Between 10:15 and 10:25 p.m. b 10/30/1975 #30523  
the back gate and hovered at a low altitude over the weapons storage area.  10/30/1975 #30523  
alo rotates counterclockwise / low altitude. Passes 35M from observer(s) /  11/1975 #30530  
in moving slowly south and gaining altitude. They are still visible at 7:00 11/3/1975 #30545  
MA, PORT MD and 1. 15M saucer / 1M altitude. Car and radio electro-magnetic 11/7/1975 #30569  
3+L4. RADAR objects maneuver / low altitude. Turn going west slowly. / r148 11/8/1975 #30580  
. The radar target was at 300 feet altitude, and the weather station report 11/8/1975 #30582  
ly east over RADAR tower. 300-600M altitude. = missile site.                11/10/1975 #30590  
ews, who were flying at 4,000 feet altitude 15 miles north of Walterboro, S 11/22/1975 #30653  
 CRUZILLE, FR 2 teens. Ovoid / 20M altitude beams rays going down / ground. 11/24/1975 #30659  
Red disk arcs and going down / 20M altitude over river. Maneuvers and going 11/26/1975 #30665  
 to within half a mile at 200 feet altitude, then landed.  The driver turne 11/27/1975 #30671  
EF, TX 1 observer. Pentagon / 300m altitude going quickly north / 180+kph.  12/1975 #30678  
VW car. Silent 4M egg passes / low altitude. Transparent pointed end / top. 12/3/1975 #30682  
 fuselage with square windows. 50M altitude. 50M away. 4-6 lights blink.    12/12/1975 #30707  
er dome with colored lights / 300' altitude. Silent. Hovers / road. Shoots  12/13/1975 #30709  
wer lines. Maneuver and play / low altitude.                                12/13/1975 #30710  
 / car. 15M football hovers / 800M altitude. Then up and away fast. / Flyin 1/1/1976 #30752  
ack. Chases boy / 10. Ovoid / 1.5M altitude. / r153p146.                    1/6/1976 #30763  
        TANNAY, SWITZ Saucer / low altitude. Pencil beams shine going down. 1/6/1976 #30765  
 FR "Silver coffee pot" stops / 1M altitude. 3 robots exit and circle.      1/9/1976 #30779  
(s). Luminous/glowing object / low altitude. Going up [to] slow. Left and r 1/15/1976 #30790  
wing-sphere/orb/globe hovers / 10M altitude. Going down / 1M and back going 1/15/1976 #30791  
(15 miles W. of), MT 5:30 p.m. 70' altitude, light bulb shape (UFO 55 NIDS) 1/17/1976 #30795  
ights in the sky at 750–1,000 feet altitude. They hover for a while, then m 1/23/1976 #30815  
winding road. Lights interior. 10M altitude.                                1/28/1976 #30828  
. Blunt cylinder/cigar-shape / 60m altitude and 3m saucer near ground. Beam 2/7/1976 #30849  
aph silent 12M domed saucer / 800' altitude. / r186#23+/ SKYLOOK#78.        2/8/1976 #30852  
ver(s). Silver white saucer < 300M altitude. Lit / behind. Whistles? Going  2/8/1976 #30853  
 flew over at less than 300 meters altitude, making a whistling noise. (Sou 2/8/1976 #30855  
e, Florida at less than 300 meters altitude, making a whistling noise.      2/8/1976 #30856  
d more/others. Saucer hovers / 15M altitude. Colored lights flash in dome / 2/10/1976 #30860  
e kilometer away and 300 meters in altitude. (Source: Mark Rodeghier, UFO R 2/13/1976 #30868  
e kilometer away and 300 meters in altitude. The two men tried a transistor 2/17/1976 #30877  
idly toward the eastern shore ..., altitude approximately 2000 feet heading 2/19/1976 #30883  
sky, which then dropped down to an altitude of only 75 feet. The radio in h 3/5/1976 #30927  
.m., which then dropped down to an altitude of only 75 feet. The object was 3/5/1976 #30929  
-object going [to] over road / low altitude. Red and green spots / light si 4/7/1976 #30987  
UFO cross the road at a fairly low altitude. It had red and white spotlight 4/7/1976 #30989  
UFO cross the road at a fairly low altitude. It had red and white spotlight 4/7/1976 #30990  
eter, and was flying at 3,000 feet altitude. It moved slowly at 5-10 mph, w 4/21/1976 #31005  
rhead at an estimated 300-400 feet altitude. She estimated the orb was 12-1 4/21/1976 #31006  
nbroek in Tervuren, Belgium, at an altitude of 100 meters. Suddenly four se 4/25/1976 #31024  
sheriff. Silent silver disk / high altitude. No contrail. No further detail 5/20/1976 #31065  
observer(s). 30M wheel turns / 30M altitude overhead. Colored lights. Going 6/4/1976 (approximate) #31084  
COURT, FR Flashing 2M object / low altitude over road. / r30p623.           6/14/1976 #31109  
range fireball follows plane. 750m altitude.                                6/26/1976 #31141  
object hovers / 2500'. Drops / 10' altitude / 3 minute(s). Shoots going up  7/3/1976 #31146  
 light nears. Stops 20M away / 18M altitude. Whistles and spins and going [ 7/11/1976 #31155  
r with beams searching woods / low altitude. Air warms. "Whoosh!".          7/12/1976 #31159  
search through some woods at a low altitude. The air felt warm and they hea 7/12/1976 #31161  
lding. The object circled at a low altitude for about 10 minutes, then flew 7/16/1976 #31166  
INTES, FR Ovoid hovers still / 20M altitude. Suddenly shoots quickly going  7/17/1976 #31167  
elta/triangle/box-like craft / 15M altitude. Going down / angle. / r30p611. 7/19/1976 #31173  
 object with bright windows / 35k' altitude. / Richard Hall.                7/22/1976 #31176  
 ammo storage area at 100–200 yds. altitude. At 0345, an Army Police Sgt. s 7/30/1976 #31195  
 the ammunition storage area at an altitude of 300–600 feet. In another spo 7/30/1976 #31202  
ns south going quickly north / 3km altitude. Gushes white mist / tailpipe.  8/1976 (approximate) #31211  
ll moon and is moving slowly at an altitude of perhaps 120 feet. The object 8/1976 #31217  
E-SUR-MER, FR 5M domed saucer / 6M altitude. Lights out and back on gradual 8/2/1976 #31220  
:30 a.m. A domed UFO is seen at an altitude of 15–18 feet at St.-Pierre-sur 8/2/1976 #31221  
encountered hovering at six meters altitude. The lights went out immediatel 8/2/1976 #31223  
UNISIA Tunis air pilot. UFO / 350M altitude north going south. RADAR traces 8/3/1976 #31224  
EA, SP 2 teens. Night light / high altitude circles and enters "mothership" 8/11/1976 #31255  
pain saw a nocturnal light at high altitude circle and enter a "mothership" 8/11/1976 #31257  
hat he has lost the same amount of altitude. The pilot climbs back to his c 8/13/1976 #31261  
he pilot climbs back to his cruise altitude and calls on the radio to fligh 8/13/1976 #31261  
haped craft appear at a very close altitude of approximately 1000 yards ove 8/18/1976 #31278  
minous lens saucer descends to 20M altitude. Shoots behind house 1500M away 8/21/1976 #31285  
er/cigar-shape drops going [to] 4M altitude. Rises / 100M altitude and hums 8/21/1976 #31286  
ing [to] 4M altitude. Rises / 100M altitude and hums 3 minute(s). Garlic od 8/21/1976 #31286  
here/orb/globe with antennas / low altitude. Local (as a local wave) wave.  8/21/1976 #31288  
 south. It is only 200–250 feet in altitude and has two rings around it tow 9/1/1976 #31324  
). Silver domed saucer spins / 2km altitude. Spews mist. East going quickly 9/9/1976 #31361  
domed disc was seen spinning at an altitude of two kilometers over Yichun,  9/9/1976 #31364  
s car / 1.5km! Flying sphere / 20M altitude by.                             9/18/1976 #31391  
/cylindrical object hovers / 1000' altitude. Going south. / r26.            9/18/1976 #31392  
ights and changing positions at an altitude of 6,000 feet. Around 12:30 a.m 9/18/1976 #31395  
 with three lights) appears at low altitude in front of his plane. Gen. You 9/18/1976 #31395  
T / MARRAKECH, MAROC Saucers / 1km altitude. Most southwest going northeast 9/19/1976 #31400  
west (parallel to the coast) at an altitude of 3,200 feet in multiple locat 9/19/1976 #31409  
nd Lisbon, Portugal at 35,000 feet altitude encountered an intense bluish l 9/19/1976 #31412  
a Boeing 707 airliner at 4000 feet altitude and at a speed of 240 km/hour w 9/19/1976 #31413  
cabin' hovers / 7 minute(s) / 100M altitude. Pseudo-human/entity move insid 9/20/1976 #31415  
essly at 40 mph and about 600 feet altitude. Binoculars reveal a blinking r 9/24/1976 #31422  
, then drifted to the east gaining altitude; they then hovered again, and f 9/25/1976 #31429  
rd(s) Po River. Low and slow / 20M altitude.                                10/1976 #31437  
ircles / 25 minute(s). Spins. High altitude.                                10/13/1976 #31462  
 feet in diameter, at an estimated altitude of 1500 meters from the ground. 10/17/1976 #31475  
 FR 4 observer(s). 6M saucer / 20M altitude. 2 beams going down. 2 porthole 10/19/1976 #31480  
 south at an estimated 1500 meters altitude. Two rows of square windows wer 10/21/1976 #31484  
FR 15M cylinder/cigar-shape / 100M altitude. 2 figure(s) / rectangular wind 10/24/1976 #31491  
vering in the air about 100 meters altitude. After he had passed it by it b 10/24/1976 #31493  
e cylinder when it was at higher a altitude.                                10/28/1976 #31502  
s saucer. Going quickly ESE / 600M altitude / 3600MPH. 15KW light power. /  11/5/1976 #31525  
 2M saucer spirals going down / 1M altitude / green mist 3M away. Cop follo 11/25/1976 #31573  
rsonic speed of Mach 5 to 8, at an altitude of 6.5 miles.                   12/14/1976 #31603  
lowly westward at about 1,000 feet altitude.                                12/16/1976 #31608  
. Goes going south overhead / 250' altitude. Turns going west. Sky clear.   12/18/1976 #31610  
lew behind a house at only 30 feet altitude. It then shot away toward the w 12/19/1976 #31624  
s object going quickly north / low altitude. Flashes. Power outage. Same /  12/20/1976 #31626  
ilent 15M grey saucer hovers / 25M altitude / 20 minute(s) 100M away. Shoot 1/5/1977 #31697  
ject hovered silently at 25 meters altitude near Eriswell, Suffolk, England 1/5/1977 #31703  
ct beams strong white light / 900M altitude.                                1/8/1977 #31710  
and hovers briefly at about 6 feet altitude, lowers its “pole,” and appears 1/21/1977 #31742  
 car. Domed saucer with legs / low altitude. Spins. Tilts and plays / trees 1/22/1977 #31745  
c-shaped object with legs at a low altitude for 10 minutes. It reportedly w 1/22/1977 #31746  
diamond going quickly north / 150M altitude. 2 beams / front.               1/25/1977 #31749  
100' and domed object hovers / 80' altitude. Dogs bark. Going south. "Vanis 1/26/1977 #31751  
eter domed disc hovered at 80 feet altitude over a snowy field at 10:30 p.m 1/26/1977 #31753  
m. 70cm saucer spins / trees / low altitude. Going quickly south. Returns.  2/1/1977 #31774  
ss beneath them and climb to their altitude at 2,000 feet and 300–500 feet  2/1/1977 #31775  
pe changes shape and color(s). Low altitude.                                2/7/1977 #31794  
cylinder/cylindrical object / 650M altitude stops. Going quickly west over  2/24/1977 #31843  
x-like craft with lit corners. 60' altitude 120' off. Hovers and spins and  3/4/1977 #31856  
ilently in the sky at an estimated altitude of 500 feet. Forty-five minutes 3/4/1977 #31859  
 quickly northwest over road. 150M altitude 200M away.                      3/12/1977 #31898  
ght white light at about their own altitude.” It is perfectly round and alm 3/12/1977 #31901  
rliner flying at more than 6 miles altitude about 87 miles from the city de Mid 3/1977 #31908  
 lights going quickly north / 900M altitude. Blue contrails. / r26p77.      3/22/1977 #31925  
d the disc rose, lit up, and at an altitude of about 65 feet resumed its er 4/6/1977 #31953  
rver(s). Silent 5M top spins / 10M altitude. Extremely bright beam going [t 4/7/1977 #31955  
s / beach. Going [to] to sea / low altitude. Then shoots going up. / MJ#126 4/18/1977 #31991  
 them at a 45° above them at their altitude of 39,000 feet. Radar Approach  4/23/1977 #32017  
-like craft crosses highway / 100M altitude. Very close. Slow and absolute( 4/30/1977 (approximate) #32038  
 BRAZIL Ovoid going [to] over / 3M altitude. Lands. 3 small humanoids (or G 5/1977 #32040  
. It appeared to be hovering at an altitude higher than that of an ordinary 5/9/1977 #32079  
ent disk going quickly east / high altitude. Suddenly turns going quickly n 5/16/1977 #32097  
Large circular object hovers / 35M altitude. Orange-glow top and twirling l 5/20/1977 #32113  
observer. Silent silver ball / 10M altitude 400M away. Going northwest over 5/30/1977 #32141  
m his car. Studies indicate 1 mile altitude. 36' size.                      6/5/1977 #32146  
ox-like craft passes overhead. 45m altitude / 55kph. Going quickly west. Se 7/1977 #32212  
 disk going [to] over motel / 300M altitude. Lights / rim. Rotates.         7/1977 #32216  
        AVIANO, ITL 40M disk / low altitude. Hums. Colored lights. Power ou 7/1/1977 #32223  
rge bright light hovering at a low altitude above a soybean field about 600 7/1/1977 #32227  
 Red 25cm ball hovers / field / 5M altitude. Shoots away!                   7/10/1977 #32255  
3M luminous sphere going down / 3M altitude 12M away! Shoots beam going dow 8/1/1977 #32343  
RTUGAL 30M red saucer hovers / 30M altitude. Takes off fast. No further det 8/5/1977 #32361  
shaped object hovered at 30 meters altitude for about a minute on this nigh 8/5/1977 #32363  
ash! Luminous 5M ovoid hovers / 2M altitude / field. = "condensed cloud".   8/13/1977 #32393  
ll silent! 45M metallic disk / 20M altitude / mountains. Bolted sections. G 8/13/1977 #32395  
TL Blazing 1.5M disk-light / X-low altitude. Observer(s) feels extreme sere 8/13/1977 #32397  
l observer(s). Luminous ball / low altitude. Cows panic. Yellow dust / rese 8/16/1977 #32404  
ued a teenage driver at a very low altitude as he drove along a winding mou 8/16/1977 #32407  
stimates it was 600 feet away, its altitude at about 500 feet above the roa 8/17/1977 #32409  
ounded 8M Pentagon going down / 1M altitude. Grey gel and traces.           8/22/1977 #32417  
 passes / 300mph. Going down / low altitude and follows contours.           8/24/1977 #32419  
lows railroad/railway train / 10cm altitude for 10 minutes. Type unknown.   8/27/1977 #32427  
ar). It flies slowly at 1,500 feet altitude, hovering occasionally. All wit 8/28/1977 #32432  
e, silent object at about 300 feet altitude. On impulse, she waves at the o Early Autumn 1977 #32456  
ight orange 2M saucer stops / 100M altitude 1km away. Going down. Going up  9/19/1977 #32496  
s length, at no more than 300 feet altitude. (Good, Above Top Secret, 115 4 Fall 1977 #32514  
a silent object flying at 300 feet altitude while waiting for a bus. On an  Fall 1977 #32515  
ng on its axis at about 9,000 feet altitude.                                9/27/1977 #32529  
ere maneuvers / 75 minute(s) / 60M altitude. No effects.                    9/30/1977 #32532  
0' blob with knob-arms hums / 500' altitude. Going west.                    10/1/1977 #32541  
ct approaching from the west at an altitude of 500 feet. As it approaches,  10/1/1977 #32542  
h, and 1/2 a mile away at 500 feet altitude. It made a humming noise, and m 10/1/1977 #32543  
saucer spins counterclockwise / 6M altitude. Going up [to] and going quickl 10/3/1977 #32548  
s / Spring. 5 small portholes. Low altitude.                                10/9/1977 #32562  
uthwest at an estimated 1,000 feet altitude. Finally, the object moves towa 10/17/1977 #32584  
[to] levels off. Nears train / 15' altitude. Turns / 9 RPM.                 10/21/1977 (approximate) #32596  
pinning over a beach at 100 meters altitude and a distance of 1500 meters.  10/22/1977 #32601  
r. Distinct saucer maneuvers / low altitude. Going quickly northwest. Near  10/24/1977 #32604  
 5 witnesses observed UFO, unknown altitude, range, 1,000', 5-mins. (Haines 10/27/1977 #32622  
ormed officer observed a UFO at an altitude of only 500-700 feet above the  10/30/1977 #32637  
t disk going up / sea. Hovers / 5M altitude. Beam searches going down.      11/1977 (approximate) #32645  
peels away from Cessna plane / low altitude. Quickly going up. Photos.      11/12/1977 #32665  
fects). Cylinder/cigar-shape / 50M altitude. Silent orange ball exits going 11/15/1977 #32674  
p" when his plane was at 60 meters altitude, and the UFO was at only 30 met 11/23/1977 #32694  
. Stops / trees. Goes away / lower altitude.                                12/1977 (approximate) #32713  
 and 500 meters. It hovered at the altitude of four to five kilometers. The 12/1977 #32718  
 top saucer passes / 100M away. 1M altitude. Traces.                        12/6/1977 #32735  
oid hovers upright 20M away / 50cm altitude. Paces car..                    12/10/1977 #32755  
ver(s) stop and watch saucer / low altitude. Both cars electro-magnetic eff 12/17/1977 #32783  
een glow. 12' ovoid 75' away / low altitude. Rises going up [to] slow and a 12/21/1977 (approximate) #32799  
rea lit. 1M light-disk stops / 25M altitude. Going [to] toward(s) town and  12/21/1977 #32800  
oot-long ovoid UFO moving at a low altitude, at an estimated distance of on 12/21/1977 #32801  
oot-long ovoid UFO moving at a low altitude, at an estimated distance of on 12/21/1977 #32803  
ect flew over Reaves Park at a low altitude. It was silent and had three li 12/28/1977 #32817  
ed to be flying at only 100 meters altitude. If moved away to the south, aw 12/28/1977 #32817  
gars connected / short struts. Low altitude.                                1/2/1978 #32845  
ge silver saucer / snowstorm. 300' altitude. Radio Frequency Interference ( 1/17/1978 #32886  
veral observer(s). Fireball / 200M altitude. Too bright to watch steadily.  1/21/1978 #32903  
il from north to south at 900 feet altitude. It traveled at a medium speed  1/23/1978 #32908  
ral observer(s). 2 cylinders / low altitude. 1 horizontal and 1 vertical. 1 1/25/1978 #32914  
ject searches ground / beams. 120' altitude. Going south slow.              1/29/1978 #32923  
 strong beams circles paddock / 3M altitude 2X.                             1/31/1978 #32925  
use and circled the paddock at low altitude. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 1/31/1978 #32927  
. It swerves about 500–600 feet in altitude and a mile distant, and they ca 2/1/1978 #32940  
LACOOM, WA 50' saucer drones / low altitude. Ringed / lit portholes. Red li 2/19/1978 #32979  
le/box-like craft going east / low altitude. 35mph. Light humming. 2 floodl 2/22/1978 #32988  
e freeway at about 30–40 mph at an altitude of 2,000–3,000 feet. He notices 2/22/1978 #32990  
 rumble. Huge triangle glows / 3K' altitude. Slow. Turns going south to sea 2/25/1978 (approximate) #33000  
. The UFO hovered at just 200 feet altitude, and had colored lights. It sho 3/1/1978 #33007  
 craft. Ovoids zigzag. Cones / low altitude. Lights.                        3/6/1978 #33017  
al observer(s). Round object / low altitude glows blue and red. Hums. Beeps 3/10/1978 #33024  
beeps and flew in circles at a low altitude (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 3/10/1978 #33026  
beeps and flew in circles at a low altitude. It finally flew off at high sp 3/10/1978 #33027  
ound orange object maneuvers / 1km altitude. Going [to] away and back. Land 3/11/1978 #33029  
hts / sides. Going up [to] to 100M altitude.                                3/12/1978 #33035  
 / 16. Lampshade saucer stops / 2M altitude 25M away. Odor. Wind stops! Goi 3/17/1978 (approximate) #33045  
rtheast going southwest slow. 300m altitude. Big red lights. / r98#50.      3/22/1978 #33063  
e. Long red triangle hovers / 200' altitude. Loud drone. Harrier?           3/27/1978 #33085  
ULLOCH, CA 3 fishermen. UFO / 50K' altitude. 900mph. No description / type  3/29/1978 #33091  
vered / lights crosses field / low altitude. Buzzes car.                    3/30/1978 #33099  
ed a field and buzzed a car at low altitude in Pompey Center, New York afte 3/30/1978 #33102  
ave. Fireballs. Silent diamond 50' altitude. Power outage. / CUFOS.         4/6/1978 #33126  
500 meters from the witness and an altitude of 50 meters.                   4/8/1978 #33132  
 object floats away sideways / 20' altitude.                                4/10/1978 #33136  
sture. It flew sideways at 20 feet altitude.                                4/10/1978 #33138  
delta/triangle/box-like craft / 5M altitude. Beam sweep ground as if guided 4/12/1978 #33143  
(s). Huge "airliner" hovers / 100' altitude. Extends legs. Buzzes. Shoots g 4/13/1978 #33144  
per hour from north to south at an altitude of about 2,000 feet. A similar  Mid 4/1978 #33149  
r(s). Red sphere going down / 2-3M altitude. Vanishes. Reappears. Back / 13 4/18/1978 #33151  
Luminous ball follows highway / 4M altitude. Changes color(s).              4/24/1978 #33163  
 stationary lights at an estimated altitude of 1,600 feet to the west-north 5/14/1978 #33210  
rn. It flew at only 50 to 100 feet altitude as confirmed by radar, and had  5/14/1978 #33211  
d 1. Large sphere going west / low altitude over river. Lights area. Power  5/16/1978 #33221  
hts flew above Amapa, Brazil at an altitude above 35,000 feet. The lights f 6/7/1978 #33258  
ip, hovers for a few seconds at an altitude of 60 feet, flies higher, zigza 6/15/1978 #33280  
            GUJAN, FR Ovoid / 250M altitude. So bright / street lights go o 6/19/1978 #33289  
te flames flying toward them at an altitude of 11,000 feet. Jean-Marc is un 6/19/1978 #33291  
 50M saucer going northeast / 300M altitude / 2 hours. Double band / red li 6/20/1978 #33294  
here going [to] in / extremely low altitude. Observer(s) flees when sphere/ 6/24/1978 #33301  
APOLI, IT Domed saucer stops / 30M altitude. Slow spin. Beams. Going northw 7/2/1978 #33323  
a Cessna at 120 mph and 3,500 feet altitude near Santa Paula, California. I 7/4/1978 #33333  
ntina. It moved away at a very low altitude.                                7/9/1978 #33361  
Resolve to cone-hat shapes. Change altitude.                                7/14/1978 #33381  
ish. Dark 35M saucer hums very low altitude. Antennas. Rotates. / Flying Sa 7/22/1978 #33409  
ver. Perfect helicopter / very low altitude. Absolute(ly) silent! No helico 7/24/1978 #33413  
hts in the rear, and flew at a low altitude. No helicopters were known to b 7/24/1978 #33414  
ilver cylinder at about 6,000 feet altitude. It stays stationary for 30 min 7/28/1978 #33434  
cigar-shape going [to] over / 150M altitude. 8 small lights.                8/1978 #33457  
NCELLO, ITL Saucer going down / 3M altitude. Burnt grass and dark jellied c 8/2/1978 #33465  
t off the road to their left to an altitude of 30 feet. They are attached t 8/5/1978 #33476  
 the object at about 2,800 feet in altitude and looking like two white stro 8/8/1978 #33490  
s around its rim. It flew at a low altitude, and hovered for 10 minutes. (N 8/10/1978 #33494  
s around its rim. It flew at a low altitude, and hovered for 10 minutes.    8/10/1978 #33497  
rips. Domed saucer 120' away / 45' altitude. Antenna. Going quickly southwe 8/18/1978 #33525  
elage going south steadily / 2000' altitude. 2X moon-size.                  8/20/1978 #33530  
 course and speed, at an estimated altitude of 2000 feet. It was twice the  8/20/1978 #33534  
cycle. Colored 6M sphere / rooftop altitude. Fires 2 separate beams. No fur 8/22/1978 #33543  
ight reflective object at the same altitude (2,500 feet) directly ahead abo 8/27/1978 #33578  
g him from low in the north. At an altitude of 2,000 feet, it appears small 8/27/1978 #33579  
floor wakened / buzz. Saucer / 30M altitude. Transparent dome. Going [to] a 8/28/1978 #33581  
saw a domed disc at only 30 meters altitude. It had a transparent dome. Aft 8/28/1978 #33586  
uple minutes it flew away, gaining altitude.                                8/28/1978 #33586  
ith reddish flashes moved at a low altitude in the proximity of the local o 8/29/1978 #33589  
ith reddish flashes moved at a low altitude in the proximity of the local o 8/29/1978 #33592  
heir estimated speed was 6000 kph, altitude 30,000-40,000 meters, and they  8/29/1978 #33592  
ny observer(s) and Army. UFO / low altitude shoots away when gun aimed.     8/30/1978 #33595  
/airliner pilot. UFO hovers / 10K' altitude. Beams brilliant light. / MJ#22 8/30/1978 #33596  
e-saucer going [to] overhead / low altitude. Truck OK after. / Internationa 8/30/1978 #33598  
thwest to northwest at 12,000 feet altitude, 400 km/h, with a curving traje 9/9/1978 #33650  
uthwest to northeast at 9,000 feet altitude, emitting blue light rays; when 9/9/1978 #33650  
he west at medium speed, 4000 feet altitude; it emitted two very strong fla 9/9/1978 #33650  
 descended from 15,000 feet to the altitude of his Beech Bonanza airplane ( 9/10/1978 #33660  
 exits small sphere! Objects / low altitude.                                9/14/1978 #33675  
sea. Quickly going up [to] to 800M altitude. Away very fast.                9/16/1978 #33691  
ongue of flame. When it reaches an altitude of 33 feet, it turns on edge an 9/18/1978 #33708  
 sideways south going north / 150' altitude. Stops. Going northeast.        9/23/1978 #33731  
2 observer(s). Disk whistles / 25M altitude. Maneuvers. Going up [to] and w 9/25/1978 (approximate) #33745  
ake a whistling sound at 25 meters altitude. It maneuvered, made a descent  9/25/1978 #33748  
merang / night lights hovers / 70' altitude. 20mph. White beams going down. 9/27/1978 #33755  
holes going north over field / 40M altitude.                                10/7/1978 #33802  
t start the car again. Above at an altitude of 50 feet, she sees a silver o 10/7/1978 #33805  
uge (1.5mi) distinct saucer / 25K' altitude climbs going [to] east-northeas 10/8/1978 #33807  
 watch a huge black disc at a high altitude moving toward the Sierra Madre  10/8/1978 #33814  
ed north of Ord, Nebraska at a low altitude (75m) while making a loud buzzi 10/8/1978 #33818  
, NE Girl. MLT saucer hovers / 75m altitude. Beams 2 tentacled figure(s) go 10/9/1978 #33823  
ONT / DURANCE, FR Domed disk / 80M altitude going [to] toward(s) 2 / car. R 10/15/1978 #33835  
wo witnesses in a car at 80 meters altitude. It had a ring of red lights ar 10/15/1978 #33838  
. Shoots going quickly east / same altitude.                                10/20/1978 #33845  
object at an estimated 21,000-foot altitude. They watched it for two to thr 10/23/1978 #33861  
object at an estimated 21,000-foot altitude. They watched it for two to thr 10/23/1978 #33864  
ulars and more/others. Ovoid / 1km altitude. Large triangular fin / top. 20 10/26/1978 #33877  
k object going [to] over sea / low altitude. Large waves. / r39p120.        10/27/1978 #33884  
The UFO flew over them at very low altitude and then descended to hover a f 10/30/1978 #33894  
The UFO flew over them at very low altitude and then descended to hover a f 10/30/1978 #33898  
r(s). 40' octagon going down / 60' altitude. Passes overhead / 25mph. Blue  11/2/1978 #33911  
ci, and Dino Focaracci—see, at low altitude and for a few seconds, a red an 11/8/1978 #33928  
ight yellow triangle hovers / high altitude. Going quickly northeast. / r17 11/25/1978 #33998  
uminous colored globe hovers / low altitude by abandoned house. / r39#126.  12/1/1978 #34041  
ed object was seen flying at a low altitude over Leme. Several moving figur 12/3/1978 #34055  
ed object was seen flying at a low altitude over Leme, Brazil on this night 12/3/1978 #34056  
lowing 5M object follows man / 15M altitude. Big feet and antenna.          12/10/1978 #34083  
ilent silver triangular / very low altitude drives car off road. Going quic 12/10/1978 #34084  
y Islands saw three UFOs at a high altitude. They gave off white, yellow, b 12/10/1978 #34086  
L Large hemisphere paces car / 10M altitude. Turns going quickly northeast  12/13/1978 #34103  
I). 4M cone-saucer going down / 3M altitude. Row / lit portholes. 3 beams g 12/14/1978 #34112  
phere going [to] over houses / low altitude. No further details.            12/15/1978 #34133  
M luminous ovoid crosses road / 3M altitude.                                12/17/1978 #34163  
hroom-shaped UFO was seen at a low altitude, with a shaft of light reaching 12/17/1978 #34166  
d object crossed the sky at a high altitude flying from west to east over t 12/20/1978 #34184  
 south at an estimated 1000 meters altitude. They reportedly lit up the sky 12/21/1978 #34189  
 south at an estimated 1000 meters altitude in La Rioja, Argentina. They re 12/21/1978 #34194  
his car at an estimated 300 meters altitude at a distance of 500 meters.    12/23/1978 #34199  
GNA, ITL Noise. 3M odd shape / low altitude. 2 iron claws / end! Fires beam 12/25/1978 #34202  
oddly shaped UFO was seen at a low altitude over Cicagna, Liguria, Italy. I 12/25/1978 #34205  
oddly shaped UFO was seen at a low altitude over Cicagna, Liguria, Italy. I 12/25/1978 #34206  
). 2 moon-size objects hover / 1km altitude. Fast rise and going quickly we 12/29/1978 #34223  
oadside. Orange rim. Going up / 4M altitude and going [to] over car.        1/1/1979 #34270  
nbigh when he observed a UFO at an altitude of 100-150 feet. (NICAP: 02 - C 1/1/1979 #34274  
rate of speed. Witnesses guess the altitude as 2–3 miles, with differences  1/6/1979 #34311  
CE SULL'ARNO, ITL 40M saucer / 10M altitude. Antenna / dome. Tree bends. An 1/8/1979 #34314  
 cylinder/cylindrical object / low altitude by school. Intense light. Shoot 1/8/1979 #34315  
d a 15-foot long cylinder at a low altitude near a school. The UFO had an i 1/8/1979 #34321  
erence (RFI). Saucer going up / 1M altitude and going quickly [to] horizont 1/9/1979 #34322  
cer shaped craft rose to one meter altitude and moved away rapidly in a hor 1/9/1979 #34325  
range disks going northwest / 250M altitude / triangle formation. Vanish as 1/14/1979 #34340  
es-Maritimes, France at 250 meters altitude in a triangular formation. They 1/14/1979 #34342  
aria, Canary Islands, flying at an altitude of 14,400 feet. An Iberia airli 2/25/1979 #34447  
rently flying supersonically at an altitude of 3,300 feet.                  Late 2/1979 #34448  
quare top and window hovers / 200' altitude. Colored lights. Away fast. No  3/1/1979 #34454  
ud was 320 miles in diameter at an altitude of 40 miles. They again reject  3/5/1979 #34465  
, FINL Humming. Mini-bell UFO / 2M altitude. Going up and down / ground lev 3/16/1979 #34478  
. 33M banana-crescent object / 21M altitude 63M away! Photographs and polic 3/22/1979 #34484  
. UFO's shoot colored beams / 200' altitude. Going [to] to sea. / r60#119.  4/23/1979 #34522  
s. Brilliant jelly-disk stops / 5M altitude / field. Going quickly [to] ext 5/14/1979 #34557  
uickly south / 15 second(s). 2000M altitude estimated. / Corse Matin / 15 M 5/14/1979 #34558  
 flat rounded hexagon hovers / 25M altitude 250M away. Heat. Quickly going  6/1979 #34598  
 road. It seems to be flying at an altitude of 1,000 feet, and disappears t 6/10/1979 #34605  
st. It appears to be at 8,000 feet altitude. It comes to a stop for 30 seco 6/19/1979 #34622  
 light follows hilly terrain / 30M altitude.                                7/24/1979 #34670  
car. Dark pyramid going east / low altitude stops dead. Flashes going down. 7/28/1979 #34685  
ctly over his car, at 600–800 feet altitude. It stops above some treetops,  8/1/1979 #34696  
A 1+1+many. 80' globe hovers / 8K' altitude. Small lights / under. Going qu 8/3/1979 #34706  
tly above them at 1,000–1,500 feet altitude, making a noise like a jet or t 8/11/1979 #34731  
bubble-top tumbles and turns / 2K' altitude. Going quickly west over hills. 8/16/1979 #34746  
ce, Kentucky, at 2,000– 3,000 feet altitude. It tumbles in flight, turning  8/16/1979 #34748  
turning at an estimated 2,000 feet altitude at 4:30 p.m. If flew around for 8/16/1979 #34749  
    CEPARANO, ITL Disk hovers / 6M altitude 30M away. Transparent dome and  8/21/1979 #34764  
th going quickly southwest / 1500M altitude. Jet / gas / rear. Glow.        8/21/1979 #34766  
DU VAR, FR Domed disk hovers / low altitude. Arcs up sideways / top-side sh 8/26/1979 #34779  
 observer(s). 2M black ovoid / 15M altitude going down / 3M over field. Goi 9/5/1979 #34837  
 Silent 10' octagonal saucer / 50' altitude south going quickly north overh 9/8/1979 #34844  
uth going quickly northeast / high altitude. / r237p67.                     9/9/1979 #34846  
ops / 5 second(s) / 90' away / 15m altitude. Turns going quickly northwest. 9/9/1979 (approximate) #34847  
. Luminous/glowing ellipse / 1500M altitude. Rays. North going quickly sout 9/9/1979 #34849  
t moved south to northeast at high altitude.                                9/9/1979 #34856  
 / varied maneuvers offshore / low altitude. Red and white lights.          9/15/1979 #34886  
 glowing-ball going northeast / 7M altitude. Colored fan beam going down.   9/20/1979 #34906  
 observer(s). 2M ovoid stops / 20M altitude. Glows white going [to] yellow  9/21/1979 #34911  
f along the Hudson River at a high altitude.                                10/4/1979 #34940  
. Domed faceted saucer drops / 50' altitude. Oval door. Hovers / 5 minute(s 11/8/1979 #34985  
ble collision, the captain changes altitude. However, the lights mirror the 11/11/1979 #34997  
s. Domed saucer going north / 750' altitude. Makes 180° turn going south. S 11/15/1979 #34999  
neuvering in front of him at a low altitude. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 11/20/1979 #35009  
neuvering in front of him at a low altitude.                                11/20/1979 #35010  
own / 15 minute(s) 700M away / low altitude. No further details / news repo 11/26/1979 #35014  
e long cylinder/cigar-shape / 500' altitude. Going southeast. Balloon cover 11/30/1979 #35029  
us cigar-shaped object at 500 feet altitude for over two hours. The object  11/30/1979 #35032  
thin metallic 8M disk hovers / 15M altitude. Lights blink. Grating / bottom 12/3/1979 #35042  
l ovoid going [to] WNW slow / 150M altitude. Tilts and rotates. Beams.      12/3/1979 (approximate) #35043  
erver(s). Milky-white saucer / low altitude. Jumps up / slant and back. Abr 12/7/1979 #35057  
 cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / low altitude. Shoots into sky extremely fast 12/8/1979 #35059  
bserver(s). Star shoots over / low altitude. = metallic cylinder/cylindrica 12/11/1979 #35071  
lti-colored disk passes fast / low altitude. Spins? Leaves (something behin 12/12/1979 #35074  
borhood in Romans, France at a low altitude, spinning as it went. It left b 12/12/1979 #35075  
borhood in Romans, France at a low altitude, spinning as it went. It left b 12/12/1979 #35076  
ent going quickly southwest / 100M altitude.                                12/13/1979 #35078  
ct going north over freeway / 300' altitude.                                12/23/1979 #35091  
obbles and tilts. Going down / 1K' altitude. Stops and wobbles 6X going sou 12/27/1979 #35099  
ty. Red-orange object hovers / low altitude / 5 minute(s). Going quickly [t 1/1980 #35117  
 orange glow = hat saucer / 15-20M altitude. Going north silently. Separate 1/10/1980 #35127  
 car. Phony plane going down / low altitude. Hovers. Cross-shaped and silen 1/15/1980 (approximate) #35136  
' saucer paces car 2k' away / 180' altitude. Several turns.                 1/25/1980 #35145  
 several km. Follows terrain / 35M altitude.                                1/28/1980 #35146  
om hover stationary at 1000 meters altitude. It went behind a cloud for thr 1/29/1980 #35150  
f his truck and at about 30 meters altitude. He blacked out and remembered  2/11/1980 #35167  
f his truck and at about 30 meters altitude. He described the object as hav 2/11/1980 #35170  
 car. Silent 5M saucer-disk / 120M altitude stops. Going north / 45kph.     2/13/1980 #35176  
observer(s). Orange 5' ovoid / 30' altitude 150' away. Away quickly going u 2/18/1980 #35177  
 and down [to] several times / low altitude. Departure unseen.              2/20/1980 #35178  
29 going [to] east-northeast / low altitude.                                2/20/1980 (approximate) #35179  
l bright cylinder/cigar-shape / 6m altitude 15m away. Zigzags going up and  3/9/1980 #35206  
ent metallic trapezoid going / low altitude. 2 strong beams.                3/9/1980 #35208  
 straight and level over D913. 50M altitude.                                3/24/1980 #35236  
rical object / crossed beams / 25' altitude. Going quickly northeast. Dead  3/25/1980 #35240  
h-speed flight in formation at low altitude, visible against local terrain  4/20/1980 #35275  
h-speed flight in formation at low altitude, visible against local terrain  4/20/1980 #35277  
ying very fast in formation at low altitude. The objects are traveling abou 4/20/1980 #35278  
 forming at about 2,000–3,000 feet altitude. It remains stationary and they 4/20/1980 #35280  
 is a gray-black delta shape at an altitude of 500 feet. For some reason it 5/1980 #35296  
Brilliant blue saucer hovers / low altitude / 10 minute(s). Shoots going up 5/12/1980 #35324  
illiant blue disc hovered at a low altitude for ten minutes over Bulawayo.  5/12/1980 #35325  
illiant blue disc hovered at a low altitude for ten minutes over Bulawayo,  5/12/1980 #35326  
im in close formation, at 500 feet altitude. They suddenly took off at an i 5/14/1980 #35333  
r. Double-bullet / 45° angle / low altitude. 2 truncated beams going down.  5/15/1980 #35334  
blip going northeast 3km away. Low altitude. Absolute(ly) invisible!        5/26/1980 #35341  
metallic 100M saucer hovers / 200M altitude.                                6/11/1980 #35356  
n pass at his plane at 50,000 feet altitude. The glowing yellow object was  6/14/1980 #35366  
rashed into a building, but gained altitude and flew away. It was tracked o 6/14/1980 #35370  
ar. Saturn saucer going west / low altitude. Slight zigzag going up and dow 8/13/1980 #35456  
saucer. 5+independent observer(s). Altitude down to 5'. CE3 and more/others 8/21/1980 #35470  
zing saucer passes boat / very low altitude. Lights area. Vanishes.         9/1980 #35487  
server(s). Disk glows. Slow / 200M altitude. Brightens / sudden fast climb. 9/6/1980 #35499  
elta/triangle/box-like craft / 40m altitude hums. Going north slowly (i.e.  9/13/1980 #35519  
 1 / car. 50' saucer 10' tall / 8' altitude. Pungent odor. Low whistle. Goe 9/20/1980 #35523  
hite disk going [to] overhead 500M altitude. 3 portholes / bottom/underside 10/17/1980 #35574  
It is moving at about 25 mph at an altitude of 200–500 feet when it moves o 10/19/1980 #35576  
rth smokestack at 1,500–2,000 feet altitude and a very slow speed. It stops 10/23/1980 #35584  
reach nearly overhead, dropping in altitude all the while. It remains stati 11/2/1980 #35610  
hen moves to the south at a higher altitude.                                11/2/1980 #35610  
Cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / 100M altitude. Row / yellow windows. TV OK wh 11/3/1980 #35613  
r-shaped UFO hovered at 100 meters altitude, causing TV interference in Ore 11/3/1980 #35614  
. Most people provide an estimated altitude for the lights as 300–400 feet, 11/18/1980 #35654  
d RADAR BLIPs going south / 7-18km altitude. Night lights. / APRO v29#6.    12/4/1980 #35692  
elepathy? Large domed saucer / low altitude. Beam on and off. Turns and awa 12/6/1980 #35702  
t rectangular UFO maneuvers / 100m altitude. Lights flash / sides.          1/26/1981 #35801  
 UFO, which maneuvered at 300 feet altitude. It had flashing lights on its  1/26/1981 #35803  
ar. Luminous ovoid maneuvers / 30M altitude. Nears hotel. Shoots quickly go 2/3/1981 #35812  
oid object maneuvered at 30 meters altitude in Ross, Tasmania and paced a c 2/3/1981 #35813  
oid object maneuvered at 30 meters altitude in Ross, Tasmania and paced a c 2/3/1981 #35814  
indrical object like a flute / low altitude over town. Absolute(ly) silent. 2/19/1981 #35833  
ming, Yunan Province, China at low altitude on a clear day. town, silent, c 2/19/1981 #35836  
phere maneuvers around homes / 25M altitude. Beams / front. TV Radio Freque 3/1981 #35852  
t at an estimated 2,000-4,000 feet altitude. It climbed rapidly through the 4/12/1981 #35894  
ive B-52s and moving at 2,000 feet altitude at 200 mph. It appears to be al 4/16/1981 #35901  
Several RADAR's can't see it. 10K' altitude.                                6/9/1981 #35958  
es an object flying west at a high altitude, 20,000–30,000 feet. It begins  6/10/1981 #35961  
te observer(s). Yellow ovoid / low altitude. Drops night light and extends  6/15/1981 #35971  
t appears in the north at the same altitude and also emitting vapor or smok 7/15/1981 #36007  
s). Huge silent saucer / very high altitude leaves (something behind) spira 7/24/1981 #36027  
sia, China. It flew at a very high altitude and left a spiral trail. It mad 7/24/1981 #36031  
sia, China. It flew at a very high altitude and left a spiral trail. It mad 7/24/1981 #36032  
ght exits. Saucer going down / 50M altitude. Humming and whine and away.    7/28/1981 #36038  
ome, the object is moving at a low altitude above the house. It is bigger t 7/30/1981 #36041  
nt 'coffin' going southwest / 200M altitude. Lights and sweeping beam.      8/2/1981 #36053  
rs. Orange beams. Going down / 20M altitude 30M away. Power out.            8/5/1981 #36057  
e of light maneuvered at 20 meters altitude, only 30 meters away from three 8/5/1981 #36060  
REVELIN, ARG Silent 12M lemon / 2M altitude. Thin legs? Blinding 1M searchl 8/28/1981 #36087  
e, Argentina, hovering at 2 meters altitude. It had extended thin legs for  8/28/1981 #36088  
er RTE 402 toward(s) Michigan. Low altitude. No further details / news.     9/14/1981 #36115  
lta/triangle/box-like crafts / low altitude. Going [to] behind hills. Back  9/18/1981 #36125  
ses over their car at 50– 100 feet altitude near the Olsen Road interchange 9/18/1981 #36129  
h, and they flew at a low 100-foot altitude. They went behind some hills, a 9/18/1981 #36130  
2 observer(s). Square object / 90m altitude under clouds. Hovers. Going [to 9/25/1981 #36136  
 bell-saucer flashes / woods / low altitude. Observer(s) flee.              10/5/1981 #36156  
ht and level east going west. 350M altitude 2500M away. Rotates. Intense gl 10/8/1981 #36163  
na from east to west at 350 meters altitude. Its estimated distance was 250 10/8/1981 #36168  
 was observed flying at 180 meters altitude through the sky in Marcos Juare 10/31/1981 #36197  
p and 1 / car. 7M hemisphere / 35M altitude. Lights ground / beam. / Oeste  11/1/1981 #36202  
shaped object hovered at 35 meters altitude in St. Fiacre, Seine-Marne, Fra 11/1/1981 #36203  
rods / all directions retract. Low altitude. / LDLN#212.                    11/6/1981 #36207  
erver. Pear-shape 500M away / 100M altitude. Radiates heat. / IURv7#1.      11/12/1981 #36218  
ver and flash. 50-100mph. 2K-3700' altitude.                                12/4/1981 #36245  
us ball spins and going down / 20M altitude by church. Going [to] behind bu 12/19/1981 #36263  
ght fly over a church at 20 meters altitude and move off behind some buildi 12/19/1981 #36268  
ar, and it changes both course and altitude. Suddenly it disappears as thou 12/20/1981 #36271  
w at an estimated 800 to 1000 feet altitude, and shot away to the southwest 12/21/1981 #36274  
HAVSA, TURKEY Glowing ovoid / 500M altitude. Green and yellow beams and yel 1/10/1982 #36299  
like craft follows treeline / 100' altitude. Ummo Mark / underside!         2/1982 #36318  
 Saucer follows car / several 100' altitude. Radio static. No further detai 2/24/1982 #36362  
1 observer. 10' domed saucer / low altitude beams light / trees. Rises. Hov 2/25/1982 #36367  
/ red night lights going NNE / low altitude.                                3/8/1982 #36381  
wards the north-northeast at a low altitude. The UFO caused the house to sh 3/8/1982 #36385  
nt red sphere/orb/globe / very low altitude. Lights farm. Darts away and ba 3/14/1982 #36390  
 of light (BOL) flew at a very low altitude and illuminated a farm in Woods 3/14/1982 #36391  
ite silent 40' ovoid hovers / 180M altitude. Small square windows / edge.   3/20/1982 #36401  
ver a residential area at 200 feet altitude. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/21/1982 #36403  
aft to the south at about 500 feet altitude. Its lights are much brighter t 3/21/1982 #36404  
trings of running lights. It gains altitude before banking north over the h 3/21/1982 #36404  
ver a residential area at 200 feet altitude. It flew off to the south. It h 3/21/1982 #36405  
l directions. All over farms / low altitude.                                3/23/1982 #36409  
0' ovoid-boomerang paces car / 30' altitude. See reference drawing.         4/8/1982 #36440  
e UFO followed as close as 30 feet altitude, and the two girls feared captu 4/8/1982 #36441  
e UFO followed as close as 30 feet altitude, and the two girls feared captu 4/8/1982 #36443  
holes. It flew low at 400-500 feet altitude, and definitely entered the air 4/29/1982 #36456  
holes. It flew low at 400-500 feet altitude, and definitely entered the air 4/29/1982 #36457  
slowly to the east at an estimated altitude of 1000 feet, then reversed dir 5/5/1982 #36464  
. Bright metallic 80cm saucer / 1m altitude. Going up / 6m altitude. Sudden 5/14/1982 #36472  
aucer / 1m altitude. Going up / 6m altitude. Suddenly shoots going quickly  5/14/1982 #36472  
, AUSTR Night light paces car / 7M altitude. Hovers / car stops. Diamond ob 5/23/1982 #36483  
rists moving at a slow speed at an altitude of 4,900– 6,500 feet toward Mar 5/24/1982 #36486  
0' flattened bell passes car / low altitude. Buzzes house 4x. Jet noise.    5/27/1982 #36487  
an object with orange lights at an altitude of 160–200 feet. It has two lig 6/3/1982 #36491  
00 feet long flying at 41,000 feet altitude over Dinkelsbühl, Bavaria, Germ 6/12/1982 #36499  
e square object going east / 1500' altitude. Many lights flash. / r210v30#1 6/15/1982 #36500  
r. 2 large well-lit saucers / 300M altitude. Lights / rim. Going [to] fast  8/7/1982 #36563  
N, WA 1 / SR18. 100' saucer / 150' altitude going southwest. Near power sta 8/11/1982 #36569  
ng ovoid object flying at 150 feet altitude. The object paralleled the hill 8/11/1982 #36571  
G 50M round object going east / 7M altitude. Lights area. Big fire and 150k 8/13/1982 #36573  
 the vehicle, pacing it at 40 feet altitude. The bottom of the object had a 8/30/1982 #36586  
 following a Cessna aircraft at an altitude of 1,500 feet above Minneapolis 9/2/1982 #36593  
g. 150' cylinder/cigar-shape / low altitude. Red light. White beam searches 9/4/1982 #36594  
t made a deep humming sound at low altitude in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. It  9/4/1982 #36596  
s). Silent house-size object / 20' altitude rises over water tower. Ringed  9/14/1982 #36602  
north at about 50 mph and 300 feet altitude. It is cigar-shaped with a stea 10/18/1982 #36653  
. Going down / garden 1M away / 1M altitude! / r245p162+/ r226#28.          10/21/1982 #36656  
Just after reaching their cruising altitude of 2,300 feet, they encounter a 10/24/1982 #36663  
ORTGL 3 pilots. Metal saucer / low altitude. Circles plane. Going quickly s 11/2/1982 #36670  
litary aircraft darted up to their altitude, rapidly circled one of them, s 11/2/1982 #36672  
olored ovoid going south slow. 5km altitude. Balloon?                       11/12/1982 #36679  
white UFO with tinges of red at an altitude of 900–1000 ft. Two other offic 11/27/1982 #36691  
underside. It maintains a constant altitude of about 490 feet, moves at a g 12/31/1982 #36733  
 / car / home. Saucer hovers / 20M altitude 30M away. Vanishes! Odd hiss re 1/1983 #36740  
ree pulsating lights at 1,000 feet altitude. Carole Griffiths and her husba 1/19/1983 #36750  
rang with lights going south / 50' altitude. CB Radio Radio Frequency Inter 2/26/1983 #36769  
flying wing with 2 headlights. 50' altitude! Same / 20+29 March.            3/9/1983 #36775  
s) and cops. 200' boomerang / 160' altitude near homes. Beams going down. G 3/17/1983 #36785  
ing officers, a silvery disc at an altitude of 1,300 feet and 1–2 miles awa 3/23/1983 #36793  
cends from about 2,000 to 980 feet altitude and slows as it approaches. Hel 3/24/1983 #36807  
. 75' delta going [to] 40MPH / 50' altitude. Colored lights all over/all ab 3/26/1983 #36813  
 hovered over Gorki Airport at low altitude for 40 minutes. No jets were sc 3/27/1983 #36817  
. No wings. 40 minute(s). 125 MPH. Altitude = 3K'. RADAR's. / r192p5.       3/27/1983 (approximate) #36818  
arget flying at 110– 125 mph at an altitude of 1,310–1,970 feet. Flight Con 3/28/1983 #36821  
p and estimates it is flying at an altitude of 14.3 miles. The object is la 4/26/1983 #36845  
cigar-shape going northeast / 300M altitude. Seen / coast to Italy. Porthol 6/6/1983 #36878  
ark silent 300' disk hovers / 500' altitude. Lights / edge. Flash and going 7/12/1983 #36908  
diameter and less than 500 feet in altitude. The officer shines a spotlight 7/12/1983 #36909  
desert 2km off road. Going up / 5M altitude. Shoots off.                    7/15/1983 #36912  
tary radio towers. Headlights. Low altitude.                                7/22/1983 #36918  
path between 200 and 1,600 feet in altitude. The Australian Signal Intellig 7/22/1983 #36921  
nd more. Gold bullet hovers / 300M altitude. Hazy blue halo. Going quickly  7/29/1983 #36926  
e shiny dirigible going east / 8k' altitude. Silent. No fins / wings.       8/1/1983 #36927  
lack fast flying wing stops / 300' altitude. Turns going quickly northwest  8/2/1983 #36931  
 2 observer(s). Domed saucer / low altitude around mobile home and garage.  8/10/1983 #36942  
 a domed disc-shaped object at low altitude around their mobile home and ga 8/10/1983 #36943  
 a domed disc-shaped object at low altitude around their mobile home and ga 8/10/1983 #36944  
r. Domed saucer with windows / 50' altitude near home.                      8/14/1983 #36951  
t with windows hovering at 50 feet altitude near their home.                8/14/1983 #36952  
Silent night light lights area. 4' altitude. Gone. 13' burnt circle found l 8/26/1983 #36957  
ronomers. Blue ovoid stops / 200K' altitude. Small objects orbit. / MJ#190. 10/3/1983 #36991  
t passed over a house at 2000 feet altitude in Bedhampton, Hampshire, Engla 10/17/1983 #37010  
elta/triangle/box-like craft / 15' altitude. Repeatedly probes reservoir wi 10/28/1983 #37025  
he water and remaining at a steady altitude. Each time a car drives by, its 10/28/1983 #37026  
owly moving over the surface at an altitude of 1,640–3,280 feet for 90 minu 11/1983 #37037  
object / several sharp turns / low altitude. Going quickly [to] WNW.        11/1/1983 #37038  
s northwest going southeast / 300M altitude. Silent.                        12/2/1983 #37061  
ght lights going northwest / 1500M altitude. Spiral trail?                  12/2/1983 #37062  
ee a silvery disc flying at a high altitude.                                1/1984 #37101  
n. 14M cylinder/cigar-shape / 300M altitude over US395. Lights all over/all 1/9/1984 #37117  
 moved very slowly, and dropped in altitude to pace their car. (NICAP: 02 - 1/9/1984 #37121  
ject, which is moving slowly at an altitude of 200 feet. The driver pulls o 1/9/1984 #37124  
 moved very slowly, and dropped in altitude to pace their car. Its undersid 1/9/1984 #37125  
 which flew at great speed but low altitude across southern Russia and Ukra 1/13/1984 #37129  
a and Ukraine. The objects changed altitude and direction and were flying l 1/13/1984 #37129  
 EAST / TOLEDO, OH Airliner / 43K' altitude. DC9-size red blur going northe 1/22/1984 #37139  
light 729 westbound at 43,000 feet altitude 30 miles east of Toledo, Ohio.  1/22/1984 #37148  
for three minutes at only 150 feet altitude. Three helicopters were seen ci 1/22/1984 #37149  
7. 2 silent yellow orbs hover / 1M altitude. Shoot going up [to] and northw 1/25/1984 #37150  
Huge red glowing going down / 10K' altitude. = 200' and silver dome. Going  1/30/1984 #37164  
ate of speed. When at an estimated altitude of 10,000 feet and about five m 1/30/1984 #37165  
bles going quickly southeast / 50' altitude. TV Radio Frequency Interferenc 2/29/1984 #37206  
theast sky at an estimated 50 feet altitude. He also reported interference  2/29/1984 #37208  
theast sky at an estimated 50 feet altitude. He also reported interference  2/29/1984 #37209  
theast sky at an estimated 50 feet altitude. He also reported interference  2/29/1984 #37212  
ndrical object 2' from window / 7' altitude. Stays / 7 minute(s) and away.  3/11/1984 #37223  
 car. 3 12M boomerangs hover low / altitude. 1 going [to] overhead / treeto 3/21/1984 #37233  
rang-shaped objects hovered at low altitude over a highway in Claxton. One  3/21/1984 #37235  
oomerang-shaped UFO about 100 feet altitude that looks larger than a Boeing 3/21/1984 #37236  
rang-shaped objects hovered at low altitude over a highway in Claxton, Geor 3/21/1984 #37239  
t Nottingham, New Hampshire, at an altitude of 50 feet. It has two bright l 3/28/1984 #37246  
der/cigar-shape with windows / low altitude. Turns 360 degrees. Spokes west 4/10/1984 #37256  
tationary oval-shaped object at an altitude of 100 feet about 300 feet from 4/13/1984 #37260  
ts / edge. Vanishes 80' away / 20' altitude.                                4/17/1984? #37264  
e dome going [to] over house / 60m altitude. Loud humming. Lights / edge. J 4/19/1984 #37271  
 over their house at only 200 feet altitude. It made a loud humming noise a 4/19/1984 #37272  
object pass over their house at an altitude of only 200 feet. It has red li 4/19/1984 #37274  
 over their house at only 200 feet altitude. It made a loud humming noise a 4/19/1984 #37275  
nd 2 headlight beams. Hovers / 30M altitude. Quickly going up.              4/22/1984 #37280  
s all over/all about. 160kph / low altitude.                                4/26/1984 #37298  
ect with lights that flew at a low altitude and at a speed of 160 km/hour.  4/26/1984 #37305  
s). Loud pulsing sound. Ovoid 750' altitude. Dogs howl madly. / MJ#195.     5/5/1984 #37314  
ed UFO flying overhead at 200 feet altitude in Piedmont, South Carolina. Th 5/5/1984 #37319  
or about 5 seconds at only 20 feet altitude before it shoots across a field 5/6/1984 #37324  
sed directly over the team at high altitude and exhibited anamalistic motio 5/18/1984 #37332  
ts on and flying toward them at an altitude of 4,920 feet about 2 miles awa Mid 6/1984 #37364  
w V-shape passes radio tower / 40' altitude. Headlights. Hums.              6/21/1984 #37368  
irardeau, Missouri at an estimated altitude of 1,000 feet. (NICAP: 01 - Dis 7/5/1984 #37387  
souri at 9:38 p.m. at an estimated altitude of 1,000 feet. It winked out af 7/5/1984 #37388  
ape maneuvers back and forth / low altitude. Blows steam cover. Going south 7/15/1984 #37397  
t maneuvered back and forth at low altitude, then flew off to the south. Du 7/15/1984 #37400  
ectly above them at an approximate altitude of 100 feet. He observed that w 7/15/1984 #37401  
w. Luminous hemisphere at 45k-90k' altitude. No further details. / R. Haine 7/27/1984 #37419  
very slowly to the southeast at an altitude of 1,300–1,600 feet.            Late Summer 1984 #37434  
). 45' cylinder/cigar-shape / 800' altitude. Cop shines light going up. Cyl 10/15/1984 #37486  
anopy underneath, flew at 125 feet altitude and passed over Magnolia Bay an 11/26/1984 #37510  
anopy underneath, flew at 125 feet altitude and passed over Magnolia Bay an 11/26/1984 #37511  
 tracks a disc-shaped object at an altitude of 60,000 feet and apparently m 1985 #37541  
TOWN, PA 2 kids. 15' saucer / 200' altitude. Hums. 4' fireball exits and dr 1/2/1985 #37545  
een-glow saucer crosses road / low altitude. Plasma glows around object.    1/18/1985 #37549  
oad in Waldeslust, France at a low altitude. There was a plasma glow surrou 1/18/1985 #37550  
ation / 30 second(s). 600kph / 8km altitude est.                            3/1/1985 (approximate) #37562  
, CO Ranchers. Glowing-saucer 750M altitude. Hovers and sharp maneuvers. Fl 3/16/1985 #37570  
Orange sphere with legs / very low altitude. Going southeast. Burnt spot ve 4/20/1985 #37581  
, a similar object is seen at high altitude for 10 minutes, emitting beams  5/23/1985 #37592  
ses the path of the airliner at an altitude of 33,000 feet at a very high s 6/11/1985 #37598  
ss the path of the airliner at its altitude of 33,000 feet at a very high s 6/11/1985 #37599  
n a southerly course at 3,200 feet altitude near Söderhamn, Gävleborg, Swed 8/18/1985 #37647  
nder/cigar-shape. RADAR says 100K' altitude.                                9/5/1985 #37654  
r indicated it was at 100,000 feet altitude.                                9/5/1985 #37655  
ellite is destroyed in orbit at an altitude of 326 miles by an ASM-135 ASAT 9/13/1985 #37660  
 wind. Brilliant 60M saucer / 400M altitude. Birds scared / brilliant light 10/1985 (approximate) #37668  
loud" flashes pink and orange / 7M altitude.                                10/4/1985 #37672  
orizon / 1 minute(s). Silent. High altitude.                                10/18/1985 #37686  
Large orange sphere/orb/globe / 8m altitude. 1800hrs. 4 fireballs / treetop 10/25/1985 #37691  
der/cigar-shape crosses sky / high altitude / 2 minute(s). No further detai 10/26/1985 #37693  
d object crossed the sky at a high altitude at 6:30 p.m. The sighting had a 10/26/1985 #37695  
orsky Krai, Russia, notice a high- altitude object in the north looking a b 11/3/1985 #37699  
 object with colored lights at low altitude / 2 minute(s).                  11/14/1985 #37703  
ht lights and white 18M dome / 30M altitude. Seen / 10 minute(s). Radio Fre 11/18/1985 #37707  
        MADISON, WI 4M delta at 3M altitude. Maneuvers. Avoids car and powe 11/19/1985 #37708  
IELD, RI Many report(s). UFO / low altitude aims beams / cars / US1+pond St 11/25/1985 #37725  
r going [to] 10M away. Hovers / 6M altitude. Spins. Going up.               12/1985 #37728  
aw a silent nocturnal light at low altitude that hovered, turned, and made  1/5/1986 #37752  
SO, IN Silent 4m bowl-saucer / 30m altitude. Goes overhead. Seen / 12 secon 1/12/1986 #37764  
2+observer(s). 4 25' saucers / 1K' altitude. "Like rocking parachutes". Las 1/26/1986 #37770  
server. Fireball going down / high altitude. Stops. Circles area / 2 minute 1/29/1986 #37774  
at it is about 2,300–2,625 feet in altitude. When the object reaches Height 1/29/1986 #37775  
hat; others claim it oscillates at altitude above the hill, radiating light 1/29/1986 #37775  
t ovoid goes north and south / 60M altitude. Going southwest slow and gone. 2/4/1986 #37778  
op and 2 / bottom. Revolves / 900' altitude.                                2/28/1986 #37790  
hts entire stadium / less than 30M altitude. / news.                        3/12/1986 #37799  
arge hexagon goes overhead / 3500' altitude. Fast going quickly west. 90-tu 4/9/1986 #37820  
A 2 observer(s). 35' saucer / 200' altitude. Drifts toward(s) observer(s) t 4/23/1986 #37837  
they are moving at 300 knots at an altitude of under 1,000 feet.            4/25/1986 #37839  
 bright night lights circle / high altitude. 90 turns. Going up and down [t 4/26/1986 #37840  
y sphere maneuvers / valley at low altitude.                                5/2/1986 #37851  
 of Phoenix, AR, were flying at an altitude of 8500 ft. at 4 p.m. when a ve 5/11/1986 #37861  
saucer with lights passes car / 2m altitude. No effects. Shoots going up.   5/11/1986 #37863  
ridder, Louisiana at only six feet altitude. There were no electromagnetic  5/11/1986 #37867  
ng ball" follows plane 700km. 40K' altitude.                                5/20/1986 #37883  
es (something behind) trail / 450m altitude. Southeast going quickly northw 6/16/1986 #37913  
triangle going quickly south / 3km altitude. Square windows and contrail.   6/17/1986 #37914  
ireballs circle and maneuver / low altitude. 1 going quickly north. Others  7/14/1986 #37941  
void east going quickly west / 80' altitude. 300' away. Seen 6 second(s).   7/14/1986 #37942  
ver(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape / 6km altitude. 800kph. Nonreflective. No wing 7/16/1986 #37944  
y fast from west to east at a high altitude. It left a green trail in the s 7/19/1986 #37949  
. North going quickly south / high altitude.                                7/28/1986 #37954  
the city of Sofia, Bulgaria, at an altitude of 18.6 miles. It suddenly disa 8/1986 #37964  
). At times vibrant bright. 1 mile altitude. Going quickly NNW instantly.   8/1/1986 #37965  
 observer(s). Silent "plane" / low altitude drifts / sky. Night light flash 8/7/1986 #37973  
ng wing going [to] overhead / 120M altitude. Bright lights / front.         8/11/1986 #37977  
et long, flew overhead at 400 feet altitude at 4:30 a.m. It had bright ligh 8/11/1986 #37979  
cer north going quickly south. Low altitude. Evades airliner. Abduction / 3 8/13/1986 #37986  
 flew from north to south at a low altitude. Later, it flew above an airlin 8/13/1986 #37989  
ed / invisible object. Silent. 1K' altitude.                                8/17/1986 #37995  
peater. 18M ovoid beams light. 15m altitude. Lights / sides.                8/22/1986 #37998  
d object, beaming light at 50 feet altitude, at 10:45 p.m. There were light 8/22/1986 #37999  
 football flutters going down / 2' altitude. Shoots up and away.            9/8/1986 #38021  
observer. Diamond over town / 400' altitude. Silent. Large white light and  9/13/1986 #38026  
ing ovoid circles 300' away / 160' altitude. / CUFON.                       9/18/1986 #38029  
. 400' cylinder/cigar-shape / 800' altitude. No further details.            10/9/1986 #38042  
all objects right over town / 21K' altitude. Fast. Not on RADAR.            10/12/1986 #38045  
. The formation descended to a low altitude, and appeared to be about five  11/3/1986 #38059  
eighter, was cruising at 35000 ft. altitude and at 5:11 p.m. the pilots not 11/17/1986 #38068  
iles. The pilot changes course and altitude several times, with FAA permiss 11/17/1986 #38072  
d during the evening. A UFO at low altitude directed beams of light at cars 11/25/1986 #38078  
). Bright amber night light / 40K' altitude. Extremely fast. Impossible man 12/28/1986 #38088  
server(s). Silent 30' saucer / 50' altitude / 30 minute(s). Bright white li 2/6/1987 #38112  
owly and silently east at the same altitude.                                2/6/1987 #38113  
l about a quarter mile away at low altitude. As they watch, the top object  3/6/1987 #38130  
h estimates it is about 2,000 feet altitude. It picks up speed and streaks  3/6/1987 #38130  
FO blows smoke front to rear. 30K' altitude.                                3/17/1987 #38147  
cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / high altitude. Underground noises heard / sam 3/20/1987 #38149  
 miles away at approximately their altitude, and traveling on roughly the s 5/16/1987 #38175  
r. Big light / large end. Very low altitude.                                5/26/1987 #38178  
hts going [to] overhead / very low altitude.                                6/23/1987 #38199  
nding and begins to climb, gaining altitude. Eight smaller, bluish lights a 7/27/1987 #38219  
 to be about 400 meters away at an altitude of 800 feet. Its speed was slow 8/18/1987 #38247  
5-100 feet away and at 75-100 feet altitude. It had two rows of steady blue 9/14/1987 #38288  
several. Dumbell with lights / low altitude. Meets 22 night lights / V form 10/22/1987 #38308  
20cm red ball passes bicycle. 2-3M altitude. Turns down small path.         11/3/1987 (approximate) #38316  
me does the brightness or color or altitude of the lights change. Seemingly 11/23/1987 #38332  
ght. 33 unknown objects fly at low altitude over the coast of Primorsky Kra 11/28/1987 #38339  
 IN Phony 747 flies backwards. 60m altitude 60m away / observer(s). Slow. A 12/17/1987 #38366  
 NORTH YORKS V1-like torpedo / low altitude emits smoke and flame and debri 1/4/1988 #38397  
oves slowly to the southwest at an altitude of 60 feet. When it comes to a  1/5/1988 #38405  
LD, ENGL Massive dish hovers / 30m altitude / 20 minute(s). Lights electro- 2/8/1988 #38444  
elta/triangle/box-like craft / 20' altitude follows power lines going quick 2/10/1988 #38450  
ent metallic diamond hovers / 200M altitude. 3 strong beams. Windows.       2/10/1988 #38451  
t passes over cars and trees at an altitude of 50–100 feet. It emits a slig 2/10/1988 #38452  
gle east going west overhead / low altitude. White light / center and 3 / c 2/13/1988 #38461  
iangle/box-like craft hovers / 20' altitude. Small humanoids (or Greys) in  2/14/1988 #38464  
 triangle south going north / 900M altitude. 7 red lights / edges.          3/3/1988 #38481  
O's INVs. Large orange ovoid. 400' altitude. Pulsates. Going quickly north. 3/10/1988 #38494  
range ovoid UFO fly by at 400 feet altitude                                 3/10/1988 #38496  
ght white box-shape. Larger / 747. Altitude = 30K'. Instant 90 turn.        3/12/1988 #38500  
d 5 small vertical triangles / 90m altitude. Eerie gold glow.               4/1988 (approximate) #38523  
SWD 2 observer(s). Triangle / 350M altitude. Red lights / corners. Very str 4/8/1988 #38537  
A, DALNY Silent blue sphere / 600M altitude. Going quickly southwest. Secti 5/7/1988 #38556  
blue sphere was seen at 600 meters altitude over the city of Sakharnaya, in 5/7/1988 #38558  
going quickly north steadily / low altitude.                                6/29/1988 #38593  
Sphere passes 1/2 jet-speed. 4000M altitude. Intensely bright.              7/25/1988 #38608  
silver sphere/orb/globe / very low altitude. Blows white mist and flies. Cr 9/2/1988 #38628  
RE, RUSSIA Flat bright disk / 400M altitude curves between hills. Hovers. G 9/15/1988 #38639  
ical object going quickly [to] low altitude. White vapor trail.             9/24/1988 #38645  
er long fiery cylinder flew at low altitude over the tundra near Bruderovsk 9/24/1988 #38646  
MONOSOV, LENINGRAD 50M saucer / 5M altitude. 8+portholes. Point-lights exit 10/16/1988 #38675  
ing over his home at only 150 feet altitude. He watched it move across sky  10/24/1988 #38689  
 observer(s). Silent "plane" / low altitude and mushroom saucer. TV Radio F 11/6/1988 #38704  
00' boomerangs slow overhead / low altitude.                                12/2/1988 #38734  
dth, passed slowly overhead at low altitude. They were as big as Boeing 747 12/2/1988 #38735  
erver(s). 300' object hovers / low altitude. Faint humming. No explanation  12/10/1988 #38750  
0-foot long object hovering at low altitude, making a faint humming noise.  12/10/1988 #38752  
 stops and hovers 50' / home / 40' altitude. Bounces going up and down.     12/29/1988 #38765  
/ car. Silent 10M ovoid stops / 6M altitude. Wobbles. Going quickly west ag 1/1989? #38769  
bserver(s). Circular object / 100' altitude crosses road over car. / r96#30 1/12/1989 #38778  
and follow truck to Ohio. Very low altitude.                                1/17/1989 #38782  
Silent 10' disk hovers still / 90' altitude / 5 minute(s). No further detai 1/23/1989 #38793  
er(s). 100' triangle hovers / 200' altitude. House shakes and loud rumble h 1/25/1989 #38801  
t moved from south to north at low altitude at 9:35 p.m.                    1/29/1989 #38805  
 BENFLEET, ESSEX 300' "bus" / 900' altitude. 2 rows / windows. Moves slow a 1/30/1989 #38808  
 long "bus" in the sky at 900 feet altitude. It had two rows of windows, an 1/30/1989 #38810  
ino-Balkaria, it drifts down to an altitude of 150 feet then flies off.     2/13/1989 #38839  
going quickly [to] overhead / 300' altitude. Hums.                          2/23/1989 #38846  
rs. Going [to] overhead slow / 12m altitude. Low rumble.                    3/1/1989 #38856  
). 7 7' disks / V-formation / 500' altitude going quickly north. Silent. Re 4/9/1989 #38898  
oing [to] under 30' triangle / 30' altitude. 2nd nearby. Hover 15 minute(s) 4/13/1989 #38904  
bell UFO and 2 small saucers / low altitude. Busy area strangely empty..    4/15/1989 #38906  
3x size / airliner. Hovers / 1000' altitude. Absolute(ly) silent. No furthe 4/24/1989 #38923  
cylinder/cylindrical object / 600' altitude. Absolute(ly) silent. Beams red 5/1/1989 #38929  
enty to thirty feet long and at an altitude of 700 feet above them.         6/3/1989 #38975  
nka in Kyiv, Ukraine, flying at an altitude of 1,640–3,280 feet, first slow 6/30/1989 #38998  
clock position. It was at the same altitude as their plane--approximately 5 7/22/1989 #39030  
brown colored triangle hovers 100m altitude near nuclear plant.             8/1989 #39039  
craft / 1000' going down [to] 300' altitude. Going quickly [to] McGuire nuc 8/8/1989 #39043  
terclockwise. Hovers silent / 150' altitude. Shoots going southeast / sea.  8/10/1989 #39045  
nded to about an estimated 30 feet altitude before it disappeared. It made  8/10/1989 #39056  
der/cigar-shape / short wings. Low altitude. Tubes and pipes / underside. H 9/11/1989 #39095  
pheroid going quickly north / 600' altitude. Exits forest toward(s) hydro-s 9/27/1989 #39123  
e full moon passing overhead at an altitude of several kilometers. It proje 10/1989 #39138  
ith lights / underside going / low altitude 400M away. Going [to] behind tr 10/7/1989 #39148  
larger than a house. Its estimated altitude was 2000 feet and its distance  10/8/1989 #39151  
and dims 3 times in 3 seconds. 30M altitude 300m away.                      10/18/1989 (approximate) #39175  
s moving slowly and silently at an altitude of 200 feet.                    10/25/1989 #39185  
ly south parallel / ground at 200M altitude.                                10/26/1989 #39187  
ORW Large square box hovers / 100M altitude 150M away. Lights / edge. Going 11/22/1989 #39244  
oad going southwest / 30kph / 150M altitude.                                11/29/1989 #39255  
angle/box-like craft hovers / 250M altitude. 2 big lights. Black hole / rea 11/29/1989 #39257  
LGIUM Silent triangle hovers / 15M altitude. Beams going down. Going quickl 11/29/1989 #39261  
 observer(s). Large triangle / low altitude going northeast. Many turns. Do 11/29/1989 #39263  
ngs going northwest very slow. Low altitude. 1-2 lights / each wingtip.     11/29/1989 #39264  
tationary object at about 325 feet altitude and 1,600 feet away. He slows d 11/29/1989 #39275  
ing red central light. It is at an altitude of about 250 feet and about 300 11/29/1989 #39276  
elta/triangle/box-like craft / low altitude. Lights turn all directions. /  12/1/1989 #39290  
ow-moving craft approaching at low altitude. The object silently makes a to 12/1/1989 #39292  
w a UFO maneuver at about 600 feet altitude in Indianapolis, Indiana. It wa 12/1/1989 #39294  
ght traveling north to south at an altitude of 650–980 feet. Beneath the se 12/11/1989 #39313  
ellow cylinder/cigar-shape / 8000M altitude. Gone when pilot looks again.   12/24/1989 #39336  
e/box-like craft going east / 100M altitude. 50kph. Light humming. / Flying 12/24/1989 #39337  
Aero L-29 Delfin. He estimates its altitude at 4.6 miles. The sighting last 12/24/1989 #39338  
haped object flying at 8000 meters altitude. It vanished when the pilot att 12/24/1989 #39340  
bject on their right, moving at an altitude of 980–1,300 feet. Dark and mas Early 1/1990 #39361  
chase the objects, which are at an altitude of 4,800 feet. The case is inve 1/22/1990 #39387  
rver(s). Manta without body / 10k' altitude. No fuselage. Much bigger / 747 1/31/1990 #39399  
imated to be flying at 10,000 feet altitude and had blinking lights.        1/31/1990 #39400  
sk with black spot / center. 1500M altitude. Videos aired.                  2/17/1990 #39420  
2 kids and more. Saucer / very low altitude. Dome opens. Small humanoids (o 3/7/1990 #39450  
ute(s). Silent 90m triangle / 150m altitude. Hovers. Going [to] slow.       3/7/1990 #39451  
ike craft with arrowhead-nose. 35M altitude. Going northwest. Turns going n 3/16/1990 #39464  
 p.m., a UFO is seen at 6,500 feet altitude over Pereslavl-Zalessky, Yarosl 3/21/1990 #39475  
white lights and changes speed and altitude. It does not respond to a radio 3/21/1990 #39475  
behind the lights. The UFO changed altitude and direction at a range of 1,0 3/21/1990 #39476  
lars. 15M saucer going down / 1.5M altitude by electric substation. Goes go 3/23/1990 #39477  
t flies toward the northeast at an altitude of 150 feet.                    3/28/1990 #39490  
els, Belgium. Ferryn estimates its altitude is only 1,000 feet with a diame 3/31/1990 #39503  
 40' dull-red saucer wavers / 500' altitude. Speeds Est = 1000mph.          4/14/1990 #39523  
er/cylindrical object hovers / low altitude. Intense blue-red light.        4/18/1990 #39534  
cer glowing-white. Extra fast. Low altitude. Straight and level trajectory  5/1/1990 #39547  
mall white sphere/orb/globe / 180' altitude. 2 legs / bottom and row / wind 5/4/1990 #39554  
GIUM Dogs howl. Silent saucer / 1M altitude. Lights ground. 4 poles going u 5/4/1990 #39555  
d by a small white orb at 180 feet altitude. It had two legs on the bottom  5/4/1990 #39559  
und its rim is seen hovering at an altitude of 3,300 feet above Mary, Turkm 5/25/1990 #39592  
(s). Silent flying stingray / 200' altitude. 15 colored lights. Curves goin 5/29/1990 #39596  
iana at a slow steady pace and low altitude. Its multicolored lights were y 5/29/1990 #39598  
 thru) binoculars. 5M object / low altitude. Stops / 15 minute(s). Possible 6/12/1990 #39614  
ms Lake, British Columbia at a low altitude. The witness's arm became numb  6/23/1990 #39623  
llow. All going quickly NNW / 100M altitude.                                6/29/1990 #39629  
Small domed saucer maneuvers / low altitude over backyard. Oily trace / law 7/18/1990 #39647  
saucer / edge goes overhead / 400' altitude. 70mph / no wind. Silent. Vanis 8/1990 #39672  
 observer(s). Diamond object / low altitude. White and blue lights and red  8/3/1990 #39677  
UMBRIA Saucer shrouded / light 70' altitude seems to study man walking dog. 8/22/1990 #39695  
cle going southeast / 80mph / 350' altitude. Changes shape and back. Vanish 8/27/1990 #39705  
oing quickly south toward(s) Kola. Altitude = 15 mile(s). / Tass.           9/2/1990 #39714  
 the Arctic Ocean. It is at a high altitude, gives off no electronic signal 9/2/1990 #39716  
e-UFO dives / opening / woods. Low altitude. Seen on / off from bus 5-6 min 9/21/1990 #39741  
 southwest. 1 / 2 miles out. 1000' altitude.                                9/27/1990 #39745  
escent silver sphere hovers / 25km altitude. Vanishes.                      9/27/1990 #39746  
HECHEN-INGUSH, RUSSIA Blip / 4500M altitude. Jet finds 2 cigars 2000+400M l 10/8/1990 #39765  
night lights hover and dart / 10K' altitude. / MJ#274+/ r207p31.            10/10/1990 #39769  
ntal beams. Going west slow at 15M altitude.                                10/11/1990 #39774  
lta/triangle/box-like craft / 150m altitude flies overhead flat-end forward 10/11/1990 #39776  
ck bow-tie shape going down / 150m altitude. Slow and silent. Suddenly goin 10/18/1990 #39794  
 directions. Slow and silent / low altitude.                                10/21/1990 #39801  
 the object is taking off at a low altitude about 1,640 feet away. The obje 10/23/1990 #39807  
ange sphere/orb/globe hovers / low altitude. Beams angle going up. Vanishes 11/5/1990 #39830  
elta/triangle/box-like craft / low altitude. Going quickly northeast. Turns 11/5/1990 #39838  
ilent flat triangle / 80kph / 100M altitude flies sideways.                 11/5/1990 #39841  
 Slow silent 1000M and ovoid / low altitude. Lights trees / beam. East-nort 11/5/1990 #39853  
ghts going quickly northeast / low altitude. Absolute(ly) silent.           11/5/1990 #39859  
s). 250M boomerang and ovoid / low altitude. Photographs. Ovoid circles bac 11/5/1990 #39860  
 It is about 2,600 feet away at an altitude of 985 feet, moving downward. A 11/5/1990 #39868  
elta-shaped object flying at a low altitude. It shone several beams of ligh 11/5/1990 #39872  
ize white night light hovers / low altitude. Small lights / edge.           11/6/1990 #39875  
over city. Light beams / edge. 9k' altitude? Many observer(s) and cops etc. 11/7/1990 #39880  
lot. Black umbrella-saucer / 5000M altitude follows plane. Turns up and awa 11/12/1990 #39885  
er. Red-orange glowing blimp / 1km altitude. Turns yellow going west going  11/14/1990 #39887  
flew silently and slowly, at a low altitude. About three hours later that e 11/14/1990 #39890  
ying at an estimated one kilometer altitude. The object turned to a yellow  11/14/1990 #39890  
server. Silent 35' saucer very low altitude going north. White lights / sid 11/15/1990? #39891  
disc was encountered at a very low altitude. It had white lights on the sid 11/15/1990 #39892  
cer west going quickly east / 400M altitude. Same seen / 18 November.       11/20/1990 #39893  
move through the sky slowly at low altitude in Taillades, Vaucluse, France. 12/2/1990 #39919  
us triangle off to the right at an altitude of 160 feet. On its circumferen 12/9/1990 #39927  
iangle/box-like craft-saucer / low altitude. Rises. Going quickly east.     1/16/1991 #39955  
ta-shaped craft passed by at a low altitude. The UFO rose to a higher altit 1/16/1991 #39956  
altitude. The UFO rose to a higher altitude and flew off rapidly toward the 1/16/1991 #39956  
ARY Absolute(ly) silent UFO / 600' altitude. 240' flame mimics rocket plume 1/19/1991 (approximate) #39962  
ar object flying at 2000-3000 feet altitude at 10:30 p.m. The object was es 3/10/1991 #40009  
 Cluster / red night lights / high altitude. Return / ground level and buzz 3/14/1991 #40011  
 of red nocturnal lights at a high altitude in the sky. They descended to g 3/14/1991 #40012  
 large rectangular object at a low altitude with irregular structures on th 3/15/1991 #40014  
. Silent 150' ovoid 50' away / 80' altitude. Colored lights pulse / bottom/ 4/4/1991 (approximate) #40030  
nt 80' UFO. 2 rows / windows. 500' altitude 750' out.                       4/30/1991 #40051  
ce, China. The airliner dropped in altitude and extinguished its lights to  5/17/1991 #40067  
a/triangle/box-like crafts / 1000' altitude. 6x size / 747. Local (as a loc 5/22/1991 #40072  
bserver(s). 120' bowl saucer / 10' altitude by house. Ozone odor. Vanishes. 6/1991 #40079  
reball flies parallel / ground low altitude / 15M. Winks out.               6/14/1991 #40096  
the left of the plane flying at an altitude of 4,000–5,000 feet with no vap 6/17/1991 #40101  
 / B1022. Large square object 200' altitude. Silent. SSE going [to] Mersea  6/27/1991 #40104  
vanced cameras and sensors on high altitude aircraft like the X-2, X-15 and 7/1991 #40108  
east at 960 km per hour, and at an altitude of 6600 meters. Thinking that t 8/28/1991 #40168  
lta airspace at the slightly lower altitude of 4500 meters. Radar dispatche 8/28/1991 #40168  
fects). 2 white 40' saucers / 100' altitude. General health affects.        9/11/1991 #40184  
bout 6.6 feet long if it was at an altitude of 1,000 feet.                  9/19/1991 #40194  
e with rows / lights. Hovers / 90m altitude. Vanishes abruptly.             9/26/1991 #40196  
er(s). Huge saucer going down / 8M altitude. Hovers / 30 minute(s). Quickly 11/1991 #40215  
It flew at an estimated 600 meters altitude, hovered, maneuvered, and made  11/6/1991 #40221  
lta/triangle/box-like craft / 450m altitude. Grid / lines / underside.      11/14/1991? #40229  
gar-shape SSE going NNW slow / 20M altitude. Glows blue / top and green / b 11/28/1991 #40245  
W. 1 large and 2 small follow. Low altitude. Slight rise and away.          11/28/1991 #40246  
ano". SSE going quickly NNW / 500M altitude.                                11/28/1991 #40247  
r(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape / 1500' altitude. Strong lights / ends. Porthole 12/4/1991 #40253  
L, ARK Enormous flying-wing / 300m altitude. Observing jets tiny by compari 1/30/1992 #40309  
server(s). Small silent disk / 30m altitude. Stops / trees. Changes shape?  2/25/1992 #40337  
er/cylindrical object 8M away / 8M altitude. Funnel shaped center. Going ea 2/25/1992 #40338  
as sighted flying at only 8 meters altitude. It had a funnel-shaped center. 2/25/1992 #40339  
d flying object moving at 100-feet altitude.                                2/25/1992 #40339  
  GREENSBORO, NC DC9-Sz UFO / 250' altitude goes low over hill. Returns. Fo 3/3/1992 #40347  
 150m cylinder/cigar-shape / 7500m altitude. 11000kph going quickly [to] Ri 3/13/1992 #40375  
g behind a windmill. Its estimated altitude was 25,000 feet, and it had a s 3/13/1992 #40376  
Z Silent 3M saucer going down / 3M altitude. Yellow light / portholes. Seve 3/14/1992 #40379  
northeasterly direction at 10 feet altitude. Delgado loses sight of the obj 3/20/1992 #40394  
6+2 observer(s). 27m diamond / 30m altitude. Splits / 3 parts. 1 hovers. 1  3/24/1992 #40398  
    IRWIN, PA Car-size ovoid / 15m altitude. Hums. Goes over house. 2 helic 3/28/1992 #40401  
 saucer and 7 small objects / 30K' altitude. Photographs. / r147'92.        4/13/1992 #40415  
ft follows "repeat abductee" / low altitude. No further details. / r148p315 4/18/1992 #40422  
t orange night light hovers / high altitude over police station/depot/facil 5/3/1992 #40446  
 1 observer. 2 Saturn-UFO's / 200' altitude. 4 prongs on each with lights o 6/2/1992 #40481  
FOs were seen hovering at 200 feet altitude. There were four prongs on each 6/2/1992 #40482  
Triangle / beams search farm / low altitude. Follows car. Going southeast s 6/3/1992 #40484  
le with pointed corners near / low altitude. Kite?                          7/8/1992 #40517  
jects / 2 curved formations / 150M altitude. Slight hiss. Going quickly sou 7/24/1992 #40533  
 of only sixty to a hundred meters altitude. It was huge, with an angular s 7/31/1992 #40541  
 craft going [to] over house / 30M altitude. Whistles. Going [to] away inst 8/4/1992 (approximate) #40549  
 2 prospectors. 1/2-moon UFO / 30M altitude. Hovers then shoots going up.   8/8/1992 #40559  
lta/triangle/box-like craft / 150' altitude over cars. Fuses Blown.         8/14/1992 #40570  
ar object flew over the road at an altitude of only 150 feet above the cars 8/14/1992 #40573  
t formation going south / very low altitude. Also white triangle and night  8/20/1992 #40585  
 was estimated to be at 1,200 feet altitude, larger than a Boeing-747, and  8/20/1992 #40586  
st going quickly west / 10kph. 15M altitude. 40M away.                      8/29/1992 #40595  
CT 1 observer. Silver saucer / 40' altitude follows land contours. Goes beh 9/7/1992 #40612  
90M object going down [to] to 750M altitude near water works. Glides / 80mp 9/9/1992 #40613  
50' hexagon follows freeway / 500' altitude. Nobody else notices!           9/10/1992 #40615  
ith portholes was seen at 100 feet altitude, only 100 yards away. It had an 9/13/1992 #40620  
 going quickly east / 150kph / low altitude. Lighting and heavy rain.       9/17/1992 #40624  
, BRZ 6 observer(s). Fireball / 6M altitude by railroad/railway bridge. 2 b 9/30/1992 #40644  
 of light that moved at six meters altitude over a railway bridge, then dir 9/30/1992 #40650  
shaped object flying at 2,500 feet altitude that had three bands of a bluis 9/30/1992 #40651  
 7:00 p.m. when they saw, at a low altitude in the northwestern sky, two li 10/1/1992 #40659  
the mountains; it dropped to a low altitude, and a jet roar was heard for f 10/10/1992 #40673  
thin legs going north. 30mph. 100' altitude.                                10/17/1992 #40680  
 slowly at 30 mph at only 100 feet altitude.                                10/17/1992 #40682  
utheast straight and level at high altitude.                                10/21/1992 #40687  
PA 2 observer(s). Boomerang / 500' altitude. Slow. White spot / front. 10 r 10/27/1992 #40693  
itary helicopters are flying at an altitude of 328 feet at a speed of 93 mp 11/1992 #40700  
 southeast overhead sideways / 80M altitude. No other observations.         11/8/1992 #40706  
meters away and at about 20 meters altitude. The witness could see several  11/9/1992 #40707  
w over Birch bay. Buzzes car / 20' altitude. Light humming.                 11/13/1992 #40709  
going [to] over town / 30kph / 1km altitude. Maneuvers / all directions.    11/15/1992? #40713  
rong lights / corners hovers / 25M altitude.                                11/17/1992 #40715  
t 4M glowing-ovoid going down / 3M altitude. Beams search field and light c 11/17/1992 #40716  
head very slowly at about 250 feet altitude. It moved backwards, with the p 12/1/1992 #40739  
 / ranch. Small night light / 500M altitude suddenly grows to size of tire. 12/23/1992 #40763  
and move away to the east at a low altitude. It made no sound as it flew.   12/23/1992 #40764  
hen 2 luminous globes hover / 100M altitude. Loop going northeast. Flash. A 12/31/1992 #40774  
1 / car. 3 night lights hover / 6M altitude. Maneuver and pace car. Fast ma 1/1/1993 #40784  
O 2 observer(s). 30' saucer / 300' altitude. Vanishes. Cows run. 7.6kV line 1/9/1993 #40787  
ng quickly northwest fast / losing altitude.                                1/18/1993 #40800  
est going quickly east fast at low altitude.                                1/26/1993 #40814  
 winged ovoid flies backwards / 6m altitude over car. No plane!             2/2/1993 #40832  
. Partly transparent. Hovers / low altitude.                                2/4/1993 #40837  
ver(s). Large silent saucer / 200' altitude. Away and back several X. Going 2/8/1993 #40843  
 house-size saucers 4' apart / 50' altitude. Pink glowing / far sides.      2/9/1993 #40845  
ur feet apart, and only 50 feet in altitude. They seemed to have a pink glo 2/9/1993 #40846  
s going [to] red. Maneuvers / 100m altitude / 3 minute(s).                  2/24/1993 #40857  
he house" at an estimated 150 feet altitude. She first thought it was a low 3/26/1993 #40902  
ays. Going quickly southeast / 20M altitude.                                3/31/1993 #40912  
nt 50M cylinder/cigar-shape / 150M altitude. 3 green lights / bottom. / r23 3/31/1993 #40913  
 base “at great velocity ... at an altitude of approximately 1,000 feet.” I 3/31/1993 #40914  
 estimated to be 600 feet, with an altitude higher than 300 feet. The speed 4/17/1993 #40941  
ally floats up to the helicopter’s altitude at 500 feet, where it hovers fo 4/28/1993 #40953  
July / 2300hrs. Domed saucer / low altitude.                                5/14/1993 #40978  
mes in Ashbourne, England at a low altitude, making no sound at 2:15 p.m.   5/14/1993 #40981  
elta/triangle/box-like craft / 30M altitude. Bright white light / front and 6/8/1993 #41009  
veral / Hwy116. Huge saucer / 700' altitude near from tower. Colored lights 6/11/1993 #41013  
mond with many steady lights. 200' altitude. East going quickly west.       6/23/1993 #41031  
k north going quickly south. 3000' altitude. Reported to police and Air Tra 6/25/1993 #41033  
m the north to south at 3,000 feet altitude. He reported it to the police a 6/25/1993 #41034  
 front swap positions twice. 1600M altitude.                                7/2/1993 #41048  
er/cigar-shape / yard. Rises / 15m altitude. Observer(s) dizzy and skin ras 7/13/1993 #41060  
several red lights moving at a low altitude and making a humming sound. The 7/13/1993 #41066  
h halo seen / broad daylight. High altitude. Then going quickly east.       7/18/1993 #41069  
 dark triangle with lights at high altitude. Going south. Hovers and shoots 7/22/1993 #41075  
est / 4 minute(s). Silent. Regains altitude.                                7/24/1993 #41080  
Large circular white object / 300' altitude. Shoots beam / light. Silent. 2 7/28/1993 #41092  
tee. 100' saucer maneuvers 50-800' altitude. Many passing cars ignore.      8/1993 #41098  
hing lights are seen flying at low altitude above Henri Coandă Internationa 8/14/1993 #41137  
 MANCHESTER Plain 2.5' disk / 200' altitude. Enters clouds. Going quickly w 9/8/1993 #41189  
 Large silver saucer hovers / 300M altitude. Static electric and electro-ma 9/10/1993 #41191  
haped object hovered at 300 meters altitude over Surrey, Vancouver, British 9/10/1993 #41192  
ity of Magdeburg, Germany at a low altitude. It had two red round lights ne 9/18/1993 #41203  
MERY, AL 1 observer. Saucer / 200' altitude. 4 roving spotlights going down 10/6/1993 #41219  
 flew at a slow speed, at 150 feet altitude, and made a 90 degree turn. A f 10/24/1993 #41251  
g [to] over ranch. Blue halo. 120M altitude 120M away.                      10/30/1993 #41255  
 / light extends and shortens. 30M altitude. Round halo give sparks.        11/17/1993 #41279  
 silent 8cm sphere/orb/globe / 50' altitude. Crosses road.                  11/17/1993 #41280  
ular object hovering at sixty feet altitude, making a high-pitched humming  11/21/1993 #41288  
usetts at an estimated 18,000 feet altitude, zig-zagging downward.          11/22/1993 #41298  
Saucer / diamond going south / low altitude. Whoosh sound. Descriptions var 11/25/1993 #41302  
 each corner, passed low (400 feet altitude) over the heads of a four-man o 11/29/1993 #41308  
bottom disk flies over home / 150' altitude. No further details.            12/2/1993 #41317  
ttsburgh, Pennsylvania at 150 feet altitude, making a whooshing sound.      12/2/1993 #41319  
HUNGARY Night watchman. UFO / 200M altitude sweeps beam / Roman ruins. Type 1/2/1994 (approximate) #41354  
 3-hoop saucer. Silent. Huge. 750m altitude. Roils clouds. Blinks out.      1/12/1994 (approximate) #41368  
ast over car and water tower / low altitude. Northridge quake next day.     1/16/1994 #41374  
een luminous/glowing spheres / low altitude. Away / high speed. No further  1/19/1994 #41378  
ts beneath. Hovers silently / 300' altitude.                                2/17/1994 #41417  
m. It hovered silently at 300 feet altitude.                                2/17/1994 #41418  
ckly west to sea. Plane-size. 900M altitude.                                2/18/1994 #41419  
ht white night lights circle / 60' altitude / 40 minute(s) near bus-stop.   2/21/1994 #41423  
ur lights strung together, high in altitude, moving from southeast to south 3/8/1994 #41449  
urns, moving in unison bouncing in altitude between 7,000 to 12,000 feet al 3/8/1994 #41450  
itude between 7,000 to 12,000 feet altitude.  Residents on the ground corro 3/8/1994 #41450  
ts all around. Going [to] moderate altitude. / r147.                        3/17/1994 #41460  
bright lights circles hovers / low altitude. Shoots away very fast.         4/10/1994 #41487  
rectangular object passed at a low altitude. It had a white light at two co 4/12/1994 #41489  
 house, and made a low rumble. The altitude was estimated to be 100 feet an 4/12/1994 #41489  
bserver(s). 200M disk stops / 500M altitude. Vanishes in place!             5/1/1994 #41512  
. 2 silent 150' metal ovoids / 5K' altitude. Vanish when USAF jets near.    5/20/1994 #41533  
bright objects bounce around / low altitude. Seen 75 minute(s). No further  5/24/1994 #41536  
t one point it ascends to a higher altitude. The object is approached and c 6/1994 #41545  
nt object with square lights / low altitude. 2nd joins. Spotlight. Fly / se 6/1/1994 #41546  
hite 300' torus going east / 1500' altitude. Lights / circumference flash.  6/7/1994 #41557  
ith portholes / side. Hovers / low altitude. No wings / tail.               6/16/1994 #41569  
bserver(s). 90m saucer spins / 30m altitude. Dark patches / sides.          6/18/1994 #41570  
he west at an estimated 1,000 feet altitude. One witness stated, "It was so 6/27/1994 #41590  
1 observer. Car-size saucer / 100' altitude. Slow and silent. Stops / 5 min 6/30/1994 (approximate) #41594  
epartment, France at only 100 feet altitude. It moved slowly and silently,  6/30/1994 #41595  
0+observer(s). Night lights / 300' altitude "rise and cavort". Possible met 7/29/1994 #41647  
ce between 6,000 and 8,000 meters" altitude at 10:30 p.m. It was seen by tw 8/13/1994 #41671  
out banking. Slow and silent. 300m altitude. Beam going down.               8/23/1994 #41685  
 observer(s). Huge boomerang / low altitude. Blows smoke. Goes north going  8/27/1994 #41694  
treetops to the southwest at a low altitude. It looks somewhat like the Moo 8/31/1994 #41707  
/ edge turn. Beams going down. Low altitude.                                9/8/1994 #41725  
r spins near 2 / car. 500kph. 100m altitude. Jet joins. Both exit.          9/9/1994 #41727  
 flew at 300 mph, at only 300 feet altitude, and came within 500 feet of hi 9/9/1994 #41732  
ights soar maneuver and turn / low altitude. Follow terrain. / MJ#320.      9/14/1994 #41748  
 4 white glowing-orbs hover / 500M altitude then sawtooth motion.           9/15/1994 #41750  
m. It then spiraled up to a higher altitude.                                9/20/1994 #41768  
 6 25M saucers show instead / 900M altitude.                                10/1/1994 #41778  
ortheast. Absolute(ly) silent. 2km altitude at 400kph est.                  10/5/1994 #41786  
t 600 feet across, at an estimated altitude of 1,000 feet and a speed of 10 10/11/1994 #41801  
d ovoid size / football field. 60m altitude. Videos taken. / r60#308p1.     10/12/1994 #41802  
ht silent object circles car / low altitude. Going east rising over trees.  10/22/1994 #41808  
ox-like craft goes overhead / 150' altitude. Absolute(ly) silent. Bright be 10/24/1994 #41810  
 object with lights, at 40-50 feet altitude, was sighted in Paterson, New J 10/30/1994 #41825  
area west going quickly east / 5K' altitude.                                11/6/1994 #41839  
lights / points down. Hover / high altitude.                                11/23/1994 #41862  
like craft circles house 4X / 150' altitude. Bobs and shoots off. Videos /  11/28/1994 #41869  
 noise, at approximately 70 meters altitude.                                12/1/1994 #41876  
rver(s). 15' orange saucer / 1000' altitude north going south. Serrated edg 12/18/1994 #41900  
inoculars. Sphere/orb/globe / high altitude going [to] toward(s) airport. S 12/27/1994 #41906  
truck. Odd ovoid type unknown. Low altitude. Engine problems. / Internet.   12/30/1994 #41915  
 an ovoid object hovering at a low altitude in the desert in Alturas, Modoc 12/30/1994 #41917  
corners going [to] overhead / 600' altitude. Rushing air = only sound.      12/31/1994 #41922  
zigzags descending. Vanishes / 20M altitude with bang!                      1/1995 #41928  
 center. Going [to] overhead / 50M altitude. / Liste Annuelle.              1/3/1995 #41941  
nter, passed overhead at 50 meters altitude.                                1/3/1995 #41946  
t corners and bulge / rear. / 100M altitude.                                1/4/1995 #41950  
ht trees etc. Bob to and fro / low altitude. Absolute(ly) silent.           1/15/1995 #41973  
 50' silent triangle hovers / 200' altitude near communication tower. Blue  1/17/1995 #41980  
nt V-crescent objects / 1000+1500' altitude going [to] 5mph overhead. Green 2/2/1995 #42012  
D 3 / car. Huge hoop hovers / 30K' altitude / 30 minute(s). Airliner passes 2/8/1995 #42026  
/glowing orange sphere hovers / 2M altitude / 4 minute(s). Flies / 3 minute 2/13/1995 #42045  
ver. 12cm blue spiral hovers / 30M altitude. Drops / ground and vanishes.   3/5/1995 #42077  
drive under 100m wedge shape / low altitude. Lights and doors all over/all  3/7/1995 #42079  
triangle going quickly / very high altitude. Surrounded / 20 red objects /  3/11/1995 #42085  
 object, radar tracked at 800 feet altitude near St. Petersburg, Russia, wa 3/14/1995 #42095  
erver(s). 50m x 23m triangle / 23m altitude. TV Radio Frequency Interferenc 3/15/1995 #42097  
allic 6M guitar-pick saucer / 140M altitude. Green spots and rectangular wi 4/13/1995 #42147  
lta/triangle/box-like craft / 300m altitude? Car malfunctions due to EME (e 4/20/1995 #42162  
d traveled at a slow speed and low altitude.                                5/6/1995 #42181  
night lights hover and blink / 75' altitude. 1 going quickly [to] over truc 5/7/1995 #42186  
 SALEM, OR 3 men. 7-8 disks / high altitude. 1 larger / others. Several 911 5/19/1995 #42213  
E, ITL Fat 3M saucer hovers / 80cm altitude. Partly transparent. 25 small h 5/19/1995 #42216  
eir right and somewhat below their altitude, Capt. Gene Tollefson and First 5/25/1995 #42227  
cigar shaped object at 30,000 feet altitude. The object approaches the wing 5/25/1995 #42229  
an. 100M sphere follows car / 700M altitude. Observers in shock. No further 6/5/1995 #42237  
rtheast across wind / 15mph / 100' altitude. Silent. Absolute(ly) no reflec 6/5/1995 #42239  
 car for two minutes at 700 meters altitude near Pamiers, France at 12:10 a 6/5/1995 #42240  
 mph, across the wind, at 100 feet altitude, and made no sound.             6/5/1995 #42240  
Vibrant bright night lights / 100' altitude snake by / zigzag pattern. Radi 6/28/1995 #42277  
n a zigzag pattern at an estimated altitude of only 100 feet.. The driver r 6/28/1995 #42279  
e/box-like craft and 4 disks / low altitude. 50 bizarre figure(s) / ground. 7/9/1995 #42294  
haped object and four discs at low altitude in Gravois Mills, Missouri at 1 7/9/1995 #42295  
r mass follows Seine R. Slow. 250M altitude. No further details.            7/11/1995 #42297  
c about 500 feet in diameter at an altitude of about 200 feet, over trees a 7/15/1995 #42303  
relatively slow 70-75 mph at a low altitude.                                7/15/1995 #42305  
west going quickly northeast / low altitude. Under overcast sky. Vanishes!  7/16/1995 #42306  
lta/triangle/box-like crafts / low altitude. Military report(s). / quest IN 7/23/1995 (approximate) #42319  
rs. 3M diameter object flies / 2km altitude. No further details.            7/25/1995 #42324  
iant gold ovoid passes under / 7K' altitude.                                7/26/1995 #42328  
rey metallic triangle hovers / 2K' altitude. Going quickly southwest / 2Kmp 8/2/1995 #42353  
turn to the southwest at 150-200 m altitude, and 10 minutes later was seen  8/5/1995 #42359  
bserver(s) films 500M saucer / low altitude. Going down / 3M altitude. Powe 8/11/1995 #42371  
er / low altitude. Going down / 3M altitude. Power out. Cars electro-magnet 8/11/1995 #42371  
00 meter in diameter saucer at low altitude. It descended to just 3 meters  8/11/1995 #42375  
. A dark mass was perceived at low altitude, but was lost from view behind  8/13/1995 #42381  
O 4+observer(s). 100' ovoid / high altitude hovers / one hour. Turns. Lit p 8/27/1995 #42419  
ylinder/cigar-shape / MACH 12! 5km altitude. 90° turn?                      9/4/1995 #42440  
, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 30M saucer / low altitude. Strong beams / each end light  9/10/1995 #42451  
a rectangular light, at 100 meters altitude.                                9/11/1995 #42457  
ngular light and more/others. 100M altitude. / r226#30.                     9/12/1995 #42458  
 going [to] overhead slowly / 500' altitude. Fluorescent leading edge.      9/16/1995 #42476  
e slowly to the west at 60-80 feet altitude. It was yellow and had white li 9/22/1995 #42501  
ute at 9:00 p.m., at only 100 feet altitude. At 10:30 p.m. an extremely bri 10/1/1995 #42530  
HAKARI, ZIMB 10M ball / light. Low altitude. Glow lights trees. Suddenly sh 10/17/1995 #42555  
s "pens" going quickly east / high altitude. / r118v8#11 Nov. '95.          10/22/1995 #42561  
metallic object that flew at a low altitude and then descended into a field 11/1/1995 #42575  
riangle hovers. Bright lights. 2k' altitude. Going southwest. No further de 11/7/1995 #42585  
outhwest in the western sky, at an altitude estimated to be less than 1000  11/14/1995 #42600  
te observer(s). Glowing-disk / low altitude. Lands / creek 750' away. Black 11/18/1995 #42607  
te report(s). Saucer flashes / low altitude. No figure(s) visible / large c 11/23/1995 #42620  
disc-shaped object flashing at low altitude over Lugo, Leon, Spain at 8:30  11/23/1995 #42621  
ns. 25' box / bottom doesn't. 130' altitude. Photographs.                   1/7/1996 #42669  
ST / CAIRNS, QLD 250M object / 2km altitude goes up and down white beam / s 1/16/1996 #42687  
ALIA 200M multicolor object / 800M altitude. Wide beam / light going down / 1/19/1996 #42688  
y 'submarine' going [to] slow / 5M altitude!                                1/20/1996 #42691  
 aircraft fly over the area at low altitude. Reportedly, a total of eight c 1/20/1996 #42697  
ar. 2.5M ovoid paces car 22km / 1M altitude! Silent.                        1/21/1996 #42700  
port in thunderstorm. 200mph. 600' altitude.                                1/27/1996 #42716  
e lit like day. Silent ovoid / 30M altitude. Hovers. Going [to] down river. 2/1996 #42730  
ite-blue cylinder/cigar-shape 300' altitude by I5 / SR217 interchange. No f 2/3/1996 #42733  
 cylinder/cylindrical object / 50M altitude. Turns. Box / bottom/underside  2/4/1996 #42739  
 orange fireballs going east / low altitude. Turn going [to] WNW.           2/5/1996 #42740  
minous/glowing glowing-tube / 100M altitude going east / 30kph going [to] m 3/1/1996 #42791  
ous glowing tube was seen at 100 m altitude. It flew slowly to the east at  3/1/1996 #42796  
lliant red wheel with spokes / low altitude. Blinks going [to] overhead. Si 3/10/1996 #42818  
sphere going quickly south / 1000M altitude. Vanishes over Goodyear plant.  3/27/1996 #42843  
r disk streaks overhead. Very high altitude into high clouds. No further de 4/7/1996 #42854  
INDIA 2 girls. Silent saucer / 25M altitude. Colored lights / edge. Spins.  4/7/1996 #42855  
ver(s). UFO east going west / 600M altitude. Type unknown. Impossible speed 4/8/1996 #42856  
    At 9:30 p.m. local time a high altitude UFO zigzagged through the sky a 4/8/1996 #42859  
ent triangle going northeast / low altitude toward(s) strasbourg.           4/27/1996 #42887  
hat flew to the northeast at a low altitude toward Strasbourg, France. It m 4/27/1996 #42888  
over the San Luis Valley at a high altitude.                                5/4/1996 #42893  
llows helicopter going north / low altitude.                                5/5/1996 #42894  
followed a helicopter north at low altitude.                                5/5/1996 #42895  
 VCT Silent disk going east / 300' altitude. Many calls.                    5/27/1996 #42913  
ing east straight and level at low altitude. Seen / 45 second(s).           5/30/1996 #42916  
 Pulsing round object hovers / 25M altitude. Static noise. Going quickly [t 6/26/1996 #42939  
 Cops and more. Silent 6M UFO 0.5M altitude by police station/depot/facilit 7/8/1996 #42949  
y. At the moment it moved up to an altitude of about 30 meters its lights b 7/8/1996 #42950  
pposite directions. Play tag / low altitude. 1 going south. 1 going west.   7/16/1996 #42958  
pe going [to] slow overhead / 200' altitude. Possible from military base.   8/21/1996 #42988  
l going east / 10 minute(s) / 400M altitude. Abrupt 90° turn going quickly  9/9/1996 #43011  
re. "Merry-go-round" hovers / 150M altitude. Going [to] toward(s) Remondo R 9/9/1996 #43012  
 gyrosphere. It was at four meters altitude, only 10 meters away from them. 9/11/1996 #43016  
 a slightly different position and altitude, making it more difficult to ho 9/16/1996 #43023  
nge light. It was stationary at an altitude from 30-40 meters and 300-400 m 9/16/1996 #43024  
RGS, BRZ Metal sphere hovers / low altitude / city center. Slow and silent  9/18/1996 #43029  
FO group. Silent 65' saucer / 200' altitude. Stops near. Going quickly nort 9/21/1996 #43033  
 Large cylinder/cigar-shape / 800M altitude. Light plane going [to] under.  10/5/1996 #43055  
c. Ghostly boomerang / 5mph / 200' altitude. Vanishes. Night lights zigzag. 10/11/1996 #43064  
Z 300+panic. 240' box hovers / 3km altitude. Seen / 10 other cities. / O No 10/16/1996 #43072  
objects at about the same angle of altitude as the moon. Ohio UFO investiga 10/16/1996 #43073  
tleship-sized pyramid hovers / 6km altitude. Shoots away fast.              10/18/1996 #43082  
DE, FR 2 grey metallic disks / 50M altitude. Blast of air. Rapid exit. Obse 10/22/1996 #43088  
er large metallic top-shape / 300' altitude. Hovers silent. Balloon?        11/23/1996 #43117  
etallic top-shaped UFO at 300 feet altitude. It hovered silently. At 8:45 p 11/23/1996 #43119  
 then turned toward Brou; rises in altitude and shoots toward the east.     12/5/1996 #43132  
cturnal light zigzagging at a high altitude and making ninety-degree turns  12/18/1996 #43146  
 Wuhan. As the jetliner reaches an altitude of 31,500 feet, the copilot spo 12/19/1996 #43148  
car. Saucer 1 / 4 mile away / 500' altitude. 6 windows? No further details. 1/22/1997 #43173  
underside glowing-dome hovers / 8M altitude. Light hiss. Lights / base. Goi 2/1997 #43183  
nly! 140M fireball going SSE / 40M altitude. Quite slow straight/strait(s)  2/5/1997 #43184  
iered "wedding-cake" hovers / 300' altitude. Vanishes!                      2/22/1997 #43201  
 Silent 30m saucer over town / 15m altitude / 4.5min. Then going quickly we 3/12/1997 #43227  
car / miles. Maneuvers close / low altitude. Going quickly south.           3/30/1997 #43242  
oing quickly east / 120kts / 1500' altitude. Silent. Light / bottom/undersi 4/6/1997 #43254  
er / window. Triangle passes / low altitude. Round white light / each corne 4/21/1997 #43269  
e going [to] overhead. 90KPH. 800M altitude. 3 night lights follow.         4/22/1997 #43270  
ead at 90 km/hour, at an estimated altitude of 800 meters. It was followed  4/22/1997 #43271  
 B. Cornet videos 100' manta / low altitude. 28mph. Strange sound recorded. 4/24/1997 #43274  
aucers / acrobatic maneuvers / low altitude.                                4/24/1997 #43276  
ht light going [to] over car / 40M altitude. Slow. Shoots going quickly eas 4/28/1997 #43282  
triangle going [to] WNW / very low altitude. 12 lights. Drops going down /  5/18/1997 #43295  
bove them “like a huge bat” at low altitude. Its underside is covered with  7/1997 #43344  
s "medicine capsule" passes / 18k' altitude.                                7/7/1997 #43347  
       A craft flying at 15 meters altitude with three white fixed lights w 7/21/1997 #43354  
elta/triangle/box-like craft / 60M altitude. Hyena hits car. 45 minute(s) / 8/7/1997 #43372  
ct flies past them at only 30 feet altitude and 45–50 mph. It heads to the  8/12/1997 #43381  
e-shaped objects going south / 1km altitude. Silver ball / center.          11/12/1997 #43439  
R 3 dark sponge shapes pass / 700M altitude. Videos taken. Going up [to] un 11/26/1997 #43449  
VER LIVERPOOL, ENGL 1 / 737 / 11km altitude. Huge long black cylinder/cigar 12/9/1997 #43455  
ape going southwest overhead. 600M altitude. Ringed / portholes. Strobes /  12/9/1997 #43456  
tallic tube hovers vertical / 600M altitude. Going quickly southwest when p 12/14/1997 #43459  
k-grey triangle going west / 1500M altitude. Sudden turn going northwest.   12/16/1997 #43463  
 Hercules cargo plane flying at an altitude of 24,000 feet north of the Hor Winter 1997 #43468  
oo large and wrong part / sky. Low altitude. Lost / overcast.               1/4/1998 #43492  
 flooded field at about 50-75 feet altitude.                                1/26/1998 #43506  
rth straight and level at 300-400M altitude. Seen 1-2 min. 4-day wave.      2/14/1998 #43519  
rth to south at about 300–400 feet altitude over the center of Naval Submar 4/22/1998 #43557  
ossing the Ohio River at 50 meters altitude. It was making a humming sound, 5/29/1998 #43574  
Austria at 9:30 p.m. It dropped in altitude, then shot up vertically. There 6/1/1998 #43579  
ngle going north / 140kph and 400M altitude. Slows. Instant 90° turn going  6/21/1998 #43590  
irport. Never lands. Wobbles / 15M altitude.                                7/18/1998 #43608  
s going east fast into cloud. 300M altitude. No lights.                     7/18/1998 #43609  
idth and wobbled at only 15 meters altitude. In flew off toward the west. O 7/18/1998 #43610  
triangle going east overhead / low altitude. Lit / corners. Slight rumble.  8/8/1998 #43619  
istere department, France at a low altitude, heading toward the east. It ha 8/8/1998 #43621  
lf. It next shot straight up to an altitude of 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile and res 10/10/1998 #43662  
5 degrees elevation, indicating an altitude of about 10,000 feet.           11/3/1998 #43675  
EST MEMPHIS, AR Silver triangle.Lo altitude. Nose turns up but keeps level  11/29/1998 #43688  
ing [to] overhead / 600kph. 2500 M altitude estimated. Stops. Big flash and 12/26/1998 #43704  
 blimp crosses sky / 600 kph. 3 km altitude. / CUFORN.                      2/15/1999 #43728  
ng-ball going west overhead / high altitude. Responds / lights.             3/29/1999 #43751  
ouds overhead, as it flew at a low altitude, hugging the terrain as it went 4/8/1999 #43756  
der/cigar-shape 1km with I-15. 25M altitude. Odd noises and feelings. Going 4/30/1999 #43761  
mately a mile to a mile and a half altitude, from Route 20 eastbound. At no 6/12/1999 #43785  
 cigars going north over sea / 25M altitude. Hover / beach. / r170 99-28.   7/7/1999 #43793  
rom over the ocean at 20-30 meters altitude, then hovered over beach, emitt 7/7/1999 #43796  
bserver(s). Disk going south / low altitude. Hovers. 2nd joins. Both going  7/10/1999 #43800  
omed metallic saucer hovers / 150M altitude. Still there / return trip.     7/14/1999 #43801  
ed disc that was hovering at 150 m altitude. After he dropped off his passe 7/14/1999 #43803  
ng Island, New York at 23,000 feet altitude. It passed to within 400 feet a 8/9/1999 #43819  
st seen flying in the west at high altitude, and then made a sharp 90 degre 8/16/1999 #43824  
 2 large 30M triangles hover / 30M altitude 40M away. Lit windows. Silent.  8/18/1999 #43825  
 objects hovered at only 30 meters altitude, only 40 meters away from them. 8/18/1999 #43827  
ct, seen at an estimated 2000 feet altitude, hovered stationary over highwa 9/3/1999 #43841  
ic featureless saucer drops to 75M altitude. Then going quickly west and ho 9/23/1999 #43854  
tureless disc dropped to 75 meters altitude over Interstate 75 near McDonou 9/23/1999 #43855  
pproach their aircraft at cruising altitude (37,000 feet). The lights were  10/26/1999 #43865  
ar objects going west / 30kph? 2km altitude. No further details [in].       11/1/1999 #43868  
ermen video large orange dome. 40M altitude. Maneuvers near and far.        11/7/1999 #43876  
nots. It flew low, at an estimated altitude of only 50 meters, and accelera 12/15/1999 #43898  
/others. 30M domed arrowhead / low altitude. Light humming. Lights / bottom 1/5/2000 #43919  
rating at an unusual treetop-level altitude and speeds. One of the police o 1/5/2000 #43920  
ast to the southwest at 1,000 feet altitude. There were three lights in bac 1/5/2000 #43922  
rical object was seen at 6000 feet altitude over the Puerto Belgrano Navy B 1/18/2000 #43930  
oat. He last saw the triangle gain altitude and disappear towards the south 1/30/2000 #43937  
 was 200 meters, with an estimated altitude of 150 meters. The sighting las 2/5/2000 #43941  
n-size orange disk 100M away / low altitude. Strong beams. Gone suddenly.   2/10/2000 #43944  
FO was seen 100 meters away at low altitude in Pontelongo, Veneto, Italy. I 2/10/2000 #43945  
 more/others. 10M disk hovers / 3M altitude. 2 colored lights. Watches stop 2/14/2000 #43950  
g the day, then ascended to a high altitude in a zigzag motion, one faster  2/23/2000 #43957  
sylvania at steady pace and a high altitude at 10:45 p.m. Its shape was def 3/26/2000 #43969  
 LK, YKN 2 / car. 10M saucer / 60M altitude. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). 3/30/2000 #43970  
 south at an estimated 10,000 feet altitude in Westchester, California.     3/30/2000 #43974  
ia at 11:55 p.m. It flew at a high altitude, halted over a cargo terminal,  4/8/2000 #43978  
with hump going quickly east / 7km altitude. 3000kph.                       4/23/2000 #43984  
 a domed disc flying at 9,500 feet altitude at 6:40 p.m. The object was fly 5/26/2000 #43998  
cial airliner flying at 8,000 feet altitude observed an egg-shaped object s 6/22/2000 #44006  
flew at between 200 to 300 feet in altitude. It made no sound. There were r 8/30/2000 #44034  
, wing-shaped object flew at a low altitude over Opelousas, St. Landry Pari 9/17/2000 #44041  
ind a church tower at a fairly low altitude.                                10/5/2000 #44053  
25-30 in each, flew slowly at high altitude over Zurish, Switzerland on thi 12/11/2000 #44100  
 minutes it then moved to a higher altitude. The sighting lasted five minut 1/5/2001 #44120  
wler-hat hovers / 270M away / 300M altitude. Low humming. Vanishes!         1/6/2001 #44121  
t in diameter and at only 300 feet altitude, was reported flying at a speed 1/26/2001 #44133  
ver(s). 5M saucer maneuvers / 300M altitude. X-acceleration going quickly s 3/8/2001 #44148  
 show small metallic saucers / low altitude.                                6/23/2001 #44195  
x going down / plaza. Hovers / low altitude. Splits / 3 saucers and going q 8/3/2001 #44222  
pear to be silently hovering at an altitude of 5,000 feet.                  9/6/2001 #44250  
n it passed overhead at 300 meters altitude, it was seen to be a cylindrica 9/9/2001 #44254  
s estimated to be at only 200 feet altitude, flying very low and very slow  11/13/2001 #44276  
ng to another aircraft at a higher altitude, but air traffic controllers ha 12/11/2001 #44287  
 Dark silent triangle hovers / 60M altitude with highway A38 / 4 minutes. L 12/27/2001 #44300  
the sky at only a few hundred feet altitude, and had several white lights i 12/31/2001 #44301  
ubcap going south stops field / 5M altitude. Lights / rim. Going quickly we 3/27/2002 #44327  
d over a field at only five meters altitude. It had lights around its rim.  3/27/2002 #44328  
g-shaped UFO move at low speed and altitude in a clear blue sky. The object 5/4/2002 #44337  
isc-shaped object hovered at a low altitude near the town of Bingham, Notti 5/5/2002 #44338  
UFO moving at a slow speed and low altitude in the clear blue sky. It flew  5/5/2002 #44339  
were sighted traveling at 300 feet altitude over Brighton, Michigan on a st 6/1/2002 #44345  
wly toward the northeast at a high altitude. The third object appeared in t 7/13/2002 #44360  
irborne for 50 minutes, fly at low altitude using afterburners over residen 7/26/2002 #44366  
ering silently at about 5,000 feet altitude. They have them in view for sev 9/6/2002 #44391  
orth of runway 10, at an estimated altitude of 1200 feet. A "very slight ra 9/10/2002 #44394  
ucer scouts old copper mines / low altitude. Maneuvers. Going north.        10/22/2002 #44420  
flew off toward the north at a low altitude.                                10/22/2002 #44421  
eral beachgoers. It flew at a high altitude and had a brilliant gleam (refl 11/1/2002 #44431  
ding to the witness. Its estimated altitude was only 20 feet.               11/13/2002 #44441  
w above San Jose, California at an altitude estimated to be above 30,000 fe 1/2/2003 #44465  
itsap Peninsula, Washington, at an altitude of 800–1,000 feet.              2/25/2003 #44496  
uds at an estimated 600-1,200 feet altitude. It had "pure white" circular l 3/8/2003 #44500  
silently overhead at about 75 feet altitude in a few seconds. Apparently, i 4/2003 #44508  
               At 4:50 p.m. a high altitude object was seen flying over Pho 4/6/2003 #44512  
 which the craft and it's very low altitude there was no sonic boom heard.  4/18/2003 #44516  
r disc/saucer at about 10,000 feet altitude. It had a leading edge pointed  5/8/2003 #44530  
 lights that was hovering at a low altitude over Watertown Square in Watert 5/29/2003 #44549  
shaped object moving slowly at low altitude over rooftops, making an unusua 7/7/2003 #44562  
s saw two metallic discs at a high altitude, actually chasing each other in 8/23/2003 #44579  
e sees a round, black object at an altitude higher than a passing passenger 9/2003 #44591  
 disappear from sight at 7000 feet altitude. Twenty-seven minutes later a K 10/23/2003 #44612  
FO. It stopped mid-air at the same altitude as the Dutch airliner, copied t 10/23/2003 #44612  
istance of 6 miles. Both are at an altitude of 3,000 feet and moving at 287 1/4/2004 #44643  
nd at between 3,000 and 5,000 feet altitude.                                1/4/2004 #44647  
eka, California. it flew at a high altitude, had a V-shape, with 7 or maybe 2/11/2004 #44663  
ery fast in a straight line, at an altitude of approximate 150 feet. The wi 4/5/2004 #44684  
angle hovering at a relatively low altitude. It had blinking red and green  4/16/2004 #44689  
ce, California at 3:03 p.m. a high altitude metallic disc-shaped object was 6/12/2004 #44711  
bove a tree. It hovered at 50 feet altitude emitting four light beams, that 7/17/2004 #44716  
 craft approached Ayu-Dug at a low altitude and seemed to dissolve into thi 8/2/2004 #44725  
ears and his chemist wife at a low altitude. Its length was longer than any 8/20/2004 #44736  
ome on top hovering at a very high altitude; the sun gleamed off its metall 8/22/2004 #44739  
im, hovering over the ground at an altitude of about 2.5m. Dmitriy then gav 8/25/2004 #44741  
conds later the UFO quickly gained altitude, zooming out of sight beyond th 8/25/2004 #44741  
nied by six luminous spheres at an altitude of about 3,300 feet. The larger 8/28/2004 #44744  
sed over a remote campsite at high altitude.                                9/11/2004 #44754  
vron-shaped objects at a very high altitude, flew from west to east at a ve 9/14/2004 #44756  
rian Binnie reaches a world record altitude of 367,490 feet in SpaceShipOne 10/4/2004 #44767  
ay that is making rapid changes in altitude, heading, and speed. The pilot  10/28/2004 #44773  
ts the object one last time at low altitude. The pilot returns to the 8th P 10/28/2004 #44773  
ary with little or no variation in altitude transitioning to horizontal and 11/14/2004 #44784  
st sky. It hovered at an estimated altitude of 5000 feet and was in view fo 11/29/2004 #44793  
 crosses the frozen water at a low altitude, then hovers for some seconds b 1/31/2005 #44810  
g northeast at a slow pace and low altitude.                                5/9/2005 #44837  
ed at 10:38 p.m., flying at a high altitude and moving from the northwest t 5/14/2005 #44841  
5 p.m. It was flying east at a low altitude, close enough to see it clearly 7/15/2005 #44854  
get smaller as they flew to a high altitude in the sky, where they remained 1/30/2006 #44920  
ct was increasing and lowering its altitude, and seemed to be internally li 4/18/2006 #44932  
t formation, rapidly increasing in altitude.                                6/2/2006 #44946  
ering above the Sea of Japan at an altitude of 1– 2 miles. Other smaller ob 9/5/2006 #44958  
vada. Although not flying at a low altitude, it was close enough to determi 9/17/2006 #44963  
8:30 p.m., travelling fast at high altitude.                                10/11/2006 #44974  
t made no sound, but flew at a low altitude. It flew from south to north at 10/26/2006 #44977  
ed objects were seen flying at low altitude over Montreal, Quebec, travelli 11/28/2006 #44987  
was only 75 metres away, and at an altitude of 50 to 75 meters high.        12/5/2006 #44990  
 the Fengyun series orbiting at an altitude of 537 miles, is destroyed by a 1/11/2007 #44998  
 was seen flying at about 500 feet altitude. It disappeared into the mounta 1/30/2007 #45002  
er at 10,000 feet. They rise to an altitude of 4,000 feet and are cruising  4/23/2007 #45022  
 was seen flying at about 100 feet altitude between Pontrobert and Meiford  5/29/2007 #45033  
er Dorking, Surrey, moving at high altitude and speed. At 10:45 p.m. two st 8/4/2007 #45042  
ornia at 11:15 p.m. at a very high altitude and at a very high rate of spee 9/17/2007 #45061  
ing slowing at a few thousand feet altitude over Shanghai, China at 10:00 p 9/24/2007 #45071  
               At 1:00 p.m. a high altitude, disc-shaped craft moved from N 10/27/2007 #45081  
educes speed and descends from his altitude of 4 miles to avoid hypoxia and 10/30/2007 #45086  
ect moves slowly at about 500 feet altitude.                                12/14/2007 #45101  
re reflections of the sun on high- altitude aircraft. When she asks about m 1/8/2008 #45112  
lite USA-193 orbiting at 153 miles altitude using a RIM-161 Standard Missil 2/21/2008 #45122  
away. It flies over the area at an altitude of 330 feet. At one point it di 8/20/2008 #45161  
 pass over the highway at a higher altitude after doubling back.            9/16/2008 #45168  
ng to the witness, it was at a low altitude,"just about 12 feet above the g 8/14/2009 #45235  
 the speed of sound), and reach an altitude of 100,000 feet (30,480 meters) Late 2012 #45355  
p of the hill. From there it gains altitude rapidly and suddenly shoots awa 3/19/2013 #45362  
 An unknown object flying at a low altitude passes directly above the Rafae 4/25/2013 #45365  
ral separation” while flying at an altitude of 17,000 feet. It is climbing  6/27/2013 #45376  
 is about 200–300 feet above their altitude and only a few hundred yards di 6/13/2014 #45410  
ard west of Santiago, Chile, at an altitude of 4,500 feet and 152 mph. The  11/11/2014 #45423  
a square or cube. It maintains its altitude and takes about 7 seconds to pa 7/14/2017 #45475  
t and crossing ahead of them at an altitude of 20 feet or so. It sweeps upw 8/9/2017 #45478  
t passes by very close at the same altitude at great speed down the left si 2/1/2018 #45505  
ass down the left side at the same altitude within 200 feet of the aircraft 5/5/2018 #45526  
ular formation in the sky at a low altitude. The copilot continues to follo 11/6/2018 #45543  
 Dingle peninsula at 330 mph at an altitude of 39,000 feet. Two other aircr 11/9/2018 #45544  
 travelling at about 265 mph at an altitude of 7,500 feet around the 55th p 1/6/2019 #45556  
 higher and maintaining a constant altitude. The radar and data link show n 1/15/2019 #45558  
e and within 16 feet at 6,000 feet altitude. The object appears to be in le 5/5/2019 #45577  
ng 737-800 airliner at 37,000 feet altitude and 506 mph near Marseille, Fra 11/11/2019 #45617  
sual light flying just above their altitude on a collision heading from the 11/11/2019 #45617  
aceX; although they are at orbital altitude, in a clear sky they can look l 1/8/2020 #45625  
 suddenly stops at nearly the same altitude as the aircraft. The UFO then p 3/19/2020 #45639  
y them about 90 feet away at their altitude of 3,000 feet coming into Los A 8/29/2020 #45659  
ed, silver-metallic object at high altitude (perhaps above 15,000 feet) for 10/9/2021 #45716  
## Word: "altitude-determining" (Back to Top)
etts, before it zooms straight up. Altitude-determining radar tracks the ob 3/1951 #5470  
## Word: "altitudes" (Back to Top)
h-explosive projectiles at maximum altitudes of 18,000 feet. Reports of obj 2/9/1944 #1571  
e Targets flying at extremely high altitudes. (Page 81 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 -  7/1944 #1616  
see-saw fashion at three different altitudes about 200 feet apart, and they 7/15/1947 #3187  
e typical of meteors flying at low altitudes. Other anomalous characteristi 12/20/1948 #3935  
inary maneuverability, and extreme altitudes.                               2/18/1949 #4018  
s flying in formation at very high altitudes over Europe.                   1951 #5371  
eading west and north at different altitudes, 3000 mph and above. (NICAP: 0 7/12/1952 #6775  
ping circles…. They travel at high altitudes and can be followed as long as 7/19/1952 #6930  
 interceptor to search the area at altitudes of 10,000–20,000 feet. The mil 8/15/1952 #7609  
n. UFOs have been sighted at great altitudes and at high speeds in the vici 11/25/1952 #8335  
gs of unexplained objects at great altitudes and traveling at high speeds i 12/2/1952 #8363  
ct was seen twice, at high and low altitudes. It rose up very fast, and sho 2/21/1953 #8691  
 formation, then circled to higher altitudes and faded from sight. Each UFO 7/26/1953 #9015  
 each object hovering at estimated altitudes from five to eight thousand fe 7/26/1953 #9017  
miles per hour, and can reach high altitudes. “It is difficult to reconcile 8/1953 #9034  
 is impossible at these speeds and altitudes. SAC goes on high alert and ap 9/20/1957 #14020  
lerating at times, and maintaining altitudes between 20° and 45° above the  7/2/1965 #19053  
the Weather Bureau radar flying at altitudes of 6,000–9,000 feet. His assis 8/2/1965 #19265  
th, MN, moving at about 9,000 mph, altitudes between 5,200 and 17,000 feet  8/4/1965 #19318  
lic object maneuvering at very low altitudes. When Quintanilla asks if they 4/18/1966 #20331  
’s satellite-tracking radar covers altitudes from 100,000 feet to 2,000 mil 5/10/1966 #20474  
y travel at speeds of 30–80 mph at altitudes of 1,200–1,600 feet. After sev 8/1968 #24284  
t were seen flying at high and low altitudes.Photographs were taken and a p 3/14/1973 #27347  
observed on height-finder radar at altitudes from 42,000–72,000 feet interm 11/11/1975 #30609  
r Belem, Para State, Brazil at low altitudes.                               11/22/1977 #32692  
bs and descends about 7–8 times to altitudes ranging from 6,500 feet to 34  8/23/1984 #37438  
t. Two other objects appear at low altitudes of 980–1,300 feet. The last on 7/28/1989 #39035  
artons.” The objects are flying at altitudes of 1,600–2,600 feet. At times, Early 4/1990 #39506  
e base at high speed and different altitudes.                               1/1993 #40782  
yloads could be maintained at high altitudes for long periods of time). Abo 7/1995 #42286  
eling at supersonic speeds at high altitudes. The declassified documents re Late 2012 #45355  
riments involving exposure to high altitudes in balloons. Through her testi 6/2017 #45472  
lying at approximately 0.1 Mach at altitudes between 16,000 and 22,000 feet 3/13/2018 #45523  
to March 2015 while flying at high altitudes off the East coast of the Unit 5/26/2019 #45581  
e up too much fuel to get to those altitudes.                               10/14/2020 #45662  
## Word: "alto" (Back to Top)
            Santiago, Chile Puente Alto Valparaíso 9:30 p.m. A radio statio 11/12/1944 #1696  
h in which Martians land in Puente Alto, causing a panic and the death by h 11/12/1944 #1696  
                              PALO ALTO, CA Aero worker. 6 glowing-disks /  10/12/1952 #8120  
                              Palo Alto, CA V-formation of six apparent dis 10/12/1952 #8123  
                                   ALTO COMEDERO, ARG Aviators and more/oth 7/15/1956 #12972  
                                   ALTO PURUS R., BRZ Longitude & latitude  9/8/1965 #19533  
                                   Alto Purus, Brazil After work, latex col 9/8/1965 #19536  
er work, rubber latex gatherers in Alto Purus, Brazil witnessed a flying ob 9/8/1965 #19540  
ber plantation latex collectors in Alto Purus, Brazil saw evening an object 10/8/1965 #19652  
                                   ALTO, TN Project Bluebook Case #10384. 2 4/5/1966 #20233  
                                   Alto, TN Object 100 ft long oval with a  4/5/1966 #20237  
                                   Alto, Tennessee Two civilian men stopped 4/5/1966 #20243  
                                   Alto, Tennessee Witness:  W. Smith. One  4/5/1966 #20244  
                                   Alto, Tennessee Midnight. W. Smith and a 4/5/1966 #20250  
night. W. Smith and another man in Alto, Tennessee, stop to watch a 100-foo 4/5/1966 #20250  
                                In Alto, Tennessee at 11:55 p.m. witness W. 4/5/1966 #20252  
                    SOUTHEAST PALO ALTO, CA 1 / car. Tuna-can object with a 10/22/1976 #31485  
d woman was watching television in Alto Da Mooca, Sao Paolo, Brazil as her  7/11/1978 #33368  
                                   ALTO DO SITIO, BRZ 1 observer. Night lig 8/31/1992 #40599  
ted at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. It moved from east to  9/19/1995 #42486  
ped object zoomed overhead in Palo Alto, California. It made no noise and p 9/11/2004 #44754  
## Word: "alto-cumulus" (Back to Top)
ing vertically on edge through the alto-cumulus clouds at 6,000 feet, stop  7/7/1947 #2932  
## Word: "altocumulus" (Back to Top)
ses and merges in 2–5 seconds with altocumulus clouds at 11,000–12,000 feet 6/15/1952 #6509  
his time-exposure photos. Possible altocumulus cloud.                       2/1977 #31771  
## Word: "altogether" (Back to Top)
ng his car when he saw the object. Altogether, 20 people reported sighting  7/11/1948 #3707  
, as it began to vanish from sight altogether. Three family members came ru 11/2/1971 #26450  
ently and finally stopping working altogether, became engaged to be married 10/28/1973 #28311  
 great fright among those present. Altogether four witnessed this strange p 10/31/1978 #33902  
s bright as Venus, and then dimmed altogether; what was left, hanging motio 12/10/2003 #44627  
## Word: "alton" (Back to Top)
night operator of the Chicago-and- Alton Railroad, Paul McCramer, stated th 4/12/1897 #443  
 night operator of the Chicago and Alton Railroad, Paul McCramer, stated th 4/12/1897 #450  
                           NORTH / ALTON, NH Vet private pilot and 1. 6M me 7/8/1947 #2989  
                                   Alton, New Hampshire 4:26 p.m. Thomas Da 7/8/1947 #3024  
g a small plane at 2,800 feet over Alton, New Hampshire, with passenger Jer 7/8/1947 #3024  
                                   Alton, IL (38.90° N, 90.17° W). Siegmund 4/11/1948 #3620  
          East St. Louis, IL Three Alton & Southern Railroad employees saw  11/5/1957 #14337  
                                   ALTON, VA TV Radio Frequency Interferenc 11/4/1966 #21073  
                                   Alton, VA 10:30 p.m. EST. While watching 11/4/1966 #21074  
                                   Alton, IL 7:30 p.m. CST. A couple saw a  2/10/1967 #21500  
                                   Alton, Illinois 7:30 p.m. A couple in Al 2/10/1967 #21506  
on, Illinois 7:30 p.m. A couple in Alton, Illinois, sees a round, rotating, 2/10/1967 #21506  
ung military Vietnam veteran, told Alton, Illinois police that at 8:55 this 6/15/1971 #26176  
                                   ALTON, RI White object circles farm. Goi 4/7/1973 #27413  
                EAST RIDGE, TN AND ALTON PARK AND ST. ELMO Saucer landings  10/17/1973 #28101  
                       Milton Road Alton, Illinois 8:00 p.m. A witness sees 10/20/1973 #28218  
ghts hovering above Milton Road in Alton, Illinois. A second triangle is ab 10/20/1973 #28218  
nd later identified themselves as "Alton" and "Tombo." Becky was instructed 3/20/1974 #28916  
he ground, stood two beings named "Alton" and "Tombo" that she had met on a 5/5/1974 #29086  
r. She noticed that this time both Alton and Tombo walked without bending t 5/5/1974 #29086  
                                   Alton, IL Huge bright light went to very 3/30/1981 #35880  
                                   Alton, Illinois 10:00 p.m. A huge bright 3/30/1981 #35881  
overs over trees for 10 minutes in Alton, Illinois. The UFO moves towards t 3/30/1981 #35881  
                                   Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, England A man i 1992 #40272  
ire, England A man is driving near Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, England, when h 1992 #40272  
                                   Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, England A 450-f 7/9/1992 #40519  
ctogram appears in a wheatfield at Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, England.        7/9/1992 #40519  
                                   ALTON, WILTS, ENGL Seti group paced and  7/24/1992 #40532  
                                   ALTON PRIORS, WILTS Delta hovers here. V 8/7/1993 #41111  
                                In Alton Barnes, England a crop formation 7 6/12/1999 #43785  
## Word: "altona" (Back to Top)
                  Left Hand Canyon Altona, Colorado 3:10 p.m. Ray Hawks is  8/11/1960 #16369  
m tractor at Left Hand Canyon near Altona, Colorado, when he hears a muffle 8/11/1960 #16369  
                                   ALTONA GOING [TO] GRETNA, MBA Dark objec 3/26/1967 #21990  
                                   Altona, Canada Mr. and Mrs. John Dick an 3/26/1967 #21995  
io towers situated 3.5 km south of Altona, they saw a very bright object at 3/26/1967 #21995  
s situated 3.5 kilometers south of Altona, Manitoba, illuminating the count 3/26/1967 #21999  
                                   ALTONA, AUSTRALIA 2 / separate cars. Cla 9/20/1996 #43031  
nd the rim hovered over the bay at Altona, Victoria, Australia then moved a 9/20/1996 #43032  
## Word: "altonia" (Back to Top)
was returning home from a party in Altonia, Parana, Brazil when he noticed  3/15/1999 #43748  
## Word: "altoona" (Back to Top)
                                   Altoona, PA Griebel. (McDonald list; FUF 7/24/1948 #3730  
                           SOUTH / ALTOONA, PA 2 observer(s). Large silent  10/19/1950 #5242  
                                   Altoona, PA 3 cylindrical objects in a v 7/23/1952 #7066  
                                   Altoona, Pennsylvania Witnesses: two-man 7/23/1952 #7076  
                                   Altoona, Pennsylvania 12:50 p.m. Crews o 7/23/1952 #7081  
t 35,000–46,000 feet altitude near Altoona, Pennsylvania, see three cylindr 7/23/1952 #7081  
                                   Altoona, PA DC-6 Crew Paced By Object (N 9/26/1954 #10449  
                                   ALTOONA AND PHILADELPHIA, PA 3 airline(s 9/27/1954 #10466  
                                   ALTOONA, PA 1 observer. 3' saucer / plas 8/27/1956 #13135  
bove the ground over a backyard in Altoona, Pennsylvania. The witness, a ma 8/27/1956 #13142  
                                   Altoona, Pennsylvania 8:30 p.m. Catherin 10/13/1983 #37004  
ine Burk is driving to her home in Altoona, Pennsylvania, when she sees a l 10/13/1983 #37004  
                                   Altoona, PA Silvery disc passed overhead 10/15/1983 #37008  
                                   Altoona, PA Silvery disc passed over car 10/15/1983 #37009  
## Word: "altos" (Back to Top)
                             PINOS ALTOS, NM Man photographs airship. 3 cyl 3/7/1901 #643  
                               LOS ALTOS, CA Lady and 2 boys. 8 disks / 3 f 7/8/1947 #2981  
                               LOS ALTOS, CA 5 observer(s). 2 saucers / dog 8/17/1952 #7619  
diameter, land in San Pedro de los Altos, Venezuela. A shaft of light came  8/7/1965 #19339  
                               LOS ALTOS, CA Rocket expert. Night lights ma 1/3/1966 #19802  
                               Los Altos, CA Night. Army colonel expert on  1/3/1966 #19803  
ights maneuver in the sky over Los Altos, California, then shoot off to the 1/3/1966 #19804  
                               LOS ALTOS, CA 4 silver spheres pass. No furt 8/12/1972 #26905  
                                   Altos de Cabrejas, Cuenca, Spain 7:00 a. 5/7/1974 #29091  
ng with his wife and daughter near Altos de Cabrejas, Cuenca, Spain, when t 5/7/1974 #29091  
## Word: "altostratus" (Back to Top)
 object 45° in the sky against the altostratus cloud layer. The dark patch  4/8/1912 #860  
## Word: "altrincham" (Back to Top)
                                   ALTRINCHAM AND SALE, ENGL AND RHYL, WALE 8/15/1973 #27703  
                              Sale Altrincham, Cheshire, England A technici 1/4/1976 #30758  
ur traffic at Sale, heading toward Altrincham, Cheshire, England. Suddenly  1/4/1976 #30758  
## Word: "alts" (Back to Top)
groups / white saucers / different ALTs beam lights going down. Dynamo soun 2/22/1960 #16182  
## Word: "altshuler" (Back to Top)
Great Sand Dunes arrest John Henry Altshuler, a pathologist at Ross Medical 9/9/1967 #23026  
lete absence of blood distressing. Altshuler begins to think the dead horse 9/9/1967 #23026  
                          Dr. John Altshuler came to Alamosa County, Colora 10/8/1967 #23196  
h near Eagle Nest, New Mexico. Dr. Altshuler, a veterinarian from Denver, C 5/10/1994 #41520  
## Word: "alturas" (Back to Top)
g quickly north. 7 saucers north / Alturas same day.                        7/3/1947 #2552  
                                   ALTURAS DE BAYAMON, PR 1 observer. Flyin 11/29/1973 #28478  
                                   ALTURAS, CA 3 / truck. Odd ovoid type un 12/30/1994 #41915  
at a low altitude in the desert in Alturas, Modoc County, California at 9:3 12/30/1994 #41917  
## Word: "altus" (Back to Top)
ects” during previous three weeks (Altus (Okla.) Times-Democrat; 7-11-56.)  9/11/1956 #13213  
                                   Altus AFB, Oklahoma Ranchland, Texas 4:3 5/21/1964 #18289  
homa Ranchland, Texas 4:30 a.m. At Altus AFB, Oklahoma, Missile Site 7, sou 5/21/1964 #18289  
uri Kirksville area Olathe, Kansas Altus AFB in Oklahoma Grissom AFB in Per 11/18/1980 #35654  
nter for UFO Studies confirms that Altus AFB in Oklahoma, flew a huge C-5A  11/18/1980 #35654  
## Word: "altutude" (Back to Top)
er the Balaklava District at a low altutude. It has a sharp nose and sparks 12/1982 #36704  
## Word: "aluche" (Back to Top)
                                   Aluche, Spain Vicente Ortuno and another 2/6/1966 #19884  
                                   Aluche, Madrid, Spain Brightly lighted d 2/6/1966 #19886  
                                   Aluche, Madrid, Spain Spain Around 8:00  2/6/1966 #19888  
. Several persons in the barrio of Aluche, Madrid, Spain, allegedly see an  2/6/1966 #19888  
ture on the "El Relajal" estate in Aluche, Madrid province, Spain and took  2/6/1966 #19891  
                                   Aluche, Madrid, Spain San José de Valder 6/1/1967 #22448  
O seen by José Luis Jordán Peña in Aluche, Madrid, Spain, allegedly reappea 6/1/1967 #22448  
ows the bottom of the UFO with the Aluche symbol, this time with a horizont 6/1/1967 #22448  
tic strips bearing the distinctive Aluche symbol supposedly found in a caps 6/1/1967 #22448  
                                   Aluche, Spain San José de Valderas Franc 4/1993 #40920  
rs as well as the UFO sightings at Aluche, Spain, in 1966 and San José de V 4/1993 #40920  
## Word: "aluminium" (Back to Top)
o children observed a disc-shaped, aluminium object hovering above their ho 10/21/1954 #11307  
 luminous object resembling a huge aluminium ball near the Peropava River i 10/31/1963 #18019  
## Word: "aluminium-looking" (Back to Top)
o by one from the ground. A round, aluminium-looking object, about 10 meter 7/28/1964 #18457  
## Word: "aluminum" (Back to Top)
ization with a technology based on aluminum. He reports that they soar abov 1873 #198  
looks as if it is made of darkened aluminum. It is seen again at 8:30 p.m.  11/26/1896 #365  
made of “some light substance like aluminum.” Two aeronauts are repairing t Early 4/1897 #413  
 a brilliant circular object “like aluminum” in the sky above the roofs of  Spring 1935 #1224  
 NEAR ANTWERP, BELGIUM 1 observer. Aluminum pan / rooftop altitude. Robot(s 4/1935 (approximate) #1225  
ER LAKE, NWT Pilot / ground. Light aluminum cylinder/cigar-shape silent and 7/1936? #1246  
 woods. He sees something like an “aluminum building” partly concealed in t Summer 1940 #1340  
harply outlined object with bright aluminum or chrome finish (Patrick, dele 12/22/1941 #1380  
           At 2:15 p.m. a gleaming aluminum or chrome colored disc-shaped o 12/22/1941 #1382  
en / (seen thru) binoculars. Large aluminum disk circles cruiser / 3 hours  2/26/1942 #1393  
li in Indonesia), reports a large, aluminum disc speeding above it in the T 2/26/1942 #1395  
 bulkier and rounder at the front; aluminum hued color. (Page 30-31, Ref 1) Mid 8/1942 #1439  
    NEAR EPINAL, FR 500 troops. 6' aluminum saucer over railroad/railway tr 9/1944 #1655  
           Unknown City, NM Object aluminum colored, 12 to 14 feet off grou 3/1945 #1800  
 clear sky established presence of aluminum, titanium, magnesium, calcium,  1/7/1947 #2223  
strongly as if is made of polished aluminum or silver.                      6/22/1947 #2364  
  APPLETON, CO 1 observer. 2' dull aluminum disk going east low over roof.  6/28/1947 #2437  
       DENVER, CO 1 observer. Dull aluminum 20'DOMED disk 5K' over capitol  7/5/1947 #2685  
      SPOKANE, WA 2 observer(s). 2 aluminum disks straight and level going  7/5/1947 #2686  
       CAMDEN, NJ 1 observer. Dull aluminum disk / cloud level going east.  7/5/1947 #2698  
         VALDOSTA, GA Woman. Small aluminum plate flies behind treeline. No 7/5/1947 #2715  
ANE, WA 1 observer. 2 objects like aluminum toy propellers going south. Sto 7/6/1947 #2741  
LLEY STREAM, NY Boy / 14. 3 large "aluminum plates" / V-formation going wes 7/6/1947 (approximate) #2777  
HEAST / GRETNA, NE Omaha couple. 1 aluminum sphere very high and fast. "Wen 7/6/1947 #2782  
be about 2 feet across and made of aluminum. It disappears behind some tree 7/6/1947 #2811  
  LAWTON, OK 1 / back yard. Bright aluminum plate going quickly west high a 7/7/1947 #2860  
               ENID, OK Ed Herbig. Aluminum "pancake" / terrific speed. 10- 7/7/1947 #2870  
n Shreveport, Louisiana. A 16-inch aluminum disc with smoke coming out of i 7/7/1947 #2930  
everal separate observer(s). Shiny aluminum round object going quickly sout 7/8/1947 #2991  
. At ten o'clock in the morning an aluminum colored, pancake shaped object  7/8/1947 #3028  
endorf AFB, Anchorage, AK Round 3' Aluminum Object At Great Speed (NICAP: 0 7/11/1947 #3136  
p, see a round 2–3 foot or 10-foot aluminum or silver-metallic sphere trave 7/11/1947 #3138  
ves a piece of metal “lighter than aluminum foil” about 30 inches long and  7/25/1947 #3231  
         NANAIMO, BC Bird fancier. Aluminum disk scatters pigeons. No furth 9/2/1947 #3379  
agging. They are shiny like bright aluminum with silvery trails. Lt. Col. J 5/7/1948 #3643  
n. They all now look like polished aluminum; they rise to a great height an 6/30/1948 #3686  
sh appears to be spun or burnished aluminum.” The object slows, then accele 7/1948 #3691  
     San Acacia Dam, NM Group of 7 aluminum circular possibly spherical obj 7/17/1948 #3713  
m, New Mexico saw a group of seven aluminum circular, possibly spherical, o 7/17/1948 #3715  
napolis, IN Shiny propeller-shaped aluminum object (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 7/29/1948 #3750  
of a rug cleaning firm.  One shiny aluminum object, shaped something like a 7/29/1948 #3752  
hey see a shiny, propeller-shaped, aluminum object with 10–12 small cups pr 7/29/1948 #3753  
 Indianapolis, Indiana saw a shiny aluminum object, shaped something like a 7/29/1948 #3754  
       Shreveport, LA Bright white aluminum half-spherical object (NICAP: 0 9/18/1948 #3804  
s, NM AFOSI Case 37; 18:35 - white aluminum colored elliptical obj disappea 3/8/1949 #4039  
face-to-face; matte bottom, bright aluminum top; 20' diameter, 4-5' thickne 4/3/1949 #4068  
ct had a matte bottom and a bright aluminum top. The dimensions of the obje 4/3/1949 #4070  
:05 - round, flat thin disc-shaped aluminum obj disappeared behind mtns (NI 4/22/1949 #4097  
                 REDMOND, OR "Flat aluminum sheet" soars overhead / tremend 7/26/1949 #4289  
 described as looking like a "flat aluminum sheet" soared overhead at treme 7/26/1949 #4292  
hick surrounding cabin, resembling aluminum, but actual metal has defied an 1/16/1950 #4493  
 16 A.E.S.S. inspectors watched an aluminum colored, round UFO hovering ove 2/24/1950 #4555  
                   An oval-shaped, aluminum colored object hung in sky at 4 3/10/1950 #4608  
theast fast in formation. White or aluminum color. Seen 10 second(s).       3/15/1950 #4642  
)/airliner pilots / ground. Silent aluminum disk going quickly southwest. 6 3/18/1950 #4671  
on the tarmac reported sighting an aluminum colored disc that flew silently 3/18/1950 #4678  
He walked within 150 meters of the aluminum looking craft that gave off a b 3/18/1950 #4680  
           Huntsville, GA Polished aluminum object, shaped like a bowtie (N 7/13/1950 #5062  
d like a bowtie, and like polished aluminum.  Flew straight and level, then 7/13/1950 #5063  
aring like it was made of polished aluminum. It flew straight and level, th 7/13/1950 #5066  
cretary, Virginia Raunig. It shows aluminum colored discs, "like two new di 8/5/1950 #5108  
                        Bonlee, NC Aluminum object shaped like a dirigible  10/23/1950 #5251  
s: ex-USAF pilot Frank Risher. One aluminum object shaped like a dirigible  10/23/1950 #5252  
 WEST AUS 2 / seismic survey. Dull aluminum saucer going quickly southeast  6/1951 #5528  
c disc-shaped object, looking like aluminum, appeared to stand motionless i 6/15/1951 #5543  
 length of a B-29 fuselage (100'), aluminum or silver with a port or some t 8/31/1951 #5641  
 a B-29 fuselage (100 feet). It is aluminum or silver-yellow with a port or 8/31/1951 #5642  
 over Downey, California a bright, aluminum colored spot of light hung moti 3/27/1952 #5982  
                 Marana, AZ Bright aluminum shiny oblong object above 54,00 4/3/1952 #6019  
                      PINTADA, NM "Aluminum bow-tie" somersaults / 5000' al 4/9/1952 #6048  
                                   ALUMINUM ROCK, CA Amateur astronomer and 4/16/1952 #6088  
(GOC) observer(s). Wingless silent aluminum cylinder/cigar-shape goes 30 mi 4/27/1952 #6189  
askish, Minnesota sighted a silent aluminum colored cigar-shaped object tha 4/27/1952 #6201  
                   Keesler AFB, MS Aluminum or silver cylindrical object da 5/7/1952 #6264  
 Airman First Class. Ten times, an aluminum or silver cylindrical object wa 5/7/1952 #6266  
iloxi, Mississippi, see one or two aluminum or silver cylindrical objects d 5/7/1952 #6269  
nd AFB, Albuquerque, NM Silvery or aluminum color flat on the bottom, sligh 5/23/1952 #6349  
#8840 at 11,500'.  One rectangular aluminum object, about 6'x4', flew 250-3 6/7/1952 #6461  
 New Mexico, a rectangular-shaped, aluminum colored object followed a B-25  6/7/1952 #6462  
oject Bluebook Case #1409. Farmer. Aluminum saucer tips maneuvers rises and 7/9/1952 #6733  
                      Kutztown, PA Aluminum, oval-shaped object change dire 7/9/1952 #6735  
ia Witness: farmer John Mittl. One aluminum, oval-shaped object changed dir 7/9/1952 #6738  
 p.m. Farmer John Mittl watches an aluminum, oval-shaped object silently ch 7/9/1952 #6741  
                                An aluminum colored disc maneuvered with fl 7/9/1952 #6744  
erver(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Aluminum saucer wavers. Going quickly ea 7/13/1952 #6789  
ry officer, two enlisted men.  One aluminum, delta-shaped object with a ver 7/21/1952 #6980  
                  Rockville, IN An aluminum delta-shaped object with vertic 7/22/1952 #7009  
mos, NM Saw 8 large, round, bright aluminum objects fly straight and level  7/22/1952 #7012  
 Carco. Eight large, round, bright aluminum objects flew straight and level 7/22/1952 #7019  
ound Observer Corps (GOC) spotter. Aluminum disk high / clear sky. No furth 7/26/1952 #7146  
server(s). Circular object circles aluminum plant and stops. Quickly going  7/29/1952 #7277  
   ALEXANDRIA, IN 4 observer(s). 6 aluminum saucers streak across strange c 7/30/1952 #7344  
orps (GOC) observer(s). 1949-model aluminum disk going [to] high and fast.  8/10/1952 #7529  
s W of), TX Several pie-pan-shaped aluminum colored objects (NICAP: 01 - Di 8/12/1952 #7558  
xas. The objects were described as aluminum colored, and shaped like pie-pa 8/12/1952 #7561  
ed as if on fire. Color similar to aluminum. They emitted a loud whistling  8/16/1952 #7613  
75 ft inverted platter-shaped dull aluminum color (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 8/25/1952 #7726  
musician William Squyres. One dull aluminum object, shaped like two meat pl 8/25/1952 #7729  
usician William Squyres saw a dull aluminum object, shaped like two meat pl 8/25/1952 #7736  
s it, the object glints like shiny aluminum, speeds away to the northeast,  8/27/1952 #7755  
cts 50 ft in diameter, 10 ft high, aluminum (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 8/29/1952 #7784  
bjects, 50' in diameter, 10' high, aluminum with red-yellow exhaust, flew i 8/29/1952 #7786  
lorado Springs, Colorado saw three aluminum colored objects with yellowish- 8/29/1952 #7792  
UR, TX Several / refinery. 3 round aluminum disks going east. 1 darts up. R 9/5/1952 #7848  
 PA 3 observer(s) and more. Silent aluminum soup-bowl. Sudden acceleration  9/17/1952 #7968  
        San Antonio, TX 3 circular aluminum objects, one olive-drab colored 10/19/1952 #8161  
aircrewman Woolsey. Three circular aluminum objects, one of which was olive 10/19/1952 #8163  
crewman Woolsey saw three circular aluminum objects, one of which was olive 10/19/1952 #8165  
                       Spooner, WI Aluminum, circular object fly high and f 3/29/1953 #8793  
onsin Witness:  L.C. Gillette. One aluminum, circular object flew high and  3/29/1953 #8794  
of an unfamiliar metal, similar to aluminum [magnesium?]. It had impacted 2 5/21/1953 #8892  
 of an unfamiliar metal similar to aluminum, was oval, and had an entrance; 5/21/1953 #8899  
y, glassy appearance, shining like aluminum. It glides toward them and appr 2/15/1954 #9549  
feet high and looked like polished aluminum. A six-foot-tall man with a dee 2/18/1954 #9555  
VA Six round or disc-shaped, shiny aluminum objects were observed traveling 3/18/1954 #9628  
o take.” KA states he saw a silver aluminum colored metallic box on the gro 4/12/1954 #9685  
A 3 / Ground Observer Corps (GOC). Aluminum disk zigzags going quickly nort 6/23/1954 #9930  
t at same location.  One silver or aluminum round object with a flat bottom 6/25/1954 #9946  
proached an object looking like an aluminum trailer with two small beings i 8/23/1954 #10169  
ched an object that looked like an aluminum trailer in Lugrin, France. Stan 8/23/1954 #10172  
railer, common for this period, is aluminum in color and somewhat ovoid sha 8/23/1954 #10172  
 Korea Round object, like polished aluminum, fly straight and level (NICAP: 9/18/1954 #10344  
.  One round object, like polished aluminum, flew straight and level for 11 9/18/1954 #10347  
ched a round object, like polished aluminum, fly straight and level for 11- 9/18/1954 #10350  
ON, FR 4 kids. Saucer and 'ghost'. Aluminum boxes walk. Traces. / Flying Sa 9/27/1954 #10465  
             QUINCY-VOISINS, FR 3M aluminum mushroom saucer / ground. 3 por 9/30/1954 #10505  
motorcycle when he suddenly saw an aluminum colored object shaped like a pl 10/10/1954 #10888  
 of him on the road an oval-shaped aluminum object about 5.5 m in diameter, 10/14/1954 #11045  
 of him on the road an oval-shaped aluminum object about 5.5 m in diameter, 10/14/1954 #11066  
l and military observer(s). Silent aluminum cylinder/cigar-shape going sout 10/19/1954 #11228  
             At 9:10 a.m. a silent aluminum colored cigar-shaped object fle 10/19/1954 #11244  
wo children observed a diskshaped, aluminum object hovering above the house 10/21/1954 #11298  
wo children observe a disc-shaped, aluminum object hovering above their hou 10/21/1954 #11302  
TAFFS 3+observer(s). Huge wingless aluminum fuselage curves into clouds goi 10/24/1954 #11353  
            At first, a dull white aluminum colored UFO was seen zig-zaggin 10/24/1954 #11373  
ue.” It contains calcium, silicon, aluminum, magnesium, iron, and boron.    10/27/1954 #11449  
d with cupola or dome on top, like aluminum with a polished surface. The fo 11/21/1954 #11683  
s a composition of 61% silica, 19% aluminum oxide, 11% magnesium and iron,  12/15/1954 #11815  
Air Force pilots and 100 / ground. Aluminum domed saucer hovers / volcano.  2/16/1955 #12005  
                                An aluminum colored hemisphere with a dome  2/16/1955 #12006  
 30% carbon, with calcium, silica, aluminum, iron, and 10 other trace eleme 2/21/1955 #12011  
(s) / (seen thru) telescope. 10-12 aluminum saucers spin. Jets chase 20 Jul 7/12/1955 #12254  
       AGENVILLERS, 80, FR Farmer. Aluminum saucer follows plane going sout 7/23/1955 #12281  
 humanoids (or Greys) near. Bits / aluminum found. / r30p218.               8/1955 #12308  
MT. LA SALLE, CA Engineer. 2 large aluminum buttons with rims going south / 10/1955 (approximate) #12473  
      CYSOING, FR 1 / bicycle. 30M aluminum saucer / field reflects moonlig 11/1956 #13300  
            KAIAPOI, NZ 4 workmen. Aluminum disk comes sideways. Levels off 6/28/1957 #13756  
           CHROCKATT DE SA, BRAZIL Aluminum disk follows train / 10 minute( 12/16/1957 #14733  
 same night at around 8:45 p.m. an aluminum colored, disc-shaped UFO follow 12/16/1957 #14737  
n inside her house saw a circular, aluminum color flat object (NICAP: 01 -  9/21/1958 #15273  
ilian woman. Its color was that of aluminum; it had a wobbling motion and e 9/21/1958 #15274  
It made a sound like a jet and was aluminum in color. It wobbled and emitte 9/21/1958 #15277  
ia, VA Saturn shaped “silvery” or “aluminum clad” oblate spherical object ( 10/7/1958 #15327  
       At 3:50 p.m. an elliptical, aluminum object was first spotted flying 10/31/1958 #15410  
ound 150 m away. It looked like an aluminum craft about 2.5 m high, with a  5/20/1959 #15740  
oined together at the rim and dull aluminum in color. Bluish smoke is issui 8/11/1960 #16369  
resence of the elements magnesium, aluminum, calcium, barium, and titanium. 4/27/1961 #16664  
, OH Round bright light like shiny aluminum, pass overhead (NICAP: 01 - Dis 7/11/1961 #16758  
One round, bright light like shiny aluminum, passed overhead in 20 minutes. 7/11/1961 #16759  
d a round, bright light like shiny aluminum pass overhead. Their sighting l 7/11/1961 #16761  
and the appearance of sand-blasted aluminum. Harris estimates he has approa 10/2/1961 #16889  
s-shaped disc of brightly polished aluminum over the Utah Central Airport i 10/2/1961 #16890  
haped object 150 feet away. It was aluminum colored and ten feet in diamete 8/30/1962 #17374  
uminous object, resembling a huge, aluminum ball, which hit the river, chan 10/31/1963 #18016  
An oval UFO, metallic-looking like aluminum, was observed hovering in the c 12/5/1963 #18065  
           NORWICH, ENGL Engineer. Aluminum sphere with luminous/glowing ri 7/27/1964 #18439  
           SHERBURNE, NY Engineer. Aluminum sphere/orb/globe / 15M altitude 7/27/1964 #18440  
                       Norwich, NY Aluminum sphere with a flourescent lumin 7/27/1964 #18444  
bert, engineering supervisor.  One aluminum sphere with a luminous ring, re 7/27/1964 #18447  
. an engineer named Daubert saw an aluminum colored sphere with a luminous  7/27/1964 #18450  
 as well as a cable with some thin aluminum strips and insulation. Around 4 11/25/1964 #18637  
 Houffer and Weaver see a “glowing aluminum barn,” which they go down to in 1/26/1965 #18769  
bable fake of a color wheel for an aluminum Christmas tree.                 8/2/1965 #19263  
h-pitched whining sound and saw an aluminum object 15-20 feet in diameter,  8/13/1965 #19384  
rt of metallic coating, resembling aluminum or chrome, but dull reflecting. 9/4/1965 #19520  
 WESTERVILLE, OH Research chemist. Aluminum cylinder/cigar-shape going west 9/27/1965 #19610  
was dull silver and "like crumpled aluminum foil." Dogs were barking (anima 3/29/1966 #20132  
5' high, colored white, silvery or aluminum. Moved across a valley from the 8/19/1966 #20770  
er round disc made of a silvery or aluminum material. It was ten meters met 8/19/1966 #20773  
 head; its underside is shiny like aluminum foil. Mrs. Steward goes to bed, 10/2/1966 #20949  
, and its underside was shiny like aluminum foil. It was "bigger than my co 10/2/1966 #20950  
nt is still smoldering, one of the aluminum tent poles is singed, and the a 11/22/1966 #21141  
inum tent poles is singed, and the aluminum cots are melted. The tent is se 11/22/1966 #21141  
est Virginia, when he sees a dull, aluminum sphere about 20–25 feet in diam 1/19/1967 #21354  
Seven witnesses saw three "brushed aluminum" discs with a row of lights or  2/25/1967 #21646  
even people sighted three "brushed aluminum" disc-shaped objects with a row 2/25/1967 #21651  
 a cigar-shaped object with a dull aluminum finish"shoot around in sky" at  5/12/1967 #22326  
ol-bus driver saw a circular, dull aluminum object that had a superstructur 6/1/1967 #22446  
hape and 15 cm x 30 cm in size. An aluminum colored powder and some mysteri 6/1/1967 #22449  
 front bumper is 92% magnesium, 5% aluminum, 2% zinc, and 1% manganese.     7/13/1967 #22656  
         EAST / TUCSON, AZ Boy. 8' aluminum cylinder/cylindrical object sta 10/9/1967 #23198  
na A boy riding his bicycle saw an aluminum cylinder standing on end, 3 m h 10/9/1967 #23200  
me to the top of a ridge he saw an aluminum colored object hovering 200 fee 10/29/1967 #23364  
story building, apparently made of aluminum and with enormous rivets on it. 11/28/1967 #23518  
t Schirmer) saw a hovering, bright aluminum, elliptical object estimated to 12/3/1967 #23540  
t Schirmer) saw a hovering, bright aluminum, elliptical object estimated to 12/3/1967 #23541  
. It looks made of shiny, polished aluminum. It ascends slowly with a sort  12/3/1967 #23545  
, saucer-shaped object with a dull aluminum finish hovering over a pond som 1/24/1968 #23697  
body of the object looks like dull aluminum. There is a smaller, vented str 2/19/1968 #23767  
bers emerged. They were dressed in aluminum colored uniforms. Although he c 3/4/1968 #23828  
AMPO GRANDE, BRZ 1 observer. White aluminum globe rests / field by Imurissu 9/9/1968 #24446  
ches thick, with a thinner tube of aluminum like material coiled around it  11/21/1968 #24676  
. It had a narrow dome on top, was aluminum colored, about 12 feet in diame 2/6/1969 #24897  
thin 30 feet. It was a domed disc, aluminum colored, about 12 feet in diame 2/7/1969 #24902  
shining light-colored garments and aluminum colored helmets with facemasks. 5/4/1969 #25115  
 AUSTRALIA Hundreds / observer(s). Aluminum cylinder/cigar-shape vanishes a 8/31/1969 #25342  
he object, which is shaped like an aluminum Zeppelin. Some witnesses observ 8/31/1969 #25344  
 trees. Metal fragments / heap and aluminum strips. / LDLN#127.             1/14/1973 #27232  
und in a heap as well as strips of aluminum.                                1/14/1973 #27237  
side the highway he was on. It was aluminum colored while it was landing, b 3/13/1973 #27343  
 hoax, as showing a man wrapped in aluminum foil.                           10/17/1973 #28142  
raction analysis indicates sodium, aluminum, silicon, sulfur, chorine, pota 10/22/1973 #28239  
large, shiny sphere (like polished aluminum) about 15–20 feet in diameter e Winter 1974 #29653  
of “some sort of metal, not unlike aluminum,” is dull gray in color, and re 7/26/1975 #30208  
South Aftrica Mr. Van Graan saw an aluminum or silver colored oval-shaped o 7/31/1975 #30219  
t looked like “robots” resembling “aluminum diving suits,” 6.5-7.0 feet tal 1/9/1976 #30781  
, MT 7:10 p.m. Cylindrical object, aluminum colored. (UFO 80 NIDS) (NICAP:  4/5/1976 #30986  
year-old and a 21-year-old, saw an aluminum colored UFO disappear behind so 5/18/1976 #31061  
der/cigar-shape hovers / 200M near aluminum plant. Going [to] away in jumps 9/19/1976 #31405  
e off a white light. The craft was aluminum colored, about the size of a la 10/28/1976 #31503  
gs and furniture were all of "spun aluminum" and there was a bright light t 4/4/1977 #31943  
he witness down and offered her an aluminum cup with liquid resembling milk 4/4/1977 #31943  
 he entered it. He was in a white "aluminum" corridor, with one transparent 9/15/1977 #32485  
e normal), magnesium, calcium, and aluminum.                                7/5/1978 #33339  
e UFO and removed from his belt an aluminum container. The container illumi 7/11/1978 #33368  
nly ten feet above the ground. The aluminum colored UFO was shaped like a t 12/16/1978 #34159  
ree feet tall and dressed in shiny aluminum colored one-piece coveralls, an 1/13/1979 #34339  
 7:30 p.m. Two witnesses watch an “aluminum oil drum with wings” flying sil 9/3/1979 #34828  
t/apartment building! Goes through aluminum door!                           11/8/1979 #34984  
 distinct outlines, a surface like aluminum, and pointed ends. They are fly 1/17/1981 #35793  
portion appears to be like brushed aluminum with a grid pattern. As it pass 9/18/1981 #36128  
aterials: sodium chloride, sodium, aluminum, magnesium, sulfur, potassium,  1/20/1988 #38422  
tallic disc, shining like polished aluminum, at the 9 o'clock position. It  7/22/1989 #39030  
                   TUNICA, MS 300' aluminum sphere passes crop duster diago 10/10/1989 #39157  
                                An aluminum colored domed disc, shaped like 7/24/1991 #40131  
 several night lights and crumpled aluminum blob seen / 3 hours!            11/26/1992 #40731  
haped object, the color of brushed aluminum, buzzed a car being driven by t 2/24/1993 #40858  
t was found to be about 60 percent aluminum and different from any soil fou 9/16/1996 #43026  
ow prominent components of kaolin (aluminum silicate), a hydrated metal (pe 11/27/1998 #43686  
 sample analyzed and finds copper, aluminum, zinc, iron, sodium, manganese, 6/9/1999 #43782  
ping composed of a very high grade aluminum. The Navy cordoned off the area 4/18/2003 #44516  
ated the material was titanium and aluminum.                                5/3/2003 #44524  
shiny and reflective like polished aluminum. A small propeller aircraft jus 1/22/2005 #44809  
      At around two p.m. a bright, aluminum colored, cigar-shaped craft app 10/26/2005 #44893  
## Word: "aluminum-" (Back to Top)
 B-36. They are circular in shape, aluminum- colored, and flying at 1,200 m 1/28/1953 #8601  
 of Galt, Ontario, when he sees an aluminum- colored object with a dome. It 7/30/1957 #13862  
l Lake, Illinois, when they see an aluminum- colored ellipse hovering in th 7/1/1979 #34645  
## Word: "aluminum-colored" (Back to Top)
pproaching from the east. They are aluminum-colored and leave vapor trails. 6/25/1947 #2412  
County, Virginia, when he spots an aluminum-colored disc about 40 feet in d 3/26/1950 #4729  
, North Carolina, watches a round, aluminum-colored object with four other  4/8/1950 #4830  
d the US Eastern seaboard watch an aluminum-colored cylinder-shaped UFO, ap 8/4/1950 #5105  
, and two others, saw eight round, aluminum-colored objects. They were desc 7/22/1952 #7030  
eifer and Dorothy Sthamann, see an aluminum-colored object 3 miles away tha 8/7/1952 #7509  
lot Carlton A. Magruder sees three aluminum-colored objects with a red-yell 8/29/1952 #7789  
le, France when he suddenly saw an aluminum-colored object shaped like a pl 10/10/1954 #10900  
lland (9 miles E of ), TX White or aluminum-colored oval-shaped object flat 11/3/1957 #14237  
s out to check and sees a white or aluminum-colored, oval-shaped object fla 11/3/1957 #14243  
trange humming sound, then saw two aluminum-colored disks 200 m away. Near  11/18/1957 #14575  
 sound at 10:30 a.m., then saw two aluminum-colored discs 200 meters away.  11/18/1957 #14577  
o, CAN Civilian saw an elliptical, aluminum-colored (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 10/31/1958 #15408  
 A civilian reported an eliptical, aluminum-colored object at 2 km altitude 10/31/1958 #15409  
ly warm. They look back and see an aluminum-colored object on the hill behi 11/3/1960 #16493  
                       Norwich, NY Aluminum-colored sphere with luminous ri 7/27/1964 #18449  
. A woman and four children saw an aluminum-colored oblong object with five 8/5/1966 #20724  
lmington, OH 3 round, oval-shaped, aluminum-colored objects w/rotating ring 9/28/1966 #20931  
 Clarke. Three round, oval-shaped, aluminum-colored objects with rotating r 9/28/1966 #20932  
rce that three round, oval-shaped, aluminum-colored objects with rotating r 9/28/1966 #20933  
hoto a few seconds later. It is an aluminum-colored disc, about 25 feet in  11/22/1966 #21141  
r of an appliance store saw a dull aluminum-colored sphere with a flange ar 1/19/1967 #21349  
ned at Floreşti, Romania, watch an aluminum-colored object hovering about 2 9/1967 #22971  
fficer Schirmer observed a bright, aluminum-colored object just above the r 12/3/1967 #23543  
plore the ground. There is a wide, aluminum-colored slit around its eyes. A 10/8/1984 #37480  
## Word: "aluminum-like" (Back to Top)
 Illinois. The objects are made of aluminum-like material, and its “occupan 4/16/1897 #505  
                  Unknown City, NJ Aluminum-like disc with periphery of yel 1/29/1932 #1137  
, New York Terry F. Lapeza sees an aluminum-like disc with yellowish lights 4/1932 #1141  
rs Dry Lake and see a round, white aluminum-like object descending from 20, 7/8/1947 #3014  
 Dam, New Mexico, see a group of 7 aluminum-like, spherical objects approac 7/17/1948 #3714  
eyenne (near), WY USAF officer saw aluminum-like oval UFO. [III] (NICAP: 01 12/1950 #5303  
g USAF Capt. J. E. Broyles sees an aluminum-like oval object with a conical Late 12/1950 #5363  
 looking at it, they see six flat, aluminum-like objects streak across the  7/30/1952 #7364  
     Goodhue, MN Two-foot diameter aluminum-like disc hovered a few feet of 4/12/1981 #35892  
     Goodhue, MN Two-foot diameter aluminum-like disc hovered a few feet of 4/12/1981 #35893  
fe encountered a two-foot diameter aluminum-like disc as they drove by just 4/12/1981 #35894  
## Word: "aluminum-looking" (Back to Top)
ded. He walked within 150 m of the aluminum-looking craft which gave off a  3/18/1950 #4674  
eer stopped his car when he saw an aluminum-looking object, stationary, abo 7/27/1964 #18446  
n the reverse took place. A round, aluminum-looking object, about 10 m in d 7/28/1964 #18456  
## Word: "aluminum-titanium" (Back to Top)
o which it was concluded it was an aluminum-titanium alloy not from Earth.  5/3/2003 #44524  
## Word: "aluminum-white" (Back to Top)
 impact on EOTS. A round silver or aluminum-white object at first thought t 7/8/1947 #3005  
## Word: "aluminumlike" (Back to Top)
ome on top were two men dressed in aluminumlike suits. The craft did not la 7/13/1959 #15840  
ject, he saw a red insignia on its aluminumlike surface. It rose to 4 m wit 4/24/1964 #18194  
## Word: "alumni" (Back to Top)
s down by contacting her college's alumni department. He called her and ask 8/7/1968 #24308  
                      A Penn State alumni claims former Penn State Universi 9/6/1990 #39717  
## Word: "alumroot" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Alumroot” YieldMax: 20KT                 2/14/1973 #27290  
## Word: "alva" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Alva” Yield: 4.4KT                       8/19/1964 #18499  
     Chosica Power Plant, Peru Mr. Alva was awakened by a strange sound and 7/25/1965 #19170  
                 On this night Mr. Alva was awakened by a strange sound and 7/25/1965 #19174  
## Word: "alvah" (Back to Top)
esia Shortly after midnight. Capt. Alvah M. Reida is piloting a B-29 bomber 8/11/1944 #1640  
## Word: "alvarez" (Back to Top)
ker Haskins, physicist Luis Walter Alvarez, physicist William Shockley, and 7/3/1946 #2025  
orence Van Straten and Luis Walter Alvarez, the inventor of Ground Control  Spring 1948 #3593  
n, Samuel A. Goudsmit, Luis Walter Alvarez, and Thornton Leigh Page. CIA me 1/14/1953 #8539  
Allen Hynek, Prof. S. GOUDSMIT, L. ALVAREZ, Sam Goudsmit, Prof. Luis Alvare 1/26/1953 #8568  
 ALVAREZ, Sam Goudsmit, Prof. Luis Alvarez, Dr. Lloyd Berkner and Prof. Tho 1/26/1953 #8568  
harral, Texas About midnight. José Alvarez is driving along Route 51 in Whi 11/2/1957 #14218  
                                   ALVAREZ DE SOTOMAYOR, SP = VIATOR ARMY B 1/1970 #25525  
                        Mr. & Mrs. Alvarez reported that a seven meter in d 6/9/1971 #26164  
                          Raimundo Alvarez and Pancho Torres, two masons, w 8/18/1972 #26928  
nce. About 50 yards away from them Alvarez saw two strange, eight-foot tall 8/18/1972 #26928  
       A ten-year old boy, Lorenzo Alvarez Vazquez, in the Bilbao suburb of 8/4/1976 #31232  
el and police officers; Maj. Ramón Alvarez Mateus, head of the Air Force Pu 5/22/1991 #40074  
     At 4 p.m. Fire Chief Ezequiel Alvarez reported seeing a tall hairy hum 4/22/2003 #44518  
 one confirmed member, Dr. Luis W. Alvarez, is allegedly linked to a UAP cr 4/25/2019 #45572  
 by USG. One year later, she named Alvarez as the source. Alvarez had alrea 4/25/2019 #45572  
, she named Alvarez as the source. Alvarez had already worked at Los Alamos 4/25/2019 #45572  
 told ufologist Grant Cameron that Alvarez told him in 1986 “he would not g 4/25/2019 #45572  
## Word: "alvaro" (Back to Top)
e state of Rio Grande do Sul, Jose Alvaro, age 20, was abducted aboard a UF 3/2/1978 #33011  
l Manaus, Amazonas 9:15 p.m. Cmdr. Alvaro de Camargo is flying a Transbrasi 3/12/1987 #38139  
        Flight Safety Section Col. Alvaro Fernández Rodas, head of the Flig 5/22/1991 #40074  
## Word: "alvaston" (Back to Top)
e Sputnik / 2250h. Silent saucer / Alvaston goes and returns after.         10/11/1957 #14098  
ent disc-shaped object was seen at Alvaston which went away, but soon retur 10/11/1957 #14101  
## Word: "alvear" (Back to Top)
as traveling on Route 3 in General Alvear, Buenos Aires, Argentina when he  7/25/1968 #24227  
BA, ARG UFO's here and Pastora and Alvear.. Bullets do nothing. / La Razon. 7/27/1968 (approximate) #24236  
lometers of the witness in General Alvear, Argentina. It moved away at a ve 7/9/1978 #33361  
                                In Alvear, La Pampa Province, Argentina sev 5/3/2002 #44336  
## Word: "alverca" (Back to Top)
                                   Alverca do Ribatejo e Sobralinho, Portug 10/25/2014 #45421  
nteiro is walking in the parish of Alverca do Ribatejo e Sobralinho, Portug 10/25/2014 #45421  
## Word: "alverson" (Back to Top)
xington, Kentucky 9:00 p.m. George Alverson, Alex Oxford, and Charley Hunte 4/17/1897 #525  
## Word: "alves" (Back to Top)
of Freeport, Texas 3:00 a.m. C. B. Alves sees four flying discs 50 miles no Late 10/1920 #1006  
               Pontal, Brazil Jose Alves was fishing in the Pardo River whe 11/4/1954 #11563  
zil Rio Pardo A laborer named Jose Alves of Pontal, São Paulo, Brazil, is n 11/4/1954 #11564  
              On this evening Jose Alves was fishing on the river in Pontal 11/4/1954 #11568  
## Word: "alvez" (Back to Top)
he main witness, Isabel Cardozo de Alvez. At the same time a red sphere of  10/30/1976 #31511  
## Word: "alvial" (Back to Top)
ous UFOs were taken by Dr. Gabriel Alvial at the University of Chile's El I 5/17/1968 #23972  
## Word: "alvie" (Back to Top)
nte Vista, Colorado 6:15 a.m. Mrs. Alvie Frank sees several flat, glowing o 10/26/1962 #17500  
## Word: "alvin" (Back to Top)
s Hospital in Baltimore 10:30 p.m. Alvin Cohen and Phillip Small are roundi 10/26/1958 #15385  
Maryland Witnesses: Phillip Small, Alvin Cohen. One large, flat egg-shaped  10/27/1958 #15391  
                           SOUTH / ALVIN, TX Cylinder/cigar-shape follows g 11/8/1959 #16082  
    Edwards AFB, California Pilots Alvin S. White and Carl Cross reach a sp 1/12/1966 #19831  
 copilot Carl S. Cross. Its pilot, Alvin S. White, ejects and is the sole s 6/8/1966 #20544  
ity, Long Beach, English professor Alvin H. Lawson, along with technical wr 1977 #31655  
an, R. Leo Sprinkle, James Harder, Alvin Lawson, W. C. McCall, and Michael  8/28/1978 #33585  
                     DICKINSON AND ALVIN, TX 50+observer(s). Night lights / 7/29/1994 #41647  
                                   ALVIN, TX 3 teens. Whistle and humming.  6/6/2001 #44192  
## Word: "alviso" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Alviso” YieldMax: 20KT                   6/11/1975 #30096  
## Word: "alvito" (Back to Top)
                                 O ALVITO, PORTUGAL Hunter. Cylinder/cigar- 10/17/1954 #11155  
                                 O Alvito, Portugal A hunter, Manuel Madeir 10/17/1954 #11172  
nded object while out hunting in O Alvito, Portugal. It took off and flew a 10/17/1954 #11178  
## Word: "alvor" (Back to Top)
                                   ALVOR, PRTGL Humming. Object hovers over 9/1977 #32451  
## Word: "always" (Back to Top)
st going quickly northwest / days. Always at 0930h.                         2/21/1948 (approximate) #3585  
 flying around 30 mph. The targets always fly in the same path from northwe Spring 1948 #3593  
den. Sundh says that his personnel always took even the weirdest observatio 10/1951 #5693  
nce tells him that the objects are always seen in the northern sky around 8 6/27/1952 #6647  
he planet Clarion, a world that is always on the other side of the moon. He 7/28/1952 #7260  
try to point at the object, but it always avoids the beam.                  4/22/1954 #9705  
e, changing relative positions but always at the same level. The large obje 6/29/1954 #9962  
rive from different directions and always in formation. More filamentous ma 11/7/1954 #11589  
gree that the NORAD commander will always be a US officer, with a Canadian  9/12/1957 #13992  
writes Keyhoe back, saying he has “always been convinced that UFO’s were no 7/30/1958 #15162  
a planet invisible to us, as it is always behind one of the planets we can  1/30/1965 #18785  
surfaces, in which he says: “I had always scoffed at these reports, but I s 5/28/1965 #18973  
 UFO. Bertrand says the lights are always in a line and at a 60° angle; whe 9/3/1965 #19511  
object moves, the lower lights are always forward of the others. In the day 9/3/1965 #19511  
 seconds. The object appears to be always rotating. After its departure, Pe 1/19/1966 #19858  
 within 7.5 miles, but the objects always pull away and climb higher. Even  10/24/1969 #25423  
ittle stones” in the nearby woods. Always dressed in black, he arrives via  1/23/1971 #25999  
er(s) finds 3M saucer / same area. Always silent. / r50p33.                 5/2/1971 #26096  
during the Vietnam War took place, always at night, and prompted shooting b 10/16/1973 #28084  
paced their car for several miles, always staying the same distance ahead,  8/6/1976 #31241  
 made odd maneuvers, not jerky but always smoothly executed. (NICAP: 02 - C 4/7/1982 #36437  
 made odd maneuvers, not jerky but always smoothly executed.                4/7/1982 #36439  
hey notice that a transformer that always buzzes is silent. Stray dogs do n 8/12/1983 #36949  
ems electro-magnetic effect (EME). Always / 2120hrs.                        8/29/1994 #41699  
ghts, two on either side that were always visible, turned red for 10 second 11/1/2002 #44430  
ossibility that radar alone cannot always tell us what’s out there.”        7/29/2008 #45152  
from 20 seconds to 30 minutes, and always happens while the diplomats are e 8/2017 #45477  
## Word: "alwis" (Back to Top)
krema, his two assistants Oswin de Alwis and Nimal Dunuwille, and the drive 7/17/1971 #26234  
## Word: "alykel" (Back to Top)
Khatanga, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia Alykel Airport near Norilsk Messoyakha G 10/27/1979 #34971  
bject is seen shortly afterward at Alykel Airport near Norilsk, and the Mes 10/27/1979 #34971  
## Word: "alzofon" (Back to Top)
ve EM devices based on the work of Alzofon, Tesla, Littlejohn, Sweet, Niels 1/1998 #43483  
## Word: "alzogaray" (Back to Top)
                         Cañada de Alzogaray Burruyacú Tucumán Argentina Ni 1/1963 #17624  
mile from their house in Cañada de Alzogaray, near Burruyacú, Tucumán, Arge 1/1963 #17624  
## Word: "alzonne" (Back to Top)
                                   ALZONNE, FR 5M glowing-ball going up / 2 5/18/1974 #29110  
## Word: "amacuro" (Back to Top)
r about this date, at night in the Amacuro Delta, Venezuela Fernando de Moy 11/4/1954 #11569  
## Word: "amadeo" (Back to Top)
uenca, Spain 7:00 a.m. Businessman Amadeo Villar is driving with his wife a 5/7/1974 #29091  
## Word: "amador" (Back to Top)
                               FT. AMADOR, PANAMA 1 military observer(s). L 9/21/1957 #14022  
Fort Clayton Balboa, Panama Fuerte Amador 1:20 p.m. Photographer Linda Aros 6/17/1978 #33286  
 16 while fishing at nearby Fuerte Amador.                                  6/17/1978 #33286  
## Word: "amadores" (Back to Top)
                                   AMADORES, ARG Cops and 3. 2 night lights 1/9/1962 #17017  
## Word: "amagasaki" (Back to Top)
                                   AMAGASAKI, JAPAN 5 students independentl 12/12/1962 #17580  
                                   Amagasaki City, Japan Five students saw, 12/12/1962 #17581  
                                   Amagasaki, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan 4:30  12/12/1962 #17584  
apan 4:30 p.m. Five schoolgirls in Amagasaki, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, see  12/12/1962 #17584  
## Word: "amager" (Back to Top)
                                   AMAGER ISLAND, DK 2 young birdwatchers.  7/8/1959 #15822  
## Word: "amalfi" (Back to Top)
                               OFF AMALFI, ITL Several kids. Night lights a 1/3/1979 #34282  
## Word: "amalgam" (Back to Top)
re recovered, which consist of an “amalgam of silicon, boron, calcium, and  1/17/1963 #17636  
## Word: "amalgamated" (Back to Top)
Groups, which in 1959 evolves into Amalgamated Flying Saucer Clubs of Ameri 1/1957 #13440  
el Green rebrands his group as the Amalgamated Flying Saucer Clubs of Ameri 7/1959 #15808  
tform at the second meeting of his Amalgamated Flying Saucer Clubs of Ameri 8/9/1960 #16366  
## Word: "amalia" (Back to Top)
of the Folkloric Ballet of Mexico, Amalia Hernández; and future Mexican Pre 9/23/1965 #19591  
## Word: "amand-les-eaux" (Back to Top)
                               ST. AMAND-LES-EAUX, FR 20M domed saucer foll 6/1969 (approximate) #25178  
                               ST. AMAND-LES-EAUX, FR Fast orange ovoid sto 8/1978 #33458  
                               ST. AMAND-LES-EAUX, FR 3 observer(s). Bright 12/24/1989 #39329  
## Word: "amano's" (Back to Top)
wn from the sky and struck the Mr. Amano's two-year-old daughter's stomach. 10/3/1978 #33797  
## Word: "amanzimtoti" (Back to Top)
                                   AMANZIMTOTI, NATAL ~50 observer(s). Cyli 10/1/1960 #16473  
## Word: "amapa" (Back to Top)
 flashing yellow lights flew above Amapa, Brazil at an altitude above 35,00 6/7/1978 #33258  
## Word: "amapá" (Back to Top)
                           Macapá, Amapá, Brazil Two airliners, one from TA 8/8/1995 #42368  
egionais, watch a UFO over Macapá, Amapá, Brazil. TAM Cmdr. Marcos Aurélio  8/8/1995 #42368  
## Word: "amarais" (Back to Top)
cal Institute at the Cemitério dos Amarais in Campinas Brazilian Departamen 1/23/1996 #42709  
cal Institute at the Cemitério dos Amarais in Campinas. Army officials cont 1/23/1996 #42709  
## Word: "amaral" (Back to Top)
croscope by a school director, Dr. Amaral, and later by armed forces techni 11/2/1959 #16076  
hicle in the pre-dawn hours on the Amaral Peixoto Highway in Brazil when th 8/9/1972 #26890  
## Word: "amarante" (Back to Top)
ll hill near the village of Fregim Amarante, Portugal when he heard a whist 5/5/1954 #9755  
                    Sao Gondolo do Amarante, Ceara state, Brazil 6:00 p.m.  10/25/1975 #30468  
thed in a lagoon in Sao Gondolo do Amarante on the river and was washing cl 10/25/1975 #30468  
                    Sao Gondolo do Amarante, Ceara state, Brazil Bt. 6:00 & 10/25/1975 #30469  
thed in a lagoon in Sao Gondolo do Amarante on the river and was washing cl 10/25/1975 #30472  
                  SOUTH GONCALO DE AMARANTE, BRZ Saucer zaps boy / blue ray 10/27/1975 (approximate) #30480  
ed over the town of Sao Goncalo do Amarante, Ceara State, Brazil at low alt 10/29/1975 #30513  
                  SOUTH GONCALO DO AMARANTE, BRZ 2 / farm. Big silent flash 6/1989 #38969  
                     SAO GONCALO / AMARANTE, BRZ Several observer(s). Fireb 7/25/1992 #40534  
## Word: "amaranth" (Back to Top)
ernoon, the witness notes that two amaranth plants located near the UFO hav 10/21/1982 #36657  
arden and take some samples of the amaranth plants. The analysis of the sam 10/21/1982 #36657  
## Word: "amargo" (Back to Top)
                           Manzano Amargo, Neuquen Province, Arg Jose Fermi 2/18/1981 #35831  
remote mountainous area of Manzano Amargo, Neuquen Province, Argentina that 2/18/1981 #35832  
## Word: "amargosa" (Back to Top)
                                   Amargosa Valley Nevada The Storm Area 51 6/27/2019 #45588  
0. The event plans for the raid in Amargosa Valley on September 20. More th 6/27/2019 #45588  
## Word: "amarilla" (Back to Top)
                            Tierra Amarilla AFS, NM Unknown Tracked At 1800 5/25/1952 #6356  
                            Tierra Amarilla AFS, NM Whites streamer move at 10/17/1952 #8144  
                            Tierra Amarilla, New Mexico Witness: one milita 10/17/1952 #8147  
           At 11:00 p.m. in Tierra Amarilla, New Mexico a military witness  10/17/1952 #8152  
                            Tierra Amarilla AFS, NM (McDonald list; FUFOR I 11/8/1952 #8258  
                            TIERRA AMARILLA AFS, NM Blue Book. Ground and a 2/13/1957 #13495  
                            Tierra Amarilla AFS, NM Meyer. (McDonald list;  2/13/1957 #13500  
## Word: "amarillo" (Back to Top)
                     El Paso (Near Amarillo and Lamesa), TX AFOSI Case 18;  1/30/1949 #3983  
        Kirtland AFB in New Mexico Amarillo Lamesa, Texas Kirtland AFB in N 1/31/1949 #3988  
 the fireball’s 143-mile path from Amarillo to Lamesa, Texas. He estimates  1/31/1949 #3988  
                                   AMARILLO, TX 3 observer(s). Silver sauce 3/28/1950 #4743  
                                   AMARILLO, TX Boys. 3' saucer / ground. D 4/8/1950 #4824  
                   River Road near Amarillo, Texas David, 12, and Charles,  4/8/1950 #4828  
 that day shortly before noon near Amarillo, Texas, David Lightfoot, age 12 4/8/1950 #4832  
 off in their F-61C (AF 8357) from Amarillo on an MX-775 test of a Navaho m 4/18/1950 #4867  
                                   AMARILLO, TX 1 military observer(s). Sau 5/17/1950 (approximate) #4946  
saucer-shaped object landed at the Amarillo, Texas airport for five minutes 5/17/1950 #4950  
                                   AMARILLO, TX 2 glowing ovoids. 5 minute( 8/25/1951 #5619  
                                   AMARILLO, TX 4 / car. 3 fiery orange fir 8/23/1952 #7689  
                                   Amarillo (About 35 miles W of), TX Extre 12/29/1952 #8458  
                                   AMARILLO, TX Air Traffic Controllers. Tr 8/3/1953 #9039  
                                   Amarillo, TX Round and reflective or tra 8/3/1953 #9042  
                                   Amarillo, Texas Witness:  Airport contro 8/3/1953 #9043  
            At 12:04 p.m. over the Amarillo Airport, Texas a transparent di 8/3/1953 #9044  
                                   Amarillo, TX Air Force Chief Nathan Twin 5/15/1954 #9797  
f Nathan Twining tells audience in Amarillo that best brains of Air Force a 5/15/1954 #9797  
ightings. [Quoted by United Press; Amarillo, Texas].                        5/15/1954 #9798  
                                   Amarillo AFB Rick Husband Amarillo Inter 5/15/1954 #9804  
         Amarillo AFB Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport Texas Gen 5/15/1954 #9804  
g at an Armed Forces Day dinner at Amarillo AFB [now Rick Husband Amarillo  5/15/1954 #9804  
 at Amarillo AFB [now Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport], Texas,  5/15/1954 #9804  
                      10 MI EAST / AMARILLO, TX Ex-bomber pilot and more/ot 8/2/1956 #13048  
                                   Amarillo, Texas Night. Capt. G. M. Schem 7/22/1957 #13817  
aft, is flying at 18,000 feet near Amarillo, Texas, when a big red and gree 7/22/1957 #13817  
 to make an unscheduled landing at Amarillo to hospitalize one passenger wh 7/22/1957 #13817  
                              OVER AMARILLO, TX TWA flight 21 forced to div 7/23/1957 #13819  
                                   AMARILLO, TX 2 Air Traffic Controllers a 11/2/1957 #14206  
                                   AMARILLO, TX Glowing object / road surro 11/4/1957 #14257  
                                   Amarillo, Texas Palo Duro Canyon After 1 11/4/1957 #14282  
t. A young couple are returning to Amarillo, Texas, from Palo Duro Canyon w 11/4/1957 #14282  
c Energy Commission’s Pantex Plant Amarillo, Texas Farin Road 2373 Highway  11/7/1957 #14462  
on’s Pantex Plant 15 miles east of Amarillo, Texas. The UFOs are reported t 11/7/1957 #14462  
nergy Commission’s Pantex Plant in Amarillo, TX report three flashing objec 11/7/1957 #14465  
                                   AMARILLO, TX Several observer(s). Saucer 8/4/1965 #19298  
ilian women were driving back from Amarillo when they saw an object aproach 3/26/1966 #20090  
  Two women were driving back from Amarillo, Texas at just before midnight  3/26/1966 #20095  
omen, Smith and Beer, driving from Amarillo, Texas saw a UFO approach their 3/27/1966 #20102  
plant in South Carolina Pantex, in Amarillo, Texas Danish Institute for Int 1/21/1968 #23684  
agments are recycled by Pantex, in Amarillo, Texas. The incident causes out 1/21/1968 #23684  
                                   Amarillo, TX (McDonald list; FUFOR Index 3/6/1968 #23830  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Amarillo” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT    6/27/1989 #38995  
                                   Amarillo, Texas Tinker AFB, Oklahoma Nea 3/23/1992 #40397  
o, Texas Tinker AFB, Oklahoma Near Amarillo, Texas, radio hobbyist Steven D 3/23/1992 #40397  
 ‘pulser’ that had just flown over Amarillo.”                               3/23/1992 #40397  
                                   Amarillo, Texas Day. Steve Douglass and  3/10/2014 #45404  
ft giving off a long contrail over Amarillo, Texas.                         3/10/2014 #45404  
## Word: "amaro" (Back to Top)
                             SANTO AMARO, BRZ Man enters open saucer. Maps  11/2/1954 #11527  
                             Santo Amaro Rua Andaguara São Paulo, Brazil So 11/2/1954 #11537  
ves the streetcar trailer at Santo Amaro, a suburb of São Paulo, Brazil, an 11/2/1954 #11537  
aurilio Braga Godoi left the Santo Amaro, Brazil streetcar terminal and sta 11/2/1954 #11539  
## Word: "amassing" (Back to Top)
er. The program runs through 1973, amassing 10,000 files on more than 300,0 8/1967 #22770  
atus report, UFO Crash/Retrievals: Amassing the Evidence.                   6/1982 #36488  
## Word: "amasya" (Back to Top)
y in her fourth floor apartment in Amasya, Turkey when she turned her head  7/23/2001 #44210  
## Word: "amateur" (Back to Top)
rland Paris, France 12:00 noon. An amateur astronomer named de Rostan is ob 8/9/1762 #81  
During a total solar eclipse, four amateur observers in St. Paul’s Junction 8/7/1869 #180  
) Observatory, and Lewis Swift, an amateur from Rochester, New York, both c 7/29/1878 #214  
ey Ursa Minor Capricorn 10:30 p.m. Amateur astronomer N. S. Drayton in Jers 7/6/1882 #248  
rks in Dec. 2006. A Medical doctor/amateur astronomer observed a cigar shap 4/15/1897 #480  
                    LIMERICK, IREL Amateur astronomer. Luminous saucer goes 12/24/1909 #823  
 England Ashstead, Surrey Mid-day. Amateur astronomer William Herbert Steav 9/9/1914 #916  
rst observed by civil engineer and amateur radio operator Jørgen Hals from  Late Summer 1927 #1079  
more than 30 minutes. One witness, amateur astronomer R. C. Fahrion, descri 6/13/1928 #1086  
              Nashville, Tennessee Amateur astronomer Latimer J. Wilson of  5/30/1937 #1270  
                       BOULDER, CO Amateur astronomer / (seen thru) telesco 5/3/1947 #2277  
                   JYVASKYLA, FINL Amateur astronomer and more. Metallic cy 7/1947 #2494  
       Harborside, Maine 2:30 p.m. Amateur astronomer John F. Cole watches  7/3/1947 #2581  
                       GLASGOW, IL Amateur astronomer / (seen thru) telesco 7/7/1947 #2869  
irection-Finding (DF) Operator and amateur astronomer Frank M. Eisele, 103r 1/7/1948 #3546  
               Knoxville, TN Radio amateur tracks UFO with radar (NICAP: 09 3/1/1950 #4570  
. Stuart Adcock, a Knoxville radio amateur with experience in radar technol 3/1/1950 #4572  
           Sunbury, Ohio Witness:  amateur astronomer Carl Loar. One silver 12/7/1951 #5810  
                   London, Ontario Amateur astronomer W. Gordon Graham sees 4/1952? #6008  
                 ALUMINUM ROCK, CA Amateur astronomer and 4. 2 glowing-orbs 4/16/1952 #6088  
AL CITY, CA Pilot and engineer and amateur Ast and 5. Metallic saucer dives 5/13/1952 #6310  
                  GREENVILLE, SC 3 amateur astronomers and more. 4 large ov 5/13/1952 #6311  
. James Richardson and three other amateur astronomers (among them Cyril Th 5/13/1952 #6317  
a James Richardson and three other amateur astronomers set up telescopes in 5/13/1952 #6320  
               Greenville, SC Four amateur astronomers observed a diamond-s 5/18/1952 #6337  
                                   Amateur photographer Neff was making tim 7/6/1952 #6723  
                      ELKHART, IND Amateur astronomer / (seen thru) telesco 7/28/1952 #7240  
                      ROCKFORD, IL Amateur astronomer / (seen thru) binocul 7/28/1952 #7245  
                     BALTIMORE, MD Amateur astronomer and RADAR. 2+2 domed  8/5/1952 #7458  
         Baltimore, MD Experienced amateur astronomer observed two copper-l 8/5/1952 #7462  
vation is prematurely confirmed by amateur Welsh astronomer Hugh Percy Wilk 7/30/1953 #9021  
                    SOUTH GATE, CA Amateur astronomer. Ovoid with sharp edg 10/9/1953 #9213  
                   LOS ANGELES, CA Amateur astronomer. Huge elliptical cyli 2/18/1954 #9553  
ater Manchester, England 9:25 p.m. Amateur astronomer Harold Hill is at his 7/8/1954 #10003  
    At 5:17 p.m. in Westlake, Ohio amateur astronomer Mr. N. E. Schroeder,  8/2/1954 #10095  
adio interference reported, but an amateur radio was not effected.          8/6/1954 #10106  
                            MOON 3 amateur astronomers / Illinois. 2.5mile  9/5/1954 #10253  
                         IONIA, MI Amateur astronomers. 3 glowing UFO's / t 9/20/1954 #10367  
N, VA Project Bluebook Case #3720. Amateur astronomer. 5 separate night lig 8/23/1955 #12393  
                       HOUSTON, TX Amateur astronomer. 4 grey ovoids going  1/14/1956 #12658  
                     A 51-year-old amateur astronomer in Houston, Texas nam 1/14/1956 #12659  
0 p.m. Rev. Charles Burmeister, an amateur astronomer, sees five “orange bl 5/4/1956 #12832  
                  NORTH DALLAS, TX Amateur astronomers / (seen thru) binocu 6/27/1956 #12924  
                     ARLINGTON, VA Amateur astronomer. Vibrant bright "star 7/14/1956 #12971  
                    HARTFORD, CT 2 amateur astronomers / (seen thru) telesc 7/28/1956 #13022  
ion Moonwatch, an effort to enlist amateur astronomers in tracking an artif 9/11/1956 #13214  
me online in 1958, this network of amateur scientists and other interested  9/11/1956 #13214  
                     WILLISTON, ND Amateur astronomer. Silent 30M domed V-s 9/22/1956 #13234  
Dakota Missouri River 7:50 p.m. An amateur astronomer in Williston, North D 9/22/1956 #13235  
       At 7:50 p.m. Mr. Borrud, an amateur astronomer, sighted a dull metal 9/22/1956 #13236  
                     CRYSTAL, MI 2 amateur astronomers / (seen thru) telesc 9/27/1956 #13249  
                   PLACERVILLE, CA Amateur astronomer. Meteor going south.  2/13/1957 #13497  
 Placerville, California 9:40 p.m. Amateur astronomer Steve Papina is walki 2/13/1957 #13503  
                  CORAL GABLES, FL Amateur astronomer / naked eye. Dim glow 5/22/1957 #13672  
         Tucson, Arizona 4:15 p.m. Amateur astronomer Earl Sydow spots a br 10/6/1957 #14066  
uspects that it comes from a radio amateur or equipment testing in the New  11/7/1957 #14461  
-formation. Under 1500M altitude / amateur astronomer.                      11/19/1957 #14579  
                     SHEFFIELD, AL Amateur astronomer. Moon-size neon-glow  12/26/1957 #14760  
                   At 8:40 p.m. an amateur astronomer sighted a neon-colore 12/26/1957 #14761  
   Mobile, Alabama Moon Night. Two amateur astronomers in Mobile, Alabama,  10/8/1959 #16028  
                     SAN MATEO, CA Amateur astronomer. Odd theramin sound!  8/12/1960 #16371  
ensational theories:" the work of "amateur hobby groups." NICAP's evidence  3/1961 #16616  
tional theories,” and the work of “amateur hobby groups.” NICAP’s evidence  3/1961 #16617  
          SAN DIEGO, CA Blue Book. Amateur astronomers and more/others. Nig 9/11/1961 #16828  
                                   AMATEUR ASTRONOMER / NY Small oval night 8/12/1962 #17332  
 cautions them against going to an amateur hypnotist, such as himself.      11/23/1962 #17559  
                BUCHAREST, ROMANIA Amateur astronomer. Lens-UFO going quick 7/1963 #17817  
                  BUCHAREST, ROM 2 amateur astronomers. 2 bright saucers pl 8/1963 #17855  
is at an estimated 90,000 feet. An amateur astronomer in Bushey, Hertfordsh 8/1/1963 #17860  
A, OH Project Bluebook Case #9550. Amateur astronomer. Bright blue star cro 7/25/1965 #19167  
          Castalia, Ohio Witness:  amateur astronomer M.D. Harris, 16. One  7/25/1965 #19171  
 Ohio 16-year-old M. D. Harris, an amateur astronomer, was viewing the nigh 7/25/1965 #19173  
Fort Worth, Texas Moon Arcturus An amateur astronomer in Fort Worth, Texas, 12/13/1965 #19766  
        Roseville, Ohio Barber and amateur astronomer Ralph Ditter Jr. of R 11/13/1966 #21098  
this unknown object. Ditter was an amateur astronomer, and avid sky watcher 2/1967 #21426  
                    STOCKHOLM, SWD Amateur astronomer. Dot grows to classic 4/2/1967 #22047  
                After attending an amateur astronomy club meeting, Benito H 5/15/1967 #22348  
                      NEWTON, NH 2 amateur astronomers. Saucer-night light  7/27/1967 #22737  
ong the side, was sighted by three amateur astronomers at 1:00 a.m. over Ne 7/27/1967 #22742  
                        NANTES, FR Amateur astronomer. Low-short humming. 3 3/26/1968 #23860  
er Island, British Columbia Night. Amateur astronomer Hermanus Voorsluys an 9/29/1968 #24521  
                  SARAJEVO, BOSNIA Amateur astronomers. 4 photographs / bul 10/18/1968 #24569  
                       HYERES, VAR Amateur astronomer. Dark spots cross moo 11/9/1968 #24645  
     Denver, Colorado The National Amateur Astronomers Association hosts an 8/22/1969 #25325  
            COURNON D'AUVERGNE, FR Amateur astronomers. White football goin 5/13/1970 #25660  
                   SACKVILLE, NB 2 amateur astronomers. Triangle with color 7/28/1971 #26248  
ckville, New Brunswick, Canada two amateur astronomers reported that a tria 7/28/1971 #26250  
           PARIS AND WATERDOWN, ON Amateur astronomers. Sphere/orb/globe /  7/27/1972 #26840  
                       WALTHAM, MA Amateur astronomer and 1. 18M ovoid nigh 12/4/1972 #27161  
re taken by a nuclear engineer and amateur astronomer at 8:45 p.m. in Jeann 7/18/1973 #27640  
 Several cops and park rangers and amateur astronomer etc. 15m saucer maneu 10/2/1973 #27914  
                    VENISSIEUX, FR Amateur Astronomer. Moonlike ball going  1/6/1974 #28651  
                 NUORO, SARDINIA 2 amateur astronomers photograph vague ovo 10/9/1974 #29508  
            EAST / LE THORONET, FR Amateur astronomer. Glowing-ovoid follow 1/30/1977 #31766  
                       BURBANK, CA Amateur astronomer. Little dipper gains  4/2/1977 #31939  
                       MUDENG, PHL Amateur astronomer / clergy. Red-brown c 5/1/1977 #32044  
     Mudeng, Philippines 2:00 a.m. Amateur astronomer Lev Boethin sees a re 5/1/1977 #32045  
oped by the European Space Agency, amateur astronomer Alberto Caballero ide 8/15/1977 #32402  
                      VAN NUYS, CA Amateur astronomer. Vibrant bright night 8/20/1977 #32415  
                        AUCHEY, FR Amateur astronomer / (seen thru) telesco 10/2/1977 #32546  
r in diameter domed disc buzzed an amateur astronomer outside with a telesc 10/2/1977 #32547  
                                   AMATEUR ASTRONOMER / ENGL Black cogwheel 6/11/1978 #33269  
                    TORBAY, DEVONS Amateur astronomer. Fuzzy perfect cube / 9/12/1978 #33667  
re that survives reentry. In 2014, amateur satellite tracker Ted Molczan pr 8/10/1979 #34724  
                     MARSEILLE, FR Amateur astronomer / (seen thru) telesco 12/31/1979 #35105  
               NEWTON, NC Cops and amateur astronomer. Silent rectangular U 1/26/1981 #35801  
arolina at 8:35 p.m. police and an amateur astronomer witnessed a silent re 1/26/1981 #35803  
                  WEST SUNBURY, PA Amateur astronomers / telescope. Large d 4/14/1982 #36444  
      Winnipeg, Manitoba 5:54 p.m. Amateur astronomer Todd Lohvinenko in Wi 1/14/1983 #36746  
 is seen above Nuremberg, Germany. Amateur astronomer Walter Schwarz takes  4/26/1983 #36845  
  SPLIT, CROATIA AND MORE/OTHERS 9 amateur astronomers. Blue ovoid stops /  10/3/1983 #36991  
      Split, Croatia 8:00 PM. Nine amateur astronomers sighted at blue ovoi 10/3/1983 #36994  
                 At 8:00 p.m. nine amateur astronomers sighted at blue ovoi 10/3/1983 #36996  
sses at rocket launches, including amateur observers of the Soviet missile  9/7/1984 #37458  
                      LAGUEPIE, FR Amateur astronomer. Odd tooth-shaped "co 8/23/1985 #37650  
                               Two amateur astronomers, after having heard  6/16/1987 #38191  
                      OAK HILL, WV Amateur astronomer and several. Dumbell  10/22/1987 #38308  
            ROUNDHAY, WEST YORKS 2 amateur astronomers. Brill yellow sphere 1/4/1988 #38396  
       Eupen, Belgium 6:50 p.m. An amateur photographer is sitting in his l 12/1/1989 #39293  
                    LE BOUSCAT, FR Amateur astronomer. Very small black ovo 12/31/1989 #39344  
er in 1990 and in the mid-1990s by amateur observers. The second satellite  3/1/1990 #39437  
                 KIRWAN, WEST AUST Amateur astronomer. Saucer / artists pal 5/28/1990 #39594  
                   GWERU, ZIMBABWE Amateur astronomer. Odd star maneuvers / 8/11/1990 #39684  
                                An amateur astronomer reported that he witn 8/11/1990 #39685  
              SOUTH / MESSINA, ITL Amateur astronomer / (seen thru) telesco 6/21/1993 #41027  
                    BULWELL, NOTTS Amateur astronomers. Glowing saucer. Oth 1/19/1994 #41377  
                OTTAWA, ON Pilot / amateur astronomer. Silent night light m 7/7/1994 #41613  
                  At 11:30 p.m. an amateur astronomer who is also a pilot w 7/7/1994 #41614  
te hovers / long time. No planet / amateur astronomer. Back 5 December.     12/3/1994 #41878  
                     WINNIPEG, MBA Amateur astronomer / (seen thru) telesco 7/23/1995 #42321  
                   COCKATOO, AUSTR Amateur astronomers. 2 fireballs rise ov 2/3/1996 #42736  
ideo taken around 10:00 p.m. by an amateur photographer that clearly shows  3/13/1997 #43229  
                      RICHMOND, CA Amateur astronomer. Silent black equilat 5/15/1997 #43294  
                  NEAR PHOENIX, AZ Amateur astronomer. 4 spheres weave acro 6/17/1997 #43324  
                         BRONX, NY Amateur astronomer. Dark disk going quic 8/28/1999 #43837  
ath in Suffolk, England Afternoon. Amateur radio enthusiasts record the con 1/12/2007 #44999  
he mission, a worldwide network of amateur astronomers claims to have ident 4/22/2010 #45276  
                Philippe Ailleris, amateur astronomer and founder of the Un 1/2011 #45311  
          Lublin, Poland Night. An amateur astronomer in Lublin, Poland, is 8/14/2013 #45382  
tiple times over Kansas and Texas. Amateur photographer Jeff Templin snaps  2/2014 #45401  
## Word: "amateurists" (Back to Top)
he project. He disapproves of UFO “amateurists,” especially NICAP. The proj 10/31/1968 #24608  
## Word: "amato" (Back to Top)
 At eleven o'clock that night Miss Amato, a 12-year-old girl, heard a "bloo 2/21/1968 #23774  
ounsel to Sen. Robert Byrd, Dick D’Amato, tells Jacques Vallée: “what that  1991 #39939  
s diary that he met with Richard D’Amato. D’Amato at the time was counsel t 5/22/1992 #40469  
hat he met with Richard D’Amato. D’Amato at the time was counsel to the Sen 5/22/1992 #40469  
ittee under Sen. Robert C. Byrd. D’Amato tells Vallee that he looked into t 5/22/1992 #40469  
 seen in Belgium from 1989-1990. D’Amato believed the craft were human and  5/22/1992 #40469  
ss to find out what’s going on,” D’Amato added.  https://ufos-scientificres 5/22/1992 #40469  
the books.”  This conflicts with D’Amato’s comments, who assisted Sen. Byrd 5/22/1992 #40469  
r black aerospace programs, with D’Amato telling Vallee the triangular UAP  5/22/1992 #40469  
 setting considering his counsel D’Amato believed triangular UAP were human 12/22/1992 #40762  
 Committee under Sen. Byrd, Dick D’Amato, allegedly states somewhere betwee 1994 #41346  
rance and Senate subpoena power. D’Amato states the money was likely going  1994 #41346  
nsel to Sen. Robert Byrd Richard D’Amato (see 22 May 1992) stated he believ Late 1990's #43480  
fforts by Byrd’s counsel Richard D’Amato (see 22 May 1992). Mellon stated o 8/12/2022 #45762  
riangular craft] program,” while D’Amato stated he believed triangular UAP  8/12/2022 #45762  
## Word: "amauri" (Back to Top)
 Vieira, a lawyer, and his driver, Amauri, at km 15 on the Miguel Peraira H 8/3/1967 #22785  
ira Arcádia La Chaumiere 8:00 p.m. Amauri Barbosa da Silva and Jonil Faydit 8/3/1967 #22787  
. Vieira, a lawyer, and his driver Amauri, were at kilometer 15 on the Migu 8/3/1967 #22790  
## Word: "amaya" (Back to Top)
iption by Professor Maria Luisa de Amaya, it had the form of two deep dishe 12/28/1954 #11869  
l Airport Venezuela 1:30 a.m. Omar Amaya T., chief dispatcher at the Maique 9/28/1967 #23144  
## Word: "amazed" (Back to Top)
NSTABLE, BEDFORDS Many observer(s) amazed. 'Sky opens up'. Huge cross hover 8/9/1186 #9  
viator does not request money. All amazed.                                  4/17/1897 #518  
te and catch the "robbers." He was amazed when he saw a luminous mass fall  9/28/1954 #10485  
robbers." Around 10:30 p.m. he was amazed when he saw a luminous mass desce 9/28/1954 #10490  
able to see the whole disk and was amazed when it came down into a field wh 11/3/1954 #11547  
able to see the whole disc and was amazed when it came down into a field wh 11/3/1954 #11548  
t to sight. The witnesses were too amazed to follow it.                     8/16/1955 #12363  
 from view. The witnesses were too amazed to follow.                        8/16/1955 #12366  
on the road. They stopped and were amazed as the object simply vanished, le 11/25/1957 #14613  
and went away, leaving the witness amazed. Other people saw "a luminous man 12/16/1965 #19773  
e site at 2315 that night and were amazed to observed a luminous object zig 7/2/1968 #24133  
n asks them to draw the UFO and is amazed at how similar the drawings are.  2/4/1977 #31790  
sses looked out the window and was amazed to see a bright hovering oval-sha 1/29/1979 #34389  
sses looked out the window and was amazed to see a bright hovering oval-sha 1/29/1979 #34391  
urn overhead. Ovoid later. Skeptic amazed.                                  10/9/1987 #38301  
nd light. When he kneads it, he is amazed to see that it returns to its ori 1/13/1996 #42681  
ke a "wheel within a wheel". "What amazed me was lights were coming down th 9/11/2000 #44038  
ked to his front door, when he was amazed to see what looked like "a typica 4/12/2008 #45127  
## Word: "amazement" (Back to Top)
sex County, New Jersey, watched in amazement as a glowing red, football-sha 12/20/1958 #15490  
light about 50 cm square. To their amazement they saw the larger object sco 6/14/1964 #18358  
the being into jumping. But to his amazement it reappeared instantly at the 10/20/1973 #28222  
 to elongate.” Then, “to our utter amazement, it went straight up into the  Summer 1974 #29219  
e police officer stood watching in amazement he received a telepathic messa 11/1/1980 #35608  
mother and two children watched in amazement as an enormous gold, oval-shap 1/21/1984 #37135  
bbling in sky, and they watched in amazement.                               5/3/1990 #39551  
 from where she lay. She sat up in amazement, staring at them. When they fi 8/20/1993 #41148  
 light's brilliance. He watched in amazement, forgetting to wake his parent 5/23/1999 #43773  
## Word: "amazes" (Back to Top)
ecrecy. What the visitor tells him amazes him “beyond belief,” but he never 12/1953 #9330  
## Word: "amazing" (Back to Top)
ge 17. Apparently raised / aliens. Amazing. see reference.                  5/28/1828 #123  
nd A. Palmer is hired as editor of Amazing Stories magazine, owned by Ziff- 2/1938 #1281  
             Ray Palmer, editor of Amazing Stories magazine, receives a let 9/1943 #1526  
ntong in the January 1944 issue of Amazing Stories and enters into correspo 11/1943 #1541  
 reader interest, and the pages of Amazing Stories are soon filled with sto 11/1943 #1541  
g Dero for the March 1945 issue of Amazing Stories under the title “I Remem 1/1945 #1748  
 of Lemuria,” in the June issue of Amazing Stories. Here it is revealed tha 4/1945 #1835  
                  Tibet Antarctica Amazing Stories publishes four short art 7/1946 #2021  
            The June 1947 issue of Amazing Stories is devoted in its entire 4/1947 #2256  
quickly west. 170° turn and away / amazing speed.                           10/4/1951 #5703  
y to make tight circling turns was amazing.” Around 9:03 p.m., the four UFO 7/16/1952 #6844  
 Then shoots going quickly north / amazing speed.                           8/30/1952 #7796  
ined by two others. They displayed amazing acceleration.                    7/19/1953 #9005  
Angelucci, George Adamski, and the Amazing Criswell.                        8/16/1953 #9074  
ernment weathermen. Ovoid passes / amazing speed. Altitude = 3000'. No furt 10/2/1954 #10582  
. Garreau's dog and took off at an amazing speed.                           10/4/1954 #10693  
. Garreau's dog and took off at an amazing speed.                           10/4/1954 #10702  
uickly going down [to] and spins / amazing speed. / r8#228.                 10/10/1954 #10877  
rose vertically and silently at an amazing speed.                           10/12/1954 #10972  
rose vertically and silently at an amazing speed.                           10/12/1954 #10982  
. Each color / several min. Away / amazing speed. No further details.       10/17/1954 #11167  
tal sphere flashes under airliner. Amazing speed.                           12/17/1954 #11825  
. Dark grey 'space-ship' over bay. Amazing speed. No further details.       8/7/1955 #12340  
LA PUNA REGN, ARG Several cigars / amazing maneuvers. Wingless and silent.  3/15/1956 #12756  
lar hovers. Turns. Shoots upward / amazing speed.                           3/16/1956 #12757  
rows to classic saucer high / sky. Amazing speeds.                          4/2/1967 #22047  
 hover still / 7 minute(s). Away / amazing speed. No further details.       8/19/1968 #24354  
 going down [to] change color(s) / amazing rate.                            7/1969 #25238  
ent object follows road. Zigzags / amazing speed/velocity.                  4/20/1973 #27434  
 lights join. Going quickly west / amazing speed. / LDLN#136.               3/18/1974 #28905  
 Tilts. Going down / trees. Rises. Amazing maneuvers. Nuclear facility (mil 2/12/1976 #30864  
t rose up, and then performed some amazing maneuvers. There were 13 witness 2/12/1976 #30867  
, purple form passing below him at amazing speed. The Tehran airport cannot 6/11/1978 #33274  
d mention Ararat in the film), The Amazing World of Psychic Phenomena about 7/1980 #35399  
st / sea. Hovers / minutes. Away / amazing speed. 2nd does same.            10/13/1990 #39784  
g overhead from east to west at an amazing speed.                           11/1992 #40700  
 like satellite dish. Shoots off / amazing speed.                           8/19/1993 #41147  
tallic saucer hums over reservoir. Amazing acceleration going quickly west. 2/19/1994 #41420  
 oval-shaped heads, scampered with amazing speed towards the light source o 11/9/1996 #43110  
d in the sky. It produced the most amazing electrical show, shooting off li 8/11/1999 #43821  
onds, and then bolted away with an amazing burst of speed.                  2/19/2007 #45007  
## Word: "amazingly" (Back to Top)
 and dressed in a friar’s cassock. Amazingly, the little men seem oblivious 5/4/1969 #25114  
 four feet tall. The figure had an amazingly smooth stride, almost like it  8/15/1995 #42390  
## Word: "amazon" (Back to Top)
ajic Eyes Only, p 81   https://www.amazon.com/Majic-Eyes-Only-Ryan-Wood/dp/ 10/1947 #3441  
elem, Brazil near the mouth of the Amazon River on this day.                9/11/1952 #7895  
raft are constructed.  https://www.amazon.com/Selected-Extraterrestrials-se 3/1/1955 #12028  
are not acknowledged.  https://www.amazon.com/Uninvited-Guests-Documented-S 1962 #17011  
n-human intelligence.  https://www.amazon.com/Above-Black-Preserve-Governme 1/1963 #17625  
ized locals on the beach along the Amazon River in Manaus, Brazil. Several  11/8/1967 #23428  
t Paul Laviolette] *   https://www.amazon.com/Electrogravitics-Systems-Repo 1968 #23633  
tracked such objects.  https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Encyclopedia-3rd-Jerome-C 2/14/1968 #23759  
youtu.be/owTvuThg1zw   https://www.amazon.com/Montauk-Project-Experiments-T 1/1971 #25963  
alt URL added by RG)   https://www.amazon.com/PASCAGOULA-CLOSEST-ENCOUNTER- 10/11/1973 #28009  
                                   Amazon forest Manaus Belém, Brazil 4:00  Mid 9/1976 #31384  
bout 120 feet in diameter over the Amazon forest between Manaus and Belém,  Mid 9/1976 #31384  
historic military operation in the Amazon basin, is commanded by Capt. Uyra 7/1977 #32220  
ng them (not verbal).  https://www.amazon.com/Above-Black-Preserve-Governme 1990 #39354  
to the control group.  https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Sky-Pilots-Peace-Oneness- 1990 #39355  
explanation is given.  https://www.amazon.com/Program-Breakaway-Civilizatio 1990 #39356  
UFO appeared in the skies over the Amazon Rain Forest city Ariquemes, Rondo 3/14/1992 #40380  
eged crash retrieval.  https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Encounters-J-B-Michaels/d 11/24/1992 #40726  
 labeled “Espionage.”  https://www.amazon.com/Flying-Saucers-Kremlin-Russia 7/22/1993 #41077  
to the alleged group.  https://www.amazon.com/Flying-Saucers-Kremlin-Russia 10/12/1993 #41232  
of intcomm personnel.  https://www.amazon.com/Above-Black-Preserve-Governme 12/1993 #41313  
l or what they meant.  https://www.amazon.com/Above-Black-Preserve-Governme Early 1994 #41352  
 NHI then signed off.  https://www.amazon.com/Above-Black-Preserve-Governme 7/1994 #41596  
ntcomm on that plane.  https://www.amazon.com/Above-Black-Preserve-Governme 9/1994 #41709  
s only his suspicion.  https://www.amazon.com/Above-Black-Preserve-Governme Early 1995 #41927  
imensional travel. *   https://www.amazon.com/Penetration-Question-Extrater 3/31/1995 #42130  
disclose in the book.  https://www.amazon.com/Above-Black-Preserve-Governme Mid 1995 #42258  
man Dana Rohrabacher.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 1/24/2000 #43934  
hout visible support.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 2/20/2000 #43955  
ry Elizabeth Elliot).  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 5/8/2000 #43991  
the briefing is true.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 5/8/2000 #43992  
allee the same story.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 5/9/2000 #43993  
 USG black operation.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 2/24/2001 #44142  
has a file on Zodiac.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 3/3/2001 #44147  
s were used for this.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 5/5/2001 #44178  
jump” across the sky.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 11/3/2001 #44271  
 Bush’s war research.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 12/17/2001 #44294  
his was in the 1970s.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 1/10/2002 #44306  
story was a cover up.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 3/1/2002 #44321  
 monitoring stations.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 3/2/2002 #44322  
 and Col. John Grime.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 3/5/2002 #44323  
 the Carlisle Group.”  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 5/6/2002 #44341  
oning A-12 prototype.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 5/11/2002 #44342  
r details were given.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 6/29/2002 #44354  
t never materialized.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 9/1/2002 #44389  
n October 1998 entry.  https://www.amazon.com/UFOs-Nukes-Extraordinary-Enco 10/2002 #44412  
where he is employed.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 8/19/2003 #44576  
ien biology outright.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 8/23/2003 #44581  
ng a $9B discrepancy.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 9/10/2003 #44595  
potential ET contact.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 9/14/2003 #44602  
tractor to secure it.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 10/2/2003 #44610  
ther two are unnamed.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 3/6/2004 #44674  
curity was “obscene.”  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 3/26/2004 #44681  
chnical intelligence.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 3/26/2004 #44682  
n which now owns TRW.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 3/28/2004 #44683  
ject existed at ARPA.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 8/7/2004 #44727  
non-Earthly vehicle.”  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 8/7/2004 #44728  
ath the Four Corners.  https://www.amazon.com/Raechels-Eyes-Strange-Human-A 2005 #44803  
m/thread185069/pg113   https://www.amazon.com/Flying-Saucers-Kremlin-Russia 11/1/2005 #44899  
m the Gulf of Mexico.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 12/5/2005 #44907  
 at the participants.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 12/6/2005 #44908  
se people have power.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 9/27/2006 #44969  
of this conversation.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 10/17/2006 #44976  
s like a flying disc.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 1/5/2007 #44997  
re negative thus far.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 5/27/2007 #45032  
e/XAwc5F_UR08?t=3586   https://www.amazon.com/Dreamland-Slim-Case-Bruce-Bur 7/7/2007 #45037  
r way or the highway.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 8/4/2007 #45043  
ears into the future.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 10/21/2007 #45078  
ened as of that time.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 10/2/2008 #45174  
r the AATIP spinout).  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 10/29/2008 #45180  
efore doing anything.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 11/24/2008 #45191  
nd extraterrestrials.  https://www.amazon.com/Proof-Extraterrestrial-Intell 12/3/2008 #45196  
r/be moved elsewhere.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 12/24/2008 #45198  
nomenon is discussed.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 12/24/2008 #45199  
 of MJ-12 in ufology.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 1/23/2009 #45208  
of existing research.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 4/26/2009 #45216  
111594905051142.html   https://www.amazon.com/Skinwalkers-Pentagon-Insiders 5/8/2009 #45221  
 not the Skunk Works.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 9/12/2009 #45246  
is set up for AAWSAP.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Hei 11/29/2009 #45258  
 a demonic deception.  https://www.amazon.com/EVENTS-Secret-Government-Demo 3/31/2011 #45322  
forts in antigravity.  https://www.amazon.com/Greenglow-search-gravity-cont 12/2015 #45441  
-3/1029-tom-delonge/   https://www.amazon.com/Plain-Sight-investigation-imp 10/26/2017 #45488  
t,” Kobitz states. *   https://www.amazon.com/Plain-Sight-investigation-imp 11/2/2017 #45490  
 has yet to occur. *   https://www.amazon.com/Plain-Sight-investigation-imp 7/2018 #45532  
ied the UAP issue. *   https://www.amazon.com/UFOs-Area-Government-Informan 4/25/2019 #45572  
lse was involved.” *   https://www.amazon.com/UFOs-Area-Government-Informan 4/25/2019 #45572  
inancial communities.  https://www.amazon.com/Plain-Sight-investigation-imp 8/1/2021 #45703  
om the future Earth.”  https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Sky-Pilots-Peace-Oneness- 10/20/2022 #45779  
heir Catalina “base.”  https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Sky-Pilots-Peace-Oneness- 10/20/2022 #45781  
ill enter and return.  https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Sky-Pilots-Peace-Oneness- 10/20/2022 #45782  
mation to the public.  https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Sky-Pilots-Peace-Oneness- 10/20/2022 #45783  
## Word: "amazonas" (Back to Top)
                            COARI, AMAZONAS, BRZ Bright long mass hovers ov 8/15/1952? #7597  
 in Vila Conceicao, near Barcelos, Amazonas, Brazil saw a round glowing obj 9/16/1962 #17407  
n a rubber plantation in Barcelos, Amazonas State, Brazil saw a large, disk 9/18/1962 #17417  
  Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil Manaus, Amazonas 9:15 p.m. Cmdr. Alvaro de Camar 3/12/1987 #38139  
o Branco, Acre, Brazil, to Manaus, Amazonas, when his radar detects an obje 3/12/1987 #38139  
                           Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil Dusk. As a Varig Airlin 7/1/1995 #42289  
ending about 37 miles from Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, the commander sees a v 7/1/1995 #42289  
some clothes in her yard in Coari, Amazonas State, Brazil when she felt som 11/25/1999 #43886  
s night Jose Da Silva in Canatuma, Amazonas State, Brazil saw a large disc- 7/2/2001 #44203  
## Word: "ambassador" (Back to Top)
ly Mrs. Clare Booth Luce, American Ambassador, others sighted luminous, rou 10/28/1954 #11461  
 reporter Maurizio Andreolo and US Ambassador Clare Booth Luce. Some witnes 10/28/1954 #11465  
   Mrs. Clare Booth Luce, American Ambassador to Italy, and others sighted  10/28/1954 #11468  
 all of Cuba’s military forces. US ambassador to the Soviet Union Foy D. Ko 10/22/1962 #17485  
ly sending missiles to Cuba. As US ambassador Adlai Stevenson explains the  10/23/1962 #17489  
Kennedy meets secretly with Soviet Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin and agrees a 10/26/1962 #17499  
ening, Robert Kennedy tells Soviet ambassador Dobrynin, “You have drawn fir 10/27/1962 #17505  
nited States Wellington Friday, UN ambassador at large for Grenada, address 11/28/1977 #32702  
th a few dents. A telex sent by US Ambassador Paul H. Boeker to the State D 5/6/1978 #33190  
an, Lawrence J. Coyne, and Grenada Ambassador at Large Wellington Friday sp 11/27/1978 #34010  
gned a formal treaty with an alien ambassador, His Omnipotent Highness Kril 5/23/1989 #38960  
 diplomatic personnel.” Retired US Ambassador to Libya Peter W. Bodde is ch 1/9/2018 #45502  
## Word: "ambatolampy" (Back to Top)
                           NORTH / AMBATOLAMPY.MALAGASY 3 / car. Silent 10M 1/1989? #38769  
## Word: "amber" (Back to Top)
(mouth of Somme River), At Sea Two amber and orange lights, flying in uniso 12/1942 #1468  
ST / LANDAU, GERM 415th Sqd. 30-cm amber balls follow US fighters. Going qu 1/30/1944 #1566  
         On this day several 30-cm amber "foo-fighter" balls followed some  1/30/1944 #1567  
         Unknown City, Italy Round amber light, luminous orange-yellow, bli 11/24/1944 #1704  
but seconds later he sees a “round amber light” sitting off the left wingti 11/24/1944 #1705  
                Iwo Jima, Japan An amber light pass parallel and at same al 1/10/1945 #1754  
mbourg and Landau bt., Germany Two amber colored lights about one foot in d 1/29/1945 #1763  
in connection with ball of fire &; amber colored searchlight; stream of fir 4/3/1945 #1837  
i, NM AFOSI Case 42; 18:00-18:05 - amber colored, long and narrow obj faded 3/27/1949 #4054  
 NV Man / railroad/railway yard. 5 amber window-like night lights / V forma 5/29/1949 #4216  
NMOUTH, NJ Military observer(s). 4 amber rectangles rise and fall. Fast cha 4/14/1950 #4849  
  Fort Monmouth, NJ 4 rectangular, amber objects (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 4/14/1950 #4850  
my M/Sgt. James. Four rectangular, amber objects, about 3' by 4'.  changed  4/14/1950 #4851  
 AIR FORCE BASE, JPN 2 / USAF F82. Amber night light makes 3 360° loops. Bu 2/1/1951 #5425  
 Japan F-82 Encounters Maneuvering Amber Light (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, 2/1/1951 #5426  
erator of F-82 night fighter.  One amber light made three or four 360 degre 2/1/1951 #5427  
f, in which can be seen against an amber glow four men, in one-piece “jump  9/1951 #5647  
 ON 2 military observer(s). Bright amber saucer stops / airfield. Rises goi 4/12/1952 #6059  
th Bay CFS, Ontario, CAN The round amber object came in from the southwest  4/12/1952 #6061  
l, Flight Sgt. R. McRae. One round amber object flew fast, stopped, reverse 4/12/1952 #6062  
y, Ontario, when they see a bright amber disc arrive from the southwest, mo 4/12/1952 #6063  
ight Sgt. R. McRae sighted a round amber object that flew fast, stopped, re 4/12/1952 #6064  
                     VANCOUVER, BC Amber sphere going up [to] going down /  4/28/1952 #6203  
long with his wife Frances saw two amber lights in the sky make a U-turn ov 7/16/1952 #6846  
ther. They were joined by two more amber lights, then all four sped off tow 7/16/1952 #6846  
0 p.m. in Lockbourne, Ohio. It was amber colored, circular object, somewhat 7/18/1952 #6903  
series of hovering and maneuvering amber to reddish-orange lights for over  7/18/1952 #6904  
s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Round amber object going west slow. 2nd object 7/24/1952 #7095  
ty (Atlantic 200 miles S of), NY 3 amber edged [?] white flashing objects t 7/26/1952 #7167  
                 Akron, OH Pulsing amber light fly straight and level (NICA 8/23/1952 #7691  
and two U.S. Navy men. One pulsing amber light was seen to fly straight and 8/23/1952 #7692  
en watched an unidentified pulsing amber light fly straight and level for s 8/23/1952 #7694  
he ground. It has a row of red and amber lights spaced around the outside r 9/14/1952 #7938  
A Marine Fighter Asked To Check On Amber Object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases 1/28/1953 #8592  
er Fontana, California spotted two amber colored, circular UFOs that were j 4/28/1953 #8848  
ts reverse direction. Joined / 3+3 amber night lights. / L. Gross.          11/20/1953 #9311  
 transport see one or two white or amber objects or lights make passes at t 3/5/1954 #9598  
t at Nouasseur base see a white or amber light like an aircraft landing lig 3/5/1954 #9598  
hat after sundown the object turns amber.                                   11/12/1954 #11629  
Okinawa, Japan sighted a yellow or amber object, shaped like a "Jack-O-Lant 2/11/1955 #11998  
bluish-green lights on its top and amber lights around the rim. He stopped  3/30/1955 #12071  
rver Corps (GOC) post. Saucer with amber lights over town. Going southwest. 11/4/1955 #12547  
port Service (MATS, US) C124 crew. Amber pumpkin / 1000+knts / 7500M altitu 2/11/1956 #12708  
od, with the exception of a single amber star-like object which was subsequ 8/13/1956 #13080  
observer(s). Noise shakes house. 2 amber saucers hover. Going quickly west  1/27/1957 #13477  
, CA Saucer makes wobbling ascent. Amber lights / edge. Portholes? No furth 7/1957 #13761  
              Azusa, CA "Disc with amber lights around edge made wobbling v 7/1/1957 #13770  
the same object. At 10:15 p.m., an amber or orange UFO 200 feet long is see 11/5/1957 #14346  
that changes color successively to amber and orange. They chase it for 15 m 11/6/1957 #14427  
         GRAND RAPIDS, MI 24 round amber objects / high altitude. Dime-size 10/17/1958 #15349  
 noise. 2 white lights / front and amber light / rear. / r28p348.           8/17/1960 #16401  
they see three different groups of amber UFOs flying in V-formation about 1 1/17/1961 #16580  
ced a close encounter with a huge, amber colored, spinning top-shaped UFO.  6/29/1964 #18383  
 transparent dome on top. A bright amber light kept flashing around the edg 8/26/1965 #19466  
LTS 2 / car. Large silent circle / amber light glides and wavers over hillt 10/18/1965 #19664  
 gray cigar-shaped object with two amber lights was sighted hovering over W 1/14/1966 #19835  
wo hours, including an object with amber body lights that passed over a car 3/30/1966 #20154  
red light at the right end, and an amber glow emanating from its underside. 4/23/1966 #20385  
m. A long cigar-shaped object with amber windows eventually came toward him 1/16/1967 #21318  
CST. A woman saw two large, square amber lights with a green light between  2/4/1967 #21448  
nd revolving red, green, blue, and amber lights at the bottom edge (body li 2/12/1967 #21518  
a newspaper reporter, saw a bright amber oval which at times turned red. Th 2/26/1967 #21657  
a newspaper reporter, saw a bright amber oval-shaped object which at times  2/26/1967 #21663  
is vehicle and saw a 40-foot wide, amber colored domed disc hovering only 2 5/6/1967 #22285  
ot and his wife saw an object with amber to red body lights moving an estim 6/1967 #22436  
t look like miners’ hats with four amber lights are underneath the boom. Af 6/13/1967 #22503  
 2 observer(s). Saturn UFO / fuzzy amber center. White sparks around outsid 10/3/1967 #23170  
 Saturn-shaped object with a fuzzy amber center flew over Cambridge, Massac 10/3/1967 #23172  
. The two outer lights were orange/amber and blinked or flickered. The cent 10/22/1967 #23287  
sating, rotating , red, green, and amber lights about 100 yards away. A sha 11/20/1967 #23486  
ulsating, rotating green, red, and amber lights. The object had a shadowy r 11/20/1967 #23487  
 the water's surface, and shot six amber 4-foot-wide balls of light up into 2/21/1968 #23775  
ed a landed domed disc with white, amber, and green lights and a transparen 11/20/1968 #24673  
hen flew directly overhead. It had amber lights around edge, and was comple 11/25/1968 #24706  
ich bathed the surrounding area in amber light. The witness was terrified a 12/10/1968 #24757  
                    Crittendon, VA Amber lights, one blinking, in elliptica 1/17/1969 #24857  
, test facility mechanic.  Several amber lights--one of them blinking--in a 1/17/1969 #24858  
 a dome on top and one red and two amber lights on its leading edge. It mov 1/20/1969 #24861  
             MILL BAY, BC 2 / car. Amber saucer ringed / lights going north 1/10/1970 #25544  
r, and a transistor radio died. An amber colored, disc-shaped object was cl 5/25/1971 #26137  
and 15 feet tall. It has orange or amber lights around the edge.            12/20/1971 #26509  
is belt apparatus, which caused an amber light to come on. Then he walked t 11/28/1972 #27150  
ach a different color: red, green, amber, and white. According to student C 2/21/1973 #27305  
nd the blocking system turns to an amber signal.                            10/20/1973 #28216  
 GRINNELL, IA Several observer(s). Amber sphere/orb/globe appears. Suddenly 11/2/1973 #28344  
ORRIS AND FORRESTON AND ROCK RIVER Amber hemisphere night light..           11/3/1973 #28355  
rface of the water, and emitted an amber beam 4-6 inches in diameter. It wa 11/6/1973 #28377  
rcular object with red, green, and amber lights moving up and down, side to 11/8/1973 #28390  
ct in the sky with red, green, and amber lights that moved up-and-down and  11/8/1973 #28393  
and it was spitting out turquoise, amber, and white colors from a band arou 11/14/1973 #28421  
 dirt. The cone then moved into an amber sphere that began to emit a vapor  12/14/1973 #28573  
ing rain when he sees three bright amber lights appear in his rear-view mir 11/5/1974 #29587  
BRIDGE, WEST YORKS Man / bus-stop. Amber ball / light hovers and TURNs shar 1/28/1975 #29770  
e light on its front changing from amber to red. When it hovers over his pi 5/3/1975 #30027  
have a flashing white light and an amber or orange light. Lewis reports the 10/28/1975 #30503  
d on this night. It had yellow and amber colored lights spinning around it  12/5/1975 #30686  
a on this night. It had yellow and amber colored lights spinning around it  12/5/1975 #30688  
hin vertical supports. A yellow or amber light is at the top. It is about 5 1976 #30750  
saw an object with two lights, one amber and the other red, over the Rumswo 1/23/1976 #30817  
d shaped like an octagon, with one amber light and a flashing red light. It 1/23/1976 #30817  
king red light flanked by pairs of amber lights.                            9/24/1976 #31422  
in formation. The UFOs had yellow, amber, and violet lights. The men fled i 12/25/1978 #34207  
exas, sees a shimmering light with amber portholes silently darting around  8/19/1979 #34759  
s 4:30 a.m. A driver sees a bright amber light through her windshield to th 9/9/1979 #34852  
hts—a row of red, blue, green, and amber lights—at the base of the dome. It 11/24/1981 #36232  
ts--a row of red, blue, green, and amber lights--at the base of the dome. I 11/24/1981 #36233  
sh cone-shaped object with rows of amber and blue body lights and two huge  1/31/1982 #36317  
ht is on the front, with white and amber lights on the other angles. Two br 4/1/1982 #36427  
a dark black door, and the UFO had amber lights around its perimeter. It ma 8/30/1982 #36586  
a V-shaped array of 50 lights with amber, red, and blue colors.             2/26/1983 #36771  
array of 50 lights with the colors amber, red, and blue.                    2/26/1983 #36772  
raft. He is made to stand under an amber light. The beings speak to him in  8/12/1983 #36948  
esday. Large red sphere/orb/globe. Amber lights / edge. Vanishes 80' away / 4/17/1984? #37264  
0 PM. A disc-shaped object with an amber light on the bottom and red lights 10/23/1984 #37489  
 p.m. a disc-shaped object with an amber light on the bottom and red lights 10/23/1984 #37490  
lasgow, Scotland, when they see an amber ball skipping along the sky. It cr 7/14/1985 #37619  
delta/triangle/box-like craft with amber lights maneuvers / 10 minute(s). 3 1/23/1986 #37769  
e Pass, Washington encountered two amber spheres for one minute duration; t 3/1/1986 #37796  
BLENHEIM, NZ 2 observer(s). Bright amber night light / 40K' altitude. Extre 12/28/1986 #38088  
6–7 minutes, changes from white to amber, moves up into a cloud, then speed 6/9/1987 #38188  
on wobbles, the lights change from amber to red, and the object splits into Early Autumn 1987 #38274  
 in the west. It had all white and amber lights and was triangular in shape Mid 10/1987 #38305  
re unaffected by fly over of three amber lights in formation (NICAP: 04 - A 4/8/1989 #38897  
ND FORKS AFS, ND Airman 1C. Silent amber night lights criss-cross airbase.  9/8/1989 #39093  
doctor, Dr. I. Gospina, sighted an amber, elliptical UFO. She was able to d 9/16/1989 #39107  
r size of 20 degrees. It had three amber lights on the left side and pulsat 7/31/1992 #40541  
re-shaped light panels that glowed amber and blue. It transformed into two  3/16/1993 #40886  
bserver(s). Yellow rectangle. Also amber football over Pavillion later.     9/6/1994 #41716  
 Circular craft with kidney shaped amber lights. Going quickly [to] over ho 7/28/1995 #42331  
ate observer(s). Large trapezoid / amber extremely bright lights and strobe 4/14/1996 #42866  
s, they could now tell that it was amber in color, with dark indentations a 9/23/1996 #43039  
quare windows, showing a yellow to amber colored light within. Inside the c 5/19/1997 #43300  
 of its light diminished to a soft amber glow, which it retained throughout 9/26/1997 #43417  
them notice three extremely bright amber lights in front of them in the sou 12/1998 #43694  
ghts at each end. It had white and amber lights, and a red strobe light was 10/5/2000 #44053  
ing a dark, triangular object with amber light fly over the city at 7:40 p. 12/5/2000 #44098  
n it repeated. The front light was amber, and the others were white. At fir 8/30/2001 #44249  
hrough binoculars. At 7:20 p.m. an amber colored, low flying triangle moved 12/15/2001 #44291  
 looks toward the base and sees an amber/red object hovering above it. He s Late 9/2002 #44405  
of the trailing edge. There was an amber light in the center of craft that  11/13/2002 #44441  
shaped object, glowing a yellowish amber color, moved up and down in the sk 1/11/2004 #44650  
                            Bright amber lights flashing in a random sequen 2/9/2004 #44660  
 the sky looked like giant orbs of amber light and over the rest of the nig 6/9/2004 #44709  
a.m. a triangle-shaped object with amber, green and white flashing lights w 10/28/2005 #44896  
ne was red, and the other two were amber. There was a strange droning noise 9/13/2006 #44961  
ith solid white lights and a solid amber light in the center was seen in Co 7/18/2007 #45039  
## Word: "amber-" (Back to Top)
 the sudden emergence of a lighted amber- colored round or oval object abou 1/7/1948 #3546  
 than 500 mph, leaving a luminous, amber- colored trail or exhaust about 5  1/7/1948 #3546  
ton, Virginia, when he notices two amber- colored lights coming in over Ham 7/16/1952 #6844  
 her daughter, age 16, saw a large amber- colored light approaching their c 4/17/1967 #22149  
uth of San Antonio, Texas, when an amber- colored object rises up from a gr 5/3/1975 #30027  
he two pilots see the target is an amber- colored disc that pulls away befo 7/11/1976 #31158  
York, when they spot a motionless, amber- colored, curved object in the sky 7/19/1978 #33403  
## Word: "amber-colored" (Back to Top)
 wolf mission, were followed by an amber-colored disc. [NICAP UFO Evidence, 12/1944 #1712  
Fighter Squadron crew observes two amber-colored “lights in the air at 2,00 1/30/1945 #1764  
o be a 35-foot oval object with an amber-colored opening like a window that 10/1945 #1942  
               Hampton Roads, VA 2 amber-colored objects approach from the  7/16/1952 #6840  
                Lockbourne AFB, OH Amber-colored elliptical-shaped object w 7/17/1952 #6863  
 Base] in Lockbourne, Ohio, see an amber-colored, elliptical-shaped object  7/17/1952 #6869  
 T/Sgt. Mahone, A/3c Jennings. One amber-colored, elliptical-shaped object  7/18/1952 #6892  
up when her bedroom floods with an amber-colored light and her three dogs b 11/11/1958 #15438  
 sound like a million snakes.” The amber-colored UFO has a sharp, steeple-l 6/30/1964 #18386  
w a cluster of 10-12 soft-glowing, amber-colored lights approach their airc 3/11/1967 #21857  
PST. While driving, a woman saw an amber-colored object shaped like a disc  4/11/1967 #22109  
e car, and saw a 40-foot diameter, amber-colored, circular object with dome 5/6/1967 #22281  
oming from outside. He also saw an amber-colored flashing light reflecting  12/10/1968 #24757  
 Arbor, Michigan, when they see an amber-colored vertical beam of light. Wh 10/17/1973 #28131  
center is divided by a glass-like, amber-colored window, and lights can be  9/2/1988 #38629  
wo witnesses reported seeing 10-13 amber-colored lights fly over in a V-sha 4/28/1997 #43283  
## Word: "amber-glow" (Back to Top)
 ANSONIA, CT Cops and more/others. Amber-glow. Gravy-boat object flies over 4/24/1950 #4884  
## Word: "amber-haired" (Back to Top)
ow, and a beautiful, pale-skinned, amber-haired spacewoman steps out and ap 1/28/1975 #29772  
## Word: "amber-orange" (Back to Top)
t looked like. It was described as amber-orange, round, the size of a car h 8/23/1952 #7694  
## Word: "amber-white" (Back to Top)
                      LAKESIDE, OH Amber-white night lights play around hil 2/1969 #24884  
## Word: "ambergate" (Back to Top)
t. It flew off in the direction of Ambergate. At 11:32 p.m. a red glowing b 11/21/1970 #25914  
## Word: "amberley" (Back to Top)
northern New South Wales RAAF Base Amberley near Ipswich, Queensland Kygole 8/31/1969 #25344  
plane is dispatched from RAAF Base Amberley near Ipswich, Queensland, after 8/31/1969 #25344  
## Word: "ambes" (Back to Top)
                                   AMBES, FR Truck-size mass. Luminous/glow 10/4/1954 #10678  
                                   AMBES, FR 6 silent giant 'eggplants' pas 10/15/1954 #11095  
## Word: "ambient" (Back to Top)
nitoring Project (later changed to Ambient Monitoring Project), an effort t 2006 #44916  
## Word: "ambiental" (Back to Top)
        Bebedouro Área de Proteção Ambiental do Carste de Lagoa Santa Matoz 5/4/1969 #25114  
all lagoon in the Área de Proteção Ambiental do Carste de Lagoa Santa) near 5/4/1969 #25114  
## Word: "ambientale" (Back to Top)
genzia Regionale per la Protezione Ambientale in Turin disputes the finding 10/18/2002 #44419  
## Word: "ambiguous" (Back to Top)
ions Gen. Roger M. Ramey issues an ambiguous public denial that the interce 7/28/1952 #7264  
ade sighting and photos, offers an ambiguous conclusion: “the existence of  3/2/1958 #14911  
next few years, apparently without ambiguous results, but in the process it 11/9/1958 #15435  
 An analysis is performed but with ambiguous results.                       2/11/1977 #31810  
r interface oversights relating to ambiguous control room indicators. In pa 3/28/1979 #34493  
 Germans. Although the question is ambiguous, 22% respond yes and 78% no, i 6/1994 #41544  
ficers manages to get a single yet ambiguous Polaroid photograph of the obj 1/5/2000 #43920  
## Word: "ambiguously" (Back to Top)
 The organization driving it is an ambiguously named group called Soviet Mi 1991 #39938  
## Word: "ambitions" (Back to Top)
 screen that depicts human nature, ambitions, and violence. After about 6 h 12/4/1949 #4434  
## Word: "ambitious" (Back to Top)
e Plane (NASP) plan was considered ambitious at the time and was canceled i 4/1986 #37815  
 to shoot down Soviet bombers. The ambitious program, called Project 1794,  Late 2012 #45355  
## Word: "ambled" (Back to Top)
were small, and as they watched it ambled out of the water with "a strange  4/3/1968 #23886  
dropped from it to the ground and "ambled" off in different directions. One 7/17/1973 #27638  
## Word: "ambleside" (Back to Top)
                                   AMBLESIDE, CUMBRIA Fiery red cylinder/ci 8/6/1965 #19331  
er 11:00 p.m. cows in a pasture in Ambleside, Cumbria, England panicked whe 8/6/1965 #19335  
## Word: "ambon" (Back to Top)
           N160 / TREMERET NORTH / AMBON, 56, FR Teen. Luminous/glowing yel 11/1943 #1538  
## Word: "ambridge" (Back to Top)
                             North Ambridge, PA Formation of 8 white lumine 12/17/1948 #3932  
                                   AMBRIDGE, PA Project Bluebook Case #272. 4/26/1949 #4110  
## Word: "ambros" (Back to Top)
Vicenza, Italy 11:45 a.m. Angelo d’Ambros, 61, is out gathering firewood in 11/24/1978 #33995  
e of its long hands to take away d’Ambros’s pruning knife. D’Ambros holds o 11/24/1978 #33995  
e away d’Ambros’s pruning knife. D’Ambros holds on to it tightly, but he fe 11/24/1978 #33995  
ipe at them as they take flight. D’Ambros runs after them, and he watches t 11/24/1978 #33995  
in a counterclockwise direction. D’Ambros discovers two U-shaped traces abo 11/24/1978 #33995  
## Word: "ambulance" (Back to Top)
ndy soil. A special detachment and ambulance were detached.  The object had 1953 #8484  
ed to stay by the saucer until the ambulance and superior officers arrive.  Summer 1953 #8945  
gineer William H. Byrd, summons an ambulance to take her to George Washingt 9/1962 #17379  
 on its underside flew close to an ambulance being driven by Geraldo Baquei 6/7/1967 #22479  
 observer(s). Flash. Saucer seen / ambulance. Motor and lights die. Object  10/19/1968 #24575  
      Jean Migueres was driving an ambulance at around 6:00 a.m. from Perpi 8/11/1969 #25317  
peared, moving directly toward the ambulance. Migueres was unable to avoid  8/11/1969 #25317  
 from Rouen. He estimated that the ambulance was speeding at 100 kph at the 8/11/1969 #25317  
a daze and neither could speak. An ambulance was summoned. Hillsgeck appear 10/14/1972 #27077  
n Night. Three Pickering, Ontario, ambulance drivers, a Durham regional pol 2/4/1975 #29784  
ice officer who carries him to the ambulance later feels a strong irritatio 6/23/1976 #31134  
       NORTHWEST / WHITEHORSE, YKN Ambulance paced / Brill ovoid. Electrics 12/26/1976 #31631  
                   At 7:30 p.m. an ambulance driven by two men named Banks  12/26/1976 #31632  
-8 object maneuvers oddly. Follows ambulance.                               12/26/1978 #34209  
H KIRBY NEAR HEMSWORTH, WEST YORKS Ambulance drivers. Ovoid near Meanwood.  2/23/1979 #34446  
mp on his forehead, so he calls an ambulance. At the hospital, Dr. W. A. Pi 8/27/1979 #34787  
re taking a pregnant patient in an ambulance from Żuławka Sztumska to the h 9/5/1979 #34838  
4+2 observer(s). 7M sphere follows ambulance. Going down / road. Vanishes / 9/5/1980 #35495  
icians taking an injured man in an ambulance to Debrecen, Hungary, see a hu 4/22/1986 #37833  
tance of nearly 12 miles. When the ambulance reaches Hajdúböszörmény, the o 4/22/1986 #37833  
 “waits” on the other side for the ambulance, following it again to the nor 4/22/1986 #37833  
xed technicians decide to stop the ambulance. The UFO slows down, but does  4/22/1986 #37833  
illuminating the cables below. The ambulance recommences its journey, with  4/22/1986 #37833  
 spot where the sphere chasing the ambulance in April had passed above powe Late 12/1986 #38087  
                LAWRENNY, NSW, AUS Ambulance malfunctions due to EME (elect 6/16/1987 #38190  
by Georges Forks, West Virginia an ambulance crew driving along Panther Cre 2/19/1993 #40854  
rmy helicopter, two tarpaulins, an ambulance, and three cars. He smells a p 1/13/1996 #42681  
## Word: "ambulance's" (Back to Top)
he highway at the same place as an ambulance's electrical system failure ea 9/13/1994 #41745  
## Word: "ambulances" (Back to Top)
 p.m. They made a sound similar to ambulances. There were two sets of indep 12/25/1978 #34208  
## Word: "ambulated" (Back to Top)
it was walking on two legs, but it ambulated like an ape walks, swaying as  1/22/2003 #44477  
## Word: "ambush" (Back to Top)
                  SAS troops on an ambush patrol in South Armagh, Northern  7/13/1996 #42956  
## Word: "amc" (Back to Top)
ojects at the Air Materiel Center (AMC). LeMay’s answer: The Commander of A 12/10/1946 #2211  
. LeMay’s answer: The Commander of AMC on his own volition may establish an 12/10/1946 #2211  
              Oak Ridge, Tennessee AMC civilian engineer W. R. Presley take 6/1947 #2306  
nd AAF New Mexico Washington State AMC commander Lieut. Gen Nathan Twining  7/7/1947 #2929  
ed “Flying Saucer” were brought to AMC by Col. H. M. McCoy (NICAP: 06 - Tra 8/1947 #3272  
the Pentagon to Alfred Loedding at AMC.                                     9/21/1947 #3412  
wining (MJ-4), Commanding Officer, AMC, stating: Flying Saucers are REAL! C 9/23/1947 #3415  
he assistance of Alfred Loedding, “AMC Opinion Concerning ‘Flying Disks.’”  9/23/1947 #3417  
 DCI Hillenkoetter, in a letter to AMC, designates T-2 and the Air Intellig 9/24/1947 #3421  
g chief of the Analysis Section at AMC under McCoy. It expresses concern ab 10/21/1947 #3465  
ports. Aerodynamicists at ATIC and AMC agree that no German design can matc 12/1947 #3496  
orge C. McDonald, who concurs with AMC’s recommendation of September 23 and 12/22/1947 #3509  
s returned to Europe), advises the AMC commanding general that USAF policy  12/30/1947 #3516  
ing that the Commanding General of AMC feels that the responsibility for co 2/12/1948 #3576  
ector of USAF intelligence, to the AMC commander, considers Col. McCoy’s pr 3/17/1948 #3589  
 Armament Intelligence Branch, and AMC.                                     11/4/1948 #3868  
                                   AMC Dayton Mitchel AFB [now closed] Long 11/30/1948 #3894  
w York Letter from Howard McCoy at AMC Dayton to Commanding General, Air De 11/30/1948 #3894  
 work, both he and Truettner leave AMC. For the higher military ranks (Llew 1/1949 #3950  
Hoover enumerating the views of an AMC resident engineer (identified only a 1/10/1949 #3969  
 Shalett is given a guided tour of AMC at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio, a g Early 2/1949 #3996  
ated. The report is distributed to AMC, USAF Intelligence Directorate, ONR, 2/11/1949 #4003  
time to conduct investigations for AMC. The AMC officers retort that the fi 2/24/1949 #4023  
onduct investigations for AMC. The AMC officers retort that the fireballs a 2/24/1949 #4023  
, criticizing him for only sending AMC raw data and not finished analyses.  2/24/1949 #4023  
nless he sees a contract. However, AMC agrees to set up a network of observ 2/24/1949 #4023  
k if he can send two of his men to AMC to find out if Project Grudge plans  4/25/1949 #4109  
ightings but reminds him to inform AMC.                                     5/6/1949 #4159  
igation separate from Grudge. Thus AMC learns of the conspiracy to keep it  5/31/1949 #4218  
                            USAF’s AMC issues a final 600-page report, “Uni 8/10/1949 #4315  
                Great Falls AFB to AMC at Wright Patterson AFB writes on 17 8/17/1949 #4321  
on unidentified aerial incidents.” AMC hands green fireball reports over to 9/1/1949 #4343  
rch and Development orders the new AMC commander Lt. Gen. Benjamin Chidlaw  9/14/1949 #4356  
eation of an instrumented network. AMC is directed to send representatives  9/14/1949 #4356  
ed by 16 representatives of AFOSI, AMC (Joseph Kaplan and Maj. Frederic C.  10/14/1949 #4394  
en fireball project is approved by AMC.                                     12/20/1949 #4441  
es P. Cabell believes that in fact AMC is taking its UFO project undergroun 1/12/1950 #4483  
Months later Cabell discovers that AMC Intelligence under Col. Harold E. Wa 1/12/1950 #4483  
nd Cabell is forced to make up for AMC’s negligence by conducting his own U 1/12/1950 #4483  
y UFO sightings to the Pentagon or AMC only if they are of “priority Counte 2/8/1950 #4535  
ide Col. Barber, sends a notice to AMC Intelligence Chief Col. Harold E. Wa 7/7/1950 #5049  
abell and his dissatisfaction with AMC inaction on UFO study at Wright-Patt 9/8/1950 #5172  
n and to the Secretary of Defense. AMC at Wright-Patterson is not mentioned 9/25/1950 #5195  
          Col. Harold E. Watson at AMC brings in news columnist Bob Considi 11/16/1950 #5278  
igates incidents and sends them to AMC if necessary, and an officer (Willis 1/29/1951 #5421  
     USAF Director of Intelligence AMC at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio Col. 4/23/1951 #5508  
all reports should be forwarded to AMC at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio .    4/23/1951 #5508  
which presumably will send them to AMC at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio), th 9/6/1951 #5653  
orce UFO spokesman Albert M. Chop. AMC claims it is investigating every ser 3/3/1952 #5942  
lsson visit Col. John R. Hood Jr., AMC chief of the Nuclear Powered Aircraf 11/4/1952 #8245  
 blurry. Another woman, driving an AMC Gremlin, pulls up behind her. While  12/17/1977 #32791  
as a technical description for the AMC and ATIC that recorded dimensional,  7/1991 #40107  
## Word: "amdel" (Back to Top)
ut there is none above background. AMDEL states that the car tire has faile 1/20/1988 #38422  
## Word: "ame" (Back to Top)
an oval object and two beings, who ame out of the object through a system o 5/10/1966 #20471  
## Word: "ameglio" (Back to Top)
eorghiţă, W. Raymond Drake, Ernest Ameglio, Roberto Farabone, Roberto Villa 6/25/1977 #32195  
## Word: "amend" (Back to Top)
ans by which to seek access to and amend their records, and it sets forth v 12/31/1974 #29666  
 agrees to let Ground Saucer Watch amend its complaint to include requests  7/7/1978 #33350  
## Word: "amended" (Back to Top)
way from land. The report is later amended by the Navy to read “cause unkno 12/5/1945 #1950  
ul. Neither USAF ATIC nor Battelle amended their conclusion that a lack of  1/24/1956 #12681  
June 1997 and provided him with an amended copy of New Mexico Origins: Pars 3/11/1998 #43532  
## Word: "amendment" (Back to Top)
 K. Gaylord. Carr pleads the Fifth Amendment.                               5/4/1959 #15722  
 Aerial Phenomena Study - Proposed amendment to NNR2/113” states “I am awar 12/2/1993 #41320  
on Act for FY 2022. It includes an amendment, “Establishment of Office to A 12/27/2021 #45730  
 Eric Weinstein that the Mansfield Amendment is important to understand wit 10/13/2022 #45774  
nderstand with respect to UAP. The Amendment limited funding of projects wi 10/13/2022 #45774  
## Word: "amendments" (Back to Top)
 with the passage of the Mansfield Amendments, which limit military funding Late 1956 #13281  
## Word: "amenities" (Back to Top)
ations for test personnel. The few amenities include a movie theater and vo 5/4/1955 #12117  
## Word: "america" (Back to Top)
                          New York America Europe The New York Sun publishe 8/25/1835 #130  
ses enormous excitement throughout America and Europe. Authorship of the ar 8/25/1835 #130  
 final incarnation in 19th century America where his Atlantean karma plays  1905 #673  
                                   America Mystic and white supremacist Wil 5/1928 #1085  
ke the spiritual transformation of America. He later claims that the experi 5/1928 #1085  
 the Ross Ice Shelf, called Little America. This was the first of the Ameri 10/1928 #1088  
t took 19 hours to fly from Little America to the Pole and return.          11/29/1929 #1105  
is time they again used the Little America base but also set up on Stoningt 1939 #1302  
ue to the impending involvement of America in the Second World War, Byrd wa 1939 #1302  
balloons intended to land in North America to instill fear and terror. Abou 11/3/1944 #1691  
or. About 300 are found or seen in America. It is likely that more of them  11/3/1944 #1691  
                             Latin America Lieut. Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg repl 6/10/1946 #2007  
t to collect intelligence in Latin America.                                 6/10/1946 #2007  
he UFOCAT database, all from North America. To view a map showing the distr 7/9/1947 #3070  
e United States, Europe, and South America.                                 3/18/1950 #4677  
 Gen. Frederic H. Smith Jr. orders America’s first nationwide Air Defense R 4/16/1952 #6093  
olem to work with Indians in North America in preparing for a postapocalypt Fall 1952 #8014  
                Optical Society of America Boston, Massachusetts At the Opt 10/9/1952 #8107  
chusetts At the Optical Society of America meeting in Boston, Massachusetts 10/9/1952 #8107  
                                   America American syndicated columnist Do 2/15/1954 #9547  
eat environmental changes in North America and Europe. It warns that Decemb 8/20/1954 #10156  
euvers / 5 minute(s) over voice of America transmitter. Going quickly west  10/27/1954 #11432  
 Andaguara São Paulo, Brazil South America 10:30 a.m. Taxi driver Maurilio  11/2/1954 #11537  
 some maps, including one of South America with mushroom-shaped marks on it 11/2/1954 #11537  
 of the Flying Saucer News Club of America, founded in 1953. It is publishe 3/1955 #12023  
                             South America Much UFO activity in South Ameri 1956 #12624  
America Much UFO activity in South America                                  1956 #12624  
Amalgamated Flying Saucer Clubs of America in Los Angeles, California. It a 1/1957 #13440  
that Russians have landed in North America.                                 10/9/1957 #14084  
Amalgamated Flying Saucer Clubs of America and publishes the AFSCA World Re 7/1959 #15808  
Amalgamated Flying Saucer Clubs of America convention in the Shrine Auditor 8/9/1960 #16366  
o be heading directly toward North America from the direction of Russia. Wi 10/5/1960 #16481  
                          US Latin America Fort Benning, Georgia Guantanamo 7/1963 #17819  
       Montevideo, Buenos Aires, S.America Local astronomer took twelve sli 11/12/1966 #21093  
ven good UFO reports made in North America on this day. Two 12-year-old boy 2/27/1967 #21678  
                        Cuba South America Homestead AFB [now Homestead Air 3/1967 #21700  
90,000 feet, heading towards South America. The US 6947th Security Squadron 3/1967 #21700  
s day from Australia, Spain, North America, and Peru.                       3/8/1967 #21817  
the Scientific Research Society of America in Wilmington, Delaware.         2/12/1969 #24914  
n Japan, Western Europe, and North America. It initiates its biannual meeti 7/1973 #27608  
s publishes The UFO Controversy in America, based on his Ph.D. dissertation 6/1975 #30073  
sferred to embassy duty in Central America for several months; the informan 6/27/1979 #34637  
le/box-like craft. Marked map / N. America on table. Complex dialogue!      5/30/1986 #37899  
laration of war upon the people of America.” Political scientist Michael Ba 1991 #39933  
ory Channel’s Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation that “I don’ 5/22/1992 #40469  
icting: “I have a foreboding of an America in my children’s or grandchildre 1995 #41923  
                        Bovina, TX America West crew sees cigar shaped obje 5/25/1995 #42225  
                        Bovina, TX America West airline crew observed cigar 5/25/1995 #42226  
affic Control Center 10:30 p.m. An America West B-757 airliner is cruising  5/25/1995 #42227  
d spark a crack explosion in urban America.” The Mercury News continues to  8/18/1996 #42985  
am and one of the largest in South America. It is located 200 kilometers so 5/16/1998 #43568  
ory Channel’s Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation show correla 10/1998 #43656  
ficials that “tall whites” control America in 2014, and tangentially from f 5/7/2003 #44528  
ied radar target approaching North America from the direction of Greenland. 11/21/2018 #45548  
       Author Diana Pasulka’s book America Cosmic states a USG/USG contract 2/20/2019 #45563  
ry Channel’s “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation”             5/31/2019 #45582  
## Word: "american" (Back to Top)
 of the Baltimore Gun Club, a post–American Civil War society of weapons en 1865 #163  
n/radioactivity sick. / Scientific American.                                10/24/1886 #274  
 only intelligible explanation, by American astronomer Percival Lowell in F 5/1894 #314  
le central Tennessee The Nashville American prints some tall tales about en 4/20/1907 #694  
                           African American neighborhood of Charlotte, Nort 4/1917 #954  
na Night. Residents of the African American neighborhood of Charlotte, Nort 4/1917 #954  
 He describes his experience in an American Magazine article titled “My Sev 5/1928 #1085  
America. This was the first of the American bases on the continent and was  10/1928 #1088  
vation Earl J. Duncan and a Native American boy are in a truck near Fort Wa 1933 #1151  
which later become governed by the American Committees on Foreign Relations 1938 #1279  
 War of the Worlds” episode of the American radio drama anthology series Th 10/30/1938 #1300  
e, California With the help of the American Legion, volunteers are recruite 5/1941 #1361  
he S-1 Section, Vannevar Bush adds American physicist Samuel King Allison,  6/28/1941 #1367  
-American physicist Gregory Breit, American physicist Edward Condon, physic 6/28/1941 #1367  
 P. Smith, and Henry DeWolf Smyth. American physicist Ross Gunn is dropped  6/28/1941 #1367  
 Briggs remains the chairman, with American physicist George B. Pegram as t 6/28/1941 #1367  
efore. At the S-1 Section meeting, American physicist Ernest Lawrence asks  12/18/1941 #1379  
 construction, and site selection. American chemist James B. Conant is appo 6/19/1942 #1417  
ylor Compton, Ernest Lawrence, and American chemists Eger V. Murphree and H 6/19/1942 #1417  
rds Omaha Beach. It stops over the American lines and hovers for 14 minutes 8/1944 #1633  
      Habbebishopsheim, Germany An American soldier saw a disk-shaped objec 1945 #1743  
      Habbebishopsheim, Germany An American soldier saw a disk-shaped objec 1945 #1746  
article on foo fighters appears in American Legion Magazine. Intelligence o 12/1945 #1948  
                                   American astrophysicist Charles Greeley  1946 #1961  
                                   American embassy in Stockholm The Americ 8/29/1946 #2162  
 American embassy in Stockholm The American embassy in Stockholm tells the  8/29/1946 #2162  
air force authorities, informs the American naval attaché in London, Englan 1/20/1947 #2232  
e spin. Possible landing. / Austin American.                                7/9/1947 #3046  
wmen, including Mr. Leidy, for Pan American Airways. Watched briefly while  7/10/1947 #3101  
ding Mr. Leidy, a mechanic for Pan American Airways, took photographs of a  7/10/1947 #3118  
 Bell Labs was the research arm of American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T). 12/23/1947 #3510  
Illinois University of Iowa At the American Association for the Advancement 12/26/1947 #3511  
 at Clark Field in the Philippines American military observers also sighted 8/1/1948 #3767  
 Yeager’s first record) in a North American F-86A-3 Sabre at Muroc [now Edw 9/15/1948 #3802  
ts would have little impact on the American people or the American economy. Late 1948 #3842  
pact on the American people or the American economy. Five primary sites are Late 1948 #3842  
en days before by another group of American pilots.                         10/29/1948 #3855  
ur days to attend a meeting of the American Psychiatric Association. He say 5/18/1949 #4192  
ll, ferrying SNJ trainer for North American Aviation, from Red Bluff, Calif 5/27/1949 #4213  
 ferrying an SNJ trainer for North American Aviation from Red Bluff, Califo 5/27/1949 #4214  
 researcher who spoke with a young American pilot. The pilot mentions he ha Early 1950's #4457  
by Joseph Bryan III to confuse the American public. Taylor later admitted t 3/27/1950 #4742  
om the Frank Scully archive at the American Heritage Center (Box #34 Item # 3/31/1950 #4772  
 two of the objects down the North American Aviation missile firing range.  5/24/1950 #4964  
dess, and several passengers on an American Airlines DC-6 airliner headed s 5/29/1950 #4972  
                   At 9:15 p.m. an American Airlines DC-6 flying at 8000' a 5/29/1950 #4974  
from the FBI. He does not want the American population to know of USAF inte 7/6/1950 #5047  
 Heathrow Airport, London Four Pan American Airways employees (Fred Wilkins 11/5/1950 #5265  
d for “Who’s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities”      1/14/1951 #5394  
                                   American Airlines Dodge City, Kansas 3:2 5/22/1951 #5517  
lines Dodge City, Kansas 3:20 a.m. American Airlines pilot Capt. W. R. Hunt 5/22/1951 #5517  
object circled around and paced an American Airlines flight 100 miles south 5/22/1951 #5518  
arachute-size saucer over river. 1 American observer(s).                    6/1951 #5526  
y, Marshall tells a “highly placed American” and “prominent medical scienti Summer 1951 #5549  
y on three occasions. In 1965, the American informant is revealed to be Rol Summer 1951 #5549  
ne, Texas 7:15 a.m. The crew of an American Airlines DC-4 is flying east of 11/2/1951 #5763  
                   At 7:15 a.m. an American Airlines DC-4 passenger plane w 11/2/1951 #5764  
een over a seven-state area in the American Southwest. Lincoln LaPaz, direc 11/9/1951 #5773  
ivan, a technical writer for North American Aviation, holds a meeting of en 12/1951 #5804  
onference stating UAP were neither American nor Soviet and under “intellige 1952 #5843  
l writer Ed J. Sullivan, and North American Aviation project engineer Walth 4/2/1952 #6016  
st of South Carolina 2:27 a.m. Pan American Airways pilot Clayton C. Gallag 5/8/1952 #6275  
                               Pan American Airlines flight 203 was flying  5/8/1952 #6277  
INTERCEPT was in effect, two North American F-86 Operation INTERCEPT Sabre  Summer 1952 #6564  
                               Pan American pilots see formation of UFO's.  7/14/1952 #6799  
 Norfolk, Virginia Witnesses:  Pan American Airways First Officer William N 7/14/1952 #6815  
lliam H. Fortenberry, flying a Pan American Airways DC-4, see six crimson d 7/14/1952 #6817  
ere flying a DC-4 aircraft for Pan American Airways when they sighted six l 7/14/1952 #6818  
                                   American Airlines Denver, Colorado Los A 7/18/1952 #6895  
Los Angeles Chicago Early morning. American Airlines pilot Capt. Paul L. Ca 7/18/1952 #6895  
rt L. Farnsworth, president of the American Rocket Society, urges President 7/29/1952 #7326  
s on UFOs at a June meeting of the American Astronomical Society and finds  8/6/1952 #7489  
etween England and Scandinavia. An American photographer doing a story of t 9/20/1952 #7983  
Puerto Rico, In Airspace Three Pan American Airways pilots watched UFO hove Fall 1952 #8011  
hern California 10:30 a.m. A North American Aviation Company film crew, hea 9/30/1952 #8070  
Paris, France Stanley Glickman, an American artist living in Paris, France, 10/1952 #8075  
 Nash reaches 698.5 mph in a North American F-86D Sabre over the Salton Sea 11/19/1952 #8300  
 in any updates to Congress or the American people, and Stratton’s interest 12/2/1952 #8364  
 in Los Angeles, California. North American Aviation project engineer Walth 2/9/1953 #8654  
d-air collision at 2130E with UFO. American and Eastern Airlines pilots rep 6/24/1953 #8959  
Circular, silver UFO seen at North American Aviation plant. [UFOE, VII] (NI 7/9/1953 #8992  
speed record of 716 mph in a North American F-86D Sabre over the Salton Sea 7/16/1953 #8999  
future updates to Congress and the American people.  http://www.nicap.org/d 8/26/1953 #9113  
a.m. Capt. J. L. Kidd is flying an American Airlines DC-6 between Philadelp 10/19/1953 #9243  
sion occurred between a UFO and an American Airlines DC-6 airliner at 12:10 10/19/1953 #9244  
est Jr. reaches 755 mph in a North American F-100 Super Sabre over the Salt 10/29/1953 #9261  
ruth about Flying Saucers” for The American Weekly newspaper insert. He cov 11/22/1953 #9314  
d from updates to Congress and the American public.                         12/18/1953 #9384  
hwest going quickly southeast over American sector / 7 second(s). Slower /  1/8/1954 #9466  
                           America American syndicated columnist Dorothy Ki 2/15/1954 #9547  
s and how they interacted with the American government. From then on Bishop 2/19/1954 (approximate) #9557  
                     An article in American Aviation planted by the Air For 3/1/1954 #9586  
   San Nicholas Island, California American military personnel saw a cigar- 4/22/1954 #9703  
                                   American military personnel saw a cigar- 4/22/1954 #9706  
t conference of European and North American political, business, finance, a 5/29/1954 #9840  
e Mutual Broadcasting Network, the American Federation of Labor. He had off 8/11/1954 #10125  
 never reported to Congress or the American public, as the Air Force relied 10/14/1954 #11075  
xpert Hermann Oberth writes in the American Weekly: “It is my thesis that f 10/24/1954 #11363  
Rome, Italy Mrs. Clare Booth Luce, American Ambassador, others sighted lumi 10/28/1954 #11461  
            Mrs. Clare Booth Luce, American Ambassador to Italy, and others 10/28/1954 #11468  
 Man enters open saucer. Maps / S. American / table. 3 small humanoids (or  11/2/1954 #11527  
ne of these was a map of the South American continent and it had a glowing  11/2/1954 #11539  
            El Tigre, Venezuela An American petroleum engineer takes a phot 12/10/1954 #11795  
 the road, first thought it was an American car with its headlights on, but 12/17/1954 #11828  
Miami to New York, In Airspace Pan American Airways flight saw two reddish- 2/11/1955 #11997  
s quoting from a recent Scientific American article, and he discusses and d 4/5/1955 #12081  
speed record of 822 mph in a North American F-100C Super Sabre at Palmdale, 8/20/1955 #12378  
                          Austrian American Austrian Countess Zoe Wassilko  9/1955 #12422  
 von Serecki writes an article for American Astrology in which she conceive 9/1955 #12422  
efore the object sinks. Korean and American military authorities are alerte 1/15/1956 #12661  
                At 8:30 p.m. a Pan American Airways flight engineer named M 1/22/1956 #12679  
Wright, Lockheed, Boeing and North American are all mentioned as working on 2/25/1956 #12739  
s, and many passengers take off on American Airlines Flight 715 from Albany 4/8/1956 #12803  
d Earth vs. the Flying Saucers, an American black-and-white science fiction 6/13/1956 #12900  
grams). These are employed against American dissidents and their organizati 8/1956 #13042  
zations; the first one targets the American Communist Party. Typical method 8/1956 #13042  
lder City, Nevada 10:15 p.m. North American Aviation research technician Ed Mid 8/1956 #13089  
les per hour was reported by a Pan American World Airways radar expert. Don 11/8/1956 #13315  
ent control, but that they are not American or Soviet aircraft. Stringfield 1/14/1957 #13455  
           San Juan (near), PR Pan American Airways pilot took evasive acti 3/9/1957 #13536  
thew A. Van Winkle, piloting a Pan American World Airways DC-6A airliner at 3/9/1957 #13540  
                      New York Pan American Airways Plane almost collides w 3/10/1957 #13541  
                      New York Pan American Airways Plane almost collides w 3/10/1957 #13542  
, California Los Palos Hills North American Rocketdyne plant in the Simi Hi 3/22/1957 #13553  
eems to be hovering over the North American Rocketdyne plant in the Simi Hi 3/22/1957 #13553  
            Off East Coast, FL Pan American Airways pilot observed brillian 3/29/1957 #13570  
                      US The North American Air Defense Command is announce 8/1/1957 #13870  
             Boston (near), MA Pan American Airways pilot saw a brilliant o 10/8/1957 #14073  
waiting an emergency landing by an American jet fighter low on fuel. The me 1958 #14783  
quipa Lima Peru Yauca District Pan American Highway 220 miles northwest of  1/30/1958 #14851  
 the Yauca District) along the Pan American Highway 220 miles northwest of  1/30/1958 #14851  
USAF ATIC informs Congress and the American public that UAP are not advance 10/30/1958 #15404  
r decades and lulled Congress, the American public and the airline industry 12/21/1958 #15495  
aims to have been requested by the American government to work at WPAFB; he 1959 #15516  
apt. Peter W. Killian is flying an American Airlines flight from Newark to  2/24/1959 #15604  
                      At 8:45 p.m. American Airlines pilot Capt. Killian on 2/24/1959 #15606  
 up to 37 other witnesses from Pan American and United Airlines flights als 2/24/1959 #15606  
n Honolulu, Hawaii 6:02 a.m. A Pan American Boeing Stratocruiser piloted by 7/11/1959 #15834  
entional planes and missiles…. The American people must be convinced, by do 8/31/1960 #16426  
                         The first American to publish on the microwave aud 1961 #16547  
                                US American US Air Force Intelligence Colle 4/25/1961 #16662  
dware when it temporarily lands in American hands.                          4/25/1961 #16662  
P releases a joint statement by 21 American scientists that calls for an op 5/1961 #16672  
aut Alan Shepard becomes the first American in space (for 15 minutes and 22 5/5/1961 #16676  
 Liberty Bell 7 becomes the second American to go into space (in a suborbit 7/21/1961 #16770  
rs flying time, becoming the first American to orbit the earth.             2/20/1962 #17055  
oviets were seen as overtaking the American lead in weapons development. Da 3/1962 #17066  
m. President Kennedy addresses the American public for 18 minutes and annou 10/22/1962 #17485  
one, directly headed for Cuba. Two American warships, the USS Essex and the 10/25/1962 #17495  
E. Hohmann, present a paper at the American Rocket Society annual meeting i 11/13/1962 #17545  
Carl Sagan presents a paper at the American Rocket Society annual meeting i 11/15/1962 #17548  
n be used in interrogations. Latin American paramilitary groups working for 7/1963 #17819  
ina pilot Yeh Changti is flying an American U-2 reconnaissance aircraft to  11/1/1963 #18023  
                  Corona, NY A Pan American Airways mechanic, about 1:30 a. 11/3/1963 #18026  
d Dale Rettig begin publishing the American UFO Committee Review in prepara 3/1964 #18143  
ntributed by his wife Alice to the American Heritage Center (University of  6/23/1964 #18368  
ssance balloon that is floating in American airspace in a westerly directio 1965? #18680  
eball meteor sighting at 7:56 P.M. American Meteor Society No. 2389.        9/27/1965 #19615  
ch a speed of 2,020 mph in a North American XB-70 Valkyrie at Edwards AFB,  1/12/1966 #19831  
    El Paso, TX 10:00 p.m. CST. An American Airlines flight from San Franci 1/16/1966 #19839  
was from another star and that 400 American citizens are actually from his  1/23/1966 #19869  
 rest of the country: “I think the American people would feel better if the 3/25/1966 #20081  
Fowler 1974, p. 337; Boston Record American, Apr. 13, 1966, quoted in Flyin 4/12/1966 #20288  
ase aircraft collides with a North American XB-70 Valkyrie. At an altitude  6/8/1966 #20544  
 A hypnotist is recruited from the American Society of Clinical and Experim 6/30/1966 #20623  
e Washington, D.C., Chapter of the American Meteorological Society on the i 10/19/1966 #21016  
hway 47 Parkersburg, West Virginia American Viscose plant Little Kanawha Ri 11/6/1966 #21080  
 it looks like two lights near the American Viscose plant across the Little 11/6/1966 #21080  
m. At least eight employees of the American Newspaper Publishers Associatio 11/22/1966 #21142  
to the Corning, NY, section of the American Chemical Society, stating that  1/25/1967 #21382  
                                US American Society of Newspaper Editors sp 4/22/1967 #22207  
 D.C. At the annual meeting of the American Society of Newspaper Editors in 4/22/1967 #22208  
er Station Calgary, Alberta Canada American Colorado 5:30 p.m. Warren Smith 7/3/1967 #22600  
 are examined by both Canadian and American authorities; Hynek describes th 7/3/1967 #22600  
ligence about foreign influence on American dissent. Its mission is to gath 8/1967 #22770  
rial Psychologists’ section of the American Psychological Association spons 9/4/1967 #22999  
f 4,519 mph (Mach 6.72) in a North American X-15 rocket plane, a record tha 10/3/1967 #23171  
rash the same night. Witnesses see American naval exercises in Shelburne Ha 10/4/1967 #23176  
suggesting that the Soviet and the American groups should cooperate, starti 2/1968 #23720  
, and he fainted. Investigation by American military authorities.           2/1/1968 #23723  
 at the Los Angeles Chapter of the American Institute for Aeronautics and A 3/26/1968 #23861  
eaks to the Chicago Chapter of the American Meteorological Society on UFOs. 5/31/1968 #23996  
un rounds into it, convinced it is American. The object turns orange and em 6/14/1968 #24031  
. Convinced that the device was an American helicopter, Puentes fired at it 6/14/1968 #24033  
ademy of Sciences and later to the American public. It concludes “nothing h 11/15/1968 #24662  
SA Goddard Space Flight Center The American Institute of Aeronautics and As 12/1968 #24740  
e operation on February 12. Though American combat involvement in Laos is n 1/22/1969 #24866  
A Challenge to Observation” at the American Meteorological Society in Washi 2/13/1969 #24918  
orado project in an address to the American Philosophical Society in Philad 4/26/1969 #25094  
amento, California, section of the American Institute of Aeronautics and As 5/28/1969 #25166  
                        Boston, MA American Association for the Advancement 12/26/1969 #25508  
 Cornell Lakenheath-Bentwaters The American Academy for the Advancement of  12/26/1969 #25509  
k City The UFO Subcommittee of the American Institute of Aeronautics and As 1/21/1970 #25548  
    US The UFO Subcommittee of the American Institute for Aeronautics and A 11/1970 #25896  
roject The UFO Subcommittee of the American Institute of Aeronautics and As 11/1970 #25897  
s conclusions to debunk UAP to the American public and Congressional inquir 5/1972 #26666  
ncisco, California, Chapter of the American Institute of Aeronautics and As 4/9/1973 #27418  
property. Neither Congress nor the American people at the time were aware t 10/1973 #27903  
            Rosewood, OH 7:30 p.m. American Airlines Flight 21, a Boeing 74 10/18/1973 #28163  
ington The UFO Subcommittee of the American Institute of Aeronautics and As 1974 #28630  
SAF was referring Congress and the American public to the findings of Proje 3/1974 #28831  
  LOVERVAL, BELGIUM 3 observer(s). American police siren! Domed saucer outs 4/21/1974 #29053  
shaped object emitted a sound like American police sirens as it had a close 4/21/1974 #29055  
rounding the CIA in the service of American imperialism.                    6/12/1974 #29180  
ered acclimation effort to prepare American public for an announcement of t 12/1974 #29623  
 sent to Henry Kissinger, from the American embassy in Algiers, Algeria. (N 1/1975 #29683  
Connecticut. Witnesses included an American Airlines crew and two Air Natio 1/15/1975 #29752  
 Aerospace Sciences Meeting of the American Institute of Aeronautics and As 1/20/1975 #29758  
       Los Angeles, California The American Institute of Aeronautics and As 9/27/1975 #30390  
 officers, one Canadian, the other American, at his home near Bracebridge,  12/12/1975 #30708  
ecially convened conference of the American Humanist Association. Paul Kurt 4/30/1976 #31028  
                                   American Moon American SF novelist Georg 8/1976 #31214  
                     American Moon American SF novelist George H. Leonard p 8/1976 #31214  
eft. The pilot is certain they are American planes. Just as the jets arrive 8/13/1976 #31261  
e AFB. The Iranian AF scrambled an American F-4 for intercept. As the F-4 w 9/19/1976 #31396  
nnaissance Office. It is the first American spy satellite to use electro-op 12/19/1976 #31620  
tralia when he and a companion, an American soldier, watch the descent of a 1977 #31656  
Book delivered to Congress and the American people stating a lack of physic 1977 #31659  
htings and beliefs of professional American astronomers. He has mailed out  1/1977 #31665  
 Grenada opens the Organization of American States General Assembly with a  6/14/1977 #32163  
 for the next 15 to 20 minutes. An American soldier named James Blake sees  7/1/1977 #32227  
rs, edited by Ronald D. Story. New American Library, a division of Penguin  8/6/1977 #32365  
rs, edited by Ronald D. Story. New American Library, a division of Penguin  8/6/1977 #32366  
s of USG personnel and certain the American people have not been made aware 11/1977 #32648  
                                US American Institute of Aeronautics and As 1/28/1978 #32922  
                    Italian, South American, Middle Eastern, and Asian UFO  7/1978 #33317  
io Six papers are presented at the American Psychological Association Sympo 8/28/1978 #33585  
logy presents a paper prior to the American Sociological Association meetin 9/3/1978 #33629  
re seven witnesses, one of them an American. This and other sightings compe 11/9/1978 #33939  
man couple and a nineteen-year-old American woman named Owens. The car's oc 11/25/1978 #34005  
principal abductee, the wife of an American soldier stationed in Germany, w 11/25/1978 #34005  
sion is to provide for an informed American public by ensuring that the min 12/1/1978 #34044  
lue Book given to Congress and the American people at the time, which state 12/20/1978 #34186  
tally human and spoke with a South American accent. Indeed this man told Ca 1/3/1979 #34292  
                         DAVAO, PI American Scientist and 600. Flash. Sauce 5/20/1979 #34570  
 to Bennewitz makes its way to the American public and is the subject of va 1980's? #35109  
 Frawley was also connected to the American Security Council as a member an 7/1980 #35399  
h Iran to delay the release of the American hostages until after the electi 10/15/1980 #35569  
           NORAD becomes the North American Aerospace Defense Command.      3/18/1981 #35867  
ce agencies. It is regarded by the American intelligence community as a fun 12/4/1981 #36247  
s listen to the radio calls of the American crew for 90 minutes as the enco 10/19/1982 #36654  
aines founds the short-lived North American UFO Federation, an effort to un Summer 1983 #36887  
ry, the intervention results in an American victory in a matter of days. It 10/25/1983 #37016  
/triangle/box-like craft 100' over American Canyon Road / 5 minute(s). Goin 4/25/1984 #37289  
 feet while they were driving down American Canyon Road in Napa, California 4/25/1984 #37291  
                                   American Canyon Road Napa, California 9: 4/25/1984 #37294  
55 p.m. Three witnesses driving on American Canyon Road south of Napa, Cali 4/25/1984 #37294  
 feet while they were driving down American Canyon Road in Napa, California 4/25/1984 #37296  
ence” of the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement 5/29/1984 #37341  
these meetings through FOIA to the American public, nor did it provide any  5/20/1985 #37591  
of well-placed contacts within the American intelligence community.” He pro 5/1987 #38169  
 to allow them to be absorbed into American culture.” Each of the four, Wal 8/30/1987 #38264  
hnical problems. South African and American military personnel crossed the  5/7/1989 #38939  
or have they been delivered to the American public.  https://documents.theb 6/1989 #38972  
wer asked whether the objects were American B-2 or F-117 military aircraft, 3/1990 #39435  
town Montreal, Quebec 7:15 p.m. An American woman tourist is swimming in th 11/7/1990 #39881  
 a world government imposed on the American people against their wishes and 1991 #39933  
he controlling interest in a major American bank. In addition to violations 7/5/1991 #40112  
risis, Iran deliberately held back American hostages to help Ronald Reagan  8/10/1991 #40147  
            Medjugorje, Yugoslavia American tourist took photo of church, u 9/19/1991 #40192  
th Object 1991 VG is discovered by American astronomer James Scotti at Kitt 11/6/1991 #40220  
ackenhut weapons testing on Native American reservation land, and he also c 5/13/1992 #40463  
anced weaponry (railgun) on Native American reservation land, but nothing h 5/13/1992 #40463  
cking apart of the public unity of American researchers into at least two m 6/13/1992 #40492  
er investigating the use of Native American reservation land to test rail g 8/1/1993 #41101  
the possibly illegal use of Native American land for other USG weapons proj 8/1/1993 #41101  
by NORAD radar and sighted from an American West airline flight emerging fr 5/25/1995 #42228  
                                   American West Flight 564 and a USAF F-11 5/25/1995 #42229  
illions in drug profits to a Latin American guerrilla army run by the U.S.  8/18/1996 #42985  
and other foreign sources and have American companies (including IBM, Hughe 6/1997 #43304  
like beings who were guiding their American counterparts. He states he work 6/17/1998 #43589  
 itself describes the “blackest of American covert operations” that deals d 7/31/1999 #43815  
 by Hermann Oberth. Although major American media outlets report on the con 5/9/2001 #44182  
aims some are built beneath Native American reservations for cover, somethi 2004 #44638  
im in 1959 when he was 12 that the American military had been experimenting 1/15/2005 #44808  
s: Seeing Is Believing, a two-hour American TV documentary narrated by Pete 2/24/2005 #44816  
Os and their ability to neutralize American and Russian nuclear missiles. T 9/27/2010 #45298  
was contacted at the outset by two American doctors, Jonathan F. McGuire an 11/5/2010 #45305  
fied body of a two-year-old Native American child taken from the ruins of M 5/5/2015 #45437  
sclosure of UAP information to the American public from USG/USG contractor  10/26/2017 #45488  
ood, director of the Federation of American Scientists’ Project on Governme 1/9/2018 #45503  
s later, Blenus Green, pilot of an American Airlines Airbus A321 flying on  2/24/2018 #45513  
re published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The report 3/2018 #45520  
 Havana University of Pennsylvania American According to a New York Times r 9/1/2018 #45538  
ect, named after Allan H. Frey, an American scientist, who in the 1960s fou 9/1/2018 #45538  
milar to the symptoms described by American diplomats who had served in Cub 8/2019 #45603  
ood, director of the Federation of American Scientists Project on Governmen 2/14/2020 #45633  
g of an issue as it relates to the American public. The emails of admission 7/10/2020 #45651  
Airport in California 6:45 p.m. An American Airlines pilot reports that a m 8/29/2020 #45659  
 Clayton, New Mexico 12:19 p.m. An American Airlines Airbus A320 pilot repo 2/21/2021 #45678  
stan Uzbekistan Reports surface of American diplomatic officials coming dow 7/20/2021 #45699  
                       The Helping American Victims Afflicted by Neurologic 10/8/2021 #45715  
itionally tracks Peter Whitley, an American who moved to Japan and trained  10/20/2022 #45779  
es to the idea that if there is an American antigravity program done in sec 2/22/2023 #45794  
## Word: "americana" (Back to Top)
                                   AMERICANA, BRZ Cop. 150' metallic cylind 11/28/1967 #23515  
trolman saw an immense object near Americana, Sau Paulo State, Brazil "as h 11/28/1967 #23518  
  Sao Paulo, Brazil In the city of Americana, 16-year old Mr. Salles de And 12/17/1975 #30720  
                    In the city of Americana, in the state of Sao Paulo, Br 12/17/1975 #30721  
                                   Americana, São Paulo, Brazil 3:46 a.m. T 5/30/1989 #38967  
ines Flight 573 in the vicinity of Americana, São Paulo, Brazil, is contact 5/30/1989 #38967  
                                   AMERICANA, BRZ Several observer(s). Lumi 3/27/1996 #42843  
                                   AMERICANA, BRZ 3 observer(s). 2 night li 3/30/1996 #42845  
hts were sighted flying south over Americana, Brazil. One object veered awa 3/30/1996 #42847  
                                   AMERICANA, BRZ Several observer(s). UFO  4/8/1996 #42856  
h the sky at very high speeds over Americana, Brazil.                       4/8/1996 #42859  
                                   AMERICANA, BRAZIL 2 10M silver plates ho 3/31/1997 #43247  
## Word: "americanindianmy00marr" (Back to Top)
ypse.  https://archive.org/details/americanindianmy00marr/page/n185/mode/2u 2/20/2015 #45431  
## Word: "americans" (Back to Top)
r travel available to middle-class Americans. The relatively low price was  10/1/1908 #718  
gency to the Gestapo. Knowing that Americans want a smaller federal governm 2/10/1945 #1778  
nd moves to Linz, Austria, but the Americans do not confiscate his workshop 5/1945 #1858  
 Air Staff should be kept from the Americans.                               7/27/1946 #2082  
nding initially comes from wealthy Americans. The act creates the first bla 7/26/1947 #3233  
lup poll on UFOs shows that 90% of Americans have heard of flying saucers;  8/14/1947 #3329  
            CASABLANCA, MAROC 40+9 americans / 2 days. Diamond / saucers pa 7/13/1952 #6792  
, optical illusions or hoaxes. The Americans have reached a similar conclus 8/9/1952 #7516  
s, France, joins a group of fellow Americans at a café, one of whom is CIA  10/1952 #8075  
        during the Korean War, two Americans flying in a T-6 aircraft over  11/15/1952 #8282  
ill be more sophisticated than the Americans’ efforts.                      8/2/1955 #12324  
ty Index of over 200,000 dangerous Americans to be detained in the event of 8/1956 #13042  
dio pulses for 21 days. Some 4% of Americans claim to have seen Sputnik in  10/4/1957 #14057  
ss, scientific colleagues, and the Americans.                               7/11/1961 #16760  
en April 14–19 reveals that 46% of Americans who have heard about UFOs thin 5/8/1966 #20463  
 3,900 reports on the watch-listed Americans. At some point, the NSA is tas 8/1967 #22770  
 the ministry is in touch with the Americans but not the Russians.          11/22/1967 #23496  
two Chilean Navy officers and four Americans who are allegedly naval attach 10/24/1969 #25422  
CASH/LANDRUM CASE was built by the Americans as part of this project, howev 1972 #26526  
lup Poll showed that 51 percent of Americans believe UFOs are "real," 11 pe 11/28/1973 #28474  
   A Gallup poll shows that 51% of Americans believe UFOs are “real,” as op 11/28/1973 #28476  
UFO, extrapolating into 15 million Americans.                               11/28/1973 #28476  
 from across the Texas border. The Americans hear the Mexican spotter plane 8/25/1974 #29386  
survey this year shows that 57% of Americans think UFOs are real, 9% have r 1978 #32824  
by Merit Report, finds that 49% of Americans definitely or probably think e 1982 #36287  
rganization poll finds that 25% of Americans think that UFOs come from some 1/1985 #37544  
icating that there are three adult Americans who believe that “UFOs are rea 3/12/1987 #38138  
nded a study to determine how many Americans had been abducted by aliens an 5/22/1991 #40075  
oration, suggests that 2% of adult Americans (more than 3.7 million) think  5/1992 #40439  
 to pick up the story, but African Americans quickly take note, especially  8/18/1996 #42985  
 to ask a national sample of adult Americans a series of questions about UF 8/2002 #44372  
 is being experimented covertly on Americans; he states he gave the Navy a  7/2003 #44560  
ity was left behind and 12 trained Americans (10 men, 2 women) left for Ser 11/1/2005 #44898  
anet, “Serpo,” in which 12 trained Americans eventually went to “Serpo” fro 11/1/2005 #44899  
oreigners and an unknown number of Americans from Microsoft, Google, Facebo 6/6/2013 #45371  
## Word: "americas" (Back to Top)
t places such as the School of the Americas in Fort Benning, Georgia. (In t 7/1963 #17819  
## Word: "americo" (Back to Top)
 Isola, Spezia, Italy, Amerigo (or Americo) Lorenzini sees a cigar-shaped U 11/14/1954 #11653  
## Word: "americus" (Back to Top)
                                   AMERICUS, GA Hundreds / observer(s). Sil 5/22/1953 #8900  
                           SOUTH / AMERICUS, GA Scientist/science and 1 / ( 8/1956 #13039  
## Word: "amerigo" (Back to Top)
                      Isola, Italy Amerigo Lorenzini, a farmer, saw a brigh 11/14/1954 #11648  
45 p.m. Near Isola, Spezia, Italy, Amerigo (or Americo) Lorenzini sees a ci 11/14/1954 #11653  
## Word: "amerika" (Back to Top)
 a turbojet-powered design for the Amerika Bomber contract competition and  2/2/1945 #1771  
## Word: "amerikabomber" (Back to Top)
                      Germany Nazi Amerikabomber long range bomber project  4/27/1942 #1410  
## Word: "amersfoort" (Back to Top)
National UFO Reporting Center from Amersfoort, The Netherlands said that he 4/22/1999 #43760  
## Word: "amery" (Back to Top)
                                   AMERY, WI 2+? observer(s). 2 vibrant bri 10/6/1979 #34943  
               County Road 46 near Amery, Wisconsin 7:30 p.m. A couple driv 10/6/1979 #34945  
iving south on County Road 46 near Amery, Wisconsin, see two red, luminous  10/6/1979 #34945  
## Word: "ames" (Back to Top)
                              NACA Ames Research Lab Rogue River, Oregon El 5/24/1949 #4207  
ock 5:00 p.m. Five witnesses (NACA Ames Research Lab employees Don Heaphy,  5/24/1949 #4207  
arch Center] in Hampton, Virginia; Ames Aeronautical Laboratory [now Ames R 10/1/1958 #15296  
 Ames Aeronautical Laboratory [now Ames Research Center] in Mountain View,  10/1/1958 #15296  
                            NASA’s Ames Research Center in Mountain View, C 1980 #35112  
n aerospace psychologist at NASA’s Ames Research Center in Mountain View, C 1980 #35112  
 from SAIC and Larry Lemke, a NASA Ames engineer.  https://ufos-scientificr 1/7/1996 #42670  
s wife and their three children in Ames, Iowa witnessed a huge, silent tria 5/17/2001 #44185  
## Word: "amesbury" (Back to Top)
                                   AMESBURY, MA Repeater. Flat disk hovers  10/7/1958 #15323  
shire State Highway 101 Route 150 (Amesbury Road) Kensington, New Hampshire 9/3/1965 #19511  
lking home to Exeter on Route 150 (Amesbury Road) near Kensington, New Hamp 9/3/1965 #19511  
                     SR150 NORTH / AMESBURY, MA 4 / car. Large dome over fi 6/6/1974 #29166  
                              NEAR AMESBURY, MA Domed saucer over I95. 3 ca 1/10/1991 #39949  
## Word: "amethyste" (Back to Top)
nderground. Country: France Name: “amethyste” Yield: 0KT YieldMax: 20KT     3/30/1963 #17715  
## Word: "amfreville-la-mi-voie" (Back to Top)
                                   Amfreville-la-Mi-Voie, Seine-Maritime, F Early 7/1947 #2547  
ne-Maritime, France A cyclist near Amfreville-la-Mi-Voie, Seine-Maritime, F Early 7/1947 #2547  
                                   AMFREVILLE-LA-MI-VOIE, FR Saucer landed  7/7/1947 (approximate) #2878  
 three o'clock in the afternoon in Amfreville-la-Mi-Voie, Seine-Maritime de 7/7/1947 #2944  
## Word: "amherst" (Back to Top)
                                   Amherst, Massachusetts 8:00–9:00 p.m. A  8/13/1819 #110  
fireball streaks across the sky at Amherst, Massachusetts. The next morning 8/13/1819 #110  
               US Washington, D.C. Amherst College US Naval Observatory Was 8/22/1924 #1041  
sion machine” recently invented by Amherst College and Charles Francis Jenk 8/22/1924 #1041  
                                   AMHERST, NY 3 teens and teacher / field  5/26/1966 #20510  
                                   AMHERST, MASS 2 cops on UFO complaint. S 2/16/1967 #21561  
                                   Amherst, MA 10:15 p.m. EST. Three indepe 2/16/1967 #21566  
ng in the sky over a rural part of Amherst, Massachusetts. It ejected a sma 2/16/1967 #21575  
                                   AMHERST, MASS "Venus" seen. (Seen thru)  3/7/1967 #21784  
 Fowler received a UFO report from Amherst, Massachusetts of a light in the 3/7/1967 #21789  
                                   AMHERST, MA Geology Professor and 1. 2 w 9/23/1967 #23118  
                                   Amherst, MA 1:37 p.m. EST. A geology pro 9/23/1967 #23119  
                                   Amherst, MA Geology professor watched fl 9/23/1967 #23121  
the wind in a bright blue sky over Amherst, Massachusetts. They made no sou 9/23/1967 #23123  
## Word: "amiata" (Back to Top)
                               MT. AMIATA, ITALY Double-domed discoid seen. 8/12/1972 #26908  
## Word: "amicable" (Back to Top)
g to show that his intentions were amicable. He got to within ten feet from 10/20/1973 #28222  
## Word: "amid" (Back to Top)
ge tail, and a bright searchlight. Amid the shattered glass he finds a slip 12/26/1896 #380  
 reach a pub called The White Dog. Amid great security, two staff cars are  1946 #1962  
erminated by the Army in late 1975 amid an atmosphere of scandal and recrim 1/1956 #12641  
n Baarn on his world lecture tour, amid fiercely critical media coverage. T 5/18/1959 #15737  
ht white light flashed three times amid the red glow. (NICAP report form.)  9/5/1967 #23005  
aylor. Fragments of clothing found amid the decayed material are from a shi 11/29/1980 #35683  
hed it until it was lost from view amid the rooflines in the vicinity. The  5/19/1990 #39578  
## Word: "amide" (Back to Top)
ike substance containing secondary amide linkages similar to protein. It al 11/11/1999 #43878  
## Word: "amidst" (Back to Top)
 pulsating flashing light appeared amidst the group at 30° from zenith to t 7/17/1948 #3715  
d was felt, and the craft took off amidst a reddish glow.                   12/4/1954 #11758  
nd was felt and the craft took off amidst a reddish glow.                   12/4/1954 #11759  
                                   Amidst a series of cattle mutilation inc 8/5/1976 #31233  
## Word: "amiens" (Back to Top)
                                   AMIENS, 80, FR Luminous/glowing mushroom 10/3/1954 #10636  
                                   AMIENS, FR 1 girl. Luminous cylinder/cig 10/18/1954 #11201  
                                   AMIENS, FR 70 observer(s). Flaming objec 10/19/1954 #11229  
  At noon 70 people in the city of Amiens, Somme, France saw a fiery object 10/19/1954 #11246  
ier. It came from the direction of Amiens.                                  7/18/1955 #12269  
ier. It came from the direction of Amiens.                                  7/18/1955 #12270  
## Word: "amigny-rouy" (Back to Top)
                                   AMIGNY-ROUY, FR 4M fireball stops over v 10/17/1954 #11170  
## Word: "amigos" (Back to Top)
nish telegraph service and head of Amigos de los Visitantes del Espacio.    11/28/1966 #21157  
a Fernando Sesma, president of the Amigos de los Visitantes del Espacio, sp 5/31/1967 #22431  
## Word: "amin" (Back to Top)
           OFF ENTEBBE, UGANDA Idi Amin and several. Odd tailed object land 3/3/1973 #27327  
     Kampala, Uganda President Idi Amin was among a large number of people  3/3/1973 #27328  
ore of Lake Victoria President Idi Amin and his entourage saw a UFO land an 3/3/1973 #27329  
## Word: "amireah" (Back to Top)
    Teheran, Iran Ghaseme Fili, of Amireah Street, was on the second floor  10/8/1954 #10814  
              Mr. Ghaseme Fili, of Amireah Street, Teheran, Iran was on the 10/8/1954 #10818  
## Word: "amis" (Back to Top)
quesnoy founds the Association des Amis de Marc Thirouin in Valence, France 1973 #27202  
## Word: "amiss" (Back to Top)
tary investigates, finding nothing amiss in the city.                       11/22/1954 #11690  
rrive, talk to Roach, find nothing amiss, and leave. Roach then checks on h 10/16/1973 #28088  
## Word: "amity" (Back to Top)
                                   AMITY, OR School principal. 15M grey ovo 11/6/1957 #14368  
## Word: "amityville" (Back to Top)
over a residential neighborhood in Amityville, New York on Long Island.     2/16/2004 #44666  
## Word: "amlash" (Back to Top)
 The operation is known as Project AMLASH. After receiving the report, Helm 4/24/1967 #22214  
## Word: "amman" (Back to Top)
                                   AMMAN AND ABU ALANDA, JORDAN Many observ 9/12/1996 #43017  
## Word: "ammeter" (Back to Top)
ile west of Smyer, Texas, when the ammeter gauge on his car dashboard start 11/3/1957 #14243  
      NEAR DRUMMOND CENTER, ON Car ammeter freaks out. Bus-sized white roun 12/12/1957 #14715  
(s) drives under blue night light. Ammeter going [to] Max and more. Car mal 11/2/1958 #15417  
## Word: "ammeter-going" (Back to Top)
               SMYER, TX Car dies. Ammeter-going down. 24M saucer on road.  11/3/1957 #14224  
## Word: "ammo" (Back to Top)
with held) sighted an UFO over the ammo storage area at 100–200 yds. altitu 7/30/1976 #31195  
## Word: "ammon" (Back to Top)
                                   AMMON, ID Circular object stops right ov 3/8/1995 #42080  
## Word: "ammonia" (Back to Top)
instruments, no occupant. Smell of ammonia.                                 Summer 1933 #1161  
 tubing and dials on a console. An ammonia scent pervades the room, which i Summer 1933 #1163  
and emitting an odor “like acid or ammonia” that makes Brown’s eyes smart.  9/14/1952 #7938  
ty / saucer take grass. "Need some ammonia". Contactee repeater..           3/1954 #9575  
he understood they were asking for ammonia. He directed them to a nearby to 3/1954 #9577  
he witness smells a strong odor of ammonia or ether. The witness drives hom 9/25/1972 #27030  
was also a strong smell resembling ammonia and she felt extremely cold.     7/11/1978 #33368  
nyone. A strong stench resembling "ammonia sulfur" remained in the area lon 8/21/1978 #33540  
d three cars. He smells a powerful ammonia odor and is startled by a milita 1/13/1996 #42681  
from curious onlookers. A smell of ammonia permeates the scene.             1/20/1996 #42693  
## Word: "ammonia-like" (Back to Top)
re AFB runaway, giving out a foul, ammonia-like stench; then AFOSI arrives  1/18/1978 #32894  
## Word: "ammonium" (Back to Top)
s being used as a storage site for ammonium nitrate fertilizer.             2/21/1968 #23774  
## Word: "ammunition" (Back to Top)
igade (AA) expended 1430 rounds of ammunition against them. No bombs droppe 2/26/1942 #1392  
/orb/globe going up / sea. Circles ammunition ship Delarof. Going quickly s 8/1945 (approximate) #1906  
r/cigar-shape going southeast over ammunition plant.                        4/7/1950 #4809  
lights and objects moving above an ammunition storage area. One object is “ 4/25/1950 #4894  
n aura of spears was seen over the Ammunition Storage Area near Dougway Mou 4/25/1950 #4896  
e Air Force Base. Jets sent / live ammunition.                              5/1/1954 #9741  
 it "floated down." Running out of ammunition, the Suttons got the police,  8/21/1955 #12385  
t about 11:00 p.m. they run out of ammunition, and the entire group flees i 8/21/1955 #12386  
ated down" Close to running out of ammunition, the Suttons fled their farmh 8/21/1955 #12387  
                     LAKE CITY, MO Ammunition dump. Car malfunctions due to 11/9/1957 #14495  
rvers include soldiers at a nearby ammunition dump. Motorist José Luis Jord 2/6/1966 #19888  
h, Massachusetts near an abandoned ammunition depot, an object was sighted  1/20/1969 #24861  
nge object hovered over the Loring ammunition dump. Eichner told how he and 10/27/1975 #30477  
ths long, hovering over the Loring ammunition dump. He said the object sudd 10/27/1975 #30477  
E BASE, ME Silent saucer back over ammunition dump. Going northeast. Phony  10/28/1975 #30496  
C) General. 4 separate sightings / ammunition dump. 3 ovoids going quickly  7/30/1976 #31196  
nt. Another watches a UFO over the ammunition storage area at an altitude o 7/30/1976 #31202  
 a.m. Soldiers guarding a military ammunition dump in the southern Carpathi 6/22/1995 #42267  
flew over the Badger Army Ordnance ammunition plant outside Lodi, Wisconsin 3/1/1998 #43526  
nd fired 100 rounds of .22 caliber ammunition at the bottom of the craft, t 1/30/2000 #43937  
 rifle, and thousands of rounds of ammunition. According to police, the men 10/27/2016 #45460  
## Word: "amnesia" (Back to Top)
hine addiction, and LSD to produce amnesia and other vulnerable states in s 8/20/1951 #5613  
nd with anterograde and retrograde amnesia while under the influence of suc 5/11/1953 #8875  
ut of her trance, she has apparent amnesia for the event, denying she could 2/19/1954 #9558  
s result in victims’ incontinence, amnesia, forgetting how to talk, forgett 2/1957 #13481  
dar City hospital. He suffers from amnesia, continues to have fainting spel 2/20/1959 #15595  
Sequels of the incident (fainting, amnesia and his return to the site in a  2/28/1959 #15622  
ey apparently suffered a period of amnesia. Years later under hypnosis one  3/19/1959 #15654  
s for 6 hours. He finds that their amnesia concerning some parts of the epi 10/21/1961 #16923  
on / 2 small humanoids (or Greys). Amnesia and missing time.                11/25/1961 (approximate) #16977  
with him. He experienced temporary amnesia for about 30 minutes, followed b 12/3/1967 #23547  
ok them only 40 minutes. They have amnesia about what happened after sighti 8/1/1971 #26261  
is apartment, suffering a complete amnesia of the event. He was only able t 8/25/1971 #26305  
e terrain, humanoid encounter, and amnesia. (Skylook No. 88, March 1975, Mu 5/31/1974 #29147  
e terrain, humanoid encounter, and amnesia.                                 5/31/1974 #29149  
ms man up. Found in Natal. Partial amnesia.                                 6/14/1976 #31107  
illiant light. The man experienced amnesia when exposed to the intense ligh 6/16/1977 #32166  
tubular, aquamarine beam of light. Amnesia followed and he found himself al 3/18/1978 #33056  
pisode of missing time and partial amnesia about other events, but did reca 7/25/1979 #34680  
 side of the craft. He experienced amnesia about what happened next. The ne 4/12/1992 #40414  
rtless, sweating, and with partial amnesia.                                 8/12/1998 #43629  
he events that occurred during his amnesia.                                 4/28/2003 #44519  
## Word: "amoeba" (Back to Top)
s). Grey rectangle and translucent amoeba / waving arms. Fast.              9/23/1948 #3807  
egularly shaped translucent white “amoeba” (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 9/23/1948 #3808  
al lines; the other a translucent "amoeba" with a dark spot near the center 9/23/1948 #3810  
 near the center. The arms of the "amoeba" undulated. Both objects travelle 9/23/1948 #3810  
al lines, the other a translucent "amoeba" with a dark spot near the center 9/23/1948 #3813  
 near the center. The arms of the "amoeba" undulated. Both objects traveled 9/23/1948 #3813  
, NY Separate / observer(s). Grey "amoeba" shape going [to] by / 15 second( 8/11/1958 #15187  
              At 3:45 p.m. a gray "amoeba" shape flew by Orlean, New York i 8/11/1958 #15193  
## Word: "amoeba-like" (Back to Top)
ety of shapes from vague blobs and amoeba-like forms to clearly defined dis Summer 1957 #13745  
## Word: "amond" (Back to Top)
x Belgium 6:45 p.m. Lt. Col. André Amond of the Belgian Army and his wife s 12/11/1989 #39313  
he center, is a rotating red lamp. Amond stops where the road dead ends and 12/11/1989 #39313  
ier.” They both are frightened, so Amond starts the car again. The big ligh 12/11/1989 #39313  
## Word: "among" (Back to Top)
ural philosopher who happens to be among a group of people on the terrace a 8/18/1783 #90  
na, hazards, and other activities. Among the reports collected are meteors, 6/21/1866 #167  
 a carbon-arc light, causing alarm among the residents.                     2/14/1889 #287  
 from the USS Thetis are wandering among the salt water lagoons on the west 1/1892? #297  
m to pay attention and disappeared among the rocks. (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cas 1896 #323  
m to pay attention and disappeared among the rocks.                         1896 #324  
 to shine in different directions. Among the witnesses are Col. Thomas F. G 11/24/1896 #356  
es it disappears “with a flicker.” Among the witnesses is Kansas Gov. John  3/27/1897 #398  
r Hamilton was awakened by a noise among the cattle and went and saw an elo 4/19/1897 #532  
r Hamilton was awakened by a noise among the cattle and went out with his s 4/19/1897 #533  
ram C. LaGrone hears a disturbance among his horses on his ranch at Deadwoo 4/28/1897? #582  
d, AU 11:00 p.m. Several witnesses among them the vicar, the Mayor, and a p 1/1910 #827  
ill, New Zealand Several witnesses among them the vicar, the Mayor, and a p 1/1910 #828  
 come to earth over the centuries. Among his wilder expressions is the sugg 12/1/1919 #994  
         Robsart, CAN Five persons among them Einar Rostivold, saw a huge b 7/1929 #1101  
      Robsart, Canada Five persons among them Einar Rostivold, saw a huge b 7/1929 #1102  
famous for allegedly causing panic among its listening audience, though the 10/30/1938 #1300  
eorge Paget Thomson and circulates among committee members. It concludes th 6/26/1941 #1366  
m. No bombs dropped, no casualties among our troops, no planes (UFOs) shot  2/26/1942 #1392  
nd plans of the German air force.” Among the personalities involved in the  2/23/1944 #1577  
ed to take a trip. (Ziegler is not among them.) They are transported by tra 9/1946 #2164  
 vanished in less than ten seconds among the stars.                         6/10/1947 #2318  
nd vanish in less than ten seconds among the stars. According to the Air Fo 6/10/1947 #2320  
oad northwest of Roswell. They are among the first civilians to stumble acr 7/5/1947 #2719  
thing comparable. Some ufologists, among them Aimé Michel and James E. McDo 10/1/1948 #3827  
, ONI, OSI, and mentions a meeting among these groups on UFOs, “considered  1/31/1949 #3989  
 radar. There were three witnesses among the crew: Sperry, Bates, and Arnho 5/29/1950 #4974  
shown for a few months and rotates among the Telenews Theaters across the n 11/17/1950 #5279  
ey J. Wright picked for “Who’s Who Among Students in American Colleges and  1/14/1951 #5394  
flying wing” moving over the city. Among the witnesses is the wife of Dr. D 8/30/1951 #5638  
d three other amateur astronomers (among them Cyril Thomas Wyche and Harry  5/13/1952 #6317  
TO “Operation Mainbrace” exercise. Among the sightings: one blue-green tria 9/14/1952 #7918  
O "Operation Mainbrace" exercise.  Among the sightings: one blue-green tria 9/14/1952 #7934  
xercise had several UFO sightings. Among the sightings: a blue-green triang 9/14/1952 #7943  
f his biological weapons research. Among Olson’s concerns are the developme 11/28/1953 #9324  
x smaller UFOs flying close to it. Among the others to witness these events 6/29/1954 #9958  
At Les Chavannes, about 20 people, among them Remy Gaudicourt of Sanvignes, 10/4/1954 #10695  
nce. At 6:30 p.m. about 20 people, among them Remy Gaudicourt of Sanvignes, 10/4/1954 #10705  
       Birac, France Four persons, among them Julia Juste, Maria Barbeau, a 10/11/1954 #10935  
 Donjon de Montlaur, five persons, among them J. Dubois, saw a round craft  10/13/1954 #10997  
arigney, France Several witnesses, among them Mr. Beuclair a policeman, saw 10/17/1954 #11174  
artment, France several witnesses, among them policeman Beuclair, saw a bri 10/17/1954 #11182  
 Cardinali saw a disk-shaped craft among the reeds of a swamp. It was 2 m i 10/25/1954 #11388  
 Cardinali saw a disc-shaped craft among the reeds of a swamp in northern I 10/25/1954 #11395  
ng at him, occasionally conversing among themselves in an unknown language. 11/2/1954 #11539  
n rabbits in a cage while speaking among themselves in an unknown language. 11/14/1954 #11648  
" emerged from the craft, speaking among themselves in an unintelligible la 11/14/1954 #11655  
Brazil first noticed a disturbance among his chickens in the farmyard. He t 12/11/1954 #11802  
crews might constitute a curiosity among “our space friends” on “what has h 3/1955 #12022  
a Approximate date. Three farmers, among them Thomas Robinson, saw a light  5/29/1955 #12166  
Corp., and General Dynamics Corp.  Among the IPP participants mentioned are 11/20/1955 #12580  
sylvania maneuvering at high speed among the clouds.                        6/21/1956 #12916  
 Soviets tracking the U-2 flights. Among the group are Edwin H. Land, Edwar 8/16/1956 #13094  
Road in the Sky in 1959. These are among the first ancient astronaut books. 1957 #13430  
 “This case certainly now ranks as among the best documented unexplained UF 7/17/1957 #13808  
o Almeida, Brazil Three witnesses, among them Dr. C. da Costa, decided to s 2/24/1958 #14888  
 along by leaps, half-disappearing among the waves, it made a right-hand tu 6/12/1958 #15092  
 their personal fantastic stories, among them Wayne Aho and Buck Nelson him 6/28/1958 #15123  
oianai, New Guinea Many witnesses, among them Fr. W. B. Gill, head of a loc 6/26/1959 #15789  
jects in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Among other purposes, experiments focus  9/1959 #15952  
ir reactions to this verbal abuse. Among them is 17-year-old Ted Kaczynski, 9/1959 #15952  
 detected at the crash site, where among the remaining wreakage was discove 9/26/1959 #15994  
ter, Great Britain Four witnesses, among them three military men, saw an ob 11/11/1960 #16498  
 in Warminster, England, including among them three men in the British mili 11/11/1960 #16499  
erse engineer and further develop. Among the technologies he said arose fro 1961 #16543  
ion agencies for Moon Dust reports among them. Project Moon Dust is a cover 4/25/1961 #16662  
M. Rosner for Col. Ward Reid Betz. Among other things, it specifies three p 11/13/1961 #16962  
Four persons from Thursday Island, among them E. Thorpe, were climbing a hi 6/16/1962 #17230  
ing in stature daily as the leader among leaders of the Civil Rights Moveme 8/28/1963 #17921  
ood, Great Britain Four teenagers, among them painter John Flaxton, while w 11/16/1963 #18044  
 Saltwood, England four teenagers, among them painter John Flaxton and anot 11/16/1963 #18046  
t called S4 (Air) that deals with, among other things, UFO reports from the 4/1/1964 #18153  
ny, New Mexico Numerous witnesses, among them policeman Paul Arteche, saw a 4/28/1964 #18215  
e objects easily outmaneuver them. Among the witnesses are Paul M. Dickey J 1/11/1965 #18709  
inhibition of movement. They spoke among themselves in shrill sounds simila 7/1/1965 #19045  
zed and unable to move. They spoke among themselves in shrill sounds simila 7/1/1965 #19049  
wearing luminous helmets, speaking among theselves, in unfamiliar language. 7/26/1965 #19179  
ho wore luminous helmets and spoke among themselves in an unfamiliar langua 7/26/1965 #19183  
western and western United States. Among the more interesting reports, a yo 8/3/1965 #19293  
in. There were numerous witnesses, among them military men. Official invest 8/4/1965 #19311  
es. There were numerous witnesses, among them military men.                 8/4/1965 #19322  
n, Italy, as a test of cooperation among several regional UFO groups. It be 9/26/1965 #19608  
ruises low from north to southwest among the buildings of Valencia, Venezue 1/8/1966 #19817  
iven “wide unsolicited circulation among prominent members of the Congress  2/3/1966 #19879  
ans, LA Day. A Boeing engineer was among the witnesses who saw two discs fl 5/17/1966 #20495  
i, near New Orleans, Louisiana was among the witnesses who saw two discs fl 5/17/1966 #20499  
rl Ardo, who often pass undetected among earthlings, through the early 1970 11/4/1966 #21075  
nough underground interest in UFOs among his scientific colleagues that he  1/5/1967 #21259  
ous disc for 1 minute as it darted among clouds with abrupt motions. (Lette 6/29/1967 #22570  
t 1 m tall, who moved very rapidly among the bushes. They were dark-skinned 7/17/1967 #22680  
inned, had bulging eyes, and spoke among themselves in a strange, musical d 7/17/1967 #22680  
rated on. These will be circulated among the staff for review but not for v 8/27/1967 #22939  
ure flew eastward and out of sight among the tall buildings in that part of 9/8/1967 #23021  
most unanimous lack of confidence” among senior staffers in Low’s competenc 2/24/1968 #23782  
his behavior spread fear and panic among the local inhabitants.             6/26/1968 #24085  
side screaming. Several neighbors, among them Rogelio Gianomini, came to he 7/15/1968 #24179  
endoza, Argentina Three witnesses, among them two Casino employees, stated  8/31/1968 #24407  
in an apparent controlled descent. Among the many witnesses was an elderly  3/31/1969 #25041  
have abducted him start quarreling among themselves. They carry da Silva ba 5/4/1969 #25114  
felt lasted for hours, they talked among themselves in an incomprehensible  5/4/1969 #25115  
ved plate with a lever. They spoke among themselves in a language of short  5/20/1969 #25151  
or a period of at least two hours. Among the witnesses were policemen, Coas 6/20/1969 #25229  
              On this day two cops among several civilians witness a UFO ov 8/5/1969 #25310  
ion of NASA and includes awareness among a tight group of key personnel inc 1970 #25523  
cuss differing viewpoints on UFOs. Among the panel members are Hynek, McDon 1/21/1970 #25548  
rated by a group of UFO debunkers, among them physicist David I. Simpson. F 3/28/1970 #25613  
ce a number of Hopi Indian elders, among them Chief Dan Katchongva, that he 8/7/1970 #25775  
as told to drink. The aliens spoke among each other in a strange singsong l 8/15/1970 #25787  
ngsong language. He was told that, among other things, that the speed of li 8/15/1970 #25787  
eing about 25 landed small objects among the bushes just outside school gro 8/19/1970 #25796  
small UFO and spotted two tiny men among some bushes. One was on a rock and 8/20/1970 #25799  
igure that seemed to move clumsily among the brush. The men yelled at the f 3/25/1971 #26054  
ee lights-red, white and blue-land among some trees two miles from Norwood, 6/5/1971 #26158  
 with a pinkish cast, caused panic among the animals on one ranch and simul 6/26/1971 #26195  
 curious onlookers visit the site, among them engineer Justin Capră, who de Early 9/1972 #26975  
re, glowing a bluish green, moving among a pile of chassis beside his route 9/27/1972 #27035  
on in 45–50 seconds and disappears among some trees. It is egg-shaped, a wh 12/1972 #27158  
 dark bulk that she could make out among some trees. When she was about 50  2/26/1973 #27318  
ala, Uganda President Idi Amin was among a large number of people who saw a 3/3/1973 #27328  
 near the larger town of Jeanette. Among these was the report of a single w 4/15/1973 #27431  
nts that are little known in 1975, among them the aliens’ clinical coldness 10/16/1973 #28088  
wear, and gloves. The beings spoke among themselves in a "squeaky" language 10/28/1973 #28311  
p.m. the same night. The consensus among researchers in France is that the  3/23/1974 #28937  
y spoke an unintelligible language among themselves in high, squeaky voices 5/7/1974 #29093  
a second black-gowned figure moved among some nearby trees. The woman figur 5/11/1974 #29100  
bright and maneuverable spotlight. Among the witnesses are 48 police office 4/3/1975 #29952  
t off to the landing site, located among some old mineshafts and slag piles 8/8/1975 #30244  
r the car. Hikawa didn't see them. Among the figures Furuya saw were some r 10/1/1975 #30409  
ton soon notices something shining among the branches off to the right. The 11/5/1975 #30562  
 80 feet in diameter. It descended among some trees in a wetlands area near 3/5/1976 #30928  
nd had several body samples taken. Among other procedures they scraped her  5/21/1976 #31070  
t he ate would last for four days. Among many things the humanoids told him 8/26/1976 #31306  
that it is resting on the horizon. Among the witnesses are Gen. Carlos Dolz 11/19/1976 #31559  
in diameter, maneuvered and glowed among trees. Broken branches were found  1/1/1977 #31680  
in diameter, maneuvered and glowed among trees in Eyragues, France in Bouch 1/1/1977 #31682  
was spinning; it tilted and played among the trees.                         1/22/1977 #31746  
nd they seemed unusually athletic. Among features that set them apart from  2/5/1978 #32957  
 sound of its name evoked surprise among the entities. On asking where his  2/5/1978 #32957  
an. The crew members began talking among themselves. The man on the screen  2/5/1978 #32957  
Julio's gun and, passing it around among themselves, asked him about its us 2/5/1978 #32957  
othering to look back at the disc. Among the information imparted telepathi 2/5/1978 #32957  
that wore rust colored jump suits. Among the features of the abduction incl 3/18/1978 #33056  
oast Guard vessel in Lake Superior among the Apostle Islands, Wisconsin, se 7/29/1978 #33448  
hemselves to the ground and hiding among the roadside vegetation. (NICAP: 0 8/31/1978 #33607  
hemselves to the ground and hiding among the roadside vegetation. The truck 8/31/1978 #33609  
sco, California, on the disconnect among scientists’ support for SETI resea 9/3/1978 #33629  
light. This created a great fright among those present. Altogether four wit 10/31/1978 #33902  
icially becomes president of NICAP among baseless charges that a sinister C 12/1978 #34035  
ino, Italy, see a blue-white light among the trees. One of them walks towar 12/8/1978 #34077  
 they sighted a bluish white light among the trees. One of the men approach 12/8/1978 #34078  
short humanoid creatures who spoke among themselves in a strange incomprehe 12/31/1978 #34250  
or covert board members and staff, among them Joseph Bryan III, Karl T. Pfl 1/1979 #34268  
tnesses. The men appeared to speak among themselves in a loud "sing-song" u 1/5/1979 #34303  
aw nearby, standing in the shadows among some bushes, two silvery-garbed hu 2/21/1979 #34441  
 men stood up and began conversing among themselves in an unknown language. 5/16/1979 #34564  
eings spoke in an unknown language among themselves but by telepathy with h 6/18/1979 #34618  
about UFOs, had a solid reputation among his friends and neighbors.         7/25/1979 #34681  
ts at eye level. They were talking among themselves in a language that soun 9/2/1979 #34820  
ound, and gesticulating animatedly among themselves without making a sound. 10/4/1979 #34941  
investigate. He saw a bright light among the nearby trees. Something then t 10/6/1979 #34947  
tizens reduced trust in government among the domestic population over time, 1980's? #35109  
 with the witness using telepathy. Among the many things mentioned was that 1/5/1980 #35124  
inated. They seemed to communicate among themselves in quick bursts of "buz 4/20/1980 #35281  
han Twining and Douglas MacArthur, among others. Of note, Col. Philip Corso 7/1980 #35399  
ced a large lighted object descend among some nearby trees. With a flashlig 8/8/1980 #35446  
ced a large lighted object descend among some nearby trees. The object turn 8/8/1980 #35448  
sleeveless habit with white boots. Among other things, the woman told Caval 9/11/1981 #36110  
sleeveless habit with white boots. Among other things, the woman told Caval 9/12/1981 #36112  
rd F. Haines and Dr. James Harder, among others.                            10/8/1981 #36170  
outside to investigate a commotion among his dogs and cats and saw two ligh 3/22/1982 #36408  
owing, transparent figure was seen among the branches of a tree on the prop 7/30/1982 #36556  
 York City, when he sees an object among a flock of birds. The birds disper 12/10/1982 #36712  
te 84, just moments later. Hansen, among others, stops on the side of the r 12/31/1982 #36733  
 keeps it safe from FOIA requests. Among its programs are: destabilizing Fe 11/18/1983 #37046  
the entity moves toward a clearing among some hazel bushes, emitting small  10/8/1984 #37480  
ch the ball, which has black marks among the red and gives off beams and sp 12/1984 #37514  
s follow within the next 10 years. Among the wider population, an excess of 4/26/1986 #37843  
ot far from a nuclear power plant. Among the many witnesses included person 3/4/1988 #38488  
errors in the documents, not least among them that they are in English, not 5/7/1989 #38938  
s from shore. The UFO caused panic among many witnesses; in fact, in just a 9/3/1989 #39089  
 2:30 p.m. several young students, among then Vova Startsev, saw a large pi 10/28/1989 #39191  
in a desert-like location standing among the sand dunes. He could see hills 10/31/1989 #39200  
ichael Barkun characterizes it as “among the most complex superconspiracy t 1991 #39933  
 will be protesting in Rachel, NV. Among those notified are: Commanders Net 7/28/1991 #40136  
; he could not tell any difference among them.                              3/5/1992 #40359  
one-question survey on UFO beliefs among 1,069 Germans. Although the questi 6/1994 #41544  
 to prove anything scientifically. Among those involved are retired US Army Fall 1994 #41773  
ng out a plan to disclose ET “live among us,” and claims TAI may have aware 12/10/1994 #41888  
fter a few moments, they conversed among themselves in an unknown language, 6/21/1996 #42936  
o the UAP/extraterrestrial matter. Among the government facilities listed i 8/30/1996 #43001  
 tall. Other small beings moved in among trees in the field, while a large  9/23/1996 #43039  
t the witnesses. They communicated among themselves by making loud high-pit 9/23/1996 #43039  
. He landed in a vertical position among the high grass. A few minutes late 5/18/1997 #43298  
he creature. About 50 meters away, among some bushes, the boys saw a round  9/5/1997 #43395  
0 mph, until they lost sight of it among some hills.                        2/9/1998 #43516  
ment is sent to CIA’s “Weird Desk” among others, classified Top Secret “Jeh 11/1998 #43673  
ng County and begin a blind search among the area’s 400,000 inhabitants. On 12/1999 #43890  
y known that aliens exist and live among us.” Fitts claims her time at HUD  12/3/1999 #43892  
w "voices" that spoke very quickly among themselves. Almost at the same tim 5/2/2001 #44174  
er and Brig. Gen. Thomas B. Catron among others. While McCandlish states th 5/9/2001 #44183  
ty. There was no relative movement among the lights. The top of a house or  7/15/2001 #44209  
 perceivable variation in diameter among them. One of the lights, momentari 7/15/2001 #44209  
s. The figure quickly took shelter among Sepulveda's cages and the rabbit's 8/2/2001 #44218  
ne. He was joined by Sgt. Cordoba, among other officers, who reached the ru 7/21/2002 #44362  
ealing with UAP matters, dispersed among USG contractor facilities.         6/11/2003 #44556  
 a road, under some guy wires, and among trees in Whitehorse, Yukon.        8/10/2003 #44572  
re about 50 “figures” moving about among the lights. There was a "cocoon"-s 8/6/2006 #44953  
suggests the issue causes delusion among high-level people but it’s still r 9/27/2006 #44969  
ark disc-shaped object was spotted among the clouds over Chicago, Illinois. 12/23/2007 #45103  
lications dated 1952–1969 on UFOs. Among them are documents identifying the 10/31/2008 #45181  
ject was observed flying very fast among the clouds in Waverly, Ohio. It ma 11/29/2008 #45193  
df     Note: It is a general theme among claims of “suppressed UAP technolo 2/13/2009 #45212  
redictions from it for five years. Among the claims were that dolphins were 7/2011 #45330  
h program looking into sixth sense among humans. ONR seeks to understand ho 2012 #45337  
600 feet in the air, slowly rising among the treetops. It drifts sideways a 3/19/2013 #45362  
Os pose a threat to aerial safety. Among those present are astronomers, psy 7/31/2014 #45412  
nd that encounters are commonplace among multiple squadrons including the n 2/2015? #45430  
                        In Walking Among Us, David M. Jacobs explains how 1 9/2015 #45438  
oyee and AATIP head Luis Elizondo, among others unnamed, to carry out slow  10/26/2017 #45488  
Northrop, BAE, E-Systems and EG&G, among others.                            4/30/2019 #45575  
t us and have executed what may be among the most successful and ingenious  4/15/2021 #45682  
s of Havana Syndrome come to light among more than 20 US diplomats in Vienn 8/2021 #45702  
## Word: "amongst" (Back to Top)
igues, felt his arm, and conversed amongst themselves in an unintelligible  5/5/1969 #25117  
d they were never to talk about it amongst themselves or to anyone else. Ca 10/1998 #43656  
## Word: "amoral" (Back to Top)
                        Campina do Amoral Colônia Goio-Bang Luiziana Mambor 7/23/1947 #3218  
re surveying a field in Campina do Amoral in the Colônia Goio-Bang, located 7/23/1947 #3218  
## Word: "amorality" (Back to Top)
t and culture of secrecy, elitism, amorality, and lawlessness within and su 6/12/1974 #29180  
## Word: "amorous" (Back to Top)
d with the Sun, full of fire, very amorous.”                                1686 #50  
## Word: "amorphous" (Back to Top)
       Ardennes offensive, Germany Amorphous reddish-glow that at times app 12/1944 #1713  
             Unknown City, Germany Amorphous reddish-glow that at times app 12/16/1944 #1723  
mple turns out to be a “nylon-like amorphous mass with traces of magnesuim, 10/9/1953 #9216  
pheres on each end connected by an amorphous bar. The ends scintillated and 7/23/1956 #13013  
                            A dark amorphous shaped UFO moved erratically u 4/21/1965 #18910  
tall, a whitish-translucent color, amorphous, and constantly changing shape 7/22/1975 #30200  
oung men looked at Will and saw an amorphous black blob drop out of his hai 10/31/1978 #33902  
then as a cloud, and finally as an amorphous mass. While copilot Gennady La 9/7/1984 #37458  
aurel bushes. It appeared to be an amorphous transparent figure, with large 8/2/2000 #44026  
## Word: "amory" (Back to Top)
memo to OSI Deputy Director Robert Amory Jr., indicating that the agency wi 7/29/1952 #7325  
by Chadwell, is attended by Robert Amory Jr., Gen. John Samford, Rear Admir 12/4/1952 #8376  
y Director for Intelligence Robert Amory Jr. that he is unimpressed with th 12/16/1952 #8426  
## Word: "amos" (Back to Top)
             Crystal Lake, Montana Amos Biggs observed a silver, saucer-sha 3/9/1963 #17695  
             Nine-year old Freddie Amos woke up at 1:30 a.m. in his farmhou 1/13/1967 #21300  
an "electronic police car siren." (Amos letter, 9/26/68, NICAP files.) (NIC 8/1967 #22768  
## Word: "amoung" (Back to Top)
rran Field, and Air Force men were amoung those reporting seeing a bright o 6/17/1959 #15772  
## Word: "amount" (Back to Top)
 observer and contain a reasonable amount of data.                          1/22/1948 #3563  
1 are released and an even greater amount of xenon-133. The radiation is di 12/2/1949 #4431  
ll this stuff about Flying Saucers amount to? What can it mean? What is the 7/28/1952 #7223  
ll this stuff about flying saucers amount to? What can it mean? What is the 7/28/1952 #7267  
the sun or pouring out a fantastic amount of its own light, a round shape t Spring 1953 #8766  
n odd-looking vapor trail. A large amount of cobwebby substance falls on he 2/1/1954 #9526  
a game at Florence, Italy. A large amount of “white filaments” falls that c 10/27/1954 #11449  
g landscape with such a tremendous amount of light that a nearby barn is cl 11/11/1956 #13322  
ands as radioactive fallout in the amount received in the last five years f 3/28/1957 #13566  
n Caracavelos, Portugal. A certain amount of confusion results.             6/25/1958 #15116  
received a slight sunburn from the amount of thermal radiation that had rea 8/1/1958 #15174  
pposedly engaging in a “tremendous amount of detective work on this metal.” 6/12/1960 #16312  
oisy impact generates a tremendous amount of heat; the windshield becomes e 5/10/1961 #16681  
Novaya Zemlya archipelago, 10x the amount of all the explosives used in WW2 10/3/1961 #16891  
ng the meeting shows an inordinate amount of interest in NICAP, given the C 1/19/1965 #18748  
ames McDonald has obtained a small amount of money from the Office of Naval 6/6/1966 #20535  
ary insists it is only 270,000. No amount of discussion resolves the differ 9/1967 #22974  
able to present an estimate of the amount of plutonium contained in the pit 1/21/1968 #23684  
on Service, who detect an abnormal amount of radioactivity at the site and  7/31/1968 #24271  
hat it contains an abnormally high amount of zinc.                          8/16/1974 #29362  
ggesting that he has lost the same amount of altitude. The pilot climbs bac 8/13/1976 #31261  
e right, then twice again the same amount. Suddenly a smaller round object  9/18/1976 #31395  
O phenomenon.” And, “an inordinate amount of maneuverability was displayed  9/19/1976 #31396  
 instruments and producing a large amount of static on the radio. There wer 10/26/1977 #32620  
n next experienced an undetermined amount of missing time. At the same time 9/20/1979 #34908  
n communication; and no meaningful amount of information can be declassifie 11/18/1980 #35653  
. The explosion releases a massive amount of radioactivity and contaminates 8/10/1985 #37641  
leaving roughly 10% of the initial amount unidentified.                     1986 #37742  
ome,” Bush replies, “I know a fair amount.”                                 3/7/1988 #38493  
s and their careful records of the amount of fuel their vehicle had consume 11/6/1989 #39216  
and remained visible for a lengthy amount of time.                          5/8/2005 #44833  
, because out of nowhere a massive amount of light lit up the trail 20 feet 9/16/2007 #45059  
hear footsteps--just saw a massive amount of white light. The light was get 9/16/2007 #45059  
reakaway group exists with a large amount of money and no national allegian 4/5/2016 #45449  
equests $81.1 billion, the largest amount ever, in funding for the black bu 2/27/2018 #45516  
## Word: "amounting" (Back to Top)
ave of gamma and neutron radiation amounting to more than 500 rem. He disas 8/21/1945 #1925  
ith 10 chapters and 16 attachments amounting to 296 pages.                  9/14/1998 #43645  
## Word: "amounts" (Back to Top)
oundation begin contributing large amounts of money to the Council on Forei 1938 #1279  
rge mass of uranium, by which vast amounts of power and large quantities of 8/2/1939 #1311  
an atomic bomb is now available in amounts undreamed of the year before. At 12/18/1941 #1379  
nts are discovered except for high amounts of silver in one and some silver 10/12/1959 #16030  
 in Orange County, New York. Trace amounts of alpha radiation are found on  3/2/1965 #18832  
und to be dehydrated. Later, trace amounts of alpha radiation were found on 3/5/1965 #18844  
opping web-like substance in large amounts over Sudbury, Massachusetts. It  10/22/1973 #28239  
primary system, which allows large amounts of nuclear reactor coolant to es 3/28/1979 #34493  
eighed between 4 and 5 tons. Trace amounts of phosphate and zinc are found  1/8/1981 #35779  
e of the drops contain significant amounts of zinc, bismuth, and rare earth 1/29/1986 #37775  
drive he has been drinking copious amounts of coffee, which may have contri 11/11/1988 #38711  
generators for Reactors 1–5. Large amounts of water contaminated with radio 3/11/2011 #45318  
## Word: "amoura" (Back to Top)
 drivers, Messrs. Gaston Breau and Amoura, who stopped their gasoline truck 10/11/1954 #10933  
 drivers, Messrs. Gaston Breau and Amoura, who stopped their gasoline truck 10/11/1954 #10949  
## Word: "amp" (Back to Top)
 irritation” within USAF.  https://amp.theguardian.com/science/2006/jun/24/ 12/22/1992 #40762  
## Word: "amparano" (Back to Top)
3:32 a.m. Police officer Manuel J. Amparano is on the outskirts of Kerman,  5/13/1978 #33202  
a flash, then recedes and is gone. Amparano feels “a tingling sensation” in 5/13/1978 #33202  
 At 3:32 a.m. police office Manuel Amparano was on the outskirts of Kerman, 5/13/1978 #33205  
 object then receded and was gone. Amparano felt a tingling sensation in hi 5/13/1978 #33205  
## Word: "amparo" (Back to Top)
                                   AMPARO, BRZ Saucer-fireball lights deser 1/27/1996 #42715  
## Word: "amphibian" (Back to Top)
nd 2 / ground. Saucer dives / SA16 amphibian plane. Going quickly south.    7/15/1952 #6822  
hen followed an SA-l6 twin-engined amphibian and flew away after 40-60 seco 7/15/1952 #6827  
lift, tactical air support, and an amphibian tractor called the LVTP5. Desp 7/5/1957 #13779  
## Word: "amphibious" (Back to Top)
bison-like quadrupeds, a spherical amphibious creature, and a bipedal beave 8/25/1835 #130  
aced by a plan to mount an initial amphibious assault with a minimum of 1,5 10/31/1960 #16490  
## Word: "amphitheater" (Back to Top)
ar in a cornfield within a natural amphitheater known as The Devil’s Punchb 8/1981 #36051  
## Word: "ample" (Back to Top)
ser, in a letter, saying there is “ample evidence of some unfamiliar and un 7/30/1952 #7362  
aped heads", dressed in one-piece, ample overalls. They smiled constantly.  11/18/1973 #28443  
ess, but its body was covered with ample hair, and it had round, slightly O 8/24/1998 #43637  
## Word: "amplification" (Back to Top)
ng polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification. The results are startling 7/23/1992 #40530  
## Word: "amplified" (Back to Top)
the nation.” In 1999, the story is amplified when a Major Calza says a “dwa 5/8/1996 #42900  
 consider this a concocted episode amplified by fantasy proneness.          6/18/1997 #43328  
## Word: "amplifier" (Back to Top)
fficiency. This power operates the amplifier, distorts the surrounding grav 3/1989 #38855  
## Word: "amplifiers" (Back to Top)
 the craft and sees three “gravity amplifiers” that focus a “Gravity A” wav 3/1989 #38855  
## Word: "amplifies" (Back to Top)
rs. The International News Service amplifies this by quoting the Air Force  7/28/1952 #7263  
## Word: "amplitude" (Back to Top)
als/metamaterials might change the amplitude and direction of gravitational 6/1972 #26694  
 first, followed by modulations in amplitude. Robert H. Coddington finds, a 6/22/1972 #26726  
## Word: "ampère" (Back to Top)
                                   Ampère published his "Ampère’s law."     1825 #120  
             Ampère published his "Ampère’s law."                           1825 #120  
## Word: "ams" (Back to Top)
n Information Systems, Dyncorp and AMS Inc. were responsible for the obfusc 6/2004 #44706  
 also claims that complaints about AMS were answered by the Pentagon with i 6/2004 #44706  
BM, but IBM in turn, subcontracted AMS, Lockheed, Dyncorp, SAIC and Accentu 6/2004 #44706  
ed a GAO audit.  Fitts also claims AMS violated fiduciary and control pract 6/2004 #44706  
y software and accounting system.” AMS was hired by HUD in 1996 to manage i 6/2004 #44706  
Fitts claims while she was at HUD, AMS’s actions led to $76 billion in undo 6/2004 #44706  
## Word: "amsaa" (Back to Top)
ray Watt, Grill Flame (Army INSCOM/AMSAA) with Joe McMoneagle, Ken Bell, Me 6/30/1995 #42284  
## Word: "amskaya" (Back to Top)
nd Jimmy Goddard begins publishing Amskaya, a newsletter of the contactee-o 1/1986 #37744  
## Word: "amstel" (Back to Top)
                  Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, Netherlands 6:20 p.m. A semi-tra 2/28/2018 #45519  
e A2 highway near Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, Netherlands, before moving over  2/28/2018 #45519  
## Word: "amsterdam" (Back to Top)
                                   AMSTERDAM, NY 2+1 observer(s). White-glo 8/7/1952 #7504  
                                   Amsterdam, New York Night. Three junior  10/21/1966 #21026  
ding at one end of their street in Amsterdam, New York, when they notice a  10/21/1966 #21026  
                                   AMSTERDAM AND WIDE AREA, NETHL Many sepa 11/21/1994 #41857  
                              NEAR AMSTERDAM, NY Trucker driving / I90. Vib 5/3/1995 #42177  
cker driving on Interstate 90 near Amsterdam, New York sighted a domed disc 5/3/1995 #42178  
## Word: "amtervik" (Back to Top)
                             OSTRA AMTERVIK, SWD Ovoid and 2nd object turn  11/7/1988 #38706  
## Word: "amthony" (Back to Top)
m. Patrolmen Robert Fiorentino and Amthony Puglio of the Maplewood (New Jer 6/17/1978 #33285  
## Word: "amulet" (Back to Top)
ess found a gold-colored, engraved amulet inside. There is no mention of wh 8/23/1976 #31294  
## Word: "amundsen" (Back to Top)
inton Point, Northwest Territories Amundsen Gulf 9:40 a.m. L. J. Reeves is  12/24/1972 #27188  
int, Northwest Territories, on the Amundsen Gulf. He sees an object like a  12/24/1972 #27188  
## Word: "amundsen-scott" (Back to Top)
Murdo Station) and the South Pole (Amundsen-Scott Base).                    11/1955 #12534  
## Word: "amur" (Back to Top)
    On a clear night over Arkhara, Amur, Russia an airliner crew saw a lumi 10/31/1967 #23379  
                          Siberia (Amur region of), Russia In the isolated  12/6/1978 #34064  
ussia In the isolated taiga in the Amur region of Siberia a metallic UFO sh 12/6/1978 #34064  
      In the isolated taiga in the Amur region of Siberia between the river 12/6/1978 #34066  
Zalessky, Yaroslavl Oblast, Russia Amur River Moscow 8:00 p.m.–12:00 midnig 3/21/1990 #39475  
nce and darting above the icebound Amur River, and a black cigar-shaped obj 3/21/1990 #39475  
## Word: "amusement" (Back to Top)
            Oklahoma Frontier City amusement park northeast of Oklahoma Cit 4/19/1959 #15708  
 6 miles east of the Frontier City amusement park northeast of Oklahoma Cit 4/19/1959 #15708  
bject north going south overhead / amusement park. 2 lights.                3/13/1978 #33037  
## Word: "amvrosiyevka" (Back to Top)
                                   Amvrosiyevka, Russia 2:47 p.m. Student Y 7/18/1967 #22692  
## Word: "amvrosiyevska" (Back to Top)
                                   AMVROSIYEVSKA, UKRAINE Dull object hangs 7/18/1967 #22689  
## Word: "amy" (Back to Top)
                 Fourteen-year-old Amy saw a slow flying equilateral triang 11/25/2002 #44450  
                               Dr. Amy Eskridge, the 35 year old scientist  6/15/2022 #45758  
## Word: "amy-eskridge" (Back to Top)
/www.thearabtribune.com/obituaries/amy-eskridge/article_3779ff44-ecd0-11ec- 6/15/2022 #45758  
## Word: "amytal" (Back to Top)
yland,with narcosis through sodium amytal. For the next 30 days, he undergo 4/9/1949 #4084  
## Word: "américo" (Back to Top)
ss is Chief Flight Instructor José Américo C. Medeiros, 23, pilot of the Ce 10/5/1971 #26410  
## Word: "an-1" (Back to Top)
, Cádiz, Spain, piloting a Grumman AN-1 antisubmarine aircraft with four ot 9/1975? #30333  
## Word: "an-26" (Back to Top)
portholes. The pilot of an Antonov An-26 transport cannot get his compass t 10/27/1979 #34971  
## Word: "an-2p" (Back to Top)
erdlovsk, Russia Kurgan An Antonov AN-2P mail biplane takes off from an air 1961 #16550  
## Word: "an-extraterrestrial-007" (Back to Top)
s://mysteriousuniverse.org/2013/12/an-extraterrestrial-007/ (rg - paywall l 4/1974 #28984  
s://mysteriousuniverse.org/2013/12/an-extraterrestrial-007/ (rg - alt non-p 4/1974 #28984  
## Word: "ana" (Back to Top)
                  NEAR MASCOT, NSW Ana pilot. Orange fireball going quickly 7/1952 #6677  
                        OVER SANTA ANA, CA B29 pilots. V formation / blue n 1/9/1953 #8517  
                             Santa Ana, CA B-29 Bomber Crew Watch V-Formati 1/9/1953 #8520  
                             Santa Ana, California 7:27 p.m. B-29 copilot 1 1/9/1953 #8525  
pproaching his aircraft over Santa Ana, California. Pilot 1st Lt. Lowell D. 1/9/1953 #8525  
                 6MI SOUTH / SANTA ANA, CA 60' saucer glows. Going [to] 25' 1/29/1954 #9509  
                             Santa Ana (near), CA Car radio quit and motor  1/29/1954 #9511  
            6 miles south of Santa Ana, California Afternoon. Mr. and Mrs.  1/29/1954 #9512  
are driving 6 miles south of Santa Ana, California, when they see a round o 1/29/1954 #9512  
s driving six miles south of Santa Ana, California in the afternoon when th 1/29/1954 #9513  
                             SANTA ANA CANYON, CA 2 / car. 2 shiny objects  5/24/1954 #9828  
                             SANTA ANA, CA 2 observer(s). Long large "pipe" 10/29/1955 #12530  
one Las Cruces policeman, one Dona Ana County Deputy Sheriff. One round obj 11/6/1957 #14418  
or two nights in El Toro and Santa Ana. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)      4/7/1958 #14964  
onfirmed. Country: USA Name: “Dona Ana” Yield: .037KT                       10/16/1958 #15348  
                             SANTA ANA, CA Highway inspector. 3 good photog 8/3/1965 #19278  
                             Santa Ana, CA Santa Ana / Rex Heflin Photos (N 8/3/1965 #19282  
               Santa Ana, CA Santa Ana / Rex Heflin Photos (NICAP: 08 - Pho 8/3/1965 #19282  
                             Santa Ana, CA Highway investigator Rex Heflin, 8/3/1965 #19289  
          Los Angeles County Santa Ana, California 12:37 p.m. Los Angeles C 8/3/1965 #19290  
 lonely stretch of road near Santa Ana, California. The object is silent, a 8/3/1965 #19290  
s was taken by Ray Heflin in Santa Ana, California. At 12:38 p.m. he took f 8/3/1965 #19293  
he photo was reported in the Santa Ana Register newspaper, and subsequently 1/24/1967 #21376  
 Rex Heflin photographs from Santa Ana, California in 1965. The photographe 8/18/1968 #24353  
o similar to August 3, 1965, Santa Ana, CA, photos (UFOE II, Section VII).  4/15/1970 #25631  
o similar to August 3, 1965, Santa Ana, CA, photos                          4/15/1970 #25632  
                             SANTA ANA, CA 7 separate observer(s). 50' dome 1/2/1973 #27213  
                             Santa Ana, CA At least eight witnesses observe 1/2/1973 #27215  
g, walked out onto the front porch ana saw a red, transparent oblong object 10/17/1973 #28128  
r Griffith Park. Horses scared. S. Ana Register 8.11.73.                    10/24/1973 #28255  
                             Santa Ana, CA Martin W Barry, a Marine sergean 1/4/1974 #28643  
five mile run in the park in Santa Ana, California. He was out running in a 1/6/1974 #28654  
ers reportedly saw UFOs over Santa Ana that day.                            1/6/1974 #28654  
                             Santa Ana, CA Pilots report 5 objects circling 1/26/1974 #28707  
                  COAST WITH SANTA ANA, CA 2 / light plane. 5 glowing-objec 1/29/1974 #28712  
cific Ocean off the coast of Santa Ana, Orange County, California in the mi 1/29/1974 #28713  
ey returned to their home in Santa Ana, Mrs. Vidal began to have a series o 11/27/1975 #30669  
 and land slowly near him in Santa Ana, Corrientes province, Argentina. Two 3/21/1986 #37804  
                                   Ana Carolina de Machado reported being c 2/28/1999 #43739  
-shaped UFOs were spotted in Santa Ana, California at 10:50 a.m. moving slo 11/5/2004 #44778  
## Word: "anaco" (Back to Top)
                                   Anaco, Venezuela Avensa Airlines pilot r 1953 #8475  
## Word: "anaconda" (Back to Top)
                                   ANACONDA, MT 2 separate observer(s). 3 o 7/5/1947 #2695  
      In clear sky at 3:00 p.m. in Anaconda, Montana a man saw six silvery  7/5/1947 #2731  
## Word: "anaconda-bolling" (Back to Top)
ws AFB Bolling AFB [now Joint Base Anaconda-Bolling] in Washington, D.C. Ne 7/19/1952 #6935  
ace at Bolling AFB [now Joint Base Anaconda-Bolling] in Washington, D.C. By 7/19/1952 #6935  
## Word: "anacostia" (Back to Top)
                                   ANACOSTIA NAS, DC United States Navy (US 4/30/1948 #3632  
                                   Anacostia NAS, MD Yellow sphere in oppos 4/30/1948 #3633  
              At 10:15 a.m. at the Anacostia Naval Air Station on the Potom 4/30/1948 #3635  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Anacostia” Yield: 20KT                   11/27/1962 #17564  
## Word: "anacostia-" (Back to Top)
rolina Bolling AFB [now Joint Base Anacostia- Bolling], Washington, D.C. Bl 1/24/1950 #4509  
na, to Bolling AFB [now Joint Base Anacostia- Bolling], Washington, D.C. Wh 1/24/1950 #4509  
## Word: "anacostia-bolling" (Back to Top)
       Bolling AFB [now Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling] Washington, D.C. Bige 12/11/2009 #45262  
eet at Bolling AFB [now Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling] in Washington, D.C.,  12/11/2009 #45262  
 AFOSI, Jack Angelo, at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling. Angelo told BAASS it  2010 #45263  
## Word: "anaczkowska-piazza" (Back to Top)
umskie Kalwa 3:40 a.m. Dr. Barbara Anaczkowska-Piazza, a driver, and a stre 9/5/1979 #34838  
## Word: "anadarko" (Back to Top)
             10 miles southeast of Anadarko, Oklahoma Dusk. Roy Russell and 11/1906 #692  
te from work 10 miles southeast of Anadarko, Oklahoma, when they see a fier 11/1906 #692  
                                   ANADARKO, OK 5 observer(s). 1 round obje 7/6/1947 #2773  
ky to the west "awfully fast" over Anadarko, Oklahoma at 6:30 p.m. That sam 7/6/1947 #2826  
## Word: "anadyr" (Back to Top)
                                   Anadyr’ River Ust-Belaya Chukotka Autono Summer 1990 #39620  
w of a Russia ship harbored in the Anadyr’ River off Ust-Belaya, Chukotka A Summer 1990 #39620  
## Word: "anaheim" (Back to Top)
                                   ANAHEIM, CA Man photographs blimp over D 11/6/1957 #14370  
                                   Anaheim, California Arlene Cook is awake Fall 1962 #17434  
g, terrified son, at their home in Anaheim, California. He says something i Fall 1962 #17434  
                                   ANAHEIM, CA Surgeon and wife. Saucer hov 2/23/1970 #25586  
aircraft UFO close encounters over Anaheim, California at 2 p.m.; Shrevepor 10/17/1973 #28134  
ornia State University, Long Beach Anaheim (California) Memorial Hospital C 1977 #31655  
 C. McCall, carries out a study in Anaheim (California) Memorial Hospital t 1977 #31655  
Orange Freeway Riverside Northeast Anaheim, California 3:30 p.m. A salesman 12/23/1979 #35093  
 Freeway at Riverside in Northeast Anaheim, California, sees an object sile 12/23/1979 #35093  
                                   ANAHEIM, CA 2 observer(s). Big silent "p 5/23/1986 #37889  
                                   ANAHEIM, CA 3 / car. Shiny plane-size da 4/20/1997 #43266  
                        At noon in Anaheim, California cars suddenly stoppe 5/13/2003 #44535  
## Word: "anahuac" (Back to Top)
                              COL. ANAHUAC, MEXICO 14 saucers / vertical st 12/13/1957 #14722  
                               Col Anahuac, Mexico 14-15 [or 30] circular,  12/13/1957 #14723  
                               Col Anahuac, Mexico Witness:  R.C. Cano. Fou 12/13/1957 #14724  
## Word: "anal" (Back to Top)
 points of entry, namely the eyes, anal openings, and the soft underbelly a 6/1980 #35349  
c creatures. He recalled having an anal probe examination to determine his  8/15/1990 #39689  
## Word: "analog" (Back to Top)
ing when the UFO is nearby. Leah’s analog watch stops, and her friend’s dig 3/30/2000 #43971  
## Word: "analyse" (Back to Top)
ine, three Interface Pilote pour l’Analyse de Clichés d’OVNIs researchers i 5/11/1950 #4939  
Interdisziplinäre Gesellschaft zur Analyse anomaler Phänomene in 2017 and 2 1975 #29678  
## Word: "analyses" (Back to Top)
copies of all its future cases and analyses to Maj. Boggs of the Office of  12/6/1948 #3913  
ding AMC raw data and not finished analyses. LaPaz says he is on leave as a 2/24/1949 #4023  
to Interpretation Laboratory. Both analyses eliminate the possibility of ai 7/2/1952 #6694  
etation Laboratory report on their analyses of both films, which conclude t 1/14/1953 #8539  
y (self-luminous or light sources) analyses, otherwise the press might susp 2/9/1953 #8653  
organization, and he describes the analyses of the UFO reports it receives. 2/9/1953 #8654  
ing shape with a long tail. Recent analyses indicate that the photos are li 5/16/1953 #8879  
at Keyhoe is misrepresenting their analyses, so he sends a telegram to USAF 10/1/1953 #9198  
cts two declassified metallurgical analyses on shape memory alloys Battelle 5/5/1955 #12123  
complicated by flawed photographic analyses and investigations.             8/3/1965 #19290  
 the US space program. Independent analyses by French space scientist Claud 6/1/1967 #22448  
hecks, buttressed by psychological analyses, convinces him that there is no 8/7/1968 #24307  
of the circle. Seven separate soil analyses are conducted. Soil samples tak 11/2/1971 #26449  
n office at WPAFB conducted secret analyses of UAP even after Blue Book end 10/28/1972 #27098  
ubstance is 95% organic. Two other analyses indicate slightly different com 10/22/1973 #28239  
o UFO photos, and five statistical analyses of samples and cases. The counc 12/1977 #32719  
mentions, briefly and cryptically, analyses of a UFO film apparently taken  11/17/1980 #35645  
the writers’ first language. Other analyses indicate a British origin.      1983 #36736  
ras all develop as blank. Chemical analyses of the beads show they are most 1/29/1986 #37775  
ing UFO reports, but not in making analyses.                                11/1988 #38701  
 writes that “some UFO reports and analyses, and perhaps voluminous files,  1995 #41923  
ject of disinformation, as alleged analyses he received from Walter Reed Ho 1/13/1997 #43171  
ata “through Hal” from a series of analyses done at LANL on “live aliens” f 8/19/2003 #44576  
 the Flying Triangle Enigma,” with analyses of triangle-shaped UFOs in the  8/2004 #44723  
## Word: "analysis" (Back to Top)
itish Isles on a clear, dry night. Analysis indicates that the meteor has e 8/18/1783 #90  
riculture, who performs a chemical analysis that shows it to be from migrat 9/20/1892 #306  
y fireball meteors. See report and analysis by Brad Sparks.) (NICAP: 01 - D 2/28/1904 #669  
ear explosion. Detailed scientific analysis shows that the object that caus 6/30/1908 #712  
r. Around this time, spectroscopic analysis also begins to show that no wat 9/20/1909 #811  
iphery of the crash site. A recent analysis shows that the metal is of terr 8/16/1945 #1924  
of State and War. The Research and Analysis Branch is transferred to the St 9/20/1945 #1938  
 for the Swedish Defense staff his analysis of 27 finds of mysterious subst 9/21/1946 #2185  
T A MYSTERY ROCKET? - A laboratory analysis of the cylindrical object which 1/7/1947 #2223  
ligence Report Number 100-203-79, “Analysis of Flying Object Incidents in t 6/9/1947 #2315  
Island incident fragments sent for analysis to metallurgists at Chicago Uni 7/8/1947 #2954  
o Ray Palmer and sent to a lab for analysis. Metals confiscated by the mili 7/29/1947 #3243  
ashore, former acting chief of the Analysis Section at AMC under McCoy. It  10/21/1947 #3465  
LeMay on the status of flying disc analysis. They complete their reanalysis 12/18/1947 #3506  
            The final EEI, called “Analysis of Flying Disc Reports,” is iss 12/22/1947 #3509  
Deyarmond (analyst in Intelligence Analysis Division). Also involved are Ma 1/22/1948 #3563  
l think tank to offer research and analysis to the US military. It is finan 5/14/1948 #3650  
robability. This leads to the EEI “Analysis of Flying Object Incidents in t 7/27/1948 #3747  
ligence Report Number 100-203-79, “Analysis of Fly- ing Object Incidents in 12/10/1948 #3923  
CIA solicited assistance on sample analysis from a Vatican representative;  1949 #3947  
nts to the Air Weather Service for analysis and recommendations.            1/5/1949 #3962  
                  San Diego, CA An analysis of the Maury Island incident me 3/1949 #4027  
r Intelligence Report 100-203-79, “Analysis of Flying Object Incidents in t 4/28/1949 #4126  
   Hynek turns in his astronomical analysis of Sign’s 237 cases. His contra 4/30/1949 #4134  
tterson AFB Col. Clingerman, Chief Analysis Division, Intelligence Departme 5/18/1949 #4190  
nd George W. Towles. Hynek’s April analysis is included as an appendix. Bas 8/10/1949 #4315  
 CIA OSI information report on the analysis of UAP states a special studies 8/17/1949 #4320  
rch program, exotic metals defying analysis, small occupants, very high tec 12/31/1949 #4453  
minum, but actual metal has defied analysis by the Dearborn Plant. Two crew 1/16/1950 #4493  
hwest. The metal allegedly “defied analysis.” Bodies are said to be 3 feet  1/16/1950 #4494  
orge E. Stratemeyer, asking for an analysis of certain UFO cases.           6/8/1950 #4981  
ction Division for development and analysis. A week or so later they are ca 7/1950 #5035  
iling, chief of the USAF Technical Analysis Division, on “Investigation of  7/19/1950 #5072  
was sent to the U.S. Air Force for analysis, but when it was returned Mr. M 8/5/1950 #5108  
kes it to an Air Force officer for analysis. USAF notes that two jet interc 8/15/1950 #5126  
me of film that was damaged in the analysis. In 1952, Blue Book reviews the 8/15/1950 #5126  
y lab in Hagerstown, Maryland, for analysis but never sees it again.        12/6/1950 #5330  
special assistant for intelligence analysis to US Secretary of State James  12/26/1950 #5364  
ppelt reveals that his preliminary analysis of UFO sighting patterns has un 12/19/1951 #5821  
ower Plant Group, to help with the analysis, which he passes on to Fournet  2/8/1952 #5894  
apabilities. Almost all of the UFO analysis involves compiling IBM punch ca 3/31/1952 #5998  
ppelt and his boss, ATIC Technical Analysis Division Chief Col. Sanford H.  4/2/1952 #6016  
AF Col. Donald L. Bower, Technical Analysis Division, Air Technical Intelli 7/29/1952 #7328  
n of the film to the Air Force for analysis. The film is never returned, an 7/29/1952 #7330  
The film is never returned, and no analysis report is ever released. Enlarg 7/29/1952 #7330  
 and returns it with no comment or analysis. The Mayher case features promi 7/29/1952 #7330  
w weeks later after ATIC Technical Analysis Division Chief Col. Donald L. B 8/1/1952 #7408  
tronics Branch) of UFO history, an analysis of Project Blue Book, and a dis 8/14/1952 #7593  
             Langley, Virginia CIA analysis report of a Vienna news article 8/16/1952 #7613  
             Langley, Virginia CIA analysis report of an Athens news articl 8/23/1952 #7684  
ated by December 10, ready for IBM analysis later.                          11/10/1952 #8259  
in the 9 January 1953 entry). Such analysis that may have been done at MIT  12/2/1952 #8364  
Battelle to finish its statistical analysis. Jacques Vallée speculates that 1/9/1953 #8521  
ict aircraft. They reject the Navy analysis of the Utah film, calling the o 1/17/1953 #8548  
ntification has been made, further analysis will result in an identificatio 2/9/1953 #8653  
mple. APRO arranges for a separate analysis of the deposits on the sign per 8/19/1953 #9084  
b. The manual claims metallurgical analysis shows debris is not from Earth; 1954 #9424  
d the ATIC material; the Utah film analysis is classified; a 1953 letter fr 4/11/1954 #9682  
kled, they do not disintegrate. An analysis indicates in is a “pure white,  5/12/1954 #9780  
ly applies to cases under “special analysis,” over 1,000 leading scientists 6/7/1954 #9872  
 good as the ones we got and their analysis procedures are a hell of a lot  7/20/1954 #10031  
were taken by police officials for analysis.                                10/11/1954 #10926  
mples were taken by the police for analysis.                                10/11/1954 #10942  
tance "like silver rain." Chemical analysis revealed that the metallic mate 12/13/1954 #11805  
ut they are never returned, and no analysis is released.                    12/14/1954 #11807  
tance "like silver rain." Chemical analysis revealed that the solidified ma 12/14/1954 #11808  
al Report No. 14,” a comprehensive analysis of 3,200 UAP sightings. The rep 5/5/1955 #12123  
r], Colorado Springs, Colorado, an analysis of UFOs and science fiction is  5/23/1955 #12151  
 beginning in 1956, along with his analysis and commentary. The report incl 10/25/1955 #12519  
to UAP crash recoveries, study and analysis of the intent of UAP occupants. 11/20/1955 #12580  
urs, but a sample is recovered for analysis by the Commonwealth Scientific  7/10/1956 #12960  
ontal.” He takes a color photo. An analysis suggests that it would have bee 8/27/1956 #13140  
etrieves the sample on October 12. Analysis was done by C. G. Cocks and L.  9/25/1956 #13245  
e Sven Schalin conducts a thorough analysis. Other tests are later run in l 11/11/1956 #13322  
 at the landing site. Metalurgical analysis revealed that it was 94.86% tun 11/11/1956 #13323  
l Report No. 14, together with his analysis and commentary. He has become c 12/1956 #13378  
roof of the incident came after an analysis was made of the scorched Earth  7/30/1957 #13860  
s the corner of a parked truck. An analysis of the metal by an unnamed orga 9/1957 #13966  
of the Ministry of Agriculture for analysis, which shows it to be “magnesiu Early 9/1957 #13971  
osa, who conducts a spectrographic analysis, says that not even trace eleme Early 9/1957 #13971  
les from APRO and performs further analysis on two of them in 1997. In 2018 Early 9/1957 #13971  
School for about 2 hours. Chemical analysis reveals that it is organic, dis 10/4/1957 #14058  
 just like 1917. Samples taken for analysis.                                10/17/1957 #14132  
d and sent to the US Air Force for analysis. On this same date a UFO was se 11/13/1957 #14542  
 Essex ufologist C. C. Stevens for analysis. Gibbs-Smith judged the items t 11/21/1957 #14590  
C immediately submit a preliminary analysis to the press” of the Levelland, 12/4/1957 #14669  
arthly minds. He bases this on his analysis of occult texts and channeled c 1958 #14782  
ion the UFO photo incident. A 1999 analysis by Martin J. Powell seems to in 1/16/1958 #14831  
ndade The Brazilian Navy, after an analysis of the January 16 Ilha da Trind 3/2/1958 #14911  
sthand and to make a more complete analysis of them.”                       7/1958 #15131  
led the Bureau of UFO Research and Analysis to present a lecture. By now he Early 12/1958 #15468  
 forward to the Brazilian Navy for analysis. A few months later, the Navy r 10/1959 #16004  
 disc exploded four or five times. Analysis of paint samples from explosion 4/12/1960 #16224  
 left behind nine ground scars. An analysis of paint samples from the explo 4/12/1960 #16225  
ng can,” and a transistor. CARDE’s analysis is said to have revealed an all 6/12/1960 #16312  
ention is attracted to the object. Analysis shows that the object is about  7/3/1960 #16329  
d he keeps for himself. A thorough analysis is performed on one of the panc 4/18/1961 #16653  
n Center (established in 1961) for analysis. Richard H. Hall writes, “This  1962 #17004  
the ground was "petrified." Sample analysis was done by the Puerto Belgrano 5/12/1962 #17162  
lored patches. These are taken for analysis to either or both the Puerto Be 5/12/1962 #17165  
the ground was "petrified." Sample analysis was done by the Puerto Belgrano 5/12/1962 #17166  
nalyze the material. His tentative analysis suggests a zinc-iron alloy, per 4/24/1964 #18200  
 national railroad car factory for analysis. At 8:00 p.m. that same evening 8/14/1965 #19390  
of the road surface were taken for analysis, report was never released. Lt. 9/16/1965 #19569  
 of the road surface are taken for analysis by a leading scientific agency; 9/16/1965 #19574  
mes Oberg, based on his trajectory analysis of the mission, describes the a 12/5/1965 #19753  
roblem. The first section gives an analysis of UFO patterns by examining UF 1966 #19794  
ook and was seeking an independent analysis.  This assurance was later reve 4/3/1966 #20214  
he US for testing and intelligence analysis at Area 51. Knowledge obtained  8/16/1966 #20755  
t Area 51. Knowledge obtained from analysis of the aircraft is instrumental 8/16/1966 #20755  
ytheon deals with the photographic analysis of the photos. The report state 11/13/1966 #21098  
t Irwin Wieder performs a detailed analysis of the photo and determines tha 11/22/1966 #21140  
r Force requests the originals for analysis. They refuse to relinquish them 1/9/1967 #21277  
rmed but later discounted by later analysis of the weather conditions at th 1/16/1967 #21323  
acquaint themselves with the CIA’s analysis capabilities. NPIC personnel wi 2/20/1967 #21607  
] at the NPIC on a photogrammetric analysis he had carried out on the Novem 5/5/1967 #22275  
oto case from Roseville, Ohio. The analysis debunks the photo. The committe 5/5/1967 #22275  
at for the first time a scientific analysis of a UFO will stand up to inves 5/5/1967 #22275  
 which ones deserve more intensive analysis. By August, Saunders becomes th 6/1967 #22437  
t photos on record at the time. An analysis by Canadian National Defence fi 7/3/1967 #22600  
 looked like fused glass. Chemical analysis of the fragments established th 7/20/1967 #22712  
 happened, doctors perform a blood analysis that returns with a diagnosis o 8/13/1967 #22873  
 p.m. after SAC investigations, an analysis of the radarscope film, and the 10/24/1968 #24587  
ainst a mountainous background. An analysis by the Argentine UFO group Circ Late 12/1968 #24790  
ulsion, or a known object. Another analysis suggests that the object moved  Late 12/1968 #24790  
oom (Marasmius oreades) because an analysis of the crystalline substance sh Mid 7/1969 #25270  
itted to quantitative, photometric analysis and judged to be genuine.       8/28/1969 #25335  
 object in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Analysis shows that it was probably a st 1/29/1970 #25559  
r. "Fuse" saucer lands. Angel hair analysis complicated. / r186#35.         8/28/1970 #25806  
ans and on high-quality scientific analysis” as the “only promising approac 11/1970 #25897  
nds. 3 pod marks-1 has black crud. Analysis unknown.                        5/4/1971 #26100  
nce, which was sent for laboratory analysis. The lab findings found that th 11/2/1971 #26450  
bert H. Coddington finds, after an analysis of the tape, that it most likel 6/22/1972 #26726  
s photographed disc-shaped object, analysis supported authenticity (UFOE II 2/8/1973 #27271  
s photographed disc-shaped object, analysis supported authenticity          2/8/1973 #27273  
squarish light against a dark sky. Analysis suggests that the objects were  3/20/1973 #27352  
ubject these reports to scientific analysis. He puts together a team of 620 4/1973 #27397  
 Top Secret teletype that chemical analysis had been done on a thin, strand 10/1973 #27903  
is not enough of it for a chemical analysis. X-ray fluorescence and diffrac 10/22/1973 #28239  
X-ray fluorescence and diffraction analysis indicates sodium, aluminum, sil 10/22/1973 #28239  
 placed on the ground. In 2012, an analysis by Skeptoid indicates that the  3/27/1974 #28961  
nd send them to a lab in Paris for analysis. The wilted, brown ferns are fo 5/20/1974 #29119  
vestigators to secure raw data for analysis.                                6/1974 #29152  
in three indentations at the site. Analysis shows that it contains an abnor 8/16/1974 #29362  
d article about Marjorie E. Fish’s analysis of Betty Hill’s star map and so 12/1974 #29624  
granules is found near the center; analysis shows this to be carbon dust, g 7/31/1975 #30218  
rce of the UFO on it. No report or analysis has been available from the AF  8/13/1975 #30257  
il and stone samples collected for analysis.                                1/10/1977 #31715  
 from a satellite. A spectroscopic analysis shows the presence of nickel, c 2/2/1977 #31780  
m, and tellurium; however, another analysis shows no evidence of nickel.    2/2/1977 #31780  
the marks of five landing gear. An analysis is performed but with ambiguous 2/11/1977 #31810  
Chesterton, Indiana, on August 12. Analysis by the University of Chicago sh 8/7/1977 #32369  
 three detailed investigations, an analysis of two UFO photos, and five sta 12/1977 #32719  
enomena in the USSR: A Statistical Analysis, written by Lev M. Gindilis of  1/1978 #32835  
ncy is running a UAP hard evidence analysis program “UFOHEAP” that collects 1/17/1978 #32888  
lleged materials from UAP for NASA analysis.  https://documents.theblackvau 1/17/1978 #32888  
rus. The scientists performing the analysis are unable to explain these ano 3/24/1978 #33077  
 man 'talk-box'. Smeared / liquid. Analysis = antiseptic.                   8/30/1978 #33594  
ob.” Richard H. Hall disputes this analysis.                                1/1979 #34268  
e taken to a Professor Corradi for analysis. Corradi, identified as directo 5/1/1979 #34537  
ght lines forming a 120° angle. An analysis of the soil sample indicated no 8/2/1979 #34702  
abatier University in Toulouse for analysis. Prof. André Touzé of the unive 11/27/1979 #35019  
d object, and takes a photo of it. Analysis of the photo points to a hoax p 10/1980 #35550  
      US SECRET USAF OSI Document: Analysis of photo of UFO following C-5A  11/17/1980 #35644  
ing C-5A aircraft inclusive. Photo analysis of Cylinder Shaped UFO legitima 11/17/1980 #35644  
rence, a comprehensive catalog and analysis of 441 cases where UFOs seem to 1981 #35762  
ircular ground marks. The chemical analysis reveals that the soil has been  1/8/1981 #35779  
und in the sample material, and an analysis of wild alfalfa near the landin 1/8/1981 #35779  
ircular ground marks. The chemical analysis revealed that the soil had been 1/8/1981 #35780  
ver. Odd sound recorded. Big CUFOS analysis and report.                     3/17/1981 #35864  
BC Photograph / saucer. No visual. Analysis / R. Haines. / r41p295+/ APRO v 10/8/1981 #36161  
s and distant condensation trails. Analysis suggests that the sighting is d 1/9/1982 #36298  
amples of the amaranth plants. The analysis of the samples made by GEPAN fi 10/21/1982 #36657  
d only two of these are useful for analysis. Changes in the magnetic field  1/21/1984 #37136  
 ellipsoid, or disc-shaped object. Analysis of the videotape was done by Dr 7/24/1984 #37415  
ayed a prominent role in early UAP analysis, crash recovery and transportat 7/24/1984 #37416  
dditional intelligence correlation analysis, leaving roughly 10% of the ini 1986 #37742  
smuth, and rare earth elements. An analysis of the soil, rocks, and burned  1/29/1986 #37775  
anthanum, sodium, and samarium. An analysis of another mesh fragment shows  1/29/1986 #37775  
ragment is heated in a vacuum, the analysis no longer shows these elements; 1/29/1986 #37775  
 Mystery, a two-volume comparative analysis of nearly 300 alleged abduction 1987 #38089  
ck dust are collected for forensic analysis. The police tests are never don 1/20/1988 #38422  
, who take it to a laboratory. The analysis reveals ordinary materials: sod 1/20/1988 #38422  
 commonplace results. However, one analysis by Richard Haines in the US con 1/20/1988 #38422  
t 20 G's, according to photometric analysis.                                1/24/1988 #38432  
high speed. Bruce Maccabee’s photo analysis shows that the object is not an 7/6/1989 #39013  
e a copy of the film available for analysis. The UFO image measures about 3 8/10/1989 #39054  
c Greg Sandow writes an insightful analysis of the case in 1997. Hopkins’s  11/30/1989 #39283  
r jet interception, but before ATC analysis and NORAD/FTC intelligence whit 1990 #39348  
irman of the Institute for Defense Analysis, of which ARPA came out of. The 1990 #39355  
 a subcontract for electromagnetic analysis, timing and control equipment.  1990 #39357  
Investigators apply a voice stress analysis (VSA) test to Smith’s taped tes 6/10/1990 #39612  
w people to see the photos and the analysis, says the photos are authentic  8/4/1990 #39679  
lly responsive. However, a cluster analysis of MMPI scales reveals two type 1991 #39934  
e-ranging scientific and technical analysis of unusual space phenomena cond 1991 #39938  
 a dozen distinct events. Kasher’s analysis reveals that the objects behave 9/15/1991 #40187  
ficial object. However, a detailed analysis of the available evidence confi 11/6/1991 #40220  
Bill Chalker for mitochondrial DNA analysis in 1999 (by Horace R. Drew of t 7/23/1992 #40530  
 kept the hair samples for genetic analysis. The DNA analysis showed that t 7/23/1992 #40531  
ples for genetic analysis. The DNA analysis showed that the hair was human, 7/23/1992 #40531  
lites to look for UAP and directed analysis of photographic evidence for th 1994 #41348  
 director of the National Security Analysis group at the General Accounting 2/9/1994 #41408  
ociative symptomatology. A content analysis of the narratives suggests that 5/1994 #41511  
 within 10 hours, and his forensic analysis revealed that the two animals h 5/10/1994 #41520  
l no longer accept UFO reports for analysis. As a consequence, the Royal Ca 1995 #41924  
additional 10-15 seconds. Detailed analysis revealed that the estimated siz 7/15/1995 #42305  
en back into a sphere. Photometric analysis suggests that the circle showed 11/8/1995 #42588  
ographs / metallic ovoid. Computer analysis positive.                       5/25/1996 #42912  
ience provides the funding for the analysis of these objects. Some of the f 1998 #43479  
XI) describe the fall, collection, analysis and present whereabouts of unus 3/11/1998 #43532  
to UFO researcher Bill Chalker for analysis. Microscopic imaging by indicat 8/10/1998 #43625  
ist Phyllis Budinger for tests and analysis. The results show prominent com 11/27/1998 #43686  
er Transform infrared spectrometry analysis. She finds that the fibrous mat 11/11/1999 #43878  
, then leaves to attend a meeting. Analysis indicates that the object is mo 2/20/2002 #44319  
 of up to 100 kW.” However, a 2003 analysis by Matteo Leone demonstrates th 8/5/2002 #44374  
nd Imagery Intelligence Agency for analysis. The agency reports back to the 1/27/2004 #44657  
h little or no visible signature.” Analysis of the FLIR footage by Mick Wes 11/14/2004 #44784  
, funding is not available for the analysis needed to reach any conclusions 2006 #44916  
directed to the DIA Directorate of Analysis, specifically the Defense Warni Fall 2007? #45070  
of GravWave LLC, accuses the JASON analysis of making several serious error 10/2008 #45173  
hypothesis based on our scientific analysis.”                               6/2009 #45224  
 claimed he wasn’t involved in UAP analysis in the 40s.  UFOs: Myths, Consp 2/15/2011 #45316  
 if they can set up BAASS as a UAP analysis program within DHS Science & Te 6/2011 #45327  
der Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis Phyllis Green, and others decid 6/2011 #45327  
video and subject it to a thorough analysis. Their conclusion in 2018 is th 4/25/2013 #45365  
(an acronym for Acquisition & Data Analysis of Materials) hand delivers exo 6/13/2018 #45529  
lity data” to Vienna, Austria, for analysis. The global monitoring system c 11/19/2018 #45547  
and was alone with them to perform analysis. It is unknown how he obtained  2/20/2019 #45563  
elves, which is supported by blood analysis.                                5/24/2019 #45580  
active camouflage” for testing and analysis of potential application on Arm 10/17/2019 #45612  
     Colorado Colorado Information Analysis Center State agencies and the C 1/13/2020 #45626  
nuary 13, the Colorado Information Analysis Center received 90 reports of d 1/13/2020 #45626  
l phenomena. It demands a detailed analysis of UAP data to be delivered to  12/27/2020 #45670  
n, and require additional rigorous analysis. The report indicates that, in  6/25/2021 #45694  
 their labs did some UAP materials analysis but it was for the “owner” of t 10/2/2021 #45714  
, he was the NGA’s co-lead for UAP analysis and its representative to the t 6/5/2023 #45798  
## Word: "analyst" (Back to Top)
ineer), and Col. Albert Deyarmond (analyst in Intelligence Analysis Divisio 1/22/1948 #3563  
n Division at Holloman AFB, and an analyst at Land-Air Inc. states the obje 7/1950 #5037  
ive” and devote only one part-time analyst and a file clerk to maintain a r 5/1953 #8851  
                           Systems analyst Jacques Vallée publishes Anatomy 6/1965 #18978  
Communist forces. This leads a CIA analyst directly involved in this work t 9/1967 #22974  
 UFOs is written by an unnamed NSA analyst around this time. It is declassi 10/1968? #24534  
 papers, leaked by former military analyst Daniel Ellsberg, which detail th 6/13/1971 #26174  
or Marchetti, who has worked as an analyst for the CIA from 1955 to 1969, a 3/1972 #26584  
gressional Research Service Policy Analyst Marcia S. Smith claims that part 11/19/1976 #31557  
rk, California, as a senior policy analyst. He intends to develop an “extra 1/1977 #31666  
        Paris, France According to analyst Gary Sick, meetings are allegedl 10/15/1980 #35569  
5 in the USAF training as an ELINT analyst at the NSA, which he claims was  1992 #40276  
observer(s) photograph dark ovoid. Analyst has many similar / this area. Pa 7/1/1994? #41597  
 former CIA Life Sciences Division analyst Kit Green and his life partner K 7/31/1999 #43815  
Vallée, who states that former CIA analyst Kit Green told him Eric Walker s 7/31/1999 #43815  
rgan Stanley Dean Witter aerospace analyst Heidi Wood, CSIS CEO John J Hamr 11/27/2002 #44452  
 Bigelow brings Pentagon technical analyst Juliett Witt to the Skinwalker R 8/2009 #45231  
“military connection.” MIT weapons analyst Geoffrey Forden says the most cr 7/7/2010 #45286  
  Alleged Vietnam-era intelligence analyst Harry Howard claims he briefed G 6/22/2014 #45411  
     Retired DOD senior technology analyst Paul Murad states the company “O 2/29/2020 #45635  
                    Former CIA S&T analyst John Ramirez states he came acro 1/30/2022 #45736  
de a saucer. In the book, ret. CIA analyst John Ramirez also states Tremelo 10/20/2022 #45779  
## Word: "analysts" (Back to Top)
tment. Memorandum was forwarded to analysts for review and study. Found in  5/18/1949 #4190  
ad photographed different objects. Analysts estimate that the objects were  5/29/1950 #4973  
d, months after it is completed by analysts at Battelle Memorial Institute  10/25/1955 #12519  
. Battelle employs four scientific analysts, who divide cases into knowns,  10/25/1955 #12519  
 case to be called identified, two analysts must independently agree on a s 10/25/1955 #12519  
o be called unidentified, all four analysts must agree. A report classified 10/25/1955 #12519  
and snaps a 35mm Kodachrome photo. Analysts generally agree this is a brigh 10/16/1957 #14129  
At Wright Patterson AFB, Blue Book analysts classify it as a “weather ballo 5/19/1960 #16289  
pictures on a path selected by DIA analysts, capturing images of what turn  10/14/1962 #17471  
es that it appears to be volcanic. Analysts at the University of Turku look 8/1964 #18466  
 photographs / 13 Jan! "Genuine" / analysts.                                1/12/1967 #21289  
a “classified briefing” by orbital analysts 1Lt. Henry B. Eckert Jr. and Ca 1/13/1967 #21297  
d briefing for Robert Low by NORAD analysts effectively diverts researcher  3/28/1967 #22005  
er space (or just aren’t), but the analysts are evasive. NORAD says its sat 3/28/1967 #22005  
dent Johnson. At one point the CIA analysts estimate enemy strength at 500, 9/1967 #22974  
is visited by two CIA intelligence analysts who want Puthoff and SRI to inv 6/6/1972 #26703  
ia, as do the two CIA intelligence analysts. With Swann in a Faraday cage,  8/1972 #26862  
d leaving darkness behind it. Some analysts at the USAF Foreign Technology  10/1988 #38661  
 of $300 million is insignificant. Analysts point out that satellites, thou 11/22/1989 #39245  
ls that in the 1970s and 1980s CIA analysts devoted some time to “counterin 8/3/1997 #43365  
In particular, a growing number of analysts cite an eerie phenomenon known  9/1/2018 #45538  
## Word: "analytic" (Back to Top)
oblem, saying it requires too much analytic and clerical time. Given the Ro 5/1953 #8851  
O Galactic Spacecraft Research and Analytic Network, writes a five-page let 9/28/1981 #36143  
## Word: "analytical" (Back to Top)
s provide the British attaché with analytical reports of all observations t 7/15/1946 #2057  
mary of its findings. It offers an analytical description of UFOs going bac 8/15/1952 #7610  
after several months it is sent to analytical chemist Phyllis Budinger for  11/27/1998 #43686  
acramento, California, and sent to analytical chemist Phyllis Budinger for  11/11/1999 #43878  
iety of complex space/counterspace analytical activities.”                  2/15/2003 #44491  
## Word: "analytics" (Back to Top)
ash recovery, reverse engineering, analytics and communications processes s 7/22/1993 #41077  
as a key investigator. Its Virtual Analytics UAP Learning Tool (VAULT) is a 9/2017 #45480  
## Word: "analyze" (Back to Top)
as the Dow spectroscopy laboratory analyze the fragments and reports that t 7/9/1947 #3068  
lishment of a permanent project to analyze future reports.                  9/23/1947 #3416  
trument stations to photograph and analyze the fireballs. Teller thinks the 2/16/1949 #4010  
s ELINT systems (which pick up and analyze radar beams emitted from the obj 4/14/1953 #8824  
ipped with diffraction gratings to analyze the nature of light from UFOs.   12/1/1953 #9331  
re facilities to receive, process, analyze and study these materials, and t 1954 #9424  
igence headed by Stefan Possony to analyze a book written by Nazi Maj. Rudo 1958 #14787  
akes a piece with him but does not analyze it since there is no connection  6/12/1960 #16312  
ek in his UFO work and helping him analyze Project Blue Book data.          11/17/1963 #18047  
lurgist Henry E. Frankel agrees to analyze the material. His tentative anal 4/24/1964 #18200  
 “certain technical activities” to analyze cases, a declassified memo shows 4/3/1966 #20214  
hemists with Britain’s Home Office analyze samples of a foul liquid that is 9/4/1967 #22998  
, but they had too many reports to analyze. Now he admits they cooperate cl 1977 #31657  
ons a lack of tangible evidence to analyze and a lack of protocols for inve 10/31/1977 #32643  
Performance Division (FTD/SQDF) to analyze unknown datatracks.  The paper a 6/1989 #38972  
 DARPA. Its original purpose is to analyze the ionosphere and investigate t 1993 #40778  
 Westwood, hired by Hal Puthoff to analyze MJ-12 documents with Robert M. W 1/1/1999 #43710  
tka program attempted to seriously analyze the cases that remain unexplaine 2000 #43911  
red at him intensely and seemed to analyze him. It had small holes for ears 7/16/2000 #44020  
on the Chilean Chamber of Deputies analyze information on UFOs for the firs 8/26/2003 #44584  
y that used genetic information to analyze chronic conditions. A publicly a 2005 #44805  
el; the group’s actual goal was to analyze the nightmares of Paul Garratt a 3/31/2011 #45322  
ogists, and Air Force personnel to analyze these events.                    10/2013 #45387  
have been exposed. Cuban officials analyze air and soil samples and conside 10/24/2017 #45486  
s a system “XViS” is being used to analyze UAP biological effects on humans 5/2/2018 #45525  
gre-Z of the University of Lincoln analyze the recording of a sound made by 1/4/2019 #45555  
t of Defense to publicly track and analyze data collected on unexplained ae 6/23/2020 #45649  
of UAPs. Its mission is to detect, analyze, and catalog UAPs that could pot 8/4/2020 #45658  
ith AATIP’s ability to collect and analyze UAP data while AATIP was operati 5/26/2021 #45691  
ck Pope, and Michael Shermer, will analyze data from astronomical surveys a 7/26/2021 #45700  
other federal agencies to collect, analyze, and report on UAP cases, includ 12/27/2021 #45730  
## Word: "analyzed" (Back to Top)
Pennsylvania. The observations are analyzed in detail later in 1913 by the  2/9/1913 #881  
 the end of September, the lab has analyzed ashlike powder found at the sit 7/9/1947 #3068  
tic propulsion at Cal-Berkeley and analyzed samples that were taken away by 1949 #3947  
at suggests Project Twinkle, which analyzed UAP at the AEC’s Los Alamos Nat 2/19/1952 #5911  
Laboratory in Tennessee to have it analyzed, but nothing else is heard of t 8/19/1953 #9084  
not listed as an Unidentified ever analyzed by ATIC.  https://www.reddit.co 12/18/1953 #9384  
formation on this sighting will be analyzed by the Air Technical Intelligen 12/23/1953 #9389  
e Brazilian Air Force has the soil analyzed and it yields a composition of  12/15/1954 #11815  
 photo, but it is never critically analyzed until several decades later. Th 8/30/1955 #12418  
le from Ramo-Wooldridge. West Wing analyzed foreign intelligence from the S 1956 #12639  
 classified until 1969, when it is analyzed by the Colorado project. Gordon 8/13/1956 #13080  
rom 1976 to 1982. By 1979, GSW has analyzed nearly 700 UFO photographs and  1957 #13433  
s are apparent. Fontes also has it analyzed by chemist Elson Teixeira and t Early 9/1957 #13971  
ered, sent to a Brazilian newsman, analyzed by friends of Dr. Fontes, of Ri 9/10/1957 #13988  
des over state hospital. Fragments analyzed / USAF.                         11/13/1957 #14539  
ra, Portugal, and is collected and analyzed under a microscope by a school  11/2/1959 #16076  
’s Ronald Anstee has a piece of it analyzed by an independent metallurgist, 6/12/1960 #16312  
t the site. The sample residue was analyzed and showed the presence of the  4/27/1961 #16664  
m the stone. The fragment is x-ray analyzed at Åbo Akademi University in Tu 8/1964 #18466  
eaver County Times, where they are analyzed and declared authentic. However 8/8/1965 #19341  
. Charles Cooke saying that he has analyzed first-hand UFO encounters by Ai 8/7/1966 #20731  
er found on the shore. When it was analyzed it was found to be an unprecede 4/13/1967 #22128  
e are many black minerals that are analyzed by the University of Florence’s 6/1967 #22439  
he sighting area. Leaf samples are analyzed by the Canadian Department of F 6/18/1967 #22520  
ist nearby. They have the material analyzed in 1977. Scattered about in the 10/30/1969 #25439  
 Anten. Soil samples are taken and analyzed, with the results showing an in 8/29/1970 #25808  
s. The 8-minute sound recording is analyzed by laboratories in Spain, Brazi 6/22/1972 #26726  
Some 20 years later, the sample is analyzed by two engineering students at  10/23/1973 #28250  
idue fell on Midway, Texas and was analyzed by the University of Texas. The 10/23/1973 #28252  
SWD 1 observer. 5 good photographs analyzed. Disk arcs going north. Delta/t 11/11/1973 #28404  
igators have dirt and wood samples analyzed at a scientific laboratory and  2/10/1975 #29800  
rs / procession. Clear photographs analyzed = genuine / Kodak Co.           1/5/1977 #31694  
f objects. Their clear photos were analyzed and pronounced as genuine by th 1/5/1977 #31702  
tudies, says the samples are being analyzed by the Office of Mining. Corrad 5/1/1979 #34537  
al “Wolf AFB” in Texas where it is analyzed. The occupants are described as 7/1980 #35399  
ontracts in flight. Bruce Maccabee analyzed the images.                     8/13/1982 #36577  
 light and tough,” and were likely analyzed by US laboratories very careful 11/29/1983 #37058  
Phenomenon Unit” that unofficially analyzed UAP in the 1950s. The Directora 5/16/1984 #37330  
s flying in formation. The tape is analyzed by Lew Allen at the Jet Propuls 7/24/1984 #37413  
. Crashes. Strange metallic traces analyzed / r9p103.                       1/29/1986 #37773  
event. The mesh fragments are also analyzed; the material does not dissolve 1/29/1986 #37775  
SHAYA ZLATOGORKA Photos / fireball analyzed = solid.                        3/18/1988 #38510  
their propulsion systems have been analyzed.  https://www.abovetopsecret.co 5/22/1992 #40470  
, and the craft were processed and analyzed by the Atomic Energy Commission 1994 #41349  
e highest security clearance” that analyzed the images taken on the dark si 1994 #41351  
powder on his face. The powder was analyzed at a local hospital and it was  9/16/1996 #43026  
itness Marilyn Burnet has a sample analyzed and finds copper, aluminum, zin 6/9/1999 #43782  
from the landing gear of a UFO was analyzed at NASA-Goddard as early as 196 5/3/2003 #44524  
 tests at WPAFB Medical Center and analyzed UBOs (unidentified bright objec 2005 #44805  
ng to its authors, the majority of analyzed UFO sightings can be explained  5/15/2006 #44942  
 polyurea silicate composites were analyzed. One application of this is for 3/2014 #45403  
unter and that the footage must be analyzed to the fullest extent. The mili 9/15/2020 #45661  
ible for some of the 144 UAP cases analyzed.  In particular, one NNSA contr 6/25/2021 #45695  
ts investigation into 45 UFO cases analyzed during the previous year, plus  11/19/2021 #45723  
## Word: "analyzer" (Back to Top)
tors, an electromagnetic frequency analyzer, cameras, sound recorders, Geig 4/1973 #27397  
 laser, magnetograph, and spectrum analyzer.                                6/3/1983 #36874  
nd-based radar unit and a spectrum analyzer to verify the identity of the U 8/1/2012 #45350  
## Word: "analyzers" (Back to Top)
 stations: binoculars, RF spectrum analyzers, Questar telescopes, low-high  4/1973 #27397  
## Word: "analyzes" (Back to Top)
the film’s impact. The documentary analyzes two famous pieces of UFO footag 5/3/1956 #12828  
st at the University of Manchester analyzes the disc and finds the outer ca 11/21/1957 #14590  
ng frequencies, and the third part analyzes cases according to type.        1966 #19794  
 lines. The University of Manitoba analyzes a sample and finds it to be “ce 9/18/1968 #24478  
plastic bag and freezes. A chemist analyzes the substance in a petroleum-in 11/6/1968 #24637  
at Jerry Ehman, the astronomer who analyzes the data print out, annotates t 8/15/1977 #32402  
m Spaulding of Ground Saucer Watch analyzes them and suggests they show a m 8/1980 #35436  
ence and Security Command (INSCOM) analyzes the “Hutchison Effect,” a purpo 1983 #36738  
ff. Ufologist Reginaldo de Athayde analyzes the video images and finds that 11/16/1996 #43112  
Letty of the Air Force. The report analyzes various UFO cases and concludes 7/16/1999 #43805  
ightings. The VAULT team collects, analyzes, and provides their authenticat 9/2017 #45480  
n requests, UK reporter Dean Kirby analyzes 128 separate calls to 16 police 1/1/2021 #45672  
known as Sentient that ingests and analyzes imagery data with AI capabiliti 2/27/2023 #45795  
## Word: "analyzing" (Back to Top)
. It is tasked with collecting and analyzing national security information. 7/11/1941 #1369  
ook, adding that he heard LANL was analyzing green fireballs (this last cla 1949 #3947  
ees to help out the Air Force with analyzing UFO reports.                   1/8/1952 #5863  
 at MIT for the USAF, specifically analyzing photographic reconnaissance an 12/2/1952 #8364  
ty of forming a panel to assist in analyzing reports. The Director of RAAF  12/26/1954 #11862  
ollecting, processing, evaluating, analyzing, integrating, producing, and d 10/1/1961 #16886  
f Donald Menzel, “when he comes to analyzing UFO reports, he seems to calml 4/22/1967 #22208  
n Aeronautics and Space Institute, analyzing in depth Philip Klass’s plasma 3/12/1968 #23839  
s original purpose (collecting and analyzing information about foreign gove 6/12/1974 #29180  
CI stating DCI working groups were analyzing unexplained events and Soviet  4/26/1976 #31027  
stralia interviewing witnesses and analyzing the film, which he concludes d 12/31/1978 #34246  
bserving UFOs, a technical book on analyzing UFO reports.                   1980 #35112  
s an acceptable concept for use in analyzing UFO phenomena.                 3/1989 #38854  
. CEFAA is charged with compiling, analyzing, and studying every incident i 10/3/1997 #43423  
y experts drew up the report after analyzing over 1,000 documents and inter 2/2/2022 #45737  
## Word: "anamalistic" (Back to Top)
eam at high altitude and exhibited anamalistic motion during final distant  5/18/1984 #37332  
## Word: "anand" (Back to Top)
ture was sighted in the village of Anand Vihar, India on this night. Hundre 5/1/2001 #44173  
## Word: "ananda" (Back to Top)
 in Weligama, Sri Lanka, edited by Ananda L. Sirisena. It continues through 1979 #34259  
## Word: "anangle" (Back to Top)
-shaped object descended slowly at anangle, then hovered while wobbling ove 7/15/1965 #19107  
## Word: "anapol" (Back to Top)
      CANOGA PARK, CA 1 observer = Anapol. Pink-violet glowing disk / close 8/24/1979 #34769  
## Word: "anapolis" (Back to Top)
                                   ANAPOLIS, BRZ Car O / O / control. Speed 10/3/1971 #26403  
Mr. and Mrs. Cury where driving in Anapolis, Brazil at 1:40 a.m. when their 10/3/1971 #26405  
nta Cruz AFB, Sao Paulo State, and Anapolis AFB, near Brasilia. Three F-5E  5/19/1986 #37882  
owed by three Mirage III jets from Anapolis AFB. The first visual contact w 5/19/1986 #37882  
,000 feet. The radar controller at Anapolis AFB testified that there were s 5/19/1986 #37882  
eptor aircraft were scrambled from Anapolis AFB in response to the reports, 6/12/1999 #43785  
## Word: "anasco" (Back to Top)
                                   ANASCO, PR Several observer(s). Big shin 4/24/1997 (approximate) #43273  
## Word: "anastasia" (Back to Top)
 maneuvering in the sky near Santa Anastasia church. They finally went home 6/26/1962 #17248  
30 p.m. Juan Gilabert and his wife Anastasia were at their home in Mar del  7/15/1968 #24179  
e in Mar del Plata, Argentina when Anastasia suddenly heard a loud whistlin 7/15/1968 #24179  
## Word: "anastasio" (Back to Top)
aguay Approximate date. A student, Anastasio Lenven, saw an object land on  2/5/1963 #17654  
  On or about this date a student, Anastasio Lenven, saw an object land on  2/5/1963 #17655  
## Word: "anatoli" (Back to Top)
a uniform speed. The witnesses are Anatoli Sazanov, a specialist in the ion 8/8/1967 #22848  
## Word: "anatolia" (Back to Top)
                   Aksaray central Anatolia, Turkey After sunset. Ali Ozel  12/15/1981 #36257  
 above his car in Aksaray, central Anatolia, Turkey. It performs some maneu 12/15/1981 #36257  
at 7:05 p.m. over Niğde in central Anatolia. At 9:35 p.m., two UFOs are rep 1/15/1982 #36301  
ses the citizens of İzmir, western Anatolia, to panic. When the UFO hovers  1/15/1982 #36301  
## Word: "anatoly" (Back to Top)
ts secretly with Soviet Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin and agrees after a phon 10/26/1962 #17499  
European countries send letters to Anatoly Alexandrov, president of the Aca 9/20/1977 #32499  
c phenomena, proposed by scientist Anatoly Alexandrov. Two research commiss 10/1977 #32539  
 side of the Moon Red Army officer Anatoly Malishev is allegedly confronted 5/1978 #33181  
eet above Mary, Turkmenistan. Col. Anatoly Kurkchy, chief of the Air Defens 5/25/1990 #39592  
                                   Anatoly Yurevich awoke in the middle of  1/26/2003 #44480  
## Word: "anatomical" (Back to Top)
d to be a wig, with definite human anatomical features. These encounters ce 1951 #5372  
## Word: "anatomie" (Back to Top)
n-F. Boedec, Les OVNI en Bretagne: Anatomie d'un Phenomene, p. 75). (NICAP: 12/24/1975 #30737  
## Word: "anatomy" (Back to Top)
versity Hospital in Atlanta, where Anatomy Professor Marion Hines identifie 7/7/1953 #8989  
s analyst Jacques Vallée publishes Anatomy of a Phenomenon, which generates 6/1965 #18978  
## Word: "anaya" (Back to Top)
j. Edwin D. Easley, Ruben and Pete Anaya, New Mexico Lieutenant Governor Jo 7/8/1947 #3026  
## Word: "anazia" (Back to Top)
Brazil, a housekeeper (pseudonym = Anazia Maria) is taking care of a family 10/25/1957 #14155  
## Word: "anborn" (Back to Top)
 10:00 p.m. Scoutmaster D[unham] S[anborn] “Sonny” DesVergers is driving wi 8/19/1952 #7651  
## Word: "ancash" (Back to Top)
ambo, a remote mountain village in Ancash province, Peru at eight o'clock i 1/31/1996 #42729  
## Word: "ancenis" (Back to Top)
                     QUIMPERLE AND ANCENIS AND VITRE, FR Huge brilliant sau 11/24/1952 #8327  
                                   ANCENIS, FR 1 observer. Classic 7M sauce 4/17/1972 #26649  
## Word: "ancestor" (Back to Top)
hat the reason was we had a common ancestor.                                9/1/1962 #17382  
 hiding the A-12, its still-secret ancestor; any sightings of CIA/Air Force 2/29/1964 #18140  
lliam Robert Loosley, is a genuine ancestor of Langford’s wife). But no ufo 1979 #34254  
## Word: "ancestors" (Back to Top)
 Williamson claims that the Hopi’s ancestors are Martians, while their neig 1957 #13430  
genetic engineering on our apelike ancestors to create modern mankind. Bind 1968 #23625  
 claims some ET groups are our own ancestors from different futures and nuc 10/2006 #44970  
## Word: "ancestral" (Back to Top)
el d’Obrenovic, said to reflect an ancestral connection to the throne of Se 1960 #16142  
## Word: "ancestry" (Back to Top)
                                   Ancestry.com Fold3 Black Vault website A 1/27/2015 #45427  
stry.com Fold3 Black Vault website Ancestry.com, the owner of Fold3, illega 1/27/2015 #45427  
eings that come from a “reptilian” ancestry; others see mantis types. Ramir 1/30/2022 #45736  
## Word: "anchieta" (Back to Top)
                           Rodovia Anchieta highway 30 miles northwest of S 6/5/1961 #16721  
scene of a sighting on the Rodovia Anchieta highway 30 miles northwest of S 6/5/1961 #16721  
## Word: "anchor" (Back to Top)
ert Hibnight bard was caught by an anchor dropped from an unknown flying ma 3/26/1897 #394  
e. Robert Hibbard was caught by an anchor dropped from an unknown flying ma 3/26/1897 #395  
 Sioux City, Iowa was caught by an anchor dropped from an unknown flying ma 3/26/1897 #396  
h moves away to the northeast. The anchor goes on exhibit at a local blacks 4/25/1897 #573  
                MERKEL, TX Airship anchor caught / railroad/railway tracks. 4/26/1897 #576  
asses over Edinburgh, Indiana. Its anchor somehow gets entangled in high-te 9/30/1909 #813  
ng slowly like a rowboat riding at anchor, and made no sound. The photos we 5/11/1950 #4940  
el south of Robben Island in Three Anchor Bay, South Africa. A loud explosi 5/4/1976 #31035  
d object with a luminous tail (or "anchor") flew silently over the city of  9/18/1993 #41203  
n. Trajectory like inverted marine anchor.                                  1/14/1996 #42683  
ver the Baltic Fleet, which lay at anchor in Kaliningrad Harbor. According  4/18/2003 #44516  
## Word: "anchor-" (Back to Top)
urch service, they notice a heavy, anchor- shaped object being dragged by a 4/25/1897 #573  
## Word: "anchorage" (Back to Top)
                   Eklutna, Alaska Anchorage Night. Holger Berg and another 10/1936 #1250  
, Alaska, are walking south toward Anchorage when the see a light approachi 10/1936 #1250  
                    Elmendorf AFB, Anchorage, AK Round 3' Aluminum Object A 7/11/1947 #3136  
 Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson], Anchorage, Alaska 11:00 a.m. USAAF Col.  7/11/1947 #3138  
 Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson], Anchorage, Alaska. Estimated altitude is 7/11/1947 #3138  
Joint Base Elmendorf- Richardson], Anchorage, Alaska 6:30 p.m. USAAF Maj. E 7/12/1947 #3159  
Joint Base Elmendorf- Richardson], Anchorage, Alaska, see a balloon-like gr 7/12/1947 #3159  
               Seattle, Washington Anchorage, Alaska On the Seattle, Washin 1/1950 #4469  
ska On the Seattle, Washington, to Anchorage, Alaska, route, an air freight 1/1950 #4469  
w Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson] Anchorage, Alaska 4:00 p.m. Lt. Col. Les 1/26/1950 #4513  
 Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson], Anchorage, Alaska, notices three reddish 1/26/1950 #4513  
 Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson], Anchorage, Alaska 11:30 p.m. Capt. Marce 5/5/1950 #4924  
 Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson], Anchorage, Alaska, see a reddish-orange  5/5/1950 #4924  
                                   ANCHORAGE, AK 12 observer(s) / (seen thr 4/14/1952 #6072  
                    Elmendorf AFB, Anchorage, AK (FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - 7/5/1952 #6711  
                    Elmendorf AFB, Anchorage, AK (FUFOR Index) F-94 Makes R 7/24/1952 #7111  
                                   ANCHORAGE, AK 12+observer(s) / (seen thr 9/5/1952 (approximate) #7852  
F C-47 transport plane flying over Anchorage, Alaska at 11:50 p.m. and was  2/16/1953 #8680  
                    Elmendorf AFB, Anchorage, AK Nocturnal light with rapid 2/17/1953 #8682  
ast four observers at Skilak Lake, Anchorage, Alaska over the Kenai Mountai 3/14/1953 #8755  
rical UFO was taken at a school in Anchorage, Alaska by a man named G. Henn 8/5/1955 #12333  
r Force flight F-169 en route from Anchorage, AL, to Japan. Capt. R.W. (ini 2/11/1965 #18803  
                               Bt. Anchorage, Alaska & Tachikawa Air Base,  2/11/1965 #18806  
                                   Anchorage, Alaska Tachikawa Airfield, To 2/11/1965 #18809  
craft (Flight F-169) en route from Anchorage, Alaska, to Tachikawa Airfield 2/11/1965 #18809  
 in diameter, about 4 hours out of Anchorage. The aircraft radar also picks 2/11/1965 #18809  
ing over the North Pacific between Anchorage, Alaska and Tachikawa AFB, Jap 2/11/1965 #18811  
                                   Anchorage, KY Dogs bark while object is  1/26/1977 #31752  
                Three witnesses in Anchorage, Kentucky watched as a 100 foo 1/26/1977 #31753  
               Seattle, Washington Anchorage, Alaska Middleton Island, Alas 4/23/1977 #32017  
e, Alaska Middleton Island, Alaska Anchorage International Airport 9:30 p.m 4/23/1977 #32017  
t 27, from Seattle, Washington, to Anchorage, Alaska. About 50 miles east o 4/23/1977 #32017  
oller Terry Siegrist and others at Anchorage International Airport see a li 4/23/1977 #32017  
                Fort Yukon, Alaska Anchorage Fairbanks 5:10 p.m. Japan Air  11/17/1986 #38072  
 Fort Yukon, Alaska, on its way to Anchorage. The jet is carrying a cargo o 11/17/1986 #38072  
ect rose from behind a mountain in Anchorage, Alaska at 2:02 p.m. It stoppe 10/8/2006 #44973  
## Word: "anchored" (Back to Top)
land when he saw a peculiar object anchored on the ground. "It was manned b 4/23/1897 #563  
land when he saw a peculiar object anchored on the ground. "It was manned b 4/23/1897 #564  
land when he saw a peculiar object anchored on the ground. "It was manned b 4/23/1897 #566  
from the USS Wasp aircraft carrier anchored at Ulithi Atoll in the Caroline 2/7/1945 #1774  
Beaver with Submarine Squadron 45, anchored in Buckner Bay, Okinawa, Japan. 9/26/1945? #1940  
ntil, Gabon 2:40 a.m. A cargo ship anchored at the wharf in Port-Gentil, Ga 6/1/1952 #6417  
esearch ship Almirante Saldanha is anchored on the south side of Ilha da Tr 1/16/1958 #14831  
Geophysical Year explorations, and anchored at Trindade Island in the Atlan 1/16/1958 #14832  
logistic support vessel Rhône, are anchored off Fort-de-France, Martinique, Late 9/1965 #19604  
en crew members of two oil tankers anchored one mile apart at the Arjuna Oi 3/10/1977 #31892  
ly 15 red, green, and white lights anchored to its underside. It maintains  12/31/1982 #36733  
 a few thousand feet above a yacht anchored offshore of Santa Monica, Calif 1/3/2004 #44642  
## Word: "anchoring" (Back to Top)
rds. Small humanoids (or Greys) on anchoring platform for surveillance blim 4/1990 #39505  
## Word: "anchorman" (Back to Top)
m. WTVW's David Goodnow (later CNN anchorman) saw three glittering red-colo 1/25/1974 #28704  
## Word: "anchovy" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Anchovy” YieldMax: 20KT                  11/14/1963 #18039  
## Word: "ancient" (Back to Top)
y Palmer publishes an article, “An Ancient Language?” on the language of Ma 11/1943 #1541  
nese airliner off the coast of the ancient city of Acre (now Akko), Israel. 3/26/1950 #4732  
eculation about Fortean phenomena, ancient astronauts, levitating forces to 3/1955 #12022  
hic structures, and experiments in ancient times with flight and even space 3/1955 #12022  
in 1959. These are among the first ancient astronaut books. In the latter b 1957 #13430  
e aliens, that the Bible and other ancient texts are filled with many UFO f 1962 #17010  
h Earth in the past, including the ancient Mesopotamian myth of Oannes (Apk 11/15/1962 #17548  
er Max W. Flindt (cofounder of the Ancient Astronaut Society), who contends 1968 #23625  
 of several books setting out the “ancient astronaut” hypothesis in which a 3/1968 #23798  
ent astronaut” hypothesis in which ancient gods are space visitors, Homo sa 3/1968 #23798  
g, nuclear wars were fought in the ancient world, and monuments were built  3/1968 #23798  
crew were attempting to prove that ancient Egyptians could have crossed the 6/11/1970 #25697  
                   Sumerian Nibiru Ancient astronaut author Zecharia Sitchi 1976 #30744  
hin attributes the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the Anunnaki 1976 #30744  
s) corps. Large grey disk hovers / ancient stone circle.                    2/23/1977 #31841  
ing Mysteria, a journal of UFO and ancient astronaut information, in Halver 1/1979 #34269  
 argues that the UFO phenomenon is ancient and that the message has changed 6/1979 #34599  
Space Connection, a film about the ancient alien hypothesis.  https://www.l 7/1980 #35399  
nt that Prokofiyevna described as "ancient" rather than foreign. They then  7/4/1989 #39009  
nly broken by enlightenment, while ancient Greek Gnosticism teaches humans  1/1991 #39944  
. Cone beam going down [to] over / ancient Indian ruins.                    6/23/1997 #43334  
ch the witnesses thought resembled ancient writing.                         5/12/2004 #44699  
ere interpreted as “Greek gods” in ancient history     Former CIA official  4/5/2016 #45449  
to do work on a particular form of ancient meditation: kripalu yoga and Vip 12/12/2018 #45551  
oterrestrial, demonic/djinn, proto/ancient human, time travelers, etc.      7/31/2022 #45760  
## Word: "ancients" (Back to Top)
ging radiation from the Sun. Those ancients also abandoned some of their ow 11/1943 #1541  
## Word: "ancillary" (Back to Top)
nd the names of other adjacent and ancillary programs and projects that can 3/13/2015 #45435  
## Word: "ancona" (Back to Top)
        Loreto Castelfidardo Osimo Ancona province, Italy 10:30 a.m. During Early 7/1944 #1617  
reto, Castelfidardo, and Osimo, in Ancona province, Italy, Antoni Szachnows Early 7/1944 #1617  
                               OFF ANCONA, ITALY Fishermen. Ghost-bomb fall 9/2/1946 #2168  
                                   ANCONA, ITL Silent luminous/glowing gree 10/26/1954 #11406  
                              NEAR ANCONA, ITL "Green flash" buzzes commerc 3/9/1978 #33020  
                                   ANCONA, ITALY Small humanoid (or Grey) / 2/3/1994 #41403  
round on the nearby rocky shore in Ancona, Italy at 9:00 a.m. The humanoid  2/3/1994 #41406  
## Word: "ancre" (Back to Top)
                       BEAUCOURT / ANCRE, FR UFO hovers 30cm / ground. 4 sm 5/10/1957 #13651  
                   Beaucourt-sur-l’Ancre, Somme, France After 10:45 p.m. At 5/10/1957 #13653  
fter 10:45 p.m. At Beaucourt-sur-l’Ancre, Somme, France, a 29-year-old Hung 5/10/1957 #13653  
## Word: "ancy" (Back to Top)
                                   ANCY AND MORE/OTHERS, FR Several observe 10/18/1954 #11195  
                                   ANCY / MOSELLE, FR Boy / 10. Dah-dit sou 12/18/1975 (approximate) #30722  
                                   Ancy, France 7:45 a.m. A "dah-dit" noise 12/18/1975 #30723  
ed disc over a residential area of Ancy, France. The object had square shap 12/18/1975 #30725  
## Word: "and-down" (Back to Top)
 at the bottom. It makes rapid up- and-down motions as it moves forward and 5/2/1980 #35303  
## Word: "and-go" (Back to Top)
aft loses control and makes touch- and-go landings; an A-4 Skyhawk crashes  3/27/1978 #33088  
## Word: "and-retrieval" (Back to Top)
 is any truth to the Scully crash- and-retrieval story and Sarbacher replie 9/15/1950 #5178  
## Word: "and-white" (Back to Top)
 middle. Numerous color and black- and-white photographs were reported to h 3/16/1967 #21898  
## Word: "andabre" (Back to Top)
                       D922 EAST / ANDABRE, FR 5 observer(s). Disk with rec 8/26/1994 #41689  
## Word: "andacollo" (Back to Top)
                                   ANDACOLLO, ARG 5 fed cops. 2M saucer goi 7/16/1968 #24180  
                                   Andacollo, Arg National Police officers  7/16/1968 #24182  
ving in a jeep in the mountains in Andacollo, Neuquen Province, Argentina w 7/16/1968 #24183  
                              NEAR ANDACOLLO, ARG Military cops / jeep. Sma 8/1968 #24280  
## Word: "andaguara" (Back to Top)
                   Santo Amaro Rua Andaguara São Paulo, Brazil South Americ 11/2/1954 #11537  
en he arrives at the corner of Rua Andaguara, he is startled to find a glow 11/2/1954 #11537  
## Word: "andalgala" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR ANDALGALA, ARG 2 / car. 1-2M saucer cros 12/26/1967 #23610  
four o'clock in the morning on the Andalgala highway in Catamarca Province, 12/28/1967 #23617  
## Word: "andchanges" (Back to Top)
int it stops abruptly for a moment andchanges course to the east. By sextan 10/24/1968 #24588  
## Word: "andean" (Back to Top)
y a truck as he was driving on the Andean Highway. A brilliant disk with th 1/1/1961 #16558  
er, had just passed a truck on the Andean Highway between La Victoria and E 1/1/1961 #16559  
## Word: "andebu" (Back to Top)
                                   ANDEBU, NORWAY 1+kids / car. Angular obj 1/23/1989 #38794  
ct descended over a power plant in Andebu, Norway and hovered for 2 minutes 1/23/1989 #38796  
## Word: "andelot-blancheville" (Back to Top)
                                   ANDELOT-BLANCHEVILLE, FR 2+5 separate ob 8/15/1975 #30273  
## Word: "andere" (Back to Top)
           Varginha, Brazil Jardim Andere neighborhood 8:00 a.m. The Vargin 1/20/1996 #42693  
seen in a park north of the Jardim Andere neighborhood. At 10:00 a.m., fire 1/20/1996 #42693  
     Hildo Lucio Galindo of Jardim Andere, Varginha, Brazil opened his bath 1/20/1996 #42697  
## Word: "anderlues" (Back to Top)
                  On this night in Anderlues, Belgium a teacher sighted a 2 2/25/1909 #721  
                       NORTHWEST / ANDERLUES, BELGIUM 1 observer. Small glo 8/1937 (approximate) #1275  
## Word: "anderluis" (Back to Top)
                                   ANDERLUIS, BELGIUM Teacher. 25M sphere g 2/25/1909 #720  
## Word: "anders" (Back to Top)
ject and humanoid beings. (Ref. 3; Anders Liljegren, AFU Bibliography.) (NI 5/1943 #1496  
ect abruptly disappeared. (Ref. 3; Anders Liljegren AFU archives.) (NICAP:  10/10/1944 #1676  
åkan Blomqvist, Kjell Jonsson, and Anders Liljegren. Its specialized resear 8/1972 #26863  
n this night a young man known as "Anders" was walking along a dark road in 3/23/1974 #28939  
-Sweden researchers Clas Svahn and Anders Persson check with the Swedish mi 11/11/1999 #43879  
navy takes seriously. Rear Admiral Anders Grenstad says the object could no 10/24/2014 #45420  
       Sweden Swedish Rear Admiral Anders Grenstad tells the media that the 4/13/2015 #45436  
## Word: "andersen" (Back to Top)
t. Col. Peter Grunnet and Lt. Tage Andersen are flying an H.M.II (Heinkel H 1932 #1136  
 photogrammetric survey. Suddenly, Andersen notices they are being followed 1932 #1136  
## Word: "anderson" (Back to Top)
                                   ANDERSON AND POTTER VALLEY, CA Several s 11/30/1896 #371  
                                In Anderson, Shasta County, California seve 11/30/1896 #372  
Barron, Wisconsin 10:00 p.m. Harry Anderson, 13 (or 16), is out riding with Late Summer 1919 #993  
 Teams under physicists Herbert L. Anderson and Walter Zinn have constructe 11/15/1942 #1461  
able technology. Lieut. William C. Anderson, Wright Field public relations  7/3/1947 #2582  
Plains of San Agustin area: Gerald Anderson and family/friends witness a cr 7/5/1947 #2679  
r pilot J.L. Clark, civilian pilot Anderson, third man. Watched 45-60 secon 10/14/1947 #3456  
secret memo to Maj. Gen. Samuel E. Anderson. director of Plans and Operatio 2/12/1948 #3576  
on AFB in Ohio Maj. Gen. Samuel E. Anderson, USAF Director of Plans and Ope 3/3/1948 #3587  
t. Jack Adams, First Officer G. W. Anderson, Jr. One 100' circular disc wit 3/20/1950 #4689  
Jack Adams and First Officer G. W. Anderson Jr., flying a DC-3 at 2,000 fee 3/20/1950 #4690  
irline pilots Jack Adams and G. W. Anderson about their March 20 UFO sighti 3/26/1950 #4730  
                                   ANDERSON, MO Swarm / 80+4' saucers in 30 4/19/1950 #4870  
                  Big Sur coast at Anderson Creek, California Keyhoe’s arti 8/1950 #5094  
2–5 miles off the Big Sur coast at Anderson Creek, California, at an elevat 8/1950 #5094  
Ridge Nuclear Research Facility in Anderson County, Tennessee at 11:45 p.m. 12/15/1950 #5352  
ent Blue Book staff (including Lt. Anderson G. Flues, Robert M. Olsson, and 6/1952 #6402  
rolina 10:00 a.m. Engineer John A. Anderson and other technicians at the Sa 7/19/1952 #6931  
Edward J. Ruppelt’s assistants Lt. Anderson G. Flues and Lt. Robert Olsson  8/1/1952 #7408  
:20 p.m. Civilian engineer Paul L. Anderson sees 3 light-green cylindrical  8/3/1952 #7437  
                                   ANDERSON AIR FORCE BASE, GUAM 2 military 10/7/1952 #8098  
st Germany Witnesses:  USAF S/Sgt. Anderson, A/2c Max Handy. One round obje 10/29/1952 #8214  
West Germany U.S. Air Force S/Sgt. Anderson and A/2c Max Handy sighted a ro 10/29/1952 #8217  
                                   ANDERSON AIR FORCE BASE, GUAM 2 / B17+gr 12/19/1952 #8433  
                                   Anderson AFB, Guam B-17 Crew Encounters  12/19/1952 #8434  
G, MT Project Bluebook Case #2315. Anderson. Saucer / lit windows. Seen / 1 1/1/1953 #8489  
 Craig, Montana Witnesses:  Warner Anderson and two women. A silver, saucer 1/1/1953 #8493  
and Wolf Creek, Montana, Warner E. Anderson, manager of a photo shop with w 1/1/1953 #8494  
including Ruppelt’s assistants Lt. Anderson G. Flues and Max Futch.         3/8/1953 #8739  
 Oak Ridge Laboratory in Tennessee Anderson Laboratories in Milwaukee, Wisc 8/19/1953 #9084  
 deposits on the sign performed by Anderson Laboratories in Milwaukee, Wisc 8/19/1953 #9084  
                                   ANDERSON, SC 10000 frantic birds going q 2/17/1956 #12720  
                                In Anderson, South Carolina at 4:15 p.m. se 2/17/1956 #12725  
Roy Hall, U.S. Army, ret.; Charles Anderson and others; some observed throu 4/4/1956 #12786  
 US Army Captain Roy Hall, Charles Anderson and others in McKinney, Texas o 4/4/1956 #12787  
s police station. Desk Officer Don Anderson goes outside and sees a dark tr 9/15/1960 #16449  
er Roger, and their mother Mildred Anderson are vacationing in a cabin on M 8/1962 #17310  
e UFO switches off its own lights. Anderson runs out of the cabin toward th 8/1962 #17310  
urkey A U-2 piloted by Maj. Rudolf Anderson is shot down over Cuba. However 10/27/1962 #17505  
self given the order to shoot down Anderson’s plane. The incident prompts b 10/27/1962 #17505  
                  Lavonia, Georgia Anderson Regional Airport in South Carol 6/30/1964 #18386  
 of Lavonia, then personnel at the Anderson Regional Airport in South Carol 6/30/1964 #18386  
                                   Anderson AFB, Guam 24 total Radar Sighti 10/27/1965 #19683  
nother witness, truck driver C. W. Anderson, parked a mile down the road. L 3/23/1966 #20050  
                                   Anderson AFB, Guam Radar Sighting, #6 of 4/5/1966 #20234  
                                   Anderson AFB, Guam Radar Sighting, #7 of 4/27/1966 #20423  
                                   Anderson AFB, Guam Air Intercept & Radar 6/28/1966 #20619  
                                   ANDERSON, IN Gaslike flame maneuvers. An 9/16/1966 #20888  
                                   Anderson, IN 2:00 a.m. EDT. Police sight 9/30/1966 #20938  
 Fulton and superintendent Sherman Anderson are making rounds at the Nova S Mid 8/1967 #22882  
                                   ANDERSON, IN 4 observer(s). Power and ph 5/16/1971 #26113  
itnesses of the Whitlock family in Anderson, Indiana observed an unidentifi 5/16/1971 #26115  
                       SOUTHEAST / ANDERSON, CA 3+observer(s). 20' black sp 11/13/1972 #27121  
noisy UFO three miles southeast of Anderson, Shasta County, California. The 11/13/1972 #27123  
d four o'clock in the morning Dean Anderson and Wayne Schutte were working  8/16/1976 #31273  
gg Harbor, Door County, Wisconsin. Anderson, who was riding a lawn mower, s 8/16/1976 #31273  
 on his helmet flashed bright red. Anderson had now closed to within ten fe 8/16/1976 #31273  
e next turned around and looked at Anderson. Within a few seconds a small “ 8/16/1976 #31273  
                              Dean Anderson was cutting grass on a golf cou 8/23/1976 #31294  
wn into a culvert behind the road. Anderson stopped his lawn mower. Two fig 8/23/1976 #31294  
s 3 feet long. They came up to Mr. Anderson and one of the beings extended  8/23/1976 #31294  
ut her spacesuit back on, and gave Anderson an envelope made of yellow nylo 8/23/1976 #31294  
                                   ANDERSON, IN Repeated. Large tilted disk 7/1977 #32216  
                            EAST / ANDERSON, SC Teen photographs box-UFO. G 10/8/1978 #33809  
                   2 miles east of Anderson, South Carolina 7:10 p.m. A stu 10/8/1978 #33815  
isc from his home, 2 miles east of Anderson, South Carolina.                10/8/1978 #33815  
h six witnesses, including Marilyn Anderson, sees a cluster of lights in th 1/21/1980 #35141  
them, does not see the lights, but Anderson tells her about them when she p 1/21/1980 #35141  
                                   ANDERSON, SC Many observer(s). Crash and 9/11/1980 #35510  
                                   Anderson, SC Two friends saw a rounded,  9/11/1980 #35512  
                                   Anderson, South Carolina 4:20 a.m. Jerry 9/11/1980 #35514  
ster is awakened in his bedroom in Anderson, South Carolina, by a loud scre 9/11/1980 #35514  
                                   Anderson, Indiana Eta Tauri 2:15 a.m. Ru 8/12/1981 #36070  
 Pring is several miles outside of Anderson, Indiana, taking time-exposure  8/12/1981 #36070  
                              NEAR ANDERSON, IN 2 night lights maneuver / H 8/13/1981 #36071  
  Skövde, Sweden 8:00 p.m. Susanne Anderson, 18, is jogging in Skövde, Swed 2/2/1982 #36321  
one in the offices of Sen. Clinton Anderson or Dennis Chavez who told him i 12/30/1991 #40271  
cussion is the testimony of Gerald Anderson, who contacted investigators Ke 2/15/1992 #40331  
s brought to Wright Field and the “Anderson Trust” was established with tru 10/2021 #45713  
s established with trustees Robert Anderson, Robert Lovett and John Jay McC 10/2021 #45713  
## Word: "andersson" (Back to Top)
ght. A young man (pseudonym Harald Andersson) comes out of the parish house 3/23/1974 #28936  
## Word: "anderstorp" (Back to Top)
                                   Anderstorp, Sweden 1:00–1:30 a.m. Near A 9/25/1972 #27030  
rstorp, Sweden 1:00–1:30 a.m. Near Anderstorp, Sweden, a witness is driving 9/25/1972 #27030  
## Word: "andes" (Back to Top)
alk on snow. Saucers seen widely / Andes. / FSR'66#2.                       9/5/1965 #19522  
El Inferniello Observatory, in the Andes Mountains, Chile. The scientific r 5/17/1968 #23972  
c case has been set up in the high Andes primarily as a Cosmic Ray measurin 5/17/1968 #23972  
                     SAN MARTIN DL ANDES, ARG 3 / B727+Air Traffic Controll 12/28/1971 #26520  
ntainous area of San Martin de los Andes, Neuquen Province, Argentina begin 12/28/1971 #26521  
                 San Martin de Los Andes, Arg B-727 crew (NICAP: 11 - Aviat 12/29/1971 #26522  
                                   Andes Mountains Neuquen province, Argent 8/22/1978 #33548  
o of light flies silently over the Andes Mountains in Neuquen province, Arg 8/22/1978 #33548  
cheras oil fields Mendoza province Andes mountains La Pintada Cuesta de los 5/1/1979 #34537  
akes off and disappears toward the Andes mountains at 4:35 a.m. After the s 5/1/1979 #34537  
 triangle high in the sky over the Andes Mountains shortly before 11:00 p.m 2/11/1980 #35171  
lying across the lake and into the Andes Mountains. Witnesses described the 5/16/1998 #43568  
## Word: "andigne" (Back to Top)
 his bicycle on route D216 between Andigne and Saint-Martin du Bois, France 10/18/1954 #11224  
## Word: "andigny" (Back to Top)
                              VAUX ANDIGNY, FR 3 observer(s). Huge white ci 12/24/1989 #39335  
## Word: "andlarge" (Back to Top)
foot tall figures with round heads andlarge eyes running back and forth to  11/4/1954 #11569  
## Word: "andlau" (Back to Top)
                                   ANDLAU, FR 2 observer(s). Cylinder/cigar 10/14/1954 #11025  
## Word: "andon" (Back to Top)
                                   ANDON AND SERANON, FR Huge night light s 8/5/1994 #41656  
## Word: "andorra" (Back to Top)
                El Pas de la Casa, Andorra Calafell, Catalonia, Spain Day.  7/1/1975 #30144  
t after leaving El Pas de la Casa, Andorra. They have the roll developed in 7/1/1975 #30144  
## Word: "andorra-la-vella" (Back to Top)
                                   ANDORRA-LA-VELLA Hundreds / observer(s). 9/18/1967 #23079  
## Word: "andover" (Back to Top)
                                   ANDOVER, HAMPS Several / football game.  11/2/1957 #14196  
                                   Andover, New Jersey 5:00 p.m. A man and  11/1963 #18022  
daughter are driving just north of Andover, New Jersey, when they see three 11/1963 #18022  
                                   ANDOVER, MASS Navy physicist. Fireball n 9/27/1965 #19611  
d, brillian white ball of light in Andover, Massachusetts at 7:28 p.m. He f 9/27/1965 #19616  
                                   Andover, MA About 6:55 p.m. An airline s 2/17/1967 #21583  
ar reports close by at Methuen and Andover at about the same time.          2/17/1967 #21587  
                                   ANDOVER, MASS Triangular cluster / light 3/9/1967 #21827  
ated altitude of 1,000 feet at the Andover, Massachusetts country club. The 3/9/1967 #21842  
                                   ANDOVER, MA 2+several. 12' saucer maneuv 2/20/1975 #29830  
nting triangular crafts, flew over Andover, Hampshire, England at 5:00 a.m. 9/11/2004 #44754  
## Word: "andra" (Back to Top)
d objects flew south over Vuyyuru, Andra Pradesh State, India in a delta fo 4/27/1956 #12815  
## Word: "andrade" (Back to Top)
viewed by Judge Gabriel Barbosa de Andrade, then-Secretary of the Interior  10/10/1957 #14095  
ia, Venezuela Police Officer P. A. Andrade was on duty at City Hall when he 9/4/1967 #22996  
olored, metallic-looking coverall. Andrade pointed his machine gun at the c 9/4/1967 #22996  
. The dwarf then tried to convince Andrade to come to "their world," adding 9/4/1967 #22996  
y advantages for Earthlings." When Andrade declined, the creature flew back 9/4/1967 #22996  
ela 5:10 a.m. Police officer P. A. Andrade is on duty at city hall in Valen 9/4/1967 #22997  
olored, metallic-looking coverall. Andrade points his automatic weapon at t 9/4/1967 #22997  
. The dwarf then tries to convince Andrade to “come to their world,” adding 9/4/1967 #22997  
y advantages for Earthlings.” When Andrade declines, the creature flies bac 9/4/1967 #22997  
 At 5:10 a.m. police officer P. A. Andrade was on duty at City Hall in Vale 9/4/1967 #23000  
olored, metallic-looking coverall. Andrade pointed his machine gun at the c 9/4/1967 #23000  
. The dwarf then tried to convince Andrade to come to "their world," adding 9/4/1967 #23000  
y advantages for earthlings." When Andrade declined, the creature flew back 9/4/1967 #23000  
ericana, 16-year old Mr. Salles de Andrade encountered an intense beam of l 12/17/1975 #30720  
, Brazil 16-year old Mr. Salles de Andrade encountered an intense beam of l 12/17/1975 #30721  
 Silva, 14, and their friend Kátia Andrade Xavier, 22, are crossing a vacan 1/20/1996 #42695  
## Word: "andrawos" (Back to Top)
Jorge Raul Scassa Sutter and Ruben Andrawos are flying a Cessna 182 from Vi 6/18/1968 #24044  
## Word: "andre" (Back to Top)
                  Lezignan, France Andre Garcia and Andre Darzais were driv 10/4/1954 #10692  
 Lezignan, France Andre Garcia and Andre Darzais were driving a truck betwe 10/4/1954 #10692  
                                   Andre Garcia and Andre Darzais were driv 10/4/1954 #10701  
                  Andre Garcia and Andre Darzais were driving a truck betwe 10/4/1954 #10701  
               Chazey Wood, France Andre Cognard, coming from Gueugnon, was 10/14/1954 #11050  
son-La-Poterie, France 25-year-old Andre Vasseur and his wife were returnin 10/19/1954 #11252  
 fell into her husband's arms, but Andre continued on with his wife. When h 10/19/1954 #11252  
             La Tessoualle, France Andre Chaillou felt pricklings in his ha 11/8/1954 #11598  
  At dusk in La Tessoualle, France Andre Chaillou felt pricklings in his ha 11/8/1954 #11604  
ns and fire control officer Daniel Andre reach a speed of 2,070 mph in a Lo 5/1/1965 #18924  
                               ST. ANDRE / SURAN, FR 2 / field. Rounded con 9/5/1967 (approximate) #23002  
e object; his brothers Michael and Andre, and their uncle, George Bogus; ot 8/29/1968 #24401  
then flew off to the east. Her son Andre went over to the rooftop in questi 1/6/1977 #31707  
gan Quezet and her 12-year old son Andre were out looking for their dog sho 1/5/1979 #34303  
                               ST. ANDRE, FR Several observer(s). Huge dark 7/22/1993 #41075  
         VILLENEUVE D'ASCQ AND ST. ANDRE, NORD Triangle / lights hovers / b 1/14/1996 #42682  
                                   Andre Marquetti and Jair Picerni were jo 11/13/1999 #43880  
         A motorist driving in St. Andre de Cubzac, Gironde, France at arou 2/5/2000 #43941  
                             SOUTH ANDRE DE CUBZAC, FR Vineyard man. Lumino 2/13/2000 #43949  
## Word: "andre-treize-voies" (Back to Top)
                               ST. ANDRE-TREIZE-VOIES, FR Luminous white di 5/27/1957 #13682  
## Word: "andrea" (Back to Top)
                         PENNA ST. ANDREA, ITL 4 / car. Silent vertical ovo 9/1978 #33613  
o del Tronto, Marche, Italy Exodus Andrea Padre 5:30 p.m. While fishing in  11/8/1978 #33928  
radar of another fishing boat, the Andrea Padre, reports a moving submerged 11/8/1978 #33928  
                  Italian engineer Andrea Rossi claims he is working in ant 11/15/2015 #45440  
UK), Ademar José Gevaerd (Brazil), Andrea Simondini (Argentina), Haktan Ard 10/15/2018 #45540  
## Word: "andreas" (Back to Top)
                                   ANDREAS HILLS, CA 6+observer(s). Huge gl 6/9/1976 #31093  
ox. Box goes all over/all about S. Andreas fault!                           9/9/1979 #34848  
a. The box then flew along the San Andreas fault line.                      9/9/1979 #34857  
ent metal orbs travel length / San Andreas reservoir!                       4/20/1980 #35274  
ently travel the length of the San Andreas Reservoir. They flew straight an 4/20/1980 #35282  
rife, Canary Islands Late at night Andreas Schneider sighted a maneuvering  11/18/1982 #36683  
                     Late at night Andreas Schneider sighted a maneuvering  11/18/1982 #36684  
## Word: "andreason" (Back to Top)
      SOUTH ASHBURNHAM, MASS Betty Andreason abducted. Full fantastic accou 1/25/1967 #21380  
          SOUTH ASHBURNHAM, MASS B Andreason warned 2 days ahead / death of 10/20/1977 #32592  
      SOUTH ASHBURNHAM, MASS Betty Andreason. 2 odd pseudo-human/entity in  6/8/1978 #33260  
## Word: "andreassen" (Back to Top)
uction by aliens occurred to Betty Andreassen and four other members of her 1/23/1967 #21368  
        South Ashburnham, MA Betty Andreassen abduction case. Craft describ 1/25/1967 #21381  
## Word: "andreasson" (Back to Top)
        South Ashburnham, MA Betty Andreasson abduction                     1/25/1967 #21383  
ham, Massachusetts 6:35 p.m. Betty Andreasson has her first abduction exper 1/25/1967 #21386  
osis on several occasions in 1977, Andreasson relates that following the ap 1/25/1967 #21386  
or them.” A Christian evangelical, Andreasson thinks they must be angels. T 1/25/1967 #21386  
els. The culminating event is when Andreasson witnesses a giant phoenix-lik 1/25/1967 #21386  
       Shortly after sunset, Betty Andreasson, her parents and her seven ch 1/25/1967 #21389  
ld, MA Multiple UFO abductee Betty Andreasson had her sixth close encounter 7/16/1977 #32280  
       Multiple UFO abductee Betty Andreasson had her sixth close encounter 7/16/1977 #32283  
or Raymond E. Fowler publishes The Andreasson Affair, introducing the story Spring 1979 #34482  
ir, introducing the story of Betty Andreasson, a Massachusetts housewife wh Spring 1979 #34482  
inues his exploration of the Betty Andreasson Luca abduction case in The Wa 6/1990 #39604  
## Word: "andrei" (Back to Top)
Mureş, Romania 8:30 p.m. Professor Andrei Antalffy and his wife are in thei 9/9/1974 #29439  
## Word: "andreolo" (Back to Top)
Associated Press reporter Maurizio Andreolo and US Ambassador Clare Booth L 10/28/1954 #11465  
## Word: "andres" (Back to Top)
     Villas Rosas, Argentina Maria Andres, teacher, Mr. Gomez, Mrs. Goicoec 7/19/1965 #19130  
os Aires province, Argentina Maria Andres, a school teacher, Mr. Gomez, Mrs 7/19/1965 #19137  
                               SAN ANDRES ISL., COL. Numerous observer(s).  2/9/1973 #27275  
## Word: "andresy" (Back to Top)
                            WEST / ANDRESY, FR Engineer and numerous separa 1/13/1974 (approximate) #28677  
## Word: "andrew" (Back to Top)
hitemouth, Manitoba Sunset. Farmer Andrew Henderson sees a large, unlighted 7/29/1897 #600  
PE RACE, NFLD Crew / steamship St. Andrew. Fireballs zig-zag and descend in 10/30/1906 #691  
ePauw University college students, Andrew Wallace Crandall and Herrick Gree 1923 #1029  
      Wolfe County, Kentucky Reece Andrew Lacey, 9, sees a large fish-like  Summer 1927 #1072  
ille, Florida Day. Navy Lieutenant Andrew A. Titcomb is on leave and pickin 5/1946 #1988  
t. Former state representative Jon Andrew Kissner finds evidence in 1994 th 5/15/1947 #2282  
nd former state representative Jon Andrew Kissner finds evidence in 1994 th 5/15/1947 #2284  
rewed by 1st Lts. Charles Metz and Andrew Rowe is sent to investigate the r 8/13/1956 #13080  
OIC, edited by Peter E. Norris and Andrew P. Tomas. It will continue until  1/1960 #16147  
r. Witness descriptions are mixed: Andrew Greenwood, a science teacher, tel 4/6/1966 #20257  
                M.S. Cahn and G.M. Andrew of Northrop Norair publish a pape 1968 #23633  
on, England 6:55 p.m. Truck driver Andrew Perry is driving from Bideford to 2/27/1968 #23787  
MacCready of Meteorology Research, Andrew J. Masley of Douglas Missile and  12/1968 #24740  
an-consciousness/     Note: Lawyer Andrew Basiago claims he was experimente 1/1971 #25963  
                            Lawyer Andrew Basiago claims he served in a DAR 1981 #35765  
ning. Kelly Cahill and her husband Andrew are returning from a party in Nar 8/8/1993 #41117  
   Former New Mexico State Rep. J. Andrew Kissner states sources within Whi 1994 #41349  
it Green tells Jacques Vallée that Andrew Basiago’s claims of time viewing  8/7/2004 #44727  
attended a “jump room” school with Andrew Basiago, William Stillings, and f 7/2012 #45346  
 El Segundo, CA, the same location Andrew Basiago claimed was the location  7/16/2016 #45456  
## Word: "andrews" (Back to Top)
                       Roswell AAF Andrews AAF Washington, D.C. 2:00 a.m. A 7/7/1947 #2927  
(the first) leaves Roswell AAF for Andrews AAF in Washington, D.C. Some of  7/7/1947 #2927  
                                   Andrews AFB Report from Project SIGN, in 11/18/1948 #3880  
                                   ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MD Project Blueb 11/18/1948 #3881  
                                   Andrews AFB, Maryland 10:00 p.m. USAF Re 11/18/1948 #3883  
an object flying west to east over Andrews AFB, Maryland. It has one contin 11/18/1948 #3883  
                                   ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MD Blue Book. F5 12/24/1949 #4442  
                              NEAR ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MD Air Traffic C 11/18/1951 #5777  
 Capital Airlines DC-4 Fliqht 610, Andrews AFB Senior air traffic controlle 11/18/1951 #5779  
tal Airlines DC-4, Flight 610, and Andrews AFB Senior air traffic controlle 11/18/1951 #5780  
                                   Andrews AFB, D.C. Civilian pilot. [Nov.  12/18/1951 #5820  
re 15 miles south and not far from Andrews AFB. Radar operator, Ed Nugent,  7/19/1952 #6906  
oward Cocklin and Joe Zacko. Also, Andrews AFB had also been tracking the U 7/19/1952 #6906  
ute Traffic Control (ARTC) in D.C. Andrews AFB [now Joint Base Andrews] in  7/19/1952 #6935  
n D.C. Andrews AFB [now Joint Base Andrews] in Prince George’s County, Mary 7/19/1952 #6935  
n Prince George’s County, Maryland Andrews AFB Bolling AFB [now Joint Base  7/19/1952 #6935  
range radar. They are southeast of Andrews AFB [now Joint Base Andrews] in  7/19/1952 #6935  
ast of Andrews AFB [now Joint Base Andrews] in Prince George’s County, Mary 7/19/1952 #6935  
d Joseph Zacko Jr.) and another at Andrews AFB has also tracked the objects 7/19/1952 #6935  
e and Capitol. Ground observers at Andrews (Capt. Harold C. May, Staff/Sgt  7/19/1952 #6935  
lines pilot, and Sgt. Davenport at Andrews. Radar trackings continue, the l 7/19/1952 #6935  
                                   Andrews AFB Classified Spot Intelligence 7/20/1952 #6940  
UFO spotted by 5 base personnel at Andrews AFB at 0030 hours EST. UFOs redd 7/20/1952 #6940  
SHINGTON, DC RADAR's / Bolling and Andrews AFBs and local (as a local wave) 7/20/1952 #6942  
                                   Andrews AFB, MD Air Force radar tracked  7/20/1952 #6949  
                   At 1:05 a.m. at Andrews AFB in Maryland five witnesses v 7/20/1952 #6955  
cked ten UFOs for 15-20 minutes at Andrews AFB, Maryland. The objects appro 7/20/1952 #6955  
       Washington National Airport Andrews AFB, Maryland Bolling AFB, D.C.  7/21/1952 #6981  
l Airport terminal. He has been to Andrews AFB in Maryland the day before w 7/21/1952 #6981  
ir RADAR and visual (observation). Andrews Air Force Base jets chase. / r24 7/26/1952 #7149  
                                   ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MD Blue Book. HI 7/26/1952 #7159  
                      Washington - Andrews AFB, D.C. Andrews AFB and Washin 7/26/1952 #7165  
    Washington - Andrews AFB, D.C. Andrews AFB and Washington National Airp 7/26/1952 #7165  
                                   Andrews AFB, Maryland This was a continu 7/26/1952 #7171  
nal Airport Ronald Reagan National Andrews AFB in Maryland New Castle AFB i 7/26/1952 #7174  
und 100 mph. Soon, the airport and Andrews AFB in Maryland are tracking a d 7/26/1952 #7174  
                                At Andrews AFB, Maryland from midnight unti 7/26/1952 #7177  
d. A National Airlines flight near Andrews AFB saw a UFO "directly over the 7/26/1952 #7180  
illating rolling motion" seen from Andrews AFB, Maryland. Clouds at the tim 7/27/1952 #7219  
ngton, D.C. Mount Vernon, Virginia Andrews AFB Bolling AFB New Castle AFB,  8/5/1952 #7470  
al flying south. About 10:50 p.m., Andrews AFB in Maryland picks up two uni 8/5/1952 #7470  
s later the fluorescent screens at Andrews show two more UFOs to the east o 8/5/1952 #7470  
rgets is unknown. Planes from both Andrews AFB and Bolling AFB are sent up  8/5/1952 #7470  
shington; however, a spokesman for Andrews radar tells the press that “no r 8/5/1952 #7470  
                              OVER ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MD Vip? 2 large  8/6/1952 #7478  
                                   Andrews AFB, MD Several Targets Over And 8/6/1952 #7481  
drews AFB, MD Several Targets Over Andrews AFB (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Co 8/6/1952 #7481  
                                   ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MD Silent shiny  9/10/1952 #7889  
                                   Andrews AFB Prince George’s County, Mary 9/10/1952 #7891  
The wife of a civilian employee at Andrews AFB [now Joint Base Andrews] in  9/10/1952 #7891  
yee at Andrews AFB [now Joint Base Andrews] in Prince George’s County, Mary 9/10/1952 #7891  
 National Airport Washington, D.C. Andrews AFB 12:30 a.m. Numerous slow-mov 11/30/1952 #8359  
 time on November 29, and that the Andrews AFB watch supervisor could not v 11/30/1952 #8359  
 not visually confirm targets over Andrews displayed on the ARTCC radar sco 11/30/1952 #8359  
 reappeared. It was also seen over Andrews Air Force Base.                  9/11/1953 #9161  
t zigzags. Gone. Reappears. Seen / Andrews Air Force Base.                  9/12/1953 #9164  
ge until their vertices form a St. Andrews cross, with 10 objects to each b 11/6/1954 #11585  
shington, D.C. US Capitol Building Andrews AFB in Maryland 4:20 p.m. At lea 1/11/1965 #18709  
 delta- wing jets, apparently from Andrews AFB in Maryland, are seen in pur 1/11/1965 #18709  
 also observed by another officer. Andrews AFB denied to a County police di 8/1/1966 #20715  
 object, and he later learned that Andrews did have a UFO on its radar but  8/1/1966 #20715  
bserved by another police officer. Andrews AFB denied to a County police di 8/1/1966 #20719  
 object, and he later learned that Andrews did indeed have a UFO on its rad 8/1/1966 #20719  
DIA, 1127th at Ft. Belvoir, WPAFB, Andrews AFB and MacDill AFB that a diplo 3/1968 #23799  
   At 5:50 p.m. two men, Auman and Andrews, who were flying at 4,000 feet a 11/22/1975 #30653  
 project covers. Sherman claims at Andrews AFB he was taught to interface w 1992 #40276  
, and crop circle researcher Colin Andrews3/21/1997 #43236  
                       SOUTHEAST / ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MD Numerous obse 7/26/2002 #44363  
                                   Andrews AFB, Maryland Washington, D.C. B 7/26/2002 #44366  
dorf, Maryland 1:00–1:55 a.m. Near Andrews AFB, Maryland, just outside of W 7/26/2002 #44366  
wo pairs of fighters take off from Andrews at 1:00 a.m., remain airborne fo 7/26/2002 #44366  
## Word: "andrey" (Back to Top)
                      A young man, Andrey Alexandrovich Zabava, was spendin 8/2/2004 #44725  
yu-Dug. When the object got closer Andrey could discern an elongated rhombo 8/2/2004 #44725  
the UFO passed along the seashore, Andrey noticed that all electric lights  8/2/2004 #44725  
the presence of the strange craft. Andrey also noticed that his friend Vity 8/2/2004 #44725  
towards Novorossiysk. At 5:00 a.m. Andrey and Vitya had begun their descent 8/2/2004 #44725  
tion to her. Several seconds later Andrey turned around again and the woman 8/2/2004 #44725  
## Word: "andries" (Back to Top)
bserver(s) see weird object / Sint Andries / 2003h / GESAG.                 10/26/1973 #28292  
## Word: "andrieux" (Back to Top)
       Grand-Couronne, France Jean Andrieux, ferry operator, saw a large wh 9/30/1954 #10513  
                              Jean Andrieux, a ferry operator in Grand-Cour 9/30/1954 #10524  
## Word: "andrija" (Back to Top)
                                   Andrija Puharich, a medical doctor inter 10/1952 #8074  
                          Pentagon Andrija Puharich, invited by an Army col 11/24/1952 #8332  
en Cove, Maine US parapsychologist Andrija Puharich and Dutch psychic Peter 7/1956 #12940  
## Word: "andrijah" (Back to Top)
e psychic Uri Geller and physicist Andrijah Puharich drove to the appointed 12/6/1971 #26490  
en feeling of fear and ran back to Andrijah and Iris. Before he reached the 12/6/1971 #26490  
## Word: "androgynous" (Back to Top)
witness sensed that the being was "androgynous," neither male nor female. T 7/4/1970 #25727  
## Word: "androgynous-looking" (Back to Top)
 39 bodies of identically dressed, androgynous-looking men and women. Autop 3/26/1997 #43240  
## Word: "android" (Back to Top)
m pan / rooftop altitude. Robot(s)/android(s) float out and examine exterio 4/1935 (approximate) #1225  
cer / antenna hovers low. Robot(s)/android(s) going down [to] ladder. Gibbe 10/19/1954 #11235  
K, CT Saucer / portholes. Robot(s)/android(s) float inside. Antenna going u 12/16/1957 #14732  
ARG Saucer lands. 2 giant robot(s)/android(s) exit. 6M / burnt grass. / r8# 5/22/1962 #17189  
Saucer blocks road. Giant robot(s)/android(s) exit. Truck wiring ruined. /  10/12/1963 #17985  
 humanoids (or Greys) and robot(s)/android(s) chase government Scientist go 9/4/1964 #18528  
e cylinder/cigar-shape. 6 robot(s)/android(s) read observer's mind. / r178p 10/17/1973 #28113  
h hoops / top going down. Robot(s)/android(s) lay siege. Missing time. / r1 11/8/1975 #30578  
         PACIENCIA, BRZ 3 robot(s)/android(s) abduction man. Zapped / blue- 9/15/1977 #32482  
pseudo-human/entity and 5 robot(s)/android(s) exit. Girl / 6 invited aboard 1/25/1979 #34379  
 that she was half human and half "android" or robotic. At one point the ex 9/3/2003 #44592  
## Word: "androids" (Back to Top)
aterrestrials, that many are “bio- androids,” and that they are aware their 2/1975 #29781  
. He says that UFOs carry crews of androids that possess the ability to app 7/31/1981 #36047  
informed that the Grey aliens were androids, and lived for only a few days  7/25/1992 #40535  
## Word: "andromede" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Andromede” YieldMax: 20KT                5/15/1970 #25664  
## Word: "andron" (Back to Top)
ada, Mississippi Mid-day. Franceen Andron is at Camp McCain, southeast of G Summer 1944 #1611  
## Word: "andropov" (Back to Top)
hief Directorate, which under Yuri Andropov is later renamed Department A ( 1959 #15513  
 Sinitsin, it is KGB Chairman Yuri Andropov who initiates these programs.   10/1977 #32539  
## Word: "andros" (Back to Top)
                            WEST / ANDROS ISLAND, BAHAMAS 5 / boat / Miami. 6/21/1968 #24060  
ying from the islands of Bimini to Andros in the Bahamas. Inside the cloud  12/4/1970 #25926  
t and Evaluation Center (AUTEC) in Andros, Bahamas “many” times. Warner IV  10/14/2022 #45775  
## Word: "androscoggin" (Back to Top)
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Androscoggin” Yield: 75KT                10/2/1962 #17450  
## Word: "andrus" (Back to Top)
                    PHOENIX, AZ W. Andrus and many. 4 silver saucers east g 8/15/1948 #3781  
orning. Future ufologist Walter H. Andrus Jr., his wife Genevieve, and son  8/15/1948 #3782  
 in Quincy, Illinois, by Walter H. Andrus Jr., who leaves APRO and takes ma 5/31/1969 #25174  
Illinois. Shortly afterwards, Walt Andrus succeeds Utke as MUFON director.  6/13/1970 #25700  
f France Giscard d’Estaing; Walter Andrus of MUFON stated he was told to jo 1974 #28633  
es above the horizon. MUFON's Walt Andrus told reporters the Moon wasn't vi 1/1/1975 #29688  
n A. Keel, William Spaulding, Walt Andrus, and Dennis Hauck. Prime Minister 4/17/1977 #31987  
                            Walter Andrus retires as director of MUFON and  2000 #43906  
## Word: "andré" (Back to Top)
auvet Puy-de-Dôme France 6:10 p.m. André Frégnale is hiking near Lac Chauve 7/18/1952 #6897  
-Marne, France 9:20 p.m. Mechanics André Bartoli and Jean-Jacques Lalevée s 10/9/1954 #10856  
, Saône-et-Loire, France 6:20 p.m. André Cognard is driving on the D60 road 10/14/1954 #11059  
                        Blacksmith André Chaillou Loublande, Deux-Sèvres, F 11/8/1954 #11600  
èvres, France 7:30 p.m. Blacksmith André Chaillou is riding a moped one mil 11/8/1954 #11600  
and flies off to the east. Her son André goes over to the rooftop in questi 1/6/1977 #31706  
idnight. Meagen Quezet and her son André go looking for their dog that has  1/4/1979 #34294  
and says something unintelligible. André runs to get his father, whereupon  1/4/1979 #34294  
ty in Toulouse for analysis. Prof. André Touzé of the university’s Center f 11/27/1979 #35019  
embloux Belgium 6:45 p.m. Lt. Col. André Amond of the Belgian Army and his  12/11/1989 #39313  
orce and begins with a preamble by André Lebeau, former president of the Ce 7/16/1999 #43805  
## Word: "andrés" (Back to Top)
llones, Chile Cerro Moreno airport Andrés Sabella Gálvez International Airp 10/1978? #33787  
radar at Cerro Moreno airport [now Andrés Sabella Gálvez International Airp 10/1978? #33787  
## Word: "andschool" (Back to Top)
sent when the family left for work andschool that morning.                  1/18/1989 #38786  
## Word: "andujar" (Back to Top)
                                   ANDUJAR, SPAIN Many locals. Silent 'flyi 7/30/1952 #7350  
## Word: "anduze" (Back to Top)
                                   ANDUZE, FR Large silent circular mass ho 10/2/1954 (approximate) #10590  
                                   ANDUZE, FR 3 observer(s). Large red-blue 10/3/1954 #10651  
## Word: "andwhite" (Back to Top)
ound. It was pulsating and was red andwhite in color. They ran to their car 9/30/1997 #43421  
## Word: "andy" (Back to Top)
" wide by 1" thick. (Martin Caiden/Andy Roberts) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Case 10/14/1943 #1535  
od Above, p. 377; David Clarke and Andy Roberts, “UFO Hoaxing and the Story 2/15/1954 #9549  
                                   Andy Florio sighted a disc-shaped object 3/30/1955 #12071  
tion is conducted by David Clarke, Andy Roberts, and Jenny Randles. In cont 8/13/1956 #13080  
ham regional police constable, and Andy Parks, music director of radio stat 2/4/1975 #29784  
9:00 a.m. Two brothers, 8-year-old Andy and 6 year-old Joel Rygh were playi 7/5/1976 #31153  
e morning two brothers, 8-year-old Andy and 6 year-old Joel Rygh were playi 7/5/1976 #31154  
 TV screens. No further details. / Andy Collins.                            2/9/1977 #31800  
## Word: "andyoshihiko" (Back to Top)
10 (A1391), citing Hayashi Ichinan andYoshihiko Honda). (NICAP: 07 - Entity 2/23/1975 #29837  
## Word: "ane" (Back to Top)
wood Ranger Station, but the radio ane lights do not work. The object turns 9/18/1967 #23085  
## Word: "anecdotal" (Back to Top)
st-chance measure to prove whether anecdotal sightings have any value, Garl 1/29/1952 #5884  
mphasis on or elimination of human anecdotal UFO reports. Instead, they wou 7/28/1952 #7261  
 the system does not include human anecdotal accounts. Pacific Air Forces’  8/1968 #24284  
## Word: "anegels" (Back to Top)
e Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel in Los Anegels, California, and shares recent U 4/4/1954 #9664  
## Word: "anesthetic" (Back to Top)
b, like she had been given a local anesthetic. Seeing nothing else of the c 11/2/1971 #26450  
## Word: "anesthetized" (Back to Top)
ings with security guards. Seventy anesthetized Chester White pigs in milit 7/5/1957 #13779  
## Word: "anfalov" (Back to Top)
    Crimea Crimean ufologist Anton Anfalov made a map of the Soviet secret  1996 #42654  
## Word: "ang" (Back to Top)
                      POPLAR, MT 2 ANG F51 pilots and Air Traffic Controlle 9/18/1950 #5181  
ato, Minnesota Witnesses:  USAF or ANG pilots W.H. Fairbrother and D.E. Ste 11/24/1951 #5788  
                    LOCKBOURNE, OH ANG men and many. Night light maneuvers. 7/17/1952 #6850  
                    STONINGTON, CT ANG Lt. Col. 2 round objects going quick 8/24/1952 #7697  
ervation) jet scrambles / 2 hours! ANG 5 F1s and RF80. Saucer.              3/5/1953 #8730  
                 WEST / JOLIET, IL ANG F86 chases yellow flat metallic obje 11/26/1957 #14618  
                      STOCKTON, CA ANG helicopter pilot and Air Traffic Con 8/14/1975 #30267  
                      Stockton, CA ANG helo pilot & ATC's reported disc (NI 8/14/1975 #30268  
              Skibo, MN G,V, FAA & ANG radar, visuals by police (NICAP: 09  10/10/1990 #39770  
## Word: "ang-t33" (Back to Top)
 Air Traffic Controllers and more. ANG-T33 chases glowing-object. Too fast  10/6/1959 #16018  
## Word: "angaco" (Back to Top)
                                   ANGACO, ARG Object going up / field. No  9/3/1962 #17385  
## Word: "angara" (Back to Top)
onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Angara” Yield: 15KT                      12/10/1980 #35708  
## Word: "angatuba" (Back to Top)
                                   Angatuba, São Paulo, Brazil São Paulo Al 11/1952 #8227  
 a friend are climbing a hill near Angatuba, São Paulo, Brazil. When they g 11/1952 #8227  
## Word: "angel" (Back to Top)
ry day.” The children had seen an “angel” at the cove since the spring of 1 5/13/1917 #958  
d lowering of the temperature, and angel hair residue.                      8/13/1917 #961  
aucers going west. Radar affected. Angel hair falls. Flashes. / r48p153.    10/17/1952 #8140  
undant trail of a white substance (angel’s hair) behind them, which slowly  10/17/1952 #8148  
es with a yellow ring around them. Angel hair filament material fell to the 10/17/1952 #8149  
r/cylindrical object / midst drops angel hair. All going quickly northwest. 10/27/1952 #8192  
 west. End pointed. Throws sparks. Angel hair. / r30p63.                    10/27/1952 #8194  
ects, all of which are discharging angel’s hair like glass wool.            10/27/1952 #8200  
 over the town of Gaillac, France. Angel hair filaments fell on the roofs o 10/27/1952 #8205  
 pointed end and threw off sparks. Angel hair residue also fell to gound he 10/27/1952 #8206  
KAKEE, IL Saucer passes over town. Angel hair falls / ground afterward. No  11/1952 #8224  
atic maneuvers going quickly east. Angel hair falls / r180p09.              12/16/1952 #8425  
t ten o’clock in the evening some “angel hair” residue fell from a fast mov 12/16/1952 #8427  
, BELGIUM Saucer stops. Big blast. Angel hair falls and evaporates. Saucer  5/16/1953 #8878  
right-blue UFO / irregular motion. Angel hair falls. / r137.                5/30/1953 #8914  
er Palmerston North, New Zealand. "Angel hair" fell to the ground.          5/30/1953 #8916  
 high altitude scare turkeys. Emit angel hair. / r107p209.                  10/13/1953 #9221  
g, nocturnal UFOs and the fall of "angel hair" was reported to have occurre 10/13/1953 #9224  
ver sphere/orb/globe follows jets. Angel hair. Lockheed investigate / MJ#24 11/16/1953 #9302  
alley. In Reseda, California some "angel hair" residue was seen falling to  11/16/1953 #9304  
rs. Classic saucer / 30 second(s). Angel hair sample / jar taken / military 2/1/1954 #9523  
r(s). Huge disk going south. Boom! Angel hair all over/all about. Small sau 10/13/1954 #10991  
away" when handled. This volatile "angel hair" dropped by UFOs, usually in  10/13/1954 #11002  
[to] and going quickly north. Waxy angel hair falls. / r138#9+/ r217p195.   10/14/1954 #11018  
ry similar to the substance called angel hair which has been seen streaming 10/14/1954 #11041  
euver dance / clouds. Change form. Angel hair falls and sublimes.           10/18/1954 #11194  
rs. Portholes. Going quickly west. Angel hair going down. / r49p158.        10/22/1954 #11314  
material, commonly referred to as "angel hair," which fell to the ground ov 10/22/1954 #11324  
, ITL 15K / ballgame. 2 orbs drops angel hair. = boron-Si-glass! / r138#4p8 10/27/1954 #11430  
ers sighted a luminous, round UFO. Angel hair residue reportedly fell to th 10/28/1954 #11468  
ven. They executed curves, and an "angel hair" residue fell to the ground.  11/6/1954 #11586  
h-altitude. Away and back / 1300h. Angel hair / r64p275.                    10/2/1955 #12479  
ary School. Steely spheres cavort. Angel hair falls. / r139#6p24.           10/27/1955 #12522  
id, described as a "silver-colored angel" was sighted flying north over a c 4/3/1956 #12783  
tline and suburbs are draped with “angel hair” that hangs from utility line 7/10/1956 #12960  
ia observes several white tufts of angel’s hair floating down in the front  9/25/1956 #13245  
 Mrs. L. L Leonard, and afterward "angel hair", in the form of a spider web 9/30/1956 #13253  
other scientists witness a fall of angel hair for two hours as they are sai Summer 1957 #13744  
 Air Force Station [now closed] at Angel Peak, Nevada Grand Canyon in Arizo 7/16/1957 #13801  
 Air Force Station [now closed] at Angel Peak, Nevada, are using the FPS-3A 7/16/1957 #13801  
 Shiny objects faster / jets. Drop angel hair? none recovered.              9/9/1957 #13987  
                                   Angel hair residue fell on Ichinoseki, J 10/4/1957 #14059  
                  FATIMA, PORTUGAL Angel hair all over just like 1917. Samp 10/17/1957 #14132  
                       Strands of "angel hair" as long as fifty feet fell o 10/23/1957 #14150  
ing southeast to west, followed by angel hair covering a vast area. The sub 10/12/1959 #16030  
 maneuvers. 10-legged bug found in angel hair.                              11/2/1959 #16074  
:00 noon. A substance described as angel hair falls from two UFOs seen in E 11/2/1959 #16076  
ed object soars over valley. Spews angel hair all over/all about.           11/17/1960 #16506  
ite-metal disks / pairs / 6 hours. Angel hair going down. / r114p41.        8/6/1961 #16780  
 pairs for six hours. They left an angel hair residue, a snowy-white mesh l 8/6/1961 #16782  
                             SALTO ANGEL, VNZ Bright teardrop-light going u 12/21/1962 #17598  
                                   Angel Falls, Venezuela Bright teardrop-s 12/21/1962 #17599  
                                   Angel Falls, Venezuela Auyán-tepui plate 12/21/1962 #17601  
ourist plane on a vacation trip to Angel Falls, Venezuela. He obtains color 12/21/1962 #17601  
 pictures were taken of a UFO near Angel Falls, Venezuela—the world’s talle 12/21/1962 #17602  
rovince, Argentina, and discharges angel hair. Vitreous particles are recov 1/17/1963 #17636  
itnesses assumed they had seen an "angel."                                  3/12/1967 #21877  
farm field. Figure moves / window. Angel hair found.                        5/11/1967 #22313  
ving behind a window in the craft. Angel hair residue was found at the site 5/11/1967 #22320  
 objects through binoculars. Capt. Angel Fojo Ceballos and Capt. José Luis  8/6/1967 #22830  
bserver(s). 3 grey footballs pass. Angel hair falls. Disintegrates / hours. 9/18/1968 #24477  
ver(s). Domed saucer going / edge. Angel hair falls. Military jet circles.  11/3/1968 #24627  
s, possibly windows, at 4:15 p.m. "Angel hair" residue was found in the aft 11/3/1968 #24628  
t 200 feet in diameter discharging angel hair over the Spring Branch West a 11/6/1968 #24637  
estigates and recovers a twig with angel hair that he puts in a plastic bag 11/6/1968 #24637  
B 1 observer. "Fuse" saucer lands. Angel hair analysis complicated. / r186# 8/28/1970 #25806  
As it leaves, it drops a trail of “angel hair” all the way from the weapons 10/1973 #27902  
uthwest perimeter of the base. The angel hair hangs around on the area rope 10/1973 #27902  
ks hover. Going quickly northeast. Angel hair falls. Samples. / Elmer Kral. 10/17/1973 #28107  
ARY, LA Cylinder/cigar-shape spins angel hair. Dissolves / contact with ski 10/18/1973 #28148  
AND SPRINGHILL UFO blows steam and angel hair. R201p55.                     10/19/1973 #28177  
golin and a friend. Some web-like "angel hair" material fell from the sky.  10/22/1973 #28243  
                                   Angel hair residue fell on Midway, Texas 10/23/1973 #28252  
3 30' saucers hover / radio tower. Angel hair. / Nt.Enquirer.               10/16/1974 #29536  
whether or not the blip is a radar angel, but the image still comes through 8/20/1975 #30291  
oar. Red night light circles peak. Angel hair found. / International UFO Re 10/12/1976 #31460  
ward and disappears. The next day, angel hair strands are found and sent to 10/12/1976 #31461  
mpostela Madrid, Spain Commandante Angel Parreno, the pilot of an Iberian A 11/19/1976 #31558  
A 2 observer(s). Cone going down / angel island. Going / Marin. Going west  7/25/1977 #32311  
ntina 4:30 a.m. Carlos Acevedo and Angel Moya are driving a Citroën CG on t 9/23/1978 #33734  
r offloads small saucers that emit angel hair!                              5/4/1981 #35925  
et passes. 2 cottony forms appear. Angel hair! Saucers and cigars 3 days la 10/4/1989 #39142  
n had a nightmare about a "shining angel", in the house, and the eldest dau 8/5/1990 #39681  
m. Pilot Cesar Escobar and Copilot Angel David Farina are flying two passen 6/8/1991 #40092  
to] extremely fast. Dog collapses. Angel hair falls.                        3/27/1997 #43241  
lls” performing complex maneuvers. Angel hair streams from the objects duri 8/10/1998 #43625  
 Australia on this afternoon. The "angel hair" appeaerd to be produced duri 8/10/1998 #43626  
   White filamentous threads like "angel hair" fell for five hours from the 6/9/1999 #43783  
acramento, California A sample of “angel hair” is recovered from a fall in  11/11/1999 #43878  
ndria, Italy Parma Turin A fall of angel hair covers a large area of Alessa 10/18/2002 #44419  
 Sri Lanka Strands of cobweb-like “angel hair” fibers fall from the sky in  10/20/2014 #45418  
## Word: "angel's" (Back to Top)
urrounding a cigar-shaped object. "Angel's hair" fell. [UFOE, VIII] (NICAP: 10/27/1952 #8196  
ver over school, then speed away; "angel's hair" fell. [UFOE, VIII] (NICAP: 10/22/1954 #11318  
he Air Force radar installation at Angel's Peak, 30 miles NW of Las Vegas,  6/17/1959 #15772  
numerous discs, fall of so-called "angel's hair," which was sticky and repo 10/12/1966 #20996  
## Word: "angel-hair" (Back to Top)
ight plane / half circle maneuver. Angel-hair falls..                       10/24/1996 #43093  
## Word: "angela" (Back to Top)
bly. Around 8:00 p.m., 17-year-old Angela Rajhs is bicycling in the same ar 5/1971 #26092  
up in Mack’s 1994 book Abduction). Angela Hind writes, “It was the first ti 5/1994 #41510  
l, Riley, David Morehouse, Greg S, Angela D, Gene Lessman, Guavin and Ed Da 6/30/1995 #42284  
chanan, Pettingell, Riley, Greg S, Angela D, Robin D and Morehouse.  https: 6/30/1995 #42284  
ee fighter jets chasing the light. Angela Joiner, a reporter with the Steph 1/8/2008 #45112  
## Word: "angeles" (Back to Top)
 plays / sky. 2 night lights / Los Angeles / 30 November. Southeast going q 11/27/1896 #366  
, California Davis, California Los Angeles Harry Lytle watches an airship a 12/1/1896 #373  
. On an alleged test flight to Los Angeles on March 2, 1893, the device was 12/1/1896 #373  
a Beach, California Long Beach Los Angeles George Adamski’s Royal Order of  1/1936 #1242  
KFOX in Long Beach and KMPC in Los Angeles. He also publishes Wisdom of the 1/1936 #1242  
                               Los Angeles, CA Battle of LA                 2/24/1942 #1387  
                               Los Angeles, California Los Angeles County P 2/24/1942 #1388  
       Los Angeles, California Los Angeles County Pacific coast Southern Ca 2/24/1942 #1388  
thern California The Battle of Los Angeles takes place, a rumored enemy att 2/24/1942 #1388  
ent anti-aircraft barrage over Los Angeles, California. Air raid sirens sou 2/24/1942 #1388  
r raid sirens sound throughout Los Angeles County on the night of February  2/24/1942 #1388  
ey had flown no airplanes over Los Angeles during the war. In 1983, the US  2/24/1942 #1388  
                               Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, CA, searchlight 2/25/1942 #1390  
               Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, CA, searchlight case (NICAP: 08 2/25/1942 #1390  
und 2:30 a.m. on this night in Los Angeles County, California a formation o 2/25/1942 #1391  
l stating: UFO's appeared over Los Angeles, CA, yesterday morning. The 37th 2/26/1942 #1392  
                     Roosevelt Los Angeles Army Chief of Staff George C. Ma 2/26/1942 #1394  
 responsible for the Battle of Los Angeles.                                 2/26/1942 #1394  
              Normandy, France Los Angeles columnist George Todt, in a part Summer 1944 #1607  
                    San Pedro, Los Angeles, California Wyoming Montana The  11/3/1944 #1691  
lloons floating off San Pedro, Los Angeles, California. National and state  11/3/1944 #1691  
estern University, states in a Los Angeles Examiner article that radar sign 7/5/1946 #2026  
                               LOS ANGELES, CA Aircraft inspector. "Lima-be 7/4/1947 #2630  
                          EAST LOS ANGELES, CA Newsman J. Harris. Blue-lumi 7/6/1947 #2792  
                               Los Angeles, CA Newspaper article: A P-38 ta 7/7/1947 #2833  
                               Los Angeles (near), CA F-51 pilot (M) (NICAP 7/8/1947 #3003  
                               Los Angeles, California Day. A student pilot 1949 #3946  
ng a two-seat Taylorcraft over Los Angeles, California. Just as he turns to 1949 #3946  
                          WEST LOS ANGELES, CA Silver 7M saucer 600M over i 8/3/1949 #4304  
c rate. Going quickly south to Los Angeles.                                 9/5/1949 #4345  
2 hours. No further details. / Los Angeles Times. / r134#1p37.              3/7/1950 #4585  
urs. Crosses sky going west. / Los Angeles Times.                           3/11/1950 #4611  
                               LOS ANGELES, CA 2 good observer(s). 50' sauc 7/6/1950 #5045  
                          NEAR LOS ANGELES, CA 2 observer(s). 100' saucer h 7/25/1950 #5077  
                               Los Angeles, California J. Edgar Hoover send 10/13/1950 #5224  
the Special Agent in Charge in Los Angeles, California, asking him to deter 10/13/1950 #5224  
                               Los Angeles, CA BSRA’s “Gerald Light” associ 2/25/1951 #5457  
                               Los Angeles, California Ed J. Sullivan, a te 12/1951 #5804  
scientists, and journalists in Los Angeles, California, who have been follo 12/1951 #5804  
                               Los Angeles, California Mayfair Hotel On the 4/2/1952 #6016  
vilian Saucer Investigation of Los Angeles. These include aeronautical cons 4/2/1952 #6016  
 place at the Mayfair Hotel in Los Angeles, California, along with national 4/2/1952 #6016  
                               LOS ANGELES, CA Aviation designer and 2. Sil 4/20/1952 #6135  
 Boulevard Burbank, California Los Angeles River After 11:00 p.m. Lockheed  5/23/1952 #6350  
w it, and after he crosses the Los Angeles River and turns onto Forest Lawn 5/23/1952 #6350  
                               Los Angeles, CA Radar Tracks Object Which Su 6/1/1952 #6409  
         San Gabriel Mountains Los Angeles, California Santa Monica Riversi 6/1/1952 #6418  
San Gabriel Mountains north of Los Angeles, California. It is moving at 180 6/1/1952 #6418  
50 mph, turns, and climbs over Los Angeles at 35,000 feet per minute. The t 6/1/1952 #6418  
hes Aircraft radar facility in Los Angeles, California tracked a UFO that c 6/1/1952 #6419  
 Northern University Ada, Ohio Los Angeles The administration and faculty o 7/1952 #6680  
vilian Saucer Investigation in Los Angeles and other groups, the university 7/1952 #6680  
                               LOS ANGELES, CA Airline exec to papers. Sauc 7/15/1952 (approximate) #6820  
ican Airlines Denver, Colorado Los Angeles Chicago Early morning. American  7/18/1952 #6895  
 during a non-stop flight from Los Angeles to Chicago. A maximum of three o 7/18/1952 #6895  
e Northrup Aircraft Factory in Los Angeles, California watched as two flyin 7/21/1952 #6987  
                               Los Angeles, CA In an Air Mail reply from Dr 7/23/1952 #7035  
                               Los Angeles, California Hollywood producer C 8/1952 #7385  
here of light” in the sky over Los Angeles, California. Visible for 5 minut 8/1952 #7385  
                               Los Angeles The CIA/OSI study group prepares 8/19/1952 #7648  
vilian Saucer Investigation of Los Angeles) or add UFO disinformation durin 8/19/1952 #7648  
                               Los Angeles Civilian Saucer Investigation in 9/1952 #7803  
vilian Saucer Investigation in Los Angeles publishes the first of only four 9/1952 #7803  
                               LOS ANGELES, CA Several reports / papers. Br 9/2/1952 #7825  
                               Los Angeles, California USSR CIA agent Hayde 2/9/1953 #8654  
 Saucer Investigation group in Los Angeles, California. North American Avia 2/9/1953 #8654  
S. civilians discussing UAP in Los Angeles, CA.  http://www.project1947.com 2/9/1953 #8657  
                               Los Angeles, California Max B. Miller publis 6/1953 #8925  
lying Saucers International in Los Angeles, California. It continues until  6/1953 #8925  
            Hollywood Hotel in Los Angeles, California Giant Rock Interplan 8/16/1953 #9074  
ence at the Hollywood Hotel in Los Angeles, California, featuring contactee 8/16/1953 #9074  
                    South Pole Los Angeles Albert K. Bender confides to Gra 9/28/1953 #9186  
ote the book and soon moves to Los Angeles and secures an unlisted telephon 9/28/1953 #9186  
                               Los Angeles Ed J. Sullivan‘s Civilian Saucer 1/1954 #9428  
 Civilian Saucer Investigation Los Angeles disbands.                        1/1954 #9428  
                               Los Angeles, California El Cajon, California 2/1954 #9522  
Unarius Academy of Science, in Los Angeles, California. Ernest, a spiritual 2/1954 #9522  
                               Los Angeles US Jim G. Lucas of Scripps-Howar 2/13/1954 #9540  
major US airlines will meet in Los Angeles with Military Air Transport Serv 2/13/1954 #9540  
               Roosevelt Hotel Los Angeles, California Commercial airline r 2/17/1954 #9550  
cers at the Roosevelt Hotel in Los Angeles, California, and are told that p 2/17/1954 #9550  
                               LOS ANGELES, CA Amateur astronomer. Huge ell 2/18/1954 #9553  
ted in southern California. In Los Angeles an astronomer reported sighting  2/18/1954 #9556  
es Francis McIntyre, bishop of Los Angeles. After that incredible event, Mc 2/19/1954 (approximate) #9557  
                               Los Angeles, California Scripps-Howard paper 2/23/1954 #9566  
 at the February 17 meeting in Los Angeles, California, so that the Air For 2/23/1954 #9566  
  Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel in Los Angeles, California Keyhoe meets with Ru 4/4/1954 #9664  
                               LOS ANGELES, CA B25 Test Pilot. Metal pencil 7/30/1954 #10064  
                               Los Angeles (15 miles SE of), CA Pencil-Shap 7/30/1954 #10067  
                               Los Angeles, California Witness: Hughes Airc 7/30/1954 #10068  
                               Los Angeles (SW OF), CA M-33 Radar Tracks Un 3/1955 #12020  
                               Los Angeles Examiner Journalist Dorothy Kilg 5/22/1955 #12148  
orothy Kilgallen writes in the Los Angeles Examiner that “British scientist 5/22/1955 #12148  
AINS, CO NY going quickly [to] Los Angeles. 25 / airliner. Metal UFO paces  8/20/1955 #12376  
rs, California San Luis Obispo Los Angeles At the third Giant Rock Interpla 4/28/1956 #12817  
a, a Martian, in which he asks Los Angeles radio stations to shut down for  4/28/1956 #12817  
of San Luis Obispo and KBIA of Los Angeles) go off the air at that time, an 4/28/1956 #12817  
 air at that time, and KTTV in Los Angeles sends up an airplane to watch fo 4/28/1956 #12817  
l character is Chop, played by Los Angeles Examiner journalist Tom Towers,  5/3/1956 #12828  
is Sperry play themselves, and Los Angeles policemen stand in for Ruppelt,  5/3/1956 #12828  
     At 3:30 a.m. in Lakewood, Los Angeles County, California several witne 5/12/1956 #12847  
                               Los Angeles Hollywood Earth vs. the Flying S 6/13/1956 #12900  
ay Harryhausen, is released in Los Angeles. The film’s storyline is suggest 6/13/1956 #12900  
                               Los Angeles to San Diego, CA (McDonald list; 6/29/1956 #12930  
                     SOUTHWEST LOS ANGELES, CA Hundreds / observer(s) and A 7/16/1956 #12973  
                 Panorama City Los Angeles California Three witnesses in th 7/20/1956 #12996  
 Panorama City neighborhood of Los Angeles, California, independently obser 7/20/1956 #12996  
                               LOS ANGELES, CA 1 observer. Silent red night 8/6/1956 #13056  
                               LOS ANGELES, CA 3+several observer(s). Fireb 8/20/1956 #13101  
object jerked up and down over Los Angeles and the San Fernando Valley in C 8/21/1956 #13110  
                               Los Angeles, CA Real estate investor saw thr 12/27/1956 #13415  
                               Los Angeles California Alpha Centauri Contac 1/1957 #13440  
 Gabriel Green establishes the Los Angeles Interplanetary Study Groups, whi 1/1957 #13440  
ing Saucer Clubs of America in Los Angeles, California. It assumes that UFO 1/1957 #13440  
                    Long Beach-Los Angeles Airport, CA (McDonald list; FUFO 3/22/1957 #13550  
                    Long Beach-Los Angeles Airport, CA At 11:55 p.m., two o 3/22/1957 #13552  
one were picked up on radar at Los Angeles International Airport. The targe 3/22/1957 #13552  
      Nevada Test Site Area 51 Los Angeles Canada Mexico Pacific During the 7/5/1957 #13779  
acific. The blast wave reaches Los Angeles 25 minutes later. Afterwards, se 7/5/1957 #13779  
                        Dallas Los Angeles El Paso, Texas Salt Flats Flight 7/17/1957 #13809  
ht 655 en route from Dallas to Los Angeles, piloted by Capt. Ed Bachner, ha 7/17/1957 #13809  
              EAST-NORTHEAST / LOS ANGELES, CA Airline(s)/airliner passenge 11/11/1957 #14528  
                               Los Angeles (near), CA Airline passenger saw 11/11/1957 #14532  
                Desert east of Los Angeles, California A silvery elliptical 11/11/1957 #14534  
ght 61 over the desert east of Los Angeles, California. Robert D. Hahn, a j 11/11/1957 #14534  
                               LOS ANGELES, CA Several observer(s). White o 12/1/1957 #14658  
                               Los Angeles, CA Formation of oval UFOs photo 12/1/1957 #14659  
   Offutt AFB, Omaha, Nebraska Los Angeles AFB in El Segundo, California 6: 9/8/1958 #15261  
F Ballistic Missiles Division, Los Angeles AFB in El Segundo, California; m 9/8/1958 #15261  
                               Los Angeles Biltmore Hotel Shrine Auditorium 8/9/1960 #16366  
ore Hotel Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, California Contactee Gabriel Gr 8/9/1960 #16366  
s at a press conference at the Los Angeles Biltmore Hotel. He publishes his 8/9/1960 #16366  
on in the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, California, on August 13–14, bu 8/9/1960 #16366  
 Santa Monica, California West Los Angeles police station Santa Monica Boul 9/15/1960 #16449  
ia, and calls it into the West Los Angeles police station. Desk Officer Don 9/15/1960 #16449  
                               Los Angeles Chaparra Juguani, Cuba Construct 9/20/1962 #17422  
 begins on Soviet SAM sites at Los Angeles, Chaparra, and Juguani, Cuba.    9/20/1962 #17422  
                               Los Angeles, California Two IBM engineers, C 11/13/1962 #17545  
cket Society annual meeting in Los Angeles, California, noting the alleged  11/13/1962 #17545  
                      Stanford Los Angeles, California Mesopotamia Stanford 11/15/1962 #17548  
cket Society annual meeting in Los Angeles, California, that explores model 11/15/1962 #17548  
                HAWAII TO/FROM LOS ANGELES Steamship Kungsholm. Odd cloud g 4/3/1963 #17722  
rea 25 of the Nevada Test Site Los Angeles, California 10:58 a.m. The Kiwi  1/12/1965 #18718  
600 feet, then drifts out over Los Angeles, California, and out to sea. The 1/12/1965 #18718  
                               Los Angeles County Santa Ana, California 12: 8/3/1965 #19290  
nta Ana, California 12:37 p.m. Los Angeles County Highway Accident Investig 8/3/1965 #19290  
                               LOS ANGELES, CA Helicopter pilot and more/ot 4/3/1966 #20210  
oast of the Pacific Ocean near Los Angeles International Airport, a Coast G 4/3/1966 #20212  
rts between 1:00 and 1:30 pm. (Los Angeles NICAP Subcommittee report.) (NIC 5/16/1966 #20487  
 were alerted by the witness. (Los Angeles NICAP Subcommittee report.) (NIC 5/24/1966 #20509  
o Albuquerque Winslow, Arizona Los Angeles Flagstaff 10:00 p.m. The crew of 1/13/1967 #21299  
 Winslow, Arizona, after which Los Angeles Center radar picks up both targe 1/13/1967 #21299  
ns over Winslow, Arizona, when Los Angeles ARTC Center radar picked up both 1/13/1967 #21301  
e his car. (NICAP report form, Los Angeles NICAP Subcommittee report, NICAP 2/13/1967 #21535  
lenced by the U.S. Air Force. (Los Angeles NICAP Affiliate report, NICAP fi 3/1967 #21693  
                               Los Angeles, CA 10:05 p.m. PST (11:05 p.m. M 4/6/1967 #22075  
                               Los Angeles, CA 2:30 a.m. PDT (5:30 a.m. EDT 6/21/1967 #22527  
riefly, the objects vanished. (Los Angeles NICAP Subcommittee report in NIC 6/21/1967 #22527  
                               Los Angeles McDonald addresses the question, 3/26/1968 #23861  
lance Craft?” in a talk at the Los Angeles Chapter of the American Institut 3/26/1968 #23861  
appeared alongside the first. (Los Angeles NICAP Subcommittee report filed  11/5/1971 #26459  
                               Los Angeles Basin, CA At least 16 sightings  4/1/1973 #27398  
                               Los Angeles Basin, CA At least 16 sightings  4/1/1973 #27399  
                          EAST LOS ANGELES, CA 2 cops and 12. Bright blue o 11/12/1973 #28413  
                               LOS ANGELES, CA 1 observer. Flashy 7' sphere 5/23/1974 #29126  
New York City Washington, D.C. Los Angeles, California Alaska New York City 2/1975 #29781  
tily dressed female alien in a Los Angeles, California, supermarket. He con 2/1975 #29781  
                               LOS ANGELES, CA 20 observer(s). Large ovoid  9/26/1975 #30385  
                               Los Angeles, California The American Institu 9/27/1975 #30390  
gin of UFOs,” sponsored by the Los Angeles, California, section. The procee 9/27/1975 #30390  
               In Harbor City, Los Angeles County, California while driving 4/21/1976 #31005  
ing west on Figueroa Avenue in Los Angeles, California. As they drove in fr 10/31/1976 #31512  
                               Los Angeles, CA 8:50 PM. Two witnesses on a  3/21/1977 #31923  
                               Los Angeles, CA R/V involving airline crew ( 12/8/1977 #32747  
                     Oxnard to Los Angeles, CA G,V, FAA radar (NICAP: 09 -  12/8/1977 #32748  
                               Los Angeles, CA Four UFOs tracked on radar;  12/8/1977 #32749  
                               Los Angeles, CA Sphere flew below Cessna 150 1/11/1978 #32875  
symposium on Space and UFOs in Los Angeles, CA.                             1/28/1978 #32922  
                               LOS ANGELES, CA Pilot. Shiny 2-3' silver ovo 6/11/1978 #33268  
                               Los Angeles, CA Cessna pilot observed small  6/11/1978 #33271  
                               Los Angeles, CA Cessna pilot observed small  6/11/1978 #33272  
                               Los Angeles, CA 3:15 PM. US private aircraft 7/4/1978 #33331  
m. three observers in Atwater, Los Angeles County, California watched a 3'  5/12/1979 #34556  
                               Los Angeles and San Fernando Valley, CA Flur 7/1979 #34642  
                  Canoga Park, Los Angeles, California Apartment Building 1 8/4/1979 #34714  
rom the west over Canoga Park, Los Angeles, California. Two humanoid beings 8/4/1979 #34714  
 San Pedro Channel offshore of Los Angeles, California, giving off a pink g 12/10/1980 #35709  
                          WEST LOS ANGELES, CA Separate observer(s). Cylind 4/19/1981 #35904  
        Reseda neighborhood of Los Angeles, California A Hispanic male livi 1984 #37094  
 in the Reseda neighborhood of Los Angeles, California, encounters odd ligh 1984 #37094  
                               LOS ANGELES, CA 5 observer(s). 3 1M saucers  10/18/1985 #37685  
                          East Los Angeles, California Valley in front of h 2/25/1987 #38123  
ork in his home office in East Los Angeles, California, when his children c 2/25/1987 #38123  
          Pasadena, California Los Angeles County A family in the vicinity  1/1988 #38385  
muda grass after 6 months. The Los Angeles County agricultural pathologist  1/1988 #38385  
                               Los Angeles International Airport in Califor 6/3/1993 #41003  
 on a flight 15 minutes out of Los Angeles International Airport in Califor 6/3/1993 #41003  
     US UK Roswell, New Mexico Los Angeles London Fox TV broadcasts for the 8/28/1995 #42425  
0s at a private viewing in the Los Angeles house of a Disney executive. In  8/28/1995 #42425  
portrayed by a homeless man in Los Angeles. Santilli claims that a few fram 8/28/1995 #42425  
                              PORT ANGELES, WA Round jet-black sphere/orb/g 4/24/1996 #42881  
Calif.) San Francisco Bay Area Los Angeles Colombia South Central Los Angel 8/18/1996 #42985  
Angeles Colombia South Central Los Angeles Journalist Gary Webb publishes h 8/18/1996 #42985  
ips and Bloods street gangs of Los Angeles and funneled millions in drug pr 8/18/1996 #42985  
and the black neighborhoods of Los Angeles” and, as a result, “The cocaine  8/18/1996 #42985  
e, especially in South Central Los Angeles where the dealers discussed in t 8/18/1996 #42985  
                            In Los Angeles, California a woman reported see 7/23/1997 #43358  
in the sky over Highland Park, Los Angeles County, California. It then rose 9/20/1999 #43850  
 at arm's length. In Covina in Los Angeles County a lighted object moved fr 1/23/2000 #43932  
d at 11:45 a.m. in Chatsworth, Los Angeles County, California. It was a lar 6/7/2002 #44348  
al lights flew low overhead in Los Angeles, California.                     1/2/2003 #44465  
t same night many witnesses in Los Angeles, California also saw a triangle  9/10/2004 #44752  
ject was sighted in San Pedro, Los Angeles County, California at 3:48 p.m.  2/26/2007 #45008  
the hills between Glendale and Los Angeles, California for 15 minutes.      9/16/2007 #45060  
the I-5 freeway in Silverlake, Los Angeles County, California. At 11:00 a.m 8/30/2010 #45295  
UAP crash recovery. In 1949, a Los Angeles businesswoman Alma Lawson stated 4/25/2019 #45572  
                               Los Angeles International Airport in Califor 8/29/2020 #45659  
tude of 3,000 feet coming into Los Angeles International Airport in Califor 8/29/2020 #45659  
                               Los Angeles International Airport, Californi 10/14/2020 #45662  
ughly seven miles northwest of Los Angeles International Airport, Californi 10/14/2020 #45662  
                               Los Angeles, CA Radio and TV host Larry King 1/23/2021 #45674  
t Larry King dies at age 87 in Los Angeles, CA                              1/23/2021 #45674  
          Century City area of Los Angeles, California 4:03 p.m. One adult  9/15/2021 #45709  
ct in the Century City area of Los Angeles, California. After watching it f 9/15/2021 #45709  
## Word: "angelholm" (Back to Top)
                                   Angelholm, Sweden At twilight while walk 5/1946 #1986  
                                   ANGELHOLM, SWD Domed saucer / ground. 11 5/18/1946 #1993  
## Word: "angelo" (Back to Top)
en, New York Eagle Pass, Texas San Angelo Getty Street in Uvalde Galveston  4/20/1897 #546  
h speeds away northward toward San Angelo. County Clerk Henry J. Bowles see 4/20/1897 #546  
                               San Angelo (30 miles SW of), TX RB-36 Crew S 5/19/1952 #6339  
                 Bressuire, France Angelo Girardo, 55, a stockyard employee 10/3/1954 #10657  
s, France Dawn. Stockyard employee Angelo Girardo is going to his job in Br 10/3/1954 #10664  
                                   Angelo Girardo, 55, a stockyard employee 10/3/1954 #10668  
dell. Odd-glow red object near San Angelo highway. / r141+/ r24 v1#3p3.     11/3/1957 #14236  
ompletely in some areas. Physician Angelo Corsi witnesses it 37 miles south 8/3/1958 #15177  
                               SAN ANGELO, TX 2 / MU2 turboprop plane. Red  6/12/1968 #24024  
                    MOSCIANO SOUTH ANGELO, ITL 2 kids. Bright red sphere go 5/13/1975 #30055  
nded into a lake in Mosciano Sant' Angelo, Abruzzi, Italy. It moved underwa 5/13/1975 #30057  
                    MOSCIANO SOUTH ANGELO, ITL 2 observer(s). Orange-red gl 11/28/1975 #30672  
 was encountered in Mosciano Sant' Angelo, Abruzzi, Italy under some electr 11/28/1975 #30673  
ary planes in flight. Col. Mario d’Angelo, commander of the airport’s Air F 10/27/1977 #32623  
 Spinetta Marengo, Italy 9:30 p.m. Angelo Ciompi watches a reddish disc mov 9/13/1978 #33671  
 Gallio, Vicenza, Italy 11:45 a.m. Angelo d’Ambros, 61, is out gathering fi 11/24/1978 #33995  
allic object going down / Monte S. Angelo. Aims strong beams. Quickly going 3/18/1985 #37571  
                             SANTO ANGELO, RS 1 observer. Fireball zigzags  1/9/1992 #40282  
e Mutria, Campobasso. The witness, Angelo Gianbattista, 18, tells his fathe 3/6/1994 #41443  
6, including Ron Blackburn and “De Angelo” from SAIC and Larry Lemke, a NAS 1/7/1996 #42670  
 into the sky. One of the farmers, Angelo F., was having breakfast when he  8/8/1998 #43620  
lticolored UFO. A second man named Angelo, the groundskeeper, saw the objec 8/8/1998 #43620  
ng] in Washington, D.C., with Jack Angelo, director of operations for the O 12/11/2009 #45262  
cursions of October–November 1975. Angelo promised to see what he could do, 12/11/2009 #45262  
of Special Projects of AFOSI, Jack Angelo, at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling. 2010 #45263  
, at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling. Angelo told BAASS it needed to be accept 2010 #45263  
Aviation Maintenance Administrator Angelo Accetta states he sees a triangul 11/15/2011 #45334  
## Word: "angelos" (Back to Top)
e ground of a 20-year-old man name Angelos in Lynn, Massachusetts. It gave  6/15/1964 #18364  
## Word: "angels" (Back to Top)
eturns are characterized as radar “angels,” invisible targets in the clear  3/1941 #1354  
say that these were probably just “angels” (spurious echoes due to atmosphe 4/5/1948 #3612  
esents a dismissive paper on radar angels and mirages, while Urner Liddel p 10/9/1952 #8107  
UK this year are plagued by radar “angels” that become a hazard for air tra 1954 #9422  
mythological tales and claims that angels are aliens, that the Bible and ot 1962 #17010  
al, Andreasson thinks they must be angels. The culminating event is when An 1/25/1967 #21386  
that the beings were some form of "angels." Returning from the journey she  1/25/1967 #21389  
ers, in which he equates Jesus and angels with space visitors and burning b 1968 #23624  
al creatures (elementals, fairies, angels, demons) than to astronomers’ spe 1969 #24802  
e glowing figures, whom she called angels, near a large glowing UFO. An adu 4/19/1989 #38911  
 he argues that ostensible aliens, angels, and otherworldly entities exist  5/1/1992 #40442  
could be “spiritual beings, fallen angels, even holy angels.”  https://yout 9/24/2022 #45770  
l beings, fallen angels, even holy angels.”  https://youtu.be/23b44fxvz8I   9/24/2022 #45770  
## Word: "angelucci" (Back to Top)
r 11:00 p.m. Lockheed worker Orfeo Angelucci is driving home on Victory Bou 5/23/1952 #6350  
                             Orfeo Angelucci takes ride in saucer           7/23/1952 #7034  
 California Night. Contactee Orfeo Angelucci feels compelled to walk over t 7/23/1952 #7084  
k Scully, George Van Tassel, Orfeo Angelucci, George Adamski, and the Amazi 8/16/1953 #9074  
California. Speakers include Orfeo Angelucci, Truman Bethurum, Daniel Fry,  4/4/1954 #9665  
fornia Tiny’s Café Contactee Orfeo Angelucci, now working in Twentynine Pal 12/1954 #11737  
ering pill. After taking the pill, Angelucci finds himself in an “exalted s 12/1954 #11737  
 and politics. Prior to this time, Angelucci has caught the attention of th 12/1954 #11737  
## Word: "angered" (Back to Top)
                                   Angered over his opposition to defense e 1/11/1949 #3970  
what it was, apparently backfired. Angered by USAF Col. Tacker's attitude,  6/1961 #16706  
## Word: "angermanland" (Back to Top)
ion at 6:30 p.m. in Trejorningsjo, Angermanland, Sweden when he heard the s 3/12/1969 #25002  
## Word: "angers" (Back to Top)
                                   ANGERS GOING QUICKLY [TO] ANJOU, FR Many 9/1/1954 #10226  
                                   ANGERS, M&L, FR 2+1 observer(s). 'Neon-l 9/27/1954 #10464  
                                   ANGERS, FR Car malfunctions due to EME ( 2/28/1974 #28812  
                                   ANGERS, FR 1 / bus stop. Metallic saucer 5/30/1996 #42915  
lopment program, but the near miss angers the pilots and convinces them tha 2/2015? #45430  
## Word: "angiang" (Back to Top)
                         Lanxi-Xin’angiang Highway Longwangmiao, Zhejiang,  12/13/1979 #35079  
separate vehicles on the Lanxi-Xin’angiang Highway near Longwangmiao, Zheji 12/13/1979 #35079  
## Word: "angie" (Back to Top)
 533 Escanaba, Michigan 11:50 p.m. Angie Parrotta and Nancy Hanson, both 18 4/8/1982 #36442  
## Word: "angier" (Back to Top)
ack center fly over the SS Docteur Angier off Yoron-Jima, Japan, and climb, 8/11/1954 #10127  
ip at the site of the S.S. Docteur Angier shipwreck. When overhead the two  8/11/1954 #10128  
## Word: "angle" (Back to Top)
he object rises quickly at a sharp angle to clear the treetops. They can ma 4/13/1897 #454  
. Suddenly it rises at about a 60° angle over the hills, tipping its mast b 1904 #667  
rs near ground. Streaks away / 25° angle to 8000kph.                        6/1916 (approximate) #947  
 take off from the ground at a 45° angle. It is about 60 feet in diameter a 10/18/1927 #1081  
oid (or Grey) glides across road / angle. Legs still! Vanishes in place!    1/1930? #1109  
bject. The object then tilts to an angle of about 80° and moves away withou 11/13/1939 #1321  
portholes. It is hovering at a 45° angle. After 20–30 seconds it climbs awa 5/26/1943 #1502  
r a minute. Then it tilts at a 45° angle, moves rapidly upward, and disappe Early 7/1944 #1617  
 some buildings then rise up at an angle and disappear.                     Mid 8/1944 #1644  
es of four complete turns at a 20° angle. Ziller does not use his radio or  2/18/1945 #1790  
c- shaped objects descend at a 45° angle about 75 feet away. They come spin 4/25/1946 #1984  
 ascend and shoot away at the same angle and direction. They find black mar 4/25/1946 #1984  
 projectile comes in at a very low angle and hits the water at a 30° angle, 7/19/1946 #2072  
 angle and hits the water at a 30° angle, continuing underwater for about 6 7/19/1946 #2072  
 they see the disc ascend at a 45° angle and move at high speed toward the  7/6/1947 #2811  
to the air, hovering briefly at an angle, then vanishes. Rapuzzi feels a bl 8/14/1947 #3330  
es away. They start climbing at an angle of 30–40° and appear to accelerate 8/15/1947? #3337  
 that appears to fall tipped at an angle northeast of the fire tower. It sl 8/17/1947 #3343  
moving slowly at a slightly tilted angle. It skims the treeline (causing th 12/14/1947 #3502  
 Red saucer dives down / 45 degree angle. Blue center. Very fast.           1/11/1948 #3554  
at high speed, dove at a 45 degree angle, and had a blue center. The Air Fo 1/11/1948 #3556  
 make a perfect turn in formation, angle upwards at 30°–40°, and accelerate 7/1/1948 #3694  
 to the north, and at this oblique angle the objects do not appear circular 7/17/1948 #3714  
nith to the north. At this oblique angle the objects no longer appeared cir 7/17/1948 #3715  
and disappearing at about the same angle above the horizon. Cpl. Luke Sims  3/8/1949 #4041  
een fireball. It descends at a 60° angle, then levels out and travels 10° e 1/7/1950 #4478  
M. Suddenly quickly going up / 45° angle whoosh!                            4/20/1950 #4872  
ore it climbs to the east at a 30° angle at “fantastic” speed and disappear 5/29/1950 #4972  
Ohio. The object climbs at a steep angle to 16,000–18,000 feet, hesitates,  7/1950 #5036  
inutes of film) show its elevation angle changing. An attempted interceptio 8/31/1950 #5154  
 the observer looks away to get an angle reading.                           8/31/1950 #5154  
tes rapidly, zooms upward at a 45° angle, makes a nearly square turn, plung 12/27/1950 #5368  
, and then it shoots away at a 45° angle.                                   Early Spring 1951 #5471  
Geiger field. Going up / 60 degree angle.                                   5/29/1951 #5521  
r 15–20 seconds, it makes a right- angle turn, becomes circular, and rapidl 6/1/1951 #5535  
s that swooped down at a 45 degree angle and entered a cloud, next hovered  8/15/1951 #5610  
es a sharp left turn, climbs at an angle of 50–60° into the southeast with  10/10/1951 #5719  
or 30–60 seconds, and depart at an angle, disappearing in seconds.          10/30/1951 #5754  
sed direction, climbed away at 30' angle during a 2 minute observation.     4/12/1952 #6062  
ff in the opposite direction at an angle of 30° at terrific speed.          4/12/1952 #6063  
n, and climbed away at a 30-degree angle during the two-minute observation. 4/12/1952 #6064  
to be a shooting star diving at an angle of 60 degrees. At around the same  5/13/1952 #6319  
course twice, then climbs at a 45° angle and fades from sight. One guard he 5/31/1952 #6392  
"blimp" enters cloud. Exits at 90° angle with tremendous speed.             7/23/1952 #7049  
stops and shoots upward at a right angle at terrific speed after releasing  9/6/1952 #7868  
 high speed, executing a 90-degree angle.                                   9/6/1952 #7870  
in the blue sky, inclined at a 45° angle. The witnesses include the family  10/17/1952 #8148  
-shaped UFO hovered at a 45 degree angle in the sky with 30 other UFOs in f 10/17/1952 #8149  
ds, then climbed up at a 45 degree angle and climbed out of sight at a trem 10/31/1952 #8222  
 Silver saucer whirls and rises at angle. 2X house size!                    11/16/1952 #8285  
g object fly very fast, make right angle turns (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 11/24/1952 #8330  
 object flew very fast, made right angle turns and reversed course during a 11/24/1952 #8331  
ct that flew very fast, made right angle turns, and reversed course during  11/24/1952 #8334  
ilts slightly and ascends at a 65° angle to the west at 600–700 mph and dis 1/29/1953 #8616  
 a fuzzy-white oblong object at an angle of 45° in the north. He observes i 5/5/1953 #8866  
tick. The craft takes off at a 45° angle with a hissing sound. Black had se 5/20/1953 #8889  
 his job was to determine from the angle of the impact how fast the vehicle 5/21/1953 #8899  
aring within 3 sec at an 80 degree angle of climb after the 3-min sighting. 6/24/1953 #8966  
thin three seconds at an 80-degree angle of climb after the three minute lo 6/24/1953 #8971  
or red tail, ascended at 20 degree angle, performed a loop and returned. Fi 10/19/1953 #9242  
ng-object near ground. Rises / 45° angle going quickly southeast.           12/16/1953 (approximate) #9368  
raphed the pilot, from a side rear angle. These photos are reproduced in hi 2/18/1954 #9555  
luminous discs hovered at a tilted angle. Two shot away toward the northwes 3/6/1954 #9601  
 the horizon coming downward at an angle of 30° to the left of vertical and 3/28/1954 #9646  
 on the top, descended at a 25-30' angle under the lead airplane of a forma 5/10/1954 #9771  
ow. All going up [to] fast / steep angle. / r171.                           5/24/1954 #9826  
real, the contrail climbs at a 45° angle and disppears to the east.         10/1/1954 #10565  
 halo at ground level. Rises / 45° angle.                                   10/4/1954 #10689  
e side, and shot up and away at an angle.                                   10/10/1954 #10898  
ts. The object hovered at a tilted angle while the two occupants looked at  10/21/1954 #11298  
its. The object hovers at a tilted angle while the two occupants look at th 10/21/1954 #11302  
ts. The object hovered at a tilted angle while the two occupants looked at  10/21/1954 #11307  
tude. Suddenly it tumed at a right angle from the road and flew away.       10/27/1954 #11447  
tude. It suddenly tumed at a right angle from the road and flew away.       10/27/1954 #11453  
d finally climbed up at an oblique angle, and was gone in 4-5 seconds. Two  12/18/1954 #11831  
feet away coming at him at a right angle. He thinks it is a plane about to  8/1/1955 #12317  
-orange-yellow saucer climbs / 45d angle going quickly north. Seen / 4 minu 8/3/1955 #12326  
 appeared overhead diving at a 45' angle, then reduced angle to 30'.  Objec 11/25/1955 #12592  
iving at a 45' angle, then reduced angle to 30'.  Object seen for 5 seconds 11/25/1955 #12592  
red overhead diving at a 45 degree angle, then reduced the angle to 30 degr 11/25/1955 #12593  
 45 degree angle, then reduced the angle to 30 degrees. The object was seen 11/25/1955 #12593  
oid hovers / strong wind. Up / 75° angle.                                   5/10/1956 #12844  
f / ground. Silent. Climbs / steep angle.                                   6/27/1956 #12922  
 ovoids circle. All shoot up / 45° angle.                                   6/29/1956 #12929  
airliner, then sped away at upward angle                                    11/14/1956 #13328  
-like beam going [to] window / 45° angle. Leads to saucer outside.          11/27/1956 #13357  
 going [to] low. Stops. Going up / angle into wind. / r140#5p31.            11/27/1956 #13359  
e eastern horizon, rising at a 70° angle. The trail begins widening at abou 2/13/1957 #13503  
titude. Sharp fast exit going up / angle.                                   3/2/1957 #13518  
t then made a fast exit at a sharp angle up into the sky.                   3/2/1957 #13519  
m. when the UFO takes off at a 45° angle.                                   5/10/1957 #13653  
Sharp outlines. Quickly going up / angle very fast.                         7/24/1957 #13820  
/ green lights. Quickly going up / angle southwest going northeast. / r141# 7/25/1957 #13828  
und. It finally takes off at a 45° angle to avoid a power line, then shoots 7/30/1957 #13862  
 When it starts ascending at a 22° angle, its color changes from pink to li 10/15/1957 #14120  
000 mph. It is below the elevation angle of the Sacramento Mountains ridgel 11/4/1957 #14286  
seen by people all over the U.S.” [Angle: Artificial satellite spurs Alien  11/12/1957 #14535  
s Alien interest in mankind. Other Angle: Artificial satellite causes popul 11/12/1957 #14535  
8–19 minutes as it hovers at a 10° angle and quivers. Suddenly it becomes s 12/15/1957 #14730  
ending from the northeast at a 45° angle and moving across Tasman Bay. They 4/9/1958 #14971  
 object shaped like a “solid right angle” glowing like a white neon light o 4/13/1958 #14980  
igar-shaped object tilted at a 45° angle, silvery-orange in color, and puls 8/1958 #15171  
om due west and drops in elevation angle over about 5 minutes. During the f 9/8/1958 #15261  
oon rises from the ground at a 15° angle and moves away to the southwest. T 3/13/1959 #15641  
see it take off. "It climbed at an angle of 45 degrees towards Hindmarsh Is 3/31/1959 #15684  
 that shone upwards at a 45 degree angle was witnessed part of the time. Th 6/26/1959 #15791  
BANY, MS Cigar-object hovers / 45° angle. Then slides up into clouds going  7/5/1959 #15815  
e object, one on either side at an angle of 15 degrees from the vertical, a 8/4/1959 #15895  
ylindrical object going down / 45° angle. Hides / clouds. Watches traffic.  9/4/1959 #15954  
ight up, then forward, makes a 90° angle, then disappears in clouds. The ca 10/22/1959 #16052  
ortheast and climbing at a shallow angle over the Sierra foothills. It vani 12/1959 #16107  
 / Michelin-Man suits cross road / angle.                                   5/1960 #16246  
 feet in diameter, it hovers at an angle by a church. A strong bluish light 5/13/1960 #16266  
tly descending toward him at a 45° angle from a clear sky. Unable to take e 5/10/1961 #16681  
ed UFO dropped down at a 90-degree angle, and stopped to hover at 20-30 met 6/11/1961 #16725  
-shaped object hovering at a sharp angle over a plowed field; it had a brig 11/22/1961 #16973  
d out of sight at 20 to 30 degrees angle accelerating rapidly. [NICAP UFO E 7/10/1962 #17270  
swerved, and climbed away at a 45' angle, making a sound like a flock of du 10/23/1962 #17488  
rth going south. Paths cross / 90° angle.                                   1/24/1963 #17637  
ted the aircraft's path at a right angle.                                   1/24/1963 #17639  
t from a low cloud, at about a 45° angle. The UFO is about 25 feet in diame 2/15/1963 #17669  
limbed into the sky at a 45 degree angle going off toward the west and into 2/15/1963 #17670  
ove the woods. It comes down at an angle of 60°, then vanishes. Moments lat 11/16/1963 #18045  
om objects heads downward at a 45° angle, divides in two again, with the to 4/11/1964 #18169  
l of light ascended at a 45-degree angle, and was followed by 10 small ligh 6/5/1964 #18333  
is moving towards his car at a 45° angle. In an instant it appears right in 6/30/1964 #18386  
 going [to] WSW overhead. Climbs / angle.                                   8/15/1964 #18484  
gh 50,000 feet at about an 18°–20° angle in excess of Mach 1. Woodsbury say 11/19/1964 #18629  
nutes then climbed away at a steep angle at about 1200 knots ground speed.  2/11/1965 #18803  
raft appears and descends at a 45° angle to the height of nearby telephone  6/19/1965 #19017  
le is bent or broken outward at an angle of 20–30° from the horizontal. No  6/25/1965 #19028  
ed, and then climbed away at steep angle.                                   7/8/1965 #19083  
 kids. Disk going down [to] slow / angle. Wobbles and hovers over school. S 7/15/1965 #19104  
 sea. Going up [to] and away / 45° angle. Absolute(ly) silent.              8/1965 (approximate) #19226  
 are always in a line and at a 60° angle; when the object moves, the lower  9/3/1965 #19511  
k in color and positioned at a 45° angle from the horizon. It appears to be Fall 1965 #19592  
overs over power plant / 45 degree angle. Sways and hisses.                 10/2/1965 #19636  
and-forth, inclined at a 45-degree angle.                                   10/2/1965 #19639  
ing nearly straight at him from an angle of 35°–40° and from almost exact n 1/18/1966 #19850  
then departs, climbing at about an angle of 45°, extremely fast, to the sou 1/19/1966 #19858  
 4-5 minutes. It then tilted at an angle and shot away.                     3/8/1966 #19949  
ally rose and sped away at a steep angle. (NICAP investigation report; Keyh 3/31/1966 #20173  
nd. Object rose, sped off at steep angle                                    3/31/1966 #20177  
ter, the UFO speeds off at a steep angle.                                   3/31/1966 #20179  
 altitude. The object made a right angle turn and moved out of sight behind 4/22/1966 #20369  
4 observer(s). Splash. UFO rises / angle from lake surface and away. No des 6/23/1966 #20591  
20 a.m. EDT. A disc inclined at an angle was observed by a railroad conduct 8/24/1966 #20799  
. After 30 seconds it tilted at an angle and took off. At 9:25 p.m. a UFO w 9/7/1966 #20862  
ped object hovering at a 45-degree angle over water towers. A closer witnes 10/28/1966 #21044  
gstaff, the object climbs at a 30° angle and disappears to the west in less 1/13/1967 #21299  
gstaff the object climbed at a 30° angle disappearing to the west in less t 1/13/1967 #21301  
ams downward at about a 45- degree angle from its forward edge. It then tur 1/18/1967 #21341  
ight beams downward at about a 45° angle from its forward edge. It then tur 1/18/1967 #21343  
 that swung upwards at a 45-degree angle into the sky. The object began mov 2/9/1967 #21493  
, AZ Object aims beam going down / angle. Lights desert floor. Joins night  2/16/1967 #21562  
ramento, California at a 45 degree angle. It then appeared to approach the  2/18/1967 #21591  
oke-stacks, shot up at a 90 degree angle, then dove and retraced its patter 2/20/1967 #21603  
from a low altitude at a 30-degree angle, sped up, and then flew off quickl 2/25/1967 #21652  
hotographs 2-3 domed saucers / 40° angle. Genuine / Hynek and Beckman. / r1 3/1967 #21685  
. It tilts toward the car at a 30° angle. He hears static on the radio, and 5/1/1967 #22262  
ot straight up (or at a very steep angle) very rapidly. The object was conf 5/15/1967 #22349  
r object, tilted up at a 45-degree angle, had a row of orange-lighted windo 6/13/1967 #22504  
it projected upward at a 45 degree angle a rod 15 feet long, bearing a larg 6/13/1967 #22504  
e. Figure / cockpit! Up and away / angle.                                   6/15/1967 #22506  
 The object began moving off at an angle, stopped and hovered, and then con 6/30/1967 #22580  
iant red, and it tilts up at a 45° angle, then shoots away.                 8/24/1967 #22917  
hovers. Going down [to] to / sea / angle. Submerges. / APRO Sep'67.         10/4/1967 #23174  
s to be slowly descending at a 45° angle. Multiple witnesses hear a whistli 10/4/1967 #23176  
 a linear formation at a 45 degree angle in the sky.                        10/11/1967 #23220  
away from the train, tips to a 45° angle, then turns to a vertical poistion 10/25/1967 #23322  
g 100-150 feet above a house at an angle. (California NICAP Subcommittee re 11/4/1967 #23400  
 the craft, pointed downward at an angle like a ramp, and 15-20 little men  2/21/1968 #23774  
end, and "stuck down and out at an angle." It had no ears nor a tail, but i 4/3/1968 #23886  
few minutes, and then tilted at an angle and disappeared towards the ocean. 5/17/1968 #23970  
midair. Then it swerves in a right angle back to the plane. It is also seen 6/6/1968 #24013  
craft shot away at a ninety-degree angle towards some nearby wooded hills.  6/10/1968 #24018  
The formation maintains a constant angle from their own flight path for mor 8/22/1968 #24369  
e. It then sped off at a 45 degree angle into the sky towards the southwest 12/10/1968 #24757  
it accelerated away at a 45-degree angle, causing the snow on the treetops  2/10/1969 #24910  
ion before accelerating upwards at angle at high speed.                     4/27/1969 #25098  
last object shot up at a 30-degree angle and vanished within seconds, leavi 6/10/1969 #25209  
ree top level. It was tilted at an angle as it flew, and possibly landed ne 7/24/1969 #25296  
iameter. It floated at an inclined angle 3 to 4 meters above the ground. Hi 8/19/1969 #25324  
s. Soon it zooms upward at a sharp angle and is out of sight in seconds. Th 10/30/1969 #25439  
nner ring descended at a 45-degree angle toward four people in a car in Apo 6/29/1970 #25721  
 a.m. It was tipped slightly at an angle.                                   7/21/1970 #25743  
, and then took off at a 70 degree angle at high speed, leaving behind a gl 10/6/1970 #25872  
ar-shaped object turned at an easy angle and traveled toward Newport. One o 1/1/1971 #25964  
wide by 10 feet high, tipped at an angle, approximately 400 feet above the  2/18/1971 #26026  
e object was tilted downward at an angle revealing three tall humanoid figu 4/24/1971 #26081  
ring, rapid acceleration upward at angle (UFOE II, Section VI). (NICAP: 01  5/24/1971 #26128  
ring, rapid acceleration upward at angle                                    5/24/1971 #26129  
vering, and then shot upward at an angle.                                   5/24/1971 #26131  
lently above the ship at a 60°–70° angle. The object remains about 20 minut 6/1971 #26153  
oves toward the southwest at a 45° angle after drawing its two wings inside 7/17/1971 #26234  
cer rises / water and flies at 45° angle.                                   9/1971 #26309  
nse and the object takes off at an angle, clearing by no more than 4 feet a 11/2/1971 #26449  
vers. Object shoots going up / 45° angle as 2 planes search.                11/4/1971 #26456  
about 60 mph. It rises up at a 45° angle, then disappears.                  7/4/1972 #26765  
2 / car. Humming. Going down / 45° angle. 90° turn. Spotlights all over/all 1/14/1973 #27234  
d toward the ground at a 45 degree angle. It made a 90 degree turn, and nex 1/14/1973 #27235  
oves at a greater speed, making an angle of 70° before coming to another wo 3/24/1973 #27372  
              At eight a.m. Manuel Angle Gonzalez was driving a six-ton tru 5/22/1973 #27520  
ses, and vanishes rapidly at a 45° angle. (Michael D. Swords, “Unusual Expe 8/1973 #27672  
 a 20 foot high crystal, set at an angle so that it pointed towards the sky 8/4/1973 #27683  
 / 30 second(s). Shoots up / steep angle.                                   8/5/1973 #27685  
, France and tilted at a 45 degree angle. It had illuminated, square window 8/20/1973 #27717  
uspended in the air at a 45-degree angle while an eyelike device appeared o 10/11/1973 #28005  
lue ovoid quickly going down / 45° angle. Stops. Going up [to] and going qu 11/12/1973 #28413  
halo; its shoulders slope at a 45° angle from the head. After 15 seconds, t 11/22/1973 #28459  
rker at 10:45 a.m. It tilted at an angle, rose in the sky, then shot off to 12/9/1973 #28543  
to south, departed upward at steep angle                                    12/10/1973 #28550  
he UFO then shot upward at a steep angle at "breakneck speed."              12/10/1973 #28553  
re then took off at a sixty-degree angle up into the sky. Two six-foot tall 12/14/1973 #28573  
en ascended rapidly at a 60 degree angle. A car was then seen approaching,  1/7/1974 #28661  
ckly going up [to] very fast / 45° angle.                                   2/13/1974 #28761  
and went through a series of right angle turns, then headed south toward St 3/1/1974 #28843  
o the east. It rose at a 45 degree angle and leveled off, then rose at a 45 4/27/1974 #29068  
igzags going up. Away rising / 45° angle.                                   6/15/1974 (approximate) #29197  
 the sea, it veered at a 90 degree angle towards the beach and then dropped 6/18/1974 #29212  
er the house, tips upward at a 45° angle, and shoots away.                  Summer 1974 #29218  
ing east. Sudden turn upward / 40° angle. / news.                           7/29/1974 #29283  
 north. Part detaches at 90 degree angle.                                   8/9/1974 #29317  
holes. Tilts and shoots going up / angle.                                   8/24/1974 #29381  
ound in shape. As it tips up at an angle, it accelerates to a fantastic spe 11/28/1974 #29619  
sports field. Going up [to] slow / angle as car nears.                      1/28/1975 #29769  
ect rose slowly into the sky at an angle when a car approached. (Source: IT 1/28/1975 #29771  
ect rose slowly into the sky at an angle when a car approached.             1/28/1975 #29773  
 9:23 p.m. The object made a right angle turn toward the witnesses, then st 4/15/1975 #29991  
rtising photograph. Descends / 45° angle.                                   5/3/1975 #30018  
e shows an odd object tilted at an angle and slightly out of focus.         5/3/1975 #30025  
nd the object takes off at a sharp angle. Later investigation reveals 4 mar 7/31/1975 #30218  
e object ascend into the sky at an angle. Perhaps because of their astonish 8/22/1975 #30298  
escend in a straight line at a 30° angle until they stop over a grove of tr 8/26/1975 #30310  
rs 10M over D949 50M away. Rises / angle.                                   2/9/1976 #30857  
/box-like craft hovers / 30 degree angle. Seen 3 times!                     4/1/1976 #30974  
 shaped UFO hovered at a 30 degree angle in the sky southwest of the city o 4/1/1976 #30975  
st of Bury. The UFO makes a right- angle turn onto a south-southeast headin 4/2/1976 #30979  
omes a brighter green, tilts at an angle, and submerges. The next day the c 4/23/1976 #31017  
bject moved silently, tilted at an angle after five minutes, and moved away 4/25/1976 #31024  
 Cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / 40° angle. Glows. Windows? Erratic maneuvers 6/5/1976 #31086  
aped object hovered at a 40-degree angle over highway 140. It appeared to h 6/5/1976 #31087  
aped object hovered at a 40-degree angle over highway 140 in Merced, Califo 6/5/1976 #31088  
craft / 15M altitude. Going down / angle. / r30p611.                        7/19/1976 #31173  
 The object is hovering at a steep angle. After 15–25 seconds the whine ret 7/28/1976 #31189  
er wing of the hotel which made an angle with the main face on which their  8/10/1976 #31252  
ing of the hotel running out at an angle. There was no building, or structu 8/10/1976 #31252  
ard and then upward at about a 30° angle above the horizontal and turns rig 8/13/1976 #31261  
feet in diameter, one flying at an angle behind the other. Both objects hav 11/10/1976 #31538  
and rises up into the air at a 45° angle. They complain of eye pain and con 1/1/1977 #31681  
s a disc on edge descend at an 80° angle, growing larger. When it reaches t 1/10/1977 #31716  
han a full moon descend from a low angle above the southern horizon into di 1/28/1977 #31763  
starts a gradual, smooth (15° bank angle) turn to the left by itself. Withi 3/12/1977 #31901  
ing in the air.” Climbing at a 45° angle to a half-mile up in 15 seconds, i 3/29/1977 #31933  
ges and moves silently from a high angle in the east to a low angle in the  4/8/1977 #31964  
 a high angle in the east to a low angle in the west.                       4/8/1977 #31964  
lowing pear-shape going down / 45° angle. Stops / base / water tower. Going 5/10/1977 #32080  
moving to the west, climbing at an angle of 45°, and leaving a thin contrai 5/26/1977 #32133  
- formation. They move from a high angle in the north to a low angle in the 5/26/1977 #32134  
a high angle in the north to a low angle in the northwest, hovering “like h 5/26/1977 #32134  
 climb again in formation at a 40° angle, fading from view.                 5/26/1977 #32134  
s directed onto the truck at a 45° angle. The interior of the truck cab see Summer 1977 #32181  
ward the north. It climbs at a 30° angle and is lost in the clouds.         7/3/1977 #32233  
bove the road, positioned at a 40° angle above the horizon, and 40–45 feet  8/17/1977 #32409  
 slope. He appeared to stand at an angle perpendicular to the slope. Some r 8/31/1977 #32446  
ng lights descended at a 45 degree angle and came down near the witness. Th 10/6/1977 #32555  
, New Mexico, approaching at a low angle from the south. It moves across hi 10/24/1977 #32606  
tice the object ascending at a 40° angle and see several windows in the cra 10/25/1977 #32609  
d the object ascend at a 40-degree angle, and saw several windows in the cr 10/25/1977 #32610  
 7 bright ovoids. Going up / steep angle and gone. / LDLN#339.              11/4/1977 #32658  
Hallstrom is looking down on it an angle of about 30°–45° and its true form 1/1/1978 #32841  
 over the ocean descend at a steep angle at high speed. The light then stop 1/6/1978 #32855  
 over the ocean descend at a steep angle at high speed. The light then stop 1/6/1978 #32856  
ze of the moon and flying in a 45° angle to the direction of travel.        5/30/1978 #33242  
y, pear-shaped object tilted at an angle and flying above the edge of a woo 9/20/1978 #33714  
eappears heading toward them at an angle. They can see it is a disc with a  10/28/1978 #33887  
. After 30 seconds, it tilts at an angle and begins to move away, apparentl 10/29/1978 #33889  
e bottom. It hovered, tilted at an angle, descended, and moved away to the  10/29/1978 #33890  
surface of the seea at a 45 degree angle, flew straight at them for 250-300 11/9/1978 #33942  
FO then backed away and rose at an angle. On his way home he felt very cold 12/14/1978 #34127  
 craft approached and tilted at an angle, just above the TV antenna. A brig 12/15/1978 #34136  
 craft approached and tilted at an angle, just above the TV antenna. The ob 12/15/1978 #34138  
arts moving slowly upward at a 70° angle, then breaks into two smaller obje 7/17/1979 #34661  
indrical object hovers / 45 degree angle. Turns going up [to] and goes goin 7/25/1979 #34674  
 two straight lines forming a 120° angle. An analysis of the soil sample in 8/2/1979 #34702  
ntenna shaft is bent over at a 60° angle. The large “bubble” lamp just inch 8/27/1979 #34787  
l pit; it ascended at an 85 degree angle. Total duration was five minutes.  9/5/1979 #34840  
 white rays. It flies upward at an angle and vanishes soundlessly a minute  9/12/1979 #34866  
g night light stops. Turns / sharp angle. Zigzags away. No further details. 9/13/1979 #34869  
cigar-shaped object hovering at an angle directly above the Norwich Sherato 11/27/1979 #35020  
ights on it approach at an oblique angle and land in a field in Porcie-Ambl 11/27/1979 #35022  
d shoots to the southwest at a 45° angle. The man’s hair remains charged wi 12/27/1979 #35101  
ing quickly [to] up and away / 45° angle.                                   1/1980 #35117  
R 3 / car. 18M saucer going down / angle. Nearly hits road. Slowly nears ca 2/3/1980 #35156  
hree antenna-like sticks at slight angle pointing to ground. (NICAP: 02 - C 3/9/1980 #35209  
inutes until it takes off at a 30° angle and heads south, leaving a thin ex 4/10/1980 #35266  
ight, then took off at a 45 degree angle, making an intense humming sound.  4/10/1980 #35267  
 the objects cross 120° of viewing angle.                                   4/20/1980 #35278  
econds. Then shoots going up / 45° angle going quickly northwest. / A. Hend 4/26/1980 #35291  
d before vanishing at a 45 degrees angle above the horizon in the northwest 4/26/1980 #35294  
Teacher / car. Double-bullet / 45° angle / low altitude. 2 truncated beams  5/15/1980 #35334  
 turns up one of its corners at an angle of 45° in an apparent attempt to c 5/16/1980 #35336  
all hovers low. Zigzags going up / angle and going southeast to sea. 1/2 se 7/12/1980 #35411  
nd over end, now climbing at a 30° angle. It disappears in clouds to the no 9/9/1980 #35508  
iant light erupts from the forward angle and shines directly down into the  10/23/1980 #35584  
ngular-shaped craft hovering at an angle about 200 feet away. The craft had 11/1/1980 #35608  
e pavement and the car rises at an angle into the air. They lose consciousn 11/19/1980 #35659  
ng orange glow descending at a 30° angle in the northeast as he is driving  12/13/1980 #35712  
s). Metallic sphere going up / 45° angle. Stops over house. Quickly going u 3/30/1981 #35877  
re descended from the sky at a 45º angle and stopped over a house in Magny, 3/30/1981 #35879  
re descended from the sky at a 45º angle and stopped over a house in Magny, 3/30/1981 #35882  
ly approaches the witness at a 45° angle, passes directly above him, accele 5/16/1981 #35940  
 east. Follows terrain. Sudden 45° angle going up [to] going east.          11/25/1981 #36234  
frozen" and partly levitated / 45° angle. Possible sperm sample.            5/1982 #36458  
 noise. 2 objects stop. Rise / 40° angle and quickly going up [to] "to oute 7/15/1982 #36536  
 had many lights, and tilted at an angle. Their sighting lasted two minutes 10/2/1982 #36630  
 are made up cones with an opening angle of about 15°. Their color is a pow 10/14/1982 #36641  
an ocean” of light with an opening angle of some 180°. Then they move off o 10/14/1982 #36641  
 minutes, it lifts upward at a 30° angle and disappears.                    10/28/1983 #37026  
 into the sky at about a 45 degree angle (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)     1/27/1984 #37157  
 a few seconds it ascends at a 45° angle.                                   1/27/1984 #37159  
tically. It hovered at a 45 degree angle for two minutes. Their dogs were a 4/22/1984 #37282  
es back to the Gori, ascends at an angle of 40°–45°, veers to the right, an Mid 6/1984 #37364  
s which hovered, made abrupt right angle turns, disappeared and reappeared. 7/12/1984 #37392  
s which hovered, made abrupt right angle turns, disappeared and reappeared. 7/12/1984 #37394  
ox-like craft west tail fuselage / angle. Sharp maneuvers. See reference.   8/20/1984 #37435  
 object slowly descending at a 45° angle near the Kattakurgan tactical nucl 10/1984 #37473  
of it, but sees a UFO ascend at an angle from the bushes, turn, and shoot a 10/8/1984 #37480  
 beam of light to earth at a sharp angle, although the beam does not reach  11/3/1985 #37699  
northeast ascending at a 45 degree angle. It gave off a burst of black smok 9/6/1986 #38017  
directional light aimed at a right angle to him. A red light is also visibl 2/6/1987 #38113  
airs and looked at it from another angle, then awoke a male witness, who al 9/3/1988 #38631  
–20 minutes the object rises at an angle and moves away slowly and silently 9/25/1988 #38649  
-cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / 45° angle. Beams quickly going down [to] and 10/25/1988 #38691  
changed direction, rose at a steep angle at high speed (section VII). (NICA 7/6/1989 #39011  
changed direction, rose at a steep angle at high speed                      7/6/1989 #39012  
ct descending rapidly at a shallow angle, then suddenly changing direction  7/6/1989 #39013  
ng direction and rising at a steep angle at very high speed. Bruce Maccabee 7/6/1989 #39013  
ct hovered and moved, titled at an angle. It had a little dark dome on top, 1/12/1990 #39376  
ghts beaming down at them at a 45° angle. The woman pulls to the side of th 2/21/1990 #39425  
ulls to the side of the road at an angle to watch. The object bearing the l 2/21/1990 #39425  
 two lights, which move from a 45° angle to horizontal, keeping the same sp 10/14/1990 #39785  
globe hovers / low altitude. Beams angle going up. Vanishes!                11/5/1990 #39830  
ing quickly [to] east-northeast at angle to Boulevard.                      11/26/1990 #39911  
directions, sometimes making right angle turns.                             6/14/1992 #40495  
ect trails sparks descending / 45° angle.                                   3/27/1993 #40903  
, flying well outside the range of angle of attack normal for conventional  4/29/1993 #40956  
into the cloud mass below at a 30° angle and disappears.                    6/3/1993 #41003  
he south, it flips upward at a 45° angle. Another witness in a different lo 8/12/1993 #41133  
h" and upward at a steep 45 degree angle. The UFO was without wings, made n 2/18/1996 #42771  
arc or approximately 30 degrees of angle. The object went below the horizon 10/3/1996 #43052  
 glowing objects at about the same angle of altitude as the moon. Ohio UFO  10/16/1996 #43073  
arate teens. Fireball going down / angle. Makes 6 wide zigzags. Curves goin 3/11/1997 #43226  
erobactic maneuvers and made right angle turns over Quirindi, New South Wal 8/10/1998 #43626  
n to see the object shoot up at an angle and disappear into the sky. He did 5/23/1999 #43773  
ed by vapor. It rose, tilted at an angle, and then just faded from view. Th 7/5/1999 #43791  
slowly from the sky at a 60 degree angle. It had a weak yellow light on its 7/14/1999 #43802  
ject struck the dam at a 45-degree angle and then skidded before sinking in 12/8/1999 #43895  
econd before shooting off at a 90º angle. The car’s headlights dim and the  3/30/2000 #43971  
iefly before shooting off at a 90º angle. The car's lights and tape deck ce 3/30/2000 #43973  
ike edges, and seen at a 45 degree angle elevation from the ground. It look 12/10/2001 #44286  
nding to the ground at a 25-degree angle. The winds were out of the south a 8/24/2002 #44385  
looking down at the ocean at a 78° angle and sees, at a 7,238-foot visual s 10/10/2002 #44416  
presence. The craft took off at an angle at an incredible speed. The sighti 9/14/2003 #44601  
 horizon up. It made several right angle movements. Next, a silent, boomera 12/23/2003 #44631  
t contrail heading north at an odd angle toward the ground.                 9/7/2004 #44749  
a metallic object descended at odd angle and landed in a wooded area in Big 5/3/2007 #45024  
ingless and was flying at a tilted angle, ascending. It had a large clear w 9/11/2010 #45297  
ter 20 seconds, it veers off at an angle of 130° and both objects fly away. 5/10/2012 #45343  
## Word: "angle--said" (Back to Top)
other--who saw it from a different angle--said it looked like "two silver d 9/20/1979 #34909  
## Word: "angled" (Back to Top)
ject flew in toward the east, then angled off toward the north before it "a 12/2/1962 #17569  
noise like a generator humming. It angled downward and landed in the distan 3/24/1966 #20072  
overed, rose straight up, and then angled off to the west, climbing rapidly 5/2/1967 #22267  
A door opened in the craft, and an angled plank slid down from it from the  8/26/1972 #26956  
med disc was seen over trees, then angled down over the town of Artix, Pyre 10/22/1975 #30460  
the car and emitted two beams, one angled 45 degrees up, the other angled 4 11/28/1978 #34016  
ne angled 45 degrees up, the other angled 45 degrees down. The UFO had a be 11/28/1978 #34016  
rtheast to southwest, made a sharp angled turn to the right, then flew off  9/6/1986 #38017  
nty, England. It made a very sharp angled turn, and flew away over some woo 9/28/1990 #39752  
 minute to cross the sky on a path angled about 10° away from north to sout 9/14/1994 #41749  
## Word: "angler" (Back to Top)
ate, Brazil Antonio De Azevedo, an angler, was on the beach with his wife w 8/31/1974 #29405  
guage, they quickly "examined" the angler and his wife, then seized his wif 8/31/1974 #29405  
ry humanoid reportedly attacked an angler in a wooded area near Sampacho, C 11/29/2000 #44089  
ueaking Point, Tasmania 10:00 a.m. Angler John Walker sees an object the si 5/4/2005 #44830  
## Word: "anglers" (Back to Top)
and, Manuel Valderas Fuentes, both anglers, saw in the yard of their house  3/14/1974 #28886  
              At 4:30 a.m. several anglers fishing in the surf at Punta Oco 3/12/1975 #29891  
## Word: "angles" (Back to Top)
eru. Its ends are cut off at sharp angles, and it takes 20 seconds to proce 5/1942 #1411  
. The saucer flew on edge at right angles to the plane of the earth and gav 7/7/1947 #2835  
ng at 600–700 mph on edge at right angles to the surface of the earth, thou 7/7/1947 #2937  
 same object viewed from different angles. Will attempt to locate the impac 1/31/1949 #3986  
hey depart in a direction at right angles to their approach.                2/20/1952 #5915  
spot in the center, and at certain angles gave off a glare.                 5/9/1952 #6284  
 Coral Lorenzen and many / various angles. 240m saucer going quickly northe 5/21/1952 #6345  
 silver bubble flies fast at right angles to wind direction / 10 second(s). 7/18/1952 #6879  
ly and changing direction at sharp angles. The object disappears over the h 7/19/1952 #6931  
). Night light examines base / all angles / 45 minute(s). Stops here and th 8/24/1952 #7704  
om-saucer quickly going up / sharp angles. / FBI memo. / r136#6p71.         12/22/1952 #8440  
 rounded somewhat on the sides and angles. It is rotating on a central axis 9/7/1953 #9154  
                                   ANGLES, FR Several separate observer(s). 10/14/1954 #11026  
                                   Angles, France A farmer saw a bright obj 10/14/1954 #11046  
ithout a noise. Several persons in Angles observed the scene.               10/14/1954 #11046  
usk, around 6:00 p.m., a farmer in Angles, Vendee department, France saw a  10/14/1954 #11067  
 a noise. Several other persons in Angles also observed the scene.          10/14/1954 #11067  
                                   ANGLES, FR Councilman. 1M and saucer ver 10/18/1954 #11192  
Motion is implied by the different angles in the photos. The UFO was seen l 6/5/1955 #12187  
The pilots can see it from various angles and as close as a few hundred yar 10/7/1956 #13266  
indicating a structure. The object angles upwards and speeds out of sight i 7/1958 #15130  
 pulsating lights viewed from many angles by different observers. [NICAP UF 10/12/1961 #16906  
intersected aircraft path at right angles. [Report via Bluegrass NICAP Affi 1/24/1963 #17638  
r awhile, then moved away at right angles to its original course. There wer 8/9/1963 #17881  
 binoculars. It moves in geometric angles around two bright stars until it  4/1/1966? #20202  
see that this was due to different angles of vision as the object tumbled o 5/16/1966 #20490  
s. The three objects then form 90° angles, equilateral triangles, and other 10/21/1966 #21026  
and top. Quickly going up [to] and angles going quickly west. / r41.        5/2/1967 #22264  
rface, it burns and melts. The UFO angles upwards and he sees a 9-by-6 inch 5/20/1967 #22382  
, sometimes turning at sharp right angles and involving separation and merg 9/11/1967 #23046  
longated white UFO moving at right angles to the filament fall.             8/30/1969 #25339  
iant white domed saucer over trees angles going down [to] over town and bac 10/22/1975 #30457  
l purple rays shoot out at various angles like spokes from a wheel, extendi 7/21/1978 #33407  
y. Zigzags going up and down / odd angles and away.                         3/9/1980 #35206  
observer(s). Disk seen / different angles and color(s). Fast. Shoots up the 12/14/1980 #35714  
                               LES ANGLES, FR 1 / car. Car just ahead gone  9/20/1981 (approximate) #36133  
hite and amber lights on the other angles. Two bright lights shoot away fro 4/1/1982 #36427  
ing movements and turning at sharp angles. It is under observation for 40 m 8/23/1984 #37438  
 white, red and blue lights at the angles. It made no noise, and traveled a 5/6/1995 #42181  
 p.m. a young woman in Duarte, Los Angles County, California reported obser 5/12/1995 #42198  
ject changed shape, making angular angles, and was watched through binocula 10/2/2000 #44050  
 in front of the airliner. The UFO angles to the port side and the 737 expe 1/4/2004 #44643  
ving home. It was turning at right angles, first quickly and then slowly. I 5/16/2007 #45030  
 how crisp and clear the green box angles are and how there is no glow, giv 10/6/2013 #45389  
## Word: "anglesey" (Back to Top)
 University, England RAF Valley in Anglesey, Wales Dee Estuary South Wales  1/23/1974 #28694  
ain rescue team from RAF Valley in Anglesey, Wales, are in the area almost  1/23/1974 #28694  
                                   ANGLESEY ISLAND, WALES Kids. Domed sauce 2/1977 #31767  
                   Rhosybol School Anglesey North Wales RAF Valley Afternoo 2/16/1977 #31821  
ir Williams, at Rhosybol School in Anglesey, North Wales, when they see an  2/16/1977 #31821  
hting is reported to RAF Valley in Anglesey, which can offer no positive id 2/16/1977 #31821  
                    Llanerchymedd, Anglesey, Wales, UK Several villagers in 9/1/1978 #33621  
                    Llanerchymedd, Anglesey, Wales After 8:00 p.m. Several  9/1/1978 #33622  
everal villagers in Llanerchymedd, Anglesey, Wales, including some teenager 9/1/1978 #33622  
 after 8:00 p.m. in Llanerchymedd, Anglesey, Wales several villagers includ 9/1/1978 #33623  
              A5025 near Penysarn, Anglesey, Wales 10:40 p.m. Elfed William 10/8/1978 #33816  
 south on the A5025 near Penysarn, Anglesey, Wales, when he sees an orange  10/8/1978 #33816  
## Word: "angleton" (Back to Top)
                                   Angleton, TX Project Blue Book File #(?) 9/3/1965 #19495  
Project Blue Book File #(?): Damon/Angleton, TX. Deputy Sheriffs Billy E. M 9/3/1965 #19495  
                  Damon, Texas Two Angleton sheriffs, McCoy and Robert Good 9/3/1965 #19506  
ter-intelligence chief James Jesus Angleton, and headed by Richard Ober. Th 8/1967 #22770  
anization with membership of James Angleton, Nathan Twining and Douglas Mac 7/1980 #35399  
CIA CIA officer who worked for Jim Angleton. He states the memo did not off 1/23/1999 #43720  
## Word: "anglia" (Back to Top)
                              East Anglia, UK Milton Torres / Intercept Mis 5/20/1957 #13666  
 Bunker [now closed] in Essex East Anglia Near 12:00 midnight. USAF Lt. Mil 5/20/1957? #13667  
a wingman to 32,000 feet over East Anglia in pursuit. Over the radio he rec 5/20/1957? #13667  
## Word: "anglican" (Back to Top)
 on Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea an Anglican missionary named Father Gill an 6/26/1959 #15791  
## Word: "angling" (Back to Top)
h glass dome on the front approach angling downward, flashing lights visibl 3/24/1966 #20066  
oaching large yellow ball of light angling towards the ground through their 1/9/1978 #32862  
## Word: "anglo-american" (Back to Top)
                                An Anglo-American intelligence team release 8/20/1947 #3355  
## Word: "angola" (Back to Top)
                     NNW / LUANDA, ANGOLA Luminous points / clear sky pace  12/7/1966 #21189  
                           Luanda, Angola A TAP Air Portugal airliner pilot 12/7/1966 #21190  
 two luminous objects near Luanda, Angola.                                  12/7/1966 #21190  
                    Cacuso Lucala, Angola 11:00 p.m. Two students are drivi 4/1/1972 #26633  
driving between Cacuso and Lucala, Angola, when suddenly their vehicle’s en 4/1/1972 #26633  
## Word: "angoon" (Back to Top)
                                   Angoon, AK 2 shiny spheres connected by  12/6/1952 #8385  
## Word: "angouleme" (Back to Top)
                                   ANGOULEME, FR Numerous observer(s). Ovoi 6/12/1952 #6477  
                                   ANGOULEME, FR Red saucer turns green ove 10/3/1954 #10654  
                      18KM SOUTH / ANGOULEME, FR Silent 7M cauldron going u 10/26/1954 #11409  
                                   Angouleme, France Vincent Casamajou and  10/26/1954 #11413  
is, 18 kilometers from the town of Angouleme, Charente, France. It took off 10/26/1954 #11419  
                                   ANGOULEME, FR Numerous observer(s). Delt 8/27/1968 #24385  
## Word: "angra" (Back to Top)
                                   ANGRA DO HEROISMO, AZORES Metallic sauce 4/1/1960 #16212  
                                   ANGRA DO HEROISMO, AZORES Many observer( 5/23/1965 #18952  
                                   ANGRA DO HERIOSMO, AZORES 3 top weatherm 2/28/1968 #23788  
                                   ANGRA DOS REIS, BRZ Entire town. 3 sauce 6/3/1969 #25193  
ped UFOs maneuver over the town of Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro state, Br 6/3/1969 #25195  
## Word: "angrily" (Back to Top)
they attempted to flee. It pounded angrily on their car and dented it, flin 4/12/1977 #31978  
## Word: "angry" (Back to Top)
otographed. One of the men becomes angry about the questioning, telling the 7/1950 #5035  
n Time and Look, Gen. Garland gets angry. Col. Dunn says that Blue Book wou Early 5/1952 #6249  
r story. The Mafia are known to be angry with Castro for closing their prof 9/1960 #16428  
he figure was just a passerby, get angry, and drive away, leaving Templeton 5/24/1964 #18297  
 fingering his crucifix, which the angry leader rips from his hand. Out of  5/4/1969 #25114  
 heard a loud humming noise, "like angry bees," and looked up to see an obj 12/30/1972 #27193  
ce, and was surprised that she was angry with him because he had been out o 12/31/1980 #35759  
 and he is feeling disoriented and angry but can’t tell why. Later, the ful 12/26/1985 #37738  
friend Gen. Curtis LeMay got quite angry at him when he tried to gain acces 10/13/1988 #38671  
background. He was then told by an angry male voice, in his head, to either 10/15/1997 #43429  
ked where it was from; when he was angry he didn’t get an answer, the engin 1999 #43709  
## Word: "anguish" (Back to Top)
he women reacted to this with deep anguish. They were then told, "well, we  7/4/1989 #39009  
## Word: "angular" (Back to Top)
I A bright silver object about the angular size of the moon (NICAP: 01 - Di 7/7/1947 #2923  
t. The object maintains a constant angular position as seen from Godman as  1/7/1948 #3544  
ut half the size of a full moon in angular size. When they reached the nort 10/24/1948 #3852  
about 30-70 ft in diameter, 2 mils angular size, 1 mile above ground, 3 mil 6/6/1949 #4227  
that changes to red and green. Its angular velocity is greater than 0.5°/mi 2/24/1950 #4554  
with mostly fuzzy edges each ½ the angular size of Moon. (Berliner) (NICAP: 4/5/1952 #6030  
lars. Orange ball with tail at low angular speed.                           6/12/1952 #6483  
ge ball with a tail fly with a low angular velocity (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 6/12/1952 #6484  
e ball with a tail flew with a low angular velocity.                        6/12/1952 #6486  
ge ball with a tail fly with a low angular velocity in Fort Smith, Arkansas 6/12/1952 #6489  
orizontally again, makes an abrupt angular shift again downwards, and is lo 7/29/1955 #12302  
 observation, the object continues angular descent and gradually decreases  9/8/1958 #15261  
descent and gradually decreases in angular size, but it begins rotating clo 9/8/1958 #15261  
ght night light jerks and tumbles. Angular turns.                           10/9/1958 #15331  
inous disc travel at 1.5 times the angular speed of a satellite (NICAP: 01  6/15/1963 #17785  
inous disc travel at 1.5 times the angular speed of a satellite.            6/15/1963 #17787  
e and round, while his face seemed angular and pointed. He had black hair,  1/9/1967 #21278  
 about 30° approaching at a modest angular rate of 1° per second. It remain Spring 1967 #21926  
, to the west. Moore estimates its angular size as half a degree. It is ini 10/25/1973 #28284  
s out through the steady rain, two angular, ice-blue lights pass slowly acr 1/4/1976 #30758  
 second time and again repeats the angular movements before streaking away  4/2/1976 #30979  
p. It fills half the windshield in angular size as it moves over the roof o 8/12/1978 #33512  
distinctly outlined, and twice the angular size of the full moon. It then c 8/20/1978 #33533  
 and pink as if on fire in SW sky. Angular size was somewhat less than moon 9/15/1978 #33683  
   Chicago, IL The silver disc had angular size about half that of the full 9/9/1979 #34851  
ct against the clear blue sky. Its angular size was about half that of the  9/9/1979 #34856  
econds, the object grows larger in angular size. Then it stops getting larg 9/4/1980 #35494  
as big as a house and 10 times the angular size of the full moon. He estima 10/15/1980 #35568  
object turns, moves, makes a sharp angular turn, and then another to draw a 7/1981 #35982  
ove the ground. Two humanoids with angular heads and in green coveralls are Late 7/1987 #38218  
 sees crescent saucer / 10 min. 2x angular size / moon.                     3/12/1988 #38498  
      ANDEBU, NORWAY 1+kids / car. Angular object going down [to] over powe 1/23/1989 #38794  
milk bottle-shaped objects make an angular descent over Pensacola Bay. The  3/13/1990 #39459  
ers altitude. It was huge, with an angular size of 20 degrees. It had three 7/31/1992 #40541  
ulars. Huge spoked wheel / complex angular trajectory over sea.             3/17/1994 #41459  
RMINGHAM 3 observer(s). Shiny MTLS angular object rolls / sky. Shoots away. 8/15/1994 #41677  
. The object changed shape, making angular angles, and was watched through  10/2/2000 #44050  
t to left at a slow but deliberate angular velocity. There was no relative  7/15/2001 #44209  
## Word: "anguleme" (Back to Top)
buzzing noise. At the same time in Anguleme, France a surgeon saw a formati 11/5/1990 #39871  
## Word: "angus" (Back to Top)
                            COUPAR ANGUS, SCOT Pyramid. Lifts cart. Knocks  9/1767 #82  
                            Coupar Angus, Perth, Scotland River Isla River  9/9/1767 #83  
urse of the River Isla near Coupar Angus, Perth, Scotland. It moves northea 9/9/1767 #83  
rset, England 11:25 a.m. J. B. W. “Angus” Brooks, a former BOAC pilot and p 10/26/1967 #23334  
firmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Angus” YieldMax: 40KT                    4/25/1973 #27446  
 that most of the deaths are Black Angus. They have died within a few miles 12/1973 #28494  
## Word: "anhui" (Back to Top)
               CHENGCUN, JINGXIAN, ANHUI, CH Several. Thick disk going / 20 8/26/1979 #34780  
                      DANGSHAN CO, ANHUI, CH Yellow ring / light rotates fa 7/27/1980 #35425  
                                   ANHUI AND JIANGSU PROV, CH 15-30 extra-b 7/7/1990 #39638  
## Word: "anibal" (Back to Top)
object stops following and hovers. Anibal Gavigan, the air traffic control  6/8/1991 #40092  
## Word: "anil" (Back to Top)
, Sunil Dhar, Sushil Singh) led by Anil V. Kulkarni of the Indian Space Res 9/27/2004 #44762  
## Word: "anima" (Back to Top)
                                   Anima Nipissing Lake, Ontario While ice  4/25/1946 #1984  
Lake, Ontario While ice fishing at Anima Nipissing Lake, Ontario, Don Camer 4/25/1946 #1984  
## Word: "animal" (Back to Top)
2 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Ca 4/14/1897 #458  
2 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Ca 4/19/1897 #532  
2 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        4/22/1897 #553  
2 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        4/26/1897 #577  
2 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        5/6/1897 #591  
overed overhead and frightened the animal. Three human looking figures stoo 8/3/1909 #800  
2 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        11/1928 #1089  
2 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Ca 6/12/1929 #1096  
cts to circular light (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        10/1946 #2194  
Bedeque, Prince Edward Island Day. Animal ecologist Charles K. Gunn, his wi 7/1/1947 #2517  
ory that UFOs are “a form of space animal, or creature, of a highly attenua 7/7/1947 #2936  
and saw a dark object (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions, BB: BBU)               4/4/1949 #4072  
has told him, “there ain’t no such animal.” Pentagon Public Relations Offic 3/31/1950 #4777  
owers at bolide (IFO) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        9/20/1950 #5186  
                                An animal reaction case occurred on a farm  9/14/1952 #7941  
 disc passes overhead (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions, Code: aM, Rating: 5, B 1/29/1953 #8611  
its occupants. They bring the dead animal to the Atlanta Constitution offic 7/7/1953 #8989  
Air Reserve Base] in Marietta. The animal is taken to Emory University Hosp 7/7/1953 #8989  
g, growling, and biting like a mad animal. He could not reach his shotgun,  4/10/1954 #9681  
the bridle, was surprised when the animal became restless. Rising from the  10/16/1954 #11142  
ad to release the bridle. Then the animal fell like a mass and for 10 min w 10/16/1954 #11142  
tness had to release her. Then the animal fell to the ground like a mass an 10/16/1954 #11148  
d Puyfourcat releases her, and the animal falls to the ground and is unable 10/17/1954 #11176  
d a boxer dog onto the dwarfs, the animal turned around and bit him. The ob 11/8/1954 #11596  
d a boxer dog onto the dwarfs, the animal turned around and bit him. The ob 11/8/1954 #11602  
. G. observed three “dark colored, animal like creatures” moving between so 11/23/1954 #11697  
haped object flies by (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        8/1955 #12309  
ring low over a field (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions, BB: BBU)               3/6/1957 #13522  
 at landed domed disc (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        7/30/1957 #13859  
2 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) (NICAP: 05 - Medical I 11/10/1957 #14519  
e College. He rules out mold or an animal product and suggests it is plant  11/9/1958 #15434  
ject about 25 ft wide (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions, BB: BBU)               2/24/1959 #15603  
 object, 9-10 ft high (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions, BB: BBU)               2/15/1963 #17666  
, New Zealand when he heard a wild animal on a nearby hill wailing. He next 5/18/1963 #17750  
 Approaches Witnesses (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions, Code: An, Rating: 5, B 8/7/1963 #17875  
 square object landed (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        5/19/1964 #18286  
reacted to low object (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        10/30/1964 #18599  
 bright light hovered (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        11/25/1964 #18635  
s, FL Hovering cone-shaped object, animal reaction. Witness struck on foreh 3/15/1965 #18858  
 Spooks Dog And Horse (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions, Code: An, Rating: 5)   5/20/1965 #18946  
c On Legs Freaks Dogs (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions, Code: An, Rating: 5)   7/19/1965 #19129  
ball Hovers Over Road (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions, Code: An, Rating: 5)   7/27/1965 #19190  
ering disc-shaped object caused an animal reaction in West Homestead, Bucks 8/6/1965 #19335  
azy" at hovering disc (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        8/11/1965 #19365  
 (Butcher) Trace Case (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions, Code: An, Rating: 5, B 8/19/1965 #19423  
ke I have never heard come from an animal before.” Looking out the window,  8/19/1965 #19427  
ooking out the window, he sees the animal is bending the pipe. Simultaneous 8/19/1965 #19427  
 Rating: 5, BB: 9890) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        9/3/1965 #19503  
there. Goode had been bitten by an animal before the sighting, and his left 9/3/1965 #19506  
ow of bright pulsating red lights, animal reactions                         9/3/1965 #19509  
ounter.Goode had been bitten by an animal before the sighting, and his left 9/3/1965 #19517  
 two. Dogs reacted to the objects (animal reactions.) (NICAP notes.) (NICAP 3/13/1966 #19957  
ions.) (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        3/13/1966 #19957  
ctured object, multiple witnesses, animal reaction (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reac 3/14/1966 #19963  
sses, animal reaction (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        3/14/1966 #19963  
 Encounters, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        3/17/1966 #19980  
aluminum foil." Dogs were barking (animal reactions) and a pinging sound at 3/29/1966 #20132  
5, 337; NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        3/29/1966 #20132  
t react to landed box (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        3/29/1966 #20136  
he area were excited and agitated (animal reactions) while the UFO hovered, 3/30/1966 #20155  
ck where the object came down. The animal was reportedly to have been in su 4/6/1966 #20259  
east over the airport, dog barked (animal reactions). (NICAP notes.) (NICAP 4/7/1966 #20263  
ions). (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        4/7/1966 #20263  
 whined and scratched at the door (animal reaction). The start of a power f 4/24/1966 #20400  
ICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        4/24/1966 #20400  
-Nov. 1966, pp. 5-6.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) (NICAP: 05 - Medical I 10/12/1966 #20996  
gular object flies by (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        1/9/1967 #21274  
oo large to have been caused by an animal, however, no UFO was seen in the  1/9/1967 #21276  
ted to be upset by the phenomenon (animal reaction) during the sighting. (N 1/26/1967 #21393  
orm, in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        1/26/1967 #21393  
 also were reported. Dogs reacted (animal reactions). (Keyhoe and Lore, 196 2/3/1967 #21444  
 Lore, 1969b, p. 71.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        2/3/1967 #21444  
rizon to west. Dogs barked wildly (animal reaction). (Letter from witness,  2/16/1967 #21564  
itness, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        2/16/1967 #21564  
to near-ground object (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        2/19/1967 #21597  
l of oval with lights (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        2/22/1967 #21621  
copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        2/28/1967 #21682  
. Dogs barked during the sighting (animal reaction). (Memphis Press-Scimita 3/2/1967 #21723  
copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        3/2/1967 #21723  
100 feet, dog reacted (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        3/3/1967 #21740  
ght beam into vehicle (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        3/7/1967 #21786  
, NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        3/15/1967 #21890  
ified). Her dog was greatly upset (animal reaction). Possible EM effect on  3/17/1967 #21909  
ping in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        3/17/1967 #21909  
nt colors. Cows reacted violently (animal reactions). The object hovered, t 3/21/1967 #21935  
port in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        3/21/1967 #21935  
arking dog alerted five witnesses (animal reactions), who saw 5 or 6 lights 3/22/1967 #21946  
/23/67, copy in NICAP (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        3/22/1967 #21946  
's dog was disturbed at this time (animal reaction). The other witnesses de 3/26/1967 #21994  
 (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Ca 3/26/1967 #21994  
d at object 150' away (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        4/1/1967 #22040  
ting over an hour that involved an animal reaction. They watched a revolvin 4/12/1967 #22127  
cted to beam of light (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        4/17/1967 #22151  
were turned off. Dogs were barking animal reaction). (Salisbury, 1974, Tabl 4/22/1967 #22205  
4, Table 1, Case 47.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        4/22/1967 #22205  
et, and cattle and dogs r reacted (animal reaction).(NICAP report form; Eli 4/23/1967 #22211  
copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        4/23/1967 #22211  
 engulfed in UFO beam (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        4/26/1967 #22222  
d." Dogs were barking and howling (animal reactions). (Cook report, NICAP f 6/25/1967 #22553  
report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        6/25/1967 #22553  
copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        7/11/1967 #22649  
l at low flying light (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        7/21/1967 #22715  
 changed, dogs in the area howled (animal reactions). (Stinson letter, NICA 7/25/1967 #22729  
2 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        7/25/1967 #22729  
 round glowing object (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        7/25/1967 #22730  
letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        8/4/1967 #22799  
- Distant Encounters) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        8/9/1967 #22852  
eam for 2-1/2 hours. Barking dogs (animal reaction) alerted the witnesses.  8/12/1967 #22865  
/27/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        8/12/1967 #22865  
 and took off. Cows were agitated (animal reactions) during the sighting. ( 8/31/1967 #22960  
cted by hovering disc (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        9/1967 #22967  
 rapidly in the sky. Barking dogs (animal reactions) first attracted the wi 9/1967 #22969  
/25/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        9/1967 #22969  
ays after it has gone missing. The animal appears to have been skinned from 9/9/1967 #23026  
 publicized case of many more such animal and cattle mutilations to occur i 9/15/1967 #23070  
yellowish glow. Dogs were barking (animal reaction) during the sighting. (M 10/2/1967 #23165  
owler, 1974, p. 350.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        10/2/1967 #23165  
ing odd shaped object (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        10/26/1967 #23327  
ogs in the area barked and whined (animal reactions) during the sighting. ( 10/26/1967 #23332  
owler, 1974, p. 350.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        10/26/1967 #23332  
nd object at 300 feet (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions, BB: BBU)               2/4/1968 #23732  
 running toward barns (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions, BB: 12235)             2/9/1968 #23743  
low moving domed disc (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        2/19/1968 #23765  
 burned trees, brood son vanished (animal effects). (SL, Sept 72) (NICAP: 0 5/1968 #23935  
onia #916, FSR 68, 5) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        7/2/1968 #24127  
ed object hovered low (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        7/30/1968 #24260  
, quoting R. Banchs). (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cas 8/12/1968 #24317  
 from hovering object (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        11/20/1968 #24668  
domed object was seen (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        11/25/1968 #24703  
ds light beam to road (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        3/6/1969 #24974  
ses reacted to object (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        4/23/1969 #25085  
rm to a landed object (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        5/11/1969 #25124  
a.m., he saw "the white face of an animal" and a light in the sky which cam 5/20/1969 #25151  
isphere or domed disc (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        8/31/1969 #25343  
gitated by domed disc (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        10/10/1969 #25403  
women. UFO near / ground. Yells of animal slaughter on takeoff.             11/1969 (approximate) #25443  
two cases of UFO reports involving animal reactions and burnt landing trace 11/5/1969 #25452  
act as if to predator (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        6/2/1970 #25687  
and Barthelemy all saw a long gray animal, which they called a "dog", make  6/4/1970 #25690  
de of car did respond (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        6/29/1970 #25720  
r supports IFO theory (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        10/5/1970 #25868  
 during landing event (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        11/2/1971 #26446  
 Johnson's headlights picked up an animal lying on the road. As he opened h 3/17/1972 #26607  
haped object; cat ran (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        5/13/1972 #26681  
like noise or buzzing sound. As an animal reaction, a cat owned by one of t 5/13/1972 #26682  
erts, chases triangle (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        7/15/1972 #26802  
ton, MO Multi witness, two events, animal (#537), EM effects (NICAP: 06 - T 9/14/1972 #26995  
ncounter cases which also involved animal mutilation. (NICAP: 04 - Animal R 5/1973 #27458  
ed animal mutilation. (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        5/1973 #27458  
ICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        6/28/1973 #27593  
home park UFO landing, sound, E-M, animal reactions, light beams, bright il 6/28/1973 #27595  
 12:30 a.m. University of Missouri animal care technician James G. Richards 6/28/1973 #27598  
 glowing object (UFO) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        7/13/1973 #27632  
 almost struck a huge gorilla like animal, with pointed ears and red glowin 8/17/1973 #27709  
as object passes over (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        10/19/1973 #28195  
ck, during which he growls like an animal and throws his father and an inve 10/25/1973 #28285  
d after the event he “felt like an animal.”                                 10/25/1973 #28285  
looking into reports of a “strange animal” seen in the area of Midland, Pen 11/2/1973 #28353  
o red lights observed (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        11/8/1973 #28391  
me lights in the sky. (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        11/25/1973 #28466  
an to look out window (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        1/6/1974 #28653  
d by slow moving oval (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        2/18/1974 #28780  
blue sparks during the process. An animal reaction was noted: their cat was 8/16/1974 #29364  
en fence/domed object (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        9/1/1974 #29414  
he blood had been drained from the animal and the sexual organs removed. A  9/7/1974 #29430  
nd object that landed (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        10/15/1974 #29530  
a foghorn. (NICAP, “Object Lands / Animal Reactions / Compass Deviates”; Bo 10/15/1974 #29531  
rence 1, Section IX). (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        10/17/1974 #29539  
 writer who has been investigating animal mutilations, launches an investig 1975 #29679  
, August 1975, p. 1). (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        2/24/1975 #29842  
ping out of the water (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        2/26/1975 #29850  
nty, Texas a cow and a second dead animal were found mutilated. Both of the 2/27/1975 #29854  
tongue were removed from the first animal. The sexual organs were removed f 2/27/1975 #29854  
rgans were removed from the second animal.                                  2/27/1975 #29854  
t on A Wave of UFO/Helicopters and Animal Mutilations in Cascade County, Mo 3/2/1975 #29866  
 object over treetops (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        3/14/1975 #29897  
ble to forced human abductions and animal mutilations. Professor Hernandez  4/22/1975 #30000  
descent of domed disc (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        9/30/1975 #30398  
tercourse with the witness, making animal sounds during the process. At one 12/4/1975 #30685  
May-June 1976, p. 5). (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        5/23/1976 #31071  
huge cigar then hides (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        6/15/1976 #31111  
pherd dog in a pine grove when the animal suddenly became agitated and sat  1/4/1977 #31689  
ust of the same year. (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) (NICAP: 05 - Medical I 1/4/1977 #31689  
pherd dog in a pine grove when the animal suddenly became agitated and sat  1/4/1977 #31690  
pito Beira Alta, Portugal when the animal suddenly became agitated and sat  1/4/1977 #31691  
ile object is present (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        1/26/1977 #31752  
 to low hovering disc (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        2/18/1977 #31826  
 Jones Pugh, BUFORA). (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        3/13/1977 #31903  
rby rocks. He describes it as half animal and half human; no facial feature 4/25/1977 #32026  
rby rocks. He described it as half animal and half human; no facial feature 4/25/1977 #32027  
traight up. There was some kind of animal reaction.                         5/3/1977 #32054  
ht object near ground (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        5/26/1977 #32132  
ed as a “scared” bark (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        7/13/1977 #32268  
sterious-america.net) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        8/6/1977 #32365  
inted a syringe like device at the animal and it too began melting, after t 9/15/1977 #32485  
, and her walkie-talkie fails. All animal sounds go quiet when the object i 10/9/1977 #32564  
UFOE II, Section VI). (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        11/29/1977 #32706  
y startling them into dropping the animal. The being that is hit runs off i 12/2/1977 #32726  
res, hitting one. They dropped the animal and the figure that was hit stagg 12/2/1977 #32727  
                    An unexplained animal mutilation was discovered this da 12/13/1977 #32770  
2 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Ca 1/27/1978 #32917  
ds to hovering object (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        2/4/1978 #32950  
f death followed by predation. The animal’s heart, as well as bone and musc 3/24/1978 #33077  
al studies, while samples from the animal’s liver are sent to two separate  3/24/1978 #33077  
color or texture. Samples from the animal’s liver are found to be completel 3/24/1978 #33077  
clot after several days” while the animal’s hide is found to be unusually b 3/24/1978 #33077  
lly brittle for a fresh death (the animal was estimated to have been dead f 3/24/1978 #33077  
A police officer at a stakeout for animal mutilators sighted a silent, 12 f 4/10/1978 #33138  
2 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Ca 5/2/1978 #33183  
 Thinking it could be some kind of animal, they climbed down the tree and w 7/11/1978 #33367  
2 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Ca 9/1/1978 #33621  
ion / saucer "robots" seen cutting animal bones up.                         9/6/1978 #33635  
 robot-like entity is cutting some animal bones into pieces. Perez tries to 9/6/1978 #33638  
ICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Ca 9/15/1978 #33684  
 was out with a friend checking an animal trap when they ran into another s 9/24/1978 #33744  
2 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cas 9/25/1978 #33747  
ounter (section XII). (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Ca 1/3/1979 #34286  
2 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        1/8/1979 #34317  
 the blood is being drawn from the animal after an injection of an anti- co 2/16/1979 #34429  
ti- coagulant.” In some cases, the animal’s legs have been broken, perhaps  2/16/1979 #34429  
t 6:15 p.m. was surprised when the animal suddenly laid down on the ground  2/21/1979 #34441  
2 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        5/25/1979 #34578  
ICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        6/22/1979 #34625  
2 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        6/26/1979 #34631  
 that hovered briefly (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        10/26/1979 #34966  
and Mr. Pavao told him the type of animal it was. Meanwhile the two beings  2/6/1980 #35160  
s hurt (section XII). (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        3/8/1980 #35203  
 Kenneth Rommel releases Operation Animal Mutilation, a long report that de 6/1980 #35349  
ist Kenneth Sager: “The larger the animal, the more difficult it is for the 6/1980 #35349  
2 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cas 7/6/1980 #35407  
by David Letterman. Keel says that animal mutilation cases keep him up at n 7/28/1980 #35427  
 to top-shaped object (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        9/30/1980 #35543  
2 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        10/26/1980 #35589  
s small light flew by (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        12/18/1980 #35727  
y think could have been made by an animal. Georgina Bruni, in her book You  12/26/1980 #35737  
2 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Ca 2/18/1981 #35831  
2 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        3/30/1981 #35880  
ICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        7/11/1981 #35996  
isc passed over house (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        8/1/1981 #36052  
2 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Ca 12/17/1981 #36262  
ICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Ca 3/22/1982 #36408  
sc follows power line (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        9/6/1982 #36597  
ich the aliens are free to conduct animal mutilations and land at a certain 1/10/1983 #36742  
 respond to boomerang (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        3/24/1983 #36799  
-shaped lights appear (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        3/24/1983 #36800  
g barked at boomerang (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        3/31/1983 #36826  
s object descended, power failure, animal reaction, traces. See Section I ( 4/10/1983 #36832  
 when objected landed (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        4/10/1983 #36833  
minous object landed, E-M effects, animal reaction. UFO rose from field ill 4/10/1983 #36835  
presence of red light (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        1984 #37090  
titled Mute Evidence, arguing that animal mutilations are a made-up mystery 1984 #37091  
ified to determine the cause of an animal’s death, they write. They do admi 1984 #37091  
2 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) (NICAP: 05 - Medical I 4/25/1984 #37290  
2 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        5/6/1984 #37323  
bes and small simian figure(s) and animal mutilations.                      9/1985 #37653  
ghting (section VII). (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        2/28/1986 #37791  
ed to hovering object (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        11/2/1986 #38058  
 search lights (IFO). (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        11/23/1987 #38331  
eetop hovering sphere (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        12/25/1987 #38372  
angle, treetop height (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        1/25/1988 #38433  
op level emitted beam (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        2/22/1988 #38474  
es in close encounter (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        3/16/1988 #38508  
object flies by (UFO) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        7/1988 #38594  
tangle above treetops (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        10/24/1988 #38686  
inder passes overhead (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        1/18/1989 #38784  
ness to domed objects (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        1/18/1989 #38785  
 2 small discs landed (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        2/8/1989 #38824  
beam and stirred tree (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        4/5/1989 #38892  
 to see hovering disc (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        4/5/1989 #38893  
r lights in formation (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        4/8/1989 #38897  
 put light on witness (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        4/21/1989 #38916  
                         A mystery animal death and cattle mutilation occur 7/17/1989 #39025  
covered footprints and deduced the animal had a two meter pace              8/10/1989 #39051  
al bobbed near ground (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        8/13/1989 #39060  
ers across the street (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        8/19/1989 #39066  
iangle at tree level. (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        8/22/1989 #39068  
alert to disc outside (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        8/31/1989 #39078  
gs hovers over houses (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        9/11/1989 #39096  
mber 24 (section IV). (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        9/14/1989 #39100  
g at hum of boomerang (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        10/9/1989 #39154  
nt as lights are seen (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        10/30/1989 #39194  
3 bell-shaped objects (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        11/1/1989 #39206  
d that affected trees (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        2/22/1990 #39428  
ifferent to boomerang (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        5/21/1990 #39581  
 a boomerang appeared (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        5/24/1990 #39587  
ct w/light beams near (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        6/7/1990 #39607  
o hovering domed disc (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        7/18/1990 #39648  
ding blue white light (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        10/1990 #39755  
domed disc was nearby (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        10/16/1990 #39791  
 North Carolina for three minutes. Animal reaction: dogs howled and rubbed  10/30/1990 #39819  
ed, hat shaped object (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        1/31/1991 #39968  
                        Dundee, OH Animal reactions to physical traces (NIC 3/20/1992 #40393  
ns to physical traces (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        3/20/1992 #40393  
 to oval that divided (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        7/29/1992 #40539  
ll object near ground (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        8/1992 #40544  
ights alerted witness (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        10/1992 #40656  
rea of blue oval ring (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        1/9/1993 #40789  
 triangle was in area (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        1/21/1993 #40809  
 ones responsible for the reported animal mutilations. His hosts described  3/20/1993 #40895  
al dome; also fearful (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        6/14/1993 #41015  
 of 3 rotating lights (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        7/13/1993 #41062  
-shaped object passed (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        7/13/1993 #41063  
 witnesses a factor?) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        8/10/1993 #41121  
n Norman, Oklahoma at 2:11 a.m. an animal reaction case occurred. Dogs bark 8/10/1993 #41122  
 yellow orange object (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        9/5/1993 #41183  
ct with lights passed (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        2/3/1994 #41405  
angular object passed (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        4/12/1994 #41488  
react to close object (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        8/31/1994 #41705  
erted to white lights (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        10/11/1994 #41800  
ar-like lights landed (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        1/2/1995 #41938  
because an epidemic of unexplained animal deaths and mutilations was ongoin 4/23/1995 #42173  
 weeks he lost 20 lbs., and a wild animal he had befriended, his "pet black 8/15/1995 #42389  
 emitted a light beam (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        9/15/1995 #42474  
ow eye, and had been cut away. The animal was still warm to the touch, but  10/30/1995 #42570  
temala - During a spate of bizarre animal killings in the area, Alicia Faja 11/11/1995 #42593  
rs arrive expecting to find a wild animal, but they encounter a 5-foot-tall 1/20/1996 #42693  
ocal fire department about a "wild animal" on the loose on the north side o 1/20/1996 #42697  
ys: small flying red spheres, more animal mutilations, and a large orange s 2/23/1996 #42776  
they first noticed a total lack of animal noises while camping outside on t 7/22/1996 #42963  
d as boomerang passed (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        7/25/1996 #42965  
p emits beam of light (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        11/22/1996 #43115  
ions commonly involve areas of the animal that relate to “input, output, an 1997 #43154  
 under a glowing ball (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        10/1997 #43422  
rectangle was in area (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        12/30/1997 #43475  
ity devices involving the human or animal element to achieve weightlessness 1/1998 #43483  
ll sphere roamed area (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        1/2/1998 #43485  
till as object hovers (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        1/27/1998 #43507  
the apparently dead or unconscious animal.  The object had a red and white  2/25/1999 #43736  
 barking of dog (IFO) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        11/16/1999 #43882  
ball flies over (IFO) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        11/16/1999 #43883  
s hovering in the sky (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        2/18/2000 #43953  
spond to low triangle (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        9/27/2000 #44046  
during aurora display (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        3/30/2001 #44153  
de lightbulb that faced toward the animal cages. He then went outside to ta 8/2/2001 #44218  
ce as cylinder hovers (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        8/23/2001 #44242  
in and is heard (IFO) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        1/22/2002 #44309  
e startles police dog (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        1/31/2002 #44313  
ountain in Middleton, Nova Scotia. Animal reaction: scared dog.             7/6/2002 #44356  
wo dogs did not react (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        7/26/2002 #44364  
octurnal lights (IFO) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        8/12/2002 #44379  
ack triangle appeared (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        8/13/2002 #44381  
mming sound was heard (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        12/8/2002 #44459  
t hovers over pasture (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        5/3/2003 #44522  
ilently over treetops (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        6/5/2003 #44553  
f something else like a tree or an animal for psychological warfare purpose 7/2003 #44560  
                                An animal reaction case was reported from O 7/14/2003 #44564  
witness about how she had been to "animal control" (the witness could not q 9/3/2003 #44592  
e stationary triangle (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        9/13/2003 #44597  
 dark object observed (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        9/25/2003 #44607  
 lights in sky. (IFO) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        11/14/2003 #44615  
ople see meteor (IFO) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        12/14/2003 #44628  
cal, it was more like some kind of animal. It did not have extended wings l 4/5/2004 #44684  
ts are observed (IFO) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        6/10/2004 #44710  
ul of glowing chevron (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        5/9/2005 #44835  
re with dark corners at the apexes.Animal reaction: dogs barking, birds fra 5/15/2005 #44842  
light is viewed (IFO) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        8/25/2005 #44865  
n dark object is near (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        10/16/2005 #44889  
d visually track disc (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        11/10/2005 #44901  
f white, glowing oval (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        11/15/2005 #44902  
ks at disc over house (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        12/24/2005 #44914  
object in daytime sky (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)                        2/28/2006 #44926  
## Word: "animal's" (Back to Top)
 observed the spectacle, since the animal's fur stood on end and it quickly 5/2/1978 #33183  
 observed the spectacle, since the animal's fur stood on end and it quickly 5/2/1978 #33185  
## Word: "animals" (Back to Top)
stronomer John Herschel of plants, animals, and winged people on the lunar  8/25/1835 #130  
le from town, terrifying some farm animals. As a crowd rushes toward it, it 4/14/1897 #464  
ENVALE, NZ Farm hand. Whirr sound. Animals scared. 50M airship overhead. Aw 7/31/1909 #792  
, and surrounded by vegetation and animals entirely unrelated to any here o 1946 #1961  
logical, gas-breathing intelligent animals with larger craniums than humans 1949 #3947  
cer hovers / river / 60 minute(s). Animals flee. Going quickly [to] extreme 8/1950 #5087  
was the first successful flight of animals into space, but for 40 years the 7/22/1951 #5580  
uth Carolina, hears a commotion of animals, grabs his .22 revolver, and see 1/29/1953 #8616  
server(s). Saucers hover. Dirt and animals melted impossibly. Slag.         11/1954 #11502  
ng quickly south. Landings. Beams. Animals scared. / LDLN#325.              11/4/1954 #11553  
 emitting beams of light. The farm animals were frightened by it. The incid 11/4/1954 #11566  
nking they were going to steal the animals, the farmer aimed a rifle at the 11/14/1954 #11648  
ni’s rabbit cages and stare at the animals, talking in a strange language.  11/14/1954 #11653  
iro de Costa e Rosa is feeding his animals at Linha Bela Vista, said to be  12/9/1954 #11787  
ch she conceives of UFOs as living animals that inhabit the ionosphere and  9/1955 #12422  
0-year half-life; many of the test animals are killed, but security guard R 4/24/1957 #13615  
ight. The next day she was feeding animals that ran away as the same or a s 10/10/1957 #14091  
. The next day she was feeding her animals and the animals ran away when th 10/10/1957 #14096  
he was feeding her animals and the animals ran away when the same or a simi 10/10/1957 #14096  
                       PULASKI, WI Animals panic. 60M top-saucer hovers. Bl 11/14/1957 #14544  
ent off. Two figures, looking like animals or huge insects were observed ne 1/1958 #14790  
     KETA, GHANA Many observer(s). Animals act up. Night light rises / sea. 4/9/1958 #14966  
 Bugs fall from the air, and small animals and the bacteria living in and o 6/1959 #15754  
rison Brown suggests that boneless animals similar to jellyfish abound in o 12/1/1959 #16109  
erver(s). 5M saucer maneuvers. All animals affected. Going quickly west. /  6/11/1961 #16723  
 took off. Neither the man nor the animals were ever returned.              9/16/1962 #17407  
ees that they are actually bizarre animals with the heads of birds and cove 11/1962 #17525  
ld farmer was awakened by restless animals and went out to calm them. Fifte 1/11/1963 #17633  
io de Luca is awakened by restless animals and goes out to calm them. Fifte 1/11/1963 #17634  
taly was awakened by restless farm animals and went out to calm them. Fifte 1/11/1963 #17635  
[to] May. Night lights. Figure(s). Animals terrified. / Flying Saucer Revie 4/1963 #17716  
tent is to investigate exposure of animals (dogs, sheep, and burros) to plu 5/15/1963 #17742  
ested in finding out if any nearby animals had been agitated. Then they ins 5/24/1964 #18297  
ynamo", hovered just above ground. Animals reacted to its presence.         8/2/1965 #19274  
, elliptical object landed nearby, animals reacted, beeping sound. Object s 8/19/1965 #19425  
e southwest. Effects were noted on animals: milk production decreased from  8/20/1965 #19439  
ls to one; a dog barked, and other animals were terrified.                  8/20/1965 #19439  
 lights blinked in sequence.  Farm animals were very noisy.  Sighting laste 9/3/1965 #19507  
ject onto a utility pole. Domestic animals in the area were excited and agi 3/30/1966 #20155  
M cylinder/cigar-shape over swamp. Animals react. USAF PHOTOs later.        4/5/1966 #20233  
t it flew awav. They observed that animals (cows, dogs, horses) were restle 4/5/1966 #20243  
ainbow colors cascade down. Noise. Animals edgy.                            8/20/1966 #20774  
e it took off vertically. Domestic animals had been greatly disturbed, and  8/20/1966 #20777  
e it took off vertically. Domestic animals had been greatly disturbed, and  8/20/1966 #20780  
. 50+saucers spew caustic threads. Animals avoid. / MJ#282.                 10/12/1966 #20995  
 object hovered near missile site, animals reacted. Object started, stopped 7/25/1967 #22731  
                   OKA, QB 3 kids. Animals frantic. Clam saucer fires sharp 8/29/1967 #22948  
n/entity give odd written message. Animals paralyzed. Traces. / r8#916.     7/2/1968 #24123  
oss the heretofore placid surface. Animals up and down the shore howl and s 8/7/1968 #24307  
nd fences caused by the frightened animals.                                 2/16/1969 #24923  
bserver(s). Glowing-tops maneuver. Animals upset. Saucer nest found / 17 Ap 4/16/1969 #25066  
 and the object blinks out and the animals quiet down. Guinn discovers late 4/23/1969 #25086  
closer to the object he saw three "animals" on all fours climbing up the ro 3/5/1971 #26044  
nkish cast, caused panic among the animals on one ranch and simultaneously  6/26/1971 #26195  
ject flashes and circles overhead. Animals frantic. No description.         9/22/1971 #26360  
oung boys reported that their farm animals were frantic when an orange UFO  9/22/1971 #26366  
0 p.m., lasted ten minutes, scared animals, and left physical traces.       11/13/1972 #27123  
d hovers and spins / 30M altitude. Animals stare.                           5/18/1973 #27503  
ove the ground, but made no noise. Animals stared dumbfounded at the object 5/18/1973 #27507  
bject. The dogs are large security animals that are not easily frightened.  6/28/1973 #27598  
(or Greys) / spacesuits and masks. Animals flee. / r83p219+/ r178.          10/22/1973 #28232  
 original encounter and notes wild animals leaving the area. His headlights 10/22/1973 #28241  
newspaper from the light. The farm animals refused to go into the area. One 10/25/1973 #28286  
and the glow was now gone, but the animals still wouldn't go near the spot. 10/25/1973 #28286  
arian Laboratory in Manhattan, the animals have died of bloat and coyotes h 12/1973 #28494  
find no tracks but notice that the animals seem terrified. The son-in-law t 2/6/1974 #28742  
l. Shoots going quickly northeast. Animals scared.                          8/18/1974 #29370  
 Night light maneuvers / treetops. Animals react. Burnt patch / alfalfa.    9/4/1974 #29419  
                              Farm animals reacted in panic when a nocturna 9/4/1974 #29423  
(s). Round object lands. All sorts animals go crazy. TV malfunctions due to 10/15/1974 #29529  
          Ramona, CA Many types of animals reacted to a round object that l 10/15/1974 #29530  
utes, and then land. Many types of animals (a horse, a dog, a goat, chicken 10/15/1974 #29533  
                  CASTELLEALE, ITL Animals frantic. Man / odd suit rides 60 11/15/1974? #29595  
ovanna Sensoli is attending to her animals by her farmhouse near Castelleal Mid 11/1974 #29596  
0 p.m. a woman was tending to some animals on her farm near Castelleale, Em 11/15/1974 #29597  
the light. Suddenly the light, the animals, and the figure vanished. There  11/27/1974 #29614  
nning the area and eliminating any animals, and that the silent beams emana 2/1975 #29781  
 light going down. Outhouse burns. Animals frantic. / IFS#29.               4/29/1975 #30010  
ags across road. Possible landing. Animals upset.                           6/3/1975 #30076  
d been so close to the ground, and animals were upset. There were 5 witness 6/3/1975 #30079  
fice warns McCarthy not to let his animals drink from the pond; he reappear 1/10/1977 #31715  
overed, illuminated barnyard, farm animals reacted, watchdog later died. Wi 2/18/1977 #31827  
NEKOSKI, FINL Several observer(s). Animals scared. Silent 1M circle / light 12/3/1977 #32732  
netic effect (EME). Smoke / woods. Animals die. / MJ#240+/ r26p97.          4/2/1978 #33114  
ngworm, but cannot account for the animals’ fatigue or behavior.            4/6/1978 #33128  
amination reveals that five of the animals have a “glittery substance on th 7/5/1978 #33339  
on/depot/facility. Observer(s) and animals hide. Found in shock. / Internat 7/12/1978 #33372  
hat appeared to be two cougar-like animals. Then the group saw what looked  8/21/1978 #33540  
ld. 3 6' pseudo-human/entity scare animals. / MJ#245. / r41p491.            9/1/1978 #33619  
 disecting the large bones of some animals resembling either cows or horses 9/6/1978 #33640  
itude. Antenna / dome. Tree bends. Animals frantic.                         1/8/1979 #34314  
 meters above the ground. The farm animals were panicked and a tree bent ov 1/8/1979 #34317  
 meters above the ground. The farm animals were panicked and a tree bent ov 1/8/1979 #34320  
ld. Responds / lights. Sand fused. Animals change.                          5/1/1979 #34534  
 Sacramento R. / 3 minute(s). Many animals act up.                          5/25/1979 #34575  
ses, Ruben and Carlos Genera. Many animals reacted to its presence. (NICAP: 5/25/1979 #34578  
ses, Ruben and Carlos Genera. Many animals reacted to its presence. The clo 5/25/1979 #34579  
her an alien zoo with many bizarre animals. The beings communicated with th 9/14/1979 #34884  
ngly debunks popular theories. The animals have died of natural causes, he  6/1980 #35349  
ck like a lopsided triangle. Their animals were effected while the UFO was  10/26/1980 #35589  
nty, Indiana. Moreover, their farm animals were affected while the UFO was  10/26/1980 #35592  
idge NATA bases in England. Nearby animals driven into a frenzy, surroundin 12/1980 #35684  
E DO RIO PRETO, BRZ 4 observer(s). Animals run. 25cm silver sphere/orb/glob 12/18/1980 #35726  
l, four men and women watched farm animals (cows and horses) panic and run  12/18/1980 #35729  
o move through the trees, and “the animals on a nearby farm went into a fre 12/26/1980 #35737  
 at 4:00 a.m. to the sounds of his animals causing a commotion. Looking out 2/18/1981 #35831  
 a field about 20 meters away. His animals were effected and he recalled an 2/18/1981 #35831  
 at 4:00 a.m. to the sounds of his animals causing a commotion. Looking out 2/18/1981 #35832  
ITY, NE Many separate observer(s). Animals frantic. Night lights seen widel 12/11/1982 #36716  
p with a sinus headache. She hears animals in the neighborhood barking, gro 2/4/1986 #37779  
 near the center. Devine shoos the animals inside (no reaction to the displ 11/23/1987 #38332  
             Glen Allen, MS Forest animals freeze as cylinder passes overhe 1/18/1989 #38784  
es lines. Going quickly northeast. Animals silent.                          11/5/1990 #39828  
 house, noticing that all the farm animals were acting agitated. He went to 12/4/1991 #40254  
-like craft seen here also. Noise. Animals jittery. House rumbles. North go 2/5/1992 #40317  
/triangle/box-like craft overhead. Animals freak. Local wave. North going s 2/5/1992 #40318  
a/triangle/box-like craft outside. Animals freak out. Slow flight.          2/5/1992 #40319  
                     UPAVON, WILTS Animals upset. Night light / clouds. Thi 7/7/1992 #40516  
nty claim to have lost a number of animals to this mysterious "disease"-tha 3/1993 #40867  
UFO's fly / lines and circles. All animals / jittery.                       6/28/1993 #41040  
 hums over tree 100m away / 2+min. Animals scared.                          8/27/1993 #41164  
souri making a humming sound. Farm animals were frightened by the object.   8/27/1993 #41165  
                Granville, TN Farm animals reported unusually calm after a  4/12/1994 #41488  
                              Farm animals in Granville, Tennessee were rep 4/12/1994 #41489  
ls' calmness persisted afterward.  Animals involved were 5 goats, 4 dogs, 9 4/12/1994 #41489  
sic analysis revealed that the two animals had cooked hemoglobin and cauter 5/10/1994 #41520  
bin and cauterized incisions. Both animals also had had pneumonia.          5/10/1994 #41520  
                      TONASKET, WA Animals noisy. Huge square object hovers 1/22/1995 #41988  
lso horses, fox, raccoon and other animals found in the area. He also said  8/15/1995 #42389  
gule going [to] slow 70' overhead. Animals panic.                           9/22/1995 #42498  
 VARGINHA, BRZ 2 farmers wakened / animals. 3M grey 'submarine' going [to]  1/20/1996 #42691  
ea had spotted a group of agitated animals running from the area. Upon inve 1/20/1996 #42697  
glowing-objects circle farm. Buzz. Animals react. Back 01 March.            2/23/1996 #42773  
noid (or Grey) just outside zoo. 5 animals found dead.                      4/21/1996 #42875  
ortedly wore a golden helmet. Five animals were found dead in the zoo.      4/21/1996 #42877  
ke images, including dinosaur like animals. When he asked them when they wo 12/9/1996 #43133  
, to secretly retrieve and destroy animals that were contaminated with a hi 1997 #43154  
                      Woodland, WA Animals become still as object hovers (N 1/27/1998 #43507  
There was also unusual behavior by animals, and the total silence of nature 8/9/1998 #43623  
s no noise from the craft, and the animals around the campsite and your nor 5/16/2003 #44538  
d others are wakened by their farm animals going crazy and dogs howling as  2/7/2005 #44813  
tch of the ranch, its environment, animals, two ranch managers, and two sec 3/2010 #45270  
5 minutes. When it disappears, the animals calm down.                       4/5/2018 #45524  
## Word: "animals'" (Back to Top)
and the rumbling sound ceased. The animals' calmness persisted afterward.   4/12/1994 #41489  
## Word: "animas" (Back to Top)
                          NEAR LAS ANIMAS, CO 2 / US50. 60' flying coffin b 2/18/1982 #36349  
        CHAMA, CO AND COSTILLA&LAS ANIMAS CO Several cattle mutilations. Ni 11/24/1992 #40725  
## Word: "animate" (Back to Top)
s from another planet, operated by animate, intelligent beings.” The Navy,  3/1950 #4565  
FO hovered near the ground, three "animate objects" dropped from it to the  7/17/1973 #27638  
## Word: "animated" (Back to Top)
 media, including Walt Disney Inc. animated cartoons. Blue Book should be e 1/17/1953 #8548  
## Word: "animatedly" (Back to Top)
 on orange belts, talking together animatedly. Suddenly a shining object ap 7/7/1971 #26211  
from the ground, and gesticulating animatedly among themselves without maki 10/4/1979 #34941  
## Word: "animation" (Back to Top)
 was still in a state of suspended animation. Her daughter later recalled b 1/25/1967 #21389  
## Word: "animpossibleinvention" (Back to Top)
s://youtu.be/oCEhkmrO9K4   https://animpossibleinvention.com/2015/11/25/ros 11/15/2015 #45440  
## Word: "anis" (Back to Top)
 Julio stopped to drink coffee and anis at a wayside bar known as the Hosta 2/5/1978 #32957  
## Word: "anita" (Back to Top)
                                   ANITA, IA Blue and white glowing cylinde 6/15/1955 #12198  
aped craft zoomed over the town of Anita, Iowa at an altitude under 1000 fe 6/15/1955 #12199  
                                   ANITA, IA Ground Observer Corps (GOC) ob 10/26/1956 #13291  
   Sacramento, California Witness: Anita Miller. One light moved around the 4/30/1966 #20433  
                      At 3:15 a.m. Anita Miller saw a light moving around i 4/30/1966 #20434  
glas Tibbetts, 16; Betty Klem, 16; Anita Haifley, 22; and Gerald Labelle, 2 7/31/1966 #20702  
 Tibbetts, age 16, Betty Klem, 16, Anita Haifley, 22, and Gerald Labelle, 2 7/31/1966 #20703  
ight outside. Her foster daughter, Anita Purrington, joins Dale and they bo 11/1/1966 #21061  
## Word: "anjou" (Back to Top)
         ANGERS GOING QUICKLY [TO] ANJOU, FR Many observer(s) / 50 miles. S 9/1/1954 #10226  
## Word: "ankara" (Back to Top)
                                   ANKARA, TURKEY Locals. 6 blue-white disk 3/17/1950 #4658  
ped objects turned in the sky over Ankara, Turkey on this day. They next sh 3/17/1950 #4666  
                             ULUS, ANKARA, TURKEY "Saucer" hovers / long ti 10/13/1954 #10990  
                                   Ankara, Turkey Radar/Visuals of High Spe 6/8/1965 #18999  
                                   Ankara, Turkey Mürted Air Base The Turki 10/24/1969 #25423  
nundated with reports of UFOs over Ankara, Turkey. Jet fighters are scrambl 10/24/1969 #25423  
                                   Ankara, Turkey Eskisehir Highway 5:15 a. 4/23/1982 #36451  
 the Head Office of Meteorology in Ankara, Turkey, observe two UFOs that ar 4/23/1982 #36451  
## Word: "ankle" (Back to Top)
e cloth fastened at the wrists and ankle. He filled a shiny pail with water 5/20/1953 #8888  
e cloth fastened at the wrists and ankle. The UFO occupant filled a shiny p 5/20/1953 #8890  
ewardess Naomi J. Penaat breaks an ankle. The object is only in sight for 2 4/14/1954 #9690  
 It was bowlegged, and around each ankle was a brilliant, white glowing wir 8/23/1967 #22908  
) inside. Missing time. Abduction? Ankle wound. Finger grows. / MJ#309.     4/1969 #25043  
re loops a cable around da Silva’s ankle and hoists him screaming into an o 9/9/1976 #31362  
nder his left armpit and above his ankle, and he often has “strange dreams  11/1977 #32648  
 long needles into their knees and ankle joints. The husband and the child  3/7/1987 #38133  
## Word: "ankles" (Back to Top)
is bones, injuries on his feet and ankles, and his feet clenched like the c 3/5/1946 #1973  
 and pointed between the knees and ankles. The witnesses watch another 5 mi Late 8/1960 #16417  
tch the resultant flash burned her ankles and she fainted. When she woke up 8/11/1966 #20739  
ed her found burns on her legs and ankles. She brought her friends back to  8/11/1966 #20739  
bands appear around the creature’s ankles and give off an intense white lig 8/23/1967 #22905  
ntgomery, fastened at the wrists & ankles." It was blue in color, with a ho 7/8/1968 #24159  
 the legs but tight-fitting at the ankles. He did not see any arms, and he  5/11/1969 #25128  
manner, with the bands holding her ankles to the cold surface of the table. 10/16/1973 #28089  
g aprons that fell as far as their ankles. Thick-soled boots covered their  10/16/1973 #28089  
 included chills, swollen feet and ankles, eye discoloration, difficulty sw 10/27/1975 #30489  
with white bands at the wrists and ankles and a patch of white at the neck. 12/11/1975 #30705  
 loses some hair on that side. His ankles swell, and he loses some sight an 5/1/2005 #44828  
## Word: "anklets" (Back to Top)
or with shining white wrist bands, anklets, and a buckle. The man was exami 8/16/1970 #25791  
## Word: "anlauf" (Back to Top)
Saxony, Germany 4:00 a.m. Waltraut Anlauf, a telephone operator in Friedlan 10/10/1946 #2202  
## Word: "anley" (Back to Top)
ception. (CHR- 74-04, W.A. Darbro, ANLEY Ingram) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)    2/4/1974 #28737  
## Word: "anmarie" (Back to Top)
Cambridge, Massachusetts 6:20 p.m. Anmarie Emery is driving near Auburn, Ma 1/5/1979 #34302  
## Word: "anmcc" (Back to Top)
of UFOs. At approx. 0345, EDT, the ANMCC received several reports of UFOs n 7/30/1976 #31195  
an UFO in the vicinity of sight R. ANMCC was requested to have each individ 7/30/1976 #31195  
 1. At approximately 0345 EDT, the ANMCC called to indicate they had receiv 7/30/1976 #31200  
## Word: "anmoore" (Back to Top)
                                   ANMOORE, WV 2 observer(s). 18' delta/tri 4/14/1994 #41491  
                                   ANMOORE, WV Neon green lens-object trail 8/14/1994 #41673  
## Word: "anmore" (Back to Top)
                  At 12:20 a.m. in Anmore, West Virginia a neon green, lens 8/14/1994 #41675  
## Word: "ann" (Back to Top)
                                   Ann Arbor (Mich.) Separation, Wyoming Ro 7/29/1878 #214  
ames Craig Watson, director of the Ann Arbor (Mich.) Observatory, and Lewis 7/29/1878 #214  
a After 5:00 p.m. Future ufologist Ann Druffel is on a bus returning from h Summer 1945 #1881  
                    LONG BEACH, CA Ann Druffel. Night lights exit large obj 7/20/1945? #1902  
p. 2; Michael David Hall and Wendy Ann Connors, “Alfred Loedding: New Insig 12/30/1947 #3516  
                    MANCHESTER AND ANN ARBOR, MICH Bright green saucer with 4/27/1952 #6193  
                            WEST / ANN ARBOR, MI Biologist. 15 tuning forks 7/27/1952 #7188  
                                   Ann Arbor, MI Biologist reported "flotil 7/27/1952 #7206  
State University 3724 Dexter Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 10:40 a.m. Bowling G 7/27/1952 #7213  
ing no sound” at 3724 Dexter Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan. He grabs a pair of  7/27/1952 #7213  
mories, and she contacts ufologist Ann Druffel. During three hypnotic regre 3/22/1953 #8775  
n Haskin, and stars Gene Barry and Ann Robinson.                            8/13/1953 #9068  
                              NEAR ANN ARBOR, MI 2 / farm. 5 cigars maneuve 1/8/1959 #15540  
                                   Ann Arbor, MI (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 3/22/1959 #15664  
                                   Ann Arbor, Michigan 1:30 a.m. Mr. and Mr 3/22/1959 #15665  
nd Mrs. Gary Bond are driving near Ann Arbor, Michigan, when they see an in 3/22/1959 #15665  
 Actor Jamie Farr and his wife Joy Ann are driving through the desert near  1962 #17007  
a Santa Catalina Channel 2:00 p.m. Ann Druffel and Aileen Cummings are at L Late 8/1962 #17360  
                                   ANN ARBOR, MI 3 grad.astronomers. 2 red  7/1965? #19035  
                Dexter, Milan, and Ann Arbor, MI Sheriffs reported disc-sha 3/14/1966 #19965  
                                   ANN ARBOR, MI Falling star becomes delta 3/20/1966 #20004  
                                   Ann Arbor, MI Time not reported. Enginee 3/26/1966 #20088  
      Engineers and technicians in Ann Arbor, Michigan watched a glowing re 3/26/1966 #20093  
                        WARREN AND ANN ARBOR, MI Cops and 30 calls. Night l 3/28/1966 #20106  
                                In Ann Arbor, Michigan at 7:00 p.m. a marri 2/25/1967 #21650  
r, reddish edges, and oval shape. (Ann Arbor News, Michigan, 3/1/67, copy i 2/28/1967 #21681  
                                   Ann Arbor, MI 7:45 p.m. A man saw a red  3/17/1967 #21911  
 EST. About 345 miles southeast of Ann Arbor, Mich., a couple in southwest  3/17/1967 #21912  
                              CAPE ANN, MA 250 observer(s) / several towns. 8/2/1967 #22774  
averse City, MI A 19-year-old Lake Ann, Michigan, resident and his companio 8/14/1973 #27701  
                     FLINT TO/FROM ANN ARBOR, MI Government / Ohio and 1. O 10/15/1973 #28040  
                              Ohio Ann Arbor, Michigan Ohio Gov. John J. Gi 10/17/1973 #28131  
and his wife Mary are driving near Ann Arbor, Michigan, when they see an am 10/17/1973 #28131  
. Presenters include Ted Bloecher, Ann Druffel, Loren Gross, Richard H. Hal 4/30/1976 #31029  
s were found at the site. (Source: Ann Druffel, MUFON UFO Journal, March 19 3/6/1977 #31864  
es was driving with a friend, Mrs. Ann Strickland, along a country road whe 3/7/1977 #31869  
es was driving with a friend, Mrs. Ann Strickland, along a country road whe 3/7/1977 #31870  
es was driving with a friend, Mrs. Ann Strickland, along a country road nea 3/7/1977 #31874  
                              CAPE ANN, MASS Plain silent orange cylinder/c 8/27/1978 #33574  
ered over Highway 23 and a lake in Ann Arbor, Michigan at 9:41 p.m. The mai 8/11/1979 #34734  
                        California Ann Druffel and D. Scott Rogo publish Th 1980 #35111  
Mercedes owned by the driver, Mary Ann Poland. She and the passengers (Rose 9/30/1982 #36622  
:30 p.m. G. I. Lerman and his wife Ann watch a fiery object with a tail ove 6/30/1989 #38998  
ered humanoids in their bedroom in Ann Arbor, Michigan at around two a.m. P 11/9/1990 #39883  
                                   ANN ARBOR, MI 2 observer(s). Green fireb 6/14/1995 #42254  
mployee, states a friend of his in Ann Arbor, MI figured out a way to tap i 11/2000 #44070  
## Word: "ann-lis" (Back to Top)
Västra Götaland, Sweden 11:00 p.m. Ann-Lis Danielsson is driving home to Tj 3/22/1967 #21948  
## Word: "anna" (Back to Top)
isit to Mars along with his sister Anna Cridge and wife Elizabeth. He finds 1873 #198  
onomers Charles Dillon Perrine and Anna Estelle Glancy observe an object re 5/4/1916 #946  
 children to the spot, but student Anna Jarocińska goes in the wrong direct 9/27/1978 #33761  
                                   Anna Kaseman Hospital in Albuquerque Aft 8/1988 #38611  
 are in danger, commits him to the Anna Kaseman Hospital in Albuquerque, wh 8/1988 #38611  
                     At 11:00 p.m. Anna L was returning home with her husba 10/8/1989 #39150  
g invisible appeared to be pulling Anna by her arms and legs. Her husband t 10/8/1989 #39150  
anted to arrest him. At this point Anna calmed down and was able to rise fr 10/8/1989 #39150  
kino, Belgorod Oblast, Russia Day. Anna Dmitrievna Yerygina is herding goat 7/6/1990 #39637  
## Word: "anna-1b" (Back to Top)
WN Military observer(s). Satellite Anna-1B placed / orbit 10 October.       10/16/1962 #17473  
## Word: "annaba" (Back to Top)
                            BONE = ANNABA, ALGERIA Luminous sphere seen. Ob 7/6/1952 #6718  
                       SOUTHWEST / ANNABA, ALGERIA 2 / car. 6 luminous ball 8/13/1977 #32398  
## Word: "annadale" (Back to Top)
                                   ANNADALE, NY 2 observer(s). Silent 20M s 2/10/1975 #29797  
                                   Annadale, Staten Island, New York 7:00 p 2/10/1975 #29800  
 7:00 p.m. Two 15-year-old boys in Annadale, Staten Island, New York, see a 2/10/1975 #29800  
## Word: "annam" (Back to Top)
                          Donghoi, Annam 4:10 a.m. An elongated object foll 6/16/1909 #775  
                          Donghoi, Annam An elongated object following a we 6/16/1909 #776  
## Word: "annandale" (Back to Top)
                                   ANNANDALE, VA Project Bluebook Case #224 11/24/1952 #8329  
                                   Annandale, VA Round, glowing object fly  11/24/1952 #8330  
                                   Annandale, Virginia Witness:  L.L' Brett 11/24/1952 #8331  
                                   Annandale, Virginia. 6:30 p.m. Witness L 11/24/1952 #8334  
s loading gravel at French Lake in Annandale, Louisiana at eight o'clock in 12/1/1973 #28497  
                                   Annandale, NY 7:00 p.m. Two 15-year-old  2/10/1975 #29799  
                   At 7:00 p.m. in Annandale, New York two 15-year-old teen 2/10/1975 #29803  
## Word: "annapolis" (Back to Top)
                                   ANNAPOLIS ROYAL, NS Separate observer(s) 6/21/1952 #6567  
                       NORTHWEST / ANNAPOLIS, MD Project Bluebook Case #143 7/12/1952 #6763  
                                   Annapolis, MD 3:30 p.m. Insurance compan 7/12/1952 #6772  
                                   Annapolis, Maryland Witness: insurance c 7/12/1952 #6782  
ation at a high rate of speed over Annapolis, Maryland. They stopped in mid 7/12/1952 #6786  
                              NEAR ANNAPOLIS, MD 3 flat saucers / diagonal  4/13/1954 #9687  
                                   ANNAPOLIS, MD 4 observer(s). 4 silver di 8/14/1956 #13084  
                                   ANNAPOLIS, MD 4 kids. Blue-glowing disk  10/31/1957 #14170  
                    In Cornwallis, Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia, Canada at 11/30/1965 #19744  
## Word: "anne" (Back to Top)
O follows three 10-year-old girls (Anne Storedal, Tora Storedal, and Tora M 11/23/1954 #11696  
s Delpeuch and his younger sister, Anne Marie, age 9, were tending their fa 8/29/1967 #22955  
ewes is driving west with his wife Anne and babysitter Gail Yemm about 20 m 8/15/1968 #24331  
                              Ste. Anne, Manitoba University of Manitoba Fa 9/18/1968 #24478  
,500 feet and 2 miles away at Ste. Anne, Manitoba. They are traveling north 9/18/1968 #24478  
 the daytime with UFO investigator Anne Druffel, they found three 12"-14" c 11/13/1971 #26470  
 Romford, Essex, England 9:00 p.m. Anne Taylor is walking to her farm in Ro 9/17/1973 #27829  
a "glowing lantern" flew over Ste. Anne, Manitoba at 9:00 p.m.              5/8/2011 #45324  
## Word: "anne-marie" (Back to Top)
nçois Delpeuch, 13, and his sister Anne-Marie, 9, are herding cows at Cussa 8/29/1967 #22954  
## Word: "annecy" (Back to Top)
                                   ANNECY AND VAUX-EN-BUGEY AND BELIGNEUX,  2/14/1973 #27287  
## Word: "annenberg" (Back to Top)
ting the monument to the Battle of Annenberg in Góra Świętej Anny, Poland,  6/18/1997 #43328  
## Word: "annes" (Back to Top)
                        LYTHAN-ST. ANNES, LANCS Girl / 9. Delta/triangle/bo 3/4/1977 #31856  
## Word: "annex" (Back to Top)
                       FT. STEVENS ANNEX, OR Several observer(s). Extremely 7/1/1947 #2504  
   At 12:45 p.m. over Fort Stevens Annex, Oregon an extremely bright disc-s 7/1/1947 #2528  
             Kelly AFB Kelly Field Annex San Antonio, Texas Killeen Base, T 4/14/1949 #4090  
fice at Kelly AFB [now Kelly Field Annex] in San Antonio, Texas, hands the  4/14/1949 #4090  
e Kelly Air Force Base Kelly Field Annex San Antonio, Texas The US Air Forc 8/1/1953 #9037  
ly Air Force Base [now Kelly Field Annex], both in San Antonio, Texas.      8/1/1953 #9037  
            Cape Canaveral Missile Annex, Florida 10:48 p.m. The US launche 1/31/1958 #14856  
rer 1, from Cape Canaveral Missile Annex, Florida. It is the first spacecra 1/31/1958 #14856  
days after the 44 states listed in Annex 2 of the treaty have ratified it.  9/10/1996 #43014  
he treaty have ratified it. These “Annex 2 states” are states that particip 9/10/1996 #43014  
rs at that time. As of 2016, eight Annex 2 states have not ratified the tre 9/10/1996 #43014  
## Word: "annie" (Back to Top)
sea, Portsmouth, England 2:00 a.m. Annie Baker of 39 Highland Road, Southse Late 7/1921 #1012  
king fiction is fact. According to Annie Jacobsen, the confusion allegedly  10/30/1938 #1300  
.C. New Mexico desert According to Annie Jacobsen’s informant, EG&G enginee 7/1/1947 #2523  
 cleaned and secured by 11:30 a.m. Annie Jacobsen has interviewed Alfred O’ 7/5/1947 #2721  
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Annie” Yield: 16KT                       3/17/1953 #8758  
r rocket has been proceeding well. Annie Jacobsen claims that some failed n 1/3/1973 #27218  
## Word: "annihilation" (Back to Top)
t be measured against the “risk of annihilation.”                           6/5/1957 #13706  
fearful planet with a tendency for annihilation." She also recalled being s 8/22/1980 #35475  
a “Gravity A” wave from the “total annihilation” reactor in the center leve 3/1989 #38855  
## Word: "annis" (Back to Top)
Summit, Pennsylvania Mrs. James W. Annis, a librarian, sees a large, narrow 6/4/1961 #16720  
ichigan Witness:  college graduate Annis. A group of lights that flashed an 11/8/1966 #21084  
## Word: "anniston" (Back to Top)
                            WEST / ANNISTON, AL Guard. 2M ovoid going [to]  12/6/1958 #15469  
                                   ANNISTON ORDNANCE, AL Military and civil 1/2/1959 #15528  
be hovered and maneuvered over the Anniston Army Ordnance Depot. The UFO ma 1/2/1959 #15529  
## Word: "anniversary" (Back to Top)
dore in New York City for the 20th anniversary of the Kenneth Arnold sighti 6/22/1967 #22535  
nois, in commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the Kenneth Arnold sighti 6/24/1977 #32190  
ia, Italy, to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Kenneth Arnold’s sighting 6/25/1977 #32195  
## Word: "annola" (Back to Top)
    Abee, Alberta 3:30 p.m. Sylvia Annola, 10, sees a large gray object wit 7/16/1969 #25274  
## Word: "annonay" (Back to Top)
                                   ANNONAY, ARDECHE, FR 2 observer(s). Sauc 9/16/1954 #10318  
## Word: "annotated" (Back to Top)
 APRO headquarters Pennsylvania An annotated copy of the paperback edition  4/1956 #12777  
 Cmdr. George W. Hoover receive an annotated copy of Morris K. Jessup’s The 4/1956 #12778  
ore. Sherby and Hoover reprint the annotated version with government contra 4/1956 #12778  
search to examine the mysteriously annotated version of his The Case for th Summer 1956? #12914  
luded in a special printing of the annotated book by the Varo Publishing Co Summer 1956? #12914  
## Word: "annotates" (Back to Top)
r who analyzes the data print out, annotates the signal with the word “Wow! 8/15/1977 #32402  
## Word: "annotation" (Back to Top)
Allen had written all three of the annotation types. Bill Moore and Charles 4/1956 #12777  
## Word: "annotations" (Back to Top)
 the Office of Naval Research. The annotations are written in three differe 4/1956 #12777  
black and red ink, which shows the annotations. Meanwhile, Jessup has been  4/1956 #12777  
 talk about the same things as the annotations and are obviously written by 4/1956 #12777  
rters and confesses that the whole annotations thing was a hoax, but he sur 4/1956 #12777  
 The Case for the UFO (1955), with annotations from three different persons 4/1956 #12778  
en, who also admits to writing the annotations in the Jessup/Varo book that 4/1956 #12779  
es to APRO that he had written the annotations, but he retracts the confess Summer 1956? #12914  
## Word: "announce" (Back to Top)
 on Theoretical Physics in D.C. to announce the discovery of nuclear fissio 1/26/1939 #1306  
          Germany Nazis officially announce the V-2 rocket on 11/8/1944     11/8/1944 #1695  
Northern University, in Ada, Ohio, announce the formation of Project A: Inv 7/1952 #6680  
ohnson holds a press conference to announce that the US has repeatedly brok 2/29/1964 #18140  
testify. Hearings used as forum to announce that new independent scientific 4/5/1966 #20246  
ee a stationary bright light. They announce the sighting to their passenger 7/30/1976 #31203  
 moves overhead, they hear a voice announce, “the time is now.” It changes  10/1/1980? #35552  
rado Division of Homeland Security announce that they are scaling back inve 1/13/2020 #45626  
l Archives and Ministry of Defence announce another “final” release of UFO  1/30/2020 #45628  
## Word: "announced" (Back to Top)
               Einstein’s USN work announced in JTA Daily News Bulletin     6/15/1943 #1511  
s: “The army air forces here today announced a flying disc had been found”  7/8/1947 #3020  
ation is a follow-up to the widely announced closure of “Project Saucer.” A 1/12/1950 #4483  
’s book “Behind the Flying Sauces” announced coming soon.                   4/17/1950 #4855  
 and press concerning the recently announced USAF “Shoot Down” order. Warni 7/24/1952 #7091  
 Africa South African headquarters announced in November that on May 23, ra 5/23/1953 #8904  
       Washington DC The Air Force announced in Washington it had set up ca 12/1/1953 #9331  
egun April 18 when Lord Aramu-Muru announced that “those we have commission 12/2/1956 #13384  
th American Air Defense Command is announced by the US Joint Chiefs of Staf 8/1/1957 #13870  
tude of 70,000 feet. The YF-12A is announced in part to continue hiding the 2/29/1964 #18140  
. Then, Hutchins say, the creature announced, "I...will...return...in...two 11/17/1966 #21119  
 Air Force Robert C. Seamans, Jr., announced termination of Project Blue Bo 12/17/1969 #25498  
ich he found rather cramped. Cyril announced that the craft was on its way  11/18/1973 #28443  
ion indicated by the boy, who then announced the “spaceman” had taken refug 8/4/1976 #31232  
, three federal investigations are announced: an investigation into the CIA 8/18/1996 #42985  
published, and soon after, the DOD announced its first ever department-wide 12/3/1999 #43892  
the company in 2020. In 2021, TTSA announced it would de-emphasize scientif 10/26/2017 #45488  
published, and soon after, the DOD announced its first ever department-wide 12/11/2017 #45492  
Academy’s ADAM Research Project is announced to test extraterrestrial mater 7/26/2018 #45534  
## Word: "announcement" (Back to Top)
of the story until much later. The announcement causes enormous excitement  8/25/1835 #130  
e explosions by making no official announcement, and euphemistically blamin 9/7/1944 #1666  
         Roswell, NM Roswell radio announcement, debris being flown by spec 7/8/1947 #2949  
delphia, Pennsylvania, he hears an announcement that a flying saucer “had c 7/8/1947? #3018  
                                   Announcement of Einstein’s ABC Special l 7/12/1947 #3140  
n DC Truman made headlines with an announcement that the Soviet Union had t 9/23/1949 #4363  
eria, hoaxes and crackpot reports. Announcement that project had disbanded. 12/27/1949 #4445  
tes. The expansion follows an Army announcement from a few weeks earlier th 7/14/1952 #6816  
reason to make an immediate public announcement. What is known about the af 1/17/1953 #8544  
s, on the communal territory.” The announcement, which also threatens the c 10/25/1954 #11391  
nternational Geophysical Year. The announcement is made at a news conferenc 9/11/1956 #13214  
                    US USAF public announcement of grant to University of C 10/7/1966 #20969  
      Madrid, Spain Ummo A bizarre announcement is published in the Spanish 5/20/1967 #22383  
ard other sources tell him that an announcement was expected in late 1974,  1974 #28633  
in Dayton, Ohio, in Hangar 18. The announcement creates a media sensation t 10/11/1974 #29521  
 to prepare American public for an announcement of the existence of extrate 12/1974 #29623  
ed in Moscow, Russia, although its announcement in the West is delayed unti 2/1984 #37170  
 F-117A stealth fighter. After the announcement, pilots can fly the F-117 d 11/10/1988 #38710  
t being made by them). After their announcement, the two men demonstrate ma 9/9/1991 #40182  
splay by “the phenomenon” or a USG announcement) will happen soon. Bigelow  1/11/1998 #43499  
 the status is set to expire. This announcement serves to extend the staff  3/2/2018 #45521  
## Word: "announcements" (Back to Top)
                 New Jersey Public announcements of radar signals bounced o 1/10/1946 #1963  
epancies in the Air Force’s public announcements and the actual data in the 12/1956 #13378  
## Word: "announcer" (Back to Top)
                         The radio announcer at Mexican radio station XEFI, 7/7/1947 #2943  
ough 1957 and is hosted by veteran announcer Truman Bradley. Each episode o 4/5/1955 #12081  
sses:  Owner M. Sheppard and chief announcer A. Seymour of radio station.   8/18/1962 #17339  
n owner Mr. M. Sheppard, and chief announcer Mr. A. Seymour, sighted three  8/18/1962 #17342  
ledo, Ohio Witness:  B.L. English, announcer for radio station WTOD. Three  6/13/1964 #18352  
At 9:15 pm. B. L. English, a radio announcer at WTOD Radio in Toledo, Ohio  6/13/1964 #18353  
ie, Minnesota Night. KEYL-AM radio announcer James F. Townsend, 19, is driv 10/23/1965 #19678  
   James Townsend, age 19, a radio announcer for KEYL Radio, had a close en 10/23/1965 #19679  
ngers aboard. The witness, a radio announcer, reported that the object was  5/26/1977 #32131  
igan 4:10 p.m. A 39-year-old radio announcer and his wife are watching an e 5/26/1977 #32135  
ngers aboard. The witness, a radio announcer, reported that the object was  5/26/1977 #32136  
ompared it to the voice of a radio announcer. The volume rose and fell as t 6/16/1978 #33283  
G Hundreds / observer(s) and radio announcer. Fleet / 15-20 saucers east go 2/4/1984 #37177  
## Word: "announcers" (Back to Top)
s). Car-size saucer 40' over radio announcers house. Goes going north.      10/19/1967 #23268  
## Word: "announces" (Back to Top)
ir Colossal Buildings, in which he announces his discovery of a city on the 1824 #117  
ancisco attorney George D. Collins announces that he represents the airship 11/22/1896 #347  
Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company announces that inventor Guglielmo Marcon 9/1/1921 #1015  
e Associated Press wire. The story announces: “The army air forces here tod 7/8/1947 #3020  
 interrogates Crisman and Dahl and announces the Maury Island incident is a 8/7/1947 #3306  
Russia Broadcaster Walter Winchell announces on his radio program that the  4/3/1949 #4069  
ct in the sky to the northwest. He announces it over the PA system to the c 7/3/1949 #4261  
                              USAF announces that Project Grudge is termina 12/27/1949 #4446  
pt. Transportation, Ottawa Canada, announces plans to build and test free e 3/22/1950 #4697  
 radio program Your Land and Mine, announces the “wonderful news” that sauc 3/27/1950 #4741  
 Radio broadcaster Henry J. Taylor announces flying saucers are USAF/Navy s 3/27/1950 #4742  
press briefing at the Pentagon and announces that “Careful studies have bee 2/13/1951 #5441  
worker in Bridgeport, Connecticut, announces the formation of the Internati 4/1952 #6011  
            The Air Force publicly announces that it has not stopped invest 4/3/1952 #6020  
 Operation Longhorn, the Air Force announces that a new “aerial light” atta 4/7/1952 #6043  
eig, and one other officer. Menzel announces that he has solved all UFO rep Early 5/1952 #6249  
aviation investigator, J. H. Lett, announces that the plane “collided with  5/2/1953 #8857  
                     The Air Force announces that it only received 87 UFO s 6/1/1954 #9861  
ry of Defense Charles Erwin Wilson announces the command’s formation public 8/2/1954 #10094  
al Observatory of Belgium in Uccle announces it will act as a clearinghouse 10/10/1954 #10891  
; and Belgrade, Serbia. Yugoslavia announces on October 27 that it intends  10/15/1954 #11112  
            UK The UK Air Ministry announces that the report in March on a  5/1955 #12110  
              President Eisenhower announces a program to launch a scientif 7/29/1955 #12301  
Sedov calls a press conference and announces that Russia can launch an arti 8/2/1955 #12324  
                      Otis T. Carr announces his invention of a fourth-dime 1957 #13432  
rials. Around the same time, Green announces his meeting with flying saucer 1/1957 #13440  
nes a press conference in which he announces that UFOs are under intelligen 1/14/1957 #13455  
   Capitol Hill Ohio Hillenkoetter announces that “two committees on Capito 1/28/1958 #14848  
ts copilot James John Dee and then announces on the intercom for the passen 2/24/1959 #15604  
ifornia. Premier Nikita Khrushchev announces the shoot-down to the Soviet p 5/5/1960 #16256  
California Contactee Gabriel Green announces his candidacy for the presiden 8/9/1960 #16366  
SR Cuba Guanajay The USSR publicly announces an agreement to supply arms an 9/1/1962 #17381  
American public for 18 minutes and announces his plan to implement a naval  10/22/1962 #17485  
on Radio Moscow, Nikita Khrushchev announces the dismantling of Soviet miss 10/28/1962 #17512  
 suspecting a mundane explanation, announces: “It would seem to me that the 3/25/1966 #20080  
ington DC Congressman, Gerald Ford announces to Congress the need to extens 4/5/1966 #20227  
nty, Ohio Pennsylvania Quintanilla announces in a press release that the Po 4/22/1966 #20373  
chology department, Stuart W. Cook announces that the university is conside 9/21/1966 #20910  
 of Arizona The Air Force publicly announces the creation of the University 10/7/1966 #20970  
te of Aeronautics and Astronautics announces that it has formed a UFO Subco 12/1968 #24740  
the US Army Electronic Command. It announces in Astronautics and Aeronautic 12/1968 #24740  
Air Force Secretary Robert Seamans announces the termination of Project Blu 12/17/1969 #25501  
uston. Hoover torpedoes it when he announces that he will go along with it  7/23/1970 #25745  
the previous few days. After Solem announces that “they’re here,” a “star”  8/7/1970 #25775  
des et de Recherches Aérospatiales announces that the cloud was caused by a 2/23/1971 #26030  
yst for the CIA from 1955 to 1969, announces his plans to write a nonfictio 3/1972 #26584  
id newspaper The National Enquirer announces a $50,000 reward to “the first 3/12/1972 #26601  
, 1973. On May 23, 1973, the panel announces that none of the entries exami 3/12/1972 #26601  
                              NASA announces that Project NERVA has been te 1/3/1973 #27218  
hio. Ufologist Leonard Stringfield announces that he has collected more tha 7/29/1978 #33449  
. The Madagascar Interior Ministry announces that a UFO has crashed and exp 8/21/1978 #33539  
n full-size model in his backyard, announces to his friends and parents tha 11/29/1980 #35683  
s” speech, President Ronald Reagan announces his plans to develop an anti-m 3/23/1983 #36792  
Minister of Defence Gordon Scholes announces that the RAAF will fully inves 5/2/1984 #37312  
                     William Moore announces that for the past six and a ha 5/1987 #38169  
eeze, Florida Reporter Craig Myers announces in the Pensacola (Fla.) News-J 6/10/1990 #39612  
ational Research Council of Canada announces that it will no longer accept  1995 #41924  
bout 5 minutes, the radio operator announces that all flights from Ellswort 12/1996 #43127  
tion author and pilot Kent Jeffrey announces that he is unable to find suff 6/1997 #43305  
ntations and discussions, Sturrock announces that the panel will issue a st 9/29/1997 #43420  
 high speed. The Turkish Air Force announces that it is a weather balloon.  8/6/2001 #44227  
       Turkey US The Turkish press announces that Turkey’s National Intelli 6/2003 #44551  
          GEIPAN’s Jacques Patenet announces that the organization will mak 1/2006 #44917  
      The Office of Naval Research announces a “revolutionary” research pro 2012 #45337  
Russian defense ministry spokesman announces that there have been no emerge 10/16/2014 #45417  
ry commander Gen. Sverker Göranson announces that he aims to force the unid 10/21/2014 #45419  
edish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven announces that there is “clear evidence” 11/14/2014 #45424  
                    US Tom DeLonge Announces To The Stars Academy for ‘Oute 10/12/2017 #45484  
vana, Cuba The US State Department announces it will continue to staff its  3/2/2018 #45521  
clear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization announces that all 21 monitoring facilit 11/19/2018 #45547  
ana, Cuba The government of Canada announces that it is reducing its embass 1/30/2019 #45559  
rmer USG/USG contractor officials, announces a “technical collaboration” wi 8/8/2019 #45605  
ar Global The To the Stars Academy announces it has entered into a cooperat 10/17/2019 #45612  
OTV-5 is classified, the Air Force announces that one of its experiments is 10/27/2019 #45615  
apanese Defense Minister Taro Kono announces at a press conference that mem 9/15/2020 #45661  
f Astronomy at Harvard University, announces that it will investigate evide 7/26/2021 #45700  
                           The CIA announces it has ruled out a sustained g 1/19/2022 #45735  
## Word: "announcing" (Back to Top)
e increasingly frantic radio calls announcing they were lost and calling fo 12/5/1945 #1951  
tiated rumor waves in the press by announcing that he had obtained through  Early 1950 #4465  
ing its UFO project underground by announcing the closure. Months later Cab 1/12/1950 #4483  
n, send out a 7-page press release announcing that a geological disaster wi 8/20/1954 #10156  
  Groom Lake News release from AEC announcing “preliminary work” had begun  5/18/1955 #12140  
istributes a well-printed brochure announcing that Otis T. Carr has approac 2/3/1958 #14870  
Ford (R-Mich.) issued news release announcing that USAF was arranging for a 4/21/1966 #20352  
ernment funds. The ONR responds by announcing that they had known of McDona 9/30/1968 #24526  
izona comes to McDonald’s defense, announcing that his UFO research was don 9/30/1968 #24526  
## Word: "annual" (Back to Top)
 the event also coincided with the annual Perseid meteor shower; even migra 8/12/1883 #255  
ies as well as participating in an annual conference in New York. These loc 1938 #1279  
disinformation purposes, detail an annual report for MAJIC EYES ONLY ACTIVI 1952 #5845  
Morris K. Jessup publishes The UFO Annual, an anthology of newspaper and ma 1956 #12635  
per at the American Rocket Society annual meeting in Los Angeles, Californi 11/13/1962 #17545  
per at the American Rocket Society annual meeting in Los Angeles, Californi 11/15/1962 #17548  
 in Cleveland, Ohio. It becomes an annual meeting and changes its name to t 6/27/1964 #18377  
rs panel discussion on UFOs at its annual meeting in Washington, DC. Paneli 4/22/1967 #22207  
           Washington, D.C. At the annual meeting of the American Society o 4/22/1967 #22208  
 the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual meeting, in Boston, MA, included  12/26/1969 #25508  
nidentified Flying Objects” at its annual meeting in Boston, Massachusetts, 12/26/1969 #25509  
ia, Illinois MUFON holds its first annual conference in Peoria, Illinois. S 6/13/1970 #25700  
 4' figure(s) nearby. / Argosy UFO Annual.                                  5/2/1972 #26667  
                        Australian Annual Flying Saucer Review Dartmouth 9: 7/25/1972 #26833  
nter of Maureen Puddy,” Australian Annual Flying Saucer Review, 1983, pp. 4 7/25/1972 #26833  
s published a Quarterly Report, an Annual Report, and a member newsletter U 1973 #27203  
irements. Each agency must file an annual report on its FOIA requests to Co 12/31/1974 #29666  
 6 March/April (Reference: THE 5TH ANNUAL PRUFOS POLICE REPORT 2006 by Dete 10/30/1977 #32637  
,000 feet while returning from the annual Team Spirit military exercise to  3/1979 #34453  
. (Source: Yorkshire Post, The 5TH ANNUAL PRUFOS POLICE REPORT 2006 by Dete 3/10/1981 #35862  
urce: Daily Star 30/03/82, The 5TH ANNUAL PRUFOS POLICE REPORT 2006 by Dete 9/1981 #36095  
n on “The Edges of Science” of the annual meeting of the American Associati 5/29/1984 #37341  
rial origin” of UFOs at the eighth annual conference of the Society for Sci 6/1989 #38970  
the 1953 CIA Robertson Panel.  2nd Annual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference, p 1994 #41348  
 1947 related to UAP crashes.  2nd Annual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference Pr 1994 #41349  
ocument purporting to be the first annual report of the Majestic 12 Project 2/22/1995 #42058  
 LAND SURVEYOR CREWS; TEMPLE.  2nd Annual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference, p 2004 #44639  
nlimited and self-sustaining.  2nd Annual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference, p 2004 #44640  
Phisai District, Thailand, for the annual Naga Light (ghost light) festival 10/6/2006 #44971  
er, Colorado 9:20 a.m. At the 27th Annual Meeting of the Society for Scient 6/26/2008 #45147  
e presents information at the 14th Annual Aztec UFO Symposium allegedly fro 3/26/2011 #45320  
a Ontario Quebec Chris Rutkowski’s annual review of UFO sightings in Canada 3/29/2021 #45680  
6s during the Leavenworth, Kansas, Annual Veterans Day Parade. Prior to the 11/11/2021 #45721  
erospaciale in Argentina issues an annual report on its investigation into  11/19/2021 #45723  
t requires the office to submit an annual report to Congress.               12/27/2021 #45730  
alls on the military to provide an annual report and semiannual briefings o 5/17/2022 #45750  
sed an unclassified version of its annual report on UFOs, or what the gover 1/12/2023 #45792  
## Word: "annually" (Back to Top)
It begins publishing Boletim G-PAZ annually.                                1972 #26531  
sticated pictographs now appearing annually around the globe.”              9/9/1991 #40182  
etween $40 billion and $80 billion annually was going into projects that co 1994 #41346  
ly 400,000 new secrets are created annually at the highest level, Top Secre 3/3/1997 #43217  
owden. Although the government has annually released its overall level of i 2013 #45357  
ceived an average of 150 sightings annually from 2000 to 2007, increasing t 6/21/2013 #45374  
ely have budgets in the $10B range annually. Topics apparently include both 2018 #45498  
## Word: "annuelle" (Back to Top)
] overhead / 50M altitude. / Liste Annuelle.                                1/3/1995 #41941  
 front. No further details / Liste Annuelle.                                9/23/1996 #43037  
tates. No further details. / Liste Annuelle.                                10/14/1996 #43066  
peaks. No further details. / Liste Annuelle.                                10/21/1996 #43086  
## Word: "annular" (Back to Top)
 steam at 572° F. escapes into the annular compartments surrounding the rea 6/27/1985 #37609  
## Word: "anny" (Back to Top)
               Heimersdorf, France Anny Pracht, her sister Roselyne, and tw 10/11/1954 #10931  
                               Ms. Anny Pracht, her sister Roselyne, and tw 10/11/1954 #10947  
                      Góra Świętej Anny, Poland Evening. Grzegorz Nowak and 6/18/1997 #43328  
attle of Annenberg in Góra Świętej Anny, Poland, when they see glowing fire 6/18/1997 #43328  
## Word: "anoka" (Back to Top)
                                   ANOKA, MN 32 observer(s). Silent 10' oct 9/8/1979 #34844  
## Word: "anolaima" (Back to Top)
                                   ANOLAIMA, COL. 11 observer(s). Small hum 7/4/1969 #25249  
                                   Anolaima, Colombia Bogotá 8:00 p.m. Two  7/4/1969 #25251  
icio Gnecco and Enrique Osorio, in Anolaima, Colombia, see a glowing object 7/4/1969 #25251  
h red light moving in the sky over Anolaima, Colombia. When he signaled to  7/4/1969 #25253  
## Word: "anomaler" (Back to Top)
ziplinäre Gesellschaft zur Analyse anomaler Phänomene in 2017 and 2019.     1975 #29678  
## Word: "anomalies" (Back to Top)
ion of an alien spaceship. Several anomalies still remain to be explained i 6/30/1908 #712  
es Fort’s first book of scientific anomalies, The Book of the Damned. Fort  12/1/1919 #994  
nd Brown’s claims of gravitational anomalies are not well documented, and s 1952 #5843  
nstein also observes four of these anomalies with Hall.                     9/28/1952 #8049  
e smoke. He takes two more photos. Anomalies in the blurred grain, inconsis 6/5/1955 #12186  
or, a newsletter on UFOs and other anomalies, in Charleston, South Carolina Autumn 1971 #26368  
the moon and that numerous optical anomalies in the Apollo photos show that 1976 #30743  
ng splay. No radiation or magnetic anomalies are found.                     5/3/1977 #32050  
g splay. No radiation nor magnetic anomalies were found.                    5/3/1977 #32053  
alysis are unable to explain these anomalies. Blood samples taken at the sc 3/24/1978 #33077  
hone lines / mining area. Magnetic anomalies.                               1/18/1982 #36302  
e lines in a mining area. Magnetic anomalies were recorded. (Source: Intern 1/18/1982 #36303  
30 p.m. in a mining area. Magnetic anomalies were recorded.                 1/18/1982 #36304  
ead and iron pellets, and magnetic anomalies. Temperature at the crash site 1/29/1986 #37776  
mstrom, where they find that many “anomalies” have been reported zooming ov 1/1993 #40782  
e were no sounds, smells, or other anomalies noted. The entity was wearing  1/19/1993 #40802  
ght follows car / 20 mile(s). Time anomalies. Possible abduction. See refer 8/15/1993? #41141  
tergeist activity, electromagnetic anomalies, orange portals, and a giant w Fall 1994 #41773  
ugust 1997, NIDS personnel observe anomalies on every occasion they are at  Fall 1994 #41773  
he awoke with some scars and other anomalies on her body.                   1/28/1996 #42724  
ovenance and some soil deformation anomalies, but no furrow or unusual debr 9/16/2002 #44400  
netic, electrical, and atmospheric anomalies over an extended period. The g 2006 #44916  
ted abduction experiences with the anomalies to see if they coincide. After 2006 #44916  
 on the distinction between “event anomalies” (which cannot be easily expla 6/26/2008 #45147  
 easily explained) and “experience anomalies” (which are effectively inexpl 6/26/2008 #45147  
e effectively inexplicable). Event anomalies require a scientific investiga 6/26/2008 #45147  
nt or future knowledge. Experience anomalies are indifferent to truth narra 6/26/2008 #45147  
ory equipment to detect and record anomalies. They experience an odd temper 7/2009 #45229  
## Word: "anomalous" (Back to Top)
           MOON Astronomer Bolton. Anomalous luminous lines cross crater Ma 10/25/1901 #647  
o later prepared a report on these anomalous green fireballs. He concluded  12/12/1948 #3927  
ors flying at low altitudes. Other anomalous characteristics were the inten 12/20/1948 #3935  
th say they are concerned with all anomalous aerial phenomena. Disgusted, G 2/24/1949 #4023  
rove that recent sightings are not anomalous. McCulloch puts the entire bas 3/17/1949 #4049  
e fifth of a series of reports on “anomalous luminous phenomena.” He notes  8/17/1949 #4319  
zed, it might be the source of the anomalous radar targets. He also mention 12/5/1950 #5319  
 Webb, Jones, and Smith. Later two anomalous holes, 25 feet apart and two f 4/30/1952 #6225  
 in Washington, D.C. Suggestive of anomalous propagation, but they are unli 11/30/1952 #8359  
mmediate reaction is to curse the “anomalous propagation” effects that they Spring 1953 #8766  
e minutes and noticed it exhibited anomalous acceleration characteristics.  12/18/1953 #9384  
rds, and others are the result of “anomalous propagation.” Later computers  1954 #9422  
nary object is evidently unrelated anomalous propagation.                   6/30/1954 #9970  
 told that the blip was caused by “anomalous propagation.”                  10/1954 #10537  
ds of years ago. Citing reports of anomalous lights on the moon, Jessup spe 1957 #13429  
ast of Carrizozo when they spot an anomalous light that might be the same o 11/9/1957 #14507  
t and ground observers reported an anomalous "light-bearing object." The pi 4/18/1967 #22158  
 pilot and ground observers saw an anomalous "light bearing object" in the  4/18/1967 #22161  
me. It seems inconceivable that an anomalous propagation echo would behave  5/13/1967 #22339  
xplanations of mirages, birds, and anomalous propagation have been judged t 10/6/1967 #23186  
s are caused by ball lightning and anomalous free-floating plasmas. Klass’s 1968 #23627  
ayer discusses the predominance of anomalous propagation in radar cases. In 10/31/1968 #24608  
advocates hold that UFOs and other anomalous experiences are internally gen 1969 #24802  
nd the weather station reported no anomalous propagation. Targets would tur 11/8/1975 #30582  
Setka program—Soviet research into anomalous atmospheric phenomena, propose 10/1977 #32539  
c.” obtained by his Study Group on Anomalous Phenomena.                     12/30/1977 #32820  
for UFO Studies as Observations of Anomalous Atmospheric Phenomena in the U 1/1978 #32835  
ym was banned until 1989, instead “Anomalous Atmospheric Phenomena” was the End of 1978 #34036  
ough their inept investigations as anomalous. Setka-AN hopes to have a solu Late 1/1979 #34380  
collect information about UFOs and anomalous events in the Soviet Union.    1980 #35114  
s the airliner touches down. Other anomalous targets show up later that nig 10/16/1980 #35573  
 occur, usually during the winter. Anomalous sounds are sometimes reported. 11/1981 #36201  
ommission for the Investigation of Anomalous Atmospheric Phenomena is estab 2/1984 #37170  
rogram at the time investigated an anomalous event during classified milita 5/1984 #37308  
position about the same time as an anomalous aerial phenomenom appeared ove 3/23/1985 #37573  
 of the Far Eastern Commission for Anomalous Phenomena, arrives on the site 1/29/1986 #37775  
 begins publishing the Bulletin of Anomalous Experience (at first under the 1/1990 #39359  
ith members of the Expert Group on Anomalous Phenomena of the Soviet Academ 2/18/1991 #39977  
ery Flight STS-48 captures several anomalous, glowing objects that float al 9/15/1991 #40187  
 Ukraine The Research Institute on Anomalous Phenomena is established in Kh 1992 #40275  
he same day and two days prior. An anomalous image did appear on the develo 8/18/1993 #41146  
here was also the co-occurrence of anomalous radar echoes in the Central Eu 8/10/1994 #41667  
nutes. There was the occurrence of anomalous radar echoes in the Central Eu 8/28/1994 #41698  
, Switzerland, detects a series of anomalous radar targets that, taken toge 3/8/1995 #42081  
                           In 1995 anomalous radar echoes were recorded in  3/19/1995 #42112  
e night there was an occurrence of anomalous radar echoes in the Central Eu 8/13/1995 #42381  
                 The occurrence of anomalous radar echoes in the Central Eu 9/19/1995 #42488  
econds. There was an occurrence of anomalous radar echoes in the Central Eu 11/30/1995 #42634  
                           In 1996 anomalous radar echoes were again record 3/19/1996 #42830  
e time there was the occurrence of anomalous radar echoes in the Central Eu 8/9/1996 #42974  
 studying every incident involving anomalous aerial phenomena observed by a 10/3/1997 #43423  
isa reported later finding several anomalous scars on her body.             6/27/1998 #43596  
ional Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena Retired NASA psychol 1999 #43706  
ional Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena as a place for pilot 1999 #43706  
ishermen in Pisco, Peru watched an anomalous light emerge from the ocean, b 2/9/1999 #43725  
ces. According to them, 90% of the anomalous atmospheric phenomena observed 2000 #43911  
ional Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena Richard Haines’s Nat 10/15/2000 #44056  
ional Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena releases a 90-page r 10/15/2000 #44056  
ew York area picked up a series of anomalous targets at same time. These ta 7/15/2001 #44209  
operators indicated that dozens of anomalous targets were racing around the 7/15/2001 #44209  
ante Julio Chamorro because “these anomalous events had occurred frequently 12/2001 #44279  
parameter show lights moving in an anomalous manner; performing turning man 2013 #45356  
 result of “increased sightings of anomalous aerial phenomena” in the count 10/2013 #45387  
y 2022), USACCDC is still testing “anomalous materials” to determine milita 7/2018 #45532  
eb writes an article detailing six anomalous properties of ʻOumuamua that m 10/26/2018 #45541  
ional Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena issues an advisory f 6/2019 #45583  
d aerial phenomena (also known as ‘anomalous aerial vehicles’), including o 12/27/2020 #45670  
## Word: "anomaly" (Back to Top)
nscheduled, free newsletter titled Anomaly in New York City. It continues u 5/1969 #25105  
ver missile sites that night. The “anomaly” they had seen apparently came d 1/1993 #40782  
lway toward her. She described the anomaly as being "milky-looking" with a  10/30/1998 #43672  
tely 50 degrees south of the first anomaly, and about 10 degrees above the  7/28/2002 #44367  
ove the horizon. This much smaller anomaly began to perform some unusual ma 7/28/2002 #44367  
 moved behind a tree. Then a third anomaly appeared in a valley. This third 7/28/2002 #44367  
 frame, indicating a possible lens anomaly, [for example] a droplet of mois 1/27/2004 #44657  
ials argue it is caused by a radar anomaly.                                 4/27/2005 #44827  
 has regularly stated a structural anomaly in the caudate-putamen region of 12/12/2018 #45551  
## Word: "anomalía" (Back to Top)
 beginning in 1997 by La Fundación Anomalía). It continues through April 20 1/1983 #36741  
der, Cantabria, Spain La Fundación Anomalía is created by a group of Spanis 1996 #42658  
 1997 and publishes a new journal, Anomalía, from September 2000 to 2011.   1996 #42658  
## Word: "anong" (Back to Top)
rumbling noise that sounded like: "Anong balita, anong balita." Looking bac 3/12/2000 #43966  
 that sounded like: "Anong balita, anong balita." Looking back they caught  3/12/2000 #43966  
## Word: "anonymity" (Back to Top)
30 a.m. A man who still insists on anonymity in 1964 is driving near Cherry Summer 1933 #1163  
 A 17-year-old witness, who wishes anonymity for fear of ridicule, saw what 5/20/1963 #17753  
ell-known craftsman, who requested anonymity, reported to the Lawrenceville 2/2/1967 #21440  
a.m. The woman reporting requested anonymity. The report she gave to the DA 2/5/1967 #21456  
nnipeg. A farm woman, who requests anonymity, was sitting on her front porc 5/31/1967 #22430  
 UFO / roadside. Observer(s) wants anonymity. No further details.           11/30/1968 #24734  
reen man, 3M tall / roadside. Want anonymity.                               1/1969 #24808  
r hovers to ESE. Observer(s) wants anonymity.                               12/24/1991 #40265  
n UFOs. This person, in return for anonymity, passes on a huge volume of in 11/1/2005 #44898  
## Word: "anonymous" (Back to Top)
eds to circle around the fleet. An anonymous sailor on security detail on t 8/5/1942 #1430  
                                An anonymous retired Col. states a UAP cras 1948 #3525  
 Marmion Lake, western Ontario, an anonymous employee of the Steep Rock Iro 7/2/1950 #5039  
                   Austria Mars An anonymous occupation soldier in Austria  1952? #5840  
                                An anonymous former Warrant Officer in the  1953 #8482  
                                An anonymous radar technician at Fort Monmo 1953 #8483  
                                An anonymous Air Force official claims a UA 5/20/1953 #8891  
e Australians. On the same day, an anonymous photographer is taking photos  1/1954 #9429  
 Val-de-Marne, France 4:00 p.m. An anonymous man and his dog are paralyzed  10/1/1954 #10566  
                                An anonymous schoolboy returning from his e 10/18/1954 #11219  
a, Phillipine Islands Witness: one anonymous medical doctor.  One flat-bott 11/28/1954 #11721  
gh rate of speed. The observer was anonymous, but his profession was Chemic 7/14/1956 #12970  
mmunist Party. Typical methods are anonymous or fictitious letters, false d 8/1956 #13042  
 the Unconventional Aerial Object. Anonymous source.                        12/15/1956 (approximate) #13403  
rgentina Rio Ceballos 7:30 a.m. An anonymous resident of Córdoba, Argentina 4/1957 #13575  
ts. One of the witnesses writes an anonymous letter and sends three pieces  Early 9/1957 #13971  
 Ubatuba, Brazil Approximate date. Anonymous witnesses saw a disk dive down 9/10/1957 #13988  
r completely cured. The report was anonymous.                               10/25/1957 #14154  
 cured. The report was filed by an anonymous source.                        10/25/1957 #14157  
                                An anonymous “military source” tells Linda  1958 #14784  
esses:  one U.S. Army private, six anonymous civilians.  One red light, tra 2/25/1962 #17061  
     Canyon Ferry, Montana Several anonymous adults observed an elongated,  4/30/1964 #18229  
her observer, who wishes to remain anonymous, looks at a UFO through his 40 8/1/1965 #19244  
                                An anonymous music teacher, a "high level p 8/9/1965 #19350  
                                An anonymous Air Force security team member 12/10/1965 #19764  
Two witnesses who wished to remain anonymous reported to NICAP that they we 1/23/1966 #19869  
                Mansfield, Ohio An anonymous witness saw a round object wit 3/30/1966 #20161  
                     VACAVILLE, CA Anonymous observer(s) takes photograph / 12/5/1966 (approximate) #21183  
ssenger, who insisted on remaining anonymous, succeeded in saving his film  2/2/1967 #21438  
trange symbol on the underside. An anonymous man takes several photographs  6/1/1967 #22448  
            At around 2:00 a.m. An anonymous witness observed an eight-foot 9/17/1967 #23077  
hock in the car. At 11:30 p.m., an anonymous witness driving between Ririe  11/2/1967 #23390  
                     BESCANCON, FR Anonymous observer(s). 2 colored ovoid h 3/16/1968 #23845  
side; the observer wants to remain anonymous.                               11/30/1968 #24736  
   STUART, FL UFO lands / street / anonymous observer(s). Reporter sees nig 2/17/1971 #26023  
           In the mid-afternoon an anonymous man "who enjoys an excellent r 5/16/1973 #27496  
                       ALBIOSC, FR Anonymous doctor. Famous photograph / mi 3/23/1974 #28933  
how interview the Aztec crash, had anonymous military and civilian witnesse 10/11/1974 #29514  
                        GRASSE, FR Anonymous phone report. Cylinder/cigar-s 2/10/1975 #29794  
McLean, a UFO investigator, got an anonymous phone call reporting a UFO lan 11/29/1977 #32708  
                                   Anonymous informant claims in a forested 6/27/1979 #34637  
                    LONGWY-BAS, FR Anonymous man / 18. Huge silent metallic 3/9/1980 #35208  
 agent Sgt. Richard Doty writes an anonymous letter to APRO claiming that a 7/1980 #35397  
 Richard C. Doty delivers a forged anonymous letter to U.S. civilian UAP in 7/1980 #35398  
llard McIntyre, apparently from an anonymous US Navy source. William Spauld 8/1980 #35436  
                       GENOVA, ITL Anonymous observer(s). Tall figure / lum 9/20/1981 #36131  
                                An anonymous source claims to a journalist  5/5/1984 #37321  
lack budget aerospace programs. An anonymous engineer claims to have been i 11/12/1988 #38714  
                                An anonymous USAF Col. states (to anthropol 9/28/1989 #39132  
onal Laboratories that morning. An anonymous scientist “Dr. Nick” at Brookh 9/28/1989 #39132  
n registered (CIA?) Boeing 737 and anonymous DC-8 visited the facility and  9/26/1994 #41776  
ary cameraman who wishes to remain anonymous. Experts, including pathologis 8/28/1995 #42425  
                                An anonymous male witness, age 20, reported 9/29/1995 #42520  
50 p.m. a man who wishes to remain anonymous reported seeing a brilliant ob 12/9/1995 #42639  
e: Haystack Butte is linked to one anonymous source claiming there are thic 8/30/1996 #43001  
 William Hamilton states he met an anonymous Colonel who was an aerospace e 6/17/1998 #43589  
en to ufologist Tim Cooper from an anonymous “CIA official.” The document i 11/1998 #43673  
                  On this night an anonymous caller to the National UFO Rep 4/22/1999 #43760  
 of government circles. He asks an anonymous colleague at the NIDS offices  5/6/2002 #44341  
al Commander, who wished to remain anonymous, the craft was apparently caug 4/18/2003 #44516  
ce London Alice Bradley Sheldon An anonymous email is received by Victor Ma 11/1/2005 #44898  
Test Site.  A few months later, an anonymous UK Ministry of Defense officia 11/1/2005 #44899  
                                   Anonymous site with significant details  2008 #45108  
                                An anonymous poster on Above Top Secret cla 8/4/2008 #45155  
15 p.m. a man who wishes to remain anonymous was driving north on Hudson Dr 9/14/2009 #45247  
                                   Anonymous “A.H.” claims to have been a f 11/1/2013 #45393  
ory, “Brian” claims he received an anonymous phone call that told him not t 1/30/2015 #45429  
those pilots have chosen to remain anonymous, while two, Lieut. Ryan Graves 2/2015? #45430  
                                   Anonymous website partially encoded publ 3/27/2017 #45466  
                                   Anonymous PUBLIC DOMAIN site with detail 5/2/2018 #45525  
ouse London, England Cuba China An anonymous White House staffer who is acc 8/2019 #45603  
                                An anonymous “government insider” tells ufo 5/1/2021 #45687  
           Ufologists inquire with anonymous intelligence community sources 9/15/2021 #45710  
as “swirling.” Another witness, an anonymous Boatswain’s Mate of the Watch  5/9/2022 #45747  
                                   Anonymous site with possibly specific in 8/23/2022 #45763  
## Word: "anonymously" (Back to Top)
ator Jean Bedet receives the slide anonymously on April 14, with a note pin 3/23/1974 #28937  
                       US Art Bell anonymously interviews “Victor”, who cla 5/23/1997 #43301  
 S-4 worker named “Victor” appears anonymously in bonus footage for the re- 2008 #45105  
## Word: "anor" (Back to Top)
inas Gerais, Brazil Belo Horizonte Anor Ferreira da Silva, a bored telegrap 11/22/1954 #11690  
## Word: "anorak" (Back to Top)
green denim like material with an "anorak" type hood that almost completely 9/9/1973 #27794  
## Word: "anorexia" (Back to Top)
); it is characterized by fatigue, anorexia, soreness, muscle weakness, chi 10/15/1966 #21006  
included chronic illness, fatigue, anorexia, weight loss, weakness, and chi 10/15/1966 #21008  
ological effects were: sleepiness, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and eye irri 10/30/1976 #31511  
## Word: "anotnio" (Back to Top)
es, Para State, Brazil 35-year-old Anotnio Ferreira witnessed an "airship," 11/23/1977 #32694  
## Word: "anotonio" (Back to Top)
as burning. The time was 3:55 a.m. Anotonio was eventually taken to a hospi 9/15/1977 #32485  
## Word: "ans" (Back to Top)
                                   ANS, BELGIUM Military and civil observer 12/1/1989 #39290  
                    Square Nicolaï Ans Liège Belgium Weather forecaster Fra 12/1/1989 #39292  
e walking in the Square Nicolaï in Ans, Liège, Belgium, when they see a lar 12/1/1989 #39292  
## Word: "ansel" (Back to Top)
New York Herald Tribune journalist Ansel E. Talbert writes about an “incred 11/20/1955 #12580  
wo articles by aviation journalist Ansel Talbert in which he lists the name 11/30/1955 #12594  
## Word: "anselmo" (Back to Top)
                               SAN ANSELMO, CA 2 boys. Bright yellow saucer 7/16/1952 (approximate) #6834  
                               SAN ANSELMO, CA 2 observer(s). Plane passes. 9/6/1952 #7862  
## Word: "anseremme" (Back to Top)
                                   ANSEREMME, BELGIUM 5 observer(s). Orange 12/4/1952 #8370  
## Word: "ansett-a" (Back to Top)
; Bougainville Reef, Australia: An Ansett-A.N.A. DC-6B airliner (VH-INH) en 5/28/1965 #18969  
## Word: "ansett-ana" (Back to Top)
nea Brisbane Canberra 3:25 a.m. An Ansett-ANA DC-6b airliner piloted by Cap 5/28/1965 #18973  
                    The crew of an Ansett-ANA DC-6B airliner flying over th 5/28/1965 #18974  
## Word: "ansonia" (Back to Top)
                                   ANSONIA, CT Cops and more/others. Amber- 4/24/1950 #4884  
ject maneuver through the sky over Ansonia, Connecticut. The object looked  4/24/1950 #4889  
## Word: "anspaugh" (Back to Top)
ies (LFs, missile silos). A Lieut. Anspaugh logs the reports and incoming t 8/1/1965 #19242  
## Word: "ansted" (Back to Top)
                                   ANSTED, WV 30 day wave. Saucer under bri 12/5/1979 #35053  
                                   Ansted, West Virginia 5:55 p.m. Norma Wh 12/5/1979 #35054  
bright star from her restaurant in Ansted, West Virginia. It remains statio 12/5/1979 #35054  
 exited a cigar-shaped object over Ansted, West Virginia.                   12/5/1979 #35055  
## Word: "anstee" (Back to Top)
 the Montreal UFO Society’s Ronald Anstee has a piece of it analyzed by an  6/12/1960 #16312  
## Word: "anstey" (Back to Top)
                                   Anstey Lane, Leicester, England A 6-year Summer 1928 #1087  
d and dangling arms in a field off Anstey Lane, Leicester, England. She thi Summer 1928 #1087  
## Word: "answer" (Back to Top)
e and two children. He declined to answer any further questions, so the fiv 12/7/1896 #376  
ing its searchlight. The aeronauts answer all of Southard’s questions, tell 4/6/1897 #416  
om a nearby spring. He declines to answer any of their questions, reenters  4/17/1897 #525  
aj. Gen. Elwood Richard Quesada in answer to a request for the investigatio 10/9/1945 #1944  
estricted (Message CM1472 IN). The answer is that both code words had been  8/7/1946 #2109  
Air Materiel Center (AMC). LeMay’s answer: The Commander of AMC on his own  12/10/1946 #2211  
ssure to come up with some kind of answer, so they quickly float Venus (off 1/7/1948 #3544  
m if they believe in God, and they answer, “God is one.” Encouraged, he ent 12/4/1949 #4434  
hether he was hurt, but he did not answer. The craft took off with a whistl 8/27/1952 #7754  
sked if he was hurt but he did not answer. He re-entered the craft and it t 8/27/1952 #7756  
and Howard P. Robertson) think the answer will be found “on the margins of  9/24/1952 #8022  
invite him aboard, but he does not answer because he is getting an increasi 1/12/1953 #8535  
s have called on him, told him the answer to the UFO mystery, and insisted  9/28/1953 #9186  
iddle of the night and obtained no answer when she asked who it was. When m 12/1953 #9327  
ucer. Observer(s) asks "Martian?". Answer = "no, French". / r171.           10/14/1954 #11036  
to speak to them, but they did not answer. He had no memory of their depart 11/9/1954 #11611  
reporting the UFO, he waits for an answer, but the receiver is dead. Later  2/2/1955 #11968  
be flipped its lights out twice in answer.                                  11/14/1955 #12569  
use in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, to answer questions about stock sales by OT 5/4/1959 #15722  
s were put to her, she was able to answer quickly and easily, apparently wi 7/9/1959 #15829  
ficers that "they" were willing to answer questions directly through him, a 7/9/1959 #15829  
ashington. During the question and answer exchange the answer to one questi 7/9/1959 #15829  
e question and answer exchange the answer to one question indicated that th 7/9/1959 #15829  
rig. Gen. Said “You have the right answer to the question.” PJ had a TS cle 1962 #17012  
she asked, "What do you want?" the answer, in English, was: "One of our par 10/1963 #17966  
 and Neff. Stanton fails to get an answer from the Air Force, so he contact Late 4/1966 #20416  
ency, Helms replied, ‘I just can’t answer that, I just don’t know. I can’t  4/24/1967 #22214  
nsible for Trujillo, ‘No.’ Correct answer. ‘Diem?’ ‘No.’ Correct answer. ‘C 5/10/1967 #22310  
rect answer. ‘Diem?’ ‘No.’ Correct answer. ‘Castro, he’s still alive, okay. 5/10/1967 #22310  
t the date was; in response to the answer, he replied, "In your primitive t 10/10/1967 #23205  
lligence) and speculates what each answer would mean for the human species, 10/1968? #24534  
as from. "From the space," was the answer. Tiihonen was unsure if he in fac 4/15/1970 #25633  
was unsure if he in fact heard the answer or if it was a mental message. In 4/15/1970 #25633  
e safely. "Yes they will", was the answer. Tiihonen spoke with the being of 4/15/1970 #25633  
n asked, "Will you come back?" The answer was "Yes." Another member of the  9/9/1973 #27794  
d in a double column. They did not answer the boy's questions as they passe 9/11/1973 #27803  
d in a double column. They did not answer the boy's questions as they passe 9/12/1973 #27809  
d area. They called out and got no answer. Frightened, they jumped back int 3/1/1974 #28843  
cation,” which he was at a loss to answer. Four or five other questions wer 1/29/1976 #30833  
                                In answer to a request by UFO researcher Ro 2/20/1976 #30890  
SA would be willing to continue to answer public inquiries and examine any  12/21/1977 #32802  
im go in the name of God, but they answer, “In the name of God, we are all  5/16/1979 #34563  
e name of God, but he received the answer, "In the name of God, we are all  5/16/1979 #34564  
What is matter?" he asked, and the answer he received was, "The most import 9/20/1979 #34909  
t several times and it appeared to answer him by shining on the highway dir 7/23/1990 #39658  
 on, and he received the following answer: "Don't be afraid, we won't harm  3/5/1992 #40359  
adio, he tried to reply but got no answer. Next, he saw what looked like a  4/12/1992 #40414  
 talk with any of the witnesses or answer further questions about what they 6/10/1992 #40491  
anything on their drive. When they answer yes, he tells them to proceed to  1/1993 #40782  
c Safety. But none of them have an answer for what. In 2007, Symington resp 6/19/1997 #43331  
hat there is any simple, universal answer; whenever there are unexplained o 9/29/1997 #43420  
s will assist NASA-TZER mission to answer the critical questions posed in o 3/11/1998 #43532  
gure what were they doing, and his answer was, "We are preparing you." She  6/8/1998 #43584  
when he was angry he didn’t get an answer, the engine behaved differently,  1999 #43709  
they are spiritual beings and they answer yes, but she felt it was only an  5/2/2001 #44174  
anuary were classified secret. Its answer is, “One document was classified  5/3/2001 #44175  
se this new power, so they did not answer the phone. In the dream, there wa 9/3/2003 #44592  
lves many witnesses who deserve an answer about what they have seen. The si 9/29/2005 #44881  
 life has visited earth. Only 7.6% answer that they have had a UFO sighting 5/2008 #45132  
 shakes his head and says he can’t answer those questions.  https://www.ufo 3/15/2019 #45567  
 Fox asks him if he can indirectly answer the question by discussing a cont 12/4/2020 #45668  
 Memorial Institute. He then won’t answer any more questions on if Battelle 12/4/2020 #45668  
d a little bit of research and the answer was no. But what is true, and I’m 5/18/2021 #45689  
## Word: "answered" (Back to Top)
 to his surprise he is immediately answered with a red flare above him. He  10/1908 #717  
ct English, recalled Bethurum, who answered: “My God, you can speak English 7/27/1952 #7216  
ions they and their friends wanted answered regarding UFOs.”                1953 #8469  
i spoke to him in Russian, the man answered in the same language, asked whe 10/20/1954 #11270  
i spoke to him in Russian, the man answered in the same language. He asked  10/20/1954 #11278  
ews. Queries to the Air Force were answered by a "fact sheet" referring bac 1955 #11888  
wave back. Flashlight signals were answered by movements of the object, whi 6/27/1959 #15799  
e be a third world war?" Both were answered "No." The officials present the 7/9/1959 #15829  
s "Wirkle, Chief of the Guard." He answered Benito's questions, anticipatin 5/15/1967 #22348  
tching her doorbell rang. When she answered the door she was confronted by  9/26/1967 #23133  
n they asked if he was a ghost, he answered "Well, not really, but I am in  5/15/1973 #27492  
witness asked when and why, and he answered, "it is not for you to know." H 4/4/1977 #31943  
 you will join us." Terrified, she answered in her mind: "No, I will not co 2/15/1978 #32971  
 asked who they were but they only answered him with mumbling sounds. The t 11/24/1978 #33997  
everal questions, which the voices answered. When he came upon some large p 2/26/1997 #43210  
lated. The humanoid smiled when he answered the question. The being then bi 3/26/2002 #44326  
ims that complaints about AMS were answered by the Pentagon with its hire o 6/2004 #44706  
## Word: "answering" (Back to Top)
nce J. Tacker, the Air Force began answering critics of its UFO program pub 1960 #16138  
onotone and with a foreign accent, answering questions about history and sc 11/28/1966 #21157  
 the group to discuss criteria for answering those questions.               4/21/1967 #22192  
s the outgoing message on his home answering machine. Several people close  3/1987 #38127  
## Word: "answering-who-else-knows" (Back to Top)
.html   https://blog.adamkehoe.com/answering-who-else-knows/ (rg-unreachabl 1/28/1996 #42725  
1140323/https://blog.adamkehoe.com/answering-who-else-knows/ (jbr - archive 1/28/1996 #42725  
## Word: "answers" (Back to Top)
 and sends them running. Bannister answers the door and converses awkwardly 4/15/1897 #488  
traveling at 60 mph, but Churchill answers no. However, some authorities co 10/14/1912 #864  
rockets originate and gets several answers, which he forwards on to Chamber 8/13/1946 #2128  
                 Gen. Curtis LeMay answers an inquiry from Assistant Secret 12/10/1946 #2211  
denberg’s activity log: 1:10 p.m., answers a Toronto Star reporter’s questi 7/7/1947 #2933  
                        Gen. LeMay answers Col. Taylor’s August 22 request  8/29/1947 #3377  
ations Office outlining the proper answers to questions such as Johnson has 12/11/1947 #3500  
Frank Wisner, the head of the OPC, answers not to the CIA director, but to  6/18/1948 #3673  
cent FOIA to the National Archives answers that such a document would be in 11/30/1948 #3895  
rectorate of Intelligence provides answers to the problem that Col. Harold  10/22/1951 #5744  
 provides straightforward, factual answers about Project Blue Book, UFOs, a 3/1953 #8722  
 Mont. USAF Maj. Gen. Joe W. Kelly answers a question from Rep. Lee Metcalf 4/8/1957 #13589  
the Air Force has muzzled pilots. “Answers are provided on any unidentified 4/8/1957 #13589  
e suits, came down, gave no verbal answers to his questions, but invited hi 7/25/1957 #13835  
e suits, came down, gave no verbal answers to his questions, but invited hi 7/25/1957 #13840  
.5 light years from Earth. He also answers to the name Dana.                Early 12/1958 #15468  
sks Affa questions, and writes the answers down. When Neasham challenges Af 7/5/1959 #15817  
cation could not possibly know the answers. Yet as questions were put to he 7/9/1959 #15829  
over, attempting to write down the answers to questions put to him by his a 7/9/1959 #15829  
ral questions were put to him, and answers came back quickly. "Do you favor 7/9/1959 #15829  
ccess. It was indicated by the few answers that the Commander received that 7/9/1959 #15829  
, Michigan Quintanilla needs quick answers, so he schedules a press confere 3/25/1966 #20080  
 give President Lyndon Johnson the answers to the questions he’d been asked 5/10/1967 #22310  
he visitor, just over 6 feet tall, answers in an unknown language. The visi 8/25/1968 #24376  
y with the nearest cylinder, which answers his questions clearly and briefl 9/26/1968 #24516  
les if he became president. Carter answers, “Yes, I would make these kinds  3/31/1976 #30970  
een entities, and obtained partial answers in an unspecific fashion. "What  9/20/1979 #34909  
g difficulties. Because the object answers no attempts to communicate, a Mi 11/11/1979 #34997  
Danbury 9:30 p.m. A police officer answers a call at a location southeast o 7/12/1983 #36909  
eir vicinity. Both times the pilot answers no, but at 3:52 a.m. the pilot s 5/30/1989 #38967  
 whether the USSR studies UFOs. He answers vaguely that “there are scientif 4/26/1990 #39543  
 to try and figure out some of the answers when the AATIP program ran out o 6/24/2018 #45530  
re is frustration with the lack of answers to specific questions about the  9/6/2019 #45606  
re is frustration with the lack of answers to specific questions about the  9/6/2019 #45607  
## Word: "ant" (Back to Top)
unterparts in untouched areas. The ant hills themselves, according to Hartm 7/30/1957 #13860  
                      MCMURDO NAS, ANT 6 / USCG C130. 9 UFO's. Radio and RA 4/20/1964 #18179  
                     DECEPTION I., ANT UK / Arg / CHL military and scientis 7/3/1965 #19059  
used by exterminators of the sauva ant. Nearby were three men with helmets, 2/6/1969 #24898  
t. The activity reminded him of an ant colony. Apparently the creatures not 8/6/2006 #44953  
## Word: "ant's" (Back to Top)
." Their heads were shaped like an ant's with "a rounded lobe flanked by tw 3/5/1971 #26044  
## Word: "ant-head" (Back to Top)
lack small humanoid (or Grey) with ant-head runs off. Extreme skunk odor. A 11/1994 #41827  
## Word: "ant-heads" (Back to Top)
e lights on ground. 23 "lions with ant-heads" nearby.                       3/5/1971 #26043  
## Word: "antacid" (Back to Top)
ptoed into his room to borrow some antacid medicine. He noticed Joao was mi 11/30/1982 #36703  
## Word: "antalffy" (Back to Top)
Romania 8:30 p.m. Professor Andrei Antalffy and his wife are in their summe 9/9/1974 #29439  
## Word: "antalya" (Back to Top)
 School in the Santral district of Antalya, Turkey. Several students, inclu 6/5/2002 #44347  
## Word: "antananarivo" (Back to Top)
                   Tananarive [now Antananarivo], Madagascar 5:00 p.m. A gr 8/16/1954 #10148  
en in the sky over Tananarive [now Antananarivo], Madagascar, and disappear 8/16/1954 #10148  
## Word: "antarc" (Back to Top)
                 ROBERTSON ISLAND, ANTARC 4 CHL scientists. 2 vertical 150M 1/8/1956 #12648  
                    ADMIRALTY BAY, ANTARC Icebreaker crew. Ovoid northeast  3/16/1961 #16629  
                      CAPE HALLET, ANTARC 7 scientists and clear photograph 7/9/1962 #17266  
                 DECEPTION ISLAND, ANTARC 5 scientists. Green and red night 7/2/1965 #19051  
                    LAURIE ISLAND, ANTARC Arg. scientists. Blue-white lens  7/3/1965 #19058  
## Word: "antarctic" (Back to Top)
 Antartica Richard E. Byrd’s third Antarctic expedition. President Roosevel 1939 #1302  
elt asked Byrd to command the U.S. Antarctic programme. This time they agai 1939 #1302  
 up on Stonington Island, near the Antarctic Peninsula. This expedition wou 1939 #1302  
ould complete extensive studies of Antarctic geology, biology, meteorology  1939 #1302  
a Admiral Richard E. Byrd’s fourth Antarctic expedition (Operation High Jum 1946 #1955  
nd 25 aircraft. It was the largest Antarctic expedition ever attempted and  1946 #1955  
 almost 1,400,000 square km of the Antarctic continent, especially the coas 1946 #1955  
               CHILEAN ARTURO PRAT ANTARCTIC STATION/DEPOT/FACILITY Photogr 2/23/1949 (approximate) #4019  
on Admiral Richard E. Byrd’s fifth Antarctic expedition (Operation Deep Fre 11/1955 #12534  
as in charge of the United States’ Antarctic program and supervised the U.S 11/1955 #12534  
edition also established permanent Antarctic bases at McMurdo Sound (McMurd 11/1955 #12534  
hotograph was taken by the Chilean Antarctic Expedition of two cigar-shaped 1/8/1956 #12650  
                   VOSTOK STATION, ANTARCTIC 4 Russian scientists. Silent m 10/11/1958 #15335  
               BRITISH BRAVO BASE, ANTARCTIC Silent night light moves rapid 6/2/1965 #18981  
                           CHILEAN ANTARCTIC STATION/DEPOT/FACILITY Saucer  6/18/1965 #19011  
                           British Antarctic Station B Deception Island Sou 7/2/1965 #19053  
ve garrison members of the British Antarctic Station B [abandoned in 1969]  7/2/1965 #19053  
                           CHILEAN ANTARCTIC STATION/DEPOT/FACILITY Bright  5/15/1971 #26109  
                                   Antarctic waters 10:30 a.m. A journalist 1/6/1979 #34311  
rd the Japanese icebreaker Fuji in Antarctic waters sees an object resembli 1/6/1979 #34311  
## Word: "antarctica" (Back to Top)
                                   Antarctica Richard E. Byrd’s first exped 10/1928 #1088  
hard E. Byrd’s first expedition to Antarctica. He set up a large base on th 10/1928 #1088  
ichard E. Byrd’s 2nd expedition to Antarctica. In 1934 he spends 5 months a 1933 #1150  
                                   Antarctica Admiral Richard E. Byrd’s fou 1946 #1955  
                             Tibet Antarctica Amazing Stories publishes fou 7/1946 #2021  
n underground Martian city beneath Antarctica where the flying saucers orig 7/1946 #2021  
                                   Antarctica Chilean Embassy Commander Aug Spring 1950 #4691  
r, turning at tremendous speeds—in Antarctica. When NICAP asks the Chilean  Spring 1950 #4691  
                                   Antarctica Lt. Robert Olsson leaves Proj 7/31/1953 #9027  
enure “was like being president of Antarctica on a nonexpedition year.” He  7/31/1953 #9027  
8). This was Byrd’s final visit to Antarctica and although he was only ther 11/1955 #12534  
n the morning on Robertson Island, Antarctica a photograph was taken by the 1/8/1956 #12650  
n McMurdo Sound near Mount Erebus, Antarctica. It was supported by girder-l 12/11/1958 #15474  
                                   Antarctica Wellington, New Zealand Rear  3/11/1959 #15634  
commanding Operation Deepfreeze in Antarctica, tells reporters in Wellingto 3/11/1959 #15634  
                     Unknown City, Antarctica Meteorologist observed a fire 3/16/1961 #16630  
ralty Bay, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica 6:15 p.m. Brazilian meteorolo 3/16/1961 #16631  
ralty Bay, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, in slow, level flight. It le 3/16/1961 #16631  
                 In Admiralty Bay, Antarctica four members of the crew of a 8/16/1961 #16796  
                  Hallett Station, Antarctica (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 -  6/7/1962 #17220  
ion [now closed] Cape Hallett East Antarctica A brilliant white light, appr 6/7/1962 #17221  
n [now closed], Cape Hallett, East Antarctica, at 250° (true) azimuth, and  6/7/1962 #17221  
 Hallett Station Cape Hallett East Antarctica 11:10 p.m. C. B. Taylor, chie 7/7/1962 #17265  
n [now closed], Cape Hallett, East Antarctica, sees an intense light follow 7/7/1962 #17265  
tist at the Cape Hallet Station in Antarctica. The cloud and lights moved t 7/9/1962 #17268  
Bases on the Palmer Archipelago in Antarctica.                              7/9/1962 #17268  
                  McMurdo Station, Antarctica Early morning, During Operati 4/20/1964 #18180  
op transport from McMurdo Station, Antarctica, with supplies. The right-sid 4/20/1964 #18180  
McMurdo Sound Naval Air Station in Antarctica in the early morning hours, s 4/20/1964 #18181  
tion Island South Shetland Islands Antarctica 7:50 p.m. Meteorological offi 6/7/1965 #18996  
and in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, when he notices a stationary 6/7/1965 #18996  
tion Island South Shetland Islands Antarctica 4:20 p.m. The Commander of th 6/18/1965 #19012  
and in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, Mario Jahn Barrera, together 6/18/1965 #19012  
      The Chilean military base in Antarctica sighted a large, lens-shaped  6/18/1965 #19013  
                                   Antarctica Meteorological observers at s 7/2/1965 #19052  
tion Island South Shetland Islands Antarctica 7:15 p.m. Five garrison membe 7/2/1965 #19053  
and in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, have a UFO sighting while co 7/2/1965 #19053  
search base on Deception Island in Antarctica watched zig-zagging, maneuver 7/2/1965 #19054  
                 unknown location, Antarctica The Antarctica Sightings (E-M 7/3/1965 #19061  
  unknown location, Antarctica The Antarctica Sightings (E-M Case, Photos)  7/3/1965 #19061  
sland in the South Orkney Islands, Antarctica 5:03 p.m. Two meteorologists  7/3/1965 #19062  
sland in the South Orkney Islands, Antarctica, observe for 15 seconds a rou 7/3/1965 #19062  
re Cerda Station Deception Island, Antarctica 7:20 p.m. The meteorologist a 7/3/1965 #19063  
oyed in 1967] on Deception Island, Antarctica, watch for a total of 20 minu 7/3/1965 #19063  
tion Station South Orkney Islands, Antarctica 7:42 p.m. 17 people (includin 7/3/1965 #19064  
ation in the South Orkney Islands, Antarctica. The object changes colors (r 7/3/1965 #19064  
and in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica two Chilean scientists, Barre 7/3/1965 #19065  
            NEAR DECEPTION ISLAND, ANTARCTICA Chilean Navy man photographs  12/4/1967 #23549  
over for any projects happening in Antarctica, whether or not they’re relat 1/30/2015 #45429  
## Word: "antares" (Back to Top)
o. Shortly after noticing the star Antares, he sees another fuzzy object in 5/12/1949 #4183  
deo, Uraguay Daytime. Personnel of Antares astronomical observatory saw an  3/16/1967 #21898  
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Antares” YieldMax: 200KT                 6/27/1967 #22564  
ially he identifies it as the star Antares but soon realizes the position i 12/23/1985 #37735  
## Word: "antartica" (Back to Top)
                                   Antartica Richard E. Byrd and his compan 11/29/1929 #1105  
                                   Antartica Richard E. Byrd’s 2nd expediti 1933 #1150  
                                   Antartica Richard E. Byrd’s third Antarc 1939 #1302  
                                   Antartica Newspaper reports, Antartica:  7/3/1965 #19056  
      Antartica Newspaper reports, Antartica: Argentine, British and Chilea 7/3/1965 #19056  
## Word: "anteater's" (Back to Top)
 said "it's head reminded me of an anteater's trunk." The chin or probiscus 4/3/1968 #23886  
## Word: "antechamber" (Back to Top)
 entered through a brilliantly lit antechamber, and was met by a young man  1/30/1965 #18785  
## Word: "antelope" (Back to Top)
                   TRAIN #8 EAST / ANTELOPE, SSK 90M cylinder/cigar-shape w 5/1947 (approximate) #2270  
                                   ANTELOPE VALLEY, CA 2 observer(s). 600'  10/26/1988 #38695  
igzag maneuvers after 9:45 p.m. In Antelope Valley, California two witnesse 10/26/1988 #38699  
                                   Antelope Valley, CA Numerous sightings,  6/1993 #40999  
                                   Antelope Valley, CA Round UFO with satel 6/8/1993 #41010  
                                   Antelope Valley, CA Round UFO with satel 7/20/1993 #41073  
                                   Antelope Valley, CA Round UFO with satel 7/20/1993 #41074  
                                   Antelope Lane Roy, Montana 9:45 p.m. Jen 9/19/2012 #45352  
Jennifer Styer is driving north on Antelope Lane near Roy, Montana, when sh 9/19/2012 #45352  
## Word: "anten" (Back to Top)
                              Lake Anten, Västra Götaland, Sweden Enebacken 4/29/1970 #25645  
s of witnesses to the west of Lake Anten, Västra Götaland, Sweden, watch a  4/29/1970 #25645  
            Enebacken, Sweden Lake Anten 11:15 p.m. Several witnesses in En 8/29/1970 #25808  
d Johansson’s small farm near Lake Anten. Soil samples are taken and analyz 8/29/1970 #25808  
## Word: "antenna" (Back to Top)
 searchlights; on one occasion, an antenna is seen jutting from the front e Summer 1908 #706  
rship. Brilliant light from mast / antenna on top. / news.                  7/31/1909 #793  
liant light shone from atop a mast antenna. That afternoon a dark, fat, cig 7/31/1909 #795  
ect, something black covers it, an antenna appears, and it rises up above t 5/1935 #1229  
lic Saturn-sphere/orb/globe. Small antenna. Spins. Going [to] over roof. /  4/1947 #2254  
north very fast. Domed saucer west antenna / 5 July.                        7/4/1947 #2643  
portholes. Face / large window. 1M antenna.                                 7/15/1947? #3185  
 domed, disc-shaped object with an antenna on top, on the ground across an  8/14/1947 #3334  
N, SWD 12M blue-grey ball with 12M antenna passes cloud to cloud / 200M alt 9/25/1947 (approximate) #3426  
r going northeast toward(s) Italy. Antenna and 3 black spots / center. 120k 11/1947 (approximate) #3472  
htly off-center triangular post or antenna. It hovered, rocking slowly like 5/11/1950 #4940  
ucer with portholes and a rotating antenna come to rest on the surface of t 7/2/1950 #5038  
ucer with portholes and a rotating antenna come to rest on the surface of t 7/2/1950 #5040  
ar Rumor /Radar Ceases Operation & Antenna Moves (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases,  11/24/1951 #5784  
o sign of life or activity, and no antenna or protrusion. The witness drove 12/1951 #5802  
f them Howard Burgess) erecting an antenna at nearby Sandia Base watch thre 5/1/1952 #6245  
k. Silver disk rotates going west. Antenna going / side. Halo turns outside 9/4/1952 #7843  
        6.5MI EAST / SPOONER, WI 4 antenna installers. Metal saucer very fa 3/29/1953 #8792  
 / WAUBUN, MN Farmer. Slow saucer. Antenna / bottom. S-shape object / front 10/11/1953 #9218  
server(s). Fiery disk passes radio antenna. Changes color(s). Going quickly 10/14/1954 #11028  
 FABRIANO, MARCHE, ITL 6M saucer / antenna hovers low. Robot(s)/android(s)  10/19/1954 #11235  
shes. On top of it was a very high antenna. Two small robotlike beings, 1.2 10/19/1954 #11240  
 top of the object was a very tall antenna. Two small robot-like beings, 1. 10/19/1954 #11254  
came close to a gray craft with an antenna on top. When he was about 200 m  10/20/1954 #11270  
 soon came to a gray craft with an antenna on top. The man left him there a 10/20/1954 #11278  
ding white light and supporting an antenna. Two small figures dressed in wh 11/8/1954 #11596  
nding white light and supported an antenna. Two small figures dressed in wh 11/8/1954 #11602  
server. 70' luminous saucer lands. Antenna and props. Pseudo-human/entity e 12/8/1954 #11776  
I Red 8cm metallic object hits car antenna and trim. Flies away!            12/28/1954 #11866  
saucer / 9M altitude. Rays shoot / antenna base. 3 pseudo-human/entity / po 9/1956 #13164  
times. I found that by turning the antenna tilt up, it could be brought bac 11/8/1956 #13315  
out six sweeps or rotations of the antenna, which rotates at a speed of 20  11/8/1956 #13315  
ard. Large saucer with tailfin and antenna zigzags low and close.           6/1957 (approximate) #13693  
 officer on the RB-47 puts it, “an antenna bigger than the airplane” would  7/17/1957 #13808  
uire the object on radar. With the antenna at 0° elevation, nothing is dete 8/30/1957 #13952  
 nothing is detected, but with the antenna elevated to 15° he acquires “an  8/30/1957 #13952  
NEAR CERES, BRZ 150M saucer / long antenna. 7 small humanoids (or Greys). S 10/10/1957 #14089  
 globe crosses US66 several X. 24m antenna! 500kph.                         10/30/1957 #14161  
 Robot(s)/android(s) float inside. Antenna going up [to] and sparkles. Goin 12/16/1957 #14732  
rose from the nearer end a kind of antenna, about six inches long. It oscil 12/16/1957 #14736  
d the sparking continued, then the antenna lowered and the object began to  12/16/1957 #14736  
] overhead / 100M altitude. Glows. Antenna / top. Chimes!                   6/4/1958 #15079  
ms to hit paydirt. As he slews his antenna off Tau Ceti and onto Epsilon Er 4/8/1960 #16218  
e is ready with a second, low-gain antenna. The pulses are there as well, s 4/8/1960 #16218  
th legs. Grass and oilcans lifted. Antenna spins / bottom/underside. / r249 5/19/1960 #16285  
and more. Large silver object with antenna on side. Others / widely.        11/11/1960 #16496  
 It looked like a ball with a long antenna rod attached, and a flashing whi 11/27/1960 #16516  
ct. 1 observer zapped / balls with antenna. / r246p114.                     8/19/1962 #17343  
is spinning on its axis. It has an antenna on the top and exhaust ports all 8/30/1962 #17373  
ey see a dark disc with a dome and antenna on top and three ball-shaped pro 10/1963 #17969  
olina a disc-shaped object with an antenna followed a car for many miles be 6/30/1964 #18387  
 with a black helmet, and wore two antenna wires and a visor. The being flo 7/16/1964 #18422  
blank. Going outside to see if the antenna is damaged, he sees a flashing l 1/15/1965 #18739  
ns are repairing the height-finder antenna at Benton Air Force Station [now 3/2/1965 #18832  
ir equipment is left behind at the antenna, but air police cannot locate th 3/2/1965 #18832  
 repairing the height finder radar antenna located northeast of Benton Air  3/5/1965 #18844  
 It had a transparent dome with an antenna, an elliptical body, and an unde 8/30/1965 #19481  
ects). Saucer going down / tripod. Antenna extends. Quickly going up. Trace 10/28/1965 #19685  
 PERU Saturn saucer hovers / 400M. Antenna rotates / top. Going quickly nor 11/1/1965 #19696  
 flashing body lights, port, door, antenna on top, spindly legs. Human-like 3/23/1966 #20049  
d touched one. When he touched the antenna he received a strong electric sh 3/26/1966 #20094  
 up and touched the four-foot long antenna on one of the objects his hand w 3/29/1966 #20144  
SCO, CA Large object / windows and antenna rests / construction area. Figur 3/31/1966 #20170  
amilton. When he tried to touch an antenna on one of the objects, he receiv 3/31/1966 #20176  
e approached and tried to touch an antenna on one of the objects, he receiv 3/31/1966 #20183  
 kids who hide / trees and bridge. Antenna. / r111p272+/ r8.                4/8/1966 #20274  
ERSON, IN Gaslike flame maneuvers. Antenna / top? Separate observer(s). Bac 9/16/1966 #20888  
g like a silver pumpkin. It had an antenna. Roof lights of their apartment  11/20/1966 #21129  
pola or dome on top. It carried an antenna bearing a flashing red light. In 12/13/1966 #21200  
d saucer with windows just over TV antenna / house / 20 minute(s).          2/2/1967 #21435  
en lights rotates. Yellow windows. Antenna. Hovers / 6M altitude.           2/19/1967 #21592  
ld-shaped yellow-lit windows, and "antenna." Heads of people (occupants) we 2/19/1967 #21595  
s, a row of yellow windows, and an antenna. The heads of people could be se 2/19/1967 #21598  
ny ovoid. 25 mm / apparent size. 2 antenna / rear. Chased going quickly sou 3/7/1967 #21782  
hich hung a small box with a small antenna. The collosus pulled up a large  5/15/1967 #22348  
The UFOs hovered over a huge radar antenna. The second disc "pulsed" first. 6/3/1967 #22458  
haped object (disc with dome), an "antenna" extending from the top that mov 9/30/1967 #23149  
A disc-like object with a knob and antenna (protrusions) on top approached  10/24/1967 #23301  
s a knob-like protuberance with an antenna and hanging beneath the object i 10/24/1967 #23305  
s a round object with a cupola and antenna on top, and it had an oblong box 10/24/1967 #23309  
ylinder/cigar-shape glows 75M over antenna. WHIRRs. Going west.             10/27/1967 #23337  
 CO Group / hunters. Domed saucer. Antenna / top. Square windows. Turns. Fo 10/28/1967 #23360  
a domed disc-shaped object with an antenna on top and square windows. The o 10/28/1967 #23363  
tructure on top of the dome and an antenna on top of that. When the object  2/19/1968 #23767  
ht red underneath. Each had a tall antenna on top and one on either side, a 11/1/1968 #24620  
ea, and what appeared to be a long antenna like protrusion on its back. It  11/28/1968 #24729  
cher and 6 kids. Domed saucer with antenna over school. To and fro. / APRO  12/20/1968 #24781  
en people saw a domed disc with an antenna move back and forth over a schoo 12/20/1968 #24782  
. Silent 3M platform with rotating antenna going quickly southeast over cam 4/4/1969 (approximate) #25048  
er(s). Silver green object with 1M antenna flashes. Small object exits and  9/3/1969 #25349  
r shaped with a dome on top and an antenna like protrusion. After two minut 5/21/1971 #26120  
c shaped with a dome on top and an antenna like protrusion. It had a door l 5/21/1971 #26121  
tely pointed toward the short-wave antenna on the nearby central post offic 5/24/1971 #26130  
delta/triangle/box-like craft with antenna between 2 masts. Rectangular por 10/9/1972 #27060  
 1 hovers / low. 1 lands. UFO with antenna. Delta/triangle/box-like craft p 2/11/1973 #27281  
ther landed. The second UFO had an antenna, and paced a car. There were a t 2/11/1973 #27284  
 fog. Reacts to thoughts and shows antenna.                                 10/7/1973 #27963  
' sphere/orb/globe lands / 4 legs. Antenna / top. Door opens and closes. Tr 10/16/1973 #28063  
oval-shaped object with a tower or antenna on top, pulsated red over a past 12/11/1973 #28557  
erver(s). Ovoid with portholes and antenna on top seen. No further details. 1/21/1974 #28686  
a.m. a circular-shaped UFO with an antenna "like a church steeple on its to 7/22/1974 #29274  
er outage. Rounded flying box with antenna puffs smoke.                     10/20/1974 #29546  
 helmets. Each helmet had a single antenna. As the UFO left the witnesses f 12/1/1974 #29627  
X, 26, FR 3M saucer lands / field. Antenna / Rh side. Boxy object protrudes 9/9/1975 #30349  
 MOUNTAINS, CA Glowing saucer with antenna lights area. Paces 2 campers / t 11/6/1975 #30563  
FR 10M saucer rises / sea at radio antenna. Quickly going up [to] and circl 11/15/1975 #30620  
se from the sea near a large radio antenna in Marseille, France. It circled 11/15/1975 #30626  
se from the sea near a large radio antenna in Marseille, France. It circled 11/15/1975 #30627  
 sea. Brilliant lights / ends. Big antenna. Submerges.                      4/25/1976 #31021  
ellow, pink, and orange, while the antenna on his helmet flashed bright red 8/16/1976 #31273  
et in diameter hovering above a TV antenna near the barn about 50 feet away 9/10/1976 #31371  
ucer jumps in spurts. Flat bottom. Antenna / top. / r210v25#9.              2/8/1977 #31798  
ows or doors all around it, and an antenna on top. The interior was a brigh 4/4/1977 #31942  
ows or doors all around it, and an antenna on top. The interior was a brigh 4/4/1977 #31944  
r 100M over water tower. Whistles. Antenna with ball on top.                4/12/1977 #31972  
100m over a water tower. It had an antenna with a sphere on top. It hovered 4/12/1977 #31975  
shaped heads or helmets and a tall antenna on top. The only features he cou 9/15/1977 #32485  
n the main shaft holding the radar antenna is severely bent by an unknown f 12/17/1977 #32790  
est. On its underside it has three antenna.                                 7/1978 #33318  
eveals nothing unusual, except the antenna of a meteorological station that 7/14/1978 #33382  
d saucer 120' away / 45' altitude. Antenna. Going quickly southwest.        8/18/1978 #33525  
 UFO with a red light on top of an antenna approach from the northwest to a 8/18/1978 #33526  
ot in diameter domed disc, with an antenna with a red light on top of it, w 8/18/1978 #33528  
s man / 15M altitude. Big feet and antenna.                                 12/10/1978 #34083  
ive meters in diameter and with an antenna, followed a man out walking at o 12/10/1978 #34086  
 island of Sicily, near a large TV antenna. The sky darkened and then a lar 12/15/1978 #34136  
ted at an angle, just above the TV antenna. A bright beam of light shot out 12/15/1978 #34136  
 island of Sicily, near a large TV antenna. The sky darkened and then a lar 12/15/1978 #34138  
ted at an angle, just above the TV antenna. The object emitted multicolored 12/15/1978 #34138  
NO, ITL 40M saucer / 10M altitude. Antenna / dome. Tree bends. Animals fran 1/8/1979 #34314  
a 40-meter wide domed disc with an antenna flew over a farm at only ten met 1/8/1979 #34317  
a 40-meter wide domed disc with an antenna flew over a farm at only ten met 1/8/1979 #34320  
0M away. Transparent dome and cone antenna / top. Beams going down.         8/21/1979 #34764  
islodged from the housing. A radio antenna shaft is bent over at a 60° angl 8/27/1979 #34787  
” lamp just inches in front of the antenna is unscathed. The trunk antenna  8/27/1979 #34787  
he antenna is unscathed. The trunk antenna for CB radio is bent at 90°. Bre 8/27/1979 #34787  
f fuel. The top 2 inches of the CB antenna are melted off, and 30 inches of 8/29/1979 #34803  
ed off, and 30 inches of the AM/FM antenna has broken off. A filmy substanc 8/29/1979 #34803  
 of windows, and at the top was an antenna like projection. The witness sto 9/26/1979 #34929  
 it, using electrical wiring as an antenna, to US intelligence satellites”  1982 #36286  
s to be headed directly toward the antenna array. Before reaching it, the o 7/22/1983 #36921  
ed, disc-shaped UFO with a mast or antenna on top comes down quickly over t 8/31/1987 #38265  
med disc-shaped UFO with a mast or antenna on top came down quickly over th 8/31/1987 #38266  
          STAINCROSS, ENG Man with antenna in car looks up. Triangle going  4/20/1988 #38542  
like a huge barrel with a circular antenna on top of it. The little girl be 7/4/1989 #39009  
wn. Large figure / window! Extends antenna / flash 3X.                      2/7/1990 #39413  
ed beams of light from an extended antenna that illuminated the surrounding 2/7/1990 #39414  
ed energy that destroyed the radar antenna on top of their communications b 9/13/1990 #39732  
E ASSIS, BRZ Observer(s) fixing TV antenna. 3 night lights / triangle north 2/6/1992 #40320  
ly southwest stops 1M over bridge. Antenna rotates.                         3/14/1992 #40378  
ly one meter over a bridge, as its antenna rotates. It caused witness paral 3/14/1992 #40380  
ball going down. Legs and eyes and antenna. Shoots away. Balloon? / r226#18 6/20/1993 #41026  
 / spacesuit on rocky shore. Small antenna / side / helmet. Rises and flies 2/3/1994 #41403  
nd a helmet with a thin protruding antenna on one side. It seemed to stagge 2/3/1994 #41406  
 300' dumbbell snoops / government antenna array facility.                  10/9/1995 #42543  
 round-head figure west / pack and antenna. Clicks. Footprints. / r98#30.   3/6/1996 #42803  
ut 1.5 meters in diameter, with an antenna. A small being with a large head 3/6/1996 #42810  
 only one eye and each had a large antenna that radiated an odd blue light. 3/10/1997 #43225  
e side of the disc. It also had an antenna on top and other markings on the 1/11/1998 #43498  
ts that did not blink, and a white antenna that moved back and forth, with  3/6/2007 #45011  
## Word: "antenna-helmeted" (Back to Top)
         NEAR FRUNZE, KIRGHIZ 1.1M antenna-helmeted small humanoids (or Gre 5/18/1990 #39574  
## Word: "antenna-like" (Back to Top)
00 mph. The object has a number of antenna-like projections on its surface. 5/21/1962 #17187  
m the house. One was black with an antenna-like protrusion and a small tail 8/20/1962 #17347  
m his house. One was black with an antenna-like protrusion and a small tail 8/20/1962 #17349  
as described as having horn-shaped antenna-like projections on the undersid 3/19/1966 #19995  
 was felt. The boy then touched an antenna-like projection at the end of on 3/29/1966 #20134  
r hot nor cold. He then touches an antenna-like projection at the end of on 3/29/1966 #20140  
 rim, and a red light on top of an antenna-like protrusion. Red and white l 4/8/1966 #20276  
ared to be a row of louvers and an antenna-like projection. After several m 5/24/1966 #20509  
e tree. Some of the kids notice an antenna-like structure, while others thi 4/7/1967 #22090  
ge seemed jagged and had sparkling antenna-like protrusions at either end.  9/14/1973 #27823  
les south of Harlowton and sees an antenna-like protrusion on the top. Depu 2/17/1975 #29820  
 length. It appeared to have three antenna-like protrusions on top. The UFO 2/17/1978 #32974  
y that reflected the sunlight, two antenna-like projections from the top of 7/11/1978 #33367  
"ugly" with two large eyes and two antenna-like protrusions on its head. A  12/15/1978 #34136  
"ugly" with two large eyes and two antenna-like protrusions on its head. A  12/15/1978 #34138  
m ground near back of house. Three antenna-like sticks at slight angle poin 3/9/1980 #35209  
## Word: "antennae" (Back to Top)
th openings on the side and a long antennae. The UFO shot off at a speed in 9/29/1944 #1670  
 wide apart; both appeared to have antennae on top of their heads, and thei 5/5/1954 #9755  
as "a sort of glowing tomato, with antennae on top."                        9/27/1954 #10469  
as "a sort of glowing tomato, with antennae on top."                        9/27/1954 #10474  
The object sported something like “antennae” situated on its forward sectio 11/23/1954 #11697  
EYSIDE Power goes out. 6M saucer / antennae outside house. Buzz. / FSR'63#4 5/7/1963 #17734  
lass dome. There are no windows or antennae. Dogs in the neighborhood all b 7/19/1965 #19134  
anada encountered a domed UFO with antennae from the sides, hovering just a 7/20/1965 #19155  
 observed the craft, which had two antennae on top, rise spinning and emitt 8/25/1965 #19463  
bject shaped like a plate with two antennae on top and emittting fire and s 8/25/1965 #19465  
n orange light below, windows, and antennae, resting in a construction area 3/31/1966 #20175  
n orange light below, windows, and antennae, resting in a construction area 3/31/1966 #20182  
, a halo of bright light, and two "antennae" on the top. About 45 minutes l 1/19/1967 #21351  
 an object in his car that had two antennae on the top near the rear of the 1/19/1967 #21351  
 500 feet ahead of him. It has two antennae protruding from the top and two 1/19/1967 #21354  
omania observed a sphere with many antennae hovering over a factory for 15  12/10/1967 #23568  
la. It had a pointed read end, and antennae on the sides.                   5/5/1968 #23947  
earing helmets with bright glowing antennae on their heads exited the lande 8/9/1968 #24313  
 meters away. It had three rods or antennae that were pointing up, as well  8/15/1968 #24333  
The craft had a small dome with an antennae on top, and an open door from w 8/25/1968 #24377  
          A double saucer with two antennae was sighted hovering over an at 3/15/1969 #25015  
eral witnesses. The object had two antennae, and TV interference was noted  3/2/1970 #25597  
eter Saturn-shaped saucer with two antennae. The UFO landed 30 meters away  1/8/1971 #25987  
 had some sort of helmet with four antennae. It also wore something like mi 1/15/1971 #25989  
ball by a handle, and it had three antennae like projections on it. She tol 5/5/1972 #26671  
 a black knob on top with "wooden" antennae or horns on the sides, and a gr 5/15/1973 #27492  
r cone-shaped object with metallic antennae was seen in the sky over Mont S 12/9/1973 #28543  
 Two other beings emerge, all with antennae on their heads. A fourth is vis 2/14/1975 #29812  
ataille, Somme, France. It had two antennae. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit 6/27/1975 #30126  
ataille, Somme, France. It had two antennae.                                6/27/1975 #30127  
 in a disc-shaped craft with three antennae. He was taken on an otherworldl 7/21/1975 #30197  
s orb, 9–21 feet in diameter, with antennae, flying over Dossenheim-sur-Zin 8/22/1976 #31291  
it was wearing a full helmet with "antennae," but the rest of its body was  7/17/1977 #32288  
 They had chrome or silver-colored antennae that appeared to come out of th 8/28/1977 #32437  
 faucet. They seemed to have short antennae like protrusions from their hea 8/31/1977 #32447  
 lifted their single digits to the antennae on their heads and held them. T 9/15/1977 #32485  
 about the height of his chest. An antennae jutted up from each end of the  9/15/1977 #32485  
eral oval-shaped portholes. It had antennae and a multicolored sphere of li 7/11/1978 #33368  
e body is metallic silver with two antennae on top. It fills half the winds 8/12/1978 #33512  
 object and a human shape with two antennae. Frightened, he runs away but f 9/21/1978 #33723  
kets, a rucksack, and helmets with antennae. Their hands look like pincers. 9/21/1978 #33723  
ckets, backpacks, and helmets with antennae. Their hands appeared to be sha 9/21/1978 #33725  
eter was which surrounded by small antennae like protrusions. Next to the o 10/15/1978 #33837  
 of light. It had landing gear and antennae. At 5:30 a.m. a UFO hovered ove 11/21/1978 #33975  
lmets had short protuberances like antennae on the sides and they had trans 12/15/1978 #34141  
wearing a helmet with two luminous antennae, approached a witness in Fortal 1/11/1979 #34331  
ad vibrating antennae-like ears or antennae on the sides of their heads (NI 1/18/1979 #34357  
ad vibrating antennae-like ears or antennae on the sides of their heads.    1/18/1979 #34361  
Manila, Philippines A UFO with two antennae was sighted over the city. With 5/26/1979 #34586  
nes that same night a UFO with two antennae was sighted over the city. With 5/26/1979 #34592  
 dressed in metallic costumes with antennae, come out of one of the objects 11/15/1979 #35000  
 batteries, no optical systems, no antennae, and no marks or writing of any 5/14/1981 #35937  
a car, had a greenish-yellow glow, antennae, and multicolored (red, orange, 9/24/1987 #38294  
 the center of the bottom dome and antennae on both the top and bottom dome 9/24/1987 #38294  
ir, gray-green skin, and hats with antennae. They take her to a small, disc 9/13/1989 #39098  
hanging it shading, and it had two antennae on its left side. The sphere pu 10/28/1989 #39191  
## Word: "antennae-like" (Back to Top)
e stood by the object. It wore two antennae-like protrusions on its head. F 9/21/1978 #33725  
ged. They reportedly had vibrating antennae-like ears or antennae on the si 1/18/1979 #34357  
ged. They reportedly had vibrating antennae-like ears or antennae on the si 1/18/1979 #34361  
## Word: "antennalike" (Back to Top)
efore taking off again. There were antennalike protrusions on top of the ob 9/20/1954 #10369  
nded again: There were a number of antennalike projections on top of it. Th 4/14/1957 #13601  
e it glowed like brass. A spinning antennalike device was noted. A few minu 12/18/1957 #14746  
t near the rim, a red light and an antennalike projection, and red and whit 4/8/1966 #20275  
## Word: "antennas" (Back to Top)
rver(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape with antennas. Bright beams straight going do 6/27/1908 #707  
hey wear square helmets with short antennas and are apparently examining th Spring 1935 #1224  
s). Wave / heat. Domed saucer with antennas and portholes. Light signals /  7/1942 (approximate) #1423  
cigar-shape. Openings / side. Long antennas. Going quickly [to] 1900kph.    9/29/1944 #1669  
(s). Fireballs. Glowing robot with antennas. Controversy-must see reference 9/12/1952 #7899  
 2 pseudo-human/entity / helmets / antennas emerge. Observer(s) dazed. / r2 9/1/1954? #10227  
/ observer(s). Glowing-tomato with antennas lands / hours. / r8#157.        9/27/1954 #10455  
r lands. Sweeps area / light beam. Antennas. / r8#205.                      10/7/1954 #10767  
. Saucer with wheels and tubes and antennas and ladder and portholes..      10/23/1954 #11328  
ver(s). Cone with 3 figure(s) with antennas / inside. Going quickly east. / 8/1956 #13036  
H / MARTHAS VINYARD, MA Ovoid with antennas dives at 5 / boat. Levels off g 10/12/1957 #14102  
usinessman and 1. Silver disk with antennas maneuvers into clouds.          5/25/1958 #15047  
railer camp. Sphere/orb/globe with antennas arcs and dashes. Seen / (seen t 11/27/1960 #16513  
rown colored sphere/orb/globe with antennas going west / 700mph 3K' under l 5/21/1962 #17183  
ich is spherical and has a pair of antennas on top, is completely transpare 8/28/1963 #17922  
erge. They wear helmets with short antennas and are 12–15 feet tall. Dougla 10/12/1963 #17987  
          WELLFORD, SC Saucer with antennas follows car / miles. Leaves whe 6/30/1964 #18384  
d the exact shape of the objects. "Antennas" (projections) extended and ret 3/11/1966 #19950  
ghts or windows around the middle, antennas (projections) on top, and light 8/23/1966 #20795  
           BAYONNE, NJ Sphere / 2M antennas flies behind house. Search / ba 11/19/1966 #21126  
 had some kind of helmet with four antennas. It also wore some kind of mitt 1/15/1967 #21312  
l sphere/orb/globe / I64. Legs and antennas and window / top. Flies. / r157 1/17/1967 #21325  
erver(s) = Eutsler. Derby-hat with antennas and lights and flat panel / win 3/22/1967 #21941  
 bright object hovers / 4 hours. 4 antennas. Strong odor and burnt vegetati 9/22/1967 #23110  
(s). Birds panic. Sombrero-saucer. Antennas / all over/all about. Going qui 11/22/1967 #23493  
disc-shaped object with a dome and antennas hovering at 15,000 feet. It rot 11/22/1967 #23497  
ear silver-gray helmets with small antennas on the left side of the ear are 12/3/1967 #23545  
ver(s). Sphere/orb/globe with many antennas hovers / factory. / LDLN#115+/  12/10/1967 #23565  
outh / 2 nights. Pointed rear end. Antennas / sides.                        5/5/1968 #23945  
lex maneuvers. Ejects foil strips. Antennas.                                6/5/1968 #24008  
 orange balloon-shaped object with antennas made complex maneuvers over the 6/5/1968 #24010  
a brilliant domed UFO with several antennas on top. He approaches to within 6/14/1968 #24031  
he ground, with a dome and several antennas on top. Convinced that the devi 6/14/1968 #24033  
er(s). Circular saucer glitters. 2 antennas project. Wobbles. Slight throb  8/5/1968 #24298  
s stadium grounds 2X. Seen 3 days. Antennas.                                3/14/1969 #25007  
, FR Man frozen. White barrel with antennas / gravel pit. / FSRv15#6+/ r30p 3/14/1969 #25008  
 a white barrel-shaped object with antennas hovered over a gravel pit in Ma 3/14/1969 #25013  
ed a red saucer-shaped object with antennas land on stadium grounds twice i 3/14/1969 #25014  
 13M saucer maneuvers all about TV antennas / apartment complex!            6/1969 #25179  
aucer back and forth descending. 2 antennas. TV Radio Frequency Interferenc 2/28/1970 #25596  
cer landed / 4 legs. 45cm and 1.5M antennas. Portholes. / r246p174.         7/25/1970 #25749  
sc landed on four legs. It had two antennas, one 45 cm long and one 1.5 met 7/25/1970 #25751  
lat-top dome. Windows and legs and antennas takes off going up / clouds.    12/7/1970 #25931  
server(s). 3M Saturn saucer with 2 antennas 30m away. Lands / maize. Tree d 1/8/1971 #25985  
observer(s). 50' domed saucer with antennas. Low altitude. Possible blimp.  1/2/1973 #27213  
mall glowing-sphere/orb/globe with antennas hovers / 20 minute(s). / r201p1 8/14/1973 #27700  
on/depot/facility. Jagged top rim. Antennas. / r221p74.                     9/14/1973 #27819  
had silvery skin, crab-like claws, antennas, and looked into his living roo 10/19/1973 #28196  
NA, TOA ALTA, PR Silver ovoid with antennas / low and slow. Figure inside w 11/2/1973 #28346  
s and going quickly east. Metallic antennas.                                12/9/1973 #28542  
ar. Saucer over cow pen. Tower and antennas. Whoosh / takeoff. Lands? Trace 12/11/1973 #28554  
rver(s). Silent yellow cone with 3 antennas hovers and spirals about.       12/23/1973 #28599  
eral observer(s). 2 35cm orbs with antennas maneuver / farms. / r30p452.    2/24/1974 #28795  
 maneuvers / all directions. Grows antennas. Going quickly ESE.             10/18/1974 (approximate) #29543  
RISSA, IL 3 / car. White dome with antennas. Cylinder/cylindrical object su 12/21/1974 #29649  
ucer going down [to] behind trees. Antennas and beams going down. 2 photogr 6/5/1975 #30081  
s in Colpo, France. The object had antennas and emitted beams of light.     6/5/1975 #30083  
lindrical object / 10M altitude. 2 antennas / 45° / top. Going west. / r30. 6/27/1975 #30124  
r(s). 30' metal disk with legs and antennas / 200' altitude. Going quickly  8/10/1975 #30247  
boys. Disk tilts and turns over. 4 antennas wave. Portholes. Fades!         8/22/1975 #30293  
 4M luminous sphere/orb/globe with antennas / low altitude. Local (as a loc 8/21/1976 #31288  
 had a broad brimmed hat, with two antennas on its head. The face looked li 8/28/1977 #32439  
 [to] and hovers / 45 minute(s). 2 antennas / ends. Going down.             4/25/1978 #33165  
the sky for 45 minutes. It had two antennas at the ends of the object.      4/25/1978 #33170  
h closed visors and with two small antennas protruding from the top. The be 5/10/1978 #33199  
rial. These also wore helmets with antennas. They were a little taller than 5/10/1978 #33199  
35M saucer hums very low altitude. Antennas. Rotates. / Flying Saucer Revie 7/22/1978 #33409  
nt metallic eye-like object with 2 antennas going south. Buzzes 2 / car nea 8/12/1978 #33511  
ic silver. The object also had two antennas.                                8/12/1978 #33513  
ear visors and two small spiraling antennas. Their faces look like green- s 9/17/1978 #33701  
. 4 5' small humanoids (or Greys). Antennas / helmets. Power out. / IURv4#3 9/21/1978 #33720  
neuver / mountain valleys. Box and antennas / top. Pulses over power lines. 10/30/1978 (approximate) #33893  
r pilots. Domed disk with legs and antennas and narrow beams / light.       11/21/1978 #33970  
ITL 2 men. Luminous ovoid with big antennas metres away. No further details 12/18/1978 #34167  
, PHL Many observer(s). UFO with 2 antennas. Figures visible / (seen thru)  5/26/1979 #34581  
borate Turner’s story, and the two antennas appear to be deliberately alter 8/29/1979 #34803  
watched a red light, possibly with antennas shoot toward him. (NICAP: 02 -  10/25/1983 #37014  
watched a red light, possibly with antennas shoot toward him at 8:00 p.m. I 10/25/1983 #37017  
 Saucer with sparking forked boom. Antennas. 3 hours missing time. Jets cha 10/14/1988 #38673  
s jutting from the head resembling antennas or horns. The front of the robo 3/24/1990 #39485  
ch the UFO too. She sees two small antennas on top. They leave to get their 5/4/1990 #39556  
ic robot-like entity equipped with antennas, who flew soundlessly over the  11/5/1990 #39873  
 1+6 kids. Light-grey 10' box with antennas going [to] over treetops / 35mp 7/27/1991 #40135  
  CHILDERSBURG, AL Bright ball and antennas / 5 nights. Now videod. Circles 6/4/1993 #41004  
sects" and had what appeared to be antennas and were very strange in appear 2/23/1995 #42060  
g white coveralls and helmets with antennas. One carried a pen-like instrum 8/26/1995 #42417  
ike protrusion on its rear and two antennas like protrusions on top. Two of 7/23/1997 #43359  
lue and red lights flash / series. Antennas..                               8/16/1997 #43385  
ewman during their installation of antennas on the International Space Stat 12/11/1998 #43698  
e two figures wearing helmets with antennas on the right sides of the helme 11/1/1999 #43869  
such as a “closed box trailer with antennas or a large van”) that might be  1/6/2020 #45624  
## Word: "antenor" (Back to Top)
 Goiás; Joaquim Neves Pereira; and Antenor Gomes, then-Secretary of Public  10/10/1957 #14095  
## Word: "anterograde" (Back to Top)
ith drug-induced hypnosis and with anterograde and retrograde amnesia while 5/11/1953 #8875  
## Word: "anther" (Back to Top)
fast going quickly west. Orbit one Anther. Turn going south in-line.        1/5/1954 #9448  
## Word: "anthill" (Back to Top)
ASA), Blackjack Control, Northrop “Anthill” Tejon Rance, McDonnell Douglas  8/30/1996 #43001  
## Word: "anthologies" (Back to Top)
oks—both journalistic accounts and anthologies of Ummo writings—find an avi 1969 #24804  
## Word: "anthology" (Back to Top)
pisode of the American radio drama anthology series The Mercury Theatre on  10/30/1938 #1300  
Fiction Theatre, a science fiction anthology TV series that presents scient 4/5/1955 #12081  
essup publishes The UFO Annual, an anthology of newspaper and magazine arti 1956 #12635  
n the CBS Armstrong Circle Theater anthology drama TV program hosted by Dou 12/1957 #14654  
## Word: "anthony" (Back to Top)
 Channel Night. Seaman Mar Doroba, Anthony Kornilak, and others on the Brit 9/1941 #1370  
s Project Twinkle head and chemist Anthony O. Mirarchi at the USAF Cambridg 2/25/1951 #5458  
          AEC Project Twinkle head Anthony O. Mirarchi tells the Associated 2/27/1951 #5465  
                                   ANTHONY, NM Cops and many. Red glowing-s 4/28/1964 #18213  
                                   Anthony, New Mexico Numerous witnesses,  4/28/1964 #18215  
                                   Anthony, New Mexico El Paso, Texas Port  4/28/1964 #18216  
object hovers then darts away over Anthony, New Mexico. State policeman Raú 4/28/1964 #18216  
                 At 1:20 a.m. Rev. Anthony De Polo, an Assembly of God mini 7/18/1967 #22695  
to investigators Roger Stanway and Anthony Pace that she "half imagined" sh 9/2/1967 #22984  
London, England BUFORA researchers Anthony R. Pace and Roger H. Stanway vis 9/27/1967 #23136  
nidentifiable, British researchers Anthony R. Pace and Roger H. Stanway vis 6/20/1968 #24054  
 England Oxfordshire Air Commodore Anthony Norman Davis becomes the first h 1/1972 #26534  
                                   Anthony Hill, TN Three teenagers saw a h 10/1973 #27900  
  On this night three teenagers in Anthony Hill, Tennessee saw a huge, hair 10/1/1973 #27913  
                               ST. ANTHONY, NFLD Date approximate. Small pr 10/18/1974 (approximate) #29542  
 maneuvered just above the crowd. (Anthony Lee, FSR, March 1983, pg. 24). ( 7/7/1977 #32244  
d officers, PS. Ian Victory and PC Anthony Underwood were driving a marked  3/25/1982 #36413  
0:45 p.m. Security policeman T/Sgt Anthony W. Keel is working as an alert r 9/1991 #40178  
ity, South Dakota 11:00 p.m. T/Sgt Anthony W. Keel is engaged in a field tr 12/1996 #43127  
                                   Anthony Walsh left his girlfriend's hous 10/28/2000 #44063  
t request by David Clarke and Gary Anthony) a 400-page report on a secret U 5/15/2006 #44942  
s Thomas J. Carey, Donald Schmitt, Anthony Bragalia, and others to lend cre 5/5/2015 #45437  
, Lachezar Filipov (Bulgaria), and Anthony Choy (Peru). The conference is p 10/15/2018 #45540  
## Word: "anthracite" (Back to Top)
inally stops against an outcrop of anthracite coal 60 feet in thickness. It 6/19/1857 #150  
## Word: "anthrax" (Back to Top)
also supplies delivery methods for anthrax. The CIA pays SOD $200,000 a yea 11/19/1953 #9310  
## Word: "anthropocentric" (Back to Top)
t the idea of real UFOs challenges anthropocentric norms, making it a taboo 5/6/2008 #45134  
## Word: "anthropoid" (Back to Top)
 creature was neither human nor an anthropoid ape. A local hunter discovere 8/10/1989 #39051  
## Word: "anthropological" (Back to Top)
nsational claims have rendered his anthropological work (such as it is) com 1960 #16142  
## Word: "anthropologist" (Back to Top)
 An anonymous USAF Col. states (to anthropologist George Dickson) a SDI wea 9/28/1989 #39132  
## Word: "anthropology" (Back to Top)
Wold (he was a graduate student in anthropology). Four huge red lights in a 4/3/1964 #18157  
.m. R. Wold, a graduate student in anthropology, and two others see four hu 4/3/1964 #18158  
Mr. R. Wold, a graduate student in anthropology, his wife, and two others i 4/3/1964 #18159  
## Word: "anthropomorphic" (Back to Top)
t Roswell, New Mexico, were really anthropomorphic test dummies carried alo 6/24/1997 #43338  
## Word: "anti" (Back to Top)
y of Chile and spent $3 million in anti–Salvador Allende propaganda “to sca 9/4/1964 #18533  
tudied Brown’s claims and found no anti gravitic force. It is unclear if Mc 5/9/2001 #44183  
m     Note: There are only so many anti gravity experts in the United State 5/2002 #44335  
## Word: "anti-" (Back to Top)
ire on the intruders, supported by anti- aircraft ground fire. During the A 6/15/1968 #24040  
h-speed of object that looked like anti- collision beacon (red) over Lake M 7/19/1972 #26812  
es to the west; and an S-3A Viking anti- submarine aircraft from Naval Air  3/27/1978 #33088  
he animal after an injection of an anti- coagulant.” In some cases, the ani 2/16/1979 #34429  
ink Vallée has gone too far in his anti- ETH approach and is conspiracy mon 6/1979 #34599  
## Word: "anti-aircraft" (Back to Top)
hem with machine guns and the only anti-aircraft battery on the west coast. 8/10/1914 #908  
 Scotland On a bright sunny day an anti-aircraft unit member focused a heig 6/1940 #1339  
umored enemy attack and subsequent anti-aircraft barrage over Los Angeles,  2/24/1942 #1388  
aliber machine guns and 12.8-pound anti-aircraft shells into the air at rep 2/24/1942 #1388  
s die as an indirect result of the anti-aircraft fire. Three are killed in  2/24/1942 #1388  
              CULVER CITY, CA 1430 Anti-Aircraft guns/teams shells fired /  2/25/1942 #1389  
and five people were killed by the anti-aircraft fire hitting the ground an 2/25/1942 #1391  
motionless object. The Polish Army anti-aircraft gun fires on it, then the  Early 7/1944 #1617  
ade it practically invulnerable to anti-aircraft guns and fighters, as it d 9/7/1944 #1666  
  BELGIUM LOCATION UNKNOWN British Anti-Aircraft guns/teams gunners. US B17 11/23/1944 #1701  
      NORTHEAST / PHILOMATH, OR Ex Anti-Aircraft guns/teams-gunner and 2. 3 8/5/1947 (approximate) #3294  
jets fails to intercept them. FBI, anti-aircraft battalion, radar units and 8/4/1950 #5099  
 B-29. The bomber was evading mild anti-aircraft fire at the time, and the  2/23/1952 #5924  
don, UK London, England, G,V Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment Tracks Huge UFO ( 11/3/1953 #9278  
racked on radar by the 256th Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment moving slowly at  11/3/1953 #9280  
and Sgt1C James Conley of the 89th Anti-Aircraft Battalion at Fort George G 12/7/1953 #9345  
    Pittsburgh, PA (McDonald list) Anti-Aircraft Units Track Objects For Ov 3/11/1954 #9613  
s). Silver saucer / line-of-fire / Anti-Aircraft guns/teams practice / 7 mi 8/13/1954 #10140  
   NEMURO STRAIT, JP US and Soviet Anti-Aircraft guns/teams fire / group /  7/24/1957 #13821  
         NEMURO STRAIT, JPN Soviet Anti-Aircraft guns/teams guns fire on fl 7/24/1957 #13822  
 object hovers / presidents house. Anti-Aircraft guns/teams guns fire warni 9/22/1970 #25849  
## Word: "anti-americanism" (Back to Top)
who, concerned about the growth of anti-Americanism in Western Europe, prop 5/29/1954 #9840  
## Word: "anti-ballistic" (Back to Top)
Secretary Leonid Brezhnev sign the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty at the 197 5/26/1972 #26689  
h of which is to be limited to 100 anti-ballistic missiles. Ratified by the 5/26/1972 #26689  
## Word: "anti-castro" (Back to Top)
uatemala The CIA begins to recruit anti-Castro Cuban exiles in the Miami, F 5/1960 #16247  
## Word: "anti-christ" (Back to Top)
spread the word that Castro is the anti-Christ, shoot starburst shells from 11/30/1961 #16984  
## Word: "anti-clutter" (Back to Top)
e of one of their radarscopes. The anti-clutter device is thrown to ascerta 8/20/1975 #30291  
## Word: "anti-collision" (Back to Top)
 Guizhou province, China, when its anti-collision system detects an object  2/1995 #42006  
 bottom, but no position lights or anti-collision lights anywhere on the ob 6/7/2008 #45146  
 a hot summer’s day.” There are no anti-collision lights required for all a 11/19/2013 #45397  
## Word: "anti-communist" (Back to Top)
 groups, and support of indigenous anti-communist elements in threatened co 9/1/1948 #3794  
 severe illness while attending an anti-Communist meeting in Frankfurt, Ger 9/1957 #13965  
## Word: "anti-drone" (Back to Top)
ilitary are called in with special anti-drone equipment. Gatwick goes back  12/19/2018 #45552  
that look similar to rifles. These anti-drone countermeasures are increasin 7/24/2019 #45598  
## Word: "anti-energy" (Back to Top)
ease of information pertaining to “anti-energy” devices.  https://www.ufojo 2/8/2020 #45631  
## Word: "anti-eth" (Back to Top)
intelligence group on one side, an anti-ETH Pentagon Intelligence Requireme 9/30/1948? #3817  
t issue of its somewhat skeptical, anti-ETH, monthly CENAP-Report is publis 3/1976 #30912  
## Word: "anti-government" (Back to Top)
estic population over time, fueled anti-government conspiracy theories in p 1980's? #35109  
## Word: "anti-gravitational" (Back to Top)
s observed, and reportedly caused "anti-gravitational effects," finally dis 4/5/1966 #20238  
st in 2019 “if we were to build an anti-gravitational device, it would be b 4/1988 #38527  
## Word: "anti-gravitic" (Back to Top)
th the quantum vacuum and generate anti-gravitic capabilities (see 2 Novemb 8/1998 #43618  
logies LLC states it is working on anti-gravitic technology for commercial  3/2004 #44671  
ngle/diamond shaped craft that has anti-gravitic effects and resembles some 11/2/2017 #45490  
d UAP metamaterials experienced an anti-gravitic effect when radiated with  7/2018 #45532  
## Word: "anti-gravity" (Back to Top)
roximating that of light by use of anti-gravity devices and hyperspace. In  7/3/1947 #2551  
s Trimble recruited him to develop anti-gravity, and in 2013, stated anti-g 1955 #11898  
 anti-gravity, and in 2013, stated anti-gravity was “discovered” in this pr 1955 #11898  
atterson Air Force Base to work on anti-gravity for aerospace applications. 1955 #11898  
laboratories and research centers. Anti-gravity is reportedly being studied 11/20/1955 #12580  
ll Talbert they expect to discover anti-gravity within years to a quarter o 11/20/1955 #12580  
ote: Gordon Gray’s presence in IPP anti-gravity studies is noteworthy. Gray 11/20/1955 #12580  
er universities. Curiously, fellow anti-gravity researcher Louis Witten joi Late 1956 #13281  
ave also studied Soviet efforts in anti-gravity.  https://artsandsciences.s Late 1956 #13281  
df     Note: It is thought the ARL anti-gravity studies ended in 1970 with  Late 1956 #13281  
anization (NATO) begins supporting anti-gravity research as part of its Sci 1958 #14786  
ase that the Germans had developed anti-gravity devices at the end of World 1968 #23626  
nt contractor Psi-Tech to “do some anti-gravity work.” Some of the vehicles 3/9/1992 #40368  
 emails between employees about an anti-gravity aircraft the USAF was devel 6/21/1996 #42937  
t for $448,970 in 2001 to continue anti-gravity research, ending in 2002. N 8/1/1997 #43364  
s by mainstream scientists show no anti-gravity effects and attribute the p 5/9/2001 #44183  
.” GRASP’s objective is to explore anti-gravity and evaluate Eugene Podklet 7/29/2002 #44370  
ctromagnetic energy generators and anti-gravity methods and alleges this te 2/13/2009 #45212  
 TTSA expected to create a working anti-gravity craft; the company’s offeri 10/26/2017 #45488  
andoning its promise of developing anti-gravity technology. Co-founder Hal  10/26/2017 #45488  
 the following: energy pulse, ion, anti-gravity, anti-matter, ramjet hydrog 6/29/2021 #45697  
d be the case “if we have mastered anti-gravity, and they’re being built by 2/11/2022 #45739  
led Ning Li…there is a very active anti-gravity program…I’m told there is e 5/2022 #45746  
## Word: "anti-hero" (Back to Top)
g machine, invented by the novel’s anti-hero Robur, who kidnaps people and  1886 #273  
## Word: "anti-hypertensive" (Back to Top)
 she was able to drop all previous anti-hypertensive medication.            5/27/1973 #27535  
## Word: "anti-jamming" (Back to Top)
 the east about 32 miles away. The anti-jamming device on their radar is tu 9/18/1951 #5678  
## Word: "anti-matter" (Back to Top)
: energy pulse, ion, anti-gravity, anti-matter, ramjet hydrogen and compres 6/29/2021 #45697  
## Word: "anti-military" (Back to Top)
work in the “white world” as he is anti-military. Boeing documents seen by  7/29/2002 #44370  
## Word: "anti-mine" (Back to Top)
 FL Very large saucer circles Navy Anti-Mine base. Goes going north. Going  11/19/1953 #9308  
## Word: "anti-missile" (Back to Top)
 announces his plans to develop an anti-missile capability to counter the t 3/23/1983 #36792  
## Word: "anti-nuclear" (Back to Top)
ce newsletter that are antiwar and anti-nuclear. It attracts the attention  5/26/1957 #13680  
## Word: "anti-physical" (Back to Top)
ing layers designated as physical, anti-physical, psychological, physiologi 9/30/2010 #45300  
## Word: "anti-radar" (Back to Top)
connected with Army experiments in anti-radar weaponry.                     8/13/1947 #3321  
## Word: "anti-satellite" (Back to Top)
d as a ballistic missile shield or anti-satellite weapon.  Boeing attempted 7/29/2002 #44370  
te Launch Center China conducts an anti-satellite missile test in which a C 1/11/2007 #44998  
## Word: "anti-secrecy" (Back to Top)
had wanted to “destroy the leading anti-secrecy organization of the 1960s,  1/1979 #34268  
## Word: "anti-semitic" (Back to Top)
the magazine, but some of Pelley’s anti-Semitic attitudes creep into Willia Summer 1954 #9918  
## Word: "anti-soviet" (Back to Top)
of UFOs on Russian soil. UFOs are “anti-Soviet products of decadent capital 2/29/1968 #23791  
## Word: "anti-submarine" (Back to Top)
es, they also test air defense and anti-submarine warheads with small yield 5/28/1957 #13684  
ornia, directs a Navy S2F-1Tracker anti-submarine aircraft toward a bright  10/14/1957 #14110  
## Word: "anti-uap" (Back to Top)
he other majority chose to develop anti-UAP weapons under cover of SDI.  ht 12/29/1987 #38379  
haven; he also claims DOE had done anti-UAP directed energy weapons testing 11/24/1992 #40726  
raft, aerospace experts working on anti-UAP weaponry, psychologists meeting 8/31/2016 #45458  
## Word: "anti-ufo" (Back to Top)
int to the fundamental weakness of anti-UFO arguments, which claim falsely  5/6/2008 #45134  
## Word: "antiaircraft" (Back to Top)
 and is tracked on ship radar. Two antiaircraft guns fire on the object, bu 3/22/1945 #1820  
y, Gansu, China Gansu province The antiaircraft command base of the Chinese 7/19/1947 #3201  
la, Okinawa, Japan 10:30 a.m. USAF antiaircraft radar operator Cpl. Bolfang 3/27/1950 #4740  
 under B-29 which was evading mild antiaircraft fire.  45 second sighting.  2/23/1952 #5922  
nder while the aircraft is evading antiaircraft fire near Sinuiju, North Ko 2/23/1952 #5923  
 May or June, and units have their antiaircraft guns loaded after the first 5/1952 #6229  
ment from a few weeks earlier that antiaircraft guns and personnel are on c 7/14/1952 #6816  
0 ft black smoke bursts similar to antiaircraft fire (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 11/27/1952 #8347  
oke bursts (4-3-3-4-3), similar to antiaircraft fire, was seen over a 20 mi 11/27/1952 #8348  
oke bursts (4-3-3-4-3), similar to antiaircraft fire, which was seen over a 11/27/1952 #8349  
muro Strait Hokkaido Japan Russian antiaircraft batteries on the Kuril Isla 7/24/1957 #13826  
we would take out all the SAMs and antiaircraft        And that would almos 10/27/1962 #17505  
g, and Bangkalan, Java, Indonesia. Antiaircraft batteries and Air Force pil 9/18/1964 #18559  
ome 40 soldiers and officers at an antiaircraft artillery unit stationed at 9/1967 #22971  
                      South Korean antiaircraft shore battery 10:00 a.m. A  Autumn 1974 #29471  
t across approaches a South Korean antiaircraft shore battery. The commande Autumn 1974 #29471  
[now Türkmenbaşy], Turkmenistan An antiaircraft defense system near Astrakh 1984 #37097  
astern Tehran, Iran Iraq 8:15 p.m. Antiaircraft batteries open fire on a UF 8/5/1985 #37637  
The commanding officers of several antiaircraft defense units around Moscow 3/21/1990 #39475  
 are forwarded to the chief of the antiaircraft defense headquarters, Gen.  3/21/1990 #39475  
## Word: "antibes" (Back to Top)
                                   ANTIBES, FR 3 observer(s). Huge square w 8/18/1974 #29368  
                                   ANTIBES, FR 3 orange disks going northwe 1/14/1979 #34340  
cts traveled to the northwest over Antibes, Alpes-Maritimes, France at 250  1/14/1979 #34342  
                               OFF ANTIBES, FR Guard. 3 luminous balls stop 8/10/1994 #41665  
ccompanied it. (2) At 4:30 a.m. at Antibes, Alpes-Maritime Department, Fran 8/10/1994 #41667  
## Word: "anticipated" (Back to Top)
r. Joao Prestes Filho, age 40, had anticipated an uneventful day of fishing 3/5/1946 #1974  
The Soviet Air Defense Forces have anticipated the flight and give orders t 5/1/1960 #16248  
, none of which are scientifically anticipated—including the existence of a 4/27/1973 #27450  
## Word: "anticipates" (Back to Top)
 Car paced / large glowing-sphere. Anticipates turns. Separate observer(s). 3/30/1979 #34494  
## Word: "anticipating" (Back to Top)
." He answered Benito's questions, anticipating them before the witness act 5/15/1967 #22348  
ht. It disappears around a corner, anticipating her route, and follows her  7/1975 #30141  
## Word: "anticipation" (Back to Top)
ng, in retrospect, however, is its anticipation of many abduction motifs wh 8/26/1975 #30310  
## Word: "anticlee" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Anticlee” Yield: 20KT                    7/4/1990 #39635  
## Word: "anticlockwise" (Back to Top)
out 3 feet high, is rotating in an anticlockwise direction and is bluish. T 2/15/1963 #17669  
rming a tornado shape and spinning anticlockwise. He watches it for 2–3 min 7/2/1994 #41601  
## Word: "anticommunist" (Back to Top)
onald (D-Ga.) and president of the anticommunist John Birch Society.        9/1/1983 #36968  
## Word: "antiempirical" (Back to Top)
Condon’s approach is fundamentally antiempirical. The report also includes  10/31/1968 #24608  
## Word: "antifreeze" (Back to Top)
wer, and they smelled an odor like antifreeze.                              5/12/1981 #35934  
## Word: "antigo" (Back to Top)
                                   ANTIGO AND MADISON, WI Photographs / 25- 4/13/1959 #15700  
                                   Antigo & Madison, WI (McDonald list) Hig 4/13/1959 #15701  
 occurred in Norwalk, Connecticut, Antigo, Wisconsin, and Rockford, Illinoi 11/13/1974 #29593  
same day as a humanoid report from Antigo, Wisconsin.                       11/13/1974 #29593  
## Word: "antigone" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Antigone” Yield: 5KT                     6/16/1988 #38585  
## Word: "antigravitation" (Back to Top)
etnov and Schnurer.   (VI) Nuclear antigravitation that allegedly causes a  1/1998 #43483  
## Word: "antigravitic" (Back to Top)
ay have developed into more robust antigravitic programs later, almost assu 1968 #23633  
h.   (V) Solid state devices using antigravitic/shielding based on the work 1/1998 #43483  
fields at high speed to create the antigravitic effect.  Note: Podklenov st 2/4/2020 #45630  
## Word: "antigravitics" (Back to Top)
tially research related to ongoing antigravitics research are suffering har 5/2022 #45746  
## Word: "antigravity" (Back to Top)
develop a secret space fleet using antigravity technology.  Tompkins claims 3/1/1955 #12027  
tempted to learn about secret Nazi antigravity programs. Tompkins provides  3/1/1955 #12027  
the Navy espionage program on Nazi antigravity programs, which he alleges l 3/1/1955 #12027  
romagnetism and gravity to produce antigravity) to Wright-Patterson Air For 2/25/1956 #12739  
an are all mentioned as working on antigravity “rigs.”  https://www.cufon.o 2/25/1956 #12739  
, a former ARL scientist, says the antigravity propulsion purpose of ARL wa 9/1956 #13166  
 crackpot sent them a proposal for antigravity or for converting rotary mot 9/1956 #13166  
hapter of the report is devoted to Antigravity Propulsion, utilizing the co 6/1972 #26694  
cer in the 1950s and duplicated an antigravity device; Hal states the uncle 9/29/1982 #36619  
t,” a purported method to generate antigravity and materials cloaking. The  1983 #36738  
methods. The report also mentioned antigravity was not achieved using a rot 4/1988 #38527  
 help with reverse engineering the antigravity propulsion system of one of  5/15/1989 #38952  
 working to reverse engineer their antigravity propulsion systems. Lazar cl 5/15/1989 #38953  
 of an alleged Project Galileo, an antigravity and propulsion project and P 5/15/1989 #38953  
ose to stating that these might be antigravity devices.                     10/1/1990 #39756  
s, the use of electromagnetism for antigravity and superluminal quantum tun 8/1997 #43363  
ound facilities.  He states a full antigravity propulsion system was develo 1998 #43481  
                      James Cox of Antigravity News and Space Drive Technol 1/1998 #43483  
Technology proposes seven types of antigravity devices can theoretically ex 1/1998 #43483  
ve this effect.   (VII) Biological antigravity devices involving the human  1/1998 #43483  
Li.  https://www.wired.com/1998/03/antigravity/                             3/1/1998 #43527  
ly knew someone who worked on a US antigravity program, who told Hamilton t 6/17/1998 #43589  
a_Resonance     Note: The triangle antigravity craft patent submitted by Sa 8/1998 #43618  
ion,” faster than light travel and antigravity propulsion that is a threat  8/22/1998 #43635  
associates it with Nazi occultism, antigravity, and free energy research. M 2000 #43910  
s.  McCandlish states he saw three antigravity saucers in a hanger at Norto 5/9/2001 #44183  
BPP was working on five methods of antigravity at this time: (1) inertia ch 2002 #44302  
 the development of a black budget antigravity program at the time.         2002 #44302  
des when they would have worked on antigravity programs?  Note: Journalist  5/2002 #44335  
 location where ongoing deep black antigravity work is being done. Unknown  5/2002 #44335  
(see 4 February 2020) to create an antigravity device. BBC reports the proj 7/29/2002 #44369  
vides updates to the public on its antigravity research. It was located at  3/2004 #44671  
aterrestrial implants, abductions, antigravity propulsion and using superco 10/17/2008 #45175  
raversable wormholes, warp drives, antigravity, zero-point energy), materia 6/24/2009 #45227  
drea Rossi claims he is working in antigravity, of which an NSA contact say 11/15/2015 #45440  
of all of the company’s efforts in antigravity.  https://www.amazon.com/Gre 12/2015 #45441  
ms. He also claims MITRE is key in antigravity and SAIC is a “crown jewel”  4/18/2016 #45451  
f there is anything near a working antigravity craft, they’ve kept it very  11/2/2017 #45490  
propulsion, Mach 10-plus vehicles, antigravity craft, loitering surveillanc 5/30/2018 #45528  
nges in light to detect if various antigravity strategies were successful;  6/29/2021 #45696  
re nor did he discuss the specific antigravity mechanism he would utilize i 6/29/2021 #45696  
y” to “Invisibility Cloaking” and “Antigravity for Aerospace Applications.” 3/25/2022 #45742  
 of Hal Puthoff. Subjects included antigravity, cloaking, quantum vacuum pr 3/25/2022 #45743  
 novel foundational work regarding antigravity but needed approval from NAS 6/15/2022 #45758  
ss historical and current means of antigravity experiments and modern black 6/15/2022 #45758  
ects allegedly developing triangle antigravity craft like the “TR3B.” Eskri 6/15/2022 #45758  
al says within a year the tests of antigravity devices did not show enough  10/27/2022 #45784  
 idea that if there is an American antigravity program done in secret, he s 2/22/2023 #45794  
## Word: "antilla" (Back to Top)
                  SANTIAGO TO/FROM ANTILLA, CUBA All / airliner and many /  3/9/1950 #4595  
n airliner flying from Santiago to Antilla, Cuba. The ground observers trac 3/9/1950 #4599  
## Word: "antilokos" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Antilokos” Yield: 150KT                  7/1/1982 #36526  
## Word: "antimachia" (Back to Top)
g a blinding light in the sky over Antimachia, Kos Island, Greece. The UFO  10/26/1954 #11425  
, and for a while it headed toward Antimachia, but changed course suddenly  10/26/1954 #11425  
## Word: "antimano" (Back to Top)
               On the same day, in Antimano, Federal District, Venezuela 10 8/16/1967 #22886  
## Word: "antimatter" (Back to Top)
event include a black hole impact, antimatter, a UFO crash (as recently as  6/30/1908 #711  
nd propulsion, and training on an “antimatter reactor.” He also reads about 12/6/1988 #38748  
and spontaneous fission, producing antimatter particles that are converted  3/1989 #38855  
 May 1987, some scientists take an antimatter reactor to an underground Nev 3/1989 #38855  
## Word: "antimissile" (Back to Top)
rred the day after a successful US antimissile test in the Pacific. Cartere 7/15/2001 #44209  
## Word: "antinuclear" (Back to Top)
ns.” It is intended to counter the antinuclear activism of biochemist Linus 3/28/1957 #13566  
## Word: "antioch" (Back to Top)
al other reports this evening from Antioch, Chico, Lathrop, Oakland, San Fr 11/23/1896 #353  
                                   ANTIOCH, IL 2 / car. Luminous/glowing sa 11/5/1957 #14316  
                                   Antioch, Illinois Ringwood 6:30 p.m. Lar 11/5/1957 #14345  
d Marilynn Beaman are driving near Antioch, Illinois, when they notice a ba 11/5/1957 #14345  
                                   ANTIOCH, CA 2 observer(s). Ovoid / 90-tu 3/27/1975 #29919  
                                   Antioch, California 1:15 a.m. A man in A 11/18/1979 #35006  
och, California 1:15 a.m. A man in Antioch, California, watches a bright re 11/18/1979 #35006  
                  On this night in Antioch Community, South Carolina a marr 6/7/2008 #45146  
## Word: "antiradar" (Back to Top)
                The CIA emphasizes antiradar study, aerodynamic structural  9/14/1959 #15976  
## Word: "antisabotage" (Back to Top)
direct action, including sabotage, antisabotage, demolition and evacuation  9/1/1948 #3794  
## Word: "antiseptic" (Back to Top)
box'. Smeared / liquid. Analysis = antiseptic.                              8/30/1978 #33594  
## Word: "antisubmarine" (Back to Top)
t J. Wooten is flying a Navy P2V-5 antisubmarine plane over the Sea of Japa 3/14/1953 #8753  
y, and the Norwegian Navy fires an antisubmarine missile at the intruders.  11/21/1972 #27132  
iz, Spain, piloting a Grumman AN-1 antisubmarine aircraft with four other c 9/1975? #30333  
d one Orion aircraft equipped with antisubmarine weapons. The next day the  4/27/1983 #36846  
## Word: "antithesis" (Back to Top)
blished under the title Thesis and Antithesis.                              9/27/1975 #30390  
## Word: "antiwar" (Back to Top)
s Cosmic Voice newsletter that are antiwar and anti-nuclear. It attracts th 5/26/1957 #13680  
ion about foreign links to racial, antiwar, and other protest activity. The 8/1967 #22770  
## Word: "antler" (Back to Top)
confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Antler” Yield: 1KT                       9/14/1957 #13996  
confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Antler” Yield: 6KT                       9/25/1957 #14032  
confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Antler” Yield: 25KT                      10/9/1957 #14082  
ralinga, South Australia Operation Antler series of blasts Late one afterno Late 10/1957 #14156  
lear test site where the Operation Antler series of blasts have occurred (S Late 10/1957 #14156  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Antler” Yield: 2.6KT                     9/15/1961 #16838  
## Word: "antofagasta" (Back to Top)
. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon in Antofagasta, Chile a cone-shaped object  7/19/1965 #19135  
ocated on the Atacama Salt Beds in Antofagasta Province in northern Chile.  6/26/1968 #24085  
                                   ANTOFAGASTA TO/FROM MEJILLONES, CHL Car  6/1969 #25176  
                                   ANTOFAGASTA, CHL Several separate observ 8/3/1975 #30231  
lor, settled onto a nearby hill in Antofagasta, Chile. It gave off a chemic 8/3/1975 #30232  
n and a woman driving near Taltal, Antofagasta province, Chile had their va 8/4/1975 #30235  
bella Gálvez International Airport Antofagasta Easter Island 12:00 noon. Tw 10/1978? #33787  
a Gálvez International Airport] in Antofagasta picks up the object and conf 10/1978? #33787  
y after Midnight. Near the city of Antofagasta in northern Chile a Chilean  12/16/1978 #34150  
                     Calama, Chile Antofagasta 8:00 p.m. Radar detects a UF 12/16/1978 #34154  
, Chile. Three F-5Es are sent from Antofagasta to intercept it and they see 12/16/1978 #34154  
     Over Calama, near the city of Antofagasta in northern Chile at shortly 12/16/1978 #34156  
                                   ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE 2 pilots and ground R 5/28/1979 (approximate) #34593  
the slopes of a hill in Tocopilla, Antofagasta Province, Chile saw a strang 4/26/2000 #43986  
chant was on his way south towards Antofagasta, Chile on a desolate road wh 8/2/2001 #44219  
## Word: "antoine" (Back to Top)
t Corrèze France Limoges 8:30 p.m. Antoine Mazaud is walking home from his  9/10/1954 #10285  
and, Florida Jacksonville, Florida Antoine, Jerri, and Terry Betz investiga 3/27/1974 #28961  
le Réunion Indian Ocean 12:05 p.m. Antoine Séverin, 21, is on the slope of  2/14/1975 #29812  
## Word: "anton" (Back to Top)
                                   ANTON, TX Constable L. Bollen and others 11/3/1957 #14225  
 Channel when Third Officer Ştefan Anton and Commander Nicolae Ştefanescu s 10/24/1968 #24588  
                              LAKE ANTON, SWD Night lights. Burnt landing m 4/30/1970 #25646  
                       WEST / LAKE ANTON, SWD 16 separate observer(s). Red  8/29/1970 #25807  
WAY Shiny UFO seen. Part of wave / Anton Lidstrom. No further details.      9/19/1976 #31397  
          Crimea Crimean ufologist Anton Anfalov made a map of the Soviet s 1996 #42654  
## Word: "antoneff" (Back to Top)
 Palm Beach, Florida Witnesses: J. Antoneff and two other persons.  One dis 7/15/1952 #6827  
## Word: "antoni" (Back to Top)
 Osimo, in Ancona province, Italy, Antoni Szachnowsky, of the 2nd Polish Ar Early 7/1944 #1617  
 a.m. Polish-Australian astronomer Antoni Przybylski and Dutch-American ast 11/8/1957 #14486  
## Word: "antonia" (Back to Top)
a Three students, Santos Vallejos, Antonia Aparti, and Adela Sanchez, who w 10/1/1965 #19632  
 school students, Santos Vallejos, Antonia Aparti, and Adela Sanchez were w 10/1/1965 #19635  
                     At 11:30 p.m. Antonia Diez Ramos and her husband, Manu 3/14/1974 #28886  
ed that evening in central France. Antonia (last name withheld), 68, was dr 12/10/1976 #31594  
eted with a shock wave as it left. Antonia drove home, arriving 55 minutes  12/10/1976 #31594  
own down onto something hard. When Antonia had her car's mirror replaced, t 12/10/1976 #31594  
d stopped on the roadside near San Antonia Oeste, Argentina after becoming  2/11/1995 #42036  
## Word: "antoniadi" (Back to Top)
osition of Mars, astronomer Eugène Antoniadi uses the 83cm aperture telesco 9/20/1909 #811  
## Word: "antonin" (Back to Top)
n, Australia Approximate date. Dr. Antonin Kukla and Mrs. Audrey Lawrence s 8/3/1965 #19287  
         On or about this date Dr. Antonin Kukla and Mrs. Audrey Lawrence s 8/3/1965 #19292  
## Word: "antonina" (Back to Top)
 Navy NCO (Maurizio Esposito), and Antonina di Pietro are driving in the Pa 7/4/1978 #33335  
## Word: "antonio" (Back to Top)
                               San Antonio, NM “Trinity” Crash Retrieval ne 8/16/1945 #1923  
“Trinity” Crash Retrieval near San Antonio, NM                              8/16/1945 #1923  
                               San Antonio, New Mexico A UFO allegedly cras 8/16/1945 #1924  
o A UFO allegedly crashes near San Antonio, New Mexico, and is discovered b 8/16/1945 #1924  
                               San Antonio, New Mexico White Sands 9:50 a.m 6/27/1947 #2429  
ing about 5 miles southeast of San Antonio, New Mexico, when she sees a bri 6/27/1947 #2429  
k spins / 1200m altitude. Also San Antonio.                                 7/7/1947 #2890  
uth-southwest of Laredo, Texas San Antonio, Texas A silver, disc-shaped obj 7/7/1948 #3699  
 it away to a military base in San Antonio, Texas. Supposedly the badly bur 7/7/1948 #3699  
           Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas Col. Eustis L. Poland of  1/13/1949 #3973  
th Army at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas, to the Director of Army  1/13/1949 #3973  
                               San Antonio, Texas The FBI field office in S 1/31/1949 #3989  
 Texas The FBI field office in San Antonio, Texas, issues a memo on UFOs, “ 1/31/1949 #3989  
                           SAC San Antonio, Texas ATIC's office SAC San Ant 3/22/1949 #4052  
tonio, Texas ATIC's office SAC San Antonio, Texas, sends a memo to FBI head 3/22/1949 #4052  
   Kelly AFB Kelly Field Annex San Antonio, Texas Killeen Base, Texas Col.  4/14/1949 #4090  
AFB [now Kelly Field Annex] in San Antonio, Texas, hands the Army reports o 4/14/1949 #4090  
n, D.C. Brooks Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas The US Air Force Security 4/18/1949 #4093  
., to Brooks Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas.                          4/18/1949 #4093  
                               San Antonio Camp Hood, Killeen, Texas 10:00  5/5/1949 #4149  
S Army has approached AFOSI in San Antonio to offer assistance in investiga 5/5/1949 #4149  
                               San Antonio, Texas Col. Lumsden of the San A 5/6/1949 #4159  
nio, Texas Col. Lumsden of the San Antonio, Texas, AFOSI office informs hea 5/6/1949 #4159  
ffice MEMO, Director FBI, SAC, San Antonio: A UFO resembling a rocket ship  1/31/1950 #4520  
o Lackland AFB [now Joint Base San Antonio], Texas.                         2/22/1952 #5920  
                  Randolph AFB San Antonio, Texas 9:27 a.m. An Air Force ca 5/25/1952 #6363  
ng School at Randolph AFB near San Antonio, Texas, his wife, and another pi 5/25/1952 #6363  
                               San Antonio, TX Bright tubular object tilt f 5/29/1952 #6382  
                               San Antonio, Texas Witness:  USAF pilot Maj. 5/29/1952 #6384  
         Kelly AFB Kelly Field San Antonio, Texas 12:30 p.m. T/Sgt. Howard  6/21/1952 #6578  
Kelly AFB [now Kelly Field] in San Antonio, Texas, sees a small, flat objec 6/21/1952 #6578  
                               SAN ANTONIO, TX Project Bluebook Case #1758. 7/30/1952 #7343  
                               San Antonio, TX Round, white object fly slow 7/30/1952 #7358  
                               San Antonio, Texas Witnesses:  E.E. Nye and  7/30/1952 #7361  
ct was seen flying slowly over San Antonio, Texas. After 20-30 minutes it s 7/30/1952 #7365  
                               SAN ANTONIO, TX 3 observer(s). 4 45cm saucer 8/7/1952 #7497  
                               San Antonio, TX 4 glowing white discs (NICAP 8/7/1952 #7505  
                               San Antonio, Texas Witness:  Mrs. Susan Pfuh 8/7/1952 #7506  
                               San Antonio, Texas 9:08 a.m. Mrs. Susan Pzuh 8/7/1952 #7508  
Pzuhl (or Pfuhl) observes over San Antonio, Texas, four round UFOs that giv 8/7/1952 #7508  
                               SAN ANTONIO, TX Big silent saucer rotates /  8/20/1952 #7656  
                               San Antonio, TX Orange object or light (colo 9/7/1952 #7875  
                               San Antonio, TX (NARA) (NICAP: 01 - Distant  9/7/1952 #7876  
                               San Antonio, Texas Witnesses: chemist J.W. G 9/7/1952 #7877  
                            In San Antonio, Texas at 10:30 p.m. Chemist J.  9/7/1952 #7878  
ey Streiber states he lived in San Antonio, TX at this time and remembers b 10/1952 #8077  
                               SAN ANTONIO, TX Project Bluebook Case #2177. 10/19/1952 #8158  
                               San Antonio, TX 3 circular aluminum objects, 10/19/1952 #8161  
                               San Antonio, Texas Witness:  one ex-USAF air 10/19/1952 #8163  
                               San Antonio, Texas. At 1:30 p.m. ex-USAF air 10/19/1952 #8165  
                               SAN ANTONIO, TX Project Bluebook Case #2521. 3/25/1953 #8783  
                               San Antonio, TX Several lights, some moving  3/25/1953 #8785  
                               San Antonio, Texas Witnesses:  USAF Capt. an 3/25/1953 #8787  
                               SAN ANTONIO, TX 1 observer. House-sized sauc 5/7/1953 #8868  
                               SAN ANTONIO, TX Project Bluebook Case #2577. 5/27/1953 #8911  
                               San Antonio, TX 9 separate meandering lights 5/27/1953 #8912  
                               San Antonio, Texas Witnesses:  many unidenti 5/27/1953 #8913  
                               SAN ANTONIO, TX Military and civil and 3 air 6/2/1953 #8926  
                               San Antonio, TX (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - 6/16/1953 #8935  
r Force Base Kelly Field Annex San Antonio, Texas The US Air Force Security 8/1/1953 #9037  
ow Kelly Field Annex], both in San Antonio, Texas.                          8/1/1953 #9037  
 International Airport], Texas San Antonio, Texas 11:07 p.m. A red disc-sha 3/8/1954 #9603  
rescent-shaped object—fly over San Antonio, Texas. They make no sound.      3/8/1954 #9603  
scent-shaped object--flew over San Antonio, Texas. It made no sound.        3/8/1954 #9604  
                               SAN ANTONIO, TX 10-20 night lights / crescen 3/9/1954 #9605  
                               San Antonio, TX White elliptical light chang 8/6/1954 #10103  
                               San Antonio, Texas Witness:  mechanical engi 8/6/1954 #10104  
, Rovigo, Italy 12:00 noon. Farmer Antonio Crepaldi is leading his cows to  10/14/1954 #11056  
                 15 MI NORTH / SAN ANTONIO, TX 2+observer(s). 2 / US281. 2  6/28/1955 #12218  
                               SAN ANTONIO, TX 2+observer(s). Huge silent s 5/1956 (approximate) #12820  
                               SAN ANTONIO, TX 4 white saucers change squar 8/14/1956 #13082  
                  VILA REAL DE STO ANTONIO, PORT Several observer(s) / (see 10/24/1956 #13289  
        Francisco de Sales, Brazil Antonio Villas-Boas who could not sleep  10/5/1957 #14061  
s, Minas Gerais, Brazil 11:00 p.m. Antonio Villas-Boas gets up from bed on  10/5/1957 #14062  
   Sao Francisco de Sales, Brazil. Antonio Villas-Boas could not sleep beca 10/5/1957 #14063  
                     On this night Antonio Villas Boas witnessed a UFO maki 10/13/1957 #14105  
                  Around 9:30 p.m. Antonio Villas-Boas and another brother  10/14/1957 #14111  
                                   Antonio Villas Boas, age 23, had his sec 10/14/1957 #14112  
es, Minas Gerais, Brazil 1:00 a.m. Antonio Villas-Boas is plowing alone nea 10/16/1957 #14128  
ne in the fields on a clear night, Antonio Villas-Boas saw a big, red star  10/16/1957 #14131  
                               SAN ANTONIO, TX Car radio and lights electro 11/5/1957 #14321  
                               San Antonio (near), TX Car radio quit, headl 11/5/1957 #14335  
                 US Highway 81 San Antonio, Texas 9:30 p.m. Civil service e 11/5/1957 #14347  
1 about 1.5 miles southwest of San Antonio, Texas, when he sees an extremel 11/5/1957 #14347  
                  Lackland AFB San Antonio, Texas Lackland AFB in San Anton 1/1958 #14792  
Antonio, Texas Lackland AFB in San Antonio, Texas, asks for Keyhoe’s permis 1/1958 #14792  
                             SOUTH ANTONIO DE JESUS, BRZ Car malfunctions d 2/24/1958 #14885  
                             Santa Antonio de Jesus (near), Brazil Car moto 2/24/1958 #14887  
en their engine stalled near Santo Antonio de Jesus. It could not be re-sta 2/24/1958 #14890  
                  Lackland AFB San Antonio, Texas Lackland AFB’s chief of e 5/15/1958 #15036  
 Junior Chamber of Commerce in San Antonio, Texas, that UFOs are spacecraft 5/15/1958 #15036  
                  Lackland AFB San Antonio, Texas Lackland AFB in San Anton 6/1958 #15070  
Antonio, Texas Lackland AFB in San Antonio, Texas, has prepared a 17-page T 6/1958 #15070  
 Buenos Aires, Argentina 5:30 p.m. Antonio Sanchez and Ernesto Fogliani are 5/20/1959 #15741  
                               San Antonio, Texas Night. Two observers on a 5/28/1959 #15750  
on a Project Moonwatch team in San Antonio, Texas, see two silvery objects  5/28/1959 #15750  
                    Bologna, Italy Antonio Candau saw a circular object lan 12/9/1962 #17576  
 Argentina Night. Brothers Rosauro Antonio, Ricardo, and Victor Domingo Lóp 1/1963 #17624  
an Pietro Vernotico, Italy, farmer Antonio de Luca is awakened by restless  1/11/1963 #17634  
                     At 11:00 p.m. Antonio De Luca, a 43-year-old farmer in 1/11/1963 #17635  
Estate 9:30 p.m. Italian President Antonio Segni’s personal driver encounte 8/20/1963 #17912  
e Holloman–White Sands complex San Antonio, New Mexico Between 11:30 a.m. a 5/15/1964 #18270  
ds complex a few miles east of San Antonio, New Mexico. The targets are nor 5/15/1964 #18270  
                                   Antonio Pau Ferro, a farmer, was working 9/10/1965 #19551  
                 Guarulhos, Brazil Antonio Pau Ferro saw two objects land.  9/11/1965 #19554  
n in a car, Julio L. de Romana and Antonio Chavez Bedoya, saw a strange bei 9/29/1965 #19622  
         Julio Lopez de Ramana and Antonio Chaves Bedoya, while driving in  9/29/1965 #19624  
l Paso en route to Houston via San Antonio. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)    1/16/1966 #19839  
ordán Peña sends Spanish ufologist Antonio Ribera a sketch of the UFO, whic 2/6/1966 #19888  
                               San Antonio, TX Night. FAA Flight Service Sp 2/1967 #21428  
 then calls newspaper photographer Antonio San Antonio, telling him where t 6/1/1967 #22448  
newspaper photographer Antonio San Antonio, telling him where to pick them  6/1/1967 #22448  
other photographer calling himself Antonio Pardo produces two more photos o 6/1/1967 #22448  
                      Milan, Italy Antonio Brambila and another man saw a g 7/7/1967 #22628  
ta quarter Milan, Italy 11:30 p.m. Antonio Brambilla and another man watch  7/7/1967 #22630  
                     At 11:30 p.m. Antonio Brambila and another man in Mila 7/7/1967 #22632  
                   Hidalgo, Mexico Antonio Neri Perez and several other peo 8/6/1967 #22828  
ngo, Hidalgo, Mexico Office worker Antonio Neri Perez and several others wa 8/6/1967 #22829  
                                   Antonio Neri Perez and several other peo 8/6/1967 #22833  
Two young men, Ricardo Hurtado and Antonio Piedra, in Caracas, Santa Monica 8/23/1967 #22907  
os, Texas Interstate 35 Luling San Antonio Redwood Road 4:15 a.m. Patrolman 9/18/1968 #24479  
nterstate 35 toward Luling and San Antonio, and at Redwood Road it comes to 9/18/1968 #24479  
ical examination, during which Dr. Antonio Geris found him entirely normal. 10/2/1968 #24538  
   Paris, Franca Spanish ufologist Antonio Ribera receives his first Ummo c 1969 #24804  
ed by another witness, 35-year-old Antonio. When Antonio looked out the win 1/6/1969 #24822  
witness, 35-year-old Antonio. When Antonio looked out the window the craft  1/6/1969 #24822  
s regions of Brazil, student Marco Antonio von Kruger in Ouro Preto, Minas  4/10/1969 #25055  
te of Espirito Santo, Brazil. Jose Antonio da Silva had left his home in Be 5/4/1969 #25115  
ious physical ailments later. Jose Antonio has repeatedly refused to reveal 5/4/1969 #25115  
                 A deaf mute named Antonio Rodrigues, age 60, of the Fazend 5/5/1969 #25117  
 the same type of beings that Jose Antonio Da Silva encountered the day bef 5/5/1969 #25117  
 Gerais, Brazil - At midnight Jose Antonio Da Silva had a sudden impulse to 5/21/1969 #25153  
 la Motta is a guest of his friend Antonio Arocha at San Juan de los Morros 7/7/1971 #26211  
         West Seneca, New York San Antonio, Texas 10:30 p.m. Three people a 8/1973 #27672  
the stars in their backyard in San Antonio, Texas. Two “very perfect” cumul 8/1973 #27672  
                               SAN ANTONIO, TX Air Traffic Controller and p 10/23/1973 #28246  
                  VILA REAL DE STO ANTONIO, PORTUGAL Orange saucer makes V- 11/30/1973 #28487  
rero state, Mexico Morning. Carlos Antonio de los Santos Montiel was flying 5/2/1974 #29079  
each, Santa Catarina State, Brazil Antonio De Azevedo, an angler, was on th 8/31/1974 #29405  
                               SAN ANTONIO, TX Many visual (observation) an 10/23/1974 #29551  
                               San Antonio, TX Saturn-shaped UFO over truck 5/3/1975 #30021  
                               San Antonio, TX Saturn-shaped UFO, E-M effec 5/3/1975 #30024  
l volcano Freeway 1:34 p.m. Carlos Antonio de los Santos Montiel is flying  5/3/1975 #30026  
         Mogford Road south of San Antonio, Texas 9:15 p.m. Alois Olenick,  5/3/1975 #30027  
 west on Mogford Road south of San Antonio, Texas, when an amber- colored o 5/3/1975 #30027  
1:34 p.m. near Mexico City, Mexico Antonio Santos Montiel, the pilot of a M 5/3/1975 #30029  
 Mystery, case 093, citing the San Antonio (Texas) Light, March 20, 1983; J 5/21/1976 #31069  
ena in the shape of a sphere. Maj. Antonio Munáiz Ferro-Sastre investigates 6/22/1976 #31129  
l ship Juan Sebastian Elcano. Maj. Antonio Munáiz Ferro-Sastre again invest 11/19/1976 #31559  
Spain Vilamarxant Cheste 9:30 p.m. Antonio Serena, his wife Francesca Caste 2/22/1977 #31839  
 Speakers include Roberto Pinotti, Antonio Ribera, Ion Hobana, Florin Gheor 6/25/1977 #32195  
noid Contact Database 1977, citing Antonio Faleiro). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Ca 8/3/1977 #32350  
ta's house in the village of Santo Antonio do Ubintuba, Para State, Brazil  9/10/1977 #32478  
.m. A 33-year-old bus driver named Antonio Bogado La Rúbia leaves his home  9/15/1977 #32484  
aneiro State, Brazil. At 2:20 a.m. Antonio La Rubia, age 33, a bus driver,  9/15/1977 #32485  
 in moving color. The first showed Antonio, lying naked, on an unseen table 9/15/1977 #32485  
r "slide" was projected and showed Antonio, still naked, standing alone. Ot 9/15/1977 #32485  
itting rays of light. At 7:15 p.m. Antonio Acacio de Oliveira sighted a red 11/1/1977 #32653  
                             Santo Antonio de Caparica, Estremadura, Portug 1/6/1978 #32855  
leaving a beachfront cafe in Santo Antonio de Caparica, Estremadura, Portug 1/6/1978 #32856  
 UFO crew member. As in the famous Antonio Villas Boas abduction, he was ru 3/2/1978 #33011  
                  VILA REAL DE STO ANTONIO, PORTUGAL Figure-8 object maneuv 12/26/1978 #34209  
, São Paulo, Brazil Security guard Antonio Carlos Ferreira is allegedly abd 6/28/1979 #34639  
                               SAN ANTONIO, TX 2 observer(s). 3 glowing-bal 7/15/1979 #34654  
 On the same night a couple in San Antonio, Texas sighted three large glowi 7/15/1979 #34656  
                               STO.ANTONIO, BRZ Saucer snares Mans shirts / 11/10/1979? #34992  
 At night, two witnesses, Fernando Antonio Martins & Edson Maragon watched  2/14/1982 #36344  
 Allen Hynek, Roberto Pinotti, and Antonio Ribera.                          5/4/1984 #37313  
                               San Antonio, Texas Apartment Building Whitle 3/1987 #38127  
ley Strieber's Abduction Story San Antonio, Texas, freelance journalist Ed  3/1987 #38127  
                               SAN ANTONIO, TX 1 observer. Humming. Saucer  2/11/1989 #38834  
 at home on a foggy evening in San Antonio, Texas was attracted by a hummin 2/11/1989 #38836  
an walking outside her home in San Antonio, Texas saw a huge, gray metallic 12/31/1992 #40775  
North Dakota. Thirty-nine-year old Antonio McCoy found himself inside a rou 4/13/1998 #43550  
nown abductee and her child in San Antonio, Texas, in order to offer them s 7/18/1999 #43807  
1948:  Avocado-shaped craft at San Antonio, NM, August 1945   32’ craft on  3/26/2011 #45320  
                 Lackland AFB, San Antonio, Texas The Air Force Intelligenc 9/29/2014 #45415  
headquartered at Lackland AFB, San Antonio, Texas.                          9/29/2014 #45415  
                 Astronomer Marc D’Antonio and operator of FX Models that h 9/19/2017 #45481  
own as the “Fast Mover Program.” D’Antonio states he asked a senior Naval f 9/19/2017 #45481  
                    Joint Base San Antonio– Lackland in Texas The Twenty-Fi 10/11/2019 #45611  
uarters is still at Joint Base San Antonio– Lackland in Texas.              10/11/2019 #45611  
## Word: "antonis" (Back to Top)
                                   Antonis Coulouris was driving his truck  8/6/1978 #33480  
## Word: "antonito" (Back to Top)
ile driving on US highway 285 near Antonito, Colorado at 11:15 p.m.         11/6/1994 #41841  
## Word: "antonov" (Back to Top)
      Sverdlovsk, Russia Kurgan An Antonov AN-2P mail biplane takes off fro 1961 #16550  
s three portholes. The pilot of an Antonov An-26 transport cannot get his c 10/27/1979 #34971  
## Word: "antonova" (Back to Top)
(Agudzeri), Russia 11:00 p.m. L.V. Antonova, an editor with the publishing  7/17/1967 #22679  
## Word: "antony" (Back to Top)
            Oswald G. Villard Jr., Antony C. Fraser-Smith, and R. P. Cassam 5/1971 #26089  
t about one mile in the air. Capt. Antony Wood of the San Luis Obispo Sheri 3/16/1978 #33043  
                                   ANTONY, FR Dark sphere northwest going q 1/3/1995 #41945  
## Word: "antraigues" (Back to Top)
                       NORTHEAST / ANTRAIGUES, FR 2 separate fire brigades. 3/31/1993 #40909  
## Word: "antrim" (Back to Top)
hern Ireland Carrickfergus, County Antrim Belfast 11:00 p.m. Thomas Farquha 9/8/1954 #10273  
 Bingham, in Carrickfergus, County Antrim, see a rocket soar into the sky a 9/8/1954 #10273  
                        Black Arch Antrim Coast Road Larne, County Antrim N 8/1955 #12310  
ch Antrim Coast Road Larne, County Antrim Northern Ireland Hundreds of peop 8/1955 #12310  
ch night at the Black Arch, on the Antrim Coast Road near Larne, County Ant 8/1955 #12310  
trim Coast Road near Larne, County Antrim, Northern Ireland, to watch a mys 8/1955 #12310  
               Portglenone, County Antrim, Northern Ireland 3:30 p.m. Josep 12/30/1958 #15503  
t, a farmer in Portglenone, County Antrim, Northern Ireland, is out walking 12/30/1958 #15503  
                                   Antrim, MI Fireball chain and coincident 11/16/1999 #43882  
a factory worker driving in County Antrim from West Belfast, Northern Irela 3/23/2000 #43967  
## Word: "ants" (Back to Top)
lity and peculiarity in character. Ants, where the saucer had touched down, 7/30/1957 #13860  
ook to be the workers fighting the ants. The boys told her that the men’s c 2/6/1969 #24898  
 4 x6M trace grows 4 kg mushrooms. Ants mutated.                            11/3/1976 #31519  
## Word: "antsiferova" (Back to Top)
                                   ANTSIFEROVA, SIBERIA Several observer(s) 9/17/1897 #609  
t. It was seen for five minutes in Antsiferova, Russia.                     9/17/1897 #610  
## Word: "antung" (Back to Top)
                           SOUTH / ANTUNG, CH (XE2838). B29 hit / NK search 2/24/1952 #5927  
ject approached a B-29 flying over Antung, Korea at 11:15 p.m. It had a pul 2/24/1952 #5929  
                                   Antung, Manchuria, China (McDonald list; 5/4/1953 #8859  
## Word: "antwerp" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR ANTWERP, BELGIUM 1 observer. Aluminum pa 4/1935 (approximate) #1225  
                              NEAR ANTWERP, BELGIUM Canadian soldiers. Glow 9/1944 #1654  
                                   Antwerp, Belgium Around 9 p.m. in the ev 9/1944 #1659  
oned near the front lines close to Antwerp, observed "a glowing globe trave 9/1944 #1659  
irection of the front line towards Antwerp. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)  9/1944 #1659  
                                   Antwerp, Belgium Glowing globe, cloudy g 9/1944 #1661  
                                   Antwerp, Belgium 9:00 p.m. Canadian Army 9/1944 #1663  
 Cpl. Carson Yorke is just outside Antwerp, Belgium, during a German bombar 9/1944 #1663  
ith a halo vanished in Brasschaat, Antwerp, Belgium at 2:10 a.m. A bright g 4/27/1972 #26663  
                                   ANTWERP, BELGIUM Several separate observ 10/27/1973 #28300  
 10:45 a.m. in St. Job-in-'T Goor, Antwerp province, Belgium, two young wom 5/18/1976 #31061  
                                   Antwerp, Belgium Bruges Jacques Bonabot  1979 #34255  
oor Vreemde Luchtverschijnselen in Antwerp, Belgium, as the Flemish counter 1979 #34255  
                                   ANTWERP, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). Silent o 5/4/1990 #39554  
                                In Antwerp, Belgium at 11:20 p.m. two obser 5/4/1990 #39559  
                                   Antwerp, Belgium Wim van Utrecht founds  1994 #41344  
im van Utrecht founds Caelestia in Antwerp, Belgium, to collect, investigat 1994 #41344  
## Word: "antwerpen" (Back to Top)
er/cylindrical object. / Gazet van Antwerpen 8.8.72.                        8/6/1972 #26878  
, 1977, p. 32, citing the Gazzette Antwerpen). (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 5/9/1976 #31041  
## Word: "antónio" (Back to Top)
         Lisbon, Portugal Fernando António Milhano Patinha founds OVNIGrupo 1977 #31653  
## Word: "antônio" (Back to Top)
                             Santo Antônio de Jesus, Bahia, Brazil Salvador 2/24/1958 #14889  
 Costa Pereira, Manoel Mendes, and Antônio de Araujo are driving near Santo 2/24/1958 #14889  
o de Araujo are driving near Santo Antônio de Jesus, Bahia, Brazil. The car 2/24/1958 #14889  
Pernambuco Brazil 8:30 a.m. Farmer Antônio Pau Ferro is working on his farm 9/10/1965 #19550  
bject moving away. A student named Antônio Alegre examines the landing site 7/1/1968 #24118  
 is given a medical examination by Antônio Geris and summoned to a Brazilia 10/2/1968 #24537  
r-old Brazilian soldier named José Antônio da Silva is fishing by himself a 5/4/1969 #25114  
e asks his wife to take him to Dr. Antônio Moreira Magalhães, who prescribe 4/3/1976 #30983  
ists Ademar José Gevaerd and Marco Antônio Petit where he recounts his expe 7/1977 #32220  
examine him, including neurologist Antônio Saldanha, who finds that Serra s 3/24/1978 #33078  
Catarina, Brazil 8:00 p.m. Realtor Antônio Nelso Tasca is driving about 4 m 12/14/1983 #37074  
gical Research Center (CPU); Marco Antônio Petit, from Fluminense UFO Resea 12/7/1997 #43453  
## Word: "anuchino" (Back to Top)
                                   ANUCHINO, DALNY Several / phone exchange 9/4/1988 #38632  
## Word: "anuclear" (Back to Top)
lsion systems (nuclear propulsion, anuclear fusion, positron propulsion, ma 6/24/2009 #45227  
## Word: "anunnaki" (Back to Top)
he ancient Sumerian culture to the Anunnaki, which he claims was a race of  1976 #30744  
## Word: "anurogryllus" (Back to Top)
f the Indies short-tailed cricket (Anurogryllus celerinictus) rather than a 1/4/2019 #45555  
## Word: "anus" (Back to Top)
in her skin between her vagina and anus. On washing out her genital area sh 12/10/1976 #31594  
re spots on his body including his anus.  At first he thought he must have  9/21/2007 #45066  
## Word: "anvers" (Back to Top)
                                   Anvers, Belgium BUFOI magazine (Belgian  6/1964 #18315  
nched by a George Adamski group in Anvers, Belgium, and edited by May and P 6/1964 #18315  
## Word: "anvin" (Back to Top)
    D343 FRUGES GOING QUICKLY [TO] ANVIN, FR 1 / car. Long curved objects c 1/28/1994 #41387  
## Word: "anx" (Back to Top)
anoid (or Grey) jerks about. Says "Anx Eleta Nui". Blue light / soft helmet 11/2/1954 #11535  
## Word: "anxieties" (Back to Top)
 creation of “hypnotically induced anxieties,” “hypnotically increasing abi 5/11/1953 #8875  
## Word: "anxiety" (Back to Top)
 incident was a false alarm due to anxiety and “war nerves.” Knox’s comment 2/24/1942 #1388  
storted by the heightened state of anxiety felt by the witnesses after havi 9/12/1952 #7905  
nd is unable to call for help. The anxiety dissipates, and he walks toward  11/2/1954 #11537  
stitute for minor problems such as anxiety disorders and postpartum depress 2/1957 #13481  
rapy is successful. The stress and anxiety are gone. Simon submits a statem 1/4/1964 #18109  
. Llanca had nightmares and severe anxiety for a prolonged period, followed 10/28/1973 #28311  
ne of the daughters gets sick from anxiety. The object moves away when a se 2/22/1977 #31839  
g him. Turner continues to undergo anxiety attacks. Allan Hendry and Fred W 8/29/1979 #34803  
ntact with UFO entities. They feel anxiety about the state of the human rac 5/23/1980 #35340  
e 2 hours of time. They experience anxiety, insomnia, irritability, and bew 11/7/1989 #39220  
e object, he began to feel unusual anxiety, depression, and exhaustion. Wit 8/28/1991 #40168  
e an odd temperature drop, intense anxiety, and a menacing dark oval shape. 7/2009 #45229  
e. Both officers experience strong anxiety during the sighting, and there i 1/8/2013 #45359  
, viral infections, and contagious anxiety. In particular, a growing number 9/1/2018 #45538  
## Word: "anxiety-provoking" (Back to Top)
ircraft. This has set in motion an anxiety-provoking psychological experien 12/14/1963 #18081  
## Word: "anxious" (Back to Top)
30 p.m. After a few weeks he feels anxious and sad for no apparent reason.  Late 11/1961 #16979  
ations Division, that “We are most anxious that further publicity not be gi 8/15/1966 #20748  
bout 100 feet in the air. They are anxious to get home, so they do not see  4/18/1984 #37267  
## Word: "anybody" (Back to Top)
Hutchins said. "He moved just like anybody else, but kind of slow...like he 11/17/1966 #21119  
t he did not intend to harm him or anybody else. This being then disappeare 2/28/1974 #28825  
we are all brothers; we don’t harm anybody.” The voice comes from a box-lik 5/16/1979 #34563  
we are all brothers, we don't harm anybody." The voice seemed to originate  5/16/1979 #34564  
ht to himself that he did not hate anybody. At that moment one of the figur 11/1/1980 #35608  
 with him, telling him not to tell anybody about the visit.                 1/6/1990 #39367  
ssian, she said, "Sons! Don't tell anybody down there about what you have s 8/2/2004 #44725  
## Word: "anymore" (Back to Top)
 he is just not interested in UFOs anymore and too busy.                    7/30/1958 #15162  
 to communicate directly with them anymore and to offer John XXIII a liquid 5/31/1963 #17774  
put down. Suddenly it wasn't there anymore." Shortly afterwards another cal 6/14/1992 #40494  
t suddenly she did not feel afraid anymore. She then felt very confused and 1/27/2003 #44481  
## Word: "anyone" (Back to Top)
 would probably not be believed by anyone else.”                            6/22/1947 #2366  
e primary areas, denying access to anyone without official business. Easley 7/8/1947 #3011  
flying saucers, never explained by anyone in authority are now definitely k 4/3/1949 #4069  
chard Millikan agrees, saying: “If anyone should know about such a project, 4/4/1950 #4792  
 article in Look]. I don’t believe anyone who has the opportunity to be inf 2/13/1951 #5441  
eship nor spaceman and doubts that anyone else has either.                  11/24/1952 #8333  
 and “don’t relate its contents to anyone.”  Two weeks later Mr. T was appr 1953 #8483  
old not to mention the incident to anyone.  http://files.afu.se/Downloads/M 2/19/1953 #8686  
vent, denying she could ever shoot anyone.                                  2/19/1954 #9558  
r and general discharge if he told anyone about the incident.  KA states he 4/12/1954 #9685  
lem is that Adamski could “prevent anyone from testifying in court concerni 6/1955 #12173  
d that they saw it and wondered if anyone else had seen it. The Albany cont 6/23/1955 #12209  
rom Fort Worth, Texas, saying that anyone reporting flashing lights for the 10/10/1955 #12497  
loman AFB and told not to speak to anyone about the event.  https://dailydi 9/1956 #13168  
s explanation is completed without anyone bothering to interview the teenag 3/22/1957 #13553  
io fails. The lights fly away when anyone tries to approach.                11/10/1957 #14525  
 from the Air Force not to talk to anyone about the sighting or risk losing 3/27/1959 #15674  
is intact, and there is no sign of anyone on board. No marks or footprints  1961 #16550  
well, feels Devlin knows more than anyone else about the murder. However, d 1/17/1961 #16578  
ating fines and jail sentences for anyone publicly reporting a UFO sighting Spring 1962 #17078  
d not to discuss the incident with anyone.                                  10/1963 #17968  
boys and their mother had not seen anyone enter the bedroom, but they had s 9/5/1966 #20852  
w and that they should not talk to anyone about the sighting.” All USAF per 3/1/1967 #21713  
ther. No further details. (Details anyone?)                                 4/10/1967 #22100  
hypothesis is not well received by anyone on either side of the UFO debate, 1968 #23627  
nd didn’t think he needed to alert anyone, since McDonald is a friend of th 2/7/1968 #23739  
 but he could not see if there was anyone or anything inside. Nevertheless, 12/10/1968 #24757  
ber seeing any entities or hearing anyone talk to him during the time he wa 4/20/1969 #25075  
is experience, and he did not tell anyone of the encounter until Sunday. On 5/11/1969 #25128  
icer Ken Speedlin “discovered that anyone who looked through the bedroom wi 9/6/1969 #25354  
 him not to mention the contact to anyone else. Heinonen previously had a d 5/5/1972 #26671  
 drove off. The witness never told anyone else in the car what she had seen 6/1/1972 #26696  
designed so that “there was no way anyone could eavesdrop” on events taking 5/1973 #27460  
had just driven (they had not seen anyone on the road). Each "hiker" had a  9/11/1973 #27803  
had just driven (they had not seen anyone on the road). Each "hiker" had a  9/12/1973 #27809  
e remembers being told not to tell anyone, as well as seeing a line of peop 10/16/1973 #28088  
hey are instructed not to stop for anyone. Military personnel open the crat 1/23/1974 #28694  
reaten witnesses who have not told anyone else about their sightings. Usual 1975 #29670  
ontrol panel. There was no way for anyone to get out there without going th 4/6/1975 #29978  
r than normal humans) unnoticed by anyone but the witnesses. He again bough 7/12/1975 #30175  
crystal) with instructions that if anyone should demand it, he should surre 9/11/1975 #30353  
pers and were never interviewed by anyone.”                                 4/17/1976 #30998  
ily not to discuss the affair with anyone else until the official investiga 1/10/1977 #31715  
ation and speaks on air, asking if anyone else has seen the lights. Two men 2/10/1978 #32965  
m. It left quickly without harming anyone. A strong stench resembling "ammo 8/21/1978 #33540  
e back out he was unable to locate anyone. He saw the being again, later, s 9/23/1978 #33737  
w they are far more plentiful than anyone suspects, biological in purpose,  1981 #35761  
one are and there is no reason why anyone could not come and look at the re 4/7/1982 #36438  
ey decide to assign a bird name to anyone they discuss UFO military activit Fall 1986 #38034  
 debriefed and ordered not to tell anyone about it.                         Winter 1987 #38370  
scam artists. They immediately bar anyone from using the files and move the 4/12/1988 #38541  
ters from the object. Furthermore, anyone who approached within 500 meters  8/28/1991 #40168  
 a long dark beard, never spoke to anyone and seemed to be in a trance. Thr 9/24/1992 #40639  
e person's theory seems as good as anyone else's. Whatever you think about  10/1992 #40653  
 I saw too. You should not talk to anyone about it.” The man then relates d 1/13/1996 #42681  
he federal government are whatever anyone with a stamp decides to stamp sec 3/3/1997 #43217  
l silver in color and there wasn't anyone else present. The man then escort 7/11/1998 #43601  
 about it amongst themselves or to anyone else. Cabrera states he was threa 10/1998 #43656  
ls them not to repeat the story to anyone or they will be eligible for dish 12/1998 #43694  
 there is nothing to indicate that anyone in the Setka program attempted to 2000 #43911  
e looked outside and could not see anyone. She resumed her cleaning, but ag 5/17/2004 #44703  
d for the "nun" but could not find anyone. They continued their descent fro 8/2/2004 #44725  
him not to mention the sighting to anyone, and take detailed notes and diag 5/8/2009 #45221  
ntralized information center where anyone can access information on UFOs, e 6/14/2010 #45285  
## Word: "anything" (Back to Top)
ken during the event does not show anything unusual. No unusual solar pheno 10/13/1917 #970  
aterials [in the war’s aftermath], anything available had to serve.” Adamsk 1944 #1560  
radar nor ground control registers anything nearby. Schlueter and Meiers al 11/29/1944 #1710  
ccasions with orders to shoot down anything that appears to be hostile, but 12/23/1944 #1731  
ionless and did not appear to have anything supporting it. (Page 108 Ref.1) 12/28/1944 #1738  
sent to search for them never find anything. These radar ghosts are usually 4/1945 #1834  
ircular objects “going faster than anything I’ve ever seen.” Kastl can see  6/24/1947 #2397  
ers try to convince him not to say anything about what he has seen. They al 7/10/1947 #3111  
ssic silver saucer. "Brighter than anything seen before / observer(s)".     7/11/1947 #3123  
 since ground observers do not see anything comparable. Some ufologists, am 10/1/1948 #3827  
 out if Project Grudge plans to do anything about the green fireballs. Befo 4/25/1949 #4109  
s dragged the lake and didn’t find anything.  https://mysteriousuniverse.or 8/17/1949 #4321  
g movement, but never bumping into anything. It circles the room three time 7/4/1951? #5559  
e assembled that he has never seen anything out of the ordinary, nor has as 8/27/1951 #5636  
dward J. Ruppelt later cannot find anything about foo- fighters during his  1952 #5838  
 radar stopped working, preventing anything being tracked close to the stat 1/22/1952 #5877  
nald L. Bower, and no one had said anything. At 1:00 p.m., Maj. Dewey Fourn 7/21/1952 #6981  
nd of World War II and never found anything substantial.                    7/30/1952 #7363  
ter tell the media: “We didn’t hit anything. We didn’t see anything. We wen 9/2/1952 #7829  
didn’t hit anything. We didn’t see anything. We went through the target sho 9/2/1952 #7829  
below what would be needed to heat anything. Shielding is put in place by 1 1/1953 #8486  
e slightest shred of evidence that anything at all out of the ordinary is t 1/17/1953 #8544  
ence of any of these objects being anything other than misinterpretation of 3/8/1953 #8739  
g that if he really misrepresented anything, as a Marine Corps officer he s 10/1/1953 #9198  
gh Darbishire still refuses to say anything explicit about the photos, whic 2/15/1954 #9549  
consciousness. There is no sign of anything when he wakes up. Probable hoax 9/28/1954 #10488  
. He looked around but did not see anything, but moments later he heard the 12/30/1954 #11882  
 2 hours afterward without finding anything. Bill Watson sees a dark object 4/5/1955 #12080  
e Chief John K. Fritz. No trace of anything is found.                       5/25/1955 #12159  
ologically more sophisticated than anything available at the time from a se 6/10/1955 #12192  
ed to look at them but did not say anything. It eventually glided away and  10/20/1955 #12513  
des that the radar contact had, if anything, been with a weather balloon. M 8/13/1956 #13080  
iew the teenage daughter or taking anything associated with the airbase int 3/22/1957 #13553  
ermission from Baker to photograph anything, so they call it in, begin read 5/2/1957 #13643  
s that the Air Force is not hiding anything about UFOs. Keyhoe later claims 1/22/1958 #14838  
ena, etc. I don’t believe they are anything from outer space.”              5/6/1958 #15020  
llowing day, before he had revaled anything about the case, Ladeleto was co 11/23/1958 #15456  
lowing day, before he had revealed anything about the case, Ladeleto was co 11/23/1958 #15457  
se got louder but he could not see anything in the sky. He then heard somet 6/22/1960 #16316  
nd boots. They tell him not to say anything more about the incident. In Jan Late 11/1961 #16978  
he broke security, asked if he saw anything (to which he replied nothing),  1962 #17012  
e using aircraft. They do not find anything of importance except some ashes 4/18/1962 #17120  
bors hear the noise but do not see anything.                                6/26/1963 #17809  
e filming, apparently no one knows anything about a UFO sighting. But the n 9/15/1964 #18556  
s, and a Shackleton failed to find anything after a 90 minute search, and n 2/12/1965 #18813  
 them, but the men cannot remember anything. After 2 weeks in the hospital, 3/2/1965 #18832  
es outdoors at the time could hear anything. A metallic disc hung stationar 7/18/1965 #19122  
l personnel to be on the watch for anything suspicious. Five objects are sp 8/1/1965 #19242  
he idea that UFO reports represent anything extraordinary. Also attending i 2/3/1966 #19879  
en them. No other witness mentions anything like this. In 1992, Jordán Peña 2/6/1966 #19888  
n for 10 years, and had never seen anything like that object.               3/17/1966 #19982  
n for 10 years, and had never seen anything like it before.                 3/17/1966 #19986  
ted light rays. They did not touch anything without first illuminating it w 5/10/1966 #20471  
ted light rays. They did not touch anything without first illuminating it w 5/10/1966 #20475  
t a moderate speed, not suspecting anything unusual. When they got to an es 6/1/1966 #20520  
side of the canal. He does not see anything, but the developed photo shows  9/5/1966 #20851  
opening, but neither man could see anything in the interior. The small bein 11/17/1966 #21119  
is time. He wasn't scared of us or anything like that." In appearance, the  11/17/1966 #21119  
nglish. "Didn't have any accent or anything. He acted like he knew exactly  11/17/1966 #21119  
 not required to prove or disprove anything, but that “we don’t want any re 1/12/1967 #21290  
field, Pennsylvania and were doing anything but sleeping when all three sim 1/25/1967 #21388  
he Air Force is unable to find out anything about them because this is a fe 2/1967 #21430  
daughter said she did not remember anything from the time she felt the wind 6/30/1967 #22580  
 northeast. None of the pilots see anything unusual.                        7/6/1967 #22622  
 there to see if they have tracked anything unusual but they have not.      12/19/1967 #23595  
 that Condon “honestly didn’t know anything about that memo until a couple  2/9/1968 #23746  
that way and was not into drugs or anything. They seemed to appreciate that 6/23/1968 #24072  
my...and after that...I don't know anything more...until I found myself on  8/4/1968 #24297  
uld not see if there was anyone or anything inside. Nevertheless, he "knew" 12/10/1968 #24757  
 Puerto Blest, but does not notice anything unusual. When one slide is deve Late 12/1968 #24790  
its master. The dog refused to eat anything after the encounter, and died a 2/12/1969 #24915  
wo guards, but there was no longer anything to be found at the site.        2/23/1969 #24940  
hape, looking more like boxes than anything; he had the feeling the entitie 3/12/1969 #25002  
blanked out and could not remember anything after that. He awoke lying on t 4/20/1969 #25075  
rs looked up, they would have seen anything. The object was football shaped 4/25/1969 #25091  
 before, were told they didn’t see anything and interrogated for two days u 10/24/1969 #25424  
ed up, the players could have seen anything. The object was "football shape 4/24/1971 #26081  
ise like a generator. He can’t see anything outside and after 30 minutes th 5/25/1971 #26136  
lifornia. Although he couldn't see anything, the witness took photographs o 10/23/1972 #27088  
here briefly but was unable to see anything. Meanwhile, at about the same t 9/11/1973 #27803  
identified girls) if they had seen anything unusual. They said that they we 9/11/1973 #27803  
here briefly but was unable to see anything. Meanwhile, at about the same t 9/12/1973 #27809  
identified girls) if they had seen anything unusual. They said that they we 9/12/1973 #27809  
uty that night are told not to say anything to the public or media about an Autumn 1973 #27860  
thing to the public or media about anything they heard on UHF radio that ni Autumn 1973 #27860  
tely. There was no confirmation of anything unusual from any of her neighbo 10/28/1973 #28312  
. The Beaudoins cannot see or hear anything, but Mrs. Beaudoin calls the po 11/2/1973 #28352  
 Puthoff asked Vallee not to share anything.  https://www.abovetopsecret.co 2/11/1974 #28758  
would be back. He could not recall anything else.                           3/15/1974 #28892  
 was a hoax. There’s no indication anything had been wheeled in or out and  9/1/1974 #29417  
ar at Malmstrom AFB does not track anything.                                2/17/1975 #29820  
o go inside the house and not fear anything.                                4/19/1975 #29997  
 but never get close enough to see anything other than a single, steady ora 10/30/1975 #30522  
 consciousness. He didn't remember anything else until someone stopped and  4/22/1976 #31011  
asks two security guards to report anything that seems unusual. A few secon Autumn 1976 #31421  
ould not locate any seams on it or anything that would suggest conventional 12/6/1976 #31587  
g the roadside there was no longer anything unusual to be seen, and his dog 1/27/1977 #31761  
ales, for an hour. She doesn’t say anything until her son notices it too. H 4/26/1977 #32029  
 object and asks if he is tracking anything on radar, but he isn’t. The siz 10/26/1977 #32617  
side of the road but couldn't find anything wrong with the car. He decided  12/18/1977 #32797  
zen in place. She doesn't remember anything else.                           9/15/1978 #33689  
out 8,000 mph. They cannot confirm anything visually, but the radar indicat 12/21/1978 #34193  
 at the power plant reports seeing anything unusual.                        6/12/1979 #34610  
at the power plant reported seeing anything unusual to the chief of securit 6/12/1979 #34611  
he car damage is inconsistent with anything an airplane could have caused.  8/27/1979 #34787  
 like the twittering of birds than anything else. They appeared to inspect  9/2/1979 #34820  
to the press in case they had seen anything.                                5/1980 #35296  
behind her hair. She does not feel anything, but the dog runs to the barn a 5/9/1980 #35319  
as warned by a Col. not to mention anything about UAP and Big Springs Base. 12/14/1980 #35716  
idence has emerged to confirm that anything came down in the forest. Howeve 12/28/1980 #35750  
ht had landed, and failing to find anything, he decided to drive home. At h 9/11/1981 #36110  
ht had landed, and failing to find anything, he decided to drive home. At h 9/12/1981 #36112  
ased, it is just impossible to get anything on it.”                         10/19/1981 #36179  
away. The control tower cannot see anything in the vicinity. The F-5s get c 1/3/1982 #36295  
arched the area but failed to find anything.                                7/22/1982 #36545  
rambles a Cessna but does not find anything. Radar is still tracking object 4/12/1984 #37258  
er, “HAARP certainly does not have anything to do with Eastlund’s thing, th 1/10/1985 #37546  
y never left their car or observed anything further. Hypnotic regressions ( 11/7/1989 #39220  
 immediate vicinity failed to find anything.                                12/8/1989 #39305  
his world…better than Star Trek or anything you can see in the movies.” No  1990 #39356  
oid (or Grey) / cloak. "Don't tell anything..".                             1/6/1990 #39365  
arched the area but failed to find anything. The next day several six-inch  5/12/1991 #40058  
also affected. She does not recall anything else, except that she awoke the 4/3/1992 #40408  
ch, but he was still unable to see anything. Suddenly, he became paralyzed, 4/12/1992 #40414  
ular craft] program, we don’t have anything like that…it was definitely not 5/22/1992 #40469  
y beside Paca, was not able to see anything. According to Paca the figure h 9/24/1992 #40639  
ular craft] program, we don’t have anything like that,” though it is unknow 12/22/1992 #40762  
e base dispatcher asks if they saw anything on their drive. When they answe 1/1993 #40782  
es driving, and they do not recall anything else until they get home. They  8/8/1993 #41117  
anch, but they are unable to prove anything scientifically. Among those inv Fall 1994 #41773  
man looked around but did not find anything unusual, so he fed his dog and  2/9/1995 #42031  
 The air traffic center cannot see anything but notes that the Rio Sul flig 8/8/1995 #42368  
t is not known if the police found anything.                                12/9/1995 #42639  
 husband did not see or experience anything. A week after the incident, the 11/24/1996 #43120  
rns, but he had no recollection of anything unusual happening.              4/15/1997 #43261  
nt.” The foreword does not mention anything about UFOs, since Thurmond has  6/1997 #43304  
flustered and denied the Astra was anything but an old airliner.  https://a Late 1990's #43480  
ular craft] program, we don’t have anything like that…it was definitely not Late 1990's #43480  
units, however they failed to find anything. Later one of the witnesses, Jo 8/12/1998 #43629  
“humanoids,” but Cabrera never saw anything else personally.  https://www.u 10/1998 #43656  
hite color, but did not illuminate anything around them. No eyes or mouths  11/13/1998 #43681  
ducted a search but failed to find anything.                                11/25/1998 #43685  
ver UAP and can appear anywhere as anything at any time; they have even dec 7/7/1999 #43798  
like diamonds. The men did not say anything, but the witness felt they were 8/11/2000 #44030  
nconscious, and could not remember anything else of the incident. The next  10/15/2000 #44059  
cation and wasn’t going to provide anything, confidently smiling when the s 2/24/2001 #44142  
 it, but the search failed to find anything. On the same night three worker 5/1/2001 #44173  
away. Ground control cannot detect anything on radar. The object has a brus 8/3/2001 #44223  
sea but they were not able to find anything.                                6/22/2003 #44557  
program; he states he wasn’t aware anything like that was operational; he w 7/2003 #44560  
range giddiness at the time unlike anything else she had ever experienced.  5/15/2004 #44701  
ed Rainbow by radio if he had seen anything. Rainbow replied that he could  8/25/2004 #44741  
no brakes, no engine, no idling or anything. After 30 minutes they were cle 2005 #44804  
t landed, but they saw no signs of anything that happened. Walker states he 2005 #44804  
 was German. He could not remember anything after that point. The next morn 11/25/2005 #44905  
by to pick him up, but did not see anything. His car still would not start  2/15/2006 #44923  
ights did not appear to illuminate anything under it. It was near the restr 5/3/2006 #44938  
ng dog, was sick and would not eat anything. He claims the dog died later t 8/5/2006 #44952  
the bushes but they failed to find anything. Later, when the group was agai 4/12/2008 #45128  
to the dashboard.Neither remembers anything whatsoever after parking the ca 6/7/2008 #45146  
y were extremely luminous, "beyond anything manmade," and caused electronic 11/21/2008 #45189  
things went in the US before doing anything.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbid 11/24/2008 #45191  
minute period; which was "not like anything we've ever seen before for."    5/15/2009 #45222  
lation by Howe and unnecessary. If anything, wild UAP speculation could pro 1/30/2015 #45429  
oring rooms, do not report hearing anything. Affected individuals describe  8/2017 #45477  
at he was working on. “If there is anything near a working antigravity craf 11/2/2017 #45490  
 objects do not appear to be doing anything in particular and are stationar 3/13/2018 #45523  
e System SSR radar does not detect anything while the crew is actively obse 3/19/2020 #45639  
ric Davis says the DOE doesn’t own anything, says their labs did some UAP m 10/2/2021 #45714  
## Word: "anytime" (Back to Top)
cts did not appear on FAA radar at anytime during the entire sighting. They 3/25/2004 #44679  
oved energy-sensing technologies: “Anytime an airborne object can hover for 11/7/2006 #44981  
## Word: "anyway" (Back to Top)
sponse, but he forwards it himself anyway, as does Byrd. The Air Force’s Ge 4/3/1956 #12782  
ew the fallout over occupied areas anyway.                                  6/2/1957 #13694  
UFO and it looks like foundry slag anyway. Later, the Montreal UFO Society’ 6/12/1960 #16312  
bject, and has to return to chores anyway.                                  Mid 10/1965 #19659  
not to run away. He starts running anyway, but the figure tells him to come 9/14/1967 #23060  
## Word: "anywhere" (Back to Top)
aeronaut will only say he is from “anywhere,” adding that “we will be in Gr 4/22/1897 #559  
creatures' presence could be found anywhere during the search that occurred 8/22/1955 #12391  
t up to investigate but cannot get anywhere near the UFO, which is at an es 8/1/1963 #17860  
ment described by Jones was in use anywhere by any of their employees. He s 1/26/1967 #21402  
mountains: there was no vegetation anywhere and it looked like a rocky dese 8/16/1971 #26291  
a metallic structure that could be anywhere from 368 to 2,600 feet across.  5/24/1973 #27527  
y can get in here, they can get in anywhere.” She learns that the guard had 4/1974 #28982  
y can get in here, they can get in anywhere.” It is unknown if this event w 4/1974 #28984  
 radiological accident or incident anywhere in the world.” Since 1975, NEST Late 1974 #29532  
 time but no footprints were found anywhere near the fence.                 8/5/1976 #31233  
t. There is no reflection of metal anywhere. The woman gets the impression  10/26/1980 #35591  
 Nellis-based aircraft or missiles anywhere in the area at the time of the  12/18/1980 #35724  
 the Aurora, that allegedly can be anywhere in the world 30 minutes after l 11/12/1988 #38713  
res talk about it. I find no leaks anywhere.”  https://ufos-scientificresea 1991 #39939  
. However, was unable to find Luis anywhere in the area, so he ran to town  3/5/1992 #40359  
isclosed funding for HFGW research anywhere in the world “except for China. 8/1/1997 #43364  
te control over UAP and can appear anywhere as anything at any time; they h 7/7/1999 #43798  
 the being why they were not going anywhere (presuming she would be abducte 10/26/1999 #43866  
on lights or anti-collision lights anywhere on the object. They thought for 6/7/2008 #45146  
ransluminal velocity craft that go anywhere in space and time; Miller state 6/25/2020 #45650  
## Word: "anza" (Back to Top)
                                   Anza Borrego Desert, California Two pros Spring 1968 #23852  
 Bill Johnson, are sleeping in the Anza Borrego Desert, California, when th Spring 1968 #23852  
                 BAUTISTA CANYON / ANZA, CA 30' saucer over power lines. 6  5/10/1989 #38940  
                                   Anza Borrego State Park, California. Car 9/16/2007 #45059  
native route and stumbled upon the Anza Borrego Desert State Park. They arr 9/16/2007 #45059  
## Word: "anzac" (Back to Top)
eral other crewmen aboard the HMAS ANZAC while sailing south of the Santa C 5/5/1966 #20451  
## Word: "anzin" (Back to Top)
                                   ANZIN, FR 3 3M blue metallic orbs hover  7/11/1973 #27629  
## Word: "anzio" (Back to Top)
rom the 600th Squadron flying over Anzio, Italy during World War II. The tw 4/30/1944 #1594  
## Word: "anápolis" (Back to Top)
Cruz Air Force Base near São Paulo Anápolis Air Force Base, Goiás Brasilia  5/19/1986 #37881  
tact, more jets are scrambled from Anápolis Air Force Base, Goiás, about 10 5/19/1986 #37881  
                                   Anápolis Air Base ALA 2, Goiás, Brazil 1 6/19/1987 #38194  
e Sousa is landing his aircraft at Anápolis Air Base ALA 2, Goiás, Brazil,  6/19/1987 #38194  
## Word: "aníbal" (Back to Top)
tober 1998 Argentine film director Aníbal Uset admits to researcher Roberto Early 5/1968 #23939  
## Word: "anómalos" (Back to Top)
té de Estudios de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos begins operations in Santiago,  10/3/1997 #43423  
 Investigación de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos (DIFFA), tasked with studying U 12/2001 #44279  
té de Estudios de Fénomenos Aéreos Anómalos and the director of OVNIvision  8/26/2003 #44584  
 Investigación de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos (DIFFA), which had closed in 20 10/2013 #45387  
té de Estudios de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos, convenes a three-hour meeting  7/31/2014 #45412  
té de Estudios de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos spends two years studying the f 11/11/2014 #45423  
## Word: "aoimexec" (Back to Top)
 and Management Executive Council (AOIMEXEC), led by Under Secretary of Def 11/23/2021 #45724  
## Word: "aoimsg" (Back to Top)
 Management Synchronization Group (AOIMSG) to synchronize the detection and 11/23/2021 #45724  
 Management Synchronization Group (AOIMSG).                                 5/12/2022 #45748  
 Management Synchronization Group (AOIMSG), and Scott W. Bray, deputy direc 5/17/2022 #45750  
## Word: "aok" (Back to Top)
rical object UFO. UFO goes and car AOK. / r243p23.                          10/11/1954 #10911  
or Greys) / road! Vanish and truck AOK. Police inquiry.                     10/13/1954 #10993  
uzzes truck. Motor and lights out. AOK after. / LDLN#321.                   10/19/1954 #11234  
utage as fireball going southeast. AOK after. / r242p75+/ r79+/ r142#4p1+/  8/3/1958 #15175  
6M blimp going north overhead. Car AOK after.                               8/30/1958 (approximate) #15230  
isk / 75M altitude. Light humming. AOK after. / r171.                       9/20/1958 #15271  
magnetic effect (EME). Diesel eng. AOK. 15' domed saucer with windows going 8/4/1965 #19297  
netic effect (EME). UFO flys away. AOK after. / r215p50. / r79p27.          1/9/1966 #19819  
 by road. Going quickly southwest. AOK after. / r24v3#11+/ r41p326.         1/20/1967 #21356  
] and going quickly northwest. Car AOK after. / r41.                        5/27/1968 #23985  
y paralyzed. Red and blue flashes. AOK after.                               8/31/1968 #24405  
c effect (EME). 100M saucer lands. AOK after. / r50p20+/ r41.               11/2/1968 #24622  
adio Frequency Interference (RFI). AOK afterward. / r79p48.                 8/5/1969 #25308  
 sound and pulsing colored lights. AOK after. / r79p50.                     11/7/1970 #25904  
netic effect (EME). Other electric AOK. Going quickly northeast. / LDLN#122 2/14/1972 #26579  
/ ground. Going quickly northwest. AOK after. / r79p57.                     7/21/1973 #27643  
! UFO 30M overhead. Car set down.. AOK.                                     10/20/1973 #28209  
gnetic effects). UFO flies and car AOK.                                     4/1974 #28981  
all electro-magnetic effect (EME). AOK after. / r30.                        10/28/1974 #29564  
atic. Goes going up [to] and radio AOK.                                     4/21/1976 #31002  
 car. Lights and radio die. Engine AOK.                                     4/22/1977 #32011  
to EME (electro-magnetic effects). AOK after but malfunctions due to EME (e 7/2/1977 #32229  
verhead. Circles car and going up. AOK.                                     12/1/1978 #34040  
veral photographs / black UFO test AOK.                                     7/31/1991 #40138  
o-magnetic effect (EME). Car tests AOK.                                     2/15/1994 #41412  
 bat wing on road. Flies and truck AOK. Dwg.                                4/17/1994 #41494  
angle/box-like craft 30M overhead. AOK after.                               2/20/1999 #43731  
## Word: "aol" (Back to Top)
www.mail-archive.com/ctrl@listserv.aol.com/msg06396.html     Note: Riconosc 5/13/1992 #40463  
## Word: "aooroach" (Back to Top)
lowing sphere with a metallic band aooroach their car. (Peterborough Examin 4/5/1967 #22062  
## Word: "aother" (Back to Top)
ike two saucers, one on top of the aother, and has flashing green and red l 9/19/1971 #26347  
## Word: "aoulef" (Back to Top)
                                   AOULEF OASIS, ALGERIA Lt. grey ovoid eas 8/7/1952 #7496  
## Word: "aouste-sur-sye" (Back to Top)
                                   AOUSTE-SUR-SYE, 26, FR Red saucer seen b 2/21/1975 #29834  
## Word: "ap" (Back to Top)
nd disappear. No further details. (AP) / 6 Jul. '47.                        3/30/1947 #2250  
Several disks going quickly west. (AP)5JLY. / r187#253.                     7/4/1947 #2619  
 Saucer seen. No further details. (AP) Stockholm Aftonbladet 7 Jul. '47.    7/6/1947 #2789  
tary investigation/investigators. (AP) news.                                3/15/1950 #4641  
                    BURSA, TURKEY (AP) "Mohammedan Muzzeins / minarets see  3/18/1950 #4669  
oes / 50mph then zooms over hills (AP.)                                     7/6/1950 #5045  
ks play / small groups. Very fast (AP.)                                     7/16/1950 #5068  
s crosses sky. Reverses direction (AP.)                                     7/22/1952 #7004  
FO and jet-chase / telephoto lens (AP.)                                     7/24/1952 #7097  
s zipping by. Explanation = cloud.(AP.)                                     9/11/1952 #7892  
ed over the base during the meet. [AP story, Mar. 9th; UFOE, III] (NICAP: 0 3/7/1953 #8736  
             Pork Chop Hill, Korea AP radio news service summary of April 5 3/20/1953 #8765  
ed over the base during the meet. [AP story, Mar. 9th; UFOE, III] (NICAP: 0 5/7/1953 #8869  
 / great height. Then vanishes. / (AP)14FEB55. No further details.          2/10/1955 (approximate) #11985  
                Black Mountain, NV AP Newswire: Mystery Object Flits Over V 5/27/1959 (approximate) #15748  
                     Las Vegas, NV AP Newswire: Mystery Object Flits Over V 6/3/1959 (approximate) #15756  
                     Las Vegas, NV AP Newswire: Mystery Object Flits Over V 6/17/1959 #15772  
outh. Huge globe Associated Press (AP.)                                     5/28/1963 #17767  
reported altitude changes, even if AP had been likely at the time. In view  5/13/1967 #22339  
ical situation, it would seem that AP was rather unlikely.                  5/13/1967 #22339  
ition and it gets picked up by the AP. Pathologist Robert O. Adams, chief o 9/9/1967 #23026  
arate sightings. Associated Press (AP). / r96#302.                          2/10/1989 #38829  
## Word: "apache" (Back to Top)
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Apache” Yield: 1850KT                    7/8/1956 #12956  
he pilot of a Tokyo Airlines Piper Apache, who says he is being chased by a 3/18/1965 #18864  
hted by a private pilot in a Piper Apache flying over Dishima Island.       3/18/1965 #18865  
                                   Apache Junction, AZ Horses react as if t 6/2/1970 #25687  
ed that the horses on her ranch in Apache Junction, Arizona reacted as if t 6/2/1970 #25688  
n the Superstition Mountains, near Apache Junction, Arizona to gather snake 3/14/1971 #26047  
ite of his 1971 alien abduction in Apache Junction, Arizona. He again exper 3/21/1973 #27356  
             Dulce, New Mexico Two Apache tribal officers on patrol near Du 4/9/1979 #34505  
staying at a country home in rural Apache County, Arizona. They were sittin 6/4/1996 #42921  
                                   Apache County Eagar, Arizona Apache Coun 11/5/2001 #44272  
      Apache County Eagar, Arizona Apache County sheriff’s deputies attempt 11/5/2001 #44272  
anized by members of the Jicarilla Apache, Southern Ute, and Navajo nations 7/1/2017 #45474  
ght. The pilots of a US Army AH-64 Apache attack helicopter are preparing t 11/6/2018 #45543  
efore speeding out of sight as the Apache begins to take off.               11/6/2018 #45543  
## Word: "apache-sitgreaves" (Back to Top)
                                   Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest Snowfl 11/5/1975 #30562  
day of thinning undergrowth in the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest near S 11/5/1975 #30562  
## Word: "apalachicola" (Back to Top)
affic Control Center MSQ-102 Radar Apalachicola River 10:00 p.m. SK-1 Rober 5/14/1978 #33210  
. The captain of the Lisa C on the Apalachicola River also witnesses the li 5/14/1978 #33210  
The Captain of the "Lisa C" on the Apalachicola River also witnessed it at  5/14/1978 #33211  
a C' and another crewmember on the Apalachicola River, five miles south of  5/15/1978 #33218  
## Word: "aparecida" (Back to Top)
                                   APARECIDA DO NORTE, BRZ Night lights all 8/31/1995 #42433  
Fátima da Silva, 16, and Valquíria Aparecida da Silva, 14, and their friend 1/20/1996 #42695  
## Word: "apart" (Back to Top)
hen an earth-grazing meteor breaks apart and the fragments travel across th 7/20/1860 #155  
server(s). 3 very bright lights 8' apart going quickly east / 100MPH. In si 10/25/1896 (approximate) #331  
 a foot in diameter and 20–50 feet apart. The lights follow their Bristol B 1/30/1945 #1764  
0 seconds. They are about 165 feet apart. The objects make a small arc arou 6/10/1947 #2319  
LLE, CA 1 observer. 2 saucers 30cm apart circle and bob going up and down [ 7/4/1947 (approximate) #2602  
different altitudes about 200 feet apart, and they appear to be about 15 fe 7/15/1947 #3187  
nescent greenish discs, one second apart, passing across the sky above East Summer 1948 #3680  
3 a.m. Two infantrymen half a mile apart at Killeen Base, Texas, see appare 3/8/1949 #4041  
 foot in diameter, spaced 1.5 feet apart. Out of the top rose a ten-foot hi 6/17/1950 #4992  
er oblong. They are about 100 feet apart, and the oblong one is tumbling in 8/12/1950 #5120  
k Case #821. 4 shiny 100' orbs 25' apart. DC4 chases. Gone / burst / speed. 10/15/1950 #5228  
er, flying in a line about 25 feet apart. The pilots pursue the objects for 10/15/1950 #5236  
USAF F51 dives / 2 60cm discs 30cm apart. Rapid climbs and maneuvers. Elusi 12/12/1951 #5815  
 overlap with centers about 1 foot apart. He attempts an intercept, but the 12/12/1951 #5817  
splits into two targets 5–12 miles apart on a slightly zigzag course to the 2/2/1952 #5893  
way. He thinks they are 1,000 feet apart and moving southeast to northwest  3/26/1952 #5978  
Later two anomalous holes, 25 feet apart and two feet wide by 7.5 feet wide 4/30/1952 #6225  
WAF Lt. J.J. Stong, situated miles apart.  Four bright yellowish lights wer 7/21/1952 #6977  
0 MPH. In formation approx 1-1½ mi apart on level course- no vapor trails,  7/24/1952 #7109  
disks in formation overhead. Shoot apart / all directions (UPI.)            7/28/1952 #7240  
ng quickly west / series. 1/2 mile apart. Faster / plane.                   8/6/1952 #7480  
). 2 silver disks going north 200' apart. 5K' altitude. Silent. No flame.   9/15/1952 #7950  
ight and left, each turn 5 seconds apart. It almost stops, accelerates to i 1/10/1953 #8530  
nison against the wind, one degree apart. A thin mist was seen around the e 2/4/1953 #8638  
othing more and the two women move apart. In 1975 Shaw watches a UFO docume 3/22/1953 #8775  
eads and large eyes that were wide apart; both appeared to have antennae on 5/5/1954 #9755  
. 2 saucers going up / 1 minute(s) apart.                                   10/4/1955 #12487  
oing quickly northwest 4 minute(s) apart. No contrails. High altitude.      6/30/1956 #12931  
ngular formation, about 1,000 feet apart. All the targets then appear to co 8/13/1956 #13080  
te(s) events / 1 object-10 minutes apart. No further details.               3/1/1958 #14906  
f the same UFO occurred 10 minutes apart in the Kunashir Islands, Japan and 3/1/1958 #14907  
shes. 4 deep rectangular traces 5M apart / dirt / r30p237.                  9/2/1958 (approximate) #15249  
ite. The imprints were five meters apart, and arranged in a square.         9/2/1958 #15251  
 red and blue lights about 20 feet apart. The UFO soon rises from the groun 3/13/1959 #15641  
ut 30 mph and are spaced 1–2 miles apart. The objects are each about 60 fee Summer 1961 #16736  
They seemingly could not be broken apart, but, when a hot cigarette was app 11/18/1961 #16964  
 Nevada sightings are only minutes apart (8:15 p.m. Mountain Time). However 4/18/1962 #17120  
nd, 4–8 inches deep, about 13 feet apart, and a burned area.                4/30/1964 #18232  
d a small glowing white oval split apart twice after moving from the right  5/18/1964 #18285  
 NJ 4 white lights, 3-4 [degrees?] apart, to the N, going W (NICAP: 01 - Di 9/10/1964 #18545  
H. DePaolo. Four white lights, 3-4 apart, were seen to the north, going wes 9/10/1964 #18546  
ar tracked 2 large target 10 miles apart heading directly toward the radar  12/19/1964 #18662  
 horizontally aligned panels slide apart—and the three smaller objects fly  1965 #18690  
 tracks 8 inches long and 8 inches apart, in a single file, are found leadi 1/12/1965 #18720  
oking boots. His eyes were set far apart and he had a pointed chin. The bei 3/2/1965 #18833  
e from the ground, several seconds apart.  The next day, an oily spot was f 3/4/1965 #18841  
round in sequence, several seconds apart. The next day three oily spots wer 3/4/1965 #18842  
cts, which take off several minute apart. Adilon gets a headache that remai 7/26/1965 #19181  
ely destroyed and the B-52G breaks apart, killing 3 of its 7 crew members.  1/17/1966 #19844  
ular holes 15 cm x 30 cm, 6 meters apart, and a circular area of burned gra 2/6/1966 #19891  
sky. 3-4 disks going east / 4 min. apart. Lights / bottom/underside. 6mm /  4/2/1966 #20205  
 the air, approximately 1,800 feet apart from each other. A disc-shaped UFO 6/27/1966 #20618  
A, GA Soldiers. 3 night lights 5mi apart at 20K'. Go going up and down. Cha 7/27/1966 #20688  
stigators find three holes, 8 feet apart in an equilateral triangle, where  10/4/1966 #20957  
 like "thyroid eyes," and set wide apart. One eye appeared to have a cast,  1/9/1967 #21278  
 turn going quickly southeast. 10M apart / 300M altitude.                   2/25/1967 #21645  
ll cleats. They are about 6 inches apart, 7/8 inch in diameter, and about o 4/21/1967 #22194  
e four feet are about 11.5–12 feet apart and the diagonals are 16 feet 1 in 4/21/1967 #22194  
d some apples that had been broken apart, some of them with the marks of fi 8/23/1967 #22908  
nish skin, and round eyes set wide apart.                                   9/14/1967 #23059  
 and round eyes that were set wide apart.                                   9/14/1967 #23061  
 & horse / racetrack, 30 minute(s) apart. Small humanoid (or Grey) "zooms"  9/22/1967 #23111  
 inches across and about 42 inches apart (measuring from the outer edges).  10/9/1967 #23201  
ups of policemen about a half-mile apart, while in radio communication, saw 10/22/1967 #23288  
er (procession), spaced 30 seconds apart and each following the same path.  12/24/1967 #23604  
g gear: imprints 7m x 6.8m x 5.45m apart, and marks left by the ladder. The 7/1/1968 #24120  
s. 3 night lights / triangle split apart and rejoin. / r114p83+/ APRO Mar.  11/29/1968 #24730  
anding marks at the site, six feet apart.                                   1/15/1969 #24850  
s, arranged in a triangle six feet apart.                                   1/16/1969 #24853  
east, 50 feet in the air, 200 feet apart, and nearly parallel to some high- 7/11/1969 #25261  
y high and wide forehead, eyes far apart, eyebrows “like scars,” and brown  8/11/1969 #25317  
minutes, the cloud begins to break apart, with no UFOs showing.             7/1970 #25723  
ter find three imprints 30–40 feet apart in the shape of a triangle in the  7/4/1970 #25726  
imprints which were about two feet apart. They were curved like raindrops.  7/4/1970 #25726  
n an equilateral triangle 3 meters apart.                                   8/29/1970 #25809  
with big, staring eyes 8-12 inches apart and extending around the sides of  9/27/1971 #26384  
nts arranged in a triangle 12 feet apart.                                   11/13/1971 #26470  
hree identical impresions 4.5 feet apart. Hundreds of curious onlookers vis Early 9/1972 #26975  
ucers bob going up and down. Split apart and going quickly northeast into c 1/27/1973 #27246  
t light / ground. 48cm tracks 56cm apart. Repeated / 120cm intervals.       2/23/1973 #27312  
hour, at intervals of some minutes apart, she saw a total of 25 similar lig 3/20/1973 #27353  
eter, spaced at a regular distance apart.                                   6/3/1973 #27548  
ver-white light beams about 5 feet apart from each other and 50 feet away f 6/28/1973 #27598  
numbness in every part of her body apart from her head. The being climbed s 10/16/1973 #28089  
 3 night lights in formation split apart over power plant / low altitude. / 1/1974 #28635  
a. At three places, about 325 feet apart, they find numerous scoop marks, a 2/8/1974 #28748  
NE, FR 2 strong 1M light-beams 12M apart over hill. Blue halo all over/all  3/1/1974 #28837  
g one-meter light-beams, 12 meters apart, were seen over a hill about 500 m 3/1/1974 #28841  
/ 4 bright silver night lights 20M apart. Simply disappear!                 4/15/1974 #29023  
2 inches in diameter and 12 inches apart. Local and state officials examine 4/29/1974 #29070  
flat on top, glowing eyes set wide apart, slit-like mouths, and grayish-col 7/17/1974 #29266  
ll over, like it was about to fall apart.                                   8/2/1974 #29304  
 2 / car. 2 bright night lights 2M apart drop to salt-marsh. No trace. / r3 3/30/1975 #29925  
ourteen inches long and spaced 50" apart.                                   5/4/1975 #30033  
dioactive hot spots about 255 feet apart, each with a radius of 25 feet.    5/13/1975 #30056  
 are 5 feet in diameter and 4 feet apart.                                   5/30/1975 #30069  
 a long trail. It came down, split apart like booster rocket, arched throug 6/5/1975 #30083  
 18 inches x 24 inches and 20 feet apart. They heard a high-pitched screech 10/25/1975 #30473  
long, 8 inches wide, and five feet apart where he had been running.         8/16/1976 #31273  
ria found two circles seven meters apart, each 5.5 meters in diameter. The  10/5/1976 #31449  
nce. His skin was milky white, and apart from a few black strands on his he 10/28/1976 #31501  
 paints the targets as 10–15 miles apart every 10 seconds, meaning their sp 12/14/1976 #31603  
5-mins. Two objects, three minutes apart. First one big enough to hold an 1 3/6/1977 #31865  
 two oil tankers anchored one mile apart at the Arjuna Oil Field in the Jav 3/10/1977 #31892  
range glow and are only a few feet apart, traveling in complete silence for 7/7/1977 #32245  
 about 4,000–5,000 feet. They move apart slowly as they climb into the sky. 7/30/1977 #32323  
h. Looping and swooping, they move apart after about 15 seconds.            8/9/1977 #32371  
oticed two "shockwaves" one minute apart, as if the whole area was suddenly 1/10/1978 #32870  
etic. Among features that set them apart from ordinary human beings were th 2/5/1978 #32957  
l to one another, about 100 meters apart, and flew from the south to the no 6/7/1978 #33258  
 to the left. Two dents, 22 inches apart, are found in the upper edge of th 7/27/1978 #33427  
hes on the shutters about 4 inches apart. The soldiers all decide to spend  9/23/1978 #33736  
formation north going south. Split apart and fly / different directions.    10/7/1978 #33803  
ighter than the other. They spread apart and move away at different speeds. 10/10/1978 #33827  
hts are on each wing about 75 feet apart and connected by a white tube of l 10/23/1980 #35584  
wo full moons spaced about 12 feet apart with a flashing red light in back  10/26/1980 #35589  
wo full moons spaced about 12 feet apart with a flashing red light in back  10/26/1980 #35591  
between atoms dozens of kilometers apart and have transferred information b 1981 #35765  
ers, and welded sections have come apart. The other UFO hovers above the ad 6/1/1982 #36489  
 motor,” and the models were taken apart by whoever broke into his house.   9/29/1982 #36619  
 night. They were taken one minute apart and they show two objects moving s 7/19/1983 #36914  
ty was twisted in some way, pulled apart. It was very much like something p 5/1984 #37308  
of an equilateral triangle 26 feet apart.                                   Late 9/1984 #37469  
spaced identically about 12 inches apart. He decides to penetrate the mass  7/1985 #37613  
ear it, and another soft light set apart. The object is flying low and sile 12/23/1985 #37735  
 states teams would take the craft apart, pack them up and ship them around 10/1989 #39139  
ng components that has to be taken apart in a specific sequence to get it t 10/1989 #39139  
pecific sequence to get it to come apart/put back together.  https://archiv 10/1989 #39139  
. 2 yellow glowing-orbs hover 50cm apart. Shoot away.                       3/14/1990 #39462  
Triangle / night lights kilometers apart! F16s chase. / LDLN#302.           3/30/1990 #39495  
ey never get a lock on any objects apart from the other F-16. Investigator  3/30/1990 #39499  
turnal lights were seen kilometers apart. F-16 jet interceptors were scramb 3/30/1990 #39500  
going [to] over. Crack! Tree Blown apart.                                   9/1991 #40176  
 The conference marks the cracking apart of the public unity of American re 6/13/1992 #40492  
e objects stayed the same distance apart and had ten lights each. At first  8/20/1992 #40586  
server(s). 2 house-size saucers 4' apart / 50' altitude. Pink glowing / far 2/9/1993 #40845  
e size of a house, about four feet apart, and only 50 feet in altitude. The 2/9/1993 #40846  
hey seemed to be about 6 to 8 feet apart. They suddenly went out.           2/9/1993 #40847  
 feet in length, six to eight feet apart. They crossed the highway at the s 9/13/1994 #41745  
entations in the ground 1.7 meters apart and 10 cm across. That same day, w 7/9/1996 #42953  
ield. 3 circular 10cm indents 1.7M apart.                                   7/11/1996 #42955  
, estimated to be one to two miles apart, hovered motionless over the mount 3/13/1997 #43230  
d. The planes were about 100 miles apart at the time.                       10/26/1999 #43865  
tips of the top of the "Y" 17 feet apart. There was also a crescent hole 10 3/2/2000 #43961  
 and 3 holes in the ground a meter apart.                                   3/2/2000 #43961  
it. Suddenly the rear lights split apart, flying off in different direction 8/30/2001 #44249  
.C., independent witnesses 8 miles apart become aware of unusual and persis 7/26/2002 #44366  
 four smaller circles, equidistant apart, that were not scorched but free o 11/15/2002 #44443  
t performing manuevers. They split apart, came together again, then instant 2/11/2003 #44487  
crafts, appearing about 20 minutes apart, were seen over Waterford, Michiga 8/15/2005 #44864  
nly, they scatter about 1,650 feet apart, and a white aura appears in the s 8/27/2005 #44866  
bright as welding arcs. They split apart and move rapidly away from each ot 1/8/2008 #45112  
mes to have been taken a few weeks apart, with the audio of the pair includ 2/2015? #45430  
 how recovered vehicles were taken apart and transferred between different  3/16/2022 #45740  
## Word: "aparti" (Back to Top)
students, Santos Vallejos, Antonia Aparti, and Adela Sanchez, who were walk 10/1/1965 #19632  
students, Santos Vallejos, Antonia Aparti, and Adela Sanchez were walking t 10/1/1965 #19635  
## Word: "apartment" (Back to Top)
 is sitting near the window of his apartment on Barr Street in Fort Wayne,  Mid 4/1897 #493  
d J. L. Tretheway, who live in the apartment below his, and they also glimp Mid 4/1897 #493  
TEMALA Pan-AM passengers / airport/apartment. Flat-shaped object trails gol 7/11/1947 (approximate) #3122  
                 STA.MARIA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, AZORES Numerous observer(s).  7/10/1948 #3706  
          NEAR MEXICO CITY AIRPORT/APARTMENT, MX Private pilot. 7M dome wit 3/14/1950 #4631  
silver saucers / 25K' over airport/apartment runways. 1Kmph going quickly n 3/15/1950 #4639  
                   ATLANTA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, GA 6 airline(s)/airliner pilo 3/18/1950 #4671  
(s). Silent saucer circles airport/apartment / 50mph. Flat turns. Then goes 3/30/1950 #4768  
c Controller and several / airport/apartment. Shiny silver disks hover and  8/1950 (approximate) #5088  
                  HEATHROW AIRPORT/APARTMENT, ENG 4 / PanAm. Long object go 11/5/1950 #5260  
                   CATANIA AIRPORT/APARTMENT AND, ITL Numerous HIQ observer 6/4/1952 #6435  
                LE BOURGET AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR Air Traffic Controllers an 6/12/1952 #6481  
                       LAX AIRPORT/APARTMENT, CA 3 Air Traffic Controllers  7/23/1952 #7050  
  MACDONALD, MB 2 WX men / airport/apartment. Disk subtends 3°. 2 turns bel 8/27/1952 #7748  
             CHICAGO, IL 2 airport/apartment RADAR's. 40 blips going [to] a 9/2/1952 #7822  
L WX man and more/others / airport/apartment. Shiny silver saucer bobs up a 9/5/1952 #7851  
                  KEFLAVIK AIRPORT/APARTMENT, ICEL 4 USAF officers. Saucer  10/8/1952 #8103  
                 MARIGNANE AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR Saucer lands / tarmac. Win 10/27/1952 #8188  
r changes shape 1500' over airport/apartment runway. Goes going quickly nor 11/15/1952 #8273  
ams come from a source in a Soviet apartment building about 325 feet west o 1/1953 #8486  
shes across sky. Melbourne airport/apartment inundated / reports.           1/3/1954 #9439  
                LA GUARDIA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, NY Several / ground. Fireball 1/14/1954 #9483  
IDEO, URG Many / beach and airport/apartment Air Traffic Controllers. Metal 2/28/1954 #9572  
          DUSSELDORF, GERM Airport/apartment officers. Metallic saucer / 18 6/10/1954 #9885  
                 STA.MARIA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, AZORES Project Bluebook Case  9/21/1954 #10378  
ject going down / Height / airport/apartment tower. All baffled. / r107p262 1/20/1955 #11938  
                 BRYAN, TX Airport/apartment tower. Cylinder/cylindrical ob 6/15/1955 #12197  
C Yellow-saucer / National airport/apartment. Lights electro-magnetic effec 6/26/1955 #12213  
      NEAR DACCA, PAKISTAN Airport/apartment crews. Large round blue object 11/4/1955 #12548  
arried couple from a terrace of an apartment building in Boonton, New Jerse 12/9/1955 #12601  
                      ORLY AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR Large RADAR blip / 4 hours 2/17/1956 #12721  
les. Trails smoke. Circles airport/apartment. Going quickly northwest. / r1 2/23/1956 #12736  
                  Philadelphia, PA Apartment lights dead, electric clock st 11/5/1957 #14333  
                   EL COCO AIRPORT/APARTMENT, COSTA RICA Air Traffic Contro 2/4/1959 #15578  
                  HEATHROW AIRPORT/APARTMENT Many observer(s). Brilliant gl 2/26/1959 #15618  
bserver(s). Wobbling ovoid stops / apartment building. Wobbles. Away fast.  7/16/1959 #15857  
ect overhead. Persons on hotel and apartment rooftops go out to see a brigh 2/5/1960 #16168  
ny object hovers 50k' over airport/apartment. RADAR's track. / r242p139+/ r 6/19/1961 #16730  
               CAMBA PUNTA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, ARG 8+observer(s). Sphere goi 7/31/1962 #17307  
                    EZEIZA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, ARG Fiery saucer 10M over run 12/22/1962 #17603  
       WASHINGTON NATIONAL AIRPORT/APARTMENT, VA Airliner / near collision  1/3/1965 #18692  
            NEAR MARIGNANE AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR 2 / air France crew. Metal 4/9/1965 #18900  
                  CANBERRA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, AUST Air Traffic Controllers  7/18/1965 #19120  
 flashing lights light up witness' apartment (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, 3/22/1966 #20029  
ir full of smoke.  Lit up witness' apartment.  Sound of "yen " heard up clo 3/22/1966 #20030  
                  MUSCOGEE AIRPORT/APARTMENT, GA 2 distant RADAR's and 6 co 3/28/1966 #20107  
a while it approached the family's apartment building and maneuvered betwee 4/23/1966 #20388  
Dorchester, Massachusetts Kalnicki apartment Boston 10:45 p.m. On hearing a 4/23/1966 #20390  
ng, the object moves between their apartment building and the one next door 4/23/1966 #20390  
out a block away from the Kalnicki apartment. One particle on the window si 4/23/1966 #20390  
   DORCHESTER, MA Domed ovoid hits apartment building. Power cable burnt ou 4/24/1966 #20398  
he wiring at a point very near the apartment building. Later that evening i 4/24/1966 #20400  
lights on its rim move between two apartment buildings in Dorchester, Massa 4/24/1966 #20406  
ree boys were playing behind their apartment about 7:30 p.m. when they saw  6/3/1966 #20529  
                  HEATHROW AIRPORT/APARTMENT, LONDON All tower personnel. S 9/15/1966 #20883  
d an antenna. Roof lights of their apartment building reflected off the bot 11/20/1966 #21129  
g white object the size of a large apartment building, with a ring of red l 1/20/1967 #21358  
               Heidelberg, Germany Apartment building 8:30 p.m. The teenage 1/26/1967 #21399  
f 50–60 people gather around their apartment building to watch the object,  1/26/1967 #21399  
               WHARTON, TX Airport/apartment manager and many. Round domed  2/12/1967 #21515  
colored lights was sighted from an apartment building in Wharton, Texas. Th 2/12/1967 #21526  
 COLORADO SPRS, CO Blips / airport/apartment and USAF RADAR's all agree. No 5/13/1967 #22332  
reminded of his Security Oath, his apartment was pillaged on 21 July 1980,  7/3/1967 #22604  
 school. Going quickly [to] behind apartment block.                         7/25/1967 #22727  
                 MAIQUETIA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, VNZ Small humanoid (or Grey)  8/26/1967 #22930  
             SOUTH / MINOT AIRPORT/APARTMENT, ND 2 saucers going east. Rect 9/24/1967 #23125  
                LE BOURGET AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR Weathermen. Bright night l 11/13/1967 #23441  
         FT. SIMPSON, NWTL Airport/apartment weatherman. Blue-green glowing 11/15/1967 #23454  
ascimento, were in an eighth floor apartment building repairing a phonograp 11/24/1967 #23508  
. It landed on a hill opposite the apartment building. The UFO struck and s 11/24/1967 #23508  
                   KANAWHA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, WV FAA Air Traffic Controller 4/4/1968 #23889  
 A man, who lived in a third floor apartment along with his wife and young  7/1/1968 #24121  
 several hundred feet south of the apartment building. It was headed toward 7/1/1968 #24121  
which flew by at the height of her apartment window. She believed she saw u 7/2/1968 #24135  
               LO CASTILLO AIRPORT/APARTMENT, CHILE Several UFO's shoot lum 7/24/1968 #24216  
      BISMARCK, ND 4+1+1 / airport/apartment tower. 2 brilliant objects man 11/26/1968 #24709  
                 PAU-UZEIN AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR 4 / 2 helicopters landing. 2/25/1969 #24943  
             KNOXVILLE, TN Airport/apartment FAA men and more/others. 2 met 5/10/1969 #25120  
               GENEVA, SWZ Airport/apartment weatherman. 10M ovoid 700M ove 5/14/1969 #25135  
 maneuvers all about TV antennas / apartment complex!                       6/1969 #25179  
re/orb/globe flies between airport/apartment blocks. Silent. Very clear.    6/1/1969 #25183  
oint night lights. Flies / airport/apartment buildings again. Several separ 6/1/1969 #25187  
                WAIPUKURAU AIRPORT/APARTMENT, NZ Guard and dog. 60' saucer  10/31/1969 #25442  
at. They were all brought from her apartment through a window in a trance-l 1/1/1971 #25966  
me drowsy and later woke up in his apartment, suffering a complete amnesia  8/25/1971 #26305  
ir Traffic Controllers / 2 airport/apartment towers and pilot and RADAR's.  10/1971 #26391  
                  SARAJEVO AIRPORT/APARTMENT, BOSNIA Air and ground RADAR-v 2/4/1972 (approximate) #26563  
 from insomnia, was up late in her apartment in Manchester, England when sh 4/24/1972 #26661  
nd more. Brill saucer near airport/apartment. Jets scramble. / r11p282+r47p 9/14/1972 #26992  
 the sky from the terrace of their apartment. In the early morning of the s 10/13/1972 #27071  
hts. Odd saucer stops over airport/apartment building. Fin / rear. Lights b 10/29/1972 #27100  
                    AURORA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, GUATEMALA 3 brilliant saucers 11/24/1972 #27137  
                    TORINO AIRPORT/APARTMENT, ITL Pilots and many and RADAR 11/30/1973 #28485  
                  CHARMEIL AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR Several separate observer( 12/19/1973 #28583  
sc-shaped object hovered nearby an apartment building in Marcinelle, Belgiu 4/25/1974 #29062  
shot three beams of light over the apartment building.                      4/25/1974 #29062  
                FARMINGTON AIRPORT/APARTMENT, MO Night lights. Plane passes 5/24/1974 #29130  
                   CORDOBA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, ARG 2 airline(s)/airliner pil 6/29/1974 #29227  
NERGY COMMISSION (AEC), NY Airport/apartment Air Traffic Controller and mil 8/20/1974 #29372  
top from the roof of his penthouse apartment on East 52nd Street in New Yor 8/23/1974 #29379  
t light follows plane into airport/apartment. Turns going west. / LDLN#339. 10/10/1974 #29509  
Hudson Park, New Jersey Stonehenge apartment building 2:45 a.m. George O’Ba 1/12/1975 #29744  
oorman at the high-rise Stonehenge apartment building, Bill Pawlowski, who  1/12/1975 #29744  
     NORTH / CARACAS, VNZL Airport/apartment Air Traffic Controllers. Unide 3/5/1976 #30926  
          BIZERTE, TUNISIA Airport/apartment RADAR tracks UFO east going we 8/8/1976 #31246  
EHRAN, IRAN Many calls and airport/apartment Air Traffic Controller / (seen 9/18/1976 #31392  
        Driving home from friend's apartment near midnight in the suburbs o 10/15/1976 #31467  
                KALGOORLIE AIRPORT/APARTMENT, SOUTH AUSTR Weatherman. Large 12/16/1976 #31607  
ds on the rooftop of a three-story apartment building across the street fro 1/6/1977 #31706  
d on the rooftop of a three-storey apartment building across the street fro 1/6/1977 #31707  
nally, he found himself outside an apartment complex in Concord, where for  2/2/1977 #31781  
e VA Hospital grounds near her own apartment. She got home at about 2:30 a. 4/4/1977 #31943  
d son were proceeding toward their apartment building when the child sudden 5/20/1977 #32115  
shaped UFO hovered just outside an apartment window in Forest Park, Georgia 7/5/1978 #33340  
as it moved silently over the next apartment complex.                       7/5/1978 #33340  
AIRPORT, CH 2 UFO's circle airport/apartment 2X. Not on RADAR. Plane chases 7/26/1978 #33416  
o witnesses on the 5th floor of an apartment building in Livorno, Italy wer 8/28/1978 #33586  
                 FIUMICINO AIRPORT/APARTMENT, ITL Air Force persons and Air 11/12/1978 #33948  
           WEST / HEATHROW AIRPORT/APARTMENT Several air and ground crews.  11/23/1978 #33986  
                  HEATHROW AIRPORT/APARTMENT AND HOUNSLOW, ENG Many observe 11/25/1978 #33998  
                  HEATHROW AIRPORT/APARTMENT, ENGL Ground crews. Unidentifi 11/28/1978 #34013  
                 PRESTWICK AIRPORT/APARTMENT, SCOTLAND Silver triangle with 12/3/1978 #34053  
ding in the garden at the adjacent apartment. They were very thin with larg 12/16/1978 #34148  
ding in the garden at the adjacent apartment. They were very thin with larg 12/16/1978 #34155  
noga Park, Los Angeles, California Apartment Building 10:35 p.m. Maria Artu 8/4/1979 #34714  
e object stops and hovers above an apartment building on the other side of  8/4/1979 #34714  
en hovered silently above a nearby apartment building. They described it as 8/4/1979 #34715  
ireball inside and outside airport/apartment building! Goes through aluminu 11/8/1979 #34984  
se, France, brings officers to the apartment of Jean-Pierre Prevost, 25, a  11/26/1979 #35015  
                  SAN JOSE AIRPORT/APARTMENT, CA 2 / Cessna and Air Traffic 2/9/1981 #35818  
 witness had parked her car in her apartment parking lot when she saw a hug 2/10/1981 #35822  
 witness had parked her car in her apartment parking lot in Auburn, Washing 2/10/1981 #35823  
eaf motion. The witness ran to her apartment and apparently blacked out. Un 2/10/1981 #35823  
                  SAN JOSE AIRPORT/APARTMENT, CA 2+observer(s). Red night l 2/19/1981 #35835  
                    CANNON AIRPORT/APARTMENT / RENO, NV 4' metal saucer buz 4/20/1981 #35905  
 off the road in Las Vegas and his apartment was burglarized, with the thin 1982 #36291  
e sitting outside talking by their apartment complex in Wigan, Greater Manc 7/22/1982 #36545  
 p.m. the witness was alone in her apartment in Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine and  1/25/1987 #38104  
                San Antonio, Texas Apartment Building Whitley Strieber's Ab 3/1987 #38127  
 helicopter that hovers around his apartment building. The instances increa 3/1987 #38127  
g city / sky" windows like airport/apartment bldg.                          2/16/1988 #38468  
                NEAR OADBY AIRPORT/APARTMENT, LEICS Vibrant bright night li 6/20/1988 (approximate) #38587  
Many observer(s). UFO over airport/apartment runway / 4 minute(s). No trace 10/21/1988 #38680  
 men were recording music in their apartment in Levittown, New York at arou 2/11/1989 #38835  
d RADAR and many. UFO over airport/apartment. Landings diverted far away.   4/2/1989 #38887  
   Protvino, Moscow Oblast, Russia Apartment A woman is returning home from 9/13/1989 #39098  
fore dropping the woman off at her apartment. The space people tell her the 9/13/1989 #39098  
meteor shower from his third floor apartment in downtown Winnipeg, Manitoba 10/9/1989 #39156  
ecting someone had broken into her apartment. She checked around the apartm 10/31/1989 #39199  
 apartment. She checked around the apartment and found her family sleeping, 10/31/1989 #39199  
e three aliens who had entered her apartment had come in peace, and she reg 10/31/1989 #39199  
or Greys) float / 12-story airport/apartment to UFO. / IURv22#1+/ MJ#296.   11/30/1989 #39278  
eudonym) abduction from 12th floor apartment, allegedly witnessed by intern 11/30/1989 #39281  
eudonym) abduction from 12th floor apartment, allegedly witnessed by intern 11/30/1989 #39282  
cted by aliens from her 12th-story apartment on the lower east side of Manh 11/30/1989 #39283  
ed-glowing burger bun over airport/apartment building. Turns going [to] pin 2/5/1990 #39408  
 first noticed a light outside the apartment building window, which came cl 2/5/1990 #39409  
 July 1--woke up in her 16th floor apartment to see a 4-foot tall being in  7/29/1990 #39667  
s. Vanishes. Same again. / airport/apartment block.                         10/12/1990 #39782  
             N20 WITH ORLY AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR Optical engineer. Dark del 11/5/1990 #39859  
saw humanoids on the balcony of an apartment building. Later that night in  1/18/1991 #39961  
                  CARRASCO AIRPORT/APARTMENT, URUG Landing lights near. No  10/19/1991 #40213  
e going NNW / 40kph. 2 beams light apartment building.                      1/22/1992 #40297  
 It directed two beams light on an apartment building.                      1/22/1992 #40299  
                   SATOLAS AIRPORT/APARTMENT, EAST / LYON, FR Air Traffic C 3/31/1993 #40910  
s follow liner to Keflavic airport/apartment.                               4/21/1993 #40947  
         SOUTHWEST / KARUP AIRPORT/APARTMENT, DK Repeat observer(s). Blindi 4/27/1993 #40952  
s busy cooking in her second floor apartment in North Vancouver, British Co 6/15/1994 #41568  
ildren huddled together inside the apartment entrance. They told her they h 6/15/1994 #41568  
ang! 1' blue ball hovers high over apartment building / 10 minute(s) and mo 11/17/1994 #41851  
            NEAR SALT LAKE AIRPORT/APARTMENT, UT 1 / Delta Flight 1485. Per 2/20/1995 #42051  
in bed. Bright ball enters airport/apartment / 75 min. Observer(s) paralyze 4/25/1995 #42174  
A Figure(s) / scuba diver suits in apartment. Flash "photograph" observer(s 11/1/1995 #42574  
tering two humanoid figures in his apartment at 11:40 a.m. The beings point 11/8/1995 #42587  
                      ORLY AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR Airbus crew. Rectangle wes 11/30/1995 #42633  
r a nearby man-made lake behind an apartment complex in Hialeah Gardens, Fl 12/9/1995 #42639  
               WALLA WALLA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, WA Air Traffic Controller. Pa 2/3/1996 #42734  
 had left and gone behind a nearby apartment house, "a fluttering from abov 7/8/1996 #42950  
r(s). 2 saucers hover near airport/apartment runway at beach. Flash color(s 3/17/1997 #43234  
c sphere flew within 30 feet of an apartment building in Portland, Maine. I 10/28/2000 #44064  
 her window on the 4th floor of an apartment building. It makes unusual man 12/24/2000 #44109  
shows an object hovering above the apartment block opposite her. The second 12/24/2000 #44109  
eding her baby in her fourth floor apartment in Amasya, Turkey when she tur 7/23/2001 #44210  
n Fuller claims he met “Lee” at an apartment complex in Pacific Beach, CA,  7/2003 #44560  
ller craft came over the witness's apartment building in Gardena, Californi 11/27/2004 #44792  
## Word: "apartments" (Back to Top)
d local (as a local wave) airports/apartments. Jets chase 8+objects. 1 goin 7/20/1952 #6942  
r Traffic Controllers / 2 airports/apartments. Formation / saucers. Very hi 7/26/1952 #7148  
dows hums past Stonehenge airports/apartments. / FSRv22#3.                  1/11/1975 #29740  
ion / diamond-objects fairly low / apartments complex. Police report.       6/17/1976 #31112  
. It then moves toward some nearby apartments, shoots up, and disappears.   Summer 1984 #37369  
d going down / clouds. Hovers near apartments. Maneuvers / 15 mn.           11/7/1996 #43108  
all swoops going down. Power out / apartments. 2-way radio out.             3/22/1997 #43238  
dded on Earth, living in their own apartments, mingling with humans, workin 9/2015 #45438  
## Word: "apassenger" (Back to Top)
It was estimated to be larger than apassenger jet, moving west or norhwest  8/31/2002 #44388  
## Word: "apc" (Back to Top)
of Grassrange, Montana Peacekeeper APC Night. Air Force Security Policeman  Winter 1987 #38370  
e vehicle when his own Peacekeeper APC loses power. At that moment, the ale Winter 1987 #38370  
s from its vehicle and runs to the APC, begging to be let in. Their vehicle Winter 1987 #38370  
ntsville, AL Panel held at the SCU APC conference near the Redstone Arsenal 6/4/2022 #45755  
## Word: "apcs" (Back to Top)
there are no intruders. A few more APCs approach down the access road, and  Winter 1987 #38370  
## Word: "ape" (Back to Top)
The crew of a Hull trawler, the SS Ape, is streaming toward Great Yarmouth, 12/15/1914 #922  
de this light she observed a gray "ape like" creature. She woke her 13-year 10/21/1973 #28229  
tirely in black that moved like an ape and jumped from the bushes in front  9/10/1975 #30351  
pants who had long slit-like eyes, ape like noses, and no hair. (Source: Da 4/4/1977 #31942  
pants who had long slit-like eyes, ape like noses, and no hair. The skin of 4/4/1977 #31944  
ke a hairless, beige-colored small ape, but with a very large, oblong-shape 4/23/1977 #32019  
as neither human nor an anthropoid ape. A local hunter discovered footprint 8/10/1989 #39051  
two legs, but it ambulated like an ape walks, swaying as it walked erect. T 1/22/2003 #44477  
## Word: "ape's" (Back to Top)
e disproportionately long, like an ape's arms. It wore a silvery colored su 7/1/1968 #24121  
## Word: "ape-figure" (Back to Top)
rve / portholes = possible saucer. Ape-figure in transparent bubble. Fire a 10/21/1973 #28225  
## Word: "ape-like" (Back to Top)
ared fat but had narrow shoulders, ape-like eyes, and a head like a diving  10/27/1954 #11455  
                      COVEDALE, OH Ape-like figure / luminous/glowing 7' be 10/21/1973 #28224  
alls were made to the police about ape-like creatures seen in Midland, Penn 11/1/1973 #28339  
elmet and silver-gray walks in an “ape-like fashion” in front of his car, c 10/7/1975 #30421  
oid sighting, when he saw a short, ape-like creature with a very large "fig 4/22/1977 #32013  
side of which floated a huge hairy ape-like "Bigfoot" creature. In another  12/2/1979 #35040  
## Word: "ape-man" (Back to Top)
O 3 observer(s). Scary green-faced ape-man plays catch with dead chicken.   4/27/1954 #9728  
 FREDERIC, WI Saucer / foggy road. Ape-man inside "scared". / r133P196+/ r2 12/2/1974 (approximate) #29628  
## Word: "apelike" (Back to Top)
ared fat and had narrow shoulders, apelike eyes, and a head like a diving h 10/27/1954 #11448  
nducted genetic engineering on our apelike ancestors to create modern manki 1968 #23625  
e second light she can see a gray “apelike creature” that seems to be fixin 10/21/1973 #28228  
sound. Suddenly they see two large apelike creatures with glowing green eye 10/25/1973 #28285  
where she encounters a 7-foot-tall apelike creature with its hands raised i 2/6/1974 #28742  
 that he had encountered a similar apelike creature in November 1973.       2/6/1974 #28742  
## Word: "aperture" (Back to Top)
mer Eugène Antoniadi uses the 83cm aperture telescope at Meudon Observatory 9/20/1909 #811  
silver with a port or some type of aperture on the side.  It moved with sma 8/31/1951 #5641  
yellow with a port or some type of aperture on the side, and it moves with  8/31/1951 #5642  
itions are poor or the telescope’s aperture is small, the feature resembles 7/30/1953 #9021  
e which shot from a 3-4 foot round aperture in the underside. (NICAP report 5/25/1967 #22398  
emitted a bright red flame from an aperture underneath as it hovered. The f 5/25/1967 #22399  
wo weeks before dying. A segmented aperture was found on the side of the di 12/6/1978 #34066  
## Word: "apertures" (Back to Top)
ylinder, bearing a series of round apertures and surrounded by a thick, rou 1/4/1963 #17628  
, and they have heavy brow ridges, apertures in place of ears, small noses, 5/1977 #32042  
## Word: "apes" (Back to Top)
o inhabit—they select the evolving apes. The next visitation took place in  1957 #13430  
## Word: "apex" (Back to Top)
d to a pear-shaped object with the apex pointed downward. Two yellow rays o Mid 4/1897 #493  
 with a white light at the leading apex. The triangle made no noise, and wa 1/30/1965 #18786  
 object with a white light at each apex. The object was silent when hoverin 2/10/1967 #21499  
 object with a white light at each apex. It is moving with its blunt end fo 2/10/1967 #21505  
s, mostly green. It moved with the apex of the triangle in front, with two  6/7/1970 #25694  
ith its base on the sphere and its apex pointing toward the left. Through a 3/25/1973 #27376  
 with three colored lights at each apex, pulsating at different rates. When 10/18/1973 #28173  
lta/triangle/box-like craft stops. Apex up. Regular flashes / corners. Goin 3/2/1974 #28850  
watch a triangular object with its apex pointing downward shining and gleam 5/7/1977 #32068  
 the west side is conical with its apex at the top. It seems to be rotating 7/30/1977 #32323  
ong at the base and 30 feet at the apex. After 10–15 minutes, it lifts upwa 10/28/1983 #37026  
r UFO with an orange light at each apex. It makes a low droning sound as it 12/1983 #37059  
 back end and a red light near the apex. It moved slowly, making a roaring  10/8/1989 #39151  
 is shaped like a pyramid with the apex pointing forward. The sighting last 10/23/1990 #39807  
0 seconds. On the triangle's front apex she could see different colored lig 2/21/1995 #42055  
see three small red lights on each apex. The craft shot away suddenly at th 9/23/1996 #43039  
:00 p.m. It had a red light at the apex and three strobing white lights dow 11/3/1998 #43675  
ns a sense that humans are not the apex of existence. The shock and terror  1999 #43708  
d very bright round lights at each apex. At 11:50 p.m. three unknown aircra 9/11/2001 #44259  
 a yellow searchlight on the front apex that moved its beam of light, and t 2/16/2003 #44493  
triangle with white lights at each apex. It was travelling to the west and  3/1/2003 #44498  
 It had a dim orange light at each apex, and the lights seemed striped rath 5/1/2003 #44520  
O had bright orange lights at each apex which did not light up the entire c 5/23/2003 #44544  
ee lights with one located at each apex. The UFO tilted to the west and lev 8/20/2004 #44736  
ect with three lights, one on each apex, and one in the middle, hovering ov 5/3/2006 #44938  
long with yellowish lights at each apex moving silently above him. There is 5/8/2009 #45220  
## Word: "apexes" (Back to Top)
ish triangular object with rounded apexes and a light in each corner was si 4/1/1982 #36426  
ish triangular object with rounded apexes and a light in each corner was si 4/1/1982 #36429  
  A triangular object with rounded apexes approached and then hovered ahead 3/25/1986 #37810  
pairs of white lights at the three apexes. As they near the end of the brid 4/10/1990 #39516  
 with circles at each of the three apexes.                                  7/17/1991 #40124  
A triangular object with lights on apexes, and red, blue, and green lights  2/27/2001 #44143  
had lights on the sides and at the apexes was sighted from Blairgowrie, Ork 12/10/2001 #44284  
shimmering red lights in the three apexes of the object.                    11/20/2002 #44445  
ite dome lights on the tips of its apexes, plus a small red blinking light  1/24/2003 #44479  
 before each point of light on the apexes of the triangle seperated and fle 9/11/2004 #44754  
structure with dark corners at the apexes.Animal reaction: dogs barking, bi 5/15/2005 #44842  
## Word: "apfal" (Back to Top)
a-locka, Florida 12:45 p.m. Robert Apfal, a teacher at Crestview Elementary 4/6/1967 #22080  
 Martin, Marian Waters, and Robert Apfal, who has his students sketch what  4/7/1967 #22090  
## Word: "apfel" (Back to Top)
 their teacher, 33-year-old Robert Apfel, were watching it.                 4/6/1967 #22077  
## Word: "aphrodite" (Back to Top)
performed by licensed psychologist Aphrodite Clamar, who also conducts psyc 1981 #35761  
## Word: "apica" (Back to Top)
Saguenay, Quebec RCAF Station Mont Apica 3:36 p.m. A Scandinavian Airlines  7/14/1974 #29259  
or 10 minutes at RCAF Station Mont Apica [now the Lac Castor Canadian weath 7/14/1974 #29259  
## Word: "apkallu" (Back to Top)
cient Mesopotamian myth of Oannes (Apkallu), a mythical being who taught ma 11/15/1962 #17548  
## Word: "apo" (Back to Top)
                                   APO 253, France (McDonald list) (NICAP:  12/6/1963 #18067  
## Word: "apocalypse" (Back to Top)
as a place that “opened” to escape apocalypse.  https://archive.org/details 2/20/2015 #45431  
## Word: "apocalyptic" (Back to Top)
ound. During his attack, he has an apocalyptic vision in which he receives  10/25/1973 #28285  
 exchange he was given a number of apocalyptic prophecies, and was then han 9/11/1975 #30353  
 speed. She was also given several apocalyptic messages.                    1/23/1976 #30817  
of the craft and shown a film with apocalyptic imagery, including nuclear e 12/1/1987 #38345  
 in appearance, having lived in an apocalyptic Earth; the P52s from 52,000  2008 #45109  
## Word: "apodaca" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Apodaca” YieldMax: 20KT                  7/21/1971 #26240  
## Word: "apodi" (Back to Top)
                                   APODI, RGN, BRAZIL Silent hot and cold w 3/1991 #39989  
                              LAKE APODI, BRAZIL 3 / canoe. 50cm red ball / 4/1991 #40026  
## Word: "apogee" (Back to Top)
t is in an eccentric orbit with an apogee of as much as 4,200 miles and a p 8/25/1960 #16414  
## Word: "apolda" (Back to Top)
                                In Apolda, Thuringen, Germany 12-year-old N 8/28/2009 #45239  
## Word: "apollo" (Back to Top)
                      PLACITAS, NM Apollo engineer. 300' cylinder/cylindric 6/23/1966 #20592  
                   At 3:42 a.m. an Apollo Space Project engineer, Julian Sa 6/23/1966 #20600  
                                   APOLLO 8 Borman, Lovell and more. Saucer 12/21/1968 #24783  
 and more. Saucers orbit moon with Apollo. Unidentified radio signal. "Sant 12/21/1968 #24783  
                                   Apollo 11 Sighting, in space Object appa 6/18/1969 #25222  
                                   APOLLO 11 LANDS Man walks on moon. World 7/21/1969 #25286  
                          moon The Apollo 11 Lunar Module lands the first a 7/21/1969 #25288  
y) appears / kitchen. Telepathy re Apollo 13 etc. Walks through wall! / Fly 4/15/1970 #25630  
on Tiihonen asked the alien if the Apollo 13 astronauts, then stranded in s 4/15/1970 #25633  
                                   APOLLO BEACH, FL 16M saucer 30M ahead /  2/11/1972 #26570  
                                   Apollo Beach, FL A 24-year-old college g 2/11/1972 #26571  
ager was driving near the shore in Apollo Beach, Florida when a 16 meter wi 2/11/1972 #26573  
         An object shaped like the Apollo space capsule (cone-shaped) made  3/28/1973 #27386  
 to ten feet tall, similar to the "Apollo astronauts walking in space". It  4/15/1973 #27431  
a gray-white object shaped like an Apollo capsule (truncated cone) descendi 11/8/1973 #28388  
 disk shoots huge beams going [to] Apollo watchers. Silent / 1K' altitude.  7/20/1975 #30190  
 numerous optical anomalies in the Apollo photos show that the moon landing 1976 #30743  
## Word: "apologize" (Back to Top)
mes down, and two men rush over to apologize. They are the owner Mr. Wilson 4/19/1897 #536  
## Word: "apologized" (Back to Top)
ing walls. A man wearing coveralls apologized to him in Swedish. He was the 8/25/1960 #16418  
## Word: "apologizes" (Back to Top)
tion of an educated prankster.” He apologizes for letting her down, and she 10/28/1986 #38056  
## Word: "apology" (Back to Top)
terwards asks if he will accept an apology, Adamski replies that it should  Late 5/1959 #15747  
## Word: "apolonio" (Back to Top)
a del Astillero, Zapopan, Mexico - Apolonio Perez was awakened at 2:15 a.m. 5/10/1989 #38942  
## Word: "apoloniusz" (Back to Top)
nica Poland Polish Air Force pilot Apoloniusz Czernów of the 3rd Fighter Re 8/1958 #15171  
## Word: "apongo" (Back to Top)
                   Catalina Huanca Apongo, Peru A UFO appears above the iro 1961 #16551  
y the Marcona Mining Company, near Apongo, Peru. It hovers for 5–15 minutes 1961 #16551  
## Word: "aponte" (Back to Top)
Roosevelt Roads Naval Station José Aponte de la Torre Airport Ceiba, Puerto 11/19/1964 #18629  
velt Roads Naval Station [now José Aponte de la Torre Airport] in Ceiba, Pu 11/19/1964 #18629  
## Word: "apopka" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR APOPKA, FL Saucer follows car. Circles h 6/29/1970 #25719  
                                   Apopka, FL Dog in car did not respond; d 6/29/1970 #25720  
gle toward four people in a car in Apopka, Florida. It came down 1000 feet  6/29/1970 #25721  
## Word: "apostle" (Back to Top)
                     Lake Superior Apostle Islands, Wisconsin 2:40 a.m. A C 7/29/1978 #33448  
 vessel in Lake Superior among the Apostle Islands, Wisconsin, sees a large 7/29/1978 #33448  
a.m. a U.S. Coast Guard craft near Apostle Island, Wisconsin on Lake Superi 7/29/1978 #33450  
## Word: "apostoles" (Back to Top)
                                   APOSTOLES, ARG 5M saucer lands / railroa 8/23/1965 #19454  
                                   Apostoles, Argentina Casimiro Zuk was ri 8/23/1965 #19455  
icycle near a railroad crossing in Apostoles, Argentina when he saw a lumin 8/23/1965 #19456  
## Word: "apostolic" (Back to Top)
.m. Monsignor Émile Élie Verhille, Apostolic Vicar of Fort-Rousset [modern  6/18/1954 #9910  
## Word: "app" (Back to Top)
          Vaughn, NM AFOSI Case 6; app 22;00 - white round obj larger than  11/3/1948 #3865  
          Vaughn, NM AFOSI Case 7; app 22;00 - Colonel Hayes obs ball of li 11/23/1948 #3886  
         Tucson, AZ AFOSI Case 57; app 17:45 - a very large bright, sausage 4/28/1949 #4122  
         Tucson, AZ AFOSI Case 68; app 14:30 - silvery, round and flat obj  5/9/1949 #4172  
         Tucson, AZ AFOSI Case 70; app 17:00 - black round solid flat obj a 5/16/1949 #4189  
:00 - reddish blue/green round obj app 6" in diameter disappeared (NICAP: 0 8/6/1949 #4306  
01025094433/www.isso.org/inbox/ubd/app/congress.htm                         4/5/1966 #20253  
oss completely silent moved slowly app. 30- 40 mph. No. of Witnesses: 1; Du 10/1971 #26395  
rms and slender body.  https://www.app.com/story/news/history/erik-larsen/2 1/18/1978 #32895  
rams-secret-partner.html   https://app.box.com/s/x54czwgmwfd5fph50527xw9zvm 10/17/2008 #45175  
## Word: "appallingly" (Back to Top)
 On this night, during a period of appallingly poor weather conditions and  1/12/1993 #40793  
## Word: "apparatus" (Back to Top)
s rays of light from an electrical apparatus. It remains stationary until 1 3/23/1892 #301  
d egg-shaped light and a breathing apparatus under the left arm. Shaw claim 11/25/1896 #361  
ver strain or German “experimental apparatus.”                              8/11/1940 #1343  
 fast as a freight train. They had apparatus on their sides that looked lik 4/7/1948 #3614  
hat Blue Book use “sound detection apparatus” in areas of UFO activity.     3/26/1952 #5979  
mmended he set up “sound detection apparatus” in areas of UAP activity, sug 12/2/1952 #8364  
black, wearing a mask or breathing apparatus that resembled the trunk of an 10/8/1954 #10818  
 and neighbors gather, forcing the apparatus to take off. Later sources add 10/12/1954 #10976  
. J. Cortes spot a strange, round “apparatus” flying swiftly toward the pla 2/2/1955 #11968  
uments like radio transmitters and apparatus with magnetic needles cease op 1/16/1958 #14831  
aller objects stall the electrical apparatus of the entire missile base. Af Summer 1961 #16734  
all humanoid (or Grey) / breathing apparatus exits.                         2/2/1963 (approximate) #17648  
ble. They wore masks and breathing apparatus boxes on their backs, and one  4/15/1967 #22135  
ode Island. A peculiar piston-like apparatus appears to be pumping in and o 7/3/1967 #22601  
and seems to be holding a box-like apparatus with a tube. Two thin, wire-li 8/23/1967 #22905  
6 feet tall, hefty, used breathing apparatus, and had bulging eyes. (Baltim 9/17/1967 #23075  
pped by metal bands attached to an apparatus on the side of the table. Four 10/6/1967 #23187  
g pressed some buttons on his belt apparatus, which caused an amber light t 11/28/1972 #27150  
ned and a large dark, oval-shaped "apparatus" emerged. The apparatus came t 2/28/1974 #28825  
al-shaped "apparatus" emerged. The apparatus came towards him and a yellow  2/28/1974 #28825  
base of the headgear is a hoselike apparatus. One being turns in their dire 4/16/1974 #29040  
s, monitors and other unidentified apparatus inside the craft. The craft wa 4/23/1976 #31019  
y in benches. He is examined by an apparatus that looks like an X-ray machi 5/17/1978 #33224  
e object by some type of breathing apparatus. It invites Perez inside the c 9/6/1978 #33638  
e object by some type of breathing apparatus. He invited Juan to come insid 9/6/1978 #33640  
.” The voice comes from a box-like apparatus on their backs. He is taken to 5/16/1979 #34563  
ect. It had a small propeller like apparatus on top and a long pointy protr 5/16/1979 #34564  
eemed to originate from a box like apparatus on their backs. He was taken t 5/16/1979 #34564  
nations on top of an exam bed-like apparatus. At one point the aliens conne 9/25/1980 #35535  
nd files a patent on a “Method and apparatus for altering a region in the e 1/10/1985 #37546  
e object with black round nose and apparatus on top. No AWACs up.           3/17/1987 #38146  
asses, and with no apparent flying apparatus. The intruder notices him and  5/18/1997 #43297  
ot see any parachute or paraglider apparatus. Air traffic control confirms  6/13/2014 #45410  
an, makes public statements on the apparatus that controls UAP information. 10/2021 #45713  
ity. Coulthart states part of this apparatus involves a group of ex-militar 11/30/2021 #45726  
## Word: "appared" (Back to Top)
lower cone. From behind the object appared two dwarfs, 1 m tall, wearing gr 11/1/1954 #11516  
um, coming close to the ground. It appared as a large, vertical, egg-shaped 8/9/1959 #15897  
## Word: "apparel" (Back to Top)
Greta C. Wills, manager of women’s apparel store; and teenager Marlene Will 1/1/1953 #8494  
 by and had a brief glimpse of his apparel: he wore a grayish rain cape and 8/19/1970 #25797  
ianglu district Xinhuajie district Apparel Town area plaza of the Taiyuan R 10/11/2010 #45301  
ie district, at 9:01 p.m. near the Apparel Town area, and at 9:05 p.m. near 10/11/2010 #45301  
## Word: "apparent" (Back to Top)
e upper half of which gives off an apparent shaft of light. He sees two hum 8/20/1829 #125  
t. The family suffered symptoms of apparent radiation exposure, including v 10/24/1886 #277  
that they are hairless and wear no apparent clothing. The eyes are large an 11/25/1896 #361  
a cluster of lights attached to an apparent airship moving at an altitude o 11/27/1896 #367  
s that it has not been immediately apparent to him that he is hearing “inte 1899 #628  
from the earth. The largest had an apparent area of about six suns. It was  2/28/1904 #670  
 or pear shaped, and six times the apparent size of the sun. The objects fl 2/28/1904 #671  
ht, in the northern sky. It has an apparent size of 6 inches and looks to b 8/3/1911 #856  
, Wiltshire, England, observes the apparent fan-shaped shadow of a stationa 4/8/1912 #860  
ularly unusual in that there is no apparent radiant—no point in the sky fro 2/9/1913 #881  
 when a round, luminous object the apparent size of the planet, but brighte 9/9/1914 #916  
d by two tall, slender men wearing apparent diving suits who drag him into  1921 #1010  
 a luminous white object, with the apparent size of a 12 cm coin held at ar 1/21/1933 #1154  
 Somerville, Massachusetts. It has apparent portholes in the sides, and he  Summer 1938 #1285  
rdeau, Missouri, is summoned to an apparent airplane crash one Saturday. Wh Early Spring 1941 #1355  
il gunner opened fire on it, to no apparent effect. Finally it sped away at 3/25/1942 #1405  
res of normal height, including an apparent captain with dark hair and gogg Late Summer 1942 #1440  
 descend toward the ground. At the apparent landing site a circular burned  10/1942 #1451  
a large rectangular object with no apparent source of propulsion move stead 7/1944 #1615  
t “like a railroad boxcar” with no apparent source of propulsion move stead Late 8/1944 #1646  
f of their bodies and there are no apparent legs or arms. She inadvertently Late 8/1944 #1647  
ruff sees a disc-shaped object the apparent size of a C-54 transport plane  7/10/1947 #3110  
ina. It is 50 feet long and has an apparent rudder and two jet pipes in the 7/19/1947 #3201  
foot diameters, flew 3-4 times the apparent speed of a P-80, also in sight. 7/29/1947 #3252  
foot diameters, flew 3-4 times the apparent speed of a P-80, also in sight. 7/29/1947 #3256  
d, silver disc-shaped UFO with the apparent diameter of a dime at arm's len 9/23/1948 #3812  
ees a greenish flare one-third the apparent size of the moon at Sandia Base 12/6/1948 #3914  
 1200 feet to 440 feet. It was the apparent size of a half dollar at arm's  5/6/1949 #4164  
aircraft. No propulsion method was apparent.                                5/24/1949 #4208  
r saw a small black object without apparent projections moving at high spee 10/17/1949 #4397  
 a five-mile gap in 10 seconds, an apparent speed of 1,800 mph. Witnesses r 1/22/1950 #4503  
nd make abrupt “square” turns with apparent size changing to indicate ascen 8/30/1950 #5150  
balloon’s level and grow larger in apparent size until about one-quarter to 1/22/1951 #5413  
 about 3 minutes where it makes an apparent loop, coming back over the fiel 3/15/1951 #5489  
g at a rapid rate of speed with no apparent audible sound. (NICAP: 03 - EME 12/24/1951 #5824  
med disc with two portholes and an apparent hatch appears from the northeas 3/29/1952 #5995  
ed face of Moon; each was half the apparent diameter of Moon. 2:59 PM  Witn 4/5/1952 #6032  
ace of the Moon. Each was half the apparent diameter of Moon.               4/5/1952 #6034  
 size was 300 feet in diameter. An apparent discrepancy with some shadows w 5/7/1952 #6271  
onds moving through a 12° arc. The apparent size is a half dollar at arms l 5/13/1952 #6317  
ect nearly overhead. They were the apparent size of a half dollar at arms l 5/13/1952 #6320  
 when the object is at its largest apparent size, then two others when it i 7/18/1952 #6897  
"beam of light" seen 30 minute(s). Apparent cylinder/cylindrical object-obj 7/29/1952 #7279  
bject hanging in the air. The only apparent movement was a quivering motion 8/2/1952 #7421  
es under the fourth object with no apparent reaction by the plane or the ob 8/7/1952 #7508  
object, which is stationary. In an apparent reaction, the object loses some 8/12/1952 #7559  
UFO follows the jet, increasing in apparent size as it draws near and overt 8/12/1952 #7559  
globes, about ½ to almost the full apparent size of the balloon, in triangl 8/29/1952 #7788  
  Palo Alto, CA V-formation of six apparent discs. [UFOE, V] (NICAP: 01 - D 10/12/1952 #8123  
ing the meeting. After a period of apparent serious interest in gathering b 1/17/1953 #8544  
spread sightings should occur. The apparent irresponsibility and the possib 1/17/1953 #8548  
               Vichy, MO Object On Apparent Collision Course With C-47 (NIC 2/12/1953 #8666  
R Saucer photographed summer / 53. Apparent dome? See photograph section.   8/1953 (approximate) #9030  
 feet altitude. He can also see an apparent cabin and portholes and he hear Late 9/1953 #9179  
Channel at 32,000–34,000 feet. The apparent speed on the approach is 430 mp 10/9/1953 #9217  
d lights appeared in the sky. It's apparent size was 30 cm at arms length.  10/31/1953 #9266  
mph at a height of 2,000 feet. Its apparent size is four times that of a DC 1/1/1954 #9436  
killer” out of her trance, she has apparent amnesia for the event, denying  2/19/1954 #9558  
wo white lights to the right on an apparent collision course. The KC-97 tak 3/5/1954 #9598  
e of the radar targets, because an apparent balloon is sighted later, from  7/2/1954 #9984  
 Sea Dutch ship observed disc with apparent portholes. [UFOE, XII] (NICAP:  7/28/1954 #10058  
 a bright white disc, 20 times the apparent size of the moon, moving from w 8/1954 #10085  
erved. According to O’Farrell, the apparent crossing speeds of the lights a 8/31/1954 #10218  
nty takes two photos of what is an apparent meteor.                         10/15/1954 #11108  
e to yellow and is egg-shaped. Its apparent size is three times the magnitu 10/21/1954 #11304  
ing saucer. A disc three times the apparent diameter of the sun, red and pu 10/29/1954 #11481  
s away from him. The object had an apparent diameter of one meter and was s 11/1/1954 #11521  
ins and a box suspended from it by apparent ropes. They approach it, but th 12/3/1954 #11754  
s emerged and attacked them, in an apparent kidnapping attempt. The dwarfs  12/10/1954 #11794  
g saucer buzzes car / desert. 20cm apparent size.                           1/31/1955 #11953  
rfield] in El Paso, Texas, sees an apparent meteor strike near Weed, New Me 4/5/1955 #12080  
              A bright object, the apparent size of the Moon, hovered low n 8/9/1955 #12344  
 were fired at with rifles without apparent effect. The last of the creatur 8/22/1955 #12391  
g on his head, stunned but with no apparent serious injury.                 8/29/1955 #12416  
an enormous silvery object with an apparent diameter of 4,900 feet rapidly  1956 #12637  
e Busan, South Korea An object the apparent size of a washtub is seen falli 1/15/1956 #12661  
ing in a direction opposite to the apparent drift of Mars. It is visible fo 9/8/1956 #13208  
 the largest light ascending on an apparent collision course with the trans Fall 1956 #13237  
ined edges, and was five times the apparent size of the moon. It suddenly s 4/7/1957 #13588  
     AVON, MASS Cigar-object seen. Apparent green windows / side. No furthe 7/1/1957 #13769  
he clear sky that is increasing in apparent size. As it comes closer, it is 7/25/1957 #13837  
s that not even trace elements are apparent. Fontes also has it analyzed by Early 9/1957 #13971  
though investigation could find no apparent cause. In Oporto, Portugal at 7 11/14/1957 #14552  
ight as Venus. It soon becomes the apparent size of the Moon, lighting up t 7/1958 #15130  
evealed A luminous object, with an apparent diameter greater than that of t 11/17/1958 #15448  
L Glowing-disk stops 2km away. 1cm apparent size. Beam going down [to] sear 4/23/1959 #15710  
w 4 unidentified objects flying in apparent formation at tremendous speed o 5/27/1959 (approximate) #15748  
One of the beings waved back in an apparent response to hand waves from the 6/26/1959 #15791  
pike. It was silent in flight, the apparent size of the Moon, and gave off  7/15/1959 #15856  
r. Bluish smoke is issuing from an apparent gap in its surface. An electric 8/11/1960 #16369  
o re-start his tractor, while some apparent repair activity was performed o 8/11/1960 #16370  
ante, become “disaffected with the apparent ineffectual progress of the Jun 9/1960 #16428  
uestions and coolly notes Tacker’s apparent ignorance of basic physics. The 12/5/1960 #16526  
ks he feels anxious and sad for no apparent reason. He refuses to be hypnot Late 11/1961 #16979  
stimated to be about one-third the apparent diameter of the sun. They stopp 2/19/1962 #17053  
ea. Circular UFO with body lights, apparent dome on top, shafts of white li 4/24/1962 #17126  
uisa, observed a silvery disk, the apparent diameter of the moon, maneuveri 6/26/1962 #17248  
sses, they used hand signals in an apparent attempt to get them to come clo 7/18/1962 #17283  
right, surrounded with a glow, the apparent size of a small plane 1 km away 9/15/1962 #17400  
t, surrounded with a glow, and the apparent size of a small plane one kilom 9/15/1962 #17404  
ne minute. It was described as the apparent size of the Moon, and it left a 3/18/1963 #17712  
wice turning and approaching it on apparent collision course. The pilot twi 2/25/1964 #18137  
ent-shaped objects, about half the apparent size of the Moon, flew very fas 5/9/1964 #18254  
 crescent-shaped objects, half the apparent size of the moon, as they flew  5/9/1964 #18256  
ough to light up the silo cap. Its apparent size is as large as a basketbal 5/21/1964 #18289  
 to climb the tree after him in an apparent effort to capture him, but were 9/4/1964 #18535  
rgentina, watch an object with the apparent size twice that of the Moon pas 9/14/1964 #18552  
roup of humanoid beings engaged in apparent repair operation for four hours 11/25/1964 #18636  
light rising from the horizon. The apparent size of the object is that of a 1/5/1965 #18699  
HI School-teacher. White disk / 1M apparent diameter. 100' altitude. Northe 5/23/1965 #18951  
ght of nearby telephone wires. The apparent size of the full moon, it moves 6/19/1965 #19017  
ard the south with a double trail. Apparent diameter was that of the full m 8/25/1965 #19462  
the south with a double trail. The apparent diameter was that of the full m 8/25/1965 #19464  
an. It kept changing its speed and apparent size as it flew. Fourteen minut 12/24/1965 #19788  
rown UFO, its length ten times the apparent diameter of the Moon. It hung o 1/1/1966 #19801  
. They had wide-spaced eyes and no apparent mouths. One figure was seen to  1/21/1966 #19865  
ircular object with blue lights in apparent portholes along its side. The U 3/15/1966 #19970  
8 ft. off the ground in a patch of apparent mist. The object glowed “blood  3/20/1966 #19997  
area about 35 feet by 100 feet and apparent landing gear or skid marks (phy 3/24/1966 #20066  
his headlights, the UFO blinked in apparent response (light reaction), veer 3/28/1966 #20110  
c) with portholes, and emitting an apparent exhaust. (Weinstein, 1999, p. 3 4/29/1966 #20426  
shoulders very broad. They wore no apparent weapon, but their belts were ve 5/10/1966 #20471  
very broad shoulders. They wore no apparent weapons, but their belts were v 5/10/1966 #20475  
tes. The object then diminished in apparent size and was hidden by clouds n 6/17/1966 #20572  
heir house above an old tree. Some apparent damage to foliage, circular hol 8/15/1966 #20744  
range-red mass of light undergoing apparent shape changes was reported. The 8/22/1966 #20784  
ens- shaped disc with dome on top, apparent windows or portholes rotating s 8/25/1966 #20805  
as big as her living room wall. An apparent ceiling line is visible in the  11/1/1966 #21061  
s going north on I-77 and sees, in apparent confirmation of the encounter,  Early 11/1966 #21070  
ther hypnotic probing brings forth apparent memories of lifelong interactio 1/25/1967 #21386  
ng southeast / 60 seconds. 20 mm / apparent size. Vibrant bright. Sharp out 1/30/1967 #21414  
ands, a pronounced jawbone, and no apparent nose. Seeing the witness, he go 2/24/1967 #21641  
 observer(s). Shiny ovoid. 25 mm / apparent size. 2 antenna / rear. Chased  3/7/1967 #21782  
p and down extremely fast. 30 mm / apparent size.                           3/9/1967 #21821  
ll over and was about 10 times the apparent diameter of the moon, which was 3/10/1967 #21847  
ngle witness. It was ten times the apparent diameter of the moon.           3/10/1967 #21853  
rizona, sees a white oval disc the apparent size of the moon moving silentl 3/24/1967 #21972  
, ND 2 / car. Round object 18 mm / apparent size hovers low / missile site. 3/25/1967 #21979  
f. Watts has another encounter, an apparent abduction, on April 11. In a se 3/31/1967 #22023  
irplane then reversed course in an apparent effort to take a closer look at 4/21/1967 #22197  
 tires of his car went flat for no apparent reason, and the object shot awa 5/14/1967 #22342  
Night lights seen. 4 cows die / no apparent cause. Crop circles found. / r3 6/4/1967 #22460  
an dressed in black, he had was no apparent connection with the encounters. 8/14/1967 #22876  
roached an incoming aircraft on an apparent collision course. The object pa 9/3/1967 #22988  
ts at the top (body lights) and an apparent row of windows around the upper 10/26/1967 #23331  
 10 days afterward, as well as six apparent landing marks in the ground. A  7/31/1968 #24271  
lights flashing brilliantly, on an apparent collision course. When it is 40 8/15/1968 #24331  
e morning. It was described as the apparent size of a full moon.            8/15/1968 #24334  
otographer Dan Tortorell visit the apparent site and find erratic burned pa 8/26/1968 #24379  
ts that were self luminous and the apparent size of ten cent coins held at  10/28/1968 #24598  
 Mr. Bied caused him to experience apparent teleportation and time travel,  11/1/1968 #24620  
 straight down their sides with no apparent joint movement. The beings were 1/6/1969 #24822  
ter with a friend they found three apparent landing marks at the site, six  1/15/1969 #24850  
d. Later investigation found three apparent landing imprints, arranged in a 1/16/1969 #24853  
in an unusually slow manner, in an apparent controlled descent. Among the m 3/31/1969 #25041  
ts with white belts. Despite their apparent lack of hands they were collect 4/12/1969 #25059  
         SHIRLEY, MASS 1 observer. Apparent disk passes overhead. Static sp 10/14/1969 #25412  
sparent-like sheen" and it was the apparent size of a basketball held at ar 5/7/1970 #25657  
 in Evillers, France a sphere, the apparent size of the full Moon, was obse 7/9/1970 #25729  
om a gunshot wound to the head, an apparent suicide. Later that evening a d 6/13/1971 #26175  
ise he created alerted them to the apparent problem with the incubated hybr 8/26/1972 #26956  
nes." No figures were available on apparent size, speed or height of the ob 10/9/1972 #27062  
 craft Mercado is surprised at the apparent simplicity of the craft's furni 10/22/1972 #27085  
 airport / (seen thru) binoculars. Apparent delta/triangle/box-like craft w 5/24/1973 #27523  
He shot at it with his gun with no apparent effect.                         8/27/1973 #27726  
orm at around four p.m. It was the apparent size of the full moon, and had  9/5/1973 #27767  
 six shots at the creature with no apparent effect.                         9/26/1973 #27873  
look like mummies. No clothes were apparent. In the center of their faces w 10/11/1973 #28005  
 fired several shots at it with no apparent effect.                         10/17/1973 #28139  
                             In an apparent abduction attempt, in 1973 a UF 11/13/1973 #28418  
ks on the carcasses, including the apparent butchering of sex organs. The l 12/1973 #28494  
 woods. 2 pseudo-human/entity make apparent repairs as lights fly.          2/1974 #28717  
 beam was directed at him from the apparent craft. Three small beings, abou 2/14/1974 #28770  
ansported to a square room with no apparent doors or windows. A loud voice  2/28/1974 #28825  
s Canyon, New Mexico. It is in the apparent area of the Manzano Nuclear Wea 4/15/1974 #29031  
 sketch of a flying saucer, for no apparent reason. She then went to the wi 4/27/1974 #29067  
nstruments off. A trajectory of an apparent falling object is plotted, and  5/17/1974 #29109  
omical Society. The paradox is the apparent contradiction between the lack  6/1974 #29154  
                                An apparent abduction attempt that was thwa 8/5/1974 #29311  
ddition, no lights of any kind are apparent. There is also no obvious mecha 8/25/1974 #29386  
h portholes, about three times the apparent size of the Moon, moved over Mo 8/28/1974 #29397  
at a "large, orange ball" with the apparent size of the full moon was obser 1/1/1975 #29688  
 an orange ball of light (BOL) the apparent size of the full moon in Lezay, 5/4/1975 #30034  
zbekistan wake up in terror for no apparent reason. They see a glowing sphe Early 7/1975 #30148  
car. "There was no dust raised, no apparent thrust, nothing," he said. "It  10/7/1975 #30422  
y outlined. The witness stated the apparent size of the object was that of  11/11/1975 #30605  
RCMP Constable Bill Toffan sees an apparent vehicle with its lights flashin 4/22/1976 #31009  
 hovered over bridge, memory loss, apparent abduction. See Section XIII (E, 6/11/1976 #31099  
w, Russia. It is about 8 times the apparent size of the full moon and is mo 8/1976 #31217  
. The beings open their arms in an apparent blocking gesture, communicating 9/3/1976 #31335  
 Sea, Indonesia, see an object the apparent size of the full moon. It is pr 3/10/1977 #31892  
rfectly round and almost 3° arc in apparent diameter. Daniels estimates its 3/12/1977 #31901  
 a silver mushroom three times the apparent size of the moon, moved silentl 4/5/1977 #31947  
 a silver mushroom three times the apparent size of the moon, and it moves  4/5/1977 #31949  
d some guttural sounds and made an apparent aggressive move towards the car 4/12/1977 #31978  
ent silver disc, edge on, with the apparent diameter of the full moon. It i 7/2/1977 #32230  
cal object with two headlights and apparent windows. The object suddenly bl 7/3/1977 #32232  
A spherical light--larger than the apparent size of Venus--moved, hovered f 7/6/1977 #32239  
a spherical light--larger than the apparent size of Venus--moved, hovered f 7/6/1977 #32242  
. The officers described the UFO's apparent size to be about that of a grap 7/21/1977 #32299  
ver "stretched cigar" three times (apparent) diameter in length. Object fle 7/31/1977 #32327  
 “stretched cigar” three times its apparent diameter in length. The object  7/31/1977 #32328  
d beside a nearby hill. It was the apparent size of a full moon. Moments la 10/6/1977 #32555  
 Ellsworth AFB A carbon copy of an apparent USAF incident report is receive 2/9/1978 #32963  
s rubbed down with a sponge and an apparent disinfectant liquid before sex. 3/2/1978 #33011  
 fireball hovers / street. Flash & apparent microwave burns. / Internationa 5/13/1978 #33200  
 an oval-shaped object, smaller in apparent size than the full moon, hangin 5/13/1978 #33202  
al-shaped object, smaller than the apparent size of the full Moon, handing  5/13/1978 #33205  
going down / 2 boys. Paralysis and apparent abduction. Other hear odd noise 6/14/1978 #33277  
ude of 2000 feet. It was twice the apparent size of the Moon.               8/20/1978 #33534  
. Disk going quickly northwest. 1° apparent diameter. Lost / cloud. Cloud l 11/13/1978 #33951  
r. Neon-blue saucer low and close. Apparent mind control of some sort.      11/28/1978 #34012  
he ground and began whining for no apparent reason. Glancing ahead of her,  2/21/1979 #34441  
t descend towards the ground in an apparent crash landing. They ran up the  8/19/1979 #34760  
dent runs top to bottom, with four apparent impacts; it looks as if a clust 8/27/1979 #34787  
s corners at an angle of 45° in an apparent attempt to correct its flight.  5/16/1980 #35336  
following night, leaving only some apparent bites marks that are sore to th 8/20/1980 #35469  
s had a hazy round outline, and an apparent size of 1.25 degrees. The top o 9/21/1980 #35525  
 rectangle / northwest sky. Glows. Apparent size = brick / arms length.     11/1/1980 #35604  
 also two bright headlights and an apparent dome with seven green lights ar 11/18/1980 #35654  
aralyzed. Perceived communication, apparent abduction, burn marks on chest  12/4/1980 #35695  
ut one returned to the school with apparent psychological effects.  Two to  12/14/1980 #35716  
nd Vickie and Colby Landrum suffer apparent radiation illness after watchin 12/29/1980 #35757  
d not fit into a single frame. Its apparent size was compared to a 12" rule 1/30/1981 #35808  
would not accelerate. There was an apparent time lapse noted when they reac 7/16/1981 #36010  
 treetops. Four oblong windows are apparent, through which a blue-white lig 10/15/1981 #36172  
l object at Vongraven, Norway, the apparent size of a large star. It is ste 12/20/1981 #36271  
ngine began to sputter without any apparent cause. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encou 5/1982 #36460  
grenade.” It grows larger than the apparent size of the full moon, and blac 6/18/1982 #36510  
meters from the ground. Through an apparent opening he saw several short he 7/1982 #36524  
stody of “one or more occupants of apparent extraterrestrial origin.” Mr. B 6/24/1983 #36891  
of potential scandal about GEPAN’s apparent collaboration with the French A 7/1983 #36898  
cal scars on their lower legs from apparent childhood abductions, and Hopki Early 7/1983 #36900  
tic regression sessions, revealing apparent pregnancies induced by aliens.  Early 7/1983 #36900  
led the first witness away from an apparent abduction. Nevertheless, he was 11/1/1983 #37041  
hey moved the UFO moved! It became apparent that "it" did not want to let t 7/15/1984 #37401  
hissing sound. The next day, three apparent landing-gear marks in an equila 10/1984 #37473  
 square miles and is huge, with an apparent diameter of 6 miles. It is elli 6/11/1985 #37598  
square miles and was huge, with an apparent diameter of six miles. It was e 6/11/1985 #37599  
oto shows only 7 lights in most of apparent circle.                         11/21/1985 #37715  
foot-long lighted object, with two apparent legs for landing, hovering and  2/28/1986 #37793  
rs many people to recall their own apparent encounters with similar creatur 2/1987 #38108  
           DESTIN, FL Lady reports apparent abduction / 5-Yr-old son. No fu 11/25/1987 #38335  
 and 'green face' / slumber party. Apparent classic abduction scenario.     6/24/1988 #38591  
RAD Bright red triangle, 1/2 moons apparent diameter over road.             10/20/1988 #38679  
 throughout human history. (5) The apparent ability of UFOs to manipulate s 6/1989 #38970  
 walking around their house for no apparent reason, and having no recollect 10/27/1989 #39188  
oor gracefully. The witness saw no apparent clothing. She felt calm as one  11/6/1989 #39216  
e direction on the highway with no apparent damage.                         12/3/1990 #39924  
stems of the MIGs shut down for no apparent reason. Worse yet, their engine 8/28/1991 #40168  
e/box-like craft high over houses. Apparent size like moon. 2nd similar but 11/17/1991 #40233  
then receded backwards and with an apparent look of bewilderment vanished.  6/9/1992 #40489  
ay rectangular craft, 20 times the apparent size of the Moon. It was seen a 9/30/1992 #40651  
r window. The object was twice the apparent size of the Moon with a dozen l 9/30/1992 #40652  
ia Skała, has been shattered by an apparent lightning strike, although some 1/14/1993 #40795  
ent. Saucer moves across cloud. 2X apparent moon-size.                      10/24/1993 #41250  
er the ocean, then vanished. Their apparent size was 1 cm at arms length. ( 8/10/1994 #41667  
. It was estimated to be 1/5th the apparent size of the Moon.               3/14/1995 #42095  
tical disc-shaped object, half the apparent diameter of the Moon, moved ver 5/9/1995 #42192  
crescent-shaped flying object, the apparent size of the Moon, that appeared 6/30/1995 #42283  
ce is metallic gray with a band of apparent panes of dark glass and facets  7/15/1995 #42303  
 a peculiar shuffling manner, with apparent with difficulty. The factory wi 8/11/1995 #42376  
lso said that two weeks before his apparent abduction experience, he found  8/15/1995 #42389  
 sky over Tallahasee, Florida. Its apparent size was larger than the full m 9/13/1995 #42468  
18 feet in diameter. Four marks of apparent landing gear are also found, ea 10/1/1995 #42529  
d two short glowing beings with no apparent clothing, and dark eyes. The be 5/22/1996 #42909  
ash. They all then drove on to the apparent crash site. This area had only  6/4/1996 #42921  
flock of birds, but soon it became apparent they were looking at a UFO that 4/18/1997 #43265  
met, and dark glasses, and with no apparent flying apparatus. The intruder  5/18/1997 #43297  
out of the side. This was the only apparent object in the room. Afraid, he  10/15/1997 #43429  
ns. None of the objects reveal any apparent technological structure.        1998 #43479  
time. Jacobs raises the alarm that apparent benevolence from the aliens is  1/1998 #43482  
h Columbia suddenly woke up for no apparent reason. His room was illuminate 10/25/1998 #43670  
es heard a very loud noise with no apparent cause, and this sound diminishe 11/13/1998 #43682  
 with his rifle, once, without any apparent effect. He then ordered the dog 11/25/1998 #43685  
rk-hooded beings. She also met the apparent leader, who she described as as 1/7/1999 #43711  
gon at 7:30 a.m. The UFOs were the apparent size of a lentil held at arm's  1/28/2000 #43935  
                    There were two apparent abductions involving missing ti 10/15/2000 #44058  
                        The second apparent abduction and missing time expe 10/15/2000 #44059  
hat it had a gummy texture with no apparent bone structure. On her descent  5/2/2001 #44174  
very tight fitting, and made of an apparent synthetic material resembling p 3/26/2002 #44326  
t glowed like the moon and was the apparent size of the moon cruised over t 5/6/2002 #44340  
ut 30 miles east of it. It had the apparent size of something one-quarter o 11/22/2002 #44449  
. The eyes were dark black with no apparent nose. Although the weather was  1/22/2003 #44477  
trol." The light gray craft had no apparent seams or rivet patterns and was 4/18/2003 #44516  
:40 p.m.; they were about half the apparent size of the moon, and were a ve 9/13/2003 #44598  
om and round top. The light had an apparent size 2-3 times larger than the  2/13/2004 #44664  
lying at 20,000 feet, and were the apparent size of a quarter at arm's leng 8/16/2004 #44734  
e sun was setting. It was half the apparent size of the Moon. It hovered fo 9/7/2004 #44749  
g died later that week without any apparent reason.                         8/5/2006 #44952  
     An undisclosed witness had an apparent abduction experience with missi 9/21/2007 #45066  
 Allen’s sighting that moves at an apparent speed of 2,100 mph. At 7:20 p.m 1/8/2008 #45112  
ist Max Spiers is found dead of an apparent overdose, but Polish authoritie 7/16/2016 #45456  
egs with long tapered feet, and no apparent arms. It is 5–6 feet in height  8/9/2017 #45478  
lying over the deck of a ship. The apparent triangular shape of the object  7/15/2019 #45593  
## Word: "apparently" (Back to Top)
agu watches a large blue fireball, apparently low on the water, head direct 11/4/1749 #70  
 to the east for 2 hours. Some are apparently linked together in groups of  5/16/1808 #102  
e a sheet before falling to earth, apparently not far away. After one minut 4/1/1826 #122  
RNBERG, GERM Kaspar Hauser age 17. Apparently raised / aliens. Amazing. see 5/28/1828 #123  
:30 p.m. A “large, glaring light,” apparently from an airship, is seen for  1/31/1897 #384  
ship 200 feet long, whose crew are apparently repairing its searchlight. Th 4/6/1897 #416  
m white to green to red, depending apparently on its speed, is on top. Hund 4/11/1897 #432  
rs at either end of a body that is apparently 50–75 feet long. It shines wi 4/16/1897 #506  
 hoax, although Proctor’s windmill apparently did exist.                    4/17/1897 #523  
ither side can be discerned. It is apparently 180 feet long.                4/19/1897 #537  
 they see the fireball descending, apparently coming as close as 3 feet abo 10/4/1898 #625  
lks to her. Peveto becomes ill and apparently moves away from the place.    10/4/1898 #626  
dence, 1964, Hall, II) (These were apparently fireball meteors. See report  2/28/1904 #669  
ey come from. He sees a lever that apparently can cut off the earth’s “magn 1906 #684  
“blue disk floating in the heavens apparently close to the sun.” It passes  7/7/1907 #699  
near the bridge. When it descends, apparently to make a pass at the bridge, 4/13/1917 #955  
and close to the Russian frontier, apparently scouting the district. Flight 2/2/1934 #1201  
elmets with short antennas and are apparently examining the exterior surfac Spring 1935 #1224  
stein to consult for the OSRD, but apparently Einstein turned him down.     5/1943 #1495  
man figure is standing next to it, apparently trying to dig it up. When he  7/18/1943 #1518  
up. When he passes by, the figure, apparently an Asian woman with long blon 7/18/1943 #1518  
 newspaper reports could be found. Apparently the entire story was made up  End of 8/1944 #1648  
ects, solid color, and brightness; apparently individually controlled. (Pag 3/25/1945 #1825  
ory, heard voices speaking to him, apparently through his welding gun.      4/1945 #1835  
 Phenomenon.Spotted enemy aircraft apparently trailed by large orange light 7/12/1945 #1893  
coveralls, and another man who was apparently steering the craft inside a g 8/28/1945 #1932  
 helmets and uniform-like clothing apparently working on the craft. Later h 5/1946 #1986  
see five gray, oblong objects rise apparently from the sea and move from no 2/6/1947 #2238  
the dark side of the moon. This is apparently the first public mention of a 7/4/1947 #2654  
ors walk toward the place where it apparently has landed, and they see the  7/6/1947 #2811  
e of about 120°, then stops again (apparently overhead) and disappears.     7/7/1947 #2932  
d or spherical objects, silver and apparently metallic (NICAP: 01 - Distant 7/8/1947 #3004  
d or spherical objects--silver and apparently metallic--flew a wide circula 7/8/1947 #3009  
io stations around noon (the first apparently to Frank Joyce at KGFL) and t 7/8/1947 #3015  
iles and moving at 10 mph. This is apparently General Mills Skyhook balloon 1/7/1948 #3542  
position as seen from Godman as it apparently moves away at about 240–300 m 1/7/1948 #3544  
skin is charred a chocolate color, apparently as a result of the rush of te 3/25/1948 #3598  
nessee, see 50–60 unusual objects, apparently moving very high and fast, tr 5/7/1948 #3643  
 filters from the B-17 drones have apparently carried out the same procedur 5/15/1948 #3651  
ing, Deyarmond, and Llewellyn (now apparently director of Project Sign) are 7/25/1948 #3738  
feet in front of their vehicle and apparently went down in a wooded area.   7/29/1948 #3752  
feet in front of their vehicle and apparently came down in a wooded area. T 7/29/1948 #3754  
on: shaped like a rifle bullet and apparently 20 to 30 feet long            10/15/1948 #3835  
t some statistics, but the memo is apparently never sent.                   11/30/1948 #3893  
m report by Project Sign, one that apparently takes seriously the possibili 11/30/1948 #3895  
ating to the right and left. It is apparently several miles off the base an 1/4/1949 #3959  
ee figures with stocky short legs, apparently without heads. Frightened, he 2/17/1949 #4014  
ee figures with stocky short legs, apparently without heads. Frightened, he 2/17/1949 #4016  
 apart at Killeen Base, Texas, see apparently separate streaking bright lig 3/8/1949 #4041  
wice as long as the body, which is apparently half the size of the full moo 3/13/1949 #4044  
iny metallic and reflects the sun, apparently revolving as it moves like th 4/28/1949 #4129  
gitimate radar contact tracks five apparently metallic objects at a great h Fall 1949 #4366  
silver, round "like a balloon" and apparently constructed of. a solid mater 1/10/1950 #4480  
 20 miles of the aircraft and then apparently has the ability to hover, bec 1/12/1950 #4484  
Flapjack Vought XF5U. The story is apparently disinformation planted by ex- 3/27/1950 #4741  
et the object back in view, but it apparently stays stationary for about 30 5/29/1950 #4972  
alized that what she had seen were apparently human figures, wearing shimme 6/17/1950 #4992  
When his daughter called to him it apparently alarmed the two figures, for  6/17/1950 #4992  
 They immersed a hose in the lake, apparently extracted water, and then too 7/2/1950 #5040  
minum-colored cylinder-shaped UFO, apparently 10 feet in diameter, 50–100 f 8/4/1950 #5105  
with people from other planets who apparently have a communist economic sys 8/20/1950 #5132  
fails to locate the objects, which apparently return after the jets leave.  8/31/1950 #5154  
, the aircraft radar goes haywire, apparently jammed. His radio transmitter 9/1950 #5159  
The Air Force Intelligence office, apparently at the request of Gen. Hoyt V 9/25/1950 #5196  
t film, The Flying Saucer Mystery, apparently the first UFO documentary. Th 11/17/1950 #5279  
 Arizona, describing his sighting, apparently the only record of the event, 11/17/1950 #5279  
ral Calvin M. Bolster. The film is apparently only shown for a few months a 11/17/1950 #5279  
ight in the 1870s. The location is apparently either Turlington Road or Jac 3/1951 #5469  
 a visit by Marshall at this time; apparently his first visit to Mexico was Summer 1951 #5549  
ilson, one or two other women, all apparently of excellent reputations.  On 8/31/1951 #5641  
.m., another radar target appears, apparently hovering. Overcast conditions 9/11/1951 #5662  
get 3 miles astern. The object has apparently been circling the fleet at an Fall 1951 #5686  
backing the Life magazine article. Apparently on the same day, Garland give 1/29/1952 #5884  
 three very bright silver objects, apparently spherical, traveling in a per 2/20/1952 #5914  
g of interceptors. This is issued, apparently in April. Burgess assigns Maj 3/19/1952 #5961  
 and is renamed Project Blue Book, apparently by Lt. Col. Charles Cooke, wh 3/25/1952 #5973  
at resembled a white parachute was apparently circling a large airplane for 4/28/1952 #6206  
urns white and quickly disappears. Apparently, the unknown craft has gone i 6/19/1952 #6551  
an ethereal “ghost-like” monotone. Apparently, this is a prank by Casey’s f 7/12/1952 #6785  
 off the scope within seconds. One apparently reaches a speed of 7,000 mph. 7/19/1952 #6935  
t is about 82 feet in diameter and apparently taking up water through a lon 7/25/1952 #7137  
brilliance and diminishes in size, apparently moving away. The pilot determ 8/12/1952 #7559  
ng due west towards West Virginia, apparently landing in Flatwoods. A third 9/12/1952 #7905  
mewhere in the Arizona desert, but apparently get lost. They return to Stre 9/28/1952 #8048  
er being postponed on December 12. Apparently under pressure from the Air F 12/22/1952 #8442  
behind a hill and then reappeared, apparently heading in a northerly direct 1/26/1953 #8576  
at Moody AFB in Valdosta, Georgia, apparently sees the setting planet Venus 1/28/1953 #8604  
oject Blue Book. Channing writes: “Apparently, an eye and interest are also 2/9/1953 #8654  
of object with a 16 mm N-9 camera, apparently at 16 fps 1/40 second exposur 3/3/1953 #8727  
a of Japan ELINT case of April 14. Apparently, Robertson’s mind is not chan 7/1953 #8979  
shaped object about 200 feet away. Apparently in trouble, it belches fire a Autumn 1953 #9176  
most ephemeral in its delicacy and apparently electrically charged.” A simi 11/16/1953 #9303  
n City, AU Airline pilot saw huge, apparently metallic, elliptical UFO. [UF 1/1/1954 #9434  
the same altitude and to the left, apparently headed west on a collision co 3/5/1954 #9598  
 and gliding down from the sky. It apparently went into a clump of nearby t 3/28/1954 #9648  
bout 3,600 mph. The same object is apparently tracked on Woomera radar at a 5/5/1954 #9753  
ing white to orange and disappear, apparently speeding away due north. Tria 5/14/1954 #9796  
un,” a “phenomenon so rare that it apparently has never been reported befor 6/29/1954 #9962  
 LaPaz says it is not a meteor. It apparently disrupts TV signals and aircr 8/6/1954 #10105  
thing like a pencil draws circles, apparently representing planets. He fina 8/20/1954 #10157  
ers on his back. He ran or glided, apparently floating across the ground, t 9/2/1954 #10233  
km south of the town saw an object apparently made of transparent plastic f 9/3/1954 #10238  
k-el-Khemis, Tunisia saw an object apparently made of transparent plastic f 9/3/1954 #10240  
nge-colored object over the coast, apparently surrounded by dense smoke. Vi 10/7/1954 #10781  
nge-colored object over the coast, apparently surrounded by dense smoke. Vi 10/7/1954 #10795  
s and chests and small, thin legs, apparently doing repair work on a spindl 10/9/1954 #10858  
t seems to be above Saint-Poix. It apparently descends to the ground as he  10/11/1954 #10939  
feet. The cows panic and run away, apparently suffering burns. Some haystac 10/14/1954 #11056  
rienced headaches and memory loss. Apparently they did not see the object a 10/18/1954 #11221  
s was able to observe the six men, apparently busy with instruments. Reliab 10/23/1954 #11338  
s was able to observe the six men, apparently busy with their instruments.  10/23/1954 #11344  
, sees a dull silver object moving apparently slowly above the base in a zi 10/24/1954 #11365  
 Italy A shange beam of red light, apparently from some flying source, was  11/14/1954 #11650  
” A “streak” is found in the snow, apparently left by the craft having brus 11/23/1954 #11696  
 A "streak" was found in the snow, apparently left by the craft having brus 11/23/1954 #11698  
eral rods protruding from it, each apparently with a propeller. Two men abo 12/5/1954 #11764  
ay, dances in the sky, disappears (apparently when it banks), and returns r 12/26/1954 #11863  
he progress to mid-December 1954.” Apparently the project examined some UFO 3/1/1955 #12026  
two bright objects at 20,000 feet, apparently stationary. Ground radar pick 7/5/1955 #12238  
t is gone, but another fireball is apparently seen later. The same scenario 9/2/1955 #12425  
 in three different colors of ink, apparently by three persons, A, B, and J 4/1956 #12777  
eighter pacing it. The Dakota crew apparently took photos, but these have n 6/1956 #12879  
, approximately SW. The object was apparently following a flat trajectory w 7/14/1956 #12970  
. Gordon Thayer suggests that the “apparently rational, intelligent behavio 8/13/1956 #13080  
ject on his right wing, but it has apparently slowed down and is maintainin 8/30/1956 #13156  
 rocket, a mysterious object which apparently played tag off the tip of Flo 11/8/1956 #13315  
spirit masters. The Laugheads (who apparently were in Mexico in July) and S 12/2/1956 #13384  
arents. The Canadian government is apparently unaware of these activities.  2/1957 #13481  
 Healey the 1949 Grudge report and apparently convinces him that the Air Fo Mid 7/1957 #13799  
 the beings return with the vessel apparently full of river water. The enti 9/1957 #13966  
itudes. SAC goes on high alert and apparently launches nuclear bombers towa 9/20/1957 #14020  
 continue. The smaller objects are apparently short traces of light at some 10/6/1957 #14066  
 It lands, a door opens, and seven apparently human people come out dressed 10/10/1957 #14095  
beam of light directly at the car, apparently exerting a strong pressure an 11/1957 #14181  
 felt. Later there were reports of apparently the same luminous object on t 11/2/1957 #14221  
y patrol in a jeep saw an orange, "apparently controlled," luminous object  11/3/1957 #14242  
y patrol in a jeep saw an orange, "apparently controlled," luminous object  11/3/1957 #14254  
 is patrolling on Mission Road. It apparently moves 50 feet above a nearby  11/4/1957 #14288  
s, four males and two females, who apparently speak perfect German and clai 11/5/1957 #14343  
he UFO and sees two men and women, apparently dressed in a normal manner. O 11/6/1957 #14422  
ove the ground. One of the objects apparently lands on Farin Road 2373, thr 11/7/1957 #14462  
aches their car from the south and apparently causes the vehicle’s lighting 11/9/1957 #14507  
 at Fort George G. Meade. They are apparently sent to the Air Research and  11/13/1957 #14541  
her that she is pregnant, which is apparently true, as she gives birth on J 11/16/1957 #14567  
d Ulo, with later text added by an apparently female companion named Tarnge 11/21/1957 #14590  
sé Santos de Saldanha da Gama), is apparently an eyewitness and states, “th 1/16/1958 #14831  
 radar picked up the UFO as it was apparently hovering over the alert hange 5/1958 #15006  
ject, and some of the ship’s power apparently goes out. After a few minutes 9/1958 #15239  
eral labs over the next few years, apparently without ambiguous results, bu 11/9/1958 #15435  
anguage, wears an odd uniform, and apparently has burns on the face. He is  1/21/1959 #15558  
dly in the Moscow area. The divers apparently also found another half of th 1/21/1959 #15560  
 and the man ran off very rapidly, apparently "skimming" over the ground. J 3/7/1959 #15631  
 the witnesses several times. They apparently suffered a period of amnesia. 3/19/1959 #15654  
 strange, domed disc-shaped object apparently on or near to the ground, the 3/23/1959 #15666  
able to answer quickly and easily, apparently with telepathic help from pur 7/9/1959 #15829  
 Some QFSRB members are pacifists, apparently, and are seeking to contact R 8/1959 #15887  
h-white craft. His two friends had apparently been put to sleep and were no 11/15/1959 #16088  
med as UFO descended toward field, apparently about a mile off highway (NIC 1/18/1960 #16153  
e tree. The object is circular and apparently about 3 feet in diameter. It  Summer 1960 #16313  
 the sky moving from east to west, apparently the same mystery satellite se 8/26/1960 #16421  
ich the objects move on their way, apparently at a great height.            9/14/1960 #16446  
ew policy, if that is what it was, apparently backfired. Angered by USAF Co 6/1961 #16706  
es all their data and destroys it, apparently in fear of being laughed at b 7/11/1961 #16760  
trolled hypnosis brought back what apparently was the memory of their abduc 9/19/1961 #16852  
he drops on the ground and shoots, apparently hitting one of the figures in Late 11/1961 #16978  
tion, five or six gun-camera clips apparently documenting attempts by aircr Spring 1962 #17078  
 see the object over Eureka, Utah, apparently crashing and interrupting ele 4/18/1962 #17120  
 in which several men are working, apparently the stern of a submarine with 7/28/1962 #17295  
ding strip freed up but the light, apparently a spherical object, comes dow 8/2/1962 #17317  
y sounds and see a shadowy figure, apparently floating in the room. In the  8/17/1962 #17336  
 light beam from an unseen object, apparently for a few minutes. In 1980, B 8/26/1962 #17362  
s originate, not from space (as he apparently thought when he favored the e 9/1962 #17380  
r watching a round object with two apparently revolving body lights. At 4 a 9/21/1962 #17425  
zuela Bright teardrop-shaped light apparently rising from jungle floor film 12/21/1962 #17599  
s", and cases which lack detail or apparently have natural explanations, ha 1963 #17619  
rved hovering and circling slowly, apparently at tree-top height; rose vert 5/23/1963 #17764  
 Chicago, IL A student saw a gray, apparently spherical UFO with a central  6/21/1963 #17799  
h a central row of yellow lig3hts. Apparently at low altitude, the object m 6/21/1963 #17799  
per observed an elliptical object, apparently on the ground adjoining Molas 8/13/1963 #17895  
ally zooming ahead over a hill and apparently descending. It was not seen a 10/31/1963 #18014  
n of intense red and white lights, apparently attached to a large object th 4/3/1964 #18156  
e light above the four red lights, apparently attached to a large object th 4/3/1964 #18159  
 away he fired six more shots with apparently no effect. His dogs barked in 4/28/1964 #18218  
irring sound and changes of color, apparently interfering with police radio 5/17/1964 #18277  
irring sound and changes of color, apparently interfering with police radio 5/17/1964 #18278  
hting up the valley as it goes and apparently traveling about 1,800–2,400 m 6/1964 #18313  
 middle is dried, yellow moss that apparently has been subjected to great h 7/16/1964 #18421  
depressions are where the UFO legs apparently were.                         7/16/1964 #18421  
see a slowly rotating whitish disc apparently hovering above a GM water tan 8/11/1964 #18480  
bout 10 cm in diameter, came near, apparently trying to dislodge the witnes 9/5/1964 #18538  
ornia. At the time of the filming, apparently no one knows anything about a 9/15/1964 #18556  
 can see some 9–11 humanoid beings apparently engaged in repair work on a r 11/25/1964 #18637  
ol Building. Two delta- wing jets, apparently from Andrews AFB in Maryland, 1/11/1965 #18709  
 the landing lights of an airplane apparently coming into her yard. She her 1/12/1965 #18720  
ge, approached witness, who froze, apparently paralyzed                     1/19/1965 #18747  
20x binoculars. The same object is apparently seen by retired USAF Maj. Joh 1/27/1965 #18776  
about the size of 8-year-old boys, apparently looking at a lavender plant.  7/1/1965 #19047  
a total of 20 minutes a bright and apparently solid object zigzagging from  7/3/1965 #19063  
and also sees the object, which is apparently 200 feet in diameter. The obj 8/2/1965 #19267  
 were seen outside the object, one apparently adjusting the light beam proj 8/26/1965 #19466  
e from cigar to wedge to triangle; apparently the same sighting. (Hitt, 199 3/27/1966 #20098  
an upside-down plate, very smooth, apparently metallic, with a black spot n 4/8/1966 #20275  
 also see three jets following it, apparently Air Force Reserve planes from 4/17/1966 #20318  
es fled at high speed, and the UFO apparently followed. The object was fina 4/22/1966 #20366  
 object flying at low altitude and apparently landing. Four small occupants 4/22/1966 #20368  
 occupants (described as "dwarfs") apparently made repairs and the craft fl 4/22/1966 #20368  
field where the object had landed, apparently caused by the undercarriage.  4/23/1966 #20385  
anical noises" as it bobbed around apparently close to the building. An exp 4/24/1966 #20400  
 Governor Haydon Burns sighted two apparently connected bright yellow or ye 4/25/1966 #20418  
shaped, to domed disc. The object, apparently metallic, was reflecting sunl 5/16/1966 #20486  
 disc, was reflecting sunlight and apparently metallic. It was visible high 5/16/1966 #20490  
r disc with a dome on top as it is apparently following an outbound flight  5/21/1966 #20505  
and disappear behind the building, apparently dropping into the water. They 6/3/1966 #20529  
their tops, revolved above a lake, apparently causing strange behavior of t 6/6/1966 #20534  
 for 5 minutes. The same object is apparently seen by a group of teens at t 8/1/1966 #20718  
ey walked about for three minutes, apparently communicating with each other 8/1/1966 #20720  
“scientific spiritualists” who are apparently attempting to contact extrate 8/20/1966 #20779  
 site and discovered three traces, apparently left by spherical objects, 18 9/13/1966 #20877  
nd discovered three ground traces, apparently left by spherical objects, 18 9/13/1966 #20880  
en, and white lights on it that is apparently on the ground some 840 feet i 10/4/1966 #20957  
d into it, had little interest and apparently no experience, and, despite h 11/1/1966 #21060  
. An obiect with a curved surface, apparently oval, with two large bright r 12/1/1966 #21175  
m. in Middleboro, Massachusetts an apparently oval-shaped object dove in fr 12/1/1966 #21176  
a vague luminous area. The witness apparently has had additional subsequent 1/9/1967 #21279  
 damaged. Phil Patton and his wife apparently see the same object, about 30 1/17/1967 #21333  
es an object shaped like a top hat apparently hovering above houses across  1/24/1967 #21375  
 the UFO business, since there was apparently nothing to it.                1/25/1967 #21382  
The men moved about the house with apparently total knowledge of the conten 1/28/1967 #21411  
 egg-shaped object for 10 minutes, apparently on or near a hill at a reserv 2/4/1967 #21449  
cross the field and talks to them, apparently by telepathy. The witness acc 2/5/1967 #21460  
bject emitted many "contrails" and apparently disintegrated, then the cigar 2/7/1967 #21476  
rayish-green shell. The creatures, apparently wearing overalls, scurry behi 2/14/1967 #21551  
c hovering just off ground. It was apparently resting on a shaft in a muddy 2/14/1967 #21552  
f 8-9 red, green, and white lights apparently on an object at low altitude  2/17/1967 #21584  
t images of four human-like beings apparently conversing. Lansing is later  2/17/1967 #21586  
st. Minutes later these pilots see apparently the same object, which follow 3/21/1967 #21936  
e footprints found at the site and apparently also saw the humanoid being b 3/26/1967 #21994  
. The being communicated with her, apparently by using telepathy, and told  4/2/1967 #22048  
uit. The glow came from an object, apparently on the ground, which flew up  4/8/1967 #22096  
uch claims. The timing of the coup apparently catches the CIA by surprise.  4/21/1967 #22193  
 swaying in a falling leaf motion, apparently attempting to land.           4/21/1967 #22201  
 a bright silver, wingless object, apparently longer than a Boeing 707 jetl 5/28/1967 #22413  
ated the area where the object had apparently landed and found a semi circu 5/31/1967 #22430  
ld close to the camera. The symbol apparently is drawn in ink.              6/1/1967 #22448  
o the air, and this levitation was apparently caused by the UFO in the sky. 6/30/1967 #22580  
r window she saw two small figures apparently speaking to each other. They  7/7/1967 #22631  
and red (red-orange) glowing oval, apparently translucent, pass by at an es 7/18/1967 #22693  
arge light in her rear-view mirror apparently following the car. The burnin 7/20/1967 #22710  
hiny silvery figures moving about, apparently floating just above the groun 7/21/1967 #22719  
lights coming from the upper area, apparently from within. The object appea 7/27/1967 #22738  
 feet away from them on the right, apparently attached to the dome of a dis 8/3/1967 #22787  
and looks up at the larger object, apparently communicating with someone. H 8/3/1967 #22788  
hts). The object was dull gray and apparently solid. It glided slowly along 8/14/1967 #22875  
ree small humanoid beings emerged, apparently gathered specimens. Physical  8/23/1967 #22903  
 technical reports. Condon and Low apparently disapprove of this immediatel 8/27/1967 #22939  
 of yellowish lights (body lights) apparently attached to a curved surface  8/28/1967 #22942  
ls." One of them was bending over, apparently busy with something on the gr 8/29/1967 #22953  
g dome as it flew low overhead and apparently landed in a field about 400 y 9/2/1967 #22980  
he woman asked her some questions, apparently confusing her for somebody el 9/26/1967 #23133  
that seemed to be spinning as they apparently paced the witnesses' car. (Lo 10/1967 #23154  
ue, and white lights (body lights) apparently on an oval object that save o 10/2/1967 #23165  
 then tried to approach it, but it apparently outdistanced them so they tur 10/22/1967 #23284  
 red lights floating over a field, apparently body lights on a larger craft 10/22/1967 #23286  
 RCMP and the Canadian Forces, but apparently gets no response.             10/25/1967 #23322  
r help, followed by another entity apparently holding a light. Begay stays  11/2/1967 #23390  
l "as high as a 15-story building, apparently made of aluminum and with eno 11/28/1967 #23518  
ings up the Low memorandum. He has apparently heard about it from Keyhoe. S 12/12/1967 #23573  
d his returning home. This case is apparently an early abduction report des 1/24/1968 #23697  
 early abduction report describing apparently normal human-looking abductor 1/24/1968 #23697  
two men dressed in neatly pressed, apparently new dark coveralls, and claim 1/29/1968 #23708  
ound from the UFO on tape. The UFO apparently descends just west of Columbi 2/4/1968 #23734  
 a local UFO sighting. The film is apparently intercepted by the RAAF after 3/2/1968 #23806  
. The operators of the observatory apparently began observing a "series of  5/17/1968 #23972  
nt cartridges and fourteen bullets apparently flattened by impact, as well  6/14/1968 #24033  
atory”. There they questioned him, apparently using telepathy, at length ab 7/17/1968 #24186  
The humanoids were standing around apparently inspecting the area except fo 7/20/1968 #24195  
 seeing a man like figure that was apparently airborne and "seemed to be wa 7/22/1968 #24206  
m. saw a snow-white glowing object apparently land near a deserted grass ai 7/29/1968 #24256  
ings, and small mouths. The beings apparently communicated telepathically w 8/7/1968 #24308  
ion in the ground 5–7 inches deep, apparently made by a vehicle with a diam 8/25/1968 #24376  
 a rubber hose like protrusion was apparently connected to their chest area 8/25/1968 #24377  
 Madrid shows a triangular object, apparently solid on one side and translu 9/5/1968 #24431  
felt something land behind him. He apparently witnessed the same craft, wit 11/1/1968 #24617  
ch seemed to be moving constantly, apparently calling the girls; it also ha 11/9/1968 #24649  
 he lights a cigarette. The beings apparently think this is funny, so he to 2/7/1969 #24901  
with which they busied themselves, apparently repairing the craft, for a pe 2/20/1969 #24936  
him. It was about 100 ft. in diam. apparently rotating clockwise and emitti 3/4/1969 #24963  
en found tied up at another ranch, apparently unharmed. Sr. Roque also appe 4/20/1969 #25075  
y see it again, 100–130 feet away, apparently in the same spot. The driver  4/25/1969 #25090  
e upper part. A humanoid figure is apparently operating controls near the w 4/25/1969 #25090  
 toward a back door. All three are apparently human-sized and are either we 4/25/1969 #25090  
oward a rectangular, lighted area, apparently working some controls. Mrs Fr 4/25/1969 #25091  
s fishing by himself at Bebedouro (apparently a small lagoon in the Área de 5/4/1969 #25114  
ward insists on keeping secret. He apparently knows who the figure is but h 5/4/1969 #25114  
pollo 11 Sighting, in space Object apparently not the S4B. Buzz Aldrin reco 6/18/1969 #25222  
outside the golf course, both UFOs apparently respond to their presence by  7/11/1969 #25261  
 French. “Be assured, you are only apparently injured…you will feel no phys 8/11/1969 #25317  
Iowa and took a snap shot. The UFO apparently landed at the time, leaving t 10/16/1969 #25417  
rget rapidly approaching the ship, apparently moving 213 miles in one minut 10/24/1969 #25422  
he first being, who moves a lever, apparently causing the craft to tilt dow 1/1/1970 #25532  
tness saw himself in his own mind, apparently the way the creatures perceiv 8/15/1970 #25787  
pe of aerial on a tree branch that apparently sent out signals. The boys be 8/19/1970 #25796  
found in the grass were the object apparently landed. The depressions were  8/29/1970 #25809  
ati (16) observed a glowing white, apparently metallic silvery disc in the  9/1970 #25821  
ati, 16, observes a glowing white, apparently metallic, silvery disc in the 9/1970 #25822  
h liquid. A small implant was also apparently inserted between her eyes. Mo 9/7/1970 #25828  
ht to a sharp spot on the surface, apparently as it is raised or lowered. A 11/5/1970 #25902  
t, a flattened hemispherical dome, apparently of dark metal, about 25 feet  3/5/1971 #26044  
lic object, self-luminous but also apparently reflecting sunlight, was seen 7/29/1971 #26253  
isible inside, would could be seen apparently signaling to the witness. The 9/18/1971 #26345  
 unusual detail is that D'Annunzio apparently managed to drive the last eig 9/20/1971 #26354  
 dangled to the ground. They were "apparently covered with a glazed coat of 5/2/1972 #26669  
pus with large tentacles appeared, apparently trying to grab them. The thre 8/6/1972 #26882  
te discs appear on the right side, apparently emerging from the main object 8/12/1972 #26911  
hey fly through the air, inside an apparently invisible beam, into a hoveri 10/22/1972 #27085  
astern Area, PA A major UFO "wave" apparently hit a three-county area of ea 3/1/1973 #27322  
elf was completely illuminated but apparently solid in construction and abo 4/15/1973 #27431  
nds the horse frothing, and it had apparently been running around the house 6/4/1973 #27549  
p the area. The thrashing sound is apparently made by trees moving as if bl 6/28/1973 #27598  
eyes with no whites nor eyelashes. Apparently it had pushed the drapes asid 8/21/1973 #27718  
ed, and soon jet aircraft appeared apparently looking for the UFOs.         9/4/1973 #27761  
 to the young people, the "hikers" apparently turned right at Route 341 and 9/11/1973 #27803  
 to the young people, the "hikers" apparently turned right at Route 341 and 9/12/1973 #27809  
begin pacing them to the left side apparently 2-3 km away. (NICAP: 01 - Dis 9/13/1973 #27814  
ries to jump back in the truck but apparently passes out. He later notices  9/23/1973 #27859  
 The occupants of the UFO were all apparently human or human-like beings an 9/26/1973 #27872  
nstitute gets intelligent signals. Apparently from space..                  10/1973 #27895  
ials. None were detected on radar, apparently because they were flying too  10/10/1973 #27984  
 encounter incidents, one of which apparently involved the same beings. Two 10/11/1973 #28005  
bject is skimming over the ground, apparently following undulations in the  10/12/1973 #28017  
 Boeing 747 at 33,000' encountered apparently the same UFO witnessed by Cap 10/18/1973 #28163  
e and saw a UFO in his front yard. Apparently the craft just materialized o 10/19/1973 #28196  
ops because a rear diesel unit has apparently overheated. The yardmaster in 10/20/1973 #28216  
them on a ride to different places apparently on earth. Later back aboard t 11/18/1973 #28443  
te oval of light 6 ft in diameter, apparently tht interior of the object. F 1/8/1974 #28665  
pproximately six feet in diameter, apparently showing the interior of a UFO 1/8/1974 #28667  
rescott sees two humanoid figures, apparently dead, about 5–6 ft tall, very 1/23/1974 #28694  
as finally released and the aliens apparently recalled his double. The alie 2/28/1974 #28825  
 and premonitions. The incident is apparently witnessed by another man a sh 3/23/1974 #28936  
o had grabbed him, and he then was apparently studied by these beings insid 3/23/1974 #28938  
 a small lower jaw. They were also apparently very strong. The man believes 5/9/1974 #29098  
r the northern perimeter of Japan, apparently to intercept a Soviet aircraf 6/9/1974 #29175  
 rock formation near Mount Dhajar (apparently in the Bayan Har Mountains, T 6/15/1974 #29198  
abductions. Son of farmer had been apparently abducted and no one knew it f 6/18/1974 #29210  
 sees a 6-foot-tall robot that has apparently emerged from the object and i 6/25/1974 #29224  
rs in the US and UK in 1992 and is apparently composed by someone within th 8/25/1974 #29386  
           Pacific Ocean, Guam USO Apparently Tracked By Radar At Some Poin 9/1974 #29411  
 that was swinging back and forth, apparently looking for something. The ma 11/15/1974 #29597  
s in front of him in the distance, apparently on the road, but silently, an 11/30/1974 #29622  
rea, and one rectangular area, all apparently recent and produced by a heav 3/22/1975 #29916  
 resembling "electronic music." He apparently passed out and did not see th 3/31/1975 #29928  
ight white light to the northwest, apparently in the area of Kirkham’s Brid 6/20/1975 #30111  
a sees the light 10 minutes later, apparently 220–300 feet above the ground 6/20/1975 #30111  
 taken on an otherworldly journey, apparently to a planet with three moons. 7/21/1975 #30197  
owys, Wales. At the top he sees an apparently landed object. About 40 feet  7/22/1975 #30200  
ng colored lights, the other three apparently looking at some device. The e 7/31/1975 #30218  
ty forces pursue the intruders but apparently do not apprehend them.        11/3/1975 #30546  
 version to the National Archives, apparently without yet physically moving 12/1975 #30679  
they discovered that something had apparently landed on and crushed some of 12/8/1975 #30694  
rass was found at the site were it apparently touched down. (Source: Jean-F 12/24/1975 #30737  
rass was found at the site were it apparently touched down.                 12/24/1975 #30739  
another into their vehicle. Smith, apparently dazed, gets out of the car, b 1/6/1976 #30770  
ttached to his head, bent over and apparently picking things up from the gr 2/19/1976 #30887  
e Station in Council Bluffs, Iowa. Apparently the UFO causes extensive elec 7/31/1976 #31206  
t them. Two 7-foot tall beings are apparently floating near the UFO, dresse 8/6/1976 #31240  
large eyes, and claw-like fingers. Apparently frightened by the witnesses,  9/3/1976 #31340  
h white light emerged. The witness apparently blacked out and was found lat 9/3/1976 #31341  
il it receives some type of shock, apparently from the craft, and flees in  9/9/1976 #31362  
he starboard side of the airliner, apparently 10–15 miles away and 5,000–6, 9/10/1976 #31372  
jor significance). The sighting is apparently tracked by a US Defense Suppo 9/18/1976 #31395  
 the blunter ends. The objects are apparently metallic, about 20–25 feet in 10/22/1976 #31486  
ghway. When he passed, the object (apparently dumbbell-shaped) followed and 10/24/1976 #31492  
tood a being with pale white skin, apparently unclothed,with no other facia 10/28/1976 #31503  
en in front of him. Soon images of apparently extraterrestrial figures appe 10/29/1976 #31506  
street, then at the sky, then they apparently return to the object. A momen 1/6/1977 #31706  
street, then at the sky, then they apparently returned to the object. A mom 1/6/1977 #31707  
, circle once, then continue east. Apparently, thousands see the objects fr 1/11/1977 #31717  
 light was shone on the couple and apparently took them inside the UFO. The 3/20/1977 #31921  
t. Above his head was a red light, apparently floating in midair. He looked 4/6/1977 #31953  
right light envelops Valdés and he apparently vanishes in a mist in plain v 4/25/1977 #32026  
nvolved that the phenomenon had an apparently extraterrestrial cause, but n 5/10/1977 #32083  
 interceptors shoot above the WSA, apparently looking for a radar target.   Summer 1977 #32181  
in hair. At this point the rancher apparently lost consciousness, because m 7/17/1977 #32288  
s its shape to an arrowhead. It is apparently 4–5 times the size of a Whirl 7/30/1977 #32323  
nd flash on and off like a beacon, apparently surrounded by a dark oval sha 10/9/1977 #32564  
ots and hits one of the creatures, apparently startling them into dropping  12/2/1977 #32726  
 appears in front of the aircraft, apparently much larger. A crash appears  1/1978 #32836  
ery slowly and pointed to the sky, apparently at another hovering square sh 1/31/1978 #32930  
ston, South Carolina, when he sees apparently the same UFO he has photograp 3/18/1978 #33055  
nversation on the line. Someone is apparently giving a briefing to a genera 3/27/1978 #33088  
ed in short steps and bounds. This apparently frightened the witness who ye 4/25/1978 #33169  
 dissolved into nothing. The being apparently disappeared also.             4/25/1978 #33169  
and passes a lie detector test and apparently does not go through a trial.  5/1978 #33181  
bout 170 meters tall. The cat also apparently observed the spectacle, since 5/2/1978 #33183  
bout 170 meters tall. The cat also apparently observed the spectacle, since 5/2/1978 #33185  
en she sees a small, rust-colored, apparently solid object hovering about 3 7/6/1978 #33345  
 was unable to move. The being was apparently beckoning to the young man to 7/9/1978 #33362  
hen they realized both figures had apparently come from a huge landed UFO t 7/11/1978 #33367  
 and to the door that led outside, apparently trying to get out. She walked 7/11/1978 #33368  
shooting by them at about 600 mph, apparently missing the plane by 1,000 fe 8/27/1978 #33578  
 then pricks Perez’s right arm and apparently extracts some blood. As Perez 9/6/1978 #33638  
 a small robot-like being that was apparently busy disecting the large bone 9/6/1978 #33640  
ing then pricked Juan's right arm, apparently extracting some blood in the  9/6/1978 #33640  
t visible through dense fog. It is apparently coming from an object some 30 9/23/1978 #33736  
eposited back on the ground. There apparently were other witnesses to their 9/26/1978 #33753  
e was leaning over a metallic tube apparently stuck on the ground. The othe 10/15/1978 #33837  
 an angle and begins to move away, apparently descending. She moves forward 10/29/1978 #33889  
about 3 hours before the sighting, apparently caused by “fireballs” hitting 11/13/1978 #33952  
O shaped like a mushroom was found apparently having crashed. The body of a 12/6/1978 #34064  
 a mushroom was found on this day, apparently having crashed. Its diameter  12/6/1978 #34066  
ound on the side of the disc where apparently other crewmembers had escaped 12/6/1978 #34066  
round the rim. A snowy white mist, apparently generated by the UFO conceale 12/17/1978 #34166  
hat was revolving, and one of them apparently signaled the occupants of the 12/28/1978 #34222  
s, lacking eyelids or eyebrows. He apparently then blacked out again, and a 12/31/1978 #34250  
shed in plain sight of the others, apparently taken up into the object by a 1/3/1979 #34287  
shed in plain sight of the others, apparently taken up into the object by a 1/3/1979 #34292  
d by a thin ray of light. Cardenas apparently slept several times and was a 1/3/1979 #34292  
a silvery suit and blue boots, and apparently arrived in a gray-colored obj 1/11/1979 #34331  
cross the sky from south to north, apparently flying supersonically at an a Late 2/1979 #34448  
iosity towards the strange entity. Apparently the creature did not want to  2/26/1979 #34450  
shes on and off, meandering about, apparently not interested in her. She ru 6/1979 #34600  
 its occupants. The one witness is apparently credible. Ground traces are f 7/25/1979 #34679  
. Another witness on shore sees it apparently land, so he calls his two dog 8/1979 #34692  
glass plate through which they can apparently see. Their hips are unnatural 8/1979 #34692  
e officer William Shaughnessy sees apparently the same white ball of light  8/1/1979 #34696  
 a blue light appear over the car, apparently circling each other. The two  8/12/1979 #34740  
the original two lights, which are apparently attached to a dark object, mo 8/23/1979 #34768  
 the craft's luminous yellow hull, apparently transparent, four different t 8/29/1979 #34807  
y after 45 seconds. The third ball apparently makes another appearance 5 mi 9/12/1979 #34867  
ined a portrait of an older being, apparently a leader. After a 30 minute o 9/14/1979 #34884  
hird degree burns on his shoulder, apparently caused by the humanoid's touc 9/25/1979 #34923  
orth and makes a sharp turn before apparently hitting the Empire State Buil 10/4/1979 #34940  
-foot-tall silvery figure that was apparently drilling a hole in the ground 10/4/1979 #34942  
ing immobile about 50 meters away. Apparently a total of seven humanoids we 10/7/1979 #34951  
armed men approached him. They had apparently come from a nearby hovering d 11/30/1979 #35033  
enis with his machete. The witness apparently wandered the rest of the nigh 11/30/1979 #35033  
age than a solid figure. The being apparently communicated with the witness 1/5/1980 #35124  
s in danger of "breaking in half." Apparently the witness's wife slept thro 1/5/1980 #35124  
ght low in the west-northwest sky, apparently four times the size of the mo 2/21/1980 #35180  
ject then separate again. They are apparently over Malletts Bay. Speeds of  3/22/1980 #35230  
                San Mateo, CA Five apparently metallic Saturn-shaped object 4/20/1980 #35275  
                San Mateo, CA Five apparently metallic Saturnshaped objects 4/20/1980 #35277  
ear-old son. They see five bright, apparently metallic, Saturn-shaped objec 4/20/1980 #35278  
 soundless. Then two jet fighters, apparently scrambled from Griffiss AFB [ 5/1980 #35298  
h UFO researcher Willard McIntyre, apparently from an anonymous US Navy sou 8/1980 #35436  
weet odor in the vicinity. The men apparently communicated with her via men 8/4/1980 #35441  
lored lights. An invisible barrier apparently prevented the witness from ap 9/25/1980 #35535  
silence from some of them, who are apparently under increased suspicion and 10/1980 #35549  
ryptically, analyses of a UFO film apparently taken in October. It also men 11/17/1980 #35645  
 Godfrey that they had met before, apparently when Godfrey was a child. Aft 11/28/1980 #35680  
Gate of RAF Woodbridge sees lights apparently descending into nearby Rendle 12/26/1980 #35737  
 26, when the airmen saw something apparently descending into the forest, c 12/28/1980 #35750  
le helicopters show up in the sky, apparently in pursuit of the object. (Co 12/29/1980 #35758  
e witness ran to her apartment and apparently blacked out. Under hypnosis s 2/10/1981 #35823  
rses stampeded away from the area, apparently terrified. Albornoz said the  2/18/1981 #35832  
f town when he sees a bright light apparently above the Columbia River. He  3/17/1981 #35866  
about 80–100 feet above the river, apparently the same one that Atkins is w 3/17/1981 #35866  
tempted to leave the area but they apparently went into a trance and lost c 4/1/1981 #35883  
ights buzzing in the southern sky, apparently accompanying an enormous flyi 5/5/1981 #35931  
speeds away. Pellets from the UFO, apparently from the object, fall around  5/16/1981 #35940  
e blowing smoke, but the truck had apparently been lifted a foot off the gr 6/12/1981 #35967  
ng noise that rises in pitch as it apparently rises into the sky. When he t 7/11/1981 #35996  
ng noise that rises in pitch as it apparently rises into the sky. When he t 7/11/1981 #35998  
efly able to see a humanoid figure apparently wearing a green outfit. (NICA 9/1981 #36097  
he creature appeared hairy and was apparently only seen by one of the men,  10/24/1981 #36185  
he same color green coveralls were apparently inside. Apparently the craft  11/9/1981 #36213  
 coveralls were apparently inside. Apparently the craft and its occupants w 11/9/1981 #36213  
 the truck rises up in the air and apparently becomes transparent. Meneses  12/15/1981 #36256  
ently becomes transparent. Meneses apparently then passes out. (NICAP: 02 - 12/15/1981 #36256  
therly direction at a great speed, apparently about 43–50 miles in 5 second 10/14/1982 #36641  
, sees a domed, metallic disc that apparently has risen up from the Trinity 10/15/1982 #36643  
reads inside the car as the object apparently settles down on the rear seat 12/21/1982 #36723  
 Walter Schwarz takes a photo that apparently shows a balloon. A local radi 4/26/1983 #36845  
or of GEPAN. Esterle is dismissed, apparently because of potential scandal  7/1983 #36898  
om behind it and travel southeast, apparently landing in a swampy area near 11/28/1983 #37052  
helicopter and two military trucks apparently perform a search of the area  4/15/1984 #37263  
r with the blue object chasing and apparently shooting down the yellow obje 4/20/1984 #37278  
e yellow fireball with a red beam, apparently causing it to disintegrate be 4/20/1984 #37279  
 out they are six Cessna Skyhawks, apparently with mufflers on the engines, 6/21/1984 #37370  
 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, who is apparently unable to explain it adequate 7/24/1984 #37413  
d, green, and blue flashing lights apparently land on a nearby hill. He got 8/14/1984 #37433  
strument, as well as landing marks apparently caused by the object.         10/8/1984 #37480  
 at an altitude of 60,000 feet and apparently more than one-half mile in le 1985 #37541  
evealing a gray sphere. The object apparently consists of “millions” of cle 7/1985 #37613  
er northeastern Tehran, Iran. They apparently miss. The batteries believe t 8/5/1985 #37637  
t, a total of 21 luminous objects, apparently spherical and ranging in size 5/19/1986 #37881  
ere standing around an oval table, apparently bent over it. He attempted to 6/20/1986 #37918  
does not deal with UFOs, but that “Apparently there is or was an Air Force  1/27/1987 #38105  
 They notice two huge red spheres, apparently attached to each other, desce Late 7/1987 #38218  
ta Region of Ghana see a large and apparently silent object over the Gulf o 7/27/1987 #38219  
and Exeter, Devon, where they were apparently tracked on radar.             8/4/1987 #38228  
ed to be a group of small children apparently dancing around an electricity 9/8/1987 #38280  
ported that her 5-year-old son was apparently taken aboard a UFO that night 11/25/1987 #38336  
trived by Richard C. Doty, who has apparently been Moore’s source for much  12/1987 #38341  
and then hovered over the roadway, apparently waiting for him. It was compl 9/6/1988 #38635  
 and the tape shows a bright light apparently maneuvering. When the camera  3/22/1989 #38878  
omplexion. Five men appeared, four apparently human, wearing olive-drab uni 4/2/1989 #38888  
ve." She was able to do so and was apparently cured, but there is no report 4/18/1989 #38908  
o in the rear and two at the front apparently operating some controls.      4/24/1989 #38926  
y moved to the S-4 facility. NORAD apparently tracked the object as it fell 5/7/1989 #38939  
te the downing of the craft, which apparently had already experienced some  5/7/1989 #38939  
ng away and beginning to separate. Apparently two other flights report mult 7/26/1989 #39033  
es triangle–shaped delta aircraft, apparently refueling from a Boeing KC-13 Late 8/1989 #39073  
 the woman.The witnesses screaming apparently had an effect, for the beam d 9/16/1989 #39108  
rge hairy, Sasquatch type creature apparently seated and only visible from  9/27/1989 #39125  
 downed UFO on the beach. The UFOs apparently got away. The eyewitness took 9/28/1989 #39127  
a, sees a “net” fall from the sky, apparently surrounding her, in the cente 10/11/1989 #39161  
ed, Saidov was unable to move, and apparently next lost consciousness. Waki 10/31/1989 #39200  
2 observer(s). Pseudo-human/entity apparently does mindscan / Bob Oechsler  11/17/1989 #39234  
ry of the abduction experience had apparently been repressed or erased, but 12/31/1989 #39345  
e then suffered a blackout and was apparently abducted. She vaguely recalle 3/1/1990 #39438  
rooflines in the vicinity. The UFO apparently overflew a shale strip mine i 5/19/1990 #39578  
blue eyes, and white robes who are apparently “in charge” of the other alie 6/1990 #39604  
see three spotlights beaming down, apparently detached from the object but  7/26/1990 #39663  
 to see "dancing lights" that were apparently disturbing their cattle. The  8/5/1990 #39681  
 tracks an approaching object that apparently causes the equipment to malfu 9/13/1990 #39729  
ze and vanishing in a few seconds. Apparently the only other witness to thi 9/13/1990 #39731  
dmits that some pilots report UFOs apparently of artificial origin, but the 11/9/1990 #39882  
obermans howling as if frightened, apparently upset by a peculiar sound lik 3/31/1991 #40025  
hool in Mini Mini, Puerto Rico. It apparently tried to communicate with one 5/15/1991 #40064  
 heads and narrow chins. They also apparently had no noses, no lips, and sl 8/13/1991 #40151  
and then sharply change direction, apparently in response to a flash in the 9/15/1991 #40187  
e craft his eyes were examined and apparently an implant was removed from b 11/9/1991 #40224  
 military style coveralls. One was apparently a flag rank officer. There he 11/9/1991 #40224  
he bottom of the craft, and he was apparently brought up inside the beam. H 12/26/1991 #40267  
ft of grayish light could be seen, apparently coming from the light source  3/13/1992 #40377  
. She was completely paralyzed and apparently her pet cat was also affected 4/3/1992 #40408  
proached, the photoelectric switch apparently triggered by the brightness o 5/3/1992 #40449  
erly humanoid visitor. The boy had apparently reported UFO abduction experi 5/12/1992 #40462  
bject. A nearby tree was scorched, apparently by heat coming from thce UFO. 6/3/1992 #40485  
d his bedroom via a closed window, apparently passing through the glass wit 7/19/1992 #40528  
e toward her breasts. He resisted. Apparently very strong, she pulled harde 7/23/1992 #40531  
ft in the early morning hours, and apparently witnessed a live cattle mutil 9/24/1992 #40640  
yes only 15 feet away. The witness apparently blacked out and experienced a 10/31/1992 #40697  
uck upward from the clouds into an apparently empty sky. The lightning occu 12/1992 #40736  
 at the foot of the bed. The being apparently vanished.                     12/10/1992 #40747  
night. The “anomaly” they had seen apparently came down and landed near the 1/1993 #40782  
ng on the floor, as if frozen, and apparently being guarded by a short Grey 3/16/1993 #40886  
shing lights. Jets soon showed up, apparently to chase the object.          3/26/1993 #40902  
l figures were seen moving around, apparently in front of the object.       7/26/1993 #41090  
 began moving slowly towards them, apparently gliding. Kelly panicked and b 8/8/1993 #41118  
ld, where a short stocky woman was apparently performing magic tricks in fr 8/10/1993 #41123  
 heard them talking, and when they apparently noticed him they entered the  11/26/1993 #41304  
 then returned to their "ship" and apparently left. No traces were found at 12/9/1993 #41327  
ders. There are accounts of aliens apparently taking human souls and placin 1994 #41345  
umber of medical problems develop, apparently related to the abductions: ca 1994 #41345  
hite, green, and red lights and is apparently only 200 feet from the ground 3/1994 #41433  
 they spotted a large white object apparently on the ground about 200 meter 4/7/1994 #41480  
h more human features appeared and apparently the same thing happened one l 5/11/1994 #41523  
d her grandson's bedroom. She then apparently fell back to sleep, because s 8/2/1994 #41653  
humanoid beings were touching him, apparently trying to roll him over. They 9/11/1994 #41734  
et beyond that cow is another one, apparently alive, sitting on its knees.  9/13/1994 #41743  
 her and grabbed her by the wrist, apparently causing her to loose consciou 9/20/1994 #41766  
that her body was being lifted up, apparently floating away from the bed. S 12/15/1994 #41895  
on each side of her body, who were apparently somehow holding her up in mid 12/15/1994 #41895  
 clawed like a sloth, the other is apparently dead and looks like a child.  1/12/1995 #41971  
 wore luminous white suits and had apparently taken them away for physical  2/11/1995 #42036  
outfit. The tall being was the one apparently in charge, and directed the a 2/11/1995 #42036  
 car and the other behind it. They apparently lost consciousness and came t 3/14/1995 #42094  
gton reported seeing bright lights apparently on the ground near the river. 4/29/1995 #42176  
gh speed. Two jets were next seen, apparently following it.                 6/14/1995 #42256  
 screen. A huge metallic cylinder, apparently somekind of space station, be 9/6/1995 #42445  
at parts of the steering wheel had apparently been melted. Later, he vaguel 9/24/1995 #42508  
frightened when he sees a creature apparently helping a wounded comrade. Tw 1/20/1996 #42694  
 local fire department arrived and apparently took the creature away. The r 1/20/1996 #42697  
Silvia Bedoya, age 40, the objects apparently emerged from nearby Lake Coco 1/31/1996 #42729  
of the vehicle. The abductees were apparently taken onboard a UFO, where in 3/6/1996 #42809  
time, France, aiming beam of light apparently randomly at the slopes.       4/22/1996 #42879  
llets at a creature on this night. Apparently unharmed, it turned about to  5/3/1996 #42892  
id being with huge round eyes. She apparently suffered a loss of consciousn 5/19/1996 #42905  
f them saw a bright UFO streak by, apparently crashing in the distance. The 6/4/1996 #42921  
re were also some cables that were apparently connected to the nearby power 7/16/1996 #42959  
Mountain, Portugal and while in it apparently passed out. When he came to,  9/15/1996 #43020  
 face with a grayish tint that was apparently lying on the ground staring a 9/16/1996 #43025  
all creatures were visible inside, apparently carrying small boxes and tubu 9/23/1996 #43039  
object extinguished its lights and apparently settled to the ground. One yo 10/3/1996 #43051  
figures had gone. The children had apparently been left untouched. She suff 2/24/1997 #43207  
s vehicle being lifted up. He then apparently lost consciousness. He woke u 2/26/1997 #43210  
of varying frequencies. Juan could apparently understand them, because he w 3/10/1997 #43225  
hem by waving his arms, but he was apparently ignored. Two smaller bright s 5/19/1997 #43300  
tted to various medical tests, and apparently given an implant. She witness 6/5/1997 #43311  
ridor, the floor was luminous, and apparently made out of glass. She also s 6/5/1997 #43311  
glass dome and a pilot-like figure apparently wearing some type of helmet c 1/11/1998 #43498  
can still see it in the west as it apparently descends toward the road a mi 2/1998 #43509  
red down the corridor. Her husband apparently was able to see the figure ru 4/27/1998 #43559  
ing next to the object, the entity apparently stared at the children who be 5/7/1998 #43562  
sappeared towards the nearby road, apparently coming down to land. The witn 6/21/1998 #43591  
d not to leave any scars. She then apparently fell asleep and woke up later 7/11/1998 #43601  
. The figure moved back and forth, apparently looking out. The witness desc 9/21/1998 #43650  
ly saw a 4 foot 8 inch tall figure apparently standing on the object that q 9/25/1998 #43651  
ration on one of his wife's knees, apparently inserting some kind of implan 11/1/1998 #43674  
ere witnessing. The humanoids then apparently used telepathy to tell the gr 11/7/1998 #43678  
 mouths could be seen. The witness apparently encountered similar looking c 11/13/1998 #43681  
 the same time he heard a message, apparently through his normal hearing. A 12/15/1998 #43699  
of the forest and fly off with the apparently dead or unconscious animal.   2/25/1999 #43736  
ctive woman that picked him up and apparently wanted to operate on him. He  5/4/1999 #43762  
he incredible scenario for awhile. Apparently the little men noticed the wi 5/10/1999 #43767  
ater, they see jets flying around, apparently searching for the object.     10/29/1999 #43867  
Guyra, New South Wales, Australia. Apparently a mysterious flying object st 12/8/1999 #43895  
of transparency. The witnesses had apparently seen this and multiple other  1/24/2000 #43933  
 holding a glowing blue rod, which apparently paralyzed the witness. He tel 7/12/2000 #44015  
re with its head, and its neck was apparently able to make 180-degree turns 7/13/2000 #44016  
officer in the middle of the road, apparently unharmed.                     8/11/2000 #44030  
ack to her car, and she drove away apparently still under the control of th 9/23/2000 #44045  
f the figures then became dark and apparently approached the witness. He no 10/15/2000 #44059  
e a brilliant fireball falling and apparently striking the Earth only a few 4/1/2001 #44156  
 flights heading to Newark Airport apparently being diverted because of the 7/15/2001 #44209  
ut. It then flew away. The dog was apparently taken.                        7/27/2001 #44212  
merous children of both sexes that apparently lived there. The children wer 8/2/2001 #44220  
 was enveloped in a green aura and apparently headless. The figure suddenly 8/4/2001 #44225  
r the sound of roaring jet engines apparently coming from the lights/craft, 6/8/2002 #44349  
75 feet altitude in a few seconds. Apparently, it projects a zone of silenc 4/2003 #44508  
e mountains to the north, where it apparently explodes in a burst of white  4/2003 #44508  
to remain anonymous, the craft was apparently caught within the sweep patte 4/18/2003 #44516  
loud inhuman screams. The creature apparently killed three dogs using its c 4/22/2003 #44518  
 a blinking light off to his left, apparently hovering above the road. As h 1/21/2004 #44653  
ng the sky and scanning the water. Apparently some border guards had become 8/2/2004 #44725  
s then reappears a few miles away, apparently moving at a speed of Mach 7 o 10/28/2004 #44773  
ard, seeming to suck up an object, apparently a large cow, from the field b 1/31/2005 #44811  
ity reminded him of an ant colony. Apparently the creatures noticed him, be 8/6/2006 #44953  
s small objects floating up to it, apparently fish.                         10/10/2007 #45072  
 an object with three white lights apparently hovering above Trigger Avenue 12/29/2007 #45104  
 Ile-de-France, France. The object apparently landed, not far from the mili 9/4/2008 #45165  
 see a black triangle with lights (apparently gas jets) at its corners slow 9/16/2008 #45168  
y above Logradouro, Ceará, Brazil, apparently following witnesses, for more 11/14/2010 #45306  
n returns to the Atlantic where it apparently submerges. Its speed through  4/25/2013 #45365  
and silently above them. It has an apparently rotating blinking light and i 8/18/2013 #45383  
red feet from the stopped cars, is apparently solid with a glow that illumi 8/20/2013 #45384  
t and another at 15,000 feet, both apparently stationary or near-stationary 4/23/2014 #45407  
ing death of Janel Sturzl in 2015, apparently to determine if the company s 7/19/2017 #45476  
any sells or distributes thallium. Apparently it does, but only a harmless  7/19/2017 #45476  
in the $10B range annually. Topics apparently include both reverse engineer 2018 #45498  
e of strong RF and gamma radiation apparently coming from about one mile ab 6/15/2019 #45585  
 drones dropping in elevation, and apparently moving forward and backward,  7/15/2019 #45593  
known contacts, video of an object apparently falling into the ocean, and a 7/15/2019 #45593  
tbusters.” A log entry reflects an apparently brief counter UAS exercise la 7/24/2019 #45598  
 US Senate Intelligence Committee, apparently disturbed by the lack of a co 6/23/2020 #45649  
## Word: "apparition" (Back to Top)
ies, who fired without result. The apparition stunned them with something d 1880 #222  
ies, who fired without result. The apparition stunned them with something d 1880 #224  
a, Portugal to see another monthly apparition of the "Lady in Blue", though 8/13/1917 #961  
, Portugal Instead of the promised apparition in the Cova da Iria on August 8/19/1917 #963  
children, were able to witness the apparition of the Lady on this day, but  10/13/1917 #971  
s / observer(s). Fatima like solar apparition. Sparks and flames / 'sun'.   12/18/1933 #1178  
elgium watched a Fatima like solar apparition, with sparks and flames from  12/18/1933 #1179  
e cabin. As they run, they pass an apparition or “vaporous something” with  3/22/1953 #8775  
transparent body, was visible. The apparition had a huge bald head. The wit 6/26/1962 #17248  
g the two others, and they saw the apparition shrink and vanish "like a TV  6/26/1962 #17248  
ppeared as the engine stalled. The apparition snatched the boy's scarf, but 7/30/1962 #17305  
meone was playing a prank, but the apparition was well-defined and looked r 7/18/1967 #22694  
meone was playing a prank, but the apparition was well-defined and looked r 7/18/1967 #22695  
e witness screamed wildly, and the apparition ran.                          9/3/1967 #22989  
compass needle deviate and a brief apparition of a line of six luminous dis 10/13/1967 #23234  
in Mary" in St. Bruno, Quebec. The apparition appeared before them hovering 7/22/1968 #24206  
ed right through him. Although the apparition completely ignored the presen 7/12/1971 #26224  
es all jerky." Suddenly, the giant apparition shot into the sky and disappe 8/22/1972 #26949  
phenomena, including a gloved hand apparition and a presence. Both Nancy an 10/14/1973 #28031  
h the strange men on the road, the apparition of a very close friend who ha 12/11/1975 #30705  
t the instant the firing began the apparition vanished. The other two men h 11/12/1976 #31540  
nt shape hanging in the sky. This "apparition" also dissolved on the spot.  5/3/1977 #32053  
d. Subsequently the witness saw an apparition of a small humanoid (not desc 8/29/1979 #34806  
 disappearance-reappearance of the apparition was repeated several times. D 9/24/1992 #40639  
rance then permeated the area. The apparition moved in slow motion, and it  9/24/1992 #40639  
Ernani interpreted the being as an apparition of the Virgin Mary.           4/23/1993 #40948  
y physically there or some form of apparition. Not frightened by their pres 11/18/1993 #41284  
ated quietly above the ground. The apparition was about 1.5 meters in lengt 2/9/1995 #42031  
could find no trace of the strange apparition.                              5/3/2002 #44336  
## Word: "apparitions" (Back to Top)
overs above the oak tree where the apparitions usually appear. Provincial a 8/13/1917 #960  
ised a miracle for the last of her apparitions, a huge crowd, possibly betw 10/13/1917 #970  
sed miracle. Miraculous events and apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary h 10/13/1917 #971  
attle and pigs, mystery intruders, apparitions, circular areas of scorched  1927 #1068  
Yariguarenda Jungle, Argentina New apparitions of a monstrous "cyclops."    10/1960 #16471  
 the first authors to suggest that apparitions may be UFO-related phenomena 1962 #17010  
er Hilary Evans publishes Visions, Apparitions, Alien Visitors, which equat 1984 #37092  
sically similar to descriptions of apparitions of the Virgin Mary. She saw  9/24/1992 #40639  
## Word: "appartition" (Back to Top)
ide. At the same time some kind of appartition appeared on the upper part o 11/24/1996 #43120  
## Word: "appeaerd" (Back to Top)
n this afternoon. The "angel hair" appeaerd to be produced during the objec 8/10/1998 #43626  
## Word: "appeal" (Back to Top)
-balls" go over yard. / commercial appeal.                                  5/1/1947 #2274  
rt, but SCOTUS rejects Marchetti’s appeal in December. Marchetti continues  3/1972 #26584  
            Peter Gersten files an appeal with the NSA to release more UFO  1/23/1980 #35142  
may well entail.” CAUS fashions an appeal to the US Supreme Court.          11/18/1980 #35653  
izens Against UFO Secrecy files an appeal against the CAUS v. NSA decision. 1/12/1981 #35783  
                                An appeal of the CAUS v. NSA case is heard  10/28/1981 #36192  
per curiam judgment that denies an appeal of the CAUS case against the NSA. 11/3/1981 #36206  
) for the Supreme Court to hear an appeal of CAUS v. NSA is dismissed by th 3/8/1982 #36383  
fused in early November to hear an appeal of a lawsuit by workers at a “sec 11/16/1998 #43683  
erprise CTO James Sheehy filed for appeal to the USPTO and stated “it will  11/2/2017 #45490  
The mother of the driver starts an appeal on social media for any other wit 11/9/2019 #45616  
## Word: "appeal-democrat" (Back to Top)
y after 10-15 minutes. (Marysville Appeal-Democrat, Calif., 3/15/67, report 3/15/1967 #21889  
## Word: "appealing" (Back to Top)
e Soviet Union: “You are no longer appealing to reason, but wish to intimid 10/24/1962 #17491  
## Word: "appeals" (Back to Top)
ursues the case in the US Court of Appeals, Second Circuit, as his executri 10/1952 #8075  
 a federal courthouse [US Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces?]. He is ke 11/17/1957 #14571  
mmander of Fighter Wing Skrydstrup appeals to the public to report any UFOs 4/10/1958 #14974  
ark III 1193) September 22 — Hynek appeals to Secretary of the Air Force Ha 9/22/1966 #20916  
ew prior to publication. Marchetti appeals the injunction to the Fourth Cir 3/1972 #26584  
ion to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, which upholds Bryan’s restraint 3/1972 #26584  
its it to classified material. The appeals court also finds that Marchetti  3/1972 #26584  
s he submits to the CIA. Marchetti appeals again to the US Supreme Court, b 3/1972 #26584  
ly or provably classified. The CIA appeals Bryan’s ruling, and ultimately t 3/1972 #26584  
mately the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals upholds all 168 of the deletions 3/1972 #26584  
logist Leonard Stringfield. Friday appeals to UN Secretary General Kurt Wal 11/28/1977 #32702  
                     Peter Gersten appeals the NSA’s decision to withhold t 1/29/1979 #34390  
l Security Service the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Cir 10/29/1979 #34975  
CIA admits it is withholding. CAUS appeals on June 24.                      5/30/1980 #35344  
lloway Johnson) of the US Court of Appeals, District of Columbia. In a brie 10/28/1981 #36192  
## Word: "appear" (Back to Top)
JAPAN / LOCATION UNKNOWN 5 'stars' appear. Circle the moon. Change colors 3 3/17/1458 (approximate) #20  
 drifts away. Accounts of the tale appear in three texts: Toen shōsetsu (18 2/22/1803 #100  
 others fall to earth. The objects appear in the western sky and stream to  5/16/1808 #102  
              BUCHAREST, ROM Signs appear in sky. One is [a] pyramidal come 3/5/1843 #136  
    DARK PART / MOON Luminous dots appear / 2 days. 11+12 December. Bright  3/18/1847 #142  
 to white. Small well-defined dots appear there.                            5/4/1866 #166  
ULPICIUS GALLUS, MOON 3 black dots appear. Stay until 13 June when they van 6/10/1867 #168  
n passing in front of the sun they appear like large cannon shot. Several g 11/4/1867 #169  
a Captain. Luminous straight lines appear / sea surface.                    4/15/1875 (approximate) #207  
definite disc, unlike stars, which appear as shimmering pinpoints of light. 7/29/1878 #214  
rt vomiting as extensive swellings appear on the upper part of their bodies 10/24/1886 #276  
” They are moving slowly north and appear to be in the air between the ship 2/24/1893 #308  
y about the size of a wagon wheel, appear in the sky, all of them in motion 8/18/1893 #309  
e sky, all of them in motion. They appear round in shape from far away, but 8/18/1893 #309  
y, Kansas 8:00 p.m. Strange lights appear in the sky south of Kansas City,  4/1/1897 #406  
ul searchlight, and along the side appear a row of lighted windows. It rema 4/14/1897 #470  
or Grey) descends. Cuts rope / men appear. Going quickly northeast.         4/26/1897 #576  
d.” As they approach the ship they appear to soar, passing above the broken 2/28/1904 #670  
fter rising above the clouds, they appear to “be moving directly away from  2/28/1904 #670  
hape and diameter of the full moon appear from behind the southern slopes o 1/4/1906 #686  
ompletely covering it. Other discs appear until there are seven of them. Hi 7/7/1907 #699  
In the following weeks the reports appear to move northward and by August,  7/1909 #778  
 in the sky from which the meteors appear to originate. Witnesses are surpr 2/9/1913 #881  
lighted by Mebane, is that several appear to indicate a second meteor proce 2/9/1913 #881  
tree where the apparitions usually appear. Provincial administrator Artur d 8/13/1917 #960  
through thin clouds, causing it to appear as a silver disc. Other possibili 10/13/1917 #970  
moving up and down the steps. They appear to be repairing the craft. The wi Summer 1933 #1162  
ville, Spain. Several small beings appear and stroll around it.             4/5/1935 #1227  
, AUS Nurse. 2 pseudo-human/entity appear and perform operation / injured m 2/1941 #1353  
ind him on the port side. They now appear brighter and larger. When they re 12/1942 #1470  
her targets on the same trajectory appear, moving at the same speed. The sa 12/1943? #1548  
irst symptoms of mustard poisoning appear in 628 patients and medical staff 12/2/1943 #1549  
seconds later. As many as 6 others appear, and five are visible at one time 4/1944 #1588  
joined by three smaller discs that appear below it after emerging from a cl Summer 1944 #1611  
hington, report unusual blips that appear out of nowhere and proceed from n 12/23/1944 #1731  
n diameter; motionless and did not appear to have anything supporting it. ( 12/28/1944 #1738  
ly Observed two very bright lights appear directly in front of aircraft; fi 2/17/1945 #1787  
taly Red ball of fire that did not appear to be Jet A/C. (Page 137 Ref.1) ( 2/17/1945 #1788  
s red-orange in color that did not appear to be flares. (Page 141 Ref.1) (N 2/22/1945 #1793  
de them at 13,000 feet. It doesn’t appear on the radar screen. The pilot tu 3/18/1945 #1817  
hen several balloon-shaped objects appear above Selfridge Field [now Selfri 7/1945 #1888  
in when two shining silver objects appear, moving rapidly in tandem from ea Summer 1946 #2014  
ude, maneuver in half circles, and appear to come from the south.           8/8/1946 #2111  
t Peenemünde, Germany. The rockets appear to be radio-controlled, carry no  8/19/1946 #2144  
e end, has a narrow body, and what appear to be fins on the tail. It is tra 9/11/1946 #2177  
ut 10 minutes, and then new groups appear. The sighting lasts one hour. Pos 10/10/1946 #2202  
e reports are too vague. About 80% appear to be meteors (“celestial phenome 10/10/1946 #2203  
 FL 3 / car. Several silver disks. Appear and disappear. No further details 3/30/1947 #2250  
were silvery colored and seemed to appear and disappear. They did not have  3/30/1947 #2251  
 terrific rate of speed. The discs appear to be spinning on their axes and  Late 5/1947 #2298  
 20,000 feet. They are silvery and appear highly polished, and on their und Late 5/1947 #2298  
the best information than they may appear at first sight.”                  6/24/1947 #2398  
t instance of the ET hypothesis to appear in the media, in a letter by Ole  7/3/1947 #2551  
ach a clearing in the timber, they appear to “settle Down” a few at a time. 7/3/1947 #2584  
row sees them as well. The objects appear to merge and speed away to the no 7/4/1947 #2667  
outh near Auburn, California. They appear directly overhead and are in view 7/5/1947 #2724  
des about 200 feet apart, and they appear to be about 15 feet across, white 7/15/1947 #3187  
although the object itself did not appear to spin. It made a swishing sound 8/13/1947 #3322  
climbing at an angle of 30–40° and appear to accelerate rapidly in the clim 8/15/1947? #3337  
pproximate the shape of a disc and appear to be as large as man-made aircra 9/23/1947 #3415  
ss self- hypnosis” in stories that appear in newspapers of this day.        1/31/1948 #3567  
 overhead at 1,500 mph. They first appear like snub-nosed jet fighters of a 7/17/1948 #3714  
s oblique angle the objects do not appear circular. There is no noise or tr 7/17/1948 #3714  
golden-white round object suddenly appear (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters,  10/24/1948 #3851  
golden-white round object suddenly appear as if a light had been switched o 10/24/1948 #3852  
and other locations. All sightings appear to be of the same object viewed f 1/31/1949 #3986  
reen. On one occasion, four lights appear together; on another, 8–10 show u 4/28/1949 #4130  
 NY Yellow oblong soundless object appear and disappear every few mins (NIC 6/1/1949 #4221  
 over the runway. The stories also appear in the local press. When Hall ret 3/15/1950 #4643  
great bursts of speed. The objects appear three days in a row.              3/16/1950 #4657  
ects to the northeast. The objects appear to be more maneuverable than any  3/21/1950 #4695  
ctive, and also deeply tanned—then appear at the ship’s door. After realizi 3/28/1950 #4750  
s, but the object is too bright to appear on film. Thompson returns home on 3/28/1950 #4750  
was not faked and that the objects appear to be disc-shaped.                8/15/1950 #5126  
. At night strange creatures would appear in his bedroom and escort him to  1951 #5372  
raft. Some of these reports do not appear in Project Blue Book.             1951 #5376  
s inside the craft and on its deck appear to be making repairs. The objects 6/19/1951 #5546  
nal control of the Air Force. What appear to be secure bunkers are visible  2/22/1952 #5920  
 for about 30 seconds. The objects appear very maneuverable, seem to almost 5/1/1952 #6244  
es back up, and three smaller UFOs appear and go inside the bigger one.     7/1952 #6679  
and leave in a steep ascent. Blips appear on radar for at least another day 7/19/1952 #6935  
oximately 5 feet in diameter. They appear as flat, disc-shaped objects havi 7/23/1952 #7078  
querque, New Mexico. At first they appear overhead in no pattern, heading n 7/29/1952 #7329  
tched to intercept, 6 more objects appear, take up a diamond formation, and 8/3/1952 #7436  
ar to white-hot metal. The objects appear to be approximately 18 inches in  8/7/1952 #7508  
jet interceptors to the area. They appear just as the last of the discs, wh 8/10/1952 #7539  
 disappears. Of the 54 objects, 36 appear larger that the others and move f 8/10/1952 #7539  
0–1,600 mph. Six blips at one time appear on the FPS-3 radar scopes and the 9/1/1952 #7817  
Azores Islands. At one point, they appear to turn toward the plane. They re 9/26/1952 #8037  
uoka Airport], a series of targets appear directly behind aircraft when ent 9/28/1952 #8049  
Tsutsusaki Lighthouse. The objects appear as normal aircraft but are rounde 9/28/1952 #8049  
 for nocturnal lights that do “not appear to be readily explainable on an a 10/9/1952 #8107  
ow-moving 90–100 mph radar targets appear on the MEW VG-2 radar at Washingt 11/30/1952 #8359  
ostile objects that might some day appear” (a phony issue invented by Thorn 1/17/1953 #8548  
aller. Three concentric dark rings appear around the object, the largest ab 5/5/1953 #8866  
 published by Henry Holt. Excerpts appear in the October 20 issue of Look.  10/1/1953 #9198  
the object has dimension, does not appear to be a scratch or rub on the fil 1954 #9421  
he objects are glowing white. They appear just above the horizon to the nor 5/12/1954 #9779  
hey see an orange, oval-shaped UFO appear in the sky at close range. The UF 5/30/1954 #9846  
watched an orange, oval-shaped UFO appear in the sky at close range at 12:2 5/30/1954 #9847  
Project Blue Book, but it does not appear in its files.                     6/21/1954 #9921  
 hat' extends luminous rays. Disks appear / ends.                           6/27/1954 #9955  
 might alter its appearance.” They appear opaque, hard-edged, gray in color 6/29/1954 #9962  
                CHICAGO, IL 2 orbs appear / photograph / solar eclipse. Exa 6/30/1954 #9964  
lobes, one smaller than the other, appear in the sky ahead of them at low a 10/11/1954 #10941  
e halo disappears. Their movements appear mechanical and intermittent. The  10/24/1954 #11365  
es on December 2 that the “saucers appear to be some kind of revolutionary  10/24/1954 #11365  
50 unidentified radar targets that appear from nowhere, usually at midday,  Late 10/1954 #11393  
 of 12,000 feet. The targets first appear in a U-formation, then converge i Late 10/1954 #11393  
rections. Later, two other objects appear and move to the north at an altit 10/30/1954 #11492  
holds what might be a weapon. They appear to be conversing in an unknown la 11/2/1954 #11537  
iro 11:00 a.m. Three bright lights appear in the sky above Curitiba, Paraná 12/14/1954 #11807  
cal object vanishes. 2 hat saucers appear. Up and going south.              5/22/1955 #12147  
s. Parsons’s home. The houselights appear to dim and pulsate in rhythm with 8/25/1955 #12408  
o'clock in the afternoon. It would appear and disappear with musical “pings 8/29/1955 #12416  
rport, Paris, France, see a target appear on their radar screens that is tw 2/17/1956 #12723  
e also active. For 5 minutes, they appear to be observing the women. The en 6/1956 #12880  
(s). ~30 translucent round objects appear and shoot away. 90° turns etc.    7/2/1956 #12945  
s from this area, but most of them appear to be misidentifications of eithe 7/20/1956 #12997  
0 feet apart. All the targets then appear to converge into one extremely la 8/13/1956 #13080  
mately 2 hours later, four objects appear and orbit over the location. Abou 8/22/1956 #13117  
ase to debrief the pilots and they appear very knowledgeable about UFOs. Th 10/7/1956 #13266  
VNZL Separate observer(s). Saucers appear 3x. Maneuvers. Maneuvers. Steep a 10/18/1956 #13285  
rd object joins them at 8:15. They appear as small moons, giving off a cold 6/18/1957 #13740  
t and three smaller yellow objects appear, maneuver, then disappear.        9/4/1957 #13978  
erved a bright, moon-shaped object appear over the trees bordering US Highw 11/14/1957 #14552  
er of two, saw the figure of a man appear near her fireplace while a whistl 11/18/1957 #14576  
er of two, saw the figure of a man appear near her fireplace in Aston, Engl 11/18/1957 #14578  
ircle Theater Keyhoe is invited to appear on the CBS Armstrong Circle Theat 12/1957 #14654  
f the unknown objects. The objects appear to be about 3–4 miles away from t 1/3/1958 #14800  
hat of a jet. The silvery globules appear to be no more than 20 feet in dia 1/3/1958 #14800  
is T. Carr and Norman Evans Colton appear on the Long John Nebel show on WO 6/28/1958 #15122  
nceals their exact shape, but they appear flattened and sometimes fly on ed 10/3/1958 #15311  
ch quantity that it makes the boat appear “a million years old.” A sample o 11/9/1958 #15434  
t, and a circle of 8–10 red lights appear on the bottom. Then it rises rapi 3/22/1959 #15665  
n. When Neasham challenges Affa to appear in person or let them see his spa 7/5/1959 #15817  
 headlights go out. The two lights appear to land, the main object follows  8/13/1959 #15914  
total of five objects that usually appear in pairs. The radar returns are s 10/2/1959 #16011  
This means that “aerial phenomena” appear on radar only if they intrude on  1960 #16144  
ce claimed that no unusual objects appear on any of the frames.             3/4/1960 #16196  
e Site J in Greenland. The objects appear to be heading directly toward Nor 10/5/1960 #16481  
porting. Several items of interest appear in the document: classification l 4/25/1961 #16662  
. Three minutes later, two objects appear heading 70° then also disappear i 9/27/1961 #16876  
cut, when two bright yellow lights appear in the sky ahead. The lights cros Late 4/1962 #17130  
e others on each side. The objects appear to be transparent, 3-foot spheres Summer 1962 #17239  
ure. Three stiltlike protuberances appear briefly then are drawn back in. T 6/25/1962 #17245  
ia, every evening. She thinks they appear only when she is mentally calm. T Fall 1962 #17435  
e out slowly. At times they do not appear for months, and she feels sad whe Fall 1962 #17435  
 Mr. C. Tulio Gallardo, saw lights appear outside his railroad coach at the 12/17/1963 #18087  
a hard metal. Two figures suddenly appear from under the object. They are 4 4/24/1964 #18199  
e disc with a domed cabin suddenly appear below the aircraft, fly a paralle 7/12/1964 #18404  
 working underneath the disc. They appear to be unsuccessful in their repai 11/25/1964 #18638  
runs up a hill. Two other entities appear and run in the same direction. Th 1/26/1965 #18769  
ICAP board member Joseph Bryan III appear on the Les Crane Show and are que 1/27/1965 #18777  
 that it made no sound and did not appear to have an engine, but it was cer 2/12/1965 #18813  
peed of 20 mph with no sound. They appear as three pair of lights, all with 3/8/1965 #18851  
rby and a door opens. Three beings appear and beckon to him. He approaches  4/24/1965 #18916  
he saucer. Two of the three beings appear to be nonhuman, but the third see 4/24/1965 #18916  
. As seen through binoculars, they appear as three lighted objects, one of  5/6/1965 #18929  
ne. Tilse says that “tops of trees appear to be burned.”                    5/24/1965 #18962  
d near the other two. They did not appear to move, but seemed to “sort of s 6/6/1965 #18995  
 watch supervisor. All the objects appear at approximately 22,000 feet alti 8/1/1965 #19244  
of 150–200 mph. Two of the objects appear stationary. The 746th Aircraft Co 8/1/1965 #19244  
-white lights that make the object appear to rotate. It has a white light o 8/9/1965 #19348  
in the past, and that they did not appear in public because that would caus 8/9/1965 #19350  
Y, MX 4 hunters. 12 luminous disks appear. 1 responds / flashlight..        8/22/1965 #19452  
FOs when possible, but the objects appear to be “invulnerable” and can outm 10/27/1965 #19684  
 reports that when two flashlights appear in the distance, the object seems 3/20/1966 #20012  
m the dormitory, the landed lights appear yellowish-white, dimming and inte 3/21/1966 #20021  
e protrusion. Red and white lights appear to rotate counterclockwise. Nearl 4/8/1966 #20276  
titude. Then three smaller objects appear to come from it; they gain altitu 6/2/1966 #20523  
n Kansas and Toledo, saw an object appear out of nowhere. It was cigar-shap 6/8/1966 #20541  
, lighted object cross the sky and appear to touch the ground. It then rose 7/28/1966 #20691  
 the sky in Montsoreau, France and appear to touch the ground. It then rose 7/28/1966 #20693  
. "The trick would be" to make it "appear a totally objective study"        8/9/1966 #20733  
t so that, to the public, it would appear a totally objective study but to  8/9/1966 #20734  
that was white with an orange tint appear in front of their car (NICAP: 01  8/16/1966 #20754  
duction case, Interrupted Journey, appear in a two-part article of Look mag 10/3/1966 #20955  
f New Hampshire saw a white rocket appear one mile away. It disappeared, th 11/22/1966 #21145  
ted by white light. Red flame jets appear at one end when the object moves. 1/15/1967 #21311  
ights forming the base. The lights appear to be reflecting off a metal surf 1/20/1967 #21360  
 the UFO. The human-like creatures appear to be waiting for something. Then 2/5/1967 #21460  
d area and saw a huge white figure appear suddenly in front of their car. T 3/12/1967 #21877  
ugh 7 x 50 binoculars, the objects appear brilliant yellow with red lights  5/16/1967 #22355  
 predicting that a spacecraft will appear on the evening of June 1. The spa 5/31/1967 #22431  
es as to where and when they would appear. Oddly enough, two more cases of  6/10/1967 #22487  
stones, examine them, look up, and appear to communicate with the disc-shap 8/3/1967 #22791  
ressed in white suits and helmets, appear to be startled and hurry back int 8/23/1967 #22904  
 a tube. Two thin, wire-like bands appear around the creature’s ankles and  8/23/1967 #22905  
object come from behind a hill and appear to land on a golf course. A burne 9/5/1967 #23003  
chigan, more than 20 radar targets appear and disappear over the middle of  9/11/1967 #23046  
sky with an oscillating motion and appear to land on Cerro El Ávila. A Simi 9/28/1967 #23145  
ts in a rectangular formation that appear to be on or just above the water. 10/4/1967 #23176  
Sur, California, when three lights appear in the sky. One is fiery red, whi 10/12/1967 #23228  
g blue-green clothing. Their faces appear human, but with large ears. The n 10/21/1967 #23282  
 at the lights. Two similar lights appear and take up a position near the f 10/22/1967 #23290  
ing above Canada Highway 100, they appear to change positions, forming a pe 10/22/1967 #23290  
ed eyes, grayish skin, and did not appear to be wearing any clothing. He sa 10/24/1967 #23310  
anked, 180 degree turn. It did not appear on radar. There were four witness 10/27/1967 #23357  
e night lights all over/all about. Appear and vanish. Dome / ground. Car bu 12/3/1967 #23539  
wo or three of the hovering lights appear to drop smaller lights that flash 12/24/1967 #23607  
l trails of a white substance that appear to fall like a liquid as the obje 12/29/1967 #23618  
 levers and little lights as might appear on a computer. Under hypnosis he  1/24/1968 #23697  
down / beach. 3 stiff 2M figure(s) appear. Telepathy. / r246p141.           1/30/1968 (approximate) #23710  
gland, when he sees a bright light appear at the crest of a hill. As he get 2/27/1968 #23787  
teriel over the border. The lights appear the following evening, and severa 6/15/1968 #24040  
 colored suit and its feet did not appear to touch the ground. It seemed to 7/1/1968 #24121  
 into his mouth that made his body appear transparent. During this procedur 7/17/1968 #24186  
ousers and a black and brown shirt appear near the object; there was nothin 8/31/1968 #24409  
and noticed the red light suddenly appear from behind the mountain, resembl 11/9/1968 #24649  
oximately 5 minutes, they see what appear to be several humanoid figures wa 11/20/1968 #24672  
d of the square three more figures appear, making a total of five figures.  1/6/1969 #24822  
 over the airport. The UFO did not appear on radar.                         2/25/1969 #24944  
and. Out of nowhere, da Silva sees appear in front of him a human figure wh 5/4/1969 #25114  
r any mysterious lights that might appear in the night sky. At 11:30 p.m. t 5/30/1969 #25169  
skin temperature drops, blue spots appear on his skin, and his stools becom 7/4/1969 #25251  
headlights, which makes the object appear to hesitate. But he gets out of t 7/13/1969 #25268  
isk passes overhead. Static sparks appear / leading edge.                   10/14/1969 #25412  
. Luminous row rectangular windows appear and vanish as if going through tu 11/1/1969 #25447  
      Luminous rectangular windows appear in the sky at 10:30 p.m. over Rio 11/1/1969 #25448  
(Norman Foxwell) takes photos that appear in the July/August 1970 Flying Sa 3/28/1970 #25613  
o 1.4 meter (four-foot) tall being appear in the yard and walk in the deep  1/15/1971 #25989  
mp suits and thin headdresses that appear to be communication devices. In t 5/1971 #26091  
sition, picking up rocks. They all appear to be wearing drab-green coverall 6/9/1971 #26162  
e feet were three toed and did not appear to have any heels. When Renz look 8/16/1971 #26291  
d of the lake. The object does not appear in the previous or following fram 9/4/1971 #26317  
ngs other than darker regions that appear to be nonrandom.”                 9/4/1971 #26317  
 when he saw a mushroom-shaped UFO appear in the night sky. The object was  11/2/1971 #26450  
st head of the British UFO desk to appear on TV to explain how the ministry 1/1972 #26534  
truck driver, saw a sparkling mist appear over the fields in Granadero, Arg 3/16/1972 #26606  
entually, after more yellow lights appear on the object, they see it as cig 8/12/1972 #26911  
left side. Three small white discs appear on the right side, apparently eme 8/12/1972 #26911  
a.m., a multitude of red particles appear in the air around the approaching 8/12/1972 #26911  
pears to the east. Similar objects appear every 10 minutes, continuing unti 3/20/1973 #27352  
iliar constellations. Some objects appear to mimic the appearance of known  4/1973 #27397  
ith actions of the observers. They appear to respond to a light being switc 4/1973 #27397  
her vision deteriorates, and spots appear on her skin. A clock in the kitch 5/27/1973 #27533  
e described seeing the same figure appear before her on the patio. She then 6/23/1973 #27584  
ong cigar / sky. Vanish! Soon jets appear.. / r30p410.                      9/4/1973 #27757  
e with diamond shapes that did not appear to be windows. It was doing a slo 9/5/1973 #27767  
sionally. Furthermore they did not appear to breathe, making no respiratory 10/16/1973 #28089  
into drive, notices her headlights appear to cause a "washtub" object to li 10/24/1973 #28265  
” ball of yellowish light suddenly appear above a pylon a quarter of a mile 11/18/1973 #28442  
. At this point, 3–4 jets of flame appear beneath the craft, the central po 4/16/1974 #29040  
day and find a patch of ferns that appear abnormally wilted. They collect s 5/20/1974 #29119  
The grass inside the rings did not appear to be disturbed.                  6/25/1974 #29225  
 he sees three bright amber lights appear in his rear-view mirror. Suddenly 11/5/1974 #29587  
az and others see a circular light appear above the V-shaped mountain overl 12/18/1974 #29646  
 goes out suddenly and four others appear in a straight line, lighting up i 1/1/1975 #29689  
 to secretly watch a recurrent UFO appear and suck up the water of a lake.  2/1975 #29781  
serves bright white circular light appear and rise to 20 degrees, leaving c 2/16/1975 #29814  
 darting about at high speed. They appear to be entering and exit the large 2/23/1975 #29838  
glowing small humanoids (or Greys) appear / ground and glide!               8/8/1975 #30243  
yes feel like they are on fire and appear orange. The UFO is visible in the 10/27/1975 #30486  
shaped objects with colored lights appear, and a thick fog rises out of Tri 10/27/1975 #30486  
en saw three tall man-like figures appear from behind the object, not very  4/23/1976 #31016  
en saw three tall man-like figures appear from behind the object, not very  4/23/1976 #31019  
e light, two cigar- shaped objects appear below and to the right of the lig 7/30/1976 #31203  
across the sky, side by side. They appear to be discs, curved on the top an 8/1976 #31216  
–era bomber. The tips of each wing appear to be resting on the discs, and i 8/1976 #31216  
they noticed a saucer-shaped craft appear at a very close altitude of appro 8/18/1976 #31278  
eet from them. The surface did not appear to be metallic at all, but it had 12/6/1976 #31587  
to the right. She perceived an arm appear that described an arc through the 12/10/1976 #31594  
 about a meter in height seemed to appear in front of the hood of her car.  12/10/1976 #31594  
.5' tall luminous green human form appear about 20 meters away from him. It 12/12/1976 #31596  
feet away. Immediately two figures appear on the roof; they are over six fe 1/6/1977 #31706  
flew off to the east. They did not appear on radar.                         1/13/1977 #31721  
emely bright light which seemed to appear from nowhere. The light moved ove 1/21/1977 #31738  
at on the other, the find does not appear to be from a satellite. A spectro 2/2/1977 #31780  
ould be seen, and neither did they appear to have necks. The strange figure 2/24/1977 #31846  
erneath the object, which does not appear to be solid. Two miles further, S 3/4/1977 #31858  
ehind her home. Two tall humanoids appear in front of the UFO, which is abo 4/19/1977 #32001  
te outfits like boiler suits. They appear to “take measurements or gather t 4/19/1977 #32001  
rate unidentifiable blips suddenly appear on radar screens at 30 miles dist 4/23/1977 #32017  
nas is stunned to see the creature appear at several places simultaneously. 4/25/1977 #32026  
as was stunned to see the creature appear at several places simultaneously, 4/25/1977 #32027  
County, Fujian, China, two objects appear in the sky, flying low. They emit 7/7/1977 #32245  
0. Flash. 2 pseudo-humans/entities appear. One hour / missing time. Id card 8/3/1977 #32348  
sappear when conventional aircraft appear in the sky. Sounds of breaking tr 8/3/1977 #32353  
hite lights on opposite ends. They appear to bank and twist for 10–15 secon 8/6/1977 #32367  
d out of the overcast clouds. They appear to be approaching very fast from  8/9/1977 #32371  
 When this happened, a scene would appear on the wall in moving color. The  9/15/1977 #32485  
original witness saw another light appear again in the same location.       10/6/1977 #32555  
 for five minutes. The UFO did not appear on ground radar at the naval base 12/15/1977 #32777  
a 7-foot tall figure with red eyes appear in the glare of the headlights 26 1/2/1978 #32846  
building and at one point seems to appear and disappear as a police vehicle 1/31/1978 #32928  
uilding and at one point seemed to appear and disappear as a police vehicle 1/31/1978 #32930  
orses the next day, and they still appear to be in shock. He explains the c 4/6/1978 #33128  
t the top. Some of the large rocks appear burned, and the grass around it i 5/6/1978 #33190  
ically, and four white lights that appear irregularly and fly without any s 7/14/1978 #33382  
 in the center, while other lights appear in various parts of the dark obje 7/20/1978 #33404  
 watching and sees a smaller light appear to its right. A third light appea 8/3/1978 #33468  
g flying overhead. Several objects appear and begin maneuvering and shootin 9/6/1978 #33638  
 are uglier, have darker skin, and appear elderly. They ignore him. Frighte 10/25/1978 #33873  
mens of two flying entities, which appear to be cone-shaped, twice as tall  11/20/1978 #33967  
 airliner although the UFO did not appear on radar. (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 12/16/1978 #34152  
 airliner although the UFO did not appear on radar.                         12/16/1978 #34158  
d. Two pulsating white lights soon appear on the port side of the plane. On 12/31/1978 #34246  
 of another UFO sighting in Kuwait appear the day after the committee’s rep 1/21/1979 #34366  
LINDALE, TX Flash / light. 2 UFO's appear. 5-6 hours / missing time. Burns  1/24/1979 #34371  
ut to investigate, two more lights appear and enter the original one. Then  2/1979 #34398  
below it. Green geometrical shapes appear and vanish along the side of the  5/22/1979 #34574  
four blinking red and green lights appear at the edge of the disc, which mo 7/4/1979 #34646  
ees five large red lights suddenly appear in front of his car. They are in  8/5/1979 #34716  
t. A total of three sets of lights appear heading south. They follow one gr 8/11/1979 #34731  
area. A red light and a blue light appear over the car, apparently circling 8/12/1979 #34740  
 when they saw a huge bright light appear above them, illuminating the area 8/26/1979 #34783  
rner’s story, and the two antennas appear to be deliberately altered.       8/29/1979 #34803  
aucer enters bedroom. 8-10 "dolls" appear and touch observer(s). No further 9/3/1979 (approximate) #34821  
nutes later, two more orange balls appear in the area of Simon Butte. Movin 9/12/1979 #34867  
ast approaching the aircraft. They appear to be on a collision course, alar 11/11/1979 #34997  
eter. Their sketches of the object appear remarkably similar to those drawn 12/3/1979 #35046  
lies off to the east. Other lights appear in the sky (18 or so) and are obs 12/5/1979 #35054  
ensive newspaper coverage. Objects appear singly and in “fleets” and are de 6/14/1980 #35368  
 lights (two blinking, one steady) appear to the right and pace the car at  6/17/1980 #35379  
observer(s) as baby and her mother appear by helmeted pseudo-human/entity a 9/1980 #35486  
d, when they see three lights that appear one after another then line up in 9/6/1980 #35501  
rayish or greenish, and two lights appear at each tip in a combination of y 9/13/1980 #35520  
Vanishes. Reappears. Gone again. 2 appear. Both gone.                       11/21/1980 #35662  
7–11 four-foot-tall humanoids that appear to be searching for something. So 1/15/1981 #35792  
ant 50'CGR hovers. 2 white saucers appear. 1 going quickly southwest. 2nd j 3/1981 #35851  
oud shrouded mountains. It did not appear on radar.                         4/20/1981 #35909  
on follows, and two golden spheres appear. Soon the Salyut enters the Earth 5/5/1981 #35930  
road four white and two red lights appear. They seemed to be attached to a  7/16/1981 #36010  
uddenly, two flashing white lights appear above the southern horizon. Their 7/23/1981 #36026  
droids that possess the ability to appear and disappear at will and “seem t 7/31/1981 #36047  
t in the sky. Four lights suddenly appear above them, and a fog forms in fr 7/31/1981 #36048  
Three mysterious flattened circles appear in a cornfield within a natural a 8/1981 #36051  
ch. At 6:45 p.m., luminous objects appear over Edessa, Greece, and maneuver 11/12/1981 #36220  
. Around 5:00 p.m., two more spots appear, moving together. One of them res 2/19/1982 #36356  
light at 47,500 feet that does not appear on their radar. It looks like a c 4/22/1982 #36450  
 of the full moon, and black spots appear near its center. The aircraft los 6/18/1982 #36510  
 Norway, see three points of light appear above the mountains to the south- 10/14/1982 #36641  
 lights in the shape of a triangle appear in their place. About 5 seconds l 12/31/1982 #36733  
t the US government knows why UFOs appear in certain places and that “beyon 1/10/1983 #36742  
s inside through the windows. They appear to pay no attention to her, altho 2/3/1983 #36761  
rs frightened when V-shaped lights appear (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)    3/24/1983 #36800  
 FR Woman. 4 pseudo-human/entity / appear. More outside with black balls in 4/30/1983 #36850  
separately witnessed a large light appear over their pool house after 10:45 6/30/1983 #36896  
g red, blue, and green. The lights appear to be attached to a silent object 7/12/1983 #36909  
nutes, two large steady red lights appear to rise until they are even with  8/1/1983 #36929  
ending through the cloud layer and appear to land on a ridge behind the tre 1/28/1984 #37162  
group used helicopters designed to appear as flying saucers.  https://ufos- 3/11/1984 #37227  
wo other objects, yellow and blue, appear with the blue object chasing and  4/20/1984 #37278  
lny reports that two yellow globes appear in the north and approach the Dal 2/6/1986 #37781  
s surrounded by a ring, and flames appear on its surface from time to time. 4/22/1986 #37833  
 cloud cover. After a minute, they appear to begin rotating, then stop and  6/26/1986 #37924  
 they abruptly change position and appear side by side. They move quickly,  11/17/1986 #38072  
octurnal lights and beams of light appear in the sky. A seventy-foot long o 11/21/1986 #38074  
elicopters and CH-47 Chinooks also appear in his vicinity, and someone repe 3/1987 #38127  
 the same. Two F-4 Phantom II jets appear and give chase to the light, whic 3/1987 #38128  
creen, just as three orange lights appear on the left side of the airplane’ 3/12/1987 #38139  
-Twining memo, asserting that they appear to be genuine. Friedman has found 6/11/1987 #38189  
tude. Eight smaller, bluish lights appear in circular formation, seemingly  7/27/1987 #38219  
ht. Oddly moving lights in the sky appear over Nottingham, England, traveli 12/9/1987 #38351  
bdomen. Into 1989, more body marks appear, including a solid red triangle o 1988 #38383  
focused on it, the light seemed to appear immediately in front of them, abo 1/19/1988 #38417  
employee Col. Robert Collins), who appear in silhouette with voices altered 10/14/1988 #38674  
lian Dobre notices multiple lights appear above some nearby trees. He alert Late 3/1989 #38880  
bject evades it. Two other objects appear at low altitudes of 980–1,300 fee 7/28/1989 #39035  
of 980–1,300 feet. The last one to appear, a cigar-shaped object, gives off 7/28/1989 #39035  
VA, IL Jet passes. 2 cottony forms appear. Angel hair! Saucers and cigars 3 10/4/1989 #39142  
 group sees an orange-yellow light appear above the hills. They get a secon 2/21/1990 #39424  
Russia Night. Large, shining discs appear in the sky along the Yaroslavskoy 3/12/1990 #39456  
nds out of sight. Other red lights appear and are seen in various locations 4/14/1990 #39524  
ome nearby woods. Its feet did not appear to touch the ground as it moved.  10/6/1990 #39760  
 to fire on any objects that might appear within a specific, rather restric Late 1990 #39786  
trobes maneuver and vanish. 2 more appear. Wild moves.                      5/28/1991 #40076  
Strathclair, Manitoba Crop circles appear in wheatfields near Ipswich and S 8/1992 #40545  
FIELD, IN 1 observer. Night lights appear attached to delta/triangle/box-li 10/25/1992 (approximate) #40691  
eing detected on radar; this would appear to be of considerable defence sig 3/31/1993 #40914  
ble next to the light; they didnot appear to be human in nature. No further 6/18/1993 #41022  
 only a few references to MARAUDER appear after 1993. No information about  8/1/1993 #41100  
ck figure with huge fiery red eyes appear in the field. The figure began mo 8/8/1993 #41118  
days prior. An anomalous image did appear on the developed film.            8/18/1993 #41146  
wards a window, and she saw a face appear in the window as it went by. This 9/1/1993 #41174  
st. Stops over town nearby. 4 more appear in formation.                     3/7/1994 #41445  
ts in the sky. To some, the lights appear to be attached to one another, or 3/8/1994 #41449  
hed portholes over freeway. 4 more appear.                                  9/1/1994 #41711  
ands. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) appear. Flashlight dies. Crushed grass.  12/11/1994 #41889  
es three bright yellow lights that appear to be sitting in a snow-covered f 12/29/1994 #41910  
or turbulence. The object does not appear on radar. Possibly a fireball met 1/6/1995 #41956  
 or turbulance. The object did not appear on radar. However, there was at l 1/6/1995 #41957  
adar targets that, taken together, appear to make up the straight-line traj 3/8/1995 #42081  
en a large boomerang-shaped object appear from the north and hover over his 8/15/1995 #42389  
nt object descend from the sky and appear to enter a nearby man-made lake b 12/9/1995 #42639  
ou saw nothing.” Two more soldiers appear and force him to leave, so he ret 1/13/1996 #42681  
 they saw the object streak by and appear to crash. They all then drove on  6/4/1996 #42921  
the water below the object did not appear to be disturbed. It was estimated 6/7/1996 #42925  
. and watched a powerful blue glow appear over a nearby field at about tree 9/23/1996 #43039  
 an orange colored disc-shaped UFO appear in the sky during the evening. Ov 12/16/1996 #43143  
ening beginning at 7:55 p.m. There appear to have been two separate inciden 3/13/1997 #43230  
scattered cloud layer. It does not appear on radar. The duty officer turns  7/14/1997 #43350  
 balls joined together. The lights appear brighter when the airport lights  7/14/1997 #43350  
light, some are magnetic, and most appear metallic and seem to emit radio s 1998 #43479  
 A pair of dark triangular objects appear to merge together over Cuddington 1/11/1998 #43497  
etallic rectangular craft abruptly appear. It had several windows and insid 8/15/1998 #43632  
ntional military assets to make it appear there is an attack by hostile ext 8/22/1998 #43635  
ng outside saw a bright blue light appear from nowhere. It was long and lar 6/12/1999 #43785  
 complete control over UAP and can appear anywhere as anything at any time; 7/7/1999 #43798  
fication and training requirements appear to have been established to prepa 9/30/1999 #43856  
3:09 p.m. Two blurry round objects appear in a photograph hovering above th 8/20/2000 #44032  
on its underside. Small red lights appear on the tips of its swept-back win 9/3/2000 #44036  
rd saucer and cylinder/cigar-shape appear. Videos.                          10/5/2000 #44052  
response, since the objects do not appear to be hostile and seem to be able 10/15/2000 #44056  
 a bright star-like light suddenly appear in the sky. The light quickly des 10/19/2000 #44060  
10 Thunderbolt II fighter aircraft appear and try to follow the object, but 11/4/2000 #44071  
des of the hill see a small object appear to strike the telecommunications  1/14/2001 #44124  
clear, cloudless night. The lights appear in various formations at about 45 7/14/2001 #44208  
FOs above the Cerro Sampacho. They appear to be silently hovering at an alt 9/6/2001 #44250  
es a large meteor with a long tail appear out of Ursa Major and arch over h 8/13/2002 #44383  
e, Sergey and Natasha, saw a light appear in window of their kitchen in Kea 8/31/2002 #44388  
y not diffused...the object didn't appear to move during the duration of th 11/22/2002 #44449  
 creature that somehow was made to appear human comforted her, telling her  1/27/2003 #44481  
aw one very large triangular craft appear after the flash. This was followe 5/16/2003 #44538  
British Columbia, CAN Dogs did not appear to notice enormous boomerang movi 6/5/2003 #44553  
d 15 minutes.  The objects did not appear on FAA radar at anytime during th 3/25/2004 #44679  
ashes of light also come from what appear to be corners of an underlying ob 9/16/2004 #44757  
from the east. Seven other objects appear around it, staying in the same sp 9/17/2005 #44876  
re. The engineer claimed UAP often appear in “dematerialized form” resonati 4/28/2006 #44937  
sorb any light; the lights did not appear to illuminate anything under it.  5/3/2006 #44938  
y cadre for nearly two hours. They appear to keep changing shape. Many peop 11/2006 #44979  
he events that followed. It didn't appear to be interested in him. He had t 4/12/2008 #45127  
. The eyes vanished and then would appear again another 100 meters away in  4/12/2008 #45128  
ts describe yellowish spheres that appear to lift off from the horizon on t 8/1/2012 #45350  
 to him as four orange lights that appear and disappear in sequence. A thir 9/21/2012 #45354  
Poland, notice distant lights that appear and reappear. At one point, they  1/8/2013 #45359  
ses the three horizontal lights to appear like a pyramid). At the same time 1/12/2013 #45360  
eed. The two moving objects do not appear on the aircraft’s radar.          4/23/2014 #45407  
underway. The tiny, unmanned craft appear late in the evening, at night, or 10/5/2014 #45416  
rida, when they spot two UFOs that appear one after another then fade from  1/27/2015 #45428  
tudy concludes that “the diplomats appear to have sustained injury to wides 3/2018 #45520  
3–4 feet wide.” The objects do not appear to be doing anything in particula 3/13/2018 #45523  
nearby Picacho Peak, they suddenly appear to rotate around each other, as i 11/6/2018 #45543  
ent, none of the warships involved appear to have been able to identify the 7/15/2019 #45593  
a minute later, all of the objects appear to change course and head away fr 7/17/2019 #45595  
in, pressure, and sound that often appear to emanate from a particular dire 8/2020 #45657  
umber of incidents, UAP reportedly appear to exhibit unusual flight charact 6/25/2021 #45694  
e into the water. Some of the UAPs appear to move with no discernable means 6/25/2021 #45694  
## Word: "appearance" (Back to Top)
 both ways to points.” The general appearance is of a “gigantic sword of fi 7/3/1884 #261  
the Conqueror, which describes the appearance of mysterious objects and str 1886 #273  
at, although the light has a smoky appearance and a peculiar smell. The nex 10/24/1886 #276  
ew Mexico. The photograph "has the appearance of three cigar-shaped objects 3/7/1901 #644  
ribed as “like large arc lights in appearance, slightly violet in colour,”  2/9/1913 #881  
hite light, considerably larger in appearance than a planet” ascend steadil 9/4/1915 #936  
expanded more and now has a ragged appearance, bending toward the earth. A  6/2/1919 #986  
        Po Valley, Italy Red light appearance of an aircraft light. (Page 8 10/20/1944 #1679  
nds, Germany Three lights; had the appearance of white flares dropped in ai 3/9/1945 #1809  
as very bright and had saucer-like appearance; was the size of three aircra Mid 7/1945 #1895  
a bright object with a saucer-like appearance at. It is the size of three a Mid 7/1945 #1896  
ntified radar target makes another appearance at 28,000 feet. RAF Mosquitos 1/23/1947 #2234  
minutes, changing its shape to the appearance of a cigar.                   8/6/1947 #3302  
arance, quick grouping, and sudden appearance.                              10/21/1947 #3465  
                    Wilmington, OH Appearance of a flaming red cone in the  1/7/1948 #3540  
ect, high in the northern sky. The appearance and relative size is the same 9/23/1948 #3811  
ht with a flat, no-depth disc-like appearance Gorman "Dogfight" (M) (NICAP: 10/1/1948 #3825  
eir horizontal motion and southern appearance are “difficult to explain.” H 7/13/1949 #4269  
and that bodies of a vaguely human appearance and about 35 inches tall had  Early 1950 #4465  
nty five (25) seconds and that the appearance of the object was pure silver 1/10/1950 #4480  
meter, and dull silver metallic in appearance. There are tall, rectangular  9/1951 #5647  
ry activity. With the simultaneous appearance of two waves of unidentified  4/16/1952 #6093  
turn, then returned to a spherical appearance as it flew on.                6/28/1952 #6661  
urn away from the aircraft and its appearance changes, resembling a light e 7/10/1952 #6751  
ermany Saucer-shaped object having appearance of light metal (NICAP: 01 - D 7/28/1952 #7251  
One saucer-shaped object having an appearance of light metal and giving off 7/28/1952 #7257  
y attired, and also having a Latin appearance: coal black hair and olive co 7/28/1952 #7260  
mbles an automobile headlight. The appearance of other two is not given. Th 8/5/1952 #7468  
ce eight more objects of a strange appearance. At 5:30 a.m., two more UFOs  8/15/1952 #7609  
rom fiery red to sparkling diamond appearance, hovered, flew erratically up 8/28/1952 #7771  
, red-green, and sparkling diamond appearance. A civilian Air Force employe 8/28/1952 #7773  
 red to sparkling diamond white in appearance. They flew erratically up and 8/28/1952 #7774  
aucer-shaped objects, identical in appearance, in changing formations. When 9/2/1952 #7831  
ation; object became elliptical in appearance, sped away disappearing in se 10/13/1952 #8127  
They looked to be normal humans in appearance, and wore rubber coveralls an 11/18/1952 #8298  
damski’s scout ship makes a second appearance, this time at the Palomar Gar 12/13/1952 #8414  
the UFO occupants to make a public appearance on earth.                     3/15/1953 #8757  
d and suddenly becomes circular in appearance, becoming gradually smaller.  5/5/1953 #8866  
s, then emerges. The light has the appearance of “burning hydrogen” and emi 5/26/1953 #8910  
ke a water jug and was metallic in appearance. Through an opening came thre 7/1/1953 #8983  
xtremely black in color, having an appearance of a deep black metal exterio 7/19/1953 #9004  
ve Dow Crag with a silvery, glassy appearance, shining like aluminum. It gl 2/15/1954 #9549  
see the object, which has a glassy appearance, with four trails of smoke co 3/1954? #9579  
e of speed. It had a misty looking appearance despite the clear sky.        3/31/1954 #9653  
at a swarm of bees might alter its appearance.” They appear opaque, hard-ed 6/29/1954 #9962  
ont of it. It rose and took on the appearance of a red ball.                9/19/1954 #10360  
nto the air again, and took on the appearance of a red ball. It flew off to 9/19/1954 #10363  
t. The object rose and took on the appearance of a red ball.                9/20/1954 #10371  
lhouettes "approximately human" in appearance were seen on board the craft. 10/9/1954 #10859  
re similar to humans, Caucasian in appearance, and between 1.70-1.75 meters 10/24/1954 #11368  
d three men. They seemed normal in appearance except that they were less th 11/2/1954 #11539  
circular, flat craft which had the appearance of copper. It flew normally f 11/3/1954 #11547  
circular, flat craft which had the appearance of copper. It flew normally f 11/3/1954 #11548  
er where the ground had an ashlike appearance.                              11/5/1954 #11578  
er where the ground had an ashlike appearance.                              11/5/1954 #11581  
 and TV interference accompany the appearance of the fireballs.             4/5/1955 #12080  
ing down 2–4 feet with a wave-like appearance. It moves away then returns a 5/22/1956 #12865  
hat the object has a metallic gray appearance. At 8 miles distance, the obj 8/30/1956 #13156  
o west and acquires a white, dusty appearance before speeding directly away 2/13/1957 #13503  
d a hat-shaped saucer identical in appearance to the McMinnville, Oregon ph 3/5/1957 #13520  
 base of the object has a circular appearance when high in the sky. Baker g 5/2/1957 #13643  
ing to their shoulders, a youthful appearance and wearing one-piece suits,  7/25/1957 #13835  
ing to their shoulders, a youthful appearance and wearing one-piece suits,  7/25/1957 #13840  
saw a big, red star which took the appearance of a luminous, egg-shaped obj 10/16/1957 #14127  
g, red star which soon took on the appearance of a luminous, egg-shaped obj 10/16/1957 #14131  
m appearing diaphanous to solid in appearance, then went black momentarily. 10/2/1958 #15305  
 object (with a “gossamer” surface appearance and a rim or girdle around it 10/7/1958 #15329  
 creatures described as "fluid" in appearance, but one of the men reached t 12/20/1958 #15491  
object, shaped like a cigarette in appearance, jerked back and forth over a 2/12/1959 #15587  
Highway. A brilliant disk with the appearance of blue steel swooped down ve 1/1/1961 #16558  
bands of darker tone that give the appearance of “windows.” The UFO flies u 8/25/1961? #16804  
thickness of about 4 feet, and the appearance of sand-blasted aluminum. Har 10/2/1961 #16889  
ect, 10 m in diameter, metallic in appearance which hovered close to the gr 4/10/1962 #17106  
        A lens-shaped UFO with the appearance of burnished metal was sighte 9/8/1962 #17392  
ies, short in stature but of human appearance, were seen moving around insi 11/22/1962 #17557  
has a tetrahedral shape and glassy appearance when seen through binoculars. 8/1/1963 #17860  
 described as metallic-aluminum in appearance, hovering in the clear mornin 12/5/1963 #18066  
l direction. A UFO very similar in appearance was sighted in South Carolina 6/25/1964 #18376  
0 yards away. The object’s strange appearance frightens Schrum, so he climb 9/5/1964 #18539  
thwestly direction. It had a misty appearance, despite the fact that there  2/12/1965 #18813  
r than the other three, made their appearance. These beings resembled “gnom 8/16/1965 #19410  
t out. The man was tall, normal in appearance except for a very high forehe 9/3/1965 #19518  
ur abductees and were identical in appearance. The room was filled with ele 9/3/1965 #19518  
orelos, Mexico, coincides with the appearance of a glowing, disc- shaped UF 9/23/1965 #19591  
perature inversion that causes the appearance of stars and planets to dance 10/27/1965 #19684  
d had windows or ports with a hazy appearance in the interior. After a whil 3/19/1966 #19994  
t all the major conditions for the appearance of swamp lights were satisfie 3/25/1966 #20080  
d of us or anything like that." In appearance, the humanoid was about the s 11/17/1966 #21119  
reasson relates that following the appearance of the creatures every member 1/25/1967 #21386  
he beings were nearly identical in appearance, with large baldheads, gray s 1/25/1967 #21389  
more objects in groups, ranging in appearance from silvery objects flying o 3/2/1967 #21731  
e figures were definitely of human appearance." After hovering for about fi 3/12/1967 #21876  
ewed through binoculars showed the appearance of rectangular windows. The o 4/21/1967 #22183  
striking blue light that gives the appearance of a searchlight moving aroun 5/1967 #22258  
 at high speed. It looked solid in appearance, according to the witnesses.  5/7/1967 #22298  
in size, stopped, became an egg in appearance, and gave off a thick white m 8/2/1967 #22778  
n its arms, and had a "shimmering" appearance.                              8/23/1967 #22902  
ght, then returned to its original appearance. (Letter from witness, 9/15/6 9/13/1967 #23047  
d him; although they were human in appearance they had a bluish aura. The t 10/6/1967 #23187  
e object levels out, taking on the appearance of a cigar-shaped cloud. Both 10/25/1967 #23322  
aped object, shiny and metallic in appearance, was sighted by a BEA pilot a 11/15/1967 #23465  
 fitting metallic clothing. At her appearance the two little creatures rush 1/3/1968 #23647  
could see two men, normal in every appearance, wearing light gray coveralls 1/24/1968 #23697  
n three bearded men, very human in appearance, disembarked from the craft.  6/23/1968 #24072  
m. when they were surprised by the appearance of a silvery colored object.  6/27/1968 #24087  
d changes in brightness, color, or appearance on the surface of the moon.   7/1/1968 #24117  
isproportionately large heads. The appearance of a large meteor at the time 7/2/1968 #24136  
s two creatures of an octopus-like appearance. Light-colored, 3 feet tall,  8/16/1968 #24342  
lor with a "thoroughly disgusting" appearance. The UFO left a large area of 8/16/1968 #24343  
here was nothing unusual about his appearance. Later at the landing site wa 8/31/1968 #24409  
ree six-foot tall figures of human appearance, wearing skin-tight, shiny bl 11/21/1968 #24676  
ing light. Despite the translucent appearance the object seemed to be made  3/17/1969 #25020  
 was so frightened by the figure's appearance she went into a state of shoc 3/22/1969 #25037  
tely 33 feet in diameter, with the appearance of “two soup bowls joined rim 4/25/1969 #25090  
te Brother, publicly calls for the appearance of the flying saucer beings.  7/12/1969 #25263  
object land and was shocked by the appearance of the two entities who were  6/7/1970 #25693  
ekbones, lending a somewhat rotund appearance to the face . At one point th 8/15/1970 #25787  
pletely dry. The ring had a crusty appearance, as though the rain had simpl 11/2/1971 #26450  
wly to reveal an oval, disc-shaped appearance. It rose up, hovered for a mi 12/15/1971 #26504  
ons or legs, giving the object the appearance of a stool. It hovered just 1 9/7/1972 #26979  
rred simultaneous with the being's appearance: the truck's engine and light 9/28/1972 #27038  
n suddenly vanishes. Same size and appearance!                              11/2/1972 #27105  
er, and glowing white but fuzzy in appearance. After a few seconds it zooms 11/10/1972 #27116  
. Some objects appear to mimic the appearance of known aircraft; others vio 4/1973 #27397  
to ashes. The witness compared the appearance of the little beings to stori 5/22/1973 #27520  
was a normal sized figure of human appearance. A second occupant was seen s 9/6/1973 #27774  
human-like beings and beautiful in appearance. Through a large window she s 9/26/1973 #27872  
 figure, metallic or robot-like in appearance, stood next to the object. It 9/30/1973 #27892  
e suits for the USAF and NASA. The appearance of the alleged entities Hicks 10/11/1973 #28009  
 light. Both craft were similar in appearance, like inverted cups, and had  10/17/1973 #28140  
s in front of car, followed by the appearance of a blinding white oval of l 1/8/1974 #28665  
 front of his car, followed by the appearance of a blinding white oval of l 1/8/1974 #28667  
from one place to another, altered appearance of the terrain, humanoid enco 5/31/1974 #29147  
from one place to another, altered appearance of the terrain, humanoid enco 5/31/1974 #29149  
that he believed could take on any appearance that he wanted them to look l 5/31/1974 #29150  
his car. It was perfectly human in appearance, a male figure of large build 8/1/1974 #29298  
the first time. They were human in appearance and said they called themselv 9/21/1974 #29468  
ing shape from a cigar to round in appearance. The Stockton city desk serge 3/19/1975 #29912  
the car fender. It was humanoid in appearance and wore a globe-shaped helme 10/7/1975 #30422  
described as somewhat "caveman" in appearance, with dark hair and a beard,  11/3/1975 #30548  
learly fearful of the intimidating appearance of the object. It begins to r 11/7/1975 #30576  
re. They were both nearly human in appearance, except they had yellow color 12/4/1975 #30685  
gly to the witnesses because their appearance filled them with feelings of  8/6/1976 #31241  
ille, IN 10:55 p.m. Object (repeat appearance three days later with artifac 8/15/1976 #31269  
rm the exam and was shocked at his appearance. His skin was milky white, an 10/28/1976 #31501  
erged from the UFO, one similar in appearance to the one involved in Mrs. B 3/7/1977 #31869  
erged from the UFO, one similar in appearance to the one involved in Mrs. B 3/7/1977 #31874  
 large dome-shaped object, dark in appearance, about 30 to 40 feet in diame 3/13/1977 #31906  
g silvery outfit that was shiny in appearance. The being also wore a large  1/6/1978 #32856  
, about 2.5 meters high. The whole appearance of the place was the most cli 2/5/1978 #32957  
 and power failures with the UFO’s appearance. An 11-year-old boy is so fri 4/29/1978 #33179  
 green luminescence and a metallic appearance at around 7:30 a.m. The objec 6/1/1978 #33248  
 car. At close approach it had the appearance of an "eye-like" form, with a 8/12/1978 #33513  
e has a sharp outline and metallic appearance. No sound can be heard over t 8/21/1978 #33538  
readily displaying its saucer-like appearance. It was covered with a series 12/16/1978 #34144  
e object. The beings were human in appearance and were wearing one-piece ou 1/12/1979 #34333  
50 meters in height and massive in appearance, while the other figure was s 1/19/1979 #34362  
e eyes. The others were similar in appearance except that they had brown sk 6/18/1979 #34618  
hird ball apparently makes another appearance 5 minutes later and is visibl 9/12/1979 #34867  
The smaller beings were similar in appearance, except they had large bright 3/3/1980 #35194  
they were frightened by the sudden appearance of a patch of smoke or fog th 5/7/1980 #35317  
emo, a glowing object, metallic in appearance, with colored lights. As they 12/26/1980 #35737  
te light. Description: Metallic in appearance and triangular in shape, puls 12/27/1980 #35738  
nto the forest, coincides with the appearance of a bright fireball over sou 12/28/1980 #35750  
n and red lights on each side. Its appearance coincides with an electrical  5/22/1981 #35945  
 time that the term MJ-1 makes its appearance. According to Moore, the orig Summer 1981 #35977  
allic color. Its top has a rippled appearance. The upper section has two wi 7/23/1981 #36026  
 Buca forest it takes on a flaming appearance, causing fire brigades to rus 1/15/1982 #36301  
y educated witnesses. The object's appearance underwent a regular change (p 2/22/1984 #37197  
ded with a fog, but it changes its appearance about every 60 seconds, at on 2/23/1984 #37201  
 and about 9 feet long. During its appearance, the base notices a strong in 8/23/1984 #37438  
both human looking, and of similar appearance. They both had blond, shoulde 5/9/1985 #37589  
ures of the entities’ behavior and appearance, the UFO involved in the abdu 1987 #38089  
of a metallic substance similar in appearance and touch to stainless steel. 5/15/1989 #38952  
al dig, and another is metallic in appearance. Lazar claims the power plant 5/15/1989 #38953  
ibed as humanoid but robot-like in appearance, and it had silvery gray hair 6/20/1989 #38991  
 Hamazaki. The image is similar in appearance to the  Lindstrom photographs 7/7/1989 #39014  
t dimmed and it took on a metallic appearance. The bottom of the oval craft 2/18/1990 #39422  
. The object itself has a metallic appearance. It has some structures that  2/21/1990 #39425  
tary radar. The pilot reported the appearance of a black body with two whit 3/21/1990 #39476  
ve additional humanoids of similar appearance that floated just above the g 8/31/1990 #39707  
cylindrical body with a “wrinkled” appearance and is about 10 feet long.    6/1/1991 #40080  
bject, although they confirmed its appearance on radar. The object failed t 8/28/1991 #40168  
t approached it took on a starfish appearance.                              11/29/1991 #40249  
ond being was a female, similar in appearance to the male being. The witnes 4/12/1992 #40414  
y blank. Stunned by their surprise appearance, Peter was unable to react as 7/23/1992 #40531  
egedly visited by a man with human appearance and "Hindu" features. In a te 7/25/1992 #40535  
ch they described as human-like in appearance but measuring only 15 cm tall 9/22/1992 #40635  
e fog the lights had a fluorescent appearance.                              2/19/1993 #40854  
, compressing several hours of its appearance. The same light appears at th 6/26/1993 #41038  
ix red lights on it, which had the appearance of headlights, except that th 4/8/1994 #41482  
 antennas and were very strange in appearance. Finally, the craft and being 2/23/1995 #42060  
 described as tall with a wrinkled appearance. This being inserted some typ 3/6/1996 #42809  
outfits. Their faces were Asian in appearance, with high cheekbones, very p 7/16/1996 #42959  
ngs. The "planet" was beautiful in appearance and he saw numerous buildings 12/9/1996 #43133  
the president.” In a July 4, 2008, appearance on Larry King Live, Mitchell  4/10/1997 #43260  
 whitish and extremely wrinkled in appearance. Terrified, the boys fled the 9/5/1997 #43395  
lifax, Nova Scotia. It has a solid appearance and is slow-moving, disappear 12/22/1997 #43471  
t above the ground. Their size and appearance were similar to humans. About 10/24/1998 #43669  
and common events within each, the appearance and behavior of the entities, 7/2/1999 #43789  
ey aliens” and short “grey aliens” appearance. Locations of recoveries list 7/31/1999 #43815  
ray hue, but otherwise humanoid in appearance. It had tiny eyes that seemed 10/28/2000 #44063  
 a long pointed snout. Its overall appearance was "horrible." Others have r 8/2/2001 #44219  
ich he described as "non-human" in appearance. Numerous beams of light came 7/21/2002 #44362  
o creatures that were "squishy" in appearance. They were dark colored and a 1/27/2003 #44481  
ia at 9:20 a.m. It was circular in appearance and tumbling "end over end."  5/11/2003 #44533  
arly discern its three dimensional appearance.                              10/8/2003 #44611  
do. As he got closer, the figure's appearance seemed to have metamorphosed  3/12/2004 #44676  
The craft appeared crystal like in appearance and had small lights around t 11/8/2004 #44780  
gton, Indiana were followed by the appearance of several objects at 8:30 p. 12/4/2004 #44795  
ic details were provided about the appearance of the humanoid, but the witn 10/26/2005 #44894  
ined energy field that creates the appearance of a Black Triangle by refrac 5/15/2006 #44942  
that were pale and “grey alien” in appearance, having lived in an apocalypt 2008 #45109  
000 years in the future of similar appearance and the P52 Orions, who are h 2008 #45109  
 hybrid (“hubrid”), fully human in appearance, capable of integration into  9/2015 #45438  
Vehicle, a hybrid blimp, making an appearance at the air show.              10/9/2021 #45716  
## Word: "appearances" (Back to Top)
nitial excitement subsides. To all appearances, they are objects of some ki 2/1897 #385  
he local Zulu people are reporting appearances of a mythical lightning bird 12/27/1954 #11864  
Force Mirage III jet. It made four appearances.                             9/23/1975 #30382  
 all the way to the second. To all appearances, the object that entered via 1/10/1977 #31715  
                           Nightly appearances of flying discs over the cit 1/11/1979 #34330  
Michael Persinger, with only brief appearances by Bruce Maccabee and Allan  10/12/1982 #36640  
## Word: "appeared" (Back to Top)
rical object passed overhead, then appeared to descend nearthe village whil 2/14/1889 #287  
s sole occupant, a bearded man who appeared to be deaf and mute. Some writt 12/7/1896 #376  
ning Commercial, the airship first appeared about nine oclock, traveling al 4/16/1897 #503  
hlights down toward the ground. It appeared to have large fins or wings, an 4/18/1897 #529  
Their near approach to the surface appeared to be most remarkable.” The obj 2/28/1904 #670  
p" emitting a bright beam of light appeared moving SE to NW, hovered over c 12/22/1909 #820  
t hovering at 30 m altitude. A man appeared at a lateral door and was heard 1/1910 #827  
t hovering at 30 m altitude. A man appeared at a lateral door and was heard 1/1910 #828  
, like a dirigible balloon, but it appeared to be squarer and more like an  10/25/1910 #848  
 aboard the object as soon as they appeared to be aware of his presence. A  6/1914 #900  
smania, Australia a lighted object appeared traveling from MacQuarie Heads  10/5/1914 #918  
ed light off its front surface. It appeared to draw closer, but then dimish 6/10/1931 #1129  
ting over Korea by Army planes, as appeared in Life Magazine, April 7 1952. 1934 #1189  
est, moving very slowly. They also appeared as steady radar blips coming in 2/25/1942 #1391  
aff, G. C. Marshall stating: UFO's appeared over Los Angeles, CA, yesterday 2/26/1942 #1392  
 those pictured by George Adamski) appeared over the ship and hovered. Orde 1943 #1474  
ims that silver-blue balls of fire appeared near their wing on six missions Autumn 1943 #1530  
gar-shaped object like an airship; appeared to be a line of windows along t 2/19/1944 #1575  
f the crew reported that the light appeared to be doing evasive maneuvers.  4/30/1944 #1594  
that he made out its roundness. It appeared stationary for a minute or so,  6/1944 #1597  
      Mattoon, IL A mysterious man appeared at windows, as if in search of  End of 8/1944 #1648  
Mattoon, Illinois A mysterious man appeared at windows, as if in search of  End of 8/1944 #1649  
nd and hover at treetop height. It appeared moon-like; golden in color, and 10/10/1944 #1676  
orphous reddish-glow that at times appeared cigar-shaped. (Page 97-98 Ref.1 12/1944 #1713  
ein, Germany Brilliant red light & appeared to be 4 or 5 times larger than  12/14/1944 #1720  
orphous reddish-glow that at times appeared cigar-shaped. (Page 103-104 Ref 12/16/1944 #1723  
  Hagenau, Germany Two lights that appeared to be a large orange glow comin 12/22/1944 #1727  
ing from ground - followed plane - appeared to be under perfect control (Pa 12/22/1944 #1727  
g red object shooting straight up; appeared to be aircraft doing a wingover 12/23/1944 #1730  
e silvery cylinder or balloon that appeared to discharge another balloon or 1/18/1945 #1758  
n from the rear; and these objects appeared to have the same size and inten 7/1945 #1886  
ered 75 miles in three minutes and appeared on a collision course with the  8/1/1946 #2101  
vices to their chests. One of them appeared to be injured. The occupants we 5/31/1947 #2303  
a. Then a round blue ball of light appeared, surrounded by smaller objects  6/6/1947 #2314  
 in a spiral over the airport, and appeared to make a cloud.                6/29/1947 #2469  
e gray, about 3 m in diameter, and appeared to land 40 km south of the Gran 6/30/1947 #2485  
bout three meters in diameter, and appeared to land 40 kilometers south of  6/30/1947 #2489  
since July 1. The object had first appeared over the highly restricted area 7/1/1947 #2501  
t, but nothing changed. The object appeared periodically over southern New  7/1/1947 #2501  
he bodies had on silvery suits and appeared to be about 3 ft. tall.         7/2/1947 #2536  
e 1886-8/31/1947. His letter first appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle. 7/3/1947 #2551  
 of ten thousand feet. It had what appeared to be a road stuck through the  7/6/1947 #2823  
 south at high rate of speed. They appeared to be gaining altitude as they  7/6/1947 #2825  
s heading toward the southwest. It appeared to be spinning, and it possibly 7/9/1947 #3075  
raws a picture of what the objects appeared to look like at their closest a 7/12/1947 #3157  
 wide and ten feet high, with what appeared to be exhaust ports on the side 8/13/1947 #3322  
He flew in an upright position and appeared to be manipulating controls str 1/6/1948 #3533  
He flew in an upright position and appeared to be manipulating controls str 1/6/1948 #3534  
st before departing, it hovers or “appeared to touch down” on the grass ext 1/7/1948 #3546  
 approached to within six feet and appeared to aim some type of tube or pip 2/18/1948 #3580  
ted that the object emitted smoke, appeared about three feet long, veered,  5/31/1948 #3664  
Yar A silver cigarette-like object appeared above the Soviet Kapustin Yar s 6/19/1948 #3674  
a regular pulsating flashing light appeared amidst the group at 30° from ze 7/17/1948 #3715  
blique angle the objects no longer appeared circular. They made no noise no 7/17/1948 #3715  
ect" pass by their plane before it appeared to pull up into a cloud and tra 7/24/1948 #3724  
ed and high altitude. Description: Appeared wingless, had two decks, and ma 7/25/1948 #3736  
green fireball at 9:27 p.m., which appeared to maneuver. The same night 12  12/5/1948 #3910  
alive in a controlled environment, appeared reptilian.                      1949 #3941  
l rectangular-shaped objects which appeared to be coordinated in movement a 6/22/1949 #4249  
d object was circular in shape and appeared to be in level flight between a 6/22/1949 #4249  
r objects. The rectangular objects appeared to be bright metal on top but d 6/22/1949 #4249  
acility around 7 p.m.. The objects appeared to be metallic, and flew slowly 6/22/1949 #4250  
a.m., “a very fast moving red glow appeared to be of exhaust nature, seemed 1/22/1950 #4499  
 fast-moving red glow light, which appeared to be of exhaust nature.” The o 1/22/1950 #4503  
mbling a rocket ship without wings appeared out of a thunderhead of clouds  1/31/1950 #4520  
 past two months the UFO sightings appeared to be concentrated near Los Ala 1/31/1950 #4520  
 the sky over Gering, Nebraska. It appeared to change shape as it flew off  3/5/1950 #4584  
 and from nearby Aztec. Some UFO’s appeared red colored. Seen by thousands  3/16/1950 #4646  
of saucers, performing aerobatics, appeared over Farmington, New Mexico aro 3/18/1950 #4679  
t emitted a very bright light that appeared to collide with the object. The 3/22/1950 #4703  
en-foot long long glowing cylinder appeared to explode when it flew into th 7/30/1950 #5084  
s, and a hybrid named Crescent who appeared initially as a mother figure. C 1951 #5372  
ite, round object was spotted.  It appeared larger than the balloon, but ma 1/16/1951 #5402  
 she could see three men, and they appeared to be looking down at her. The  2/4/1951 #5432  
is position for a minute or so. It appeared to be from 200 to 300 feet in d 2/8/1951 #5434  
ped object, looking like aluminum, appeared to stand motionless in the sky  6/15/1951 #5543  
n inside the craft and on its deck appeared to be making repairs, then the  6/19/1951 #5545  
n inside the craft and on its deck appeared to be making repairs, then the  6/19/1951 #5547  
rfaces in 1956 that three UFOs had appeared above Mexico City International Summer 1951 #5549  
iption: Flat on top and bottom and appeared from front view to have rounded 7/10/1951 #5571  
When it dived from its position it appeared circular with a clockwise spinn 7/10/1951 #5571  
 with a clockwise spinning motion. Appeared to have a fractured surface. No 7/10/1951 #5571  
x. distance from his plane the UFO appeared to be 10 to 15 feet in diam. UF 7/10/1951 #5571  
ery fast, came close to the train, appeared ready to land in the desert, th 8/26/1951 #5632  
AN Two GCA operators observed what appeared to be three targets on the PPI  9/13/1951 #5664  
 50,000 feet, above the F-86's. It appeared to be a bright silvery aircraft 9/23/1951 #5687  
ery fast, came close to the train, appeared ready to land in the desert, th 10/26/1951 #5746  
fast, came close to the train, and appeared ready to land in the desert, th 10/26/1951 #5747  
                             A dot appeared in the western sky over the App 1/7/1952 #5862  
ircraft factory for 15 minutes. It appeared to turn on edge, and then went  3/27/1952 #5982  
tion at a high rate of speed. They appeared to be following an aircraft dur 4/20/1952 #6143  
 hovering disk: at about 50 ft. it appeared to be 4 to 5 ft. in diam. The w 4/25/1952 #6180  
 ft. in diam. Next to it more UFOs appeared and bobbed around like boats in 4/25/1952 #6180  
.  Two silver cigar-shaped objects appeared, one departing to the east and  4/27/1952 #6198  
d. Two silver cigar-shaped objects appeared, one departing to the east and  4/27/1952 #6200  
ht red or flame-colored discs that appeared in the sky over Yuma, Arizona.  4/27/1952 #6202  
ish Scientist sighted an UFO which appeared to rise sharply from the level  5/10/1952 #6285  
e and emitted a luminous light. It appeared to waver back and forth before  5/10/1952 #6285  
l Air Station, California saw what appeared to be a shooting star diving at 5/13/1952 #6319  
gain tilted vertical, accelerated, appeared to lengthen and turned red.  Th 5/29/1952 #6384  
faster than the two jets. The UFOs appeared to be at a very high altitude,  7/1/1952 #6691  
tedly not seen visually, but which appeared on the negatives.               7/6/1952 #6722  
e time, but an unidentified object appeared on the film when developed.     7/6/1952 #6723  
 airmen observed the objects which appeared between 3 and 4 inches in diame 7/9/1952 #6736  
ish, except when hovering, when it appeared muddy.  Hovered over Palm Beach 7/15/1952 #6827  
ving off a resonant beat sound. It appeared several times over a four-hour  7/18/1952 #6903  
5 a.m. seven "good, solid targets" appeared on radar at National Airport ne 7/27/1952 #7215  
ack hair and olive complexion. She appeared to be about 42 years old,” alth 7/28/1952 #7260  
ne radar locked onto the UFO which appeared as a bright flashing colored li 7/29/1952 #7307  
ning in Afton, New York UFOs first appeared near the position of the Sun an 8/1/1952 #7413  
arin County, California. The discs appeared to be dogfighting. They were jo 8/3/1952 #7438  
, with a humanoid creature in what appeared to be a control cabin in front. 8/24/1952 #7709  
nd was about 25 meters long. There appeared to be a humanoid being in somet 8/24/1952 #7715  
 observed through theodolite; once appeared as luminous white bar edged wit 8/29/1952 #7783  
when they spotted the same UFO. It appeared as a white, round, glimmering c 9/19/1952 #7981  
 5:00 p.m., a silver spherical UFO appeared over the North Sea end of the E 9/20/1952 #7989  
lock in the afternoon white trails appeared in the sky over Forbach, France 10/27/1952 #8204  
      Hanford AEC Plant, WA Object appeared large, round and white with red 12/10/1952 #8406  
 that same day unidentified bogeys appeared on radar screens over at least  12/10/1952 #8410  
e US air bases. At 9:20 a.m. a UFO appeared on the radarscope at Pope Air F 12/10/1952 #8410  
ng, dark colored suites. One Alien appeared to be female. One Alien had bee 1953? #8470  
t fitting dark suits; one humanoid appeared to be female. He states he hear 1953 #8482  
means. To the naked eye the object appeared as a very bright reddish-white  1/26/1953 #8572  
means. To the naked eye the object appeared as a very bright reddish-white  1/26/1953 #8576  
ma, Arizona when a nocturnal light appeared and spun in the sky over a mech 1/30/1953 #8620  
                  A UFO that first appeared saucer-shaped, but revealed its 2/13/1953 #8674  
ually and by radar.  Visual object appeared to larger and brighter than a s 2/17/1953 #8684  
 local time an unidentified target appeared on the radar scope at Torbat Ai 4/12/1953 #8820  
 someone inside the craft. He then appeared to notice Black and jumped into 5/20/1953 #8888  
 someone inside the craft. He then appeared to notice Mr. Black and jumped  5/20/1953 #8890  
n unidentified flying object which appeared in the sky (NICAP: 08 - Photogr Summer 1953 #8949  
s speed for at least 5 minutes. It appeared at times to be cigar shaped and 7/19/1953 #9001  
ast at a tremendous speed for what appeared to be approximately three miles 7/19/1953 #9004  
countered a very bright light that appeared on a collision course with thei 9/2/1953 #9137  
ject with many multicolored lights appeared in the sky. It's apparent size  10/31/1953 #9266  
 In 1953, two rings of white smoke appeared over Seymour, Indiana. These un 12/10/1953 #9355  
 and seemed translucent, with what appeared to be sparks extending a short  12/26/1953 #9398  
s, but was unable to catch it.  It appeared to be the size of a fighter pla 3/12/1954 #9616  
 outside the craft, motionless and appeared dead; 4-4.5 feet tall with larg 4/12/1954 #9685  
                        What first appeared to be a flaming ring made sharp 4/26/1954 #9727  
ge eyes that were wide apart; both appeared to have antennae on top of thei 5/5/1954 #9755  
p of their heads, and their mouths appeared like round holes. They wore met 5/5/1954 #9755  
ey wore metallic blue outfits, and appeared seated with one of them operati 5/5/1954 #9755  
shire, England when a bright light appeared ahead of his car, heading towar 5/13/1954 #9791  
               Savannah, GA Object appeared to be similar to an airplane wi 6/21/1954 #9915  
         Lowry AFB, CO 6-7 objects appeared to be triangular in shape (NICA 7/9/1954 #10004  
ntwood, CA "Sparkling green light" appeared to land in orchard, television  7/28/1954 #10057  
it and with round eyes exited, and appeared to engage in some repair activi 8/10/1954 #10119  
l that resembled a pencil and what appeared to be a piece of paper, when he 8/20/1954 #10158  
0' away.  A blond man, 5' 10" tall appeared, spoke in a strange language, p 9/21/1954 #10382  
down behind some trees. The object appeared to be revolving, and it then tu 9/22/1954 #10398  
re ahead on the road. The top half appeared to be made of transparent plast 10/9/1954 #10865  
lticolored beams. The central part appeared to be metallic. The object shot 10/10/1954 #10885  
ht. The central part of the object appeared to be metallic. The object sudd 10/10/1954 #10895  
e other gold in color. A third UFO appeared ahead of him on a collision cou 10/14/1954 #11005  
d for about 600' around. The craft appeared to be translucent, and a dark s 10/14/1954 #11041  
aw a landed object in a meadow. It appeared phosphorescent and of large siz 10/16/1954 #11146  
ct in a meadow in Siena, Italy. It appeared phosphorescent and to be large  10/16/1954 #11153  
etallic hull of the object. A door appeared from which emerged three hairy  10/17/1954 #11180  
g, a little more than a meter tall appeared, whose lower legs appeared tran 10/17/1954 #11180  
er tall appeared, whose lower legs appeared transparent. The witness tried  10/17/1954 #11180  
rrounded by a soft, warm light and appeared to be wearing armor. It wore a  10/18/1954 #11225  
ell him not to leave. The creature appeared to grimace, and when Pugina adv 10/18/1954 #11225  
near a cliff in Mers, France. They appeared to be in communication with UFO 10/20/1954 #11281  
ure standing beside the craft, who appeared to be no taller than 1.40 meter 10/24/1954 #11366  
 standing in the garden. The being appeared fat and had narrow shoulders, a 10/27/1954 #11448  
y noted that the cows in the field appeared to be afraid, bellowing and gro 10/27/1954 #11451  
 standing in her garden. The being appeared fat but had narrow shoulders, a 10/27/1954 #11455  
lower cone. From behind the object appeared two dwarfs, each about one mete 11/1/1954 #11520  
wore a belt around his waist which appeared to support an object that Godoi 11/2/1954 #11539  
ely large, flat-topped heads. They appeared to be dressed in dark shiny sui 11/23/1954 #11697  
th the men, who reported that they appeared to have phenomenal strength. At 11/28/1954 #11724  
 UFOs paced his aircraft. The UFOs appeared on radar.                       12/15/1954 #11817  
reddish-brown coloring. The object appeared to be falling in the sky, then  2/2/1955 #11970  
ill Air Force Base, Florida a disc appeared at 7:00 p.m. as a large, square 5/17/1955 #12139  
d see several humanoid figures who appeared to be observing him. The object 7/17/1955 #12267  
d toward his house, and the object appeared to chase him at less than 70 m  8/1/1955 #12315  
 toward his house while the object appeared to pursue him less than 70 mete 8/1/1955 #12319  
w under the others, then two disks appeared to land 300 m away near the Ger 8/5/1955 #12330  
m flew under the others. Two discs appeared to land 300 meters away near th 8/5/1955 #12332  
w under the others, then two discs appeared to land 300 meters away near th 8/5/1955 #12334  
silvery and semi-transparent, soon appeared and were seen by all children.  8/22/1955 #12389  
 was seen nearby. Another creature appeared and spoke to one of the boys. A 8/22/1955 #12389  
creatures, as well as "arms" which appeared to beckon to them.              8/22/1955 #12389  
 silvery and semitransparent, soon appeared and were seen by all of the chi 8/22/1955 #12390  
 was seen nearby. Another creature appeared and spoke to one of the boys. A 8/22/1955 #12390  
creatures, as well as "arms" which appeared to beckon to them.              8/22/1955 #12390  
ee feet from the ground. Beside it appeared a transparent being 3.5 feet ta 8/29/1955 #12416  
mid-air. A creature with four arms appeared, and told two of the boys to cl 8/29/1955 #12416  
d a whistling sound as a dark mass appeared to fall from the sky and a rush 9/16/1955 #12456  
 sound at 6:00 p.m. as a dark mass appeared to fall from the sky and a rush 9/16/1955 #12457  
 shoot to the North. A second disc appeared and maneuvered about the sky.   10/4/1955 #12489  
then a second object, disc shaped, appeared suddenly and joined it quickly. 11/1/1955 #12541  
luminous green-blue and jellylike, appeared overhead diving at a 45' angle, 11/25/1955 #12592  
green-blue and jellylike. It first appeared overhead diving at a 45 degree  11/25/1955 #12593  
AFB, MA At 9:17 PM. A strange blip appeared on Westover tower radar scopes. 3/26/1956 #12768  
 sky for a few seconds. The object appeared to change shape, from round to  4/16/1956 #12811  
d that "although traveling at what appeared to be a high rate of speed" the 7/2/1956 #12948  
cal object, large, white in color, appeared to be revolving at 5 to 6 thous 7/6/1956 #12955  
by two close-set red lights, which appeared to rise straight up and disappe 7/14/1956 #12970  
ky over Long Beach, California. It appeared to be a saucer-shaped craft wit 7/20/1956 #12997  
uish green light at 5:30 a.m. that appeared to be burning as it flew rapidl 7/22/1956 #13008  
 observed nine silver saucers that appeared at a very high altitude in the  9/20/1956 #13228  
e glanced up and saw what at first appeared to be a falling star, off to th 11/8/1956 #13314  
aircraft observed in the past." It appeared to be egg-shaped or oval-shaped 11/8/1956 #13315  
, Freestone first saw the UFO. "It appeared at approximately 65 miles south 11/8/1956 #13315  
5 a.m. From the returns the target appeared fairly large, being four to fiv 11/8/1956 #13315  
close to them. As it got closer it appeared to be an oval-shaped craft, flu 1/15/1957 #13457  
ed object with a black stripe that appeared behind a jet. It abruptly vanis 1/24/1957 #13473  
 diameter, and flew so low that it appeared to suck up the snow.            3/8/1957 #13529  
 diameter, and flew so low that it appeared to suck up the snow on the grou 3/8/1957 #13533  
“Pilot took evasive action, object appeared to have a brilliant greenish-wh 3/9/1957 #13540  
a halo of light around it and what appeared to be three portholes." [UFOE,  6/18/1957 #13737  
ing, and who walked as if on skis, appeared to make a check of the craft an 9/1957 #13964  
m green to yellow to blue. It also appeared to change size. Four small circ 9/4/1957 #13979  
n. Observed through binoculars, he appeared as a "monster," 1 m tall, movin 9/26/1957 #14035  
e green as it slowed down. It then appeared as a flattened dome. Three legs 10/16/1957 #14131  
razil A girl suffering from cancer appeared about to die when the house was 10/25/1957 #14154  
ght and another instument, in what appeared to be radiation treatment of th 10/25/1957 #14154  
razil a girl suffering from cancer appeared near death when the house was s 10/25/1957 #14157  
ht and another instrument, in what appeared to be radiation treatment of th 10/25/1957 #14157  
 or spherical glowing object which appeared to vibrate up and down and from 11/5/1957 #14338  
during the observation. The object appeared to have generated thick smoke.  11/5/1957 #14341  
during the observation. The object appeared to have generated thick smoke.  11/5/1957 #14353  
 his eyes could not sustain it. It appeared to land on a ridge, then took o 11/6/1957 #14412  
t stand to look directly at it. It appeared to land on a nearby ridge, and  11/6/1957 #14435  
f Meridian, he saw an object which appeared to have two propellers at eithe 11/7/1957 #14457  
 Mississippi he saw an object that appeared to have two propellers at eithe 11/7/1957 #14464  
ortholes from which fire and smoke appeared to be coming. It swung at low a 11/8/1957 #14482  
ortholes from which fire and smoke appeared to be coming. It swung at low a 11/8/1957 #14493  
ash on the horizon, and a fireball appeared there, then shrank. In Tulsa, O 12/5/1957 #14674  
is wooded area when a bright light appeared ahead. It reminded the witness  12/8/1957 #14690  
lking in opposite directions. They appeared to be wearing yellow jackets, a 12/16/1957 #14736  
ned the entire rim. It's shape now appeared to be oval, and as it dipped or 12/16/1957 #14736  
 a light in the south, which later appeared as two spherical objects coming 12/21/1957 #14754  
t in the southern sky, which later appeared as two spherical objects coming 12/21/1957 #14757  
n, Great Britain Two figures again appeared to Mrs. Appleton and spoke to h 1/7/1958 #14812  
m. two human looking figures again appeared to Mrs. Appleton in Aston, Warw 1/7/1958 #14813  
previous November 18th, when a man appeared next to her fireplace while a w 1/7/1958 #14813  
age because just before the object appeared a launch was being hauled up fr 1/16/1958 #14831  
 it stopped midway just as the UFO appeared!” The ship’s log is provably in 1/16/1958 #14831  
 a very large, blue silvery object appeared and came to ground level with a 2/24/1958 #14888  
ge blue silvery disc-shaped object appeared with a flat ring spinning at hi 2/24/1958 #14890  
ld not start. At 6:30 a.m. the UFO appeared once more, looking silvery in c 2/24/1958 #14890  
vel about 1 km away. At times they appeared to exchange signals. One of the 4/17/1958 #14994  
kilometer away. At times the discs appeared to exchange signals. One of the 4/17/1958 #14995  
t about 1000 ft. altitude. The UFO appeared as a round metallic looking obj 5/1958 #15006  
                        A red glow appeared over the mountains in Mount Egm 6/7/1958 #15083  
white disc-shaped object. The disc appeared to be the size of a basketball, 7/20/1958 #15151  
0 m away for five min. A red light appeared at one end of the object, which 10/31/1958 #15409  
witness as he crossed the road and appeared to inspect the craft. He wore a 11/23/1958 #15456  
contacted by strange "newsmen" who appeared to know all the details of it.  11/23/1958 #15456  
itness as the crossed the road and appeared to inspect the craft. The UFOna 11/23/1958 #15457  
contacted by strange "newsmen" who appeared to know all the details of it.  11/23/1958 #15457  
 along the beach. Part of his face appeared to be burnt and his hair singed 1/21/1959 #15560  
 a taller six-foot tall being that appeared to be the leader. Both were giv 3/19/1959 #15654  
rea of Charles Mill Lake, Ohio. It appeared to be armless and had large, br 3/28/1959 #15677  
.m. When he did so, a circular UFO appeared in the air 300 feet above the g 4/25/1959 #15713  
a.m. He did so, and a circular UFO appeared at a low altitude, perhaps 100  4/26/1959 #15714  
d object. The main body of the UFO appeared to be rotating on its vertical  4/29/1959 #15718  
 waved, and all four UFO occupants appeared to wave back. Flashlight signal 6/27/1959 #15799  
ower that the sector where the UFO appeared had been “blocked out.” Neasham 7/5/1959 #15817  
nd coming closer to the ground. It appeared to be a large, vertical, ovoid  8/9/1959 #15899  
nterclockwise near Akron, Ohio. It appeared to spin in a clockwise directio 9/25/1959 #15991  
ar from Moscow, Russia. The object appeared to be smoldering and it was sha 9/26/1959 #15994  
 about 5 degrees above my plane it appeared massive and was at about 13000  9/29/1959 #15997  
as at about 13000 ft. alt. The UFO appeared to be about 1000 ft. thick (top 9/29/1959 #15997  
ngs bent down under the object and appeared to look inside. All the time th 10/16/1959 #16035  
e inside the transparent dome, and appeared to be laughing at them.         10/30/1959 #16069  
reflected light from the Moon, and appeared to skim above the waves on the  11/20/1959 #16097  
wide as the road, and shadows that appeared to be moving could be seen.     12/22/1959 #16127  
. "On it I could see shadows which appeared to be moving, but I could not d 12/22/1959 #16128  
d water from the river. Later they appeared to play like children. Their bo Spring 1960 #16201  
own when a creature about 1 m tall appeared in the headlights. It wore a sh 5/19/1960 #16288  
ture about one meter tall suddenly appeared in the headlights. It wore a sh 5/19/1960 #16290  
es high were the object hit and it appeared to be burnt and cut up over an  6/22/1960 #16316  
The strange luminous body suddenly appeared over the mountainns on the east 8/16/1960 #16397  
ved it from separate locations. It appeared as an oval, luminous craft, 4 m 12/9/1960 #16529  
ved it from separate locations. It appeared to be an oval-shaped, self-lumi 12/9/1960 #16531  
nd then return to where they first appeared.                                1/17/1961 #16580  
house. A door was opened and a man appeared. About 1.50 m tall, he wore a b 4/18/1961 #16652  
hey asked him for some water. They appeared to be cooking pancakes on a gri 4/18/1961 #16654  
board when, suddenly, another blip appeared on the screen closing at 2500 m 5/1961 #16669  
rs. Davis, at 4:30 p.m. The object appeared to be revolving as it hovered.  5/22/1961 #16695  
New Hampshire: Barney noticed what appeared to be a bright star, or planet, 9/19/1961 #16848  
olid object against the moon that “appeared to be flashing thin pencils of  9/19/1961 #16857  
over a thousand people. The object appeared to land and then take off again 4/18/1962 #17115  
 (one at either end of the craft), appeared to be changing some luminous si 7/30/1962 #17304  
 like a watermelon and three eyes, appeared as the engine stalled. The appa 7/30/1962 #17305  
 became visible, and a small being appeared and made a gesture. A second fi 12/17/1962 #17587  
stood a man wearing a garment that appeared to be made of a cellophane-like 2/6/1963 #17657  
 almost stationary, 500 m away. It appeared as a disk having a central uppe 2/20/1963 #17674  
escending, changing color; finally appeared silvery. The UFO then circled t 6/19/1963 #17795  
ith 13 other witnesses. The object appeared in the northeastern sky first a 8/6/1963 #17873  
on of travel: west, then north. It appeared ready to land in a wooded area. 8/7/1963 #17876  
ew ahead of him, then departed and appeared to land behind a hill. Two witn 10/31/1963 #18015  
 and plunged into the water, which appeared to boil.                        10/31/1963 #18016  
hased a low-flying UFO which first appeared as a white flashing light. At t 11/12/1963 #18034  
n ran toward a strange object that appeared about to land, but it "vanished 11/15/1963 #18040  
n ran toward a strange object that appeared about to land in Bloomingdale,  11/15/1963 #18042  
wn when they first saw the UFO. It appeared to be surrounded by a light haz 11/20/1963 #18051  
d highway at low altitude, turned, appeared to follow car, then fell back a 1/26/1964 #18120  
d, north of La Madera. Blue flames appeared to circle the base of the machi 4/26/1964 #18208  
La Madera, New Mexico. Blue flames appeared to circle the base of the machi 4/26/1964 #18211  
sh clothing. He looked injured and appeared to be bleeding. He had more fin 5/15/1964 #18271  
itnessed a UFO. The reddish object appeared round while hovering, then dart 5/17/1964 #18276  
ng, then darted across the sky and appeared flattened while in motion. (UFO 5/17/1964 #18276  
rt when an intensely bright object appeared on the road ahead. They drove v 6/5/1964 #18331  
t high, 20 feet wide, and had what appeared to be two big blades revolving  6/14/1964 #18358  
sked for water in a language which appeared to be a mixture of English and  6/15/1964 #18361  
f his face, which looked human. He appeared to request some water in a stra 7/16/1964 #18416  
 one red and one white light, then appeared and descended to ground level w 7/28/1964 #18456  
 one red and one white light, then appeared and descended to ground level w 7/28/1964 #18457  
 blurry, reddish-white object that appeared to be on a collision course wit 8/18/1964 #18498  
tness from his tree. The creatures appeared to fear the light from flaming  9/5/1964 #18538  
'-8' tall men exited the craft and appeared to engage in repair activity, w 11/25/1964 #18638  
he ground in Norfolk, Virginia. It appeared as a bright, circular silvery c 1/14/1965 #18732  
t and Renton, Washington. The UFOs appeared to be connected to each other.  1/31/1965 #18788  
ough a "door" in the object, which appeared metallic. Radio interference wa 4/8/1965 #18899  
y a cable. It wore white clothing, appeared to pick up something from the g 4/23/1965 #18914  
were viewed through binoculars and appeared as 3 lighted objects. Next, the 5/6/1965 #18930  
late, flattened on top and bottom; appeared to have exhaust gasses coming f 5/28/1965 #18969  
he beckoned to another figure that appeared at a second window. Both of the 5/30/1965 #18977  
l object with flashing lights that appeared to land silently on a hillside  6/2/1965 #18984  
l object with flashing lights that appeared to land silently on a hillside  6/2/1965 #18985  
 weather was clear and the objects appeared to resemble two big dark-colour 6/6/1965 #18995  
 three similar but smaller objects appeared near the other two. They did no 6/6/1965 #18995  
 away from them. From the air they appeared to be lying just below the surf 6/6/1965 #18995  
s. It was long and black and there appeared to be a black balloon suspended 6/6/1965 #18995  
965 three glowing beings allegedly appeared to a witness named Bryant one d 6/7/1965 #18997  
 Michigan starting at 9:30 p.m. It appeared to land remotely.               6/21/1965 #19023  
at as he approached the object, it appeared to "blow up" with a bang.       8/9/1965 #19347  
ect shaped like a large soup plate appeared 50 m away, rose from the ground 8/14/1965 #19389  
 dark shape with two orange lights appeared in the sky. The close encounter 8/16/1965 #19409  
who did most of the communicating, appeared to be a scientist or doctor, an 8/16/1965 #19410  
im to be the pilot. A third entity appeared to be a woman. All three stood  8/16/1965 #19410  
ere taken. On a screen on the wall appeared a pattern: seven vertical lines 8/16/1965 #19410  
ey aroused fear in the woman. They appeared old because their foreheads wer 8/16/1965 #19410  
.8 m high, same diameter, suddenly appeared 5 m away, 1.5 m above the road. 8/21/1965 #19447  
bout 400 feet away from them. They appeared to be black domes with straight 8/28/1965 #19470  
the moon and had blurry edges, but appeared to be solid. It flew from south 8/30/1965 #19481  
nger. The four tall occupants each appeared to be in charge of the four abd 9/3/1965 #19518  
g sound. The farmer said that they appeared quite human, except for their s 9/10/1965 #19551  
ike humans, with "ugly" skin. They appeared to examine some tomato plants,  9/11/1965 #19554  
he whole horizon with a glare." It appeared to be spinning.                 11/30/1965 #19743  
n the Kecksburgh, PA woods. It had appeared as a fireball flying across sev 12/9/1965 #19760  
 six-foot tall occupant. The being appeared to be hiding his face from the  12/11/1965 #19765  
ing green disc-shaped UFO suddenly appeared, hovering six feet over the roa 12/20/1965 #19782  
. Fujii. At 1:55 p.m. 16 more UFOs appeared to the left of these, gradually 1/6/1966 #19807  
ishing after 30 seconds. Many more appeared in a display at 2:09 p.m.       1/6/1966 #19807  
ht, made a loud whirring sound. It appeared to hover, then left at high spe 1/7/1966 #19812  
as an object with pulsating lights appeared nearby. This object then began  1/18/1966 #19851  
d open and a seven-foot tall being appeared. He called to them by name, and 1/23/1966 #19869  
he ground. The source of the light appeared to manuever for about two hours 3/21/1966 #20019  
t was assumed to be a disc. Planes appeared and chased the UFO.             3/21/1966 #20022  
und. The source of the lights next appeared to hover and do manuevers over  3/21/1966 #20024  
the object, and a man in coveralls appeared to be examining the craft which 3/23/1966 #20047  
the object, and a man in coveralls appeared to be examining the craft which 3/23/1966 #20055  
kwise around a horizontal axis. It appeared to land in the distance. Next d 3/24/1966 #20066  
ighting was made of an object that appeared to change shape from cigar to w 3/27/1966 #20098  
H 7:10 p.m. EST. A family saw what appeared to , be a double-decked craft w 3/27/1966 #20099  
 a deep rumbling noise. The object appeared to be "twice the size of a jet  4/3/1966 #20211  
hining white, oval-shaped UFO that appeared above him with a cone of light  4/4/1966 #20225  
t 100 ft long oval with a dark top appeared cone-shaped (NICAP: 02 - Close  4/5/1966 #20237  
ryborough when his headlight beams appeared to "bend" to the right. He then 4/5/1966 #20239  
. One oval object with a dark top, appeared cone-shaped when moving.  It ma 4/5/1966 #20244  
object with a dark top. The object appeared cone-shaped when moving. It mad 4/5/1966 #20252  
everyone to stay back. Another man appeared, this one wearing a dark unifor 4/6/1966 #20259  
to green) around the bottom, which appeared to land on the roof of the Oliv 4/12/1966 #20290  
nd down when in motion. The object appeared to land in a field. Later two w 4/19/1966 #20340  
ame down with pendulum motion, and appeared to land on Route 114. At midnig 4/19/1966 #20345  
ed with an up-and-down motion, and appeared to land. When the witnesses app 4/19/1966 #20347  
00 feet away at treetop height. It appeared to be rotating, and a blue ligh 4/24/1966 #20401  
 to the west. The color photograph appeared in LIFE magazine. The photograp 5/8/1966 #20466  
ere 2 m tall, had oversized heads, appeared bright and "transparent." Their 5/10/1966 #20471  
ers tall, had oversized heads, and appeared bright and "transparent." Their 5/10/1966 #20475  
eiro State, Brazil at 5:30 p.m. It appeared to be about the size of an airl 5/15/1966 #20482  
allic sheen. On the body were what appeared to be a row of louvers and an a 5/24/1966 #20509  
lver, metallic cigar-shaped object appeared out of nowhere and buzzed his c 6/8/1966 #20546  
later the same or a similar object appeared traveling from north to south,  6/17/1966 #20572  
 moved, its glow brightened and it appeared to be a powered craft (luminosi 6/23/1966 #20595  
ical objects also with body lights appeared, and the disc reappeared, takin 6/27/1966 #20615  
utheast, hovered over a reservoir, appeared to land in a small field, then  8/19/1966 #20770  
isible on top of the disc. It next appeared to almost land in a small field 8/19/1966 #20773  
. It gave off rainbow colors which appeared to pour off its edges "like wat 8/20/1966 #20777  
y. It gave off rainbow colors that appeared to pour off its edges "like wat 8/20/1966 #20780  
 which landed close by. An opening appeared in the side of the cylinder and 8/20/1966 #20781  
phenomenon and a small figure that appeared to enter a bedroom. The figure  9/5/1966 #20850  
ething like "a bar of light, which appeared to crumble." The boys and their 9/5/1966 #20852  
ts with rotating rings around them appeared over Wilmington, Ohio at 3:38 p 9/28/1966 #20933  
 light about 21 inches in diameter appeared at the foot of her bed. Inside  10/2/1966 #20950  
hort while later two round objects appeared. Each had a "bulge" (dome?) on  10/11/1966 #20990  
ineers saw a sphere which at first appeared translucent, then reflecting li 10/21/1966 #21024  
ndow and saw a huge red light that appeared to be rotating behind a glassy  11/4/1966 #21074  
e windows a man and two women, who appeared to be on different floors. The  11/5/1966 #21078  
ed out. A fine herringbone pattern appeared on the tube, and simultaneously 11/14/1966 #21101  
t. A very fine herringbone pattern appeared on the tube, and at the same ti 11/15/1966 #21109  
noon five pilots saw what at first appeared to be an airplane. Instead it w 12/4/1966 #21182  
e dome, then turned bright red. It appeared to be metallic. It hovered, til 1/7/1967 #21270  
domed disc with lights on the dome appeared over St. Louis, Missouri. It ho 1/7/1967 #21272  
 a Detroit News article that there appeared to be no indication of a hoax.  1/9/1967 #21275  
eyes," and set wide apart. One eye appeared to have a cast, like a glass ey 1/9/1967 #21278  
 up and down, slowed its pace, and appeared to be changing its shape. There 1/15/1967 #21314  
d. He was about average height and appeared to be human. The UFO occupant s 1/25/1967 #21387  
lights in the house. Four entities appeared before Betty in the kitchen aft 1/25/1967 #21389  
 was holding a box in his hand. It appeared to be some kind of instrument w 1/26/1967 #21402  
ary investigators and flashed what appeared to be USAF identification. Mrs. 1/28/1967 #21411  
irst looked like a boomerang, then appeared like a teardrop. It was a pale  2/5/1967 #21454  
he craft. A man walked to them and appeared to speak with the entities. The 2/5/1967 #21459  
craft. A man walked up to them and appeared to speak with the entities. The 2/5/1967 #21462  
out little man, 3.5-4.0 feet tall, appeared standing beside the object. Mon 2/5/1967 #21463  
ittle man was gone and the UFO now appeared as a red-luminous ball about 25 2/5/1967 #21463  
lights. From this core, red lights appeared to be pulsating outward toward  2/8/1967 #21479  
n board the craft, and one of them appeared to wave at the two witnesses, w 2/10/1967 #21508  
high speed. Three other discs then appeared from different directions and f 2/13/1967 #21532  
colonel, saw a bright object which appeared to drip white phosphorus-like f 2/16/1967 #21567  
rnia at a 45 degree angle. It then appeared to approach the ground.         2/18/1967 #21591  
hat when viewed through binoculars appeared to be a saucer-shaped object, l 2/20/1967 #21603  
e object hovered, accelerated, and appeared to land in a clump of trees. It 2/23/1967 #21630  
color from white to green. The UFO appeared to have streamers of light arou 2/26/1967 #21665  
lash of light, then an object that appeared flat , and like an upside down  3/1967 #21689  
M effects also were reported. Jets appeared to chase the object. (Trenton/a 3/1967 #21694  
efore fading from sight. They also appeared to be giving off sparks.        3/3/1967 #21747  
 saw a large dark oval object that appeared solid and metallic, with a smal 3/10/1967 #21849  
and just below these, jets of what appeared to be steam were emitted contin 3/12/1967 #21876  
n front of their car. The creature appeared to have very long hair and was  3/12/1967 #21877  
imes red, with a "halo effect" and appeared to be rotating. The headlights  3/18/1967 #21918  
ed. At the same time, five figures appeared about 3 m away. They had narrow 3/20/1967 #21922  
ed. At the same time, five figures appeared about three meters away. They h 3/20/1967 #21927  
near the airport, in the west that appeared to be an aircraft fuselage (DC- 3/23/1967 #21955  
d it "really kicked up a fuss" and appeared to be terrified. When the men g 3/26/1967 #21998  
rved it through binoculars, and it appeared to oscillate erratically. Repor 3/30/1967 #22016  
raft saw a flat oval object, which appeared to be a metallic dull white in  4/1967 #22030  
nge oval objects in formation that appeared behind their car, then moved in 4/5/1967 #22061  
his night at 12:30 a.m. two lights appeared that looked like flashlights on 4/6/1967 #22082  
 A tiny metallic robot-like figure appeared in the doorway of the object. I 4/14/1967 #22131  
sky, emitting a whirring sound. It appeared to join the large glowing craft 4/14/1967 #22131  
olors which followed their car and appeared to move with a gliding motion.  4/19/1967 #22163  
i and another crew member saw what appeared to be bright multi-colored ligh 4/20/1967 #22172  
dge. At the front the UFO had what appeared to be a "rotating wheel" that e 4/20/1967 #22172  
 wore silvery gray shiny uniforms, appeared to be bareheaded, and carried w 4/20/1967 #22172  
 was viewed through binoculars and appeared to have four rectangular window 4/21/1967 #22198  
esembled a plane about to land. It appeared to have lights inside and a red 5/1967 #22252  
. Following this some landing legs appeared. The event lasted three hours,  5/6/1967 #22288  
e Braniff aircraft. The radar blip appeared at about twice the range of the 5/13/1967 #22339  
uth. It illuminated the ground and appeared to land, whereupon she became f 5/31/1967 #22430  
h. The light lit up the ground and appeared to land. She became frightened  5/31/1967 #22433  
round the edge like windows, which appeared to revolve. (Letter dated 6/20/ 6/9/1967 #22481  
 resembling a "submarine with what appeared to be a Russian insignia" as we 6/15/1967 #22510  
e after the other, that undulated, appeared to change to disc shape, and ro 6/21/1967 #22527  
t. He had a trowel in his hand and appeared to be digging in the earth. Whe 6/24/1967 #22551  
 in the yard when the object first appeared overhead. As they watched, her  6/30/1967 #22580  
hted an orange ball of light which appeared to be hanging from a tree. The  7/5/1967 #22613  
 (See above reports.) The interior appeared to be partly visible, and a cre 7/17/1967 #22676  
bout the size of a car. An opening appeared in the center of the underside  7/17/1967 #22685  
apparently from within. The object appeared to be spinning. (Greenville Ref 7/27/1967 #22738  
th. A bright football-shaped light appeared several minutes later and rushe 8/2/1967 #22778  
lf of Mexico. The departure course appeared to follow the path of a radio n 8/5/1967 #22812  
ll at first but all of a sudden it appeared again over a cemetery, came to  8/5/1967 #22814  
 from view by a hill, but suddenly appeared again over the cemetery, came d 8/5/1967 #22818  
ate. On the other side he saw what appeared to be a landed disc-shaped craf 8/15/1967 #22883  
linking red and white lights. They appeared to hover, and then moved off an 8/18/1967 #22887  
. The object moved erratically and appeared to "bounce," approaching the wi 8/19/1967 #22890  
 wearing helmets (humanoids). They appeared to be gathering specimens. (Hal 8/23/1967 #22897  
 a black mark or insignia. Near it appeared two figures about 1.5 m tall, w 8/24/1967 #22914  
black mark or insignia. Next to it appeared two human figures about 1.5 met 8/24/1967 #22918  
rning Mr. Saki Macharechi saw what appeared to be a large bird flying overh 8/26/1967 #22936  
shaped like an inverted saucer. It appeared to be on the ground or just abo 9/2/1967 #22984  
nd disappeared in the distance. It appeared to be about one-fourth the size 9/3/1967 #22988  
 size of an automobile. The object appeared to make a search of a park area 9/11/1967 #23040  
ed and maneuvered around, and once appeared to approach an airport as if to 9/13/1967 #23048  
, and then six red lights in a row appeared at the same spot and hovered ov 9/13/1967 #23050  
 Pittsburgh saw a flat object that appeared orange at long range and white  9/14/1967 #23057  
en light in the sky that sometimes appeared white. It circled, zig-zagged,  9/14/1967 #23058  
oved up and down (maneuvered), and appeared to circle an aircraft. (NICAP r 9/14/1967 #23058  
ects with domes on top. They first appeared as a string of lights flying at 9/24/1967 #23126  
red lights in a box formation that appeared to be on or just above the wate 10/4/1967 #23175  
, egg-shaped object with legs that appeared to be preparing to land in the  10/12/1967 #23227  
he other (body lights). The object appeared to be spinning. It swooped down 10/19/1967 #23270  
r the treetops, and a second cross appeared after the first had gone.       10/24/1967 #23306  
her similar smaller creatures that appeared to be assistants. He next heard 10/24/1967 #23310  
t 4 feet high and 16 feet long. It appeared to be a large window in the obj 10/30/1967 #23373  
all, man-shaped, and gray in color appeared. It glided quickly across a fie 11/2/1967 #23391  
 required to stop. A face suddenly appeared in the car window, and an arm r 11/13/1967 #23444  
een approaching it. The tall being appeared to glide rather than walk. It v 11/16/1967 #23471  
g with long blond hair. Their skin appeared porcelain-white, as if they had 11/28/1967 #23517  
 four white or orange objects that appeared and disappeared over a 2-hour p 12/3/1967 #23542  
g about 200 feet in the air. There appeared to be a humanoid figure onboard 12/7/1967 #23558  
-like rings with dark centers that appeared from behind a storm cloud. Unid 12/13/1967 #23578  
 Next, three stiff-walking figures appeared. There was also telepathy repor 1/30/1968 #23712  
ad out in different directions and appeared to be interested in looking dow 2/21/1968 #23774  
ghts suddenly went out. The object appeared metallic and glowed orange whil 3/4/1968 #23826  
ar a power transformer. An opening appeared in the base of the object and a 3/29/1968 #23873  
s light colored and brilliant, and appeared woven with heavy stitches. The  3/29/1968 #23873  
 and two reddish ring-shaped marks appeared on her lower abdomen. Her menst 5/3/1968 #23942  
d altitude of 500 feet. The beings appeared to be covered with feathers or  5/10/1968 #23956  
er. Its color was flat gray and it appeared to have a dull metallic finish. 5/27/1968 #23988  
a paleblue sphere in his hand, had appeared and spoken to her.              6/1968 #23998  
 a few feet above the ground. They appeared to have trouble moving in heavi 6/14/1968 #24034  
wo very tall human looking figures appeared in his room. They were thin and 6/14/1968 #24035  
f red light. The top of the object appeared to be spinning. It suddenly inc 6/21/1968 #24067  
s. On the upper part of the object appeared a couple, a man and a woman, wh 6/27/1968 #24087  
 and long, light colored hair, who appeared to be walking about in a trance 6/30/1968 #24097  
a cigar-shaped craft that had just appeared. The objects soon disappeared.  7/20/1968 #24194  
cting the area except for one that appeared to be lying prone on the ground 7/20/1968 #24195  
e ground. These human like figures appeared to be naked or topless as if su 7/20/1968 #24195  
a large gray balloon shaped object appeared above some trees. It was flying 7/20/1968 #24195  
lying in a west-east direction and appeared to be about 25 meters in diamet 7/20/1968 #24195  
on 4 bell-parachute shaped objects appeared and descend over each of the hu 7/20/1968 #24195  
 St. Bruno, Quebec. The apparition appeared before them hovering in the air 7/22/1968 #24206  
lashes and making a droning sound, appeared about to land. It settled to th 7/25/1968 #24226  
around...a white cloud, like mist, appeared on the front path. It gradually 8/4/1968 #24297  
 meters (6.6 feet) in height, that appeared to have no hair or ears, and wi 8/31/1968 #24410  
lar TV-like screen, on which there appeared first a waterfall, then a mushr 9/1/1968 #24422  
and then vanished.  A second light appeared, heading toward them on a colli 9/15/1968 #24466  
before it vanished. A second light appeared, heading toward Cole's plane on 9/15/1968 #24469  
ward. Other officers said the ball appeared to be 20' in diameter. NARA doc 9/20/1968 #24489  
e object, and human-looking beings appeared inside each beam. All ascended  9/20/1968 #24490  
ll as a fifth object that has just appeared. After a zig-zagging descent, t 9/29/1968 #24521  
etracted, and underneath the craft appeared “something like an electric pol 10/2/1968 #24538  
nder the craft, and another figure appeared to be using a keyboard inside t 10/9/1968 #24554  
n end. At times a small blue light appeared underneath it. It blinked out w 10/19/1968 #24576  
Both wore white coveralls and what appeared to be earphones. He stopped 20  11/1/1968 #24618  
h girls could now clearly see what appeared to be a small “woman” inside th 11/9/1968 #24649  
rom earaches, hoarseness, and what appeared to have been scratches on her w 11/9/1968 #24649  
eft and hovering above a house. It appeared to "quiver like a jelly." Sever 11/20/1968 #24670  
ield and hovered above a house. It appeared to "quiver like a jelly." Sever 11/20/1968 #24673  
gular in shape with bulging sides, appeared to descend as it approached to  11/25/1968 #24706  
 light on its chest area, and what appeared to be a long antenna like protr 11/28/1968 #24729  
na like protrusion on its back. It appeared to have duck-like feet, and it  11/28/1968 #24729  
      A cluster of flashing lights appeared just at dusk over Watts Bar Lak 12/5/1968 #24745  
, green, and white lights. The UFO appeared to fall from the sky, stopped,  12/15/1968 #24772  
out. From the right another figure appeared and both walked toward the left 1/6/1969 #24822  
t of a tall human like figure that appeared to have a disfigured face and l 1/12/1969 #24836  
r a Brazilian Air Force helicopter appeared and descended about two kilomet 2/6/1969 #24898  
long beige colored pants with what appeared to be colorful inscriptions and 2/12/1969 #24915  
ar at 7:30 p.m. When the UFO first appeared, the car's engine began to stop 2/20/1969 #24935  
exico. The UFO (like an arrowhead) appeared directly above the ship at exac 3/17/1969 #25018  
ring of white lights around it and appeared to be spinning. At home later o 3/22/1969 #25037  
grayish green coveralls. One being appeared to be the examiner, and he wore 4/5/1969 #25051  
en. They had pear shaped heads and appeared to be lacking hands. They wore  4/12/1969 #25059  
pparently unharmed. Sr. Roque also appeared to be unharmed except for a str 4/20/1969 #25075  
eyes and a big nose, and his mouth appeared toothless, "like a fish." To th 5/4/1969 #25115  
rs. At this point a kind of vision appeared to Da Silva of a Christ-like ma 5/4/1969 #25115  
sappeared when a third small being appeared from the right side of the road 5/11/1969 #25128  
 arrived home from a date. The UFO appeared rather bright, then dimmed and  5/11/1969 #25128  
of the object. A second orange UFO appeared. Ground traces of a landing wer 5/28/1969 #25167  
d in a nearby field, and some soil appeared to have been taken.             5/28/1969 #25167  
gure standing by a nearby gate. It appeared to be covered entirely by tiny  5/30/1969 #25169  
at an opaque cube-shaped form that appeared out of nowhere. His next recoll 6/11/1969 #25211  
port was at 9:35 p.m. "The objects appeared solid and yet were a source of  6/20/1969 #25229  
rdsman Vernon Kleman stated. "They appeared as if from nowhere and could br 6/20/1969 #25229  
t will." A roughly oval-shaped UFO appeared to have a rotating rim with red 6/20/1969 #25229  
high and very distant. All objects appeared very bright and solid. The clos 6/20/1969 #25230  
 two bent, blue and green legs. It appeared to land on a nearby hill. Arces 7/4/1969 #25253  
eter. At the same time, a “DS” car appeared, moving directly toward the amb 8/11/1969 #25317  
n again some 200 meters ahead, now appeared as a bright blue inverted plate 8/19/1969 #25324  
erged, these moved like robots and appeared to gather rocks and plants befo 9/14/1969 #25369  
d object approach, hover, humanoid appeared in light beam from object. Memo 1/7/1970 #25538  
d object approach, hover, humanoid appeared in light beam from object. Memo 1/7/1970 #25539  
 neck. Then three more such beings appeared, all alike except that one lack 6/4/1970 #25690  
the ground. The people in the city appeared to be both male and female, wor 7/4/1970 #25727  
 furious barking of two dogs. What appeared before the four witnesses was a 8/5/1970 #25770  
 He walked through an opening that appeared in his path. The interior of th 8/15/1970 #25787  
es and knobs were situated at what appeared to be random locations along th 8/15/1970 #25787  
 door as well. He walked into what appeared to be a central core of the obj 8/15/1970 #25787  
 from the object. One of them, who appeared to be the leader, wore a yellow 8/20/1970 #25799  
ousness later, and a small red dot appeared on his leg where he had been sh 8/20/1970 #25799  
uits, and one had only one arm and appeared to be holding a small gun. The  8/20/1970 #25799  
d land near her house. Two figures appeared to have been waiting there. Whe 8/24/1970 #25803  
. At first she could only see what appeared to be luminous spheres floating 9/7/1970 #25828  
es. Soon a sort of cable with what appeared to be a needle on its tip was i 9/7/1970 #25828  
ed remotely near a golf course. It appeared to have spikes or rays sticking 9/20/1970 #25845  
at descended very rapidly. The UFO appeared to have a saw-toothed bottom ed 10/6/1970 #25872  
rea. Two of the witnesses saw what appeared to be a gray colored "shape" dr 12/7/1970 #25934  
the morning. They were silent, and appeared twice over the area within a fi 12/25/1970 #25953  
rldly environment where everything appeared to be made out of ice. There sh 1/1/1971 #25966  
 figure growl. Then there suddenly appeared a flash of white light so inten 2/16/1971 #26021  
 chocolate brown rectangular marks appeared on his undershirt, and these pe 3/5/1971 #26044  
A machine directly in front of him appeared to "scan" him, and a new 9-foot 3/14/1971 #26047  
s silhouetted in them. The figures appeared to be very tall, perhaps about  4/14/1971 #26073  
 complexions and mousy hair." They appeared to be "intently engrossed."     5/8/1971 #26103  
 a glowing box. The humanoid giant appeared to be approaching the tall gras 5/15/1971 #26111  
ht like metal reflecting sun, that appeared in the sky over Penrose; it mov 5/19/1971 #26117  
 itself was dull gray in color and appeared to have burnt areas along the b 5/21/1971 #26121  
ped from location to location, and appeared to be spinning when hovering.   5/23/1971 #26125  
ity was out that night." The being appeared to be transparent, and Gaetan h 7/12/1971 #26224  
 a reddish light shone out of what appeared to be an open door on the objec 7/27/1971 #26246  
 reddish light shining out of what appeared to be an open door in the objec 7/27/1971 #26247  
ich the witness was sitting, so it appeared to have been aimed at her. She  8/11/1971 #26280  
entities of normal human size then appeared out of some nearby bushes and s 8/16/1971 #26289  
an normal and it had long arms. It appeared to be wearing a wet suit. The h 8/16/1971 #26291  
 and sit in the left seat. On what appeared to be a control panel Renz saw  8/16/1971 #26291  
ee numerous creatures inside. They appeared to be scrambling back and forth 8/16/1971 #26291  
couple of hundred of them and they appeared to be the same as the insectoid 8/16/1971 #26291  
eaman sighted an object that first appeared as a halo, then narrowed into a 8/30/1971 #26306  
area were found severed along what appeared to be the object's trajectory.  9/20/1971 #26354  
rge glowing sombrero-shaped object appeared in front of the car. It passed  10/3/1971 #26405  
emed to have no neck, and his head appeared to rise directly from his shoul 10/28/1971 #26438  
p. Two more identical objects then appeared alongside the first. (Los Angel 11/5/1971 #26459  
served for more than one hour, and appeared to to follow the couple to thei 11/6/1971 #26463  
 approaching from the East. Object appeared to be about 1500-2000', changed 11/7/1971 #26467  
England. A second identical object appeared, and the two hovered together,  11/13/1971 #26469  
light over Cheox, Belgium at first appeared to be behaving like a satellite 7/6/1972 #26780  
opped, reversed course sharply and appeared to fly along a downward curve i 7/19/1972 #26812  
outh Africa a pink cone-shaped UFO appeared directly in front of a car at e 7/20/1972 #26822  
e overhead. A Saturn-shaped saucer appeared beneath it, and shot off to the 7/31/1972 #26851  
ich illuminated the "saucer" which appeared to have "bat-like" wings. Obser 8/1/1972 #26866  
ng an octopus with large tentacles appeared, apparently trying to grab them 8/6/1972 #26882  
ticed a white spherical light that appeared to be in a nearby field. As she 8/9/1972 #26890  
 province, Argentina, an odd light appeared above a car containing two coll 8/16/1972 #26921  
 A 39-year-old woman reported what appeared to be a solid object surrounded 8/21/1972 #26943  
ed like a man in a white suit, who appeared to be was smoking a cigarette,  8/22/1972 #26949  
stress came upon its face as if it appeared to be having trouble breathing. 8/26/1972 #26956  
 A 39-year-old woman reported what appeared to be a solid object surrounded 8/27/1972 #26961  
 UFO hid three times when aircraft appeared.                                9/14/1972 #27001  
n, and a slit-like mouth. The face appeared pale green, but this may have b 9/27/1972 #27035  
ear their government vehicle; both appeared to be in a daze and neither cou 10/14/1972 #27077  
 ambulance was summoned. Hillsgeck appeared to have burns around the face.  10/14/1972 #27077  
hen a very tall young man suddenly appeared behind him. The man asked: "Enr 10/22/1972 #27085  
ring the encounter. Finally, a fog appeared from nowhere, obscuring the obj 10/23/1972 #27089  
ng. The beam of the car headlights appeared to curve upon striking the figu 12/22/1972 #27184  
eteli, Finland in 1972 a dark form appeared at 7:30 p.m. and a “force field 12/31/1972 #27197  
ed a large oval-shaped object that appeared to hover as low as two hundred  1/2/1973 #27215  
he figure was of normal height and appeared to be of ordinary shape, but wa 2/4/1973 #27270  
 she did not respond; instead, she appeared to lose consciousness. She expe 2/22/1973 #27310  
t by an unknown source. The figure appeared in the room with her, and the r 2/22/1973 #27310  
nd a hemispherical dome on top. It appeared to have an inner hemisphere tha 2/22/1973 #27310  
d to have an inner hemisphere that appeared to be wobbling, and had what lo 2/22/1973 #27310  
ssenger seat. The same "man" again appeared, sitting between them, but her  2/22/1973 #27310  
onds 4-6 white luminous rectangles appeared beside it. They tried to drive  3/24/1973 #27373  
onds 4-6 white luminous rectangles appeared next to it. Then next tried to  3/25/1973 #27376  
Missouri. The orange ball of light appeared on the slope of Clark's Mountai 4/12/1973 #27427  
. A simultaneously identical light appeared to their right. When the aircra 4/12/1973 #27427  
al skin color, because he saw what appeared to be the faint outline of a ve 5/12/1973 #27481  
n a man about 5 feet 3 inches tall appeared in front of him. He wore a brow 5/16/1973 #27496  
n the air, and they seemed to have appeared from nowhere. He slammed on the 5/22/1973 #27520  
 Phoenix, Arizona patio what first appeared to be a star. It descended from 6/23/1973 #27584  
 sky until it came much closer and appeared to be a large, illuminated sphe 6/23/1973 #27584  
o. As it hovered, a square opening appeared on the side facing her, like a  6/23/1973 #27584  
h a large head and with hands that appeared to be busy working instruments. 6/23/1973 #27584  
  Bayview, ID Thirteen UFOs, which appeared as "steady white lights," were  6/29/1973 #27601  
e underside of the light came what appeared to be a glass-like transparent  7/1973 #27607  
 figures moving about inside. Some appeared to be peering down out of the w 7/10/1973 #27627  
 red oblong-shaped object suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the northwest 7/19/1973 #27642  
ey vanished, and soon jet aircraft appeared apparently looking for the UFOs 9/4/1973 #27761  
ude. News coverage of the sighting appeared in many local newspapers.       9/8/1973 #27784  
"Bright, circular, with two hoops, appeared to have feet on bottom part. Em 9/11/1973 #27800  
t was very close to the ground and appeared to be about to land. They resum 9/13/1973 #27815  
ral occupants were inside and they appeared to be looking down. They were d 9/15/1973 #27825  
too big for their thin necks. They appeared to be leaning on something, and 9/15/1973 #27825  
and the three objects (or figures) appeared to glide straight through the u 9/20/1973 #27849  
ered the room and walked into what appeared to be a circular shower stall a 9/26/1973 #27872  
an object for 3 to 4 minutes which appeared to be solid, oval shaped with s 9/29/1973 #27888  
d stopped as dazzling bright light appeared on the road ahead. As he approa 10/1973 #27896  
er saw object over Mt. Morris that appeared to project its orange glow in a 10/3/1973 #27924  
bed as humanoid and tall, and they appeared to be floating just above the f 10/3/1973 #27926  
ing back and forth. Humanoid being appeared, (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 10/4/1973 #27933  
ing back and forth. Humanoid being appeared, reptered craft when observed   10/4/1973 #27935  
nderneath. A being two-meters tall appeared suddenly, put a hand on the wit 10/5/1973 #27952  
r man wearing a silvery white suit appeared and introduced himself as the c 10/5/1973 #27954  
oblong and covered with lights. It appeared stationary in the sky about tre 10/10/1973 #27984  
gree angle while an eyelike device appeared out of the wall in front of his 10/11/1973 #28005  
proaching their camper slowly. One appeared to be a black man. A second was 10/14/1973 #28031  
round his head. A disembodied face appeared in the camper telling them not  10/14/1973 #28031  
nside the van in great fear. A man appeared carrying what looked like a scr 10/14/1973 #28031  
ound, three witnesses, 45 seconds. Appeared six blocks from witnesses home. 10/15/1973 #28049  
 larger and in the blink of an eye appeared just above the ground over a fi 10/15/1973 #28056  
als. The floor was covered in what appeared to be black colored rubber matt 10/16/1973 #28089  
nked, not even once. His movements appeared practiced, deliberate and preci 10/16/1973 #28089  
d in silver suits and white gloves appeared underneath the UFO. They had re 10/17/1973 #28139  
as seen, but a small, metallic man appeared after she had pulled the car to 10/19/1973 #28190  
as seen, but a small, metallic man appeared after she had pulled her car to 10/19/1973 #28200  
l odd objects hanging from it, and appeared to be taking readings with them 10/20/1973 #28219  
while the object's central section appeared transparent. She saw two dark f 10/20/1973 #28221  
 walkers, but only a patch of mist appeared on the developed film. Later th 10/20/1973 #28222  
ere much larger than a human's and appeared to have been made by heavy crea 10/20/1973 #28222  
 the main witness came out of what appeared to be a trance-like state, he b 10/25/1973 #28286  
ight and somewhat shorter. The men appeared to be naked and of a "sunburned 10/29/1973 #28319  
s. They were blond, and their hair appeared "glued on." All three had white 10/29/1973 #28319  
led down over the face. The figure appeared to be covered with masking tape 11/1/1973 #28338  
nd two huge, saucer-shaped objects appeared and flew directly overhead. Bot 11/3/1973 #28362  
clearing, where a flying craft now appeared overhead, shooting down a beam  11/3/1973 #28362  
utfits. When the beings spoke they appeared to emit an "electronic"' buzzin 11/15/1973 #28426  
rning numerous illuminated objects appeared, one of which detached itself f 11/18/1973 #28443  
line in the middle of the road. He appeared to be sweeping with push-broom. 11/18/1973 #28444  
ng at a high altitude overhead. It appeared to be rocking back and forth. S 12/12/1973 #28559  
ve along the side and an appendage appeared in the sky, followed by a domed 12/20/1973 #28592  
. The object was self-luminous and appeared solid, and passed low over the  12/31/1973 #28623  
 arms. The interior of the helmets appeared to be illuminated. A third enti 1/7/1974 #28661  
 reached almost to the floor. They appeared to be three to four feet tall,  1/8/1974 #28667  
ly from the sky. They said that it appeared to land some place near the Pac 1/8/1974 #28668  
                  A V-Shaped light appeared over a car northeast of Tarbes  1/31/1974 #28716  
erving a cigar- shaped object that appeared to have brilliant white lights  2/13/1974 #28764  
 10 meter long cigar-shaped object appeared over a vineyard in a rainstorm  2/17/1974 #28778  
ld him to remain calm. A door then appeared in the wall across from him, th 2/28/1974 #28825  
walls. A large TV like screen then appeared. The witness could see the acti 2/28/1974 #28825  
h long arms, bending forward. They appeared "smooth" and no clothing was se 3/15/1974 #28891  
s tall next to the road. The being appeared to be wearing a diver suit from 3/17/1974 #28898  
he ground to the right. Two beings appeared in front of the landed object,  3/21/1974 #28920  
garments with a metallic hue. They appeared to walk and move in a normal ma 3/21/1974 #28920  
en vertical red lights. The object appeared to be on the ground. From the h 3/31/1974 #28979  
d three blinding white lights, and appeared to land. At the suspected landi 4/23/1974 #29058  
rom his home. He said that a light appeared at around 11:30 p.m. just befor 4/26/1974 #29064  
t since they saw red lights. There appeared to be a golden glow coming from 4/30/1974 #29072  
claws instead of fingers. His legs appeared rather short.” He is bald and l 5/5/1974 #29085  
e following two days. His dog also appeared to suffer some discomfort for s 5/26/1974 #29136  
 they normally wore khaki. The UFO appeared at 2:30 a.m. on the passenger s 5/31/1974 #29150  
de of the car (left hand side). It appeared fairly close and seemed to keep 5/31/1974 #29150  
ut a half a mile up in the sky. It appeared as a red luminous sphere. Later 6/8/1974 #29173  
here. Later that night this sphere appeared to land behind some trees sever 6/8/1974 #29173  
il it began to accelerate, then it appeared to elongate.” Then, “to our utt Summer 1974 #29219  
 waist. They entered the house and appeared interested in Mrs. Booth's elec 7/17/1974 #29266  
ok a photograph of three UFOs that appeared to be at only 60 feet altitude  8/14/1974 #29345  
were dressed in metallic suits and appeared to be floating above the ground 9/19/1974 #29464  
ling at 70 mph when suddenly there appeared a UFO right behind him, moving  10/7/1974 #29503  
moved slowly at treetop level, and appeared to be searching the woods.      10/11/1974 #29524  
 a visor that covered his face. He appeared to be dark complexioned. The ma 11/15/1974 #29597  
ed closely by the bright light. He appeared to circle the area several time 11/15/1974 #29597  
oved ahead of her and she saw what appeared to be dogs, then a "human like  11/27/1974 #29614  
 but none stopped, and no one else appeared to have witnessed the incident. 11/27/1974 #29614  
ootsteps on the stairs. Two beings appeared on the landing. Their body text 12/2/1974 #29630  
ect went dark. Soon four more UFOs appeared, forming a row "emitting jets o 1/1/1975 #29687  
ect went dark. Soon four more UFOs appeared, forming a row "emitting jets o 1/1/1975 #29691  
driving home, a brightly lit globe appeared in the sky in front of them; th 1/8/1975 #29733  
ched them for some time since they appeared unusual. Then he noticed they w 2/26/1975 #29853  
ound outside the craft, using what appeared to be backpacks. His parents fe 3/6/1975 #29875  
e. He saw two small creatures "who appeared to be joined by a silver bar."  3/27/1975 #29920  
eters away, a short white creature appeared. The being had red eyes and a m 3/31/1975 #29928  
een. Finally, a small glowing dome appeared inside a room.                  4/25/1975 #30004  
ith a large lemon-shaped head then appeared. When the witnesses tried to ap 7/12/1975 #30174  
r from street level an unusual man appeared. He was about 1.75 meters tall  7/12/1975 #30175  
ded by a faint green glow. When he appeared nothing actually happened. He w 7/12/1975 #30175  
defined edges. It was metallic and appeared to have what looked like rivets 7/28/1975 #30212  
ry thin and were covered with what appeared to be a shell-like material. Th 8/12/1975 #30256  
 in Kiowa, Colorado. The incisions appeared to be of a surgical nature, and 9/7/1975 #30347  
ray figure with bits of white hair appeared in front of the car. It had lum 9/17/1975 #30367  
minous oblong shaped eyes and what appeared to be white whiskers. The human 9/17/1975 #30367  
ith several big, lighted portholes appeared. It moved rapidly and vanished  9/23/1975 #30378  
ith several big, lighted portholes appeared over Cambrai, Nord, France at 1 9/23/1975 #30382  
an airplane by J. Allen Hynek that appeared in his book The UFO Experience. Late 10/1975 #30470  
rs, looked like 100 ft. sphere and appeared to have craters around the outs 10/28/1975 #30492  
 base. The object turned north and appeared to lose altitude. Between 10:15 10/30/1975 #30523  
bles ZADOW & BRETT) 2 objects seen appeared to be artificial light fading o 11/12/1975 #30614  
ect was cone-shaped and the bottom appeared to rotate rapidly, "like a dril 11/27/1975 #30669  
e man was also bald, and the woman appeared to be wearing a wig. While the  12/4/1975 #30685  
nce of about 15 feet, and the leap appeared to happen in slow motion. The m 12/11/1975 #30705  
 recently killed in a car accident appeared to be sitting in the passenger  12/11/1975 #30705  
several flashing yellow lights and appeared to be 20-30 feet in diameter. A 12/23/1975 #30733  
ker with one slight difference, it appeared to be wearing tight-fitting gog 1/5/1976 #30761  
ent, France when a luminous object appeared in the sky and landed 100 yards 1/9/1976 #30781  
ned off the headlights. The object appeared to be the size of a semi-truck  1/25/1976 #30819  
-degree angle over highway 140. It appeared to have windows. It then made e 6/5/1976 #31087  
hway 140 in Merced, California. It appeared to have windows. It then made e 6/5/1976 #31088  
felt might have taken his picture, appeared below the low flying disk. Fina 8/1/1976 #31219  
out. Two beams of blue-green light appeared, coming from behind the UFO tow 8/6/1976 #31241  
 took off her outer spacesuit, and appeared in a close fitting, light green 8/23/1976 #31294  
ch taller than the boy. The beings appeared not to have any eyes, nose, mou 8/25/1976 #31302  
sticated looking. He also saw what appeared to be a star-map on a wall. Ins 8/26/1976 #31306  
 was a tall being, dressed in what appeared to be body armor and a helmet w 9/3/1976 #31338  
anoid entities “the size of dolls” appeared beside it; they had long white  9/3/1976 #31340  
 to investigate it. The landed UFO appeared to be 12feet in diameter. As th 9/19/1976 #31396  
arn from local farmers that it had appeared earlier in the year while the c 10/1976 #31441  
s nor hair. None of the other boys appeared to have seen it, and most of th 10/15/1976 #31465  
h the silhouettes of two occupants appeared, as if looking at him. He came  10/24/1976 #31493  
pparently extraterrestrial figures appeared and communicated with the witne 10/29/1976 #31506  
he sun shone on the object, and it appeared to turn transparent. Inside, sh 10/31/1976 #31512  
nes, France when they spotted what appeared to be a landed, domed, disc-sha 11/8/1976 #31532  
ound its periphery. The small head appeared to be covered by a helmet. The  11/12/1976 #31540  
om them. Under the helmet its head appeared to be blackish gray, and its sh 11/12/1976 #31541  
ver turned off the engine. The UFO appeared to have jets beneath it from wh 11/14/1976 #31549  
 as though they were hugging. They appeared to be of a pine green color. No 12/6/1976 #31586  
s of the air around it. The object appeared to be oblong or cigar-shaped, m 12/6/1976 #31587  
 then accelerating so fast that it appeared to just vaporize. He then drove 12/6/1976 #31587  
ed” weapons test ranges when UFO’s appeared soldiers signaled, mostly in a  1977 #31648  
 a round head on top and legs that appeared too thin towards the bottom. A  1/3/1977 #31687  
feet away. Immediately two figures appeared on the roof, they were over six 1/6/1977 #31707  
less morning a giant flying saucer appeared over the southwestern part of M 1/16/1977 #31724  
less morning a giant flying saucer appeared over the southwestern part of M 1/16/1977 #31725  
ject with numerous lights and what appeared to be three-legged landing gear 2/20/1977 #31833  
ake any other clothing. Their skin appeared to be paler than human skin. Th 2/24/1977 #31846  
a UFO about the size of a car that appeared to be transparent. When he appr 2/27/1977 #31853  
l was another figure carrying what appeared to be "a ball of electricity ab 3/5/1977 #31861  
   A cigar-shaped, metallic object appeared in the sky over Nelson, Lancash 3/9/1977 #31889  
circling the area. The photographs appeared to be genuine, according to APR 3/10/1977 #31893  
red band around the center. "There appeared to be another compartment on th 3/15/1977 #31907  
 windows in this lower part. There appeared to be a figure inside the objec 3/15/1977 #31907  
red band around the center. "There appeared to be another compartment on th 3/15/1977 #31910  
 windows in this lower part. There appeared to be a figure inside the objec 3/15/1977 #31910  
r or five minutes a humanoid being appeared, visible from the waist up beca 4/6/1977 #31952  
rs, and was seen from the rear. He appeared in front of the object. (Source 4/6/1977 #31952  
r or five minutes a humanoid being appeared, visible from the waist up beca 4/6/1977 #31953  
rs, and was seen from the rear. He appeared in front of the object. Above h 4/6/1977 #31953  
ing site different tracks and what appeared to be footprints were found.    4/6/1977 #31953  
 figure five other shorter figures appeared. The group walked briskly away  4/12/1977 #31977  
 forth between orange and deep red appeared to hover over Bushey, Watford,  4/16/1977 #31983  
 nests in a hedge when "a red glow appeared in the sky 50 yards away." A fe 4/20/1977 #32004  
way." A few moments later a figure appeared and drifted through a closed ga 4/20/1977 #32004  
brokeshire, Wales when "a red glow appeared in the sky 50 yards away." A fe 4/20/1977 #32005  
way." A few moments later a figure appeared and drifted through a closed ga 4/20/1977 #32005  
ge hands and feet with digits that appeared to wrap around whatever support 4/21/1977 #32009  
 from." The others noticed that he appeared to have a week's growth of bear 4/25/1977 #32027  
watched apprehensively, the object appeared to "dissolve on the spot". Beca 5/3/1977 #32053  
nd slightly burned. The gorse bush appeared to have had a very heavy weight 5/3/1977 #32053  
ze and color of a harvest moon. It appeared to be hovering at an altitude h 5/9/1977 #32079  
ew Elgin, Morayshire, Scotland. It appeared to come from a nearby woods. Wh 5/18/1977 #32111  
d like an oval meat dish, suddenly appeared over his cycle and an approachi 6/6/1977 #32153  
 bus. A bright greenish blue light appeared and swooped down from the sky t 7/10/1977 #32256  
 bus. A bright greenish blue light appeared and swooped down from the sky t 7/10/1977 #32257  
 belt. Two red and two blue lights appeared on the backpack with two downwa 7/12/1977 #32266  
re parked west of the object which appeared to be approximately 1/2 to 1 mi 7/21/1977 #32296  
e parked west of the object, which appeared to be approximately hald a mile 7/21/1977 #32299  
ation. They agreed that the object appeared to have six portholes surroundi 7/21/1977 #32299  
. During that time period, the UFO appeared to stand still in mid air, puls 7/21/1977 #32299  
about in the sky. One bright light appeared on a hill 300 yards away. They  7/23/1977 #32304  
about in the sky. One bright light appeared on a hill 300 yards away. They  7/23/1977 #32306  
nd 15 feet high, encircled by what appeared to be portholes, with a dome on 8/6/1977 #32366  
even hairless, snow-white entities appeared. (Source: The Encyclopedia of E 8/6/1977 #32366  
wo figures with gold-colored faces appeared in front of the light. The ligh 8/26/1977 #32426  
s, facing each other slightly, and appeared to be holding some sort of obje 8/28/1977 #32437  
me or silver-colored antennae that appeared to come out of their chests and 8/28/1977 #32437  
r into the abandoned quarry, which appeared lit up as if by a halo. Instead 8/30/1977 #32441  
g over the area. One of the lights appeared to detach itself from the large 8/30/1977 #32442  
cal movements on a steep slope. He appeared to stand at an angle perpendicu 8/31/1977 #32446  
wn the slope. The abandoned quarry appeared to be illuminated as if by a ha 8/31/1977 #32446  
he car and suddenly a bright light appeared. There was a brilliant flash, a 9/25/1977 #32519  
-foot tall figure encased in light appeared. The witness felt dizzy and got 9/25/1977 #32519  
ndows in the craft. There was what appeared to be a human-looking person be 10/25/1977 #32610  
 with no observable features. They appeared to be looking for something. A  10/30/1977 #32639  
be looking for something. A "door" appeared on the right hand face of the r 10/30/1977 #32639  
e figures entered this doorway and appeared to descend a stairway, disappea 10/30/1977 #32639  
ide of the rocks the second figure appeared to "walk" out over the water's  10/30/1977 #32639  
arrying off one of his dogs, which appeared to be unconscious. He got his g 12/2/1977 #32727  
on, then descended again. The UFOs appeared to signal back and forth. Soil  12/13/1977 #32765  
on, then descended again. The UFOs appeared to signal back and forth. Soil  12/13/1977 #32769  
 Suddenly a seven foot tall figure appeared in the glare of the headlights, 1/2/1978 #32847  
ilvery transparent figure suddenly appeared hovering above the bed. It seem 1/4/1978 #32852  
 wearing a monk like robe. It also appeared to have some short wing like pr 1/4/1978 #32852  
.One of the objects approached and appeared to slowly move down a mountains 1/10/1978 #32867  
 One of the objects approached and appeared to slowly move down a mountains 1/10/1978 #32870  
wever, as he got nearer the object appeared to retreat into an extensive fo 1/10/1978 #32870  
ad, large eyes, and a big nose. He appeared to extend his arms over her.    1/14/1978 #32881  
 matt, silvery metallic color, and appeared to have a diameter of about 60  2/5/1978 #32957  
screens in front of them. An image appeared of an older looking man. The cr 2/5/1978 #32957  
y walked towards the lights, which appeared to be about 300 meters away. Th 2/17/1978 #32974  
ect, about 15 meters in length. It appeared to have three antenna-like prot 2/17/1978 #32974  
oid in a freshly dug ditch, and it appeared to be still digging. The being  2/17/1978 #32974  
two in the back. Then a blue light appeared between the two lights in the r 4/7/1978 #33131  
ooking in all directions. Its face appeared brighter than the rest of the b 4/25/1978 #33169  
features on the figure except what appeared to be thin lips. The figure ext 5/2/1978 #33185  
 beckoning him to approach, and it appeared to open its mouth. At this poin 5/2/1978 #33185  
      Four years later a UFO again appeared over New York City. In the afte 6/4/1978 #33256  
of white light. This vertical beam appeared to be on the grounds of a conve 6/16/1978 #33283  
h and 2 meters in diameter, and it appeared solid and sharply defined. The  6/16/1978 #33283  
 figure with red glowing eyes that appeared to be in a slumped position sta 7/10/1978 #33363  
zarre yellow "coherent" light that appeared solid. The beam of light would  7/11/1978 #33368  
 to notify her family who said she appeared cold and very pale. She describ 7/11/1978 #33368  
ea. Their faces inside the helmets appeared yellowish, and their eyes were  7/11/1978 #33368  
humanoids was somewhat heavier and appeared to be a female; this one had a  7/11/1978 #33368  
 that the lights were eyes on what appeared to be two cougar-like animals.  8/21/1978 #33540  
office. The hairy bipedal creature appeared at the kitchen window while the 8/21/1978 #33540  
 Object ahead of airliner, opening appeared, smaller objects emerged, maneu 8/22/1978 #33546  
 ahead of the airliner. An opening appeared in the object, and smaller UFOs 8/22/1978 #33549  
pton, Bermuda. They saw what first appeared to them to be a helicopter appr 8/22/1978 #33551  
 now see several Grey figures that appeared to be waving at them; one of th 8/22/1978 #33551  
 this point, several military jets appeared and appeared to give pursuit to 8/22/1978 #33551  
several military jets appeared and appeared to give pursuit to the object.  8/22/1978 #33551  
ound translucent helmets with what appeared to be face coverings or "plates 8/23/1978 #33556  
as a plane. At 11:00 p.m. two UFOs appeared in the skies over the city of M 8/29/1978 #33592  
ly overhead. Next, several objects appeared and began maneuvering overhead, 9/6/1978 #33640  
ng gloves and a cylindrical helmet appeared. The being seemed to be attache 9/6/1978 #33640  
as prevented from doing it by what appeared to be an invisible barrier. Six 9/6/1978 #33640  
e ground. They circled the car and appeared to inspect it. Their skin also  9/17/1978 #33703  
red to inspect it. Their skin also appeared greenish. They re-entered the U 9/17/1978 #33703  
lack. The black dressed individual appeared to be pointing to the ground. T 9/18/1978 #33709  
helmets with antennae. Their hands appeared to be shaped like pincers. This 9/21/1978 #33725  
s unconscious and half of his body appeared softer than the other half. His 9/24/1978 #33744  
 walking down some steps that have appeared. They approach him, one poking  9/27/1978 #33762  
nd. The object was oval shaped and appeared to descend into the woods. In t 9/27/1978 #33764  
ey were joined by a third man that appeared to be carrying a small suitcase 10/2/1978 #33791  
umanoid being with no obvious nose appeared and pressed a metallic object a 10/3/1978 #33797  
en at 11:30 p.m. a figure suddenly appeared in his headlights, standing in  10/8/1978 #33822  
n were uglier, had darker skin and appeared elderly, and they ignored him.  10/25/1978 #33875  
an intense rotating light suddenly appeared. The UFO flew over them at very 10/30/1978 #33898  
s. One of the witnesses heard what appeared to be music coming from inside  11/11/1978 #33946  
n Cascas, Peru a multi-colored UFO appeared at a party honoring the Virgin  11/22/1978 #33982  
, heavy set human-like figure, who appeared to be wearing a large round bla 11/24/1978 #33996  
e colored lights. Tire-like things appeared to be wrapped around it, and it 11/28/1978 #34021  
evening. The luminous round object appeared over the tops of mountains, tra 12/2/1978 #34049  
 two reddish-orange balls of light appeared near the horizon before winking 12/2/1978 #34051  
house. The craft was oval in shape appeared to balance itself just above th 12/6/1978 #34068  
very light in color. They had just appeared standing next to the landed obj 12/6/1978 #34068  
 any opening, they had just sudden appeared. Both beings began approaching  12/6/1978 #34068  
ver the chest the figures had what appeared to be straps with a bright roun 12/12/1978 #34102  
FO with bright red lights suddenly appeared and started to circle the car d 12/14/1978 #34121  
FO with bright red lights suddenly appeared and started to circle the car d 12/14/1978 #34129  
ine and radio went dead when a UFO appeared coming over the trees only ten  12/16/1978 #34159  
3-meter in diameter glowing sphere appeared over a marsh. It had dark trian 12/31/1978 #34240  
3-meter in diameter glowing sphere appeared over a marsh. It had dark trian 12/31/1978 #34251  
im he was welcomed. The individual appeared totally human and spoke with a  1/3/1979 #34292  
taken through a corridor into what appeared to be a great city. He then ent 1/3/1979 #34292  
 approached the witnesses. The men appeared to speak among themselves in a  1/5/1979 #34303  
ble language; two kneeled down and appeared to touch the asphalt. All the m 1/5/1979 #34303  
d most of their faces. The one who appeared to be the leader approached Mrs 1/5/1979 #34303  
 time over his shoulder. The shots appeared to have no effect on the creatu 1/5/1979 #34306  
n electric static charge. Two UFOs appeared, and he experienced a six-hour  1/24/1979 #34374  
olet-red light moving between then appeared, and he experienced a six-hour  1/24/1979 #34378  
The ship's log reports that clouds appeared at 3:00 a.m., and the ship's ra 2/9/1979 #34417  
ilvery-garbed humanoid figures who appeared to be smiling. Her dog temporar 2/21/1979 #34441  
 the rear of the craft. The figure appeared to be robot-like in nature, lac 2/26/1979 #34450  
 its body when it walked. Its head appeared to be of normal size, but it ha 2/26/1979 #34450  
be of normal size, but it had what appeared to be a trunk-like object comin 2/26/1979 #34450  
h Charleston, South Carolina. They appeared in a blue-green haze, and left  4/21/1979 #34520  
e dog on board started barking and appeared scared and terrified. (NICAP: 0 6/22/1979 #34625  
e dog on board started barking and appeared scared and terrified.           6/22/1979 #34626  
ond object of the same description appeared and flew to the northwest, disa 6/26/1979 #34634  
ick arms and legs and a round body appeared. It began moving slowly towards 7/15/1979 #34655  
r faces were blank except for what appeared to be a black protruding face m 7/25/1979 #34681  
manoid figures could be seen. They appeared to have oversized heads, but we 8/4/1979 #34715  
cased in an orange mist. The craft appeared to be spinning and emitting lum 9/2/1979 #34820  
 of birds than anything else. They appeared to inspect the craft, and then  9/2/1979 #34820  
 bedroom. A dozen small dwarfs now appeared. They were about three feet tal 9/3/1979 #34831  
s house. A short human-like figure appeared next to the craft. (NICAP: 02 - 9/19/1979 #34899  
 house. A short, human-like figure appeared next to the craft. He wore a ve 9/19/1979 #34901  
wore a very white outfit with what appeared to be a bright green visor over 9/19/1979 #34901  
came him and an intense blue light appeared inside the room. It brightened  10/6/1979 #34947  
through sections of the object. It appeared to be metallic, with bolts "lik 10/6/1979 #34948  
ts around them. They soon saw what appeared to be a luminous "mass" behind  10/7/1979 #34951  
 about 1.20 meters in height, that appeared not to have eyes or arms, were  10/12/1979 #34953  
ad communicators, and carried what appeared to be "machine guns." They all  11/30/1979 #35033  
ove the water ½ mile off shore. It appeared to emit some type of fog or vap 11/30/1979 #35034  
 pair of bright headlights to what appeared to be a huge jet aircraft with  12/2/1979 #35037  
 Two five-foot tall thin humanoids appeared from behind the object. (NICAP: 12/4/1979 #35050  
 Two five-foot tall thin humanoids appeared from behind the object. She hea 12/4/1979 #35052  
e being's shoulders and chest area appeared wider than normal. He had what  12/30/1979 #35104  
t first, but after five minutes it appeared to glide quickly, disappearing  12/30/1979 #35104  
d human except their eyes and skin appeared different. Their hands were hai 2/6/1980 #35160  
ound two huge man-like silhouettes appeared in front of the lights. (NICAP: 2/11/1980 #35165  
any additional features. The being appeared to move from branch to branch,  2/11/1980 #35168  
o stand on a very thin branch that appeared incapable of supporting his wei 2/11/1980 #35168  
ound two huge man-like silhouettes appeared in front of the lights. They we 2/11/1980 #35169  
rees, a large bright silvery light appeared on the ground that began slowly 4/20/1980 #35281  
ous, golden-colored triangle, that appeared and passed in front of the full 4/26/1980 #35294  
marks resembling strange punctures appeared on the skin of two of the girls 5/7/1980 #35317  
d heald, his feet encased in mist, appeared and forced open the car door. H 8/22/1980 #35475  
 a vivid orange to red object that appeared through an opening in the cloud 9/21/1980 #35526  
. It vanishes as quickly as it has appeared.                                10/1980 #35551  
ought it was a missile. The object appeared as "just a streak" as it fell p 12/18/1980 #35724  
20-foot circle of the road surface appeared to have melted and then resolid 12/29/1980 #35758  
FO left but a second smaller craft appeared and descended with a falling le 2/10/1981 #35822  
FO left but a second smaller craft appeared and descended with a falling le 2/10/1981 #35823  
 half tall, box-like in shape, and appeared metallic and almost robotic in  2/13/1981 #35827  
d two holes instead of a nose. One appeared to be sitting and the other sta 2/14/1981 #35828  
en heard a loud buzzing sound that appeared to originate from overhead. Thi 2/18/1981 #35832  
ddenly two short humanoid entities appeared out of nowhere, standing side b 2/18/1981 #35832  
top of a hill another larger light appeared. The witness pulled off to the  4/1/1981 #35883  
ield four white and two red lights appeared that seemed to be attached to a 7/15/1981 #36008  
kin. They seemed very friendly and appeared intrigued with her clothing. Th 7/15/1981 #36008  
 Valencia and Barcelona, Spain. It appeared to be reflecting sunlight in th 7/25/1981 #36035  
 Valencia and Barcelona, Spain. It appeared to be reflecting sunlight in th 7/25/1981 #36036  
 bright football-shaped light that appeared to descend into the thick woods 9/11/1981 #36110  
oman, about 1.90 meters in height, appeared in front of Cavallo. She had bl 9/11/1981 #36110  
 bright football-shaped light that appeared to descend into the thick woods 9/12/1981 #36111  
 bright football-shaped light that appeared to descend into the thick woods 9/12/1981 #36112  
oman, about 1.90 meters in height, appeared in front of Cavallo. She had bl 9/12/1981 #36112  
lked mechanically. Their eyes also appeared not to reflect light. They seem 10/5/1981 #36159  
face of the lake. Inside the light appeared to be a gray metallic oval shap 10/8/1981 #36165  
 and a tall human like figure then appeared, his arms seemed to be extended 10/8/1981 #36165  
nd the middle of the day. The mist appeared to come from nowhere, and seeme 10/8/1981 #36169  
ater up to its knees. The creature appeared hairy and was apparently only s 10/24/1981 #36185  
r one of them reported seeing what appeared to be a "flare" in the sky to h 10/24/1981 #36186  
face of the lake. Inside the light appeared to be a gray metallic, oval-sha 11/8/1981 #36211  
tting, silvery coveralls. His arms appeared to be very long, and his feet r 11/8/1981 #36211  
he witness was able to notice what appeared to be a transparent cabin- like End of 1981 #36240  
sc with a white band in the middle appeared over Nigde, Turkey. The same or 12/16/1981 #36261  
here in the sky. The beam of light appeared to be scanning the surface of t 1982 #36284  
e ground, and every blade of grass appeared to be lit by it. Several second 1982 #36284  
dale, Texas. It arced slightly and appeared to hover in the eastern sky, 30 1/24/1982 #36309  
dale, Texas. It arced slightly and appeared to hover in the eastern sky, 30 1/24/1982 #36312  
he ground about 10 meters away. It appeared to be balancing itself with sho 2/19/1982 #36357  
t 21:30 a luminous blue domed disc appeared over some woods, and approached 3/13/1982 #36389  
 It perimeter was revolving and it appeared to be searching the area with b 5/12/1982 #36470  
 It perimeter was revolving and it appeared to be searching the area with b 5/12/1982 #36471  
o the front of the car. The couple appeared to have experienced a short per 5/20/1982 #36476  
repeated four times, then a figure appeared suddenly in the empty field. It 7/22/1982 #36545  
ward direction. Moreoever, the UFO appeared to be moving in their direction 8/10/1982 #36568  
Suddenly thee of the short figures appeared at the bedroom door. The beings 10/1982 #36624  
 sky over Lombard, Illinois. There appeared to be very small airplanes circ 11/6/1982 #36676  
mbard, Illinois at 3:45 p.m. There appeared to be very small airplanes circ 11/6/1982 #36677  
who had confronted him at his door appeared again. They wore clothing, whic 11/29/1982 #36702  
e small beings were there that had appeared at his door. They wore clothing 11/30/1982 #36703  
ticed that the surrounding scenery appeared strange and altered. After the  1/30/1983 #36756  
ut with a convex curved roof, then appeared, making crackling and humming s 12/15/1983 #37075  
ut with a convex curved roof, then appeared, making crackling and humming s 12/15/1983 #37076  
aped windows in the side, and what appeared to be a yellow smoke swirled ar 12/15/1983 #37076  
 enormous gold, oval-shaped object appeared to pace their car. As they watc 1/21/1984 #37135  
r car. As they watched, the object appeared to land on a nearby ridge and a 1/21/1984 #37135  
ending through the cloud layer and appeared to land on a ridge behind the t 1/28/1984 #37161  
ts were seen all over the sky, and appeared to "climb" up the mountains, th 2/26/1984 #37204  
ed a dome shaped circular UFO that appeared to ‘fire’ balls of light to the 4/1984 #37252  
object intensely. However, the UFO appeared to be distracted by another shi 6/15/1984 #37365  
ed, and in the evening twilight it appeared grayish in color, triangular sh 7/15/1984 #37401  
 as an anomalous aerial phenomenom appeared over the northern sky over Lake 3/23/1985 #37573  
in the field. Two figures suddenly appeared, and when he started to flee he 5/9/1985 #37589  
 with good visibility. The objects appeared to be red-orange balls of light 5/19/1986 #37882  
n descended to a low altitude, and appeared to be about five meters in size 11/3/1986 #38059  
I felt warm in the face.” The UFOs appeared as two rectangular clusters or  11/17/1986 #38068  
o nine human-like figures suddenly appeared in her bedroom, standing in fro 1/25/1987 #38104  
otted a light in the sky. It first appeared to be flying south but it then  7/4/1987 #38204  
bright white light encased in what appeared to be a cloud descend from a ne 8/2/1987 #38226  
d. Moments later both men saw what appeared to be a group of small children 9/8/1987 #38280  
ased by ex-CIA pilot John Lear. It appeared in a physical letter sent to th 12/29/1987 #38377  
 Augustine grass. It seems to have appeared the morning after the wife awak 1/1988 #38385  
n Leeds, England, then an airplane appeared in the sky. The UFO zig-zagged  1/3/1988 #38390  
ulf Breeze, Florida when an object appeared ahead of him shining a white be 1/12/1988 #38411  
 rotating and a blue beam of light appeared under it. The beam deposited fi 1/12/1988 #38411  
dericia, Denmark at 4 p.m. It then appeared to vanish.                      5/23/1988 #38576  
eeze, Florida saw a large UFO that appeared to be towing a smaller disc thr 9/11/1988 #38636  
roughout the US. Soviet ufologists appeared live by satellite. AFOSI office 10/14/1988 #38672  
ith a large head and big eyes, and appeared to be surrounded by what looked 10/24/1988 #38687  
by; inside was another witness who appeared terrified and disoriented, and  12/4/1988 #38745  
 that happened is that a firetruck appeared driving down her street.        2/11/1989 #38836  
15 miles south of Groom Lake. They appeared to be large glowing, disc-shape Spring 1989 #38876  
 had a bluish complexion. Five men appeared, four apparently human, wearing 4/2/1989 #38888  
a black van. On the same day a UFO appeared low over the Santa Fe de Bogotá 4/2/1989 #38888  
and many other witnesses, and also appeared on radar.                       4/2/1989 #38888  
of the bed a short figure suddenly appeared. She described it as semi-trans 4/12/1989 #38902  
ht and a man dressed in white then appeared. The man's eyes radiated a bril 4/18/1989 #38908  
ght) in the east. Then, the object appeared in front of the witnesses, betw 4/22/1989 #38921  
ped tail. The craft was silent and appeared to be made of crystal. Four fig 4/24/1989 #38926  
on the riverbank. Two figures then appeared in front of the sphere. The low 4/30/1989 #38927  
f a giant almost eight meters tall appeared. He seemed to be totally encase 6/29/1989 #38996  
very thin arms and small heads had appeared in her room and had somehow tak 6/29/1989 #38997  
                      Sudden light appeared over New Harmony, Indiana at 8: 7/16/1989 #39023  
aped object, six feet in diameter, appeared less than 100 feet overhead. It 7/16/1989 #39023  
he jaw had been removed. The scene appeared to be unusually bloodless.      7/17/1989 #39025  
hot away when a Soviet fighter jet appeared.                                7/28/1989 #39036  
g a handheld camcorder. The object appeared to be rotating at high speed. T 8/10/1989 #39054  
film, however; instead, the object appeared to undergo a slow shape change, 8/10/1989 #39054  
ith bright slanted eyes. The being appeared to be wearing a large pointed h 8/10/1989 #39055  
A second, green-colored entity now appeared and was asked by the tall entit 8/10/1989 #39055  
n’t touch me!” Something invisible appeared to be pulling Anna by her arms  10/8/1989 #39150  
s reported that a huge white light appeared over Londonderry, New Hampshire 10/8/1989 #39151  
obot, set him down on its feet and appeared to give him mouth-to-mouth resp 10/28/1989 #39191  
ed one of its arms a cone of light appeared, causing it to vanish.          10/28/1989 #39192  
 down to her shoulders; there also appeared to be a small black dog standin 10/31/1989 #39199  
e figures, similar to people, then appeared standing on her carpet. The fig 10/31/1989 #39199  
SW corner of the house. The figure appeared to be holding his arms up to hi 10/31/1989 #39201  
O with a small dome on one end. It appeared to have "fluid inside."         11/3/1989 #39212  
 it had large yellow eyes and what appeared to be a large mouth.  As the cr 2/7/1990 #39414  
large mouth.  As the craft left it appeared to create an air turbulence tha 2/7/1990 #39414  
 of the sudden, two short entities appeared standing in front of her, both  2/18/1990 #39422  
into a larger hovering object that appeared suddenly. She then suffered a b 3/1/1990 #39438  
lights through the windshield that appeared to be blinking in a certain set 3/24/1990 #39484  
t in diameter, first hovered, then appeared to pace his automobile. It appe 4/18/1990 #39536  
ppeared to pace his automobile. It appeared to change shape. It was last se 4/18/1990 #39536  
ad two legs on the bottom and what appeared to be a row of windows.         5/4/1990 #39559  
 from behind and aerial appendages appeared on their heads. When a car appe 5/18/1990 #39576  
ppeared on their heads. When a car appeared the beings jumped into a nearby 5/18/1990 #39576  
sed. While in the field the aliens appeared to clean their suits, and then  5/18/1990 #39576  
their suits, and then perform what appeared to be somersaults on the wet gr 5/18/1990 #39576  
me of one of Dima's teachers. They appeared inside her house and invited he 5/18/1990 #39576  
California. The passage of the UFO appeared on radar and rocked the wings o 5/21/1990 #39583  
still and quite before a boomerang appeared (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)  5/24/1990 #39587  
of 20-30 lights at 11:30 p.m. that appeared to be low over the Gulf of Mexi 6/8/1990 #39610  
is flashlight several times and it appeared to answer him by shining on the 7/23/1990 #39658  
about one meter tall, wearing what appeared to be black hooded smocks tight 8/31/1990 #39707  
en stripe around its circumference appeared in the sky on this night, and t 8/31/1990 #39709  
ntimeters wide on her stomach that appeared to be a burn scar.              9/13/1990 #39730  
without wrinkles. He also had what appeared to be very kind, blue eyes. The 9/13/1990 #39731  
g above their rooftops. The object appeared to be transparent, and inside t 9/13/1990 #39732  
 over the Bristol Channel. The UFO appeared on radar.                       11/24/1990 #39905  
ma City, Oklahoma a UFO that first appeared as a white light made an abrupt 1/16/1991 #39956  
       Three elongated silver UFOs appeared in the daylight sky during a UF 5/12/1991 #40059  
ar a ladder. A K-9 sentry dog that appeared ready to attack their dog, was  5/14/1991 #40061  
t reflected the sunlight, but then appeared to shrink to a horizontal line  7/24/1991 #40131  
emerged from the landed object and appeared to float above the ground movin 8/13/1991 #40152  
 attention of the military when it appeared on their radar screens over the 8/28/1991 #40168  
inside the triangle; in between it appeared transparent.                    8/30/1991 #40175  
. A second identical triangle then appeared, and the two UFOs circled a nea 11/13/1991 #40228  
atched as sticks or beams of light appeared to drop down from a jagged circ 11/29/1991 #40249  
xt to the stripe a beautiful woman appeared and looked at the woman. The ma 1/24/1992 #40302  
t day large red sunburn-like spots appeared on her upper belly, and the low 1/24/1992 #40302  
t 6:30 p.m. both men observed what appeared to be a "star" descending at hi 3/5/1992 #40359  
st happened. Five hours later Luis appeared in town and told Pedro what had 3/5/1992 #40359  
ting outfits. The two short beings appeared to be in charge of the situatio 3/11/1992 #40372  
ng short creatures, but that there appeared to be a definite collaboration  3/11/1992 #40372  
round, lighted craft descended and appeared to land behind the hill. Two wo 3/13/1992 #40377  
es; his skin was gray in color and appeared to have a slight glow to it. He 3/13/1992 #40377  
k in the morning a disc-shaped UFO appeared in the skies over the Amazon Ra 3/14/1992 #40380  
ounded ends. A rectangular opening appeared in the side of the craft. He ex 4/12/1992 #40414  
 two humanoid figures wearing what appeared to be cloaks. The figures walke 4/20/1992 #40425  
 the ground. Both ends of the line appeared to curve away, giving the impre 5/3/1992 #40449  
ms of light. It vanished when jets appeared.                                5/5/1992 #40453  
ure had an elongated head and what appeared to be large "eyelids" drawn ove 8/13/1992 #40569  
t. Moments later a luminous figure appeared, hovering about 10 meters away  9/24/1992 #40639  
s of the Virgin Mary. She saw what appeared to be 12 small lights hovering  9/24/1992 #40639  
e sky. It made a humming noise. It appeared to hide beyond the furthest hou 12/4/1992 #40742  
aucer-like object rimmed with what appeared to be trumpets, descend over th 1/12/1993 #40794  
 outline. A golden box-like object appeared to be attached to the being's n 1/19/1993 #40802  
k figure with a tail and two horns appeared. The students panicked and some 1/22/1993 #40810  
iar language or tongue. The figure appeared to vanish in plain sight. The i 1/22/1993 #40810  
second object with blinding lights appeared and then moved off, drifting to 1/23/1993 #40812  
d prominent. It had a potbelly and appeared to have only three fingers on e 2/1/1993 #40831  
ssed two hovering discs. The discs appeared to be the size of a house, abou 2/9/1993 #40846  
aring a purple outfit and had what appeared to be two raven feathers in her 2/28/1993 #40866  
anghai, China in the night sky. It appeared to change shape as it hovered,  3/4/1993 #40879  
 eyes were slanted and it had what appeared to be black plastic shields ove 3/16/1993 #40886  
m the top into the sky. Then, what appeared to be a second storey to the ob 3/20/1993 #40894  
size. A seven-foot tall man figure appeared near the object. Dogs in the ar 3/20/1993 #40894  
lso saw numerous consoles and what appeared to be comfortable seats, he als 3/20/1993 #40895  
 or vision. He saw himself in what appeared to be a control room inside an  4/17/1993 #40940  
had four landing legs, two of them appeared to be damaged. Two short, 3.5 f 4/19/1993 #40943  
ge circular ground traces and what appeared to be dug out trenches were fou 5/12/1993 #40975  
, perhaps a meter and a half tall, appeared. The being told Danny, "We were 5/13/1993 #40976  
Rte. 3 saw a number of lights that appeared to be a multi-colored oval-shap 7/13/1993 #41066  
appeared and a bright white sphere appeared and followed the witness briefl 7/31/1993 #41095  
field by the roadside. It had what appeared to be orange-lighted windows ar 8/8/1993 #41118  
 suddenly dozens of similar beings appeared and began moving quickly toward 8/8/1993 #41118  
 red dot of light with radial rays appeared between the square patches.     8/10/1993 #41122  
hting was 20 minutes. Each time it appeared as a row of alternating red and 8/11/1993 #41131  
oint of light of large size, which appeared ovoid through binoculars. It ha 8/14/1993 #41139  
 It wore a black, hooded cloak. It appeared to vanish.                      9/6/1993 #41185  
even foot tall slender being, that appeared to be naked, leaning over her w 10/23/1993 #41249  
and several persons came out. They appeared to be normal looking humans. He 11/26/1993 #41304  
d in the rear view mirror a figure appeared at the front of the object. The 11/29/1993 #41309  
bed "aliens" exited the object and appeared to jump across the field with l 12/9/1993 #41327  
d round black pupils. The creature appeared to be wearing earphones and a h 2/3/1994 #41406  
rd female with more human features appeared and apparently the same thing h 5/11/1994 #41523  
cky expressions on their faces and appeared to have tape covering their mou 6/15/1994 #41568  
ing he could see two short men who appeared to be holding a tube. Both men  6/27/1994 #41588  
e group of "aliens dressed in camo appeared", and before he could react, he 9/2/1994 #41713  
ge wearing, human looking entities appeared to be conducting "some sort of  9/2/1994 #41713  
ess was astonished when the object appeared to expand in size to accommodat 9/2/1994 #41713  
ith four others on either side; it appeared "misty".                        9/6/1994 #41719  
an and a man with tattoos who both appeared to be incoherent. He saw tables 9/20/1994 #41765  
wo types of beings. The large ones appeared to be in charge. He described t 9/20/1994 #41765  
 of Colorado when a craft suddenly appeared in front of them, emerging from 10/28/1994 #41816  
ped craft" at around 10:00 p.m. It appeared to be shining a spotlight at th 10/28/1994 #41817  
 lights and made no sound. The UFO appeared to be spinning.                 12/5/1994 #41884  
t 11:00 p.m.. Two humanoid figures appeared next to the object. They were d 12/11/1994 #41890  
 dark, slanted eyes. They had what appeared to be mole-like marks under the 12/15/1994 #41895  
er Airport at 6:40 p.m. The object appeared to be only meters in front of t 1/6/1995 #41957  
ow. She then noticed that her room appeared "to be without walls" and she s 2/21/1995 #42055  
d similar to insects" and had what appeared to be antennas and were very st 2/23/1995 #42060  
a cigar-shaped object with windows appeared in the sky and looked to be slo 3/1/1995 #42070  
here a triangular UAP periodically appeared as if on schedule and showed si 3/31/1995 #42130  
y when several short gray entities appeared. Although frightened, he experi 4/3/1995 #42137  
e" were observed on the ground and appeared to be working in the field.     5/7/1995 #42188  
hes wide, suspended in the air. It appeared to be held in place by a dark c 5/15/1995 #42211  
ay in color and had huge eyes that appeared to be closed. It wore a tight-f 5/15/1995 #42211  
he apparent size of the Moon, that appeared to have portholes. He experienc 6/30/1995 #42283  
er, Idaho. It had black wings that appeared to "ripple." There was no menti 7/23/1995 #42323  
ey darted to the horizon, and then appeared to buzz a military plane. Later 7/25/1995 #42327  
ered their hands and fingers. They appeared to have some kind of face mask  8/11/1995 #42376  
 it opened its hand a small sphere appeared in the center of its palm that  8/11/1995 #42376  
s approximately 3-4 feet tall then appeared around his bed. Two were around 8/15/1995 #42387  
 bright light out on the patio. It appeared to be hovering about 3-4 feet f 8/15/1995 #42390  
sphere hanging high in the sky. It appeared to reflect the sunlight, and wa 8/23/1995 #42409  
up at him. He then flew above what appeared to be an African savannah and m 9/6/1995 #42445  
, large red eyes, no ears and what appeared to be two long fangs coming out 9/7/1995 #42447  
ike a "dog-fight" with loops; they appeared to "shoot at each other."       10/28/1995 #42568  
lt of a powerful wave of heat that appeared to come from an unknown in the  11/1/1995 #42575  
d with large eyes, and having what appeared to be wings. Others reported a  11/11/1995 #42594  
 wearing boiler suit coveralls who appeared to be digging up the garden. Wh 12/4/1995 #42638  
eads and bright luminous eyes that appeared to be blinking. The witness bri 12/9/1995 #42639  
h beam of light emerged. The being appeared robotic in nature, somewhat res 2/23/1996 #42776  
mp, then a two meter tall humanoid appeared, floating above the trees and a 2/23/1996 #42776  
h a very bright ball of light that appeared to jump out at his plane at aro 2/27/1996 #42786  
tle, Washington a very short dwarf appeared in a woman's bedroom during the 2/27/1996 #42786  
 He noticed numerous "cables" that appeared to be connected to his chest ar 2/29/1996 #42789  
 in the forehead he could see what appeared to be another "protuberance" re 2/29/1996 #42789  
could see five very tall men. They appeared to be floating around as the sp 3/7/1996 #42815  
 later a shaft of "coherent" light appeared under the sphere; it reached th 3/7/1996 #42815  
nine lights identical to the first appeared out of nowhere, and were then j 4/15/1996 #42870  
ilvery uniforms. The two humanoids appeared to be collecting soil samples f 6/21/1996 #42936  
nt house, "a fluttering from above appeared". The neon lighting in the stre 7/8/1996 #42950  
ver some trees for 4-5 minutes. It appeared like "polished steel". It made  7/17/1996 #42962  
e circular patches of green growth appeared in the area where the object wa 7/17/1996 #42962  
 a blanket, while the boy saw what appeared to be a large form, like a whit 7/22/1996 #42963  
Over the following decades, Goldin appeared in several public media program 8/7/1996 #42971  
hio. The round bottom of the craft appeared to be gold in color, and it had 8/20/1996 #42986  
he craft. One window in the center appeared to be moved down by somebody in 8/20/1996 #42986  
 he was staring at the alien there appeared to be a white light aura surrou 9/16/1996 #43025  
ect sat on the ground. The figures appeared to be moving towards this objec 9/23/1996 #43039  
renulations of a brain. The object appeared to be resting on the ground, an 9/23/1996 #43039  
 and dozens of small entities that appeared to be working in groups, coming 9/23/1996 #43039  
 from nearby trees covered in what appeared to be white spider web material 9/23/1996 #43039  
ue and it had a black "thing" that appeared to be an eye but lower than nor 9/24/1996 #43041  
 In the middle of the object there appeared to be a glowing door-shaped ent 9/26/1996 #43043  
 on his head. It was carrying what appeared to be a "white sheet" in front  11/23/1996 #43118  
same time some kind of appartition appeared on the upper part of the closet 11/24/1996 #43120  
irectly across from the window. It appeared to be a reddish figure with win 11/24/1996 #43120  
and he saw numerous buildings that appeared to be made of a nylon-like mate 12/9/1996 #43133  
wife was still in bed sleeping. He appeared to have experienced some missin 1/5/1997 #43166  
his night a dark triangular object appeared over the village of Burnside, n 2/7/1997 #43188  
trange conical helmets. The beings appeared shiny and seemed to change colo 2/20/1997 #43199  
the throat, noticing that the neck appeared horribly wrinkled. The being wa 2/24/1997 #43207  
 to the floor. Next a third figure appeared in the room, and the two aliens 2/24/1997 #43207  
cold. An orange beam of light then appeared beside him. Several odd looking 3/10/1997 #43225  
s then emerged from the beam. They appeared to have only one eye and each h 3/10/1997 #43225  
r, for whatever reason. The beings appeared to be well built, with huge str 6/5/1997 #43311  
ious detail was that they had what appeared to be a lock of hair, tied up t 6/5/1997 #43311  
 it was abducting cattle. The cows appeared to be stunned, still in an upri 6/5/1997 #43313  
ghtened and drove off. No one else appeared to be around at the time.       6/5/1997 #43313  
 sky over Arad, Israel. The figure appeared to have a frozen, silver face w 7/22/1997 #43356  
achel, NV ex-US Army Lt. Col Corso appeared on Coast to Coast AM and again  7/23/1997 #43357  
im. The lights turned off and then appeared this time in front of his taxic 8/5/1997 #43369  
lage of Chirimoya, he noticed what appeared to be a "power plant," well lig 8/5/1997 #43369  
st two small round holes. Its skin appeared gelatinous and corrugated or wr 9/5/1997 #43395  
ing beings emerged and one of them appeared to be a woman. Osmo ran home an 10/3/1997 #43424  
f the first object. Neither object appeared to be moving. They watched the  10/13/1997 #43427  
 hit him, and several "little men" appeared around him. He lost consciousne 12/10/1997 #43457  
m an outside source. Next a figure appeared but with no real distinguishing 12/14/1997 #43462  
s in diameter and six inches long, appeared and scanned his body. The tube  12/14/1997 #43462  
. It was without any features, and appeared to be silvery metallic in color 12/16/1997 #43464  
eters into the woods. The creature appeared to stare at the witness, when i 1/25/1998 #43505  
he Netherlands when there suddenly appeared a flashing blue light over the  2/14/1998 #43521  
c hovering nearby. A second object appeared and circled the first one, then 4/18/1998 #43551  
and a previously undetectable door appeared, she west through the door and  7/11/1998 #43601  
t. The belt had a buckle with what appeared to be a glistening quartz cryst 7/11/1998 #43601  
ening the same or a similar entity appeared outside the security guard's wo 7/12/1998 #43602  
bout four feet tall, and wore what appeared to be V-shaped body armor equip 8/8/1998 #43620  
odge the camera. The video footage appeared on French TV.                   8/10/1998 #43627  
y a silvery cylinder-shaped object appeared and hovered about two meters ab 8/21/1998 #43634  
r a bright white, oval-shaped hole appeared in the center of the red light. 9/21/1998 #43650  
g gray colored outfit and his skin appeared to be also gray or pale. As the 9/21/1998 #43650  
 were doing about 70 mph. The cars appeared to be traveling together. As th 9/25/1998 #43652  
ar Vernal, Utah when they saw what appeared to be a plane crashing. They le 10/19/1998 #43666  
 area. On the ground they saw what appeared to be some "people" gathered ar 10/19/1998 #43666  
s a two-meter tall humanoid figure appeared. Because it was dark the soldie 11/25/1998 #43685  
oom very warm and cloying. The air appeared distorted and fuzzy, and she al 1/7/1999 #43711  
 of red lights surrounding it that appeared to revolve around the object. T 2/9/1999 #43724  
arana, Brazil when he noticed what appeared to be numerous shiny stars in t 3/15/1999 #43748  
 white shirts and gray pants. They appeared to have nametags on the shirts, 7/14/1999 #43802  
e that the object under the covers appeared to deflate. He went and tried t 7/18/1999 #43807  
rash recovery, a larger UAP “ship” appeared above the crash site and telepa 7/31/1999 #43815  
ly transparent, so much so that it appeared almost "invisible". The lower p 8/14/1999 #43822  
ing outside the window. The figure appeared grayish white, with large black 9/3/1999 #43842  
re de Christo Mountains. The light appeared to be pulsating and did not ris 11/15/1999 #43881  
by stonewall. A large ball of fire appeared a few seconds later from behind 11/25/1999 #43886  
ff to the south. A helicopter then appeared and hovered over the boat. The  1/30/2000 #43937  
 a half cylinder, made out of what appeared to be corrugate iron. He recall 3/11/2000 #43965  
back they caught a glimpse of what appeared to be a naked, human like creat 3/12/2000 #43966  
 shining in the skylight, and what appeared to be a plane at first that was 5/17/2000 #43996  
 three bright orange/yellow lights appeared to meet up over the ocean, and  6/3/2000 #44000  
elongated ears, arms, and legs. It appeared to be unclothed. Its hands were 7/31/2000 #44024  
over some nearby laurel bushes. It appeared to be an amorphous transparent  8/2/2000 #44026  
and when an extremely bright light appeared above the car. The witness also 9/13/2000 #44040  
a third coming inside. The figures appeared to be slightly luminous. The te 10/15/2000 #44059  
dy on the ground. All of the craft appeared to be damaged. Four beings, wit 11/28/2000 #44085  
ow flying object. Four helicopters appeared and attempted to surround the o 1/24/2001 #44130  
helicopters departed two more UFOs appeared and returned to the site.       1/24/2001 #44130  
ng froze on the street. Then a UFO appeared overhead with multicolored ligh 1/29/2001 #44134  
s, a skinny body, and a large head appeared in view. The door quickly shut, 1/29/2001 #44134  
 red and hovered over a pond. They appeared to be chasing each other.       2/27/2001 #44144  
two short shadowy figures that had appeared, almost dancing around his bed, 4/23/2001 #44161  
ring sound. She began to hear what appeared to be low "voices" that spoke v 5/2/2001 #44174  
ies were of a beige-pale color and appeared very flexible, almost gelatinou 5/2/2001 #44174  
ey possessed small mouths and what appeared to be a small protuberance on t 5/2/2001 #44174  
r tall humanoids stepped out. They appeared to be interested in the vegetat 7/1/2001 #44201  
hort, greenish-gray creatures that appeared to be “testing” and examining t 9/11/2001 #44258  
nt, St. Louis County, Missouri. It appeared to the witness to be a two-stor 1/5/2002 #44304  
er the road. The being replied and appeared to be genuinely pleased with hi 3/26/2002 #44326  
female figure with long black hair appeared in front of them, wearing a lig 5/3/2002 #44336  
e strange figure was very pale and appeared elderly. It repeatedly asked fo 5/3/2002 #44336  
t in the bottom center. The lights appeared to be on one object, which slow 6/8/2002 #44349  
the in the nearby river when a UFO appeared overhead making a thundering so 6/9/2002 #44350  
                 A disc-shaped UFO appeared on a digital photo of some scen 7/7/2002 #44357  
 a high altitude. The third object appeared in the northeast sky and flew b 7/13/2002 #44360  
 noticed that a large orange light appeared approximately 15 degrees above  7/28/2002 #44367  
 airplane, but then a second light appeared approximately 50 degrees south  7/28/2002 #44367  
ehind a tree. Then a third anomaly appeared in a valley. This third object  7/28/2002 #44367  
red in a valley. This third object appeared to have landed on the ground. T 7/28/2002 #44367  
dona, Arizona the witness saw what appeared to be a figure glowing all whit 7/28/2002 #44368  
hite in color. Suddenly more spots appeared in a formation; they had an aur 8/11/2002 #44377  
ted into house when black triangle appeared (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)  8/13/2002 #44381  
 direction from north to east, and appeared to blot out stars as it passed  9/15/2002 #44397  
tington when the wife sighted what appeared to be really bright stars. Afte 9/15/2002 #44398  
at unless an unidentified aircraft appeared on their radar, "we don't care! 10/29/2002 #44424  
 wings. The craft which I observed appeared to have a perfectly straight tr 10/29/2002 #44424  
 corners and dark ovoid highlights appeared out of nowhere.                 11/27/2002 #44451  
 beginning at 10:00 p.m.; a fourth appeared, all flew a pattern.            11/29/2002 #44456  
s a cylindrical object with lights appeared in the sky for three minutes, a 1/8/2003 #44474  
n in the sky for five minutes that appeared shaped like an ordinary airplan 1/8/2003 #44475  
ss, waving its skinny arms. Lights appeared behind it. The man described th 1/22/2003 #44477  
with rotating spirals around them, appeared over Zawra Park in Baghdad, Ira 4/3/2003 #44509  
 it was, but then a triangular UFO appeared, encased in an eerie glow with  4/4/2003 #44511  
g a geyser of steam and water. ,It appeared to one civilian observer that w 4/18/2003 #44516  
in diameter. Most debris recovered appeared to be "skin material" of an unk 4/18/2003 #44516  
t she couldn't see any hands. They appeared to be stick-like, and dark gray 5/2/2003 #44521  
t he began to feel sick. The craft appeared to be about 50 feet long with a 5/3/2003 #44523  
g, moving directly to the east. It appeared every other night from May 13 t 5/15/2003 #44537  
the campsite and two smaller craft appeared, and then a fourth craft appear 5/16/2003 #44538  
 appeared, and then a fourth craft appeared southwest. This last one was th 5/16/2003 #44538  
ed out and outside of the car. She appeared unharmed, but she did have a sc 7/12/2003 #44563  
ts, the size of small planes, that appeared overhead as shadows in the sky  7/18/2003 #44566  
t trailing flames and smoke, which appeared to crash near Lispole along the 8/25/2003 #44582  
               Cigar-shaped object appeared in Milton, Florida at 10:30 p.m 8/28/2003 #44587  
human face had been grafted on. He appeared to be a sympathetic figure, and 9/3/2003 #44592  
ss reported that the sky above him appeared to be a solid black, with no st 9/25/2003 #44608  
, hovering disc-shaped object that appeared to be lighted from within was s 1/4/2004 #44648  
olina at 7:00 p.m. The object also appeared to have flashing lights on the  1/4/2004 #44648  
shing in a random sequence on what appeared to be a disc-shaped object was  2/9/2004 #44660  
  The object, triangular in shape, appeared to land.  It was brightly lit w 3/21/2004 #44678  
 a point at the rear. The creature appeared to be around three feet long an 4/5/2004 #44684  
turbed and ran off. Two more discs appeared in the sky, and the man began t 5/12/2004 #44699  
ack lights. All three of the craft appeared to have strange writing or symb 5/12/2004 #44699  
over the next hour another 6 craft appeared in the sky. The objects in the  6/9/2004 #44709  
 ramp for south-bound Exit 138. It appeared to be like a blue laser, simila 7/27/2004 #44718  
ouldn't tell for sure. The figures appeared to be looking to the north and  7/27/2004 #44718  
 at his truck as he drove by. They appeared to be wearing loose-fitting bri 7/27/2004 #44718  
ow and saw three small beings. All appeared to be sleeping or meditating, t 7/27/2004 #44719  
ral dim spots of yellow light that appeared one after the other on the nort 8/2/2004 #44725  
 about 01:00 a.m. a strange object appeared from the west slowly floating a 8/2/2004 #44725  
lowing this a bright beam of light appeared from the seashore and began sea 8/2/2004 #44725  
.m. bright yellow flashes of light appeared at the top of the mountain, res 8/2/2004 #44725  
 charger the message "full charge" appeared. The triangle craft were estima 8/16/2004 #44734  
w a smaller hovering triangle that appeared in the sky and headed southeast 8/23/2004 #44740  
personnel interviewed the men, and appeared to be relieved that the men had 8/25/2004 #44741  
 in Aldershot, England. The object appeared in the sky at around 2:15 p.m., 9/4/2004 #44747  
It made no noise and pulsated, and appeared to change size three times, bef 9/11/2004 #44754  
nnessee when he noticed what first appeared to be a fire on a nearby ridge. 10/2/2004 #44766  
round in a nearby field. The craft appeared crystal like in appearance and  11/8/2004 #44780  
fly saw a figure descend down what appeared to be steps. He could not make  11/8/2004 #44780  
umwa, Iowa at 5:00 a.m. The lights appeared to be rotating in a clockwise p 11/25/2004 #44791  
or a little less than a minute. It appeared to be very big, and the white p 11/29/2004 #44793  
in the evening a triangular object appeared over a small lake in Louisville 5/5/2005 #44831  
efydd, North Wales. The lights had appeared for several nights and remained 5/8/2005 #44833  
igh and was resting on top of what appeared to be tripod landing gear. No s 6/14/2005 #44847  
 the bottom of the craft, and they appeared to quickly float upwards (just  6/14/2005 #44847  
               Three bright lights appeared at different times in Westfield 10/2/2005 #44885  
uminum colored, cigar-shaped craft appeared in the northwest sky at an elev 10/26/2005 #44893  
the horizon, while clouds of smoke appeared to rise up slowly from each of  1/30/2006 #44920  
moving slowly through the sky, and appeared to be accompanied by many conve 2/26/2006 #44925  
olutely no sound as it hovered. It appeared to be a deep black in color, da 5/3/2006 #44938  
            Numerous white objects appeared over Maidstone, Kent, England i 6/3/2006 #44947  
run from behind a tree toward what appeared to be a large “concrete mixer”  8/5/2006 #44952  
the area and hid again. The beings appeared to search for him but gave up.  8/6/2006 #44953  
light or hear any engine sound. It appeared that the object was 1-2 miles a 4/17/2007 #45018  
ect reversed direction, the object appeared to be first an ellipse and then 4/17/2007 #45018  
is handheld spotlight and saw what appeared to be two small beings, about 4 8/29/2007 #45050  
large bald heads. The tall figures appeared to be wearing white, cloak-like 9/16/2007 #45059  
ike outfits, and the short figures appeared to be naked. Terrified and with 9/16/2007 #45059  
uncontrollably. Then a white light appeared and a sensation of warmth came  9/21/2007 #45066  
when a silver, cigar-shaped object appeared out of nowhere and hovered 1000 9/21/2007 #45067  
 orange disks in a shallow V shape appeared to be fixed to the bottom of a  11/9/2007 #45092  
 object in the sky at 6:45 p.m. It appeared to be the size of a football fi 2/12/2008 #45119  
far off in the distance. The craft appeared to remain very stationary, but  2/26/2008 #45123  
in and had a very pointed chin. It appeared to be studying the plants, and  4/12/2008 #45127  
d midnight one of the men saw what appeared to be a pair of red eyes at abo 4/12/2008 #45128  
d, the same pair of red shiny eyes appeared again, about 100 meters away in 4/12/2008 #45128  
lights on a clear night. The craft appeared in front of them and came right 5/9/2008 #45135  
 front of the witnesses. Its speed appeared to be quite slow, moving at an  6/30/2008 #45149  
                           The sky appeared to "open up" as a gray, cigar-s 8/15/2008 #45158  
on their cellphones. The humanoids appeared to notice the witnesses, and re 9/4/2008 #45165  
Through the binoculars he saw what appeared to be a porthole, and through t 8/18/2009 #45236  
o them the cow was not moving, but appeared to be either asleep or paralyze 9/5/2009 #45242  
 p.m. a glowing, oval-shaped craft appeared and hovered over a house in Mat 9/11/2009 #45245  
00 p.m. three orange glowing balls appeared above an ocean beach in San Die 9/11/2009 #45245  
ere two reports of 5-8 lights that appeared in the sky in New Vienna, Clint 10/29/2009 #45250  
hio. They were golden colored, and appeared one after another.              10/29/2009 #45250  
e circles with a dark center which appeared in a triangular formation for 1 11/28/2009 #45257  
15 a.m. when a cigar-shaped object appeared in the sky in the middle of a c 7/31/2010 #45288  
on the bottom of the object, which appeared to be 15 feet wide and about 10 2/11/2011 #45315  
ighway. The craft did not move and appeared dark with flashing lights and a 1/30/2012 #45338  
 night after a red-orange oval UAP appeared and was hovering over the facil 9/19/2012 #45353  
18,000 feet. “The unknown aircraft appeared to be small in size, approximat 3/26/2014 #45405  
he first pair of UADs, another two appeared to pass through the ATFLIR fiel 4/23/2014 #45407  
 Accoin, have given interviews and appeared on a History Channel program ab 2/2015? #45430  
dentifies one at 20,000 feet that “appeared to be a quadcopter-type drone,  3/13/2018 #45523  
who described a flying object that appeared to have solar panels. But the t 1/1/2021 #45672  
## Word: "appearing" (Back to Top)
 roughly 12:00 midnight, sometimes appearing as a mass, other times strung  2/24/1893 #308  
into it. It grows a little bigger, appearing like a large star. Suddenly it 5/1908 #704  
 with a wobbling motion. Two human appearing occupants could be seen inside 7/30/1909 #791  
ay, Indonesia Very brilliant light appearing to hover in air for at least f 8/13/1944 #1643  
e-red light; B-29 fired on object, appearing to hit with no affect. (Page 1 7/7/1945 #1892  
d remains in sight for 15 seconds, appearing much bigger than the balloon.  4/1948 #3600  
t through 6x30 binoculars, the UFO appearing perfectly round with sharp edg 10/1/1948 #3827  
it that a “large number of targets appearing on radar screens remain uniden 2/18/1949 #4018  
 The latter one covers 60° of sky, appearing and disappearing at about the  3/8/1949 #4041  
t “Many of the green fireballs now appearing descend in nearly vertical pat 8/17/1949 #4319  
ted 1000 mph. A luminous, metallic appearing disc was sighted five miles no 3/18/1950 #4679  
e-shaped object flying in the sky, appearing like it was made of polished a 7/13/1950 #5066  
ind a cloud but can still be seen, appearing like a “piece of magnesium wir 12/13/1950 #5345  
he north toward Muroc/Edwards AFB, appearing to be at about 50,000-55,000 f 9/23/1951 #5687  
            Terre Haute, IN Object appearing as a silvery "flattened tennis 10/9/1951 #5710  
Bright red or flame-colored discs, appearing as large as fighter planes.  S 4/27/1952 #6199  
straight and level for 30 minutes, appearing red when behind a cloud.       5/25/1952 #6360  
thers in formations of 3, 5, or 6, appearing and disappearing instantly. Su Late 5/1952 #6362  
ing at 40,000 feet and 250 mph and appearing as a glowing white light shape Summer 1952 #6581  
 approximately 5 feet in diameter, appearing as flat, disc-shaped objects h 7/23/1952 #7071  
WY Object immediately stop without appearing to decelerate (NICAP: 01 - Dis 8/8/1952 #7514  
m to watch the objects, which keep appearing for the next 90 minutes by whi 8/10/1952 #7539  
, CA Horizontal bar-shaped objects appearing and disappearing (NICAP: 01 -  8/30/1952 #7797  
dentified blip on the radar scope, appearing west of the station approximat 1/26/1953 #8576  
s changing from red to white, each appearing to revolve. [UFOE, VII] (NICAP 12/16/1953 #9370  
sc with two tail fins at the rear, appearing metallic and enormous. Leaving Winter 1953 #9385  
it or significance of occasionally appearing publications concerning Unconv 3/1/1955 #12026  
y is spotted about 90° to the left appearing like an airliner heading in to 4/8/1956 #12803  
of seven objects, silver in color, appearing the size of a baseball held at 5/8/1956 #12838  
shooting star coming close to them appearing then as an oval, fluorescent c 1/15/1957 #13456  
e Got a Secret Show on which he is appearing. Ruppelt considers it an honor 7/1957 #13767  
, who thus maneuvers Keyhoe out of appearing.                               8/8/1958 #15184  
as a dull gray color. It went from appearing diaphanous to solid in appeara 10/2/1958 #15305  
rcled and disappeared in the west, appearing to be smaller than a plane.    3/31/1959 #15683  
9:20, moves across the sea to Giwa appearing white-red-blue, then disappear 6/26/1959 #15790  
public tour to publicize the book, appearing on radio and television, and g 1960 #16138  
 ground level, it came toward her, appearing as a disk standing on edge, 7  8/1960 #16361  
It went down toward the northwest, appearing ready to land. Abnormal radioa 5/17/1964 #18278  
aw an object rise from the ground, appearing as a bright, circular silvery  1/14/1965 #18727  
hat there are objects of some sort appearing in the skies that cannot be ex 8/6/1965 #19332  
Inside the vessel were two “normal appearing” men, also in white coveralls, 9/3/1965 #19518  
an was described as six feet tall, appearing to be about 30 years of age. H 9/4/1965 #19520  
iffs the boxy structure, and then, appearing uninterested, the dog goes off 3/29/1966 #20139  
fficers arrived and saw the object appearing to "dance" with two other craf 4/22/1966 #20371  
. At sunrise the object lifted up, appearing red and bell-shaped through bi 6/19/1966 #20586  
. At sunrise, the object lifts up, appearing red and bell-shaped through bi 6/19/1966 #20588  
 illness (the reason for his story appearing in a medical journal); it is c 10/15/1966 #21006  
 above phone wires along the road, appearing big enough to cover the highwa 2/12/1967 #21518  
ng with his mother saw a metallic- appearing object that hovered, circled ( 2/21/1967 #21611  
the lead disc glowed red one time, appearing like molten iron, then the glo 2/25/1967 #21651  
a, to look for a UFO that has been appearing in the area for several nights 4/29/1967 #22247  
 joined by a second similar object appearing to try to “steer” the first on 7/30/1967 #22754  
 a pastor saw three red, metallic- appearing, saucer-shaped objects with do 8/1/1967 #22772  
st sky, sharply outlined and solid appearing. The yellowish glow pulsated o 8/23/1967 #22899  
e bottom light fading out and then appearing in the top position. This cycl 10/24/1967 #23300  
ntical triangular shaped red marks appearing on both the father's and son's 11/2/1968 #24626  
to red, then back to white, before appearing to recede into the distance. C 1/6/1969 #24821  
who tells him that the saucers are appearing because of a Hopi prophecy. Ot 8/7/1970 #25775  
arman, Manitoba, where it has been appearing so frequently since April 10 t 5/13/1975 #30056  
s that came close to witness after appearing at first as a bright light. It 10/2/1975 #30410  
veral witnesses watched a metallic appearing object radiate luminous rays o 12/20/1976 #31627  
elt a slight draft of air. He saw, appearing from nowhere, two strange alie 2/24/1977 #31846  
sin three witnesses chased a fuzzy appearing disc in their car at speeds of 4/22/1977 #32014  
, hairless, and had watery, liquid appearing eyes. They took her onboard a  7/19/1977 #32294  
 nocturnal lights are observed, 82 appearing as points of light, 7 oblong i 8/3/1977 #32353  
 a Charlotte Police helicopter and appearing on radar. Allan Hendry, the in 12/27/1977 #32815  
moving in a different direction or appearing to stop briefly. Probable mete 9/14/1978 #33676  
r alien beings and an almost human appearing girl of about 19 years of age. 9/14/1979 #34884  
nd was able to see shadowy figures appearing at the windows. The UFO then f 9/26/1979 #34929  
hoots up in the air and stops, now appearing as a red, blinking dot. His wi Early 3/1980 #35190  
 Bohai Sea. One large object keeps appearing and vanishing like a will-o’-t Early 8/1980 #35439  
 it passes overhead and continues, appearing to descend as it disappears be 10/6/1980 #35558  
e night, the largest and brightest appearing at 3:00 a.m.                   12/25/1980 #35732  
 and saw the figure of a "feminine appearing" man with small rounded narrow 5/1981 #35919  
ght from a 125 foot wide, metallic appearing UFO. It felt "as though a film 9/10/1981 #36109  
t when it rose through the clouds, appearing and disappearing again, it wou 6/15/1984 #37365  
g object changes shape repeatedly, appearing first as rays, then concentric 9/7/1984 #37458  
ich blinks on and off irregularly, appearing in a new location each time as 5/19/1986 #37880  
ically with the final issue of 158 appearing in 2012.                       9/1986 #38008  
ut brighter than those on the UFO, appearing just the way it looked from th 3/31/1990 #39503  
s of sophisticated pictographs now appearing annually around the globe.”    9/9/1991 #40182  
le and one or two shorter articles appearing each day. It claims that “For  8/18/1996 #42985  
e blue glow that was pulsing while appearing to grow repeatedly larger and  9/23/1996 #43039  
s was greeted by several similarly appearing beings. The "planet" was beaut 12/9/1996 #43133  
into view and stops in mid-flight, appearing as a “flattened silver pyramid 12/14/1997 #43460  
ness was awakened by a white light appearing suddenly in a dark bedroom. Si 9/6/1998 #43641  
 plays cat and mouse with the jet, appearing and reappearing. Permission to 10/19/1998 #43665  
because the test is too expensive. Appearing on ABC Primetime in 2009, Roma 2000 #43913  
t orange or orange-red in hue, and appearing as solid round objects. Witnes 7/14/2001 #44208  
c frame. The skin was red and sore appearing, like burned scar tissue. She  9/3/2003 #44592  
            Two triangular crafts, appearing about 20 minutes apart, were s 8/15/2005 #44864  
 also numerous bright white lights appearing and disappearing. A second ind 8/6/2007 #45044  
line of orange lights was observed appearing and disappearing in Santa Rosa 8/5/2009 #45232  
nd Russian nuclear missiles. Those appearing include former Capt. Robert Sa 9/27/2010 #45298  
## Word: "appears" (Back to Top)
 Manuscript v2p397. Luminous globe appears / sky / several hours. No furthe 1/5/1433 #19  
ts, in a boat when a “great light” appears above them. It darts back and fo 1638 #41  
y, and Kilkenny, Ireland, where it appears as a bursting fireball.          12/5/1737 #60  
e, England, at the time the meteor appears.                                 8/18/1783 #90  
RY Spherical lights. Lady-in-white appears and vanishes. Local uproar.      7/1836? #131  
low. Suddenly another bright cloud appears above the first. After 2–3 minut 3/19/1847 #143  
t is floating slowly northward and appears to be 2 feet long by 18 inches w 9/15/1850 #145  
After a short time, a small object appears below it.                        9/15/1850 #145  
R, KENT Triangular cloud with tail appears / storm. 1/2 moon-size. Blast. D 12/17/1852 #147  
g rapidly toward the southeast. It appears to be revolving on its axis.     11/1862 #160  
 extends screws going down. Saucer appears between screws.                  3/9/1873 #199  
 bridge. As it approaches them, it appears to be a man surrounded by machin 7/28/1880 #237  
heasterly in a horizontal line. It appears made of three perfectly develope 9/30/1880 #240  
ery red. Suddenly a large fireball appears above the ship and falls hissing 2/25/1885 #264  
rong electric lamp.” It curves and appears to descend to the ground one mil 2/7/1889 #286  
 two hours. Another lighted object appears from the southwest and approache 9/2/1891 #296  
litary leader. The original report appears in the Evangelical Visitor.      Late 11/1894 #317  
t then rises in height to 45°, and appears to be pacing the train, keeping  Mid 7/1896 #328  
ht resembling an electric arc lamp appears in the night sky above Sacrament 11/17/1896 #340  
 Nebraska Night. A bright fireball appears in the west over North Loup, Neb 3/13/1897 #390  
Kansas 8:30 p.m. A blood-red light appears in the western sky over Topeka,  3/27/1897 #398  
re visible on each side. Its light appears to dim when the object is moving 4/1/1897 #407  
ght coming through its windows. It appears to be a “long, narrow car, resem 4/4/1897 #414  
e southwest. Through binoculars it appears to be 18–20 feet long. A square  4/11/1897 #432  
e above Center Avenue. A red light appears at either end of a body that is  4/16/1897 #506  
 her kitchen when a “female ghost” appears and chats with her for a few min 10/4/1898 #626  
 8:00 p.m. A blue-colored fireball appears over Austin, Texas, and ascends  5/13/1902 #651  
ase of ball lightning,” the object appears more likely to have been an expl 7/2/1907 #697  
blue flare in response. The object appears sausage-shaped and carries a sin 10/1908 #717  
object descend out of the mist. It appears to be a narrow, boat-shaped craf 7/30/1909 #789  
 craft. A little later, the object appears over Hull, seen by crowds in the 2/25/1913 #884  
t in front of a church. An opening appears and eight small entities emerge  1914 #893  
onds. A few seconds later, another appears going in the same direction. Mor 9/9/1914 #916  
ORTUGAL 3 kids. Flash. Small woman appears. Back every month to October.    5/13/1917 #957  
ys. Through a telescope, one light appears to be a revolving wheel with lig Early 9/1917 #964  
 the dark clouds break and the Sun appears as an opaque, spinning disc in t 10/13/1917 #970  
aque, spinning disc in the sky. It appears significantly duller than normal 10/13/1917 #970  
nt light the size of a tennis ball appears in a garden at Shuttlewood, Derb 1/22/1919 #983  
ta 9:30 a.m. A tiny circular cloud appears in an otherwise cloudless sky ov 6/2/1919 #986  
 a “long, slim, pointed shape” and appears “silvery in color.”              1920 #995  
lver plates set edge to edge. Each appears to be about 25 feet in diameter  Late 10/1920 #1006  
 “tank.” After a while, an opening appears in the ceiling, and in a few mom 1921 #1010  
e a “great blurred electric light” appears over Miami, Florida, for more th 6/13/1928 #1086  
EEN LA BOCCA, FR 2M blessed virgin appears. Going quickly [to] to round whi 3/30/1931 (approximate) #1124  
 comes to within 4 feet of him and appears as a silvery-blue ball about 14  6/1932 #1144  
ble kite balloons, except that one appears to possess short squat wings. As 6/1/1933 #1158  
 sunset. A lone observer sees what appears to be an aircraft land on ice-co Late 11/1933 #1176  
ething black covers it, an antenna appears, and it rises up above the river 5/1935 #1229  
d passing above Mestre, Veneto, it appears more like a torpedo-shaped objec 8/17/1936 #1247  
lements would be generated. Now it appears almost certain that this could b 8/2/1939 #1311  
irfoil of glistening bronze color” appears out of a cloudbank. It’s about 1 Summer 1942 #1419  
bout 60 mph. Through binoculars it appears to be a sphere colored with tang 4/9/1943 #1494  
shaped object above the planes. It appears to be observing the battle, then 9/1943 #1525  
g flame coming out of its rear. It appears only 100–150 feet away and stays 2/1944 #1570  
, Tennessee, when a strange object appears about 50 feet ahead of them at t 9/1944 #1662  
below them at about 4,000 feet. It appears to be 200 feet long and has two  12/23/1944 #1731  
orders to shoot down anything that appears to be hostile, but nothing is se 12/23/1944 #1731  
d near some high-tension wires. It appears to be a 35-foot oval object with 10/1945 #1942  
amberlin’s article on foo fighters appears in American Legion Magazine. Int 12/1945 #1948  
de the call. Although the incident appears to be a hoax, few people can rea 1946 #1962  
ouglas Gowdy. A bright orange ball appears in the road about 1 mile ahead,  3/14/1946 #1977  
et elevation moving at 125 mph. It appears 15–20 feet in diameter and flies 5/1946 #1988  
 Day. A long, silver-colored cigar appears suddenly out of the haze over Cr 7/1946 #2022  
 Sweden. It shines like silver and appears “like some glistening mass.” It  7/9/1946 #2038  
ame or projections of any type. It appears to follow the terrain at 370–430 8/14/1946 #2135  
m, Sweden. The cigar-shaped object appears out of a cloud at 3,000 feet, tr 8/22/1946 #2149  
it noiselessly passes overhead, it appears to be circular.                  5/17/1947 #2287  
developing process” that sometimes appears on a negative that has not been  6/18/1947 #2340  
ay to the northwest. Another group appears and arranges itself in a straigh 7/4/1947 #2667  
ground with a kite-like motion. It appears to be about 2 feet across and ma 7/6/1947 #2811  
ver Birmingham, Alabama. A new one appears every 5 seconds. Many others rep 7/6/1947 #2813  
r LA, gets caught in prop wash and appears to disintegrate and crash, pilot 7/7/1947 #2833  
ng overhead at Medford, Oregon. It appears to be flying at 600–700 mph on e 7/7/1947 #2937  
t 50 feet from the wreckage, which appears to have burned. He is convinced  7/9/1947 #3066  
bject shaped like a huge clam that appears to fall tipped at an angle north 8/17/1947 #3343  
etter from Truman to Vannevar Bush appears to bear the original Truman sign 10/1/1947 #3445  
last message to the tower was, “it appears to be metallic object....of trem 1/7/1948 #3537  
dio reports, Mantell says the UFO “appears to be a metallic object or possi 1/7/1948 #3544  
the southwest of the airfield that appears and disappears intermittently. F 1/7/1948 #3546  
fham see the object emit smoke. It appears about 3 feet long. It slows down 5/31/1948 #3663  
rts that a high-speed radar target appears during an inspection visit at Go Summer 1948 #3679  
, Washington. “The exterior finish appears to be spun or burnished aluminum 7/1948 #3691  
A regular pulsating flashing light appears in the group at 30° from zenith  7/17/1948 #3714  
ings and space travelers, it later appears as an appendix in the Project Gr 12/13/1948 #3929  
f around 40,000 feet. The bouncing appears to start after the final 270° co 1/27/1949 #3981  
 ellipse as it approaches, then it appears to be elongated like a bent pipe 2/17/1949 #4015  
ry Island incident metal fragments appears in the BSRA’s “Round Robin” publ 3/1949 #4027  
out something troubling. Forrestal appears traumatized. Forrestal sits in h 3/28/1949 #4058  
37 p.m., a 2-inch-wide white light appears 100 feet away to the northwest,  4/27/1949 #4118  
or “protuberances of any sort.” It appears to be traveling at 300–600 mph.  4/28/1949 #4129  
t two of Shalett’s article on UFOs appears in the May 7 issue of the Saturd 5/6/1949 #4160  
er to the horizon. A second object appears three degrees to the south. Dete 5/12/1949 #4183  
 leaves no exhaust trail. The disc appears flattened and has a wrinkled sur 5/24/1949 #4207  
d moved almost horizontally. There appears to be a concentration of New Mex 8/17/1949 #4319  
     Area 51 “Area 51” designation appears on several atomic fallout maps.  1950's #4455  
tering course the object no longer appears, but the radar is jammed for app 1/12/1950 #4484  
rt-wave frequencies—and the target appears on both scopes simultaneously wi 3/9/1950 #4598  
r second. The bottom of the object appears to have 9–12 symmetrical oval or 3/20/1950 #4690  
 something about 420 feet away. It appears to be two men dressed in shiny m 6/17/1950 #4991  
 Flying Saucers: Fact or Fiction?” appears in Flying magazine.              7/1950 #5033  
s a side view to the observers and appears to be cigar-shaped and metallic, 7/1950 #5035  
 then swiftly takes off. The story appears in the mine’s house newsletter,  7/2/1950 #5039  
, New Mexico, when a flying saucer appears and hovers just above the ground 7/4/1950 #5042  
adar confirms it. The object first appears as a round ball; after it crosse 7/11/1950 #5056  
r it crosses their flight path, it appears like an upside-down shallow bowl 7/11/1950 #5056  
Flight 117 and the Flying Saucer,” appears in True magazine. (Donald E. Key 8/1950 #5094  
ices that the horizon near the UFO appears to vibrate as if light is distor 12/27/1950 #5368  
journalist Bob Considine’s article appears in Cosmopolitan, debunking all U 1/1951 #5380  
 showing it as 1952; however, 1951 appears to be correct.                   1/16/1951 #5402  
ee X-10 plant 4:20 p.m. A UFO that appears to be over the restricted area a 1/21/1951 #5410  
he size of the 70-foot balloon. It appears to be round and flat like a dime 1/22/1951 #5413  
e end of it a bullet-shaped object appears, approximately 100 feet long and 3/15/1951 #5489  
hn R. Hood hits paydirt when a UFO appears, sighted both visually and on ra 7/1951 #5556  
the sky in seconds. A second group appears and repeats the performance. Oth 8/25/1951 #5625  
 is received from this object that appears to be a mode-one IFF response fr 8/26/1951 #5631  
 throughout, whereas the other now appears to pass from above the first row 8/30/1951 #5638  
At 1:30 p.m., another radar target appears, apparently hovering. Overcast c 9/11/1951 #5662  
ery “flattened orange” object that appears stationary to his left rear. It  10/9/1951 #5715  
CAF Station North Bay, Ontario. It appears to be very large and travels at  1/1/1952 #5856  
wo portholes and an apparent hatch appears from the northeast and hovers ab 3/29/1952 #5995  
le, “Have We Visitors from Space?” appears in Life and reports on the revit 4/7/1952 #6042  
 terrain is 20,000–30,000 feet. It appears to be about 40–50 miles distant  5/12/1952 #6305  
ated to be 50 feet in diameter. It appears ahead of him to the right and be 5/15/1952 #6332  
antly. Suddenly one of the objects appears off the port bow at close range  Late 5/1952 #6362  
 later it returns, stops gain, and appears to oscillate and tilt from one s 6/1952 #6405  
ue on the trailing end. The object appears to be moving at about 400–500 mp 6/15/1952 #6511  
ter dives toward the object, which appears to be 10–20 feet in diameter. It 6/20/1952 #6562  
ut the size of a B-29. It suddenly appears 85 miles north-northwest of the  6/23/1952 #6607  
 Then it vanishes. A second target appears at 1:35 a.m.                     6/23/1952 #6607  
gnet,” in which he states: “If, as appears evident, the flying saucers are  6/25/1952 #6628  
olor, encircled by white haze, and appears about 30 feet in diameter. Durin 6/29/1952 #6666  
        J. Robert Moskin‘s article appears in Look magazine. It features Ge 7/1/1952 #6688  
not believe it was.” A second blip appears on the radar moving toward the w 7/21/1952 #6982  
 12:00 midnight yet another target appears on radar, and jets from New Cast 8/5/1952 #7470  
m-colored object 3 miles away that appears at first triangular, then more s 8/7/1952 #7509  
6 seconds. Within minutes, another appears on the same flight path. Some fa 8/10/1952 #7539  
uarterly Bulletin. The final issue appears in early 1954.                   9/1952 #7803  
ery object in the northern sky. It appears to be descending in a zigzag mot 9/6/1952 #7868  
tton, West Virgina Space "monster" appears from saucer near Sutton, West VA 9/12/1952 #7898  
s rounding up the cows, the object appears again, moving from south to nort 9/14/1952 #7938  
aneuvers, a silvery, spherical UFO appears near RAF Topcliffe in North York 9/19/1952 #7980  
ng near the plane. A second object appears. Soon the whole crew is looking  9/30/1952 #8070  
, they see a cigar-shaped UFO that appears shortly after a US Air Force B-2 11/20/1952 #8307  
her UFO, this time a “Scout ship,” appears near Adamski, who takes seven ph 11/20/1952 #8308  
count of the encounter with Orthon appears in the Phoenix Gazette. The news 11/24/1952 #8333  
hroughout the mission, but the set appears to be operative both before and  1/9/1953 #8524  
, Lt. Howard C. Kelley. The object appears to be 10° above the F-94B, which 1/29/1953 #8615  
d begins climbing at about 20°. It appears to be very thin and immediately  3/3/1953 #8727  
e / 5000kph. Stops. Orbs exit. 2nd appears. 1 going north and 1 going south 3/8/1953 #8737  
 H. Wyden’s interview with Ruppelt appears in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.  3/8/1953 #8739  
tional Airport], California, there appears to be no open record of this inc 6/1953 #8922  
g over San Rafael, California. One appears to be leading the formation at a 8/28/1953 #9120  
.m. In Palmdale, California, a UFO appears on an F-94C radarscope for a per 9/28/1953 #9187  
f 17 miles. Through a telescope it appears to be a circular white object. T 11/3/1953 #9280  
the area. At midnight, a red light appears above the search area, spooking  12/30/1953 #9409  
n enormous (150 feet) round object appears from behind it. It moves high, t 1/1954 #9429  
 It flies noiselessly, although it appears to be at a low altitude. Several 1/9/1954 #9473  
Large disk hovers. Vanishes. Plane appears in same spot!                    2/11/1954 #9539  
 is unable to catch it. The object appears to be the size of a fighter plan 3/12/1954 #9617  
 the V. When a commercial airliner appears, the objects split formation. Si 3/24/1954 #9639  
rshall Islands. A cone-shaped mist appears on its leeward side, then the ob 4/1954 #9656  
                            Keyhoe appears on The Betty White Show and asse 4/5/1954 #9666  
er calls the Coast Guard. A cutter appears after 10 minutes, then the UFO a 4/8/1954 #9677  
he incident, a helicopter suddenly appears and lands in front of their car. 4/18/1954 #9696  
er float 50 feet above a house. It appears alternately as a sphere and an o 4/22/1954 #9705  
 times the size of a star, the UFO appears in the southwest, blinking on an 4/29/1954 #9734  
                 Ruppelt’s article appears in True magazine.                5/1954 #9739  
oring from about 35 miles away. It appears to be traveling three times as f 5/5/1954 #9753  
w on top and a window at each end, appears above a nearby factory. She shin 6/5/1954 #9866  
SLAND, NY 1 observer. White sphere appears / nowhere. Moves / arc / 2 secon 6/14/1954 #9900  
osition on his port beam, where it appears to orbit. A second and similar l 8/31/1954 #10218  
 blond man, 5 feet 10 inches tall, appears, speaks in a strange language, p 9/21/1954 #10383  
approaching from China. The target appears to be the size of an aircraft an 10/1954 #10537  
able to close on the object, which appears to him as a black dot. He turns  10/1/1954 #10565  
e remainder are from France, which appears to have been at the center of a  10/1/1954 #10570  
n. The rest are from France, which appears to have been at the center of a  10/2/1954 #10612  
a. The rest are from France, which appears to be at the center of this mass 10/3/1954 #10667  
quadrilateral hole from which soil appears to be sucked up. The roots of pl 10/4/1954 #10698  
ance, see a luminous cylinder that appears orange when vertical and motionl 10/7/1954 #10791  
00 noon, a formation of 20 objects appears from the east, followed by anoth 11/6/1954 #11585  
concentration of about 100 objects appears 10 minutes later and Perego noti 11/6/1954 #11585  
00 p.m. A white, motionless object appears over Louisville, Kentucky. A rad 11/12/1954 #11629  
s. 1 splits into 4 ovoids. Another appears and splits.                      1/1/1955 #11906  
 about 900 feet on their left that appears to change color from white to or 3/24/1955 #12059  
ball streak west over the city. It appears to have a rose-orange tail.      4/8/1955 #12089  
er Hillcrest Heights, Maryland. It appears to oscillate in the air, stops,  6/25/1955 #12210  
ss and disappears. The object then appears 120° away and moves horizontally 7/29/1955 #12302  
ery object, perforated with holes, appears on the figure’s chest just below 8/16/1955 #12364  
t first, then as it gets closer it appears “cross-shaped.” It moves in a va 8/19/1955 #12374  
hite objects to the southwest. One appears to be on the ground with 3–4 fig 10/1955 #12477  
m DOD and DCI.    Gray’s name also appears on disputed “TS/MAJIC EYES ONLY” 11/20/1955 #12580  
 a total of 4 hours. When it first appears on radar it is directly above Go 2/17/1956 #12723  
,500 mph. A second, smaller target appears, identified as an Air France DC- 2/17/1956 #12723  
oped by Avro show an aircraft that appears to be a merging of a flying sauc 3/1956 #12742  
etime in the 1970s, Carlos Allende appears at APRO headquarters and confess 4/1956 #12777  
LT Several / bridge. Red metal UFO appears and vanishes several times / bay 7/11/1956 #12961  
inutes later, another solid target appears, flying east to west at 4,000 mp 8/13/1956 #13080  
haped base) remains stationary. It appears to be made of canvas-like materi 9/7/1956 #13202  
s close as a few hundred yards. It appears to be a flattened circular shape 10/7/1956 #13266  
tes; an upward-shining white light appears at intervals.                    11/25/1956 #13352  
    EL CAJON, CA Girl / 17. Saucer appears / time lapse photograph / moon.  1/16/1957 #13458  
und. Dark saucer with black stripe appears behind jet. Vanishes!            1/24/1957 #13471  
y direction. Suddenly a black disc appears directly in front of the trail,  2/13/1957 #13503  
 to the right of the aircraft that appears to be on a collision course. Van 3/9/1957 #13540  
UFO is a high-intensity light that appears to stand still for approximately 3/9/1957 #13540  
a silver domed disc with portholes appears directly above him. Shadows are  Late Spring 1957 #13662  
ge object with rounded dome / top. Appears ahead / plane.                   7/17/1957 #13804  
om the UFO. Because the UFO signal appears to have comparable or greater re 7/17/1957 #13808  
 strobe comes from the object that appears like ECM jamming.                7/18/1957 #13811  
] away slow. Sparks exit. Football appears.                                 7/19/1957 #13812  
ve the ocean. They approach it. It appears to be revolving, and they can se 10/8/1957 #14078  
hen realize that the flying object appears to be more than 600 feet long. I 10/10/1957 #14095  
, Indiana, at about 1,500 feet. It appears to be silver and platter-shaped, 10/15/1957 #14120  
zil, when a red, egg-shaped object appears above him. His tractor motor and 10/16/1957 #14128  
yoming, when a round, shiny object appears in the road about 250 feet ahead 10/30/1957 #14167  
ld, Alberta, when a blinking light appears in the sky and passes nearly abo 11/3/1957 #14250  
ppears. The same or another object appears in the northeast (as if the obje 11/4/1957 #14286  
cope. A hovering radar target then appears to the north over an outer marke 11/4/1957 #14289  
 it for 15 miles because the light appears to be low in the sky. During the 11/6/1957 #14427  
 Silent 70cm metallic round object appears and reappears / 30 minute(s).    11/10/1957 #14514  
e a glowing object in the sky that appears to fall to the ground on a ridge 11/21/1957 #14590  
f San Pedro, California. The photo appears in Flying Saucer Review in 1959  12/3/1957 #14666  
ped, emits red or orange rays, and appears to be descending. They watch it  12/15/1957 #14730  
 focus with his binoculars on what appears to be a small island. When he do 1/10/1958 #14817  
the filming continues. Menzel then appears, then USAF spokesman Richard E.  1/22/1958 #14838  
ayan frontier when a reddish light appears and becomes larger, as if approa 2/19/1958 #14881  
                            Keyhoe appears on ABC’s The Mike Wallace Interv 3/8/1958 #14920  
large, thick, black cloud suddenly appears directly across their flight pat 5/13/1958 #15031  
e, England. A large black dumbbell appears below them, flying against the w 6/29/1958 #15126  
feet. A light like a “moving star” appears. It approaches below the cloud c 7/1958 #15130  
A swarm of about 10 “black specks” appears to “cavort” around the lower end 9/8/1958 #15261  
 half a mile long. After the story appears in newspapers, the Air Force exp 9/29/1958 #15286  
in Santiago, Chile. Its newsletter appears from August 1967 to May 1969.    1959 #15512  
Quintanilla and J. Allen Hynek; it appears to be a code for Project Blue Bo 1959 #15516  
bject through binoculars, where it appears to be a disc-shaped object with  1/1/1959 #15527  
zon. Several minutes later another appears, following the same course. This 3/12/1959 #15636  
 jet. When the two vanish, a third appears and follows the path the others  3/20/1959 #15659  
ki arrives in London, England, and appears on the TV show In Town Tonight o 4/18/1959 #15707  
tform-shaped object with legs that appears in the sky above Venus. It has a 6/26/1959 #15790  
orpus Christi, Texas. A fourth UFO appears about 5 minutes later. At one po 7/28/1959 #15884  
later. At one point a jet aircraft appears to alter its course to fly close 7/28/1959 #15884  
ng. The object descends slowly and appears to be heading toward Johansson’s Late 10/1959 #16060  
a quarter of a mile behind him. It appears to be 80–90 feet across and 15–  12/1959 #16107  
             “Area 51” designation appears on several atomic fallout maps   1960's #16136  
ea Avenue. A mushroom-shaped cloud appears and dissipates. As the red light 2/6/1960 #16169  
A few seconds later, the red light appears about 1,000 feet above Sunset an 2/6/1960 #16169  
                    George Adamski appears on Long John Nebel’s late-night  4/30/1960 #16245  
Thin white beams / sky. Red sphere appears. Pulses.                         5/4/1960 #16250  
es and concludes that “there still appears to be no logical explanation of  5/19/1960 #16289  
RUSSIA Same scientists and saucer. Appears from mountains / west. Unpopulat 7/8/1960 #16334  
ithdrawn inside, and a new section appears to replace it, settling in with  8/11/1960 #16369  
eases in intensity, and the object appears to be surrounded by a heat haze. 8/11/1960 #16369  
Catalina Huanca Apongo, Peru A UFO appears above the iron-ore mine of Catal 1961 #16551  
ew South Wales, when they see what appears to be a huge trailer with four w 3/16/1961 #16632  
and nearby. A door opens and a man appears, about 5 feet tall and wearing a 4/18/1961 #16653  
ous disc about 15 feet in diameter appears from behind the house, flying fr 6/11/1961 #16724  
ime. We think it is pretty big. It appears to be shining brightly and is ab 6/19/1961 #16732  
 huge disc-shaped object allegedly appears at an estimated altitude of 12.5 Summer 1961 #16734  
n, all but one figure move to what appears to be a panel on the rear wall o 9/19/1961 #16857  
and black caps. Red lights on what appears to be bat-wing fins begin to tel 9/19/1961 #16857  
e, a single stationary object also appears. After remaining stationary for  9/27/1961 #16876  
h binoculars and the naked eye. It appears circular. It is a dazzling gold  6/7/1962 #17221  
sh object, larger and disc-shaped, appears above Pontano Wash with a cone-s 6/25/1962 #17245  
erver(s). Saucer maneuvers. Figure appears. Shrinks and vanishes / TV image 6/26/1962 #17247  
 Santa Catalina Channel. Its vapor appears to churn and it doubles in size, Late 8/1962 #17360  
 see what happens next. The object appears to be nearly 100 feet wide and 1 Late 8/1962 #17361  
out and descends to the ground. He appears to be doing something to one of  10/28/1962 #17513  
n and is bluish. The upper portion appears to be stationary, battleship-gra 2/15/1963 #17669  
      An article by J. Allen Hynek appears in the Yale Scientific Magazine. 4/1963 #17720  
he parking lot when a bright light appears above them, bathing everyone in  8/10/1963 #17882  
om sits in front of a machine that appears to be a control panel. The passe 8/28/1963 #17922  
f yellow light. One of the cyclops appears between the lights, slowly float 8/28/1963 #17922  
ontrolled light and smoke or steam appears on its surface. The mn watch it  9/12/1963 #17932  
l object with fins along its sides appears from the north and passes overhe 9/14/1963 #17938  
t is moving at high speed; when it appears, the needles of the ship’s magne 11/12/1963 #18035  
      GUM CREEK, SOUTH AUST Figure appears like magic. Touches black box an 2/3/1964 #18124  
alaclava, and an open brown jacket appears. He wears elbow-length, black gl 2/3/1964 #18125  
oon. Not seen at the time was what appears to be the image of a man standin 4/26/1964 #18210  
dren see a large round object that appears in their headlights after they p 5/13/1964 #18262  
 circular, glowing object silently appears above their car. They stop to wa 6/1964 #18313  
aped object with a soot-like trail appears and hovers above the boy’s head, 6/2/1964 #18321  
r at a 45° angle. In an instant it appears right in front of his headlights 6/30/1964 #18386  
t, and black helmet. The whistling appears to emanate from his stomach. The 7/16/1964 #18421  
ity in Turku, which states that it appears to be volcanic. Analysts at the  8/1964 #18466  
tic. A blurred reddish-white glare appears ahead and 500 feet below them on 8/18/1964 #18497  
 scatter each time. A second robot appears and a vapor renders Schrum uncon 9/5/1964 #18539  
ner when an extremely bright light appears over their car, completely shutt 11/26/1964 #18639  
 Virginia, when an enormous object appears from the north and descends slow 12/21/1964 #18670  
ar engine has shut off. The object appears to be at least 125 feet in diame 12/21/1964 #18670  
 lights colored red and orange and appears to rotate. It moves approximatel 1/27/1965 #18776  
sition on a zigzag course and then appears to land on the ocean shore. It r 1/27/1965 #18776  
ogo, an elliptical luminous object appears and follows the plane. Inaba mak 3/18/1965 #18864  
 response. One object to starboard appears larger on radar. The objects dep 5/6/1965 #18929  
omething on or near the ground. It appears to be a disc- shaped object with 5/24/1965 #18962  
ht white, circular, wingless craft appears and descends at a 45° angle to t 6/19/1965 #19017  
rous lights around the outside and appears to be rotating in a counterclock 6/19/1965 #19017  
ing red light seen / 20 minute(s). Appears to land in distance.             6/21/1965 #19021  
ccording to them, a shining object appears from behind a hill. James manage 8/8/1965 #19341  
 slightly higher than the T-29. It appears to be 5–7 miles away and moving  8/12/1965 #19373  
s. On its third descent the object appears to level off and accelerate at a 8/12/1965 #19373  
t a 45° angle from the horizon. It appears to be creating its own cloud scr Fall 1965 #19592  
on is only 5–6 seconds. The object appears to be always rotating. After its 1/19/1966 #19858  
 The glow was localized there…. It appears to me that all the major conditi 3/25/1966 #20080  
over Columbus, Georgia. The object appears to change shape from cigar to we 3/27/1966 #20101  
nd down when in motion. The object appears to land in a field off State Hig 4/19/1966 #20346  
ff. It moves across the street and appears to be moving directly toward the 4/23/1966 #20390  
“brilliant, flashing ball of fire” appears three feet above the front and s 4/24/1966 #20404  
lorida, headed for Tallahassee. It appears as two bright yellow globes side 4/25/1966 #20415  
y “UFOs: Friend, Foe, or Fantasy?” appears on CBS Reports, hosted by Walter 5/10/1966 #20474  
t moves its glow brightens, and it appears to be a powered craft. The witne 6/23/1966 #20597  
ouse and a dwarf in shiny overalls appears (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, B 8/6/1966 #20727  
eet, hovers over a reservoir, then appears to land in a field 250 feet away 8/19/1966 #20772  
 Illinois, see a bright light that appears over some nearby trees. It is so Autumn 1966 #20919  
 light about 21 inches in diameter appears at the foot of her bed. Inside a 10/2/1966 #20949  
vort / 40 minute(s). Blimplike UFO appears. Also seen / New Orleans.        10/3/1966 #20952  
ZELE, BELGIUM Bang! Green fireball appears behind car. 18 Nov. '68 green fi 11/19/1966 #21125  
 exit and urges a serious inquiry, appears in the Saturday Evening Post.    12/17/1966 #21206  
n. Odd 1.5M man / transparent suit appears. / r8+/ LDLN#187+/ r109p59.      1/24/1967 (approximate) #21370  
 small humanoid (or Grey) / helmet appears and vanishes 4X. Smoke. / FSR'67 1/28/1967 #21406  
in a puff of smoke. The little man appears in a different spot, and the boy 1/28/1967 #21409  
istling sound, as a smaller object appears from behind it. This UFO is a si 3/5/1967 #21763  
rd. A strange, localized gray mist appears and when it dissipates the UFO i 3/7/1967 #21787  
m. Soon, a larger and closer light appears and behaves similarly. He calls  3/24/1967 #21973  
Toward the southeast a bright haze appears that turns into an inverted cone 4/29/1967 #22247  
 circumference. The developed film appears to show a craft with portholes a 5/1967 #22258  
rom the Braniff aircraft. The blip appears at about twice the range of the  5/13/1967 #22337  
through several color changes then appears like hot stainless steel with bl 5/20/1967 #22382  
t one show an edge-on view of what appears to be a large, squat disc with a 6/1/1967 #22448  
 Woodsocket, RI The photo actually appears to be from a much earlier time p 6/18/1967 #22515  
dlights. Blue cylinder/cigar-shape appears. Going quickly south into clouds 6/24/1967 #22537  
lor photos of a daylight disc that appears to be about 25 feet in diameter. 7/3/1967 #22600  
bout 25 feet in diameter. The disc appears from less than 2 miles away and  7/3/1967 #22600  
 hovers for a moment and an object appears to fall from it. It disappears f 7/3/1967 #22600  
. A peculiar piston-like apparatus appears to be pumping in and out of its  7/3/1967 #22601  
f 50–100 feet. At first the object appears to be hovering, then it moves sl 7/4/1967 #22610  
 sees an orange ball of light that appears to be hanging from a tree. He dr 7/5/1967 #22615  
 some yards from the location that appears to have been swirled flat as if  7/5/1967 #22615  
h-blue glow. The top of the shadow appears convex. He stops the vehicle and 7/5/1967 #22616  
 away. At 9:35 p.m. another target appears, following an Air Canada flight; 7/6/1967 #22622  
-white light blocking the road. It appears to be a triangle 8 feet tall and 7/13/1967 #22656  
light veers away from the road and appears to land on a sand dune.          7/20/1967 #22710  
hrough binoculars the first object appears bright blue. A second independen 7/30/1967 #22754  
. Within a few minutes, an opening appears in the UFO, and a smaller lightb 8/3/1967 #22788  
egre Brazil Night. A bright object appears in the sky in the area of Morro  8/4/1967 #22805  
owing-sphere/orb/globe going east. Appears over cemetery. Lands. Going quic 8/5/1967 #22811  
 40–45 seconds. One of the objects appears to break formation and approach  8/6/1967 #22830  
denly it turns brilliant white and appears to land on the other side of a b 8/23/1967 #22905  
er it has gone missing. The animal appears to have been skinned from the ne 9/9/1967 #23026  
rops around the object, and a door appears out of nowhere and slides upward 9/14/1967 #23060  
 the other, in a straight line. It appears to be slowly descending at a 45° 10/4/1967 #23176  
7 road, Devon, England. The object appears to land behind some trees, but t 10/24/1967 #23304  
y with increasing speed. The craft appears translucent, taking on the color 10/26/1967 #23334  
 to this area, the German shepherd appears nervous.                         10/26/1967 #23334  
SASNAVO, LITHUANIA V-bright saucer appears 300' diameter. Tongues of "flame 11/15/1967 #23455  
, illuminated hemispherical object appears low over the shore of the Baltic Late 11/1967 #23511  
p-and-down motion to the north. It appears to be flashing different colors  12/5/1967 #23551  
stern Illinois College. Because it appears to be heading toward nearby Scot 12/19/1967 #23595  
stions; what bothers me is that it appears that these negative findings wer 1/31/1968 #23714  
top of that. When the object first appears, a dog is seen cowering and lyin 2/19/1968 #23767  
in, Romania. Through binoculars it appears cone-shaped. Bălaşa continues to 3/29/1968 #23870  
theast. The same or similar object appears in the same area on the evening  3/29/1968 #23870  
 stationary yellowish-white object appears in the northeast. Iorga takes a  3/30/1968 #23876  
lights suddenly go out. The object appears metallic and glows orange when s 4/4/1968 #23895  
t object, long and spindle-shaped, appears above the plane. It moves in a c 6/6/1968 #24013  
urlington, Vermont, a bright light appears in the southwest sky and swoops  8/7/1968 #24307  
or 5 minutes, then a second object appears, “very shiny and gold.” Both are 8/26/1968 #24379  
tnesses view a conical object that appears above Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herze 10/18/1968 #24571  
est to southeast. The UFO at first appears bright blue then changes first t 10/18/1968 #24571  
descent back to Minot AFB, the UFO appears to close distance to one mile at 10/24/1968 #24587  
mach pains, and a red pigmentation appears around his navel, forming a tria 11/2/1968 #24625  
 minute(s) when yellow night light appears.                                 11/7/1968 #24640  
 [to] left. Small sphere/orb/globe appears / 1st site. All going quickly so 12/29/1968 #24795  
r 2 / beach. 1.5M sphere/orb/globe appears. / MJ#177.                       1/1969 #24810  
nd about as bright as the moon. It appears to have closed in on where he is 1/6/1969 #24821  
t lights directed horizontally and appears to have a row of portholes with  4/22/1969 #25082  
r in Ibiúna, São Paulo, Brazil. It appears to be 30 feet in diameter, 10 fe 6/17/1969 #25220  
concludes that the “UFO phenomenon appears to have been global in nature fo 10/1969 #25389  
, FINLAND Small humanoid (or Grey) appears / kitchen. Telepathy re Apollo 1 4/15/1970 #25630  
 Relative to the trees, the object appears to be about 33 feet in diameter, 6/1970 #25684  
nces that “they’re here,” a “star” appears that had not been there before a 8/7/1970 #25775  
 is turned off and a similar light appears on top of the UFO, illuminating  11/5/1970 #25902  
. Seconds later, a solitary object appears to the north and approaches swif 11/29/1970 #25922  
         SS PT. LAUNAY Faint globe appears / all sides / tanker. Going quic 6/1971 #26150  
and, when an “electric blue light” appears ahead and moves toward him, danc 6/29/1971 #26203  
matedly. Suddenly a shining object appears in the sky, descends, and stops  7/7/1971 #26211  
ad and in front of the car. It now appears ahead of them on the right side  9/19/1971 #26347  
eems to contain oval windows. What appears to be the head of a person is se 10/5/1971 #26410  
. 10 silver disks / vee-formation. Appears 2X / 5 minute(s) same area.      12/25/1971 #26516  
denly a luminous triangular object appears right next to them and they spee 1/1972 #26535  
rget traveling at about 37 mph. It appears visually as a triangular object. Early 2/1972 #26561  
rs. 2 photographs / night light. 1 appears / domed saucer shape. Going quic 7/23/1972 #26826  
s. On a later occasion, the entity appears as she is driving the car. (Judi 7/25/1972 #26833  
ossing the sky. It then hovers and appears to land in an orchard on the Oda Early 9/1972 #26975  
er, a very bright blue-white light appears behind the car, enveloping the e 9/25/1972 #27030  
m the west. As it comes closer, it appears to be a bullet-shaped object lar 10/23/1972 #27087  
ourt has suddenly begun to die and appears scorched. District Police Comman 11/12/1972 #27120  
FI). Pseudo-human/entity / airsuit appears / home. Watches observer(s). See 11/25/1972 (approximate) #27141  
eings emerge from it, wearing what appears to be a one-piece suit of whitis 12/13/1972 #27176  
AR VETELI, FINL 2 girls. Dark form appears. 'Force field' throws girl 3M aw 12/31/1972 #27195  
ar, and a glowing bright oval form appears, about 12–15 feet in diameter, l 6/28/1973 #27598  
n by wind, and after the oval form appears, this sound suddenly ceases. As  6/28/1973 #27598  
  JEANNETTE, PA 1 observer. Sphere appears / nowhere. Photograph taken. Van 7/18/1973 #27639  
wo days later, and the same object appears, moving down the street. The obj 8/1973 #27672  
 frozen with fright, watch, a door appears in the object and three strange  10/11/1973 #27997  
val or oblong UFO. A second object appears that resembles the first but see 10/18/1973 #28171  
erver(s). Red cylinder/cigar-shape appears and vanishes in place! Camouflag 10/25/1973 #28278  
as a halo around the center, which appears to be either revolving or pulsat 10/25/1973 #28284  
ue and gold rectangular lights. It appears to be revolving, except for the  11/1973 #28329  
bserver(s). Amber sphere/orb/globe appears. Suddenly vanishes. Register Sta 11/2/1973 #28344  
s 700–800 feet in altitude. It now appears football-shaped and 100 feet lon 11/6/1973 #28375  
e object is easily visible now and appears as a domed disc. The dome is lar 11/16/1973 #28434  
weeps ground. Ovoid / 50' altitude appears.                                 12/2/1973 #28500  
 along with ladder marks. The area appears “swept” as if by a blast.        12/6/1973 #28533  
dshire, England, when a green mass appears to follow them. The couple feels 1/3/1974 #28641  
 dims then becomes very bright. It appears to crash around Cadair Bronwen m 1/23/1974 #28694  
 about 20 minutes. Since the truck appears to be damaged, they flag down a  2/14/1974 #28772  
 above the ground for one hour. It appears to be the size of a Volkswagen.  4/1974 #28983  
t at an altitude of 2,000 feet and appears to be 50–75 feet in diameter. It 4/15/1974 #29031  
ject is resting on the roadway. It appears to have large windows in the top 4/19/1974 #29047  
is none. As he watches, the object appears to land on a nearby hill where i 5/28/1974 #29142  
ee the light a few miles ahead. It appears to be about 33 feet in diameter, 6/9/1974 #29175  
rises up slowly out of sight, then appears again. Along with a deputy sheri 11/11/1974 #29592  
of Source: 7) [Comments: This case appears to have been an early abduction  1/5/1975 #29722  
ight hovers. Maneuvers wildly. 2nd appears. All silent. / MUFON.            2/4/1975 #29783  
 ground. A ladder with three steps appears on the underside, and a small be 2/14/1975 #29812  
nd shiny by the witness, but which appears as flat black against the bright 2/18/1975 #29824  
he pictures only vaguely show what appears to be the glowing eyes.          3/28/1975 #29923  
r disc with a dome on top. Another appears to the left of the plane, and a  5/3/1975 #30026  
m on the freeway. An identical car appears behind, forcing him to the side  5/3/1975 #30026  
face of the lake. A glowing object appears underneath the surface and begin 5/16/1975 #30061  
ne of them throws a rock at it. It appears to break into pieces and return  5/16/1975 #30061  
ucer going [to] fast. Vanishes and appears higher. 1 of 3 events / LDLN#186 6/6/1975 #30087  
d 12:00 midnight. An orange object appears several times above two fishing  Summer 1975 #30115  
roximately 50 feet in diameter and appears to be suspended over the small v 7/26/1975 #30208  
white, and the bottom part red. It appears to change to a saucer shape and  9/3/1975 #30340  
T / WAKEFIELD, WEST YORKS Fireball appears over TV mast. Swoops down / obse 9/22/1975 #30375  
ton, see a bright white light that appears overhead and slightly ahead of t Fall 1975 #30381  
t incident, the bright light again appears overhead briefly, then streaks a Fall 1975 #30381  
r, Eggleston notes that the target appears to be circling approximately 10  10/27/1975 #30488  
ld son of the experience. The case appears to have episodes of distorted re 11/3/1975 #30547  
n Valley East, Ontario. The object appears to be rotating and has a surface 11/11/1975 #30609  
nts later, a bright, elongated UFO appears behind him. The interior of the  12/14/1975 #30715  
l of his car. After a brief report appears in the press, the RCMP orders To 4/22/1976 #31009  
0 feet away. Suddenly a large blip appears on the radar scope. The destroye 4/23/1976 #31017  
makes a slight whistling sound and appears to be about 50 feet long.        6/21/1976 #31121  
Pakistani border to intercept what appears initially on radar to be a Pakis 7/11/1976 #31158  
 walk toward the object, which now appears as a scallop-shaped craft on lan 8/6/1976 #31240  
bject with six reddish lights that appears to be on another wing of the hot 8/10/1976 #31251  
y 3:00 a.m. A distant bright light appears above El Real de la Jara, Sevill 8/15/1976 #31270  
s his lights at it, and the object appears to approach much closer. García  8/15/1976 #31270  
graphs Mt. Gning-Agun. Dark saucer appears in print later.                  8/17/1976 #31276  
ard. It has a dull gray finish and appears to be quite distant.             9/1/1976 #31325  
 through the air, but at one point appears to float before falling to anoth 9/3/1976 #31335  
size toward 12:00 noon and finally appears like a twinkling star in the day 9/9/1976 #31363  
f the craft is a disc shape, which appears to be rotating in a clockwise di 9/10/1976 #31371  
 thin rectangle with three lights) appears at low altitude in front of his  9/18/1976 #31395  
              TORONTO, ON "Screen" appears / brick wall / park. Entities /  10/29/1976 #31504  
righter than usual. They spot what appears to be an orange, cigar-shaped cr 11/14/1976 #31548  
 by a faint connection. The object appears to be landing silently in a fiel 12/15/1976 #31604  
,200 feet from them in a field. It appears to be 90–120 feet in diameter an 1/1/1977 #31681  
t altitude, lowers its “pole,” and appears to suck up a polythene bag. Both 1/21/1977 #31742  
bject below the aurora. The object appears on only one of his time-exposure 2/1977 #31771  
000 feet and 300–500 feet away. It appears to be a dark, vertical cylinder  2/1/1977 #31775  
ollowed by a star-like object that appears in the west, 45° up. The light e 2/25/1977 #31847  
 France, see a huge UFO. The light appears bigger and bigger as it approach 3/7/1977 #31873  
eville, Ontario, when a red streak appears in the north. The object stops a 3/19/1977 #31917  
land. Seen through a telescope, it appears as elongated with black vertical 3/22/1977 #31926  
rsed, after a second luminous spot appears above it. The sighting correlate 3/24/1977 #31929  
 “blue flash” over the airport. It appears in the south sky above Richmond. 4/18/1977 #31992  
e from.” The others notice that he appears to have a week’s growth of beard 4/25/1977 #32026  
e up of separate red bars of light appears over the bedroom floor. It begin 5/1977 #32043  
hovering silently. Then the object appears to “dissolve on the spot.” The o 5/3/1977 #32050  
 and slightly burned. A gorse bush appears to have borne a heavy weight, be 5/3/1977 #32050  
 above a woods. A string of lights appears around its base and the object c 5/7/1977 #32068  
 lights flashing in its center. It appears to drop 7–8 red flares as it is  5/15/1977 #32095  
600 feet wide. On the film the UFO appears as an “elongated shadow.”        5/26/1977 #32133  
 turn to port, the object suddenly appears at his 11 o’clock position no mo 6/17/1977 #32171  
any soldiers see the object, which appears to be domed, spinning, and chang 7/1/1977 #32227  
1,500 feet. Through binoculars, it appears to be a domed elliptical object  7/3/1977 #32232  
ut positioned directly overhead it appears round in shape and yellowish-gre 7/6/1977 #32241  
about in the sky. One bright light appears on a hill 900 feet away. They he 7/23/1977 #32305  
SCOW, RS Fiery 1M sphere/orb/globe appears over Kremlin. Splits / 3 parts.  8/5/1977 #32362  
r. Flash. Small humanoid (or Grey) appears. Medical exam and short conversa 9/4/1977 #32458  
 “star” sending out beams of light appears moving slowly over Petrozavodsk, 9/20/1977 #32499  
 of 8 triangles with rounded edges appears, 7 of them in a straight line, e 9/21/1977 #32503  
 headgear. The figure on the right appears to be operating controls, while  Late 9/1977 #32518  
ton, Iowa. A second point of light appears, catches up to the first one, an 9/28/1977 #32531  
several windows in the craft. What appears to be a human-looking person is  10/25/1977 #32609  
tially, the light is brilliant and appears to be closing rapidly. An evasiv 10/26/1977 #32617  
uman/entity glide over coast. Door appears / Cliff. / r98#28p119.           10/30/1977 #32634  
taking a formal study at this time appears to be fraught with peril.” Willi 10/31/1977 #32643  
tate. After another 10 seconds, it appears in the shape of a Coke bottle, t 11/10/1977 #32662  
re carrying one of the dogs, which appears comatose. The farmer shoots and  12/2/1977 #32726  
a.  The earliest report in the day appears to have come from Charleston, So 12/2/1977 #32731  
roaches rapidly and sometime later appears in front of the aircraft, appare 1/1978 #32836  
t, apparently much larger. A crash appears imminent, but the object soars u 1/1978 #32836  
ated just above the base. The dome appears to be a perfect hemisphere about 1/1/1978 #32841  
  GOMEZ PALACIO, MX Tall blond man appears / room. Glows. Floats through 2  1/2/1978 #32843  
. Chapin. Strange big-nosed entity appears near her bed.                    1/14/1978 #32879  
ead, long arms, and a slender body appears in front of his car. The MP fire 1/18/1978 #32894  
when a green, rocket-shaped object appears on his right about 1 mile away.  3/9/1978 #33021  
ehind a ridge. Another object soon appears over their campsite from behind  3/22/1978 #33072  
outheast. Another star-like object appears in the south after the triangle  3/22/1978 #33072  
he rectum and sex organs with what appears to be “a sharp and precise instr 3/24/1978 #33077  
           Astronaut Gordon Cooper appears on the Merv Griffin Show and dis 3/27/1978 #33087  
rs to watch it for 5–8 minutes. It appears to have black shapes along its s 3/29/1978 #33097  
ess. He takes a photo of it, which appears in the May 18 issue of Tehran Ma 5/13/1978 #33203  
ourt in Vienna, Austria. The light appears to be breaking into pieces that  6/26/1978 #33313  
       FIRENZE, ITL Classic saucer appears / family photograph. No visual.  7/15/1978? #33384  
 yellow- white, oblong object that appears and reappears briefly in a sligh 7/29/1978 #33448  
appear to its right. A third light appears to the left, which swings above  8/3/1978 #33468  
 lights up and a small white light appears, moving back and forth at tree l 8/5/1978 #33475  
etop level above some trailers. It appears larger than a full moon. The dep 8/11/1978 #33506  
nutes, but from the account no one appears to have investigated this furthe 8/22/1978 #33550  
. At an altitude of 2,000 feet, it appears smaller than an F-100 fighter. I 8/27/1978 #33579  
ng gloves and a cylindrical helmet appears. It seems to be attached to the  9/6/1978 #33638  
pads. A figure about 3.5 feet tall appears from behind the dome, walking ar 9/18/1978 #33708  
his home near Lake Urmia, Iran. It appears just above the line of the roof, 10/8/1978 #33813  
see a large, unknown aircraft that appears to be illuminated by four bright 10/21/1978 #33856  
wo searchlights and a glowing tail appears in the sky moving to the west. C 10/23/1978 #33863  
s a moving submerged object, which appears to follow the vessel.            11/8/1978 #33928  
h a large dome and flashing lights appears over the northern oil fields of  11/9/1978 #33939  
esses became disoriented and there appears to have been some time loss. (NI 11/11/1978 #33944  
esses became disoriented and there appears to have been some time loss. One 11/11/1978 #33946  
ses for 30 minutes. A second light appears suddenly and moves underneath th 11/13/1978 #33952  
riyah Iraqi border 5:30 a.m. A UFO appears over a Kuwaiti oilfield at Al-Sa 11/21/1978 #33974  
eet in diameter in which the grass appears black, pressed, and whirled in a 11/24/1978 #33995  
uchwil, Solothurn, Switzerland. It appears in the shape of three globes mer 12/30/1978 #34231  
y noise. 10M pile / 30cm fireballs appears / field!                         12/31/1978 #34235  
t moving. Another, stronger target appears to the right of the plane. Fogar 12/31/1978 #34246  
    LORETO, ARG Boy / 12. 1.4M box appears / schoolroom. Flaps drop. 3 smal 1/13/1979 (approximate) #34334  
ge, a star-like, stationary object appears in the distance that grows in si 3/1979 #34453  
scend, leaving a luminous jet that appears to expand, developing into a hug 3/5/1979 #34465  
RLESTON, SC Metal bar with symbols appears in abduction/abducted mechanic's 4/21/1979 #34518  
low, approaching from the west. It appears to be at 8,000 feet altitude. It 6/19/1979 #34622  
ht to illuminate the object, which appears to be spherical. When the object 8/12/1979 #34739  
ect that looks like a football. It appears to be 60 feet up as he drives un 8/16/1979 #34747  
t wing. It speeds away rapidly and appears to have a white light on its tai 8/17/1979 #34752  
ly another larger, pulsating light appears abut 1,500 feet in front of the  8/23/1979 #34768  
co, Washington, when she sees what appears to be a post sitting a half-mile 8/29/1979 #34799  
ina. At 9:00 p.m., a bright object appears overhead, emitting a vertical st 9/12/1979 #34866  
 about 50 feet from the ground. It appears to be 3 feet in diameter and lan 11/15/1979 #35000  
en he spots something strange that appears to come out of a cloud above Win 12/11/1979 #35072  
CHERBOURG, FR 1+2 observer(s)? Box appears / bedroom. Turns into pseudo-hum 1/14/1980 #35134  
r-mile away. A bright orange light appears in a cornfield about 900 feet aw 1/21/1980 #35141  
tower, but when they pull over, it appears to be about 25 feet above the gr 3/25/1980 #35241  
ject. When directly underneath, it appears to be 1,000–1,200 feet long and  4/13/1980 #35271  
olored and triangular in shape, it appears larger than the full moon. The o 4/26/1980 #35293  
ting as she focuses her camera. It appears as a small round light behind he 9/3/1980 #35493  
rmy tank with runners on two sides appears in the opening, remaining statio 9/21/1980 #35524  
film, a bright, disc-shaped object appears on the second photo. Probable re 11/6/1980 #35622  
t light ahead on Burnley Road that appears to be a hovering, rotating objec 11/29/1980 #35682  
attempt to approach the object, it appears to move through the trees, and “ 12/26/1980 #35737  
 They are ordered to surround what appears to be a bright fog or mist. When 12/28/1980 #35750  
 report says that the trace, which appears on an active road, looks like on 1/8/1981 #35779  
 near Madison Lake State Park. One appears to be the size of a car.         3/21/1981 #35870  
egin barking excitedly. The object appears oval and is black except for lig 3/30/1981 #35881  
2,000 feet altitude at 200 mph. It appears to be all metal and black in col 4/16/1981 #35901  
s see the beings showing them what appears to be a star map. Allegedly the  5/14/1981 #35937  
nts still in position. Another UFO appears and the objects merge into one,  6/5/1981 #35952  
 second object with a bright light appears slightly above it, moving 2–3 ti 6/10/1981 #35961  
 dissipate. Another similar object appears in the north at the same altitud 7/15/1981 #36007  
t on State Highway 70, although it appears to be stationary. The car regain 7/19/1981 #36020  
ane, shaped like an arrowhead, and appears to be metallic. Behind it is a r 7/30/1981 #36041  
th Russian UFO expert Felix Ziegel appears in the Italian weekly magazine G 7/31/1981 #36047  
nd sides. The unlit center portion appears to be like brushed aluminum with 9/18/1981 #36128  
 object “as large as a truck” that appears suddenly in the north gliding al 10/15/1981 #36172  
white. Sometimes a small red light appears in front of the others, the vari 11/1981 #36201  
ester, England A triangular object appears between Royton and Oldham in Gre 12/1981 #36239  
n northwest Ohio when he sees what appears to be a jet aircraft to the sout 3/21/1982 #36404  
m., a large yellowish-green object appears in the northern sky, whirling fa 6/18/1982 #36510  
          Los Alamos, NM Bob Lazar appears on the front Sunday page of the  6/27/1982 #36517  
             Phoenix, AZ Bob Lazar appears in the “Arizona Republic” newspa 8/21/1982 #36578  
oud. Then another moon-like object appears, during which a silent explosion 9/17/1982 #36607  
e object is ejected. A fourth moon appears and approaches the ship, causing 9/17/1982 #36607  
ship’s dog to howl. A fifth object appears briefly, leaving a glow that per 9/17/1982 #36607  
 moment as the lights go out there appears an ellipsoid object that gives o 10/14/1982 #36641  
oreman Edwin Hansen, 55, sees what appears to be the same object as he is d 12/31/1982 #36733  
nean Sea 7:53 p.m. A bright object appears in the sky above Adana, Turkey,  1/14/1983 #36747  
f Marquette, Michigan. Suddenly it appears over her car and seems so huge t 1/27/1983 #36754  
                  Yorktown, NY Cat appears frightened when V-shaped lights  3/24/1983 #36800  
t have affected them for years. It appears that Debbie, her mother, and two Early 7/1983 #36900  
ort, Poland An unauthorized target appears on the radar screens at Darłowo  7/7/1983 #36904  
 see it again at 2:40 a.m. when it appears to be on the ground at the rear  7/22/1983 #36921  
 field about 450–600 feet away. It appears to be 30 feet tall with 40–50 co 8/1/1983 #36929  
ning away when another similar UFO appears above them and causes a gale. It 8/12/1983 #36949  
ht and engine trouble when the UFO appears.                                 Late 10/1983 #37015  
ere it hovers at treetop level. It appears to be half the size of the house 11/28/1983 #37052  
ller object also with three lights appears over the first one, hovers a few 1/3/1984 #37105  
 in perfect silence. Its underside appears dark metallic.                   3/21/1984 #37237  
e shower emerges a white disc that appears to land out of sight behind a ri 4/15/1984 #37263  
d lights around it. A jet aircraft appears to be pursuing it. The mother sa 4/19/1984 #37274  
 and runs indoors. A ball of light appears in the air and seems to enter he 4/25/1984 #37293  
dent file. No formal investigation appears to have been conducted. *   http 7/24/1984 #37416  
ze of a small plane or helicopter, appears out of nowhere and is tracked by 8/23/1984 #37438  
d visually. Through a telescope it appears oval, metallic and shiny, and ab 8/23/1984 #37438  
range, brightly glowing shape that appears to their right and follows their 9/7/1984 #37458  
with long, dark-brown hair, and it appears to be using a T-shaped instrumen 10/8/1984 #37480  
if it is much closer. The UFO also appears on nights when the Stormville pi 11/1984 #37500  
ike an “upturned basin.” The train appears, moving at about 37 mph. She thi 2/1985 #37552  
A), and others. The group’s effort appears to be connected to an engineerin 5/20/1985 #37590  
oblong-shaped object that suddenly appears directly in front of them. They  9/9/1985 #37656  
bout 100 feet away. A bright light appears at each point of the triangle. A Autumn 1985 #37665  
 of light the size of a cantaloupe appears in the darkness. It rises from a 1986 #37743  
n levels taken just before the UFO appears read 3,000 milliroentgens/hour;  4/26/1986 #37844  
 picks up a stationary target that appears to be above the city of Sofia, B 8/1986 #37964  
lms, or possibly Henry Kissinger), appears to be the most connected.        Fall 1986 #38034  
g, metallic-blue, misty phenomenon appears and floats about for 5–6 minutes 10/10/1986 #38044  
 into his possession. One document appears to be a report from 1948 that us 10/28/1986 #38056  
 outside the object, while another appears in the door opening. Yellowish f 1/9/1987 #38096  
 sent it to him. The first mention appears in the London Observer, and soon 5/31/1987 #38180  
 4–6 feet long with large fins. It appears to be descending and unpowered.  6/25/1987 #38200  
iling end, similar to a rocket. It appears to be at least twice as large as 7/27/1987 #38219  
 a campfire. Suddenly a dark shape appears passing from in back of them fro Early Autumn 1987 #38274  
ts cloud bank going quickly south. Appears to explode!                      7/31/1988 #38609  
on AFB Former Sen. Barry Goldwater appears on Larry King’s syndicated radio 10/13/1988 #38671  
y ice cream. Robert Emenegger also appears, claiming he is convinced of the 10/14/1988 #38674  
scending low over a nearby lot. It appears to be two connected discs, one o 2/8/1989 #38825  
m puts out street light. Firetruck appears.                                 2/11/1989 #38834  
nt unlike that of an airplane that appears shortly afterward.               3/9/1989 #38869  
kes an infrared photograph of what appears to be a large and long cylindric 3/25/1989 #38881  
hirp. Semi-transparent 65cm figure appears / bedroom. Touches belt and vani 4/12/1989 #38900  
d a “headless person in dark garb” appears. The entity and sphere become in 6/6/1989 #38981  
s about 3.3 cm on the film, and it appears for 3 minutes and 53 seconds. Ca 8/10/1989 #39054  
bject with a black gap on its edge appears. It makes a noise louder than a  9/6/1989 #39092  
 up [to] clouds. White night light appears soon after.                      9/12/1989 #39097  
rn off, and a whirling plume trail appears around the sphere. Pilots taking 10/1989 #39138  
Force jet. Lifts arm. Cone / light appears. Gone!                           10/28/1989 (approximate) #39190  
 object near Eupen, Belgium, which appears from behind a wood and makes a f 11/29/1989 #39274  
RM 1 observer. Bright glowing-ball appears. Voice = "have no fear..". Blue  2/18/1990 #39421  
ut of his car to watch. The object appears to be a white disc with red and  4/5/1990 #39511  
gorod Oblast, Russia, when a woman appears, seemingly out of thin air. Dres 7/6/1990 #39637  
, see a diamond-shaped object that appears to be shadowed by an RAF Harrier 8/4/1990 #39679  
ments in the landscape, the object appears to be about 98 feet in diameter. 8/4/1990 #39679  
h in color and all shimmering.” It appears to be 12–18 miles above the Eart 9/27/1990 #39748  
ya, Russia, an unidentified target appears on ground radar screens. Command 10/8/1990 #39766  
rn south on the N30, another light appears behind a hedge bordering the rig 10/21/1990 #39803  
sky. Form a saucer. Black triangle appears. All going quickly north.        11/27/1990 #39912  
r / river. Follow truck. 1M window appears.                                 2/1991 #39969  
 moving around an open walkway. It appears to inspect a garbage bin, climbs 2/1991 #39970  
s red when it changes position. It appears to be no more than 1,650 feet ab 4/11/1991 #40034  
to conceal its exact shape, but it appears to be oval. Several times it mov 6/8/1991 #40092  
ent 3' cylinder/cylindrical object appears / basement. Vanishes. Reappears  10/1991 #40201  
              PLESETZK, RUSSIA UFO appears by discarded 1st stage / rocket  10/2/1991 #40204  
ps over vines. Going south. Saucer appears.                                 1/27/1992 #40306  
 Winchester, England A crop circle appears in a rapeseed field at Sutton Sc 4/28/1992 #40436  
gland A 450-foot “Snail” pictogram appears in a wheatfield at Alton Barnes, 7/9/1992 #40519  
al / UFO group. Intense white ball appears. Blue sparks follow.             10/21/1992 #40685  
DALIA, GA Small humanoid (or Grey) appears / home. Man abduction. Wife on h 10/23/1992 #40689  
up of bright white lights suddenly appears in the air, moving rapidly in ri 10/27/1992 #40694  
nery. When one of the crew members appears to notice him, the object’s ligh 11/1992 #40699  
vanish. Plane vanishes! White star appears.                                 6/15/1993 #41017  
 of its appearance. The same light appears at the same time for weeks.      6/26/1993 #41038  
p, he cannot see the figure, which appears to have vanished. Investigators  8/1993 #41099  
a pulsing ball of white light that appears in the northwest, moving toward  9/2/1993 #41176  
ts disappears. Then triangle-shape appears. Waterman Road.                  11/18/1993 #41281  
Nevada Test Site. At times the UFO appears to be four globes tied together; 1994 #41341  
s tied together; at other times it appears to be a fuzzy, gaseous cloud. Th 1994 #41341  
g them into a box. One alien group appears to harvest “negative emotional e 1994 #41345  
ENHEIM, FR 5M saucer clearly seen. Appears and vanishes / odd intervals und 3/8/1994 #41448  
 An object like a balloon suddenly appears in the sky above US Highway 22 a 6/1994 #41545  
aped object, not seen at the time, appears in the replay of the videotape.  6/5/1994 #41553  
scombe Down in Wiltshire, England, appears closely linked to US black missi 9/26/1994 #41775  
er(s). Glowing 1' sphere/orb/globe appears. Floats away. Drops with flash / 10/6/1994 #41789  
      HAMILTON CO, OH Large saucer appears in fog. Beams going quickly [to] 10/19/1994 #41807  
ester Airport, England. The object appears only yards in front of the airli 1/6/1995 #41956  
 1 / car. Brilliant silent ellipse appears over street. Hovers. Shoots goin 3/10/1995 #42083  
ouds pulse with lightning, the UFO appears as a dark, wingless, elongated c 5/25/1995 #42227  
 vanishes. Large triangle / lights appears.                                 6/7/1995 #42241  
observer(s). Flashing red triangle appears and vanishes several times rapid 6/16/1995 #42259  
C.UNK), BELGIUM Flash. 2M humanoid appears / woods! Observer(s) runs. Night 8/24/1995 #42411  
cular object with 7 lights / edge. Appears to rotate. No further details.   10/31/1995 #42572  
bright, silent, disc-shaped object appears low above some nearby trees, mov 12/12/1995 #42641  
a glowing white oval-shaped object appears some 20° west of the object and  6/24/1996 #42938  
 for the Perseid meteor shower. It appears from the south, flies north abov 8/12/1996 #42982  
ers away, he saw a figure suddenly appears, along with what resembled an in 9/15/1996 #43021  
he creature, it disappeared. There appears to have been about an hour time  9/16/1996 #43025  
ENS PASS, WA 2 skiers. Orange disk appears. Then 2 more. No further details 12/16/1996 #43142  
achel, NV ex-US Army Lt. Col Corso appears on Art Bell’s “Dreamland” radio  1997 #43153  
ward from it and another black bar appears, about 45° below the first one.  1/13/1997 #43170  
G KEY, FL 2 / US1. Metallic sphere appears and vanishes repeatedly. Then "c 2/24/1997 #43206  
y 7:30 p.m. A luminous blue sphere appears over Aviano Air Base, Italy, and 2/27/1997 #43212  
a larger, orange-yellow-red sphere appears, and six fighters are scrambled  2/27/1997 #43212  
 object, not merely lights, and it appears low in the sky, blocking out the 3/13/1997 #43229  
o. A grayish-white object suddenly appears in front of her, suspended verti 4/20/1997 #43268  
nd. Another crescent-shaped object appears carrying a light that is 8 times 6/6/1997 #43315  
n the ground for 10–15 minutes and appears to have a light on its front and 6/8/1997 #43318  
RADINHO, BRAZIL Soccer-ball object appears. Hovers over hospital / several  6/18/1997 #43325  
g. An enormous cigar-shaped object appears, shooting out multicolored light 6/18/1997 #43328  
isappearance, an egg-shaped object appears in the same location and flies a 6/28/1997 #43343  
 metallic ovoid. Both silent. Each appears and vanishes.                    7/22/1997 #43355  
At first it seems stationary, then appears to jump behind a nearby cloud, m Winter 1997 #43468  
r it disappears, but another light appears over the Słocina forest.         12/31/1997 #43477  
object the size of a small trailer appears suddenly over Napoleon, Ohio. It 7/21/1998 #43612  
allic-looking triangular UFO, also appears. The triangle moves from side to 10/18/1998 #43664  
oud tilts to the left, but it soon appears to be a dark, cylindrical object 11/6/1998 #43677  
inutes later, another orange light appears, moving south to north at a spee 7/17/2000 #44021  
 IREL Cop and 5. 20M metallic disk appears / Mt. Nephin. South-trajectory a 11/22/2000 #44076  
es of blue. One more larger object appears on the horizon and speeds toward 1/1/2001 #44114  
theast to the northwest. The video appears to show a dozen windows on the o 1/1/2001 #44115  
points on its underside so that it appears to be sitting on a cloud. Then i 6/23/2001 #44196  
 about 130 by 200 feet in size and appears silent and stationary.           10/10/2002 #44416  
ado or west of it. In the video it appears that a plasma field or something 11/22/2002 #44449  
ransparency he finds an image that appears to be an elliptical UFO. Ruling  1/27/2004 #44657  
ey are looking for the object that appears on the radar, Fravor spots a whi 11/14/2004 #44784  
                      Richard Doty appears on Art Bell’s Coast to Coast rad 2/27/2005 #44817  
he local OVNI UFO group, the photo appears to be genuine.                   5/6/2005 #44832  
1,650 feet apart, and a white aura appears in the sky around them. He watch 8/27/2005 #44866  
          GEIPAN’s Jacques Patenet appears, with Ciel et espace editor Alai 3/30/2007 #45014  
uthwest and 12 o’clock ahead) what appears to be a brilliant yellow lamp or 4/23/2007 #45022  
 Area-51 S-4 worker named “Victor” appears anonymously in bonus footage for 2008 #45105  
ong, that darts into the water and appears to collapse on itself and disapp 1/2010 #45265  
t 2,000 feet above him. The target appears to be 18 miles south of the Ells 3/3/2010 #45271  
p.m. A circle of six yellow lights appears in the sky above the Jardim Bela 8/13/2010 #45291  
h above its missile field. The UFO appears similar to an advertising blimp  10/23/2010 #45303  
 diameter, on the same flight path appears and stops in the same position a 5/10/2012 #45343  
lla, Texas, snaps an image of what appears to be a 60-foot-diameter object  7/5/2012 #45347  
hat may be the same display, which appears to him as four orange lights tha 9/21/2012 #45354  
ect and moves downward. The object appears about the size of a large SUV, a 7/15/2013 #45377  
 very short bright green line also appears just below and to the immediate  10/6/2013 #45389  
 nearly identical slides show what appears to be a short mummy on a glass e 5/5/2015 #45437  
ck and shiny metallic in color and appears to be a square or cube. It maint 7/14/2017 #45475  
. The object reflects sunlight and appears to have a linear form. It passes 1/15/2019 #45558  
ainst the clouds. The small object appears dark green in color with a white 4/28/2019 #45573  
at 6,000 feet altitude. The object appears to be in level flight.           5/5/2019 #45577  
ht white light on the aircraft and appears to take a collision heading. The 3/19/2020 #45639  
 a bright light and an object that appears to be headed toward the aircraft 9/1/2020 #45660  
n, slightly up and to the left. It appears without warning and gives them n 9/1/2020 #45660  
 Airlines crew member reports what appears to be someone in a jet pack flyi 10/14/2020 #45662  
 side, just above the treetops. It appears to be football-field sized and i 11/8/2021 #45720  
                    US Garry Nolan appears on Lex Fridman Podcast’s podcast 2/6/2022 #45738  
aft in a US Navy training yard. It appears to be a spherical object traveli 5/17/2022 #45750  
## Word: "appelle" (Back to Top)
an 4:15 a.m. Three witnesses in Qu’Appelle, Saskatchewan, watch a luminous  8/4/1968 #24295  
 persons of Mark Rodeghier, Stuart Appelle, and David Gotlib. Kenneth Ring  6/13/1992 #40492  
            Mark Rodeghier, Stuart Appelle, David Gotlib, and Georgia Flamb 1994 #41343  
               Psychologist Stuart Appelle evaluates factors of deception,  10/1996 #43048  
## Word: "appendage" (Back to Top)
to wind / 30 minute(s). Hook-shape appendage / r221p15.                     3/22/1870 #183  
 seemed to have a proboscis-shaped appendage in front like a figure head. T 12/1942 #1466  
ge rectangular object with a lower appendage was seen low over a road in Ri 6/6/1964 #18336  
r part, and a revolving telescopic appendage. The investigating commission  7/25/1965 #19170  
r part, and a revolving telescopic appendage. The investigating commission  7/25/1965 #19174  
e patrolman noticed a cross-shaped appendage protruding from the lower port 3/20/1966 #19998  
ped object or football with a tail appendage come down over some power line 10/10/1966 #20983  
four or five along the side and an appendage appeared in the sky, followed  12/20/1973 #28592  
        NY, NY Dark disk with tail appendage. Sharply outlined / sky. 900M  6/4/1974 #29160  
           A dark disc with a tail appendage hovered over New York City for 6/4/1974 #29162  
 legs and a long, black, hose-like appendage. Suddenly the object rises str 4/22/1976 #31010  
ow light with a red “textile-like” appendage hanging below it at Flykälen,  4/10/1977 #31969  
lored body lights and a black tube appendage that landed on the ground at t 9/30/1980 #35548  
er. 40' metal saucer 60m over car. Appendage hangs going down. Goes going q 1/27/1990 #39392  
          KRAKOW, POLAND Ball with appendage going [to] over town. Possible 1/18/1991 #39959  
p.m. another spherical UFO with an appendage was sighted over the city. A p 1/18/1991 #39961  
nveloped the object, and it had an appendage at the tail end.               9/4/1992 #40610  
e fingers. It also had a tube-like appendage coming from the top of its hea 9/24/1996 #43041  
## Word: "appendages" (Back to Top)
 the moon, joined by “streamers or appendages,” are observed in the west an 6/18/1845 #141  
ng at 8,000–10,000 feet. It has no appendages, wings, tail, or propellers.  6/29/1947 #2467  
ng its flat round profile, with no appendages. The UFO curved in a tight tu 9/10/1951 #5661  
rtical lighted slit. Six brilliant appendages, which looked like necklaces, 8/30/1954 #10209  
rtical lighted slit. Six brilliant appendages that looked like necklaces hu 8/30/1954 #10210  
e pilot. There were four pole-like appendages, two at each end, which suppo 9/20/1954 #10373  
t was reddish-brown. Two foot-like appendages extended to the ground from t 9/30/1954 #10520  
est brown. From the fore part, two appendages extended to the ground.       10/1/1954 #10556  
est brown. From the fore part, two appendages extended to the ground.       10/1/1954 #10572  
eral luminous/glowing objects with appendages. Seen / hours. No further det 6/19/1956 #12907  
ook off, he clearly saw 3 circular appendages underneath. The pilot went ba Summer 1956 #12912  
 from the side of the road. It had appendages trailing behind.              10/11/1957 #14099  
 from the side of the road. It had appendages trailing behind.              10/11/1957 #14100  
a coherent fashion like retracting appendages.                              8/4/1959 #15895  
 object 20-25 ft wide with hanging appendages (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 5/19/1960 #16287  
ject, 20–25 feet wide with hanging appendages, hovers 50–100 feet away from 5/19/1960 #16289  
with a number of bright, tail-like appendages." [NICAP UFO Evidence, VII] ( 10/25/1962 #17494  
circular object with four arm-like appendages hovering over Hingham, Massac 7/19/1965 #19136  
n a “cactus-like” entity with four appendages—presumably two arms and two l 12/3/1967 #23548  
near the paddock. It had three bar appendages on the bottom. It was also se 6/2/1970 #25688  
ttings. The UFO has three luminous appendages (white, yellow, and red) and  10/2/1971 #26400  
rge bright eyes. Pointed wing-like appendages for hands. Brilliant red suit 6/22/1976 #31127  
 ridges or rings running round the appendages, like the Michelin Man. She c 2/10/1977 #31808  
. It had four legs or landing gear appendages.                              11/12/1978 #33949  
sphere with "stiff waving arms" or appendages was seen over a farm (NICAP:  4/27/1979 #34525  
sphere with "stiff waving arms" or appendages was seen over a farm in St. J 4/27/1979 #34526  
 long, and its feet resembled oval appendages. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounter 10/8/1981 #36165  
 long, and his feet resembled oval appendages. The being seemed to have no  11/8/1981 #36211  
ical football with three tube-like appendages banked to the north across th 3/21/1982 #36403  
ical football with three tube-like appendages banked to the north across th 3/21/1982 #36405  
 a oval-shaped object with pointed appendages and the top and bottom that h 2/5/1990 #39411  
like device from behind and aerial appendages appeared on their heads. When 5/18/1990 #39576  
ll gray blimp-like object with two appendages in the sky. It was surrounded 5/15/1991 #40063  
Dark object overhead with flailing appendages. Slow. Follows observer(s)?   6/25/1995 #42273  
-Hudson, New York. It had flailing appendages, and moved slowly. It may hav 6/25/1995 #42275  
 from three flame-like symmetrical appendages, and there was a ribbed struc 10/2/2004 #44766  
## Word: "appended" (Back to Top)
ment by chemist Irving Langmuir is appended, noting his doubts about the re 4/23/1948 #3628  
 with the Venusian named Orthon is appended to an already completed manuscr 9/1953 #9130  
13-page statement with 37 pages of appended documents and mails it to many  3/1/1989 #38859  
## Word: "appendices" (Back to Top)
Development Board, along with some appendices that later find their way int 5/19/1949 #4195  
w, with additional attachments and appendices. A photo section includes pho 7/1995 #42286  
oswell debris. The attachments and appendices are mostly memos dealing with 7/1995 #42286  
## Word: "appendix" (Back to Top)
 travelers, it later appears as an appendix in the Project Grudge report.   12/13/1948 #3929  
lanet” and refers to commentary in Appendix D by James Lipp of the RAND pro 2/11/1949 #4003  
edesignation as Grudge and adds an appendix on “Unidentified Aerial Objects 4/28/1949 #4125  
s April analysis is included as an appendix. Based on 237 cases, Hynek find 8/10/1949 #4315  
fare” be informed of the findings. Appendix D is written by USAF Scientific 8/10/1949 #4315  
 and disappeared. (Salisbury 1974, Appendix B, Table 1.) (NICAP: 01 - Dista 8/20/1966 #20776  
ent over a hill. (Salisbury, 1974, Appendix B, Table 1, Case 48.) (NICAP: 0 5/12/1967 #22324  
her to the east. (Salisbury, 1974, Appendix B, Table 1, case 54.) (NICAP: 0 10/17/1967 #23244  
elow the lights. (Salisbury, 1974, Appendix B, Table 1, case 58.) (NICAP: 0 11/20/1967 #23486  
 Montana 1974-1977, Frame 16 of 24 Appendix 1) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounter 3/2/1975 #29866  
tions is shown in the directory at Appendix H.                              1984 #37087  
flections by Walter N. Webb and an appendix by Martin S. Kottmeyer, are com 9/2000 #44035  
## Word: "appetite" (Back to Top)
 Within 2 days, Bermúdez loses all appetite, his skin temperature drops, bl 7/4/1969 #25251  
from memory loss, decreased sexual appetite and strange time altering episo 1/3/1979 #34292  
 next day he suffered from lack of appetite, weakness, lumbar back pain, an 2/11/1980 #35170  
## Word: "applauded" (Back to Top)
e, the partygoers enthusiastically applauded the UFO during the show.       11/22/1978 #33982  
## Word: "apple" (Back to Top)
 watches an “object the size of an apple” traveling south at high speed.    7/3/1947 #2583  
peared in the western sky over the Apple Valley Airport in San Bernardino C 1/7/1952 #5862  
port] near Victorville, California Apple Valley, California 10:50 a.m. At G 5/1/1952 #6244  
et in diameter. Four miles away at Apple Valley, California, the base’s win 5/1/1952 #6244  
intruders cutting branches off her apple, plum, and cherry trees. Approachi 8/17/1953? #9077  
                                   APPLE VALLEY, CA 50+observer(s). Bright  12/16/1954 #11820  
Gary Dunlap) are playing around an apple tree at Conklin, New York, when th 7/16/1964 #18421  
in seeing a UFO. They walked to an apple orchard where they saw a red light 9/4/1964 #18534  
bserver(s). 2 glowing-objects over apple tree. Both going quickly [to] fast 10/24/1973 #28257  
D 2 observer(s). Saucer very low / apple tree. 2nd saucer joins. Going quic 10/31/1973 #28321  
ar the ground in front of a row of apple trees at his home in a village nea 12/9/1979 #35062  
                                   APPLE VALLEY, MN 3+observer(s). 80' hexa 8/10/1981 #36066  
                                   Apple Valley, MN Russell Matson and anot 8/10/1981 #36067  
er man were driving down a road in Apple Valley when they sighted a hexagon 8/10/1981 #36067  
                                   Apple Valley, Minnesota Pilot Knob Road  8/10/1981 #36068  
is driving west on 150th Street in Apple Valley, Minnesota, when just west  8/10/1981 #36068  
er man were driving down a road in Apple Valley, Minnesota at 3:30 a.m. whe 8/10/1981 #36069  
                                   APPLE VALLEY, CA Disk hovers. Shoots awa 9/17/1981 #36120  
d sighting a disc-shaped object in Apple Valley, San Bernardino County, Cal 9/17/1981 #36122  
TEL AVIV, ISRAEL Cops and several. Apple shape flies. Night lights going [t 3/5/1996 #42802  
icrosoft, Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Apple, and other tech giants).           6/6/2013 #45371  
## Word: "apple-1" (Back to Top)
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Apple-1” Yield: 14KT                     3/29/1955 #12066  
## Word: "apple-2" (Back to Top)
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Apple-2” Yield: 29KT                     5/5/1955 #12121  
## Word: "apple-shape" (Back to Top)
NE COVE, PEI Farmer. Bright round "apple-shape" north going quickly south f 7/3/1947 #2564  
## Word: "applebee's" (Back to Top)
erpass and just north of the local Applebee's restaurant. It was only about 9/14/2009 #45247  
## Word: "appleman" (Back to Top)
lvania Turnpike 1:45 p.m. James D. Appleman is driving on the Pennsylvania  8/1969 #25307  
m, Pennsylvania 2:45 a.m. James D. Appleman of Bensalem, Pennsylvania, sees Late 10/1975 #30470  
## Word: "apples" (Back to Top)
ry small humanoids (or Greys) pick apples! / LDLN#325.                      11/18/1954 #11666  
rom the object and began to gather apples from the nearby orchard.          11/18/1954 #11667  
stomach. The boys throw stones and apples at it, but the figure is too far  7/16/1964 #18421  
day at the site the boy found some apples that had been broken apart, some  8/23/1967 #22908  
claws on the broken surface. Other apples were coated with a foul smelling  8/23/1967 #22908  
## Word: "appleton" (Back to Top)
                                   APPLETON, CO 1 observer. 2' dull aluminu 6/28/1947 #2437  
       Birmingham, England Cynthia Appleton, Birmingham, England is visited 1957 #13423  
ingham, England Afternoon. Cynthia Appleton blacks out unexpectedly at her  11/16/1957 #14567  
 and her husband Ron name Matthew. Appleton says the Venusians visited her  11/16/1957 #14567  
man/entity materializes. Asks Mrs. Appleton / good source / titanium. / r67 11/18/1957 #14573  
 Aston, Great Britain Mrs. Cynthia Appleton, 27, mother of two, saw the fig 11/18/1957 #14576  
ony. Suddenly he disappeared. Mrs. Appleton had subsequent contacts with si 11/18/1957 #14576  
hour and a half later Mrs. Cynthia Appleton, age 27 and mother of two, saw  11/18/1957 #14578  
ony. He suddenly disappeared. Mrs. Appleton had subsequent contacts with si 11/18/1957 #14578  
Two figures again appeared to Mrs. Appleton and spoke to her in English (se 1/7/1958 #14812  
ing figures again appeared to Mrs. Appleton in Aston, Warwickshire, England 1/7/1958 #14813  
     In 1975 a couple driving from Appleton to Madison, Wisconsin spotted t 6/5/1975 #30083  
                                   APPLETON, WI 2 / car. Silver-grey 15m re 8/9/1975 #30246  
                                   Appleton, Wisconsin During a campaign st 3/31/1976 #30970  
isconsin During a campaign stop in Appleton, Wisconsin, Georgia Gov. Jimmy  3/31/1976 #30970  
                                   APPLETON, WI 2 pilots. 3 white night lig 1/10/1989 #38777  
                                   APPLETON, WI 2 / car / SR41. Separate ob 10/20/1996 #43084  
## Word: "applewhite" (Back to Top)
The Two (or Bo and Peep), Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie Nettles hold a mee 9/14/1975 #30360  
vid Taylor locate the followers of Applewhite and Nettles in Arizona and jo 10/1975 #30407  
ounded in 1974 and led by Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie Nettles (formerly  3/26/1997 #43240  
## Word: "appliance" (Back to Top)
 WV 9:05 a.m. EST. The owner of an appliance store saw a dull aluminum-colo 1/19/1967 #21349  
opter patrol over General Electric Appliance Park in Louisville, Kentucky,  4/28/1993 #40953  
## Word: "appliances" (Back to Top)
nta Cruz, California around 5 a.m. Appliances in house started operating an 12/6/1973 #28536  
ights / bottom/underside. Circles. Appliances electro-magnetic effect (EME) 8/11/1978 #33499  
. His dog whined and his household appliances quit working while the UFO wa 8/11/1978 #33509  
eemed to disappear. All electrical appliances in the house were damaged fro 7/15/1985 #37621  
## Word: "application" (Back to Top)
rried about a Soviet veto of their application for UN membership, have canc 8/26/1946 #2161  
rm ULATT EXPLOITATION is used; the application of R&D at AEC facilities is  1952 #5845  
’s A Simplified Explanation of the Application of the Biefeld-Brown Effect  12/13/1952 #8414  
 Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application (NERVA) project and hencefor 1955 #11892  
psychiatrist Donald Ewen Cameron’s application for mind-control experiments 2/1957 #13481  
onal security through the military application of nuclear science.          2000 #43909  
” contract projects related to the application of advanced extraterrestrial 4/2001 #44154  
Advanced Aerospace Weapons Systems Application Program (AAWSAP), and coinci 6/2008 #45144  
e Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Application Program (misidentified inten 6/24/2009 #45227  
cate composites were analyzed. One application of this is for aerospace mas 3/2014 #45403  
e Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Application Program] has been involved w 1/9/2018 #45503  
 testing and analysis of potential application on Army ground vehicles. Dou 10/17/2019 #45612  
f projects with no direct military application and specifically affected AR 10/13/2022 #45774  
## Word: "applications" (Back to Top)
work on anti-gravity for aerospace applications. No record of this contract 1955 #11898  
 orientation, encouraging peaceful applications in space science.           7/29/1958 #15157  
thoff and their potential military applications. As for psychotronic weapon 12/1980 #35686  
ic research facility with military applications.”                           1/10/1985 #37546  
                           Science Applications International Corp (SAIC) s 4/1988 #38527  
enzie states she worked at Science Applications International Corporation ( 8/30/1996 #43000  
 chart that shows Decision Science Applications Inc. (DSAI), which he claim 8/19/1997 #43387  
gravitic technology for commercial applications and references UAP in a pre 3/2004 #44671  
rtation, military and space travel applications of its “Power Cubed” techno 3/2004 #44671  
structure of materials for various applications. After retirement he began  8/2004 #44724  
pace Research Organization’s Space Applications Centre in Ahmedabad are on  9/27/2004 #44762  
ther research into “novel military applications” of this plasma phenomenon  5/15/2006 #44942  
manipulate inertial mass” and find applications to electromagnetic propulsi 2/1/2007 #45004  
e Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP)—purposly m Fall 2007? #45070  
[advanced aerospace weapon system] applications as they apply to the foreig Fall 2007? #45070  
t Aerospace Advanced Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP) used in 20 2008 #45106  
w Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP), with a du 8/18/2008 #45159  
 on “breakthrough technologies and applications that create discontinuities 8/18/2008 #45159  
e Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP) is awarded 9/22/2008 #45170  
es national security and aerospace applications of HFGW are not possible an 10/2008 #45173  
 Advanced Aerospace Weapon Systems Applications Program (AAWSAP), which con 10/2008 #45173  
s Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP), but it is 10/17/2008 #45175  
 Advanced Aerospace Weapon Systems Applications Program (AAWSAP). BAASS tra 5/8/2009 #45221  
s Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program is denied by a grou 11/2009 #45252  
 Advanced Aerospace Weapon Systems Applications Program (AAWSAP), claims to 2010 #45263  
s Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program is extended until D 9/30/2010 #45300  
 Advanced Aerospace Weapon Systems Applications Program (AAWSAP), allegedly 2/2011 #45312  
and reconnaissance (ISR) products, applications, capabilities, and resource 9/29/2014 #45415  
e control of gravity for aerospace applications. It is reported BAE had no  12/2015 #45441  
hieve mass reduction for aerospace applications.  The framework states labo 4/2017 #45467  
e Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (misidentified as t 12/16/2017 #45494  
erials for commercial and military applications. The testing will be done t 7/26/2018 #45534  
s Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP) has produc 3/25/2022 #45742  
ng” and “Antigravity for Aerospace Applications.”                           3/25/2022 #45742  
e Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP), colloquia 3/25/2022 #45743  
## Word: "applied" (Back to Top)
s car as his radio was blocked. He applied the brakes; object vanished.     Fall 1949 #4365  
5.5 m in diameter, 1 m high. As he applied the brakes, the object took off  10/14/1954 #11045  
5.5 m in diameter, 1 m high. As he applied the brakes, the object took off  10/14/1954 #11066  
  Wilton E. Lexow, head of the CIA Applied Science Division, notes the simi 10/19/1955 #12510  
                         The CIA’s Applied Science Division takes on the jo 1/9/1956 #12653  
ntified Flying Objects,” the CIA’s Applied Science Division retains files f 2/9/1956 #12704  
being recruited to ARL, working on applied research for industry and govern Late 1956 #13281  
art, but, when a hot cigarette was applied to one of the strings, it did br 11/18/1961 #16964  
s. Formerly the term "unknown" was applied to the most detailed and inexpli 1963 #17619  
ary rules of evidence, as would be applied in civil or criminal courts, the 7/29/1968 #24254  
incandescent white luminosity, and applied it to the nape of Miguere’s neck 8/11/1969 #25317  
1700 ft. to 3500 ft. with no power applied. After a slight “bounce” the UFO 10/18/1973 #28144  
netic radiation on humans and have applied those techniques against the US  12/1980 #35686  
SA test has also been successfully applied to testimony by Ed Walters, in w 6/10/1990 #39612  
ghest classification that has been applied in any MoD document concerning U 1/25/2001 #44131  
 a Project GRASP (Gravity Research Applied to Space Propulsion).  Boeing de 7/29/2002 #44369  
termine if his technology could be applied by the year 2025; during a prese 7/2003 #44560  
## Word: "applies" (Back to Top)
 decode the secret meaning. Palmer applies the formula to several words and 9/1943 #1526  
reports a week, the 87 figure only applies to cases under “special analysis 6/7/1954 #9872  
d up like tissue paper. Sturdevant applies for workmen’s compensation from  10/2/1956 #13260  
ndade Island UFO photos. Sigismond applies for an opening on the committee  9/21/1966 #20910  
## Word: "apply" (Back to Top)
 an accelerated speed! He tried to apply the brakes but it had no effect, a 5/31/1974 #29150  
oted that Bennewitz was advised to apply for an Air Force grant to study th 11/10/1980 #35623  
help unsuccessfully. Investigators apply a voice stress analysis (VSA) test 6/10/1990 #39612  
onal forces to determine if it can apply to space propulsion.  https://docu 8/1990 #39674  
eapon system] applications as they apply to the foreign threat out to the f Fall 2007? #45070  
## Word: "applying" (Back to Top)
sound has a hidden meaning, and by applying this formula to any word in any 9/1943 #1526  
ower from 50 mph to 35 mph despite applying full throttle. Two orange-red o 8/3/1977 #32354  
## Word: "appnotes" (Back to Top)
 http://www.doe.carleton.ca/~nagui/Appnotes/AttachToMail/PDF/Maynard%20Inte 8/2004 #44724  
## Word: "appoint" (Back to Top)
compel the government of Kuwait to appoint a committee of the Kuwait Instit 11/9/1978 #33939  
## Word: "appointed" (Back to Top)
 and Development; Vannevar Bush is appointed director. It subsumes the Nati 6/28/1941 #1367  
merican chemist James B. Conant is appointed as its chairman, and Lyman Jam 6/19/1942 #1417  
n Brig. Gen. George C. McDonald is appointed assistant chief of staff for i 2/23/1944 #1577  
Missile designer Sergei Korolev is appointed chief designer of Section 3 on 5/13/1946 #1991  
                  Vannevar Bush is appointed head of the new Research and D 9/30/1947 #3431  
f the Atomic Energy Commission, is appointed assistant director of scientif 2/1949 #3993  
lm University, Sweden Per Sundh is appointed head of a unit at the Swedish  10/1951 #5693  
                        US Al Chop appointed public information officer for 4/1952 #6002  
iens to communicate by radio at an appointed time a few days later, but the 7/28/1954 #10059  
st Raps returned to the previously appointed site in Lampertheim, Germany w 4/1/1959 #15689  
        Maj. Hector Quintanilla is appointed director of Project Blue Book. 10/1963 #17967  
hting collection center.” Nixon is appointed executive director.            5/29/1970 #25676  
ist Andrijah Puharich drove to the appointed place near Tel Aviv, Israel ar 12/6/1971 #26490  
 not a natural phenomenon.” It has appointed five experts to a blue-ribbon  3/12/1972 #26601  
authorities, an Informing Judge is appointed by the corresponding Air Regio 1/16/1979 #34348  
e hours afterward. Authorities are appointed to investigate the site and fi 11/9/1979 #34989  
e scrambled. The Soviet Government appointed a cosmonaut Pavel Popovich to  3/27/1983 #36817  
here is no organization in the MOD appointed solely for the purpose of stud 4/19/1985 #37580  
ibility of alien life.  Goldin was appointed NASA Administrator on 1 April  8/7/1996 #42971  
es Majestic was a government panel appointed by President Truman to look in 7/7/1999 #43798  
He states J Robert Oppenheimer was appointed by Vannevar Bush to head Jehov 7/7/1999 #43798  
## Word: "appointing" (Back to Top)
igin.” Turner goes on to recommend appointing at least one full-time invest 12/26/1954 #11862  
## Word: "appointment" (Back to Top)
 your family’s too.” He breaks his appointment, and does so a month later a 5/3/1975 #30026  
irman. The invasion results in the appointment of an interim government, fo 10/25/1983 #37016  
 there is no entry in Eisenhower’s appointment books on a special meeting.  7/22/1987 #38212  
## Word: "appoints" (Back to Top)
             Moscow, Russia Stalin appoints Lavrentiy Beria to direct Sovie 8/22/1945 #1926  
                  Albert K. Bender appoints Gray Barker as IFSB’s chief inv 2/1953 #8625  
. U.S. Rep. Overton Brooks (D-La.) appoints Rep. Joseph Karth (DFL-Minn.) h 5/1961 #16672  
                       Schlesinger appoints William Colby head of the CIA’s 3/2/1973 #27325  
edical School, Daniel C. Tosteson, appoints a committee of peers to confide 5/1994 #41510  
## Word: "apportation" (Back to Top)
                               An "apportation" (an translocation in time o 7/6/1978 #33346  
## Word: "appproximate" (Back to Top)
Y, BELGIUM Postman. Ovoid lands. 2 appproximate human silhouettes aboard. / 10/9/1954 #10827  
## Word: "appraisal" (Back to Top)
IAA) published its report, UFO, An Appraisal of the Problem, recommending c 11/1970 #25896  
## Word: "appraise" (Back to Top)
 selected scientists to review and appraise the available evidence in the l 12/4/1952 #8376  
## Word: "appraised" (Back to Top)
es Committee he has not been fully appraised of the Bentwaters and other UF 3/3/1985 #37565  
## Word: "appreciable" (Back to Top)
e: ATIC is the only group devoting appreciable effort to the study of UFOs. 10/2/1952 #8084  
## Word: "appreciate" (Back to Top)
 drugs or anything. They seemed to appreciate that. They then told him that 6/23/1968 #24072  
## Word: "apprehend" (Back to Top)
 of the Swedish Air Force, to help apprehend the ghost fliers who could be  12/30/1933 #1188  
he intruders but apparently do not apprehend them.                          11/3/1975 #30546  
## Word: "apprehended" (Back to Top)
s states the “end of the world was apprehended by many” as numerous meteors 2/9/1913 #881  
sappeared as they were about to be apprehended. They were estimated to be o 7/2/1968 #24136  
## Word: "apprehension" (Back to Top)
eated to “aid in dispelling public apprehension.” On the other hand, it sug 8/10/1949 #4315  
ey when around midnight a sense of apprehension overcame him and an intense 10/6/1979 #34947  
## Word: "apprehensive" (Back to Top)
inally thought and became somewhat apprehensive. It was like nothing he had 11/2/1954 #11539  
e suddenly and inexplicably became apprehensive. Upon turning around, she s 10/28/1971 #26438  
 woke up at 3:39 a.m. feeling very apprehensive. She had a strong buzzing s 6/29/1989 #38997  
ng hours around three a.m. feeling apprehensive, and suspecting someone had 10/31/1989 #39199  
e any other details. Still feeling apprehensive, she walked back into the l 10/31/1989 #39199  
he sky late on this night. Feeling apprehensive the witnesses decided to ma 1/7/1997 #43167  
## Word: "apprehensively" (Back to Top)
ng silently. Then, as they watched apprehensively, the object appeared to " 5/3/1977 #32053  
## Word: "apprentice" (Back to Top)
d, California 2:00 p.m. USN Seaman Apprentice James B. Stephens Jr. and Sea 4/22/1954 #9704  
ng the aircraft carrier. Fireman’s apprentice Chester C. Grusinski watches  9/1958 #15239  
                    An 18-year-old apprentice was riding his motorcycle nea 9/22/1971 #26363  
## Word: "apprentices" (Back to Top)
e a prank involving 15 engineering apprentices, primarily Christopher South 9/4/1967 #22998  
## Word: "apprises" (Back to Top)
otte, North Carolina. The employee apprises the crew of the object above th 11/7/2006 #44981  
## Word: "approach" (Back to Top)
 objects. They seem bright as they approach the sun but are dark as they pa 8/12/1883 #255  
 lands / field. Flies as observers approach. / r221p17.                     4/10/1897 #421  
me repairs. Before the crowd could approach the object, it rose rapidly and 4/14/1897 #460  
me repairs. Before the crowd could approach the object, it rose rapidly and 4/14/1897 #473  
 Sun’s disk. They watch the object approach the Sun for 15 minutes, take on 2/4/1898 #618  
olor a rather bright red.” As they approach the ship they appear to soar, p 2/28/1904 #670  
ut the size of the sun. Their near approach to the surface appeared to be m 2/28/1904 #670  
e “star” rise out of the water and approach his ship. He signals it with a  10/1908 #717  
e standing at the edge of it. They approach, and the boys take off.         9/1914 #914  
s alternate 25K-75 meters on close approach / Mars.. .                      8/26/1924 (approximate) #1042  
tness changes considerably as they approach the zenith and diminish as they 7/31/1933 #1169  
ch the zenith and diminish as they approach the horizon. He thinks they are 7/31/1933 #1169  
inting at the ground. The children approach them, holding hands, but when t Early 8/1939 #1312  
 but nothing affected them. At the approach of naval planes the saucers dis 1943 #1474  
 Group, sees an odd-looking sphere approach the plane from behind and below Winter 1943 #1555  
ar, glowing, yellow-orange objects approach at 150 feet, roughly following  3/25/1945 #1827  
dron saw a yellow, star-like light approach and lose altitude. Radar contac 4/18/1945 #1848  
ald M. Kryling and his wife Thelma approach a bright light about 50 feet in 10/1945 #1942  
sunlight flashes off them. As they approach, Johnson notices that his compa 6/24/1947 #2400  
sick and the “military mass-minded approach” he saw in Germany was coming h 7/11/1947 #3121  
ared to look like at their closest approach to Mt. Rainier, Washington. He  7/12/1947 #3157  
0 p.m. when he saw a silver sphere approach and hit the roof of his truck,  7/30/1947 #3263  
es the object on runway 23 landing approach when he is at about 1,800 feet. 1/7/1948 #3546  
NJ Saw a "saucer" or "queer light" approach from the ocean (NICAP: 01 - Dis 1/10/1948 #3553  
ez, the inventor of Ground Control Approach System radar. In many cases, th Spring 1948 #3593  
7 aluminum-like, spherical objects approach from the south at 20,000 feet p 7/17/1948 #3714  
cular, possibly spherical, objects approach from the south at 20,000 feet a 7/17/1948 #3715  
on and off. The UFO made a head-on approach toward the F-51, then veered of 10/1/1948 #3828  
see bright lights in the sky. They approach the plateau and descend slowly  1949 #3945  
r-shaped UFO after he attempted to approach it. He was blinded by the light 5/6/1949 #4161  
s of lack of proof; "explain-away" approach adopted by investigators.       1950 #4461  
 him when the witness attempted to approach it. At 7:00 a.m. on this same d 3/5/1950 #4584  
 when the pilot attempted a closer approach.                                4/27/1950 #4911  
      Artesia (near), NM Two Discs Approach Skyhook (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 1/16/1951 #5401  
o the pear-shaped balloon. As they approach and fly under the balloon, they 1/22/1951 #5413  
system and uses a more open-minded approach.                                6/1951 #5529  
direction at right angles to their approach.                                2/20/1952 #5915  
rom the city airport. On his first approach he comes to within about 260 fe 3/29/1952 #5993  
eptor, saw a small luminous object approach Kadena AFB, Japan from the nort 4/5/1952 #6035  
 a bright white object make a fast approach, reverse direction, then change 4/16/1952 #6094  
ght lights follow planes / landing approach / 4 minute(s).                  4/20/1952 #6137  
owing an aircraft during a landing approach. The formation of objects passe 4/20/1952 #6143  
size of an airplane landing light, approach them over the Atlantic Ocean ea 5/8/1952 #6275  
lina, see four disc-shaped objects approach, then two other discs pass high 5/10/1952 #6298  
t in diameter, shoot out of it and approach him. He hears a voice saying, “ 5/23/1952 #6350  
 Roads, VA 2 amber-colored objects approach from the S (NICAP: 01 - Distant 7/16/1952 #6840  
cally at an undetermined altitude. Approach Control picked up another UFO a 7/20/1952 #6940  
opilot of a B-29 bomber on landing approach are vectored by MacDill tower o 7/22/1952 #7027  
dar for 2 hours, but when the jets approach, the blips disappear. When the  7/26/1952 #7174  
ew Jersey Witness:  Ground Control Approach radar operator M/Sgt. W.F. Dees 7/28/1952 #7258  
nous red. Size / washtub / closest approach.                                8/7/1952 #7503  
tracker Turason (ground controlled approach) at Midway Airport. 40 targets  9/2/1952 #7828  
They attempt several more times to approach the light and have to alter cou 12/10/1952 #8409  
tion: Confidential, unknown A3-D's Approach Rocket-Shaped UFO (NICAP: 11 -  1953 #8472  
 fuzzy or shimmering edges rapidly approach from the northwest flying strai 1/28/1953 #8600  
Brunswick, watches a metallic disc approach their plane and pass underneath 4/16/1953 #8831  
ebec, see a disc the size of a car approach their house while they are eati 4/23/1953 #8845  
00 feet. The apparent speed on the approach is 430 mph, increasing to 483 m 10/9/1953 #9217  
 further research,” but the RAAF’s approach is a bit more ad hoc.           11/20/1953 #9313  
ve Base Fort Worth] Ground Control Approach radar, near Fort Worth, Texas,  2/4/1954 #9535  
as they practice ground-controlled approach landings. At 7:15 p.m., KC-97 p 3/5/1954 #9598  
leting its turn onto final landing approach. No radar or other visual conta 3/5/1954 #9598  
sert. One witness first decided to approach it, then ran away in fear.      5/18/1954 #9810  
the desert. One witness started to approach it, then ran away in fear.      5/18/1954 #9812  
ite object with short stubby wings approach from the south, circle over Mob 6/30/1954 #9970  
ey see a man in the distance. They approach him and he smiles and stretches 8/20/1954 #10157  
-blue in color. As they started to approach the craft the man motioned for  8/20/1954 #10158  
acked by ground radar. As the jets approach, the formation breaks, changes  8/28/1954 #10198  
wn on top of it.” When they try to approach, it takes off. It has a diamete 9/7/1954 #10268  
 on top of it." When they tried to approach it took off. It had a diameter  9/7/1954 #10270  
f witnesses when they attempted to approach and communicate with him. The c 9/15/1954 #10315  
rom their home, but were afraid to approach it. It remained there for sever 9/27/1954 #10469  
om their house, but were afraid to approach it. It remained there for sever 9/27/1954 #10474  
ded on the ground. They started to approach the three-meter long object whe 9/30/1954 #10520  
e-Lac, France. It seemed to slowly approach the ground, and was later seen  10/6/1954 #10761  
and 2.5 m thick, land. He tried to approach it, but the craft rose vertical 10/12/1954 #10972  
 and 2.5 meters thick. He tried to approach it, but the craft rose vertical 10/12/1954 #10982  
60cm tripod. Observer(s) frozen on approach. Going quickly south. / r30.    10/14/1954 #11033  
st to the ground. When he tried to approach it the object produced an inten 10/14/1954 #11046  
st to the ground. When he tried to approach it the object produced an inten 10/14/1954 #11067  
e sphere land and he walked out to approach it. When he got close he found  10/14/1954 #11069  
ter 15 min the witness was able to approach the site, and he found the tree 10/20/1954 #11271  
15 minutes the witness was able to approach the site, and he found the tree 10/20/1954 #11280  
l between them, so he did not dare approach. It was three to four meters in 10/24/1954 #11368  
River when he suddenly saw a craft approach with a wobbling motion and land 11/4/1954 #11563  
aired pseudo-human/entity / saucer approach car / hands up. Car drives off. 11/10/1954 #11616  
air and one-piece suits emerge and approach them with raised arms. The witn 11/10/1954 #11620  
ds near road. Mans clothes burnt / approach. / r67p56.                      11/14/1954 #11646  
, watch a bright-red, luminous UFO approach them in a farm field. As it app 11/14/1954 #11652  
, gathering dirt and rocks nearby, approach. Ponce sees them and runs to fi 11/28/1954 #11722  
ed from it by apparent ropes. They approach it, but the object rises and di 12/3/1954 #11754  
es into the disc. When he tries to approach them, he is paralyzed by a viol 12/19/1954 #11838  
tion samples. When he attempted to approach he was paralyzed. The UFO left  12/19/1954 #11841  
object 50 m away. When he tried to approach it, he found he was unable to m 12/29/1954 #11875  
ain witness, a Mr. Gamba, tried to approach it but was unable to move. The  12/29/1954 #11876  
 top secret and maintain a unified approach in handling witnesses, the medi 1955 #11886  
ria, Australia saw a flying object approach to within 70 meters of them aft 1/3/1955 #11918  
reatures float down from trees and approach the house from the dark. They a 8/21/1955 #12386  
 They did so, and a UFO started to approach with little men riding on its r 8/29/1955 #12416  
, TX Metallic sphere turns white / approach. Stops. Sways / sides. Going qu 11/7/1955 #12554  
A Pilot saw a globe of white light approach plane, blinked landing lights;  11/14/1955 #12567  
tation Jacksonville controller. On approach the object suddenly rises up to 12/11/1955 #12605  
 top secret and maintain a unified approach in handling witnesses, the medi 1956 #12626  
encounters it again. He decides to approach the object, which changes cours 1956 #12636  
rong beams going down. Vanishes on approach.                                2/1956 (approximate) #12689  
em silently and land. Some of them approach to get a better look, but when  1957 #13436  
up expecting a normal day. As they approach their station in the Mojave Des 5/2/1957 #13643  
 a car had an orange ball of light approach and follow their car. Several s 6/5/1957 #13707  
e saw a hat-shaped, luminous craft approach from the sea and land near him. 7/25/1957 #13835  
e saw a hat-shaped, luminous craft approach from the sea and land near him. 7/25/1957 #13840  
bout 20 feet above the ocean. They approach it. It appears to be revolving, 10/8/1957 #14078  
g evasive action, Sweeney tries to approach the object, whereupon its six l 10/21/1957 #14139  
magnetic effect (EME) / overheat / approach. / KFJZ radio report.           11/4/1957 (approximate) #14255  
of heat from the object at closest approach. Later that evening he is sunbu 11/4/1957 #14286  
p climb. Controllers contact Radar Approach Control, which tracks the objec 11/4/1957 #14289  
rucks. Red ovoid / road vanishes / approach. / r141#17p2+#7p30.             11/6/1957 #14371  
or stalled, as driver attempted to approach UFO hovering low over ground (N 11/6/1957 #14404  
vers, Alberto Gallegos, sees a UFO approach them in Santa Fe, New Mexico. T 11/6/1957 #14419  
ht in the northwest. He watches it approach until it is nearly overhead. Th 11/6/1957 #14429  
s tell the patrolman they tried to approach the objects by turning off thei 11/7/1957 #14462  
rin Road 2373. Guards attempted to approach but the “things would slip away 11/7/1957 #14465  
ghts fly away when anyone tries to approach.                                11/10/1957 #14525  
ors failed as drivers attempted to approach UFO hovering low above ground ( 11/15/1957 #14559  
ed when their drivers attempted to approach a 200' diameter metallic UFO ho 11/15/1957 #14562  
ner. They get out of their car and approach the object, but when they are 7 11/23/1957 #14604  
by a flat ring. When they tried to approach it, the object maneuvered in a  2/24/1958 #14888  
ng a pro-Adamski newsletter titled Approach in Pretoria, South Africa. It f 4/1958 #14954  
, and it increases in size as they approach at about 155 mph. The pilot uns 5/13/1958 #15031  
 it with an iron bar but could not approach because of the stench and the b 5/27/1958 #15056  
attern during a ground- controlled approach to Pope AFB [now Pope Field] in 11/4/1958 #15425  
 cockpit while he was on the final approach...” He executes a go-around man 11/4/1958 #15425  
ring just above the trees. As they approach it in their car, it speeds off  4/11/1959 #15696  
e ground about 980 feet away. They approach to about 490 feet when the obje 5/20/1959 #15741  
 made a "whooshing" sound. Closest approach was 120 m. Estimated height: 2  8/9/1959 #15897  
e a "whooshing" sound. Its closest approach was 120 meters. They estimated  8/9/1959 #15899  
t object with two satellite lights approach at low altitude. The car motor  8/13/1959 #15914  
t irregular intervals. As the jets approach the object from the southeast,  9/24/1959 #15987  
me 12 miles away. He makes a close approach, but one of the objects shoots  9/30/1959 #16001  
  Telephone Ridge, OR Bright light approach hover about 30 mins, then disap 10/1/1959 #16006  
miles away over Waco and decide to approach and attack it as if they are ar Early 1960 #16146  
k it as if they are armed. As they approach on a collision course, they see Early 1960 #16146  
w a round, fiery red flying object approach at high speed from the south in 4/18/1960 #16234  
es. The brothers climb a fence and approach it, but the UFO suddenly accele Summer 1960 #16313  
 effects). Driver dazed. Figure(s) approach car. 60 minute(s) missing time. 9/3/1960 (approximate) #16433  
when they saw a 20-meter wide disc approach to within 100 meters of their p 12/3/1960 #16523  
A dog who was with them refused to approach the landing site. The incident  1/6/1961 #16564  
ext saw a spinning luminous object approach rapidly from the northeast. The 6/11/1961 #16725  
veers into the sky. Later, as they approach a canyon they see that the ligh 10/21/1961 #16922  
on the sand. He feels compelled to approach it and sees two helmeted figure Late 11/1961 #16979  
 BLANCAS, SP 3 dark discs on edge! Approach trees. Going quickly northwest. 2/1962 #17029  
of 20–30 lights come on. When they approach to within 210 feet of the objec 5/12/1962 #17165  
e blinking lights. It continues to approach and passes above a Fiat truck i 8/1962 #17309  
awthorne patrolman watched a light approach, hover for 15 minutes and then  9/24/1962 #17437  
 shoots into the air as the guards approach it.                             10/2/1962 #17452  
me Dome mission. They are on final approach to landing when a huge, metalli Late 10/1962 #17496  
 Tampa, FL Bright star-like lights approach, hover and bounce and fade (NIC 11/17/1962 #17551  
ees three bright, star-like lights approach, hover, and bounce at Tampa, Fl 11/17/1962 #17554  
 saw three bright star-like lights approach, hover and bounce in the sky ov 11/17/1962 #17555  
r the meeting breaks up, the Hills approach Swett privately and tell him wh 11/23/1962 #17559  
 the transparent dome. He tries to approach but is paralyzed at 30 feet awa 1/11/1963 #17634  
ject stops and hovers as the three approach, split formation, and continue  6/26/1963 #17810  
w glowing domed disc-shaped object approach, and then hover making a "tick- 2/19/1964 #18134  
roadside. Quickly going up [to] on approach. Gone / seconds.                5/14/1964 #18264  
ld electric shock when he tried to approach it and was unable to move forwa 6/14/1964 #18355  
oes out the side door and tries to approach it, he feels a tingling sensati 6/14/1964 #18356  
ld electric shock when he tried to approach it and was unable to move forwa 6/14/1964 #18357  
land Saw a reddish, blinking light approach the runway (NICAP: 01 - Distant 8/10/1964 #18474  
they sighted a red, blinking light approach the airfield runway. The light  8/10/1964 #18477  
 speed. The witnesses were able to approach to within 500 feet of the craft 8/25/1964 #18510  
d beings and a robot-like creature approach the tree. From then on, Schrum  9/5/1964 #18539  
 all night. Near dawn, more beings approach and “large volumes of smoke” dr 9/5/1964 #18539  
   Brand's Flats, VA Two Humanoids Approach Witness (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cas 1/19/1965 #18745  
and his friends get out. When they approach, the being runs up a hill. Two  1/26/1965 #18769  
to be 150 feet away at its closest approach, and at an altitude of 500 feet 2/16/1965 #18820  
shaped object land nearby. As they approach it, a beam of light comes out a 3/2/1965 #18832  
nto the sighting, Flynn decides to approach it in his buggy. A high-pitched 3/15/1965 #18859  
came out from the UFO and began to approach. Both men got out; one had a ri 4/3/1965 #18889  
 when he sees a saucer-like object approach him. It stops nearby and a door 4/24/1965 #18916  
ng on the hill, but they could not approach the object before it took off,  5/24/1965 #18960  
be charcoal. At times, it seems to approach them, then recede. Finally, it  5/24/1965 #18962  
tnessed a shiny disc-shaped object approach in a straight line from over th 5/30/1965 #18977  
igzagging object change course and approach his airliner. The UFO follows t 9/6/1965 #19527  
n to 16 feet and hover. The beings approach Ferro, then move back to the tw 9/10/1965 #19550  
e, which had died during the close approach. Sulphur or a "rotten egg" smel 1/7/1966 #19812  
5 feet from his car at its closest approach. As it hovered near the car the 1/7/1966 #19815  
 a silent disc-shaped metallic UFO approach the car, swerve to the right, a 1/11/1966 #19830  
nd family saw a bright white light approach from the south, stop and hover, 3/19/1966 #19993  
bject with glass dome on the front approach angling downward, flashing ligh 3/24/1966 #20066  
ide saw an oval object with a dome approach them in the forest near Cook, M 3/24/1966 #20072  
ing from Amarillo, Texas saw a UFO approach their car from the north near T 3/27/1966 #20102  
ed a reddish-white oval-shaped UFO approach the car. A pulsating sound came 3/30/1966 #20168  
lege saw an orange circular object approach to within 600 feet at about 100 4/22/1966 #20369  
tts saw an orange, circular object approach to within 600 feet at an altitu 4/22/1966 #20381  
n Temple City saw a strange object approach from the southwest, hover and b 5/24/1966 #20509  
ing lights in a triangular pattern approach, then hover until about 5:00 a. 6/19/1966 #20588  
t 5–8 minutes. When two other cars approach, the object extinguishes its li 7/22/1966 #20669  
w an intensely bright glowing disc approach and hover about 1 50 yards from 8/15/1966 #20744  
ed disc hover about one mile away, approach, then land within 900 feet, mak 9/13/1966 #20879  
setts. Two smaller glowing objects approach the larger object, moving aroun 9/17/1966 #20892  
te objects operating independently approach and hover nearby. The large obj 9/22/1966 #20915  
 also recommends a more scientific approach to data acquisition that will m 9/22/1966 #20916  
 Tower operator saw a white object approach runway (NICAP: 02 - Close Encou 10/26/1966 #21035  
er operator spotted a white object approach the runway at 50 feet altitude. 10/26/1966 #21039  
 lights coming toward her. As they approach, the two lights turn into one l 11/28/1966 #21158  
object, about 30 feet in diameter, approach and hover beside the aircraft.  11/30/1966 #21165  
ke a meteorite," then slowed to an approach speed of 60 mph. The engine and 11/30/1966 #21167  
 light on a projection at the rear approach at low altitude (estimated 400- 1/18/1967 #21341  
 light on a projection at the rear approach them at about 400–500 feet alti 1/18/1967 #21343  
ect, 75 feet long by 30 feet wide, approach and land on three legs on the h 1/25/1967 #21387  
bout 20 minutes, US Air Force jets approach in response to a call from the  1/26/1967 #21399  
ect with red and green body lights approach their car at low altitude late  2/16/1967 #21569  
 degree angle. It then appeared to approach the ground.                     2/18/1967 #21591  
der a power line, then retrace its approach path (reverse direction) as it  2/20/1967 #21605  
. A couple saw a small gray object approach just above the treetops and hov 2/26/1967 #21656  
nnsylvania saw a small gray object approach just above the treetops and hov 2/26/1967 #21664  
 bristled in reaction to the close approach of the UFO. Approximately two h 3/4/1967 #21754  
feeling of numbness at its closest approach.                                3/5/1967 #21766  
ee glowing, golden-colored objects approach from the northeast. The objects 3/11/1967 #21856  
soft-glowing, amber-colored lights approach their aircraft at a lower altit 3/11/1967 #21857  
ht as he is cleaning out the Radar Approach Control center, one of the FAA  Mid 3/1967 #21891  
landing, (#1014), occupants, close approach (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)       3/20/1967 #21920  
es. Two of the object shot away on approach of an airplane. There were also 4/12/1967 #22122  
 airplane during its final landing approach.                                4/17/1967 #22153  
he train and both men attempted to approach the scene, armed with fire exti 4/20/1967 #22172  
dwick stopped his car and tried to approach a cigar-shaped UFO that was in  5/14/1967 #22342  
, stopping and waiting for them to approach, then moving on again, The two  6/9/1967 #22482  
ps about a half-mile away. As they approach, the object turns an orange tin 6/18/1967 #22520  
. The same thing happens when they approach the object again. After about 1 6/18/1967 #22520  
ge lights on the rim (body lights) approach from the northeast going on a s 7/3/1967 #22598  
ey see an unusual orange-red light approach from the north- northeast. It i 7/3/1967 #22602  
lic saucer-shaped object on closer approach. It was spinning and made a noi 7/20/1967 #22711  
ller at Edwards uses RAPCON (Radar Approach Control) radar (or Boron AFS FP 7/30/1967 #22754  
ower part. It changed direction to approach the witnesses, and hovered a fe 8/4/1967 #22806  
man saw three whitish oval objects approach Eglin at high speed in a V-form 8/5/1967 #22812  
cts appears to break formation and approach the aircraft, showing a round s 8/6/1967 #22830  
face mask and goggles. They didn't approach "the monster," who quickly disa 8/12/1967 #22870  
 object with tall transparent dome approach from the west, slow and hover a 8/29/1967 #22949  
vered around, and once appeared to approach an airport as if to land. (Sout 9/13/1967 #23048  
 The object’s light dims when cars approach.                                9/15/1967 #23069  
 to get a fix on it, then tried to approach it, but it apparently outdistan 10/22/1967 #23284  
ey can reach the site, though they approach to within 120 feet of the objec 10/24/1967 #23304  
they see a bright disc-like object approach them with its leading edge tilt 10/24/1967 #23305  
uorescent oval-shaped craft slowly approach, leaving a trail behind it. A h 10/24/1967 #23310  
uselage is not the one that led on approach. The remaining 3 fuselages come 10/26/1967 #23334  
ome together in the rear as on the approach, and the object climbs away wit 10/26/1967 #23334  
While stopped they saw a large UFO approach and land on the highway in fron 11/9/1967 #23432  
While stopped they saw a large UFO approach and land on the highway in fron 11/9/1967 #23433  
utes of watching it, they began to approach more closely but the object the 11/9/1967 #23434  
ield. The two women again tried to approach it by driving up a gravel road  11/9/1967 #23434  
n. They stop the car as the lights approach. They are attached to a domed d 12/27/1967 #23615  
l witnesses who were too afraid to approach. It finally rose vertically, an 1/23/1968 #23688  
necticut at 8:25 p.m.  He tried to approach it in his car but it flew away. 2/5/1968 #23738  
hes a team of motorcycle troops to approach it. As they get closer, the obj Mid 4/1968 #23906  
heir stopover they witnessed a man approach, walking on the road to Villavi 7/8/1968 #24159  
m. Large group of people saw a UFO approach, beam lights down which reflect 8/16/1968 #24339  
SP 2 very tall pseudo-human/entity approach woman / road. Bright glow. 7' b 9/24/1968 #24506  
is attitude suggests that Condon’s approach is fundamentally antiempirical. 10/31/1968 #24608  
irections. They reverse course and approach each other, hover together, the 11/26/1968 #24718  
on Phanom, Thailand Ground Control Approach (GCA) reported two low flying a 11/28/1968 #24728  
at 7:00 p.m. when they saw a light approach. They got out of the car and sa 4/5/1969 #25051  
nsas, watch a multi-colored object approach to within 100 feet of their car 4/19/1969 #25069  
rete mixer" on road. Flies away on approach. Observer(s) nauseous.          5/1969 #25102  
t. When they made signs for him to approach he fled in terror, and they pur 5/5/1969 #25117  
t lights take off / Monte Henrich. Approach observer(s) / 15M altitude. Van 6/12/1969 #25212  
is report to NICAP. "One seemed to approach very close. The others were qui 6/20/1969 #25230  
 upraised. The witnesses could not approach any closer than about 30 yards, 8/27/1969 #25333  
gentina observed a luminous object approach their car at great speed around 11/15/1969 #25460  
 Two skiers saw disc-shaped object approach, hover, humanoid appeared in li 1/7/1970 #25538  
 Two skiers saw disc-shaped object approach, hover, humanoid appeared in li 1/7/1970 #25539  
 watch a disc- shaped, buzzing UFO approach them and hover. It is so close  1/7/1970 #25540  
rees were illuminated by the close approach of the object, and it made a hu 8/29/1970 #25809  
      Itatiaia, Brazil 2145, close approach, human effects, traces. (#441)  8/30/1970 #25813  
c analysis” as the “only promising approach” to solving the UFO problem, an 11/1970 #25897  
amily watched a very bright object approach their house at 7:15 a.m. It see 12/7/1970 #25934  
when he saw a bright object slowly approach at a low altitude, passing over 5/15/1971 #26111  
d at the site of the UFO's closest approach.                                5/16/1971 #26115  
tched a bright yellow-orange light approach from the distance, leaving a gr 6/28/1971 #26200  
re frozen with fear over the close approach of two orange lights, which hov 8/20/1971 #26297  
 the distance, and a smaller light approach their campsite. In the ensuing  11/13/1971 #26470  
all went haywire during this close approach.                                3/18/1972 #26616  
headaches were caused by the close approach of a saucer-shaped UFO.         4/16/1972 #26648  
 road. They get out of the car and approach the light, which is sitting in  8/1972 #26864  
ide to walk through the fields and approach the object. Around 3:00 a.m., a 8/12/1972 #26911  
ile walking. The beings started to approach the witnesses, but just then a  8/18/1972 #26928  
drove away Gomez saw the three men approach and get into the UFO.           9/22/1972 #27026  
, she observed a human-like figure approach the opening from one side, cros 6/23/1973 #27584  
light "twice as big as a row boat" approach from over the lake. It stopped  7/1/1973 #27610  
g sound, and he watched the object approach in his car's rearview mirror. T 9/2/1973 #27748  
 luminous yellow egg-shaped object approach their car and begin pacing them 9/13/1973 #27814  
 luminous yellow egg-shaped object approach their car near the town of Grav 9/13/1973 #27815  
descent. He calls Mansfield (Ohio) Approach Control but fails to get a resp 10/18/1973 #28172  
th, Arkansas, see a glowing object approach them from the south. It descend 10/20/1973 #28214  
 9:45 p.m. Couple in car with baby approach small bright silver figures bou 10/22/1973 #28238  
nlike beings, two men and a woman, approach him. Nearly paralyzed by the li 10/28/1973 #28309  
could be seen. Castillo started to approach the craft but a deep voice orde 11/18/1973 #28443  
 to stop, and then beckoned him to approach slowly. Soon a human looking al 11/18/1973 #28443  
ht, four miles from me. I dare not approach. I give way.” Commander Mezzala 11/30/1973 #28490  
s. 3 small humanoids (or Greys). 2 approach car. / LDLN#139+/ r113p342.     1/7/1974 #28656  
lowing object. Two humanoid beings approach him. They have broad shoulders, 1/7/1974 #28660  
elmet on legs. Greys / space-suits approach. / Belgian UFO Society (SOBEPS. 1/17/1974 #28682  
 of four or five hairy people” who approach him. They have “fire red eyes t 2/6/1974 #28742  
ow. Each time the cow attempted to approach it would simply rise up, pass o 3/1/1974 #28842  
tte of a "big, tall, heavyset man" approach from a lighted area. They calle 3/1/1974 #28843  
gs in the UFO, but he saw four men approach him on the road. He got out and 3/21/1974 #28921  
e stops his engine as some figures approach. He runs and they follow. They  3/26/1974 #28956  
 man saw it again, and was able to approach, first in his car and then on f 3/31/1974 #28979  
rolina saw a domed, top-shaped UFO approach to within 300 feet of his car a 4/1/1974 #28988  
 he saw a domed disc-shaped object approach from the ocean. It landed on th 5/20/1974 #29120  
. The witnesses were too afraid to approach it. After awhile it lifted off, 5/28/1974 #29143  
 flew away when a car attempted to approach it.                             6/3/1974 #29159  
ect dips in a shallow turn as they approach. Suddenly the object reverses d 6/9/1974 #29175  
ights were turned on the UFO would approach. When he turned them off the UF 6/14/1974 #29193  
 the car when the car attempted to approach it, then reapproached the car b 7/8/1974 #29246  
aying a blinding bright blue light approach, then buzz the car three times. 8/13/1974 #29340  
angenburg, Saskatchewan, CAN Close approach, (#746) daylight (NICAP: 06 - T 9/1/1974 #29415  
 saw 35 silver disc-shaped objects approach making a droning noise as they  9/24/1974 #29476  
rayed across its surface, the UFOs approach to within one-quarter mile of t 10/14/1974 #29527  
 it for 10 minutes. Not wanting to approach the object, everyone goes back  11/1974 #29574  
 V-shaped mountain overlooking the approach to Pattan, Pakistan, for about  12/18/1974 #29646  
hata watched a luminous orange UFO approach Kofu, Japan while making a "tic 2/23/1975 #29837  
hata watched a luminous orange UFO approach Kofu, Japan while making a "tic 2/23/1975 #29839  
ned men in dark suits jump out and approach him, still in his car. Speaking 5/3/1975 #30026  
eared. When the witnesses tried to approach the figure a shiny red beam of  7/12/1975 #30174  
 it might be his son, attempted to approach it.                             8/16/1975 #30281  
s point the witnesses attempted to approach the beings, but were prevented  8/18/1975 #30288  
es on and off, two smaller objects approach and merge with it. Air traffic  8/20/1975 #30291  
feet and is already on the landing approach to Jerez, when he receives a ca 9/1975? #30333  
 target picked up by RAPCON (Radar Approach Control). (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Ca 10/31/1975 #30524  
shing their illumination when they approach, and re-illuminating after the  11/7/1975 #30576  
 visual. Saucer lights off as jets approach.                                11/8/1975 #30579  
th hoops on top descend. "Rabbits" approach tent (screen memory?). 60 min m 11/8/1975 #30583  
a.m. when they saw a bright object approach them at high speed. Glowing dif 11/27/1975 #30669  
o his body, but when they start to approach his wife, he lashes out with on 2/1976 #30842  
in a T-33, Bosc saw a bright light approach at high speed on a collision co 3/3/1976 #30920  
o 30–40 feet above the surface and approach the ship. The lieutenant orders 4/23/1976 #31017  
UFO follows jet airliner / landing approach. "Complete mystery".            8/4/1976 #31229  
s at it, and the object appears to approach much closer. García stops signa 8/15/1976 #31270  
shlight at the object, it began to approach their canoe slowly. A tube-shap 8/26/1976 #31307  
trange creatures about 6 feet tall approach the blocked truck with flashlig 9/8/1976 #31356  
he light follows him. During final approach, another object (a thin rectang 9/18/1976 #31395  
Gen. Yousefi then orders Jafari to approach the light and get a look. When  9/18/1976 #31395  
guards are terrified and refuse to approach any missile site that has the U Autumn 1976 #31421  
itnesses saw a multicolored object approach them and pass silently 100 feet 10/28/1976 #31502  
ential area of the city. Its close approach caused a loss of consciousness  10/30/1976 #31511  
l saw a luminous object in the sky approach her house from the north. She a 2/10/1977 #31806  
a saw a luminous object in the sky approach her house from the north. She a 2/10/1977 #31808  
o be able to accelerate. When they approach the village of Cheste, the ligh 2/22/1977 #31839  
d by melted snow. They saw the UFO approach the river, flying very low, and 4/6/1977 #31953  
eir altitude of 39,000 feet. Radar Approach Controller Terry Siegrist and o 4/23/1977 #32017  
d by Capt. Dingra, makes its final approach to Dum Dum Airport [now Netaji  7/16/1977 #32281  
 “ooh, ooh” signal. The others all approach him and, 5 minutes later, deplo 7/23/1977 #32305  
indrical objects with bulbous ends approach her from the southwest. They ar 8/6/1977 #32367  
d blinds a very bright white light approach and stop a few meters away. Mom 8/26/1977 #32426  
lack, circular section. At closest approach, the UFO is no more than 50 fee Early Autumn 1977 #32456  
half mile further, then the lights approach them at incredible speed and ho 9/17/1977 #32492  
, circular section. At its closest approach, it is no further than 50 feet  Fall 1977 #32515  
 copilot Lt. Riccardelli manage to approach to within 1,000 feet. The sight 10/27/1977 #32623  
its calculated distance at closest approach was 300 meters.                 11/1/1977 #32652  
urious, the three men continued to approach even closer, and began to surro 2/17/1978 #32974  
shaped like a top hat. Two of them approach in their car to about 100 feet, 3/11/1978 #33033  
rms at him, as if beckoning him to approach, and it appeared to open its mo 5/2/1978 #33185  
ite ball with a short conical tail approach from the south. Within 5 second 6/11/1978 #33275  
ime, two other trails 33 feet long approach the vessel. Later, straight ahe 6/15/1978 #33280  
ntly beckoning to the young man to approach. The entity was described as ha 7/9/1978 #33362  
he top of a hill, turn around, and approach them again, only to descend beh 8/5/1978 #33476  
 UFO rushed at their car. At close approach it had the appearance of an "ey 8/12/1978 #33513  
h a red light on top of an antenna approach from the northwest to a positio 8/18/1978 #33526  
ome steps that have appeared. They approach him, one poking at the motorcyc 9/27/1978 #33762  
ain banana” swathed in smoke. They approach it cautiously with their gun ca 10/1978? #33787  
he tube motioned to the witness to approach. The man felt a wave of heat as 10/15/1978 #33837  
way. One of the jets is ordered to approach the object. The pilot gets a vi 11/15/1978 #33957  
ts, one yellow, the other reddish, approach from the same hill. The witness 11/20/1978 #33967  
noticed a luminous circular object approach from across the river. The obje 12/6/1978 #34070  
utes. The witnesses were afraid to approach the figure. Some thought it was 12/15/1978 #34139  
iological effects due to the close approach of 2 disc-shaped UFOs. (NICAP:  1/28/1979 #34387  
iological effects due to the close approach of 2 disc-shaped UFOs. The obse 1/28/1979 #34388  
hin 150 to 300 feet at its closest approach. It had a cluster of very brigh 2/8/1979 #34410  
hin 150 to 300 feet at its closest approach. It had a cluster of very brigh 2/8/1979 #34412  
nce that grows in size as the jets approach. Neither the aircraft nor the b 3/1979 #34453  
ipes. It vanishes when he tries to approach. Dos Santos finally sees a huge 5/16/1979 #34563  
suddenly vanished when he tried to approach. He finally saw a huge white, e 5/16/1979 #34564  
 has gone too far in his anti- ETH approach and is conspiracy mongering.    6/1979 #34599  
isc “like two plates put together” approach from the south. It is silver on 6/10/1979 #34605  
on see a domed, disc-shaped object approach from the west over Canoga Park, 8/4/1979 #34714  
 grandson watched a glowing object approach their location in Canoga Park,  8/4/1979 #34715  
. Pink-violet glowing disk / close approach. No further details.            8/24/1979 #34769  
ntain. It accelerated its downward approach and came towards her. The witne 8/29/1979 #34806  
chultie watches a blue-gray object approach him from the east in Millsboro, 9/11/1979 #34860  
e a domed disc the size of a house approach them from the south until it is 11/15/1979 #35001  
ct with several white lights on it approach at an oblique angle and land in 11/27/1979 #35022  
a, sees a red, disc- shaped object approach and hover above his car. It dir 4/10/1980 #35266  
 Vital Carneiro again attempted to approach one of the humanoids but again  4/20/1980 #35281  
 same motion on another pole. They approach the truck, forcing her to back  5/9/1980 #35319  
elow the haze layer and started to approach the runway.” The crew of anothe 6/20/1980 #35382  
f as it landed. She decided not to approach. However, after midnight she de 8/8/1980 #35448  
 flight and the UFO at its closest approach is less than a mile. The estima 9/22/1980 #35528  
 flight and the UFO at its closest approach was less than a mile. The estim 9/22/1980 #35529  
man watches a Saturn-shaped object approach her home in Blythe, California, 9/26/1980 #35537  
in front of him and accelerates to approach, but the object immediately spe 10/31/1980 #35599  
colored lights. As they attempt to approach the object, it appears to move  12/26/1980 #35737  
d Warren (now feeling nauseous) to approach within 10–15 feet of the object 12/28/1980 #35750  
ings inside. He sees Col. Williams approach the beings and stare at them. W 12/28/1980 #35750  
When the eyewitnesses attempted to approach the light, they realized it was 12/28/1980 #35750  
 Valley, California, watch a light approach and see a triangular object wit 9/18/1981 #36128  
 the horizon to the north. As they approach the end of the freeway in Moorp 9/18/1981 #36129  
Os disappear as soon as the planes approach. At 6:45 p.m., luminous objects 11/12/1981 #36220  
Cavendish on the A1092 some lights approach them from behind and the car lo 9/1982 #36590  
 Cyprus. As the three interceptors approach, the RC-135 crew sees the objec 10/19/1982 #36654  
 descends into the water when they approach. Soviet naval ships cannot dete 12/1982 #36704  
 radio station hires a Lear jet to approach it, reaching 12,300 feet, but i 4/26/1983 #36845  
iameter on his left that begins to approach and shine more brightly. His ai 5/23/1983 #36865  
er the center of the town. As they approach, they discern that it is compos 7/22/1983 #36921  
 lands nearby. Two humanoid beings approach him. They are 4 feet 6 inches t 8/12/1983 #36948  
two children. They watch the light approach to within 400 feet, where it ho 11/28/1983 #37052  
of light to the ground. The lights approach the car of one witness who sees 2/22/1984 #37198  
sees a dark, diamond-shaped object approach her at no more than 50 feet abo 2/29/1984 #37210  
10 minutes earlier. At its closest approach, Myers sees it as a pattern of  3/6/1984 #37219  
tantly changing from white as they approach, and to red as they turn away.  6/21/1984 #37370  
low globes appear in the north and approach the Dalnegorsk crash site, circ 2/6/1986 #37781  
B. Capt. Marcio Jordao was able to approach within 12 miles of an UFO, visi 5/19/1986 #37874  
 Marcio Brisola Jordão, is able to approach within 12 miles of an unidentif 5/19/1986 #37881  
feet (600 meters) on their landing approach to Sao Jose de Campos, near Sao 5/19/1986 #37882  
in became garbled during the close approach. The crew becomes frightened by 11/17/1986 #38072  
 is rotating silently. He tries to approach it in his car, but it moves awa 11/24/1986 #38075  
ly close to an aircraft on landing approach, then followed the aircraft and 12/5/1987 #38350  
ugh clouds at 4600 feet on landing approach. The vertical cylinder hovered  12/5/1987 #38350  
 are no intruders. A few more APCs approach down the access road, and sudde Winter 1987 #38370  
 some point, Sean does a U-turn to approach the object, but soon goes back  1/20/1988 #38422  
nd tries to calm her down. As they approach, their hair stands on end, thei 2/9/1988 #38448  
hts above a nearby bridge. As they approach the lights, their vehicle engin 3/3/1988 #38482  
each, where the triangular objects approach them. They give a blow-by-blow  3/4/1988 #38487  
.m. A Boeing 737 pilot, on a final approach to the runway at El Tepual Airp 6/1/1988 #38579  
ndiana saw intensely bright lights approach their car and move overhead. Th 9/28/1988 #38655  
lparaiso, FL Dog and cat wanted to approach rectangle above treetops (NICAP 10/24/1988 #38686  
isingly, her dog and car wanted to approach the craft.                      10/24/1988 #38690  
l finds nothing. The UFO begins to approach the jet and suddenly his instru 12/1/1988 #38733  
 when he saw a silent bright light approach, zig-zag, move away, return, th 12/4/1988 #38744  
probably from an aircraft carrier) approach the object from either side the 12/28/1988 #38763  
ent. It begins moving away as they approach. The officers drive after the o 2/10/1989 #38832  
nished when the pilot attempted to approach.                                12/24/1989 #39340  
de Janeiro, Brazil 10:00 a.m. UFOs approach the Santa Cruz Air Force Base,  1/22/1990 #39387  
rplane or helicopter. Interceptors approach, but the objects move away and  1/22/1990 #39387  
ect changed exterior coloration on approach from white to red. The witness  2/5/1990 #39409  
 about to crash. Two military jets approach from the north, and the origina 4/5/1990 #39511  
O phenomenon is real and we should approach it seriously and study it.”     4/26/1990 #39543  
rang-shaped object with a fan tail approach from the front, hesitate, and t 5/19/1990 #39578  
Huntingdon, Pennsylvania saw a UFO approach and hover momentarily within 15 5/24/1990 #39589  
the car (around 40 mph). When they approach the bridge at Seraing, the obje 7/26/1990 #39663  
nished when witnesses attempted to approach.                                8/22/1990 #39698  
minster, Massachusetts saw a light approach, hover, and then descend only 1 9/20/1990 #39740  
 officers stopped and attempted to approach the creature it quickly disappe 10/6/1990 #39760  
hen saw a domed disc-shaped object approach, making a whirring sound. She a 10/16/1990 #39792  
euver / tree level. Away when jets approach.                                10/29/1990 #39815  
K Alitalia Airlines plane on final approach saw round object cross its path 4/21/1991 #40044  
, he became paralyzed, and saw the approach of two beings about 5 feet tall 4/12/1992 #40414  
e again, but when she attempted to approach the glowing figure it seem to v 9/24/1992 #40639  
next to a large tree for a deer to approach. He saw a dim glow in the brush 11/20/1992 #40721  
California watched an ovoid object approach them from the Pacific Ocean. Th 1/30/1993 #40821  
31 p.m. One of the lights began to approach. It was a large object with bri 3/16/1993 #40886  
ille, Massachusetts and saw lights approach to a distance of 3,000 feet. Th 4/30/1993 #40959  
ed their vehicle and gotten out to approach the large UFO. To their surpris 8/8/1993 #41118  
 one of the villagers attempted to approach, the humanoid climbed back into 5/10/1994 #41521  
 data using a “standard scientific approach.” However, the investigators ad Fall 1994 #41773  
 and changing place. They tried to approach but were stopped by a luminous  12/29/1994 #41911  
A Boeing 737 is starting a landing approach at 7,900 feet at Guiyang Airpor 2/1995 #42006  
n the ground. Royllin attempted to approach closer but could not due to the 2/23/1995 #42060  
et or cap. The figure attempted to approach the witness, and he began swing 5/15/1995 #42211  
mits a bright white light. As they approach the landing, the light speeds u 7/1/1995 #42289  
ong beside it as it made a landing approach to San Carlos de Bariloche airp 7/31/1995 #42348  
form, like a white-silvery blanket approach from the nearby hill. It was a  7/22/1996 #42963  
aw a multicolored spherical object approach at a rapid (but not incredible) 2/17/1997 #43195  
 the car and saw a cylindrical UFO approach, the approximate size of a smal 3/19/1997 #43235  
 Bologna, Italy saw a bright light approach his vehicle. Suddenly his engin 11/1/1998 #43674  
telepathy to tell the group not to approach any closer. At the same time th 11/7/1998 #43678  
ying object shaped like a stingray approach from the south.                 12/23/1998 #43702  
t, Texas saw three gigantic lights approach their aircraft at cruising alti 10/26/1999 #43865  
a short (1.20 meter tall) humanoid approach her. The being wore silvery cov 12/5/1999 #43894  
h two large diamond-shaped objects approach from the ocean and land on the  10/11/2000 #44054  
ike figures with large heads would approach her and ask her how she was fee 10/19/2000 #44060  
nd 2M tall. Arm extends. Very slow approach and exit going west.            4/13/2001 #44157  
 when she observed a ball of light approach and land about 200 meters away. 7/1/2001 #44201  
da saw three dark triangular craft approach in formation from the north. Th 5/12/2002 #44343  
Hal Puthoff tried the “front door” approach to get into the secret UFO blac 9/10/2003 #44595  
 south of the mountains started to approach the area and the four objects v 1/22/2005 #44809  
as an airliner is making its final approach to the Santa Rosa Airport, La P Late 7/2005 #44857  
Florida, sees two rose-red objects approach from the ocean and move silentl 8/4/2005 #44858  
 1– 2 miles. Other smaller objects approach it, one of which explodes in a  9/5/2006 #44958  
 Base Kitsap to the north. As they approach its location, they see that it  12/29/2007 #45104  
dog, but it did not bark, move, or approach them, and it suddenly disappear 4/12/2008 #45128  
h standard ridicule and the biased approach traditionally associated with N 5/26/2008 #45143  
imeter. The witnesses attempted to approach to take photos but several “men 8/3/2008 #45154  
end of the pasture. Buck and Roger approach it and watch a floating light 5 7/5/2009 #45230  
e one that saw her began to slowly approach, but she ran away, and got back 8/30/2009 #45240  
gs are explainable, an open-minded approach toward the phenomenon is necess 1/2011 #45311  
Hermanowa, Poland, watches a light approach him until it is only 100 feet a 5/10/2012 #45343  
of a large SUV, and at its closest approach it is about palm-width in size  7/15/2013 #45377  
ision Sensor. As the three objects approach the foothills of nearby Picacho 11/6/2018 #45543  
 spotlights turned on during their approach but turned off as they maneuver 9/29/2019 #45610  
00 feet above the highway. As they approach, it swiftly moves to the left a 11/8/2021 #45720  
l action; he also states the “silo approach” of the last 80 years has not w 8/3/2022 #45761  
## Word: "approached" (Back to Top)
, hovering 10 m above ground. They approached within 50 m of it. It was ill 4/19/1897 #533  
m tall, clad in light clothing. He approached them, but they went aboard th 6/1914 #900  
w his C-46 transport plane as they approached the island in the Pacific. Th 8/28/1945 #1931  
bout twice the size of a B-29, and approached to within 1,000 yards. It cov 8/1/1946 #2101  
o be taking evasive maneuvers when approached by the fighter aircraft. The  1/16/1947 #2229  
tion of 5-6 white circular objects approached an F-51 aircraft being pilote 6/28/1947 #2450  
ed, but disappeared when reporters approached.                              7/7/1947 #2946  
Kansas saw a 4-foot wide disc that approached to within six feet and appear 2/18/1948 #3580  
 place of eyes.” When Sr. Langiano approached, it re-entered the UFO, which 4/3/1948 #3607  
tning flash. It became dark. As he approached the craft, the witness saw th 2/17/1949 #4014  
htning. It then became dark. As he approached the craft, the witness saw th 2/17/1949 #4016  
 10:00 a.m. The Fourth US Army has approached AFOSI in San Antonio to offer 5/5/1949 #4149  
ed a UFO land in a meadow. When he approached to within 50 meters he sudden 3/19/1950 #4683  
kes, Manning, and Hinshaw. The UFO approached the plane from below and behi 4/27/1950 #4911  
oung deer about 150 yards away. He approached and realized that what she ha 6/17/1950 #4992  
t regular intervals. He stealthily approached to about 30 feet from them, p 6/17/1950 #4992  
g disc hovered, sped away when car approached [XII] (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 6/30/1950 #5026  
oted, Korea Navy planes on mission approached by two large discs, radar jam 9/1950 #5158  
uth of the Yalu River in Korea are approached from below by two huge discs, 9/1950 #5159  
they signaled to the object, which approached within a few meters, flew awa 11/2/1951 #5762  
they signaled to the object, which approached to within a few meters, then  11/2/1951 #5765  
lose to the station. The third jet approached to within 200 meters of the U 1/22/1952 #5877  
  A bright blue cylindrical object approached a B-29 flying over Antung, Ko 2/24/1952 #5929  
nthan AFB, AZ Two disc-shaped UFOs approached close to B-36 bomber, also se 5/1/1952 #6241  
m. four yellow disc-shaped objects approached the Savannah River AEC nuclea 5/10/1952 #6299  
 a fixed altitude for 6-7 seconds, approached the pilot's plane, then disap 6/23/1952 #6612  
reported that a bluish-white light approached their plane, hovered, and the 7/13/1952 #6798  
tened out donut without the hole", approached West Palm Beach, Florida very 7/15/1952 #6831  
, but disappeared when an aircraft approached.  Also seen the night of July 7/17/1952 #6867  
 that disappeared when an aircraft approached (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 7/18/1952 #6887  
Andrews AFB, Maryland. The objects approached the runway, scattered, and th 7/20/1952 #6955  
al time a blue green ball of light approached an F-94 jet flying over the o 7/23/1952 #7088  
on Mainbrace), At Sea Six RAF Jets Approached By Shiny Sphere (NICAP: 11 -  9/21/1952 #7997  
r-based Navy AD-3 attack planes is approached by a rocket-shaped UFO that s 1953 #8477  
nyone.”  Two weeks later Mr. T was approached by an intelligence officer on 1953 #8483  
nd rising above it as the aircraft approached it.  The light was visually o 2/6/1953 #8644  
hat the object circled as the B-36 approached it, and the light commenced f 2/6/1953 #8644  
 an unidentified target that twice approached (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Cod 6/24/1953 #8964  
an unidentified target which twice approached to within .5 miles of the air 6/24/1953 #8967  
ng fail. Two four-foot-tall beings approached, and he next saw a domed disc 8/17/1953 #9078  
          Two bright white objects approached a cosmic ray research balloon 2/1/1954 #9527  
w 14 discs climb when the fighters approached (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 2/22/1954 #9564  
mp of nearby trees. The light then approached their vehicle, and moments la 3/28/1954 #9648  
e was a "buzz like a bee." The man approached and the boys galloped their h 8/7/1954 #10113  
finally vanished when a helicopter approached. At Maxwell Air Force Base in 8/12/1954 #10139  
and her sister, Asta Solvang, were approached by a man with a tanned comple 8/20/1954 #10158  
n, near Thonon, France Elise Blanc approached an object looking like an alu 8/23/1954 #10169  
           On this day Elise Blanc approached an object that looked like an 8/23/1954 #10172  
out 2 km way from the witness, who approached within 300 m before it took o 8/27/1954 #10188  
t two kilometers away from him. He approached to within 300 meters before i 8/27/1954 #10192  
side down on top of it." When they approached, it took off. Diameter 10 m,  9/7/1954 #10266  
cated in the Plexiglas section, he approached the witness & spoke in an unk 9/20/1954 #10373  
icklayers, Sebastiani and Buratto, approached a cigar-shaped object 3 m lon 10/1/1954 #10556  
a sort of "mushroom" on top. As he approached it, the object became dark an 10/1/1954 #10561  
icklayers, Sebastiani and Buratto, approached a cigar-shaped object in Blan 10/1/1954 #10572  
shroom" on top (domed disc). As he approached it, the object became dark an 10/1/1954 #10578  
xited. As the three male witnesses approached they quickly entered the obje 10/4/1954 #10708  
ar ground. Away / dizzy speed when approached.                              10/5/1954 #10723  
eing who spoke an unknown language approached a fisherman. It quickly left  10/5/1954 #10736  
 ground 300 m away. As one of them approached the torpedo-shaped object, wh 10/6/1954 #10754  
nd 300 meters away. As one of them approached the four meter long craft, wh 10/6/1954 #10761  
nd ran when a bluish yellow saucer approached them to within 20 meters in B 10/11/1954 #10950  
on the ground not far from him. He approached the object and saw that it wa 10/14/1954 #11041  
osphorescent object when they were approached. It took off immediately. It  10/14/1954 #11042  
osphorescent object when they were approached. It took off immediately. It  10/14/1954 #11063  
 resembling a bright star. When he approached, he observed that it was a 5- 10/14/1954 #11064  
l. Saucer nearly lands. Rises when approached. / r70p3-37.                  10/17/1954 #11166  
w an object, which flew away as he approached it, rose in the sky, and was  10/17/1954 #11172  
l. It took off and flew away as he approached it, rose quickly into the sky 10/17/1954 #11178  
on the grass near the canal. As he approached he saw it was about 26 feet l 10/17/1954 #11180  
ght, resting in a field. When they approached it, the object rose verticall 10/18/1954 #11207  
nearby heather field. Then two men approached to within 50 meters of Mrs. P 10/18/1954 #11215  
 and resting in a field. When they approached it the object rose vertically 10/18/1954 #11216  
as two meters in diameter. As they approached it suddenly changed its clear 10/23/1954 #11342  
t points of light near a glade. He approached the area, thinking it was ano 10/23/1954 #11346  
t tripod. After awhile the two men approached the machine, which they then  10/24/1954 #11368  
light source in a field. When they approached the light, two featureless il 10/25/1954 #11404  
ed into two distinct forms as they approached. When they receded they again 10/25/1954 #11404  
y, then shot away when the witness approached.                              10/26/1954 #11420  
                A 12-year-old girl approached a one-meter long ovoid object 10/27/1954 #11454  
, Brazil at 11:35 p.m. four lights approached, then surrounded a car until  10/30/1954 #11494  
fs, each about one meter tall, who approached her with friendly expressions 11/1/1954 #11520  
ous, he decided to investigate and approached. He soon realized it was much 11/2/1954 #11539  
ns with him fled in terror, but he approached and saw two three-foot tall f 11/4/1954 #11569  
ally and vanished as the witnesses approached.                              11/9/1954 #11612  
cks with a light. When the witness approached, the machine took off very fa 11/13/1954 #11638  
light on the back. The object then approached the ground and performed a ve 11/27/1954 #11714  
ion of the FBI because he has been approached several times by a group of s 12/1954 #11737  
rans-Andean Highway, two young men approached it, found it was shaped like  12/10/1954 #11794  
 standing in a nearby field. As he approached, one ran toward him, the othe 12/11/1954 #11802  
zula Airliner enroute to Maracaibo approached by luminous UFO. [UFOE, X] (N 1/2/1955 #11911  
etallic material. When one witness approached to within 100 meters, the obj 1/5/1955 #11922  
ded / pasture. Silently rises when approached.                              2/15/1955 #12001  
ndon, UK Circular, luminous object approached B-47, quickly reversed direct 5/25/1955 #12158  
o hide in some clouds when a plane approached.                              6/17/1955 #12204  
 go by on Victor-2 [airway]. As we approached Albany, we overheard that Bos 6/23/1955 #12209  
 trail 4 or 5 times its own length approached National Airport, stopped, os 6/26/1955 #12214  
ts at airport went out when object approached; returned to operation when U 6/26/1955 #12214  
 hovered, climbed away as airliner approached. [UFOE, XII] (NICAP: 01 - Dis 7/17/1955 #12265  
 with/silver lower part climb when approached (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases,  7/20/1955 #12273  
ng under the clouds. As the figure approached they could tell that it was a 10/20/1955 #12513  
r two minutes. They flew away when approached by a plane.                   2/10/1956 #12706  
ght blob of light zoomed away when approached by a Royal New Zealand Air Fo 6/17/1956 #12906  
of the highway and, being curious, approached it. To his surprise it took o Summer 1956 #12912  
ntana, In Air Dumbbell-shaped UFOs approached plane. (UFOE, VII) (NICAP: 11 8/21/1956 #13108  
 dogs turned away when the witness approached the craft, which was 20 m wid 9/1956 #13165  
 a streak through the buttes as it approached from the north and traveled i 11/8/1956 #13314  
dwarf made a screeching noise when approached.                              12/15/1956 #13405  
e its own length. When a jet plane approached it rose vertically and vanish 1/10/1957 #13452  
 but it jumped away as the two men approached. It changed to a bluish-white 1/13/1957 #13454  
enly interrupted when the red disc approached the plane, while the cabin li 8/14/1957 #13894  
ed, sentries received burns as UFO approached and hovered (NICAP: 03 - EME  11/3/1957 #14240  
ard the southwest when RCAF planes approached.                              11/5/1957 #14354  
 50 ft long. Car engine died as he approached (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 11/9/1957 #14502  
 Dodge Coronet failed when the UFO approached. They felt a hot blast of air 12/8/1957 #14696  
e announcing that Otis T. Carr has approached the US government and offered 2/3/1958 #14870  
ontana: Just after midnight an UFO approached the alert hanger where one gu 5/1958 #15006  
ve and below the middle), suddenly approached an aircraft being flown by 40 5/5/1958 #15019  
ct made a soft whistling sound. It approached the car, then climbed away ra 8/8/1958 #15185  
correlated Targets Vanish When A/C Approached (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Cod 9/7/1958 #15257  
 at 150 feet altitude, and when it approached their car at the bridge over  10/26/1958 #15386  
 the UFO with a flashlight, and it approached to within 10 feet, pacing the 12/1/1958 #15467  
pt changing from red to blue. They approached within 200 m, then saw it ris 3/13/1959 #15640  
oming down from the sky. The light approached and he saw an object hovering 3/29/1959 #15678  
-fitting, multicolored uniform. He approached Raps and spoke to him in perf 3/29/1959 #15678  
lights emerged from the object and approached their location, shining beams 8/20/1959 #15932  
ger C.A. Cissman. One bright light approached, hovered about 30 minutes, an 10/19/1959 #16041  
sely examines tree. Flies off when approached.                              8/1960? #16355  
in Tehama county, California twice approached a police car at close range.  8/13/1960 #16381  
 elliptical UFO, metallic looking, approached from over the Gulf, made a U- 1/22/1961 #16585  
 UFO was filmed at 4:45 p.m. as it approached Eglin Air Force Base, Florida 1/22/1961 #16589  
 farm. A hatch opened, and when he approached he saw three human-looking me 4/18/1961 #16654  
rtholes", on road; took off as car approached. [NICAP UFOE, XII] (NICAP: 02 5/1961 #16671  
ounter a strange roadblock and are approached by a group of men. She loses  9/29/1961 #16877  
 aluminum. Harris estimates he has approached within 2 miles of the object  10/2/1961 #16889  
r was gradually losing speed as he approached a bright, oval thing hovering 2/9/1962 #17042  
d. Upon entering the hanger he was approached by an air police sentry with  4/1962 #17093  
t, first thought to be from a car, approached them. It turned out to be a l 5/1962 #17145  
es of blue, green and orange. When approached, it took off at very high spe 8/2/1962 #17316  
es of blue, green and orange. When approached by ground personnel it took o 8/2/1962 #17318  
inas Gerais State, Brazil. When he approached them they ran into the bushes 8/17/1962 #17337  
apt. Three bright star-like lights approached, hovered and bounced, then fa 11/17/1962 #17552  
 side of road, rose suddenly as he approached, hovered overhead, then follo 5/21/1963 #17756  
Three objects moving westerly were approached by a similar object from the  6/26/1963 #17808  
t stopped and hovered as the three approached, split formation, and continu 6/26/1963 #17808  
 Three objects moving westerly are approached by a similar object from the  6/26/1963 #17810  
.m., was frightened by a UFO which approached his van, turned and followed  10/31/1963 #18014  
lia with orange and red lights. It approached his pickup truck, flew ahead  10/31/1963 #18018  
When the UFO hovered, the deputies approached and flashed their squad car l 11/12/1963 #18034  
ue lights and emitted sparks as it approached. They stopped the car and jum 12/14/1963 #18082  
taly for ten minutes. As fishermen approached in a boat dove under the sea. 1/9/1964 #18112  
hich was now seen to be spherical, approached to within 2-3 meters, the eng 5/24/1964 #18298  
r 20 minutes of no activity, a man approached the car and suggested that th 6/5/1964 #18332  
lane.  One reddish, blinking light approached the runway, stopped and made  8/10/1964 #18475  
    Wake Island Blinking red light approached air base runway, hovered, rev 8/10/1964 #18476  
gers in Glassboro, New Jersey were approached by two tall blond men, who ha 9/4/1964 #18534  
robot-looking creature got out and approached his location. They attempted  9/4/1964 #18535  
ween 1500 and 1530 hours. Two UFOs approached Air Base at 3800 mph. Another 12/19/1964 #18660  
 Air Base at 3800 mph. Another UFO approached at 6000 mph. Radar operator,  12/19/1964 #18660  
om landed object at archery range, approached witness, who froze, apparentl 1/19/1965 #18747  
aver, and another man named Huffer approached a barn, which the photographe 1/26/1965 #18770  
large dark disc-shaped object that approached from the Pacific Ocean. He st 1/30/1965 #18785  
ge flying object land. Two of them approached to within 60 feet and hid beh 2/14/1965 #18814  
go down on their knees. The beings approached slowly, with gestures that di 2/21/1965 #18825  
to escape from its crate.  When he approached the object an unknown force s 3/14/1965 #18854  
 seemed surprised when the witness approached them, and stopped their exami 7/1/1965 #19049  
each. When Mr. Crowe, the witness, approached to within 16 meters (53 feet) 7/19/1965 #19135  
 from the craft, but when a farmer approached they "whipped back into it" a 8/6/1965 #19334  
sses one of whom stated that as he approached the object, it appeared to "b 8/9/1965 #19347  
Ryerson, 13, in Renton, Washington approached these two very unusual beings 8/13/1965 #19383  
n front of the other being as they approached. He was making a cackling sou 8/13/1965 #19383  
 of Haverhill, Massachusetts as he approached in his car from the crest of  8/20/1965 #19442  
e shining downwards. The three men approached to within 60 feet of the UFO, 8/26/1965 #19466  
cigar-shaped object, 40 feet high, approached a stopped sheriff's patrol ca 9/3/1965 #19517  
 Essex, UK Glowing blue domed disc approached, buzzing sound; paralysis and 9/14/1965 #19558  
zz when a domed disc-shaped object approached to a close range, and then hi 9/14/1965 #19561  
haped flying object with portholes approached a woman's parked car next to  2/22/1966 #19914  
" (see case 417). When the witness approached, the "pilot" went back inside 3/23/1966 #20047  
cation "TL 4768." When the witness approached, the "pilot" went back inside 3/23/1966 #20055  
) "flickering like a computer." He approached for a closer look, and touche 3/29/1966 #20134  
 at high speed just as another car approached: and an object with flashing  3/30/1966 #20154  
, and had flashing lights. When he approached and tried to touch an antenna 3/31/1966 #20183  
us green object surrounded by haze approached a truck, which experienced EM 4/1/1966 #20196  
n near it. When the service police approached, the beings got back in the c 4/4/1966 #20226  
t reported. An unidentified object approached a car from behind, hovered ov 4/9/1966 #20278  
 then disappeared when an aircraft approached (aircraft avoidance), reappea 4/19/1966 #20339  
nd in a field. Later two witnesses approached the field and saw unidentifie 4/19/1966 #20340  
peared to land. When the witnesses approached they saw the lights rise from 4/19/1966 #20347  
rotating red lights around the rim approached a car within about 40 feet, a 4/22/1966 #20366  
 "electrical." Finally another car approached, and the UFO quickly moved aw 4/22/1966 #20377  
not reported. A round white object approached and followed a car. (NICAP no 4/23/1966 #20386  
 over a building. After a while it approached the family's apartment buildi 4/23/1966 #20388  
e object departed when an aircraft approached the area (aircraft avoidance) 5/4/1966 #20445  
 Naples police about his car being approached from behind by a "large white 5/6/1966 #20453  
 Naples police about his car being approached from behind by a "large white 5/6/1966 #20455  
 200 foot diameter disc-shaped UFO approached at high speed, then hovered d 5/11/1966 #20478  
lights on the water ahead. As they approached within a mile, the lights ros 6/1/1966 #20518  
 took off rapidly as the witnesses approached it in a motor boat. The incid 6/1/1966 #20520  
tion! Going quickly southeast when approached!                              6/13/1966 #20555  
t up the north sky. The bright UFO approached the base alternately moving a Summer 1966 #20590  
lternately yellow and green. As he approached to investigate, the UFO began 6/24/1966 #20605  
in Richmond, Virginia when the UFO approached. It had alternating white and 6/24/1966 #20608  
ered above it. When two other cars approached, the object extinguished its  7/22/1966 #20667  
ted objects. When a police officer approached a hovering object that had pu 8/1/1966 #20715  
ted objects. When a police officer approached a hovering object that had pu 8/1/1966 #20719  
 smaller objects. When an airplane approached, the smaller objects rushed t 8/13/1966 #20741  
ring in the sky. It glowed orange, approached, and then a red beam came out 8/20/1966 #20783  
te objects operating independently approached and hovered nearby. The large 9/22/1966 #20913  
atched as a bright yellow oval UFO approached slowly at low altitude, then  10/23/1966 #21029  
operator Ralston. One white object approached runway at 50' altitude.  Runw 10/26/1966 #21037  
hen 10 smaller objects like dishes approached and entered the larger object 11/10/1966 #21087  
bject, then two very bright lights approached it from the distance. When th 11/17/1966 #21118  
          Taylorsville, IN Ellipse approached car, slowed, buzzing sound he 11/30/1966 #21163  
Florida on this night when she was approached by a huge hairy biped creatur 11/30/1966 #21168  
o of light around it descended and approached the witnesses, t then disappe 12/13/1966 #21196  
around its perimeter descended and approached two witnesses before silently 12/13/1966 #21199  
o Mexico. AF later states Pete was approached by an “agency” and wants to a 1967 #21239  
th a white glowing rim. The object approached and circled the witness's hom 1/15/1967? #21307  
n saucer with a white glowing rim, approached and circled the witness's hom 1/15/1967 #21313  
in, Pennsylvania a disc-shaped UFO approached at a low altitude, emitted tw 1/18/1967 #21345  
 hovering over a building. As jets approached the object, it took off (airc 1/26/1967 #21396  
 a building 100 feet away. As jets approached to investigate the object, it 1/26/1967 #21400  
two smaller white luminous spheres approached and entered the craft through 1/29/1967 #21412  
ground over which the object first approached the house failed to grow plan 1/29/1967 #21412  
een them from her home. The lights approached silently and hovered an estim 2/4/1967 #21448  
ights) around the edge. The object approached the witnesses, then hovered o 2/5/1967 #21458  
ch it. The fat cigar-shaped object approached, then oscillated and turned r 2/5/1967 #21463  
 CST (1:00 a.m. EST). A couple was approached by an oval object that hovere 2/6/1967 #21468  
down, and they moved away as a car approached. (Haines, 1994, p. 114; from  2/17/1967 #21585  
aucer. ; The object turned red and approached the car, which began to rock  3/1967 #21689  
minous inverted bowl-shaped object approached within 100 ft., heat felt. Gi 3/1967 #21690  
 “a person in an Air Force uniform approached local police and other citize 3/1/1967 #21713  
akota on this night when they were approached at telephone pole height by a 3/5/1967 #21768  
t spun rapidly, rim pulsated red.  Approached witness and passed overhead a 3/6/1967 #21777  
ttom that rotated rapidly. The UFO approached the witness, then passed over 3/6/1967 #21779  
beam of light. The object hovered, approached, then rose up and disappeared 3/8/1967 #21803  
sses saw red and green lights that approached slowly at treetop level, then 3/8/1967 #21804  
rcular object with red body lights approached witnesses, gave off burst of  3/8/1967 #21814  
d, with red lights around its rim. Approached witnesses and seemed to explo 3/9/1967 #21838  
ngine of their car stalled as they approached. Because their car had stalle 3/12/1967 #21875  
 couple saw a bright red oval that approached, stopped and hovered, four ti 3/21/1967 #21934  
 ahead on the road. The light then approached the car and hovered directly  3/21/1967 #21938  
anded in a ravine.  As the witness approached, it took off and settled back 3/24/1967 #21969  
that had landed in a ravine. As he approached, it took off and settled back 3/24/1967 #21975  
wly, and disappeared when aircraft approached (aircraft avoidance). (NICAP  3/29/1967 #22010  
 saw an unusual reddish light that approached their car after they flashed  4/1/1967 #22038  
e evening a glowing red domed disc approached a car with five occupants in  4/1/1967 #22044  
rails and, making a humming noise, approached and paced the witnesses' car. 4/5/1967 #22069  
two shot away when an airplane Jet approached (aircraft avoidance). (Henry  4/12/1967 #22116  
ay. It took off and flew away when approached.                              4/16/1967 #22141  
 then disappeared when an aircraft approached (aircraft avoidance). (Letter 4/27/1967 #22228  
 then disappeared when an aircraft approached.                              4/27/1967 #22234  
n intense orange-reddish light and approached rapidly at high speed. It bri 5/1/1967 #22263  
), ; with a distinct outline, that approached, slowed, descended level with 5/12/1967 #22324  
 silver ellipse-shaped UFO rapidly approached two people driving in a vehic 5/12/1967 #22327  
con Lake, Manitoba, Canada Witness approached landed object, violet light,  5/20/1967 #22380  
g no further activity Mr. Michalac approached the landed craft, but he then 5/20/1967 #22384  
shaped object with blue light that approached from the south and hovered ab 5/31/1967 #22429  
hite oval lights (body lights). It approached within 400 feet, stopped, gli 6/6/1967 #22469  
and 15 feet thick. When the object approached the witnesses' boat, it took  6/18/1967 #22516  
arrisburg, Pennsylvania. As police approached the object the light went out 6/25/1967 #22555  
ees about 300 feet away, and as it approached two smaller red lights were s 7/4/1967 #22609  
 front , (body lights). The object approached about 60 feet off the ground  7/9/1967 #22636  
 near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. It approached them with a sideways motion a 7/9/1967 #22637  
an open top. Initially, the object approached in the sky as a red light. (N 7/15/1967 #22664  
ter edge (body lights). The object approached at low altitude, passed overh 7/19/1967 #22699  
with a bright glow toward the tail approached the side of the aircraft and  7/27/1967 #22740  
eesville, Louisiana that a UFO had approached the side and then the tail of 7/27/1967 #22743  
            Gilroy, CA Oval object approached fire lookout tower, hovered,  7/28/1967 #22747  
e light "like a ball of fire" that approached from the horizon. It stopped  7/29/1967 #22748  
e in the northern sky, and a third approached from the north, brightened an 8/1/1967 #22773  
y lights) between them. The object approached at an estimated altitude of 5 8/25/1967 #22923  
r range, hovered, and at one point approached the witnesses. (NICAP report  8/25/1967 #22923  
erted soup bowl (dome-shaped) that approached and hovered over a high schoo 8/31/1967 #22961  
DT. A man saw a silver sphere that approached an incoming aircraft on an ap 9/3/1967 #22988  
haze or mist around lower portion, approached airliner from west, passed un 9/10/1967 #23031  
he object's light dimmed when cars approached. (Report in NICAP files; Gill 9/15/1967 #23064  
a horse acting up again, and as he approached the stall a small figure abou 9/22/1967 #23115  
t moved laterally when an aircraft approached it (aircraft avoidance), then 10/12/1967 #23226  
itting blinding light as their car approached. (Salisbury, 1974, pp. 53- 55 10/14/1967 #23236  
b and antenna (protrusions) on top approached in a tilted down position. (E 10/24/1967 #23301  
     Newfield, NY UFO with windows approached, tilted down. Two humanoid fi 10/24/1967 #23303  
ed, but moved off when the witness approached, disappearing behind trees. I 10/30/1967 #23367  
 about 60–65 miles per hour. He is approached by a lighted object from the  10/30/1967 #23371  
loated out and to the ground, then approached the car. Through the UFO's fl 11/2/1967 #23392  
n a pasture. It took off when they approached it.                           11/3/1967 #23398  
hey first mistook for the moon. It approached and landed 50 feet in front o 11/9/1967 #23434  
ighway. Quickly going up [to] when approached. / r8#889.                    11/14/1967 #23445  
windows below. The object circled, approached the witnesses, tilted, circle 11/18/1967 #23478  
ry heavily at the time that Wilson approached the UFO, getting to within th 11/28/1967 #23517  
red object just above the road and approached within 14 m, when the object  12/3/1967 #23543  
all, came from under the craft and approached him to communicate a message  12/3/1967 #23543  
 equator (body lights). The object approached at low altitude, hovered over 12/15/1967 #23589  
ghts around the middle. The object approached at low altitude, and then hov 12/15/1967 #23592  
ing from his direction. The figure approached and put an arm on the roof of 12/16/1967 #23594  
 object resting in a courtyard. He approached and could see that it had a t 1/6/1968 #23655  
fter telephoning another sentry he approached and shone his flashlight on t 2/1/1968 #23724  
r. After phoning another sentry he approached the craft and shone his flash 2/2/1968 #23727  
At 6:15 p.m. a cigar-shaped object approached a car in West Seneca, New Yor 3/4/1968 #23825  
hen it was moving. The object then approached their car and their car's eng 3/4/1968 #23826  
t shot straight up as the soldiers approached.                              4/15/1968 #23907  
ange men she had met on January 29 approached her. Both wore dark "neat" co 5/2/1968 #23940  
ehind the other man as the witness approached them. The younger man stared  5/2/1968 #23940  
m hovering close to the ground. It approached her and lifted her inside wit 5/3/1968 #23942  
ch Garcia likened to Jesus Christ, approached her and she knelt before him. 6/10/1968 #24018  
nd red lights at the bottom. As he approached, the object rose suddenly, ho 6/14/1968 #24030  
, disembarked from the craft. They approached the witness who had by now le 6/23/1968 #24072  
 a reddish trail. When an airplane approached it, the object "blinked out"  7/5/1968 #24146  
hing like headphones. They quickly approached and paralyzed him, and he was 7/17/1968 #24186  
ome and a revolving rim. The craft approached the dock and hovered very clo 8/7/1968 #24308  
ne of the lighted objects silently approached the house. The witness then s 8/12/1968 #24322  
s of a hundred yards. One creature approached to within 15 feet of the teen 9/30/1968 #24527  
lti-colored lights around the edge approached them quite closely. As the da 10/15/1968 #24563  
ed them quite closely. As the dawn approached and it became possible to see 10/15/1968 #24563  
t. It blinked out when an airplane approached.                              10/19/1968 #24576  
   Los Monegros, Spain Orange disc approached car, landed; after UFO took o 11/1/1968 #24615  
ssing sound like an arc welder. He approached with a flashlight and encount 11/1/1968 #24616  
e orange, domed disc-shaped object approached a car with five soldiers in L 11/1/1968 #24619  
feet thick. The single object then approached the doctor, and tilted 90 deg 11/1/1968 #24620  
 small woman exited the sphere and approached Afrodit, who tried to run but 11/9/1968 #24649  
a red blinking light on top. As it approached to within 100 feet of their c 11/25/1968 #24705  
                 At 8 p.m, a light approached a residential area in Rossvil 11/25/1968 #24706  
g sides, appeared to descend as it approached to an altitude of 200 feet, a 11/25/1968 #24706  
lattevillie, IL Cone-shaped object approached, outside farm lights went out 1/25/1969 #24870  
und 8:00 p.m. a small “space ship” approached General Moacyr Uchoa and his  1/31/1969 #24882  
r some snow covered trees. When he approached to within 200 feet with a fla 2/10/1969 #24910  
was on his way to work when he was approached and attacked by two strange l 2/12/1969 #24915  
-year-old policeman named Manselon approached the object he was struck by s 3/14/1969 #25013  
, Australia a saucer-shaped object approached two cars, hovered near one ca 3/19/1969 #25030  
least two figures moving about. It approached him, and emitted a beam of pi 3/19/1969 #25031  
ights separated by 20 meters. They approached to within 70 meters, when the 4/21/1969 #25079  
ignaled to it with a flashlight it approached to within 150 feet of his hou 7/4/1969 #25253  
dult, went to the landing site and approached to within 20 feet of the craf 7/4/1969 #25253  
          Raleigh, NC Shiny object approached, hovered over road ahead of c 8/5/1969 #25309  
iois. The light made a sharp turn, approached, drew alongside, and then pac 8/5/1969 #25311  
ght, at 10:15 p.m., a metallic UFO approached a car 15 miles northwest of R 8/5/1969 #25311  
stroyer witnessed six objects that approached the ship, one larger than the 10/24/1969 #25424  
d object, glowing orange and blue, approached three observers at Chesterfie 2/5/1970 #25574  
ckly southwest extremely fast when approached. / r50p28.                    3/27/1970 #25609  
shooting off to the southwest with approached by witnesses.                 3/27/1970 #25611  
            Haderslav, Den Ellipse approached at low altitude, heat felt. S 8/13/1970 #25780  
derslev, Denmark Egg-shaped object approached police car, engine, lights, a 8/13/1970 #25781  
t he walked up the ramp, and as he approached the hull seemed to dissolve a 8/15/1970 #25787  
road. The object flew away as they approached, and their car headlights bec 8/16/1970 #25790  
 a three inch tall humanoid. As he approached the UFOs the school bell rang 8/19/1970 #25796  
 arms to cover his face as the car approached. There was a blinding flash a 8/19/1970 #25797  
lls, Ohio when two strange figures approached. The two men were dressed in  8/24/1970 #25802  
s. Soon one of the short humanoids approached her and took her on an "astra 9/7/1970 #25828  
seemed to be dripping a liquid. It approached to within 50 feet of the grou 10/6/1970 #25872  
nearby field. One of the witnesses approached the object on foot but became 10/24/1970 #25886  
ridge and hovered over it as a car approached in Aberdeen, Washington. The  1/3/1971 #25973  
lmet with a circular faceplate. It approached the young men, walking on top 2/5/1971 #26015  
 the right side of the road. As he approached, he saw that these were on a  3/5/1971 #26044  
rds them over the mountains. As it approached they had a missing time memor 3/14/1971 #26047  
ter Scott described how the object approached and hovered over them. It was 3/14/1971 #26047  
ighway only 30 meters away, and it approached slowly and bathed her car in  5/25/1971 #26137  
taperuna, Brazil. When the witness approached the object to investigate he  5/27/1971 #26139  
voir in Oxford, Massachusetts were approached twice by a dark, domed disc-s 5/29/1971 #26142  
ke diver's suits and helmets. They approached the object and entered it by  8/16/1971 #26289  
escend from the sky. As the object approached he noticed that it was a man- 8/19/1971 #26296  
ing black eyes. As other witnesses approached the figure disappeared in the 8/19/1971 #26296  
                    A yellow light approached a car being driven by a Sr. R 8/23/1971 #26301  
ical system failed when the object approached.The light vanished, then reap 8/23/1971 #26301  
 from the humanoids. The humanoids approached him and communicated in Frenc 8/25/1971 #26305  
 at high speed. The object rapidly approached the ground in an unnatural ma 9/20/1971 #26354  
ena, Chile Luminous oval with dome approached car. APRO Bulletin, Mar.-Apr. 9/24/1971 #26371  
 luminous domed oval-shaped object approached the car. It came from over th 9/24/1971 #26372  
towards the pulsating light. As he approached it he felt like he was enteri 12/6/1971 #26490  
rted from the strange building and approached him, then put something in hi 12/6/1971 #26490  
e could see a human-like being. He approached on foot to within 10-12 feet, 3/25/1972 #26623  
s on top and a rotating bottom. It approached their house in Driffield, Hum 4/15/1972 #26647  
of chassis beside his route. As he approached within 30 meters the figure s 9/27/1972 #27035  
to do. Finally, some other workers approached to ask what was wrong and he  9/28/1972 #27038  
a yellow and red bullet-shaped UFO approached an airliner that was flying 1 10/23/1972 #27089  
aped descents and ascents. When it approached the witnesses, they were able 12/4/1972 #27162  
nto some nearby woods as their car approached. Ground traces and a missing  12/7/1972 #27164  
her passengers did not see. As she approached the spot of her earlier encou 2/22/1973 #27310  
ouse some 100 meters away. The UFO approached silently from the direction o 3/20/1973 #27353  
aw it 300 meters away and it later approached to within 50 meters.          3/24/1973 #27373  
rst seen 300 meters away and later approached to within 50 meters.          3/25/1973 #27376  
ce his tone sounded friendly, they approached him. He then wrote in a "note 5/15/1973 #27492  
uonset hut. While on guard, he was approached by an officer in a jeep who h 6/1973 #27543  
  Sousas, Brazil Yellow "fireball" approached, stopped 50 meters away, pric 6/7/1973 #27556  
. Under hypnosis he recalled being approached and touched by a human lookin 7/27/1973 #27657  
and disappeared when the witnesses approached. Traces were left in the mud  8/10/1973 #27692  
ey were mumbling or "chanting" and approached in a double column. They did  9/11/1973 #27803  
ey were mumbling or "chanting" and approached in a double column. They did  9/12/1973 #27809  
 appeared on the road ahead. As he approached, he saw it was a luminous ovo 10/1973 #27896  
stalled as a luminous ovoid object approached and hovered, with smoke or fo 10/5/1973 #27952  
before 11:00 p.m. a mass of lights approached Boulder, Colorado from high o 10/11/1973 #28008  
 by Ms. Carne, Mr. & Mrs. Donathan approached the same area in a car and sa 10/22/1973 #28244  
 near inhuman screams. His own dog approached him as to attack, then ran of 10/25/1973 #28286  
e were four UFOs in total, and one approached to within 400-500 meters. It  10/27/1973 #28302  
ly able to move. One of the beings approached and pulled him to his feet, a 10/28/1973 #28311  
 neighborhood. When two of the men approached her driveway, the witness too 10/28/1973 #28312  
 to dark green and orange" as they approached the craft. Then the witness s 10/29/1973 #28319  
nd helmets with transparent visors approached Castillo from the woods and t 11/3/1973 #28362  
ed itself from the rest and slowly approached him in a zigzag fashion. It p 11/18/1973 #28443  
t 6:00 p.m. a blinking white light approached a car in Waukesha, Wisconsin  11/29/1973 #28483  
(s). Going southwest and away when approached.                              12/3/1973 #28513  
lights on his shoulders. The being approached the car. He wore "blood red p 12/5/1973 #28525  
shaped object with two small wings approached a home in La Grange, Illinois 12/31/1973 #28623  
rd near the object. The two beings approached to within four meters of the  1/7/1974 #28661  
e saw a light in the air and as he approached it, the light became brighter 1/22/1974 #28690  
Researcher Tony Dodd is reportedly approached by a retired military man usi 1/23/1974 #28694  
Ely, NV Round orange object paced, approached truck, E-M effects on lights  2/14/1974 #28771  
in the sky. An ovoid and dark mass approached from the hills.               2/28/1974 #28823  
edge of the lot. When the officers approached, the figure disappeared quick 3/4/1974 #28854  
 motor of his car and some figures approached him. He ran, frightened, and  3/26/1974 #28957  
rmally dressed and with gray hair, approached and offered the witness "proo 4/10/1974 #29003  
              A metallic ovoid UFO approached a car on a highway in Mitcham 4/16/1974 #29041  
lothing like an "astronaut." Faria approached to within 30 feet of him, whe 5/1/1974 #29078  
ng close to the ground. The object approached and hovered over their vehicl 5/9/1974 #29098  
an enormous luminous ball of light approached Haisnes-lez-la Bassee, France 5/20/1974 #29121  
n the field that flew away when he approached. Mr. Rias suffered from shock 5/26/1974 #29136  
and a witness saw a landed UFO and approached to within 300 meters of it. H 6/7/1974 #29171  
. It ejected a "falling star" that approached to within two miles of him, h 6/8/1974 #29173  
details. He remembered that he had approached to withing 300 yards of the l 6/8/1974 #29173  
hen he turned them back on the UFO approached, and followed him home.       6/16/1974 #29203  
with rows of lights along the side approached a police car on a road near K 7/9/1974 #29254  
lored goggles and dark belts. They approached the witnesses slowly, making  8/5/1974 #29311  
and flew overhead. A domed ellipse approached the police car, and then veer 8/11/1974 #29325  
olored disc-shaped object land. It approached very suddenly from the sky an 8/16/1974 #29364  
 car forward. Grey humanoid beings approached their stopped car from a fiel 8/22/1974 #29376  
above the road surface. One figure approached her and asked her, telepathic 9/3/1974 #29418  
 metallic domed disc-shaped object approached to within 70 meters only 15 m 9/4/1974 #29422  
ight stopped working when a farmer approached his cowshed. His dogs started 9/7/1974 #29429  
r disc dropped toward the road and approached to within 20 meters. It hover 9/22/1974 #29470  
down. On several occasions a light approached their vehicle at high speed a 12/1/1974 #29627  
t a cold sensation when the lights approached. One of the witnesses saw two 12/1/1974 #29627  
 the sky in front of them; then it approached & paced the car at a distance 1/8/1975 #29733  
nto the sky at an angle when a car approached. (Source: ITACAT computer cat 1/28/1975 #29771  
nto the sky at an angle when a car approached.                              1/28/1975 #29773  
figures with red glowing eyes, who approached their vehicle as if attemptin 3/28/1975 #29923  
point the UFO, now a green sphere, approached the house rapidly and then di 3/31/1975 #29927  
light beam, made right-angle turn, approached, hovered; began to oscillate, 4/15/1975 #29989  
light beam, made right-angle turn, approached, hovered. Began to oscillate, 4/15/1975 #29990  
omed disc through binoculars as it approached them at 9:23 p.m. The object  4/15/1975 #29991  
ng craft on his left. A third disc approached his airplane head on, and he  5/3/1975 #30029  
ters altitude. It hid when the car approached towns but came back. It track 5/3/1975 #30030  
all court. A green-blue blob (BOL) approached, passing 25 feet above the sc 5/6/1975 #30044  
sed intensity. When the blue light approached even closer she ran home. She 10/25/1975 #30472  
t of nowhere a strange figure then approached the vehicle very quickly. Bot 11/3/1975 #30548  
out their lights whenever the jets approached.                              11/8/1975 #30582  
   Pacific, MO A red flying object approached a car driven by a Mrs. Pricha 11/15/1975 #30625  
 Also in 1975, a red flying object approached a car driven by a Mrs. Pricha 11/15/1975 #30628  
k quickly to the east when the car approached the town.                     11/23/1975 #30655  
sc-shaped object, yellow in color, approached to within 100 feet of two hun 11/27/1975 #30670  
oodridge, Minnesota when they were approached from ahead by a silent glowin 11/27/1975 #30671  
glowing red object at 7:15 p.m. It approached to within half a mile at 200  11/27/1975 #30671  
t vanished at 8:10 p.m. when a car approached. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nu 12/24/1975 #30736  
t vanished at 8:10 p.m. when a car approached.                              12/24/1975 #30738  
iant light hovering in the sky; it approached and landed 18 feet away. It w 1/29/1976 #30832  
zed and unable to move. As the men approached, he saw that they were bald a 1/29/1976 #30833  
d Lincoln, Alabama, where the UFOs approached to within 300-400 feet. The w 2/18/1976 #30881  
 Their car headlights died as they approached.                              3/14/1976 #30940  
xture of fear and curiosity, Fidel approached the object and then crouched  4/23/1976 #31019  
close to a nearby hill. The object approached the witnesses' home and from  5/18/1976 #31060  
nofrio, Abruzzi, Italy. The object approached the witnesses' home and from  5/18/1976 #31061  
to cylinder/cigar-shape / sky when approached.                              5/31/1976 #31075  
, Brazil. A bright nocturnal light approached a man causing him to become f 6/23/1976 #31135  
all bearing an emblem on the chest approached. The man was levitated aboard 6/23/1976 #31135  
to be a half mile away. This light approached them and stopped over the roa 8/6/1976 #31241  
t regular intervals. Mrs. Chiasson approached the windows and let out a scr 8/6/1976 #31241  
nd 3.5 feet high. As the witnesses approached it, they noted that the wind  9/3/1976 #31340  
silver ball descend and then as it approached the ground it swung back-and- 10/5/1976 #31449  
e a car parked on a hilltop. As he approached, he realized that it was a du 10/24/1976 #31493  
 and his skin was pale. Just as he approached the woman noticed a "whistlin 11/14/1976 #31549  
. It went away when other vehicles approached, but reappeared when they wer 11/24/1976 #31572  
ront and rear but not white. As it approached their vehicle his wife leaned 12/6/1976 #31587  
d of people armed with flashlights approached, the object took off when som 1/23/1977 #31748  
ack and forth. At one point he was approached by two tall, human-looking be 2/20/1977 #31833  
ppeared to be transparent. When he approached to within 500 feet they quick 2/27/1977 #31853  
ute-Marne, France Radar-visual UFO approached Mirage bomber, sped away      3/7/1977 #31872  
g hair, a beard, and pink eyes. He approached, holding out his hands, and t 3/7/1977 #31874  
 UK Ellipse with red-orange lights approached, hovered, tingling sensation  3/9/1977 #31883  
 over Bushey, Watford, England. It approached and then suddenly vanished.   4/16/1977 #31983  
and a square, featureless face. It approached Mark rapidly, who turned and  4/20/1977 #32005  
g close to the ground. Cpl. Valdes approached the lights, ordering them to  4/25/1977 #32027  
ome from a nearby woods. When they approached and saw a domed cylindrical o 5/18/1977 #32111  
aplewood School. But as the lights approached, not changing position, they  7/1977 #32219  
s seen by one of the witnesses. It approached the creek, and then backed aw 7/23/1977 #32306  
 "ooh, ooh" signal. The others all approached him and, five minutes later,  7/23/1977 #32306  
 into adjacent fields. One of them approached the house. He came under the  7/23/1977 #32306  
 as if to conceal himself, he then approached the door and rattled the hand 7/23/1977 #32306  
es." Thinking they were drunks, he approached them. At about 50 feet away t 8/9/1977 #32372  
ed its landing gear. A second disc approached and stopped in the air direct 8/11/1977 #32388  
unds like "radio signals." It then approached the car and the sounds ceased 8/30/1977 #32441  
emitted radio-like sounds. When it approached the car and the sounds ceased 8/31/1977 #32446  
es. During this display, an entity approached and pointed a syringe at him; 9/15/1977 #32485  
oven stopped working when the UFOs approached. (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)      9/26/1977 #32521  
oven stopped working when the UFOs approached.                              9/26/1977 #32523  
y were lying in bed. Curious, they approached a small window and as they di 10/29/1977 #32633  
ource of the light. As the officer approached the area he observed a human  11/13/1977 #32672  
ed a large domed UFO that suddenly approached to within 200 feet of him, an 11/29/1977 #32708  
ed. A man dressed in a divers suit approached and told him through telepath 12/18/1977 #32796  
p. A man dressed in a diver’s suit approached and told him through telepath 12/18/1977 #32797  
y while driving.One of the objects approached and appeared to slowly move d 1/10/1978 #32867  
round 4:00 a.m. One of the objects approached and appeared to slowly move d 1/10/1978 #32870  
two brilliant lights in its center approached a farmhouse and circled the p 1/31/1978 #32927  
retreating only when other traffic approached. He then had three hours of l 2/5/1978 #32956  
rgentina when a strong white light approached their vehicle and the car sto 2/13/1978 #32970  
ely. A tall being dressed in black approached, stopped three meters away, t 2/13/1978 #32970  
-like creature in a cloak and hood approached him. He said the creature wou 3/1978 #33003  
was blond. The black haired female approached the witness and told him that 5/10/1978 #33199  
 CINCINNATI, OH Woman / stop-light approached / faceless 5' man. Slits for  5/23/1978 #33233  
ussia and walked towards it. As he approached he could see that the object  6/16/1978 #33282  
d on three metallic leg. One being approached the now paralyzed witness, ma 7/11/1978 #33368  
but fell down while four humanoids approached him, making huge, bizarre, bo 9/21/1978 #33725  
me time (8:00 p.m.) a bright light approached an Italian Air Force F-104 je 9/21/1978 #33725  
Two very bright but distant lights approached four witnesses, then moved to Fall 1978 #33732  
 Acevedo Ramirez and Sr. Moya, was approached from behind at high speed by  9/23/1978 #33738  
eings surrounded by a bright light approached them. One of them spoke in a  9/26/1978 #33753  
 The man felt a wave of heat as he approached to within 20 meters, so he st 10/15/1978 #33837  
d windows surrounded the craft. He approached to within three feet and saw  10/25/1978 #33872  
d windows surrounded the craft. He approached to within three feet and saw  10/25/1978 #33875  
ion at a fast rate of speed. As it approached, it disappears and she hears  11/7/1978 #33924  
7:30 p.m. three red spherical UFOs approached Rome, Italy from the sea. One 11/12/1978 #33950  
in the woods. Two of the witnesses approached the area, while the others re 11/24/1978 #33996  
d nails. The shorter of the beings approached the witness and began making  11/24/1978 #33997  
ng sounds. The taller creature now approached and attempted to take the wit 11/24/1978 #33997  
with a large light in front, which approached the car and emitted two beams 11/28/1978 #34016  
 Mills reported a tubular aircraft approached their car as they drove on Il 12/1978 #34034  
.m. Its brightness decreased as he approached the spot in his car. He then  12/2/1978 #34051  
ong, smooth black hair. The beings approached the guard and spoke to him in 12/6/1978 #34070  
ht among the trees. One of the men approached the pear-shaped light and he  12/8/1978 #34078  
t 6:00 a.m., a round, luminous UFO approached a car with a married couple a 12/10/1978 #34086  
ly in his direction. As the lights approached Marinelli was able to make ou 12/12/1978 #34099  
ly in his direction. As the lights approached Marinelli was able to make ou 12/12/1978 #34102  
and then a large disc-shaped craft approached and tilted at an angle, just  12/15/1978 #34136  
working. He got out of his car and approached the object and a door opened  12/15/1978 #34137  
and then a large disc-shaped craft approached and tilted at an angle, just  12/15/1978 #34138  
Province, Argentina when they were approached by an intense light from a hi 12/28/1978 #34222  
witness felt chills. As the beings approached the house they smiled at the  1/2/1979 #34281  
oser to get a better look. As they approached they perceived a strong burni 1/3/1979 #34290  
st and at this point an individual approached him and told him he was welco 1/3/1979 #34292  
ing that it was a police car, they approached the area. As they reached the 1/5/1979 #34303  
ing in front of it, and two others approached the witnesses. The men appear 1/5/1979 #34303  
 one who appeared to be the leader approached Mrs. Quezet and spoke to her  1/5/1979 #34303  
helmet with two luminous antennae, approached a witness in Fortaleza, Ceara 1/11/1979 #34331  
0 PM. An oval-shaped flying object approached a car driving between Broad H 2/8/1979 #34410  
ening an oval-shaped flying object approached a car driving between Broad H 2/8/1979 #34412  
es" in the Mediterranean Sea as it approached the Escombreras refinery in t 2/9/1979 #34414  
es" in the Mediterranean Sea as it approached the Escombreras refinery in t 2/9/1979 #34417  
and 40 meters away from him. As he approached the object, he saw a strange  2/26/1979 #34449  
e was like a truncated cone. As he approached the object, he saw a strange  2/26/1979 #34450  
entity walked towards the witness, approached to within three meters, and s 2/26/1979 #34450  
wards the ground in a clearing. He approached to within 180 meters, and saw 5/16/1979 #34561  
wards the ground in a clearing. He approached to within 180 meters, and saw 5/16/1979 #34564  
ur, leg like landing pods. Arlindo approached and tried to take another pho 5/16/1979 #34564  
 30 meters into the air. The yacht approached and they noticed the dimensio 6/22/1979 #34626  
Mirassol, São Paulo, Brazil. He is approached by three humanoid figures who 6/28/1979 #34639  
ared mysteriously into thin air as approached. As a result of the publicity 8/11/1979 #34733  
th orange light and square windows approached, hovered, and finally sped aw 8/29/1979 #34795  
th orange light and square windows approached, hovered, finally sped away o 8/29/1979 #34796  
an orange light and square windows approached, hovered, and then finally sp 8/29/1979 #34805  
king sound in their heads. As they approached to investigate they were engu 9/20/1979 #34909  
r, Ia A silver cigar-shaped object approached a cattle lot two miles north  9/23/1979 #34915  
      A silver cigar-shaped object approached a cattle lot two miles north  9/23/1979 #34919  
nd some nearby bushes. One of them approached and was confronted by a tall  10/7/1979 #34951  
e robe. One of the other boys then approached on a bicycle and saw three ot 10/7/1979 #34951  
.m. when eight very tall armed men approached him. They had apparently come 11/30/1979 #35033  
a, Italy F. Zanfretta, age 27, was approached by a tall figure with an oval 12/2/1979 #35040  
ot to be afraid. One of the beings approached and stretched out its hand to 12/4/1979 #35052  
 blue lights and a light green hue approached a family in their car at a lo 12/10/1979 #35065  
 blue lights and a light green hue approached a family in their car at a lo 12/10/1979 #35067  
ere hairy and very big. The beings approached him with friendly gestures an 2/6/1980 #35160  
. Curious, he jumped the fence and approached the figures. At a distance of 4/20/1980 #35281  
all being gesturing at him. He was approached by two of these seven foot ta 4/23/1980 #35286  
Junin, Argentina a circular object approached a car with five people inside 6/14/1980 #35369  
the northwest. The cadet was later approached by a mysterious man who wante 7/16/1980 #35415  
5 p.m. in Pine Bush. Ellen Crystal approached them in her car, and they in  7/18/1980 #35418  
Pine Bush, New York. Ellen Crystal approached them in her car, and they in  7/18/1980 #35419  
s around disk shaped object. As he approached the object on foot equipped w 8/9/1980 #35449  
ve his jeep into Coyote Canyon and approached on foot. He had a clear view  8/9/1980 #35453  
 size of 1.25 degrees. The top one approached to within 450 meters distance 9/21/1980 #35525  
 smaller red and yellow lights. It approached the witnesses and stayed over 11/14/1980 #35638  
 smaller red and yellow lights. It approached the witnesses and stayed over 11/14/1980 #35640  
s enroute to the test range rarely approached the area. A call was immediat 12/18/1980 #35724  
ania and paced a car. When the car approached a hotel, it shot straight up  2/3/1981 #35813  
ania and paced a car. When the car approached a hotel, it shot straight up  2/3/1981 #35814  
olden lights on a nearby field. He approached the lights but these suddenly 2/13/1981 #35826  
olden lights in a nearby field. He approached the lights but they suddenly  2/13/1981 #35827  
have a head, arms or feet. The dog approached the figure and began barking, 2/13/1981 #35827  
lew parallel to the plane and then approached from 70 degrees to the right  2/25/1981 #35843  
lew parallel to the plane and then approached from 70 degrees to the right. 2/25/1981 #35845  
 a group of figures, as many as 10 approached her. When she woke up she was 3/1981 #35854  
 lights above the highway. As they approached the top of a hill another lar 4/1/1981 #35883  
as 1/2 mile away but it eventually approached to a distance to 300 feet. In 5/14/1981 #35936  
f the road. It vanished as the car approached, but a glowing light flew off 5/16/1981 #35939  
f the road. It vanished as the car approached, but a glowing light flew off 5/16/1981 #35941  
d, dome-shaped object with windows approached, turned, followed car, bright 7/12/1981 #36000  
d, dome-shaped object with windows approached, turned, followed car, bright 7/12/1981 #36001  
ere and satellite lights seen, two approached motorboat, one surrounded by  7/31/1981 #36043  
ere and satellite lights seen, two approached motorboat, one surrounded by  7/31/1981 #36044  
ere and satellite lights seen, two approached motorboat, one surrounded by  7/31/1981 #36045  
ere and satellite lights seen, two approached motorboat, one surrounded by  7/31/1981 #36046  
ile stationary, then descended and approached the witnesses. It made a soft 8/10/1981 #36069  
ter two small Grey humanoid beings approached and took him from his vehicle 8/30/1981 #36093  
s residence in Genoa, Italy. As he approached the object he noticed a very  9/20/1981 #36134  
 three bright lights or forms that approached their position. One of the me 10/24/1981 #36185  
ory. The light became bigger as it approached her position. It came closer  End of 1981 #36240  
unter with a brilliant object that approached his truck. The truck began to 12/15/1981 #36259  
 a square UAP with lights and were approached by Chinook helicopters, who t 1982 #36292  
disc appeared over some woods, and approached to within 100 meters. It was  3/13/1982 #36389  
 descend from the sky and land. He approached with his car but the vehicle  3/22/1982 #36408  
is car but the vehicle stalled. He approached on foot holding a flashlight  3/22/1982 #36408  
ed glow in the sky at 8:30 p.m. It approached and followed their car for th 4/25/1982 #36454  
cm from the ground. As the vehicle approached the object its engine began t 5/1982 #36460  
as the scene of a car accident and approached. What he saw was a square-sha 7/25/1982 #36548  
as the scene of a car accident and approached. What he saw was a square-sha 7/25/1982 #36551  
ights inside flashed as the object approached. He was able to see two figur 9/1982 #36589  
n heard a loud wailing sound as he approached his house. He looked around,  11/10/1982 #36678  
 a huge, dark man-like figure that approached him making a strange "swishin 11/10/1982 #36678  
les for their eyes and mouth. They approached him, holding their palms up a 11/29/1982 #36702  
ing brilliant blue coveralls. They approached him, holding their palms upwa 11/30/1982 #36703  
ight near the southeastern horizon approached a car with Mr. & Mrs. Waldema 3/10/1983 #36778  
 Missouri. As the elongated object approached they could see a cluster of r 3/10/1983 #36778  
an barking when a cigar-shaped UFO approached the ground. The object emitte 6/5/1983 #36877  
ect that made no sound. The object approached over the railroad tracks and  10/26/1983 #37022  
 its entire surface. As the object approached the car the driver made a 180 1/22/1984 #37142  
cupant outside of hovering object. Approached farm. Stood in light for ten  10/24/1984 #37492  
orms emerged from the object. They approached the witness and signaled to h 3/21/1986 #37804  
angular object with rounded apexes approached and then hovered ahead of a c 3/25/1986 #37810  
ooped down silently out of sky and approached the boat, then flew back up a 4/20/1986 #37828  
er Sedona, Arizona at 4:00 p.m. It approached their plane head on and shot  5/11/1986 #37866  
then turned in their direction and approached, coming to within 30 feet of  7/4/1987 #38204  
d from a nearby mountain. When she approached the spot in order to get a be 8/2/1987 #38226  
er that a short, robot-like entity approached him and he was levitated up a 11/25/1987 #38336  
FOs, each with two rows of lights, approached the airliner at a rapid speed 12/12/1987 #38357  
his arms were stinging. The object approached quickly and hovered three fee 1/12/1988 #38411  
d carried glowing rods. The beings approached Walters, who then managed to  1/12/1988 #38411  
ial candidate George H. W. Bush is approached by a UFO buff named Charles H 3/7/1988 #38493  
r four of them stood back, but one approached him. The being who approached 10/24/1988 #38687  
 one approached him. The being who approached was one meter in height, with 10/24/1988 #38687  
ished into thin air as the witness approached it.                           11/24/1988 #38722  
her electronics failed when it was approached by a light on the sea or hove 1/30/1989 #38809  
dale, Washington at 10:00 p.m. One approached at tree top level, just 15 fe 5/6/1989 #38937  
ling in the park. At twilight they approached the river and suddenly saw wh 7/4/1989 #39009  
ht shining at both ends. The woman approached to within 30 feet of the craf 9/27/1989 #39125  
 ground. It moved up and down, and approached and receded. It also made no  1/12/1990 #39376  
                 Carney, OK Object approached car, hovered, red illuminatio 3/20/1990 #39470  
, IN Blindingly bright oval object approached car, passed low overhead. Dri 3/27/1990 #39488  
, IN Blindingly bright oval object approached car, passed low overhead. Dri 3/27/1990 #39489  
riving in Gulf Breeze, Florida had approached a stop light at 9:30 p.m. whe 3/31/1990 #39504  
ovoid UFO with multicolored lights approached to a close range and directed 6/7/1990 #39609  
ight pole. The white beam of light approached and struck him in the leg. He 7/23/1990 #39658  
d the beings in his car, but as he approached them, their eyes 'lit up", an 8/31/1990 #39708  
t around midnight, as armed guards approached the object, without warning i 9/13/1990 #39732  
0 p.m. It disappeared when traffic approached, and was lost from view entir 9/20/1990 #39740  
, Hungary an aircraft mechanic was approached by a strange man and woman ri 12/31/1990 #39931  
t later that night the witness was approached by a reddish-yellow light the 12/31/1990 #39931  
t 1 meter in diameter. He was then approached by two human-like figures wit 1/26/1991 #39966  
 dome-like sphere on top. The boys approached the object and began touching 5/14/1991 #40060  
he bushes when some other children approached. Later that afternoon, two bo 5/15/1991 #40064  
itting on the hood until the truck approached the outskirts of town, where  7/21/1991 #40128  
he object. Furthermore, anyone who approached within 500 meters of the obje 8/28/1991 #40168  
d object with a clear dome on top, approached quickly and struck his vehicl 8/29/1991 #40170  
, slanted eyes. When another truck approached, the object rose vertically a 8/29/1991 #40170  
s pale red, the other green. As it approached it took on a starfish appeara 11/29/1991 #40249  
ng near some snow banks. When they approached to investigate they saw a tal 3/6/1992 #40363  
      Haines City, FL Domed object approached police car, green illuminatio 3/19/1992 #40388  
 UFO emerged out of the clouds and approached a 20-year-old witness in his  4/15/1992 #40418  
f the driveway went out as the UFO approached, the photoelectric switch app 5/3/1992 #40449  
nt ovoid object over a pasture. It approached and the witness was able to s 6/3/1992 #40485  
ray-shaped object with body lights approached car, falling leaf motions, ho 8/19/1992 #40581  
ray—shaped object with body lights approached car, falling leaf motions, ho 8/19/1992 #40582  
way from them. Five from the group approached and watched a beam of white l 9/22/1992 #40636  
se, then hover over the house, and approached to within 75 feet of the chil 12/4/1992 #40742  
ad by this time walked outside and approached the craft. The visitors salut 3/20/1993 #40895  
t sixty feet in circumference. She approached the landed craft to investiga 3/30/1993 #40907  
ugh the wall. As one of the beings approached the bed the witness grabbed w 4/5/1993 #40927  
lock in the morning. A local youth approached the field and saw a huge glow 5/12/1993 #40975  
away at high speed. Later, as they approached their home, they saw a tall d 8/8/1993 #41118  
 a mere few seconds. Another group approached the other car, which sat moti 8/8/1993 #41118  
ff rapidly to the south when a car approached. Nothing was seen on radar.   8/30/1993 #41172  
zon. Moments later the same object approached their car and then began paci 11/29/1993 #41309  
s the field with large leaps. They approached the witness house, and then l 12/9/1993 #41327  
                 A cone-shaped UFO approached a house in Ecouis, France at  1/3/1994 #41356  
A black and silver cylindrical UFO approached a fisherman in Brisbane, Quee 5/27/1994 #41540  
o a higher altitude. The object is approached and circled three times by lo 6/1994 #41545  
ht a robot-like entity with lights approached the witness. It used telepath 6/8/1994 #41558  
an Crisan, a 48-year-old shepherd, approached the site and saw a light glid 6/27/1994 #41588  
pted to escape, one of the figures approached her and grabbed her by the wr 9/20/1994 #41766  
alled to it to come closer, and it approached to within 50 feet. The second 10/28/1994 #41816  
           A very large orange UFO approached near a boatload of commercial 2/12/1995 #42040  
ida. Armed with his flashlight, he approached the site and saw two beings s 12/9/1995 #42639  
 and got out to investigate. As he approached he saw a large object on the  6/21/1996 #42936  
linois a low-flying triangular UFO approached an interstate ramp and then h 7/17/1996 #42962  
hill. It was a meter in height and approached to within half a meter of the 7/22/1996 #42963  
nto a harvested cornfield. As they approached the nearby power lines the do 12/1/1996 #43130  
noid figure stepped out. The being approached Bragatto and, in a peculiar l 12/9/1996 #43133  
nylon-like material. One being now approached him and told him it was time  12/9/1996 #43133  
oles. It took off to the west when approached.                              3/5/1997 #43220  
e around Sudarsky, and one of them approached and touched his forehead. He  3/10/1997 #43225  
 objects. It vanished when a plane approached.                              4/27/1997 #43281  
point more luminous than stars. It approached at high speed and the witness 5/3/1997 #43287  
 car engine stalled as the objects approached. The objects were small domed 5/18/1997 #43299  
d to his location. When one object approached his vehicle, the engine and e 5/19/1997 #43300  
tnesses, one armed with a shotgun, approached to within ten meters of the f 7/23/1997 #43359  
l shaped. Quickly a fog-like smoke approached the vehicle, causing him to g 8/5/1997 #43369  
y into the bushes when the witness approached.                              9/5/1997 #43395  
blue flames and a green flame that approached slowly on a linear trajectory 9/7/1997 #43399  
 p.m. in Connecticut an orange UFO approached a group of witnesses, hovered 9/7/1997 #43400  
ian sighting, four lights in a row approached a car from behind, being driv 10/13/1997 #43428  
at increased rapidly in size as it approached. viewing through a pair of bi 12/16/1997 #43464  
figure wearing a bluish shiny suit approached him. The being was carrying s 4/13/1998 #43550  
eft. A bright white rotating light approached and disappeared towards the n 6/21/1998 #43591  
be discerned. One of the humanoids approached her and held out two fingers  6/27/1998 #43596  
 miles away. When a second witness approached the entity mysteriously disap 7/12/1998 #43602  
same object on the ground. When he approached it he suddenly felt dizzy and 8/12/1998 #43629  
 to shouts from the witnesses they approached to about 200 meters. Suddenly 8/21/1998 #43634  
 it made no sound. When the object approached, they saw it was a humanoid f 9/14/1998 #43646  
he dog to attack, but when the dog approached it started howling in pain an 11/25/1998 #43685  
 was a car that had broken down he approached to offer assistance. As he go 2/4/1999 #43722  
perating some type of controls. He approached to within 30 meters of the ob 2/4/1999 #43722  
aken. The next day the witness was approached by three men in dark suits wh 2/15/1999 #43729  
bout a kilometer away. Curious, he approached and encountered a 30-meter wi 3/15/1999 #43748  
ort. When two commercial jetliners approached it emitted a shower of red sp 4/20/1999 #43759  
m tried to photograph it the craft approached them. They panicked and drove 7/3/1999 #43790  
stared at the witness. One of them approached him and slowly took his hand; 8/18/1999 #43826  
wo vehicles stalled as the objects approached and several of the witnesses  10/17/1999 #43862  
t don’t like women.” The being now approached her bed, and she recognized h 10/26/1999 #43866  
g minutes show the group “had been approached” by a client to publish a whi 12/3/1999 #43892  
ting around its middle rim section approached the beach on North Island in  12/15/1999 #43898  
ad just been turned on. The object approached to within 200 meters, turned  12/26/1999 #43904  
 and split into four objects as it approached the horizon.                  2/9/2000 #43943  
 yellowish orange cigar shaped UFO approached Gandhi International Airport  4/8/2000 #43978  
first mistook for a child. When he approached the figure, intending to repr 4/17/2000 #43982  
umanoid with huge pitch-black eyes approached him. The being stared at him  7/16/2000 #44020  
nila, the Philippines when she was approached by four women wearing black n 9/6/2000 #44037  
es then became dark and apparently approached the witness. He now felt hand 10/15/2000 #44059  
 knobs, which flashed silver as he approached them. There were no windows o 10/28/2000 #44063  
              A bright round light approached a family traveling in a car o 1/2/2001 #44116  
and look around as she did so. She approached a powerful light that seemed  5/2/2001 #44174  
t at the same time three humanoids approached her. They were about 1.60 met 5/2/2001 #44174  
e terrified as the three humanoids approached her to touch her. She asked t 5/2/2001 #44174  
d and hit in some trees when a car approached, then flew off at 70 mph to t 5/24/2001 #44188  
aucer-shaped craft in the sky that approached her; one had a "sparkly light 8/29/2001 #44247  
 of Mount Gambier, South Australia approached the two witnesses who were te 9/9/2001 #44254  
ronauts. He parked his vehicle and approached the two strange figures on fo 3/26/2002 #44326  
ed any assistance. He felt when he approached the strange pair he had enter 3/26/2002 #44326  
 At 10:30 p.m. PDT a single object approached from the north-northwest in P 9/11/2002 #44396  
ed that he was driving when he was approached by blinking lights on a circu 9/25/2002 #44408  
 and engine died when an ovoid UFO approached the car in Moundville, Alabam 1/6/2003 #44471  
pped his car's engine. He was then approached by some men in black suits re 4/28/2003 #44519  
smooth protruding undersides. They approached the Black Sea and were in vie 5/15/2003 #44537  
They both got out of their car and approached the disc and when they got cl 7/27/2004 #44719  
r interruption. Finally, the craft approached Ayu-Dug at a low altitude and 8/2/2004 #44725  
to watch this metallic craft as it approached from the north and moved dire 10/2/2004 #44766  
 light at 7:00 p.m., which when it approached turned out to be a triangular 10/17/2005 #44890  
e UFO , a man about five feet tall approached him. The man spoke to him in  11/25/2005 #44905  
shington, D.C. at 7:00 p.m. It was approached by a bronze-colored object, t 3/5/2007 #45010  
 put the instrument in it. It then approached the witness’s car and as it a 4/25/2007 #45023  
oached the witness’s car and as it approached the witness felt heat and a ‘ 4/25/2007 #45023  
ite in Bayfield Inlet, Ontario. It approached the witnesses, and when a fla 9/16/2007 #45058  
 with a canister of tear gas. They approached the bushes but they failed to 4/12/2008 #45128  
l path about 40 meters difference, approached and passed over the two witne 6/1/2008 #45145  
ntact again with her mother as she approached the Adamsburg exit. When she  6/1/2013 #45369  
 stated that the US government has approached To the Stars because “If mate 10/17/2019 #45612  
## Word: "approaches" (Back to Top)
on of the Ohio River bridge. As it approaches them, it appears to be a man  7/28/1880 #237  
ect appears from the southwest and approaches the first object, but clouds  9/2/1891 #296  
Lake Michigan 9:00 p.m. An airship approaches Milwaukee, Wisconsin, from th 4/11/1897 #433  
hip looking like an “immense bird” approaches Gas City, Indiana, from the n 4/14/1897 #464  
eard. After a few minutes, Hopkins approaches the woman, who shrieks and ru 4/16/1897 #508  
to work on the ship, and the third approaches Williams and asks him to mail 4/16/1897 #511  
portholes on each side. The object approaches from the east and passes over 4/19/1897 #535  
by field. He tethers his horse and approaches the object, which seems as la 4/21/1897? #551  
way home in Van Meter, Iowa. As he approaches, he notices a strange point o 9/29/1903 #662  
 the Mather & Gregg’s building. He approaches cautiously, but the light sai 9/29/1903 #662  
l in Mitchell, South Dakota. As he approaches it, a door rolls back and he  1906 #684  
ack object astern” which gradually approaches them. It turns and heads for  12/15/1914 #922  
byshire, England. When the witness approaches it, it moves away at a leisur 1/22/1919 #983  
en, hovers another 3 minutes, then approaches the witness. As it does so, i 1/22/1919 #983  
ehind a mountain but reappears and approaches the boat, passing it at a dis Fall 1924 #1044  
r propeller. Every time the object approaches closer than 150 feet, his eng Late 9/1926 #1064  
e two saucers pressed together. It approaches his position, and he hears a  9/1929 #1103  
blackout is in effect. An aircraft approaches, a full alert is sounded, and 8/5/1942 #1430  
ve minutes later, as the Lancaster approaches the Alps at 14,000 feet, the  11/28/1942 #1464  
es when a large, elliptical object approaches them. The bomber starts shaki 1944 #1559  
“somewhere in Sweden” when a light approaches them from the southeast. It r 8/24/1946 #2156  
ka. Its color changes to red as it approaches, and soon it is hovering abov Fall 1946 #2189  
and vanishes when a small aircraft approaches it.                           7/4/1947 #2664  
e by the first one. A third object approaches from the east and stops by th 7/7/1947 #2939  
,500 feet below their aircraft. It approaches them at great speed before ve 7/8/1947 #3024  
nia, when a group of 12–15 objects approaches and passes him. At first he t 7/15/1947 #3187  
een correlating UFO sightings with approaches of planetary bodies) “in orde Late 8/1947 #3369  
me 300 feet away heading south. It approaches to about 100 feet at its clos 7/29/1948 #3753  
s plotting waves against planetary approaches and finding a correlation; it 11/8/1948 #3871  
sighting at 10:20 p.m., the object approaches from the south going north, m 1/27/1949 #3981  
nd then shifts to an ellipse as it approaches, then it appears to be elonga 2/17/1949 #4015  
 attached to the back. It silently approaches them in a level flight at 60– 4/27/1949 #4118  
akes place at 11:25 a.m. An object approaches from the west at about the sa 7/3/1949 #4261  
 Jacksonville, FL Blue-White Flame Approaches C-47 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Ca 3/23/1950 #4711  
. He stops the car to investigate, approaches it, and sees an open door in  5/15/1950 #4944  
 at something on the ground. Linke approaches to 30 feet away, looks over a 6/17/1950 #4991  
 hovers just above the ground. Fry approaches and strokes its surface when  7/4/1950 #5042  
surface of the ocean. As the plane approaches, the object changes colors, e 2/9/1951 #5436  
rsts do not seem to harm it. As it approaches, it turns into a brilliant bl Early Spring 1951 #5471  
 Mali. A luminous dark-yellow disc approaches slowly from the east, loses a 10/4/1951 #5704  
gh rate of speed. One of the discs approaches at such a low altitude that i 5/10/1952 #6298  
 The object becomes brighter as it approaches from the north. It then perfo 7/10/1952 #6751  
  Langley AFB, VA 2,600 MPH Target Approaches Base (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases 7/29/1952 #7302  
r from CAA radar when the airliner approaches then come back in behind him  7/29/1952 #7320  
 Code message on August 22. Bailey approaches a coworker on the Santa Fe Ra 8/2/1952 #7424  
crashes into his backyard. When he approaches it, the lights go off and he  8/6/1952 #7490  
ly” toward the interceptor when it approaches.                              8/7/1952 #7509  
overing 6 feet from the ground. He approaches to within 6 feet of it, and a 1/12/1953 #8535  
t. A disc with blinking red lights approaches him and gets within 350 feet, 2/19/1953 #8686  
agged formation of aircraft. As he approaches, he cannot see any wings or t 3/1953 #8720  
a large, cigar-shaped object as it approaches Brigantine, New Jersey, from  10/16/1953 #9236  
luminum. It glides toward them and approaches within 400 yards, travelling  2/15/1954 #9549  
e. From the north, a larger object approaches and stations itself in front  3/24/1954 #9639  
ars after 10 minutes, then the UFO approaches the shore. Stoker sees a shor 4/8/1954 #9677  
l of 20 minutes. One man claims it approaches him to within a few feet, cau 4/22/1954 #9705  
of promoting Atlanticism. Retinger approaches Prince Bernhard of the Nether 5/29/1954 #9840  
ter the large object. As the F- 94 approaches, the large object dwindles in 6/29/1954 #9962  
R Ball / light going down / field. Approaches 2 / car. They go. UFO quickly 8/1/1954? #10088  
When an aircraft from Orly Airport approaches, the ball rises at high speed 9/22/1954 #10395  
itnesses, and one of the humanoids approaches the witness with the initials 9/25/1954 #10444  
r through the helmet. The creature approaches her, hopping. The dog barks a 9/26/1954 #10451  
t at Les Rousses, Jura, France. It approaches rapidly and they see it is a  10/2/1954 #10611  
east 1,500 feet away from them. It approaches to within 450 feet, and they  10/5/1954 #10734  
 quarter-mile away. As one soldier approaches it, he becomes paralyzed.     10/6/1954 #10757  
n-des-Paluds, Vauclude, France. He approaches the object, which is about 8  10/7/1954 #10790  
human-shaped figures inside. As he approaches, the object takes off at high 10/9/1954 #10853  
ently descends to the ground as he approaches, barring the road. After watc 10/11/1954 #10939  
 it has enormous eyes. One witness approaches to within 60–70 feet and is p 10/13/1954 #11000  
same object as another one rapidly approaches the first and stops next to i 10/24/1954 #11365  
nd surrounded in a violet glow. He approaches it hesitantly from 60 feet aw 11/2/1954 #11537  
proach them in a farm field. As it approaches, the engine that works by int 11/14/1954 #11652  
 standing in a nearby field. As he approaches, one runs toward him and the  12/9/1954 #11787  
, while the third comes closer and approaches some buildings in the city ce 12/14/1954 #11807  
object with red and white hues. It approaches them then hovers off the left 2/1/1955 #11960  
h a trail 4–5 times its own length approaches National Airport in Washingto 6/26/1955 #12217  
the airport go out when the object approaches and return to operation when  6/26/1955 #12217  
ines, Ontario, when a silvery disc approaches them rapidly across the water Late 7/1955 #12285  
h a trail 4–5 times its own length approaches National Airport [now Ronald  7/26/1955 #12290  
the airport go out when the object approaches and returns to operation when 7/26/1955 #12290  
’s chest just below its throat. It approaches the truck then turns away abr 8/16/1955 #12364  
rop on all fours. When one of them approaches the house, Sutton and Taylor  8/21/1955 #12386  
mbles jets to investigate. The UFO approaches the tower and hovers in pendu 8/23/1955 #12399  
mpshire, Ohio, when a bright light approaches them from a small wooded area 6/1956 #12880  
ged human with a demonic face that approaches him from three blocks away. I Fall 1956 #13238  
way. It is about 8–9 feet tall and approaches him closely, hovering in the  Fall 1956 #13238  
sideways, and hovers. A police car approaches it, but the car loses radio c 12/1/1956 #13380  
le, then gets out of the truck and approaches it. He has the object in sigh 5/1957 #13630  
               Milan, Italy Object Approaches, Zigzags, Shoots Up (NICAP: 0 6/12/1957 #13719  
s louder than a jet. As the object approaches the witnesses, the low pitch  7/25/1957 #13837  
 of view. A second, smaller object approaches and goes through the same man 8/5/1957 #13881  
and his brother watch as an object approaches and lights up the room. It di 10/5/1957 #14062  
ruck’s engine stalls as the object approaches and flies over the vehicle ab 10/10/1957 #14095  
t hovering 300 feet in the air. He approaches it, but it evades him and dis 10/14/1957 #14111  
es lights on the road ahead. As he approaches them, his headlights go out a 11/2/1957 #14215  
e road. His car engine stops as he approaches, and the headlights go out. A 11/2/1957 #14218  
es cautiously for 15 minutes, then approaches it. The UFO is shaped like a  11/6/1957 #14430  
when a large, rapidly moving light approaches their car from the south and  11/9/1957 #14507  
are about 10–15 feet tall. When he approaches to within 50 feet of the clos 11/23/1957 #14603  
develops interference when the UFO approaches him. It follows him all the w 1/13/1958 #14824  
nt UFO investigation. This time it approaches the Department of Justice, th Late 3/1958 #14948  
metrical above and below) suddenly approaches his plane head-on. The UFO is 5/5/1958 #15018  
ming a brilliant ball that quickly approaches the aircraft on a collision c 5/13/1958 #15031  
t like a “moving star” appears. It approaches below the cloud cover and see 7/1958 #15130  
 his MiG-17 toward it. But when he approaches it, he sees it is a cigar-sha 8/1958 #15171  
nd object, 18–24 feet in diameter, approaches slowly from the south over La 1/18/1959? #15555  
ects abruptly leaves formation and approaches the plane, slows down before  2/24/1959 #15604  
with a pendulum-like motion. As it approaches, they see it is an object lik 8/9/1959 #15898  
s still there. Shanks gets out and approaches, but the UFO starts glowing b 8/13/1959 #15914  
h binoculars when a lighted object approaches the Moon very slowly in the s 12/13/1959 #16118  
 at Paracuru, Ceará, Brazil. As he approaches, he sees two humanlike beings 5/14/1960 #16276  
right blue light as a ball of fire approaches out of the south. It passes a 7/2/1960 #16327  
 He is probably referring to close approaches to Cuban airspace by Fort Bli 1/12/1961 #16577  
n elliptical, metallic-looking UFO approaches Eglin AFB near Valparaiso, Fl 1/22/1961 #16587  
m the bottom of the craft. The UFO approaches to within 50–80 feet overhead 9/19/1961 #16857  
ore it resumes a rocking hover. He approaches again, but it departs in abou 10/2/1961 #16889  
. It zig-zags across the sky as it approaches them, moving to within 150 fe 1962 #17007  
 all directions, not just northern approaches.”                             2/24/1962 #17058  
an the first. A “flare-like” light approaches the second and seems to be ab 6/25/1962 #17245  
inst the mountains to the west. It approaches, growing as large as the full 8/1962 #17309  
ineering Company, watch a UFO that approaches and hovers for 20 minutes. Th 8/30/1962 #17373  
rope, but the oil tanker Bucharest approaches the US quarantine zone, direc 10/25/1962 #17495  
 E of ), IL Dogs Sense UFO, Object Approaches Witnesses (NICAP: 04 - Animal 8/7/1963 #17875  
n fire, but the house-sized object approaches and hovers about 300 feet awa 10/1963 #17969  
ns, but they disappear as the ship approaches. They search for 3 hours but  11/20/1963 #18052  
 port side, another rotating light approaches the ship’s starboard side. Th 1/23/1964 #18117  
woods. He gets off the tractor and approaches the object, which is egg-shap 4/24/1964 #18199  
ght coming from the sky. The light approaches and turns out to be an oval g 8/1964 #18466  
ddenly a “dark, cloud-like object” approaches at high speed. As it passes b 8/9/1964 #18472  
 then flash another SOS. The light approaches again, then retreats, dims, a 11/3/1964 #18605  
oot legs about 2,000 feet away. He approaches to 100 feet. After watching t 3/2/1965 #18832  
eings appear and beckon to him. He approaches the saucer. Two of the three  4/24/1965 #18916  
looking at a lavender plant. Masse approaches them to about 20 feet and the 7/1/1965 #19047  
intercom, then runs outside. As he approaches the bull, the UFO rises and m 8/19/1965 #19427  
our or five bright red lights that approaches from nearby woods and hovers  9/3/1965 #19511  
ng blue light on the left side. It approaches to within 150 feet from the h 9/3/1965 #19512  
t is making a whining sound. As he approaches it, his car engine cuts out a 1/7/1966 #19814  
e elderberry bushes scraping as it approaches and hovers 50 feet away. Frig 3/23/1966 #20052  
s “flickering like a computer.” He approaches for a closer look and touches 3/29/1966 #20140  
s a sharp turn without banking and approaches his plane on a near-collision 5/21/1966 #20505  
mas Ratchford, an AFOSR scientist, approaches the National Center for Atmos Late 7/1966 #20683  
e of Scientific Research, formally approaches the University of Colorado wi 8/31/1966 #20819  
 DUCHESNE, UT Airliner-size saucer approaches 2 different cars / 50-100 Yds 9/28/1966 #20930  
 waiting for something. Then a man approaches from across the field and tal 2/5/1967 #21460  
it, so he picks up some stones and approaches it. From about 30 feet away,  2/14/1967 #21551  
–40 feet in diameter; it turns and approaches the farmhouse. When it passes 3/5/1967 #21763  
ows their car. The V-shaped object approaches from far away and is lower th 3/5/1967 #21766  
ey start driving toward it, but it approaches them and hovers above the car 3/21/1967 #21937  
e of the guards is injured when he approaches the UFO and has to be evacuat 3/24/1967 #21973  
a ravine near Belt, Montana. As he approaches, it takes off and settles bac 3/24/1967 #21974  
nix, Arizona, a bell-shaped object approaches a car from the left side, glo 4/12/1967 #22121  
way. At 12:40 p.m., a jet aircraft approaches it, flies above it, passes it 4/28/1967 #22245  
es above it, passes it, turns, and approaches it from below before it disap 4/28/1967 #22245  
vertically, turns on its edge, and approaches them. They flash their headli 4/29/1967 #22247  
 their headlights. When the object approaches closer, the man turns the hea 5/7/1967? #22295  
rn their headlights off and on, it approaches them. Some of the men run to  5/7/1967? #22295  
ller blue light on the bottom that approaches from the south and hovers abo 5/31/1967 #22432  
ified target heading northeast. It approaches to about 40 miles, then turns 7/6/1967 #22622  
out to land on top of it. As a car approaches in the opposite direction, th 7/20/1967 #22710  
is football-shaped and silvery. He approaches it on foot and is hit by a br 8/27/1967 #22940  
the valley from south to north. It approaches to within 500 feet of the cab 10/7/1967 #23189  
and more than 2 feet wide. The boy approaches it for a better view, but it  10/9/1967 #23201  
izontal row on a darker object. It approaches on a collision course and is  10/27/1967 #23350  
n, and one occupant floats out and approaches the car. It is 3 feet tall, b 11/2/1967 #23390  
glow object / ground. Large figure approaches. Vanishes. / FSR'68#2.        11/16/1967 #23466  
gives him an official copy. Levine approaches Craig about a separate report 12/12/1967 #23573  
ne and headlights fail. The object approaches the car, passes overhead, the 12/24/1967 #23606  
at a height of 300–400 feet. As it approaches to within about 3,000 feet, i 12/27/1967 #23615  
iG. His wingman also sees them. He approaches to within 50 feet of them. Du 1968 #23632  
 As they watch, one of the objects approaches a commercial airliner, makes  1/15/1968 #23667  
rk 6:15 p.m. A cigar-shaped object approaches a car in West Seneca, New Yor 3/4/1968 #23823  
absorbs all the netting. The woman approaches the pen with a cudgel, upon w 3/10/1968 #23834  
O with several antennas on top. He approaches to within 165 feet and fires  6/14/1968 #24031  
frequency fading”) when the object approaches the aircraft in front.        6/18/1968 #24044  
d 50–75 feet above the road. As he approaches, the car radio fades into sta 11/23/1968 #24695  
ulars. He goes off to the hill and approaches the object until he is about  2/7/1969 #24901  
ht. Thinking it is an accident, he approaches to within 20 feet and sees th 6/26/1969 #25236  
ing object about 900 feet away. It approaches to within 180 feet and the ch 7/4/1969 #25251  
4M "wall of light" vanishes as car approaches. No further details.          8/25/1969 #25328  
ry object appears to the north and approaches swiftly. The student parks hi 11/29/1970 #25922  
e entities can be seen. The entity approaches Aliranta, who turns on his ch 2/5/1971 #26014  
ld near Stara Cerkev, Slovenia. He approaches within 65 feet of it, and it  5/1971 #26092  
g down with a rocking movement and approaches to within 230 feet. Suárez Ma 5/24/1971 #26130  
n above the hilly horizon. Soon it approaches the, and Abeywickrema orders  7/17/1971 #26234  
na airplane watch as a “huge star” approaches them on their starboard side. 10/5/1971 #26410  
object. When a Jat Airways Convair approaches the target, it accelerates an Early 2/1972 #26561  
uminous object enters his room and approaches the foot of his bed. His radi 6/22/1972 #26726  
ars, and very white skin. As Merlo approaches, the light by the janitor goe 9/27/1972 #27034  
the width of the road. The witness approaches it, and it stops at the end o 8/1973 #27672  
re whining and cringing. The light approaches to within a few feet of her,  9/17/1973 #27829  
d swings from the other object. It approaches the truck, then swings back a 9/23/1973 #27859  
e” noises for several miles. As he approaches within 200 feet, his car stal 10/8/1973 #27966  
ght white object moving about, and approaches to within 200 feet before goi 10/16/1973 #28085  
active. One of the boys cautiously approaches and raps it with his flashlig 11/16/1973 #28434  
range object that paces them, then approaches. They feel as though they are 2/14/1974 #28772  
ed top and wings. The other object approaches again. One brother points a f 2/14/1974 #28772  
pward with great brilliancy. As he approaches it, he feels a strange sensat 3/23/1974 #28935  
y to take samples. Then the object approaches the couple and they drive awa Early 4/1974 #28990  
 for about 15 seconds. Suddenly it approaches very quickly and hovers just  5/1974 #29075  
hen he turns them back on, the UFO approaches and follows him home about 23 6/16/1974 #29202  
 ellipse, rises from the trees and approaches their car. As the officers si 8/11/1974 #29323  
nty, Sweden, when a blinding light approaches the car from the right at an  9/21/1974 #29467  
metallic disc some 300 feet across approaches a South Korean antiaircraft s Autumn 1974 #29471  
er-haired spacewoman steps out and approaches him and talks to him for an h 1/28/1975 #29772  
eft of the plane, and a third disc approaches head-on, dropping beneath the 5/3/1975 #30026  
 from a grove of trees. The object approaches him quickly, the light on its 5/3/1975 #30027  
he pavement. It speeds up when she approaches it, keeping the same distance 7/1975 #30141  
very disc with prong-like legs. He approaches to within 15 feet of it. Thro 7/31/1975 #30218  
e / full-face. Going down [to] and approaches. Away extremely fast. / r30.  8/15/1975 #30274  
n altitude of about 3,000 feet. It approaches to within about 3 miles of th 10/28/1975 #30503  
ht in the sky ahead of them. As it approaches, they see it is a huge object Early 11/1975 #30539  
mpelled to get a close-up look. He approaches the craft cautiously, glancin 11/5/1975 #30562  
covers entire N19. Vanishes as car approaches.                              12/24/1975 #30734  
ly he feels paralyzed as the light approaches and descends about 25 feet aw 6/23/1976 #31134  
wards. A dazzling white light then approaches and stops ahead. Strong heat  8/6/1976 #31240  
hitish and then a vivid yellow. It approaches another, larger object and en 8/11/1976 #31256  
il, after visiting a friend. As he approaches the house, he spots a flying  9/3/1976 #31335  
ike cables are hanging down. Pecha approaches until he is just under one ed 9/10/1976 #31371  
ht in the treetops. When their car approaches, it darts off. Days later, Pa 9/11/1976 #31377  
hat Jafari cannot see its body. He approaches within 70 miles, then the obj 9/18/1976 #31395  
mpact with the small object, which approaches to 4 miles distance, then sto 9/18/1976 #31395  
s out of his car to watch. A truck approaches and one object rises vertical 10/22/1976 #31486  
nd land in a nearby field. When he approaches it, the object shoots out a b Early 12/1976 #31579  
ject moves away when a second auto approaches from the opposite direction.  2/22/1977 #31839  
ht appears bigger and bigger as it approaches their aircraft from the rear  3/7/1977 #31873  
aining a red, pulsating glow, then approaches them, flying on the south sid 3/19/1977 #31917  
vering close to the ground. Valdés approaches the lights, ordering them to  4/25/1977 #32026  
minous red rectangular object that approaches the creek and then backs away 7/23/1977 #32305  
 into adjacent fields. One of them approaches the house. He comes under the 7/23/1977 #32305  
nd, as if to conceal himself, then approaches the door and rattles the hand 7/23/1977 #32305  
oves away quickly when an aircraft approaches.                              8/4/1977 #32360  
he waves at the object, which then approaches her. It seems to be made of l Fall 1977 #32515  
 at an altitude of 500 feet. As it approaches, the witnesses go into their  10/1/1977 #32542  
 for something. A second red light approaches from over a nearby house and  10/11/1977 #32568  
minutes. The pilot says the object approaches so close that it “scared the  12/8/1977 #32750  
notices a bright round object that approaches rapidly and sometime later ap 1/1978 #32836  
ed for several minutes until a car approaches and the object flies off.     4/2/1978 #33121  
hts breaks away from the group and approaches as close as 980 feet before d 7/4/1978 #33335  
in size. She goes back outside and approaches the light, thinking it might  7/21/1978 #33406  
 completely out of control. As she approaches a bridge, the car drops down  7/27/1978 #33427  
east. They hear a wavering hum. It approaches their car to within 600 feet; 7/27/1978 #33429  
 closing in from the southwest. It approaches for 40 seconds then stops for 7/29/1978 #33447  
annel south of Kunashir Island. It approaches the eastern end of Hokkaido a 8/17/1978 #33523  
 begin throwing stones at it. Radu approaches to within 4 feet of the figur 9/23/1978 #33736  
ted windows surround the craft. He approaches to within 3 feet and sees 6–7 10/25/1978 #33873  
 house and triangular in shape. It approaches the witnesses, moving in a zi 12/31/1978 #34247  
 unpleasant odor. When another car approaches, the three objects shoot stra 1/5/1979 #34302  
f both colors on an object. As she approaches, the UFO begins to move towar 2/1979 #34398  
 on the edge of the asphalt. As he approaches within 100 feet, he notices a 2/9/1979 #34416  
3 minutes, then starts humming and approaches the girls, landing again on t 2/22/1979 #34444  
wards the ground in a clearing. He approaches to within 600 feet and sees t 5/16/1979 #34563  
and puts out four landing pods. He approaches and tries to take another pho 5/16/1979 #34563  
ngine sputters. One of the objects approaches at high speed, and the pilot  5/26/1979 #34590  
 One witness collects his dogs and approaches the spot, but before he gets  8/10/1979 #34725  
e west in Streamwood, Illinois. It approaches, then moves back to the west, 9/9/1979 #34852  
e west, dipping left and right. It approaches again, floating downward and  9/9/1979 #34852  
he mountains to the north. Then it approaches her, passing overhead at 100  12/5/1979 #35054  
ve trees about 1,200 feet away. It approaches in a zigzag path.             12/31/1979 #35107  
 watch it for 20 minutes before it approaches their home. The light is a sp 3/15/1980 #35218  
ng the Sukhoi into Mach 1.2. As he approaches, the object makes a sudden st 4/11/1980 #35269  
ght hovering behind a building. He approaches it with a shotgun and attempt 8/8/1980 #35447  
ees a small red light that quickly approaches his group at 1:30 a.m. The ba 12/28/1980 #35750  
is 1/2 mile away but it eventually approaches to 300 feet. Inside, the cosm 5/14/1981 #35937  
 rises out of the water and slowly approaches the witness at a 45° angle, p 5/16/1981 #35940  
iginal location. A second triangle approaches, and they hover in close prox 7/1981 #35982  
100 feet long with flashing lights approaches them from the front, stops ab 7/16/1981 #36012  
ight, which goes out as the object approaches. The object clears the highes 7/22/1981 #36023  
es. One speeds away, but the other approaches, slipping in and out of the c 7/23/1981 #36026  
hile stationary, then descends and approaches the witness. It makes a soft  8/10/1981 #36068  
kelia RAF Lakenheath A huge object approaches the island of Cyprus. Radar a 8/16/1981 #36078  
y he observes a bright object that approaches the truck, the truck begins t 12/15/1981 #36256  
hen allowing it to catch up. As it approaches Belo Horizonte, the object ap 2/8/1982 #36327  
roaches Belo Horizonte, the object approaches the plane, allowing crew and  2/8/1982 #36327  
s west of town when a bright light approaches him on his left. He stops his 2/24/1982 #36365  
he air and a quarter mile away. It approaches as she makes a turn and flies 3/30/1982 #36419  
th and the other south. When a jet approaches from the east, the object sto 4/1/1982 #36427  
 the car. After a while the object approaches the car from behind and passe 6/10/1982 #36498  
ejected. A fourth moon appears and approaches the ship, causing the crew to 9/17/1982 #36607  
d up on the aircraft’s radar as it approaches from the south about 2 miles  10/19/1982 #36654  
 in his direction. He panics as it approaches, but then hears a voice in hi 12/31/1982 #36733  
 980 feet altitude and slows as it approaches. Hele realizes that the light 3/24/1983 #36807  
 car and speeds away. Then the UFO approaches Holtsman’s car, which is bath 3/24/1983 #36807  
, it descends to 325 feet. When it approaches Krasnovodsk [now Türkmenbaşy] 1984 #37097  
 white light surrounding it. As it approaches the car, the driver makes an  1/22/1984 #37147  
her car with a bouncing motion. It approaches to within a foot of her car,  3/25/1984 #37244  
ctions. At 4:20 p.m., another ship approaches to the left, and the object f Mid 6/1984 #37364  
t with a bright cupola 8 feet tall approaches, brushing a tree, and the wom Summer 1984 #37369  
ission. As pilot Henryk Bronowicki approaches the object at 24,600 feet, he 7/13/1984 #37395  
se, but the object descends and he approaches it again, failing to reach it 7/13/1984 #37395  
 lights blocks out the stars as it approaches steadily. The plant’s movemen 7/24/1984 #37412  
nd an extremely bright white light approaches and floods the area. Ferri ge 10/9/1984 #37484  
floods the area. Ferri gets up and approaches the window but finds himself  10/9/1984 #37484  
    As the space shuttle Discovery approaches the dysfunctional satellite W 11/14/1984 #37504  
not tracked on ground radar. As he approaches, he sees it is a huge bright  7/1985 #37613  
s not reach the ground. As the UFO approaches the boat its engine stops. Th 11/3/1985 #37699  
s he continues to walk, the object approaches him. When it is directly in f 2/6/1987 #38113  
 marks on the road. A Land Cruiser approaches the scene and its lights fail 12/14/1987 #38364  
ades of red, orange, and green. He approaches it, but it disappears in a fl 2/8/1989 #38825  
 biker twice; it vanished as a car approaches. The biker experienced 20 min 5/13/1989 #38948  
eys) / swamp. Run when observer(s) approaches. No further details.          7/1989 #38999  
 north of Gulf Breeze, Florida. It approaches from the east at high speed a 4/14/1990 #39524  
ng about 1 foot off the ground. He approaches to about 165 feet and watches 5/4/1990 #39556  
a glowing, disc-shaped object that approaches within a few hundred yards. S 1991 #39935  
n, climbs a wall, and at one point approaches the camera. The security guar 2/1991 #39970  
a field to watch the object, which approaches to within 100 feet. As they t 2/22/1991 #39982  
Norte, Brazil, when a bright light approaches and stops right above his hea 5/12/1991 #40057  
scobar becomes frightened. When it approaches, his instruments go crazy, in 6/8/1991 #40092  
nd leaves the engine idling. As it approaches, the light changes direction  1992 #40272  
range light in the distance. As it approaches from the northeast, it descen 8/19/1992 #40583  
 the gap, but it eludes him. As it approaches again on a parallel course, t 4/28/1993 #40953  
al columns of clouds, then when it approaches to a point directly in line w 6/3/1993 #41003  
e safety implications of UFO close approaches for the Joint Airmiss Working 2/20/1995 #42052  
rs near grand coulee. Military jet approaches.                              2/28/1995 #42066  
t 30,000 feet altitude. The object approaches the wing of the commercial pl 5/25/1995 #42229  
rlier. Suddenly the silvery object approaches the TAM aircraft. The sightin 8/8/1995 #42368  
razil, when a bright yellow object approaches swiftly and silently, landing 10/1/1995 #42529  
d by a military police officer who approaches him and shouts, “Go away, you 1/13/1996 #42681  
, and stops at a restaurant. A man approaches him and asks if he is Carlos  1/13/1996 #42681  
  ISSAQUAH, WA 3 observer(s). Disk approaches woman and follows her. No fur 12/14/1996 #43141  
ds in a field not too far away. He approaches it and sees that it is a man  5/18/1997 #43297  
urns in the air. One of the lights approaches them to about 40 feet away, w 6/1997 #43306  
ome distance away. A second object approaches the first and the two travel  8/4/1997 #43368  
ering above the trees. Suddenly it approaches them, flying 65–100 feet off  2/1998 #43509  
lickering object in the sky. As he approaches, he hears a buzzing sound and Early 7/2000 #44008  
 a light gray entity with big eyes approaches them. Everyone loses control  12/13/2000 #44101  
ck opposite her. The second object approaches the first one and they fly aw 12/24/2000 #44109  
 has nothing on its radar. The UFO approaches the Cessna at high speed, the 8/6/2001 #44227  
he surface about 500 feet away. It approaches the boat, submerges, and mane 8/20/2001 #44238  
s for several minutes as the light approaches then heads towards hills in t 9/9/2002 #44392  
 emitting colored sparks before it approaches their patrol car. The light r 11/28/2002 #44453  
 and moving at 287 mph. As the 737 approaches Slane, the A330 crew observes 1/4/2004 #44643  
tly hovering above the road. As he approaches, he sees the object is compos 1/21/2004 #44653  
ust a few feet from the ground and approaches the camp to a distance of 160 9/27/2004 #44762  
 UFO 30 feet wide and 10 feet high approaches dangerously close to a commer 6/28/2005 #44849  
m the south end of a runway. As it approaches, he sees it is a rotating obj 6/24/2009 #45228  
and turning clockwise slowly as it approaches. It is moving slowly like a h 11/25/2009 #45256  
umber of colored lights. The light approaches them and stops a half-mile aw 1/8/2013 #45359  
righter light begins to grow as it approaches quickly. He tells his daughte 10/6/2013 #45389  
the aircraft and its attendant UFO approaches the Mexico/US border, the lig 3/19/2020 #45639  
 a Request for Information for new approaches for the wingship program. *   9/3/2021 #45707  
## Word: "approaching" (Back to Top)
sh object “like two pieces of tin” approaching the earth with lightning spe 4/1/1826 #122  
“large balloon” shaped like a fish approaching from the west. A flower is d 3/26/1880 #230  
th edges about 30 feet in diameter approaching from the ocean at an altitud 1/1892? #297  
ck cloud” in the northeast quickly approaching them. It grows bigger, then  7/20/1894 #316  
olph Sutro watch a brilliant light approaching from the sea at a height of  Early 11/1896? #334  
gan, notice a large conical object approaching from the south and slowly de 4/16/1897 #506  
es a brilliant, multicolored light approaching from the southwest. It slows 4/28/1897? #582  
son), Texas, see an unusual object approaching from the east. It has a fan- 9/7/1897 #608  
he notices a bright speck of light approaching from some woods to the south 6/1932 #1144  
ard Anchorage when the see a light approaching them from the south. It is a 10/1936 #1250  
ing noise. She sees a small object approaching from the east at an altitude Late Summer 1939 #1314  
n he sees a cloud-enshrouded light approaching from the North Sea. As it de Late Summer 1942 #1440  
oland. They notice a flying object approaching them at about 60 mph. Throug 4/9/1943 #1494  
notices a “huge dark aerial object approaching” her home in Santa Barbara,  10/1943 #1531  
ayer is alarmed to see an aircraft approaching from the left and only 900 f Mid 2/1945 #1785  
gence specialists flying on a C-46 approaching Iwo Jima (in the Ogasawara I 8/28/1945 #1930  
hey see a dark cigar-shaped object approaching on their left. It has no vis 8/14/1946 #2135  
 object with a gold band around it approaching fron the west.               5/10/1947 #2280  
tor. Looking up, he sees 9 objects approaching from the east. They are alum 6/25/1947 #2412  
ctually odd-looking dwarfs who are approaching him stiffly. They are about  8/14/1947 #3330  
o Honolulu, saw a blue-white light approaching, changing to twin reddish gl 9/12/1948 #3798  
:00 a.m. a radar blip was detected approaching the Kodiak Islands at 1,800  1/22/1950 #4504  
tices a round, gray-colored object approaching from the southeast at about  5/20/1950 #4955  
mber of unidentified aircraft were approaching the northeast area of the Un 12/6/1950 #5322  
umber of unidentified aircraft are approaching the northeast area of the Un 12/6/1950 #5329  
rlines DC-3 flight to watch for an approaching unidentified aircraft. The c 1/20/1951 #5408  
the surface for 8-10 minutes while approaching it, and it was so bright tha 2/8/1951 #5434  
of 1000 mph, approx. 300 ft. diam. approaching and reversing direction with 2/10/1951 #5437  
nd saw an object land in a meadow. Approaching within 50 m, he found himsel 6/19/1951 #5545  
an object land in a nearby meadow. Approaching to within 150 feet of it, he 6/19/1951 #5546  
nd saw an object land in a meadow. Approaching within 50 meters, he found h 6/19/1951 #5547  
ge, bluish-white, spherical object approaching from the east. It passes nor 1/20/1952 #5868  
perfectly circular, silver objects approaching in a V-formation. They are m 2/20/1952 #5915  
. He and two others notice a light approaching silently from the west. It s Early 5/1952 #6248  
een by M. Navarri, the pilot of an approaching Air France plane.            6/13/1952 #6496  
Mexico, picks up an unknown target approaching at 700 mph then slows down t 9/1952 #7801  
e North Sea observe a shiny sphere approaching from the direction of the Ma 9/21/1952 #7998  
V-formation of bluish-white lights approaching his aircraft over Santa Ana, 1/9/1953 #8525  
ng from southeast to northwest and approaching the balloon, which is at 18, 6/24/1953 #8969  
her apple, plum, and cherry trees. Approaching closer, she sees they are 11 8/17/1953? #9077  
g light at about the same altitude approaching on a collision course headin 3/5/1954 #9598  
lic, cigar-shaped objects silently approaching them from over a nearby hill Late 4/1954 #9720  
0 p.m. A round glowing UFO is seen approaching then hovering above Danané,  9/18/1954 #10348  
 "scarecrow" in a cornfield. After approaching to within eight feet she saw 9/26/1954 #10452  
 a target detected by ground radar approaching from China. The target appea 10/1954 #10537  
bout 300 feet away from his house. Approaching to 60 feet, he sees a “short 10/14/1954 #11053  
property of Curzio Malaparte. Upon approaching it, he discovered it was not 10/17/1954 #11175  
rzio Malaparte on this night. Upon approaching it he discovered it was not  10/17/1954 #11184  
esert, Ille-Et-Vilaine, France was approaching the hamlet of Salmoniere whe 10/18/1954 #11219  
e on their tandem bicycle and were approaching the descent that precedes He 10/19/1954 #11252  
ots, viewed a round or oval object approaching the Miho AFB at 5:32 p.m. af 10/28/1954 #11466  
ng, rather protruding white teeth. Approaching Sr. Dainelli, they abruptly  11/1/1954 #11520  
ng from the ship prevents her from approaching. The UFO leaves by shooting  12/27/1954 #11864  
hey spotted a second flying figure approaching under the clouds. As the fig 10/20/1955 #12513  
ds up an airplane to watch for the approaching spacecraft. Nothing happens. 4/28/1956 #12817  
f the sun's image was seen rapidly approaching Holloman AFB from the direct 7/14/1956 #12970  
our F-86 Sabre jet aircraft. While approaching a large thunderhead (cumulon 8/27/1956 #13140  
phere 24 feet wide and 9 feet high approaching from the east. It moves abou 11/11/1956 #13322  
force field that prevents him from approaching. The object then rises strai 5/1957 #13630  
ound and sees a bowl-shaped object approaching at a height of 15 feet. It i 5/1957 #13631  
e.” He sees four men 4–5 feet tall approaching him in a threatening manner. 5/10/1957 #13653  
irst officer see a brilliant light approaching them. All radio communicatio 5/31/1957 #13690  
s flying a Viscount at 12,000 feet approaching Norfolk, Virginia, with a No 8/30/1957 #13952  
TX Egg shaped object w/bluish glow approaching from the SW (NICAP: 01 - Dis 11/4/1957 #14278  
lo, Brazil, watch an orange object approaching the fort. It holds its cours 11/4/1957 #14284  
 He gets out and notices an object approaching that is making a whirring so 11/4/1957 #14287  
e and what time it is in something approaching English. They walk back to t 11/6/1957 #14421  
see a black and red object swiftly approaching their boat and trailing blac 11/6/1957 #14424  
n fuel. The men see a bright light approaching from across the Yellow Sea.  1958 #14783  
 appears and becomes larger, as if approaching them. The ground around thei 2/19/1958 #14881  
nous Saturn-shaped object silently approaching to about 240 feet from them  2/24/1958 #14889  
. They notice a disc-shaped object approaching them directly at low altitud 6/1958 #15072  
vania, when he sees a bright light approaching from the east and illuminati 1/13/1959 #15549  
 German.. He warned the witness of approaching future dangers and asked him 3/29/1959 #15678  
d area. Dense underbrush prevented approaching landing site.                8/13/1959 #15917  
n. Outside he sees a bright object approaching at high speed. As soon as it 8/17/1959 #15923  
 He hears a noise like an aircraft approaching and something bounces and hi 6/22/1960 #16315  
miles across so that an A-12 pilot approaching the end of the overrun can a 10/1960 #16472  
ey see a brown globe-shaped object approaching head-on. It speeds 3,000 fee 5/21/1962 #17187  
gentina, see an unidentified light approaching the airport. They call the a 8/2/1962 #17317  
sic options: a political option of approaching Castro and Khrushchev; a nav 10/16/1962 #17475  
eter, and two men emerged from it, approaching within 2 m, and spoke incomp 12/9/1962 #17576  
to take off. It is also seen by an approaching DC-8 jet operated by Panagra 12/22/1962 #17606  
ver in a field and drop something. Approaching the site, they were confront 9/19/1963 #17944  
ver in a field and drop something. Approaching the site, they are confronte 9/19/1963 #17947  
ver in a field and drop something. Approaching the site, they were confront 9/19/1963 #17948  
ced an aircraft, twice turning and approaching it on apparent collision cou 2/25/1964 #18137  
de observer first sees the objects approaching at about 460 mph from above  4/20/1964 #18180  
ed way as if he hears Zamora’s car approaching. The figures are small, and  4/24/1964 #18200  
the ground about 200 m away. While approaching its lights blinked and turne 6/13/1964 #18351  
round about 200 meters away. While approaching, its lights blinked and turn 6/13/1964 #18353  
eadlights and the headlights of an approaching car go out, as well as his r Summer 1964 #18367  
his way in the mountains, observed approaching lights that seemed to land.  9/5/1964 #18538  
ico when its radar detects a bogey approaching the island from the northeas 11/19/1964 #18629  
on US Highway 250, Horace Burns is approaching Fishersville, Virginia, when 12/21/1964 #18670  
Philippine Sea notices an aircraft approaching. At 9:14 a.m., the SPS-6C ai 5/6/1965 #18929  
nots in the Philippine Sea sighted approaching aircraft at bearing 0°. At 9 5/6/1965 #18930  
ntense blue, fiery tongue of light approaching the ship at tremendous speed 7/6/1965 #19078  
e car for about a minute at speeds approaching 100 mph; it then climbed awa 7/20/1965 #19155  
mile scope and observe the objects approaching in formation. The pilot, cop 8/1/1965 #19245  
 Urgenio, and Francisco Lopez were approaching Zhulleng, 11 miles from Cuen 8/26/1965 #19466  
Two police officer witnesses in an approaching car, Lockem and De Klerk, wa 9/16/1965 #19575  
ash that she first believed was an approaching plane. As it neared she saw  1/5/1966 #19806  
yees to a mysterious light that is approaching the factory. It descends to  3/12/1966 #19954  
efore midnight when they saw a UFO approaching them from the north. Their c 3/26/1966 #20095  
near ground level off the road, an approaching motorist reported his headli 4/4/1966 #20220  
 As the officers saw the AF planes approaching the UFO shot straight up and 4/17/1966 #20305  
nd-mouse with them in the pursuit: approaching, waiting for them to catch u 4/17/1966 #20319  
y at the 10 o’clock position, then approaching the Braniff airliner to a di 5/4/1966 #20447  
ahead. They continued talking, and approaching the lights at a moderate spe 6/1/1966 #20520  
ing lights in a triangular pattern approaching (body lights), then hovering 6/19/1966 #20586  
 near his home in Van Horn, Texas. Approaching its reddish glow, he ran int 7/21/1966 #20663  
she first took to be a small plane approaching. As it drew closer she saw t 1/11/1967 #21287  
og. He looks up and sees an object approaching at a low altitude over a roa 2/5/1967 #21460  
r lights, three red and one green, approaching their car at low altitude. T 2/16/1967 #21572  
nse radar controllers report a UFO approaching Cuba from the northwest, mov 3/1967 #21700  
,” which states men in uniform are approaching U.S. citizens who have seen  3/1/1967 #21719  
 them at an elevation of about 30° approaching at a modest angular rate of  Spring 1967 #21926  
e lights go out. He sees an object approaching about 20 feet above the road 4/5/1967 #22066  
, saw a large amber- colored light approaching their car at an altitude of  4/17/1967 #22149  
ees a strange lilac-colored light. Approaching, he sees a domed object with 5/1967 #22257  
ing electrical circuit were noted. Approaching, the witness heard voices, a 5/20/1967 #22379  
earth. When he noticed the witness approaching the figure made a strange, h 6/24/1967 #22551  
e road to the other. When they are approaching Miguel Pereira on a mud road 8/3/1967 #22787  
a, age 41, and his wife Maria were approaching their home at Santa Maria, B 8/13/1967 #22874  
atically and appeared to "bounce," approaching the witness. At one point it 8/19/1967 #22890  
 beings with large heads, who were approaching the UFO. At that point his c 9/21/1967 #23106  
                                   Approaching his home in Melfort, Saskatc 10/30/1967 #23373  
ightly larger than a normal human, approaching it. The object disappeared s 11/16/1967 #23469  
, seven to ten feet tall, was seen approaching it. The tall being appeared  11/16/1967 #23471  
rus of voices informing her of the approaching death of a friend.           12/12/1967 #23576  
 UFO. Motor sound. Twenty minutes. Approaching from distance, objects hover 1/24/1968 #23694  
 notice a large rectangular object approaching them silently from behind. W 3/3/1968 #23815  
 England, when they see two lights approaching them from above a nearby par 7/22/1968 #24203  
rees on his left. Another light is approaching at high speed to join the ot 8/15/1968 #24331  
er, see a group of starlike lights approaching from the northeast, initiall 8/21/1968 #24364  
 Hunter Road in San Marcos, Texas, approaching at great speed. He follows i 9/18/1968 #24479  
when they saw a large ball of fire approaching from the nearby mountains. I 11/9/1968 #24649  
s binoculars and went up the hill, approaching to within 30 feet. It had a  2/6/1969 #24897  
binoculars and went to look at it, approaching to within 30 feet. It was a  2/7/1969 #24902  
 UFO grew larger in the sky, as if approaching. It then flew off toward the 6/2/1969 #25191  
nd, Oregon when they saw an object approaching them at 1:00 a.m. When first 6/10/1969 #25209  
r officer reports a target rapidly approaching the ship, apparently moving  10/24/1969 #25422  
e and five smaller lighted objects approaching the ship. The large UFO look 10/24/1969 #25422  
Wales 12:45 a.m. A truck driver is approaching Emerald Beach, New South Wal 6/1970 #25684  
t a few more times as the car kept approaching, then it rose into the sky a 8/16/1970 #25790  
nitoba. They notice a bright light approaching from about a half-mile away. 10/24/1970 #25885  
 a globe about 60 feet in diameter approaching noiselessly. It stops about  10/29/1970 #25893  
ee when they see a brilliant light approaching from the lake outside their  1/3/1971 #25972  
one, he saw a bright object slowly approaching at low altitude, passing ove 5/15/1971 #26110  
 The humanoid giant appeared to be approaching the tall grassy area where M 5/15/1971 #26111  
iced a bright white object quickly approaching him at high speed. The objec 9/20/1971 #26354  
minutes. When the headlights of an approaching car came into view he was ge 9/25/1971 #26379  
pendent witness, the driver of the approaching car, reported witnessing the 9/25/1971 #26379  
slowly-moving "white-orange" light approaching from the East. Object appear 11/7/1971 #26467  
er, Colorado. He notices something approaching the plane from behind on the 12/20/1971 #26509  
ght, which gets larger as if it is approaching the ground. He sees that the 3/19/1972 #26617  
y heard heavy footsteps of someone approaching through the trees. Frightene 8/6/1972 #26882  
icles appear in the air around the approaching witnesses and in the ground  8/12/1972 #26911  
le area light up. He heard someone approaching from behind, and when he loo 9/28/1972 #27038  
 they see a bright streak of light approaching from the west. As it comes c 10/23/1972 #27087  
gium, when she sees a bright light approaching. It passes over the roof of  3/20/1973 #27352  
 a.m. saw a luminous flying object approaching her property. The object cir 5/27/1973 #27532  
t she saw a luminous flying object approaching her property. The object cir 5/27/1973 #27535  
, and saw a second, smaller object approaching to her left. It passed a pos 6/23/1973 #27584  
a big milky-white light in the sky approaching the road they are on. As it  8/28/1973 #27729  
could see a couple of male figures approaching their camper slowly. One app 10/14/1973 #28031  
 bright white object moving about, approaching to within 200 feet before go 10/16/1973 #28091  
UFO was seen, but a being was seen approaching the group silhouetted by a d 10/19/1973 #28197  
ticed a bright light over the next approaching hill. She dimmed her lights  10/19/1973 #28199  
d to get off the road ahead of the approaching car. Mr. Donathan described  10/22/1973 #28244  
 degree angle. A car was then seen approaching, whose driver said he had se 1/7/1974 #28661  
 off, the UFO responded by rapidly approaching. Their encounter lasted thre 2/27/1974 #28811  
 sees a pot- shaped object rapidly approaching him 300 feet above the groun 6/14/1974 #29191  
dlights back on, the object begins approaching again, so he switches them o 6/14/1974 #29191  
dio in their parked car saw lights approaching them from behind. As the dri 1/6/1975 #29728  
d car at around 11 p.m. saw lights approaching them from behind. As the dri 1/6/1975 #29729  
ic saw a domed, disc-shaped object approaching their location. The dome was 3/12/1975 #29891  
ing at 20 feet altitude and begins approaching Moody. Uneasy, he gets in hi 8/13/1975 #30264  
ing a helicopter at 900 feet while approaching Stockton (California) Metrop 8/14/1975 #30270  
t west of town noticed a red light approaching their position at high speed 10/19/1975 #30449  
n he sees an unidentified aircraft approaching the north perimeter at an al 10/27/1975 #30487  
lights of an unidentified aircraft approaching Loring AFB from the north at 10/28/1975 #30500  
lights of an unidentified aircraft approaching Loring AFB near Limestone, M 10/28/1975 #30503  
ion at 19,500 feet, sees a rapidly approaching bright light in the distance 3/3/1976 #30921  
hen they see a yellowish-white UFO approaching from over the Mediterranean. 8/11/1976 #31256  
y, when he notices a strange light approaching from the northeast. After 3– 8/13/1976 #31261  
object and the beam of light began approaching the four men and all four of 8/26/1976 #31307  
 State, Brazil when he observed an approaching disc-shaped object from the  9/3/1976 #31341  
 object rises only 20M in front of approaching car. No further details.     10/3/1976 #31443  
 only twenty meters in front of an approaching car in Tonsberg, Norway.     10/3/1976 #31445  
nly appeared over his cycle and an approaching car. The engines of both veh 6/6/1977 #32153  
sh air. Outside he immediately saw approaching him three small figures emer 6/12/1977 #32161  
overcast clouds. They appear to be approaching very fast from 60° in the no 8/9/1977 #32371  
cular object with a dome on top is approaching from the south-southwest. It Late 9/1977 #32518  
an and could not stop himself from approaching. The humanoid carried two lo 9/25/1977 #32519  
 Manitoba, when they see an object approaching from the west at an altitude 10/1/1977 #32542  
s radar picks up an unknown target approaching at a distance of 60 miles. C 10/7/1977 #32559  
d object at Cerrillos, New Mexico, approaching at a low angle from the sout 10/24/1977 #32606  
d Frank Sverre see a flying object approaching from the north as they are w 11/1/1977 #32651  
Carolina, when they see two lights approaching from the northwest. They pas 12/27/1977 #32814  
7,500 feet when they see an object approaching at high speed. As the UFO pa 1/1/1978 #32841  
etts at 7:30 p.m. when they saw an approaching large yellow ball of light a 1/9/1978 #32862  
f four large lights low in the sky approaching them. It swerves about 500–6 2/1/1978 #32940  
with blue lights on front and back approaching from the northwest. It hover 2/2/1978 #32946  
is wife are driving on Tennant Way approaching Lake Sacajawea in Longview,  2/12/1978 #32967  
riving northeast on Interstate 80, approaching Newcastle, California. Seein 2/22/1978 #32990  
ic Energy Authority site. As he is approaching the roundabout near the Univ 3/17/1978 #33048  
she stops to watch floating lights approaching her from the distance. She m 4/2/1978 #33121  
 rearview mirror a brilliant light approaching from behind at high speed. S 7/27/1978 #33427  
 Toledo looking at a "large plane" approaching from the north against a cle 8/20/1978 #33531  
, Ohio, looking at a “large plane” approaching from the north. As it passes 8/20/1978 #33533  
ppeared to them to be a helicopter approaching. When the UFO got closer it  8/22/1978 #33551  
, watches a bright yellow cylinder approaching him from low in the north. A 8/27/1978 #33579  
shining in their rear-view mirror, approaching fast. Suddenly, the engine a 9/23/1978 #33734  
 the witnesses. They estimated the approaching object's speed at 300 kph. T 9/23/1978 #33738  
a, sees a dark cone- shaped object approaching her from the right. It has t 9/28/1978 #33768  
y a black band, but when it begins approaching the witnesses, it takes on t 10/8/1978 #33816  
peed. Then he says the aircraft is approaching him from the east, thinking  10/21/1978 #33856  
y car noticed a bright white light approaching their vehicle. As it got clo 11/11/1978 #33944  
night noticed a bright white light approaching their vehicle. As it got clo 11/11/1978 #33946  
l shaped beings or robots are seen approaching a residence containing five  11/20/1978 #33968  
 front of the object, at one point approaching the witnesses briefly. It ma 11/24/1978 #33996  
de. She saw a orange sphere object approaching from the sky at very high sp 12/6/1978 #34068  
sudden appeared. Both beings began approaching the house. For several minut 12/6/1978 #34068  
scar on his leg. He only remembers approaching a pear-shaped light when he  12/8/1978 #34077  
t. He then noted two bright lights approaching slowly in his direction. As  12/12/1978 #34099  
t. He then noted two bright lights approaching slowly in his direction. As  12/12/1978 #34102  
 heard a noise and noticed a light approaching from behind while crossing t 12/31/1978 #34250  
y. When he turned around he saw an approaching object land 40 meters away f 2/26/1979 #34449  
y. When he turned around he saw an approaching object land 40 meters away f 2/26/1979 #34450  
aped object, surrounded by a glow, approaching from the west. It appears to 6/19/1979 #34622  
 with 12–18 lights around its base approaching from the southeast. It hover 8/1979 #34691  
tice a brightly illuminated object approaching erratically from the sea. Su 8/12/1979 #34739  
mouth, Virginia, sees a large star approaching her until it is only 30 feet 9/17/1979 #34896  
nother witness, then see the light approaching them from the east, now visi 9/26/1979 #34928  
ball of light 3–6 feet in diameter approaching low over some trees. It roll 10/6/1979 #34946  
a Gas Field Three Russian aircraft approaching Khatanga, Krasnoyarsk Krai,  10/27/1979 #34971  
 a set of red lights that are fast approaching the aircraft. They appear to 11/11/1979 #34997  
bouncing motion. The children keep approaching, so the men run back into th 11/15/1979 #35000  
on the sea only 130–140 feet away, approaching at about 8 mph, and they can 11/30/1979 #35031  
ome kind of luminous flat platform approaching the shoreline, and on top of 11/30/1979 #35034  
ndow, he saw a luminous white mass approaching, and within the light he cou 12/30/1979 #35104  
shaped object with flashing lights approaching them. It has a blue-gray cup 1980 #35116  
uple of minutes later he saw a car approaching from the direction of Genera 2/11/1980 #35170  
y, but then sped away. Perhaps the approaching driver had seen the luminous 2/11/1980 #35170  
arently prevented the witness from approaching the being. Seixas was submit 9/25/1980 #35535  
y notice a boomerang-shaped object approaching the north smokestack at 1,50 10/23/1980 #35584  
ng when she noticed a bright light approaching over the nearby Coca-Cola fa End of 1981 #36240  
ghted triangular object in the sky approaching her. As she pulls into her d Mid 2/1982 #36347  
air) see a low-flying bright light approaching. Poland pulls the car over a 9/30/1982 #36622  
flying toward the northeast. After approaching for about 7 minutes, it flie 11/25/1982 #36690  
n walking toward the object; after approaching very near, the person runs a 6/5/1983 #36876  
ets up, thinking a thunderstorm is approaching, and she sees the screen on  8/26/1983 #36960  
rk, when he sees “aircraft lights” approaching and dropping very fast. Oddl 10/28/1983 #37026  
 Carolina, notices a ball of light approaching her. She goes inside to get  11/28/1983 #37052  
oung couple spotted a large object approaching their car at treetop level.  1/22/1984 #37141  
ross, Georgia, spot a large object approaching their car at treetop level.  1/22/1984 #37146  
ct. By the time the interceptor is approaching the coastline of the Black S Spring 1984 #37231  
 to be distracted by another ship, approaching at the port side. It was an  6/15/1984 #37365  
Cosmodrome Finland 4:10 a.m. While approaching Minsk, Belarus, the pilots o 9/7/1984 #37458  
 as if drifting. When the train is approaching the Novye Peski station, Eng 2/1985 #37552  
n on duty who goes out to meet the approaching train. She is surprised to s 2/1985 #37552  
that was going to attack the Earth approaching on Halley’s Comet, then that 11/19/1985 #37711  
. Other crew members see the light approaching the ship and reaching the ze 12/23/1985 #37735  
m. when a very bright UFO was seen approaching head-on to them. As he prepa 5/11/1986 #37861  
round radar showed the UFO rapidly approaching his jet, but he saw nothing  5/19/1986 #37882  
uminous yellow, oval-shaped object approaching them. They all ran and hid i 6/3/1986 #37904  
tical white TV screen 10 feet high approaching from the east about 60–100 f Late 7/1987 #38218  
 three floating human like figures approaching the light. The figures were  8/2/1987 #38226  
 around an electricity pylon. Upon approaching the figures, they also sudde 9/8/1987 #38280  
 stripes around the arms and waist approaching the object. It reaches the U Mid 10/1987 #38305  
 Russia, see a pinkish aerial glow approaching them. As it passes overhead, 9/27/1989 #39124  
ssia first observed a pinkish glow approaching in the sky at 6:30 p.m. As i 9/27/1989 #39126  
 would be made by machinery. After approaching her the figures pulled her b 10/8/1989 #39150  
an object with multicolored lights approaching them from the east. They wav 10/11/1989 #39162  
gh the grid she saw her aunt Galya approaching and yelling something; she c 10/11/1989 #39164  
ctangular object hovering near the approaching intersection. He lost sight  10/13/1989 #39170  
s" resembling heat waves that were approaching their vehicle. They finally  11/6/1989 #39216  
hey see a large, slow-moving craft approaching at low altitude. The object  12/1/1989 #39292  
 unit in Samara, Russia, tracks an approaching object that apparently cause 9/13/1990 #39729  
ace to pull over. The lights of an approaching aircraft are much smaller an 10/14/1990 #39785  
ct or missile, about 10 feet long, approaching from their left. It is less  4/21/1991 #40046  
ot reporting a brightly lit object approaching on a convergent course. The  6/8/1991 #40092  
ar sees a bright, blue-white light approaching on his right side. Just then 6/8/1991 #40092  
ral Romania see a bright red light approaching them from behind. Thinking i 8/4/1991 #40142  
ater tower a flashing orange light approaching him. The object, a two meter 8/29/1991 #40170  
ngland, when he sees a bright glow approaching from the opposite direction. 1992 #40272  
eager and A1C Jason H. Barrier are approaching the operations hanger of the 10/27/1992 #40694  
and saw a domed disc-shaped object approaching from the northeast. He went  2/9/1993 #40846  
they looked behind they saw a fast approaching bright reddish-white light.  11/29/1993 #41309  
n object that begins ascending and approaching them from the southwest. It  6/22/1995 #42267  
t away suddenly at the sound of an approaching aircraft. At 8:30 p.m. the w 9/23/1996 #43039  
e heard a loud noise resembling an approaching train. It was so loud that t 9/26/1996 #43043  
ent shows a small spherical object approaching the aircraft from behind and 11/16/1996 #43112  
n disappeared into a nearby field. Approaching the village of Chirimoya, he 8/5/1997 #43369  
gray or pale. As the wind from the approaching hurricane grew stronger the  9/21/1998 #43650  
 noticed several bright headlights approaching from behind. Three or four c 9/25/1998 #43652  
ight to the south. They seem to be approaching, and when she arrives home s 12/3/1998 #43696  
y observed a strange flying object approaching their location. The object h 11/1/1999 #43869  
at seemed to be getting louder and approaching her house from above, as if  10/15/2000 #44058  
 noticed a strange flying creature approaching his truck at very high speed 8/2/2001 #44219  
ant sphere perhaps 100 feet across approaching them from the south. By the  4/2003 #44508  
iles off the east coast of Ireland approaching Dublin Airport. It is being  1/4/2004 #44643  
:30 p.m. Another Airbus 330-200 is approaching the east coast of Ireland, b 1/4/2004 #44644  
ted that he could see four figures approaching him from the object, but he  8/25/2004 #44741  
n Arak Air Defense Group observer. Approaching at 22,000 feet, the pilot sp 10/28/2004 #44773  
s a formation of six orange lights approaching from the north. They are the 8/27/2005 #44866  
zona, when he sees a bright object approaching from the east. Seven other o 9/17/2005 #44876  
re bed. Normally he can see planes approaching Orange County Airport from t 4/17/2007 #45018  
recorder shows two small triangles approaching from the right. No traces of 10/30/2007 #45086  
but really horrible when they were approaching towards me," the witness wro 5/3/2010 #45277  
isting of clusters of three lights approaching at high speed from the south Late 5/2012 #45344  
e object emitting red-orange light approaching her. It stops dead above her 1/5/2018 #45500  
2:45 p.m. A B757 airliner pilot is approaching Gatwick Airport near Crawley 5/5/2018 #45526  
tects an unidentified radar target approaching North America from the direc 11/21/2018 #45548  
 of an Embraer 175 passenger plane approaching the runway at Glasgow Airpor 12/30/2018 #45553  
nd then four UAVs near their ship. Approaching midnight, the USS Russell re 7/15/2019 #45593  
port, England 10:13 p.m. A B737 is approaching the runway at Leeds Airport, 9/1/2020 #45660  
## Word: "approche" (Back to Top)
nce, begins publishing the journal Approche in conjunction with the Société 12/1973 #28496  
## Word: "approfondies" (Back to Top)
create a 12-member COMité d’ÉTudes Approfondies (COMETA) to review well-doc 1996 #42656  
des Spatiales. The Comité d’Études Approfondies (COMETA) group, collective  7/16/1999 #43805  
## Word: "appropriate" (Back to Top)
s complete and gets distributed to appropriate personnel.                   3/15/1955 #12049  
author’s own work without censure. Appropriate disclaimers would be attache 8/27/1967 #22939  
of State Cyrus Vance replies that “appropriate government agencies” have be 5/6/1978 #33190  
tion, and presents its research to appropriate French agencies.             1996 #42656  
## Word: "appropriated" (Back to Top)
o jail. The Government can’t spend appropriated money on projects that Cong 1991 #39939  
em was illegal. “No money was ever appropriated for it. Intelligence groups 5/22/1992 #40469  
ress wasn’t informed of and wasn’t appropriated/funded properly.  Mellon st 9/2022 #45765  
## Word: "appropriately" (Back to Top)
nts, the subjects are able to hear appropriately pulsed microwave radiation 1961 #16547  
## Word: "appropriation" (Back to Top)
 when the AATIP program ran out of appropriation funding.  https://www.redd 6/24/2018 #45530  
## Word: "appropriations" (Back to Top)
     In testimony before the House Appropriations Committee, National Advis 2/19/1957 #13511  
            Mo. Soviet Union House Appropriations Chair Clarence Cannon (D- 5/10/1960 #16261  
d then NASA; Dryden told the House Appropriations Committee that someone na 1969 #24806  
 physics at the House Committee on Appropriations hearings on the Concorde  3/2/1971 #26038  
the time was counsel to the Senate Appropriations Committee under Sen. Robe 5/22/1992 #40469  
obert Byrd, chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, to investigate 12/22/1992 #40762  
     Senior Counsel for the Senate Appropriations Committee under Sen. Byrd 1994 #41346  
ment funding bill—the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021—containing a nu 12/27/2020 #45670  
 in drafts of a Defense Department appropriations bill.                     10/8/2021 #45715  
## Word: "approval" (Back to Top)
                       Hanford, WA Approval for the Hanford Site for pluton 1/16/1943 #1481  
empts to get Walter Bedell Smith’s approval for “two series” of scientific  1/9/1953 #8522  
 release on the Utah film with the approval of Capt. Harry B. Smith of AFOI 2/9/1953 #8653  
ubject to the guidelines requiring approval because it is a line-of-duty ex 9/15/1953 #9168  
 seek the Attorney General’s prior approval, as with wiretaps. Brownell con 5/20/1954 #9820  
ng to notify him or obtain advance approval in each case. The FBI has carte 5/20/1954 #9820  
h in the sky. Baker gives them his approval and they begin filming, each vi 5/2/1957 #13643  
ee on Science and Astronautics for approval by Rep. Overton Brooks (D-La.)  12/14/1960 #16532  
ct report, giving its enthusiastic approval. In a letter to Assistant Secre 1/8/1969 #24826  
ve of his proposal. He is promised approval of his proposal, but never hear 1/1977 #31666  
k regarding antigravity but needed approval from NASA. In 2018, Eskridge an 6/15/2022 #45758  
## Word: "approve" (Back to Top)
german’s and McCoy’s offices, must approve it, at least in some sense. And  9/30/1948? #3817  
sing the Cold War. Truman does not approve it until 1951.                   4/7/1950 #4818  
ing objects.” But Smith refuses to approve or sign the directive because he 12/2/1952 #8363  
 said supervisors were required to approve every “plug,” often thousands a  11/18/2013 #45396  
## Word: "approved" (Back to Top)
       Einstein security clearance approved by the Office of Naval Intellig 7/10/1940 #1342  
iddle East. It is never officially approved, but the Joint Chiefs agree to  6/18/1946 #2012  
to continue the project it must be approved for the next budget cycle.      12/10/1946 #2211  
 UFOs are a waste of time and only approved Project Sign because of interna 12/30/1947 #3516  
mber of T-2 and the Sign team, and approved by MCI heavyweights McCoy, Clin 10/7/1948 #3830  
ettner and Albert B. Deyarmond and approved by Col. Clingerman (chief of US 2/11/1949 #4003  
Kaplan’s green fireball project is approved by AMC.                         12/20/1949 #4441  
                          The CIA, approved by DCI Roscoe Hillenkoetter, st 8/20/1951 #5613  
Gen. John A. Samford have seen and approved the draft.) The scientists agre 1/17/1953 #8548  
 neither the FBI nor Air Force has approved material used in his speeches.  3/17/1953 #8759  
Gen. Burgess’s 4602nd AISS plan is approved. It is seen as aiding ATIC and  3/23/1953 #8780  
 trespass if he had not heretofore approved it.” His directive empowers the 5/20/1954 #9820  
  Former UNC President Gordon Gray approved funding for IPP; Gray was forme 11/20/1955 #12580  
       Dominican Republic An order approved by President Kennedy results in 5/15/1961 #16684  
rgie Atomique Jean-Luc Bruneau, is approved. Bruneau recommends that the st 1967 #21237  
ocument prepared by NPIC staff and approved by Lundahl on March 24.         5/1/1967 #22261  
aval Research, wanting to know who approved his funding and whether they ar 12/16/1967 #23593  
 the NAS review panel "unanimously approved" the Colorado University (Condo 1/8/1969 #24825  
nkov. Significantly, the report is approved for official publication by Aca 1/1978 #32835  
nvestigation and Treatment.” It is approved by the CUFOS and MUFON boards.  1994 #41343  
 1960 the source claims Eisenhower approved a joint defense plan written by 7/7/1999 #43798  
blem since 1947, after which Nixon approved a SCEO that required intelligen 7/7/1999 #43798  
vesting in it. The patent was then approved. The technology described in Pa 11/2/2017 #45490  
## Word: "approves" (Back to Top)
                         Roosevelt approves an atomic weapons program after 10/9/1941 #1373  
ey as its other members. Roosevelt approves the committee’s recommendation  6/19/1942 #1417  
s Alamos, New Mexico Leslie Groves approves J. Robert Oppenheimer to coordi 10/19/1942 #1457  
n State Hanford site Leslie Groves approves development of the Hanford site 1/16/1943 #1482  
                The Army Air Force approves a Northrop-recommended change f 6/1/1945 #1872  
                            Truman approves the establishment of the Office 8/1/1946 #2098  
 the right place. President Truman approves the location, known as Frenchma 7/1950 #5034  
ter of Transport for Air Services, approves Wilbert B. Smith’s proposed pla 12/2/1950 #5311  
 sightings have any value, Garland approves Ruppelt’s publicity plan to dra 1/29/1952 #5884  
in an identification. Gen. Garland approves the release, which then goes on 2/9/1953 #8653  
                   Sidney Gottlieb approves Project MKUltra’s “Subproject 8 6/9/1953 #8930  
ed about this sighting and quietly approves having a French study group inv 8/16/1954 #10148  
              President Eisenhower approves the development of the Lockheed 12/1/1954 #11743  
 Lexington, Kentucky. Allen Dulles approves psychiatrist Donald Ewen Camero 2/1957 #13481  
ity of hysteria and panic.” Keyhoe approves the script, but Lackland withdr 6/1958 #15070  
presses objections, and Eisenhower approves the plans with the intention of 11/29/1960 #16521  
gs Cuba Trinidad President Kennedy approves the Bay of Pigs plan (also know 4/4/1961 #16643  
. Condon is upset. USAF ultimately approves an additional $183,155, plus $2 7/1/1967 #22591  
d expanded counterintelligence. He approves the plan in July but will not s 7/23/1970 #25745  
he Federal Aviation Administration approves cooperation with the Center for 4/1/1975 #29934  
 SEPRA’s Jean-Jacques Velasco, and approves the motion for a resolution. Ho 12/1/1993 #41315  
 of State for Defence, Des Browne, approves a proposal from the Directorate 9/2006 #44957  
etary of Defense David L. Norquist approves the establishment of an Unident 8/4/2020 #45658  
## Word: "approx" (Back to Top)
and. It covered an area of the sky approx. 100 degrees. It speeded up and t 6/1944 #1597  
Germany A large orange glow in sky approx. 5 ft. in diameter. (Page 131 Ref 1/14/1945 #1756  
   Vaughn (near), NM AFOSI Case 2: approx 20:00 - Basketball-Sized Object E Late 8/1947 #3367  
n; 5 Aliens suffocated; each Alien approx. 4 ft. in ht., oversized heads; h 1948 #3519  
 40 ft. diam. moving at a speed of approx. 100 mph against wind             4/30/1948 #3631  
cident ?207 in Blue Book files: at approx. 2200 hours, Lt. Henry G. Combs ( 11/18/1948 #3880  
M Confidential Army Staff Message: Approx. 30 people sighted UFO’s on Jan.  1/31/1949 #3986  
or cabin about 6 ft. diam.; a ring approx. 18 ft. across and 2 ft. thick su 1/16/1950 #4493  
to another cloud. It was traveling approx. 2700 mph and no sound or air dis 1/31/1950 #4520  
ion: Circular with raised centers, approx. 50 ft. diam. Each one occupied b 3/22/1950 #4696  
                                   approx. 100 mi. SE of New York City (39' 8/4/1950 #5103  
                                   approx. 250 mi. SW of Bermuda (29' 40' N 8/25/1950 #5138  
 at a speed in excess of 1000 mph, approx. 300 ft. diam. approaching and re 2/10/1951 #5437  
visible means of propulsion. At an approx. distance from his plane the UFO  7/10/1951 #5571  
This response is received twice at approx.115 miles and 80 miles from the r 8/26/1951 #5631  
m to estimate it’s thickness to be approx. 1.5ft. No sound or means of prop 4/25/1952 #6180  
erved a higher flying silvery disc approx. 100 ft. in diam. Next to it more 4/25/1952 #6180  
objects, reddish-orange neon glow, approx 3-4 mi high and trav E approx spe 7/24/1952 #7109  
low, approx 3-4 mi high and trav E approx speed 400-600 MPH. In formation a 7/24/1952 #7109  
ox speed 400-600 MPH. In formation approx 1-1½ mi apart on level course- no 7/24/1952 #7109  
o vapor trails, no sound. Duration approx 4 mins (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 7/24/1952 #7109  
selbach. The huge “frying pan” was approx. 13 to 15 meters in diameter and  8/23/1952 #7684  
ht by DC-7. Description of bodies: approx. 4 ft. high. Resting un-shrouded  1953? #8470  
ed the corpse of the pilot. It was approx. 4 ft. tall and had a brown compl 5/21/1953 #8892  
un. Behind the sentry was a saucer approx. 12–15 ft. diam. suspended off th 4/1962 #17093  
ted size (thumb and finger method) approx. 200 to 1000 ft. diam., glowing r 2/11/1965 #18803  
bright light on it. The object was approx. 35–48 ft. in diam., had a fin on 11/1965 #19690  
          San Bernadino, Venezuela Approx. 2:00 a.m. LT. Two sleeping witne 8/6/1967 #22825  
. Police received about 100 calls. Approx 1.5 hours. Unseen shape with red  10/5/1973 #27949  
sitting in a field on tripod legs, approx. 300 ft away. The object was sauc 10/19/1973 #28189  
Memo: Subject: Reports of UFOs. At approx. 0345, EDT, the ANMCC received se 7/30/1976 #31195  
d banks of blue lights underneath. Approx. 2–3 meters across and 2 meters h 12/27/1980 #35738  
## Word: "approxiamtely" (Back to Top)
observed a huge oval-shaped object approxiamtely 60 to 80 feet in diameter  7/4/1975 #30156  
## Word: "approximate" (Back to Top)
ndrical object in sky. Coordinates approximate. / IFS#26.                   6/1/1752? #72  
peed. Longitude & latitude coords. approximate. / r204p134.                 1/24/1878 #213  
                    Sioux City, IA Approximate date. Robert Hibnight bard w 3/26/1897 #394  
                  Sioux City, Iowa Approximate date. Robert Hibbard was cau 3/26/1897 #395  
                Downs Township, IL Approximate date. While working in his f 4/16/1897 #502  
          Downs Township, Illinois Approximate date. While working in his f 4/16/1897 #504  
              Aquila-Hillsboro, TX Approximate date. A lawyer was surprised 4/26/1897 #577  
           Aquila-Hillsboro, Texas Approximate date. A lawyer was surprised 4/26/1897 #578  
                                   Approximate year. During World War Two,  11/26/1943 #1543  
 in the reeds is discovered in the approximate spot where the light origina 2/20/1944 #1576  
                       New Jersey (Approximate date.) Radar signals secretl 1945 #1741  
                    BUDAPEST, HUNG Approximate 50 report(s) / silver balls. 6/10/1947 #2316  
eal, not fictitious. These objects approximate the shape of a disc and appe 9/23/1947 #3415  
s 30,000 feet at 300 mph, with the approximate size of 100 feet. A second o 7/3/1949 #4261  
678. Military RADAR-visual. 500mph approximate. Stops and starts. Going qui 3/27/1950 #4735  
above which would be capable of an approximate range of 7,000 miles at subs 1952 #5843  
gitude & latitude coords. and date approximate. Navy Sec. Kimball. 2 planes 3/15/1952 (approximate) #5958  
REA LONGITUDE & LATITUDE COORDS. = APPROXIMATE Project Bluebook Case #1313. 6/20/1952 #6556  
           Dai-el-Aouagri, Morocco Approximate date. R. Petijean saw a lumi 7/20/1952 #6951  
ANNEL Longitude & latitude coords. approximate. 3 photos / saucer from carr 9/19/1952 #7975  
                  Le Vigan, France Approximate date. Figures with helmets a 10/15/1952 #8135  
           Villares des Saz, Spain Approximate date. An illiterate boy cowh 7/2/1953 #8986  
            Ciudad Valleys, Mexico Approximate date. Cab driver Salvador Vi 8/18/1953 #9080  
                       Edwards AFB Approximate date of Eisenhower meeting w 4/13/1954 #9686  
      Varennes, near Diges, France Approximate date. A strange object hover 8/23/1954 #10168  
          Ressons-sur-Matz, France Approximate date. A farmer saw a white c 10/1/1954 #10558  
pe / sky. No further details. Date approximate.                             10/7/1954 #10765  
                  Mahallat, Persia Approximate date. Many farmers observed  10/10/1954 #10885  
          Thin le Moutiers, France Approximate date. An object landed about 10/16/1954 #11141  
                    Plemet, France Approximate date. A. Treussard and a fri 10/25/1954 #11387  
             Les Metairies, France Approximate date. At this place situated 10/26/1954 #11415  
                   Wasmes, Belgium Approximate date. Marcel Pipers a garden 11/14/1954 #11649  
Smithfield, near Cairns, Australia Approximate date. Three farmers, among t 5/29/1955 #12166  
           Georgetown, Connecticut Approximate date. Ina Salter was driving 2/9/1957 #13487  
                   Ubatuba, Brazil Approximate date. Anonymous witnesses sa 9/10/1957 #13988  
              JULLAND, DK Location approximate. Saucer circles Army group / 9/22/1957 #14024  
             Tabladitas, Argentina Approximate date. In the mountains, abou 4/15/1958 #14987  
          Clermont-Ferrand, France Approximate date. A disk of 20 m diamete 12/20/1958 #15488  
                   Glenora, Canada Approximate date. Miss G. Wilson, 14, wa 10/2/1959 #16010  
              Union Mills, Indiana Approximate date. A hemispherical craft  5/3/1961 #16674  
                  Toulouse, France Approximate date. Five persons observed  8/25/1961 #16803  
                  Jujuy, Argentina Approximate date. Four people whose car  5/1962 #17145  
 giant beings who emerged from it. Approximate date.                        5/22/1962 #17190  
               Ascension, Paraguay Approximate date. A student, Anastasio L 2/5/1963 #17654  
ed and tried to abduct a villager. Approximate date.                        2/4/1965 #18799  
w Guinea on this night in the same approximate location as the famous CE-II 7/12/1965 #19097  
              Carnarvon, Australia Approximate date. Dr. Antonin Kukla and  8/3/1965 #19287  
BRZ Longitude & latitude coords. = approximate. Huge saucer going down. Doo 9/8/1965 #19533  
nd boots. No object was described. Approximate date.                        9/10/1965 #19548  
                Canhotinho, Brazil Approximate date. Jose Camilo Filho saw  10/22/1965 #19671  
            Atafona Campos, Brazil Approximate date. The crowd at a movie p 5/10/1966 #20472  
ighbors. They found tracks. At the approximate position of the "eyes" he fo 11/14/1966 #21101  
end. They found tracks, and at the approximate position of the "eyes" he fo 11/15/1966 #21109  
                  Riachuelo, Chile Approximate date. An engineer from Osorn 2/24/1967 #21641  
te with a 4.5-second period and an approximate 1:3 brightness ratio. The lo 5/16/1967 #22355  
#022. Longitude & latitude coords. approximate.                             10/18/1967 #23258  
                 VICTORIA, BC Date approximate. Night lights maneuver all o 9/1968 #24414  
INA Longitude & latitude coords. = approximate. Silent shiny saucer drops b 10/1/1969 #25390  
ORWAY Longitude & latitude coords. approximate. Headlights go out as 7' UFO 5/1970 (approximate) #25649  
bed the aliens as being very tall, approximate eight feet in height. As the 6/1/1972 #26696  
          SOUSAS, SP, BRZ Location approximate. 3 / car and more. 5M fireba 6/7/1973 #27555  
eddish lights in what would be the approximate placement of eyes in their h 7/17/1973 #27638  
            ST. ANTHONY, NFLD Date approximate. Small private plane has nea 10/18/1974 (approximate) #29542  
              BOND CO, IL Location approximate. 100m x15m yellow / orange s 1/1/1975 #29685  
STRIA Longitude & latitude coords. approximate. 1 observer. Sphere/orb/glob 1/9/1975 #29737  
                  BECHAR, ALG Date approximate. UFO sighting. Diplomatic qu 2/1975 (approximate) #29778  
hting queried via US embassy. date approximate. Jan-March.                  2/1975 (approximate) #29779  
arge UFO and move northward at the approximate speed of an aircraft, disapp 3/2/1975 #29868  
 a north- westerly direction at an approximate altitude of 300 feet. The UF 4/10/1975 #29984  
a (10 mi south of), CAN 9:50 p.m. (Approximate) Mr. Wayne Morrow, observed  11/5/1975 #30559  
s summarize the reports (times are approximate) 0130 - Civilians reported a 7/30/1976 #31200  
ickly west fast. / news / location approximate.                             4/17/1977 #31985  
                 LEWISTON, CA Date approximate. Boy. Small humanoid (or Gre 8/1/1978 #33461  
D, KY Longitude & latitude coords. approximate. 3 chased / cylinder/cigar-s 11/29/1979 #35027  
, ARG Longitude & latitude coords. approximate. Many observer(s)-1 goes nut 3/24/1980 #35234  
TONIA Longitude & latitude coords. approximate. Double cube / ground with s 8/18/1980? #35463  
NGANLING MOUNTAINS, CHINA Location approximate. Huge luminous red turnip ov 6/18/1982 #36506  
O, PA Longitude & latitude coords. approximate. 1 observer. Bright white sa 9/12/1982 #36601  
O, KY Longitude & latitude coords. approximate. Dark 12m cube east going we 10/16/1982 #36644  
w almost directly above them at an approximate altitude of 100 feet. He obs 7/15/1984 #37401  
       SANTANA DO ACARAU, BRZ Date approximate. 1 object with 2 lights shot 7/1987 #38203  
E, FR Longitude & latitude coords. approximate. Glowing ovoid rotates / 5 m 12/21/1992 #40758  
shoe shape. 30 calls / 1 day. Date approximate.                             6/22/1994? #41578  
aw a cylindrical UFO approach, the approximate size of a small 12-passenger 3/19/1997 #43235  
a straight line, at an altitude of approximate 150 feet. The witness did no 4/5/2004 #44684  
a, England at 2:35 a.m. It was the approximate size of a large helicopter,  9/4/2005 #44868  
lights in the sky, hovering at the approximate height of a cell phone tower 11/21/2018 #45548  
xico City to Houston, Texas. At an approximate position somewhere west of C 3/19/2020 #45639  
## Word: "approximately" (Back to Top)
The phenomenon transits the sky in approximately 75 seconds.                11/17/1882 #249  
                                   Approximately 70,000 people crowded the  10/13/1917 #971  
aped cigar with round dome on top; approximately ninety feet in diameter (P 8/5/1942 #1429  
when they saw twelve flat objects, approximately six-feet square, fall like 6/25/1943 #1512  
          Normandy, France Spheres approximately the size of a football. (P 6/1944 #1600  
s the speed of sound at sea level (approximately 3550 km/h). The British go 9/7/1944 #1666  
ny Light blue colored ball of fire approximately three feet in diameter. (P 10/29/1944 #1686  
sc-shaped objects pass overhead at approximately 2,000 feet. Moving three a 11/29/1944 #1709  
number, orange to yellow in color, approximately four feet in diameter, str 12/1944 #1716  
ward, going 6-700 miles an hour at approximately 10,000 feet. It was in vie 7/7/1947 #2835  
, covering 17 miles in 20 seconds (approximately 3,060 mph). They try to ph 7/7/1947 #2934  
ty, New Mexico Roswell impact site approximately 40 miles north of Roswell  7/8/1947 #3012  
ona in Lincoln County, New Mexico, approximately 75 miles northwest of Rosw 7/8/1947 #3012  
ard about the separate impact site approximately 40 miles north of Roswell. 7/8/1947 #3012  
–400 mph. The objects level off at approximately 5,000 feet and make a gent 8/15/1947? #3337  
idly in the climb. The objects are approximately 100 feet long and have a b 8/15/1947? #3337  
AK Two Air Force officers reported approximately 20 discs or spheres millin 7/9/1948 #3702  
out 500 feet distant. The speed is approximately 200 mph, and it accelerate 1/1/1949 #3955  
windows. It is throwing sparks and approximately 8–10 miles away. In the fi 1/27/1949 #3981  
 a red afterglow is seen streaking approximately 300 feet above the souther 4/5/1949 #4076  
 solid disc-shaped object that was approximately 50 feet in diameter. (NICA 10/30/1949 #4406  
object was within their vision for approximately twenty five (25) seconds a 1/10/1950 #4480  
objects travel across the scope in approximately 15–20 seconds on the 100-m 1/12/1950 #4484  
ect remains on the radar scope for approximately 30 minutes, following the  1/12/1950 #4484  
pears, but the radar is jammed for approximately 10 minutes. The crew makes 1/12/1950 #4484  
IL Object in the shape of a discus approximately 60 feet in diameter, 10 fe 2/27/1950 #4562  
 (near), IN A man was driving east approximately two miles east of the junc 3/4/1950 #4578  
ed to be a rocket at a distance of approximately 50-75 yards in front of hi 3/4/1950 #4578  
circular disc 100 feet in diameter approximately over Hazen, Arkansas. In t 3/20/1950 #4690  
 or circular portholes in a circle approximately 75% of the distance from t 3/20/1950 #4690  
ce of not more than 2,640 feet and approximately 1,000 feet higher than the 3/20/1950 #4690  
timated the size of the objects as approximately nine feet in diameter, and 4/17/1950 #4860  
climbing from Washington, D.C. and approximately over Rappahannock, Virgini 5/29/1950 #4974  
its front end. The sighting lasted approximately one minute, and the object 5/29/1950 #4974  
ext to them was a pan-shaped disc, approximately 40-50 feet (15-20 meters)  6/17/1950 #4992  
             In the Atlantic Ocean approximately 100 miles southeast of New 8/4/1950 #5106  
adar contact it is determined that approximately 40 aircraft are in the fli 12/6/1950 #5329  
obert Wood is aboard the USS Dyess approximately 125 miles southeast of Cap 3/1951 #5470  
it a bullet-shaped object appears, approximately 100 feet long and as big a 3/15/1951 #5489  
evel into a coastal fog bank after approximately 3-4 minutes.               9/6/1951 #5654  
ng a 100-to-150-nautical-mile line approximately 5–10 nautical miles off th 3/26/1952 #5980  
 of the Congo]. With a diameter of approximately 36– 45 feet, they travel i 3/29/1952 #5993  
rratic manner. The sighting lasted approximately 10 seconds.                4/18/1952 #6128  
:06 pm. Witness observed an object approximately 200 feet in daiameter and  4/27/1952 #6195  
ximately 200 feet in daiameter and approximately 200 feet off the ground. ( 4/27/1952 #6195  
ham, MI Witness observed an object approximately 200 feet in daiameter and  4/27/1952 #6196  
ximately 200 feet in daiameter and approximately 200 feet off the ground (N 4/27/1952 #6196  
he object travels three times over approximately the same south-to-north /  5/12/1952 #6305  
e object traveled three times over approximately the same triangular course 5/12/1952 #6306  
Mexico near the Florida Keys -- At approximately 1700 hours two eliptically 5/29/1952 #6385  
s. J. D. Markland. The objects are approximately 15,000 feet in altitude an 6/8/1952 #6469  
 are traveling to the southwest at approximately 240°.                      6/8/1952 #6469  
lifornia, sight a silver object at approximately 11,000 feet in altitude of 6/18/1952 #6541  
d blue flourescent colored objects approximately 100 feet in diamter. The o 7/17/1952 #6861  
ter. The objects were observed for approximately 30 minutes. (NICAP: 01 - D 7/17/1952 #6861  
ion observed two (2) bluish lights approximately 5 feet in diameter, appear 7/23/1952 #7071  
re unable to identify the objects. Approximately 90 per cent of the personn 7/23/1952 #7074  
ed] when he sees two bluish lights approximately 5 feet in diameter. They a 7/23/1952 #7078  
1,100 to 2,000 feet. When they are approximately 1.5 miles from the point o 7/23/1952 #7078  
onitoring US air space since 1947. Approximately 20% of UFO reports come fr 7/29/1952 #7328  
ot metal. The objects appear to be approximately 18 inches in diameter and  8/7/1952 #7508  
rved one at a time at intervals of approximately 20 minutes. With the excep 8/7/1952 #7508  
ion, where it stops and hovers for approximately 2 seconds, then takes off  8/9/1952 #7525  
a slight climb and is observed for approximately 90 seconds.                9/3/1952 #7838  
and after. The radar contact lasts approximately 2 minutes.                 1/9/1953 #8524  
ope, appearing west of the station approximately 9 miles away. The scope sh 1/26/1953 #8576  
irectional light at an altitude of approximately 7,000 feet on a southeast  2/6/1953 #8643  
d. The light was at an altitude of approximately 7,000 feet on a southeaste 2/6/1953 #8644  
er altitude. They are observed for approximately 120° of their turn and dis 4/12/1953 #8819  
da. It was on a magnetic course of approximately 270 degrees. One of the ra 4/12/1953 #8820  
tude. The object were observed for approximately 120 degrees of their turn, 4/12/1953 #8821  
dous speed for what appeared to be approximately three miles where it stopp 7/19/1953 #9004  
in a shallow climb accelerating to approximately earth escape velocity (25, 12/16/1953 #9374  
llipse, 2,000' below DC-3, flew at approximately 700 m.p.h. for 6-7 seconds 12/17/1953 #9379  
rently tracked on Woomera radar at approximately the same time.             5/5/1954 #9753  
t in the Zanesville, Ohio, area at approximately 18,000 to 20,000 feet.     6/26/1954 #9954  
, India a noisy disc-shaped object approximately 20 feet in diameter was si 9/15/1954 #10313  
ness, and remained in one spot for approximately 40 seconds. It was reporte 9/20/1954 #10371  
aped object land. Twn silhouettes "approximately human" were seen aboard.   10/9/1954 #10841  
aped object land. Two silhouettes "approximately human" in appearance were  10/9/1954 #10859  
be seen silhouetted inside it. For approximately 10 minutes, the farmer wat 10/14/1954 #11041  
owards the southwest. The men were approximately 1.80 meters in height and  10/18/1954 #11215  
 rocket Launcher Apron 1, Range B, approximately 500 feet away. The light a 10/21/1954 #11304  
ssing the sky over the village, at approximately the same time as the lumin 10/26/1954 #11425  
iew the beings clearly; they stood approximately 35 cm tall and had rather  11/23/1954 #11697  
ained cases had been reduced "from approximately 10% in 1954 to 3%, as of n 1955 #11888  
catalog all incoming UAP material, approximately 1,000 items, including ite 1955 #11900  
low ball of indistinct outline and approximately one fourth the diameter of 7/14/1956 #12970  
from the direction of White Sands, approximately SW. The object was apparen 7/14/1956 #12970  
Suffolk, England. A blip traveling approximately 4,000–8,000 mph on an east 8/13/1956 #13080  
on an easterly heading at 800 mph. Approximately 2 hours later, four object 8/22/1956 #13117  
first saw the UFO. "It appeared at approximately 65 miles southwest of Miam 11/8/1956 #13315  
ork City to Mobile, Alabama. While approximately above Jackson, Alabama, th 11/14/1956 #13329  
ge in color, is observed moving at approximately 1,000 foot above Valley Ci 12/1/1956 #13380  
nge." A similar object was seen at approximately the same location on 1/3/1 1/17/1957 #13463  
nt of the trail, whose diameter is approximately the width of the trail and 2/13/1957 #13503  
at a point over the Atlantic Ocean approximately 350 miles northeast of Jac 3/9/1957 #13540  
ht that appears to stand still for approximately four seconds until it is l 3/9/1957 #13540  
or, glowing object was observed at approximately 60 degrees above the horiz 3/28/1957 #13565  
ter and explode. It was viewed for approximately one minute.                7/29/1957 #13856  
o watch the object, which measures approximately 3 minutes in diameter alon 10/6/1957 #14066  
 glow through binoculars. In sight approximately 90 seconds, the observer s 10/9/1957 #14085  
from him. The egg-shaped object is approximately 60 foot long and causes th 11/5/1957 #14347  
roroentgens/hour, suggestive of an approximately one-hour radionuclide half 11/6/1957 #14430  
ngle witness, a Mrs. Alderman, for approximately one minute.                11/29/1957 #14640  
 can see men inside. The object is approximately 20–30 feet long and dark g 12/16/1957 #14735  
y chased a jeep load of people for approximately 30 minutes, had made a cou 12/21/1957 #14753  
USAF issues "Fact Sheets" - issued approximately semiannually.              1958 #14775  
oast of South Africa. They explode approximately 300 miles into space. The  8/27/1958 #15229  
t was seen hovering in the sky "at approximately 1400 hours." They hurriedl 7/9/1959 #15829  
raft had illuminated portholes. At approximately the same time (8:00 p.m. N 10/7/1959 #16027  
ed that the driver had experienced approximately 40 minutes of missing time 11/8/1959 #16085  
he object flew off towards a field approximately 1.5 kilometers from the hi 1/18/1960 #16156  
edean spiral on Area 51’s dry lake approximately two miles across so that a 10/1960 #16472  
range. The diameter of the disc is approximately 20–25 feet and it is about 1/10/1961 #16574  
is, Minnesota, sees a “ball of fog approximately 3 feet in diameter” swiftl 5/10/1961 #16681  
way. The huge, silent craft hovers approximately 80–100 feet above the Hill 9/19/1961 #16857  
s AFB.  The object was tracked for approximately 45 minutes.                9/30/1961 #16881  
spinning near the ground. It stood approximately 3 meters tall.             5/13/1962 #17172  
ntarctica A brilliant white light, approximately 20 times brighter than fir 6/7/1962 #17221  
t, then climbed up into the sky at approximately 45 degrees to disappear."  6/16/1963 #17788  
im hovering over some power lines, approximately 300 feet away from them. T 6/26/1963 #17811  
t light in her room. She saw a man approximately five feet four inches tall 2/3/1964 #18126  
                                   Approximately 1,400 miles east of Tokyo, 11/19/1964 #18630  
ears. The length of observation is approximately 8–9 seconds. The witness c 1/5/1965 #18699  
, near Poquoson, Virginia, that is approximately 75 feet across and 10–15 f 1/27/1965 #18776  
ge and appears to rotate. It moves approximately a quarter mile west of its 1/27/1965 #18776  
o miles away. They are in view for approximately 3 minutes.                 3/8/1965 #18851  
 on the same course. The object is approximately 40 feet long and has two b 7/28/1965 #19196  
ervisor. All the objects appear at approximately 22,000 feet altitude. One  8/1/1965 #19244  
like laughter. The other being was approximately 5 feet tall. He had a very 8/13/1965 #19383  
-shaped UFO about 50 feet long and approximately 20 feet thick hovering jus 8/19/1965 #19427  
ss than 60 feet off the ground and approximately 150 feef from the left sid 12/11/1965 #19765  
ers above the plant. The object is approximately 18 feet in diameter and em 3/12/1966 #19954  
a shiny metallic cigar-shaped UFO, approximately 60 feet long, and complete 3/18/1966 #19989  
and then hovered at an altitude of approximately 400 meters. The object had 3/27/1966 #20102  
ng three 360° turns to the left at approximately 3,000 mph. The light is wh Mid 6/1966 #20564  
gonal cylinders rise into the air, approximately 1,800 feet apart from each 6/27/1966 #20618  
ig Dipper, then turns and takes an approximately parallel course to the fro 10/31/1966 #21053  
not taken in rapid succession, but approximately 70 minutes has elapsed bet 11/13/1966 #21098  
        Southeastern United States Approximately 4:30-6:30 A.M. Sodium vapo 1/16/1967 #21321  
 to the close approach of the UFO. Approximately two hours later in Vicco,  3/4/1967 #21754  
New York home at 10:30 p.m. It was approximately 100 feet in diameter and h 3/12/1967 #21876  
2 miles away and at an altitude of approximately 2,000 feet. It travels tow 7/3/1967 #22600  
t had a rectangular tube structure approximately 4.5 meters in width, and m 9/7/1967 #23016  
artdurg area. Two of the UFOs were approximately 15 to 20 feet in diameter  11/6/1967 #23412  
20 feet in diameter and three were approximately eight to ten feet in diame 11/6/1967 #23412  
air temperature seems to drop. For approximately 5 minutes, they see what a 11/20/1968 #24672  
low flying and slow moving objects approximately 13 nautical miles (NM) sou 11/28/1968 #24728  
green." Mr. Meingault saw the eyes approximately 3.75 feet above the ground 2/16/1969 #24923  
n which he reveals that out of the approximately 10,000 reports in the Proj 3/3/1969 #24961  
 air balloons that are floating at approximately 5,000–9,800 feet above the 4/12/1969 #25057  
 what looks like a metallic craft, approximately 33 feet in diameter, with  4/25/1969 #25090  
collection of what occurred during approximately one-hour period of missing 6/11/1969 #25211  
at "hovered over Lake Michigan for approximately 90 seconds, then went up a 6/20/1969 #25230  
 strides toward the UFO, which was approximately 30 meters from the witness 8/16/1970 #25791  
t was silver-aluminum in color and approximately 1,000 feet in length. It h 9/25/1970 #25852  
 10 feet high, tipped at an angle, approximately 400 feet above the street. 2/18/1971 #26026  
ervation was made at a distance of approximately 80 yards. (UFO Investigato 4/18/1971 #26077  
of Carlyle, when he saw the object approximately 100 feet above the ground. 4/30/1971 #26086  
en collecting chalk samples. After approximately ten minutes he was "sucked 5/30/1971 #26145  
tanding three short, chubby beings approximately 20 inchestall, with fair c 9/22/1971 #26365  
e bottom- no other lights observed approximately 300 ft across completely s 10/1971 #26395  
he object flying at an altitude of approximately 500 - 1000 feet, was obser 11/6/1971 #26463  
ngated" object and observed it for approximately 20 minutes before it disap 8/21/1972 #26943  
 he saw an orange, circular object approximately 20 to 30 feet in diameter  8/21/1972 #26945  
ngated" object and observed it for approximately 20 minutes before it disap 8/27/1972 #26961  
s tracked for over an hour when at approximately 6:00 a.m., NORAD is alerte 9/14/1972 #26997  
 an hour. NORAD was alerted and at approximately 6:00 a.m. two F-106 jet in 9/14/1972 #27000  
ren Alexander and his dog "Champ." Approximately 400 yards south of the sit 10/14/1972 #27077  
minous object descending to a hill approximately 3 miles from his home. Aft 12/13/1972 #27176  
 observed a red light at 9:50 p.m. approximately 32 kilometers northeast of 2/4/1973 #27270  
  Grand Tower, IL 9:15 p.m. Object approximately 1,500' high hovered over p 3/22/1973 #27361  
 yards west of the power plant and approximately 10 feet above the trees. T 4/15/1973 #27431  
2.5 feet. When it descended it was approximately ten feet in front of the c 5/12/1973 #27481  
fell on an object. It was hovering approximately 20 feet over an open area  10/24/1973 #28270  
sted a luminous rectangular object approximately 35 feet in diameter and 7- 10/29/1973 #28319  
               A box-shaped object approximately 8 feet in diameter was sig 12/2/1973 #28506  
 of a blinding white oval of light approximately six feet in diameter, appa 1/8/1974 #28667  
 the size of a Volkswagen, hovered approximately 300 feet above the hill an 3/1/1974 #28843  
al minutes in Gladstone, Tasmania. Approximately an hour and 45 minutes lat 6/13/1974 #29186  
ncident. At about the same time or approximately twenty minutes earlier, at 7/9/1974 #29255  
that was moving from east to west, approximately 300 yards distant, and as  8/20/1974 #29373  
o woods. While driving, at a point approximately four miles west of Darmsta 12/21/1974 #29652  
 were taken of two luminous balls, approximately 0.35 meters in diameter, o 3/3/1975 #29872  
et. The UFO was described as being approximately 50 feet in length. (Refere 4/10/1975 #29984  
y to the east. The incident lasted approximately eight minutes.             4/26/1975 #30007  
e distance on three city blocks in approximately 15 seconds. During the sig 7/1/1975 #30145  
 to it, one on each side. They are approximately 7 feet tall, a whitish-tra 7/22/1975 #30200  
 plate. The strange contraption is approximately 50 feet in diameter and ap 7/26/1975 #30208  
by a yellowish white light. It was approximately 3-4 meters long, and to it 8/22/1975 #30298  
 to the spot and found a circle of approximately 20 6-inch holes. There wer 8/28/1975 #30315  
 the target appears to be circling approximately 10 miles east-northeast of 10/27/1975 #30488  
me of the sighting. The object was approximately 50 feet above the ground t 11/5/1975 #30559  
00 mph. The object was sighted for approximately 5 to 10 seconds. (National 11/5/1975 #30559  
bout the size of a car. First seen approximately 1015. Approximately 1120,  11/10/1975 #30593  
ar. First seen approximately 1015. Approximately 1120, the object passed ov 11/10/1975 #30593  
rd the eastern shore ..., altitude approximately 2000 feet heading due east 2/19/1976 #30883  
t out this memo at 0545 EDT: 1. At approximately 0345 EDT, the ANMCC called 7/30/1976 #31200  
appear at a very close altitude of approximately 1000 yards over their auto 8/18/1976 #31278  
te oval-shaped room, or enclosure, approximately 50 feet long. He sensed, r 1/27/1977 #31761  
ich were devoid of any life. After approximately 15 minutes he suddenly fou 1/27/1977 #31761  
pe with fuzzy contours, and landed approximately 30 to 40 feet away. The to 4/4/1977 #31943  
 military remains skeptical. After approximately four months, the operation 7/1977 #32220  
sses observed a disk-shaped object approximately 20-22 feet in diameter hov 7/4/1977 #32235  
saw people in a disk shaped object approximately 20- 22 feet around hoverin 7/4/1977 #32235  
of the object which appeared to be approximately 1/2 to 1 mile away. Bruner 7/21/1977 #32296  
f the object, which appeared to be approximately hald a mile to a mile away 7/21/1977 #32299  
 two officers observed the UFO for approximately 45 minutes. During that ti 7/21/1977 #32299  
0 (October 1977): wrap) August 13 (approximately) — Night. At Nocero Umbra, 8/11/1977 #32384  
lls. Mr. Herrero stayed inside for approximately three hours, communicating 12/18/1977 #32797  
ed a UFO flying a collision course approximately 22 miles north of Louisvil 1/15/1978 #32884  
 flying in a ragged straight line, approximately equidistant, at 7,000 feet 1/27/1978 #32918  
ject was about as big as a jet and approximately 200-300' high and about 70 4/7/1978 #33131  
10 meters above the ground. It was approximately 10-12 meters in diameter.  6/4/1978 #33255  
on coverage and newspaper reports. Approximately five hours earlier that da 6/4/1978 #33256  
aw that the gleam came from a mass approximately 5 meters in height. He can 7/8/1978 #33353  
aw that the gleam came from a mass approximately 5 meters in height. He can 7/8/1978 #33355  
n suddenly a white circle of light approximately 3 feet in diameter shines  11/22/1978 #33980  
rned to the ground. The aliens are approximately 4 feet tall with pointed e 6/28/1979 #34639  
ent above the ground. Described as approximately 20 feet across and 12 feet 11/9/1979 #34989  
pearing gradually. The duration is approximately 2 minutes.                 1/17/1980 #35137  
10 times maintaining a distance of approximately 1500 feet.                 9/28/1980 #35541  
it. He experiences missing time of approximately 25 minutes, during which h 11/29/1980 #35682  
 in a remote desert area of Texas, approximately 50 miles from Big Spring,  12/14/1980 #35716  
regular change (possible rotation) approximately every 60 seconds from an u 2/22/1984 #37197  
orth heading east at low level for approximately 10 minutes. This NL was lo 8/30/1984 #37447  
later determined that its speed is approximately 34 mph and that it is abou 1/29/1986 #37775  
 as a forest fire, which lasts for approximately one hour. A scientific tea 1/29/1986 #37775  
nts are found at the site. In all, approximately 70 grams of lead, 5 grams  1/29/1986 #37775  
t sees a V-shaped configuration of approximately 12 spherical nocturnal lig 4/25/1986 #37839  
 the days to months afterward, and approximately 14 suspected radiation-ind 4/26/1986 #37843  
t hovering about 50 paces away and approximately 15 meters above the ground 5/15/1986 #37870  
 1 (March 2000): 33–34) August 11 (approximately) — 6:00 p.m. A retired fac 8/1986 #37964  
ft carrier" about 50 miles away at approximately their altitude, and travel 5/16/1987 #38175  
and disappears. The maneuvers last approximately 10 minutes.                5/2/1989 #38935  
nd moved about at ground level for approximately five minutes, 30 feet away 8/13/1989 #39061  
hen sped away. The object was seen approximately two miles south of Ebensbu 9/3/1989 #39090  
rge luminous sphere hovering above approximately the same location.         10/11/1989 #39164  
 to cosmonauts or robots, and were approximately 140-150 cm in height. Two  10/31/1989 #39199  
te luminous points is estimated at approximately 33 feet. They cannot disti 12/11/1989 #39313  
 at 11:00 p.m. saw a spherical UFO approximately 1,000 feet away. The objec 4/18/1990 #39536  
white and flickering quickly, with approximately two lights on the left and 5/17/1991 #40066  
ot-thick center. The object hovers approximately 10 feet off the ground. Th 3/20/1992 #40394  
his car, then it speeds away after approximately 2–3 seconds. It departs th 3/20/1992 #40394  
eat velocity ... at an altitude of approximately 1,000 feet.” It looks like 3/31/1993 #40914  
ters. The vehicle was traveling at approximately 100 km/h.                  5/16/1993 #40983  
spherical object flying northward. Approximately 4 miles from them, it is l 3/6/1994 #41443  
  At 10:00 p.m. a black rectangle, approximately 30 feet long with a bright 8/28/1994 #41698  
d very slowly, making no noise, at approximately 70 meters altitude.        12/1/1994 #41876  
ue to white. Four little creatures approximately 3-4 feet tall then appeare 8/15/1995 #42387  
                                At approximately 8:00 p.m. local time a num 10/3/1996 #43051  
field. The object was observed for approximately 20-30 seconds, during whic 10/3/1996 #43052  
 which time it traversed an arc or approximately 30 degrees of angle. The o 10/3/1996 #43052  
ared secret. Moynihan reports that approximately 400,000 new secrets are cr 3/3/1997 #43217  
w South Wales -- On this Monday at approximately 6 p.m. a married couple we 10/13/1997 #43427  
traveling toward the west and were approximately 100 kilometers north of Gu 10/13/1997 #43427  
ce to the objects had decreased to approximately one mile. They were then a 10/13/1997 #43427  
ay. The total observation time was approximately 45 minutes. The photograph 10/13/1997 #43427  
80 foot silver domed disc hovering approximately 75 feet over a bookstore i 10/10/1998 #43662  
tallic object was seen hovering at approximately a mile to a mile and a hal 6/12/1999 #43785  
e of the Interstate 90 highway for approximately 20 mins near the Idaho-Was 9/21/1999 #43851  
onal Defence Review that there are approximately 150 “special access progra 1/5/2000 #43921  
ts on its top. The sighting lasted approximately 40 seconds.                11/28/2000 #44086  
            A cigar-shaped object, approximately 100 feet long, with lights 8/9/2001 #44230  
hree black triangular UFOs seen at approximately 1:30 a.m. in Joshua Tree,  8/24/2001 #44243  
that a large orange light appeared approximately 15 degrees above the easte 7/28/2002 #44367  
, but then a second light appeared approximately 50 degrees south of the fi 7/28/2002 #44367  
   In North Lauderdale, Florida at approximately 10:25 p.m. an oval-shaped  5/7/2004 #44695  
ser to the ramp he saw two figures approximately 3-4 feet tall. Each was ei 7/27/2004 #44718  
es a dark gray, egg-shaped object, approximately 62 feet long, engaging in  10/27/2004 #44770  
                                   Approximately 15 oval-shaped UFOs were s 11/5/2004 #44778  
ed by Chad Underwood, takes off at approximately 12:00 noon, this time equi 11/14/2004 #44784  
ems scientist Ron Haddow, draws on approximately 10,000 sightings and repor 5/15/2006 #44942  
estigate and walked into the woods approximately 60 yards before they heard 8/5/2006 #44952  
 Archives. Funds are found to scan approximately 160 files and remove sensi 9/2006 #44957  
kevitch, “The disc was visible for approximately five minutes and was seen  11/7/2006 #44981  
cond as it shot up vertically from approximately a mile above the earth int 1/30/2007 #45002  
NE and go past to the left to land approximately 8-9 miles away, but this n 4/17/2007 #45018  
ound. Culp Valley campground is at approximately 3,500 feet in elevation. H 9/16/2007 #45059  
iting Earth: the P45s, humans from approximately 45,000 years in the future 2008 #45109  
   A V-shaped formation made up of approximately 8-10 lights flew over St.  10/31/2008 #45183  
teady course with a slow climb, at approximately 10 mph.                    5/4/2010 #45278  
lights underneath flew overhead at approximately 50 feet. It was a very clo 5/12/2010 #45280  
 was completely silent and hovered approximately 60 feet above the roadway. 6/1/2013 #45369  
es another batch of 209 UFO files, approximately 52,000 pages, covering 200 6/21/2013 #45374  
raft [that] was white in color and approximately the size and shape of a dr 6/27/2013 #45376  
 right side of their aircraft with approximately 200 feet of lateral separa 6/27/2013 #45376  
 around 12,000 feet and a speed of approximately 0.1 Mach. “The aircraft ha 11/18/2013 #45395  
ely 0.1 Mach. “The aircraft had an approximately 5-foot wingspan and was co 11/18/2013 #45395  
raft appeared to be small in size, approximately the size of a suitcase, an 3/26/2014 #45405  
ina. The objects are all flying at approximately 0.1 Mach at altitudes betw 3/13/2018 #45523  
are also spread out across an area approximately 40 to 50 miles wide, with  3/13/2018 #45523  
ntah County, Utah Skinwalker Ranch Approximately 4:45 p.m. The Skinwalker R 6/15/2019 #45585  
surveillance and tracking data. At approximately the same time, the USS Rus 7/15/2019 #45593  
one of the UAS crosses the ship at approximately 2,000 feet. A photo is tak 7/17/2019 #45595  
## Word: "approximating" (Back to Top)
 travel in outer space with speeds approximating that of light by use of an 7/3/1947 #2551  
he noise also increases to a level approximating a sonic boom as it goes up 8/19/1965 #19427  
## Word: "approximation" (Back to Top)
 is more properly thought of as an approximation rather than as a serious a 11/1/1961 #16944  
## Word: "apps" (Back to Top)
ecreate the Brown effect.  https://apps.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a19753 4/1988 #38526  
considered in the future.  https://apps.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a22712 4/1988 #38527  
7064-forbidden-science-4   https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/citations/AD0904326    1990 #39357  
.osti.gov/biblio/4081643   https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/citations/AD0779060    1990 #39357  
000cook/page/83/mode/1up   https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA221595.pdf     3/1990 #39436  
nsophisticated adversary.  https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA392587.pdf (p1 5/1996 #42891  
ing the WEAV is scalable.  https://apps.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a56412 12/2011 #45335  
://imgur.com/a/tYbWkBa *   https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA294169.pdf *   9/3/2021 #45707  
## Word: "apq-24" (Back to Top)
11:50 p.m., the B-36 autopilot and APQ-24 radar set malfunction, the latter 9/18/1951 #5678  
## Word: "apr" (Back to Top)
nings. Hovers over Belleville / 19 Apr. '87.                                3/27/1897 #397  
server(s). 100' saucer-cigars / 48 Apr. '49.                                5/5/1949 #4146  
ver(s) / their planet. Returned 14 Apr. '50!                                12/4/1949 #4432  
e bird explanation. See also Life, Apr. 7, 1952. While investigating the Lu 8/30/1951 #5638  
0-turn going west. Back / 11 19+21 Apr. '52.                                4/4/1952 #6022  
. White night light maneuvers / 28 Apr. '54.                                5/14/1965 #18939  
r-shape with spotlights back on 16 Apr. '66.                                1/14/1966 #19833  
5-46, from the Hamilton Spectator, Apr. 2, 1966.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 3/29/1966 #20134  
4, p. 337; Boston Record American, Apr. 13, 1966, quoted in Flying Saucer R 4/12/1966 #20288  
er / jet planes. 2 saucers back 20 Apr. '67.                                3/24/1967 #21959  
rns / bottom/underside. Back 19-20 Apr. '67.                                4/11/1967 #22106  
 after tremor. Odd starry cloud 11 Apr. '69.                                3/11/1969 #24993  
housetop. Takes off. Seen again 12 Apr. 6.                                  3/25/1969 #25039  
t., hovered. Ulysses, Kans., News, Apr. 24, 1969; CUFOS report, dated as Ap 4/14/1969 #25062  
. 24, 1969; CUFOS report, dated as Apr 19.(E) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)   4/14/1969 #25062  
 saucer over house. Same again / 9 Apr. '76 / 1210hrs.                      12/8/1975 #30691  
ver river. 10' ovoid. Fuses blow / Apr. '78 / r60#106.                      5/20/1978 #33229  
 northeast. Hundreds / report(s) / Apr. '81.                                4/13/1981 #35896  
objects. Circular object seen / 18 Apr. '90.                                12/18/1989 #39321  
MO Wave / night lights and orbs to Apr. '92. Big MUFON study. Cattle mutila 1/26/1992 #40305  
ce is listed as TS/SCI/SBI as of 3 APR 1990.  Sherman does not provide a de 12/1993 #41313  
## Word: "apr'76" (Back to Top)
s car to 125mph. Maneuvers. / APRO Apr'76.                                  3/11/1975 #29887  
## Word: "apr'79" (Back to Top)
 / dark all over/all about! / APRO Apr'79.                                  8/1952 #7378  
arry box. Glide over brush. / APRO Apr'79.                                  10/2/1978 #33788  
## Word: "apr'80" (Back to Top)
ng up [to] and rejoins 1st. / APRO Apr'80.                                  6/7/1979 #34602  
## Word: "apr69+flying" (Back to Top)
eres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) APR69+Flying Saucer Review (FSR.)        7/1956 #12938  
## Word: "apraksin" (Back to Top)
         LAKE BASKUNCHAK, RS Pilot Apraksin chases banana. Hit / cones / li 6/16/1948 (approximate) #3670  
Soviet test pilot Arkady Ivanovich Apraksin is flying at an altitude of 6.5 6/16/1948 #3671  
 to land, but it does not respond. Apraksin is ordered to intercept it and  6/16/1948 #3671  
 landing after the UFO disappears. Apraksin is interrogated heavily.        6/16/1948 #3671  
        SARATOV, RUSSIA Test Pilot Apraksin. Cylinder/cigar-shape zaps plan 5/6/1949 #4151  
Soviet test pilot Arkady Ivanovich Apraksin takes a new airplane for a flig 5/6/1949 #4158  
 decorated Soviet test pilot named Apraksin was flying over the Volga River 5/6/1949 #4161  
## Word: "aprasksin" (Back to Top)
s the course of Russian test pilot Aprasksin flying over the Kapustin Yar t 6/16/1948 #3672  
## Word: "apre" (Back to Top)
      At 11:15 p.m. in Toscane St. Apre, Dordogne, France a witness at a ca 8/20/2001 #44239  
## Word: "aprg" (Back to Top)
ision had taken place at 8:19 p.m. APRG (Aerial Phenomena Research Group) i 4/1/1959 #15686  
 McChord AFB. Several persons told APRG investigator, R. Gribble, that as t 4/1/1959 #15686  
furnish information on the UFOs to APRG, but changed his mind the next day  4/1/1959 #15686  
## Word: "april" (Back to Top)
 Saw It,” Springfield (Ill.) News, April 26, 1897, p. 1) Mid-April – Night. Mid 4/1897 #493  
city twice on the night of Friday, April 16. According to the Vincennes Mor 4/16/1897 #503  
 / 20 APRIL AND MCKINNEY SPRS / 23 APRIL Great airship lands 3X / 4 days.   4/21/1897 #548  
ame one that landed in Beaumont on April 19).                               4/28/1897? #582  
he examines the same spot again on April 6.                                 3/30/1908 #703  
her vague reports continue through April 30.                                4/13/1917 #955  
nes, as appeared in Life Magazine, April 7 1952.                            1934 #1189  
t. High altitude. Also others / 13 April and 10 JUN'43.                     6/4/1943 #1509  
nterviewed by James E. McDonald on April 10, 1969.                          10/28/1944 #1685  
e on Unidentified Aerial Objects,” April 28, 1949, p. 2; Michael David Hall 12/30/1947 #3516  
[Some copies are confusingly dated April 28, 1949.] This is the cul- minati 12/10/1948 #3923  
es to investigate. (Clark III 542) April 16 and 18 — Mysterious flares are  4/14/1949 #4090  
ted (39 in all) from December 5 to April 12. The common characteristics of  4/19/1949 #4094  
                               The April 30 issue of the Saturday Evening P 4/29/1949 #4132  
Rees’s report on Kaplan’s visit on April 28, the trip that USAF Intelligenc 5/31/1949 #4218  
rles P. Cabell inquiring about his April visit to Los Alamos, New Mexico. H 7/13/1949 #4269  
mith and George W. Towles. Hynek’s April analysis is included as an appendi 8/10/1949 #4315  
his father’s house, he finds it is April 14, 1950, and has lost nearly four 12/4/1949 #4434  
n four months (the return date was April 14th, 1950).                       12/4/1949 #4435  
t the Charles B. Moore sighting of April 24, 1949, in a True magazine artic 3/1950 #4565  
 past. The official contract gives April 1 as the starting date.            3/16/1950 #4655  
e’s article on the Adickes case of April 27, “Flight 117 and the Flying Sau 8/1950 #5094  
ects. A US edition is published in April 1951 as Is Another World Watching? 12/1950 #5305  
                    OFF EAST KOREA April and May. US Princeton and PHL sea. 5/1951 (approximate) #5510  
entists on UFOs on March 26 and in April 1952, respectively)                1/29/1952 #5884  
ors. This is issued, apparently in April. Burgess assigns Maj. Vernon L. Sa 3/19/1952 #5961  
 Five trials are conducted through April 21 by the US Army Chemical Corps u 3/26/1952 #5980  
the Defence Research Board. At its April 24 meeting, it decides to meet wit 4/22/1952 #6155  
nk-glow objects / 3 formations. 24 April saucer going quickly west and seve 4/23/1952 #6160  
a AP radio news service summary of April 5, 1953, indicates that luminous o 3/20/1953 #8765  
 is the Sea of Japan ELINT case of April 14. Apparently, Robertson’s mind i 7/1953 #8979  
ter training. On the evening of 12 April 1954, KA states he was ordered to  4/12/1954 #9685  
P crashed near Bandelier, NM on 24 April 1954. KA states he was sent back t 4/12/1954 #9685  
ceived 87 UFO sightings in January–April.                                   6/1/1954 #9861  
he Top Secret recovery of a UFO on April 12, 1954.                          3/7/1955 #12035  
he report remains Top Secret until April 30, 1959, and Secret until March 1 10/4/1955 #12488  
o book that ONR chose to copy (see April 1956). Ufologists later link the a 4/1956 #12779  
liamson channelings that had begun April 18 when Lord Aramu-Muru announced  12/2/1956 #13384  
                 Moriah Center, NY April or May 1957; Moriah Center, N. Y.  1957 #13427  
dry mechanic from Rochdale. But on April 17, the Air Ministry sends an inve 2/15/1957 #13509  
o presents him Gen. Joe W. Kelly’s April 8 letter to Lee Metcalf, indicatin Mid 7/1957 #13799  
“dirty bomb” had been detonated in April 1957, with signs indicating “do no 1958 #14779  
 island’s proximity. Willy Smith’s April 20, 1983, interview of Baraúna tak 1/16/1958 #14831  
ir Force silence group at work. In April, CBS director of editing Herbert A 1/22/1958 #14838  
ing the Meet the Millers tape from April 16, 1956, which he has obtained. H 2/1958 #14859  
. Night light rises / sea. Back 10 April. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v4#5 4/9/1958 #14966  
 Buck Nelson. He claims that since April 1955 he has made 21 trips to other 6/28/1958 #15123  
al for psychiatric examination. On April 18th, the day after being discharg 2/28/1959 #15624  
 on the TV show In Town Tonight on April 18 and on the BBC program Panorama 4/18/1959 #15707  
and on the BBC program Panorama on April 20 where he debates with astronome 4/18/1959 #15707  
outh, at Caxton Hall in London (on April 28), Birmingham University (April  4/18/1959 #15707  
 April 28), Birmingham University (April 29), Manchester (May 1), and sever 4/18/1959 #15707  
ment and goes to Mercy Hospital on April 17. He invites Long John Nebel to  4/19/1959 #15708  
celed. Those who have come for the April 19 launch hear contactee Dana Howa 4/19/1959 #15708  
 disc in the sky on the evening of April 23rd in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Around  4/25/1959 #15713  
 Paulo, Brazil. Around midnight of April 23-24 he awoke and felt the need t 4/25/1959 #15713  
x-Navy worker Riley Hansard Crabb (April 2, 1912 — January 20, 1994) takes  1960's #16135  
making "senseless accusations." In April 1961, after being associated with  3/1961 #16616  
ip’s crew sees a similar object on April 20 at 4:50 a.m. when it is 25 mile 4/19/1961 #16655  
ltiple radar sighting at Nellis on April 18 with no visual (despite hundred 4/18/1962 #17120  
over Utah that it claims occurs on April 19. In reality, the Utah and Nevad 4/18/1962 #17120  
 Book monthly sighting listing for April 1962. It is interesting that every 4/18/1962 #17120  
ces list this case as occurring on April 30, but the Air Force lists the fl 4/29/1962 #17135  
alls going down / sea in Fiji / 04 April. / APRO.                           4/15/1963 #17727  
Investigation Society. It folds in April 1971.                              1/1964 #18104  
heck the area for radioactivity on April 26. Hynek arrives on April 28 and  4/24/1964 #18200  
vity on April 26. Hynek arrives on April 28 and interviews Zamora and Chave 4/24/1964 #18200  
g’ Incident,” APRO Bulletin, March/April 1965, pp. 1, 3; Joan Whritenour, “ 3/2/1965 #18832  
ontroversial contactee who died on April 23. Adamski was of Polish backgrou 4/24/1965 #18916  
nds nothing wrong. On the night of April 7, 19-year-old Gary Taylor is kill 4/4/1966 #20224  
rch Society arrives on the site on April 8, speaks to students, and views t 4/6/1966 #20257  
upward. (NICAP notes.) [Compare to April 17, 1966, Ravenna, Ohio, sheriffs  4/7/1966 #20267  
hovering off Route 16. [Compare to April 12, Brockton, Mass., sighting.] (F 4/16/1966 #20303  
ky / 150min. Earlier sighting / 28 April / No further details.              4/30/1966 #20430  
               A Gallup Poll taken April 14–19 reveals that 46% of American 5/8/1966 #20463  
irits found at the men’s homes. In April 1980, Jacques Vallée locates the e 8/20/1966 #20779  
 2,000 feet. (Letter to APRO dated April 2, 1967, posted on NICAP web site. 1/20/1967 #21358  
counter, an apparent abduction, on April 11. In a series of other experienc 3/31/1967 #22023  
oid. Get buzzed. Object lands / 13 April. / LDLN#94.                        4/7/1967 #22087  
ssex, UK 2:15 a.m. (9:15 p.m. EST, April 16). A loud humming sound was hear 4/17/1967 #22148  
ral John S. Earman, transmitted on April 24 to Helms, that clearly shows th 4/24/1967 #22214  
r?” AUFORN Special Report, no. 34 (April 2003), reprinted in UFO Evidence)  6/15/1968 #24040  
telescope are investigated through April 1969. The UFOs, often seen as red  8/1968 #24284  
up 365 unidentified tracks through April.                                   1/31/1969 #24881  
orizontal. Then goes fast. Back 14 April.                                   4/13/1969 #25060  
mals upset. Saucer nest found / 17 April.                                   4/16/1969 #25066  
r from Lismore, visits the site on April 20 and takes 25 feet of 8mm color  4/17/1969 #25067  
 New York City. It continues until April 1974.                              5/1969 #25105  
n the area of Olekminsk, Russia on April 24, provoking a widescale search i 4/24/1970 #25643  
n the Philadelphia Experiment (see April 1956) and that he time traveled to 1/1971 #25963  
ar. Lights rotate / rim. Back / 18 April.                                   4/15/1971 #26074  
s a temporary restraining order in April. The case proceeds to trial, at wh 3/1972 #26584  
es car to Navekvarn. Exact same 14 April!                                   4/13/1972 #26643  
rom March 1975 to October 2008. In April 2013 it changes its name to the Ar 8/1972 #26863  
roject Identification commences in April, logging several hundred hours of  4/1973 #27397  
lights to dim. During the night of April 15-16 more than a dozen witnesses  4/15/1973 #27431  
 County, MO Sheriffs and others on April 10 reported at least three UFOs ov 4/19/1973 #27432  
e experiences another encounter on April 26, which some investigators think 5/22/1973 #27518  
 top (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, April 1974, page 4) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 2/13/1974 #28764  
he time of the incident (twice, on April 1 and May 20). He discovers that a 3/23/1974 #28936  
 receives the slide anonymously on April 14, with a note pinned to his car  3/23/1974 #28937  
 earlier in this year in March and April, and at the end of June a strange  7/17/1974 #29266  
re withdrawn from public access in April. About 40 of these cases are not i 1/1975? #29684  
n and Portugal, case 199; Skylook, April 1975, p. 1). (NICAP: 08 - Photogra 1/1/1975 #29687  
 27, 1975; NICAP UFO Investigator, April 1975; Skylook, December 1975, p. 1 2/10/1975 #29799  
ast. Also UFO's 21+24 March and 17 April. Goats and more/others mutilated.  3/12/1975 #29890  
TH / LUMBERTON, NC Also 4, 6, 8, 9 April. Knitting mill buzzed / silent no  4/4/1975 #29960  
al Canadian Mounted Police report, April, 11, 1975, Carman, Manitoba, Carma 4/10/1975 #29984  
been appearing so frequently since April 10 that it has been nicknamed “Cha 5/13/1975 #30056  
 report dated August 5, 1975; FSR, April 1976, p. 24). (NICAP: 01 - Distant 7/20/1975 #30192  
ght up very quickly. (Source: FSR, April 1976, p. 25, citing CUFOS). (NICAP 9/2/1975 #30336  
wly. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, April 1976, page 3) (NICAP: 02 - Close E 1/27/1976 #30822  
Wave / night lights and saucers to April. Church bells ring. Radios electro 2/17/1976 #30876  
oir. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, April 1976, page 1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 2/19/1976 #30885  
t. (Source: Gordon Creighton, FSR, April 1977, p. 27). (NICAP: 07 - Entity  2/25/1976 #30902  
eed. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, April 1976, page 3) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 2/26/1976 #30909  
 sky. Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, April 1976, pages 3-4) (NICAP: 01 - Dist 3/15/1976 #30942  
ition deteriorates, and he dies in April 1993.                              4/3/1976 #30983  
eed help. He was hospitalized from April 23 to April 27. Another independen 4/22/1976 #31011  
 was hospitalized from April 23 to April 27. Another independent witness, F 4/22/1976 #31011  
. Both orange. (Near same farm / 7 April event). / r30p614.                 5/24/1976 #31072  
maneuver. No body resolved. Back / April.                                   3/11/1977 #31895  
 (Sources: Marc Leduc, UFO Quebec, April 1977, issue # 10; HUMCAT: Catalogu 4/6/1977 #31952  
(Source: CUFOS files, report dated April 10, 1977). (NICAP: 06 - Trace Case 4/8/1977 #31962  
 Back / 5-day beard. Watch says 30 April! / International UFO Reporter (CUF 4/25/1977 #32022  
h indicates the impossible date of April 30. He is almost in hysterics and  4/25/1977 #32026  
h indicated the impossible date of April 30. He was almost in hysterics and 4/25/1977 #32027  
azil. Longitude & latitude coords. April.                                   6/15/1977 (approximate) #32164  
 Laval, Quebec. It continues until April 1979.                              7/1977 #32221  
hen shot away. (Source: Awareness, April 1979, p. 4). (NICAP: 02 - Close En 7/6/1977 #32239  
pe. Source BUFORA Vol 6 No 6 March/April (Reference: THE 5TH ANNUAL PRUFOS  10/30/1977 #32637  
on every time. He is discharged on April 7.                                 3/24/1978 #33078  
op-secret experiments. However, on April 23, 2019, hundreds of people on th 4/2/1978 #33119  
   MOSCOW, RS 17 UFO's reported 03 April alone. 120 over Moscow in all of 1 4/3/1978 #33122  
any. It continues through at least April 1987.                              1/1979 #34269  
ort to Magonia. It continues until April 2009.                              Fall 1979 #34917  
akens 1000km away / northwest / 25 April! Car left behind.                  4/20/1981 #35906  
rity & Scientific Affairs hearing, April 2, 1982. Rep. Larry Winn, Jr. ER-K 3/1/1982 #36374  
n going north. Night light back 01 April.                                   3/30/1982 #36417  
ón Anomalía). It continues through April 2012.                              1/1983 #36741  
ate wrong and that it was actually April 25, 1964, shortly after the Socorr 4/9/1983 #36830  
es a Terne rocket as a warning. On April 29, a possible sonar contact is re 4/27/1983 #36846  
Selbjørnfjord. On the afternoon of April 30, the Oslo, after another sonar  4/27/1983 #36846  
alen, Norway. It continues through April 1985.                              10/1983 #36988  
Army all over/all about hills / 15 April. / r81p136.                        4/14/1984 #37261  
 other meetings: August 6–7, 1985; April 24, 1986; and November 18, 1987. T 5/20/1985 #37590  
he sphere chasing the ambulance in April had passed above power lines.      Late 12/1986 #38087  
ment took place at Holloman AFB in April 1964. Lear alleges that the MJ-12  12/29/1987 #38378  
tandem, etc.  He also claims on 30 April 1964, the first communication betw 12/29/1987 #38379  
ologies Section (see June 1972 and April 1988). According to SAIC investiga 4/1988 #38527  
controls (see second note under 28 April 2006). Shannon’s name was also men 4/1988 #38527  
 begins reading UFO literature. In April 2000, do Prado is hypnotically reg 7/1988 #38596  
ccasions between December 1988 and April 1989 to learn about Project Galile 12/6/1988 #38748  
d ahead of car. MUFON UFO Journal, April 1990, p. 15 (E,L) car (NICAP: 03 - 1/20/1990 #39382  
. Colored lights / rear. Back 9+16 April. / FSRv35#4.                       2/15/1990 #39419  
                                On April 22, 1990 seven reports of flying t 4/22/1990 #39541  
 Luminous trail. Night lights / 18 April.                                   1/16/1992 #40289  
uted to the reentry, concluding on April 16 that “It seems that an unidenti 3/31/1993 #40914  
aris, France. It continues through April 2015.                              4/1993 #40921  
Scott Jones and Ron Pandolfi on 15 April 1993 which referred to the CIA ask 4/15/1993 #40934  
 CSETI’s Congressional Briefing on April 9, 1997, in Washington, D.C. It is 1994 #41341  
 movements around Campinas through April. There are rumors that metal fragm 1/23/1996 #42709  
 appointed NASA Administrator on 1 April 992 by President George HW Bush an 8/7/1996 #42971  
 months. The process goes on until April 27, 1998, when the report is sent  11/28/1997 #43451  
ins to investigate the Cao case in April 2000 and has him hypnotically regr 12/1999 #43890  
he Earth only a few miles away. On April 16, Ken Masson, who farms 13 miles 4/1/2001 #44156  
lowing domed saucer going east. 30 April meteor's tail..                    4/23/2001 #44160  
archer Grant Cameron and others in April 2019.                              10/16/2002 #44417  
hing a book, OVNIs: L’évidence, in April.                                   1/2004 #44641  
en/US military meeting was set for April 1964 in Alamogordo, where the alie 11/1/2005 #44898  
1969. Another batch is received on April 23, 2009, covering the years 1970– 10/31/2008 #45181  
ins, Madison, and Florham Park. On April 7, Russo and Rudy plead guilty to  1/5/2009 #45206  
 for aerospace mass reduction (see April 2017). In 2017 the Navy combined t 3/2014 #45403  
ial phenomena in recent years.” In April 2020, the two videos are declassif 2/2015? #45430  
orted to the Swedish government on April 8 that the suspected underwater ve 4/13/2015 #45436  
ts emails released by the NRO on 8 April 2022, which show extensive coordin 11/5/2015 #45439  
nsations of sound and pressure) in April that are similar to the diplomats  5/23/2018 #45527  
ncing and hitting the floor” since April 2017, followed by excruciating hea 5/23/2018 #45527  
en linked to UAP elsewhere (see 25 April 2019 entry).  https://www.document 11/29/2018 #45549  
ed the land from Robert Bigelow in April 2016) and led by University of Ala 6/15/2019 #45585  
e is a sharp increase in March and April due to the launch of SpaceX satell 1/2021 #45671  
classified using DOE controls (see April 1988 note). Shannon’s notes state  9/26/2022 #45772  
xperiment” was related to UAP (see April 1956)   At least one other civiliz 9/26/2022 #45772  
## Word: "april'72" (Back to Top)
ill abducted. See drawings / NICAP April'72.                                9/19/1961 #16849  
## Word: "apro" (Back to Top)
tic effect (EME). Away / 700mph. / APRO v30#10.                             2/1944 #1568  
/ twice plane-speed. / FBI files / APRO.                                    8/14/1947 #3324  
e turns. Red sprays cause welts. / APRO 1-63.                               4/8/1950 #4824  
eudo-human/entity inside. Ashes. / APRO Aug'55+Flying Saucer Review (FSR) 2 5/15/1950 #4943  
 a Scarborough, Ontario, member of APRO, finds in 1974 that Steep Rock empl 7/2/1950 #5039  
loon. Sways. Going quickly east. / APRO B.v1#1.                             10/11/1951 #5721  
r home as well as the homes of the APRO treasurer and secretary the same da 1/1952 #5853  
ins. Shoots up / enormous speed. / APRO.                                    4/1952 #6006  
e(s) altitude. Going east again. / APRO v1#2.                               7/8/1952 #6726  
ens publish the first issue of the APRO Bulletin.                           7/15/1952 #6828  
rific speed. Going quickly west. / APRO B.v1#2.                             7/26/1952 #7141  
ing quickly west extremely fast. / APRO v1#2.                               7/30/1952 #7347  
 Halo / dark all over/all about! / APRO Apr'79.                             8/1952 #7378  
ght at saucer. Zapped and burnt. / APRO Vol.1#2.                            8/19/1952 #7643  
[to] fast. Separate observer(s). / APRO v1#2.                               8/28/1952 #7759  
mes and going quickly [to] away. / APRO v1#3.                               9/15/1952 #7952  
ivilian UFO groups such as CSI and APRO should be watched “because of their 1/17/1953 #8548  
hing else is heard of this sample. APRO arranges for a separate analysis of 8/19/1953 #9084  
ts on perimeter. Ovoids / Peoria / APRO v2#2.                               8/21/1953 #9093  
90° turns? Film going [to] USAF. / APRO Jul. '61.                           8/23/1953 #9100  
magnetized. Paint changes color. / APRO 3'62.                               11/1953 #9268  
oss sky / V-formation / 2200kph. / APRO v3#1.                               5/6/1954 #9757  
 dead! / r5p116+/ NICAP and more / APRO.                                    6/15/1954 (approximate) #9904  
over houses. Entire area silent! / APRO v3#1.                               6/26/1954 #9950  
lar eclipse. Exact same / Norway / APRO v3#1.                               6/30/1954 #9964  
uickly northeast extremely fast. / APRO files.                              11/2/1954 #11532  
id hovers / school. Jet circles. / APRO v3#5.                               11/9/1954 #11605  
k(?) passes. No further details. / APRO v3#5+/ r173p240.                    12/1/1954 #11739  
 Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v6#6+/ APRO Jul. '57.                           12/13/1954 #11804  
 over hill. Strong blue flashes. / APRO.                                    12/15/1954 #11812  
to] saucer and quickly going up. / APRO v3#4.                               12/16/1954 #11821  
2 minutes. Away incredibly fast. / APRO.                                    4/1955 #12075  
 turns. Going quickly southwest. / APRO v4#1+/ r139#4.                      5/25/1955 #12157  
s circle airport / 2km altitude. / APRO 8'55.                               5/27/1955 #12162  
 Greys). 7 observer(s). / r0p172+/ APRO.                                    8/21/1955 #12382  
 50kph. Air Force planes circle. / APRO.                                    10/1955 (approximate) #12473  
eral passes / town. Photographs. / APRO JLY'56.                             3/13/1956 #12752  
land, Texas Philadelphia Navy Yard APRO headquarters Pennsylvania An annota 4/1956 #12777  
e 1970s, Carlos Allende appears at APRO headquarters and confesses that the 4/1956 #12777  
 side effects. Allende later tells APRO the “Philadelphia Experiment” was a 4/1956 #12779  
Texas. In 1969, Allen confesses to APRO that he had written the annotations Summer 1956? #12914  
windows going south. Inside lit. / APRO 9'56.                               7/13/1956 #12969  
er. Beams. Jets chase. / r28p435+/ APRO 7'56.                               7/18/1956 #12982  
ort(s) / Edwards Air Force Base. / APRO SEPT'56.                            7/22/1956 #13003  
= 6° / arc. Fades / 2 second(s). / APRO Sep. '56.                           8/1/1956? #13047  
itude. RADAR traces. Jets chase. / APRO 56'11.                              9/4/1956 #13181  
/ Air Defense Command. / r78p177+/ APRO SEPT56.                             9/6/1956 #13191  
y southeast rising. / r141 #1p25+/ APRO Mar'57.                             1/17/1957 #13464  
UFO. Drops weather balloon gear? / APRO MAY'57+/ r141.                      2/15/1957 #13508  
3. Maneuvers all over/all about. / APRO Mar'57+/ r141#1.                    3/8/1957 #13525  
oids (or Greys) by. Lava-traces. / APRO May'57+/ r141.                      5/10/1957 #13651  
ole objects. Rise O / O / sight. / APRO.                                    6/8/1957 #13713  
follow ship. / r242p125+/ r46p93+/ APRO Sept57.                             6/18/1957 #13735  
l over/all about. Reacts / lights. APRO 3 / 58+/ r46p94+/ r148.             6/29/1957 #13758  
 the event have ever come forward. APRO representative Olavo T. Fontes exam Early 9/1957 #13971  
1.866 (normal magnesium is 1.741). APRO sends a second fragment to the US A Early 9/1957 #13971  
esentation of the actual results). APRO does two further tests with Univers Early 9/1957 #13971  
ingly misrepresented the sample to APRO as “essentially the same as terrest Early 9/1957 #13971  
es the remnant of the samples from APRO and performs further analysis on tw Early 9/1957 #13971  
2nd night. Maneuvers. / r142#1p2+/ APRO Nov'57.                             10/7/1957 #14067  
s overhead / seconds. Continues. / APRO November 57.                        10/29/1957 #14159  
ses / field. Going quickly east. / APRO 11'57+/ r141.                       11/2/1957 #14203  
/cigar-shape. / r242p164+r49p241+/ APRO 11'57.                              11/4/1957 #14263  
t light maneuvers. Type unknown. / APRO Nov'57.                             11/5/1957 #14295  
ng down. Hovers / 150'. / MJ#237+/ APRO 1'59.                               1/27/1958 #14847  
 60M altitude. Quickly going up. / APRO 7'61.                               2/6/1958 (approximate) #14873  
hases jeep. Headlights curve up! / APRO 5'59+/ r70p3-56.                    3/3/1958 #14914  
 sea. Going northeast. / r242p64+/ APRO 5'58.                               4/9/1958 #14968  
kly east. Flash / each maneuver. / APRO 5'58.                               4/19/1958 #14996  
Jung’s 1954 letters on UFOs in the APRO Bulletin and jumps to the conclusio 7/29/1958 #15158  
oing quickly northeast. / r74p63+/ APRO Nov. '58.                           10/3/1958 #15306  
Quickly going up [to] with bang. / APRO 11'58.                              10/26/1958 #15378  
 crews. 3 saucers pace. / r46p27+/ APRO 3'59+/ r242+/ r143+/ FSRv5#3.       2/24/1959 #15600  
ays and maneuvers all over area. / APRO 5'59.                               4/5/1959 (approximate) #15693  
 quickly north. Nothing / RADAR. / APRO 5'59+/ r242p118.                    4/12/1959 #15697  
rthwest straight and level fast. / APRO Nov'59+/ r198p24.                   7/8/1959 #15824  
y. Red-glow object lands / hill. / APRO 9'59+/ r198p25.                     7/8/1959 #15825  
ly fast. 1 going south. / MJ#255+/ APRO 7'59.                               7/11/1959 #15832  
overs over bow / steamship Aida. / APRO 9'59.                               8/31/1959 #15943  
ery fast. 4 jets chase. / MJ#257+/ APRO 1'60.                               9/24/1959 #15985  
oing quickly north as car nears. / APRO Nv'59+/ r143#4.                     11/3/1959 #16077  
 altitude. 19' / film. / r242p40+/ APRO 8'60.                               3/4/1960 #16193  
play / sky. Vanish as jets near. / APRO 5'61.                               5/19/1961 #16686  
second(s). Going down. Going up. / APRO Nov'61.                             9/8/1961 #16821  
d going quickly west. / r242p139+/ APRO and Flying Saucer Review (FSR) 1'62 10/3/1961 #16893  
shermen dive. 1 drowns. / r47p71+/ APRO 9'61.                               10/6/1961 #16897  
 plane(?) going south. / r70p376+/ APRO 11'61.                              10/12/1961 #16905  
ollow. Clouds back / 15 October. / APRO Mar'62.                             10/14/1961 #16909  
s thin metallic fibers. / MJ#283+/ APRO Jan'62.                             11/8/1961 #16960  
Jumps going up and down [to] 3X. / APRO Sep'62.                             4/11/1962 #17107  
kes off / high speed. / r242p139 / APRO.                                    5/1962 #17143  
all directions. Going southwest. / APRO 5'62.                               5/20/1962 #17181  
                                   APRO refers to NICAP as merely a “lobbyi 7/1962 #17261  
P as merely a “lobbying” effort in APRO Bulletin, while APRO is “gradually  7/1962 #17261  
ng” effort in APRO Bulletin, while APRO is “gradually drawing the endorseme 7/1962 #17261  
ops and lights airport. / MJ#292+/ APRO 9'62.                               8/2/1962 #17314  
 / reservoir. / MJ#233+/ r44p226+/ APRO May'63.                             9/15/1962 #17397  
g down / sea in Fiji / 04 April. / APRO.                                    4/15/1963 #17727  
er Aristarchus. Also 27 November / APRO 1'64.                               10/29/1963 #18011  
 Going quickly southeast. / r242+/ APRO 5'64.                               12/2/1963 #18061  
 SSW. Physical traces. / r55p224+/ APRO 5'64+/ r67.                         4/24/1964 #18188  
lands. Traces / dirt. / r111p223+/ APRO 7'64.                               4/29/1964 #18220  
 car / miles. Hide / other cars. / APRO 11'64+/ r111.                       6/23/1964 (approximate) #18369  
satellite. Going down / horizon. / APRO 1'65.                               11/14/1964 #18613  
 “The Florida ‘Landing’ Incident,” APRO Bulletin, March/April 1965, pp. 1,  3/2/1965 #18832  
5' burnt ring. Quickly going up. / APRO 1'66+/ r41p266.                     5/24/1965 #18955  
. Away extremely fast. / LDLN#78+/ APRO Jan'66.                             7/19/1965 #19128  
                 EAST HARTFORD, CT APRO member and 1 / (seen thru) telescop 7/20/1965 #19145  
 field. Burnt grass and indents. / APRO Jan. '75.                           8/10/1965 (approximate) #19355  
s). Piece / metal with markings. / APRO.                                    8/19/1965 #19422  
o avoid direct hit / 30m saucer! / APRO Nov'65.                             9/3/1965 #19498  
s electro-magnetic effect (EME). / APRO Jan'66+/ r98#65.                    11/26/1965 #19735  
ing down. Others to 11 Oct. '66. / APRO May'66.                             1/11/1966 #19824  
car. Lands. Portholes. / r251p70+/ APRO 5'66+/ r8.                          1/16/1966 #19836  
de. Several photographs. 1 sent to APRO.                                    2/13/1966 #19899  
cone saucer / ground. / FSRv32#4+/ APRO 5'66.                               4/4/1966 #20217  
her cops and USAF join. / MJ#276+/ APRO 5'66+/ r41.                         4/17/1966 #20307  
r hovers. Plane chases. / MJ#160+/ APRO May'66.                             4/25/1966 #20411  
s all over/all about. Dogs howl. / APRO 7'66+/ r47p125.                     8/1/1966 #20713  
 Time photograph like intestine. / APRO 7'66+/ r211p111.                    8/15/1966 #20743  
t/facility. Going quickly north. / APRO Jly'66.                             8/19/1966 #20764  
th colored lights 1/2 mile away. / APRO Sep. '66.                           9/5/1966 #20846  
n forest. Fast vertical takeoff. / APRO Sep'66.                             9/15/1966 #20884  
hoots away and quickly going up. / APRO Sep'66.                             9/30/1966 #20935  
its rim. (Ridge, 1994, p. 19. from APRO Bulletin No. 15.) (NICAP: 02 - Clos 1/10/1967 #21282  
t. R&G lights. Stops and hovers. / APRO 1'67.                               1/17/1967 #21327  
ghts. Car going [to] into ditch. / APRO Jan'67+/ r109p22.                   1/17/1967 #21328  
ad seen the photo himself. (Ridge, APRO & NICAP files) (NICAP: 08 - Photogr 1/19/1967 #21350  
ne at about 2,000 feet. (Letter to APRO dated April 2, 1967, posted on NICA 1/20/1967 #21358  
ghts flashing in a regular cycle. (APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 4.) (NI 1/26/1967 #21396  
io Frequency Interference (RFI). / APRO 1'67.                               2/2/1967 #21437  
                          Colorado APRO headquarters Members of the Colorad 3/1967 #21697  
bers of the Colorado project visit APRO headquarters; the Lorenzens give th 3/1967 #21697  
o ufologist Richard Greenwell, and APRO obtains the other three in 1969 fro 3/1967 #21699  
low over city / several minutes. / APRO 3'67.                               3/8/1967 #21790  
cer Review, July-Aug. 1967, p. 30; APRO Bulletin, Mar.-Apr. 1967, p. 11.) ( 3/10/1967 #21848  
 over car, which rocked violently. APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, (E) p. 5,  3/21/1967 #21932  
Air Force helicopter search = 0. / APRO 5'67.                               3/24/1967 #21960  
. Rise going west. Fourth joins. / APRO 5'67.                               3/25/1967 #21976  
uri, 3/26/67, copy in NICAP files; APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 1.) (NI 3/25/1967 #21981  
; Keyhoe and Lore,1969b, pp.28-29; APRO Bulletin, March-April 1967, p. 1.)  3/28/1967 #22003  
 descended , tipping and swaying. (APRO Bulletin, May- June 1967, p. 7.) (N 4/21/1967 #22185  
t hovered, then rose straight up. (APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 8.) (NI 5/2/1967 #22265  
ced, which changed to red sparks. (APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 12.) (N 5/3/1967 #22270  
l. IV, No. 1, May-June 1967, p. 6; APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 6 (case 5/6/1967 #22281  
l. IV, No. 1, May-June 1967, p. 3; APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 7; Phil 5/7/1967 #22292  
est. Physical traces. / FSRv27#1+/ APRO 5'67.                               5/20/1967 #22376  
estart engine after UFO sped away. APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967 (E,L) car ( 5/26/1967 #22402  
oba, 7/21/67, copy in NICAP files; APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 2.) (NI 5/31/1967 #22429  
ead. F102s scramble. Can't find. / APRO 5'67.                               6/11/1967 #22488  
uneo letter, 6/19/67, NICAP files; APRO Bulletin, Nov. - Dec. 1967, p. 4.)  6/15/1967 #22509  
nishment. RT states when he called APRO about the CR he began receiving thr 7/3/1967 #22604  
rom the University of Colorado and APRO find an area of grass some yards fr 7/5/1967 #22615  
g fragments. / r113p56+/ r180p50+/ APRO Jly'67.                             7/13/1967 #22655  
er/cigar-shape with 5 portholes. / APRO 7'67.                               7/18/1967 #22687  
ous disc and took gravel samples. (APRO Bulletin, Sept.-Oct. 1967, p. 12.)  8/3/1967 #22783  
 humanoid (or Grey). Footprints. / APRO 9'67+/ r8+/ r180.                   8/23/1967 #22893  
e motorcycle to 120mph. / MJ#232 / APRO Sep'67.                             8/24/1967 #22910  
t, flash of light knocked him out, APRO Bulletin, Mar.-Apr. 1969 (E,L) 3 ca 8/27/1967 #22938  
l reactions) during the sighting. (APRO Bulletin, Sept.-Oct. 1967, p. 8) (N 8/31/1967 #22960  
(s). Going quickly [to] 3500mph. / APRO Sep'67.                             9/11/1967 #23034  
to] to / sea / angle. Submerges. / APRO Sep'67.                             10/4/1967 #23174  
fects). (Hall, 2001, p. 458, from: APRO Bulletin, Sept.-Oct. 1967, p.10; Gi 10/24/1967 #23301  
gged stool-UFO over Lake Krupat. / APRO Jan'68.                             11/23/1967 #23500  
al traces were found at the site. (APRO Bulletin, Nov.-Dec. 1967, p. 3.) (N 11/24/1967 #23505  
. Crazy noise. Box hangs / pole. / APRO Jan'68.                             11/29/1967 #23521  
 An investigation is conducted for APRO by four University of Redlands facu 2/4/1968 #23734  
Observer, citing Lawrence Fawcett, APRO field investigator). (NICAP: 03 - E 2/21/1968 #23770  
c effect (EME). Brief paralysis. / APRO and more / r24 5'68+/ r8#905.       3/3/1968 #23810  
circles and pulses. Photographs. / APRO 5'68.                               5/17/1968 #23965  
d speaks / girl who faints. / r8+/ APRO 5'68.                               6/14/1968 #24025  
Wave / earth tremors. Local panic. APRO NOV'68?                             7/5/1968 #24143  
air falls. Military jet circles. / APRO.                                    11/3/1968 #24627  
etracts. Car restarts. / r55p189+/ APRO Nov'68.                             11/22/1968 #24679  
ckly southeast / extremely fast. / APRO 11'68.                              11/26/1968 #24709  
 and going down / bombing range. / APRO Nov. '68.                           11/26/1968 #24710  
plit apart and rejoin. / r114p83+/ APRO Mar. '69.                           11/29/1968 #24730  
antenna over school. To and fro. / APRO 3'69.                               12/20/1968 #24781  
rs / 45 minute(s). Lands / farm? / APRO Mar'69.                             1/21/1969 #24862  
 cone beam! Going east. / MJ#251+/ APRO 5 / 69. / r41.                      3/4/1969 #24965  
. Eyes sore. / FSRv18#1+/ MJ#251+/ APRO 5'69.                               3/10/1969 #24987  
300MPH. Follow terrain / unison. / APRO Mar'69.                             3/17/1969 #25017  
bject lights trees. Follows train. APRO May'69+/ FSRv18#1.                  5/24/1969 #25162  
y Walter H. Andrus Jr., who leaves APRO and takes many of its members with  5/31/1969 #25174  
ers overhead. No balloon or Sat. / APRO Jly'70.                             7/11/1970 #25732  
orth. 1st 2 going quickly north. / APRO.                                    10/4/1970 #25863  
 (RFI). Near collision. / r79p50+/ APRO Sep. '70.                           10/10/1970 #25873  
ber of the UFO investigators group APRO, went to her window at 3:30 a.m. an 5/8/1971 #26103  
e. Temporarily blind. / FSRv17#6+/ APRO 9'71.                               9/22/1971 #26359  
ous oval with dome approached car. APRO Bulletin, Mar.-Apr. 1972 (E,R) poli 9/24/1971 #26371  
ntified object tracked and seen. / APRO May'71.                             10/1971 #26391  
afts seen. Photographs and news. / APRO 9'71+/ r84p208.                     10/9/1971 #26414  
uver all over/all about mountain / APRO 5'72.                               12/28/1971 #26520  
ight landed about 200 meters away. APRO Bulletin, May-June, 1972 (E) car (N 3/10/1972 #26596  
 that later vanished. According to APRO field investigator Donald Worley, t 3/10/1972 #26598  
meter going down [to] near base. / APRO May'72.                             6/17/1972 #26718  
ack / 28 July. / FSRv18#5+/ r222+/ APRO 9'72.                               7/26/1972 #26835  
ds. 3' indent / burns. / r180p85+/ APRO 9'72.                               8/16/1972 #26919  
altitude. Night lights to 0600h. / APRO 7-72+/ MJ#232.                      8/19/1972 #26929  
ard pavement torn up. / r167p126+/ APRO Jan'73.                             11/12/1972 #27119  
s) / months. / LDLN#127+/ r79p55+/ APRO Jan'73.                             1/19/1973 #27242  
 Emerges and going quickly east. / APRO Jan'73.                             2/4/1973 #27268  
ded by green haze passed over car. APRO Bulletin, MayJune 1973; see Rodeghi 4/10/1973 #27421  
flight. Photographs / oval blob. / APRO 3'74.                               6/30/1973 #27602  
terview and hypnosis sessions with APRO’s research director James A. Harder 10/16/1973 #28088  
 northwest and quickly going up. / APRO 9'74.                               10/23/1973 #28246  
  Tucson, Arizona Hynek visits the APRO headquarters in Tucson, Arizona, as 2/1974 #28724  
zona, asking for a contact list of APRO investigators for the Center for UF 2/1974 #28724  
extremely close around the plane. (APRO Bulletin, Vol. 24 No. 2, Aug 1975)  5/2/1974 #29079  
trobe hovers and maneuvers. Wave / APRO 7'74.                               8/20/1974 #29371  
altitude. / r98#30p121+/ r14p265+/ APRO 9'74.                               9/1/1974 #29413  
t dead a few days later. (Sources: APRO BuIIetin, June 1975; Mark Rodeghier 1/6/1975 #29728  
cle Interference, case 376, citing APRO). (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)           1/6/1975 #29728  
files, report dated July 14, 1975; APRO Bulletin, November-December 1976, p 2/23/1975 #29837  
ollows car to 125mph. Maneuvers. / APRO Apr'76.                             3/11/1975 #29887  
Several photographs. Size / DC8. / APRO Oct'75.                             3/18/1975 #29907  
noon. Soon he is put in touch with APRO’s Jim Lorenzen, who calls him on Au 8/13/1975 #30264  
peated in 1993), the Enquirer, and APRO. A private investigator named John  11/5/1975 #30562  
nt dome. Circles area 360°. Good / APRO.                                    3/10/1976 #30931  
 to the nocturnal fly by. (Source: APRO Bulletin, May-June 1976, p. 5). (NI 5/23/1976 #31071  
. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). / APRO Sep'76+/ r41p93+/ r193#51.          9/19/1976 #31398  
effect (EME). / MJ#111+/ r41p222+/ APRO 3'77.                               1/21/1977 #31732  
ts flash. Figure moves / window. / APRO 4'79.                               2/3/1977 #31782  
ase 1977-8, citing Coral Lorenzen, APRO; Coral & Jim Lorenzen, APRO Bulleti 2/10/1977 #31806  
enzen, APRO; Coral & Jim Lorenzen, APRO Bulletin). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encou 2/10/1977 #31806  
anapolis, IN 4:00 PM. Hoax photo. (APRO Bulletin) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic 3/10/1977 #31891  
peared to be genuine, according to APRO.                                    3/10/1977 #31893  
ejo, Destino, Vol. 27 # 3, quoting APRO). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)        4/12/1977 #31974  
 and legs. (Sources: Leonte Objio, APRO Bulletin, January 1982, p. 6; Stend 6/24/1977 #32189  
ertise on UFOs (as a consultant to APRO).                                   8/3/1977 #32352  
 lights probe walls. / r117p212. / APRO 9'77.                               9/20/1977 #32497  
e witness reported eye irritation. APRO Bulletin, July 1978; see Rodeghier, 12/17/1977 #32787  
ineering professor affiliated with APRO. He recalls an abduction/contact ex 3/18/1978 #33055  
edge-UFO at woman on motorcycle! / APRO 9'79.                               4/2/1978 #33116  
 white jumpsuits walk 100M away. / APRO Sep'79.                             4/7/1978 #33130  
its Carry box. Glide over brush. / APRO Apr'79.                             10/2/1978 #33788  
ase. He’s also an investigator for APRO (Aerial Phenomenon Research Organiz 1979 #34253  
d going up [to] and rejoins 1st. / APRO Apr'80.                             6/7/1979 #34602  
ucer. Dvc implant. Tour / space. / APRO Dec'79.                             8/28/1979 #34790  
st to lake and quickly going up. / APRO Dec'79.                             9/5/1979 #34837  
reys) grab observer(s). / MJ#145+/ APRO Jly'80.                             11/9/1979 #34988  
ph. Maneuver and join and split. / APRO Mar'80.                             3/22/1980 #35226  
Doty writes an anonymous letter to APRO claiming that a Civil Air Patrol ca 7/1980 #35397  
ian UAP investigative organization APRO. The fake letter claims a Civil Air 7/1980 #35398  
etter was disinformation to see if APRO would be “useful idiots” and admitt 7/1980 #35398  
that he is to spy on Bennewitz and APRO as well, inundating them with disin 9/8/1980 #35504  
y. Pipe protrudes. Long windows. / APRO 29#3.                               9/11/1980 #35511  
 Mexico. After failing to convince APRO (who considers him deluded), Bennew 10/26/1980 #35590  
/ 7-18km altitude. Night lights. / APRO v29#6.                              12/4/1980 #35692  
 fireballs and spirals. / r10p62+/ APRO v29#12.                             7/24/1981 #36030  
 Analysis / R. Haines. / r41p295+/ APRO v30#12.                             10/8/1981 #36161  
was sending regular reports to the APRO and contacted US Senator Harrison S 1982 #36283  
ulton Howe and John Lear. By 1982, APRO had decided to investigate Bennewit 1982 #36283  
N, CUFOS, and other groups (except APRO) to standardize UFO investigations, Summer 1983 #36887  
ckford, Illinois airport. (Source: APRO Bulletin, September 1984, p. 8). (N 12/12/1983 #37070  
        White Swan, WA Reported in APRO Bulletin: D.M., who lives just sout 4/1984 #37250  
e / lights with possible fuselage. APRO v32#6 / Giamusso.                   5/31/1984 #37343  
            The final issue of the APRO Bulletin is published by Jim and Co 9/1987 #38269  
now deceased), MUFON (Sequin, TX), APRO (Tucson, AZ) and Just Cause (Covent 9/4/1987 #38278  
Arizona Coral Lorenzen, founder of APRO, dies in Tucson, Arizona. CUFOS had 4/12/1988 #38541  
ad been attempting to purchase the APRO archives, but is thwarted by someon 4/12/1988 #38541  
at this is a bad move and that the APRO board should reconsider. He wants t 4/12/1988 #38541  
ter for UFO Research, convince the APRO board that they are the most logica 4/12/1988 #38541  
he archives free of charge. Former APRO board member Robert Dean later real 4/12/1988 #38541  
 still exist, although fortunately APRO case files prior to 1957 have been  4/12/1988 #38541  
## Word: "apro%20bulletin" (Back to Top)
ownloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%2019 2/19/1953 #8686  
ownloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%2019 4/30/1964 #18236  
## Word: "apro'67" (Back to Top)
FO with lit windows by hen Coop. / APRO'67.                                 1/10/1967 #21281  
## Word: "apro3'59" (Back to Top)
/ 80 mn. Hovers / military base. / APRO3'59.                                2/19/1958 #14879  
## Word: "apro_holloman" (Back to Top)
  http://www.project1947.com/folio/apro_holloman.htm                        7/1950 #5037  
## Word: "aproaching" (Back to Top)
m Amarillo when they saw an object aproaching from the north. The engine di 3/26/1966 #20090  
## Word: "aprob-16" (Back to Top)
 one witness (Wells). No details. (APROB-16) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/19/1968 #23848  
## Word: "apron" (Back to Top)
 light adjacent to rocket Launcher Apron 1, Range B, approximately 500 feet 10/21/1954 #11304  
wearing something like a surgeon's apron, was also seen near them. The obje 11/13/1965 #19718  
wearing something like a surgeon's apron, was also seen near them. The obje 11/13/1965 #19720  
Col. “RC,” who founded a UFO group APRON, states his fiancé’s car was force 1982 #36291  
## Word: "aprons" (Back to Top)
t went to the elbows and very long aprons that fell as far as their ankles. 10/16/1973 #28089  
## Word: "aprov1#2" (Back to Top)
. Absolute(ly) silent. / r28p286+/ APROv1#2.                                7/19/1952 #6918  
## Word: "aprov1#5+" (Back to Top)
s) shoots. Object going quickly. / APROv1#5+/ r137#1p26.                    1/29/1953 #8608  
## Word: "aprov14#6" (Back to Top)
l. Going quickly northwest. / r8+/ APROv14#6.                               3/17/1966 #19978  
## Word: "aprov29#9" (Back to Top)
0° turn going quickly southeast. / APROv29#9.                               4/19/1981 #35904  
## Word: "aprov30#2" (Back to Top)
tion / 2 regressed. 3rd on hold. / APROv30#2.                               3/11/1978 #33031  
## Word: "aprov31#11" (Back to Top)
ox-like craft hovers. Zooms off. / APROv31#11.                              8/21/1983 #36955  
## Word: "aprx" (Back to Top)
                        (LOC.UNK / APRX), WA 3+11 observer(s). 3M disk levi 2/25/1999 #43734  
## Word: "aps" (Back to Top)
btReqv4c?t=6561   https://journals.aps.org/pr/abstract/10.1103/PhysRev.113. 1955 #11898  
PhysRev.113.357   https://journals.aps.org/pr/abstract/10.1103/PhysRev.115. 1955 #11898  
PhysRev.115.206   https://journals.aps.org/rmp/abstract/10.1103/RevModPhys. 1955 #11898  
rgCV-1995-1.pdf   https://journals.aps.org/pr/abstract/10.1103/PhysRev.111. Late 1956 #13281  
## Word: "aps-64" (Back to Top)
a, OK (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) APS-64 Tracks Object At 24,000 MPH (NICA 9/12/1957 #13991  
## Word: "aps-95" (Back to Top)
list) High Speed Object Tracked on APS-95 (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R 2/16/1961 #16599  
nald list) Uncorrelated Targets on APS-95 (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R 9/27/1961 #16874  
d with the IFF on. The radar is an APS-95.                                  9/27/1961 #16876  
## Word: "apshapa" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Apshapa” YieldMax: 20KT                  6/6/1963 #17780  
## Word: "apulia" (Back to Top)
ed very low over the city of Bari, Apulia, Italy at about 11:00 p.m. A powe 12/6/1958 #15473  
      On this afternoon in Ostuni, Apulia, Italy two observers watched a di 9/25/1978 #33748  
ted directly over car in Brindisi, Apulia, Italy. Two witnesses in the car  11/29/1978 #34027  
## Word: "apure" (Back to Top)
(s). Luminous white saucer follows Apure River west going east / low altitu 9/10/1967 #23028  
                          Bruzual, Apure, Venezuela Apure River Several res 9/10/1967 #23032  
         Bruzual, Apure, Venezuela Apure River Several residents of Bruzual 9/10/1967 #23032  
iver Several residents of Bruzual, Apure, Venezuela, watch a white, luminou 9/10/1967 #23032  
s disc following the course of the Apure River from west to east at low alt 9/10/1967 #23032  
## Word: "apx-6" (Back to Top)
a mode-one IFF response from an AN/APX-6 transponder. This response is rece 8/26/1951 #5631  
.” At 8:02 p.m., the IFF equipment APX-6/APX-7 is turned off, but the targe 8/3/1957 #13875  
## Word: "apx-7" (Back to Top)
8:02 p.m., the IFF equipment APX-6/APX-7 is turned off, but the target is s 8/3/1957 #13875  
## Word: "aqkoy" (Back to Top)
7xw9zvma1yy91   https://archive.ph/aQkoy (rg - archived URL)                10/17/2008 #45175  
## Word: "aqua" (Back to Top)
 tapered ends and surrounded by an aqua haze, flashed and flickered while s 10/4/1963 #17979  
OC, Blackjack Team, Roulette Team, Aqua Tech SOG and Sea Spray SOG. Terms l 7/28/1991 #40136  
ot make a sound. Some had blue and aqua lights. Some were triangular, some  3/14/2003 #44502  
## Word: "aquada" (Back to Top)
                                   AQUADA, PR Science teacher / beach. Sauc 9/1/1976 #31322  
## Word: "aqualung" (Back to Top)
           DALE, WALES 7' figure / aqualung. Burnt bush. TV fried. Large do 4/24/1977 #32020  
## Word: "aquamarine" (Back to Top)
scious and levitated by a tubular, aquamarine beam of light. Amnesia follow 3/18/1978 #33056  
## Word: "aquarid" (Back to Top)
                             Delta Aquarid meteor shower (mean date).       7/29/1964 #18458  
                             Delta Aquarid meteor shower (mean date).       7/29/1965 #19201  
                               Eta Aquarid meteor shower (mean date).       5/4/1967 #22272  
                             Delta Aquarid meteor shower (mean date).       7/29/1967 #22750  
                             Delta Aquarid meteor shower (mean date).       7/29/1968 #24252  
                               Eta Aquarid meteor shower (mean date).       5/4/1975 #30031  
                             Delta Aquarid meteor shower (mean date).       7/29/1975 #30213  
                             Delta Aquarid meteor shower (mean date).       7/29/1976 #31193  
                             Delta Aquarid meteor shower (mean date).       7/29/1977 #32319  
two days, probably including Delta Aquarid meteors (section VIII). (NICAP:  7/27/1978 #33424  
two days, probably including Delta Aquarid meteors                          7/27/1978 #33426  
                             Delta Aquarid meteor shower (mean date).       7/29/1978 #33444  
                               Eta Aquarid meteor shower (mean date).       5/4/1979 #34540  
                             Delta Aquarid meteor shower (mean date).       7/29/1979 #34687  
                               Eta Aquarid meteor shower (mean date).       5/4/1980 #35304  
                             Delta Aquarid meteor shower (mean date).       7/29/1981 #36039  
## Word: "aquarius" (Back to Top)
own causes according to the Carter Aquarius document                        6/18/1952 #6531  
ent Eisenhower and renamed Project AQUARIUS (1960, 1968)                    1953 #8471  
stence was revealed in the PROJECT AQUARIUS Briefing Document and is said t 1954 #9414  
t that was revealed in the Project AQUARIUS Briefing Document.              1972 #26526  
               In his book Gods of Aquarius, author Brad Steiger introduces 1976 #30745  
wn as “Executive Briefing: Project Aquarius” and later leaked to UFO resear 6/14/1977 #32162  
MD. 20852. (The results of PROJECT AQUARIUS is still classified TOP SECRET  11/17/1980 #35644  
a communication (later called the “Aquarius document”) from AFOSI headquart 11/17/1980 #35645  
 intelligence channels” called the Aquarius Project. Bill Moore calls it a  11/17/1980 #35645  
 an altered version of the Project Aquarius document from 1977. Moore had s Summer 1981 #35977  
est Moore. Another is the one-page Aquarius teletype.                       12/29/1981 #36282  
information, including the forged “Aquarius Document” to Bennewitz. This di 1982 #36283  
ore tells him about MJ-12, Project Aquarius, and other alleged revelations. 1/2/1982 #36294  
ht years away. He mentions Project Aquarius, which he says is the governmen 1/10/1983 #36742  
 (retroengineering a crashed UFO), Aquarius (umbrella project involving all 4/9/1983 #36830  
about Project Snowbird and Project Aquarius, writes to the Defense Investig 5/8/1986 #37858  
io) stating that the NSA’s Project Aquarius does not deal with UFOs, but th 1/27/1987 #38105  
 document and asking about Project Aquarius. Three weeks later, Walker repl 8/30/1987 #38264  
ill Moore, saying that the Project Aquarius message was altered by Moore, t 6/1989 #38971  
a group centered in the CIA called Aquarius (around a powerful center known 5/13/1992 #40463  
rying to leak information damaging Aquarius. Also alleges the Jicarilla Ind 5/13/1992 #40463  
us) shows up in a disputed Project Aquarius document that alleges Snowbird  8/30/1996 #43002  
ifferent zodiacal signs, including Aquarius. It states the CIA had control  7/31/1999 #43815  
to have been involved in a Project Aquarius investigating an extraterrestri 2008 #45109  
## Word: "aquatic" (Back to Top)
detonated.” Water lilies and other aquatic plants are torn up and thrown on 7/19/1946 #2071  
## Word: "aquatone" (Back to Top)
site is needed for the CIA Project Aquatone (the Lockheed U-2 spy plane). L Early 1955 #11901  
 and discusses progress on Project Aquatone, proposing to use the name “Par 4/1955 #12077  
with the US Air Force, for Project Aquatone, the development of the Lockhee 7/1955 #12225  
## Word: "aqueduct" (Back to Top)
319 Woodside Road and Hetch Hetchy Aqueduct. Luminous disk south going nort 7/9/1947 #3048  
an quickly and disappeared down an aqueduct. At one point the creature caus 5/15/1991 #40064  
## Word: "aquila" (Back to Top)
ard a hill to the south, 5 km from Aquila. When the witness was on his way  4/26/1897 #578  
 his carriage three miles north of Aquila, Texas. His horse shied and nearl 4/26/1897 #579  
to the south, five kilometers from Aquila, Texas. When the witness was on h 4/26/1897 #579  
## Word: "aquila-hillsboro" (Back to Top)
                                   Aquila-Hillsboro, TX Approximate date. A 4/26/1897 #577  
                                   Aquila-Hillsboro, Texas Approximate date 4/26/1897 #578  
## Word: "aquilante" (Back to Top)
 d’Aversa, Caserta, Italy Giovanni Aquilante, a farmer of Gricignano d’Aver 12/9/1954 #11786  
er 10, near 12:00 midnight, two of Aquilante’s sons and a friend see two my 12/9/1954 #11786  
s in a field. They quickly vanish. Aquilante returns home on the morning of 12/9/1954 #11786  
romise to come back for him later. Aquilante is terrified of being abducted 12/9/1954 #11786  
## Word: "aquilar" (Back to Top)
 supervisor Fred Lee, foreman L.A. Aquilar. One round silver object flew so 8/25/1952 #7730  
pervisor Fred Lee and foreman L.A. Aquilar saw a round silver object fly so 8/25/1952 #7735  
## Word: "aquiline" (Back to Top)
s she saw a man "with a thin face, aquiline nose, and high cheekbones," who 12/27/1954 #11865  
Groom Lake, Nevada. Called Project Aquiline, the agency wants to fly a reco 1970 #25520  
## Word: "aquilted" (Back to Top)
aw a domed, elliptical object with aquilted surface hovering about 8 ft. of 3/20/1966 #19997  
## Word: "aquinas" (Back to Top)
                                   Aquinas College Salter Point Western Aus 12/19/1976 #31622  
en they hear a whirring noise near Aquinas College, Salter Point, Western A 12/19/1976 #31622  
## Word: "ar" (Back to Top)
                            Homan, AR 6:00 p.m.Capt. James Hooton was hunti 4/20/1897 #543  
                       HARRISBURG, AR AND HOMAN, AR / 20 APRIL AND MCKINNEY 4/21/1897 #548  
         HARRISBURG, AR AND HOMAN, AR / 20 APRIL AND MCKINNEY SPRS / 23 APR 4/21/1897 #548  
                   McKinney Bayou, AR Judge Lawrence A. Byrne of Texarkana, 4/23/1897 #563  
                      Hot Springs, AR Two policemen, Sumpter and McLenore,  5/6/1897 #591  
                        MABELVALE, AR 1 observer. Beam / light going south  12/13/1909 #818  
kly south. Similar / Fayetteville, AR.                                      6/27/1947 #2424  
     2 MILES NORTH / FAYETTEVILLE, AR Farmer. 3 yellow saucers circle and s 7/4/1947 #2631  
                     FAYETTEVILLE, AR Disk lands / farm. Yellow glow. Going 7/5/1947 #2714  
                      LITTLE ROCK, AR 50' glowing-saucer. Silent. Fast stop 2/25/1949 #4024  
                        Stuttgart, AR 100 ft flat cylinder-section circular 3/20/1950 #4687  
                      LITTLE ROCK, AR Saucer arcs over airliner. Light flas 3/31/1950 #4776  
                          OSCEOLA, AR 2 Navy planes. 25' saucer So close /  7/11/1950 #5053  
                   Osceola (near), AR USN pilots of 2 planes saw a domed di 7/11/1950 #5054  
                   Osceola (near), AR Martin/Moore Case (M) (NICAP: 11 - Av 7/11/1950 #5055  
                       Fort Smith, AR Orange ball with a tail fly with a lo 6/12/1952 #6484  
                    WASHINGTON CO, AR 2 observer(s). Saucer moves in and ou 8/1952 #7379  
Washington County (Skylight Mtn.), AR Inverted tin colored saucers (NICAP:  8/1952 #7383  
March 3, 1953; Luke AFB, Glendale, AR. Contrail (NICAP: 08 - Photographic C 3/3/1953 #8726  
                  MINERAL SPRINGS, AR 2 teen girls. Silver domed saucer 100 4/4/1957 (approximate) #13579  
ailing two jets going over Tujunga AR.                                      9/27/1957 #14037  
Trindade Island Photo (E-M, Radar, AR) Case (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases 1/16/1958 #14830  
                     Walnut Ridge, AR Uncorrelated Target Doing 1300 Knots  3/31/1958 #14950  
                      Forest City, AR Kentucky Air National Guard pilot cha 10/7/1959 #16026  
                       Huntsville, AR A rancher reported watching an egg-sh 9/20/1963 #17951  
                       FORT SMITH, AR 1500+observer(s). 4 night lights / 4h 8/15/1966 #20743  
                           CONWAY, AR AND AUGUSTA AND SEARCY AND NEWPORT AN 1/9/1967 #21273  
SEARCY AND NEWPORT AND POTTSVILLE, AR Wave / night lights / area. Times dif 1/9/1967 #21273  
                          Piggott, AR Time not reported. Numerous witnesses 2/3/1967 #21444  
                          Piggott, AR Night. Several independent reports ov 2/28/1967 #21682  
                        Patterson, AR 9:30 p.m. CST. A man saw an unexplain 3/2/1967 #21723  
                          Piggott, AR 11:30 p.m. CST. About 130 miles north 3/2/1967 #21725  
                  NEAR BLACK ROCK, AR Truck malfunctions due to EME (electr 3/10/1967 (approximate) #21845  
                      Ft. Chaffee, AR 11:30 p.m. CST. Three teenagers saw a 3/10/1967 #21851  
                        Paragould, AR Early morning CST. Four witnesses saw 3/12/1967 #21866  
                        Paragould, AR Early the following morning, witnesse 8/25/1967 #22921  
       BLYTHEVILLE AIR FORCE BASE, AR 3 observer(s) and RADAR. 2 saucers /  10/21/1967 #23275  
                  Blytheville AFB, AR RAPCON Tracks Object Two Objects Obse 10/21/1967 #23278  
y, UK Entities within domed craft. AR Case (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)       11/20/1968 #24669  
                    ARKANSAS CITY, AR Several observer(s). Ovoid changes to 8/24/1972 #26951  
              SOUTH / LITTLE ROCK, AR 3 / car. 20M silent plain metallic cy 10/15/1973 (approximate) #28038  
                       Fort Smith, AR Glowing disc descended within 6 ft. o 10/20/1973 #28211  
                        TEXARKANA, AR Pilot. Ovoid stops over plane. Vanish 9/2/1980 #35491  
                      near Sedona, AR Minister Robert H. Henderson and his  5/11/1986 #37861  
on and his wife, Nann, of Phoenix, AR, were flying at an altitude of 8500 f 5/11/1986 #37861  
                    MOUNTAIN HOME, AR 2 observer(s). 2 bright balls going q 8/1986 (approximate) #37963  
              Foreman and Ashdown, AR Sighting concentration, including 60  9/1987 #38268  
                       Launceston, AR Glowing red object followed car, move 1/19/1988 #38414  
                          Foreman, AR Glowing red object followed car, move 1/19/1988 #38415  
                WEST / HUNTSVILLE, AR 2 women abduction / highway 68 / loca 10/20/1989 #39177  
                        JONESBORO, AR 2 observer(s). 50m x 23m triangle / 2 3/15/1995 #42097  
          BROOKLAND AND JONESBORO, AR Several separate observer(s). Brillia 4/13/1995 #42148  
                        FT. SMITH, AR Many separate observer(s). 3 green-ye 1/3/1996 #42664  
 odor reimiscent of blast furnaces ar a steel factory.                      6/6/1997 #43315  
                        ALEXANDER, AR Driver / I30. 2 white disks hover. 1  11/11/1998 #43679  
                     WEST MEMPHIS, AR Silver triangle.Lo altitude. Nose tur 11/29/1998 #43688  
                      HOT SPRINGS, AR Metallic cylinder/cigar-shape buzzes  4/9/2000 #43979  
## Word: "ar-15" (Back to Top)
 a “massive arsenal” that includes AR-15 rifles, Glock handguns, a Remingto 10/27/2016 #45460  
## Word: "ara" (Back to Top)
gentine Naval auxiliary transport, ARA Punta Médanos, sees a large UFO off  11/12/1963 #18035  
## Word: "arab" (Back to Top)
 of 490 feet. A motorboat with six Arab fishermen is in the area and also s 8/2/1965 #19267  
in Yemen east of Al-Makalla, three Arab men saw three large white disc-shap 2/8/1974 #28749  
                         DUBAI, UN.ARAB EMIRATES Government man photographs 12/3/1978 (approximate) #34052  
hotographs domed disk. Neon glow;/ Arab times.                              12/3/1978 (approximate) #34052  
 government official in the United Arab Emirates.                           12/12/1978 #34101  
len valley, Norway Sharjah, United Arab Emirates Project Hessdalen sends ou 1/1984 #37101  
l field workers in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, see a silvery disc flying 1/1984 #37101  
aching at the port side. It was an Arab dry cargo ship, on its way to Greec 6/15/1984 #37365  
                     Dubai, United Arab Emirates al-Hamriya Fish Market Dub 11/27/1995 #42625  
lashed with red over Dubai, United Arab Emirates. They are silently moving  11/27/1995 #42625  
## Word: "arab-israeli" (Back to Top)
      LJUBLJANA, SLOVENIA Height / Arab-Israeli war. Cops and several. Big  10/10/1973 (approximate) #27978  
 was during the height of the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, two police officers in 10/10/1973 #27982  
## Word: "arab-style" (Back to Top)
” along the road. It is wearing an Arab-style headdress and a uniform, with 10/1952 #8073  
## Word: "arabesques" (Back to Top)
 orange disc-shaped object danced "arabesques" in the sky over the city of  10/8/1954 #10823  
## Word: "arabi" (Back to Top)
 At 6:40 p.m. a Boeing engineer in Arabi, near New Orleans, Louisiana was a 5/17/1966 #20499  
## Word: "arabia" (Back to Top)
                    Dhahran, Saudi Arabia 9:20 p.m. USAF Brig. Gen. Edwin M 4/19/1952 #6131  
ining on a patio in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, when he sees an object traveling 4/19/1952 #6131  
                Moula Idris, Saudi Arabia Moulay Idriss Zerhoun, Morocco Th 1970 #25522  
ters a UFO over Moula Idris, Saudi Arabia [=Moulay Idriss Zerhoun, Morocco? 1970 #25522  
                NORTH / AL JUBAYL, ARABIA Several campers. Brilliant blue o 3/29/1996 #42844  
## Word: "arabic" (Back to Top)
e each figure is something like an Arabic numeral. Dos Santos takes the obj 5/17/1968 #23969  
## Word: "arabis-red" (Back to Top)
firmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Arabis-Red” YieldMax: 60KT               3/6/1970 #25599  
## Word: "arabs" (Back to Top)
go ship, on its way to Greece. The Arabs confirmed that the object hovered  6/15/1984 #37365  
## Word: "aracariguama" (Back to Top)
                                   ARACARIGUAMA, BRZ Night light zaps man / 3/5/1946 #1972  
ed an uneventful day of fishing in Aracariguama, Sao Paulo State, Brazil bu 3/5/1946 #1974  
## Word: "aracena" (Back to Top)
                 CORTEGANA TO/FROM ARACENA, SP Driver feels profound fear.  10/1968 #24530  
                                   ARACENA, SP TV Radio Frequency Interfere 7/6/1969 #25258  
## Word: "arachnologist" (Back to Top)
ille, Florida. Samples are sent to arachnologist George Marx of the US Depa 9/20/1892 #306  
## Word: "araci" (Back to Top)
o get up and go inside. He summons Araci Gomide, a nurse who has served in  3/5/1946 #1973  
## Word: "arad" (Back to Top)
                                   ARAD, ROMANIA Artist. Luminous 5' golf-t 6/1/1969 (approximate) #25184  
                                   ARAD, ROMANIA Several observer(s). Sauce 6/20/1994 #41573  
sses heard a loud hissing sound in Arad, Romania, and a nearby wheat field  6/27/1994 #41588  
ing silvery figure in the sky over Arad, Israel. The figure appeared to hav 7/22/1997 #43356  
## Word: "aragao" (Back to Top)
g woman, 25-year-old Nueza Pereira Aragao, was in her kitchen with her sist 10/26/1977 #32618  
## Word: "araguaia" (Back to Top)
                       CONCEICAO / ARAGUAIA, BRZ 3 / truck / malfunctions d 9/25/1980 #35531  
oint on the road near Conceicao de Araguaia, Goias State, Brazil the driver 9/25/1980 #35535  
## Word: "araguari" (Back to Top)
efly paralyzed a female witness in Araguari, Brazil. The beings were descri 2/2/1980 #35154  
## Word: "arai" (Back to Top)
               A 17-year-old named Arai sight five or six discs flying in f 11/29/1970 #25923  
## Word: "arajil" (Back to Top)
 witnesses named Masso, Crous, and Arajil watched two clearly defined, hexa 6/27/1966 #20618  
## Word: "arak" (Back to Top)
ives a visual confirmation from an Arak Air Defense Group observer. Approac 10/28/2004 #44773  
## Word: "aral" (Back to Top)
               Chimbay, Uzbekistan Aral Sea 9:00 p.m. B. Muratov and his fa 6/1958 #15072  
 after a fishing expedition to the Aral Sea. They notice a disc-shaped obje 6/1958 #15072  
ject over the western shore of the Aral Sea at 5:12 a.m. The pilots observe 8/28/1991 #40168  
## Word: "aramon" (Back to Top)
                                   ARAMON, GARD 4 teens and adults. Flying  10/14/1954 #11019  
## Word: "aramu-muru" (Back to Top)
 that had begun April 18 when Lord Aramu-Muru announced that “those we have 12/2/1956 #13384  
## Word: "arana" (Back to Top)
                                LA ARANA, ARG Several / meeting. Strong lig 5/13/1962 #17167  
## Word: "aranda" (Back to Top)
, Spain in Cordoba province, Senor Aranda encountered a yellow oval of thro 7/10/1972 #26790  
## Word: "aranjo" (Back to Top)
Barbeiros, Brazil Student Humberto Aranjo da Silva nearly hit a saucer-shap 7/12/1965 #19095  
                          Humberto Aranjo da Silva, a student driving in Ba 7/12/1965 #19099  
## Word: "araound" (Back to Top)
ject zig-zagged through the sky at araound 8:00 p.m. on Harwood Island, New 6/3/1995 #42236  
## Word: "arapongas" (Back to Top)
                   6 miles west of Arapongas, Paraná, Brazil Pilot Manoel L 5/2/1989 #38935  
 small plane about 6 miles west of Arapongas, Paraná, Brazil, sees a huge c 5/2/1989 #38935  
## Word: "ararangua" (Back to Top)
                                   Ararangua, Brazil Airliner direction fin 11/3/1957 #14239  
                                   ARARANGUA, BRZ Varig C46 buzzed / red fi 11/4/1957 #14259  
## Word: "araranguá" (Back to Top)
    Porto Alegre São Paulo, Brazil Araranguá, Santa Catarina 1:30 a.m. Chie 11/4/1957 #14283  
o São Paulo, Brazil. They are near Araranguá, Santa Catarina, when de Beyss 11/4/1957 #14283  
## Word: "ararat" (Back to Top)
when the CIA was investigating Mt. Ararat as a location of the Ark (and men 7/1980 #35399  
a location of the Ark (and mention Ararat in the film), The Amazing World o 7/1980 #35399  
## Word: "ararauma" (Back to Top)
r in law and her two children from Ararauma to Campos, Brazil. At 2:50 a.m. 8/19/1969 #25324  
## Word: "ararimu" (Back to Top)
                                   ARARIMU, NI, NZ Huge ball / light shakes 9/13/1972 #26989  
## Word: "araucania" (Back to Top)
      On this day in Lonquimay, La Araucania Province, Chile a circular sco 11/15/2002 #44443  
## Word: "araujo" (Back to Top)
 Airlines pilot Capt. Jorgé Campos Araujo and First Officer Edgar Onofre So 8/14/1957 #13893  
ira, Manoel Mendes, and Antônio de Araujo are driving near Santo Antônio de 2/24/1958 #14889  
ates Enrique Villagrasa and Alicia Araujo, are usually postmarked in Madrid 5/31/1967 #22431  
## Word: "araçariguama" (Back to Top)
                       Tietê River Araçariguama, São Paulo, Brazil Santana  3/5/1946 #1973  
ietê River to his sister’s home in Araçariguama, São Paulo, Brazil. As he i 3/5/1946 #1973  
## Word: "arbetsgruppen" (Back to Top)
ing The Archives for UFO Research (Arbetsgruppen för Ufologi) is founded in 8/1972 #26863  
## Word: "arboga" (Back to Top)
oard at 6:30 p.m. in their yard in Arboga, Vastmanland, Sweden.             9/29/1965 #19623  
## Word: "arbonne" (Back to Top)
                                   Arbonne, France Remy Deneuville and his  5/24/1967 #22392  
e light to the side of the road in Arbonne, France at eleven p.m., but it w 5/24/1967 #22393  
## Word: "arbonnes" (Back to Top)
uickly southeast fast. Also seen / Arbonnes, 77 etc.                        10/29/1996 #43099  
## Word: "arbor" (Back to Top)
                               Ann Arbor (Mich.) Separation, Wyoming Roches 7/29/1878 #214  
 Craig Watson, director of the Ann Arbor (Mich.) Observatory, and Lewis Swi 7/29/1878 #214  
                MANCHESTER AND ANN ARBOR, MICH Bright green saucer with tai 4/27/1952 #6193  
                        WEST / ANN ARBOR, MI Biologist. 15 tuning forks pas 7/27/1952 #7188  
                               Ann Arbor, MI Biologist reported "flotilla"  7/27/1952 #7206  
e University 3724 Dexter Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 10:40 a.m. Bowling Green 7/27/1952 #7213  
no sound” at 3724 Dexter Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan. He grabs a pair of 5x b 7/27/1952 #7213  
                          NEAR ANN ARBOR, MI 2 / farm. 5 cigars maneuver an 1/8/1959 #15540  
                               Ann Arbor, MI (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - D 3/22/1959 #15664  
                               Ann Arbor, Michigan 1:30 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. G 3/22/1959 #15665  
rs. Gary Bond are driving near Ann Arbor, Michigan, when they see an intens 3/22/1959 #15665  
                               ANN ARBOR, MI 3 grad.astronomers. 2 red nigh 7/1965? #19035  
            Dexter, Milan, and Ann Arbor, MI Sheriffs reported disc-shaped  3/14/1966 #19965  
                               ANN ARBOR, MI Falling star becomes delta-UFO 3/20/1966 #20004  
                               Ann Arbor, MI Time not reported. Engineers a 3/26/1966 #20088  
  Engineers and technicians in Ann Arbor, Michigan watched a glowing red di 3/26/1966 #20093  
                    WARREN AND ANN ARBOR, MI Cops and 30 calls. Night light 3/28/1966 #20106  
                            In Ann Arbor, Michigan at 7:00 p.m. a married c 2/25/1967 #21650  
eddish edges, and oval shape. (Ann Arbor News, Michigan, 3/1/67, copy in NI 2/28/1967 #21681  
                               Ann Arbor, MI 7:45 p.m. A man saw a red ligh 3/17/1967 #21911  
. About 345 miles southeast of Ann Arbor, Mich., a couple in southwest Penn 3/17/1967 #21912  
                 FLINT TO/FROM ANN ARBOR, MI Government / Ohio and 1. Orang 10/15/1973 #28040  
                          Ohio Ann Arbor, Michigan Ohio Gov. John J. Gillig 10/17/1973 #28131  
his wife Mary are driving near Ann Arbor, Michigan, when they see an amber- 10/17/1973 #28131  
 over Highway 23 and a lake in Ann Arbor, Michigan at 9:41 p.m. The main wi 8/11/1979 #34734  
 humanoids in their bedroom in Ann Arbor, Michigan at around two a.m. Possi 11/9/1990 #39883  
                               ANN ARBOR, MI 2 observer(s). Green fireball  6/14/1995 #42254  
yee, states a friend of his in Ann Arbor, MI figured out a way to tap into  11/2000 #44070  
## Word: "arboreen" (Back to Top)
  Dunellen, NJ Patrolmen Le Roy A. Arboreen and B. Talada while on patrol s 12/20/1958 #15482  
12:55 a.m. two policemen, Officers Arboreen and Talada of the Dunellen Town 12/20/1958 #15490  
## Word: "arboretum" (Back to Top)
llsdale (Michigan) College Slayton Arboretum 10:32 p.m. Cynthia “Pinky” Pof 3/21/1966 #20021  
settles in a hollow in the Slayton Arboretum about 1,500 feet away. Some 87 3/21/1966 #20021  
## Word: "arbouans" (Back to Top)
                                   ARBOUANS, FR 1 observer / (seen thru) bi 11/14/1993 #41273  
## Word: "arbroath" (Back to Top)
                                   ARBROATH, SCOTLAND Power out 2X. Rose-co 8/2/1967 #22775  
                    On this day in Arbroath, Tayside, Scotland a domed oval 8/2/1967 #22777  
## Word: "arbuckle" (Back to Top)
ago, Illinois Witness:  Mrs. J. D. Arbuckle. Two bright pastel green discs  7/3/1952 #6703  
Hare Airport 11:50 p.m. Mrs. J. D. Arbuckle sees two bright pastel-green di 7/3/1952 #6705  
## Word: "arbutus" (Back to Top)
                                   Arbutus, Maryland Late night. A young gi Summer 1954 #9919  
ryland Late night. A young girl in Arbutus, Maryland, wakes up when a brigh Summer 1954 #9919  
## Word: "arc" (Back to Top)
y see it has a series of “electric arc lights” around it and a “pole” or ru 9/2/1891 #296  
m., a light resembling an electric arc lamp appears in the night sky above  11/17/1896 #340  
o see a large object supporting an arc lamp. Cigar store vendor Jacob Zeman 11/22/1896 #348  
t. A brilliant light as if from an arc lamp shines on him for less than a m 4/16/1897 #510  
tle, Pennsylvania, notice a bright arc light moving in from the southwest j 5/2/1898 #621  
daylight. It resembles an electric arc lamp and moves slowly from north to  10/1899 #638  
nebulous object some 25 minutes of arc northeast of the galaxy. He does not 3/30/1908 #703  
notice a light, as brilliant as an arc light, in the northern sky. It has a 8/3/1911 #856  
odies are described as “like large arc lights in appearance, slightly viole 2/9/1913 #881  
re positioned along a great circle arc, the source is a small, short-lived  2/9/1913 #881  
uddenly the light swings in a huge arc down into the valley but stays close 3/12/1916 #945  
grees elevation in the west, in an arc. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)    1932 #1134  
itude from east to west in a great arc. The objects are silent and are so b Early Summer 1932 #1145  
 moving from NW to SW, crossing an arc of about 90 degrees in about 45 minu 10/1944 #1672  
 northwest to southwest through an arc of 90° in about 30–45 minutes.       Late 10/1944 #1684  
0 feet in diameter and flies in an arc to the southeast. It disappears in a 5/1946 #1988  
lobes that shine “like an electric arc” are seen flying in a straight line  Mid 9/1946 #2182  
et apart. The objects make a small arc around a corner of a park before dis 6/10/1947 #2319  
 more/others. C54-size saucer cuts arc / clouds. Photographs. / r26p154.    7/10/1947 #3093  
eek / clouds / 30 minutes. Dip and arc all over/all about. Bright and dim.  7/18/1947 #3196  
 rapidly; the other flew in a fast arc to the west during the 3O^second sig 4/5/1948 #3611  
reenish white fireball hover, then arc downward toward the west.            2/14/1949 #4008  
ious colors traveling either in an arc or in tangent to the Earth.          9/27/1949 #4375  
h in a north-south line through an arc of 10–30°, changing direction abrupt 12/27/1950 #5368  
s north going quickly south. 30° / arc / second(s). Photographs.            8/25/1951 #5618  
 objects passed thru 20 degrees of arc in 6-8 seconds. They made no sound.  4/20/1952 #6143  
et in diameter. It flies in a slow arc. Then they see a black object hoveri 4/25/1952 #6185  
ter 3 seconds moving through a 12° arc. The apparent size is a half dollar  5/13/1952 #6317  
after moving through 12 degrees of arc.                                     5/13/1952 #6320  
 Sergeant saw five gray discs in a arc formation shoot to the east over Wal 6/16/1952 #6518  
0 mph) and climb in a graceful 45° arc. The entire sighting lasts only 15 s 7/14/1952 #6817  
t. The object climbed to 14,000 in arc very rapid. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 7/22/1952 #7011  
nd level trajectory. Other in wide arc. Planes?                             7/27/1952 #7190  
 about 100-120 m.p.h. in a 10-mile arc around the Nations Capital. When an  7/29/1952 #7306  
traveling 100–120 mph in a 10-mile arc around Washington, D.C. When an East 7/29/1952 #7320  
torus emits black smoke. 15 degree arc / 90s. Seen / 2 hours.               8/4/1952 #7442  
 smoke from its top and made a 15' arc in 1.5 minutes.  Observed for 2 hour 8/4/1952 #7450  
 from its top and made a 15-degree arc in the sky in 1.5 minutes.           8/4/1952 #7452  
3 fishing / lake. Wingless going / arc. Speeds greatly going quickly west.  8/5/1952 #7459  
west. West going quickly east etc. Arc cluster and Y-formations.            9/14/1952 #7926  
tes then flew away very fast in an arc.  A loud blast was heard at the star 10/1/1952 #8083  
ve at an estimated 3,000 mph in an arc (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10/17/1952 #8144  
t an estimated 3,000 m.p.h.  in an arc for 20 seconds.  No further details  10/17/1952 #8147  
d like a white streamer move in an arc through the sky at an estimated 3,00 10/17/1952 #8152  
 / series. 3rd object larger. Wide arc and return going [to] steamship.     11/18/1952 #8293  
 second or so, it moves a full 45° arc to an area where there are some whit 1953 #8478  
ute the object traveled through an arc of 70 or 80 degrees, while emitting  1/26/1953 #8573  
ute the object traveled through an arc of 70 or 80 degrees.                 1/26/1953 #8575  
harp edges / 1.5sec. 8 minute(s) / arc. Pale blue. No further details.      10/9/1953 #9213  
ortheast to southeast in a shallow arc. It pulses in brightness at regular  1/25/1954 #9500  
 sphere appears / nowhere. Moves / arc / 2 second(s). Drops. Vanishes.      6/14/1954 #9900  
 2 photographs / saucer. Parabolic arc going down [to] and going up / 20 se 10/24/1954 #11354  
hanges course, and flies off in an arc. When the object is in motion, it is 10/24/1954 #11365  
.m. The lights were arranged in an arc, five feet above the ground. Two tal 2/4/1955 #11974  
s east Texas like a “huge electric arc,” passing from Tyler towards Lufkin. 2/13/1955 #11999  
says the light was as bright as an arc welder. One resident sees the light  4/25/1955 #12101  
ee seconds, covering 40 degrees of arc in the sky.                          8/20/1955 #12380  
erver(s). Saucer crosses sky in an arc / 1 minute(s). Size = 4cm / arms len 9/7/1955 #12430  
, D.C. Glowing round object fly an arc (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 9/7/1955 #12433  
. One glowing round object flew an arc for 1 minute.                        9/7/1955 #12434  
owing round object that flew in an arc through the sky for one minute at 6: 9/7/1955 #12436  
d ahead / 2 minute(s). Size = 6° / arc. Fades / 2 second(s). / APRO Sep. '5 8/1/1956? #13047  
s a sharp turn at less than 90° of arc and turns on its edge, swaying brief 8/5/1957 #13881  
 live. It glitters like a welder’s arc and makes a sound like water swishin 11/5/1957 #14345  
 cops and many. Saucer spins. Fast arc / low altitude. / LDLN#334p35+/ r141 12/12/1957 #14716  
, others watched reddish-white UFO arc back and forth. [UFOE, X] (NICAP: 01 4/11/1958 #14976  
 The object or objects moved in an arc through the sky to the west, then ma 3/23/1960 #16205  
the north moving at 1.5 degrees of arc per minute.                          7/6/1960 #16333  
bject was dull orange.  Flew in an arc for 2 minutes.                       8/23/1960 #16409  
 the bottom. The object flew in an arc for two minutes.                     8/23/1960 #16410  
t, it moved silently in a graceful arc above the fishermen, and disappeared 8/1/1962 #17313  
e robot; when it hits, there is an arc flash and the robot is knocked backw 9/5/1964 #18539  
m, reddish lights fly through 160° arc (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 11/14/1964 #18614  
reddish lights flew through a 160^ arc in 5-6 seconds.                      11/14/1964 #18615  
hts that flew through a 160 degree arc in the sky in 5-6 seconds.           11/14/1964 #18618  
ists. Blue-white lens going west / arc. Jolts / 2 magnetometers. / r74p161. 7/3/1965 #19058  
oid. Size = moon / 2. Makes 100dgr arc / sky.                               8/12/1965 #19371  
5 degrees elevation. It flew in an arc, hovered, and then went in front of  8/30/1965 #19481  
 a 30-mile radius of Boston, in an arc from the southeast to the southwest. 4/19/1966 #20343  
stern sky that is moving in a wide arc. When it reaches Ursa Major, it pace 10/31/1966 #21053  
 object that looked like a welding arc hovering over power lines. It was bl 2/12/1967 #21521  
-yellow ball that swung in a large arc was observed by two witnesses for 20 4/10/1967 #22102  
w and pink as it moved over a wide arc of sky at moderate speed. It was obs 4/18/1967 #22159  
w and pink as it moved over a wide arc of sky at moderate speed. Their sigh 4/18/1967 #22160  
 the moon, about twenty minutes of arc, with a color described as reddish b 8/8/1967 #22845  
RZHINSK, UKRAINE Saucer makes wide arc / sky. Goes going NNE. Silent. Seen  8/30/1967 #22957  
ow disk was seen describing a wide arc in the sky. It disappeared to the no 8/30/1967 #22958  
e beam extension was 35 degrees of arc in length. The beam seemed to emanat 12/21/1967 #23596  
t been publicly admitted.  https://arc.aiaa.org/doi/abs/10.2514/6.1968-24   1968 #23633  
west sky and swoops down in a long arc until it stops and assumes a horizon 8/7/1968 #24307  
im, making a hissing sound like an arc welder. He approached with a flashli 11/1/1968 #24616  
achado, and a flame like a welding arc comes out of the barrel and floats t 2/7/1969 #24901  
or like the glow around a welder’s arc. The object is moving beyond the bar 4/23/1969 #25086  
id figures visible, took off in an arc, headed out to sea (UFOE II, Section 6/27/1970 #25712  
id figures visible, took off in an arc, headed out to sea                   6/27/1970 #25713  
ailway men. Orange fireball / huge arc. Hovers over trucks / Witput station 7/5/1972 #26772  
.m. an orange fireball made a huge arc through the sky and then came to hov 7/5/1972 #26775  
                               DES ARC, MO Several observer(s). Night light 5/19/1973 #27508  
ngineer. White disk / perfect 180° arc at jet contrail. Continues going nor 10/9/1973 #27967  
he tail, a green beam sweeps a 90° arc and shines through the windshield. I 10/18/1973 #28172  
 is a row of six lights forming an arc outside her window, as well as anoth 10/21/1973 #28228  
nd saw a line of lights forming an arc. Each light was as large as an open  10/21/1973 #28229  
p, leveled off and flew away in an arc across the sky. (National Enquirer r 9/24/1974 #29474  
ering again. It then makes a quick arc and hovers about 900 feet above the  1976 #30750  
eams down onto power lines, and an arc of light was extending upward from t 9/10/1976 #31373  
ed an arm appear that described an arc through the air from front to back.  12/10/1976 #31594  
 southeast. They are the color of “arc welding.”                            3/9/1977 #31885  
t is perfectly round and almost 3° arc in apparent diameter. Daniels estima 3/12/1977 #31901  
s. The FO’s compass was within 20° arc of the compass in front of the capta 3/12/1977 #31901  
n the horizon, with a small bright arc inside. In only 3 minutes it has rea 3/24/1977 #31929  
ct swept through the sky in a slow arc and came to a position beside the la 3/30/1978 #33100  
ct swept through the sky in a slow arc and came to a position beside the la 3/30/1978 #33101  
 shows a dark object with a yellow arc of light above it.                   7/6/1978 #33345  
bject crosses 120° / sky. Seems to arc going down [to] into ocean.          8/27/1978 #33574  
es / sea. Going up and down / wide arc. Sinks.                              11/8/1978 #33925  
w the object is pulling away in an arc described as a “well-controlled swoo 12/11/1979 #35072  
-gray jump suit. As he passes, the arc lights on the object start flickerin 1/14/1980 #35135  
dges. Going quickly west / 0.22° / arc / second(s). No spin seen.           10/25/1980 #35588  
ball-sized object makes a downward arc and hovers at 20 feet above the grou 12/28/1980 #35750  
he object then moves rapidly in an arc down to the left and rolls, presenti 7/4/1981 #35987  
r that begins to blink, move in an arc, fade, and go out. It reappears 2 mi 7/19/1981 #36019  
od photographs. Slow and fast. 40° arc / 4s. Going northeast.               9/10/1990 #39722  
 12 th floor. Saucer / tree-level. Arc trajectories. Also delta/triangle/bo 10/24/1990 #39809  
ith rounded corners. It emitted an arc of white light. A second identical t 11/13/1991 #40228  
t-cloud going east. Subtends 15' / arc. Transparent?                        8/27/1994 #41692  
 during which time it traversed an arc or approximately 30 degrees of angle 10/3/1996 #43052  
and his family at first see a tiny arc of five white lights just after 8:00 3/13/1997 #43229  
t was horizontal, but described an arc of 90° in just 10 seconds, which was 8/26/1998 #43638  
 the scope of that study.  https://arc.aiaa.org/doi/pdf/10.2514/6.2001-3907 6/2001 #44189  
 In the front is something like an arc of light. The object seems as if it  9/9/2001 #44253  
s like an intense red beam with an arc of light on its front section. The o 9/9/2002 #44392  
a. The formation was one degree of arc in length, and the objects were seen 9/26/2002 #44409  
. 4 second(s) each. 30 second(s) / arc. Odd distorted halo.                 10/5/2002 #44415  
rtin Tajmar and Clovis De Matos of ARC Seibersdorf in Austria report gravit 3/28/2006 #44931  
s the most credible photo shows an arc streaking across the sky around suns 7/7/2010 #45286  
## Word: "arc-33" (Back to Top)
tact then get a lock-on from their ARC-33 airborne radar. As they attempt t 12/10/1952 #8409  
## Word: "arc-formation" (Back to Top)
#1295. Staff Sgt. 5 grey saucers / arc-formation going quickly east / 550mp 6/16/1952 #6515  
## Word: "arc-ha-an" (Back to Top)
anguage. Some of it sounded like: "arc-ha-an rha-ehn-raxh ehn."             11/25/1998 #43684  
language; some of it sounded like "arc-ha-an rha-ehn-raxh ehn."             11/29/1998 #43689  
## Word: "arc-lamp" (Back to Top)
                 FLACHERES, ISERE "Arc-lamp" outside house. 4 depressions / 3/24/1972 #26621  
## Word: "arc-light" (Back to Top)
llar reflection caused by a bright arc-light source at a military installat 9/26/1870 #187  
front of it which sparkled like an arc-light (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 10/23/1966 #21030  
front of it which sparkled like an arc-light.  Traveled south along some po 10/23/1966 #21031  
## Word: "arc-like" (Back to Top)
tic course at varying speed, in an arc-like path for 5 minutes.             6/2/1961 #16711  
ic course at varying speeds, in an arc-like path for five minutes. A radar  6/2/1961 #16712  
## Word: "arc-shaped" (Back to Top)
s, New York - A luminous disc with arc-shaped wings rose into the sky at a  5/31/1951 #5525  
-orange, saucer-shaped object with arc-shaped wings, flew straight up. Seen 6/1/1951 #5534  
-orange, saucer-shaped object with arc-shaped wings, shoot straight up into 6/1/1951 #5536  
## Word: "arc-sos" (Back to Top)
ension.com/projects.html   https://arc-sos.state.al.us/cgi/corpdetail.mbr/d 3/2004 #44671  
## Word: "arc-sous-cicon" (Back to Top)
                                   ARC-SOUS-CICON, FR 4 kids. 3 dark small  7/17/1967 #22671  
                                   Arc-sous-Cicon, France Children were ter 7/17/1967 #22680  
       At 3:15 in the afternoon in Arc-sous-Cicon, Doubs department, France 7/17/1967 #22684  
## Word: "arc-wings" (Back to Top)
y observer(s). Glowing saucer with arc-wings rises very fast / 35 second(s) 5/31/1951 #5524  
## Word: "arcachon" (Back to Top)
                                   ARCACHON, FR Engineer. Big boomerang goi 8/5/1983 #36934  
                                   ARCACHON BAY, FR Many observer(s). Yello 11/6/1990 #39877  
## Word: "arcade-like" (Back to Top)
he first sighting was of a band of arcade-like rolling front lights and thr 8/20/1992 #40586  
## Word: "arcadia" (Back to Top)
D.C. Roanoke and Pulaski, Virginia Arcadia, Tennessee North Carolina Tyndal 9/12/1952 #7905  
i, Virginia, possibly landing near Arcadia, Tennessee. Feschino thinks that 9/12/1952 #7905  
                                   ARCADIA, UT Summer / 1965. 40' silver sa 7/20/1965? #19140  
                            WEST / ARCADIA, FL Lady sees saucer / bridge. B 10/19/1987 #38307  
## Word: "arcand" (Back to Top)
ssing, Ontario a buoy tender named Arcand observed green and white lights b 6/3/1967 #22459  
## Word: "arcas" (Back to Top)
publishing Vimana, edited by Julio Arcas Gilardi, in Santander, Cantabria,  1975 #29677  
## Word: "arcata" (Back to Top)
Landing Aids Experiment Station in Arcata, California Kenneth Arnold visits Spring 1948 #3593  
Landing Aids Experiment Station in Arcata, California, and interviews Kenne Spring 1948 #3593  
                                   ARCATA, CA 2 observer(s). Huge object ho 7/5/1954 #9993  
## Word: "arced" (Back to Top)
ibiting no sound, flat rather than arced trajectory, and turning on and off 12/20/1948 #3935  
a Falls, OH Dark saucer-shaped UFO arced overhead, levelled off and moved i 9/20/1954 #10368  
issed, headlights flickered as UFO arced overhead (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)   11/3/1957 #14241  
ht silver object was sighted as it arced across the sky in the Panama Canal 1/23/1959 #15562  
s the Moon, and the other smaller. Arced across the sky for 13 minutes.     9/21/1962 #17427  
d the other somewhat smaller. They arced across the sky for 13 minutes.     9/21/1962 #17429  
a UFO. The disc-shaped object then arced up into sky, changed shape into a  5/15/1973 #27491  
red area in the middle. The object arced upwards, then back down, and seeme 9/3/1976 #31337  
ss the sky in Stockdale, Texas. It arced slightly and appeared to hover in  1/24/1982 #36309  
ss the sky in Stockdale, Texas. It arced slightly and appeared to hover in  1/24/1982 #36312  
he sky over Pensacola, Florida. It arced down and dove toward Pensacola Bay 7/20/1990 #39655  
## Word: "arcelot" (Back to Top)
                            EAST / ARCELOT, FR 6 professors / car. Fireball 5/18/1970 #25665  
## Word: "arcesio" (Back to Top)
 father, return to see the object. Arcesio Bermúdez takes a flashlight with 7/4/1969 #25251  
appeared to land on a nearby hill. Arcesio Bermudez, an adult, went to the  7/4/1969 #25253  
## Word: "arcevia" (Back to Top)
                                   ARCEVIA, ITL Several observer(s). Domed  3/18/1985 #37571  
## Word: "arch" (Back to Top)
at very high speed (400 mph) in an arch beind a water tower. The objects es 8/5/1950 #5108  
                             Black Arch Antrim Coast Road Larne, County Ant 8/1955 #12310  
ple gather each night at the Black Arch, on the Antrim Coast Road near Larn 8/1955 #12310  
lic craft, shaped like a flattened arch with rounded ends. A rectangular op 4/12/1992 #40414  
 tail appear out of Ursa Major and arch over her head to the southeast. Sud 8/13/2002 #44383  
ast 2:00 a.m. Dubbed the “Okanagan Arch,” the beam is seen from Kamloops to 7/28/2003 #44568  
red blinking lights that formed an arch was reported over Santa Maria, Cali 4/27/2006 #44934  
## Word: "arch-portholes" (Back to Top)
let-dome buzzes and follows car. 2 arch-portholes.                          11/13/1967 #23440  
## Word: "arch-skeptical" (Back to Top)
 1986 that the book was written by arch-skeptical astronomer Patrick Moore  10/1954 #10536  
## Word: "archaeological" (Back to Top)
veral years to paranormally guided archaeological expeditions.              12/2/1956 #13384  
iversity of New Mexico initiate an archaeological dig at the debris field s 9/16/2002 #44400  
e was discovered a day later by an archaeological team, who reports the cra 11/1/2005 #44898  
## Word: "archaeologist" (Back to Top)
w Hampshire Dusk. Kate Chmurny, an archaeologist at Plymouth State College  10/20/1978 #33847  
iège, Belgium 11:15 p.m. A retired archaeologist in Stockay, Liège, Belgium 5/4/1990 #39556  
## Word: "archaeologists" (Back to Top)
oad northwest of Roswell 5:00 a.m. Archaeologists, including William Curry  7/5/1947 #2719  
s on the site already. Besides the archaeologists, a local man named Larry  7/5/1947 #2721  
years old. The separate stories of archaeologists and Grady L. “Barney” Bar 2/15/1992 #40331  
 will bring together sociologists, archaeologists, astronomers, meteorologi 10/2013 #45387  
## Word: "archangel" (Back to Top)
ve; he claims he saw project names Archangel, Blue Book, Black Book, White  1949 #3947  
lins also states a friend told him Archangel determined UAP occupants were  1949 #3947  
ast lives. Ruth styles herself the Archangel Uriel and after the death of E 2/1954 #9522  
## Word: "archangel-12" (Back to Top)
aft that will replace the U-2. The Archangel-12 (A-12) spy plane will be de 9/1959 #15950  
## Word: "archbishop" (Back to Top)
and of Menorca, Spain Agobard, the archbishop of Lyon, France, writes De Gr 812 #2  
aces of two prominent Australians (Archbishop of Sydney Frederic Barker and 7/25/1868 #176  
hen on Bishop McIntyre and Detroit Archbishop Edward Mooney became the main 2/19/1954 (approximate) #9557  
## Word: "arched" (Back to Top)
ed three or four times, the object arched over and began descending to eart 4/18/1962 #17120  
ed off toward the north before it "arched" its way into a lake. It was seen 12/2/1962 #17569  
s, maneuvered in the sky, and then arched away to the west. The photographe 5/1/1971 #26095  
, split apart like booster rocket, arched through the sky traveling rapidly 6/5/1975 #30083  
parate cop / I8. Domed saucer with arched portholes over freeway. 4 more ap 9/1/1994 #41711  
## Word: "archeleta" (Back to Top)
 is based on the west slope of Mt. Archeleta near "the Diamond". Goal of Pr 6/6/1988 #38581  
## Word: "archeological" (Back to Top)
 claims one saucer was found on an archeological dig, and another is metall 5/15/1989 #38953  
in Camp Verde, Arizona Chapin Mesa Archeological Museum in Mesa Verde, Colo 5/5/2015 #45437  
lmer and loaned to the Chapin Mesa Archeological Museum in Mesa Verde, Colo 5/5/2015 #45437  
## Word: "archer" (Back to Top)
hey tell him in a memo to E. James Archer, dean of the graduate school, and 8/9/1966 #20734  
nchford, Tasmania 2:00 a.m. Mr. C. Archer is woken up in his home at Lynchf 5/25/1971 #26136  
Dennis is flying a Piper PA-28-181 Archer II near the San Luis Reservoir, C 4/8/1981 #35887  
 and UAP, and a cable to Rep. Bill Archer from OES discussed “Arrangements  2/25/1982 #36370  
mand post exercise code-named Able Archer 83. Its purpose is to simulate a  11/7/1983 #37044  
Naval War College, argue that Able Archer 83 brought the world close to a n 11/7/1983 #37044  
## Word: "archery" (Back to Top)
orkman cutting wood on the Augusta archery range saw two saucer-shaped obje 1/19/1965 #18746  
ings emerged from landed object at archery range, approached witness, who f 1/19/1965 #18747  
tric plant, is chopping wood at an archery range east of Staunton, Virginia 1/19/1965 #18750  
## Word: "arches" (Back to Top)
lf in a room with "Gothic" looking arches and illuminated walls. He was met 9/11/1994 #41734  
t 1:00 a.m., a beam of white light arches across the sky from horizon to ho 7/28/2003 #44568  
## Word: "archetypal" (Back to Top)
s that abductions are nonphysical, archetypal fantasies in which the witnes 1977 #31655  
## Word: "archetypes" (Back to Top)
 in which he compares the discs to archetypes, dreams, visions, paintings,  1959 #15511  
## Word: "archie" (Back to Top)
wfoundland, CAN Newfoundland, G,V; Archie 29 KC-97 Radar Case (BBU) (NICAP: 7/5/1955 #12237  
 copilot Lt. Paul Daily, call sign Archie 29, and pilot Lt. Robert W. Schne 7/5/1955 #12238  
ilot Lt. David Cueldner, call sign Archie 91, are flying Boeing KC-97 Strat 7/5/1955 #12238  
“Unusual” in that the pilot of the Archie 29 called direction changes of th 7/12/1955 #12253  
## Word: "archigny" (Back to Top)
                                   ARCHIGNY, FR Silent 10M cylinder/cigar-s 4/22/1966 #20361  
## Word: "archimedean" (Back to Top)
t personal schedules. They mark an Archimedean spiral on Area 51’s dry lake 10/1960 #16472  
## Word: "arching" (Back to Top)
d. At 2:45 p.m., he sees it again, arching overhead toward the west. Both i 12/16/1976 #31608  
## Word: "archipelago" (Back to Top)
      Chichijima Ogasawara (Bonin) Archipelago, Japan Night. A B-24 bomber  2/22/1945 #1794  
hichijima in the Ogasawara (Bonin) Archipelago, Japan, sees an object trail 2/22/1945 #1794  
              Spitsbergen Svalbard archipelago, Norway Narvik Heligoland, G 6/1952 #6404  
isc on Spitsbergen in the Svalbard archipelago, Norway. It is taken to Narv 6/1952 #6404  
tonated, 50mt yield, Novaya Zemlya archipelago, 10x the amount of all the e 10/3/1961 #16891  
 and Argentine Bases on the Palmer Archipelago in Antarctica.               7/9/1962 #17268  
  Kanholmsfjärden in the Stockholm archipelago, Sweden Kaliningrad, Russia  10/16/2014 #45417  
m Kanholmsfjärden in the Stockholm archipelago, Sweden, and in Kaliningrad, 10/16/2014 #45417  
## Word: "archirafi" (Back to Top)
                             TORRE ARCHIRAFI, ITL 4M metallic sphere flashe 12/26/1978 #34210  
## Word: "architect" (Back to Top)
nto La Pampa, Argentina Afternoon. Architect Enrique Carotenuto Bossa is dr 5/15/1950 #4944  
buryport, Massachusetts Witnesses: architect R.M. Pierce, marine engineer G 2/26/1954 #9569  
                                   Architect R.M. Pierce, Marine Engineer G 2/26/1954 #9570  
                   PISTAKEE LK, IL Architect. Object whistles and flutters  4/21/1954 #9698  
 UFO making sharp turn observed by architect. [UFOE, VII] (NICAP: 01 - Dist 4/26/1954 #9725  
                      SARASOTA, FL Architect. Yellow cylinder/cigar-shape w 5/4/1960 #16249  
ur window-like markings sighted by architect. [NICAP UFOE, XII] (NICAP: 01  5/4/1960 #16251  
was observed at ground level by an architect.                               5/4/1960 #16252  
was observed at ground level by an architect in Sarasota, Florida at 9:15 a 5/4/1960 #16253  
Johnson City, TX 3:30 a.m. CDT. An architect and Naval reserve officer camp 4/24/1966 #20401  
ales River, Texas Tom M. Lasseter, architect, was camping near the river wh 4/24/1966 #20402  
 3:30 a.m. Mr. Tom M. Lasseter, an architect, was camping near the Pedernal 4/24/1966 #20405  
                   ZELLIK, BELGIUM Architect. 2 silent glowing-delta/triang 9/24/1969 #25377  
                                An architect named Breeus in Zellik, Belgiu 9/24/1969 #25378  
   Sandomierz, Poland 6:00 p.m. An architect in Sandomierz, Poland, sees a  10/31/2008 #45182  
## Word: "archival" (Back to Top)
 a barrage of images of atomic age archival footage and such that after awh 12/4/2018 #45550  
## Word: "archive" (Back to Top)
-secret-experiments/   https://web.archive.org/web/20120410222842/https://m 8/19/1947 #3353  
-secret-experiments/   https://web.archive.org/web/20120410222842/https://m 8/19/1947 #3354  
oswellReportR2.pdf (p14)   https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/2 9/23/1947 #3419  
260/mode/2up (p260-p262)   https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/4 9/23/1947 #3419  
 cover up the crash site.  https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/3 10/1947 #3440  
o-in-a-montana-lake/   https://web.archive.org/web/20160415135901/https://m 8/17/1949 #4321  
s. Digitized from the Frank Scully archive at the American Heritage Center  3/31/1950 #4772  
 interest in the subject.  https://archive.org/details/hynekuforeport00alle 7/6/1950 #5047  
rsue the disc designs. *   https://archive.org/details/huntforzeropoint0000 1952 #5843  
 (URL not working) *   https://web.archive.org/web/20220520164609/https://w 2/19/1952 #5911  
or-green-fireball-sightings (jbr - archive.org version) *   https://www.sac 2/19/1952 #5911  
rings or with the public.  https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/pag 4/24/1952 #6179  
files.com/ufo/cufon5.txt   https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/pag 4/24/1952 #6179  
vision (AFOIC-CC). *   https://web.archive.org/web/20211206115818/http://ww 4/24/1952 #6179  
t we can’t buck the CIA.”  https://archive.org/details/reportonunidenti00ru 2/9/1953 #8656  
00rupp/page/228/mode/2up   https://archive.org/details/aliensfromspacer00ke 2/9/1953 #8656  
r00keyh/page/70/mode/2up   https://archive.org/details/hynekuforeport00alle 2/9/1953 #8656  
-%20Vol%201%20No%205.pdf   https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/pag 2/19/1953 #8686  
n.org/cufon/janp146c.htm   https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/2 3/10/1954 #9611  
s a reason to debunk UAP.  https://archive.org/details/flyingsaucersunc00wi 10/14/1954 #11075  
her fighters at the time.  https://archive.org/details/huntforzeropoint0000 1955 #11897  
r private papers at the Broadlands Archive.                                 2/23/1955 #12015  
 include physical debris.  https://archive.org/details/1956-01-7340421-Afgh 1/24/1956 #12681  
o Congress or the public.  https://archive.org/details/reportonunidenti00ru 2/1956 #12691  
e interest in the matter.  https://archive.org/details/FbiUnidentifiedFlyin 9/24/1957 #14030  
nd a speed of 2000 km/hr.  https://archive.org/details/huntforzeropoint0000 1958 #14787  
ghter/UAP development. *   https://archive.org/details/huntforzeropoint0000 1958 #14787  
raveled against the wind.  https://archive.org/details/hynekuforeport00alle 5/19/1960 #16292  
ed to https variant)   https://web.archive.org/web/20221226173916/http://ww 6/22/1960 #16317  
P68-00046R000200090025-2.pdf (rg - archive.org version)   https://www.newsp 6/22/1960 #16317  
d artifacts from crashes.  https://archive.org/stream/DisclosureProjectBrie 1961 #16553  
riefingDocument_djvu.txt   https://archive.org/details/DisclosureProjectBri 1961 #16553  
hed “even in confidence.”  https://archive.org/details/aliensfromspacer00ke 10/29/1962 #17518  
alm Springs, CA. In 1988 his large archive of 1950’s-early 60's material (p 6/23/1964 #18368  
t/0054/4525586.pdf (p12)   https://archive.org/details/CIAUFO/U.S.%20AIR%20 4/3/1966 #20214  
wns-1.27-Dec-20-2016.pdf   https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/ 4/5/1966 #20253  
age/80/mode/2up (p80)   http://web.archive.org/web/20001025094433/www.isso. 4/5/1966 #20253  
hem on 27 September 1947.  https://archive.org/details/FbiUnidentifiedFlyin 7/21/1966 #20664  
217/mode/2up (p217-p220)   https://archive.org/details/FbiUnidentifiedFlyin 7/21/1966 #20664  
/page/n97/mode/2up (p97)   https://archive.org/details/FbiUnidentifiedFlyin 7/21/1966 #20664  
orting.pdf *   https://ia801301.us.archive.org/view_archive.php?archive=/8/ 7/21/1966 #20664  
 photos of a flying disc.  https://archive.org/details/clearintentgover00fa 3/1/1967 #21719  
onic-flow/oclc/456432694   https://archive.org/details/huntforzeropoint0000 1968 #23633  
 to become the official government archive for existing and future UFO repo 2/1968 #23719  
eport-Complete.pdf (p15)   https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/ 11/15/1968 #24662  
 ever spoke about it.  https://web.archive.org/web/20191010095840/http://ww 10/24/1969 #25424  
 UFOs over Modern China, UFO Photo Archive, 1983, p. 56) Early 1970s — 2:30 Early 1970 #25524  
be considered classified.  https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/pag 6/1971 #26154  
 Congressional inquiries.  https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/ 5/1972 #26666  
page/206/mode/2up (p207)   https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/ 5/1972 #26666  
ng film is withdrawn.  https://web.archive.org/web/20190622183540/http:/www 5/1973 #27461  
 (rg - paywall link)   https://web.archive.org/web/20140217025840/https://m 4/1974 #28984  
s/cia/ufos/C05515622.pdf   https://archive.org/details/CIA-RDP05S00620R0003 4/26/1976 #31027  
rthy of future study.  https://web.archive.org/web/20150703123417/http:/www 1977 #31659  
akehurst/2194355001/   https://web.archive.org/web/20110521172809/http://ww 1/18/1978 #32895  
/images/fortdix2.gif   https://web.archive.org/web/20110521172805/http://ww 1/18/1978 #32895  
he FOIA response process.  https://archive.org/details/clearintentgover00fa 1/19/1978 #32900  
files are not maintained.  https://archive.org/details/clearintentgover00fa 12/20/1978 #34186  
r00fawc/page/54/mode/2up   https://archive.org/details/clearintentgover00fa 12/20/1978 #34186  
t=7Gci8pSKxf6TrKg2QHXZMQ   https://archive.org/details/CIA-RDP79-00999A0003 1979 #34262  
nbeknownst to Schmitt. *   https://archive.org/details/aliencontacttops00go 2/16/1979 #34431  
1979%2010.%20October.pdf   https://archive.org/details/clearintentgover00fa 9/1979 #34816  
ndBarry_Greenwood (p122)   https://archive.org/details/projectbetastory0000 1980's? #35109  
eitzel-Letter.pdf (fake)   https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/4 7/1980 #35398  
14-055/page/406/mode/2up   https://archive.org/details/projectbetastory0000 7/1980 #35398  
000bish/page/64/mode/2up   https://archive.org/details/projectbetastory0000 7/1980 #35398  
orms associated with UAP.  https://archive.org/details/rv-project-8200/RV+P 7/1982 #36525  
ilar experiments as well.  https://archive.org/details/huntforzeropoint0000 1983 #36738  
 director of the National Security Archive, and Tom Nichols, a professor at 11/7/1983 #37044  
g.  https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1984/08/07/air-force-re 8/7/1984 #37429  
4/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1984/08/07/air-force-re 8/7/1984 #37429  
/ (rg - paywall URL)   https://web.archive.org/web/20190117000757/https://m 8/7/1984 #37429  
-discuss-it-sir/ (rg - non-paywall archive.org URL)                         8/7/1984 #37429  
ot been corroborated.  https://web.archive.org/web/20230314185745/https://w 1985 #37542  
-we-get-to-the-bottom-of-it/ (rg - archive.org URL, orig is dead)           1985 #37542  
'maintenance mode')    https://web.archive.org/web/20130601000000*/https:// Summer 1985 #37607  
ghtning-science-free-energy/ (rg - archive.org URL)    https://www.scienceh Summer 1985 #37607  
ly recalled the next day.  https://archive.org/details/outtheregovernme00bl 12/1986 #38079  
ufo/UFOBBS/1000/1953.ufo   https://archive.org/details/john-lear-statement- 12/29/1987 #38379  
rd should reconsider. He wants the archive to stay in Arizona. Tina Choate  4/12/1988 #38541  
over-up-lid-lifting/   https://web.archive.org/web/20210831153533/https://b 1/1989 #38772  
as%2002-8.pdf (rg - orig URL dead, archive.org version)                     1/1989 #38772  
fo-circles-30-years-ago/   https://archive.org/details/area51uncensored0000 5/15/1989 #38953  
mand belongs to NORAD. *   https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofuf0000 6/1989 #38972  
unse/page/412/mode/2up *   https://archive.org/details/area51uncensored0000 6/1989 #38972  
 apart/put back together.  https://archive.org/details/aliencontacttops00go 10/1989 #39139  
com/patent/GB1479450A/en   https://archive.org/details/huntforzeropoint0000 3/1990 #39436  
ernández Sequieros titled “The UFO Archive and Its Possible Release.” The n 5/22/1991 #40074  
wn and Aaron Donahue.  https://web.archive.org/web/20010123091700/http://ww 3/9/1992 #40368  
youtu.be/G9ObjkUpTbs   https://web.archive.org/web/20010620085705/https://p 3/9/1992 #40369  
of UAP work elsewhere. *   https://archive.org/details/casolaro             5/13/1992 #40463  
SingleRecord&RN=22057516   https://archive.org/details/casolaro-notebooks/B 8/1/1993 #41101  
m of all black projects.”  https://archive.org/stream/DisclosureProjectBrie 1994 #41346  
riefingDocument_djvu.txt   https://archive.org/stream/DisclosureProjectBrie 1994 #41346  
t he couldn’t get access.  https://archive.org/details/HiddenTruthForbidden Mid 1990's #41926  
ws/ (rg-unreachable)   https://web.archive.org/web/20221201140323/https://b 1/28/1996 #42725  
m/answering-who-else-knows/ (jbr - archive.org version)                     1/28/1996 #42725  
 for millions of dollars.  https://archive.org/details/DisclosureProjectBri 8/30/1996 #43000  
 to that document. *   https://web.archive.org/web/20190320103153/https://s 8/30/1996 #43002  
was not to report events.  https://archive.org/details/DisclosureProjectBri 8/30/1996 #43003  
 missile countermeasures.  https://archive.org/details/dayafterroswell00cor 6/1997 #43308  
er the previous 50 years.  https://archive.org/details/AFD-101027-030/mode/ 6/24/1997 #43339  
) program at the time. *   https://archive.org/details/huntforzeropoint0000 8/1997 #43363  
hing but an old airliner.  https://archive.org/details/huntforzeropoint0000 Late 1990's #43480  
ions%20and%20Answers.pdf   https://archive.org/details/SecretSpaceProgramme 1998 #43481  
hnson/page/n262/mode/1up   https://archive.org/details/SecretSpaceProgramme 1998 #43481  
and the Nevada Test Site.  https://archive.org/details/SecretSpaceProgramme 6/17/1998 #43589  
 assets of the “program.”  https://archive.org/stream/DisclosureProjectBrie 8/22/1998 #43635  
ngDocume%20nt%20djvu.txt   https://archive.org/stream/DisclosureProjectBrie 8/22/1998 #43635  
d not know the mechanism.  https://archive.org/details/SecretSpaceProgramme 1999 #43709  
y don’t know where he is.  https://archive.org/stream/DisclosureProjectBrie 11/2000 #44070  
s/dtic/a426465.pdf (p93)   https://archive.org/details/huntforzeropoint0000 2001 #44112  
tc., the briefing claims.  https://archive.org/stream/DisclosureProjectBrie 4/2001 #44154  
gy/story?id=98572&page=1   https://archive.org/details/SecretSpaceProgramme 5/9/2001 #44183  
tromagnetism and gravity.  https://archive.org/details/huntforzeropoint0000 2002 #44302  
e/nature/2157975.stm   https://web.archive.org/web/20081105234854/https://w 7/29/2002 #44369  
arch/1282281.html (rg - was a dead archive.ph link, replaced with archive.o 7/29/2002 #44369  
ead archive.ph link, replaced with archive.org)                             7/29/2002 #44369  
ification may exist.”  https://web.archive.org/web/20020802222642/http://ww 7/29/2002 #44370  
s on every machine. “  https://web.archive.org/web/20160306030249/https://w 11/2002 #44428  
tells-what-he-found/   https://web.archive.org/web/20061024221521/http://bb 11/2002 #44428  
erica/?sh=12a6b881f2cd *   https://archive.ph/cvS5q (rg - alt URL) *   http 5/7/2003 #44528  
 NASA MSFC (H31066D).  https://web.archive.org/web/20020803023003/http://ww 3/2004 #44671  
ia_antigravity02.htm   https://web.archive.org/web/20020803023342/http://ww 3/2004 #44671  
d-liability-company/   https://web.archive.org/web/20221223011900/https://w 3/2004 #44671  
sional-technologies-inc.html (rg - archive.org URL, orig permission denied) 3/2004 #44671  
nterview.PDF   https://ia803008.us.archive.org/4/items/HiddenTruthForbidden 8/2004 #44724  
end up in black projects.  https://archive.org/details/HiddenTruthForbidden 4/28/2006 #44935  
 that is “black-shelved.”  https://archive.org/details/HiddenTruthForbidden 4/28/2006 #44936  
s and electronic sensors.  https://archive.org/details/HiddenTruthForbidden 4/28/2006 #44937  
S20060102795A1.pdf *   https://web.archive.org/web/20220527193409/https://d 5/18/2006 #44945  
d-32192752.pdf (rg - replaced with archive.org URL, original not found on s 5/18/2006 #44945  
gravitational-waves.html   https://archive.ph/TZuYJ (rg - archived backup)  2008 #45108  
g - archived backup)   https://web.archive.org/web/20230420211301/https://f 2008 #45108  
wfd5fph50527xw9zvma1yy91   https://archive.ph/aQkoy (rg - archived URL)     10/17/2008 #45175  
                      The National Archive in Brasília, Brazil The National 10/31/2008 #45181  
e in Brasília, Brazil The National Archive in Brasília, Brazil, receives fr 10/31/2008 #45181  
r-up. Not satisfied with a central archive, Borghezio also wants a scientif 6/14/2010 #45285  
tps://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2010/10/failure-shuts-down-squad 10/23/2010 #45304  
ned related to the issue.  https://archive.org/details/adafterdisclosur0000 2012 #45336  
r-embassy-games.html   https://web.archive.org/web/20140728030142/https://w 2014 #45400  
ed” to escape apocalypse.  https://archive.org/details/americanindianmy00ma 2/20/2015 #45431  
 - can't access URL)   https://web.archive.org/web/20220704150819/https://w 3/6/2015 #45433  
podesta-emails/emailid/54211 (rg - archive.org version)                     3/6/2015 #45433  
 - can't access URL)   https://web.archive.org/web/20210301000000*/https:// 3/6/2015 #45434  
podesta-emails/emailid/31721 (rg - archive.org version)                     3/6/2015 #45434  
fo-sightings-1698396   https://web.archive.org/web/20201107231831/https:/wa 9/6/2019 #45607  
rg - behind paywall)   https://web.archive.org/web/20210209195101/https://m 12/12/2020 #45669  
org/ (rg - dead URL)   https://web.archive.org/web/20220128074033/https://t 6/25/2021 #45695  
8074033/https://triadns.org/ (rg - archive.org version)     Note: In 2018,  6/25/2021 #45695  
hp (rg - dead URL) *   https://web.archive.org/web/20201016180525/https://w 6/25/2021 #45695  
101-triad-takes-the-helm.php (rg - archive.org version)                     6/25/2021 #45695  
sti/pdfs/ADA294169.pdf *   https://archive.org/stream/swusintelligence/WING 9/3/2021 #45707  
s://youtu.be/LsPXbrIwb8c   https://archive.org/details/aliencontacttops00go 3/16/2022 #45740  
h-document-revealed/   https://web.archive.org/web/20220416230226/http://ww 12/17/2022 #45787  
## Word: "archive=" (Back to Top)
01.us.archive.org/view_archive.php?archive=/8/items/bluebook/1950s.zip&file 7/21/1966 #20664  
## Word: "archived" (Back to Top)
Michael Swords examine Roy Craig’s archived original notes from the Colorad Early 9/1957 #13971  
that since 1988 cases are not even archived. The note recommends that UFO c 5/22/1991 #40074  
ce Ave., Huntsville, AL 35801.  An archived version of the company’s websit 3/2004 #44671  
l   https://archive.ph/TZuYJ (rg - archived backup)   https://web.archive.o 2008 #45108  
ing-gravitational-waves.html (rg - archived backup)     Note: This article  2008 #45108  
1   https://archive.ph/aQkoy (rg - archived URL)                            10/17/2008 #45175  
## Word: "archives" (Back to Top)
 knowledge of such a report in its archives. Probable hoax.                 6/12/1790 #91  
 handful of reports from newspaper archives in the northern United States.  2/9/1913 #881  
nstein’s USN pay stubs at National Archives.                                7/1/1943 #1516  
red. (Ref. 3; Anders Liljegren AFU archives.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters 10/10/1944 #1676  
rror and is tracked down in public archives to the southern Oregon area.    7/29/1947 #3243  
Ohio Wright-Patterson AFB National Archives An interim report by Project Si 11/30/1948 #3895  
hio. A recent FOIA to the National Archives answers that such a document wo 11/30/1948 #3895  
d study. Found in the private BSRA archives now at the AFU in Sweden.       5/18/1949 #4190  
because they were held in personal archives. Interloper briefed the CIA in  1951 #5379  
ter was discovered in the National Archives by Wm. Moore and Jamie Shandera 7/14/1954 #10014  
nk Edwards, found in the BSRA/BSRF archives at the Archives for the Unexpla 8/1/1954 #10086  
d in the BSRA/BSRF archives at the Archives for the Unexplained in Sweden.  8/1/1954 #10086  
naissance flights. *   https://www.archives.gov/files/declassification/isca 12/28/1954 #11870  
ed a file in the Canadian National Archives that shows Frost traveled to We 1955 #11897  
                Britain Broadlands Archives Record: Sworn statement by Lord 2/23/1955 #12013  
written notes in private BSRA/BSRF archives containing the addresses of the 1966 #19792  
lice statement in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters 5/6/1966 #20453  
                     Smithsonian's archives The documentary “UFOs: Friend,  5/10/1966 #20474  
e, discovered in the Smithsonian’s archives by Michael Swords, confirms the 5/10/1966 #20474  
 (NICAP report in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 11/10/1966 #21087  
e from witness in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 1/10/1967 #21283  
on, Mass., 2/22/67, copy in Keyhoe Archives) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 1/15/1967 #21309  
 Project Blue Book files, National Archives; Fowler, 1974, p. 343.) (NICAP: 1/18/1967 #21339  
 witness, 2/5/67, Donald E. Keyhoe Archives files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 2/4/1967 #21448  
P files and in Donald E. I Key hoe Archives files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 2/8/1967 #21481  
 2/14/67, copy in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives files.). (NICAP: 02 - Close Enc 2/12/1967 #21521  
 Project Blue Book files, National Archives; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol.. Ill 2/17/1967 #21583  
ICAP files and in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 2/19/1967 #21596  
ICAP files and in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 2/21/1967 #21610  
 Project Blue Book files, National Archives.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 3/2/1967 #21724  
 Project Blue Book files, National Archives.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters 3/3/1967 #21743  
 3/25/67, copy in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 3/24/1967 #21963  
 Project Blue Book files, National Archives.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters 3/29/1967 #22011  
 Project Blue Book files, National Archives.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters 3/31/1967 #22020  
(Project Blue Book files, National Archives.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)       4/12/1967 #22119  
ject Blue Book files, (E) National Archives, car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)    4/12/1967 #22120  
ort form, copy in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 5/1967 #22252  
, 5/8/67, copy in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives files; L/.F.O. Investigator, Vo 5/7/1967 #22292  
 Project Blue Book files, National Archives.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters 7/10/1967 #22644  
 letter, 12/1/68, Donald E. Keyhoe Archives files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 10/22/1967 #23288  
letter, 12/19/68, Donald E. Reyhoe Archives files; Keyhoe and Lore, 1969a,  10/27/1967 #23344  
s years of research into newspaper archives in June–July 1947. The preface  11/1967 #23381  
ophysics in Ottawa, Ontario Public Archives of Canada [now Library and Arch 1968 #23630  
rchives of Canada [now Library and Archives of Canada] The Canadian Nationa 1968 #23630  
file but transferred to the Public Archives of Canada [now Library and Arch 1968 #23630  
rchives of Canada [now Library and Archives of Canada] at the end of every  1968 #23630  
4/ (p55, p57, p104).   https://www.archives.gov/files/declassification/isca 3/1968 #23799  
 Project Blue Book files, National Archives, same as Nov. 23, Newton, Ga.;  11/22/1968 #24681  
e Modern Military Branch, Military Archives Division, National Archives, Wa 12/17/1969 #25501  
litary Archives Division, National Archives, Washington, D.C.               12/17/1969 #25501  
                         Air Force Archives at Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, A 1/30/1970 #25564  
 are on their way to the Air Force Archives at Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, A 1/30/1970 #25564  
 Södertälje, Sweden Norrköping The Archives for UFO Research (Arbetsgruppen 8/1972 #26863  
il 2013 it changes its name to the Archives for the Unexplained. Its holdin 8/1972 #26863  
e by the RAF Valley team. National Archives files released in 2005 show tha 1/23/1974 #28694  
 Maxwell AFB, Alabama, to Natignal Archives in Washington, DC.              3/1975 #29860  
wn from public access by Air Force Archives at Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, A 4/1975 #29930  
                         Air Force Archives at Maxwell AFB, AL withdraw Pro 4/1975 #29931  
                          National Archives NARA facilities The Air Force p 12/1975 #30679  
 sanitized version to the National Archives, apparently without yet physica 12/1975 #30679  
                          National Archives Montgomery, Alabama The Nationa 2/19/1976 #30886  
s Montgomery, Alabama The National Archives starts microfilming the redacte 2/19/1976 #30886  
                       US National Archives College Park, Maryland The US N Mid 5/1976 #31055  
ege Park, Maryland The US National Archives publicly releases the redacted  Mid 5/1976 #31055  
                      The National Archives makes available the 94 reels of 7/12/1976 #31160  
s, Pará, Brazil Brazilian National Archives Numerous UFOs are reported in C 7/1977 #32220  
 be seen in the Brazilian National Archives. According to ufologist Jacques 7/1977 #32220  
                          National Archives and Records Administration Pres 12/1/1978 #34044  
r the jurisdiction of the National Archives and Records Administration, and 12/1/1978 #34044  
pothesis.  https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1998-nov-05-me-39615-sto 7/1980 #35399  
 its UFO files. Chalker visits the archives in Canberra, A.C.T., and review 1982 #36289  
and look at the reports in the MoD archives.                                4/7/1982 #36438  
                          National Archives, Washington DC USAF ACCESS REST 6/28/1985 #37610  
s been WITHDRAWN from the National Archives and is classified a TOP SECRET  6/28/1985 #37610  
         Washington, D.C. National Archives Jaime Shandera and William Moor 7/18/1985 #37623  
f Record Group 341 in the National Archives in Washington, D.C., between tw 7/18/1985 #37623  
                      The Military Archives Division of NARA issues a list  7/22/1987 #38212  
            Roswell Texas National Archives Barry Greenwood calls the MJ-12 12/1987 #38341  
irtually empty box in the National Archives containing a small number of no 12/1987 #38341  
land Sciences Research Foundation) archives at the Archives for the Unexpla 12/29/1987 #38377  
search Foundation) archives at the Archives for the Unexplained in Sweden.  12/29/1987 #38377  
en attempting to purchase the APRO archives, but is thwarted by someone who 4/12/1988 #38541  
 In 1989, the board gives them the archives free of charge. Former APRO boa 4/12/1988 #38541  
zona. It is not known if the paper archives still exist, although fortunate 4/12/1988 #38541  
arde et Conservation des Études et Archives Ufologiques is established in B 2/1990 #39404  
een.  https://www.psucollegian.com/archives/psu-may-have-investigated-ufos/ 9/6/1990 #39717  
e Spanish Air Staff (where the UFO archives are kept), issues an Informativ 5/22/1991 #40074  
                US N.Mex. National Archives US Rep. Steven Schiff (R-N.Mex. 3/1993 #40871  
hockley refers him to the National Archives, which has no information.      3/1993 #40871  
, and that it did not search NORAD archives because NORAD is exempt from FO 5/25/1995 #42229  
gton D.C. and gone to the National Archives and other records to verify the 7/23/1997 #43357  
Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama Archives II facility in College Park, Ma Early 3/1998 #43528  
in February 1975 that the National Archives inadvertently makes available a Early 3/1998 #43528  
advertently makes available at the Archives II facility in College Park, Ma Early 3/1998 #43528  
riences writing up records for the archives at WPAFB.” Puthoff asks Green i 7/31/1999 #43815  
,000) are digitized by Library and Archives Canada and made available onlin 2005 #44802  
                       UK National Archives The UK Secretary of State for D 9/2006 #44957  
emaining UFO files to the National Archives. Funds are found to scan approx 9/2006 #44957  
                       US National Archives The US National Archives allows 2007 #44994  
 National Archives The US National Archives allows the entire collection of 2007 #44994  
                          National Archives At the request of the Brazilian 5/5/2008 #45133  
can be turned over to the National Archives.                                5/5/2008 #45133  
                       UK National Archives The first tranche of UFO files  5/12/2008 #45137  
les is released by the UK National Archives, whose UFO webpage, set up to p 5/12/2008 #45137  
? For example, AEC security patrol archives in Oak Ridge, TN contained a si 6/28/2008 #45148  
9. It stands to reason other local archives may contain more up to date dat 6/28/2008 #45148  
                       UK National Archives The UK National Archives releas 3/2009 #45213  
 National Archives The UK National Archives releases another batch of UFO f 3/2009 #45213  
                       UK National Archives The UK National Archives releas 8/6/2009 #45233  
 National Archives The UK National Archives releases another batch of UFO f 8/6/2009 #45233  
                       UK National Archives The UK National Archives releas 2/17/2010 #45269  
 National Archives The UK National Archives releases another batch of UFO f 2/17/2010 #45269  
                   The UK National Archives releases another 5,000 pages of 8/5/2010 #45290  
                       UK National Archives The UK National Archives makes  8/2011 #45331  
 National Archives The UK National Archives makes available its first batch 8/2011 #45331  
                       UK National Archives The UK National Archives opens  7/2012 #45345  
 National Archives The UK National Archives opens more UFO policy files, co 7/2012 #45345  
                          National Archives in Brasilia Members of the Braz 4/18/2013 #45364  
 and are available at the National Archives in Brasilia and online.         4/18/2013 #45364  
                       UK National Archives The UK National Archives releas 6/21/2013 #45374  
 National Archives The UK National Archives releases another batch of 209 U 6/21/2013 #45374  
ving-ttsa/ *   https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1710274/000149315221 10/26/2017 #45488  
orm1-u.htm *   https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1710274/000149315221 10/26/2017 #45488  
orm1-u.htm *   https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1710274/000149315222 10/26/2017 #45488  
ivilian uses.  https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1710274/000149315222 7/2018 #45532  
                       UK National Archives The UK National Archives releas 4/2019 #45569  
 National Archives The UK National Archives releases 18 more UFO files that 4/2019 #45569  
                       UK National Archives The UK National Archives and Mi 1/30/2020 #45628  
 National Archives The UK National Archives and Ministry of Defence announc 1/30/2020 #45628  
## Word: "archivist" (Back to Top)
lfi later told Maccabee that a CIA archivist found no evidence of MJ-12 in  7/7/1987 #38206  
## Word: "archivospdf" (Back to Top)
https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/archivospdf/ArlingtonInstituteBoardMeeti 12/3/1999 #43892  
## Word: "archons" (Back to Top)
 ran by entities they refer to as “Archons.” *   https://www.worldhistory.o 1/1991 #39944  
## Word: "archuleta" (Back to Top)
                                   Archuleta County US Highway 160 Pagosa S 12/6/1979 #35056  
osa Springs, Colorado 6:29 a.m. An Archuleta County deputy sheriff is drivi 12/6/1979 #35056  
e Facility Coyote Canyon Test Area Archuleta Peak northwest of Dulce, New M 10/26/1980 #35590  
ced there is an alien base beneath Archuleta Peak northwest of Dulce, New M 10/26/1980 #35590  
                               MT. ARCHULETA, NM Cop and scientist/science  10/23/1988 #38681  
. Gomez claims to have visited Mt. Archuleta with NM State Trooper Gabe Val 10/23/1988 #38683  
ar UAP on 23 October 1987 near the Archuleta Mesa that had markings on the  12/5/2005 #44907  
## Word: "archways" (Back to Top)
e grey triangle with 3 lights and "archways". Good drawing.                 2/21/1995 #42053  
e highway to watch the craft with "archways" silently fly over.             2/21/1995 #42054  
## Word: "arcier" (Back to Top)
l. Leonard T. Glaser, Alex Francis Arcier, Maj. James F. Byrne, Maj. Joseph 2/17/1959 #15591  
## Word: "arcing" (Back to Top)
C. sees a grayish UFO hovering and arcing back and forth across the sky for 7/1/1952 #6690  
c electricity. There is electrical arcing from one observer’s body to metal 4/20/1964 #18180  
ine fails, emitting an “electrical arcing” odor. He looks up and sees a whi 11/10/1972 #27116  
ll meteor observed about 6:15 A.M. arcing from northwest to southeast.      1/24/1990 #39388  
gular UFO with high-intensity blue arcing lights traveling west over the Gu 10/9/1999 #43859  
 minute later, single lights began arcing in one direction, then the other. 4/26/2001 #44169  
## Word: "arcos" (Back to Top)
                           PACO DE ARCOS, PORTUGAL Observers saw disk-shape 10/17/1954 #11154  
                           PACO DE ARCOS, PRT Pink ovoid going southwest ov 12/25/1980 #35731  
## Word: "arcrft" (Back to Top)
                           GRUMMAN ARCRFT CO TRACKS AND PHOTOS MYSTERY EART 8/1960 #16353  
## Word: "arcs" (Back to Top)
nd the cloud emits a fireball that arcs across the lake to the east and lea 8/9/1934 #1217  
ous/glowing yellow ball takes off. Arcs slowly going south. No further deta 11/1943 #1538  
ight up for a few moments, then it arcs into level flight, and circles the  Summer 1945 #1883  
is visible for 3 seconds before it arcs downward and vanishes.              12/6/1948 #3914  
 car. Green-white fireball hovers. Arcs downward going west.                2/14/1949 #4006  
er with clicking sound going west. Arcs going southwest. USAF and FBI inves 4/4/1949 #4071  
            LITTLE ROCK, AR Saucer arcs over airliner. Light flashes / top. 3/31/1950 #4776  
bservers and F-94 pilots moving in arcs and blinking out suddenly. One F-94 7/22/1952 #7028  
ch flew in formations varying from arcs to inverted-Y's, very fast.         9/14/1952 #7936  
Os flew in formations varying from arcs to inverted-Y's, and moved very fas 9/14/1952 #7942  
 / 90° turns toward(s) ship. Fast. Arcs going east.                         4/29/1953 #8849  
OGA FALLS, OH Dark circular-object arcs overhead. Levels off and lost in th 9/20/1954 #10364  
ech and more/others. Red-white UFO arcs east and west. Extreme speeds.      4/11/1958 #14975  
OMANIA 2 observer(s). Domed saucer arcs over resort going east. Triangular  6/1958 #15066  
ar-shape 3.5M wide and 1.5M thick. Arcs around and going quickly west.      1/21/1959 #15557  
 Blazing gold coin-disk over road. Arcs up extremely fast.                  3/20/1959 #15658  
OLIS, IN 2 observer(s). 20M "kite" arcs and maneuvers all over sky. Vibrant 3/23/1960 #16202  
mp. Sphere/orb/globe with antennas arcs and dashes. Seen / (seen thru) bino 11/27/1960 #16513  
saucer stops / minutes. Maneuvers. Arcs going west. / LDLN#124.             5/1/1971 #26094  
adio Frequency Interference (RFI). Arcs going northeast. / LDLN#127.        3/20/1972 #26619  
rthwest into wind. Metallic saucer arcs between and dives / sea.            2/9/1973 #27277  
ver(s). Large saucer 90M overhead. Arcs slowly / 50-60kph. Easy to see. / r 2/23/1973 #27313  
equency Interference (RFI). Saucer arcs going down [to] and going up. Chang 5/15/1973 #27487  
domed discs extend and retract two arcs of light several times at 11:30 p.m 10/28/1973 #28315  
 5 good photographs analyzed. Disk arcs going north. Delta/triangle/box-lik 11/11/1973 #28404  
k mass low above their heads, with arcs of blue and green light encircling  1/3/1974 #28641  
ITL Separate observer(s). Red disk arcs and going down / 20M altitude over  11/26/1975 #30665  
ular object with funnel projection arcs going quickly north.                5/9/1976 #31040  
ny” area in the middle. The object arcs upward, then back down, and seems t 9/3/1976 #31334  
NGS, MI Night lights. Domed saucer arcs around 2 observer(s). Hovers and fl 4/8/1977 #31959  
ilroad/railway men. 90' thick disk arcs going down [to] levels off. Nears t 10/21/1977 (approximate) #32596  
oing northeast. Then shoots up and arcs back. Color(s) change.              6/22/1978 #33296  
il it recedes to a star size, then arcs back in two minutes and disappears  6/22/1978 #33298  
t out, and the single light source arcs upward and vanishes in the western  8/12/1979 #34740  
 Domed disk hovers / low altitude. Arcs up sideways / top-side showing. Goi 8/26/1979 #34779  
tric storm. Beams going down. Beam arcs around.                             1/23/1982 #36307  
 reaching it, the object turns and arcs again to the north. Ellens and Ferg 7/22/1983 #36921  
n peaks northeast going southwest. Arcs upward / 45 degree.                 11/9/1985 #37700  
lue-white glowing-sphere/orb/globe arcs and dives going down [to] toward(s) 7/20/1990 #39653  
g-sphere/orb/globe with small fins arcs going down. Reappears and arcs back 7/23/1993 #41079  
ins arcs going down. Reappears and arcs back up going west.                 7/23/1993 #41079  
UMEA, NEW CALEDONIA Blue box-shape arcs down and away going quickly west /  7/24/1993 #41080  
ead. They are as bright as welding arcs. They split apart and move rapidly  1/8/2008 #45112  
## Word: "arctic" (Back to Top)
e First Grinnell Expedition to the Arctic to determine the fate of the lost 9/15/1850 #145  
                                   Arctic Everywhere Howard Hawks’s film Th 4/7/1951 #5500  
crashed flying saucer found in the Arctic. It ends with the haunting lines  4/7/1951 #5500  
                                   Arctic Ocean, At Sea Object Tracked on R 2/28/1963 #17688  
th portholes in the late 70’s over Arctic region of Norilsk, alarming local Late 1970's #32823  
                                   ARCTIC OCEAN NORTH / RUSSIA Soviet bombe 10/22/1980 #35579  
           Murmansk Oblast, Russia Arctic Ocean Kola Peninsula Early mornin 9/2/1990 #39716  
a large illuminated ball above the Arctic Ocean. It is at a high altitude,  9/2/1990 #39716  
## Word: "arcturus" (Back to Top)
lue Book explains this as the star Arcturus, which is in the wrong directio 10/14/1957 #14110  
            Fort Worth, Texas Moon Arcturus An amateur astronomer in Fort W 12/13/1965 #19766  
directly beneath the Moon and past Arcturus, then suddenly disappears.      12/13/1965 #19766  
hase that turns out to be the star Arcturus. A photograph taken by Deputy D 3/23/1966 #20053  
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Arcturus” YieldMax: 200KT                7/2/1967 #22592  
e orbit as the Moon Epsilon Boötis Arcturus Scottish author Duncan Lunan cl 4/1973 #27396  
e. Our probe is in the position of Arcturus, known in our maps.”            4/1973 #27396  
## Word: "arcul" (Back to Top)
 Herăstrău Park Bucharest, Romania Arcul de Triumf Romanian National Televi 9/11/1987 #38281  
nge star hovering above the nearby Arcul de Triumf. After a minute, it move 9/11/1987 #38281  
## Word: "arcy" (Back to Top)
Scientific Intelligence) and Irl D’Arcy Brent (Chief, Ground Branch, W&E Di 6/1952 #6403  
## Word: "arcádia" (Back to Top)
eiro, Brazil Japeri Miguel Pereira Arcádia La Chaumiere 8:00 p.m. Amauri Ba 8/3/1967 #22787  
guel Pereira on a mud road between Arcádia and La Chaumiere, they see two b 8/3/1967 #22787  
## Word: "ard" (Back to Top)
evelopment Center in Baltimore. An ARD colonel tells NICAP member and WFBR  11/13/1957 #14541  
## Word: "arda" (Back to Top)
. Ilker Dinçer and his student Lt. Arda Gunyel are surprised by an extremel 8/6/2001 #44227  
## Word: "ardanza" (Back to Top)
starboard side. Capt. Julián Lucas Ardanza comes to the deck and sees a cig 7/30/1967 #22753  
## Word: "ardara" (Back to Top)
               LEVEL GREEN TO/FROM ARDARA, PA 3 observer(s). Saucer hugs hi 3/28/1976 #30963  
## Word: "ardc" (Back to Top)
me-consuming and unproductive, and ARDC could speak to the public with auth 12/1958 #15465  
with authority and persuasiveness. ARDC briefly considers, then declines, t 12/1958 #15465  
or UFO investigations from ATIC to ARDC are sent to Maj. Gen. Charles B. Do 11/10/1959 #16086  
Bernard A. Schriever, commander of ARDC, regarding transfer of UFO duties.  12/7/1959 #16115  
ief of Intelligence is informed of ARDC’s rejection (by Maj. Gen. James Fer 2/5/1960 #16167  
 Brig. Gen. Benjamin G. Holzman at ARDC in the hopes of interesting him in  2/17/1960 #16180  
## Word: "ardeche" (Back to Top)
                          ANNONAY, ARDECHE, FR 2 observer(s). Saucer passes 9/16/1954 #10318  
                            LEMPS, ARDECHE, FR Several observer(s). 1 then  9/27/1954 #10467  
ted top. Goes going west toward(s) Ardeche.                                 8/12/1974 #29336  
## Word: "arden" (Back to Top)
all over valley. Many reports. See Arden.                                   1/29/1976 #30830  
                              NEAR ARDEN, NV Singer Johnny sands. Car malfu 1/29/1976 #30831  
## Word: "ardennes" (Back to Top)
                                   Ardennes offensive, Germany Amorphous re 12/1944 #1713  
                                   Ardennes, Belgium Large white light; no  12/28/1944 #1739  
                                   Ardennes, Belgium Pair of fog lights; br 1/1/1945 #1749  
                          Buzancy, Ardennes, France Messrs. Coisin and Mahi 8/5/1955 #12330  
                          Buzancy, Ardennes, France - At 2:30 p.m. Messrs.  8/5/1955 #12332  
d machines coming down in Buzancy, Ardennes, France. They maneuvered at gre 8/5/1955 #12334  
 with three other people in Givet, Ardennes, France when they spotted what  11/8/1976 #31532  
                           Belgium Ardennes area A classified US Department 3/1990 #39435  
lth aircraft were operating in the Ardennes area at the time.”              3/1990 #39435  
    At 11:30 p.m. a man in Margut, Ardennes, France reported sighting three 9/5/1991 #40179  
in the town of Gue-d'Hossus in the Ardennes, France at 12:15 a.m. The sight 3/6/1994 #41444  
various flashes was seen in Revin, Ardennes, France. Video was taken of the 8/18/1995 #42400  
at least 30 different towns in the Ardennes region of France. Over the town 8/10/1998 #43627  
alville Ain Blaye, Gironde Moselle Ardennes Nord Aube Unidentified drones a 10/5/2014 #45416  
le; the Chooz Nuclear Power Plant, Ardennes; the Gravelines Nuclear Power S 10/5/2014 #45416  
## Word: "ardersier" (Back to Top)
                                   Ardersier Croy Inverness, Scotland 11:30 4/19/1979 #34515  
oy and his mother are driving from Ardersier to Croy, Inverness, Scotland,  4/19/1979 #34515  
## Word: "ardgay" (Back to Top)
                  East Peru, Maine Ardgay, Sutherland, Scotland RAF Kinloss Summer 1962 #17239  
nge wreckage in a remote moor near Ardgay, Sutherland, Scotland, that he th Summer 1962 #17239  
## Word: "ardittos" (Back to Top)
borhood of Athens, Greece opposite Ardittos hill. They saw a small black ob 9/14/1998 #43646  
and somewhere inside the forest on Ardittos hill. They thought that the fly 9/14/1998 #43646  
## Word: "ardmore" (Back to Top)
                                   ARDMORE, OK Blue Book. Observer(s) = Rol 4/9/1964 #18164  
                                   Ardmore, Oklahoma 10:25 p.m. A police de 9/22/1977 #32512  
a 10:25 p.m. A police detective in Ardmore, Oklahoma, watches a pulsating s 9/22/1977 #32512  
                Interstate 65 near Ardmore, Alabama 1:00 p.m. A witness and 7/1978 #33319  
 truck north on Interstate 65 near Ardmore, Alabama. Just after passing the 7/1978 #33319  
## Word: "ardo" (Back to Top)
Indrid Cold and his companion Carl Ardo, who often pass undetected among ea 11/4/1966 #21075  
                          NEAR SAN ARDO, CA 2 / car. Silent saucer. Beam go 12/14/1973 #28571  
## Word: "ardogan" (Back to Top)
drea Simondini (Argentina), Haktan Ardogan (Turkey), Gabor Tarçali (Hungary 10/15/2018 #45540  
## Word: "are-satellites-tracking-ufos" (Back to Top)
https://silvarecord.com/2020/09/20/are-satellites-tracking-ufos/            2/20/2020 #45634  
## Word: "area" (Back to Top)
                        LONDON AND AREA Triangular 'meteor' hovers near clo 3/22/1813 #107  
 “gelatinous fungus” common to the area in the late summer.                 8/13/1819 #110  
This is done comparing the surface area of each planet and the population d 1838 #133  
                  MENDOZA, ARG AND AREA Round glowing-orbs all over. Huge q 3/19/1861 #159  
                           Eastern area, Venezuela A 14-year-old boy saw a  1880 #223  
go to the spot and find a circular area, 16 feet across, that has been swep 6/1880? #234  
 blotches, and sores. Trees in the area withered and died nine days later.  10/24/1886 #277  
                     DOMBROVNO AND AREA, POL 'Balloon' follows railroad/rai 3/7/1892 #298  
 in the San Francisco, California, area as the inventor deals with technica 11/22/1896 #347  
ry. Traces were found over a large area. The object itself was elongated li 4/12/1897 #443  
ry. Traces were found over a large area. The object itself was elongated li 4/12/1897 #445  
ry. Traces were found over a large area. The object was elongated like a sh 4/12/1897 #450  
owing there is no farmhouse in the area, he goes to investigate. It is a la 4/15/1897 #487  
trajectory going southwest. Lights area red.                                4/27/1899 #632  
ry. It illuminated the surrounding area a red color, and went off to the so 4/27/1899 #633  
RKS 2 cops. Green 'tip-cat' lights area. Maneuvers / 15 minute(s).          12/21/1901 #648  
BETWEEN COPPET, SWZ 2 observer(s). Area lit. Bluish circular fireball going 1/27/1903 #658  
earth. The largest had an apparent area of about six suns. It was egg-shape 2/28/1904 #670  
                   AALBORG, DK AND AREA Several separate observer(s). Cylin 6/27/1908 #707  
NAVARA, RUSSIA Huge blast flattens area. Meteor going quickly northwest? No 6/30/1908 #708  
ting the surface of the Earth. The area is so remote that the site is not i 6/30/1908 #711  
ltitude of three miles and left an area of destruction for more than 850 sq 6/30/1908 #712  
 found in 1908 tree rings from the area.                                    6/30/1908 #712  
l beings in the air above a wooded area. Luminous balls surround the figure Summer 1920 #1003  
than 50 of the sheepherders in the area have seen the lights, including Tit 1922 #1018  
s family, and other farmers in the area of Fernvale, New South Wales, are t 1927 #1068  
he family car in an isolated hilly area of Texas when she rounds a curve an 1930 #1106  
X, SWEDEN 'Mystery plane' searches area with strong lights. Going quickly w 12/24/1933 #1180  
 off. The children find a circular area of yellowed grass where the object  Early 8/1939 #1312  
 just above the ground in a wooded area. (Ref. 3; Michel Bougard, Des Souco Late 6/1942 #1421  
own. Lights / ends. Circular burnt area and footprints found.               10/1942 #1450  
ent landing site a circular burned area and footprints were found. (Ref. 3; 10/1942 #1451  
ines stalled. A 1.5-meter diameter area of melted snow was found on the gro 12/1943 #1547  
underbolt aircraft over the target area. It passes below the bombers in a s 12/11/1943 #1551  
                    Leipzig-Berlin area, Germany Two objects: glowing balls 2/19/1944 #1574  
bserving the island. It covered an area of the sky approx. 100 degrees. It  6/1944 #1597  
m. During Allied operations in the area around Loreto, Castelfidardo, and O Early 7/1944 #1617  
vapor trail, moves over the bombed area, and returns silently in the same d 7/9/1944 #1621  
f a family who live in an isolated area on the outskirts of Rochester, Penn 10/1944 #1673  
ht. (Page 96 Ref.1) Ghedi Airdrome area (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)    12/2/1944 #1717  
                       Rhine River area, Germany Alleged aircraft that clim 12/5/1944 #1718  
                            wooded area near Belfast, Maine A man is squirr 3/1945 #1805  
an is squirrel hunting in a wooded area near Belfast, Maine, when he sees a 3/1945 #1805  
ere/orb/globe lights whole station area. Going west.                        8/1945 #1908  
again, it goes back to the general area it started from.                    9/26/1945? #1940  
lle AB, is walking in the forested area of Kronoskagen near Ängelholm, Swed 5/18/1946 #1994  
 that the material has been in the area for a long time.                    7/10/1946 #2046  
                STOCKHOLM, SWD AND AREA Many objects. 1 lands / farm? 1 sco 8/11/1946 #2115  
 objects passed over the Mariestad area of Sweden, and a cylindrical object 8/11/1946 #2118  
the Leningrad [now St. Petersburg] area, Russia.                            8/13/1946 #2127  
                COPENHAGEN, DK AND AREA Several report(s) / slow silent roc 8/15/1946 #2137  
                          ALENTEJO AREA, PORTUGAL Odd bluish ball / light s 9/14/1946 #2181  
 confined to a fifteen foot square area of Hill Military Academy.           1/7/1947 #2223  
ar track enters the Eastern Sector area, and an RAF Mosquito piloted by Fli 1/17/1947 #2231  
by the time the aircraft reach the area, the target is gone.                1/23/1947 #2234  
er Stewart of the Northern Signals Area, after investigating the Operation  1/27/1947 #2235  
5 feet in height, crashed near the area of Socorro, New Mexico and was reco 5/31/1947 #2303  
pector in the Mount Adams, Oregon, area, sees 5-6 oval objects with tails a 6/24/1947 #2400  
 debris from the Roswell-Magdalena area.                                    7/1947 #2491  
                     Nashville, TN Area of a sighting of a landed disc and  7/1947 #2498  
                           Roswell area crash                               7/2/1947 #2534  
               Roswell, NM Roswell area crash                               7/2/1947 #2535  
       Magdalena, NM Magdalena, NM area crash                               7/3/1947 #2550  
             Portland, OR Portland area mass sightings, hundreds of witness 7/4/1947 #2590  
                   DANVERS, MA AND AREA Ray Fowler and many. White ovoid se 7/4/1947 #2596  
uver, WA, various Many over a wide area saw 5 large discs moving at high sp 7/4/1947 #2645  
rest of the thunder. Others in the area report the same phenomenon.         7/4/1947 #2669  
   At 5:30 p.m. at the residential area of Greenwood Lake in north Seattle, 7/4/1947 #2677  
O, as did 21 more in the Lake City area of the city. One of the witnesses i 7/4/1947 #2677  
 of the witnesses in the Lake City area took a photograph.                  7/4/1947 #2677  
 Agustin, NM Plains of San Agustin area: Gerald Anderson and family/friends 7/5/1947 #2679  
t them off while others secure the area. Five bodies are allegedly found on 7/5/1947 #2721  
debris field but observed a burned area in one of the pastures. There the s 7/6/1947 #2812  
ds. Many others report UFOs in the area between 8:00 and 9:00 p.m. Robert C 7/6/1947 #2813  
locate crashed saucers” in Spokane area                                     7/7/1947 #2834  
lliant ovoid over gas-plant lights area. Vanishes as rain stops.            7/7/1947 #2847  
observer(s). Flying disks all over area.                                    7/8/1947 #2994  
ical objects are again seen in the area, this time at 8,000 feet and moving 7/8/1947 #3014  
ht accompanies Einstein to Roswell area. She was 17 years, 10 months, 21 da 7/10/1947 #3077  
ic archives to the southern Oregon area.                                    7/29/1947 #3243  
e point of contact a small surface area of the metal roof, about the size o 7/30/1947 #3263  
 called flying disks in the Tacoma area or any other area have any basis of 8/8/1947 #3307  
ks in the Tacoma area or any other area have any basis of fact.” He adds th 8/8/1947 #3307  
l, New Mexico, and rediscovers the area of blackened ground earlier found b 9/1947 #3378  
             Desolation Wilderness area west of Lake Tahoe, California Dale 9/3/1947 #3384  
g out in the Desolation Wilderness area west of Lake Tahoe, California, whe 9/3/1947 #3384  
the craft landed inside the secure area of White Sands.)                    1948 #3519  
, New Mexico. When he arrives, the area is roped off and under military gua 1948 #3522  
ws and rocks buildings over a wide area of Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma.  2/18/1948 #3579  
eteoritic stones fall over a large area of Norton County, Kansas, and Furna 2/18/1948 #3579  
. Two Army B-29 bombers circle the area until nightfall. A farmer near Stoc 2/18/1948 #3579  
e to have one of those crash in an area so that we could recover whatever t 3/17/1948 #3590  
                   Aztec, NM Aztec area NM landing and retrieval incident n 3/25/1948 #3596  
eports and investigations from the area. Kaplan and Lincoln LaPaz meet with 4/27/1948 #3630  
                   Oxford/Bicester area in England RAF Acklington 11:40 a.m Late 5/1948 #3654  
000 feet above the Oxford/Bicester area in England, bound for RAF Acklingto Late 5/1948 #3654  
 Pilot reports domed disc near AEC area (NICAP: 10 - Nuclear Connection, Co 7/1948 #3689  
apidly, dives, and climbs over the area.                                    7/1948 #3691  
d apparently went down in a wooded area.  Sighting lasted a few seconds.    7/29/1948 #3752  
the east and goes down in a wooded area. Toney and Huggins stop the truck a 7/29/1948 #3753  
d apparently came down in a wooded area. The sighting lasted a few seconds. 7/29/1948 #3754  
 An FBI man from St. Paul found an area 70 cm in diameter where the ground  8/11/1948 #3778  
 An FBI man from St. Paul found an area 70 cm in diameter where the ground  8/11/1948 #3779  
 silvery sphere rise from a wooded area and hover above his farm, dropping  8/29/1948 #3788  
large dimension rise from a wooded area and hover above his farm, dropping  8/29/1948 #3789  
large dimension rise from a wooded area and hover above his farm. It droppe 8/29/1948 #3790  
uided Missile Range, New Mexico an area in Nevada between Fallon and Eureka Late 1948 #3842  
ng and Gunnery Range Pamlico Sound area off the coast of North Carolina The Late 1948 #3842  
ided Missile Range, New Mexico; an area in Nevada between Fallon and Eureka Late 1948 #3842  
Force Base); and the Pamlico Sound area off the coast of North Carolina.    Late 1948 #3842  
 Air Base in the Fursten-Feldbruck area of Germany, he had radar and visual 11/23/1948 #3884  
ng made over sensitive Bases in NM area. A foreign power may be making “sen 1/13/1949 #3972  
 any fragments. They end up in the area of Lamesa but give up after a few d 1/31/1949 #3988  
.m. Two MPs guarding the Technical Area at Sandia Base, New Mexico, see a s 3/13/1949 #4044  
r Force F-82 pilot flying over the area.                                    5/21/1949 #4201  
speed of from 10 to 15 mph over an area just about the center of Oak Ridge. 6/22/1949 #4249  
 objects all across the Cincinnati area this first night. The searchlight p 8/19/1949 #4329  
seen increased UFO activity in the area (including a sighting about the sam 10/14/1949 #4395  
          Richmond, VA Richmond VA area: Radio play about a crashed saucer  12/28/1949 #4447  
                                   Area 51 “Area 51” designation appears on 1950's #4455  
                          Area 51 “Area 51” designation appears on several  1950's #4455  
 no known traffic was in his radar area. Moored south of Kodiak was the USS 1/22/1950 #4499  
 Frances Crane Wildlife Management Area north of Hatchville, Massachusetts  2/2/1950 #4526  
 Frances Crane Wildlife Management Area north of Hatchville, Massachusetts] 2/2/1950 #4526  
ash. A second disc passed over the area eight minutes later.                2/13/1950 #4537  
0k altitude. No planes scheduled / area.                                    3/1/1950 #4568  
thru) binoculars. Odd birds circle area. 1 blows white smoke and streaks go 3/1/1950 #4569  
y. No planes were scheduled in the area at the time. The US Air Force sugge 3/1/1950 #4572  
e, the target seems to stay in the area where the F-80s are flying, but 20, 3/9/1950 #4598  
a droning sound, and stayed in the area for 15 minutes.                     3/13/1950 #4628  
sed. A white light lingered in the area for more than 30 seconds, then the  3/15/1950 #4644  
 high-powered radar set-up in that area and it is believed the radar interf 3/22/1950 #4702  
arkham. He drives through a wooded area between Morton and Mineral and deci 3/28/1950 #4750  
moving above an ammunition storage area. One object is “surrounded by an au 4/25/1950 #4894  
s seen over the Ammunition Storage Area near Dougway Mountain at 3:00 a.m.  4/25/1950 #4896  
 3:00 a.m. A 24-hour search of the area ensued.                             4/25/1950 #4896  
 Special Investigations New Mexico area Lt. Col. Doyle Rees of the USAF Off 5/25/1950 #4966  
aerial phenomena in the New Mexico area was such that an organized plan of  5/25/1950 #4966  
o aerial phenomena in this general area.”                                   5/25/1950 #4966  
                   POMEROY, OH AND AREA Hundreds / observer(s). White orbs  7/16/1950 #5068  
t two jet interceptors were in the area and might be the objects on the fil 8/15/1950 #5126  
missing. People in the Great Falls area who view Mariana’s film support him 8/15/1950 #5126  
                 San Francisco Bay Area, California Norfolk, Virginia The f 9/1950 #5160  
st occurs in the San Francisco Bay Area, California, using two types of bac 9/1950 #5160  
 unidentified radar targets in the area.                                    10/12/1950 #5222  
unter detections in the restricted area of Oak Ridge that indicated an abno 11/29/1950 #5300  
, National Laboratory’s restricted area. The intent is to map the presence  12/5/1950 #5319  
aft were approaching the northeast area of the United States and that there 12/6/1950 #5322  
aucer crashes in El Indio-Guerrero area. The saucer is recovered and taken  12/6/1950 #5323  
raft are approaching the northeast area of the United States and that there 12/6/1950 #5329  
exico side of the US border in the area between El Indio, Texas, and Guerre 12/6/1950 #5332  
. 140MPH. Type unknown. Wilderness area.                                    12/10/1950 #5335  
 Employees Report Light In Control Area (NICAP: 10 - Nuclear Connection, Co 12/18/1950 #5356  
                SOVIET-IRAN BORDER AREA Wave / night lights fireballs etc.  12/29/1950 #5369  
 appears to be over the restricted area at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, T 1/21/1951 #5410  
 the target is over the restricted area that includes the X-10 plant.       1/21/1951 #5410  
ct, which is still lighting up the area, and then it shoots away at a 45° a Early Spring 1951 #5471  
o aircraft were known to be in the area.  A third unidentified track then j 9/14/1951 #5667  
o aircraft were known to be in the area. A third unidentified track then jo 9/14/1951 #5668  
                                   Area 7 of the Nevada Test Site 6:40 a.m. 10/30/1951 #5754  
 the Buster Charlie atomic test at Area 7 of the Nevada Test Site. Just bef 10/30/1951 #5754  
 have been seen over a seven-state area in the American Southwest. Lincoln  11/9/1951 #5773  
a tarp taken into a tight security area at the base. He also stated he saw  1952 #5846  
Although there is a balloon in the area, but its flight path is completely  1/21/1952 #5871  
) who go to a recreational camping area nearby known as Coyote Canyon. The  2/22/1952 #5920  
fter a flight of F-86s overfly the area at about 15,000 feet. After watchin 4/2/1952 #6017  
 Fireball going up / woods. Lights area. Hovers. Maneuvers. Going quickly s 4/13/1952 #6068  
n some nearby woods. It lit up the area, hovered, maneuvered, then shot awa 4/13/1952 #6070  
5,000 feet altitude in the Hanford area (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 5/1/1952 #6236  
New Jersey. One object circled the area, while another flew away and then c 5/5/1952 #6261  
 dives / extreme altitude. Circles area 2X.                                 5/13/1952 #6310  
e northwest over the San Diego Bay area (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)    5/13/1952 #6315  
e reports of UFOs in the El Centro area on this date.                       5/13/1952 #6319  
nomers set up telescopes in a dark area of Furman University, when they saw 5/13/1952 #6320  
e F-94C fighter jet flying in Grid Area CT 4856 in Korea during the Korean  5/26/1952 #6367  
IO EAST / ALBUQUERQUE, NM AND WIDE AREA 5 B29s see green fireballs-orbs str 5/28/1952 #6370  
se #1313. USAF. 10' saucer circles area just bombed. Going quickly east.    6/20/1952 #6556  
de a left-hand orbit of the target area, and then shot away to the east out 6/20/1952 #6563  
                              Grid area CV 4, Korea. Information came via J 6/23/1952 #6612  
                      Japan, Korea Area, Far East Military witness(es). Cas 6/25/1952 #6623  
                       Japan-Korea area Case missing from official files.   6/25/1952 #6627  
ets were vectored into the general area. At 7:30 a.m. a man and his wife in 7/1/1952 #6691  
discs emerge and circle around the area before rejoining the mother ship. T 7/23/1952 #7082  
les / high altitude. 2 jets / same area shortly after.                      7/24/1952 #7093  
acked by radar all over Washington area, at varying speeds.  Pilots spotted 7/26/1952 #7169  
ted throughout the Washington, DC. area, all night long.                    7/26/1952 #7171  
ed throughout the Washington, D.C. area from the evening before.            7/26/1952 #7177  
s by radar all over the Washington area, at varying speeds. Airline pilots  7/26/1952 #7180  
oving at 550 knots. An F-94 in the area was asked to investigate, and its a 7/29/1952 #7307  
nd him after he passes through the area.                                    7/29/1952 #7320  
Half away. Half makes 46 circles / area / 2700kph.                          8/2/1952 #7416  
                       Pohang (K-3 area E of), Korea Fireball with stream o 8/9/1952 #7522  
Corps ground control radar in Grid Area K-3, Pohang, Korea made contact wit 8/9/1952 #7527  
s two USAF jet interceptors to the area. They appear just as the last of th 8/10/1952 #7539  
quest a radar scan of the Cape May area. Low on fuel, the pilot cannot purs 8/12/1952 #7559  
DAR-blips / 3.5 hours / 10 mile(s) area and airline(s)/airliner pilots visu 8/13/1952 #7567  
o civilians in the Tampa, Florida, area watch three UFOs. One object change 8/13/1952 #7574  
F-94 jet interceptor to search the area at altitudes of 10,000–20,000 feet. 8/15/1952 #7609  
o jet fighters are guided into the area by Capt. Ralph J. Borgerson at the  8/19/1952 #7650  
ht (and burns his cap as well). An area of flattened and burned grass is fo 8/19/1952 #7651  
l observer(s). 2 12M cigars circle area / 15 minute(s) / airplane speed.    9/5/1952 #7854  
g cigar-shaped objects circled the area of Springhill, Nova Scotia for 12 m 9/5/1952 #7855  
f of smoke. Other witnesses in the area think it is a jet aircraft.         9/6/1952 #7868  
 red. There was also a mist in the area which had a choking, metallic smell 9/11/1952 #7896  
 deputy Burnell J. Long search the area separately, but find no trace of th 9/12/1952 #7905  
ical plant might be burning in the area and walked toward a strong light vi 9/13/1952 #7914  
ical plant might be burning in the area and walked towards a strong light v 9/13/1952 #7916  
ration Mainbrace, At Sea North Sea area/military exercise Ruppelt's version 9/14/1952 #7928  
y. Zoom away shortly. No planes in area.                                    9/29/1952 #8051  
fell on the roofs of houses in the area. Thirty minutes later a UFO was see 10/27/1952 #8205  
 lights fly slowly over prohibited area (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 11/12/1952 #8263  
ghts flew slowly over a prohibited area for 15 minutes.                     11/12/1952 #8264  
g. Dazzling beams light 40 mile(s) area!                                    11/13/1952 (approximate) #8265  
than half a mile away to a flatter area near the foot of Coxcomb Mountain w 11/20/1952 #8307  
 a hill. Air Force jets circle the area at least twice.                     11/20/1952 #8308  
that they know of no planes in the area and that their ground radar shows n 12/10/1952 #8409  
ted, “a saucer crashed in a desert area”. He was sure that it was just insi 1953? #8470  
 so, it moves a full 45° arc to an area where there are some white clouds a 1953 #8478  
 Oklahoma City Paris, Texas Dallas area 1:05 a.m. The 147th AC&W Squadron a 1/6/1953 #8510  
en by some witnesses in the Dallas area.                                    1/6/1953 #8510  
 on everything in the air over the area.” The suggestion is that “Many diff 1/9/1953 #8521  
 purposefully scheduled within the area,” meaning that the Air Force would  1/9/1953 #8521  
ationed at an AC&W station in this area observed an aerial phenomenon simul 1/26/1953 #8572  
vestock died "mysteriously" in the area after the sighting.                 1/29/1953 #8612  
vestock died "mysteriously" in the area after the sighting. At 2:00 p.m. fo 1/29/1953 #8618  
ghts from the St. Louis, Missouri, area seem to be following the unidentifi 2/1/1953 #8627  
        Korea (near), Korea Korean area, G,V (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rati 2/7/1953 #8646  
olk, Virginia. After searching the area for 15 minutes, he heads back for f 2/11/1953 #8664  
nd in a flash, the disc leaves the area. Balocco and Capt. Thomas Riggs are 2/19/1953 #8686  
Carolina, flying into a prohibited area. An earlier radar-visual sighting o 3/5/1953 #8734  
ions at the Glendale CA Lions Club area about three Crash Retrievals (“grou 3/19/1953 #8761  
s in Pork Chop and Old Baldy Hills area, Western Korean Front (NICAP: 09 -  3/20/1953 #8765  
                  Nevada Test Site Area 4 Papoose Lake, Nevada The Upshot-K 3/24/1953 #8782  
y nuclear test at Nevada Test Site Area 4 sends radioactive fallout on live 3/24/1953 #8782  
t, MI 7:19 PM (CST): Lake Superior area (McDonald list) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR  4/19/1953 #8837  
 at Mascot shows no traffic in the area. About 2 minutes later, the object  5/10/1953 #8873  
t, northern California Brush Creek area At the junction of Jordan and Marbl 5/20/1953 #8889  
htseers descend on the Brush Creek area (snack bars are set up so that no o 5/20/1953 #8889  
                              CAPE AREA, SOUTH AFRICA Air Force Radars. Obj 5/23/1953 #8901  
FS Ramore Ramore, Ontario Domestic Area 11:45 p.m. An orange-colored, oval  6/30/1953 #8976  
Charge of Quarters at the Domestic Area three miles to the southwest. At le 6/30/1953 #8976  
. At least seven witnesses in that area see the object, and two of them rep 6/30/1953 #8976  
ght over the Oak Ridge residential area by a writer and his wife. While obs 7/19/1953 #9001  
high white cloud directly over the area where the F-86 had been circling. T 7/19/1953 #9001  
, TN Black objects maneuvered over area near an F-86 (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 7/19/1953 #9003  
 Astronomical Society in the Miami area                                     8/17/1953 #9076  
es and broken sticks in a circular area 40-45 feet wide.                    8/17/1953 #9078  
eserve Squadron in the North Miami area                                     9/16/1953 #9169  
            Dutch Islands, Harwich area, UK Three UFOs Flew Over Area, Trac 10/9/1953 #9215  
wich area, UK Three UFOs Flew Over Area, Tracked on Radar (NICAP: 09 - RADA 10/9/1953 #9215  
y Manor], Suffolk, England Harwich area RAF Waterbeach [now Waterbeach Barr 10/9/1953 #9217  
ying east to west over the Harwich area. Some jets at RAF Waterbeach [now W 10/9/1953 #9217  
 A similar fall occurs in the same area on February 1, 1954.                11/16/1953 #9303  
n again by another man in the same area around 2:30 a.m. A fourth party see 11/22/1953 #9315  
ds a T-6 aircraft flying over Grid Area CS in Korea at 4:25 p.m. It was ora 12/26/1953 #9398  
ase and a combat team searches the area. At midnight, a red light appears a 12/30/1953 #9409  
red light appears above the search area, spooking a guard.                  12/30/1953 #9409  
l aircraft are restricted from the area. However, the effort is abandoned a 1954 #9423  
ants, fragments are to be taken to Area 51 S-4; supplies of the entities ta 1954 #9424  
ing 21 KB-88; and weapons taken to Area 51 S-4; civilian witnesses to CR an 1954 #9424  
r treetops. Seems to search / scan area. "Undulates".                       1/9/1954 #9470  
eds of 100 to 6,000 mph in 30 mile area. (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 1/14/1954 #9484  
s.” The mystery lights seen in the area by Weiss are labeled “vehicular tra 1/18/1954 #9493  
ying in holding patterns above the area of the blast. Task force headquarte 3/1/1954 #9585  
s only one British Canberra in the area at the time.                        3/1/1954 #9585  
ove on this evening to an isolated area near some power lines and soon saw  3/28/1954 #9648  
haped objects had been seen in the area and that; cattle, sheep, pigs, dogs 4/10/1954 #9681  
ns. Martinez never returned to the area to hunt again.                      4/10/1954 #9681  
 logging in a clearing in a forest area near Bois-de- Champ, Vosges, France Late 4/1954 #9720  
ard, felt, and seen over an 8-mile area near Logan, Utah. The blast nearly  5/1/1954 #9744  
 earthquake-like shock through the area. Some people report seeing a glowin 5/1/1954 #9744  
one dome-shaped object leaving the area headed towards a nearby river, but  5/5/1954 #9755  
                          Northern Area, Sweden Week of UFO sightings inves 5/10/1954 #9770  
MA, AUSTRALIA 6+observer(s) / 65km area. Yellow 4M V-delta/triangle/box-lik 5/16/1954 #9805  
observers in a 65 square kilometer area around Roma, Queensland, Australia  5/16/1954 #9806  
        Baltimore & Washington, DC area, Various Baltimore & Washington, DC 6/12/1954 #9895  
Various Baltimore & Washington, DC area, G (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code:  6/12/1954 #9895  
atch as the lights move around the area. They find a large, brown, circular 6/21/1954 #9920  
 as the lights moved around in the area. They found a large, brown, circula 6/21/1954 #9923  
Ohio Wright-Patterson AFB Columbus area 8:00 or 9:00 p.m. Pilot Capt. Harry 6/23/1954 #9936  
crambles two F-86s in the Columbus area to check it out, but they see nothi 6/23/1954 #9936  
P. Lommori, flying in the Columbus area in an RB-47E aircraft, observe a wh 6/23/1954 #9936  
er. Saucer low over houses. Entire area silent! / APRO v3#1.                6/26/1954 #9950  
an object in the Zanesville, Ohio, area at approximately 18,000 to 20,000 f 6/26/1954 #9954  
to 10:00 p.m., in a 25-square-mile area from Rome to Frankfort, New York.   7/2/1954 #9984  
was flattened down over a 15-meter area, with two tracks about five meters  8/10/1954 #10119  
ights whole town. Saucers all over area / next day.                         8/19/1954 #10153  
lt fire at 4:15 p.m. A rectangular area 70' x 270' on Portola Road was engu 8/27/1954 #10191  
sight. Other reports come from the area that morning. The photo shows a blu 9/9/1954 #10277  
ws a blurry oval with a small dark area on top.                             9/9/1954 #10277  
/cigar-shape reappears and circles area. Several observer(s). Red and white 9/15/1954 #10306  
-de-Calais, France and circled the area, giving off a red and white glow.   9/15/1954 #10314  
ision interference noted over wide area (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, NC)         9/18/1954 #10343  
ct as it flew erratically over the area for 60 min.                         9/23/1954 #10416  
ct as it flew erratically over the area for 60 minutes.                     9/23/1954 #10423  
ed. Other people notice a circular area about 10 feet in diameter where the 9/26/1954 #10451  
 PAA DC6. Huge saucer lights large area. / news.                            9/28/1954 #10480  
is swinging back and forth over an area of about 984 feet. Farnier thinks i 9/30/1954 #10516  
es (something behind) green trail. Area = forest and gas field.             10/3/1954 #10624  
ny observer(s). Odd UFO's all over area. Types unknown.                     10/3/1954 #10632  
und flattened and scorched over an area 7 m across.                         10/3/1954 #10661  
attened and scorched grass over an area 25 feet across.                     10/3/1954 #10666  
und flattened and scorched over an area seven meters across.                10/3/1954 #10671  
n "sucked up" over a quadrilateral area. Francois Bouiller confirmed he had 10/4/1954 #10697  
n "sucked up" over a quadrilateral area. Francois Bouiller confirmed he had 10/4/1954 #10710  
ing the same gleaming light in the area.                                    10/6/1954 #10758  
Intense heat. Saucer lands. Sweeps area / light beam. Antennas. / r8#205.   10/7/1954 #10767  
 21–24 feet hovering over a wooden area off the road. It dives toward the g 10/12/1954 #10978  
is motorcycle stalled. In the same area an engineer saw a luminous object c 10/14/1954 #11051  
it could be restarted. In the same area an engineer also saw a luminous obj 10/14/1954 #11072  
Helmeted small humanoid (or Grey). Area lit. Going quickly west. / r30+/ r2 10/18/1954 #11199  
 A couple of days later this trace area had greatly expanded. The local Car 10/18/1954 #11225  
ing down. Going up [to] and sweeps area / blue beam. / LDLN#326.            10/20/1954 #11259  
heat. Rain going [to] dense steam. Area dried!                              10/20/1954 #11266  
lands. Figure / diving suit lights area. Observer(s) frozen / beam. / r8#29 10/21/1954 #11284  
ll to the ground over a three mile area. The UFO flew off quickly in a west 10/22/1954 #11324  
ht near a glade. He approached the area, thinking it was another car, when  10/23/1954 #11346  
terrestrial he drove away from the area in order to get additional witnesse 10/23/1954 #11346  
nnatural silence that pervaded the area.                                    10/23/1954 #11347  
 It left behind a three-meter wide area of flattened grass.                 10/24/1954 #11367  
e or a similar object fly over the area.                                    10/25/1954 #11401  
e. Brilliant blinding light lights area.                                    11/1/1954 #11515  
ly. As she passes through a wooded area, she sees a spindle-shaped object s 11/1/1954 #11518  
ecause there were no houses in the area, Sr. Seenza began shouting in order 11/1/1954 #11522  
stem” illuminating the surrounding area. The object made aerial maneuvers a 11/1/1954 #11522  
 the same time all the dogs in the area were barking. Other witnesses nearb 11/1/1954 #11523  
linding light that illuminated the area.                                    11/1/1954 #11524  
inal and started to walk home. The area was deserted at that hour, and when 11/2/1954 #11539  
g, investigation disclosed that an area 4 or 5 m in diameter had no leaves, 11/8/1954 #11597  
ng to black. Investigators find an area 12–15 feet in diameter where there  11/8/1954 #11599  
an investigation disclosed that an area 4 or 5 meters in diameter had no le 11/8/1954 #11603  
rby school. When a jet circled the area, the UFO vanished.                  11/9/1954 #11615  
re/orb/globe descends over 'danger area 343'. Streaks away.                 11/14/1954 #11644  
e. Other witnesses to a UFO in the area come forward.                       11/28/1954 #11722  
       Groom Lake, NV The site for Area 51 was selected after an aerial sur 1955 #11889  
                           Chicago area Prescott, Arizona Dorothy Martin le Early 1/1955 #11912  
 Dorothy Martin leaves the Chicago area for Prescott, Arizona, home of the  Early 1/1955 #11912  
nterviews Briggs, and searches the area of the meadow over which the UFO is 2/23/1955 #12015  
                        Groom Lake area in Nevada Washington, D.C. U-2 proj 4/1955 #12077  
ntial action adding the Groom Lake area in Nevada to the AEC proving ground 4/1955 #12077  
w Mexico, but USAF planes comb the area for 2 hours afterward without findi 4/5/1955 #12080  
erference are reported over a wide area.                                    4/6/1955 #12085  
tion near Groom Lake (now known as Area 51).                                5/18/1955 #12140  
 Loveland-Madeira Road Branch Hill area of Loveland, Ohio Hopewell Road int 5/25/1955 #12159  
nd-Madeira Road in the Branch Hill area of Loveland, Ohio. At the Hopewell  5/25/1955 #12159  
RNS, AUS Night light lights entire area. Follows edge / swamp. Maneuvers. / 5/29/1955 (approximate) #12165  
 the ground, lighting up the whole area, rose again, and began to "feel its 5/29/1955 #12166  
ens / pilots. UFO's over very wide area. Jets scramble all over.            6/16/1955 #12200  
k. A terrible smell hangs over the area. He only watches them for about 10  Late 6/1955 #12211  
         Groom Lake base in Nevada Area 51 Construction of the Groom Lake b 7/1955 #12225  
r key organizations are briefed on Area 51’s existence—the National Advisor 7/1955 #12225  
s, various UFOs observed over wide area, jets scrambled. [UFOE, III] (NICAP 7/16/1955 #12261  
nch” in Nebada Burbank, California Area 51 Lockheed’s offices in Burbank Th 7/24/1955 #12283  
Service flights are set up between Area 51 and Lockheed’s offices in Burban 7/24/1955 #12283  
hington, are sent to the Kalispell area.                                    9/2/1955 #12425  
                                   Area 51 President Eisenhower gives the C 10/1955 #12476  
over the U-2 spy plane program and Area 51.                                 10/1955 #12476  
 disc- like UFO observed over wide area. [UFOE, VII] (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 10/2/1955 #12484  
out one minute later. The take-off area was about 1–2 miles south of the ra 10/4/1955 #12488  
REECE 2 observer(s). Deep humming. Area lit. 5M saucer hovers. Going [to] o 11/9/1955 #12556  
parent ovoids. Erratic. Restricted area.                                    11/20/1955 #12576  
 were scheduled for release in the area at that time. The object rotated, t 1/5/1956 #12646  
night. A large-scale search of the area found nothing.                      1/18/1956 #12669  
. Fast. Over airport. No planes in area.                                    1/25/1956 #12682  
t long ovoid object illuminated an area 15 acres in size; it then pursued f 1/30/1956 #12686  
warded to the Fundamental Sciences Area for review of information on foreig 2/9/1956 #12704  
e distortion on the TV sets in the area.                                    5/1/1956 #12824  
pproaches them from a small wooded area. They stop their car to look at it. 6/1956 #12880  
    Holloman AFB-White Sands range area, NM A pale yellow ball of indistinc 7/14/1956 #12970  
cally and horizontally over a wide area of the sky.”                        7/19/1956 #12990  
ere were several reports from this area, but most of them appear to be misi 7/20/1956 #12997  
erve officers search a square-mile area for 3 hours but find nothing.       7/28/1956 #13023  
tracked on two radars, leaving the area at 600 mph. The encounter is classi 8/13/1956 #13080  
 but there is no helicopter in the area.                                    8/22/1956 #13116  
         CALABOZO, VNZL 4 / truck. Area lit / day. Huge saucer offloads sma 8/27/1956 #13136  
ovoid hovers 5' / golf course. 40' area lit. Vanishes when lit. / r148p67.  9/2/1956 #13170  
in Dayton, Ohio. It illuminated an area 40 feet wide. The sighting lasted m 9/2/1956 #13173  
ere received from this three state area. Due to the unusually large number  11/8/1956 #13314  
/ farm. Saucer buzzes car. Circles area counterclockwise. Aims beams / ligh 11/22/1956 #13344  
eturns after the object leaves the area.                                    12/1/1956 #13380  
ood of the Seven Rays “in a remote area of another country to the south.” A 12/2/1956 #13384  
 driving on Route 53 in a desolate area when she encountered a cigar-shaped 2/9/1957 #13487  
 west. More jets arrive and search area.                                    3/17/1957 #13548  
ng a stationary object in the same area. The sheriff’s office is contacted, 3/22/1957 #13553  
y will have the aircraft check the area upon their return. Upon the arrival 3/22/1957 #13553  
 two Navy aircraft are sent to the area. Somehow, between the time of this  3/22/1957 #13553  
ds. 4 red objects with lights over area / hours. / r242p85.                 3/23/1957 #13555  
                                   Area 51 Pioche, Nevada Pilot Robert L. S 4/4/1957 #13581  
ecting paint for a test run out of Area 51 and flies almost 90 miles withou 4/4/1957 #13581  
s. The jets were seen circling the area for the next hour.                  4/11/1957 #13595  
ear “dirty-bomb” test conducted in Area 13 at the Nellis Air Force Range, N 4/24/1957 #13615  
cages. Afterward, the contaminated area is fenced off and the contaminated  4/24/1957 #13615  
f soil and debris are removed from Area 13 and disposed of in a waste facil 4/24/1957 #13615  
. The UFO left their 30 mile range area and fell off the radar scope.       5/20/1957 #13665  
                  Nevada Test Site Area 51 Boltzmann, the first of 29 nucle 5/28/1957 #13684  
e as the Hiroshima bomb and causes Area 51 personnel 11 miles away to be te 5/28/1957 #13684  
t buckles aircraft hangar doors in Area 51, shatters windows in the mess ha 5/28/1957 #13684  
               CORO, VNZL AND WIDE AREA Huge meteor / low altitude crashes. 6/4/1957 #13700  
                  Nevada Test Site Area 51 Los Angeles Canada Mexico Pacifi 7/5/1957 #13779  
ic test in the continental US. All Area 51 personnel are evacuated prior to 7/5/1957 #13779  
und zero to reach the buildings at Area 51 ten miles away. Area 51 remains  7/5/1957 #13779  
ildings at Area 51 ten miles away. Area 51 remains an evacuated ghost town  7/5/1957 #13779  
, in the Manú National Park] in an area northeast of Cuzco called Cadena de 7/10/1957 #13788  
inutes over the Fort Worth, Texas, area from 5:30–6:00 a.m. Some earlier EL 7/17/1957 #13808  
S claims it has no aircraft in the area. However, at 10:00 a.m., two USAF p 7/24/1957 #13826  
came lost and ran low on fuel. The area is still evacuated for nuclear test 7/28/1957 #13848  
e. Topsoil dug up from the landing area glowed in the dark. Also, when grai 7/30/1957 #13860  
 away. Local residents examine the area and find burned patches on the grou 7/30/1957 #13862  
he middle of the bottom is a round area that looks like it might be the out 8/1957 #13868  
                            Piqua (area), OH Sightings Over Wide Area / Rad 8/7/1957 #13883  
qua (area), OH Sightings Over Wide Area / Radar Track In Ohio (NICAP: 09 -  8/7/1957 #13883  
that UFO's had a base in the Salta area and would soon show themselves to w 8/20/1957 #13911  
 that UFOs had a base in the Salta area and would soon show themselves to w 8/20/1957 #13915  
ad. There was no helicopter in the area, although the two witnesses compare 8/22/1957 #13922  
gh there are no helicopters in the area.                                    8/22/1957 #13924  
ead.There was no helicopter in the area, although the two witnesses compare 8/22/1957 #13925  
 vanished from a four-meter square area.                                    8/28/1957 #13940  
the sky and explode, showering the area with flaming fragments. One of the  Early 9/1957 #13971  
ve down and explode, showering the area with flaming fragments. Some sample 9/10/1957 #13988  
d them like a mist and covering an area about 100 m diameter. They became n 9/16/1957 #13999  
d them like a mist and covering an area about 100 meters in diameter. They  9/16/1957 #14002  
 maneuvering at ground level in an area with many empty oil wells. One of t 9/26/1957 #14035  
feet long. It lights up the entire area, even though it is gliding at a gre 10/10/1957 #14095  
d near beach. Type unknown. Lights area / beams. Going quickly east and qui 10/22/1957 #14142  
 state, Brazil. It Illuminated the area with beams of light, it took off to 10/22/1957 #14146  
fty feet fell over a 110 mile-long area from Portales to Hobbs, New Mexico. 10/23/1957 #14150  
bright as day. It lit up the whole area.” In an interview in 1977, Sheriff  11/2/1957 #14194  
mber of reports from the Levelland area described a low-flying object, over 11/2/1957 #14213  
re are no electrical storms in the area. Donald Menzel calls it a mirage.   11/2/1957 #14216  
it drops to the ground in a bunker area 3 miles away and goes out. The UFO  11/3/1957 #14249  
co Manzano Nuclear Weapons Storage Area Albuquerque Low Frequency Range Sta 11/4/1957 #14289  
ed Manzano Nuclear Weapons Storage Area and a B-58 bomber service site. It  11/4/1957 #14289  
DAUPHIN, MBA 20 observer(s) / wide area. Silver-orange saucer-ovoid various 11/5/1957 #14310  
        JOHANNESBURG, RSA AND WIDE AREA Cylinders hover / 2 hours. Maneuver 11/5/1957 #14320  
the craft suddenly illuminated the area, and it flew off "like a shooting s 11/5/1957 #14340  
the craft suddenly illuminated the area, and it flew off "like a shooting s 11/5/1957 #14351  
ovoid shaped, was seen over a wide area for a ten minute period around Daup 11/5/1957 #14354  
na. The whole farm and surrounding area are bathed in the light for 10 minu 11/6/1957 #14425  
ong Island, New York New York City area Western Hemisphere 9:38 a.m. Myster 11/7/1957 #14461  
pment testing in the New York City area. Another report claims that Vanguar 11/7/1957 #14461  
s and booms. Power out / 4 mile(s) area / 10 minute(s). / r141#9p4.         11/14/1957 #14546  
      SOUTH CROYDEN, ENGL AND WIDE AREA / NORTH SURREY Large red-orange sph 11/14/1957 #14547  
iled for 10 minutes in a four mile area, just after hovering UFO flashed (N 11/14/1957 #14550  
 out. Electrical power in a 4-mile area between Tamaroa and Du Bois is inte 11/14/1957 #14551  
Electric power in a four-mile wide area was interrupted for about ten minut 11/14/1957 #14552  
end over end. Shoots beams. Lights area going west.                         11/15/1957 #14553  
bjects slowly rose up and left the area, at which time he returned to his v 11/23/1957 #14605  
o static as several UFOs seen over area (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)             12/3/1957 #14664  
y residents of the Menastash Ridge area of Ellensburg, Washington, watch a  12/3/1957 #14667  
y residents of the Menastash Ridge area of Ellensburg saw a "strange ball o 12/3/1957 #14668  
cted blackouts are reported in the area.                                    12/7/1957 #14682  
 was nearing a hill in this wooded area when a bright light appeared ahead. 12/8/1957 #14690  
                  Chatham, Windsor area, CAN Trans-Canada Airlines pilot, m 12/12/1957 #14719  
these landings, before leaving the area, the object left an odd, luminous h 12/21/1957 #14753  
    Nellis Air Force Range, Nevada Area 13 The Atomic Energy Commission put 1958 #14779  
on puts a barbed wire fence around Area 13 at the Nellis Air Force Range, N 1958 #14779  
                                   Area 25 of the Nevada Test Site Mars Pro 1958 #14780  
 at a maximum-security facility in Area 25 of the Nevada Test Site. Led by  1958 #14780  
, and she starts the car again. An area of snow a foot in diameter has melt 1/1958 #14793  
left the car. Evans has a reddened area shaped like a triangle on her back. 2/17/1958 #14878  
                    Walnut housing area Ellwood City, Pennsylvania Night. A Early 4/1958 #14959  
s children over the Walnut housing area in Ellwood City, Pennsylvania. Poli Early 4/1958 #14959  
 seen by several witnesses in this area. A railroad employee, Mr. Cavalheir 4/17/1958 #14994  
entina by several witnesses in the area. Mr. Cavalheiro, a railroad employe 4/17/1958 #14995  
zing vertical ovoid hovers. Lights area. / r142#3p26.                       5/26/1958 #15049  
fied image of airspace over a wide area. SAGE directs and controls the NORA 6/26/1958 #15117  
empted balloon interception in the area around Świdnica, Poland. Flying at  8/1958 #15171  
                  Nevada Test Site Area 51 The Operation Hardtack II series 9/12/1958 #15265  
October 30, all within 18 miles of Area 51.                                 9/12/1958 #15265  
er lands. Sweeps 3 observer(s) and area / white beam. Going northwest then  10/1958 #15291  
azard to aircraft operating in the area.”                                   11/4/1958 #15425  
 The object’s light illuminates an area about 300 feet in front of him. It  1/13/1959 #15549  
s allegedly found wandering in the area. He speaks no known language, wears 1/21/1959 #15558  
d bunker, supposedly in the Moscow area. The divers apparently also found a 1/21/1959 #15560  
tude. Red light / top. No blimp in area.                                    2/25/1959 #15608  
titude. No blimp was flying in the area at the time.                        2/25/1959 #15616  
otely a half mile away in a wooded area west of Corsica, Pennsylvania at 12 3/27/1959 #15675  
tall luminous humanoid in a swampy area of Charles Mill Lake, Ohio. It appe 3/28/1959 #15677  
of it, and drove around the wooded area in time to see it take off. No radi 3/31/1959 #15681  
 trees. He drove around the wooded area in time to see it take off. "It cli 3/31/1959 #15684  
osions had shaken the Seattle, WA, area. Several residents had reported see 4/1/1959 #15686  
hat as the C-118 passed over their area it was followed by 2 parachute-shap 4/1/1959 #15686  
phere sways and maneuvers all over area. / APRO 5'59.                       4/5/1959 (approximate) #15693  
ar, were reported in the Las Vegas area during a 3 week period. A man told  5/27/1959 (approximate) #15748  
ountains, 40 miles SE of Las Vegas area. The Air Force said none of the obj 5/27/1959 (approximate) #15748  
 the facility has been buried. The area is closed in 1971, and only objects 6/1959 #15754  
ar, were reported in the Las Vegas area during a 3 week period. One object  6/3/1959 (approximate) #15756  
ante La Cisterna in the Trastevere area of Rome, Italy Copenhagen, Denmark  6/13/1959 #15768  
ante La Cisterna in the Trastevere area of Rome, Italy, then go on an all-n 6/13/1959 #15768  
dar, was reported in the Las Vegas area. It was the 3rd mysterious sighting 6/17/1959 #15772  
the 3rd mysterious sighting in the area in the last three weeks. A sherriff 6/17/1959 #15772  
r going [to] over. RADAR blocked / area. / r33p66.                          7/6/1959 #15818  
Zealand Disc with dome illuminated area in green light, two beings visible  7/13/1959 #15841  
 men on the beach, lighting up the area like day. A domed disc came down to 7/25/1959 #15878  
ne stalled, and landed in a wooded area. Six witnesses in two separate grou 8/13/1959 #15912  
 travelling by car through a rural area near Freeport, Texas saw a bright U 8/13/1959 #15917  
to die. The UFO landed in a wooded area. Dense underbrush prevented approac 8/13/1959 #15917  
ide their car and illuminating the area like daylight. The figures then lef 8/20/1959 #15932  
aylight. The figures then left the area and the witnesses ran from their ve 8/20/1959 #15932  
                                   Area 51, Nevada Burbank, California Empl 9/1959 #15950  
k Works are the first to return to Area 51 in Nevada to develop an aircraft 9/1959 #15950  
ept tests are to be carried out at Area 51 with full-scale mockups elevated 9/1959 #15950  
 WALLINGFORD, KY Grey ovoid lights area blue. Blue beam going down [to] as  9/7/1959 #15956  
 Both plots of the UFO were in the area where the wreckage of the airliner  9/29/1959 #15997  
ARTC reports no air traffic in the area of the radar site during the time o 10/2/1959 #16011  
owed by angel hair covering a vast area. The substance consists of “threads 10/12/1959 #16030  
                                   Area 51 in Nevada A full-scale mockup of 11/1959 #16073  
e mockup of the A-12 is shipped to Area 51 in Nevada for radar signature te 11/1959 #16073  
CA 2 cops. Lampshade saucer lights area. Beams going down. Going quickly [t 12/1/1959 #16108Area 51” designation appears on several  1960's #16136  
                                   Area 51 in Nevada Richard Bissell notifi 1/26/1960 #16157  
Works will move into production at Area 51 in Nevada to work on Project Oxc 1/26/1960 #16157  
ipedia, “Lockheed A-12”; Jacobsen, Area 51, pp. 134–135)                    1/26/1960 #16157  
right light illuminates the entire area. Three objects in a V-formation whi 3/24/1960 #16206  
uban exiles in the Miami, Florida, area. Infantry training is carried out a 5/1960 #16247  
object maneuvers over the downtown area or a long time. About 60 feet in di 5/13/1960 #16266  
, which landed in a heavily wooded area on a hilltop; diamond-shaped scorch 5/24/1960 #16299  
o a canoe and travel to the impact area. They find an area of burned grass  6/22/1960 #16315  
l to the impact area. They find an area of burned grass and another area wh 6/22/1960 #16315  
n area of burned grass and another area where grass it cut up in small piec 6/22/1960 #16315  
and August 15 and finds the impact area as Person has described but no subm 6/22/1960 #16315  
red to be burnt and cut up over an area of 20 feet by 60 feet. They felt ar 6/22/1960 #16316  
from mountains / west. Unpopulated area.                                    7/8/1960 #16334  
                          Northern Area, US Concentration of UFO sightings, 8/13/1960 #16377  
 Lake in Nevada receives the name “Area 51” when A-12 test facility constru 9/1960 #16427  
                Nellis AFB complex Area 51 Reynolds Electrical and Engineer 10/1960 #16472  
They mark an Archimedean spiral on Area 51’s dry lake approximately two mil 10/1960 #16472  
ad of plunging into the sagebrush. Area 51 pilots call it “The Hook.” For c 10/1960 #16472  
                                   Area 51 Near Nellis AFB, NE: “Mat”, a ra 1961 #16544  
ecretly being conducted at nearby “Area 51”, a 50-mile-square quadrant of l 1961 #16544  
adimir Azhazha found an elliptical area where he claimed that an alien craf 1961 #16545  
0m away / 20 minute(s). Dog avoids area after. / r50p7.                     1/6/1961 #16563  
 Domed disk / 150M altitude lights area near nuclear power station/depot/fa 2/1961 #16591  
, VCT Night light maneuvers / wide area near Hume reservoir. No further det 3/10/1961 #16623  
Rises and vanishes instantly. Busy area!                                    4/1961 #16640  
f a crashed UFO were found in this area.                                    4/28/1961 #16665  
Os maneuvered erratically over the area at 3:50 p.m., with an odd flutterin 5/19/1961 #16688  
c-shaped object maneuvering in the area. The patrolmen try to signal the ob 6/5/1961 #16721  
wards the southwest. Horses in the area went crazy with fear, sheep broke l 6/11/1961 #16725  
 Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, Nevada 2:00 a.m. Two people drivin 7/17/1961 #16765  
 Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, Nevada, see in the rear-view mirro 7/17/1961 #16765  
                                   Area 51 in Nevada Construction of essent 8/1961 #16776  
sential facilities is completed at Area 51 in Nevada; three surplus Navy ha 8/1961 #16776  
 Facilities in the main cantonment area include workshops and buildings for 8/1961 #16776  
 by trees serves as a recreational area one mile north of the base. Other r 8/1961 #16776  
 circles all over/all about border area. Crescent going quickly south. / r5 9/11/1961 #16828  
 sea. The water in the surrounding area grows intensely bright. Particles o 9/18/1961 #16847  
y stops the car at a scenic picnic area south of Twin Mountain. Through bin 9/19/1961 #16857  
he site with a priest and finds an area of singed grass and a light imprint Autumn 1961 #16869  
nds are hunting on a Sunday in the area of Harvey, North Dakota. As they ar Late 11/1961 #16978  
square-mile addition to restricted area R-4808N.                            1/1962 #17014  
B Mesquite, Nevada Spring Mountain area Hill AFB, south of Ogden, Utah Even 4/18/1962 #17120  
 the unit into the Spring Mountain area in jeeps to search for wreckage. Th 4/18/1962 #17120  
a, PA Series of UFO sightings over area. Circular UFO with body lights, app 4/24/1962 #17126  
                                   Area 51 Schalk takes the A-12 up to 30,0 4/30/1962 #17140  
et on its first official flight at Area 51 for 59 minutes. His top speed is 4/30/1962 #17140  
ding site, grass is burned over an area 180 feet in diameter, and there are 5/12/1962 #17165  
 of flying objects in the Columbus area. (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 6/22/1962 #17242  
Auxiliary Air Station, slowed over area of runway and hangar, then climbed  7/10/1962 #17270  
  LIBERAL, KS AND MORE Many / wide area. Fireballs going quickly west. 1 st 8/2/1962 #17314  
 Force helicopters.[This is in the area of the Lowry AFB Titan I ICBM Compl 8/15/1962 #17334  
ue. Many terrified people left the area.                                    8/20/1962 #17347  
 Many terrified neighbors left the area at the time because of this inciden 8/20/1962 #17349  
e witnesses are driving in a rural area about 87 miles from Salta, Argentin Late 8/1962 #17361  
rance of cattle was noticed in the area during that period and blamed on th 9/18/1962 #17415  
rance of cattle was noticed in the area during that period and blamed on th 9/18/1962 #17417  
bright enough to illuminate a huge area. [NICAP UFO Evidence] (NICAP: 01 -  9/20/1962 #17420  
s halfway across the aircraft ramp area, which would make it half a mile wi Late 10/1962 #17496  
gh a 6-inch reflector. In the dark area, well away from the terminator, the 12/1/1962 #17568  
or Domingo López discover a burned area of grass in a field just over a mil 1/1963 #17624  
lants. He also reported a scorched area 10 meters wide. The local sheriff c 4/1/1963 #17721  
y and disappeared. [Report via Bay Area NICAP Subcommittee.] (NICAP: 02 - C 5/23/1963 #17764  
cinity of Lyle. Police searched an area over 3 km wide on both sides of the 6/4/1963 #17776  
a nearby town. Police searched the area for 3 miles on both sides of the Io 6/4/1963 #17777  
 silvery. The UFO then circled the area, disappearing behind objects on the 6/19/1963 #17795  
ct continued east. [Report via Bay Area NICAP Subcommittee.] (NICAP: 01 - D 6/26/1963 #17808  
imp like object reported. [In this area is the Davis Monthan AFB Titan II M 7/2/1963 #17823  
aunch Facilities around the Tucson area]. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)  7/2/1963 #17823  
l to show detail.) [Report via Bay Area NICAP Subcommittee.] (NICAP: 08 - P 7/18/1963 #17838  
nd forth, but remained in the same area of the sky. About dusk, the object  7/20/1963 #17843  
 great beacon seen here and entire area. Many calls.                        7/25/1963 #17852  
ands of other people in the London area, including an air traffic controlle 8/1/1963 #17860  
appeared ready to land in a wooded area. Its luminosity was variable.       8/7/1963 #17876  
               BIRCHILLS, ENGL AND AREA Numerous separate observer(s). Nigh 8/12/1963 #17888  
           Rome, Italy In a wooded area near Rome, a man in a car observed  8/20/1963 #17911  
                       In a wooded area near Rome, Italy a man in a car obs 8/20/1963 #17913  
rd of a ship or a submarine in the area.                                    9/12/1963 #17932  
ed, darted at h.s. TV I/F noted in area of 3 towns (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)  9/20/1963 #17952  
conclusion of the incident, in the area where the closest disks had hovered 10/21/1963 #17995  
bserved, shock wave felt, over Bay area. Unidentified signal picked up by l 11/7/1963 #18028  
ing late from leave. It bathes the area in intense green light from a heigh 12/10/1963 #18072  
hangar, then search the ground and area with a green light beam.            12/10/1963 #18073  
      NORTHWEST / PARYS, RSA Large area lit. 15M saucer dives / car. Hovers 12/14/1963 #18079  
rass was flattened over a circular area, and four traces were found.        12/27/1963 #18097  
is found flattened over a circular area. Marks “like three large fingerprin 12/27/1963 #18098  
rass was flattened over a circular area, and four ground marks were found s 12/27/1963 #18099  
gs of CIA/Air Force A-12s based at Area 51 in Nevada can be attributed to t 2/29/1964 #18140  
 east of Lordsbury when the entire area was illuminated by a bluish light " 4/22/1964 #18183  
f Lordsburg, New Mexico the entire area became illuminated as bright as day 4/22/1964 #18185  
Conner from Kirtland AFB check the area for radioactivity on April 26. Hyne 4/24/1964 #18200  
al traces on a rock in the landing area; they take the sample to NASA’s God 4/24/1964 #18200  
rom the bottom. The foliage in the area was scorched black, and there were  4/24/1964 #18202  
 the ground surrounding the burned area. The case was personally investigat 4/24/1964 #18202  
ely, men in uniform cordon off the area, dig up the burned areas to a depth 4/25/1964? #18205  
 by 12 inches in size. The charred area is in the shape of two overlapping  4/26/1964 #18209  
 about 13 feet apart, and a burned area.                                    4/30/1964 #18232  
rts of cigar-shaped objects in the area.                                    5/13/1964 #18263  
uilateral triangle are found in an area of flattened wheat about 4 feet wid 5/19/1964 #18288  
of an automobile take off from the area.                                    6/2/1964 #18322  
    Westford, Massachusetts Boston area 10:00 p.m. A meteorologist at Westf Summer 1964 #18367  
thunderstorms in the entire Boston area.                                    Summer 1964 #18367  
over homes. Chemical smell. Lights area / green. Back / 2230h.              7/7/1964 #18396  
LE, GA Many separate observer(s) / area. Misty orange-glowing saucer with r 7/14/1964 #18406  
ack to the UFO. A round, flattened area is found in the field where the gra 7/16/1964 #18421  
1 and August 1, the densely wooded area was explored from a helicopter and  7/28/1964 #18456  
and August 1st, the densely wooded area where the light was seen was explor 7/28/1964 #18457  
ough job. In addition to the burnt area and ground marks, some white powder 9/4/1964 #18534  
damage. The beings remained in the area, as far as he could tell, for most  9/4/1964 #18535  
w-and-arrow hunting in an isolated area of Placer County, California, near  9/5/1964 #18539  
eported and tracked on radar in an area between Surabaya, Malang, and Bangk 9/18/1964 #18559  
gton, Massachusetts. It had a dark area at one end, and two vertical black  10/29/1964 #18596  
bright object lands / woods. Burnt area and landing marks. / r180p32.       11/30/1964 #18645  
 the nearby woods at 11 p.m. Burnt area, landing marks, and radioactivity f 11/30/1964 #18649  
 There were other witnesses in the area.                                    12/21/1964 #18667  
failed, object landed. Radioactive area found at landing site               12/21/1964 #18668  
normally high radioactivity in the area.                                    12/21/1964 #18671  
                                   Area 51 in Nevada A D-21 drone (renamed  12/22/1964 #18672  
1 begins captive flight-testing at Area 51 in Nevada.                       12/22/1964 #18672  
                Groom Lake, Nevada Area 51 A-12 pilot Ken Collins continues 1965? #18680  
akes visual contact and returns to Area 51. Jacobsen says that this Soviet  1965? #18680  
                                   Area 25 of the Nevada Test Site Los Ange 1/12/1965 #18718  
sient Nuclear Test is conducted at Area 25 of the Nevada Test Site as part  1/12/1965 #18718  
ear. One month later, the circular area still shows traces.                 1/12/1965 #18720  
 east of Staunton, Virginia, in an area known locally as Brands Flats. He s 1/19/1965 #18750  
tate forest officials climb to the area and find several treetops bent over 1/25/1965 #18766  
ise as it rose up, and dogs in the area behaved in a highly agitated manner 2/3/1965 #18797  
domed disc at 8:10 p.m. in a rural area of Groveland, Massachusetts. The UF 2/16/1965 #18820  
e Police assist in a search of the area. About 16 hours later, a state troo 3/2/1965 #18832  
unguska blast of 1909, affected an area of nearly a million square kilomete 3/31/1965 #18882  
White cone falls / ground. 2 block area lit. Observer(s) shovel dirt on it. 5/29/1965 #18975  
                                   Area 25 Nevada Test Site The Phoebus 1A  6/25/1965 #19027  
nuclear rocket engine is tested at Area 25 of the Nevada Test Site as part  6/25/1965 #19027  
is glowing greenish-blue. A hollow area at the very top seems to be a glass 7/19/1965 #19134  
n. Silver saucer here and 3 county area. Some report triangular object.     7/22/1965 #19158  
oming from a cloud illuminating an area about 33 feet in diameter and hear  7/26/1965 #19181  
tralia. It scared farm dogs in the area.                                    7/31/1965 #19224  
WA, ON Saucer lights reservoir and area. Stops / water. Door opens and 3 fi 8/1965 #19227  
 with six Arab fishermen is in the area and also sees the object, which is  8/2/1965 #19267  
n saw an object rise from the lake area (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 8/3/1965 #19285  
n saw an object rise from the lake area.                                    8/3/1965 #19286  
     TRAPUA, BRZ 50M saucer lights area. Lands with distinct sound. No trac 8/4/1965 #19302  
ard. The object illuminated a wide area.                                    8/4/1965 #19314  
ard. The object illuminated a wide area.                                    8/4/1965 #19323  
                          Chicago (area), IL Two Objects Picked Up On Radar 8/5/1965 #19327  
a UFO landed in the San Bernardino area of Caracas, Venezuela. It created a 8/6/1965 #19334  
 Venezuela. It created a "scorched area 10 meters wide" in a cornfield. Thr 8/6/1965 #19334  
outh of the tree he finds a burned area about 15–20 feet in diameter and th 8/11/1965? #19367  
ts. The UFO then descended into an area of some electrical power line pylon 8/13/1965 #19385  
s they all walk out to inspect the area of the initial sighting, they notic 8/19/1965 #19427  
notices the foot-tall grass in the area “seemed to be bent over in long cur 8/19/1965 #19427  
She was led across the grass to an area that was suddenly brightly illumina 9/3/1965 #19518  
                    In an isolated area of the Green River Gorge, Washingto 9/4/1965 #19520  
 other flights are expected in the area.                                    9/6/1965 #19527  
   Ms. Martindale in a residential area near Aldershot, Hampshire, England  9/9/1965 #19543  
 flash and play all over Army camp area.                                    9/13/1965 #19556  
ck. The object seems to land in an area with farmhouses. Green notes that a 9/14/1965 #19560  
t descended and landed in a swampy area near some houses. The witness also  9/14/1965 #19561  
road was caved-in, and in a 6 foot area the gravel was separated from the t 9/16/1965 #19569  
 from the tar in a severely burned area about 6 feet in diameter. Lt. Col.  9/16/1965 #19574  
 m in diameter, rise from a wooded area and hover silently before leaving t 9/27/1965 #19613  
ome time. That night others in the area reported also seeing low flying UFO 9/29/1965 #19624  
e they returned with help. An oval area of crushed grass was observed.      10/13/1965 #19655  
everal hunters in the Long Prairie area claimed to have seen a strong light 10/23/1965 #19679  
ficers were driven out to a remote area where a large oval object was resti 11/1965 #19690  
duty officer takes him to a remote area of the base where they see a landed 11/1965 #19695  
, New Zealand, to tend pots in the area of Stewart Island, the southernmost 11/13/1965 #19719  
                 In 1965 in a wide area from St. Paul, Minnesota to the Wis 11/26/1965 #19737  
red dome fly over the Cooper Creek area and come to ground level. They obse 11/29/1965 #19739  
red dome fly over the Cooper Creek area and come to ground level in Springh 11/29/1965 #19740  
 car. Several separate report(s) / area / same night.                       12/4/1965 #19751  
ersonnel cordoning off the landing area. The object was transported away by 12/9/1965 #19760  
etroit, Michigan–Windsor, Ontario, area, reportedly drops hot metal debris  12/9/1965 #19762  
sburgh, Pennsylvania, metropolitan area. It is generally assumed and report 12/9/1965 #19762  
otably the US Army, is secures the area, orders civilians out, seals the ar 12/9/1965 #19762  
a, orders civilians out, seals the area within 2 hours of the event, and th 12/9/1965 #19762  
t a radar facility affiliated with Area 51 in Cedar City, Utah.  https://ww 1966 #19798  
 several searchlights sweeping the area as if trying to spot the flying obj 1/3/1966 #19803  
ontamination of a 0.77-square-mile area by plutonium. The fourth, which fal 1/17/1966 #19844  
s find a variety of circles in the area, ranging from 8 to 30 feet in diame 1/19/1966 #19858  
netic (EM) effects occurred in the area at the time of the sighting. (Balle 2/6/1966 #19883  
cm, 6 meters apart, and a circular area of burned grass at the landing site 2/6/1966 #19891  
domed top hovered, maneuvered over area, seen by police and citizens. Track 2/11/1966 #19897  
) and pseudo-human/entity. Circles area. Silent. Traces. / r180p40.         2/25/1966 #19916  
e object following. It circled the area near their house, then flew away. N 2/25/1966 #19917  
n. Through binoculars, a dome-like area was visible on top. The object fina 3/20/1966 #20005  
d see strange lights over a swampy area in Dexter Township, Michigan. They  3/20/1966 #20012  
p, Michigan. They walk over to the area for a look, taking about 30 minutes 3/20/1966 #20012  
ocheting. It remains in the swampy area for 30 minutes.                     3/20/1966 #20012  
n is later detected at the landing area of about 330–600 microroentgens/hr, 3/21/1966 #20021  
 men were walking through a wooded area when they saw a bright object that  3/23/1966 #20046  
ist, were walking through a wooded area in Fort Pierce, Florida when they s 3/23/1966 #20054  
ance. Next day a large melted oval area about 35 feet by 100 feet and appar 3/24/1966 #20066  
                          Hampton (area), NH Box like object landed in wood 3/29/1966 #20135  
                 undisclosed rural area, NH Dog does not react to landed bo 3/29/1966 #20136  
portedly plants do not grow in the area for the next 2 years.               3/29/1966 #20139  
ar-shape-ovoid over beach. Circles area.                                    3/30/1966 #20147  
lity pole. Domestic animals in the area were excited and agitated (animal r 3/30/1966 #20155  
sand dunes. The object circled the area and flew overhead. (Keyhoe & Lore,  3/30/1966 #20155  
ree independent groups in the same area of Rehoboth, Massachusetts at diffe 3/30/1966 #20165  
 then descend slowly into a wooded area.                                    3/30/1966 #20165  
s and antenna rests / construction area. Figure(s) inside. Post St.         3/31/1966 #20170  
ntennae, resting in a construction area. Silhouettes could be seen moving i 3/31/1966 #20175  
ntennae, resting in a construction area at 6:00 a.m. Silhouettes could be s 3/31/1966 #20182  
y "plane-like" objects circled the area. Some of the witnesses found a perf 4/6/1966 #20259  
ary or government personnel in the area who warned them to stay away. Some  4/6/1966 #20259  
, blue, and red lights in a wooded area, and heard a weird buzzing sound. E 4/7/1966 #20265  
ect followed them as they left the area. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Ca 4/7/1966 #20265  
sound. When they tried to flee the area in their car the car's engine would 4/8/1966 #20277  
eather balloon was launched in the area during the UFO chase. They learn th 4/18/1966 #20331  
s / 5 planes and helicopter search area! / r8#760.                          4/19/1966 #20336  
nes and a helicopter came over the area. Two of the aircraft circled the lo 4/19/1966 #20344  
 was seen descending into a wooded area in Bellingham, Massachusetts. Five  4/19/1966 #20347  
aft and a helicopter flew over the area after the UFO landed remotely, and  4/19/1966 #20347  
aircraft seemed to be circling the area. At 11:45 p.m. a large disc flew ov 4/19/1966 #20347  
ver I35. 4 men inside. Ozone odor. Area lit.                                4/22/1966 #20356  
inder/cigar-shape lands / 20 legs. Area lit / red. Ozone. Cows upset. / FSR 4/23/1966 #20382  
ailure affected 2,500 homes in the area and was caused by two cables burnin 4/23/1966 #20390  
Clarinda, Iowa. It illuminated the area surrounding it with a red color, an 4/23/1966 #20391  
 site her parents found a circular area of crushed pussy willow bushes, abo 4/23/1966 #20392  
 affected about 2,500 homes in the area, was officially timed at 4:57 a.m.  4/24/1966 #20400  
ire ball lights up the surrounding area, falls onto the car with a loud sna 4/24/1966 #20404  
reports of normal lightning in the area.                                    4/24/1966 #20404  
ed when an aircraft approached the area (aircraft avoidance). (NICAP notes. 5/4/1966 #20445  
                   In Marisela, an area of Caracas, Venezuela a man observe 5/10/1966 #20475  
About 1:10 p.m. at a school in the area, the principal noticed the children 5/16/1966 #20487  
d and circling slowly in one small area of the sky for about three minutes. 5/16/1966 #20490  
observed a UFO in the same general area about 40 minutes later. (U.F.O. Inv 6/24/1966 #20605  
parting at blinding speed. Over an area some ten meters across in a potato  6/27/1966 #20618  
 field was found flattened over an area 3 m in diameter, and covered with a 7/28/1966 #20691  
 flattened over a three meter wide area and covered with an oily substance. 7/28/1966 #20693  
op-hat maneuvers and lands. Sweeps area / beam. Pseudo-human/entity. / MJ#2 7/31/1966 #20697  
 shape of a mushroom and swept the area with a light beam. A strange being, 7/31/1966 #20701  
tened grass were found beneath the area where the object had hovered. (Flyi 8/15/1966 #20744  
                    Iraq Israel US Area 51 Iraqi Air Force Col. Munir Redfa 8/16/1966 #20755  
sting and intelligence analysis at Area 51. Knowledge obtained from analysi 8/16/1966 #20755  
e glow cast a green light over the area (environmental illumination). The g 8/18/1966 #20761  
th at high speed, seen over a wide area. (NICAP notes; U.F.O. Investigator, 8/19/1966 #20767  
 several UFOs had been seen in the area.                                    8/22/1966 #20789  
ur. Electrical power is off in the area for about 4 hours.                  9/13/1966 #20879  
larger object and flies around the area. One flies low over Ipswich Bay tow 9/17/1966 #20892  
 A young couple parking in a rural area near Rockford, Illinois, see a brig Autumn 1966 #20919  
ia on the torso. As they leave the area, they smell a pungent, metallic odo Autumn 1966 #20919  
h. Some teenagers see a UFO in the area 2 nights later.                     10/10/1966 #20982  
 his car. Near panic, he flees the area with the object following him. When 10/15/1966 #21006  
 man is driving in a rural, wooded area near Takoma Park, Maryland, when he 10/26/1966 #21038  
bject. The object then circled the area and left.                           11/10/1966 #21088  
ar-shape-shapes over Beverly farms area.                                    11/15/1966 #21102  
al position over the Beverly Farms area. (Fowler 1974, p. 342.) (NICAP: 02  11/15/1966 #21106  
inia McClintic Wildlife Management Area Mason County Courthouse 11:30 p.m.  11/15/1966 #21107  
 Mary Mallette—are joyriding in an area outside of town known as the “TNT a 11/15/1966 #21107  
 outside of town known as the “TNT area” [the site of a former World War II 11/15/1966 #21107  
 the McClintic Wildlife Management Area] when they encounter a large gray c 11/15/1966 #21107  
dreds of cars swarm out to the TNT area at night in search of a Mothman sig 11/15/1966 #21107  
ct hovering over the Beverly Farms area around 7:15 a.m.                    11/15/1966 #21108  
ht maneuvering over the "TNT" dump area. When they arrived and got out, a " 11/16/1966 #21110  
th big red eyes, in the "TNT" dump area.                                    11/18/1966 #21124  
ture with red eyes flying over the area. On this evening in Union City, New 11/20/1966 #21129  
 his car. He had been close to the area of the TNT dumpsite in Point Pleasa 11/24/1966 #21146  
nd one o'clock at night In a rural area of Rowley, Massachusetts an orange- 12/13/1966 #21199  
professor driving through a wooded area saw a bright, pulsating glow, chang 12/30/1966 #21228  
y III] is driving through a wooded area near Haynesville, Louisiana, and se 12/30/1966 #21230  
 spread by gale-force winds in the area, spread over 25,000 square kilomete 1967 #21233  
nd it. The object circled over the area and emitted a buzzing sound. Shortl 1/5/1967 #21256  
 problem and are setting up a file area in the Lindheimer Observatory at No 1/5/1967 #21259  
TTSVILLE, AR Wave / night lights / area. Times differ.                      1/9/1967 #21273  
ristiansen home was in an isolated area and guests were unlikely to be arri 1/9/1967 #21278  
on the back of his head as if that area had been shaved recently. His nose  1/9/1967 #21278  
 photos only show a vague luminous area. The witness apparently has had add 1/9/1967 #21279  
weeks of excessive sleepiness. The area had been the site of repeated UFO i 1/11/1967 #21288  
 NH 5:15 p.m. A couple in the same area reported seeing a slow-moving gray  1/16/1967 #21319  
lue-green color, visible over wide area.                                    1/16/1967 #21321  
                         Shamokin (area), PA Around 6:00 p.m. Another famil 1/19/1967 #21351  
ther and independently. Many other area sightings also were reported. (Sham 1/28/1967 #21407  
e airplanes shooting flares in the area.                                    2/8/1967 #21483  
e Gary Butler is patrolling in the area of NASA’s Plum Brook Station [now t 2/10/1967 #21504  
hree bank employees in the Wharton area watched a moving red light that whe 2/20/1967 #21603  
seconds. A 15 foot in diameter ice area was found at the landing site, whic 2/21/1967 #21616  
aw an object flying low over their area. A third person saw the object, and 2/23/1967 #21632  
 low flying object pass over their area. A third person also saw the object 2/23/1967 #21636  
al object which moved about in the area of their homes. The object was sile 3/1/1967 #21708  
her sightings were reported in the area. (Pompano Beach Sun-Sentinel, Flori 3/3/1967 #21742  
one wires, bathing the road and an area around the car in a brilliant light 3/5/1967 #21766  
her sightings were reported in the area. (Clinton Herald, Iowa, 3/10/67, co 3/9/1967 #21834  
flat side down was seen in a rural area of Phillipston, Massachusetts by a  3/10/1967 #21853  
 Radar contact is made in the same area as the visual sightings by the rada 3/11/1967 #21859  
cident, four young men went to the area to investigate. They saw four green 3/12/1967 #21875  
 Ohio rounded a corner in a wooded area and saw a huge white figure appear  3/12/1967 #21877  
nt takes place in the Judith Basin area many miles to the south.            Mid 3/1967 #21891  
                           Central area, PA 7:00 p.m.EST. A couple and thei 3/17/1967 #21910  
,500 feet. It begins to circle the area slowly, rising and sinking and givi 3/22/1967 #21948  
me time period, a woman in another area of Omaha saw two large (moon-size)  3/23/1967 #21953  
na Numerous reports came from this area, including one of a landing observa 3/24/1967 #21968  
us other reports come in from this area. At dawn, police and a helicopter f 3/24/1967 #21974  
se helicopter made a search of the area, with negative results.             3/24/1967 #21975  
 families had observed UFOs in the area of their homes in Minitare, Nebrask 3/26/1967 #21998  
d a blinding light that lit up the area, and vanished suddenly. (Escanaba D 4/5/1967 #22061  
hich grows louder as it leaves the area. The UFO shoots off sparks similar  4/5/1967 #22066  
orce claims a helicopter is in the area practicing takeoffs and landings.   4/7/1967 #22090  
As the witnesses rushed toward the area, the object took off at very high s 4/16/1967 #22139  
ishers. When they got close to the area they saw the multicolored lights mo 4/20/1967 #22172  
ast when aircraft converged on the area (aircraft avoidance). (Fowler, 1974 4/21/1967 #22183  
object descend to land in a wooded area. When he got home he notified the s 4/21/1967 #22200  
nd the officer searched the wooded area and became separated. The deputy fo 4/21/1967 #22200  
 resting on small legs in a marshy area. Standing next to it was a medium s 4/21/1967 #22200  
llinois before dawn. Cattle in the area were extremely agitated.            4/22/1967 #22209  
UFO that has been appearing in the area for several nights. Toward the sout 4/29/1967 #22247  
ee days. There is also a depressed area where the object had been, and some 5/1967 #22257  
small trenches radiating from that area. A formidable weight seemed to have 5/9/1967 #22303  
 small trenches radiating from the area. A formidable weight seemed to have 5/9/1967 #22304  
d then illuminated the surrounding area.                                    5/10/1967 #22311  
 had been made in the Saint George area recently.                           5/11/1967 #22317  
n made of UFOs in the Saint George area recently.                           5/11/1967 #22319  
 pulsating lights which lit up the area was observed for two minutes by two 5/21/1967 #22385  
d cows were found together with an area of 400 meter wide area of burned cr 5/27/1967 #22410  
her with an area of 400 meter wide area of burned crops.                    5/27/1967 #22410  
hysical traces, including a burned area and radioactive soil. (Winnipeg Fre 5/31/1967 #22429  
e and her husband investigated the area where the object had apparently lan 5/31/1967 #22430  
y landed and found a semi circular area 90' x 150' in flames. The strange a 5/31/1967 #22430  
e is that on the 15th of June, the area was still smouldering despite the f 5/31/1967 #22430  
xact geographical coordinates: the area of San José de Valderas, Madrid. Al 5/31/1967 #22431  
 object lands and leaves a burning area 90 feet by 150 feet in size with ra 5/31/1967 #22432  
in size with radioactive soil. The area is still smoldering on June 15, des 5/31/1967 #22432  
ound a 30 by 50 yard semi-circular area that was still in flames. The stran 5/31/1967 #22433  
this case is that on June 15th the area was still smoldering, despite consi 5/31/1967 #22433  
iderable rain having fallen in the area. Radioactive soil was found at the  5/31/1967 #22433  
e spot and finds a circular burned area 100 feet in diameter with four impr 6/1967 #22439  
s. The sighting occurred during an area electric power blackout (EM effects 6/5/1967 #22464  
 the factory's scrap heap and dump area: a large cigar-shaped object on the 6/13/1967 #22504  
ound at the site included a burned area, disturbed grass, and an oily subst 6/15/1967 #22509  
ees are discovered in the sighting area. Leaf samples are analyzed by the C 6/18/1967 #22520  
T). Two witnesses in a very barren area outside of the city observed two br 6/21/1967 #22527  
some members of the group found an area of grass matted down where the obje 6/25/1967 #22556  
 The whirlwind was confined to the area immediately around their house and  6/30/1967 #22580  
CT On Route 31 near the Depot Road area in Coventry, a motorist sighted an  7/5/1967 #22613  
officers arrived on the scene, the area was deserted. After receiving the f 7/5/1967 #22613  
 a field investigator examined the area and found a grassy spot which had b 7/5/1967 #22613  
ject, about 10 m long, land in the area.                                    7/5/1967 #22614  
       State Highway 31 Depot Road area of Coventry, Connecticut Coventry U 7/5/1967 #22615  
te Highway 31, near the Depot Road area of Coventry, Connecticut, sees an o 7/5/1967 #22615  
rsity of Colorado and APRO find an area of grass some yards from the locati 7/5/1967 #22615  
en meters meters long, land in the area.                                    7/5/1967 #22617  
p normally, but there is a cracked area in the windshield the size of a fis 7/17/1967 #22682  
gs in question were already in the area three days earlier, since they were 7/17/1967 #22684  
 direction and there was a cracked area the size of a man's fist in the win 7/17/1967 #22686  
                 NICE, FR AND WIDE AREA Cosmos 169 re-entry going southeast 7/18/1967 #22687  
gators found a very large scorched area at the spot.                        7/21/1967 #22717  
re found on the ground in the same area.                                    7/21/1967 #22719  
gators found a very large scorched area at the spot.                        7/21/1967 #22720  
 field. When a plane flew into the area, the objects (lights) rapidly disap 7/25/1967 #22729  
 As the color changed, dogs in the area howled (animal reactions). (Stinson 7/25/1967 #22729  
 with lights coming from the upper area, apparently from within. The object 7/27/1967 #22738  
nd evaded a jet that flew over the area.                                    7/27/1967 #22742  
aft that “frequently” fly over the area. The Kernville witnesses report by  7/30/1967 #22754  
object which illuminated the whole area was seen resting in a woods.        8/3/1967 #22785  
 object that illuminated the whole area was next seen resting in some woods 8/3/1967 #22790  
 away to the southeast. A scorched area 20 feet in diameter was found in th 8/4/1967 #22799  
t object appears in the sky in the area of Morro do Policia in Porto Alegre 8/4/1967 #22805  
       Again in the San Bernardino area of Caracas, Venezuela (see report a 8/6/1967 #22832  
. A five-foot wide circular burned area was found, but a local farmer said  8/6/1967 #22834  
 water stirring up in a vast round area. The water begins to turn light blu 8/8/1967 #22847  
d from a lighted craft in a wooded area. They were returning home from a da 8/12/1967 #22870  
. The Richibucto RCMP searched the area. Although they located a man dresse 8/14/1967 #22876  
uvered their car to illuminate the area. In their headlights they saw a sma 8/19/1967 #22891  
                   Kolmården ridge area in Östergötland, Sweden 8:00 p.m. T 8/23/1967 #22905  
rolling around the Kolmården ridge area in Östergötland, Sweden, when they  8/23/1967 #22905  
 telescope. Other sightings in the area featured "bright" or "brilliant," o 8/30/1967 #22959  
 several UFO incidents in the same area.                                    9/2/1967 #22984  
. Radiation/radioactivity traces / area.                                    9/9/1967 #23024  
 dark; he has actually gone to the area to look for UFOs. When they find ou 9/9/1967 #23026  
ppeared to make a search of a park area, moving back and forth and in figur 9/11/1967 #23040  
ght-foot tall humanoid in a wooded area near Langley, British Columbia, Can 9/17/1967 #23077  
rned and depressed teardrop-shaped area about 35 feet in diameter. They als 9/20/1967 #23101  
 leaves. Several tall trees in the area are broken off at the top.          9/20/1967 #23101  
an near Bon Portage Island, in the area of Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia, Canad 10/4/1967 #23177  
 Canadian Navy divers searched the area for three days but found nothing. T 10/4/1967 #23177  
e follows UFO / miles into Tujunga area. Electro-magnetic effect (EME)? Mis 10/8/1967 (approximate) #23191  
ash in the back of his home in the area of the Tucson Speedway in Arizona.  10/9/1967 #23201  
ed seeing mysterious lights in the area.                                    10/22/1967 #23291  
 LAST MOUNTAIN LAKE, SSK AND PENSE AREA Several separate observer(s). Night 10/24/1967 #23297  
itted a humming sound. Dogs in the area barked and whined (animal reactions 10/26/1967 #23332  
 chamber. On future visits to this area, the German shepherd appears nervou 10/26/1967 #23334  
ing low in the sky, a bluish-green area visible on its underside. It was a  10/31/1967 #23377  
re were attendant sightings in the area, and cattle had been reportedly "sp 11/2/1967 #23392  
re reported hovering over Hartdurg area. Two of the UFOs were approximately 11/6/1967 #23412  
n, Canada. A large circular burned area was found at the landing site. At t 11/19/1967 #23483  
rnal light hovering over the "TNT" area north of Point Pleasant, West Virgi 11/19/1967 #23483  
ut 100 yards away. A shadowy round area could be seen below the lights. (Sa 11/20/1967 #23486  
dowy round shape below the lighted area. It moved slowly at first, then ver 11/20/1967 #23487  
tennas on the left side of the ear area. Their uniforms and gloves are the  12/3/1967 #23545  
of 6 objects fly in and out of the area. Through binoculars they can see th 1/15/1968 #23667  
 / 4h. Rises going up. Large burnt area. / r180p54+/ r156#13.               1/23/1968 #23686  
lly, and left behind a large burnt area.                                    1/23/1968 #23688  
 Joseph Frabush, and return to the area, park on the main road, and walk in 2/18/1968 #23763  
 main road, and walk into the pond area. The object has moved to the east.  2/18/1968 #23763  
y frozen over. Temperatures in the area have been above freezing for severa 2/18/1968 #23763  
olt when the object moves into the area. They enter the cattle sheds and do 2/19/1968 #23767  
                                   Area 51 Nevada Middle East Groom Lake EG 3/1968 #23797  
cian Thornton D. Barnes arrives in Area 51 in Nevada to reverse-engineer th 3/1968 #23797  
              LANGELAND BRIDGE AND AREA, DK White ovoids seen over roads et 3/11/1968 #23836  
similar object appears in the same area on the evening of March 30.         3/29/1968 #23870  
tings of the same creatures in the area.                                    5/10/1968 #23956  
less than a year. A circular burnt area was found on the roof of the minibu 5/17/1968 #23970  
 descend to the ground in a wooded area near the town. But soon it got much 6/14/1968 #24034  
 strange-looking man in the dining area. He is 6 feet tall and dressed in a 6/15/1968 #24039  
 the landing site there was a wide area of burnt grass.                     6/19/1968 #24051  
und in a 25 meter wide indentation area left by the UFO.                    6/21/1968 #24068  
to] toward(s) Mt. Banderas. Lights area 100METERS wide.                     6/23/1968 #24070  
 the craft, which quickly left the area.                                    6/23/1968 #24072  
to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Area lit. Beam / saucer hits man / faint 6/25/1968 #24078  
                  VRYBORG AND WIDE AREA, RSA Pilots and many. Cloud saucer  7/6/1968 #24147  
emed to be wearing spectacles. The area was far from any town and they had  7/8/1968 #24159  
 a strong sulphur-like odor in the area. Small footprints were also found.  7/15/1968 #24179  
orning, they find a circular burnt area about 6 feet in diameter and four w 7/20/1968 #24193  
g around apparently inspecting the area except for one that appeared to be  7/20/1968 #24195  
us/glowing rings maneuver all over area. Large. Low altitude.               7/21/1968 #24196  
Cape Cod. When they drove past the area, a sound like a large swarm of locu 7/29/1968 #24256  
RAZIL 3 observer(s). Saucer lights area / low altitude. 3 small humanoids ( 8/9/1968 #24311  
             ST. PAUL, REUNION AND AREA Several separate observer(s). White 8/11/1968 #24315  
ound traces were found in the same area where the objects were seen. (Alber 8/12/1968 #24317  
ound traces were found in the same area where the objects were seen.        8/12/1968 #24322  
 investigators find a considerable area of burned grass at the site. Those  8/16/1968 #24342  
" appearance. The UFO left a large area of burnt grass, and "watches stoppe 8/16/1968 #24343  
 into a single beam that swept the area and reflected over Greenbriar Lake. 8/16/1968 #24344  
rilliant ovoid rises / sea. Lights area. Wobbles. Going quickly NNW.        8/18/1968 #24347  
eports no known air traffic in the area. At this point the radio fails at a 8/22/1968 #24369  
ouch ground / times. Fog / limited area.                                    8/24/1968 #24373  
pparently connected to their chest area. They also wore wide belts and smal 8/25/1968 #24377  
ad at 12:30 a.m. A scraped, burned area was found later at the landing poin 8/26/1968 #24380  
        UCERO, SP 2M saucer sweeps area / beam. Electro-magnetic effect (EM 8/28/1968 #24391  
own. Dives / car. Car wrecked. ETQ area.                                    9/6/1968 #24432  
enezuela 10:00 p.m. Farmers in the area around Carora, Lara, Venezuela, hav 9/15/1968 #24467  
ering yellow lights flies over the area at high speed and low altitude.     9/15/1968 #24467  
oman / road. Bright glow. 7' burnt area. / r180p59.                         9/24/1968 #24506  
investigator later found “a burned area, irregular but about two meters in  9/24/1968 #24509  
 quickly NNW evasively from Danube area.                                    9/27/1968 #24517  
 between Boston Bar and Yale in an area where the Canyon is quite deep. Wha 10/1968 #24533  
                OLLIOULIES, FR AND AREA Many observer(s). Silver sphere goi 10/17/1968 #24565  
 report. First investigated by Bay Area (CA) Subcommittee, then turned over 11/1968 #24611  
 DE LA FRONTERA, SP 4 observer(s). Area oddly quiet all day. Night light ri 11/5/1968 (approximate) #24633  
                Spring Branch West area of Houston, Texas Two teenage boys  11/6/1968 #24637  
l hair over the Spring Branch West area of Houston, Texas. C. E. “Gene” Sen 11/6/1968 #24637  
o have been scratches on her waist area. It was later determined that a thi 11/9/1968 #24649  
              ALGIERS, ALGERIA AND AREA Several separate observer(s). Ovoid 11/13/1968 #24652  
, a light approached a residential area in Rossville, Georgia and was witne 11/25/1968 #24706  
 and a blinking light on its chest area, and what appeared to be a long ant 11/28/1968 #24729  
ck with portholes. All dogs in the area were barking at the time. They sent 11/30/1968 #24737  
ights which bathed the surrounding area in amber light. The witness was ter 12/10/1968 #24757  
ball hovers / 20 minute(s). Lights area like day. Going quickly [to] to hor 12/12/1968 #24760  
rn, New South Wales, Australia the area back in 1950 and at that time had e 12/28/1968 #24794  
ope of any research effort in this area.”                                   1/8/1969 #24826  
tigators had driven to an isolated area of Mount Misery on Long Island, New 1/12/1969 #24836  
haped object was again seen in the area the next day.                       1/14/1969 #24843  
g quickly south over trees. Lights area like day.                           1/28/1969 #24874  
 to south. The UFO illuminated the area like daytime.                       1/28/1969 #24875  
me time that an earthquake hit the area, a truck driver and his assistant o 2/28/1969 #24951  
mbing is expanded to a much larger area of Cambodia and continued until Aug 3/18/1969 #25025  
urried on, but walking through the area later the streetlights were on agai 3/22/1969 #25037  
 witnesses were parked in a remote area of West Nyack, New York at 7:00 p.m 4/5/1969 #25051  
ed.” Outside, he finds a flattened area in a sacaline (Reynoutria sachaline 4/17/1969 #25067  
n his property. A roughly circular area is flattened in four distinct patch 4/17/1969 #25067  
rned toward a rectangular, lighted area, apparently working some controls.  4/25/1969 #25091  
he crushed barley at one flattened area showed the imprint of two small bod 5/11/1969 #25128  
ody. About a half mile west of the area and two hours earlier 18-year-old D 5/11/1969 #25128  
t a UFO was observed over the same area by neighbors.                       5/19/1969 #25148  
e site, Longey finds an elliptical area of burned grass 18 feet by 12 feet. 5/22/1969 #25157  
 oval-shaped light flying over the area. It was completely silent. A short  5/30/1969 #25169  
 around the Michigan City, Indiana area, bordering Lake Michigan, saw a ser 6/20/1969 #25229  
landing traces are reported in the area around Ibiúna, São Paulo, Brazil, t 7/1969 #25241  
ear Moscow, Russia all cars in the area stalled when two silver discs flew  7/31/1969 #25302  
 small intense light over a wooded area near New Baden, Illiniois. The ligh 8/5/1969 #25311  
 the floodlights to illuminate the area, but could see nothing unusual. The 8/22/1969 #25326  
                        In a rural area of Burscough, Lancashire, England a 8/28/1969 #25334  
feet tall…there was nothing in the area of the window on which a prowler co 9/6/1969 #25354  
r son along a footpath in a wooded area in Montreal, Quebec when they notic 9/22/1969 #25375  
already gone. A circular flattened area of grass was found at the site. Tha 9/22/1969 #25375  
       St. Louis, Missouri A large area of St. Louis, Missouri, is blankete 10/8/1969 #25400  
 and kill the snake, they find the area oddly hot. They notice a disturbanc 10/30/1969 #25439  
h some 60 feet away in a flattened area of mine tailings. An egg-shaped obj 10/30/1969 #25439  
ize of VW Beetle, in a mountainous area of Redding, California. It was seen 10/30/1969 #25440  
ing was out until the UFO left the area.                                    11/30/1969 #25481  
om Lake, Nevada Soviet Union China Area 51 The CIA is testing a small drone 1970 #25520  
ne of the prototypes is flown from Area 51 more than 20 times. The project  1970 #25520  
s emitted, creating an illuminated area of 3 feet in diameter on the snow b 1/7/1970 #25540  
eature standing in the illuminated area, carrying in its hands a black box  1/7/1970 #25540  
 sparks float out from the lighted area. A sort of flame rises from this sp 1/7/1970 #25540  
e craft. It created an illuminated area three feet in diameter on the snow  1/7/1970 #25541  
ground standing in the illuminated area. He had thin arms and legs, a pale  1/7/1970 #25541  
arks" floated out from the lighted area. A flame of sorts rose from this sp 1/7/1970 #25541  
d TV interference was noted in the area at the time. The sighting lasted 25 3/2/1970 #25597  
further details. (Earthquake fault area.)                                   4/3/1970 #25621  
Hundreds / silver saucers all over area. Missiles fired. Causes fight / Chi 4/24/1970 #25641  
disappeared without a trace in the area of Olekminsk, Russia on April 24, p 4/24/1970 #25643  
es. Fearful, the driver leaves the area. Ufologist Bill Chalker accompanies 6/1970 #25684  
companied by a power outage in the area.                                    7/9/1970 #25729  
ends / treetops. Intense silence / area.                                    7/16/1970 #25737  
se silence seemed to fall over the area, as if all sounds had been masked.  7/16/1970 #25739  
 off. Footprints were found in the area, and for several nights the site wh 8/16/1970 #25791  
They parked the car in an isolated area at 7:30 p.m. to smoke cigarettes an 9/7/1970 #25828  
d saw the object hovering over the area.                                    10/24/1970 #25886  
e UFO above the city, flooding the area with brilliant light. Other sightin 11/24/1970 #25917  
 while making a low sweep over the area. Two of the witnesses saw what appe 12/7/1970 #25934  
ilent, and appeared twice over the area within a five minute period.        12/25/1970 #25953  
 into dark green water. The melted area is about 20 feet long by 10 feet wi 1/3/1971 #25972  
6 and take samples from the melted area and measure radiation.              1/3/1971 #25972  
t. Hovers. Goes to and fro / small area / 10m.                              1/8/1971 #25984  
nd moved back and forth in a small area of the sky.                         1/8/1971 #25986  
 Disk hovers / 2M altitude. Lights area. Huge power outage. / r50p32.       1/20/1971 #25992  
               LERIDA, SP AND WIDE AREA Brilliant ovoid east going west / 5 1/23/1971 #25998  
o houses or other buildings in the area. The women were very scared and did 2/2/1971 #26011  
haped craft moving slowly over the area. The guard dogs began howling, and  3/25/1971 #26054  
ing became silent. A search of the area the next day proved fruitless.      3/25/1971 #26054  
rned toward a rectangular, lighted area. Mrs F. asked the cabbie, a Greek i 4/24/1971 #26081  
ela Rajhs is bicycling in the same area and watches the landed object for 4 5/1971 #26092  
observer(s) finds 3M saucer / same area. Always silent. / r50p33.           5/2/1971 #26096  
ovoid going down / cloud. Searches area. Going north. Dog and horse frantic 5/10/1971 #26105  
 to be approaching the tall grassy area where Michael was hiding, so the te 5/15/1971 #26111  
g stops. The next day, a flattened area of grass and blackberries is found  5/25/1971 #26136  
lly. No other vehicles were in the area at the time.                        5/25/1971 #26137  
ve been observed at a recreational area near Oxford. (UFO Investigator / Ju 5/29/1971 #26141  
 wide irregularly shaped flattened area.                                    6/5/1971 #26158  
AZNALCAZAR, SP 7M dome lights 250M area around it. Silent. Close to ground. 6/9/1971 #26161  
 dome-shaped object illuminated an area 250 meters wide as it flew silently 6/9/1971 #26164  
ain while they were driving in the area at 9:30 p.m.                        6/9/1971 #26164  
ing site was charred black over an area 20 feet in diameter.                6/9/1971 #26165  
:55 a.m. four witnesses in a rural area of Ben Lomond, California observed  6/18/1971 #26179  
nnesota at 12:30 a.m. Ducks in the area were frantic. Two 8-meter wide crop 6/25/1971 #26193  
                      Blue Diamond area, near Las Vegas, Nevada Four reside 6/26/1971 #26195  
ur residents of the "Blue Diamond" area a few miles from Las Vegas, Nevada  6/26/1971 #26195  
ee other individuals living in the area reported the same object, all calls 6/26/1971 #26195  
bor's house that lit up the entire area. She watched it for a while, but ev 6/26/1971 #26197  
 and they explored the surrounding area, but they found no one. They then g 7/8/1971 #26218  
ame or similar objects in the same area that night, and both Abeywickrema a 7/17/1971 #26234  
er outages / 10 days in UFO wave / area.                                    7/23/1971 #26241  
. (Investigated by NICAP's Capital Area Subcommittee, chaired by astronomer 8/1/1971 #26260  
AU Glowing orange disc illuminated area, buzzing sound. See Section VI (E)  8/8/1971 #26272  
erg sees a landed UFO in a cleared area above Foyers, Inverness, Scotland,  8/16/1971 #26288  
 four children were in an isolated area on a Mediterranean beach in Castell 8/16/1971 #26290  
the barracks he came upon an unlit area of the base at the concrete reinfor 8/16/1971 #26291  
became evident. Simultaneously the area around the bridge lit up like midda 8/16/1971 #26291  
ind of blast shield, but the nasal area joined in with it. From the nose th 8/16/1971 #26291  
g and went straight into the chest area. The silver gray tube was ribbed an 8/16/1971 #26291  
raft attacking a large mountainous area resembling a beehive. He could see  8/16/1971 #26291  
g was found on the ground when the area was searched.                       8/23/1971 #26302  
escia walked to an isolated wooded area near Grasse, France. In a clearing  8/25/1971 #26305  
                       BANBURY AND AREA, ENGL 7-day series / dumbell-shaped 9/18/1971 #26341  
 in length. Other witnesses in the area reported seeing the same or a simil 9/20/1971 #26354  
 a similar UFO flying low over the area, including a man who reported vehic 9/20/1971 #26354  
 they also found a burned circular area of grass about 10 meters in diamete 9/20/1971 #26354  
veral metal telephone lines in the area were found severed along what appea 9/20/1971 #26354  
LE, FR 2 observer(s). Ovoid lights area yellow. 500-1000M altitude. Sudden  9/22/1971? #26361  
Marseille, France illuminating the area below it yellow in color. It made a 9/22/1971 #26364  
e were many reports of UFOs in the area.                                    9/25/1971 #26380  
e observer(s) / other sightings in area.                                    10/3/1971 (approximate) #26402  
nt, and other UFO sightings in the area.                                    10/3/1971 #26405  
 of UFOs and strange lights in the area.                                    10/14/1971 #26424  
uple to their farm and orbited the area for about 45 minutes. (UFO Investig 11/6/1971 #26463  
ad seen a red ball of light in the area the previous night.                 12/1971 #26482  
(s). Fireball drops slowly. Lights area red. Zigzags back / 1700h 14 Decemb 12/13/1971 #26495  
ion. Appears 2X / 5 minute(s) same area.                                    12/25/1971 #26516  
aneuvered all over the mountainous area of San Martin de los Andes, Neuquen 12/28/1971 #26521  
     Kingston, New Hampshire rural area near Kingston, New Hampshire Betty  1972 #26528  
s making numerous trips to a rural area near Kingston, New Hampshire, where 1972 #26528  
onna Wilkins is driving in a rural area near Bartelso, Illinois, with a boy 1/1972 #26535  
erhead. It descended into a marshy area behind some trees.                  4/20/1972 #26655  
d while driving through a forested area in the Charente-Maritime department 4/21/1972 #26656  
in the pasture panicked. The whole area was illuminated by the UFO, and a s 6/16/1972 #26717  
before the police had to leave the area. Mr. Smith stayed to see it leave a 6/26/1972 #26736  
ckly southwest. No other planes in area / Air Traffic Controller.           7/1/1972 #26751  
 On this night in a heavily wooded area near Beaver Lake, Alberta, Canada a 8/6/1972 #26882  
beltway in the Boston metropolitan area, in Beverly, Massachusetts. It made 8/31/1972 #26971  
it the orchard and find a circular area 15 feet in diameter where all the s Early 9/1972 #26975  
no aircraft are known to be in the area where the UFO was spotted.          9/14/1972 #26997  
 to it is a 20 feet x 14 feet oval area of depressed grass. In the center a 9/14/1972 #26999  
ne is 1.5 inches deep. A blackened area in the shape of a triangle is in th 9/14/1972 #26999  
ting off when he noticed the whole area light up. He heard someone approach 9/28/1972 #27038  
ndependent UFO observations in the area during the evening of September 27- 9/28/1972 #27038  
 20M saucer hovers. Lights car and area green. Going up [to] and going SSW. 10/5/1972 #27049  
car's interior and the surrounding area in a green color, It flew off towar 10/5/1972 #27051  
  Vincennes, IN 10:00 a.m. Several area residents reported sighting a silve 10/9/1972 #27062  
d the face. Tash walked around the area and found ground marks in the soft  10/14/1972 #27077  
ed. They conducted a search of the area and also observed the saucer sittin 10/14/1972 #27077  
ng-triangle / mountainside. Lights area. Night lights maneuver. 6M saucer g 12/23/1972 #27185  
bserver(s). Square fireball lights area. Lights out / 2 cars. Gas engine ma 12/31/1972 #27196  
       MURWILLUMBAH, AUSTRALIA AND AREA Several separate observer(s). Power 1/7/1973 #27224  
und. The snow on the ground in the area beneath the UFO had melted, and a g 1/8/1973 #27227  
r. Shiny ovoid 12M overhead lights area. Follows car. Going down [to] behin 2/2/1973 (approximate) #27261  
                     Ohura Beacon (area), NZ Aircraft encounters object, gy 2/2/1973 #27262  
                     Ohura Beacon (area), NZ Sphere illum. cabin, E-M (NICA 2/2/1973 #27263  
 two observed a red orange lighted area of rectangular shape, about 10 feet 2/4/1973 #27270  
ted into the middle of the lighted area some 2-3 feet above the base. Brian 2/4/1973 #27270  
ruck driver who passed by the same area at 10.00 p.m. described essentially 2/4/1973 #27270  
 took Gleason to a heavily secured area at Homestead AFB [now Homestead Air 2/19/1973 #27298  
                           Eastern Area, PA A major UFO "wave" apparently h 3/1/1973 #27322  
ave" apparently hit a three-county area of eastern Pennsylvania. Mostly rou 3/1/1973 #27322  
ymmetrically arranged, covering an area of only about five feet square. A s 3/13/1973 #27343  
t/facility. 4 Air Force jets scour area. / MJ#239.                          3/22/1973 #27359  
ported observations of UFOs in the area of Penn and Manor, Pennsylvania, ne 4/15/1973 #27431  
e object illuminated the immediate area with an intense white color. The wi 4/15/1973 #27431  
o-magnetic effects). Saucer sweeps area / beam 3x. Huge mushrooms grow. / r 5/14/1973 #27485  
A disc-shaped UFO was sweeping the area with a beam of light, and did so th 5/14/1973 #27486  
                 ROTHBURY AND WIDE AREA, ENGL Many separate observer(s). Si 5/15/1973 #27489  
                       In a wooded area near the town of Kristianstad, Swed 5/21/1973 #27514  
oncentration of UFO reports in the area.                                    6/4/1973 #27549  
re were no blimps scheduled in the area for that time.                      6/13/1973 #27563  
 feet in diameter, lighting up the area. The thrashing sound is apparently  6/28/1973 #27598  
ightings over the Ramapo Mountains area.                                    7/17/1973 #27637  
orpedo-shaped UFO over an isolated area, close to a ranch owned by one of t 7/17/1973 #27638  
ibuted to Bigfoot were made in the area.                                    7/17/1973 #27638  
ome strange traces he found in the area. He seemed to have experienced a pe 7/27/1973 #27657  
ped out of the bush in an isolated area. The three youths fled the area.    8/4/1973 #27681  
ed area. The three youths fled the area.                                    8/4/1973 #27681  
along a main highway in the Exeter area when they saw a landed UFO alongsid 8/9/1973 #27687  
ed. A bloodhound team searched the area, but found nothing. A cigar-shaped  8/14/1973 #27702  
aft hovering over a heavily wooded area in Beech Hill. When her husband wen 8/27/1973 #27725  
aft hovering over a heavily wooded area in Beech Hill. When her husband wen 8/27/1973 #27726  
             LEESBURG, GA AND WIDE AREA Cops and more/others. Silent saucer 8/30/1973 #27730  
                Greater Manchester area, England Jenny Randles and David Re 9/1973 #27740  
ion Team in the Greater Manchester area, England. It publishes the Skywatch 9/1973 #27740  
rts from residents of a UFO in the area. He saw a "large circular craft" wi 9/8/1973 #27785  
re driving through a mostly swampy area, when upon rounding a bend in the r 9/14/1973 #27821  
re driving through a mostly swampy area between Cuesnes and Mons, Belgium,  9/14/1973 #27823  
iner," was seen from a residential area of Fort Wayne, Indiana as it moved  9/23/1973 #27862  
a strange heavy mist enveloped the area. They saw what seemed to be a silve 9/26/1973 #27872  
ushed to the ground in a semi-oval area 20 feet x 30 feet. There were no sc 9/30/1973 #27893  
r sightings were reported from the area.                                    9/30/1973 #27893  
6s are sent to the Weapons Storage Area, and an incoming C-130 is asked to  10/1973 #27902  
130 is asked to do a fly-by of the area to get a look at the object. Three  10/1973 #27902  
hair” all the way from the weapons area to the southwest perimeter of the b 10/1973 #27902  
The angel hair hangs around on the area ropes and buildings for three days. 10/1973 #27902  
base had a nuclear weapons storage area as well. Jenkins states he and his  10/1973 #27903  
 was seen over the weapons storage area. Jenkins states he heard an order t 10/1973 #27903  
rd an order to “move it out of the area,” afterward hearing gunfire and see 10/1973 #27903  
mer etc. 15m saucer maneuvers over area.                                    10/2/1973 #27914  
. UFO / field. Type unknown. Burnt area. Trees harmed. / T. Phillips.       10/3/1973 #27919  
 of low-level UFO sightings in the area of North Melbourne, Australia, a ma 10/3/1973 #27926  
sky making several passes over the area at high speeds and a low altitude.  10/5/1973 #27953  
ove canning factory in residential area of town. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encount 10/9/1973 #27971  
 they couldn't be seen because the area above the nose was too wrinkled. Th 10/11/1973 #28005  
 the Atomic Energy Commission near Area 51, and the sighting occurred near  10/11/1973 #28009  
ng light on the ground in a remote area, and circles around for a closer lo 10/12/1973 #28017  
ands / observer(s) 10-14 October / area.                                    10/14/1973 #28025  
e "space ship" and moved about the area very quickly, "just sort of running 10/14/1973 #28031  
 a round object over the AVCO test area. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)     10/15/1973 #28053  
t / very low altitude. Glow lights area. Going up. / Madison Press 17.10.73 10/16/1973 #28067  
ber suction device was used on the area around the groin. Soon the examiner 10/16/1973 #28089  
and maneuver and pulsate and light area. Windows etc...                     10/17/1973 #28096  
Saucer landings all over/all about area to morning. / r176p126.             10/17/1973 #28101  
r(s). 2 saucers hover / blue ridge area. Cylinder/cigar-shape seen 10 Nov.  10/17/1973 #28103  
reports of UFOs came from the same area on the same day.                    10/17/1973 #28138  
 something strange over the Shelby area. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)   10/18/1973 #28165  
                        Mansfield (area), OH 9:00 p.m. (+-) Then we have a  10/18/1973 #28166  
eports of objects were made in the area.                                    10/18/1973 #28174  
 boots, and belts across the chest area. She remembers lying on a table and 10/19/1973 #28199  
low the object. Their dog fled the area, and didn't return until the next d 10/19/1973 #28201  
, powerful flashlight flooding the area with light. The clawed creature rea 10/20/1973 #28222  
ly surrounded by a bell-jar shaped area of light. No facial features could  10/21/1973 #28229  
and notes wild animals leaving the area. His headlights pick up two 4-foot  10/22/1973 #28241  
 Mrs. Donathan approached the same area in a car and saw the same or a simi 10/22/1973 #28244  
approximately 20 feet over an open area of her backyard. Something "lit up" 10/24/1973 #28270  
nd the lawnmower sound ceases. The area where the UFO had been is now glowi 10/25/1973 #28285  
on the ground that illuminated the area. It was making a loud whirring soun 10/25/1973 #28286  
ect had landed there was a glowing area that was about 150 feet in diameter 10/25/1973 #28286  
arm animals refused to go into the area. One witness reported that before t 10/25/1973 #28286  
 investigation team arrived in the area. Radiation levels were normal and t 10/25/1973 #28286  
 extremely fast. 5 marks and burnt area. / r231'74.                         10/28/1973 #28304  
nd near. 12 robots / ground search area. / r178p18.                         10/28/1973 #28305  
d five ground marks and a scorched area.                                    10/28/1973 #28313  
 of a “strange animal” seen in the area of Midland, Pennsylvania, spot a la 11/2/1973 #28353  
ssages to go to a certain isolated area near a lagoon, 150 kilometers south 11/3/1973 #28362  
in different directions. The whole area was next illuminated by a bright gl 11/3/1973 #28362  
d during heavy UFO activity in the area.                                    11/3/1973 #28364  
 light that illuminates the entire area. It rises three or four more feet o 11/16/1973 #28434  
 an equilateral triangle within an area of grass swirled in a counterclockw 11/16/1973 #28434  
elepathically to go to an isolated area for possible contact with "extrater 11/18/1973 #28443  
ugh several passageways and in one area he noticed an emblem, in high relie 11/18/1973 #28443  
tually Castillo was returned to an area not farm from Bogota, Columbia. He  11/18/1973 #28443  
a.m. A woman living in an isolated area near Joliette, Quebec, notices a wh 11/22/1973 #28459  
tched a UFO over the Linden Avenue area of the city, including some who vie 12/2/1973 #28507  
e feet deep, one inverted C-shaped area with no lights, and a blue light on 12/2/1973 #28509  
                 LE CAILAR, FR AND AREA Several observer(s). Saucers / low  12/5/1973 #28519  
ound, along with ladder marks. The area appears “swept” as if by a blast.   12/6/1973 #28533  
nd radar returns from all over the area of Pisa, Italy for 30 minutes. One  12/6/1973 #28534  
              ROMA, ITALY AND WIDE AREA 2 saucers 2x moon-size. Maneuver an 12/23/1973 #28598  
er bump and they reach a developed area that turns out to be a town 20 mile 1/3/1974 #28641  
ter and onto the road, leaving the area.                                    1/15/1974 #28680  
ley in Anglesey, Wales, are in the area almost immediately and cordon off a 1/23/1974 #28694  
 and clearly tell her to leave the area. Researcher Tony Dodd is reportedly 1/23/1974 #28694  
orts of mystery helicopters in the area in prior weeks. Jenny Randles hears 1/23/1974 #28694  
lice and RAF personnel were in the area quickly and cordoned off access to  1/23/1974 #28695  
track vehicles all over the rugged area. At three places, about 325 feet ap 2/8/1974 #28748  
marks, about 33 inches wide, in an area in the form of a triangle with side 2/8/1974 #28748  
to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Area lit. / r30.                         2/27/1974 #28805  
rescent-saucer follows car. Lights area. Going quickly west fast. / LDLN#13 2/27/1974 #28809  
vyset man" approach from a lighted area. They called out and got no answer. 3/1/1974 #28843  
found at the site covering a large area. Other people in the vicinity repor 3/1/1974 #28843  
e orange disk tilted / sky. Entire area deadly silent. / r30p468.           3/5/1974 #28856  
 a black band from an orange point area; the point was directed diagonally  3/15/1974 #28891  
uncil, was driving through a foggy area five kilometers from the Rota Naval 3/17/1974 #28898  
d hid as the four men searched the area, but they were unable to find him.  3/21/1974 #28921  
 circles of flattened grass in the area. Civil guard officers also found tr 3/21/1974 #28921  
through the Jacksonville, Florida, area around Easter of 1971. A few of the 3/27/1974 #28961  
 silently over the nuclear storage area about 500 feet above the ground for 4/1974 #28983  
s regarding other sightings in the area. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, July 4/15/1974 #29028  
 New Mexico. It is in the apparent area of the Manzano Nuclear Weapons Stor 4/15/1974 #29031  
go to the site, where they find an area of burned grass 50–75 feet in diame 4/19/1974 #29047  
IUM 2+2+4 observer(s). Loud noise. Area lit like day. Dogs sleep through al 4/21/1974 #29051  
oad. Figure works / dome. 60 burnt area / roadside. / r180p100.             4/30/1974 #29071  
dark sky. There was a large burned area 60 feet in diameter at the landing  4/30/1974 #29072  
                                   Area 3 of an Army Ordnance Depot Fischba 5/1974 #29075  
Military Police Battalion guarding Area 3 of an Army Ordnance Depot [now re 5/1974 #29075  
ee their features well because the area was well lit by an illuminated dome 5/7/1974 #29093  
 recovery team is dispatched to an area southwest of Chilili, New Mexico, t 5/17/1974 #29109  
erall. Two hoses ran from the chin area to behind the head, with one hose r 5/20/1974 #29120  
te light. Brightly lit transparent area on top. Two small, dark humanoids.  5/22/1974 #29123  
craft soon left towards a forested area and disappeared. The next day he sa 5/26/1974 #29136  
 went on to the site and found "an area of burnt vegetation for a distance  6/8/1974 #29173  
l hovering, lighting up the entire area like daytime. Three humanoid beings 6/14/1974 #29191  
house he entered, illuminating the area "like daytime". It rotated as it ho 6/14/1974 #29193  
put out in his motor-launch to the area, but found only foam on the sea whe 6/18/1974 #29212  
adjacent golf course. It covers an area the size of a football field, but h Summer 1974 #29218  
eld. It is a disc with a red domed area and an orangish lower area punctuat 6/25/1974 #29224  
d domed area and an orangish lower area punctuated by oval windows from whi 6/25/1974 #29224  
Electrical power fluctuated in the area at the time of the incident. At abo 7/9/1974 #29255  
 rash of cattle mutilations in the area and across the nearby border in Neb 7/15/1974 #29262  
 isosceles triangle within an oval area of crushed straw. Within each impri 8/12/1974 #29337  
 and D27 at 4:10 a.m. Birds in the area were frightened by the UFO, and the 8/12/1974 #29338  
res and hearing loud noises in the area near their location.                8/16/1974 #29363  
orb/globe makes 3 long curves over area. North going south going southeast. 8/18/1974 #29369  
cept of the Bermuda Triangle as an area of ocean prone to disappearing ship 9/1974 #29412  
orted several UFO sightings in the area. He also perpetuates a fake radio t 9/1974 #29412  
tens the rapeseed in the immediate area. The objects then form a straight l 9/1/1974 #29417  
isappear. Fuhr goes to the landing area and finds five rings of depressed g 9/1/1974 #29417  
dditional circles are found in the area later that month. Fuhr later learns 9/1/1974 #29417  
 His dogs started howling, and the area became lit up, revealing a circular 9/7/1974 #29429  
peared. This man and others in the area later saw a large, luminous orange- 9/8/1974 #29436  
he landscape is lit up by a bright area of light ahead. The mother tries to 9/16/1974 #29459  
ut 250 feet from the road. A large area is lit up by the blinding, green-sh 9/21/1974 #29467  
d with the radio on when the whole area lit up and a high-pitched whistle c 9/22/1974 #29470  
ing red light that illuminates the area. The engine, lights, and radio fail 9/26/1974 #29483  
TH-BELON, FR Dog barks. Power out. Area lit. Luminous traces / ground. / r2 9/29/1974 #29490  
ver ground 600' away. Hums. Lights area.                                    9/30/1974 #29493  
rport, which has no traffic in the area. The object’s reflection is clearly 10/10/1974 #29512  
onnel assigned to the Bomber Alert Area of Grand Forks AFB near Emerado, No 10/14/1974 #29527  
thin one-quarter mile of the alert area before they are noticed. Within a 3 10/14/1974 #29527  
                          Northern area, IN Incident similar to "Disappeara 10/24/1974 #29553  
t light. He appeared to circle the area several times before disappearing f 11/15/1974 #29597  
 (Hunza Earthquake) centers on the area on December 28, so this could be a  12/18/1974 #29646  
of a bright light illuminating the area around them. (MUFON Skylook 90,12)  12/21/1974 #29652  
pe 15M altitude over trees. Lights area like day!                           12/26/1974 #29659  
ort of helmet" in the Forest Acres area of Lumberton, North Carolina. The f 12/29/1974 #29661  
d over the nuclear weapons storage area and they stayed there with impunity 1975 #29668  
ged creature called Mothman in the area around Point Pleasant, West Virgini 1975 #29670  
Orange hemispheres maneuver. Light area / beams. / r50p52.                  1/2/1975 #29694  
rving a luminous phenomenon in the area to the disappearance of the craft l 1/5/1975 #29726  
ational Guard pilots flying in the area.                                    1/15/1975 #29752  
glowing-ball / low altitude lights area. Hovers and maneuvers. Finally goin 1/24/1975 #29763  
ball flew over and illuminated the area. It stopped and hovered for awhile, 1/24/1975 #29764  
a low altitude and illuminated the area. It stopped and hovered for awhile, 1/24/1975 #29765  
 to almost white and remain in the area for nearly 2 hours. Two move in fro 1/31/1975 #29774  
gle is simultaneously scanning the area and eliminating any animals, and th 2/1975 #29781  
ht very strong. It remained in the area for 8 to 10 minutes. After a bank o 2/26/1975 #29853  
            Great Swamp Management Area West Kingston, Rhode Island 10:30 p 3/2/1975 #29868  
home in the Great Swamp Management Area near West Kingston, Rhode Island. I 3/2/1975 #29868  
 strange light in a gravel storage area to the left of the road. The object 3/22/1975 #29916  
shaped areas, one roughly circular area, and one rectangular area, all appa 3/22/1975 #29916  
circular area, and one rectangular area, all apparently recent and produced 3/22/1975 #29916  
ture that had been reported in the area. Around midnight they suddenly came 3/28/1975 #29923  
ral photographs before fleeing the area. The pictures only vaguely show wha 3/28/1975 #29923  
 or delta-shaped UFOs occur in the area around Lumberton, North Carolina. M 4/3/1975 #29952  
, San Juan, Argentina. In a remote area, three imprints are found forming a 4/20/1975 #29998  
e together in a car to an isolated area where he had had previous close enc 4/22/1975 #30000  
ound at the site including a burnt area 25 feet in diameter. There were als 5/4/1975 #30033  
en light was seen hovering over an area two miles east of Peesane, Saskatch 5/12/1975 #30054  
 huge footprints were found in the area later, along with some other ground 5/18/1975 #30063  
 on a gravel road in a mountainous area. It was witnessed by four members o 6/12/1975 #30098  
 on a gravel road in a mountainous area of Big Chimney, West Virginia short 6/12/1975 #30099  
o the northwest, apparently in the area of Kirkham’s Bridge. Another RCMP i 6/20/1975 #30111  
Bridge. Another RCMP in the bridge area sees the light 10 minutes later, ap 6/20/1975 #30111  
acco field. A thirty-foot diameter area of plants was flattened, the tobacc 7/6/1975 #30165  
acco field. A thirty-foot diameter area of plants was flattened, the tobacc 7/6/1975 #30169  
legedly found on the ground in the area later.                              7/12/1975 #30174  
ite. Nothing grows in the affected area later.                              7/31/1975 #30218  
e flashes color(s). Chemical odor. Area lit. Going quickly west. / LDLN#155 8/3/1975 #30231  
eyes filled with tears." The whole area was lit by a yellow-orange glow whi 8/3/1975 #30232  
e glow while the object was in the area. After several minutes the UFO shot 8/3/1975 #30232  
rints or other ground marks in the area covered by the beings, they did fin 8/8/1975 #30244  
s examined the site, the blackened area was still visible.                  8/8/1975 #30244  
cm in height. The witness fled the area.                                    8/12/1975 #30256  
here was an unusual silence in the area, but dogs were heard barking in the 8/18/1975 #30288  
a Albany Airport South Glens Falls area Lake George Cambridge, Massachusett 8/20/1975 #30291  
ts Evening. Police stations in the area of Albany, New York, receive numero 8/20/1975 #30291  
s north over the South Glens Falls area and as far north as Lake George. Th 8/20/1975 #30291  
K, ALG 2 / truck. 2M saucer lights area / miles! 25M altitude. 200kph. Sudd 8/26/1975 #30307  
 disc-shaped object illuminate the area for miles around. It flew at only 2 8/26/1975 #30311  
going down / 300M altitude. Lights area. Quickly going up [to] and lost.    9/1975 #30332  
r and with yellowish edges” in the area, so they are ordered to get closer. 9/1975? #30333  
Absolute(ly) silent. 2 beams light area. Shoots going up.                   9/9/1975 #30348  
and there was total silence in the area. Suddenly, a very tall gray figure  9/17/1975 #30367  
d ranch property in a remote rural area of western Colorado, hoping to turn Fall 1975 #30379  
er with a searchlight, but then an area about one mile in diameter lights u Fall 1975 #30381  
heir headlights dim. The flood-lit area suddenly goes out and the light spe Fall 1975 #30381  
CA Domed disc hovered, illuminated area "like daylight," cows fled. Emitted 9/30/1975 #30399  
de a humming sound. Cows fled from area. The UFO hovered for 3-5 minutes, t 9/30/1975 #30400  
htened, the two teenagers left the area. Hikawa suggested that the figures  10/1/1975 #30409  
ntified helicopter was seen in the area at the time.                        10/22/1975 #30459  
FB, ME UFO circles weapons storage area (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R,  10/27/1975 #30482  
ghts, hovered near weapons storage area, tracked on radar                   10/27/1975 #30484  
 of the restricted nuclear storage area at a low altitude of 150 feet. Back 10/27/1975 #30487  
der arrives at the weapons storage area 7 minutes after the initial sightin 10/27/1975 #30488  
42nd Police begin pouring into the area. Security vehicles with blue flashi 10/27/1975 #30488  
ile patrolling the weapons storage area, Staff Sgt. Lewis, along with Sgt.  10/28/1975 #30500  
ile patrolling the weapons storage area, S/Sgt. Danny K. Lewis, along with  10/28/1975 #30503  
r comes out to the weapons storage area to see for himself. He reports seei 10/28/1975 #30503  
 in proximity to a weapons storage area. Army Nat. Guard helos called in to 10/29/1975 #30506  
00 meters from the weapons storage area at Loring AFB, Maine. The helicopte 10/29/1975 #30508  
r is seen near the weapons storage area at Loring AFB, Maine. October 29 or 10/29/1975 #30510  
ight landed in a munitions storage area at Loring Air Force Base, Maine for 10/29/1975 #30511  
 Shiny Disc Hovers Over Restricted Area (Cat 2,9,10,11) (NICAP: 02 - Close  10/30/1975 #30520  
as, hover low over weapons storage area                                     10/30/1975 #30521  
r sightings take place in a secure area in Wurtsmith AFB [now Oscoda-Wurtsm 10/30/1975 #30522  
 altitude over the weapons storage area. Radar was also tracking low-flying 10/30/1975 #30523  
. Despite a thorough search of the area, they find no trace of him and driv 11/5/1975 #30562  
Glowing saucer with antenna lights area. Paces 2 campers / truck / 15 mile( 11/6/1975 #30563  
ow objects hover and descend. Wide area / Norad log.                        11/7/1975 #30570  
orange disc that breached security area, illuminated missile site, tracked  11/7/1975 #30575  
s, Montana Judith Gap, Montana K-7 area near Judith Gap, Montana Great Fall 11/7/1975 #30576  
ile security helicopter checks the area and Sabotage Alert Teams consisting 11/7/1975 #30576  
 a dirt road that leads to the K-7 area near Judith Gap, Montana. About a m 11/7/1975 #30576  
gh to light up clouds in immediate area. (National Research Council of Cana 11/11/1975 #30603  
                     Kevin/Dunkirk area, MT 4:31 a.m. UFO. RAPCON notified. 11/18/1975 #30639  
med three reports by pilots in the area.                                    11/22/1975 #30653  
 advised one light aircraft in the area who reported sighting something els 12/4/1975 #30684  
ted sighting something else in the area. Possibility of pictures. (NICAP: 0 12/4/1975 #30684  
                            Simms (area), MT 6:00 a.m. UFO landed on ground 12/8/1975 #30693  
tops of tree stumps in a clear cut area. Inside the greenish glow they coul 12/8/1975 #30698  
gray domed disc over a residential area. The object had square shaped windo 12/18/1975 #30723  
gray domed disc over a residential area of Ancy, France. The object had squ 12/18/1975 #30725  
Cotes-du-Nord, France. A 0.2 meter area of burnt grass was found at the sit 12/24/1975 #30737  
Cotes-du-Nord, France. A 0.2 meter area of burnt grass was found at the sit 12/24/1975 #30739  
                      US NASA moon Area 51 US writer Bill Kaysing publishes 1976 #30743  
ndings are faked in a studio or at Area 51. The book launches a host of sim 1976 #30743  
 cone hovers over backyard. Lights area strongly. No further details.       1/28/1976 #30825  
UFO landing came in from the Simms area February 5, 1976, and for the first 2/5/1976 #30847  
round. Beam going down [to] lights area. Going east slow.                   2/7/1976 #30849  
 lived in a mobile home. The whole area was lit up "like a dusk to dawn lig 2/7/1976 #30850  
 EST. Two women driving in a rural area reported that lights high in the sk 2/18/1976 #30880  
g EST two women driving in a rural area reported that lights high in the sk 2/18/1976 #30881  
 Centre takes soil samples of this area that are examined by Geoff Stevens  Late 2/1976 #30905  
les taken from within the affected area, and control samples taken from out Late 2/1976 #30905  
ol samples taken from outside this area.                                    Late 2/1976 #30905  
ded among some trees in a wetlands area near their home. They watched it fo 3/5/1976 #30928  
learly recalled “being in a galley area where they were eating. An extrater 3/5/1976 #30928  
cer with transparent dome. Circles area 360°. Good / APRO.                  3/10/1976 #30931  
our days later. Some people in the area have difficulty with TV reception a 4/22/1976 #31010  
so TV interference reported in the area.                                    4/22/1976 #31011  
yellow light was directed over the area. The UFO had a large round opening  5/18/1976 #31060  
yellow light was directed over the area. The UFO had a large round opening  5/18/1976 #31061  
st, next to the east, and left the area after ten minutes.                  6/7/1976 #31092  
eidon missiles are launched in the area around the same time by the submari 6/22/1976 #31129  
/ hours. Back several times / wide area. 90° turns. Going south. See refere 7/4/1976 #31148  
back over the city and surrounding area several times, then made a ninety-  7/4/1976 #31149  
back over the city and surrounding area several times, then made a ninety-d 7/4/1976 #31152  
t the observers see them leave the area at high speed.                      7/14/1976 #31164  
ed luminous flashes from the chest area.                                    7/15/1976 #31165  
M upright ovoid / roadside. Lights area like day. Arms and legs.            7/21/1976 #31175  
ghted an UFO over the ammo storage area at 100–200 yds. altitude. At 0345,  7/30/1976 #31195  
 a UFO over the ammunition storage area at an altitude of 300–600 feet. In  7/30/1976 #31202  
s, and illuminated the surrounding area. An adding machine, the cash regist 7/31/1976 #31207  
ic music "turned up too high.” The area in front of his car lit up like a " 8/2/1976 #31222  
                     TRONDHEIM AND AREA, NORWAY Cop and pilots and 200. Hug 8/25/1976 #31297  
ng instructed to go to an isolated area. He described everything he saw onb 8/26/1976 #31306  
 and night lights for weeks / this area.                                    9/1976 #31319  
c with a rotating “platinum-shiny” area in the middle. The object arcs upwa 9/3/1976 #31334  
 rotating, shiny, platinum-colored area in the middle. The object arced upw 9/3/1976 #31337  
e dog were on her porch facing the area of the sighting. She went inside fo 9/3/1976 #31337  
 were walking past a waste storage area in Fencehouses, England when they s 9/3/1976 #31340  
. A flash of light illuminates the area, followed by a strange buzzing soun 9/9/1976 #31362  
ce find landing marks and a burned area.                                    9/13/1976 #31382  
were nightsly UFO sightings in the area.                                    9/15/1976 #31385  
 vertically and landed in a desert area. The entire incident lasted two hou 9/19/1976 #31411  
                         Karawinna area Mildura, Victoria, Australia Night. 9/25/1976 #31428  
car between farms in the Karawinna area to the west of Mildura, Victoria, A 9/25/1976 #31428  
as seen shortly before the damaged area was noticed. Myers takes photograph 10/1976 #31441  
nal each other. Many planes circle area.                                    10/9/1976 #31456  
ate 494 Woodbury, Minnesota Marshy area University of Kansas 1:20 a.m. Paul 10/22/1976 #31486  
uspended in the air above a marshy area behind some woods about 300–400 fee 10/22/1976 #31486  
S investigator examines the marshy area two days later and finds an oblong  10/22/1976 #31486  
two days later and finds an oblong area, 40 feet by 20 feet, devoid of catt 10/22/1976 #31486  
the oblong is a smaller, irregular area where he finds exposed soil is and  10/22/1976 #31486  
han the inner ones, and the entire area was about 50 feet wide.             10/24/1976 #31493  
 flashes Morse code / night lights area. Cylinder/cylindrical object-disk s 10/25/1976 (approximate) #31494  
lajara, Mexico causing cars in the area to experience electrical failure. W 10/28/1976 #31501  
g Mr. Britt noticed a 15 x 20 foot area in front of the porch where there w 10/28/1976 #31503  
t side. An immediate search of the area showed nothing. The witness’s dog,  10/30/1976 #31510  
ilva and Camargo, in a residential area of the city. Its close approach cau 10/30/1976 #31511  
ushed over an eight meter diameter area, and the sighting has lasted no mor 11/8/1976 #31532  
like a flare,” which lit up a wide area beneath it. After about 20 seconds  11/12/1976 #31540  
 went to search the fuel stockpile area. They had gone about a thousand fee 11/12/1976 #31540  
eased. At dawn 50 men searched the area. They found nothing. Particularly m 11/12/1976 #31540  
               Burbank, California Area 51 in Nevada Lockheed’s first Have  11/16/1976 #31554  
flown from Burbank, California, to Area 51 in Nevada. After four taxi tests 11/16/1976 #31554  
d anus. On washing out her genital area she found that her vagina was stuff 12/10/1976 #31594  
n branches were found later in the area. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)     1/1/1977 #31680  
n branches were found later in the area.                                    1/1/1977 #31682  
                         KOLMARDEN AREA, SWD 53+separate observer(s) / many 1/8/1977 #31708  
de a van, which quickly leaves the area. By the end of the day, a statement 1/10/1977 #31715  
ty in the pond and the surrounding area. The black object, the authorities  1/10/1977 #31715  
 light UFO (seen frequently in the area since November 1976) is keeping pac Mid 1/1977 #31723  
 him, illuminating him and a large area around him. He races his tractor at Mid 2/1977 #31817  
 humming sound. Before it left the area, a human-like figure was seen brief 2/17/1977 #31825  
witness that they had to leave the area since they had been "detected." On  2/20/1977 #31833  
 robot-like creature exploring the area after it came out of a landed craft 2/20/1977 #31833  
nesses of UFOs descending over the area. The witness saw a craft land in th 2/20/1977 #31833  
tness saw a craft land in the same area a week later. Landing traces were f 2/20/1977 #31833  
adioactive material into the plant area, requiring a complete decommission. 2/22/1977 #31838  
t of the backyard fence. The whole area was brilliantly lit now. Next Lotha 2/24/1977 #31846  
erious lights and objects over the area on the same date.                   2/24/1977 #31846  
a bend in the road when "the whole area lit up like a football field light  3/5/1977 #31860  
n McNatt, Missouri when "the whole area lit up like a football field light  3/5/1977 #31861  
glow "like a white sun" lit up the area around them. An oval object was obs 3/7/1977 #31869  
glow "like a white sun" lit up the area around them. An oval object was obs 3/7/1977 #31870  
glow "like a white sun" lit up the area around them. An oval object was obs 3/7/1977 #31874  
de), with a mysteriously unscathed area delineated by three holes at the ve 3/8/1977 #31878  
on, while the UFO was circling the area. The photographs appeared to be gen 3/10/1977 #31893  
they have any radar traffic in the area and they reply, “no.” Later, ATC te 3/12/1977 #31901  
      MARCH AIR FORCE BASE, CA AND AREA Numerous observer(s). Fast night li 3/22/1977 #31925  
ia 12:30 a.m. A witness in a rural area near West Decatur, Pennsylvania, se 3/29/1977 #31933  
ould still not let her go near the area a month later. No traces were found 4/4/1977 #31944  
ed by a "huge moon lighting up the area, moving about like a seesaw." It de 4/19/1977 #31997  
ed by a "huge moon lighting up the area, moving about like a seesaw." It de 4/19/1977 #31998  
ed by a "huge moon lighting up the area, moving about like a seesaw." It de 4/19/1977 #31999  
en he hears a strange noise as the area around him is illuminated. Looking  4/19/1977 #32000  
ed by a "huge moon lighting up the area, moving about like a seesaw." It de 4/19/1977 #32002  
shaped helmet framed a dark square area in which no face was visible. They  4/23/1977 #32018  
helmet that framed a dark squarish area in which no face was visible. They  4/24/1977 #32021  
im as if greeting him. A flattened area was found in the grassy field.      5/5/1977 #32060  
parked in a marshy, densely wooded area of the Hainault Forest, a park in L 5/8/1977 #32074  
O landing had been reported in the area a few days earlier---the reason for 5/8/1977 #32074  
as it makes a second pass over the area. It descends silently to 1,000 feet 5/10/1977 #32082  
 spent an entire day searching the area where she had last been seen, witho 5/10/1977 #32083  
lice were notified, and a circular area of scorch marks was found at the si 5/18/1977 #32111  
he site, with minor damage over an area of about 100 yards including singed 5/18/1977 #32111  
ghtings reported that night in the area.                                    5/21/1977 #32123  
n St. Roch, France lighting up the area. Traces were found at the site.     5/28/1977 #32139  
            Cotile Lake Recreation Area, Louisiana Dusk. Five individuals—D 6/17/1977 #32172  
me from the Cotile Lake Recreation Area, Louisiana. Just before they reach  6/17/1977 #32172  
rity patrol at the Weapons Storage Area at Loring AFB [now Loring Internati Summer 1977 #32181  
/ sea. Military all over/all about area.                                    7/1977 (approximate) #32209  
am all over/all about Gurupi River area. "Rises / sea.                      7/1977 #32210  
ng a racket. Another person in the area reports an illuminated UFO.         7/12/1977 #32264  
horseback. Faints. Others burned / area.                                    7/14/1977 #32270  
 off and disappeared into a wooded area.                                    7/15/1977 #32277  
days. Footprints were found in the area.                                    7/23/1977 #32306  
re other reported sightings in the area on subsequent nights.               8/1/1977 #32345  
one was there." He drove about the area in his car, but found nothing more. 8/9/1977 #32372  
 police occurred in the Windermere area of the Cumbria Lake District, Engla 8/28/1977 #32435  
 and all of them drove back to the area in a car. When they got there, all  8/30/1977 #32441  
olored lights maneuvering over the area. One of the lights appeared to deta 8/30/1977 #32442  
 dwarf sightings take place in the area.                                    9/4/1977 #32460  
 when a blue light beam lit up the area, and he found that he could not mov 9/15/1977 #32485  
                             TOMSK AREA, RUSSIA Many misidentify rocket lau 9/16/1977 #32486  
ers were hunting in an uninhabited area near a quarry west of Libau, Manito 10/1/1977 #32543  
, a headache, dizziness, and a red area on his thigh.                       10/15/1977 #32579  
                           GAOLING AREA, SHAANXI, CH Many observer(s). Lumi 10/21/1977? #32597  
rs, who were part of a team in the area investigating the UFO activity.     10/26/1977 #32618  
ylvania Police and citizens in the area of Erie, Pennsylvania, report multi 10/29/1977 #32632  
ght. As the officer approached the area he observed a human like figure wea 11/13/1977 #32672  
ng about 900 feet away in a wooded area near Richmond, Virginia. It is smok 11/18/1977 #32685  
ead tree, causing the sheep in the area to panick and scatter.              11/29/1977 #32708  
                                   Area 52 Tonopah Test Range The Have Blue 12/1/1977 #32721  
ft is tested for the first time at Area 52 in the Tonopah Test Range by pil 12/1/1977 #32721  
ing a rash of UFO sightings in the area. The next evening there were report 12/2/1977 #32727  
ON 1+4 / cars. Domed saucer lights area like day. Away and back / 20 minute 12/15/1977 #32774  
rance A domed disc illuminated the area of Saint Ciers du Taillon like day, 12/15/1977 #32776  
 p.m. a domed disc illuminated the area of Saint Ciers du Taillon, France l 12/15/1977 #32777  
tion while the unknowns are in the area. One of the other facilities is put 12/17/1977 #32790  
limits. At the scene, they find an area covered by molten metal that is glo 12/17/1977 #32792  
           SAN MAURO TORINESE, ITL Area lit. 1M light-disk stops / 25M alti 12/21/1977 #32800  
en are driving through an isolated area known as Simonswood Moss, between R 1/2/1978 #32846  
 The witnesses panic and leave the area, driving to a nearby farm where the 1/2/1978 #32846  
n an isolated road in a flat boggy area called Simonswood Moss in Rainford, 1/2/1978 #32847  
. The witnesses panicked, left the area and drove to a nearby farm where th 1/2/1978 #32847  
escended more slowly into a wooded area next to a nearby campground. Both m 1/6/1978 #32855  
escended more slowly into a wooded area next to a nearby campground. Both m 1/6/1978 #32856  
 one minute apart, as if the whole area was suddenly shaken, and then norma 1/10/1978 #32870  
t on a slope in a partially wooded area. The object was dark gray in color  1/10/1978 #32872  
 “Some kind of body found” and the area was cordoned off, and recovery team 1/18/1978 #32895  
on Morning Light. Covering a total area of 48,000 square miles, the joint C 1/24/1978 #32912  
Emergency Support Team) sweeps the area on foot and by air through October  1/24/1978 #32912  
become frightened and run from the area, and as they run they feel a strang 1/27/1978 #32919  
became frightened and ran from the area, and as they ran they felt a strang 1/27/1978 #32921  
npleasant sulphur like odor in the area. The figures walked away towards th 1/31/1978 #32930  
lvery suits. The UFO then left the area at very high speed.                 2/1/1978 #32941  
s. Arriving underneath the central area of the craft, Julio noticed its had 2/5/1978 #32957  
ht coming from the center fuselage area." It flew off toward the west slowl 2/9/1978 #32964  
as seen the lights. Two men in the area of Merriman Road and Michigan Avenu 2/10/1978 #32965  
lta-shaped. Other witnesses in the area also see the object over Auburn, Ca 2/22/1978 #32990  
t 1 mile away. Other planes in the area report a green flash.               3/9/1978 #33021  
three of them woke up and left the area. Under hypnosis, she recalled that  3/11/1978 #33034  
                    SHAFER, MN AND AREA Several separate observer(s). Rows  3/22/1978 #33066  
sightings are reported over a wide area between Cumberland, Wisconsin, and  3/22/1978 #33071  
und the boy standing in a forested area, dazed and unable to stand up. He w 3/24/1978 #33079  
ering guava fruit outside a wooded area when he heard a loud siren like sou 3/24/1978 #33079  
ce that persisted over a mile-wide area.                                    3/30/1978 #33101  
 Vertical walls. No traces. Wave / area..                                   3/31/1978 #33103  
ectrical wiring in the surrounding area. A number of TV sets in Lance Cove  4/2/1978 #33119  
ss were observed developing in the area in the years prior to the collapse, 4/2/1978 #33119  
hick fog then began forming in the area and simultaneously the luminous sph 4/25/1978 #33169  
over road. Flashes 3X / min. Black area blocks stars. Going west.           4/29/1978 #33178  
p confirms. Makes 2 miles circle / area. Lights blink.                      5/2/1978 #33182  
ground search was conducted, in an area "practically inaccessible" due to t 5/6/1978 #33191  
within a fiery ball of flames. The area around the witness seemed to darken 5/10/1978 #33194  
d extended four metallic legs. The area around the witness seemed to darken 5/10/1978 #33199  
 Center reports no aircraft in the area. Clark and the base air controller, 5/14/1978 #33210  
 / low altitude over river. Lights area. Power outage. Car malfunctions due 5/16/1978 #33221  
             Lublin, Poland wooded area about 37 miles outside Lublin, Pola 5/17/1978 #33224  
se-drawn carriage through a wooded area about 37 miles outside Lublin, Pola 5/17/1978 #33224  
tness was finally able to flee the area.                                    7/9/1978 #33362  
 The frightened witnesses fled the area and later notified the police.      7/10/1978 #33363  
m. A man driving alone in a remote area on State Highway 100 three miles so 7/11/1978 #33366  
t was directed towards the kitchen area, the yard and into the landed UFO.  7/11/1978 #33368  
of the helmet was a blue dimly lit area. Their faces inside the helmets app 7/11/1978 #33368  
 soldiers. A reconnaissance of the area the following night reveals nothing 7/14/1978 #33382  
er nephew find a 100-foot circular area of cut beans in the field, and the  7/21/1978 #33406  
       BENTON HARBOR, MI Rocky gap area. Long silver cylinder/cylindrical o 7/28/1978 #33431  
973 was called to duty in a secret area where he was driven to and blindfol 8/1978 #33460  
not far from a mine in an isolated area near Lewiston, California.          8/1/1978 #33463  
 LAKE SORRELL, TASM 5 observer(s). Area lit. Night light maneuvers back and 8/5/1978 #33474  
e south. Within minutes, the whole area lights up and a small white light a 8/5/1978 #33475  
ening on Lake Sorell, Tasmania the area was illuminated by a flying object. 8/5/1978 #33477  
ketches an oblong UFO over an open area near Banksville, New York. It is at 8/21/1978 #33537  
g "ammonia sulfur" remained in the area long after the creature was gone.   8/21/1978 #33540  
es Moines River in a wooded, rural area. A full-moon-sized red- orange ligh 8/24/1978 #33563  
y saw several UFOs maneuver in the area around their air base in Temuco, Ch 8/24/1978 #33568  
long rising from a maize field. An area about 3 x 7 meters was found in the 9/2/1978 #33625  
He finds a 22-by-10-foot depressed area of cornstalks bent down halfway up  9/2/1978 #33626  
r sightings take place in the same area around Alessandrio on September 3,  9/2/1978 #33626  
Italy. It made a hissing sound. An area of crushed and dehydrated plants wa 9/2/1978 #33627  
fly. A French woman driving in the area has her car stopped as the object h 9/7/1978 #33645  
orted seeing strange lights in the area.                                    9/10/1978 #33657  
pot. Ciompi and others rush to the area and see a fire burning in the brush 9/13/1978 #33671  
Firemen put out the blaze, but the area is overflown by lights in the eveni 9/13/1978 #33671  
omed disc ahead of car illuminated area, light beams humanoid encounter, ph 9/17/1978 #33699  
d a bright sphere descend over the area the same time a electrical blackout 9/17/1978 #33703  
k dome shoots 7 blue beams. Lights area.                                    9/18/1978 #33704  
 flying above the edge of a wooded area. He can see plates, girders, cylind 9/20/1978 #33714  
Cosenza, Calabria, Italy, sees the area illuminated as if by daylight. The  9/21/1978 #33723  
 Cosenza, Calabria, Italy when the area was suddenly illuminated by a brigh 9/21/1978 #33725  
yees were driving in a residential area when they drove by a dark, cone-sha 9/28/1978 #33767  
riving south through a residential area of Omaha, Nebraska, sees a dark con 9/28/1978 #33768  
yees were driving in a residential area in Omaha, Nebraska when they drove  9/28/1978 #33772  
in a vehicle travelling in a rural area shot at an ovoid flying object. It  9/29/1978 #33781  
he encounter site and find a large area of depressed grass with 8 symmetric 10/2/1978 #33790  
imeter and 4 marks within the oval area.                                    10/2/1978 #33790  
had been out hiking in an isolated area, and were now waiting to be picked  10/2/1978 #33791  
s noticed a strange silence in the area and two of them felt disoriented. P 10/2/1978 #33791  
e looked back. Earlier in the same area other witnesses had seen a large li 10/8/1978 #33822  
 politician, was alone in a wooded area in Jaraba, Zaragoza, Spain attempti 10/15/1978 #33837  
s, when suddenly all sounds in the area ceased. He then began walking and n 10/15/1978 #33837  
led to its final position from the area where the aircraft disappeared. The 10/21/1978 #33856  
ing beams of light illuminated the area around them and the interior of the 10/30/1978 #33898  
e of other close encounters in the area, including a car pacing, a 24-year- 11/9/1978 #33941  
woman was driving through a wooded area in Savigny Le Sec, Cote D'Or, Franc 11/11/1978 #33945  
frightened and drove away from the area.                                    11/11/1978 #33945  
er(s). Domed saucer lights car and area. 4 legs. Tape deck malfunctions due 11/12/1978 #33947  
uminated a car and the surrounding area, causing the car tape deck to stop  11/12/1978 #33949  
earing and finds a nearly circular area about 12 feet in diameter in which  11/24/1978 #33995  
wo of the witnesses approached the area, while the others remained behind.  11/24/1978 #33996  
men became frightened and left the area. Large footprints were found at the 11/24/1978 #33996  
imilar object maneuvering over the area. Ground traces found in the area in 11/24/1978 #33997  
e area. Ground traces found in the area included a 12-foot wide burnt circl 11/24/1978 #33997  
e sky while in the Red Rock Canyon area as she was driving west on Spring M 11/27/1978 #34006  
                          TUSCANIA AREA, ITL 2 / car / malfunctions due to  12/1978 #34032  
ntered the courtyard to search the area. He was suddenly pushed from behind 12/6/1978 #34069  
r's engine and drove away from the area.                                    12/12/1978 #34102  
d dome / ground. Lights clouds and area. Smoke unaffected / wind! / r209#10 12/14/1978 #34114  
ate the clouds and the surrounding area, and it produced a smoke that didn' 12/14/1978 #34125  
l flying toward the east, from the area of Highway 101 toward Hancock.      12/14/1978 #34126  
              CATANIA, ITL 2 kids. Area darkens. Big saucer tilts by TV tow 12/15/1978 #34132  
d low over houses in a residential area of Macomer, Italy on the island of  12/15/1978 #34139  
eard over a 1,000 square kilometer area.                                    12/16/1978 #34160  
ext to the Manzano Weapons Storage Area, near Sandia Base. He’s also an inv 1979 #34253  
rds. Domed sphere / ground. Sweeps area / beams. Quickly going up. Burnt tr 1/2/1979 #34277  
old the witnesses had to leave the area. As they drove away they observed a 1/3/1979 #34290  
 a police car, they approached the area. As they reached the glow they noti 1/5/1979 #34303  
d a diamond-shaped object over the area, a witness reported seeing a 7-8 fo 1/5/1979 #34306  
dentifying numbers are seen in the area of these mutilations. Valdez tells  2/16/1979 #34429  
e. No weather balloons were in the area at the time.                        2/19/1979 #34436  
      FERNVALE, QLD Bright flash / area. Cylinder/cigar-shape follows car g 2/21/1979 #34440  
00 feet. An Iberia airliner in the area is alerted, and the pilot reports a 2/25/1979 #34447  
 trunk-like object coming from the area of the face. It wore a very shiny o 2/26/1979 #34450  
s). 12' saucer skims trees. Lights area. Dogs react. / r210v27#12.          3/6/1979 #34466  
ps, moved up and down, illuminated area. Similar object hovered over highwa 3/6/1979 #34467  
object hovered over highway, swept area with light beam (section VI). (NICA 3/6/1979 #34467  
ps, moved up and down, illuminated area. Similar object hovered over highwa 3/6/1979 #34468  
object hovered over highway, swept area with light beam                     3/6/1979 #34468  
50 feet, its glow illuminating the area. Oconee County Deputy Sheriff Jimmy 3/6/1979 #34469  
 and 25 feet wide) that sweeps the area with a light beam.                  3/6/1979 #34469  
ightly illuminated the surrounding area near a home in Oconee County, South 3/6/1979 #34470  
                            Blonie area, Poland Late night. A helicopter pi 4/21/1979 #34519  
by car to their unit in the Blonie area, Poland. A light descends rapidly a 4/21/1979 #34519  
Vizcacheras oil fields in a remote area of Argentina’s Mendoza province acc 5/1/1979 #34537  
ll as private pilots flying in the area, independently reported sighting fi 5/29/1979 #34594  
he window, illuminating the entire area outside. A cylinder-shaped light co 6/1979 #34600  
ing. While camping in a wilderness area the witness looked up towards a cle 6/6/1979 #34601  
ous informant claims in a forested area in southeastern Oregon near the Ida 6/27/1979 #34637  
ound the outside of the main front area. He ran to the house, calling his f 7/13/1979 #34652  
                             rural area northeast of Des Moines, Iowa 6:00  7/17/1979 #34661  
Iowa 6:00 a.m. A couple in a rural area northeast of Des Moines, Iowa, are  7/17/1979 #34661  
server(s). Domed wash-basin lights area / silver rays. Northwest going sout 7/28/1979 #34684  
e, but drove away quickly from the area.                                    8/2/1979 #34704  
erence was experienced over a wide area of Wheatridge, Colorado when a UFO  8/11/1979 #34729  
g an evening drive in a semi-rural area in Northfield Township, Michigan. T 8/11/1979 #34731  
erence was experienced over a wide area of Wheatridge, Colorado around 11:0 8/11/1979 #34735  
Rolla, Missouri, in an undeveloped area. A red light and a blue light appea 8/12/1979 #34740  
y Gen. who commanded that specific area of the border told him “yes, I know 8/13/1979 #34741  
ppear above them, illuminating the area like daytime. They looked up and sa 8/26/1979 #34783  
g and roaring sound as if left the area. No other witnesses were located.   8/29/1979 #34807  
 Reservation Goat Rocks Wilderness Area Mount Adams Simon Butte 11:00 p.m.  9/12/1979 #34867  
 between the Goat Rocks Wilderness Area and Mount Adams. It remains below t 9/12/1979 #34867  
wo more orange balls appear in the area of Simon Butte. Moving erratically. 9/12/1979 #34867  
ral power blackout occurred in the area at the time, which was associated w 9/19/1979 #34902  
     MASARA DEL VALLO, ITL 2+kids. Area lit. 30cm glowing-ball going northe 9/20/1979 #34906  
r Grove, Illinois. The surrounding area was lit up like daylight. In additi 9/20/1979 #34908  
                Tonopah Test Range Area 52, Nevada Area 51 Construction for 10/1979 #34935  
Tonopah Test Range Area 52, Nevada Area 51 Construction for an F-117A Night 10/1979 #34935  
egins at Tonopah Test Range inside Area 52, Nevada. The facility at Area 51 10/1979 #34935  
e Area 52, Nevada. The facility at Area 51 serves as a model for the Tonopa 10/1979 #34935  
Melville, Saskatchewan In a remote area near Melville, Saskatchewan, a CUFO 10/1979 #34936  
again. He then drove away from the area.                                    10/4/1979 #34941  
ds a 30 foot-by-45 foot triangular area of brown and dried vegetation in th 10/20/1979 #34962  
craft which had landed in a wooded area near Marzano. While flying over the 12/2/1979 #35040  
ear Marzano. While flying over the area he was reportedly shown the earth f 12/2/1979 #35040  
sile flew in over the Grays Harbor area from the sea, executed a 180-degree 12/10/1979 #35064  
 over the Grays Harbor, Washington area from the sea, executed a 180-degree 12/10/1979 #35066  
old of a military roadblock in the area over the next two days, including w 12/10/1979 #35066  
                             North Area, IL We had a call from the sheriff' 12/29/1979 #35102  
dar and observed the target in the area westbound, very fast. 8001or02 Evan 12/29/1979 #35102  
t. The being's shoulders and chest area appeared wider than normal. He had  12/30/1979 #35104  
                                   Area 51 Area-51 workers and widows said  1980's #35108  
ently. Separate observer(s) / same area.                                    1/10/1980 #35127  
nd drove away frantically from the area. The tall gray humanoid forms persi 2/11/1980 #35169  
the vehicle, and suddenly from the area of the luminous rectangular area a  2/11/1980 #35170  
e area of the luminous rectangular area a beam of light shot out, which see 2/11/1980 #35170  
A woman driving through a forested area saw a bright light descending towar 4/9/1980 #35261  
in different directions, within an area of about 100 square meters. For alm 4/20/1980 #35281  
New Mexico Manzano Weapons Storage Area at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque As s 5/5/1980 #35306  
taken by the UFO to an underground area in New Mexico (leading Bennewitz to 5/5/1980 #35306  
 it is the Manzano Weapons Storage Area at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque) whe 5/5/1980 #35306  
diameter and had a red rectangular area on the bottom. It made a U-turn, th 5/7/1980 #35316  
e of her truck and the surrounding area. The flashes are caused by red ball 5/9/1980 #35319  
                                   Area 51 DoD Report: The FAP (Peruvian Ai 5/10/1980 #35322  
riving in the rain through a rural area near Mars Hill, Maine. Each is larg 5/14/1980 #35331  
. while driving through a forested area in Mars Hill, Aroostook County, Mai 5/14/1980 #35333  
eft natural sounds returned to the area.                                    6/21/1980 #35386  
ded or hovered just above a grassy area near a taxiway on the base. (NICAP: 8/3/1980 #35440  
ve skinned complexions. All sounds area suddenly ceased and there was also  8/4/1980 #35441  
           Manzano Weapons Storage Area Kirtland AFB Albuquerque, New Mexic 8/8/1980 #35447  
ide of the Manzano Weapons Storage Area adjacent to Kirtland AFB in Albuque 8/8/1980 #35447  
ight light descend in a restricted area about 3 miles to the north-northeas 8/8/1980 #35447  
ets Russ Curtis inside the Manzano area who says that the incident never to 8/8/1980 #35447  
ect at the Manzano Weapons Storage Area. His radio would not work when he t 8/9/1980 #35453  
ead of him. They move low over the area from right to left, 300–600 feet ah 8/20/1980 #35469  
s boat / very low altitude. Lights area. Vanishes.                          9/1980 #35487  
crew of two other airliners in the area.                                    9/22/1980 #35528  
crew of two other airliners in the area.                                    9/22/1980 #35529  
ed, glowing object that lights the area below. Workers feel a scorching hea 10/5/1980 #35556  
rds on the Manzano Weapons Storage Area to report to him any sightings of u 10/24/1980 #35586  
torage Facility Coyote Canyon Test Area Archuleta Peak northwest of Dulce,  10/26/1980 #35590  
ge Facility and Coyote Canyon Test Area. He is also convinced there is an a 10/26/1980 #35590  
ouri Sublette, Missouri Kirksville area Olathe, Kansas Altus AFB in Oklahom 11/18/1980 #35654  
. It passes through the Kirksville area 4–5 times in a 2–3 hour period. He  11/18/1980 #35654  
established refueling track in the area. The Center for UFO Studies confirm 11/18/1980 #35654  
ley Nimrod aircraft is sent to the area, but no public conclusions are reac 11/25/1980 #35670  
lligence school in a remote desert area of Texas, approximately 50 miles fr 12/14/1980 #35716  
en it landed; the next morning the area was clear.  DR states in 1971 he wa 12/14/1980 #35716  
over house. Instant speed. Circles area. Stops.                             12/17/1980 #35721  
rcraft or missiles anywhere in the area at the time of the accident. The sp 12/18/1980 #35724  
e test range rarely approached the area. A call was immediately placed to P 12/18/1980 #35724  
s into the nuclear weapons storage area, them landed or hovered quite close 12/27/1980 #35748  
depressions and in the surrounding area using an AN/PDR-27, a standard US m 12/28/1980 #35749  
ro, North Carolina. TV sets in the area experienced interference.           1/14/1981 #35786  
:30 p.m., two women in a different area of town get a fleeting glimpse of a 1/15/1981 #35792  
d a head, arms or feet. A scorched area was found on the ground by governme 2/13/1981 #35826  
nd leave at high speed. A scorched area was found on the ground by governme 2/13/1981 #35827  
k, although the remote mountainous area of Manzano Amargo, Neuquen Province 2/18/1981 #35832  
rby horses stampeded away from the area, apparently terrified. Albornoz sai 2/18/1981 #35832  
ver soup can. Roars. Scouts mining area / mountains.                        2/19/1981 #35834  
soup can, maneuvered over a mining area in the mountains of Hangzhou, Zheji 2/19/1981 #35836  
. They both attempted to leave the area but they apparently went into a tra 4/1/1981 #35883  
 off SR58 just over ground. Remote area. Shoots going up. / r41p165.        4/12/1981 #35891  
                  In a remote farm area of Goodhue, Minnesota a civil engin 4/12/1981 #35894  
g UFOs and strange lights over the area. She then heard a sound similar to  5/1981 #35919  
 It has a glowing lavender-colored area around its outer edge and a dim whi 5/20/1981 #35943  
out due to a power overload in the area.                                    5/22/1981 #35945  
re driving west when the immediate area around their vehicle is illuminated 6/10/1981 #35960  
ph in an effort to reach a lighted area of town. The UFO keeps pace and mov 7/12/1981 #36002  
            ZIGONG, CHINA AND WIDE AREA Thousands / observer(s). Domed sauc 7/24/1981 #36030  
object and walk around. A scorched area on the ground was found where the o 8/5/1981 #36060  
em briefly to go back to a camping area and sees, 500 feet in front of him, 8/8/1981 #36064  
the witness was vacationing in the area and had camped on the south side of 9/1981 #36097  
hree times over freeway and valley area (section VI). (NICAP: 02 - Close En 9/18/1981 #36126  
hree times over freeway and valley area                                     9/18/1981 #36127  
 seen similar people before in the area. The bus continued on and he lost s 10/2/1981 #36155  
 reports of bright lights over the area.                                    10/2/1981 #36155  
g photos with her family at a rest area some 30 miles north of Kelsey Bay,  10/8/1981 #36167  
equency Interference (RFI). Lights area. Maneuvers. Hides.                  10/25/1981 #36187  
 Nocturnal lights were seen in the area that evening.                       10/26/1981 #36190  
                     In a forested area in Worthing, West Sussex, England a 10/30/1981 #36194  
                             (WIDE AREA), ARG 2 airliners and more/others.  10/31/1981 #36195  
ehicle (Russian patrol jeep) in an area about 10-15 kilometers from the cit 1982 #36284  
        Livermore Nevada Test Site Area 6 Area 51 Richard Mingus is coordin 1982 #36285  
 Livermore Nevada Test Site Area 6 Area 51 Richard Mingus is coordinating s 1982 #36285  
ty operations for Livermore in the Area 6 section of the Nevada Test Site w 1982 #36285  
opter attack on an access point to Area 51 to test the system for weaknesse 1982 #36285  
 by elevator and taken to the work area. It was a morgue that was icy cold  1982 #36290  
tine recon training mission in the area. Another researcher told the men wh 1982 #36292  
al ovoid over phone lines / mining area. Magnetic anomalies.                1/18/1982 #36302  
w over telephone lines in a mining area. Magnetic anomalies were recorded.  1/18/1982 #36303  
one lines at 7:30 p.m. in a mining area. Magnetic anomalies were recorded.  1/18/1982 #36304  
erference, and streetlights in the area to turn off. The object took off wi 1/29/1982 #36315  
is. It had an X-shaped, coal-black area connecting the four corners. The UF 2/12/1982 #36341  
p. Silent night light lights large area. Puts out photocell central street  2/24/1982 #36361  
 herself in a clearing in a wooded area. Nearby sat a silvery metallic disc 3/1982 #36373  
ss in the center hovering over the area. As the car drew closer the mother  3/15/1982 #36394  
ext came in low over a residential area at 200 feet altitude. (NICAP: 02 -  3/21/1982 #36403  
ext came in low over a residential area at 200 feet altitude. It flew off t 3/21/1982 #36405  
inutes as it maneuvers over a wide area around the farm, finally disappeari 3/23/1982 #36412  
 Bright shiny silver disk hovers / area. "Motions unlike any balloon".      3/29/1982 #36416  
ar UFOs are seen in the Pittsburgh area from March 22 to May 19.            4/1/1982 #36427  
ay. The blue lights illuminate the area as bright as day. A streetlight goe 4/3/1982 #36433  
ht from the object illuminated the area as bright as day. A street light we 4/3/1982 #36434  
sions over northwest Poland in the area from Elbląg to Ostróda and Olsztyn  4/22/1982 #36450  
ley, Queensland, AU In an isolated area, some kangaroo hunters were walking 5/2/1982 #36461  
r. Big saucer / roadside. Searches area / beams. Spins and rises away.      5/12/1982 #36469  
nd it appeared to be searching the area with beams of light. It rose up and 5/12/1982 #36470  
nd it appeared to be searching the area with beams of light. It rose up and 5/12/1982 #36471  
                  PORTO ALEGRE AND AREA, BRZ Several separate observer(s).  5/20/1982 #36475  
ts the car’s engine and leaves the area. An inspection of the car finds not 7/6/1982 #36531  
hey noticed a total silence in the area. The object finally began moving an 7/22/1982 #36544  
olice were called and searched the area but failed to find anything.        7/22/1982 #36545  
t going east / 7M altitude. Lights area. Big fire and 150kph winds. / news. 8/13/1982 #36573  
een by another ship in the general area at 11:03 p.m. and on the following  9/17/1982 #36607  
  SOUTH CARLOS SIJA, GUATEMALA AND AREA 4 flashing hat-saucers low and fast 10/10/1982 (approximate) #36636  
sphere is reddish. A circular dark area is visible on the bottom and someth 11/2/1982 #36674  
as on patrol at 5:00 a.m. when the area around his car was lighted, as if b 11/27/1982 #36691  
lowing L-shaped object in a swampy area near their house in Pine Township,  1/12/1983 #36745  
descends from it, illuminating the area. More than 30 other soldiers witnes 3/23/1983 #36793  
itness the display. It studies the area another 4 minutes, then the beam di 3/23/1983 #36793  
. UFO rose from field illuminating area, body lights visible, accelerated r 4/10/1983 #36835  
kyard has turned brown, a circular area about 8 feet in diameter. She conta Early 7/1983 #36900  
rver(s). Silent night light lights area. 4' altitude. Gone. 13' burnt circl 8/26/1983 #36957  
ard him at 8:00 p.m. It lit up the area incredibly brightly as it hovered o 10/25/1983 #37017  
          At 10:00 p.m. in a rural area of Slaterville, New York a round UF 10/26/1983 #37024  
ing activities. They see a lighted area low in the sky ahead of them. Throu 10/28/1983 #37027  
LHAS, BRZ Fireball hums and lights area. Man levitated. 2nd observer(s) pul 11/1/1983 #37039  
 was seen humming and lighting the area around Vale das Velhas, Minas Gerai 11/1/1983 #37041  
st, apparently landing in a swampy area near a manufacturing plant. The wom 11/28/1983 #37052  
        KARLOVY VARY, CZK AND WIDE AREA 35M airship with strong lights nort 12/2/1983 #37061  
 fireball hovers over home. Lights area. Shoots going quickly west. / IURv9 1/22/1984 #37138  
00 PM. ¬: While parked in a wooded area, a young couple spotted a large obj 1/22/1984 #37141  
ear their car, went across an open area to a stand of trees, then turned en 1/22/1984 #37141  
ball illuminated the entire ground area. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)     1/22/1984 #37143  
ear their car, goes across an open area to a stand of trees, then turns aro 1/22/1984 #37146  
any nocturnal light reports in the area on the same evening. At 7:09 p.m. a 1/22/1984 #37148  
helicopters were seen circling the area afterwards.                         1/22/1984 #37149  
sses in Jensen Beach and the Miami area also see the object.                1/30/1984 #37166  
e oil platform workers in a swampy area 50 miles west of Miami in Dade Coun 1/30/1984 #37167  
above the ground, illuminating the area behind her house and panicking her  2/22/1984 #37198  
oving toward his car from a wooded area. Within a few seconds it bounces fr Late 2/1984 #37202  
apparently perform a search of the area beginning at daylight.              4/15/1984 #37263  
room Lake, Nevada Jackass Flats in Area 25 Tonopah On a visit to the 6513th 4/26/1984 #37301  
MiG-23 crashes on Jackass Flats in Area 25, still contaminated from NERVA r 4/26/1984 #37301  
Humming. Dogs hide / pens and cry. Area turns red. Saucer 20' overhead. Hea 5/6/1984 #37322  
 As he went out to investigate the area turned red with illumination, and a 5/6/1984 #37323  
ing around the pens. Suddenly, the area turns red and looking up, the boy s 5/6/1984 #37324  
 As he went out to investigate the area turned red with illumination, and a 5/6/1984 #37325  
                  COLUMBUS, OH AND AREA 2 separate observer(s). Flash. 12'  5/18/1984 #37331  
    Residents of the Hudson Valley area of New York say they see a boomeran 6/28/1984 #37382  
 to flashing light. 7 UFO's / wide area.                                    7/12/1984 #37391  
 is gone. Many other people in the area also report seeing the UFO over the 7/24/1984 #37412  
 triangular UAP over the protected area of Cooper Nuclear Station, NE in th 7/24/1984 #37416  
 any legal authority to do so. The area overlooks Area 51. When asked for a 8/7/1984 #37429  
ority to do so. The area overlooks Area 51. When asked for an explanation o 8/7/1984 #37429  
pinning yellow lights hovered over area at 2:30 a.m., making a loud noise t 8/29/1984 #37446  
r slowly flips around inner harbor area.                                    9/2/1984 #37453  
s flipping around the Inner Harbor area of Baltimore, Maryland in slow moti 9/2/1984 #37455  
rliner crew huge beam lights large area / ground. RADAR effects. / r210 V32 9/7/1984 #37457  
e found in a nearby vineyard in an area of damaged vines measuring 100 by 2 10/1984 #37473  
te light approaches and floods the area. Ferri gets up and approaches the w 10/9/1984 #37484  
er and 1 inch deep are found in an area of somewhat flattened grass.        10/9/1984 #37484  
ian Sea. Patrol boats rush to that area, but when they reach a distance of  1985 #37541  
h speed. The object illuminates an area of 25–30 square miles and is huge,  6/11/1985 #37598  
h speed. The object illuminated an area of twenty-five to thirty square mil 6/11/1985 #37599  
me sleep. Later, he returns to the area near the fir tree and experiences a Summer 1985 #37606  
ngside car, bright illumination of area (section IX) (NICAP: 02 - Close Enc 9/15/1985 #37662  
ngside car, bright illumination of area                                     9/15/1985 #37663  
as been seen multiple times in the area around Leicester since August.      9/27/1985 #37667  
eck, Germany Riga, Latvia Murmansk area The Russian motorship Baltiysky-35  10/1985 #37670  
 missile laiunch from the Murmansk area.                                    10/1985 #37670  
 3 observer(s). Saucer maneuvers / area / one hour 1 / 4 miles away. Green  10/15/1985 #37681  
n mountain peaks. Lands and lights area.                                    1/4/1986 #37750  
                 THOMASTON, CT AND AREA Many observer(s). Huge delta/triang 1/9/1986 #37761  
 there are no blimps flying in the area.                                    1/9/1986 #37762  
wn / high altitude. Stops. Circles area / 2 minute(s). Shoots away. 4 minut 1/29/1986 #37774  
y lights, brightly illuminated the area, moved up, down, and sideways. Dog  2/28/1986 #37791  
y lights, brightly illuminated the area, moved up, down, and sideways. Dog  2/28/1986 #37792  
m from the ground in a residential area. It extended some legs and was comp 4/12/1986 #37823  
                FARMINGTON, MO AND AREA Ring / bright lights rotates in pas 4/22/1986 #37831  
t was also seen in the surrounding area by others.                          4/22/1986 #37836  
cuation of 300,000 people from the area. Around 5% of the core is released  4/26/1986 #37843  
 that an unknown object was in the area, so they broke off the pattern and  5/19/1986 #37882  
from the UFO and walked around the area for 15 minutes. They then entered t 6/3/1986 #37904  
 driving through a brushy isolated area in Mentrux-en-Joux, Jura, France se 6/20/1986 #37918  
 this evening in the Hudson Valley area. This time delta shaped objects and 6/21/1986 #37920  
equoia National Forest, California Area 51 A Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk steal 7/11/1986 #37939  
d a helicopter gunship circles the area. All F-117 debris is replaced with  7/11/1986 #37939  
of a F-101A Voodoo crash stored at Area 51.                                 7/11/1986 #37939  
P.M. Lighted object seen over wide area moving SW to NE was Japanese satell 8/12/1986 #37983  
ght going down / farm. Brief. Same area / 08 sighting.                      9/9/1986 #38022  
 in Dayton, Ohio Beavercreek, Ohio Area 51 USAF Lt. Col. Ernie Kellerstrass Fall 1986 #38034  
scuss UFOs, extraterrestrials, and Area 51. Kellerstrass claims to know USA Fall 1986 #38034  
d the presence of an alien base on Area 51. The group meets several times.  Fall 1986 #38034  
 is arrested for being in a secure area without permission. During question 10/28/1986 #38056  
it has a slow-moving target in the area that won’t respond. Other witnesses 1/15/1987 #38099  
                   SEVEN MOUNTAINS AREA, PA 300' UFO lights entire mountain 2/7/1987 #38114  
nnsylvania and the Seven Mountains area encountered a large 300 foot long h 2/7/1987 #38117  
utfits. He started to run from the area when he noticed one of the creature 3/7/1987 #38134  
crunch! Domed saucer lands / yard. Area bathed / orange light. Magnetism.   3/23/1987 #38151  
 was told the story. He walked the area and held up some keys to the fence  3/23/1987 #38153  
e. Huge saucer emerges and circles area. Big quake!                         5/30/1987 #38179  
ving home a few minutes later, the area outside their house becomes flooded Late 7/1987 #38218  
ball with a tail descending in the area where they had seen the red triangl Late 7/1987 #38218  
                PLYMOUTH AND LARGE AREA / DEVON Many separate observer(s).  8/4/1987 #38227  
 40 years… You are delving into an area that you can do absolutely nothing  8/30/1987 #38264  
0 minutes while driving in a rural area. The UFO flew silently to the south 10/1/1987 #38297  
 UFOs that had been sighted in the area. They saw a large V-shaped object m 10/23/1987 #38311  
ight, meeting at the center) in an area of sky a few hundred feet in diamet 11/23/1987 #38332  
. Seemingly, the display covers an area equivalent to a baseball diamond. I 11/23/1987 #38332  
in Malvezi, France in a restricted area. They were overheard speaking in an 12/12/1987 #38357  
 beam one month earlier. The brown area slowly fills in with Bermuda grass  1/1988 #38385  
e then drove quickly away from the area at high speed.                      1/12/1988 #38411  
 its circumference in the Rosehill area of Willenhall, England. It made no  2/16/1988 #38470  
                         LICHFIELD AREA, STAFFORDS Wave / cigars and probes 3/1988 #38477  
ORDS Wave / cigars and probes this area. Dates unknown. Cops and many. RADA 3/1988 #38477  
time planes were seen circling the area.                                    4/28/1988 #38547  
along a dirt path in a dark wooded area near his hom. He soon saw a hoverin 5/1/1988 #38551  
terrestrial" craft flying over her area of Sao Paulo, Brazil. She heard a v 5/13/1988 #38569  
her men in the Allagash Wilderness area of Maine. Jack's dog wanted to go o 5/21/1988 #38574  
 Greys and USAF types! Busy time / area.                                    8/1988 (approximate) #38610  
. Later, the man finds a depressed area in the tall grass about 12 feet in  9/2/1988 #38629  
Mr. Richard Hall for Washington DC area Abduction research.                 9/19/1988 #38642  
 seen “combat ready troops” in the area and the crash of an experimental ai 10/23/1988 #38683  
spotted a bright light "new to the area;" she became curious and stopped he 11/9/1988 #38709  
estrictions above the presentation area and take aerial photographs of the  11/22/1988 #38718  
                                   Area 51 Crash Retrieval Program worker B 12/1988 #38729  
arran Airport in Las Vegas, Nevada Area 51 at Groom Lake Papoose Dry Lake S 12/6/1988 #38748  
ni, who escorts him on a flight to Area 51 at Groom Lake, where Lazar signs 12/6/1988 #38748  
sc-shaped object hovering over the area. The craft brightened suddenly and  2/6/1989 #38818  
500' cylinder/cigar-shape all over area. Going down / 30M. Turns and goes.  2/13/1989 #38838  
 temp, heads with group to viewing area for 2nd time                        3/29/1989 #38883  
small saucers / low altitude. Busy area strangely empty..                   4/15/1989 #38906  
                       BEDFORD AND AREA, NY Separate observer(s). Huge semi 4/20/1989 #38912  
t that illuminated the surrounding area. Worried about possible intruders,  5/10/1989 #38942  
otorist was driving in an isolated area of Bautista Canyon, California when 5/10/1989 #38943  
ports of electrical outages in the area at the time.                        5/10/1989 #38943  
                 Las Vegas, Nevada Area 51 Papoose Lake Groom Lake Robert L 5/15/1989 #38952  
 facility he claims exists near in Area 51. He says the S-4 facility is adj 5/15/1989 #38952  
which is located south of the main Area 51 facility at Groom Lake. He claim 5/15/1989 #38952  
at S-4, a facility near Groom Lake/Area 51 adjacent to Papoose Lake. Lazar  5/15/1989 #38953  
aged in opal mining in an isolated area of Queensland, Australia on this ni 6/16/1989 #38989  
 smaller objects hovering over the area. A twenty-minute time lapse was rep 6/16/1989 #38989  
lent saucer / treetop level lights area. Spokes protrude.                   7/16/1989 #39022  
red clothing. The man ran from the area.                                    8/10/1989 #39055  
arbwire fence was installed in the area. Aircraft flying over the area afte 9/16/1989 #39109  
the area. Aircraft flying over the area afterwards reported equipment malfu 9/16/1989 #39109  
 the craft crashed into the “Dune” area where it was retrieved; he claims t 9/28/1989 #39132  
satellite tracking reports in that area on that day.  [Retrievals of the Th 9/28/1989 #39132  
It was slowly moving away from the area. The youngest son later informed hi 10/27/1989 #39188  
 various UFOs maneuvering over the area of Brovary, Kiev region, Ukraine, w 10/31/1989 #39199  
ct had been seen hovering over the area. She then believed that the three a 10/31/1989 #39199  
there are no other aircraft in the area at the time.                        11/1/1989 #39207  
                 Las Vegas, Nevada Area 51 KLAS-TV in Las Vegas, Nevada, id 11/10/1989 #39224  
 that during his onboarding to the Area 51 program, he read briefing docume 11/10/1989 #39224  
nd, were encountered in the Midway area of Gadsden county, Florida at 10:00 11/30/1989 #39287  
beings standing in the parking lot area. The humanoids were described as be 12/8/1989 #39305  
ular object lights ground. Circles area / 30 minute(s). Dog upset.          12/24/1989 #39335  
ilings that it never used the name Area 51                                  1990's #39346  
 silent orange night light circles area. Hovers over house. / NURC.         1/6/1990 #39366  
                                   Area 51 Mailbox Site Highway 375, Tikabo 2/21/1990 #39424  
TV journalist, takes a crew to the Area 51 Mailbox Site (near the 29 ½ mile 2/21/1990 #39424  
 Intelligence at locations such as Area 51. ELF devices, scalar machines, E 2/21/1990 #39426  
                                   Area 51 Mailbox site in Nevada 7:30 p.m. 2/28/1990 #39432  
7:30 p.m. Gary Schultz goes to the Area 51 Mailbox site in Nevada with his  2/28/1990 #39432  
                  Belgium Ardennes area A classified US Department of Defen 3/1990 #39435  
aft were operating in the Ardennes area at the time.”                       3/1990 #39435  
ear old witness driving in a rural area saw an oval object hovering just 40 3/2/1990 #39442  
g “perfume” odor from the scorched area.                                    3/7/1990 #39452  
idnight. UFOs are seen over a wide area of Russia encompassing Novoselye, S 3/21/1990 #39475  
ht, UFOs are also seen over a wide area. Witnesses in Khabarovsk watch brig 3/21/1990 #39475  
 The frightened witnesses fled the area on foot.                            3/24/1990 #39485  
                           LOUVAIN AREA, BELGIUM Ground and air RADAR's. Bl 3/31/1990 #39501  
     Two women driving in a wooded area of Upper Burrel Township, Pennsylva 4/17/1990 #39532  
                           TRIKALA AREA, GREECE Many separate observer(s).  4/18/1990 #39534  
enormous spotlights illuminate the area. A huge trapezoid-shaped “platform” 4/22/1990 #39539  
s on the object lit the ground and area.                                    5/4/1990 #39557  
sc-shaped object hovering over the area. That same night humanoids also vis 5/18/1990 #39576  
overflew a shale strip mine in the area.                                    5/19/1990 #39578  
MENISTAN Huge saucer over military area. Beams strike with a disabling beam 5/25/1990 #39590  
least 15. It flew over a populated area at only 200 feet from west to east  5/29/1990 #39598  
 grass. She realized it was in the area of the sighting. After eliminating  7/18/1990 #39649  
went out. The object then left the area.                                    7/23/1990 #39658  
a large light maneuvering over the area on July 1--woke up in her 16th floo 7/29/1990 #39667  
Small footprints were found in the area.                                    8/31/1990 #39708  
as a stray dog that frequented the area.                                    9/13/1990 #39731  
w 3-5 glowing lights in a forested area of northern Minnesota for more than 10/10/1990 #39773  
riangle/box-like craft. Hartcliffe area going [to] Dundry Hills.            10/11/1990 #39775  
dges zig-zagged over a residential area in Ferin, Nord, France. It was invi 10/11/1990 #39781  
hin a specific, rather restricted, area of the sky. A few nights later, he  Late 1990 #39786  
llowish light fall into the forest area. He rushed over to the site in his  10/31/1990 #39822  
ferent explosions are heard in the area around RAF Rhendahlen in Mönchengla 11/5/1990 #39869  
nas, who flew soundlessly over the area. It disappeared while moving at hig 11/5/1990 #39873  
                                   AREA / LYON, FR Several separate observe 12/1/1990 #39916  
ing quickly north in sequence. Red area / center.                           12/3/1990 #39921  
ng south to north. Both have a red area in the center. At 9:10 p.m. a large 12/3/1990 #39924  
                                   Area 51 in Nevada Psychic Sean David Mor 1991 #39935  
 Sean David Morton begins going to Area 51 in Nevada. He and a friend tape  1991 #39935  
 acceleration and maneuverability. Area 51 insiders allegedly contact him,  1991 #39935  
s. Later Morton leads tours around Area 51 and suggests that the aliens the 1991 #39935  
trict of Brasilia, Brazil Lago Sul area Brasilia airport 7:00–9:00 p.m. A b 4/11/1991 #40034  
ozens of residents of the Lago Sul area and by more than 20 police officers 4/11/1991 #40034  
 tracked over much of the Lago Sul area and close to the Brasilia airport.  4/11/1991 #40034  
d Concrete Pile Company in the Bay Area, was on a government project in New 4/12/1991 #40038  
e afternoon. Teachers searched the area but failed to find anything. The ne 5/12/1991 #40058  
beings were seen again in the same area.                                    5/12/1991 #40058  
noon, two boys were playing in the area close to the earlier encounter when 5/15/1991 #40064  
inutes later by another man in the area. He estimates it is about 1,000 fee 5/22/1991 #40073  
d they began running away from the area. One of the men looked over his sho 6/15/1991 #40098  
not stop and did not return to the area.                                    6/15/1991 #40098  
of an unknown flying object in the area.                                    7/7/1991 #40114  
ce it was flying near a restricted area, two MIG-29 fighter jets already on 8/28/1991 #40168  
alert for air traffic to avoid the area. At 5:27 a.m. the object disappeare 8/28/1991 #40168  
ject disappeared from radar in the area of Lake Issyk-Kul near the border o 8/28/1991 #40168  
 all within an elliptically shaped area centered on the object, and measuri 8/28/1991 #40168  
        Ellsworth AFB Oscar Flight area Opal, South Dakota Oscar Launch Con 9/1991 #40178  
 at the Ellsworth AFB Oscar Flight area 30 miles west of Opal, South Dakota 9/1991 #40178  
 the short humanoids stayed in the area most of the night. The next morning 12/1/1991 #40251  
pe 300M off 30M over woods. Sweeps area / 2 strong beams.                   1/21/1992 #40293  
         SAFED = ZEFAT, ISRAEL AND AREA Numerous observer(s). Spherical obj 1/26/1992 #40304  
 a bend when they encounter a huge area lit up from above. The engine, head 2/1992 #40311  
th more daylight, they see a black area around the light.                   3/1992 #40343  
ting for wild ducks in an isolated area in the Rio Palhano area, Ceara Stat 3/5/1992 #40359  
n isolated area in the Rio Palhano area, Ceara State, Brazil. At 6:30 p.m.  3/5/1992 #40359  
lf with a shotgun and searched the area. However, was unable to find Luis a 3/5/1992 #40359  
nable to find Luis anywhere in the area, so he ran to town and entered the  3/5/1992 #40359  
to investigate. As they neared the area they noticed a grayish luminous lig 3/13/1992 #40377  
s and they again drove back to the area where the light had been seen hover 3/13/1992 #40377  
ed and drove away quickly from the area.                                    3/13/1992 #40377  
s were seen fleeing from a farming area at 5:30 p.m. Next a 12-meter in dia 3/17/1992 #40385  
mately 2–3 seconds. It departs the area in a northeasterly direction at 10  3/20/1992 #40394  
. Observer(s) feels watched. Rainy area dry.                                4/4/1992 #40409  
lash. Air glows white / 500M! Busy area. / r226#26.                         4/18/1992 #40421  
ighted flying over the residential area of Macae, Rio de Janeiro State, Bra 4/26/1992 #40431  
 F-14 jet remained circling in the area, and then flew off to the east.     4/28/1992 #40437  
 Topanga Canyon, California in the area called Saddlepeak over 200 glowing  6/14/1992 #40495  
prings, New Mexico, in the general area of the Plains of San Agustin, when  Summer 1992 #40501  
              SITIO JOAO, RGN, BRZ Area lit. 2 hide under burro. Oily gunk  8/4/1992 #40548  
            GOSHEN, NY Also entire area. Massive wave seen / thousands. Vid 8/6/1992 #40555  
 bottom that completely bathes the area, illuminating the ground. At this p 8/19/1992 #40583  
moves away and illuminates a large area of trees behind the house.          8/19/1992 #40583  
 a strange tiny entity in the same area. He described it as having eyes lik 9/22/1992 #40635  
al times. During the encounter the area suddenly became cold. Paca again be 9/24/1992 #40639  
-like fragrance then permeated the area. The apparition moved in slow motio 9/24/1992 #40639  
ound the same time and in the same area, witnesses observed what they calle 9/24/1992 #40639  
d a huge white light traversed the area, leaving behind a luminous wake.    9/24/1992 #40639  
ead fast. Beams etc. Wave / days / area.                                    9/29/1992 #40642  
el, NV Glenn Campbell wrote in his Area 51 Viewer's Guide that "Bob Lazar's 10/1992 #40653  
tion was a good one--an off-limits area near Papoose Dry Lake-and no govern 10/1992 #40653  
 alien hardware in its possession, Area 51 or nearby areas in the Nellis Ai 10/1992 #40653  
 to town. Extremely bright. Lights area. Pain and insomnia after.           10/4/1992 #40661  
T STRETTON, CHESHIRE Many events / area. Ring / night lights divides / 2. " 10/10/1992 #40672  
ge, NV Glenn Campbell wrote in his Area 51 Viewer's Guide that he saw two o 10/20/1992 #40683  
lls. Helicopters pursue and search area after.                              10/21/1992 #40686  
ependent witnesses of a UFO in the area that night.                         11/25/1992 #40730  
FB, NV Glenn Campbell wrote in his Area 51 Viewer's Guide that he saw some  12/1992 #40736  
                           HOUSTON AREA, TX 5 / abductee support group all  12/8/1992 #40744  
light pass over cars in a forested area and bounce up and down for 6 minute 12/24/1992 #40767  
light pass over cars in a forested area at 6:00 p.m. and bounce up and down 12/24/1992 #40768  
ng home from work in a residential area of Chicago, Illinois was confronted 12/29/1992 #40770  
ed to temporarily excite a limited area of the ionosphere. Other instrument 1993 #40778  
        Slagle, MO Cattle ran from area of blue oval ring (NICAP: 04 - Anim 1/9/1993 #40789  
ver and maneuver 2-nights running. Area lit like day.                       1/12/1993 #40792  
 and repeated UFO sightings in the area, several local residents of Langene 1/12/1993 #40793  
d to be trumpets, descend over the area.                                    1/12/1993 #40794  
throughout town as triangle was in area (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)      1/21/1993 #40809  
were burning some wood in a wooded area next to a tamarind tree, when a gig 1/22/1993 #40810  
 night lights reported 26 Jan same area.                                    1/31/1993 #40822  
ss on I94. Rash / sightings / this area.                                    2/1/1993 #40826  
 some small pin pricks in the same area.                                    2/1/1993 #40831  
 Maneuvers turns and hovers / wide area / 30 minute(s).                     2/21/1993 #40856  
e, NV Glenn Campbell wrote in his "Area 51 Viewer's Guide" that cattle muti 3/1993 #40867  
ilations have been reported nearby Area 51. Reputable ranchers in Lincoln C 3/1993 #40867  
                                   Area 51 in Nevada hill adjacent to Area  3/16/1993 #40885  
Area 51 in Nevada hill adjacent to Area 51 in Nevada A couple who are viewi 3/16/1993 #40885  
l activity from a hill adjacent to Area 51 in Nevada see strange lights tha 3/16/1993 #40885  
ysterious lights maneuver over the area at 8:31 p.m. One of the lights bega 3/16/1993 #40886  
ank / state forest. Silent. Lights area.                                    3/19/1993 #40890  
 p.m. It was silent and lit up the area.                                    3/19/1993 #40891  
eared near the object. Dogs in the area reacted with furious barking upon c 3/20/1993 #40894  
he aliens had several bases in the area, including one at the Ixtamalapan L 3/20/1993 #40895  
eported low-flying lights over the area about same time as his encounter. C 3/20/1993 #40895  
on. Plant life outside the imprint area had died.                           3/30/1993 #40907  
Air Force helicopter flew into the area and carried the craft away.         4/19/1993 #40943  
 drive away. A later search of the area failed to locate any physical evide 4/19/1993 #40944  
's disc was seen hovering over the area, and two days before an engineer sa 5/12/1993 #40975  
ound at 10:20 p.m. within a wooded area. It rose above the treetops and ill 5/28/1993 #40993  
all going south toward(s) Canjuers area. Some / (seen thru) binoculars see  5/29/1993 #40995  
enlarging as it flew away from the area. It now looked like a helicopter wi 7/27/1993 #41091  
th their daughter Diana in a rural area a few miles south of Telega, Romani 8/13/1993 #41135  
 maneuvers. Other sightings / this area in September also.                  9/17/1993 #41201  
Lincoln LaPaz told him the surface area near a crash had been turned a ligh 11/2/1993 #41259  
n a field, illuminating the entire area. Three figures are seen inside a do 1/4/1994 #41361  
dishes. Several televisions in the area changed channels.                   1/4/1994 #41362  
              Oak Ridge, Tennessee Area 51, Nevada President Bill Clinton i 1/15/1994 #41371  
s involving programs in and around Area 51, Nevada, are excluded on the bas 1/15/1994 #41371  
        A witness in a residential area of Rosyth, Fife, Scotland took two  2/26/1994 #41427  
e of multi-colored UAP in the same area. Soon after the sighting, a NWS spo 3/8/1994 #41450  
                 VINCELLES, FR AND AREA Several separate observer(s). Diamo 4/6/1994 #41478  
 witnesses were out in an isolated area of Victoria, Argentina at 9:30 p.m. 4/7/1994 #41480  
er a thick white fog enveloped the area. The object dimmed and shot straigh 4/7/1994 #41480  
lapsed brick-wall and ran from the area. There were other encounters with t 4/15/1994 #41493  
ith the humanoid later in the same area.                                    4/15/1994 #41493  
                      In a farming area outside of Padova (Padua), Italy at 6/8/1994 #41558  
ater that day a flattened circular area of wheat was found at the site.     6/27/1994 #41588  
d. Analyst has many similar / this area. Page 26.                           7/1/1994? #41597  
 the Central European surveillance area, headquartered in Switzerland.      8/10/1994 #41667  
 the Central European surveillance area.                                    8/28/1994 #41698  
from behind the trees into an open area near a road and hovers. It looks li 8/31/1994 #41707  
enforcement personnel searched the area and found the witness's truck trash 9/2/1994 #41713  
urnt clothes" scattered around the area. At the same time a second hunter w 9/2/1994 #41713  
r was reported missing in the same area, but when he finally showed up, he  9/2/1994 #41713  
Later, military jets came over the area.                                    9/9/1994 #41732  
 Around the same time, in the same area, a large orange sphere was sighted  9/11/1994 #41737  
e feet from the ground in a wooded area.                                    9/11/1994 #41737  
 in the month. Satellite TV in the area also failed.                        9/13/1994 #41745  
objects landing in the “rough bush area” about 330 feet away. An entity of  9/16/1994 #41754  
ol children at a school in a rural area spotted an unknown craft that lande 9/16/1994 #41755  
isc-shaped craft hovering over the area. A few hours later she noticed a st 9/16/1994 #41756  
                                   Area 51 Wright-Patterson field TV host L 10/1/1994 #41779  
ing broadcasts “Larry King Live at Area 51,” which includes a prerecorded i 10/1/1994 #41779  
                           BEIJING AREA, CHINA 26 separate UFO reports / da 10/5/1994 #41785  
elicopters were seen "buzzing" the area.                                    10/28/1994 #41817  
crafts and night lights etc. sweep area west going quickly east / 5K' altit 11/6/1994 #41839  
                AMSTERDAM AND WIDE AREA, NETHL Many separate observer(s). H 11/21/1994 #41857  
reen to red. It passed through the area making a noise like a locomotive en 11/30/1994 #41872  
s large scale tree damage, over an area of 160 square meters of forest, hav 11/30/1994 #41872  
s all around her stomach and chest area, at the same time talking to themse 12/15/1994 #41895  
 had suceeded in opening her chest area, without causing her any pain or di 12/15/1994 #41895  
tely checked her stomach and chest area for any scars, but found none. The  12/15/1994 #41895  
ld man residing in the Clyde Canal area of Lothian county in Scotland was w 12/23/1994 #41904  
also reported military jets in the area. At 6:00 p.m. that evening in Marys 1/3/1995 #41948  
in one hand. The man fled from the area and didn't return until he had foun 2/9/1995 #42031  
is friends had been camping in the area of Larch Mountain Honor Camp near V 2/10/1995 #42033  
deways. Rash / weird light beams / area.                                    3/3/1995 #42073  
 the Central European surveillance area by the region's air traffic control 3/19/1995 #42112  
ower outage was experienced in the area at the same time.                   4/2/1995 #42134  
ightened children quickly left the area, and when they returned later the c 4/3/1995 #42138  
 some more and drove away from the area. Thinking he had hit the creature w 4/3/1995 #42138  
rver(s). Brilliant triangle lights area. Hovers. Turns and away.            4/13/1995 #42148  
with military installations in the area, but no explanation can be found. A 5/25/1995 #42227  
           MONYASH, DERBYSHIRE AND AREA 18 separate observer(s) / several d 7/23/1995 (approximate) #42319  
 the Central European surveillance area.                                    8/13/1995 #42381  
other two were up around his waist area. The creatures seemed to be doing s 8/15/1995 #42387  
oon and other animals found in the area. He also said that two weeks before 8/15/1995 #42389  
d unusual military activity in the area as well. Often, after his UFO sight 8/15/1995 #42389  
ly heavy military flights over the area, which convinced him his government 8/15/1995 #42389  
move above the ground in the patio area just outside the blinds. Everything 8/15/1995 #42390  
 A mutilated goat was found in the area the next day. On the same night Mis 9/7/1995 #42447  
small wings and flew away from the area.                                    9/16/1995 #42477  
 the Central European surveillance area happened on this date.              9/19/1995 #42488  
e same direction. Livestock in the area panicked. The entire sighting laste 9/22/1995 #42501  
 off the Ilha do Major, a mangrove area near the Rio Piaçabuçu adjacent to  10/1/1995 #42529  
, but they restart it and flee the area. They return the next morning and f 10/1/1995 #42529  
eturn the next morning and find an area of dry vegetation twisted clockwise 10/1/1995 #42529  
samples obtained within the burned area seeds germinate easily, but those p 10/1/1995 #42529  
range magnetic disturbances in the area. Five days earlier, on October 27,  11/1/1995 #42575  
 of bizarre animal killings in the area, Alicia Fajardo encountered a stran 11/11/1995 #42593  
iant, round object flying over the area. A large goat was also found dead a 11/11/1995 #42594  
so found dead and mutilated in the area.                                    11/11/1995 #42594  
    Two observers in a residential area of Memphis, Tennessee noted a weird 11/21/1995 #42618  
 the Central European surveillance area on this day.                        11/30/1995 #42634  
rical power outage occurred in the area at the same time.                   12/15/1995 #42646  
l her husband. He went back to the area and noticed the pungent odor but di 1/4/1996 #42666  
nterviewing to hire experts in the area of consciousness on 7 January 1996, 1/7/1996 #42670  
the incident to tell them that the area has been cordoned off and that truc 1/13/1996 #42681  
 two F-5 jet aircraft fly over the area at low altitude. Reportedly, a tota 1/20/1996 #42697  
o farm workers in the same general area had spotted a group of agitated ani 1/20/1996 #42697  
 agitated animals running from the area. Upon investigating they saw a meta 1/20/1996 #42697  
s watched six objects fly over the area. According to one of the witnesses, 1/31/1996 #42729  
                                   Area 51 Wall Street Journal on Area 51 w 2/8/1996 #42747  
    Area 51 Wall Street Journal on Area 51 worker toxic disposal fires laws 2/8/1996 #42747  
y reported seeing objects over the area and possibly other entity sightings 2/10/1996 #42755  
sticks" extended on ground. Lights area.                                    2/15/1996 #42763  
eared to be connected to his chest area, and on his right arm he had attach 2/29/1996 #42789  
mehow attached it to a "hump-like" area of a female humanoid that had been  2/29/1996 #42789  
ege to protect military secrets at Area 51, and that once invoked, the priv 3/1996 #42790  
home and in other locations in the area. Strange tracks were also found.    3/6/1996 #42811  
erver(s). Huge red sphere searches area where small humanoids (or Greys) se 3/16/1996 #42824  
 the Central European surveillance area by the region's air traffic control 3/19/1996 #42830  
mpers. Brilliant blue ovoid lights area. Vanishes strangely.                3/29/1996 #42844  
 craft land previously in the same area back in February observed a similar 4/16/1996 #42871  
a / moon. No further details. Busy area.                                    4/25/1996 #42883  
n to the apparent crash site. This area had only a few trees, scattered ced 6/4/1996 #42921  
eli military launches where in the area at the time of the report.          6/9/1996 #42929  
round midnight. Mancu lives in the area and told Rusu he was going to walk  7/8/1996 #42950  
s reported strange lights over the area the same night.                     7/8/1996 #42950  
atches of deep green growth in the area where the object had been. She thin 7/17/1996 #42961  
es of green growth appeared in the area where the object was first seen.    7/17/1996 #42962  
shed into the woods. Others in the area reported hearing loud noises resemb 7/22/1996 #42963  
 the Central European surveillance area.                                    8/9/1996 #42974  
an Jose (Calif.) San Francisco Bay Area Los Angeles Colombia South Central  8/18/1996 #42985  
t of a decade, a San Francisco Bay Area drug ring sold tons of cocaine to t 8/18/1996 #42985  
in Helendale Plant, Phillips Labs, Area 51/S4, Pahute Mesa, Area 19, Groom  8/30/1996 #43001  
ips Labs, Area 51/S4, Pahute Mesa, Area 19, Groom Lake, Los Alamos National 8/30/1996 #43001  
s a reported power blackout in the area.                                    9/15/1996 #43021  
fferent from any soil found in the area.                                    9/16/1996 #43026  
8 p.m. The object hovered over the area and was seen to bank slowly, reveal 9/23/1996 #43039  
The witnesses returned back to the area at 9:55 p.m. and watched a powerful 9/23/1996 #43039  
 noises. They remember leaving the area and returning home in a state of sh 9/23/1996 #43039  
of the night sky and hover over an area near the highway. At least 4-5 auto 10/3/1996 #43051  
ports said there were no planes in area at that time.                       10/15/1996 #43071  
–9:00 p.m. Many people over a wide area of south-central Ohio and northern  10/16/1996 #43073  
ing northwest. Several report(s) / area.                                    10/20/1996 #43085  
lf. He soon noticed that the whole area around him was completely illuminat 11/9/1996 #43110  
top, driving quickly away from the area.                                    11/23/1996 #43118  
                   Weapons Storage Area at Ellsworth FB near Rapid City, So 12/1996 #43127  
 one mile from the Weapons Storage Area at Ellsworth FB near Rapid City, So 12/1996 #43127  
ination by the beings. His stomach area was probed with several needle-like 12/9/1996 #43133  
d to make a perimeter check of the area. Suddenly one of them screamed when 1/7/1997 #43167  
 and behind their ears. A scorched area was reportedly found on the roof an 1/7/1997 #43167  
     Roswell Washington, D.C. D.C.–area Roswell witness Jesse Marcel Jr. un 1/10/1997 #43169  
s, this time with Washington, D.C.–area clinical psychologist Neil Hibler.  1/10/1997 #43169  
 worked at Area-51 S-4, speaks in “Area 51: The Alien Interview” by Rocket  2/1997 (approximate) #43182  
e object and its occupant left the area.                                    2/16/1997 #43194  
ed on a lawn over a one-meter wide area. The substance was between 0.5 and  2/27/1997 #43213  
tionary lights seen in the Phoenix area around 10:00 p.m. The Air Force ide 3/13/1997 #43229  
er workers who happen to be in the area. They see a wrecked pile of metal i 3/24/1997 #43239  
ilian aircraft are reported in the area.                                    3/24/1997 #43239  
wing crescent in / sea. Lights 10M area. Back out going quickly northeast.  4/6/1997 #43255  
                        In a hilly area known as Ponte a Mensola, east of F 5/18/1997 #43298  
appeared from sight. Others in the area reported seeing bright red lights f 5/18/1997 #43298  
lying in a zigzag pattern over the area.                                    5/18/1997 #43298  
r a short while, the UFOs left the area.                                    5/19/1997 #43300  
ere not any of their planes in the area at that time.                       6/18/1997 #43329  
                         GIPPSLAND AREA, AUST Many observer(s) / 5 days. Or 7/13/1997 #43349  
alls hover over transmitters / oil area.                                    7/13/1997 #43349  
ng slow moving lights low over the area.                                    7/23/1997 #43359  
 shots coming from a nearby wooded area in Bocaiuva do Sul, Brazil and ran  8/3/1997 #43366  
. Frightened, he ran away from the area and did not see the creature again. 8/3/1997 #43366  
d disappeared into a nearby wooded area.                                    9/4/1997 #43394  
ance. Terrified, the boys fled the area, but soon returned armed with a cam 9/5/1997 #43395  
ional support for research in this area is desirable. After four days of pr 9/29/1997 #43420  
 were parked in an isolated wooded area near Punta Arenas, Chile at 11:30 p 9/30/1997 #43421  
nd two legs. It flew fast over the area, quickly disappearing from sight.   10/10/1997 #43426  
 spotted in the sky over a farming area in Lockport, New York. Once in awhi 11/15/1997 #43443  
 howled when thin rectangle was in area (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)      12/30/1997 #43475  
rest 11:30 p.m. Many people in the area of Rzeszów, Poland, watch a spheric 12/31/1997 #43477  
uest for assignment from DARPA re: Area 51)     Note: A declassified study  1998 #43481  
 Dogs barked a small sphere roamed area (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)      1/2/1998 #43485  
an was walking his dog in a wooded area of Nursery Woods, Cumbria, England  1/25/1998 #43505  
ight. The witness quickly left the area. There was no reaction by the dog r 1/25/1998 #43505  
seconds it was gone. Others in the area reported seeing a bright light over 2/14/1998 #43521  
ted seeing a bright light over the area around the same time.               2/14/1998 #43521  
SA-TZER and WPAFB research in this area is known this writer recommends tha 3/11/1998 #43532  
ed in flight, and then scanned the area with a beam of light. It circled pa 4/10/1998 #43546  
hite except for a central circular area about 30 feet in diameter. It slowl 4/22/1998 #43557  
en suits in the water, in the same area where the lights from the object ha 5/13/1998 #43566  
 military aircraft activity in the area.                                    5/13/1998 #43566  
beams of light towards her stomach area. At this point she lost consciousne 6/8/1998 #43584  
lack in color with almost no white area. He had neither eyelashes nor other 7/12/1998 #43602  
                    SEDAN AND WIDE AREA, FR Triangle with many lights / 30  8/10/1998 #43624  
ubs and rocks. The youths fled the area and notified some nearby military u 8/12/1998 #43629  
ack and forth as if inspecting the area.                                    9/18/1998 #43648  
as stationed at Nellis AFB, NV at “Area 2,” a major nuclear weapons depot o 10/1998 #43656  
ncident the night before. While at Area 2, Cabrera’s colleagues told him th 10/1998 #43656  
ere out elk hunting in an isolated area near Vernal, Utah when they saw wha 10/19/1998 #43666  
stigate. As they got closer to the area they saw two more craft hovering ov 10/19/1998 #43666  
w two more craft hovering over the area. On the ground they saw what appear 10/19/1998 #43666  
terpart if results were similar at Area 51/Dreamland, and the statement tha 11/1998 #43673  
me ensued. A second witness in the area remembered being struck by a beam o 11/1/1998 #43674  
                                   Area 51 Newspaper Article: “High court w 11/16/1998 #43683  
view “state secrets” privilege in ‘Area 51’ case”. The U.S. Supreme Court r 11/16/1998 #43683  
ase near Groom Lake, Nev., dubbed “Area 51.”                                11/16/1998 #43683  
ring above a dead tree in a wooded area of San Fernando, Cebu Island, the P 11/29/1998 #43689  
ory. Planes reportedly circled the area.                                    11/29/1998 #43690  
                                   Area 2 in Nellis AFB in Nevada 5:45 p.m. 12/1998 #43694  
 at the end of his patrol shift at Area 2 in Nellis AFB in Nevada and chatt 12/1998 #43694  
r 300M away low over field. Lights area like day. Speeds up going west.     12/21/1998 #43701  
 back and forth within the lighted area, then floated back up into the obje 4/1/1999 #43752  
pherical light flying low over the area. Thinking it was a plane, he contin 5/10/1999 #43767  
ks, hedges, and trees over a 90 km area around Esperance, Western Australia 6/9/1999 #43783  
GM Research and Development in the area of advanced design.  The Sedge Mast 7/31/1999 #43815  
USNTA said another aircraft in the area saw nothing.                        8/9/1999 #43819  
 vertically, disappearing from the area at very high speed.                 8/14/1999 #43822  
ower failure simultaneously in the area. The event lasted 15 minutes.       10/16/1999 #43861  
n the beach in the Bethwells Beach area in Auckland, New Zealand at 11:30 p 11/26/1999 #43889  
and begin a blind search among the area’s 400,000 inhabitants. On the secon 12/1999 #43890  
ng into the mud. The police in the area set up a one-mile wide exclusion zo 12/8/1999 #43895  
he lights went away. Others in the area had seen low flying objects over th 1/17/2000 #43929  
nd he quickly walked away from the area. Other local residents also reporte 4/17/2000 #43982  
er right shoulder to her right hip area. She felt very uncomfortable and he 5/17/2000 #43996  
ge hovered close by. It lit up the area and was described as looking like " 6/7/2000 #44001  
t 11:45 p.m. It travelled over the area making no noise, and left behind a  7/7/2000 #44011  
inutes. A helicopter flew over the area later that same night. There was al 7/7/2000 #44013  
alled the police, who searched the area but found nothing.                  7/11/2000 #44014  
 helicopter is visible in the same area at the same time.                   7/17/2000 #44021  
UFO. The men then quickly left the area. The man's memory of the event was  7/25/2000 #44022  
 that it had a hole where the neck area joined the spine. Jarvie has no oth 8/10/2000 #44029  
 had filmed a strange UFO over the area, 31-year-old Gloria Siboa was walki 9/6/2000 #44037  
s time it seemed to be leaving the area. She also noticed a strong odor in  10/15/2000 #44058  
nner over an open fire in a wooded area near Elsberry, Missouri, when they  11/2000 #44069  
dly attacked an angler in a wooded area near Sampacho, Cordoba State, Argen 11/29/2000 #44089  
O was sighted in the South Waikato area of New Zealand by 12. There were in 1/26/2001 #44132  
t. The next day cell phones in the area would not work, and the witnesses c 2/9/2001 #44138  
 that a second UFO was also in the area.                                    4/25/2001 #44164  
n Earth for a reproduction staging area, acquiring the necessary materials, 5/2/2001 #44174  
 Blimp, which is often seen in the area.                                    5/12/2001 #44184  
      Afghanistan Tarnak residence Area 51, Nevada A Hellfire missile is su Early 6/2001 #44190  
’s Afghanistan Tarnak residence in Area 51, Nevada. A missile launched from Early 6/2001 #44190  
 Then it emits mist from its upper area and becomes enshrouded with the lig 6/23/2001 #44196  
 a couple riding bikes in a wooded area of Palmerston, Ontario, Canada obse 7/1/2001 #44200  
g orange disc-shaped UFOs over the area.                                    7/1/2001 #44200  
dicate that radars in the New York area picked up a series of anomalous tar 7/15/2001 #44209  
ous targets were racing around the area. According to MUFON field investiga 7/15/2001 #44209  
irmed reports of UFO's seen in the area that night.                         7/23/2001 #44210  
itnesses accelerated away from the area. They described the figure as about 7/26/2001 #44211  
he ship. "Then both ships left the area going away from our hours." He daug 8/29/2001 #44247  
 to be “testing” and examining the area. After about an hour the creatures  9/11/2001 #44258  
w over a major, busy, metropolitan area, and was completely silent. It had  11/13/2001 #44276  
r in a new development in a wooded area near their home in Hooksett, New Ha 12/10/2001 #44285  
Circular glow-object circles metro area. Big wave.                          12/15/2001 #44290  
g object circling the metropolitan area of Toluca, Mexico at around 3:00 a. 12/15/2001 #44291  
tanbul, Turkey, with an exhibition area that showcases UFO incidents in bot 1/18/2002 #44308  
ing was in order. He said that the area was very beautiful and also added,  3/26/2002 #44326  
en reproduction vehicles (ARVs) at Area 51 and associated locations, and th 4/25/2002 #44333  
e. Terrified, the men ran from the area and later returned with other witne 5/3/2002 #44336  
long slowly. They went back to the area where they observed the first objec 6/8/2002 #44349  
se and sped away, illuminating the area like daylight. Recovering from his  7/21/2002 #44362  
          At 3:10 a.m. in a wooded area of Sedona, Arizona the witness saw  7/28/2002 #44368  
e for 20 seconds and then left the area. Prior to seeing the figure, he had 7/28/2002 #44368  
                                   Area 2 Nevada Test Site Nevada National  10/2002 #44411  
oves along the perimeter fences of Area 2, a weapons storage area of the Ne 10/2002 #44411  
ences of Area 2, a weapons storage area of the Nevada Test Site [now the Ne 10/2002 #44411  
oves along the perimeter fences of Area 2, a weapons storage area for the N 10/2002 #44412  
ences of Area 2, a weapons storage area for the Nevada Test Site (Nevada Na 10/2002 #44412  
 fall of angel hair covers a large area of Alessandria, Italy, including ro 10/18/2002 #44419  
Small planes were seen in the same area of the sky at the same time.        11/13/2002 #44440  
trails [by the setting sun] in the area, and clearly not diffused...the obj 11/22/2002 #44449  
                                   Area 2 Nevada Test Site Nevada National  4/2003 #44508  
e Air Force security policemen for Area 2, a weapons storage area of the Ne 4/2003 #44508  
emen for Area 2, a weapons storage area of the Nevada Test Site [now the Ne 4/2003 #44508  
luminum. The Navy cordoned off the area. In spite of the high speed at whic 4/18/2003 #44516  
 of the men leading him to an open area near the local "Burtons Biscuit Fac 4/28/2003 #44519  
scream for the driver to leave the area immediately. Terrified, they drove  5/2/2003 #44521  
re is another object in his flight area. When they are over Palmas, the cop 6/5/2003 #44554  
ton on this night. All dogs in the area whined loudly at around 1:30 a.m. T 7/14/2003 #44564  
llowed by a red light circling the area at high speed.                      11/22/2003 #44617  
of the weapons storage compound in Area 2. Upon arriving at the location in 2004 #44637  
xt, it flew overhead in a suburban area. It first flew at a slow pace, then 3/14/2004 #44677  
rtedly proceeded to cordon off the area, and undertook stringent security m 5/15/2004 #44702  
re was a local power outage in the area.                                    5/17/2004 #44703  
he did not see any vehicles in the area. He was sure that he would have see 7/27/2004 #44718  
ndow" was positioned over the face area, but no facial features were visibl 8/2/2004 #44725  
ositioned at Krepachi, Baranovichi area, Brest region. On the night of Augu 8/25/2004 #44741  
hich time a haze or fog filled the area and he lost consciousness. He woke  8/26/2004 #44743  
 mountains started to approach the area and the four objects vanished immed 1/22/2005 #44809  
Argentina 2:00 a.m. In the farming area of El Paraiso, Mar del Plata, Argen 2/7/2005 #44813  
t bluish glow lighting up a wooded area across the highway. The light gets  7/5/2005 #44851  
 that moved quickly across a large area of the sky, dropping "balls of ligh 9/7/2005 #44870  
light movements, flew low over the area for a minute, then suddenly disappe 4/27/2006 #44934  
luctuation propulsion research, an area the AATIP program studied linked to 4/28/2006 #44937  
     A man was driving in a remote area of Tapiola, Michigan at 11:30 p.m.  8/6/2006 #44953  
n and his dog ran further from the area and hid again. The beings appeared  8/6/2006 #44953  
ld be seen toward the southeastern area of the city.                        10/26/2006 #44977  
t odd angle and landed in a wooded area in Biglerville, Adams County, Penns 5/3/2007 #45024  
behind the dog, he illuminated the area with his handheld spotlight and saw 8/29/2007 #45050  
ount Laguna, in the unincorporated area of San Diego, California. However,  9/16/2007 #45059  
litary aircraft or balloons in the area.                                    10/30/2007 #45086  
hts are spread out over a one-mile area. They slow down and remain stationa 1/8/2008 #45112  
 AWACS jet make figure-8s over the area. Two F-16s from Oklahoma fly south  1/8/2008 #45112  
homa fly south to the Stephenville area. FAA radar returns also show a targ 1/8/2008 #45112  
 helicopters/convoys come into the area in the following weeks. One ex-poli 5/14/2008 #45138  
licly revealed what crashed in the area nor what was recovered.  https://ww 5/14/2008 #45138  
an 2 miles away. It flies over the area at an altitude of 330 feet. At one  8/20/2008 #45161  
mber of the BAASS team is going to Area 51 to retrieve data from the days o 1/23/2009 #45208  
 is looking toward a public forest area behind her home when she notices a  6/16/2009 #45226  
anes and helicopters move into the area and seem to be searching for someth 6/16/2009 #45226  
ulti-colored UFO many times in the area late at night took out his binocula 8/18/2009 #45236  
ct Xinhuajie district Apparel Town area plaza of the Taiyuan Railway Statio 10/11/2010 #45301  
at 9:01 p.m. near the Apparel Town area, and at 9:05 p.m. near the racetrac 10/11/2010 #45301  
ews agencies to report UFOs in the area. Chinese troops allegedly cordon of 10/13/2010 #45302  
se troops allegedly cordon off the area with no explanation. A video circul 10/13/2010 #45302  
ts deny a military presence in the area and attribute the story to rumor an 10/13/2010 #45302  
rogram to alleviate poverty in the area.                                    10/13/2010 #45302  
e large black SUVs pulled into the area, wearing black suits and dark glass 2/2011 #45312  
tated they had no aircraft in that area. Civilians in nearby Roy, MT said t 9/19/2012 #45353  
 UAP incident occurred in the same area, above Oscar-01, on 24 March 1967.  9/19/2012 #45353  
Nellis Test Range Complex, a large area of highly-restricted (and heavily-s 2013 #45356  
is region (semi-officially termed "Area 51") include Groom Lake Air Force B 2013 #45356  
nts concerning their activities at Area 51.                                 2013 #45356  
 of light that illuminates a large area. The officers drive away, but the l 1/8/2013 #45359  
 650 feet above some houses in the area. It flies away to the east.         3/5/2013 #45361  
                                   Area 51 The CIA publicly acknowledges th 6/25/2013 #45375  
icly acknowledges the existence of Area 51 for the first time, following a  6/25/2013 #45375  
ne or missile” in the W-72 warning area, a patch of airspace off the coast  6/27/2013 #45376  
ouse states the craft was taken to Area 51 early in its construction and fo 11/1/2013 #45392  
to 40%” of UAP work was moved from Area 51 to Utah.  https://youtu.be/JW6cJ 11/1/2013 #45393  
nia Naval Air Station Oceana Fleet Area Control and Surveillance Facility,  11/18/2013 #45395  
ke Fighter Wing Atlantic and Fleet Area Control and Surveillance Facility,  11/18/2013 #45395  
 operator. A Navy vessel is in the area traveling south, but the Navy is un 11/18/2013 #45395  
ed of 0.1 Mach in the W-72 warning area. The pilot’s wingman does not have  3/26/2014 #45405  
 and operating in the W-72 warning area. The crew initially detects two UAD 4/23/2014 #45407  
th another UAD in the W-72 warning area while conducting Basic Fighter Mane 4/24/2014 #45408  
 and operating in the W-72 warning area, encounters an unknown aerial devic 4/27/2014 #45409  
 are no other radar targets in the area. The object is in sight for only 3– 6/13/2014 #45410  
re are no ships or aircraft in the area at the time. However, journalist To 1/27/2015 #45428  
ographic South Pole; he states the area was supposed to be a no fly zone bu 1/30/2015 #45429  
ncy medevac, they flew through the area. He also states at a camp near Mari 1/30/2015 #45429  
Las Vegas Review-Journal Article: “Area 51 worker sees hope in Supreme Cour 3/1/2015 #45432  
he Nevada National Security Site’s Area 6 activities for the first time pub 3/5/2016 #45445  
. The only other public mention of Area 6 is in a 7,500-page safety report  3/5/2016 #45445  
achines are as follows:  Dreamland/Area 51 has a man-made flying saucer   T 4/5/2016 #45449  
lying saucer   The UAP R&D work at Area 51 is entirely a subdivision of a m 4/5/2016 #45449  
a location called “Possum Plant”   Area 51 had a triangle Astra-TR3B called 4/5/2016 #45449  
s curvature in spacetime   S4 near Area 51 had a simulator for the Locust   4/5/2016 #45449  
“there was no other traffic in the area.” In the day’s log, the lines follo 4/15/2016 #45450  
cent of 29 reported in the Chicago area in the summer.                      8/9/2017 #45478  
o verify any other aircraft in the area.                                    2/24/2018 #45513  
 on its radar in the W-122 warning area, which sits off the coast of North  3/13/2018 #45523  
They are also spread out across an area approximately 40 to 50 miles wide,  3/13/2018 #45523  
eering projects. The viewer claims Area 29 at White Sands Proving Ground ma 5/30/2018 #45528  
 (S-1 sent Wood a map of WSMR with Area 29 denoted in the northwest corner) 5/30/2018 #45528  
is noted as having a connection to Area 29.  https://www.earthfiles.com/201 5/30/2018 #45528  
f there are military planes in the area. They tell the pilot no and that no 11/9/2018 #45544  
                        Cincinnati area Calgary, Alberta Saskatchewan Day.  11/17/2018 #45546  
argojet flight from the Cincinnati area to Calgary, Alberta, observes brigh 11/17/2018 #45546  
                                   Area 51 The independent documentary Bob  12/4/2018 #45550  
independent documentary Bob Lazar: Area 51 and Flying Saucers is released.  12/4/2018 #45550  
r St. Mary’s County Maryland Fleet Area Control and Surveillance Facility,  2/13/2019 #45562  
ng activities in the W-386 warning area, visually spot what they specifical 2/13/2019 #45562  
oon” at 27,000 feet. Neither Fleet Area Control and Surveillance Facility,  2/13/2019 #45562  
of his cockpit in the W-72 warning area off the coast. His weapons systems  3/4/2019 #45566  
  Amargosa Valley Nevada The Storm Area 51 Facebook event is created by col 6/27/2019 #45588  
o search for aliens after watching Area 51 conspiracy theorist Bob Lazar an 6/27/2019 #45588  
                                   Area 51 “Storm Area-51” event planned    9/20/2019 #45608  
                                   Area 51 Rachel, Nevada Hiko, Nevada The  9/20/2019 #45609  
hel, Nevada Hiko, Nevada The Storm Area 51 Facebook event takes place with  9/20/2019 #45609  
ople showing up at the entrance to Area 51. Although no one succeeds in ent 9/20/2019 #45609  
 and up to 10,000 people visit the area over the weekend. Air Force spokesw 9/20/2019 #45609  
had earlier seen “lanterns” in the area, but neither crew member thought th 9/1/2020 #45660  
lown at Tonopah AFB Test Range and Area 51. “None of these experimental cra 6/29/2021 #45697  
                      Century City area of Los Angeles, California 4:03 p.m 9/15/2021 #45709  
etallic object in the Century City area of Los Angeles, California. After w 9/15/2021 #45709  
rested in the subject (Kit Green’s area). Ramirez states he “sees” highly e 1/30/2022 #45736  
re of five UAP related projects at Area 51: Project Candid Sky for photogra 6/13/2022 #45757  
ectly suggested he did work in the area of US programs related to UAP in th 9/26/2022 #45771  
hat he was told of a compartmented area of the Navy as sensitive as the Man 12/20/2022 #45790  
control vessel was detected in the area as well.  https://www.theblackvault 2/27/2023 #45795  
 a defense contractor that managed Area 51, told him “they” had a flying sa 2/28/2023 #45796  
## Word: "area-51" (Back to Top)
                  Coral Gables, FL Area-51/S-4 whistleblower Bob Lazar is b 1/26/1959 #15565  
                           Area 51 Area-51 workers and widows said that thr 1980's #35108  
                    Los Alamos, NM Area-51/S-4 worker Bob Lazar meets Dr. E 7/28/1982 #36553  
                                   Area-51 USAF seizes 89,000 acres of publ 1984 #37088  
                                NV Area-51/S-4 worker Bob Lazar meets ufolo 1988 #38381  
 Vegas, NV Dr. Edward Teller calls Area-51/S-4 worker Bob Lazar             11/29/1988 #38725  
worker Bob Lazar starts working at Area-51/S-4 (Unclear: Lazar’s book says  12/1988 #38729  
             Las Vegas, NV Year of Area-51/S-4 whistleblower Bob Lazar’s W- 1989 #38768  
                  Papoose Dry Lake Area-51/S-4 whistleblower Bob Lazar’s la 4/7/1989 #38896  
                     Las Vegas, NV Area-51 workers and their widows lose su 3/1996 #42790  
or”, who claimed to have worked at Area-51 S-4, speaks in “Area 51: The Ali 2/1997 (approximate) #43182  
or”, who claimed to have worked at Area-51 S-4 (see 2/1997). Claims no succ 5/23/1997 #43301  
                        US Claimed Area-51 S-4 worker named “Victor” appear 2008 #45105  
                    Area 51 “Storm Area-51” event planned                   9/20/2019 #45608  
## Word: "area-51-i-cant-discuss-it-sir" (Back to Top)
s://mysteriousuniverse.org/2019/01/area-51-i-cant-discuss-it-sir/ (rg - pay 8/7/1984 #37429  
s://mysteriousuniverse.org/2019/01/area-51-i-cant-discuss-it-sir/ (rg - non 8/7/1984 #37429  
## Word: "area51uncensored0000jaco" (Back to Top)
ago/   https://archive.org/details/area51uncensored0000jaco/page/10/mode/2u 5/15/1989 #38953  
up *   https://archive.org/details/area51uncensored0000jaco/page/10/mode/2u 6/1989 #38972  
## Word: "areal" (Back to Top)
                                   Areal, Brazil Silo-shaped object with th 12/19/1981 #36265  
                                   Areal, Brazil Silo-shaped object swooped 12/19/1981 #36266  
                                   Areal, Brazil UFO swooped over vehicle,  12/19/1981 #36267  
## Word: "areas" (Back to Top)
ays that they often land in remote areas and come to nearby towns for suppl 4/21/1897? #551  
y intruders, apparitions, circular areas of scorched grass, large and unfam 1927 #1068  
kings that are reported over rural areas of Scandinavia from November 15, 1 12/24/1933 #1182  
had flown over restricted military areas.                                   1/22/1934 #1196  
orology and continue exploring new areas. Due to the impending involvement  1939 #1302  
t more of them land in unpopulated areas. On November 4, a US Navy patrol c 11/3/1944 #1691  
ppeared over the highly restricted areas near the White Sands Proving Groun 7/1/1947 #2501  
 Armed guards encircle the primary areas, denying access to anyone without  7/8/1947 #3011  
diamond. UFO's all over restricted areas / months.                          5/7/1949 #4165  
air and ground samples be taken in areas where the fireballs are seen.      8/18/1949 #4322  
 Marine Aircraft Wing in different areas around Seoul, Korea, simultaneousl 7/1/1951 #5558  
d the Lorenzens into “metaphysical areas of research.” Coral Lorenzen rebuf 1/1952 #5853  
use “sound detection apparatus” in areas of UFO activity.                   3/26/1952 #5979  
of zinc cadmium sulfide over large areas of all three states. The tests aff 3/26/1952 #5980  
cked up strange objects in several areas heading west and north at differen 7/12/1952 #6775  
nnel are on continuous duty in key areas.                                   7/14/1952 #6816  
 The objects, seen over many other areas of central Ohio (Capt. Edward J. R 7/23/1952 #7083  
 up “sound detection apparatus” in areas of UAP activity, suggesting the MI 12/2/1952 #8364  
es and simulated cases in selected areas; however, this is clearly not the  1/9/1953 #8521  
aldy (Hill 266) and Pork Chop Hill areas. Radar supposedly tracks them also 4/19/1953 #8838  
th biological weapons in populated areas, collaboration with former Nazi sc 11/28/1953 #9324  
ected radioactive contamination of areas to the east of Bikini Atoll in the 3/1/1954 #9584  
. Three persons in three different areas observed a "brilliant, silver colo 5/13/1954 #9787  
VOSGES Many observer(s) / separate areas. Vertical cylinder/cylindrical obj 10/21/1954 #11285  
ile at RIAS he got a contract from Areas A and C at Wright-Patterson Air Fo 1955 #11898  
cause it is too close to populated areas. Ritland recalls a “little X-shape Early 1955 #11901  
stinct in outline, and lit in some areas with a red glow. Capt. Michel Desa 2/17/1956 #12723  
nds would blow fallout in occupied areas. The eventually conducted test ble 6/2/1957 #13694  
est blew the fallout over occupied areas anyway.                            6/2/1957 #13694  
an their counterparts in untouched areas. The ant hills themselves, accordi 7/30/1957 #13860  
. There are four burned or charred areas, each about 1 foot 3 inches in dia 7/30/1957 #13862  
ed corners and window-like lighted areas underneath. There seems to be move 8/1957 #13868  
 to be movement within the lighted areas. In the middle of the bottom is a  8/1957 #13868  
the ground and taking off in other areas near Levelland. Reports of vehicle 11/2/1957 #14221  
nd and third-degree burns on large areas of their body, chiefly in areas co 11/4/1957 #14284  
ge areas of their body, chiefly in areas covered by clothing. Afterwards, B 11/4/1957 #14284  
vestigations of sightings in their areas. It also continues ATIC’s responsi 2/5/1958 #14872  
austed and have burned or reddened areas on their skin, some on their kneec 2/17/1958 #14878  
ty dim, failing completely in some areas. Physician Angelo Corsi witnesses  8/3/1958 #15177  
 in Moscow, and 18 on seven target areas in Kaliningrad. Weapons scientist  12/14/1960 #16533  
ens entire villages in surrounding areas and breaks windows in Finland 1,00 10/30/1961 #16939  
on off the area, dig up the burned areas to a depth of one foot, and carry  4/25/1964? #18205  
, horses) were restless in all the areas that the object crossed. A photogr 4/5/1966 #20243  
and horses are restless in all the areas where the object passes over.      4/5/1966 #20250  
with some sort of lighted, colored areas that rotate.                       10/21/1966 #21026  
d. Going quickly [to] trees. Large areas / flat.barley. / Flying Saucer Rev 7/10/1967 #22638  
object with alternating triangular areas of coloration. The object was low  10/27/1967 #23343  
object with alternating triangular areas of coloration. The object is low a 10/27/1967 #23351  
e trouble moving in heavily wooded areas. Their faces were reported to have 6/14/1968 #24034  
ew feet they noticed two flattened areas, where small entities might have t 5/11/1969 #25128  
ly around the lake and neighboring areas. It occasionally sends out a beam  4/29/1970 #25645  
n color and appeared to have burnt areas along the bottom. The witness, sit 5/21/1971 #26121  
 level of radioactivity in certain areas. In the place where the object had 9/20/1971 #26354  
ings are reported throughout rural areas of Puerto Rico, as well as in San  8/1972 #26864  
er(s). Wave / night lights etc.ovr areas / natural radiation. / r231'78.    10/8/1972 #27057  
ey weave in and out through wooded areas. Eventually the object is lost to  11/18/1973 #28442  
 rises / trees. Row 3 10' circular areas / crushed grass.                   3/23/1974 #28932  
pected landing site large scorched areas and marks were found in the grass, 4/23/1974 #29058  
s drive to 9 separate metropolitan areas, all chosen by Jones. Back in the  7/9/1974 #29253  
r going down. Beams. Burnt 20-40cm areas / ground. / r50p53.                1/1/1975 #29686  
 later finds two parallel scorched areas where there are numerous randomly  1/1/1975 #29689  
nderground facilities and isolated areas of military reservations have squa 3/14/1975 #29900  
ion on board and are dispatched to areas of UAP activity. He states in the  3/14/1975 #29900  
wnsville examine three oval-shaped areas, one roughly circular area, and on 3/22/1975 #29916  
atchewan, when he finds two burned areas in the center of his field. They a 5/30/1975 #30069  
pons storage sites, aircraft alert areas and missile control complexes at i 10/1975 #30401  
th body lights penetrated security areas on two consecutive nights, hovered 10/27/1975 #30484  
An additional sweep is made of the areas that the craft has flown over. All 10/27/1975 #30488  
rs watched objects breach security areas, hover low over weapons storage ar 10/30/1975 #30521  
ase. The objects breached security areas, and hovered over the nuclear weap 10/30/1975 #30523  
 men are ordered to proceed to the areas. One SAT team drives down the high 11/7/1975 #30576  
 They found two 0.9-meter diameter areas in which the plants were flattened 12/8/1975 #30694  
e were floating far above them, of areas of mass devastation. These include 1/27/1977 #31761  
der, wristwatches malfunction, and areas of flattened grass are found. On o 8/3/1977 #32353  
rive another two blocks to an open areas and get out of the car to watch tw 2/5/1978 #32955  
efore returning to normal, even in areas underneath his uniform. However, n 5/13/1978 #33202  
hough the redness fades, there are areas where the skin is actually burned  5/13/1978 #33202  
ness went away rapidly, there were areas where the skin was actually burned 5/13/1978 #33205  
gs in the Reno and Battle Mountain areas Monday night. A total of 6 persons 11/27/1978 #34006  
 there were later found some burnt areas and deep ground marks in the soil. 12/6/1978 #34067  
e SAC bases, their weapons storage areas, missile sites, and launch control 12/20/1978 #34183  
e SAC bases, their weapons storage areas, missile sites, and launch control 12/20/1978 #34186  
 openings, and the soft underbelly areas, especially the udders of female b 6/1980 #35349  
 of the reactor core. Contaminated areas around the plant are simply sluice 9/9/1982 #36599  
dioactivity and contaminates large areas of land and water. The disaster is 8/10/1985 #37641  
d at the reactor. It hovers in the areas about 3 minutes, then the rays van 4/26/1986 #37844  
g light on top and two red glowing areas on the back, followed by a short v 3/6/1987 #38130  
stic-12 briefing document. Certain areas that had been blacked out are now  6/1987 #38183  
 its possession, Area 51 or nearby areas in the Nellis Air Force Range or N 10/1992 #40653  
attle mutilations commonly involve areas of the animal that relate to “inpu 1997 #43154  
he site there were dark blue burnt areas, about the size of two football fi 7/17/1999 #43806  
sing afterburners over residential areas, and pursue an unidentifiable ligh 7/26/2002 #44366  
ound coating at least 14 different areas of the downed airplane that are wi 10/23/2002 #44422  
eet were small with brownish-black areas on the side. When it reached the o 1/22/2003 #44477  
n shape with three red illuminated areas like tips. The outer points were b 12/4/2004 #44795  
 up slowly from each of six lit up areas. One of them next tried to make a  1/30/2006 #44920  
ed in the Fort Worth and Arlington areas in 2008. Claims two F-16s fitted w 2008 #45108  
y (individuals “specialized in the areas of advanced sciences, sensors, int 6/24/2009 #45227  
chnology, all pertaining to the 12 areas chosen by the DIA. Bigelow’s group 12/1/2009 #45260  
ata they’re able to get from other areas of IC/private industry. DeLonge st 3/27/2016 #45446  
ation at about 150 feet over rural areas of northeastern Colorado (Phillips 12/2019 #45620  
cts observed in redacted Operating Areas known as “Unidentified Aerial Phen 2/27/2023 #45795  
## Word: "areata" (Back to Top)
to the autoimmune disease alopecia areata, that her other symptoms could be 12/29/1980 #35757  
## Word: "arecebo" (Back to Top)
     On this night near Vega Baja, Arecebo, Puerto Rico Jesus Medina Montes 11/28/1995 #42628  
## Word: "areches" (Back to Top)
                                   ARECHES, FR 2 observer(s). 3 dark silent 8/1/1947 #3280  
d discs flew over the mountains of Areches, Savoie, France heading east-nor 8/1/1947 #3282  
## Word: "arecibo" (Back to Top)
wn [to] into sea. Also disk seen / Arecibo.                                 10/27/1972 #27091  
## Word: "arembepe" (Back to Top)
                                   Arembepe, Brazil On this night a tall hu 12/11/1978 #34091  
                  On this night in Arembepe, Brazil a tall human-like figur 12/11/1978 #34094  
## Word: "aren" (Back to Top)
. All are certain that the objects aren’t balloons. They are large, whitish 4/5/1948 #3612  
e lights come on, even though they aren’t turned on. The cars remain stalle 12/8/1957 #14692  
mosphere from outer space (or just aren’t), but the analysts are evasive. N 3/28/1967 #22005  
reporting UFOs to the project, but aren’t very successful.                  6/12/1967 #22498  
erg and comments, “You know, there aren’t six people in this room who know  6/27/1982 #36521  
y’ so that new terms/language/etc. aren’t introduced that complicate the ov 7/10/2020 #45651  
## Word: "aren't" (Back to Top)
riend, who lived there, said"there aren't any birds out here at this time o 2/11/2011 #45314  
## Word: "arena" (Back to Top)
                                   Arena Street [modern Dózsa György út] in 6/10/1947 #2319  
0 p.m. Gyorik Ferenc and others on Arena Street [modern Dózsa György út] in 6/10/1947 #2319  
                             POINT ARENA AND WILLIAMS, CA RADAR blip. F94 i 7/26/1952 #7145  
                             Point Arena, CA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) T 11/4/1956 #13304  
## Word: "arenal" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR ARENAL, C.RICA "Several observer(s)". Vo 4/11/1955 (approximate) #12092  
, three miles north of the town of Arenal, Costa Rica at 10.583 degrees Nor 9/4/1971 #26319  
## Word: "arenales" (Back to Top)
oute N-3333 on his way back to Los Arenales, Spain when he noticed a bright 5/10/1999 #43767  
## Word: "arenas" (Back to Top)
                             PUNTA ARENAS, CHL 18cm sphere / 5400M altitude 3/11/1950 #4611  
                             Punta Arenas, Chile Silver ping-pong-shaped ob 3/11/1950 #4613  
                             PUNTA ARENAS AND CHAVUNCO, CHL 2 pilots and 18 6/4/1968 #24003  
                             Punta Arenas, Chile Cylinder above airliner (N 6/4/1968 #24004  
                             Punta Arenas airport, Chile Capt. U. Tiviroli, 6/6/1968 #24013  
es during a night landing at Punta Arenas airport, Chile. An unusually brig 6/6/1968 #24013  
                             PUNTA ARENAS, CHL Truck lights dim. 4M saucer  3/6/1969 #24973  
                             PUNTA ARENAS, CHL Girl chased / UFO and hit /  2/25/1997 (approximate) #43208  
                             PUNTA ARENAS, CHL Power out. Street lights and 4/23/1997 #43272  
                             PUNTA ARENAS, CHL 8+small humanoids (or Greys) 9/22/1997 #43413  
an isolated wooded area near Punta Arenas, Chile at 11:30 p.m. They had ste 9/30/1997 #43421  
                             PUNTA ARENAS, CHL Glowing-ovoid going east 20M 11/26/1997 #43450  
## Word: "arend" (Back to Top)
 in a wheat field belonging to Dan Arend off County Road 126 near Paulding, 7/4/1996 #42945  
## Word: "arendal" (Back to Top)
at to the surface. The frigate KNM Arendal and the submarine KNM Sarpen, al 6/1/1958 #15074  
for more than a week, although the Arendal does get a sonar reading of a mo 6/1/1958 #15074  
mber of dead fish. The frigate KNM Arendal and the submarine KNM Sarpen, al 6/1/1958 #15075  
t fruitlessly for over a week. The Arendal, however, did get a sonar readin 6/1/1958 #15075  
            At 11:00 p.m. a UFO in Arendal, Norway caused lasting physiolog 11/28/1975 #30674  
## Word: "arenilla" (Back to Top)
t walking on the beach known as La Arenilla, and accompanied by a doctor, s 8/2/1965 #19270  
## Word: "arents" (Back to Top)
 Washington Night. Navy Lt. George Arents III and copilot Lt. Elon Forster  12/23/1944 #1731  
## Word: "arequipa" (Back to Top)
                                   AREQUIPA, PERU Several separate observer 4/1956 #12772  
                                   Arequipa Lima Peru Yauca District Pan Am 1/30/1958 #14851  
can Highway 220 miles northwest of Arequipa 11:45 p.m. Attorney José Valenc 1/30/1958 #14851  
 shock as they are driving between Arequipa and Lima, Peru, at a point (rou 1/30/1958 #14851  
can Highway 220 miles northwest of Arequipa. Several seconds later the head 1/30/1958 #14851  
hock at a point 220 miles north of Arequipa, Peru heading towards Lima. Sev 1/30/1958 #14852  
the Pan-American Highway near near Arequipa, Peru saw “a strange being, a M 8/30/1965 #19480  
                              NEAR AREQUIPA, PERU 1-eyed 80CM "shrub" with  8/31/1965 #19482  
                                   AREQUIPA, PERU 1-eyed 80CM small humanoi 9/29/1965 #19620  
                                   Arequipa, Peru Two men in a car, Julio L 9/29/1965 #19622  
io Chaves Bedoya, while driving in Arequipa, Peru nearly ran down a strange 9/29/1965 #19624  
                                   AREQUIPA, PERU Numerous observer(s). Lum 11/4/1967 #23399  
ya Air Base Mariano Melgar Airport Arequipa, Peru 7:15 a.m. Personnel at th 4/11/1980 #35269  
rt of the Mariano Melgar Airport], Arequipa, Peru, see a strange object fly 4/11/1980 #35269  
 Mariano Melgar AFB, near La Joya, Arequipa Province, Peru. It fired on the 5/9/1980 #35320  
                               OFF AREQUIPA, PERU 6 aero experts / Cessna 6 12/14/2001 #44289  
## Word: "arequito" (Back to Top)
r several minutes over the city of Arequito, Santa Fe, Argentina on this ni 10/22/1978 #33858  
## Word: "ares" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Ares” Yield: 20KT                        7/19/1978 #33402  
## Word: "arevalo" (Back to Top)
, Argentina A rancher, Wilfredo H. Arevalo, saw two objects, one of which l 3/18/1950 #4674  
entino, Argentina, Mr. Wilfredo H. Arevalo, a rancher, saw two objects, one 3/18/1950 #4680  
## Word: "arey" (Back to Top)
ina 10:54 p.m. Police officers Ron Arey and Howard Dellinger are flying in  12/27/1977 #32814  
## Word: "arezzo" (Back to Top)
  church at the castle of Cennina, Arezzo, Italy 6:30 a.m. Rosa Lotti Daine 11/1/1954 #11518  
e church at the castle of Cennina, Arezzo, Italy. As she passes through a w 11/1/1954 #11518  
## Word: "arg" (Back to Top)
                          MENDOZA, ARG AND AREA Round glowing-orbs all over 3/19/1861 #159  
                    NEAR ONCATIVO, ARG Large saucer / road. Whistles and qu 9/1943 #1521  
flying tadpole / 4800M altitude. / Arg. papers.                             7/13/1947 #3163  
                         BALCARCE, ARG 100 saucers north going quickly sout 7/19/1947 #3200  
                   NEAR OLAVARRIA, ARG Several / farm. "Saucer" drops / 20M 7/20/1947 #3203  
                          PEHUAJO, ARG J. Arigues sees saucer / 60-70M alti 7/24/1947 #3225  
ES MOUNTAINS SOUTHEAST / V.DOLORES.ARG Horses spook. Cylinder/cylindrical o 1/15/1950 #4490  
                   LAGO ARGENTINO, ARG 2 saucers, 1 lands. Pseudo-human/ent 3/18/1950 #4672  
                         LA PAMPA, ARG Engineer. 10M saucer and 3 dead pseu 5/15/1950 #4943  
                   OFF RIO GRANDE, ARG Sheep run. Splash! Luminous/glowing  6/1950 #4977  
                         VERONICA, ARG Hundreds / observer(s). 6 saucers ma 7/17/1952 #6859  
                NEAR COR.BRANDSEN, ARG Classic luminous saucer going down / 5/24/1954 #9829  
                     BUENOS AIRES, ARG Cops and workers. Disk maneuvers ove 10/23/1954 #11325  
                LA CUMBRE AIRPORT, ARG Air Traffic Controllers. Star-like d 10/23/1954 #11326  
                          MENDOZA, ARG 5+cop. Shiny disks maneuver over ste 10/23/1954 #11330  
                           BERNAL, ARG 300 soldiers / (seen thru) binocular 11/14/1954 #11643  
                          CORDOBA, ARG Weatherman and Air Traffic Controlle 11/25/1954 #11701  
                     COL.PRINGLES, ARG Luminous saucer circles down / 1M al 12/14/1954 #11806  
      N143 NORTHWEST / SAN RAFAEL, ARG 7 / car. 50' saucer lands / field. 2 12/28/1954 #11867  
                     DUDIGNAC, BA, ARG 2 observer(s). Tremendous domed sauc 8/30/1955 #12417  
                     LA PUNA REGN, ARG Several cigars / amazing maneuvers.  3/15/1956 #12756  
                    ALTO COMEDERO, ARG Aviators and more/others. Several si 7/15/1956 #12972  
                    PAJAS BLANCAS, ARG Farmers. 21M black egg lands! Spiral 9/25/1956 #13243  
                        EL GALPON, ARG Dentist and 11. Big bright object fr 12/1956 #13374  
                    PAJAS BLANCAS, ARG Pseudo-human/entity asks observer(s) 5/1/1957 #13634  
OLAR GRANDE TO/FROM/BETWEEN CAIPE, ARG Several observer(s). Top-saucers man 8/5/1957 #13878  
                          QUILINO, ARG Saucer quickly going down. Voice = " 8/20/1957 #13907  
                       TABLADITAS, ARG University Professor and 1. 30M lumi 4/12/1958 #14978  
                   BOCA DEL TIGRE, ARG Trucker. 3M giant / road. Blinding b 5/27/1958 #15053  
                   WEST / BOLIVAR, ARG Car malfunctions due to EME (electro 8/8/1958 #15181  
                          TABACAL, ARG Several sugar plantation. Disk cross 8/18/1958 #15212  
                         LA VERDE, ARG Private pilot. Engine REVs up. Flat  8/31/1958 #15233  
                         La Verde, Arg Light aircraft (Piper) engine increa 8/31/1958 #15234  
                    EL PORTEZUELO, ARG Cops and more/others. Disk / high al 9/16/1958 #15267  
                     BUENOS AIRES, ARG Many separate observer(s). Group / d 10/18/1958 #15354  
                          CORDOBA, ARG Many observer(s). Round silver sauce 2/28/1959 #15620  
          SOUTH SALVADOR DE JUJUY, ARG Rotorless silent helicopter beams go 2/28/1959 #15621  
                       TRES LOMAS, ARG Domed saucer 150M away. 8' tall. Gra 5/20/1959 #15739  
                            SALTA, ARG Luminous sphere/orb/globe north goin 6/22/1959 #15781  
                            Salta, Arg Luminous sphere observed passing in  6/22/1959 #15783  
               WNW / TRES ARROYOS, ARG 5 / car. 2 brilliant spheres hover / 9/25/1959 #15988  
                      RESISTENCIA, ARG Airliner chases grey ovoid. 4 small  10/16/1959 #16034  
           SOUTH SALVADOR / JUJUY, ARG Pulsating ovoid hovers / northeast s 10/20/1959 #16045  
                          CORDOBA, ARG 40 / outdoor party. Strange buzz. Lu 10/23/1959 #16054  
ad going quickly northwest. Wave / Arg.                                     10/23/1959 #16054  
              NORTHEAST / YACANTO, ARG Air Force Captain / car photographs  7/3/1960 #16328  
                          CORDOBA, ARG Pilots and many. Panic. Extra moon s 12/26/1960 #16539  
                          MENDOZA, ARG Several observer(s). Cylinder/cigar- 8/6/1961 #16781  
                         AMADORES, ARG Cops and 3. 2 night lights pace truc 1/9/1962 #17017  
                      MOLINOS DAM, ARG Many observer(s). 15 5-10M UFO's lan 1/23/1962 (approximate) #17023  
 and float / reservoir 200M away / Arg. Army.                               1/23/1962 (approximate) #17023  
             N38 EAST / CATAMARCA, ARG 1 / car and 2+cops. UFO takes off. 1 2/8/1962 #17038  
                          CORDOBA, ARG 2 astronomy students photograph disk 3/1962 #17064  
                            JUJUY, ARG 4 / car O / O / gas. Saucer lands. S 5/1962 #17143  
    RN35 NORTHWEST / BAHIA BLANCA, ARG Several observer(s). Railroad/railwa 5/12/1962 #17161  
                         LA ARANA, ARG Several / meeting. Strong light / gr 5/13/1962 #17167  
                         ONCATIVO, ARG 2 / car. Cylinder/cigar-shape / low  5/13/1962 #17168  
                     MERCEDES, SL, ARG Air Force man and family / car. Sile 5/13/1962 #17169  
                     BAHIA BLANCA, ARG Local photograph gets 2 shots / sauc 5/21/1962 #17184  
                       ESPORA NAS, ARG Luminous saucer paces plane. Lights  5/22/1962 #17188  
                        WINIFREDA, ARG Saucer lands. 2 giant robot(s)/andro 5/22/1962 #17189  
                        PACIENCIA, ARG Several observer(s). Moon-size disk  6/3/1962 #17215  
               CRESPO, ENTRE RIOS, ARG Physician. 2 huge beings near saucer 7/18/1962 #17282  
                      SAUCE VIEJO, ARG 150 / DKW plant. Cylinder/cigar-shap 7/19/1962 #17285  
                    BAJADA GRANDE, ARG 3-eyed Melonhead grabs biker. UFO fl 7/28/1962 #17294  
    CAMBA PUNTA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, ARG 8+observer(s). Sphere going east. St 7/31/1962 #17307  
                SOUTH / LAS ARMAS, ARG Truck malfunctions due to EME (elect 8/6/1962 #17323  
                    RN5 / CATRILO, ARG 5 truckers. Intensely bright object  8/12/1962 #17333  
                     NEAR DOLORES, ARG Jose Bellantoni photographs iridesce 8/28/1962 #17367  
              METAN TO/FROM SALTA, ARG 3 / car and 2 / truck. 150M saucer 5 8/28/1962 (approximate) #17368  
                           ANGACO, ARG Object going up / field. No descript 9/3/1962 #17385  
                  MARCH DEL PLATA, ARG 3 observer(s). Blue flash / woods. T 10/10/1962 #17461  
                     TUCUMAN PROV, ARG Truck nearly hits 40' saucer / road. 11/5/1962 #17537  
                RTE9 NEAR TRANCAS, ARG Bike malfunctions due to EME (electr 11/5/1962? #17538  
          SOUTHEAST / ABRA GRANDE, ARG 2 / coal truck. Huge robot / railroa 11/26/1962 #17561  
            SOUTHEAST / CHUMBICHA, ARG 5 / car. 7 brilliant spheres / mount 12/11/1962 #17578  
         EZEIZA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, ARG Fiery saucer 10M over runway. Planes 12/22/1962 #17603  
          CORDOBA TO/FROM TUCUMAN, ARG DC4 pilot. UFO beams strong light. 1 1/1963 #17622  
                           YERUA', ARG 2 observer(s) photograph luminous ob 3/12/1963 #17700  
                  NEAR MONTE MAIZ, ARG Saucer blocks road. Giant robot(s)/a 10/12/1963 #17985  
                          TRANCAS, ARG 6 saucers and cylinder/cigar-shape a 10/21/1963 #17993  
                          Trancas, Arg Disc, EM, occupants, numerous traces 10/21/1963 #17994  
                      SAUCE VIEJO, ARG Railroad/railway man / siding. Radio 12/16/1963 #18084  
                        SALADILLO, ARG 1 / car. 2 highly luminous objects h 2/25/1964 #18136  
                    NEAR LA RIOJA, ARG 3 / van. Lights and engine electro-m 5/10/1964 #18257  
                         La Rioja, Arg Light beam, landed craft, humming no 5/10/1964 #18258  
                       NEAR SALTA, ARG 4 / car. 10M plate-saucer hovers / 8 5/14/1964 #18264  
                    PAJAS BLANCAS, ARG Car malfunctions due to EME (electro 6/5/1964 #18330  
                        CHOROMORO, ARG 3 / van. Large rectangular object go 6/6/1964 #18334  
                           COFICO, ARG Saucer lands. Rests on pillar. 3 sil 9/5/1964 #18536  
                  OFF C.RIVADAVIA, ARG 1 / car. 4 UFO's curve going down [t 9/20/1964 #18560  
               ADHARA OBSERVER(S), ARG Astronomers. Night light going east  11/14/1964 #18613  
           TORRENT AND SANTO TOME, ARG Several report(s) / different dates. 2/4/1965 (approximate) #18798  
                           CHALAC, ARG 50 indians and cops. 3 tall pseudo-h 2/21/1965 #18823  
               JOSE DE SAN MARTIN, ARG High-Q observers. 3 cigars maneuver  3/30/1965 #18879  
                     MONTE GRANDE, ARG Large silent ovoid. 3 lines connect  4/1965 #18883  
                       NEAR LUJAN, ARG 3+cops. Large luminous saucer become 5/24/1965 #18957  
                     BUENOS AIRES, ARG Photographs of 2 saucer-cigars. Very 7/3/1965 #19057  
             LAURIE ISLAND, ANTARC Arg. scientists. Blue-white lens going w 7/3/1965 #19058  
            DECEPTION I., ANT UK / Arg / CHL military and scientists. Fast  7/3/1965 #19059  
    Undisclosed city in Argentina, Arg UFO interfered with instruments meas 7/3/1965 #19060  
                     BAHIA BLANCA, ARG Large fireball drops small object. R 7/19/1965 #19125  
                          QUILMES, ARG Saucer lands. 2 pseudo-human/entity  7/20/1965 #19141  
                     BUENOS AIRES, ARG 2 observer(s). 1M top lands / inters 8/1/1965 #19237  
              SOUTH / JESUS MARIA, ARG 2 / car. 5M metallic hoop blocks roa 8/2/1965 #19252  
                  MARCH DEL PLATA, ARG Several observer(s). Saucer lands ri 8/20/1965 #19434  
                        APOSTOLES, ARG 5M saucer lands / railroad/railway t 8/23/1965 #19454  
                        SAN JUSTO, ARG Humming. 2M saucer lands tin roof. S 9/3/1965 #19497  
                  LORETANI VALLEY, ARG 3 observer(s). Silent 12M cone with  9/15/1965 #19564  
                    AGUAS BLANCAS, ARG 3 small humanoids (or Greys) with gr 10/1/1965 #19631  
    Undisclosed city in Argentina, Arg UFO caused compass on ship to swing  11/12/1965 #19714  
      FLORES DISTR / BUENOS AIRES, ARG 3+observer(s). Bright horseshoe-ovoi 11/18/1965 #19728  
                      ADHARA OBSV, ARG Astronomer. Night lights follow sate 12/1/1965 #19746  
                     NEAR TUCUMAN, ARG 12 observer(s). Saucer lands / field 12/4/1965 #19752  
S AIRES GOING QUICKLY [TO] NEQUEN, ARG Glowing disk follows and 'observes'  1/7/1966 #19808  
                        CHASCOMUS, ARG 3 / car. Motor and lights electro-ma 1/9/1966 #19819  
                        Chascomus, Arg Object with blue light beam observed 1/9/1966 #19820  
                NEAR OBISPO TREJO, ARG Several observer(s). Thunder. 2 mush 2/5/1966 #19880  
                   PUERTO DESEADO, ARG 11M cylinder/cigar-shape smokes and  3/18/1966 #19987  
           CONCEPCION DEL URUGUAY, ARG Green fireball blinds 3 / truck. Mal 4/1/1966 #20192  
              WEST / CHOELE CHOEL, ARG Humming. 12M silver disk spins. Dogs 2/25/1967 #21644  
              STA.CLARA DEL MARCH, ARG 2 / car. Cylinder/cigar-shape / grou 7/10/1967 #22640  
                         GUERNICA, ARG 20+observer(s). 7M saucer spins. Sto 7/20/1967 #22703  
               VILLA CONSTITUCION, ARG 4M saucer lands / field / 4 hours /  9/11/1967 #23036  
                          ROSARIO, ARG 2 / farm. Large bright object hovers 9/22/1967 #23110  
                 LA HOYADA, SALTA, ARG 3 / taxi. Blinding 5M crown saucer h 11/2/1967 #23384  
                     SAN JERONIMO, ARG 2 observers. Blue luminous saucer la 11/3/1967 #23393  
                          CENTENO, ARG 2 / farm. Silent blue-glow ovoid goi 11/5/1967 #23403  
                            LANUS, ARG 7 observer(s). Brilliant fireball ho 11/16/1967 #23468  
                          CORDOBA, ARG 3 / factory. Lights go out. Powerful 12/14/1967 #23583  
                   NEAR ANDALGALA, ARG 2 / car. 1-2M saucer crosses road. R 12/26/1967 #23610  
               NEAR PICHI NEUQUEN, ARG Military cops. Night lights maneuver 12/28/1967 #23616  
                          COPAHUE, ARG Many observer(s). Luminous object la 1/23/1968 #23686  
           CONCEPCION DEL URUGUAY, ARG Numerous observer(s). Huge glow goin 1/24/1968 #23693  
                         CASTELAR, ARG Power drops. TV black. House flooded 3/3/1968 #23809  
                        EL TREBOL, ARG 4 electricians / van. Orange ball ov 6/11/1968 #24019  
                       CARLOS PAZ, ARG UFO quickly going down. 2M pseudo-hu 6/14/1968 #24025  
                       MENDIOLAZA, ARG 5M metallic saucer 30M away. Colored 6/14/1968 #24026  
                NEAR BUENOS AIRES, ARG UFO going quickly. Big magnetic elec 6/15/1968 #24037  
                       LA GUARDIA, ARG Private pilot. 30M domed saucer shoo 6/18/1968 #24043  
            SOUTHWEST / CATAMARCA, ARG Private pilot and 4 / car. Cloud = f 6/19/1968 #24046  
                          MIRAMAR, ARG Diamond object spins / .5M altitude. 6/21/1968 #24058  
                     LAGUNA PAIVA, ARG 2 women. Saucer north going quickly  6/24/1968 #24074  
                      SAN LORENZO, ARG Chemical plant malfunctions due to E 6/25/1968 #24078  
                        SALADILLO, ARG 5+separate observer(s). Metallic dis 6/27/1968 #24086  
             NEAR MARCH DEL PLATA, ARG Several observer(s). Top-saucer goin 6/28/1968 #24090  
            SOUTH LUIS DEL PALMAR, ARG UFO going quickly. Car / shakes viol 6/29/1968 #24094  
                          MENDOZA, ARG Pseudo-human/entity show man images  6/30/1968 #24096  
                        RICARDONE, ARG 2 3M figure(s) Exert telepathy influ 7/1/1968 #24110  
                    COFICO, SALTA, ARG 2.1M being hovers / air. Glows. Glow 7/2/1968 #24122  
                     SIERRA CHICA, ARG Boy and 5. Pseudo-human/entity give  7/2/1968 #24123  
                      SAN LORENZO, ARG 5+observer(s). Saucer crosses sky on 7/2/1968 #24124  
                          QUILMES, ARG Woman abduction / city street! Never 7/3/1968 #24139  
                        OLAVARRIA, ARG 2 pseudo-human/entity offer boy ride 7/4/1968 #24142  
                        LAS CEJAS, ARG 2 / car. 20M cone-saucer dives going 7/5/1968 #24144  
                  CUESTA DL VACAS, ARG 5 / car. Phony train floats across r 7/7/1968 #24150  
                          LAVALLE, ARG 4 / car. 20M orange ovoid / low alti 7/8/1968 #24155  
 SOUTH FRANCISCO DEL MONTE DE ORO, ARG 6 / car. 50cm sphere/orb/globe stops 7/9/1968 #24161  
                  MARCH DEL PLATA, ARG 2 luminous saucers maneuver. 1 dives 7/11/1968 #24166  
                           TANDIL, ARG "UFO lands at Tandil Air Force Base" 7/13/1968 (approximate) #24172  
                            SALTA, ARG Observers frozen. Sharp whistle. Nig 7/15/1968 #24175  
                        ANDACOLLO, ARG 5 fed cops. 2M saucer going [to] nea 7/16/1968 #24180  
                        Andacollo, Arg National Police officers saw disc wi 7/16/1968 #24182  
                       CHOS MALAL, ARG 3 / car stop. 3 moon-size disks hove 7/18/1968 #24187  
                          RAFAELA, ARG Several observer(s) weakened. Big ni 7/18/1968 #24188  
            NORTHEAST / USPALLATA, ARG 4 / car. "Venus" shoots beams. Desce 7/21/1968 #24198  
                          MENDOZA, ARG Mushroom-saucer lands. Lights clinic 7/22/1968 #24199  
                 NEAR EL SOSNEADO, ARG 2 / car. Circular object shoots rain 7/22/1968 #24200  
                     BAHIA BLANCA, ARG Many observer(s). Strange big jet wi 7/22/1968 #24201  
                   MARCH DEL PLATA.ARG 2 / car. 30M saucer hovers over sea. 7/23/1968 #24208  
                       LA PASTORA, ARG 3 / car / malfunctions due to EME (e 7/25/1968 #24220  
                        LaPastora, Arg Silvery, spinning top hovered near r 7/25/1968 #24224  
                        OLAVARRIA, ARG Saucer lands near military / runway. 7/26/1968 #24230  
                     TAPALQUE, BA, ARG UFO's here and Pastora and Alvear..  7/27/1968 (approximate) #24236  
                      FLORIDA, BA, ARG 200+observer(s). Brown colored 7M sa 7/27/1968 #24237  
                       TRES PICOS, ARG 3 / car. Saucer north going quickly  7/28/1968 #24241  
                          ATALAYA, ARG Car malfunctions due to EME (electro 7/29/1968 #24248  
                     CRN.PRINGLES, ARG 2 separate family cars electro-magne 7/30/1968 #24257  
                   NEAR ANDACOLLO, ARG Military cops / jeep. Small domed ov 8/1968 #24280  
                          CORDOBA, ARG Telepathy? Girl abduction / white cl 8/4/1968 #24294  
                       LA CRIOLLA, ARG 1 observer. Bang noise / radio. Flas 8/10/1968 #24314  
                GOLF / SAN MATIAS, ARG 100 observer(s). 8 ovoids rise / sea 8/14/1968 #24324  
                           VIEDMA, ARG Several science students. 4 black do 8/19/1968 #24356  
                     LUIS A.SAUCE, ARG 2 / road. 2 cones play and maneuver. 8/24/1968 #24373  
                          CAPAYAN, ARG 3 / truck. 20' silver-red saucer 12M 8/29/1968 #24393  
                    LA CARRODILLA, ARG 40+observer(s). Huge brilliant metal 8/29/1968 #24394  
                            LUJAN, ARG Glowing-ball sways 4M overhead. Obse 8/31/1968 #24405  
                          MENDOZA, ARG Huge saucer hovers / car. Motor and  9/1/1968 #24417  
                          Mendoza, Arg Huge circular object hovering nearby 9/1/1968 #24420  
                            CERES, ARG Brilliant red 25cm ovoid descends. S 9/12/1968 #24453  
                        CHASCOMUS, ARG Several observer(s) 7M saucer / lumi 9/18/1968 #24476  
                            LANUS, ARG Several observer(s). Saucer over hou 10/13/1968 #24559  
                      OFF QUEQUEN, ARG 2 / boat and 4. Large luminous sauce 11/7/1968 #24639  
                     NECOCHEA, BA, ARG Saucer seen. 36' circle / burnt eart 11/8/1968 #24642  
                  LOMAS DE ZAMORA, ARG 2 observer(s). 3M metallic pea lands 1/1/1969 #24812  
                      CHUBUT PROV, ARG Town unknown. 4 / car. Engine quits  2/25/1969 #24941  
                             AZUL, ARG 3M domed sphere/orb/globe hovers / 1 5/26/1969 #25163  
                        OLAVARRIA, ARG 3 observer(s). 3 night lights take o 6/12/1969 #25212  
                 CORRAL DE BUSTOS, ARG Night light flies over car / high-sp 11/15/1969 #25457  
                        OLAVARRIA, ARG Farmer. Odd figure(s) fly over corra 11/24/1969 #25470  
                     LA REDUCCION, ARG 2 farmers. Cylinder/cigar-shape hove 12/18/1969 #25502  
              27KM EAST / MEDANOS, ARG Cop. Cone-saucer / roadside emits ra 2/14/1970 #25582  
                  MARCH DEL PLATA, ARG Car stalls. Saucer / roadside. Drive 4/1/1970 #25617  
                  MARCH DEL PLATA, ARG 1 observer. Saucer glows / daylight. 4/17/1970 #25635  
                           PARANA, ARG Boy photographs classic WW1-helmet s 9/6/1970 #25825  
                       TAFI VIEJO, ARG 2 observer(s). 3M Saturn saucer with 1/8/1971 #25985  
                    CAMPO QUIJANO, ARG Many observer(s) / (seen thru) binoc 1/18/1971 #25990  
                  MARCH DEL PLATA, ARG Many observer(s) and film. Blazing s 5/1/1971 #26094  
                  EAST / BALCARCE, ARG Ray / light going [to] bridge. Group 5/20/1971 #26118  
                          MENDOZA, ARG Saucer wobbles and steams. Aims zoom 5/24/1971 #26126  
                      OFF PINAMAR, ARG 1 observer. Saucer rises / sea. Rota 5/31/1971 #26146  
         CUESTA DE LAS VACAS, SJN, ARG Cop and 2. Silver 5M lens shape land 6/11/1971 #26167  
                   NEAR GUISASOLA, ARG Glowing-object nears. 1 observer fro 9/20/1971 #26349  
              SAN MARTIN DL ANDES, ARG 3 / B727+Air Traffic Controllers. Gr 12/28/1971 #26520  
          San Martin de Los Andes, Arg B-727 crew (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cas 12/29/1971 #26522  
                     WEST / LUJAN, ARG Trucker / N7. Mist and saucer / fiel 3/16/1972 #26605  
                  WEST / ARROYITO, ARG 2 / car. Odd night light. Car floats 7/16/1972 #26804  
                   EAST / MEDANOS, ARG Odd hitchhiker. Car malfunctions due 8/28/1972 #26962  
                     RIO GALLEGOS, ARG Luminous/glowing object near Navy ba 9/9/1972 #26982  
                     SANTA ISABEL, ARG Pseudo-human/entity / batman suit /  9/21/1972 #27017  
                     SANTA ISABEL, ARG Several observer(s). Saucer / fireba 9/27/1972 #27033  
                          BURZACO, ARG G. Ciccioli abduction / tall figure( 10/4/1972 #27047  
             NORTH / TRES ARROYOS, ARG 3 / Tres Picos. Odd rotating cloud w 10/14/1972 #27072  
                     TRES ARROYOS, ARG Radio Frequency Interference (RFI).  11/25/1972 (approximate) #27141  
     RODEO AND IGLESIAS, SAN JUAN, ARG White spheres seen. Near Colanguil N 12/12/1972 #27170  
         CALINGASTA AND TAMBERIAS, ARG White sphere seen. Next seen in Huac 12/12/1972 #27172  
                    NORTH / HUACO, ARG 4 observer(s). White glowing-triangl 12/23/1972 #27185  
                     TRES ARROYOS, ARG Radio Frequency Interference (RFI).  12/30/1972 #27191  
                     TRES ARROYOS, ARG 2 observer(s). Saucer going down. Fi 1/1/1973 #27206  
                 N6 NORTH / SALTA, ARG Engineering student. 5M saucer lands 3/13/1973 #27340  
                   Salta Province, Arg Jorge Roberto Herrera humanoid encou 3/13/1973 #27342  
                          ORIENTE, ARG Car malfunctions due to EME (electro 5/14/1973 #27485  
                     TRES ARROYOS, ARG Car malfunctions due to EME (electro 6/1973 #27539  
                          ORIENTE, ARG 2 observer(s). Large saucer lands ne 6/10/1973 #27559  
                     COL. DORREGO, ARG Car motor and lights electro-magneti 9/19/1973 (approximate) #27835  
          RN7 SOUTHEAST / MENDOZA, ARG College Prof. Perfect triangle east  9/28/1973 #27882  
       Villa Bordeu, Bahia Blanca, Arg Dionisio Llanca humanoid encounter,  10/28/1973 #28308  
                       ESPORA NAS, ARG 5 / air tower. Luminous ovoid hovers 11/2/1973 #28348  
                          Cordoba, Arg Airline crew flanked by objects (NIC 3/13/1974 #28878  
               NEAR PAJAS BLANCAS, ARG 2 airline crews. Bright object with  4/2/1974 #28989  
                           TANDIL, ARG 3 / railroad/railway station/depot/f 6/25/1974 #29222  
        CORDOBA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, ARG 2 airline(s)/airliner pilots. Vibran 6/29/1974 #29227  
                          CORDOBA, ARG Several observer(s). Luminous/glowin 10/16/1974 #29537  
                    NEAR LA PLATA, ARG 3+3 observer(s). 110 dB roar. 2M dom 11/26/1974 #29608  
            NORTH / CALETA OLIVIA, ARG 1 / car. 3M classic domed saucer nor 1/3/1975 #29705  
                       LAS GRUTAS, ARG 3 observer(s). Classic saucer hovers 1/3/1975 #29706  
          NEAR SAN JOSE DE JACHAL, ARG 4 / car. Night lights play. Tripod m 4/21/1975 #29999  
                          MENDOZA, ARG Student photographs 6 identical lumi 9/4/1975 #30341  
                         BALCARCE, ARG Foggy morn. Clamshell saucer lights  5/14/1976 #31050  
                     BAHIA BLANCA, ARG TV repairman. Car malfunctions due t 6/4/1976 #31083  
                           VIEDMA, ARG 4 separate report(s). 2 night lights 7/14/1976 #31162  
                  WEST / PRINGLES, ARG UFO's seen-type unknown. 8M unidenti 9/20/1976 #31414  
                         SANTA FE, ARG 2 observer(s). Ovoid lands. 4 x6M tr 11/3/1976 #31519  
                          Centeno, Arg Centeno, Argentina (NICAP: 08 - Phot 6/21/1977 #32180  
                    NEAR SAN LUIS, ARG 4 observer(s). Silent 20M saucer goi 2/4/1978 #32948  
                    SAN LUIS PROV, ARG Squad / 40 saucers circles / blue ha 5/4/1978 #33186  
                          TUCUMAN, ARG Cop and 1. Large sphere going west / 5/16/1978 #33221  
                          MENDOZA, ARG 2 / car levitated. Awaken / 5-lane r 7/6/1978 #33341  
                          MENDOZA, ARG 25-30 saucers cover soccer stadium.  7/7/1978 #33347  
                          RAMBLON, ARG Fireball stops over railroad/railway 7/12/1978 #33372  
                    VENADO TUERTO, ARG Rancher finds mutilation cow. Others 8/30/1978 #33593  
                    NEAR SAN LUIS, ARG Small humanoids (or Greys) give man  8/30/1978 #33594  
                    VENADO TUERTO, ARG Farm boy abduction / saucer "robots" 9/6/1978 #33635  
                          SALINAS, ARG 2 / store. TV and radio and more/oth 9/10/1978 #33652  
              30KM NORTH / VIEDMA, ARG 2 / rally car. 2 hours / missing tim 9/23/1978 #33730  
                    VILLA CARMELA, ARG Dogs howl. Silvery glowing-ovoid man 10/14/1978 #33831  
                       MIRAFLORES, ARG White-glowing plate-saucer. Fast man 10/14/1978 #33832  
                          CASILDA, ARG 2 brilliant plate saucers come and g 10/19/1978 #33844  
                   ARROYITO, CORD, ARG UFO signals. 3 / power CO truck tran 12/27/1978 (approximate) #34213  
                           LORETO, ARG Boy / 12. 1.4M box appears / schoolr 1/13/1979 (approximate) #34334  
                          EL DEAN, ARG Rectangle lands. 2 pseudo-human/enti 1/25/1979 #34379  
                 N33 WITH ROSARIO, ARG Several cars electro-magnetic effect 4/7/1979 #34500  
                      VIZCACHERAS, ARG Saucer 20M over oilfield. Responds / 5/1/1979 #34534  
                  LOS MOLINOS DAM, ARG Good photographs / silent metallic h 5/5/1979 #34542  
arrio La Gloria, Mendoza province, Arg A man was surprised to see a circula 9/19/1979 #34899  
               Rio Negro province, Arg A man was driving home when he notic 2/11/1980 #35167  
                         BATERIAS, ARG Longitude & latitude coords. approxi 3/24/1980 #35234  
                     BUENOS AIRES, ARG Hundreds / observer(s). 8-min wave / 6/14/1980 #35363  
              Cordoba and Rosario, Arg Flurry of UFO sightings by numerous  6/14/1980 #35365  
                          ROSARIO, ARG 4 50cm small humanoids (or Greys) /  6/16/1980 #35376  
 Manzano Amargo, Neuquen Province, Arg Jose Fermin Albornoz, an illiterate  2/18/1981 #35831  
                         TREVELIN, ARG Silent 12M lemon / 2M altitude. Thin 8/28/1981 #36087  
                      (WIDE AREA), ARG 2 airliners and more/others. Bright  10/31/1981 #36195  
                    Marcos-Juarez, Arg 2 airliners report object (NICAP: 11 10/31/1981 #36196  
            SOUTH LUIS DEL PALMAR, ARG Flash. Trucker wakes far away. Small 12/10/1981 #36254  
              San Luis Del Palmar, Arg A 42-year old Ruben Meneses was driv 12/15/1981 #36256  
                       LAGO LACAR, ARG Campers signal erratic night light.  2/19/1982 #36350  
                            ALLEN, ARG Car malfunctions due to EME (electro 2/19/1982 #36351  
        Allen, Rio Negro Province, Arg Mushroom-shaped object above car, so 2/19/1982 #36352  
               Rio Negro Province, Arg E-M effects on car, dome-shaped obje 2/19/1982 #36353  
               Rio Negro Province, Arg 41-year old Juan Fattorel was travel 2/20/1982 #36358  
Comodoro Rivadavia, Chubut (near), Arg Several Argentine soldiers riding in 5/1982 #36460  
                          LONDRES, ARG 50M round object going east / 7M alt 8/13/1982 #36573  
                        WINIFREDA, ARG Farmer sucked into UFO. Odd pseudo-h 8/7/1983 #36936  
                        Winifreda, Arg A respected businessman says he was  8/9/1983 #36938  
                     BUENOS AIRES, ARG Hundreds / observer(s) and radio ann 2/4/1984 #37177  
          NORTHEAST / RECONQUISTA, ARG 6 / light plane. Classic saucer pace 9/23/1984 #37464  
        160KM NORTHWEST / CORDOBA, ARG Many observer(s). 4 huge saucers lan 3/12/1986 #37798  
                  CORRIENTES PROV, ARG Several observer(s). Saucer lands. 2 3/21/1986 #37803  
                        EL CARMEN, ARG Fireball over soccer field. Beams go 5/4/1990 #39552  
                    NEAR VICTORIA, ARG Several observer(s). Dark box lands  8/20/1990 #39693  
           CONCEPCION DEL URUGUAY, ARG MD and family. Rectangular object li 1/9/1991 #39948  
    ROUTE 11 SOUTHEAST / VICTORIA, ARG Newsman films milky-glowing object.  7/23/1991 #40130  
                         VICTORIA, ARG Separate observer(s). Big diamond-sh 8/1/1991 #40140  
                         VICTORIA, ARG 4 observer(s) and more/others. UFO g 8/13/1991 #40149  
                         VICTORIA, ARG Man tranquilized / telepathy. Abduct 8/13/1991 #40150  
                         VICTORIA, ARG 2 observer(s). Red-green UFO shoots  8/18/1991 #40160  
                  MARCH DEL PLATA, ARG Videotape shows saucer hover and fly 11/2/1991 #40217  
              SOUTH C / BARILOCHE, ARG Huge white saucer buzzes 727. Power  7/31/1995 #42344  
                        CUTRAL-CO, ARG Observer(s) films 500M saucer / low  8/11/1995 #42371  
                    CALETA OLIVIA, ARG TV cameraman and several. Odd cube o 8/16/1995 #42391  
        SOUTH CARLOS DE BARILOCHE, ARG Saucer on 15 minute(s) / video. Port 10/5/1995 #42535  
                 NEAR LA PASTORIL, ARG 3 hunters. Brilliant object flashes  8/29/1996 #42998  
              SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO, ARG Hundreds / observer(s). Flashy cylin 9/11/1996 #43015  
                NORTHEAST / TELEN, ARG Huge ovoid going down [to] behind 3  6/14/1997 #43322  
                NEAR LAS HIGUERAS, ARG Half-sphere zigzags and follows bus. 11/25/1997 #43448  
                       LAGO VERDE, ARG Metallic disk going [to] slow over l 2/3/2000 (approximate) #43939  
               EAST / RESISTENCIA, ARG 4 observer(s). 2 small saucer-orbs.  10/5/2000 #44052  
## Word: "arge" (Back to Top)
                               A l arge shiny metallic sphere hovered over  1/21/1957 #13469  
## Word: "argentia" (Back to Top)
                               OFF ARGENTIA, NFLD Pilot. 15M saucer rotates 1/15/1950? #4491  
                                   ARGENTIA NAS, NFLD Several observer(s).  11/15/1952 #8276  
## Word: "argentina" (Back to Top)
  National Observatory in Córdoba, Argentina Evening. Astronomers Charles D 5/4/1916 #946  
e National Observatory in Córdoba, Argentina. It is moving remarkably fast, 5/4/1916 #946  
                         Oncativo, Argentina 4:00 a.m. Navarro Ocampo, driv 9/1943 #1523  
                         Oncativo, Argentina Navarro Ocampo, driving betwee 9/1943 #1524  
                    Germany Russia Argentina Maj. Earl S. Browning Jr., in  3/12/1948 #3588  
cs. Reimar Horten had emigrated to Argentina when the war ended.            3/12/1948 #3588  
                   Lago Argentino, Argentina A rancher, Wilfredo H. Arevalo 3/18/1950 #4674  
     At a ranch in Lago Argentino, Argentina, Mr. Wilfredo H. Arevalo, a ra 3/18/1950 #4680  
go Ferrocarril Sarmiento La Pampa, Argentina Afternoon. Architect Enrique C 5/15/1950 #4944  
 Ferrocarril Sarmiento), La Pampa, Argentina, when he sees a metallic disc  5/15/1950 #4944  
to Belgrano Naval Base Punta Alta, Argentina The Argentine Navy establishes 1952 #5839  
Belgrano Naval Base in Punta Alta, Argentina.                               1952 #5839  
eters outside of Colonel Brandsen, Argentina at 11:50 p.m. Two human-like s 5/24/1954 #9834  
e-Brandsen, Buenos Aires province, Argentina. Two one-meter tall dwarves dr 9/20/1954 #10374  
he humanoid reports is from Salta, Argentina. The rest are from France, whi 10/4/1954 #10699  
                          Cordoba, Argentina Meteorologist, control tower o 11/25/1954 #11702  
us objects hover over the Cordoba, Argentina airport for two hours starting 11/25/1954 #11705  
g in the city of Coronel Pringles, Argentina Sr. E. Aguirre Zavala, an empl 12/4/1954 #11760  
f the road near San Rafael Moreno, Argentina at 3:30 a.m. It was a luminous 12/28/1954 #11869  
  Dudignac, Buenos Aires province, Argentina 9:30 a.m. Pedro Navarro, 25, t 8/30/1955 #12418  
r Dudignac, Buenos Aires province, Argentina. When he develops them, he not 8/30/1955 #12418  
a.m. many people in Campo Quijano, Argentina witnessed a metallic ovoid UFO 1/18/1957 #13465  
                          Córdoba, Argentina Rio Ceballos 7:30 a.m. An anon 4/1957 #13575  
 An anonymous resident of Córdoba, Argentina, is motorcycling to Rio Ceball 4/1957 #13575  
             Pajasblancas Airport, Argentina When his motorcycle suddenly f 5/1/1957 #13637  
 International Airport in Córdoba, Argentina 7:00 a.m. A man driving a moto 5/1/1957 #13638  
 International Airport in Córdoba, Argentina, sees a UFO shortly after his  5/1/1957 #13638  
ancas Airport in Cordoba province, Argentina shortly after 7 a.m. when his  5/1/1957 #13639  
                          Quilino, Argentina An Air Force man inside a tent 8/20/1957 #13911  
                Quilinos, Córdoba, Argentina Salta region A member of the A 8/20/1957 #13913  
 in a tent near Quilinos, Córdoba, Argentina, when he hears a high-pitched  8/20/1957 #13913  
n the evening in Quilino, Cordoba, Argentina an Air Force man inside a tent 8/20/1957 #13915  
ere in Tabladitas, Jujuy Province, Argentina when they watched a 30 meter l 4/12/1958 #14979  
                       Tabladitas, Argentina Approximate date. In the mount 4/15/1958 #14987  
 in the mountains near Tabladitas, Argentina about 14 kilometers from Abra  4/15/1958 #14989  
d all night long in Boa del Tigre, Argentina by several witnesses in the ar 4/17/1958 #14995  
                    Boa del Tigre, Argentina Remo dell'Armellina was drivin 5/27/1958 #15056  
s driving a truck toward Santa Fe, Argentina when he saw a giant figure, th 5/27/1958 #15057  
nd Bolivar, Buenos Aires province, Argentina. The object made a soft whistl 8/8/1958 #15185  
r La Verde, Buenos Aires province, Argentina an airplane's engine increased 8/31/1958 #15235  
 the sky over the city of Cordoba, Argentina for 15 minutes. It gave off se 2/28/1959 #15625  
 workers in San Salvador de Jujuy, Argentina. Red lights were seen exiting  2/28/1959 #15625  
                       Tres Lomas, Argentina Two hunters saw a diskshaped o 5/20/1959 #15740  
 Pehuelches station, Buenos Aires, Argentina 5:30 p.m. Antonio Sanchez and  5/20/1959 #15741  
 Pehuelches station, Buenos Aires, Argentina. They see a saucer-shaped, sil 5/20/1959 #15741  
llic disc in Tres Lomas, La Pampa, Argentina. Grass at the landing site was 5/20/1959 #15742  
              Buenos Aires harbor, Argentina The Argentine Navy bottles up  6/1959 #15753  
object in the Buenos Aires harbor, Argentina. It is shaped like a huge fish 6/1959 #15753  
                            Salta, Argentina 8:00 p.m. A large, luminous UF 6/22/1959 #15784  
e, luminous UFO passes over Salta, Argentina, and blacks out all electrical 6/22/1959 #15784  
ltitude northwest of Tres Arroyos, Argentina at 7:45 p.m. One of the object 9/25/1959 #15990  
r-shaped object flew over Cordoba, Argentina at 8:00 p.m. It flew off to th 10/23/1959 #16056  
e Villa General Belgrano, Córdoba, Argentina 4:30 p.m. Argentine Air Force  7/3/1960 #16329  
r Villa General Belgrano, Córdoba, Argentina, when he notices a dark object 7/3/1960 #16329  
d UFO between Yacanto and Cordoba, Argentina at 4:30 p.m. There was a myste 7/3/1960 #16330  
              Yariguarenda Jungle, Argentina New apparitions of a monstrous 10/1960 #16471  
                        Catamarca, Argentina A truck driver and two other m 1/8/1962 #17016  
                     Unknown City, Argentina At least twelve UFOs sighted i 5/1962 #17144  
                            Jujuy, Argentina Approximate date. Four people  5/1962 #17145  
ra Air Naval Base in Bahía Blanca, Argentina The A-12 achieves supersonic s 5/4/1962 #17150  
ra Air Naval Base in Bahía Blanca, Argentina.                               5/4/1962 #17150  
hia Blanca, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina had a close encounter with thr 5/9/1962 #17155  
                   Pampa Province, Argentina V. and G. Tomasini and H. Zeno 5/12/1962 #17162  
ia Blanca Jacinto Aráuz, La Pampa, Argentina Puerto Belgrano Naval Base Uni 5/12/1962 #17165  
Blanca to Jacinto Aráuz, La Pampa, Argentina, when they see a lantern-like  5/12/1962 #17165  
 near La Pampa, La Pampa province, Argentina saw a rectangular object shape 5/12/1962 #17166  
hia Blanca, Buenos Aires province, Argentina that involved several witnesse 5/12/1962 #17166  
                         Uncativo, Argentina Dozens of witnesses in Uncativ 5/13/1962 #17170  
                Oncativo, Córdoba, Argentina Rosario 4:00 a.m. Near Oncativ 5/13/1962 #17171  
 4:00 a.m. Near Oncativo, Córdoba, Argentina, two women driving from Rosari 5/13/1962 #17171  
e encounters from six provinces in Argentina: Buenos Aires, La Rioja, Neuqu 5/13/1962 #17172  
 located in Buenos Aires province, Argentina an Air Force man named Giashis 5/13/1962 #17172  
           In Rio Cuarto, Cordoba, Argentina a flight of 20 multi-colored U 5/13/1962 #17173  
                     Bahia Blanca, Argentina Miguel Thomé, a reporter for L 5/21/1962 #17186  
uminous object above Bahia Blanca, Argentina, one of which is exactly at a  5/21/1962 #17186  
                        Winifreda, Argentina A woman was hospitalized after 5/22/1962 #17190  
spora Air Naval Base Bahia Blanca, Argentina 7:10–7:45 p.m. A formation of  5/22/1962 #17191  
ra Air Naval Base in Bahia Blanca, Argentina, observes several UFOs over a  5/22/1962 #17191  
              Winifreda Las Pampas Argentina A woman is hospitalized after  5/22/1962 #17192  
t land near Winifreda, Las Pampas, Argentina. Two large “robot-like creatur 5/22/1962 #17192  
Air Base in Buenos Aires province, Argentina. The plane's radio failed comp 5/22/1962 #17193  
as sighted on a ranch in La Pampa, Argentina on this day by a rancher and h 5/24/1962 #17198  
ng to Parana, Entre Rios province, Argentina and were near the town of Cres 6/3/1962 #17216  
       Many residents of La Plata, Argentina phoned the police and the news 6/21/1962 #17241  
ir way back to Crespo, Entre Rios, Argentina when they noticed a large meta 7/18/1962 #17283  
by the side of the road in Crespo, Argentina (11:00 p.m. local time).       7/18/1962 #17284  
         At 8:30 p.m. near Darana, Argentina a 17-year-old motorcyclist saw 7/26/1962 #17290  
 Villa Tunuyuan, Mendoza province, Argentina saw three discs pass over thei 7/27/1962 #17292  
                   Bajeola Grande, Argentina Roberto Mievres, 17, was ridin 7/30/1962 #17305  
         San José de Métan, Salta, Argentina 7:00 p.m. Three witnesses are  8/1962 #17309  
h toward San José de Métan, Salta, Argentina, when they see a light against 8/1962 #17309  
              Camba Punat Airport, Argentina Luis Harvey, airport manager,  8/2/1962 #17316  
International Airport] Corrientes, Argentina Around 12:00 midnight. Air tra 8/2/1962 #17317  
ational Airport], near Corrientes, Argentina, see an unidentified light app 8/2/1962 #17317  
unat Airport, Corrientes province, Argentina. Sr. Luis Harvey, airport mana 8/2/1962 #17318  
ween Las Armas and General Pirana, Argentina in Buenos Aires province at 1: 8/5/1962 #17322  
                            Salta, Argentina 7:00 p.m. Three witnesses are  Late 8/1962 #17361  
al area about 87 miles from Salta, Argentina, when two of them (the third s Late 8/1962 #17361  
in Dolores, Buenos Aires province, Argentina encountered a bright object on 8/28/1962 #17370  
haped UFO between Metan and Salta, Argentina. The disc was 150 meters in di 8/28/1962 #17370  
vy pilot in Florista, Bahia State, Argentina.                               9/8/1962 #17392  
 del Plata, Buenos Aires province, Argentina at 8:00 p.m. A nocturnal light 10/10/1962 #17465  
near Monte Leon, Santa Cruz State, Argentina at 2:20 a.m. Beside the road a 11/22/1962 #17557  
m., just southeast of Abra Grande, Argentina in the province of Santiago de 11/26/1962 #17563  
                        Chumbicha, Argentina G. L. Colodrero and the direct 12/11/1962 #17579  
             Buenos Aires Airport, Argentina A large, fiery disk was observ 12/21/1962 #17600  
                     Buenos Aires, Argentina At Ezeiza Airport, pilots and  12/22/1962 #17604  
zeiza Partido Greater Buenos Aires Argentina About 3:00 a.m. At Ezeiza Inte 12/22/1962 #17606  
a Partido in Greater Buenos Aires, Argentina, tower operators Horacio Alora 12/22/1962 #17606  
t at Ezeiza Airport, Buenos Aires, Argentina. The UFO rose to 10 meters alt 12/22/1962 #17607  
ada de Alzogaray Burruyacú Tucumán Argentina Night. Brothers Rosauro Antoni 1/1963 #17624  
lzogaray, near Burruyacú, Tucumán, Argentina. The burn is in the shape of t 1/1963 #17624  
g flown over the state of Cordoba, Argentina had a close encounter with a U 1/3/1963 #17626  
              Entre Ríos province, Argentina A formation of objects passes  1/17/1963 #17636  
s passes over Entre Ríos province, Argentina, and discharges angel hair. Vi 1/17/1963 #17636  
              Ganada de Algosaray, Argentina An object was reported to have 1/31/1963 #17646  
ave landed in Ganada de Algosaray, Argentina. The Lopez brothers found trac 1/31/1963 #17647  
                    Colonia Yerua, Argentina After an intense rainfall Pabl 3/12/1963 #17702  
                       Monte Maiz, Argentina E. Douglas, while driving a tr 10/12/1963 #17986  
   Monte Maíz Isla Verde, Córdoba, Argentina 3:30 a.m. Driving in a blindin 10/12/1963 #17987  
onte Maíz and Isla Verde, Córdoba, Argentina, Eugenio Douglas feels heat an 10/12/1963 #17987  
y and found shelter in Monte Maiz, Argentina. He suffered burns similar to  10/12/1963 #17988  
         Tranca, Tucumán Province, Argentina A family was held under siege  10/21/1963 #17995  
                          Trancas, Argentina Six strange objects were obser 10/21/1963 #17996  
                 Trancas, Tucumán, Argentina 9:30 p.m. Yolié del Valle More 10/21/1963 #17997  
nd her family at Trancas, Tucumán, Argentina, observe six strange objects f 10/21/1963 #17997  
 causing a local panic in Trancas, Argentina. One UFO hovered at ground lev 10/21/1963 #17998  
                  SS MEDANOS / OFF ARGENTINA Compasses turn toward(s) huge  11/12/1963 #18032  
                     Unknown City, Argentina An official Argentine Navy UFO 11/12/1963 #18033  
 in Alta Gracia, Cordoba Province, Argentina at 10:00 p.m.                  11/28/1963 #18059  
this night in 1963 in Sauce Viejo, Argentina a railroad worker, Mr. C. Tuli 12/17/1963 #18087  
olonia Castelli in Chaco province, Argentina saw a creature more than nine  5/8/1964 #18248  
                         La Rioja, Argentina Domed disc rose from woods, el 5/10/1964 #18259  
                     Pajasblancas, Argentina A 42-year-old doctor and his w 6/5/1964 #18331  
ancas airport in Cordoba province, Argentina a doctor and his wife had the  6/5/1964 #18332  
 low over a road in Rio Choromoro, Argentina at 9:30 p.m. It had black stri 6/6/1964 #18336  
                            ATL.NR ARGENTINA Fireball circles 2 ships. Odd  7/28/1964 #18452  
                           Cofico, Argentina Chafredo Dagota observed a cir 9/5/1964 #18537  
  On a farm in Cofico, near Salta, Argentina a saucer-shaped object touched 9/5/1964 #18540  
FO touched down briefly in Cofico, Argentina around nine o'clock in the eve 9/6/1964 #18542  
n Miguel Observatory Buenos Aires, Argentina 10:55 p.m. Astronomers Luis Fe 9/14/1964 #18552  
 Miguel Observatory, Buenos Aires, Argentina, watch an object with the appa 9/14/1964 #18552  
modoro Rivadavia, Chubut province, Argentina flying in a curved trajectory  9/20/1964 #18561  
n Miguel Observatory Buenos Aires, Argentina Midnight. Astronomers at the S 11/14/1964 #18616  
 Miguel Observatory, Buenos Aires, Argentina, see an elongated, flat, reddi 11/14/1964 #18616  
San Miguel, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, astronomers watched a nocturn 11/14/1964 #18617  
            Buenos Aires province, Argentina A couple is driving on a count 1965 #18689  
try road in Buenos Aires province, Argentina, when their car engine begins  1965 #18689  
ight a group of people in Torrent, Argentina in the province of Corrientes  1/31/1965 #18789  
                          Torrent, Argentina Several persons observed five  2/4/1965 #18799  
e in Torrent, Corrientes province, Argentina observed five luminous objects 2/4/1965 #18802  
                           Chalac, Argentina About 50 Toba Indians, includi 2/21/1965 #18824  
tribe in Chalac, Formosa Province, Argentina watched as a group of UFOs wer 2/21/1965 #18825  
                     Monte Grande, Argentina Felipe Martinez, 37, reported  4/1965 #18885  
s day in Monte Grande, Entre Rios, Argentina a 37-year-old man named F. Mar 5/3/1965 #18925  
             Paso de las Carretas, Argentina Hunters saw through binoculars 5/24/1965 #18960  
. hunters in Paso de las Carretas, Argentina saw through binoculars an obje 5/24/1965 #18965  
               Undisclosed city in Argentina, Arg UFO interfered with instr 7/3/1965 #19060  
                  Loretami Valley, Argentina Mr. and Mrs. Bosquets and thei 7/15/1965 #19105  
Loretani Valley, Cordoba province, Argentina, Mr. and Mrs. Bosquets and the 7/15/1965 #19108  
                     Villas Rosas, Argentina Maria Andres, teacher, Mr. Gom 7/19/1965 #19130  
llas Rosas, Buenos Aires province, Argentina Maria Andres, a school teacher 7/19/1965 #19137  
                          Quilmes, Argentina R. Pereyra was driving near Mo 7/20/1965 #19149  
s, Quilmes, Buenos Aires province, Argentina when he saw a parachute-like o 7/20/1965 #19153  
   In Macias, Entre Rios province, Argentina at eleven o'clock at night Fel 7/21/1965 #19156  
 are reports from Latvia, Austria, Argentina, Peru, Mexico and seven report 8/2/1965 #19269  
                    Mar del Plata, Argentina Mr. and Mrs. Yacobi heard a lo 8/20/1965 #19440  
 del Plata, Buenos Aires province, Argentina when they heard a loud humming 8/20/1965 #19444  
                        Apostoles, Argentina Casimiro Zuk was riding his bi 8/23/1965 #19455  
 a railroad crossing in Apostoles, Argentina when he saw a luminous object  8/23/1965 #19456  
                        San Justo, Argentina J. Fernandez was awakened by a 9/3/1965 #19504  
     In San Justo, Santa Fe State, Argentina J. Fernandez was awakened at 1 9/3/1965 #19513  
                    Aguas Blancas, Argentina Three students, Santos Vallejo 10/1/1965 #19632  
ol, Aguas Blancas, Salta province, Argentina when they were attacked by sma 10/1/1965 #19635  
               Undisclosed city in Argentina, Arg UFO caused compass on shi 11/12/1965 #19714  
n Palavecino, Entre Rios province, Argentina was blinded for a while and un 12/13/1965 #19767  
                      Sauce Viejo, Argentina A railroad worker, Cesar T. Ga 12/16/1965 #19773  
 truck in Concepcion del Urugruay, Argentina had a close encounter on this  1/4/1966 #19805  
engers suddenly died in Chascomus, Argentina. At the same time they saw an  1/9/1966 #19821  
er Obispo Trejo, Cordoba Province, Argentina for over a minute  at 2:30 p.m 2/6/1966 #19890  
 10 miles north of Puerto Deseado, Argentina. The UFO emitted a gray vapor  3/18/1966 #19989  
           Conception Del Uruguay, Argentina Night. A luminous green object 4/1/1966 #20196  
              Paraguay, Ascuncion, Argentina 3:55 p.m. LT. The pilot of a B 4/29/1966 #20426  
craft Bonanza en route to Posadas, Argentina, saw a gray object like one pl 4/29/1966 #20426  
een Asuncion, Paraguay to Posadas, Argentina, the UFO moved extremely fast. 4/29/1966 #20428  
ar Estacion Casalegno in Santa Fe, Argentina the conductor of a train, Enri 4/20/1967 #22172  
esses in Simoca, Tucuman province, Argentina, returning from a hunting expe 5/1/1967 #22263  
n Necochea, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina a close encounter involving fo 5/7/1967 #22296  
                          Cordoba, Argentina - Four days prior of a massive 6/21/1967 #22530  
               Paso de los Libres, Argentina At 10:00 pm in Paso de los Lib 6/24/1967 #22544  
   Paso de los Libres, Corrientes, Argentina Yapeyú and Santo Tomé in Corri 6/24/1967 #22548  
stencia and Barranqueras in Chaco, Argentina 10:00 p.m. At Paso de los Libr 6/24/1967 #22548  
At Paso de los Libres, Corrientes, Argentina, policemen see 8–10 bright lig 6/24/1967 #22548  
stencia and Barranqueras in Chaco, Argentina. All are observed for at least 6/24/1967 #22548  
              Santa Clara del Mar, Argentina Two persons saw a cigar-shaped 7/11/1967 #22650  
is evening in Santa Clara del Mar, Argentina two persons saw a cigar-shaped 7/11/1967 #22651  
       Pedro Petrelli of Guernica, Argentina heard a loud noise like a burs 7/20/1967 #22712  
               Villa Constitucion, Argentina During a raging storm, an enti 9/11/1967 #23042  
                Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina 9:30 p.m. During a raging stor 9/11/1967 #23045  
ging storm near Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina, a family watches a huge, glow 9/11/1967 #23045  
                     San Jeronimo, Argentina Carlos Spini and another man s 11/3/1967 #23397  
i and another man in San Jeronimo, Argentina saw a luminous, blue, circular 11/3/1967 #23398  
ize in Centeno, Santa Fe province, Argentina, its major axis vertical. It g 11/12/1967 #23439  
polar region, and off the coast of Argentina. Motherships were cigar shaped 12/3/1967 #23535  
ning while driving near Catamarca, Argentina that would change color from p 12/26/1967 #23612  
ala highway in Catamarca Province, Argentina Mr. & Mrs. Clerici watched a f 12/28/1967 #23617  
                     Buenos Aires, Argentina Fabio Zerpa founds the Organiz 1968 #23631  
omenos Espaciales in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It publishes a monthly magazi 1968 #23631  
nded in Copahue, Neuquen province, Argentina and stayed on the ground for f 1/23/1968 #23688  
oncepcion del Uruguay, Entre Rios, Argentina to the southeast.  This was fo 1/24/1968 #23699  
d meet him again in Mar Del Plata, Argentina. He had a vague recollection t 1/25/1968 #23700  
      A lawyer's home in Castelar, Argentina was flooded by a bright blue l 3/3/1968 #23816  
    Chascomús Maipú, Buenos Aires, Argentina Mexico City Argentine embassy  Early 5/1968 #23939  
 Chascomús to Maipú, Buenos Aires, Argentina. They are just outside Chascom Early 5/1968 #23939  
     Sr. T. Banescu of La Florida, Argentina was walking home early in the  5/22/1968 #23980  
                       Carlos Paz, Argentina Pedro Pretzel, 39, motel owner 6/1968 #23998  
midnight in Buenos Aires province, Argentina when he was confronted by a fa 6/4/1968 #24006  
                In Los Cigarrales, Argentina Jorge Yaru, a member of the Ar 6/10/1968 #24018  
                       Mendiozaca, Argentina 3:00 a.m. Jorge Yaru, 35, saw  6/14/1968 #24028  
                       Mendiozaca, Argentina Jorge Yaru, 35, saw a strange  6/14/1968 #24030  
town of Villa Carlos Paz, Cordoba, Argentina sighted a UFO with two very in 6/14/1968 #24032  
 on this same night in La Armonia, Argentina a man was in his bed resting w 6/14/1968 #24035  
east of Villa Carlos Paz, Córdoba, Argentina Highway 20 1:05 a.m. María Elo 6/15/1968 #24039  
east of Villa Carlos Paz, Córdoba, Argentina, is locking up for the night w 6/15/1968 #24039  
                         El Choro, Argentina Night. Chief of Provincial Pol 6/16/1968 #24041  
                         El Choro, Argentina Chief of Provincial Police Ger 6/16/1968 #24042  
           Villa Dolores, Córdoba, Argentina La Guardia, Catamarca, Argenti 6/18/1968 #24044  
, Argentina La Guardia, Catamarca, Argentina Jorge Raul Scassa Sutter and R 6/18/1968 #24044  
a 182 from Villa Dolores, Córdoba, Argentina, to La Guardia, Catamarca, Arg 6/18/1968 #24044  
gentina, to La Guardia, Catamarca, Argentina. They see an object looking li 6/18/1968 #24044  
     On this night near Catamarca, Argentina four people in a car saw a bri 6/18/1968 #24045  
                         Cabreria, Argentina Night. A settler, Romulo Velas 6/19/1968 #24048  
                         Cabreria, Argentina A settler, Romulo Velasco, 25, 6/19/1968 #24049  
house in Avellaneda, Buenos Aires, Argentina in a black car. When he recove 6/20/1968 #24056  
                          Miramar, Argentina A man riding his bicycle encou 6/21/1968 #24064  
                          Miramar, Argentina A man riding his bicycle encou 6/21/1968 #24065  
man riding his bicycle in Miramar, Argentina encountered a large object mov 6/21/1968 #24067  
10 a.m. in Laguna Raiva, Santa Fe, Argentina by an intense humming sound. S 6/24/1968 #24076  
                         Bouchard, Argentina 1:05 a.m. Jorge Ribles, electr 6/25/1968 #24080  
                         Bouchard, Argentina Jorge Ribles, electrician at t 6/25/1968 #24081  
                                   Argentina An Argentine Trotskyist using  6/26/1968 #24084  
ng in Cerro de las Rosas, Cordoba, Argentina at 5:30 p.m. when they were su 6/27/1968 #24087  
in San Luis de Palmar, Corrientes, Argentina on Highway 5 a circular flatte 6/29/1968 #24095  
le on the beach in Lujan, Mendoza, Argentina that he first mistook to be gu 6/30/1968 #24097  
                        Ricardone, Argentina 4:00 a.m. Raul Calcedo met two 7/1/1968 #24112  
                        Ricardone, Argentina Raul Calcedo met two giants, a 7/1/1968 #24114  
e beings in Ricardone, Entre Rios, Argentina. They were nearly 10 feet tall 7/1/1968 #24119  
                           Cofico, Argentina 8:15 a.m. A boy, Sola, saw, a  7/2/1968 #24126  
                     Sierra Chica, Argentina 11:25 a.m. Oscar H. Iriart, 15 7/2/1968 #24127  
                     Sierra Chica, Argentina 11:25 a.m. Oscar H. Iriart, 15 7/2/1968 #24128  
                           Cofico, Argentina A boy, Sola, saw, a few meters 7/2/1968 #24129  
                     Sierra Chica, Argentina Oscar H. Iriart, 15, saw two m 7/2/1968 #24130  
       Sierra Chica, Buenos Aires, Argentina 11:25 a.m. Oscar Heriberto Iri 7/2/1968 #24131  
him at Sierra Chica, Buenos Aires, Argentina. They have short, white hair a 7/2/1968 #24131  
rse in Sierra Chica, Buenos Aires, Argentina and encountered two strange me 7/2/1968 #24133  
ountain in Cofico, Salta province, Argentina. At the same time the boy behe 7/2/1968 #24134  
cer and cloud going [to] over from Argentina. Vertical then horizontal. Lea 7/7/1968 #24151  
ing near Canota, Mendoza province, Argentina on a cold, moonlight night at  7/8/1968 #24159  
tried to talk to them in La Plata, Argentina. He was six feet tall, had red 7/9/1968 #24163  
re at their home in Mar del Plata, Argentina when Anastasia suddenly heard  7/15/1968 #24179  
ns in Andacollo, Neuquen Province, Argentina when a disc-shaped UFO flew cl 7/16/1968 #24183  
 while driving to work in Lavalle, Argentina. It was about 20 meters in dia 7/18/1968 #24190  
                          Mendoza, Argentina 1:20 a.m. Entities observed. M 7/22/1968 #24202  
spital at Ituzaingó 2837, Mendoza, Argentina 1:20 a.m. Adela Casalvieri de  7/22/1968 #24204  
spital at Ituzaingó 2837, Mendoza, Argentina, hears a loud, penetrating, hu 7/22/1968 #24204  
          At 1:20 a.m. in Mendoza, Argentina Ms. Adela Casalvieri, night nu 7/22/1968 #24205  
hway 226 La Pastora, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2:00 a.m. Juan Sivori, his wif 7/25/1968 #24225  
226 near La Pastora, Buenos Aires, Argentina. It is only 115 feet from them 7/25/1968 #24225  
5 a.m. in Olavarria, Buenos Aires, Argentina a corporal and several other s 7/25/1968 #24226  
3 in General Alvear, Buenos Aires, Argentina when he observed at the 37 km  7/25/1968 #24227  
     A family of three in Pastora, Argentina saw a silvery object about 25  7/25/1968 #24228  
Four people driving in La Atalaya, Argentina at 3:15 at night saw an object 7/29/1968 #24255  
       On this evening in Cordoba, Argentina 11-year-old Graciela Lourdes G 8/4/1968 #24297  
 a.m. Miguel Bitschko of Canuelas, Argentina was woke up by a bright light  8/8/1968 #24310  
ro de la Gloria, Mendoza province, Argentina. Two dwarves wearing helmets w 8/9/1968 #24313  
                         Mercedes, Argentina 8:00 p.m. A woman staying by h 8/12/1968 #24317  
                         Mercedes, Argentina 8:00 p.m. A woman staying by h 8/12/1968 #24318  
ouse on the outskirts of Mercedes, Argentina heard a buzzing sound and her  8/12/1968 #24322  
                          Mendoza, Argentina Three witnesses, among them tw 8/31/1968 #24407  
       Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina - Mrs. Emilia Larrude de Salaz 8/31/1968 #24410  
                          Mendoza, Argentina Calle Neuquén 3:42 a.m. Juan C 9/1/1968 #24421  
g off work at a casino in Mendoza, Argentina. On the Calle Neuquén, their c 9/1/1968 #24421  
                       In Mendoza, Argentina two casino workers, Juan Carlo 9/1/1968 #24422  
 night in Pergamino, Buenos Aires, Argentina J. Bautista Perazzo allegedly  9/10/1968 #24450  
hing the roofs of houses in Ceres, Argentina. It departed to the west.      9/11/1968 #24452  
      Patagonia Nahuel Huapi Lake, Argentina Puerto Blest 11:30 a.m. Trauma Late 12/1968 #24790  
t field trip on Nahuel Huapi Lake, Argentina. Tarda is taking photos of the Late 12/1968 #24790  
ht four people in a car in Chabut, Argentina saw a disc-shaped object. The  2/25/1969 #24945  
 Three people in Corral de Bustos, Argentina observed a luminous object app 11/15/1969 #25460  
n near a highway in Mar del Plata, Argentina by the driver after the engine 4/1/1970 #25619  
                    Mar del Plata, Argentina Daylight disc photo similar to 4/15/1970 #25631  
                    Mar,del Plata, Argentina Daylight disc photo similar to 4/15/1970 #25632  
 p.m. local time in Mar del Plata, Argentina a luminous disc-shaped object  4/15/1970 #25634  
            At noon at Tafi Viejo, Argentina in the State of Tucuman two me 1/8/1971 #25987  
k in the morning in Campo Quijano, Argentina a metallic ovoid-shaped UFO la 1/18/1971 #25991  
-shaped object over Mar del Plata, Argentina between 8:00 and 9:00 p.m. Man 5/1/1971 #26095  
                          Mendoza, Argentina Saturn-shaped object darted ar 5/24/1971 #26128  
                          Mendoza, Argentina Saturn-shaped object darted ar 5/24/1971 #26129  
e Avenida Pedro Molina in Mendoza, Argentina 12:10 p.m. Retired artist Juli 5/24/1971 #26130  
e Avenida Pedro Molina in Mendoza, Argentina, when they see a flattened, Sa 5/24/1971 #26130  
                       In Mendoza, Argentina an incandescent orange Saturn- 5/24/1971 #26131  
 in Cuesta de las Vacas, San Juan, Argentina. It was seen on the ground by  6/11/1971 #26168  
hia Blanca, Buenos Aires province, Argentina 19-year-old Osvaldo D'Annunzio 9/19/1971 #26348  
, near Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina when he noticed a bright white 9/20/1971 #26354  
in de los Andes, Neuquen Province, Argentina beginning at 11:45 p.m. for th 12/28/1971 #26521  
                     Buenos Aires, Argentina Oscar A. Uriondo and Roberto E 1972 #26529  
 Aéreos Inusuales in Buenos Aires, Argentina.                               1972 #26529  
pear over the fields in Granadero, Argentina around dawn. He stopped his tr 3/16/1972 #26606  
hia Blanca, Buenos Aires province, Argentina. He stopped the car and gave a 8/8/1972 #26885  
est of Arroyito, Cordoba province, Argentina, an odd light appeared above a 8/16/1972 #26921  
os and Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina when he stopped to pick up a v 8/28/1972 #26966  
in Santa Isabel, Cordoba province, Argentina Sr. Teodoro Merlo, age 56, a m 9/21/1972 #27022  
            Santa Isabel, Córdoba, Argentina Ika-Renault factory 5:40 a.m.  9/27/1972 #27034  
 factory in Santa Isabel, Córdoba, Argentina, is making early rounds at the 9/27/1972 #27034  
 factory in Santa Isabel, Cordoba, Argentina when the fluorescent lights in 9/27/1972 #27035  
to plant in Santa Isabel, Cordoba, Argentina a luminous object which picked 9/27/1972 #27036  
in Santa Isabel, Cordoba province, Argentina truck driver Luftolde Rodrigue 9/28/1972 #27038  
es Arroyos, Buenos Aires province, Argentina when the TV picture went out.  11/28/1972 #27150  
 1972 in Huaco, San Juan Province, Argentina four men watched three glowing 12/12/1972 #27175  
ack in Tres Arroyos, Buenos Aires, Argentina with his dog and his cat when  12/30/1972 #27193  
d UFO was sighted in Tres Arroyos, Argentina at 10 p.m., and figures could  1/1/1973 #27212  
bout 20 kilometers north of Salta, Argentina. It descended in a falling-lea 3/13/1973 #27343  
in Oriente, Buenos Aires province, Argentina at 10:30 p.m. when his car exp 5/14/1973 #27486  
lon at 6:30 p.m. in Mar del Plata, Argentina when she observed a bright gre 7/9/1973 #27625  
   RAMOS MEXIA RESERVOIR, NEUQUEN, ARGENTINA 15 observer(s). 4 UFO's fly in 10/27/1973 #28298  
go Ramos Mejia in Nequen Province, Argentina at 2000 m altitude or less. Th 10/27/1973 #28302  
           Highway 3 Bahía Blanca, Argentina 1:15 a.m. Truck driver Dionisi 10/28/1973 #28309  
3 some 11 miles from Bahía Blanca, Argentina, when a UFO lands and three hu 10/28/1973 #28309  
hia Blanca, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina when he became aware of a yell 10/28/1973 #28311  
l Pinto, in Buenos Aires province, Argentina was drinking tea when his 13-y 10/29/1973 #28319  
om Reconquista, Santa Fe Province, Argentina on Route 98, Alphonzo L. and h 10/31/1973 #28326  
 along the beach in Mar Del Plata, Argentina at midnight when they sighted  1/15/1974 #28680  
San Juan, Puerto Rico, to Cordoba, Argentina Argentine Airlines plane flank 3/13/1974 #28879  
    San Juan, Puerto Rico Córdoba, Argentina An Argentine Airlines plane en 3/13/1974 #28880  
San Juan, Puerto Rico, to Córdoba, Argentina, is flanked by two glowing obj 3/13/1974 #28880  
r home near Santa Clara de Olimar, Argentina. When she looked out the windo 4/11/1974 #29004  
                          Córdoba, Argentina The Circulo de Argentino de In 6/1974 #29153  
stigaciones Ufológicas in Córdoba, Argentina, publishes the first issue of  6/1974 #29153  
n La Plata, Buenos Aires province, Argentina at around 11:30 p.m. On the gr 11/26/1974 #29611  
ania, over the English Channel, in Argentina, and in the U.S. Midwest. At 8 1/3/1975 #29711  
ngeniero White, near Bahía Blanca, Argentina Buenos Aires Hospital Ferrovia 1/4/1975 #29715  
ngeniero White, near Bahía Blanca, Argentina, when he is blinded and paraly 1/4/1975 #29715  
utside Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina when he saw a blindingly brigh 1/5/1975 #29723  
 of UFOs were taken on this day in Argentina and Oklahoma. An object that w 2/18/1975 #29824  
r sky, was taken in Puerto Madryn, Argentina at the ocean shore at 3:20 p.m 2/18/1975 #29824  
                 Golfo San Matias, Argentina North of the Valdez Peninsula, 3/2/1975 #29865  
          In the Golfo San Matias, Argentina north of the Valdez Peninsula, 3/2/1975 #29869  
      San José de Jáchal San Juan, Argentina Night. Stationary beams of lig 4/20/1975 #29998  
n at San José de Jáchal, San Juan, Argentina. In a remote area, three impri 4/20/1975 #29998  
                        Olavarria, Argentina Mr. Urruti, age 47, was drivin 5/14/1976 #31051  
as driving his truck in Olavarria, Argentina when he encountered an unusual 5/14/1976 #31052  
astello Airport Viedma, Rio Negro, Argentina Before dawn. For a period of t 7/14/1976 #31164  
ello Airport in Viedma, Rio Negro, Argentina. At dawn, the sunlight neutral 7/14/1976 #31164  
                     Buenos Aires, Argentina Guillermo Carlos Roncoroni beg 10/1976 #31440  
lishing UFO Press in Buenos Aires, Argentina, until November 1986.          10/1976 #31440  
n Chile in the event of a war with Argentina or a regional conflict.        4/25/1977 #32026  
             Centeno, Arg Centeno, Argentina (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Case 6/21/1977 #32180  
near San Justo, Santa Fe province, Argentina when a strong white light appr 2/13/1978 #32970  
Villa Mercedes, San Luis province, Argentina about 100 city residents saw 5 5/4/1978 #33187  
jo along the border of Bolivia and Argentina. It produces a sonic boom that 5/6/1978 #33190  
a turn over the city of Catamarca, Argentina. They shot off to the west at  5/6/1978 #33191  
                San Luis province, Argentina A squadron of 40 UFOs circle d 5/7/1978 #33192  
 formation over San Luis province, Argentina, in the midst of a luminous bl 5/7/1978 #33192  
 in La Bajada, Catamarca province, Argentina saw three UFOs with pale green 6/1/1978 #33248  
                         Ayacucho, Argentina A UFO landed for several minut 6/26/1978 #33312  
 patio of a residence in Ayacucho, Argentina. Mr. and Mrs. Belloq--the coup 6/26/1978 #33312  
 patio of a residence in Ayacucho, Argentina. Mr. and Mrs. Belloq--the coup 6/26/1978 #33314  
                          Mendoza, Argentina Car levitated, altered environ 7/6/1978 #33343  
                          Mendoza, Argentina Car levitated, altered environ 7/6/1978 #33344  
) allegedly occurred near Mendoza, Argentina on this date in 1978. Francisc 7/6/1978 #33346  
 of the witness in General Alvear, Argentina. It moved away at a very low a 7/9/1978 #33361  
 from Estacio Rambion in San Juan, Argentina. At the railway station the te 7/12/1978 #33376  
ar UFO in the sky above Chacabuco, Argentina. It varied in color between re 7/17/1978 #33396  
       General Belgrano, Santa Fe, Argentina A mushroom-shaped object was s 8/10/1978 #33494  
neral Belgrano, Santa Fe Province, Argentina on this night. The object was  8/10/1978 #33497  
 Andes Mountains Neuquen province, Argentina An oval-shaped translucent obj 8/22/1978 #33548  
des Mountains in Neuquen province, Argentina, in a 300-mile path.           8/22/1978 #33548  
el Dorrego, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina heard strange noises, then sme 8/22/1978 #33550  
ers' close encounter experience in Argentina, several guests were having di 8/22/1978 #33551  
e in Villa Carlos Paz, Entre Rios, Argentina was pursued by a UFO that gave 8/25/1978 #33569  
         Guemes, Cordoba province, Argentina An ovoid object with reddish f 8/29/1978 #33589  
night in Guemes, Cordoba province, Argentina an ovoid object with reddish f 8/29/1978 #33592  
he skies over the city of Mendoza, Argentina. Their estimated speed was 600 8/29/1978 #33592  
      San Juan and San Luis (btn), Argentina Two men, Srs. De Cesare and Ma 8/31/1978 #33607  
iving in a truck on Highway 147 in Argentina when they were circled closely 8/31/1978 #33607  
uan and San Luis on Highway 147 in Argentina when they were circled closely 8/31/1978 #33609  
n Necochea, Buenos Aires province, Argentina. Their luminosity increased an 8/31/1978 #33612  
                    Venado Tuerto, Argentina Round object, 30' in diameter, 9/6/1978 #33636  
                          Cordoba, Argentina A luminous UFO, giving off red 9/6/1978 #33637  
                    Venado Tuerto, Argentina Perez's home 6:45 a.m. Juan O. 9/6/1978 #33638  
herd of horses near Venado Tuerto, Argentina. As he rides his horse, he sen 9/6/1978 #33638  
 herd of horses in Venado, Tuerto, Argentina. At 6:45 a.m. as he rode his h 9/6/1978 #33640  
    On this same night in Cordoba, Argentina a luminous UFO, giving off red 9/6/1978 #33642  
 in Venado Tuerto, Santa Fe State, Argentina a power blackout occurred, fol 9/8/1978 #33648  
 Miguel de Tucuman, Tucuman State, Argentina when they starting having TV i 9/10/1978 #33657  
n Maria Teresa, Santa Fe province, Argentina when he spotted a red spherica 9/20/1978 #33719  
Marcos Paz, Buenos Aires province, Argentina photographed a UFO during the  9/21/1978 #33724  
            Buenos Aires Province, Argentina Car participating in road rall 9/22/1978 #33728  
            Buenos Aires Province, Argentina Car participating in road rall 9/22/1978 #33729  
                          Rosario, Argentina That morning a florist in the  9/23/1978 #33733  
                     Buenos Aires, Argentina 4:30 a.m. Carlos Acevedo and A 9/23/1978 #33734  
flat pampas south of Buenos Aires, Argentina, stragglers on the final leg o 9/23/1978 #33734  
ring a road rally north of Viedma, Argentina one of the cars, a Citroen bei 9/23/1978 #33738  
 a florist in the city of Rosario, Argentina saw a reddish-orange lighted s 9/23/1978 #33739  
                       In Palpala, Argentina at 8 o'clock in the evening, t 10/5/1978 #33798  
n Gobernador Virasoro, Corrientes, Argentina. The object resembled an inver 10/8/1978 #33821  
ernador Crespo, Santa Fe province, Argentina.                               10/15/1978 #33839  
er the city of Arequito, Santa Fe, Argentina on this night. The object had  10/22/1978 #33858  
y in Godoy Cruz, Mendoza province, Argentina two night-shift workers were s 10/25/1978 #33876  
h rail in her backyard in Mendoza, Argentina. When she stepped on it she fe 12/4/1978 #34058  
 several cities in Chaco province, Argentina on this evening. In Resistenci 12/13/1978 #34110  
                      Resistencia, Argentina Shortly after two o’clock in t 12/21/1978 #34187  
                         Santa Fe, Argentina A giant light was observed in  12/21/1978 #34188  
                         La Rioja, Argentina At 2:45 a.m. a very large glow 12/21/1978 #34189  
ies of UFO reports from throughout Argentina. At shortly after two o’clock  12/21/1978 #34194  
 several witnesses in Resistencia, Argentina saw 6-7 objects moving in form 12/21/1978 #34194  
 1000 meters altitude in La Rioja, Argentina. They reportedly lit up the sk 12/21/1978 #34194  
ed in the western sky in Santa Fe, Argentina. It was blue and green in colo 12/21/1978 #34194  
to and Transito, Cordoba Province, Argentina when they were approached by a 12/28/1978 #34222  
                                   Argentina Comisión Nacional de Actividad 1979 #34257  
or three hours between Tacuarembo, Argentina and Melo, Uruguay during the d 1/9/1979 #34326  
eto, Santiago del Estero province, Argentina when he heard a sudden noise.  1/13/1979 #34339  
      Serodino, Santa Fe province, Argentina Ernaldo Camusoni, age 49, was  2/26/1979 #34449  
rm in Serodino, Santa Fe province, Argentina late in the evening after 8 p. 2/26/1979 #34450  
                           Bigand, Argentina Several cars experienced elect 4/7/1979 #34501  
 failures on highway 33 in Bigand, Argentina. Mr. Celotto, a farmer, saw an 4/7/1979 #34501  
 failures on highway 33 in Bigand, Argentina at eight o'clock in the mornin 4/7/1979 #34502  
                      Vizcacheras, Argentina Oil held landing, reaction to  5/1/1979 #34535  
                      Vizcacheras, Argentina Oil field landing, reaction to 5/1/1979 #34536  
ras oil fields in a remote area of Argentina’s Mendoza province accessible  5/1/1979 #34537  
goats in Las Vizcacheras, Mendoza, Argentina fled their pen in panic. The n 5/1/1979 #34538  
Cronica, May 7, 1979 Buenos Aires, Argentina (E,R) police car (NICAP: 03 -  5/5/1979 #34543  
ver a dam in Calamuchita, Cordoba, Argentina. The photographs were taken in 5/5/1979 #34544  
arrio La Gloria, Mendoza province, Argentina unable to sleep, so he lit a c 9/19/1979 #34901  
y of Santa Ines, Mendoza province, Argentina. The object, which was emittin 9/19/1979 #34902  
                     Buenos Aires, Argentina Alejandro Agostinelli and Juan 1980 #35113  
No Convencionales in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and publish three issues of a 1980 #35113  
d Cervantes in Rio Negro province, Argentina when he noticed a strong glowl 2/11/1980 #35170  
ther UFO reports that evening from Argentina and Chile.                     2/11/1980 #35170  
yor of Ahilinco, Neuquen province, Argentina saw an object shaped with a tr 2/11/1980 #35171  
en in Chamical, La Rioja province, Argentina. The triangular object surroun 2/11/1980 #35172  
 in El Medano, Catamarca province, Argentina saw an enormous orange ball of 2/11/1980 #35173  
 San Vicente, Santiago del Estero, Argentina saw a trangular object shine i 2/11/1980 #35174  
 of Santa Rosa, La Pampa province, Argentina when he noticed something fall 4/23/1980 #35286  
thers commuting to work in Abasto, Argentina saw a strange luminous object  6/4/1980 #35354  
ewbery Ezeiza Buenos Aires Rosario Argentina Pajas Blancas Airport Uruguay  6/14/1980 #35368  
orts in Buenos Aires, and Rosario, Argentina, including airport personnel a 6/14/1980 #35368  
 of luminous ring-shaped UFOs from Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Paraguay and  6/14/1980 #35369  
. twenty kilometers west of Junin, Argentina a circular object approached a 6/14/1980 #35369  
hile a UFO flew toward the Ezeiza, Argentina runway. It nearly crashed into 6/14/1980 #35370  
e La Capital newspaper in Rosario, Argentina said that a "fleet of flying s 6/14/1980 #35371  
cantilados, Buenos Aires province, Argentina observed flames in the distanc 1/23/1981 #35796  
 Manzano Amargo, Neuquen Province, Argentina that they were in was only acc 2/18/1981 #35832  
 35 north of Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina Escuela Agrotécnica de Santa R 4/3/1981 #35884  
 35 north of Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina, watch an object hovering abou 4/3/1981 #35884  
farm in Trevelin, Chabut Province, Argentina, hovering at 2 meters altitude 8/28/1981 #36088  
the sky in Marcos Juarez, Cordoba, Argentina. It was witnessed by Pedro Hes 10/31/1981 #36197  
s del Palmar, Corrientes Province, Argentina at 3:30 a.m. 42-year-old Ruben 12/15/1981 #36259  
        Allen, Rio Negro Province, Argentina E-M effects on car, dome-shape 2/19/1982 #36354  
road in Allen, Rio Negro Province, Argentina when his engine suddenly cut o 2/19/1982 #36357  
erty of a nearby house in Mendoza, Argentina. It was dressed in a robe, had 7/30/1982 #36556  
                          Rosario, Argentina Spain Brazil Uruguay Paraguay  12/8/1982 #36708  
strial Science is held in Rosario, Argentina, with representatives from Spa 12/8/1982 #36708  
, Paraguay, and the US, as well as Argentina.                               12/8/1982 #36708  
the mountains of Cerros Colorados, Argentina on Highway 74 on this night tr 8/5/1983 #36935  
O in Winifreda, La Pampa province, Argentina at 7:30 p.m. and followed it i 8/9/1983 #36940  
                 Rio Seco Tucumán, Argentina 9:45 p.m. Five workers on a ga 5/5/1984 #37318  
ck are near the Rio Seco, Tucumán, Argentina, when they see a strange light 5/5/1984 #37318  
           Cordoba to Resistensia, Argentina 8:00 PM. A large disc-shaped U 9/23/1984 #37465  
plane from Cordoba to Resistensia, Argentina. It reportedly maneuvered at g 9/23/1984 #37465  
plane from Cordoba to Resistensia, Argentina. It reportedly maneuvered at g 9/23/1984 #37468  
in Santa Ana, Corrientes province, Argentina. Two short humanoids wearing b 3/21/1986 #37804  
ear the city center of Santa Rosa, Argentina when he heard a loud buzzing s 5/29/1986 #37898  
   General Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina 8:30 p.m. The brothers Farisan 3/3/1988 #38482  
ar General Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina, when they notice some strange 3/3/1988 #38482  
                     In El Carmen, Argentina a luminous sphere hovered over 5/4/1990 #39557  
n a swamp in Victoria, Entre Rios, Argentina. Lights were seen blinking abo 8/20/1990 #39694  
e, Berisso, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina riding on a friend's motorcycl 8/31/1990 #39707  
             Victoria, Entre Rios, Argentina Visión Ovni, a national UFO re 1991 #39937  
 launched in Victoria, Entre Rios, Argentina, by Silvia Pérez Simondini.    1991 #39937  
 mph down a highway near La Tigra, Argentina, and remained seated there unt 7/21/1991 #40128  
t house near Victoria, Entre Rios, Argentina were alerted to two maneuverin 8/13/1991 #40152  
mall shack on a farm in Laboulaye, Argentina when a bright light outside ca 12/1/1991 #40251  
                     Buenos Aires, Argentina The Centro de Estudios de Fenó 4/1993 #40922  
 Aéreos Inusuales in Buenos Aires, Argentina, publishes the first issue of  4/1993 #40922  
ear Victoria, Entre Rios province, Argentina four witnesses noticed a brigh 5/28/1993 #40993  
t in an isolated area of Victoria, Argentina at 9:30 p.m. when they spotted 4/7/1994 #41480  
e roadside near San Antonia Oeste, Argentina after becoming too sleepy to c 2/11/1995 #42036  
s de Bariloche Airport, Rio Negro, Argentina 6:10 p.m. Aereolíneas Argentin 7/31/1995 #42347  
s de Bariloche Airport, Rio Negro, Argentina. Capt. Jorge Polanco suddenly  7/31/1995 #42347  
loche airport, Rio Negro province, Argentina. The object was estimated to b 7/31/1995 #42348  
ht in Cutral-Co, Neuquen Province, Argentina a witness filmed a 500 meter i 8/11/1995 #42375  
 in Bariloche, Rio Negro province, Argentina on this night. He was found 8  5/4/1999 #43762  
ver the Puerto Belgrano Navy Base, Argentina at 12:45 p.m. A powerful whirl 1/18/2000 #43930  
oleta Alfonso de la Vega in Frias, Argentina noticed a short humanoid figur 4/17/2000 #43982  
 their station in Banda de Varela, Argentina. Around 3:30 a.m. Luis was sle 7/11/2000 #44014  
pilla del Monte, Cordoba province, Argentina to empty the trash and was ret 8/2/2000 #44026  
area near Sampacho, Cordoba State, Argentina, and in the nearby village of  11/29/2000 #44089  
g in a car on a road in Corralito, Argentina in the early morning hours. Th 1/2/2001 #44116  
                       In Rosario, Argentina a woman, "M" found herself bei 5/2/2001 #44174  
  On this night Ms. M. of Rosario, Argentina felt herself summoned by alien 8/2/2001 #44220  
                  Sampacho Cordoba Argentina Cerro Sampacho 10:00 p.m. Poli 9/6/2001 #44250  
ce on patrol in Sampacho, Cordoba, Argentina, receive an alert on their car 9/6/2001 #44250  
                 Achiras Sampacho, Argentina 10:30 p.m. A family traveling  9/9/2001 #44253  
ruck between Achiras and Sampacho, Argentina, notice an intense red light i 9/9/2001 #44253  
     In Alvear, La Pampa Province, Argentina several young men were walking 5/3/2002 #44336  
atrol in Chaj'n, Cordoba Province, Argentina at 11:00 p.m. when a radio cal 7/21/2002 #44362  
                 Sampacho Cordoba, Argentina Cerro Sampacho 10:00 p.m. Poli 9/6/2002 #44391  
 p.m. Police in Sampacho, Cordoba, Argentina, receive an alert about a myst 9/6/2002 #44391  
        Achiras Sampacho, Cordoba, Argentina Cerro Aspero 10:30 p.m. A fami 9/9/2002 #44392  
een Achiras and Sampacho, Cordoba, Argentina. In the vicinity of Cerro Aspe 9/9/2002 #44392  
Another UFO Spotted near Sampacho, Argentina,” UFO Roundup 7, no. 39        9/9/2002 #44392  
                     Buenos Aires, Argentina Night. Two policemen in Buenos 11/28/2002 #44453  
ht. Two policemen in Buenos Aires, Argentina, see a large light maneuvering 11/28/2002 #44453  
height, in Rosario De La Frontera, Argentina. It moved very quickly and emi 4/22/2003 #44518  
        El Paraiso, Mar del Plata, Argentina 2:00 a.m. In the farming area  2/7/2005 #44813  
area of El Paraiso, Mar del Plata, Argentina, a resident hears a noise like 2/7/2005 #44813  
nta Rosa Airport La Pampa province Argentina 7:30 p.m. Just as an airliner  Late 7/2005 #44857  
a Rosa Airport, La Pampa province, Argentina, the airport control tower ope Late 7/2005 #44857  
 residents of the cities of Colon, Argentina and Paysandu, Uruguay witnesse 10/26/2006 #44977  
es National Park, Chubut province, Argentina next to the Torrecillas Glacie 1/23/2008 #45113  
Gualeguaychu, Entre Rios Province, Argentina. The photo shows clear, sharp  2/17/2008 #45120  
.m. in Almagro Pale, Buenos Aires, Argentina.                               10/26/2008 #45178  
                                   Argentina Visión Ovni and many other UFO 2009 #45202  
 and many other UFO researchers in Argentina form Cefora, an organization t 2009 #45202  
 in Puerto Gaboto, Santa Fe State, Argentina when they noticed something st 9/5/2009 #45242  
ia Cosmos Hotel US Italy UK Brazil Argentina Turkey Hungary Bulgaria Peru T 10/15/2018 #45540  
evaerd (Brazil), Andrea Simondini (Argentina), Haktan Ardogan (Turkey), Gab 10/15/2018 #45540  
o Aráuz, Hucal, La Pampa Province, Argentina In 2021, a woman in Argentina  11/16/2021 #45722  
nce, Argentina In 2021, a woman in Argentina named Irma Rick, after regaini 11/16/2021 #45722  
 de Identificatión Aerospaciale in Argentina The governmental Centro de Ide 11/19/2021 #45723  
 de Identificatión Aerospaciale in Argentina issues an annual report on its 11/19/2021 #45723  
 hotspot near Golfo San Matias off Argentina   The “Philadelphia experiment 9/26/2022 #45772  
## Word: "argentina's" (Back to Top)
            Two years later it was Argentina's turn to be inundated with UF 5/13/1962 #17172  
## Word: "argentina--a" (Back to Top)
three prominent citizens of Salta, Argentina--a lawyer, an engineer, and a  6/14/1964 #18358  
## Word: "argentina--among" (Back to Top)
 a.m.) three witnesses in Mendoza, Argentina--among them two casino employe 8/31/1968 #24408  
## Word: "argentinas" (Back to Top)
zzutto are watching an Aereolíneas Argentinas plane that is about to take o 12/22/1962 #17606  
nd Alberto Paracampo of Aerolineas Argentinas, pilots of commercial flights 10/31/1981 #36197  
o, Argentina 6:10 p.m. Aereolíneas Argentinas Flight 734, a Boeing 727 with 7/31/1995 #42347  
## Word: "argentine" (Back to Top)
                                   Argentine Navy Puerto Belgrano Naval Bas 1952 #5839  
val Base Punta Alta, Argentina The Argentine Navy establishes a temporary i 1952 #5839  
nous objects (official report from Argentine Embassy). [UFOE, X] (NICAP: 01 11/25/1954 #11702  
ntina Salta region A member of the Argentine Air Force guarding a downed ai 8/20/1957 #13913  
   At 1:27 a.m. an official of the Argentine National Senate experienced a  8/8/1958 #15185  
Buenos Aires harbor, Argentina The Argentine Navy bottles up a fast, submar 6/1959 #15753  
                                   Argentine Air Force Villa General Belgra 7/3/1960 #16329  
rano, Córdoba, Argentina 4:30 p.m. Argentine Air Force Capt. Hugo F. Niotti 7/3/1960 #16329  
                               The Argentine Navy creates a permanent commi 1962 #17008  
ion for the study of UFOs, and the Argentine Air Force establishes a divisi 1962 #17008  
ewspaper chronology given NICAP by Argentine Embassy include four sightings 5/1962 #17144  
 Embassy include four sightings by Argentine Navy pilots, two reported land 5/1962 #17144  
CAP UFO Evidence, See Section XII; Argentine Chronology.) (NICAP: 11 - Avia 5/1962 #17144  
m Lake, Nevada. May 11 — 7:40 p.m. Argentine Rear Adm. Eladio M. Vázquez an 5/4/1962 #17150  
rge “robot-like creatures” emerge. Argentine Air Force investigators find a 5/22/1962 #17192  
four times in 35 minutes during an Argentine Navy aircraft flight from Espo 5/22/1962 #17193  
that night at both the Chilean and Argentine Bases on the Palmer Archipelag 7/9/1962 #17268  
                     FLORESTA, BRZ Argentine Navy pilot. Burnished metal le 9/8/1962 #17389  
                         Floresta, Argentine "Burnished metal" lens-shaped  9/8/1962 #17390  
 metal" lens-shaped UFO sighted by Argentine Navy pilot. [NICAP UFO Evidenc 9/8/1962 #17390  
 burnished metal was sighted by an Argentine Navy pilot in Florista, Bahia  9/8/1962 #17392  
nknown City, Argentina An official Argentine Navy UFO report. Combined visu 11/12/1963 #18033  
    Atlantic Ocean The crew of the Argentine Naval auxiliary transport, ARA 11/12/1963 #18035  
             On this night off the Argentine Coast of the South Atlantic, a 11/12/1963 #18036  
South Atlantic, a UFO followed the Argentine Navy ship "Punta Medanos." Ele 11/12/1963 #18036  
tica Newspaper reports, Antartica: Argentine, British and Chilean military  7/3/1965 #19056  
                                   Argentine Orcadas Base on Laurie Island  7/3/1965 #19062  
:03 p.m. Two meteorologists at the Argentine Orcadas Base on Laurie Island  7/3/1965 #19062  
                                   Argentine Deception Station South Orkney 7/3/1965 #19064  
s the sky for about an hour at the Argentine Deception Station in the South 7/3/1965 #19064  
15 p.m. The Naviero, a ship of the Argentine Shipping Lines Company, is 120 7/30/1967 #22753  
uenos Aires, Argentina Mexico City Argentine embassy in Mexico City Night.  Early 5/1968 #23939  
o days have passed. They visit the Argentine embassy in Mexico City, where  Early 5/1968 #23939  
ns a denial of the incident by the Argentine embassy, and subsequent inquir Early 5/1968 #23939  
e Vidals. Finally, in October 1998 Argentine film director Aníbal Uset admi Early 5/1968 #23939  
Capt. U. Tiviroli, commander of an Argentine Airlines Avro, sees a UFO, alo 6/6/1968 #24013  
entina Jorge Yaru, a member of the Argentine Navy, was on his way to bed at 6/10/1968 #24018  
                      Argentina An Argentine Trotskyist using the pseudonym 6/26/1968 #24084  
             Three hours after the Argentine humanoid contact, at 9:35 p.m. 7/9/1968 #24164  
ous background. An analysis by the Argentine UFO group Circulo de Investiga Late 12/1968 #24790  
a group of office employees of the Argentine National Airline also observed 7/9/1973 #27625  
ds himself in a hospital. However, Argentine UFO investigators find major d 10/28/1973 #28309  
Puerto Rico, to Cordoba, Argentina Argentine Airlines plane flanked by two  3/13/1974 #28879  
 Puerto Rico Córdoba, Argentina An Argentine Airlines plane en route from S 3/13/1974 #28880  
onal de Actividades Espaciales The Argentine Air Force creates another grou 1979 #34257  
adavia, Chubut (near), Arg Several Argentine soldiers riding in a UNIMOG (A 5/1982 #36460  
                                   Argentine Instituto de Investigaciones C 1991 #39936  
écnicas de las Fuerzas Armadas The Argentine Ministry of Defense creates a  1991 #39936  
entificados, a journal focusing on Argentine occupant cases. It is edited b 4/1993 #40922  
                                   Argentine Policeman Guillermo Arias was  7/21/2002 #44362  
atures on a petition to declassify Argentine military documents on UFOs. Ho 2009 #45202  
 rules, especially for interesting Argentine reports.                       2009 #45202  
                                   Argentine Air Force Comisión de Estudio  5/6/2011 #45323  
io de Fenómenos Aeroespaciales The Argentine Air Force creates the Comisión 5/6/2011 #45323  
                               The Argentine Air Force’s Comisión de Estudi 4/4/2019 #45571  
## Word: "argentinean" (Back to Top)
                                An Argentinean Air Force Captain photograph 7/3/1960 #16330  
## Word: "argentinian" (Back to Top)
                                   Argentinian Deception Station Deception  6/7/1965 #18996  
rming a routine observation at the Argentinian Deception Station on Decepti 6/7/1965 #18996  
windows in villages 30 miles away. Argentinian border police search for wre 5/6/1978 #33190  
## Word: "argentino" (Back to Top)
                              LAGO ARGENTINO, ARG 2 saucers, 1 lands. Pseud 3/18/1950 #4672  
                              Lago Argentino, Argentina A rancher, Wilfredo 3/18/1950 #4674  
                At a ranch in Lago Argentino, Argentina, Mr. Wilfredo H. Ar 3/18/1950 #4680  
 Córdoba, Argentina The Circulo de Argentino de Investigaciones Ufológicas  6/1974 #29153  
## Word: "argerake" (Back to Top)
rd, Massachusetts 3:15 a.m. Edward Argerake is asleep at his home in Chelms 6/1966 #20516  
## Word: "argeş" (Back to Top)
 6:47 p.m. The Romanian oil tanker Argeş is steaming through the Mozambique 10/24/1968 #24588  
## Word: "argos" (Back to Top)
                                   ARGOS, IN AND CULVER, IN Separate observ 3/7/1990 #39451  
                                   ARGOS, IN 2 observer(s) / (seen thru) bi 10/18/1990 #39794  
  At 8 p.m. a 44-year-old woman in Argos, Indiana witnessed a strange, dark 10/29/1990 #39817  
## Word: "argosy" (Back to Top)
                     US Article in Argosy magazine. AF Col. Tacker used the 3/1961 #16616  
                  In an article in Argosy, Maj. Lawrence Tacker says that c 3/1961 #16617  
p lowers. 2 4' figure(s) nearby. / Argosy UFO Annual.                       5/2/1972 #26667  
 Capt. John B. Randle is flying an Argosy cargo plane from Blenheim to Chri 12/21/1978 #34192  
 10 days earlier, has chartered an Argosy cargo plane, piloted by Capt. Wil 12/31/1978 #34246  
## Word: "argue" (Back to Top)
heat following a plane crash. They argue that one of the photos shows a pai 7/7/1948 #3699  
uised as benevolent Space Brothers argue fervently for nuclear disarmament. 1958 #14782  
tory of Frei a great success. They argue that “the financial and organizati 9/4/1964 #18533  
rst book by a working scientist to argue for the extraterrestrial hypothesi 6/1965 #18978  
               At 5:20 p.m. Carlos Argue Balvidares, age 43, the manager of 10/29/1973 #28319  
 in Rendlesham Forest. We can also argue with confidence that the main focu 12/28/1980 #35750  
rofessor at the Naval War College, argue that Able Archer 83 brought the wo 11/7/1983 #37044  
 of law-enforcement officials also argue that his death deserves further sc 8/10/1991 #40147  
a meteor, some Chinese researchers argue it could be a ufological event.    12/1/1994 #41875  
e had sighted a UFO, she turned to argue, and when she looked back it was g 8/22/2004 #44739  
gh it is not identified, officials argue it is caused by a radar anomaly.   4/27/2005 #44827  
of distance and speed. The authors argue that the problem is that the idea  5/6/2008 #45134  
 with microwaves, some experts now argue, more plausibly explain reports of 9/1/2018 #45538  
ontractor. But it would be hard to argue that either the military or the pu 2/14/2020 #45633  
nd astrophysicist Gregory Laughlin argue that the interstellar object ʻOumu 5/28/2020 #45646  
## Word: "argued" (Back to Top)
t Twinkle astronomer Lincoln LaPaz argued a green fireball he saw was no me 2/19/1952 #5911  
 and an Air Force psychologist who argued abductions were not real and the  3/31/2011 #45322  
## Word: "arguedas" (Back to Top)
                                   ARGUEDAS AF RANGE, SP 30 soldiers. Orang 1/2/1975 #29694  
               Las Bardenas Reales Arguedas, Navarre, Spain 11:00 p.m. An o 1/2/1975 #29702  
 Bardenas Reales firing range near Arguedas, Navarre, Spain, see a group of 1/2/1975 #29702  
                  At 11:30 p.m. in Arguedas, Spain 30 military witnesses sa 1/2/1975 #29703  
## Word: "arguello" (Back to Top)
0 p.m. Spanish physician Guillermo Arguello de la Motta is a guest of his f 7/7/1971 #26211  
## Word: "argues" (Back to Top)
to point on the earth. Miceal Ross argues that Magonia is a corruption of M 812 #2  
umphreys, after examing 280 cases, argues that ball lightning is caused by  1936 #1239  
memo to Lt. Col. Doyle Rees, LaPaz argues that the green fireball he saw on 12/20/1948 #3935  
e Flying Saucers Are Real.” Keyhoe argues that the Air Force knows UFOs are 12/24/1949 #4443  
 Mexico, including Los Alamos, and argues that they are a target of reconna 2/25/1951 #5458  
g is contentious. One USAF colonel argues that Blue Book’s investigation is Mid 6/1952 #6512  
t epics like the Ramayana. He also argues that the Great Pyramid and megali 9/1953 #9130  
 Expanding Case for the UFO, which argues that human “little people” (like  1957 #13429  
e of these activities. Naomi Klein argues that Cameron’s research and his c 2/1957 #13481  
ify the Christofilos effect, which argues that high-altitude nuclear detona 8/27/1958 #15229  
on Space Center in Houston, Texas, argues that it is most likely the Titan  6/4/1965 #18990  
ocuses on the cover-up, while Hall argues that the best way to assess UFO e 11/28/1966 #21156  
proving the public image. Saunders argues that the public can tell the proj 9/18/1967 #23084  
st assuredly done in the black. He argues the fact that white world researc 1968 #23633  
rpetuated by social acceptance. He argues that ostensible otherworldly mani 1969 #24802  
g alien mining operations. Leonard argues that NASA secretly knows of alien 8/1976 #31214  
a Birth Memories Hypothesis, which argues that abductions are nonphysical,  1977 #31655  
of reality.” On the other hand, he argues that the UFO phenomenon is ancien 6/1979 #34599  
                           US USAF argues in court filings that it never us 1990's #39346  
and Iran–Contra. Casolaro’s family argues that he has been murdered; that b 8/10/1991 #40147  
hes The Omega Project, in which he argues that ostensible aliens, angels, a 5/1/1992 #40442  
and up to rigorous questioning. He argues that the chances of extraterrestr 1995 #41923  
ns of the abduction experience. He argues that no one theory enjoys enough  10/1996 #43048  
ds held by the military. Borghezio argues that governments should go public 6/14/2010 #45285  
rd the phenomenon is necessary. He argues that UFOs have had a positive inf 1/2011 #45311  
e upends his previous position and argues that while the Roswell incident r 8/11/2016 #45457  
## Word: "arguing" (Back to Top)
eople claim to hear voices, either arguing or singing. R. L. Lowry sees fou 11/17/1896 #340  
eparator,” and he hears two voices arguing.                                 6/12/1929 #1098  
hysicist James McDonald disagreed, arguing that Thayer’s own data did not s 7/26/1952 #7174  
A deputy director of intelligence, arguing that fundamental research into t 10/13/1952 #8128  
ter to Col. Miles E. Goll of ATIC, arguing that “agreement between Project  1/9/1953 #8521  
ncerted campaign against McDonald, arguing that he has squandered governmen 9/30/1968 #24526  
00-page book titled Mute Evidence, arguing that animal mutilations are a ma 1984 #37091  
Carlotto dispute that explanation, arguing that there are two groups of cor 9/15/1991 #40187  
n for the abduction phenomenon and arguing instead that abductee personalit 3/1999 #43740  
ence exists. When skeptics are not arguing along those lines, they use a pr 5/6/2008 #45134  
 Some experts criticize the study, arguing that there is “no proof that any 3/2018 #45520  
## Word: "argument" (Back to Top)
sions. It is the first book-length argument against UFOs, one of the few pu 3/1953 #8721  
e proposes a radically revisionist argument that UFOs are better understood 1969 #24802  
                          After an argument with her mother in Sao Joa da B 9/7/1970 #25828  
s he fails to understand Puthoff’s argument as well.                        3/22/2003 #44504  
## Word: "arguments" (Back to Top)
hostility might end all our “petty arguments on earth.”                     7/9/1947 #3056  
sorts of hints, doubtless the same arguments used in the original Estimate, 11/8/1948 #3871  
Frank Edwards, Keyhoe counters his arguments with documentation.            12/29/1953 #9406  
Lord Hewlett paraphrases debunking arguments. The Earl of Cork and Orrery l 1/18/1979 #34358  
on issued barely a week after oral arguments, the judges uphold the lower c 10/28/1981 #36192  
rado Jacques Vallée presents “five arguments against the extraterrestrial o 6/1989 #38970  
 point energy is full of “circular arguments.” Sturrock mentions Puthoff po 3/22/2003 #44504  
e fundamental weakness of anti-UFO arguments, which claim falsely that no e 5/6/2008 #45134  
## Word: "argus" (Back to Top)
th. Not planes. / r171p200+Ontario Argus 7 Aug. '47.                        8/5/1947 #3293  
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Argus I” Yield: 1KT YieldMax: 2KT        8/27/1958 #15228  
 Radiation Laboratory In Operation Argus, three nuclear warheads are launch 8/27/1958 #15229  
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Argus II” Yield: 1KT YieldMax: 2KT       8/30/1958 #15232  
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Argus III” Yield: 1KT YieldMax: 2KT      9/6/1958 #15255  
ent of UFO activity, the Operation ARGUS (Automated Ring-up on Geolocated U 1964 #18102  
ed erratically, and flashed. (Cape Argus 7/5/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NIC 7/3/1967 #22599  
## Word: "argus-leader" (Back to Top)
urce: Pat Miller, Sioux Falls (SD) Argus-Leader, August 15, 1976). (NICAP:  7/5/1976 #31153  
## Word: "argyll" (Back to Top)
                                   Argyll, Scotland 7:07 p.m. Brinsley Le P 1/18/1979 #34358  
sighting of a nocturnal light over Argyll, Scotland, the previous December  1/18/1979 #34358  
## Word: "aria" (Back to Top)
                                   Aria, Chile A miner, R. A. Donoso, obser 6/15/1964 #18361  
## Word: "arias" (Back to Top)
e, Costa Rica 8:25 a.m. Pilot Omar Arias is flying a twin-engine Canadian A 9/4/1971 #26317  
At 4:30 a.m. a security guard name Arias was patrolling the Colonial Palms  12/8/1989 #39305  
     Argentine Policeman Guillermo Arias was on patrol in Chaj'n, Cordoba P 7/21/2002 #44362  
ke burnt wiring. Badly frightened, Arias ran from his van and in the proces 7/21/2002 #44362  
long row of about 100 windows. Sr. Arias then saw something moving behind h 7/21/2002 #44362  
aylight. Recovering from his fear, Arias returned to the van and notified h 7/21/2002 #44362  
## Word: "arica" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR ARICA, CHL Saucer lands. Pseudo-human/en 6/15/1964 #18359  
, driving a car 20 kilometers from Arica, Chile saw a strange machine land. 6/15/1964 #18363  
                              NEAR ARICA, CHILE LAN flight 904. Saucer foll 9/6/1965 #19526  
                    northern Chile Arica Iquque 9:30 p.m. Capt. Marcelo Cis 9/6/1965 #19527  
rnas checks with control towers in Arica and Iquque, but no other flights a 9/6/1965 #19527  
                            Putre, Arica y Parinacota, Chile Northern Chile 4/25/1977 #32026  
ilitary patrol 3 miles from Putre, Arica y Parinacota, Chile, suddenly see  4/25/1977 #32026  
                              NEAR ARICA, CHILE 4 / car. Odd whirr. 3 ovoid 2/16/1979 #34427  
                                   Arica, Chile Pacific Ocean Chacalluta In 3/30/1997 #43245  
re seen for several nights west of Arica, Chile, and over the Pacific Ocean 3/30/1997 #43245  
hen quickly going up. Power out to Arica. / Meganoticias.                   5/1/1997 #43284  
                   Santiago, Chile Arica The Chilean Comité de Estudios de  10/3/1997 #43423  
s after the series of sightings in Arica earlier in the year. CEFAA is char 10/3/1997 #43423  
two campers in Villa Frontera near Arica, Chile spotted a UFO hovering over 2/9/2001 #44138  
## Word: "aricanduva" (Back to Top)
                                   Aricanduva, São Paulo, Brazil 11:30 p.m. 6/23/1976 #31134  
turning home from a night class in Aricanduva, São Paulo, Brazil, when he s 6/23/1976 #31134  
## Word: "arie" (Back to Top)
ation, zero point energy physicist Arie deGeus died in a parked car in 2007 12/2014 #45425  
## Word: "ariege" (Back to Top)
ountryside of Saint-Jean-du-Falga, Ariege, France. At a farm in Lapenne, Ar 3/1/1974 #28841  
ege, France. At a farm in Lapenne, Ariege, France at 7:45 p.m. two strong o 3/1/1974 #28841  
## Word: "ariel" (Back to Top)
 possible cause, suggested by Col. Ariel Coca, director of the Bolivian Air 8/10/1979 #34724  
                    Ruwa, Zimbabwe Ariel school incident                    9/16/1994 #41751  
                                   Ariel School in Ruwa, Zimbabwe 10:00 a.m 9/16/1994 #41754  
ren in a grassy playground outside Ariel School in Ruwa, Zimbabwe, see thre 9/16/1994 #41754  
me involving military pilots. Col. Ariel Sánchez, in charge of the UFO offi 6/2009 #45224  
## Word: "aright-angle" (Back to Top)
he Moon. The star proceeds to draw aright-angle step around the Moon and co 10/21/1966 #21026  
## Word: "arigues" (Back to Top)
                   PEHUAJO, ARG J. Arigues sees saucer / 60-70M altitude ne 7/24/1947 #3225  
## Word: "arikaree" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Arikaree” YieldMax: 20KT                 5/10/1962 #17157  
## Word: "ariquemes" (Back to Top)
                                   ARIQUEMES, BRZ Silent 3M saucer going do 3/14/1992 #40379  
s over the Amazon Rain Forest city Ariquemes, Rondonia state, Brazil. The s 3/14/1992 #40380  
## Word: "arise" (Back to Top)
les, see a bright, pale blue light arise from behind some hills to the east 8/7/1909 #801  
Mar, Vargas, Venezuela, from which arise “three huge plate-shaped discs” th 8/25/1967 #22925  
onths into the process), questions arise from the academic community (inclu 5/1994 #41510  
d objects, safety factors that can arise during an incident, and cautions a 6/2019 #45583  
## Word: "arisen" (Back to Top)
problems with NICAP would not have arisen if Condon had been more circumspe 9/25/1967 #23131  
## Word: "arises" (Back to Top)
d seen those too. Controversy soon arises when Mariana claims that the firs 8/15/1950 #5126  
## Word: "arising" (Back to Top)
he cosmos, the possibility of life arising, science’s tools, the developmen 1940 #1323  
         Uden, Netherlands A woman arising from bed glanced out a window an 10/1973 #27897  
he object disappear and see a glow arising from the woods as if there is a  2/4/1977 #31789  
ideos many of the Naga light balls arising from the river: “This phenomenon 10/6/2006 #44971  
## Word: "aristarchus" (Back to Top)
tronomers. Ruby red spots / crater Aristarchus. Also 27 November / APRO 1'6 10/29/1963 #18011  
## Word: "aristarchus-herotodus" (Back to Top)
NS Vibrant bright oval glow lights Aristarchus-Herotodus crater.            3/30/1950 #4763  
ry bright oval glow illuminate the Aristarchus-Herotodus crater on the Moon 3/30/1950 #4771  
## Word: "aristee" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Aristee” Yield: 20KT                     6/12/1984 #37356  
## Word: "aristeu" (Back to Top)
 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 11:40 a.m. Aristeu Machado, his wife and children,  6/27/1970 #25714  
        At 11:40 a.m. Mr. And Mrs. Aristeu Machado, their five daughters, a 6/27/1970 #25716  
## Word: "ariz" (Back to Top)
                                   Ariz. Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz.) rep 6/20/1983 #36884  
## Word: "arizona" (Back to Top)
                        Flagstaff, Arizona During the opposition of Mars, t 5/1894 #314  
omer Percival Lowell in Flagstaff, Arizona, and a few others. The visible s 5/1894 #314  
     Lowell Observatory Flagstaff, Arizona Mars Astronomers Percival Lowell 6/7/1894 #315  
t Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, see two “dazzling white specks” 6/7/1894 #315  
     Lowell Observatory Flagstaff, Arizona Mars Percival Lowell at Lowell O 12/1900 #642  
t Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, records a shaft of light that p 12/1900 #642  
                          Phoenix, Arizona 6:40 p.m. W. E. Thomas is watchi 7/7/1907 #699  
atching a vivid sunset in Phoenix, Arizona, when he sees a “blue disk float 7/7/1907 #699  
and Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Arizona Paris Observatory Swiss astronom 10/1913 #892  
. Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, also observes them. However, as 10/1913 #892  
 Superstition Mtns. west of Globe, Arizona. While traveling on a dirt trail 1/1947 #2221  
                           Tucson, Arizona 12:05 p.m. Mrs. William Down and Late 4/1947 #2266  
 and Mrs. H. G. Olavick of Tucson, Arizona, see an unusual, fleecy cloud in Late 4/1947 #2266  
. Olavick and Mrs. Down of Tucson, Arizona watched nine white discs and ano 4/29/1947 #2269  
                          Douglas, Arizona Coral Lorenzen saw a light rise  6/10/1947 #2318  
 sky. At the same time in Douglas, Arizona Coral Lorenzen, the co-founder o 6/10/1947 #2320  
                           Bisbee, Arizona John A. Petsche, electrical work 6/17/1947 #2336  
which seemed to land near Tintown, Arizona. The disc had a mirror-like surf 6/27/1947 #2434  
Grand Canyon, near Williams Field, Arizona A Navy lieutenant was flying at  6/30/1947 #2485  
now Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport], Arizona Grand Canyon 9:10 a.m. Naval Lt. 6/30/1947 #2486  
now Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport], Arizona, near the Grand Canyon when he o 6/30/1947 #2486  
hter aircraft near Williams Field, Arizona at 9000 meters altitude when tow 6/30/1947 #2489  
            317 Ash Street, Tempe, Arizona Afternoon. Francis Howell and hi 7/6/1947 #2811  
r yard at 317 Ash Street in Tempe, Arizona, when they see an object floatin 7/6/1947 #2811  
ouri: Birmingham, Alabama; Tucson, Arizona; Patterson, New Jersey; Chicago, 7/6/1947 #2815  
                          Phoenix, Arizona Hamilton Army Airfield Novato, C 7/7/1947 #2940  
scientist and inventor in Phoenix, Arizona, takes two photos of a dark, hee 7/7/1947 #2940  
roduced in the July 9 issue of the Arizona Republic. A few weeks later, an  7/7/1947 #2940  
orking in his backyard in Phoenix, Arizona when he heard a whooshing sound  7/7/1947 #2947  
                  Paradise Valley, Arizona Private pilot Selman E. Graves c Early 10/1947 #3446  
 a crashed UFO in Paradise Valley, Arizona, on property owned by his friend Early 10/1947 #3446  
         11 mi. NNE of Cave Creek, Arizona Witnesses:  ex-AAF fighter pilot 10/14/1947 #3456  
                                   Arizona Taos, New Mexico An airman stati 1948 #3522  
 New Mexico An airman stationed in Arizona is called out with a scientific  1948 #3522  
r at the Four Corners Range (Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado) it began  3/25/1948 #3596  
c, New Mexico Wright Field in Ohio Arizona Phoenix North Carolina 5:00 a.m. 3/25/1948 #3598  
 Soon afterward, a crash occurs in Arizona and 16 bodies are taken from the 3/25/1948 #3598  
                 downtown Phoenix, Arizona Morning. Future ufologist Walter 8/15/1948 #3782  
st to west over downtown, Phoenix, Arizona. They simply vanish in sequence, 8/15/1948 #3782  
 afternoon many people in Phoenix, Arizona witnessed four silver disc-shape 8/15/1948 #3783  
 driving near East Ganado Mission, Arizona saw a greenish white fireball ho 2/14/1949 #4008  
he Davis Monthan Air Force Base in Arizona. The object suddenly moved from  4/9/1949 #4085  
                           Tucson, Arizona Witnesses:  Howard Hann, Mr. Hub 4/28/1949 #4124  
                           Tucson, Arizona Catalina Mountains 5:45 p.m. How 4/28/1949 #4129  
he Catalina Mountains near Tucson, Arizona, over a period of 12 minutes. Th 4/28/1949 #4129  
ar-shaped object flew over Tucson, Arizona at an estimated altitude of five 4/28/1949 #4131  
                           Tucson, Arizona Witness:  M/Sgt. Troy Putnam. Tw 5/9/1949 #4173  
lver discs in the sky over Tucson, Arizona at 2:30 p.m. They flew at a spee 5/9/1949 #4177  
                           Tucson, Arizona Davis-Monthan AFB University of  2/1/1950 #4524  
na Davis-Monthan AFB University of Arizona A meteor-like object spewing smo 2/1/1950 #4524  
s seen by many people over Tucson, Arizona. The radio operator at Davis-Mon 2/1/1950 #4524  
rpenter, head of the University of Arizona astronomy department, says he is 2/1/1950 #4524  
 School Road southeast of Phoenix, Arizona at 6:00 p.m. It was estimated to 3/10/1950 #4608  
uz, Mexico on this night. In Yuma, Arizona a UFO hovered over the park at 2 3/23/1950 #4712  
     Lowell Observatory Flagstaff, Arizona 12:15 p.m. Meteorologist Seymour 5/20/1950 #4955  
f Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, when he notices a round, gray-c 5/20/1950 #4955  
                          In Yuma, Arizona a disc-shaped object with a glow 8/12/1950 #5122  
          Louisville (Ky.) Tucson, Arizona Telenews Productions releases a  11/17/1950 #5279  
tness Arthur Weisberger of Tucson, Arizona, describing his sighting, appare 11/17/1950 #5279  
                                   Arizona New Mexico Texas Oklahoma Flagst 11/3/1951 #5766  
w Mexico Texas Oklahoma Flagstaff, Arizona 9:00 p.m. A green fireball is si 11/3/1951 #5766  
.m. A green fireball is sighted in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and Oklahoma 11/3/1951 #5766  
about 20 miles south of Flagstaff, Arizona, watches the object speed by as  11/3/1951 #5766  
parked in the sky over the Tucson, Arizona suburbs for several minutes. The 3/7/1952 #5950  
                         Prescott, Arizona Occultist George Hunt Williamson Spring 1952 #5965  
d his wife Betty move to Prescott, Arizona, and immerse themselves in UFO l Spring 1952 #5965  
                          Phoenix, Arizona Witnesses:  Mr. and Mrs. L.G. Ry 4/5/1952 #6031  
 Stokes, and D. Schook of Phoenix, Arizona watched a large, dull gray disc- 4/5/1952 #6033  
                             Yuma, Arizona Witnesses:  group of Army weathe 4/17/1952 #6104  
 at the Yuma Test Station in Yuma, Arizona watched a circular, flat-white c 4/17/1952 #6109  
                             Yuma, Arizona Witnesses:  two Army weather obs 4/18/1952 #6119  
              On this day in Yuma, Arizona two Army weather observation stu 4/18/1952 #6128  
                             Yuma, Arizona Witnesses:  M/Sgt. and Mrs. G.S. 4/27/1952 #6199  
hat appeared in the sky over Yuma, Arizona. They were said to be as large a 4/27/1952 #6202  
Monthan AFB base hospital, Tucson, Arizona 9:10 a.m. Air intelligence offic 5/1/1952 #6243  
Monthan AFB base hospital, Tucson, Arizona, watch two shiny, round objects  5/1/1952 #6243  
                        Tombstone, Arizona Tucson Sunset. In Tombstone, Ari 6/1952 #6405  
izona Tucson Sunset. In Tombstone, Arizona, Navy Lieut. Cmdr. John C. Willi 6/1952 #6405  
                             Yuma, Arizona Witness:  USAF pilot John Lane.  6/19/1952 #6550  
scintillating stars. University of Arizona atmospheric physicist James McDo 7/26/1952 #7174  
 Lake Charles, Louisiana Prescott, Arizona Winslow, Arizona 3:00 a.m. USAF  8/2/1952 #7424  
uisiana Prescott, Arizona Winslow, Arizona 3:00 a.m. USAF 1st Lt. W. A. The 8/2/1952 #7424  
ife Betty are visited in Prescott, Arizona, by two other metaphysics enthus 8/2/1952 #7424  
ley and his wife Betty of Winslow, Arizona. This evening, in the course of  8/2/1952 #7424  
                          Phoenix, Arizona Witness:  USAF A/3c W.F. Vain. O 8/4/1952 #7449  
          At 2:20 a.m. in Phoenix, Arizona USAF Airman W. F. Vain sighted a 8/4/1952 #7451  
                           Tucson, Arizona 11:10 p.m. USAF Reserve Capt. St 8/13/1952 #7578  
bjects flying rapidly over Tucson, Arizona.                                 8/13/1952 #7578  
                          Winslow, Arizona Prescott Evening. Lyman Streeter 8/22/1952 #7683  
 sees unusual lights near Winslow, Arizona, and hears strange signals on hi 8/22/1952 #7683  
                           Tucson, Arizona Witnesses:  Mr. and Mrs. George  8/24/1952 #7711  
                           Tucson, Arizona. 5:40 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. George W 8/24/1952 #7717  
 observers at Davis-Monthan AFB in Arizona saw seven large saucer-shaped ob 9/2/1952 #7831  
                           Tucson, Arizona Witnesses:  civilian pilots McCr 9/3/1952 #7837  
                           Tucson, Arizona 9:00 a.m. Instructor pilot Donal 9/3/1952 #7838  
 sunlight 6 miles north of Tucson, Arizona. The object makes three well-coo 9/3/1952 #7838  
de two separate loops over Tucson, Arizona. It finally flew off quickly to  9/3/1952 #7840  
                           Tucson, Arizona Witnesses:  ex-Congresswoman Mrs 9/6/1952 #7867  
                        In Tucson, Arizona at 4:55 p.m. ex-Congresswoman Mr 9/6/1952 #7871  
                           Tucson, Arizona Witnesses:  Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hol 9/17/1952 #7970  
 Mrs. Ted Hollingsworth of Tucson, Arizona sighted two groups of three larg 9/17/1952 #7971  
                                   Arizona desert 2:00 p.m. Williamson, Str 9/28/1952 #8048  
ces for a landing somewhere in the Arizona desert, but apparently get lost. 9/28/1952 #8048  
                           Parker, Arizona foot of Coxcomb Mountain 1:00 p. 11/20/1952 #8307  
 going in the direction of Parker, Arizona. Adamski asks Lucy McGinnis, acc 11/20/1952 #8307  
                          Phoenix, Arizona 9:00 p.m. The Williamsons and th 11/20/1952 #8310  
ki’s permission, drive to Phoenix, Arizona, and tell the story of their con 11/20/1952 #8310  
                          Winslow, Arizona Lyman Streeter and five other wi 12/21/1952 #8438  
 cigar-shaped object over Winslow, Arizona.                                 12/21/1952 #8438  
                                   Arizona Wright-Patterson AFB Pilot (name 1953? #8470  
s sure that it was just inside the Arizona border. He also saw the bodies f 1953? #8470  
of small humanoids, recovered from Arizona in the desert, and states he hap 1953 #8482  
ghway 80 seven miles east of Yuma, Arizona when a nocturnal light appeared  1/30/1953 #8620  
                         Prescott, Arizona Brookside Boulevard 8:00 p.m. Ge 2/3/1953 #8632  
n Brookside Boulevard in Prescott, Arizona. Another UFO passes over the hou 2/3/1953 #8632  
                             Yuma, Arizona Witness:  U.S. Weather Bureau ob 2/4/1953 #8636  
           US Weather Bureau Yuma, Arizona 1:50 p.m. US Weather Bureau obse 2/4/1953 #8637  
observer Stanley H. Brown in Yuma, Arizona, tracks with a theodolite a whit 2/4/1953 #8637  
observer Stanley H. Brown in Yuma, Arizona, using a theodolite, sighted a d 2/4/1953 #8638  
           Luke AFB near Glendale, Arizona Blythe, California Colorado Rive 3/3/1953 #8727  
o River north of Parker Dam on the Arizona border 1:25 p.m. USAF Capt. Rode 3/3/1953 #8727  
oup out of Luke AFB near Glendale, Arizona, is an instructor pilot flying a 3/3/1953 #8727  
o River north of Parker Dam on the Arizona border. He takes 151 frames of g 3/3/1953 #8727  
ng out of Luke AFB near Quartzite, Arizona filmed 30 feet of 16mm gun camer 3/3/1953 #8728  
                           Tucson, Arizona Witness:  S/Sgt. V.A. Locey. Thr 4/15/1953 #8828  
rine Corps Air Station Yuma] Yuma, Arizona 9:45 a.m. Chemist Wells Alan Web 5/5/1953 #8866  
Corps Air Station Yuma] near Yuma, Arizona, when he sees a fuzzy-white oblo 5/5/1953 #8866  
       One mile north of the Yuma, Arizona USAF fighter base, Wells A. Webb 5/5/1953 #8867  
                         Prescott, Arizona 10:00 a.m. Eight disc-like objec 5/21/1953 #8896  
 for an hour or so above Prescott, Arizona, by sportsmen’s club president B 5/21/1953 #8896  
                          Kingman, Arizona Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio Date  5/21/1953 #8897  
 crash and retrieval near Kingman, Arizona. “Fritz Werner” [pseudonym of Ar 5/21/1953 #8897  
n AFB in Ohio after a UFO crash in Arizona.                                 5/21/1953 #8897  
y into the desert outside Kingman, Arizona aboard a bus with its windows bl 5/21/1953 #8898  
          Hwy 83 north of Sonoita, Arizona Santa Rita Mountains 5:25–5:40 p 1/10/1954 #9476  
riving on Hwy 83 north of Sonoita, Arizona, when McDonald spots a brilliant 1/10/1954 #9476  
            Chicago area Prescott, Arizona Dorothy Martin leaves the Chicag Early 1/1955 #11912  
ves the Chicago area for Prescott, Arizona, home of the like-minded George  Early 1/1955 #11912  
                          Cochise, Arizona 7:55 p.m. Instructor Capt. Delwy 2/1/1955 #11960  
er about 20 miles east of Cochise, Arizona, at 13,000 feet and 238 mph when 2/1/1955 #11960  
en rocking in the sky over Tucson, Arizona. One hour later, at about 5:00 p 3/2/1955 #12032  
iameter while driving near Tucson, Arizona. It made a humming sound and had 3/30/1955 #12071  
      Davis-Monthan AFB in Tucson, Arizona Lovington, New Mexico A B-47 fro 10/3/1955 #12486  
 from Davis-Monthan AFB in Tucson, Arizona, crashes northwest of Lovington, 10/3/1955 #12486  
r Desert Hot Springs from Phoenix, Arizona. He saw what he first thought wa 11/14/1955 #12569  
      20 miles south of Quartsite, Arizona Witnesses:  attorneys W.B. Butte 8/8/1956 #13062  
                         Prescott, Arizona Mexico Moyobamba, Peru Valley of 12/2/1956 #13384  
thy Martin sets off from Prescott, Arizona, with the Laugheads, ufologist b 12/2/1956 #13384  
               Lake Titicaca, Peru Arizona Metaphysical author George Hunt  1957 #13430  
 The next visitation took place in Arizona in 10,000 B.C. [the beginning of 1957 #13430  
                          Phoenix, Arizona Cleveland, Ohio Ground Saucer Wa 1957 #13433  
r Watch is established in Phoenix, Arizona, by Ted Starrett. William H. Spa 1957 #13433  
Angel Peak, Nevada Grand Canyon in Arizona Marble Canyon, Arizona 1:56 p.m. 7/16/1957 #13801  
d Canyon in Arizona Marble Canyon, Arizona 1:56 p.m. 1st Lt. Clifford E. Po 7/16/1957 #13801  
ay to the north of Grand Canyon in Arizona. Then it heads outbound at about 7/16/1957 #13801  
 at 224 miles (near Marble Canyon, Arizona). The target responds to encrypt 7/16/1957 #13801  
t Lemmon Air Force Station Tucson, Arizona Chandler 10:46 p.m. Capt. Claibo 7/18/1957 #13811  
 [now closed] northeast of Tucson, Arizona, using both MPS-7 L-band search  7/18/1957 #13811  
o further tests with University of Arizona metallurgical engineer Walter A. Early 9/1957 #13971  
                           Tucson, Arizona 4:15 p.m. Amateur astronomer Ear 10/6/1957 #14066  
through his telescope over Tucson, Arizona. Six other observers also watch  10/6/1957 #14066  
he Tumacacori National Monument in Arizona, a disc-shaped object with a dom 12/6/1957 #14679  
w over the Tumacacori Mountains in Arizona at 4:00 p.m., heading toward the 1/21/1958 #14835  
                                   Arizona Big "flap" in Arizona. Much acti 3/1958 #14900  
             Arizona Big "flap" in Arizona. Much activity.                  3/1958 #14900  
                           Tucson, Arizona Alamogordo, New Mexico Jim Loren 1960 #16140  
y, so he and Coral move to Tucson, Arizona, from Alamogordo, New Mexico. On 1960 #16140  
iving fifteen miles east of Globe, Arizona illuminated a small figure stand 6/10/1960 #16311  
                      Desert Yuma, Arizona 12:00 midnight. Actor Jamie Farr 1962 #17007  
ving through the desert near Yuma, Arizona, when they notice a light moving 1962 #17007  
gas, Nevada Luke AFB near Phoenix, Arizona Nephi, Utah Levan, Utah Silver C 4/18/1962 #17120  
ambled from Luke AFB near Phoenix, Arizona, and the jets are possibly heard 4/18/1962 #17120  
 AFB); Wyoming (F. E. Warren AFB); Arizona (Davis Monthan AFB); California  4/18/1962 #17120  
    7466 East 18th Street, Tucson, Arizona Pontano Wash 9:00 p.m.–2:00 a.m. 6/25/1962 #17245  
 at 7466 East 18th Street, Tucson, Arizona, with a friend, Ronald Black, 11 6/25/1962 #17245  
                           Oracle, Arizona Davis-Monthan AFB outside Tucson 8/7/1962 #17328  
egic Missile Squadron near Oracle, Arizona, sees a brilliant light descendi 8/7/1962 #17328  
 nuclear missile silo near Oracle, Arizona in Pinal County. Air Force jets  8/7/1962 #17329  
ing post, south-southwest of Page, Arizona saw an ovoid object fly in the s 6/3/1964 #18327  
object hovered low over New River, Arizona. It ascended and flew off to the 6/3/1964 #18327  
d object near Kolb Road in Tucson, Arizona. It hovered for 30 minutes, then 7/12/1965 #19098  
een Indio, California, and Salome, Arizona. (NICAP notes; NICAP report.) (N 3/11/1966 #19950  
                     University of Arizona National Academy of Sciences Uni 3/28/1966 #20117  
 Academy of Sciences University of Arizona atmospheric physicist James E. M 3/28/1966 #20117  
rne Balwyn, Victoria University of Arizona Canada 2:02 p.m. James Kibel, a  4/2/1966 #20208  
ical sciences at the University of Arizona, examines the photo, he finds a  4/2/1966 #20208  
                     University of Arizona Department of Meteorology At a U 10/5/1966 #20964  
 of Meteorology At a University of Arizona Department of Meteorology colloq 10/5/1966 #20964  
iversity of Colorado University of Arizona The Air Force publicly announces 10/7/1966 #20970  
, chemist Roy Craig, University of Arizona electrical engineer Norman Levin 10/7/1966 #20970  
 Mary Lou Armstrong, University of Arizona astronomer William K. Hartmann,  10/7/1966 #20970  
                Winslow (near), AZ Arizona, G,V (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, C 1/13/1967 #21294  
rn New Mexico Albuquerque Winslow, Arizona Los Angeles Flagstaff 10:00 p.m. 1/13/1967 #21299  
 jet make left turns over Winslow, Arizona, after which Los Angeles Center  1/13/1967 #21299  
al Airlines DC-8 over Casa Grande, Arizona, whose pilot confirmed the Lear  1/13/1967 #21301  
 jet made left turns over Winslow, Arizona, when Los Angeles ARTC Center ra 1/13/1967 #21301  
                                   Arizona, Tennessee and Texas, Various 8: 2/15/1967 #21555  
 8:30 p.m. Widespread reports from Arizona, Tennessee, and Texas of a promi 2/15/1967 #21555  
                 Route 66 Kingman, Arizona 11:43 p.m. S/Sgt Max Recod and h 2/16/1967 #21572  
g along Route 66 south of Kingman, Arizona, when they see a formation of fo 2/16/1967 #21572  
66 in the desert south of Kingman, Arizona at 11:43 p.m. at under 300 feet  2/16/1967 #21577  
elow 18 miles northeast of Tucson, Arizona 10:45 a.m. An astronomer at the  3/24/1967 #21972  
elow 18 miles northeast of Tucson, Arizona, sees a white oval disc the appa 3/24/1967 #21972  
                                   Arizona The Arizona Daily Wildcat publis 4/6/1967 #22079  
                       Arizona The Arizona Daily Wildcat publishes an inter 4/6/1967 #22079  
                          Phoenix, Arizona 8:59 p.m. In Phoenix, Arizona, a 4/12/1967 #22121  
nix, Arizona 8:59 p.m. In Phoenix, Arizona, a bell-shaped object approaches 4/12/1967 #22121  
          At 8:59 p.m. in Phoenix, Arizona a close encounter occurred when  4/12/1967 #22125  
, was seen by two women in Tucson, Arizona. A light beam was directed upwar 4/21/1967 #22201  
                                   Arizona St. George, Utah 1:43 a.m. Micha 5/13/1967 #22336  
. Michael Campeadore is driving in Arizona about 17 miles southwest of St.  5/13/1967 #22336  
. James E. McDonald, University of Arizona atmospheric physicist, gave a pr 6/7/1967 #22477  
                      East Tucson, Arizona A boy riding his bicycle saw an  10/9/1967 #23200  
                  Tucson Speedway, Arizona 5:40 p.m. The 13-year-old son of 10/9/1967 #23201  
the area of the Tucson Speedway in Arizona. He comes across a cylindrical m 10/9/1967 #23201  
                           Tucson, Arizona Evening. A couple driving near T 12/24/1967 #23606  
ing. A couple driving near Tucson, Arizona, see a star-like object fall to  12/24/1967 #23606  
ning a couple driving near Tucson, Arizona saw a blob of red light. The eng 12/24/1967 #23608  
   An unidentified man in Phoenix, Arizona was awakened at one a.m. by a sh 2/26/1968 #23784  
her on a mountain peak in Gleeson, Arizona at 7:50 p.m. There were scorched 8/26/1968 #24382  
ersonal hobbies. The University of Arizona comes to McDonald’s defense, ann 9/30/1968 #24526  
ng across the desert near Kingman, Arizona with a hitchhiker at around 3:00 10/15/1968 #24563  
              Phoenix Lake Havasu, Arizona Two pilots are flying a Cessna 1 3/17/1969 #25019  
0 between Phoenix and Lake Havasu, Arizona, when the pilot in the right sea 3/17/1969 #25019  
           At 2:30 a.m. in Tucson, Arizona four people saw a glowing red li 6/14/1969 #25215  
s on her ranch in Apache Junction, Arizona reacted as if to the presence of 6/2/1970 #25688  
                         Prescott, Arizona Evening. Contactee Paul Solem, w 8/7/1970 #25775  
ically for 15 minutes in Prescott, Arizona, where UFOs have been reported o 8/7/1970 #25775  
                           Tucson, Arizona At a Radar Meteorology Conferenc 11/17/1970 #25908  
 Meteorology Conference in Tucson, Arizona, McDonald presents a paper on “M 11/17/1970 #25908  
n Mountains, near Apache Junction, Arizona to gather snakes. During that ni 3/14/1971 #26047  
                           Tucson, Arizona James McDonald shoots himself in 4/1971 #26062  
the V.A. Medical Center in Tucson, Arizona. He has been depressed about his 4/1971 #26062  
                           Tucson, Arizona 11:40 a.m. James E. McDonald is  6/13/1971 #26173  
d along a shallow creek in Tucson, Arizona, of a self-inflicted gunshot wou 6/13/1971 #26173  
lien abduction in Apache Junction, Arizona. He again experienced being take 3/21/1973 #27356  
berta T. sighted from her Phoenix, Arizona patio what first appeared to be  6/23/1973 #27584  
r fog occurred in Oracle Junction, Arizona on this day. At 6:20 p.m. in Lau 10/5/1973 #27953  
                      Mount Baldy, Arizona 4:00 a.m. A commercial pilot is  10/12/1973 #28017  
-32 Cherokee Six near Mount Baldy, Arizona, at an altitude of 2,500 feet. H 10/12/1973 #28017  
                           Tucson, Arizona Hynek visits the APRO headquarte 2/1974 #28724  
s the APRO headquarters in Tucson, Arizona, asking for a contact list of AP 2/1974 #28724  
ving between Sedona and Oak Creek, Arizona observed a dome shaped, glowing  5/6/1975 #30045  
t in the mountains west of Tucson, Arizona; the UFO follows the car back, m 5/7/1975 #30047  
 mountainside at 9 p.m. in Sedona, Arizona. There were separate witnesses t 5/23/1975 #30065  
                          Phoenix, Arizona Ground Saucer Watch of Phoenix,  7/14/1975 #30180  
na Ground Saucer Watch of Phoenix, Arizona, headed by William Spaulding, fi 7/14/1975 #30180  
ng near Williams Air Force Base in Arizona. The plane was being flown by a  7/20/1975 #30193  
             University of Montana Arizona University of Montana sociologis 10/1975 #30407  
owers of Applewhite and Nettles in Arizona and join the group clandestinely 10/1975 #30407  
greaves National Forest Snowflake, Arizona Mogollon Rim Road Old Verde Road 11/5/1975 #30562  
d Verde Road Turkey Springs Heber, Arizona Just after 6:00 p.m. Travis Walt 11/5/1975 #30562  
es National Forest near Snowflake, Arizona. Heading up Mogollon Rim Road, W 11/5/1975 #30562  
g. Walton reappears outside Heber, Arizona, on November 10 and corroborates 11/5/1975 #30562  
s administered by Cy Gilson of the Arizona state police (repeated in 1993), 11/5/1975 #30562  
n was alone in his leather shop in Arizona when two human looking beings en 12/4/1975 #30685  
                       Scottsdale, Arizona CAUS (Citizens Against UFO Secre 1977 #31646  
 house Ms. Lois Stovall of Tucson, Arizona saw a luminous object in the sky 2/10/1977 #31808  
                           Tucson, Arizona Around 11:00 p.m. James Ferguson Mid 3/1977 #31909  
sert about 2 miles west of Tucson, Arizona, preparing to take night photogr Mid 3/1977 #31909  
were seen heading toward Prescott, Arizona.                                 3/18/1977 #31915  
                           Tucson, Arizona - A 52-year-old woman was watchi 4/4/1977 #31943  
way overpass by a canal in Tucson, Arizona and were following a path up a s 4/12/1977 #31977  
Administration Hospital in Tucson, Arizona. Mr. Thrupp and Mr. Mancor, two  4/18/1977 #31994  
                          Phoenix, Arizona Northern Sky 8:47 p.m. A student 9/21/1977 #32503  
ht in the northern sky in Phoenix, Arizona. Suddenly, a formation of 8 tria 9/21/1977 #32503  
 10:15 p.m. a Mrs. Moon of Tucson, Arizona witnessed two plain coin-shaped  2/19/1978 #32984  
y killed in a skirmish with USG in Arizona. *   “Mrs. S.I.” claims her husb 8/1978 #33460  
ered over mine tailings in Warren, Arizona at around 1 p.m. and then flew a 3/6/1980 #35199  
over-up following a crashed UAP in Arizona; the craft in the story is taken 7/1980 #35399  
                          Morenci, Arizona Phelps-Dodge Corporation’s coppe 10/23/1980 #35584  
s copper smelting site at Morenci, Arizona, go outside to pick up three oth 10/23/1980 #35584  
field between Clifton and Morenci, Arizona. They sighted a string of lights 10/23/1980 #35585  
op again. At 8:55 p.m. in Morenci, Arizona a crew of maintenance workers at 10/23/1980 #35585  
ringfield and claims that while at Arizona State University in 1975, a clas 12/14/1980 #35716  
igar shaped UFO north of Florence, Arizona with a Kodak Instamatic camera.  1/30/1981 #35808  
  interstate highway in Flagstaff, Arizona Night. About 25–30 people on an  2/12/1981 #35824  
n interstate highway in Flagstaff, Arizona, see a cigar-shaped object like  2/12/1981 #35824  
ngton DC Barry Goldwater, Senator, Arizona, in a letter to Lee Graham, Aero 10/19/1981 #36178  
                                   Arizona Writer Bob Pratt flies out to Ar 1/2/1982 #36294  
zona Writer Bob Pratt flies out to Arizona to meet William Moore, who has c 1/2/1982 #36294  
enix, AZ Bob Lazar appears in the “Arizona Republic” newspaper in Phoenix A 8/21/1982 #36578  
                 A man in Phoenix, Arizona reported that he had had a UFO a 11/1/1982 #36669  
                       Scottsdale, Arizona Evanston, Illinois Phoenix Glenv 8/1984 #37426  
. Allen Hynek moves to Scottsdale, Arizona, from Evanston, Illinois, under  8/1984 #37426  
nders on this evening over Tucson, Arizona. At one point a police helicopte 10/10/1985 #37679  
                          Phoenix, Arizona Hynek writes a letter to Interna 11/22/1985 #37720  
d the ICUFOR operation in Phoenix, Arizona, is “null and void.” Funding fro 11/22/1985 #37720  
                                   Arizona Mercer Island, Washington Seattl 1/1/1986 #37745  
ed, managed by James J. Speiser in Arizona. It quickly develops into a thri 1/1/1986 #37745  
                       Scottsdale, Arizona J. Allen Hynek dies in Scottsdal 4/27/1986 #37846  
J. Allen Hynek dies in Scottsdale, Arizona, from a malignant brain tumor.   4/27/1986 #37846  
s, died at his home in Scottsdale, Arizona on this day. He had been sufferi 4/27/1986 #37847  
de down" while flying over Sedona, Arizona at 4:00 p.m. It approached their 5/11/1986 #37866  
                           Tucson, Arizona Scottsdale, Arizona Sedona, Ariz 4/12/1988 #38541  
       Tucson, Arizona Scottsdale, Arizona Sedona, Arizona Coral Lorenzen,  4/12/1988 #38541  
rizona Scottsdale, Arizona Sedona, Arizona Coral Lorenzen, founder of APRO, 4/12/1988 #38541  
, founder of APRO, dies in Tucson, Arizona. CUFOS had been attempting to pu 4/12/1988 #38541  
r. He wants the archive to stay in Arizona. Tina Choate and Brian Myers, wi 4/12/1988 #38541  
 location in Scottsdale or Sedona, Arizona. It is not known if the paper ar 4/12/1988 #38541  
Rayna was alone at home in Sedona, Arizona and taking an afternoon nap when 8/10/1989 #39053  
overnment project in New Mexico or Arizona in 1946 or 1947; Scheibly states 4/12/1991 #40038  
                           Tucson, Arizona Spain Italy Japan Russia Germany 5/1/1991 #40053  
irst World UFO Congress in Tucson, Arizona, which brings together UFO resea 5/1/1991 #40053  
                           Tucson, Arizona 1:00 a.m. A witness is driving n 8/19/1992 #40583  
 A witness is driving near Tucson, Arizona, when he notices a strange light 8/19/1992 #40583  
e remote desert of Tikaboo Valley, Arizona and started watching mysterious  3/16/1993 #40886  
olice and other witnesses in Yuma, Arizona saw a triangular object zig-zagg 8/28/1993 #41168  
on and abduction occurred in Yuma, Arizona at around one o'clock in the mor 9/20/1994 #41765  
over the desert outside of Chinle, Arizona. It was sighted again four times 10/5/1995 #42536  
Air Force Base outside of Phoenix, Arizona sighted a reddish orange ball of 10/8/1995 #42541  
              A woman in Chandler, Arizona reported a visitation by "aliens 1/28/1996 #42724  
                   In Tonto Hills, Arizona, a couple that had observed a la 4/16/1996 #42871  
 There is a Tonto Basin in central Arizona, but there is no town or localit 4/16/1996 #42871  
untry home in rural Apache County, Arizona. They were sitting around the ki 6/4/1996 #42921  
 Henderson, Nevada Phoenix Tucson, Arizona Paulden Prescott Barry Goldwater 3/13/1997 #43229  
Barry Goldwater Range in southwest Arizona 6:55–10:30 p.m. Aerial lights of 3/13/1997 #43229  
ugh Phoenix to the edge of Tucson, Arizona. Tim Ley and his family at first 3/13/1997 #43229  
Barry Goldwater Range in southwest Arizona as part of Operation Snowbird; n 3/13/1997 #43229  
             Thousands in Phoenix, Arizona saw lights arranged in a V-shape 3/13/1997 #43230  
ssed over the states of Nevada and Arizona. Over the next two hours multipl 3/13/1997 #43230  
y at 2:30 p.m. in Paradise Valley, Arizona; then a white metallic disc drop 4/27/1997 #43281  
                      USA Phoenix, Arizona USA Today breaks the media silen 6/18/1997 #43327  
e media silence about the Phoenix, Arizona, UFOs in a front-page story. NBC 6/18/1997 #43327  
                                   Arizona Luke AFB near Glendale, Arizona  6/19/1997 #43331  
   Arizona Luke AFB near Glendale, Arizona Arizona National Guard Arizona D 6/19/1997 #43331  
na Luke AFB near Glendale, Arizona Arizona National Guard Arizona Departmen 6/19/1997 #43331  
le, Arizona Arizona National Guard Arizona Department of Public Safety Ariz 6/19/1997 #43331  
rizona Department of Public Safety Arizona Gov. Fife Symington calls a pres 6/19/1997 #43331  
mmander of Luke AFB near Glendale, Arizona, the general in charge of the Ar 6/19/1997 #43331  
zona, the general in charge of the Arizona National Guard, and the head of  6/19/1997 #43331  
ational Guard, and the head of the Arizona Department of Public Safety. But 6/19/1997 #43331  
elevision show UFO Hunters called “Arizona Lights,” Symington says that he  6/19/1997 #43331  
e Grand Canyon in Coconino County, Arizona witnessed a flying object shaped 12/23/1998 #43702  
                          Phoenix, Arizona Illinois St. Clair Triangle Pete 1/22/1999 #43717  
federal district court in Phoenix, Arizona, to release documents relating t 1/22/1999 #43717  
 Columbia, Oregon, California, and Arizona.                                 1/28/2000 #43935  
     Stockton, California Phoenix, Arizona In a campaign press conference i 3/1/2000 #43959  
                                   Arizona Phoenix Lights US District Court 3/30/2000 #43972  
documents on the Phoenix Lights in Arizona, concluding that “a reasonable s 3/30/2000 #43972  
ground in Strawberry, Gila county, Arizona and viewed at length with the sc 10/15/2000 #44057  
ht, at 9:45 p.m. MDT in Gila Bend, Arizona, a black, squat, triangular obje 10/24/2000 #44061  
          Del Lago Golf Club Vail, Arizona Two witnesses near the Del Lago  11/4/2000 #44071  
 Del Lago Golf Club north of Vail, Arizona, see a teardrop-shaped object fl 11/4/2000 #44071  
                       Scottsdale, Arizona 8:45 p.m. A family in Scottsdale 11/4/2000 #44072  
 8:45 p.m. A family in Scottsdale, Arizona, sees a triangular formation of  11/4/2000 #44072  
                          Phoenix, Arizona 8:45 p.m. An 11-year-old boy on  11/20/2000 #44075  
 boy on the north side of Phoenix, Arizona, watches three dark triangle-sha 11/20/2000 #44075  
                          Phoenix, Arizona 7:00 p.m. Jason Ingraham sees a  11/28/2000 #44084  
ng light on each point in Phoenix, Arizona. It moves northwest for about 10 11/28/2000 #44084  
                         Avondale, Arizona 6:45 p.m. A witness in Avondale, 12/1/2000 #44095  
a 6:45 p.m. A witness in Avondale, Arizona, sees a bunch of lights in the s 12/1/2000 #44095  
              Apache County Eagar, Arizona Apache County sheriff’s deputies 11/5/2001 #44272  
ilton Willian Cooper at his Eagar, Arizona, home on charges of aggravated a 11/5/2001 #44272  
0 a.m. in a wooded area of Sedona, Arizona the witness saw what appeared to 7/28/2002 #44368  
Vallée states a “Brian and Tina in Arizona” tell him at a meeting at NARCAP 9/1/2002 #44389  
ject was seen flying over Phoenix, Arizona. It stopped, started, made 90 de 4/6/2003 #44512  
 low near a mountain near Phoenix, Arizona at 10:10 p.m. It had pinpoint li 5/27/2003 #44547  
0 seconds. At 6:15 p.m. in Sedona, Arizona a silver cylinder-shaped object  9/20/2003 #44605  
in the early morning over Sanders, Arizona. The witness was driving to work 12/10/2003 #44627  
ns and humans in Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado and Nevada. Cooper cla 2004 #44638  
lowing object was sighted in Yuma, Arizona that moved straight up until it  11/24/2004 #44789  
flying at 3,500 feet near Phoenix, Arizona.                                 5/8/2005 #44834  
              31st Avenue, Peoria, Arizona 10:30 a.m. A man is at his home  9/17/2005 #44876  
his home on 31st Avenue in Peoria, Arizona, when he sees a bright object ap 9/17/2005 #44876  
h storm clouds over Huachuca City, Arizona at 5:30. It moved to lean to the 10/6/2005 #44887  
                                   Arizona Phoenix Lights Former Arizona Go 3/18/2007 #45012  
     Arizona Phoenix Lights Former Arizona Gov. Fife Symington admits that  3/18/2007 #45012  
                                   Arizona Washington D.C. National Press C 11/12/2007 #45093  
ss conference, moderated by former Arizona Gov. Fife Symington, is held at  11/12/2007 #45093  
sses in Green Valley, Pima County, Arizona saw a triangular craft over the  2/26/2008 #45123  
so in formation, were seen in Ajo, Arizona at 5:00 p.m. for 25 seconds.     9/16/2009 #45248  
       Mexico City, Mexico Sedona, Arizona Chicago West Texas Roswell, New  5/5/2015 #45437  
stle cliff dwelling in Camp Verde, Arizona Chapin Mesa Archeological Museum 5/5/2015 #45437  
d in 1998 in the estate of Sedona, Arizona, lawyer Hilda Blair Ray, whose h 5/5/2015 #45437  
stle cliff dwelling in Camp Verde, Arizona, in 1894 by an S. L. Palmer and  5/5/2015 #45437  
                                   Arizona Rhode Island Weizmann Institute  1/9/2018 #45503  
  Sonoran Desert National Monument Arizona New Mexico border 3:40 p.m. A Le 2/24/2018 #45513  
sert National Monument in southern Arizona and the New Mexico border. The a 2/24/2018 #45513  
                           Tucson, Arizona Picacho Peak Around midnight. Th 11/6/2018 #45543  
bout 40 miles northwest of Tucson, Arizona, when they spot three objects in 11/6/2018 #45543  
uclear Generating Station Tonopah, Arizona 11:00 p.m. Security officers at  9/29/2019 #45610  
r Generating Station near Tonopah, Arizona, observe 5–6 drones flying at 20 9/29/2019 #45610  
d South Palo Verde Road in Tucson, Arizona Davis- Monthan Tucson Internatio 2/9/2021 #45676  
d South Palo Verde Road in Tucson, Arizona, directly adjacent to a fuel ter 2/9/2021 #45676  
## Word: "arjeplog" (Back to Top)
                                   ARJEPLOG, SWEDEN Observer(s) = Thorander 4/1942 #1407  
## Word: "arjuna" (Back to Top)
                                   ARJUNA OILFIELD, INDONESIA Large UFO wit 3/10/1977 #31890  
                                   Arjuna Oil Field Java Sea, Indonesia 7:4 3/10/1977 #31892  
ers anchored one mile apart at the Arjuna Oil Field in the Java Sea, Indone 3/10/1977 #31892  
## Word: "arjuzanx" (Back to Top)
                    MORENX TO/FROM ARJUZANX, FR Green ovoid descends rapidl 12/27/1976 #31633  
## Word: "ark" (Back to Top)
 head invites observer(s) / flying ark. See reference! / r174p23.           7/25/1868 #175  
r as well as a vessel he calls an “ark.” He hears a voice suggesting that “ 7/25/1868 #176  
 his usual frock dress.” After the ark maneuvers for a while in the air, th 7/25/1868 #176  
                       JENNY LIND, ARK Whole town. Airship northeast going  5/4/1897 #587  
                      HOT SPRINGS, ARK 2 cops. Airship lands. Riders gather 5/6/1897 #590  
                        PARAGOULD, ARK Airship with strong beam north going 1/15/1910 #834  
                             MENA, ARK Woman on porch temporarily paralyzed 10/15/1935 #1236  
                    MOUNTAIN HOME, ARK Glistening flashing round object nor 6/27/1947 #2424  
                           ROGERS, ARK J. P. Crumpler. Fast bright metallic 6/30/1947 #2471  
                 NEAR ARKADELPHIA, ARK Farm worker. 3 thin disks 'phonograp 6/30/1947 (approximate) #2472  
                           TUPELO, ARK Postmaster and 2. 4' diameter silver 6/30/1947 #2478  
patch and house. Local wave TX and ark.                                     7/2/1947 #2543  
                        TEXARKANA, ARK 2 observer(s). Silver saucer going q 7/3/1947 #2554  
                      LITTLE ROCK, ARK Pilot sighting. 6-12 black octagons  3/17/1950 #4664  
                       OVER HAZEN, ARK DC3 pilots. 27M saucer going quickly 3/20/1950 #4686  
                      LITTLE ROCK, ARK 5 observer(s) / power company. Sauce 8/4/1950 #5101  
                        GASSVILLE, ARK Hoops tilt / great altitude. Light r 2/25/1952 #5930  
                       FORT SMITH, ARK Army Colonel and Major with (seen th 6/12/1952 #6483  
                     FAYETTEVILLE, ARK 2 / car. Six 15cm saucers overhead.  7/24/1952 #7107  
                      HOT SPRINGS, ARK 6 observer(s). 10' sphere/orb/globe  4/22/1954 #9701  
                           PEARCY, ARK 6 men. White 3M luminous ball spins  4/23/1954 #9708  
                          ENGLAND, ARK 2+observer(s). Star Spica changes sh 7/23/1956 #13010  
     PINE BLUFF TO/FROM STUTTGART, ARK Saucer over US79. Car malfunctions d 10/14/1957 #14107  
                        FT. SMITH, ARK 3 observer(s). 2M glowing plate-sauc 11/17/1958 #15446  
                            DUMAS, ARK Hundreds / observer(s). Ovoid going  1/1959 #15519  
                NEAR FORREST CITY, ARK Air Traffic Controllers and more. AN 10/6/1959 #16018  
                       HUNTSVILLE, ARK Rancher. Ovoid going west in S. sky. 9/20/1963 #17950  
                    MOUNTAIN HOME, ARK Round disk goes north going south. W 8/1/1965 #19233  
                         BRINKLEY, ARK 3 observer(s). Red-orange round obje 3/8/1967 #21797  
                        PARAGOULD, ARK Disk hovers / low altitude 50M away  3/12/1967 #21860  
                        MORRILTON, ARK Dull orange glow object 60m over Ark 4/8/1967 #22093  
g morning, witnesses in Paragould, Ark., saw three oval objects, two red an 8/25/1967 #22921  
                          FLIPPIN, ARK Dogs howl and hide. 15m flame shoots 3/1969 #24953  
                    NEAR BURDETTE, ARK 2 observer(s). Extreme bright light  4/21/1970 (approximate) #25638  
                     FAYETTEVILLE, ARK Many calls. Orange flash. Sonic boom 9/17/1970 #25839  
                     FAYETTEVILLE, ARK 1 observer. Large tapering object /  7/15/1971 #26229  
                        TEXARKANA, ARK 1 observer. 2 solid ovoids / incredi 12/1972 #27157  
ound red objects / low altitude. / Ark.Gzt 10.9.73 and more/others.         9/8/1973 #27777  
                           ROGERS, ARK 1 observer. Vertical luminous red cy 10/1/1973 #27904  
                        JONESBORO, ARK 2+1 observer(s). Triangle buzzes car 10/1/1973 #27905  
                      CLARKSVILLE, ARK Several observer(s). Ghostlike figur 10/12/1973 #28014  
                   NEAR JONESBORO, ARK Phony plane divides. Halves "explode 10/17/1973 #28102  
                       FORT SMITH, ARK 8' saucer buzzes car. Engine radio a 10/20/1973 #28203  
                           STAMPS, ARK 2+1 observer(s). Night light follows 10/30/1973 #28320  
                      NEAR COTTER, ARK Physicist / light plane buzzed / nig 9/10/1978 #33654  
            SOUTHEAST / TEXARKANA, ARK 2 observer(s). Power outage. 3 night 3/18/1980 #35220  
 also produced In Search of Noah’s Ark in 1976 at a time when the CIA was i 7/1980 #35399  
ng Mt. Ararat as a location of the Ark (and mention Ararat in the film), Th 7/1980 #35399  
                NORTH / NASHVILLE, ARK Thundering noise. Huge boomerang / l 2/3/1981 #35811  
                      LITTLE ROCK, ARK 2 teens. 4' rectangular and small sa 6/6/1981 #35953  
               8MI NORTH / HECTOR, ARK 2 observer(s). Vivid blue bulb-ballo 9/20/1981 #36132  
                             HOPE, ARK 5 pregnant cows found mutilated. Imp 3/10/1989 #38870  
                  REEVES MOUNTAIN, ARK Very large delta/triangle/box-like c 10/8/1991 #40207  
                 SOUTH / MARSHALL, ARK 300m silent boomerang over group / h 11/15/1991 #40230  
                     WITT SPRINGS, ARK Brill red-orange disappears as milit 11/21/1991 #40234  
                 SOUTH / MARSHALL, ARK Enormous flying-wing / 300m altitude 1/30/1992 #40309  
             SOUTHWEST / HARRISON, ARK Small humanoid (or Grey) by house. M 10/31/1992 #40696  
## Word: "arkadelphia" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR ARKADELPHIA, ARK Farm worker. 3 thin dis 6/30/1947 (approximate) #2472  
## Word: "arkady" (Back to Top)
n Oblast, Russia Soviet test pilot Arkady Ivanovich Apraksin is flying at a 6/16/1948 #3671  
ga River Saratov Soviet test pilot Arkady Ivanovich Apraksin takes a new ai 5/6/1949 #4158  
thor Alexander Kazantsev, engineer Arkady Tikhonov, a cosmonaut, 18 scienti 10/18/1967 #23265  
## Word: "arkalyk" (Back to Top)
                                   ARKALYK, KAZAKHSTAN Many observer(s). Sa 10/9/1991 #40208  
## Word: "arkansas" (Back to Top)
                            Homan, Arkansas 3:00 p.m. Railroad conductor Ca Mid 4/1897 #492  
 Jim Hooton is hunting near Homan, Arkansas, when he hears a loud mechanica Mid 4/1897 #492  
                            Homan, Arkansas Capt. James Hooton was hunting  4/20/1897 #544  
 hunting in the vicinity of Homan, Arkansas when he heard the noise of a st 4/20/1897 #547  
ge Lawrence A. Byrne of Texarkana, Arkansas, was surveying a tract of land  4/23/1897 #563  
                   McKinney Bayou, Arkansas Judge Lawrence A. Byrne of Texa 4/23/1897 #564  
ge Lawrence A. Byrne of Texarkana, Arkansas, was surveying a tract of land  4/23/1897 #564  
ge Lawrence A. Byrne of Texarkana, Arkansas was surveying a tract of land w 4/23/1897 #566  
    At 5:15 a.m. in Barring Cross, Arkansas a photograph of a structured fl 4/26/1897 #580  
     The whole town of Jenny Lind, Arkansas watched an airship fly over fro 5/4/1897 #589  
                      Hot Springs, Arkansas Two policemen, Sumpter and McLe 5/6/1897 #592  
                      Hot Springs, Arkansas five miles west of Hot Springs, 5/6/1897 #593  
as five miles west of Hot Springs, Arkansas Nashville, Tennessee During a r 5/6/1897 #593  
rm five miles west of Hot Springs, Arkansas, Deputy Sheriff John McLemore a 5/6/1897 #593  
e riding northwest of Hot Springs, Arkansas when they saw a bright light in 5/6/1897 #594  
                        Mabelvale, Arkansas 10:00 p.m. A. W. Norris of Mabe 12/13/1909 #819  
00 p.m. A. W. Norris of Mabelvale, Arkansas, sees a bright, bobbling light  12/13/1909 #819  
                        Texarkana, Arkansas Bowie County, Texas Red River A Fall 1936 #1249  
nd five companions from Texarkana, Arkansas, are fox hunting in Bowie Count Fall 1936 #1249  
                     Fayetteville, Arkansas 2 miles north of Fayetteville,  7/4/1947 #2665  
sas 2 miles north of Fayetteville, Arkansas Sunset. Henry Seay, a farmer li 7/4/1947 #2665  
ing 2 miles north of Fayetteville, Arkansas, watches three yellow discs fly 7/4/1947 #2665  
een from the air over Little Rock, Arkansas at 4:30 p.m. The object made a  3/17/1950 #4667  
                         Stuggart, Arkansas Witnesses: Chicago & Southern A 3/20/1950 #4689  
es Memphis, Tennessee Little Rock, Arkansas Hazen, Arkansas 9:26 p.m. Chica 3/20/1950 #4690  
essee Little Rock, Arkansas Hazen, Arkansas 9:26 p.m. Chicago and Southern  3/20/1950 #4690  
emphis, Tennessee, to Little Rock, Arkansas, see a circular disc 100 feet i 3/20/1950 #4690  
diameter approximately over Hazen, Arkansas. In the top center of the objec 3/20/1950 #4690  
nnessee Mississippi River Osceola, Arkansas Two Navy aircraft crews from NA 7/11/1950 #5056  
he Mississippi River from Osceola, Arkansas, see a domed disc pass in front 7/11/1950 #5056  
                        Ft. Smith, Arkansas Witnesses:  U.S. Army Major and 6/12/1952 #6486  
ow angular velocity in Fort Smith, Arkansas.                                6/12/1952 #6489  
    At 11:00 p.m. in Fayetteville, Arkansas two in car watched six 6- inch  7/24/1952 #7121  
nolds Metals plant in Jones Mills, Arkansas Pearcy, Arkansas 10:30 p.m. Six 4/22/1954 #9705  
t in Jones Mills, Arkansas Pearcy, Arkansas 10:30 p.m. Six workers from the 4/22/1954 #9705  
nolds Metals plant in Jones Mills, Arkansas, are waiting on a carpool near  4/22/1954 #9705  
 waiting on a carpool near Pearcy, Arkansas, to go to work when they see a  4/22/1954 #9705  
lts. At 11:00 p.m. in Hot Springs, Arkansas a ten-foot diameter sphere chas 4/22/1954 #9706  
f light circled a house in Pearcy, Arkansas slowly, stopping at irregular i 4/23/1954 #9712  
                                   ARKANSAS CITY, KS 3 cops and 4 others. S 6/19/1956 #12907  
                                   ARKANSAS CITY, KS AND MORE/OTHERS Separa 7/18/1956 #12982  
 of a pond on a sunny day in Hope, Arkansas when at twelve noon he observed 9/20/1956 #13228  
                                US Arkansas The US Senate Committee on Gove Mid 11/1957 #14561  
                                   ARKANSAS CITY, KS Numerous observer(s) a 11/18/1957 #14574  
d a glowing UFO over Forrest City, Arkansas. It flew too fast to get any ph 10/6/1959 #16023  
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Arkansas” Yield: 1090KT                  5/2/1962 #17148  
                        Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas, various (McDonald list) 3/6/1963 #17693  
         On this night in Malvern, Arkansas local residents reported seeing 8/22/1966 #20789  
          Driving through Emerson, Arkansas on a foggy night, Dr. Galloway  12/30/1966 #21232  
neuvering in the sky over Piggott, Arkansas. Small satellite objects and me 2/3/1967 #21447  
          That night in Patterson, Arkansas at 9:30 p.m. a man witnessed a  3/2/1967 #21733  
e time. Two hours later in Piggot, Arkansas, which is five miles to the nor 3/2/1967 #21733  
eared. (Ft. Smith SW Times Record, Arkansas, 3/12/67, copy in NICAP files.) 3/10/1967 #21851  
iving in a remote part of Piggott, Arkansas when their truck's engine faile 3/10/1967 #21854  
ke an alternating frequency beep. (Arkansas Gazette, 3/14/67, copy in NICAP 3/12/1967 #21866  
e plane. (Jacksonville Daily News, Arkansas, 3/27/69, copy in NICAP files;  3/14/1967 #21884  
K Dull orange glow object 60m over Arkansas River going quickly northeast.  4/8/1967 #22093  
ning visible for several minutes. (Arkansas ' Gazette, 4/29/67, copy in NIC 4/27/1967 #22229  
heard a buzzing or humming sound. (Arkansas Democrat, 8/25/67, copy in NICA 8/25/1967 #22921  
        Blytheville Air Force Base Arkansas International Airport Blythevil 10/21/1967 #23281  
International Airport Blytheville, Arkansas 6:16 a.m. Two control tower ope 10/21/1967 #23281  
at Blytheville Air Force Base [now Arkansas International Airport] in Blyth 10/21/1967 #23281  
rnational Airport] in Blytheville, Arkansas, see two dark oblong objects fl 10/21/1967 #23281  
daylight disc sighting in Malvern, Arkansas by six witnesses.               2/29/1968 #23792  
  Seattle, Washington Plumerville, Arkansas Rod B. Dyke launches the monthl 5/1969 #25104  
arish as co-editor in Plumerville, Arkansas, beginning in July 1977. Farish 5/1969 #25104  
FO was taken at Flippin Airport in Arkansas. That afternoon in Sobral, Cear 7/18/1969 #25280  
s. Barbara Robinson in Springdale, Arkansas. She called the police and Offi 9/6/1969 #25354  
as outside his home in Jonesville, Arkansas on this night when he was grabb 5/2/1971 #26097  
                                   ARKANSAS CITY, AR Several observer(s). O 8/24/1972 #26951  
                       Fort Smith, Arkansas 1:00 a.m. Two women driving in  10/20/1973 #28214  
g in a Volkswagen near Fort Smith, Arkansas, see a glowing object approach  10/20/1973 #28214  
d on this night in South Crossett, Arkansas.                                6/26/1978 #33314  
 mutilation was reported in Avoca, Arkansas.                                10/8/1978 #33820  
covered northwest of Cave Springs, Arkansas. A calf had been killed, and th 11/6/1978 #33921  
d maneuvers was seen in Texarkana, Arkansas by a doctor who was also a pilo 9/2/1980 #35492  
ning two teenagers in Little Rock, Arkansas saw a small, four-foot long rec 6/6/1981 #35957  
rd garage and shed in Little Rock, Arkansas. They came very close and the l 6/6/1981 #35957  
                             North Arkansas Community College Kansas Spring 10/2/1982 #36629  
ield, Missouri 8:00 p.m. The North Arkansas Community College volleyball te 10/2/1982 #36629  
                           Rogers, Arkansas During a campaign rally in Roge 3/7/1988 #38493  
During a campaign rally in Rogers, Arkansas, vice president and presidentia 3/7/1988 #38493  
 a rural road on Gaither Mountain, Arkansas saw, standing by the roadway, a 10/31/1992 #40697  
ud formation to another in Rogers, Arkansas then back to the first cloud fo 6/1/1993 #41000  
                        Alexander, Arkansas 11:55 a.m. Two daylight discs a 11/11/1998 #43680  
 she is driving through Alexander, Arkansas: “The first was larger, more wh 11/11/1998 #43680  
t above the trees in West Memphis, Arkansas. Its nose turned up, but it kep 11/29/1998 #43690  
light maneuvered over Hot Springs, Arkansas at 12:15 a.m.                   5/14/1999 #43769  
their computer at home in northern Arkansas around midnight, when Henry loo 9/3/1999 #43842  
A motorist driving in Hot Springs, Arkansas at 4:30 a.m. saw an enormous, p 4/9/2000 #43980  
ed color, was seen in Calico Rock, Arkansas at 10 p.m. It also reportedly m 8/9/2001 #44230  
                       A family in Arkansas City, Kansas observed an immens 11/9/2002 #44437  
 hovered silently over Dardanelle, Arkansas.                                1/8/2003 #44472  
ving alone from Elaine to Crumrod, Arkansas at six o'clock in the evening w 2/15/2006 #44923  
ights were sighted over Texarkana, Arkansas at 10:20 p.m. There were also n 8/6/2007 #45044  
ly at Berryville pond, Berryville, Arkansas at two o'clock in the morning.  6/1/2009 #45225  
## Word: "arkesden" (Back to Top)
ar-shaped UFO above the village of Arkesden, Essex, England. A woman also r 7/17/1977 #32289  
## Word: "arkhangelsk" (Back to Top)
                           Tulgas, Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia During operat 10/1918 #977  
inst the Bolshevik Army in Tulgas, Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia, soldiers of  10/1918 #977  
e of Severny Island, Novaya Zemla, Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia Finland The S 10/30/1961 #16939  
e of Severny Island, Novaya Zemla, Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia. It flattens  10/30/1961 #16939  
           White Sea Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia 3:00 a.m. The 9/20/1977 #32498  
in the White Sea off Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia, notices an o 9/20/1977 #32498  
ntral Navy Testing Range Nyonoksa, Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia An explosion  8/8/2019 #45604  
 Navy Testing Range near Nyonoksa, Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia, triggers rad 8/8/2019 #45604  
## Word: "arkhara" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR ARKHARA, RUSSIA Airline(s)/airliner crew 10/31/1967 #23374  
             On a clear night over Arkhara, Amur, Russia an airliner crew s 10/31/1967 #23379  
## Word: "arl" (Back to Top)
eronautical Research Laboratories (ARL) at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, 9/1956 #13166  
ding documents. Roy Kerr, a former ARL scientist, says the antigravity prop 9/1956 #13166  
 antigravity propulsion purpose of ARL was “rubbish” and that “The only rea 9/1956 #13166  
s/Aerospace Research Laboratories (ARL) at Wright-Patterson AFB hires physi Late 1956 #13281  
ur years before being recruited to ARL, working on applied research for ind Late 1956 #13281  
ment. It is unclear if Goldberg or ARL worked on UAP-related research but t Late 1956 #13281  
icipant of RIAS (see 1955), writes ARL may have also studied Soviet efforts Late 1956 #13281  
19.pdf     Note: It is thought the ARL anti-gravity studies ended in 1970 w Late 1956 #13281  
## Word: "arlee" (Back to Top)
                           NORTH / ARLEE, MT 2 observer(s). 2 saucers play  7/18/1947 #3196  
                                   ARLEE, MT 2 woodsmen. 4 glowing 150M orb 8/14/1964 #18483  
## Word: "arlen" (Back to Top)
         EVERETT, MASS Mulledy and Arlen. Daytime. 5-6 disks circle. Shoot  7/9/1947 #3042  
981. She interviews Denver surgeon Arlen Meyers on excising tissue with a l 5/28/1980 #35343  
## Word: "arlene" (Back to Top)
               Anaheim, California Arlene Cook is awakened by her young, te Fall 1962 #17434  
## Word: "arles" (Back to Top)
Airport], Bouches-du-Rhône, France Arles to Marseille Shortly after 9:00 p. 1/4/1954 #9445  
eille resident who is driving from Arles to Marseille and sees a large, rou 1/4/1954 #9445  
                       Salon, near Arles, France Two persons in a car saw a 8/1/1955 #12314  
tourists, who went straight to the Arles police.                            8/1/1955 #12314  
o tourists in a car in Salon, near Arles, France saw a lighted object dive  8/1/1955 #12320  
The witnesses went straight to the Arles police.                            8/1/1955 #12320  
os-sur-Mer and Port Saint Louis in Arles, France observed a UFO descend and 3/29/1968 #23873  
                              NEAR ARLES, FR 6 girls / dorm. 70cm saucer sp 2/1/1977 #31774  
                                   ARLES, FR 2 observer(s). Orange "star" g 12/16/1989 #39316  
## Word: "arley" (Back to Top)
                                   ARLEY, WARWICKS, ENGL Domed UFO beams wh 7/11/1993 #41056  
## Word: "arlindo" (Back to Top)
i, Minas Gerais, Brazil 10:30 a.m. Arlindo Gabriel dos Santos is hunting wi 5/16/1979 #34563  
                                   Arlindo Gabriel dos Santos was hunting w 5/16/1979 #34564  
ons on each side. Next to the fins Arlindo could see several windows. While 5/16/1979 #34564  
t out four, leg like landing pods. Arlindo approached and tried to take ano 5/16/1979 #34564  
g from side to side. The man asked Arlindo if he had seen something, which  5/16/1979 #34564  
ich sounded to him like a "Zurca." Arlindo thought he could have been refer 5/16/1979 #34564  
 extended a gloved hand and pulled Arlindo inside the craft through a squar 5/16/1979 #34564  
ry short, light colored hair. When Arlindo left the craft he was told to co 5/16/1979 #34564  
                On the same day as Arlindo dos Santos's close encounter of  5/16/1979 #34565  
## Word: "arlington" (Back to Top)
                            184 S. Arlington Avenue, East Orange, New Jerse 7/4/1947 #2652  
uff wakes up in her home at 184 S. Arlington Avenue, East Orange, New Jerse 7/4/1947 #2652  
                                   Arlington, VA Bet. 10:30 and 11 p.m. (ED 7/7/1947 #2925  
                                   Arlington Hall Washington, D.C. The US A 10/20/1948 #3848  
e Security Service is activated at Arlington Hall in Washington, D.C., with 10/20/1948 #3848  
                                   Arlington Hall, Washington, D.C. Brooks  4/18/1949 #4093  
ervice moves its headquarters from Arlington Hall in Washington, D.C., to B 4/18/1949 #4093  
                                   ARLINGTON VA Man / window. 60 cm Lt. gre 5/10/1950 #4935  
                                   ARLINGTON, VA Astronomer and 1. 8' glowi 8/1950 (approximate) #5091  
                              NEAR ARLINGTON, IL Jets chase. Mystery radio  7/12/1952 #6766  
                                   Arlington, IL F-86 On Scramble Mission / 7/12/1952 #6773  
                                   Arlington, IL Oblong yellowish lighted o 7/12/1952 #6774  
                                   Arlington Heights, Illinois Elgin, Illin 7/12/1952 #6785  
on (or on a scramble mission) over Arlington Heights, Illinois. Capt. Rober 7/12/1952 #6785  
 ARTC radar at National Airport in Arlington, Virginia.                     7/20/1952 #6956  
 at Washington National Airport in Arlington, Virginia had radar trackings  11/30/1952 #8360  
                                   ARLINGTON, VA Project Bluebook Case #372 8/23/1955 #12393  
                                   Arlington, VA Several (6+) orange lights 8/23/1955 #12397  
                                   Arlington, Virginia Witness:  G.M. Park, 8/23/1955 #12398  
                                In Arlington, Virginia at 10:45 a.m. G.M. P 8/23/1955 #12400  
                                   ARLINGTON, VA Amateur astronomer. Vibran 7/14/1956 #12971  
                                   ARLINGTON, VA Several / Army. Large shin 1/21/1957 #13467  
r an Army military installation in Arlington, Virginia at 10:45 a.m. It van 1/21/1957 #13469  
                                   ARLINGTON, OH Several observer(s). Disk  10/31/1958 #15407  
                                   Arlington, TX Aeronautical engineer obse 9/28/1960 #16465  
                                   ARLINGTON, TX PAA radioman and several.  9/29/1960 #16466  
                                   Arlington Heights, IL (McDonald list) Sh 11/7/1961 #16957  
                                   ARLINGTON, MASS 1 observer. 30m cylinder 10/29/1964? #18594  
ed out of some low heavy clouds in Arlington, Massachusetts. It had a dark  10/29/1964 #18596  
                                   Arlington, TX (McDonald list) Civilians  7/6/1965 #19072  
t the kitchen door of her house in Arlington, Indiana and saw a lighted obj 11/5/1966 #21078  
windows from her kitchen window in Arlington, Indiana. The UFO was only 50  11/11/1966 #21091  
                                   Arlington, VA 12:35 p.m. EDT. A witness  9/11/1967 #23041  
                                   Arlington, Virginia McDonald meets priva 6/11/1969 #25210  
e Office of Scientific Research in Arlington, Virginia, urging a new look a 6/11/1969 #25210  
                                   ARLINGTON, VA Thin white oval disk paces 11/1975 #30527  
                                   Arlington, VA Prior to a fireworks displ 7/4/1977 #32234  
                                   ARLINGTON, MA 1 observer. 2 fast green-g 1/1991 #39942  
                                   ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, IL Report abductee fe 6/1993 #40998  
etersen is also the founder of The Arlington Institute (TAI), a group conne 12/10/1994 #41888  
                                   ARLINGTON, WA 2+child. Odd cone crosses  6/9/1995 #42246  
hoff, Sandia engineer Marty Pilch, Arlington Institute head John Petersen,  1/28/1996 #42725  
                               The Arlington Institute (TAI), a defense ind 12/3/1999 #43892  
. Petersen was the Chairman of the Arlington Institute at the time and is w 12/3/1999 #43892  
seen shooting through the sky over Arlington, Texas with an orange object c 4/6/2000 #43977  
n 9 June 2001 John Petersen of the Arlington Institute tells Vallee the sam 5/9/2000 #43993  
l Puthoff and John Petersen of the Arlington Institute “assure” him there i 8/23/2003 #44581  
as a part of John Petersen and the Arlington Institute’s “semi-official” sc 9/14/2003 #44602  
n Washington International Airport Arlington, Virginia Late morning. Air tr 4/27/2005 #44827  
ashington International Airport in Arlington, Virginia, causing President G 4/27/2005 #44827  
that involve John Petersen and the Arlington Institute. Those in attendance 12/6/2005 #44908  
g was tested in the Fort Worth and Arlington areas in 2008. Claims two F-16 2008 #45108  
                       White House Arlington, Virginia The same White House 11/26/2019 #45618  
 Syndrome while walking her dog in Arlington, Virginia. As she passes a par 11/26/2019 #45618  
            In an interview at The Arlington Institute with John Petersen,  2/8/2020 #45631  
## Word: "arlon" (Back to Top)
                                   ARLON MARTELANGE AND SIBRET, BELGIUM 'Sl 10/16/1954 #11131  
## Word: "arm" (Back to Top)
breathing apparatus under the left arm. Shaw claims the beings try to lift  11/25/1896 #361  
raft Warning Service, the civilian arm of the Army’s Ground Observer Corps. 5/1941 #1361  
Army Air Forces to provide the air arm greater autonomy.                    6/20/1941 #1364  
ike material that breaks Charles’s arm and kills his dog. Dahl claims he fi 6/21/1947 #2356  
ll, NJ. Bell Labs was the research arm of American Telephone and Telegraph  12/23/1947 #3510  
SCO, CA City park. Beam zaps man's arm. Arm goes limp. No source seen.      3/1949 (approximate) #4028  
CA City park. Beam zaps man's arm. Arm goes limp. No source seen.           3/1949 (approximate) #4028  
een 3 and 4 inches in diameter (at arm’s length), moving faster than any je 7/9/1952 #6736  
m’s right elbow. While holding the arm the man seemed to “have me in his po 7/27/1952 #7216  
                         TURNAGAIN ARM, AK 5 observer(s) and jet chase. Red 2/16/1953 #8677  
injected some green fluid into his arm, after which he had no more consciou 5/13/1954 #9791  
t, carrying it in the crook of its arm. Lotti ran away, and when she looked 11/1/1954 #11520  
oward him and the other raises its arm. The first one kneels down and pluck 12/9/1954 #11787  
n toward him, the other raised its arm. The first one knelt down and plucke 12/11/1954 #11802  
ng one-piece grayish garments. One arm seems longer than the other and the  5/25/1955 #12159  
orce Special Security Service (air arm of NSA?) tracks an unknown object vi 6/4/1955 #12180  
 one was facing her with its right arm raised. It had bulging eyes, a sort  7/3/1955 #12231  
 one was facing her with its right arm raised. It had bulging eyes, a sort  7/3/1955 #12233  
other saw a beckoning, disembodied arm in mid-air. A creature with four arm 8/29/1955 #12416  
exit. Indians attack. 1 gets cut / arm. / MJ#290+/ r141.                    6/5/1957 #13701  
knife, and gave one of them a deep arm cut. On the same night another close 6/5/1957 #13707  
ll into a coma-like state after an arm bracelet was removed. Both aliens ha 1/21/1959 #15560  
The CIA’s Special Group decides to arm Dominicans in hopes of an assassinat 8/1960 #16362  
s as large as a basketball held at arm’s length. The object is first notice 5/21/1964 #18289  
object is that of a nickel held at arm’s length. As the object reaches an o 1/5/1965 #18699  
4 arms hovers / 45 minute(s). Each arm has 3 lights. Going west. / r78p39.  7/19/1965 #19123  
assachusetts for 45 minutes. Each "arm" had three lights. The object left t 7/19/1965 #19136  
ank / ground. Flashes / portholes. Arm spins. / FSR'67#6+/ r111p241.        7/27/1965 #19186  
er Goode, who was driving with his arm out the window, felt heat on his arm 9/3/1965 #19495  
m out the window, felt heat on his arm and later reported that a cut that w 9/3/1965 #19495  
eported that a cut that was on his arm healed more rapidly than normal [U/V 9/3/1965 #19495  
car.  Driver felt heat on his left arm.  Initial sighting lasted 5-10 minut 9/3/1965 #19508  
ight. Goode feels heat on his left arm; an alligator bite on his left index 9/3/1965 #19512  
 saucer / ground level. Mechanical arm / fingers extends / opening! / r204p 11/29/1965 #19738  
r neck and an impulse in her right arm. They drive to the sheriff’s office  4/24/1966 #20404  
ard the light, something pulls his arm back and drops it on the roof of the 3/8/1967 #21815  
ce got out of the car and felt his arm tugged by some force against the bod 3/8/1967 #21818  
ront corner of his car and sees an arm with a thumbless mitten fly up, then 3/28/1967 #22004  
r hit one of them, and they saw an arm fly up w a "mitten" on the hand. The 3/28/1967 #22007  
ropped a substance that struck his arm. He received burns on his arm and th 6/14/1967 #22505  
 his arm. He received burns on his arm and the left side of his face.       6/14/1967 #22505  
trainer's pillow, then grasped his arm tightly. As the man tried to sit up, 9/22/1967 #23115  
tacker encircled his neck with its arm trying to choke him. A horse in the  9/22/1967 #23115  
appeared in the car window, and an arm reached up to the roof of their car. 11/13/1967 #23444  
ve off they could see the face and arm attached to a dark, conical body, bu 11/13/1967 #23444  
d suit and helmet glides by. Waves arm 2X.                                  12/6/1967 #23553  
. The figure approached and put an arm on the roof of the car. At this poin 12/16/1967 #23594  
out and hits the upper part of his arm, knocking him down. His jacket catch 3/19/1968 #23849  
ght beam hit the upper part of his arm, knocking him to the ground. His jac 3/19/1968 #23850  
fraid. The entity raises its other arm, which is emitting beams of light, a 6/15/1968 #24039  
ot directly in front of the other, arm extended and holding the now extingu 6/15/1968 #24039  
im. He was unable to move his left arm for three days, and suffered from pa 6/25/1968 #24081  
ers / hours. Dog panics. Beam and "arm" reaches down. Saucer going quickly  7/30/1968 #24258  
onds. The blue light goes out, the arm retracts, the large lights blink mor 10/5/1968 #24544  
athered around Rodrigues, felt his arm, and conversed amongst themselves in 5/5/1969 #25117  
face. She was motionless, with one arm upraised. The witnesses could not ap 8/27/1969 #25333  
 St. Jones Within on the Southwest Arm in Newfoundland watch a blood-red fi 8/14/1970 #25784  
yellow suits, and one had only one arm and appeared to be holding a small g 8/20/1970 #25799  
us, one of the beings extended his arm upward. At this point they were able 8/24/1970 #25802  
e witness and he used his body and arm to conceal some sort of instrument p 6/9/1971 #26165  
 north going south overhead. 8cm / arm length. Vanishes.                    12/1972 #27156  
o were returning for her. Her left arm was paralyzed, so she was taken to a 2/26/1973 #27318  
but "of great height." He held one arm straight up. The witness reportedly  3/20/1973 #27353  
as made and the crews attempted to arm a missile and prepare to fire at it, 9/19/1973 #27839  
ver. Gold saucer lands. Mechanical arm scoops snow. Going quickly east. Tra 12/20/1973 #28590  
t, requested that she make certain arm movements, then to bend her head for 9/3/1974 #29418  
o stripes on the upper part of his arm, while the other three had stripes t 9/3/1974 #29418  
bject / hill. Trance. 2 abduction. Arm healed. Telepathy. See reference.    8/1975 (approximate) #30222  
cting. The one nearest them had an arm up,  pointing at the sky. The second 10/26/1975 #30475  
as a wire on it that runs down its arm. The other two creatures remain on t 12/14/1975 #30715  
 3 2.5M cone-figure(s). Telescopic arm. Going quickly south. See drawings.  1/9/1976 #30778  
 on his shoulders and on his right arm; these began to disappear after 7-8  1/29/1976 #30832  
h his wife, he lashes out with one arm that hasn’t gone numb. His wife wake 2/1976 #30842  
course / beams / light. Mechanical arm.                                     8/18/1976 #31277  
ld be harmed. He tried to lift his arm and was horrified because it looked  12/6/1976 #31587  
ned to the right. She perceived an arm appear that described an arc through 12/10/1976 #31594  
 Buzzes car. Figure / window waves arm!                                     5/5/1977 #32056  
 non-existent Maypole. Each had an arm raised. "One figure was a man in a s 8/9/1977 #32372  
allic belt, and a black box on its arm. At one point the entity shines a br 8/31/1977 #32445  
 and pointed a syringe at him; his arm was raised against his will and the  9/15/1977 #32485  
 this time hitting her in the left arm at wrist level. Benedito ran to a ne 10/29/1977 #32633  
 The being walked stiffly with one arm raised. The man ran home as quickly  12/10/1977 #32759  
 had a small puncture wound on his arm, as if they had taken a blood sample 12/18/1977 #32797  
down on a low fence and raises her arm very slowly, pointing to the sky at  1/31/1978 #32928  
own on a low fence then raised her arm very slowly and pointed to the sky,  1/31/1978 #32930  
, carrying the dog under his right arm and with the gun over his shoulder.  2/5/1978 #32957  
e UKAEA site. The figure raises an arm (one of two that seem to come out of 3/17/1978 #33048  
 large as his outstretched hand at arm’s length. It shoots off toward the s 6/10/1978 #33266  
ll being then pricks Perez’s right arm and apparently extracts some blood.  9/6/1978 #33638  
gnetic force. The wound on Perez’s arm stays open for many years and seeps  9/6/1978 #33638  
he being then pricked Juan's right arm, apparently extracting some blood in 9/6/1978 #33640  
ate, Brazil and touched him on the arm, burning him. The being wore a silve 1/11/1979 #34331  
0 mile(s) in 5 min. Strange cut on arm.                                     1/30/1979 #34392  
. He also had a strange cut on his arm.                                     1/30/1979 #34393  
es. They grab him, each taking one arm. He begs them to let him go in the n 5/16/1979 #34563  
 They grabbed him, each taking one arm. He begged them to let him go in the 5/16/1979 #34564  
 device to different points on his arm. He conversed with the beings about  6/6/1979 #34601  
tle body parts, as well as a human arm.                                     5/5/1980 #35306  
y / enter house. Observer(s) grabs arm. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). Trip 6/14/1980 #35362  
y entered the tent and grabbed her arm. All three were abducted. (NICAP: 02 4/1982 #36422  
eek, a scratch on his chest and an arm, and his wristwatch had stopped at 4 11/29/1982 #36702  
lheli, Wales. He was seized by the arm and floated into a 25-foot diameter  2/8/1985 #37554  
he shielded his face with his left arm, but at one point the light struck h 5/15/1986 #37870  
ad a sunburn-like burn on his left arm.                                     5/15/1986 #37870  
rver(s). Saucer 1 mile / diameter. Arm touches street lights. Small saucers 10/6/1986 #38039  
luding a solid red triangle on her arm, puncture wounds, scratches, and bru 1988 #38383  
ck in his bed two hours later; his arm was paralyzed.                       10/24/1988 #38687  
t shows oxygen tanks and a robotic arm that can extend out from the side of 11/12/1988 #38713  
re checks out Air Force jet. Lifts arm. Cone / light appears. Gone!         10/28/1989 (approximate) #39190  
 / 4 black Huey-helicopters. 8cm / arm length.                              12/1/1989 #39291  
hard Siefried. Vivid dream / alien arm / tent. Possible encounter.          6/13/1990 #39615  
ollows creek and road. Observer(s) arm numb.                                6/23/1990 #39622  
a at a low altitude. The witness's arm became numb during this close encoun 6/23/1990 #39623  
of the craft and a long thin green arm came out and grabbed one boy by the  5/14/1991 #40060  
boy struggled to get away a second arm emerged and grabbed him by his arm.  5/14/1991 #40060  
arm emerged and grabbed him by his arm. The boy grabbed a piece of wood and 5/14/1991 #40060  
inum metal rivets gone / observers arm after!                               12/26/1991 #40266  
tness, then took him gently by the arm and escorted him inside a brightly i 3/16/1993 #40886  
A moist liquid fell on the witness arm, described as a mucus-like substance 4/5/1993 #40927  
ral red lights on it. He waved his arm and saw a white light at the rear mo 4/30/1993 #40959  
s. It occasionally moved its right arm and hand back and forth. The witness 2/10/1995 #42033  
mary witness felt pain in her left arm. They also realized that their vehic 2/11/1995 #42036  
some type of operation on her left arm. Locals reported seeing luminous obj 2/11/1995 #42036  
                            SALMON ARM, BC Realtor. Silent saucer floats ov 10/13/1995 #42548  
and a small abscess under his left arm. At the barracks infirmary, physicia 2/6/1996 #42742  
o his chest area, and on his right arm he had attached what resembled an IV 2/29/1996 #42789  
ing the witness found marks on his arm and later on his back. He remembers  9/16/1996 #43025  
ed and unable to move. The robotic arm moved closer to his back and plunged 10/15/1997 #43429  
suddenly began pulling on her left arm. She screamed hysterically alerting  10/16/1997 #43430  
rem hospital with scratches on her arm. A neighbor told police that she hea 10/16/1997 #43430  
per back, and the sensation as an “arm” passed over his ribcage. Concerned, 7/18/1999 #43807  
 triangle-shaped scar on his upper arm.                                     3/11/2000 #43965  
NADA, SP 3M cone / ground 2M tall. Arm extends. Very slow approach and exit 4/13/2001 #44157  
                   A man in Salmon Arm, British Columbia awoke to a noise o 4/23/2001 #44161  
uch her breasts but she pushed his arm aside and noticed that it had a gumm 5/2/2001 #44174  
cond passes through the man’s left arm and upper body, exiting his right ar 5/1/2005 #44828  
 and upper body, exiting his right arm. He feels a bit hazy, but notices th 5/1/2005 #44828  
ped bottom. There was a probe-like arm that hovered and moved 20 feet from  2/28/2006 #44927  
es connected together with a large arm or protrusion extending from beneath 6/16/2009 #45226  
ion extending from beneath it. The arm is moving around in a circle. It sta 6/16/2009 #45226  
r. They have orange lights on each arm and are flying in a straight line qu 9/19/2012 #45352  
 it is about palm-width in size at arm’s length. The wife sees it as tumbli 7/15/2013 #45377  
## Word: "arm's" (Back to Top)
the apparent diameter of a dime at arm's length. Its estimated distance was 9/23/1948 #3812  
 apparent size of a half dollar at arm's length. Its color was pinkish to g 5/6/1949 #4164  
20:05 - white obj large as auto at arm's length disappeared (NICAP: 01 - Di 8/6/1949 #4308  
ing the size of a baseball held at arm's were observed moving south over Al 5/8/1956 #12838  
light, the size of a match head at arm's length (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 7/1/1963 #17821  
light, the size of a match head at arm's length, flashed and moved around t 7/1/1963 #17822  
scent object the size of a dime at arm's length flying in a "lazy, lackadai 2/27/1967 #21678  
s about the size of a tangerine at arm's length. It changed colors from red 3/7/1967 #21788  
  It was half the size of a pea at arm's length, and its lights were large, 9/21/1968 #24498  
ent size of ten cent coins held at arm's length. The lights circled some sc 10/28/1968 #24598  
arent size of a basketball held at arm's length. It moved away to the north 5/7/1970 #25657  
rom white to red, size of plate at arm's length, passed over house. (MUFON, 11/1974 #29572  
ject was that of a quarter held at arm's length. The speed of the object wa 11/11/1975 #30605  
o be about that of a grapefruit at arm's length. Officer Bruner was convinc 7/21/1977 #32299  
large as a four-inch plate held at arm's length, at no more than 300 feet a Fall 1977 #32514  
 large as his outstretched hand at arm's length. It shot off toward the sou 6/10/1978 #33267  
ize was compared to a 12" ruler at arm's length.                            1/30/1981 #35808  
ie-tin saucer over Jordan St. 2" / arm's length. Vanishes.                  4/10/1995 #42144  
 the size of a large strawberry at arm's length, moving from side to side a 5/6/1999 #43764  
 It was about the size of a pea at arm's length. In Covina in Los Angeles C 1/23/2000 #43932  
 apparent size of a lentil held at arm's length. Four other reports occurre 1/28/2000 #43935  
ne-quarter of an inch long held at arm's length. Other objects were observe 11/22/2002 #44449  
 the apparent size of a quarter at arm's length. The triangles had a semi-s 8/16/2004 #44734  
## Word: "arm-like" (Back to Top)
luminous circular object with four arm-like appendages hovering over Hingha 7/19/1965 #19136  
 inches in diameter. A small black arm-like device moves slowly out of one  10/5/1968 #24544  
## Word: "arm-thick" (Back to Top)
er, the object lowered a box on an arm-thick cable, and eight small humanoi 4/13/1967 #22128  
## Word: "armada" (Back to Top)
armington, NM Aztec, NM Farmington Armada mass UFO sighting: 100’s of UFO’s 3/16/1950 #4646  
port falsely attributes this to an armada of 100 MiG-15 fighter aircraft (a 3/14/1953 #8753  
confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Armada” YieldMax: 20KT                   4/22/1983 #36843  
## Word: "armadale" (Back to Top)
 a bright orange moving light over Armadale, Edinburgh, Scotland on this ev 12/23/1986 #38086  
                                   ARMADALE, WEST AUSTRALIA 1 / car. Night  3/22/1996 #42834  
## Word: "armadas" (Back to Top)
ntíficas y Técnicas de las Fuerzas Armadas The Argentine Ministry of Defens 1991 #39936  
ntíficas y Técnicas de las Fuerzas Armadas, a federal agency in charge of s 1991 #39936  
## Word: "armadillo" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Armadillo” Yield: 7.1KT                  2/9/1962 #17043  
## Word: "armadillos" (Back to Top)
0 a.m. Farmer Beto Lima is hunting armadillos on his property near Feira de 1/12/1995 #41971  
## Word: "armageddon" (Back to Top)
 four feet tall, and told her that Armageddon would not be what most people 11/15/1993 #41278  
## Word: "armagh" (Back to Top)
roops on an ambush patrol in South Armagh, Northern Ireland saw four small  7/13/1996 #42956  
## Word: "armament" (Back to Top)
equipped with gun camera, and such armament as deemed advisable, in order t 2/12/1948 #3576  
                USAF Europe Sweden Armament Intelligence Branch A USAF Euro 11/4/1948 #3868  
 a FOIA request claims no record), Armament Intelligence Branch, and AMC.   11/4/1948 #3868  
piece is picked up by the Canadian Armament Research and Development Establ 6/12/1960 #16312  
 UFOs were spotted over the base's Armament Development and Test Center, ju 1/31/1976 #30835  
ed phoncon from AFOC: MG Lane, CG, Armament and Development Test Center, Eg 1/31/1976 #30835  
                                   Armament Development and Test Center at  1/31/1976 #30836  
 police over the radar site at the Armament Development and Test Center at  1/31/1976 #30836  
## Word: "armaments" (Back to Top)
eral messages dealing with nuclear armaments on Earth. Wilson was to have l 11/28/1967 #23517  
## Word: "armand" (Back to Top)
nt is made at a news conference by Armand Spitz, coordinator of visual sate 9/11/1956 #13214  
 Lyons, and control technician A1C Armand Therrien at Las Vegas Air Force S 7/16/1957 #13801  
## Word: "armando" (Back to Top)
o, Brazil 11:30 a.m. Copilot Cmdr. Armando Braulino, pilot Cmdr. Pedro Luiz 11/21/1954 #11683  
Chile 7:30 p.m. Petroleum engineer Armando Uribe is returning home from Cer 8/9/1959 #15898  
                                   Armando Silva and his wife, of La Salina 3/29/1973 #27390  
 The leader of the group, Corporal Armando Valdes, ordered the other soldie 4/25/1977 #32024  
 The leader of the group, Corporal Armando Valdés Garrido, orders the other 4/25/1977 #32026  
 The leader of the group, Corporal Armando Valdes, ordered the other soldie 4/25/1977 #32027  
## Word: "armas" (Back to Top)
          On a highway between Las Armas and General Pirana, Argentina in B 8/5/1962 #17322  
                       SOUTH / LAS ARMAS, ARG Truck malfunctions due to EME 8/6/1962 #17323  
           Escola de Sargentos das Armas in Três Corações, Minas Gerais, Br 8/26/1962 #17362  
ard at the Escola de Sargentos das Armas in Três Corações, Minas Gerais, Br 8/26/1962 #17362  
s from the Escola de Sargentos das Armas in Très Coracões contact ufologist 1/13/1996 #42681  
tas Unimed Escola de Sargentos das Armas in Très Coracões, Brazil The Brazi 1/22/1996 #42706  
 go to the Escola de Sargentos das Armas in Très Coracões, Brazil.          1/22/1996 #42706  
           Escola de Sargentos das Armas Campinas, Brazil 4:00 a.m. A milit 1/23/1996 #42708  
leaves the Escola de Sargentos das Armas for Campinas, Brazil.              1/23/1996 #42708  
der of the Escola de Sargentos das Armas in Très Coracões, Brazil, reads a  5/8/1996 #42900  
## Word: "armature" (Back to Top)
 generator is not working, and the armature and field wires have melted tog 12/1959 #16107  
## Word: "armação" (Back to Top)
                          Praia da Armação beach Florianópolis Santa Catari 1/25/1971 #26002  
hotos of the scenery near Praia da Armação beach in Florianópolis, Santa Ca 1/25/1971 #26002  
## Word: "armband" (Back to Top)
 when doctors attempt to remove an armband. His remains are said to have be 1/21/1959 #15558  
d feet. The creature died after an armband was removed, and the body was se 1/21/1959 #15560  
## Word: "armbrust" (Back to Top)
                                   ARMBRUST, PA 4 hunters. 20M delta/triang 11/22/1993 #41295  
## Word: "armchair" (Back to Top)
 noticed a tall being seated in an armchair at the opposite end of the room 11/28/1972 #27150  
elf against a soft object like an "armchair," which later vanished, and he  9/20/1979 #34909  
## Word: "armchairs" (Back to Top)
ons, a screen on the wall, and two armchairs. The saucer then flew into a h 10/22/1972 #27085  
monauts also notice normal-looking armchairs, some devices, and walls insid 5/14/1981 #35937  
officer. Inside, they discover two armchairs, two steering wheels, and a fe Early 8/1987 #38225  
## Word: "armed" (Back to Top)
 Gen. Pontus Reuterswärd, chief of armed forces in Upper Norrland, Sweden,  1/10/1934 #1195  
the wartime Manhattan Project. The Armed Forces Special Weapons Project ass 1/1/1947 #2222  
ndum that formally establishes the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project, a  1/29/1947 #2236  
the roads around the debris field. Armed guards encircle the primary areas, 7/8/1947 #3011  
 top secret. In fact, however, the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project is  8/1947 #3277  
 the same object viewed by Swedish Armed Forces Supreme Commander Helge Jun 8/21/1948 #3785  
ines Rees, Kaplan, and LaPaz brief Armed Forces Special Weapons Project per 4/27/1949 #4115  
 AFOSI, ONI, CIC, the FBI, and the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project at  5/5/1949 #4149  
l Air Station Dallas Grand Prairie Armed Forces Reserve Complex Dallas, Tex 3/16/1950 #4656  
tation Dallas [later Grand Prairie Armed Forces Reserve Complex] near Dalla 3/16/1950 #4656  
lard Tydings (D-Md.), chair of the Armed Services Committee, says he thinks 4/5/1950 #4799  
ery Range in Nevada Frenchman Flat Armed Forces Special Weapons Project con 7/1950 #5034  
r. (D-Ga.), chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, requests furth 2/21/1952 #5917  
fense officials to restrain the US armed forces from shooting at UFOs. He s 7/29/1952 #7326  
-page document that eliminates the Armed Forces Security Agency formed in 1 10/24/1952 #8181  
hat UFOs do not require a Canadian armed forces investigation, but reports  2/25/1953 #8704  
er Hässleholm, Sweden, the Swedish Armed Forces orders a full-scale investi 12/17/1953 #9380  
ell in the Lake District, England, armed with a Kodak box camera. Meyer not 2/15/1954 #9549  
SAF Chief of Staff, speaking at an Armed Forces Day dinner at Amarillo AFB  5/15/1954 #9804  
ssell Jr. (D-Ga.), chairman of the Armed Services Committee, on a trip to t 10/4/1955 #12488  
ichard Russell, Head of the Senate Armed Services Committee, was on a high- 10/4/1955 #12489  
l, Jr. (D-GA)—then chairman of the Armed Services Committee—was on a Soviet 10/14/1955 #12503  
house [US Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces?]. He is kept there and int 11/17/1957 #14571  
director, Dr. Amaral, and later by armed forces technicians and scientists  11/2/1959 #16076  
roach and attack it as if they are armed. As they approach on a collision c Early 1960 #16146  
at, it would seem incumbent on the armed forces to waste no time in alertin 2/27/1960 #16186  
l Robert Smart (House Committee on Armed Services); Spencer Beresford, Rich 7/15/1960 #16337  
crambles the crews of B-52 bombers armed with nuclear warheads to prepare a 10/5/1960 #16481  
   USAF ATIC is asked by the House Armed Services Subcommittee how the USAF 3/17/1961 #16634  
y the CIA, Brigade 2506 fronts the armed wing of the Democratic Revolutiona 4/17/1961 #16649  
ee days by the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces under the direct command of 4/17/1961 #16649  
son (D-Ga.), chairman of the House Armed Services Committee. Vinson forward 7/2/1963 #17824  
ch immediately sent out MP’s, well armed. All law officers were ordered bac 3/21/1966 #20014  
l Rivers (D-S.C.), chairman of the Armed Services Committee, saying he is d 3/28/1966 #20116  
                          US House Armed Services Committee hearing on UFOs 4/5/1966 #20246  
e of Scientific Research The House Armed Services Committee conducts the fi 4/5/1966 #20249  
Hector Quintanilla tells the House Armed Services Committee that Project Bl 4/5/1966 #20253  
n attempted to approach the scene, armed with fire extinguishers. When they 4/20/1967 #22172  
k herself up in their house. He is armed with a rifle and frightened, so da 8/13/1967 #22873  
 cigar-shaped object, and a figure armed with a flashing weapon that immobi 10/9/1968 #24553  
 cigar-shaped object, and a figure armed with a flashing weapon that immobi 10/9/1968 #24554  
 as well. According to the Finnish Armed Forces magazine Ruotuväki, the rep 4/12/1969 #25057  
vador Allende is overthrown by the armed forces and national police in a co 9/11/1973 #27801  
 erupted on the radio. Alarmed, he armed himself with a gun and went outsid 5/26/1974 #29136  
 a rocky hill. It is surrounded by armed military personnel.                5/28/1974 #29142  
 10:10 p.m. John Breen, a Canadian armed forces pilot, is paced by a UFO ov 10/10/1974 #29512  
 camp commandant and about a dozen armed men run up to the barracks entranc Fall 1975 #30380  
en they got two other friends, and armed with a 22-caliber rifle he returne 1/11/1976 #30785  
 with security detachment properly armed. There was no mention of an attemp 1977 #31658  
ve minutes. When a crowd of people armed with flashlights approached, the o 1/23/1977 #31748  
achines (looking like a giant one- armed tombstone, a 7-foot teletype machi 1/27/1977 #31759  
l more times as the first witness, armed with a knife, ran around trying to 9/10/1978 #33657  
 the two-way radio would not work. Armed with a pistol and a flashlight he  12/6/1978 #34069  
 (D-N.Y.) expresses concern to his Armed Services Investigations Subcommitt 12/20/1978 #34183  
Samuel S. Stratton tells the House Armed Services Investigations Subcommitt 12/20/1978 #34186  
formation collected by the Spanish armed forces.                            3/3/1979 #34462  
 led by Maurice Bishop launches an armed revolution and overthrows the gove 3/13/1979 #34475  
htened and then faded. The witness armed himself with a handgun and went ou 10/6/1979 #34947  
around 5 p.m. when eight very tall armed men approached him. They had appar 11/30/1979 #35033  
ne. Both men remained in the jeep, armed with their side arms, and watching 8/16/1980 #35459  
y officials have testified that US armed forces do not have a large, diamon 12/29/1980 #35757  
base 10 miles away, and ask for an armed helicopter, the UFO is gone. Many  7/24/1984 #37412  
 concerned that as a member of the Armed Services Committee he has not been 3/3/1985 #37565  
en radar spots UFO's and spotters, armed with cameras and binoculars, set o 3/23/1985 #37573  
stricted airspace around the site. Armed guards prohibit entry, including f 7/11/1986 #37939  
disc was kept in a big hangar with armed guards with possibly hundreds of p 1990 #39358  
ar Station. At around midnight, as armed guards approached the object, with 9/13/1990 #39732  
fied but determined to help, Pedro armed himself with a shotgun and searche 3/5/1992 #40359  
James V. Forrestal established the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project (AF 1994 #41349  
mplex in Hialeah Gardens, Florida. Armed with his flashlight, he approached 12/9/1995 #42639  
 on top. Two of the witnesses, one armed with a shotgun, approached to with 7/23/1997 #43359  
s fled the area, but soon returned armed with a camera and a pair of binocu 9/5/1997 #43395  
outside when he heard some noises. Armed with a metal bar, he searched arou 7/11/2000 #44014  
 this night. Hundreds of villagers armed with farm tools as weapons searche 5/1/2001 #44173  
uld have been killed. However, the armed Predator does not go into action b Early 6/2001 #44190  
itnesses went into their truck and armed themselves, and decided to leave w 5/16/2003 #44538  
f the men went to investigate, one armed with a powerful flashlight and the 4/12/2008 #45128  
 no identification, one of them is armed, and they behave oddly as they int 5/8/2009 #45220  
ar his property. One of the men is armed and they produce no identification 5/8/2009 #45221  
h representatives of the Brazilian armed forces at the Ministry of Defense  4/18/2013 #45364  
icists, and representatives of the armed forces. All seem to accept the pre 7/31/2014 #45412  
 Grenstad tells the media that the Armed Forces reported to the Swedish gov 4/13/2015 #45436  
e phenomena for the benefit of the armed forces and the nation.”            10/4/2017 #45483  
ts" to staff members of the Senate Armed Services Committee.                10/21/2019 #45613  
 data to be delivered to the Joint Armed Services Committee by the end of J 12/27/2020 #45670  
 to Congressional Intelligence and Armed Services Committees on progress ma 6/25/2021 #45695  
## Word: "armee" (Back to Top)
. 44; Jean-Claude Bourret, OVNI l' Armee Parle, p. 146; David F. Webb and T 1/5/1976 #30760  
## Word: "armel" (Back to Top)
                               ST. ARMEL, FR Huge disk over hv lines. Car m 3/25/1978 #33080  
## Word: "armen" (Back to Top)
        Henry Azadehdel (pseudonym Armen Victorian) interviews Eric Walker, 1990 #39355  
abib “Henry” Azadehdel (pseudonym “Armen Victorian”) calls Eric A. Walker a 1/26/1990 #39390  
## Word: "armenia" (Back to Top)
he Metsamor Nuclear Power Plant in Armenia Kola Peninsula in northwest Russ 10/1982 #36625  
he Metsamor Nuclear Power Plant in Armenia. The turbine hall burns down, an 10/1982 #36625  
                            SEVAN, ARMENIA Large luminous UFO lands / park. 10/24/1988 #38684  
ous UFO landed in a park in Sevan, Armenia, and then took off again. Black  10/24/1988 #38688  
                          YEREVAN, ARMENIA 6M sphere/orb/globe going down.  4/15/1990 (approximate) #39525  
## Word: "armenians" (Back to Top)
ts Christian minorities, including Armenians, Assyrians and Greeks.         5/24/1915 #928  
## Word: "armentieres" (Back to Top)
                                   ARMENTIERES, FR Dozens / (seen thru) bin 10/3/1954 #10646  
## Word: "armidale" (Back to Top)
ation over golf course. Later over Armidale.                                1/1954 #9427  
ce called Bakers Creek Falls, near Armidale, New South Wales. The object wa 1/10/1978 #32867  
ce called Bakers Creek Falls, near Armidale, New South Wales. The object wa 1/10/1978 #32870  
                                   ARMIDALE, AUSTR 1 observer. ~35'.circ.ob 1/19/1978 #32898  
## Word: "armies" (Back to Top)
out a battle in the sky by phantom armies told as an allegory of what await 4/4/1561 #32  
## Word: "armies'" (Back to Top)
                 VERDUN, FR 'Fiery armies' pass in sky here and all E. Fran 3/927 (approximate) #4  
## Word: "armindo" (Back to Top)
urrounded another plane with Capt. Armindo Souza Viriato de Marinho, K.C. F 5/19/1986 #37874  
missiles. One of the pilots, Capt. Armindo Sousa Viriato de Freitas, is vec 5/19/1986 #37881  
## Word: "arming" (Back to Top)
at could hypothetically damage the arming devices on Soviet ICBM warheads ( 8/27/1958 #15229  
orists then experiment on the men, arming them with knives and trying to in 7/1968 #24107  
## Word: "armless" (Back to Top)
Mill Lake, Ohio. It appeared to be armless and had large, bright greenish e 3/28/1959 #15677  
LE, WEST AUST 2 observer(s). Black armless 3.5M figure with 3 white patches 9/19/1992 #40630  
                                An armless, neckless black entity was seen  9/19/1992 #40631  
## Word: "armonia" (Back to Top)
     Late on this same night in La Armonia, Argentina a man was in his bed  6/14/1968 #24035  
## Word: "armor" (Back to Top)
m light and appeared to be wearing armor. It wore a helmet with a transpare 10/18/1954 #11225  
 and had clothes resembling bright armor. They vanished suddenly, and the c 10/27/1954 #11445  
y had on clothes resembling bright armor. They vanished suddenly, and the c 10/27/1954 #11453  
ressed in what appeared to be body armor and a helmet with a protuberance i 9/3/1976 #31338  
 what appeared to be V-shaped body armor equipped with a luminous backpack. 8/8/1998 #43620  
## Word: "armor-making" (Back to Top)
lub’s president, his Philadelphian armor-making rival, and a French poet—in 1865 #163  
## Word: "armor-plage" (Back to Top)
                           NORTH / ARMOR-PLAGE, FR Glowing-dome / field. Li 1/11/1978 #32873  
## Word: "armored" (Back to Top)
the noise, thinking that it was an armored car. Suddenly the object retalia 1922 #1017  
r. and other soldiers of the 489th Armored Field Artillery near Weert, Neth Late 10/1944 #1684  
0:30 p.m. Company A of the US 44th Armored Infantry Battalion is bivouacked 3/25/1945 #1827  
.m. A group of soldiers of the 2nd Armored Division stationed at Fort Hood, 1949 #3945  
Texas Witnesses: guards of the 2nd Armored Division. While awaiting the sta 3/17/1949 #4048  
lloch, assistant G-2 of the Second Armored Division at Camp Hood, who is dr 3/17/1949 #4049  
 Desert Rock VI, which includes an armored task force Razor moving to withi 2/18/1955 #12010  
the road. They wore shiny metallic armored suits and fishbowl-like clear he 7/20/1982 #36538  
## Word: "armory" (Back to Top)
                                   Armory Hall Natchitoches, Louisiana 1:30 4/19/1897 #534  
 are returning from a party at the Armory Hall in Natchitoches, Louisiana,  4/19/1897 #534  
were ordered to draw arms from the armory and patrol after a large spherica 10/1973 #27903  
## Word: "armour" (Back to Top)
states in his CV he worked for the Armour Research Foundation in Chicago, I Late 1956 #13281  
ntic in Outgrowth at the time were Armour Research Foundation, IIT Research 8/2004 #44724  
## Word: "armouries" (Back to Top)
          The Senior Curator/Royal Armouries Museum reported two circular f 9/13/2003 #44598  
## Word: "armpit" (Back to Top)
e marks on his skin under his left armpit and above his ankle, and he often 11/1977 #32648  
## Word: "armpits" (Back to Top)
 lands. Da Silva is carried by his armpits into a large quadrangular room,  5/4/1969 #25114  
of seconds he was seized under the armpits by masked two four-foot-tall hum 5/4/1969 #25115  
## Word: "armpriester" (Back to Top)
eer in Nahant, Massachusetts named Armpriester sighting two disc-shaped obj 7/23/1952 #7085  
## Word: "armrest" (Back to Top)
he crewmembers who raised the left armrest and nimbly fingered several silv 2/5/1978 #32957  
## Word: "arms" (Back to Top)
 It is circular, with four rays or arms extending from the center to the ed 3/22/1870 #184  
 he was sitting on something.” His arms are hanging down by his sides. He h 5/1913 #888  
ure with a large head and dangling arms in a field off Anstey Lane, Leicest Summer 1928 #1087  
s/glowing white observer(s) 12cm / arms length. Hovers / minutes. Rises and 1/21/1933 #1153  
arent size of a 12 cm coin held at arms length, hovered over Bondy, Seine-S 1/21/1933 #1154  
bodies about 4 feet tall with long arms, oversized heads, and large eyes. H Early Spring 1941 #1355  
hoto of an alien propped up by the arms between two plainclothesmen. The fo Early Spring 1941 #1355  
 and there are no apparent legs or arms. She inadvertently makes a noise, a Late 8/1944 #1647  
 with only a slit for a mouth. The arms are long, with long thin fingers. T 10/1944 #1673  
e in color; size of tennis ball at arms length. (Page 119 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 12/1944 #1715  
light, about the size of a dime at arms length, move and then return to ori 9/1945 #1933  
ched like the claws of a bird. His arms are burned and the flesh on his fin 3/5/1946 #1973  
hey were the size of small peas at arms length, traveling high and fast.    9/11/1946 #2178  
k / cloud level going east. 20cm / arms length. Slow. Weaves and jumps.     7/5/1947 #2698  
le and translucent amoeba / waving arms. Fast.                              9/23/1948 #3807  
h a dark spot near the center. The arms of the "amoeba" undulated. Both obj 9/23/1948 #3810  
h a dark spot near the center. The arms of the "amoeba" undulated. Both obj 9/23/1948 #3813  
 took off very fast. The faces and arms of the boys later became red.       4/8/1950 #4828  
 took off very fast. The faces and arms of the boys later became red with w 4/8/1950 #4832  
of them wore a red cap, had darker arms and legs and "seemed to be their ch 7/2/1950 #5038  
of them wore a red cap, had darker arms and legs and seemed to be their lea 7/2/1950 #5040  
be the size of a matchhead held at arms length. There were nine other witne 1/12/1951 #5393  
fornia Witnesses: three men on the arms range, plus one Lt. Colonel 4 miles 5/1/1952 #6240  
 apparent size is a half dollar at arms length. They wobble in flight.      5/13/1952 #6317  
 apparent size of a half dollar at arms length, one-quarter turned and wobb 5/13/1952 #6320  
t straight and level. Large coin / arms length.                             8/22/1952 #7677  
 group that sets off bombs, steals arms and explosives, and robs a bank. He 11/1952 #8227  
 mass / curves. Small disks hang / arms. Very fast.                         11/28/1952 #8350  
builds, narrow shoulders, and long arms. The abductees were paralyzed, take 3/22/1953 #8776  
d and the trunk was also seen. His arms and legs were covered with  tweedli 5/20/1953 #8888  
e head and body was also seen. His arms and legs were covered with tweed-li 5/20/1953 #8890  
veral / tower. Hazy ovoid = 23cm / arms length. Vanishes in place. / MJ#242 6/16/1953 #8934  
n front and a metal sheet on their arms. One of them smacks the boy’s face, 7/1/1953 #8982  
 front, and a metal sheet on their arms. One of them smacked the boy's face 7/1/1953 #8983  
n front and a metal sheet on their arms. One of them smacked the boy's face 7/2/1953 #8986  
acks. They had helmets under their arms. The witness thought they were pilo 8/18/1953 #9080  
e back of their necks. Under their arms they carried football-style crash h 8/18/1953 #9081  
erris wheel / many lights'. 30cm / arms length. Going quickly west. Turns g 10/31/1953 #9264  
y. It's apparent size was 30 cm at arms length. It flew rapidly to the west 10/31/1953 #9266  
ropped his shotgun as two powerful arms closed over his throat. He managed  4/10/1954 #9681  
wore dark diving suits. No face or arms were visible. Traces made by an obj 9/10/1954 #10284  
 covering large heads. No faces or arms are visible. When he tries to cut t 9/10/1954 #10286  
 with diver's helmets. No faces or arms were visible. Imprints were made by 9/10/1954 #10288  
than human eyes." She could see no arms on the creature. When he began wadd 9/26/1954 #10452  
ad two pear-shaped boxes under his arms that may have assisted his ascent.  10/4/1954 #10703  
-foot-tall bluish-gray figure with arms and legs spread. His headlights go  10/15/1954 #11111  
usness and fell into her husband's arms, but Andre continued on with his wi 10/19/1954 #11252  
the light source. They lacked both arms and legs, and essentially resembled 10/25/1954 #11404  
erged and came toward the car with arms raised. As the frightened witnesses 11/10/1954 #11619  
erge and approach them with raised arms. The witnesses speed away.          11/10/1954 #11620  
 his clothing and gloves as if his arms are bare. He feels the same thing o 11/17/1954 #11663  
oking at a fence, and the head and arms of a third one were visible inside  12/9/1954 #11784  
arply outline. Curves / sky. Pea / arms length.                             2/25/1955 #12018  
ey had froglike face, long slender arms, normal eyes, but no eyebrows. One  3/1955 #12021  
g blue flashes) between his raised arms. Hunnicutt tried to go near but "mu 3/1955 #12021  
 CA Teen. Saucer = silver dollar / arms length. Fades away. = airport beaco 4/6/1955 #12082  
. They were small beings with thin arms, large eyes, and pointed chins. Two 7/3/1955 #12231  
me to a sharp point, and long thin arms with claws.                         7/3/1955 #12231  
. They were small beings with thin arms, wide shoulders, large eyes, and po 7/3/1955 #12233  
me to a sharp point, and long thin arms with claws.                         7/3/1955 #12233  
g quickly north. Size = baseball / arms length.                             7/30/1955 #12305  
n-tight black clothes. It held its arms close to its sides, its feet close  8/16/1955 #12363  
n-tight black clothes. It held its arms close to its sides, its feet close  8/16/1955 #12366  
t eyes, no visible necks, and long arms ending in clawed hands. They wear g 8/21/1955 #12386  
ect and the creatures, as well as "arms" which appeared to beckon to them.  8/22/1955 #12389  
ect and the creatures, as well as "arms" which appeared to beckon to them.  8/22/1955 #12390  
e south going quickly north. 6mm / arms length. 10 second(s) each.          8/23/1955 #12394  
m in mid-air. A creature with four arms appeared, and told two of the boys  8/29/1955 #12416  
an arc / 1 minute(s). Size = 4cm / arms length.                             9/7/1955 #12430  
lue Book. Saucer = silver dollar / arms length. Deep rumble and jets / side 9/13/1955 #12449  
ar; the men inside felt that their arms and legs "went dead" and that their 11/2/1955 #12544  
 have dark hair on their heads and arms and are wearing short-sleeved smock 6/1956 #12880  
s). Pink-glowing saucer. Quarter / arms length. Straight and level flight s 7/11/1956 #12962  
st. Ascends straight up. Quarter / arms length.                             7/12/1956 #12967  
(s). Bright yellow object = dime / arms length. Violent maneuvers / 2-5 min 7/30/1956 #13029  
head, large floppy ears, and short arms and legs. The texture of the creatu 12/15/1956 #13405  
zigzags going north. Size = dime / arms length. No further details.         7/25/1957 #13833  
orus circles and maneuvers between arms / horseshoe.                        11/20/1957 #14581  
cigar-shape going [to] slow. 8cm / arms length. 8 shimmering lights / side. 12/1/1957 #14657  
BC Boy / 12. 3M ovoid with buzzing arms / 1M altitude. BEAMs toward(s) car  2/24/1958 #14886  
ture with scaly skin and very long arms. The pointed nails of its long fing 5/2/1958 #15010  
ture with scaly skin and very long arms. The pointed nails of its long fing 5/2/1958 #15011  
manating from it. It had very long arms, a scaly body, and wore a flight co 5/27/1958 #15056  
rom the creature. It had very long arms, a scaly body, and wore a flightsui 5/27/1958 #15057  
void over treetops / 5 min. 3 cm / arms length. 90° turn. Circles.          11/20/1958 #15453  
circles near the craft, their long arms dangling to the ice. They had very  12/11/1958 #15474  
 going southwest over car. 2.5cm / arms length. Yellow windows all over/all 1/11/1959 #15543  
lly bending over and raising their arms as though adjusting or setting up s 6/26/1959 #15790  
ill and another teacher wave their arms, and two of the figures on the main 6/26/1959 #15790  
e going east / 5 minute(s). 10cm / ARMs length. No further details.         1/18/1960 #16151  
ed as having broad shoulders, long arms, a dark body, no ears or nose, and  6/10/1960 #16311  
 sees an object 4–6 feet wide with arms or spokes is rotating rapidly in th 6/22/1960 #16315  
 behind him and saw an object with arms or spokes rotating in the water. It 6/22/1960 #16316  
by radio, but it goes unheeded. He arms a Sidewinder rocket and tries to cl 1/29/1962 #17026  
r tall, had a small head and short arms, and looked like the "Michelin" tir 8/30/1962 #17374  
y announces an agreement to supply arms and military technicians to Cuba. C 9/1/1962 #17381  
, on 15 minutes notice. The Soviet arms freighters turn back toward Europe, 10/25/1962 #17495  
d white hair, a small goatee, long arms, a reddish-blue complexion, and wor 5/15/1964 #18271  
vertically. Parham now notices his arms are beginning to burn. He immediate 6/30/1964 #18386  
e oily stains, as well as both his arms from the shoulder down.             6/30/1964 #18386  
rning sensation on their faces and arms.                                    7/7/1964 #18397  
 south in front / mountains. 4cm / arms length. Banks going up / 45°.       8/29/1964 #18520  
00 feet away and walks, waving his arms, toward the UFO, which is hovering  3/15/1965 #18859  
 75 feet from the UFO he waves his arms again. The object beams a light lik 3/15/1965 #18859  
h cylinder/cylindrical object with arms. Booster? / MJ#214+/ r33p115.       6/3/1965 #18987  
ite sighted a "weird object" with "arms" while in orbit over the Pacific Oc 6/4/1965 #18991  
and down slightly, and the beings’ arms are moving in a way that reminds Ha 7/1965 #19039  
lar luminous/glowing object with 4 arms hovers / 45 minute(s). Each arm has 7/19/1965 #19123  
ILLE, ON Domed 6M object / extends arms. Chases car. Zips going up. / r204p 7/20/1965 #19147  
member wore metallic plates on his arms, which had numerous small lights.   7/21/1965 #19156  
th. White. Segmented tail. 'Coin / ARMs length'.                            8/1/1965 #19233  
humanoid figure with long dangling arms, and wearing a silvery jumpsuit, st 8/14/1965 #19391  
ey were “bouncing up & down, their arms flopping at their sides” in a “stif 8/16/1965 #19410  
s with "tripod legs and matchstick arms," brownish-black in color, having n 10/23/1965 #19677  
 “tripod legs and three matchstick arms.” They have no eyes, but Townsend f 10/23/1965 #19678  
. Lights / bottom/underside. 6mm / arms length.                             4/2/1966 #20205  
ll wheels on the bottoms and four "arms" on the sides came down the ramp. O 8/20/1966 #20781  
kling object glides / power lines. Arms protrude. Hums.                     10/23/1966 #21027  
Detective and 5. UFO = "25c coin / ARMs length". Same time / 3 nights runni 10/23/1966 #21028  
mpton, Long Island, NY Object with arms in front of it which sparkled like  10/23/1966 #21030  
ness:  Mr Acquino. One object with arms in front of it which sparkled like  10/23/1966 #21031  
gs, but they did have quick moving arms. After about five minutes they disa 2/14/1967 #21552  
eves, boots, and bracelets on both arms. On his chest he wore an insignia o 5/15/1967 #22348  
 the verticals and linking the two arms. In August, another photographer ca 6/1/1967 #22448  
ped head, and long rubbery-looking arms was visible at one of the windows,  7/20/1967 #22708  
nd a featureless face. It had long arms that were raised. She viewed the en 7/20/1967 #22713  
nd had an over-sized head, with no arms. The boy left his room screaming, s 8/16/1967 #22886  
erky motions, raised a tube in its arms, and had a "shimmering" appearance. 8/23/1967 #22902  
earing dark clothing. It lifts its arms and seems to be holding a box-like  8/23/1967 #22905  
hen it jerkily raised its head and arms, holding a box from which a short t 8/23/1967 #22908  
ing an opaque helmet. It moved its arms stiffly, as if trying to stop cars. 9/3/1967 #22991  
Cylinder/cylindrical object with 4 arms over nuclear plant. Dogs scared. /  10/26/1967 #23326  
        Portland, UK Cylinder w/ 4 arms over nuc plant, A-R (NICAP: 10 - Nu 10/26/1967 #23328  
 around it side by side with their arms hanging by their sides. After about 11/24/1967 #23508  
ith four appendages—presumably two arms and two legs—was sighted. It left d 12/3/1967 #23548  
n with a ballpoint pen on his bare arms. They next told him they would meet 1/25/1968 #23700  
t inflicts superficial cuts on her arms. The entity picks up the machine, w 3/10/1968 #23834  
Its legs were round and thick. Its arms, or forelegs, were small, and as th 4/3/1968 #23886  
uminous green in color. He had his arms crossed and was rocking his body sl 5/22/1968 #23980  
m and drops on the floor, head and arms on a divan. A few minutes later, he 6/15/1968 #24039  
t 12 similar giants. They took his arms and he began to "trace signs automa 6/20/1968 #24056  
a white head and torso, from whose arms wings extended. It was sighted seve 6/20/1968 #24057  
feet tall with three legs and four arms. A beam of light comes from the cen 7/1968 #24109  
arge eyes and fang-like teeth. Its arms were disproportionately long, like  7/1/1968 #24121  
roportionately long, like an ape's arms. It wore a silvery colored suit and 7/1/1968 #24121  
each of the humanoids raised their arms as if waiting to be covered by the  7/20/1968 #24195  
earby shadows. It had long curving arms and was hunched over; it suddenly m 8/4/1968 #24296  
igure had large shoulders and long arms that hung down. It vanished quickly 8/6/1968 #24301  
 outfit and had very long dangling arms. The being's eyes also shone with a 8/31/1968 #24410  
ange sphere going [to] WSW. 40cm / arms length.                             9/26/1968 #24514  
th large heads and abnormally long arms, and heard a sound like digging. Th 10/15/1968 #24563  
eet tall, only 30 meters away. Its arms were longer than normal, it wore a  11/14/1968 #24656  
ids was mechanical in nature, with arms straight down their sides with no a 1/6/1969 #24822  
 large as humans," and had "blocky arms and legs and shapeless bodies." The 1/14/1969 #24842  
ar. Next, the hair stood up on her arms. She then saw a bluish-white beam o 3/6/1969 #24977  
 at the ankles. He did not see any arms, and he could not detect features b 5/11/1969 #25128  
 from view. Beam paralyzes exposed arms.                                    6/1969 #25180  
am of energy paralyzed the exposed arms of two of the witnesses.            6/3/1969 #25194  
e man, 3 to 4 feet tall, with long arms and hands with only two digits, eme 10/16/1969 #25417  
houlders and narrow hips, but with arms shorter than normal. One was much l 12/27/1969 #25510  
with a pulsating yellow light. Its arms and legs are very thin, its face pa 1/7/1970 #25540  
 the illuminated area. He had thin arms and legs, a pale waxy complexion wi 1/7/1970 #25541  
n three feet tall, who raised both arms to cover his face as the car approa 8/19/1970 #25797  
0' grey saucer / field. Retracts 2 arms and rises as observer(s) nears. Glo 12/7/1970 #25930  
ss and stinging sensation in their arms and wrists. When the UFO departed,  2/26/1971 #26033  
re, who was hunched over, had long arms, and wore shiny, light reflecting c 5/15/1971 #26110  
shion. The humanoid being had long arms and wore shiny, light reflecting cl 5/15/1971 #26111  
larger than normal and it had long arms. It appeared to be wearing a wet su 8/16/1971 #26291  
unzio felt a paralysis in both his arms. He could walk, but his arms became 9/20/1971 #26354  
h his arms. He could walk, but his arms became so completely paralyzed that 9/20/1971 #26354  
 he suffered from paralysis in his arms, starting at midnight and lasting u 9/20/1971 #26354  
ven-foot tall, with extremely long arms, which hung limply at his sides. He 10/28/1971 #26438  
inder/cigar-shape going NNE. 3cm / arms length.                             11/4/1971 #26455  
 separate observer(s). UFO = 5cm / arms length.                             12/19/1971 #26508  
t toward(s) mountain. Size = 2cm / arms length. 600M altitude.              3/27/1972 #26626  
embling human beings but with long arms that dangled to the ground. They we 5/2/1972 #26669  
 orange cylinder/cigar-shape 6mm / arms length going quickly northeast fast 7/6/1972 #26776  
ickly south / low altitude. 60cm / arms length. All over / seconds.         8/2/1972 #26867  
e circles for eyes, but no visible arms or legs. It turns toward her and sh 8/9/1972 #26889  
also the smell of burning oil. His arms and legs were paralyzed. After 30 s 9/27/1972 #27035  
omplexion was very white. Legs and arms were extremely long, and he did not 9/28/1972 #27038  
eyes, he could not move either his arms or legs. He heard a humming noise,  9/28/1972 #27038  
 with an opaque helmet. The beings arms were cut off short without any hand 3/13/1973 #27343  
houlders. He could not distinguish arms and legs but the one behind the bea 3/24/1973 #27373  
houlders. He could not distinguish arms and legs, but the one behind the be 3/25/1973 #27376  
ed like a gourd. Nor did I see any arms. And I didn't wait to see if it mad 3/29/1973 #27390  
ning down the inside of one of the arms. The feet were clad with boots or s 5/12/1973 #27481  
 road ahead of him. They had their arms raised in the air, and they seemed  5/22/1973 #27520  
small ears, long flat noses, small arms, and wearing a cap with a ball in t 5/27/1973 #27533  
         ST. CLAUDE, FR Saucer / 4 arms touches power lines. Going southwes 6/1973 #27541  
sengers then got out, waving their arms. The object was very close to the g 9/13/1973 #27815  
n something, and their long skinny arms were crossing each other. The craft 9/15/1973 #27825  
were obscured by high grass. Their arms were slender and their hands normal 9/27/1973 #27879  
 his squadron were ordered to draw arms from the armory and patrol after a  10/1973 #27903  
ere pointed and retractable. Their arms were unusually long, and their hand 10/11/1973 #28005  
 the beings grabbed Hickson by his arms he felt a pain in his left shoulder 10/11/1973 #28005  
ing in an open door; it has stumpy arms (she sees no legs) and quickly disa 10/16/1973 #28085  
about 2.5 feet tall and had stumpy arms, and a face with "spiky things at t 10/16/1973 #28091  
rom a couch and carried her by the arms. Her next memory was of a big, brig 10/16/1973 #28093  
 like marks in a triangle on their arms, and recalled going through physica 10/17/1973 #28135  
ery odd manner, from side to side, arms down to his sides, and it looked as 10/17/1973 #28142  
 robot's. From the elbows down the arms were narrow and wrinkled, like a ch 10/19/1973 #28200  
formly gray, and it was moving its arms in the sort of jerky way a robot wo 10/21/1973 #28229  
ey move in a clumsy fashion, their arms flopping oddly along their sides. D 10/22/1973 #28241  
made a loud noise and raised their arms as if to scare her. About 15 minute 10/22/1973 #28244  
, covered with hair, and with long arms hanging down past the knees. They d 10/25/1973 #28286  
ses. They floated about with their arms held close to their bodies. (Contin 10/29/1973 #28319  
 silvery figure(s) / bridge. Split arms. No UFO seen. / r178.               11/7/1973 #28380  
possessed a large round head, long arms, and a bright red glow that emanate 12/2/1973 #28508  
in a slumped forward posture, long arms dangling nearly to the ground. Behi 1/4/1974 #28643  
slumped forward posture, with long arms dangling nearly to the ground. Behi 1/6/1974 #28654  
s shaped like inverted pears, long arms, large eyes, and no noses. One is a 1/7/1974 #28660  
of the chest. Both beings had long arms. The interior of the helmets appear 1/7/1974 #28661  
all entities with large eyes, long arms, and pointed ears entered the house 3/12/1974 #28874  
ouettes of three persons with long arms, bending forward. They appeared "sm 3/15/1974 #28891  
ject, and they gestured with their arms. One went around the side of the UF 3/21/1974 #28920  
manoid (or Grey) by roadside. Long arms. Car restarts!                      3/25/1974? #28945  
f the road, who had unusually long arms. The car engine restarted spontaneo 3/25/1974 #28949  
They are about 6.5 feet tall, with arms and legs, but he cannot see their f 3/26/1974 #28956  
n wore no helmet, and had muscular arms. In February 1973 Faria had seen a  5/1/1974 #29078  
r that left claw markson his upper arms. These marks remained for eight mon 5/1/1974 #29078  
ngated head, grayish=looking skin, arms that extended well below his knees, 5/5/1974 #29085  
and had long, large bald heads and arms with clawed hands; their legs were  5/7/1974 #29093  
ASM Night light buzzes car. 13cm / arms length. Responds / headlights. Fade 6/13/1974 #29185  
s, and grayish-colored skin. Their arms were long, but she could not recall 7/17/1974 #29266  
ild, about 6' 6" tall, holding its arms outstretched in front. The being wo 8/1/1974 #29298  
        NIERGNIES, FR Saucer with "arms" low over field. Going quickly NNW. 8/28/1974 #29395  
 when a saucer-shaped object with "arms" came in low over a beet field. Bur 8/28/1974 #29399  
r. The mother suffers from swollen arms and fingers the following day. The  9/16/1974 #29459  
effects, Mrs. Richards had swollen arms, fingers, and became numb on the ri 9/16/1974 #29460  
moved about heavily swinging their arms. Fifteen minutes later, at 12:45 a. 9/29/1974 #29492  
o further details about the beings arms or legs. Cravero was impressed by t 11/8/1974 #29589  
.” Inside stands a figure with its arms raised above its head. He thinks th 12/2/1974 #29629  
re visible from the waist up, with arms upraised over his head, as if in te 12/2/1974 #29631  
at stuck straight out, brown furry arms, and a hairy torso. The eyes were l 12/2/1974 #29631  
 up to their necks. Although their arms terminated in fingerless stumps, th 1/5/1975 #29723  
ts. They seemed to be moving their arms around. The witness became frighten 6/1/1975 #30074  
 the young people. They held their arms as if they were "glued to their bod 8/8/1975 #30244  
and it had long metallic-appearing arms. Its body was like "brown vinyl." ( 8/26/1975 #30309  
ong metallic-appearing, mechanical arms. Its body was like "brown vinyl." N 8/26/1975 #30312  
 with long narrow legs, very short arms, & "a face that occupied about half 9/3/1975 #30339  
 had "four large landing gear like arms coming out of it." On this night Mr 9/15/1975 #30363  
 east slope. Large ovoid / ground. Arms extend and wave / 5 minute(s) and r 10/20/1975 #30451  
o KC-135 aircraft are hit by small arms fire. Security forces pursue the in 11/3/1975 #30546  
s away. These beings had very long arms and were taking extraordinarily lon 11/8/1975 #30584  
wife, and she had scratches on her arms and legs that she could not account 11/27/1975 #30669  
 like bodies with metallic looking arms, and mummy-like heads bandaged up i 12/2/1975 #30681  
he man then slowly raised both his arms above his head. Le Duc swerved his  12/11/1975 #30705  
feet tall and very thin, with long arms and matted reddish, shoulder-length 12/11/1975 #30705  
 in a single slow-motion leap, its arms above its head. The witness describ 12/14/1975 #30715  
 strange marks on his forehead and arms, and experienced headaches. (Richar 12/17/1975 #30720  
 strange marks on his forehead and arms, and experienced headaches.         12/17/1975 #30721  
circle. He walked stiffly with his arms extended in front of him, in the ma 1/5/1976 #30761  
alk 80 feet behind, still with its arms held out stiffly in front of him. J 1/5/1976 #30761  
onately small legs, and in lieu of arms, a telescopic “pole” about 7 feet l 1/9/1976 #30781  
ng suit on roadside. Helmet. Loose arms. / r30.                             1/26/1976 #30820  
r feels a strong irritation in his arms. Ballpoint pens in Coutinho’s pocke 6/23/1976 #31134  
 / roadside. Lights area like day. Arms and legs.                           7/21/1976 #31175  
two greenish beings sat with their arms over a table with little black knob 8/25/1976 #31302  
ate.” The skin on their cheeks and arms was bumpy and rough like an alligat 8/25/1976 #31302  
 some trees. The beings open their arms in an apparent blocking gesture, co 9/3/1976 #31335  
hree small beings spread out their arms in an obvious attempt to block him, 9/3/1976 #31341  
gling cables, and on each were two arms with hooks which retracted when Pec 9/10/1976 #31373  
nose, a slit for a mouth, and long arms. It walked to the edge of the roof  9/22/1976 #31420  
r extremities; similarly, its thin arms were lacking hands and fingers. The 10/15/1976 #31465  
red to be covered by a helmet. The arms seemed to be crossed, and legs and  11/12/1976 #31540  
eless line, and having no signs of arms or legs, glided over the street in  12/10/1976 #31593  
LAN, FR Glowing figure / very long arms. Guard paralyzed. Post radio RFIs.  12/12/1976 #31595  
l and pot-bellied, with long, thin arms and large, black eyes. When he come 1977 #31656  
 six feet tall and thin, with long arms. They are wearing white one-piece u 1/6/1977 #31706  
 six feet tall and thin, with long arms and they wore white one-piece unifo 1/6/1977 #31707  
man-looking bodies, but their long arms reached almost below their knees. A 2/24/1977 #31846  
igure, who floated in the air with arms out and legs bent back, like a "fre 4/7/1977 #31956  
igure, who floated in the air with arms out and legs bent back, like a "fre 4/7/1977 #31957  
ir car and dented it, flinging its arms up and down. The following night th 4/12/1977 #31978  
have slender torsos and long, thin arms. Their skin is tan or gray, elastic 5/1977 #32042  
s surroundings. It had no distinct arms or legs that could be discerned. A  5/8/1977 #32074  
Ovoid hovers. Narrow bottom. 8cm / arms length. Vanishes in place.          5/10/1977 #32081  
od at least six-foot tall, and his arms were disproportionately short. He w 5/18/1977 #32111  
orce their heads down to see their arms glowing with electric blue light. M 6/17/1977 #32172  
he felt a numbing sensation in his arms and legs. (Sources: Leonte Objio, A 6/24/1977 #32189  
he felt a numbing sensation in his arms and legs.                           6/24/1977 #32191  
 body-shaped with projections like arms and legs.”                          7/1977 #32222  
ter is a yellowish light, with the arms of the spiral blue and greenish. Th 7/26/1977 #32317  
le the woman gesticulated with her arms, both beings remained indifferent t 8/3/1977 #32356  
 long and thin. They all had their arms crossed in front of their chest. Th 8/31/1977 #32447  
dies and long, elephant trunk-like arms ending in a single digit. Their rob 9/15/1977 #32485  
scent white color, with no visible arms or legs and no features on its head 11/13/1977 #32671  
isintegrate, burning his hands and arms. Jenkins helps him back to their se 11/16/1977 #32677  
 facial features, and it has short arms ending in claws. On its chest is a  1/2/1978 #32846  
ial features and it had very short arms ending in claws. It also had a box  1/2/1978 #32847  
feet tall with broad shoulders and arms that hung down its sides. It wore a 1/10/1978 #32872  
ig nose. He appeared to extend his arms over her.                           1/14/1978 #32881  
oot-tall being with fat head, long arms, and a slender body appears in fron 1/18/1978 #32894  
s gray/brown with a fat head, long arms and slender body.  https://www.app. 1/18/1978 #32895  
beings were the exceptionally long arms and hands, large crania and very la 2/5/1978 #32957  
ng quickly southwest. Each = 6mm / arms length.                             3/22/1978 #33064  
ey stood motionless and held their arms close to their bodies.              5/2/1978 #33184  
thin lips. The figure extended its arms at him, as if beckoning him to appr 5/2/1978 #33185  
where the skin is actually burned (arms, face, neck). These are noted on a  5/13/1978 #33202  
t on his face and in places on his arms, and these last a week. Allegedly,  5/13/1978 #33202  
e skin was actually burned, on his arms, face, and neck. These burns were v 5/13/1978 #33205  
d on his face and in places on his arms. He had the discomfort for a week.  5/13/1978 #33205  
 was able to make was to raise her arms to her chest. She could not utter a 7/11/1978 #33368  
lso bright blue in color; on their arms they wore shiny black gauntlets tha 9/10/1978 #33657  
er. They seemed to be moving their arms. The witness became frightened and  11/28/1978 #34015  
e emerged what looked like several arms ending in suction cups that covered 1/3/1979 #34292  
 robot-like in nature, lacking any arms, and it did not move its body when  2/26/1979 #34450  
orange 4M sphere with stiff waving arms going northeast slow.               4/27/1979 #34524  
 colored sphere with "stiff waving arms" or appendages was seen over a farm 4/27/1979 #34525  
 colored sphere with "stiff waving arms" or appendages was seen over a farm 4/27/1979 #34526  
nd a short squat figure with thick arms and legs and a round body appeared. 7/15/1979 #34655  
        A short humanoid with long arms was seen on the roadside of Highway 8/15/1979 #34744  
dlights. The being raised its long arms and at this point the car's engine  8/15/1979 #34744  
ght eyes, long fingers, and skinny arms. The beings seemed weak and fearful 10/6/1979 #34947  
 that appeared not to have eyes or arms, were seen moving around in a field 10/12/1979 #34953  
 black dots on his upper back. His arms were at his sides. The figure seeme 12/30/1979 #35104  
 east. Low steady humming. 2.5cm / arms length. 2nd object going west.      3/6/1980 #35196  
INA 2 girls. Ring / light = 5 cm / arms length. Hovers by cloud. Vanishes.  6/27/1980 #35392  
in the jeep, armed with their side arms, and watching the spectacle. Their  8/16/1980 #35459  
 nose, a large lipless mouth, long arms and hands, and very pale skin. He w 9/25/1980 #35535  
at the Reagan administration ships arms to Iran, both through Israel and di 10/15/1980 #35569  
ky. Glows. Apparent size = brick / arms length.                             11/1/1980 #35604  
le, instruments were placed on his arms and legs , which caused him discomf 11/28/1980 #35680  
wo beings entered, held her by her arms and pressed her down on the table.  2/10/1981 #35823  
th sloping shoulders, long hanging arms with 4 long fingers and had grayish 2/10/1981 #35823  
botic in nature; it lacked a head, arms or feet. A scorched area was found  2/13/1981 #35826  
e. It did not seem to have a head, arms or feet. The dog approached the fig 2/13/1981 #35827  
ld not make out any eyes, legs, or arms. The next thing she remembered was  5/1981 #35919  
 had deep set dark eyes, very thin arms, and strange noses. They wore green 7/15/1981 #36008  
man like figure then appeared, his arms seemed to be extended up into the a 10/8/1981 #36165  
 loose fitting silvery outfit, its arms were very long, and its feet resemb 10/8/1981 #36165  
human-looking UFOnaut emerged. His arms seemed to be extended up into the a 11/8/1981 #36211  
se fitting, silvery coveralls. His arms appeared to be very long, and his f 11/8/1981 #36211  
ith dark gray skin, extremely long arms and thick wrinkles on their forehea 12/15/1981 #36259  
. They were hairless, and had long arms and hands with only four-digits. Sh 1/22/1982 #36306  
l fluid or drugs going through her arms. They communicated with her using t 1/22/1982 #36306  
 to watch it, he sees it has three arms, small windows, and red and green s 3/21/1982 #36404  
 described as very thin, with long arms, and elongated egg shaped heads. (N 4/1982 #36423  
 at the side of the UFO. It had no arms, and the head was covered with a me 7/25/1982 #36551  
 creature, slender, with long thin arms, and with six fingers on each hand. 11/1/1982 #36669  
l, large head, large eyes, slender arms. Occupant outside of hovering objec 10/24/1984 #37492  
 quickly southwest. No wind. 6cm / arms length.                             11/15/1986 #38065  
ve blood from all three abductees' arms. They then inserted long needles in 3/7/1987 #38133  
lowing metallic stripes around the arms and waist approaching the object. I Mid 10/1987 #38305  
h an oversized head and long, thin arms. The creature makes a gesture at Sp 12/1/1987 #38345  
the road. He now felt numb and his arms were stinging. The object approache 1/12/1988 #38411  
 MONROE CITY, IN Red globe = 8cm / arms length. White lines / light / sides 8/22/1988 #38616  
ins to grow stronger and the pilot arms his missiles; but the missiles do n 12/1/1988 #38733  
other tall humanoids with dangling arms were observed standing near a power 5/1/1989 #38932  
anoid in a dark uniform, with long arms emerged. Three more objects repeate 6/6/1989 #38982  
foot tall humanoids with very thin arms and small heads had appeared in her 6/29/1989 #38997  
a a large hairy humanoid with long arms and small feet “scared the daylight 8/10/1989 #39051  
appeared to be pulling Anna by her arms and legs. Her husband tried to calm 10/8/1989 #39150  
 her the figures pulled her by her arms, but she resisted and began screami 10/8/1989 #39150  
nd no bruises nor abrasions on her arms, and strangely her clothing did not 10/8/1989 #39150  
 When the figure lifted one of its arms a cone of light appeared, causing i 10/28/1989 #39192  
 figure appeared to be holding his arms up to his face.                     10/31/1989 #39201  
 not make out any facial features, arms, or legs. One figure followed the o 8/31/1990 #39707  
nted eyes, long pointed ears, long arms, with three fingers on each hand an 8/31/1990 #39708  
ver(s). Metallic sphere/orb/globe. Arms hang. Good photographs. Slow and fa 9/10/1990 #39722  
 the object are four brass-colored arms in the shape of a cross. They lose  12/9/1990 #39927  
 "Blimp" circled / lights = 8cm at arms length. Telescope and photograph.   4/9/1991 #40032  
ruck back at one of the creature's arms. He managed to cut off one of the c 5/14/1991 #40060  
d ears. He was thin with very long arms, and hands with only three digits o 5/15/1991 #40064  
ely white in color, with thin long arms and a huge pear-shaped head that wa 7/21/1991 #40129  
th long skinny fingers on its long arms. The girls next ran back into the h 7/21/1991 #40129  
res completely, and only saw their arms and legs. Later that same evening a 8/13/1991 #40152  
arge heads and eyes. They had long arms ending in hands with three digits.  12/26/1991 #40267  
 The being was thin with long thin arms, a large head and large dark almond 3/13/1992 #40377  
ure between Wackenhut and Meridian Arms at the “Nevada Testing Range” were  5/13/1992 #40463  
 with featureless heads, long thin arms, and wearing robes were seen collec 8/11/1992 #40566  
o great strides. The entity had no arms and on either side of its head it h 9/19/1992 #40631  
low motion, and it never moved its arms or legs or made any facial gestures 9/24/1992 #40639  
a robot, never turning its head or arms, and it glowed with an off-white co 11/20/1992 #40721  
met, wide shoulders, and very long arms. At eye level there was a rectangul 11/23/1992 #40724  
e a short being with thin legs, no arms, and a large head that had glowing  12/10/1992 #40747  
's left breast. The being had long arms that ended in four long fingers. He 3/16/1993 #40886  
lvery diver's suits. They had long arms, pale complexions, large blue slant 3/20/1993 #40895  
 Odd "flying squid"-saucer. Curved arms and vertical stabilizer! See dwg.   4/21/1993 #40946  
er(s). Fireball like white flare / arms length. Hovers / 2 minute(s) and go 8/11/1993 #41127  
w-like front and boxy rear. 60cm / arms length.                             8/25/1993 #41158  
much larger than normal, long thin arms and an out of proportion abdomen in 10/23/1993 #41249  
bject hovers over refinery. 20cm / arms length.                             11/22/1993 #41289  
cond(s). Stops briefly. Each 1cm / arms length.                             7/31/1994 #41648  
s balls stop over Juan Gulf. 1cm / arms length. Vanish!                     8/10/1994 #41665  
d. Their apparent size was 1 cm at arms length. (3) There was also the co-o 8/10/1994 #41667  
l going quickly north. Slow. 1cm / ARMs length.                             9/6/1994 #41715  
eyes, soft wrinkly skin, very long arms, and four-digits on their hands. So 9/11/1994 #41734  
n. Lights / ends blink. 2 beams on arms.                                    10/7/1994 #41791  
ing northeast. Vanishes over barn. Arms plant nearby.                       11/28/1994 #41867  
y had thin bodies with long skinny arms. They all wore dull silvery uniform 12/15/1994 #41895  
all creature with long legs and no arms outside.                            1/8/1995 #41961  
l brownish being with long stringy arms and legs on the side of the road. I 1/17/1995 #41981  
us white ball changes shape. 2mm / arms length. Fast maneuvers.             1/19/1995 #41983  
 with large eyes, a baldhead, long arms, wearing a gray outfit. The tall be 2/11/1995 #42036  
 being had a round head, long thin arms, large black eyes, and grayish skin 3/30/1995 #42128  
spins and hovers / yard. Lights on arms. Away fast.                         5/15/1995 (approximate) #42205  
r(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape = 5cm / arms length. Hump / bottom. Hovers. Gone 5/22/1995 #42219  
mouth. It had a thin neck and thin arms with three fingered hands that had  9/7/1995 #42447  
t was the "size of a volleyball at arms length," and had a green tinge on t 10/1/1995 #42530  
ickly [to] overhead. Size / coin / arms Lng.                                1/13/1996 #42679  
s with enormous two-toed feet, two arms with only three fingers, a huge hea 1/20/1996 #42695  
arge oversized heads, long spindly arms and short bandy legs. They wore gun 1/31/1996 #42729  
lack eyes, clawed hands, and gaunt arms and legs. Both Boisvert and his fat 2/6/1996 #42743  
t beings with large heads and long arms. They wore helmets and tight fittin 6/21/1996 #42936  
ellies. They also had thin spindly arms, and no noses or mouths were visibl 7/8/1996 #42950  
eam he couldn't. He could move his arms, but not his legs. He then heard a  9/16/1996 #43025  
figure marches / cornfield. Swings arms. / r97#15.                          9/24/1996 #43040  
 across the clearing, swinging its arms back and forth like a soldier. It h 9/24/1996 #43041  
 forth like a soldier. It had long arms that ended in three fingers. It als 9/24/1996 #43041  
ommunicate with them by waving his arms, but he was apparently ignored. Two 5/19/1997 #43300  
frozen, silver face with torso and arms. Other witnesses saw an object that 7/22/1997 #43356  
white in color, and with very long arms. It had three-digit hands that ende 9/5/1997 #43395  
that it was human looking with two arms and two legs. It flew fast over the 10/10/1997 #43426  
with two needle devices on robotic arms sticking out of the side. This was  10/15/1997 #43429  
e out of the object. They had long arms and small heads. They looked around 2/14/1998 #43521  
very thin waist, and long dangling arms. It was hairless, had huge black ey 4/27/1998 #43559  
e a long beige jacket and had long arms. His face could not be seen because 6/10/1998 #43586  
gure came out and began moving its arms in a strange fashion. At first it w 8/24/1998 #43637  
wo meters tall, with long dangling arms and legs that looked deformed. It w 8/24/1998 #43637  
when it hopped nor did it move its arms. After ten minutes the creature tra 9/14/1998 #43646  
ing [to] overhead. Size / button / arms length. Going west to woods.        12/26/1998 #43703  
ightly pointed head with very long arms. Frightened, he went back inside hi 5/23/1999 #43773  
escribed as "the size of a fist at arms length." It executed a sudden turn  10/26/1999 #43865  
six feet tall, with very long thin arms and legs. The humanoids emitted a s 7/5/2000 #44010  
ck centers. It had elongated ears, arms, and legs. It appeared to be unclot 7/31/2000 #44024  
large black eyes and long dangling arms. Her next memory was being back in  10/15/2000 #44058  
 and a tall being with long skinny arms, a skinny body, and a large head ap 1/29/2001 #44134  
 upwards, and was able to move her arms and look around as she did so. She  5/2/2001 #44174  
r body. She was unable to move her arms, legs, or even her eyelids. Using t 8/4/2001 #44225  
 at the witness, waving its skinny arms. Lights appeared behind it. The man 1/22/2003 #44477  
y, but she couldn't see how. Their arms were up in the air, but she couldn' 5/2/2003 #44521  
.m. with a severe nosebleed, stiff arms and legs, and total physical exhaus 9/3/2003 #44592  
lies 2,000 feet below it. The F-14 arms its weapons and the pilot requests  10/28/2004 #44773  
t had very long legs and very long arms and large torsos. He did not see th 8/6/2006 #44953  
hit and run, but to his dismay his arms and legs had various burn marks of  9/21/2007 #45066  
re not human. For one thing, their arms were too long and their bodies were 8/30/2009 #45240  
long tapered feet, and no apparent arms. It is 5–6 feet in height and has w 8/9/2017 #45478  
## Word: "arms'" (Back to Top)
blue green ball, size of a dime at arms' length (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 7/28/1952 #7253  
-green ball,.the size of a dime at arms' length, flew very fast, straight a 7/28/1952 #7259  
## Word: "arms-length" (Back to Top)
. Going quickly south. Matchhead / arms-length. / r43p13.                   1/12/1951 #5389  
 observer(s). Silent saucer. 6mm / ARMs-length. Back / 2100 hours. / r136#7 4/17/1952 #6097  
observer(s). Silver saucer = 4cm / arms-length. Clearly spins. Northeast go 7/20/1955 #12272  
 going ESE toward(s) Paris. 15cm / arms-length. Seen / 5 Sec.               11/4/1996 #43105  
## Word: "armstring" (Back to Top)
uisiana Moisant Airport [now Louis Armstring New Orleans International Airp 11/23/1976 #31568  
 toward Moisant Airport [now Louis Armstring New Orleans International Airp 11/23/1976 #31568  
## Word: "armstrong" (Back to Top)
ORTHWEST / LAKE MEAD, NV F51 pilot Armstrong. 6 3' white saucers / 6K' alti 6/28/1947 #2438  
d, Nevada 1:15 p.m. Lieut. Eric B. Armstrong, flying an F-51 at 6,000 feet  6/28/1947 #2447  
t being piloted by an airman named Armstrong while he was flying thirty mil 6/28/1947 #2450  
 Larry Campbell (later called Jack Armstrong or Cactus Jack) also claims to 7/5/1947 #2721  
s Proving Grounds, NM Capt. Virgil Armstrong Postlethwaite Captain of G-2 A 1948 #3519  
itate movement of recovered disc. (Armstrong’s book confusingly indicated t 1948 #3519  
 1948 incident mentioned by Virgil Armstrong.                               3/25/1948 #3596  
me material. The next day, a Capt. Armstrong and three others from Roswell  Summer 1949 #4246  
Gen. John M. Willems, William Park Armstrong, Walter F. Colby, Col. Edward  12/4/1952 #8376  
one of the witnesses, author Marie Armstrong Essipoff (Ben Hecht’s first wi 1/28/1953 #8602  
son AFB. The design includes eight Armstrong Siddeley Viper turbojet engine 3/1956 #12742  
                               CBS Armstrong Circle Theater Keyhoe is invit 12/1957 #14654  
oe is invited to appear on the CBS Armstrong Circle Theater anthology drama 12/1957 #14654  
he Enigma of the Skies” segment of Armstrong Circle Theater airs on CBS. US 1/22/1958 #14838  
                                   Armstrong Circle Theater Ryan Keyhoe mee 2/1958 #14859  
s C. Healey and tells him that the Armstrong Circle Theater incident was Ai 2/1958 #14859  
                               Mr. Armstrong and a second person in Centenn 1/24/1959 #15564  
Turkey NASA Flight Research Center Armstrong Flight Research Center Edwards 5/5/1960 #16256  
SA Flight Research Center [now the Armstrong Flight Research Center] at Edw 5/5/1960 #16256  
a Nevada Test Site Astronauts Neil Armstrong, Richard F. Gordon Jr., Buzz A 2/16/1965 #18819  
         Kuranda, Australia Mr. D. Armstrong, a former airman, was called o 6/2/1965 #18984  
and, Australia at 8:00 p.m. Mr. D. Armstrong, a former airman, was called o 6/2/1965 #18985  
      Two ice cream truck drivers, Armstrong and Polomka, watched a domed c 6/8/1966 #20545  
 administrative assistant Mary Lou Armstrong, University of Arizona astrono 10/7/1966 #20970  
 NASA’s Plum Brook Station Neil A. Armstrong Test Facility Sandusky, Ohio 3 2/10/1967 #21504  
lum Brook Station [now the Neil A. Armstrong Test Facility] in Sandusky, Oh 2/10/1967 #21504  
m Levine, Franklin Roach, Mary Lou Armstrong, and visiting journalism grad  6/30/1967 #22578  
    Levine, Saunders, and Mary Lou Armstrong bring Hynek together with Jame 12/12/1967 #23573  
m. the following day when Mary Lou Armstrong shows it to him. He explodes,  2/5/1968 #23737  
 Department. Condon tells Mary Lou Armstrong that Saunders and Norm Levine  2/8/1968 #23740  
                          Mary Lou Armstrong tells Condon that the staff ha 2/22/1968 #23777  
                          Colorado Armstrong resigns from the Colorado proj 2/24/1968 #23782  
first astronauts on the moon, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.               7/21/1969 #25288  
                                   ARMSTRONG, BC Red fireball flies east go 8/23/1993 #41153  
rgh Foundation was founded by Neil Armstrong and Gen. James Doolittle. (Doo 12/3/1999 #43892  
## Word: "armview" (Back to Top)
                     Quinpool Road Armview Avenue Halifax, Nova Scotia 7:50 10/18/1982 #36653  
s driving along Quinpool Road near Armview Avenue in Halifax, Nova Scotia,  10/18/1982 #36653  
## Word: "army" (Back to Top)
 “Martian” according to an alleged Army Signal Service officer named Thomas 4/17/1897 #523  
ferences to airships or the German army, and a tin box with paste for polis 5/18/1909 #758  
men of the First Field Company, NZ Army Corps and stated in an affidavit. ( 8/21/1915 #933  
men of the First Field Company, NZ Army Corps and stated in an affidavit.   8/21/1915 #934  
g operations against the Bolshevik Army in Tulgas, Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russ 10/1918 #977  
y Donegal, Ireland: Irish Republic Army man, Lawrence Bradley, wrote to the 1922 #1017  
erle, with William F. Friedman (US Army chief cryptographer), assigned to t 8/22/1924 #1041  
ry 29, 1952 sighting over Korea by Army planes, as appeared in Life Magazin 1934 #1189  
nsas Bowie County, Texas Red River Army Depot Before 12:00 midnight. Louie  Fall 1936 #1249  
 the current site of the Red River Army Depot] when they observe numerous s Fall 1936 #1249  
       A lieutenant in the Spanish Army in Guadalajara, Spain saw a dark, l 7/25/1938 #1289  
f NBS Director Lyman James Briggs, Army Lt. Col. Keith F. Adamson, and Navy 10/21/1939 #1318  
ntelligence, 16 days before the US Army G-2 turned him down.                7/10/1940 #1342  
                     West Coast US Army establishes the Western Defense Com 3/17/1941 #1356  
as the command formation of the US Army responsible for coordinating the de 3/17/1941 #1357  
g Service, the civilian arm of the Army’s Ground Observer Corps. On the eas 5/1941 #1361  
e AWS is under the auspices of the Army Air Force’s 1st Interceptor Command 5/1941 #1361  
                               The Army Air Corps becomes the US Army Air F 6/20/1941 #1364  
 The Army Air Corps becomes the US Army Air Forces to provide the air arm g 6/20/1941 #1364  
ne with an NDRC policy not to have Army or Navy personnel in the sections.  6/28/1941 #1367  
ace during preparations for the US Army’s Carolina maneuvers in south centr Early 10/1941 #1372  
s advice, Roosevelt chooses the US Army to run the project rather than the  10/9/1941 #1373  
               Georgia countryside Army Lt. Walter Hanson and his wife are  Early 12/1941 #1376  
re followed by statements from the Army on February 26 that reflect General 2/24/1942 #1388  
             Roosevelt Los Angeles Army Chief of Staff George C. Marshall w 2/26/1942 #1394  
nd Benjamin Smith, formerly of the Army Air Corps, sees several blinking li 3/5/1942 #1397  
ir Service Command becomes a major Army Air Forces unit to support logistic 3/9/1942 #1398  
t U.S. Airman Sobinski and another Army Air Force crewman sighted a luminou 3/25/1942 #1406  
roducing an atomic bomb, while the Army handles engineering, construction,  6/19/1942 #1417  
 is established by Chief of the US Army Corps of Engineers Maj. Gen. Eugene 8/13/1942 #1436  
mbus, MS Control tower operator at Army Air Base saw two round reddish obje 8/29/1942 #1443  
             Columbus, Mississippi Army Air Corps control tower operator Pv 8/29/1942 #1444  
e air traffic control tower at the Army Air Corps Flying School in Columbus 8/29/1942 #1445  
 near Dayton, Ohio, as part of the Army Materiel Command. Its operations in 12/1942 #1469  
(s). Classic domed saucer dives at Army Air Force (AAF) BT13A trainer. Goin 4/3/1943 #1490  
flew alongside and then dove at an Army Air Force BT13A trainer aircraft. I 4/5/1943 #1493  
                             Muroc Army Air Base Edwards AFB California The 5/19/1943 #1500  
ype crashes 12 miles west of Muroc Army Air Base [now Edwards AFB], Califor 5/19/1943 #1500  
                               The Army Air Force’s Air Tactical Service Co 6/1943 #1506  
           Burbank, California The Army Air Force’s Air Tactical Service Co 6/1943 #1507  
n Air Ministry that enabled the US Army Air Forces to undertake long-range  2/23/1944 #1577  
           Carlsbad, New Mexico An Army Air Force pilot flying a B-17 sees  3/1944 #1584  
st George Todt, in a party of four Army officers including a Lt. Col., watc Summer 1944 #1607  
                       BREST, FR 2 Army. Boxy object going [to] over front  7/1944 #1614  
lic, motionless object. The Polish Army anti-aircraft gun fires on it, then Early 7/1944 #1617  
 Kivistö is serving in the Finnish Army as a noncommissioned medical office Late 7/1944 #1623  
uvering ball of light paced a U.S. Army Air Force B-29 bomber over the ocea 8/10/1944 #1639  
                               The Army Air Forces Air Technical Service Co 8/31/1944 #1652  
ntwerp, Belgium 9:00 p.m. Canadian Army Lance Cpl. Carson Yorke is just out 9/1944 #1663  
ornia Wyoming Montana The Japanese Army launches the first of some 9,300 Fu 11/3/1944 #1691  
lin and Cleary, pilots of the U.S. Army Air Force 415TH NFS, saw a huge ora 11/27/1944 #1708  
the air above enemy territory.” An Army Air Force spokesman says on Decembe 12/13/1944 #1719  
ge glowing spheres followed a U.S. Army Air Force warplane from the 415th N 12/22/1944 #1728  
(Gotha) Nearly a week after the US Army launches Operation Lumberjack to cr 3/12/1945 #1811  
headed for Okinawa, Japan, with US Army passengers and equipment. Radar ope 4/24/1945 #1853  
         In the predawn hours a US Army Air Force B-24 bomber flying over F 5/3/1945 #1863  
                               The Army Air Force approves a Northrop-recom 6/1/1945 #1872  
and 13 other sailors aboard the US Army Transport Delarof see a large, dark Summer 1945 #1883  
                               The Army Signal Security Agency persuades IT 8/1945 #1910  
bserver(s). 3 white teardrops pace Army Air Force (AAF) C46. / r215p52.     8/28/1945 #1927  
 to Iwo Jima island onboard a U.S. Army Air Force C-46 shortly after the en 8/28/1945 #1931  
irtland AFB] Kirtland Field The US Army atomic bomb production unit, Z Divi 9/1945 #1935  
        EAST / FT LAUDERDALE, FL 6 Army Air Force (AAF) planes disoriented. 12/5/1945 #1949  
      On this fateful day six U.S. Army Air Force planes, which took off fr 12/5/1945 #1951  
 Grounds, NM Between 1946–1951 the Army fires 67 V-2 rockets from the White 1946 #1958  
 Hawthorne Municipal Airport Muroc Army Air Field Edwards AFB A four-engine 6/25/1946 #2015  
thorne Municipal Airport] to Muroc Army Air Field [now Edwards AFB] in Cali 6/25/1946 #2015  
tary representatives each from the Army, Navy, and Air Force complete the b 7/3/1946 #2025  
emorandum for the Commander of the Army Air Forces Gen. Carl Spaatz on repo 7/19/1946 #2074  
s Maj. Gen. Stephen J. Chamberlin, Army assistant chief of staff for intell 8/13/1946 #2128  
cket engineer Walter Ziegler tells Army CIC that 400 men from his former ro 9/1946 #2164  
ules out Russian missiles, but the Army ends the investigation in 1947.     9/1/1946 #2167  
peller control problems, until the Army Air Force can fix its propulsion sy 9/11/1946 #2176  
LINGEN AND MEPPEN, GERMANY British Army observer(s). 'Missiles' pass overhe 9/26/1946 #2192  
ials) who was just out of the U.S. army. While they were looking for desert 1/1947 #2221  
e object has been taken over by an Army investigator for examination. The o 1/7/1947 #2223  
It is to be jointly staffed by the Army and Navy. Los Alamos Laboratory’s o 1/29/1947 #2236  
                        Alamogordo Army Air Field Project Mogul flight numb 6/4/1947 #2312  
allegedly launched from Alamogordo Army Air Field.                          6/4/1947 #2312  
                 Pentagon Pentagon Army AF Public Relations Officer Capt. T 6/27/1947 #2430  
s Officer Capt. Tom Brown says the army has no idea what the discs are.     6/27/1947 #2430  
                        Alamogordo Army Air Field Holloman AFB New Mexico E 6/27/1947 #2432  
D. Dwan, a pilot out of Alamogordo Army Air Field [now Holloman AFB], New M 6/27/1947 #2432  
Round silver object falls / hills. Army Air Force (AAF) men find stinky odo 6/29/1947 #2453  
              Conclusion to an FBI/ARMY Intelligence Report: Based on a det 7/1947 #2492  
                           Roswell Army Air Field, Roswell NM White Sands,  7/1/1947 #2501  
nk Kaufmann), stationed at Roswell Army Air Field, had received a call from 7/1/1947 #2501  
        Radar operators at Chitose Army Air Base on Hokkaido, Japan picked  7/1/1947 #2525  
ter at Wright Field, Ohio, and the army intelligence service are looking in 7/3/1947 #2582  
patch states that Commander of the Army Air Force Gen. Carl Spaatz has aske 7/3/1947 #2582  
s exist. Maj. Paul Gaynor says the Army Air Force needs more concrete infor 7/3/1947 #2582  
aries, Idaho St. Joe River Spokane Army Air Base Fairchild AFB 6:30 p.m. Mr 7/3/1947 #2584  
telligence officers at the Spokane Army Air Base [now Fairchild AFB], and a 7/3/1947 #2584  
 about the flying discs. It quotes Army Air Force “experts” saying that the 7/4/1947 #2654  
          Washington, D.C. Roswell Army Air Field [now closed], New Mexico  7/4/1947 #2668  
shington, D.C., arrives at Roswell Army Air Field [now closed], New Mexico  7/4/1947 #2668  
New Mexico Kirtland AFB 11:27 p.m. Army Signal Corps radar sites in souther 7/4/1947 #2670  
                           Roswell Army Air Field Alamogordo 3:00 a.m. Acti 7/5/1947 #2718  
 Frank Kaufmann returns to Roswell Army Air Field from Alamogordo to alert  7/5/1947 #2718  
                           Roswell Army Air Field in New Mexico US Highway  7/5/1947 #2721  
all contingent of men from Roswell Army Air Field in New Mexico drive north 7/5/1947 #2721  
 a ring running around the inside. Army intelligence officers suspect that  7/5/1947 #2721  
                           Roswell Army Air Field Fort Stanton Lincoln, New 7/5/1947 #2722  
e dead bodies are taken to Roswell Army Air Field, but one is still alive a 7/5/1947 #2722  
              OVER CLAY CENTER, KS Army Air Force (AAF) Major / B-25. Brigh 7/6/1947 #2752  
2 saucers( = boomerangs) / 200mph. Army plane follows. / r187#444.          7/6/1947 #2766  
n Air Base, California Witnesses:  Army Air Forces Capt. and Mrs. James Bur 7/6/1947 #2806  
       Roswell, New Mexico Roswell Army Air Field Brazel's ranch Brazel get 7/6/1947 #2807  
ggests the military at the Roswell Army Air Field [now closed] be notified. 7/6/1947 #2807  
                  Fairfield-Suisun Army Air Field Fairfield, California Day 7/6/1947 #2809  
r Field Fairfield, California Day. Army Air Corps Capt. James H. Burniston  7/6/1947 #2809  
 a few seconds at Fairfield-Suisun Army Air Field [now Travis AFB] near Fai 7/6/1947 #2809  
      Roswell AAF Ranch Fort Worth Army Air Field Washington, D.C. Colonel  7/6/1947 #2812  
e to be flown on to the Fort Worth Army Air Field, where it is given to Col 7/6/1947 #2812  
     Birmingham, Alabama 8:45 p.m. Army Staff Sgt. Ira L. Livingston watche 7/6/1947 #2813  
     Three airmen flying aboard an Army Air Force B-25 near Clay Center, Ka 7/6/1947 #2818  
n NM 75 miles northwest of Roswell Army Air Base (RAAF)                     7/7/1947 #2832  
   Spokane, CA Newspaper article: “Army can’t locate crashed saucers” in Sp 7/7/1947 #2834  
  LOWRY AIR FORCE BASE, CO Several Army Air Force (AAF) men / (seen thru) b 7/7/1947 #2852  
       11KM NORTH / SHREVEPORT, LA Army Air Force (AAF) Sgt. / plane. Brigh 7/7/1947 #2853  
titude. Away / 9000kph and more. / Army Air Force (AAF) report. / r160#121. 7/7/1947 #2862  
plate-saucers going [to] toward(s) Army air base going quickly northwest? P 7/7/1947 #2906  
                             Muroc Army Air Field, CA Oscillating Sphere Ob 7/7/1947 #2924  
co, remaining there until July 11. Army Air Forces Commander Gen. Carl Spaa 7/7/1947 #2929  
h smoke coming out of it is found. Army investigators find “Made in USA” on 7/7/1947 #2930  
equirements Intelligence branch of Army Air Force Intelligence. It is decid 7/7/1947 #2935  
         Phoenix, Arizona Hamilton Army Airfield Novato, California James E 7/7/1947 #2940  
na Republic. A few weeks later, an Army Air Corps Intelligence officer from 7/7/1947 #2940  
Intelligence officer from Hamilton Army Airfield [now closed] in Novato, Ca 7/7/1947 #2940  
fficer Maj. Marcel reports Roswell Army Air Force captures a downed flying  7/8/1947 #2948  
               40 MI SOUTH / MUROC ARMY AIR BASE, CA F51 pilot / 20K' altit 7/8/1947 #2987  
                       ROSWELL, NM Army Air Force (AAF) news release. F.S.  7/8/1947 #2988  
                           Roswell Army Air Field Corona in Lincoln County, 7/8/1947 #3012  
a.m. The regular 9:00 a.m. Roswell Army Air Field staff meeting is moved up 7/8/1947 #3012  
                               The Army Air Force issues a press release sa 7/8/1947 #3016  
d by a foreign power, experimental army aircraft, or spaceships. However, A 7/8/1947 #3016  
 aircraft, or spaceships. However, Army and Navy officials are not certain  7/8/1947 #3016  
es back on July 21 to tell him the Army Air Forces are looking into it, but 7/8/1947 #3017  
crashed in New Mexico and that the Army were moving in to investigate. Late 7/8/1947? #3018  
                        Fort Worth Army Air Field, Texas Wright Field, Dayt 7/8/1947 #3019  
 flight (the second) to Fort Worth Army Air Field, Texas, with the wreckage 7/8/1947 #3019  
                           Roswell Army Air Field New Mexico Chavez County  7/8/1947 #3020  
ss wire. The story announces: “The army air forces here today announced a f 7/8/1947 #3020  
of the 509th Bomb Group at Roswell Army Air Field [now closed], New Mexico, 7/8/1947 #3020  
unt Baldy, California 3:50 p.m. An Army National Guard pilot flying near Mo 7/8/1947 #3023  
                        Fort Worth Army Air Field Roswell 6:29 p.m. An Asso 7/8/1947 #3027  
s story goes out that a Fort Worth Army Air Field officer (Newton) has iden 7/8/1947 #3027  
idavit he was stationed at Roswell Army Air Field as the Public Information 7/8/1947 #3029  
g saucer.” McQuiddy claims Roswell Army Air Field next calls him and asks h 7/8/1947 #3030  
vit he was stationed at Fort Worth Army Air Field and received a phone call 7/8/1947 #3031  
DuBose states he requested Roswell Army Air Field to send the material to F 7/8/1947 #3031  
to send the material to Fort Worth Army Air Field, which was eventually sen 7/8/1947 #3031  
Wright Field, Ohio Pentagon The US Army Air Force issues classified orders  7/9/1947 #3057  
nd Symington meet in the office of Army Chief of Staff Dwight D. Eisenhower 7/9/1947 #3060  
., director of information for the Army Air Force.                          7/9/1947 #3065  
                           Roswell Army Air Field New Mexico Late afternoon 7/9/1947 #3066  
er P. Barton, stationed at Roswell Army Air Field in New Mexico, is sent by 7/9/1947 #3066  
equirements Intelligence branch of Army Air Force Intelligence, requests FB 7/9/1947 #3067  
 Special Agent S. Wesley Reynolds. Army intelligence claims they are not Ar 7/9/1947 #3067  
y intelligence claims they are not Army or Navy craft. He says that Air Cor 7/9/1947 #3067  
ng discs are not the result of any Army or Navy experiments and should be o 7/10/1947 #3078  
. For instance in the La. Case the Army grabbed it and would not let us hav 7/10/1947 #3102  
el Owyhee in Boise, Idaho Hamilton Army Airfield [now closed] in Novato, Ca 7/12/1947 #3157  
n, who have flown in from Hamilton Army Airfield [now closed] in Novato, Ca 7/12/1947 #3157  
lso submits a written statement to Army Air Force intelligence, referring t 7/12/1947 #3157  
 the Soc. (Socorro, N.M.) case the Army grabbed it and would not let us hav 7/15/1947 #3182  
                      SINGAPORE UK Army Sgt. "Saucer" dips and spirals slow 7/20/1947 #3205  
d National Military Establishment (Army and Navy) and a Department of the A 7/26/1947 #3233  
                          Hamilton Army Airfield Novato, California 2:50 p. 7/29/1947 #3255  
shiny, white objects near Hamilton Army Airfield [now closed] in Novato, Ca 7/29/1947 #3255  
. Blinding silver fireball dives / Army surplus truck. Hits cab. Very hot.  7/30/1947 #3258  
trom, a 66-year-old man driving an Army truck on Route 95 one mile north of 7/30/1947 #3263  
oom in Tacoma, Washington Hamilton Army Airfield in Novato, California Cris 7/31/1947 #3264  
lls Brown and Davidson at Hamilton Army Airfield in Novato, California. The 7/31/1947 #3264  
 box, which is loaded into Brown’s army vehicle. Brown and Davidson leave t 7/31/1947 #3264  
              T-2 Intelligence and Army Air Force Intelligence hold meeting 8/1947 #3275  
d near Tacoma, Washington Hamilton Army Airfield [now closed] in Novato, Ca 8/1/1947 #3281  
, then board the B-25 for Hamilton Army Airfield [now closed] in Novato, Ca 8/1/1947 #3281  
n the left engine catches fire. An army hitchhiker and engineer parachute t 8/1/1947 #3281  
ticle “Sabotage Hinted in Crash of Army Bomber at Kelso.” Debris from the c 8/1/1947 #3281  
              FT. RICHARDSON, AK 2 Army officers. 3m sphere extremely fast. 8/4/1947 (approximate) #3286  
                          Hamilton Army Airfield Novato, California Tacoma, 8/8/1947 #3307  
nger, assistant chief of staff for army intelligence at the Fourth Air Forc 8/8/1947 #3307  
 who has just returned to Hamilton Army Airfield [now closed] in Novato, Ca 8/8/1947 #3307  
l that he proposes goes beyond the Army and Manhattan Project rules: “CONFI 8/9/1947 #3308  
 that the discs are connected with Army experiments in anti-radar weaponry. 8/13/1947 #3321  
                        Rapid City Army Air Base Ellsworth AFB Box Elder, S 8/15/1947? #3337  
8th Bombardment Wing at Rapid City Army Air Base [now Ellsworth AFB] near B 8/15/1947? #3337  
g at 8,000 feet near Mountain Home Army Air Base, Idaho at around noon. The 8/18/1947 #3347  
Garrett, who strongly suspects the Army or Navy is testing some new technol 8/19/1947 #3351  
nolds that he suspects the Navy or Army is testing new technology and some  8/19/1947 #3353  
t Taylor III, Collection Branch of Army Air Force Intelligence, summarizes  8/22/1947 #3360  
arch activities discloses that the Army Air Force has no project with the c 9/5/1947 #3385  
 Security Act takes effect. The US Army Air Forces is disbanded and becomes 9/18/1947 #3403  
f this information will be sent to Army, Navy, AEC, JRDB, SAG, NACA, RAND a 9/23/1947 #3415  
disc reports are to be sent to the Army and Navy Research and Development B 9/23/1947 #3417  
ts were required to be sent to the Army and Navy Research and Development B 9/23/1947 #3419  
t test pilot Fritz Wendel tells US Army CIC that the Horten brothers were w 11/1947 #3474  
d asking eight questions about the Army’s investigation. Stratemeyer passes 11/18/1947 #3492  
         Berlin Göttingen, Germany Army Lt. Col. Harry H. Pretty in Berlin  12/16/1947 #3503  
                                   Army Lt. Col. Harry H. Pretty writes to  12/16/1947 #3504  
 of Intelligence (Deputy G-2, U.S. Army) in Berlin that Nazi aircraft desig 12/16/1947 #3504  
a Top Secret incoming TWX from 3rd Army Headquarters, Atlanta, directed to  1948 #3519  
      Kentucky State Police Godman Army Airfield in Fort Knox, Kentucky Eli 1/7/1948 #3542  
Col. Guy F. Hix’s office at Godman Army Airfield in Fort Knox, Kentucky, re 1/7/1948 #3542  
vington Owensboro, Kentucky Godman Army Airfield 1:20–2:10 p.m. Army Flight 1/7/1948 #3543  
odman Army Airfield 1:20–2:10 p.m. Army Flight Service reports to Godman Ar 1/7/1948 #3543  
y Flight Service reports to Godman Army Airfield control tower that the obj 1/7/1948 #3543  
       Louisville, Kentucky Godman Army Airfield at Fort Knox Bowling Green 1/7/1948 #3544  
gt. Quinton A. Blackwell at Godman Army Airfield at Fort Knox breaks in ove 1/7/1948 #3544  
 cannot confirm a launch that day. Army veteran Clifford Stone finds later  1/7/1948 #3544  
                            Godman Army Airfield Fort Knox, Kentucky 4:45–7 1/7/1948 #3545  
 in a weather theodolite at Godman Army Airfield in Fort Knox, Kentucky, fo 1/7/1948 #3545  
 Col. Riley F. Ennis, chief of the Army Intelligence Division, in a memo re 1/21/1948 #3560  
, and Furnas County, Nebraska. Two Army B-29 bombers circle the area until  2/18/1948 #3579  
ar in the Four Corners region. The Army OSI and the IPU put on Red Alert an 3/25/1948 #3596  
               NEAR ALAJARVI, FINL Army Major and 1. Large silent glowing m 7/15/1948? #3709  
                                An Army Major and a second witness reported 7/15/1948 #3710  
Sylvester Bentham and retired U.S. Army Col. Horace Eakins. Two objects:  o 9/23/1948 #3810  
Sylvester Bentham and retired U.S. Army Colonel Horace Eakins observed two  9/23/1948 #3813  
and Money, goes out to the CIA, US Army Intelligence, and the Office of Nav 10/7/1948 #3830  
         A UFO was tracked by U.S. Army radar at Goose Bay Base, Labrador,  11/1/1948 #3864  
 Vaughan, New Mexico 10:00 p.m. US Army Col. William P. Hayes sees a bright 11/23/1948 #3888  
             New Mexico The Fourth Army sums up the UFO situation in the so 12/29/1948 #3938  
amples that were taken away by the Army. The metal was thin, light and coul 1949 #3947  
               NM CONFIDENTIAL 4th Army MESSAGE: Col. Eustis L. Poland stat 1/13/1949 #3972  
 Texas Col. Eustis L. Poland of US Army Intelligence (G-2) sends a memo on  1/13/1949 #3973  
 behalf of the Commander of Fourth Army at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, 1/13/1949 #3973  
Antonio, Texas, to the Director of Army Intelligence concerning the green f 1/13/1949 #3973  
                   NM Confidential Army Staff Message: Approx. 30 people si 1/31/1949 #3986  
sed by the OSI, FBI and the Fourth Army and is “considered TOP SECRET by In 1/31/1949 #3987  
 Intelligence Officers of both the Army and the Air Forces.” It was thought 1/31/1949 #3987  
 intelligence officers of both the army and the air forces.”                1/31/1949 #3989  
                      CONFIDENTIAL Army Staff MESSAGE dated Jan. 31, 1949 r 2/4/1949 #3997  
ef and Maj. William Godsoe (Fourth Army Intelligence liaison officer at San 2/8/1949 #3998  
eef, LaPaz, Agent Jack Boling, and Army Maj. Godsoe, who says it’s not wort 2/24/1949 #4023  
tort that the fireballs are not an Army concern. Groseclose and Smith say t 2/24/1949 #4023  
w West Fort Hood], Texas 8:30 p.m. Army Pvts. Martin Fensterman and Frank L 3/6/1949 #4035  
ons, emphasizing that USAF and the Army consider the matter “secret.” Fourt 3/22/1949 #4052  
nsider the matter “secret.” Fourth Army Intelligence is now calling UFOs “u 3/22/1949 #4052  
] in San Antonio, Texas, hands the Army reports of flares at Killeen Base t 4/14/1949 #4090  
 Killeen Base, Texas 9:20 p.m. Two Army patrolmen southeast of Killeen Base 4/27/1949 #4118  
. At 9:25 p.m., 2 miles away, four Army soldiers see a 4-inch light with a  4/27/1949 #4118  
ase Camp Hood, Texas The US Fourth Army creates an operational plan for a g 5/4/1949 #4144  
      Ft. Bliss, Texas Witnesses:  Army officers Maj. Day, Maj. Olhausen, C 5/5/1949 #4148  
en, Texas 10:00 a.m. The Fourth US Army has approached AFOSI in San Antonio 5/5/1949 #4149  
 first of several weekly meetings. Army and Navy officials agree that the f 5/5/1949 #4149  
nd FBI give no opinion. The Fourth Army urges AFOSI to create an observatio 5/5/1949 #4149  
Waco no. 4 firing range 11:40 a.m. Army officers Maj. Charles D. May Jr., M 5/5/1949 #4150  
 TX AFOSI Case 62; 21:40 - 21:30 - Army artillery observers est 2 days earl 5/6/1949 #4155  
set up two days earlier, employing Army artillery observers, tracked their  5/6/1949 #4164  
Albuquerque, New Mexico The Fourth Army’s observation system near Killeen B 5/19/1949 #4196  
        Corona, New Mexico Roswell Army Air Field The gouge is said to be s Summer 1949 #4246  
rong and three others from Roswell Army Air Field supposedly confiscate the Summer 1949 #4246  
Department of Defense to unify the Army, Navy, and Air Force under the Secr 8/10/1949 #4316  
 Norwood, Ohio, has purchased from Army surplus an 8-million-candlepower se 8/19/1949 #4329  
d, Massachusetts. AFOIN rejects an Army request for further facilities to s 9/1/1949 #4343  
 Maj. Frederic C. E. Oder), Fourth Army, the FBI, AFSWP, and Los Alamos sci 10/14/1949 #4394  
 turns to head directly toward it. Army Courier Service passenger 1st Lt. J 1/24/1950 #4509  
rksburg, California Early morning. Army Signal Corps (Reserve) Maj. Taylor  3/13/1950 #4626  
n, New Mexico 11 a.m.–noon. Former Army Engineer Capt. and Farmington Times 3/16/1950 #4657  
            Farmington, NM Retired Army Captain, others, saw dozens of disc 3/17/1950 #4665  
ops. Spins. Goes going west / sea. Army investigation.                      4/10/1950 #4838  
 Ft. Monmouth, New Jersey Witness: Army M/Sgt. James. Four rectangular, amb 4/14/1950 #4851  
Site, Washington State A memo from Army Maj. Ulysses Grant Carlan states th 8/4/1950 #5104  
                      ECHTERDINGEN ARMY AIR BASE, GERMANY White ovoid joins 8/21/1950 #5134  
nia Norfolk, Virginia The first US Army large-scale aerosol vulnerability t 9/1950 #5160  
nfidential Memo: Headquarters, 5th Army Division: John de Reneaux photograp 10/6/1950 #5215  
hed near Aztec, N.M. He said that “army officials” had attempted to take th 10/6/1950 #5215  
FBI headquarters saying that local Army Intelligence has been put “on immed 12/8/1950 #5334  
t. Benning, Georgia Witness:  U.S. Army 2nd Lt. A.C. Hale. One light with a 1/12/1951 #5392  
, then shot off to the south. U.S. Army 2nd Lt. A. C. Hale saw a light with 1/12/1951 #5393  
    Cheorwon, South Korea Dusk. US Army Pfc. Francis P. Wall is on maneuver Early Spring 1951 #5471  
                 Lawson AFB Lawson Army Airfield Dearing, Georgia Day. USAF 7/9/1951 #5569  
tationed at Lawson AFB [now Lawson Army Airfield] with the 117th Tactical R 7/9/1951 #5569  
st at White Sands Pad 33, 213.4km (Army training test — last 5 launches by  8/22/1951 #5615  
ersey Sandy Hook 11:10 a.m. At the Army Signal Corps radar center at Fort M 9/10/1951 #5660  
st at White Sands Pad 33, 140.9km (Army training test. Payload released but 10/29/1951 #5750  
acent to Gray AFB [now Robert Gray Army Airfield] at Fort Hood, Texas; Site 2/22/1952 #5920  
rlie at Campbell AFB [now Campbell Army Airfield] near Hopkinsville, Kentuc 2/22/1952 #5920  
t long ovoid object passed by a US Army C-54 at a very high rate of speed.  3/4/1952 #5945  
nducted through April 21 by the US Army Chemical Corps under Operation Dew. 3/26/1952 #5980  
Yuma, Arizona Witnesses:  group of Army weather observation students, inclu 4/17/1952 #6104  
     Yuma, Arizona Witnesses:  two Army weather observation students. One f 4/18/1952 #6119  
  On this day in Yuma, Arizona two Army weather observation students sighte 4/18/1952 #6128  
] in Burlington County, New Jersey Army radar specialist Jay Nogle is stati 5/1952 #6229  
r eastern Pennsylvania). Two other Army units also detect the object, which 5/1952 #6229  
st at White Sands Pad 33, 103.5km (Army training test. Also designated TF-2 5/20/1952 #6340  
                   FORT SMITH, ARK Army Colonel and Major with (seen thru)  6/12/1952 #6483  
. Smith, Arkansas Witnesses:  U.S. Army Major and Lt. Colonel, using binocu 6/12/1952 #6486  
               At 7:30 p.m. A U.S. Army Major and a Lt. Colonel, using bino 6/12/1952 #6489  
                  NEAR HALIFAX, NS Army weatherman. 100' silver saucer goin 6/15/1952 #6501  
eteorological assistant on reserve army maneuvers sees a large silver disc  6/15/1952 #6509  
rsey Shore, Pennsylvania 6:00 p.m. Army Capt. Harold Hermann and his wife s 6/19/1952 #6553  
ton, New Jersey 9:50 p.m. A former Army Air Force ground crew member sees a 6/19/1952 #6554  
                      OTTAWA, ON 2 Army men. Silent fireball going west. Ci 7/8/1952 #6726  
rio A commissionaire on duty at an army depot in Ottawa, Ontario, sees a br 7/8/1952 #6727  
d States. The expansion follows an Army announcement from a few weeks earli 7/14/1952 #6816  
                                An Army officer saw a red, cigar-shaped obj 7/20/1952 #6957  
 thick. Going quickly [to] over US Army depot / 2500' altitude. / Blue Book 8/4/1952 #7441  
iangular, then more saucer shaped. Army and air observers in Portland confi 8/7/1952 #7509  
          5MI NORTH / FT DIX, NJ 2 Army / car. Eerie yellow-orange baseball 8/10/1952 #7537  
 test at White Sands Pad 33, 78km (Army training test. Thrust decreased aft 8/22/1952 #7672  
iele Linke, Frank Scully, and U.S. Army Engineers physicist Noel W. Scott.  8/23/1952 #7693  
0 minutes. At 10:50 p.m., a former Army Air Force B-25 gunner sees two larg 9/1/1952 #7818  
                       KILLEEN, TX Army base guard. 10' saucer going southw 9/17/1952 #7966  
 test at White Sands Pad 33, 27km (Army training test. Tail explosion at 27 9/19/1952 #7974  
 Drum Night. A UFO hovers over the Army’s Camp Drum [now Fort Drum] near Wa 9/22/1952 #8007  
s, North Carolina Witnesses:  U.S. Army Res. lst Lt. C.H. Stevens and two o 9/29/1952 #8060  
                 At 8:15 p.m. U.S. Army Reserve Lieutenant C. H. Stevens an 9/29/1952 #8066  
                    At both Opheim Army Base and Glasgow AFB in Montana in  11/13/1952 #8272  
on Andrija Puharich, invited by an Army colonel friend who is chief of the  11/24/1952 #8332  
h-ranking Pentagon officers in the Army’s Psychological Warfare Research Se 11/24/1952 #8332  
south. Stops over Mt. Toro. Away / Army plane nears.                        12/12/1952 #8412  
mous former Warrant Officer in the Army claims he saw crates at Wright Patt 1953 #8482  
A source “H.J.” says he was in the Army at Fort Polk, LA in 1953 when they  1953 #8484  
              TRUK ISLAND, PACIFIC Army weatherman. Bullet shaped object sa 2/6/1953 #8640  
an Electrical Engineer attached to Army Ordinance as a consultant, was givi 3/19/1953 #8761  
                        In 1953 US Army spotter planes saw a round white UF 3/19/1953 #8763  
rom acute radiation poisoning. The Army compensates them for the horses, bu 3/24/1953 #8782  
ouri Minneapolis, Minnesota The US Army Chemical Corps’ Dew II project invo 4/1953 #8806  
ibility of loss of equipment.” The Army reports “much less curiosity and in 4/1953 #8806  
lis. Dew II is described in a 1953 Army report that remains classified at t 4/1953 #8806  
  Pork Chop Hill 1:00 p.m. Four US Army reconnaissance observers (including 4/19/1953 #8838  
ands near Camp Polk, Louisiana. US Army Pvt. H.J. (initials) under Sgt. R.S Summer 1953 #8945  
5. Distribution: OOP, OOP-CP, OAC, ARMY, NAVY, JCS, CIA, NSA, Tech Intellig 6/26/1953 #8972  
Energy Commission and addressed to Army Adjutant General William Edward Ber 7/19/1953 #9004  
mple to Col. Robert B. Emerson, an Army physicist at Louisiana State Univer 8/19/1953 #9084  
ield exercise,” takes place at the Army Chemical School [now the US Army CB 9/15/1953 #9168  
e Army Chemical School [now the US Army CBRN School] at Fort McClellan [now 9/15/1953 #9168  
 Force is not cooperating with the Army or Navy on these matters.           10/20/1953 #9246  
lson is a leading scientist at the army’s Chemical Corps, Special Operation 11/19/1953 #9310  
gram began in 1954 as a joint U.S. Army and U.S. Navy proposal, called Proj 1954 #9413  
                                   Army Col. John Alexander states former D 1954 #9424  
o White Sands Proving Grounds. Two Army security agents, Capt. Ross Orcutt  1/18/1954 #9493  
                            Second Army Radio Station, Fort George G. Meade 4/29/1954 #9734  
ed object is seen above the Second Army Radio Station, Fort George G. Meade 4/29/1954 #9734  
 Rear Adm. Carl F. Espe and to the Army’s Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2. Ho 7/24/1954 #10046  
            Lawson AFB [now Lawson Army Airfield] in Fort Benning, Columbus 8/11/1954 #10126  
operator at Lawson AFB [now Lawson Army Airfield] in Fort Benning, Columbus 8/11/1954 #10126  
h seemingly high-speed motions. An Army helicopter piloted by WO R. T. Wade 8/11/1954 #10126  
 Watson) view the object. A second Army helicopter, piloted by U. S. Tarma, 8/11/1954 #10126  
 to verify saucer light. Pilots of Army helicopters were: R.T. Wade, 506th  8/12/1954 #10131  
 2:29 a.m. Four military men on US Army helicopters at Maxwell AFB in Montg 8/12/1954 #10137  
.m. CDT, four military men on U.S. Army helicopters saw a glowing red disc  8/12/1954 #10139  
inutes. Two police officers and an Army engineer also see the display.      8/23/1954 #10170  
Canal. He sends it to the Egyptian Army and to Khedivial Astronomical Obser 10/5/1954 #10731  
       Louisville, Kentucky Godman Army Airfield at Fort Knox Bedford, Indi 11/12/1954 #11629  
about 12 miles northwest of Godman Army Airfield at Fort Knox. It is later  11/12/1954 #11629  
S. Briggs, a bricklayer and former army sergeant employed at Broadlands, Ro 2/23/1955 #12015  
ft Biggs Air Force Base [now Biggs Army Airfield] in El Paso, Texas Weed, N 4/5/1955 #12080  
om Biggs Air Force Base [now Biggs Army Airfield] in El Paso, Texas, sees a 4/5/1955 #12080  
e direction of Fort Campbell, a US Army installation. City, county, state,  8/21/1955 #12386  
he night of the event were from an Army base, not an Air Force base.” Skept 8/21/1955 #12386  
ographers, one plate maker for the Army Map Service (one named Smith). One  9/7/1955 #12434  
d an engraving plate maker for the Army Map Service sighted a glowing round 9/7/1955 #12436  
Gray was formerly Secretary of the Army, Assistant Secretary of Defense and 11/20/1955 #12580  
en Proving Ground, Maryland The US Army Chemical Corps begins classified hu 1/1956 #12641  
nts are abruptly terminated by the Army in late 1975 amid an atmosphere of  1/1956 #12641  
t to look for it and retrieve a US Army Signal Corps battery light that was 2/9/1956 #12703  
                      BROOKLYN, NY Army Sgt. Glowing-saucer rumbles. Trails 2/23/1956 #12736  
sc-shaped object was watched by an Army Sergeant for 15 minutes in the Bush 2/23/1956 #12738  
s Witnesses:  Capt. Roy Hall, U.S. Army, ret.; Charles Anderson and others; 4/4/1956 #12786  
           At 3:15 p.m. retired US Army Captain Roy Hall, Charles Anderson  4/4/1956 #12787  
                          BUDAPEST Army men. Group / UFO's going quickly ea 5/2/1956 (approximate) #12826  
           ARLINGTON, VA Several / Army. Large shiny metal ball hovers and  1/21/1957 #13467  
itrea, five enlisted men of the US Army’s 4th Detachment of the Second Sign 1/21/1957 #13468  
ny metallic sphere hovered over an Army military installation in Arlington, 1/21/1957 #13469  
                                US Army Order number 30-13, “Sightings of U 1/31/1957 #13479  
fter nuclear test Plumbbob Smokey, Army troops conduct an airlift assault.  8/31/1957 #13959  
t Elson Teixeira and the Brazilian Army. The Laboratory of Crystallography  Early 9/1957 #13971  
lear shot at the Nevada Test Site, Army troops are tested to determine thei 9/2/1957 #13972  
                        Devens, MA Army report on eight round, orange UFOs  9/17/1957 #14005  
cation approximate. Saucer circles Army group / 1200M altitude. Shoots goin 9/22/1957 #14024  
e, Washington Witnesses:  two U.S. Army sergeants. Two flat, round, white o 10/8/1957 #14077  
             At 9:17 a.m. two U.S. Army sergeants outside of Seattle, Washi 10/8/1957 #14081  
                The US Continental Army Command sends a memo to the Army Ch 10/22/1957 #14145  
l Army Command sends a memo to the Army Chief of Research and Development i 10/22/1957 #14145  
E, ME RADAR-visual (observation) / Army man. Blue Book. Huge UFO no descrip 10/23/1957 #14147  
PROVENCAL, LA Car stopped / beam / Army green UFO. Destroyed / heat. Diesel 11/1957 #14180  
ribed as oval, 5 m long, 3 m high, army green in color. It bore lettering b 11/1957 #14181  
 off. Within the next few hours an Army Jeep Patrol at White Sands, N.M., r 11/2/1957 #14194  
s, New Mexico At Stallion Site, an army patrol in a jeep saw an orange, "ap 11/3/1957 #14242  
roving Ground New Mexico 8:00 p.m. Army Specialist 3rd Class Henry R. Barlo 11/3/1957 #14251  
cialist 3rd Class Forest R. Oakes, Army Garrison Detachment 5, are in a jee 11/3/1957 #14251  
nds, New Mexico proving grounds an Army patrol in a jeep saw an orange, "ap 11/3/1957 #14254  
d of the testing grounds. Two U.S. Army witnesses.                          11/3/1957 #14254  
OOD, TX 20M luminous object lands. Army tanks electro-magnetic effect (EME) 11/4/1957 (approximate) #14255  
by clothing. Afterwards, Brazilian Army and USAF personnel, along with inve 11/4/1957 #14284  
d for radiation and confiscated by army intelligence officers at Fort Georg 11/13/1957 #14541  
                               The Army Chief of Research and Development r 11/21/1957 #14588  
                    KORTEDALA, SWD Army Captain / (seen thru) binoculars. O 11/24/1957 #14606  
                                   Army Captain Kohrtz in Kortedala, Gotebo 11/24/1957 #14607  
usar, commanding officer of German Army technical unit in WWII. Lusar claim 1958 #14787  
however find the existence of a US Army Air Forces files on the German Air  1958 #14787  
urity Council, the CIA, and the US Army. It receives rebuffs and denials.   Late 3/1958 #14948  
                      FT BRAGG, NC Army officer. Silver saucer hovers and w 6/20/1958 #15100  
lses. Going down [to] into forest. Army finds nothing.                      8/1958 #15165  
o. It incorporates elements of the Army Ballistic Missile Agency and the US 10/1/1958 #15296  
nd Two soldiers of the Territorial Army on an exercise near Ballater heard  11/1958 #15414  
a, is transferred to NASA from the Army, becoming the agency’s primary plan 12/1958 #15464  
en Proving Ground, Maryland The US Army and CIA at Edgewood Arsenal at Aber 1959 #15510  
d and maneuvered over the Anniston Army Ordnance Depot. The UFO made severa 1/2/1959 #15529  
vated with the advent of automated Army (Missile Master) and Air Force (SAG 1/31/1959 #15572  
as the first working models of the Army’s VZ-9 Avrocar are being manufactur 2/20/1959 #15596  
chief of the Liaison Branch of the Army Ballistic Agency in Huntsville, Ala 2/25/1959 #15614  
   Redstone Arsenal A group at the Army Ballistic Missile Agency (ABMA) pro 3/20/1959 #15655  
ile Agency (ABMA) produced for the Army a classified study report titled Pr 3/20/1959 #15655  
ort titled Project Horizon, A U.S. Army Study for the Establishment of a Lu 3/20/1959 #15655  
                 At 8:15 p.m. U.S. Army Lt. Colonel L. Liggett and two memb 10/6/1959 #16022  
oung man who was on leave from the Army, had been driving on U.S. highway 9 11/15/1959 #16088  
 Republic Night. During a pause in army maneuvers near Brno [now in the Cze 1960 #16143  
                                US Army Col. Phillip J. Corso states when t 1961 #16553  
o 9:01 p.m. An explosion at the US Army’s SL-1 nuclear power reactor in Ida 1/3/1961 #16561  
-Max Chassin, now retired from the army, takes over as president.           1962 #17009  
float / reservoir 200M away / Arg. Army.                                    1/23/1962 (approximate) #17023  
tzbue, Alaska Witnesses:  one U.S. Army private, six anonymous civilians.   2/25/1962 #17061  
                                An Army private and six civilians in Kotzbu 2/25/1962 #17062  
 is a joint project between the US Army Chemical Corps and the CIA Office o 1964 #18101  
Zamora in the evening. He notifies army intelligence at White Sands Missile 4/24/1964 #18200  
Moon to the left. At 10:15 p.m. an Army pilot at the Lawrence, Massachusett 5/18/1964 #18285  
               Korea Air Force and Army radar stations tracked an UFO as it 10/1964 #18565  
                    Washington, DC Army Signal Corps communications system  1/11/1965 #18707  
At least 12 persons, including six Army Signal Corps communications system  1/11/1965 #18709  
-B4 according to Commander / Sioux Army depot. No further details.          8/1/1965 #19232  
Force Base Cheyenne, Wyoming Sioux Army Depot Sydney, Nebraska Pine Bluff G 8/1/1965 #19242  
objects are spotted over the Sioux Army Depot [now closed] in Sydney, Nebra 8/1/1965 #19242  
ly overhead at 3:00 a.m. The Sioux Army Depot reports five objects going ea 8/1/1965 #19242  
         NORTH / WARMINSTER, WILTS Army Major. Car shakes and malfunctions  9/7/1965 #19529  
  In Warminster, England a British Army major reported that his headlights  9/7/1965 #19531  
s maneuver flash and play all over Army camp area.                          9/13/1965 #19556  
 large oval object was resting. An army chopper was hovering above the obje 11/1965 #19690  
s on duty at the motor pool in the Army’s Fort Riley Military Reservation i 11/1965 #19695  
here they see a landed UFO with an Army helicopter flying above it. He cont 11/1965 #19695  
tary presence, most notably the US Army, is secures the area, orders civili 12/9/1965 #19762  
              Los Altos, CA Night. Army colonel expert on rockets and missi 1/3/1966 #19803  
Alberto Silveira Martins calls the Army and Air Force. After 30 minutes, th 3/12/1966 #19954  
way at tremendous speed before the Army trucks arrive.                      3/12/1966 #19954  
               WARMINSTER, WILTS 2 Army officers. Silent top-saucer east go 4/7/1966 #20260  
30 a.m. in Warminster, England two Army officers witnessed a top-shaped UFO 4/7/1966 #20270  
Subway system New York City The US Army releases Bacillus globigii into the 6/6/1966 #20536  
hted object illuminated terrain at Army base, widespread E-M effects on veh 6/19/1966 #20587  
Nha Trang, Vietnam: At this active Army Base at about 9:45 p.m., what was t Summer 1966 #20590  
ht. A school teacher, ex-member of Army intelligence saw a flattened ellips 6/24/1966 #20606  
               LAKE BALA, WALES 30 Army reserves seek plane wreckage. Sever 7/1/1966? #20628  
 Springs, NY Object larger than an army tank, w/3 horizontal bands of light 9/9/1966 #20866  
. One solid object, larger than an army tank, with lights all around it, ma 9/9/1966 #20868  
saw a solid object, larger than an Army tank, descend from a cloud bank, sl 9/9/1966 #20869  
ecatur, AL 7:30 p.m. CDT. A former army aerial photo specialist and others  9/23/1966 #20917  
. 16M metallic blimp / 30M over US Army base. Jets near. Object going [to]  1/26/1967 #21390  
ieutenant colonel residing on a US Army base in Heidelberg, Germany, hears  1/26/1967 #21399  
ton, NY 9:10 p.m. EST. A Salvation Army Director while driving saw an objec 2/20/1967 #21604  
 VIETN Silent silver object buzzes Army convoy. Gi takes fuzzy photograph.  3/15/1967 (approximate) #21888  
 SP4 Robert M. Harkinson of the US Army’s 524th Military Intelligence Detac 4/17/1967 #22152  
. EDT. An MIT graduate and retired Army engineer saw a small cylinder (esti 7/15/1967 #22664  
uvered), and went out of sight. An Army unit was dispatched to investigate  11/4/1967 #23401  
l-Union Committee of Cosmonautics. Army Gen. A. L. Getman dissolves the UFO 11/10/1967 #23437  
A lieutenant-major in the Romanian army is on duty in the radar station at  12/2/1967 #23533  
other cable shows the Royal Nepali Army showed photos of four space objects 3/1968 #23799  
uentes was found unconscious by an Army patrol and taken to a hospital in P 6/14/1968 #24029  
s loses consciousness. At dawn, an Army patrol finds him still unconscious  6/14/1968 #24031  
uentes was found unconscious by an Army patrol and taken to a hospital in P 6/14/1968 #24033  
 Greece when he was in the Italian army in World War II. The hermit had pre 7/1968 #24109  
    TAGUATINGA, BRZ Saucer stops / Army radio station/depot/facility. Botto 11/8/1968 #24643  
r, and Donald M. Swingle of the US Army Electronic Command. It announces in 12/1968 #24740  
rained, and equipped a clandestine army of Laotian irregulars since the ear 1/22/1969 #24866  
October 1968, the US Air Force and Army set up another UFO observation netw 1/31/1969 #24881  
            At 2:45 a.m. a retired army general had become stranded along a 3/17/1969 #25020  
         NEAR BARRA DA TIJUCA, BRZ Army General. Electro-magnetic effect (E 3/20/1969 #25032  
it. After he reports it, the local army commander mobilizes hundreds of sol Early 1970 #25524  
 ALVAREZ DE SOTOMAYOR, SP = VIATOR ARMY BASE Night light maneuvers at 10M a 1/1970 #25525  
 a member of a People’s Liberation Army unit stationed in Dingzhou, Hebei,  Late 9/1971 #26378  
ST / YU XIAN, HENAN, CH 2 separate Army squads chase vibrant bright orange- 10/4/1971 #26406  
                   CHAOYANG, CHINA Army unit. 5 Mx2.5M silver barrel glides 10/16/1971 #26426  
s been found described as a “Joint Army/Air Force peacetime military exerci 1972 #26526  
 include 80% loss to records of US Army personnel discharged November 1, 19 7/12/1973 #27631  
ter Hubbard, James E.; and some US Army Reserve personnel who performed the 7/12/1973 #27631  
                            Hunter Army Air Field, GA "Saucer-shaped" objec 9/8/1973 #27781  
t. Lawrence Coyne, while flying an Army helicopter with three other crewmen 10/18/1973 #28144  
                     Mansfield, OH Army Reserve helicopter encountered dome 10/18/1973 #28170  
nd Ohio Mansfield Akron 11:00 p.m. Army Reserve Capt. Lawrence J. Coyne (wi 10/18/1973 #28172  
pec5 Robert Yanacsek) is flying an Army Reserve UH-1 Huey helicopter at 1,2 10/18/1973 #28172  
. Domed pie-tin saucer hovers over Army base. More UFO's / 10 November.     11/5/1973 #28368  
claims he was told by a retired US Army official at Camp San Luis Obispo th 1974 #28633  
                        DENVER, CO Army men. Object 3X / size 747! Many lig 2/6/1974 #28738  
                      Area 3 of an Army Ordnance Depot Fischbach bei Dahn,  5/1974 #29075  
d-Palatinate, Germany 3:30 a.m. US Army Pfc R. Jack Phillips is assigned to 5/1974 #29075  
ce Battalion guarding Area 3 of an Army Ordnance Depot [now returned to Ger 5/1974 #29075  
            Maj. Dallas van Hoose, Army spokesman at Redstone Arsenal, stat 7/17/1974 #29267  
s is a remarkable admission by the Army and suggests that while the Air For 7/17/1974 #29267  
ounty, Sweden 10:00 p.m. A Swedish army officer is driving with his family  9/21/1974 #29467  
agnetic effects). Saucer / 600MPH. Army helicopter pulled going up [to] 200 10/18/1974 #29544  
pain Burgos 6:25 a.m. Four Spanish Army soldiers (Manolo Aguera, Felipe Sán 1/1/1975 #29689  
 Air Defense division of the Swiss Army draws up a seven-page report on UFO 8/1975 #30226  
o years. He has also heard that US Army helicopters have been seen near the 9/11/1975 #30352  
s of a Chinese People’s Liberation Army unit stationed in Jianshui County,  Fall 1975 #30380  
oximity to a weapons storage area. Army Nat. Guard helos called in to assis 10/29/1975 #30506  
100–200 yds. altitude. At 0345, an Army Police Sgt. sighted an UFO in the v 7/30/1976 #31195  
s at different locations in the US Army’s Fort Ritchie [now closed], in Cas 7/30/1976 #31202  
 300–600 feet. In another spot, an Army police sergeant sees an aerial obje 7/30/1976 #31202  
a four foot tall dwarf at a former Army building in La Spezia near Mount Pa 9/5/1976 #31345  
, three helicopters of the Italian Army’s Aviazione Leggera dell’Esercito a 10/27/1977 #32623  
ington County, New Jersey Fort Dix army base McGuire AFB runaway 3:00–5:00  1/18/1978 #32894  
 UFO over the neighboring Fort Dix army base. An Army MP pursues the object 1/18/1978 #32894  
neighboring Fort Dix army base. An Army MP pursues the object, but his radi 1/18/1978 #32894  
l humanoids (or Greys) telepathy / Army Officer. "Policy / non-interference 5/1978 #33180  
, Russia dark side of the Moon Red Army officer Anatoly Malishev is alleged 5/1978 #33181  
entagon, claiming that the Bolvian Army has found nothing, but would send t 5/6/1978 #33190  
rón, Murcia, Spain Dawn. A Spanish Army unit on an exercise in Mazarrón, Mu 7/14/1978 #33382  
OH Leonard Stringfield, who was US Army Air Force intelligence during WW2,  7/29/1978 #33440  
    Moscow, Pennsylvania Tobyhanna Army Depot Coolbaugh Township 7:03 a.m.  8/22/1978 #33547  
sylvania, to work at the Tobyhanna Army Depot in Coolbaugh Township on I-38 8/22/1978 #33547  
EMADURA, PORT Many observer(s) and Army. UFO / low altitude shoots away whe 8/30/1978 #33595  
       WEST / BELDEN, NE Brilliant Army tank' going down / US20. Man exits. 9/14/1978 #33673  
ain sight. Around the same time an army private at a nearby military barrac 9/23/1978 #33737  
                            At the army barracks near Biela Lake, Carpathia 9/24/1978 #33744  
             NEAR UMM QASR, KUWAIT Army post. UFO hovers / type unknown. Go 12/1/1978 #34037  
he also claims he called a Mexican Army Gen. who commanded that specific ar 8/13/1979 #34741  
what looked like National Guard or Army trucks. One former Navy SEAL report 12/10/1979 #35066  
            Interstate 75 Grayling Army Airfield Grayling, Michigan 11:00 p 6/17/1980 #35379  
rth on Interstate 75 near Grayling Army Airfield in Grayling, Michigan, whe 6/17/1980 #35379  
and killed an alien at the Ft. Dix Army base next to the AFB.               9/16/1980 #35522  
t that looks like the bottom of an Army tank with runners on two sides appe 9/21/1980 #35524  
It resembled the bottom view of an Army tank, with runners on two sides. It 9/21/1980 #35526  
                            Moscow Army Lt. Col. John B. Alexander discusse 12/1980 #35686  
or retrieval” in 1968 while in the Army attending intelligence school in a  12/14/1980 #35716  
Big Spring, TX.  One mile from the Army compound was a small 16 acre USAF “ 12/14/1980 #35716  
onths later after this breach, all Army personnel were restricted to their  12/14/1980 #35716  
or the Air Force Almanac (it is an Army AFB). The name of the Secret base i 12/29/1980 #35752  
ning on this day in 1981 a Turkish Army captain and several townspeople wat 12/21/1981 #36274  
         COLUMBUS, IN Odd police / Army report. Saucer lands. 2 women see s 1/7/1982 #36297  
     Flatwoods, KY Mr. J. Duty, an Army reservist, watched a domed disc-sha 3/18/1982 #36399  
                   Mr. J. Duty, an Army reservist, watched a domed disc-sha 3/18/1982 #36400  
ntine soldiers riding in a UNIMOG (Army) vehicle spotted several short man- 5/1982 #36460  
                    Head of the US Army’s remote viewing program Skip Atwat 7/1982 #36525  
borate these claims and did, using Army personnel outside of USG work hours 7/1982 #36525  
ess object that looks like a large army helicopter about the size of a bus. 7/6/1982 #36531  
lokorovichi 4:00–8:00 p.m. Russian Army Lt. Col. Vladimir Plantonev witness 10/4/1982 #36634  
alatinate, Germany Gerbach Day. US Army Military Policeman Christopher Groo 11/25/1982 #36690  
is on guard duty in Tower 5 at the Army Special Weapons Depot at Kriegsfeld 11/25/1982 #36690  
                       MALMBY, SWD Army capt. and 2. 30M flying bus going d 12/17/1982 #36717  
n Captain Bergstrom of the Swedish Army was out jogging and saw a huge “fly 12/17/1982 #36718  
 Col. John B. Alexander and the US Army Intelligence and Security Command ( 1983 #36738  
Office of Naval Research (ONR) and Army R&D.  Reported effects included the 1983 #36738  
rent collaboration with the French Army on magnetohydrodynamic propulsion e 7/1983 #36898  
round a town, buzzing an important army base (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 7/22/1983 #36919  
n and the object is the Australian Army Rockbank Receiving Station, and it  7/22/1983 #36921  
 night lights and saucer? Cops and Army all over/all about hills / 15 April 4/14/1984 #37261  
t of sight behind a ridge. A large army helicopter and two military trucks  4/15/1984 #37263  
    Alleged CIA documents show the Army’s remote viewing program at the tim 5/1984 #37308  
                   US Dept. of the Army letter to W. S. Steinman stating th 5/16/1984 #37328  
ed to the Air Force. Therefore the Army isn’t aware of what their function  5/16/1984 #37328  
though it was a Secret unit of the Army. (FOIA requests to USAF)            5/16/1984 #37328  
                                   Army Dir. of Counterintelligence LTC Lan 5/16/1984 #37330  
writes in a FOIA response that the Army briefly had an “in-house” group kno 5/16/1984 #37330  
cure Facility in Virginia Pentagon Army Col. John B. Alexander (Howard Blum 5/20/1985 #37590  
tor of advanced concepts at the US Army Laboratory, forms a UFO working gro 5/20/1985 #37590  
old E. Puthoff (SRI), Ed Speakman (Army Intelligence), Howell McConnell (NS 5/20/1985 #37590  
   Hal Puthoff, former head of the Army and DIA remote viewing programs, gi Summer 1985 #37607  
s and a former member of the Royal Army Corps. In 1983, his commanding offi 10/28/1986 #38056  
shire, England 3:00 a.m. A British Army communications officer is sleeping  3/1987 #38128  
                             US US Army Intelligence letter: The IPU (Inter 3/12/1987 #38136  
nce Directorate, Department of the Army was disestablished during the 1950’ 3/12/1987 #38136  
             TARNASZENTMARIA, HUNG Army base. Saucer going [to] woods. Beam 11/20/1989 #39238  
        On this date in 1989 at an army base near Tarnaszentmaria, Hungary  11/20/1989 #39242  
t. Col. André Amond of the Belgian Army and his wife spot a strange aerial  12/11/1989 #39313  
rted and that the ministry and the Army have no idea what they are.         12/21/1989 #39326  
fense Division of the Russian 12th Army, orders three ground-to-air missile 5/25/1990 #39592  
esert Operation Desert Shield A US Army captain is stationed in the Iraqi d Late 1990 #39786  
ho itself was a contractor for the Army) Robert Monroe states something sim 1/1991 #39944  
object hovering above a quarry. An army veteran named Hardy estimates the U 1/6/1991 #39947  
ch is now behind them. The British Army denies firing any missiles. The Bri 4/21/1991 #40046  
ight a guard on duty at the Oderzo Army barracks in Oderzo, Italy suddenly  4/20/1992 #40425  
            LE LUC-EN-PROVENCE, FR Army helicopter in near collision / blac 7/8/1992 #40518  
t controller in Balice, the Polish Army refuses to disclose any further det 1/14/1993 #40795  
            More than 300 pages of Army CIC documents relating to Operation 1994 #41342  
ear weapons jointly staffed by the Army and Navy. AFSP and Los Alamos Natio 1994 #41349  
                                   Army photographer Sgt. Frederick Benthal 9/1/1994 #41712  
mong those involved are retired US Army Col. John B. Alexander who characte Fall 1994 #41773  
s during their pursuit. The Polish Army concludes that the phenomena were c 10/8/1994 #41795  
           LANGLEY, VA Many calls. Army helicopters. Cylinder/cylindrical o 6/11/1995 #42249  
revious work done by Gondola Wish (Army INSCOM 1977-1999) with F. Holmes “S 6/30/1995 #42284  
ater and Murray Watt, Grill Flame (Army INSCOM/AMSAA) with Joe McMoneagle,  6/30/1995 #42284  
tleigh Trent and Wat, Center Lane (Army INSCOM) with McMoneagle, Atwater, M 6/30/1995 #42284  
cNear and Foreman, Dragoon Absorb (Army INSCOM and DIA) with Charlene Shufe 6/30/1995 #42284  
dministrative records from Roswell Army Air Field in New Mexico from March  7/28/1995 #42335  
s important documents from Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF) were “destroyed wi 7/28/1995 #42338  
ber. Bigelow soon hires retired US Army Col. John B. Alexander part-time an 12/1995 #42635  
ncy response items mentions the US Army 52nd Ordnance Group at Fort Gillem, 1996 #42659  
al state. Further away, he sees an Army helicopter, two tarpaulins, an ambu 1/13/1996 #42681  
anvas cover, and driven away in an Army truck. Around the same time local r 1/20/1996 #42697  
, killing it instantly. Others saw Army trucks near the woods while still o 1/20/1996 #42697  
eports of unusual movements of the Army, the police, and the fire departmen 1/21/1996 #42704  
Cemitério dos Amarais in Campinas. Army officials continue making decisive  1/23/1996 #42709  
ry engineer Theodore Rockwell, and Army Col. John Alexander. Journalist Geo 1/28/1996 #42725  
y was “working for the sake of the Army and the nation.” In 1999, the story 5/8/1996 #42900  
fits to a Latin American guerrilla army run by the U.S. Central Intelligenc 8/18/1996 #42985  
                  Rachel, NV ex-US Army Lt. Col Corso appears on Art Bell’s 1997 #43153  
 retrieved by soldiers. The Polish Army denies all knowledge of the inciden 3/15/1997 #43232  
 Hughes Aircraft Bell Labs Moon US Army Col. Philip J. Corso writes, with W 6/1997 #43304  
t. Gen. Arthur Trudeau, who headed Army Research and Development, and was i 6/1997 #43304  
n about Project Horizon, a 1959 US Army plan to construct a base on the Moo 6/1997 #43304  
                         Former US Army Col. Philip J. Corso claims he came 6/1997 #43308  
o Lt. Gen. Arthur Trudeau, head of Army Research and Development in charge  6/1997 #43308  
       Roswell, New Mexico Roswell Army Air Field hospital Walker AFB Hollo 6/24/1997 #43338  
 Claims of alien bodies at Roswell Army Air Field hospital are a combinatio 6/24/1997 #43338  
                  Rachel, NV ex-US Army Lt. Col Corso appeared on Coast to  7/23/1997 #43357  
GWs and superconductors for the US Army at Redstone Arsenal with AC Gravity 8/1/1997 #43364  
019, Baker clarified he was on the Army’s oversight committee for Li’s cont 8/1/1997 #43364  
y details. The RAAF and Australian Army provided information that discounts 10/13/1997 #43427  
by Wernher von Braun’s team at the Army Ballistic Missile Agency (ABMA). A  1998 #43481  
            ELSTERNWICK, AUSTRALIA Army helmet-saucer moves side-to-side fl 2/13/1998 #43517  
                                An Army intelligence document summarizes th 2/17/1998 #43522  
ail of sparks flew over the Badger Army Ordnance ammunition plant outside L 3/1/1998 #43526  
s the witnesses. In September, the army begins an intensive search of the l 7/27/1999 #43814  
ms to react in a way similar to an army unit and forms a line and disappear 1/1/2001 #44114  
l County, Texas. Spotlights of the Army Corp of Engineers dam facility lit  1/24/2001 #44130  
 about cattle mutilations and a US Army black program. In 1977, Deputy Sher 2/24/2001 #44142  
of the helicopters. There was a US Army marking on the bottom of one helico 2/24/2001 #44142  
                              Ret. Army Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden writes that 5/2002 #44335  
p hovered silently over a Canadian army base near Edmonton, Alberta at 1:30 7/6/2002 #44355  
is arrested for hacking into  U.S. Army and NASA computers over the previou 11/2002 #44428  
       Roswell, New Mexico Roswell Army Air Field Roswell, New Mexico, witn 12/26/2002 #44460  
h in a temporary morgue at Roswell Army Air Field. Haut dies December 15, 2 12/26/2002 #44460  
s he was giving a presentation for Army, Navy, Air Force and contractor per 7/2003 #44560  
tates SAIC had a contract with the Army at that time; he adds he wouldn’t b 7/2003 #44560  
                       White House Army Signaling Agency specialist Stephen 7/21/2003 #44567  
           Mary E. Spitz, a former Army Captain, reports she was driving to 5/9/2004 #44698  
                        Alleged US Army/DIA official John Maynard states At 8/2004 #44724  
 at Atlantic Research Corporation, Army’s Ballistic Research Laboratory and 8/2004 #44724  
hem from being discharged from the Army for "psychological" reasons. One of 8/25/2004 #44741  
emale resident of the village told Army investigators that spherical and di 8/25/2004 #44741  
    Monterrey, Mexico Attorney and Army Reserves Brig. Gen. Stephen Lovekin 9/20/2005 #44877  
en Lovekin, who had worked for the Army Signal Corps in the 1950s and early 9/20/2005 #44877  
Alamos National Laboratory Roswell Army Air Field Wright- Patterson AFB San 11/1/2005 #44898  
Field Wright- Patterson AFB Sandia Army Base Los Alamos Alamogordo Nevada T 11/1/2005 #44898  
lamos National Laboratory. Roswell Army Air Field took the craft and sent i 11/1/2005 #44898  
back to Datil, and notified Sandia Army Base, which recovered six bodies th 11/1/2005 #44898  
 waves optics. The studies cite US Army Redstone Arsenal contractor Ning Li 3/28/2006 #44931  
                                US Army veteran Gary R. Gochnour patents a  5/18/2006 #44945  
 Note: Gochnour is described as an Army veteran in his obituary dated 2015  5/18/2006 #44945  
him some bodies were sent to Muroc Army Airfield (now Edwards AFB) and even 1/1/2008 #45110  
Later, at 11:00 p.m. PST a "little army of star-like lights" passed over Sa 2/11/2009 #45211  
ed a cover story that they were US Army psychologists working on a project  3/31/2011 #45322  
 Lake Pangong Tso Himalayas Indian Army troops deployed along the Chinese b 8/1/2012 #45350  
ntier with China, sends reports to Army headquarters about sightings by an  8/1/2012 #45350  
3–5 hours before disappearing. The Army uses a mobile ground-based radar un 8/1/2012 #45350  
Os. Attendees determine that Navy, Army, and Air Force documents related to 4/18/2013 #45364  
 each with 30+ years experience as Army and Air Force aircraft maintenance  11/19/2013 #45397  
                              Ret. Army Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden claims to h 12/24/2013 #45399  
cking; Steven Greer alleges the US Army “black shelved” other inventor’s al 11/15/2015 #45440  
testing for partners at Air Force, Army, Navy, Marines, DTRA and DARPA. The 3/5/2016 #45445  
ampaign demands that the Brazilian Army, the Minas Gerais military police,  2/2018 #45504  
C Gray Eagle derivative for the US Army as well as with several foreign nat 3/9/2018 #45522  
borative R&D agreement with the US Army’s Combat Capabilities Development C 7/2018 #45532  
round midnight. The pilots of a US Army AH-64 Apache attack helicopter are  11/6/2018 #45543  
 development agreement with the US Army Combat Capabilities Development Com 10/17/2019 #45612  
y propulsion.” According to the US Army, no public funding will go the grou 10/17/2019 #45612  
alysis of potential application on Army ground vehicles. Doug Halleaux, a s 10/17/2019 #45612  
 here.” According to Halleaux, the Army is also interested in the results o 10/17/2019 #45612  
g UFOs. To the People’s Liberation Army they are ‘unidentified air conditio 6/4/2021 #45692  
IA, FBI, NRO, NGA, NSA, Air Force, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, DARPA, FAA, NA 6/25/2021 #45695  
t Linda Moulton Howe by alleged US Army counterintelligence warrant officer 9/28/2021 #45711  
 small group of military (possibly Army) personnel retrieved the gold total 10/2021 #45713  
 suspects the object might be a US Army Long Endurance Multi Intelligence V 10/9/2021 #45716  
eings telepathically; ret. British Army officer Gerard Pratt who dreamt of  10/20/2022 #45779  
## Word: "army's" (Back to Top)
rig. Gen. Martin F. Scanlon of the Army's Air Defense Command, discredited  7/5/1947 #2718  
## Word: "army-controlled" (Back to Top)
e, the most northerly range of the Army-controlled Holloman–White Sands com 5/15/1964 #18270  
## Word: "army-navy-air" (Back to Top)
                   The first Joint Army-Navy-Air Force Publication (JANAP)  10/1/1948 #3826  
## Word: "army267" (Back to Top)
a. Dispatched local helicopter NBR ARMY267 to investigate. Definitely NOT a 8/12/1954 #10131  
## Word: "army294" (Back to Top)
rned to base. In coming helicopter ARMY294 proceeded toward UFO which then  8/12/1954 #10131  
n completely disappeared. Pilot of ARMY294 lost sight of it, would be glad  8/12/1954 #10131  
## Word: "armășești" (Back to Top)
                                   Armășești, Romania Bucharest George Pârv Early 8/1939 #1312  
en are playing in an open field in Armășești, Romania, when they see a brig Early 8/1939 #1312  
## Word: "arnaud" (Back to Top)
                               ST. ARNAUD, CONSTANTINE, ALG Huge saucer. No 1/12/1954 #9478  
. Going quickly east toward(s) St. Arnaud.                                  1/18/1954 #9490  
ia 1:30 p.m. Many persons in Saint Arnaud observed an object leaving a doub 1/18/1954 #9492  
 trail as it flew off toward Saint Arnaud in the east, where it was also se 1/18/1954 #9495  
the road between Bendigo and Saint Arnaud. Mr. R. Sullivan, age 38, was dri 4/4/1966 #20225  
## Word: "arndale" (Back to Top)
ock workers who are loading the SS Arndale also see the object for “a minut 5/19/1909 #765  
## Word: "arne" (Back to Top)
e Research Institute Mathematician Arne Gjärdman replaces Sture Wickerts as 1990 #39352  
thematician Karsten Jöred replaces Arne Gjärdman as head of UFO investigati 2000 #43912  
## Word: "arnell" (Back to Top)
          Canada US John Carstairs Arnell, scientific advisor to the Canadi 4/20/1965 #18908  
## Word: "arneson" (Back to Top)
rick McDonough, Lt. Col. Dwynne C. Arneson and Capt. Bruce Fenstermacher wr 9/27/2010 #45299  
## Word: "arneson_01" (Back to Top)
com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/arneson_01.jpg   https://www.ufohastings 9/27/2010 #45299  
## Word: "arness" (Back to Top)
Sheridan, Kenneth Tobey, and James Arness, about a crashed flying saucer fo 4/7/1951 #5500  
## Word: "arnett" (Back to Top)
                                   ARNETT, OK 1 of 2. Night light follows c 5/7/1967 #22291  
e through the rural countryside of Arnett, Oklahoma back home. It then shot 5/7/1967 #22298  
## Word: "arnham" (Back to Top)
ec.Q): A.D. Otter and his daughter Arnham, in the Netherlands, sight UFO si 7/20/1948 #3716  
## Word: "arnheim" (Back to Top)
                   At 7:30 p.m. in Arnheim, The Netherlands four discs pass 7/24/1952 #7119  
## Word: "arnhem" (Back to Top)
                                   ARNHEM, NETH Project Bluebook Case #168. 7/20/1948 #3717  
                                   Arnhem, Netherlands Two Eastern Airlines 7/20/1948 #3718  
         The Netherlands The Hague Arnhem The Netherlands government report 7/20/1948 #3719  
ch citizens over The Hague (and/or Arnhem).                                 7/20/1948 #3719  
 of windows was seen four times in Arnhem, Holland around 1:30 in the after 7/20/1948 #3720  
                                   ARNHEM, NETH Many observer(s). 4 disks p 7/24/1952 #7102  
                     Park Sonsbeek Arnhem Netherlands Deelen Air Base Eveni 5/28/2017 #45470  
ma see UFOs over Park Sonsbeek, in Arnhem, Netherlands. Koops shoots a 3-mi 5/28/2017 #45470  
## Word: "arnholt" (Back to Top)
Bill Gates, flight engineer Robert Arnholt, a stewardess, and several passe 5/29/1950 #4972  
among the crew: Sperry, Bates, and Arnholt.                                 5/29/1950 #4974  
## Word: "arnica" (Back to Top)
ing a strong odor like "sulphur or arnica." Maceiras was not frightened---i 12/30/1972 #27193  
## Word: "arnica-yellow" (Back to Top)
firmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Arnica-Yellow” YieldMax: 40KT            6/26/1970 #25709  
## Word: "arniston" (Back to Top)
the Denel Overberg Test Range near Arniston, Western Cape.                  5/5/1981 #35930  
## Word: "arno" (Back to Top)
                   USAF Brig. Gen. Arno H. Leuhman, director of Air Force i Early 4/1957 #13576  
 USAF Director of Information Gen. Arno H. Luehman naively inquires of the  2/28/1958 #14896  
 of Information Services Maj. Gen. Arno Luehman writes he had informal disc 2/28/1958 #14899  
ce J. Tacker, Hynek, and Maj. Gen. Arno H. Luehman. CIA officers Richard Pa 7/15/1960 #16337  
    At 5:30 p.m. in San Croce Sull’Arno in the Tuscany region of Italy a 40 1/8/1979 #34320  
## Word: "arnold" (Back to Top)
 Yard Two chemists are killed, and Arnold Kramish almost killed, after bein 9/2/1944 #1664  
t, is asked by Gen. Henry H. “Hap” Arnold to look into incidents of unusual 10/28/1944 #1685  
the Pacific Theater. His report to Arnold at the end of the war has never b 10/28/1944 #1685  
 memorandum to Gen. Henry H. “Hap” Arnold, saying that infrared devices are 4/17/1945 #1847  
pecial aide to Gen. Henry H. “Hap” Arnold12/1945 #1948  
eption of UFO investigator Kenneth Arnold by a shadowy con man named Chrism 6/21/1947 #2358  
            Mt. Rainer, WA Kenneth Arnold sights 9 discs near Mt. Rainer, W 6/24/1947 #2378  
         A civilian pilot, Kenneth Arnold, reports seeing 9 flying saucers  6/24/1947 #2379  
Project Bluebook Case #12. Kenneth Arnold. 9 saucers at 9000' going quickly 6/24/1947 #2387  
entified pilot. Saucers similar to Arnold objects over mountains near here  6/24/1947 #2390  
ects over mountains near here / H. Arnold.                                  6/24/1947 #2390  
                    Mt. Ranier, WA Arnold Case (P) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Ca 6/24/1947 #2394  
 A humanoid report on the same day Arnold had his sighting (Bloecher). (NIC 6/24/1947 #2395  
 Boise, Idaho, businessman Kenneth Arnold, flying his CallAir Model A-2 fro 6/24/1947 #2398  
the last high peak of Mount Adams. Arnold tells the airport staff about it  6/24/1947 #2398  
endleton, Oregon, to alert them of Arnold’s arrival at an air show and his  6/24/1947 #2398  
ion follows. The consensus is that Arnold has seen guided missiles. But no  6/24/1947 #2398  
nd the late 1990s explanation that Arnold observed a flight of white pelica 6/24/1947 #2398  
              At 2:58 p.m. Kenneth Arnold, flying his private plane near Mo 6/24/1947 #2402  
, Oregon Cascade Mountains Kenneth Arnold goes to the East Oregonian office 6/25/1947 #2411  
lan Skiff and William C. Bequette. Arnold says the “saucer-like” objects we 6/25/1947 #2411  
         Pendleton, Oregon Kenneth Arnold is interviewed live on KWRC radio 6/26/1947 #2418  
ch from Pendleton, Oregon, Kenneth Arnold expresses frustration over the fu 6/27/1947 #2431  
r of doomsday.” A woman recognizes Arnold in a Pendleton café and runs out  6/27/1947 #2431  
on a detailed study of the Kenneth Arnold case (6/24/1947) and 15 other UFO 7/1947 #2492  
to get them back. However, Kenneth Arnold obtains them on a later visit to  7/7/1947 #2940  
 a declassified statement, Kenneth Arnold points out why the unidentified d 7/12/1947 #3139  
ia Mt. Rainier, Washington Kenneth Arnold is interviewed at the Hotel Owyhe 7/12/1947 #3157  
1/20th their width.” As to motion, Arnold writes, “They flew like many time 7/12/1947 #3157  
James Easton suggests in 2007 that Arnold may have seen pelicans, based on  7/12/1947 #3157  
seems unlikely.) While they are at Arnold’s house, Brown and Davidson hear  7/12/1947 #3157  
,000 feet. At about the same time, Arnold Bergh and James Calahan watch thr 7/12/1947 #3160  
ngton Ray Palmer writes to Kenneth Arnold and tells him about the Maury Isl 7/22/1947 #3213  
William L. Davidson, visit Kenneth Arnold in Boise, Idaho, and tell him to  7/25/1947 #3229  
ashington Ray Palmer wires Kenneth Arnold $200 to investigate the Maury Isl 7/27/1947 #3234  
ents have also interviewed Kenneth Arnold, Capt. Emil J. Smith, Flight Offi 7/27/1947 #3235  
                           Kenneth Arnold interviews Dahl in Tacoma WA, nea 7/29/1947 #3243  
                OVER UNION, OR Ken Arnold / light plane again. 20-25 brassy 7/29/1947 #3245  
e Winthrop Hotel 6:55 a.m. Kenneth Arnold is flying to Tacoma, Washington,  7/29/1947 #3254  
ved for him. Harold A. Dahl visits Arnold that night, then takes him to Fre 7/29/1947 #3254  
o see some Maury Island fragments. Arnold thinks it looks like lava.        7/29/1947 #3254  
, Washington Tacoma Winthrop Hotel Arnold calls United Airlines pilot Capt. 7/30/1947 #3259  
Dahl and Crisman. Smith stays with Arnold at the Winthrop Hotel. Journalist 7/30/1947 #3259  
 Ted Morello of United Press calls Arnold and says that a crackpot has been 7/30/1947 #3259  
on. They cannot locate the photos. Arnold calls Brown and Davidson at Hamil 7/31/1947 #3264  
y depart for Tacoma. Morello calls Arnold and says his informant knows that 7/31/1947 #3264  
 bail out. After hearing the news, Arnold calls Palmer and offers to return 8/1/1947 #3281  
s to just mail him some fragments. Arnold and Smith visit Morello and Dahl  8/1/1947 #3281  
contacts Maj. Sander, who relieves Arnold and Smith of all their fragments. 8/3/1947 #3285  
 similar pieces of slag. Smith and Arnold check out of the Winthrop Hotel i 8/3/1947 #3285  
a bare spot in the ground. Kenneth Arnold is persuaded that reports of the  2/18/1948 #3579  
d a 30-page UFO roundup by Kenneth Arnold, as well as a history of unconven Spring 1948 #3592  
tion in Arcata, California Kenneth Arnold visits the Landing Aids Experimen Spring 1948 #3593  
                WA Aviator Kenneth Arnold publishes the pamphlet “The Flyin 1950 #4459  
parked car and disappears. Kenneth Arnold, who interviews her, is convinced 4/1950 #4784  
on CBS. He begins with the Kenneth Arnold case, mentions Muroc AFB cases an 4/7/1950 #4816  
 witness turned researcher Kenneth Arnold releases The Coming of the Saucer 9/1952 #7802  
8:46 p.m. USAF pilot Lt. Robert O. Arnold, 3640th Pilot Training Wing, Lare 12/4/1952 #8377  
tude again, then stops and hovers. Arnold pursues but after 2 seconds the o 12/4/1952 #8377  
itioning for another pass. In fear Arnold turns off his running lights, spi 12/4/1952 #8377  
 p.m. an F-51 pilot, Lt. Robert O. Arnold, flying out of the Laredo, Texas  12/4/1952 #8378  
t with two friends, Tom Wilson and Arnold Payne, to US Highway 78 near Lela 7/7/1953 #8989  
ds to talk about UFOs with Kenneth Arnold and Clarence S. Chiles. Others in 12/1957 #14654  
 is too long. Ruppelt, Chiles, and Arnold soon withdraw from the program, e 12/1957 #14654  
LaCamp, Louisiana Witness:  Monroe Arnold. One fiery-red disc exploded four 4/12/1960 #16224  
mp, Louisiana. At 9:00 p.m. Monroe Arnold, a physical scientist, saw a fier 4/12/1960 #16225  
             Lacamp, Louisiana Mr. Arnold saw a round object, fiery red in  4/18/1960 #16233  
                  At 9:00 p.m. Mr. Arnold saw a round, fiery red flying obj 4/18/1960 #16234  
aho Falls, Idaho 2:00 p.m. Kenneth Arnold takes a 16mm film of a UFO over I 7/9/1966 #20635  
he 20th anniversary of the Kenneth Arnold sighting. Speakers include Gray B 6/22/1967 #22535  
nes, and Ivan T Sanderson. Kenneth Arnold and Raymond A. Palmer are origina 6/22/1967 #22535  
                                   Arnold, CA 1:00 a.m. PDT. Two witnesses  7/29/1967 #22748  
                                   ARNOLD, MO 2 observer(s). 8m white-glowi 1/22/1974 #28689  
ighway 63 Boyle, Alberta 7:00 a.m. Arnold Barker is driving south on Albert 12/15/1976 #31604  
he 30th anniversary of the Kenneth Arnold sighting. Some 1,500 people atten 6/24/1977 #32190  
llée, Stanton T. Friedman, Kenneth Arnold, Jim and Coral Lorenzen, David M. 6/24/1977 #32190  
te the 30th anniversary of Kenneth Arnold’s sighting. Speakers include Robe 6/25/1977 #32195  
                                   Arnold, MO 7:00 PM. Two occupants of a c 1/22/1984 #37142  
                                   Arnold, Missouri 7:00 p.m. Two witnesses 1/22/1984 #37147  
:00 p.m. Two witnesses in a car in Arnold, Missouri, see a circular object  1/22/1984 #37147  
     At 7:00 p.m. two witnesses in Arnold, Missouri reported that a 25 foot 1/22/1984 #37149  
                                   ARNOLD, PA 1 observer. Bright ovoid over 1/21/1987 #38100  
s. Then goes quickly going up. See Arnold.PA above.                         1/23/1987 #38102  
                                   ARNOLD, PA Cemetery. Saucer shines beam  3/9/1992 #40365  
                                   ARNOLD, NOTTS Several observer(s). 3-hoo 1/12/1994 (approximate) #41368  
                           Kenneth Arnold Phoenix lights Southern Illinois  2/24/2005 #44816  
-TV. The show mentions the Kenneth Arnold sighting, the Phoenix lights, sou 2/24/2005 #44816  
n doctors, Jonathan F. McGuire and Arnold J. Lebotski (he previously said t 11/5/2010 #45305  
## Word: "arnold's" (Back to Top)
          Confirmation sighting of Arnold's discs by Fred Johnson           9/23/1947 #3413  
## Word: "arnon" (Back to Top)
inquiry from UFO researcher Shlomo Arnon: “The subject of UFOs is one that  3/28/1975 #29922  
## Word: "arnone" (Back to Top)
 Robinson, Ray Disguiseppe, Victor Arnone and John Defilippo, of Port-Arthu 10/25/1959 #16059  
 Robinson, Ray Disguiseppe, Victor Arnone and John Defilippo, of Port Arthu 10/25/1959 #16061  
## Word: "arnoult" (Back to Top)
                  At Pont l’Abbe d’Arnoult, Charente-Maritime, France Mr. M 10/18/1954 #11217  
## Word: "arnowitt" (Back to Top)
ana, and Stanley Deser and Richard Arnowitt of the Princeton Institute for  11/20/1955 #12580  
## Word: "arnpriester" (Back to Top)
husetts) 2:15 a.m. Seaman Henry J. Arnpriester is on watch at Nahant (Massa 7/23/1952 #7078  
## Word: "arns" (Back to Top)
Pennsylvania Witnesses: Capt. G.P. Arns and Maj. R.J. Gedson flying a Beech 2/11/1952 #5897  
## Word: "arocha" (Back to Top)
a is a guest of his friend Antonio Arocha at San Juan de los Morros, Guáric 7/7/1971 #26211  
a Dr. G. A. De La Motta and Dr. A. Arocha watched as two men clad in black  7/7/1971 #26212  
## Word: "aroche" (Back to Top)
                                   AROCHE, SP 7 observer(s). 80cm sphere/or 2/2/1969 #24890  
## Word: "arolla" (Back to Top)
                                   Arolla (near Zermatt), Swiss Alps Aleist 1896 #323  
                                   Arolla, near Zermatt, Swiss Alps Author  1896 #324  
## Word: "aroma" (Back to Top)
to his left down the corridor, the aroma of sage and cinnamon pervasive and 8/15/1970 #25787  
## Word: "arona" (Back to Top)
                               OFF ARONA, ITL Saucer and plasma-beams over  3/3/1979 #34461  
## Word: "aroostook" (Back to Top)
en by two young boys in Fort Kent, Aroostook County, Maine at 12:30 p.m. Th 8/18/1963 #17908  
ough a forested area in Mars Hill, Aroostook County, Maine 33-year-old Mr.  5/14/1980 #35333  
## Word: "arose" (Back to Top)
op. Among the technologies he said arose from this were: night vision, fibe 1961 #16543  
rs as if to link them. Dense smoke arose, drying the mouths and noses of th 6/27/1966 #20618  
   35 miles away. At this time she arose because of noises on the roof roof 2/5/1967 #21456  
ground. After about a minute these arose and re-entered the hovering UFO, w 8/28/1968 #24392  
as if obeying an order a big light arose from the nearby ridge. The occupan 1/31/1969 #24882  
" toward her. A great deal of dust arose from the ground; the two entitiesv 8/18/1972 #26928  
## Word: "arosemena" (Back to Top)
mador 1:20 p.m. Photographer Linda Arosemena is taking photos of President  6/17/1978 #33286  
that she has not visually noticed. Arosemena, who works for the Defense Map 6/17/1978 #33286  
## Word: "around" (Back to Top)
ny fiery clouds circled in the sky around seven o'clock in the morning, fro 12/5/1557 #31  
od-red luminous display in the sky around Sheffield, England, which moves f 12/5/1737 #60  
a passage within the atmosphere of around 1,000 miles, over southwestern Fr 8/18/1783 #90  
aist, one of which has a red cloth around its head. The object is visible f 8/20/1829 #125  
e from an undersea volcanic vent.) Around 7:10 p.m., at Ainab, Lebanon, two 6/18/1845 #141  
bably Whitman’s meteor procession. Around 9:40 p.m., two meteors with trail 7/20/1860 #155  
                                   Around midday a luminous square body set 8/7/1869 #181  
a misty white light in some bushes around 8:00 p.m. He then felt a tingling 5/8/1880 #233  
to the south, pedaling constantly. Around 8:00 p.m., the Royster family of  7/28/1880 #237  
                    On this day at around 8:00 a.m. Astronomer Bonilla at t 8/12/1883 #256  
like red-hot iron for several feet around, gleaming through the storm for s 2/16/1885 #263  
r part of their bodies, especially around the face and lips. They feel no h 10/24/1886 #276  
ons of their hair falls off. Trees around the hut show no damage until Nove 10/24/1886 #276  
 a series of “electric arc lights” around it and a “pole” or rudder that is 9/2/1891 #296  
on going east. Sweeps intense beam around. Hovers until O100hrs. Going west 3/23/1892 #300  
Melhuish sees it at Margate, Kent, around 10:15 p.m.                        8/31/1895 #321  
 circle, leaving a trail of smoke. Around 6:30 p.m., a light resembling an  11/17/1896 #340  
y light flies in circular patterns around Sacramento, California, at a rapi 11/25/1896 #360  
ler lights are placed at intervals around a larger dark body. After 10 minu 2/4/1897 #387  
, MN Figure with lantern searching around. Runs going [to] trees. Grey obje 4/13/1897 #451  
ce a figure in a clearing, walking around as if he is looking for something 4/13/1897 #454  
s, saw a very large figure walking around in a clearing looking for somethi 4/13/1897 #456  
e in a wave of "airship" sightings around the United States and Canada. The 4/14/1897 #472  
e in a wave of "airship" sightings around the United States and Canada. The 4/15/1897 #495  
 the city of Springfield, Illinois around midday. They had a discussion wit 4/15/1897 #497  
                                At around 9:00 p.m. a passenger train on th 4/15/1897 #499  
boro, Texas, when his horse whirls around in fright. A brilliant light as i 4/16/1897 #510  
 descended and was estimated to be around 50 to 70 feet in length. It had a 4/16/1897 #512  
purchases Judge Proctor’s property around 1935. Oates cleans out the debris 4/17/1897 #523  
ther times it retraces its course. Around 12:00 midnight it disappears over 4/18/1897 #527  
 nearby fence with a cable knotted around its neck that connects to the air 4/19/1897 #538  
 over and discover four men moving around a large dark object, who ask for  4/19/1897 #539  
rom a landed airship near the city around the same time.                    4/19/1897 #539  
t respected citizens, was awakened around midnight by the noise from a mach 4/22/1897 #562  
at he and two others are traveling around the country in an airship and hop 5/6/1897 #593  
                                At around 6:00 p.m. in Rossland, British Co 8/11/1897 #603  
as it rounded a bend in the tracks around Heron Bay, Ontario, Canada and th 8/16/1897 #605  
shita and shows her strangle marks around her neck. Poltergeist phenomena ( 10/4/1898 #626  
ous places (usually near a spring) around central Tennessee. The witnesses  4/20/1907 #694  
ding on a Burlington street corner around 2 in the afternoon, engaged in a  7/2/1907 #698  
engine sounds and flashes of light around the same time.                    5/16/1909 #750  
ethbridge was walking along a road around 11 p.m. near the mountains in Cae 5/18/1909 #759  
minous dirigible-shaped airship at around 9:00 p.m. It glided and maneuvere 7/24/1909 #784  
                                At around ten o'clock in the morning a flyi 7/27/1909 #786  
-shaped object flew over the hills around Fairfax, New Zealand. It had a bo 7/31/1909 #795  
ights fore and aft. After circling around, it disappears behind a hill.     8/3/1909 #799  
anals begins to fall out of favor. Around this time, spectroscopic analysis 9/20/1909 #811  
th lights flying at an altitude of around 400 feet. Alex Randall of Revere  12/23/1909 #822  
at passed rapidly over the city at around 11:00 a.m. at 500 to 1,000 feet a 1/13/1910 #832  
                                At around midnight in the South China Sea a 8/12/1910 #844  
ed buildings in downtown Manhattan around Madison Square Park in New York C 8/30/1910 #846  
teor procession on the same course around 5 hours later, although the Earth 2/9/1913 #881  
rship is seen at several locations around Selby, North Yorkshire, England.  2/21/1913 #883  
 Several small beings emerge, walk around the machine, and go back inside.  3/1914 #897  
low altitude near Bigfork, Montana around five o'clock in the late afternoo 2/9/1915 #924  
. The other two seem to be looking around. Possible Chinese lantern or airp 2/29/1916 #943  
 estimated speed of 200 mph, turns around, darts backward, and shoots up an 12/17/1916 #953  
er disc bathed in a pearly luster. Around this time Elizabeth begins receiv 10/1917 #968  
     Himalaya Mountains UFO’s seen around Altai Himalaya                    1926 #1052  
n the open air) but when she turns around, the scarecrow and the globe are  Summer 1928 #1087  
h at her home 15 miles away. It is around 12:00 midnight. In March 1968, ha 1930 #1106  
nge lights in the sky are reported around Tobin Lake, Saskatchewan. Curious Summer 1933 #1162  
notably chilly. The man then walks around the object, touching the surface, Summer 1933 #1163  
ight. Two mystery airplanes circle around London, England: “The machines we 6/11/1934 #1210  
nd at 8:30 p.m. A blue halo formed around the object for one minute, and th 7/14/1934 #1214  
       Keuka Lake western New York Around 5:00 a.m. Musician Leon M. Thomps 8/9/1934 #1217  
             Ethiopia UFO activity around Second Italo-Ethiopian War        1935 #1219  
st a ball of fire,” that is moving around the horizon. It is lost to view i 1/22/1935 #1223  
humanoids (or Greys) exit and walk around it! / r50p1.                      4/5/1935 (approximate) #1226  
ral small beings appear and stroll around it.                               4/5/1935 #1227  
al small beings got out and walked around for ten minutes. The witness, Mr. 4/5/1935 #1228  
ox hunting in Bowie County, Texas [around the current site of the Red River Fall 1936 #1249  
                                At around noon on this day a gondola-shaped 1/1/1937 #1260  
, Sweden New ghost flier sightings around the fortress at Boden, Norrbotten 1/4/1937 #1261  
 water. The captain turns the boat around to offer assistance, but the obje 2/11/1937 #1265  
large plane descend toward the sea around 9:00 p.m. It extinguished its lig 2/11/1937 #1266  
d two figures could be seen moving around inside the column. A blue beam of 7/25/1938 #1289  
 of pulsating, multicolored lights around it. Soon it makes a right-angle t 10/1938 #1296  
r direction, waist deep, then turn around and reenter the object, which tak Early 8/1939 #1312  
 Mississippi steamboat with a deck around the bottom.” Strata or veins run  Late Summer 1939 #1314  
en glow surrounds it. It is 3 feet around and 1 foot high. It rises suddenl Late Summer 1939 #1314  
hooked “hairs or tentacles” moving around on the bottom passes overhead at  Mid 5/1940 #1332  
annel The Chain Home radars placed around the English coastline detect a fo 3/1941 #1354  
ng craft “broken and scattered all around,” but smooth and rounded without  Early Spring 1941 #1355  
ral North Carolina (possibly in or around the Uwharrie National Forest). Th Early 10/1941 #1372  
     Honolulu, Hawaii Pearl Harbor Around noon. Red Cross volunteer Yoshio  12/8/1941 #1378  
                                At around 2:30 a.m. on this night in Los An 2/25/1942 #1391  
 is not hit and proceeds to circle around the fleet. An anonymous sailor on 8/5/1942 #1430  
 in Washington, D.C. on this night around 11:00 p.m. Photographs were taken 8/13/1942 #1437  
                                At around 7:00 p.m. two soldiers in the air 8/29/1942 #1445  
any Discs Put Up Protective Shield Around B-17 Formation ??? (NICAP: 11 - A 10/24/1943 #1537  
ol Beaufighter on a patrol mission around Naples, Italy, when he and his na 12/14/1943 #1553  
s that occasionally flare and curl around them.                             Winter 1943 #1556  
ear Kaneohe, Hawaii in the morning around 9 a.m. They wore green coveralls. 6/18/1944 #1606  
ring Allied operations in the area around Loreto, Castelfidardo, and Osimo, Early 7/1944 #1617  
                  Antwerp, Belgium Around 9 p.m. in the evening a Canadian  9/1944 #1659  
bout 45 minutes, at an altitude of around 800 meters, one of the Jumo 004 t 2/18/1945 #1790  
       Mannheim Darmstadt, Germany Around 10:30 p.m. Company A of the US 44 3/25/1945 #1827  
n Ryukyu Islands During operations around Okinawa, Japan, the radar crew on 4/1945 #1834  
ring mushrooms near Reneve, France around 6 p.m. saw a 17 cm tall midget wi 4/20/1945 #1851  
the size of a full moon which flew around in the vicinity of our flying pat 7/1945 #1886  
, and they can see entities moving around inside. They collect two shiny me 8/16/1945 #1924  
e a window that has shadows moving around inside. It takes off horizontally 10/1945 #1942  
ntry Club Road Lafayette, New York Around 12:00 noon. Richard R. Hill and S 4/1946 #1980  
me and oval windows on the ground. Around it were about 11 beings with tran 5/1946 #1986  
ds, disappearing to the southeast. Around the same time, a witness at Järna 7/9/1946 #2036  
owa, see an object buzzing rapidly around some trees. It gradually ascends, 8/15/1946 #2138  
alia Port Augusta, South Australia Around 7:30 a.m., Frederick Walter Flave 2/6/1947 #2238  
g slowly. The object seems to turn around and fly back eastward briefly.    3/21/1947 #2249  
an otherwise cloudless sky. Moving around it in “yo-yo fashion” are a numbe Late 4/1947 #2266  
elliptical object with a gold band around it approaching fron the west.     5/10/1947 #2280  
 Railway Manitou Springs, Colorado Around 12:30 p.m. Navy veteran Dean A. H 5/19/1947 #2294  
                   On this evening around 9 p.m. a dazzling fireball was se 6/6/1947 #2314  
part. The objects make a small arc around a corner of a park before disappe 6/10/1947 #2319  
ERS, OK 1 observer. 2 saucers play around sky / 30+min. Observer(s) gets bo 6/25/1947 #2410  
o two dozen small discs that whirl around rapidly.                          6/26/1947 #2417  
                                At around 2 p.m. a formation of 5-6 white c 6/28/1947 #2450  
         Wright Field Dayton, Ohio Around this time the Air Force Research  6/30/1947 #2488  
omenon. Something is really flying around.” (This report was declassified F 7/1947 #2492  
llegedly track an object “flitting around” the sky, frequently returning bu 7/1/1947 #2524  
            Late in the evening at around 11:00 p.m. thirteen silver disc-s 7/1/1947 #2533  
d in outfits and headgear are busy around it. When she honks her horn, the  Early 7/1947 #2547  
eet and is visible for 15 seconds. Around the same time, a resident of Augu 7/3/1947 #2583  
cluster of three reports came from around Cincinnati, Ohio between 10:30 a. 7/3/1947 #2586  
a dark sphere with a luminous halo around it moving below the clouds at a m 7/4/1947 #2666  
 high speed. They were oscillating around a central vertical axis. Minutes  7/4/1947 #2675  
. an orange ball of light, "as big around as a barrel," which resolved itse 7/4/1947 #2678  
am Curry Holden, working the sites around Roswell, New Mexico, stumble acro 7/5/1947 #2719  
mped or embossed in a ring running around the inside. Army intelligence off 7/5/1947 #2721  
 to cross the field and are driven around it to water more than a mile away 7/5/1947 #2723  
              On this afternoon at around 3:30 p.m. William Rhodes was work 7/7/1947 #2947  
rs him to post guards on the roads around the debris field. Armed guards en 7/8/1947 #3011  
ll. Samples of wreckage are passed around the table. Pieces that resemble m 7/8/1947 #3012  
wo knobs or thick fins on the top. Around 4:00 p.m., a pilot flying an F-51 7/8/1947 #3014  
vers the release to radio stations around noon (the first apparently to Fra 7/8/1947 #3015  
 Military personnel warn civilians around Roswell, New Mexico, that they ar 7/11/1947 #3137  
e mile away. Flynn turns his plane around to pursue them, but they outdista 7/15/1947 #3187  
nomena. Something is really flying around.” Also, “Lack of topside inquirie 7/30/1947 #3262  
t is building one of several bases around the country that will be used for 8/1947 #3277  
h, but rather the treetops twisted around, which suggests that the air unde 8/13/1947 #3322  
0 feet above thqwe stream. Looking around, he sees two “boys” on the edge o 8/14/1947 #3330  
                                At around nine o'clock in the morning R. L. 8/14/1947 #3334  
ntain Home Army Air Base, Idaho at around noon. The objects flew off to the 8/18/1947 #3347  
e in its title. The story revolves around a group of scientists who create  1948 #3523  
icates a small solid target flying around 30 mph. The targets always fly in Spring 1948 #3593  
cers, and scientific personnel all around it, also photographs small bodies 4/1948 (estimated) #3599  
ley does report that UFOs are seen around Holloman often. He himself has se 4/5/1948 #3612  
mately 20 discs or spheres milling around in formation and making a jet-lik 7/9/1948 #3702  
seen four times in Arnhem, Holland around 1:30 in the afternoon. It moved t 7/20/1948 #3720  
e dawn. Fred Scott, 63, is walking around Grassy Mountain, Malheur County,  9/16/1948 #3803  
ed case as the core and collecting around it many cases from the summer of  9/30/1948? #3817  
les south of Munich, then circling around in a high speed ascent.           11/23/1948 #3890  
and loss to view at an altitude of around 40,000 feet. The bouncing appears 1/27/1949 #3981  
f 60,000 feet and a final altitude around 40,000 feet. LaPaz accompanies se 1/31/1949 #3988  
dog reacted by barking and running around while the UFO was in sight, about 4/4/1949 #4074  
 2 shiny, disc-like objects rotate around each other (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 5/6/1949 #4154  
o shiny, disc-like objects rotated around each other and banked.  Then one  5/6/1949 #4157  
ng as wide and one-fifth as thick, around Hart Mountain, Oregon. They fly i 5/27/1949 #4214  
anyon near Glendale, California at around noon. It traveled very fast.      6/2/1949 #4224  
NM Two round white UFOs maneuvered around a missile in flight. (Confirmed b 6/10/1949 #4232  
vernment nuclear research facility around 7 p.m.. The objects appeared to b 6/22/1949 #4250  
t 2,500 feet altitude and then fly around it repeatedly. They have the abil 6/29/1949 #4256  
objects. They remain visible until around 12:30 a.m.                        8/8/1949 #4313  
the Research and Development Board around the same time that Lawrence R. Ha 11/3/1949 #4410  
ile from his ship. It is revolving around an ill-defined center with streak 11/11/1949 #4413  
 Mansa to Volta Redonda, Brazil at around 5:00 a.m. when he saw a 15-meter  12/4/1949 #4435  
ge circle in the direction of, and around Kodiak and returned out in a gene 1/22/1950 #4499  
rom the southeast, moves clockwise around Kodiak, and returns to the southe 1/22/1950 #4503  
port two orange lights that rotate around a common center. The object makes 1/22/1950 #4503  
                                At around 4:00 a.m. a radar blip was detect 1/22/1950 #4504  
d object maneuvered over a farm at around 9 p.m. and then vanished in a fla 2/13/1950 #4537  
st five miles north of Salzburg at around 11:00 p.m. at night. He was paral 2/15/1950 #4538  
r Los Alamos, New Mexico. It moved around for 20 minutes as if observing th 2/24/1950 #4555  
                                At around noon a teenager named Richardson, 3/14/1950 #4635  
server(s). Dull "extra moon" jerks around sky generally going quickly south 3/16/1950 #4650  
hiny “saucer-like discs” cavorting around the sky over Farmington, New Mexi 3/16/1950 #4657  
peared over Farmington, New Mexico around noon, and then flew away at an es 3/18/1950 #4679  
and tan in color, turning to brown around the edges.” It first travels nort 3/22/1950 #4701  
c-shaped UFOs were sighted zooming around the sky above the city of Jalapa  3/23/1950 #4712  
 back turned to her. When he turns around, she sees that he has a heavily t 4/1950 #4784  
split into two lights that revolve around each other for 10 minutes.        4/7/1950 #4815  
 going up [to] going down [to] and around like a game of tag. 1 observer.   4/8/1950 #4821  
ed in mid-flight, then went up and around like playing a game of tag.       4/8/1950 #4833  
rns slowly to the south then turns around and heads slowly back. Four high  4/10/1950 #4841  
Memphis, Texas. The sighting began around 9 a.m. and the object was on rada 4/18/1950 #4867  
-61C as it was flying over Memphis around 11:00 a.m. as well as separate gr 4/18/1950 #4867  
                                At around 8:00 p.m. police and five other i 4/30/1950 #4917  
farm. Brilliant white objects play around in sky. ".. here again".          5/13/1950 #4941  
. The object had lights and flames around its rim. It made dives and maneuv 5/17/1950 #4949  
s then notices the object circling around to the right side. Sperry banks r 5/29/1950 #4972  
logist saw disc-shaped object loop around plane. [VI] (NICAP: 01 - Distant  6/12/1950 #4982  
etallic disc making vertical loops around the jet. Two other discs come int 6/12/1950 #4984  
were pushing it toward the village around 2:30 a.m. when his daughter Gabri 6/17/1950 #4992  
 a large disc with a slight corona around it. He shoots 50 feet of film wit 6/27/1950 #5018  
h a rotor turning counterclockwise around its body.                         6/30/1950 #5027  
en shoot away at tremendous speed. Around the same time, a similar object c 10/15/1950 #5236  
                                At around 9:00 p.m. a brilliant UFO maneuve 12/2/1950 #5313  
 Hood disperses radiation counters around the Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Nationa 12/5/1950 #5319  
e Nuclear facility in Tennessee at around 4 p.m.                            12/14/1950 #5349  
d with a reddish-purple fiery ring around the rim. It shot up and at the ai 2/8/1951 #5434  
ed at least 12 white objects swirl around randomly in the sky, and then sho 3/14/1951 #5484  
oximately 100 feet long and as big around as a C-47 fuselage. The witnesses 3/15/1951 #5489  
e-white, star-like object gyrating around the airplane at 21,000 feet for 2 5/22/1951 #5517  
     A bluish-white object circled around and paced an American Airlines fl 5/22/1951 #5518  
e Aircraft Wing in different areas around Seoul, Korea, simultaneously repo 7/1/1951 #5558  
minutes, it moves in tight circles around the chandelier, then spirals down 7/4/1951? #5559  
NG, GA 4M saucer does barrel-rolls around F51 / 10 minute(s)! Crazy speeds. 7/9/1951 #5565  
sturbance as the UFO barrel-rolled around the airplane for 10 minutes.      7/9/1951 #5570  
                                At around one o'clock in the afternoon, a s 8/14/1951 #5605  
FOs in Grant County, New Mexico at around 10:45 a.m. They first saw two dis 8/15/1951 #5610  
r, and then a third, which circles around the house. This time Bryant can h 8/25/1951 #5624  
 Base east Albuquerque, New Mexico Around 9:58 p.m. Hugh Young, a security  8/25/1951 #5626  
 learns that several people in and around Lubbock claim to have seen a “fly 8/30/1951 #5638  
e-fiction movie, the plot revolves around an alien who lands in a UFO in Wa 9/18/1951 #5677  
t an object in controlled orbit at around 55,000 feet, but they run low on  9/23/1951 #5685  
e with a dark underside and a halo around it.  The object arrived high and  10/11/1951 #5724  
d from west to east. It has a halo around it with a dark under surface. It  10/11/1951 #5725  
O with a dark underside and a halo around it. The object arrived high and f 10/11/1951 #5726  
                     Australia. At around four o'clock in the morning the d 10/26/1951 #5747  
Desert in California when they saw around 11 p.m. a disc-shaped flying obje 11/2/1951 #5765  
rrelation of unexplained sightings around nuclear weapons facilities and hi 12/19/1951 #5821  
ing contractors seem to be lurking around her home as well as the homes of  1/1952 #5853  
hes in diameter. There is a ripple around the edge.                         3/29/1952 #5992  
o it more UFOs appeared and bobbed around like boats in a stream. The objec 4/25/1952 #6180  
 a stream. The objects disappeared around 11:15 a.m. The two scientists dec 4/25/1952 #6180  
e a metallic-looking disc rotating around a vertical axis and wobbling. It  4/25/1952 #6185  
fantry Regiment at the front lines around Panmunjeom, Korea, see two silver 4/30/1952 #6224  
n front and two behind, and darted around, for 15-30 seconds.               5/1/1952 #6240  
ving at an angle of 60 degrees. At around the same time the El Centro's She 5/13/1952 #6319  
 pinpoints the fall near Santa Fe. Around the same time, the crew of a Flyi 5/28/1952 #6377  
feet. Another sighting takes place around 11:30 p.m. about 10 miles southwe 5/28/1952 #6378  
at about 400–500 mph and maneuvers around in several directions for 15 minu 6/15/1952 #6511  
a left turn. As the object circles around, Foster dives toward the object,  6/20/1952 #6562  
       McChord AFB, Washington. At around 9 p.m. Lt. K. Thompson watched a  6/23/1952 #6616  
re always seen in the northern sky around 8:00 p.m.                         6/27/1952 #6647  
so in the Piemonte region of Italy around nine o'clock in the evening. It r 6/28/1952 #6662  
da, first encountering the objects around Sept-Iles in Quebec. The objects  6/29/1952 #6668  
rails from the climbing jets, look around, and see in the west a bright sil 7/1/1952 #6689  
m the F-94 interceptors and looked around the sky to see if they could spot 7/1/1952 #6691  
red in a loose formation, “milling around.” He takes about 75 seconds worth 7/2/1952 #6694  
 afternoon. It had a halo of smoke around its rim. It descended to a low, n 7/9/1952 #6743  
, showing a double row of openings around the rim and a black turret on top 7/11/1952 #6761  
ers aged 7 to 86 years old working around the clock in shifts at more than  7/14/1952 #6816  
ng side by side until they revolve around each other at a high rate of spee 7/16/1952 #6844  
tight circling turns was amazing.” Around 9:03 p.m., the four UFOs have mov 7/16/1952 #6844  
Hampton, Virginia and then revolve around each other. They were joined by t 7/16/1952 #6846  
 with a “yellowish tinge” speeding around in the air at an altitude of 25,0 7/18/1952 #6895  
ally and vertically as they cavort around in the sky. The same night, a UFO 7/19/1952 #6933  
ndisclosed). The sighting occurred around midnight at the beginning of the  7/19/1952 #6937  
-orange objects moving erratically around the sky. During the evening USAF  7/20/1952 #6955  
ur evenings in a row, beginning at around 7:00 p.m. The objects were high i 7/21/1952 #6987  
ew straight and level, then darted around erratically during 25 minutes.    7/22/1952 #7019  
yellowish-orange discs maneuvering around the air base.                     7/22/1952 #7027  
adar tracking of blue-white lights around Trenton, New Jersey, continuing u 7/22/1952 #7028  
, delta-shaped or swept back, flew around it at 1,000-1,500 kts.  (1,150-1, 7/23/1952 #7075  
 delta-shaped or swept-back, flies around it at 1,150-1,720 mph.            7/23/1952 #7080  
 Two small discs emerge and circle around the area before rejoining the mot 7/23/1952 #7082  
 with a reddish center with a halo around the object. (NARA) (NICAP: 01 - D 7/24/1952 #7110  
igh above them. The lights move at around 100 mph. Soon, the airport and An 7/26/1952 #7174  
 Air Force does not want the press around when they finally get a good look 7/26/1952 #7174  
uck and napped awhile. A “mumbling around the truck” awakened him. The mumb 7/27/1952 #7216  
men and asked if their captain was around. The spokesman for the group volu 7/27/1952 #7216  
 craft. Meanwhile, Bethurum looked around and saw that the short men were “ 7/27/1952 #7216  
op the ship close to the metal rim around the edge. Inside he met the woman 7/27/1952 #7216  
                                At around 11 p.m. over Washington, D.C. eig 7/28/1952 #7270  
Woman. Flat white dish-disk swirls around over treetops. Turns and quickly  7/29/1952 #7276  
ut 100-120 m.p.h. in a 10-mile arc around the Nations Capital. When an East 7/29/1952 #7306  
ambled, but the targets are moving around so quickly that it is impossible  7/29/1952 #7319  
eling 100–120 mph in a 10-mile arc around Washington, D.C. When an Eastern  7/29/1952 #7320  
the jets, makes a 360° turn, comes around in back, follows for 2 minutes, t 7/29/1952 #7322  
que, New Mexico. The objects shift around into various patterns, including  8/1/1952 #7411  
r they reach 15,000 feet altitude. Around 12:00 midnight yet another target 8/5/1952 #7470  
rved outer edge and smaller lights around it. While being tracked on radar, 8/5/1952 #7472  
ng in V formation which maneuvered around his plane.                        8/5/1952 #7474  
                                At around 9 p.m. an orange colored flying s 8/6/1952 #7493  
                    Tampa, Florida Around 7:00 p.m. Two civilians in the Ta 8/13/1952 #7574  
                                At around noon, inflight over Rockhampton,  8/14/1952 #7596  
Carolina at speeds of 4,000 mph at around 10:00 a.m.                        8/20/1952 #7666  
       At Holloman AFB, New Mexico around 3:40 p.m., civilian supervisor Fr 8/25/1952 #7735  
 shadows on it. It makes two turns around the airfield. When the rotating a 8/27/1952 #7755  
d. Saucer / tight vertical circles around airliner. No further details. / r 8/28/1952 #7757  
disc making tight vertical circles around an airliner.                      8/28/1952 #7772  
black silhouettes at dawn and flew around erratically for an hour.          9/1/1952 #7819  
 "meteor" land on top of a hill at around 7:15 p.m. A fluctuating orange-re 9/11/1952 #7896  
anama City, Florida Gulf of Mexico Around 7:15 p.m., in Flatwoods, West Vir 9/12/1952 #7905  
Ohio; it is last seen moving south around Bluefield, West Virginia. Another 9/12/1952 #7905  
 battle over the Atlantic seaboard around 7:00 p.m. Then a second wave of m 9/12/1952 #7905  
                                At around 8:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. George Sni 9/13/1952 #7916  
row of red and amber lights spaced around the outside rim and the underside 9/14/1952 #7938  
s white disc-shaped object land at around 9:00 p.m. Two men wearing bright  9/14/1952 #7947  
first contact with a flying saucer around the Lost River Sinks a few miles  Fall 1952 #8014  
we just don’t know about is flying around in our skies, unless you are tryi Late 9/1952 #8027  
ellite objects are reported moving around a larger object. A cigar-shaped U 9/27/1952 #8044  
s alternately hovering and darting around. [UFOE, VI] (NICAP: 01 - Distant  9/30/1952 #8069  
apor trail, take turns maneuvering around each other, and look like “flatte 9/30/1952 #8070  
lectric light bulbs.” Church turns around immediately, but the figure is go 10/1952 #8073  
 be red spheres with a yellow ring around them. Angel hair filament materia 10/17/1952 #8149  
aims they see numerous UFOs flying around. Félix comes back another day by  11/1952 #8227  
al-shaped objects, with lights all around them, flew in a V-formation for a 11/13/1952 #8271  
, it banked into a left-hand orbit around the aircraft.                     11/15/1952 #8282  
h Carolina Landrum, South Carolina Around 5:00 p.m. An air traffic controll 11/16/1952 #8289  
er Orthon leaves in his Scout ship around 3:04 p.m., Adamski finds tracks i 11/20/1952 #8309  
companions rejoin him at the site. Around 3:45 p.m., Williamson takes casts 11/20/1952 #8309  
 the bomber’s radar. They maneuver around the plane at a speed of 5,240 mph 12/6/1952 #8389  
tigues with no ID patches standing around the craft.  The next scene showed 1953 #8483  
ed the town of Kerrville, Texas at around 6 p.m. causing odd TV and radio i 1/11/1953 #8533  
degree apart. A thin mist was seen around the edges of the objects.After fi 2/4/1953 #8638  
radius turn. As the Canberra comes around from its turn, the object comes i Spring 1953 #8766  
ed one-bedroom cabin in the forest around Tujunga Canyon north of Burbank,  3/22/1953 #8775  
Three concentric dark rings appear around the object, the largest about six 5/5/1953 #8866  
bb could see dark concentric rings around the craft, possibly due to a forc 5/5/1953 #8867  
aft, possibly due to a force field around the disc. With the glasses off th 5/5/1953 #8867  
lighted glass dome” is maneuvering around his plane. He and his copilot wat 5/10/1953 #8872  
reappears, makes a complete circle around the airliner, and speeds away tow 5/10/1953 #8873  
 flashing light hovered and darted around for 4 minutes.                    5/18/1953 #8883  
nd a “peak-billed cap with a cord” around it. The UFO is about 40 feet away 5/20/1953 #8889  
s eight disc-like objects "swooped around in formation, peeled off, and sho 5/21/1953 #8895  
milar to a dogfight. The six swoop around in formation, peel off, and shoot 5/21/1953 #8896  
tic design with a lighted red band around the middle (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 6/24/1953 #8963  
and low. It had a lighted red band around the middle and was coming straigh 6/24/1953 #8966  
:30 p.m. It had a lighted red band around the middle and was coming straigh 6/24/1953 #8971  
       On this day or the next, at around 11:00 a.m. in Villares del Saz, C 7/1/1953 #8983  
g soung behind him. When he turned around he saw a "big balloon" on the gro 7/1/1953 #8983  
h Facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee around the middle of the afternoon a sil 7/19/1953 #9005  
ped like a sphere with a flat disk around it, showing numerous openings at  7/31/1953 #9026  
ped like a sphere with a flat disk around it, showing numerous openings at  7/31/1953 #9029  
orth AFB near Rapid City Brunswick Around 8:00 p.m. Ground Observer Corps o 8/5/1953 #9049  
en by many witnesses on the ground around Naval Air Station Barbers Point [ 8/6/1953 #9052  
r blips on screen at various times around five p.m., hovering and maneuveri 8/6/1953 #9053  
ers, with other lights seen, until around 5:00 a.m.                         8/9/1953 #9058  
ack oval with green and red lights around perimeter. [UFOE, VII] (NICAP: 01 8/21/1953 #9094  
rcular and emitting a bright light around its periphery. The duration is 30 11/3/1953 #9279  
 Several satellite objects orbited around it.                               11/9/1953 #9287  
Another man driving the same route around 2:00 a.m. about 50 miles from Woo 11/22/1953 #9315  
in by another man in the same area around 2:30 a.m. A fourth party sees two 11/22/1953 #9315  
ong, 8 feet high, and 6 feet wide. Around the perimeter was a three foot ri 11/28/1953 #9325  
n Washington it had set up cameras around the country equipped with diffrac 12/1/1953 #9331  
ese unusual smoke rings had lights around the perimeter. They seemed to sta 12/10/1953 #9355  
                                At around 1 p.m. a huge white disc-shaped U 12/11/1953 #9359  
leholm as an advertising promotion around 12:30 p.m. that day.              12/15/1953 #9366  
 large heads, large eyes that wrap around the side of the skull with no whi 1954 #9424  
or 90 minutes as 2 objects circled around another one. They then switch pla 1/1/1954 #9437  
 3 observer(s). Single saucer zips around / 2 hours! Local wave.            1/8/1954 #9465  
                              Rome Around the year 2000, Cristoforo Barbato 2/19/1954 (approximate) #9557  
culate and gaseous fallout spreads around the world. The inhabitants of the 3/1/1954 #9584  
ll- shaped object with a gold ring around the lower third, about 2 times si 3/25/1954 #9643  
an occupant in a green suit walked around.  It then took off very, very fas 4/8/1954 #9676  
rgrowth along the shore then walks around. When the cutter gives up searchi 4/8/1954 #9677  
l in Newburyport, Massachusetts at around 3:30 p.m. It resolved into a soli 4/26/1954 #9727  
 object at 60,000 feet maneuvering around an English Electric Canberra airc 5/5/1954 #9753  
when he heard a whistling sound at around four o'clock in the afternoon. He 5/5/1954 #9755  
      Washington, D.C. Naval radar around Washington, D.C., tracks a huge o 5/7/1954 #9762  
or 15 minutes over Dayton, Ohio at around 7 p.m. It tipped, changed shaped, 5/12/1954 #9781  
                     Dallas, Texas Around 12 noon. A flight of Marine Reser 5/14/1954 #9796  
vers in a 65 square kilometer area around Roma, Queensland, Australia sight 5/16/1954 #9806  
saw an intense glare in the sky at around 11 p.m. A 50-foot orb descended t 5/19/1954 #9815  
uman-like shadows were seen moving around inside the object. There were two 5/24/1954 #9834  
 defined as bolstering a consensus around free market Western capitalism an 5/29/1954 #9840  
stern capitalism and its interests around the globe. The first meeting is i 5/29/1954 #9840  
 several rotating, flashing lights around the rim. They drive to get a clos 6/21/1954 #9920  
 and they watch as the lights move around the area. They find a large, brow 6/21/1954 #9920  
 several rotating, flashing lights around the rim. They drove their car to  6/21/1954 #9923  
. They watched as the lights moved around in the area. They found a large,  6/21/1954 #9923  
                                At around 9 p.m. U.S. Marine Corps Major E. 6/22/1954 #9928  
esville, Ohio Wilmington, Delaware Around 7:30 a.m. A metallic blob is seen 6/26/1954 #9954  
tour over Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Around 11:30 p.m. while crossing at 19,0 6/29/1954 #9962  
k Case #3088. B56 RADAR. 6 saucers around large saucer / center. Low altitu 7/3/1954 #9986  
–20 smaller, dimmer objects moving around. Clouds intervene and when they c 7/8/1954 #10003  
ing and flashing and moving slowly around each other. The objects are at a  7/8/1954 #10003  
," and three men were seen walking around it. Mrs. Coupal telephoned Hemmin 8/7/1954 #10113  
sc-shaped object glowed and soared around the control tower at Maxwell Fiel 8/11/1954 #10130  
nd RADAR's. Saucer glows and soars around Air Force Base tower. No further  8/12/1954 #10133  
abama, see a glowing red disc soar around the base tower. There are both gr 8/12/1954 #10137  
opters saw a glowing red disc soar around the base tower. There were both g 8/12/1954 #10139  
hile picking blueberries in fields around Ceydalen, near Mosjoen, Norway 24 8/20/1954 #10158  
ams. He also wore a very wide belt around his waist. But what really grabbe 8/20/1954 #10158  
           Quarouble, Nord, France Around 10:30 p.m. 34-year-old metal work 9/10/1954 #10286  
land. He can see a kind of gallery around the dome where human-like beings  9/12/1954 #10290  
sc- shaped object flies out, spins around the cigar, and then reenters the  9/14/1954 #10299  
 disc-shaped object flew out, spun around the cigar, and then re-entered th 9/14/1954 #10301  
    Driving on a secondary road at around 11:00 p.m. in Feurs, St. Etienne, 9/15/1954 #10315  
ica di Mare Air Base south of Rome Around 4:45 p.m. Hundreds of people see  9/17/1954 #10333  
ng a stream of white smoke behind. Around 5:45 p.m., Lt. Bruno Giustiniani  9/17/1954 #10333  
 a black silhouetted figure moving around in front of it. After 40 seconds  9/19/1954 #10363  
   A disc-shaped object maneuvered around the sky and then hovered over a r 9/26/1954 #10453  
        Rixheim, Haut-Rhin, France Around 12:00 midnight. Two witnesses at  9/28/1954 #10487  
stay late and catch the "robbers." Around 10:30 p.m. he was amazed when he  9/28/1954 #10490  
sur-Vienne, Indre-et-Loire, France Around 4:30 p.m. Georges Gatay and his t 9/30/1954 #10517  
k shapes “like potato bags” moving around the object. He speeds up and the  10/1/1954 #10568  
        Bergerac, Dordogne, France Around 10:00 p.m. Jean Defiz, a factory  10/1/1954 #10569  
France. While coming home at night around 10:00 p.m., Gilbert Prudent and o 10/1/1954 #10578  
ess as a nitrobenzene odor spreads around them.                             10/5/1954 #10734  
   Isles-sur-Suippe, Marne, France Around 6:00 a.m. Mechanic Joseph Roy is  10/6/1954 #10756  
            Lavoux, Vienne, France Around 7:00 p.m. Roger Barrault, a worke 10/9/1954 #10854  
riving near Carcassonne, France at around 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Jean  10/9/1954 #10865  
                                At around 2:00 a.m. in Epoisses, Côte-d'Or, 10/10/1954 #10896  
nd object with three small figures around it. The figures go inside the obj 10/11/1954 #10938  
oth landed. Witnesses did not wait around to investigate further.           10/11/1954 #10952  
Germain-de-Livet, Calvados, France Around 2:00 p.m. A math professor at Lis 10/12/1954 #10978  
luminated the field for about 600' around. The craft appeared to be translu 10/14/1954 #11041  
 middle of the object and glancing around him. The man seems to be “laughin 10/14/1954 #11053  
                          At dusk, around 6:00 p.m., a farmer in Angles, Ve 10/14/1954 #11067  
                                At around 7:00 p.m. Messr. Duvivier, a farm 10/14/1954 #11069  
                  Just after dark, around 7:00 p.m., in Saint-Germain-du-Bo 10/14/1954 #11070  
individual in a diving suit walked around it. The dogs barked at him. He bo 10/15/1954 #11098  
g cigar-shaped objects, especially around Ljubljana, Slovenia; Sarajevo, Bo 10/15/1954 #11112  
n a diving suit got out and walked around it. The dogs barked at him. The b 10/15/1954 #11114  
ights over Kingfisher, Oklahoma at around 8:45 p.m.                         10/15/1954 #11120  
 light and a glow extended for 4 m around.                                  10/16/1954 #11145  
out 1.2 meters (4 feet) tall moved around in the light of the object, then  10/16/1954 #11150  
ellowish light and a glow extended around it for an estimated distance of f 10/16/1954 #11151  
-de-Rivière, Haute-Garonne, France Around 9:30 a.m. Guy Puyfourcat is retur 10/17/1954 #11176  
s, Puy-de-Dôme, France. As he goes around a bend, he feels paralyzed and hi 10/18/1954 #11212  
outier-Rozeille, Creuse, France at around ten o'clock in the morning when s 10/18/1954 #11215  
e Mr. Bachelard, age 42, was going around a bend in the road at 5:30 p.m. w 10/18/1954 #11218  
 him, but the creature disappeared around a curve. The entire sighting last 10/18/1954 #11225  
hite with a black domelike turret, around which was a series of portholes,  10/19/1954 #11239  
          Parravicino, Como, Italy Around 12:00 midnight. Renzo Pugina has  10/19/1954 #11243  
 disc was white with a black dome, around which was a series of portholes.  10/19/1954 #11250  
d on with his wife. When he turned around to look back the being had still  10/19/1954 #11252  
ge reddish-orange disc with a halo around it moving in a circle overhead. A 10/23/1954 #11340  
" shaped creature was seen walking around Wittenheim, Haut-Rhin department, 10/23/1954 #11348  
                                At around six o'clock in the morning Ulderi 10/24/1954 #11366  
y, Pyrenees-Atlantiques, France at around 3:00 p.m. a shepherd watching his 10/24/1954 #11368  
on the slope opposite him, looking around. At first he thought they were ex 10/24/1954 #11368  
 two hours. There was a misty halo around the object when it moved. A secon 10/24/1954 #11373  
e pasture. Some cows have gathered around it. The object is moving slowly a 10/25/1954 #11392  
olcerasa Di Cing, Marche, Italy at around 5:00 p.m. when their dog became a 10/25/1954 #11401  
ess in Benabbio, Liguria, Italy at around eight o'clock in the evening. Two 10/25/1954 #11402  
stigate, but he saw cows gathering around the object. A minute later, the l 10/27/1954 #11445  
ate, but he did see cows gathering around the object. A minute later, the l 10/27/1954 #11453  
ect was emitting a green light and around it there were several small stock 11/1/1954 #11522  
RDAN Oblong saucer with lights all around scares Bedoin. Passes all over to 11/2/1954 #11525  
ht gray in color. Each wore a belt around his waist which appeared to suppo 11/2/1954 #11539  
y at high speed with a violet glow around its edges. The witness was examin 11/2/1954 #11539  
onto the dwarfs, the animal turned around and bit him. The object rose with 11/8/1954 #11596  
onto the dwarfs, the animal turned around and bit him. The object rose with 11/8/1954 #11602  
s keeping watch on it by night. At around 1:00 a.m. he noticed a small, whi 11/9/1954 #11611  
e but in the Eastern US time zone, around 2:00 p.m., in Frederick, Maryland 11/14/1954 #11655  
                                At around five o'clock in the evening two y 11/23/1954 #11697  
            In Lisbon, Portugal at around 2:45 p.m. local time a witness re 12/10/1954 #11797  
ky above Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. Around 12:00 noon, they descend to a low 12/14/1954 #11807  
 p.m., several groups of witnesses around the city are watching when two of 12/14/1954 #11807  
t sizes, the smaller one revolving around the larger one, which is about 6  12/15/1954 #11815  
l, he saw a small sphere revolving around a larger sphere, about two meters 12/15/1954 #11817  
 children to the presence of a UFO around ten o'clock in the morning, Eliza 12/27/1954 #11865  
round. It had a flat hull rotating around a flattish dome, which contained  12/27/1954 #11865  
rd a sound like a motor. He looked around but did not see anything, but mom 12/30/1954 #11882  
nt got out of the craft and walked around it with a lamp of some kind.      12/31/1954 #11885  
ject shines with a greenish light. Around its center is a red ring or band  2/2/1955 #11968  
e body of the craft was green, but around the center of the object was a re 2/2/1955 #11969  
from the center. Had portholes all around the middle, like a steamer boat.  2/23/1955 #12013  
30 feet in diameter with portholes around the center. Watching from less th 2/23/1955 #12015  
eer William Tompkins also suggests around this time he became aware of a de 3/1/1955 #12028  
lights on its top and amber lights around the rim. He stopped his car when  3/30/1955 #12071  
d, Ohio Hopewell Road intersection Around 3:30 a.m. Robert Hunnicut is driv 5/25/1955 #12159  
 at a high speed at an altitude of around 4,900 feet. He takes out his came 6/5/1955 #12186  
ight. Figures could be seen moving around inside the haze. The objects took 6/10/1955 #12194  
icily in the Mediterranean Sea, at around ten o'clock in the morning, sight 6/30/1955 #12222  
The star moves in a perfect circle around Saturn, heads east until it gets  7/29/1955 #12302  
 A disk, 12 m in diameter, it flew around the car and went away without noi 8/1/1955 #12314  
 preparing to go into his house at around 9:00 p.m. He got out of his car a 8/1/1955 #12319  
 road. The disc-shaped object flew around the car and flew away without mak 8/1/1955 #12320  
ct of various colors in the sky at around three o'clock in the afternoon. I 8/29/1955 #12416  
ge disc-shaped object with windows around the rim flew at a low altitude in 8/31/1955 #12420  
tion several times without turning around and finally flew away very fast.  9/17/1955 #12459  
tion several times without turning around and finally flew away at a high r 9/17/1955 #12460  
resembles a hat with red portholes around its rim and is accompanied by lou 1956 #12637  
 conventional aircraft. It cruises around, hovers, and accelerates at fanta 2/17/1956 #12723  
 colored disc-shaped UFO with haze around it circled slowly over the treeto 2/18/1956 #12729  
, stationary object with two lines around its middle (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 4/4/1956 #12785  
 fat, oblong object with two lines around its middle, remained stationary f 4/4/1956 #12786  
e fat, oblong object had two lines around its middle. It remained stationar 4/4/1956 #12787  
nt saucer-shaped object with wires around its edge. It made four turns, the 5/12/1956 #12847  
mer. Vibrant bright "star" wobbles around sky / 4 hours. / r25.             7/14/1956 #12971  
tion protection system that exists around the ship and that they have left  7/16/1956 #12974  
f a silvery disc as it is hovering around Flying Saucer Hill, southwest of  7/17/1956 #12980  
e a saucer-shaped craft with wires around the edges. The wires seemed to be 7/20/1956 #12997  
ted to the local newspaper that at around 9:00 a.m. a bright steel-gray, sa 8/11/1956 #13069  
te lights over Denver, Colorado at around three o'clock in the morning. The 8/12/1956 #13073  
mbledon claim the jets are sent up around midnight, but the crews think it  8/13/1956 #13080  
n this evening for several minutes around 9:30 p.m. A later report at 11:30 8/21/1956 #13110  
labozo, Venezuela, when the ground around them is lit up by a bright white  8/28/1956 #13146  
 object. There are 3 white stripes around the middle and it is pointed at b 9/7/1956 #13202  
of sight. It had three red stripes around the center, and a saucer-shaped b 9/7/1956 #13204  
–400 feet wide, with a blurry glow around the rim. Gradually it pulls ahead Fall 1956 #13237  
forth. They both had a dark circle around their rims. They suddenly shot of 9/24/1956 #13242  
e saucer lights ground / 30 meters around. Climbs sharply.                  10/5/1956 #13263  
FO reports by police and civilians around Merced, California, reach Castle  10/7/1956 #13266  
                                At around 10 pm. in the town of Vaddo, near 11/11/1956 #13323  
ouse tag with their patrol car. At around 7 p.m. on the same day Mary Whela 11/25/1956 #13353  
exico in July) and Stanfords leave around this time. After a while, those r 12/2/1956 #13384  
hile out gathering Christmas trees around 11:00 o’clock in the morning in D 12/15/1956 #13405  
aces (“secret places of the lion”) around the globe. Williamson’s book Secr 1957 #13430  
ted by friendly extraterrestrials. Around the same time, Green announces hi 1/1957 #13440  
                                At around 11:00 a.m. an airman and two othe 1/24/1957 #13473  
ed part of Georgetown, Connecticut around ten p.m. when she encountered a f 2/3/1957 #13482  
ight. Shadows could be seen moving around behind the windows. It took off g 2/9/1957 #13488  
t and the red objects seem to jump around, and the two red objects are zoom 3/22/1957 #13553  
prayed with tacky resin are set up around a 10-by-16-square-mile block of l 4/24/1957 #13615  
uman-like being of average height, around five foot eight inches tall, was  5/1/1957 #13639  
s are scrambled. The UFO maneuvers around the jets as if toying with them.  Late Spring 1957 #13662  
                                At around 6:00 a.m. a seven meter in diamet 5/25/1957 #13678  
                       Starting at around 5:00 a.m. a yellow cigar-shaped o 5/26/1957 #13681  
 and flew away. Also that evening, around 10 p.m. two friends out stargazin 6/6/1957 #13710  
 sighted UFO with "a halo of light around it and what appeared to be three  6/18/1957 #13737  
Disc-like object paced, maneuvered around airliner. [UFOE, X] (NICAP: 11 -  6/30/1957 #13759  
 bright red-orange disc maneuvered around a Real Aerovias DC-3 airliner fly 6/30/1957 #13760  
 Azusa, CA "Disc with amber lights around edge made wobbling vertical desce 7/1/1957 #13770  
s ahead of the RB-47, then circles around as if airborne, highly maneuverab 7/17/1957 #13808  
               In Atchison, Kansas around 9:00 p.m. three women watched fou 8/15/1957 #13901  
ntimeters thick, dart and maneuver around the sky for 30 minutes, then hide 8/15/1957 #13901  
 lights) going south. Small lights around main lights. Ground Observer Corp 9/12/1957 #13990  
light changing to green, spreading around them like a mist and covering an  9/16/1957 #13999  
light changing to green, spreading around them like a mist and covering an  9/16/1957 #14002  
st of 1.7 kilotons can be detected around the world by seismologists using  9/19/1957 #14014  
pider web falls in great profusion around Saguramachi Middle School for abo 10/4/1957 #14058  
                                At around 8:00 p.m. two witnesses in a car  10/11/1957 #14100  
                                   Around 9:30 p.m. Antonio Villas-Boas and 10/14/1957 #14111  
 the craft and taken outside again around 5:30 a.m.                         10/16/1957 #14128  
ral squarish portholes are visible around the center. The object tilts at 4 Late 10/1957 #14156  
stalling as motorist tried to turn around to avoid UFO sitting on road (NIC 10/30/1957 #14166  
50 feet ahead. Pulju tries to turn around, but the engine keeps stalling. I 10/30/1957 #14167  
oil field near Ballinger, Texas at around 2 a.m. then sail away.            11/1/1957 #14191  
   Levelland (Texas) Oklahoma Flat Around 1:00 a.m. Levelland (Texas) Fire  11/3/1957 #14246  
shall Ray Jones, while out driving around and looking for some explanation  11/3/1957 #14246  
         A large number of reports around Levelland, Texas which began the  11/3/1957 #14253  
ut 2–5 miles away. It then circles around headed west and disappears. The s 11/4/1957 #14286  
 wide area for a ten minute period around Dauphin, Manitoba. At 6:40 p.m. a 11/5/1957 #14354  
colored and has two metallic rings around it. Two smallish men, about 5 fee 11/6/1957 #14421  
ge. He can see two figures walking around inside. The object is about 30 fe 11/7/1957 #14463  
ground. People seemed to be moving around it, but the witnesses were driven 11/8/1957 #14482  
ground. People seemed to be moving around outside the landed UFO, but the w 11/8/1957 #14493  
g revolving red lights which moved around slowly, hovered. [UFOE, VII] (NIC 11/15/1957 #14560  
l all lights failed in the city at around 10 p.m. as a UFO flew overhead.   11/25/1957 #14615  
                                At around one o'clock in the afternoon a me 12/6/1957 #14679  
sk 16 m in diameter with portholes around the periphery, emitting a current 12/8/1957 #14690  
 meters in diameter with portholes around the rim. The electrical system of 12/8/1957 #14696  
          Later that same night at around 8:45 p.m. an aluminum colored, di 12/16/1957 #14737  
ile the other maneuvers in circles around the jeep. The lights are spherica 12/21/1957 #14755  
to town, maneuvering intelligently around them, especially when the jeep st 12/21/1957 #14755  
e east, then circled the valley at around nine o’clock in the evening. It h 12/21/1957 #14756  
f the bottom of the object, walked around a clearing, and one picked up som 12/30/1957 #14770  
f the bottom of the object, walked around a clearing, and one of them picke 12/30/1957 #14772  
ommission puts a barbed wire fence around Area 13 at the Nellis Air Force R 1958 #14779  
 she sees shadowy figures floating around it. The UFO rises and moves away, 1/1958 #14793  
                                At around 4 p.m. a silver gray disc followe 1/5/1958 #14810  
razil Atlantic Ocean Pico Desejado Around 12:00 noon. As the International  1/16/1958 #14831  
nd Lima, Peru, at a point (roughly around the Yauca District) along the Pan 1/30/1958 #14851  
as if approaching them. The ground around their car is illuminated for a fe 2/19/1958 #14881  
a flat ring spinning at high speed around the middle of the craft. It desce 2/24/1958 #14890  
 with 6 or 7 smaller lights moving around them. [UFOE, II] (NICAP: 01 - Dis 3/3/1958 #14915  
top and a band of square portholes around its midsection through which a re 4/1958 #14955  
riangular object with white lights around its perimeter. It is descending f 4/9/1958 #14971  
the object again, somewhat dimmer, around 8:00 p.m. from a friend’s house o 4/9/1958 #14971  
Puget Sound, WA Cylinder Maneuvers Around F-102 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases 6/9/1958 #15085  
uld see the water being whipped up around it. The ball came rolling toward  6/12/1958 #15092  
stem” that has 2 planets revolving around it) on a saucer piloted by a spac 6/28/1958 #15123  
d balloon interception in the area around Świdnica, Poland. Flying at 26,00 8/1958 #15171  
ing the Teak test, all crew on and around Johnston Atoll are given protecti 8/1/1958 #15174  
tauqua Lake, New York beginning at around nine o'clock in the evening and c 8/11/1958 #15194  
          Lake Geneva, Switzerland Around 5:00 p.m. Several persons on Lake 8/16/1958 #15203  
 saucer with portholes chases jets around and hovers. / r78p182.            8/17/1958 #15205  
ea Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Cuba Around 9:00 p.m. The USS Franklin D. Roo 9/1958 #15239  
“black specks” appears to “cavort” around the lower end of the object for a 9/8/1958 #15261  
ace appearance and a rim or girdle around its equator) in a clear sky in Al 10/7/1958 #15329  
The two objects fly a tight circle around the tower before zooming off at h 1959? #15508  
ape 3.5M wide and 1.5M thick. Arcs around and going quickly west.           1/21/1959 #15557  
ow. The dogs begin to howl and run around. He goes outside and sees a lumin 2/24/1959 #15605  
d UFO with a red light on top flew around for five minutes at 150 meters al 2/25/1959 #15616  
ith a piece of paper wound tightly around it. Irwin curiously took the pape 2/28/1959 #15624  
elmet" behind a hedge, so she went around the hedge to meet him. She encoun 3/7/1959 #15631  
hem. The craft had lighted windows around its lower portion and blinking re 3/19/1959 #15654  
king red, yellow, and green lights around its outer rim. It also emitted a  3/19/1959 #15654  
e to a disc over Warsaw, Poland at around 11:30 a.m.                        3/25/1959 #15669  
 got within 300 m of it, and drove around the wooded area in time to see it 3/31/1959 #15681  
h a row of evenly spaced portholes around it. He estimates it to be about 1 3/31/1959 #15682  
it illuminated the trees. He drove around the wooded area in time to see it 3/31/1959 #15684  
nchester (May 1), and several more around the British Isles.                4/18/1959 #15707  
f April 23rd in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Around midnight of April 23-24 he awoke  4/25/1959 #15713  
                 On this afternoon around 1:00 p.m. a huge yellow glowing c 5/21/1959 #15745  
 then go on an all-night taxi ride around the city. He returns to the Unite 6/13/1959 #15768  
 green lights and two rows of jets around the rim, emitting orange flames.  7/13/1959 #15840  
r in green light. Two rows of jets around the middle shoot out orange flame 7/13/1959 #15842  
clouds and hover at rooftop level. Around its rim were two counter-rotating 7/13/1959 #15843  
rince of Wales Island, Queensland. Around 8:00 p.m. a UFO was seen moving o 7/18/1959 #15859  
iles south of Ceresco, Nebraska at around 10:30 p.m. they saw a bright whit 7/19/1959 #15860  
with several one foot wide windows around the rim. The object dropped sever 7/19/1959 #15860  
 a mountain in Papua New Guinea at around 6 p.m. At 10:15 p.m. a bright whi 7/20/1959 #15864  
the girl spots a bright blue light around 7:54 p.m. that is swinging in the 8/9/1959 #15898  
lectric compass has suddenly moved around a slow 360° rotation in about 4–5 8/13/1959 #15913  
ng in front from left to right and around his plane at a distance about 450 8/13/1959 #15913  
       Highway 332 Freeport, Texas Around 9:45 p.m. Orville Shanks is drivi 8/13/1959 #15914  
                                At around 4:00 p.m. a pilot flying a Cessna 8/13/1959 #15916  
gon at Lake Bonita, New Mexico. At around three a.m. they were awake to see 8/20/1959 #15932  
                                At around eleven o'clock in the morning nea 8/25/1959 #15939  
home near Gills Rock, Wisconsin at around two o'clock in the afternoon when 9/13/1959 #15973  
acks, and time seemed to slow down around him. A greenish haze surrounded h 9/13/1959 #15973  
wide black disc with a silver ring around it, hovering at eighty feet altit 10/19/1959 #16044  
disc emitting a bluish-green light around its edge. The driver abruptly sto 10/22/1959 #16052  
ge street lamp. The UFO maneuvered around their car when they stopped near  10/31/1959 #16072  
et in diameter with a glowing ring around it.                               11/16/1959 #16089  
hatton, New Zealand a disc flew in around 9:45 p.m. flying toward the north 12/3/1959 #16113  
minutes. It gave off a bright glow around its rim. It was finally lost from 12/3/1959 #16113  
a road near Modesto, California at around 11:50 at night when he saw a brig 12/22/1959 #16128  
s. “The UFOs suddenly began moving around really quickly and erratically.”  1960 #16145  
th in the sky in overcast skies at around five o'clock in the morning. It h 1/31/1960 #16161  
to employees of several businesses around the intersection, with people gap 2/5/1960 #16168  
e west, lighting up the ground all around La Brea Avenue. A mushroom-shaped 2/6/1960 #16169  
ndrical UFO hovered over Vichel at around 3 p.m. in Puy-de-Dome department, 3/25/1960 #16208  
m Slagelse to Naestved, Denmark at around 3:00 a.m. when his car engine and 4/27/1960 #16244  
dge, had a shining stripe of light around its center, three portholes, thre 4/27/1960 #16244  
                                At around four a.m. Raimondo dos Santos saw 5/14/1960 #16277  
Man sees saucer and hides. 6 "men" around it. Goes straight/strait(s) up. R 6/10/1960 (approximate) #16310  
dozen "men" could be seen standing around a landed disc-shaped UFO in Algoz 6/10/1960 #16311  
 the club retrieves from the river around July 1, supposedly engaging in a  6/12/1960 #16312  
t of the object, which is hovering around a large tree. The object is circu Summer 1960 #16313  
, Northwest Territories, Canada at around 6 p.m. About 20-25 minutes after  6/22/1960 #16316  
a of 20 feet by 60 feet. They felt around in the water with their paddles w 6/22/1960 #16316  
ike object with a central nucleus; around it were revolving or orbiting lig 7/19/1960 #16341  
orce pilot. Saucer hovers and bobs around. No further details. / r78p186.   8/16/1960 #16387  
isc-like UFO which hovered, bobbed around. [NICAP UFOE, V] (NICAP: 01 - Dis 8/16/1960 #16395  
 a similar object the next evening around 9:30 p.m. at Chalker Beach in Old 9/2/1960 #16431  
It has 4 or 5 vertical, dark bands around its circumference and an aerial a 10/4/1960 #16477  
hat there were some objects flying around in space that were unexplainable. 11/4/1960 #16494  
found no trace, but his dog turned around and ran away,                     11/13/1960 #16501  
ey were sitting in a duck blind at around 6 a.m. when they saw a 20-meter w 12/3/1960 #16523  
 midnight. It had a ring of lights around its rim. It pulsated and was in v 12/24/1960 #16536  
ve actions” against Soviet vessels around Cuba. He is probably referring to 1/12/1961 #16577  
The base is remarkably smooth, and around the edge are lumps of grass and s 2/1961 #16593  
reports of strange lights flashing around in sky. Some blinked and moved up 2/5/1961 #16595  
ple report strange lights flashing around in the sky over Maine. Some blink 2/5/1961 #16596  
aws a neat, right-angled, half-box around it, and goes racing on. Finally i Spring 1961 #16637  
eter, 4 m high, with exhaust pipes around the periphery, land near his hous 4/18/1961 #16652  
d 12 feet high, with exhaust pipes around the periphery, land nearby. A doo 4/18/1961 #16653  
Beach, Newport, Rhode Island Ocean Around 4:00 p.m. Contractor John P. Gall 4/29/1961 #16667  
h, Newport County, Rhode Island at around four o'clock in the afternoon whe 4/29/1961 #16668  
rals’ briefcase was found floating around.                                  5/1961 #16669  
                                At around 11:00 o'clock in the morning a 21 5/14/1961 #16682  
aped objects exited and maneuvered around it for over an hour. They finally 5/31/1961 #16705  
t and rocks slightly. A halo forms around the base and it shoots away quick 6/3/1961 #16715  
surface. After a few sways, a mark around the base formed and the object ra 6/3/1961 #16717  
ly luminous UFO maneuvered sharply around a VASP Airlines plane. [NICAP UFO 7/24/1961 #16772  
ute 3 through the White Mountains. Around Indian Head, New Hamsphire they s 9/19/1961 #16858  
                    On this day at around five o'clock in the afternoon the 9/21/1961 #16867  
                                At around 9:04 a.m. local time, a weather o 9/30/1961 #16881  
Ogden Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio Around 12:00 noon. Waldo J. Harris, priv 10/2/1961 #16889  
rything. The ball was about as big around as a tractor tire, four feet in d 11/18/1961 #16964  
er Adelaide Hills, South Australia around 6:15 p.m. They did not re-emerge. 11/21/1961 #16968  
cking in the ground with this glow around it.” The men shine a hand spotlig Late 11/1961 #16978  
human-looking individuals standing around it. At this point they seem to he Late 11/1961 #16978  
e right shoulder. The figure spins around, goes down on his knees, gets hel Late 11/1961 #16978  
have to return. A few hours later, around 12:00 noon, the principal witness Late 11/1961 #16978  
shaped domed disc with black marks around the rim, 20-30 feet above the gro 2/9/1962 #17044  
es out simultaneous hallucination. Around this time, Barney develops a seri 3/25/1962 #17079  
a stationary flashing yellow light around the same time.                    3/25/1962 #17080  
 and 8 guards stood at parade rest around it. P.J. and his friend were enco 4/1962 #17093  
                                At around 11:00 p.m. a 15-meter wide metall 4/9/1962 #17104  
s of nearby homes. A rotating band around the main body consists of a serie 4/24/1962 #17127  
istant, giving off colored lights. Around 8:10 p.m., the object returns fly 4/24/1962 #17127  
 the “world’s leading scientists.” Around the same time, Lt. Col. Spencer W 5/25/1962 #17201  
AF Kinloss Moray Firth RAF Evanton Around 9:00 p.m. Harvey Packard and five Summer 1962 #17239  
r-shaped UFO over the city, flying around in circles at great speed. The ob 6/21/1962 #17241  
es occasionally, dips, and hovers. Around 11:45, they notice that the star  6/25/1962 #17245  
 door in the craft. It was looking around at the terrain. There was also a  7/18/1962 #17283  
 grabbed the youth's scarf, turned around and walked away like a robot, lea 7/26/1962 #17290  
nal Airport] Corrientes, Argentina Around 12:00 midnight. Air traffic contr 8/2/1962 #17317  
nounced aircraft was about to land around midnight when they saw a luminous 8/2/1962 #17318  
dish-pink, green, and white lights around its perimeter. The object illumin Late 8/1962 #17361  
. It had flat edges and small orbs around the rim.                          8/28/1962 #17369  
a on the top and exhaust ports all around its mid-line, and it is surrounde 8/30/1962 #17373  
 a picnic while on a business trip around noon. He noticed a metallic UFO w 9/1/1962 #17382  
t no occupants, but when he turned around he was surprised to see that two  9/1/1962 #17382  
ted UFOs at about the same time at around five a.m. One object was hovering 9/18/1962 #17418  
 1M glowing-balls maneuvers in and around houses. Much electro-magnetic eff 10/10/1962 #17462  
ter wide balls of light maneuvered around houses in Jacksonville, Florida a 10/10/1962 #17464  
houses in Jacksonville, Florida at around eight o'clock in the evening.     10/10/1962 #17464  
moving into position in the waters around Cuba. Soviet submarines menacingl 10/23/1962 #17489  
Reservoir and Masonville. It flies around for about 10 minutes, disappears, 10/26/1962 #17501  
feet ahead. He slows down to drive around them and sees that they are actua 11/1962 #17525  
out 500 feet further ahead. Turing around, he sees the entities heading tow 11/1962 #17525  
road. 3+observer(s). Lit portholes around. No figure(s).                    11/5/1962 #17537  
human appearance, were seen moving around inside the craft. They wore metal 11/22/1962 #17557  
sating yellow-white light maneuver around their plane. [UFOE, V] (NICAP: 11 2/5/1963 #17652  
        ALBUQUERQUE, NM Ovoid bobs around sky near schoolyard. Skin and eye 4/28/1963 #17731  
zzy, flashing light hover and dart around (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters,  5/18/1963 #17749  
ject flashing various colors moved around erratically for over two hours. W 6/18/1963 #17792  
al Street, Weymouth, Massachusetts Around 1:00 a.m. Enrico A. Gilberti Jr.  6/26/1963 #17809  
andwiched piece of meat protruding around.” It is about 30–40 feet across a 6/26/1963 #17809  
                           Driving around a corner in the road at 9:30 p.m. 6/28/1963 #17815  
ald Ewen Cameron regularly travels around the US teaching military personne 7/1963 #17819  
at arm's length, flashed and moved around the sky for 1.5 hours.            7/1/1963 #17822  
consisting of 18 Launch Facilities around the Tucson area]. (NICAP: 01 - Di 7/2/1963 #17823  
 m wide and 2.5 m deep. Vegetation around it was burned and there were four 7/15/1963 #17830  
here were four holes in the ground around the crater itself.                7/15/1963 #17830  
there are four slots in the ground around it, each about 4 feet long and a  7/16/1963 #17833  
ralia Road, followed a car, flying around it. Then it went away toward the  8/8/1963 #17879  
ville, IL Boersma saw a light move around the sky (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 8/11/1963 #17884  
ss:  R.M. Boersma. One light moved around the sky for 20 seconds.           8/11/1963 #17885  
 M. Boersma saw a white light move around the sky for 20 seconds.           8/11/1963 #17887  
 language. The creature then turns around and stares back at the UFO. Ferna 8/28/1963 #17922  
 aims it at the cyclops, who turns around and shoots Fernando’s hand with a 8/28/1963 #17922  
-shaped protrusions on the bottom. Around the rim are evenly spaced opening 10/1963 #17969  
 object. It then took off and flew around the truck several times, each tim 10/12/1963 #17988  
nlike figures (silhouettes) moving around within two bright lights linked b 10/21/1963 #17997  
ss in front of the car and circled around the side before disappearing to t 11/20/1963 #18051  
submarine object (USO) was seen at around 9:00 p.m. at the Northeast point  1/23/1964 #18118  
ddock. Tall figure exits and walks around..                                 2/29/1964 #18139  
ith copper skin emerged and walked around. The humanoid wore a tight fittin 2/29/1964 #18141  
's surround Gemini capsule. Follow around earth / 1 orbit! / r246p85.       4/8/1964 #18162  
nd AFB Goddard Space Flight Center Around 5:50 p.m. Socorro, New Mexico, po 4/24/1964 #18200  
pasture in Tioga City, New York at around ten o'clock in the morning. He sp 4/24/1964 #18201  
ew Mexico Rio Vallecitos creek bed Around 1:00 a.m. Orlando Gallegos steps  4/26/1964 #18209  
 series of smaller holes form an X around the larger depression. The earth  5/5/1964 #18244  
r. White ovoid splits twice. Moves around moon.                             5/18/1964 #18280  
 moving from the right of the Moon around to the left. Sighting lasted 17 m 5/18/1964 #18284  
intermittently visible maneuvering around the larger one. It finally merges 5/26/1964 #18307  
 Pennsylvania a small disc orbited around a large domed object at ten o'clo 5/26/1964 #18310  
down low over Hobbs, New Mexico at around 4 p.m., leaving behind some sooty 6/2/1964 #18323  
-foot-wide, domed, spinning object around 10:30 p.m. It was moving five met 6/8/1964 #18339  
              Turnerville, Georgia Around 9:00 p.m. Three members of the He 7/7/1964 #18398  
nlap, and Gary Dunlap) are playing around an apple tree at Conklin, New Yor 7/16/1964 #18421  
n the air and has a revolving ring around its center. It suddenly starts to Late 7/1964 #18438  
been subjected to a temperature of around 650° C.                           8/1964 #18466  
                                At around 10 p.m. a man and a woman driving 8/30/1964 #18523  
nd climbed a tree. It was then, at around 10:00 p.m., that he noticed a dom 9/4/1964 #18535  
 down briefly in Cofico, Argentina around nine o'clock in the evening. It s 9/6/1964 #18542  
ally. It had a red light revolving around its perimeter.                    9/6/1964 #18543  
call from an adjacent missile silo around 10–15 miles away, saying that a U Late 1964 #18583  
kling ball of light that maneuvers around her yard, illuminating her proper 10/29/1964 #18595  
in aluminum strips and insulation. Around 4:55 a.m., one UFO shoots straigh 11/25/1964 #18637  
shington DC sighting concentration around Washington, DC, which led to CIA  12/1964 #18650  
Dominion college Norfolk, Virginia Around 12:00 midnight. Old Dominion coll 1/14/1965 #18729  
ght light below the cloud cover at around 2,000–5,000 feet altitude. It see 1/15/1965 #18740  
 to investigate. Weaver is walking around inside when something hits him on 1/26/1965 #18769  
 UFOs were seen flying overhead at around 9 p.m. One of the craft, bathed c 2/21/1965 #18825  
d a row of vanes like an outer rim around the circumference. It also had a  3/2/1965 #18833  
Immokalee, Florida East Fort Myers Around 1:00 a.m. James W. Flynn is deep  3/15/1965 #18859  
windows emitting a yellowish glow. Around its base an orange-red glow exten 3/15/1965 #18859  
lluminates the ground some 75 feet around the rim. Some 40 minutes into the 3/15/1965 #18859  
ered a metallic cone-shaped UFO at around one o'clock in the morning. The U 3/15/1965 #18860  
lar legs and a bank of floodlights around the main body was seen hovering a 5/24/1965 #18963  
ottage on Lake Mason, Wisconsin at around 2 p.m., Ms. Gorzelle, age 45, wit 5/30/1965 #18977  
 going down / 12M altitude. Snoops around farm. Many lights / outside.      6/19/1965 #19014  
e farmyard. It has numerous lights around the outside and appears to be rot 6/19/1965 #19017  
ut-Provence department, France. At around five o'clock in the morning farme 7/1/1965 #19049  
 feet in diameter, with red lights around its rim hover above some nearby t 7/9/1965 #19089  
ow, green, and red lights rotating around their circumferences. They also m 7/16/1965 #19111  
                                At around eight o'clock in the morning R. P 7/20/1965 #19153  
 an array of three greenish lights around a larger, central sphere. After 2 7/26/1965 #19180  
ge from the larger object and walk around it. They are wearing dark clothin 7/26/1965 #19181  
                                At around seven p.m. a 15-year-old boy name 8/1/1965 #19247  
amed 14 year-olds saw a light move around the sky (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 8/4/1965 #19308  
med 14 year olds.  One light moved around the sky for 16-17 seconds.  No fu 8/4/1965 #19316  
year-olds watched a light maneuver around the sky for 16-17 seconds.        8/4/1965 #19325  
nesses, the diameter of the UFO is around 42 feet. Lucci is photographing t 8/8/1965 #19341  
                                At around 6:00 p.m. an astronomer and his f 8/9/1965 #19349  
ing on the outskirts of Lima, Peru around 10:00 p.m. when his car's engine  8/9/1965 #19350  
                                At around midnight the K. Denver family of  8/9/1965 #19351  
so reported the smell of smoke. At around midnight that same night Mr. & Mr 8/11/1965 #19368  
le hat. He was dancing and jumping around in front of the other being as th 8/13/1965 #19383  
                                At around 10:00 p.m. two youngsters, Marc & 8/14/1965 #19391  
een light and could be seen moving around inside the craft. Finally, with a 8/14/1965 #19392  
aw a light in a field with “smoke” around it. In a nearby ditch she noticed 8/16/1965 #19410  
ith slightly pointed heads & “wrap around” eyes emerged from the object and 8/16/1965 #19410  
le tree, emitting a red vapor from around its edges and a “beep-beep” sound 8/19/1965 #19427  
ect land 200 m away. Figures moved around it, as if examining the craft, wh 8/20/1965 #19440  
y tracks. Door opens. Figure looks around. / r8#687.                        8/23/1965 #19454  
essed like a pilot emerged, walked around, and reentered the object, which  8/23/1965 #19455  
essed like a pilot emerged, walked around, and then re-entered the object,  8/23/1965 #19456  
A bright amber light kept flashing around the edge, and flickering red and  8/26/1965 #19466  
ect take off, and the light moving around the edge was now a brilliant red  8/26/1965 #19466  
e site a second time, only to turn around when they found the object was st 9/3/1965 #19506  
al object with a row of red lights around it, moved slowly and erratically  9/3/1965 #19507  
d it, moved slowly and erratically around houses and trees, while lights bl 9/3/1965 #19507  
l Guard Base] in Portsmouth Boston Around 1:00 a.m. Exeter, New Hampshire,  9/3/1965 #19511  
ed glowing object had chased her.” Around 2:00 a.m., while walking home to  9/3/1965 #19511  
 but when Bertrand flashes a light around the field around 3:00 a.m., a hug 9/3/1965 #19511  
d flashes a light around the field around 3:00 a.m., a huge dark object wit 9/3/1965 #19511  
 inverted saucer with white lights around the rim. The sighting nearly caus 9/3/1965 #19515  
 cream colored saucer. Windows all around edge. No further details.         9/5/1965 (approximate) #19523  
blue, and orange lights from slits around its circumference. Four people--a 9/10/1965 #19552  
st one leaves, a white cloud forms around the large object, which remains i Fall 1965 #19592  
disc-shaped object with red lights around the edge zig-zagged below the clo 10/17/1965 #19661  
op and green, red and white lights around the perimeter was seen in Sharon, 10/18/1965 #19667  
oking at him. Eventually they turn around and “scoot under the ship,” disap 10/23/1965 #19678  
irie, Minnesota. As he was driving around a curve in the road he saw an upr 10/23/1965 #19679  
ted seeing a lighted object circle around and around in the sky over their  10/23/1965 #19679  
a lighted object circle around and around in the sky over their farm.       10/23/1965 #19679  
ed two little men sitting on stump around noon in Canhotinho, Pernambuco st 10/26/1965 #19682  
 and planets to dance and twinkle. Around the same time, John Fuller hears  10/27/1965 #19684  
ow the fin. It had rows of squares around the rim and remained completely d 11/1965 #19690  
f earth because humans are messing around with “unknown quantities” that mi 11/10/1965 #19711  
 Guacu, Sao Paulo state, Brazil at around 9 p.m. by a woman and her grandso 11/11/1965 #19713  
mewhat frightened by it. They hung around for a few minutes, decided not to 11/13/1965 #19719  
0–9:00 p.m. Numerous power outages around St. Paul, Minnesota, are accompan 11/26/1965 #19736  
lyphs is also said to be in a band around the base of the object. A reporte 12/9/1965 #19762  
ark and it was with a lot of trees around and everything. And I don’t know  12/9/1965 #19762  
g with small dark objects attached around its edge and a dark cross on its  12/13/1965 #19766  
d Hills in Avon county, England at around midnight. A vehicle shaped like a 12/15/1965 #19771  
und that his truck had been turned around and was resting in a roadside dit 12/20/1965 #19782  
field. A greenish glow was visible around the top. After 5 seconds the UFO  1/7/1966 #19811  
      Tully, Queensland, Australia Around 9:00 a.m. A banana grower, George 1/19/1966 #19858  
                                At around midnight near Shearwater Lake in  1/21/1966 #19865  
ge heads, and thin legs. He turned around and came back, and saw a "large s 1/21/1966 #19865  
n the ground. The witnesses turned around and drove back to Rexburg.        1/29/1966 #19872  
lls constantly in very fast motion around it, and much light.  Object hover 2/2/1966 #19875  
ly circling it in very fast motion around it in a dazzling light show. The  2/2/1966 #19876  
       Aluche, Madrid, Spain Spain Around 8:00 p.m. Several persons in the  2/6/1966 #19888  
e departed, while the other danced around in the sky for 35 minutes.        2/22/1966 #19914  
 came within three meters of a car around 8:00 p.m. There was interference  2/26/1966 #19924  
 of much larger lights come on all around the small one. Frightened, the gi 3/1966 #19930  
, vanished and reappeared, cruised around the sky lazily, and then vanished 3/2/1966 #19933  
A revolving domed disc with lights around its rim circled Great Lake in Por 3/16/1966 #19975  
red light, evenly spaced portholes around the rim from which lights flashed 3/17/1966 #19979  
hover, rise and fall quickly, dart around at jet-like speed, dimming and br 3/17/1966 #19983  
ch now had colored lights spinning around its periphery, came to within 25  3/17/1966 #19986  
d white lights spinning completely around it. The witness had been a police 3/17/1966 #19986  
t hovered over power lines, bobbed around and rocked in a pendulum motion.  3/20/1966 #20005  
) hovered over power lines, bobbed around, and rocked in a pendulum motion  3/20/1966 #20010  
ghts vanish, reappear, and recede. Around 5:10 a.m., Kohn sees a lighted ob 3/21/1966 #20021  
having red, white and green lights around the rim.                          3/21/1966 #20023  
Several discs with flashing lights around their edges (body lights) were re 3/22/1966 #20028  
c-shaped UFOs with flashing lights around the rim were sighted from an outd 3/22/1966 #20033  
 downward, flashing lights visible around its center, and emitting a loud g 3/24/1966 #20066  
 The object was rotating clockwise around a horizontal axis. It appeared to 3/24/1966 #20066  
ights also hovered, and maneuvered around. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 01 - Dist 3/24/1966 #20067  
 Minnesota. It had flashing lights around its center, and made a loud noise 3/24/1966 #20072  
ng red disc-shaped object maneuver around the sky, descend, and then fly pa 3/26/1966 #20093  
hich made a humming sound, gyrated around erratically. (NICAP notes.) (NICA 3/28/1966 #20111  
dark gray, and has about 30 lights around its perimeter. As it flies off, h 3/28/1966 #20118  
ered away sharply and disappeared. Around 3 a.m. in Warren, Michigan police 3/28/1966 #20119  
s had a row of multicolored lights around the rims (body lights) "flickerin 3/29/1966 #20134  
 have a row of multicolored lights around their rims “flickering like a com 3/29/1966 #20140  
 green flashing lights in a circle around their centers.                    3/29/1966 #20144  
 a bright white object maneuvering around power lines and a radio tower, ma 3/30/1966 #20155  
ntly buffeted as the object darted around from point to point, emitting a h 3/31/1966 #20173  
lars. It moves in geometric angles around two bright stars until it shoots  4/1/1966? #20202  
ge The Grange Westall State School Around 11:00 a.m. A class of students an 4/6/1966 #20257  
ing man in white coveralls walking around it, telling everyone to stay back 4/6/1966 #20259  
football shaped objects maneuvered around in the sky, making a pulsating so 4/8/1966 #20277  
ith dome on top and colored lights around its perimeter, circling over a sc 4/12/1966 #20288  
and lights (red to white to green) around the bottom, which appeared to lan 4/12/1966 #20290  
h a dome on top and colored lights around its perimeter, circling over a sc 4/12/1966 #20291  
 object with rotating white lights around its perimeter. The object circled 4/17/1966 #20312  
                      Beginning at around 5:00 a.m., Portage County Deputy  4/17/1966 #20319  
al object with flashing red lights around its-circumference, and two smalle 4/18/1966 #20327  
ver Peabody, Massachusetts, zipped around, and maneuvered to the horizon an 4/18/1966 #20333  
n top and with rotating red lights around the rim approached a car within a 4/22/1966 #20366  
rical framework that was revolving around it. On one side of the disc was a 4/22/1966 #20377  
 about 20 minutes. A "force field" around the craft made it difficult for h 4/22/1966 #20377  
blue, green, and red lights racing around the perimeter of the object, as w 4/22/1966 #20380  
liptical) object with white lights around its perimeter, colored flashing l 4/23/1966 #20387  
ome on top and blinking red lights around the edge, and a brilliant yellow  4/23/1966 #20388  
                                At around 2:00 a.m. a 60-foot long cigar-sh 4/23/1966 #20391  
yellow light on top and red lights around the edge. flashing in the same pa 4/24/1966 #20400  
g, mechanical noises" as it bobbed around apparently close to the building. 4/24/1966 #20400  
th a double row of lights or ports around the rim hovering 150- 200 feet aw 4/24/1966 #20401  
otating, and a blue light pulsated around its rim. The UFO gradually accele 4/24/1966 #20401  
                  On this night at around 8:15 p.m. two motorists in Towand 4/25/1966 #20417  
ramento, CA Woman saw a light move around the sky (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 4/30/1966 #20431  
ess: Anita Miller. One light moved around the sky for 2.5 hours.  No furthe 4/30/1966 #20433  
m. Anita Miller saw a light moving around in the sky for 2.5 hours over Sac 4/30/1966 #20434  
g a "whooshing" noise, and circled around to the left and disappeared. (NIC 5/6/1966 #20453  
g a "whooshing" noise, and circled around to the left and disappeared.      5/6/1966 #20455  
en secretly tracking UFO sightings around the world, even as it denies doin 5/10/1966 #20474  
e “helped organize the CBS TV show around the Robertson Panel’s conclusions 5/10/1966 #20474  
t. For 15 minutes the object moved around lazily, then suddenly sped off to 5/16/1966 #20486  
t. For 15 minutes the object moved around lazily, then it suddenly sped off 5/16/1966 #20490  
 watch, and saw the object bobbing around and circling slowly in one small  5/16/1966 #20490  
 from the southwest, hover and bob around. She stopped and observed the obj 5/24/1966 #20509  
al reflection on the lake surface. Around the dome was a row of bright yell 6/1/1966 #20518  
and blue-green lights were visible around the lower perimeter (body lights) 6/1/1966 #20518  
al reflection on the lake surface. Around the dome is a row of bright yello 6/1/1966 #20519  
hts; blue-green lights are visible around the lower perimeter. After hoveri 6/1/1966 #20519  
                             On or around this day two Ontario residents ha 6/1/1966 #20520  
 which had rows of lights flashing around its perimeter, took off rapidly a 6/1/1966 #20520  
ircled the dome, blue-green lights around the lower perimeter. After hoveri 6/1/1966 #20520  
w, blue, and green flashing lights around the circumference (body lights),  6/11/1966 #20551  
n the pre-dawn hours, beginning at around 3:15 a.m.                         6/23/1966 #20599  
g white and greenish-yellow lights around its perimeter, and it was surroun 6/24/1966 #20608  
the shoreline in Trenton, Maine at around 10 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time. It 6/24/1966 #20608  
 thrown some distance, and twisted around.                                  6/27/1966 #20618  
nding near a scrub tree. They spun around toward him, and one of them yelle 7/21/1966 #20663  
that alternately hovered and moved around, confirmed on radar. One sped awa 7/25/1966 #20679  
te Park near Erie, Pennsylvania at around 8:25 p.m. EDT Douglas Tibbetts, a 7/31/1966 #20703  
ion just below the Moon, they loop around it in an upward, back, and onward 8/1966 #20711  
owie, Seat Pleasant, and elsewhere around the region saw maneuvering, fast- 8/1/1966 #20715  
owie, Seat Pleasant, and elsewhere around Prince Georges County, Maryland s 8/1/1966 #20719  
 a dark center section, and colors around the rim. It flew slowly overhead  8/15/1966 #20746  
                                At around 2:00 a.m. Mr. & Mrs. Palmer in Wo 8/15/1966 #20750  
re discovered. One theory revolves around the testimony of a friend of the  8/20/1966 #20779  
ct with a row of lights or windows around the middle, antennas (projections 8/23/1966 #20795  
ndows or portholes rotating slowly around it. The object performed complex, 8/25/1966 #20805  
rs, and when Korenek turns his car around, his radio begins working again.  9/1966 #20827  
ver(s). Man-shaped object flutters around in sky. Balloon? kite?            9/1/1966 #20828  
omed disc with multicolored lights around the rim moving around the sky in  9/1/1966 #20834  
lored lights around the rim moving around the sky in Fort Duchesne, Utah. T 9/1/1966 #20834  
than an army tank, with lights all around it, made a low humming sound and  9/9/1966 #20868  
 whirring sound. It had lights all around it, with three horizontal bands o 9/9/1966 #20869  
revolving gray disc w dark windows around the rim in White Rocks, Uintah Co 9/15/1966 #20886  
approach the larger object, moving around erratically, with an up-and-down  9/17/1966 #20892  
 leave the larger object and flies around the area. One flies low over Ipsw 9/17/1966 #20892  
n and out of the craft. They moved around with an up-and-down skipping moti 9/17/1966 #20893  
d disc with pulsating white lights around the rim, and a red searchlight di 9/20/1966 #20904  
 David R. Saunders are interested. Around this time, Condon agrees to an in 9/21/1966 #20910  
ed nearby. The large object bobbed around and emitted light beams toward th 9/22/1966 #20913  
over nearby. The large object bobs around and emits blue light beams toward 9/22/1966 #20915  
0 feet away. When another car came around the corner it vanished.           9/24/1966 #20924  
olored objects with rotating rings around them.  Two remained stationary, w 9/28/1966 #20932  
olored objects with rotating rings around them appeared over Wilmington, Oh 9/28/1966 #20933  
 green, and white lights revolving around it. It is 75 feet in diameter and 10/2/1966 #20949  
 green, and white lights revolving around it. It was 75 feet in diameter an 10/2/1966 #20950  
ation). The UFO hovered, and moved around erratically at high speeds, makin 10/10/1966 #20980  
enter in Seattle to report that at around 9:00 p.m. in Live Oak, Florida a  10/10/1966 #20984  
 UFO first hovered, and then moved around erratically at high speeds, makin 10/10/1966 #20985  
 the object illuminates the ground around him, his car engine, dashlights,  10/15/1966 #21006  
proceeds to draw aright-angle step around the Moon and continues northward, 10/21/1966 #21026  
ircles and maneuvers. Soyuz launch around this date.                        11/1966 (approximate) #21054  
 pilots (not described) who walked around the ground briefly then returned  11/10/1966 #21088  
vering over the Beverly Farms area around 7:15 a.m.                         11/15/1966 #21108  
, the dog was never seen again. At around 11:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Mal 11/15/1966 #21109  
d in Point Pleasant, West Virginia around 11:30 p.m. by a gray "bird-like c 11/15/1966 #21109  
owing object with a wide, flat rim around the center resting on the ground. 11/17/1966 #21115  
owing object with a wide, flat rim around the center resting on the ground  11/17/1966 #21117  
like a ball, with a wide, flat rim around it. There were no lights or porth 11/17/1966 #21119  
blue, green, and white body lights around its perimeter, hovering silently. 11/18/1966 #21122  
solated field. The knee-high grass around the dog's body was pressed flat i 11/20/1966 #21129  
eter and 8 feet thick, with a band around its center and some kind of proje 11/22/1966 #21141  
ll as the trees. She turns the car around and speeds away.                  11/28/1966 #21158  
ark disc-shaped object with lights around the rim passed over a car in a sn 12/5/1966 #21186  
e oval object with a halo of light around it descended and approached the w 12/13/1966 #21196  
                                At around one o'clock at night In a rural a 12/13/1966 #21199  
g oval object with a halo of light around its perimeter descended and appro 12/13/1966 #21199  
ith alternate red and green lights around it. The object circled over the a 1/5/1967 #21256  
 alongside and letters and numbers around the edge, according to Connie Chr 1/9/1967 #21278  
gray object glowing a bluish color around the rim. It was estimated to be 2 1/10/1967 #21282  
d to have broken through the fence around their pasture. One had broken her 1/13/1967 #21300  
a disc-shaped object with a flange around it and white beams of light from  1/15/1967 #21309  
away. The object hovered and moved around slowly. (Salisbury, 1974, Case 40 1/15/1967 #21310  
napee and Warner, New Hampshire at around 7 p.m. encountered a dark, battle 1/16/1967 #21323  
minum-colored sphere with a flange around the middle and a window at the to 1/19/1967 #21349  
               Shamokin (area), PA Around 6:00 p.m. Another family reported 1/19/1967 #21351  
and made several sharp-angle turns around trees. The teen grabbed a small p 1/19/1967 #21355  
uilding, with a ring of red lights around it that blinked off and on. The o 1/20/1967 #21358  
ield. The object hovers and swings around, revealing lights of a different  1/20/1967 #21360  
ct connected with the lights swung around to reveal a trapezoid shape with  1/20/1967 #21361  
Texas on this evening, starting at around 8 p.m. The UFOs were engaged in e 1/22/1967 #21367  
Craft described as oval with a rim around its circumference, and resting on 1/25/1967 #21381  
                                At around two a.m. three teenage girls--Sus 1/25/1967 #21388  
ng, a crowd of 50–60 people gather around their apartment building to watch 1/26/1967 #21399  
                                At around 10:00 p.m. Mrs. Enid Campbell saw 1/29/1967 #21412  
b and a shiny gold horizontal ring around the center which had numerous rou 1/29/1967 #21412  
ing to about 30°–45° elevation. At around the same time, George Larsen (Lar 1/30/1967 #21418  
g the slightest sound, by creating around themselves a pneumatic vacuum tha 2/1967 #21431  
servoir. The object rose slowly to around 50 feet, hovered, then moved away 2/4/1967 #21449  
placed small spheres on the ground around the craft. Witnesses observed the 2/5/1967 #21457  
een and white lights (body lights) around the edge. The object approached t 2/5/1967 #21458  
 figures that placed small spheres around the craft. A man walked to them a 2/5/1967 #21459  
alls that they place on the ground around the UFO. The human-like creatures 2/5/1967 #21460  
ck robes, who placed small spheres around the craft. A man walked up to the 2/5/1967 #21462  
ltaneously in Big Fork, Montana at around ten o'clock in the evening. The w 2/13/1967 #21539  
mall beings were reportedly moving around rapidly beneath it. They disappea 2/14/1967 #21544  
The object both hovered and darted around in various directions. The witnes 2/14/1967 #21545  
ith porthole-like openings visible around the perimeter. Rays of light (lig 2/14/1967 #21546  
feet altitude. Later it maneuvered around a U.S. Air Force plane that was s 2/14/1967 #21547  
bject in field, small beings moved around beneath it. Beings disappeared be 2/14/1967 #21550  
y. He sees several entities moving around it, so he picks up some stones an 2/14/1967 #21551  
ngs, grayish green in color, moved around rapidly beneath it. The creatures 2/14/1967 #21552  
object with a ring of orange stars around it at treetop level. The object s 2/16/1967 #21565  
bject stopped, hovered, and bobbed around. (Letter in NICAP files.) (Ogdens 2/16/1967 #21565  
 from its bottom center that moves around and illuminates the desert. The l 2/16/1967 #21572  
ome on top and 4-5 purplish lights around its perimeter (body lights). The  2/17/1967 #21582  
t Palmer, Massachusetts New Jersey Around 10:00 p.m. Contactee Stella V. La 2/17/1967 #21586  
aped object with 4-5 purple lights around its perimeter hovered at treetop  2/17/1967 #21587  
jumps against the window and races around, barking and jumping. She notices 2/22/1967 #21623  
iscs with a row of lights or ports around the edges. At one point the lead  2/25/1967 #21646  
50 p.m. CST. Two teenaged boys saw around or disc-shaped brightly illuminat 2/25/1967 #21647  
ects with a row of lights or ports around the center of each. The objects b 2/25/1967 #21651  
ppeared to have streamers of light around it. It flitted about, hovered, an 2/26/1967 #21665  
hts were either blinking or moving around the main white light (body lights 2/27/1967 #21674  
nt object hovers glides and shoots around. Back / 8PM each night for days.  3/1967 #21688  
anoids who disembarked and circled around the craft. Footprints of the huma 3/1967 #21695  
. It has a cupola on top and flies around silently before vanishing.        3/1967 #21701  
e in a car saw a red object, fuzzy around the edges, estimated 50 feet long 3/1/1967 #21710  
he heard a noise like buzzing bees around 1:30 a.m. He flashed his flashlig 3/1/1967 #21715  
 over Chicago Heights, Illinois at around 8 p.m. They changed color to oran 3/3/1967 #21747  
ard Centre Sandwich, New Hampshire around midnight when they saw an illumin 3/3/1967 #21749  
ires, bathing the road and an area around the car in a brilliant light. The 3/5/1967 #21766  
 with red, green and yellow lights around bottom rim which pulsated red.  F 3/6/1967 #21776  
with red, green, and yellow lights around its bottom rim, and with a pulsat 3/6/1967 #21778  
haped object with many body lights around the perimeter (green and red, plu 3/8/1967 #21805  
on the left. Wallace turns the car around and heads back for a closer look. 3/8/1967 #21815  
was pulsating red, with red lights around its rim. Approached witnesses and 3/9/1967 #21838  
a child's musical top, with lights around the circumference. Vapor trails e 3/12/1967 #21870  
led on a hill, they turned the car around and coasted downhill. The car re- 3/12/1967 #21875  
e large square windows were spaced around the midline of the object and jus 3/12/1967 #21876  
rom a number of equidistant points around the object. Its dark mass was ill 3/12/1967 #21876  
wing egg-shaped object with lights around it as if they were on wires. The  3/16/1967 #21897  
 on too and a series of red lights around the circumference (body lights) t 3/18/1967 #21916  
eddish orange color when it danced around in the sky.                       3/18/1967 #21917  
was coming from windows positioned around the circumference of the domes. T 3/25/1967 #21981  
elf was dark, with a luminous band around it, was motionless and pulsated,  3/26/1967 #21995  
ons. On the evening of March 26 at around 7:30 p.m., Robert Lore and Cecil  3/26/1967 #21998  
self was dark with a luminous band around it, was motionless, and pulsated. 3/26/1967 #21999  
f the entities position themselves around something lying on the ground. In 3/28/1967 #22004  
id metallic gray craft with lights around a revolving rim. She found hersel 4/2/1967 #22048  
ts that seemed to emanate from all around her. She was then placed on a bla 4/2/1967 #22048  
lowing sphere with a metallic band around the middle in Peterborough, Ontar 4/5/1967 #22069  
 increased heat, so turned the car around. However, the object started foll 4/6/1967 #22083  
under five feet tall and with wrap around eyes, slit mouths, and white cove 4/11/1967 #22110  
 1/2- second cycle and maneuvering around each other as they passed at abou 4/12/1967 #22118  
 half-second cycle, and maneuvered around each other as they passed overhea 4/12/1967 #22124  
ect, which has red flashing lights around its base. There is a small dome w Mid 4/1967 #22134  
-blue through a 30x 40mm telescope around 9:40–10:08 p.m. The Ozark Airline 4/17/1967 #22153  
sc with eight glowing yellow ports around the perimeter, white light on top 4/20/1967 #22170  
saw the multicolored lights moving around in a circular motion, and then bo 4/20/1967 #22172  
ts. It had several lighted windows around its edge. At the front the UFO ha 4/20/1967 #22172  
 humanoid beings were seen walking around the object. They wore silvery gra 4/20/1967 #22172  
blinking red and green body lights around the middle. (NICAP report 1 form; 4/28/1967 #22242  
appearance of a searchlight moving around its circumference. The developed  5/1967 #22258  
r with a crystal-like dome on top. Around its edge they could see several s 5/1/1967 #22263  
ow of window-like markings visible around the center. A vapor stream was pr 5/3/1967 #22270  
g and a row of windows was visible around the center. A vapor stream was pr 5/3/1967 #22271  
2 km away. Each had a "smoky halo" around it. The objects suddenly vanished 5/6/1967 #22282  
tween Durango and Mazatlan, Mexico around 11:00 a.m. when they sighted a di 5/6/1967 #22287  
                                At around one o'clock in the morning in Nec 5/7/1967 #22296  
ry in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada at around 2:00 a.m. It was seen by five tee 5/7/1967 #22297  
ith revolving red and white lights around the rim. One descended behind som 5/11/1967 #22318  
 with a dull aluminum finish"shoot around in sky" at around four o'clock in 5/12/1967 #22326  
num finish"shoot around in sky" at around four o'clock in the afternoon. It 5/12/1967 #22326  
t projected a circle of light down around a paperboy with the last name Pri 5/12/1967 #22328  
La Paz, Baja California, Mexico at around 11:00 p.m. where he encountered a 5/15/1967 #22348  
                                At around 3:00 a.m. a five meter long cigar 5/30/1967 #22427  
on the planet Ummo, which revolves around a star 14.6 light years away) hav 5/31/1967 #22431  
d and green lights (body lights) 4 around the perimeter, white and golden a 6/1/1967 #22444  
 eight circular marks or portholes around its midsection. Above that was a  6/1/1967 #22446  
hts). The object ; also had lights around the edge like windows, which appe 6/9/1967 #22481  
dy lights) and a glowing pink band around the middle. The object moved slow 6/11/1967 #22492  
exited the craft and began walking around it. The being was wearing a white 6/11/1967 #22496  
t colored clothing, helmets, moved around beneath cigar-shaped craft with w 6/13/1967 #22501  
ad a row of orange-lighted windows around its periphery. In the larger obje 6/13/1967 #22504  
ur lights, were observed scurrying around outside the cigar. Physical trace 6/15/1967 #22509  
with red and green flashing lights around the dome. Their car radio experie 6/25/1967 #22556  
ndsa was walking through her house around six o'clock in the evening in Tho 6/30/1967 #22580  
 of paper flying in a large circle around her house. Outside, she found her 6/30/1967 #22580  
s confined to the area immediately around their house and did not affect an 6/30/1967 #22580  
over on its side. It has portholes around its lower edge. After 20 minutes, 7/1967 #22590  
ith a dome on top with no windows, around the craft were men at work and ta 7/3/1967 #22604  
l passes 20M / observer(s). Steers around tree 20m / observer(s). / r30p283 7/17/1967 #22670  
ified beings, which turned the car around and struck her across the chest w 7/17/1967 #22686  
he object turned red, descended to around 200 feet above the ground, and an 7/20/1967 #22713  
                                At around 1:00 a.m. a distress call came fr 7/27/1967 #22743  
 low altitude, a dark band visible around the middle (see July 4, Corning,  7/28/1967 #22746  
ject alternately hovered and moved around, circling the fire tower. At one  7/28/1967 #22746  
haped) object with a rotating ring around the circumference and triangular  8/4/1967 #22796  
om northeast to the south. Visible around the perimeter of the underside we 8/4/1967 #22797  
ith a horizontal row of red lights around the top, a series of white lights 8/4/1967 #22798  
0 to 12 bright red lights arranged around its circumference on the lower pa 8/4/1967 #22806  
Friars. It flashed blue lights all around its rim, and seemed to be spinnin 8/9/1967 #22852  
30 a.m. It flashed blue lights all around its rim, and seemed to be spinnin 8/9/1967 #22853  
utside, they heard heavy footsteps around their trailer. At dawn there was  8/12/1967 #22867  
utside, they heard heavy footsteps around their trailer for the next two an 8/12/1967 #22869  
low. The beings seem to be playing around silently, but then move quickly t 8/13/1967 #22873  
ry disc-shaped objects maneuvering around the sky some distance away. The p Mid 8/1967 #22882  
st above the ground. On a platform around its perimeter were seated eight t 8/15/1967 #22883  
.m. Two 15-year-olds are strolling around the Kolmården ridge area in Öster 8/23/1967 #22905  
 have some yellowish lights moving around in one room and noises like muted 8/23/1967 #22905  
. Two thin, wire-like bands appear around the creature’s ankles and give of 8/23/1967 #22905  
elmets. They "seemed to be at work around the machine." When they were disc 8/23/1967 #22906  
rmed an "X." It was bowlegged, and around each ankle was a brilliant, white 8/23/1967 #22908  
iding. After 30 seconds, the color around the object changes from pink to b 8/24/1967 #22917  
string of white lights was visible around the bottom of the object (body li 8/29/1967 #22950  
ith pulsating, multicolored lights around the circumference and a white lig 8/29/1967 #22952  
like object. They hovered and flew around the sphere, then dived into it as 8/29/1967 #22953  
with large heads and pointed chins around a landed sphere 15 feet in diamet 8/29/1967 #22954  
that alternately hovered and moved around. (Stanway and Pace, 1968, pp. 29- 8/30/1967 #22959  
 at Edwards AFB, California, on or around this date. A civilian employee at 9/1/1967? #22977  
n Cone-shaped object, haze or mist around lower portion, approached airline 9/10/1967 #23031  
 a complete blank with denials all around.                                  9/11/1967 #23046  
 The object hovered and maneuvered around, and once appeared to approach an 9/13/1967 #23048  
zy screen like a force field drops around the object, and a door appears ou 9/14/1967 #23060  
ith large heads (humanoids) moving around it. The object's light dimmed whe 9/15/1967 #23064  
all beings with large heads moving around it. The object’s light dims when  9/15/1967 #23069  
                                At around 2:00 a.m. An anonymous witness ob 9/17/1967 #23077  
olored object with a band of light around its circumference. The object lan 9/18/1967 #23082  
           Leek, Staffordshire, UK Around 8:30 p.m. Three witnesses saw a v 9/20/1967 #23098  
 light and smaller flashing lights around the rim heading west. It seems to 9/22/1967 #23114  
 with two other men. The UFO swung around to the northwest, then to the nor 9/22/1967 #23116  
ot up, vanished, reappeared, moved around in an odd manner, and then faded  9/23/1967 #23122  
some mist. One of the objects flew around a house and the other seemed abou 9/25/1967 #23129  
l-shaped object that glowed yellow around it perimeter. It carried a red, a 10/2/1967 #23168  
/ fuzzy amber center. White sparks around outside.                          10/3/1967 #23170  
urrounded by a haze. It had lights around its rim, and it flew off toward t 10/3/1967 #23172  
tts. It had white lights sparkling around its circumference. This too was n 10/3/1967 #23172  
 lights emerge and form a triangle around the larger light. The satellite o 10/4/1967 #23176  
tangular object and began to dance around the spheres like fireflies.       10/4/1967 #23177  
w light came from it, which danced around him and made him feel dizzy and s 10/6/1967 #23187  
s like two bowls clamped together. Around the rim is a pulsating green ligh 10/7/1967 #23189  
kout saw an oval object with a rim around the circumference and a green lig 10/10/1967 #23202  
me on top, a yellow light rotating around the dome. The object also had one 10/10/1967 #23203  
nada saw an oval object with a rim around the circumference and a green lig 10/10/1967 #23206  
 top, with a yellow light rotating around the dome. The object also had one 10/10/1967 #23207  
eet was watched for ten minutes at around 10:00 p.m. in Shelburne, Nova Sco 10/11/1967 #23220  
 over to the Moon and flies a loop around it, keeping its flat side down. T 10/14/1967 #23238  
, which was disc-shaped with a rim around the center and had illuminated po 10/17/1967 #23242  
xt morning, Ritter and Bennet look around for evidence at the landing site, 10/21/1967 #23282  
British Columbia, Canada clustered around a small pile of stones laid in a  10/22/1967 #23291  
aped object with a light blue ring around the center. The object hovered an 10/23/1967 #23293  
eet in diameter and 6-8 feet high. Around the rim were square shaped red an 10/24/1967 #23309  
O Boy photographs 2 red orbs float around. Photographs show disks instead.  10/26/1967 #23325  
ts) and an apparent row of windows around the upper portion. (Unidentified  10/26/1967 #23331  
off" spinning top with a dark band around the center. (Stanway and f, Pace, 10/27/1967 #23346  
Mr. P, age 51, was driving home at around 11:00 p.m. when he came to the to 10/29/1967 #23364  
                                At around nine o'clock in the evening a bus 10/30/1967 #23372  
 like two saucers joined together. Around the rim is a row of alternately f 11/2/1967 #23390  
+1 cops / cars. Night light shifts around and changes color(s). Away / fant 11/5/1967 #23402  
0-degree turn, slowed down, turned around, and resumed its original flight  11/15/1967 #23460  
linking lights on the side, bounce around over WTPA TV towers for 2-10 minu 11/15/1967 #23463  
multi-colored lights (body lights) around the center. The object was making 11/19/1967 #23481  
clad figures (humanoids) were seen around a disc that had a dome and red bo 11/24/1967 #23505  
tall men in white coveralls walked around. The boy later suffered severe he 11/24/1967 #23506  
just above the ground. They walked around it side by side with their arms h 11/24/1967 #23508  
t beam of light then struck Wilson around the waist, causing him to levitat 11/28/1967 #23517  
                                At around 2:00 a.m. Percy McBride saw a fla 11/29/1967 #23524  
onnel watch it until it disappears around 11:30 p.m.                        12/2/1967 #23533  
t one-and-a-half hours earlier, at around 2:30 a.m. Central Standard Time,  12/3/1967 #23547  
-like) silver objects with windows around the rim. Their size was estimated 12/4/1967 #23550  
t away. It is metallic, has lights around the edge, and is about 50 feet hi 12/13/1967 #23581  
 away. It was metallic, had lights around the edge, and was about 50 feet h 12/13/1967 #23582  
e bottom, and red and green lights around the equator (body lights). The ob 12/15/1967 #23589  
d bottom, and red and green lights around the middle. The object approached 12/15/1967 #23592  
multicolored body lights revolving around its perimeter buzzed a car. (UFO  12/22/1967 #23598  
ing if it was just someone playing around, or not thinking a whole lot abou 1968 #23622  
by creating an electrostatic field around the craft. “Dan Marckus,” a pseud 1968 #23633  
it utilized an electrostatic field around the aircraft to reduce drag, some 1968 #23633  
eenish yellow in color, clambering around the boxes and attaching themselve 1/3/1968 #23647  
 She heard quite a loud scrambling around, as if there may have been five o 1/3/1968 #23647  
dome on top and a circular railing around it. Next to the UFO were two huma 1/6/1968 #23655  
ed smaller objects that maneuvered around independently.                    1/12/1968 #23661  
class in Ipswich, Massachusetts at around 6:30 p.m. when suddenly some brig 1/17/1968 #23668  
                                At around 3:00 a.m. two men watched from th 1/24/1968 #23696  
e on his transistor radio. Looking around, he sees an oval metallic object  1/31/1968 #23715  
ating white and pinkish-red lights around the rim, making it look like a fl 2/11/1968 #23749  
, domed disc with ports maneuvered around farm, emitting high-pitched whine 2/19/1968 #23766  
s an object 300 feet away circling around a pole with an electric transform 2/19/1968 #23767  
c-shaped object with large windows around the domed top. It circled around  2/19/1968 #23768  
s around the domed top. It circled around her farm making a high-pitched so 2/19/1968 #23768  
ion of their close encounter being around 15 minutes.                       2/21/1968 #23773  
on and off about 7–8 times, ending around 5:00 a.m. She slowly recovers ove 2/27/1968 #23786  
gures about 4 feet tall spread out around the object. Suddenly they scrambl 2/27/1968 #23787  
d in the Middle East are installed around Groom Lake (to aid stealth testin 3/1968 #23797  
n, Tully, Queensland, is triggered around the time that an airliner flying  3/2/1968 #23806  
cer going south over US70. Circles around and follows car / 8km going north 3/4/1968 (approximate) #23818  
 field, emitting a cloudy haze all around its periphery.                    3/4/1968 #23826  
It has a band of dimmer red lights around its midsection. Suddenly a big tu 3/19/1968 #23849  
 emerges from the object and moves around until it is pointed at him. A lig 3/19/1968 #23849  
s jacket catches fire and he rolls around, screaming with fright. His mothe 3/19/1968 #23849  
band of dimmer red lights flashing around its center. "I stopped," Gregory  3/19/1968 #23850  
ket caught fire and the boy rolled around on the ground screaming with frig 3/19/1968 #23850  
r. The UFOnaut examined the ground around him and then noticed the witness, 3/29/1968 #23873  
man/entity with ball in hand walks around UFO. Observer(s)' watch stops. Fl 4/1968 #23879  
              On this afternoon at around 1:45 p.m. Mrs. Mabel Walch and he 4/3/1968 #23886  
 field, emitting a cloudy haze all around its periphery.                    4/4/1968 #23895  
peed (about 25–35 mph). On May 20, around 9:00 p.m., the Callisons have ano 5/10/1968 #23955  
 walking home early in the morning around 3:00 a.m. when he observed a lumi 5/22/1968 #23980  
th a green glow and bluish outline around the edges. A few minutes after la 5/27/1968 #23989  
 him that they would take him once around Earth, and he observed Japan, Fra 6/4/1968 #24006  
FO, with a dome on top and bottom. Around the bottom part of the object wer 6/10/1968 #24018  
to undertake surveillance missions around Cồn Cỏ (Tiger Island) along the n 6/15/1968 #24040  
nd) along the north central coast. Around 3:14 a.m. on June 17, the ships a 6/15/1968 #24040  
in space. He was seated at a table around which sat 12 similar giants. They 6/20/1968 #24056  
 driving from Las Vegas, Nevada at around 8 p.m. when he saw a round, sauce 6/23/1968 #24072  
FO flew over Bucharest, Romania at around 2 o'clock in the afternoon, stopp 6/28/1968 #24093  
young son, was watching television around midnight with his wife. It was a  7/1/1968 #24121  
ates the family’s horses and cats. Around 11:30 p.m., poltergeist-like dist 7/2/1968 #24132  
a shattered window, objects thrown around, a strong odor of roses) begin in 7/2/1968 #24132  
inosity." This being suddenly spun around like a top, then rose into the ai 7/2/1968 #24134  
                                   Around midnight a man driving in a car i 7/3/1968 #24140  
tina on a cold, moonlight night at around 3:00 a.m. when they saw a luminou 7/8/1968 #24159  
aller objects are seen maneuvering around it.                               7/9/1968 #24162  
bjects with clear edges maneuvered around it.                               7/9/1968 #24164  
) over Mt. Jastres. Colored lights around edge.                             7/12/1968 #24169  
    Near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil at around eleven p.m. a civil servant named 7/17/1968 #24186  
nish nebula with a blue-green ring around it that illuminates the surroundi 7/20/1968 #24193  
 light. It had a blue green stripe around it and seemed to shrink in size,  7/20/1968 #24194  
field. The humanoids were standing around apparently inspecting the area ex 7/20/1968 #24195  
heffield, South Yorkshire, England Around 12:00 midnight. Off-duty police c 7/22/1968 #24203  
                 On this afternoon around 3:00 p.m. two young boys riding t 7/26/1968 #24234  
the object descends to the ground. Around 4:30 a.m., the object goes bright 7/30/1968 #24263  
king some grass for his rabbits at around 9:00 a.m. when he saw an object 5 7/31/1968 #24272  
ger-saucer over coast. Windows all around.                                  8/1968 #24276  
uare doorway in the craft. It flew around and then re-entered the larger cr 8/1/1968 #24287  
d then just as I was about to turn around...a white cloud, like mist, appea 8/4/1968 #24297  
                                At around two a.m. Miguel Bitschko of Canue 8/8/1968 #24310  
r a three hour period beginning at around 11:00 p.m., numerous witnesses in 8/16/1968 #24344  
ases and decreases as it maneuvers around for 2 minutes. Barnea succeeds in 8/18/1968 #24352  
vered for 90 minutes, beginning at around 11:00 p.m. It emitted a beam of l 8/20/1968 #24360  
 seems larger and has a white glow around it. Within 5 minutes, the process 8/21/1968 #24364  
iponce, Sevilla province, Spain at around eight p.m. four little girls, age 8/31/1968 #24409  
loud knocking at the front door at around eight p.m. Without opening the do 8/31/1968 #24410  
 "we have just made three journeys around the sun, studying customs and lan 9/1/1968 #24422  
Gloucester Street. A crowd gathers around the two young men, still dazed an 9/10/1968 #24449  
ela 10:00 p.m. Farmers in the area around Carora, Lara, Venezuela, have a d 9/15/1968 #24467  
s, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil at around 1:00 a.m. Three beams of light ca 9/20/1968 #24490  
                                At around two a.m. a truck driver on the Ba 9/21/1968 #24495  
                                At around three a.m. Guy Lemargue, age 16,  9/30/1968 #24527  
egs. It had a row of portholes all around the edge. Beside it, several lumi 9/30/1968 #24527  
 written by an unnamed NSA analyst around this time. It is declassified in  10/1968? #24534  
 10 feet wide. There is a platform around it and on the top a transparent d 10/2/1968 #24537  
nt panel. Pereira sees four beings around it wearing blue tunics and red sk 10/2/1968 #24537  
 cloud, with a yellow-orange light around it and three circular lights bene 10/8/1968 #24551  
gman, Arizona with a hitchhiker at around 3:00 a.m., Michael Watts saw a "f 10/15/1968 #24563  
 of pulsating multi-colored lights around the edge approached them quite cl 10/15/1968 #24563  
ne was outside the object "looking around" and was "very tall" and looked t 11/1/1968 #24618  
rmal phenomena began to take place around the doctor and his family, includ 11/1/1968 #24620  
less while its eyes darted quickly around the room. The doctor experienced  11/1/1968 #24620  
ns, and a red pigmentation appears around his navel, forming a triangle. He 11/2/1968 #24625  
silia. It had lights and portholes around the rim and the lower portion was 11/8/1968 #24644  
ow. Running on two legs, it dashed around the east side of the house, weavi 11/9/1968 #24648  
resembled “a large bipedal lion of around 600 pounds.”                      11/9/1968 #24648  
bed as a ball of fire that floated around over the ground and then disappea 11/9/1968 #24649  
                                   Around 4:30 in the afternoon at Pelican  11/14/1968 #24657  
-looking figures were seen walking around on the deck of the craft, bent do 11/20/1968 #24673  
 only a few feet above the ground. Around the rim of the craft were a row o 11/21/1968 #24676  
e of aluminum like material coiled around it in a spiral. Facing the beings 11/21/1968 #24676  
ctly overhead. It had amber lights around edge, and was completely silent.  11/25/1968 #24706  
speculates UFOs may well have been around for a long time, looks at some co 11/27/1968 #24725  
tnesses saw strange figures moving around in front of a light on the ground 12/12/1968 #24766  
d UFO with a bright dome on top at around eight o’clock in the evening. The 12/15/1968 #24772  
 north of Wairakei, New Zealand at around 11:45 p.m. when they drove by a t 12/18/1968 #24779  
m. when they drove by a tall being around six feet tall. The man wore a shi 12/18/1968 #24779  
human looking occupant, who walked around the side of the object. The man h 12/28/1968 #24794  
          In Vado Ligure, Italy at around 6 p.m. an eight meter in diameter 1/13/1969 #24838  
tes of beings could be seen moving around in front of the lighted source fo 1/16/1969 #24853  
erted upon a dish with a dark ring around its perimeter. It had a dome on t 1/20/1969 #24861  
w times before moving out of sight around 10:30 p.m.                        1/20/1969 #24861  
p and bottom and four white lights around the edge moved in a side-to-side  1/22/1969 #24867  
                                At around 8:00 p.m. a small “space ship” ap 1/31/1969 #24882  
ought was a camera. Then he turned around, and as if obeying an order a big 1/31/1969 #24882  
, OH Amber-white night lights play around hills. Observer(s) = astronomer M 2/1969 #24884  
in Green Cove Springs, Florida. At around three a.m. two single adults, a m 2/10/1969 #24909  
ey also wore dark shiny medallions around their necks. At first stunned, Lu 2/12/1969 #24915  
 looking object enter the water at around 5:00 p.m and then vanish. Another 2/12/1969 #24916  
to] 100M away. Man exits and walks around object.                           2/17/1969 #24924  
merged from the shadows and walked around the object. The figure was very t 2/17/1969 #24925  
coveralls. He walked several times around the object. The witness then ran  2/17/1969 #24925  
mbers emerged onto a small catwalk around the machine. Each carried a diffe 2/20/1969 #24936  
Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil at around 8 p.m. when they saw a luminous o 3/22/1969 #25037  
est. It had a ring of white lights around it and appeared to be spinning. A 3/22/1969 #25037  
arge oval-shaped craft with lights around its edge and a beam of light shin 4/5/1969 #25051  
 was resting on gray colored legs. Around the object she saw three beings a 4/12/1969 #25059  
a bluish-white color like the glow around a welder’s arc. The object is mov 4/23/1969 #25086  
ct with three pulsating red lights around the top, 200 yards away from him. 4/26/1969 #25096  
led out "Hey you!" and they walked around behind the UFO. His dog refused t 4/26/1969 #25096  
g off. He perceives figures moving around him, and he feels himself shot wi 5/4/1969 #25114  
 he became aware of figures moving around behind him. He heard a deep sound 5/4/1969 #25115  
 drew from his belt. They gathered around Rodrigues, felt his arm, and conv 5/5/1969 #25117  
over Brentwood, South Australia at around 10:00 a.m. It had a dark protrusi 5/8/1969 #25119  
lars. It hovered and zoomed up and around for three hours. Dogs barked.     5/17/1969 #25140  
                                At around 10:00 p.m. an extremely bright wh 5/18/1969 #25144  
S Machine lands / swamp. Man walks around rim. Light beams going up. No fur 6/1969 #25181  
                       Starting at around 6:00 p.m. many townspeople watche 6/3/1969 #25195  
tayed behind and continued to play around in sky.                           6/3/1969 #25195  
n was of again driving his vehicle around a curve and then arriving home, f 6/11/1969 #25211  
nearby farm. It has an orange glow around it. Peck feels that the air is el 6/19/1969 #25226  
 evening numerous witnesses in and around the Michigan City, Indiana area,  6/20/1969 #25229  
 with red, green and yellow lights around its center. Increasing in intensi 6/20/1969 #25229  
 saucer with a pulsating red light around the bottom. The top was an orange 6/20/1969 #25230  
ng traces are reported in the area around Ibiúna, São Paulo, Brazil, the Br 7/1969 #25241  
 a big splash behind him. He swung around and looked up to see a silver ova 7/4/1969 #25252  
ck in Eau Claire, Wisconsin and at around 10:30 p.m. she was sitting by her 7/4/1969 #25254  
                                At around 8 p.m. a huge delta-shaped object 7/25/1969 #25300  
two silver discs flew over them at around 8:00 p.m. It took two minutes bef 7/31/1969 #25302  
ntained no visible seams or welds. Around the same time a local handicapped 8/8/1969 #25312  
                                At around 1:00 a.m. an ovoid UFO with light 8/11/1969 #25316  
1:00 a.m. an ovoid UFO with lights around its periphery flew low over Groom 8/11/1969 #25316  
gueres was driving an ambulance at around 6:00 a.m. from Perpignan to Rouen 8/11/1969 #25317  
l sleeping at the time. As he came around a bend in the road, Sr. Renato sa 8/19/1969 #25324  
me, leaving traces. On the 16th at around 5 p.m., Steve watched a spherical 10/16/1969 #25417  
 closer than 1,500–3,000 feet, fly around the ship and join up with the lar 10/24/1969 #25422  
iameter with luminous white panels around the circumference and lights on t 10/28/1969 #25431  
                                At around 10 a.m. a man and a woman, Clinto 10/30/1969 #25440  
 approach their car at great speed around 2:30 a.m.. As it passed over the  11/15/1969 #25460  
 resembling car headlights visible around its circumference. He exclaimed,  11/15/1969 #25461  
orts of unusual objects seen in or around bodies of water. He speculates th 1970 #25518  
 feet away. It has a row of lights around its middle. She can see two human 1/1/1970 #25532  
ose by with a "necklace of lights" around the rim. At 5:00 a.m. they could  1/1/1970 #25533  
urred west of Nykopping, Sweden at around 6:00 p.m. when a small saucer-sha 1/26/1970 #25555  
val-shaped silver disc with lights around the rim turned, hovered silently  2/7/1970 #25576  
 legs in Terrace, British Columbia around noon. He encountered a humanoid w 2/27/1970 #25594  
itchen in Kursu, Salla, Finland at around 5 p.m. when he and his family hea 4/15/1970 #25633  
 the doorway behind him. He turned around and saw a small creature about 1. 4/15/1970 #25633  
weden Enebacken Gothenburg, Sweden Around midnight. Several independent gro 4/29/1970 #25645  
n, watch a red, glowing sphere fly around the lake and neighboring areas. I 4/29/1970 #25645  
oving in a counterclockwise circle around a common center at a constant vel 5/14/1970 #25662  
f to the presence of a predator at around two a.m. A low flying hovering ob 6/2/1970 #25688  
t jumped a distance of 40 feet. At around 2:45 p.m. Marie, age 10, was stan 6/4/1970 #25690  
a wide black strap. This "boy" ran around behind the building. A short time 6/4/1970 #25690  
gers. He then passed a thick leash around its neck. Then three more such be 6/4/1970 #25690  
                           Driving around a sharp curve on the road next to 6/7/1970 #25694  
 Trois Rivieres, Quebec, Canada at around 9 p.m. when they sighted a white  7/11/1970 #25734  
                                   Around 4:30 a.m. between Plasencia and B 8/5/1970 #25770  
 shore near Good Hart, Michigan at around 10:30 p.m. when a very bright lig 8/15/1970 #25787  
r 15-20 minutes he saw no movement around the object, and so, curious, he w 8/15/1970 #25787  
ous, he walked towards it. The air around the UFO felt warm. He stopped abo 8/15/1970 #25787  
 than a human's and spread farther around the sides of the head. No nose wa 8/15/1970 #25787  
a bluish-white rotating light; and around its perimeter were other multi-co 8/16/1970 #25791  
ree inch tall ugly humanoids stood around the object. One of the humanoids  8/20/1970 #25799  
"Magnetic finger" follows engineer around work. Saucer outside!             8/25/1970 #25804  
ight, round, red light maneuvering around the ground, emitting beams of yel 8/29/1970 #25808  
ast sky moving from left to right. Around the dome on top was a row of rect 9/1970 #25821  
ast sky moving from left to right. Around the dome on top is a row of recta 9/1970 #25822  
ed to be luminous spheres floating around her. Suddenly she felt someone ho 9/7/1970 #25828  
traveled through the solar system, around Saturn and the Sun and even insid 9/7/1970 #25828  
as if burned, and he has a redness around his eyes when he returns home. Hi 10/29/1970 #25893  
After a few minutes, a cloud forms around the object. After 5 minutes, the  11/5/1970 #25902  
 tall beings in his room "who went around touching and upsetting everything 11/24/1970 #25917  
central dome with a revolving ring around it and was deep orange in the cen 12/7/1970 #25934  
nd disappears after a few seconds. Around 8:30 a.m., their son Timo asks th 1/3/1971 #25972  
 the sky. They had "a lot of smoke around them and they disappeared after a 1/22/1971 #25995  
their early morning farm chores at around dawn when they observed a lighted 1/22/1971 #25996  
her sections of Huron County, Ohio around the same time.                    1/22/1971 #25997  
ht that maneuvered for ten minutes around a central point in the sky over t 1/30/1971 #26007  
ani Sneck are working in the woods around Kangaskylä, near Kinnula, Finland 2/5/1971 #26014  
ain saw. Suddenly, the being turns around and heads back to the UFO. As the 2/5/1971 #26014  
shoreline in the town of Bastia at around 7:00 p.m.                         2/12/1971 #26019  
     A bell-shaped disc maneuvered around the mountains in Petropolis, Braz 2/24/1971 #26032  
ropolis, Brazil on this evening at around 9:00 p.m. The glow from the objec 2/24/1971 #26032  
ressed in green coveralls standing around a control panel. They waved at th 2/26/1971 #26033  
who believes in “little men flying around in the sky.”                      3/2/1971 #26038  
lia was standing in his kitchen at around 10 p.m. when he noticed a small e 4/2/1971 #26065  
                                At around 8:00 p.m. Marion L. and Dennis D. 4/14/1971 #26073  
o, New Zealand on a cloudy evening around 9 p.m. when they encountered a la 4/15/1971 #26075  
and it frightens him considerably. Around 8:00 p.m., 17-year-old Angela Raj 5/1971 #26092  
 wide and had a "walkway" that ran around its circumference. It had red and 5/15/1971 #26111  
 red, green, blue,and white lights around it on rim. Moved at tractor speed 5/16/1971 #26114  
 red, green, blue and white lights around its rim. It moved at tractor spee 5/16/1971 #26115  
entina Saturn-shaped object darted around, rocked back and forth while hove 5/24/1971 #26128  
entina Saturn-shaped object darted around, rocked back and forth while hove 5/24/1971 #26129  
e to reveal a row of glowing ports around its peimeter. The object moved up 5/29/1971 #26142  
 egg-shaped object with dark ports around its perimeter. It hovered a few f 5/31/1971 #26148  
 the ground. It had dark portholes around its perimeter, and was in plain v 5/31/1971 #26149  
Going quickly [to] overhead? Loops around and going quickly northeast.      6/1971 #26150  
CAZAR, SP 7M dome lights 250M area around it. Silent. Close to ground.      6/9/1971 #26161  
ge” in the bushes. After wandering around in a disoriented state for some t 6/29/1971 #26203  
eter long ovoid UFO with portholes around the edge was seen near the ground 7/8/1971 #26217  
aking branches outside his tent at around one o'clock in the morning. They  7/8/1971 #26218  
 and Wijesinghe report seeing UFOs around 2:00– 3:00 a.m. after returning h 7/17/1971 #26234  
wed a pale green color were moving around the object. They seem to glide ju 7/27/1971 #26246  
wed a pale green color were moving around the object. They seem to glide ju 7/27/1971 #26247  
                       Starting at around 9:00 a.m. a glowing orange disc-s 8/9/1971 #26278  
                                At around midnight a 30-year-old woman in t 8/11/1971 #26280  
tarted oscillating in their flight around the larger one. The larger UFO wa 8/11/1971 #26280  
   Rota, Cadiz province, Spain. At around eight o'clock in the evening six  8/14/1971 #26285  
yers Bay on Loch Ness, Scotland at around nine a.m. when he saw a grayish-b 8/16/1971 #26289  
n everything was unnaturally quiet around him. As he began to cross the bri 8/16/1971 #26291  
e evident. Simultaneously the area around the bridge lit up like midday. Th 8/16/1971 #26291  
                                At around 4 p.m. on highway D1 southeast of 8/23/1971 #26302  
e domed saucer with colored lights around bottom edge. No further details.  9/20/1971 #26351  
d object with multi-colored lights around the bottom edge was seen at 9:00  9/20/1971 #26357  
uck, but found no one. Coming back around to the front of his vehicle he sa 9/27/1971 #26384  
es 8-12 inches apart and extending around the sides of its head. It had a p 9/27/1971 #26384  
bottom and many smaller red lights around it. It makes sharp turns at fanta 10/2/1971 #26399  
t watching the black shapes moving around a campfire, making high-pitched w 10/14/1971 #26424  
 became apprehensive. Upon turning around, she saw, very clearly, the outli 10/28/1971 #26438  
g the family sheep with his dog at around seven p.m. when he saw a mushroom 11/2/1971 #26450  
 Three family members came running around the side of the house to get a gl 11/2/1971 #26450  
 touched the surface of the ground around the glow, and said it "felt stran 11/2/1971 #26450  
   Trudy Van Riper was awakened at around four o'clock in the morning by he 11/3/1971 #26452  
funnel object follows car. Detours around woods / sharp turns.              12/5/1971 #26487  
Michery, Yonne, France. It eetours around a copse of woods, then made some  12/5/1971 #26488  
ointed place near Tel Aviv, Israel around 10:00 p.m. There they saw a bluis 12/6/1971 #26490  
verything became completely silent around him and he felt like he had enter 12/6/1971 #26490  
ral occasions, and is usually seen around 11 p.m. (UFO Investigator / Jan 1 12/14/1971 #26498  
all. It has orange or amber lights around the edge.                         12/20/1971 #26509  
id, less than a meter tall, walked around the craft once, and then seemed t 12/20/1971 #26510  
                                At around 11 p.m. a disc-shaped UFO along t 12/21/1971 #26512  
d in a counter-clockwise direction around the ground mark. Soil samples rev 12/25/1971 #26518  
ing disc-shaped object with lights around the rim was seen for a minute by  1/29/1972 #26558  
, flying right in front of his car around 10:40 P.M (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 2/11/1972 #26571  
f windows about the size of a door around its girth. The windows were lit a 2/11/1972 #26573  
                                At around one o'clock in the morning police 3/3/1972 #26587  
ns observed a brightly colored UFO around 9:15 P.M (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 3/8/1972 #26591  
the fields in Granadero, Argentina around dawn. He stopped his truck and sa 3/16/1972 #26606  
e dirty chrome and lights flashing around its rim. The UFO wobbles, tilts,  4/24/1972 #26660  
 motel near Salisbury, Maryland at around 11 p.m. when they saw a luminous  5/2/1972 #26669  
ong, New South Wales, Australia at around 8:00 a.m. As she sat in the back  6/1/1972 #26696  
bject moves away through the trees around noon. The next day, van Rensburg  6/26/1972 #26735  
UFO hovered at 250 meters altitude around 9 p.m. for two minutes along the  6/29/1972 #26743  
ike objects could be seen orbiting around the larger craft. There were two  6/30/1972 #26746  
v. Fr. Quertemont, who are sitting around a campfire at Lamonriville, Malmé 7/4/1972 #26764  
ing slowly. They seem to be moving around a dark triangular object.         7/5/1972 #26774  
                                At around 11:00 p.m. a silent UFO hovered o 7/14/1972 #26800  
all, dark rectangles evenly spaced around its edge. It is brilliantly lit a 8/1972 #26864  
 lights and 4 saucers / lights all around. 1 week / sightings in all.       8/3/1972 #26869  
 Baakline, Lebanon. It had windows around its rim, and made no sound. It fl 8/4/1972 #26873  
                                At around 3:00 a.m. Fernando Dedeu's car ra 8/8/1972 #26885  
 on the dry grass. When she turned around, she was confronted by a five-foo 8/9/1972 #26890  
aped like a football and had a rim around it." Described as 50' long and wi 8/11/1972 #26895  
he fields and approach the object. Around 3:00 a.m., a multitude of red par 8/12/1972 #26911  
of red particles appear in the air around the approaching witnesses and in  8/12/1972 #26911  
aching witnesses and in the ground around them. The lights on the object co 8/12/1972 #26911  
ll red light is moving haphazardly around it. When one of them shines a fla 8/12/1972 #26911  
gh he noticed small flames burning around its feet." The witness invited th 8/16/1972 #26922  
s, were working on a roof drain at around two o'clock in the afternoon in I 8/18/1972 #26928  
n a woman carrying a milk can came around the corner of the house, and the  8/18/1972 #26928  
ide of Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin at around 2:00 a.m. hoping to hitch a ride  8/25/1972 #26954  
                                At around 3:00 a.m. Eduardo Dedeu was drivi 8/28/1972 #26966  
a round hole at least 6 feet deep, around which are three identical impresi Early 9/1972 #26975  
nstables were sent to the scene at around 8:30 p.m. They saw a circular ora 9/14/1972 #27001  
rio for over an hour, beginning at around eight p.m. The object had a green 9/23/1972 #27029  
 within 30 meters the figure swung around, in a stiff mechanical way, to fa 9/27/1972 #27035  
 light. They continue driving, and around 7:55 p.m. at the top of a hill we 10/9/1972 #27063  
                                   Around noon two witnesses in Bontrask, N 10/10/1972 #27064  
 clearly. They had lights rotating around their peripheries. At one point s 10/13/1972 #27071  
systems check of the equipment. At around 2:00 p.m. Briggs heard a high-pit 10/14/1972 #27077  
. Hillsgeck appeared to have burns around the face. Tash walked around the  10/14/1972 #27077  
burns around the face. Tash walked around the area and found ground marks i 10/14/1972 #27077  
n flew into a hovering mothership, around which other saucers were hovering 10/22/1972 #27085  
                                At around 6 p.m. a yellow and red bullet-sh 10/23/1972 #27089  
t toward the fjord’s southern end. Around 1:15 p.m., it is seen by five pol 11/20/1972 #27129  
ths of glistening material wrapped around a signpost and on looking up sees 11/28/1972 #27149  
g object remains on the hill until around midnight. At one time it emits a  12/13/1972 #27176  
nding on the roadway as they drove around a curve in Kauhajoki, Finland at  12/22/1972 #27184  
. An enormous "wheel" was spinning around this object, which at first was r 12/30/1972 #27193  
                                At around 2:00 a.m. two people watched a mu 1/11/1973 #27231  
ghts blinking on and off and going around on its bottom". The UFO followed  1/23/1973 #27244  
stbury Head, Hampshire, England at around two o'clock in the morning. It wa 2/11/1973 #27282  
                 In the evening at around 8:00 p.m. two delta-shaped UFOs w 2/11/1973 #27284  
ster, OK Disc with dome maneuvered around DC-8 aircraft, confirmed by airbo 2/14/1973 #27289  
elessly and disappear over a hill. Around 10:00 p.m., Edith Boatwright of n 2/21/1973 #27305  
iends, all on snowmobiles, when at around 9 p.m. a giant "headlight" rose f 2/26/1973 #27318  
ind her. She turned her snowmobile around and drove back about 150 meters,  2/26/1973 #27318  
                                   Around noon in Kampala, Uganda on the sh 3/3/1973 #27329  
          In Piedmont, Missouri at around 11:00 p.m. a sphere with tripod l 3/14/1973 #27347  
red beside it. They tried to drive around the light and observe it from beh 3/24/1973 #27373  
xt to it. Then next tried to drive around the field and observe the light f 3/25/1973 #27376  
saucer lands. Stick figure(s) move around inside. / r231'74.                3/28/1973 #27382  
 of unidentified lights in the sky around Piedmont, Missouri, and decides t 4/1973 #27397  
. Bigger / moon. Green-white vapor around it. Going quickly west.           4/7/1973 #27413  
t color as the rest of the object. Around the main section were 2 or 3 rows 4/15/1973 #27431  
                                At around 4:00 p.m. Fay, a 7-year-old girl, 5/15/1973 #27492  
when they heard a wailing siren at around 4 p.m. They followed it through a 5/15/1973 #27492  
light, and a red light is rotating around it. After 3–4 minutes, the object 5/18/1973 #27506  
pass over Springfield, Missouri at around 9 p.m. It was seen again that sam 5/19/1973 #27512  
 about 8 inches in diameter moving around inside his car. It passes in fron 5/22/1973 #27518  
had dropped him off at Itajobi. At around 3:00 a.m., about seven miles from 5/22/1973 #27519  
A "curtain of light" began to form around the object, and the heat and lack 5/22/1973 #27519  
and it had apparently been running around the house during the night. This  6/4/1973 #27549  
 as a bright light that had a ring around it rose from low on the ESE horiz 6/23/1973 #27583  
r uncomfortable. There were others around her but she "felt" them rather th 6/23/1973 #27584  
 as a bright light that had a ring around it rose from low on the ESE horiz 6/23/1973 #27585  
light and an orange glow extending around the outer edge of the oval. The o 6/28/1973 #27598  
er past and a row of small windows around it, through which a dim light cam 7/9/1973 #27625  
eded in seeing some shadows moving around inside the same or similar object 7/9/1973 #27625  
s in and the entities begin moving around and touching him. He is paralyzed 7/27/1973 #27656  
re driving near Ottawa, Ontario at around 9 p.m. when they noticed a bright 7/29/1973 #27662  
 go along with her for company. At around ten o'clock on this night, while  8/4/1973 #27683  
length, pass in front of their car around 10:30 p.m. (NICAP: 02 - Close Enc 8/14/1973 #27701  
 a series of sightings starting at around 11:00 p.m. of unidentified object 9/2/1973 #27749  
rings, Texas during a rainstorm at around four p.m. It was the apparent siz 9/5/1973 #27767  
e of the full moon, and had a band around the middle with diamond shapes th 9/5/1973 #27767  
e Hill, in Warminster, England. At around 2:00 a.m. they saw an orange ball 9/9/1973 #27794  
                                   Around 4:00 a.m. Auburn, Alabama police  9/9/1973 #27795  
Brazil for 20 minutes beginning at around 1:30 a.m. There were several othe 9/14/1973 #27822  
                                At around 6:00 a.m. Isobel Nielson saw an o 9/22/1973 #27853  
                                At around 5:30 p.m., while picking mushroom 9/27/1973 #27879  
 of the base. The angel hair hangs around on the area ropes and buildings f 10/1973 #27902  
UFO. As he watched a being crawled around from behind the machine, looked a 10/4/1973 #27936  
g. Between the two objects, moving around in the field, are five “little pe 10/6/1973 #27960  
l-shaped object looked like it had around 25 yellow and green lights, with  10/11/1973 #27995  
llow and green lights, with a mist around them. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounte 10/11/1973 #27995  
er Jackson County Sheriff's Office Around 7:00 p.m. Two men, 19-year-old Ca 10/11/1973 #27997  
t are moving in a clockwise motion around it. It slowly moves away.         10/11/1973 #27999  
                           At dawn around fifty motorists pulled off the ex 10/11/1973 #28001  
atch two plate-like objects flying around. The Ohio State Highway Patrol wa 10/11/1973 #28001  
sippi. Shortly after nightfall, at around 8:30 p.m., Charley Hickson, looki 10/11/1973 #28005  
:30 p.m., Charley Hickson, looking around to bait his hook, saw a domed, fo 10/11/1973 #28005  
l in front of his face and circled around him. The beings that held Hickson 10/11/1973 #28005  
ound in a remote area, and circles around for a closer look. As he does so, 10/12/1973 #28017  
                  Connersville, IN Around 8:00 p.m. Grey fish-shaped object 10/14/1973 #28027  
one leg with his other leg wrapped around his head. A disembodied face appe 10/14/1973 #28031  
ery quickly, "just sort of running around." They seemed to glow a whitish g 10/14/1973 #28031  
ed, swinging like pendulum, darted around at high speed (UFOE II, Section V 10/15/1973 #28057  
ed, swinging like pendulum, darted around at high speed                     10/15/1973 #28058  
 gathered to see the UFO and stood around as if in a trance. The witness wa 10/15/1973 #28060  
itness was taken inside and glided around with the short humanoid next to h 10/15/1973 #28060  
 with blue, yellow, and gold rings around it moving away to south. (UFOE II 10/16/1973 #28077  
 between 1967 and 1969, especially around Pleiku in February 1969, document 10/16/1973 #28084  
rs from sight. UFO sightings occur around the same time in nearby Athens, O 10/16/1973 #28085  
uction device was used on the area around the groin. Soon the examiner plac 10/16/1973 #28089  
y had large oval eyes that wrapped around the side of the head. The pupils  10/16/1973 #28093  
f the car to heat up. The car spun around 180 degrees although the driver h 10/17/1973 #28137  
ameter, with white and blue lights around it. From the object's illuminatio 10/19/1973 #28198  
bered seeing five figures standing around her car looking at her. They were 10/19/1973 #28199  
ith long hair, a skirt, and a band around her head. The male beings wore on 10/19/1973 #28199  
d, like a chicken's legs. It moved around the car, then was gone. Afterward 10/19/1973 #28200  
cle's engine sputtered and died at around ten p.m. She stepped out to check 10/20/1973 #28220  
s, who remained in constant motion around them. Terror had led one of the s 10/20/1973 #28222  
hear an odd, high-frequency sound. Around midnight, Flatter hears the sound 10/22/1973 #28241  
l beings in her carport who walked around the side of the house, entered a  10/23/1973 #28249  
en in her carport, and they walked around the side of the house and entered 10/23/1973 #28251  
ct in the clear sky. It has a halo around the center, which appears to be e 10/25/1973 #28284  
 witness and his father, they walk around the field until the witness under 10/25/1973 #28285  
                                At around nine p.m. 15 people observed a ve 10/25/1973 #28286  
e process repeats again and again. Around 12:30 a.m. he wakes his friend Jo 10/28/1973 #28310  
m where his truck was. He wandered around with no memory of his own identit 10/28/1973 #28311  
"cube type" uniforms, were milling around, as if searching for something. A 10/28/1973 #28312  
es again mounted his horse to ride around the pond, but this time the being 10/29/1973 #28319  
                                At around 1:30 a.m., while they were drivin 10/31/1973 #28326  
oid beings of tall stature, moving around in a hurried manner.              10/31/1973 #28326  
with red and green blinking lights around circumference hovered near car. ( 11/1/1973 #28336  
with red and green blinking lights around its circumference hovered near a  11/1/1973 #28340  
mber, and white colors from a band around its middle. The case is listed as 11/14/1973 #28421  
ens. Small sphere/orb/globe scouts around / 10' altitude. Lands several tim 11/16/1973 #28431  
and a row of green lights light up around its perimeter, flashing in sequen 11/16/1973 #28434  
nous 5'x5'OVOID 6" over bay. Jerks around. 4 figure(s) inside.              11/17/1973 (approximate) #28436  
restrials." Hours went by, when at around three o'clock in the morning nume 11/18/1973 #28443  
tall being with huge glowing eyes. Around its head or helmet there is a hal 11/22/1973 #28459  
urin, Italy UFO hovered and darted around near CaseIle Airport, seen by pil 11/30/1973 #28489  
s. Fireball-night light buzzes all around. 2 bands / burnt weeds. / r30.    12/1973 #28493  
top, flashing red and white lights around the rim and making a humming soun 12/6/1973 #28533  
                      Beginning at around 7:45 a.m., an airliner was delaye 12/6/1973 #28534  
va Beach in Santa Cruz, California around 5 a.m. Appliances in house starte 12/6/1973 #28536  
. R. Arroyo was driving in his car around 2:00 a.m. when he was paced by an 12/10/1973 #28551  
y had a wide red band that rotated around the middle of the craft's body    12/10/1973 #28552  
nd white) rotated counterclockwise around the lower portion. They experienc 12/10/1973 #28553  
ew minutes. It then swung silently around to show its edge, at the end of w 12/11/1973 #28556  
he witness started to turn his car around, and the high beams from his car  12/13/1973 #28566  
yellow to orange to red. It stayed around for awhile, according to the coup 12/13/1973 #28570  
er long silver cloud shaped UFO at around eleven o’clock in the morning. Th 12/15/1973 #28578  
vertical position. He did not stay around but came back later with investig 12/31/1973 #28623  
straight ahead, and smaller lights around the sides. (SL 75,15) (NICAP: 02  1/4/1974 #28642  
 flying UFO in Berwyn, Illinois at around 5:15 p.m. The object had two brig 1/4/1974 #28644  
nd 7–10 feet wide. It has a flange around its base and three legs. White an 1/7/1974 #28660  
re an outfit with horizontal rings around the torso and a round helmet with 1/7/1974 #28661  
ed sound. The two suddenly wheeled around and walked quickly back to the ob 1/7/1974 #28661  
 a strong rush of wind. She turned around and was confronted by a very brig 1/8/1974 #28669  
, yellow and white flashing lights around the middle traveled west to east  1/9/1974 #28672  
rton, Massachusetts. It had lights around its edges. It blew out orange and 1/22/1974 #28691  
orange lights floating in a circle around Cader Mountain, east of the villa 1/23/1974 #28693  
s very bright. It appears to crash around Cadair Bronwen mountain, east of  1/23/1974 #28694  
orange lights floating in a circle around Cader Mountain east of the villag 1/23/1974 #28695  
RAF rescue team is still operating around Cadair Bronwen, three family memb 1/24/1974 #28701  
t of Tarbes on highway N21, France around two o'clock in the morning in the 1/31/1974 #28716  
ERCHERE, 21, FR 1.7M shoebox jerks around field. Jumps hedges. Going quickl 2/6/1974 #28739  
                                At around 9:00 p.m. four people riding in a 2/9/1974 #28754  
ns in a truck near Ely, Nevada. At around 4:15 a.m. the engine of the truck 2/14/1974 #28773  
d having several "people" standing around him. He remembered that the "alie 3/15/1974 #28892  
gestured with their arms. One went around the side of the UFO and returned, 3/21/1974 #28920  
sturing to each other. They walked around the object and disappeared and it 3/21/1974 #28921  
gh the Jacksonville, Florida, area around Easter of 1971. A few of the ball 3/27/1974 #28961  
, and figures could be seen moving around inside it. The principal witness, 3/31/1974 #28979  
 indications that someone had been around the house, and the hum of a motor 4/11/1974 #29004  
rent cockpit on top. Row of lights around circumference of ring. Object rot 4/16/1974 #29037  
                                At around 12:50 a.m. a classic Italian CE-I 4/16/1974 #29042  
n, and yellow lights that revolved around the cabin. The object made no sou 4/16/1974 #29042  
mpression that something is moving around within. Currie sends her daughter 4/19/1974 #29047  
 clayish material also found lying around.                                  4/23/1974 #29058  
. He said that a light appeared at around 11:30 p.m. just before he crossed 4/26/1974 #29064  
istinct "egg-shaped" figure moving around inside the craft. Another employe 4/30/1974 #29072  
already moving away. He follows it around a corner of the house and the obj 5/1974 #29074  
objects positioned extremely close around the plane. (APRO Bulletin, Vol. 2 5/2/1974 #29079  
                                At around 7 p.m. Ms. Becky Ingram was drivi 5/5/1974 #29086  
or six more humanoid beings seated around a table, eating. She declined an  5/5/1974 #29086  
                                At around 11:50 p.m. on the beach in Paraip 5/5/1974 #29087  
ne hospital building to another at around 9 p.m. when she heard a swishing  5/7/1974 #29093  
came aware of a bright white light around him and several figures looking d 5/9/1974 #29098  
                                At around 8:45 p.m. Barry King and Ian Vint 5/11/1974 #29100  
 vertically revolving bluish light around the center. It displayed a centra 5/11/1974 #29100  
ath on the road. They turn the car around rapidly and flee.                 5/15/1974 #29105  
d their course they turned the car around and fled.                         5/15/1974 #29106  
lencia, Spain flashes were seen at around 10 p.m. by two witnesses. A red o 5/19/1974 #29113  
feet above the road. Le Meur turns around and heads to the local Gendarmeri 5/20/1974 #29119  
0-60' wide. Green and white lights around lower part rotating 3 to 4 square 5/22/1974 #29123  
harnay, Jura department, France at around 2:00 a.m., and lights in the sky  5/25/1974 #29134  
g in the Sandia Mountains that day around noon. They notice a silver-white  5/28/1974 #29142  
ing to Linda Moulton Howe in 2007. Around 9:00 p.m., a family sees a large, 5/28/1974 #29142  
xt, and there was an immense light around the car. As they drove along it s 5/31/1974 #29150  
above the car. Frances fell asleep around 6:15 a.m. just before she feel as 5/31/1974 #29150  
ver New York City for five minutes around 6:30 p.m. in 1974. It was sharply 6/4/1974 #29162  
ated luminous object in the sky at around 11 p.m. on the night of June 7-8, 6/8/1974 #29173  
 some trees several miles away. At around three o'clock in the morning he w 6/8/1974 #29173  
down where he was and waited until around 6:00 a.m., and then went on to th 6/8/1974 #29173  
diameter, with square-shaped marks around its side. The object dips in a sh 6/9/1974 #29175  
on the lower half, with red lights around the rim. The same or similar obje 6/14/1974 #29192  
r saw object land in soybean field around 12:00 a.m. (Don Worley files) (NI 6/18/1974 #29210  
trange metallic flying object flew around over the sea off the State of San 6/18/1974 #29212  
                                At around two o'clock in the morning police 8/12/1974 #29339  
ountains / yellow-orange beam. All around ski hut.                          8/23/1974 #29378  
slowing very gradually. Zigzagging around mountain peaks that tower above 5 8/25/1974 #29386  
er surfaces. There is an outer rim around the central circumference. The he 8/25/1974 #29386  
bing back on the swather, he looks around and sees four more identical dome 9/1/1974 #29417  
                                At around 10:30 p.m. and continuing until 1 9/8/1974 #29436  
ange-red disc-shaped object moving around near the ground, its light illumi 9/8/1974 #29436  
              St. Helens, Tasmania Around 9:30 p.m. Mrs. A. Richards is dri 9/16/1974 #29459  
                                At around 9:15 p.m. Mrs. Richards was drivi 9/16/1974 #29460  
ed structure some 33 feet long and around 10 feet high. The car engine stil 9/21/1974 #29467  
bout 10–12 seconds. When we turned around, I just saw it going off the othe 10/10/1974 #29512  
a dark object with four red lights around the rim at 8:30 p.m., presumed to 10/11/1974 #29524  
 its chest, and another is wrapped around its waist. The being asks Higdon  10/15/1974 #29531  
ting his head, neck, and shoulder. Around 6:30 p.m., Higdon radios his boss 10/15/1974 #29531  
ething quite large with lights all around it. Described as round and black, 10/31/1974 #29571  
escribed as round and black, going around in a circle, bigger than an airpl 10/31/1974 #29571  
bbits were acting panicky, running around strangely, and staring upwards. S 11/15/1974 #29597  
t 1,600– 3,300 feet away. He looks around to see if there are other witness 11/17/1974 #29598  
uenos Aires province, Argentina at around 11:30 p.m. On the ground was foun 11/26/1974 #29611  
st; then, reconsidering, he turned around and drove back. He followed the s 11/30/1974 #29622  
ellow eyes with hard black pupils. Around them was a translucent, faintly l 12/2/1974 #29630  
at illuminates the trees for miles around. In the next 3–4 minutes he takes 12/11/1974 #29637  
bright light illuminating the area around them. (MUFON Skylook 90,12) (NICA 12/21/1974 #29652  
s. Four deputies checked the woods around Forest Road and Barker Ten Mile R 12/29/1974 #29661  
reature called Mothman in the area around Point Pleasant, West Virginia, in 1975 #29670  
 a CB radio in their parked car at around 11 p.m. saw lights approaching th 1/6/1975 #29729  
 bone, usually in the neck region. Around this time and through July, some  2/1975 #29780  
ion. Parks says they are “floating around, zipping this way and that.”      2/4/1975 #29784  
o is walking a German shepherd dog around the same time reports that the do 2/10/1975 #29800  
town to watch and sees it flitting around the sky in all sorts of crazy dir 2/17/1975 #29820  
O was taken in Norman, Oklahoma at around 8:00 p.m.                         2/18/1975 #29824  
with a row of twinkling red lights around the rim. After a bank of clouds g 2/26/1975 #29852  
bject also had a row of red lights around the rim that were either changing 2/26/1975 #29853  
ar, white in color with lights all around it, and sticklike legs or landing 3/2/1975 #29870  
eing two human-like figures flying around outside the craft, using what app 3/6/1975 #29875  
                                   Around midnight Suzanne, a married woman 3/6/1975 #29876  
military installations and usually around 7:00–7:30 p.m., often by multiple 3/7/1975 #29878  
ar, white in color with lights all around it, and sticklike legs or landing 3/8/1975 #29879  
o local investigators were driving around northeastern Pennsylvania in the  3/28/1975 #29923  
hat had been reported in the area. Around midnight they suddenly came upon  3/28/1975 #29923  
multicolored electrical discharges around him. Suddenly, about 30 meters aw 3/31/1975 #29928  
elta-shaped UFOs occur in the area around Lumberton, North Carolina. Many c 4/3/1975 #29952  
restaurant and both fell asleep at around three a.m. When they awoke at 6:3 4/6/1975 #29975  
n Rainhill, Merseyside, England at around 10:00 p.m. Some huge footprints w 5/18/1975 #30063  
                                At around 9 p.m. an octagonal flying object 5/31/1975 #30071  
bout 1:30 a.m. a woman was walking around a corner of a major highway on th 6/1/1975 #30074  
hey seemed to be moving their arms around. The witness became frightened an 6/1/1975 #30074  
ss became frightened and ran home. Around the same time another witness in  6/1/1975 #30074  
it. The men were next seen walking around the object. This witness also bec 6/1/1975 #30074  
rance. A burglar alarm went off at around the same time.                    6/6/1975 #30089  
     Topsail Beach, North Carolina Around 12:00 midnight. An orange object  Summer 1975 #30115  
he same color light. It disappears around a corner, anticipating her route, 7/1975 #30141  
ying thickness and brightness form around it. They watch it for 7 minutes,  Early 7/1975 #30148  
 a bit under the weather. They sat around a table located opposite the stai 7/12/1975 #30175  
a beautiful white glow, especially around his head and chest. The light see 7/12/1975 #30175  
            On a cloudy evening at around 10:00 p.m. an enormous disc-shape 7/20/1975 #30194  
feet in diameter are spaced evenly around the base, about 7 of which are vi 7/22/1975 #30200  
round lights five feet in diameter around its base. It was near the ground  7/22/1975 #30201  
re intense, small panels inset all around it. It is as wide as the highway  Late 7/1975 #30204  
 coveralls with hoods hanging down around their necks. They have fair-color 7/31/1975 #30218  
ing red and orange lights blinking around the rim. The dome was red and the 8/8/1975 #30244  
wo short humanoids are seen moving around the craft on the ground. The huma 8/12/1975 #30256  
 a shell-like material. They moved around in small jumps and were only 70 c 8/12/1975 #30256  
 a mile or so away. When he swings around, he sees it shimmering like a dia 8/14/1975 #30270  
s Maritimes Department, France. At around 2:30 a.m. Bernard suddenly felt u 8/18/1975 #30288  
wards. This being had a luminosity around its head and shoulders, and it ha 8/26/1975 #30309  
Bismarck, which they plan to reach around 7:00 a.m. Forty-five miles into t 8/26/1975 #30310  
ject illuminate the area for miles around. It flew at only 25 meters altitu 8/26/1975 #30311  
 loud rumbling, thunder-like noise around 4:00 a.m. and saw eight glowing o 8/26/1975 #30312  
moved. This being had a luminosity around its head and shoulders, and it ha 8/26/1975 #30312  
ange to a saucer shape and zigzags around the sky. Shortly before 11:00 p.m 9/3/1975 #30340  
 his truck near Rockford, Illinois around 1:00 a.m. when he had an "out of  9/11/1975 #30353  
August 1975 about 20 people in and around Gilroy, California saw unexplaine 9/15/1975 #30363  
out one mile in diameter lights up around their car, their radio becomes no Fall 1975 #30381  
nexplained aerial objects hovering around nuclear weapons storage sites, ai 10/1975 #30401  
                                At around 8:00 p.m. two teenagers, Michio H 10/1/1975 #30409  
nd is lost to sight. When he turns around and starts heading to his own hom 10/7/1975 #30421  
. "There was a black strip running around the circumference, and what looke 10/7/1975 #30422  
d he found the craft while driving around to investigate "a glow in the sky 10/7/1975 #30422  
trees." Mr. Suffern turned his car around and headed home. However, when he 10/7/1975 #30422  
mmunity in Ceara state, Brazil. At around 6 p.m. a young woman with the sur 10/25/1975 #30472  
d Rick Pool. They shone spotlights around, but saw nothing. Then Steve fire 10/26/1975 #30476  
ud "wow-wow-wow" sound, and turned around to see in their spotlights the da 10/26/1975 #30476  
 vaguely human shaped, with a glow around the edges, and about 30-35 ft awa 10/26/1975 #30476  
der-shaped object 20–30 feet away. Around its body are green, blue, and yel 10/27/1975 #30486  
rive into West Poland, Maine, turn around, and go back the way they came. A 10/27/1975 #30486  
hens and Glen Gray were driving at around 2:30 a.m. on a rural highway betw 10/27/1975 #30489  
                                At around 8 p.m. Steve Harris, San Gayer, a 10/27/1975 #30491  
d Rick Pool. They shone spotlights around, but saw nothing. Then Steve fire 10/27/1975 #30491  
ud "wow-wow-wow" sound, and turned around to see in the spotlights three da 10/27/1975 #30491  
aguely human in shape, with a glow around the edges, 30-35 feet away. These 10/27/1975 #30491  
phere and appeared to have craters around the outside. To date, AF and SAC  10/28/1975 #30492  
ld, red and orange lights rotating around the craft. He reported it over hi 10/28/1975 #30505  
ncounter with a cylindrical UFO at around 8:00 p.m. He reported that it was 10/29/1975 #30512  
rnal lights and mystery 'choppers' around and over the Wurtsmith AFB in Osc 10/30/1975 #30523  
ckson, age 56, awoke late at night around two o'clock in the morning in Bok 11/3/1975 #30547  
hat alternately hovered and darted around at high speed                     11/11/1975 #30608  
Culiacan, Sinaloa state, Mexico at around 2:30 a.m. when they saw a bright  11/27/1975 #30669  
 Peters Mountain, West Virginia at around 6:00 p.m. It blinked on-and-off,  11/27/1975 #30670  
landed.  The driver turned the car around but the engine began to stall, an 11/27/1975 #30671  
 unmarked black helicopters flying around missile sites and nearby towns in 12/2/1975 #30680  
 and amber colored lights spinning around it as the object moved forward. ( 12/5/1975 #30686  
 and amber colored lights spinning around it as the object moved forward. O 12/5/1975 #30688  
d. The witness speeds up, swerving around the figure. A few moments later,  12/14/1975 #30715  
 3,600-year- long elliptical orbit around the Sun.                          1976 #30744  
n Hustonville Road in Stanford, KY around 11:15 p.m., headed for the home o 1/6/1976 #30762  
 dome on top, a ring of red lights around its mid section, and a yellow, bl 1/6/1976 #30762  
with rotating, blinking red lights around each of them; yellow lights stret 1/6/1976 #30770  
th’s trailer in Liberty, Kentucky, around 1:25 a.m., they find they are mis 1/6/1976 #30770  
 a voice repeating "LPX LPX..." at around ten p.m. and saw a 1.5 meter long 1/10/1976 #30784  
are windows. Night lights maneuver around.                                  1/21/1976 #30806  
cores” of UFO sightings take place around Clovis, New Mexico. Town Marshal  1/23/1976 #30815  
eard a noise “like a jet.” Turning around, he saw a brilliant light hoverin 1/29/1976 #30832  
                                At around 10:15 p.m., while driving near Pa 1/29/1976 #30833  
 lights on one end and a dark ring around the middle section, which also ha 1/29/1976 #30833  
ed object ahead and to his left at around four o'clock in the morning. It w 2/17/1976 #30877  
                                At around eight o'clock in the evening EST  2/18/1976 #30881  
5 south of Great Falls, Montana at around 10 a.m. It walked with a non-huma 2/22/1976 #30895  
 700-800 feet, the creature turned around to face him and Hegele lost his c 2/22/1976 #30895  
lucent dome on top and gold lights around its periphery. Above the dome was 3/5/1976 #30928  
had red and white lights revolving around its exterior. Two light beams wer 3/5/1976 #30929  
e. It had red and white spotlights around its perimeter. (Sources: J. Delai 4/7/1976 #30989  
e. It had red and white spotlights around its perimeter. At 11:40 p.m. in L 4/7/1976 #30990  
uld see movement of figures moving around inside the craft. When the UFO fl 4/22/1976 #31011  
 Domed saucer passes. Small lights around rim. / R.deGROOT.                 5/4/1976 #31034  
m. local time. It had small lights around the rim of the object.            5/4/1976 #31036  
                 On this afternoon around 4 p.m. a 49-year-old woman waitin 5/16/1976 #31058  
sembling a gray sphere with a ring around it was seen hovering above an aba 5/18/1976 #31061  
rd in Daw Park, South Australia at around 2:00 a.m. The being wore a silver 5/31/1976 #31076  
ROY, MI Shiny saucer maneuvers all around town. Car follows. Gets radio sta 6/3/1976 #31080  
ouple and their infant occurred at around one o'clock in the morning, from  6/20/1976 #31117  
liant red suits covered body, halo around heads. Object moved in, hovered,  6/22/1976 #31127  
building. The driver turns the car around and goes to a nearby house. The i 6/22/1976 #31128  
 missiles are launched in the area around the same time by the submarine US 6/22/1976 #31129  
rred earlier in Bothwell, Tasmania around 7:30 p.m. local time.             6/22/1976 #31131  
man, England heard a hissing sound around 10 o'clock at night. They then sa 7/3/1976 #31147  
                                At around 5:30 a.m. Margarita Caginas, age  7/15/1976 #31165  
the witnesses until it disappeared around a bend. There were other independ 7/15/1976 #31165  
volving rim of lights like windows around its perimeter. It shot off after  7/28/1976 #31191  
veral / 2 cars. 4-8 figure(s) move around cylinder/cigar-shape / field. Awa 8/1976 #31209  
         In New Haven, Connecticut around 6:00 p.m. a man told police he ha 8/1/1976 #31219  
                                At around four o'clock in the morning Micha 8/2/1976 #31222  
                                At around ten o'clock in the morning Freddy 8/6/1976 #31241  
 hotel bar for something to eat at around 5:00 p.m. They saw two men and a  8/10/1976 #31252  
nfinitely peaceful.” He was moving around like an automaton. He looked out  8/10/1976 #31252  
into their bedroom. He then turned around and went back to sleep. In the mo 8/10/1976 #31252  
                                At around five o'clock in the afternoon, tw 8/14/1976 #31264  
 on green and red revolving lights around its middle.                       8/15/1976 #31271  
                                At around four o'clock in the morning Dean  8/16/1976 #31273  
o stop, and the figure next turned around and looked at Anderson. Within a  8/16/1976 #31273  
e Allagash Waterway, Maine when at around 9:00 p.m. one of them became awar 8/26/1976 #31307  
 aware of being watched. He turned around and saw a huge, bright, multicolo 8/26/1976 #31307  
feet in altitude and has two rings around it towards each end. She watches  9/1/1976 #31324  
r of two of the witnesses, circled around it, and then moved over it. A tru 9/2/1976 #31327  
s that are suspended in space, all around her. They are all different kinds 9/3/1976 #31337  
                                At around 1:00 a.m. a woman was alone at he 9/3/1976 #31338  
owing dome with a blue violet band around its base, and a hole at its cente 9/5/1976 #31346  
                                At around eight o'clock in the evening a 60 9/6/1976 #31350  
                                At around 10:00 p.m. two men in their twent 9/8/1976 #31358  
inally, the creature loops a cable around da Silva’s ankle and hoists him s 9/9/1976 #31362  
h of Longwangmiao, Shandong, China Around 3:00 p.m. A worker at the Liangsh 9/9/1976 #31363  
esses it flies away and disappears around 5:00 p.m.                         9/9/1976 #31363  
nde, Minas Gerais State, Brazil at around two o'clock in the morning. A hum 9/9/1976 #31365  
ther UFO literature he has sitting around, or he will suffer the same fate  9/11/1976 #31376  
ions at an altitude of 6,000 feet. Around 12:30 a.m., Pirouzi alerts the Ir 9/18/1976 #31395  
haped shadows could be seen moving around inside. The object departed slowl 9/20/1976 #31416  
that has the UFO over it. Sometime around 4:30 a.m., the object zooms away  Autumn 1976 #31421  
ve in Wrose, Yorkshire, England at around 7:30 in the evening when he saw “ 10/15/1976 #31465  
, sweeping the ground, as it darts around the sky silently. It is bright wh Late 10/1976 #31495  
 local park in Toronto, Ontario at around 10 p.m. when a fluorescent bluish 10/29/1976 #31506  
bottom, and a revolving red light. Around 9:30 p.m., three similar objects  11/4/1976 #31522  
aling a row of illuminated windows around the circular edge and a smaller c 11/10/1976 #31538  
er of his eyes, and when he turned around he saw a luminous humanoid figure 11/12/1976 #31540  
 points of light, and more intense around its periphery. The small head app 11/12/1976 #31540  
 Witnesses from aircraft and ships around the Canary Islands watch a point  11/19/1976 #31559  
om thermal fluctuations of the air around it. The object appeared to be obl 12/6/1976 #31587  
 they had not been before. Looking around, she realized the car was now abo 12/10/1976 #31594  
                   On this morning around 7:20 a.m. at a factory in Meylan, 12/12/1976 #31596  
He gets in his truck again to turn around and the object follows him, again 12/15/1976 #31604  
d white lights flashing on and off around the perimeter.                    12/18/1976 #31614  
 object with a row of white lights around its base. It flies in from the no 1/6/1977 #31706  
 object with a row of white lights around its base. It came flying in from  1/6/1977 #31707  
 a friend, Bob Palmer, who arrives around 2:30 p.m. Concerned that they mig 1/10/1977 #31715  
 his pickup truck. One week later, around 11:00 p.m., the same thing starts Mid 1/1977 #31723  
ky. Suddenly the light seems right around him as the boat is engulfed in th 1/21/1977 #31743  
 observed, five humanoids gathered around him. They were small in size and  1/27/1977 #31761  
wdor Barracks], east of St. Davids Around 12:00 noon. Fifteen children, mos 2/4/1977 #31790  
                                At around 7 p.m. a five meter long walnut-s 2/13/1977 #31814  
 illuminating him and a large area around him. He races his tractor at top  Mid 2/1977 #31817  
ldren. They wore somekind of frill around the neck - somewhat like a harleq 2/24/1977 #31846  
the highway. It is yellowish cream around the outer edge, darkening to more 3/4/1977 #31858  
h, were driving their pickup truck around a bend in the road when "the whol 3/5/1977 #31860  
h, were driving their pickup truck around a bend in the road in McNatt, Mis 3/5/1977 #31861  
5 feet tall, with red lights going around it. The UFO was about 50-60 feet  3/5/1977 #31861  
r the truck. They turned the truck around and drove away in great fear.     3/5/1977 #31861  
"like a white sun" lit up the area around them. An oval object was observed 3/7/1977 #31869  
"like a white sun" lit up the area around them. An oval object was observed 3/7/1977 #31870  
"like a white sun" lit up the area around them. An oval object was observed 3/7/1977 #31874  
 a loud crackling noise. Searching around with a powerful spotlight, they s 3/9/1977 #31888  
a disruption in the magnetic field around the aircraft to the point where i 3/12/1977 #31901  
inous, pear-shaped UFO in the sky. Around its underside there was a dim glo 3/13/1977 #31904  
ed he heard footsteps, and looking around only a few yards away was a figur 3/13/1977 #31904  
was resting in the adjacent field. Around its underside there was a dim glo 3/13/1977 #31906  
ed he heard footsteps, and looking around only a few yards away was a figur 3/13/1977 #31906  
on top and bottom, with a red band around the center. "There appeared to be 3/15/1977 #31907  
                   Tucson, Arizona Around 11:00 p.m. James Ferguson and Tom Mid 3/1977 #31909  
e a photo, the floor of the desert around them suddenly brightens. They see Mid 3/1977 #31909  
on top and bottom, with a red band around the center. "There appeared to be 3/15/1977 #31910  
e dipper gains new star. Maneuvers around. Fast.                            4/2/1977 #31939  
ods or legs", windows or doors all around it, and an antenna on top. The in 4/4/1977 #31942  
ods or legs", windows or doors all around it, and an antenna on top. The in 4/4/1977 #31944  
med cupola on top without windows. Around its lower periphery revolved yell 4/6/1977 #31953  
MI Night lights. Domed saucer arcs around 2 observer(s). Hovers and flashes 4/8/1977 #31959  
M. A domed disc-shaped object flew around two witnesses, hovering and flash 4/8/1977 #31962  
. A domed disc-shaped object flies around two witnesses in Cedar Springs, M 4/8/1977 #31963  
. It has three steady white lights around its edges and moves silently from 4/8/1977 #31964  
   A domed disc-shaped object flew around two witnesses in Cedar Springs, M 4/8/1977 #31966  
                                At around 4:00 p.m. a 67-year-old woman in  4/17/1977 #31989  
 hears a strange noise as the area around him is illuminated. Looking up, h 4/19/1977 #32000  
t were webbed." The figures walked around near the object for about 15 minu 4/19/1977 #32002  
 with digits that appeared to wrap around whatever supported them. It turne 4/21/1977 #32009  
for three-quarters of a mile, even around curves and driving at 90 mph. The 4/22/1977 #32012  
heir car at speeds of up to 90 mph around curves. The object maintained a d 4/22/1977 #32014  
                                At around 1:00 a.m. Mrs. Pauline Coombs, ag 4/23/1977 #32018  
                                At around one o'clock in the morning Mrs. P 4/24/1977 #32021  
him but are unable to find him. At around 4:15 a.m., Valdés suddenly reappe 4/25/1977 #32026  
t they were unable to find him. At around 4:15 a.m. Valdes suddenly reappea 4/25/1977 #32027  
and blue lights located in circles around the rim.                          5/3/1977 #32051  
ilver sphere with many blue lights around its equator. The object hovers cl 5/3/1977 #32052  
the ground. It had a rotating ring around its middle and two circular openi 5/5/1977 #32060  
 woods. A string of lights appears around its base and the object changes t 5/7/1977 #32068  
 sphere with "saturn ring" or halo around it, heading eastbound. 30-secs. ( 5/8/1977 #32072  
 sphere with a Saturn ring or halo around it.                               5/8/1977 #32073  
lking their dog in a light rain at around 7 p.m. when they heard a rustling 5/8/1977 #32074  
azil and then vanished suddenly at around 11:00 a.m. She was missing for 22 5/10/1977 #32083  
ched a safer distance, they turned around and saw that the man had disappea 5/18/1977 #32111  
ground, but the women did not stay around to investigate. There were six ot 5/21/1977 #32123  
rnational Airport Limestone, Maine Around 2:00 a.m. Senior Airman James M.  Summer 1977 #32181  
 in diameter hovering overhead for around five minutes. Description: I saw  7/4/1977 #32235  
d object approximately 20- 22 feet around hovering over me for around 5 min 7/4/1977 #32235  
2 feet around hovering over me for around 5 minutes with 6-7 people on boar 7/4/1977 #32235  
, green windows, moved erratically around farm for 20-25 minutes, flew away 7/8/1977 #32250  
. It has many red and green lights around its rim, and a beam of light illu 7/9/1977 #32253  
. It had many red and green lights around its rim, and a beam of light illu 7/9/1977 #32254  
field, Massachusetts by a woman at around 11:00 o'clock in the morning.     7/14/1977 #32271  
mes close to the boat, then curves around the river.                        7/15/1977 #32276  
including a physical exam occurred around midnight on this night in the Uni 7/19/1977 #32294  
                                At around two o'clock in the morning, a man 8/1/1977 #32345  
aldheaded figures were seen moving around the object performing various tas 8/3/1977 #32350  
d man named Stevens was driving at around 3:30 a.m. when his car lost power 8/3/1977 #32354  
aldheaded figures were seen moving around the object performing various tas 8/3/1977 #32355  
ile walking along the footpath, at around 7:55 p.m., she was momentarily bl 8/3/1977 #32356  
                                At around 1:30 a.m. Police Constable David  8/9/1977 #32372  
e figures who seemed to be dancing around a non-existent Maypole. Each had  8/9/1977 #32372  
ice. The woman sees the UFO circle around them three times and land. A seco 8/11/1977 #32384  
2 women. Disk "was lit all the way around".. No further details [in].       9/6/1977 #32462  
                                At around 11:00 p.m. in Cassel, Nord depart 9/14/1977 #32481  
shiny, small, mirror-like sections around the center of the head, from whic 9/15/1977 #32485  
moved small devices from the belts around their waists, and placed them in  9/15/1977 #32485  
ssia, causing damage to windows at around four o'clock in the morning. It a 9/20/1977 #32500  
 2 small humanoids (or Greys) walk around edge.                             10/6/1977 #32554  
 northeast. They arrive and circle around the ship’s masts for 18 minutes.  10/7/1977 #32559  
                       Starting at around six o'clock in the evening a brig 10/11/1977 #32569  
ears what sounds like wind passing around a building and looks straight up. 10/13/1977 #32572  
é, Costa Rica, see lighted objects around Pico Blanco, a mountain to the so 10/20/1977 #32594  
t silently orbits counterclockwise around a cloud, emerging from behind, cr 10/29/1977 #32630  
ear Dyfed, Pembrokeshire, Wales at around three o'clock in the afternoon wh 10/30/1977 #32639  
                                At around 7:00 p.m. Martha Throne was drivi 10/30/1977 #32640  
top and there is a slight variance around the larger, lower end of the obje 11/10/1977 #32662  
carrying a flashlight. They turned around and drove back toward the light a 11/13/1977 #32671  
e figure the being suddenly turned around and pointed an object at the offi 11/13/1977 #32672  
eadlight in front, 4–6 blue lights around the edges, and many red and white 12/1/1977 #32722  
right, circular objects maneuvered around airliner                          12/8/1977 #32749  
ch the targets for nearly 3 hours. Around 9:00 p.m., a Golden West commuter 12/8/1977 #32750  
wo large bright lights maneuvering around it for 15 minutes. The pilot says 12/8/1977 #32750  
is dog in Shotton, Clwyd, Wales at around midnight when his dog drew his at 12/10/1977 #32759  
 shoreline of the United States at around 10:30 p.m.                        12/15/1977 #32777  
 Saturn-shaped UFO with a red ring around it. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters 12/16/1977 #32779  
 Saturn-shaped UFO with a red ring around it. The UFO crossed over highway  12/16/1977 #32781  
 large spheres below it, portholes around the perimeter, and a dome on top. 1/1978 #32837  
windows, about 16–20 evenly spaced around the circumference of the dome, lo 1/1/1978 #32841  
rrounded by a strange glow, turned around without touching the floor. The v 1/2/1978 #32848  
 followed by the witness. The glow around the man's body increased and he f 1/2/1978 #32848  
sions and a bright halo type light around its head. It vanished in plain si 1/4/1978 #32852  
urprised by their presence, turned around and with a heavy, slow motion wal 1/6/1978 #32856  
ton, New South Wales, Australia at around 4:00 a.m. One of the objects appr 1/10/1978 #32870  
ce several humanoid figures moving around the school park, walking stiffly. 1/31/1978 #32928  
nd wears a dark suit with blue fur around her shoulders. She walks in slow  1/31/1978 #32928  
ed several humanoid figures moving around the school park, walking stiffly. 1/31/1978 #32930  
and wore a dark suit with blue fur around her shoulders and when she walked 1/31/1978 #32930  
bout one half-mile away. Below and around it is a layer of gray haze. It be 2/4/1978 #32951  
ed by a UFO on the Eyre Highway at around one o'clock in the morning. At so 2/5/1978 #32956  
e stood three smaller consoles set around the circumference of the room, in 2/5/1978 #32957  
 a metallic rectangular table. Set around the dome at intervals of about on 2/5/1978 #32957  
s. Meanwhile, his dog Mus had been around the flight deck, sniffing at ever 2/5/1978 #32957  
est in Julio's gun and, passing it around among themselves, asked him about 2/5/1978 #32957  
                                At around two o'clock at night residents of 2/9/1978 #32964  
 stopped three meters away, turned around, then walked back into the light. 2/13/1978 #32970  
a, Mexico from a late dinner, when around 2:00 a.m. they noticed bright fla 2/17/1978 #32974  
d behind a house. It had portholes around its perimeter, and made a noise o 2/19/1978 #32983  
humanoid "shapes" and other lights around him. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounter 2/23/1978 #32995  
He sees four shapes and lights all around. After walking around the car, he 2/23/1978 #32997  
d lights all around. After walking around the car, he goes back inside and  2/23/1978 #32997  
humanoid "shapes" and other lights around him. He got back into his car whe 2/23/1978 #32998  
                          Sometime around 11 p.m. three people were camping 3/11/1978 #33034  
          Palm Springs, California Around 4:00 p.m. Leo Giampietro and his  3/18/1978 #33054  
rg traces the first wave beginning around Chisago City, Minnesota, and movi 3/22/1978 #33071  
ickle, and two friends are sitting around a campfire in Patapsco Valley Sta 3/22/1978 #33072  
in the southeastern sky that moves around for 10 minutes before it disappea 3/22/1978 #33072  
.5 meters hovered over a garage at around 6:00 a.m. for 15-20 seconds in Sa 4/8/1978 #33132  
suit stepped out. The being walked around looking in all directions. Its fa 4/25/1978 #33169  
ngated that they literally wrapped around his temples. La Franier had never 4/25/1978 #33171  
rocks appear burned, and the grass around it is brown and withered.         5/6/1978 #33190  
n a fiery ball of flames. The area around the witness seemed to darken, and 5/10/1978 #33194  
re are about 8–10 benches situated around the craft, each for one person to 5/10/1978 #33196  
ended four metallic legs. The area around the witness seemed to darken, and 5/10/1978 #33199  
bject, but it disappears suddenly. Around midnight, another object is seen  5/14/1978 #33210  
 colored cigar hovering in the sky around 4 p.m. It caused a two mile long  5/19/1978 #33228  
cence and a metallic appearance at around 7:30 a.m. The objects zig-zagged  6/1/1978 #33248  
ere rises up from the water, flies around the ship, hovers for a few second 6/15/1978 #33280  
fingers. They seemed to be working around a central console. When he got to 6/16/1978 #33282  
 voice "talking nonsensically" all around him. The voice was so loud that h 6/16/1978 #33283  
ball game in Medway, Massachusetts around 8 p.m. a silvery-gray domed disc  6/25/1978 #33311  
rusions. Hallstrom turns the plane around and the object makes a second pas 7/4/1978 #33333  
road crossing near Bellville, Ohio around 10 p.m. when they noticed a huge  7/10/1978 #33363  
her 3 sons slept in their room. At around eleven o'clock her small dog bega 7/11/1978 #33368  
 began acting strangely by running around in circles, then running from the 7/11/1978 #33368  
, while the other humanoid floated around outside as if searching for somet 7/11/1978 #33368  
                                At around 11:00 p.m. a reddish-orange disc- 7/12/1978 #33376  
rward, leaving the road and moving around obstacles like houses and hills,  7/14/1978 #33382  
iopolis, Ohio. She goes inside and around 10:00 p.m. notices that the light 7/21/1978 #33406  
 was Air Force Police at WPAFB and around 1973 was called to duty in a secr 8/1978 #33460  
e, Tennessee had been taking a nap around 10:00 p.m. when she woke up to se 8/1/1978 #33464  
she saw several helicopters flying around the hovering craft.               8/1/1978 #33464  
ut back to the top of a hill, turn around, and approach them again, only to 8/5/1978 #33476  
ws of red lights that are rotating around its middle. The encounter lasts 4 8/8/1978 #33490  
nd had an array of flashing lights around its rim. It flew at a low altitud 8/10/1978 #33494  
nd had an array of flashing lights around its rim. It flew at a low altitud 8/10/1978 #33497  
maller objects emerged, maneuvered around it, reentered and "departed at a  8/22/1978 #33546  
maller UFOs emerged and maneuvered around it, then reentered, and the UFO f 8/22/1978 #33549  
d brightly lit rectangular windows around its perimeter. The main witness a 8/22/1978 #33551  
o the object. Later that night, at around 5:00 a.m., the wife of the main w 8/22/1978 #33551  
 several UFOs maneuver in the area around their air base in Temuco, Chile.  8/24/1978 #33568  
rectangle moving north to south at around 100 mph. One end is dipped down 4 8/30/1978 #33605  
 London, England UFOs are reported around Heathrow Airport in London, Engla 9/1978 #33618  
htings take place in the same area around Alessandrio on September 3, 6, 7, 9/2/1978 #33626  
t witness, armed with a knife, ran around trying to get out of the shop. So 9/10/1978 #33657  
at-shaped disc, glowing on-and-off around the perimeter, that dropped behin 9/10/1978 #33658  
obble, and had six lights arranged around the circumference on the bottom.  9/10/1978 #33659  
00 feet. Another second light flew around erratically.                      9/10/1978 #33660  
 point two miles west of Belden at around 10:00 p.m. when an object descend 9/14/1978 #33680  
li watches them make a full circle around the car without noise or gesture, 9/17/1978 #33701  
ears from behind the dome, walking around the rim. It wears tight-fitting c 9/18/1978 #33708  
ome. Finally, it continues walking around to the other side. Filiputti hear 9/18/1978 #33708  
Florida near some orange groves at around 6 p.m., when they spotted a huge  9/20/1978 #33718  
g had vanished. Coincidentally, at around the same time (8:00 p.m.) a brigh 9/21/1978 #33725  
        Bâlea Lake resort, Romania Around 12:00 midnight. Two cable car tec 9/23/1978 #33736  
ddenly disappeared in plain sight. Around the same time an army private at  9/23/1978 #33737  
arby military barracks was walking around some buildings when a two meter t 9/23/1978 #33737  
ng off a dim glow through openings around its perimeter was sighted by a 19 9/26/1978 #33752  
sed grass with 8 symmetrical marks around its perimeter and 4 marks within  10/2/1978 #33790  
t hot to the touch. When he turned around, he saw in clearing a 5 meter met 10/15/1978 #33837  
itude. It had a ring of red lights around its rim. It vanished quickly.     10/15/1978 #33838  
                                   Around five o'clock in the morning a 51- 10/25/1978 #33875  
eams of light illuminated the area around them and the interior of the Jeep 10/30/1978 #33898  
oup of ten youngsters were sitting around chatting in a field in Loose Vall 10/31/1978 #33902  
, near Maidstone, Kent, England at around midnight. After about 45 minutes  10/31/1978 #33902  
y left one of the young men turned around and saw the same thin black figur 10/31/1978 #33902  
ter a black shape started whizzing around the room. The main movement was f 10/31/1978 #33902  
lights near each window. She turns around but loses sight of it.            11/7/1978 #33924  
out ten short figures were walking around the object. The beings had large  11/11/1978 #33945  
lands Castle. It shot off, circled around, and hovered over the car again f 11/20/1978 #33966  
reat Britain. It shot off, circled around, and hovered over the car again f 11/20/1978 #33968  
hts fail as circles of light dance around the road, illuminating a nearby f 11/22/1978 #33980  
, she feels a tightening sensation around her forehead, one that she rememb 11/22/1978 #33980  
 out hunting in the pre-dawn hours around 3:30 a.m. in a wooded hilly regio 11/24/1978 #33996  
egan making sudden "sliding" moves around him, never touching the ground. T 11/24/1978 #33997  
like things appeared to be wrapped around it, and it made no noise. Suddenl 11/28/1978 #34021  
NG 2 abduction / car. Exams. Shown around. 3 hours missing time. See refere 12/1978 #34033  
eral minutes she watched them move around through partially opened blinds.  12/6/1978 #34068  
unter events occurred on this date around the world. The first three occurr 12/14/1978 #34125  
orning he noticed his skin peeling around his nose, forehead, and from the  12/14/1978 #34127  
 to one of their homes. It circled around their car once, and then sped off 12/14/1978 #34130  
 without facial features. It moved around in a field at very high speed and 12/15/1978 #34139  
a UFO at 10,000 feet in the region around Calama, Chile. Three F-5Es are se 12/16/1978 #34154  
er and had icy blue discs of light around the rim. A snowy white mist, appa 12/17/1978 #34166  
ays going down. Metal objects jump around!                                  12/28/1978 #34215  
 metallic satellite objects jumped around it. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 12/28/1978 #34217  
ere several other UFO reports from around the world on this day, from Brazi 12/31/1978 #34250  
ate, Brazil a man was walking home around 11:00 p.m. when he heard a noise  12/31/1978 #34250  
a dark cylinder shaped "container" around their waists. During the encounte 1/2/1979 #34281  
and noticed several figures moving around him. As a light blinded him somet 1/3/1979 #34292  
              That same morning at around seven a.m. in Rowley Regis in the 1/4/1979 #34296  
 object hovered near the ground at around 10 p.m. for three minutes. It had 1/5/1979 #34299  
y Regis, West Midlands, England at around 7:00 a.m. Then she saw a light in 1/5/1979 #34304  
 object hovered near the ground at around 10 p.m. for three minutes. It had 1/5/1979 #34305  
emerged from the object and walked around the object, frequently bending do 1/13/1979 #34337  
emerged from the object and walked around the object, frequently bending do 1/13/1979 #34338  
n he heard a sudden noise. Looking around, he saw a rectangular silvery obj 1/13/1979 #34339  
    Driving near Lindale, Texas at around 10:00 p.m. 20-year-old John Scott 1/24/1979 #34378  
 ground and up into the clouds, at around 5:15 p.m. A UFO witness to repeat 1/28/1979 #34388  
l County, England were awakened at around two a.m. to find their bedroom li 1/29/1979 #34391  
n Meanwood, near Leeds, England at around 4:00 p.m. a eight-foot long ovoid 2/22/1979 #34445  
 darkness into day. When he turned around he saw an approaching object land 2/26/1979 #34449  
 darkness into day. When he turned around he saw an approaching object land 2/26/1979 #34450  
municate since it suddenly wheeled around, returning to the object and disa 2/26/1979 #34450  
o tower. The encounter occurred at around 7 a.m. and lasted for a few minut 3/2/1979 #34459  
n missiles from the USS Kamehameha around the same time that probably accou 3/5/1979 #34465  
ts off Michael D. Swords, “Messing Around with the Force,” the engine and t 4/12/1979 #34508  
                                At around 4:00 a.m. some goats in Las Vizca 5/1/1979 #34538  
ependi, Minas Gerais State, Brazil around 10:30 a.m. when he became separat 5/16/1979 #34564  
 air. There were other men sitting around on seats in the room. He describe 5/16/1979 #34564  
malfunctioned. The second occurred around noon local time and was tracked b 5/29/1979 #34594  
he bottom and seems to have a band around the edge and triangular markings. 6/10/1979 #34605  
nt it makes a 90° turn and circles around completely, becoming a minty gree 6/26/1979 #34633  
 was flatter and wider with lights around the outside of the main front are 7/13/1979 #34652  
ke, Northwest Territory, Canada at around 11:00 a.m. They were able to take 7/16/1979 #34659  
e a round object with 12–18 lights around its base approaching from the sou 8/1979 #34691  
toward them and they stop and turn around. The dogs stop in their tracks, b 8/1979 #34692  
outheast of Hayfork, California at around ten o'clock in the morning. The d 8/9/1979 #34722  
feet in the air. They turn the car around and see another formation of whit 8/11/1979 #34731  
 wide area of Wheatridge, Colorado around 11:00 p.m. when a UFO was seen ho 8/11/1979 #34735  
feet altitude at 4:30 p.m. If flew around for six minutes before going over 8/16/1979 #34749  
h amber portholes silently darting around near some radio towers.           8/19/1979 #34759  
y were running away, and the grass around them was swaying as if in a stron 8/19/1979 #34760  
one side. The object begins flying around the plane for a short time before 8/27/1979 #34788  
watches a round object with a band around its equator and many small orange 8/27/1979 #34789  
h Zachodni Park in Wroclaw, Poland around four p.m. As they were walking by 8/29/1979 #34804  
 a slightly curved bottom flopping around and tumbling in the sky. They cha 9/4/1979 #34835  
 Park, CA Disc with flamelike jets around perimeter hovered ahead of car, d 9/14/1979 #34880  
 Park, CA Disc with flamelike jets around perimeter hovered ahead of car, d 9/14/1979 #34882  
-shaped object with flamelike jets around the perimeter hovering ahead of t 9/14/1979 #34885  
the morning. The UFO had portholes around its rim. It flew off toward the s 9/23/1979 #34918  
and are revolving counterclockwise around a common axis between them.       9/29/1979 #34934  
denly unable to move. The men turn around and climb up a ladder into the ob 10/1979 #34937  
elf in Toms River, New Jersey when around midnight a sense of apprehension  10/6/1979 #34947  
 a field in Heiloo, Netherlands at around seven p.m. when they encountered  10/7/1979 #34951  
trange luminous flashes and lights around them. They soon saw what appeared 10/7/1979 #34951  
ur. They seemed to be able to move around from one place to another in an i 10/7/1979 #34951  
ave eyes or arms, were seen moving around in a field in Goiania, Brazil. Th 10/12/1979 #34953  
aces the aircraft, flying over and around it. A similar object is seen shor 10/27/1979 #34971  
en up by his dog, which is running around and barking in a panic. He hears  11/9/1979 #34989  
use, Glasgow, Scotland. They moved around the sky before reuniting, then va 11/9/1979 #34990  
he objects through a door and walk around with a bouncing motion. The child 11/15/1979 #35000  
 La Palma, Oaxaca state, Mexico at around 5 p.m. when eight very tall armed 11/30/1979 #35033  
ght flashing irregularly. It flies around the dam and into the west-northwe 12/9/1979 #35063  
time close encounter with a UFO at around 3:30 p.m.                         12/23/1979 #35094  
nses something behind him. Turning around, he sees a floating white sphere, 12/27/1979 #35101  
leave of absence from CNES to sail around the world with his family in a bo 12/30/1979 #35103  
 to each of the MiGs and maneuvers around them.                             1980 #35116  
                                At around five a.m. the witness, a 33-year- 1/5/1980 #35124  
 emerge from under a rim that runs around the lower part of the object. He  1/14/1980 #35135  
time until he jerks awake sometime around 8:30 a.m.                         1/14/1980 #35135  
ringed the UFO. Later, at Aurillac around 9:10 p.m. a luminous orange spher 1/28/1980 #35149  
 taking his sheep to the fields at around eleven o'clock in the morning. He 2/6/1980 #35160  
                                At around 4 p.m. a woman in Bisuschio, Ital 2/11/1980 #35168  
ut 60 mph when suddenly everything around him became dark and he blacked ou 2/11/1980 #35170  
ine tailings in Warren, Arizona at around 1 p.m. and then flew along the ri 3/6/1980 #35199  
assed in front of the full moon at around 11:00 p.m. It hovered for awhile, 4/26/1980 #35294  
red, and green lights are rotating around its perimeter. A commercial aircr 5/1980 #35298  
size of lemons in the empty fields around them. The balls blink on and off  5/9/1980 #35319  
nous object in the pre-dawn sky at around 5:30 a.m. It made no noise, was 1 6/4/1980 #35354  
 into the airport. Sightings occur around the same time in Uruguay, Brazil, 6/14/1980 #35368  
aguay and Brazil this evening.  At around 7 p.m. twenty kilometers west of  6/14/1980 #35369  
 center with luminous white points around the rim. It descended by the high 6/14/1980 #35369  
 object was like a dot with a halo around it.                               6/14/1980 #35371  
 touch the ground. That evening at around 8 p.m. two teachers and several s 6/18/1980 #35380  
                                At around 1:00 a.m. a 130-meter in diameter 8/5/1980 #35443  
      During the previous evening, around 9:30 p.m., author Ellen Crystal w 8/8/1980 #35448  
o an alarmed building. The UFO was around disk shaped object. As he approac 8/9/1980 #35449  
y been seen. They arrived there at around two o'clock in the afternoon, and 8/16/1980 #35459  
w light, and white floodlights all around it. It hovers for about 5 minutes 8/17/1980 #35462  
d the white is intense but nothing around lights up. The object is at treet 10/26/1980 #35591  
arent dome with seven green lights around it. He manages to photograph the  11/18/1980 #35654  
 beginning at 8:00 p.m. and ending around 11:00 p.m. However, there are a f 11/18/1980 #35654  
               New Lenox, Illinois Around 10:00 p.m. A teenager in New Leno 11/24/1980 #35664  
ng orange ball is seen maneuvering around the Ninian Northern oil platform  11/25/1980 #35670  
AF Air Base in Suffolk, England at around 2:00 p.m. saw a black ball in the 11/26/1980 #35674  
ecking reports of cattle wandering around a local council estate in Todmord 11/29/1980 #35682  
 He sees twigs and leaves swirling around beneath it. He experiences missin 11/29/1980 #35682  
, a bus driver on Burnley Road who around 4:55 a.m. experiences one of the  11/29/1980 #35682  
 with a row of rectangular windows around the circumference, and was struck 12/4/1980 #35695  
is rush hour, she sees no one else around.                                  12/6/1980 #35704  
ll bulge on top, the air shimmered around the craft as if it were hot, and  12/14/1980 #35716  
ide flying silver sphere that flew around for 30 seconds.                   12/18/1980 #35729  
 they detect only 30–40 microR/hr, around the background level. Furthermore 12/28/1980 #35749  
 Capel Green Orfordness Lighthouse Around 12:00 midnight. USAF A1C Larry Wa 12/28/1980 #35750  
nches in height. Two officers walk around it with Geiger counters, someone  12/28/1980 #35750  
 inches in diameter, moving slowly around in their bedroom each night. The  1981 #35763  
wer elevation. It has a thick band around the middle section, two circles t 1/8/1981 #35779  
nderside. It also had a thick band around the middle section of the object. 1/8/1981 #35780  
ar landing gear marks were located around the burn. Electromagnetic effects 1/23/1981 #35796  
                                At around 1 p.m. three photographs were tak 1/30/1981 #35808  
ITL Red moon-size sphere maneuvers around homes / 25M altitude. Beams / fro 3/1981 #35852  
strange room. Several figures were around her communicating via telepathy t 3/1981 #35854  
ral dome and white flashing lights around its perimeter. It seems to be 30– 3/21/1981 #35871  
 colors in it...like gases rolling around in there.” After about 20–30 minu 3/30/1981 #35881  
nge and has a whirling bluish ring around it. The object pulsates and shoot 4/8/1981 #35887  
 road 15M ahead. Observer(s) turns around and flees.                        4/12/1981 #35890  
 began gesticulating and "jumping" around. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) ( 4/15/1981 #35898  
ar to a sewing machine, she turned around and saw the figure of a "feminine 5/1981 #35919  
ome in Clark County, Washington at around 4:00 a.m. It made a humming sound 5/1/1981 #35923  
 the sky. He sees something moving around in the sky and goes in to get bin 5/4/1981 #35928  
ee big masses of material floating around for 30 minutes.                   5/4/1981 #35928  
driving near Clatskanie, Oregon at around five o'clock in the morning. A la 5/12/1981 #35934  
own from the sky to tree-top level around 9 p.m. It was silent with red glo 5/13/1981 #35935  
he Soviet craft. The object shifts around erratically and from time to time 5/14/1981 #35937  
, apparently from the object, fall around him.                              5/16/1981 #35940  
as a glowing lavender-colored area around its outer edge and a dim white li 5/20/1981 #35943  
iving west when the immediate area around their vehicle is illuminated. Ove 6/10/1981 #35960  
hite in color and with a dark ring around the rim and another dark ring aro 6/12/1981 #35967  
ound the rim and another dark ring around its center. Gomez felt the truck  6/12/1981 #35967  
r Camp, Wisconsin State Highway 70 Around 11:45 p.m. Chrystal Jackson and h 7/19/1981 #36020  
o feed some wild rabbits that hang around the bridge, when he notices six o 7/22/1981 #36023  
                                At around 4:00 a.m. a bright silver disc wi 7/25/1981 #36036  
 in black exit the object and walk around. A scorched area on the ground wa 8/5/1981 #36060  
mbabwe, see a ball of light moving around at a low level. Clifford Muchena  8/15/1981 #36075  
tches the 5-foot fireball maneuver around the grounds then move up to an ob 8/15/1981 #36075  
                                At around 11:00 p.m. Denise Bishop, age 23, 9/10/1981 #36109  
 Mauricio Cavallo decided to drive around Monferrato hill in Trino Vercelle 9/11/1981 #36110  
and could not sleep. Inexplicably, around three a.m. he decided to drive ba 9/11/1981 #36110  
ceive numerous lights and movement around him. He then heard a metallic voi 9/11/1981 #36110  
 Mauricio Cavallo decided to drive around Monferrato hill in Trino Vercelle 9/12/1981 #36112  
and could not sleep. Inexplicably, around three a.m. he decided to drive ba 9/12/1981 #36112  
ceive numerous lights and movement around him. He then heard a metallic voi 9/12/1981 #36112  
           Helmstedt, Germany - At around 2:10 a.m. the witness was riding  10/2/1981 #36155  
 Scotland encountered a sudden fog around the middle of the day. The mist a 10/8/1981 #36169  
                    On this day at around eleven o'clock in the morning a f 10/8/1981 #36170  
object makes a slow clockwise turn around the village, after which a flame  10/15/1981 #36172  
ct hovered over the tree, spinning around and doing something bad to Boro,  10/17/1981 #36176  
the city of Licata, Sicilia, Italy around 7:45 p.m. when they noticed some  10/24/1981 #36185  
both saw a second light that moved around and flew up and down the hills an 10/24/1981 #36186  
                                At around 3 p.m. a 15 meter long metallic o 11/8/1981 #36211  
ers, who took up a tight formation around the UAP. The UAPs and helicopters 1982 #36292  
alfunctioning TV sets in the town. Around 11:30 p.m., a reported UFO causes 1/15/1982 #36301  
storm. Beams going down. Beam arcs around.                                  1/23/1982 #36307  
harp lights descend nearby them at around 7:00 a.m.                         1/24/1982 #36311  
eeding up to a full run, she turns around and sees a metal-blue, saucer-sha 2/2/1982 #36321  
 like “lit up snowflakes.” The rim around the bottom of the UFO has red win 2/10/1982 #36334  
he UFO has red windows all the way around it, and a red light shines throug 2/10/1982 #36334  
 like "lit up snowflakes." The rim around the bottom of the UFO had red win 2/10/1982 #36337  
he UFO had red windows all the way around it, and a red light shone through 2/10/1982 #36337  
oud remains in the sky for a time. Around 5:00 p.m., two more spots appear, 2/19/1982 #36356  
red, green, blue, and white lights around its base, which blinked in rotati 3/18/1982 #36399  
f a highway in Flatwoods, Kentucky around 10:40 p.m. in 1982. The disc had  3/18/1982 #36400  
red, green, blue, and white lights around its base, which blinked in rotati 3/18/1982 #36400  
s as it maneuvers over a wide area around the farm, finally disappearing be 3/23/1982 #36412  
cond time. The UFO has blue lights around the rim and is only about 150 fee 4/3/1982 #36433  
                                At around three o'clock in the morning a wo 4/3/1982 #36434  
cond time. The UFO had blue lights around the rim, and was only about 50 ya 4/3/1982 #36434  
beams of light from the underside. Around it is some kind of vapor.         4/22/1982 #36450  
direction of the Eskisehir Highway around 6:15 a.m.                         4/23/1982 #36451  
tted a blue beam of light and came around to the front of the car. The coup 5/20/1982 #36476  
aucer-shaped object with portholes around the lower part. It emitted blue b 5/20/1982 #36477  
                                At around 4:00 a.m. a young woman in Brookl 6/3/1982 #36492  
                                At around 9:30 p.m. a fireball with an odd  6/15/1982 #36503  
downwards. The craft had 30 lights around its rim. It flew to the north, th 7/21/1982 #36541  
                                At around 11:00 p.m. three women were sitti 7/22/1982 #36545  
 from a nocturnal ball of light at around 6 a.m. He became sick, laid down, 8/26/1982 #36583  
door, and the UFO had amber lights around its perimeter. It made a high-pit 8/30/1982 #36586  
          Girard, PA A man driving around dusk on the I90 road saw an objec 9/1982 #36589  
e reactor core. Contaminated areas around the plant are simply sluiced with 9/9/1982 #36599  
gg-shaped with swirling red lights around its equator and a white beam of l 9/30/1982 #36622  
adowy figures could be seen moving around. Suddenly thee of the short figur 10/1982 #36624  
 WY 2 hunters. Night light swerves around stars. Impossible maneuvers going 10/2/1982 #36626  
fast over San Carlos Sija, Guam at around 6 a.m. A radio died during the en 10/10/1982 #36638  
uth about 2 miles away. It circles around the plane and closes in. Two US N 10/19/1982 #36654  
 a UFO abduction on this night, at around 11:15 p.m. He recalled lying nake 11/1/1982 #36669  
lanetarium, but got the usual "run around."                                 11/6/1982 #36677  
he approached his house. He looked around, and noticed a strange black lump 11/10/1982 #36678  
ree dark human-like figures moving around, visible from the waist up. The o 11/19/1982 #36688  
 patrol at 5:00 a.m. when the area around his car was lighted, as if by a p 11/27/1982 #36691  
ent Cliffs, New York Interstate 84 Around 11:50 p.m. An off-duty police off 12/31/1982 #36733  
 spontaneous levitation of objects around the test laboratory. Hutchison st 1983 #36738  
of the jets flies in tight circles around the UFO, which dwarfs it in size  1/14/1983 #36747  
ll over to watch. It has 11 lights around it. Similar objects are seen in P 1/19/1983 #36750  
e near Olkusz, Katowice, Poland at around 9 p.m. when they had a close enco 1/30/1983 #36756  
s southwest of Brighton, Illinois, around 8:27 p.m.                         2/7/1983 #36762  
Cliffs, Putnam County, New York at around 8 p.m. saw a silent, multi-colore 2/26/1983 #36772  
 bean field west of Wauseon, Ohio, around which the dirt is mounded up. It  3/11/1983 #36781  
ut then the sonar contact is lost. Around 4:00 p.m., five Terne rockets are 4/27/1983 #36846  
ht about 2 feet in diameter moving around the family pool house in Indianap Early 7/1983 #36900  
gar-like in shape with a blue haze around it (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 7/6/1983 #36903  
e, AU Two dazzling UFOs flew rings around a town, buzzing an important army 7/22/1983 #36919  
er(s). Domed saucer / low altitude around mobile home and garage. 2 "headli 8/10/1983 #36942  
disc-shaped object at low altitude around their mobile home and garage west 8/10/1983 #36943  
disc-shaped object at low altitude around their mobile home and garage west 8/10/1983 #36944  
anal Aldershot, Hampshire, England Around 1:00 a.m. Alfred Burtoo is fishin 8/12/1983 #36948  
rn to the site together. They look around and see the UFO landing on the la 8/12/1983 #36949  
test sightings of nocturnal lights around Hessdalen, Norway. It continues t 10/1983 #36988  
seen humming and lighting the area around Vale das Velhas, Minas Gerais Sta 11/1/1983 #37041  
n the predawn hours. He had lights around his head, and the boy was unable  11/27/1983 #37050  
d things for Earth. Tasca wakes up around 6:00 a.m. at a different spot fro 12/14/1983 #37074  
eared to be a yellow smoke swirled around in the interior of the object. It 12/15/1983 #37076  
rt form to 3,300 households in and around Hessdalen valley, Norway. January 1/1984 #37101  
hree lights are rotating clockwise around a 30-foot body. She wakes up her  1/3/1984 #37105  
re than 15 colored circular lights around the rim. They heard an intermitte 1/8/1984 #37112  
d. Bright lights are evenly spaced around the rim, most of them white, but  1/8/1984 #37113  
re than 15 colored circular lights around the rim. They heard an intermitte 1/8/1984 #37115  
ea to a stand of trees, then turns around. The driver begins speeding away, 1/22/1984 #37146  
d smaller white lights maneuvering around the large lights. (NICAP: 01 - Di 1/27/1984 #37156  
 a big circular object with lights around the edge hovering over houses abo 1/27/1984 #37157  
e smaller white lights maneuvering around the larger ones. They seem to inc 1/27/1984 #37158  
 see a circular object with lights around its edge hovering above houses ab 1/27/1984 #37159  
riving home in Tingsryd, Sweden at around 1:00 a.m. when he saw a disc-shap 2/3/1984 #37176  
en, Norway, when a red light flies around his feet and disappears. It is al 2/20/1984 #37194  
s, west of Norris, South Dakota at around 10 p.m., after having been called 3/6/1984 #37220  
ireball going up and down [to] low around car. Lit windows. / MJ#194.       3/25/1984 #37243  
10 inches in diameter, maneuvering around her car with a bouncing motion. I 3/25/1984 #37244  
erheard. It was lighted completely around its perimeter with multicolored l 4/1984 #37250  
f only 200 feet. It has red lights around it. A jet aircraft appears to be  4/19/1984 #37274  
on top. Dogs are howling for miles around. The object switches off all but  4/22/1984 #37281  
                                At around 11:00 a.m. a humanoid wearing an  4/26/1984 #37303  
d hovers above a field, then moves around to the other side of the house. I 4/27/1984 #37306  
 dogs start whimpering and running around the pens. Suddenly, the area turn 5/6/1984 #37324  
ht and suddenly noticed everything around him became brightly lit. He looke 5/19/1984 #37334  
to visit him. Suddenly, everything around him became brightly lit, and the  5/19/1984 #37335  
ameter no more than twenty meters. Around the lower portion of it they also 6/15/1984 #37365  
lowed a fence line in a pasture at around 9:00 p.m., making a light whirrin 7/30/1984 #37424  
rge NLs hovered over some trees at around 1:45 a.m. A silent 100-foot wide  8/11/1984 #37432  
overing in the air. When he turned around and walked back to his car, one o 8/14/1984 #37433  
                                At around 9:00 p.m. a triangular-shaped obj 8/20/1984 #37437  
nd many. Black saucer slowly flips around inner harbor area.                9/2/1984 #37453  
 was seen for six minutes flipping around the Inner Harbor area of Baltimor 9/2/1984 #37455  
e is a wide, aluminum-colored slit around its eyes. After noticing Cocozza, 10/8/1984 #37480  
 road / low altitude. Plasma glows around object.                           1/18/1985 #37549  
                   On this evening around 8 p.m. a green glowing disc cross 1/18/1985 #37550  
tes from the locomotive and passes around the building. When it returns, th 2/1985 #37552  
he wheels, and as soon as he walks around the locomotive he feels a strange 2/1985 #37552  
rm near Gomoab, Namibia, Africa at around 8 p.m. The next morning a 15-mete 4/26/1985 #37584  
haped implement attached to a belt around their waist. The woman did all th 5/9/1985 #37589  
30–10:15 p.m. More than 100 people around Newtown and Southbury, Connecticu 5/26/1985 #37593  
e ocean at 9:45 p.m. It had lights around the perimeter, mostly white light 5/27/1985 #37594  
ling colors at times scintillating around the object.                       5/27/1985 #37594  
is bedroom in Cobbtown, Georgia at around two a.m. when he had a close enco 7/15/1985 #37621  
ot diameter discs which had lights around their rims. They made a high pitc 7/15/1985 #37621  
ter lenticular disc with portholes around the rim paced cars at ten o'clock 9/15/1985 #37664  
en seen multiple times in the area around Leicester since August.           9/27/1985 #37667  
h body lights hovered, mist formed around it. Object tilted, moved out of s 1/7/1986 #37754  
h body lights hovered, mist formed around it. Object tilted, moved out of s 1/7/1986 #37755  
 disc is seen hovering. Mist forms around it, the object tilts, and it move 1/7/1986 #37756  
ed in the sky, with a mist forming around it. The object tilted and then mo 1/7/1986 #37757  
                                At around seven p.m. the witness was walkin 1/15/1986 #37765  
th a small, white fluorescent aura around it.” After 3–4 minutes, it emits  2/4/1986 #37779  
ayne Field, Everett, Washington at around 8:30 p.m. to watch nine large dis 3/1/1986 #37796  
 over reservoir. Passing jet veers around one of them!                      4/20/1986 #37825  
n of 300,000 people from the area. Around 5% of the core is released into t 4/26/1986 #37843  
cles and square and triangle-paths around airport.                          5/1986 #37850  
ania for eight minutes starting at around 8:30 p.m.                         5/7/1986 #37857  
The object flashed a beam of light around the terrain, and it occasionally  5/15/1986 #37870  
targets above São José dos Campos. Around 7:30 p.m., da Silva sees more lig 5/19/1986 #37878  
d by jet fighters. Activity ceases around 11:20 p.m. The Air Force Minister 5/19/1986 #37881  
-orange light that seemed to dance around in the sky. Meanwhile, radar at B 5/19/1986 #37882  
ge orange X-shape hovers and darts around. / MJ#221 p8.                     5/22/1986 #37887  
es emerged from the UFO and walked around the area for 15 minutes. They the 6/3/1986 #37904  
heir faces. They all were standing around an oval table, apparently bent ov 6/20/1986 #37918  
nute of flight they began rotating around an imaginary center, stopped with 6/26/1986 #37925  
s). Saucer? with thin red trim all around. Night lights exit orbit and fly  7/9/1986 #37934  
ce establishes restricted airspace around the site. Armed guards prohibit e 7/11/1986 #37939  
ing quickly north. White light all around it.                               8/12/1986 #37982  
stop momentarily, then all 10 dart around “like crazy fireflies” for a minu Fall 1986 #38035  
sation of joy. The beings gathered around her bed and bent over her. She no 1/25/1987 #38104  
hovering large oval object, lights around perimeter, terrain brightly illum 2/7/1987 #38115  
hovering large oval object, lights around perimeter, terrain brightly illum 2/7/1987 #38116  
overing oval object. It had lights around its perimeter, and the mountainsi 2/7/1987 #38117  
ked Bell 47 helicopter that hovers around his apartment building. The insta 3/1987 #38127  
e sky circling slowly and silently around him. He watches it for 20 minutes 3/1987 #38128  
 with blue lights and ovoid clouds around it. Going quickly north. / FSRv33 3/17/1987 #38145  
 her house looked very orange. All around the object it looked just like a  3/23/1987 #38153  
                                At around 11:00 p.m. seven people witnessed 4/17/1987 #38160  
ees using their clearances to nose around and find secret UAP information a 7/7/1987 #38206  
daughters and his wife go to sleep around 11:00 p.m., but the man stays up  Late 7/1987 #38218  
tays up to watch the UFO activity. Around 4:00 a.m. the original two sets o Late 7/1987 #38218  
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in/around 1949–1950, concerning the militar 8/30/1987 #38264  
nes in Greensburg, Pennsylvania at around 1:00 a.m. It was the documented c 9/3/1987 #38277  
 small children apparently dancing around an electricity pylon. Upon approa 9/8/1987 #38280  
suit with glowing metallic stripes around the arms and waist approaching th Mid 10/1987 #38305  
ts right hand. The creature turned around and ran towards a nearby open fie 12/2/1987 #38348  
 is observed over a farm near Hull around the same date. Similar UFOs are s 12/9/1987 #38351  
 sky paced a car for several miles around 5 p.m. in Grimsby, England. It wa 1/3/1988 #38390  
EST YORKS Ex-RAF man. Lights flash around 400' layered saucer. Glows orange 1/4/1988 #38402  
. a ex-RAF man saw flashing lights around a 400-foot diameter, layered disc 1/4/1988 #38404  
r disc with “turbines” or openings around its perimeter that are spinning l 1/19/1988 #38416  
s about the size of an automobile, around 5 feet tall, and completely silen 1/19/1988 #38416  
to pick up the mother from work at around 5:00 p.m. in Benton, Louisiana. T 1/19/1988 #38417  
 or steel gray disc-shaped object. Around the perimeter were openings like  1/19/1988 #38417  
undrabilla in Western Australia at around 4:30 a.m. when their car started  1/20/1988 #38423  
        In Gulf Breeze, Florida at around eight o'clock in the evening, Ed  2/8/1988 #38445  
fog was seen straddling a hedgerow around 8:00 a.m. It glowed brightly and  2/9/1988 #38449  
with flashing red and green lights around its circumference in the Rosehill 2/16/1988 #38470  
triangular objects emerged, zipped around independently                     3/4/1988 #38486  
first, then darting and zigzagging around at high speeds. Each is smaller t 3/4/1988 #38487  
e of orange "porthole-like" lights around its middle. A beam of light struc 4/3/1988 #38533  
tures, who had now formed a circle around him. One of the creatures rushed  5/1/1988 #38551  
aucer lands. Red ball exits scouts around. Missing time. Change / philosoph 8/22/1988 #38615  
                                At around one o'clock in the morning an abd 8/22/1988 #38618  
ted the object and seemed to scout around their campsite. After that, a "ve 8/22/1988 #38618  
way over some trees. It had lights around edge, and was over the same field 9/3/1988 #38631  
iangle of light passed overhead at around 6:00 p.m. The tractor functioned  10/10/1988 #38669  
esidents of the San Joaquin Valley around Fresno and Kingsburg, California, 10/26/1988 #38698  
und and casting light into and all around his car. It moves left and right, 12/4/1988 #38743  
ere buzzed by a disc-shaped UFO at around 7:40 p.m. Many police cars and he 12/12/1988 #38753  
ike crafts etc. Night lights dance around large UFO's.                      1/24/1989 #38799  
e staring eyes. They moved rapidly around the vehicle, completely ignoring  2/7/1989 #38820  
d object with rounded corners flew around in the sky and was watched for mo 2/10/1989 #38833  
partment in Levittown, New York at around 9:00 p.m. when they began to hear 2/11/1989 #38835  
n Wednesday nights into the desert around Papoose Dry Lake, 15 miles south  Spring 1989 #38876  
 They are golden with a white halo around them. Through binoculars, they ca 4/15/1989 #38907  
ange dome on top, an orange stripe around the mid-section, and a black bott 4/22/1989 #38921  
            Later that evening, at around 7:45 p.m., an elderly motorist wa 5/10/1989 #38943  
strange looking UFO was sighted at around 11:00 p.m. in Charovsk, Russia. T 5/27/1989 #38964  
  Blue Hill Bay, ME Obj hov/darted around Beechcraft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation  7/22/1989 #39028  
the Bar Harbor-Trenton airport. At around 3:45 p.m. they spotted a huge met 7/22/1989 #39030  
als, then lights of all colors. At around 1:30 a.m., it flies to the southw 7/28/1989 #39035  
          In Pensacola, Florida at around nine p.m. a pair of 52-year-old w 8/15/1989 #39064  
s. The event was widely publicized around the world, although the facts of  9/21/1989 #39115  
 emerged. The witness did not stay around.                                  9/23/1989 #39118  
ll-shaped object. The object flies around in circles for a few minutes and  9/27/1989 #39124  
 being moves very slowly and looks around. It has a small head resembling t 9/27/1989 #39124  
minous eyes, the middle one moving around like “radar.” On its chest is a s 9/27/1989 #39124  
ompanies the giants. All four walk around the object several times. A beam  9/27/1989 #39124  
all-shaped object. The object flew around in circles for a few minutes and  9/27/1989 #39126  
being moved very slowly and looked around, he had a very small head resembl 9/27/1989 #39126  
minous eyes, the middle one moving around like"radar." On its chest there w 9/27/1989 #39126  
he giants. All four of them walked around the object several times. A beam  9/27/1989 #39126  
 intercept: Six helicopters circle around an UFO, between 574–1000 ft. in d 9/28/1989 #39127  
                                At around 10 p.m. ten calls were received b 9/28/1989 #39131  
and a whirling plume trail appears around the sphere. Pilots taking off fro 10/1989 #39138  
 apart, pack them up and ship them around the country to different laborato 10/1989 #39139  
elled at her that there was no one around. He then tried to pick her up, bu 10/8/1989 #39150  
r husband when suddenly everything around her became black; the road, posts 10/8/1989 #39150  
or burns to her hands and fingers. Around the same time other locals had sp 10/11/1989 #39164  
lves awake, late at night, walking around their house for no apparent reaso 10/27/1989 #39188  
woke up in the early morning hours around three a.m. feeling apprehensive,  10/31/1989 #39199  
en into her apartment. She checked around the apartment and found her famil 10/31/1989 #39199  
s. He could see hills and pyramids around him. He saw a man and woman exit  10/31/1989 #39200  
 this date in 1989, in the evening around 9 p.m., a beige colored cigar-sha 11/15/1989 #39233  
 dazzling colored lights. Haze all around.                                  11/26/1989 #39250  
, which return to the object. Then around 7:23 p.m., it moves further to th 11/29/1989 #39273  
ame object reappears at their home around 11:15 p.m.                        12/5/1989 #39298  
annot distinguish any solid object around this triangle of three lights. Th 12/11/1989 #39313  
ows a white ball with a black ring around it and plasma.                    12/24/1989 #39339  
a repeat abductee, was awakened at around midnight in Townshend, Vermont by 1/6/1990 #39367  
arge craft with bright blue lights around its perimeter was reported in Sto 1/28/1990 #39393  
uares on side, which were rotating around the craft. It also had a row of r 2/5/1990 #39411  
year-old woman felt a gust of wind around 10 p.m. on her family farm in Hen 2/22/1990 #39429  
se in Marshfield, Massachusetts at around 11:30 p.m. (March 12th) and disco 3/13/1990 #39458  
several antiaircraft defense units around Moscow gather more than 100 visua 3/21/1990 #39475  
n a flat section of countryside at around 9:15 p.m. with scattered trees wh 3/24/1990 #39484  
ing in four separate directions at around 1:30 a.m. They also hear a low en 3/30/1990 #39499  
ue to the effect of infrared light around the UFO.                          3/31/1990 #39503  
red and green lights spaced evenly around the side and an unlit dome on top 4/5/1990 #39511  
 and are seen in various locations around Pensacola by other groups of peop 4/14/1990 #39524  
r, oval-shaped craft in the sky at around 7:30 a.m. The silver, domed oval  4/16/1990 #39530  
ped object with large white lights around edge hovered. Departed at high sp 5/24/1990 #39588  
eet in diameter and with portholes around its rim is seen hovering at an al 5/25/1990 #39592  
diameter with bright white windows around its circumference. The windows we 5/30/1990 #39600  
our-sided pyramid (tetrahedron) at around 7:00 p.m. that was flat yellow in 6/30/1990 #39632  
eping on the roof of their kitchen around midnight when they spotted a mane 7/2/1990 #39634  
hing red, yellow, and white lights around its bottom rim. It then accelerat 7/18/1990 #39649  
ject over the base. It has windows around a central rim, with yellowish-whi 7/19/1990 #39651  
rotrusion with many colored lights around it. A bright beam of pinkish-whit 7/19/1990 #39651  
 it. The white beam of light moved around erratically as if searching. The  7/23/1990 #39658  
ound at the same speed as the car (around 40 mph). When they approach the b 7/26/1990 #39663  
"crimson red", and began revolving around each other. Some kind of green ha 8/5/1990 #39681  
almarejo, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico at around two o'clock in the morning. They  8/11/1990 #39686  
ed to be black hooded smocks tight around the waist, and maybe an unseen be 8/31/1990 #39707  
s a round UFO with a golden stripe around its circumference appeared in the 8/31/1990 #39709  
                                At around 1:00 a.m. a mother awoke to tuck  9/13/1990 #39730  
tary Air Defense Radar Station. At around midnight, as armed guards approac 9/13/1990 #39732  
te color at the top of some trees, around 9:45 p.m. in Thann, Haut-Rhin dep 9/19/1990 #39736  
h a dome on top and colored lights around the rim in Eveleth, Minnesota. Th 10/6/1990 #39761  
hts alternately hovered and darted around. Unidentified objects also tracke 10/10/1990 #39771  
hat alternately hovered and darted around.                                  10/10/1990 #39773  
ERRYFIELD, ME 60' saucer maneuvers around trees. Rectangular portholes. Rot 11/2/1990 #39825  
/orb/globe hovers. Lit windows all around. Night lights pass near.          11/5/1990 #39852  
    Rome Gatwick Airport North Sea Around 6:00 p.m. The pilot and copilot o 11/5/1990 #39866  
ue lights and several white lights around the rim. As the jets close to inv 11/5/1990 #39867  
“zone of silence.” As Greslé moves around a tree to view it better, it dims 11/5/1990 #39868  
t explosions are heard in the area around RAF Rhendahlen in Mönchengladbach 11/5/1990 #39869  
 A man-like figure was seen moving around inside a cabin-like structure. It 11/5/1990 #39872  
called and they also view the UFO. Around 9:00 p.m., Marcel Laroche, a jour 11/7/1990 #39881  
some photos. The object disappears around 10:10 p.m. due to increasing clou 11/7/1990 #39881  
creasing cloud cover. Other people around the city and at the airport also  11/7/1990 #39881  
 bedroom in Ann Arbor, Michigan at around two a.m. Possible abduction.      11/9/1990 #39883  
Pleiades. Later Morton leads tours around Area 51 and suggests that the ali 1991 #39935  
eemingly tennis-ball sized, moving around an open walkway. It appears to in 2/1991 #39970  
 the wrong speed. It seems to move around the house, but the sound source c 3/31/1991 #40025  
k fog was coming out of some ports around the object. She next remembered w 5/14/1991 #40061  
tic direction finder, which drifts around aimlessly. As he begins descendin 6/8/1991 #40092  
cts were reported on the plane. At around 6:00 p.m. an intense bluish-white 6/8/1991 #40093  
                                At around 6 p.m. the two witnesses had gone 6/15/1991 #40098  
mp from his body. After staggering around, he finds his car with the keys s 6/16/1991 #40099  
ccess opening. Base personnel were around the craft wearing suits, climbing 7/1991 #40107  
r to journalists who worked in and around Washington, D.C., in the 1980s—th 8/10/1991 #40147  
d to float above the ground moving around back and forth. Although they wer 8/13/1991 #40152  
te. When the jets were in position around the object and within 800 meters  8/28/1991 #40168  
pictographs now appearing annually around the globe.”                       9/9/1991 #40182  
overed, maneuvered, and made turns around itself. It finally disappeared at 11/6/1991 #40221  
lf. It finally disappeared at dawn around six a.m.                          11/6/1991 #40221  
 over treetops. Bright windows all around. Slow then up fast.               11/8/1991 #40222  
                  A man was riding around on some back roads in Daviston, A 11/9/1991 #40224  
he light and cloud lit up the road around him, and the vehicle's engine the 11/9/1991 #40224  
ngary was doing chores on the farm around noon when he heard noises coming  12/4/1991 #40254  
llow it. He began doing odd chores around the house and as he did so everyt 12/4/1991 #40254  
and when he was finished he turned around and saw a human-shaped, greenish  12/4/1991 #40254  
r. That humanoid proceeded to walk around the object and collect various pl 12/27/1991 #40268  
ect seems to be emitting light all around it, but a few seconds later it di 1992 #40272  
te 90 near Issaquah, Washington at around 9:00 p.m. resulting in an undiscl 1/11/1992 #40285  
 the nearby mountaintops. The ring around the UFO was sharply defined.      1/18/1992 #40292  
ous naked children and women stood around. She then lost consciousness, and 1/24/1992 #40302  
, five people are in a car driving around a bend when they encounter a huge 2/1992 #40311  
h white windows or lights rotating around the base hovered over Risley Natu 2/15/1992 #40332  
re daylight, they see a black area around the light.                        3/1992 #40343  
ansmissions. The five beings stood around him, standing about 1.5 meters (4 3/5/1992 #40359  
reen dome-shaped object maneuvered around patrol car, E-M effects, officer  3/19/1992 #40389  
 but it does not function. The air around him has chilled to the point that 3/20/1992 #40394  
                                At around two o'clock in the morning in Cic 4/3/1992 #40408  
n, big heads, and big eyes walking around her bed. They stood next to her.  4/3/1992 #40408  
 of Russas, Ceara State, Brazil at around 9 p.m. It hovered nearby as the t 4/9/1992 #40411  
m and then disappeared from sight. Around the same time other military pers 4/20/1992 #40425  
                                At around midnight three witnesses, members 5/3/1992 #40449  
                                 A around two o'clock in the morning in an  5/5/1992 #40454  
ntered in the CIA called Aquarius (around a powerful center known as MJ-12) 5/13/1992 #40463  
d a group known as COM-12 centered around Naval Intelligence. COM-12 was al 5/13/1992 #40463  
ervation is being used for testing around an underground facility in Dulce, 5/13/1992 #40463  
ebine III, when he was retired and around the time he was a VP for BDM and  5/22/1992 #40470  
was watching star-like lights move around outside his window, and was hopin 6/4/1992 #40486  
ed UFO land on the factory grounds around quitting time (4:30 p.m.). The se 6/10/1992 #40491  
 foundation stone authority figure around whom to rally. The so-called pess 6/13/1992 #40492  
 the West Virginia State border at around 11 p.m. The discs were at treetop 6/23/1992 #40506  
he discovers a blonde hair wrapped around a body part. He turns the hair ov 7/23/1992 #40530  
nd strands of hair wrapped tightly around it. He kept the hair samples for  7/23/1992 #40531  
a.m., a 51-year-old milkman turned around to see a blue-green cigar-shaped  7/31/1992 #40541  
                On this morning at around 9 a.m. a woman was sitting at her 8/13/1992 #40569  
e driving home on a clear night at around 10:15 p.m. on US Highway 22 in Ho 8/14/1992 #40573  
 white light in an equatorial band around the object, running around the ob 9/4/1992 #40610  
al band around the object, running around the object in sequence like on a  9/4/1992 #40610  
ing on Fenwick Island, Delaware at around 4:00 a.m. a 36-year-old couple wi 9/10/1992 #40616  
r round white lights spaced evenly around the bottom, and it had smaller gr 9/16/1992 #40623  
 Western Australia one this day at around noon. A man and his son were out  9/19/1992 #40631  
ht, blue in color. Smoke then rose around the object and a tall blond-haire 9/22/1992 #40636  
 emerged from the smoke. He walked around briefly, then entered the crescen 9/22/1992 #40636  
                                At around six o'clock in the evening severa 9/24/1992 #40639  
another encounter two weeks later. Around the same time and in the same are 9/24/1992 #40639  
 to assist with the tissue removal around the jaw of the cow.               9/24/1992 #40640  
ree bands of a bluish white corona around its mid-section. It had intense b 9/30/1992 #40651  
to the east; it had 5 small lights around the object.                       9/30/1992 #40651  
enter with rings of rainbow colors around its center. The circular or disc- 10/10/1992 #40673  
 see two large almond-shaped eyes. Around his neck was a golden colored col 11/23/1992 #40724  
ange lights located at four places around the underside of the object was s 12/25/1992 #40769  
 least six balls of light maneuver around the flight line of the base at hi 1/1993 #40782  
just before limestone debris falls around them, breaking window panes and p 1/14/1993 #40795  
lue and green flashing body lights around its base. Through the fog the lig 2/19/1993 #40854  
ck the grounds and when she walked around a storage shed she noticed what l 3/20/1993 #40894  
the previous day. Pope later comes around to that viewpoint after hearing a 3/31/1993 #40914  
lent night light with small lights around it.                               4/8/1993 #40929  
al flying object with small lights around it at 2:20 a.m. There were four c 4/8/1993 #40931  
Highway Patrol of UFO sightings at around 2:30 a.m. as well.                4/8/1993 #40931  
e object was slow, estimated to be around 30+ mph. There was a bright light 4/17/1993 #40941  
ghts coming from a nearby field at around one o'clock in the morning. A loc 5/12/1993 #40975  
escended from the object and stood around it as if standing guard. They soo 5/12/1993 #40975  
ed to get in his car and drive. At around two a.m. he drove to the nearby f 5/13/1993 #40976  
about 2.7 meters in height, moving around on the ground in front of the lig 5/28/1993 #40993  
                                At around one o'clock in the afternoon a du 6/1/1993 #41000  
exican-hat" saucer with lights all around edge.                             7/9/1993 #41054  
an sombrero with light all the way around its rim, was seen by several witn 7/9/1993 #41055  
pulsating objects zigzag and orbit around a large craft at 4 o'clock in the 7/19/1993 #41071  
. Several figures were seen moving around, apparently in front of the objec 7/26/1993 #41090  
cle near Orihuela, Alicante, Spain around midnight noticed a tall dark huma 7/31/1993 #41095  
                                At around 1:00 a.m. near Narre Warren North 8/8/1993 #41118  
eared to be orange-lighted windows around the bottom. Humanoid figures were 8/8/1993 #41118  
 location watches a similar object around the same time. Local radar does n 8/12/1993 #41133  
 airshow. Small black objects zoom around planes. No further details [in].  8/15/1993? #41140  
veral figures could be seen moving around. As the object turned she saw thr 8/18/1993 #41144  
een watching late night television around one o'clock in the morning and ha 8/20/1993 #41148  
became solid. The beings clustered around the foot of her bed, looking at h 8/20/1993 #41148  
England. Figures were seen walking around underneath it.                    8/26/1993 #41162  
HIRE Huge saucer over farm. Swings around. Vanishes instantly. 1 observer.  9/1/1993 (approximate) #41173  
rothy Lake, Manitoba, Canada awoke around 3:30 a.m. to go to the bathroom.  9/1/1993 #41174  
/ no lights and saucer west lights around.                                  9/15/1993 (approximate) #41197  
batics for 25 minutes beginning at around 8 p.m. It shined a beam of light, 9/20/1993 #41205  
mpact. It had red and green lights around its perimeter, as well as four ro 10/6/1993 #41222  
ects with multicolored light occur around La Louvière, Hainaut, Belgium.    10/25/1993 #41252  
 6-7 hour long event that began at around 7 p.m., during which a triangle-s 11/24/1993 #41301  
ia reported seeing an object whirl around in the sky, then land about 200 f 11/26/1993 #41304  
ht moving slowly across the sky at around 11:00 p.m. The light stopped and  11/29/1993 #41309  
 goggles as the objects maneuvered around and over the Sangre de Cristo mou 12/1/1993 #41316  
e in Yanchep, Western Australia at around one o’clock in the morning, befor 12/31/1993 #41338  
 records involving programs in and around Area 51, Nevada, are excluded on  1/15/1994 #41371  
erved a strange humanoid wandering around on the nearby rocky shore in Anco 2/3/1994 #41406  
hes some lights through binoculars around 9:40 p.m. The Allegan County sher 3/8/1994 #41449  
cylindrical object with lights all around. Going [to] moderate altitude. /  3/17/1994 #41460  
 silver disc-shaped objects danced around in the sky over Earl Shilton, Lei 3/26/1994 #41466  
alba de Ribota, Zaragoza, Spain at around 8:00 p.m. when they saw a strange 4/15/1994 #41493  
n his car home. The lights rotated around a center point at 12 rpm. He took 4/19/1994 #41497  
        A low whistle was heard at around 11:00 a.m., then a dark one meter 5/8/1994 #41518  
                                At around 11:00 p.m. three villagers in Sag 5/10/1994 #41521  
ting a tree and causing it to whip around violently. It is about 30 feet in 5/21/1994 #41534  
 AUSTRALIA 2 bright objects bounce around / low altitude. Seen 75 minute(s) 5/24/1994 #41536  
utside of Padova (Padua), Italy at around midnight a robot-like entity with 6/8/1994 #41558  
(s). Round object west strobes all around. Silent. Hovers.                  6/20/1994 #41574  
 small saucers hover as 3rd scouts around. / MJ#319pg15.                    6/26/1994 #41583  
                                   Around four o'clock in the morning at le 6/27/1994 #41588  
igher level communication happened around this time when he took in too muc 7/1994 #41596  
              At 9:30 p.m. six men around a campfire during a hunting trip  8/31/1994 #41708  
"his half-burnt clothes" scattered around the area. At the same time a seco 9/2/1994 #41713  
aller luminous objects that darted around independently, and later took on  9/9/1994 #41733  
a (exact location not given), when around two a.m. he suddenly awoke and fo 9/11/1994 #41734  
s at a high speed and disappeared. Around the same time, in the same area,  9/11/1994 #41737  
dark center and 14 lights flashing around it, a light flying at treetop lev 9/14/1994 #41749  
ack hair tied back with a headband around its larger than normal head, stan 9/16/1994 #41754  
ction occurred in Yuma, Arizona at around one o'clock in the morning.  A 22 9/20/1994 #41765  
 face and several figures standing around his bed. He next found himself in 9/20/1994 #41765  
es, all grayish-green in color and around 6–8 times the size of the full mo 10/7/1994 #41793  
ted "a large disc-shaped craft" at around 10:00 p.m. It appeared to be shin 10/28/1994 #41817  
). 20M saucer in meadow. Portholes around dome. No physical trace(s).       10/29/1994 #41818  
by two observers. It had portholes around the dome; no traces were found at 10/29/1994 #41820  
haped object with revolving lights around the rim; it hovered only 5-6 mete 10/30/1994 #41824  
                                At around 3:00 a.m. Miss Myrna Rodriguez ha 12/15/1994 #41895  
lf unable to move. When she looked around she found herself surrounded by f 12/15/1994 #41895  
 her with their delicate hands all around her stomach and chest area, at th 12/15/1994 #41895  
eaning for NHI and they can travel around time but not through time; the NH Early 1995 #41927  
                                At around midnight in Durham, England a wom 1/2/1995 #41939  
                      Beginning at around 10:00 p.m. a silent, sky-blue col 1/5/1995 #41952  
                                At around nine o’clock in the evening a hou 1/8/1995 #41961  
   Feira de Santana, Bahía, Brazil Around 5:00 a.m. Farmer Beto Lima is hun 1/12/1995 #41971  
way 101 in Quilcene, Washington at around five o'clock in the early morning 2/7/1995 #42025  
by railroad tracks. The man looked around but did not find anything unusual 2/9/1995 #42031  
od dish began to vibrate and "jump around." The figure was wearing what loo 2/9/1995 #42031  
                                   Around 4:00 a.m. a very bright pear-shap 2/11/1995 #42035  
                                At around 4:00 a.m. four companions who had 2/11/1995 #42036  
seeing luminous objects in the sky around the same time.                    2/11/1995 #42036  
 Martinez were watching television around 9:00 p.m. when they heard a noise 2/23/1995 #42060  
g blue light beams were sighted at around 9 p.m. A dead calf was later foun 3/2/1995 #42072  
s a loud ringing in his right ear. Around 4:00 a.m., another resident sees  3/14/1995 #42092  
s and one a radar case, take place around St. Petersburg, Russia.           3/14/1995 #42093  
lencon and Bernay, Eure, France at around 4:00 a.m. A conical beam of light 3/25/1995 #42118  
                                At around three o'clock in the morning the  4/3/1995 #42137  
ray creature was able to run twice around the moving vehicle at terrific sp 4/3/1995 #42138  
some banana plants when everything around him became illuminated by multico 5/15/1995 #42211  
gless, elongated cigar-like object around the strobing lights. Though they  5/25/1995 #42227  
l windows, and had lights rotating around its perimeter.                    5/27/1995 #42231  
rbs exited the larger object, flew around, then returned. At 3:10 p.m. EDT  6/5/1995 #42240  
                                At around three o'clock in the morning a se 6/30/1995 #42283  
he vibration caused by the UFO. At around 6 p.m. a very big red nocturnal l 7/19/1995 #42311  
d. It then took off and maneuvered around in the sky for the next four hour 7/19/1995 #42311  
mately 3-4 feet tall then appeared around his bed. Two were around his legs 8/15/1995 #42387  
 appeared around his bed. Two were around his legs and the other two were u 8/15/1995 #42387  
his legs and the other two were up around his waist area. The creatures see 8/15/1995 #42387  
                                At around ten o'clock in the evening a huge 8/15/1995 #42388  
e found "tiny 4-toed human tracks" around the perimeter of his trailer site 8/15/1995 #42389  
d craft with a row of dark windows around the center rim, hovered near a ra 8/18/1995 #42401  
                                At around midnight, during the heavy rain a 9/16/1995 #42477  
department in Concordia, Kansas at around 9:00 p.m. reporting two circular  9/21/1995 #42496  
ource. No ground tracks were found around the carcass.                      9/26/1995 #42512  
between two UFO's in mid-flight at around 4 a.m., directly above the Bosque 10/27/1995 #42566  
ed eyes. The strange figure turned around and stared at him. It then scramb 11/1/1995 #42575  
winged creature on her property at around one o'clock in the morning. She d 11/11/1995 #42593  
-shaped object crossing the skies. Around the same time several heifers wer 11/24/1995 #42622  
 the cows also had a viscous slime around their necks. Later that night, Ir 11/28/1995 #42628  
 Hospital Regional do Sul de Minas Around 6:00 p.m. After a hailstorm halts 1/20/1996 #42696  
 and driven away in an Army truck. Around the same time local residents hea 1/20/1996 #42697  
crashed. Cont: In the afternoon at around one p.m. three girls were walking 1/20/1996 #42697  
continue making decisive movements around Campinas through April. There are 1/23/1996 #42709  
at seemed like a protective circle around a larger cigar-shaped, mother-shi 1/31/1996 #42729  
                                At around 7:30 p.m. farmer Louis Boisvert,  2/6/1996 #42743  
at the witness before disappearing around the corner. Others in the city re 2/10/1996 #42755  
in peculiar movements. From a belt around its waist a bluish beam of light  2/23/1996 #42776  
ity. They watched the beings float around and then enter the dome shaped ob 2/23/1996 #42776  
peared to jump out at his plane at around 10:00 p.m. In Seattle, Washington 2/27/1996 #42786  
rged from the craft. They shuffled around outside for a short while and the 2/28/1996 #42788  
 a bizarre story of being abducted around 10 p.m. on February 29th. During  2/29/1996 #42789  
g that it was the police he turned around slowly. His next memory was of be 2/29/1996 #42789  
d eye. They also had sparse beards around the mouth and chin. In a state of 2/29/1996 #42789  
with a large head, walking swiftly around the yard. She panicked and lost s 3/6/1996 #42811  
op and red, green, and blue lights around its periphery, was sighted in Fra 3/6/1996 #42813  
 men. They appeared to be floating around as the sphere slowly rotated and  3/7/1996 #42815  
e small humanoids had been jumping around.                                  3/7/1996 #42815  
other hovers. As the hunters drive around the objects, the lights go out. L 3/12/1996 #42821  
anics. Odd vertical "laser" snoops around shop. Nobody else near.           4/11/1996 #42861  
aped, and had green and red lights around it. Three humanoid entities (not  4/16/1996 #42871  
 (not described) were seen walking around it as if searching for something. 4/16/1996 #42871  
                                At around 1:00 a.m. Alfredo de Oliveira Men 4/17/1996 #42872  
r. Mário Frota in Varginha, Brazil Around 9:00 p.m. Terezinha Gallo Clepf i 4/21/1996 #42876  
next, but she does mention that at around the same time she began having lu 5/5/1996 #42896  
able to see several figures moving around. The object descended and landed  5/6/1996 #42898  
County, Arizona. They were sitting around the kitchen table at 10:30 p.m. w 6/4/1996 #42921  
in, Georgia on an overcast evening around 7:45 p.m. It was about 50 above t 6/7/1996 #42925  
It moved away slowly as a speed of around 10-15 mph.                        6/7/1996 #42925  
he village of Certesti, Romania at around midnight. Mancu lives in the area 7/8/1996 #42950  
 and felt a rush of air. He turned around immediately and saw something on  7/8/1996 #42950  
mall strange looking figure moving around it. He yelled for Rusu, who was n 7/8/1996 #42950  
l human-like creatures were moving around it. Both witnesses agreed that th 7/8/1996 #42950  
bout half a meter from the ground. Around the periphery of the object was a 7/8/1996 #42950  
stimated their height to have been around a meter or less. Rusu said he hea 7/8/1996 #42950  
ed just above the ground and moved around "as if they were drunk." A huge s 7/8/1996 #42950  
 huge sweet cherry tree nearby had around 15 % of its leaves shriveled as i 7/8/1996 #42950  
 eyes, and scaly bodies are moving around inside it. The object is top-shap 7/9/1996 #42952  
t tall, and has a girdle of lights around the edge like a rainbow. After 2  7/9/1996 #42952  
onisio was walking through a field around noon in Los Villares, Jaen, Spain 7/16/1996 #42959  
. Flaming bullet shape zigzags all around. Unusual sounds.                  8/11/1996 #42978  
coming from it.  It zig-zagged all around the sky, and there were also unus 8/11/1996 #42979  
em. It then shines a beam of light around the ground, illuminating them at  8/17/1996 #42984  
series of rectangular windows were around the middle portion of the craft.  8/20/1996 #42986  
te Maritime department, France. At around 8:00 p.m. a witness was standing  9/15/1996 #43021  
ttom and a flange or rim that goes around near the top. In each photo the U 9/16/1996 #43023  
                                At around 5:00 a.m. a witness in a car noti 9/16/1996 #43024  
. a disc-shaped object with lights around the rim hovered over the bay at A 9/20/1996 #43032  
ms of lights towards the ground at around 8 p.m. The object hovered over th 9/23/1996 #43039  
s was much taller than the others, around seven feet tall. Other small bein 9/23/1996 #43039  
 color, with dark indentations all around it. It rotated slowly, occasional 9/23/1996 #43039  
 small boxes and tubular canisters around. Taller figures were also seen an 9/23/1996 #43039  
e woods. There were lots of lights around it and dozens of small entities t 9/23/1996 #43039  
 in Trois-Rivieres, Quebec, Canada around 11:00 p.m. saw three triangular o 10/15/1996 #43071  
Eforie Nord, Constanta, Romania at around 1 p.m. watched three red balls in 11/3/1996 #43103  
e soon noticed that the whole area around him was completely illuminated, a 11/9/1996 #43110  
 Hallbankgate, Cumbria, England at around 1:40 a.m. when he observed a larg 11/23/1996 #43118  
en ball of light with a white ring around. The ball of light dropped from t 11/23/1996 #43118  
                                At around 7 p.m. a witness in Indianapolis, 11/23/1996 #43119  
ng sleep and was very restless. At around 2:00 a.m. she started feeling ver 11/24/1996 #43120  
of a hill and sees a light bobbing around and moving west to east. About 10 12/1996 #43127  
ng from behind him. When he turned around he saw a large metallic oval-shap 12/9/1996 #43133  
ral golden medallions hanging from around their necks. The hair on their he 12/9/1996 #43133  
aircraft as a result of lighting." Around four o'clock in the morning he wa 12/9/1996 #43133  
uge saucer going northeast. U-turn around town going south and southeast. S 12/11/1996 #43134  
he woods in Hartsburg, Missouri at around 7 p.m. witnessed a silent, black  12/29/1996 #43152  
l blue lights. The UFOs maneuvered around in all directions for over a minu 1/24/1997 #43176  
or 5 minutes. The witness can move around in the cloud but can hear no soun 1/27/1997 #43178  
oro Nunez was tending his sheep at around four o'clock in the afternoon in  2/20/1997 #43199  
isc-shaped object with many lights around the rim made a droning sound as i 2/22/1997 #43203  
d to intercept it. The jets circle around the sphere but it disappears.     2/27/1997 #43212  
 that it had lots of bright lights around the sides and made a humming nois 3/8/1997 #43223  
Sudarsky was walking home alone at around 3:00 a.m. when he suddenly felt v 3/10/1997 #43225  
s. The beings then formed a circle around Sudarsky, and one of them approac 3/10/1997 #43225  
tern sky. They slowly draw nearer (around 30 mph), and Ley discerns a V-for 3/13/1997 #43229  
formation of lights seen to travel around 8:10–9:30 p.m. from Paulden to Tu 3/13/1997 #43229  
ry lights seen in the Phoenix area around 10:00 p.m. The Air Force identifi 3/13/1997 #43229  
coverage later shows a video taken around 10:00 p.m. by an amateur photogra 3/13/1997 #43229  
aped UFO with multi-colored lights around the rim. They experienced an epis 3/14/1997 #43231  
                                At around 8:45 p.m. in Wallsend, New South  4/22/1997 #43271  
s dressed in white clothing moving around inside the craft. The object was  4/28/1997 #43283  
g diver's suit. He wore a red belt around his waist and a black helmet with 5/18/1997 #43298  
ated from the bottom of the craft. Around the middle of the object was a ro 5/19/1997 #43300  
ve off. No one else appeared to be around at the time.                      6/5/1997 #43313  
speed of 300 mph. The object turns around over the Ob River and flies north 6/6/1997 #43315  
aped object with several portholes around the rim, hovering between two bui 7/23/1997 #43358  
o within ten meters of the figure. Around the same time other locals report 7/23/1997 #43359  
 but because she “didn’t quite get around to it.” Baker states he has commu 8/1/1997 #43364  
less dark humanoid figures milling around it. The figures seemed to be sign 8/5/1997 #43369  
a bread delivery truck starting at around five o'clock in the morning. The  8/15/1997 #43383  
inued to watch the UFO as it moved around the trailer court, occasionally s 9/9/1997 #43403  
nking red and green lights arrayed around the object.                       9/11/1997 #43406  
witnesses watched an object flying around a nearby mountaintop for about an 9/26/1997 #43417  
ntop for about an hour starting at around 10:00 p.m. It then landed on the  9/26/1997 #43417  
ed a number of tall beings walking around for another hour. They were descr 9/26/1997 #43417  
the other was a sphere with a ring around it. The objects began to throw fl 10/13/1997 #43427  
 Joanna Alice Stevenson was awoken around midnight to find several strange  10/18/1997 #43432  
wter- colored craft spins and bobs around in the sky. The witnesses give ch 12/8/1997 #43454  
 and several "little men" appeared around him. He lost consciousness. When  12/10/1997 #43457  
s taken up inside the beam. Lights around its edge flashed in rhythm when i 12/14/1997 #43461  
the house, but when he checked all around outside no cause could be found.  12/14/1997 #43462  
 4.5 minutes. The light disappears around 10:00 p.m.                        1/2/1998 #43486  
lternating green and yellow lights around its rim. On top there was a glass 1/11/1998 #43498  
t was a deer he stopped and looked around. Looking through the trees he not 1/25/1998 #43505  
                                At around 2:30 a.m. Rowena Judd was asleep  2/1/1998 #43510  
k in color and had a shining light around it. No facial features could be s 2/1/1998 #43510  
 arms and small heads. They looked around briefly and then went back inside 2/14/1998 #43521  
eeing a bright light over the area around the same time.                    2/14/1998 #43521  
g strange black helicopters flying around his neighborhood.                 4/13/1998 #43550  
iddle) and small lights that moved around on the outer part (rim) of the ob 5/16/1998 #43568  
                                At around midnight a man named Augustin was 6/21/1998 #43591  
hts. She saw three short humanoids around her. They were about four feet ta 6/27/1998 #43596  
h windows and bench-like seats all around it. The room was dull silver in c 7/11/1998 #43601  
ad of hair and was spotted walking around the local plaza for several hours 7/16/1998 #43607  
ow passage of a luminous sphere at around 10 p.m. There was also unusual be 8/9/1998 #43623  
                                   Around 9 p.m. a couple in Hastings, East 8/14/1998 #43631  
veral figures could be seen moving around. There was another flash and the  8/15/1998 #43632  
s back to them, but when it turned around it became aware of their presence 8/24/1998 #43637  
                                At around 5 p.m. a witness in Kamloops, Bri 9/3/1998 #43640  
eared to be some "people" gathered around. They reported their sighting to  10/19/1998 #43666  
r-foot-tall hooded figures running around her yard. Later she also reported 10/30/1998 #43671  
r, but did not illuminate anything around them. No eyes or mouths could be  11/13/1998 #43681  
r their backyard. The beings moved around the yard in every direction. One  11/13/1998 #43682  
                                At around three a.m. a witness noticed a sm 11/29/1998 #43689  
d the Black Knight, in polar orbit around the Earth. However, the object is 12/11/1998 #43698  
unding it that appeared to revolve around the object. The phenomenon was se 2/9/1999 #43724  
There were several lighted windows around its rim, and through them the wit 2/14/1999 #43727  
After about 10 minutes of circling around the object left. The witness felt 4/15/1999 #43758  
edges, and trees over a 90 km area around Esperance, Western Australia.     6/9/1999 #43783  
nt dark ovoid object in the sky at around five o'clock in the morning, whos 7/7/1999 #43795  
 the rooftops. Five days later, at around 2:30 in the afternoon, the main w 7/14/1999 #43802  
g it was the woman he did not turn around. Then he felt a “body” next to hi 7/18/1999 #43807  
ting off lightning in short spikes around it.                               8/11/1999 #43821  
puter at home in northern Arkansas around midnight, when Henry looked up an 9/3/1999 #43842  
ow. Other lights seem to be flying around it, so that it resembles moths fl 10/10/1999 #43860  
 so that it resembles moths flying around a light bulb. They watch it for 4 10/10/1999 #43860  
lights. There was also a blue haze around one of the objects. Also, at leas 10/17/1999 #43862  
next recollection was of waking up around an hour later, again feeling a vi 10/26/1999 #43866  
r, it shoots out again and circles around it for 15 minutes. About an hour  10/29/1999 #43867  
n hour later, they see jets flying around, apparently searching for the obj 10/29/1999 #43867  
r. It was round with small windows around its circumference. Behind the win 11/1/1999 #43869  
razil on a very sunny afternoon at around 2 p.m. As they ran near a clearin 11/13/1999 #43880  
completely ignored them and walked around the object. Five minutes later th 11/13/1999 #43880  
ing moving nearby. When she turned around, she was confronted by a short cr 11/25/1999 #43886  
shaped object with lights rotating around its circumference, that was hover 12/5/1999 #43893  
able to understand. He then turned around and walked away into some nearby  12/5/1999 #43894  
th green flashing lights pulsating around its middle rim section approached 12/15/1999 #43898  
nois. Five on-duty police officers around these locales, along with various 1/5/2000 #43920  
ns between 4:00 a.m. and 4:30 a.m. around Scott AFB in St. Clair and Madiso 1/5/2000 #43922  
to have seen seven aircraft flying around the scene.                        1/12/2000 #43926  
ow flying objects over their farms around the same time.                    1/17/2000 #43929  
eports made on this evening in and around Sydney, New South Wales, Australi 1/29/2000 #43936  
his dog but had no other witnesses around, when he was hit by a beam of whi 1/30/2000 #43937  
ndre de Cubzac, Gironde, France at around two o'clock in the morning report 2/5/2000 #43941  
hite lights, which then maneuvered around each other.                       2/11/2000 #43946  
reported seeing the two objects at around four o'clock in the afternoon.    2/12/2000 #43947  
                                At around 9:15 to 9:30 p.m. five large oran 2/16/2000 #43951  
              In the early evening around 6 p.m. three employees of the San 3/12/2000 #43966  
xas with an orange object circling around the lead object. There were two o 4/6/2000 #43977  
                                At around 2:00 a.m. several residents livin 4/26/2000 #43986  
y police. A police helicopter flew around the UFO several times before the  5/19/2000 #43997  
s a disc-shaped object with orange around the edge hovered close by. It lit 6/7/2000 #44001  
as sighted for about 15 seconds at around 1:00 p.m. The craft was described 6/7/2000 #44002  
rs, making square compartments all around.                                  6/7/2000 #44002  
ghts, performed figure-8 movements around one another in the night sky over 6/30/2000 #44007  
                                At around 4 p.m. Robert Taylor, age 22, rem 7/5/2000 #44010  
the ground. It radiated a fog from around its periphery. Its light snapped  7/7/2000 #44013  
ion in Banda de Varela, Argentina. Around 3:30 a.m. Luis was sleeping when  7/11/2000 #44014  
rmed with a metal bar, he searched around in the darkness. Suddenly, an uns 7/11/2000 #44014  
emely long gray hair, particularly around the neck. It had two immense, sla 7/13/2000 #44016  
eeing a shiny round pink object at around 7:00 p.m., about a block away, wi 7/15/2000 #44019  
, Puerto Rico a woman was awakened around 5:00 a.m. when she heard noises c 7/31/2000 #44024  
ition and its body and head jerked around as if it had no control over them 7/31/2000 #44024  
oise, causing the creature to turn around halfway and gaze at her. This cau 7/31/2000 #44024  
ts. As he was walking, a car drove around him, pulling ahead of him quite a 8/11/2000 #44030  
ct was observed moving erratically around a cloud in Steinbach, Manitoba, C 8/13/2000 #44031  
 were coming down the spokes going around the outside of the other [outer]  9/11/2000 #44038  
t came and joined the first, going around the circle and making another spo 9/11/2000 #44038  
they were watching. They then flew around it for awhile.                    9/11/2000 #44038  
driving in Mississauga, Ontario at around 7:00 p.m. the witnesses observed  9/20/2000 #44043  
Quebec at 9:33 p.m. They zigzagged around the sky making no noise.          10/3/2000 #44051  
anges to blue, the car is buffeted around.                                  10/11/2000 #44054  
 a.m. a multicolored UFO zigzagged around the sky over Kelowna, British Col 10/13/2000 #44055  
s to green fireballs, flying loops around passenger aircraft, pacing planes 10/15/2000 #44056  
n Del Valle, Texas and occurred at around 2:30 a.m. A woman was awakened by 10/15/2000 #44058  
hed the witness. He now felt hands around his mouth, and was lifted up. He  10/15/2000 #44059  
t 300 feet. It has multiple lights around its perimeter. They drive toward  11/4/2000 #44071  
 44 gallon drum, with a white band around the middle, was sighted floating  11/5/2000 #44073  
raft fly and land behind a hill at around nine o'clock in the morning.  The 11/28/2000 #44085  
pect their craft. When they turned around and saw the witnesses there next  11/28/2000 #44085  
a heard his dogs barking loudly at around 7:00 p.m. He looked outside and n 11/30/2000 #44094  
ast. Helicopters seem to be flying around it.                               12/1/2000 #44095  
milar objects hovering and swaying around. They look like they are changing 1/1/2001 #44114  
                                At around 8 p.m. two campers in Villa Front 2/9/2001 #44138  
 that had appeared, almost dancing around his bed, while he was attempting  4/23/2001 #44161  
the Lebanon City Police Department around 10:15 p.m. and the Warren County  4/25/2001 #44164  
                                At around 3:00 a.m. a night watchman in Car 4/30/2001 #44171  
was able to move her arms and look around as she did so. She approached a p 5/2/2001 #44174  
ing images of famous persons flash around her, including John F. Kennedy, A 5/2/2001 #44174  
, England a police helicopter flew around a UFO twice before the object fad 5/5/2001 #44177  
 turning into a red dot that moves around in the sky until it starts rotati 6/30/2001 #44199  
 the power returns mysteriously at around 2:00 a.m.                         6/30/2001 #44199  
s when they noticed the witnesses. Around the same time there were numerous 7/1/2001 #44200  
a on top and several small windows around its circumference. In the center  7/1/2001 #44201  
to be interested in the vegetation around the object. After a few minutes o 7/1/2001 #44201  
s of anomalous targets were racing around the area. According to MUFON fiel 7/15/2001 #44209  
eral short bizarre creaturesmoving around the object. After about 20 minute 7/29/2001 #44213  
s in diameter land on the beach at around two o'clock in the morning. The s 8/1/2001 #44217  
fort, she finally was able to turn around and was confronted by the figure  8/4/2001 #44225  
fornia. The UFOs were seen zipping around rapidly and stopping dead in mida 8/24/2001 #44243  
e size of a car, with white lights around the middle, and a green-blue ligh 10/28/2001 #44267  
ity all the lights started to spin around, and the light on the right side  11/15/2001 #44277  
opolitan area of Toluca, Mexico at around 3:00 a.m. The object was reported 12/15/2001 #44291  
h white lights that is maneuvering around Magazine Hill, outside Dartmouth, 3/15/2002 #44324  
was returning along a desrted road around 3 p.m. in Cazalla de la Sierra, S 3/26/2002 #44326  
ive meters altitude. It had lights around its rim. It shot off to the west  3/27/2002 #44328  
ite saucer-shaped object zigzagged around the Moon for several minutes in D 6/24/2002 #44353  
 miles away. In Waldorf, Maryland, around 1:35 a.m. Renny Rogers feels the  7/26/2002 #44366  
. The four fighters return to base around 1:50 a.m.                         7/26/2002 #44366  
ng to watch for satellites. It was around 5:30 p.m. and dusk and the girls  7/28/2002 #44367  
ge, blue/purple and white rotating around the rim. They were suddenly distr 7/28/2002 #44367  
municating in an unknown language. Around 6:30 p.m. the girls were called d 7/28/2002 #44367  
triangular object was seen darting around and pinwheeling about in the nigh 7/30/2002 #44371  
a. It rose vertically. Starting at around 11:15 p.m., many triangle crafts, 8/5/2002 #44375  
en and blue lights was seen moving around a farm near a power plant for two 8/11/2002 #44378  
rossing directly over the clearing around her house. It is pitch black and  8/13/2002 #44383  
 with lots of red and white lights around it was sighted. It was round like 11/13/2002 #44439  
 was charcoal gray with red lights around the rim. It emitted white light b 11/13/2002 #44439  
ength. Other objects were observed around the main object, but they were no 11/22/2002 #44449  
m. a disc-shaped craft with lights around the perimeter flew over Winnebago 1/2/2003 #44466  
. twelve oval-shaped objects moved around in the sky for over one hour. Ele 1/4/2003 #44467  
objects chased each other, swirled around, and danced in the night sky.     1/4/2003 #44467  
ith three flower petal-like shapes around its center was seen in the sky fo 1/16/2003 #44476  
 The man described the creature as around six feet tall, with large, foot-l 1/22/2003 #44477  
ry once in awhile, which also flew around.                                  3/14/2003 #44502  
d like tubes with rotating spirals around them, appeared over Zawra Park in 4/3/2003 #44509  
 Laurence Fleming reported that at around 11:50 p.m. he and his wife were o 4/12/2003 #44513  
g of being watched, and he whirled around expecting to see a co-worker. Ins 4/21/2003 #44517  
creature have repeatedly been made around the local dump.                   4/22/2003 #44518  
s they got back into their van, at around 3:30 a.m., one of them saw a figu 5/2/2003 #44521  
 drove away and continued to drive around for the next two hours before the 5/2/2003 #44521  
be notches that were evenly spaced around its middle as it wobbled and rota 5/8/2003 #44530  
eard a humming sound, so he looked around and he saw two cylinder shapes ju 5/13/2003 #44535  
se from the craft, and the animals around the campsite and your normal fore 5/16/2003 #44538  
                                At around 9:00 p.m. in New Brighton, Pennsy 6/30/2003 #44559  
own a road in Ashland, Kentucky at around 10:00 p.m. when they saw a moving 7/12/2003 #44563  
 dogs in the area whined loudly at around 1:30 a.m. Two strange lights were 7/14/2003 #44564  
                                At around 8:30 p.m. two teachers in their f 7/16/2003 #44565  
ed chrome balls, disks, or windows around the middle of it.                 8/23/2003 #44580  
nnesota with 10 witnesses gathered around a camp fire at 11:55 p.m. It was  8/30/2003 #44588  
owna, British Columbia, Canada. At around 2:30 a.m. the main witness's 12-y 9/3/2003 #44592  
ty was coming. The witness woke up around 6:00 a.m. with a severe nosebleed 9/3/2003 #44592  
t a fooball game in Onawa, Iowa at around 8:00 p.m. watched a light that se 9/19/2003 #44604  
hasing each other and just playing around."                                 10/25/2003 #44613  
witness' car. It had a yellow glow around it.                               11/5/2003 #44614  
in a field in Tatum, New Mexico at around 9:30 p.m. It shot straight up and 12/30/2003 #44633  
ed a power drain and a purple glow around the 737 as the triangular UFO fle 1/4/2004 #44645  
. It reflected sunlight and bobbed around at between 3,000 and 5,000 feet a 1/4/2004 #44647  
es a bright, fast-moving fireball. Around 11:00 p.m., a couple near Saint-L 1/17/2004 #44651  
thwest, They make no sound, rotate around each other, hover, then leave at  1/17/2004 #44651  
, Maryland near the BWI airport at around 2:00 a.m. The witness was in his  2/11/2004 #44661  
She awoke feeling very frightened, around 6:30 a.m.                         2/13/2004 #44664  
7:00 p.m. on this evening. It flew around at high rates of speed and was in 3/10/2004 #44675  
                                At around 7:00 p.m. the crew of a commercia 3/25/2004 #44679  
 rear. The creature appeared to be around three feet long and a little over 4/5/2004 #44684  
e object in question may have been around 200 feet in width. At about the s 4/8/2004 #44685  
                  A woman awoke at around 6:00 a.m. and walked to her scree 4/15/2004 #44688  
 a woman were walking their dog at around 11:00 p.m. in Sequin, Texas when  5/12/2004 #44699  
                                   Around 7:00 p.m. a rounded "A"-shaped ob 6/4/2004 #44707  
est of the night the objects moved around the Nelson Harbour and the hills  6/9/2004 #44709  
d the Nelson Harbour and the hills around Ruby Bay. The objects came in clo 6/9/2004 #44709  
r came back on. Earlier that night around 12:30 a.m. she had seen an unusua 7/26/2004 #44717  
 have come from. He slowed to turn around but the nearest exit was another  7/27/2004 #44718  
oices. As the couple began to walk around the craft it began to rise up int 7/27/2004 #44719  
e four blue lights were positioned around it in a cross shape. This magnifi 8/2/2004 #44725  
craft passed directly overhead. At around 3:00 a.m. bright yellow flashes o 8/2/2004 #44725  
n Russian. They stopped and turned around. A figure resembling an elderly w 8/2/2004 #44725  
everal seconds later Andrey turned around again and the woman had vanished. 8/2/2004 #44725  
back-and-forth. It had blue lights around it with a red light on top. It wa 8/11/2004 #44731  
5 in Greenville, South Carolina at around 11:10 p.m. when he saw a transpar 8/23/2004 #44740  
boy, who was peddling spring water around the beach resort, also corroborat 8/25/2004 #44742  
                   On this evening around 10:00 p.m. two people watched a s 9/3/2004 #44746  
and blue. They flashed and rotated around the edges. They would shift posit 9/3/2004 #44746  
 The object appeared in the sky at around 2:15 p.m., and it spent the next  9/4/2004 #44747  
 spent the next 20 minutes ducking around in the sky, making random turns,  9/4/2004 #44747  
                   On this evening around 10:00 p.m. a couple again watched 9/5/2004 #44748  
and blue. They flashed and rotated around the edges. They would shift posit 9/5/2004 #44748  
st light, which continues to dance around. Suddenly, both lights blink out  9/16/2004 #44757  
pty and there weren't any vehicles around that could cause the problem. Sud 10/27/2004 #44771  
in appearance and had small lights around the edges. It emitted a strange s 11/8/2004 #44780  
building in Gardena, California at around one o'clock in the morning. It se 11/27/2004 #44792  
e lights evenly spaced all the way around it. It was estimated to be about  12/5/2004 #44799  
een was CMO of Enscion Corporation around this time, a company that used ge 2005 #44805  
on Act 2000 comes into full force. Around 120,000 requests are made in the  1/1/2005 #44806  
                                At around one o'clock in the morning severa 1/11/2005 #44807  
ree bright blue objects zigzagging around each other about 300 feet away ab 5/1/2005 #44828  
                                At around 11:00 a.m. a small sphere, moving 5/8/2005 #44834  
ray disc-shaped object with lights around its rim was seen for 20 minutes b 5/9/2005 #44839  
he Air Defense Identification Zone around Washington, D.C. As the aircraft  5/11/2005 #44840  
Philippines. After dinner they sat around the campfire planning their next  6/14/2005 #44847  
ning their next day activities. At around 9:20 p.m. they were surprised to  6/14/2005 #44847  
ace of the object and a white glow around it at 10:15 p.m. It was flying ea 7/15/2005 #44854  
nd a white aura appears in the sky around them. He watches them for 15 minu 8/27/2005 #44866  
lvania for about an hour beginning around two p.m. It took off sideways at  9/7/2005 #44869  
e east. Seven other objects appear around it, staying in the same spot for  9/17/2005 #44876  
                                At around two p.m. a bright, aluminum color 10/26/2005 #44893  
                       At sometime around 4 a.m. a 14-year-old witness in L 11/25/2005 #44906  
ult Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada at around 8:15 p.m. They stopped in the sky 12/29/2005 #44915  
 in the afternoon sky beginning at around two o'clock and lasting for about 1/26/2006 #44919  
                                   Around two o'clock in the morning two fr 1/30/2006 #44920  
res with glowing eyes standing all around the house; they were looking at h 2/15/2006 #44923  
ifferent colored lights, that went around it in a clockwise, circular patte 3/14/2006 #44929  
d object hovering over the lake at around 1:00 a.m. Later they observed som 5/18/2006 #44944  
                                At around 11:00 p.m., while night hunting f 8/5/2006 #44952  
ts, with numerous creatures moving around them.                             8/6/2006 #44953  
bject with 10 yellow lights moving around in a circular motion and hovering 9/5/2006 #44958  
inted curved perimeter with lights around it. Close to the pavement it let  9/24/2006 #44966  
the craft, and three orange lights around the back.The craft made no noise  12/5/2006 #44990  
insula 7:15 p.m. Several witnesses around Bremerton, Washington, see a stea 3/5/2007 #45009  
with an engineering background. At around 9:55 p.m. PST, the witness went o 4/17/2007 #45018  
maybe 24-30 individual blue lights around the perimeter. It then traveled t 4/17/2007 #45018  
her with good visibility for miles around, though a haze layer is present a 4/23/2007 #45022  
 third from the right, like a band around a cigar. Bowyer makes contact wit 4/23/2007 #45022  
raised the instrument and waved it around briefly, and then took out a box  4/25/2007 #45023  
eige" triangular object maneuvered around the sky with a multicoloured flas 5/8/2007 #45029  
, then turned 120 degrees and went around in circles around the freeway, th 5/16/2007 #45030  
degrees and went around in circles around the freeway, then it headed out o 5/16/2007 #45030  
s sighted in Columbus, Missouri at around 1:00 p.m. The witness reports, "W 5/16/2007 #45031  
Oklahoma without making a sound at around 1 a.m.                            8/14/2007 #45047  
s (red, ivory, and green in color) around its perimeter was sighted in Mech 9/4/2007 #45052  
in Headingley, Manitoba, Canada at around 2:00 a.m.                         9/10/2007 #45055  
lope looking down on the trail. At around 3:00 a.m. the moon had sunk behin 9/16/2007 #45059  
                                At around 1:00 a.m. the main witness and hi 10/27/2007 #45080  
witness and his friend were riding around League City, Harris and Galveston 10/27/2007 #45080  
tion for any radar data from sites around Stephenville. On January 23, the  1/8/2008 #45112  
 cloudy night with little moon. At around midnight one of the men saw what  4/12/2008 #45128  
s or ground traces. As they looked around, the same pair of red shiny eyes  4/12/2008 #45128  
-side very fast. They did a circle around each other and then vanished. The 5/15/2008 #45139  
ade it up to their house. This was around 11:20 p.m. The next thing that ei 6/7/2008 #45146  
ing two witnesses were backpacking around near Glenorchy on South Island, N 8/3/2008 #45154  
ar and pulsing yellow white lights around its perimeter. The witnesses atte 8/3/2008 #45154  
                                At around one p.m. there was a daylight sig 8/15/2008 #45157  
les triangle hovering and rotating around its axis in the west. He estimate 8/20/2008 #45161  
t split into three orbs which flew around, then rejoined over Nanaimo, Brit 9/3/2008 #45164  
                                At around 2:00 a.m. several witnesses repor 9/4/2008 #45165  
e visible, and they seemed to move around strangely and very quickly. Two o 9/4/2008 #45165  
udoscience and raise consciousness around the unreliability of eyewitness c 1/5/2009 #45206  
ness climbed into his sleeping bag around 11:00 p.m. in his tent while camp 5/4/2009 #45217  
ow-flying helicopters at 2:00 a.m. Around 7:30 a.m., he is visited by two m 5/8/2009 #45220  
from beneath it. The arm is moving around in a circle. It stays in that pos 6/16/2009 #45226  
banse, Iroquis County, Illinois at around 10 p.m. According to the witness, 8/14/2009 #45235  
ide of Sedro Wooley, Washington at around 1:00 a.m., a man who had previous 8/18/2009 #45236  
s woke up by her little brother at around 3:00 a.m. because he wanted help  8/28/2009 #45239  
on this night and had gotten up at around 4:00 a.m. to use the restrooms at 8/30/2009 #45240  
meone close behind her. She turned around and saw three Grey humanoid being 8/30/2009 #45240  
California. It vibrated and zipped around, and disappeared in an instant. A 9/11/2009 #45245  
as CDs on the car’s player. Coming around a bend, he sees an object about o 11/25/2009 #45256  
. In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at around 9:35 p.m. EDT the main witness wa 5/16/2010 #45282  
ws an arc streaking across the sky around sunset and that the most likely c 7/7/2010 #45286  
                                At around 3 a.m. two campers at a campsite  7/15/2010 #45287  
                                At around 8:00 p.m. in Evansville, Indiana  8/18/2010 #45294  
m side to side until it disappears around 9:10 p.m.                         10/11/2010 #45301  
                                At around 2:00 a.m. two friends were walkin 2/11/2011 #45314  
fax machine’s circuitry is melted. Around midnight on March 20, the woman i 3/19/2013 #45362  
tting up an electromagnetic shield around the US using a large boomerang sh 6/2013 #45368  
lying iPad in the sky!" She looked around and noticed there were no other c 6/1/2013 #45369  
                         Ring Road around Bucharest, Romania Autostrada Soa 11/8/2013 #45394  
esses are driving on the Ring Road around Bucharest, Romania, near the exit 11/8/2013 #45394  
ing zone via radar off its nose at around 12,000 feet and a speed of approx 11/18/2013 #45395  
 detects a possible radar track at around 19,000 feet and with a speed of 0 3/26/2014 #45405  
 some accidents attributed to UFOs around the world, they “do not present a 7/31/2014 #45412  
streams tied to aerospace concerns around the world dedicated to R&D and op 4/5/2016 #45449  
tive to commercial air traffic) at around 35,000 feet over Northern Califor 10/25/2017 #45487  
pulate quantum vacuum fluctuations around the craft for propulsion purposes 11/2/2017 #45490  
      Tucson, Arizona Picacho Peak Around midnight. The pilots of a US Army 11/6/2018 #45543  
ak, they suddenly appear to rotate around each other, as if revolving aroun 11/6/2018 #45543  
around each other, as if revolving around an unseen axis, all while maintai 11/6/2018 #45543  
ngland Sightings of drones disrupt around 1,000 flights at Gatwick Airport  12/19/2018 #45552  
5 mph at an altitude of 7,500 feet around the 55th parallel over northern M 1/6/2019 #45556  
 white ball that moves erratically around the sky for a few seconds before  6/15/2019 #45585  
S Rafael Peralta logs show that at around 10:00 p.m. it had activated its o 7/14/2019 #45592  
 logs simply remark “Multiple UAVs around ship.” 17 minutes later, the Kidd 7/15/2019 #45593  
ngly being used by security forces around the world. They operate by using  7/24/2019 #45598  
inesses both locally in Nevada and around the US, which prepare products fo 9/20/2019 #45609  
m locals reporting drones “zipping around all over the place.” Iovinella hi 12/31/2019 #45623  
tes before losing it in the clouds around 14,000 feet. The CBP is operating 2/9/2021 #45676  
as seen previously, flying circles around both helicopters at speeds well i 2/9/2021 #45676  
act. Then that shell company turns around and gives a subcontract to a thir 5/1/2021 #45687  
nt states an air-buoyant structure around a craft could be spherical, cylin 6/25/2021 #45695  
 a group of ex-military who travel around the world to investigate UAP and  11/30/2021 #45726  
tically called 'the program' in or around Huntsville, Alabama..that city ha 5/2022 #45746  
## Word: "around--scared" (Back to Top)
n the road they stopped and turned around--scared but still curious. They t 10/27/2007 #45080  
## Word: "arouse" (Back to Top)
 with the FBI, but not in a way to arouse public suspicion of USAF interest 7/6/1950 #5046  
## Word: "aroused" (Back to Top)
 2 minutes, then flew away.  Baker aroused from sleep by his dog.           4/8/1950 #4829  
eings resembled “gnomes,” and they aroused fear in the woman. They appeared 8/16/1965 #19410  
ring from a headache, was suddenly aroused by a whistling sound and saw a s 9/3/1967 #22989  
## Word: "arousing" (Back to Top)
his from afar three weeks earlier, arousing his curiosity. The dead scrubwe 9/4/1969 #25351  
ps in Westminster, South Carolina, arousing the dogs. At one point the obje 3/6/1979 #34469  
## Word: "arpa" (Back to Top)
 tall and piloted by 150 men. Soon ARPA and the Air Force take over the pro 1958 #14780  
ute for Defense Analysis, of which ARPA came out of. The alleged transcript 1990 #39355  
Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) shows advanced aerospace projects  1998 #43481  
evidence such a project existed at ARPA.  https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden- 8/7/2004 #44727  
d reverse engineered them. The CIA/ARPA version of the document has written 2014 #45400  
lication and specifically affected ARPA, ONI and private/corporate laborato 10/13/2022 #45774  
## Word: "arpajon" (Back to Top)
                                   ARPAJON, FR 3 observer(s). ~50 night lig 11/5/1990 #39832  
                                   ARPAJON, FR 2 luminous/glowing silver-gr 7/23/1995 #42322  
## Word: "arpasul" (Back to Top)
                                   ARPASUL DE JOS TO/FROM CIRTISOARA, ROM S 6/1966 #20514  
## Word: "arqua'polesine" (Back to Top)
                                   ARQUA'POLESINE, ITL Fisherman. 3M transp 11/12/1954 (approximate) #11624  
y, and then dive into the canal in Arqua'Polesine, Italy leaving behind a c 11/12/1954 #11630  
## Word: "arques" (Back to Top)
                                   ARQUES, PDC Red fireball silently blinks 3/18/1974 #28906  
                  ST. OMER TO/FROM ARQUES, FR 2 ovoid follows 5M behind mop 8/22/1975 #30296  
## Word: "arquimedes" (Back to Top)
nde do Sul, Brazil, radio operator Arquimedes Fernandez sees a strange clou 11/22/1954 #11691  
## Word: "arragin" (Back to Top)
ng, and after the event. Guillermo Arragin, a reporter, videotapes the obje 7/11/1991 #40119  
 CBS TV show 60 Minutes, shows the Arragin footage a week later. He asks hi 7/11/1991 #40119  
## Word: "arraignment" (Back to Top)
tactee associate Wayne Aho escapes arraignment, while Norman Colton has fle 5/28/1959 #15749  
## Word: "arranda" (Back to Top)
ountains Yungay, Peru Day. Augusto Arranda is taking photographs of the sce 3/1967 #21699  
## Word: "arrando" (Back to Top)
 of Yungay-Peru. Photo by: Augusto Arrando. (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases 3/22/1967 #21943  
## Word: "arrange" (Back to Top)
es break off the original star and arrange themselves in a triangle formati 6/30/1948 #3686  
balls and the Killeen lights. They arrange a meeting with AFOSI, ONI, CIC,  5/5/1949 #4149  
e Ubatuba sample from Sturrock and arrange for further tests at an accredit Early 9/1957 #13971  
he two lights then become four and arrange themselves in an oblong formatio 7/22/1968 #24203  
## Word: "arranged" (Back to Top)
 each 2 feet long, 6 inches wide, “arranged seven on each side, and in an o 4/13/1897 #454  
ess string of portholes which were arranged on a straight line or plane and 12/1942 #1466  
y cloud in a completely clear sky, arranged in a V-shaped formation. The te 4/29/1947 #2269  
site briefing as soon as it can be arranged. These men remain at RAAF throu 7/4/1947 #2668  
he trip that USAF Intelligence had arranged to explore the possibility of a 5/31/1949 #4218  
-shaped objects, each with a dome, arranged in six groups of three stretche 10/30/1951 #5754  
 A series of small propellers were arranged along the outer edge of the obj 8/25/1952 #7736  
liceman M. Corrions, says they are arranged in the shape of a triangle. Pos 9/23/1954 #10419  
Canada. Adamski claims that Orthon arranged for him to be taken on a trip t 1955 #11896  
rance at 7:25 p.m. The lights were arranged in an arc, five feet above the  2/4/1955 #11974  
essor observed unidentified lights arranged as if on oval object. [UFOE, VI 8/11/1958 #15190  
prints were five meters apart, and arranged in a square.                    9/2/1958 #15251  
der and his partner. A meeting was arranged to be held in the security port 7/9/1959 #15829  
ndianapolis, IN A series of balls, arranged like an “X” with one diagonal l 3/23/1960 #16203  
s. E.I. Larsen. A series of balls, arranged like an "X" with one diagonal l 3/23/1960 #16204  
Minnesota observed a group of UFOs arranged vertically in a V formation. Th 8/17/1961 #16799  
     Naperville, IL 6-8 red balls, arranged in a rectangular formation beco 3/26/1962 #17084  
Milligan.  Six or eight red balls, arranged in a rectangular formation, bec 3/26/1962 #17086  
n major US universities; they have arranged for torture, rape, and psycholo 7/1963 #17819  
ith three intensely burned circles arranged in a triangular shape as though Late 6/1964 #18374  
llarat, Victoria, Australia. It is arranged by W. Howard Sloane of the Ball 2/27/1965 #18829  
ts" about three to four feet high, arranged in a diamond formation with a f 3/12/1967 #21874  
haped object with many body lights arranged in groupings. It flew low and s 4/20/1967 #22168  
” UN Secretary-General U Thant has arranged for the lecture, based on conve 6/7/1967 #22478  
and had 10 to 12 bright red lights arranged around its circumference on the 8/4/1967 #22806  
 white, with some small black rods arranged randomly on its surface. (Ref.  8/9/1967 #22851  
plastic lens with embossed figures arranged in a semicircle. Above each fig 5/17/1968 #23969  
e spot were found 3 holes 5" deep, arranged in an isosceles triangle. 5 loc 7/2/1968 #24133  
d three apparent landing imprints, arranged in a triangle six feet apart.   1/16/1969 #24853  
the Sheraton Hotel. The program is arranged by Thornton Page (NASA Manned S 12/26/1969 #25509  
0 cm in diameter, 5-7 cm deep, and arranged in an equilateral triangle 3 me 8/29/1970 #25809  
t burns on the ground and imprints arranged in a triangle, with sides measu 11/29/1970 #25923  
nd three 12"-14" circular imprints arranged in a triangle 12 feet apart.    11/13/1971 #26470  
NGTON SOUTH / LONDON, ENGL 6 disks arranged / hexagonal formation. No furth 10/20/1972 #27082  
ints at the site, nonsymmetrically arranged, covering an area of only about 3/13/1973 #27343  
re found three holes in the ground arranged in a triangle pattern, and some 4/6/1973 #27409  
ting of three rectangular imprints arranged in a triangle with 34 foot side 10/6/1973 #27961  
r impressions 15 inches on a side, arranged in a square 13 feet on a side.  10/29/1973 #28319  
und at the landing site. They were arranged in a 1.3 meter square with a ce 12/6/1973 #28535  
d three imprints, each 85 cm wide, arranged in a triangle with sides 5.3 me 2/8/1974 #28749  
ach about one foot in diameter and arranged horizontally, about 3 feet abov 5/20/1974 #29119  
mes “like brushed stainless steel” arranged in a rough semicircle, all hove 9/1/1974 #29417  
htest lights are orange-yellow and arranged in an equilateral triangle form 1/31/1975 #29775  
t 7 p.m. they found three imprints arranged in a triangle, 18 inches x 24 i 10/25/1975 #30473  
duals, “Bill” and “Jane,” who have arranged a meeting at a fast-food restau 9/24/1976 #31423  
 glare of his headlights. They are arranged in a row along the left side of 3/4/1977 #31858  
saw three red lights symmetrically arranged in the midst of some shrubbery  8/30/1977 #32441  
hree holes in the ground that were arranged in an isosceles triangle.       8/30/1977 #32441  
saw three red lights symmetrically arranged in the midst of some bushes ove 8/31/1977 #32446  
und in the quarry with three holes arranged in an isosceles triangle.       8/31/1977 #32446  
 depth of 4 inches. The tracks are arranged in a triangular shape.          10/25/1977 #32609  
 a depth of 10 cm. The tracks were arranged in a triangular shape.          10/25/1977 #32610  
ts a formation of 6–8 white lights arranged in a circle and moving from sou 8/30/1978 #33602  
endulum wobble, and had six lights arranged around the circumference on the 9/10/1978 #33659  
er how the blinds and curtains are arranged. Sometimes it would stop moving 1981 #35763  
 diameter; two smaller circles are arranged on either side. Ufologist Pat D 8/1981 #36051  
 with four white and yellow lights arranged in the corners three miles east 2/12/1982 #36341  
atched three groups of four lights arranged in squares in the night sky. Th 3/13/1982 #36388  
atched three groups of four lights arranged in squares in the night sky. Th 3/13/1982 #36389  
rk, watch 10 or more bright lights arranged in a boomerang pattern hovering 6/14/1984 #37361  
h intense lights like searchlights arranged in a triangle, off the coast of 2/11/1988 #38458  
               Washington, D.C. An arranged meeting takes place in Washingt 11/30/1988 #38728  
 which there were four depressions arranged in a diamond pattern. Each impr 9/21/1989 #39115  
aly suit. The yellow light was now arranged in a semi-circle above the figu 10/31/1989 #39199  
as, Nevada Tikaboo Peak Groom Lake Arranged by Norio Hayakawa, Robert Lazar 2/1990 #39403  
nal report describe four lights as arranged in a square formation, all maki 3/30/1990 #39499  
two red lights and one white light arranged like a triangle above Muskegon  4/26/1993 #40951  
nds in Phoenix, Arizona saw lights arranged in a V-shaped formation on this 3/13/1997 #43230  
eauguay, Quebec three white lights arranged in a triangle were seen flying  6/6/1998 #43583  
isted of a circle with three holes arranged in an equilateral triangle. The 12/19/1998 #43700  
 with five big bright white lights arranged in a V shape, evenly spaced. Th 11/29/2000 #44088  
e. There were a total of 10 lights arranged in three groups. Beginning from 7/15/2001 #44209  
red seeing a formation of figures, arranged into a ten pin bowling formatio 4/28/2003 #44519  
 Havre, Montana three white lights arranged in a triangle formation moved t 5/23/2003 #44544  
rsecretary for NDI John Negroponte arranged with Kit Green for a debate bet 1/25/2006 #44918  
## Word: "arrangement" (Back to Top)
uspended from a large balloon-like arrangement” pass overhead. It shines a  1/26/1899 #631  
gnal consists of a “fairly regular arrangement of dots and dashes along one 8/22/1924 #1041  
at radar has been installed and an arrangement made with the Navy to interc 8/7/1945 #1916  
propulsion, control, construction, arrangement, landing gear, and power pla 10/28/1947 #3469  
llow lights set in an arrow-shaped arrangement.                             5/13/1962 #17171  
lying down in a somewhat haphazard arrangement. There are no visible instru 7/1965 #19039  
e ground imprint marks were in the arrangement of an isoceles triangle 7.9  9/13/1966 #20880  
bed the UFOs as having an X-shaped arrangement of lights on the bottom.     12/19/1969 #25507  
, the blob is seen to be a precise arrangement of round, yellow-gold lights 12/20/1973 #28591  
e his house. Looking up, he saw an arrangement of red, blue, yellow, and wh 9/26/1996 #43043  
ends were rotating with a wondrous arrangement of lights, which sped off in 5/13/2003 #44536  
## Word: "arrangements" (Back to Top)
                          Pentagon Arrangements are made to transfer UFO fi 9/21/1947 #3412  
lity to observe and recall complex arrangements of physical objects,” and s 5/11/1953 #8875  
p. Bill Archer from OES discussed “Arrangements to Welcome Extraterrestrial 2/25/1982 #36370  
## Word: "arranges" (Back to Top)
rthwest. Another group appears and arranges itself in a straight line. The  7/4/1947 #2667  
for a meteor) of 8–10 miles. LaPaz arranges with the Atomic Energy Security 12/12/1948 #3926  
han ATIC in Dayton, Ohio, does. He arranges to have copies made of the miss 1/29/1952 #5883  
hter pilots who have seen them. He arranges for RAF Fighter Command to send 9/19/1952 #7980  
ientific Personnel William H. Crew arranges a special meeting for Ruppelt a 10/23/1952 #8178  
k ghetto sections of St. Louis and arranges for local police surveillance “ 4/1953 #8806  
else is heard of this sample. APRO arranges for a separate analysis of the  8/19/1953 #9084  
bductions and contacts him. Randle arranges for an interview and hypnosis s 10/16/1973 #28088  
his, the United States purportedly arranges for Israel to ship weapons to I 10/15/1980 #35569  
## Word: "arranging" (Back to Top)
planting articles in magazines and arranging broadcasts to make UFO reports 2/9/1953 #8653  
planting articles in magazines and arranging broadcasts to make UFO reports 2/9/1953 #8656  
mies in Katanga, he is involved in arranging Lumumba’s transfer there, and  1/17/1961 #16578  
s release announcing that USAF was arranging for a "study of UFOs by topfli 4/21/1966 #20352  
## Word: "arras" (Back to Top)
                                   ARRAS, FRANCE Fiery rod hovers / 15 minu 11/1/1461 #21  
ed for 15 minutes over the town of Arras, Pas-de-Calais, France. It suddenl 11/1/1461 #22  
. 2 cops. Fireball goes going [to] Arras. Stops over railroad/railway stati 8/3/1952 #7432  
                                   ARRAS, FR Fiery disk stops. Rocks. Flash 1/7/1954 #9460  
                                   Arras, France 4:27 a.m. A fiery disk, fo 1/7/1954 #9462  
y a luminous trail, was sighted in Arras, Pas-deCalais department (NICAP: 0 1/7/1954 #9462  
                                   Arras, Pas-de-Calais, France 4:27 a.m. A 1/7/1954 #9463  
ed by a luminous trail, is seen in Arras, Pas-de-Calais, France. The disc r 1/7/1954 #9463  
                                   ARRAS, FR 5+observer(s). White ovoids wi 12/5/1993 #41324  
ght covered a four-lane highway in Arras, Pas d' Calais, France for 15 minu 12/5/1993 #41325  
## Word: "arraspio" (Back to Top)
cation, brothers Miguel and Martín Arraspio also see the object descend. Po 1/3/1955 #11917  
## Word: "array" (Back to Top)
also mentions using a magnetometer array, but there is no documentation of  12/5/1950 #5319  
         EL PASO, TX 2 boys. Round array / lights rotates over phone buildi 9/25/1952 #8025  
land. SOD supplies the CIA with an array of deadly microbes and chemicals t 11/19/1953 #9310  
/ (seen thru) binoculars. Circular array / lights or windows hovers / 7 min 9/22/1956 #13232  
nd its circumference and an aerial array that projects from the top. Browni 10/4/1960 #16477  
ugh binoculars and sees the entire array moving sideways in a jerking manne 3/16/1961 #16632  
rough a telescope it looks like an array of three greenish lights around a  7/26/1965 #19180  
co A husband and wife encounter an array of lights that hover above their c 6/20/1968 #24055  
ysical sciences, including a large array of equipment at 158 different view 4/1973 #27397  
from 368 to 2,600 feet across. The array moved quickly out of sight.        5/24/1973 #27527  
, CA 1 / car. Tuna-can object with array / windows slowly rotates countercl 10/22/1976 #31485  
T. LEONARD-DE-NOBLAT, FR Weird 2x5 array / square colored windows. Splits / 3/21/1977 #31922  
8M saucer. Man abduction. Exam and array. / r16p51+/ r25p99.                3/18/1978 #33051  
ral meters in diameter, and had an array of flashing lights around its rim. 8/10/1978 #33494  
ral meters in diameter, and had an array of flashing lights around its rim. 8/10/1978 #33497  
orida, when he becomes aware of an array of lights hovering above a hill ah 8/20/1980 #35469  
e underside shows a diamond-shaped array of white lights with a steady red  11/18/1980 #35654  
d it. He manages to photograph the array only once out of several attempts. 11/18/1980 #35654  
go, Illinois, watches a triangular array of three white lights outside her  3/6/1981 #35861  
m to be connected by “spokes.” The array is rotating in a clockwise directi 3/6/1981 #35861  
ollers. Huge silent boomerang with array / lights stops / sky. Going northe 2/26/1983 #36768  
y sees the same object, a V-shaped array of 50 lights with amber, red, and  2/26/1983 #36771  
obably the same object, a V-shaped array of 50 lights with the colors amber 2/26/1983 #36772  
r line. It ejects a pyramid-shaped array of colored lights toward the groun 5/24/1983 #36868  
e ground. A few minutes later, the array disappears from the object downwar 5/24/1983 #36868  
headed directly toward the antenna array. Before reaching it, the object tu 7/22/1983 #36921  
mes go up and down and then see an array of red light beams. They drive to  4/19/1991? #40041  
ife in Nottingham, England, see an array of lights in an “elongated triangl 5/22/1991 #40073  
line, both usually in a triangular array. An intermittent fourth signal bli 3/8/1994 #41449  
, FR Rays radiate / cloud. Diamond array / lights follows car going south / 6/26/1994 #41582  
a cloud, and then a diamond-shaped array of lights pursued a car for 15 kil 6/26/1994 #41584  
LECHERETTE, LAUSANNE, SWZ 2 / car. Array / 23 night lights rotates over Lak 10/30/1994 #41821  
 Lausanne, Switzerland observed an array of 23 nocturnal lights that rotate 10/30/1994 #41823  
a top-secret Project Mogul balloon array sent aloft to detect signs of Sovi 7/1995 #42286  
mbbell snoops / government antenna array facility.                          10/9/1995 #42543  
         N72 EAST / RATHMORE, EIRE Array / hexagonal white lights stops ove 8/30/1997 #43391  
The entire USAF Solid State Phased Array Radar System goes into operation a 1/31/2001 #44136  
r, Ohio a triangular craft with an array of bright lights glided silently n 9/21/2007 #45068  
 a 60-foot-diameter object with an array of four lights hovering above the  7/5/2012 #45347  
an being and fit him with all this array of sensors; you first need to twea 3/27/2017 #45466  
 (including the Solid State Phased Array Radar System), the DARPA Space Sur 6/23/2019 #45587  
## Word: "arraye-et-han" (Back to Top)
                                   ARRAYE-ET-HAN, FR Glowing 2M saucer rise 10/25/1954 #11380  
                                   Arraye-et-Han, France G. Mahou, municipa 10/25/1954 #11389  
, age 30, a municipal councilor in Arraye-et-Han, Meurthe-et-Moselle, Franc 10/25/1954 #11400  
## Word: "arrayed" (Back to Top)
nlit objects has five small lights arrayed across its surface, the UFOs app 10/14/1974 #29527  
d ahead. It has at least 60 lights arrayed in rows on its frame. Red and gr 4/18/1984 #37267  
ad unblinking red and green lights arrayed around the object.               9/11/1997 #43406  
## Word: "arrays" (Back to Top)
red as two rectangular clusters or arrays of light, one above the other. As 11/17/1986 #38068  
r-appearing objects sparkling with arrays of lights suddenly loom directly  11/17/1986 #38072  
going [to] several separate vials. Arrays! Conversation (any communication  7/19/1988 #38604  
con claims Project Shiva Nova uses arrays of lasers and creates rips in the 10/2006 #44970  
## Word: "arrecife" (Back to Top)
                 15 miles north of Arrecife La Guaira Vargas, Venezuela Ear 8/4/1967 #22804  
in the sea about 15 miles north of Arrecife [or La Guaira], Vargas, Venezue 8/4/1967 #22804  
epez was on a beach 25 km north of Arrecife in Venezuela when he saw the wa 8/4/1967 #22807  
                                   Arrecife Vargas Venezuela Five UFOs are  Early 5/1968 #23938  
are seen diving into the ocean off Arrecife, Vargas, Venezuela.             Early 5/1968 #23938  
                        Las Palmas Arrecife Canary Islands 3:10 a.m. The me 12/23/1985 #37735  
any, is sailing from Las Palmas to Arrecife in the Canary Islands when the  12/23/1985 #37735  
## Word: "arregui" (Back to Top)
            Mrs. Pilar Martinez de Arregui opened the windows in her home i 12/6/1978 #34068  
              Gen. Emiliano Alfaro Arregui, chief of staff of the Spanish A 1/16/1979 #34348  
## Word: "arrest" (Back to Top)
Leo GeBauer, a con man with a long arrest record. The tale is a ploy to gai 9/1952 #7804  
 confiscation of any craft and the arrest of occupants, is done as a public 10/25/1954 #11391  
amson, after being threatened with arrest and involuntary commitment. She l Early 1/1955 #11912  
ned where RT performed a citizen’s arrest with a gun and the police booked  7/3/1967 #22604  
later, rangers at Great Sand Dunes arrest John Henry Altshuler, a pathologi 9/9/1967 #23026  
ation, they say they will drop the arrest record if he takes a look at the  9/9/1967 #23026  
Colorado Boulder, Colorado, police arrest Colorado project officer Jim Wads 3/1/1968 #23801  
itary personnel have arrived. They arrest him and his friend and keep him i 1977 #31656  
onger investigates UFOs. (see NASA arrest laws re. private citizens)        2/1/1978 #32938  
vernment that results in the house arrest and execution of the previous lea 10/25/1983 #37016  
 had struck her and they wanted to arrest him. At this point Anna calmed do 10/8/1989 #39150  
unty sheriff’s deputies attempt to arrest Milton Willian Cooper at his Eaga 11/5/2001 #44272  
 years evading execution of a 1998 arrest warrant for tax evasion. Accordin 11/5/2001 #44272  
## Word: "arrested" (Back to Top)
ciated with wingless aircraft, are arrested by US troops near Göttingen, Ge 4/7/1945 #1842  
 a.m. The White House Plumbers are arrested in the process of burglarizing  6/17/1972 #26719  
 3, after taking valium, Turner is arrested for speeding. He thinks aliens  8/29/1979 #34803  
er copied many of the files but is arrested for being in a secure area with 10/28/1986 #38056  
s near Groom Lake again he will be arrested for espionage. He is allegedly  4/6/1989 #38895  
 LIUFON member Joe Mazzachelli are arrested in a sting operation on conspir 9/28/1989 #39130  
 Las Vegas, Nevada Robert Lazar is arrested in Las Vegas, Nevada, for aidin 6/5/1990 #39606  
o the SEC within 14 days. They are arrested in 2016 and begin serving feder 1991 #39935  
    British hacker Mathew Bevan is arrested in connection with hacking inci 6/21/1996 #42937  
o rain again. "The police came and arrested the man. I'm 100% sure this was 9/25/2002 #44406  
   British hacker Gary McKinnon is arrested for hacking into  U.S. Army and 11/2002 #44428  
 Coffee County Two Georgia men are arrested on drug charges. They are repor 10/27/2016 #45460  
n December 21 after two people are arrested then released without charge.   12/19/2018 #45552  
## Word: "arrey" (Back to Top)
                                   Arrey, NM Arrey, NM: Aerologist Charles  4/24/1949 #4099  
                         Arrey, NM Arrey, NM: Aerologist Charles B. Moore,  4/24/1949 #4099  
                                   ARREY, NM Scientists / theodolite and se 4/24/1949 #4100  
                                   Arrey (3 miles N of), NM AFOSI Case 55;  4/24/1949 #4102  
                                   Arrey, New Mexico Witnesses: General Mil 4/24/1949 #4103  
                                   Arrey, New Mexico 10:30 a.m. General Mil 4/24/1949 #4104  
 to the east, three miles north of Arrey, New Mexico. Joseph Gordon Vaeth i 4/24/1949 #4104  
 They were at a missile range near Arrey, New Mexico at 10:20 a.m. It looke 4/24/1949 #4105  
## Word: "arriba" (Back to Top)
confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Rio Arriba” Yield: .09KT                     10/18/1958 #15356  
## Word: "arribas" (Back to Top)
ieva-Segovia, Spain Roman and Jose Arribas observed an object land in a pin 5/16/1967 #22353  
                    Roman and Jose Arribas observed an object land in a pin 5/16/1967 #22356  
## Word: "arrigo" (Back to Top)
ce J. Coyne (with his crew 1st Lt. Arrigo Jezzi, Sgt. John Healey, and Spec 10/18/1973 #28172  
## Word: "arriondas" (Back to Top)
 driver four kilometers outside of Arriondas, Spain saw a phosphorescent tu 9/7/1967 #23016  
                              NEAR ARRIONDAS, SP Cabbie. 4.5M glowing recta 9/7/1968 #24435  
## Word: "arrity" (Back to Top)
                 Btn Mockville and Arrity, NC Long Object With Green Light  3/8/1957 #13528  
## Word: "arrival" (Back to Top)
ment is further complicated by the arrival of hundreds of Italian civilians 12/2/1943 #1549  
 Oregon, to alert them of Arnold’s arrival at an air show and his story. A  6/24/1947 #2398  
his companions are in uniform upon arrival, but quickly change to civilian  7/4/1947 #2668  
linois, home to await the midnight arrival of a flying saucer that is to re 12/20/1954 #11849  
e area upon their return. Upon the arrival of the interceptors from Oxnard  3/22/1957 #13553  
t. All witnesses then observed the arrival of one helicopter and two aircra 4/22/1966 #20371  
ncy, France at 5 p.m. awaiting the arrival of some pigeons that he customar 11/15/1969 #25461  
miles east of air base. Upon their arrival at the site they opened the lock 10/14/1972 #27077  
nd find out more about his unusual arrival, but there was no easy access to 7/12/1975 #30175  
at the figure and ran for home. On arrival he found his dog acted strangely 3/13/1977 #31906  
igures disappear just prior to the arrival of the police, the lights in the 7/23/1977 #32305  
ures disappeared just prior to the arrival of the police, the lights in the 7/23/1977 #32306  
 police cruiser was dispatched. On arrival at 9:35 p.m. Officer Page saw a  8/6/1978 #33481  
o alert the police, who upon their arrival find the village in an uproar, t 9/1/1978 #33622  
issing time period discovered upon arrival home (Basterfield, 1997b). (NICA 7/24/1994 #41636  
issing time period discovered upon arrival home (Basterfield, 1997b).       7/24/1994 #41637  
lice officer to the location. Upon arrival at the scene the officer confirm 4/25/2001 #44164  
## Word: "arrivals" (Back to Top)
rous situation with departures and arrivals. The pilots of an airborne US C 4/25/2013 #45365  
## Word: "arrive" (Back to Top)
etween 1945 and 1949, many letters arrive attesting to the truth of Shaver’ 1/1945 #1748  
 of seven German rocket scientists arrive at Fort Strong in Boston harbor,  9/1945 #1934  
 Two British intelligence officers arrive in Stockholm to meet with their c 7/18/1946 #2061  
e Defense Research Department also arrive with a Geiger counter. A three-we 7/19/1946 #2071  
l David Sarnoff, president of RCA, arrive in Stockholm, Sweden, ostensibly  8/19/1946 #2145  
iting for the military officers to arrive, Wilcox dispatches two of his dep 7/6/1947 #2807  
 Brazel, Marcel, and Cavitt do not arrive until after dark. They stay at th 7/6/1947 #2814  
ds who are still posted. When they arrive, they see that a small containmen 7/8/1947 #3013  
n are on their way in a B-25. They arrive in the late afternoon. The five m 7/31/1947 #3264  
tigators and government scientists arrive on the scene, they crawl through  3/25/1948 #3598  
zy outline. Project Sign personnel arrive within hours and interview the wi 10/1/1948 #3827  
 when they see a bright amber disc arrive from the southwest, move across t 4/12/1952 #6063  
one, just as two F-94 interceptors arrive belatedly from New Castle AFB [no 7/19/1952 #6935  
rnoon. Ruppelt and Maj. Ed Gregory arrive in Washington, D.C., dodging news 7/28/1952 #7262  
s from Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque arrive 5 minutes later. The object disap 7/29/1952 #7322  
orce. The Air Force has “failed to arrive at any satisfactory conclusion” o 7/29/1952 #7324  
s, Virginia. When two interceptors arrive from Langley Air Force Base, the  10/11/1952 #8118  
he ambulance and superior officers arrive. Three Aliens walked away from th Summer 1953 #8945  
 make a strange sound. It seems to arrive from the north. A meteorological  1/18/1954 #9494  
inhabitants of Sétif see an object arrive from the east, emitting bluish sm 1/18/1954 #9494  
wd at a fair saw a luminous object arrive very fast in the sky, stop in fli 10/3/1954 #10659  
reng, France saw a luminous object arrive very fast in the sky, stop in fli 10/3/1954 #10670  
rm. She runs to tell some men, who arrive at the spot with rifles but find  10/4/1954 #10698  
when he saw an orange colored ball arrive and land on the ground not far fr 10/14/1954 #11041  
rais and a friend, Jean Chéradame, arrive on a motorcycle. Chéradame agrees 10/25/1954 #11392  
r about two-and-a-half hours. They arrive from different directions and alw 11/7/1954 #11589  
re scrambled, but by the time they arrive the object is long gone.          3/24/1955 #12059  
m Malmstrom AFB in Great Falls and arrive shortly after midnight, long afte 9/2/1955 #12425  
public], on October 13, after they arrive there from Russia shortly after t 10/4/1955 #12488  
is buddy’s plane. Several officers arrive from another base to debrief the  10/7/1956 #13266  
 Migrants from the “Sirius system” arrive during the Miocene Epoch [23–5 mi 1957 #13430  
jet. Going quickly west. More jets arrive and search area.                  3/17/1957 #13548  
MORRIS, IL Gold egg hovers. 2 jets arrive and dive at it. Flattens / disk a 9/28/1957 #14039  
rom Leningrad [now St. Petersburg] arrive and find odd, crumbling black pel 2/1961 #16593  
ntos, São Paulo, Brazil. When they arrive, they find about 20 cars stopped  6/5/1961 #16721  
rb in the road. At 5:00 a.m., they arrive home, about two hours later than  9/19/1961 #16857  
stigators from Hill AFB near Ogden arrive quickly. Airport attendant Russel 10/2/1961 #16889  
et interceptors. When the aircraft arrive, the light takes off to the north 8/7/1962 #17328  
Richard T. Holder. Military police arrive and collect samples, working by f 4/24/1964 #18200  
. Richard H. Hall and Ray Stanford arrive for NICAP and obtain some metal t 4/24/1964 #18200  
 saw a silvery, dome-shaped object arrive from the south and land in a fiel 5/9/1964 #18253  
, saw a silvery dome-shaped object arrive from the south and land in a fiel 5/9/1964 #18255  
er E. J. Haas and a fellow officer arrive on the scene shortly thereafter.  8/19/1965 #19427  
 By 1:00 p.m., 2–4 police officers arrive to interview the three witnesses  9/3/1965 #19511  
ndous speed before the Army trucks arrive.                                  3/12/1966 #19954  
d Fitzpatrick and Stanley McFadden arrive about 9:00 p.m. drive towards the 3/20/1966 #20012  
ll team of police and firefighters arrive, they encounter an odd scene: the 8/20/1966 #20779  
en then board a bus to Niterói and arrive at 2:30 p.m. Evidence shows that  8/20/1966 #20779  
nce is notified, and investigators arrive on the scene and tell the witness 9/1966 #20825  
r at Hammaguir, Algeria. When they arrive at a row of buildings, they notic 1/1967 #21243  
e but the object is gone when they arrive on the scene. Investigators from  7/5/1967 #22615  
about 15 minutes, 10 RCMP officers arrive at the scene. Concerned for survi 10/4/1967 #23176  
a station wagon, with two aerials, arrive from the east and land in a woods 11/29/1967 #23523  
 a station wagon with two aerials, arrive from the east and land in the woo 11/29/1967 #23524  
 moving. Three or four more lights arrive, some hovering, others moving. Tw 12/24/1967 #23607  
e, Okinawa, Japan The first SR-71s arrive at Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, Japa 3/8/1968 #23832  
Force Phantom fighter-bombers soon arrive on the scene and fire on the intr 6/15/1968 #24040  
all calls for other witnesses, who arrive in time to see the UFO leave.     1/1/1970 #25532  
Little Heart’s Ease. When the RCMP arrive to investigate, they go out in a  8/14/1970 #25784  
he site. UFO researchers from Oulu arrive on January 6 and take samples fro 1/3/1971 #25972  
warrant officer P. R. van Rensburg arrive at the spot where the UFO is stil 6/26/1972 #26735  
round. Fire still burning / police arrive.                                  7/5/1972 #26768  
dar scopes shortly before the jets arrive. At the airport, FAA watch superv 9/14/1972 #26997  
s by growing smaller before police arrive at 1:45 a.m. Later searches uncov 6/28/1973 #27598  
. A month later, UFO investigators arrive and find additional marks in the  10/6/1973 #27960  
o report their encounter, and they arrive there at 10:30 p.m. At one point  10/11/1973 #27997  
a.m. A few minutes later, officers arrive, talk to Roach, find nothing amis 10/16/1973 #28088  
eld in the neighborhood. When they arrive, there is a dark object hovering  11/16/1973 #28434  
ve the trees. Investigating police arrive and find no tracks but notice tha 2/6/1974 #28742  
s now 6:30 a.m. At 7:00 a.m., they arrive at Stephens’s parents’ house in O 10/27/1975 #30486  
os Alamos Scientific Laboratories, arrive in Clovis at 11:30 p.m. to invest 1/23/1976 #30815  
s later, two USAF F-4 Phantom jets arrive on either side of him travelling  8/13/1976 #31261  
 American planes. Just as the jets arrive, the UFO accelerates forward and  8/13/1976 #31261  
 of various colors. When policemen arrive and draw their weapons, they beco Early 9/1976 #31326  
Mrs. Hopkins and two of their sons arrive home from a movie. He tells them  9/11/1976 #31376  
lmer notifies the police, who soon arrive in the company of a local Civil D 1/10/1977 #31715  
object moves away before the units arrive.                                  7/1/1977 #32227  
moving in from the northeast. They arrive and circle around the ship’s mast 10/7/1977 #32559  
 the grass. Police and firemen who arrive 15 minutes later all see the fall 12/17/1977 #32792  
Robert Simmons and Maj. John Heise arrive with a Bolivian Air Force officer 5/6/1978 #33190  
 but soon human- like beings would arrive on Earth (NICAP: 05 - Medical Inc 5/15/1978 #33216  
d, but soon human-like beings will arrive on Earth. After conversing with t 5/15/1978 #33217  
, but soon human-like beings would arrive on Earth. After conversing with t 5/15/1978 #33220  
eir view. Five minutes later, they arrive at church and, walking behind it, 8/7/1978 #33485  
waiting for the deputy sheriffs to arrive. Patterson pointed a 22-caliber p 8/21/1978 #33540  
ne is not working. When the police arrive 15 minutes later, both the visito 9/15/1978 #33687  
 near a mountain. The children who arrive at the school before classes go t 9/27/1978 #33761  
 on the radio. When his colleagues arrive at 1:00 a.m., they find him lying 12/6/1978 #34065  
he object is gone by the time they arrive. For 2 days, Browne’s dogs refuse 2/7/1980 #35161  
shoots away to the east. When they arrive home in Temuka at 1:20 a.m., they 7/12/1981 #36002  
 and forth across the sky. As they arrive home, the object is moving at a l 7/30/1981 #36041  
ted. On August 17, a man and woman arrive at the base, stay for 6 hours, th 8/16/1981 #36078  
a number of turns in the sky. They arrive at a restaurant near the intersec 12/8/1981 #36252  
and the car loses power. When they arrive at their destination, they realiz 9/1982 #36590  
a short cone on top. When the jets arrive at Bulawayo, the object is hoveri 7/22/1985 #37628  
ore/others. 1 then 2 balls / light arrive with 737. Buzz landing strip.     2/11/1988 #38455  
 down a dirt and gravel road. They arrive at a base near Papoose Dry Lake k 12/6/1988 #38748  
the sheriff’s office. Two deputies arrive on the scene, and for the next 2  4/5/1990 #39511  
ch site with multiple alarms. They arrive, clear the site, and reset the al 9/1991 #40178  
ase. Special Air Service personnel arrive in plainclothes and in an Agusta  9/26/1994 #41775  
ht light. One hour / missing time. Arrive / sale, VCT 15 minute(s) early on 2/6/1995 #42023  
deral University of Santa Catarina arrive on December 20 to collect soil sa 12/12/1995 #42641  
rhood. At 10:00 a.m., firefighters arrive expecting to find a wild animal,  1/20/1996 #42693  
 military personnel linked to NASA arrive at the University of Campinas, Br 1/26/1996 #42713  
d flies north. An hour later, they arrive at the vilage of Krutikha, where  6/6/1997 #43315  
O disappears before other aircraft arrive.                                  10/19/1998 #43665  
sponse to the reports, but did not arrive in time. At 10:30 a.m. in Shrewsb 6/12/1999 #43785  
uangdao to look for the girl. They arrive in Qinglong County and begin a bl 12/1999 #43890  
na was the first backup officer to arrive on the scene. He was joined by Sg 7/21/2002 #44362  
0 miles away, but by the time they arrive it has disappeared. Another plane 11/14/2004 #44784  
ages hear about the phenomenon and arrive to watch it. People try to pursue 11/2006 #44979  
t Powell and Glen Schulze begin to arrive. Military bases unanimously respo 1/8/2008 #45112  
n], Jim Costigan, and David Wilson arrive at the Skinwalker Ranch in Utah t 7/2009 #45229  
near the racetrack. When reporters arrive at the plaza of the Taiyuan Railw 10/11/2010 #45301  
states UAP occupants/factions will arrive in 2027 and “we need to prepare.” 12/20/2022 #45790  
## Word: "arrived" (Back to Top)
t.) across. Later a military truck arrived to supervise the investigation o 7/2/1947 #2536  
near Laredo, TX. he states when he arrived it was under a canopy and witnes 1948 #3525  
-99 cargo plane, with 3 portholes, arrived from southeast, hovered 3-5 seco 10/23/1950 #5252  
d by GCI  radar to Camp Pendleton, arrived there at 8:10 a.m. at 43,000 fee 9/23/1951 #5687  
 and a halo around it.  The object arrived high and fast, then slowed and m 10/11/1951 #5724  
e and a halo around it. The object arrived high and fast, then slowed and m 10/11/1951 #5726  
ose and came down. A similar craft arrived and both went into the deep vall 1/1952 #5852  
ecialist with Project HOLCOMBE and arrived at the airport with Al Chop, AF  7/26/1952 #7140  
he UFOs were gone by the time they arrived. It was noted that there were on 7/27/1952 #7215  
of great strength.” Soon the group arrived at the ship. Bethurum described  7/27/1952 #7216  
ed. The jets see no UFOs when they arrived over Washington; however, a spok 8/5/1952 #7470  
t Wright-Patterson AFB. The crates arrived at night by DC-7. Description of 1953? #8470  
 at the right time when the crates arrived at night by DC-7.”  He states he 1953 #8482  
at the first spaceman (a Venusian) arrived on earth in 18,617,841 B.C. [in  9/1953 #9130  
itness, but when three more people arrived the object took off, glowing ora 8/7/1954 #10113  
ow him. Both women obeyed and soon arrived in a small clearing in which res 8/20/1954 #10158  
 When Messrs. Girardot and Vincent arrived with rifles, they found that the 10/4/1954 #10697  
 When Messrs. Girardot and Vincent arrived with rifles, they found that the 10/4/1954 #10710  
 suddenly disappeared, and when he arrived at the point where he had seen t 10/6/1954 #10758  
s rushed inside when the witnesses arrived within 15 m. The witnesses wae b 10/11/1954 #10934  
s rushed inside when the witnesses arrived within 15 m. The witnesses was b 10/11/1954 #10951  
 while and then went home. When he arrived there and took off his jacket, h 10/14/1954 #11041  
ound at the site. When the witness arrived home he found his clothes covere 10/14/1954 #11047  
ound at the site. When the witness arrived home he found his clothes were c 10/14/1954 #11069  
om the road. When the young couple arrived at the top of the hill, Mrs. Vas 10/19/1954 #11252  
ent of a nuclear war. The UFO they arrived in was round, disc-shaped with a 10/20/1954 #11279  
object when it moved. A second UFO arrived sometime after two hours had ela 10/24/1954 #11373  
deserted at that hour, and when he arrived at a street corner he was surpri 11/2/1954 #11539  
iving to 50 m altitude. As the bus arrived, it seemed that the objects had  5/9/1956 #12841  
ear of being abducted when the bus arrived, and they ran to the vehicle in  5/9/1956 #12842  
 He writes that space people first arrived 1 billion years ago [prior to th 1957 #13430  
rom Project Blue Book headquarters arrived at Loveland, TX. He interviewed  11/5/1957 #14291  
, and Rasmus Hykkerud. When others arrived half an hour later all they foun 6/1/1958 #15075  
et away from him. When his partner arrived they took a canoe and went over  6/22/1960 #16316  
 near Ashland, New Hampshire. They arrived home in Portsmouth unable to acc 9/19/1961 #16858  
he flight line because it had just arrived or was awaiting deployment.  htt 1962 #17012  
a certain point. The other officer arrived there first, and witnessed the o 6/12/1964 #18348  
d. It took off again when Crawford arrived, changed course at high speed, a 6/12/1964 #18348  
 fluid" was noticeable when police arrived. The next day, witnesses felt a  7/7/1964 #18397  
 one of which flew at her car. She arrived home at 12:25 a.m. unable to acc 8/16/1965 #19410  
h skin. The children ran away, and arrived at the school in a state of terr 10/1/1965 #19632  
h skin. The children ran away, and arrived at the school in a state of terr 10/1/1965 #19635  
ad. A truck and another Volkswagen arrived and went near the object, which  10/30/1965 #19689  
 the event before authorities have arrived, in response to several calls to 12/9/1965 #19762  
bject on 10 December 1965 after it arrived from Pennsylvania. He states it  12/10/1965 #19764  
es at 10:00 p.m. Other police soon arrived, and described the object lookin 3/21/1966 #20023  
ad to be put down. One student who arrived before the others was found in a 4/6/1966 #20259  
ey called the police. Two officers arrived and saw the object appearing to  4/22/1966 #20371  
 load of officials from Washington arrived to investigate.                  Summer 1966 #20590  
ver the "TNT" dump area. When they arrived and got out, a "big gray thing b 11/16/1966 #21110  
ws. It was gone by the time police arrived. Mr. & Mrs. Steve Mallette and M 11/16/1966 #21110  
ortly after dinner two strange men arrived at the door. They identified the 1/28/1967 #21411  
o see it, but by the time Hannigan arrived the humanoids were gone. The two 6/13/1967 #22504  
e police, but by the time officers arrived on the scene, the area was deser 7/5/1967 #22613  
lyzed for several minutes. The boy arrived home "like a madman."            7/2/1968 #24130  
e those she heard when the visitor arrived. Later, she and the sanitorium m 8/25/1968 #24376  
 with green and white lights that "arrived from the sky and landed between  8/31/1968 #24409  
ous object over her house when she arrived home from a date. The UFO appear 5/11/1969 #25128  
ported. The next morning, the ship arrived in Valparaiso, Chile, four U.S.  10/24/1969 #25424  
 in order to watch the sky. He had arrived at the shore near Good Hart, Mic 8/15/1970 #25787  
At 6:35 a.m. three people had just arrived at a bus stop at Lindberg Boulev 8/24/1970 #25802  
 He also recalled that when he had arrived home and was still sitting in hi 8/17/1971 #26293  
ence and had to be sedated when he arrived at his destination.              5/2/1972 #26669  
nd Warrant Officer P. van Rensburg arrived at the site. The color of the ob 6/26/1972 #26736  
dar scopes shortly before the jets arrived. FAA watch supervisor George Mor 9/14/1972 #27000  
 Gomez the craft in which they had arrived: it was football shaped, the siz 9/22/1972 #27026  
 without his conscious control. He arrived there at 11:30 p.m., but his wri 9/27/1972 #27035  
o the scene. After 17 minutes they arrived and observed Briggs and Hillsgec 10/14/1972 #27077  
 Four additional security officers arrived, including Sgt. Darren Alexander 10/14/1972 #27077  
. Soon another security alert team arrived. They conducted a search of the  10/14/1972 #27077  
 a Captain Henry Stone. When Stone arrived and walked toward the object it  10/14/1972 #27077  
r 15 minutes, the moving light has arrived within 165 feet in back of the h 12/13/1972 #27176  
ire highway behind them. When they arrived at Miss Kinckler's home in Kimba 2/4/1973 #27270  
able to respond. When her neighbor arrived, she found Ms. Lisboa's face swo 5/27/1973 #27535  
e, saw the same object and when he arrived at his friend's house, he called 9/11/1973 #27803  
e, saw the same object and when he arrived at his friend's house, he called 9/12/1973 #27809  
ate police. When the state trooper arrived he and the main witness went to  10/25/1973 #28286  
r that night an investigation team arrived in the area. Radiation levels we 10/25/1973 #28286  
o Bellingeri and his wife had just arrived home when a luminous disc-shaped 4/16/1974 #29042  
s." The humanoids departed and she arrived home an hour and a half later th 9/3/1974 #29418  
ened. About this time, Jose Manuel arrived at the studio. The disc jockey w 4/6/1975 #29978  
 port of Genova, Italy. The report arrived from a geophysicist of the unive 6/20/1975 #30112  
s why they had contacted him. They arrived in the middle of the afternoon o 7/21/1975 #30197  
himself back in his truck. When he arrived at his destination and parked hi 9/11/1975 #30353  
uffern raced back to his house and arrived in time to see the object hover  10/7/1975 #30422  
e when the Sudbury Regional Police arrived at 4:55 a.m. (National Research  11/11/1975 #30602  
ast Bethel, Minnesota and when she arrived home she could not account for a 1/14/1976 #30786  
rustrating investigation, officers arrived on the scene in time to see the  2/5/1976 #30847  
e, several additional towns people arrived to see the object disappear into 4/23/1976 #31019  
t her car and drove home. When she arrived home at 4 a.m. she realized it h 6/11/1976 #31103  
finds that military personnel have arrived. They arrest him and his friend  1977 #31656  
ut the figure had gone before they arrived. Mrs Coombs and her family had b 4/23/1977 #32018  
 the figure had gone before either arrived. Mrs. Coombs and her family had  4/24/1977 #32021  
ut the figure had gone before they arrived at the scene.                    8/28/1977 #32439  
red officer hid, the other officer arrived and he observed two similarly cl 11/13/1977 #32672  
f into the sky. When the witnesses arrived home, they found the car's batte 12/7/1977 #32742  
eld. Moments later a second object arrived, which was described as shaped l 1/31/1978 #32930  
orking. When the police eventually arrived both the mysterious visitor and  9/15/1978 #33688  
ned the authorities. As the police arrived the strange figure suddenly ran  12/15/1978 #34139  
rently then blacked out again, and arrived home at 3:30 a.m. without any fu 12/31/1978 #34250  
uit and blue boots, and apparently arrived in a gray-colored object about 1 1/11/1979 #34331  
nto helicopters and by the time he arrived at the crash retrieval, the obje 6/27/1979 #34637  
a UFO had recently been seen. They arrived there at around two o'clock in t 8/16/1980 #35459  
ng to a hospital in central Kansas arrived at the hospital much sooner than 11/27/1980 #35675  
e the light had come down. When he arrived he was overcome by a strange mal 9/11/1981 #36110  
cend into the thick woods. When he arrived he was overcome by a strange mal 9/12/1981 #36111  
e the light had come down. When he arrived he was overcome by a strange mal 9/12/1981 #36112  
ack in the car and by the time she arrived at her friends they had lost nea 9/1982 #36588  
for 2 hours. It left when aircraft arrived on the scene.                    6/5/1983 #36877  
. Shortly after this his neighbors arrived. They had not seen the UFO and t 5/19/1984 #37335  
at high speed. U.S. Air Force jets arrived one hour later.                  8/31/1989 #39081  
m view entirely when the tow truck arrived.                                 9/20/1990 #39740  
limbing experience. The expedition arrived at the actual crash site on June 8/28/1991 #40168  
 had been seen hovering. When they arrived, all of the witnesses except for 3/13/1992 #40377  
ten minutes another four witnesses arrived and the craft returned, this tim 5/28/1993 #40993  
nd headed for the house. When Jill arrived the entire family was in a state 8/18/1993 #41146  
 cattle mutilation investigations, arrived at the site within 10 hours, and 5/10/1994 #41520  
the park. When the fire department arrived they found the military was alre 1/20/1996 #42697  
units of the local fire department arrived and apparently took the creature 1/20/1996 #42697  
ide the car. Two shorter humanoids arrived and carried the children from th 3/6/1996 #42809  
ly frightened and drove away. They arrived at the home of one of them and b 9/23/1996 #43039  
 Luna to stop his vehicle. When he arrived at his destination he noticed th 8/5/1997 #43369  
ehold members but by the time they arrived the creature was gone. Two days  7/31/2000 #44024  
 for eight kilometers, and when he arrived home he was quite scared.        12/13/2000 #44102  
ving the rest of the way home, but arrived there somehow. He has not, to da 4/28/2003 #44519  
sual ratio. Green says the samples arrived in CIA possession in 1982 and re 5/3/2003 #44524  
r, Fuller claims three NCIS agents arrived and searched the premises, detai 7/2003 #44560  
enue to see what was happening. He arrived at the top of the hill only to f 3/12/2004 #44676  
za Borrego Desert State Park. They arrived at the park at 5:00 p.m. He had  9/16/2007 #45059  
 the flowers in his garden. He had arrived back home from work after parkin 4/12/2008 #45127  
a.m. and was in bed asleep when he arrived. The next day he had no recollec 4/12/2008 #45127  
ose, from work at the hospital. He arrived there wide-eyed and agitated. Ms 8/6/2013 #45381  
## Word: "arrives" (Back to Top)
e young woman aged 18–20 years old arrives on a beach aboard a “hollow ship 2/22/1803 #100  
rplane crash one Saturday. When he arrives at the scene, about 15 miles fro Early Spring 1941 #1355  
Alamos The first Hanford plutonium arrives at Los Alamos.                   2/2/1945 #1770  
toll from the Boden engineer corps arrives the next day to supervise the sa 7/19/1946 #2071  
ial flights from Washington, D.C., arrives at Roswell Army Air Field [now c 7/4/1947 #2668  
ke. They are still visible when he arrives home and alerts his mother and g 7/7/1947 #2941  
a few details were given.” When he arrives at Philadelphia, there is nothin 7/8/1947? #3018  
y Island, Washington, story. Smith arrives in Tacoma in the afternoon and c 7/30/1947 #3259  
ew Mexico Astronomer Lincoln LaPaz arrives in Roswell, New Mexico, and redi 9/1947 #3378  
hed near Taos, New Mexico. When he arrives, the area is roped off and under 1948 #3522  
rtunately, they are gone when Sign arrives. (They are later interviewed at  4/5/1948 #3612  
 until a special US retrieval team arrives to examine the wreckage and carr 7/7/1948 #3699  
Rees has a response, Joseph Kaplan arrives in Albuquerque, New Mexico, havi 4/25/1949 #4109  
fire near Sinuiju, North Korea. It arrives high and fast, makes several tur 2/23/1952 #5923  
aßberg for further questioning. He arrives and finds a number of officers,  7/30/1952 #7362  
n a “square star body.” Williamson arrives from Prescott on August 23.      8/22/1952 #7683  
y. AFOSI agent Charles A. Robinson arrives in Chickasaw at 9:50 p.m. to inv 8/28/1952 #7773  
ce a week, a courier from Battelle arrives at Hynek’s office with a manila  1/18/1953 #8550  
Her friend, Jeanette Johnston, 13, arrives and watches it before it disappe 6/5/1954 #9866  
Mossaka District. A luminous globe arrives from the north and heads towards 6/18/1954 #9910  
in the northwest. He finds when he arrives at a farm that he is covered in  10/11/1954 #10939  
, and starts to walk home. When he arrives at the corner of Rua Andaguara,  11/2/1954 #11537  
ere / field. Gone when observer(s) arrives. / LDLN#325.                     11/4/1954 #11559  
 their departure. When no spaceman arrives, the group sits in stunned silen 12/20/1954 #11849  
ch the object for an hour after he arrives there. It circles, moves away, d 12/26/1954 #11863  
orner of the lakebed A survey team arrives at Groom Lake, Nevada, and lays  5/4/1955 #12117  
 patrolman dispatched to the plant arrives at 8:15 p.m. and sees a strange  11/7/1957 #14462  
orth Island Kaikohe George Adamski arrives in Auckland, New Zealand, on the 1/17/1959 #15553  
gham University Manchester Adamski arrives in London, England, and appears  4/18/1959 #15707  
 airport to hover again. Dickerson arrives at the airport to report his sig 9/24/1959 #15987  
d stops spinning. When his partner arrives, they get into a canoe and trave 6/22/1960 #16315  
by the name of Michel d’Obrenovic, arrives in Japan at the invitation of th 8/16/1961 #16795  
 first A-12 test aircraft covertly arrives at Groom Lake, Nevada, from Burb 2/28/1962 #17063  
nloss Barracks] on the Moray Firth arrives to investigate. They find a stra Summer 1962 #17239  
 airport manager, Luís Harvey, who arrives from home in a hurry and sees th 8/2/1962 #17317  
enhagen Frederica, Denmark Adamski arrives in Copenhagen for another schedu 4/30/1963 #17732  
ind him from west to east. When he arrives home, it is hovering about 900 f 8/4/1963 #17863  
 minutes. Police Sgt. M. S. Chavez arrives, and they find burning brush (in 4/24/1964 #18200  
r radioactivity on April 26. Hynek arrives on April 28 and interviews Zamor 4/24/1964 #18200  
 Henry Billy) later in the day and arrives at his own home in East Fort Mye 3/15/1965 #18859  
s to Australia. When he eventually arrives in Brisbane, he is flown directl 5/28/1965 #18973  
hen NICAP investigator Jeffrey Gow arrives on the scene, he notices the foo 8/19/1965 #19427  
ct the color of a fluorescent tube arrives slowly and silently from the wes Late 9/1965 #19604  
director for WHJB, John J. Murphy, arrives on the scene of the event before 12/9/1965 #19762  
nse Director William Van Horn, who arrives with police. From the dormitory, 3/21/1966 #20021  
ian Flying Saucer Research Society arrives on the site on April 8, speaks t 4/6/1966 #20257  
it there until a car with a camera arrives. The object makes some sharp man 4/17/1966 #20318  
 Hynek of Northwestern University, arrives on the scene to examine the spot 4/21/1967 #22194  
rd search and rescue cutter, which arrives about an hour later from nearby  10/4/1967 #23176  
urns to a vertical poistion. A jet arrives, seemingly in pursuit, and the o 10/25/1967 #23322  
oulder, Colorado McDonald’s letter arrives in Boulder, Colorado. Low is out 2/5/1968 #23737  
 having the memo. When Norm Levine arrives, Saunders is ordered to leave. L 2/7/1968 #23739  
EG&G technician Thornton D. Barnes arrives in Area 51 in Nevada to reverse- 3/1968 #23797  
 her father, Pedro Jacobo Pretzel, arrives and discovers her. Minutes earli 6/15/1968 #24039  
lyzed for several minutes. The boy arrives home terrified. The family goes  7/2/1968 #24131  
woods. Always dressed in black, he arrives via an airplane “made of two dis 1/23/1971 #25999  
who rents the building in the back arrives to help. She also has heard the  5/27/1973 #27533  
head toward the woods. A policeman arrives at 9:45 p.m. and finds the landi 10/25/1973 #28285  
arms go off. A security alert team arrives and sees a large, brilliantly se 3/1974 #28830  
f and the object retreats. When he arrives at his father’s property, the ob 6/14/1974 #29191  
radar coverage. The Wing Commander arrives at the weapons storage area 7 mi 10/27/1975 #30488  
becomes dazed. A second police car arrives, noticing that the car door is o 4/22/1976 #31010  
es a mile out of her way. When she arrives home, it is 4:00 a.m. Under hypn 6/11/1976 #31102  
    Mobile, Alabama J. Allen Hynek arrives on the set of Steven Spielberg’s 7/23/1976 #31183  
he calls a friend, Bob Palmer, who arrives around 2:30 p.m. Concerned that  1/10/1977 #31715  
icinity only a short time. When he arrives home, he discovers that it has t 1/27/1977 #31759  
t 20 minutes of time. When the bus arrives, she feels a numbness as she fum Early Autumn 1977 #32456  
clear after this, but when the bus arrives, she feels numb and uncoordinate Fall 1977 #32515  
l, ammonia-like stench; then AFOSI arrives and ropes everything off. Retire 1/18/1978 #32894  
eld; moments later, another object arrives, shaped like a square with large 1/31/1978 #32928  
assistance. Deputy Greg Winskowski arrives on the scene shortly. Johnson is 8/27/1979 #34787  
lla–La Mancha. By the time the jet arrives in the vicinity, the target has  11/17/1979 #35005  
New Mexico Wyoming R. Leo Sprinkle arrives at Paul Bennewitz’s house in Alb 6/3/1980 #35353  
 ordered further back. A staff car arrives, carrying Col. Gordon Williams a 12/28/1980 #35750  
e beings and stare at them. Warren arrives back at Security Control at 4:30 12/28/1980 #35750  
ng 10 feet above the ground. Miron arrives at his family’s farm, jumps out, 3/23/1982 #36412  
 and she drives to work, where she arrives uncharacteristically late at 11: Spring 1983 #36790  
er to his home and calls Doty, who arrives promptly. Doty’s attitude is def 4/9/1983 #36830  
ts in turn. She calls her son, who arrives just as the UFO sways from side  4/25/1984 #37293  
ice at 10:22 p.m. A team of police arrives and watches the object for about 4/26/1984 #37302  
rticipation of J. Allen Hynek, who arrives on January 26, but little light  1/13/1985 #37548  
ommission for Anomalous Phenomena, arrives on the site on February 3. Some  1/29/1986 #37775  
 “strange traffic” nearby. When he arrives at the location, his onboard rad 6/19/1987 #38194  
was about 30 minutes away. When he arrives, he finds that it is about two h 12/1/1987 #38345  
to Mundrabilla, the Knowles family arrives in a state of disorientation. He 1/20/1988 #38422  
ct. Every 45 minutes, a new object arrives, 6 in all. Two or three of the c 2/28/1990 #39432  
S Campinas, Brazil The US military arrives in Campinas, Brazil, by helicopt 1/25/1996 #42712  
em to be approaching, and when she arrives home she sees they are attached  12/3/1998 #43696  
to the house. Buck’s brother Roger arrives at 10:30 p.m., and both of them  7/5/2009 #45230  
reported from Cuba. A medical team arrives at the end of the month to condu 5/23/2018 #45527  
## Word: "arriving" (Back to Top)
 the population observed an object arriving from the southeast. It looked l 3/28/1897 #399  
 the population observed an object arriving from the southeast. It looked l 3/28/1897 #400  
Omaha, Nebraska observed an object arriving from the southeast at 10:30 p.m 3/28/1897 #401  
1+3 orbs north going south. Circle arriving 60' cylinder/cigar-shape. / Fly 10/10/1956 #13272  
ardegna, Italy and then circled an arriving 60 foot long cigar-shaped objec 10/10/1956 #13273  
 round object, fiery red in color, arriving at high speed from the south. I 4/18/1960 #16233  
uelan Airlines Super-Constellation arriving from Spain, reported plane was  7/2/1960 #16326  
object coming down at great speed. Arriving at ground level, it came toward 8/1960 #16361  
alia A civilian observed an object arriving from the east. It stopped at 15 2/15/1963 #17667  
ge ball of light or a disc on edge arriving from the west. It moves slowly, Late 9/1965 #19604  
rea and guests were unlikely to be arriving on foot. A tall man stood at th 1/9/1967 #21278  
. The next thing he remembered was arriving at the beach shortly before two 6/25/1967 #22557  
owing two powerful red headlights. Arriving at his room, the witness found  6/1968 #23998  
is vehicle around a curve and then arriving home, feeling very tired and ha 6/11/1969 #25211  
oung man in his twenties, was just arriving home in Notre-Dame-Du-Nord, Que 7/12/1971 #26224  
nd Constable Ian Barnes responded, arriving in time to see the object. They 8/16/1971 #26287  
long he had been unconscious. Upon arriving home, D'Annunzio felt a paralys 9/20/1971 #26354  
of the Department of Defense. Upon arriving at Norton Air Force Base [now S 5/1973 #27460  
, Ohio Athens, Ohio 7:30 p.m. Upon arriving home at Albany, Ohio, Mary Gedd 10/16/1973 #28085  
                              Upon arriving home in Albany, Ohio in the eve 10/16/1973 #28091  
         Albany, OH 7:30 p.m. Upon arriving home, witness saw a "ghost-like 10/19/1973 #28187  
gota, Colombia; at 8:00 p.m. After arriving there he was then instructed to 11/3/1973 #28362  
ve as it left. Antonia drove home, arriving 55 minutes later that she shoul 12/10/1976 #31594  
ing at, so he drove straight home, arriving there in a state of shock. Alth 12/31/1976 #31645  
e and disturbed by the experience. Arriving at Madison an hour later than h 1/27/1977 #31761  
icemen were directed to the scene. Arriving, they proceeded along the lake  5/3/1977 #32053  
are much dimmer than usual, and on arriving at their destination discover t 12/6/1977 #32736  
 a height of some 15 to 20 meters. Arriving underneath the central area of  2/5/1978 #32957  
 in the garden. Goralski ran home, arriving there at 9:30 p.m.. The witness 9/20/1979 #34909  
ppearing behind the horizon. After arriving home a few minutes later, the a Late 7/1987 #38218  
 it might have been a plane crash. Arriving there, he saw no trace of an ai 10/31/1990 #39822  
t in a security camper. Just after arriving at the site, Brown sees a brigh 3/1992 #40343  
                           A woman arriving home from work in a residential 12/29/1992 #40770  
 hospitals. Vehicles are also seen arriving at a hospital in Belo Horizonte 1/21/1996 #42704  
noids a beer, which they accepted. Arriving on the surface of the other wor 12/9/1996 #43133  
ue. At fist they thought it was an arriving airplane, but then a second lig 7/28/2002 #44367  
s storage compound in Area 2. Upon arriving at the location in vehicles, th 2004 #44637  
## Word: "arrolobos" (Back to Top)
mer walking a mule at 9:30 p.m. in Arrolobos, Spain saw a dark figure walk  11/13/1982 #36681  
## Word: "arrostook" (Back to Top)
al lights in the sky from Caribou, Arrostook county, Maine at same time as  10/28/1975 #30504  
## Word: "arrow" (Back to Top)
government cancels the Avro CF-105 Arrow program. Almost all Avro Canada em 2/20/1959 #15596  
quickly southeast sideways like an arrow.                                   3/25/1960? #16207  
theast, traveling sideways like an arrow.                                   3/25/1960 #16208  
y back away. Finally, he shoots an arrow at the robot; when it hits, there  9/5/1964 #18539  
ado Prior to the launch of a Black Arrow rocket, an unidentified aircraft i 12/20/1971 #26509  
       GLENCAIRN, ON Red and green arrow overhead / 30 minute(s). 6 calls / 7/25/1972 #26831  
H YORKS 2 soldiers. Silent glowing arrow headed north going south overhead. 12/1972 #27156  
ort 8:30 a.m. The pilot of a Piper Arrow PA-28 is flying at 3,500 feet betw 8/13/1976 #31261  
ATAI, RS, BRZ 2 observer(s). 1.5km arrow cloud with stem down to hill! Stil 2/14/1992 #40328  
large triangular object with a red arrow marking. She reported that she has 1/12/2000 #43924  
scribed the shape of the object as arrow shaped, about 20 feet long, with t 8/29/2007 #45050  
                Remote viewer “Sky Arrow” claims targets they’re looking at 5/30/2018 #45528  
## Word: "arrow-like" (Back to Top)
, New York at 11:15 p.m. It had an arrow-like projection of light. It hover 8/18/1978 #33528  
 1 observer. Huge slow red object. Arrow-like front and boxy rear. 60cm / a 8/25/1993 #41158  
## Word: "arrow-shaped" (Back to Top)
, red, and yellow lights set in an arrow-shaped arrangement.                5/13/1962 #17171  
then separated into three glowing, arrow-shaped objects that came to rest i 12/27/1969 #25510  
disappears. At 5:15 p.m., a bright arrow-shaped object flies directly above 2/19/1982 #36356  
 Illinois saw an "orange or yellow arrow-shaped" object moving slowly throu 10/2/1995 #42532  
linois took a photograph of a huge arrow-shaped UFO flying from the northea 1/5/2000 #43922  
inois got a good look at a silent, arrow-shaped UFO in Frank Holton Park, j 1/5/2001 #44118  
## Word: "arrowhead" (Back to Top)
DINO, CA Several observer(s). 100' arrowhead with vertical shaft hovers. Qu 7/30/1961 #16774  
CHINA LAKE NAS, CA 2 observer(s). "Arrowhead" skims terrain / 10' altitude  1/18/1966 #19845  
e Gulf of Mexico. The UFO (like an arrowhead) appeared directly above the s 3/17/1969 #25018  
 from each end. They group into an arrowhead formation before moving southe 9/10/1972 #26986  
s, when he notices a distinct “red arrowhead” moving from southwest to nort 9/14/1972 #26998  
                   A 30-meter wide arrowhead shaped UFO hovered at a 30 deg 4/1/1976 #30975  
tating and changes its shape to an arrowhead. It is apparently 4–5 times th 7/30/1977 #32323  
huge UFOs came screaming over Lake Arrowhead (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 12/25/1978 #34204  
huge UFOs came screaming over Lake Arrowhead in San Bernardino county, Cali 12/25/1978 #34208  
r than an airplane, shaped like an arrowhead, and appears to be metallic. B 7/30/1981 #36041  
   MALIBU BEACH, CA 4 observer(s). Arrowhead / fish-shape lights seas. Hums 8/23/1981 #36082  
ar Malibu Beach, California saw an arrowhead/fish-shaped object with white, 8/23/1981 #36083  
      SPARTANBURG, SC 2 / car. 25M arrowhead hovers / field. Spotlights and 2/13/1982 #36342  
mbers of a volleyball team, saw an arrowhead or pentagon-shaped object with 10/2/1982 #36630  
LS, NY 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Arrowhead delta/triangle/box-like craft  8/20/1984 #37435  
  GULF BREEZE, FL 1 observer. Dark arrowhead drops and hovers by power stat 11/30/1989 #39280  
               VOUTEZAC, FR Silent arrowhead with portholes curves going ES 11/5/1990 #39844  
 sound. It was shaped more like an arrowhead with lights, and scared the wi 11/21/1993 #41288  
offshore. 3 connected saucers with arrowhead.                               12/27/1993 (approximate) #41333  
bserver(s) and many 911 calls. 6-8 arrowhead objects become squares. No fur 3/12/1995 #42088  
te cops and more/others. 30M domed arrowhead / low altitude. Light humming. 1/5/2000 #43919  
arre flying creature resembling an arrowhead flying backwards, with what lo 4/5/2004 #44684  
## Word: "arrowhead-delta" (Back to Top)
 HUESCA, SPAIN 3 / car / N125. 30M arrowhead-delta/triangle/box-like craft  4/1/1976 #30974  
               NEAR HOME PLACE, IN Arrowhead-delta/triangle/box-like craft  12/4/1988 #38736  
## Word: "arrowhead-nose" (Back to Top)
delta/triangle/box-like craft with arrowhead-nose. 35M altitude. Going nort 3/16/1990 #39464  
## Word: "arrowhead-shape" (Back to Top)
         EBENSBURG, PA Teen / car. Arrowhead-shape / treetop level. Rotates 9/3/1989 #39087  
## Word: "arrowhead-shaped" (Back to Top)
 1194-2 2 [3?] PM MST - dull white arrowhead-shaped object fly straight and 5/9/1952 #6281  
c G.C. Grindeland. One dull white, arrowhead-shaped object flew straight an 5/9/1952 #6282  
r Carson Sink, Nevada three silver arrowhead-shaped or triangular UFOs flew 7/24/1952 #7118  
iles southwest of Paris, Texas. An arrowhead-shaped UFO with green and whit 1/6/1953 #8510  
                        A 25 meter arrowhead-shaped UFO with spotlights hov 2/13/1982 #36343  
 male driving in a car, sighted an arrowhead-shaped object flying at treeto 9/3/1989 #39090  
.m. a 50-year-old woman saw a dark arrowhead-shaped object in the sky. She  11/30/1989 #39286  
          BASILDON, ESSEX 1 / A13. Arrowhead-shaped UFO. Lights / corners.  4/12/1991 #40037  
## Word: "arrows" (Back to Top)
made distinct lines, somewhat like arrows; row of vertical white lights. (P 12/26/1944 #1734  
 tree trunk with his belt. He shot arrows at the robot, but the arrows just 9/4/1964 #18535  
 shot arrows at the robot, but the arrows just bounced off and caused no da 9/4/1964 #18535  
## Word: "arrowsmith" (Back to Top)
                               MT. ARROWSMITH, TASM 1 / car. White cylinder 7/5/1972 #26766  
## Word: "arroyito" (Back to Top)
                            WEST / ARROYITO, ARG 2 / car. Odd night light.  7/16/1972 #26804  
              On a highway west of Arroyito, Cordoba province, Argentina, a 8/16/1972 #26921  
                                   ARROYITO, CORD, ARG UFO signals. 3 / pow 12/27/1978 (approximate) #34213  
 bridge on the Rio Segundo between Arroyito and Transito, Cordoba Province, 12/28/1978 #34222  
## Word: "arroyo" (Back to Top)
ashed disc by Barney Barnett in an arroyo near Magdelena, New Mexico. A clu 7/3/1947 #2586  
observer(s). Silver disk crashed / Arroyo. 3 alien bodies. (Controversial.) 7/4/1947 #2641  
                                   ARROYO SECO CANYON, CA 1 / car. Many 2'  5/9/1955 #12125  
   At 12:05 p.m. four witnesses in Arroyo Seco Canyon, California watched m 5/9/1955 #12126  
                                   ARROYO DL MIEL, SP Big splash / lake. 1M 9/1971 #26309  
ANA GRANDE, PR Observer(s) = B. R. Arroyo in car paced by ovoid / low altit 12/10/1973 #28544  
                             B. R. Arroyo was driving in his car around 2:0 12/10/1973 #28551  
                                   ARROYO GRANDE, CA Numerous separate obse 5/15/1974 #29104  
eters over an electronics plant in Arroyo Grande, San Luis Obispo County, C 5/15/1974 #29107  
                                   Arroyo Grande, California Grover City Ar 3/16/1978 #33043  
oyo Grande, California Grover City Arroyo Grande City Hall Oceano Morro Bay 3/16/1978 #33043  
 9:00 p.m. Mayor Mark M. Millis of Arroyo Grande, California, and Mayor Al  3/16/1978 #33043  
over City are leaving a meeting at Arroyo Grande City Hall when they see a  3/16/1978 #33043  
                  At 7:00 p.m. Ada Arroyo, director of a local nursing home 11/9/1995 #42589  
ss the sky toward the mountains in Arroyo, Puerto Rico and was sighted by m 11/1/2002 #44433  
## Word: "arroyomolinos" (Back to Top)
                                   ARROYOMOLINOS DE LEON, SP Fireball explo 12/8/1932 #1149  
## Word: "arroyos" (Back to Top)
                        WNW / TRES ARROYOS, ARG 5 / car. 2 brilliant sphere 9/25/1959 #15988  
ometers altitude northwest of Tres Arroyos, Argentina at 7:45 p.m. One of t 9/25/1959 #15990  
                      NORTH / TRES ARROYOS, ARG 3 / Tres Picos. Odd rotatin 10/14/1972 #27072  
                              TRES ARROYOS, ARG Radio Frequency Interferenc 11/25/1972 (approximate) #27141  
ing television in his home in Tres Arroyos, Buenos Aires province, Argentin 11/28/1972 #27150  
Alsina and Calle Pringles, in Tres Arroyos. Their descriptions matched thos 11/28/1972 #27150  
                              TRES ARROYOS, ARG Radio Frequency Interferenc 12/30/1972 #27191  
was sitting near his shack in Tres Arroyos, Buenos Aires, Argentina with hi 12/30/1972 #27193  
                              TRES ARROYOS, ARG 2 observer(s). Saucer going 1/1/1973 #27206  
isc-shaped UFO was sighted in Tres Arroyos, Argentina at 10 p.m., and figur 1/1/1973 #27212  
                              TRES ARROYOS, ARG Car malfunctions due to EME 6/1973 #27539  
## Word: "arrubal" (Back to Top)
                                   ARRUBAL, SPAIN 10 kids. Silent silver ov 10/29/1974 #29566  
## Word: "arsenal" (Back to Top)
s stock-piled in the U.S.’s atomic arsenal. . . [At T-2 there was] confusio 7/31/1947 #3265  
EXARKANA, TX 2 / truck / Red River Arsenal. Fast glittering "double-dishpan 6/27/1950 #5011  
kana, TX Huge "Dishpan" Flies Over Arsenal (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 6/27/1950 #5014  
 and Yates, employees of Red River Arsenal. One object, bright, shaped like 6/27/1950 #5016  
                          REDSTONE ARSENAL, AL Project Bluebook Case #758.  7/13/1950 #5060  
                          Redstone Arsenal, Alabama Witnesses: two skilled  7/13/1950 #5063  
al, Alabama Witnesses: two skilled Arsenal employees including Mr. Washburn 7/13/1950 #5063  
                          Redstone Arsenal, Alabama. At 5:00 p.m. two skill 7/13/1950 #5066  
 Alabama. At 5:00 p.m. two skilled Arsenal employees, witnessed a bowtie-sh 7/13/1950 #5066  
.T. Prewitt, employee of Red River Arsenal. One golden yellow light flew ov 6/8/1954 #9876  
witt, an employee of the Red River Arsenal, sighted a golden yellow light f 6/8/1954 #9878  
                          Edgewood Arsenal facility at the Aberdeen Proving 1/1956 #12641  
 human experiments at its Edgewood Arsenal facility at the Aberdeen Proving 1/1956 #12641  
                          Edgewood Arsenal Aberdeen Proving Ground, Marylan 1959 #15510  
nd The US Army and CIA at Edgewood Arsenal at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Mary 1959 #15510  
                          Redstone Arsenal A group at the Army Ballistic Mi 3/20/1959 #15655  
 massive strike with the entire US arsenal of 3,200 warheads, totaling 7847 12/14/1960 #16533  
 China Cultural Revolution Hanyang Arsenal, Wuhan A member of the CIA-train 11/1/1963 #18023  
ing transferred to work at Hanyang Arsenal in Wuhan.                        11/1/1963 #18023  
 rotating colored lights goes over arsenal.                                 5/1/1966 #20438  
ite lights pass over the Watertown Arsenal. (Fowler 1974, p. 341) (NICAP: 0 5/1/1966 #20439  
ite lights flew over the Watertown Arsenal in Middlesex County, Massachuset 5/1/1966 #20440  
 Street, Columbus, OH and Redstone Arsenal.  He claims DISC includes the se 1970 #25523  
itude going quickly [to] Red River Arsenal.                                 12/1972 #27157  
 Hoose, Army spokesman at Redstone Arsenal, states “unexplained aerial phen 7/17/1974 #29267  
es. Then going [to] over Red River Arsenal.                                 9/2/1980 #35491  
andings reported. / largest atomic arsenal.                                 9/8/1990 #39720  
Mexico, the world's largest atomic arsenal.                                 9/8/1990 #39721  
aroids / domed ovoid near redstone arsenal.                                 11/12/1995 #42596  
med ovoid object near the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama were take 11/12/1995 #42598  
d several. Small night lights over arsenal. 1 going quickly SSE. Mundane /  11/27/1995 #42624  
objects maneuver over the military arsenal in Lugo, Leon, Spain beginning a 11/28/1995 #42627  
uctors for the US Army at Redstone Arsenal with AC Gravity, and Baker state 8/1/1997 #43364  
 The studies cite US Army Redstone Arsenal contractor Ning Li (1 August 199 3/28/2006 #44931  
ce says the men possess a “massive arsenal” that includes AR-15 rifles, Glo 10/27/2016 #45460  
exhibit technologies not in the US arsenal. But he also notes: “Maybe there 7/23/2020 #45654  
 AAPC conference near the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville AL. Graves states  6/3/2022 #45753  
 AAPC conference near the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville AL that MJ-12 was  6/4/2022 #45754  
U APC conference near the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville AL: “The National  6/4/2022 #45755  
AAPC conference, near the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville AL, on potential s 6/4/2022 #45756  
## Word: "arsenals" (Back to Top)
th the Cold War ending and nuclear arsenals rapidly reduced, political supp 3/23/1983 #36792  
## Word: "arsenate" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Arsenate” YieldMax: 20KT                 11/9/1972 #27113  
## Word: "art" (Back to Top)
et. A TWA flight, piloted by Capt. Art Shutts, is enroute from Chicago to K 12/27/1950 #5368  
 P.J. Gunn, assistant professor of art at Oregon State University and ex-U. 11/19/1954 #11673  
J. Gunn, an assistant professor of art at Oregon State University and an ex 11/19/1954 #11674  
90s, after interviewing three men (Art Westerman, Perry Rieppel, and Willia 10/25/1955 #12519  
                     Las Vegas, NV Art Johnson and his wife, driving north  1/17/1957 #13463  
      Boston, MA 2:30 p.m. EST. An art instructor saw a thin disc with flat 8/15/1966 #20745  
ray Barker, John A. Keel, Moseley, Art Ford, Gordon Evans, actor Roy Thinne 6/22/1967 #22535  
rantz (math), and John Brownfield (art). They conclude that the object is n 2/4/1968 #23734  
                        NORMAL, IL Art professor and 2. Silent plain cylind 7/31/1977 #32324  
l, Illinois 6:30 p.m. A university art professor in Normal, Illinois, calls 7/31/1977 #32328  
                        MURRAY, UT Art student. Several photographs / 2 sau 2/4/1978 #32949  
m the base. On March 28, a college art instructor and a shipping company ow 3/27/1978 #33088  
ly. In 2005, Doty tells radio host Art Bell that AFOSI’s interest in Bennew 11/17/1980 #35645  
riving near Longmont, Colorado, an art teacher and his wife encountered an  11/19/1980 #35660  
, Illinois 7:30 p.m. A high school art teacher and his daughter watch a dis 5/23/1983 #36864  
t 7:30 p.m. It was witnessed by an art teacher as it then rocked violently, 5/23/1983 #36866  
is covering up. Vallee writes that Art Lundahl of NPIC, Kit Green, Adm. Wil 9/17/1989 #39112  
                     School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Illinois Laram 6/3/1993 #41002  
t the theatre of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Illinois. It f 6/3/1993 #41002  
x-US Army Lt. Col Corso appears on Art Bell’s “Dreamland” radio show        1997 #43153  
                                US Art Bell anonymously interviews “Victor” 5/23/1997 #43301  
st AM and again was interviewed by Art Bell. This time, he was accompanied  7/23/1997 #43357  
                       Roswell, NM Art Bell interviews Linda Moulton Howe,  7/4/2001 #44204  
           Richard Doty appears on Art Bell’s Coast to Coast radio program  2/27/2005 #44817  
current and projected state of the art in aerospace technology, all pertain 12/1/2009 #45260  
riously equipped with state of the art electrical transformers that upgrade 2/2011 #45312  
pt about a slideshow document, The Art of Deception, released by Edward Sno 2/24/2014 #45402  
## Word: "artc" (Back to Top)
rport’s Air Route Traffic Control (ARTC) in D.C. Andrews AFB [now Joint Bas 7/19/1952 #6935  
rport’s Air Route Traffic Control (ARTC) in D.C. picks up a formation of se 7/19/1952 #6935  
gets were picked up and tracked on ARTC radar at National Airport in Arling 7/20/1952 #6956  
 as well. Sharp UFO targets on the ARTC radar at National Airport at 9:08 p 7/26/1952 #7180  
ue-white light is seen in the sky. ARTC reports no air traffic in the area  10/2/1959 #16011  
Winslow, Arizona, when Los Angeles ARTC Center radar picked up both targets 1/13/1967 #21301  
ts followed, as close as 700 feet. ARTC radar had two faint stationary targ 3/14/1985 #37568  
## Word: "artcc" (Back to Top)
gets over Andrews displayed on the ARTCC radar scope.                       11/30/1952 #8359  
## Word: "arteche" (Back to Top)
tnesses, among them policeman Paul Arteche, saw a reddish, round object hov 4/28/1964 #18215  
, New Mexico. State policeman Raúl Arteche sees it moving west over the Por 4/28/1964 #18216  
 over a car being driven by Mr. P. Arteche. It flew with a jerky motion and 4/28/1964 #18219  
## Word: "artegna" (Back to Top)
                                   ARTEGNA, ITL 2 soldiers / railroad/railw 9/1965 #19487  
## Word: "artemisa" (Back to Top)
 Cristóbal, Pinar del Río Province Artemisa Province Western Cuba A U-2 (lo 10/14/1962 #17471  
al, Pinar del Río Province [now in Artemisa Province], in western Cuba.     10/14/1962 #17471  
                          Cabañas, Artemisa, Cuba Pinar del Rio Havana Shor 6/14/1968 #24031  
ntura is on guard duty in Cabañas, Artemisa, Cuba, when he sees on the grou 6/14/1968 #24031  
## Word: "arteries" (Back to Top)
 light to allegedly clear Carlos's arteries of plaque.                      8/15/1990 #39689  
## Word: "artesia" (Back to Top)
                                   ARTESIA, NM Blue Book. 6+GM scientists / 1/16/1951 #5400  
                                   Artesia (near), NM Two Discs Approach Sk 1/16/1951 #5401  
                                   Artesia, New Mexico Witnesses: Two membe 1/16/1951 #5402  
rch Laboratory, the manager of the Artesia Airport, and three pilots. The b 1/16/1951 #5402  
                                   Artesia, New Mexico Artesia Airport Raym 1/16/1951 #5403  
               Artesia, New Mexico Artesia Airport Raymond Dugan and Raymon 1/16/1951 #5403  
sc near their Skyhook balloon over Artesia, New Mexico. The balloon is at a 1/16/1951 #5403  
tiles, and four civilian pilots at Artesia Airport see two similar objects  1/16/1951 #5403  
                                   Artesia, NM A motionless dull white, rou 1/16/1952 #5865  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Artesia” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT     12/16/1970 #25941  
         Clovis, New Mexico Texico Artesia Carlsbad Los Alamos Scientific L 1/23/1976 #30815  
 the north. A police dispatcher in Artesia sees 6–7 flashing lights in the  1/23/1976 #30815  
## Word: "artesian" (Back to Top)
                    HOWARD TO/FROM ARTESIAN, SD Strange object descends. Fo 4/15/1897 #477  
d a train traveling from Howard to Artesian, South Dakota in Miner County.  4/15/1897 #498  
## Word: "arthenac" (Back to Top)
                                   ARTHENAC, FR Huge saucer stops overhead. 7/13/1977 #32267  
## Word: "arthritis" (Back to Top)
xtremely severe case of rheumatoid arthritis, which he claims is the result 4/17/1897 #523  
 vanishes, the wife finds that the arthritis in her neck has been healed.   6/20/1968 #24055  
 later claimed to be healed of his arthritis pain. Landing traces were foun 9/6/1976 #31350  
## Word: "arthur" (Back to Top)
afternoon. Wirt M. Covert, 17, and Arthur B. Eldert are returning on horseb 1904 #667  
 a debate in the House of Commons. Arthur Fell, MP for Great Yarmouth, Engl 5/17/1909 #753  
                        Astronomer Arthur M. Harding writes that “Surely th 1935 #1221  
, Germany Holland Night. RAF pilot Arthur Horton of the 622 Squadron is ret 4/26/1944 #1593  
Rear Adm. Earl E. Stone, Vice Adm. Arthur W. Radford, Rear Adm. John E. Gin 1947 #2219  
            Another affidavit from Arthur R. McQuiddy, the editor of the Ro 7/8/1947 #3030  
ld, according to future Brig. Gen. Arthur Exon, then stationed at Wright Fi 7/10/1947 #3103  
 as others on the ground and pilot Arthur E. Cannon flying a Piper Cub at 1 10/1/1948 #3827  
1950. It also features UFO witness Arthur Weisberger of Tucson, Arizona, de 11/17/1950 #5279  
o another Navy plane carrying Adm. Arthur W. Radford. The UFOs circle Radfo 3/14/1952 #5957  
7:58 p.m. Oklahoma State Patrolman Arthur Myers Hamilton is flying five mil 7/5/1952 #6717  
                              PORT ARTHUR, TX 15 observer(s). 3+3+3 white a 8/27/1952 #7749  
                              PORT ARTHUR, TX Several / refinery. 3 round a 9/5/1952 #7848  
zona. “Fritz Werner” [pseudonym of Arthur G. Stansel Jr.] claims to have wo 5/21/1953 #8897  
o Native Australians, employees of Arthur Pope, see a UFO at close range 10 3/1954? #9579  
                        Test pilot Arthur W. Murray reaches an unofficial r 5/28/1954 #9838  
te or a meteor. Assistant Director Arthur Robert Hogg thinks it might be ci 11/8/1957 #14486  
 Photographic Intelligence Office, Arthur C. Lundahl, and tells the story t 7/5/1959 #15817  
Arnone and John Defilippo, of Port Arthur) saw an oval, luminous object fol 10/25/1959 #16061  
 bright saucer-fireballs over port Arthur. / r185.                          7/20/1961 #16766  
nse Department Assistant Secretary Arthur Sylvester admits that withholding 10/29/1962 #17516  
           DOD Assistant Secretary Arthur Sylvester says withholding UAP ev 10/29/1962 #17518  
 4–6 inches deep. An FBI agent, D. Arthur Byrnes Jr., who has heard about i 4/24/1964 #18200  
            UK House of Commons MP Arthur Henderson in the UK House of Comm 7/15/1964 #18411  
e, Wyoming Midnight. Air Policeman Arthur McEnaney and other guards see a r 8/1964 #18467  
n) Devon, England 5:30 p.m. Ernest Arthur Bryant is walking toward Scoriton 4/24/1965 #18916  
c Advisory Board, saying that Gen. Arthur C. Agan has found Project Blue Bo 9/28/1965 #19619  
in Gibbon from a bow-hunting trip. Arthur A. Strauch, a Sibley County deput 10/21/1965 #19670  
Virginia, to meet with its founder Arthur C. Lundahl and acquaint themselve 2/20/1967 #21607  
m a copse of trees on Cradle Hill. Arthur Shuttlewood went toward the landi 8/29/1967 #22956  
          A study from Frank Rand, Arthur Lundahl, Gen. James Stewart, Broc 1968 #23634  
o Redwood Road 4:15 a.m. Patrolman Arthur H. Byrd sees an object flashing r 9/18/1968 #24479  
2nd Combat Support Group, Lt. Col. Arthur J. Werlich, is designated as Blue 10/24/1968 #24587  
cking, Norfolk, England 11:50 p.m. Arthur Hendry, 17, is getting ready to c 6/19/1969 #25227  
      Winnipeg, Manitoba 3:30 a.m. Arthur Honke, Alec Honke, and Gordon Cam 9/19/1971 #26347  
     Borgerhout, Belgium 7:30 a.m. Arthur de Weerdt is watching a distant a 3/24/1973 #27372  
vincetown, Massachusetts 1:40 p.m. Arthur Silva is flying a Cessna 150 abou 8/27/1978 #33578  
anding Officer of WPAFB Brig. Gen. Arthur Exon states “the Unholy Thirteen” 7/1989 #39001  
                                   ARTHUR, ONTARIO 2 observer(s). Black cyl 2/26/1993 #40860  
co Rep. Steven Schiff asks Charles Arthur Bowsher, head of the US General A 10/1993 #41214  
    Grant Cameron states NPIC head Arthur Lundahl was rumored to have been  1994 #41348  
                              Port Arthur, Tasmania 8:00 p.m. A mechanic no 8/29/1996 #42999  
ices a white mass of light at Port Arthur, Tasmania. His car acts up a bit, 8/29/1996 #42999  
as a special assistant to Lt. Gen. Arthur Trudeau, who headed Army Research 6/1997 #43304  
as a special assistant to Lt. Gen. Arthur Trudeau, head of Army Research an 6/1997 #43308  
t Colonel under Lieutenant General Arthur Trudeau and worked in the White H 7/23/1997 #43357  
ten Islanders Carteret, New Jersey Arthur Kill Road West Shore Expressway N 7/14/2001 #44208  
zon. Witnesses view the scene from Arthur Kill Road and the West Shore Expr 7/14/2001 #44208  
 the Blazing Star Burial Ground on Arthur Kill Road, provides the most sign 7/14/2001 #44208  
  Clara City, Minnesota 10:30 a.m. Arthur A. Larson is sitting in a truck a 9/2003 #44591  
## Word: "artichoke" (Back to Top)
scoe Hillenkoetter, starts Project ARTICHOKE to study hypnosis, morphine ad 8/20/1951 #5613  
under a program code-named Project ARTICHOKE. Later forensic evidence confl 11/28/1953 #9324  
osure” is required by law; Project Artichoke and Project MK-ULTRA will be u 1/23/1999 #43720  
ased on lessons learned in Project Artichoke, was a real declassified CIA p 8/4/2008 #45155  
## Word: "article" (Back to Top)
ying snugly upon their backs.” The article is an elaborate hoax. Herschel h 8/25/1835 #130  
rica and Europe. Authorship of the article is usually attributed to Richard 8/25/1835 #130  
experience in an American Magazine article titled “My Seven Minutes in Eter 5/1928 #1085  
y photograph. Two of them write an article that they submit to magazines, w Summer 1933 #1162  
   Mantong Ray Palmer publishes an article, “An Ancient Language?” on the l 11/1943 #1541  
ir prisoner for several years. The article stirs considerable reader intere 11/1943 #1541  
y] The New York Times publishes an article stating that the foo fighters ar 1/2/1945 #1752  
sevelt proposing its creation. The article compares the proposed agency to  2/10/1945 #1778  
          Lt. Col. Jo Chamberlin’s article on foo fighters appears in Ameri 12/1945 #1948  
, states in a Los Angeles Examiner article that radar signals were secretly 7/5/1946 #2026  
                         Newspaper article stating Einstein “has helped man 3/17/1947 #2248  
ent Gaddis has written a prescient article on UFOs, titled “Visitors from t 4/1947 #2256  
         Los Angeles, CA Newspaper article: A P-38 tangles with a flying di 7/7/1947 #2833  
             Spokane, CA Newspaper article: “Army can’t locate crashed sauc 7/7/1947 #2834  
                         Newspaper article in England: Maury Island inciden 7/8/1947 #2954  
omic weapons defense purposes. The article says the new base is in the Manz 8/1947 #3277  
in the hotel lobby, who writes the article “Sabotage Hinted in Crash of Arm 8/1/1947 #3281  
                         Newspaper article: “Crashed Bomber Reported Carryi 8/3/1947 #3283  
                                   Article on student and Einstein assistan 10/1947 #3432  
                                An article on secret Skyhook balloons (with 5/1948 #3637  
 US “Cornet” or “Coronet” Magazine article on a saucer landing and retrieva 6/1948 (approximate) #3665  
ds. This would have been the first article revealing the crash retrieval pr 6/1948 (approximate) #3665  
for USAF cooperation in writing an article on UFOs for the Saturday Evening 11/24/1948 #3891  
telligence a draft of his upcoming article for review. The Air Force is not 3/2/1949 #4032  
oincide with part one of Shalett’s article in the Saturday Evening Post. Th 4/27/1949 #4117  
             Part two of Shalett’s article on UFOs appears in the May 7 iss 5/6/1949 #4160  
                                An article in Time magazine reports on the  5/9/1949 #4174  
llywood, CA Frank Scully’s Variety article “One Flying Saucer Lands In New  10/12/1949 #4387  
t Columnist Frank Scully writes an article in Variety alleging that the US  10/12/1949 #4391  
Hollywood, CA Frank Scully Variety article “Flying Saucers Dismantled, Secr 11/23/1949 #4423  
is published, with Donald Keyhoe’s article, “The Flying Saucers Are Real.”  12/24/1949 #4443  
     TRUE magazine publishes first article on Flying Saucers                1/1950 #4466  
rnal, Knoxville, Tennessee, prints article referring to the Wyandotte Echo  1/30/1950 #4519  
andotte Echo Kansas City newspaper article on “Coulter” (George T. Koehler) 1/30/1950 #4519  
April 24, 1949, in a True magazine article and speculates on saucer propuls 3/1950 #4565  
vy, having gotten a preview of the article, removes him from White Sands an 3/1950 #4565  
ver 40 minute(s) / Manila bulletin article.                                 3/24/1950 (approximate) #4715  
             Newsweek publishes an article, “Flying Saucers Again,” on cras 4/17/1950 #4858  
            Editor Curtis Fuller’s article, “The Flying Saucers: Fact or Fi 7/1950 #5033  
ing saucer news in a Look magazine article.                                 7/18/1950 #5070  
nderson Creek, California Keyhoe’s article on the Adickes case of April 27, 8/1950 #5094  
ational exposure as coauthor of an article in Fate on his fake UFO photogra 9/1950 #5161  
 fake UFO photographs. A follow-up article in July 1951 features even more  9/1950 #5161  
              Donald Keyhoe’s True article is expanded into a paperback boo 10/1950 #5204  
hor and journalist Bob Considine’s article appears in Cosmopolitan, debunki 1/1951 #5380  
en made [referring to the upcoming article in Look]. I don’t believe anyone 2/13/1951 #5441  
Aviation Week praises the upcoming article in Look identifying UFOs as ball 2/19/1951 #5450  
 (in response to Liddel’s upcoming article) and urges a full investigation  2/25/1951 #5458  
 Research, says in a Look magazine article that there is not a single relia 2/27/1951 #5463  
the cosmic [Skyhook] balloons. The article is based on Liddel’s study in ON 2/27/1951 #5463  
Liddel states in a public magazine article that all UAP reports are mirages 2/27/1951 #5464  
rmation on “Project Saucer” for an article. The visit is coordinated by Jac 6/22/1951 #5550  
                             In an article in Popular Science, the editors  8/1951 #5590  
secretly backing the Life magazine article. Apparently on the same day, Gar 1/29/1952 #5884  
 to gather information for his UFO article. He talks with Brig. Gen. Joseph 2/25/1952 #5931  
sts that Ginna delay publishing an article until the Air Force has come to  2/25/1952 #5931  
io, to obtain material for his UFO article. Walther Riedel, former German r 3/3/1952 #5942  
                     Life Magazine article: “Have We Visitors from Space?”  4/1952 #6001  
ase of the bombshell Life magazine article, Ruppelt and his boss, ATIC Tech 4/2/1952 #6016  
dvance copies of the Darrach/Ginna article in exchange.                     4/2/1952 #6016  
                  US Life Magazine article "Have We Visitors From Space?",  4/7/1952 #6041  
 B. Darrach Jr. and Robert Ginna’s article, “Have We Visitors from Space?”  4/7/1952 #6042  
d by the provocative Life magazine article, CIA intelligence experts Sidney 6/1952 #6403  
ronomer Donald Menzel writes in an article in Look magazine about how he cr 6/17/1952 #6527  
                J. Robert Moskin‘s article appears in Look magazine. It fea 7/1/1952 #6688  
” about UFOs. Keyhoe says that the article has upset the “silence group” in 7/1/1952 #6688  
A analysis report of a Vienna news article of a UFO report from the Belgian 8/16/1952 #7613  
 analysis report of an Athens news article of an UFO landing in Communist B 8/23/1952 #7684  
ut we’re not worried.” The lengthy article provides a good overview of Blue 3/8/1953 #8739  
Flashes over town. / big newspaper article.                                 4/18/1953 #8833  
t Union Aviation Week publishes an article describing new Soviet jet bomber 2/15/1954 #9548  
                                An article in American Aviation planted by  3/1/1954 #9586  
                         Ruppelt’s article appears in True magazine.        5/1954 #9739  
us, Ohio. According to a newspaper article, a crew of an airliner is asked  6/26/1954 #9954  
 Marshal Hugh Dowding states in an article in the London Sunday Telegraph t 7/11/1954 #10009  
 from a recent Scientific American article, and he discusses and demonstrat 4/5/1955 #12081  
Zoe Wassilko von Serecki writes an article for American Astrology in which  9/1955 #12422  
pScientistsinUS.docx     Note: The article also mentions George S. Trimble’ 11/20/1955 #12580  
   John P. Cahn publishes a second article in True on the Scully hoax.      8/1956 #13043  
                London, England An article in the UK Empire News on “Flying 5/26/1957 #13680  
roject Blue Book filed a newspaper article on the case, but did not investi 12/16/1957 #14736  
t.  https://www.thespacereview.com/article/4448/1                           1958 #14785  
ite in orbit. However, a follow-up article alleges that the object was “the 2/1960 #16162  
            “Flying Saucer Review” article by Manhattan Project scientist D 3/1960 #16188  
sion)   https://www.newspapers.com/article/delmarva-news-resort-visitor-int 6/22/1960 #16317  
                                US Article in Argosy magazine. AF Col. Tack 3/1961 #16616  
                             In an article in Argosy, Maj. Lawrence Tacker  3/1961 #16617  
er Leon Davidson writes a two-part article in Saucer News explaining how he 3/1962 #17066  
                                An article by J. Allen Hynek appears in the 4/1963 #17720  
Quintanilla writes in a classified article in Studies in Intelligence that  4/24/1964 #18200  
as “nothing to do with UFOs” in an article in the Skeptical Enquirer. Befor 9/15/1964 #18556  
l story is publicly revealed in an article by reporter John H. Luttrell in  10/25/1965 #19680  
ington The Washington Star runs an article on UFOs by retired USAF Lt. Col. 8/7/1966 #20731  
            Phil Klass has another article in Aviation Week on plasmas as a 10/3/1966 #20955  
pted Journey, appear in a two-part article of Look magazine.                10/3/1966 #20955  
                           Hynek’s article, in which he states that hundred 12/17/1966 #21206  
hotos and stated in a Detroit News article that there appeared to be no ind 1/9/1967 #21275  
cosmologist Felix Ziegel writes an article revealing that “UFOs have been s 2/1967 #21431  
 indeed far superior to ours.” The article is regarded in the West as the f 2/1967 #21431  
mer William Markowitz publishes an article in Science magazine that declare 9/15/1967 #23068  
ing sound. (Unidentified newspaper article, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 0 10/22/1967 #23289  
ation Institute, Russia, writes an article on UFOs for Soviet Life with rep 2/1968 #23720  
rawing attention to Felix Ziegel’s article in the February 1968 issue of So 2/20/1968 #23769  
lix Zigel. He also published a UFO article in 1966. Until recently no study 2/22/1968 #23776  
sicists V. A. Leshkovtsev write an article in Pravda claiming that there ha 2/29/1968 #23791  
issue of Look magazine contains an article by John G. Fuller on the Low mem 4/27/1968 #23926  
ject in Congress based on the Look article and raises doubts about its scie 4/30/1968 #23931  
                           US LOOK article, "Flying Saucer Fiasco" by John  5/14/1968 #23961  
r-Smith, and R. P. Cassam write an article at the request of the Office of  5/1971 #26089  
agency and completes a draft of an article for Esquire which, according to  3/1972 #26584  
s.” The CIA receives a copy of the article and decides to seek an injunctio 3/1972 #26584  
reement and the parts of the draft article it considers in violation of the 3/1972 #26584  
ODAY, saw a UFO and wrote 4 column article. Incredible high-speed of object 7/19/1972 #26812  
nd’s house. In 1975, Roach sees an article by Kevin Randle on UFO abduction 10/16/1973 #28088  
ico Fermi’s “Fermi Paradox” for an article in the Quarterly Journal of the  6/1974 #29154  
ce Dickinson writes an open-minded article about Marjorie E. Fish’s analysi 12/1974 #29624  
ls” in a front-page New York Times article. Covert action programs involvin 12/22/1974 #29657  
r the first time. In addition, the article discusses efforts by intelligenc 12/22/1974 #29657  
ibe the cult in a Psychology Today article in October 1976 and articles in  10/1975 #30407  
lishes Bob Pratt’s well-researched article, “UFOs Spotted at Nuclear Bases  12/13/1977 #32768  
il they are sent a photocopy of an article in UFO Investigator that include 2/2/1978 #32945  
y 18 issue of Tehran Magazine. The article winds up in US Defense Intellige 5/13/1978 #33203  
                             In an article in Just Cause, researcher Todd Z 1/1979 #34268  
 of Sciences publishes a skeptical article in the weekly publication Nedely Late 1/1979 #34380  
he Cult of Intelligence, writes an article in Second Look on “How the CIA V 5/1979 #34532  
U.S. The National Enquirer runs an article, “Former Intelligence Officer Re 2/28/1980 #35186  
      Leonard Stringfield finds an article in UFO Sightings by David McCart 5/6/1980 #35308  
                      US Newspaper article on CAUS vs. NSA: “Suit Seeks to  11/3/1981 #36204  
e South Atlantic. According to the article in the MUFON UFO Journal, it fla 9/17/1982 #36606  
-11.62 S 33.47 W. According to the article in the MUFON UFO Journal, it fla 9/17/1982 #36608  
issance Office in a New York Times article.                                 1/13/1985 #37547  
s of tremors, lights in sky: Large article on Las Vegans frequently feeling 2/24/1985 #37559  
z, the base's chief spokesmen. The article stated that since 1951 more than 2/24/1985 #37559  
e published in the proceedings. An article in China Daily reports that ther 8/1985 #37634  
r’s abduction story for a possible article. Black helicopters and CH-47 Chi 3/1987 #38127  
llen, Puerto Rico. According to an article in the French UFO magazine Lumie 7/19/1990 #39652  
ted States William Scott writes an article in Aviation Week on 45 sightings 10/1/1990 #39756  
           William Scott writes an article in Aviation Week about 45 sighti 10/1/1990 #39757  
 away. Morton is the subject of an article by the website UFO Watchdog, “Th 1991 #39935  
ounts at BCCI. According to a 1991 article in Time magazine, the National S 7/5/1991 #40112  
cery store in San Diego and saw an article describing a crash of a UFO outs 7/9/1991 #40116  
 told her “I want you to read this article, because it’s a true story. I’m  7/9/1991 #40116  
, that he showed her the newspaper article and said the bodies were small,  7/9/1991 #40116  
alif.) Mercury News, with one long article and one or two shorter articles  8/18/1996 #42985  
      Reston, Virginia In his 1997 article “Dead Cows I’ve Known,” cattle m 1997 #43154  
 come forward after Hall writes an article about her sighting. The residenc 3/8/1997 #43222  
ps://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0921453497014627?via%3D 8/1/1997 #43364  
                 Area 51 Newspaper Article: “High court won’t review “state 11/16/1998 #43683  
uty coordinator of Setka-AN, in an article in the Bulletin of the Russian A 2000 #43911  
 - archived backup)     Note: This article was published on 18 June 2016, t 2008 #45108  
ps://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S187538921202500X            2008 #45108  
endt and Raymond Duvall publish an article, “Sovereignty and the UFO” in Po 5/6/2008 #45134  
ey state.  https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-pentagon-waste-specialrep 11/18/2013 #45396  
Vegas, NV Las Vegas Review-Journal Article: “Area 51 worker sees hope in Su 3/1/2015 #45432  
ite partially encoded publishes an article on “turning the vehicle into a p 3/27/2017 #45466  
ot’s prosthetic extension.” In the article are vague examples of how to rep 3/27/2017 #45466  
n and Lockheed are cited.  Another article from 20 December 2017 writes tha 3/27/2017 #45466  
erate. In response, Loeb writes an article detailing six anomalous properti 10/26/2018 #45541  
tudies (BAASS) A Popular Mechanics article by UFO investigative writer and  2/14/2020 #45633  
 UAP in the PUBLIC DOMAIN posts an article on “NURO and the Unidentified Su 8/23/2022 #45763  
ubmersible Phenomena.” Much of the article is in a custom language only dec 8/23/2022 #45763  
ith a group known as “SV17q.”  The article claims a database known as “DOLY 8/23/2022 #45763  
capabilities of those objects. The article states the data is “confiscated” 8/23/2022 #45763  
se.gov/News/Transcripts/Transcript/Article/3249303/usdis-ronald-moultrie-an 12/17/2022 #45786  
## Word: "article-abstract" (Back to Top)
ess.  https://pubs.aip.org/aip/acp/article-abstract/813/1/1224/814050/Advan 2/1/2006 #44921  
## Word: "articles" (Back to Top)
York Sun publishes a series of six articles on the alleged discovery by Eng 8/25/1835 #130  
al regions. Newspaper and magazine articles about Martian canals and “Marti 5/1894 #314  
formation seems to be derived from articles in the Auckland Star about cond Summer 1931 #1130  
s are soon filled with stories and articles about the “Shaver mystery.”     11/1943 #1541  
azing Stories publishes four short articles in its September 1945 issue by  7/1946 #2021  
nature is undesirable but, if such articles are written, they will be less  11/24/1948 #3891  
dissuade the press from publishing articles like Shalett’s. Cabell has aske 11/30/1948 #3893  
                         Newspaper articles on a crash saucer “almost 3 yea 12/31/1949 #4453  
ge Koehler (“Coulter” in newspaper articles), recorded at station KMYR in D 3/31/1950 #4772  
daily-news/   http://www.nicap.org/articles/MirarchiArticle.htm   https://s 2/27/1951 #5465  
 alert. Shoot Down order newspaper articles                                 7/28/1952 #7222  
wn any saucers. However, newspaper articles and other documents say there w 7/28/1952 #7264  
ional debunking campaign, planting articles in magazines and arranging broa 2/9/1953 #8653  
ional debunking campaign, planting articles in magazines and arranging broa 2/9/1953 #8656  
on (D.C.) The first of a series of articles in the Washington (D.C.) Times- 12/26/1953 #9397  
 nonfiction magazine that features articles of widely varying credibility a 1955 #11895  
en did publish several theoretical articles concerning general relativity w 1955 #11898  
ibune and Miami Herald publish two articles by aviation journalist Ansel Ta 11/30/1955 #12594  
ls with high dielectric constants. Articles about the gravity propulsion re 11/30/1955 #12594  
nthology of newspaper and magazine articles about UFOs, and UFO and the Bib 1956 #12635  
 this event.  http://www.nicap.org/articles/571107780401686a4287a8-5d27-40d 11/7/1957 #14465  
ps://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufos-observed-by-us-air-force-s 1960 #16145  
ps://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufos-are-stalking-and-intercept 9/1964 #18525  
ghts   https://www.ufohastings.com/articles/deep-denial-or-disinformation#l 9/1964 #18525  
ps://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/three-former-u-s-air-force-icbm Late 1964 #18584  
ps://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/three-former-u-s-air-force-icbm 7/31/1965 #19225  
ps://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufo-fired-upon-as-it-hovered-ov 10/1973 #27903  
ps://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufo-activated-one-of-his-icbms- 3/1974 #28831  
ps://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufos-are-stalking-and-intercept 7/17/1974 #29267  
 Today article in October 1976 and articles in sociological journals.       10/1975 #30407  
ps://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/former-usaf-missile-security-po 11/1977 #32648  
ps://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ex-cia-official-says-stories-of 5/1979 #34533  
ps://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufos-are-stalking-and-intercept 1984 #37098  
ers, skeptics, and cranks can post articles. Dale Goudie takes over the onl 1/1/1986 #37745  
 Walters. Myers writes a series of articles showing how Walters likely hoax 6/10/1990 #39612  
tagon’s Black Budget, based on his articles on black-budget spending at the 9/1990 #39712  
ong article and one or two shorter articles appearing each day. It claims t 8/18/1996 #42985  
Astra. *   https://www.uapmedia.uk/articles/calvinerevealed  Note: Counsel  Late 1990's #43480  
ps://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/triangular-shaped-ufo-sighted-a 10/1998 #43656  
 on the concept in later books and articles.                                6/26/2008 #45147  
ps://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/the-ufos-nukes-connection-press 9/27/2010 #45299  
ps://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/huge-ufo-sighted-near-nuclear-m 10/23/2010 #45304  
ps://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufos-reported-near-malmstrom-af 9/19/2012 #45353  
ps://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufos-reported-near-malmstrom-af 9/19/2012 #45353  
ties   https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnhum.2015.00137/full   12/12/2018 #45551  
99f0   https://www.tsijournals.com/articles/the-morningstar-energy-box--an- 2/29/2020 #45635  
he time.”  https://www.uapmedia.uk/articles/calvinerevealed     Note: This  8/12/2022 #45762  
## Word: "articulate" (Back to Top)
m failed. He was unable to move or articulate a word for several minutes. A 11/8/1954 #11598  
m failed. He was unable to move or articulate a word for several minutes. A 11/8/1954 #11604  
 second, and third kind. It is an “articulate challenge to his colleagues t 7/1972 #26749  
## Word: "articulated" (Back to Top)
 hovering near telephone lines. An articulated glowing pink to red-colored  6/16/1966 #20567  
## Word: "artifact" (Back to Top)
tawa club and examines their large artifact, but fails to report back. In 1 6/12/1960 #16312  
 point, and Betty asked to take an artifact as evidence of their experience 9/19/1961 #16858  
t appearance three days later with artifact.), vacuum cleaner sound, 2.5 mi 8/15/1976 #31269  
e UFO, being given messages and an artifact.                                3/18/1978 #33056  
ors were involved. The words NATO “artifact” retrievals were used.  https:/ 7/1991 #40109  
days of Project Grudge and a rare “artifact” file that was kept away from P 1/23/2009 #45208  
was the result of a common optical artifact.                                7/15/2019 #45593  
## Word: "artifacts" (Back to Top)
 of peculiar workmanship, but both artifacts are purchased by a “wealthy yo 3/26/1880 #230  
 there was no evidence of "foreign artifacts capable of hostile acts," and  1/17/1953 #8544  
n the possibility of finding alien artifacts on earth and the possibility t 12/14/1960 #16532  
eports of UAP craft, and recovered artifacts from crashes.  https://archive 1961 #16553  
ht-Patterson (HANGER-18) where UFO artifacts were stored and I was understa 3/28/1975 #29921  
formant also states he viewed UAP “artifacts” and bodies at Grafford AFB in 6/27/1979 #34637  
ates searching for alien probes or artifacts on planets, satellites, and as 3/1980 #35189  
 at Wright-Patterson AFB where UFO artifacts are stored by the Air Force.   10/19/1981 #36178  
ition, he would take technological artifacts obtained from Russian, German, 6/1997 #43304  
. The team finds a small number of artifacts of unknown provenance and some 9/16/2002 #44400  
sing the pseudonym “Tyler” viewed “artifacts” he believed to have come from 2/20/2019 #45563  
nd airborne objects (18%), optical artifacts (11%), astronomical (11%), ast 11/19/2021 #45723  
## Word: "artificial" (Back to Top)
ile the term “canals” indicates an artificial construction, its proper tran 10/1877 #211  
 A mystery airship with an immense artificial bright light was sighted in t 1/30/1897 #383  
 irrigate the land with canals and artificial lakes.                        1899 #629  
 for German Zeppelins. He sees an “artificial light” to the north. He follo 1/31/1916 #941  
to see whether they are natural or artificial or inspired by “individuals o 7/9/1947 #3067  
t Paul Ryan that the fireballs are artificial, perhaps radio-controlled mis 1/31/1949 #3988  
nder. Object / sky. Type unknown. "Artificial device". No further details.  3/8/1950 #4589  
, Mexico which he described as an "artificial device." At five o'clock in t 3/8/1950 #4594  
ave led to the military setting up artificial UFO waves and simulated cases 1/9/1953 #8521  
 the time, it is the most powerful artificial explosion in history. Fallout 3/1/1954 #9584  
 / 40 mile(s) altitude / 63000mph "artificial"..                            7/14/1955 #12259  
nnounces that Russia can launch an artificial satellite within the next 2 y 8/2/1955 #12324  
d / time and place. Very large and artificial. Origin unknown.              12/18/1955 #12615  
amateur astronomers in tracking an artificial satellite that the US intends 9/11/1956 #13214  
Soviet Union and the U.S. launched artificial satellites for this event; th 7/1/1957 #13768  
 4, 1957, was the first successful artificial satellite.[3] Other significa 7/1/1957 #13768  
  USSR The USSR launches the first artificial earth satellite, Sputnik 1, w 10/4/1957 #14057  
 people all over the U.S.” [Angle: Artificial satellite spurs Alien interes 11/12/1957 #14535  
 interest in mankind. Other Angle: Artificial satellite causes populace to  11/12/1957 #14535  
o track and compute orbits for all artificial earth satellites and space pr 11/29/1957 #14639  
eculative paper on “The Search for Artificial Stellar Sources of Infrared R 6/3/1958 #15077  
Earth’s atmosphere (they do create artificial electron belts that persist s 8/27/1958 #15229  
DER, CO Radio astronomers. Intense artificial white noise / 29.75MHz / S. s 1/10/1961 #16568  
liens were held in captivity in an artificial environment. The Colonel also 1965 #18679  
o luminous points that looked like artificial satellites. (Ref.3) (NICAP: 0 7/4/1967 #22608  
gineer familiar with astronomy and artificial satellites sighted a bright b 9/29/1968 #24522  
ped flying object surrounded by an artificial cloud, low overhead at about  6/1/1970 #25686  
ergized the gyroscopes to form an "artificial gravity field." He described  5/26/1974 #29135  
ETT) 2 objects seen appeared to be artificial light fading on and off with  11/12/1975 #30614  
 when the beings impregnate her by artificial insemination aboard a UFO, th 4/1987 #38155  
e pilots report UFOs apparently of artificial origin, but their real nature 11/9/1990 #39882  
 a space mission, or even an alien artificial object. However, a detailed a 11/6/1991 #40220  
eer, claims he sees photographs of artificial structures on the dark side o 1994 #41351  
 wide linear structure that looked artificial and “shouldn’t be there.” He  1994 #41351  
could impact space launch systems, artificial gravity on spacecraft, aircra 7/29/2002 #44370  
nterstellar object ʻOumuamua is an artificial thin solar sail accelerated b 10/26/2018 #45541  
designed to track more than 25,000 artificial satellites and chunks of spac 3/28/2020 #45642  
 ‘unidentified air conditions’ and artificial intelligence is the best way  6/4/2021 #45692  
s, and design new algorithms using artificial intelligence, in order to ide 7/26/2021 #45700  
many, designed to detect UAP using artificial intelligence. Professor for S 12/15/2021 #45728  
## Word: "artificially" (Back to Top)
en became covered with a (possibly artificially produced) fog.The object wa 2/19/1962 #17053  
## Word: "artillery" (Back to Top)
 is a flash and a sound similar to artillery fire. Eyewitnesses closer to t 6/30/1908 #711  
Edward Winters of the US 4th Coast Artillery Regiment watches a dull-red, Z 1935 #1220  
ions. At 3:16 a.m., the 37th Coast Artillery Brigade begins firing .50 cali 2/24/1942 #1388  
heir aircraft remain grounded. The artillery fire continues sporadically un 2/24/1942 #1388  
oni Szachnowsky, of the 2nd Polish Artillery Regiment, notices an egg-shape Early 7/1944 #1617  
          Southeast, Holland Field Artillery officer and men saw a brillian 10/1944 #1672  
oldiers of the 489th Armored Field Artillery near Weert, Netherlands, watch Late 10/1944 #1684  
ooking toward the South China Sea, Artillery Capt. William A. Mandel sees a 7/1945 #1887  
d. The best observation is from an artillery officer who sees an object in  2/17/1947 #2241  
TX 7 separate sightings by trained artillery observers (NICAP: 01 - Distant 3/17/1949 #4047  
FOSI Case 62; 21:40 - 21:30 - Army artillery observers est 2 days earlier,  5/6/1949 #4155  
p two days earlier, employing Army artillery observers, tracked their first 5/6/1949 #4164  
ings. Two trucks serve as a roving Artillery Patrol observation post linked 5/19/1949 #4196  
-o-lantern coming down a mountain. Artillery airbursts do not seem to harm  Early Spring 1951 #5471  
 a star.” It makes a noise like an artillery shell in flight. It moves erra 12/7/1953 #9345  
ed, he sees a large object like an artillery shell 9 feet long. A small, da 10/6/1954 #10756  
 luminous craft in the shape of an artillery shell landed on the ground les 10/6/1954 #10757  
length and had the form of a large artillery shell with several portholes o 10/6/1954 #10758  
s streaking over him sounding like artillery fire. He sees two in a series  8/21/1955 #12386  
                   Russian coastal artillery batteries fired on high speed  7/25/1957 #13838  
is making a whirring sound like an artillery shell. It passes above his car 11/4/1957 #14287  
 Mr. Galvez, a 55-year-old retired artillery sergeant was motorcycling on t 12/17/1958 #15480  
UFO's zigzag repeatedly in track / artillery shells!                        3/1966 #19928  
rs and officers at an antiaircraft artillery unit stationed at Floreşti, Ro 9/1967 #22971  
d an object shaped like two curved artillery shells side-by-side close to t 5/15/1980 #35335  
## Word: "artillery-observer" (Back to Top)
he object through 8x30 mm Japanese artillery-observer field glasses. It loo 8/18/1958 #15215  
## Word: "artillerymen" (Back to Top)
(now Dalian), Liaoning, China Four artillerymen stationed at the naval garr Early 1968 #23635  
## Word: "artisan" (Back to Top)
 this night Rudolph Bauer, a local artisan residing in Leipzig, Germany, re 11/5/1990 #39873  
## Word: "artist" (Back to Top)
covered a painting by Hudson River artist Frederic Edwin Church depicting t 7/20/1860 #155  
omerville, Massachusetts Midnight. Artist Malcolm B. Perry sees what looks  Summer 1938 #1285  
ondent John C. Corlett, along with artist V. H. Selby and their wives, see  7/4/1947 #2663  
lled Crisman a “smooth-talking con artist.” The affair had started as a jok 8/7/1947 #3306  
ly Shortly after 9:00 a.m. Italian artist and author Luigi Rapuzzi (who use 8/14/1947 #3330  
ance Stanley Glickman, an American artist living in Paris, France, joins a  10/1952 #8075  
 manicured fingers like that of an artist”. The stranger took something out 8/20/1954 #10158  
  Cape Massulo, Italy On Capri, an artist Raffael Castelle, saw a disk 5 m  10/17/1954 #11175  
lo, Italy. On the Isle of Capri an artist, Raffael Castelle, saw a disc fiv 10/17/1954 #11184  
    VAUCLUSE BEACH, AUSTR Aircraft artist. 7M saucer / sand / tripod. Going 7/19/1965 #19127  
5:30 p.m. Denis Crowe, an aircraft artist, is strolling along a beach at Va 7/19/1965 #19134  
 Rinaldi, a 37-year-old commercial artist, as well as 19 other people drivi 1/24/1967 #21377  
           Austin, Texas Witness:  artist Ray Stanford. One solid, blue-whi 6/24/1967 #22547  
olas Rinaldi, age 38, a commercial artist, observed a large cigar-shaped ob 2/5/1968 #23738  
                                   Artist Benjamin Solari Parravicini was w 6/4/1968 #24006  
                     ARAD, ROMANIA Artist. Luminous 5' golf-tee going SSW o 6/1/1969 (approximate) #25184  
doza, Argentina 12:10 p.m. Retired artist Julio Suárez Marzal is in the fir 5/24/1971 #26130  
nlo Park, California New York City artist and psychic Ingo Swann visits the 6/6/1972 #26703  
ve or change direction. New Mexico artist James Durling-Jones, who collects 3/27/1974 #28961  
                ABERGAVENNY, WALES Artist stops. Draws hovering ovoid. Beco 8/14/1974 (approximate) #29342  
3 pseudo-human/entity offer ride / artist. No. Saucer flies and transmutes! 7/21/1975 #30195  
                     A 40-year-old artist named Malichev, living in Solnech 7/21/1975 #30197  
his companions had not seen it. An artist, he made a drawing later for inve 4/21/1977 #32009  
                 New York New York artist Budd Hopkins publishes Missing Ti 1981 #35761  
     Pretore, Ascoli Piceno, Italy Artist and ceramicist Filiberto Caponi h 5/9/1993 #40971  
## Word: "artists" (Back to Top)
realizes Choate and Myers are scam artists. They immediately bar anyone fro 4/12/1988 #38541  
 AUST Amateur astronomer. Saucer / artists palette. North going quickly sou 5/28/1990 #39594  
ted inspired a second wave of crop artists. Far from fizzling out, crop cir 9/9/1991 #40182  
## Word: "artix" (Back to Top)
                 N117 LACQ TO/FROM ARTIX, FR 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Fl 10/1/1971 #26396  
                                   ARTIX, FR 1 / car. Brilliant white domed 10/22/1975 #30457  
 then angled down over the town of Artix, Pyrenees-Atlantiques, France befo 10/22/1975 #30460  
## Word: "artmcquiddy" (Back to Top)
s://ufologie.patrickgross.org/rw/w/artmcquiddy.htm                          7/8/1947 #3030  
## Word: "arts" (Back to Top)
eering, pharmacy, law, and liberal arts colleges will examine the evidence  7/1952 #6680  
losophy and dean of the Faculty of Arts of Banaras Hindu University in Vara 4/17/1959 #15706  
rmation of To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science with former USG employees 5/1973 #27461  
e, France, with six of his martial arts students when a massive UFO comes i 11/5/1990 #39868  
roduced by To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science, of which Mellon was an 5/22/1992 #40469  
 over the San Luis Valley. Healing arts students coming from a class in Cre 2/10/1996 #42756  
e, Colorado. At 11:30 p.m. healing arts students in Crestone, Colorado firs 10/10/1996 #43063  
nternet by To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science (TTSA) (see 8 August 2019 12/2015 #45441  
co-founded To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science with former USG employees 1/24/2016 #45443  
his group, To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science (TTSA), was being restrai 10/26/2017 #45488  
           To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science (TTSA), advised by curren 7/2018 #45532  
           To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science (TTSA), advised by curren 8/8/2019 #45605  
te company To the Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences. The release states th 4/27/2020 #45643  
## Word: "arts-entertainment" (Back to Top)
=3&   https://www.texasmonthly.com/arts-entertainment/unidentified-scholarl 10/1952 #8077  
## Word: "artsandsciences" (Back to Top)
 efforts in anti-gravity.  https://artsandsciences.syracuse.edu/media/docum Late 1956 #13281  
## Word: "artsimovich" (Back to Top)
ting UFOs. It quotes physicist Lev Artsimovich saying that “it is about tim 1/8/1961 #16565  
es’ Physics Department, led by Lev Artsimovich, passes a resolution denounc 12/1967 #23529  
## Word: "artur" (Back to Top)
y appear. Provincial administrator Artur de Oliveira Santos, believing that 8/13/1917 #960  
e late 1980s, Gustafsson’s brother Artur reveals to ufologist Clas Svahn th 12/20/1958 #15489  
## Word: "artura" (Back to Top)
partment Building 10:35 p.m. Maria Artura and her grandson see a domed, dis 8/4/1979 #34714  
## Word: "arturo" (Back to Top)
                           CHILEAN ARTURO PRAT ANTARCTIC STATION/DEPOT/FACI 2/23/1949 (approximate) #4019  
            central Chile Santiago Arturo Merino Benítez International Airp 8/17/1985 #37645  
 Santiago photograph them, and the Arturo Merino Benítez International Airp 8/17/1985 #37645  
Chile). Defense Committee Chairman Arturo Cardemil tells the media that UFO 8/26/2003 #44584  
## Word: "artyemovka" (Back to Top)
rm to the hamlet where he lived in Artyemovka, Kharkov region, Ukraine when 12/31/1989 #39345  
## Word: "arunachal" (Back to Top)
                            Ladakh Arunachal Pradash Kargil Leh Thakung Lak 8/1/2012 #45350  
 the Chinese border from Ladakh to Arunachal Pradash report as many as 100  8/1/2012 #45350  
## Word: "arussi" (Back to Top)
                                   ARUSSI PROV, ETHIOPIA Many observer(s).  9/3/1957 #13973  
## Word: "arv" (Back to Top)
aka an Alien Reproduction Vehicle (ARV). He states there were “three” flyin 12/2014 #45425  
as a small, medium and large sized ARV that were “hovering” above the floor 12/2014 #45425  
tar general presented a film of an ARV “hopping” over a desert scene before 12/2014 #45425  
on the phone for talking about the ARV and states he was the subject of an  12/2014 #45425  
## Word: "arvada" (Back to Top)
                           SOUTH / ARVADA, WYO 1 / (seen thru) binoculars.  7/24/1947 #3224  
## Word: "arvi" (Back to Top)
       Suomussalmi, Finland Farmer Arvi Juntunen heard a loud humming sound 6/20/1967 #22522  
                            Farmer Arvi Juntunen in Suomussalmi, Finland he 6/20/1967 #22523  
## Word: "arvid" (Back to Top)
                        Swedish MP Arvid Lindman puts a question to Prime M 1/27/1934 #1197  
## Word: "arvidsson" (Back to Top)
Hospital where hypnotherapist Ture Arvidsson regresses him to the time of t 3/23/1974 #28936  
al. There hypno-therapist Dr. Ture Arvidsson put him under a hypnotic tranc 3/23/1974 #28939  
## Word: "arvika" (Back to Top)
                                   ARVIKA, SWEDEN Huge meteor going northwe 2/5/1883 #250  
                  Lake Glasfjorden Arvika, Sweden 6:45 p.m. A witness at La 2/5/1883 #251  
 witness at Lake Glasfjorden, near Arvika, Sweden, spots a meteor-like obje 2/5/1883 #251  
ll flew over Lake Glasfjorden near Arvika, Sweden towards the northwest for 2/5/1883 #252  
sjön Gunnarskog, Värmlands, Sweden Arvika I 2/Fo52 Värmland Regiment Day. S 7/27/1999 #43814  
ess contacts the rescue station at Arvika, who in turn contact the police a 7/27/1999 #43814  
## Word: "arvin" (Back to Top)
                                   ARVIN, CA Cop on patrol. Bright yellow c 5/9/1972 #26674  
 witness in the Mojave Desert near Arvin, California sighted a bright yello 5/9/1972 #26675  
## Word: "arvs" (Back to Top)
three Alien Reproduction Vehicles (ARVs) by 1981. McCandlish describes thei 5/9/2001 #44182  
f USG alien reproduction vehicles (ARVs) at Area 51 and associated location 4/25/2002 #44333  
he general also allegedly said the ARVs were capable of light speed or bett 12/2014 #45425  
## Word: "arxiv" (Back to Top)
rg/doi/10.1063/1.1703717   https://arxiv.org/pdf/1607.03319.pdf     Note: I Late 1956 #13281  
on gravitational physics.  https://arxiv.org/pdf/1607.03319.pdf             1961 #16552  
oi/abs/10.1063/1.2437566   https://arxiv.org/ftp/physics/papers/0611/061116 2/1/2007 #45004  
tal-video-b7813b04c6f8 *   https://arxiv.org/pdf/physics/0108005.pdf        2/4/2020 #45630  
## Word: "aryan-type" (Back to Top)
with a story of his contacts with “Aryan-type” Venusians in spaceships. Men 10/29/1956 #13297  
## Word: "arychuk" (Back to Top)
             On this evening David Arychuk was out walking his dog in Calga 4/26/1969 #25096  
## Word: "arzamas-16" (Back to Top)
              Soviet Union Soviet “Arzamas-16” atomic bomb project plant op 1946 #1956  
## Word: "arzens" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR ARZENS, FR Metallic sphere on road. 2 ps 10/9/1954 #10828  
## Word: "aráuz" (Back to Top)
              Bahia Blanca Jacinto Aráuz, La Pampa, Argentina Puerto Belgra 5/12/1962 #17165  
iving from Bahia Blanca to Jacinto Aráuz, La Pampa, Argentina, when they se 5/12/1962 #17165  
                           Jacinto Aráuz, Hucal, La Pampa Province, Argenti 11/16/2021 #45722  
## Word: "as-2" (Back to Top)
 Brig. General George Schulgen, AC/AS-2, from Lt. Gen. Nathan F. Twining (M 9/23/1947 #3415  
## Word: "as-532" (Back to Top)
 p.m. A Chilean Navy Airbus Cougar AS-532 helicopter is flying northward we 11/11/2014 #45423  
## Word: "as350" (Back to Top)
et. The CBP is operating an Airbus AS350, while Tucson police are flying a  2/9/2021 #45676  
## Word: "asa" (Back to Top)
alter Stephenson, Herman Schubert, Asa Hickerson, and A. Mollycoddle. The a 4/20/1907 #694  
worth Cambridgeshire, England Day. Asa Howard Jr. is outside the barracks a Summer 1944 #1612  
ndesberg Sweden 2:30 p.m. Erik and Asa Reuterswärd take a photo of a greeni 7/9/1946 #2035  
with his inexpensive camera, using ASA 64 film. Alan decides not to try for 8/2/1965 #19263  
 standard lens and loaded with 400 ASA color film. Dogs do not react to the 8/31/1994 #41707  
## Word: "asahikawa" (Back to Top)
                             ESE / ASAHIKAWA, JP Hat-like UFO photographed  5/9/1982 #36467  
n National Park, east-southeast of Asahikawa, Hokkaido, Japan. There is a m 5/9/1982 #36468  
## Word: "asat" (Back to Top)
 / 2 minute(s). 1/2 shinks away. / asat launch?                             4/12/1980 #35270  
ltitude of 326 miles by an ASM-135 ASAT missile launched from a USAF F-15 E 9/13/1985 #37660  
## Word: "asbestos" (Back to Top)
n his property. He says it is like asbestos rope and as wide as a pencil. O 5/11/1968 #23958  
                  On this night in Asbestos, Quebec, Canada Mr. Bellerose,  10/8/1968 #24551  
riving a six-ton truck loaded with asbestos sheeting, cement, and steel, an 5/22/1973 #27520  
ghts hover in formation over mine. Asbestos? No further details.            3/19/1996 #42828  
## Word: "asbestostextured" (Back to Top)
g on the grass. He was clothed in "asbestostextured coveralls" and neither  10/1963 #17966  
## Word: "asbury" (Back to Top)
                                   Asbury, NJ CONFIDENTIAL Air Intel REPORT 9/10/1951 #5656  
                              NEAR ASBURY, SC Hat-saucer / tripod / road. 1 1/19/1973 #27243  
h Laboratory recorded reports from Asbury Park, Belmar, Farmingdale, Haledo 12/2/1977 #32731  
## Word: "asbygda" (Back to Top)
                                   Asbygda Ringerike, Norway 5:30 PM. Three 10/25/1977 #32608  
                                In Asbygda Ringerike, Norway at 5:30 p.m. t 10/25/1977 #32610  
## Word: "ascend" (Back to Top)
don, England, when he sees a light ascend from behind the trees and houses  12/16/1742? #65  
ff the west coast of Florida. They ascend to a height of 25 feet, explode,  2/1894? #313  
ibrating with colors. It starts to ascend, but one being has not made it in 8/1914 #907  
arger in appearance than a planet” ascend steadily from a meadow to a heigh 9/4/1915 #936  
lun, Romania, when he sees a light ascend from the village of Cârța. An ill 6/1926 #1058  
ameron walks toward them, and they ascend and shoot away at the same angle  4/25/1946 #1984  
 has landed, and they see the disc ascend at a 45° angle and move at high s 7/6/1947 #2811  
ed a luminous 300-foot wide saucer ascend at 600 mph near Fort Sumner, New  7/10/1947 #3117  
d over the shoulders with a strap” ascend rapidly, hover, bank, then fly aw 1/6/1948 #3533  
d over the shoulders with a strap” ascend rapidly, hover, bank, then fly aw 1/6/1948 #3534  
ects then hopped about in the sky, ascend very fast and are gone from sight 4/17/1950 #4861  
celand and Newfoundland, saw a UFO ascend from the surface of the Atlantic  2/8/1951 #5434  
 to be making repairs. The objects ascend to about 300 feet and climb rapid 6/19/1951 #5546  
t such a low altitude that it must ascend to pass over some tall tanks at t 5/10/1952 #6298  
an exhaust from one end. They both ascend until they disappear.             7/19/1952 #6936  
ussell sees the “first flying disc ascend and pass over the train” and goes 10/4/1955 #12488  
 aide saw a disc-shaped UFO slowly ascend to 6000 feet and then shoot to th 10/4/1955 #12489  
hed a round, reddish-orange object ascend straight up into the night sky. I 11/21/1961 #16969  
ven-meter diameter disc-shaped UFO ascend from the beach in South Brighton, 2/3/1965 #18797  
ork on water. The object seemed to ascend with less effort than when it des 1/22/1967 #21366  
, touching them occasionally. They ascend into the object on a luminous bea 4/4/1967 #22054  
ntario saw a blindingly red object ascend into the sky, then turn a green c 4/26/1967 #22224  
wide, rise up beyond the trees and ascend to a height of 20 feet, making a  9/27/1973 #27879  
ne-shaped UFO with flashing lights ascend vertically “very, very fast” leav 12/20/1973 #28593  
ers watched an orange ovoid object ascend from the ground in Ossey-les-Troi 3/25/1974 #28951  
for a minute or two, then suddenly ascend into the low cloud cover and disa 9/1/1974 #29417  
ers further on they saw the object ascend into the sky at an angle. Perhaps 8/22/1975 #30298  
narily long strides. They began to ascend a very steep slope, and the miner 11/8/1975 #30584  
ace behind it. The object began to ascend, and soon passed out of sight to  2/10/1977 #31808  
appeared. The object then began to ascend, moving off in three jerky "stepp 5/18/1977 #32111  
lm school. They noticed the object ascend at a 40-degree angle, and saw sev 10/25/1977 #32610  
tationary at first, then all three ascend into the sky in different directi 3/28/1978 #33090  
the bottom and the object began to ascend. Two bright yellow lights became  7/11/1978 #33368  
ts in the evening that descend and ascend at the site.                      9/13/1978 #33671  
 p.m., a point of light is seen to ascend, leaving a luminous jet that appe 3/5/1979 #34465  
737 aircraft for two minutes, then ascend, flying off toward the north. (NI 6/27/1982 #36519  
737 aircraft for two minutes, then ascend, flying off toward the north.     6/27/1982 #36522  
nd his home and watches the object ascend slowly before moving away at spee 4/10/1983 #36836  
, the husband sees a bright object ascend from the same ridge, pause in mid 1/28/1984 #37162  
 loses sight of it, but sees a UFO ascend at an angle from the bushes, turn 10/8/1984 #37480  
everal objects and one large craft ascend vertically into the sky until gon 3/4/1990 #39447  
s watch a bright light continue to ascend slowly.                           4/5/1990 #39511  
ochowa, Poland saw a spherical UFO ascend between two buildings. One witnes 1/18/1991 #39961  
bove the ground, and then began to ascend. After several minutes it lost it 7/24/1993 #41084  
 the distance. As she continued to ascend into the sky she fell asleep, but 5/2/2001 #44174  
ght into a hexagonal formation and ascend into the sky. They are lost to vi 8/12/2001 #44232  
## Word: "ascended" (Back to Top)
ide the clear dome. It circled, it ascended upwards, and flew off toward Ot 7/30/1909 #791  
ed on the ground for five minutes, ascended quickly and shot away.          6/13/1947 #2327  
leaving a dark blue trail and then ascended and cut a path through the clou 7/10/1947 #3101  
leaving a dark blue trail. It then ascended and cut a path through the clou 7/10/1947 #3118  
d that it may have landed. It then ascended and shot away to the southwest. 1/7/1948 #3548  
 UFO which flew horizontally, then ascended rapidly. [UFOE, VI] (NICAP: 01  Summer 1948 #3676  
.2 seconds at a low altitude, then ascended. It was seen by Dr. La Paz, a m 12/12/1948 #3927  
g chased by military jets. The UFO ascended very fast.                      3/8/1950 #4594  
aneuvering silently in the sky. It ascended to 17,000 feet and stopped in m 7/13/1950 #5065  
 then came back, then both objects ascended vertically until gone from view 7/19/1952 #6937  
m Bald Top, California. One object ascended while five followed it in spira 7/19/1952 #6939  
 a slight rocking motion.  It then ascended vertically with a sound like a  8/25/1952 #7729  
ether, revolving at high speed. It ascended vertically with a sound like a  8/25/1952 #7736  
ngs entered the craft, and the UFO ascended vertically at high speed. The l 8/17/1953 #9078  
e sphere with a white or red tail, ascended at 20 degree angle, performed a 10/19/1953 #9242  
they jumped into the object, which ascended vertically.                     11/4/1954 #11569  
 plane. He gave chase but the disc ascended to an altitude too high to foll 1/16/1955 #11935  
Saturn-shaped UFO made sharp turn, ascended. [UFOE, XII] (NICAP: 01 - Dista 4/22/1955 #12099  
witness is unidentified. “One disc ascended almost vertically, at a relativ 10/4/1955 #12488  
oman, felt a cold wind. The object ascended rapidly into the sky. No traces 8/27/1956 #13142  
ed in the sky, descended, and then ascended to a somewhat higher altitude i 12/2/1956 #13385  
 Lomond, Strathclyde, Scotland. It ascended, descended, then sped away towa 5/26/1957 #13681  
 it took off toward the east, then ascended vertically into the sky very fa 10/22/1957 #14146  
X Silvery UFO sped back and forth, ascended. [UFOE, VII] (NICAP: 01 - Dista 11/22/1957 #14594  
ted an elongated aerial object. It ascended into the sky, descended, then m 12/8/1957 #14693  
 re-entered the object, which then ascended slowly, emitting a loud buzzing 10/16/1959 #16035  
near Oningaiti, New Zealand and it ascended vertically at daybreak. The inc 10/31/1959 #16072  
 "two dinner plates face to face," ascended and sped away. [NICAP UFOE, XII 7/1/1960 #16323  
g about 600 feet offshore. It then ascended to 60 feet altitude, and flew a 4/29/1961 #16668  
urface was disturbed as the object ascended, making a swishing sound. The s 5/14/1961 #16682  
 the water for three minutes, then ascended and flew off toward the southea 10/14/1961 #16912  
falfa field. It had blunt ends. It ascended to a higher altitude and then f 9/26/1962 #17442  
 showing two dark, moving figures, ascended in the direction of Brindisi, e 1/11/1963 #17633  
5 meters long and 1.5 meters high, ascended in the direction of Brindisi, a 1/11/1963 #17635  
diameter and had a concave top. It ascended vertically to 100 meters, tippe 6/28/1963 #17815  
ed low over New River, Arizona. It ascended and flew off to the south-south 6/3/1964 #18327  
Cleveland, Ohio. The ball of light ascended at a 45-degree angle, and was f 6/5/1964 #18333  
front of two jet fighters. The UFO ascended rapidly to avoid collision and  4/4/1965 #18897  
e was led back to her car; the UFO ascended, and then vanished while still  8/16/1965 #19410  
k spun off road into ditch. Object ascended with whistling sound, sparks fr 12/20/1965 #19781  
visible on top. The object finally ascended to the east, moved out over the 3/20/1966 #20005  
dy lights). The object then slowly ascended and disappeared. (Flying Saucer 3/27/1966 #20096  
 maneuvered through trees and then ascended. Landing traces were also found 3/29/1966 #20143  
en sphere hovered at low altitude, ascended and departed to the southwest.  4/4/1966 #20221  
 hovered over it, moved ahead, and ascended vertically out of sight. (NICAP 4/9/1966 #20278  
ed a vapor at its base. The object ascended into a fog bank and descended a 6/24/1966 #20608  
 Two F-102 jets gave chase, but it ascended into outer space.               8/27/1966 #20817  
ng light. The object hovered, then ascended very rapidly until out of sight 10/21/1966 #21024  
tted out red fire. Then the object ascended vertically and disappeared. The 1/29/1967 #21412  
ater on, he hears that the targets ascended vertically, leaving the jets fa Mid 3/1967 #21891  
orizon for a long time, that later ascended.                                4/6/1967 #22082  
west, and was lost from view as it ascended up into space. Major Y. B. Popo 5/17/1967 #22370  
light turned green when the object ascended (color/motion correlation). (NI 6/11/1967 #22490  
tted vapor at its base. Finally it ascended into a fog bank, descended agai 6/24/1967 #22541  
her t (objects merged), which then ascended and disappeared. (Pontiac Press 7/12/1967 #22654  
 tree-top level. The object slowly ascended, then broke in half. Each half  7/15/1967 #22665  
e ground (landed), the object then ascended vertically. No marks were found 7/16/1967 #22668  
quickly boarded the vehicle, which ascended rapidly.                        7/19/1967 #22701  
(hovered), changed color to white, ascended slowly, changed direction (mane 7/29/1967 #22748  
ng ring emerged from sea, hovered, ascended slowly, accelerated into sky an 8/4/1967 #22801  
 V-formation. The objects suddenly ascended and accelerated out of sight. A 8/24/1967 #22913  
ed its path, hovered, and suddenly ascended. The witness had physiological  8/29/1967 #22952  
nce. The object landed in a field, ascended, then moved out of sight. No tr 9/18/1967 #23082  
 sometimes rising and falling, and ascended. (Johnson City newspapers of 10 10/5/1967 #23179  
uare pattern that glided, hovered, ascended, then divided into two groups w 10/17/1967 #23243  
nge lights in step formation which ascended by constantly repositioning the 10/24/1967 #23300  
s cycle repeated and the formation ascended. (Letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 10/24/1967 #23300  
rightening the witnesses, and then ascended into the air.                   12/26/1967 #23612  
ed them for a few minutes, then it ascended into the air.                   12/28/1967 #23617  
inguished. At this time the object ascended vertically, then flew off rapid 7/22/1968 #24205  
tered the hovering UFO, which then ascended and disappeared in seconds. The 8/28/1968 #24392  
ng blood samples, after which they ascended to their machine along the ligh 9/1/1968 #24422  
ngs appeared inside each beam. All ascended back up to the craft through th 9/20/1968 #24490  
e craft moved up the hill and then ascended silently into the sky.          11/1/1968 #24618  
e light went out. Finally, the UFO ascended with a jerky motion toward the  1/26/1969 #24872  
nating police chief's car. Finally ascended, flew away to south (Ref. 1, Se 3/10/1969 #24988  
nating police chief's car. Finally ascended, flew away to south             3/10/1969 #24989  
parted in a UFO parked nearby that ascended vertically. The witness identif 5/5/1969 #25117  
 a window-like opening. The object ascended vertically, leaving an imprint. 7/1/1969 #25244  
't move. After a minute the object ascended rapidly into the sky, leaving a 10/5/1970 #25870  
eing was back inside the object it ascended with a slight buzzing or hummin 2/5/1971 #26015  
ous, shape undefined) as it slowly ascended. (Staffordshire County and Stok 8/16/1971 #26287  
.m. It turned red in color when it ascended, then turned white when it desc 10/17/1971 #26429  
 the brightness of the craft as it ascended. After he regained his sight an 11/2/1971 #26450  
om a tube for ten minutes. It then ascended into the sky and flew off towar 12/21/1971 #26512  
   At 12:50 p.m. small dark object ascended from the ground and joined a la 6/25/1972 #26732  
 plant, which he took with him. He ascended the rope and entered the craft, 1/4/1973 #27221  
. After a half a minute the figure ascended rapidly, "like a helium balloon 5/12/1973 #27481  
rightly lit football-shaped object ascended into the sky in staircase maneu 8/3/1973 #27676  
suddenly turned off its lights and ascended quickly out of sight.           9/15/1973 #27825  
buzzed a car in Launac, France. It ascended and flew off to the horizon wit 10/5/1973 #27952  
bject rose slightly, hovered, then ascended rapidly at a 60 degree angle. A 1/7/1974 #28661  
nterior light went out and the UFO ascended rapidly with another display of 1/8/1974 #28667  
a field in Comberouger, France. It ascended from the ground slowly and chan 3/7/1974 #28867  
d to the right side and the object ascended making a humming sound. The fig 3/21/1974 #28920  
he early afternoon a bright object ascended vertically from the ground next 4/12/1974 #29008  
 then re-entered the object, which ascended and moved off out to sea. The m 5/20/1974 #29120  
e object tilted, circled, and then ascended. The entire event lasted 35 min 9/24/1974 #29476  
shaped UFO skimmed the water, then ascended.                                4/6/1975 #29976  
FOs made an S-curve maneuver, then ascended into the sky.                   6/6/1975 #30090  
ge light and then a red cloud that ascended into the sky and transformed in 8/18/1975 #30288  
aft returned, and the two UFOnauts ascended to it on a beam of light. The c 8/23/1976 #31294  
, New York for 10 minutes. It then ascended, and flew away to the east. The 8/25/1976 #31303  
a house in Evansville, Indiana. It ascended rapidly, hovering twice, before 10/28/1976 #31502  
quickly entered the object, and it ascended silently into the sky. When it  2/27/1977 #31853  
then he returned to the UFO, which ascended into the sky with a hum and hig 3/7/1977 #31874  
 like an electric drill. The being ascended 10 feet into the air and flew h 7/12/1977 #32266  
eing then vanished, and the object ascended out of view. His head was spinn 9/15/1977 #32485  
 distance of only 75 feet. The UFO ascended slowly, then show away fast int 12/21/1977 #32801  
 distance of only 75 feet. The UFO ascended slowly, then show away fast int 12/21/1977 #32803  
 radiated beams of light, and then ascended into the sky.                   1/10/1978 #32871  
ing a dark disc-shaped object that ascended from a field behind a house. It 2/19/1978 #32983  
round and watched while the object ascended at high speed and vanished.     5/10/1978 #33199  
 had no lights and no windows, and ascended after hovering a few more minut 6/26/1978 #33314  
 10:30 p.m. It flashes red, slowly ascended vertically slowly, and then mad 8/18/1978 #33527  
ner over Mattenheim, Germany. They ascended and flew off to the east in seq 8/28/1978 #33587  
o'clock position, and then finally ascended above 25,000 feet. Another seco 9/10/1978 #33660  
ry dark and moments later the disc ascended and disappeared behind some nea 1/12/1979 #34333  
 again later over a gravel pit; it ascended at an 85 degree angle. Total du 9/5/1979 #34840  
lva, Spain for 20 minutes. It then ascended vertically. The weather was cle 3/25/1981 #35874  
y ridge and after a few seconds it ascended into the sky. (NICAP: 02 - Clos 1/21/1984 #37135  
bject for several seconds, then it ascended into the sky at about a 45 degr 1/27/1984 #37157  
eighbor' s yard, 200 feet away. It ascended in a zigzag at a high rate of s 2/7/1984 #37181  
ted to the right, gained speed and ascended rapidly. The Soviet seamen obse 6/15/1984 #37365  
 disc moved laterally, and finally ascended out of sight. The sighting last 11/24/1987 #38334  
vering disc-shaped craft. The disc ascended into a larger hovering object t 3/1/1990 #39438  
ees. After five seconds the object ascended and accelerated out of sight. T 3/2/1990 #39442  
y, moved slowly overhead, and then ascended out of sight. Minutes later a r 3/31/1990 #39504  
is porch. Moments later, the globe ascended into the air, flying low over t 12/31/1990 #39932  
shaped object made fast turns, and ascended and descended over Sandy, Orego 3/3/1991 #39993  
es and rim at 8:30 p.m. The object ascended from behind a mountain, then ho 4/22/1991 #40048  
to the ground, drifted for awhile, ascended, and then merged back into the  7/25/1991 #40133  
 sky over Sunderland, England then ascended, changed color to silver, and s 6/6/1997 #43316  
Naples, Italy during the day, then ascended to a high altitude in a zigzag  2/23/2000 #43957  
in Ionia, Michigan at 4:30 a.m. It ascended and hit in some trees when a ca 5/24/2001 #44188  
expectedly, a yellow beam of light ascended a few meters above the object a 7/28/2002 #44367  
ped, changed shape and color, then ascended into outer space. At 8:00 p.m.  10/30/2004 #44775  
he water. After 15 minutes it then ascended into sky.                       5/5/2005 #44831  
## Word: "ascending" (Back to Top)
ce what seems to be a fire balloon ascending slowly in the west, seemingly  3/19/1847 #143  
t of Hastings, Nebraska, hovering, ascending, descending, and moving at a “ 1/31/1897 #384  
 one hour later, he saw the object ascending. It reached the altitude of th 4/26/1897 #579  
hind some hills to the east. After ascending, it circles back in the direct 8/7/1909 #801  
 out to see the flame throwing UFO ascending into the sky. Clearly visible, 1922 #1017  
r saw an orange bell-shaped object ascending. Three automobiles in the vici 12/1943 #1547  
 southeast going quickly northwest ascending until gone..                   10/1947 (approximate) #3437  
ging in some erratic movements and ascending into a cloud. It changed color 4/9/1949 #4085  
imb and circle. Emit black smoke / ascending.                               4/8/1950 #4822  
 sighting. The radar then shows it ascending at a rapid rate then streaking 9/11/1951 #5662  
n, D.C., hovering to the west then ascending to the airliner’s altitude of  7/13/1952 #6797  
nnati, OH Oval-shaped UFO observed ascending at high speed. [UFOE, XII] (NI 8/6/1955 #12336  
 and spread out, the largest light ascending on an apparent collision cours Fall 1956 #13237  
noise as it hovers. When it starts ascending at a 22° angle, its color chan 10/15/1957 #14120  
easury enforcement officer saw UFO ascending and descending. [NICAP UFOE, V 4/3/1959 #15691  
e horizon (close to the witnesses) ascending to 40-50^ above the horizon in 6/18/1959 #15777  
. The multicolored object was seen ascending into the sky from a nearby tow 6/4/1963 #17777  
oot diameter glowing ball was seen ascending slowly in the sky from a low a 6/5/1964 #18333  
hem and they left. The UFO left by ascending vertically into the sky.       6/15/1964 #18363  
r Springfield, Ohio. He sees a UFO ascending and descending that is slightl 8/12/1965 #19373  
lly and disappears to the south by ascending to about 30°–45° elevation. At 1/30/1967 #21418  
ed to the south at azimuth 170° by ascending to about 30°-45° elevation. Tw 1/30/1967 #21422  
ection (maneuvered), and continued ascending. After the color change, it mo 7/29/1967 #22748  
ORA, CA 35 mm movie drama footage. Ascending white ovoid only seen editing  11/1/1967 #23382  
lain view in front of trees before ascending straight up and out of sight.  5/31/1971 #26148  
vered consciousness he saw the UFO ascending, and it disappeared behind a n 9/20/1971 #26354  
 a triangle of three bright lights ascending vertically. At 10:40 p.m., a c 7/4/1972 #26764  
t. It made some complex maneuvers, ascending into the sky, then flew off to 1/10/1973 #27229  
ltitude for several minutes before ascending vertically into the clouds. A  6/13/1973 #27563  
imeter and realizes they have been ascending and are now at 3,500 feet, but 10/18/1973 #28172  
 red luminous object was then seen ascending from the site. The object, abo 3/1/1974 #28843  
uickly followed by the other four, ascending in a step formation. At about  9/1/1974 #29417  
he next thing he knows, the UFO is ascending and disappears from sight with 8/13/1975 #30264  
yrenees-Atlantiques, France before ascending and flying off to the west.    10/22/1975 #30460  
 200-300 feet above ground, before ascending again.                         11/29/1975 #30675  
ther-in-law hears him and sees him ascending. Da Silva manages to get loose 9/9/1976 #31362  
stepped up" maneuvers, and finally ascending vertically at a terrific speed 5/18/1977 #32111  
Alm school. They notice the object ascending at a 40° angle and see several 10/25/1977 #32609  
–5 times the size of the full moon ascending about 900 feet away in a woode 11/18/1977 #32685  
or her parents, who saw the slowly ascending object leave, emitting multico 2/15/1978 #32971  
 large, solid object, which starts ascending rapidly as soon as one operato 2/19/1978 #32981  
 satellite tracking station before ascending rapidly and disappearing in th 5/9/1979 #34552  
ved back and forth, descending and ascending over the trees along the river 3/19/1980 #35223  
 to be balancing itself with short ascending and descending movements. At t 2/19/1982 #36357  
ht, then flew off to the northeast ascending at a 45 degree angle. It gave  9/6/1986 #38017  
West Point, Florida a UFO was seen ascending straight up into the sky.      6/6/1988 #38582  
The object movres t the northeast, ascending, and is visible for 5 minutes. 8/2/1989 #39042  
 edges. It was slowly spinning and ascending, and made no sound. There was  6/30/1990 #39632  
he Meuse River right next to them, ascending silently and moving back towar 7/26/1990 #39663  
 attached to an object that begins ascending and approaching them from the  6/22/1995 #42267  
 and was flying at a tilted angle, ascending. It had a large clear window w 9/11/2010 #45297  
## Word: "ascends" (Back to Top)
ngth to be 50–100 feet. The object ascends, moves east, then south, then we 4/10/1897 #426  
ntern that he waves as the airship ascends.                                 4/14/1897 #466  
spreads out four massive wings and ascends again. The two occupants have ex 4/16/1897 #507  
a nearby field. The light suddenly ascends to an altitude of 1,000 feet. As 4/16/1897 #510  
itters in different directions. It ascends to 600 feet and is lost to view. 6/1/1898 #622  
ortheast. Before it disappears, it ascends so high that “nothing but a smal 7/4/1899 #636  
ll appears over Austin, Texas, and ascends into the sky until it disappears 5/13/1902 #651  
t they flee inside the ship, which ascends and disappears.                  6/1914 #901  
 surface. Moments later the object ascends smoothly in a gradual climb and  Late Summer 1917 #962  
e top of a hedge, turns right, and ascends until it finds a break in the hi 1/22/1919 #983  
g, that shoots a beam of light and ascends with a loud noise.               Summer 1922 #1023  
ter moving a quarter mile away, it ascends and disappears at terrific speed Fall 1924 #1044  
Some 5–10 minutes later the object ascends quietly and is gone.             5/1930 #1114  
e, the door closes, and the object ascends and departs at a tremendous spee 7/18/1943 #1518  
s moving slowly out of the ravine, ascends, and shoots away to the west at  Spring 1944 #1586  
 crackling noise, turns right, and ascends at great speed.                  10/1944 #1674  
ly around some trees. It gradually ascends, surrounded by a cloud of white  8/15/1946 #2138  
sylvania. It suddenly and silently ascends vertically at three times its ho Summer 1948 #3679  
makes a 90° turn, accelerates, and ascends at high speed.                   10/4/1951 #5704  
 smaller than his T-28. It rapidly ascends to 15,000 feet then circles left 12/4/1952 #8377  
shot the object tilts slightly and ascends at a 65° angle to the west at 60 1/29/1953 #8616  
 for a few minutes, but the object ascends and disappears, and he can move  Late 4/1954 #9720  
n ray at him. The disc immediately ascends vertically, then moves gently aw 9/12/1954 #10290  
t one of the girls. When the craft ascends it collides with a high-tension  11/23/1954 #11696  
. The object shoots over the lake, ascends rapidly, and disappears.         Late 7/1955 #12285  
very fast going quickly northwest. Ascends straight up. Quarter / arms leng 7/12/1956 #12967  
e gets out of his car as the light ascends; its lights blink out, and his e 11/2/1957 #14219  
y rises up from the road ahead and ascends almost vertically at great speed 11/3/1957 #14243  
star-like object for 5 minutes. It ascends straight up out of sight.        11/10/1957 #14526  
de and quivers some more. Later it ascends and a fan-shaped tail of light s 12/15/1957 #14730  
ght. He gets closer and the object ascends at high speed, heads north, chan 8/1958 #15171  
n two at a height of 10 feet, then ascends and disappears in seconds. The t 12/30/1958 #15503  
ow flames from the lower side, and ascends rapidly, disappearing above scat 9/24/1959 #15987  
, makes a loud sucking sound, then ascends rapidly. Thomas M. Conrow, chief 5/19/1960 #16289  
 its wheels in the air. The object ascends and is lost to view in a few sec 1/1961 #16555  
 while spinning again, and finally ascends and leaves.                      9/8/1961 #16822  
t is paralyzed at 30 feet away. It ascends in the direction of Brindisi to  1/11/1963 #17634  
lights are blinking. As the object ascends, the lights go out. A brilliant  7/7/1964 #18398  
ime hovering over a pine grove. It ascends again, emitting the red vapor an 8/19/1965 #19427  
is and the same sounds as earlier, ascends vertically, this time to about 1 3/29/1966 #20139  
sc- shaped object with a domed top ascends into his field of view. After st 11/22/1966 #21140  
e to take a photograph of it as it ascends and manages a second photo a few 11/22/1966 #21141  
or another 20–30 minutes before it ascends and disappears.                  1/1967 #21243  
to about 10 feet of it, the object ascends swiftly.                         1/19/1967 #21354  
r prolonged periods. It eventually ascends to an altitude higher than the c 4/10/1967 #22105  
burst of flame from the bottom and ascends rapidly. Meanwhile, the road is  4/21/1967 #22194  
aming clothing off just as the UFO ascends in a rush of air. It heads off t 5/20/1967 #22382  
ngular windows of blue and red. It ascends in a curve then shoots upward.   8/4/1967 #22804  
t beams of light. After 4 hours it ascends and is lost to sight in seconds. 9/11/1967 #23045  
 light turns white, and the object ascends at a terrific speed, trailing je 10/7/1967 #23189  
n the north that descends rapidly, ascends again, moves left to right, then 12/2/1967 #23533  
de of shiny, polished aluminum. It ascends slowly with a sort of siren soun 12/3/1967 #23545  
 the sun. At 9:00 a.m., the object ascends and moves to the south.          3/30/1968 #23876  
nguished. At this time, the object ascends vertically then flies off rapidl 7/22/1968 #24204  
ss) moves toward the witnesses. It ascends and vanishes in three seconds, o 8/7/1968 #24307  
ent dome encloses them. The object ascends and shoots off at high speed. Wi 10/2/1968 #24537  
ct changes color to orange-red and ascends at a high rate of speed, disappe 11/23/1968 #24695  
sees the landed object, which then ascends, hovers a moment, and takes off  6/26/1969 #25236  
paralyzed by fright. As the object ascends with a whistling sound, he feels 7/25/1970 #25750  
 microphone in his lap. The object ascends to about 6 feet above the floor  6/22/1972 #26726  
The object moves away and abruptly ascends vertically. The left-hand mudgua 11/4/1974 #29583  
t persists for 12 minutes until it ascends and fades slowly out.            12/11/1974 #29637  
potlight on it, the object rapidly ascends.                                 3/2/1975 #29867  
 miles from Sanlúcar, the red ball ascends vertically from 1,000 feet to so 9/1975? #30333  
sting in his path. The UFO quickly ascends and is lost to sight. When he tu 10/7/1975 #30421  
at suddenly go out when the object ascends above a row of trees. Gray start 10/27/1975 #30486  
ce similar to the moon. The object ascends and descends. The object is obse 11/11/1975 #30609  
umming sound and smell an odor. It ascends and disappears.                  8/21/1976 #31289  
of his position, the second object ascends and flies directly over them. A  10/22/1976 #31486  
ghts begin flashing and the object ascends in a steep climb.                5/19/1977 #32112  
k and twist for 10–15 seconds. One ascends, stops, and vanishes; the other  8/6/1977 #32367  
ge object” for 20 minutes until it ascends at great speed and disappears.   10/20/1977 #32594  
ther runs into the UFO, which then ascends vertically. The dog remains daze 12/2/1977 #32726  
t"  5 kilometers offshore. It then ascends, and hovers in the sky for 45 mi 4/25/1978 #33170  
 Sturgell family. At 9:00 a.m., it ascends and moves off to the northwest.  10/8/1978 #33812  
 which have stayed in position. He ascends to 7,500 feet and sees one white 12/21/1978 #34193  
 one mile away for 2–3 seconds. It ascends and descends about five times.   7/1/1979 #34645  
ding black tubes. The UFO suddenly ascends at great speed, stirring up a wh 7/25/1979 #34679  
turns the light off and the object ascends again. He turns the red cruiser  4/22/1980 #35285  
iefly emits three white rays, then ascends rapidly, hovers for 2 seconds, t 6/14/1980 #35367  
center line. It stops hovering and ascends vertically, disappearing in 3–4  8/1980 #35437  
s them for about one mile and then ascends vertically at a rapid speed and  6/10/1981 #35960  
he F-5s get closer, but the object ascends and stays above them. They stay  1/3/1982 #36295  
moves to the south, speeds up, and ascends.                                 5/24/1982 #36486  
pt to shoot the object, which then ascends to a height beyond the copter’s  1984 #37097  
arby ridge and after a few seconds ascends into the sky. It repeats this ma 1/20/1984 #37132  
locks away. After a few seconds it ascends at a 45° angle.                  1/27/1984 #37159  
, but that vanishes and the object ascends in a zigzag pattern, then moves  2/7/1984 #37180  
it quickly moves back to the Gori, ascends at an angle of 40°–45°, veers to Mid 6/1984 #37364  
appens five times. Then the object ascends at a huge speed and reaches the  1985 #37541  
lightly sweet rye bread. The craft ascends and flies over Protvino before d 9/13/1989 #39098  
back and forth several times, then ascends out of sight. Other red lights a 4/14/1990 #39524  
hree photos of it. At one point it ascends to a higher altitude. The object 6/1994 #41545  
Saone-Loire department, France. It ascends vertically into the clouds, but  11/4/1994 #41835  
D, SP, BRZ Fisherman. Round object ascends / high velocity until gone. No f 1/1/1995 #41930  
ink this time it will land, but it ascends and zooms away again. They prefe 5/5/1995 #42179  
apes were made of the incident. It ascends when police shine spotlights on  8/11/1997 #43380  
it reaches one, it tips upward and ascends the side of the mountain vertica 9/27/2000 #44047  
s become jammed. Finally, the F-14 ascends to 19,000 feet because it is low 10/28/2004 #44773  
 Belgium, see a “hanging dot” that ascends at an enormous speed.            2/23/2018 #45509  
## Word: "ascension" (Back to Top)
 festival of fire in honor of the “ascension of a new emperor to the throne 1824 #117  
                                   ASCENSION PR, LA Project Bluebook Case # 10/1/1948 #3823  
                                   Ascension, Paraguay An object land on th 2/5/1963 #17651  
                                   Ascension, Paraguay Approximate date. A  2/5/1963 #17654  
ect flying at very high speed over Ascension.                               2/5/1963 #17654  
                                   ASCENSION ISL., ATLANTIC OCEAN. Pilot an 2/16/1967 #21557  
and witnessed visually flying over Ascension Island in the Atlantic Ocean a 2/16/1967 #21573  
nda, California and as far east as Ascension Island, occurring on this date 2/16/1967 #21576  
## Word: "ascent" (Back to Top)
s very low / desert. Buzz and slow ascent. Then streaks away. / CLARK'92.   8/1910 (approximate) #842  
ield. 4-5 dwarfs reboard. Vertical ascent. / r8#39.                         6/1914 #898  
y retract close to his body during ascent, and are extended to hover or pro 1/6/1948 #3533  
retracted close to his body during ascent, and were extended to hover or pr 1/6/1948 #3534  
en circling around in a high speed ascent.                                  11/23/1948 #3890  
 speeds, vertical or near vertical ascent or descent, extraordinary maneuve 2/18/1949 #4018  
apparent size changing to indicate ascent and descent.                      8/30/1950 #5150  
peed going [to] 550mph. 35K' / min ascent! Going quickly southeast.         6/1/1952 #6406  
y tilt upward and leave in a steep ascent. Blips appear on radar for at lea 7/19/1952 #6935  
h lights seen through ports; swift ascent when observed (NICAP: 02 - Close  8/27/1952 #7753  
 with green tail. "Terrific rate / ascent".                                 9/24/1952 #8017  
AR. Night lights over runway. Fast ascent. Boat and plane search.           3/8/1953 #8738  
ng at 600 mph. It makes a vertical ascent and disappears.                   1/29/1954 #9512  
owing them to estimate its rate of ascent at a half degree in 2 minutes.    7/29/1954 #10063  
 a small bus, take off. During the ascent the object's color changed from o 10/2/1954 #10619  
is arms that may have assisted his ascent. Footprints were found at the sit 10/4/1954 #10703  
tically making no noise during its ascent.                                  10/10/1954 #10897  
of the water. It then made a final ascent and flew away.                    10/22/1954 #11323  
minutes and took off in a vertical ascent, disappearing at high speed.      11/27/1954 #11714  
left silently by making a vertical ascent.                                  5/14/1955 #12132  
 curving and spiraling. It made an ascent to a higher altitude, flew to the 9/13/1955 #12452  
M metal-grey disk. Sudden vertical ascent.                                  8/30/1956 #13154  
ar 3x. Maneuvers. Maneuvers. Steep ascent. Ovoids going quickly south / 24  10/18/1956 #13285  
   AZUSA, CA Saucer makes wobbling ascent. Amber lights / edge. Portholes?  7/1957 #13761  
ntense light as they begin a steep ascent, and then realize that the flying 10/10/1957 #14095  
 going quickly southwest. Fast 3km ascent then going quickly southwest. / r 10/23/1957 #14148  
sky, descended, then made a second ascent. Large and distant, the object sh 12/8/1957 #14693  
esses, vehicle encounter, vertical ascent (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)  12/20/1958 #15485  
Mx30cm rockets going up / terrific ascent. No flame. / FSRv17#4.            12/31/1958 #15504  
it silently take off in a vertical ascent. He described the UFO as round wi 8/25/1959 #15939  
B, Victoria, Australia. It make an ascent for 90 seconds, then hovered whil 9/8/1961 #16822  
y slowly, then made a slow oblique ascent.                                  11/22/1962 #17557  
 zigzags and lands. Rapid vertical ascent. / r74p54.                        1/27/1965 #18771  
radar making a high speed vertical ascent at extreme speed.                 2/11/1965 #18811  
ght pulses blue and white. Erratic ascent. Going quickly north.             3/20/1966 #20000  
white to intense blue made a jerky ascent and then rapidly accelerated away 3/20/1966 #20009  
elerates straight up. On the final ascent, the sound increases in pitch and 3/29/1966 #20139  
took off straight up in a vertical ascent.                                  7/21/1967 #22722  
ehind trees 2km away. Fast gradual ascent going quickly northeast.          7/23/1968 #24209  
w and high. Stops. Lost / vertical ascent! No noise.                        9/24/1969 #25376  
g sound. It shot off in a vertical ascent.                                  6/1/1970 #25686  
he UFO shot up in a rapid vertical ascent, rocking the car "as if a semi wa 5/12/1973 #27481  
aid that at one point during their ascent they met three persons heading do 10/20/1973 #28222  
rapidly into the sky in a vertical ascent when witness's car neared.        3/25/1974 #28950  
ah-dit" noise accompanied the slow ascent of an eight-meter wide, gray dome 12/18/1975 #30723  
ah-dit" noise accompanied the slow ascent of an eight-meter wide, gray dome 12/18/1975 #30725  
companied by a high-speed vertical ascent, and within a few seconds the UFO 7/28/1976 #31190  
fter a few seconds, making a rapid ascent. It made no sound.                7/28/1976 #31191  
c with dome was observed, vertical ascent. One witness. (Rutledge, PID,200) 9/5/1976 #31344  
he object took off with a vertical ascent. After the object left the street 1/29/1982 #36315  
ally flew off by making a vertical ascent.                                  7/21/1982 #36541  
hape rises / dirt road. Fast jerky ascent and away.                         10/1989 #39136  
isc flew away by making a vertical ascent.                                  2/22/1990 #39429  
ng United Airlines (UAL) DC10. 45° ascent.                                  4/7/1996 #42853  
t. Moves going [to] rear. Vertical ascent.                                  4/28/1996 #42889  
/ Mt. Nephin. South-trajectory and ascent. / NUFORC.                        11/22/2000 #44076  
a few seconds, then starts a steep ascent, hovers another 5 minutes, then r 9/27/2004 #44762  
## Word: "ascents" (Back to Top)
k variation of air speed, vertical ascents and evasive movements.”          11/18/1948 #3880  
      Springfield, OH Object Has 3 Ascents & 3 Descents (NICAP: 11 - Aviati 8/12/1965 #19372  
eed is highly erratic during the 3 ascents and descents that the object mak 8/12/1965 #19373  
n make rapid V-shaped descents and ascents. When it approached the witnesse 12/4/1972 #27162  
t and is making constant turns and ascents.                                 8/18/2013 #45383  
## Word: "ascertain" (Back to Top)
e anti-clutter device is thrown to ascertain whether or not the blip is a r 8/20/1975 #30291  
ign “Giant Killer,” is not able to ascertain the operator. A Navy vessel is 11/18/2013 #45395  
s the footage, admitting it cannot ascertain what the object is. CEFAA Gen. 11/11/2014 #45423  
hat “there remains a vital need to ascertain capability and intent of these 10/4/2017 #45483  
## Word: "ascertained" (Back to Top)
took pictures of the UFO which was ascertained not to have been a balloon.  9/20/1952 #7983  
## Word: "ascertaining" (Back to Top)
 that USAF has made no progress in ascertaining the nature of UFOs, but it  7/29/1952 #7324  
## Word: "ascione" (Back to Top)
 from Vicenza, Italy Pilot Luciano Ascione is flying northbound at 2,600 fe 3/9/1978 #33021  
## Word: "asco" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Asco” YieldMax: 20KT                     4/25/1978 #33166  
## Word: "ascoli" (Back to Top)
                                   ASCOLI PISCENO, ITL Several observers. U 10/17/1954 #11169  
p.m. several people in the town of Ascoli Pisceno, Marche, Italy witnessed  10/17/1954 #11185  
                                   ASCOLI PICENO, ITL Fishermen. Brilliant  3/30/1976 #30968  
                          Pretore, Ascoli Piceno, Italy Artist and ceramici 5/9/1993 #40971  
id alien near his home in Pretore, Ascoli Piceno, Italy. He takes six Polar 5/9/1993 #40971  
## Word: "ascribe" (Back to Top)
nts back away from this and try to ascribe the radar targets to weather eff 11/17/1986 #38072  
## Word: "ascribed" (Back to Top)
erence between the characteristics ascribed to UFOs and IFOs, but perhaps n 10/25/1955 #12519  
## Word: "ascribes" (Back to Top)
perator Thomas Kirk. The Air Force ascribes it to confused radar operators  11/5/1957 #14342  
## Word: "ascuncion" (Back to Top)
                         Paraguay, Ascuncion, Argentina 3:55 p.m. LT. The p 4/29/1966 #20426  
## Word: "asele" (Back to Top)
                                   ASELE, SWD 1 observer. 25M silver disk 1 11/26/1988 #38723  
## Word: "asenhoga" (Back to Top)
                                   ASENHOGA, SWD 3 observer(s). Clear-domed 4/30/1971 #26085  
 toward the northwest at 60 kph in Asenhoga, Sweden. It had small portholes 4/30/1971 #26087  
## Word: "aseptic" (Back to Top)
 the place was the most clinically aseptic. The walls were continuous with  2/5/1978 #32957  
## Word: "asets-ii" (Back to Top)
ally Embedded Thermal Spreader II (ASETS-II), which measures the performanc 10/27/2019 #45615  
## Word: "asfan" (Back to Top)
nelor Aerospațiale Neidentificate (ASFAN) with offices in the Admiral Vasil 9/28/1998 #43654  
## Word: "ash" (Back to Top)
rs. Other clouds move. Blasts. Big ash fall.                                5/1/1812 #106  
                               317 Ash Street, Tempe, Arizona Afternoon. Fr 7/6/1947 #2811  
 his wife are in their yard at 317 Ash Street in Tempe, Arizona, when they  7/6/1947 #2811  
h two companions and finds only an ash heap. But they look up and see three 5/15/1950 #4944  
 Mainbrace, at the underground RAF Ash, near Woodnesborough, Kent, England, 9/20/1952? #7986  
saucers wobble going quickly west. Ash falls. Disintegrates. / r138#2p15.   6/9/1954 #9879  
 private pilot J.N. Williams, E.J. Ash. A thin, translucent tan asymmetrica 9/22/1954 #10394  
. N. Williams and his friend E. J. Ash observed a thin, translucent tan asy 9/22/1954 #10398  
ckly east / 9km altitude. 3000kph. Ash falls..                              9/1/1955 #12424  
oke into the sky. Gray radioactive ash and debris settles over the industri 9/29/1957 #14044  
s drilled out, they find a heap of ash inside the cavity, as well as pieces 11/21/1957 #14590  
 orange- yellow color, and in part ash black. Inside the object they could  11/9/1967 #23434  
of solid metal and slag with white ash inclusions.                          12/17/1977 #32792  
0 min. Tires popped. Luggage gone. Ash. / r41p232.                          1/20/1988 #38418  
 strapped to the roof was gone. An ash residue was also found inside the ca 1/20/1988 #38423  
"a whirlpool in the air, spreading ash everywhere" opposite the witness's b 10/16/1997 #43430  
ne, flew directly overhead in Salt Ash, New South Wales, Australia. A minut 4/26/2001 #44169  
h the sky at great speeds at Sharm Ash Shaykh on the southern tip of the Si 11/6/2002 #44435  
                        UK England Ash Ellis, who runs the online site UFO  1/2021 #45671  
                        UK England Ash Ellis of UFO Identified issues a sum 1/2022 #45732  
## Word: "ash-can" (Back to Top)
y instances which turned out to be ash-can covers, toilet seats, and whatno 9/3/1947 #3383  
## Word: "ash-colored" (Back to Top)
Spain. They saw "people" enter the ash-colored craft, which took off straig 5/16/1967 #22356  
## Word: "ash-grey" (Back to Top)
ear Bath in Somerset, England. The ash-grey "plane" was flying about 100 fe 2/12/1965 #18813  
## Word: "ash-like" (Back to Top)
orensic experts take samples of an ash-like deposit that leaves a greasy sm 2/7/2005 #44813  
## Word: "ashamed" (Back to Top)
is affidavit, saying “he should be ashamed and embarrassed by his allegatio 12/28/1980 #35749  
## Word: "ashasha" (Back to Top)
le incident. No further details. / Ashasha to Vallee.                       10/5/1989 #39145  
## Word: "ashbourne" (Back to Top)
                                   ASHBOURNE TO/FROM DERBY, ENGL 40 odd obs 8/31/1980 #35482  
                           between Ashbourne and Derby, UK A witness named  8/31/1980 #35484  
ect making a humming noise between Ashbourne and Derby, England at 12:20 a. 8/31/1980 #35485  
                                   ASHBOURNE, DERBYSHIRE Silent UFO over ho 5/14/1993 #40978  
   A domed disc flew over homes in Ashbourne, England at a low altitude, ma 5/14/1993 #40981  
                             A52 / ASHBOURNE, DERBYSHIRE 2 / car. H-shape b 10/6/1993 #41220  
sses driving on the A52 highway in Ashbourne, Derbyshire, England had a clo 10/6/1993 #41221  
                              NEAR ASHBOURNE, DERBYSHIRE 1 observer. Silent 12/31/1994 #41919  
le driving on the A52 highway near Ashbourne, Derbyshire, England had a clo 5/7/1995 #42187  
                                   ASHBOURNE, DERBYSHIRE 1+dog. Huge silent 11/4/1995 #42580  
ying 15 nautical miles offshore of Ashbourne, Ireland. The UFO caused a pow 1/4/2004 #44645  
## Word: "ashburn" (Back to Top)
                                   ASHBURN, GA Car malfunctions due to EME  10/19/1973 #28179  
                                   Ashburn, GA Woman had power failure in c 10/19/1973 #28185  
                                   Ashburn, GA A woman was driving on Inter 10/19/1973 #28190  
 was driving on Interstate 75 near Ashburn, Georgia when her engine, power  10/19/1973 #28200  
## Word: "ashburnham" (Back to Top)
her members of her family in South Ashburnham, Massachusetts. The abduction 1/23/1967 #21368  
                             SOUTH ASHBURNHAM, MASS Betty Andreason abducte 1/25/1967 #21380  
                             South Ashburnham, MA Betty Andreassen abductio 1/25/1967 #21381  
                             South Ashburnham, MA Betty Andreasson abductio 1/25/1967 #21383  
                             South Ashburnham, Massachusetts 6:35 p.m. Bett 1/25/1967 #21386  
irst abduction experience in South Ashburnham, Massachusetts. Placed under  1/25/1967 #21386  
ht outside their backyard in South Ashburnham, Massachusetts. This was acco 1/25/1967 #21389  
                             SOUTH ASHBURNHAM, MASS B Andreason warned 2 da 10/20/1977 #32592  
                             SOUTH ASHBURNHAM, MASS Betty Andreason. 2 odd  6/8/1978 #33260  
## Word: "ashburton" (Back to Top)
                                   Ashburton, Devon, England Haytor rocks o Late 6/1915 #929  
before dawn. Cecilia Peel Yates of Ashburton, Devon, England, is awakened b Late 6/1915 #929  
ops. Going quickly north toward(s) Ashburton.                               1/25/1955 #11941  
## Word: "ashbury" (Back to Top)
 Peaks downtown Pierce Street hill Ashbury Street Oakland Alameda San Leand 11/22/1896 #349  
nd at 7:51 p.m. he watches it from Ashbury Street. Airships are seen later  11/22/1896 #349  
                                In Ashbury Park, Monmouth County, New Jerse 8/29/1984 #37446  
## Word: "ashby" (Back to Top)
                                   Ashby, Minnesota Shortly before 12:00 mi 1/1/1957 #13445  
driving northeast to their home in Ashby, Minnesota, when they see a triang 1/1/1957 #13445  
                                   ASHBY, MASS Project Bluebook Case #unkno 4/24/1966 #20396  
                                   Ashby, MA Silent object with a bright bl 4/24/1966 #20399  
                                   Ashby, Massachusetts Two men saw an obje 4/24/1966 #20403  
           At 6:10 p.m. two men in Ashby, Massachusetts saw an object dive  4/24/1966 #20407  
## Word: "ashcolored" (Back to Top)
govia. They saw "people" enter the ashcolored craft, which took off straigh 5/16/1967 #22353  
## Word: "ashcroft" (Back to Top)
n square kilometers, centered over Ashcroft, Canada and was observed some d 3/31/1965 #18882  
## Word: "ashdown" (Back to Top)
                       Foreman and Ashdown, AR Sighting concentration, incl 9/1987 #38268  
## Word: "asheboro" (Back to Top)
                                   Asheboro, NC Dogs react to horizontal ro 2/18/2000 #43953  
## Word: "ashebourne" (Back to Top)
                          A52 NEAR ASHEBOURNE, DERBYSHIRE 2 / car. Large do 5/7/1995 #42182  
## Word: "ashen" (Back to Top)
n also thinks that the mysterious “ashen light” observed on Venus’s dark si 1824 #117  
## Word: "ashen-gray" (Back to Top)
and from the waists down they wore ashen-gray trousers. The boys fled down  2/23/1969 #24940  
## Word: "ashern" (Back to Top)
veling on Hwy 6 from Ericksdale to Ashern in Manitoba, Canada.              11/9/2004 #44781  
## Word: "ashes" (Back to Top)
3 dead pseudo-human/entity inside. Ashes. / APRO Aug'55+Flying Saucer Revie 5/15/1950 #4943  
trange metallic substance from the ashes of the burned hay. The material fi 12/14/1957 #14729  
anything of importance except some ashes that might easily be the remains o 4/18/1962 #17120  
bird burn up and reappear from the ashes as a giant worm. Further hypnotic  1/25/1967 #21386  
flammable contents were reduced to ashes and fused metal. Two other motoris 5/22/1973 #27520  
lames and were likewise reduced to ashes. The witness compared the appearan 5/22/1973 #27520  
ver saucer with bright beam. Fog = ashes!                                   8/20/1973 #27715  
wing 7' belljar. Fire alarm trips. Ashes and powder. / r178p16.             10/21/1973 #28224  
ng / mid-city. Going up [to] fast. Ashes found. / r39.                      9/18/1974 #29462  
ity. It left a trail of sparks and ashes.                                   12/26/1999 #43904  
## Word: "asheville" (Back to Top)
                                   Asheville, North Carolina Grove Street 6 8/26/1897 #606  
en moving steadily southwest above Asheville, North Carolina, by Dr. Willar 8/26/1897 #606  
y above a drive-in movie screen in Asheville, North Carolina at a high rate 4/9/1952 #6052  
                                   Asheville, NC (NARA) (NICAP: 01 - Distan 5/9/1964 #18251  
## Word: "ashfield" (Back to Top)
                                   ASHFIELD AND GREENFIELD, MA Several obse 12/6/1955 #12598  
                                   Ashfield & Greenfield, MA Several people 12/6/1955 #12599  
## Word: "ashington" (Back to Top)
                              A197 ASHINGTON TO/FROM PEGSWOOD, ENGL Static  2/13/1967 #21531  
riving alone at 10:55 p.m. between Ashington and Peg's Wood, Northumberland 2/13/1967 #21538  
## Word: "ashiya" (Back to Top)
                        15 MI WITH ASHIYA, JPN US C54 crew. Bright-orange 7 3/4/1952 #5943  
                                   Ashiya AFB (15 miles W of), Japan Huge O 3/4/1952 #5944  
                                   Ashiya, Japan As Many As Five Targets Ob 10/15/1952 #8134  
                                   ASHIYA AIR FORCE BASE, JP Numerous milit 3/8/1953 #8738  
                           Kyushu (Ashiya AFB), Japan (McDonald list; FUFOR 3/9/1953 #8741  
## Word: "ashland" (Back to Top)
                                   ASHLAND, OR Doctor and 2 families campin 7/6/1947 #2740  
                                   ASHLAND, KY "Large oysters" circle town  5/25/1952 #6353  
                                   ASHLAND, OREGON "Blue square object / ro 7/9/1952 #6729  
ey came to, they were driving near Ashland. A series of nightmares and medi 9/19/1961 #16852  
ey came to, they were driving near Ashland, New Hampshire. They arrived hom 9/19/1961 #16858  
                                   ASHLAND, NE Cop Shirmer abduction and to 12/3/1967 #23536  
                                   ASHLAND, NE Same cop. "UFO's show at ran 12/3/1967 #23537  
                                   Ashland, NE 2:30 a.m.CST. A police patro 12/3/1967 #23540  
                                   Ashland, NE 2:30 a.m.CST. A police patro 12/3/1967 #23541  
                                   Ashland, Nebraska Police Officer Schirme 12/3/1967 #23543  
                                   Ashland, NE Officer Herbert Schirmer veh 12/3/1967 #23544  
                                   Ashland, Nebraska US Highway 6 State Rou 12/3/1967 #23545  
stless cattle twice at a barn near Ashland, Nebraska. At 2:30 a.m. he is dr 12/3/1967 #23545  
ous UFO abduction case occurred in Ashland, Nebraska. Mr. Herbert L. Schirm 12/3/1967 #23547  
n underpass on the highway between Ashland and Lincoln. His sighting precip 12/25/1967 #23609  
                                   ASHLAND, MS Many and cops. Several multi 10/2/1973 #27915  
  There were many UFO reports from Ashland and Iron Counties in northern Wi 3/13/1975 #29895  
                           SOUTH / ASHLAND, OR White light beams going down 8/11/1979 #34726  
eir tents while camping outside of Ashland, Oregon. Moments later several t 8/11/1979 #34736  
                                   Ashland, Wisconsin 8:15 p.m. Two boys in 9/4/1979 #34835  
d, Wisconsin 8:15 p.m. Two boys in Ashland, Wisconsin, watch a cone-shaped  9/4/1979 #34835  
       West County Line Road South Ashland Avenue Beecher, Illinois 12:15 a 8/1/1983 #36929  
of West County Line Road and South Ashland Avenue about 1.5 miles southwest 8/1/1983 #36929  
ss had fallen asleep in a chair in Ashland, New Hampshire when shortly afte 9/6/1995 #42445  
r were driving home down a road in Ashland, Kentucky at around 10:00 p.m. w 7/12/2003 #44563  
## Word: "ashley" (Back to Top)
                                   Ashley, OH At 1400 to 1430 hours, witnes 4/8/1948 #3616  
t 1400 to 1430 hours, witnesses at Ashley and Delaware, Ohio, observed a lo 4/8/1948 #3616  
                                   ASHLEY, OH Project Bluebook Case #112. S 4/12/1948 #3621  
Erie P. Ashton and 2nd Lt. Clifton Ashley, while flying a B-25 about 100 mi 6/18/1952 #6541  
 Misawa, Japan USAF crews of B-26 (Ashley and Wood) and F-84G (Col. Donald  12/29/1952 #8459  
                            EAST / ASHLEY, ND Night lights / roadside ditch 6/30/1993 #41042  
## Word: "ashlike" (Back to Top)
of September, the lab has analyzed ashlike powder found at the site. It tur 7/9/1947 #3068  
n diameter where the ground had an ashlike appearance.                      11/5/1954 #11578  
n diameter where the ground had an ashlike appearance.                      11/5/1954 #11581  
## Word: "ashlot" (Back to Top)
                                   ASHLOT BENCH / FT. SHAW, MT 2 observer(s 7/27/1975 (approximate) #30209  
## Word: "ashore" (Back to Top)
TOKYO, JAPAN 6M saucer-ship floats ashore. Young woman exits. Very white sk 2/22/1803 #99  
n engine cowl flap is found washed ashore on Flinders Island. In July 1983, 10/21/1978 #33856  
the boat is drifting. They go back ashore to their cottage, their heads beg 7/31/1981 #36048  
## Word: "ashstead" (Back to Top)
est Norwood, south London, England Ashstead, Surrey Mid-day. Amateur astron 9/9/1914 #916  
m to the Rev. T. E. R. Phillips at Ashstead, Surrey, but the sky is now ove 9/9/1914 #916  
## Word: "ashtabula" (Back to Top)
                                   Ashtabula, OH Family saw a silvery disc- 8/17/1966 #20758  
                                   Ashtabula, OH Time not reported. An elec 3/11/1967 #21856  
hallway of her guest house home in Ashtabula, Ohio when she heard a commoti 1/3/1968 #23647  
           At 9:00 a.m. in Geneva, Ashtabula County, Ohio an enormous cigar 5/5/1993 #40966  
## Word: "ashtar" (Back to Top)
, and others. One of his contacts, Ashtar, will become a metaphysical super 1/6/1952 #5861  
mmunications from cosmic informant Ashtar. The astral entities are based in 1958 #14782  
## Word: "ashton" (Back to Top)
ornia 5:00 p.m. USAF Capt. Erie P. Ashton and 2nd Lt. Clifton Ashley, while 6/18/1952 #6541  
                                   Ashton Clinton, Beds., UK Car motor lost 2/9/1962 #17041  
         At 1:30 a.m. a witness in Ashton, Adelaide, South Australia had a  5/3/1975 #30028  
## Word: "ashtray" (Back to Top)
experiment was successful with an “ashtray.” Threlfall claims he saw the ex 1953 #8481  
   VALLEJO, CA 1 observer. "Flying ashtray" goes over town. / Vallejo Times 9/9/1973 #27791  
## Word: "ashtray-saucer" (Back to Top)
OVER FORT MEADE, MD(PRE-NSA) Round ashtray-saucer. Whirring sound. Erratic  12/7/1953 #9344  
## Word: "ashtrays" (Back to Top)
ject that looks like two cigarette ashtrays placed face to face over Vancou 2/26/1950 #4560  
## Word: "ashy" (Back to Top)
ng spider webs, white in color and ashy in texture” float to earth.         5/30/1953 #8915  
2 feet square, of burned grass and ashy residue. At some distance away they 11/2/1975 #30540  
## Word: "asia" (Back to Top)
 Wave all over/all about southeast Asia to Saigon.                          8/1/1948 (approximate) #3766  
omic explosion on the continent of Asia.”                                   9/9/1949 #4352  
                         Far East, Asia December 1956, Far East. Visual & r 12/1956 #13376  
                         Far East, Asia December 1956; Far East, A,V (NICAP 12/1956 #13377  
                 Marianas Islands, Asia Four Small Objects Tracked 10-15 Mi 4/14/1961 #16648  
and covert operations in Southeast Asia. The USAF, however, is interested i 12/7/1962 #17574  
                         Southeast Asia, Asia Daytime. A U.S. Air Force fli 3/14/1967 #21884  
                   Southeast Asia, Asia Daytime. A U.S. Air Force flight su 3/14/1967 #21884  
sk, Vladivostok, Russia in eastern Asia a red fireball flew parallel to the 1/29/1986 #37776  
chnology Officer of General Motors Asia Pacific, while Zimmerman was with G 7/31/1999 #43815  
## Word: "asiago" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Asiago” YieldMax: 20KT                   12/21/1976 #31629  
## Word: "asian" (Back to Top)
sses by, the figure, apparently an Asian woman with long blonde hair and dr 7/18/1943 #1518  
 Brown (who says the bodies looked Asian), Capt. Oliver “Pappy” W. Henderso 7/8/1947 #3026  
outh American, Middle Eastern, and Asian UFO wave. (See separate chronology 7/1978 #33317  
ely large, wide head with definite Asian features. It had narrow pale lips, 9/28/1978 #33770  
anded by a garage in Frunze in the Asian republic of Kyrgistan at 8:45 a.m. 5/29/1990 #39597  
nd the other dark-haired with some Asian features. They are human-like but  7/23/1992 #40530  
hair reveals very rare and unusual Asian signatures common to the isolated  7/23/1992 #40530  
 indicating rare Basque/Gaelic and Asian results—suggesting advanced clonin 7/23/1992 #40530  
portioned adult bodies. One looked Asian, with straight dark shoulder lengt 7/23/1992 #40531  
cked or confused and looked at the Asian woman, then back at the witness. I 7/23/1992 #40531  
 silvery outfits. Their faces were Asian in appearance, with high cheekbone 7/16/1996 #42959  
## Word: "asians" (Back to Top)
occupant types are short humanoid “Asians” with pale skin and wider eyes, a 1954 #9424  
## Word: "asiatic" (Back to Top)
g blond hair, and eyes that looked Asiatic, with small noses, small mouths  1959 #15516  
r / N7. Mist and saucer / field. 3 Asiatic pseudo-humans/entities exit. Odd 3/16/1972 #26605  
 near Bruderovskiy-Raspadok in the Asiatic region of Vladivostok, Russia. I 9/24/1988 #38646  
## Word: "aside" (Back to Top)
ision. Gold sphere over road jumps aside. High wind stops.                  8/1947 (approximate) #3266  
s) monitors all UFO reports. As an aside to his superiors, Willis in a memo 1/29/1951 #5421  
arm. 1M3 / soil sucked up and cast aside. Not dug.                          10/4/1954 #10684  
O reports, he seems to calmly cast aside well-known scientific principles a 4/22/1967 #22208  
it and suddenly the outer rim slid aside, following the curve of the craft, 8/26/1972 #26956  
pparently it had pushed the drapes aside to look inside. The creature moved 8/21/1973 #27718  
was nothing "alien" about the trio aside from the fact that they all dresse 10/20/1973 #28222  
n. No trace of the aliens remained aside from their footprints, which were  10/20/1973 #28222  
 and Vice President Walter Mondale aside to describe particularly sensitive 11/19/1976 #31557  
le crossing the street. He stepped aside, thinking that it was a car, but h 12/31/1978 #34250  
ge, and when he pulled the curtain aside he was surprised to see a circular 9/19/1979 #34901  
on the return, he took Stubblebine aside to relay something; Stubblebine th 3/9/1992 #40369  
 of the airlines should now be set aside along with the media’s inability t 2/20/1995 #42052  
ight light going down / road. Move aside as car nears. Radio Frequency Inte 3/22/1996 #42834  
her breasts but she pushed his arm aside and noticed that it had a gummy te 5/2/2001 #44174  
ss's account, but was also brushed aside by authorities. as an infantile ha 8/25/2004 #44742  
en largely unknown and unreported, aside from a 2015 secondhand story on Fi 11/14/2004 #44784  
move, and if someone had pulled it aside to look in at them from above.     8/30/2009 #45240  
## Word: "asino" (Back to Top)
                                   ASINO, TOMSK Saucer going quickly [to] P 11/11/1991 (approximate) #40226  
## Word: "asio" (Back to Top)
d its officers. By suggesting that ASIO could offer them significant inform 8/1959 #15887  
## Word: "asios" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Asios” Yield: 150KT                      7/19/1980 #35421  
## Word: "ask" (Back to Top)
 field. 4 riders out repairing it. Ask for water.                           4/19/1897 #531  
ng around a large dark object, who ask for water. They accompany Ligon to h 4/19/1897 #539  
UVALDE, TX Airship lands. Crew / 3 ask sheriff / water. Inquire about local 4/20/1897 #542  
 men conversing, so he walks up to ask them questions. One of the aeronauts 4/21/1897? #551  
an get close, two men with buckets ask him if they can draw water from his  4/22/1897 #560  
oration in Burbank, California, to ask them to develop a jet fighter.       6/1943 #1507  
objects were. I had an occasion to ask General LeMay about them several yea 7/1945 #1886  
is farm. The intelligence officers ask for directions and are told to drive 1946 #1962  
hief of staff for intelligence, to ask Budapest for further information. To 8/13/1946 #2128  
 personnel to the extent that they ask questions about UFO effects on cloud 7/10/1947 #3110  
e Rees wires AFOSI headquarters to ask if he can send two of his men to AMC 4/25/1949 #4109  
on by Traxler on October 21), they ask him if he would send them any photos 10/14/1949 #4395  
nspires producer Jack H. Harris to ask his friend Irvine H. Millgate to com 9/26/1950 #5199  
le in Popular Science, the editors ask UFO witnesses what they think the ob 8/1951 #5590  
l Institute in Columbus, Ohio, and ask them to help out with the USAF evalu 12/26/1951 #5826  
 place soon. Williamson and Bailey ask Adamski to call them before he attem 11/4/1952 #8247  
icers interview George Adamski and ask him to draft a statement saying that 3/17/1953 #8759  
 Rome, New York, where controllers ask Ryan to turn his lights off and on t 4/8/1956 #12803  
pt. Sidney Sherby and Cmdr. Hoover ask for the Allen letters and these are  Summer 1956? #12914  
 beach. Small humanoids (or Greys) ask many dumb questions / telepathy.     11/5/1957 #14301  
ored jersey, exit the object. They ask Kehoe and the others where they are  11/6/1957 #14421  
s, Brazil, Wilson Lustosa stops to ask some fishermen what they are looking 4/1958 #14955  
 warns him that the Air Force will ask him for “certain UFO information. Th 6/1958 #15068  
ics Committee, as well as the CIA, ask for hearings on USAF’s handling of U 7/1960 #16321  
seudo-humans/entities / 13' saucer ask farmer / water. Bake pancakes! / MJ# 4/18/1961 #16650  
t the previous night’s event. They ask him what clothes he was wearing and  Late 11/1961 #16978  
object looked like, but they never ask about the shooting. Later, they show Late 11/1961 #16978  
ter, they show up at his house and ask to see his hunting gear and boots. T Late 11/1961 #16978  
e of the Hills’ account. The Hills ask Swett if he will hypnotize them to r 11/23/1962 #17559  
 he is in contact with in order to ask for a “final agreement” from the pop 5/31/1963 #17774  
cidents cause Sen. Jim Cavanagh to ask the federal government to make its U 6/28/1963 #17814  
trusts. Swett suggests that Barney ask Stephens about the use of hypnosis i 9/7/1963 #17927  
ave talked to people before.” They ask him what he is doing, and Wilcox say 4/24/1964 #18199  
 Saucer lands. Pseudo-human/entity ask for water / mixed Engl&Spanish! / FS 6/15/1964 #18359  
l demonstration of their power and ask Whitman to do what he can to fight m 11/10/1965 #19711  
object. Quintanilla calls Spaur to ask him about “this mirage you saw.” Spa 4/18/1966 #20331  
ll bright objects. Photographs and ask / RADAR confirm. R22p9.              7/18/1966 #20650  
assure him they were misquoted and ask for NICAP’s support. He expresses hi Mid 10/1966 #21007  
nds standardized report forms that ask all the right questions. They both s 11/11/1966 #21090  
nd in park. 7' pseudo-human/entity ask boy to return / next day.            9/17/1967 #23073  
o advise them of the situation and ask if any aircraft were missing. Before 10/4/1967 #23176  
orms. He obtains their names. They ask him about his 1965 photos and topics 10/11/1967 #23216  
aken on board by aliens (who first ask him, “Are you the watchman over this 12/3/1967 #23545  
 Force Secretary Robert Seamans to ask for his comments on “this deplorable 4/30/1968 #23931  
ext morning a neighbor stops by to ask if they had seen any lights in a fie Late 9/1968 #24511  
, some other workers approached to ask what was wrong and he told them what 9/28/1972 #27038  
ussed him out and said “don’t ever ask me that question again.”  https://yo 12/28/1973 #28612  
cts). Pseudo-human/entity / saucer ask many questions. / r53p182.           1/29/1976 #30831  
ela, at 3,000 mph. Tower operators ask the unidentified craft to identify t 3/15/1976 #30943  
ive response, saying he should not ask questions. The light is visible for  9/10/1976 #31372  
the left and immediately radios to ask if there is any traffic in the vicin 6/17/1977 #32171  
udo-human/entity / metallic voices ask silence. / MJ#130.                   9/24/1978 #33740  
 the meeting; university officials ask the group to leave. Schnee claims th 11/1978 #33907  
ey drive to the police station and ask officers Tim Roark and Don Grannon t 9/26/1980 #35536  
 her HBO contacts about this, they ask her to secure a letter of intent fro 4/9/1983 #36830  
onal Guard base 10 miles away, and ask for an armed helicopter, the UFO is  7/24/1984 #37412  
Bill Houser. Houser states he will ask Naval Intelligence to study UAP phot 11/10/1986 #38061  
wice by the local control tower to ask if they can see an aircraft in their 5/30/1989 #38967  
 Just then radar control radios to ask if he has traffic on his right, and  6/8/1991 #40092  
g questioned by military types who ask “What do you know about the alien ag 1994 #41345  
ion about 30 miles to the north to ask whether they have any targets. They  3/8/1994 #41449  
ssed me out, and said, ‘Don’t ever ask me that question again!’”            10/1/1994 #41779  
ed by two Cheltenham policemen who ask him about a UFO group called the Tru 3/1997 #43215  
 Despite her terror she managed to ask the entity what it wanted. She heard 4/27/1998 #43559  
ked on his door. They proceeded to ask the witness several questions about  7/14/1999 #43802  
large heads would approach her and ask her how she was feeling. They reassu 10/19/2000 #44060  
 astounded witness next managed to ask the being where he came from. He was 3/26/2002 #44326  
ponsored by the Sci-Fi channel, to ask a national sample of adult Americans 8/2002 #44372  
l, true.” However, Clancy fails to ask her subjects about their religious b 10/2005 #44883  
eman would be “the best person” to ask if recovered UAP vehicles would be a 7/7/2007 #45037  
their operations and security, and ask AFOSI for data on the Northern Tier  12/11/2009 #45262  
was published. It is reasonable to ask if this line of research began even  4/2017 #45467  
## Word: "askania" (Back to Top)
     Alamogordo (Holloman AFB), NM Askania Theodolite Films Objects At Trac 5/24/1950 #4963  
f the range stations. Booth and an Askania cinetheodolite operator are aske 7/1950 #5035  
e station with a manually operated Askania and look for the object. Through 7/1950 #5035  
tandard two-man crews out to their Askania tracking telescopes for their da 5/2/1957 #13643  
Sands Missile Range near Tularosa. Askania and Mitchell tracking cameras sh 7/1991 #40107  
## Word: "asked" (Back to Top)
rapsychologist Albert de Rochas is asked to hypnotize a family friend, “Mir 1895 #318  
ard it, was stopped by two men who asked permission to draw water from his  4/22/1897 #554  
ard it, was stopped by two men who asked permission to draw water from his  4/22/1897 #556  
 it but was stopped by two men who asked permission to draw water from his  4/22/1897 #562  
P for Great Yarmouth, England, had asked Secretary of State for War Richard 5/17/1909 #753  
istry The British Air Ministry has asked the public to submit reports on ob 9/1921 #1014  
ic expedition. President Roosevelt asked Byrd to command the U.S. Antarctic 1939 #1302  
on radar to the War Department, is asked by Gen. Henry H. “Hap” Arnold to l 10/28/1944 #1685  
ershot, flying an SNJ aircraft, is asked by ground radar to make contact wi 12/23/1944 #1731  
rmy Air Force Gen. Carl Spaatz has asked Wright Field to look into such rep 7/3/1947 #2582  
ntists working at Wright Field are asked about the discs, but they say they 7/3/1947 #2582  
s to questions such as Johnson has asked.                                   12/11/1947 #3500  
         Writer Sidney Shalett has asked for USAF cooperation in writing an 11/24/1948 #3891  
rticles like Shalett’s. Cabell has asked Secretary Forrestal for permission 11/30/1948 #3893  
ered with a strange "towely" skin, asked the witness where they were, had a 2/1949 #3992  
 Lloyd Balsam and Sam F. West were asked to intercept the object when they  4/18/1950 #4867  
skania cinetheodolite operator are asked to drive to another range station  7/1950 #5035  
bject they had seen. Then they are asked if they can identify the film of t 7/1950 #5035  
ssed without investigation and has asked that a working party be set up to  8/15/1950 #5127  
ense Command at Knoxville. AFI was asked to investigate the situation and s 11/29/1950 #5300  
ligence Corps, his office had been asked to stay attuned to “any data on fl 12/3/1950 #5314  
 Flight 9 takes off and Vinther is asked by the tower to look for the light 1/20/1951 #5407  
ter from the Baltimore Sun who has asked about details of the Blue Book inv 4/17/1952 #6108  
ds with all the “friendly” men and asked if their captain was around. The s 7/27/1952 #7216  
550 knots. An F-94 in the area was asked to investigate, and its airborne r 7/29/1952 #7307  
t. When the witness, Mr. J. Allen, asked him if he was hurt, he and the cra 8/6/1952 #7493  
 about 70 cm tall, emerged and was asked whether he was hurt, but he did no 8/27/1952 #7754  
ll (2.3 feet) emerged. The witness asked if he was hurt but he did not answ 8/27/1952 #7756  
oro Marine Base, CA Marine Fighter Asked To Check On Amber Object (NICAP: 1 1/28/1953 #8592  
ount Clemens, Michigan, when he is asked to check out a radar target over d 3/1953 #8720  
. Cyril George Townsend-Withers is asked to test some new ECM radar equipme Spring 1953 #8766  
ht and obtained no answer when she asked who it was. When more furious knoc 12/1953 #9327  
ng procedures. “Airline pilots are asked not to discuss their sightings pub 2/13/1954 #9540  
 room with 4-5 people where he was asked questions about the crash recovery 4/12/1954 #9685  
 article, a crew of an airliner is asked to investigate; the crew circles u 6/26/1954 #9954  
r waving back to the visitor, they asked who he was. The man extended his h 8/20/1954 #10158  
man answered in the same language, asked whether he was in Spain or Italy,  10/20/1954 #11270  
w far he was from Germany. When he asked the time, Ujvari said: "2:30." The 10/20/1954 #11270  
 answered in the same language. He asked whether he was in Spain or Italy,  10/20/1954 #11278  
w far he was from Germany. When he asked the time, Ujvari said "2:30." The  10/20/1954 #11278  
                                   Asked about UFOs at a press conference,  12/15/1954 #11816  
ave Crook. The VP states they were asked by Douglas management to assess ca 1955 #11899  
imensional physics.” The group was asked to forget this conclusion. He clai 1955 #11899  
ers. They claim that Griffiss AFB “asked us our next point of landing and t 4/16/1956 #12809  
mer Dryden and Jimmy Doolittle are asked about UFOs. They “flatly denied th 2/19/1957 #13511  
ence of such space vehicles.” When asked why they don’t speak out more ofte 2/19/1957 #13511  
en the Colorado Project scientists asked the Air Force for the Blue Book fi 7/17/1957 #13808  
ge height got out of the craft and asked them questions about their identit 11/6/1957 #14411  
ge height got out of the craft and asked them questions about their identit 11/6/1957 #14434  
 inside a military plane. Moore is asked to sign a document that swears him 11/17/1957 #14571  
n fuel is landing. A second jet is asked to check out the object, which ins 1958 #14783  
úna takes on more significance: “I asked if the object had been detected by 1/16/1958 #14831  
 disc" over the power lines and he asked the driver to stop. They went back 10/28/1958 #15395  
the recent Killian incident, he is asked about UFOs. Referring to the witne 2/25/1959 #15614  
erse is as intelligent as we are.” Asked years later why he said this, he e 3/11/1959 #15634  
 of approaching future dangers and asked him to return to the same place th 3/29/1959 #15678  
equence. The last one of these men asked Da Silva for a piece of paper, and 4/25/1959 #15713  
t a time. The last of these beings asked Da Silva for a sheet of paper, and 4/26/1959 #15714  
t, she went into a trance and they asked her scientific and technical quest 7/9/1959 #15829  
d "No." The officials present then asked to see a spaceship. The commander, 7/9/1959 #15829  
plane which had just taken off and asked the pilot for confirmation. The pi 1/3/1960 #16149  
                      USAF ATIC is asked by the House Armed Services Subcom 3/17/1961 #16634  
ree human-looking men inside. They asked him for some water. They appeared  4/18/1961 #16654  
stars seen at one point, and Betty asked to take an artifact as evidence of 9/19/1961 #16858  
n. and was told he broke security, asked if he saw anything (to which he re 1962 #17012  
n 1959 he had contacted Keyhoe and asked to see some of his “really hot cas Summer 1962 #17238  
ee him and not sure what to do. He asked them, in French, why if they were  9/1/1962 #17382  
nor the feet was visible. When she asked, "What do you want?" the answer, i 10/1963 #17966  
ford radioed another policeman and asked him to meet him at a certain point 6/12/1964 #18348  
it emerged two fairskinned men who asked for water in a language which appe 6/15/1964 #18361  
ixture of Spanish and English, and asked for water. Donoso took some water  6/15/1964 #18363  
 long hair and were barefoot. They asked the boys if they were interested i 9/4/1964 #18534  
mander Col. Hugh “Slip” Slater and asked to take an A-12 up to find a Russi 1965? #18680  
oke to him in perfect Spanish, and asked him to get out of the car. He did  8/9/1965 #19350  
 you to remove your fear." He then asked several questions, in response to  8/9/1965 #19350  
ic because that would cause panic. Asked if they knew about music, he heard 8/9/1965 #19350  
as not self-luminous. The humanoid asked numerous questions and ignored the 11/17/1966 #21119  
nd ignored the witnesses when they asked any questions. Hutchins could not  11/17/1966 #21119  
ced each work very carefully. When asked where he was from, he just laughed 11/17/1966 #21119  
nty courthouse in Athens, Ohio and asked for directions. He was fascinated  1/3/1967 #21252  
. A tall man stood at the door and asked if Edward Christiansen lived there 1/9/1967 #21278  
rom "the Missing Heirs Bureau" and asked to be let in. They invited the str 1/9/1967 #21278  
ne point when his face reddened he asked for a glass of water, and swallowe 1/9/1967 #21278  
tion with Betty in the kitchen. He asked her for some food and was offered  1/25/1967 #21389  
 wearing a helmet with goggles. He asked the witness some questions, such a 3/1/1967 #21715  
e gone up to intercept. Soon he is asked to leave and clean the room later. Mid 3/1967 #21891  
 before the Select Committee, when asked if he has told the President “that 4/24/1967 #22214  
answers to the questions he’d been asked seven weeks earlier. The only acco 5/10/1967 #22310  
 and a lipless mouth. The stranger asked the boy what the garden soil was,  6/9/1967 #22484  
p. Then the first being came back, asked Leland what a tree in the backyard 6/9/1967 #22484  
immering long gray gown. The woman asked her some questions, apparently con 9/26/1967 #23133  
ng her for somebody else. She then asked for a glass of water and salt, cla 9/26/1967 #23133  
 lips, presumably by telepathy. He asked where the North Star was, and what 10/10/1967 #23205  
 "In your primitive time." He then asked what the witness had in his mouth, 10/10/1967 #23205  
 of your primitive vices." He next asked about the car and said, "Oh, your  10/10/1967 #23205  
 transportation." When the witness asked him who he was and where he was fr 10/10/1967 #23205  
als, and Nepal’s defense secretary asked the U.S. if it had determined the  3/1968 #23799  
 in strange echo-like voices, they asked him about his nearsightedness, pro 3/4/1968 #23828  
range, metallic voice, one of them asked him, "Do you know these people? Th 6/30/1968 #24097  
umni department. He called her and asked her if she would like to come back 8/7/1968 #24308  
sultant that I had been officially asked for criticism and advice [regardin 9/4/1968 #24427  
ation that radar installations are asked about unidentified targets.        3/4/1969 #24969  
y working some controls. Mrs Froml asked the cabbie, a Greek immigrant, to  4/25/1969 #25091  
cDonald, and Frank Salisbury. When asked how many of the 500 people assembl 8/22/1969 #25325  
d at each other, and then Tiihonen asked the creature where he was from. "F 4/15/1970 #25633  
fort to make conversation Tiihonen asked the alien if the Apollo 13 astrona 4/15/1970 #25633  
tential of the human race. Soon he asked to be returned, and was taken back 7/4/1970 #25727  
icated with him telepathically and asked why he was afraid. His mind was br 3/14/1971 #26047  
 rectangular, lighted area. Mrs F. asked the cabbie, a Greek immigrant, to  4/24/1971 #26081  
box are presented to Swann, who is asked to identify the objects inside. Du 8/1972 #26862  
denly appeared behind him. The man asked: "Enrique, do you want to come wit 10/22/1972 #27085  
as at least 6.5 feet tall. Sr. Rey asked the being what he wanted, but got  11/28/1972 #27150  
, and his speech was unclear. They asked about his clothes, which were all  5/15/1973 #27492  
othes, which were all ripped, and "asked if he was really a man." "No", he  5/15/1973 #27492  
replied, with a chuckle. When they asked if he was a ghost, he answered "We 5/15/1973 #27492  
of way." "What are you then?" they asked, but he replied, "You know." He al 5/15/1973 #27492  
s had to return to Phoenix and she asked her brother to go along with her f 8/4/1973 #27683  
rs reflecting on the dashboard and asked her brother if there was something 8/4/1973 #27683  
 under hypnotic regression she was asked to examine her image of a gray int 8/4/1973 #27683  
xperience at another time. She was asked to go back to that experience and  8/4/1973 #27683  
m us?" There was no reply, he then asked, "Will you come back?" The answer  9/9/1973 #27794  
d the two younger boys got out and asked the occupants of the white car (tw 9/11/1973 #27803  
assed on either side of them, when asked where they'd come from. According  9/11/1973 #27803  
d the two younger boys got out and asked the occupants of the white car (tw 9/12/1973 #27809  
assed on either side of them, when asked where they'd come from. According  9/12/1973 #27809  
age Area, and an incoming C-130 is asked to do a fly-by of the area to get  10/1973 #27902  
lored vertical beam of light. When asked to confirm the sighting, he tells  10/17/1973 #28131  
ell J. Allen Hynek because Puthoff asked Vallee not to share anything.  htt 2/11/1974 #28758  
on / 4 tall transparent figure(s). Asked / remain silent. / Flying Saucer R 3/23/1974 #28927  
ough someone was sitting in it. He asked if he would be harmed, and was tol 8/1/1974 #29298  
a hair on your head." Justice then asked what he wanted and got no reply. H 8/1/1974 #29298  
ace. One figure approached her and asked her, telepathically, to open the c 9/3/1974 #29418  
nd-answer session afterward, he is asked about his sources for the informat 11/2/1974 #29580  
ck" (MIB) types confronted him and asked for the device. He turned it over  9/11/1975 #30353  
he mouth. She felt very calm. They asked her telepathically to go with them 9/15/1975 #30363  
n by Earth people, and Jackson was asked to help then recruit colonists; pe 11/3/1975 #30547  
ut taking a bath, and the entities asked her what "soap" was; she took them 12/2/1975 #30681  
low, “robot-like” voice. The voice asked him, “What are you doing here?” an 1/29/1976 #30833  
 Four or five other questions were asked, which he has chosen not to reveal 1/29/1976 #30833  
nsin, Georgia Gov. Jimmy Carter is asked by Thomas Heiman, associate direct 3/31/1976 #30970  
ing else until someone stopped and asked him if he need help. He was hospit 4/22/1976 #31011  
e of yellow nylon cloth, which she asked him not to open for nine days. The 8/23/1976 #31294  
claimed to be from the "spaceship" asked for a medical examination at the c 10/28/1976 #31501  
ng is about UFOs, which Carter has asked about. But Bush explains that this 11/19/1976 #31557  
the stories told by others who are asked to imagine an abduction under hypn 1977 #31655  
tion and slightly upward.” Daniels asked ATC if they have any radar traffic 3/12/1977 #31901  
he declined the drink. Then Onleel asked her a number of questions, some of 4/4/1977 #31943  
dy know a great deal about her. He asked her what she would do in various h 4/4/1977 #31943  
her aspects of reincarnation. When asked how she would react to the prospec 4/4/1977 #31943  
 coming back for her." The witness asked when and why, and he answered, "it 4/4/1977 #31943  
estigation of UFOs. He says he was asked by participants at the UFO confere 6/14/1977 #32163  
C. Henry is one of several persons asked to attend a meeting to discuss wha 8/3/1977 #32352  
-eyed man in his room. The witness asked, "Who are you?" When he received n 1/2/1978 #32848  
you?" When he received no reply he asked, "What are you doing here?" At thi 1/2/1978 #32848  
ated telepathically with him. They asked him to calm down and to follow the 2/5/1978 #32957  
assing it around among themselves, asked him about its use. A heavy smoker, 2/5/1978 #32957  
er, Julio lit a cigarette. The men asked if they might take one away for st 2/5/1978 #32957  
UFO Department in San Diego." When asked if it could have been a UFO hoveri 7/9/1978 #33357  
 conversation with the leader, and asked it several questions about its ori 8/1/1978 #33464  
next night she woke up thirsty and asked her father to bring her a glass of 9/15/1978 #33689  
 the town. The Ministry of Defence asked a retired police constable to inve 9/20/1978 #33717  
h red and orange lights. When they asked the UFOnauts where they were from, 9/26/1978 #33753  
gins experiencing engine problems. Asked to identify the aircraft, Valentic 10/21/1978 #33856  
 The witness screamed for help and asked who they were but they only answer 11/24/1978 #33997  
mined with strange devices. He was asked several questions by them and was  12/28/1978 #34220  
 would not be harmed and, when she asked where they were from, one said, “W 1/4/1979 #34296  
hairs, panels and a table. She was asked to come with them but she refused. 1/5/1979 #34303  
 would not be harmed, and when she asked them where they were from, one of  1/5/1979 #34304  
ngfield two days after Stringfield asked Weaver about UAP; Weaver gave him  4/5/1979 #34499  
looking from side to side. The man asked Arlindo if he had seen something,  5/16/1979 #34564  
 from an external source. Goralski asked questions of what he supposed were 9/20/1979 #34909  
ific fashion. "What is matter?" he asked, and the answer he received was, " 9/20/1979 #34909  
 a telepathic message. The message asked him, "Why do you hate the Iranians 11/1/1980 #35608  
his eyes from time to time. Joseph asked him questions, but Godfrey would r 11/28/1980 #35680  
 sat for a while before his friend asked, "What happened"? He recalled walk 10/24/1981 #36186  
), and that for four years, he was asked to feed disinformation, including  1982 #36283  
d had red hair and dark skin. They asked him if he was afraid as they walke 12/30/1982 #36729  
O Research Association. When he is asked about possible landing cases, such 3/4/1984 #37216  
. The area overlooks Area 51. When asked for an explanation of why or how,  8/7/1984 #37429  
r House Hotel, President Reagan is asked about the most important “need” in 5/4/1988 #38554  
ted a brilliant light. The witness asked where he was from and she was told 4/18/1989 #38908  
olored entity now appeared and was asked by the tall entity “Shall we get h 8/10/1989 #39055  
igure(s) take matches. Observer(s) asked aboard. Going northeast.           11/2/1989 #39209  
elgian General Wilfried De Brouwer asked whether the objects were American  3/1990 #39435  
 in Sverdlovsk, Russia, when he is asked for the first time whether the USS 4/26/1990 #39543  
ond. Two days later a hired worker asked her about some strange material on 7/18/1990 #39649  
r confirm nor deny the claims when asked by CIA officer Christopher “Kit” G 9/6/1990 #39717  
Cessna 210 into the airport. He is asked if he can see it, and he can see t 6/8/1991 #40092  
ng in front of him. Frightened, he asked them in Portuguese what was going  3/5/1992 #40359  
 company Alien Technology Transfer asked government contractor Psi-Tech to  3/9/1992 #40368  
s directed at Greer and one person asked basically “who the hell do you thi 3/9/1992 #40369  
What did you do with my dog!", she asked furiously. "He disturbed me, as yo 5/30/1993 #40997  
emale stood on her right side. She asked one of the females where they was  8/10/1993 #41123  
nic woman phoned her neighbors and asked them to come over to her house out 8/18/1993 #41146  
t overwhelmed, and the alleged NHI asked him if he “intentionally changed p 7/1994 #41596  
her draft letter shows Rockefeller asked President Clinton to consider a cl 11/1/1995 #42576  
ual has happened in the city. When asked what the ESA military was doing on 5/8/1996 #42900  
ing off into the countryside. They asked them if they had seen a UFO crash, 6/4/1996 #42921  
ought this up to her superiors and asked about proper accounting protocols, 8/30/1996 #43000  
ing dinosaur like animals. When he asked them when they would be returning  12/9/1996 #43133  
him against studying UFOs. He then asked several questions, which the voice 2/26/1997 #43210  
ng some minor scrapes and bruises. Asked why she fell, she says she was loo 5/30/1997 #43302  
He did as he was told. He was then asked to lay down in such a manner that  10/15/1997 #43429  
She felt relaxed and unafraid. She asked the human figure what were they do 6/8/1998 #43584  
r was, "We are preparing you." She asked him not to leave any marks on her  6/8/1998 #43584  
dlers became uncomfortable when he asked where it was from; when he was ang 1999 #43709  
former AATIP head Lue Elizondo was asked about Zodiac, to which he replied  7/31/1999 #43815  
 she had calmed down somewhat, and asked the being why they were not going  10/26/1999 #43866  
upposed abductee, Betty Hill. When asked if the gown has been tested for Hi 2000 #43913  
tures. They seemed to be lost, and asked Gloria for directions. They failed 9/6/2000 #44037  
s approached her to touch her. She asked them if they are spiritual beings  5/2/2001 #44174  
re "not from this Earth", he still asked the remaining humanoid if he neede 3/26/2002 #44326  
nd appeared elderly. It repeatedly asked for assistance from the men in an  5/3/2002 #44336  
ehind me got out of their cars and asked me if I knew what was going on. I  5/13/2003 #44535  
cations continued to work. Dmitriy asked Rainbow by radio if he had seen an 8/25/2004 #44741  
 in Toronto, Ontario a witness was asked by his mother to come outside and  2/26/2006 #44925  
e of his men, Col. Corso, had been asked to testify before Congress and was 10/17/2006 #44976  
alking hunched over. Terrified, he asked the other man to return to camp.   4/12/2008 #45128  
at Roswell, NM. Richardson says he asked about this after requests from his 6/28/2008 #45148  
ble peer-reviewed literature. When asked if JASON had a “preconceived agend 10/2008 #45173  
equested by Bob Bigelow. Vallee is asked to revoke his French citizenship b 11/24/2008 #45191  
ent and found her husband. When he asked her what was wrong, all she could  8/30/2009 #45240  
 members of the Collins Elite were asked by some in the CIA Directorate of  3/31/2011 #45322  
ly and told “no, and hell no” when asked. Bell and Mover later told BAASS t 6/2011 #45327  
is superior but was laughed at and asked if he had been drinking. While on  11/15/2011 #45334  
leep for a number of nights.” When asked why, Herrington allegedly stated “ 2012 #45336  
r on her bluetooth cell phone. She asked her mother if she had any explanat 6/1/2013 #45369  
etary assets; DeLonge adds that he asked the advisors if the crash recovery 4/2016 #45448  
over Program.” D’Antonio states he asked a senior Naval figure about the pr 9/19/2017 #45481  
                   Lue Elizondo is asked at a Scientific Coalition for UAP  3/15/2019 #45567  
brows and grins incredulously when asked what he makes of the reports. “I w 6/15/2019 #45584  
letter from Walker on 16 July 2019 asked if the Navy had found physical evi 9/6/2019 #45607  
n that “When I came into office, I asked … is there a lab somewhere where w 5/18/2021 #45689  
Elizondo states the following when asked a question about an oceanic UAP cr 6/10/2021 #45693  
ites that a source told him he was asked by an executive at an aerospace co 8/1/2021 #45703  
oulthart stated the following when asked about secretive UAP R&D work being 5/2022 #45746  
CIA Everett Hineman about UAP, and asked if he could help with research tha 9/26/2022 #45771  
## Word: "asket" (Back to Top)
 purported extraterrestrial women “Asket” and “Nera” are really photos of M 1997 #43155  
## Word: "asking" (Back to Top)
P for Lambeth North, follows up by asking Haldane: “Will the honourable gen 5/17/1909 #753  
 Prime Minister Per Albin Hansson, asking what action the government plans  1/27/1934 #1197  
muel V. Boykin responds to Corning asking for more particulars about the re 1/20/1945 #1759  
itish Technical Intelligence staff asking that the Air Ministry come and re 1946 #1962  
ouglas MacArthur’s staff in Tokyo, asking for confirmation of a report that 1946 #1962  
lm, Oslo, Helsinki, and Copenhagen asking for listings of all ghost rocket  8/13/1946 #2128  
at he “was extremely interested in asking the two generals advice and, if p 8/19/1946 #2145  
y issues a memorandum to the press asking it not to mention any ghost rocke 8/21/1946 #2146  
ny phone callers into the base are asking to speak with him. He, along with 7/8/1947 #3021  
he Maury Island, Washington, case, asking him to look into it.              7/22/1947 #3213  
eld, New York, for information and asking eight questions about the Army’s  11/18/1947 #3492  
rm letter to Wright Field in Ohio, asking Project Sign for another Estimate 11/3/1948 #3867  
e telling him not to be afraid and asking if he wants to know what it’s all 12/4/1949 #4434  
aska, case, sends a letter to ATIC asking why Project Grudge has ended, bec Late 1/1950 #4511  
anding Gen. George E. Stratemeyer, asking for an analysis of certain UFO ca 6/8/1950 #4981  
Charge in Los Angeles, California, asking him to determine whether Frank Sc 10/13/1950 #5224  
 the Air Force Thomas K. Finletter asking that the UFO project be reinstate 1/29/1951 #5421  
et he said he understood they were asking for ammonia. He directed them to  3/1954 #9577  
s continue for an hour, repeatedly asking the authorities to defend the cit 11/22/1954 #11690  
 place an ad in the base newspaper asking for UFO reports: “I felt it would 1/23/1958 #14840  
cretary of Defense Neil H. McElroy asking about the status of UFO reports a 5/8/1958 #15023  
ions in the UK House of Commons by asking the Secretary of State for Air Ge 7/30/1958 #15163  
ware of the correct date, and kept asking, "were there any survivors?" He w 2/28/1959 #15624  
has sent the organization a letter asking it to stop writing to Air Force p Spring 1959 #15660  
ely with Hillenkoetter and Keyhoe, asking them to prepare the best cases an 8/4/1961 #16777  
room of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, asking for a report. T/Sgt. David Moody  4/24/1964 #18200  
K. Udall (D-Ariz.) about the idea, asking him to pass the letter on in conf 3/28/1966 #20117  
 letter from an aerospace engineer asking them to send their 20 best cases  7/23/1966 #20673  
resses Derenberger telepathically, asking him to open his window. For the n Early 11/1966 #21070  
s a telepathic conversation, first asking Derenberger’s name and saying tha Early 11/1966 #21070  
ft over meat. The beings declined, asking that it be cooked again and she c 1/25/1967 #21389  
 little man then spoke in Spanish, asking Cova, "Won't you come with us? We 8/26/1967 #22935  
eparate letters to Condon and Low, asking if they will agree to examine NIC 11/14/1967 #23450  
mmons Saunders to Condon’s office, asking him if he knew McDonald had a cop 2/7/1968 #23739  
ndon also writes a letter to Hynek asking him to provide 10– 15 of the best 2/8/1968 #23740  
Os. Scientists joined in statement asking for preservation of Air Force UFO 12/26/1969 #25508  
SRF from an active duty USAF pilot asking for information.                  1970's #25515  
lectronic noise. Geller remembered asking Puharich and another witness, nam 12/6/1971 #26490  
te of Aeronautics and Astronautics asking their opinions on the UFO phenome 4/9/1973 #27418  
ht-Patterson AFB when specifically asking about a “room” where it was store 12/28/1973 #28612  
O headquarters in Tucson, Arizona, asking for a contact list of APRO invest 2/1974 #28724  
rom the Seville air traffic center asking him if he can see any aircraft ov 9/1975? #30333  
es contact the US State Department asking whether the US Sixth Fleet in the 8/8/1976 #31247  
ummary to the US State Department, asking for more information. A reply com 9/19/1976 #31409  
he windshield inside. As they kept asking what it was, he noticed that the  12/6/1976 #31587  
e and he emitted a sinister laugh, asking several times where his mother wa 4/25/1977 #32024  
and he gives out a sinister laugh, asking several times where his mother is 4/25/1977 #32026  
e and he emitted a sinister laugh, asking several times where his mother wa 4/25/1977 #32027  
ed surprise among the entities. On asking where his hosts originated, Julio 2/5/1978 #32957  
e radio station and speaks on air, asking if anyone else has seen the light 2/10/1978 #32965  
 not to be afraid. They respond by asking him, “Why do you hate the Iranian 10/15/1980 #35568  
alls from more than fifteen people asking what the lights over the water we 6/28/1981 #35980  
ponds to constituent Lee M. Graham asking about rumors of alien technology  10/19/1981 #36179  
lk toward him. The witness yelled, asking who he was. The figure replied in 11/13/1982 #36681  
s a call from CINDACTA in Brasilia asking them to confirm some unidentified 5/19/1986 #37880  
im the MJ-12 briefing document and asking about Project Aquarius. Three wee 8/30/1987 #38264  
hears her sister talking on the CB asking where she has been for the past 3 1/1/1993 #40785  
es to Defense Secretary Les Aspin, asking the US Air Force to declassify an 3/1993 #40871  
ril 1993 which referred to the CIA asking Bruce Maccabee to produce a relev 4/15/1993 #40934  
ays that he contacted the military asking what the lights were. The respons 6/19/1997 #43331  
but was not to be,” Russian source asking USG counterpart if results were s 11/1998 #43673  
s National Laboratory and DOD when asking about a crash recovery at Roswell 6/28/2008 #45148  
e Committees on Homeland Security, asking for an investigation of the Steph 11/5/2008 #45187  
## Word: "asks" (Back to Top)
d Point The British Board of Trade asks Trinity House to investigate the “f 12/1865 #165  
et tall. Shaw walks up to them and asks them where they are from; they repl 11/25/1896 #361  
d the two aeronauts relax. Hopkins asks where they come from, and they poin 4/16/1897 #508  
 the third approaches Williams and asks him to mail some letters. The man t 4/16/1897 #511  
 lights lands. Pseudo-human/entity asks / gets tools. Goes extremely fast.  4/21/1897 #549  
airship he is stopped by a man who asks him to put his rifle down. He ident 4/22/1897 #559  
ember 21. MP William Joynson-Hicks asks First Lord of the Admiralty Winston 10/14/1912 #864  
nd holds a rosary in her hand. She asks them to devote themselves to the Ho 5/13/1917 #958  
 at nearby Valinhos, Portugal. She asks them again to pray the rosary daily 8/19/1917 #963  
the miracle coming in October, and asks them “to pray a lot.”               8/19/1917 #963  
American physicist Ernest Lawrence asks for $400,000 for electromagnetic se 12/18/1941 #1379  
high explosives. Dr. Vannever Bush asks Einstein to consult for the OSRD, b 5/1943 #1495  
rce’s Air Tactical Service Command asks Lockheed to develop a jet fighter   6/1943 #1506  
el Bentine debriefs them later and asks, “But what did it do to you?” They  Autumn 1943 #1530  
mens, Michigan, the base commander asks for a volunteer to attack them as p 7/1945 #1888  
ts. The military attaché in Moscow asks other European officials about wher 8/13/1946 #2128  
 Army Air Field next calls him and asks him to change the story to a “weath 7/8/1947 #3030  
ral portholes. Higgens by gestures asks where they are from and the leader  7/23/1947 #3218  
ines pilot Capt. Emil J. Smith and asks him to come listen to the Maury Isl 7/30/1947 #3259  
s his geologist’s pick at them and asks where they come from. One of the en 8/14/1947 #3330  
port, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover asks the agency to look into whether Sov 8/15/1947 #3336  
an be requested. Col. Howard McCoy asks for a meeting between Alfred Loeddi Late 8/1947 #3369  
, in a memo signed for Col. McCoy, asks about a radar case in Japan that Ch 9/24/1947 #3424  
         President Harry S. Truman asks his USAF aide, Col. Robert B. Landr 1948 #3526  
Col. Howard McCoy at Wright Field, asks Lt. Col. George Garrett of Air Forc 1/23/1948 #3564  
                  President Truman asks Col. Robert B. Landry, his USAF aid Spring 1948? #3594  
                  Editor Ken Purdy asks Maj. Donald E. Keyhoe to investigat 5/9/1949 #4175  
ller takes several photographs and asks Sgt. Leo Davidson of the Norwood po 10/23/1949 #4401  
wearing togas and helmets. Restier asks them if they believe in God, and th 12/4/1949 #4434  
adio operator at Davis-Monthan AFB asks 1st Lieut. Roy L. Jones Jr. to inve 2/1/1950 #4524  
s speeds—in Antarctica. When NICAP asks the Chilean Embassy about the film  Spring 1950 #4691  
rst lieutenant unknown to them who asks them over and over again if they ha 7/1950 #5035  
earch and Development Board. Smith asks if there is any truth to the Scully 9/15/1950 #5178  
ds, or practical jokers. Considine asks him about airline pilot witnesses.  11/16/1950 #5278  
en disc pulsating with light. Wall asks permission to shoot and fires a rou Early Spring 1951 #5471  
 visits Richard M. Bissell Jr. and asks him to finance OPC operations by di 8/23/1951 #5616  
lue Book’s progress. Afterward, he asks them about the flashes seen on Mars 4/1952 #6010  
s everyone in the meeting. When he asks the Air Force to support his views  Early 5/1952 #6249  
the previous five years. Finletter asks questions about some specific sight 5/8/1952 #6276  
rs hover until cop / private plane asks about them / radio.                 7/5/1952 #6709  
A Director Walter Bedell Smith and asks him to investigate the Air Force’s  7/28/1952 #7265  
eturn on radar for 20 minutes. GCI asks Capt. Edward J. Slowinski flying an 7/29/1952 #7331  
ston Churchill‘s son-in- law), who asks Hughes how many beers he had before 7/30/1952 #7362  
operator named Lyman Streeter, and asks for his help in picking up the spac 8/2/1952 #7424  
nches tall standing next to it. He asks if he is hurt, then the figure reen 8/6/1952 #7490  
ection of Parker, Arizona. Adamski asks Lucy McGinnis, accompanied by Alfre 11/20/1952 #8307  
on declines to be photographed but asks Adamski to borrow one of his unexpo 11/20/1952 #8309  
T / PAARL, RSA Pseudo-human/entity asks / water. Observer(s) shown saucer.  12/25/1952 (approximate) #8447  
 a large, luminous, red object and asks Maj. Harvey N. Patton to give chase 1/28/1953 #8603  
weather balloons. MP George Isaacs asks, “Will the Minister agree that this 11/24/1953 #9320  
ds in spacecraft propulsion. Smith asks the aliens to communicate by radio  7/28/1954 #10059  
 VAR Man exits saucer. Observer(s) asks "Martian?". Answer = "no, French".  10/14/1954 #11036  
r the press conference, Eisenhower asks for a full briefing on UFOs.        12/15/1954 #11816  
rity reasons. MP Maj. Patrick Wall asks the Under-Secretary of State for Ai 5/1955 #12110  
avy Department at the Pentagon and asks for some unclassified photos of roc 6/13/1955 #12196  
nard Stringfield in Cincinnati and asks for CRIFO’s cooperation in providin 9/9/1955 #12444  
ort a preconceived notion.” Keyhoe asks Ruppelt what he thinks. Ruppelt say 10/25/1955 #12519  
ng a congressional hearing. Keyhoe asks Byrd to forward his letter to the A 4/3/1956 #12782  
 by Mon-Ka, a Martian, in which he asks Los Angeles radio stations to shut  4/28/1956 #12817  
of a Douglas C-47 Dakota lands and asks them whether they had seen a huge m 6/1956 #12879  
espite it being unclassified. Moss asks the USAF why it hasn’t produced mor 7/5/1956 #12953  
ncially inept that the NICAP board asks him to step down. Delmer S. Fahrney 1/14/1957 #13455  
e House of Commons, MP Tony Leavey asks the Secretary of State for Air for  2/15/1957 #13509  
S BLANCAS, ARG Pseudo-human/entity asks observer(s) / 60' saucer. 5 pseudo- 5/1/1957 #13634  
 cases, at least initially. Keyhoe asks Ruppelt, who is now an engineer wit 7/1957 #13767  
, a deputy, and a USAF officer who asks him to go with them to Youngstown t 11/10/1957 #14523  
 Pseudo-human/entity materializes. Asks Mrs. Appleton / good source / titan 11/18/1957 #14573  
Committee on Government Operations asks to meet with representatives from t 1/1958 #14791  
ackland AFB in San Antonio, Texas, asks for Keyhoe’s permission to use The  1/1958 #14792  
hetwynd in the UK House of Commons asks the Air Ministry how many instances 6/10/1958 #15089  
entor, Nikola Tesla, another guest asks Carr to enumerate one or two of his 6/28/1958 #15122  
  UK House of Commons MP Roy Mason asks the Air Minister in the UK House of 11/5/1958 #15429  
 of Commons Canada US MP Roy Mason asks the Air Minister another question i 1/21/1959 #15559  
Zwicky. When a reporter afterwards asks if he will accept an apology, Adams Late 5/1959 #15747  
trials. Larsen goes into a trance, asks Affa questions, and writes the answ 7/5/1959 #15817  
n which to store samples.” O’Keefe asks that UFO explanations be “reasonabl 12/24/1959 #16133  
ported and mention of "Moon Dust", asks ATIC to come to the scene. (NICAP:  9/28/1960 #16464  
 Tasmania Australian MP Gil Duthie asks Frederick Osborne, Australian Minis 10/20/1960 #16486  
nts ring hollow, and even Garroway asks Tacker pointed questions and coolly 12/5/1960 #16526  
finds one that roughly matches, he asks how many bombs the SIOP “laid down” 12/14/1960 #16533  
gures Barney remembers seeing) and asks for more information. She mentions  9/26/1961 #16873  
rium in Boston, Massachusetts, and asks him to talk to Betty and Barney Hil 10/19/1961 #16918  
lections of his poetry, the pastor asks him to discuss his personal interes 11/23/1962 #17559  
operated by Panagra, whose captain asks what the object is at the end of th 12/22/1962 #17606  
 to walk back toward the UFO. José asks if he will ever come back. The cycl 8/28/1963 #17922  
 is spreading manure. One humanoid asks if he can have some and converses s 4/24/1964 #18199  
nderson in the UK House of Commons asks the former Secretary of State for A 7/15/1964 #18411  
s and goes home, where her husband asks her where she has been because it i 8/16/1965 #19408  
 everything goes silent. JPL later asks them to point their dish in the dir 10/22/1965 #19672  
police operator, John Beighey, and asks him to contact the Greater Pittsbur 4/17/1966 #20318  
ry low altitudes. When Quintanilla asks if they watched the object for more 4/18/1966 #20331  
 Dustman is there too. Quintanilla asks Weitzel and Webb to leave, and the  5/9/1966 #20469  
          UK MP John Langford-Holt asks UK Prime Minister Harold Wilson in  7/19/1966 #20657  
S, OH Small man enters courthouse. Asks directions. Fascinated / ballpoint  1/3/1967 (approximate) #21245  
Condon discusses project plans and asks the Air Force where the project sho 1/12/1967 #21290  
its NICAP in Washington and Keyhoe asks him how many NICAP cases he has exa 3/1967 #21696  
Filho International Airport, which asks the mapping aircraft to identify th 3/27/1967 #22001  
s extraterrestrial spaceships?” He asks the group to discuss criteria for a 4/21/1967 #22192  
UK House of Commons MP Peter Mills asks about UFO sightings in Devon, Engla 11/8/1967 #23426  
ircraft or the planet Venus. Mills asks if the ministry consulted scientist 11/8/1967 #23426  
             UK US MP Patrick Wall asks the UK Secretary of State for Defen 11/22/1967 #23496  
ending him copies of only those he asks for.                                2/14/1968 #23757  
ard of Trade MP John Langford-Holt asks UK Prime Minister Harold Wilson whe 6/11/1968 #24022  
ecy for the next 25 years. When he asks what he has seen, they tell him, “W 7/22/1968 #24203  
stance. She opens a glass door and asks the visitor if she is a patient. Th 8/25/1968 #24376  
o-human/entity / unknown language. Asks and gets water / bottle. Boards sau 8/27/1968 #24384  
ook of shoddy science, and further asks Hynek to offer advice on how Blue B 9/4/1968 #24427  
also observed the light. Felicidad asks her mother about it, but she contin 1/6/1969 #24822  
. Around 8:30 a.m., their son Timo asks them what the marks are in the snow 1/3/1971 #25972  
he United Nations, Grace Ibingira, asks the Committee on the Peaceful Uses  11/3/1971 #26451  
s to measure quarks. One scientist asks him to “perturb” the device. As Swa 6/6/1972 #26703  
ing him with a draft affidavit. He asks Gleason to execute the affidavit so 2/19/1973 #27298  
n May, Welsh MP Dafydd Elis-Thomas asks Defence Minister Brynmor John if an 1/23/1974 #28694  
 where a man rushes up to them and asks them, “What did you see in the sky? Early 4/1974 #28990  
rapped around its waist. The being asks Higdon how he is doing and whether  10/15/1974 #29531  
 in Rawlins, with his location and asks for assistance. At 11:40 p.m., Higd 10/15/1974 #29531  
3:00 a.m., Axelrod calls Swann and asks him to be in Washington, D.C., at 1 2/1975 #29781  
his cart and getting it moving. He asks his wife to take him to Dr. Antônio 4/3/1976 #30983  
iStar that is flying near them and asks for a confirmation of a radar targe 7/30/1976 #31203  
f the cloud layer below. The pilot asks the Soviet authorities to identify  9/10/1976 #31372  
hat coin again.” The stranger then asks if he knew why Barney Hill died, sa 9/11/1976 #31376  
-in- charge at the launch facility asks two security guards to report anyth Autumn 1976 #31421  
            The Roper Organization asks two questions about UFOs in a surve 1/1977 #31664  
hool’s headteacher Ralph Llewellyn asks them to draw the UFO and is amazed  2/4/1977 #31790  
bulb. Boston Center calls them and asks, “United 94, where are you going?”  3/12/1977 #31901  
exico, to continue his efforts. He asks OAS members to support the issue wh 6/14/1977 #32163  
                       Press again asks Frosch for help with Carter’s UFO m 9/14/1977 #32480  
sh, immediately separates them and asks them to draw what they have seen. T 10/4/1977 #32550  
ing the position of the object and asks if he is tracking anything on radar 10/26/1977 #32617  
 government insiders. Merv Griffin asks him about occupant reports, and Coo 3/27/1978 #33087  
hat the entities do not imbibe. He asks why, and they reply, “Perhaps if we 5/1978 #33181  
nd unidentified (38%). The council asks for a deeper study on statistical m 6/1978 #33245  
Privacy Coordinator Gene F. Wilson asks Todd Zechel of CAUS to suspend his  8/10/1978 #33496  
istrict of Columbia William Briggs asks Peter Gersten of Ground Saucer Watc 8/17/1978 #33522  
l being follows him outside. Perez asks for one of the giant’s gloves as pr 9/6/1978 #33638  
Hexagon object seen over town. Dod asks ex-cop to stop investigation.       9/20/1978 #33711  
Bureau of Air Safety Investigation asks the Royal Australian Navy Research  10/21/1978 #33856  
looking from side to side. The man asks dos Santos if he has seen a “Zurca. 5/16/1979 #34563  
9 a.m., he radios headquarters and asks for assistance. Deputy Greg Winskow 8/27/1979 #34787  
ssing in and out of the clouds. He asks the student to bank in order to min 12/11/1979 #35072  
n. Harrison Schmitt (R-N.Mex.) who asks him about AFOSI’s role in Bennewitz 11/26/1980 #35673  
ir lips do not move. The first one asks his name, then the second asks for  10/2/1981 #36154  
one asks his name, then the second asks for his address and phone number. H 10/2/1981 #36154  
oer Trench, the Earl of Clancarty, asks in the House of Lords how many UFO  3/4/1982 #36377  
ach the MoD. The Earl of Kimberley asks how many of those remain unidentifi 3/4/1982 #36377  
re we got them.” Peter Hill-Norton asks whether all UFO reports received by 3/4/1982 #36377  
       The Earl of Cork and Orrery asks in the House of Lords how many of t 4/7/1982 #36438  
e is defiant and nervous, but Howe asks him about the alleged 1971 Holloman 4/9/1983 #36830  
K House of Commons MP Patrick Wall asks in the UK House of Commons that the 3/9/1984 #37222  
 the vicinity, air traffic control asks the pilot to be aware of an unknown 11/25/1986 #38077  
ás, Brazil, when the control tower asks him to investigate “strange traffic 6/19/1987 #38194  
UFO buff named Charles Huffer, who asks him if he will tell the truth about 3/7/1988 #38493  
alker at his Florida residence and asks about the current members of MJ-12. 4/1988 #38525  
 show and responds to a caller who asks him whether the story about a secre 10/13/1988 #38671  
e been getting local publicity and asks if the documents are still classifi 10/25/1988 #38694  
OSTOK Orbs fly between homes. Girl asks ride. Telepathy response = "OK". Le 2/1990 #39401  
and lean. The woman greets her and asks whether goats’ milk is tasty. Yeryg 7/6/1990 #39637  
e Arragin footage a week later. He asks his viewers to share any sightings  7/11/1991 #40119  
 up for miles. The base dispatcher asks if they saw anything on their drive 1/1993 #40782  
     New Mexico Rep. Steven Schiff asks Charles Arthur Bowsher, head of the 10/1993 #41214  
hree-eyed aliens on their ship. He asks to see the female alien again but i Early 6/1994 #41548  
 receiving NHI intcomm and the NHI asks him if he did it on purpose, to whi 9/1994 #41709  
which Sherman replies yes. Sherman asks the NHI if the comm was unauthorize 9/1994 #41709  
ity fade from view. The headmaster asks each child to draw what they saw. R 9/16/1994 #41754  
staurant. A man approaches him and asks if he is Carlos de Souza, He replie 1/13/1996 #42681  
t receives a call from someone who asks them to investigate a strange creat 1/20/1996 #42693  
bout the book’s contents, Thurmond asks for his foreword to be retracted, s 6/1997 #43304  
or the archives at WPAFB.” Puthoff asks Green if he’s ever heard of Zodiac, 7/31/1999 #43815  
 House of Lords, Peter Hill-Norton asks the Ministry of Defence what is the 1/25/2001 #44131  
 House of Lords, Peter Hill-Norton asks the Ministry of Defence why the UFO 5/3/2001 #44175  
 outside of government circles. He asks an anonymous colleague at the NIDS  5/6/2002 #44341  
s thought to exist. “Lockheed?” he asks, to which the colleague responds: “ 5/6/2002 #44341  
) are actually UAP related (Wilson asks them about crashed UFOs and MJ-12). 10/16/2002 #44418  
 states he meets the SRG twice and asks for formal access to the four SAPs  10/16/2002 #44418  
O reports. The Service accordingly asks the Turkish Air Force, Turkish Airl 6/2003 #44551  
, to Brasilia, air traffic control asks the pilot if he can see any other a 6/5/2003 #44554  
e about Phil Corso’s claims. Davis asks Bush if Corso could have been “mist 3/26/2004 #44681  
 high- altitude aircraft. When she asks about military aircraft reported by 1/8/2008 #45112  
 extraordinary discoveries that he asks for additional security (individual 6/24/2009 #45227  
                           The RAF asks the Home Office to cancel standing  1/2010 #45264  
ace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) asks remote viewer Joseph McMoneagle to  3/2010 #45270  
 left and rapidly veers north. She asks Shannon Airport if there are milita 11/9/2018 #45544  
and Counterterrorism subcommittee, asks Secretary of the Navy Richard V. Sp 7/16/2019 #45594  
vestigating UFO sightings. He also asks if officials have found physical ev 7/16/2019 #45594  
coordinated investigatory process, asks the Pentagon for a detailed, unclas 6/23/2020 #45649  
has UAP metals, but then James Fox asks him if he can indirectly answer the 12/4/2020 #45668  
               Rep. Mike Gallagher asks Under Secretary of Defense for Inte 5/17/2022 #45751  
## Word: "asland" (Back to Top)
in the morning a married couple in Asland, Massachusetts observed a round s 7/27/2004 #44719  
## Word: "asleep" (Back to Top)
 few minutes. His wife was at home asleep but she woke up when Pugina made  10/18/1954 #11225  
an in Cincinnati, Ohio, has fallen asleep listening to the radio. Suddenly  10/23/1954 #11340  
tamoras, Ohio Kathleen O’Rourke is asleep with her two children in her bedr 8/1959 #15889  
r daughter and her husband who are asleep in the back. The light gradually  7/2/1960 #16327  
 Touches black box and observer(s) asleep! / r25p126.                       2/3/1964 #18124  
he sank back into her bed and fell asleep. She later became a UFO contactee 2/3/1964 #18126  
s thrown at them. The witness fell asleep after an exhausting series of att 9/5/1964 #18538  
s of it. His partner, Ed White, is asleep at the time. McDivitt maintains t 6/4/1965 #18990  
setts 3:15 a.m. Edward Argerake is asleep at his home in Chelmsford, Massac 6/1966 #20516  
nd his wife and two daughters were asleep in their trailer near Childers, Q 1/14/1969 #24842  
it too had vanished. She then fell asleep and when she came to later, found 6/23/1973 #27584  
 and warned their friends who were asleep in a nearby tent. They were unabl 10/14/1973 #28031  
nd returned to bed, where she fell asleep immediately. There was no confirm 10/28/1973 #28312  
                Joseph Susedik was asleep in his camper with his wife and t 5/26/1974 #29135  
sition above the car. Frances fell asleep around 6:15 a.m. just before she  5/31/1974 #29150  
und 6:15 a.m. just before she feel asleep they lost all sound from the radi 5/31/1974 #29150  
t three minutes after Frances fell asleep. He felt at the time he must have 5/31/1974 #29150  
 behind a restaurant and both fell asleep at around three a.m. When they aw 4/6/1975 #29975  
 the evening. The woman is already asleep and the man has just turned off t 2/1976 #30842  
h her 11-year-old daughter who was asleep. She cautiously peeked through th 7/15/1977 #32275  
 York City, NY Barbara Warmoth was asleep when a brilliant light filled her 2/15/1982 #36346  
o wake her husband but he remained asleep. After awhile, the beings reboard 9/13/1986 #38027  
tigue, and passed out or fell back asleep. He awoke in a sterile type room, 10/24/1988 #38687  
e up her husband, but he fell back asleep. At 1:30 a.m. she took a flashlig 3/13/1990 #39458  
n realizes that her twins are fast asleep, and the father then enters the c 3/24/1990 #39484  
had come for his girlfriend, still asleep in the bed. He next experienced a 12/16/1992 #40750  
on attempts. On this night she was asleep in her bedroom when she awoke and 4/5/1993 #40927  
            The witness had fallen asleep in a chair in Ashland, New Hampsh 9/6/1995 #42445  
ya and her two small children were asleep in their bedroom in Santiago, Chi 2/13/1997 #43191  
 bed early because she was falling asleep while lying down watching televis 9/11/1997 #43405  
 bed early because she was falling asleep while lying down watching televis 9/12/1997 #43407  
t around 2:30 a.m. Rowena Judd was asleep in her bedroom in Freemantle, Wes 2/1/1998 #43510  
ny scars. She then apparently fell asleep and woke up later on her bed.     7/11/1998 #43601  
d to look closer but suddenly fell asleep. He woke up the next morning slee 10/25/1998 #43670  
them. Both he and his wife, who is asleep in the car, experience swelling i 11/6/1998 #43676  
tection and company. He had fallen asleep, when he woke up suddenly when he 7/18/1999 #43807  
Although terrified, she still fell asleep.                                  1/13/2000 #43928  
ed to ascend into the sky she fell asleep, but an intense cold wave woke he 5/2/2001 #44174  
she noticed her 45-year-old sister asleep on one of the cots. She also reca 5/2/2001 #44174  
                   The witness was asleep in bed with her boyfriend at thei 1/27/2003 #44481  
 slowly and disappears. The dog is asleep the entire time.                  2/8/2003 #44484  
ness in Leesport, Pennsylvania was asleep in his bed when he suddenly awoke 11/25/2005 #44906  
orking until 7 a.m. and was in bed asleep when he arrived. The next day he  4/12/2008 #45127  
 moving, but appeared to be either asleep or paralyzed. Locals reported tha 9/5/2009 #45242  
## Word: "asm-135" (Back to Top)
 at an altitude of 326 miles by an ASM-135 ASAT missile launched from a USA 9/13/1985 #37660  
## Word: "asmara" (Back to Top)
                                   ASMARA, ERITRIA Thousands. Double-hoop d 4/6/1950 #4800  
      Kagnew Station [now closed], Asmara, Eritrea 10:45 a.m. Near Kagnew S 1/21/1957 #13468  
 Near Kagnew Station [now closed], Asmara, Eritrea, five enlisted men of th 1/21/1957 #13468  
## Word: "asni" (Back to Top)
                    OUKAIMEDEN AND ASNI, MAROC 50+separate observer(s). Whi 7/13/1952 #6790  
## Word: "asnieres-le-dijon" (Back to Top)
                                   ASNIERES-LE-DIJON, FR 6 watch planes man 8/31/1954 #10212  
                                In Asnieres-le-Dijon, France a disc travell 8/31/1954 #10222  
## Word: "aso" (Back to Top)
                          NEAR MT. ASO, JAPAN 1 / JAL Flt#307. 2 cloud-ciga 12/21/1961 #16999  
## Word: "aso-san" (Back to Top)
 then paced the DC-4 aircraft near Aso-san, Japan. One of the objects emitt 12/21/1961 #17002  
## Word: "asociația" (Back to Top)
u, and Dan D. Farcaş establish the Asociația pentru Studiul Fenomenelor Aer 9/28/1998 #43654  
## Word: "asotin" (Back to Top)
, was observed in Clarkston, rural Asotin County, Washington.               5/12/2002 #44344  
## Word: "asp" (Back to Top)
m/content/clickonlinearchive182006.asp?pageid=665&copageid=4                11/2002 #44428  
## Word: "aspaskjolen" (Back to Top)
                                   Aspaskjolen mountain Hersjøen Litlefjell 1/21/1984 #37136  
dwork stations, the primary one on Aspaskjolen mountain, and two smaller on 1/21/1984 #37136  
                                   ASPASKJOLEN, NORW Large object south goi 1/25/1984 #37151  
                                   Aspaskjolen, Norway 6:12 p.m. Leif Havik 2/20/1984 #37194  
 Project Hessdalen headquarters on Aspaskjolen, Norway, when a red light fl 2/20/1984 #37194  
## Word: "aspect" (Back to Top)
outline reflecting sunlight and an aspect ratio of 8:1 crosses the field of 6/8/1952 #6470  
ped device with a silvery metallic aspect enveloped in electric luminous ga 8/16/1954 #10148  
 to clarify almost any significant aspect of a UFO case was constant. If we 7/17/1957 #13808  
“splendid.” Disregarding the human aspect, SIOP-62 represents an outstandin 12/14/1960 #16533  
 90' x 150' in flames. The strange aspect of this case is that on the 15th  5/31/1967 #22430  
xplained missing time is a typical aspect of the abduction experience. The  1981 #35761  
ms of revealing the “Trojan Horse” aspect of THE THEORY. STAC-5 understands 3/11/1998 #43532  
 explanation of the “Trojan Horse” aspect of the Lincoln County fallings an 3/11/1998 #43532  
hasize the “information-gathering” aspect of the agency. At its first meeti 9/22/2005 #44878  
tauk and Camp Hero and the primary aspect of the facility was the utilizati 8/4/2008 #45155  
## Word: "aspects" (Back to Top)
with the technical and contractual aspects of producing an atomic bomb, whi 6/19/1942 #1417  
ect assumes responsibility for all aspects of nuclear weapons remaining und 1/1/1947 #2222  
o take over responsibility for the aspects of nuclear weapons that still re 1/29/1947 #2236  
o seems “familiar with the general aspects of the problem.” Samford’s aide, 12/19/1951 #5821  
ss used the phrase "interplanetary aspects and alien origin". On 5/29/2023, 8/1/1952 #7387  
ain unexplainable. “interplanetary aspects and alien origin not being thoro 8/1/1952 #7409  
d secondly, to determine technical aspects involved.”                       8/12/1954 #10138  
 Committee dealt directly with any aspects of the UAP issue, but it was lon 12/28/1954 #11870  
attach belief to the more fanciful aspects of UFOBs, e.g. ‘Flying Saucers’  5/23/1955 #12151  
tronger emphasis on the scientific aspects.” Hynek recommends that a “civil 4/5/1966 #20249  
y on the “International scientific aspects of the problem of the unidentifi 6/7/1967 #22478  
 Phoenix III worked on time travel aspects of consciousness manifestation,  1/1971 #25963  
had become repeatedly demonstrated aspects of the experience by the late 19 8/26/1975 #30310  
uations, and he discussed with her aspects of reincarnation. When asked how 4/4/1977 #31943  
 the task of studying the military aspects of the problem, such as the poss 10/1977 #32539  
s, he contends, and the mysterious aspects can be explained prosaically. He 6/1980 #35349  
 more interested in the commercial aspects than UFO research.               11/22/1985 #37720  
gy. The book contends that several aspects of modern technology such as fib 6/1997 #43304  
m” security framework manages some aspects of the UAP matter and is (1) glo 8/22/1998 #43635  
as briefed by MJ-12 on UAP and all aspects of EBE problem since 1947, after 7/7/1999 #43798  
characterize the “potential threat aspects of the phenomena.”               6/19/2007 #45036  
rol groups,” each covering certain aspects of the UAP issue; one for crash  6/25/2020 #45650  
## Word: "aspen" (Back to Top)
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Aspen” Yield: 319KT                      6/14/1958 #15096  
                                   Aspen, Colorado 3:15 p.m. An observer in 1/21/1977 #31741  
 Colorado 3:15 p.m. An observer in Aspen, Colorado, watches a stationary ob 1/21/1977 #31741  
ame rises straight up, frozen. The aspen tree in the front yard stops “quak Early Autumn 1987 #38274  
## Word: "aspero" (Back to Top)
Sampacho, Cordoba, Argentina Cerro Aspero 10:30 p.m. A family is traveling  9/9/2002 #44392  
rgentina. In the vicinity of Cerro Aspero, they begin noticing “a very inte 9/9/2002 #44392  
## Word: "asphalt" (Back to Top)
stery explosion was followed by an asphalt fire at 4:15 p.m. A rectangular  8/27/1954 #10191  
noids (or Greys) / road. 1 pokes / asphalt with rod. Jumps back / avoid car 7/2/1955 #12230  
 Mock-ups of sidewalks, curbs, and asphalt are set up in the desert; cars a 4/24/1957 #13615  
rself awake and driving on a rural asphalt road near Des Plaines, Illinois. 9/3/1965 #19518  
 rises / road and going northwest. Asphalt burns. / r111p242 / r25 / r67 /  9/16/1965 #19570  
e. About 50–75 yards down a narrow asphalt highway his headlights fall on a 4/21/1967 #22194  
y. There were four imprints on the asphalt road forming a rectangle with si 4/21/1967 #22199  
se Diniz,” 16, is walking along an asphalt path near the deserted grounds o 9/14/1967 #23060  
uses, uprooting trees, and melting asphalt. It seemed to hover in place and 8/7/1970 #25776  
led down and appeared to touch the asphalt. All the men wore tight-fitting  1/5/1979 #34303  
 light” sitting on the edge of the asphalt. As he approaches within 100 fee 2/9/1979 #34416  
reetly covered with a new layer of asphalt.                                 9/9/1982 #36599  
r is covered with melted specks of asphalt, and serious electrical problems 12/14/1987 #38364  
## Word: "aspin" (Back to Top)
.) writes to Defense Secretary Les Aspin, asking the US Air Force to declas 3/1993 #40871  
## Word: "aspirin" (Back to Top)
ON, MASS 1 observer. Dull metallic aspirin tablet saucer descends. Follows  6/11/1995 #42247  
## Word: "aspiring" (Back to Top)
ded to go for a tramp on the Mount Aspiring track, but before they reached  8/3/2008 #45154  
## Word: "aspres" (Back to Top)
y pilots flying between Orange and Aspres Buech, France at 10:37 a.m. in a  6/15/1951 #5543  
## Word: "asprey" (Back to Top)
essmen Remigrius Shatas and Robert Asprey (founders of Cyber Corp., later A 3/2004 #44671  
apital firm R&R Ventures, of which Asprey was also a partner. The company’s 3/2004 #44671  
## Word: "aspsley" (Back to Top)
                                   ASPSLEY, QLD Taxi almost hits minibus. H 10/10/1978 #33826  
## Word: "aspx" (Back to Top)
ps://foia.state.gov/Search/Results.aspx?searchText=%22la%20paz%22&beginDate 2/25/1982 #36370  
iaea.org/search/searchsinglerecord.aspx?recordsFor=SingleRecord&RN=22057516 8/1/1993 #41101  
## Word: "aspx#people" (Back to Top)
ght-city-technologies-inc/42984776.aspx#people   https://medium.com/@richge 4/2001 #44155  
## Word: "ass" (Back to Top)
ulsing as it hovered, then "hauled ass."                                    4/16/1993 #40938  
## Word: "assailant" (Back to Top)
 behind. He fell together with his assailant into a ditch besides the road. 4/10/1954 #9681  
brief struggle he escaped from his assailant. He was treated at a Texarkana 5/2/1971 #26097  
 ground. She struggled to face her assailant and saw a tall, dark-colored m 10/16/1973 #28089  
## Word: "assam" (Back to Top)
or this day. There is one from the Assam region of India, two are from Ital 10/1/1954 #10570  
                A woman in Dhubri, Assam, India reported to police that she 10/1/1954 #10571  
## Word: "assapa" (Back to Top)
run Lake, Egypt 12:34 a.m. Captain Assapa, Flight Officer Berehan, and Flig 3/9/1977 #31885  
## Word: "assar" (Back to Top)
 in a rainstorm with their friend, Assar Sandberg, who was driving. They sa 8/19/1970 #25797  
## Word: "assassin" (Back to Top)
nchurian Candidate,” or programmed assassin. Allen’s victim is a secretary  2/19/1954 #9558  
 to developing an effective spy or assassin is by creating a multiple perso 5/13/1968 #23959  
## Word: "assassinate" (Back to Top)
. Gottlieb also hatches schemes to assassinate Castro, including the use of 3/17/1960 #16200  
n that alleges the US attempted to assassinate Fidel Castro, President John 4/24/1967 #22214  
 of the Cuban military in plans to assassinate Castro. The operation is kno 4/24/1967 #22214  
old the President “that efforts to assassinate Fidel Castro had continued i 4/24/1967 #22214  
## Word: "assassinated" (Back to Top)
         President John F. Kennedy Assassinated at Dealey Plaza in Dallas,  11/22/1963 #18055  
Texas President John F. Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas, Texas, by Lee Ha 11/22/1963 #18058  
## Word: "assassination" (Back to Top)
atican, but reportedly involve the assassination of "the last Pope."        10/13/1917 #971  
’s concerns are the development of assassination materials used by the CIA. 11/28/1953 #9324  
s to arm Dominicans in hopes of an assassination of generalissimo Rafael Tr 8/1960 #16362  
ce and intimidation, and possibly, assassination.  http://www.whale.to/b/to 1970 #25523  
. Covert action programs involving assassination attempts on foreign leader 12/22/1974 #29657  
aring an infiltration and possible assassination. Balch and Taylor describe 10/1975 #30407  
Abraham Zapruder’s John F. Kennedy assassination film enhanced to show Secr 10/8/1988 #38665  
per claims to explain the “Kennedy assassination, the doings of the secret  1991 #39933  
sses several items, including: the assassination of a Russian government so 11/1998 #43673  
hat could connect MJ-12 to the JFK assassination. Recently, he claims the d 7/7/1999 #43798  
purious” information regarding the assassination of John F. Kennedy, though 5/18/2006 #44945  
## Word: "assassinations" (Back to Top)
epeats a prohibition against state assassinations.                          12/4/1981 #36247  
## Word: "assassins" (Back to Top)
tempts to program several would-be assassins, the operation is discontinued 6/30/1966 #20623  
## Word: "assault" (Back to Top)
ey, Army troops conduct an airlift assault.                                 8/31/1957 #13959  
lan to mount an initial amphibious assault with a minimum of 1,500 men.     10/31/1960 #16490  
ons focus on a massive US military assault on the nuclear installations and 10/16/1962 #17475  
re was no mention of an attempt to assault the craft. While waiting for a s 1977 #31658  
ona, home on charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and endange 11/5/2001 #44272  
## Word: "assaulted" (Back to Top)
t. The witness thought he would be assaulted, so he half opened the car doo 10/29/1967 #23364  
## Word: "assaults" (Back to Top)
usive” attacks. Specific, tailored assaults on their egos, cherished ideas, 9/1959 #15952  
hts go out as high-frequency sound assaults the witnesses’ ears. The object 2/6/1966 #19887  
## Word: "asse-le-boisne" (Back to Top)
                                   ASSE-LE-BOISNE, FR Several separate obse 12/4/1977 #32733  
## Word: "assemblage" (Back to Top)
ched in a tree. While this strange assemblage was still present, Jim jumped 10/14/1973 #28031  
## Word: "assemble" (Back to Top)
accelerations. Hover and maneuver. Assemble / stack formation.              5/1936 (approximate) #1244  
eve [USG disclosure], he helped me assemble my advisory team.”  https://www 1/24/2016 #45443  
## Word: "assembled" (Back to Top)
ports of visions and miracles. The assembled multitude hears thunder and wi 8/13/1917 #960  
s by over 18,000 witnesses who had assembled at Fatima, in the Cova da Iria 8/13/1917 #961  
r review by a classification board assembled from the AEC’s regional sites. 8/9/1947 #3308  
xico where atomic bombs were being assembled.                               12/5/1948 #3910  
nard “Duke” Gildenberg tells those assembled that he has never seen anythin 8/27/1951 #5636  
 Massachusetts, where he tells the assembled scientists to study ways USAF  1/29/1952 #5884  
 All personnel at Holloman AFB are assembled in a hangar, debriefed, and sw 9/1956 #13167  
aking off. Personnel are allegedly assembled at Holloman AFB and told not t 9/1956 #13168  
er citizens who had sighted a UFO, assembled them in a school room and told 3/1/1967 #21713  
 view. A rescue mission is quickly assembled. Within half an hour of the cr 10/4/1967 #23176  
from Fleet Diving Unit Atlantic is assembled on the HMCS Granby on October  10/4/1967 #23176  
p.m. a crowd of some 50 people had assembled to see what was going on. Shir 9/21/1968 #24497  
 form. A large numbers of cars had assembled at Berwick, Nova Scotia to obs 4/24/1969 #25088  
n asked how many of the 500 people assembled have had a UFO sighting, about 8/22/1969 #25325  
spot about a mile south. The group assembled there briefly but was unable t 9/11/1973 #27803  
spot about a mile south. The group assembled there briefly but was unable t 9/12/1973 #27809  
 Palmdale, California, where it is assembled. This viewing is heavily restr 11/22/1988 #38718  
## Word: "assembles" (Back to Top)
al sites. In September, this board assembles in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The a 8/9/1947 #3308  
      The CIA’s Richard M. Bissell assembles a group of advisers to begin w 8/16/1956 #13094  
 O’Brien committee in February. He assembles a panel of experts that sugges 4/22/1966 #20374  
d from for nearly an hour. Pscolka assembles a security response team and j Winter 1987 #38370  
## Word: "assemblies" (Back to Top)
rs, destroying or damaging 32 fuel assemblies and releasing radiation into  11/30/1975 #30677  
## Word: "assembling" (Back to Top)
people met in Las Vegas to discuss assembling a collection of relevant UAP  1/28/1996 #42725  
## Word: "assembly" (Back to Top)
s efficient fabrication, including assembly line production instead of indi 10/1/1908 #718  
gh one is heard to strike the tail assembly. A mass of black debris about 3 10/14/1943 #1536  
xico when his hand slips. The test assembly he has built—a ball of plutoniu 8/21/1945 #1925  
apons design and research, warhead assembly)                                1946 #1956  
pened (Uranium enrichment, warhead assembly)                                1947 #2217  
apons program plant opens (Warhead assembly)                                1952 #5829  
de and recombine into saucer form! Assembly going south.                    10/3/1954 #10650  
apons program plant opens (Warhead assembly)                                1955 #11887  
rge cylinder/cigar-shape with tail Assembly flies / treetop height. Swishin 10/27/1958 #15387  
rge gray cigar-like object with an assembly tail flew at treetop height (NI 10/27/1958 #15389  
embling a large gray cigar with an assembly tail flew at treetop height, ma 10/27/1958 #15390  
embling a large gray cigar with an assembly tail flew at treetop level over 10/27/1958 #15393  
hat the C-118 was missing its tail assembly. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jones report 4/1/1959 #15686  
s with 3 small orbs between. Whole Assembly spins! "Airplane" / Blue Book.. 5/27/1965 #18967  
, 15 m long. It had no wings, tail assembly, or wheels.                     4/11/1966 #20284  
1:20 a.m. Rev. Anthony De Polo, an Assembly of God minister, was lying in b 7/18/1967 #22695  
nd Hynek attend the XIIIth General Assembly of the International Astronomic 8/22/1967 #22892  
 Grenada, addressed the UN General Assembly urging recognition of UFOs as a 10/7/1976 #31453  
ization of American States General Assembly with a call for a n internation 6/14/1977 #32163  
                Grenada UN General Assembly Prime Minister of Grenada Eric  10/7/1977 #32558  
ric Gairy addresses the UN General Assembly urging the recognition of UFOs  10/7/1977 #32558  
ion to be presented to the General Assembly on November 30. The United Stat 11/28/1977 #32702  
 shelved until next year’s General Assembly.                                12/7/1977 #32741  
                        UN General Assembly The UN General Assembly adopts  12/13/1977 #32767  
UN General Assembly The UN General Assembly adopts Decision 32/424, which a 12/13/1977 #32767  
 the matter until the next general assembly one year later.                 12/13/1977 #32767  
t on War Memorial Drive to a First Assembly of God church in Peoria, Illino 8/7/1978 #33485  
nt Reagan states to the UN General Assembly “Perhaps we need some outside,  9/21/1987 #38290  
A 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Huge Assembly / night lights tilts and going  2/13/1995 #42046  
   New York United Nations General Assembly The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test- 9/10/1996 #43014  
pted by the United Nations General Assembly. It opens for signature in New  9/10/1996 #43014  
## Word: "assemini" (Back to Top)
                                   ASSEMINI, ITL 1 / car. Oval blob-light g 7/12/1975 #30173  
## Word: "assens" (Back to Top)
                                   ASSENS, FYN, DK 1 observer. Series / 3 s 8/1/1991 #40139  
## Word: "assent" (Back to Top)
raterrestrial is no small thing to assent to. The Estimate is probably addr 9/30/1948? #3817  
nformation Act 2000 is given royal assent but will not come into full force 11/30/2000 #44092  
## Word: "assert" (Back to Top)
 of the target occurred. They also assert no visual contacts were made. Cha 8/13/1956 #13080  
## Word: "asserted" (Back to Top)
s were given to fire upon them. He asserted that they could see the tracers 1943 #1474  
al memory,” as the first story had asserted. Shaver, working in a factory,  4/1945 #1835  
ilitary command to do this?” Greer asserted his citizenship allowed him to  3/9/1992 #40369  
f Indianapolis Power and Light and asserted that it was illegal to take pho 2/15/1999 #43729  
## Word: "asserting" (Back to Top)
IA has moved for summary judgment, asserting that the GSW requests for UFO  9/19/1979 #34900  
ent in the CAUS-initiated lawsuit, asserting that the 135 documents are bei 9/1/1980 #35490  
ument and the Cutler-Twining memo, asserting that they appear to be genuine 6/11/1987 #38189  
 at 12:06 p.m., the fliers refuse, asserting their right to proceed. The F- 5/11/2005 #44840  
## Word: "assertion" (Back to Top)
as UFO witnesses describe. Another assertion is that spacecraft could never 5/6/2008 #45134  
## Word: "assertions" (Back to Top)
 the project to take seriously any assertions of cover-up. He mentions Low’ 1/31/1968 #23714  
 Many ParaNet members question his assertions.                              12/29/1987 #38378  
## Word: "asserts" (Back to Top)
“consolidate both interests.” Hart asserts that the airship can carry four  11/22/1896 #347  
Flying Saucers Have Landed. Leslie asserts that the first spaceman (a Venus 9/1953 #9130  
ppears on The Betty White Show and asserts that, contrary to what the Air F 4/5/1954 #9666  
 Uzbekistan Tajikistan USSR Pravda asserts that “some regions” (including U 1/8/1961 #16565  
for more than a few minutes, Spaur asserts that he and Neff chased it for o 4/18/1966 #20331  
                        Phil Klass asserts in Aviation Week that the Exeter 8/22/1966 #20786  
t beyond Neptune called Nibiru. He asserts that Sumerian mythology suggests 1976 #30744  
rves as MUFON New Jersey director, asserts that he was stationed on the bas 1/18/1978 #32894  
 CIA Views the UFO Phenomenon.” He asserts that “we have, indeed, been cont 5/1979 #34532  
s of evil in the modern world.” He asserts that the Cold War is a battle be 3/8/1983 #36774  
, a self-proclaimed UFO specialist asserts the marks left by the supposed l 9/27/1989 #39124  
life lesson in symbolic form, Mack asserts. The hybrids combine the human a 1999 #43708  
er G. Haut signs an affidavit that asserts he had seen bodies recovered fro 12/26/2002 #44460  
the mysterious Russian sub. Russia asserts that the vessel was a Dutch subm 10/24/2014 #45420  
## Word: "asservent" (Back to Top)
                                   Asservent, France 9:30 p.m. A very large 9/26/1975 #30388  
                                In Asservent, near Maubeuge, France a very  9/26/1975 #30389  
## Word: "assess" (Back to Top)
urnet completes a study of UFOs to assess whether their motions are random  12/1952 #8361  
ere asked by Douglas management to assess cases from Project Blue Book incl 1955 #11899  
et missiles and long-range bombers assess. The Corona program is also used  8/10/1960 #16367  
e Hall argues that the best way to assess UFO evidence is to look at the ag 11/28/1966 #21156  
 indicator questions in the survey assess the respondents’ sleep paralysis, 5/1992 #40439  
ith agencies in other countries to assess national security factors. It is  1996 #42656  
ordinate with US allies to “better assess the nature and extent” of UAP inc 12/27/2021 #45730  
## Word: "assessed" (Back to Top)
ther electromagnetic energy.” They assessed the potential of each of these  2/2/2022 #45737  
s about 400 incidents, up from 143 assessed in a report released in 2021. H 5/17/2022 #45750  
## Word: "assesses" (Back to Top)
roup within Air Force Intelligence assesses nine undersea UAP with the Offi 4/24/1952 #6179  
ks at some compelling reports, and assesses the difficulty of estimating th 11/27/1968 #24725  
shaped UFOs seen worldwide. Marler assesses whether these represent an extr 6/2013 #45367  
## Word: "assessing" (Back to Top)
, Ohio Stephenville Pentagon After assessing the Ernest Harmon AFB, Newfoun 7/28/1947 #3239  
of symbols. After several hours of assessing the situation and waiting for  11/20/1952 #8309  
in the hopes of interesting him in assessing UFO reports.                   2/17/1960 #16180  
bes it as “focused on forensically assessing accounts of injuries that coul 1/9/2018 #45503  
hensive process for collecting and assessing intelligence data about uniden 12/27/2020 #45670  
## Word: "assessment" (Back to Top)
I have never heard of any official assessment as to what these objects were 7/1945 #1886  
t Field, Ohio, to send a top-level assessment team (possibly Alfred Loeddin 7/28/1947 #3239  
The title of the memo is “Military Assessment of the Joint Intelligence Com 9/19/1947 #3410  
to be formally commissioned for an assessment, as well as Irving Langmuir a 11/12/1948 #3874  
ven Seas Restaurant and offers his assessment of the Air Force’s handling o 3/23/1954 #9634  
s in the RAAF files and writing an assessment for the Australian Directorat 12/26/1954 #11862  
a research balloon to a sundog (an assessment James E. McDonald calls “nons 10/2/1961 #16889  
ons of UFOs, he would allocate the assessment of their wider implications t 7/19/1966 #20657  
sion: “Evaluation of psychological assessment tests, the lack of any eviden 12/3/1967 #23545  
ce and charged with an independent assessment of its scope, methodology, an 11/15/1968 #24661  
s calculations and agrees with the assessment of the object as Venus. A mem 1/6/1969 #24821  
wns is launched and maintained for assessment of “airspace sovereignty.”    1971 #25959  
FO Handbook, a harshly pessimistic assessment of his investigative experien 8/1/1979 #34699  
e that this reflects a more formal assessment activity.” A subsequent memo  12/2/1993 #41320  
t there is nothing of value in its assessment of “threat weapons systems” a 12/4/2000 #44097  
ed Deep Space Transport Technology Assessment Group (ADST) is active, and s 2001 #44112  
civic public benefit. In its first assessment of these disclosures, the Pen 6/14/2013 #45372  
a Small Unmanned Air System (SUAS) assessment that classifies incidents int 2017 #45462  
unclassified NAS study, titled “An Assessment of Illness in U.S. Government 8/2020 #45657  
 of UFO sightings to over 500. The assessment revealed that the office trac 1/12/2023 #45792  
## Word: "assessor" (Back to Top)
EST. A sales engineer and a county assessor saw an egg-shaped object for 10 2/4/1967 #21449  
## Word: "assets" (Back to Top)
 Bureau of Aeronautics as National Assets. He indicates that he does not pl 9/24/1947 #3421  
plicate air technical intelligence assets within the CIA.                   9/24/1947 #3421  
Bureau of Aeronautics as “national assets.” Hillenkoetter states he does no 9/24/1947 #3425  
ation system.  https://www.gao.gov/assets/nsiad-86-45s-15.pdf   https://www 8/7/1996 #42971  
e UAP attack conventional military assets to make it appear there is an att 8/22/1998 #43635  
abduction scenarios are testing by assets of the “program.”  https://archiv 8/22/1998 #43635  
 craft.  https://futuretheater.com/assets/pdf/star-shield.pdf               6/2013 #45368  
 own breakthroughs and proprietary assets; DeLonge adds that he asked the a 4/2016 #45448  
## Word: "assevent" (Back to Top)
                           NORTH / ASSEVENT, FR 12 observer(s). 250M saucer 9/26/1975 #30386  
## Word: "assign" (Back to Top)
being monitored, so they decide to assign a bird name to anyone they discus Fall 1986 #38034  
## Word: "assigne" (Back to Top)
 the site where soldiers have been assigne dwork duties, Cpl. Ioan Dörr get 9/23/1978 #33736  
## Word: "assigned" (Back to Top)
 is established by Congress. It is assigned to the Navy Bureau of Navigatio 6/21/1866 #167  
man (US Army chief cryptographer), assigned to translate any potential Mart 8/22/1924 #1041  
ecalled to active duty in 1940 and assigned to the Office of the Chief of N 1939 #1302  
n England—who ironically have been assigned to investigate nuclear weapons  3/1940 #1326  
 he was stationed at San Diego and assigned to a gun crew on a naval destro 1943 #1474  
w three Swedish Air Force officers assigned to the General Staff who say th 8/13/1946 #2130  
e senior counterintelligence agent assigned to the base, CIC Captain Sherid 7/6/1947 #2812  
anchard, the nine men who had been assigned duties in the recovery of the R 7/25/1947 #3230  
h, George W. Towles, and others as assigned. How much interest Col. Howard  1/22/1948 #3563  
 Los Alamos, New Mexico, personnel assigned to remove the filters from the  5/15/1948 #3651  
 longer involved, perhaps not even assigned to the same base. Even Clingerm 1/1949 #3950  
 Intelligence Center (ATIC) and is assigned to the Directorate of Intellige 5/21/1951 #5513  
r Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt has been assigned to reshape the study and field  10/1951 #5692  
rea 6:35 p.m. The pilot of an F-51 assigned to the 18th Fighter Bomber Grou 5/15/1952 #6332  
 her death claimed in 1955 she was assigned to catalog all incoming UAP mat 1955 #11900  
ded. CIA officer Richard Newton is assigned as base commander. Other key or 7/1955 #12225  
. Ruppelt writes that while he was assigned to the Air Technical Intelligen 2/1956 #12691  
recommends that 18–20 personnel be assigned to temporary UFO investigation  10/1958 #15294  
itions. He returns to his previous assigned altitude and heading. After a f 1962 #17006  
e next two nights at missile sites assigned to Warren AFB, for a total of 1 8/1/1965 #19242  
 McDonnell Douglas Corporation, is assigned the task of exploring breakthro 1967 #21238  
sicist Robert M. Wood states he is assigned the task of exploring breakthro 1967 #21240  
SECRET CRYPTO Clearance, rank PFC, assigned to Canine Corps at Camp Pendlet 7/3/1967 #22593  
 fatigues without insignia. RT was assigned guard duty. RT states he looked 7/3/1967 #22604  
 of the SR-71), and Barnes is also assigned to evaluate them as well as the 3/1968 #23797  
m that he and some others had been assigned to transport two crates from th 1/23/1974 #28693  
s him that he and some others were assigned to transport two oblong crates  1/23/1974 #28694  
m that he and some others had been assigned to transport two crates from th 1/23/1974 #28695  
 Turkey 3:00 a.m. A staff sergeant assigned to the 355th Security Police Sq 4/1974 #28983  
m. US Army Pfc R. Jack Phillips is assigned to the 193rd Military Police Ba 5/1974 #29075  
 p.m. Air Force security personnel assigned to the Bomber Alert Area of Gra 10/14/1974 #29527  
st name begins with the letter “T” assigned for security work in the Logist 1977 #31658  
ation of any UFO evidence could be assigned to the Astrophysics Division at 1/17/1978 #32887  
orter for Melbourne’s 0/10 Network assigned to do a story on the Vern Powel 12/31/1978 #34246  
gas, NV Journalist George Knapp is assigned to research all things Bob Laza 5/1989 #38928  
ptors land. Two other fighters are assigned to chase the objects, which are 1/22/1990 #39387  
 bodies.” The caller claims he was assigned the job by Reynold’s Electronic 1991 #39940  
g room nurse “Mary” states she was assigned to the Medical Lab at Los Alamo 3/16/1991 #40015  
an entities. Sherman states he was assigned a classified cover mission that 1/1/1997 #43163  
ount of Corso’s claims that he was assigned to a secret government program  6/1997 #43304  
s health effects. Each UFO case is assigned a credibility rating designed b 9/30/2010 #45300  
## Word: "assigning" (Back to Top)
mends that USAF “issue a directive assigning a priority, security classific 9/23/1947 #3417  
 responsibility for its functions, assigning to the Energy Research and Dev 10/11/1974 #29522  
and other energy-related work, and assigning to the Nuclear Regulatory Comm 10/11/1974 #29522  
## Word: "assignment" (Back to Top)
 Rickett, who has returned from an assignment in Carlsbad, New Mexico, driv 7/8/1947 #3013  
 from White Sands and gives him an assignment at sea aboard the destroyer U 3/1950 #4565  
h Hooper is returning home from an assignment for the Adelaide Advrtiser wh 10/18/1952 #8155  
out of Blue Book for a seven-month assignment in Denver, Colorado. He is re 2/28/1953 #8717  
m) states he was placed on special assignment to investigate a crashed UAP  5/21/1953 #8899  
owing he wrote he went on “special assignment” that day and “got picked up  5/21/1953 #8899  
 in Burbank, California. His first assignment is to investigate radar-defle 8/1957 #13867  
Renamed Operation Spellbinder, the assignment is to create a sleeper killer 6/30/1966 #20623  
d in Dingzhou, Hebei, China, is on assignment in a small valley north of th Late 9/1971 #26378  
istinctive in design and size. His assignment, however, involves just one c 3/1989 #38855  
0Documents.pdf (Fouche request for assignment from DARPA re: Area 51)     N 1998 #43481  
sts “disappeared for two weeks” on assignment and when they re-appeared “th 1/30/2015 #45429  
 in 1995-96 while he was flying on assignment. After seeing the hole in the 1/30/2015 #45429  
## Word: "assignments" (Back to Top)
ntific council are given different assignments, leaving Jean-Jacques Velasc 9/1/1983 #36967  
## Word: "assigns" (Back to Top)
sued, apparently in April. Burgess assigns Maj. Vernon L. Sadowski of his s 3/19/1952 #5961  
is letter by Cross (to whom Vallée assigns the pseudonym “Pentacle”) could  1/9/1953 #8521  
 Presidential Directive NSC 5412/2 assigns responsibility for coordination  12/28/1954 #11868  
d methodology sections himself. He assigns to Hunter the job of selecting w 11/13/1967 #23443  
tance away. The Swedish Home Guard assigns 50 of its personnel to work with 3/23/1974 #28936  
## Word: "assimilated" (Back to Top)
a concept that humans have not yet assimilated. The humanoid smiled when he 3/26/2002 #44326  
## Word: "assis" (Back to Top)
                  SAO FRANCISCO DE ASSIS, BRZ Observer(s) fixing TV antenna 2/6/1992 #40320  
## Word: "assiscle" (Back to Top)
                               ST. ASSISCLE, FR Luminous ovoid going down.  10/14/1954 #11031  
## Word: "assise" (Back to Top)
                               STE ASSISE, FR RADAR-visual (observation). N 5/9/1968 #23952  
visual confirmation case from Ste. Assise, Seine-Marne, France. A nocturnal 5/9/1968 #23953  
## Word: "assisi" (Back to Top)
 UFO's / Perugia and La Spezia and Assisi.                                  10/29/1973 #28318  
## Word: "assist" (Back to Top)
ve been attempting to look for and assist the damaged objects. He also spec 9/12/1952 #7905  
ses that the ongoing Project Stork assist the Air Force to reassure the pub 1/9/1953 #8526  
Service Squadron was brought in to assist ATIC (Blue Book) with preliminary 8/12/1954 #10138  
 possibility of forming a panel to assist in analyzing reports. The Directo 12/26/1954 #11862  
 Dewey Fournet, and Albert M. Chop assist in the production. The principal  5/3/1956 #12828  
nd Hurkos are space people come to assist them, based on the channelings of 7/1956 #12940  
gnuson, Walker and their staffs to assist them in dealing with constituent  6/20/1958 #15107  
 seconds. Pisani stops his jeep to assist, but fortunately the lone driver  1/1961 #16555  
the men. Pennsylvania State Police assist in a search of the area. About 16 3/2/1965 #18832  
ndon with an “informal liaison” to assist with “certain technical activitie 4/3/1966 #20214  
d level, not in an outside loop to assist in the separation of the drone fr 7/30/1966 #20696  
immediately to the landing site to assist any possible survivors. As he wat 3/31/1969 #25041  
is squad car when he got a call to assist personnel at the Port Authority.  6/20/1969 #25230  
gh this screen and was directed to assist him with his voice. He was finall 2/28/1974 #28825  
Army Nat. Guard helos called in to assist in locating UFO. NORAD informed o 10/29/1975 #30506  
ne of them, Michael McDermott, did assist Paul in a search for some evidenc 10/15/1976 #31465  
 flash in its hand. They wanted to assist their friend but were unable to m 9/24/1978 #33744  
ead. Two of the other boys went to assist him, when suddenly a bright green 10/8/1981 #36165  
 his head. Two of the boys went to assist him, when suddenly a bright green 11/8/1981 #36211  
skinned humanoids. She was made to assist with the tissue removal around th 9/24/1992 #40640  
, Texas. A truck driver stopped to assist him when they both became aware o 4/28/1997 #43283  
 and that “mental phenomena” could assist in the remote piloting of spacecr 6/1997 #43308  
 eyed Nordics). Some adult hybrids assist the aliens in their work, while o 1/1998 #43482  
d that the “PARSONS TECHNIQUE” can assist in holding off the deception, inf 3/11/1998 #43532  
s can be determined then this will assist NASA-TZER mission to answer the c 3/11/1998 #43532  
be used in “population centers” to assist with MJ Project Spike and Project 1/23/1999 #43720  
Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore, assist. NNSA’s Office of Defense Program 3/22/2017 #45465  
## Word: "assistance" (Back to Top)
 David Peck Todd with the military assistance of Chief of Naval Operations  8/22/1924 #1041  
orrbotten County that they request assistance from the Air Force to deal wi 1/10/1934 #1195  
 Bernard Gärde officially requests assistance of the Air Force with the gho 2/12/1934 #1205  
ain turns the boat around to offer assistance, but the object’s lights go o 2/11/1937 #1265  
ing they were lost and calling for assistance. A huge rescue search operati 12/5/1945 #1951  
sed and controlled. He desired the assistance of the FBI in locating and qu 7/10/1947 #3078  
er composed by Col. McCoy with the assistance of Alfred Loedding, “AMC Opin 9/23/1947 #3417  
 against hostile states, including assistance to underground resistance gro 9/1/1948 #3794  
 Corporation and the CIA solicited assistance on sample analysis from a Vat 1949 #3947  
ched AFOSI in San Antonio to offer assistance in investigating green fireba 5/5/1949 #4149  
w Mexico Project Twinkle, with the assistance of Land-Air, Inc., has set up 2/21/1950 #4542  
on of undersea and aerial UAP with assistance from the Navy dubbed Operatio 1951 #5379  
The Air Force (reportedly with the assistance of the Central Intelligence A 1/12/1953 #8534  
n hour as they waited for roadside assistance next to their stranded vehicl 9/20/1954 #10374  
ing hearings on UFOs and wants its assistance. Hillenkoetter suggests withh 7/1957 #13767  
 “the financial and organizational assistance given to Frei, the effort to  9/4/1964 #18533  
nd disc landed, presumably to lend assistance. The UFO occupants wore dark  11/25/1964 #18638  
ter; Morris thinks about providing assistance, but the otherworldliness of  3/28/1967 #22004  
orts, although they praise NICAP’s assistance.                              12/1/1967 #23531  
elf to meet people needing medical assistance. She opens a glass door and a 8/25/1968 #24376  
te with security, and he requested assistance, declaring a "Covered Wagon"  10/14/1972 #27077  
ns, with his location and asks for assistance. At 11:40 p.m., Higdon is fou 10/15/1974 #29531  
ocal security posture and requests assistance from the Maine State Police i 10/27/1975 #30488  
s offered to him in return for his assistance. After 90 minutes of conversa 11/3/1975 #30547  
ogist Vladimir G. Azhazha with the assistance of Nikita A. Schnee. Launched 11/1978 #33907  
                   Law Enforcement Assistance Administration Santa Fe, New  4/25/1979 #34523  
by grants from the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration and the Santa  4/25/1979 #34523  
e radios headquarters and asks for assistance. Deputy Greg Winskowski arriv 8/27/1979 #34787  
 Fjellander. They secure technical assistance from the universities of Oslo 6/3/1983 #36874  
rway. This group secures technical assistance from the Norwegian Defense Re 1/21/1984 #37136  
program was begun in 1960 with the assistance of the Zetas to “genetically  1992 #40276  
broken down he approached to offer assistance. As he got nearer the light h 2/4/1999 #43722  
emaining humanoid if he needed any assistance. He felt when he approached t 3/26/2002 #44326  
enuinely pleased with his offer of assistance, but said that everything was 3/26/2002 #44326  
d elderly. It repeatedly asked for assistance from the men in an urgent ton 5/3/2002 #44336  
d the rural location to lend their assistance to their comrade in distress. 7/21/2002 #44362  
 Air Traffic Control Centre: “Need assistance… We have a hostile craft and  6/28/2005 #44849  
. She states he provides technical assistance on a variety of classified to 8/23/2022 #45764  
## Word: "assistant" (Back to Top)
eyepiece projection when he and an assistant see a large number of small bo 8/12/1883 #255  
 midnight. A Mr. Chatten, grocer’s assistant, is cycling home to Tharston,  5/19/1909 #767  
vered by chemist Otto Hahn and his assistant Fritz Strassmann at the Kaiser 12/17/1938 #1301  
n. George C. McDonald is appointed assistant chief of staff for intelligenc 2/23/1944 #1577  
l, in the Pentagon’s Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligenc 1/2/1945 #1753  
Command sends a secret memo to the assistant chief of air intelligence requ 1/16/1945 #1757  
ommodore Colin McKay Grierson, RAF assistant chief of staff A2, refers Ring 2/11/1945 #1779  
edy Wright, Vandenberg’s executive assistant at the Central Intelligence Gr 8/1/1946 #2099  
. Gen. Stephen J. Chamberlin, Army assistant chief of staff for intelligenc 8/13/1946 #2128  
weden The US naval attaché and the Assistant US military attaché in Stockho 8/13/1946 #2130  
rtis LeMay answers an inquiry from Assistant Secretary of War for Air Stuar 12/10/1946 #2211  
al Gables, FL Student and Einstein assistant Shirley J. Wright wins writing 2/9/1947 #2240  
al Gables, FL Student and Einstein assistant Shirley J. Wright class photo  5/31/1947 #2302  
              Student and Einstein assistant Shirley J. Wright’s last day o 6/11/1947 (estimated) #2321  
              Student and Einstein assistant Shirley J. Wright visits Princ 7/1947 #2490  
t. Gen. James Doolittle 10:35 a.m. Assistant Secretary of War for Air Stuar 7/9/1947 #3059  
stimated date student and Einstein assistant Shirley J. Wright accompanies  7/10/1947 #3077  
tch forwards Schulgen’s request to Assistant Director of the Domestic Intel 7/10/1947 #3102  
n Air Base, California Witnesses:  Assistant Base Operations Officer Capt.  7/29/1947 #3252  
field Novato, California 2:50 p.m. Assistant Base Operations Officer Capt.  7/29/1947 #3255  
e, California At 2:50 p.m. PDT the Assistant Base Operations Officer, Capt. 7/29/1947 #3256  
ngton Lt. Col. Donald L. Springer, assistant chief of staff for army intell 8/8/1947 #3307  
 discs are a secret US technology. Assistant Director of the Domestic Intel 8/15/1947 #3336  
 Air Intelligence Division, to the Assistant Chief of the Air Staff, A-2, s 9/26/1947 #3428  
USAF Maj. Gen. George C. McDonald, assistant chief of air staff, that he is 9/27/1947 #3429  
              Student and Einstein assistant Shirley J. Wright: Newspaper c 9/28/1947 #3430  
   Article on student and Einstein assistant Shirley J. Wright receiving Ba 10/1947 #3432  
    Capt. Richard W. Geuss, acting assistant adjutant general, writes a mem 2/4/1948 #3574  
stablished. Willard Machle becomes assistant director for scientific intell 1/1/1949 #3954  
ic Energy Commission, is appointed assistant director of scientific intelli 2/1949 #3993  
  Wright-Patterson Col. Hanna (?), assistant chief of the Power Plant Labor 2/1/1949 #3995  
 skeptical Capt. Horace McCulloch, assistant G-2 of the Second Armored Divi 3/17/1949 #4049  
 Corona, New Mexico 10:15 p.m. The assistant maintenance officer at Holloma 1/7/1950 #4478  
                     Oak Ridge, TN Assistant Chief of Security sees UFO and 10/24/1950 #5255  
storian William L. Langer, special assistant for intelligence analysis to U 12/26/1950 #5364  
ordinated by Jack T. Shea, special assistant to the director of public rela 6/22/1951 #5550  
neral Mills Corporation, writes to Assistant Secretary of the Air Force Eug 10/20/1951 #5735  
ion Brig. Gen. William M. Garland, Assistant for the Production of Intellig 1/3/1952 #5859  
rig. Gen. William M. Garland, USAF Assistant for Production of Intelligence 1/29/1952 #5884  
Gen. William M. Garland, Possony’s assistant Leslie Rosenzweig, and one oth Early 5/1952 #6249  
d his staff (including his special assistant, covert CIA agent Joseph Bryan 5/8/1952 #6276  
 Scotia 8:32 a.m. A meteorological assistant on reserve army maneuvers sees 6/15/1952 #6509  
  Pottstown, Pennsylvania Witness: assistant manager of airport.  Three sig 6/26/1952 #6638  
igence from Ralph L. Clark, Acting Assistant Director of Scientific Intelli 7/29/1952 #7273  
            Ralph L. Clark, acting assistant director of the CIA Office of  7/29/1952 #7325  
nce, writes a letter to OSI Deputy Assistant Director Ralph L. Clark, sayin 8/1/1952 #7409  
                       WETUMKA, OK Assistant distr.Atty. Square object flie 8/12/1952 #7547  
              George G. Carey, CIA assistant director for operations, write 8/22/1952 #7681  
                               CIA Assistant Director of Scientific Intelli 9/24/1952 #8022  
tor CIA from H. Marshall Chadwell, Assistant Director of Scientific Intelli 10/2/1952 #8084  
     United States James Q. Reber, assistant director of CIA intelligence c 10/13/1952 #8128  
                        OSI Deputy Assistant Director Ralph L. Clark writes 10/14/1952 #8133  
 Laboratory, New Mexico. Afterward Assistant Director for Scientific Person 10/23/1952 #8178  
Statement by H. Marshall Chadwell, Assistant Director of Scientific Intelli 12/2/1952 #8362  
am includes Robertson himself, CIA Assistant Director H. Marshall Chadwell, 12/12/1952 #8413  
son Panel, he and his new research assistant Jennie Zeidman come up with th 1/18/1953 #8550  
ee AFB, SC At 3:45 p.m. (EST), the assistant director of security at the Sa 3/5/1953 #8731  
                               CIA Assistant Director H. Marshall Chadwell  5/1953 #8851  
n by or for Robert Cutler, special assistant to President Eisenhower, to Ge 7/14/1954 #10018  
dm. Carl F. Espe and to the Army’s Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2. Hoover wr 7/24/1954 #10046  
Percharde, electrical engineer and assistant manager of Moeller Shipwrecker 8/11/1954 #10124  
Percharde, electrical engineer and assistant manager of the Moeller Shipwre 8/11/1954 #10127  
charde, an electrical engineer and assistant manager of the Moeller Shipwre 8/11/1954 #10128  
-Pierre Halte, France by a baker's assistant from Calais.                   10/14/1954 #11062  
allis, Oregon Witness:  P.J. Gunn, assistant professor of art at Oregon Sta 11/19/1954 #11673  
                    P. J. Gunn, an assistant professor of art at Oregon Sta 11/19/1954 #11674  
as formerly Secretary of the Army, Assistant Secretary of Defense and speci 11/20/1955 #12580  
t Secretary of Defense and special assistant to the President of the United 11/20/1955 #12580  
ng that while he served as special assistant to Air Force Secretary Thomas  4/3/1956 #12781  
le, who recruits J. Allen Hynek as assistant director to help with the cent 9/11/1956 #13214  
                   CHESTERTOWN, MD Assistant secretary / defense and 2. 13  8/24/1957 #13929  
it wasn’t a satellite or a meteor. Assistant Director Arthur Robert Hogg th 11/8/1957 #14486  
uma 5:55 p.m. Wilfred S. Hardy, an assistant safety engineer at the Tokyo,  11/10/1957 #14524  
essure from the press and public, “Assistant Secretary of Defense requested 12/4/1957 #14669  
, however, Richard E. Horner, USAF assistant secretary for research and dev 1/1958 #14791  
A meeting is held in the office of Assistant Secretary of the Air Force Ric 1/31/1958 #14855  
l. Wallace surprises him by saying Assistant Secretary of the Air Force Ric 3/8/1958 #14920  
 Chemist John R. Townsend, special assistant for research and engineering t 10/7/1958 #15329  
or research and engineering to the Assistant Secretary of Defense, sees a l 10/7/1958 #15329  
y, USAF Maj. Gen. Donald J. Keirn, assistant deputy chief of staff on devel 1/28/1959 #15569  
and tells the story to him and his assistant Lt. Robert S. Neasham. They ur 7/5/1959 #15817  
, and Maj. Gen. James H. Walsh (AF Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligenc 11/10/1959 #16086  
                          The USAF Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligenc 9/1960 #16430  
 Col. Joseph J. Bryan III, special assistant to the Secretary of the Air Fo Summer 1962 #17238  
                Defense Department Assistant Secretary Arthur Sylvester adm 10/29/1962 #17516  
                               DOD Assistant Secretary Arthur Sylvester say 10/29/1962 #17518  
     Bologoye, Tver Oblast, Russia Assistant Professor Vyacheslav Zaitsev i 7/12/1964 #18404  
altitudes of 6,000–9,000 feet. His assistant Ellis Pike notes that they loo 8/2/1965 #19265  
ing is Lt. Col. Harold A. Steiner, assistant secretary to the Scientific Ad 2/3/1966 #19879  
                             NICAP Assistant Director Richard Hall writes t 4/6/1966 #20258  
ado Graduate School Robert J. Low, assistant dean in the University of Colo 8/9/1966 #20734  
neer Norman Levine, administrative assistant Mary Lou Armstrong, University 10/7/1966 #20970  
e surface first catches the eye of Assistant General Manager Donald R. McVa 11/22/1966 #21142  
is a chemical engineering teaching assistant from the University of Illinoi 2/25/1967 #21649  
  Lt. Gen. Hewitt T. Wheless, USAF assistant vice chief of staff, circulate 3/1/1967 #21713  
ichigan Witnesses: Jerome Wolanin, assistant news director of radio station 3/6/1967 #21776  
e widest point. William T. Powers, assistant to J. Allen Hynek of Northwest 4/21/1967 #22194  
        Richard H. Hall resigns as assistant director of NICAP for personal 9/11/1967 #23043  
io technician, and his 14-year-old assistant Carlos Alberto do Nascimento,  11/24/1967 #23508  
Wisconsin State University–Oshkosh assistant professor of chemistry, writes 11/30/1967 #23525  
lix Ziegel, Soviet cosmologist and assistant professor at the Moscow Aviati 2/1968 #23720  
 24 and will go back to his job as assistant to Thurston Manning.           5/15/1968 #23963  
o Paulo, Brazil 5:00 a.m. Hospital assistant Maria José Cintra of the Seraf 8/25/1968 #24376  
husiastic approval. In a letter to Assistant Secretary of the Air Force Ale 1/8/1969 #24826  
ICAP director, Richard Hall, N1CAP assistant director, Dr. James E. McDonal 1/11/1969 #24833  
rance a 40-year-old farmer and his assistant saw a large stationary disc th 2/9/1969 #24907  
t the area, a truck driver and his assistant observed a strange craft and f 2/28/1969 #24951  
                             NICAP Assistant Director Gordon I. R. Lore Jr. 10/27/1969 #25425  
             Bryan dismisses NICAP Assistant Director Gordon I. R. Lore Jr. 12/5/1969 #25488  
 to NCOC Surveillance, referred to Assistant Command Director Space Defense 11/14/1975 #30618  
 and wires so it can’t get at him. Assistant Manager Jake Malone hears the  Mid 2/1977 #31817  
rosch David Williamson Jr., a NASA assistant administrator for special proj 10/31/1977 #32643  
g to Jean-Jacques Velasco, Poher’s assistant, the statistical study evaluat 6/1978 #33245  
              District of Columbia Assistant US Attorney for the District o 8/17/1978 #33522  
  Victor Marchetti, former special assistant to the Deputy Director of the  5/1979 #34532  
                    Former special assistant to the Deputy Director of the  5/1979 #34533  
or Inn 4:25 p.m. Yvette Godfrey is assistant manager of a spa in the Barker 11/27/1979 #35020  
s director and Lawrence Fawcett as assistant editor.                        6/1980 #35348  
act job at WPAFB, where he and his assistant were taken by limousine, blind 1982 #36290  
 feet above the ground. He and his assistant feel unexplained terror and pa 2/1984 #37172  
ques Vallée,  Eisenhower/JFK Admin Assistant Secretary of State for Securit 11/10/1986 #38061  
  Langley, VA CIA letter to former assistant director of NICAP Mr. Richard  12/21/1987 #38369  
 SAIC investigator Dennis Cravens, assistant director of Los Alamos Nationa 4/1988 #38527  
                          Pentagon Assistant Secretary of Defense J. Daniel 11/10/1988 #38710  
s claims RADM David Rogers, Deputy Assistant Chief of Naval Operations, lie 1/1989 #38774  
t. Police Chief Junior Garmany and Assistant Chief Fred Works drive to the  2/10/1989 #38832  
seph Burkes claims the Maj. Gen.’s assistant left the room for 45 minutes t 3/9/1992 #40369  
bassy in Washington D.C. writes to assistant chief of Air Staff in London r 12/22/1992 #40762  
 Henry Diamond and John H Gibbons, Assistant to the President for Science a 11/1/1995 #42576  
ick Hughes, Shari Adamiak (Greer’s assistant), and Stephen Lovekin. Greer c 4/10/1997 #43260  
corporate use. Corso was a special assistant to Lt. Gen. Arthur Trudeau, wh 6/1997 #43304  
ates in the 1950s he was a special assistant to Lt. Gen. Arthur Trudeau, he 6/1997 #43308  
I Staff Director and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intel 10/1998 #43656  
iles a motion to dismiss the suit. Assistant US Attorney Richard Patrick sa 1/22/1999 #43717  
 a motion to dismiss the suit, and assistant U.S. Attorney Richard Patrick  1/22/1999 #43719  
 director R. James Woolsey, former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban 12/3/1999 #43892  
, as is Kathleen Hollingsworth, an assistant to Congressman Dana Rohrabache 1/24/2000 #43934  
 is given. An unnamed Gen. who was Assistant SecDef at the time found a dis 5/9/2000 #43993  
ciation CEO Edward M Bolen, former Assistant Secretary of the Navy for RDA  11/27/2002 #44452  
1. Dr. Jack Vorona is listed as an assistant vice director for scientific a 3/26/2004 #44682  
                            Former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban 6/2004 #44706  
fficer at USDI Susan Jones, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legis 11/2009 #45252  
 John Podesta and Clinton campaign assistant Milia Fisher met virtually wit 1/24/2016 #45443  
                            Former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intel 5/9/2016 #45452  
ta, Dr. Hal Puthoff, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intel 10/26/2017 #45488  
                            Former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban 12/11/2017 #45492  
omer Avi Loeb and his postdoctoral assistant Shmuel Bialy submit a paper ex 10/26/2018 #45541  
                            Former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intel 2/20/2020 #45634  
 surveillance capabilities, former assistant secretary of defense Christoph 3/28/2020 #45642  
I Staff Director and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intel 5/5/2021 #45688  
## Word: "assistants" (Back to Top)
ná Brazil José C. Higgens and some assistants are surveying a field in Camp 7/23/1947 #3218  
nd rests on curved metal feet. His assistants flee, but Higgens goes up to  7/23/1947 #3218  
d Loedding and one of Clingerman’s assistants, Lt. Col. James C. Beam (the  4/5/1948 #3612  
 chief aerial engineer and his two assistants.  One metallic cigar-shaped o 3/15/1951 #5488  
 of the Delhi Flying Club, and two assistants observe a swirly white cloud  3/15/1951 #5489  
lue Book Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt’s assistants Lt. Anderson G. Flues and Lt. 8/1/1952 #7408  
taff of seven, including Ruppelt’s assistants Lt. Anderson G. Flues and Max 3/8/1953 #8739  
ller creatures that appeared to be assistants. He next heard a voice in his 10/24/1967 #23310  
ratic Congressional Administrative Assistants and Aides) in the Rayburn Bui 6/3/1968 #24001  
planter Parl Abeywickrema, his two assistants Oswin de Alwis and Nimal Dunu 7/17/1971 #26234  
## Word: "assisted" (Back to Top)
hief Science Adviser Henry Tizard, assisted by Louis Mountbatten and Air Ch 10/1950 #5206  
 engineer at Wright-Patterson AFB, assisted in the investigation of a crash 5/21/1953 #8892  
boxes under his arms that may have assisted his ascent. Footprints were fou 10/4/1954 #10703  
rector of Project Blue Book. He is assisted by Sgt. David Moody, who is par 10/1963 #17967  
ther three men were likewise being assisted to their cars. Mrs Gorzelle mad 9/3/1965 #19518  
licts with D’Amato’s comments, who assisted Sen. Byrd into his investigatio 5/22/1992 #40469  
", about two meters in height, and assisted by a smaller "woman." Some of h 6/5/1997 #43311  
Fund by President Eisenhower, that assisted the building of underground mil 2004 #44638  
uggling operations from Zapata Oil assisted in funding.  https://www.cs.mcg 2004 #44638  
   Chester Lytle, a contractor who assisted with the Manhattan Project invo 1/1/2008 #45110  
raft to A51. He also states the ET assisted human physicists and engineers  11/1/2013 #45392  
## Word: "assisting" (Back to Top)
ston, Illinois. He begins actively assisting Hynek in his UFO work and help 11/17/1963 #18047  
ter for Atmospheric Research. Also assisting is associate editor Harriet Hu Late 5/1968 #23983  
## Word: "assists" (Back to Top)
tic radical organizations. The NSA assists in the surveillance with its own 8/1967 #22770  
## Word: "asso" (Back to Top)
ncesco Izzo, Renzo Cabassi, Stelio Asso, and Mario Pagni.                   6/25/1977 #32195  
## Word: "associate" (Back to Top)
d Engineer Kelly Johnson and other associate engineers hand-deliver a propo 7/1943 #1515  
d to the Stars where his long-time associate Alice K. Wells sets up a roads 1944 #1560  
l about the sighting. He tells his associate Fred L. Crisman, and they alle 6/22/1947 #2363  
” because many cases are “pranks.” Associate FBI Director Clyde Tolson adds 7/10/1947 #3102  
achusetts Witness: M.I.T. research associate and Air National Guard Maj. M. 9/21/1950 #5191  
cetown, Massachusetts MIT research associate and Air National Guard Maj. My 9/21/1950 #5192  
s. At 9:52 a.m. an M.I.T. research associate and Air National Guard Major M 9/21/1950 #5193  
 Angeles, CA BSRA’s “Gerald Light” associate reports that he was attacked s 2/25/1951 #5457  
ed from space people. He writes an associate doing missionary work in Guate 10/16/1952 #8138  
 Secretary James S. Lay Jr. or his associate, J. Patrick Coyne.             7/14/1954 #10018  
 based on the channelings of their associate George Hunt Williamson (althou 7/1956 #12940  
 Contactee Trevor Constable and an associate named James Woods take many in Summer 1957 #13745  
s NICAP as executive secretary and associate editor.                        6/1958 #15069  
rd H. Hall begins work at NICAP as associate editor.                        9/1958 #15238  
ng the US mail to do so. Contactee associate Wayne Aho escapes arraignment, 5/28/1959 #15749  
ers to questions put to him by his associate Naval officer. The word travel 7/9/1959 #15829  
enzen is hired as senior technical associate with the Kitt Peak National Ob 1960 #16140  
ce gives a preliminary briefing to associate counsel Stuart French, staff m 7/13/1960 #16335  
 who identifies himself as Maheu’s associate but is really the chief of the 9/1960 #16428  
lar ring in his groin but does not associate his malaise with the UFO incid 3/25/1962 #17079  
ton agrees to meet with him and an associate and visit the marsh. Two men d 5/24/1964 #18297  
ntually hear the story immediately associate Yamski with George Adamski, th 4/24/1965 #18916  
ays a flying saucer is outside, an associate laboratory director at Massach 1/14/1966 #19834  
nterested, but William W. Kellogg, associate director of the Laboratory of  Late 7/1966 #20683  
      Keene, NH 11:10 p.m. EST. An associate editor of a local newspaper sa 3/16/1967 #21902  
p. John Rimmer assumes the post of associate editor with the third issue.   1/1968 #23639  
pheric Research. Also assisting is associate editor Harriet Hunter and seve Late 5/1968 #23983  
and investigations. Allen R. Utke, associate professor of chemistry at Wisc 5/31/1969 #25174  
y’s New Camera Records UFO,” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 1, no. 5 (September 5/5/1974 #29085  
chologist David R. Saunders, Hynek associate Fred Beckman, and ufologist Te 1/20/1975 #29758  
 Carter is asked by Thomas Heiman, associate director of the UFO Education  3/31/1976 #30970  
                              NASA Associate Administrator for Space Scienc 9/19/1978 #33710  
 Northern Tier Joseph J. F. Clark, associate director, Legislative Liaison  2/9/1979 #34415  
tah, including where some of “our” associate scientists are working on UAP  4/2001 #44155  
itute for Discovery Science and an associate of Harold E. Puthoff. He talks 10/16/2002 #44417  
## Word: "associated" (Back to Top)
sdale, IL William T. Powers (later associated with the Center for UFO Studi Spring 1940 #1327  
nd Reimar Horten, German designers associated with wingless aircraft, are a 4/7/1945 #1842  
 of light phenomena’ that might be associated with “tests made by foreign p 6/26/1946 #2016  
iates are watching a meteor shower associated with Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinn 10/9/1946 #2199  
out the recovered disc reaches the Associated Press wire. The story announc 7/8/1947 #3020  
rmy Air Field Roswell 6:29 p.m. An Associated Press story goes out that a F 7/8/1947 #3027  
nd blossomed into something worse. Associated Press reporter Elmer Vogel sa 8/7/1947 #3306  
s similar to those which have been associated with the Flying Discs.”       9/5/1947 #3385  
neer Molt Taylor speculates to the Associated Press that “If we can build s 7/26/1948 #3743  
nown type of aircraft. d. No sound associated with observation. e. No persi 4/19/1949 #4094  
participate in several discussions associated with the reported recoveries” 9/15/1950 #5178  
oratory in Massachusetts tells the Associated Press that he thinks UFOs are 2/25/1951 #5458  
head Anthony O. Mirarchi tells the Associated Press that Urner Liddel and O 2/27/1951 #5465  
lanche, which puts them out on the Associated Press wire. ATIC examines the 8/30/1951 #5638  
                    River Edge, NJ Associated Press reporter Saul Pett abou 7/19/1952 #6922  
tor. The report was carried by the Associated Press wire service.           7/24/1952 #7116  
sk who might divulge state secrets associated with highly classified CIA pr 11/28/1953 #9324  
FOs soar over Rome, Italy, seen by Associated Press reporter Maurizio Andre 10/28/1954 #11465  
ct with the people he thought were associated with the light. When he got n 11/1/1954 #11522  
m. There was possible missing time associated with this case.               3/23/1956 #12765  
eenage daughter or taking anything associated with the airbase into account 3/22/1957 #13553  
 in the Everglades, Florida, by an Associated Press employee who is a “form 5/1957 #13629  
n Everglades, FL. The source is an Associated Press employee and “former Si 5/1957 #13633  
         Alamogordo, New Mexico An Associated Press writer in Alamogordo, N 7/29/1958 #15158  
  Carl Jung issues a denial to the Associated Press about his “extraterrest 8/9/1958 #15186  
tions." In April 1961, after being associated with the UFO project for over 3/1961 #16616  
g north. 1 going south. Huge globe Associated Press (AP.)                   5/28/1963 #17767  
a flying top." TV interference was associated with the object's presence. I 7/7/1964 #18397  
 a farm couple for about an hour. (Associated Press story, few details.) (N 3/25/1966 #20077  
ht complex disappears. There is no associated noise. Sullivan drives on to  4/4/1966 #20224  
sc-shaped object near car, effects associated with light; extreme physiolog 10/15/1966 #21003  
to red to orange, the color change associated with changes of speed (color/ 2/9/1967 #21489  
an saw a bright light with smaller associated lights above it (satellite ob 2/20/1967 #21602  
ed saucers of different sizes with associated red flames. The larger object 2/26/1967 #21659  
ed saucers of different sizes with associated red flames. The larger object 2/26/1967 #21666  
 Harkins dictates the story to the Associated Press, but it is never publis 10/10/1967 #23204  
here was also a high pitched sound associated with the object.              2/23/1968 #23780  
object paced ahead of car, effects associated with beam of light from objec 3/4/1969 #24966  
 of vehicle, heat felt. Light beam associated with E-M effects. Object rose 3/4/1969 #24967  
itially stationary and there is no associated noise at any point, no trail  10/25/1973 #28284  
ilm of a “Blue Room” rumored to be associated with UAP had been destroyed e 12/28/1973 #28612  
wn element (indicating pheophytins associated with the degradation of chlor 5/20/1974 #29119  
 times. (New Orleans States- Item, Associated Press story, Aug, 13, 1974.)  8/13/1974 #29340  
ed in UFOs. Hopkins and two others associated with the Center for UFO Studi 1/12/1975 #29744  
g at Palma de Mallorca. No UFO was associated with this incident.           8/25/1977 #32423  
the form to a TV image. The couple associated the lights seen earlier with  11/13/1977 #32671  
rience of about an hour in length, associated with a UFO sighting in Indian 11/1/1978 #33910  
ey did recall witnessing humanoids associated with the craft.               1/3/1979 #34291  
in the area at the time, which was associated with the UFO landing.         9/19/1979 #34902  
ot proved that the helicopters are associated with the government and that  12/29/1980 #35757  
angular bodies that the lights are associated with. At 9:25 p.m., Cherie Th 9/18/1981 #36129  
onKeviczky shows the letter to the Associated Press, which contacts Schweit 9/28/1981 #36143  
l Project 8200 claimed to view UAP associated underground locations at Mt.  7/1982 #36525  
unicate with space based platforms associated with UAP.  https://archive.or 7/1982 #36525  
ower to attend several discussions associated with the reported recoveries, 11/29/1983 #37053  
participate in several discussions associated with the reported recoveries” 11/29/1983 #37057  
ode involving three family members associated with an unexplained power fai 5/9/1986 #37860  
ple report the sound of explosions associated with it. A Ghana Air Force pi 7/27/1987 #38219  
g daytime and no longer need to be associated with the LTV A-7 Corsair II f 11/10/1988 #38710  
] 650kph. Many separate sightings. Associated Press (AP). / r96#302.        2/10/1989 #38829  
 they can see clusters of balloons associated with the light, but others di 4/11/1990 #39519  
ck pain. There was no missing time associated with this close encounter.    4/16/1990 #39530  
variety of other covert activities associated with the Illuminati’s declara 1991 #39933  
 on a “Blue Fire” sequence informs associated groups and operations that ci 7/28/1991 #40136  
distinct, but there was a loud hum associated with the sighting. The lights 12/9/1992 #40746  
ttle, Washington. There was no UFO associated with the report.              6/12/1995 #42253  
pped working. The nocturnal lights associated with the UFO or UFOs were wit 2/27/1996 #42786  
in contracts” that had no activity associated with them.  She states when s 8/30/1996 #43000  
ossibility that the sightings were associated with several fires of unknown 10/3/1996 #43052  
in the cloud but can hear no sound associated with the object. After the gl 1/27/1997 #43178  
ence of Soviet advanced technology associated with UFO sightings.”          8/3/1997 #43365  
e resonant frequencies that may be associated with quantum vacuum interacti 8/1998 #43618  
ile or potentially hostile states. Associated correspondence was given the  5/3/2001 #44175  
ion vehicles (ARVs) at Area 51 and associated locations, and that he knew t 4/25/2002 #44333  
technologies, crashes, landing and associated events.”  https://www.documen 4/25/2002 #44333  
witness also heard four loud bangs associated with the object.              10/15/2007 #45076  
 the biased approach traditionally associated with New York Times coverage. 5/26/2008 #45143  
n breakthrough energy technologies associated with UAP.  The briefing menti 2/13/2009 #45212  
ould not identify many of the UFOs associated with the Northern Tier air fo Late 1/2010 #45268  
he call and it came up as a number associated with the NSA in Fort Meade, M 1/30/2015 #45429  
t of Fort Sill. Fort Sill has been associated with triangle UAP sightings i 2/20/2015 #45431  
eds a hearing aid. In October, the Associated Press releases what it says i 8/2017 #45477  
igence and information specialists associated with it.                      9/2017 #45480  
                  Havana, Cuba The Associated Press reports that a non-publ 1/8/2018 #45501  
ims targets they’re looking at are associated with a code word “Omega” oper 5/30/2018 #45528  
nnel in Cuba and release it to the Associated Press. They conclude that the 1/4/2019 #45555  
avigation lights or other features associated with airplanes, and the light 3/19/2020 #45639  
ncept of extraterrestrials and the associated hysteria generated by the med 7/24/2020 #45655  
nths previous. He finds the stigma associated with this subject in the Air  5/2021 #45685  
duals. They determine the symptoms associated with the illness to be “genui 2/2/2022 #45737  
terature, and so far have not been associated with a specific neurological  2/2/2022 #45737  
 A 150,000 gauss magnetic field is associated with operating UAP craft   Na 9/26/2022 #45772  
                               The associated UAP provisions of the final F 12/6/2022 #45785  
## Word: "associates" (Back to Top)
s the Borderland Sciences Research Associates in San Diego, California, and 2/1945 #1768  
o Evening. George Adamski and some associates are watching a meteor shower  10/9/1946 #2199  
 Smith and Department of Transport associates launch a large weather balloo 9/8/1952 #7881  
in Morning. George Adamski and two associates, Lucy McGinnis and Alice Well 11/20/1952 #8306  
va, a diamond prospector, told his associates that he had seen two strange  8/17/1962 #17335  
ithin a few weeks, he or his NICAP associates have interviewed all the poli 4/17/1966 #20318  
essages, passed on to Sesma by his associates Enrique Villagrasa and Alicia 5/31/1967 #22431  
     Washington, D.C. UFO Research Associates in Washington, D.C., begins p 4/1971 #26060  
t six and a half years he and some associates “succeeded in establishing a  5/1987 #38169  
   Holloman AFB Bill Moore and his associates cooperate with “Falcon” and o 10/14/1988 #38674  
ade public. Torr later founded PST Associates, LLC in North Carolina which  3/1/1998 #43527  
ok in The Hunt for Zero Point, who associates it with Nazi occultism, antig 2000 #43910  
ery 8 seconds. Her husband and two associates saw a triangular craft zip si 12/2/2002 #44458  
## Word: "association" (Back to Top)
on Hog’s Back, Surrey, England, in association with a geomagnetic storm. Th 11/17/1882 #249  
o, CA Borderland Sciences Research Association (BSRA) Founded by Meade Layn 2/1945 #1766  
University of Iowa At the American Association for the Advancement of Scien 12/26/1947 #3511  
roup, the Los Alamos Astrophysical Association, whose members, all scientis 12/20/1948 #3935  
eeting of the American Psychiatric Association. He says Forrestal seems “so 5/18/1949 #4192  
y, the BSRA was a loose/unofficial association.                             1951 #5370  
p of people who, “because of their association with the government, had com 8/30/1951 #5638  
 informal Los Alamos Astrophysical Association to study green fireballs whi 2/19/1952 #5911  
a Greater Miami (Florida) Aviation Association luncheon at the Seven Seas R 3/23/1954 #9634  
y commitment. She later founds the Association of Sananda and Sanat Kumara. Early 1/1955 #11912  
nts, UK Members of British Gliding Association watched boomerang -shaped ob 7/26/1955 #12288  
   A press leak from the Air Force Association reveals that proposals for t 8/3/1956 #13050  
r the audience, Dutch Aeronautical Association president Cornelis Kolff say 5/18/1959 #15737  
organization called the "Universal Association of Planets," and this group  7/9/1959 #15829  
vitation of the Cosmic Brotherhood Association and its contactee leader Yus 8/16/1961 #16795  
sation merges with the British UFO Association (a consolidation of several  1/25/1964 #18119  
) to form the British UFO Research Association. It begins publishing a new  1/25/1964 #18119  
rata founds the Japan UFO Research Association in Kobe, Japan. It publishes 1965 #18687  
 story to the British UFO Research Association, which launches an investiga 4/24/1965 #18916  
ces: “It would seem to me that the association of the sightings with swamps 3/25/1966 #20080  
 the American Newspaper Publishers Association in New York City watch a UFO 11/22/1966 #21142  
tion of the American Psychological Association sponsors a program on “Probl 9/4/1967 #22999  
on a soccer field. (Beings seen in association with the object were over 6  9/17/1967 #23075  
ld addresses the Boeing Management Association in Renton, Washington, on “U 8/7/1968 #24306  
r is “the first time in my 20 year association with the air force as scient 9/4/1968 #24427  
o The National Amateur Astronomers Association hosts an open forum in Denve 8/22/1969 #25325  
               Boston, MA American Association for the Advancement of Scien 12/26/1969 #25508  
on in Sweden; it is essentially an association of 20 UFO groups in differen 1970 #25521  
 France David Duquesnoy founds the Association des Amis de Marc Thirouin in 1973 #27202  
kijat ry, the Finnish UFO Research Association, is founded in Tampere, Finl 1973 #27203  
 Belgium Perry Petrakis founds the Association d’Étude sur les Soucoupes Vo 1974 #28626  
onference of the American Humanist Association. Paul Kurtz, James Randi, Ma 4/30/1976 #31028  
ach, Maine New Jersey UFO Research Association Oxford 8:00 p.m. Herbert Hop 9/11/1976 #31376  
onexistent New Jersey UFO Research Association. He wants to come and discus 9/11/1976 #31376  
l Jones Pugh, British UFO Research Association). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 4/7/1977 #31956  
nted at the American Psychological Association Symposium in Toronto, Ontari 8/28/1978 #33585  
prior to the American Sociological Association meeting in San Francisco, Ca 9/3/1978 #33629  
France Patrick Geoffroy founds the Association Dijonnaise de Recherches Ufo 1979 #34256  
ei Guangxi The Chinese UFO Studies Association is established under the aus 5/1980 #35297  
year-old astrophysics student. The association later is incorporated into t 5/1980 #35297  
ews agency Xinhua reported that an association to study UFOs had been estab 11/24/1980 #35663  
             Switzerland Vevay The Association d’Étude sur les Soucoupes Vo 9/1981 #36098  
                          National Association of Evangelicals Soviet Union 3/8/1983 #36774  
 delivers a speech to the National Association of Evangelicals in which he  3/8/1983 #36774  
n England The British UFO Research Association holds its Third Internationa 8/27/1983 #36962  
the 1950s, states he had no direct association with people involved in the  11/29/1983 #37058  
e sent to the British UFO Research Association. When he is asked about poss 3/4/1984 #37216  
the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Scien 5/29/1984 #37341  
nsored by the British UFO Research Association, in an attempt to place curr 1987 #38090  
rance The SOS-OVNI group (formerly Association d’Étude sur les Soucoupes Vo 1/1991 #39943  
whether this radio traffic had any association with the ‘pulser’ that had j 3/23/1992 #40397  
nd the state-sponsored Chinese UFO Association give Meng a medical exam, a  Early 6/1994 #41548  
etit, from Fluminense UFO Research Association (AFEU); and Ubirajara Franco 12/7/1997 #43453  
 Jingping of the World Chinese UFO Association begins to investigate the Ca 12/1999 #43890  
in, General Aviation Manufacturers Association CEO Edward M Bolen, former A 11/27/2002 #44452  
n, Kosmopoisk, as an international association.                             2004 #44636  
          The British UFO Research Association publishes Vehicle Interferen 2018 #45496  
he Journal of the American Medical Association. The report “found no eviden 3/2018 #45520  
 and the International Chinese UFO Association.                             10/15/2018 #45540  
          The British UFO Research Association reports that it received 583 2/7/2021 #45675  
## Word: "assr" (Back to Top)
                   SUKHUMI, ABKHAZ ASSR Engineers / (seen thru) binoculars. 10/3/1967 (approximate) #23169  
                NOVYY AFON, ABKHAZ ASSR, GEORGIAN SSR Saucer seen. GC#078.  10/18/1967 #23252  
                TKVARCHELI, ABKHAZ ASSR, GEORGIAN SSR Crescent flies smooth 10/18/1967 #23255  
## Word: "asst" (Back to Top)
nd Palomar Gardens, CA Observatory Asst. Superintendent-Electrical B. B. Tr 10/17/1949 #4397  
## Word: "assume" (Back to Top)
ry for as long as 40 minutes, some assume they are piloted by German spies. 3/23/1892 #301  
olomon Islands see what they first assume are the headlight beams of a truc 2/20/1944 #1576  
ears in 2–3 seconds. The witnesses assume the objects are some new type of  Late 4/1947 #2266  
at 6,000 feet, stop at 4,000 feet, assume a horizontal orientation, and fly 7/7/1947 #2932  
ude of 60,000 feet. The commanders assume that the US equipment is faulty,  Summer 1948 #3679  
t before it flies away. The Trents assume they have seen some exotic milita 5/11/1950 #4939  
It adds that the “Air Force cannot assume that flying saucers are of non-te 4/29/1952 #6216  
SE, CA Saucers circle / sky. Stop. Assume diamond-formation. No further det 8/3/1954 #10096  
ed is such that it is difficult to assume any interpretation other than tha 12/26/1954 #11862  
unty sheriff and UFO investigators assume that Townsend, a deeply religious 10/23/1965 #19678  
ike a “seared cross.” The soldiers assume it is a Russian device.           Mid 4/1968 #23906  
loser. After 5 minutes the objects assume a horizontal triangle formation,  8/7/1968 #24307  
t, beaming lights in the sky. They assume it is an illuminated tower, but w 3/25/1980 #35241  
w why a car would do that, so they assume there was a UFO involved.         7/31/1981 #36049  
e ice booming stops. The witnesses assume the object has gone beneath the s 3/4/1988 #38487  
idly in rigid formation. Witnesses assume the lights are attached to a larg 10/27/1992 #40694  
s that because it is reasonable to assume that there is an inhabited planet 6/10/2003 #44555  
t lights in a row in the sky. They assume that the lights are Chinese lante 1/12/2013 #45360  
 would certainly be unrealistic to assume that a given president has been b 2018 #45498  
## Word: "assumed" (Back to Top)
bserve a mystery monoplane that is assumed to be on a German reconnaissance 8/11/1914 #909  
frica, so any mystery aircraft are assumed to be enemies and should be fire 8/11/1914 #909  
y by Frank Kaufmann. Garrigues has assumed duties in China prior to this an 7/25/1947 #3230  
e December 1948, this District has assumed the responsibility for collectin 5/25/1950 #4966  
sin. It made a 180 degree turn and assumed an elliptical shape during the t 6/28/1952 #6661  
the vinyard for nearly 3 hrs, then assumed a vertical position, rose slowly 10/12/1954 #10975  
 vineyard for nearly 3 hours, then assumed a vertical position, rose slowly 10/12/1954 #10985  
 far stronger than we had hitherto assumed, and whose base is at present un 1/1/1959 #15526  
 given situation, since I have not assumed that you or any other sane man w 10/22/1962 #17485  
metropolitan area. It is generally assumed and reported by the press to be  12/9/1965 #19762  
the body of the object, but it was assumed to be a disc. Planes appeared an 3/21/1966 #20022  
ross to a small reservoir where it assumed a horizontal position. A dome th 8/19/1966 #20769  
te over a small reservoir where it assumed a horizontal position. A dome th 8/19/1966 #20773  
coming down behind a house. It was assumed that it plunged into the bay, bu 11/19/1966 #21127  
sky and disappeared. The witnesses assumed they had seen an "angel."        3/12/1967 #21877  
ling leaf motion, turned red, then assumed a drop shape, and finally dissol 9/19/1967 #23096  
 rim lights became very bright, it assumed a horizontal attitude, and shot  10/24/1967 #23309  
as first round in shape, but later assumed a cigar-like configuration. Fina 5/15/1973 #27494  
 at first seemed oval shaped, then assumed a domed disc perspective, as she 9/22/1973 #27853  
5 engineers in the Midwest (Vallee assumed McDonnell in St. Louis) that was 12/10/1974 #29635  
 remember where he had been. It is assumed the Chilean military conducted v 4/25/1977 #32027  
n, without finding a trace. It was assumed by all involved that the phenome 5/10/1977 #32083  
hat their lips did not move, so he assumed they communicated telepathically 2/5/1978 #32957  
nsole came in line with what Julio assumed was a "computer." Another whistl 2/5/1978 #32957  
n. He watched as a mist-like vapor assumed the shape of a human-like figure 5/2/1978 #33183  
que watched as the mist-like vapor assumed the shape of a human-like figure 5/2/1978 #33185  
hter-bomber to destroy the target, assumed to be a Chilean balloon. Lt. Osc 4/11/1980 #35269  
ews on KLAS-TV in silhouette using assumed identity “Dennis”. Sometime afte 5/24/1989 #38961  
ing about UFOs, since Thurmond has assumed the book is a straightforward me 6/1997 #43304  
oving light in the sky. They first assumed it was a plane, but then it star 7/12/2003 #44563  
## Word: "assumes" (Back to Top)
ce 20 feet from his front door and assumes it is residue from the meteorite 8/13/1819 #110  
ce was stolen by some “hoboes.” He assumes the airship is his stolen invent 12/1/1896 #373  
ivision of the Air Service Command assumes responsibility for R&D and procu 4/1/1942 #1408  
urns in his direction. The witness assumes she is the famous German aviator 7/18/1943 #1518  
vilian US Atomic Energy Commission assumes responsibility for nuclear energ 1/1/1947 #2222  
med Forces Special Weapons Project assumes responsibility for all aspects o 1/1/1947 #2222  
t Rainier, Washington. At first he assumes they are jets, but he can see no 6/24/1947 #2398  
as gone into a steep climb. Keyhoe assumes the radar and visual sightings a 6/19/1952 #6551  
t what to do about UFOs. One group assumes that UFOs are interplanetary, an 6/30/1952 #6674  
t noiselessly changes position and assumes the form of several horseshoes e 12/9/1953 #9352  
urne, Victoria. He writes: “If one assumes these Intelligence reports are a 12/26/1954 #11862  
ica in Los Angeles, California. It assumes that UFOs are piloted by friendl 1/1957 #13440  
s pause in 1961 as John F. Kennedy assumes office.                          8/1960 #16362  
com Field, Bedford, Massachusetts, assumes a backup role for squadron opera 7/1/1961 #16742  
sound emanates from the UFO, which assumes a bright illumination and shoots 10/23/1965 #19678  
de UFO Research Group. John Rimmer assumes the post of associate editor wit 1/1968 #23639  
n in a long arc until it stops and assumes a horizontal position. It now re 8/7/1968 #24307  
nment The US Strategic Air Command assumes control of the ballistic missile 12/1/1979 #35036  
ve communications with NHI. But he assumes there are other grey projects.   1990 #39354  
nada’s Winnipeg Air Control Centre assumes that it is another aircraft. 21  1/6/2019 #45556  
## Word: "assuming" (Back to Top)
s to prevent others from doing so, assuming that a similar order of intelli 7/26/1948 #3743  
lite. The distance is unknown, but assuming the object is 57 miles away, it 4/24/1949 #4104  
northward toward the Florida Keys. Assuming them to be cobwebs from migrati Summer 1957 #13744  
g object in the sky ahead of them. Assuming they are witnessing a plane cra Late 11/1961 #16978  
rt fading away and the bottom part assuming a vertical pencil shape, which  4/11/1964 #18169  
t tall performing various actions. Assuming them to be boy scouts, the witn 10/6/1973 #27960  
ging with the US Space Command and assuming all duties for full-spectrum gl 10/1/2002 #44413  
## Word: "assumption" (Back to Top)
                                   Assumption, Illinois 1:30 a.m. Janet McL 6/21/1980 #35385  
ut four blocks west of her home in Assumption, Illinois. They stop and hove 6/21/1980 #35385  
                                In Assumption, Illinois at 1:30 a.m. Ms. Mc 6/21/1980 #35386  
## Word: "assumptions" (Back to Top)
on into the term “canals,” various assumptions are made about life on Mars; 10/1877 #211  
 made about life on Mars; as these assumptions are popularized, the canals  10/1877 #211  
## Word: "assunção" (Back to Top)
enter. Chief of Police Col. Carlos Assunção sees a “reddish and slightly bl 12/14/1954 #11807  
## Word: "assurance" (Back to Top)
alled the LVTP5. Despite the AEC’s assurance that no thermonuclear devices  7/5/1957 #13779  
ing an independent analysis.  This assurance was later revealed to be untru 4/3/1966 #20214  
mos who would provide him with the assurance of life throughout the univers 7/1968 #24109  
## Word: "assurances" (Back to Top)
e UK House of Commons and receives assurances from Under-Secretary of State 11/8/1967 #23426  
## Word: "assure" (Back to Top)
ublic relations program adopted to assure public UFOs posed no danger, or t 1954 #9415  
d continue to investigate UFOs “to assure that such objects do not present  9/28/1965 #19619  
he calls both Condon and Low. Both assure him they were misquoted and ask f Mid 10/1966 #21007  
aid, so he tries to telepathically assure them not to be afraid. They respo 10/15/1980 #35568  
tersen of the Arlington Institute “assure” him there is only one “black UFO 8/23/2003 #44581  
## Word: "assured" (Back to Top)
ng saucers “do exist, you can rest assured that they are ours.”             6/12/1950 #4983  
erald R. Ford states the Air Force assured him an upcoming scientific study 4/3/1966 #20214  
 him telepathically in French. “Be assured, you are only apparently injured 8/11/1969 #25317  
O panel; however, NASA wants to be assured that an inquiry is “justified,”  9/6/1977 #32463  
 ladder was another individual who assured Julio that he had nothing to wor 2/5/1978 #32957  
the same phenomenon in 1986 and is assured by officers that this is a commo 11/1979 #34981  
ssiles under the concept of mutual assured destruction. SDI is derisively n 3/23/1983 #36792  
## Word: "assuredly" (Back to Top)
ntigravitic programs later, almost assuredly done in the black. He argues t 1968 #23633  
## Word: "assures" (Back to Top)
tary officer a few weeks later who assures him that the object was indeed f 10/9/1946 #2199  
 met with Gen. Schulgen again, who assures him that “all discs recovered wo 7/29/1947 #3253  
 “Mickey” Ladd at FBI headquarters assures FBI Deputy Director Edward Allen 8/15/1947 #3336  
. They talk to a Mr. Cassells, who assures them that all UFO reports are tr 9/27/1967 #23136  
r dinner, at his house, etc. Green assures Vallee “there was indeed an MJ12 10/23/1988 #38682  
## Word: "assuring" (Back to Top)
ey conducted her inside the craft, assuring her telepathically that she wou 8/16/1965 #19410  
## Word: "assyrians" (Back to Top)
n minorities, including Armenians, Assyrians and Greeks.                    5/24/1915 #928  
## Word: "ast" (Back to Top)
 CA Pilot and engineer and amateur Ast and 5. Metallic saucer dives / extre 5/13/1952 #6310  
Quinan, Nova Scotia, CAN 2:00 a.m. AST. A man saw an object the size of a c 11/29/1967 #23522  
## Word: "asta" (Back to Top)
old Edith Jacobsen and her sister, Asta Solvang, were approached by a man w 8/20/1954 #10158  
## Word: "astanax" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Astanax” Yield: 5KT                      12/5/1976 #31583  
## Word: "astara" (Back to Top)
                           SOUTH / ASTARA, AZERBAIJAN Luminous saucer at So 11/8/1952 #8254  
## Word: "astatine" (Back to Top)
which contains a possible trace of astatine, a radioactive chemical element 1/20/1988 #38422  
## Word: "aster" (Back to Top)
auser Lake, Idaho 7:00 p.m. George Aster and others at Hauser Lake, Idaho,  7/4/1947 #2664  
## Word: "asterisk" (Back to Top)
e they came from, it sounded like "Asterisk", but she said she could not pr 8/22/1980 #35475  
## Word: "astern" (Back to Top)
and, when they see a “black object astern” which gradually approaches them. 12/15/1914 #922  
crew tracks a radar target 3 miles astern. The object has apparently been c Fall 1951 #5686  
el and suddenly disappears 3 miles astern, presumably into the water. The c 11/20/1963 #18052  
## Word: "asteroid" (Back to Top)
erally hold that it was a comet or asteroid (in actuality a comet could not 6/30/1908 #709  
 to such low altitude, but a stony asteroid might have, but the radioactivi 6/30/1908 #709  
ely thought to have been either an asteroid or comet impact, but it has som 6/30/1908 #712  
   NAVAL ASTRONOMER MARKOWITZ "New asteroid in unique orbit" discovered.    2/1951 #5423  
lanet whose destruction formed the asteroid belt.                           1957 #13430  
me time that the widely publicized asteroid "Icarus" passed close to Earth, 6/14/1968 #24034  
## Word: "asteroids" (Back to Top)
ifacts on planets, satellites, and asteroids because it is more cost-effect 3/1980 #35189  
e it unusual, unlike any comets or asteroids seen before. A subsequent repo 10/26/2018 #45541  
Space (DS) tracking (generally for asteroids and comets). This global progr 6/23/2019 #45587  
## Word: "asti" (Back to Top)
                          FERRERE, ASTI, ITL Glowing-ovoid radiates 4 beams 7/30/1990 #39670  
## Word: "astillero" (Back to Top)
                      La Venta del Astillero, Zapopan, Mexico - Apolonio Pe 5/10/1989 #38942  
## Word: "aston" (Back to Top)
                87 Fentham Road in Aston, Birmingham, England Afternoon. Cy 11/16/1957 #14567  
 at her home in 87 Fentham Road in Aston, a suburb of Birmingham, England.  11/16/1957 #14567  
                                   ASTON, ENGLAND Pseudo-human/entity mater 11/18/1957 #14573  
                                   Aston, Great Britain Mrs. Cynthia Applet 11/18/1957 #14576  
a man appear near her fireplace in Aston, England at three o'clock in the a 11/18/1957 #14578  
                                   Aston, Great Britain Two figures again a 1/7/1958 #14812  
again appeared to Mrs. Appleton in Aston, Warwickshire, England and spoke t 1/7/1958 #14813  
                                   ASTON CLINTON, BUCKS Domed saucer 10M /  2/9/1962 #17040  
                                   Aston Clinton, Great Britain Mr. Wildam, 2/9/1962 #17042  
ildman was driving along a road in Aston Clinton, England taking a new car  2/9/1962 #17044  
## Word: "astonished" (Back to Top)
usion for another year.” Keyhoe is astonished by Condon’s remarks.          1/25/1967 #21385  
ide his home. Going outside he was astonished to see a huge disc-shaped obj 8/8/1968 #24310  
et. But he was told, "you would be astonished by the civilizations that hav 11/18/1973 #28443  
insted, Connecticut. The group was astonished to see a shiny, metallic dome 7/28/1976 #31187  
cticut. At 3:45 p.m. the group was astonished to see a shiny, metallic dome 7/28/1976 #31190  
to sleep. In the morning they were astonished to find out that there was no 8/10/1976 #31252  
 a nearby barbwire fence, but were astonished to see another bizarre figure 7/11/1978 #33367  
flying object, and the witness was astonished when the object appeared to e 9/2/1994 #41713  
## Word: "astonishing" (Back to Top)
Smith Hotel. Blue Book receives an astonishing total of 50 UFO reports in a 7/28/1952 #7262  
o the air and climbs upwards at an astonishing rate. Leaving no vapor trail Spring 1953 #8766  
hat they will soon be “confronting astonishing evidence of mishandling of t 11/22/1966 #21139  
 a zigzag fashion. It performed an astonishing series of maneuvers before l 11/18/1973 #28443  
 was blinding. The UFO shot off at astonishing speed.                       11/25/1978 #34004  
ere-delta with flashing lights on "astonishing" videotape.                  9/22/1993 #41208  
## Word: "astonishingly" (Back to Top)
 at 20 mph making no noise. It was astonishingly close and so large! Total  9/5/2002 #44390  
## Word: "astonishment" (Back to Top)
brownish caps. He looks at them in astonishment for 2–3 minutes, then waves 8/14/1947 #3330  
he bar of my balcony, looking with astonishment at this strange object, whe 10/8/1954 #10814  
he bar of my balcony, looking with astonishment at this strange object, whe 10/8/1954 #10818  
ghborhood of Nashville) watched in astonishment as a 12 inch wide metallic  2/29/1956 #12741  
r, Lockem and De Klerk, watched in astonishment as a copper-colored, domed  9/16/1965 #19575  
nge figure just behind him. He his astonishment he turned run, but ran stra 11/21/1974 #29601  
an angle. Perhaps because of their astonishment and fear, they were unable  8/22/1975 #30298  
oke with a start, and to her great astonishment she observed that on the cu 8/10/1976 #31252  
swiftly flew up the stairs. To his astonishment, the beam of light that he  3/12/2004 #44676  
## Word: "astor" (Back to Top)
                                   Astor Hotel New York City At a Symposium 1/28/1959 #15569  
f the Aeronautical Sciences at the Astor Hotel in New York City, USAF Maj.  1/28/1959 #15569  
## Word: "astorga" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR ASTORGA, SP Luminous car-sized red spher 5/11/1969 #25123  
## Word: "astoria" (Back to Top)
three cruisers (Vincennes, Quincy, Astoria) and seven other ships open fire 8/5/1942 #1430  
                                   ASTORIA, OR Jack Hayes / hospital. 2 fas 6/30/1947 #2480  
haped flying object was sighted in Astoria, Oregon at 1:00 p.m. At 3:00 p.m 7/3/1949 #4262  
                                   ASTORIA, OR Blue Book. "Venus" crosses s 7/7/1949 #4263  
                                   Astoria, NY 1:00 a.m. EST. A witness saw 1/24/1967 #21372  
## Word: "astounded" (Back to Top)
 glowing white clothes. Before the astounded witnesses (the author of the r 10/25/1957 #14154  
glowing white uniforms. Before the astounded family and another witness ast 10/25/1957 #14157  
tounded family and another witness astounded witnesses they used a device p 10/25/1957 #14157  
not too far away from the witness. Astounded, she next saw a humanoid figur 9/13/1990 #39731  
 disappeared a long time ago." The astounded witness next managed to ask th 3/26/2002 #44326  
## Word: "astounding" (Back to Top)
ampus. Still, Basiago’s claims are astounding and suggest teleportation tec 1981 #35765  
Schiff calls the lack of response “astounding” and indicative of a cover-up 1/12/1994 #41370  
## Word: "astra" (Back to Top)
eved the craft to be a triangular “ASTRA,” Advanced Stealth Technology Reco 9/26/1994 #41776  
the DarkStar was something called “Astra,” an ultra high speed reconnaissan Late 1990's #43480  
ordon was flustered and denied the Astra was anything but an old airliner.  Late 1990's #43480  
p     Note: Photographic evidence “ASTRA/AURORA” was mentioned in MOD files Late 1990's #43480  
the British government is aware of Astra. *   https://www.uapmedia.uk/artic Late 1990's #43480  
ddow, which states: “The remaining ASTRA/AURORA photos and 35mm slides are  8/12/2022 #45762  
/USG contractor projects Aurora or Astra. Noted in 22 December 1992, Britis 8/12/2022 #45762  
## Word: "astra-tr3b" (Back to Top)
um Plant”   Area 51 had a triangle Astra-TR3B called “the Locust” that expl 4/5/2016 #45449  
## Word: "astrakhan" (Back to Top)
                                   Astrakhan Oblast Plans for a new test si 5/13/1946 #1990  
                Kapustin Yar site, Astrakhan Oblast, Russia Soviet test pil 6/16/1948 #3671  
ds south of the Kapustin Yar site, Astrakhan Oblast, Russia. He sees an unc 6/16/1948 #3671  
pustin Yar test flight facility in Astrakhan, Soviet Union. The experimenta 6/16/1948 #3672  
 Katrineholm, Sweden Kapustin Yar, Astrakhan Oblast, Russia Estonian island 8/21/1948 #3785  
 the Russian base at Kapustin Yar, Astrakhan Oblast, Russia. It may be the  8/21/1948 #3785  
                Kapustin Yar site, Astrakhan Oblast, Russia Volga River Sar 5/6/1949 #4158  
a flight at the Kapustin Yar site, Astrakhan Oblast, Russia. At its maximum 5/6/1949 #4158  
                      Kapustin Yar Astrakhan Oblast Russia During rocket te 11/1979 #34981  
et tests at the Kapustin Yar site, Astrakhan Oblast, Russia, a Col. Gen. Sa 11/1979 #34981  
                                   Astrakhan, Russia Caspian Sea Krasnovods 1984 #37097  
n antiaircraft defense system near Astrakhan, Russia, tracks a spherical ob 1984 #37097  
                     Kapustin Yar, Astrakhan Oblast, Russia 11:20 p.m. A do 7/28/1989 #39035  
ket weapons depot at Kapustin Yar, Astrakhan Oblast, Russia. The object is  7/28/1989 #39035  
ket weapons depot in Kapustin Yar, Astrakhan, Russia at 11:20 p.m. by four  7/28/1989 #39036  
## Word: "astral" (Back to Top)
 Things, in which he describes his astral visit to Mars along with his sist 1873 #198  
 visited Mars and other planets in astral form. Mars has canals, of course, 1895 #318  
 Adepts) he travels to Venus in an astral body while his physical form rema 1905 #673  
xplains UFOs as etheric (good) and astral (bad) entities that are engaged i 1958 #14782  
 from cosmic informant Ashtar. The astral entities are based inside the ear 1958 #14782  
 the atomic bomb can penetrate the astral realm, which is why astrals disgu 1958 #14782  
approached her and took her on an "astral" journey. Both traveled through t 9/7/1970 #25828  
body experience, feeling that his "astral" body was taken into the object.  11/18/1982 #36683  
body experience, feeling that his "astral" body was taken into the object.  11/18/1982 #36684  
orks engineer told him he learned “astral projection” to remove his conscio 4/28/2006 #44937  
## Word: "astrals" (Back to Top)
ate the astral realm, which is why astrals disguised as benevolent Space Br 1958 #14782  
## Word: "astray" (Back to Top)
verer VIII satellite that had gone astray.”                                 2/1960 #16162  
name Falcon to lead Paul Bennewitz astray by giving him false information.  1982 #36283  
## Word: "astrid" (Back to Top)
         On this night 31-year-old Astrid Ramos reported seeing a hovering  5/18/1993 #40984  
## Word: "astro-azimuth" (Back to Top)
Patrick McDonough is working on an astro-azimuth observation at one of the  9/1966 #20826  
## Word: "astro-geophysical" (Back to Top)
  Lemon Grove, California La Posta Astro-Geophysical Observatory in Campo,  11/16/1973 #28434  
attern. A magnetometer at La Posta Astro-Geophysical Observatory in Campo,  11/16/1973 #28434  
## Word: "astrobiologist" (Back to Top)
                          Austrian astrobiologist Helmut Lammer and his wif 1999 #43707  
## Word: "astrodome" (Back to Top)
se leave the cockpit and go to the astrodome to observe the object. After 3 1/22/1951 #5413  
## Word: "astrogildo" (Back to Top)
.m. Patrolman Jaime de Miranda and Astrogildo de Medeiros are called to the 6/5/1961 #16721  
## Word: "astrologers" (Back to Top)
llers, palm-readers, clairvoyants, astrologers, mediums, psychics, speciali 1969 #24800  
## Word: "astrology" (Back to Top)
cki writes an article for American Astrology in which she conceives of UFOs 9/1955 #12422  
## Word: "astronaut" (Back to Top)
            Europe Project Mercury Astronaut Gordon Cooper, describes seein 1951 #5371  
 These are among the first ancient astronaut books. In the latter book, Wil 1957 #13430  
ow up and interrogate them. Future astronaut Gordon Cooper claims he was th 5/2/1957 #13643  
                       Edwards AFB Astronaut Gordon Cooper spots a UFO land 5/3/1957 #13644  
to build a spacecraft for a single astronaut, but it is canceled when manne 1958 #14785  
           Cape Canaveral, Florida Astronaut Alan Shepard becomes the first 5/5/1961 #16676  
                                   Astronaut John Glenn pilots the Friendsh 2/20/1962 #17055  
59 miles), qualifying him for USAF astronaut wings. For this, he is feature 7/17/1962 #17279  
 On this day X-15 pilot and future astronaut White was flying at 58 miles a 7/17/1962 #17280  
Texas During the Gemini 4 mission, astronaut James McDivitt spots an object 6/4/1965 #18990  
t a reference to some sort of UFO. Astronaut Frank Borman later confirms th 12/5/1965 #19753  
reported meeting a man wearing an "astronaut suit." He gave her a stone wit 9/7/1967 #23016  
. Flindt (cofounder of the Ancient Astronaut Society), who contends that ex 1968 #23625  
ral books setting out the “ancient astronaut” hypothesis in which ancient g 3/1968 #23798  
 Franklin Roach returns to work on astronaut sightings. By June 1, the date Late 5/1968 #23983  
ported meeting a being wearing an "astronaut suit" who gave her a stone of  9/7/1968 #24436  
ence, optical and radar cases, and astronaut sightings. In the field studie 10/31/1968 #24608  
 it gave her the impression of an "astronaut landing on the moon."          4/24/1972 #26661  
er tall, clad in clothing like an "astronaut." Faria approached to within 3 5/1/1974 #29078  
 and was wearing a white inflated "astronaut" suit and a round white helmet 3/31/1975 #29928  
           Sumerian Nibiru Ancient astronaut author Zecharia Sitchin writes 1976 #30744  
                                   Astronaut Gordon Cooper appears on the M 3/27/1978 #33087  
     New York City Project Mercury Astronaut Gordon Cooper, in a letter to  11/9/1978 #33929  
eria, a journal of UFO and ancient astronaut information, in Halver, North  1/1979 #34269  
ew Mexico Fort Worth, Texas Former astronaut and US Sen. Harrison Schmitt ( 4/20/1979 #34517  
rospace engineer Vadim Chernobrov, astronaut Georgy Beregovoy, and other en 1980 #35114  
  Doty receives a call from former astronaut Sen. Harrison Schmitt (R-N.Mex 11/26/1980 #35673  
 Reagan. This letter, verified by: Astronaut Gordon Cooper, Maj. Donald E.  9/4/1987 #38278  
vehicle. The humanoids wore white, astronaut like suits, and had black hair 2/7/1989 #38820  
arapsychologist Harold E. Puthoff, astronaut Edgar Mitchell, mathematician  12/1995 #42635  
an Judd, physicist Johndale Solem, astronaut and Senator Harrison Schmitt,  12/1995 #42635  
ntagon conference room with former astronaut Edgar Mitchell and UFO Disclos 4/10/1997 #43260  
ecret space program uses craft and astronaut crews out of Vandenberg Air Fo 6/17/1998 #43589  
ure was wearing something like an "astronaut suit" because from time to tim 9/14/1998 #43646  
o entities that were wearing white astronaut outfits with helmets on their  10/24/1998 #43669  
originated from the estate of late astronaut Edgar Mitchell, who worked wit 10/16/2002 #44418  
ert S Walker, USAF Whitten Peters, astronaut Buzz Aldrin, General Aviation  11/27/2002 #44452  
## Word: "astronaut's" (Back to Top)
," joined together, similar to our astronaut's space suits. On this being's 12/30/1972 #27193  
## Word: "astronautical" (Back to Top)
ixth Congress of the International Astronautical Federation in Copenhagen,  8/2/1955 #12324  
eece, gives a lecture to the Greek Astronautical Society, stating that a “w 2/24/1967 #21642  
tifacts (11%), astronomical (11%), astronautical (11%), aircraft (7%), or g 11/19/2021 #45723  
## Word: "astronautics" (Back to Top)
is part of the Select Committee on Astronautics and Space Exploration, chai 8/8/1958 #15184  
mena and House Select Committee on Astronautics and Space Exploration. USAF 8/13/1958 #15200  
 director of the House Science and Astronautics Committee, writes to Richar 6/13/1959 #15767  
ommittee and the House Science and Astronautics Committee, as well as the C 7/1960 #16321  
d Frank Hammill (House Science and Astronautics Committee). Charles S. Shel 7/15/1960 #16337  
 director of the House Science and Astronautics Committee, is also present. 7/15/1960 #16337  
the House Committee on Science and Astronautics on March 24, 1961. The repo 12/14/1960 #16532  
the House Committee on Science and Astronautics for approval by Rep. Overto 12/14/1960 #16532  
ommittee and the House Science and Astronautics Committee were briefed by U 2/16/1961 #16600  
 that he has urged the Science and Astronautics Committee, headed by Rep. O 3/1961 #16618  
s NICAP that the House Science and Astronautics Committee is considering he 8/4/1961 #16777  
 replaced on the House Science and Astronautics Committee by Rep. George Pa 9/16/1961 #16841  
ounihan says that the Committee on Astronautics and Space Science would be  1/19/1965 #18749  
 chairman of the House Science and Astronautics Committee, and L. Mendel Ri 3/28/1966 #20116  
the House Committee on Science and Astronautics.                            10/17/1967 #23247  
ational Scientific Problem,” at an astronautics symposium of the Canadian A 3/12/1968 #23839  
ican Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics.                            3/26/1968 #23861  
              US House Science and Astronautics Committee symposium on UFOs 7/29/1968 #24253  
the House Committee on Science and Astronautics. Rep. George P. Miller (D-C 7/29/1968 #24254  
rican Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics announces that it has forme 12/1968 #24740  
lectronic Command. It announces in Astronautics and Aeronautics that the UF 12/1968 #24740  
rican Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.                            5/28/1969 #25166  
rican Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics sponsors a panel that meets 1/21/1970 #25548  
ican Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) published its report 11/1970 #25896  
rican Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics publishes a formal statemen 11/1970 #25897  
ent in its journal Aeronautics and Astronautics. It recommends “a continuin 11/1970 #25897  
rican Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics asking their opinions on th 4/9/1973 #27418  
rican Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics is disbanded. (Story, p. 8) 1974 #28630  
rican Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics in Pasadena, California, ph 1/20/1975 #29758  
rican Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics hosts a symposium, “Hypothe 9/27/1975 #30390  
rican Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics held symposium on Space and 1/28/1978 #32922  
 under contract with the Air Force Astronautics Laboratory at Edwards AFB.  4/1988 #38526  
## Word: "astronauts" (Back to Top)
n about Fortean phenomena, ancient astronauts, levitating forces to explain 3/1955 #12022  
yson, its initial focus is to send astronauts to Mars and back. The spacesh 1958 #14780  
er Buckboard Mesa Nevada Test Site Astronauts Neil Armstrong, Richard F. Go 2/16/1965 #18819  
         The Gemini-4 mission with astronauts McDivitt and White sighted a  6/4/1965 #18991  
  During the Gemini 7 mission, the astronauts mention a “bogey.” James Ober 12/5/1965 #19753  
ysis of the mission, describes the astronauts’ comments as referring to boo 12/5/1965 #19753  
lo 11 Lunar Module lands the first astronauts on the moon, Neil Armstrong a 7/21/1969 #25288  
n asked the alien if the Apollo 13 astronauts, then stranded in space, woul 4/15/1970 #25633  
l Uses of Outer Space to encourage astronauts who encounter UFOs to treat t 11/3/1971 #26451  
 feet tall, similar to the "Apollo astronauts walking in space". It was of  4/15/1973 #27431  
ks the technical expertise to land astronauts on the moon and that numerous 1976 #30743  
silvery suits, resembling those of astronauts. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounter 12/12/1978 #34099  
silvery suits, resembling those of astronauts. The suits were luminous, and 12/12/1978 #34102  
nd lost during a December 9 EVA by astronauts Jerry L. Ross and James H. Ne 12/11/1998 #43698  
resembling those worn by the early astronauts. He parked his vehicle and ap 3/26/2002 #44326  
## Word: "astronomer" (Back to Top)
                              MOON Astronomer Bianchini. Reddish ray / ligh 12/10/1685 #49  
                      LEIPZIG, GER Astronomer Kirch and more/others. Moon-s 7/9/1686 #51  
                            LONDON Astronomer Edmond Halley. UFO / 2 hours. 3/6/1716 #56  
                                An astronomer in Sheffield, England saw a d 12/5/1737 #61  
   Standlake Broad Oxford, England Astronomer George Costard observes a met 7/14/1745 #68  
                          Scottish astronomer James Ferguson writes Astrono 1756 #75  
ris, France 12:00 noon. An amateur astronomer named de Rostan is observing  8/9/1762 #81  
so observes the object, but French astronomer Charles Messier, who is also  8/9/1762 #81  
in Paris, France 11:46 a.m. French astronomer Charles Messier views a large 6/17/1777 #85  
             Bath, England British astronomer William Herschel has been obs 1783 #88  
               10:45 a.m. A German astronomer and cleric named Steinheibel  2/12/1820 #111  
     BERLIN, GERMANY Date unknown. Astronomer Pastorff. 2 disks pass sun's  10/23/1822 #114  
    On this day in Berlin, Germany Astronomer Pastorff watched two disc pas 10/23/1822 #115  
many Moon Schröter crater Bavarian astronomer Franz von Gruithuisen of Muni 1824 #117  
                  DARK PART / MOON Astronomer. Bright object 400X200 km. wi 10/20/1824 #119  
                              MOON Astronomer Webb. Dot and dash flashes /  7/4/1832 #127  
 the Palermo Observatory in Italy, astronomer Niccolò Cacciatore detects a  5/11/1835 #129  
n the alleged discovery by English astronomer John Herschel of plants, anim 8/25/1835 #130  
      CAPODIMONTE OBSERVER(S), ITL Astronomer. Odd shapes pass suns face /  5/11/1845 #139  
                              MOON Astronomer Ingall. Perfect point / Stell 4/10/1865 #164  
                       MEDFORD, MA Astronomer Trouvelot. 5 hours / meteors. 11/14/1868 #177  
                           English astronomer Richard A. Proctor writes Oth 1871 #188  
lle Observatory, France 10:43 p.m. Astronomer Jérôme Eugène Coggia at Marse 8/1/1871 #190  
                        MEUDON, FR Astronomer Trouvelot. Several orbs and t 8/29/1871 #191  
                        PRAGUE, CZ Astronomer Schafarick. Vibrant bright sl 4/24/1874 (approximate) #202  
ech Republic 3:30 p.m. Chemist and astronomer Vojtěch Šafařík of Prague [no 4/24/1874 #203  
    Brera Observatory Milan, Italy Astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli reports 10/1877 #211  
                  LOCATION UNKNOWN Astronomer Harrison. Inexplicable object 4/13/1879 #217  
Minor Capricorn 10:30 p.m. Amateur astronomer N. S. Drayton in Jersey City  7/6/1882 #248  
Observatory, Greenwich, London, by astronomer Edward Walter Maunder and by  11/17/1882 #249  
     ZACATECAS OBSERVER(S), MEXICO Astronomer Bonilla. 283 objects pass sun 8/12/1883 #254  
l Observatory in Zacatecas, Mexico Astronomer José Árbol y Bonilla, directo 8/12/1883 #255  
   On this day at around 8:00 a.m. Astronomer Bonilla at the Zacatecas Obse 8/12/1883 #256  
elligible explanation, by American astronomer Percival Lowell in Flagstaff, 5/1894 #314  
h Chicago. Northwestern University astronomer George W. Hough, director of  4/9/1897 #420  
ec. 2006. A Medical doctor/amateur astronomer observed a cigar shaped objec 4/15/1897 #480  
      BELGRADE OBSERVER(S), SERBIA Astronomer. Meteor stops still / 6 min.  4/25/1898 #619  
                                   Astronomer Michailovitch at the Belgrade 4/25/1898 #620  
                                FR ASTRONOMER LIBERT Very bright slow white 6/29/1898 #623  
                             PARIS Astronomer Libert. Gold-yellow bolide se 7/4/1898 #624  
                             PARIS Astronomer Libert. Very very slow bolide 5/6/1899 #634  
                              MOON Astronomer Bolton. Anomalous luminous li 10/25/1901 #647  
                      LE HAVRE, FR Astronomer Libert. Meteor turns and loop 2/9/1902 #649  
   ADELAIDE OBSERVATORY, SOUTH AUS Astronomer. Fireball lasts / 4 minute(s) 11/20/1902 #657  
ees During the opposition of Mars, astronomer Eugène Antoniadi uses the 83c 9/20/1909 #811  
            LIMERICK, IREL Amateur astronomer. Luminous saucer goes south s 12/24/1909 #823  
            Harvard Boston Harvard astronomer William H. Pickering tells th 1/9/1911 #853  
                                   ASTRONOMER F.B.HARRIS 50 mile(s) wide in 1/27/1912 #857  
zed in detail later in 1913 by the astronomer Clarence Chant, leading him t 2/9/1913 #881  
f, Arizona Paris Observatory Swiss astronomer Fritjof Le Coultre at the Gen 10/1913 #892  
zona, also observes them. However, astronomer Guillaume Bigourdan at the Pa 10/1913 #892  
 Ashstead, Surrey Mid-day. Amateur astronomer William Herbert Steavenson po 9/9/1914 #916  
vard University Harvard University astronomer William Henry Pickering claim 10/9/1921 #1016  
ton. The program is led by retired astronomer David Peck Todd with the mili 8/22/1924 #1041  
sn’t from Mars, where is it from?” Astronomer Frederick E. Fowle of the Smi 8/22/1924 #1041  
n 30 minutes. One witness, amateur astronomer R. C. Fahrion, describes it a 6/13/1928 #1086  
support from Guglielmo Marconi and astronomer Gino Cecchini. Debris is repo 6/13/1933 #1159  
                                   Astronomer Arthur M. Harding writes that 1935 #1221  
mes, France Alps Robert Damion, an astronomer of Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, Fra Winter 1936 #1254  
      Nashville, Tennessee Amateur astronomer Latimer J. Wilson of Nashvill 5/30/1937 #1270  
                                   Astronomer Royal Harold Spencer Jones pu 1940 #1323  
                                   Astronomer Bertil Lindblad, after consul 7/6/1946 #2028  
              Stockholm, Sweden An astronomer and meteorologist is looking  Early 8/1946 #2102  
  Ljugarn Gotland Sweden 8:47 p.m. Astronomer Bertil Lindblad sees an explo 8/11/1946 #2116  
               BOULDER, CO Amateur astronomer / (seen thru) telescope. Dark 5/3/1947 #2277  
           JYVASKYLA, FINL Amateur astronomer and more. Metallic cylinder/c 7/1947 #2494  
e in Fort Worth, Texas, and brings astronomer Oscar Monnig along to comment 7/1/1947 #2519  
IDE, ME Project Bluebook Case #77. Astronomer Cole. Series / 10 100' saucer 7/3/1947 #2562  
  South Brooksville-Harborside, ME Astronomer Observes Ten Large Objects (N 7/3/1947 #2576  
        Harborside, Maine Witness: astronomer John Cole of South Brooksvill 7/3/1947 #2578  
arborside, Maine 2:30 p.m. Amateur astronomer John F. Cole watches a group  7/3/1947 #2581  
rborside, Maine - John F. Cole, an astronomer, watched a series of objects  7/3/1947 #2587  
               GLASGOW, IL Amateur astronomer / (seen thru) telescope. Silv 7/7/1947 #2869  
                   FORT SUMNER, NM Astronomer LaPaz and 3 / car. Luminous/g 7/10/1947 #3091  
4:47 p.m. University of New Mexico astronomer Lincoln LaPaz, his wife Leota 7/10/1947 #3109  
               Roswell, New Mexico Astronomer Lincoln LaPaz arrives in Rosw 9/1947 #3378  
cago, Illinois, University of Iowa astronomer Charles C. Wylie proposes a c 12/26/1947 #3511  
suggested by Ohio State University astronomer J. Allen Hynek) as an explana 1/7/1948 #3544  
-Finding (DF) Operator and amateur astronomer Frank M. Eisele, 103rd AACS S 1/7/1948 #3546  
ht actually have been UFO-related. Astronomer Lincoln LaPaz directs the rec 2/18/1948 #3579  
rs. East going west. Not meteors / Astronomer.                              5/7/1948 #3641  
 On the way back, he consults with astronomer Paul Herget of the Cincinnati 5/7/1948 #3643  
d recommends Ohio State University astronomer J. Allen Hynek in Columbus as 5/7/1948 #3643  
to west. Not meteors, according to astronomer.                              5/7/1948 #3644  
                                   Astronomer J. Allen Hynek is officially  12/16/1948 #3930  
0 Alamogordo, New Mexico 9:30 p.m. Astronomer Donald H. Menzel leaves Hollo 5/12/1949 #4183  
                    LAS CRUCES, NM Astronomer Tombaugh. Row / square window 8/20/1949 #4331  
 Las Cruces, New Mexico 10:45 p.m. Astronomer Clyde Tombaugh, his wife, and 8/20/1949 #4333  
:15 p.m. in Las Cruces, New Mexico Astronomer Clyde Tombaugh, discoverer of 8/20/1949 #4334  
  DATIL, NMX USAF man photos disk. Astronomer LA Paz has no explanation. /  2/24/1950 #4550  
                                   ASTRONOMER H.P.WILKINS Vibrant bright ov 3/30/1950 #4763  
                     On this night astronomer Harold Wilkins watched a very 3/30/1950 #4771  
            LOWELL OBSERVER(S), AZ Astronomer S. Hess / (seen thru) telesco 5/20/1950 #4952  
                     Flagstaff, AZ Astronomer/meteorologist observed a "pow 5/20/1950 #4954  
                     ARLINGTON, VA Astronomer and 1. 8' glowing lens-disk h 8/1950 (approximate) #5091  
                             NAVAL ASTRONOMER MARKOWITZ "New asteroid in un 2/1951 #5423  
                   SILVER LAKE, MI Astronomer Webb and many. Night light /  8/3/1951 #5593  
thing out of the ordinary, nor has astronomer Clyde Tombaugh. The commandin 8/27/1951 #5636  
 consultant is Bertil Lindblad, an astronomer at Stockholm University, Swed 10/1951 #5693  
   Sunbury, Ohio Witness:  amateur astronomer Carl Loar. One silvery sphere 12/7/1951 #5810  
                  London, Ont, CAN Astronomer observed elliptical UFO with  1952 #5834  
 20 December 1948, Project Twinkle astronomer Lincoln LaPaz argued a green  2/19/1952 #5911  
           London, Ontario Amateur astronomer W. Gordon Graham sees a UFO “ 4/1952? #6008  
         ALUMINUM ROCK, CA Amateur astronomer and 4. 2 glowing-orbs hover.  4/16/1952 #6088  
Samford to hear Harvard University astronomer Donald Menzel express his vie Early 5/1952 #6249  
n the evening, Possony speaks with astronomer Francis J. Heyden at Georgeto Early 5/1952 #6249  
                                   Astronomer Donald H. Menzel writes in Ti 6/9/1952 #6474  
                                   Astronomer Donald Menzel writes in an ar 6/17/1952 #6527  
              ELKHART, IND Amateur astronomer / (seen thru) telescope. 5 di 7/28/1952 #7240  
              ROCKFORD, IL Amateur astronomer / (seen thru) binoculars. Haz 7/28/1952 #7245  
             BALTIMORE, MD Amateur astronomer and RADAR. 2+2 domed saucers  8/5/1952 #7458  
 Baltimore, MD Experienced amateur astronomer observed two copper-like disc 8/5/1952 #7462  
g a daylight observation of Venus, astronomer James C. Bartlett Jr. watches 8/5/1952 #7469  
                    THIES, SENEGAL Astronomer. Silent red "star" maneuvers  9/15/1952 #7951  
ons, or by conventional aircraft.” Astronomer Donald Menzel presents a dism 10/9/1952 #8107  
h a panel of scientists (including astronomer Thornton Leigh Page) and engi 12/10/1952 #8408  
                   MANCHESTER, ENG Astronomer / (seen thru) telescope. Brig 1/1953? #8485  
vard University Harvard University astronomer Donald H. Menzel publishes Fl 3/1953 #8721  
aturely confirmed by amateur Welsh astronomer Hugh Percy Wilkins. Although  7/30/1953 #9021  
   EAST CANTON TO/FROM MINERVA, OH Astronomer Webb and 1. White sphere cros 9/23/1953 #9175  
ryland Night. Baltimore, Maryland, astronomer James C. Bartlett Jr. is obse Late 9/1953 #9179  
                     BALTIMORE, MD Astronomer. 2 huge cigars / 3K' altitude 9/28/1953 #9182  
                     NORWICH, ENGL Astronomer and more / telescope. Saucer  10/6/1953 #9203  
            SOUTH GATE, CA Amateur astronomer. Ovoid with sharp edges / 1.5 10/9/1953 #9213  
  Harvard Washington, D.C. Harvard astronomer Donald Menzel writes to USAF  10/16/1953 #9235  
10:00 p.m. A civilian employee and astronomer, Robert D. Schaldach in the T 1/25/1954 #9500  
            Las Cruces, New Mexico Astronomer Clyde Tombaugh gives a talk t 2/13/1954 #9541  
           LOS ANGELES, CA Amateur astronomer. Huge elliptical cylinder/cyl 2/18/1954 #9553  
hern California. In Los Angeles an astronomer reported sighting a huge elli 2/18/1954 #9556  
                      ALLIANCE, OH Astronomer / space scientist/science and 2/26/1954 #9567  
                 NNW / ATLANTA, GA Astronomer HP Wilkins / plane. 2 50' sau 6/11/1954 #9890  
o Atlanta on this morning, British astronomer H. Percy Wilkins observed two 6/11/1954 #9893  
            Lancashire, UK British astronomer saw a silvery object with 15- 7/8/1954 #10002  
chester, England 9:25 p.m. Amateur astronomer Harold Hill is at his observa 7/8/1954 #10003  
                    PARK HILLS, KY Astronomer. 30m white saucer west going  8/1954 #10083  
Park Hills, Kentucky 10:30 p.m. An astronomer sees a bright white disc, 20  8/1954 #10085  
:17 p.m. in Westlake, Ohio amateur astronomer Mr. N. E. Schroeder, an ex-Ar 8/2/1954 #10095  
                     BALTIMORE, MD Astronomer. Line / 4 night lights climb  9/6/1954 #10258  
book was written by arch-skeptical astronomer Patrick Moore using a pseudon 10/1954 #10536  
                   At 7:15 p.m. an astronomer named Potter and one other wi 10/6/1954 #10760  
                    NAIROBI, KENYA Astronomer and 4. Large night light / 2K 10/15/1954? #11085  
            SOUTHAMPTON, HAMPSHIRE Astronomer / (seen thru) telescope. Smal 11/24/1954 #11699  
                           A woman astronomer named Marley, with a telescop 11/24/1954 #11700  
                              MOON Astronomer Firsoff. Flashes / lunar sout 5/24/1955 #12152  
           BOCA CHICA NAS, FL Navy astronomer. 800' meteor / 40 mile(s) alt 7/14/1955 #12259  
oject Bluebook Case #3720. Amateur astronomer. 5 separate night lights circ 8/23/1955 #12393  
                              MOON Astronomer Lambert. 2 "lightning flashes 9/8/1955 #12437  
                  SOUTH / CIMA, CA Astronomer and more/others. 800' metalli 11/1/1955 #12537  
                 Mojave Desert, CA Astronomer observed cigar-shaped UFO and 11/1/1955 #12538  
               HOUSTON, TX Amateur astronomer. 4 grey ovoids going / linear 1/14/1956 #12658  
             A 51-year-old amateur astronomer in Houston, Texas named Johns 1/14/1956 #12659  
ev. Charles Burmeister, an amateur astronomer, sees five “orange blobs” fly 5/4/1956 #12832  
riefly / window. Gone / seconds as astronomer runs outside.                 5/7/1956 #12834  
             ARLINGTON, VA Amateur astronomer. Vibrant bright "star" wobble 7/14/1956 #12971  
             WILLISTON, ND Amateur astronomer. Silent 30M domed V-saucer ro 9/22/1956 #13234  
issouri River 7:50 p.m. An amateur astronomer in Williston, North Dakota, s 9/22/1956 #13235  
t 7:50 p.m. Mr. Borrud, an amateur astronomer, sighted a dull metallic elli 9/22/1956 #13236  
                        ALAMOGORDO Astronomer photos perfect and shape / Pa 11/26/1956 #13355  
           PLACERVILLE, CA Amateur astronomer. Meteor going south. Veers go 2/13/1957 #13497  
ille, California 9:40 p.m. Amateur astronomer Steve Papina is walking south 2/13/1957 #13503  
          CORAL GABLES, FL Amateur astronomer / naked eye. Dim glowing 5M o 5/22/1957 #13672  
 Tucson, Arizona 4:15 p.m. Amateur astronomer Earl Sydow spots a bright obj 10/6/1957 #14066  
recent UFO sightings, according to astronomer Charles F. “Chick” Capen in t 11/6/1957 #14423  
          TOULOUSE OBSERVER(S), FR Astronomer and hundreds. Fireball going  11/8/1957 #14477  
tralia 3:03 a.m. Polish-Australian astronomer Antoni Przybylski and Dutch-A 11/8/1957 #14486  
toni Przybylski and Dutch-American astronomer Bart Bok see a vivid pink obj 11/8/1957 #14486  
e Observatory France Night. French astronomer Jacques Chapuis at Toulouse O 11/10/1957 #14526  
on. Under 1500M altitude / amateur astronomer.                              11/19/1957 #14579  
             SHEFFIELD, AL Amateur astronomer. Moon-size neon-glow ovoid go 12/26/1957 #14760  
           At 8:40 p.m. an amateur astronomer sighted a neon-colored, glowi 12/26/1957 #14761  
sappears in seconds. A local radio astronomer, Allen Barrot, claims the cou 3/22/1959 #15665  
 on April 20 where he debates with astronomer Patrick Moore, a show that is 4/18/1959 #15707  
r (physicist), and L. V. Robinson (astronomer).                             5/5/1959 #15723  
to believe he will discredit Swiss astronomer Fritz Zwicky. When a reporter Late 5/1959 #15747  
                   VALPARAISO, CHL Astronomer / (seen thru) telescope and s 10/28/1959 #16064  
                 Valparaiso, Chili Astronomer, others, observed maneuvering 10/28/1959 #16065  
                                An astronomer and several other witnesses s 10/28/1959 #16066  
             SAN MATEO, CA Amateur astronomer. Odd theramin sound! 2 groups 8/12/1960 #16371  
lity in Green Bank, West Virginia, astronomer Frank Drake writes this equat 11/1/1961 #16944  
                      CARACAS, VNZ Astronomer and many / park. 16 UFO's / d 2/11/1962 #17046  
                           AMATEUR ASTRONOMER / NY Small oval night light / 8/12/1962 #17332  
s, California Mesopotamia Stanford astronomer Carl Sagan presents a paper a 11/15/1962 #17548  
                                   Astronomer Donald H. Menzel and science  1963 #17621  
        BUCHAREST, ROMANIA Amateur astronomer. Lens-UFO going quickly south 7/1963 #17817  
. A small piece of metal is found. Astronomer Patrick Moore states that a “ 7/16/1963 #17833  
 estimated 90,000 feet. An amateur astronomer in Bushey, Hertfordshire, tak 8/1/1963 #17860  
dm. Roscoe Hillenkoetter writes to astronomer Donald H. Menzel, saying that 9/19/1963 #17945  
                      LAWRENCE, KS Astronomer. Silent 25' saucer / dim ligh 11/11/1963 #18030  
                   MCMINNVILLE, OR Astronomer / college Dean Dolan. Night l 12/11/1963 #18074  
                              MOON Astronomer Bartlett. Distinct blue band  11/14/1964 #18612  
oject Bluebook Case #9550. Amateur astronomer. Bright blue star crosses sky 7/25/1965 #19167  
                      Castalia, OH Astronomer saw a bright blue star cross  7/25/1965 #19169  
  Castalia, Ohio Witness:  amateur astronomer M.D. Harris, 16. One bright b 7/25/1965 #19171  
-year-old M. D. Harris, an amateur astronomer, was viewing the night sky at 7/25/1965 #19173  
y visible in the eastern sky.” But astronomer Robert Risser of the Kirkpatr 8/2/1965 #19264  
                   LONG ISLAND, NY Astronomer and 4. Saucer becomes night l 8/9/1965 #19344  
tic Ocean 6:00 p.m. A professional astronomer and his wife, along with thre 8/9/1965 #19348  
            At around 6:00 p.m. an astronomer and his family were driving i 8/9/1965 #19349  
              NOVYY AFON, ABKHAZIA Astronomer. Saucer / lit portholes. Make 9/24/1965 #19594  
                  ADHARA OBSV, ARG Astronomer. Night lights follow satellit 12/1/1965 #19746  
example, by University of Michigan astronomer William P. Bidelman. However, 12/9/1965 #19762  
th, Texas Moon Arcturus An amateur astronomer in Fort Worth, Texas, watches 12/13/1965 #19766  
nell University Cornell University astronomer Carl Sagan coauthors a book w 1966 #19795  
 AFB in Dayton, Ohio. All but one (astronomer Carl Sagan) are members of th 2/3/1966 #19879  
an is moderator. Panelists include astronomer Donald H. Menzel, plant physi 2/27/1966 #19925  
 psychologist R. Leo Sprinkle, and astronomer J. Allen Hynek. Menzel calls  2/27/1966 #19925  
                        EUGENE, OR Astronomer and many. Self-luminous box c 4/1966? #20187  
                 VALPARAISO, CHILE Astronomer. Saucer circles city. Obvious 4/24/1966 #20397  
                    ABINGDON, ENGL Astronomer and Scientist and 5. Domed sa 6/17/1966 #20571  
                    FORTY FORT, PA Astronomer. Ovoid flashes 1 / 20 second( 8/11/1966 (approximate) #20738  
rimary team will be Saunders, ESSA astronomer Franklin Roach, Wertheimer, c 10/7/1966 #20970  
u Armstrong, University of Arizona astronomer William K. Hartmann, physicis 10/7/1966 #20970  
deo, Buenos Aires, S.America Local astronomer took twelve slides of the sun 11/12/1966 #21093  
Roseville, Ohio Barber and amateur astronomer Ralph Ditter Jr. of Roseville 11/13/1966 #21098  
                              MOON Astronomer Kelsey. Flashes light-beams a 12/22/1966 #21213  
nown object. Ditter was an amateur astronomer, and avid sky watcher. He mad 2/1967 #21426  
                              MOON Astronomer Moseley. Red light and flashe 3/22/1967 #21940  
 10 mk away. No plane or balloon / astronomer.                              3/24/1967 #21958  
t of Tucson, Arizona 10:45 a.m. An astronomer at the Catalina Station obser 3/24/1967 #21972  
            STOCKHOLM, SWD Amateur astronomer. Dot grows to classic saucer  4/2/1967 #22047  
                                   Astronomer William Markowitz publishes a 9/15/1967 #23068  
                PYATIGORSK, RUSSIA Astronomer triangulates crescent-UFO. 50 10/18/1967 #23254  
      Pyatigorsk, Russia 6:00 p.m. Astronomer Z. Kadikov, from Kazan Engelg 10/18/1967 #23261  
                NANTES, FR Amateur astronomer. Low-short humming. 3 green-g 3/26/1968 #23860  
                GAGRA, GEORGIA SSR Astronomer. Big orange ball. 2 tiny ball 9/19/1968 #24484  
d, British Columbia Night. Amateur astronomer Hermanus Voorsluys and ex-pol 9/29/1968 #24521  
               HYERES, VAR Amateur astronomer. Dark spots cross moons face. 11/9/1968 #24645  
 panel, chaired by Yale University astronomer Gerald Maurice Clemence and c 11/15/1968 #24661  
s play around hills. Observer(s) = astronomer Marjorie fish.                2/1969 #24884  
                     PRINCETON, NJ Astronomer. Silent 3M platform with rota 4/4/1969 (approximate) #25048  
                        TUCSON, AZ Astronomer and 2. 5 night lights / seque 11/26/1969 #25473  
ital Area Subcommittee, chaired by astronomer John Carlson). (NICAP: 02 - C 8/1/1971 #26260  
               WALTHAM, MA Amateur astronomer and 1. 18M ovoid night light  12/4/1972 #27161  
                    BURLINGAME, CA Astronomer. Night light northeast going  7/1973? #27605  
 by a nuclear engineer and amateur astronomer at 8:45 p.m. in Jeannette, Pe 7/18/1973 #27640  
 cops and park rangers and amateur astronomer etc. 15m saucer maneuvers ove 10/2/1973 #27914  
            VENISSIEUX, FR Amateur Astronomer. Moonlike ball going [to] Sir 1/6/1974 #28651  
        SOUTHEAST / CLOUDCROFT, NM Astronomer. Saucer 1 / 4 miles / road. E 10/11/1974 #29517  
loudcroft, New Mexico 4:10 p.m. An astronomer in Cloudcroft, New Mexico, is 10/11/1974 #29520  
 a pickup truck being driven by an astronomer in Cloudcroft, New Mexico at  10/11/1974 #29523  
        Astronomy magazine Cornell astronomer Astronomy magazine editor Ter 12/1974 #29624  
 the map, including one by Cornell astronomer Carl Sagan.                   12/1974 #29624  
O symposium that features talks by astronomer J. Allen Hynek, ufologist Jac 1/20/1975 #29758  
tallic disks going west. = UFO's / Astronomer society.                      9/4/1975 #30341  
    EAST / LE THORONET, FR Amateur astronomer. Glowing-ovoid follows contou 1/30/1977 #31766  
                              MOON Astronomer Trouvelot. Fine line / light  2/20/1977 #31830  
               BURBANK, CA Amateur astronomer. Little dipper gains new star 4/2/1977 #31939  
               MUDENG, PHL Amateur astronomer / clergy. Red-brown colored o 5/1/1977 #32044  
eng, Philippines 2:00 a.m. Amateur astronomer Lev Boethin sees a red-brown  5/1/1977 #32045  
Chengdu, Sichuan, China 10:10 p.m. Astronomer Zhang Zhousheng and others wa 7/26/1977 #32317  
 and unusual that Jerry Ehman, the astronomer who analyzes the data print o 8/15/1977 #32402  
the European Space Agency, amateur astronomer Alberto Caballero identifies  8/15/1977 #32402  
              VAN NUYS, CA Amateur astronomer. Vibrant bright night light n 8/20/1977 #32415  
                AUCHEY, FR Amateur astronomer / (seen thru) telescope. 4M c 10/2/1977 #32546  
meter domed disc buzzed an amateur astronomer outside with a telescope in A 10/2/1977 #32547  
of the flights includes a Bolivian astronomer, who sees a rockslide that ma 5/6/1978 #33190  
                           AMATEUR ASTRONOMER / ENGL Black cogwheel shadow  6/11/1978 #33269  
            TORBAY, DEVONS Amateur astronomer. Fuzzy perfect cube / (seen t 9/12/1978 #33667  
URA, CA Chemical Professor-amateur astronomer / (seen thru) binoculars. Sta 10/10/1978 #33825  
                Evanston, Illinois Astronomer Allan Hendry publishes The UF 8/1/1979 #34699  
             MARSEILLE, FR Amateur astronomer / (seen thru) telescope. Dark 12/31/1979 #35105  
Santiago, Chile 10:30 p.m. Chilean astronomer Fernando Noël is at his home  1/17/1980 #35137  
       NEWTON, NC Cops and amateur astronomer. Silent rectangular UFO maneu 1/26/1981 #35801  
at 8:35 p.m. police and an amateur astronomer witnessed a silent rectangula 1/26/1981 #35803  
nnipeg, Manitoba 5:54 p.m. Amateur astronomer Todd Lohvinenko in Winnipeg,  1/14/1983 #36746  
 above Nuremberg, Germany. Amateur astronomer Walter Schwarz takes a photo  4/26/1983 #36845  
y to identify it. Eckard Pohl, the astronomer at the Nuremberg Observatory, 4/26/1983 #36845  
                 Hudson Valley, NY Astronomer and UFO expert J. Allen Hynek 10/1984 #37472  
                                   Astronomer and UFO expert J. Allen Hynek 10/5/1984 #37478  
 for the group be “totally legal.” Astronomer Jacques Vallée writes that al 5/20/1985 #37591  
              LAGUEPIE, FR Amateur astronomer. Odd tooth-shaped "comet" man 8/23/1985 #37650  
 Scientific Exploration, edited by astronomer Bernard Haisch.               3/1987 #38126  
e has also uncovered evidence that astronomer Donald Menzel was also a lead 6/11/1987 #38189  
              OAK HILL, WV Amateur astronomer and several. Dumbell with lig 10/22/1987 #38308  
            LE BOUSCAT, FR Amateur astronomer. Very small black ovoid low a 12/31/1989 #39344  
         KIRWAN, WEST AUST Amateur astronomer. Saucer / artists palette. No 5/28/1990 #39594  
           GWERU, ZIMBABWE Amateur astronomer. Odd star maneuvers / all dir 8/11/1990 #39684  
                        An amateur astronomer reported that he witnessed a  8/11/1990 #39685  
         40M EAST / PITTSBURGH, PA Astronomer / airliner. 3 saucers in form 9/8/1991 #40180  
o a Space Shuttle thruster firing. Astronomer Philip C. Plait discusses the 9/15/1991 #40187  
 1991 VG is discovered by American astronomer James Scotti at Kitt Peak Nat 11/6/1991 #40220  
               WHITTINGTON, SHROPS Astronomer and 1 / (seen thru) telescope 5/26/1992 #40474  
      SOUTH / MESSINA, ITL Amateur astronomer / (seen thru) telescope and s 6/21/1993 #41027  
        OTTAWA, ON Pilot / amateur astronomer. Silent night light makes ins 7/7/1994 #41613  
          At 11:30 p.m. an amateur astronomer who is also a pilot witnessed 7/7/1994 #41614  
s / long time. No planet / amateur astronomer. Back 5 December.             12/3/1994 #41878  
                                   Astronomer Carl Sagan publishes The Demo 1995 #41923  
             WINNIPEG, MBA Amateur astronomer / (seen thru) telescope watch 7/23/1995 #42321  
ationary white light is Venus, and astronomer Ian Ridpath identifies the ro 10/5/1996 #43056  
              RICHMOND, CA Amateur astronomer. Silent black equilateral-tri 5/15/1997 #43294  
          NEAR PHOENIX, AZ Amateur astronomer. 4 spheres weave across moons 6/17/1997 #43324  
                 BRONX, NY Amateur astronomer. Dark disk going quickly [to] 8/28/1999 #43837  
   Mitchell, Manitoba 9:30 p.m. An astronomer in Mitchell, Manitoba, hears  8/17/2001 #44237  
  St.-Laurent, Quebec 3:27 p.m. An astronomer and others at St.-Laurent, Qu 8/25/2001 #44244  
        Philippe Ailleris, amateur astronomer and founder of the Unidentifi 1/2011 #45311  
  Lublin, Poland Night. An amateur astronomer in Lublin, Poland, is trackin 8/14/2013 #45382  
                                   Astronomer Marc D’Antonio and operator o 9/19/2017 #45481  
         Harvard ʻOumuamua Harvard astronomer Avi Loeb and his postdoctoral 10/26/2018 #45541  
## Word: "astronomers" (Back to Top)
        BASEL AND SOLETHURN, SWZ 2 astronomers. Huge cylinder/cigar-shape c 8/9/1762 #80  
                MARE CRISIUM, MOON Astronomers. Odd lights maneuver / chang 8/16/1869 #182  
 Denver, Colorado About 12:30 p.m. Astronomers James Craig Watson, director 7/29/1878 #214  
relatively near the earth. Mexican astronomers in 2011 suggested that a com 8/12/1883 #255  
bservatory Flagstaff, Arizona Mars Astronomers Percival Lowell and William  6/7/1894 #315  
ory in Córdoba, Argentina Evening. Astronomers Charles Dillon Perrine and A 5/4/1916 #946  
 Pettit and Seth Barnes Nicholson, astronomers at the Mount Wilson Observat Summer 1931 #1130  
                   SANTIAGO, CHILE Astronomers. Odd slow meteor puffs smoke 5/19/1947 #2291  
                      At 4:47 p.m. astronomers Dr. Lincoln La Paz, Director 7/10/1947 #3117  
                SEMMERING, AUSTRIA Astronomers and weathermen. Big bright d 8/22/1947 #3359  
                   MT. PALOMAR, CA Astronomers and more. 18 night lights /  10/14/1949 #4392  
                      BERLIN, GERM Astronomers. Odd new star. Bright. Zigza 3/27/1950 #4733  
          GREENVILLE, SC 3 amateur astronomers and more. 4 large ovoids goi 5/13/1952 #6311  
Richardson and three other amateur astronomers (among them Cyril Thomas Wyc 5/13/1952 #6317  
Richardson and three other amateur astronomers set up telescopes in a dark  5/13/1952 #6320  
       Greenville, SC Four amateur astronomers observed a diamond-shaped fo 5/18/1952 #6337  
 is in the process of interviewing astronomers about any potential sighting 7/7/1952 #6724  
a report on his interviews with 45 astronomers about their opinions on UFOs 8/6/1952 #7489  
                                   ASTRONOMERS F.MANNING ET AL Large dark s 5/6/1954 #9758  
                              MOON Astronomers. Lights flash / Kepler and C 9/5/1954? #10248  
                    MOON 3 amateur astronomers / Illinois. 2.5mile disk-sph 9/5/1954 #10253  
                 IONIA, MI Amateur astronomers. 3 glowing UFO's / tremendou 9/20/1954 #10367  
          EL QAHIRA = CAIRO, EGYPT Astronomers and pilots ordered to watch  10/5/1954 #10712  
 Administration, alerts pilots and astronomers to keep watch for UFOs over  10/5/1954 #10731  
ilitary orders saucer spotters and astronomers.                             10/7/1954 #10762  
s an “Incredible Decade,” in which astronomers observe strange space object 3/1955 #12022  
untry. Milorad B. Protić and other astronomers at Belgrade Observatory trac 10/25/1955 #12520  
          NORTH DALLAS, TX Amateur astronomers / (seen thru) binoculars and 6/27/1956 #12924  
            HARTFORD, CT 2 amateur astronomers / (seen thru) telescope. Dom 7/28/1956 #13022  
watch, an effort to enlist amateur astronomers in tracking an artificial sa 9/11/1956 #13214  
             CRYSTAL, MI 2 amateur astronomers / (seen thru) telescope. Sil 9/27/1956 #13249  
   PARIS, FR Several thousands and astronomers. 2 Brill objects hover over  11/7/1956 #13309  
                MT. STROMLO, AUS 3 astronomers. Pink-glowing object going w 11/8/1957 #14474  
               ST. CLAIR, NZ Prof. astronomers. Night light going quickly w 1/18/1959 #15554  
e, Alabama Moon Night. Two amateur astronomers in Mobile, Alabama, observe  10/8/1959 #16028  
              MALLORCA ISLAND, SPN Astronomers. 1 / 4 moon-size spinning tr 5/5/1960 #16255  
                    PALMA, MAJORCA Astronomers. Silent delta/triangle/box-l 5/22/1960 #16295  
                 BOULDER, CO Radio astronomers. Intense artificial white no 1/10/1961 #16568  
  SAN DIEGO, CA Blue Book. Amateur astronomers and more/others. Night light 9/11/1961 #16828  
  MT. STROMLO OBSERVER(S), AUSTR 3 astronomers. Orange circular glowing-obj 5/29/1963 #17770  
st rising higher in the sky. Local astronomers and airport officials could  6/18/1963 #17792  
          BUCHAREST, ROM 2 amateur astronomers. 2 bright saucers play / sky 8/1963 #17855  
            LOWELL OBSERVER(S), AZ Astronomers. Ruby red spots / crater Ari 10/29/1963 #18011  
Buenos Aires, Argentina 10:55 p.m. Astronomers Luis Ferro and Renato Mattea 9/14/1964 #18552  
           ADHARA OBSERVER(S), ARG Astronomers. Night light going east and  11/14/1964 #18613  
 Buenos Aires, Argentina Midnight. Astronomers at the San Miguel Observator 11/14/1964 #18616  
 Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, astronomers watched a nocturnal light mo 11/14/1964 #18617  
SHAMAKHINSKY OBSERVER(S), AZERBJ 2 astronomers. Ring with point star / cent 11/30/1964 #18648  
              ANN ARBOR, MI 3 grad.astronomers. 2 red night lights oscillat 7/1965? #19035  
        OGRE OBSERVER(S), LATVIA 2 astronomers. 3 small saucers orbit 100M  7/26/1965 #19177  
al Observatory in Latvia 9:35 p.m. Astronomers Robert Vitolniek, Ian Melder 7/26/1965 #19180  
    At 9:35 p.m. three atmospheric astronomers studying noctilucent clouds  7/26/1965 #19182  
                              MOON Astronomers Hedley-Robinson and Sartory. 6/27/1966 #20611  
               KANDILLI, TURK UTC. Astronomers photograph 2 large objects.  8/23/1966 #20790  
                            MOON 3 astronomers. Time = UTC. Light flashes / 9/3/1966 #20837  
                              MOON Astronomers Moore and Moseley. Flashes / 2/17/1967 #21578  
                NORTH / MONTEVIDEO Astronomers. Photographs / domed ovoid / 3/17/1967 #21906  
                     KAZAN, RUSSIA Astronomers and more/others. Huge cresce 7/18/1967 #22690  
              NEWTON, NH 2 amateur astronomers. Saucer-night light responds 7/27/1967 #22737  
side, was sighted by three amateur astronomers at 1:00 a.m. over Newton, Ne 7/27/1967 #22742  
es interviews with unnamed Russian astronomers that may possibly have been  8/18/1967 #22889  
0M hat-disk going east. 03 October astronomers. Gold triangle going east.   9/4/1967 #22992  
            KAZAN, TATAR, RUSSIA 2 astronomers. Half-moon with trail. Vanis 11/7/1967 #23418  
      INFIERNILLO OBSERVER(S), CHL Astronomers. Bright night light flickers 5/16/1968 #23964  
   VALPARAISO, CHL AND MORE/OTHERS Astronomers and many. Brill lens-cone ci 5/17/1968 #23965  
hts maneuver all over convention / astronomers! / r184p146.                 9/1968 #24414  
          SARAJEVO, BOSNIA Amateur astronomers. 4 photographs / bullet UFO  10/18/1968 #24569  
, fairies, angels, demons) than to astronomers’ speculations about life in  1969 #24802  
ver, Colorado The National Amateur Astronomers Association hosts an open fo 8/22/1969 #25325  
    COURNON D'AUVERGNE, FR Amateur astronomers. White football going north. 5/13/1970 #25660  
           SACKVILLE, NB 2 amateur astronomers. Triangle with colored light 7/28/1971 #26248  
 New Brunswick, Canada two amateur astronomers reported that a triangle sha 7/28/1971 #26250  
             EAST / MANOSQUE, FR 4 astronomers and many and RADAR. 12M and  9/16/1971 #26337  
/visual confirmation. At 8:45 p.m. astronomers and many other witnesses in  9/16/1971 #26338  
   PARIS AND WATERDOWN, ON Amateur astronomers. Sphere/orb/globe / pale lig 7/27/1972 #26840  
LA SILLA OBSERVER(S), MAIPO, CHL 3 astronomers and more/others. "Ion cloud" 12/12/1972 #27171  
                      NEWARK, DE 3 astronomers / (seen thru) telescope. Win 10/19/1973 #28184  
ound recorded up to 60 miles away. Astronomers at Leicester University, Eng 1/23/1974 #28694  
. No star / satellite according to astronomers.                             8/28/1974 #29393  
         NUORO, SARDINIA 2 amateur astronomers photograph vague ovoid. Phot 10/9/1974 #29508  
d beliefs of professional American astronomers. He has mailed out 2,611 que 1/1977 #31665  
AN sets up a Scientific Council of astronomers and other scientists and pro 5/1/1977 #32046  
               OFF IMPERIA, ITL 12 astronomers and more. Saucer going west  8/9/1977 #32370  
 down and sideways. Unidentified / astronomers.                             7/21/1978 #33405  
     YUAN-SHAN OBSERVATORY, TAIWAN Astronomers. 2 delta/triangle/box-like c 9/4/1978 #33632  
erandi. He warns McNamara that the astronomers at the institute will soon b 8/15/1980 #35458  
ke objects leaving bright trails.” Astronomers also record three fireball m 12/25/1980 #35732  
st. These lights are attributed by astronomers to a piece of natural debris 12/26/1980 #35737  
stream of light from time to time. Astronomers have explained these as mere 12/28/1980 #35749  
          WEST SUNBURY, PA Amateur astronomers / telescope. Large disk with 4/14/1982 #36444  
 CROATIA AND MORE/OTHERS 9 amateur astronomers. Blue ovoid stops / 200K' al 10/3/1983 #36991  
lit, Croatia 8:00 PM. Nine amateur astronomers sighted at blue ovoid object 10/3/1983 #36994  
         At 8:00 p.m. nine amateur astronomers sighted at blue ovoid object 10/3/1983 #36996  
Television crews film the objects, astronomers in Santiago photograph them, 8/17/1985 #37645  
                       Two amateur astronomers, after having heard a strong 6/16/1987 #38191  
    ROUNDHAY, WEST YORKS 2 amateur astronomers. Brill yellow sphere going n 1/4/1988 #38396  
                             JAPAN Astronomers photo very large object cast 1/1993 (approximate) #40779  
                    FORTALEZA, BRZ Astronomers and thousands. 250M object h 3/20/1993 #40893  
ines the position of establishment astronomers on the existence of intellig 4/1993 #40919  
            BULWELL, NOTTS Amateur astronomers. Glowing saucer. Others see  1/19/1994 #41377  
                    GIG HARBOR, WA Astronomers and more/others. Red object  12/31/1994 #41921  
           COCKATOO, AUSTR Amateur astronomers. 2 fireballs rise over Mt. b 2/3/1996 #42736  
. For the panel, Sturrock recruits astronomers (and SSE members) Thomas E.  9/29/1997 #43420  
                                   Astronomers Margaret C. Turnbull and Jil 10/31/2002 #44426  
on, a worldwide network of amateur astronomers claims to have identified th 4/22/2010 #45276  
ther sociologists, archaeologists, astronomers, meteorologists, and Air For 10/2013 #45387  
al safety. Among those present are astronomers, psychologists, meteorologis 7/31/2014 #45412  
## Word: "astronomic" (Back to Top)
       FORCALQUIER OBSERVER(S), FR Astronomic photographs / night light pai 5/3/1957 #13646  
SSIA Huge crescent going [to] over astronomic station/depot/facility / 11Km 8/8/1967 #22844  
## Word: "astronomical" (Back to Top)
t, who writes about odd aerial and astronomical observations: “It seems no  10/1923 #1035  
d another member of the Canal Zone Astronomical Society observe a moving or 1936 #1240  
like portholes observed through an astronomical reflector telescope. (Ref.  10/1939 #1316  
e portholes is observed through an astronomical reflector telescope at Wisc 10/1939 #1317  
t Sign with studying UFO cases for astronomical explanations.               12/16/1948 #3930  
                Hynek turns in his astronomical analysis of Sign’s 237 case 4/30/1949 #4134  
d and 40 remain unexplained. Their astronomical consultant is Bertil Lindbl 10/1951 #5693  
 at a June meeting of the American Astronomical Society and finds that five 8/6/1952 #7489  
ting: All UFO sightings are either astronomical phenomena, mistaken sightin 8/9/1952 #7516  
ar to be readily explainable on an astronomical basis, or by mirages, ballo 10/9/1952 #8107  
e on saucers to the Southern Cross Astronomical Society in the Miami area   8/17/1953 #9076  
Clyde Tombaugh gives a talk to the Astronomical Society of Las Cruces, New  2/13/1954 #9541  
e times in a few seconds. Probably astronomical.                            9/22/1954 #10396  
the Egyptian Army and to Khedivial Astronomical Observatory in Helwan. Adm. 10/5/1954 #10731  
doubtful. For example, in both the astronomical and aircraft IFO categories 10/25/1955 #12519  
s is greater than 5%). By removing astronomical sightings from the knowns a 10/25/1955 #12519  
han reports of balloons, aircraft, astronomical phenomena, etc. I don’t bel 5/6/1958 #15020  
an reports of airplanes, balloons, astronomical phenomena, etc.” He says he 7/30/1958 #15162  
ying “No unusual meteorological or astronomical conditions were present to  10/2/1961 #16889  
y W. Howard Sloane of the Ballarat Astronomical Society to share informatio 2/27/1965 #18829  
ed by USAF scientific advisers and astronomical experts. No acceptable expl 8/2/1965 #19266  
scussing the biological as well as astronomical issues of the subject, its  1966 #19795  
guay Daytime. Personnel of Antares astronomical observatory saw an oval obj 3/16/1967 #21898  
al crescent flew over the mountain astronomical station of the Academy of S 8/8/1967 #22845  
               Kislovodsk Mountain Astronomical Station Kislovodsk, North C 8/8/1967 #22848  
flies over the Kislovodsk Mountain Astronomical Station near Kislovodsk, No 8/8/1967 #22848  
eral Assembly of the International Astronomical Union in Prague, Czechoslov 8/22/1967 #22892  
ing very possibly or probably were astronomical. (Hitt, 1999.) (NICAP: 02 - 10/20/1967 #23272  
            Chairman of the Soviet Astronomical Services Evald Rudolfovich  2/29/1968 #23791  
Mustel, president of the All-Union Astronomical and Geodetic Society D. Mar 2/29/1968 #23791  
    Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society Milky Way galaxy As 6/1974 #29154  
the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society. The paradox is the 6/1974 #29154  
                   Sternberg State Astronomical Institute in Moscow USSR Th 1/1978 #32835  
M. Gindilis of the Sternberg State Astronomical Institute in Moscow. Data p 1/1978 #32835  
iversity in Russia Sternberg State Astronomical Institute in Moscow A new c 11/1978 #33907  
M. Gindilis of the Sternberg State Astronomical Institute in Moscow, Vice A 11/1978 #33907  
ude Ribes, president of the French Astronomical Society.                    1993 #40777  
the USAF intelligence community by astronomical experts in the early days o 4/1993 #40919  
            Admiral Vasile Urseanu Astronomical Observatory Bucharest, Roma 9/28/1998 #43654  
ices in the Admiral Vasile Urseanu Astronomical Observatory in Bucharest, R 9/28/1998 #43654  
el Shermer, will analyze data from astronomical surveys and telescope obser 7/26/2021 #45700  
an Ali Dar, deputy director of the Astronomical Observatory of Aegean Unive 7/30/2021 #45701  
ts (18%), optical artifacts (11%), astronomical (11%), astronautical (11%), 11/19/2021 #45723  
## Word: "astronomically" (Back to Top)
ek finds that 32% can be explained astronomically. Others say 12% are ballo 8/10/1949 #4315  
## Word: "astronomicos" (Back to Top)
to, Portugal The Centro de Estudos Astronomicos e de Fenómenos Insolitos is 1972 #26530  
## Word: "astronomsko-astronautiki" (Back to Top)
wo hours. Members of the Akademski Astronomsko-Astronautiki Klub take photo 10/18/1968 #24571  
## Word: "astronomy" (Back to Top)
h astronomer James Ferguson writes Astronomy Explained upon Sir Isaac Newto 1756 #75  
telescope to create an interest in astronomy.                               3/1940 #1324  
oritics and Department Head of the Astronomy Department at the University o 7/10/1947 #3117  
 head of the University of Arizona astronomy department, says he is certain 2/1/1950 #4524  
           MINNEAPOLIS, MN Group / astronomy students. V formation / small  5/5/1954 #9751  
                    National Radio Astronomy Observatory at Green Bank, Wes 4/8/1960 #16218  
 Frank Drake at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory at Green Bank, Wes 4/8/1960 #16218  
                    National Radio Astronomy Observatory Green Bank, West V 11/1/1961 #16944  
ence on SETI at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory’s facility in Gree 11/1/1961 #16944  
                    CORDOBA, ARG 2 astronomy students photograph disk / 200 3/1962 #17064  
olan, professor of mathematics and astronomy, and dean of the faculty of Li 12/11/1963 #18076  
an, a professor of mathematics and astronomy, and dean of the faculty of Li 12/11/1963 #18077  
 South Africa Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory Jet Propulsion Lab 10/22/1965 #19672  
lity [now the Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory] in Gauteng, South 10/22/1965 #19672  
tor John O. Williams has taken his astronomy class to an open field on the  Spring 1967 #21926  
        After attending an amateur astronomy club meeting, Benito Hamburgo  5/15/1967 #22348  
:11 p.m. an engineer familiar with astronomy and artificial satellites sigh 9/29/1968 #24522  
                                   Astronomy magazine Cornell astronomer As 12/1974 #29624  
ronomy magazine Cornell astronomer Astronomy magazine editor Terence Dickin 12/1974 #29624  
y’s wife and a graduate student in astronomy at Northwestern University.    1977 #31649  
                  TAICHUNG, TAIWAN Astronomy students and more/others. Odd  2/17/1978 #32973  
iscusses the issue in his book Bad Astronomy, agreeing with NASA. However,  9/15/1991 #40187  
d by Avi Loeb of the Department of Astronomy at Harvard University, announc 7/26/2021 #45700  
## Word: "astrononauts" (Back to Top)
                           The two astrononauts on Gemini XI, Dick Gordon a 9/13/1966 #20881  
## Word: "astrophysical" (Back to Top)
 an informal group, the Los Alamos Astrophysical Association, whose members 12/20/1948 #3935  
es started the informal Los Alamos Astrophysical Association to study green 2/19/1952 #5911  
                       Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Harvard Univer 9/11/1956 #13214  
vard University US The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory officially lau 9/11/1956 #13214  
                           Baldone Astrophysical Observatory in Latvia 9:35 7/26/1965 #19180  
Esmeralda Vitolniek at the Baldone Astrophysical Observatory in Latvia are  7/26/1965 #19180  
                        Lindheimer Astrophysical Research Center in Evansto 6/8/1966 #20543  
ald visits Hynek at the Lindheimer Astrophysical Research Center in Evansto 6/8/1966 #20543  
## Word: "astrophysicist" (Back to Top)
                          American astrophysicist Charles Greeley Abbot wri 1946 #1961  
nnecticut Evening. Yale University astrophysicist Lyman Spitzer is speaking 6/22/1947 #2366  
least five times. It is chaired by astrophysicist Peter M. Millman and incl 4/22/1952 #6155  
or the last known time, chaired by astrophysicist Peter M. Millman of the D 2/25/1953 #8704  
dashev scale Hong-Yee Chiu Russian astrophysicist Nikolai Kardashev examine 1963 #17620  
agan coauthors a book with Russian astrophysicist Iosif Shklovsky on Intell 1966 #19795  
ronomical Society Milky Way galaxy Astrophysicist Michael H. Hart formulate 6/1974 #29154  
                   Afternoon. NASA astrophysicist Richard C. Henry is one o 8/3/1977 #32352  
          Stanford Frosch Stanford astrophysicist Peter A. Sturrock writes  12/30/1977 #32820  
esponse to Sturrock’s letter, NASA astrophysicist Richard C. Henry writes t 1/17/1978 #32887  
researcher Timothy Good interviews astrophysicist Pierre Guérin on the futu 11/1984 #37501  
e book. Its foreword is written by astrophysicist Jean-Claude Ribes, presid 1993 #40777  
                  Israeli-American astrophysicist Mario Livio speculates th 8/21/1998 #43633  
f EarthTech International Inc., an astrophysicist who is a member of the Na 10/16/2002 #44417  
 Washington, D.C. Speakers include astrophysicist Richard Conn Henry, theor 11/8/2002 #44436  
theoretical physicist Michio Kaku, astrophysicist Bernard Haisch, computer  11/8/2002 #44436  
                           Serbian astrophysicist Milan M. Ćirković theoriz 6/10/2003 #44555  
Y Times: Dr. Eric W. Davis PhD, an astrophysicist, starts working as a subc 2007 #44993  
            Former Lockheed Martin astrophysicist Bernard Haisch, a colleag 2018 #45498  
) and led by University of Alabama astrophysicist and science fiction autho 6/15/2019 #45585  
ral researcher Darryl Seligman and astrophysicist Gregory Laughlin argue th 5/28/2020 #45646  
## Word: "astrophysicists" (Back to Top)
oving slowly again, and a car with astrophysicists stops and watches it for 1/1967 #21243  
## Word: "astrophysics" (Back to Top)
             Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics in Ottawa, Ontario Public A 1968 #23630  
 base at the Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics in Ottawa, Ontario, takes o 1968 #23630  
ouncil’s Upper Atmosphere Section (Astrophysics Branch) in Ottawa, Ontario. 2/1968 #23719  
 evidence could be assigned to the Astrophysics Division at Goddard Space F 1/17/1978 #32887  
eaded by Cha Leping, a 26-year-old astrophysics student. The association la 5/1980 #35297  
             Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics in Ottawa, Canada New Bruns 8/15/1980 #35458  
amara of the Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics in Ottawa, Canada, which se 8/15/1980 #35458  
NIVERSITY/UNIVERSE(AL), CH Several astrophysics types. Saucer east going we 11/11/1980 #35633  
## Word: "asuncion" (Back to Top)
                                   ASUNCION, PARAGUAY Several observer(s).  2/5/1963 (approximate) #17650  
ject land on the school grounds in Asuncion, Paraguay. In a separate observ 2/5/1963 #17655  
                       SOUTHEAST / ASUNCION, PARAGY Saucer with portholes a 4/29/1966 #20425  
he witness, who was flying between Asuncion, Paraguay to Posadas, Argentina 4/29/1966 #20428  
                                   Asuncion, Paraguay In Paraguay, Asuncion 6/24/1967 #22545  
   Asuncion, Paraguay In Paraguay, Asuncion, many residents saw six objects 6/24/1967 #22545  
                           NORTH / ASUNCION, PARAGUAY Intense fireball buzz 6/8/1991 #40087  
## Word: "asunción" (Back to Top)
                                   Asunción, Paraguay In Asunción, Paraguay 6/24/1967 #22549  
             Asunción, Paraguay In Asunción, Paraguay, many residents see s 6/24/1967 #22549  
                                   Asunción, Paraguay Concepción Asunción A 6/8/1991 #40092  
     Asunción, Paraguay Concepción Asunción Airport 6:00 p.m. Pilot Cesar E 6/8/1991 #40092  
arina are flying two passengers to Asunción, Paraguay, in his Cessna 210. W 6/8/1991 #40092  
ssly. As he begins descending into Asunción Airport at 7:22 p.m., the objec 6/8/1991 #40092  
## Word: "asylum" (Back to Top)
r falling 16 floors from an insane asylum window, supposedly shouting, “we’ 5/22/1949 #4202  
 France A 14-year-old child sought asylum in the farmhouse owned by Mrs. Ge 10/29/1954 #11478  
s, France a 14-year-old boy sought asylum in the farmhouse owned by Mrs. Ge 10/29/1954 #11481  
 late July he is granted temporary asylum by the Russian government. The ex 6/14/2013 #45372  
## Word: "asymmetric" (Back to Top)
. The images show a dark metallic, asymmetric hat-shaped disc. The upper st 5/11/1950 #4940  
l. The photograph shows a slightly asymmetric hubcap shaped object with a s 6/10/1967 #22487  
## Word: "asymmetrical" (Back to Top)
s E of), MO Thin, translucent, tan asymmetrical boomerang-shaped object (NI 9/22/1954 #10393  
 E.J. Ash. A thin, translucent tan asymmetrical boomerang-shaped object rev 9/22/1954 #10394  
h observed a thin, translucent tan asymmetrical boomerang-shaped object as  9/22/1954 #10398  
ect shaped like a sharply outlined asymmetrical crescent flew over the moun 8/8/1967 #22845  
ect shaped like a sharply outlined asymmetrical crescent flies over the Kis 8/8/1967 #22848  
all and had beards, long hair, and asymmetrical eyes. Both humanoids wore w 2/12/1969 #24915  
nder with one of the ends becoming asymmetrical. The cylinder ejects small  9/20/1977 #32498  
ional Weather Corporation, sees an asymmetrical V-shaped object about 1,300 3/24/1983 #36807  
## Word: "asymmetrically" (Back to Top)
 of a nuclear weapon are detonated asymmetrically to simulate an accidental 4/24/1957 #13615  
 the UFO has been, as well as four asymmetrically placed, trapezoidal impri 4/24/1964 #18200  
## Word: "at&l" (Back to Top)
isition, Technology and Logistics (AT&L) Noel Longuemare Jr., states SAPOC  11/29/2019 #45619  
## Word: "at&t" (Back to Top)
 American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T).                                   12/23/1947 #3510  
' saucer beams lights going down / AT&T labs. Shoots going quickly northeas 4/13/1985? #37577  
coon Gordon Getty, the chairman of AT&T and the former head of SRI Internat Mid 1990's #41926  
## Word: "at-11" (Back to Top)
                    Pittsburgh, PA AT-11 Encounters Object (NICAP: 11 - Avi 2/11/1952 #5896  
tude by the crew of a US Air Force AT-11 trainer flying near Pittsburgh, Pe 2/11/1952 #5898  
## Word: "at-6" (Back to Top)
s from an Idaho Air National Guard AT-6 while a black disc, which stood out 7/9/1947 #3052  
ing in an Idaho Air National Guard AT-6 Texan, sees a black object standing 7/9/1947 #3063  
d at slightly smaller than a 42 ft AT-6 at the indicated altitude. (FOIA; F 4/19/1948 #3627  
 Japan Witness:  Brigham, pilot of AT-6 trainer. One small, very thin, shin 3/29/1952 #5990  
y metallic disc flew alongside the AT-6, then made a pass at an F-84 jet fi 3/29/1952 #5990  
Company, notices an object near an AT-6 Texan trainer aircraft above Lexing 4/23/1952 #6162  
## Word: "at-ll" (Back to Top)
nd Maj. R.J. Gedson flying a Beech AT-ll trainer.  One yellow-orange comet- 2/11/1952 #5897  
## Word: "at11" (Back to Top)
                PITTSBURGH, PA 2 / AT11 trainer plane. Comet-like pulses fl 2/11/1952 #5895  
## Word: "at15" (Back to Top)
owing about 5 miles behind the jet at15,000 feet, swinging like a “falling  9/19/1952 #7980  
## Word: "at6" (Back to Top)
ase #207. Unidentified. Saucer and AT6 jet / 10 minute(s) dogfight! Extreme 11/18/1948 #3881  
higan, Mr. D. Swarz was watching 2 AT6 airplanes when his attention was dra 7/3/1949 #4262  
## Word: "at6+f84" (Back to Top)
1082. 2 pilots. 20cm saucer buzzes AT6+F84! / r111p38+/ r242p5.             3/29/1952 #5984  
## Word: "ata" (Back to Top)
                              ALMA ATA, KAZAK Thin 2500M needle-cylinder/ci 10/25/1988 #38691  
                              ALMA ATA, KAZAK Dozens / military Officers. S 7/24/1996 #42964  
## Word: "atacama" (Back to Top)
amudio, a hotel guest in Chanaral, Atacama province, Chile was awakened by  7/20/1965 #19152  
                                   ATACAMA PROV, CHL Observer(s) / hotel wi 7/26/1965 #19178  
                                   ATACAMA DESERT, CHL Saucer lands / sever 6/24/1968 (approximate) #24073  
ids came from towns located on the Atacama Salt Beds in Antofagasta Provinc 6/26/1968 #24085  
ed low over a school in Chiu-Chiu, Atacama, Chile. Fresia Berlina Vega, a y 10/19/2000 #44060  
## Word: "atafona" (Back to Top)
                                   Atafona Campos, Brazil Approximate date. 5/10/1966 #20472  
ut this date, a crowd of people in Atafona Campos, Brazil were watching an  5/10/1966 #20476  
## Word: "atalaya" (Back to Top)
                                   ATALAYA, ARG Car malfunctions due to EME 7/29/1968 #24248  
                                La Atalaya, Spain Object like upside-down b 7/29/1968 #24251  
         Four people driving in La Atalaya, Argentina at 3:15 at night saw  7/29/1968 #24255  
## Word: "atarque" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Atarque” YieldMax: 20KT                  7/25/1972 #26832  
## Word: "atascadero" (Back to Top)
                                   ATASCADERO, CA 1 observer. Rectangular o 11/14/1985 #37703  
## Word: "atc" (Back to Top)
t Offutt AFB, Nebraska, a civilian ATC, and all onboard a Braniff airliner  5/13/1959 #15730  
sted for 4-5 minutes. Jacksonville ATC confirmed three reports by pilots in 11/22/1975 #30653  
nd slightly upward.” Daniels asked ATC if they have any radar traffic in th 3/12/1977 #31901  
 area and they reply, “no.” Later, ATC tells Daniels, “So whatever it was,  3/12/1977 #31901  
an integrated civil-military radar ATC system, was on full alert due to num 5/19/1986 #37882  
after jet interception, but before ATC analysis and NORAD/FTC intelligence  1990 #39348  
 to FAA audio records, Albuquerque ATC contacted NORAD’s Western Air Defens 5/25/1995 #42229  
t Base Lewis-McChord, who informed ATC that NORAD was tracking a “search-on 5/25/1995 #42229  
ht Guernsey Channel Islands Jersey ATC Casquets Alderney Afternoon. The pas 4/23/2007 #45022  
. Bowyer makes contact with Jersey ATC to check on traffic heading his way. 4/23/2007 #45022  
ding his way. Paul Kelly at Jersey ATC cannot see any traffic in that posit 4/23/2007 #45022  
## Word: "atc's" (Back to Top)
     Stockton, CA ANG helo pilot & ATC's reported disc (NICAP: 11 - Aviatio 8/14/1975 #30268  
           Santiago, Chile Pilots, ATC's rep object near airport (NICAP: 11 10/30/1978 #33895  
## Word: "atcham" (Back to Top)
                                   Atcham, Shropshire (near), UK 2:00 AM. T 7/16/1981 #36010  
## Word: "atchison" (Back to Top)
                                   ATCHISON, KS 3 observer(s). 4 small sauc 8/15/1957 #13898  
                                In Atchison, Kansas around 9:00 p.m. three  8/15/1957 #13901  
## Word: "atco" (Back to Top)
                                   ATCO, NJ 1 observer. Loud humming. Room  2/7/1984 #37178  
                                   Atco, NJ 4:00 AM. The witness got out of 2/7/1984 #37179  
                                   Atco, New Jersey 4:00 a.m. A witness in  2/7/1984 #37180  
 New Jersey 4:00 a.m. A witness in Atco, New Jersey, awakes to a loud hummi 2/7/1984 #37180  
 at four o'clock in the morning in Atco, New Jersey and a bright light illu 2/7/1984 #37181  
## Word: "atcs" (Back to Top)
       Nellis AFB, NV Two military ATCs including supervisor saw nocturnal  9/17/1968 #24473  
ts. The UFO was sighted by pilots, ATCs, and many other witnesses, and also 4/2/1989 #38888  
## Word: "ate" (Back to Top)
ing a piece of chocolate, which he ate, he became drowsy and later woke up  8/25/1971 #26305  
hair in the center of the room and ate from a bowl of fruit on a table. A m 9/26/1973 #27872  
 meeting "important officials". He ate raw meat, carrots and the family kep 11/15/1973 #28426  
 instance, they became ill if they ate meat. Both John and Elaine gave up a 10/27/1974 #29561  
ed opposite the stairs and quietly ate their lunches. All of a sudden time  7/12/1975 #30175  
ing wine. He was told that what he ate would last for four days. Among many 8/26/1976 #31306  
n entry in his diary. He states he ate lunch with five top space scientists 6/11/1985 #37600  
Scientist Jacques Vallée states he ate lunch with John Petersen at the Gard 3/31/1995 #42130  
## Word: "atencio" (Back to Top)
ct. There were two witnesses named Atencio and Garcia and the sighting last 5/24/1954 #9834  
  Late on this night two men, Srs. Atencio and Garcia, watched a luminous o 9/20/1954 #10374  
## Word: "ater" (Back to Top)
t was rotated inside and replaced. Ater the repair was completed, the craft 8/11/1960 #16370  
## Word: "atf" (Back to Top)
                                   ATF agent Donald E. Flickinger, acting o 1975 #29679  
## Word: "atflir" (Back to Top)
argeting Forward Looking Infrared (ATFLIR) system. While investigating the  4/23/2014 #45407  
r two appeared to pass through the ATFLIR field of vision at high speed. Th 4/23/2014 #45407  
## Word: "ath" (Back to Top)
                                   ATH, BELGIUM Large glowing clouds collid 10/19/1726 #57  
              SPY AND FLAWINNE AND ATH, BELGIUM Several separate observer(s 7/4/1972 #26762  
                                   ATH, BELGIUM 8 white orbs / octagon hove 7/11/1972 #26792  
## Word: "atha" (Back to Top)
ebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = Atha. Bright red UFO. 2 jets chase. Orde 11/18/1953 #9305  
## Word: "athayde" (Back to Top)
breaks off. Ufologist Reginaldo de Athayde analyzes the video images and fi 11/16/1996 #43112  
sas Ufológicas (NPU); Reginaldo de Athayde, from Ufological Research Center 12/7/1997 #43453  
## Word: "atheletes" (Back to Top)
nia a family and a group of twelve atheletes watched a huge black, domed di 4/19/1995 #42160  
## Word: "athen" (Back to Top)
contains nozzles that emit flames. Athen in complete silence it takes off s 9/1967 #22972  
## Word: "athens" (Back to Top)
                                   ATHENS, GA Airport swamped / calls. 3 si 7/7/1947 #2915  
lls. 3 silver saucers over town. / Athens Banner Herald.                    7/7/1947 #2915  
quickly north. Seen / Wellston and Athens, oh same day.                     3/12/1952 #5954  
                                   Athens, GA An intensely bright bright wh 8/17/1952 #7625  
Virginia CIA analysis report of an Athens news article of an UFO landing in 8/23/1952 #7684  
                                   ATHENS, GA Project Bluebook Case #2983.  4/26/1954 #9723  
                                   Athens, GA Saw 15-20 yellow objects in a 4/26/1954 #9724  
                                   Athens, Georgia Witnesses:  C. Cartey, M 4/26/1954 #9726  
autics and four other witnesses in Athens, Georgia.                         4/26/1954 #9727  
                                   ATHENS, TN ~20 observer(s). Fast bowl-sa 11/27/1958 #15459  
                                   ATHENS, GA 4 separate observer(s). Silve 1/17/1966 #19842  
                                   ATHENS, OH Small man enters courthouse.  1/3/1967 (approximate) #21245  
n entered the county courthouse in Athens, Ohio and asked for directions. H 1/3/1967 #21252  
  National Technical University of Athens, Greece Greece Paul Santorinis, c 2/24/1967 #21642  
e National Technical University of Athens, Greece, gives a lecture to the G 2/24/1967 #21642  
                                   Athens, OH At 8:05 p.m. About 40 miles n 4/18/1967 #22159  
                   At 8:05 p.m. in Athens, Ohio a college professor and fou 4/18/1967 #22160  
                                   ATHENS, GRC Mathematics Professsor. Dome 12/4/1969 #25484  
                                   Athens, GA Radio "went berserk," silver  9/3/1973 #27752  
        A motorist driving home in Athens, Georgia first experienced radio  9/3/1973 #27755  
                      Albany, Ohio Athens, Ohio 7:30 p.m. Upon arriving hom 10/16/1973 #28085  
cur around the same time in nearby Athens, Ohio.                            10/16/1973 #28085  
rred about the same time in nearby Athens and elsewhere.                    10/16/1973 #28091  
                       US29 / NEAR ATHENS, GA Radio malfunctions due to EME 10/17/1973 #28112  
                                   ATHENS, OH 3 cops. 2 long cone objects h 10/18/1973 #28146  
nt at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia observed a vague, purple 10/20/1973 #28219  
ay A from Wausau, Wisconsin toward Athens when their CB radio stopped worki 4/6/1975 #29974  
ay A from Wausau, Wisconsin toward Athens when their CB radio stopped worki 4/6/1975 #29975  
                              NEAR ATHENS, GRC 3 British. Dark 35M saucer h 7/22/1978 #33409  
               Zürich, Switzerland Athens Swiss-Italian border 4:05 p.m. Gr 8/15/1985 #37643  
lying from Zürich, Switzerland, to Athens and is just passing the Swiss-Ita 8/15/1985 #37643  
                                   ATHENS AIRPORT, GRC USAF C141 pilot. Cla 4/26/1987 #38166  
                                   ATHENS TO/FROM CORFU, GRC Airline(s)/air 2/11/1988 #38454  
                                   ATHENS, ME 2 / tent. Saucer lands. Red b 8/22/1988 #38615  
rience occurred at a campsite near Athens, Maine. Two people were tent camp 8/22/1988 #38618  
Street in the Metz neighborhood of Athens, Greece opposite Ardittos hill. T 9/14/1998 #43646  
## Word: "atherton" (Back to Top)
                                   ATHERTON, CA Saucer ducks between clouds 11/13/1976 #31542  
                                   ATHERTON, IN 3 observer(s). UFO buzzes t 9/28/1988 #38652  
   A 28-year-old couple driving in Atherton, Indiana saw intensely bright l 9/28/1988 #38655  
## Word: "athlete" (Back to Top)
y well known and respected retired athlete, had just come from the sauna an 4/15/1970 #25633  
ain witness reported that no human athlete, in his opinion, could have dupl 11/8/1975 #30584  
## Word: "athletic" (Back to Top)
ght in the center, hover above the athletic field, then fly away. (NICAP no 5/23/1966 #20508  
ennae was sighted hovering over an athletic club in Lins, Sao Paulo state,  3/15/1969 #25015  
d, then hovered over a high school athletic field. It turned off its lights 1/4/1974 #28644  
 waists, and they seemed unusually athletic. Among features that set them a 2/5/1978 #32957  
t cylindrical UFO hovering over an athletic field in Heidelberg. The object 11/14/1980 #35638  
t cylindrical UFO hovering over an athletic field in Heidelberg, Germany. T 11/14/1980 #35640  
e found himself being helped by an athletic looking young soldier with shor 11/9/1991 #40224  
## Word: "athletics" (Back to Top)
bed as similar to a discus used in athletics, about 25 to 30 feet in diamet 6/13/1952 #6492  
## Word: "athmania" (Back to Top)
                              OUED ATHMANIA, ALGERIA 1 / car. Silent dome w 3/12/1977 #31898  
## Word: "athus" (Back to Top)
                                   Athus, Belgium Luxembourg 5:30 a.m. A yo 10/23/1990 #39806  
embourg 5:30 a.m. A young woman in Athus, Belgium, wakes up, looks out the  10/23/1990 #39806  
                                   ATHUS, LX, BELGIUM 1+2 observer(s). 70M  1/21/1992 #40295  
## Word: "athyn" (Back to Top)
                       WEST / BRYN ATHYN, PA 2 observer(s). Cone with trian 11/6/1973 #28372  
## Word: "atic" (Back to Top)
rthwest of the town. (Magonia #52, Atic) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)   1945 #1743  
00mph / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.)                                   6/10/1947 #2316  
Air Technical Intelligence Center (ATIC) sent a letter to the Air Force Com 9/23/1947 #3416  
 General stating the conclusion of ATIC that UFOs were real, and urging the 9/23/1947 #3416  
SAF Aeromedical Laboratory By now, ATIC has received 156 UFO reports. Aerod 12/1947 #3496  
56 UFO reports. Aerodynamicists at ATIC and AMC agree that no German design 12/1947 #3496  
ject of USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC) query / Blue Book files. No furthe 12/13/1947 #3501  
  Norway Ohio Wright-Patterson AFB ATIC’s chief of operations, C. A. Griffi 6/29/1948 #3683  
FOs were interplanetary, sent from ATIC to Air Force Chief of Staff, Genera 9/1948 #3792  
UFOs “unconventional aircraft” and ATIC’s office is now Project Grudge. It  3/22/1949 #4052  
k, Alaska, case, sends a letter to ATIC asking why Project Grudge has ended Late 1/1950 #4511  
ed, because he never disbanded it. ATIC responds that Grudge is no longer a Late 1/1950 #4511  
Aircraft Spot UFO / Radar Track At ATIC (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R,  3/8/1950 #4591  
Aircraft Spot UFO / Radar Track At ATIC (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)        3/8/1950 #4592  
orts about it from Vandalia, Ohio. ATIC control tower operators at Wright-  3/8/1950 #4593  
ically out of sight at high speed. ATIC calls it the planet Venus, with rad 3/8/1950 #4593  
Air Technical Intelligence Center (ATIC) and is assigned to the Directorate 5/21/1951 #5513  
son AFB Dayton, Ohio 10:00 p.m. An ATIC official at Wright-Patterson AFB is 6/1/1951 #5535  
 out on the Associated Press wire. ATIC examines the photos and notes that  8/30/1951 #5638  
nmouth, New Jersey, officials send ATIC and USAF headquarters a three-foot- 9/12/1951 #5663  
teletype describing the sightings. ATIC’s new chief, Col. Frank Dunn, gets  9/12/1951 #5663  
es Cabell, who wants somebody from ATIC to find out what’s going on. Dunn s 9/12/1951 #5663  
athan R. Rosengarten (chief of the ATIC Aircraft Performance Section).      9/12/1951 #5663  
erry Cummings, and a Lt. Col. from ATIC, were called to Washington to brief 9/15/1951 #5669  
scientists and engineers who visit ATIC frequently that “UFOs were being fr 10/22/1951 #5743  
ect reports and forward them on to ATIC. Its most prominent member is Walth 12/1951 #5804  
ppelt travels to the Pentagon with ATIC Chief Col. Frank Dunn. They visit w 12/19/1951 #5821  
illiam M. Garland, tells them that ATIC has the sole authorization to carry 12/19/1951 #5821  
gic air bases. Gen. Samford orders ATIC to conduct an exhaustive statistica 12/19/1951 #5821  
dings, using the newly established ATIC Project WHITE STORK contract with t 12/19/1951 #5821  
nd Col. Sanford H. Kirkland Jr. of ATIC meet with members of the Battelle M 12/26/1951 #5826  
to locate reports not forwarded to ATIC.                                    1952 #5838  
they have more complete files than ATIC in Dayton, Ohio, does. He arranges  1/29/1952 #5883  
uppelt, who with his colleagues at ATIC has prepared sighting maps that sho 1/29/1952 #5884  
t, Col. Sanford H. Kirkland Jr. of ATIC, and Lt. Col. William A. Adams of A 1/29/1952 #5884  
des a list of 15 cases reported to ATIC in January.                         1/31/1952 #5888  
n’s UFO desk, writes to Ruppelt at ATIC for help in interpreting the Korean 2/8/1952 #5894  
rt Emmett Ginna Jr. of Life visits ATIC at Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton,  3/3/1952 #5942  
    Physicist Joseph Kaplan visits ATIC to discuss methods of obtaining mor 3/7/1952 #5949  
ppelt and other representatives of ATIC meet with the commander of the Air  3/19/1952 #5961  
                                   ATIC Chief Frank Dunn writes to Gen. Gar 3/31/1952 #5999  
or wire transmission of reports to ATIC, followed with details via Air Mail 4/1952 #6003  
ine article, Ruppelt and his boss, ATIC Technical Analysis Division Chief C 4/2/1952 #6016  
andum to Col. Frank Dunn, chief of ATIC, transmits nine reports (not releas 4/24/1952 #6178  
base to report UFOs immediately to ATIC and all major USAF commands. It ena 4/29/1952 #6215  
or wire transmission of reports to ATIC, followed with details via air mail 4/29/1952 #6215  
 Possony, Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt, ATIC chief Col. Frank Dunn, Brig. Gen. W Early 5/1952 #6249  
 Capt. Ruppelt and a Lt. Col. from ATIC briefed Air Force Secretary Thomas  5/8/1952 #6272  
 status report on Project Stork to ATIC. It describes a “tentative” data sh 6/6/1952 #6455  
 status report on Project Stork to ATIC. It mentions that Hynek has been co 7/7/1952 #6724  
ng [to] USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC) / wright-Pat / oh. 5 objects north 7/14/1952 #6800  
s. “Had these rumormongers been at ATIC in mid-July they would have thought Mid 7/1952 #6829  
glow. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC) report to Blue Book.               7/21/1952 #6962  
-Patterson AFB, Ruppelt meets with ATIC electronics specialist Capt. Roy L. 7/22/1952 #7023  
f Scientific Intelligence stating: ATIC has set up a worldwide reporting ne End of 7/1952 #7224  
e USAF UFO intelligence program at ATIC. Truman’s involvement is meant to b 7/28/1952 #7265  
ame position as the radar targets. ATIC’s Robert M. Olsson and Wendell Swan 7/29/1952 #7319  
s going on with UFOs. Landry calls ATIC and eventually reaches Ruppelt, who 7/29/1952 #7321  
Air Technical Intelligence Center (ATIC), Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohi 7/29/1952 #7328  
 Ruppelt; USAF Capt. Roy L. James, ATIC radar specialist; and Burgoyne L. G 7/29/1952 #7328  
e L. Griffing, electronics branch, ATIC. Samford says that the Air Force ha 7/29/1952 #7328  
 the problem, in coordination with ATIC. He also urged that CIA conceal its 8/1/1952 #7387  
evaluation a few weeks later after ATIC Technical Analysis Division Chief C 8/1/1952 #7408  
the CIA continue to cooperate with ATIC, but “no indication of CIA interest 8/1/1952 #7409  
 to forward the incident report to ATIC but the commanding officer (Brig. G 9/1952 #7801  
 status report on Project Stork to ATIC. It says that 800 copies of its rev 9/10/1952 #7890  
rector of Scientific Intelligence: ATIC is the only group devoting apprecia 10/2/1952 #8084  
nel of four scientists convened at ATIC to make preliminary review of accum 11/1952 #8223  
lopment Center. Hood had contacted ATIC in December 1950 in regard to certa 11/4/1952 #8245  
in radiation, and he suggests that ATIC begin an instrumented radiation pro 11/4/1952 #8245  
ng questionnaire were delivered to ATIC at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio. It 11/10/1952 #8259  
An Air Force review panel meets at ATIC for three days and recommends that  11/21/1952 #8316  
or CIA: Another meeting by A-2 and ATIC personnel was held on this date. UF 11/25/1952 #8335  
ernational Airport], Maine Florida ATIC Col. Donald L. Bower and Maj. Dewey 11/25/1952 #8340  
itute The CIA, having learned that ATIC is withholding significant case rep 12/12/1952 #8413  
uppelt who urges him to comply. At ATIC they meet with personnel from Batte 12/12/1952 #8413  
 a letter to Col. Miles E. Goll of ATIC, arguing that “agreement between Pr 1/9/1953 #8521  
oject Stork [Battelle’s study] and ATIC should be reached as to what can an 1/9/1953 #8521  
the CIA OSI study from August, the ATIC November 21 meeting, the December 4 1/14/1953 #8539  
ember 4 IAC decision, the visit to ATIC by Chadwell and Robertson, and CIA  1/14/1953 #8539  
were indeed cleared for release by ATIC.                                    2/25/1953 #8703  
the first UFO book by a scientist. ATIC personnel are displeased that Menze 3/1953 #8721  
 is approved. It is seen as aiding ATIC and giving AISS personnel valuable  3/23/1953 #8780  
                                   ATIC guide, How to Make FLYOBRPTS, a 68- 7/25/1953 #9014  
                                   ATIC in Dayton Pentagon USAF issues Air  8/26/1953 #9112  
ence. Tangible evidence must go to ATIC in Dayton. It also confines UFO inv 8/26/1953 #9112  
the Pentagon, the 4602nd AISS, and ATIC (although ATIC only gets reports af 8/26/1953 #9112  
he 4602nd AISS, and ATIC (although ATIC only gets reports after they go to  8/26/1953 #9112  
rd that he would like to meet with ATIC officers in Washington, D.C.        10/16/1953 #9235  
ncluding Col. George E. Perry) and ATIC at the Pentagon.                    10/22/1953 #9247  
s an Unidentified ever analyzed by ATIC.  https://www.reddit.com/r/ufo/comm 12/18/1953 #9384  
s Flying Saucers” and reveals that ATIC will no longer allow reporters seek 1/6/1954 #9456  
t is now the agency responsible to ATIC for investigating UFOs. Cybulski sa 1/13/1954 #9481  
claim that Keyhoe has used genuine ATIC reports for his book.               4/4/1954 #9664  
m; Keyhoe has correctly quoted the ATIC material; the Utah film analysis is 4/11/1954 #9682  
y; and except in a very few cases, ATIC rejects Donald Menzel’s explanation 4/11/1954 #9682  
ickhoff, storms into the office of ATIC Deputy Commander of Intelligence Co 6/7/1954 #9872  
 Col. John O’Mara and demands that ATIC press legal action against contacte 6/7/1954 #9872  
st, generating more press calls to ATIC. Capt. Charles A. Hardin, head of B 6/12/1954? #9896  
YOBRPTs) to the director of AFOSI, ATIC, commanding officer of Eastern ADC, 7/23/1954 #10043  
YOBRPTs) to the director of AFOSI, ATIC, commanding officer of Eastern ADC, 7/23/1954 #10044  
 Squadron was brought in to assist ATIC (Blue Book) with preliminary and fi 8/12/1954 #10138  
Ent AFB Colorado Springs, Colorado ATIC sends a memo to Maj. Joseph A. Cybu 2/15/1955 #12004  
nknowns. It suggests that AISS and ATIC “strive to reach as many case solut 2/15/1955 #12004  
ghts. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC). No further details.               3/2/1955 #12029  
                                   ATIC declassifies Battelle Memorial Inst 5/5/1955 #12122  
                              USAF ATIC and contractor Battelle Memorial In 5/5/1955 #12123  
acity of the explainers at ADC and ATIC.                                    6/30/1955 #12221  
vered craft to Kabul. Neither USAF ATIC nor Battelle amended their conclusi 1/24/1956 #12681  
ies survived and circulated within ATIC, but no declassified copies have ev 2/1956 #12691  
                                   ATIC’s Col. John Eriksen, writing for Se 6/25/1956 #12919  
y it in an unclassified message to ATIC. The UFO is reportedly tracked by t 7/17/1957 #13808  
 in the George T. Gregory years at ATIC, this sort of rejection of the need 7/17/1957 #13808  
                          Pentagon ATIC briefs Howard P. Robertson, now cha 9/16/1957 #14001  
of the material is perhaps sent to ATIC.                                    11/13/1957 #14541  
ecretary of Defense requested that ATIC immediately submit a preliminary an 12/4/1957 #14669  
serve Lt. Col. Spencer Whedon from ATIC says all UFOs are explainable. Keyh 1/22/1958 #14838  
 in their areas. It also continues ATIC’s responsibility to “reduce the per 2/5/1958 #14872  
MPA, FL USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC) observer(s). Civil sees balloon-ob 3/2/1958 #14908  
eports and the USAF investigation. ATIC decides to give Henderson a formal  5/8/1958 #15023  
closed secret session, unrecorded, ATIC Capt. George T. Gregory persuades h 8/8/1958 #15184  
sent directly to Blue Book. Though ATIC urges implementation of the plan, A 10/1958 #15294  
te: This is three years after USAF ATIC informs Congress and the American p 10/30/1958 #15404  
that Blue Book be transferred from ATIC to Air Research and Development Com 12/1958 #15465  
k wants to start bringing together ATIC and Blue Book personnel for monthly 2/17/1959 #15591  
                                   ATIC issues a staff study by Col. Richar 9/28/1959 #15996  
bility for UFO investigations from ATIC to ARDC are sent to Maj. Gen. Charl 11/10/1959 #16086  
t to Maj. Gen. Charles B. Dougher (ATIC commander), Col. Philip G. Evans (A 11/10/1959 #16086  
 commander), Col. Philip G. Evans (ATIC Deputy for Sciences and Components) 11/10/1959 #16086  
y Maj. Gen. James Ferguson) of the ATIC proposal.                           2/5/1960 #16167  
 Staff for Intelligence turns down ATIC’s request for one additional staffe 9/1960 #16430  
d and mention of "Moon Dust", asks ATIC to come to the scene. (NICAP: 06 -  9/28/1960 #16464  
Maj. Robert Friend and his boss at ATIC, Philip G. Evans, write a memo to A 12/27/1960 #16541  
                              USAF ATIC is asked by the House Armed Service 3/17/1961 #16634  
he USAF can improve UAP sightings. ATIC states the best solution is to give 3/17/1961 #16634  
                                   ATIC is removed from USAF Intelligence a 7/1/1961 #16741  
                                   ATIC in Dayton House Committee staff con Mid 8/1961 #16794  
consultant Richard P. Hines visits ATIC in Dayton, where Col. Robert Friend Mid 8/1961 #16794  
CAP to hold hearings. Hines leaves ATIC “favorably impressed.”              Mid 8/1961 #16794  
ble confirmation by a radar man at ATIC. The case is also not explained in  4/18/1962 #17120  
time, Lt. Col. Spencer Whedon from ATIC informs NICAP that the Air Force sp 5/25/1962 #17201  
ugby. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.)                                   1/28/1963 #17640  
 man. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.)                                   1/28/1963 #17641  
yard. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.)                                   2/5/1963 (approximate) #17650  
ails. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.)                                   8/20/1963 #17909  
 a report. T/Sgt. David Moody from ATIC and Maj. William Conner from Kirtla 4/24/1964 #18200  
 off. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.)                                   5/24/1964 #18293  
lies. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.)                                   7/28/1964 #18454  
ound. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.)                                   3/4/1965 #18837  
found / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.)                                   8/2/1965 #19248  
evel. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.)                                   8/4/1965 #19301  
sure. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.)                                   8/13/1965 #19374  
back. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.)                                   1/29/1966 #19870  
ails. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.)                                   2/16/1966 #19904  
owly. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC) report.                            4/5/1966 #20229  
ails. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC) records.                           4/5/1966 #20231  
tles. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.)                                   4/11/1966 #20282  
tude. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC) report.                            4/17/1966 #20306  
oise. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.)                                   4/18/1966 #20324  
rsons saw it from the next house. (Atic) <*>                                6/23/1966 #20596  
xits. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.)                                   1/25/1967 #21378  
Lake. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.)                                   1/26/1967 #21391  
hnical description for the AMC and ATIC that recorded dimensional, material 7/1991 #40107  
## Word: "atic's" (Back to Top)
            SAC San Antonio, Texas ATIC's office SAC San Antonio, Texas, se 3/22/1949 #4052  
## Word: "atienza" (Back to Top)
rty-one year old Emilio Carrascosa Atienza saw an intense white light land  12/2/1978 #34051  
## Word: "atilli" (Back to Top)
ires province at 1:45 a.m., Sr. P. Atilli had his truck's engine fail in th 8/5/1962 #17322  
## Word: "atintel" (Back to Top)
## Word: "atjaty" (Back to Top)
                                   ATJATY TO/FROM ADZHIJABUL, AZERBAIJAN SS 10/4/1955 #12487  
## Word: "atk" (Back to Top)
ed at his next job as President of ATK Missiles because he may have leaked  10/2/2003 #44610  
## Word: "atka" (Back to Top)
                                   Atka Island, Aleutian Islands, AK P2V-5F 1/11/1958 #14819  
## Word: "atkins" (Back to Top)
ircraft. When Pilot Lt. William E. Atkins cannot find the aircraft, the con 7/2/1954 #9984  
econd unidentified aircraft, which Atkins identifies as an Air Force C-47.  7/2/1954 #9984  
tors him back to the first target. Atkins cannot see any aircraft above the 7/2/1954 #9984  
hamber fire warning light goes on. Atkins shuts the engine off, but the lig 7/2/1954 #9984  
ine off, but the light remains on. Atkins and his radar man, Henry F. Coudo 7/2/1954 #9984  
g 4 people, and injuring 5 others. Atkins tells reporters about the heat bu 7/2/1954 #9984  
s, Michigan a postal clerk, Mr. T. Atkins, and five other witnesses sighted 9/10/1978 #33661  
onversing via CB radio with Donald Atkins, who is in nearby Ridgefield, Was 3/17/1981 #35866  
a stationary light over the river. Atkins transmits a faint humming sound t 3/17/1981 #35866  
iver, apparently the same one that Atkins is watching.                      3/17/1981 #35866  
## Word: "atkinson" (Back to Top)
niversity of Colorado Col. Ivan C. Atkinson, deputy executive director of t 8/31/1966 #20819  
Rapids, Michigan Witness:  Mr. Lou Atkinson. Four fluorescent, football-sha 2/12/1967 #21522  
     The witness, a civilian named Atkinson, first heard a "chirping"noise  2/12/1967 #21524  
ng on his suitcase outside of Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin at around 2:00 a.m.  8/25/1972 #26954  
p-and-down and diagonally. In Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin bright white lights  11/13/1975 #30615  
p-and-down and diagonally. In Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin bright white lights  11/13/1975 #30616  
                           NEAR FT ATKINSON, WI Delta flies backwards. Ligh 2/4/1993 #40836  
                              Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin 6:35 p.m. Kevin Crum 2/4/1993 #40838  
pot an object in the sky near Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, that spits out a bl 2/4/1993 #40838  
## Word: "atl" (Back to Top)
                                   ATL. SSE / NY, NY Pulsing saucer passes  4/23/1954 #9709  
                                   ATL.NR ARGENTINA Fireball circles 2 ship 7/28/1964 #18452  
## Word: "atlanta" (Back to Top)
ng TWX from 3rd Army Headquarters, Atlanta, directed to the Commanding Gene 1948 #3519  
      Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio Atlanta, Georgia Chief of Air Force Inte 7/25/1948 #3738  
wn by Capt. Clarence Groseclose to Atlanta, Georgia.                        7/25/1948 #3738  
                Henry Grady Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia  Loedding, Deyarmond, a 7/26/1948 #3742  
 Whitted in the Henry Grady Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia. They are impressed wit 7/26/1948 #3742  
                                   ATLANTA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, GA 6 airline( 3/18/1950 #4671  
                            At the Atlanta Municipal Airport, Georgia six a 3/18/1950 #4678  
fied blip. 1200mph. Slows. Gone. / Atlanta Journal 24 Jul. '52.             7/21/1952 #6959  
. The Civilian Defense director in Atlanta, George M. “Pup” Phillips, recei 7/21/1952 #6982  
                                   ATLANTA, GA RADAR-visual (observation).  7/30/1952 #7352  
                                   Atlanta, GA (FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - D 7/30/1952 #7355  
                                   ATLANTA, GA 2M glossy saucer 60cm thick. 8/4/1952 #7441  
) binoculars / 5 minute(s). 2200h. Atlanta, GA. Very similar seen.          8/24/1952 #7702  
                                   ATLANTA, GA 2+4 cops. Saucer(?) goes up  8/28/1952 #7761  
                                   Atlanta, GA Police watched maneuvering U 8/28/1952 #7770  
                                   Atlanta, GA Light, similar to the evenin 9/1/1952 #7808  
                                   Atlanta, Georgia Witnesses:  Mrs. Willia 9/1/1952 #7814  
                   At 9:43 p.m. in Atlanta, Georgia Mrs. William Davis and  9/1/1952 #7820  
                           NORTH / ATLANTA, GA Military pilot-Air Traffic C 9/3/1952 #7834  
                                   Atlanta, Georgia US Highway 78 near Lela 7/7/1953 #8989  
8 near Leland, Georgia Cobb County Atlanta Constitution office Dobbins Air  7/7/1953 #8989  
ietta Emory University Hospital in Atlanta Evening. An Atlanta, Georgia, ba 7/7/1953 #8989  
ty Hospital in Atlanta Evening. An Atlanta, Georgia, barber named Edward Wa 7/7/1953 #8989  
 They bring the dead animal to the Atlanta Constitution office, where repor 7/7/1953 #8989  
en to Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, where Anatomy Professor Marion  7/7/1953 #8989  
                              OVER ATLANTA, GA USAF Teletype. Orange white  4/3/1954 #9661  
                                   ATLANTA AIRPORT, GA 1 observer. 3 silent 5/10/1954 #9767  
                             NNW / ATLANTA, GA Astronomer HP Wilkins / plan 6/11/1954 #9890  
 from Charleston, West Virginia to Atlanta on this morning, British astrono 6/11/1954 #9893  
                                   ATLANTA, GA 40+reports. 100' ovoid-sauce 7/24/1955 #12282  
                                   ATLANTA, GA 3 separate trucks. Red ovoid 11/6/1957 #14371  
                                   Atlanta (near), GA Three truckers indepe 11/6/1957 #14392  
                   Cleveland, Ohio Atlanta, Georgia Allen H. Greenfield, Ri 3/1964 #18143  
reenfield publishes the journal in Atlanta, Georgia, for seven issues, unti 3/1964 #18143  
nesville, Georgia After 11:00 p.m. Atlanta Constitution reporter Tom Winfie 7/14/1964 #18409  
                                   ATLANTA, GA Police lines jammed. Glow sa 8/9/1965 #19345  
                                   ATLANTA, GA AND 26 JULY Blue Book. FAA m 7/23/1966 #20671  
                                   Atlanta, GA G,V, FAA & oval UFOs (NICAP: 7/26/1966 #20686  
                                   Atlanta, GA Six FAA personnel observed o 7/26/1966 #20687  
A man onboard a plane enroute from Atlanta to Pittsburgh saw a flat object  9/14/1967 #23057  
                  Briarcliff Road, Atlanta, Georgia 10:35 p.m. C. J. McCrea 12/29/1967 #23618  
ove their home on Briarcliff Road, Atlanta, Georgia. It hovers and drops se 12/29/1967 #23618  
 Type unknown. Similar report(s) / Atlanta and Pittsburgh.                  4/4/1968 #23889  
                              Near Atlanta, Missouri: The City Marshall and 3/4/1969 #24963  
                            WEST / ATLANTA, MO 30M saucer. Electro-magnetic 3/4/1969 #24965  
                                   Atlanta, MO Luminous red object paced ah 3/4/1969 #24966  
                                   Atlanta, MO Object emitting blinding lig 3/4/1969 #24967  
                  Missouri J Elmer Atlanta, Missouri 6:40 a.m. William Over 3/4/1969 #24968  
ck on Missouri J between Elmer and Atlanta, Missouri, when he sees a bright 3/4/1969 #24968  
a.m., on a highway 4 miles west of Atlanta, Missouri a truck's engine stall 3/4/1969 #24970  
ther were in their parked car near Atlanta, Georgia talking. They were park 12/27/1969 #25510  
                       NORTHWEST / ATLANTA, GA 3 glowing-objects over subur 9/9/1973 #27789  
over suburbs. Street lights out. / Atlanta Const. 10.9.73.                  9/9/1973 #27789  
                              NEAR ATLANTA, GA Pilot and copilot both Capta 1/27/1989 #38803  
                                   ATLANTA, GA Numerous high-Q observer(s). 11/23/2000 #44078  
 Several high-quality witnesses in Atlanta, Georgia reported sighting waves 11/23/2000 #44079  
                                   Atlanta, GA Dog excited as people see me 12/14/2003 #44628  
## Word: "atlantean" (Back to Top)
ling itself Phylos the Tibetan, an Atlantean who reveals his story from 188 1905 #673  
 in 19th century America where his Atlantean karma plays itself out. In tha 1905 #673  
t Shasta, California, inhabited by Atlantean masters. He equates Shaver’s D 10/1946 #2195  
## Word: "atlantic" (Back to Top)
                             North Atlantic Ocean Cape Finisterre, Spain 11 11/4/1749 #70  
 incident takes place in the North Atlantic Ocean some 240 miles west of Ca 11/4/1749 #70  
                              SS / ATLANTIC Light grey saucer flies into wi 3/22/1870 #183  
                             North Atlantic 860 miles from the coast of Wes 3/22/1870 #184  
 the Lake, is sailing in the North Atlantic 400 miles north of the Equator  3/22/1870 #184  
               At 6:30 p.m. in the Atlantic Ocean south of Cape Verde, the  3/22/1870 #185  
                        Cape Race, Atlantic Ocean - A huge sphere of fire w 11/12/1885 #272  
                             North Atlantic 590 miles northeast of Bermuda  3/19/1887 #279  
balls” during a storm in the North Atlantic about 590 miles northeast of Be 3/19/1887 #279  
                        Cape Race, Atlantic Ocean Midnight. A huge sphere o 11/12/1887 #281  
                        Cape Race, Atlantic Ocean A huge sphere of fire was 11/12/1887 #282  
          Elburn, Illinois Pacific Atlantic Chicago and North Western Railw Early 4/1897 #413  
are flying from the Pacific to the Atlantic by following the Chicago and No Early 4/1897 #413  
aming in the Gulf of Guinea in the Atlantic Ocean, including Second Officer 10/28/1902 #656  
         Panama Canal Zone Pacific Atlantic 10:00 p.m. Edward Winters of th 1935 #1220  
high speed from the Pacific to the Atlantic for about 30 minutes. Later it  1935 #1220  
                                   Atlantic Ocean, At Sea In early morning  5/25/1945 #1869  
          Fort Lauderdale, Florida Atlantic Ocean Florida Keys off the coas 12/5/1945 #1950  
 bombers disappears while over the Atlantic Ocean. The squadron’s flight pl 12/5/1945 #1950  
tion, Florida disappeared into the Atlantic Ocean Bermuda Triangle. Flight  12/5/1945 #1951  
ying over the Bay of Biscay in the Atlantic off the coast of France when th 7/10/1947 #3113  
                             North Atlantic, At Sea N Atlantic bet. Iceland 4/18/1948 #3624  
          North Atlantic, At Sea N Atlantic bet. Iceland and Greenland (NIC 4/18/1948 #3624  
                                   ATLANTIC SS MARCALA CREW Project Blueboo 8/4/1950 #5100  
                             North Atlantic, At Sea Object 100' Above Sea O 8/4/1950 #5102  
                             North Atlantic Nova Scotia The crew (Master Ni 8/4/1950 #5105  
n) of the M/V Marcala in the North Atlantic between Nova Scotia and the US  8/4/1950 #5105  
                            In the Atlantic Ocean approximately 100 miles s 8/4/1950 #5106  
iles southwest of Bermuda over the Atlantic Ocean (29.67º N, 67.47º W). At  8/25/1950 #5139  
UFO ascend from the surface of the Atlantic Ocean in the pre-dawn hours. Th 2/8/1951 #5434  
            Jacksonville (over the Atlantic 600 Miles E of), FL Three UAO S 5/8/1952 #6274  
    San Juan, Puerto Rico New York Atlantic Ocean east of South Carolina 2: 5/8/1952 #6275  
ding light, approach them over the Atlantic Ocean east of South Carolina. I 5/8/1952 #6275  
 of Jacksonville, Florida over the Atlantic Ocean at 2:27 a.m. when the pil 5/8/1952 #6277  
                    New York City (Atlantic 200 miles S of), NY 3 amber edg 7/26/1952 #7167  
iggered the second battle over the Atlantic seaboard around 7:00 p.m. Then  9/12/1952 #7905  
                             North Atlantic Iceland, North Atlantic, betwee 9/14/1952 #7918  
     North Atlantic Iceland, North Atlantic, between Ireland and Iceland. W 9/14/1952 #7918  
                             North Atlantic, between Ireland and Iceland Wi 9/14/1952 #7934  
                             North Atlantic, between Ireland and Iceland. M 9/14/1952 #7943  
                            In the Atlantic Ocean 400 miles NNW of the Azor 9/26/1952 #8038  
                                   ATLANTIC 5430W-4952N Steamship Caronia.  10/5/1952 #8091  
            Brigantine, New Jersey Atlantic 4:00–4:30 p.m. Emerson “Slim” F 10/16/1953 #9236  
gantine, New Jersey, from over the Atlantic. It releases several smaller ob 10/16/1953 #9236  
er 27 that failed to drop into the Atlantic after a 12-hour flight.         11/3/1953 #9279  
                     36.55N 76.00 (Atlantic), At Sea Silver Egg Observed By 11/20/1953 #9312  
                    SARE, PYRENEES ATLANTIC OCEAN., FR Cylinder/cigar-shape 4/28/1954 #9730  
                                   Atlantic Ocean A BOAC Strato Cruiser (Br 6/29/1954 #9958  
uiser (British Airways) on a trans Atlantic flight with Capt. James Howard  6/29/1954 #9958  
                             North Atlantic, At Sea Dutch ship observed dis 7/28/1954 #10058  
                                   Atlantic Ocean Cape Cod, Massachusetts C 7/29/1954 #10063  
moon-like object rising out of the Atlantic Ocean 90 miles east of Cape Cod 7/29/1954 #10063  
 Continental United States Pacific Atlantic Caribbean Alaska Northeast Stra 9/1/1954 #10228  
port US commanders in the Pacific, Atlantic, Caribbean, Alaska, Northeast,  9/1/1954 #10228  
                      In the North Atlantic on Santa Maria Island in the Az 9/20/1954 #10373  
                                   ATLANTIC WITH AZORES Crew and passengers 9/28/1954 #10480  
een Brest and Roven, France on the Atlantic Ocean, the crew of the tanker " 9/30/1954 #10523  
Terceira Island, The Azores in the Atlantic Ocean watched a four meter long 10/25/1954 #11403  
e name Estes saw a UFO land in the Atlantic Ocean. It was seen on the surfa 7/22/1955 #12279  
                                   ATLANTIC / SS MATHERAN Bright yellow nig 11/8/1955 #12555  
                                   ATLANTIC Steamship Matheran again. Same  11/9/1955 #12558  
ircled slowly over the treetops in Atlantic City, New Jersey. It then darte 2/18/1956 #12729  
                              NEAR ATLANTIC CITY, NJ 2 observer(s). Slow 'f 6/1/1956 #12881  
                                   Atlantic 43.12N 49.30W, At Sea DC-7 Enco 7/26/1956 #13019  
At Sea DC-7 Encounters Object Over Atlantic (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Co 7/26/1956 #13019  
                                   ATLANTIC NEAR AZORES Airliner takes evas 8/16/1956 #13091  
                                   ATLANTIC PAA flight 257 ducks glowing-ov 3/9/1957 #13535  
                                   Atlantic Ocean (off Carolinas), At Sea A 3/9/1957 #13538  
                                   Atlantic Ocean Jacksonville, Florida Pan 3/9/1957 #13540  
DC-6A airliner at a point over the Atlantic Ocean approximately 350 miles n 3/9/1957 #13540  
                      New Jersey & Atlantic coast, various New Jersey & Atl 6/7/1957 #13712  
lantic coast, various New Jersey & Atlantic coast, G (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cas 6/7/1957 #13712  
oon two engineers in a boat on the Atlantic Ocean near Sea Isle City, Cape  8/30/1957 #13954  
35,000 feet, is picked up over the Atlantic by NORAD radar at Montauk, New  9/20/1957 #14020  
trail as it shoots away across the Atlantic. The two sentries are taken to  11/4/1957 #14284  
rees, and all five flew toward the Atlantic.                                11/18/1957 #14575  
then all five flew away toward the Atlantic Ocean.                          11/18/1957 #14577  
                 TRINIDADE ISLAND, ATLANTIC Boat crew. Silver ovoid hovers  11/27/1957 (approximate) #14628  
                         The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) begi 1958 #14786  
as taken at Trindade Island in the Atlantic Ocean at 7:70 a.m.              1/1/1958 #14795  
  Guarujá, São Paulo, Brazil South Atlantic Day. Capt. Chrysólogo Rocha is  1/10/1958 #14817  
ulo, Brazil, overlooking the South Atlantic. He is trying to focus with his 1/10/1958 #14817  
                      TRINIDADE I, ATLANTIC OCEAN. 100+9 scientists. 4 phot 1/16/1958 #14829  
          Ilha da Trindade, Brazil Atlantic Ocean Pico Desejado Around 12:0 1/16/1958 #14831  
il, 730 miles off the coast in the Atlantic Ocean, the commander and many c 1/16/1958 #14831  
anchored at Trindade Island in the Atlantic Ocean. Sr. Barauna, the ship’s  1/16/1958 #14832  
                                   ATLANTIC / LIBERIAN TANKER 70° 25W-36° 2 8/24/1958 #15221  
                             South Atlantic Ocean South Africa Berkeley, Ca 8/27/1958 #15229  
 the USS Norton Sound in the South Atlantic Ocean off the coast of South Af 8/27/1958 #15229  
                                   ATLANTIC / PAA FLIGHT 68° 56W-29° 03N. R 9/5/1958 #15252  
                                   Atlantic (at 29° 3' N, 68°56' W)., At Se 9/5/1958 #15254  
                                   ATLANTIC 48° 00W-35° 00N MILITARY OBSERV 9/17/1958 #15268  
                  TRINDADE ISLAND, ATLANTIC OCEAN. Brazil Navy sentry. Fast 10/3/1958 #15307  
                                   ATLANTIC CITY, NJ Rumble! 15M and saucer 2/7/1959 #15580  
ater that same night, at 1:28 a.m. Atlantic Daylight Time, a 30-year-old RC 8/10/1959 #15903  
                             NORTH ATLANTIC Steamship MV Avafors / location 3/31/1960 #16209  
 hunting early in the morning near Atlantic City, New Jersey. They were sit 12/3/1960 #16523  
                                   ATLANTIC 33° 40W-19° 48S Radars. Huge ob 1/10/1961 (approximate) #16566  
                                   Atlantic bet. Cuba and Haiti, At Sea (Mc 1/10/1961 #16571  
                                   Atlantic N of Bermuda, At Sea (McDonald  2/16/1961 #16599  
                                   ATLANTIC 43° 30W-42° 55N PROJECT BLUEBOO 3/4/1961 #16621  
                                   ATLANTIC 37° 00W-43° 46N Project Blueboo 5/16/1961 #16685  
                                   ATLANTIC 17° 30W-50° 31N PROJECT BLUEBOO 12/14/1961 #16994  
                                   ATLANTIC 06° 45W-61° 15N PROJECT BLUEBOO 12/16/1961 #16997  
                                   ATLANTIC 67° 20W-22° 00N PROJECT BLUEBOO 3/15/1962 #17076  
                                   ATLANTIC 16° 09W-61° 45N PROJECT BLUEBOO 10/16/1962 #17473  
                                   ATLANTIC 07° 15W-61° 38N PROJECT BLUEBOO 12/16/1962 #17586  
                                   ATLANTIC PARIS TO/FROM/BETWEEN OTTAWA Ob 5/8/1963 (approximate) #17737  
                                   Atlantic Ocean, At Sea 1400 MPH Airborne 5/31/1963 #17772  
00 miles northeast of Miami in the Atlantic Ocean.                          8/28/1963 #17923  
                                   Atlantic Ocean The crew of the Argentine 11/12/1963 #18035  
 a large UFO off its stern [in the Atlantic Ocean?]. It is moving at high s 11/12/1963 #18035  
f the Argentine Coast of the South Atlantic, a UFO followed the Argentine N 11/12/1963 #18036  
                                   ATLANTIC 17° 40W-41° 20N PROJECT BLUEBOO 12/9/1963 #18068  
                            Dover (Atlantic, 200 miles E of), DE Object On  8/18/1964 #18494  
                                   Atlantic Ocean, 200 miles east of Dover, 8/18/1964 #18495  
       Dover AFB in Delaware North Atlantic 12:35 a.m. USAF Major D. W. Tho 8/18/1964 #18497  
aware at 9,000 feet over the North Atlantic. A blurred reddish-white glare  8/18/1964 #18497  
transport plane 200 miles over the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Dover, D 8/18/1964 #18498  
                                   ATLANTIC 27° 40W-66° 00N Blue Book. Mili 10/24/1964 #18591  
                                   Atlantic Ocean Puerto Rico Roosevelt Roa 11/19/1964 #18629  
yatt destroyer is stationed in the Atlantic Ocean about 220 miles northwest 11/19/1964 #18629  
                                   ATLANTIC EAST / WDC 5 / USCG eagle and R 6/21/1965 #19019  
                             North Atlantic Ocean Azores 6:52 p.m. Chief Ma 7/6/1965 #19078  
FO through binoculars in the North Atlantic Ocean about 900 miles southwest 7/6/1965 #19078  
en shoots going quickly south over Atlantic.                                8/9/1965 #19344  
             Long Island, New York Atlantic Ocean 6:00 p.m. A professional  8/9/1965 #19348  
oves south and disappears over the Atlantic Ocean.                          8/9/1965 #19348  
y darted to the south out over the Atlantic Ocean.                          8/9/1965 #19349  
ROCK STATION/DEPOT/FACILITY, SOUTH ATLANTIC 2 observer(s). Bright circular  11/20/1965 #19729  
                                   Atlantic Ocean Ilha Cagarras Ipanema, Br 3/16/1966 #19974  
 white, oval object crash into the Atlantic Ocean close to the Ilha Cagarra 3/16/1966 #19974  
                   ASCENSION ISL., ATLANTIC OCEAN. Pilot and ground RADAR's 2/16/1967 #21557  
lying over Ascension Island in the Atlantic Ocean at 1:05 a.m. local Time.  2/16/1967 #21573  
                                   Atlantic City, NJ G,V, FAA tracked 2-min 2/24/1967 #21640  
                                   Atlantic Ocean, in air space 2134Z (4:34 3/24/1967 #21962  
                                   ATLANTIC 32M glowing-cylinder/cigar-shap 7/20/1967 #22705  
ty telex tasking Fleet Diving Unit Atlantic with carrying out the search. A 10/4/1967 #23176  
 RCN divers from Fleet Diving Unit Atlantic is assembled on the HMCS Granby 10/4/1967 #23176  
                     At 11:20 p.m. Atlantic Daylight Time at least one and  10/4/1967 #23177  
                Jacksonville (Over Atlantic Ocean NE of), FL 3:00 a.m. EDT. 10/27/1967 #23342  
                                   Atlantic northeast of Jacksonville, Flor 10/27/1967 #23350  
enger on board, is flying over the Atlantic northeast of Jacksonville, Flor 10/27/1967 #23350  
                                   Atlantic Ocean -- Thor Heyerdahl and nav 6/11/1970 #25697  
t Egyptians could have crossed the Atlantic in papyrus boats centuries befo 6/11/1970 #25697  
                                   Atlantic Ocean Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 11 6/27/1970 #25714  
disc resting on the surface of the Atlantic Ocean about a half-mile off the 6/27/1970 #25714  
0:40 p.m. on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, a 24-year-old credit man 2/11/1972 #26573  
                             North Atlantic Bermuda Early morning. The Muss Summer 1972 #26722  
n scientific ship, is in the North Atlantic roughly 300 miles from Bermuda. Summer 1972 #26722  
anian ship Maldoveanu while in the Atlantic Ocean off Cape Chidley, Labrado 12/24/1972 #27189  
                             South Atlantic, At sea Table 1, 116, (NICAP: 0 5/17/1973 #27497  
                             North Atlantic, At sea Table 1, 116, (NICAP: 0 5/18/1973 #27504  
r 5-10 minutes, then flew off over Atlantic Ocean.                          10/27/1975 #30490  
 a low whirring noise. (The Press, Atlantic City, NJ, Jan. 21, 1976.) (NICA 1/19/1976 #30801  
                                   Atlantic southwest of Bermuda 2:40 a.m.  4/23/1976 #31017  
 aboard a US Navy destroyer in the Atlantic southwest of Bermuda. The looko 4/23/1976 #31017  
                             North Atlantic Lisbon, Portugal 9:00 p.m. A Br 7/30/1976 #31203  
ying at 29,000 feet over the North Atlantic about 40 miles south of Lisbon, 7/30/1976 #31203  
Graca, and Santos, flying over the Atlantic Ocean between the Azores and Li 9/19/1976 #31412  
pe disappeared mysteriously in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Florida, 12/20/1976 #31627  
                                   ATLANTIC OFF NAMIBIA UFO hovers over 300 11/20/1977 (approximate) #32689  
e reported up and down the eastern Atlantic shoreline of the United States  12/15/1977 #32777  
y booms being heard in Burlington, Atlantic, and Bergen Counties in New Jer 12/21/1977 #32803  
                                N. Atlantic, At Sea Circular object paced T 12/22/1977 #32806  
                             North Atlantic White disc, red blinking lights 12/22/1977 #32807  
                   MADEIRA ISLAND, ATLANTIC OCEAN. Pilot near airport. Larg 3/10/1978 #33022  
                                   Atlantic Ocean, At Sea While participati 11/25/1978 #34002  
ation Dauphin County, Pennsylvania Atlantic Ocean 4:00 p.m. Reactor number  3/28/1979 #34493  
nert gases that drift out over the Atlantic Ocean.                          3/28/1979 #34493  
RT Pink ovoid going southwest over Atlantic Ocean. Sea roils. Turns inland  12/25/1980 #35731  
                 Norfolk, Virginia Atlantic coast Greenland Nova Scotia Mer Early 5/1981 #35924  
e McDow is attached to the US Navy Atlantic Command Support Facility in Nor Early 5/1981 #35924  
 five radar scopes up and down the Atlantic coast. The UFO sets off a Condi Early 5/1981 #35924  
                                   ATLANTIC 16+observer(s). Silent night li 9/17/1982 #36604  
                     At sea, South Atlantic A bright patch of light explode 9/17/1982 #36606  
registry ship sailing in the South Atlantic. According to the article in th 9/17/1982 #36606  
f the coast of Brazil in the South Atlantic 9:00 p.m. Capt. Stefan Freitag  9/17/1982 #36607  
f the coast of Brazil in the South Atlantic when they see an object like a  9/17/1982 #36607  
registry ship sailing in the South Atlantic at the geographical coordinates 9/17/1982 #36608  
ted on this night from her home in Atlantic City, New Jersey. She was in gr 1/15/1998 #43500  
 encasing a cube” in 2014 over the Atlantic Ocean east of Virginia. Triad’s 5/17/1999 #43770  
                                   Atlantic Ocean, NJ Fish come to surface  8/23/2001 #44242  
st at incredible speed towards the Atlantic Ocean.                          1/22/2002 #44310  
ardo Enderle Oliveira on the South Atlantic shore in the town of Praia do C 11/1/2002 #44431  
y/DIA official John Maynard states Atlantic Research Corporation is deeply  8/2004 #44724  
tgrowth (see June 1972) referenced Atlantic Research Corporation. Outgrowth 8/2004 #44724  
wards AFB and it is curious to see Atlantic referenced there, given Maynard 8/2004 #44724  
her companies referenced alongside Atlantic in Outgrowth at the time were A 8/2004 #44724  
erials scientist who has worked at Atlantic Research Corporation, Army’s Ba 8/2004 #44724  
unter occurred between Cardiff and Atlantic City, New Jersey on the Atlanti 6/30/2008 #45149  
d Atlantic City, New Jersey on the Atlantic City Expressway at 10:25 p.m. A 6/30/2008 #45149  
t runway in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico Atlantic Ocean northwestern Puerto Rico  4/25/2013 #45365  
 northwestern Puerto Rico from the Atlantic Ocean, traverses the space over 4/25/2013 #45365  
airport twice, then returns to the Atlantic where it apparently submerges.  4/25/2013 #45365  
hat Commander, Strike Fighter Wing Atlantic and Fleet Area Control and Surv 11/18/2013 #45395  
 Bagotville, Quebec Canada's north Atlantic coast Edmonton, Alberta High Pr 11/21/2018 #45548  
dar installation on Canada’s north Atlantic coast. Later that day, CADS rec 11/21/2018 #45548  
, Virginia Capes (FASCFAC VACAPES) Atlantic Test Ranges 4:35 p.m. The crew  2/13/2019 #45562  
e for overseeing operations in the Atlantic Test Ranges off the coast, are  2/13/2019 #45562  
2 foot silver disc pulled from the Atlantic Ocean near the Mariana Trench a 11/30/2020 #45666  
 encasing a cube” in 2014 over the Atlantic Ocean east of Virginia. The Tri 6/25/2021 #45695  
tates his father was at the Navy’s Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Ce 10/14/2022 #45775  
overed UAP technology found in the Atlantic and the Caribbean.  https://you 10/14/2022 #45775  
## Word: "atlanticism" (Back to Top)
together with the aim of promoting Atlanticism. Retinger approaches Prince  5/29/1954 #9840  
## Word: "atlantis" (Back to Top)
ding to King, the civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria both vanished durin 8/1956 #13044  
light, but had to leave Earth when Atlantis and Mu were sinking into the oc 1957 #13429  
ternative occult history shaped by Atlantis, Lemuria, reincarnation, and sp 1957 #13430  
                              Mars Atlantis Lemuria Brinsley Le Poer Trench 1960 #16141  
eluge referring to the flooding of Atlantis and Lemuria, which were populat 1960 #16141  
ynchronous orbit The Space Shuttle Atlantis launches the first stealth sate 3/1/1990 #39437  
## Word: "atlas" (Back to Top)
rst successful launch of an SM-65A Atlas missile at Cape Canaveral, Florida 12/17/1957 #14742  
                       SOUTHEAST / ATLAS, IL 2 / car. 2 saucers "dogfight"  12/29/1958 #15501  
ng. It is equipped with six SM-65D Atlas missiles based in above-ground lau 9/9/1959 #15962  
ge W. Rathjens looks through SAC’s atlas of Soviet cities, searching for th 12/14/1960 #16533  
 Walker AFB, NM, he was on duty at Atlas Site 9 under the 579th Strategic M Late 1963 #17989  
    Walker AFB Roswell, New Mexico Atlas missile silo designated Site 9 Sun Winter 1963 #18090  
raft maneuvering silently above an Atlas missile silo designated Site 9, no Winter 1963 #18090  
und UFO hovering above a four-silo Atlas complex near Francis E. Warren AFB 8/1964 #18467  
WELL OFF CALIFORNIA Saucer circles Atlas missile / telescopic video. Fails. 9/3/1964 (approximate) #18526  
lifornia. His crew films an SM-65F Atlas missile launch where a UFO alleged 9/15/1964 #18556  
gic Missile Squadron’s underground Atlas missile launch facilities at Walke Late 1964 #18583  
gic Missile Squadron’s underground Atlas ICBM launch control capsules. Moor Late 1964 #18584  
t some operations off into Western Atlas in 1994. It is unknown if Litton d 10/11/1973 #28009  
al Test Vehicle 1 / USA-212, on an Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral Air F 4/22/2010 #45276  
 spaceplane that is launched by an Atlas V rocket and uses solar panels for 10/27/2019 #45615  
## Word: "atlas-d" (Back to Top)
en AFB Cheyenne, Wyoming The first Atlas-D ICBM is successfully launched at 9/9/1959 #15962  
y afterward, the first operational Atlas-D ICBM squadron goes on alert at F 9/9/1959 #15962  
## Word: "atlixco" (Back to Top)
ed out on a call from residents of Atlixco, Mexico because of the presence  7/7/1991 #40114  
## Word: "atmosphere" (Back to Top)
serves that in the 9th century the atmosphere was likened to an ocean in wh 812 #2  
rth and the Moon (seas, mountains, atmosphere) and concludes that the Moon  1638 #40  
were considerably heavier than the atmosphere.” The fall extends to the nei 9/21/1741 #63  
the meteor has entered the Earth’s atmosphere over the North Sea, before pa 8/18/1783 #90  
aks up, after a passage within the atmosphere of around 1,000 miles, over s 8/18/1783 #90  
denly shot straight up through the atmosphere.                              12/10/1896 #379  
 a celestial body entering Earth's atmosphere. For example, why was radioac 6/30/1908 #712  
no water is present in the Martian atmosphere.                              9/20/1909 #811  
d dust or moisture droplets in the atmosphere refracting the sunlight and t 10/13/1917 #970  
s,” invisible targets in the clear atmosphere.                              3/1941 #1354  
disks just beyond the range of our atmosphere could clean the surface of ou 7/3/1947 #2551  
te information on sightings in the atmosphere “which can be considered of c 1/22/1948 #3563  
 of the ‘flying disk’ type, in the atmosphere.”                             2/12/1948 #3576  
ar devices were tested in the open atmosphere between 1949–1962.            1949 #3942  
 18,000 mph and 25,000 mph (in the atmosphere!).                            4/24/1949 #4099  
s of Dezik and Tsygan to the upper atmosphere and returned them to earth al 7/22/1951 #5580  
cess of 1,800 mph in all levels of atmosphere. This is a peculiar hypotheti 1952 #5843  
they performed even better than in atmosphere. SNCASO merged with Sud-Est a 1952 #5843  
measure wind velocity in the upper atmosphere at Dobbins Air Force Base, Ma 7/21/1952 #6982  
ria or Unusual Observations in the Atmosphere,” dismissing UFO reports as m 10/9/1952 #8107  
polarized light scattered from the atmosphere (Faraday effect).             5/5/1953 #8866  
flashes" / side / mount Taurus. No atmosphere.                              9/8/1955 #12437  
d by the Army in late 1975 amid an atmosphere of scandal and recrimination  1/1956 #12641  
e ship and that they have left the atmosphere. They are supposedly from Ven 7/16/1956 #12974  
he radioactivity released into the atmosphere was estimated to only be one- 1957 #13424  
 was likely exposed to the earth’s atmosphere at elevated temperatures. Res Early 9/1957 #13971  
ssion products are vented into the atmosphere. This test of 1.7 kilotons ca 9/19/1957 #14014  
treme upper regions of the Earth’s atmosphere (they do create artificial el 8/27/1958 #15229  
ome 40 hours before reentering the atmosphere. A malfunction in a propellan 12/6/1958 #15472  
of the discovery that the planet’s atmosphere contains water vapor.         12/1/1959 #16109  
its continuous surveillance of the atmosphere near Earth for unidentified f 8/15/1960 #16383  
its continuous surveillance of the atmosphere near Earth for unidentified f 8/15/1960 #16385  
fied object as they re-enter earth atmosphere.                              3/8/1964 #18146  
f an electrical disturbance in the atmosphere. (The Alien would have to loc 1965 #18679  
fails and never leaves the Earth’s atmosphere (now seen as unlikely); a Gen 12/9/1965 #19762  
mention that UFOs are found in the atmosphere below 100,000 feet. (Even so, 5/10/1966 #20474  
e able to remain stationary in the atmosphere or shoot along at 100,000 kil 2/1967 #21431  
RAD can’t track a UFO entering the atmosphere from outer space (or just are 3/28/1967 #22005  
reated a sodium vapor cloud in the atmosphere caused several false UFO repo 3/30/1967 #22015  
n an office of the Council’s Upper Atmosphere Section (Astrophysics Branch) 2/1968 #23719  
f an electrical disturbance in the atmosphere.                              1969? #24799  
ellite incinerated on reentry into atmosphere.                              8/6/1971 #26268  
 the Earth’s surface, entering the atmosphere above Utah at 9.3 miles/secon 8/10/1972 #26892  
and passing northward, leaving the atmosphere over Alberta. It is seen by m 8/10/1972 #26892  
om. The smoke trail lingers in the atmosphere for several minutes.          8/10/1972 #26892  
shes, it disappears into the upper atmosphere.                              10/12/1973 #28017  
ers a burst of energy in the upper atmosphere in the 250–275 MHz range. The 5/17/1974 #29109  
s and releasing radiation into the atmosphere over the Gulf of Finland. The 11/30/1975 #30677  
 and that they could enter Earth's atmosphere only at this point---or "wind 1/27/1977 #31761  
r ship located outside the Earth's atmosphere. While on board he stuck his  2/2/1977 #31781  
te Kosmos 954 reenters the Earth’s atmosphere while traveling on a northeas 1/24/1978 #32912  
adioactive gases directly into the atmosphere. The mechanical failures are  3/28/1979 #34493  
raft through a square doorway. The atmosphere inside the craft is pleasant  5/16/1979 #34563  
rough a square shaped doorway. The atmosphere inside the craft was pleasant 5/16/1979 #34564  
e Kosmos 749 re-enters the Earth’s atmosphere, breaks into several pieces,  12/25/1980 #35732  
tracking UFOs entering the Earth’s atmosphere. She holds on to it until Jan 10/1981 #36150  
loud, similar to what forms in the atmosphere after a nuclear explosion, ov 4/9/1984 #37254  
r altering a region in the earth’s atmosphere, ionosphere, and/or magnetosp 1/10/1985 #37546  
% of the core is released into the atmosphere, dispersing radioactive mater 4/26/1986 #37843  
ideas with UFO-Sweden, creating an atmosphere of understanding and cooperat 1990 #39352  
FOs (fastwalkers) entering Earth’s atmosphere every year.                   9/1990 #39711  
wn at Newfoundland through a clear atmosphere, he sees a glittering, irides 9/27/1990 #39748  
the craft then went up through the atmosphere an into outer space. He was t 9/6/1995 #42445  
urn, and finally shot off into the atmosphere.                              2/21/2005 #44815  
 his body and saw a UAP in Earth’s atmosphere. The engineer claimed UAP oft 4/28/2006 #44937  
 slowwalkers) entering the Earth’s atmosphere, is released.                 12/13/2006 #44991  
astwalker,” how it entered Earth's atmosphere from deep space and traveled  3/6/2015 #45433  
r micropressure changes in Earth’s atmosphere, which are caused by infrason 11/19/2018 #45547  
 have re-entered Earth’s turbulent atmosphere and disintegrated, or survive 6/23/2019 #45587  
## Word: "atmospheres" (Back to Top)
Earth, solar system bodies without atmospheres, the giant gas planets, Venu 1940 #1323  
## Word: "atmospheric" (Back to Top)
rages of distant fishing boats, as atmospheric conditions are favorable on  2/24/1893 #308  
                                   Atmospheric physicist William Jackson Hu 1936 #1239  
e Book, later identifies it as an “atmospheric eddy.”                       8/13/1947 #3320  
r, 207km (Vehicle disintegrated at atmospheric reentry)                     10/18/1947 #3459  
t “angels” (spurious echoes due to atmospheric microstructures, insects, eq 4/5/1948 #3612  
r McLaughlin writes to his friend, atmospheric physicist James Van Allen, d 5/12/1949 #4182  
reballs are identified as probably atmospheric in origin, but more observat 10/14/1949 #4394  
Reaches 16.1km attitude (Low-angle atmospheric flight over 320 km range)    7/24/1950 #5076  
Reaches 16.1km attitude (Low-angle atmospheric flight over 320 km range)    7/29/1950 #5080  
ating stars. University of Arizona atmospheric physicist James McDonald dis 7/26/1952 #7174  
verrules them and blames “peculiar atmospheric conditions.”                 9/2/1952 #7829  
present knowledge in the fields of atmospheric, ionospheric, and extraterre 9/24/1952 #8022  
rs are either optical illusions or atmospheric phenomena. He pointed out, h 10/27/1952 #8199  
ncites international reaction over atmospheric thermonuclear testing.       3/1/1954 #9584  
s thermonuclear and is the largest atmospheric test in the continental US.  7/5/1957 #13779  
 held by the House Subcommittee on Atmospheric Phenomena, chaired by Rep. W 8/8/1958 #15184  
r Force briefs the Subcommittee on Atmospheric Phenomena and House Select C 8/13/1958 #15200  
sappears by fading into the slight atmospheric haze. A USAF colonel takes s 9/8/1958 #15261  
s. They are convinced it is not an atmospheric phenomenon. They say that “t 11/4/1958 #15425  
are spurious radar echoes. Unusual atmospheric conditions create phantoms o 10/5/1960 #16481  
en at 11:10 p.m. by Dr. Taylor, an atmospheric scientist at the Cape Hallet 7/9/1962 #17268  
 a loud noise, and he felt a heavy atmospheric pressure as a result of the  3/28/1965 #18878  
                At 9:35 p.m. three atmospheric astronomers studying noctilu 7/26/1965 #19182  
 of Sciences University of Arizona atmospheric physicist James E. McDonald  3/28/1966 #20117  
demy of Sciences’ Committee on the Atmospheric Sciences, urging that a pane 3/28/1966 #20117  
               National Center for Atmospheric Research Boulder, Colorado U Late 7/1966 #20683  
approaches the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorad Late 7/1966 #20683  
iate director of the Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics, is not. Roberts sug Late 7/1966 #20683  
E. McDonald, University of Arizona atmospheric physicist, gave a presentati 6/7/1967 #22477  
l fulfill the requirements for his atmospheric research grant. This does no 1968 #23627  
               National Center for Atmospheric Research Environmental Scien Late 5/1968 #23983  
icist from the National Center for Atmospheric Research. Also assisting is  Late 5/1968 #23983  
ter MIT University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Cornell Lakenheath- 12/26/1969 #25509  
oberts (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research), and Carl Sagan (C 12/26/1969 #25509  
vices as a “special consultant” on atmospheric phenomena. He reports to Col 5/5/1970 #25655  
xperimental three-stage rocket for atmospheric reentry tests.               2/23/1971 #26030  
McDonald testifies as an expert in atmospheric physics at the House Committ 3/2/1971 #26038  
1971, Dr. James E. McDonald, noted atmospheric physicist and UFO researcher 6/13/1971 #26175  
he driver felt a sensation of high atmospheric pressure. When the beams van 9/20/1971 #26356  
t 1 space station burned up during atmospheric reentry.                     10/11/1971 #26417  
ram—Soviet research into anomalous atmospheric phenomena, proposed by scien 10/1977 #32539  
udies as Observations of Anomalous Atmospheric Phenomena in the USSR: A Sta 1/1978 #32835  
ghtning. Meteorologists state that atmospheric conditions at the time are n 4/2/1978 #33119  
ned until 1989, instead “Anomalous Atmospheric Phenomena” was the sanctione End of 1978 #34036  
tions of bright stars distorted by atmospheric and optical effects. No evid 12/28/1980 #35750  
to head the Commission on Abnormal Atmospheric Phenomena. Popovich declared 3/27/1983 #36817  
a sensation of cold and increasing atmospheric pressure, heard buzzing, and 8/1/1983 #36930  
for the Investigation of Anomalous Atmospheric Phenomena is established in  2/1984 #37170  
et rocket casing orbital decay and atmospheric re-entry, multiple fiery obj 12/12/1987 #38356  
are all the result of a well-known atmospheric interference called Bragg sc 3/30/1990 #39499  
 Louange, geologist H. Jay Melosh, atmospheric physicist James J. Papike, r 9/29/1997 #43420  
ding to them, 90% of the anomalous atmospheric phenomena observed in Russia 2000 #43911  
 Weather station reported that the atmospheric conditions at the time were  1/18/2000 #43930  
ts evidence pointing to an unknown atmospheric light phenomenon “able to pr 8/5/2002 #44374  
“body for the study of unexplained atmospheric phenomena.” He suggests that 1/20/2004 #44652  
o record magnetic, electrical, and atmospheric anomalies over an extended p 2006 #44916  
ilot witness, posits some type of “atmospheric phenomenon” as an explanatio 4/23/2007 #45022  
nes. Six reports are ruled out as “atmospheric conditions or unidentified c 1/13/2020 #45626  
anation: airborne clutter, natural atmospheric phenomena, US government or  6/25/2021 #45694  
## Word: "atmosphérique" (Back to Top)
xpertise des Phénomènes de Rentrée Atmosphérique (SEPRA), to carry out UFO  12/1/1993 #41315  
## Word: "atmosphériques" (Back to Top)
d’Étude des Phénomènes de Rentrées Atmosphériques (SEPRA), but the Scientif 11/1988 #38701  
## Word: "atoll" (Back to Top)
i International Airport] on Tarawa Atoll in the Pacific Ocean Matt P. Dilli 12/1943? #1548  
i International Airport] on Tarawa Atoll in the Pacific Ocean. He begins re 12/1943? #1548  
                           Palmyra Atoll A Coast Guard ship receives a mess 6/1944 #1597  
                           Palmyra Atoll Edward W. Ludwig is commanding a s 6/1944 #1602  
d–manned cargo vessel near Palmyra Atoll. While looking for a lost Navy pat 6/1944 #1602  
                            Ulithi Atoll Caroline Islands Afternoon. Severa 2/7/1945 #1774  
ircraft carrier anchored at Ulithi Atoll in the Caroline Islands are told t 2/7/1945 #1774  
                 Fala Island, Truk Atoll Two airborne objects & red circles 5/2/1945 #1859  
                              Truk Atoll Micronesia Fala Island Early morni 5/3/1945 #1862  
 installations on Truk [now Chuuk] Atoll in Micronesia. One plane over Fala 5/3/1945 #1862  
lying over Fala Island in the Truk Atoll, the Pacific Ocean encountered two 5/3/1945 #1863  
                            Bikini Atoll Marshall Islands Able nuclear test 7/1/1946 #2024  
 Islands Able nuclear test, Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands. Radio-controlle 7/1/1946 #2024  
         Baker nuclear test Bikini Atoll Marshall Islands Baker nuclear tes 7/25/1946 #2080  
Islands Baker nuclear test, Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands.           7/25/1946 #2080  
                          Enewetak Atoll Marshall Islands 6:17 a.m. The X-R 4/15/1948 #3623  
 device is detonated near Enewetak Atoll in the Marshall Islands. B-17 pilo 4/15/1948 #3623  
                          Enewetak Atoll Marshall Islands Los Alamos, New M 5/15/1948 #3651  
bra nuclear detonation at Enewetak Atoll in the Marshall Islands, a manned  5/15/1948 #3651  
                          Enewetak Atoll Marshall Islands Bogullua Island D 4/21/1951 #5507  
d Operation Greenhouse at Enewetak Atoll in the Marshall Islands. During th 4/21/1951 #5507  
                          Elugelab Atoll Marshall Islands Night. Radioman T Late 10/1952 #8184  
ion of a hydrogen bomb at Elugelab Atoll in the Marshall Islands. After an  Late 10/1952 #8184  
                          Eniwetak Atoll 3:45 a.m. Seaman Abelardo Marquez, Late 10/1952 #8185  
 on the USS Fletcher near Eniwetak Atoll for the upcoming Ivy Mike thermonu Late 10/1952 #8185  
s wide and completely destroys the atoll. USAF Capt. Jimmy Priestly Robinso 11/1/1952 #8228  
                              Truk Atoll, At Sea Bullet-Shaped Object At 50 2/6/1953 #8642  
                            Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands "Castle Bravo" h 3/1/1954 #9581  
" hydrogen bomb test at the Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands, the most powerf 3/1/1954 #9581  
                            BIKINI ATOLL Castle-bravo H-bomb test. Much str 3/1/1954 #9582  
               Castle Bravo Bikini Atoll Marshall Islands Rongelap Utirik D 3/1/1954 #9584  
ion of areas to the east of Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands. At the ti 3/1/1954 #9584  
                    Morning Bikini Atoll Morning. Airborne Radar Operator W 3/1/1954 #9585  
ng the Castle Bravo test at Bikini Atoll. Shortly after the detonation, the 3/1/1954 #9585  
ed this day at 6:40 a.m. on Bikini Atoll in the Pacific Ocean. The explosio 3/1/1954 #9589  
                         Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands 2:00 p.m.  4/1954 #9656  
sky for 10 minutes above Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands. A cone-sh 4/1954 #9656  
                     WEST / BIKINI ATOLL Luminous yellow-orange object goin 4/7/1954 #9669  
                          Johnston Atoll North Pacific Ocean Hawaii The Tea 8/1/1958 #15174  
dtack I, is launched from Johnston Atoll in the North Pacific Ocean and car 8/1/1958 #15174  
t, all crew on and around Johnston Atoll are given protective eyewear to pr 8/1/1958 #15174  
fic. Due to this failure, Johnston Atoll personnel are unable to contact th 8/1/1958 #15174  
                          Johnston Atoll Hawaii The Orange thermonuclear te 8/11/1958 #15191  
 by Redstone missile from Johnston Atoll with a yield of 3.8 megatons. Alth 8/11/1958 #15191  
arhead as it traveled to Kwajalein Atoll over the Pacific Ocean on this dat 9/1964 #18525  
ia Kecksburg, Pennsylvania Johnson Atoll Vandenberg AFB 4:47 p.m. A large,  12/9/1965 #19762  
ntry Vehicle launched from Johnson Atoll in the Pacific Ocean on December 7 12/9/1965 #19762  
                         Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands Western Au 3/28/2020 #45642  
e facility is located at Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands, along wit 3/28/2020 #45642  
## Word: "atolls" (Back to Top)
n residents of Rongelap and Utirik atolls, while the more particulate and g 3/1/1954 #9584  
uising between Bikini and Enewetak atolls in the Marshall Islands just hour 4/7/1954 #9673  
## Word: "atom" (Back to Top)
   SEMIPALATINSK, KAZAK 1st Soviet atom bomb test detected by USA seismogra 8/29/1949 #4338  
 symbols / under. Telepathy = stop atom tests. 4 clear photographs. / r79p1 4/24/1959 #15712  
## Word: "atomic" (Back to Top)
          Washington DC Einstein’s atomic bomb warning letter to President  8/2/1939 #1311  
r warns that Germany might develop atomic bombs and suggests that the Unite 8/2/1939 #1313  
 about the prospect of building an atomic bomb, but is willing to authorize 10/21/1939 #1318  
erls memorandum to determine if an atomic bomb is feasible, meets in the Ro 4/10/1940 #1331  
ttee members. It concludes that an atomic bomb is feasible. Vannevar Bush r 6/26/1941 #1366  
             Roosevelt approves an atomic weapons program after meeting wit 10/9/1941 #1373  
s already conducting research into atomic energy for powering ships. Bush’s 10/9/1941 #1373  
With the US at war, funding for an atomic bomb is now available in amounts  12/18/1941 #1379  
hain reaction by July 1942, and an atomic bomb by January 1945. In January  12/18/1941 #1379  
ontractual aspects of producing an atomic bomb, while the Army handles engi 6/19/1942 #1417  
 OAK RIDGE, TN Metal tube hovers / atomic plant days after opening. Goes wh 9/18/1944 (approximate) #1667  
r turned into the “Chelyabinsk-40” atomic bomb project plant opened (Pluton 1945 #1742  
te Sands Proving Grounds, NM First atomic bomb test “Trinity”, 35 miles (56 7/16/1945 #1897  
 Stalin that the United States has atomic weapons. Stalin feigns little sur 7/24/1945 #1905  
            Hiroshima, Japan First atomic bomb attack at Hiroshima, Japan.  8/6/1945 #1913  
hima, Japan Enola Gay 8:15 a.m. An atomic bomb (a fission weapon containing 8/6/1945 #1915  
            Nagasaki, Japan Second atomic bomb attack at Nagasaki, Japan. 3 8/9/1945 #1917  
 Urakami Valley 11:01 a.m. Another atomic bomb (an implosion-type plutonium 8/9/1945 #1920  
s Lavrentiy Beria to direct Soviet atomic bomb effort                       8/22/1945 #1926  
nd AFB] Kirtland Field The US Army atomic bomb production unit, Z Division, 9/1945 #1935  
  Soviet Union Soviet “Arzamas-16” atomic bomb project plant opened - the S 1946 #1956  
oviet Union Soviet “Sverdlovsk-44” atomic bomb project plant opened (Uraniu 1946 #1957  
US nuclear stockpile consists of 9 atomic bombs.                            1946 #1959  
irst Soviet ballistic missiles and atomic bombs at Kapustin Yar test site   5/13/1946 #1990  
        President Truman signs the Atomic Energy Act, transferring the cont 8/1/1946 #2097  
y Act, transferring the control of atomic energy from military to civilian  8/1/1946 #2097  
947. It categorizes information on atomic energy as “born classified,” even 8/1/1946 #2097  
viet “Chelyabinsk-40 and later 65” atomic bomb project plant opened (Pluton 1947 #2216  
Soviet “Sverdlovsk-45” (Plant 418) atomic bomb project plant opened (Uraniu 1947 #2217  
                   The civilian US Atomic Energy Commission assumes respons 1/1/1947 #2222  
 Col. Oliver G. Haywood Jr. of the Atomic Energy Commission writes a memorn 4/17/1947 #2265  
 Mexico desert and, he claims, the Atomic Energy Commission is put in charg 7/1/1947 #2523  
 weapons stock-piled in the U.S.’s atomic arsenal. . . [At T-2 there was] c 7/31/1947 #3265  
ase consisting of huge caverns for atomic weapons defense purposes. The art 8/1947 #3277  
g as acting general manager of the Atomic Energy Commission, proposes a set 8/9/1947 #3308  
SAF Scientific Advisory Group, the Atomic Energy Commission, the National A 9/23/1947 #3417  
SAF Scientific Advisory Group, the Atomic Energy Commission, the National A 9/23/1947 #3419  
ove the Soviet Kapustin Yar secret atomic/missile test site. Several milita 6/19/1948 #3674  
s at Sandia Base, New Mexico where atomic bombs were being assembled.       12/5/1948 #3910  
Albuquerque, New Mexico 10:55 p.m. Atomic Energy Security Service Officer J 12/6/1948 #3914  
–10 miles. LaPaz arranges with the Atomic Energy Security Service to set up 12/12/1948 #3926  
rang, and George S. Skipper) at an Atomic Energy Security Service post west 12/20/1948 #3936  
          Siberia Soviet “Tomsk-7” atomic weapons project plant opens (Uran 1949 #3943  
 observe that on earth we now have atomic bombs and are fast developing roc 2/1949 #3990  
l, from the New York office of the Atomic Energy Commission, is appointed a 2/1949 #3993  
em, are concerned about our use of atomic energy, use solar power, no longe 2/1949 #3994  
Plan, which calls for dropping 133 atomic bombs on 70 cities in the USSR wi 3/1949 #4030  
ted in the sky near the Los Alamos Atomic Energy research facility in New M 3/8/1949 #4042  
ientific community and reports of “atomic powered craft of unusual design”  4/28/1949 #4125  
l Airport Washington State Hanford Atomic Works 1:30 p.m. An F-82 is dispat 5/21/1949 #4200  
tricted air space over the Hanford Atomic Works at an altitude of 17,000–20 5/21/1949 #4200  
 spotted hovering over the Hanford Atomic Energy Commission radar station o 5/21/1949 #4201  
 observe that on Earth we now have atomic bombs and are fast developing roc 8/10/1949 #4315  
mipalatinsk Test Site First Soviet atomic bomb test RDS-1 “First Lightning” 8/29/1949 #4337  
tive contamination” indicating “An atomic explosion on the continent of Asi 9/9/1949 #4352  
                               Key Atomic Base, NM Five Objects Cross Radar Fall 1949 #4364  
ve Objects Cross Radarscope At Key Atomic Base (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Co Fall 1949 #4364  
king UFO case takes place at a key atomic base (probably Los Alamos, New Me Fall 1949 #4366  
51” designation appears on several atomic fallout maps.                     1950's #4455  
viet Union Soviet “Krasnoyarsk-26” atomic weapons project plant opens (Plut 1950 #4458  
M Project Bluebook Case #645. 2+12 Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) inspect.  2/24/1950 #4548  
amos, New Mexico Witnesses: Twelve Atomic Energy Commission security inspec 2/25/1950 #4558  
    Los Alamos, New Mexico. Twelve Atomic Energy Commission security inspec 2/25/1950 #4559  
d Project Nutmeg, to search for an atomic weapons site in the continental U 7/1950 #5034  
, WA 1st of many saucers seen over Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) plant. RA 7/30/1950 #5082  
c-shaped UFO seen over the Hanford Atomic Energy Commission plant in Washin 7/30/1950 #5083  
s alerted for further observation. Atomic Energy Commission still investiga 8/4/1950 #5099  
bert Sharon Allen reports that the Atomic Energy Commission Security Servic 10/12/1950 #5221  
              Oak Ridge, Tennessee Atomic Energy Commission Trooper Rymer,  10/15/1950 #5233  
 Oak Ridge, Tennessee at 3:20 p.m. Atomic Energy Commission Troopers Rymer, 10/15/1950 #5237  
                     OAK RIDGE, TN Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) man. Meta 10/20/1950 #5243  
                               The Atomic Energy Commission uses its parall 1951 #5377  
Force B-50D bomber drops the first atomic bomb, the Able blast, for testing 1/27/1951 #5419  
cles 3X and hovers / 30M altitude. Atomic test in progress.                 1/31/1951 (approximate) #5422  
Washington, D.C., and demands that atomic testing cease. Lock Martin, who i 9/18/1951 #5677  
    Semipalatinsk Test Site Soviet atomic bomb test RDS-2 (Joe 2), 38.3kt   9/24/1951 #5688  
aucer going quickly northeast over Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) plant. /  10/9/1951 #5708  
lman Fld (IN); Paris (IL); Newport atomic plant Unknown (NICAP: 11 - Aviati 10/9/1951 #5711  
    Semipalatinsk Test Site Soviet atomic bomb test RDS-3 (Joe 3), 41.2kt,  10/18/1951 #5731  
NV 3 silver ovoids hover 600M over atomic test 20 minutes before blast. Mor 10/30/1951 #5751  
a Flats, NV Squadrons of UFOs over atomic test site (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 10/30/1951 #5752  
ring to observe the Buster Charlie atomic test at Area 7 of the Nevada Test 10/30/1951 #5754  
                     OAK RIDGE, TN Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) guard. 20 12/7/1951 #5806  
    Oak Ridge, Tennessee Witness:  Atomic Energy Commission guard J.H. Coll 12/7/1951 #5811  
                   At 8:15 a.m. an Atomic Energy Commission guard named Col 12/7/1951 #5812  
 to him, warning of the dangers of atomic energy. He was also given a short 2/28/1952 #5935  
erver(s). 4-6 saucers pass through atomic cloud after atomic test. See refe 4/15/1952 #6079  
rs pass through atomic cloud after atomic test. See reference.              4/15/1952 #6079  
he mushroom cloud created after an Atomic bomb test blast.                  4/15/1952 #6083  
:30 p.m. MDT, three hours after an atomic bomb test explosion, Mrs. M. Kenn 4/22/1952 #6157  
                  MOSES LAKE, WA 2 Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) men. Wing 5/1/1952 #6230  
s Lake, Washington Witnesses:  Two Atomic Energy Commission employees, Egga 5/1/1952 #6239  
32 a.m. two men who worked for the Atomic Energy Commission, Eggan and Ship 5/1/1952 #6246  
 passed on to the Pentagon and the Atomic Energy Commission.                5/10/1952 #6298  
observer(s). 20cm night light over Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) site. Elu 6/21/1952 #6569  
RD, WA 4 pilots. Saucer 2.7km over atomic plant. Changes shape. / r242p38.  7/5/1952 #6708  
              Richland, WA Hanford Atomic Works - perfect circular white di 7/5/1952 #6712  
                           Hanford atomic site in Washington State 9,000 fe 7/5/1952 #6716  
State 9,000 feet above the Hanford atomic site in Washington State 6:00 a.m 7/5/1952 #6716  
ng at 9,000 feet above the Hanford atomic site in Washington State observe  7/5/1952 #6716  
A 2 yellow saucers going east over Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) plant. 4k 7/11/1952 #6758  
blue-yellow glowing-object circles atomic plant 2X and gone. Back / 0123 ho 7/14/1952 #6810  
                    Savannah River Atomic Site Aiken, South Carolina 10:00  7/19/1952 #6931  
 technicians at the Savannah River Atomic Site near Aiken, South Carolina,  7/19/1952 #6931  
                       SAVANNAH R. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION (AEC), GA 2 obs 11/21/1952 #8312  
(s). Bright-metal saucers over new Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) nuclear f 1/27/1953 #8579  
ection.” The report is made by the Atomic Energy Commission and addressed t 7/19/1953 #9004  
 Special Investigation (AFOSI) and Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) and Blue  8/3/1953 #9041  
hrop YB-49 flying wing dropping an atomic bomb on the invading Martians. Th 8/13/1953 #9068  
alatinsk Test Site Soviet tactical atomic bomb test RDS-4, 28kt             8/23/1953 #9098  
ook like humans, after the British atomic bomb tests in Australia saucer re 2/22/1954 #9562  
 observer(s). Brilliant flash over Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) National  6/26/1954 #9949  
tor Testing Station 12:40 a.m. The Atomic Energy Commission’s National Reac 6/26/1954 #9953  
eds / observer(s). Saucer hovers / Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) beryllium 9/15/1954 #10305  
that supplies beryllium for the US Atomic Energy Commission.                9/15/1954 #10311  
sion Office, a joint agency of the Atomic Energy Commission and NASA. Proje 1955 #11892  
College in Elmira, New York Nevada atomic test Dairylea milk processing pla 2/21/1955 #12011  
that might have come from a Nevada atomic test. He concludes it is a “short 2/21/1955 #12011  
/ infrared film. No visual. Nevada atomic test in progress.                 3/5/1955 #12034  
st saucer lands going quickly [to] atomic plant!                            8/5/1955 #12329  
brown sphere/orb/globe hovers over atomic plant / nuclear facility.         8/25/1955 #12403  
    Soviet Union Soviet underwater atomic bomb test, 3.5kt                  9/21/1955 #12464  
               Kapustin Yar Soviet atomic bomb test R-5M. The RDS-4 compris 2/5/1956 #12697  
nd Lemuria both vanished during an atomic war.                              8/1956 #13044  
ast five years from the testing of atomic weapons.” It is intended to count 3/28/1957 #13566  
      Shippingport, PA UFO circled atomic plant (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 10/1/1957 #14054  
er tilts / 45°. Portholes. Follows atomic tests. / FSRv31#5.                11/2/1957 (approximate) #14197  
., SC Red glowing-ball hovers over Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) plant. RA 11/5/1957 #14308  
                                   Atomic Energy Commission’s Pantex Plant  11/7/1957 #14462  
ects hover for 30 minutes over the Atomic Energy Commission’s Pantex Plant  11/7/1957 #14462  
                     Guards at the Atomic Energy Commission’s Pantex Plant  11/7/1957 #14465  
ir Force Range, Nevada Area 13 The Atomic Energy Commission puts a barbed w 1958 #14779  
125,000 miles into space. Only the atomic bomb can penetrate the astral rea 1958 #14782  
ring over the alert hanger and the atomic bomb storage nearby. The saucer t 5/1958 #15006  
ear the detonation tower where the atomic weapon is mounted. The two object 1959? #15508  
 large red fire and looked like an atomic cloud”, he stated. At about 5 deg 9/29/1959 #15997  
51” designation appears on several atomic fallout maps                      1960's #16136  
es that the “present explosions of atomic energy are going in the wrong dir 3/27/1962 #17088  
d aerial displays over a sensitive atomic missile base is remarkable.       8/1/1965 #19242  
r shape / sky. Exposed skin burnt. Atomic test?                             12/1966 #21170  
 8M saucer hover 12M over NASA and Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) nuclear f 2/10/1967 #21494  
ace, concerned about the misuse of atomic energy. When he left he refused t 5/15/1967 #22348  
r. J. Allen Hynek, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, called the report: "a 4/1969 #25044  
don report for the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, calling it a “strange 4/1969 #25045  
ian National University Australian Atomic Energy Commission National Standa 11/8/1969 #25453  
, John Symonds from the Australian Atomic Energy Commission, and Michael Du 11/8/1969 #25453  
 He was also shown 3-D pictures of atomic explosions, and of a planet destr 8/17/1971 #26293  
ims his father once worked for the Atomic Energy Commission near Area 51, a 10/11/1973 #28009  
ble destruction of Solar System by atomic bombs." The UFOnauts were between 2/9/1974 #28755  
                            KNOLLS ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION (AEC), NY Airpo 8/20/1974 #29372  
y Reorganization Act dissolves the Atomic Energy Commission and splits resp 10/11/1974 #29522  
observer(s). Walks through fence / atomic center. Missing time. Radio Blown 3/17/1978 #33047  
 Daten Avenue, Risley, past the UK Atomic Energy Authority site. As he is a 3/17/1978 #33048  
 samples are taken to the European Atomic Energy Community labs at Ispra, w 9/17/1978 #33701  
 NSW Large saucer / portholes near Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) reactor.  10/29/1978 #33888  
 Note: The NRC was born out of the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) alongside 7/24/1984 #37416  
ntific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation at multiple times revie 4/26/1986 #37843  
uickly northwest toward(s) Hanford Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). Seen 5 m 9/13/1987 #38284  
er. 6 odd pseudo-human/entity near atomic plant. Odd conversation. Away / f 12/12/1987 #38354  
ilitary to build a working saucer, Atomic Powered. Two women and a boy expo 6/6/1988 #38581  
veral landings reported. / largest atomic arsenal.                          9/8/1990 #39720  
e, New Mexico, the world's largest atomic arsenal.                          9/8/1990 #39721  
 have been civilians exposed to an atomic explosion in Nevada, and that the 3/16/1991 #40015  
         GATCHINA, RUSSIA UFO over atomic research reactor / Pulkova RADAR. 3/17/1991 #40018  
were processed and analyzed by the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)’s Los Ala 1994 #41349  
entary with a barrage of images of atomic age archival footage and such tha 12/4/2018 #45550  
 for BAASS and AAWSAP told him the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) had some  4/29/2020 #45644  
properly classified under the 1954 Atomic Energy Act.  A third disputed doc 12/17/2022 #45787  
entions it is classified under the Atomic Energy Act and mentions six crash 12/17/2022 #45787  
## Word: "atomic-bomb" (Back to Top)
th oversight of the first and only atomic-bomb strike force in the world, t 7/6/1947 #2812  
## Word: "atomics" (Back to Top)
Site. Led by Ted Taylor of General Atomics and physicist Freeman Dyson, its 1958 #14780  
## Word: "atomique" (Back to Top)
al at the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique, Gen. Charles de Gaulle is conc 8/16/1954 #10148  
al at the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique Jean-Luc Bruneau, is approved.  1967 #21237  
## Word: "atomizer" (Back to Top)
pneumatically operated poison ice “atomizer” that leaves no wound or other  9/1957 #13965  
## Word: "atoms" (Back to Top)
sion line of interstellar hydrogen atoms proposed for SETI by Giuseppe Cocc 4/8/1960 #16218  
ave teleported information between atoms dozens of kilometers apart and hav 1981 #35765  
 information between clouds of gas atoms. A recent study at University of C 1981 #35765  
## Word: "atop" (Back to Top)
ning. A brilliant light shone from atop a mast antenna. That afternoon a da 7/31/1909 #795  
rizon in a vertical formation (one atop the other) and heading west. They a Fall 1912 #863  
st of Lindesberg, Sweden. They are atop a forest watchtower and have a good 7/9/1946 #2035  
10 to 12 feet long. It was located atop the ship close to the metal rim aro 7/27/1952 #7216  
ed above him. The car came to rest atop some metal railings, and he was lif 5/13/1954 #9791  
fering from concussion, in his car atop some iron railings it had knocked d 5/13/1954 #9791  
sible saucer with invisible teacup atop. 500' altitude.                     11/9/1954 #11607  
A, SP 2 small humanoids (or Greys) atop "gyroscope". Electro-magnetic effec 3/1955 (approximate) #12019  
ll rocket ship with rotating light atop takes off and hovers!! .            8/9/1965 #19343  
wo black bands beneath and sitting atop a seeming column of vapor. NICAP is 11/22/1966 #21140  
dows, and had two small propellers atop each end. It hovered over the highw 2/6/1967 #21472  
shape was said to be " like a bowl atop a plate" (domed disc). (NICAP: 02 - 3/23/1967 #21952  
s airplane into sunset. Glass dome atop.                                    10/18/1967 #23251  
            Two discs were spotted atop each other on a mountain peak in Gl 8/26/1968 #24382  
 Two telephone linemen are working atop a pole near Lebel-sur-Quévillon, Qu 2/19/1969 #24930  
ane “made of two dishes, like, one atop the other, and when it goes up in t 1/23/1971 #25999  
and bottom and a large white light atop. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)   6/20/1973 #27576  
le three feet in diameter swiveled atop the UFO. As he watched a being craw 10/4/1973 #27936  
ject was saucer-shaped with a dome atop (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)      10/19/1973 #28189  
 wooden shoe with transparent dome atop seen outside witness's house, hover 2/4/1974 #28737  
ike a saucer with a handleless cup atop it. (Newsclipping, Messenger & Inqu 10/10/1974 #29510  
ng in the penthouse studio of WBMJ atop the Darlington Hotel when he heard  4/6/1975 #29978  
 and hid behind one of the columns atop the hotel structure. Nervous, he ca 4/6/1975 #29978  
lmet and a rectangular face plate. Atop the helmet was a whitish light. He  1/26/1976 #30821  
d to be some sort of whitish light atop and a light at each end, front and  12/6/1976 #31587  
of the box, and a receptacle stood atop it. The robot-like entities removed 9/15/1977 #32485  
 to film the object using a camera atop a 95-foot pole; the camera has to p 7/24/1984 #37412  
                  A security guard atop a parking garage in Orlando, Florid 5/12/2002 #44343  
## Word: "atp" (Back to Top)
ch (in 1992). BDM Intl. hosted the ATP Group meetings to determine UAP R&D  1983 #36738  
ames. Alexander states that one of ATP’s goals is: “Study of the UFO data c 5/20/1985 #37590  
 Skunk Works and co-founder of the ATP Group, tells Jacques Vallée he was d 1990 #39357  
Stubblebine referred to during the ATP Group meetings. Other members of Psi 3/9/1992 #40368  
 Skunk Works and co-founder of the ATP Group at BDM Intl. is awarded a pate 8/22/1998 #43636  
(see October 1989 and see notes on ATP Group). Northrop Grumman acquired TR 7/31/1999 #43815  
ogram studying UAP and advised the ATP Group at BDM Intl. on UAP from the p 5/2002 #44335  
lygraphed. Puthoff states that the ATP Group in the 1980s, sponsored by BDM 10/2/2003 #44610  
## Word: "atr" (Back to Top)
rnoon. A Brazilian pilot flying an ATR 42-300 twin turboprop airliner has a 2004 #44635  
## Word: "atree" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Atree” Yield: 5KT                        11/22/1979 #35011  
## Word: "atrevida" (Back to Top)
hite hue. The crew of the corvette Atrevida watches the object for 40 minut 6/22/1976 #31129  
## Word: "atri" (Back to Top)
                                   ATRI, ITL Saucer lands. Farmer raises pi 11/24/1978 #33993  
                                   ATRI, ITL Several observer(s). Fireball  1/1/1979 #34272  
## Word: "atripalda" (Back to Top)
lights dim. Separate observer(s) / Atripalda.                               10/22/1954 #11310  
                                   ATRIPALDA, ITL 2 / toll booth and separa 12/13/1978 #34104  
## Word: "atrisco" (Back to Top)
                                   Atrisco Drive NW Central Avenue Albuquer 5/26/1967 #22405  
 Johnny Sanchez) are driving along Atrisco Drive NW, north of Central Avenu 5/26/1967 #22405  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Atrisco” Yield: 138KT                    8/5/1982 #36562  
## Word: "atropine" (Back to Top)
ts include VX, sarin, mustard gas, atropine, scopolamine, 2-PAM chloride, L 1/1956 #12641  
## Word: "ats" (Back to Top)
rk is done by a contributor to the ATS website since 2012. Unfortunately, t 1/10/2015 #45426  
## Word: "attach" (Back to Top)
 Also, “Abnormal predisposition to attach belief to the more fanciful aspec 5/23/1955 #12151  
es numb to the waist. He lets them attach some kind of glowing sack to his  2/1976 #30842  
o come from nowhere, and seemed to attach itself to the car. They felt a vi 10/8/1981 #36169  
## Word: "attache" (Back to Top)
son, of the office of the U.S. Air Attache. One white object observed for 5 3/28/1950 #4748  
## Word: "attached" (Back to Top)
kly, even though there is no horse attached to it, until it reaches a deep  Late 3/1873 #200  
the car of the balloon to which is attached a slip of silk-like paper on wh 3/26/1880 #230  
alifornia, see a cluster of lights attached to an apparent airship moving a 11/27/1896 #367  
hite light passing overhead. It is attached to a black object that emits a  4/1/1897 #408  
 the city, the object the light is attached to can be seen as metallic and  4/10/1897 #425  
eet above the ground. The light is attached to a metallic cigar-shaped obje 4/10/1897 #426  
ght coming from the west. It seems attached to a pear-shaped object with th Mid 4/1897 #493  
s an airship that looks like a car attached to a large, kite-shaped structu Mid 4/1897 #494  
ssee 8:30 p.m. A large white light attached to a cigar-shaped object passes 4/17/1897 #524  
Louisiana, they see a bright light attached to a massive airship in the for 4/19/1897 #534  
ward the southwest. The lights are attached to a cigar-shaped object at an  4/24/1897 #569  
dragged along the ground by a rope attached to a flying craft. The rope got 4/25/1897 #571  
dragged along the ground by a rope attached to a flying craft. The rope got 4/25/1897 #572  
ng dragged by a large rope that is attached to an airship in the sky not fa 4/25/1897 #573  
dragged along the ground by a rope attached to a flying craft. The rope got 4/25/1897 #575  
treet 6:45 p.m. An airship with an attached car is seen moving steadily sou 8/26/1897 #606  
Rome, Georgia, watch a blue light “attached to some dark and indistinguisha 1/10/1898 #617  
 exploded balloon that someone has attached fireworks to in preparation for 7/2/1907 #697  
 when he sees a bright searchlight attached to a torpedo-shaped dirigible h 3/4/1909 #723  
ew feet above the ground. They are attached to a huge, hovering disc. After Summer 1910 #840  
ulars and sees that the lights are attached to a cone-shaped craft. A littl 2/25/1913 #884  
ling behind it with a large object attached to it. Three “men” are inside t 2/29/1916 #943  
oaching them from the south. It is attached to a cigar-shaped object embedd 10/1936 #1250  
 in a P-61B "Black Widow" aircraft attached to the 549th NFS squadron saw a 4/18/1945 #1848  
te First Class George M. Reynolds, attached to the submarine tender USS Bea 9/26/1945? #1940  
ound. It seems to have a propellor attached to a red conical structure on i 7/4/1947 #2660  
 received through February 1, with attached memos and documents. It is addr 4/23/1948 #3628  
 One object shaped like two plates attached face-to-face; matte bottom, bri 4/3/1949 #4068  
ying object shaped like two plates attached face-to-face at 11:55 a.m. The  4/3/1949 #4070  
ight with a 2–4-inch metallic cone attached to the back. It silently approa 4/27/1949 #4118  
 V formation going west / 600+kph. Attached?                                5/29/1949 #4216  
uare windows going southeast as if attached. / FSRv15#3.                    8/20/1949 #4331  
e. (See report and reference to an attached photo on NARAPBB89-1203) (NICAP 9/13/1951 #5664  
 MORE Round object maneuvers. Ramp attached / cop. / r136#7p11.             2/19/1952 (approximate) #5907  
nnounces that a new “aerial light” attached to a B-26 aircraft is in use th 4/7/1952 #6043  
man on watch see that the light is attached to a disc-shaped object with tw Late 5/1952 #6362  
 ever more irritated by the stigma attached to UFO sightings.               8/1952 #7385  
airliner.  Note:  the summary card attached to the file showed completely d 9/14/1952 #7937  
ion course. Note: the summary card attached to the file showed completely d 9/14/1952 #7944  
G. Hill should organize the study. Attached is a draft of an intelligence d 12/2/1952 #8363  
 Reserves), an Electrical Engineer attached to Army Ordinance as a consulta 3/19/1953 #8761  
C Numerous military observer(s). 2 attached spheres hover. Green lines dang 9/6/1954 #10259  
in Khabbeb, Morocco at 10:30 p.m., attached to each other. With green lines 9/6/1954 #10260  
With green lines dangling from the attached spheres, they flew off quickly  9/6/1954 #10260  
nd his shoes seemed to have "fins" attached. He carried two cylinders on hi 9/14/1954 #10302  
ove the ground about 60 feet away. Attached to it was a man dressed in blac 10/8/1954 #10820  
nder/cigar-shape with domed saucer attached / top going [to] over town. (Au 10/18/1954 #11187  
ller pipe 1.5 meters in length was attached horizontally to the first one,  10/18/1954 #11225  
), bright orange with yellow discs attached and an exhaust trail.  Flew nor 11/28/1954 #11721  
ove the ground and has three balls attached to its underside. Soon he sees  12/15/1954 #11815  
ir car to look at it. The light is attached to a large rectangular object r 6/1956 #12880  
w ovoid just over barn. Small disk attached. Going east.                    7/1956 #12934  
small radio transmitter like those attached to balloons is found, then anot 2/15/1957 #13509  
the headlights go out. The pole is attached to a saucer-shaped object, and  1/1958 #14793  
shines with a red color. A pipe is attached to one side, and it gives off a 6/1958 #15072  
fessor. Circle / night lights seem attached. Other night lights. / r64p58.  8/11/1958 #15188  
nocturnal lights that seemed to be attached, plus other NLs.                8/11/1958 #15194  
o hours. Two more discs seem to be attached to the top of the cylinder. Sma 9/10/1960 #16442  
ike a ball with a long antenna rod attached, and a flashing white light ran 11/27/1960 #16516  
aw a saucer at WPAFB in 1962 while attached to the 354th TAC Fighter Wing d 1962 #17012  
 Flight Commander P.J. (initials), attached to TAC Fighter Wing was deploye 4/1962 #17093  
tercepted a long object and either attached itself to the latter or disappe 9/14/1963 #17937  
tercept a longer object and either attached itself to the latter or disappe 9/14/1963 #17939  
t. He also wore a box in the front attached to his belt. A second occupant  2/29/1964 #18141  
e red and white lights, apparently attached to a large object that came to  4/3/1964 #18156  
ve the four red lights, apparently attached to a large object that came to  4/3/1964 #18159  
 craft” with three smaller objects attached to it “as a kind of tail” is ta 1965 #18690  
illate/oscillation as if invisibly attached northeast going quickly northwe 7/1965? #19035  
mation. Sudden turn together as if attached.                                8/7/1965 #19336  
essed ring with small dark objects attached around its edge and a dark cros 12/13/1965 #19766  
ghts in between, which moved as if attached to one object, passed directly  10/17/1966 #21013  
,600 feet away. Morin thinks it is attached to a black, cylindrical object  1/1967 #21243  
 could see a long thick green wire attached to the inside of his leg. It ca 1/9/1967 #21278  
ar at low altitude. The lights are attached to an object that emits a light 2/16/1967 #21572  
d green body lights. Something was attached to its underside. The object mo 3/9/1967 #21833  
four smaller objects, each with an attached ray of light (light beam). At a 7/3/1967 #22596  
from them on the right, apparently attached to the dome of a disc. The obje 8/3/1967 #22787  
. Appropriate disclaimers would be attached before they are issued to the p 8/27/1967 #22939  
sh lights (body lights) apparently attached to a curved surface of an objec 8/28/1967 #22942  
or. He was strapped by metal bands attached to an apparatus on the side of  10/6/1967 #23187  
ngular objects that the lights are attached to. The formation dips and bobs 10/22/1967 #23290  
ff they could see the face and arm attached to a dark, conical body, but th 11/13/1967 #23444  
f yellow lights, that seemed to be attached to a curved surface of a flying 11/28/1967 #23519  
r as the lights approach. They are attached to a domed disc that is followi 12/27/1967 #23615  
ia An Australian nuclear physicist attached to the Directorate of Scientifi 1968 #23629  
earer, the witness saw that it was attached to a metallic body, shaped like 5/27/1968 #23989  
and Stanton Friedman are all names attached to the proposed project that ul 4/5/1970 #25625  
ied a leather case on his left hip attached to a strap over his right shoul 6/21/1970 #25704  
ring by no more than 4 feet a shed attached to the sheep pen. The rumbling  11/2/1971 #26449  
boots, and a black belt with a box attached. The being stood up, and was at 11/28/1972 #27150  
ights cross road going south as if attached. Car / malfunctions due to EME  4/22/1973 #27438  
hts crossed a road in unison as if attached together. The witness's car sta 4/22/1973 #27440  
t wide, resembling two soup plates attached rim to rim. A tube stretches ou 5/22/1973 #27518  
ver trees. 3 red and 1 white light attached.                                8/3/1973 #27674  
nds were like mittens with a thumb attached. Their legs never moved but sta 10/11/1973 #28005  
ooking bottle with tubes and wires attached. Her blanket was removed and a  10/16/1973 #28089  
everal electrode-like devices were attached to her body and the creatures i 10/20/1973 #28220  
o Nuclear Weapons Storage facility attached to Kirtland AFB. The object cha 4/15/1974 #29031  
o Nuclear Weapons Storage Facility attached to Kirtland AFB near Albuquerqu 5/17/1974 #29109  
ELD, WI Cop and 3. 60m tilted disk attached / 2 60m cylinders. Silent. 150k 8/9/1975 #30245  
 aircraft. The object then briefly attached itself to the B-52, detached it 11/11/1975 #30606  
nel and learned that as the object attached itself to the B-52, the plane's 11/11/1975 #30606  
 and on each side near the top was attached a relatively small vertical hel 1/9/1976 #30781  
figure in Hudson Park with a light attached to his head, bent over and appa 2/19/1976 #30887  
 cask-like device with many cables attached to it was placed on his head, a 5/14/1976 #31052  
lights are now red, zigzaging, and attached to each other by a faint connec 12/15/1976 #31604  
type helmets, with a metallic band attached from the helmets to their unifo 6/12/1977 #32161  
ke” body twice the Moon’s diameter attached to the light. They go into thei 10/29/1977 #32631  
ecause I am materialistic and very attached to the banal joys of life. You  2/15/1978 #32971  
nts, and includes 60 CIA documents attached as exhibits.                    6/1978 #33244  
o an altitude of 30 feet. They are attached to a triangular object that fli 8/5/1978 #33476  
gray uniforms with caps or helmets attached to their suits walk across a fi 9/1/1978 #33621  
gray uniforms with caps or helmets attached to their suits walking across a 9/1/1978 #33622  
gray uniforms with caps or helmets attached to their suits walk across a fi 9/1/1978 #33623  
cal helmet appears. It seems to be attached to the object by some type of b 9/6/1978 #33638  
t appeared. The being seemed to be attached to the object by some type of b 9/6/1978 #33640  
o, saw an alien being with a light attached to its chest through a kitchen  10/5/1978 #33798  
 women now see that the lights are attached to the abdomens of two flying e 11/20/1978 #33967  
as a huge yellowish light that was attached to the bottom of a large flying 12/31/1978 #34250  
h a tube and clock-like instrument attached. They entered the school and on 1/13/1979 #34339  
solving itself into 4 large lights attached to a solid object more than 100 4/21/1979 #34519  
l two lights, which are apparently attached to a dark object, move silently 8/23/1979 #34768  
ng them from the east, now visibly attached to a boomerang-shaped object wi 9/26/1979 #34928  
 half-mile away with three spheres attached to it. Each sphere has three po 10/27/1979 #34971  
pikes, which floated up to him and attached to his trousers leg. They began 11/9/1979 #34991  
eir home. The light is a spotlight attached to a large cigar-shaped object  3/15/1980 #35218  
closer, he sees the two lights are attached to one object. When directly un 4/13/1980 #35271  
are completely silent and possibly attached to an oblong-shaped object.     6/17/1980 #35379  
d. Forced to wear ring-hat / cable attached. Telepathy = "forget".          7/28/1980 #35428  
, he entered an egg-shaped chamber attached to a large white circular room  9/25/1980 #35535  
d Nova Scotia Merle Shane McDow is attached to the US Navy Atlantic Command Early 5/1981 #35924  
 lights appeared that seemed to be attached to a dark object. The object wa 7/15/1981 #36008  
d lights appear. They seemed to be attached to a dark object. The object wa 7/16/1981 #36010  
erseid meteor shower with a camera attached to a tripod. He notices a dista 8/12/1981 #36070  
 observers to suspect they are all attached to a single, dark object. More  11/1981 #36201  
 huge yellowish-white “headlights” attached to an object. It descends and m 4/8/1982 #36442  
 a larger object to which they are attached. The lights are hovering above  3/24/1983 #36806  
and green. The lights appear to be attached to a silent object 300 feet in  7/12/1983 #36909  
t lights going northwest. Possible attached / invisible cylinder/cylindrica 12/2/1983 #37060  
tly coming in his direction. It is attached to a huge oval object 70–100 fe 2/1984 #37172  
l, New York. The lights seem to be attached to a slow-moving, boomerang-sha 3/25/1984 #37245  
. Each had an egg-shaped implement attached to a belt around their waist. T 5/9/1985 #37589  
rectangular lights / windows as if attached / invisible object. Silent. 1K' 8/17/1986 #37995  
east about 450 feet away. They are attached to a flattened triangle about 7 11/24/1986 #38075  
e two huge red spheres, apparently attached to each other, descending towar Late 7/1987 #38218  
s in the sky. The objects they are attached to position themselves side by  5/16/1988 #38570  
 looked “like two Hershey’s Kisses attached together at the bases” with mor 9/14/1989 #39102  
in Beez, Belgium, see three lights attached to an object hovering above a q 1/6/1991 #39947  
he impression that the lights were attached to an oval structure of some so 5/3/1992 #40449  
IN 1 observer. Night lights appear attached to delta/triangle/box-like craf 10/25/1992 (approximate) #40691  
n. Witnesses assume the lights are attached to a large, dark aircraft. It h 10/27/1992 #40694  
den box-like object appeared to be attached to the being's neck just below  1/19/1993 #40802  
. To some, the lights appear to be attached to one another, or at least coo 3/8/1994 #41449  
 NY 2 rows / red night lights seem attached. Going down / cornfield. Big se 4/13/1994 #41490  
k and realizes that the lights are attached to triangular objects, each wit 12/29/1994 #41910  
ghts in the valley below. They are attached to an object that begins ascend 6/22/1995 #42267  
 area, and on his right arm he had attached what resembled an IV machine. H 2/29/1996 #42789  
so of the human female and somehow attached it to a "hump-like" area of a f 2/29/1996 #42789  
kly north extremely fast. Believed attached / single object. No further det 3/24/1996 #42838  
away near Dymchurch. It has a disc attached to it on the back and a big lig 3/8/1997 #43222  
quarter-mile away. They seem to be attached to one solid object that blocks 12/1998 #43694  
she arrives home she sees they are attached to a large equilateral triangle 12/3/1998 #43696  
e lights resembling car headlights attached to a triangular object silently 4/7/1999 #43754  
g irregularly. The object they are attached to is larger than a commercial  11/4/2000 #44072  
oked like only the front light was attached to the next segment, and the ot 8/30/2001 #44249  
ilson next calls a program manager attached to the records group, who is jo 10/16/2002 #44418  
ut 23 feet in front of him that is attached to an oval object abut 10 feet  2/8/2003 #44484  
on on the man. Nothing visible was attached to his back and he made no soun 7/16/2003 #44565  
right white lights that seem to be attached to a structured object. It desc 1/21/2004 #44653  
body. It had on a helmet which was attached directly to the suit. A yellow  8/2/2004 #44725  
ical shape and move as if they are attached to each other through a dark ob 8/21/2004 #44738  
d high-altitude balloon tests with attached gondolas that contained live te 6/2005 #44846  
-lit triangular craft with spheres attached to it and others trailing behin 9/26/2005 #44879  
ms. They release five flare lights attached to helium balloons. Reports are 1/5/2009 #45206  
Cameron was taken up by scientists attached to the CIA’s Office of Research 3/31/2011 #45322  
ulars and sees that the lights are attached to an object with a cupola hove 3/5/2013 #45361  
d aerial phenomena.” In his report attached to the 2020–2021 Senate Intelli 6/23/2020 #45649  
## Word: "attaches" (Back to Top)
l extremely fast white night light attaches / wing / military plane. Matche 3/1945 #1796  
h., D.C. by our Military and Naval Attaches                                 9/4/1946 #2169  
Valparaiso, Chile, four U.S. naval attaches spoke with the Chilean officers 10/24/1969 #25424  
  NEAR FORT BENTON, MT Night light attaches to B52 during bombing games! RA 11/11/1975 #30600  
 aircraft. The object then briefly attaches itself to the B-52, detaches, a 11/11/1975 #30610  
nnel and learns that as the object attaches itself to the B-52, the plane’s 11/11/1975 #30610  
nts of the abduction narrative and attaches percentages to each to indicate 1987 #38089  
## Word: "attaching" (Back to Top)
r, clambering around the boxes and attaching themselves to the wall by "suc 1/3/1968 #23647  
recedes toward the northwest after attaching itself to the top of a second  2/20/1977 #31832  
## Word: "attachment" (Back to Top)
and Akon begin a lifelong romantic attachment that includes sexual activity 4/7/1956 #12798  
ot-long object with a balloon-like attachment on the underside hovering jus 4/11/1959 #15696  
## Word: "attachments" (Back to Top)
us reports, along with 11 pages of attachments cobbled together in support. 10/24/1968 #24587  
so had transparent “wings” or wing attachments. Jean clung to her sink para 1/4/1979 #34296  
roductory summary, supported by 31 attachments, by Weaver that was released 7/1995 #42286  
dings by McAndrew, with additional attachments and appendices. A photo sect 7/1995 #42286  
nsible for the Roswell debris. The attachments and appendices are mostly me 7/1995 #42286  
ir Force,” with 10 chapters and 16 attachments amounting to 296 pages.      9/14/1998 #43645  
lindrical head with 2 balloon-type attachments and looks like a robot walki 9/27/2004 #44762  
## Word: "attachtomail" (Back to Top)
ww.doe.carleton.ca/~nagui/Appnotes/AttachToMail/PDF/Maynard%20Interview.PDF 8/2004 #44724  
## Word: "attaché" (Back to Top)
ormation with the British military attaché in Stockholm, Sweden, Maj. de Sa 7/12/1946 #2052  
    The Swedes provide the British attaché with analytical reports of all o 7/15/1946 #2057  
London, England Sweden British Air Attaché Capt. Henderson informs the Fore 7/27/1946 #2082  
nformation comes from the military attaché in Sweden and the conclusions ar 8/1/1946 #2099  
 Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, US naval attaché in Paris, forwards as top secret 8/13/1946 #2127  
V-3 and V-4 missiles. The military attaché in Oslo reports that a Soviet sh 8/13/1946 #2128  
ng the ghost rockets. The military attaché in Moscow asks other European of 8/13/1946 #2128  
has been refurbished. The military attaché in Stockholm suspects Hiiumaa, P 8/13/1946 #2128  
ikkala in Finland, while the naval attaché in Stockholm thinks that Łeba, P 8/13/1946 #2128  
  US Stockholm Sweden The US naval attaché and the Assistant US military at 8/13/1946 #2130  
aché and the Assistant US military attaché in Stockholm interview three Swe 8/13/1946 #2130  
weden Col. L. H. Johnson, US naval attaché in Stockholm, transmits a “Top S 8/16/1946 #2140  
eenemünde, Germany The US military attaché in Moscow reports on the visit o 8/19/1946 #2144  
st rockets, and that a US military attaché in Moscow has been told by a “ke 8/22/1946 #2150  
           Stockholm Stockholm Air Attaché Maj. Gen. Alfred A. Kessler Jr.  8/24/1946 #2154  
e, writes a letter to the US naval attaché in Oslo, Norway, on “Rocket Bomb 8/24/1946 #2155  
 Sweden UN British The US military attaché in Stockholm reports that the Sw 8/26/1946 #2161  
r. Robert A. Winston, acting naval attaché in Stockholm, Sweden, writes to  9/12/1946 #2180  
Sweden, writes to the London naval attaché in a secret air mailgram that he 9/12/1946 #2180  
ngland Scandinavia The US Military Attaché in London, England, writes a top 10/1/1946 #2196  
rities, informs the American naval attaché in London, England, Cmdr. Jenkin 1/20/1947 #2232  
 Capt. J. B. Pearson Jr., US naval attaché in London, England, sends an int 2/17/1947 #2241  
  US Stockholm Sweden The US Naval Attaché in Stockholm issues a secret int 4/15/1947 #2263  
A. Kessler Jr., former US military attaché in Sweden, disputes Therien’s in 10/14/1947 #3457  
 a deafening sound. The US Defense attaché in Rabat, Naval Capt. C. G. Stru 1/12/1967 #21291  
ct Moondust order. The US military attaché in La Paz sends a message to Wri 5/6/1978 #33190  
ian Air Force Academy. The Defense Attaché of the US Embassy in La Paz prom 8/10/1979 #34724  
## Word: "attachés" (Back to Top)
cret requests are sent to military attachés in London, Stockholm, Oslo, Hel 8/13/1946 #2128  
 Naval Intelligence requires naval attachés to forward information on Sovie 9/11/1946 #2175  
eden.” Both the naval and military attachés agree that there is nothing to  4/15/1947 #2263  
 Americans who are allegedly naval attachés with the US Embassy.            10/24/1969 #25422  
## Word: "attack" (Back to Top)
,+HI/@21.3537311,-157.9730976) The attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise mi 12/7/1941 #1377  
a neutral country at the time; the attack led to its formal entry into Worl 12/7/1941 #1377  
ilitary leadership referred to the attack as the Hawaii Operation and Opera 12/7/1941 #1377  
still rising from the Pearl Harbor attack to the west. One of them notices  12/8/1941 #1378  
geles takes place, a rumored enemy attack and subsequent anti-aircraft barr 2/24/1942 #1388  
 before reaching the objects. This attack continued for 10 minutes but noth 1943 #1474  
 105 German Junkers Ju 888 bombers attack the port of Bari, Italy, a key su 12/2/1943 #1549  
ing a panic and the death by heart attack of at least one person in Valpara 11/12/1944 #1696  
tian Islands, At Sea Aboard the US attack transport "Delarof," 14 sailors s 3/1945 #1801  
    Aleutian Islands Aboard the US attack transport "Delarof," 14 sailors s 3/1945 #1803  
 Pratt is preparing for a Japanese attack when he sees a shiny silver objec 3/22/1945 #1820  
 commander asks for a volunteer to attack them as possible Japanese balloon 7/1945 #1888  
Hiroshima, Japan First atomic bomb attack at Hiroshima, Japan. 20,000 soldi 8/6/1945 #1913  
Nagasaki, Japan Second atomic bomb attack at Nagasaki, Japan. 39,000–80,000 8/9/1945 #1917  
ssia defending this planet against attack from space.”                      7/26/1948 #3743  
s, turns and comes in as if for an attack, passes through the center of the 1/12/1950 #4484  
 conclusion that it is feasible to attack a seaport city with biological ae 9/1950 #5160  
orean War to protect against enemy attack.                                  11/1/1951 #5757  
es frantic about a possible Soviet attack. Air Force Intelligence warns Bri 4/16/1952 #6093  
3 filter centers to detect a sneak attack against the United States. The ex 7/14/1952 #6816  
er, Massachusetts, “like planes in attack formation.” One of the objects ha 7/22/1952 #7025  
ed, allegedly because of danger of attack by UFOs. Walton claims the downed Late Summer 1952 #7612  
FO disinformation during a nuclear attack: “We give Russia the capability o 8/19/1952 #7648  
he capability of delivering an air attack against us, yet at any given mome 8/19/1952 #7648  
at they can be defended against an attack from the USSR, and involves 80,00 9/14/1952 #7939  
s vulnerability of the U.S. to air attack. Recommend that the DCI discuss t 10/2/1952 #8084  
quadron of carrier-based Navy AD-3 attack planes is approached by a rocket- 1953 #8477  
de strategic warning of a military attack by the Soviet Union.              7/1953 #8979  
ty that might indicate an imminent attack, noting that the Air Force is not 10/20/1953 #9246  
tinental United States against air attack. It is also tasked to support US  9/1/1954 #10228  
ed in a de Haviland Vampire ground attack fighter to intercept a target det 10/1954 #10537  
he temporary paralysis, he runs to attack the intruder, who flees with a so 10/19/1954 #11243  
 the temporary paralysis he ran to attack the intruder, who fled with a sof 10/20/1954 #11283  
and to make a common front against attack by people from other planets.” Th 10/7/1955 #12491  
 It creates bogus organizations to attack or disrupt a bona fide group, and 8/1956 #13042  
humanoids (or Greys) exit. Indians attack. 1 gets cut / arm. / MJ#290+/ r14 6/5/1957 #13701  
aimed to be the first radiological attack by the KGB, especially when compa 9/1957 #13965  
the NORAD response to a Soviet air attack, operating in this role from the  6/26/1958 #15117  
er Waco and decide to approach and attack it as if they are armed. As they  Early 1960 #16146  
ted the flight and give orders to “attack the violator.” Powers parachutes  5/1/1960 #16248  
California Ruppelt dies of a heart attack in Long Beach, California, at age 9/15/1960 #16450  
ep. Overton Brooks dies of a heart attack; the August 24 meeting about UFO  9/16/1961 #16841  
against Cuba, starting with an air attack against the missiles.” The ExComm 10/16/1962 #17475  
n or elsewhere. Kennedy rejects an attack, favoring a quarantine to buy tim 10/16/1962 #17475  
onds by offering to promise not to attack Cuba after the Russians withdraw. 10/27/1962 #17505  
 not to respond militarily to that attack, but he [Dobrynin] should know th 10/27/1962 #17505  
sengers in New York City to covert attack with biological agents.           6/6/1966 #20536  
re that no UFO report survives his attack.” He also says, “I have learned f 4/22/1967 #22208  
ster Frank Edwards dies of a heart attack.                                  6/23/1967 #22536  
         Condon has a slight heart attack.                                  2/28/1968 #23789  
aft ground fire. During the Allied attack the presumed helicopters move dow 6/15/1968 #24040  
on June 15–17, including a missile attack on “unidentified helicopters” tha 6/20/1968 #24053  
on that fails to incite the men to attack each other, they are shot dead an 7/1968 #24107  
 ground for protection” during the attack upon its master. The dog refused  2/12/1969 #24915  
king that Dickson suffered a heart attack and had to be rushed to Comanche  2/27/1971 #26034  
 so the teenage ordered his dog to attack the figure. The being then turned 5/15/1971 #26111  
ness undergoes a violent emotional attack, during which he growls like an a 10/25/1973 #28285  
stigator to the ground. During his attack, he has an apocalyptic vision in  10/25/1973 #28285  
. His own dog approached him as to attack, then ran off whimpering. He then 10/25/1973 #28286  
doctor said he had died of a heart attack.                                  3/1/1974 #28842  
is farm in Honey Creek, Iowa. This attack follows a rash of cattle mutilati 7/15/1974 #29262  
rything they put in the air for an attack on the US is airborne. The base s Late 10/1975 #30471  
to recognize him, and attempted to attack him. The next day he suffered fro 2/11/1980 #35170  
elow the tough surface. [Thus they attack the] softer points of entry, name 6/1980 #35349  
e coroner, Adamski died of a heart attack. Godfrey tells reporters at the t 11/29/1980 #35682  
oes off that the facility is under attack. It turns out that Wackenhut Secu 1982 #36285  
cided to conduct a mock helicopter attack on an access point to Area 51 to  1982 #36285  
iously; also, a full-scale nuclear attack from the US would involve thousan 9/26/1983 #36986  
coalition of six Caribbean nations attack the island nation of Grenada. Cod 10/25/1983 #37016  
lated DEFCON 1 coordinated nuclear attack. Coordinated from the Supreme Hea 11/7/1983 #37044  
 alien life form that was going to attack the Earth approaching on Halley’s 11/19/1985 #37711  
A Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk stealth attack aircraft crashes in Sequoia Natio 7/11/1986 #37939  
ns against a psychological warfare attack directed at the US.  https://ufos 10/23/1988 #38682  
 sentry dog that appeared ready to attack their dog, was also now on the gr 5/14/1991 #40061  
cipal mission is to deter military attack and, if deterrence fails, to coun 6/1/1992 #40480  
well outside the range of angle of attack normal for conventional aircraft. 4/29/1993 #40956  
an immunodeficiency followed by an attack of three kinds of virulent bacter 2/15/1996 #42764  
scenario” in which the manmade UAP attack conventional military assets to m 8/22/1998 #43635  
sets to make it appear there is an attack by hostile extraterrestrial life  8/22/1998 #43635  
effect. He then ordered the dog to attack, but when the dog approached it s 11/25/1998 #43685  
 event the US came under a nuclear attack by the USSR through “EBE deceptio 7/7/1999 #43798  
w York City September 11 Terrorist Attack                                   9/11/2001 #44257  
        Creech AFB, Nevada The 42d Attack Squadron is formed at Creech AFB, 11/8/2006 #44982  
he could escape in the event of an attack. However, the being seemed to ign 4/25/2007 #45023  
mediately ran down a hill as if to attack something. When the witness walke 8/29/2007 #45050  
o evidence of an intentional sonic attack in Havana, Cuba.                  1/8/2018 #45501  
ted the diplomats, or even that an attack took place.” MRI scans and other  3/2018 #45520  
e pilots of a US Army AH-64 Apache attack helicopter are preparing to take  11/6/2018 #45543  
ame White House staffer who had an attack in August is hit again by Havana  11/26/2019 #45618  
e more consistent with a directed “attack” of radiofrequency energy. The re 8/2020 #45657  
rface vessels to test their direct attack and electronic warfare capabiliti 4/19/2021 #45683  
## Word: "attacked" (Back to Top)
s of lights; separated after being attacked and then returned to original p 2/13/1945 #1781  
ucers”. “If one of these should be attacked, the attacking plane will be al 7/8/1947 #2953  
ght” associate reports that he was attacked suffering injuries by a saucer, 2/25/1951 #5457  
 Vladivostok, Russia) is paced and attacked by 10 agile and highly maneuver 4/14/1953 #8824  
garage keys seemed to free him. He attacked the intruder, who rose and fled 10/20/1954 #11274  
ght. Four small beings emerged and attacked them, in an apparent kidnapping 12/10/1954 #11794  
a Three young men saw a dwarf, who attacked one of them, Jesus Paz, before  12/16/1954 #11822  
 tripod. All of a sudden they were attacked by four gray-colored creatures  12/20/1958 #15487  
ng on 3 legs. The two are suddenly attacked by four gray creatures about 4  12/20/1958 #15489  
ding gear. Next they were suddenly attacked by four gray-colored creatures  12/20/1958 #15491  
 Three humanoid beings jumped out, attacked another man, who happened to be 9/16/1962 #17407  
to General San Martin School, were attacked by small creatures with greenis 10/1/1965 #19632  
province, Argentina when they were attacked by small creatures with greenis 10/1/1965 #19635  
Caracas, a race track employee was attacked by a very strong creature that  9/22/1967 #23112  
ble. Thirty min later, a horse was attacked, and an employee saw a dwarf, 1 9/22/1967 #23112  
s, Brazil. Several people who were attacked described the creature as looki 11/8/1967 #23428  
          PIRASSUNUNGA, BRZ Farmer attacked / 2 1.5M long bearded monsters. 2/12/1969 #24911  
to work when he was approached and attacked by two strange looking aggressi 2/12/1969 #24915  
ensland, Australia were reportedly attacked by a two-meter tall hairy human 8/4/1973 #27681  
ey are discovered and the group is attacked by the UFO. Swann is thrown to  2/1975 #29781  
ral other witnesses reported being attacked and terrified by the experience 10/25/1975 #30469  
ral other witnesses reported being attacked and terrified by the experience 10/25/1975 #30472  
uld only remember that her own dog attacked her. Later, under hypnosis, she 2/6/1989 #38818  
a five-foot tall humanoid creature attacked a police officer's Chow Chow do 9/7/1995 #42447  
he circle do not germinate and are attacked by fungi.                       10/1/1995 #42529  
is day a hairy humanoid reportedly attacked an angler in a wooded area near 11/29/2000 #44089  
ers claimed they were woken up and attacked by a"masked man", who reportedl 5/1/2001 #44173  
## Word: "attacker" (Back to Top)
ge rock and repeatedly smashed his attacker on the head. Screams of pain sl 4/10/1954 #9681  
h the dark night. Martinez saw his attacker move backward, blood spurting f 4/10/1954 #9681  
y. As the man tried to sit up, the attacker encircled his neck with its arm 9/22/1967 #23115  
rby stables began neighing and the attacker let go and fled. The man scream 9/22/1967 #23115  
oke, she broke free and pushed her attacker back so that he fell down into  2/26/1973 #27318  
## Word: "attacking" (Back to Top)
e of these should be attacked, the attacking plane will be almost surely de 7/8/1947 #2953  
 aircraft is in use that makes an “attacking bomber look like a ball of fir 4/7/1952 #6043  
r from Al Chop to Henry Holt & Co. attacking the “silence group” is quoted  4/11/1954 #9682  
es for the next 18 months, bluntly attacking McDonald’s integrity and calli 12/16/1967 #23593  
k off. Later he recalled the craft attacking a large mountainous area resem 8/16/1971 #26291  
slide showed an image of a big dog attacking one of the entities, and the b 9/15/1977 #32485  
## Word: "attacks" (Back to Top)
"Alien Gene" that the Pearl Harbor attacks were being observed by one or mo 12/7/1941 #1377  
ensuing chaos and two die of heart attacks attributed to the stress of the  2/24/1942 #1388  
he 384th Group noticed, as fighter attacks suddenly fell off, they encounte 10/14/1943 #1535  
          Germany First V-2 rocket attacks begin. Two launched at Paris. V- 9/7/1944 #1666  
uorescent particles. Six simulated attacks are conducted, with the conclusi 9/1950 #5160  
h the object, which makes “ramming attacks” at the aircraft. It blinks unti 6/21/1952 #6579  
seen. Jeep stalls. 6' hairy entity attacks / driven off. Jeep OK.           8/3/1955 #12325  
's. Huge blip stops. Away as F86-D attacks. / r141#12p29.                   6/14/1956 #12903  
       RIVERSIDE, CA Biped reptile attacks and claws car. Observer(s) runs  11/8/1958 #15432  
 sweeping, and personally abusive” attacks. Specific, tailored assaults on  9/1959 #15952  
ir Force, in which he blisteringly attacks critics of Project Blue Book, de 12/5/1960 #16525  
rites a harsh letter to Keyhoe and attacks him for trying to defame and rid 8/28/1961 #16806  
 looks for many types of potential attacks in all directions). Harder state 7/29/1968 #24254  
t has previously been tactical air attacks. Operation Freedom Deal immediat 3/18/1969 #25025  
urner continues to undergo anxiety attacks. Allan Hendry and Fred Whiting f 8/29/1979 #34803  
 the DOD foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks. Basiago claims knowledge of the 1981 #35765  
ns, and distortions. He personally attacks Hynek, Maccabee, Richard Hall, a 1983 #36737  
rden. At 5:20 p.m., the Oslo again attacks with six rockets. Five minutes l 4/27/1983 #36846  
ty of military satellites to laser attacks, the US military tests a directe 10/17/1997 #43431  
nto action before the September 11 attacks.                                 Early 6/2001 #44190  
 days after the World Trade Center attacks.                                 9/13/2001 #44260  
phenomena and sees a huge owl that attacks her car.                         8/2009 #45231  
re made that these are a result of attacks using unspecified technology, pe 8/2017 #45477  
ions” due to concerns about health attacks on staff. The embassy has been o 3/2/2018 #45521  
n do other possible culprits—sonic attacks, viral infections, and contagiou 9/1/2018 #45538  
e symptoms as evidence of stealthy attacks with sonic weapons.              9/1/2018 #45538  
nvestigation into the Cuban health attacks has been stymied by conflicts wi 11/9/2018 #45545  
 investigating the Havana Syndrome attacks brings its findings to CIA direc 12/3/2019 #45621  
 motives of those looking into the attacks. “This is why we need to clean o 12/3/2019 #45621  
adiofrequency energy” in malicious attacks. A committee of 19 experts says  8/2020 #45657  
ings to review the evidence on the attacks on CIA personnel overseas, which 12/2020 #45667  
’s response to the Havana Syndrome attacks. Pamela L. Spratlen, a career fo 3/12/2021 #45679  
 Victims Afflicted by Neurological Attacks (HAVANA) Act is signed by Presid 10/8/2021 #45715  
## Word: "attain" (Back to Top)
ersz and Maj. George T. Morgan Jr. attain a world airspeed record of 2,193  7/28/1976 #31188  
## Word: "attained" (Back to Top)
level close to the level presently attained on earth”; Type II (stellar civ 1963 #17620  
## Word: "attaining" (Back to Top)
 westerly direction. Shortly after attaining 1,500 feet over the Base Rifle 6/1953 #8922  
on, culminating in the US military attaining a simulated DEFCON 1 coordinat 11/7/1983 #37044  
## Word: "attains" (Back to Top)
de German test pilot Heini Dittmar attains an unofficial airspeed record of 10/2/1941 #1371  
continue to fire on the UFO, which attains extremely high speeds. Commandin 8/5/1942 #1430  
ny German test pilot Heini Dittmar attains an unofficial airspeed record of 7/6/1944 #1620  
sh pilot Edward Mortlock Donaldson attains an airspeed record of 616 mph in 9/7/1946 #2171  
ornia USMC Maj. Marion Eugene Carl attains a world airspeed record of 651 m 8/25/1947 #3368  
le Range, New Mexico. When the V-2 attains a speed of 2,000 feet per second 6/14/1949 #4240  
   US US test pilot Bill Bridgeman attains an unofficial altitude of 79,494 8/15/1951 #5607  
lifornia Lt. Col. William F. Barns attains an official world airspeed recor 7/16/1953 #8999  
i Libya British pilot Mike Lithgow attains an official world airspeed recor 9/26/1953 #9180  
, California Pilot Horace A. Hanes attains an airspeed record of 822 mph in 8/20/1955 #12378  
wards AFB, California A USAF pilot attains 1,208 mph in a McDonnell F-101A  12/12/1957 #14720  
California USAF Maj. Joseph Rogers attains an airspeed of 1,526 mph in a Co 12/15/1959 #16120  
## Word: "atteberry" (Back to Top)
nt employees Martin Romero and Don Atteberry see two circular objects, one  5/28/1952 #6376  
## Word: "attempt" (Back to Top)
e dogs are blinded by it when they attempt to hunt. At 9:00 a.m. more cobwe 9/21/1741 #63  
wo fighters from a nearby air base attempt to intercept it but cannot reach 8/17/1936 #1247  
and pulling up several times in an attempt to restart the engine and save t 2/18/1945 #1790  
 and out-climbed the F-51 in every attempt at intercept. The pilot lost con 10/1/1948 #3822  
 Standards in Washington, D.C., to attempt to convince Cabell and Vandenber 11/12/1948 #3874  
. Truettner makes one last serious attempt at interviewing about nuclear pr 1/1949 #3950  
viewed from different angles. Will attempt to locate the impact point, if a 1/31/1949 #3986  
owing him, and perhaps one suicide attempt.                                 3/31/1949 #4061  
ugh Bethurum said he was afraid to attempt a getaway. He was still in the t 7/27/1952 #7216  
. Williamson, Streeter, and Bailey attempt to meet the saucer intelligences 9/28/1952 #8048  
eir ARC-33 airborne radar. As they attempt to close in, the object reverses 12/10/1952 #8409  
ses direction and dives away. They attempt several more times to approach t 12/10/1952 #8409  
ne white light evaded interception attempt by F-94 during 30 minute sightin 5/1/1953 #8855  
then switch places. Some witnesses attempt to drive toward the objects to i 1/1/1954 #9437  
cy on UFOs, admitting that it does attempt to evaluate reports: “There is n 4/1954 #9657  
e step after another. They made no attempt to stop him. When he reached the 11/2/1954 #11539  
ed them, in an apparent kidnapping attempt. The dwarfs were extremely stron 12/10/1954 #11794  
a variant of the Avrocar, a failed attempt at a flying saucer that was unde 1955 #11897  
nable to land the U-2 on his first attempt, and it bounces back into the ai 8/1/1955 #12316  
d the Bible, the first book-length attempt to connect biblical miracles wit 1956 #12635  
 Special Report No. 14 is a clever attempt to hide the fact. Mostly, howeve 12/1956 #13378  
m the Air Force has “made a strong attempt to disprove your claims.”        10/31/1957 #14174  
hospital, but he dies when doctors attempt to remove an armband. His remain 1/21/1959 #15558  
klahoma since February, pretend to attempt the launch of their OTC-X1 space 4/19/1959 #15708  
                         The first attempt to hover a tethered Avrocar is m 9/29/1959 #15999  
named participant. Later, a second attempt is mounted through Giancana and  9/1960 #16428  
, it is unknown how far the second attempt goes, as it is canceled due to t 9/1960 #16428  
oximation rather than as a serious attempt to determine a precise number.   11/1/1961 #16944  
y used hand signals in an apparent attempt to get them to come closer, but  7/18/1962 #17283  
lity radius of the UFO. Volunteers attempt to locate and photograph the UFO 1964 #18102  
o, and to have made an unsuccesful attempt at communication.                9/8/1965 #19537  
u and to have made an unsuccessful attempt at communication.                9/8/1965 #19541  
o, and to have made an unsuccesful attempt at communication.                10/8/1965 #19653  
l black color and very quiet. They attempt to report the sighting, but the  1/18/1966 #19850  
the vibration sensors. Helicopters attempt to chase the objects, but they f 6/25/1966 #20610  
 aircraft were missing. Before any attempt at rescue can be made, the objec 10/4/1967 #23176  
on in Moscow, Russia mentioning an attempt by the British Government in 196 1/19/1968 #23673  
r-heavy N-1 rocket fails its first attempt                                  2/21/1969 #24937  
ren rushed at the little men in an attempt to capture one but they jumped i 7/2/1969 #25245  
y N-1 rocket fails its second test attempt                                  7/3/1969 #25246  
mobilizes hundreds of soldiers who attempt to surround the object. After ab Early 1970 #25524  
vy N-1 rocket fails its third test attempt                                  6/26/1971 #26194  
ga. They were here on a mission to attempt to persuade humanity to change i 8/25/1971 #26305  
et fails its fourth and final test attempt                                  11/23/1972 #27133  
ide her window--decided to make an attempt to communicate with them using t 10/5/1973 #27954  
tterson AFB said there would be no attempt to investigate the sightings unl 10/10/1973 #27984  
          In an apparent abduction attempt, in 1973 a UFO hovered over a ca 11/13/1973 #28418  
ther who has a telescope, and they attempt to spot the lights (only two now Summer 1974 #29218  
             An apparent abduction attempt that was thwarted by two other U 8/5/1974 #29311  
ights and dashboard lights, and an attempt to restart the car failed. Then  9/16/1974 #29460  
ormal experiences are the psyche’s attempt to escape the stranglehold that  1975 #29671  
twin bodyguards, Swann and Axelrod attempt to secretly watch a recurrent UF 2/1975 #29781  
lanes were scrambled in a luckless attempt to track down the object. Eichne 10/27/1975 #30477  
unt the men’s tale as a ridiculous attempt to cover up a murder and launch  11/5/1975 #30562  
pread out their arms in an obvious attempt to block him, while at the same  9/3/1976 #31341  
 armed. There was no mention of an attempt to assault the craft. While wait 1977 #31658  
k at the bottom. Frustrated in his attempt to retrieve the object, he calls 1/10/1977 #31715  
d a spotlight at a possible UAP to attempt to communicate and it responded. 11/1977 #32648  
 his police cruiser's spotlight to attempt to illuminate a cigar-shaped UFO 8/11/1978 #33508  
 last, and after a third intercept attempt, the UFO finally disappears, hea 11/11/1979 #34997  
ke visual contact, two of the jets attempt the intercept while the third ta 5/7/1980 #35315  
 at an angle of 45° in an apparent attempt to correct its flight. Then it c 5/16/1980 #35336  
ance, with colored lights. As they attempt to approach the object, it appea 12/26/1980 #35737  
rly 3 hours during an unsuccessful attempt on the main peak of Mount Chamla 9/26/1981 #36141  
nship is scrambled to make another attempt to shoot the object, which then  1984 #37097  
motion and can hear no sound. They attempt to communicate by Citizens Band  1/8/1984 #37113  
lanes.” Aborting the landing, they attempt to pursue one of the objects, wh 5/19/1986 #37880  
sh UFO Research Association, in an attempt to place current knowledge about 1987 #38090  
later, senior officers show up and attempt to enter the craft unsuccessfull Early 8/1987 #38225  
 William S. Steinman makes another attempt to contact possible crashed-sauc 8/30/1987 #38264  
                      An abduction attempt took place on this evening in a  7/4/1989 #39009  
ley, NY UFO landing and Government attempt at intercept: Six helicopters ci 9/28/1989 #39127  
next hour, the two scrambled F-16s attempt 9 separate interceptions. On thr 3/30/1990 #39499  
ctors are engaged in programs that attempt to control non-human intelligenc 11/25/1991 #40241  
s remote viewers were also used to attempt to view the development of the U 3/9/1992 #40368  
reet, twice. Strangely, he made no attempt during this close encounter to t 6/4/1992 #40486  
ing, which kept circling her in an attempt to force her to lie down on a ne 7/24/1993 #41082  
 visitation and possible abduction attempt, a man reported undescribed "ali 9/9/1994 #41731  
haracterizes the NIDS effort as an attempt to get hard data using a “standa Fall 1994 #41773  
pit. It has small lights, makes no attempt to change course, and makes no d 1/6/1995 #41956  
kpit. It had small lights, made no attempt to change course, and made no di 1/6/1995 #41957  
h two big red metallic eyes. In an attempt to protect her, the boy jumped u 7/22/1996 #42963  
nd grabbed a camcorder in a futile attempt to videotape the object. They go 9/30/1997 #43421  
 speeds of 90 miles per hour in an attempt to get away, and she does not re 10/13/1997 #43428  
ctors are engaged in programs that attempt to control non-human intelligenc 3/11/1998 #43532  
al STAC Reports (I to XI) that any attempt to follow the path of Parsons wi 3/11/1998 #43532  
 pull the man's hand gently, in an attempt to escort him onboard the landed 8/18/1999 #43826  
s weapons searched for hours in an attempt to hunt it down and kill it, but 5/1/2001 #44173  
r yes, but she felt it was only an attempt to manipulate her mind. One of t 5/2/2001 #44174  
eemed to move clumsily about in an attempt to enter the nearby field. The f 7/26/2001 #44211  
a Apache County sheriff’s deputies attempt to arrest Milton Willian Cooper  11/5/2001 #44272  
y outpaces the security teams that attempt to pursue it in Humvees.         10/2002 #44411  
          A failed alien abduction attempt was alleged in a report filed wi 2/11/2003 #44486  
 to date, undergone hypnosis in an attempt to recover the events that occur 4/28/2003 #44519  
ccomplishments of the AAWSAP in an attempt to transfer the program out of t 2/7/2011 #45313  
nd Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) to attempt to get the BAASS-like project fu 2/7/2011 #45313  
; in this case, Kiviat alleges, an attempt to frame UAP in a specific way t 2/26/2019 #45564  
tended period. Polie unsuccessfuly attempt to track down the operators.     9/29/2019 #45610  
ld him “with concern” there was an attempt to bait and capture a UAP. Lue E 3/18/2022 #45741  
s Tremelo Melchizedek was hired to attempt to use Merkabah meditation techn 10/20/2022 #45779  
## Word: "attempted" (Back to Top)
te. Some written communication was attempted, in response the man produced  12/7/1896 #376  
ot down by the U.S. military as it attempted to depart from the island of O 6/22/1944 #1613  
igence to German forces, initially attempted to conceal the cause of the ex 9/7/1944 #1666  
 largest Antarctic expedition ever attempted and would map and photograph a 1946 #1955  
, Sweden. An underwater search was attempted but nothing was found.         7/19/1946 #2075  
econds. Motion picture filming was attempted, but resulted in poor quality  7/9/1947 #3074  
Six seen on radar separately Pilot attempted to close on visual object, but 10/15/1948 #3840  
ped clipped tail end. Pilot Halter attempted to close on the visual object, 10/15/1948 #3843  
rom a cucumber-shaped UFO after he attempted to approach it. He was blinded 5/6/1949 #4161  
e at a speed of 150 mph. The pilot attempted to chase them, but they outfle 8/8/1949 #4314  
ept away from him when the witness attempted to approach it. At 7:00 a.m. o 3/5/1950 #4584  
 moved rapidly away when the pilot attempted a closer approach.             4/27/1950 #4911  
w its elevation angle changing. An attempted interception by four F-86 jets 8/31/1950 #5154  
 He said that “army officials” had attempted to take the photographs away f 10/6/1950 #5215  
ugh a theodolite. An intercept was attempted with a C-47 but abandoned when 6/2/1952 #6429  
 for 2-3 minutes and went out.  An attempted interception was unsuccessful. 8/13/1952 #7573  
ry for 2–3 minutes, and go out. An attempted interception is unsuccessful.  8/13/1952 #7577  
2-3 minutes more, and went out. An attempted interception was unsuccessful. 8/13/1952 #7579  
ared behind them. One Meteor pilot attempted an intercept but was completel 9/21/1952 #7990  
g the NATO Operation Mainbrace. An attempted intercept by three jets and a  9/21/1952 #7999  
 secret (perhaps that Streeter has attempted psychic contact once before in 9/28/1952 #8048  
 an abrupt turn during a 23 minute attempted intercept.                     10/1/1952 #8082  
e, in which he and a naval officer attempted to obtain correlation between  11/4/1952 #8245  
d to intercept. The U.S. Air Force attempted to explain the sightings as a  3/5/1953 #8734  
nd away when three F-86 Sabre jets attempted to intercept them.             8/9/1953 #9059  
rovst, Denmark was the scene of an attempted abduction of a girl by two hum 9/11/1953 #9162  
                        BROVST, DK Attempted abduction / girl by 2 glowing  9/12/1953 #9163  
Denmark Brovst was the scene of an attempted abduction of a girl by two hum 9/12/1953 #9165  
rovst, Denmark was the scene of an attempted abduction of a girl by two hum 9/12/1953 #9166  
04 a.m. Two Navy F-9F Panther jets attempted to catch up with them but fail 12/24/1953 #9395  
ed the keys and picked them up and attempted to open the car. He was then s 4/10/1954 #9681  
m the group of witnesses when they attempted to approach and communicate wi 9/15/1954 #10315  
able to move. At last, it rose and attempted to walk, but it was still trem 10/16/1954 #11142  
le to move. At last, it got up and attempted to walk, but it was still trem 10/16/1954 #11148  
n stealing some of his rabbits, he attempted to shoot at them with his shot 11/14/1954 #11655  
ength. At one point one of the man attempted to stab one of the creatures w 11/28/1954 #11724  
ecting vegetation samples. When he attempted to approach he was paralyzed.  12/19/1954 #11841  
out of Naval Air Station San Diego attempted to learn about secret Nazi ant 3/1/1955 #12027  
ghan province of Afghanistan. USAF attempted an overflight for aerial view, 1/24/1956 #12681  
og. The witness, a Mr. Hutchinson, attempted to capture it, but it began sp 9/7/1956 #13204  
inning counterclockwise. The plane attempted to follow the UFO but was unab 12/3/1956 #13387  
rce. At 3:10 p.m., interception is attempted by two F-102 jets from Kinross 9/20/1957 #14020  
y, AL Car motor stalled, as driver attempted to approach UFO hovering low o 11/6/1957 #14404  
landing on Farin Road 2373. Guards attempted to approach but the “things wo 11/7/1957 #14465  
veral car motors failed as drivers attempted to approach UFO hovering low a 11/15/1957 #14559  
n, cars stalled when their drivers attempted to approach a 200' diameter me 11/15/1957 #14562  
ed for four minutes. The Air Force attempted to explain this sighting as a  6/9/1958 #15086  
nt in Warsaw, is returning from an attempted balloon interception in the ar 8/1958 #15171  
sion, telepathic communication was attempted through a psychic channeler wh 7/9/1959 #15829  
t. A follow-up contact session was attempted that same day with only limite 7/9/1959 #15829  
d little movement during 3 hours.  Attempted intercept by USAF T-33 jet tra 9/13/1959 #15970  
ee hour sighting. An intercept was attempted by a USAF T-33 jet trainer, bu 9/13/1959 #15974  
ne and humming sounds. One witness attempted to chase the object in a car.  2/24/1963 #17685  
 and approached his location. They attempted to climb the tree after him in 9/4/1964 #18535  
res entered a house and reportedly attempted to abduct a local man, but wer 1/31/1965 #18789  
w lights on its perimeter. Stevens attempted to chase the UFO but it mainta 6/24/1966 #20602  
ses, was 15 minutes. The Air Force attempted to explain the craft as a mis- 1/24/1967 #21377  
 "light-bearing object." The pilot attempted to close in on the object and  4/18/1967 #22158  
ring object" in the sky. The pilot attempted to close with the object and f 4/18/1967 #22161  
rti stopped the train and both men attempted to approach the scene, armed w 4/20/1967 #22172  
y Drew Pearson that alleges the US attempted to assassinate Fidel Castro, P 4/24/1967 #22214  
some kind of robotic tentacles and attempted to abduct a bloodmobile.       6/5/1967 #22468  
h the T-33 aircraft when the pilot attempted pursuit. After several minutes 6/9/1967 #22483  
hat larger eyes than humans. Watts attempted to take a picture of the being 6/11/1967 #22496  
t altitude. Two witnesses in a car attempted to follow it, but it tilted an 8/25/1967 #22926  
the front seat as the little being attempted to communicate with him, twice 11/2/1967 #23392  
bout 100 meters from his house. He attempted to wake up his wife but to no  11/28/1967 #23517  
 his wife but to no avail. He also attempted to get his brother in law to w 11/28/1967 #23517  
 hypnotic regression sessions were attempted.                               1/24/1968 #23697  
 the 1127th monitored and possibly attempted to retrieve the circular metal 3/1968 #23799  
 Mr. Banescu became frightened and attempted desperately to unlock the door 5/22/1968 #23980  
Brazil at 9:20 a.m. A jet aircraft attempted to follow it, but the UFO was  10/7/1968 #24549  
 the boys on his hand when the boy attempted to grab him. The boys ran to g 8/20/1970 #25799  
o be holding a small gun. The boys attempted to capture the entities but th 8/20/1970 #25799  
id being in the middle of the road attempted to stop a truck in Camas, Spai 1/8/1972 #26544  
e sputtered and lost power when he attempted to leave the scene by driving  3/10/1972 #26599  
or's cap." Some witnesses in a car attempted to pursue the object but it ac 7/5/1972 #26775  
just above the facility. Sgt. Reid attempted to communicate with the securi 10/14/1972 #27077  
. He then turned toward Mario, who attempted to hide inside the rink's hock 11/28/1972 #27151  
a camera with a telephoto lens and attempted to take a picture, but his fil 5/21/1973 #27514  
ssed them. Hypnotic regression was attempted, but the results are not descr 9/11/1973 #27803  
ssed them. Hypnotic regression was attempted, but the results are not descr 9/12/1973 #27809  
rceptors flying above Tehran, Iran attempted to catch a radar-visual UFO th 9/19/1973 #27839  
ual contact was made and the crews attempted to arm a missile and prepare t 9/19/1973 #27839  
 behind the cow. Each time the cow attempted to approach it would simply ri 3/1/1974 #28842  
 signals, but flew away when a car attempted to approach it.                6/3/1974 #29159  
ce. It eluded the car when the car attempted to approach it, then reapproac 7/8/1974 #29246  
human emotions. When the abductees attempted to engage in resistance, they  8/22/1974 #29376  
vening in Elmwood, Wisconsin a UFO attempted to land in front of a car with 3/2/1975 #29870  
       Elmwood, WS 8:00 p.m. A UFO attempted to land in front of a car with 3/8/1975 #29879  
man, thinking it might be his son, attempted to approach it.                8/16/1975 #30281  
 tree. At this point the witnesses attempted to approach the beings, but we 8/18/1975 #30288  
o UFOs that sped away each time it attempted to close for identification. T 10/30/1975 #30523  
houlders knocked her down, and she attempted to scream but was unable to. S 1/23/1976 #30817  
it. Mr. Hegele stopped his car and attempted to chase the being, but when h 2/22/1976 #30895  
 Tehran, Iran F-4 fighter aircraft attempted intercept of radar-visual UFO, 9/19/1976 #31408  
emotion just curiosity. The couple attempted to follow the object but event 10/31/1976 #31512  
ature chased their vehicle as they attempted to flee. It pounded angrily on 4/12/1977 #31978  
rys county, Maryland at 11:59 p.m. attempted to use a spotlight to illumina 8/11/1978 #33510  
e inside the UFO the young witness attempted to touch the being and the obj 9/6/1978 #33640  
 having TV interference. They next attempted to use a stereo player, and th 9/10/1978 #33657  
 down at the witnesses. The driver attempted to chase the UFO, which came d 9/20/1978 #33718  
re holding a club in his hand, and attempted to strike at it, but was someh 9/24/1978 #33744  
in the mud. As the three witnesses attempted to dislodge it a very large ob 10/30/1978 #33898  
taller creature now approached and attempted to take the witness's pruning  11/24/1978 #33997  
 off the surface of the water. She attempted to wake her parents but they c 12/16/1978 #34155  
4 inches tall. One of the students attempted to catch one of the creatures  5/19/1979 #34567  
4 inches tall. One of the students attempted to catch one of the creatures  5/19/1979 #34569  
ntractor, got out of his truck and attempted to walk underneath it. It then 9/23/1979 #34919  
did not seem to recognize him, and attempted to attack him. The next day he 2/11/1980 #35170  
 meters from the road. As Carneiro attempted to jump the barbwire fence aga 4/20/1980 #35281  
s if playing. Vital Carneiro again attempted to approach one of the humanoi 4/20/1980 #35281  
 Seixas got out of the vehicle and attempted to film the object, while the  9/25/1980 #35535  
 he sat in his patrol car. When he attempted to alert headquarters to its p 11/28/1980 #35680  
 Lighthouse. When the eyewitnesses attempted to approach the light, they re 12/28/1980 #35750  
hted bowl shaped object. They both attempted to leave the area but they app 4/1/1981 #35883  
s fired a pistol at the object and attempted to flee the scene. He was badl 8/30/1981 #36093  
inking he would be robbed. When he attempted to restart the truck he felt a 2/19/1982 #36357  
n which UAP emanated from. Atwater attempted to corroborate these claims an 7/1982 #36525  
. The women got out of the car and attempted to get closer. The sighting la 9/30/1982 #36623  
 from accelerating when the driver attempted to drive faster.               8/1/1983 #36930  
recalled seeing several beings who attempted to abduct him. He had nearly t 2/3/1984 #37175  
recalled seeing several beings who attempted to abduct him. He had nearly t 2/3/1984 #37176  
 at all like stars or planes. They attempted to pursue the UFOs for 30 min. 5/19/1986 #37874  
table, apparently bent over it. He attempted to drive away but his car engi 6/20/1986 #37918  
 jar near the witness's house. She attempted to wake her husband but he rem 9/13/1986 #38027  
lear penetrating eyes. The witness attempted to move but could not. She the 1/25/1987 #38104  
vering lighted object overhead and attempted to photograph it, but was soon 5/1/1988 #38551  
lked back into the living room and attempted to sleep on the couch. Suddenl 10/31/1989 #39199  
al beings. Later that night as she attempted to sleep she heard and “felt”  10/31/1989 #39199  
titude. It vanished when the pilot attempted to approach.                   12/24/1989 #39340  
nt. She dropped her flashlight and attempted to run upstairs to alert her h 3/13/1990 #39458  
d. No hypnotic regression has been attempted to date.                       7/2/1990 #39634  
hours, but vanished when witnesses attempted to approach.                   8/22/1990 #39698  
 When the two officers stopped and attempted to approach the creature it qu 10/6/1990 #39760  
zing a green liquid. The witnesses attempted to retrieve the severed finger 5/14/1991 #40060  
s next ran back into the house and attempted to tell an older cousin of the 7/21/1991 #40129  
en a saucer-shaped vehicle. He had attempted to grab his shotgun during the 11/9/1991 #40224  
 nearby as the terrified witnesses attempted to hide from the light source  4/9/1992 #40411  
 by a kitchen storage cabinet. She attempted to communicate with the creatu 8/13/1992 #40569  
e able to move again, but when she attempted to approach the glowing figure 9/24/1992 #40639  
 over their vehicle one of the men attempted to snap a photograph. At this  3/16/1993 #40886  
 colors. When one of the villagers attempted to approach, the humanoid clim 5/10/1994 #41521  
oid flying objects. When a witness attempted to videotape the event, his ca 6/27/1994 #41589  
rping" or "giggling" sound. As she attempted to escape, one of the figures  9/20/1994 #41766  
right craft on the ground. Royllin attempted to approach closer but could n 2/23/1995 #42060  
-fitting helmet or cap. The figure attempted to approach the witness, and h 5/15/1995 #42211  
, so he got out of his vehicle and attempted to chase the UFO on foot, to n 6/24/1995 #42271  
 talk about offensive weapons that attempted to shoot down saucers. The Wac 8/30/1996 #43002  
t flinch or move. When the witness attempted to scream he couldn't. He coul 9/16/1996 #43025  
gate. Running toward the light, he attempted to shout a warning, but oddly  1/5/1997 #43166  
reatures grabbed the three men who attempted to escape but were somehow ove 1/7/1997 #43167  
e center of the light. One witness attempted to photograph it, but the ligh 3/19/1997 #43235  
l individuals with large heads. He attempted to communicate with them by wa 5/19/1997 #43300  
d to be a woman. Osmo ran home and attempted to hide, but his next recollec 10/3/1997 #43424  
ver the witness torso. The witness attempted to resist but some invisible f 4/13/1998 #43550  
 light coming from behind him. She attempted to scream but could not. The n 6/10/1998 #43586  
 covering up his face. The witness attempted to look closer but suddenly fe 10/25/1998 #43670  
tched it for awhile, and when they attempted to run away they found they co 11/13/1999 #43880  
had large black eyes. The humanoid attempted to communicate with her by emi 12/5/1999 #43894  
e that anyone in the Setka program attempted to seriously analyze the cases 2000 #43911  
ect. Four helicopters appeared and attempted to surround the object, accord 1/24/2001 #44130  
ate her mind. One of the humanoids attempted to touch her breasts but she p 5/2/2001 #44174  
ject, but got no return.  Next, he attempted to pursue the object, but it d 1/26/2002 #44311  
 or anti-satellite weapon.  Boeing attempted to work with Podkletnov direct 7/29/2002 #44370  
less. A cat noticed the object and attempted to stalk it, whereupon it made 4/15/2004 #44688  
of cool wind. One of the witnesses attempted to photograph the object with  6/14/2005 #44847  
round its perimeter. The witnesses attempted to approach to take photos but 8/3/2008 #45154  
Naval Intelligence (ONI) personnel attempted to contact entities “Affa” and 3/31/2011 #45322  
e of Research and Development, who attempted to harness “demonic powers” fo 3/31/2011 #45322  
radio all blacked out. The witness attempted to take a photo with her iPhon 6/1/2013 #45369  
  Note: Podklenov states when NASA attempted to replicate his experiment th 2/4/2020 #45630  
## Word: "attempting" (Back to Top)
rom Oomaruru while in a trance and attempting to send signals to Mars. Psyc 10/27/1926 #1065  
ls and officers from the school in attempting to confirm his sighting.      8/29/1942 #1444  
 corrosive hydrofluoric acid while attempting to unclog a uranium enrichmen 9/2/1944 #1664  
 fact that (certain media sources) attempting to break the story of locatio 7/8/1947 #2951  
size of a fighter. He gives chase, attempting to keep it in sight, but is u 7/8/1947 #3023  
for 10 min, then oscillated "as if attempting to rise" and suddenly flew ou 5/7/1950 #4931  
en minutes, then oscillated "as if attempting to rise" and suddenly flew ou 5/7/1950 #4933  
. They are above 15,000 feet. Jets attempting interception fail. The AEC sa 8/4/1950 #5104  
rved an unusual radar return while attempting to score a bomb run (McDonald 2/13/1952 #5902  
se Feschino suspects may have been attempting to look for and assist the da 9/12/1952 #7905  
 diamond drill bits were destroyed attempting to drill into a saucer with n 5/20/1954 #9817  
ubject. The USAF writes that it is attempting to guide the Subcommittee to  2/28/1958 #14899  
ould have been an airliner on fire attempting a crash landing, so he went t 2/28/1959 #15624  
thic communications. He took over, attempting to write down the answers to  7/9/1959 #15829  
ven though he drove at high speeds attempting to elude it. He finally stopp 7/25/1966 #20685  
 spiritualists” who are apparently attempting to contact extraterrestrials  8/20/1966 #20779  
 a “photogrammatic nature, such as attempting to measure objects imaged on  2/20/1967 #21607  
 a falling leaf motion, apparently attempting to land.                      4/21/1967 #22201  
ticed her dog acting strangely and attempting to hide under the seat in her 3/6/1969 #24977  
aunch. Heyerdahl and his crew were attempting to prove that ancient Egyptia 6/11/1970 #25697  
s terrified to see a wolf-like man attempting to scoop up puddles of water  2/27/1971 #26034  
eded help because "intruders" were attempting to enter the facility. Sgt. H 10/14/1972 #27077  
oulder and seized her by the chin, attempting to drag her backwards. Thinki 2/26/1973 #27318  
who approached their vehicle as if attempting to encircle them. The investi 3/28/1975 #29923  
his head, as if the humanoids were attempting to communicate with him telep 4/23/1976 #31019  
ed area in Jaraba, Zaragoza, Spain attempting to photograph some eagle nest 10/15/1978 #33837  
Los Alamos National Laboratory are attempting to “cover up” the cattle muti 2/16/1979 #34431  
se, and noticed that the dogs were attempting to hide in their pens and whi 5/6/1984 #37323  
se, and noticed that the dogs were attempting to hide in their pens and whi 5/6/1984 #37325  
 shotgun and got out of the truck, attempting to crawl under it. At this po 1/12/1988 #38411  
in Tucson, Arizona. CUFOS had been attempting to purchase the APRO archives 4/12/1988 #38541  
cility, where they are killed when attempting to cut the reactor open. Laza 3/1989 #38855  
s to recording, investigating, and attempting to explain [Unusual Aerial Si 1/4/1994 #41360  
 .357 pistol while the monster was attempting to grab a dog. The creature r 9/5/1995 #42444  
s, despite Italian and US fighters attempting to intercept them.            3/6/1997 #43221  
bling a "tine tuning fork" and was attempting to place it over the witness  4/13/1998 #43550  
0 p.m. showed the object seemingly attempting to dodge the camera. The vide 8/10/1998 #43627  
ncing around his bed, while he was attempting to move. He managed to blurt  4/23/2001 #44161  
her bed with her concerned husband attempting to calm her down.             5/2/2001 #44174  
upants are “future humans” and are attempting to avert a catastrophe. This  10/2006 #44970  
sch also claims a Project Lotus is attempting to utilize ET technology to m 2008 #45109  
ship” with an aerospace contractor attempting to get into the “back door.”  12/24/2008 #45198  
e event and discourage people from attempting to enter military property. N 9/20/2019 #45609  
gh. The card suggests the Navy was attempting to avoid public discussion of 7/24/2020 #45655  
## Word: "attempts" (Back to Top)
 of weapons enthusiasts, and their attempts to build an enormous Columbiad  1865 #163  
 craft on March 9, 1873, and later attempts to build a mechanical replica o 7/25/1868 #176  
here is an accident when the pilot attempts to land without first retractin 3/1/1944 #1585  
 is scrambled to 18,000 feet. Kent attempts to close in, but his onboard ra 1/17/1947 #2231  
t the time (see 23 September 1947) attempts to debunk flying saucers as a “ 1/31/1948 #3568  
eet wide and 20 feet long. When he attempts to contact the other three P-47 4/1/1948 #3603  
km altitude (Three previous launch attempts failed in year prior. Excellent 4/2/1948 #3605  
en it drops to 11,000 feet, Gorman attempts to dive at it, but the light pu 10/1/1948 #3827  
spital from the airport, Forrestal attempts to jump out of the car but is r 4/2/1949 #4065  
                 Oakridge, TN F-82 Attempts Intercept of UFO Over AEC Plant 1/21/1951 #5409  
er the horizon. Over time, several attempts to disguise the participants ha 2/9/1951 #5436  
ith centers about 1 foot apart. He attempts an intercept, but the UFO incre 12/12/1951 #5817  
rch.” Coral Lorenzen rebuffs these attempts. She discovers what seem to be  1/1952 #5853  
d hears a pulsating sound. An F-94 attempts to intercept the brilliant whit 5/31/1952 #6392  
 fighter jet made two unsuccessful attempts to pass the UFO.                5/31/1952 #6395  
ince William County, Virginia, and attempts to intercept a target south of  6/15/1952 #6510  
At 5:43 p.m., an Air Force fighter attempts to intercept the same shiny sph 6/15/1952 #6510  
ral phenomena.” After unsuccessful attempts to obtain reports from Civilian 7/1952 #6680  
follow the same path and therefore attempts to land on water. Neither his p 11/1/1952 #8228  
ask Adamski to call them before he attempts his next contact.               11/4/1952 #8247  
 level with the unknown object. He attempts a pursuit, but the UFO disappea 12/29/1952 #8461  
d been alive at the crash site but attempts to save its’ life with oxygen f 1953? #8470  
                       The CIA/OSI attempts to get Walter Bedell Smith’s ap 1/9/1953 #8522  
 which is at 23,000 feet. Goetting attempts to intercept the object at a sp 1/29/1953 #8615  
oners of war in Korea. The project attempts to produce a perfect truth drug 4/13/1953 #8823  
w CFB Goose Bay], Labrador. Rogers attempts to intercept but cannot make vi 5/12/1953 #8877  
 come through. Nevertheless, Smith attempts to decipher the alien charts in 7/28/1954 #10059  
wnsend Brown’s gravitators through attempts to develop materials with high  11/30/1955 #12594  
tchbox. After several unsuccessful attempts to have the sample studied, it  11/11/1956 #13322  
car engine sputters and fails. All attempts to detect the trouble fail. The 2/24/1958 #14889  
port in Vojens, Denmark. The pilot attempts to overtake them, but they acce 4/10/1958 #14974  
egedly, after several unsuccessful attempts to introduce the poison into Ca 9/1960 #16428  
s the strangest stuff I ever saw." Attempts to break the weird strings were 11/18/1961 #16964  
et rid of the UFO program, but its attempts to get NASA or the National Sci 1962 #17005  
somewhere) is also tracking it. He attempts to give the object an urgent wa 1/29/1962 #17026  
amera clips apparently documenting attempts by aircraft to intercept UFOs.  Spring 1962 #17078  
ected to a medical examination. He attempts to flee at one point and grabs  8/26/1962 #17362  
ve and to its left side. The pilot attempts to radio the ground but the rad 4/20/1964 #18180  
leep after an exhausting series of attempts to keep the creatures away. At  9/5/1964 #18538  
 zenith directly over the airport. Attempts to identify it are unsuccessful 7/9/1965 #19088  
 experiment is Fidel Castro. After attempts to program several would-be ass 6/30/1966 #20623  
se] some copies. Maj. Raymond Nyls attempts to recreate the photos at the o 1/9/1967 #21277  
aboratory, and Boeing. Despite his attempts to “build the record,” the proj Early 3/1967 #21730  
ene, gasoline, and a blowtorch, he attempts to simulate the black spot, but 4/21/1967 #22194  
ver the Extremadura region, Spain. Attempts at radio contact fail, and when 6/9/1967 #22482  
and giving off a greenish glow. He attempts to radio the nearby Highwood Ra 9/18/1967 #23085  
                   Philip J. Klass attempts to refute James E. McDonald’s c 5/21/1968 #23977  
                   Philip J. Klass attempts to refute James E. McDonald’s c 6/11/1968 #24021  
phere surrounded by a red ring. He attempts to drive through the beam, but  3/4/1969 #24968  
th-Bentwaters cases. Donald Menzel attempts to show that all UFO sightings  12/26/1969 #25509  
f true, highlights the Air Force’s attempts to shape public opinion through 5/1973 #27461  
th much difficulty and many failed attempts, Fish creates a 3D map that ind 1/1974 #28637  
t high speed. An F-106 interceptor attempts unsuccessfully to reach it, and 3/1974 #28830  
vertically at high speed. An F-106 attempts to intercept but is unsuccessfu 3/1974 #28831  
hts, and radio fail. After several attempts, he restarts the car and turns  9/26/1974 #29483  
s five elk standing motionless. He attempts to shoot one, but the bullet fa 10/15/1974 #29531  
n programs involving assassination attempts on foreign leaders and covert a 12/22/1974 #29657  
mpts on foreign leaders and covert attempts to subvert foreign governments  12/22/1974 #29657  
feet above the ground. One officer attempts to close with the light unsucce 6/20/1975 #30111  
 of Loring. Sampley makes numerous attempts by radio on all available commu 10/27/1975 #30487  
slowed down to a crawl despite all attempts by Mr. Vidal to speed up. The o 11/27/1975 #30669  
s. But they were thwarted in their attempts to get a closer look. (Referenc 2/5/1976 #30847  
t twice before moving off. Yongkao attempts to pursue the objects unsuccess 7/26/1978 #33418  
 over a nearby tree. It evaded his attempts to do so.                       8/11/1978 #33508  
e friendly!” Twice, Startup vainly attempts a 360° turn to get a glimpse of 12/31/1978 #34246  
p by the National Security Agency. Attempts by the government to deny the r 5/1979 #34532  
ies. Because the object answers no attempts to communicate, a Mirage F-1 ta 11/11/1979 #34997  
e approaches it with a shotgun and attempts to use his radio, but it has st 8/8/1980 #35447  
the array only once out of several attempts. Most people provide an estimat 11/18/1980 #35654  
 to it until January 1982 when she attempts to return the document to Nelli 10/1981 #36150  
on. The object does not respond to attempts at communication, so jet interc 12/1982 #36704  
 land. The Xingu makes three other attempts to land, but each time is diver 5/19/1986 #37880  
r. The object failed to respond to attempts at communication on any frequen 8/28/1991 #40168  
the presence of the jets. When all attempts at contacting the object failed 8/28/1991 #40168  
her questions about what they saw. Attempts to set up interviews outside of 6/10/1992 #40491  
rs during any subsequent abduction attempts. On this night she was asleep i 4/5/1993 #40927  
STAC is now “in too deep” with its attempts to reverse-control the situatio 3/11/1998 #43532  
HEORY if STAC, NASA-TZER and WPAFB attempts to “close the door” are not sat 3/11/1998 #43532  
oo and agrees that only if present attempts by NASA-TZER and WPAFB-1T to pr 3/11/1998 #43532  
ing planes despite pilots’ evasive attempts, or flooding cockpits with blin 10/15/2000 #44056  
ject. Every time the radar officer attempts to lock on the object, the radi 10/28/2004 #44773  
e futures is highly classified and attempts to meddle in space-time creates 10/2006 #44970  
wn soundlessly and erratically. He attempts taking pictures of it with a ca 5/8/2009 #45220  
P above his backyard. When “Jones” attempts to photograph it, the device fa 5/8/2009 #45221  
le to ranch personnel, although he attempts to ciommunicate with them to se 3/2010 #45270  
ies “Affa” and “Ponnar,” but those attempts allegedly failed. Officials wer 3/31/2011 #45322  
 primary witness exits his car and attempts to take a photo with his cellph 8/20/2013 #45384  
elligence Agency, following failed attempts to get the AAWSAP program funde 5/13/2016 #45453  
P Studies event if there have been attempts to “shoot down” UAP and if “tec 3/15/2019 #45567  
 to address UAP exists and involve attempts to “coax” UAP into showing up b 3/18/2022 #45741  
rces that there've been deliberate attempts to cause injury to people who a 5/2022 #45746  
## Word: "attend" (Back to Top)
isville, Kentucky, goes outside to attend to his livestock. He sees an oblo 4/13/1897 #452  
instein is invited but declines to attend. Adamson is skeptical about the p 10/21/1939 #1318  
er contract competition and do not attend the first test flight. The test p 2/2/1945 #1771  
Washington, D.C., for four days to attend a meeting of the American Psychia 5/18/1949 #4192  
overies” of UFOs, but is unable to attend the meetings. He claims Vannevar  9/15/1950 #5178  
cer. Colonel Friend was invited to attend a meeting with this officer, and  7/9/1959 #15829  
ll base personnel on flying status attend a briefing in the theater at the  Spring 1962 #17078  
          George Adamski claims to attend a Twelve Counsellors Meeting on S 3/27/1962 #17088  
ortsmouth, New Hampshire The Hills attend a meeting at the parsonage of the 11/23/1962 #17559  
ss, Scotland Low, Roach, and Hynek attend the XIIIth General Assembly of th 8/22/1967 #22892  
            Russia 400 individuals attend the first meeting of the UFO Stud 10/18/1967 #23265  
ered that the girl was planning to attend a college in the southeastern U.S 8/7/1968 #24308  
d Sivaraman left home at 7 p.m. to attend an evening class in Kuala Lumpur, 8/5/1970 #25771  
Arnold sighting. Some 1,500 people attend to hear speakers Ted Bloecher, Je 6/24/1977 #32190  
is one of several persons asked to attend a meeting to discuss what to do a 8/3/1977 #32352  
3 hours to watch the light for and attend to the horses. An odd circle is f 4/6/1978 #33128  
s federal action. About 200 people attend, including Fort Worth (Tex.) Star 4/20/1979 #34517  
essdalen. Of the 130 residents who attend, 17 say they have seen a yellow s 3/26/1982 #36414  
invited by President Eisenhower to attend several discussions associated wi 11/29/1983 #37053  
rted recoveries, but was unable to attend them. He did receive Special Repo 11/29/1983 #37053  
of UFOs, although he was unable to attend the meetings. He described the re 11/29/1983 #37057  
dman has found that Eisenhower did attend a briefing in Washington on Novem 6/11/1987 #38189  
. He takes a photo, then leaves to attend a meeting. Analysis indicates tha 2/20/2002 #44319  
ering the site, an estimated 3,000 attend the related music festivals in Ra 9/20/2019 #45609  
## Word: "attendance" (Back to Top)
ortugal With the three children in attendance, the crowd at the Cova da Iri 9/13/1917 #965  
erick Reines, and Edward Teller in attendance. Representatives from Project 2/16/1949 #4010  
r Richard S. Mandelkorn, who is in attendance, writes in his report that “t 2/16/1949 #4010  
st. This time George Adamski is in attendance, along with Charles Laughead, 3/12/1955 #12046  
uilding in Columbus, Ohio. Also in attendance are Rep. William C. Cramer (R 6/20/1958 #15105  
 Society of South Australia are in attendance. Witnesses include Rev. Willi 2/27/1965 #18829  
Gamow and Richard Sigismond are in attendance. Gamow is surprised that Cond 9/21/1966 #20910  
elix Ziegel as his deputy. Also in attendance are Heinrich Ludwig, Nikolai  5/17/1967 #22369  
 first meeting, with Bill Moore in attendance, Doty is guarded in his comme 1/10/1983 #36742  
us engineer claims to have been in attendance and have seen a football, dia 11/12/1988 #38714  
ch Center. Twelve students were in attendance according to workshop proceed 8/1997 #43363  
it is not disclosed if Pais was in attendance. It is certainly possible, gi 8/1997 #43363  
 the Arlington Institute. Those in attendance “went much higher” than Peter 12/6/2005 #44908  
ddock, a co-founder of BDM, was in attendance for a presentation from Hal P 9/26/2022 #45772  
## Word: "attendant" (Back to Top)
First Officer William Neff, flight attendant Phyllis Reynolds, and many pas 4/8/1956 #12803  
trol members and a service station attendant who was fixing their car's fla 11/21/1956 #13341  
Pen Meyer, another service station attendant a third of a mile to the north 2/5/1960 #16168  
near Ogden arrive quickly. Airport attendant Russell M. Woods tells them he 10/2/1961 #16889  
    Mrs. Everett Steward, a flight attendant, was talking on the telephone  10/2/1966 #20950  
y at a nearby service station, the attendant replied that about 20 reports  5/11/1967 #22317  
y at a nearby service station, the attendant replied that about 20 reports  5/11/1967 #22319  
heir fear was so great. There were attendant sightings in the area, and cat 11/2/1967 #23392  
he object. As the aircraft and its attendant UFO approaches the Mexico/US b 3/19/2020 #45639  
## Word: "attendants" (Back to Top)
everal police officers and medical attendants rush to the scene. They searc 3/13/1913 #886  
cular light.” Two service- station attendants at the intersection, Jerry Da 2/5/1960 #16168  
rtially corroborated by one of the attendants at the school who sees a shin 11/1/1977 #32651  
## Word: "attended" (Back to Top)
investigator Nandor Fodor, who has attended some of Robinson’s séances, cal 10/27/1926 #1065  
avy Cmdr. Gilbert C. Hoover. It is attended by physicists Fred L. Mohler fr 10/21/1939 #1318  
ference in Los Alamos, New Mexico, attended by 16 representatives of AFOSI, 10/14/1949 #4394  
puty director of intelligence, and attended by representatives of the Secre 8/15/1950 #5127  
e of his at Rocketdyne told him he attended a meeting on celestial navigati 1952 #5847  
 newly created study group on UFOs attended by eight operatives.            8/11/1952 #7546  
e meeting, chaired by Chadwell, is attended by Robert Amory Jr., Gen. John  12/4/1952 #8376  
ightening her. She was immediately attended to by military doctors, who wer 10/26/1977 #32618  
 two humanoids while others nearby attended to other duties. Her watch as w 10/30/1977 #32640  
 Sul, Brazil, during a soccer game attended by more than 24,000 people.     3/6/1982 #36379  
inquiring about “meetings that you attended at Wright-Patterson Air Force B 8/30/1987 #38264  
ccupants.” Walker replies: “Yes, I attended meetings concerning that subjec 8/30/1987 #38264  
ed in [Williams’] theory.” Shannon attended the 1985 “Advanced Theoretical  4/1988 #38527  
esident Eric A. Walker told him he attended Top Secret meetings to do with  9/6/1990 #39717  
crash recoveries. Walker allegedly attended the meetings while Executive Se 9/6/1990 #39717  
coverup. He claims that in 1995 he attended a conference on the Strategic D 9/20/2005 #44877  
         Bernard Mendez alleges he attended a “jump room” school with Andre 7/2012 #45346  
## Word: "attendees" (Back to Top)
noticeably absent. LaPaz tells the attendees that while most meteors are bl 2/16/1949 #4010  
 at the officer’s club. One of the attendees is Maj. Vernon L. Sadowski, th Late 9/1952 #8027  
 Center, Massachusetts. One of the attendees tape-records the session. Anot 11/3/1963 #18027  
st 1996, attracting as many as 200 attendees.                               5/23/1980 #35340  
the Pentagon. This first meeting’s attendees include Robert M. Wood (McDonn 5/20/1985 #37590  
could orbit 300 people,” he wrote. Attendees were Thomas O. Paine, Riccardo 6/11/1985 #37600  
chools take shape right before the attendees’ eyes. A third major position  6/13/1992 #40492  
inois. It features interviews with attendees at R. Leo Sprinkle’s 12th Rock 6/3/1993 #41002  
estricted Data Sigmas as Required. Attendees from Los Alamos National Labor 4/28/2006 #44936  
military documents involving UFOs. Attendees determine that Navy, Army, and 4/18/2013 #45364  
t/hid it existed according to some attendees   A “major engineering project 9/26/2022 #45772  
## Word: "attending" (Back to Top)
 free monthly newsletter for those attending his meetings in Laguna Beach,  1/1936 #1242  
ert H. Moore and six other persons attending the Seabury-Western Theologica Spring 1942 #1403  
real group called MJ-12 and admits attending meetings at Wright-Patterson A 8/1950 #5092  
e Desert Landers, California While attending the Giant Rock Interplanetary  5/11/1957 #13656  
 a sudden and severe illness while attending an anti-Communist meeting in F 9/1957 #13965  
esent anything extraordinary. Also attending is Lt. Col. Harold A. Steiner, 2/3/1966 #19879  
                             After attending an amateur astronomy club meet 5/15/1967 #22348  
taly 5;30 p.m. Giovanna Sensoli is attending to her animals by her farmhous Mid 11/1974 #29596  
ool teachers in their forties were attending an educational conference when 7/28/1976 #31191  
ld had just been laid off work was attending a meeting of his colleagues in 6/12/1977 #32161  
8:30 p.m. As some 3,000 people are attending an outdoor screening of a Roma 7/7/1977 #32245  
 p.m. Chinese Air Force pilots are attending an outdoor film screening at L 10/23/1978 #33863  
a motorcycle north on the M4 after attending the Farnborough Airshow in Ham 9/6/1980 #35501  
trieval” in 1968 while in the Army attending intelligence school in a remot 12/14/1980 #35716  
                 Several teenagers attending a disco in Messel, near Frankf 3/13/1982 #36389  
re products for visitors for those attending.                               9/20/2019 #45609  
## Word: "attends" (Back to Top)
Canadian engineer Wilbert B. Smith attends a classified briefing with physi 9/15/1950 #5178  
f scientist, H. Marshall Chadwell, attends the meeting when the report is d 6/1951 #5530  
invitation of Hans C. Petersen, He attends the Skandinavisk UFO Information 4/30/1963 #17732  
w. Former Air Marshal George Jones attends, and the RAAF is represented by  2/27/1965 #18829  
w York City Hotel Commodore Condon attends, at the invitation of James W. M 6/22/1967 #22535  
 representative Maj. David J. Shea attends a meeting in the Pentagon in whi 3/1969 #24956  
ief of staff, H. R. Haldeman, also attends. Helms is informed by Nixon that 11/20/1972 #27130  
n from a deep sleep. When his wife attends to him, she notices a glowing ob 10/20/1973 #28215  
k, and 1,500 people show up. Hynek attends, as well as news media, various  8/25/1984 #37440  
ufologist Peter Hough’s advice, he attends a session of regressive hypnothe 12/1/1987 #38345  
ia Aviation designer Brad Sorensen attends an air show at Norton AFB in San 11/12/1988 #38713  
s, Nevada Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) attends the fifth meeting of the Nationa 8/1996 #42968  
ues Vallée of several workshops he attends that involve John Petersen and t 12/6/2005 #44908  
## Word: "attention" (Back to Top)
them, but they did not seem to pay attention and disappeared among the rock 1896 #323  
them, but they did not seem to pay attention and disappeared among the rock 1896 #324  
ders. They are mumbling but pay no attention to him. Terrified, he continue Late Summer 1919 #993  
heard a whining roar that drew his attention to a gray, spinning saucer-sha 7/6/1947 #2820  
s from his bosses at the Pentagon. Attention needs to be diverted from the  7/8/1947 #3019  
ess were a “cover story” to divert attention away from the origin of the fl 7/8/1947 #3031  
 hangars before they could attract attention.                               6/19/1948 #3674  
 from project records. Deyarmond’s attention goes elsewhere. Truettner make 1/1949 #3950  
 watching 2 AT6 airplanes when his attention was drawn to a metallic disc h 7/3/1949 #4262  
rd. The tale is a ploy to gain the attention of potential investors in a bo 9/1952 #7804  
e that it should be brought to the attention of the National Security Counc 9/24/1952 #8022  
his date. UFOs must have immediate attention. UFOs have been sighted at gre 11/25/1952 #8335  
 going on that must have immediate attention.”                              12/2/1952 #8362  
 going on that must have immediate attention. The details of some of these  12/2/1952 #8363  
ter a faint whistling attracts his attention. Shaped like a water jug, the  7/1/1953 #8982  
en a faint whistling attracted his attention. Shaped like a water jug, it w 7/2/1953 #8986  
fragments would have attracted the attention of federal officials.          8/19/1953 #9084  
ist. But what really grabbed their attention was the man’s long, light brow 8/20/1954 #10158  
es Hericourt-St. Samson when their attention was drawn to a hovering red ci 10/19/1954 #11252  
 diving suits. They centered their attention on rabbits in a cage while spe 11/14/1954 #11648  
his time, Angelucci has caught the attention of the FBI because he has been 12/1954 #11737  
e windshield. He calls the others’ attention to it. He gives chase to it at 7/1955 #12226  
us domed saucer. Photograph / wide attention. / r139#2p82.                  8/30/1955 #12417  
ficer at ONR, who brings it to the attention of ONR Capt. Sidney Sherby and 4/1956 #12777  
ects which have attracted national attention.” He admits that interceptors  4/8/1957 #13589  
 and anti-nuclear. It attracts the attention of Scotland Yard’s Special Bra 5/26/1957 #13680  
 seen by his sister, who calls his attention to it. It gives off a brillian 8/20/1957 #13912  
fterwards Irwin's case came to the attention of the inspector general, who  2/28/1959 #15624  
oman, Mrs. Swan, had come to their attention through the Canadian governmen 7/9/1959 #15829  
e ground, as well as a horse whose attention is attracted to the object. An 7/3/1960 #16329  
ed to capture headlines, diverting attention from unwelcome news coverage o 3/1962 #17066  
ber 23 to November 28. No one pays attention. After about 66 days without e 9/1962 #17379  
ee and lights fires to attract its attention. The light turns toward him an 9/5/1964 #18539  
 to his right eye required medical attention, and physical traces in the fo 3/14/1965 #18854  
near Epsom, Queensland, when their attention is drawn to something on or ne 5/24/1965 #18962  
competent people to warrant closer attention than Project Blue Book can pos 7/1965 #19038  
earlier incident causes him to pay attention. At first Bertrand and Muscare 9/3/1965 #19511  
ignaled frantically to catch their attention, but to no avail.              1/5/1966 #19806  
 owned by Albert Pennisi. Pedley’s attention is drawn by a hissing sound, c 1/19/1966 #19858  
rl, Donna Glosser, calls it to the attention of others who are about a half 8/1/1966 #20718  
 by an “agency” and wants to avoid attention.  [Retrievals of the Third Kin 1967 #21239  
sts effectively diverts researcher attention away from NORAD’s 500 defense  3/28/1967 #22005  
shed his landing lights to get its attention, but there was no response and 4/18/1967 #22161  
er received a phone call stating, "Attention, it will begin at any moment.. 6/21/1967 #22530  
ns) first attracted the witnesses' attention to the objects. (DeSoto Press  9/1967 #22969  
en a bright green light called his attention outside. He saw an object flyi 11/25/1967 #23510  
ht lights in the sky attracted her attention. She looked up and saw a cigar 1/17/1968 #23668  
ing dogs, unusual sound, attracted attention to round object with ports, fl 2/4/1968 #23733  
the US Department of State drawing attention to Felix Ziegel’s article in t 2/20/1968 #23769  
degree burns that required medical attention.                               3/19/1968 #23850  
ave a big load." They directed his attention to an elliptical object six fe 7/2/1968 #24133  
eing flying saucers again”) to the attention of the USAF crew of a B-52H St 10/24/1968 #24587  
ic manner and that it deserves the attention of the engineering and scienti 12/1968 #24740  
orgia. One of the guests calls his attention to a strange object visible ab 1/6/1969 #24821  
ulino Ramos, age 13, called to her attention a “shining little tent” 500 me 2/6/1969 #24898  
over the cement plant and drew the attention of many of its employees, who  7/18/1969 #25280  
ver the cement plant, and drew the attention of many employees, who stopped 7/18/1969 #25281  
and not 60 feet away from him. His attention was caught by the humming soun 10/16/1969 #25417  
 said to him that if he would "pay attention." The people told him that the 7/4/1970 #25727  
seemed to be trying to attract the attention of another humanoid figure out 6/9/1971 #26165  
g television at 8:30 p.m. when his attention was drawn to the sound of his  7/27/1971 #26247  
he had to kick the door to attract attention. He was immediately rushed to  9/20/1971 #26354  
bright light in the sky caught his attention. He followed it to where he sa 8/26/1972 #26956  
ian called this to his companion's attention as he accelerated past the sce 2/4/1973 #27270  
the morning at 2:00 a.m., when her attention was drawn outdoors by the squa 5/27/1973 #27535  
here he vanished while the witness attention was diverted for a moment.     9/9/1973 #27794  
 13-year-old son Manuel called his attention to the presence of three peopl 10/29/1973 #28319  
et they had fired to get the UFO's attention. The UFO had been hovering nea 12/10/1973 #28553  
O cases but finding none worthy of attention. Ufologists take vigorous issu 1974 #28629  
 something in the sky caught their attention. They saw five saucer-shaped o 3/1/1974 #28842  
 yards away. Only one cow paid any attention to the small discs. It acted o 3/1/1974 #28842  
e road; then his fiancé called his attention to a pyramid-shaped luminous o 3/15/1974 #28891  
red by the fog. But what holds his attention is something inside the object 12/2/1974 #29629  
ble. He acknowledged the witnesses attention with a smile. They wanted to t 7/12/1975 #30175  
 A few times he acknowledged their attention by a friendly look. This time  7/12/1975 #30175  
 of Bermuda. The lookout calls his attention to a green light dead ahead th 4/23/1976 #31017  
et touching the ground. It paid no attention to the witnesses until it disa 7/15/1976 #31165  
at a friends’ house and draw their attention to the distant light. The enco 9/10/1976 #31371  
 discoid in shape. They turn their attention to the eclipse and when it is  10/23/1976 #31488  
Jones Pugh brings the story to the attention of the national media and soon 2/4/1977 #31790  
tood before a screen. They paid no attention to her. She had the impression 4/4/1977 #31943  
ky. Ground radar calls the plane’s attention to a target 15 miles away at t 4/14/1977 #31980  
rnoon when her mother called their attention to a white disc-like object ov 10/30/1977 #32639  
und midnight when his dog drew his attention to a tall white figure standin 12/10/1977 #32759  
k when the 3-year-old son drew her attention to a "moving star" nearly over 1/10/1978 #32868  
 when her 3-year-old son draws her attention to a “moving star” nearly over 1/10/1978 #32869  
bly required the driver's constant attention.                               1/10/1978 #32870  
their parents, when suddenly their attention was drawn to a glistening obje 10/2/1978 #33791  
e flash of light again brought her attention outside. She saw a orange sphe 12/6/1978 #34068  
y workers and did not pay them any attention. But he soon looked back at th 1/19/1979 #34362  
 Mexico cases, though it pays some attention to incidents in other states.  4/25/1979 #34523  
us books and media. Doty redirects attention away from AFOSI’s surveillance 1980's? #35109  
KY Lady said barking dogs drew her attention to a strange very bright objec 3/9/1980 #35209  
nger, a school official, calls his attention to a shiny object ahead of the 9/4/1980 #35494  
ast. The case quickly comes to the attention of the police and is soon inve 1/8/1981 #35779  
ject. The case quickly came to the attention of the police and was soon inv 1/8/1981 #35780  
the windows. They appear to pay no attention to her, although she feels a s 2/3/1983 #36761  
ght bead-like lights. The seaman's attention was centered on the bottom por 6/15/1984 #37365  
GORI tried to attract the object's attention using a signal projector. By t 6/15/1984 #37365  
 The daughter brought her father's attention to a streak of light in the sk 1/19/1988 #38417  
begins barking, and soon the man’s attention is drawn to a strange object i 11/4/1989 #39214  
ory quickly garners enormous media attention, controversy, supporters, and  11/10/1989 #39224  
-shaped object first attracted the attention of the military when it appear 8/28/1991 #40168  
 bright light outside caught their attention. Frightened, they looked out a 12/1/1991 #40251  
lock in the morning. That drew her attention outside, and when she turned t 6/26/1997 #43341  
t Collins Elite continues to focus attention on planned disclosure to publi 3/11/1998 #43532  
 home, a bright glow attracted his attention about to a spot about a kilome 3/15/1999 #43748  
itary officers draws the colonel’s attention to a disc-shaped object that i 8/3/2001 #44223  
aw a light outside that caught her attention. "As I looked up, I saw a beau 5/13/2003 #44536  
pean Commission should pay special attention to UFO studies by various Euro 1/20/2004 #44652  
tion with her and did not pay much attention to her. Several seconds later  8/2/2004 #44725  
           US In recent years much attention has been being focused on the  2013 #45356  
abrication to avoid further public attention and ridicule.”                 4/18/2017 #45468  
s there is a need for more serious attention to the “many accounts from the 10/4/2017 #45483  
y is what attracted the observer’s attention and that NAV Canada’s Winnipeg 1/6/2019 #45556  
ts as a joke, unaware of the viral attention it will receive. He comes up w 6/27/2019 #45588  
sistent, and this issue has lacked attention from senior leaders,” the repo 6/23/2020 #45649  
## Word: "attenuated" (Back to Top)
e animal, or creature, of a highly attenuated (ectoplasmic?) substance, cap 7/7/1947 #2936  
## Word: "atterbury" (Back to Top)
tricted military airspace for Camp Atterbury, located 20 miles south. She w 5/3/2006 #44938  
## Word: "attested" (Back to Top)
here were many witnesses, who also attested to the presence of many militar 4/2/1991 #40029  
## Word: "attesting" (Back to Top)
1945 and 1949, many letters arrive attesting to the truth of Shaver’s claim 1/1945 #1748  
## Word: "attests" (Back to Top)
ation industry for many years, and attests that it was not a meteor or a co 9/13/1999 #43845  
## Word: "attic" (Back to Top)
while, gazing at the structure or “attic” with a sense of irritation becaus 8/10/1976 #31252  
d whatsoever. There was simply no “attic.” Their rooms were on the top floo 8/10/1976 #31252  
group went to a crawl space in the attic above their bunks and removed some 12/14/1980 #35716  
een found by new homeowners in the attic of the former residence of Gulf Br 6/10/1990 #39612  
## Word: "attigneville" (Back to Top)
                                   ATTIGNEVILLE, FR Farmer. White 80cm cog- 3/26/1966 #20085  
                                   Attigneville, France Jean Voilquin, 54,  3/26/1966 #20089  
l" roll 15 meters away from him in Attigneville, France. It moved at a spee 3/26/1966 #20092  
## Word: "attilio" (Back to Top)
e base, sends a detailed report to Attilio Ruffini, the Italian Minister of 10/27/1977 #32623  
ce sergeants (Franco Padellero and Attilio di Salvatore), an Italian Navy N 7/4/1978 #33335  
                 At 11:30 p.m. Sr. Attilio B. of Bassano del Grappa, Italy  8/14/1999 #43822  
## Word: "attired" (Back to Top)
horter than any of the men, neatly attired, and also having a Latin appeara 7/28/1952 #7260  
## Word: "attitash" (Back to Top)
 Repeater. Flat disk hovers / Lake Attitash. Hums. / Haverhill Gazette.     10/7/1958 #15323  
## Word: "attitude" (Back to Top)
White Sands Pad 33, Reaches 59.9km attitude (Defective performance)         1/28/1949 #3982  
hite Sands Pad 33, Reaches 100.6km attitude                                 2/17/1949 #4011  
 White Sands Pad 33, Reaches 129km attitude (Successful flight. Separation  2/24/1949 #4022  
hite Sands Pad 33, Reaches 133.5km attitude (Blossom 3 — Parachute not ejec 3/21/1949 #4051  
White Sands Pad 33, Reaches 87.2km attitude (Degraded performance from 43s) 4/11/1949 #4086  
White Sands Pad 33, Reaches 49.9km attitude (Premature V-2 cut-off; WAC sta 4/21/1949 #4096  
White Sands Pad 33, Reaches 8.85km attitude (Second Hermes II ‘Organ’ test  5/5/1949 #4145  
hite Sands Pad 33, Reaches 133.5km attitude (Blossom 4 — Nominal performanc 6/14/1949 #4236  
 White Sands Pad 33, Reaches 4.2km attitude (Blossom 5 — payload. Explosion 9/16/1949 #4359  
hite Sands Pad 33, Reaches 150.8km attitude                                 9/29/1949 #4376  
hite Sands Pad 33, Reaches 123.9km attitude                                 11/18/1949 #4417  
hite Sands Pad 33, Reaches 130.3km attitude                                 12/8/1949 #4436  
hite Sands Pad 33, Reaches 148.7km attitude                                 2/17/1950 #4539  
Cape Canaveral LC3, Reaches 16.1km attitude (Low-angle atmospheric flight o 7/24/1950 #5076  
Cape Canaveral LC3, Reaches 16.1km attitude (Low-angle atmospheric flight o 7/29/1950 #5080  
hite Sands Pad 33, Reaches 136.4km attitude (Blossom 7- Nominal performance 8/31/1950 #5152  
at White Sands Pad 33, Reaches 8km attitude (Explosion at 50s at Mach 3 ter 10/26/1950 #5256  
he cameras in Project Twinkle. His attitude irks everyone in the meeting. W Early 5/1952 #6249  
haped object changed direction and attitude, finally tipping on end and dep 7/9/1952 #6738  
ject silently change direction and attitude above his farm 2 miles east of  7/9/1952 #6741  
ey all flip over again into a flat attitude. Two new, brighter UFOs join th 7/14/1952 #6817  
 then climbed fast in a horizontal attitude.  Ten second sighting.          1/1/1953 #8493  
 3 luminous saucers hover / tilted attitude. 2 shoot going up [to] going qu 3/6/1954 #9600  
s was just due to a more skeptical attitude. The reports are just as good a 7/20/1954 #10031  
hink there is an official “British attitude to UFOs.”                       2/18/1956 #12728  
erability. It never changes flight attitude at any time.                    5/22/1956 #12865  
g, intrigue, and the ‘Big Brother’ attitude carried to the ultimate extreme 12/1958 #15465  
arding reports is the “Big Brother attitude carried to the ultimate extreme 12/21/1958 #15494  
red. Angered by USAF Col. Tacker's attitude, NICAP members and other citize 6/1961 #16706  
t Condon has a “basically negative attitude.”                               10/20/1966 #21019  
nment get out of this business. My attitude right now is that there’s nothi 1/25/1967 #21385  
ry bright, it assumed a horizontal attitude, and shot away at great speed " 10/24/1967 #23309  
iens can get here from there. This attitude suggests that Condon’s approach 10/31/1968 #24608  
her feet. The men sat in a relaxed attitude looking down at the woman. They 2/22/1969 #24939  
ing for the LM, that came off when attitude control rockets blew it off whe 6/18/1969 #25222  
Doty, who arrives promptly. Doty’s attitude is defiant and nervous, but How 4/9/1983 #36830  
ing. The captain takes a defensive attitude and prepares for evasive measur 3/19/2020 #45639  
## Word: "attitudes" (Back to Top)
 but some of Pelley’s anti-Semitic attitudes creep into Williamson’s later  Summer 1954 #9918  
 Here, focusing on the beliefs and attitudes of UFO researchers through fir 3/3/2020 #45637  
## Word: "attleboro" (Back to Top)
e to the ground, was seen in South Attleboro, Massachusetts at 11:37 p.m. f 10/2/2004 #44765  
## Word: "attlee" (Back to Top)
ing with UK Prime Minister Clement Attlee.                                  12/6/1950 #5329  
## Word: "attorney" (Back to Top)
Oakland Havana, Cuba San Francisco attorney George D. Collins announces tha 11/22/1896 #347  
ncluding an interview with another attorney, Frederick Bradley. Suspicion f 11/22/1896 #347  
worn to secrecy. Former California Attorney General William H. H. Hart soon 11/22/1896 #347  
 State George A. McCalvy, District Attorney Frank D. Ryan, and E. D. McCabe 11/25/1896 #360  
 California 10:00 p.m. A prominent attorney and others in Woodland, Califor 11/27/1896 #367  
course. Conductor J. C. Gaupel and attorney W. J. Klein also see the light  5/4/1897 #588  
rerunner of the FBI, is created by Attorney General Charles Bonaparte. Its  7/26/1908 #716  
 Its first chief is Stanley Finch. Attorney General George W. Wickersham re 7/26/1908 #716  
                   London, England Attorney and “telepathist” Hugh Mansfiel 10/27/1926 #1065  
  Mayaquez, Puerto Rico Witnesses: Attorney and ex-USAF pilot Mr. Stipes, S 5/14/1952 #6324  
                                   Attorney General Herbert Brownell Jr. FB 5/20/1954 #9820  
l Jr. FBI officials recommend that Attorney General Herbert Brownell Jr. au 5/20/1954 #9820  
stigations. The FBI would seek the Attorney General’s prior approval, as wi 5/20/1954 #9820  
der in western Lake Erie Witness:  attorney L.B. Tussing. One black cylinde 7/25/1954 #10051  
rie. At 7:12 p.m. L.B. Tussing, an attorney, saw a black cylindrical object 7/25/1954 #10053  
                                An attorney and two ranch hands on a ranch  9/7/1956 #13206  
               Hamilton, Ont., CAN Attorney saw speeding, white elliptical  7/9/1957 #13782  
s northwest of Arequipa 11:45 p.m. Attorney José Valencia Dongo, his wife,  1/30/1958 #14851  
, Bahia, Brazil Salvador 3:05 a.m. Attorney Carlos José de Costa Pereira, M 2/24/1958 #14889  
Frontier City Otis T. Carr and his attorney are summoned to the county cour 5/4/1959 #15722  
                     LEXINGTON, KY Attorney. Saucer hovers / 10 minute(s).  10/27/1960 #16487  
                     Lexington, KY Attorney saw disc hover, move away. [NIC 10/27/1960 #16488  
on. Later than day a private pilot attorney saw two discs flying below the  8/10/1965 #19363  
lf hours, at 7:30 p.m. local time, attorney Ong Huck Hong and his son obser 1/15/1967 #21314  
     El Paso, TX Early evening. An attorney saw a shiny gray cylindrical ob 12/7/1967 #23556  
                             US US Attorney General Edward H. Levi issues a 11/6/1975 #30567  
Library of Congress Constitutional attorney Daniel P. Sheehan, at the reque 1977 #31650  
                                   Attorney Daniel P. Sheehan at the reques 1977 #31659  
 long afterwards, someone from the attorney general’s office warns McCarthy 1/10/1977 #31715  
 District of Columbia Assistant US Attorney for the District of Columbia Wi 8/17/1978 #33522  
Harrison Schmitt (R-N.Mex.) and US Attorney R. E. Thompson convene an infor 4/20/1979 #34517  
the Santa Fe, New Mexico, District Attorney’s office (which has been design 4/25/1979 #34523  
    Citizens Against UFO Secrecy’s attorney Peter Gersten brings a lawsuit  5/1980 #35295  
hief investigator for the District Attorney’s Office in Trinidad, Colorado. 5/28/1980 #35343  
                        In 1980 an attorney in Sedalia, Missouri observed a 11/19/1980 #35660  
pensation for their injuries. With attorney Peter Gersten taking on the cas 12/29/1980 #35757  
Ellsworth AFB US CAUS director and attorney Peter Gersten has two meetings  1/10/1983 #36742  
 robotics expert Charlie Rosen and attorney Bruce Garrett, Gen. Johnny John 11/10/1986 #38061  
y of Ellsworth, and Bill Reiff, an attorney, took off in a Beechcraft Bonan 7/22/1989 #39030  
 to dismiss the suit. Assistant US Attorney Richard Patrick says the depart 1/22/1999 #43717  
smiss the suit, and assistant U.S. Attorney Richard Patrick says the DOD co 1/22/1999 #43719  
ge Masters.” Dolan claims it is an attorney from defense contractor TRW, an 7/31/1999 #43815  
 does not give the name of the TRW attorney he believes wrote the story and 7/31/1999 #43815  
         Ret. CDR Will Miller told attorney Peter Gerston that senior gover 2000 #43914  
 Davis and Hal Puthoff discuss an “attorney friend” of a former TRW employe 5/8/2000 #43991  
is not verifiable yet. (Note: That attorney is later suggested to be former 5/8/2000 #43991  
 security director and a corporate attorney, who are surprised when he disc 10/16/2002 #44418  
d in relation to a Hughes Aircraft attorney Jeffrey W. Griffith and a clien 10/16/2002 #44418  
                 Monterrey, Mexico Attorney and Army Reserves Brig. Gen. St 9/20/2005 #44877  
onnected to a TRW situation and an attorney “Jeffrey W. Griffith.” Elliot k 9/15/2021 #45710  
                                   Attorney for AATIP head Lue Elizondo, Da 10/2021 #45713  
## Word: "attorneys" (Back to Top)
 of Quartsite, Arizona Witnesses:  attorneys W.B. Buttermore and J.W. Smith 8/8/1956 #13062  
round Saucer Watch, meets with CIA attorneys and Judge John H. Pratt at US  9/19/1979 #34900  
                               NSA attorneys move for a summary judgment in 9/1/1980 #35490  
86   https://www.londonfischer.com/attorneys/jeffrey-griffith   https://pbs 9/15/2021 #45710  
## Word: "attract" (Back to Top)
erground hangars before they could attract attention.                       6/19/1948 #3674  
e cult-like attributes. There they attract new members, including Williamso 12/2/1956 #13384  
ut of the tree and lights fires to attract its attention. The light turns t 9/5/1964 #18539  
t panel. He seemed to be trying to attract the attention of another humanoi 6/9/1971 #26165  
or, and he had to kick the door to attract attention. He was immediately ru 9/20/1971 #26354  
ade a humming sound that seemed to attract birds that followed it as it fle 5/12/1979 #34556  
portion. The crew of GORI tried to attract the object's attention using a s 6/15/1984 #37365  
 headache and tried to yell out to attract some additional witnesses, but w 3/15/1999 #43748  
## Word: "attracted" (Back to Top)
near Mount Rainier, Washington was attracted by reflected sunlight from nin 6/24/1947 #2402  
esses are seeing migrating plovers attracted to Lubbock’s new vapor street  8/25/1951 #5625  
 behind him when a faint whistling attracted his attention. Shaped like a w 7/2/1953 #8986  
 of the metal fragments would have attracted the attention of federal offic 8/19/1953 #9084  
hat inhabit the ionosphere and are attracted to electrical sources.         9/1955 #12422  
entified flying objects which have attracted national attention.” He admits 4/8/1957 #13589  
he water seemed to be "boiling" or attracted upward, while a soft, whirring 4/1958 #14953  
well as a horse whose attention is attracted to the object. Analysis shows  7/3/1960 #16329  
and, MA About 1:00 a.m., witnesses attracted by a loud roar observed a Satu 6/26/1963 #17807  
 Vancluse, Australia Mr. Crowe was attracted by a strong light on the beach 7/19/1965 #19131  
 Goonumbla, Australia Two children attracted by the barking of a dog saw a  7/30/1965 #19211  
rnoon the two McClintock children, attracted by the barking of a dog, saw a 7/30/1965 #19212  
Quebec, Canada when a strong light attracted them to the window. Looking ou 8/14/1965 #19391  
feet above a house. Witnesses were attracted to it by a "weird" humming sou 3/24/1966 #20068  
mal reactions) and a pinging sound attracted other witnesses to the UFO. Th 3/29/1966 #20132  
king dogs (animal reactions) first attracted the witnesses' attention to th 9/1967 #22969  
enly some bright lights in the sky attracted her attention. She looked up a 1/17/1968 #23668  
s, CA Barking dogs, unusual sound, attracted attention to round object with 2/4/1968 #23733  
ist. and the witness felt strongly attracted to it. As she got closer she s 9/26/1973 #27872  
right light outside her house then attracted her. She drew the curtains and 10/21/1973 #28229  
                FENCEHOUSES, ENG 2 attracted / 5' saucer. 2 small small hum 9/3/1976 #31333  
esses in Long Grove, Illinois, are attracted outside by a loud crackling no 3/9/1977 #31888  
f on her head and was irresistibly attracted to a strong beam of light whic 5/10/1977 #32083  
 couple in Ventura, California, is attracted outdoors by an odd noise and s 7/22/1978 #33410  
sh glow on top. The witnesses felt attracted towards the object and began w 8/19/1979 #34760  
ight going down / tree. Tree seems attracted to UFO.                        1/21/1980 #35139  
, blocking the road ahead. He fetl attracted to it, and alternately frighte 11/28/1980 #35680  
ter he heard footsteps and his dog attracted him to a "figure" standing by  2/13/1981 #35826  
 Red delta/triangle/box-like craft attracted / lights. 2 night lights shoot 4/1/1982 #36425  
being dragged about 33 feet, as if attracted by a magnet, and leaving tire  12/14/1987 #38364  
 evening in San Antonio, Texas was attracted by a humming sound she heard o 2/11/1989 #38836  
uge, dirigible-shaped object first attracted the attention of the military  8/28/1991 #40168  
 and Pennsylvania. At 5 a.m. noise attracted a witness to the window of her 1/28/1993 #40817  
hen he reached home, a bright glow attracted his attention about to a spot  3/15/1999 #43748  
the light in the night sky is what attracted the observer’s attention and t 1/6/2019 #45556  
## Word: "attracting" (Back to Top)
f using the belt of his bathrobe,” attracting the interest of conspiracy th 7/1977 #32220  
erences continue to at least 1996, attracting as many as 200 attendees.     5/23/1980 #35340  
hts are seen 15–20 times per week, attracting many tourists.                11/1981 #36201  
## Word: "attraction" (Back to Top)
field. Geller felt an irresistible attraction towards the light. They left  12/6/1971 #26490  
 walk toward it, feeling a sort of attraction, and see that it is an oval o 9/3/1976 #31336  
 of his vehicle. He felt a strange attraction to the little man and could n 9/25/1977 #32519  
 of the men, who felt a mysterious attraction towards the creature and the  10/24/1981 #36185  
house and Veronique felt a strange attraction to the object, but she fought 2/21/1995 #42055  
## Word: "attractive" (Back to Top)
        Hitachi province, Japan An attractive young woman aged 18–20 years  2/22/1803 #100  
 that they are each very much less attractive when tried out in quantitativ 6/24/1947 #2398  
FO. Several naked adults—humanoid, attractive, and also deeply tanned—then  3/28/1950 #4750  
lus $13,000 in operating expenses) attractive.                              Late 7/1966 #20683  
dressed in shiny white suits, with attractive capes made of the same materi 5/10/1978 #33199  
"; two men dressed in white and an attractive woman that picked him up and  5/4/1999 #43762  
riment can generate a repulsive or attractive force of about 300 to 500 kil 2/4/2020 #45630  
## Word: "attracts" (Back to Top)
ca, Spain, after a faint whistling attracts his attention. Shaped like a wa 7/1/1953 #8982  
not ready to make public yet. Carr attracts the funding of local businessma 1955 #11894  
e Desert near Landers, California, attracts a smaller crowd than the first. 3/12/1955 #12046  
t are antiwar and anti-nuclear. It attracts the attention of Scotland Yard’ 5/26/1957 #13680  
7'DISK hovers / power poles. Hums. Attracts birds that follow away.         5/12/1979 #34555  
nd nearby Khao Kala hill regularly attracts crowds of meditating UFO enthus 12/1997 #43452  
the event page, which subsequently attracts widespread media reaction and m 6/27/2019 #45588  
## Word: "attributable" (Back to Top)
le reliable UFO report that is not attributable to the cosmic [Skyhook] bal 2/27/1951 #5463  
e of such nature that they are not attributable to natural phenomena or kno 12/2/1952 #8363  
ey conclude that the object is not attributable to any known phenomenon or  2/4/1968 #23734  
Romania. Some of the sightings are attributable to a balloon, but others se 9/19/1968 #24485  
long-delayed radio echoes could be attributable to an extraterrestrial prob 5/1971 #26089  
eriod is 188, although some may be attributable to passing aircraft. Only f 1/21/1984 #37136  
n 100 documented deaths are likely attributable to increased exposure to ra 4/26/1986 #37843  
al material. Only the oxide is not attributable to the car’s own finish. Th 11/27/1998 #43686  
## Word: "attribute" (Back to Top)
 received was, "The most important attribute of matter is its ability to pe 9/20/1979 #34909  
s cardiologist, Vasudev B. Shenoy, attribute her hair loss to the autoimmun 12/29/1980 #35757  
s show no anti-gravity effects and attribute the phenomena to ionic drift.  5/9/2001 #44183  
 military presence in the area and attribute the story to rumor and misinfo 10/13/2010 #45302  
Breakthrough Listen Project cannot attribute it to any Earth-based or near- 4/2019 #45570  
on) lack sufficient information to attribute a specific explanation or expl 6/25/2021 #45694  
## Word: "attributed" (Back to Top)
thorship of the article is usually attributed to Richard Adams Locke, a rep 8/25/1835 #130  
casualties. The event is generally attributed to the air burst of a meteoro 6/30/1908 #711  
two figures inside. The airship is attributed to a Worcester businessman na 12/22/1909 #821  
ome “moving lights in the air” are attributed to marsh gas.                 9/4/1915 #936  
chaos and two die of heart attacks attributed to the stress of the hour-lon 2/24/1942 #1388  
ific Theatre. The Truk sighting is attributed to an unknown Japanese experi 6/9/1945 #1875  
s notes that the targets have been attributed to insects, but he is skeptic Spring 1948 #3593  
ely that domestic incidents can be attributed to the activity of a foreign  2/18/1949 #4017  
ma ray radiation that could not be attributed to any known source. Official 11/29/1950 #5300  
fense installations and can NOT be attributed to natural phenomena or KNOWN 11/25/1952 #8335  
w in the park of the villa, but he attributed this to the moon. After he ha 10/18/1954 #11225  
 based at Area 51 in Nevada can be attributed to the well- publicized Air F 2/29/1964 #18140  
ly timed at 4:57 a.m. It was later attributed to a breakdown in the insulat 4/24/1966 #20400  
mbness. Burns are noted, initially attributed to a toxic plant, but when de 8/13/1967 #22873  
e next day tracks similar to those attributed to Bigfoot were made in the a 7/17/1973 #27638  
ften (though not universally) been attributed to the launch of the Soviet s 9/20/1977 #32499  
endlesham Forest. These lights are attributed by astronomers to a piece of  12/26/1980 #35737  
 at different times that cannot be attributed to the reentry, concluding on 3/31/1993 #40914  
e letter "U". Superstitious locals attributed these symbols to be "demonic" 2/9/1995 #42031  
er to drink from a bell. Some have attributed this to a visitation by the B 9/15/1996 #43020  
ludes that, despite some accidents attributed to UFOs around the world, the 7/31/2014 #45412  
pulation of Extra Dimensions,” was attributed to theoretical physicist Rich 1/9/2018 #45503  
 note that while some cases can be attributed to known psychological or med 2/2/2022 #45737  
## Word: "attributes" (Back to Top)
an Dunning of the Skeptoid podcast attributes Tesla’s signals to pulsars, w 1899 #628  
the US Office of Air Force History attributes the event to a case of “war n 2/24/1942 #1388  
 crew, also disappears. The report attributes the loss of the PBM aircraft  12/5/1945 #1950  
r. The Naval Electronics Lab later attributes the photo to “electric discha 10/14/1949 #4395  
t abandon the chase. The Air Force attributes the sighting to Venus.        10/16/1951 #5730  
 radar. A 1955 RAND report falsely attributes this to an armada of 100 MiG- 3/14/1953 #8753  
 Aviation planted by the Air Force attributes the latest wave of sightings  3/1/1954 #9586  
“Foreign Sightings” in Europe, but attributes the cause to an increase in “ 12/7/1954 #11772  
ven Rays, which has some cult-like attributes. There they attract new membe 12/2/1956 #13384  
d in weapons development. Davidson attributes CIA involvement in the claims 3/1962 #17066  
 in the eyelid and tearing, but it attributes this to the cobalt therapy sh 11/1/1966 #21061  
ts cobbled together in support. He attributes the B-52 radar contact and lo 10/24/1968 #24587  
s, who calls himself the “PK Man,” attributes his psychic and precognitive  1969 #24803  
volving extraterrestrials. Sitchin attributes the creation of the ancient S 1976 #30744  
ime, pathology work by the coroner attributes the adult human bones to Tayl 11/29/1980 #35683  
n the undersides. BUFORA initially attributes the sighting to two US Air Fo 5/16/1988 #38570  
numerous scars on his body that he attributes to his abduction experience.  9/26/1996 #43043  
 that such encounters are real. It attributes a number of cases to the “clo 5/15/2006 #44942  
## Word: "attuned" (Back to Top)
 his office had been asked to stay attuned to “any data on flying saucers.” 12/3/1950 #5314  
## Word: "attunement" (Back to Top)
 to raise humanity’s “vibrationary attunement” so that earthlings will not  1/6/1952 #5861  
## Word: "atty" (Back to Top)
       WETUMKA, OK Assistant distr.Atty. Square object flies over home at t 8/12/1952 #7547  
## Word: "atuba" (Back to Top)
of his fellow factory employees in Atuba, Para state, Brazil fulfilling a p 5/4/1977 #32055  
## Word: "atwater" (Back to Top)
                        US224 NEAR ATWATER, OH 1 Air Force and 2 Navy / car 8/23/1952 #7686  
side of Akron on US Highway 224 in Atwater, Ohio. The object was pulsating  8/23/1952 #7694  
rt Aviation and Development Center Atwater, California 9:05 p.m. The crew o 8/20/1953 #9090  
 Development Center], northeast of Atwater, California. The UFO makes four  8/20/1953 #9090  
haped object from Ravenna, Ohio to Atwater, Pennsylvania in the pre-dawn ho 4/17/1966 #20319  
                                   ATWATER, CA 3+observer(s). 3' x7'DISK ho 5/12/1979 #34555  
   At 1:30 p.m. three observers in Atwater, Los Angeles County, California  5/12/1979 #34556  
ieved to be Richard Doty and Steve Atwater), and that for four years, he wa 1982 #36283  
Army’s remote viewing program Skip Atwater discovers intelligence informati 7/1982 #36525  
 bases in which UAP emanated from. Atwater attempted to corroborate these c 7/1982 #36525  
M 1977-1999) with F. Holmes “Skip” Atwater and Murray Watt, Grill Flame (Ar 6/30/1995 #42284  
n Bell, Mel Riley, Fernand Guavin, Atwater, Rob Cowart, Tom McNear, Gemma F 6/30/1995 #42284  
ane (Army INSCOM) with McMoneagle, Atwater, McNear and Foreman, Dragoon Abs 6/30/1995 #42284  
 H. Smith, Lyn Buchanan, Bill Ray, Atwater and McNear, Sun Streak (DIA) wit 6/30/1995 #42284  
r, Sun Streak (DIA) with Schufelt, Atwater, Ray, Smith, Buchanan, Gabrielle 6/30/1995 #42284  
## Word: "atwood" (Back to Top)
                   Herndon, Kansas Atwood, Kansas Culbertson, Nebraska McCo 8/2/1979 #34703  
om south to north over Herndon and Atwood, Kansas; and Culbertson and McCoo 8/2/1979 #34703  
## Word: "atypical" (Back to Top)
aneuvers / 5 minute(s). Rises into atypical clouds.                         1/31/1969 #24880  
## Word: "au" (Back to Top)
         MELBOURNE TO/FROM SYDNEY, AU Prince / Wales and 13. "Phantom vesse 6/11/1881 #242  
tween Melbourne and Sydney at sea, AU 4:00 a.m. The two sons of the Prince  6/11/1881 #243  
        Invercargill, New Zealand, AU 11:00 p.m. Several witnesses among th 1/1910 #827  
                      Bass Strait, AU At 2:30 a.m. a bomber crew at 4,500 f 2/1944 #1569  
 and taking off 60 km north of Jun.au.                                      4/1950 #4783  
        Terrigal, New South Wales, AU Extremely brilliant carbon-arc bright 12/30/1952 #8465  
                        Australia, AU The Drury Film (NICAP: 08 - Photograp 8/23/1953 #9103  
                     Unknown City, AU Airline pilot saw huge, apparently me 1/1/1954 #9434  
                            Nowra, AU O'Farrell Case (Sea Fury Incident), G 8/31/1954 #10216  
                            Nowra, AU O'Farrell Case (Sea Fury Incident) (M 8/31/1954 #10217  
                        Tintinara, AU Saturn-shaped UFO made sharp turn, as 4/22/1955 #12099  
                  Adelaide (near), AU Silver oblong UFO viewed through bino 6/17/1955 #12203  
                     Nr. Adelaide, AU Silver oblong UFO viewed through bino 7/17/1955 #12264  
                     Unknown City, AU Round UFO sighted by former Commander 10/16/1957 #14126  
                                   AU SABLE FORKS, NY Observer(s) / ground. 11/8/1957 #14467  
                    Casino, N.S.W, AU Interference on car radio as UFO foll 1/13/1958 #14822  
                  New South Wales, AU Elliptical UFO with two "porthole" li 2/2/1958 #14865  
                     Willow Grove, AU 25 ft blue and battleship-gray metall 2/15/1963 #17666  
               Mt. Gambler (near), AU Unconfirmed report that a brilliant l 5/21/1963 #17756  
              Wonthaggi, Victoria, AU TV difficulty, viewer called outside  9/20/1963 #17952  
               Daylston, Victoria, AU A deliveryman on his rounds at 4:15 a 10/31/1963 #18014  
     NORTHEAST PT / GROOT EYLANDT, AU Compass off. Underwater night lights  1/23/1964 #18115  
                             Point au Fer Reef, LA Ball Of Light Hovers Ove 3/3/1965 #18834  
                           Mackay, AU Circular UFO with three legs on or ne 5/24/1965 #18958  
           Townsville, Queensland, AU Flattened Sphere Buzzes DC-6 / Photos 5/28/1965 #18971  
                 Vaucluse, N.S.W., AU Glowing Disc On Legs Freaks Dogs (NIC 7/19/1965 #19129  
                            Tully, AU January 19, 1966; Tully, Australia. D 1/19/1966 #19856  
                        Katanning, AU 11-12:30 a.m. An object with a row of 1/20/1966 #19861  
                 Melbourne (near), AU Brown photo (NICAP: 08 - Photographic 4/2/1966 #20207  
            Burkes Flat, Victoria, AU 8:00 p.m. LT. As a strange light phen 4/4/1966 #20220  
                           Sidney, AU 10:10 a.m. LT. Two women saw a grayis 3/8/1967 #21802  
                          Dareton, AU 6:30 p.m. An oval object with a tall  3/10/1967 #21848  
                Wodonga, Victoria, AU Two humanoid beings in silvery suits, 8/24/1967 #22911  
               Kanagulk, Victoria, AU Night. A man saw an object shaped lik 9/14/1967 #23054  
                          Kulikup, AU Luminous, pulsating ellipse, forward  10/30/1967 #23366  
                         Finucane, AU 9:20 p.m. LT. A man was driving when  10/31/1967 #23375  
                         Yerecoin, AU Time not reported. A farm manager saw 11/15/1967 #23457  
                       Kalgoorlie, AU Object emitted 6 "cigars" near Piper  8/22/1968 #24367  
                          Grey, S. AU Top-shaped object paced car, sped awa 12/8/1968 #24751  
    Undisclosed city in Australia, AU Luminous cigar followed car; object r 2/20/1969 #24934  
 reasonable quality who had vetted AU govt. sources properly previously.    10/24/1969 #25424  
                        Kadina, S. AU Glowing orange disc illuminated area, 8/8/1971 #26272  
                 Murray Bridge, S. AU Diamond-shaped object in paddock, "be 11/30/1972 #27153  
tween Kinchela and Gladstone, NSW, AU Four teenagers driving saw a bright y 4/30/1973 #27456  
                Mount Gambier, So. AU A round spinning UFO with red, green, 5/23/1973 #27521  
         bt. Penong and Ivy Tanks, AU The witness was a passenger in a semi 9/6/1973 #27773  
                         Adelaide, AU Two motorists from Adelaide reported  4/15/1974 #29028  
                  Maitland, N.S.W, AU Dogs barked furiously, circular yello 10/17/1974 #29539  
                       Queensland, AU 7:45 p.m. Mr. Eric Falkenburger saw a 6/24/1975 #30119  
                         Tasmania, AU 9:30 PM. Several children at a youth  2/3/1977 #31783  
          Kunanurra, N. Territory, AU Oval passed Cessna 206 (NICAP: 11 - A 12/9/1977 #32753  
            Leitchville, Victoria, AU An orange-red, disc-shaped object des 12/13/1977 #32765  
                   Keith (near), S.AU A white, oval light about 27 feet in  12/30/1977 #32819  
  Grafton, New South Wales (near), AU A 25-year-old man observed two irregu 1/10/1978 #32867  
          Albury, New South Wales, AU A chrome colored cigar-shaped object  3/30/1978 #33100  
                            Perth, AU Large object w/satellite objects near 8/22/1978 #33544  
      Maatsuyker Island, Tasmania, AU At the Maatsuyker Island Lighthouse a 9/17/1978 #33698  
                      Bass Strait, AU Famous "Valentich" Cessna 182 case (N 10/21/1978 #33854  
                Lawitta, Tasmania, AU Car engulfed in intense white light,  2/5/1979 #34403  
          Liverpool Creek, Qnsld., AU Beehive-shaped object beside road, ro 2/8/1979 #34409  
             Brisbane, Queensland, AU Bright orange lights on road ahead, t 5/6/1979 #34547  
               Rosedale, Victoria, AU Horses and cattle reacted to top-shap 9/30/1980 #35543  
               Rosedale, Victoria, AU Object with whistling noise lands on  9/30/1980 #35544  
                            Perth, AU G,V, Four UFOs on a/port radar (NICAP 12/4/1980 #35696  
               Cocklebiddy (near), AU A couple named Winsome were driving i 5/16/1981 #35939  
               Ripley, Queensland, AU In an isolated area, some kangaroo hu 5/2/1982 #36461  
           Caboolture, Queensland, AU A couple noted a saucer shaped object 5/20/1982 #36476  
           Bowna, New South Wales, AU A nocturnal light paced a car in Bown 5/23/1982 #36484  
     Launceston, Tasmania (NW of), AU A mechanical engineer on an airliner  6/27/1982 #36519  
                       Maddington, AU 1:50 PM. An orange light followed a c 12/21/1982 #36721  
                           Romsey, AU Bizarre cone-shaped UFOs were spotted 5/13/1983 #36859  
       Various cities in Victoria, AU Hundreds of people living in the Aust 5/20/1983 #36861  
              Hampshire, Tasmania, AU 7:30 PM. A motorist in his 1982 Toyot 7/6/1983 #36903  
                        Melbourne, AU Two dazzling UFOs flew rings around a 7/22/1983 #36919  
    Launceston, Northern Tasmania, AU Gray ellipse, blinding light from und 12/14/1984 #37524  
             Edmonton, Queensland, AU Bright blue-green oval paced ahead of 10/20/1986 #38051  
                      Mundrabilla, AU Knowles family encounter with oval ob 1/20/1988 #38420  
              Melbourne, Victoria, AU Five people in two separate cars enco 8/8/1993 #41115  
                        Australia, AU 1994; Australia (NICAP: 08 - Photogra 1994 #41339  
              Melbourne, Victoria, AU Motorists encountered glowing orange  7/24/1994 #41636  
tml   https://www.johnclarkson.com.au/images/downloads/DrGreen_Article.pdf  7/31/1999 #43815  
? *   https://www.johnclarkson.com.au/images/downloads/DrGreen_Article.pdf  4/28/2006 #44936  
## Word: "aubagne" (Back to Top)
                                   AUBAGNE, FR Ex-pilot. Dull 40cm object r 3/22/1953 #8773  
                                   AUBAGNE, FR Saucer over line / shoppers. 10/30/1959 (approximate) #16067  
a queue of shoppers in the city of Aubagne, Bouches-Rhone, France at 6 p.m. 10/30/1959 #16069  
                                   AUBAGNE, FR 1 observer. Bizarre crescent 7/20/1994 #41631  
## Word: "auban" (Back to Top)
                               ST. AUBAN, FR 6 observer(s). Metal cylinder/ 7/1/1994? #41598  
## Word: "aube" (Back to Top)
afternoon in the Lusigny Forest in Aube department, France Roger Reveille s 10/20/1954 #11280  
                 Fôret de Lusigny, Aube, France Afternoon. Roger Reveillé i 10/22/1954 #11319  
s walking in the Fôret de Lusigny, Aube, France, when he hears a rustling n 10/22/1954 #11319  
          OSSEY-LES-TROIS-MAISONS, AUBE 2 farmers orange ovoid going down / 3/25/1974 #28948  
                      ST. GERMAIN, AUBE Many observer(s). Big delta/triangl 11/5/1990 #39838  
      At 7:00 p.m. in St. Germain, Aube, France during this intense regiona 11/5/1990 #39872  
aye, Gironde Moselle Ardennes Nord Aube Unidentified drones are observed ov 10/5/2014 #45416  
nd the Nogent Nuclear Power Plant, Aube.                                    10/5/2014 #45416  
## Word: "aubel" (Back to Top)
                                   AUBEL, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). Odd shape  11/29/1989 #39264  
## Word: "aubenas" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR AUBENAS, FR Domed disk hovers / 45 minut 7/12/1968 #24169  
## Word: "auberry" (Back to Top)
                    mountains near Auberry, California Two grammar school t Spring 1944 #1586  
 are driving in the mountains near Auberry, California, when their car stal Spring 1944 #1586  
                                   Auberry, CA Dogs bark and lights dim as  9/6/1982 #36597  
## Word: "aubigny" (Back to Top)
                                   AUBIGNY, FR 1 observer. 2M saucer going  3/10/1972 #26594  
                                In Aubigny, Eure district, France a 63-year 3/10/1972 #26599  
## Word: "aubigny-sur-nere" (Back to Top)
                                   AUBIGNY-SUR-NERE, FR 1 observer. Footbal 1/11/1995 #41967  
## Word: "aubin" (Back to Top)
                   NORTHWEST / ST. AUBIN AND CHOLET, FR Bright colored cyli 11/22/1952 #8319  
## Word: "aubin-des-chateaux" (Back to Top)
                               ST. AUBIN-DES-CHATEAUX, FR 2M rectangle goin 9/29/1975 #30392  
## Word: "aubineau" (Back to Top)
The witnesses were 19-year-old Mr. Aubineau, 21-year-old Mr. Mijon, his son 1/5/1970 #25536  
## Word: "aubonne" (Back to Top)
                   D41 NORTHEAST / AUBONNE, FR 2 cops / car. Moon-size fire 9/22/1957 #14026  
## Word: "aubre" (Back to Top)
 36 Bakersfield, Vermont 9:00 p.m. Aubre Brogden is driving along Vermont H Mid 2/1982 #36347  
## Word: "auburn" (Back to Top)
                                   AUBURN, CA Several observer(s). Barrel-s 11/25/1896 #359  
                                   AUBURN, CA 50+observer(s). Several large 7/5/1947 #2694  
                                   Auburn, California 2:30 p.m. Automobile  7/5/1947 #2724  
of silvery discs flying south near Auburn, California. They appear directly 7/5/1947 #2724  
                                   AUBURN, ME 2 pilots / ground. Large dark 8/1/1950 #5096  
ssed a turn, had to go back toward Auburn, and had reached a point northwes 12/1951 #5802  
                        5MI EAST / AUBURN, GA 2 Air Force COLs / (seen thru 11/8/1952 #8256  
                                   AUBURN, CA 1+2. Silent 2M torpedo follow 7/21/1956 #12998  
                          Ithaca & Auburn bt., NY 6:45 p.m. EST. A woman dr 12/12/1967 #23572  
                     NOTASULGA AND AUBURN AND TUSKEGEE, AL Many observer(s) 9/8/1973 #27777  
                  Around 4:00 a.m. Auburn, Alabama police officer Keith Bro 9/9/1973 #27795  
nterstate 80 Newcastle, California Auburn, California 9:40 p.m. Brian Metca 2/22/1978 #32990  
 the area also see the object over Auburn, California, just before 10:00 p. 2/22/1978 #32990  
                              NEAR AUBURN, MA 3 delta/triangle/box-like cra 1/5/1979 #34297  
                                   Auburn, MA Three red triangles hovered o 1/5/1979 #34298  
                                   Auburn, MA Three glowing, red triangular 1/5/1979 #34301  
                                   Auburn, Massachusetts Cambridge, Massach 1/5/1979 #34302  
p.m. Anmarie Emery is driving near Auburn, Massachusetts, when she notices  1/5/1979 #34302  
ere sighted over Interstate 290 in Auburn, Massachusetts; AM and CB radios  1/5/1979 #34306  
                                   AUBURN, WA 25' UFO follows nurse home. C 2/10/1981 #35821  
                                   Auburn, WA The witness had parked her ca 2/10/1981 #35822  
ar in her apartment parking lot in Auburn, Washington at 11:35 p.m. when sh 2/10/1981 #35823  
              MAPLE VALLEY TO/FROM AUBURN, WA 1 / SR18. 100' saucer / 150'  8/11/1982 #36569  
tate Route 18 from Maple Valley to Auburn, Washington witnessed a 100 foot  8/11/1982 #36571  
                                   AUBURN, WA 1 observer. Metallic cylinder 7/15/1995 #42300  
                                   AUBURN, WA 1+6 observer(s). Black boomer 9/10/1995 #42452  
                                   AUBURN, CA Group / kids. Triangle with r 10/22/1995 #42562  
r the middle of the Kent Valley in Auburn, Washington. It slowed down and s 2/15/2004 #44665  
t using high speed lasers, Project Auburn Blue examination of captured UAP  6/13/2022 #45757  
## Word: "aubury" (Back to Top)
10' altitude!!! City Editor of the Aubury Evening News was in the Butler Po 9/11/1972 #26987  
## Word: "auch" (Back to Top)
                                   AUCH, FR Cop and 3 kids. Red sphere mane 6/21/1952 #6565  
## Word: "auchey" (Back to Top)
                                   AUCHEY, FR Amateur astronomer / (seen th 10/2/1977 #32546  
onomer outside with a telescope in Auchey, Pas-de-Calais, France passing on 10/2/1977 #32547  
## Word: "auchy-les-mines" (Back to Top)
 the northwest in the direction of Auchy-les-Mines. The estimated diameter  5/20/1974 #29121  
## Word: "auckland" (Back to Top)
                                   Auckland, New Zealand Mount Wilson Obser Summer 1931 #1130  
, California Alice May Williams of Auckland, New Zealand, begins writing le Summer 1931 #1130  
to be derived from articles in the Auckland Star about conditions elsewhere Summer 1931 #1130  
                       New Zealand Auckland Harold H. Fulton founds Civilia 10/12/1952 #8124  
cer Investigation (New Zealand) in Auckland. It begins publishing a quarter 10/12/1952 #8124  
                            NEDIN, AUCKLAND, NZ Jet-like roar. Huge cymbal- 11/27/1952 #8345  
                                   AUCKLAND, NZ AND OTHER TOWNS Whistling b 12/6/1952 #8380  
                                   AUCKLAND, NZ Luminous/glowing cylinder/c 1/6/1953 #8506  
                                   AUCKLAND, NZ All in a dither. 9-12 sauce 2/15/1954 #9545  
                               Nr. Auckland, NZ Bright object passed Nation 10/31/1955 #12533  
                                   AUCKLAND, NZ 2 / cab. Swish sound. Large 11/4/1955 #12546  
                                   AUCKLAND, NZ 11 / telescopes. Cylinder/c 9/16/1956 #13225  
                                   AUCKLAND, NZ 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. 9/11/1957 #13989  
                                   Auckland, New Zealand North Island Kaiko 1/17/1959 #15553  
 Kaikohe George Adamski arrives in Auckland, New Zealand, on the first stop 1/17/1959 #15553  
                                   AUCKLAND, NZ 4 / (seen thru) binoculars. 7/31/1960 #16351  
                                   AUCKLAND, NZ Saucer 17M / ground. 2 rows 12/28/1964 #18676  
                                   Auckland, New Zealand Two young girls, R 12/28/1964 #18677  
 disc was spotted on the ground in Auckland, New Zealand at about 9:00 p.m. 12/28/1964 #18678  
                   TASMAN SEA WITH AUCKLAND, NZ Quantas airline(s)/airliner 1/14/1965 #18725  
as Airlines Electra flying between Auckland, New Zealand and Sydney, Austra 1/14/1965 #18730  
                            EAST / AUCKLAND, NZ 1 observer. 40' circle / li 1/17/1965 #18742  
               A ship enroute from Auckland, New Zealand to Guam was sailin 12/21/1967 #23596  
                              NEAR AUCKLAND, NZ Whine. Top-saucer with port 2/2/1968 #23726  
er, in the St. Helliers section of Auckland, New Zealand, saw a figure abou 6/21/1970 #25704  
                                   AUCKLAND, NZ 1 observer. 3 figure(s) / b 6/3/1971 #26155  
                                   Auckland, New Zealand Intense blue-white 2/2/1973 #27264  
. Vanishes. 40 odd objects later / Auckland News 27.10.7.                   10/26/1973 #28291  
                                   Auckland, NZ 11:30 p.m. As Dale & Sheryl 1/8/1975 #29733  
5-3 Source: New Zealand Spaceview, Auckland # 66 Type: A) (NICAP: 02 - Clos 1/8/1975 #29733  
                                   AUCKLAND, NZ Flashes. 2 figure(s) look g 4/2/1978 #33116  
      A man working at a prison in Auckland, New Zealand looked out a windo 6/18/1993 #41022  
ach in the Bethwells Beach area in Auckland, New Zealand at 11:30 p.m. It w 11/26/1999 #43889  
re were independent reports to the Auckland Observatory at the same time.   1/26/2001 #44132  
## Word: "auction" (Back to Top)
le/box-like craft hovers near auto auction / hours. Vanishes.               1/3/1991 #39945  
## Word: "audacity" (Back to Top)
h; they reflect the creativity and audacity of the explainers at ADC and AT 6/30/1955 #12221  
## Word: "aude" (Back to Top)
                      Carcassonne, Aude, France 4:00 p.m. Jean Bertrand is  10/9/1954 #10853  
trand is driving near Carcassonne, Aude, France, when he comes upon a metal 10/9/1954 #10853  
seen on the road ahead in Cavanac, Aude, France. It gave off sparks, and to 10/10/1954 #10897  
                          MOUSSAN, AUDE, FR Red fireball stops 100M from mo 8/17/1956 #13096  
 a small country road in Roncenay, Aude, France when they both saw, about 1 9/30/1968 #24527  
in a rainstorm in Montreal-d'Aude, Aude department, France. It had four bla 2/17/1974 #28778  
              BRAX TO/FROM BRENIL, AUDE Red sphere/orb/globe flies / low al 8/18/1974 #29370  
t 3:30 a.m. in St. Pierre-sur-Mer, Aude department, France a five-meter in  8/2/1976 #31223  
## Word: "audelange" (Back to Top)
                             SSE / AUDELANGE, FR Barge with 2 bright portho 9/27/1970 #25855  
## Word: "audemets" (Back to Top)
                    WASMES TO/FROM AUDEMETS, BELGIUM Saucer lands near road 11/14/1954 #11646  
## Word: "audenshaw" (Back to Top)
enter a lone cloud in the sky over Audenshaw, Greater Manchester, England.  10/2/1963 #17973  
## Word: "auderghem" (Back to Top)
                                   Auderghem, Belgium Night. An electronic  3/15/1991 #40014  
m Night. An electronic engineer in Auderghem, Belgium, wakes up and hears a 3/15/1991 #40014  
## Word: "audette" (Back to Top)
ty of Vermont coed, and Miss Irene Audette of Hartford, Connecticut, a visi 7/11/1948 #3707  
## Word: "audeux" (Back to Top)
                                   AUDEUX, FR 2 saucers beam vibrant bright 11/24/1968 (approximate) #24698  
## Word: "audibergue" (Back to Top)
                               MT. AUDIBERGUE, FR 9+observer(s). Large vert 8/5/1994 #41654  
## Word: "audibergues" (Back to Top)
                               MT. AUDIBERGUES, FR 2 observer(s). Incredibl 8/7/1994 #41659  
                               MT. AUDIBERGUES, FR 3+2 observer(s). Rocks r 8/7/1994 #41662  
## Word: "audible" (Back to Top)
rcular object above broken clouds. Audible sounds-type unknown.             7/20/1947 #3202  
pid rate of speed with no apparent audible sound. (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)   12/24/1951 #5824  
and traveling 300 mph. There is no audible sound. They are first seen at ab 6/8/1952 #6469  
eplace while a whistling sound was audible. He was tall and fair, wore a ti 11/18/1957 #14576  
time that a whistling sound became audible. He was tall and fair, wore a ti 11/18/1957 #14578  
eplace while a whistling sound was audible. He was tall and fair, wore a ti 1/7/1958 #14813  
ltitude overtakes 2 planes. Planes audible only.                            7/7/1959 #15821  
ut to crash, although no sound was audible. He tried to contact the police  3/17/1966 #19982  
ut to crash, although no sound was audible. He tried to contact the police  3/17/1966 #19986  
lar to that of a swarm of bees was audible. It left at high speed toward th 3/31/1966 #20174  
in a mile, the lights rose with an audible "swish" and a pulsating humming  6/1/1966 #20518  
s, and mechanical clanking is also audible. After noticing two glowing-eyed Spring 1968 #23852  
nd a motor like noise was now also audible. A six-foot tall occupant emerge 5/20/1974 #29120  
 woke up at 3 a.m. to hear clearly audible footsteps on the stairs. Two bei 12/2/1974 #29630  
on coming from it and perceived an audible sound. The craft then took off v 3/6/1975 #29875  
when directly overhead, are barely audible at ground level when they are fl 11/1984 #37500  
ne and a UFO, the plane is clearly audible and the UFO is not, even if it i 11/1984 #37500  
lgium, wakes up and hears a barely audible, high-frequency, whistling tone. 3/15/1991 #40014  
Silent flying triangle followed by audible light plane..                    11/25/1992 #40728  
## Word: "audience" (Back to Top)
cing some members of the listening audience that a Martian invasion was tak 10/30/1938 #1299  
 causing panic among its listening audience, though the scale of that panic 10/30/1938 #1300  
ase in UFO sightings and tells the audience to keep its eyes open and be re 2/13/1954 #9541  
r Force Chief Nathan Twining tells audience in Amarillo that best brains of 5/15/1954 #9797  
to spread its message to a broader audience.                                12/20/1954 #11849  
k head Edward J. Ruppelt is in the audience and writes up a report.         3/12/1955 #12046  
 Academy of Sciences tells a radio audience that UFOs do not exist.         4/30/1955 #12106  
rn The Hague George Adamski has an audience with Queen Juliana and Prince B 5/18/1959 #15737  
critical media coverage. The royal audience, scheduled to last 45 minutes,  5/18/1959 #15737  
so keen to meet Adamski. After the audience, Dutch Aeronautical Association 5/18/1959 #15737  
 by a group of 300 students (in an audience of 700) who have been led to be Late 5/1959 #15747  
an Adamski allegedly has a private audience with Pope John XXIII in Rome, I 5/31/1963 #17774  
eral NICAP members had been in the audience and one has already resigned to 1/31/1967 #21424  
sitantes del Espacio, speaks to an audience of 40 persons gathered at a caf 5/31/1967 #22431  
erts and taking questions from the audience. The program is filmed in Banbu 1/1972 #26534  
f cattle mutilations to a national audience. Noting that “more than 100 cat 9/30/1974 #29494  
dcast to describe to his listening audience what had just happened. About t 4/6/1975 #29978  
ldport, Oregon. When 20 of the 300 audience members disappear after the mee 9/14/1975 #30360  
ice launch an investigation. Other audience members think the topic is vagu 9/14/1975 #30360  
ents 17 witness testimonies to the audience as evidence of some 9–10 possib 7/29/1978 #33449  
 Greer informs a Portland, Oregon, audience in 2001, Wilson says, “‘I am ho 4/10/1997 #43260  
arry King Live, Mitchell tells the audience he had learned the admiral “had 4/10/1997 #43260  
 moderator told him someone in the audience claimed he was revealing Top Se 7/2003 #44560  
oping to reach a larger scientific audience—served little and no relevant a 1/1/2017 #45463  
lso states he does not remember an audience with VADM Thomas Wilson, as the 11/29/2019 #45619  
## Word: "audio" (Back to Top)
oronto, Ont., CAN TV interference (audio); viewers called out by neighbors  11/4/1957 #14276  
uicide package” note that contains audio recordings of his sexual indiscret 11/21/1964 #18631  
n military and never returned. The audio tapes of the conversation with air 5/28/1965 #18974  
      Edwards AFB, CA Major alert. Audio recordings (NICAP: 10 - Nuclear Co 10/7/1965 #19647  
tar telescopes, low-high frequency audio detectors, an electromagnetic freq 4/1973 #27397  
to forget what happened. Video and audio records of the event are removed,  7/24/1984 #37412  
 security operations and video and audio records of the event are removed.  7/24/1984 #37416  
pe going south. Phone problems. TV audio out.                               10/22/1990 #39804  
horizon / 8 minute(s). Bad video / audio like sonar!                        3/3/1992 #40344  
, the USAF craft. According to FAA audio records, Albuquerque ATC contacted 5/25/1995 #42229  
s, a service medal certificate and audio testimony that suggests there is m 1/30/2015 #45429  
 taken a few weeks apart, with the audio of the pair including voices of mi 2/2015? #45430  
avana Syndrome. This includes both audio/video signals and the reported med 11/29/2018 #45549  
## Word: "audiogram" (Back to Top)
rds broadcast by “pulsed microwave audiogram.” Broadcast in a range between 1973 #27200  
## Word: "audiotape" (Back to Top)
          Cameron also provides an audiotape of Green interviewing a woman  10/20/2022 #45781  
## Word: "audiotapes" (Back to Top)
 orders Hopkins to destroy all the audiotapes of Stephens’s hypnosis sessio 9/11/1976 #31376  
## Word: "audiovisual" (Back to Top)
of requirements for the Norton AFB audiovisual program, promises to get the 5/1973 #27460  
## Word: "audit" (Back to Top)
e security clearances necessary to audit black programs.                    2/15/1987 #38120  
rs have the security clearances to audit this budget. He estimates its size 9/1990 #39712  
g Office (GAO) report detailing an audit related to an alleged UAP crash in 7/28/1995 #42338  
t ever department-wide independent audit in its history. Years earlier, Fit 12/3/1999 #43892  
d regarding a SecDef black project audit. No timeframe is given. An unnamed 5/9/2000 #43993  
e new director of CNES, decides to audit SEPRA. It is conducted by an outsi 2001 #44111  
ttee” of sorts, organized after an audit almost blew their cover, and a spe 10/16/2002 #44418  
                          After an audit, photoanalyst François Louange rec 11/2002 #44427  
nage the systems that failed a GAO audit.  Fitts also claims AMS violated f 6/2004 #44706  
rashed UFO program” during a large audit of classified programs. Bowsher un 8/7/2004 #44728  
tates he was the subject of an IRS audit. He states much of the technology  12/2014 #45425  
t ever department-wide independent audit in its history. Fitts believes som 12/11/2017 #45492  
10. This usually hides (making the audit trail terminate at the shell compa 5/1/2021 #45687  
en the ability to perform a later “audit.”  https://douglasjohnson.ghost.io 12/6/2022 #45785  
## Word: "auditor" (Back to Top)
ement was struck between them, the auditor and SAPOC SRG to prevent disclos 10/16/2002 #44418  
## Word: "auditorio" (Back to Top)
ront of nearly 7,000 people at the Auditorio Nacional in Mexico City, Mexic 5/5/2015 #45437  
## Word: "auditorium" (Back to Top)
 Los Angeles Biltmore Hotel Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, California Co 8/9/1960 #16366  
f America convention in the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, California, o 8/9/1960 #16366  
r, some individuals storm into the auditorium and disrupt the meeting; univ 11/1978 #33907  
## Word: "auditory" (Back to Top)
erican to publish on the microwave auditory effect is biophysicist Allan H. 1961 #16547  
and functional connectivity in the auditory and visuospatial subnetworks” b 7/2019 #45589  
## Word: "audits" (Back to Top)
                                   Audits and Surveys, in a report sponsore 1982 #36287  
## Word: "audley" (Back to Top)
                       NORTHEAST / AUDLEY, ENGL Separate observer(s). Bang! 12/31/1976 #31643  
## Word: "audra" (Back to Top)
. Not / RADAR. / AFP and Jean-Marc Audra.                                   9/23/1996 #43036  
## Word: "audrey" (Back to Top)
e date. Dr. Antonin Kukla and Mrs. Audrey Lawrence saw an object dive towar 8/3/1965 #19287  
is date Dr. Antonin Kukla and Mrs. Audrey Lawrence saw an oval object dive  8/3/1965 #19292  
    Long Island, NY 6:15 P.M. Mrs. Audrey Manny observed a large dome shape 2/26/1976 #30909  
## Word: "audubon" (Back to Top)
            Okinawa, Japan The USS Audubon is headed for Okinawa, Japan, wi 4/24/1945 #1853  
## Word: "auerbach" (Back to Top)
ommunique from a field agent named Auerbach (first name not given) in Richm 12/3/1950 #5314  
ctor J. Edgar Hoover. According to Auerbach, of the Counter Intelligence Co 12/3/1950 #5314  
## Word: "aufhausen" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR AUFHAUSEN, AUS Dome hovers / valley at m 12/30/1954 #11880  
## Word: "aufhofen" (Back to Top)
en rotating close to the ground in Aufhofen, Germany. The UFO drew water fr 4/9/1970 #25627  
## Word: "aufora" (Back to Top)
quickly southeast. Type unknown. / AUFORA.                                  7/9/1996 #42951  
## Word: "auforn" (Back to Top)
Hit during Vietnam UFO Enciunter?” AUFORN Special Report, no. 34 (April 200 6/15/1968 #24040  
## Word: "aufsteig" (Back to Top)
                                   AUFSTEIG NEAR EBENALP, SWZ 2 observer(s) 7/25/1953 #9013  
## Word: "aug" (Back to Top)
ber 8, 1945 (Message CM96908 OUT 8 Aug 1946).                               8/7/1946 #2109  
planes. / r171p200+Ontario Argus 7 Aug. '47.                                8/5/1947 #3293  
ther details. / Dalles Optimist 15 Aug. '47.                                8/7/1947 (approximate) #3304  
gely similar to that of Mr. Kiehl (Aug., 1914) (Case 40) a man and his wife 7/2/1950 #5038  
hotographs hazy / objects. Back 31 Aug. 5.                                  8/30/1950 #5144  
307. / The New York Times (NYT) 03 Aug. '52.                                7/10/1952 #6745  
f UFOs. Regulation AFR 200–2, (see Aug. 26, 1953), by order of N.F. Twining 8/12/1954 #10132  
    Lakenheath AFB, Bentwaters, UK Aug 13, 1956; Lakenheath AFB, Bentwaters 8/13/1956 #13079  
t light pair. Maneuvers. Same / 19 Aug. '57. / r141#2p65+#4.                5/3/1957 #13646  
 another, undescribed, sighting on Aug. 14                                  8/13/1963 #17898  
.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 9, Aug.-Sept. 1966, p. 5) (NICAP: 02 - Clos 6/1/1966 #20518  
.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 9, Aug.-Sept. 1966, p. 3.) (NICAP: 11 - Avi 6/23/1966 #20595  
.O. Investigator, Vol. III, No. 9, Aug.-Sept. 1966, p. 3; Keyhoe & Lore, 19 6/24/1966 #20605  
 night light rises. Vanishes. Back Aug. '68 with zigzag sawtooth trajectory 8/1966 #20708  
.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 9, Aug. -Sept. 1966, p. 4.) (NICAP: 02 - Cl 8/1/1966 #20715  
.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 9, Aug. -Sept. 1966, p. 4.) (NICAP: 02 - Cl 8/19/1966 #20767  
 Fantastic spinning object same as aug 6th sighting (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 9/3/1966 #20840  
 of car. Letter from B.C.M., dated Aug. 7, 1969, in NICAP files (R,L) car ( 8/5/1969 #25309  
of its lights. (UFO Investigator / Aug. 1971, page 3) (NICAP: 01 - Distant  7/28/1971 #26249  
toke-on-Trent Constabulary Report, Aug. 19, 1971, filed by Constable Leslie 8/16/1971 #26287  
ne. (APRO Bulletin, Vol. 24 No. 2, Aug 1975) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)   5/2/1974 #29079  
field. (Christian Science Monitor, Aug. 2, 1974. Investigation by Raymond B 6/6/1974 #29168  
ights. (Concord Monitor & Patriot, Aug. 12, 1974.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encou 8/11/1974 #29322  
    Laurel, MS Just after midnight Aug. 12/13 two motorists driving between 8/13/1974 #29340  
tes- Item, Associated Press story, Aug, 13, 1974.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encou 8/13/1974 #29340  
lls going north over town. Same 11 Aug. '74.                                8/28/1974 #29396  
sensation felt. MUFON UFO Journal, Aug. 1976, p. 15; Jylland Posten, Feb. 2 2/19/1975 #29826  
ns. Night lights back / Aveiro / 7 Aug. '75.                                3/1975 #29858  
st. Turns / lights / edge. Back 18 Aug. '76.                                8/15/1976 #31268  
amily watches as object again (See Aug. 15) rises from same place near cree 8/18/1976 #31279  
t 1988, p. 16; Maiden, N.C. Times, Aug. 16, 1978 (E,L) motorcycle (NICAP: 0 8/11/1978 #33503  
al object going quickly south / 30 Aug. '78.                                8/27/1978 #33576  
O over a Restricted Test Range. On Aug. 9th a Sandia Security Guard drove d 8/9/1980 #35449  
 form, titled “Kirtland AFB, NM, 8 Aug–3 Sept 1980, Alleged Sightings of Un 9/8/1980 #35505  
arked pickup truck. Goes. Back / 3 Aug. '86.                                7/30/1986 #37958  
craft hovers over trees. Back / 23 Aug. '98.                                8/22/1989 #39067  
 UFO with 3 bright lights. Back 28 Aug. '94.                                8/27/1994 #41691  
## Word: "aug'44" (Back to Top)
ard(s) Ormesson / 3 minute(s). See Aug'44.                                  11/8/1996 #43109  
## Word: "aug'55+flying" (Back to Top)
human/entity inside. Ashes. / APRO Aug'55+Flying Saucer Review (FSR) 25 / 4 5/15/1950 #4943  
## Word: "augard" (Back to Top)
     Cisternes-la-Foret, France J. Augard and J. Chanzotte saw an oval obje 10/18/1954 #11207  
t, Puy-de-Dome, France. Messrs. J. Augard and J. Chanzotte saw an oval obje 10/18/1954 #11216  
## Word: "auger" (Back to Top)
                                   AUGER FALLS, ID 3 observer(s). Sky blue  8/13/1947 #3315  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Auger” YieldMax: 20KT                    11/15/1968 #24659  
## Word: "augermanland" (Back to Top)
                                   AUGERMANLAND, SWD Luminous spheres exit  6/1/1752? #72  
## Word: "augmented" (Back to Top)
of Sign’s work since early August, augmented by ONI collaboration over the  12/10/1948 #3923  
## Word: "augst" (Back to Top)
 USAF Air Policemen (A/1C Mason W. Augst, A/1C George F. Wright, and A/1C E 5/12/1954 #9779  
## Word: "august" (Back to Top)
puts them at Hyslop’s disposal. In August, she makes several references to  8/1895 #319  
ts appear to move northward and by August, Australia also falls under the g 7/1909 #778  
aid to be visible every night from August 5–10.                             8/7/1909 #801  
,” Concord (N.H.) Evening Monitor, August 10, 1909, p. 3) At about the same 8/9/1909 #802  
buildings. Engine sound. Back / 31 August.                                  8/30/1910 #845  
e government issues a statement on August 29 that there are no Union airpla 8/11/1914 #909  
archlight / sky. Many report(s) to August / 1914. No further details.       8/17/1914 #913  
xworthy and Dartington in July and August, so much so that British Naval In Late 6/1915 #929  
 apparition in the Cova da Iria on August 13, the children see the Virgin M 8/19/1917 #963  
romoted during a 36-hour period in August 21–23, with all radios quiet for  8/22/1924 #1041  
perceives to be the same object in August 1944, August 1949, and the summer Early 8/1939 #1312  
be the same object in August 1944, August 1949, and the summer of 1954 (in  Early 8/1939 #1312  
e According to records released in August 2010, Prime Minister Winston Chur Late 1942? #1456  
d to Japan. These left Bordeaux in August 1944 on the transport U-boats U-2 8/1944 #1624  
ich W. Neubert, Theodor A. Poppel, August Schultze, Eberhard Rees, Wilhelm  9/1945 #1934  
ing-trails. 1 / week going [to] 18 August. / r130p52.                       8/11/1946 #2113  
 night and subsequent nights until August 18.                               8/11/1946 #2118  
ba, Poland The Hungarian report of August 6 causes Maj. Gen. Stephen J. Cha 8/13/1946 #2128  
st. 1 going quickly north. Back 18 August / N. side.                        8/15/1946 #2137  
a “Top Secret Report R334-46 of 13 August 1946 Subject: SWEDEN Guided Missi 8/16/1946 #2140  
ligence flights between July 1 and August 1 to look for radio signals over  6/19/1947 #2343  
  San Francisco In response to the August 13 San Francisco Examiner report, 8/15/1947 #3336  
  Gen. LeMay answers Col. Taylor’s August 22 request stating that there is  8/29/1947 #3377  
1; and MEW Radar Station, Fukuoka, August 28 and September 16). It conclude 9/26/1947 #3428  
He himself has seen a disc in late August 1947 and flat, round aeroforms on 4/5/1948 #3612  
wski, Canada’s UFOs: Declassified, August Night, 2022, p. 264) Summer [poss Summer 1948 #3679  
   vicinity of Marion, Virginia Or August, 1948. Witness:  Max Abbott, flyi 7/1948 #3690  
report gives the incorrect date as August 6.                                7/27/1948 #3747  
ination of Sign’s work since early August, augmented by ONI collaboration o 12/10/1948 #3923  
 report is classified Secret until August 1, 1952.                          8/10/1949 #4315  
 Wright Patterson AFB writes on 17 August 1949 that an informant, prone to  8/17/1949 #4321  
 117 and the Flying Saucer,” True, August 1950, pp. 24–25, 75–79) August —  8/1950 #5094  
ue, August 1950, pp. 24–25, 75–79) August — 2:00 p.m. Hugh O’Neill views a  8/1950 #5094  
is may be the same incident as the August 30, 1950, case at Holloman.)      3/14/1951 #5483  
of Dr. Ducker, who reports that in August 1951 she observed a “huge, soundl 8/30/1951 #5638  
 convenience.” The response, dated August 9, begins: “The various reports a 7/28/1952 #7267  
dy and prepare a report on UFOs by August 15, 1952.                         7/29/1952 #7273  
 a report should be ready about 15 August.” It alludes to his meeting with  7/29/1952 #7325  
ingle crease or crinkle in it.” On August 5, Hughes is ordered to fly to RA 7/30/1952 #7362  
east. / The New York Times (NYT) 3 August.                                  8/1/1952 #7388  
arles, Louisiana. (Sparks, p. 165) August 2 [or July 30] — George Hunt Will 8/2/1952 #7424  
 Ouija sessions take place through August 17. A message comes through that  8/2/1952 #7424  
nternational Morse Code message on August 22. Bailey approaches a coworker  8/2/1952 #7424  
                  Hamilton AFB, CA August 3, 1952; Hamilton AFB, California 8/3/1952 #7434  
 going quickly east / Blagnac / 14 August.                                  8/12/1952 #7548  
00M. Turns and dives away. Back 21 August. / r136#4p39.                     8/13/1952 #7568  
        West Palm Beach (near), FL August 18, 1852; near West Palm Beach, F 8/18/1952 #7634  
IA Director Walter Bedell Smith on August 20.                               8/19/1952 #7648  
                Dayton (WPAFB), OH August 20, 1952; WPAFB, Ohio, gun-camera 8/20/1952 #7661  
illiamson arrives from Prescott on August 23.                               8/22/1952 #7683  
 by Shell Alpert, a photo taken by August C. Roberts, German UFO occupant w 8/23/1952 #7693  
 have already met with Adamski (in August) and now the messages are urging  10/16/1952 #8138  
ematic Florida scoutmaster case of August 19. USAF wants the CIA to think t 11/25/1952 #8340  
 over Washington, D.C. in July and August as temperature inversions. Ironic 12/10/1952 #8410  
rst reviews the CIA OSI study from August, the ATIC November 21 meeting, th 1/14/1953 #8539  
r acting chief or consultant until August 31.                               7/20/1953 #9008  
observe it once at close range. On August 1, a squadron of Air Force fighte 7/30/1953 #9022  
en, Connecticut. IFSB investigator August C. Roberts and Joseph Barbieri st 8/19/1953 #9084  
                  White Plains, NY August or September 1954; White Plains,  1954 #9416  
hington, D.C. It continues through August 1965.                             2/1954 #9520  
arch 23 speech. He reveals that in August 1952 he was participating in a TV 4/18/1954 #9697  
orce intelligence. He writes in an August 3 letter to Keyhoe: “They claim t 7/20/1954 #10031  
n FBI agent interviews him, and on August 9 J. Edgar Hoover sends an accoun 7/24/1954 #10046  
Labor. He had offered to resign on August 7, citing a conflict over the typ 8/11/1954 #10125  
unknown rate of 13%. Going back to August 12, 1954, and removing cases of i 6/30/1955 #12221  
th going quickly north. Windows! 6 August saucer lands going quickly [to] a 8/5/1955 #12329  
. 15K' altitude. Exits going up. 9 August military and civil Ground Observe 8/7/1955 #12339  
tford saw an oblong UFO with halo (August 8); an egg-shaped UFO was seen ov 8/8/1956 #13061  
ed UFO was seen over West Redding (August 11); unidentified white lights re 8/8/1956 #13061  
Hartford by Ground Observer Corps (August 14) (UFOE) (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 8/8/1956 #13061  
    Lakenheath AFB, Bentwaters, UK August 13, 1956; Eastern England, G,V,A  8/13/1956 #13078  
ver / port / 10 second(s). Back 28 August / 0815hrs.                        8/25/1956 #13128  
pe hovers. Mars also seen. Back 27 August / 10 minute(s). / r140#3p80.      8/26/1956 #13132  
              Fujisawa City, Japan August 20, 1957; Fujisawa City, Japan, T 8/20/1957 #13910  
ough a double-exposure process. In August 2010, a major TV show in Brazil a 1/16/1958 #14831  
rom the University of Minnesota on August 17.                               8/18/1958 #15215  
Chile. Its newsletter appears from August 1967 to May 1969.                 1959 #15512  
 Irwin re-entered the hospital. On August 1, he failed to report for duty.  2/28/1959 #15624  
. A second Avrocar is completed in August.                                  5/1959 #15719  
oward(s) Santiago. Cobas event / 8 August / 1700h = hoax / Flying Saucer Re 8/12/1959 #15904  
d Air Force Regulation 200-2 on 26 August 1953, which restricted UAP report 1960 #16145  
 lake in a seaplane on July 19 and August 15 and finds the impact area as P 6/22/1960 #16315  
ium in Los Angeles, California, on August 13–14, but soon drops out and len 8/9/1960 #16366  
US government mapping programs. On August 11, after 17 orbits, the satellit 8/10/1960 #16367  
in many N. California towns. 13-20 August. 1 Case / MJ#179p3.               8/14/1960 #16382  
ficial censorship for a meeting on August 24.                               8/4/1961 #16777  
Brooks dies of a heart attack; the August 24 meeting about UFO evidence has 9/16/1961 #16841  
he is featured on the cover of the August 3 issue of Life. At the top of hi 7/17/1962 #17279  
amantina, Minas Gerais, Brazil. On August 19, Mafra da Silva and his sons a 8/17/1962 #17336  
M. Jacks does reply to Speights on August 5.                                7/2/1963 #17824  
the UFO. [FLIGHT International, 15 August 1963.] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 8/1/1963 #17859  
rightens and "explodes". Back / 14 August.                                  8/13/1963 #17892  
rcled its position. On Jul. 31 and August 1, the densely wooded area was ex 7/28/1964 #18456  
led its position. On July 31st and August 1st, the densely wooded area wher 7/28/1964 #18457  
going [to] Highway Patrol. Back 04 August.                                  8/2/1965 #19249  
g the majority of the sightings on August 1 are “most likely” due to the pl 8/2/1965 #19264  
s of domed-disc UFO (section VII). August 4, 1965. Fort Worth Star Telegram 8/3/1965 #19289  
eaver, Pennsylvania, hoax photo of August 8.                                8/13/1965 #19382  
 of Boston was not running between August 21 and September 10.              9/3/1965 #19511  
e unable to reach the bodies until August 21. When a small team of police a 8/20/1966 #20779  
rrative of the men’s last days. On August 17, Cruz and Viana leave Campos d 8/20/1966 #20779  
                          Colorado August Low says he wants the Colorado pr 6/1967 #22437  
eserve more intensive analysis. By August, Saunders becomes the lone staffe 6/1967 #22437  
icals and linking the two arms. In August, another photographer calling him 6/1/1967 #22448  
ses the Red Bluff police report of August 1960, which is far outside Condon 7/6/1967 #22620  
DRDC Suffield], visits the farm on August 11 after much of the evidence has 8/5/1967 #22815  
ad launched from Cape Canaveral on August 15, 1966.                         8/6/1967 #22830  
and down / place. Tilts. Back / 11 August. Red and green lights.            8/10/1967 #22856  
, 2001, p. 480; MUFON UFO Journal, August 1987, p. 19.) (NICAP: 06 - Trace  8/23/1967 #22896  
, 2001, p. 480; MUFON UFO Journal, August 1987, p. 19.) (NICAP: 07 - Entity 8/23/1967 #22897  
September 1. (There are flights on August 21, 25, and October 3 and 4, howe 9/1/1967? #22977  
International Studies concludes in August 2009 that there is no missing bom 1/21/1968 #23684  
r, case investigation report dated August 15, 1968; Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs 8/12/1968 #24319  
 as occurred two nights earlier on August 10, 1968. The UFO illuminated the 8/12/1968 #24320  
ea of Cambodia and continued until August 1973.                             3/18/1969 #25025  
s the service from January 2009 to August 2011, when it ceases publication. 5/1969 #25104  
a trip in a spaceship on Thursday, August 7 that didn't happen. At 2:00 a.m 8/8/1969 #25312  
kes photos that appear in the July/August 1970 Flying Saucer Review. But th 3/28/1970 #25613  
ina Daylight disc photo similar to August 3, 1965, Santa Ana, CA, photos (U 4/15/1970 #25631  
ina Daylight disc photo similar to August 3, 1965, Santa Ana, CA, photos    4/15/1970 #25632  
nges color and trajectory. Back in August. Hobana p268+269.                 7/11/1970 #25730  
 Review Case Histories, Suppl. 11, August 1972, pp. 9- 11 (E,R,L) car (NICA 5/25/1971 #26134  
tude. Blue windows going west. 5+7 August. Stars wink and maneuver.         7/27/1971 #26245  
           Lake Norman, NC July or August, 1972; Lake Norman, NC. Saucer ne 1972 #26527  
with publisher Alfred A. Knopf. In August 1973, they submit their manuscrip 3/1972 #26584  
iles. Ratified by the US Senate on August 3, the treaty remains in force un 5/26/1972 #26689  
ns 90° going quickly [to] WNW / 13 August.                                  8/20/1972 #26935  
c effect (EME) / Lake Langhalsen / August.                                  7/17/1973 #27635  
o. 2 (Summer 2002): 23–24) Between August 3–6 — Night. A woman and her chil 8/1973 #27672  
 Night lights back 29 March and 17 August.                                  2/28/1974 (approximate) #28816  
100 meters). (Inforespace, No. 22, August 1975; translated from French by J 6/14/1974 #29190  
 previous year. In one incident in August 1973, he stated, Vandenberg AFB l 7/17/1974 #29267  
t / 1 minute(s) intervals. Back 18 August / r30p507.                        8/16/1974 #29360  
                           Late in August, while driving on her early morni 9/3/1974 #29418  
 11, 1975; NICAP UFO Investigator, August 1975, p. 1). (NICAP: 04 - Animal  2/24/1975 #29842  
O Studies case files, letter dated August 3, 1975; Larry Hatch, U computer  6/12/1975 #30098  
O Studies case files, report dated August 5, 1975; FSR, April 1976, p. 24). 7/20/1975 #30192  
O’s Jim Lorenzen, who calls him on August 21. Moody now has a heat rash on  8/13/1975 #30264  
                                In August 1975 about 20 people in and aroun 9/15/1975 #30363  
n the sky on successive nights. On August 10, a lighted object followed and 9/15/1975 #30363  
were the same type she had seen on August 26th: about six feet tall, brown  12/2/1975 #30681  
 (Richard Hall, MUFON UFO Journal, August 1976, p. 19). (NICAP: 05 - Medica 12/17/1975 #30720  
r hypnosis on July 22 (repeated on August 18), she tells of meeting two wai 6/11/1976 #31102  
er, Sioux Falls (SD) Argus-Leader, August 15, 1976). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Ca 7/5/1976 #31153  
 with no obvious cause of death in August of the same year. (NICAP: 04 - An 1/4/1977 #31689  
 with no obvious cause of death in August of the same year.                 1/4/1977 #31691  
 1977-18; Randall Jones Pugh, FSR, August 1977, p. 6 for BUFORA). (NICAP: 0 4/19/1977 #31997  
 1977-18; Randall Jones Pugh, FSR, August 1977, p. 6 for BUFORA). (NICAP: 0 4/19/1977 #31998  
 1977-18; Randall Jones Pugh, FSR, August 1977, p. 6 for BUFORA). (NICAP: 0 4/19/1977 #31999  
 off behind a house. (Source: FSR, August 1978, p 10). (NICAP: 02 - Close E 6/21/1977 #32179  
her incidents occur on July 25 and August 1.                                7/23/1977 #32305  
found near Chesterton, Indiana, on August 12. Analysis by the University of 8/7/1977 #32369  
UR 2, no. 10 (October 1977): wrap) August 13 (approximately) — Night. At No 8/11/1977 #32384  
 Hayden, Alabama, who saw a UFO on August 11 see a similar bright object 2  8/28/1977 #32434  
-saucer. Well investigated. Also 6 August sightings.                        8/8/1978 #33487  
 humming noise. MUFON UFO Journal, August 1988, p. 16; Maiden, N.C. Times,  8/11/1978 #33503  
s of SAC base overflights dated 30 August 1966 and 17 March 1967. *   https 12/20/1978 #34186  
ed to hospital. MUFON UFO Journal, August 1980, p. 6 (E,R,L) car (NICAP: 03 2/5/1979 #34403  
 which investigates the marking on August 22. The trace is visible as flatt 8/2/1979 #34702  
n July 31 and informs the media on August 13.                               7/21/1980 #35423  
UFO's all over city and bay. Early August.                                  8/1980 #35435  
alleged report of a UFO landing on August 10 by a New Mexico state patrolma 9/8/1980 #35505  
rgstrom International Airport]. In August 1981, Cash, Landrum, and Colby ar 12/29/1980 #35757  
ral government for $20 million. On August 21, 1986, US District Court Judge 12/29/1980 #35757  
, followed by a second part in the August 7 issue. Ziegel claims he has 50, 7/31/1981 #36047  
aerial phenomena’” are sighted. On August 17, a man and woman arrive at the 8/16/1981 #36078  
. Several midgets / plantation. 24 August. Same boys. Large UFO going quick 8/22/1982 #36579  
ts maneuvers behind trees. Back 11 August.                                  8/1/1983 #36928  
tside. (Source: MUFON UFO Journal, August 1991). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encount 1/8/1984 #37111  
 summer. A second printing in late August also sells out immediately.       7/1984 #37385  
k, with only three other meetings: August 6–7, 1985; April 24, 1986; and No 5/20/1985 #37590  
in the area around Leicester since August.                                  9/27/1985 #37667  
udies 1 no. 1 (March 2000): 33–34) August 11 (approximately) — 6:00 p.m. A  8/1986 #37964  
 persuade them to be hypnotized on August 23–24 by a physician in Pordenone 8/15/1986 #37992  
elta/triangle/box-like crafts / 28 August!                                  8/27/1986 #38001  
 he leaves active duty in 1985. In August 1986, “John” returns for a reserv 10/28/1986 #38056  
further. Steinman writes Walker on August 31, sending him the MJ-12 briefin 8/30/1987 #38264  
ngs catalogued / this region since August 1 / top scientist/science!        11/1989 #39204  
shed UFOs. A third conversation on August 18 is much more guarded.          3/8/1990 #39453  
uilty on June 18. At sentencing on August 20, he is ordered to do 150 hours 6/5/1990 #39606  
Bush on the topic is scheduled for August but canceled due to the Soviet mi Summer 1991 #40102  
r maneuvers / mountains. Back / 16 August. Going quickly south. Good videos 8/15/1991 #40156  
like crafts and night lights to 18 August when delta/triangle/box-like craf 7/26/1993 #41089  
   NANAIMO, BC 4am-5am each morn / August. Small UFO's in and out / diamond 8/1993 #41097  
tream. Lands / hills? Also seen 13 August.                                  8/14/1994 #41673  
 Navajo folklore. Between June and August 1997, NIDS personnel observe anom Fall 1994 #41773  
/triangle/box-like craft back / 15 August / 0430hrs. / r60.                 8/14/1995 #42382  
g debris and craft retrievals (see August 2014). *   https://youtu.be/nd_ZX 4/17/1997 #43264  
was mentioned in MOD files (see 12 August 2022), suggesting the British gov Late 1990's #43480  
gh Propulsion Physics program (see August 1997), and began in 1996.  https: 8/1998 #43618  
eases eight research reports as of August 2020.                             2000 #43908  
en through simple memorization. On August 8, 2017, Romanek is found guilty  2000 #43913  
 of NASA, Ning Li of AC Gravity (1 August 1997), Eugene Podkletnov, Hector  5/2002 #44335  
enhut also seems to suggest (see 1 August 1993).  Cooper also claims a secr 2004 #44638  
 agency reports back to the MoD on August 2, saying that no definite conclu 1/27/2004 #44657  
rea, Brest region. On the night of August 24 they made camp. Two men code-n 8/25/2004 #44741  
cond site was not discovered until August 1949 by two ranchers. It took the 11/1/2005 #44898  
tone Arsenal contractor Ning Li (1 August 1997) and AATIP contributor Rober 3/28/2006 #44931  
 Aerospace, the only bidder on the August solicitation, by the Defense Inte 9/22/2008 #45170  
 investigated from October 1968 to August 1969. Another batch is received o 10/31/2008 #45181  
 organizations are mentioned in 30 August 1996 entry and mid-1990s entry, b 2/13/2009 #45212  
o-shaped craft at San Antonio, NM, August 1945   32’ craft on the Plains of 3/26/2011 #45320  
my of Arts & Science (TTSA) (see 8 August 2019), a company advised by curre 12/2015 #45441  
House staffer who had an attack in August is hit again by Havana Syndrome w 11/26/2019 #45618  
 was transferred to Ning Li (see 1 August 1997). He states NASA has “nothin 2/4/2020 #45630  
cretary Mark Esper in Guam in late August for a regularly scheduled talk on 9/15/2020 #45661  
ETI’s briefing to Congress (see 30 August 1996). *   https://www.nndb.com/p 9/26/2022 #45772  
## Word: "august-september" (Back to Top)
              Bornholm Island, Den August-September 1956; Bornholm Island,  8/1956 #13040  
## Word: "augusta" (Back to Top)
        Lock, South Australia Port Augusta, South Australia Around 7:30 a.m 2/6/1947 #2238  
two other railroad workers in Port Augusta, South Australia, watch five whi 2/6/1947 #2238  
                                   Augusta, Georgia St. Helena Sound Beaufo Late 5/1947 #2298  
Colden R. Battey, a physician from Augusta, Georgia, is fishing 10 miles of Late 5/1947 #2298  
                                   AUGUSTA, ME Newsman and 1. 12 grey disks 7/5/1947 #2692  
                                In Augusta, Maine at 1:15 p.m. local time,  7/5/1947 #2729  
                      CHAMBLEE AND AUGUSTA, GA Project Bluebook Case #165.  7/26/1948 #3740  
                                   Augusta, GA Augusta, Georgia (M) (NICAP: 7/9/1951 #5568  
                       Augusta, GA Augusta, Georgia (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviati 7/9/1951 #5568  
                                   AUGUSTA, ME Observer(s) = Gallant. 10 go 11/15/1954 #11656  
                                   Augusta, ME 10 gold, circular objects fl 11/15/1954 #11658  
                                   Augusta, Maine Witness:  N. Gallant, man 11/15/1954 #11659  
                                In Augusta, Maine 10 gold circular objects  11/15/1954 #11660  
                                   Augusta, ME Green Object With Trail Trac 7/8/1955 #12241  
inia A workman cutting wood on the Augusta archery range saw two saucer-sha 1/19/1965 #18746  
                   FORT GORDON AND AUGUSTA, GA Soldiers. 3 night lights 5mi 7/27/1966 #20688  
                    CONWAY, AR AND AUGUSTA AND SEARCY AND NEWPORT AND POTTS 1/9/1967 #21273  
                                   Augusta, GA 11:00 p.m. EST. A very brigh 2/16/1967 #21568  
                             NORTH AUGUSTA, ON 2 / car. Huge delta/triangle 7/25/1969 (approximate) #25298  
pped over a witness's car in North Augusta, Ontario and subsequently a one- 7/25/1969 #25300  
                              NEAR AUGUSTA, MT 3 hunters. Ovoid streaks goi 10/30/1975 #30518  
                     Ford Creek at Augusta, MT 12:00 a.m. Football shaped U 10/30/1975 #30519  
                                   Augusta (15 miles W. of), MT 5:30 p.m. 7 1/17/1976 #30795  
                                   AUGUSTA, GA 1 / car. Large saucer going  9/18/1976 #31394  
inha, Minas Gerais, Brazil Oralina Augusta de Freitas is watching TV in her 1/13/1996 #42680  
                         UNION AND AUGUSTA, MO Separate observer(s). 5 nigh 1/28/1996 #42722  
ghts flew from north to south over Augusta, Tennessee at 5:30 a.m. It made  11/19/2001 #44278  
## Word: "augustin" (Back to Top)
                At 5:30 a.m. Oscar Augustin D'Onofrio was traveling on Rout 7/25/1968 #24227  
eriu Niculescu, Adrian Pătruţ, and Augustin Moraru establish an informal gr 7/17/1977 #32287  
    At around midnight a man named Augustin was walking his dogs in Ulldemo 6/21/1998 #43591  
5   32’ craft on the Plains of San Augustin, NM, 1-2 July 1947   25’ oval c 3/26/2011 #45320  
## Word: "augustine" (Back to Top)
                                   AUGUSTINE COVE, PEI Farmer. Bright round 7/3/1947 #2564  
Charlottetown Prince Edward Island Augustine Cove 5:45 p.m. Farmer Ewen McN 7/3/1947 #2583  
round the same time, a resident of Augustine Cove watches an “object the si 7/3/1947 #2583  
                               St. Augustine, FL 8:12 a.m. EDT. A woman saw 6/1/1967 #22443  
 of their lush, well-cared for St. Augustine grass. It seems to have appear 1/1988 #38385  
witness could see, passed over St. Augustine, Florida at 11:57 p.m.         3/6/2005 #44820  
ndrical object was seen over Saint Augustine Beach, Florida at 5:00 p.m.; i 4/16/2009 #45215  
## Word: "augusto" (Back to Top)
tarctica Chilean Embassy Commander Augusto Vars Ortega of the Chilean Navy  Spring 1950 #4691  
scarán mountains Yungay, Peru Day. Augusto Arranda is taking photographs of 3/1967 #21699  
the city of Yungay-Peru. Photo by: Augusto Arrando. (NICAP: 08 - Photograph 3/22/1967 #21943  
                          Rua Luis Augusto Ferreira Capão Redondo neighborh 1/2/1998 #43486  
are in a townhouse on the Rua Luis Augusto Ferreira in the Capão Redondo ne 1/2/1998 #43486  
## Word: "augustus" (Back to Top)
uisville, Kentucky Before sunrise. Augustus Rodgers, a farmer living two mi 4/13/1897 #452  
## Word: "auk" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Auk” YieldMax: 20KT                      10/2/1964 #18569  
## Word: "aulnat" (Back to Top)
                                   AULNAT, FR Civil Air Traffic Controller  11/5/1976 #31523  
## Word: "aulnoy-les-valenciennes" (Back to Top)
                                   AULNOY-LES-VALENCIENNES, FR 2 observer(s 3/14/1990 #39462  
## Word: "aulnoye-aymeries" (Back to Top)
                                   AULNOYE-AYMERIES, FR Silent vertical 3.5 6/24/1975 #30118  
## Word: "auman" (Back to Top)
             At 5:50 p.m. two men, Auman and Andrews, who were flying at 4, 11/22/1975 #30653  
## Word: "aunt" (Back to Top)
      Shelby, Ohio A woman and her aunt in Shelby, Ohio, are just sitting d 2/1979 #34398  
ide for 5 minutes, but she and her aunt cannot account for an additional 45 2/1979 #34398  
d. Mrs. Orialis De Los Santos, his aunt, went out into her garden where she 4/20/1980 #35281  
arge. Through the grid she saw her aunt Galya approaching and yelling somet 10/11/1989 #39164  
lips moving but heard nothing. Her aunt, along with her aunt's husband, man 10/11/1989 #39164  
## Word: "aunt's" (Back to Top)
 his composure Carneiro ran to his aunt's house nearby and told her what ha 4/20/1980 #35281  
 nothing. Her aunt, along with her aunt's husband, managed to grab the terr 10/11/1989 #39164  
## Word: "aups" (Back to Top)
 the hills between Fox-Amphoux and Aups. After driving several kilometers t 11/13/1977 #32671  
## Word: "aura" (Back to Top)
ead" and 4 saucers. Phosphorescent aura.                                    7/9/1947 #3049  
a. One object is “surrounded by an aura of spears of light jutting diagonal 4/25/1950 #4894  
 "flying icebox," surrounded by an aura of spears was seen over the Ammunit 4/25/1950 #4896  
             Truman Bethurum meets Aura Rhanes and visits saucer many times 6/1952 #6398  
. Inside he met the woman captain, Aura Rhanes. He described her as having  7/27/1952 #7216  
hundreds of years old. Her name is Aura Rhanes. Her ship is called a “scow, 7/28/1952 #7260  
tatus they have been given and the aura of mystery they have unfortunately  1/17/1953 #8544  
r going north. Dull red with green aura. No further details. / r49p32.      9/1/1954 #10226  
 an intense white light with a red aura, and both landed. Witnesses did not 10/11/1954 #10935  
 an intense white light with a red aura, and both landed. Witnesses did not 10/11/1954 #10952  
tatus they have been given and the aura of mystery they have unfortunately  3/1958 #14904  
rounded at a little distance by an aura of luminescence. "If wearing clothe 6/26/1959 #15791  
lies over car. Loud whine. Flaming aura. Observer(s) scared.                10/18/1966 #21014  
an in appearance they had a bluish aura. The tallest was dressed in a dark  10/6/1967 #23187  
re. Maneuvers. Sphere vanishes and aura fades away!                         3/18/1968 #23846  
west parallel / US2. Red with blue aura. Separate observer(s) south / Minot 12/16/1968 #24773  
ow with a prismatic, multi-colored aura 100 feet ahead. Inside the glow is  12/28/1969 #25512  
anded remotely. A brilliant yellow aura surrounded the object as it descend 6/26/1970 #25710  
shows a circular light with a dark aura. Probably a film defect.            1/25/1971 #26002  
haped UFO, surrounded by a glowing aura, was seen in Dorking, England. Insi 3/2/1971 #26039  
 "lumpy" body and surrounded by an aura of light float through some trees,  12/14/1971 #26502  
DE-VALAMAS, FR Dark mass with pink aura leaves (something behind) trail / s 8/29/1975 #30319  
s down street / slow-motion! White aura trails.                             10/9/1975 #30424  
t. The figure also radiated a blue aura that at times would briefly turn go 9/25/1977 #32519  
ilight sky. It is surrounded by an aura, from which 30–40 beautiful purple  7/21/1978 #33407  
e trees giving off a pink and blue aura. It had brilliant square headlights 2/19/1981 #35837  
or with a small, white fluorescent aura around it.” After 3–4 minutes, it e 2/4/1986 #37779  
ow silent orange-glowing ball with aura west going east over golf course.   9/7/1986 #38018  
. Silent saucer close by. Colorful aura. Shoots 2 beams going down. Zigzags 2/22/1988 #38473  
three witnesses. It had a colorful aura, and shot two beams of light down b 2/22/1988 #38475  
there appeared to be a white light aura surrounding him. He does not believ 9/16/1996 #43025  
y misty room surrounded by a green aura. There were soft "chairs" and a lon 7/5/2000 #44010  
 man, who was enveloped in a green aura and apparently headless. The figure 8/4/2001 #44225  
disc-shaped with a "teardop-shaped aura". He estimated it was moving at Mac 12/12/2001 #44288  
peared in a formation; they had an aura or halo, like a little cloud. Crop  8/11/2002 #44377  
at an estimated 20,000 ft, with no aura nor trail. It went on a straight li 4/26/2004 #44693  
bout 1,650 feet apart, and a white aura appears in the sky around them. He  8/27/2005 #44866  
## Word: "auras" (Back to Top)
rupt a compass needle, see vibrant auras, and premonitions. The incident is 3/23/1974 #28936  
## Word: "auray" (Back to Top)
inging a locomotive from Nantes to Auray, saw a dark object take off with a 9/28/1954 #10486  
inging a locomotive from Nantes to Auray. When they reached "La Butte Rouge 9/28/1954 #10491  
## Word: "aurec" (Back to Top)
                                   AUREC SUR LOIRE, FR Several disks in for 10/2/1954 #10583  
## Word: "aureilhan" (Back to Top)
                             N21 / AUREILHAN, FR Red fireball follows car / 3/1/1974 #28833  
## Word: "aurel" (Back to Top)
                  Băneasa Airfield Aurel Vlaicu International Airport Bucha 12/2/1967 #23533  
r station at Băneasa Airfield [now Aurel Vlaicu International Airport] near 12/2/1967 #23533  
## Word: "aurelian" (Back to Top)
ng future exercises; outside, Col. Aurelian Dobre notices multiple lights a Late 3/1989 #38880  
## Word: "auribeau" (Back to Top)
                                   AURIBEAU, FR 2+1 separate observer(s). 8 10/15/1976 #31464  
  At 6:20 p.m. in the mountains of Auribeau, Alpes-Maritimes, France three  10/15/1976 #31466  
## Word: "aurillac" (Back to Top)
                                   AURILLAC, FR Luminous orange sphere pass 1/28/1980 #35148  
 windows ringed the UFO. Later, at Aurillac around 9:10 p.m. a luminous ora 1/28/1980 #35149  
                                   AURILLAC, FR 1 / car. Metallic-white sau 11/21/1980 #35661  
## Word: "aurora" (Back to Top)
                                   Aurora, TX Aurora, TX: An “airship” cras 4/17/1897 #517  
                        Aurora, TX Aurora, TX: An “airship” crashed into Ju 4/17/1897 #517  
                                   Aurora, Texas Fort Worth Aurora Cemetery 4/17/1897 #523  
          Aurora, Texas Fort Worth Aurora Cemetery 6:00 a.m. An airship is  4/17/1897 #523  
ames Spencer Proctor’s windmill in Aurora, Texas, causing it to explode and 4/17/1897 #523  
ried “with Christian rites” at the Aurora Cemetery. Wreckage from the crash 4/17/1897 #523  
ala, hears from other pilots at La Aurora Airport in Guatemala City that la 3/15/1950 #4643  
                                   AURORA, CO Air Force Sgt. 5 saucers circ 9/24/1952 #8016  
                                   Aurora, CO 5-6 circular objects, bright  9/29/1952 #8057  
                                   Aurora, Colorado Witness:  USAF T/Sgt. B 9/29/1952 #8061  
                                In Aurora, Colorado at 3:15 p.m. USAF Sgt.  9/29/1952 #8065  
      Denver, CO [Same as Sept. 29 Aurora case?] (NARA) (NICAP: 01 - Distan 9/30/1952 #8068  
 glide going northeast during rare aurora Borealis.                         5/20/1956 #12861  
                                LA AURORA, GUAT 6 observer(s). Silent brigh 6/13/1957 #13724  
encompassed eleven Earth sciences: aurora and airglow, cosmic rays, geomagn 7/1/1957 #13768  
 Project Blue Book claims it is an aurora or jet aircraft.                  11/5/1957 #14346  
J. Delano, who is participating in aurora and meteor watches for the Intern 11/6/1957 #14429  
white, and gray, and it creates an aurora 2,100 miles long along the geomag 8/1/1958 #15174  
                                   Aurora, IL Police reported several yello 10/12/1958 #15339  
                                   Aurora, IL 12:00 Noon CST. A couple saw  3/8/1967 #21803  
 a small cloud after 3-4 minutes. (Aurora Beacon-News, 3/9/67, copy in NICA 3/8/1967 #21803  
                                   Aurora, IL Evening. An oval shaped light Spring 1968 #23851  
ening at 7:30 p.m. two women, Dona Aurora and Clair Mefessoli, were walking 5/19/1969 #25147  
                                   AURORA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, GUATEMALA 3 br 11/24/1972 #27137  
terson Air Force Base. Also seen / aurora, CO. / news.                      6/10/1973 #27558  
n elliptical dark object below the aurora. The object appears on only one o 2/1977 #31771  
                                   Aurora, MO Humanoid report. No details.  8/27/1977 #32428  
ers and police sighted a UFO in La Aurora, Uruguay at 11:00 p.m. The UFO ca 11/22/1977 #32693  
sion power lines in the town of La Aurora, Uruguay.  It changed colors and  11/24/1977 #32698  
                                La Aurora, Uruguay There was a great flash  12/16/1977 #32780  
y to the west. At 11:25 p.m. in La Aurora, Uruguay there was a great flash  12/16/1977 #32781  
                                   Aurora, Illinois Chicago Night. Ten pers 4/29/1978 #33179  
hicago Night. Ten persons call the Aurora, Illinois, police department to r 4/29/1978 #33179  
n, Wisconsin New Lisbon, Wisconsin Aurora, Illinois 10:48 p.m. The pilot an 6/24/1978 #33306  
nnacott and Wayne Nurenberg at the Aurora (Ill.) Air Route Traffic Control  6/24/1978 #33306  
 Witnesses also reportedly saw the Aurora Borealis and several meteors.     7/29/1978 #33450  
 plans to spend $80 million on an “Aurora” program in FY1986 and $2.3 billi 1985 #37542  
ad Dane County Verona Green County Aurora, Illinois Monroe New Glarus Veron 1/15/1987 #38099  
hwest. They call the FAA Center in Aurora, Illinois, which admits it has a  1/15/1987 #38099  
the Lockheed Pulsar, nicknamed the Aurora, that allegedly can be anywhere i 11/12/1988 #38713  
existed at Groom Lake that was not Aurora but something else.  https://www. 2/21/1990 #39426  
ine breaks the news that the term “Aurora” has inadvertently been included  3/1990 #39434  
ccording to Aviation Week, Project Aurora refers to a group of exotic aircr 3/1990 #39434  
nk Works division, writes that the Aurora is the budgetary code name for th 3/1990 #39434  
d lied to Congress by stating that Aurora did not exist.” [Aurora was a rum 12/22/1992 #40762  
ating that Aurora did not exist.” [Aurora was a rumored name for a USG/USG  12/22/1992 #40762  
G was working on the black project Aurora. Mellon states on the record that 12/22/1992 #40762  
    NEWMARKET, ONTARIO Lawyer from aurora sees orange saucer fly about. No  7/2/1993 #41046  
onic replacement for the SR-71 aka Aurora.  Majic Eyes Only, p213           9/26/1994 #41776  
ing wedge hovers over house during aurora Borealis. / r147'94.              10/29/1994 #41819  
                                   AURORA, CO 2 observer(s). Odd rattling n 8/3/1995 #42355  
Note: Photographic evidence “ASTRA/AURORA” was mentioned in MOD files (see  Late 1990's #43480  
e in bed sleeping at their home in Aurora, Ceara State, Brazil when they he 4/27/1998 #43559  
  Nipomo, CA Dogs bark/howl during aurora display (NICAP: 04 - Animal React 3/30/2001 #44153  
versity Hospital for 22 minutes in Aurora, Colorado.                        10/15/2007 #45075  
. Brad states the first generation Aurora was also at the airshow in a hang 12/2014 #45425  
 geosynchronous orbits Buckley AFB Aurora, Colorado A total of 11 satellite 1/2018 #45499  
Awareness Center at Buckley AFB in Aurora, Colorado, as well as its new Dat 1/2018 #45499  
which states: “The remaining ASTRA/AURORA photos and 35mm slides are also o 8/12/2022 #45762  
d from USG/USG contractor projects Aurora or Astra. Noted in 22 December 19 8/12/2022 #45762  
. Rice lied to Congress by stating Aurora didn’t exist. British interest in 8/12/2022 #45762  
rd to investigate the existence of Aurora, or efforts by Byrd’s counsel Ric 8/12/2022 #45762  
## Word: "auroral" (Back to Top)
Back, Surrey, England 6:00 p.m. An auroral beam is observed from the Royal  11/17/1882 #249  
suspects that the fireballs are an auroral phenomenon, but concedes that th 7/13/1949 #4269  
nal Park The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) facilit 1993 #40778  
## Word: "auroras" (Back to Top)
l-sky camera used for the study of auroras. Probable bolide.                7/7/1962 #17265  
## Word: "aurélio" (Back to Top)
á, Amapá, Brazil. TAM Cmdr. Marcos Aurélio de Castro reports that he and hi 8/8/1995 #42368  
## Word: "aus" (Back to Top)
       ADELAIDE OBSERVATORY, SOUTH AUS Astronomer. Fireball lasts / 4 minut 11/20/1902 #657  
            MINDEROO STATION, WEST AUS 1+3 observer(s). Mystery airship = s 10/25/1909 #816  
                         FERNVALE, AUS 2 / ranch. Domed saucer seen / days. 2/1927 #1069  
              DISCOVERY WELL, WEST AUS Large shiny egg going down. Greys ex 1/1933? #1152  
                WEARYAN RIVER, NT, AUS Nurse. 2 pseudo-human/entity appear  2/1941 #1353  
                      BASS STRAIT, AUS 50M domed ovoid paces RAAF plane. Tu 8/1942 (approximate) #1424  
                     GEELONG, VCT, AUS Saucer going quickly south / 1000mph 6/1950 #4976  
                 MARYBOROUGH, QLD, AUS Several observer(s). Bright blue sau 12/7/1950 #5333  
              NORTHWEST CAPE, WEST AUS 2 / seismic survey. Dull aluminum sa 6/1951 #5528  
                    BALLARAT, VCT, AUS 28 slow-going silver-white saucers d 10/7/1952 #8097  
             SSW / ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUS 2 observer(s). White sphere/orb/glob 3/8/1953 #8737  
                 ROCKHAMPTON, QLD, AUS Pilot and weatherman / ground. Cresc 5/18/1953 #8881  
                     YARRA VALLEY, AUS DC3 pilot. Huge metal mushroom. Shaf 1/1/1954 #9430  
               HAMPTON BEACH, VCT, AUS Clear plastic-like dish rushes acros 1/1/1954 #9431  
                    BOX HILL, VCT, AUS Also Melbourne. Odd box turns / sky. 1/3/1954 #9438  
                   FOOTSCRAY, VCT, AUS 3 observer(s). Saucer flashes across 1/3/1954 #9439  
                    HAMILTON, VCT, AUS Vibrant bright orange classic saucer 1/8/1954 #9467  
                        SALE, VCT, AUS Odd UFO corrugated on top. Changes c 1/8/1954 #9468  
                     KWINANA, WEST AUS Several / beach. Round silver-blue s 1/12/1954 #9479  
                       MT. GILLEN, AUS Man photographs 30M and saucer. Hove 1/15/1954 #9486  
                       HOLLENBERG, AUS 5 observer(s). 3 round dark disks go 5/10/1954 #9769  
               NEAR MITCHELL, QLD, AUS Several report(s) / 100mi stretch /  5/25/1954 #9835  
                     EAST MALVERN, AUS 6 observer(s). Saucer / ground level 5/30/1954 #9842  
                   EAST DANDENONG, AUS 14 observer(s). Silent 10M domed cyl 6/5/1954 #9865  
                       PERTH, WEST AUS 30M shiny bronze ovoid with 3 lit po 6/11/1954 (approximate) #9891  
                      MONTMORENCY, AUS Huge sphere spins and maneuvers / al 6/27/1954 #9956  
                   LUSENS GLACIER, AUS Cop / (seen thru) binoculars. Silent 10/3/1954 #10630  
                   NEAR WILCANNIA, AUS Sheep-man takes 3 photographs. Invis 11/9/1954 #11607  
       CAMBERWELL AND MORE/OTHERS, AUS White fireball with orange flames /  11/23/1954 #11695  
                   HAWTHORNE, VCT, AUS Orange glowing saucer spins slowly / 12/5/1954 #11761  
                   NEAR AUFHAUSEN, AUS Dome hovers / valley at mountain-top 12/30/1954 #11880  
                     NEAR TORQUAY, AUS Engineer. Roar! 40' silver propeller 1/11/1955 #11928  
                  TINTINARA, SOUTH AUS 10M Saturn-saucer slow over road. 90 4/22/1955 #12098  
              SMITHFIELD / CAIRNS, AUS Night light lights entire area. Foll 5/29/1955 (approximate) #12165  
                         KATOOMBA, AUS Night lights. Brilliant ovoid maneuv 7/17/1957 #13806  
                      MT. STROMLO, AUS 3 astronomers. Pink-glowing object g 11/8/1957 #14474  
         NEAR WOOMERA RANGE, SOUTH AUS 4 observer(s). Disks / fast maneuver 3/25/1958 #14947  
                         LEIBNITZ, AUS Newsman. Photograph / saucer over wo 3/2/1960 #16191  
         WYALONG TO/FROM TOOMPANG, AUS 7 observer(s). Large sphere/orb/glob 5/31/1961 #16704  
                     BARABON, QLD, AUS 4 observer(s) / car. Classic saucer  6/1961 #16707  
                        BETHUNGRA, AUS 4 / railroad/railway station/depot/f 6/13/1961 #16727  
 further details. See Mt. Stromlo. Aus.                                     5/29/1963 #17769  
                    NEAR CANBERRA, AUS 3 campers. 2 night lights collide an 5/3/1964 #18239  
                   LONGREACH, QLD, AUS Reverend Alcorn. 10 delta/triangle/b 7/23/1964 #18432  
                     Carnarvan, W. Aus Squashed Football Hovers Over Road ( 7/27/1965 #19190  
                        MELBOURNE, AUS Many odd night lights. 1/2-moon nigh 8/29/1965 #19471  
                        KATANNING, AUS Blinding object hovers over car. Goi 1/20/1966 #19860  
              COOKTOWN, TULLY, QL, AUS More UFO nests / Sydney sun Herald.  1/23/1966 #19867  
                        MELBOURNE, AUS 2 observer(s). 20M bowl saucer with  3/5/1966 #19939  
                           BALWYN, AUS 2 observer(s). Photograph shiny silv 4/2/1966 #20206  
                       CANTERBURY, AUS 3 observer(s). 30' gray saucer / 40' 3/8/1967 #21792  
          DARETON TO/FROM MILDURA, AUS 7 / car. Dark domed football / 30M a 3/10/1967 #21846  
             NORTH / ALBANY DOWNS, AUS Silver ovoid just over ground. Hatch 3/16/1967 #21896  
                         BALMORAL, AUS 3 observer(s) spotlight / 2M silent  4/7/1967 #22087  
                          WODONGA, AUS 10M saucer and 5' small humanoids (o 8/24/1967 #22910  
                     KULIKUP, WEST AUS Ovoid aims blue-beam / car. Electro- 10/30/1967 #23365  
                       TULLY, QLD, AUS 8MM camera to catch UFO's / electro- 3/4/1968 (approximate) #23817  
                          ZANTHUS, AUS 6 large saucers exit huge object. Pa 8/22/1968 #24366  
                   GLADSTONE, QLD, AUS Saucer paces and hovers over 2 cars. 3/19/1969 #25027  
                 BUNGAWALBIN, NSW, AUS 2+1 observer(s). Glowing-tops maneuv 4/16/1969 #25066  
NDA AND CLOVERDALE AND PERTH, WEST AUS RADAR blips and night lights zigzag  5/23/1969 #25158  
            NORTHWEST / GLADSTONE, AUS 2 / car. Circle / lights. 2 hour tri 8/1/1971 #26259  
                        FRANKSTON, AUS Repeat observer(s). Car malfunctions 7/25/1972 #26830  
                     VIENNA WOODS, AUS 2+2+many. Brilliant silent 55M sauce 8/3/1972 #26868  
                  NORTH MELBOURNE, AUS 2 bald figure(s) float and sway / be 10/3/1973 #27920  
        NSA / NORTHWEST CAPE, WEST AUS Black 10M saucer over NSA radio towe 10/25/1973 #28279  
                          KEMPSEY, AUS 2 observer(s). Large Brill night lig 7/21/1975 #30196  
                      LLANGOTHLIN, AUS 2 / car. Large silver cylinder/cigar 10/19/1975 #30448  
                         NEMINGHA, AUS Car lit. Driver wipes window. Rag bu 3/22/1976 #30951  
              RANKIN SPRINGS, NSW, AUS 3 / car. Saucer hovers / low. Portho 10/5/1976 #31446  
                      MOONIE, QLD, AUS 2 / car. UFO hides as truck nears. A 3/16/1977 #31911  
              NEAR BIRDWOOD, SOUTH AUS 50M silent phony airliner lands by p 7/30/1977 #32321  
            NEAR GOONDIWINDI, QLD, AUS Many observer(s). Night lights pace  9/10/1977 #32476  
ROSSA VALLEY NEAR NURIOOTPA, SOUTH AUS Band / light with 2 square orange li 11/11/1977 #32664  
            85KM SSE / LEGUNE, NT, AUS 2 / light plane. 9 x3x1M UFO passes. 12/9/1977 #32751  
         NORTH / PYRAMID HILL, VC, AUS 12 observer(s). Large UFO offloads 3 12/13/1977 #32763  
                 LEITCHVILLE, VCT, AUS Large and 2 small UFO's signal back  12/13/1977 #32764  
         SOUTHWEST / GRAFTON, NSW, AUS Man / bad road. Phony chicken Coop f 1/10/1978 #32864  
                  POINT CLARE, NSW Aus. Several observer(s). Triangle with  3/8/1978 #33018  
                          DAYBORO, AUS Car malfunctions due to EME (electro 4/7/1978 #33130  
                  NEAR CAPE OTWAY, AUS Pilot radios UFO doing stunts. Plane 10/21/1978 #33852  
                     REDHEAD, NSW, AUS 1 observer. White saucer. 2nd saucer 1/7/1979 #34312  
                    LAWITTA, TASM, AUS Car malfunctions due to EME (electro 2/5/1979 #34402  
                       PALMA, QLD, AUS Several observer(s). Flattened spher 4/26/1980 #35290  
                  WEST / ROSEDALE, AUS Noisy 8M saucer near tank. Going qui 9/30/1980 #35542  
               PERTH AIRPORT, WEST AUS Air Traffic Controllers and RADAR's  12/4/1980 #35692  
                    CHARLTON, VCT, AUS Orange hat-saucer buzzes car. Engine 7/1983 #36897  
                   HAZELMERE, WEST AUS Cops and several. 30M vertical cone  1/20/1984 #37131  
                       HEXAM, NSW, AUS 2 / camp. 3 small saucers zigzag and 12/26/1984 (approximate) #37531  
                  NEAR SYDNEY, NSW Aus. Top Pols and pilots / planes see an 9/5/1985 #37654  
                    EDMONTON, QLD, AUS UFO buzzes car. Steering lost. Hummi 10/20/1986 #38050  
                    LAWRENNY, NSW, AUS Ambulance malfunctions due to EME (e 6/16/1987 #38190  
                    HOLBROOK, NSW, AUS 2 boys. Grey car-size delta/triangle 5/20/1988 #38571  
                    PORTLAND, VCT, AUS Cars chased / extremely bright polic 10/5/1989 (approximate) #39144  
                      POMONA, QLD, AUS Woman / garden. Silver pencil shape  10/22/1990 #39804  
                WYONG AND TOUKLEY, AUS Many calls / cops. Round silent obje 4/28/1992 #40433  
  EAST-NORTHEAST / NULLAGENE, WEST AUS 2 prospectors. 1/2-moon UFO / 30M al 8/8/1992 #40559  
                       KAIRI, QLD, AUS 1 / car. Manta paces car several km. 4/22/1995 #42166  
      WEST HEIDELBERG AND IVANHOE, AUS Several separate observer(s). 5 nigh 7/31/1995 #42343  
 DOWNS STATION/DEPOT/FACILITY, NT, AUS 30M grey cylinder/cylindrical object 2/4/1996 #42739  
                   GLADSTONE, QLD, AUS Several observer(s). Blue disk going 5/24/1996 #42910  
CHELSEA AND KILSYTH AND DONCASTER, AUS 2 glowing-objects going [to] overhea 8/23/1996 #42991  
                    LOGANLEA, QLD, AUS 1 observer. 20cm glowing-ball hovers 4/8/1997 #43258  
                   FREMANTLE, WEST AUS Several observer(s). Green-glowing t 4/8/1997 #43259  
                SOUTH / NEWCASTLE, AUS 11 / Pacific highway. Triangular nig 4/28/1997 #43282  
## Word: "auschwitz" (Back to Top)
g similar methods to those used in Auschwitz concentration camp by Nazi doc 7/1/1947 #2523  
## Word: "ausmus" (Back to Top)
dusky, Ohio 6:45 p.m. Reinhardt N. Ausmus and his wife Ruth are driving nor 1/30/1967 #21419  
## Word: "auspices" (Back to Top)
e east coast, the AWS is under the auspices of the Army Air Force’s 1st Int 5/1941 #1361  
e west coast, the AWS is under the auspices of the 4th Interceptor Command  5/1941 #1361  
 Force Richard E. Horner under the auspices of the Subcommittee on Investig 1/31/1958 #14855  
ucted under scrupulously objective auspices. . . . Too many people have see 3/31/1966 #20178  
 Study Group to function under its auspices.                                10/1967 #23155  
s, France. It soon falls under the auspices of the Société Parisienne d’Étu 4/1976 #30972  
tifies (GEPAN) organized under the auspices of the French national space ag 5/1977 #32041  
kita A. Schnee. Launched under the auspices of the A. S. Popov Scientific a 11/1978 #33907  
sociation is established under the auspices of Wuhan University, with branc 5/1980 #35297  
in Tarrytown, New York Through the auspices of the Society for Scientific E 9/29/1997 #43420  
s (BAASS) was contracted under the auspices of the AATIP program to study U 2/14/2020 #45633  
## Word: "aussay" (Back to Top)
ached / top going [to] over town. (Aussay Dne.)                             10/18/1954 #11187  
## Word: "aust" (Back to Top)
                       PARRAMATTA, AUST Dream? Flying head invites observer 7/25/1868 #175  
                       MOORA, WEST AUST 2 observer(s). Classic saucer with  7/1925? #1048  
                 NEAR ROCKHAMPTON, AUST Test Pilot. Large circular / light. 8/14/1952 #7584  
                    BRISBANE, QLD, AUST Cylinder/cigar-shape-UFO has fluore 3/10/1953 #8742  
                   CUNDERDIN, WEST AUST Big flat shiny disk hovers. Going w 2/5/1954 #9537  
               40 MI WITH GEELONG, AUST 300m saucer dives going [to] train  4/28/1954 #9729  
                        MELBOURNE, AUST 12 observer(s). Ovoid buzzes over s 6/10/1954 #9884  
                           SYDNEY, AUST Night lights play. Flaming "Trolley 6/14/1954 #9901  
           SOUTH / CARNARVON, WEST AUST Dark object paces car / 25km. Flash 12/15/1954 #11811  
                     NEAR KOJONUP, AUST 3 observer(s). Glowing-saucer / ver 9/11/1955 #12447  
                        MELBOURNE, AUST AND MORE/OTHERS Hundreds / observer 10/1/1955 #12478  
                          MENTONE, AUST Ex-CIC / RAAF! Dark ovoid / 300M al 10/16/1957 #14122  
                           CASINO, AUST Silent domed saucer / beam chases c 1/14/1958 #14826  
                    PURNONG, SOUTH AUST 60M domed saucer / field. Going up  3/13/1959 #15638  
                         COOKTOWN, AUST 3 hunters. Huge saucer / trees. Por 5/17/1959 #15733  
                          KARUMBA, AUST Several observer(s). Silent 18M dis 7/8/1959 #15824  
                  PORT LIHOU, QLD, AUST Natives and many. Red-glow object l 7/8/1959 #15825  
                 MEEKATHARRA, WEST AUST 12 observer(s). 12 white-metal disk 8/6/1961 #16780  
               NEAR GLENCOE, SOUTH AUST Ovoid crosses road and soars up as  5/20/1963 #17752  
                         DALYSTON, AUST 3M glowing-object turns and follows 10/31/1963 #18012  
                  GUM CREEK, SOUTH AUST Figure appears like magic. Touches  2/3/1964 #18124  
                       ETON RIDGE, AUST 3 observer(s). 30' saucer grows 3 l 5/24/1965 #18955  
        EAST / FRASER ISLAND, QLD, AUST Long thin metal object just underwa 6/21/1965 #19020  
                  SOUTH MELBOURNE, AUST 5 kids. Disk going down [to] slow / 7/15/1965 #19104  
       CANBERRA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, AUST Air Traffic Controllers and many. M 7/18/1965 #19120  
                       WYCHEPROOF, AUST Headlights bend toward(s) 25' lumin 4/4/1966 #20217  
                         MENINDEE, AUST 4 observer(s). Splash. UFO rises /  6/23/1966 #20591  
                         HEYFIELD, AUST Blue dome beams lights. Whines. Car 5/1/1968 #23937  
       SOUTHWEST / MAITLAND, SOUTH AUST Fireball follows car / 9mi to 150kp 11/26/1968 #24712  
             NEAR MILLICENT, SOUTH AUST Top-saucer going down. Paces car. S 12/8/1968 #24748  
              FLINDERS PARK, SOUTH AUST Whirr! Odd 10M object going down [t 2/17/1969 #24924  
              HARWOOD ISLAND, NSW, AUST 1 observer. 25' hat-saucer low over 4/20/1969 #25070  
                    NEAR PENRITH,, AUST Im fireball paces car closely / 13  1/5/1971 #25977  
                      BENTS BASIN, AUST 6 observer(s). 25' saucer / very lo 6/4/1972 #26700  
                     NEAR HENBURY, AUST 5 / car. Saucer responds / lights.  8/27/1972 #26958  
        TYRINGHAM AND DUNDURRABIN, AUST 9 separate observer(s) and good pho 5/29/1973 #27538  
                      CAMDEN, NSW, AUST 50' ovoid stops 50' over 3 teens. R 7/26/1974 #29281  
                  NORTH MELBOURNE, AUST Silent tadpole-shape with striped w 9/25/1974 (approximate) #29477  
                       OFF MACKAY, AUST Night lights buzz RAAF plane and en 8/30/1975 #30328  
                          LITHGOW, AUST 2 / car. Huge circular glow overhea 1/4/1977 #31688  
                  MT. MAGNET, WEST AUST 2 / car paced / night light. Night  10/17/1977 #32583  
                  MARBLE BAR, WEST AUST Huge orange cylinder/cigar-shape go 5/25/1978 #33239  
                      PORT KEMBLA, AUST 6M non-metallic ovoid going southwe 10/2/1978 #33789  
                    KINGSLEY, WEST AUST Noisy Radio Frequency Interference  10/7/1978 #33804  
              OFF FLINDERS ISLAND, AUST 2 / boat. 2 night lights exchange l 1/8/1981 #35775  
                        WOODSTOCK, AUST 4 observer(s). Brilliant red sphere 3/14/1982 #36390  
               WEST / MUNDRABILLA, AUST Saucer lifts car / 90 min. Tires po 1/20/1988 #38418  
RE HIGHWAY, NEAR MUNDRABILLA, WEST AUST Bus driver and more/others. CB Radi 2/5/1988 (approximate) #38440  
                      KIRWAN, WEST AUST Amateur astronomer. Saucer / artist 5/28/1990 #39594  
                   ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUST 2 / beach. White-red triangular nig 4/21/1992 #40426  
                       COOMA, NSW, AUST Conical UFO has orange and pale blu 5/6/1992 #40455  
                  JARRAHDALE, WEST AUST 2 observer(s). Black armless 3.5M f 9/19/1992 #40630  
                     NARRE WARREN, AUST 2 separate cars abduction. Tall bla 8/8/1993 #41113  
                  LIGHTNING RIDGE, AUST 1 observer / (seen thru) telescope. 3/1/1994 #41434  
               SOUTHWEST / SYDNEY, AUST Observer(s) / (seen thru) binocular 12/27/1994 #41906  
                           COHUNA, AUST 2 car chased / brilliant night ligh 5/15/1996 #42901  
                NORTHWEST / DARGO, AUST 75 / very remote valley. Night ligh 6/8/1996 #42926  
               BELLENDEN KER, QLD, AUST 9 / large car. Large triangle hover 6/28/1996 #42941  
                       PERTH, WEST AUST Hundreds / observer(s) and traffic  8/21/1996 #42988  
                   ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUST Noises on roof. Observer(s) goes ou 10/14/1996 #43067  
                         KINGAROY, AUST Many observer(s). Battleship-sized  10/18/1996 #43082  
                    ALICE SPRINGS, AUST Daytime. 6 orange night lights goin 11/26/1996 #43124  
                       GOLD COAST, AUST 2+separate observer(s). Glowing-sph 2/28/1997 #43214  
           NEAR STRATHALBYN, SOUTH AUST 2 / farm. 22M double delta/triangle 6/9/1997 #43320  
                          BENDIGO, AUST Separate observer(s) / 2 days. Long 6/26/1997 #43340  
                   GIPPSLAND AREA, AUST Many observer(s) / 5 days. Orange f 7/13/1997 #43349  
## Word: "auster" (Back to Top)
neer Peter Spencer is flying in an Auster aircraft piloted by Dennis Jackso 6/29/1958 #15126  
## Word: "austin" (Back to Top)
                                   Austin, Texas 8:00 p.m. A blue-colored f 5/13/1902 #651  
blue-colored fireball appears over Austin, Texas, and ascends into the sky  5/13/1902 #651  
                   TONOPAH TO/FROM AUSTIN, NV 2 / private plane. 5 brillian 7/4/1947 #2601  
n while flying between Tonopah and Austin, Nevada and cruising at an estima 7/4/1947 #2673  
Possible spin. Possible landing. / Austin American.                         7/9/1947 #3046  
                                   AUSTIN, TX 3 men. Flat silver featureles 3/29/1950 #4752  
                                   AUSTIN, TX 50 pink-glow objects / 3 form 4/23/1952 #6160  
                              Port Austin, MI FPS-3 Radar Tracks Objects At 8/6/1952 #7484  
                              Port Austin, Michigan Case missing from offic 8/6/1952 #7488  
r Force radar installation in Port Austin, Michigan picked up several large 8/6/1952 #7492  
ing. CAA Senior Airways Specialist Austin M. Stapf claims the same thing wa 11/30/1952 #8359  
                              PORT AUSTIN, MICH Project Bluebook Case #2419 2/17/1953 #8681  
                              Port Austin, MI Object larger and brighter th 2/17/1953 #8683  
                              Port Austin. Michigan Witnesses: two officers 2/17/1953 #8684  
S Air Force 754 AC&W Squad in Port Austin, Michigan picked up a clear and s 2/17/1953 #8685  
y and two other men are driving an Austin sedan in the Australian outback n 4/18/1954 #9696  
                  SR8A SOUTHEAST / AUSTIN, NV 2 observer(s) / (seen thru) b 6/29/1956 #12929  
gasoline tanker truck for miles in Austin, Texas. It dropped down and spray 11/8/1959 #16085  
f silently and gracefully. Mrs. L. Austin Wright sees a stationary flashing 3/25/1962 #17080  
State Highway 15 11:30 p.m. Ronnie Austin and Phyllis Bruce are driving eas 8/4/1963 #17863  
ront of them and to the left. When Austin drops Phyllis off at home in Wayn 8/4/1963 #17863  
watching it about 15 minutes, then Austin leaves for home. As he turns east 8/4/1963 #17863  
 His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Austin, and brother and sister also see  8/4/1963 #17863  
                            Ronnie Austin and Phyllis Bruce, age 18, were d 8/4/1963 #17864  
                      northwest of Austin, Texas Ray Stanford founds Projec 1964 #18102  
ch on a 400-acre site northwest of Austin, Texas, that includes two buildin 1964 #18102  
                                   AUSTIN, TX Project Bluebook Case #11815. 6/24/1967 #22537  
                                   Austin, TX Solid, blue-white, elliptical 6/24/1967 #22542  
                                   Austin, Texas Witness:  artist Ray Stanf 6/24/1967 #22547  
                              OVER AUSTIN, TX Henry Ford II and several. 60 4/16/1968 #23908  
e Ford Motor Company Jet Star near Austin, Texas.                           4/16/1968 #23909  
and carrying on" on her ranch near Austin, Texas. When she opened the door  11/3/1971 #26452  
                                In Austin, Texas Trudy Van Riper was awaken 11/4/1971 #26457  
dway, Texas University of Texas at Austin Bonnie Collier observes two metal 10/23/1973 #28250  
ents at the University of Texas at Austin. A neutron activation survey indi 10/23/1973 #28250  
Hemisphere going quickly [to] over Austin Lake. / Kalamazoo Gazette 3.12.73 12/3/1973 #28511  
                              Port Austin, MI G,V, AF radar & 5 UFOs (NICAP 9/6/1976 #31348  
wing shaped UFOs were seen in Port Austin, Michigan; the next morning US Ai 9/6/1976 #31349  
                              PORT AUSTIN AFS, MI 5 unidentified RADAR blip 9/7/1976 #31352  
                                   Austin, TX 2:00 AM. A 29-year-old man re 6/17/1977 #32170  
A 29-year-old man returned home in Austin and saw a light in the distance h 6/17/1977 #32170  
a 29-year-old man returned home in Austin, Texas at about 2:00 a.m. He saw  6/17/1977 #32173  
                                   AUSTIN, TX 1 observer. Grey metallic "fa 11/10/1977 #32661  
                                   Austin, Texas 4:31 p.m. UFO researcher R 11/10/1977 #32662  
rn sky as he is walking his dog in Austin, Texas. Its smaller end is at the 11/10/1977 #32662  
et. USAF member William Draeger of Austin, TX writes Leonard Stringfield an 8/13/1979 #34741  
                   Walter and Judy Austin, a 42-year-old married couple, we 4/20/1981 #35909  
onary Military Council with Hudson Austin as chairman. The invasion results 10/25/1983 #37016  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Austin” YieldMax: 20KT                   6/21/1990 #39619  
shaped object flew over a house in Austin, Texas heading north. It was the  10/1/1995 #42530  
                                   AUSTIN, TX Comm. pilot and 1 / ground. T 3/24/1996 #42839  
                           SOUTH / AUSTIN, TX 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. W 9/26/1997 #43416  
ng and Urban Development Catherine Austin Fitts, and several media and fina 12/3/1999 #43892  
cc3c20ca  Note: In 2017, Catherine Austin Fitts published a paper with a Mi 12/3/1999 #43892  
                                   AUSTIN, TX 1 / (seen thru) telescope. 2  10/5/2002 #44415  
ng and Urban Development Catherine Austin Fitts writes in a paper that a “l 6/2004 #44706  
                                   Austin, Texas The Defense Intelligence A 12/1/2009 #45260  
 CEO of EarthTech International in Austin, Texas, to choose the precise nat 12/1/2009 #45260  
ng and Urban Development Catherine Austin Fitts publishes a paper with a Mi 12/11/2017 #45492  
                     San Diego, CA Austin, TX TTSA’s “ADAM Project” (an acr 6/13/2018 #45529  
from a crashed UFO to EarthTech in Austin, TX.                              6/13/2018 #45529  
                                   Austin, Texas The To The Stars Academy’s 7/26/2018 #45534  
thoff’s EarthTech International in Austin, Texas.                           7/26/2018 #45534  
th the Secretary of Defense (Lloyd Austin under the Biden Administration) t 12/27/2020 #45670  
speculates it would be centered in Austin, TX and East Setauket, NY, the la 2/22/2023 #45794  
## Word: "austin-bergstrom" (Back to Top)
ston Bergstrom Air Force Base [now Austin-Bergstrom International Airport]  12/29/1980 #35757  
e at Bergstrom Air Force Base [now Austin-Bergstrom International Airport]. 12/29/1980 #35757  
## Word: "austin-peters" (Back to Top)
                    Tracie and Jim Austin-Peters had a close up sighting of 11/13/2001 #44276  
## Word: "austr" (Back to Top)
                      BASS STRAIT, AUSTR Object tails bomber / 20 minute(s) 2/1944 #1568  
                       KENSINGTON, AUSTR 2 white shiny saucers going quickl 7/7/1947 #2912  
                            AVOCA, AUSTR Farmer. Huge saucer rises / horizo 7/1950 #5030  
              SUBURBS / MELBOURNE, AUSTR Several separate observer(s). Sauc 12/2/1950 #5307  
                        BENTLEIGH, AUSTR Group women and kids. 20' ovoid pa 12/14/1950 (approximate) #5347  
                      BOWRAL, NSW, AUSTR Fast silent steel-blue moon-size o 1/6/1951 (approximate) #5384  
                 PORT PIRIE, SOUTH AUSTR Cylinder/cigar-shape seen here als 10/18/1952 #8154  
                   ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTR 2 observer(s). 2 rotating saucers  2/22/1953 #8692  
              SOUTH / MACKAY, QLD, AUSTR 3 / DC3+Air Traffic Controller / g 5/10/1953 #8871  
                       BLACK ROCK, AUSTR 5 observer(s). Lightbulb shape goi 12/12/1953 #9361  
                    BRIGHTON, VCT, AUSTR Gold saucers / V-formation over go 1/1954 #9427  
 100MI NORTHEAST / ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTR Flight crew. Object / erratic mane 1/9/1954 #9469  
                   ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTR Planet-like object hovers. Goes go 1/10/1954 #9474  
                 TODD RIVER DOWNS, AUSTR 13M saucer nearly knocks man / hor 2/1954 #9514  
                ALICE SPRINGS, NT, AUSTR Strange object roars overhead. "No 2/18/1954 #9552  
                    ALICE SPRINGS, AUSTR Several observer(s). 40' saucer /  3/17/1954 #9624  
                    KAPUNDA, SOUTH AUSTR Teachers and kids. Open-umbrella s 4/9/1954 #9679  
         WOOMERA TEST RANGE, SOUTH AUSTR RADAR-visual (observation) / (seen 5/5/1954 #9750  
                           VIENNA, AUSTR 5 observer(s). 3 saucers / delta/t 5/15/1954 #9799  
                     WILLIAMSTOWN, AUSTR 2 wingless cigars fly over in sequ 7/5/1954 #9992  
                  NEAR QUEANBEYAN, AUSTR NSW, Australia. 2 politicians and  7/6/1954 #9997  
            PORT PHILLIP BAY, VCT, AUSTR Saucer passes then cylinder/cigar- 9/2/1954 (approximate) #10229  
                   MELBOURNE, VCT, AUSTR 1 observer. Loud buzzing. Enormous 12/9/1954 #11779  
             NORTHWEST / ESSENDON, AUSTR Gold prospectors. Saucer going [to 12/25/1954 #11858  
                           SYDNEY, AUSTR 1 then 2 luminous clouds. 1 splits 1/1/1955 #11906  
                        MELBOURNE, AUSTR Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 2  1/3/1955 #11915  
            MALVERN AND MELBOURNE, AUSTR Many calls. Huge "flying poached-e 2/9/1955 #11984  
                   ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTR 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Silver 6/17/1955 #12202  
                     GAWLER, SOUTH AUSTR 5 / car. Small white objects exit  11/19/1955 #12574  
               NEAR WILLIAMS, WEST AUSTR 12+observer(s). Silent domed sauce 1/20/1956 #12672  
                        TOOWOOMBA, AUSTR Farmer and kids. Classic domed sau 7/1957 #13762  
                  MARALINGA, SOUTH AUSTR Huge saucer tilts / 45°. Portholes 11/2/1957 (approximate) #14197  
                         KATOOMBA, AUSTR Huge luminous/glowing cylinder/cig 11/10/1957 #14511  
                    WEST / GOOLWA, AUSTR 5M red-orange dome / windows / gro 3/31/1959 #15680  
                   EAST / OORINDI, AUSTR Several observer(s). Flashing "str 7/18/1959 #15858  
                           EURAMO, AUSTR Farmer. Large Brill 10M cone over  9/1959 #15946  
                       NEAR BOWNA, AUSTR 2 / camp. Flaming object / shore.  3/15/1961 #16628  
               NEAR GUNDAGAI, NSW, AUSTR 5 / plane take long exposure / hug 5/7/1961 #16677  
           PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND, AUSTR Silver object / hillside. Gone sho 6/15/1962 #17228  
                    NORWOOD, SOUTH AUSTR 4 observer(s). Ovoid lands. Small  10/28/1962 #17507  
             NNE / ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTR 1+3 kids. Saucer lands near road.  2/2/1963 (approximate) #17648  
                     WILLOW GROVE, AUSTR 8M domed saucer / farm. Spins. Goi 2/15/1963 #17665  
           NEAR MT. GAMBIER, SOUTH AUSTR Night light / roadside going up [t 5/21/1963 #17755  
          MT. STROMLO OBSERVER(S), AUSTR 3 astronomers. Orange circular glo 5/29/1963 #17770  
                SANDY CREEK, SOUTH AUSTR Saucer / concave top / roadside. T 6/28/1963 #17812  
              NEAR ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTR 2 boys and 20. Saucer lands / fiel 10/1/1963? #17970  
                      ELSTERNWICH, AUSTR Silver sphere / red dome hovers on 3/22/1965 #18873  
                          KURANDA, AUSTR Ex-airman and 2. Silent sphere/orb 6/2/1965 #18982  
                   MUNDALLA, SOUTH AUSTR Several observer(s). Round object  6/24/1965 #19024  
                   VAUCLUSE BEACH, AUSTR Aircraft artist. 7M saucer / sand  7/19/1965 #19127  
             SSE / CARNARVON, WEST AUSTR Doctor and 1. Ovoid going down. Ci 7/27/1965 #19188  
                        GOONUMBLA, AUSTR Luminous disk 8km / radio-(seen th 7/30/1965 #19208  
                           PARKES, AUSTR 2 farmers. Dogs bark. Luminous sau 8/10/1965 #19354  
                    ALL / GRAFTON, AUSTR Luminous ring circles town / 2 hou 6/6/1966 #20531  
                       TAREE, NSW, AUSTR 5 observer(s). Cigar / row / porth 10/2/1966 #20948  
                          WINDALE, AUSTR 2 cops. UFO flies in from sea goin 1/17/1967 #21324  
                      KOORDA, WEST AUSTR Farmer. Orange saucer / 4M altitud 2/9/1967 #21486  
          NEAR PETERBOROUGH, SOUTH AUSTR Car malfunctions due to EME (elect 3/30/1967 #22012  
                    YERECOIN, WEST AUSTR 6M saucer quickly going down / fie 11/16/1967 #23467  
OING QUICKLY [TO] IRON RANGE, QLD, AUSTR Airliner paced / UFO briefly. Shoo 3/2/1968 #23803  
            GOSFORD AND KILLARNEY, AUSTR 2+1 observer(s) / 2 days. Top-sauc 7/3/1968 #24138  
                    PERTH SUBURBS, AUSTR 3 separate observer(s) over 150min 7/19/1968 #24191  
                    NORSEMAN, WEST AUSTR Luminous 10M cylinder/cigar-shape  2/20/1969 #24932  
                           CASINO, AUSTR Brilliant circular object hovers / 5/12/1969 #25129  
                 EAST / DENILQUIN, AUSTR Cop and 8 observer(s). Extremely b 5/18/1969 #25141  
                     MOONAH CREEK, AUSTR Large white saucer very close. Win 5/22/1969 #25156  
                          BARALBA, AUSTR 3 observer(s). 2 objects / 4M alti 10/11/1969 #25405  
                   EAST / GRAFTON, AUSTR Trucker. 10M saucer rises / trees  6/1970 #25679  
              NORTHWEST / KEMPSEY, AUSTR 4 kids. Ovoid extends 4 legs and l 4/23/1971 #26078  
                     KADINA, SOUTH AUSTR Grey saucer hovers near car. Engin 8/8/1971 #26271  
                  SOUTH JOHNSTONE, AUSTR 2+railroad/railway men incoherent. 11/5/1971 #26458  
                       EUCLA, WEST AUSTR Family / car. Orange saucer going  5/8/1972 #26672  
                     MANNUM, SOUTH AUSTR 1 observer. Object hovers. Whistle 5/31/1972 #26690  
                    MELVILLE, WEST AUSTR 2 observer(s). Slow delta/triangle 6/25/1972 #26729  
        40 MI NORTH / PIMBA, SOUTH AUSTR Several / car. Large saucer paces  8/27/1972 #26959  
           BARRABA AND STANTHORPE, AUSTR Several separate observer(s). Huge 2/1/1973 #27257  
                 NEAR KIMBA, SOUTH AUSTR 4 / 3 cars. Pseudo-human/entity /  2/4/1973 #27269  
                     NEAR KEMPSEY, AUSTR 4 / car. Saucer dives and lands. H 4/30/1973 #27455  
                         BALLARAT, AUSTR 2 observer(s). Shiny 3M silver cyl 5/4/1973 #27466  
                    BALLARAT, VCT, AUSTR 2 observer(s) / Ripon St. Round gr 7/7/1973 #27618  
                NEAR PENONG, SOUTH AUSTR 1 / truck. Voice. Bright ovoid / r 9/6/1973 (approximate) #27769  
    MARANA TO/FROM KAROONDA, SOUTH AUSTR 3+3+1 observer(s). 12 saucers and  10/31/1973 #28322  
           MILDURA AND MOOROOBARK, AUSTR Several observer(s). 6-15 saucers  10/31/1973 #28323  
           BENALLA AND WARRANDYTE, AUSTR Several saucers going quickly sout 10/31/1973 #28324  
                    RENMARK, SOUTH AUSTR Car / roadside. White fireball pas 9/1974 #29409  
                        JINDABYNE, AUSTR 2 hours missing time. 2 abduction. 9/27/1974 #29485  
                            DARGO, AUSTR 2 / car. 2' sphere/orb/globe follo 1/28/1976 #30828  
         KING ISLAND, BASS STRAIT, AUSTR Silent cross-shape. Beams light /  4/10/1976 #30992  
                      WINGEN, NSW, AUSTR Truck malfunctions due to EME (ele 9/17/1976 #31389  
         COOLANGATTA AND BRISBANE, AUSTR Air Traffic Controllers and pilots 11/4/1976 #31520  
ALGOORLIE AIRPORT/APARTMENT, SOUTH AUSTR Weatherman. Large glowing-ovoid st 12/16/1976 #31607  
               SALTERS POINT, WEST AUSTR 2 observer(s). Whirring sound. 2'  12/19/1976 #31619  
                 PORT KENNY, SOUTH AUSTR Farmer. Flashes. Fireball passes c 1/20/1977 #31730  
                       BONDI, NSW, AUSTR Dozens / observer(s). Night light  2/9/1977 #31799  
                NEAR STAMMERSDORF, AUSTR 2 cops / car. 20M saucer-wedge obj 2/27/1977 #31852  
                     MANDURA, WEST AUSTR Globe light passes overhead. Car e 3/13/1977 #31902  
                   PORT MACQUARIE, AUSTR 16M saucer rises / beach. Going [t 4/18/1977 #31991  
                YATALA VALE, SOUTH AUSTR Bright night light low / sky passe 4/22/1977 #32011  
             CALIFORNIA LAL, SOUTH AUSTR Weird 2M trapezoid stands by Murra 5/2/1977 #32047  
                           ORANGE, AUSTR Orange sphere/orb/globe with windo 5/26/1977 #32130  
                  SALISBURY, SOUTH AUSTR Beam hits bicycles. Boy thrown dow 5/27/1977 #32137  
                      CASINO, NSW, AUSTR 6-8 flashing lights pace 2 / car.  6/25/1977 #32192  
                      TWEED HEADS, AUSTR 2 fishing. Pulsating night light r 1/17/1978 #32885  
                         ARMIDALE, AUSTR 1 observer. ~35'.circ.obj west squ 1/19/1978 #32898  
                    SYDNEY HARBOR, AUSTR 3 observer(s). Large quarter-circu 3/13/1978 #33037  
                MT. PLEASANT, WEST AUSTR 2 / home. Bell shaped object with  3/27/1978 #33084  
                           ALBURY, AUSTR 2 observer(s). Cylinder/cigar-shap 3/29/1978 #33092  
                OFF NEWPORT BEACH, AUSTR 1 observer / sunrise. Orange fireb 4/12/1978 #33142  
                 WARRNAMBOOL, VCT, AUSTR 2 observer(s). Vibrant bright nigh 10/21/1978 #33853  
                    GOULBURN, NSW, AUSTR Car buzzed / UFO type unknown. Ele 11/22/1978 #33976  
         ALFORD TO WHYALLA, SOUTH, AUSTR Elongated white light with blue-gl 12/30/1978 #34228  
                  LAKE EYRE, SOUTH AUSTR Private pilot photographs 30M circ 1/2/1979 #34278  
                MT. SURPRISE, QLD, AUSTR 1 / trailer. Domed saucer glows re 1/10/1979 (approximate) #34327  
                  STONEVILLE, WEST AUSTR Teen. Odd noise. Square object goi 6/29/1979 #34640  
                  COCKEBIDDY, WEST AUSTR 2 / car. Red-glowing dome low / ro 5/16/1981 #35938  
            EAST / SNOWTOWN, SOUTH AUSTR 25' glowing-ovoid follows car / mi 10/25/1981 #36187  
                            BOWNA, AUSTR Night light paces car / 7M altitud 5/23/1982 #36483  
                  MADDINGTON, WEST AUSTR Orange night light follows car. Hi 12/21/1982 #36719  
                    THORNLIE, WEST AUSTR Man / motorbike / malfunctions due 6/17/1983 #36882  
                  CUNNAMULLA, QLD, AUSTR Silent windowless delta scares gol 9/28/1984 (approximate) #37470  
              VICTOR HARBOR, SOUTH AUSTR Dozens / observer(s). Cylinder/cig 5/24/1986 #37891  
           OFF PORT LINCOLN, SOUTH AUSTR Tuna boat crews and more. Green ni 1/21/1988 #38424  
            NEAR MUNDRABILLA, WEST AUSTR Bus driver and 7. Bright night lig 10/1988 #38659  
                   KALAMUNDA, WEST AUSTR 2 silver-grey saucers very fast an 3/16/1992 #40384  
                    NORWOOD, SOUTH AUSTR 2 observer(s). Disk south going no 3/29/1992 #40403  
                         KYEEMAGH, AUSTR 4 observer(s). 7M domed saucer hov 4/19/1992 #40424  
                    LEDGE PT, WEST AUSTR 2 observer(s). Glowing-cloud with  5/10/1992 #40461  
                  NEAR TOORA, VCT, AUSTR Pulsing ovoid passes car. Driver f 6/27/1992 #40507  
           SOUTH / TOM PRICE, WEST AUSTR 4 campers. Dull metallic sphere. F 8/8/1992 #40558  
               SUNDAY ISLAND, WEST AUSTR 9 campers. Crescent UFO follows hi 8/8/1992 #40560  
              NORTH / BROOME, WEST AUSTR Pearl farmers. Crescent-UFO 200' o 8/8/1992 #40561  
             NORTH / MIDLAND, WEST AUSTR Red night light and dark rectangul 8/31/1992 #40598  
               EAST / MADURA, WEST AUSTR 1 / car. 3 night lights hover / 6M 1/1/1993 #40784  
                     NEAR MILDURA, AUSTR 2 / car. 4M white-glowing ovoid go 5/14/1993 #40977  
                      OFF HARBORD, AUSTR 11 minute(s) video. Form-changing  5/27/1993 #40992  
            DANDENONG AND BORONIA, AUSTR 10' "distress flare" maneuvers. Se 9/22/1993 #41207  
                     YANCHEP, WEST AUSTR Odd globe-on-pedestal follows 2 /  12/31/1993 #41336  
                      CODROY, QLD, AUSTR 2 / car. Red glow follows car. Mov 5/10/1994 #41519  
                    WYCLIFFE WELL, AUSTR Night light back. Buzzes car / mal 8/29/1994 #41699  
                    WHYALLA, SOUTH AUSTR 6 cops and 100 calls. Very big red 7/19/1995 #42310  
                        MELBOURNE, AUSTR Several observer(s). Huge saucer h 7/21/1995 #42315  
                  EAST CENTRAL NT, AUSTR Rancher. 100' saucer spins. 25' bo 1/7/1996 #42669  
                         COCKATOO, AUSTR Amateur astronomers. 2 fireballs r 2/3/1996 #42736  
                   FERNTREE GULLY, AUSTR 2 bright orange night lights going 2/4/1996 #42737  
                         IPSWITCH, AUSTR 1+dog. 2 glow small humanoids (or  5/22/1996 #42907  
                 NORMAN PARK, QLD, AUSTR Disk hovers / house. Wobbles. Slow 4/27/1997 #43279  
## Word: "austr-itl" (Back to Top)
                     BRENNER PASS, AUSTR-ITL Small extremely fast white nig 3/1945 #1796  
## Word: "austral" (Back to Top)
                      WICKHAM, WA, AUSTRAL Baseball-size silver object mane 4/4/1975 #29954  
t was witnessed by Pedro Heslop of Austral Airlines and Alberto Paracampo o 10/31/1981 #36197  
## Word: "australia" (Back to Top)
tween Melbourne and Sydney at sea, Australia The two sons of the Prince of  6/11/1881 #244  
a.m. between Melbourne and Sydney, Australia, the two sons of the Prince of 6/11/1881 #245  
          New Zealand South Island Australia A mystery airship wave begins  7/1909 #778  
r to move northward and by August, Australia also falls under the grip of w 7/1909 #778  
 over Glen Innes, New South Wales, Australia. Its lower portion was lighted 8/13/1909 #804  
t ten p.m. in Colebrook, Tasmania, Australia.                               8/22/1909 #807  
d over Minderoo Station in Western Australia on this day.                   10/25/1909 #817  
         Minderoo Station, Western Australia 5:30 p.m. A mystery airship is 10/25/1910 #848  
 seen at Minderoo Station, Western Australia, by Mrs. A. J. Roe, wife of th 10/25/1910 #848  
           St. George, Queensland, Australia 18 miles from St. George, Quee 5/5/1911 #854  
miles from St. George, Queensland, Australia 5:00 p.m. William Nixon is wor 5/5/1911 #854  
miles from St. George, Queensland, Australia, when he sees a flying machine 5/5/1911 #854  
    Mount Lyndhurst Station, South Australia Mid-afternoon. For about 60 mi Summer 1914 #902  
 at Mount Lyndhurst Station, South Australia, an unusual substance floats b Summer 1914 #902  
At Silver Bell Siding in Tasmania, Australia a lighted object appeared trav 10/5/1914 #918  
                    Moora, Western Australia Thomas Green is riding with an 1925 #1045  
 man on a farm near Moora, Western Australia, when they come across an obje 1925 #1045  
                       New Zealand Australia Tasman Sea Aviator Francis Chi 6/6/1931 #1127  
 Moth seaplane from New Zealand to Australia over the Tasman Sea.           6/6/1931 #1127  
r the Tasman Sea, off the coast of Australia. The object reflected light of 6/10/1931 #1129  
                          NAMBOUR, AUSTRALIA Small object buzzes boy. Boy f 4/1932 (approximate) #1139  
                MT. GAMBIER, SOUTH AUSTRALIA Blunt-nosed torpedo going [to] 12/1932 (approximate) #1148  
 Head, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia took a photograph of a circula 10/10/1935 #1235  
niversity of Birmingham in England Australia Otto Robert Frisch and Rudolf  3/1940 #1326  
            Royal Netherlands Navy Australia Battle of Badung Strait Bali I 2/26/1942 #1395  
 cruiser HNLMS Tromp, returning to Australia after the Battle of Badung Str 2/26/1942 #1395  
                      Bass Strait, Australia 2:30 a.m. An Australian Beaufo 2/1944 #1570  
ng at 4,500 feet over Bass Strait, Australia, when it is joined by an objec 2/1944 #1570  
                       Lock, South Australia Port Augusta, South Australia  2/6/1947 #2238  
outh Australia Port Augusta, South Australia Around 7:30 a.m., Frederick Wa 2/6/1947 #2238  
king to their house in Lock, South Australia, when they see five gray, oblo 2/6/1947 #2238  
oad workers in Port Augusta, South Australia, watch five white or light-pin 2/6/1947 #2238  
                    OFF PALM ISL., AUSTRALIA 2 fishing. Plain shiny 100' me 10/1949 #4379  
had just been sent on a mission to Australia, where he landed at a vast air Early 1950's #4457  
            SYDNEY SUBURBS AND ALL AUSTRALIA Reports pour in. Huge cylinder 5/5/1950 #4923  
ver of a transcontinental train in Australia, on the east/west line, saw a  8/26/1951 #5632  
                           Central Australia A group of Unmatjera aborigine 9/1951 #5646  
                             SOUTH AUSTRALIA Train and tracks / main railro 10/26/1951 #5745  
                                   Australia The driver of a transcontinent 10/26/1951 #5746  
                                   Australia. At around four o'clock in the 10/26/1951 #5747  
                    WARRAGUL, VCT, AUSTRALIA 2 bright disks play tag. Join  5/3/1952 #6251  
t dawn in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia at least 13 witnesses, includi 5/3/1952 #6252  
n the sky over Warragul, Victoria, Australia. They then joined together, me 5/3/1952 #6253  
Bureau in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia’s first civilian UFO organizat 7/1952 #6678  
       In Sydney, New South Wales, Australia at 8:00 p.m. a railroad guard  7/22/1952 #7029  
                                   Australia Australian Minister for Air Wi 8/14/1952 #7592  
ight over Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia an RAAF Vampire fighter pilot  8/14/1952 #7596  
                    SUNSHINE ROAD, AUSTRALIA 2 observer(s) hide. Swish soun 10/12/1952 #8122  
                  COONALPYN, SOUTH AUSTRALIA Flying cigar seen here and Ade 10/18/1952 #8153  
de Advrtiser Adelaide Hills, South Australia 9:44 p.m. Journalist Keith Hoo 10/18/1952 #8155  
way over the Adelaide Hills, South Australia, moving southeast to northwest 10/18/1952 #8155  
rse at 8:00 p.m. in Woomera, South Australia. It flew from right to left, h 10/27/1952 #8201  
                    TERRIGAL, NSW, AUSTRALIA Brilliant night light / 2000'  12/30/1952 #8464  
                   Adelaide, South Australia Fred P. Stone founds the Austr 1953 #8480  
ing Saucer Club in Adelaide, South Australia. It later becomes the Australi 1953 #8480  
              Near Adelaide, South Australia a ghastly looking creature ove 1/2/1953 #8496  
a and a second in North Bankstown, Australia.                               1/2/1953 #8497  
                Mackay, Queensland Australia National Airways DC-3 6:08 p.m 5/10/1953 #8872  
lying south of MacKay, Queensland, Australia at 6:10 p.m. at speeds between 5/10/1953 #8874  
de cloud over Melbourne, Victoria, Australia at noon on this day. It then f 5/23/1953 #8907  
                                   Australia, AU The Drury Film (NICAP: 08  8/23/1953 #9103  
                    KINGAROY, QLD, AUSTRALIA Canberra times. UFO looks like 9/9/1953 #9157  
                                   Australia Australian Minister for Air Wi 11/20/1953 #9313  
                    Woomera, South Australia Woocalla Birthday Siding Pimba 11/22/1953 #9315  
a Rocket Range near Woomera, South Australia, sees a green object like a sa 11/22/1953 #9315  
                                   Australia New Zealand Australian UFO res 12/1953 #9330  
  Harts Range, Northern Territory, Australia Mount Gillen, Northern Territo 1/1954 #9429  
r Harts Range, Northern Territory, Australia, seen and heard by four Native 1/1954 #9429  
                     HANGING ROCK, AUSTRALIA Crowd / racetrack. Saucer hove 1/1/1954 #9432  
                       TOOMA, NSW, AUSTRALIA 2 observer(s). 3 bright orbs v 1/5/1954 #9448  
        In Tooma, New South Wales, Australia three bright orbs moved very f 1/5/1954 #9450  
                                   Australia Australian Minister for Extern 1/28/1954 #9508  
                 Todd River Downs, Australia A native was riding a horse ov 2/1954 #9517  
r the British atomic bomb tests in Australia saucer reports took off there, 2/22/1954 #9562  
 Buckingham Palace London, England Australia Prince Philip, Duke of Edinbur Mid 3/1954 #9622  
iew is sent to the duke, who is in Australia.                               Mid 3/1954 #9622  
        Australian outback Western Australia South Australia Colin McCarthy 4/18/1954 #9696  
an outback Western Australia South Australia Colin McCarthy and two other m 4/18/1954 #9696  
outback near the border of Western Australia and South Australia when a UFO 4/18/1954 #9696  
der of Western Australia and South Australia when a UFO begins pacing them. 4/18/1954 #9696  
5 miles west of Geelong, Victoria, Australia at 6:30 a.m. It then shot stra 4/28/1954 #9732  
 RAAF Woomera Range Complex, South Australia 4:45 p.m. Sydney Baker is at a 5/5/1954 #9753  
AAF Woomera Range Complex in South Australia when he notices a gray, circul 5/5/1954 #9753  
oomera Missile Test Range in South Australia a disc-shaped object was viewe 5/5/1954 #9754  
             Shepparton, Victoria, Australia 4:00 p.m. White, silky filamen 5/12/1954 #9780  
 length over Shepparton, Victoria, Australia. A witness gathers some and, a 5/12/1954 #9780  
                             ROMA, AUSTRALIA 6+observer(s) / 65km area. Yel 5/16/1954 #9805  
eter area around Roma, Queensland, Australia sighted a yellow, V-shaped obj 5/16/1954 #9806  
           East Malvern, Victoria, Australia 12:25 a.m. David Reese, Christ 5/30/1954 #9846  
a house in East Malvern, Victoria, Australia, when they see an orange, oval 5/30/1954 #9846  
a house in East Malvern, Victoria, Australia watched an orange, oval-shaped 5/30/1954 #9847  
 Highway (M1) Dandenong, Victoria, Australia University of Melbourne 6:23 p 6/5/1954 #9866  
ghway (M1) at Dandenong, Victoria, Australia, when she hears a loud drummin 6/5/1954 #9866  
                   East Dandenong, Australia Janet Brown, 16, and a 13-year 6/9/1954 #9881  
       NEAR QUEANBEYAN, AUSTR NSW, Australia. 2 politicians and more. 1 win 7/6/1954 #9997  
ng near Goulburn, New South Wales, Australia. The UFOs were tracked on rada 8/31/1954 #10220  
       Woomera Test Range in South Australia 9:25 p.m. Three observers at t 10/21/1954 #11304  
at the Woomera Test Range in South Australia see an erratic, dancing light  10/21/1954 #11304  
                                   Australia England Melbourne, Victoria Au 12/26/1954 #11862  
                        Melbourne, Australia Two persons in a car saw a fly 1/3/1955 #11916  
e in a car in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia saw a flying object approach t 1/3/1955 #11918  
ly over a road in Tintinara, South Australia, then made a ninety-degree tur 4/22/1955 #12100  
          Smithfield, near Cairns, Australia Approximate date. Three farmer 5/29/1955 #12166  
bject hovered over Adelaide, South Australia at 2:15 p.m. The object was vi 6/17/1955 #12204  
                          FITZROY, AUSTRALIA 8+observer(s). ~30 translucent 7/2/1956 #12945  
              Melbourne, Victoria, Australia The Melbourne, Victoria, Austr 7/10/1956 #12960  
Australia The Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, coastline and suburbs are dra 7/10/1956 #12960  
driving in a car in Glenelg, South Australia at 8:15 p.m. When the car stop 8/28/1957 #13941  
                       Smithfield, Australia Les McDonald, 17, and Gladys S 9/16/1957 #13999  
30 p.m. in Smithfield, Queensland, Australia Les McDonald, age 17, and Glad 9/16/1957 #14002  
                Mentone, Victoria, Australia Evening. Former Australian Air 10/16/1957 #14130  
r their home in Mentone, Victoria, Australia. It moves from south to north  10/16/1957 #14130  
                  Maralinga, South Australia Operation Antler series of bla Late 10/1957 #14156  
urn home from the Maralinga, South Australia, nuclear test site where the O Late 10/1957 #14156  
                     YORKEYS KNOW, AUSTRALIA Several separate farmers. Silv 11/6/1957 #14380  
                  STRAWBERRY, WEST AUSTRALIA 3 / farm. Night light going so 11/7/1957 #14447  
Stromlo Observatory near Canberra, Australia 3:03 a.m. Polish-Australian as 11/8/1957 #14486  
Stromlo Observatory near Canberra, Australia. It is visible to the naked ey 11/8/1957 #14486  
 sky east of Port Broughton, South Australia. It drifted slowly toward the  11/13/1957 #14542  
              NEAR ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 35 observer(s). Silver circula 12/7/1957 #14680  
    western Victoria eastern South Australia 10:00 p.m. In western Victoria 12/7/1957 #14682  
western Victoria and eastern South Australia, witnesses see a moon-like obj 12/7/1957 #14682  
                        Farm Hill, Australia Brian Crittendon, 21, was chas 1/13/1958 #14823  
          Casino, New South Wales, Australia Benns Road 11:45 p.m. Brian Cr 1/13/1958 #14824  
thwest of Casino, New South Wales, Australia. He jumps into his car and hea 1/13/1958 #14824  
0 p.m. in Casino, New South Wales, Australia Brian Crittendon, age 21, was  1/13/1958 #14825  
orbiting over Brooklyn Park, South Australia on this evening. It travelled  1/24/1958 #14841  
                  New South Wales, Australia An elliptical UFO with two por 2/2/1958 #14867  
seen somewhere in New South Wales, Australia.                               2/2/1958 #14867  
 Seacombe Gardens, Adelaide, South Australia. It made a droning noise like  2/2/1958 #14869  
 at 10 p.m. in the desert of South Australia. They shimmered and changed co 3/25/1958 #14949  
cross the sky over Adelaide, South Australia. It made a hissing noise.      4/26/1958 #15001  
d object flew over Adelaide, South Australia. It gave off a red glow. It wa 1/3/1959 #15532  
ntennial, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia heard skyquakes at 11:30 a.m.  1/24/1959 #15564  
Perth Adelaide Melbourne Brisbane, Australia George Adamski continues his w Late 2/1959 #15612  
Adelaide, Melbourne, and Brisbane, Australia.                               Late 2/1959 #15612  
im Marks of Purnong Landing, South Australia was preparing for bed when he  3/12/1959 #15637  
                           Pumong, Australia Near Claypans, 150 km northeas 3/13/1959 #15640  
             Purnong Mannum, South Australia Cournamont Hill Murray River 2 3/13/1959 #15641  
ving from Purnong to Mannum, South Australia, with a load of vegetables and 3/13/1959 #15641  
r a hill in Purnong Landing, South Australia at 2:10 a.m., 1.6 kilometers f 3/13/1959 #15642  
         NEAR MURRAY BRIDGE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 2 / car. Blazing gold coin-dis 3/20/1959 #15658  
er in the sky over Adelaide, South Australia. It was in view for 10 minutes 3/23/1959 #15666  
                      Port Elliot, Australia Barry Neale was driving home t 3/31/1959 #15681  
         Port Elliot Goolwa, South Australia 11:30 p.m. Barry Neale, operat 3/31/1959 #15682  
, is driving home to Goolwa, South Australia, and sees a dome-shaped, reddi 3/31/1959 #15682  
             Three Adelaide, South Australia children reported having seen  3/31/1959 #15683  
m Goolwa, near Port Elliott, South Australia. And at 11:30 p.m. a young man 3/31/1959 #15684  
ween Goolwa and Port Elliot, South Australia when he saw the glowing, reddi 3/31/1959 #15684  
 Park, a suburb of Adelaide, South Australia took a photograph of a saucer- 4/29/1959 #15718  
e hunting in Cooktown, Queensland, Australia at 4:30 a.m. The object spewed 5/17/1959 #15734  
g tail fly over Port Elliot, South Australia at 6:13 a.m. It moved from wes 5/31/1959 #15751  
                        NOURLANGE, AUSTRALIA Several / Safari. Red "saucer" 6/6/1959 #15761  
 the Torres Strait off Queensland, Australia, see a huge, glowing red objec 7/8/1959 #15827  
           Prince of Wales Island, Australia Hunters reported the landing o 7/14/1959 #15851  
rince of Wales Island, Queensland, Australia. Other hunters saw a similar o 7/14/1959 #15853  
man River in Corindie, Queensland, Australia. Twenty minutes later a red gl 7/18/1959 #15859  
                    WOOMERA, SOUTH AUSTRALIA Many / town and base. Bright w 7/20/1959 #15861  
  RAAF Woomera Range Complex South Australia A shuttlecock-shaped UFO is se 7/20/1959 #15863  
AAF Woomera Range Complex in South Australia.                               7/20/1959 #15863  
oomera missile test range in South Australia. Many at the military base as  7/20/1959 #15864  
                      BROKEN HILL, AUSTRALIA Numerous observer(s) / 5 glowi 7/21/1959 #15867  
           WEST / BLACKWOOD, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 2 cops. Disk with transparent  11/20/1959 #16096  
4:15 a.m. in Adelaide Hills, South Australia a flat object with a large bub 11/20/1959 #16097  
asterton near Mount Gambier, South Australia at 6:50 p.m. It stayed in fron 5/14/1960 #16278  
                                   Australia Cressy, Tasmania Australian MP 10/20/1960 #16486  
    RAAF Base East Sale, Victoria, Australia Launceston, Tasmania 10:40 a.m 11/15/1960 #16505  
 of RAAF Base East Sale, Victoria, Australia, encounters a UFO 15 miles nor 11/15/1960 #16505  
lying over Manly, New South Wales, Australia. At 10:45 p.m. a father and so 3/3/1961 #16620  
                            Bowna, Australia F. Reynolds and his son were c 3/10/1961 #16625  
e water in Bowna, New South Wales, Australia. They observed an object on th 3/10/1961 #16626  
ay over Toompang, New South Wales, Australia five men watched a large objec 5/31/1961 #16705  
tion in Bethunga, New South Wales, Australia. It made a whistling noise. Th 6/13/1961 #16728  
aring station Meekatharra, Western Australia 8:20 a.m. John Lee-Steere sees 8/5/1961 #16778  
 northwest of Meekatharra, Western Australia. Sheep-shearing contractor Edw 8/5/1961 #16778  
           In Meekatharra, Western Australia beginning at 3:30 a.m. 12 whit 8/6/1961 #16782  
on Royal Australian AFB, Victoria, Australia. It make an ascent for 90 seco 9/8/1961 #16822  
d cloud over Adelaide Hills, South Australia around 6:15 p.m. They did not  11/21/1961 #16968  
           Prince of Wales Island, Australia Four persons from Thursday Isl 6/16/1962 #17230  
    In Kurrajong, New South Wales, Australia a glowing red object of great  6/25/1962 #17246  
                  SALISBURY, SOUTH AUSTRALIA Teacher. Orange glow / ground  10/28/1962 #17506  
                          Norwood, Australia Mrs. E. D. Silvester was drivi 10/28/1962 #17508  
                    Norwood, South Australia Adelaide 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Ellen  10/28/1962 #17513  
r three children in Norwood, South Australia, east of Adelaide, when they s 10/28/1962 #17513  
rwood, a suburb of Adelaide, South Australia with her three children at 7:3 10/28/1962 #17514  
m Norfolk Island, New South Wales, Australia travelling from north-northeas 12/17/1962 #17588  
                     Willow Grove, Australia A civilian observed an object  2/15/1963 #17667  
                    Moe, Victoria, Australia 7:10 a.m. Farmer Charles Brew  2/15/1963 #17669  
a herd of cows near Moe, Victoria, Australia. Charles sees an object descen 2/15/1963 #17669  
ground at a farm in Moe, Victoria, Australia. It was about eight meters in  2/15/1963 #17670  
n tandem over Braybrook, Victoria, Australia.                               2/27/1963 #17687  
                  BEACHPORT, SOUTH AUSTRALIA Radio cuts out as saucer passe 5/18/1963 #17747  
 driving near Mount Gambier, South Australia. When he got to within six met 5/19/1963 #17751  
                          Glencoe, Australia A 17-year-old witness, who wis 5/20/1963 #17753  
n Glencoe and Mount Gambier, South Australia saw what he at first thought w 5/20/1963 #17754  
                      Sandy Creek, Australia A fiery red object, 8 m wide 4 6/28/1963 #17813  
awler Road near Sandy Creek, South Australia 9:30 p.m. A man is driving alo 6/28/1963 #17814  
awler Road near Sandy Creek, South Australia, when he comes across a blood- 6/28/1963 #17814  
n Sandy Creek near Adelaide, South Australia. The disc was eight meters in  6/28/1963 #17815  
tween Northfield and Yatala, South Australia at 6:35 p.m. The UFO was seen  7/22/1963 #17848  
 Wonthaggi South Dudley, Victoria, Australia Bass Strait Inverlock 6:50 p.m 9/19/1963 #17946  
thaggi and South Dudley, Victoria, Australia, observe a mystery object like 9/19/1963 #17946  
                         Daylston, Australia Jim Davidson saw an object abo 10/31/1963 #18015  
meters long in Daylston, Victoria, Australia with orange and red lights. It 10/31/1963 #18018  
Groote Eylandt Northern Territory, Australia The landing craft Loellen M. i 1/23/1964 #18117  
roote Eylandt, Northern Territory, Australia, when a crew member notices th 1/23/1964 #18117  
Eylandt in the Northern Territory, Australia. Large lights in the water mad 1/23/1964 #18118  
 Gum Creek, Kangaroo Island, South Australia 2:00 a.m. Doris Player wakes u 2/3/1964 #18125  
 Gum Creek, Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Suddenly a 5-foot 3-inch bein 2/3/1964 #18125  
0 a.m. a woman in Gum Creek, South Australia awoke to a bright light in her 2/3/1964 #18126  
n this evening in Gum Creek, South Australia Mrs. Player saw a yellow glowi 2/19/1964 #18134  
                   PLYMPTON, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 2 boys. Large saucer going dow 2/29/1964 #18139  
 nearby paddock in Plympton, South Australia at two o'clock in the afternoo 2/29/1964 #18141  
 two minutes over Grassmere, South Australia.                               3/2/1964 #18144  
er along Salt Creek, Tilley, South Australia. The object was estimated to b 3/13/1964 #18149  
                      NEAR HALLAM, AUSTRALIA 5 / 2 cars. Domed saucer near  6/12/1964 #18343  
power station in Hallam, Victoria, Australia at 5:55 p.m. It then flew away 6/12/1964 #18347  
                           central Australia Texas A short color film of a  1965 #18690  
 photo-mapping flight over central Australia. A door on the large object op 1965 #18690  
 Auckland, New Zealand and Sydney, Australia. The sighting was confirmed by 1/14/1965 #18730  
               Ballarat, Victoria, Australia Mount Pleasant Perth UFO Resea 2/27/1965 #18829  
g Saucer Research Society of South Australia The first conference of Austra 2/27/1965 #18829  
takes place in Ballarat, Victoria, Australia. It is arranged by W. Howard S 2/27/1965 #18829  
g Saucer Research Society of South Australia are in attendance. Witnesses i 2/27/1965 #18829  
       In Sydney, New South Wales, Australia a formation of eight silent, y 3/6/1965 #18845  
           In Welshpool, Victoria, Australia a yellow zig-zagging light was 3/20/1965 #18869  
Margaret Brock Lighthouse in South Australia a disc-shaped, brightly lit ob 3/20/1965 #18869  
             In Malvern, Victoria, Australia a sphere with a red dome on to 3/21/1965 #18872  
 sky over Pakenham East, Victoria, Australia on this day.                   4/21/1965 #18910  
                     SEVILLE, VCT, AUSTRALIA Metallic disc seen / several s 4/25/1965 #18917  
gzagged over Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.                               5/17/1965 #18944  
                       Eton Range, Australia About 70 km from Mackay, Jim T 5/23/1965 #18953  
                   GERALDTON, WEST AUSTRALIA Object hovers 4M / ground. Bli 5/24/1965 #18956  
                         Geradton, Australia Mr. and Mrs. French observed a 5/24/1965 #18959  
                           Mackay, Australia Circular UFO with three legs o 5/24/1965 #18961  
 ground in Eton Ridge, Queensland, Australia by three men named Tilse, Burg 5/24/1965 #18963  
 Mrs. French of Geraldton, Western Australia observed an object in a field  5/24/1965 #18964  
 Acacia Ridge, Northern Territory, Australia on this evening. It illuminate 5/27/1965 #18968  
                Bougainville Reef, Australia Police statement (interview);  5/28/1965 #18969  
nt (interview); Bougainville Reef, Australia: An Ansett-A.N.A. DC-6B airlin 5/28/1965 #18969  
     Townsville, North Queensland, Australia Elliptical object paced airlin 5/28/1965 #18972  
     Bougainville Reef Queensland, Australia Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea 5/28/1965 #18973  
 Reef off the coast of Queensland, Australia, when it is paced for 10–15 mi 5/28/1965 #18973  
film processed until he returns to Australia. When he eventually arrives in 5/28/1965 #18973  
Reef between Brisbane, Queensland, Australia enroute to Port Moresby, New G 5/28/1965 #18974  
                          Kuranda, Australia Mr. D. Armstrong, a former air 6/2/1965 #18984  
a hillside in Kuranda, Queensland, Australia at 8:00 p.m. Mr. D. Armstrong, 6/2/1965 #18985  
les north of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia at about 11.30 a.m. Mr. Adams  6/6/1965 #18995  
                    Modbury, South Australia. A dark, disc-shaped object ho 6/13/1965 #19003  
as seen in Smithfield, Queensland, Australia.                               6/15/1965 #19006  
e sky over Townsville, Queensland, Australia gradually accelerated, next zi 6/16/1965 #19008  
land, off Maryborough, Queensland, Australia at 11:30 a.m. It was long, thi 6/21/1965 #19022  
e side flew over Nebo, Queensland, Australia. It glowed bluish-white and ha 6/24/1965 #19025  
. At 10:00 p.m. in Mundilla, South Australia a round object with red, green 6/24/1965 #19025  
minutes over Brisbane, Queensland, Australia at 10:00 p.m. It moved slowly  7/14/1965 #19102  
0 minutes. In Melbourne, Victoria, Australia at 6:20 p.m. a disc-shaped obj 7/15/1965 #19107  
                         Vancluse, Australia Mr. Crowe was attracted by a s 7/19/1965 #19131  
                 Vaucluse, N.S.W., Australia Domed disc with legs on beach, 7/19/1965 #19133  
n Vaucluse Beach, New South Wales, Australia a seven meter domed disc was s 7/19/1965 #19135  
       In Sydney, New South Wales, Australia a six meter in diameter blue g 7/20/1965 #19151  
                        Goonumbla, Australia Two children attracted by the  7/30/1965 #19211  
red in Goonumbla, New South Wales, Australia eight kilometers away from the 7/30/1965 #19212  
s over Goonumbla, New South Wales, Australia. It scared farm dogs in the ar 7/31/1965 #19224  
                        Carnarvon, Australia Approximate date. Dr. Antonin  8/3/1965 #19287  
hile driving in Carnarvon, Western Australia. They switched off the car's h 8/3/1965 #19292  
reports recorded for this day from Australia, China, Sweden, Switzerland, H 8/3/1965 #19293  
. in Tenterfield, New South Wales, Australia. Seen through binoculars there 9/8/1965 #19538  
ers, flew over Ballarat, Victoria, Australia in a diamond formation.        10/5/1965 #19645  
w the clouds in Tully, Queensland, Australia on this day. It had landing ge 10/17/1965 #19661  
ay in the sky over Adelaide, South Australia. When he signaled with a flash 11/23/1965 #19733  
       INDOOROOPILLY AND BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA Fireball hovers / houses. Goin 12/6/1965 #19754  
Tully, AU January 19, 1966; Tully, Australia. Daylight sighting, single wit 1/19/1966 #19856  
     Horseshoe Lagoon, near Tully, Australia George Pedley, 27, was driving 1/19/1966 #19857  
                Tully, Queensland, Australia Around 9:00 a.m. A banana grow 1/19/1966 #19858  
 a farmhouse at Tully, Queensland, Australia, owned by Albert Pennisi. Pedl 1/19/1966 #19858  
est of Katanning, New South Wales, Australia. It made a buzzing sound like  1/20/1966 #19862  
hed reeds in Cooktown, Queensland, Australia.                               1/23/1966 #19868  
 old was driving near Keith, South Australia when he saw a bluish disc-shap 2/27/1966 #19926  
n aerodrome in Harlin, Queensland, Australia at 10:30 p.m. The UFOs then mo 3/2/1966 #19933  
olf course in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia making a humming sound. It sho 3/5/1966 #19942  
1 p.m. local time. One occurred in Australia and one in Brazil. The rest we 3/29/1966 #20141  
            Burkes Flat, Victoria, Australia Wycheproof 7:50 p.m. Businessm 4/4/1966 #20224  
60 mph near Burkes Flat, Victoria, Australia. In the distance he sees a lig 4/4/1966 #20224  
 night in Bourke's Flat, Victoria, Australia on the road between Bendigo an 4/4/1966 #20225  
                       Wycheproof, Australia R. Sullivan was driving toward 4/5/1966 #20239  
          Clayton South, Victoria, Australia Westall High School Westall Se 4/6/1966 #20257  
llege] in Clayton South, Victoria, Australia, are just completing a sport a 4/6/1966 #20257  
 the morning in Clayton, Victoria, Australia numerous independent witnesses 4/6/1966 #20259  
een Kingston and Naracoorte, South Australia. A white light made up the bod 6/8/1966 #20545  
ults in Menindee, New South Wales, Australia heard a splash at noon from a  6/23/1966 #20598  
occurred near Melbourne, Victoria, Australia on this evening. Marlene Trave 8/11/1966 #20739  
                In Adelaide, South Australia at 2:30 a.m. a bright oval-sha 10/23/1966 #21032  
the northeast over Burnside, South Australia at 8:25 p.m. After four minute 10/23/1966 #21032  
                 Hallam, Victoria, Australia 5:30 p.m. John and Miriam Coyl 3/5/1967 #21764  
a silvery UFO at Hallam, Victoria, Australia. The object circles them slowl 3/5/1967 #21764  
 UFO reports made on this day from Australia, Spain, North America, and Per 3/8/1967 #21817  
his night near Peterborough, South Australia a car's engine failed and the  3/30/1967 #22017  
. three men in Balmoral, Victoria, Australia witnessed a small, silent ovoi 4/7/1967 #22091  
          Mount Whaleback, Western Australia airstrip near Mount Whaleback, 4/29/1967 #22247  
trip near Mount Whaleback, Western Australia 7:40 p.m. Ian McGregor and two 4/29/1967 #22247  
trip near Mount Whaleback, Western Australia, to look for a UFO that has be 4/29/1967 #22247  
                   Alberton, South Australia A couple captures on an 8mm fi 5/1967 #22258  
 unusual object at Alberton, South Australia. The UFO is enveloped in a str 5/1967 #22258  
ect flying east of Tranmere, South Australia. It had a globe-shaped light a 5/2/1967 #22266  
ng over Mount Whaleback in Western Australia, one at 8:30 p.m. and another  5/2/1967 #22266  
ect flew over Murray Bridge, South Australia at two o'clock in the morning. 5/28/1967 #22415  
                        NEAR YASS, AUSTRALIA Orange-glowing beer-key lands  6/17/1967 #22512  
                                   Australia McDonald is in Australia, fina 6/27/1967 #22565  
          Australia McDonald is in Australia, financed by a small grant fro 6/27/1967 #22565  
         Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia 10:00 p.m. A witness sees an i 7/1967 #22590  
e in the Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia. She calls her mother and they 7/1967 #22590  
              Murray Bridge, South Australia Karoonda Highway Night. A witn 7/5/1967 #22616  
-northeast of Murray Bridge, South Australia, on the Karoonda Highway when  7/5/1967 #22616  
l object flew over Seacliff, South Australia making a humming noise. Eighte 7/26/1967 #22736  
            Sydney-Melbourne Road, Australia A motorcyclist was suddenly en 8/24/1967 #22914  
                Wodonga, Victoria, Australia Two humanoid beings in silvery 8/24/1967 #22915  
                Wodonga, Victoria, Australia 5:00 p.m. Ron Hydes is riding  8/24/1967 #22917  
motorcycle near Wodonga, Victoria, Australia, when he is surrounded by a bl 8/24/1967 #22917  
ween New South Wales and Victoria, Australia when he was suddenly engulfed  8/24/1967 #22918  
                      Boyup Brook, Australia A businessman was driving towa 10/30/1967 #23369  
           Mayanup Kojonup Western Australia 9:30 p.m. Alexander Spargo is  10/30/1967 #23371  
0 miles east of Mayanup in Western Australia at a speed of about 60–65 mile 10/30/1967 #23371  
an was driving toward Boyup Brook, Australia when his car failed completely 10/30/1967 #23372  
med Spargo in Boyup Brook, Western Australia and halted its movement.       10/31/1967 #23378  
                         Yerecoin, Australia Farm manager Alan Pool, 43, sa 11/16/1967 #23470  
nd in a field in Yerecoin, Western Australia with a whining noise at 6:30 p 11/16/1967 #23472  
                                   Australia Europe Russia Philip Klass, wh 12/16/1967 #23593  
eard of McDonald’s UFO activity in Australia from Low, starts a letter-writ 12/16/1967 #23593  
                             South Australia Vladimir Godic and Crystal Wal 1968 #23628  
tal Walsh found UFO Research South Australia, a group committed to use scie 1968 #23628  
                                   Australia Western Australia An Australia 1968 #23629  
                 Australia Western Australia An Australian nuclear physicis 1968 #23629  
UFO reports takes place in Western Australia and he is denied further acces 1968 #23629  
m the shore at Henley Beach, South Australia as a yellow shaft of light sho 1/24/1968 #23696  
ver the suburbs of Adelaide, South Australia at 8:30 p.m. There was also a  2/23/1968 #23780  
FO was taken in Tully, Queensland, Australia. At 2:00 a.m. a series of larg 3/4/1968 #23825  
                MT. HAWTHORN, WEST AUSTRALIA Purr-noise. Black ovoid hovers 3/15/1968 #23843  
arrabeen Lakes in New South Wales, Australia. They saw a strange creature s 4/3/1968 #23886  
    At a hospital in Magill, South Australia the hospital staff saw a circu 4/8/1968 #23897  
cane near West Cairns, Queensland, Australia. It was oval in shape, 70 feet 4/25/1968 #23924  
                   Brinkley, South Australia Cheltenham, Adelaide, South Au 5/11/1968 #23958  
tralia Cheltenham, Adelaide, South Australia A farmer in Brinkley, South Au 5/11/1968 #23958  
tralia A farmer in Brinkley, South Australia, notices strands of material a 5/11/1968 #23958  
nce in Cheltenham, Adelaide, South Australia.                               5/11/1968 #23958  
                       Kalgoorlie, Australia Luminous white UFO emitted six 8/22/1968 #24368  
                  Zanthus, Western Australia 5:40 p.m. Capt. Walter Gardin  8/22/1968 #24369  
h are flying over Zanthus, Western Australia, at 8,000 feet in a Piper Nava 8/22/1968 #24369  
 miles east of Kalgoorlie, Western Australia when they spotted a luminous w 8/22/1968 #24370  
                  KALGOORLIE, WEST AUSTRALIA Car lit inside. 2 rays / light 8/27/1968 #24383  
thwestern sky over Lockleys, South Australia for awhile, then dropped like  9/2/1968 #24425  
                                   Australia Europe USSR Philip J. Klass wr 9/30/1968 #24526  
nced James E. McDonald’s visits to Australia to investigate UFOs and who wo 9/30/1968 #24526  
order to study cloud formations in Australia. While there, McDonald conduct 9/30/1968 #24526  
 northeast of Murray Bridge, South Australia sighted five bright orange ova 10/28/1968 #24598  
scorched the earth in Clare, South Australia on this day.                   11/5/1968 #24635  
                  KALGOORLIE, WEST AUSTRALIA 18 observer(s). 3 shiny round  11/7/1968 #24638  
                       Grey, South Australia Top-shaped object paced car, s 12/8/1968 #24752  
hunters inside near Coorong, South Australia for over two minutes. It came  12/15/1968 #24771  
been in Goulburn, New South Wales, Australia the area back in 1950 and at t 12/28/1968 #24794  
trailer near Childers, Queensland, Australia when they were awakened at 4:3 1/14/1969 #24842  
   A woman in Flinders Park, South Australia heard a whirring sound coming  2/17/1969 #24925  
               Undisclosed city in Australia, AU Luminous cigar followed ca 2/20/1969 #24934  
            Near Norseman, Western Australia a luminous cigar-shaped object 2/20/1969 #24935  
movie screen in Hectorville, South Australia on this evening.               3/1/1969 #24957  
       Near Gladstone, Queensland, Australia a saucer-shaped object approac 3/19/1969 #25030  
n Harwood Island, New South Wales, Australia a 25-foot diameter hat-shaped  4/20/1969 #25074  
                        GREENACRE, AUSTRALIA 3 / cab. 10M saucer over park. 4/25/1969 #25089  
ark in Greenacre, New South Wales, Australia by three witnesses. A Greenacr 4/25/1969 #25091  
haped object over Brentwood, South Australia at around 10:00 a.m. It had a  5/8/1969 #25119  
tracks in Casino, New South Wales, Australia. A married couple, Mr. and Mrs 5/12/1969 #25132  
ast of Denilquin, New South Wales, Australia. It then shot up vertically in 5/18/1969 #25144  
                   NEAR ESPERANCE, AUSTRALIA 4 truckers. Bright diamond fol 5/22/1969 #25154  
               Cloverdale, Western Australia Perth Airport Kalamunda 6:35 p 5/23/1969 #25160  
ear-old boy in Cloverdale, Western Australia, notices a moving light to the 5/23/1969 #25160  
 At midnight in Kalamunda, Western Australia nocturnal lights zigzagged thr 5/23/1969 #25161  
wo a.m. farmers in Caltowie, South Australia watched as a bluish white obje 5/28/1969 #25167  
 in the sky over Penwortham, South Australia at 6:30 p.m. In Eden Valley fi 6/4/1969 #25199  
oon, 15 miles east of Clare, South Australia a red light pulsated is it hun 6/4/1969 #25199  
ed object hovered over Eden, South Australia then rose upward and passed ov 6/6/1969 #25205  
               Beaufort, Victoria, Australia Golf Course 8:30 p.m. Economic 7/11/1969 #25261  
e outskirts of Beaufort, Victoria, Australia, when he sees a red “star” ove 7/11/1969 #25261  
At 10:50 a.m. in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia a poor quality photograph of a 7/17/1969 #25275  
ort in West Beach, Adelaide, South Australia a pinkish object flying at hig 7/17/1969 #25276  
         KYOGLE AND DARLING DOWNS, AUSTRALIA Hundreds / observer(s). Alumin 8/31/1969 #25342  
-dawn sky in Baralaba, Queensland, Australia, each flashing red and yellow  10/11/1969 #25409  
                                   Australia Australian National University 11/8/1969 #25453  
                         PORTLAND, AUSTRALIA 6 observer(s). 30cm fireball g 11/16/1969 #25462  
                          WINDSOR, AUSTRALIA Disk seen. Small saucer nest f 12/7/1969 #25491  
                THADUNA MINE, WEST AUSTRALIA 18 miners. Brilliant ovoid rea 12/7/1970 #25932  
rith and Windsor, New South Wales, Australia was paced by a one-meter ball  1/5/1971 #25978  
  Christies Beach, Adelaide, South Australia 4:00 p.m. Five silver objects, 3/14/1971 #26046  
r Christies Beach, Adelaide, South Australia. Filaments fall.               3/14/1971 #26046  
     Maslin Beach, Adelaide, South Australia 3:10 p.m. Several silvery-whit 3/15/1971 #26048  
over Maslin Beach, Adelaide, South Australia. White “fairy floss” is found  3/15/1971 #26048  
man in Greenhill, New South Wales, Australia was standing in his kitchen at 4/2/1971 #26065  
tains of Kempsey, New South Wales, Australia sighted a fiery orangish-red b 4/23/1971 #26079  
n from Greenacre, New South Wales, Australia and her 13-year-old daughter w 4/24/1971 #26081  
                         CRONULLA, AUSTRALIA Silent ovoid going down / clou 5/10/1971 #26105  
lliams farm in Marrawah, Tasmania, Australia viewed a 16-foot wide, white g 7/9/1971 #26221  
 over Nedlands near Perth, Western Australia at 9:50 a.m.. It left behind a 7/29/1971 #26253  
one and Rockhampton in Queensland, Australia witnessed a circle of lights n 8/1/1971 #26261  
ilometers outside of Kadina, South Australia when his car engine stopped an 8/8/1971 #26274  
d, flew over in Sutherlands, South Australia. It had no wings or protuberan 8/18/1971 #26295  
ach in Semaphore Park Beach, South Australia at 8:40 p.m. when he saw a dul 9/22/1971 #26363  
nt in South Johnstone, Queensland, Australia after their close encounter at 11/5/1971 #26460  
              Tooligie Hill, South Australia At Tooligie Hill, South Austra 12/1971 #26482  
 Australia At Tooligie Hill, South Australia, farmer Robert Habner finds a  12/1971 #26482  
es and Schiller in Waikerie, South Australia saw a six-foot tall humanoid w 12/14/1971 #26502  
AAF Woomera Range Complex in South Australia Dallas, Texas Denver, Colorado 12/20/1971 #26509  
AAF Woomera Range Complex in South Australia. The RAAF explains it as reent 12/20/1971 #26509  
           In Tooligie Hill, South Australia a red ball of light was sighte 12/25/1971 #26518  
ew to the east over Eucla, Western Australia and then vanished.             5/8/1972 #26673  
riving in the fog in Mannum, South Australia at 6:35 a.m. when he came acro 5/31/1972 #26691  
lage near Molong, New South Wales, Australia at around 8:00 a.m. As she sat 6/1/1972 #26696  
                         RIVERINA, AUSTRALIA Farmer and 5. Saucer hovers /  6/4/1972 #26699  
. in Bents Basin, New South Wales, Australia a three-meter tall (ten foot!) 6/4/1972 #26701  
g his house in Merricks, Victoria, Australia at 8:30 p.m. was confronted by 6/16/1972 #26717  
ject overhead in Melville, Western Australia. Later that day a group of met 6/25/1972 #26732  
Mooraduc Road Frankston, Victoria, Australia 9:15 p.m. Maureen Puddy, 27, s 7/3/1972 #26757  
duc Road near Frankston, Victoria, Australia. The object is a huge blue dis 7/3/1972 #26757  
                           KURABY, AUSTRALIA 6 grey figure(s) / roadside. 1 7/19/1972 #26809  
Kuraby, Queensland (near Brisbane, Australia) at 2:00 a.m. a man heard an o 7/19/1972 #26814  
le driving in Frankston, Victoria, Australia on this evening. She tried to  7/25/1972 #26834  
  While driving in Pinnaroo, South Australia Mrs. Venning and two traveling 8/3/1972 #26870  
p.m. a driver in Yankallila, South Australia saw an object like a white clo 8/5/1972 #26877  
:00 p.m. in Christies Beach, South Australia heard a beep-beep noise, then  8/6/1972 #26880  
ing 40 miles north of Pimba, South Australia. The UFO seen at ground level  8/28/1972 #26965  
t 9:00 p.m. in Point Elliot, South Australia.                               8/28/1972 #26965  
, a suburb of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia at 10:10 p.m. The object flew  9/19/1972 #27011  
            Glenelg Adelaide South Australia 2:00 p.m. A witness at Glenelg 11/28/1972 #27149  
itness at Glenelg, Adelaide, South Australia, sees lengths of glistening ma 11/28/1972 #27149  
              Murray Bridge, South Australia 11:15 p.m. A motor mechanic na 11/30/1972 #27154  
is vehicle in Murray Bridge, South Australia, when the engine dies and ligh 11/30/1972 #27154  
n the road in Murray Bridge, South Australia 19-year-old mechanic named Max 11/30/1972 #27155  
        In Nowra, New South Wales, Australia at nine o’clock in the evening 1/2/1973 #27216  
                     MURWILLUMBAH, AUSTRALIA AND AREA Several separate obse 1/7/1973 #27224  
Benowa Estate, Nerang, Queensland, Australia at 3:45 a.m.                   1/30/1973 #27252  
ing from Iron Knob to Kimba, South Australia on Route One, Brian Hunt and h 2/4/1973 #27270  
te at Mooraduc Crossing, Victoria, Australia. On route she briefly saw a ma 2/22/1973 #27310  
                      PRESTON, VC, AUSTRALIA 2 observer(s). Large bright di 4/8/1973 #27415  
la and Gladstone, New South Wales, Australia saw a bright yellow domed disc 4/30/1973 #27457  
                     KALYAN, SOUTH AUSTRALIA Red-white saucer rises. Truck  5/2/1973 #27462  
              NEAR GLADSTONE, QLD, AUSTRALIA 6 observer(s). Large slow nigh 5/6/1973 #27468  
witnesses in Gladston, Queensland, Australia, including a woman named Korn, 5/6/1973 #27470  
                     Gawler, South Australia Strange, nylon-like patterns a 5/19/1973 #27511  
een in the sky above Gawler, South Australia. After falling, they vaporize  5/19/1973 #27511  
 teenagers in Mount Gambier, South Australia at 7 p.m., terrigying them. In 5/23/1973 #27522  
                            JUNEE, AUSTRALIA 2 observer(s). Row / lights /  6/3/1973 #27547  
ite in Old Junee, New South Wales, Australia. Close by were six pod marks a 6/3/1973 #27548  
AMARINE AND AVALON AIR FORCE BASE, AUSTRALIA Several observations. Very fas 7/23/1973 #27647  
llebudeera Creek Road, Queensland, Australia were reportedly attacked by a  8/4/1973 #27681  
ween Penong and Ivy Tanks, Western Australia. She had been sleeping but awo 9/6/1973 #27774  
gs in the area of North Melbourne, Australia, a man woke up in the middle o 10/3/1973 #27926  
d North West Cape Exmouth, Western Australia 7:15 p.m. Lt. Commander Moyer  10/25/1973 #28284  
st Cape, north of Exmouth, Western Australia, when he sees a large, black o 10/25/1973 #28284  
 3 miles west of Bordertown, South Australia While harvesting, farmer Kevin 12/8/1973 #28541  
 3 miles west of Bordertown, South Australia. They are spread over 20 acres 12/8/1973 #28541  
                     Wokuma, South Australia A single crop circle is found  12/15/1973 #28577  
 in a wheat field at Wokuma, South Australia. The wheat has been flattened  12/15/1973 #28577  
s east of Casino, New South Wales, Australia. The UFO made sharp maneuvers, 12/20/1973 #28594  
e was taken for an hour's trip "to Australia" and then returned. She felt w 3/20/1974 #28916  
                   ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA Numerous separate observer(s). 4/15/1974 #29026  
                          MITCHAM, AUSTRALIA 6 separate observer(s). Metall 4/16/1974 #29036  
car on a highway in Mitcham, South Australia at 6:00 p.m. It revolved slowl 4/16/1974 #29041  
                       PERTH, WEST AUSTRALIA Pilot sighting. 5 small round  4/25/1974 #29060  
                  NORTH MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA Power outage. Black saucer-cyl 6/1/1974 #29156  
rge in Goulbourn, New South Wales, Australia at 11:00 p.m. At 3:00 a.m. the 6/7/1974 #29171  
 near Goulbourne, New South Wales, Australia a Mr. L, an elderly farmer, no 6/8/1974 #29173  
 Mount Hayes, Alaska Mount Ziel in Australia’s Northern Territory Psychic P 7/9/1974 #29253  
t Hayes, Alaska; and Mount Ziel in Australia’s Northern Territory.          7/9/1974 #29253  
ving north of St Helens, Tasmania, Australia with her two young children wh 9/16/1974 #29460  
              In Tayene, Tasmania, Australia a married woman was driving he 9/22/1974 #29470  
                 Maitland, N.S.W., Australia Dogs barked furiously, circula 10/17/1974 #29540  
nghouse for UFO reports throughout Australia. It publishes the ACOS Bulleti 11/1974 #29573  
two a.m. near Melbourne, Victoria, Australia a man and his cousin watched a 3/6/1975 #29875  
y night in Lake Sorrell, Tasmania, Australia. The 50-foot diameter yellow o 3/14/1975 #29898  
                        NEAR NEBO, AUSTRALIA 5 / car. Saturn saucer with bo 3/22/1975 #29915  
                           CAIRNS, AUSTRALIA Ground and air observer(s). Ra 4/4/1975 #29955  
witness in Ashton, Adelaide, South Australia had a close encounter with a b 5/3/1975 #30028  
ture in Doughboy, New South Wales, Australia. It was an almost perfect circ 5/6/1975 #30042  
on Palmer Island, New South Wales, Australia. It is possible there had been 6/3/1975 #30079  
                NEAR KYABRAM, VCT, AUSTRALIA 3 / car. UFO over gas station/ 7/22/1975 #30199  
                In Tranmere, South Australia a mother and daughter heard a  12/8/1975 #30694  
and the second in Dargo, Victoria, Australia. The first occurred at 12:30 a 1/28/1976 #30829  
under 100 mph, in Magra, Tasmania, Australia. At 3:50 a.m. it then abruptly 2/12/1976 #30866  
                   DAW PARK, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 1.7M man / silver suit / yard. 5/31/1976 #31075  
in his backyard in Daw Park, South Australia at around 2:00 a.m. The being  5/31/1976 #31076  
n Mile Hill near Hobart, Tasmania, Australia he heard a sound like loud ele 8/2/1976 #31222  
       In Wingen, New South Wales, Australia at 3:30 a.m. a round, bright o 9/17/1976 #31390  
 Karawinna area Mildura, Victoria, Australia Night. Vera White and three ot 9/25/1976 #31428  
 to the west of Mildura, Victoria, Australia, notice a strange object on th 9/25/1976 #31428  
 Mildura and Karrawinna, Victoria, Australia four witnesses watched red lig 9/25/1976 #31429  
                       BATEAU BAY, AUSTRALIA Boxy night light out to sea. B 10/10/1976 #31458  
     Kalgoorlie Airport in Western Australia Scotia nickel mine 12:15 p.m.  12/16/1976 #31608  
 the Kalgoorlie Airport in Western Australia, sees a white, football-shaped 12/16/1976 #31608  
uinas College Salter Point Western Australia Night. Neil Brennan and Dean G 12/19/1976 #31622  
nas College, Salter Point, Western Australia. Brennan sees a bright disc, 2 12/19/1976 #31622  
orning in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia. Mr. Mann, 26-years-old, suffe 12/19/1976 #31623  
is night in Salters Point, Western Australia two men, Brennan and Gibbs, he 12/19/1976 #31624  
              Nullabor Plain South Australia An Australian soldier is trave 1977 #31656  
ing on the Nullabor Plain in South Australia when he and a companion, an Am 1977 #31656  
ldren at a youth camp in Tasmania, Australia at Seven-Mile Beach observed a 2/3/1977 #31784  
           Bondi, New South Wales, Australia 5:20 a.m. A high-altitude ligh 2/9/1977 #31802  
utes above Bondi, New South Wales, Australia, before shooting off to the ea 2/9/1977 #31802  
Brayfield Station Port Neill South Australia Rancher B. T. Bray discovers a 3/11/1977 #31896  
on, southwest of Port Neill, South Australia. No UFO is seen. The topsoil,  3/11/1977 #31896  
o teenagers near Mandurah, Western Australia observed a globe of light movi 3/13/1977 #31905  
, Port Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia. It made no sound as it flew.  4/17/1977 #31988  
 Vale, a suburb of Adelaide, South Australia a solid-looking UFO with light 4/22/1977 #32015  
                           Orange, Australia Dog and Horse raise alert to b 5/26/1977 #32132  
 paddock in Leitchville, Victoria, Australia. It then emitted three smaller 12/13/1977 #32769  
                      KEITH, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 27' saucer paces car. Slight e 12/30/1977 #32818  
                      Keith, South Australia A white, oval light about 27 f 12/30/1977 #32821  
car 90 feet away near Keith, South Australia. The two witnesses, a brother  12/30/1977 #32821  
                 near Keith, South Australia - A white, oval light about 27 12/30/1977 #32822  
ing near Grafton, New South Wales, Australia at around 4:00 a.m. One of the 1/10/1978 #32870  
                   PAWLEENA, TASM, AUSTRALIA 1 observer. Glowing-ovoid with 1/31/1978 #32925  
y miles east of Baladonia, Western Australia a 30-year-old truck driver was 2/5/1978 #32956  
                       EATON, WEST AUSTRALIA Red-green glow expands 4X / si 2/18/1978 #32976  
         NORTH / PARACHILNA, SOUTH AUSTRALIA Night light paces truck. Vanis 3/5/1978 #33014  
          Albury, New South Wales, Australia 7:30 a.m. Christopher Kloppenb 3/29/1978 #33097  
heep near Albury, New South Wales, Australia. They see a very bright, stati 3/29/1978 #33097  
                       NEAR BOWNA, AUSTRALIA 2 observer(s). Short silver cy 3/30/1978 (approximate) #33098  
orning in Albury, New South Wales, Australia a chrome colored cigar-shaped  3/30/1978 #33101  
       Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia Timor Sea The crew of the HMAS 4/11/1978 #33141  
out of Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia, in the Timor Sea, watches a U 4/11/1978 #33141  
                       NEAR PERTH, AUSTRALIA Airline(s)/airliner pilot. Sma 8/22/1978 #33541  
                Adelaide to Perth, Australia Object ahead of airliner, open 8/22/1978 #33546  
 day after the Kalgoorlie, Western Australia aerial encounter of 1968 anoth 8/22/1978 #33549  
ent transpired, again over Western Australia. Flying from Adelaide to Perth 8/22/1978 #33549  
                    WAVERTON, NSW, AUSTRALIA 2 / taxi with windows down. Wh 9/7/1978 #33643  
n Port MacQuarie, New South Wales, Australia two men sighted a hat-shaped d 9/10/1978 #33658  
uyker Island Lighthouse, Tasmania, Australia electrical power failed twice  9/17/1978 #33702  
near the town of Currie, Tasmania, Australia a large yellow light followed  9/20/1978 #33716  
from Seven Hills, New South Wales, Australia on this date. At 5:30 p.m. a h 9/29/1978 #33780  
30 p.m. in St. George, Queensland, Australia four hunters in a vehicle trav 9/29/1978 #33781  
near Port Kembla, New South Wales, Australia a six-meter long non-metallic  10/2/1978 #33792  
                      Bass Strait, Australia Cessna pilot Frederick Valenti 10/21/1978 #33855  
oaf Road in Risdon Vale, Tasmania, Australia at 3:15 a.m. A green shape dri 11/9/1978 #33941  
                        INNISFAIL, AUSTRALIA Brilliant green ovoid 100' awa 11/15/1978 #33956  
an shore in Innisfail, Queensland, Australia. The witness was a 24-year-old 11/15/1978 #33958  
 UFO in Goulburn, New South Wales, Australia on this night, causing the car 11/22/1978 #33981  
avan trailer in Channel, Tasmania, Australia was disturbed by noises outsid 11/28/1978 #34015  
     LAVERTON AIR FORCE BASE, WEST AUSTRALIA Disc-saucer seen by day near a 12/27/1978 #34214  
urch New Zealand Kaikoura Blenheim Australia 12:10 a.m. Quentin Fogarty, a  12/31/1978 #34246  
 spends 10 days in New Zealand and Australia interviewing witnesses and ana 12/31/1978 #34246  
 man driving in Lawitta, Tasmania, Australia experienced the brilliant illu 2/5/1979 #34406  
                    LIVERPOOL CRK, AUSTRALIA Car malfunctions due to EME (e 2/9/1979 #34413  
 near Liverpool Creek, Queensland, Australia. The failure of his car's engi 2/9/1979 #34418  
part of Bribie Island, Queensland, Australia at 12:30 a.m. four witnesses h 5/6/1979 #34549  
                                   Australia Harry Griesberg and David Sear 8/1979 #34690  
          Mount Cameron, Tasmania, Australia - The witness had gone outside 8/29/1979 #34806  
                                   Australia The Australian Centre for UFO  2/1980 #35153  
a horse ranch near Stirling, South Australia 9:50 p.m. Daryl Browne, a ranc 2/7/1980 #35161  
a horse ranch near Stirling, South Australia, is watching TV when he hears  2/7/1980 #35161  
                     WALPOLE, WEST AUSTRALIA Car and radio electro-magnetic 4/8/1980 #35259  
on outside of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia where a UFO had recently been  8/16/1980 #35459  
               Rosedale, Victoria, Australia Spinning topshaped object with 9/30/1980 #35545  
               Rosedale, Victoria, Australia 1:00 a.m. George Blackwell, a  9/30/1980 #35546  
 a farmer near Rosedale, Victoria, Australia, is awakened by a noise and hi 9/30/1980 #35546  
the morning in Rosedale, Victoria, Australia 54-year-old caretaker George B 9/30/1980 #35548  
                    Perth, Western Australia Radar-visual sighting of four  12/4/1980 #35697  
                    Perth, Western Australia 8:38 a.m. Graham Moyle and oth 12/4/1980 #35698  
 controllers at the Perth, Western Australia, airport report watching “silv 12/4/1980 #35698  
e desert near Cocklebiddy, Western Australia when they noticed a red glowin 5/16/1981 #35941  
                   In Cavan, South Australia a former radio booster station 6/1/1981 #35949  
ist and family in Forreston, South Australia pulsing on and off once a seco 6/22/1981 #35979  
 Kangaroo Valley, New South Wales, Australia when his car was enveloped in  9/16/1981 #36118  
                  TOOPERANG, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 3M tube / light spots observer 9/27/1981 #36142  
            NORTH / WHYALLA, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 2 / car. 2 night lights scour  10/24/1981 #36184  
h of road near Port Lincoln, South Australia stopped their vehicle at 9:30  10/24/1981 #36186  
wtown, a suburb of Adelaide, South Australia, for miles. Radio interference 10/25/1981 #36188  
suburb of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia had a low level close encounte 1/29/1982 #36315  
d a farm in Woodstock, Queensland, Australia. It darted away and then came  3/14/1982 #36391  
            EAST / MUNGLINUP, WEST AUSTRALIA 2 / van and 1. Silent night li 3/28/1982 #36415  
ee people in a car in Clare, South Australia noticed a red glow in the sky  4/25/1982 #36454  
 course in Caboolture, Queensland, Australia saw a bright light descend. Th 5/20/1982 #36477  
d a car in Bowna, New South Wales, Australia only 3 meters above the ground 5/23/1982 #36484  
d a car in Bowna, New South Wales, Australia only 3 meters above the ground 5/23/1982 #36485  
ations at Mt. Hayes, AK, Mt. Ziel, Australia, Mt. Nyangani, Zimbabwe, and M 7/1982 #36525  
ilway yard in Highclere, Tasmania, Australia at 7:30 p.m., causing the witn 7/7/1982 #36533  
n a highway in Maddington, Western Australia. The UFO would hide when the c 12/21/1982 #36724  
cone-shaped UFOs were spotted over Australia by hundreds of people (NICAP:  5/13/1983 #36859  
                      UFO Research Australia is formed as an informal infor 1984 #37093  
                                   Australia Australian Minister of Defence 5/2/1984 #37312  
as seen at Greens Beach, Tasmania, Australia at 11:45 a.m. It created a smo 7/15/1984 #37400  
n this night in Tom Price, Western Australia a tourist saw a UFO with red,  8/14/1984 #37433  
                         CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA Pilot. Silent missile shape fl 12/17/1984 #37527  
oreline at Hexam, New South Wales, Australia at 2:30 a.m. They were joined  12/26/1984 #37532  
 UFO over Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. The plane's radar indicated i 9/5/1985 #37655  
counter Bay, Victor Harbour, South Australia at 12:10 p.m. and then submerg 5/24/1986 #37893  
             NEAR KUNNAMURRA, WEST AUSTRALIA 3 / car. Bright round object p 9/1986 #38006  
             Edmonton, Queensland, Australia Blue-green oval ahead of car,  10/20/1986 #38053  
               PATIENCE WELL, WEST AUSTRALIA Weird 40' box / light near oil 5/21/1987 #38177  
AF Base Learmonth Exmouth, Western Australia 7:00 p.m. At RAAF Base Learmon 6/9/1987 #38188  
e Learmonth, near Exmouth, Western Australia, observers see a white light a 6/9/1987 #38188  
 UK US France Italy Portugal Spain Australia Canada China Russia UK researc Summer 1987 #38198  
S, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Australia, Canada, China, and Russia.    Summer 1987 #38198  
 bus driver in Peterborough, South Australia reported that a bright green b 8/11/1987 #38242  
              Mundrabilla, Western Australia Knowles family encounter with  1/20/1988 #38421  
                    Perth, Western Australia Melbourne, Victoria Mundrabill 1/20/1988 #38422  
rne, Victoria Mundrabilla, Western Australia Ceduna, South Australia 4:10 a 1/20/1988 #38422  
a, Western Australia Ceduna, South Australia 4:10 a.m. Faye Knowles and her 1/20/1988 #38422  
e Eyre Highway from Perth, Western Australia, to Melbourne, Victoria, by ca 1/20/1988 #38422  
the road near Mundrabilla, Western Australia. Sean is driving and has to sw 1/20/1988 #38422  
 report to police in Ceduna, South Australia, who note their distress and t 1/20/1988 #38422  
ain west of Mundrabilla in Western Australia at around 4:30 a.m. when their 1/20/1988 #38423  
ighway in Walcha, New South Wales, Australia at 7:30 p.m. a car engine died 9/22/1988 #38644  
passengers in Mundrabilla, Western Australia said that several bright noctu 10/10/1988 #38668  
d on this night in Adelaide, South Australia. A man awoke and became aware  10/24/1988 #38687  
                     BENAYEO, VCT, AUSTRALIA Large Oblong UFO. Dome / rear  2/25/1989 #38851  
             In Benayeo, Victoria, Australia near Edenhope, a large oblong  2/25/1989 #38852  
:25 a.m. a woman in Perth, Western Australia was awake in bed next to her s 4/12/1989 #38902  
in an isolated area of Queensland, Australia on this night, with the neares 6/16/1989 #38989  
were chased in Portland, Victoria, Australia by a cluster of very bright li 10/5/1989 #39146  
                   ENDEVOUR HILLS, AUSTRALIA 2 observer(s). 20' UFO low nea 10/9/1989 #39153  
                         PINE GAP, AUSTRALIA 3 hunters. Camouflaged door op 12/1989 #39288  
                         CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA Several observer(s). White dis 2/17/1990 #39420  
d a car in Thornlands, Queensland, Australia at 9:20 p.m. The driver of the 7/28/1990 #39665  
                     BABINDA, QLD, AUSTRALIA 2 observer(s). Moon-size oval  8/15/1990 #39688  
th of Deniliquin, New South Wales, Australia at 11:30 p.m. Then two of the  11/6/1990 #39879  
                         UK Tully, Australia University of Oregon Self-prof 9/9/1991 #40182  
 as a hoax. Inspired by the Tully, Australia, crop circle accounts from 196 9/9/1991 #40182  
      SHUTTLE CHALLENGER OVER WEST AUSTRALIA Night light stops. Flash. 99°  9/16/1991 #40188  
                         KYEEMAGH, AUSTRALIA 3 / beach. Buzz. UFO 90M overh 10/14/1991 #40211  
Tennant Creek, Northern Territory, Australia 4:00 a.m. Near Tennant Creek,  2/1992 #40311  
Tennant Creek, Northern Territory, Australia, five people are in a car driv 2/1992 #40311  
                 In Perth, Western Australia in 1992 a woman was jolted awa 3/4/1992 #40354  
                       PERTH, WEST AUSTRALIA Large delta/triangle/box-like  3/5/1992 #40355  
                In Adelaide, South Australia at 8:30 p.m. witnesses watched 4/21/1992 #40427  
ervoir in Waranga Basin, Victoria, Australia at 8:00 p.m. They disappear wh 5/5/1992 #40453  
overing in Cooma, New South Wales, Australia. It was not a helicopter accor 5/6/1992 #40456  
ine Coast to Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. It then moved upward and disa 5/8/1992 #40460  
setts Brazil Canada United Kingdom Australia The Massachusetts Institute of 6/13/1992 #40492  
d (Brazil, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia). Even skeptics are represente 6/13/1992 #40492  
suburb of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia 7:30 a.m. An abduction event t 7/23/1992 #40530  
suburb of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, involving a rare case of phys 7/23/1992 #40530  
in bed in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia as a result of a recent work i 7/23/1992 #40531  
on a footpath in Port Pirie, South Australia at 3:10 a.m., a 51-year-old mi 7/31/1992 #40541  
ity was seen in Jarradale, Western Australia one this day at around noon. A 9/19/1992 #40631  
backyard of a home in Clare, South Australia at 7:00 p.m. when they saw, at 10/1/1992 #40659  
                VALLEY VIEW, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 1 observer. U-shaped manta goi 11/30/1992 #40734  
year-old man in Valley View, South Australia first heard a rushing wind noi 11/30/1992 #40735  
  In 1992, in Elizabethtown, South Australia at 2:00 a.m., a 5-year-old chi 12/10/1992 #40747  
                In Beldon, Western Australia at three a.m. the witness awok 1/19/1993 #40802  
m. a witness in McLarenvale, South Australia reported waking up to a loud h 1/20/1993 #40804  
 At 12:30 a.m. in Noranda, Western Australia Kylie C. awoke and saw a small 2/1/1993 #40831  
                       DARLINGTON, AUSTRALIA Black "barrel-on-canoe" going  2/6/1993 #40842  
                BLACK POINT, SOUTH AUSTRALIA Odd "flying squid"-saucer. Cur 4/21/1993 #40946  
                    BARMAH FOREST, AUSTRALIA Brilliant white rectangle zigz 5/2/1993 #40963  
d UFO flew over Mildura, Victoria, Australia heading northeast. It then mad 5/14/1993 #40980  
              Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Five people in two separate ca 8/8/1993 #41116  
      Narre Warren North Victoria, Australia Eumemmerring Creek Belgrave Ea 8/8/1993 #41117  
e Dandenong Foothills of Victoria, Australia, and are near Eumemmerring Cre 8/8/1993 #41117  
By November 17, Phenomena Research Australia has located the couple in the  8/8/1993 #41117  
near Narre Warren North, Victoria, Australia three carloads of people, incl 8/8/1993 #41118  
n her home in Gippsland, Victoria, Australia abductee Kelly Cahill awoke to 9/6/1993 #41185  
in her bed in Gippsland, Victoria, Australia she saw a dark, seven foot tal 10/23/1993 #41249  
 the shoreline in Yanchep, Western Australia at around one o’clock in the m 12/31/1993 #41338  
                                   Australia, AU 1994; Australia (NICAP: 08 1994 #41339  
               Australia, AU 1994; Australia (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Case 1994 #41339  
                                   Australia RAAF Wing Commander Brett Bidd 1/4/1994 #41360  
ton informs civilian UFO groups in Australia that the number of UFO reports 1/4/1994 #41360  
 Lightning Ridge, New South Wales, Australia at 8:00 p.m. a single observer 3/1/1994 #41435  
                    ALDINGA, SOUTH AUSTRALIA Blue strobe maneuvers / Gale f 4/15/1994 #41492  
                       NOOSA, QLD, AUSTRALIA 1 observer. Bright light beams 5/7/1994 #41514  
                     YANDINA, QLD, AUSTRALIA 2 bright objects bounce around 5/24/1994 #41536  
fisherman in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia at 2:10 a.m. He lost track of  5/27/1994 #41540  
         Near Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Motorists encountered glowing  7/24/1994 #41637  
of Coonabarabran, New South Wales, Australia. It passed over woods, and the 11/15/1994 #41849  
g outdoors in Morphett Vale, South Australia, saw a disc-shaped object cros 12/5/1994 #41884  
                       BAIRNSDALE, AUSTRALIA 2 / car. Night light. One hour 2/6/1995 #42023  
                     CARRUM DOWNS, AUSTRALIA Hot day. 3 night lights hover. 2/25/1995 #42061  
eral miles near Kairi, Queensland, Australia at 5:10 a.m. It had a cockpit  4/22/1995 #42171  
                   NEAR BUNINYONG, AUSTRALIA 4 observer(s). Cylinder/cigar- 5/14/1995 #42203  
n Harwood Island, New South Wales, Australia. Then a huge ovoid object rose 6/3/1995 #42236  
s seen by police in Whyalla, South Australia to descend to close to the gro 7/19/1995 #42311  
                    NEAR WERRIBEE, AUSTRALIA Glowing ovoid circles car. Sev 8/21/1995 #42406  
                   RED HILL, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 30M saucer / low altitude. Str 9/10/1995 #42451  
     A witness in Rostrevor, South Australia saw a dark silver, revolving o 9/11/1995 #42455  
                     NEWTON, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 2 observer(s). TV Radio Freque 9/12/1995 #42461  
                        MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA 2 observer(s). Dome shaped obj 9/19/1995 #42484  
cean off Gosford, New South Wales, Australia on this night. Beams of light  12/30/1995 #42652  
                           MYRHEE, AUSTRALIA 3 / camp. Moon-size disk going 1/1/1996 #42662  
 in Large George, New South Wales, Australia at 8:45 p.m. It was a brillian 1/14/1996 #42685  
                  MILLMERRAN, QLD, AUSTRALIA 200M multicolor object / 800M  1/19/1996 #42688  
flew over Sydney, New South Wales, Australia and was observed from Turramur 2/7/1996 #42746  
                           MILTON, AUSTRALIA Huge white cylinder/cigar-shap 2/9/1996 #42748  
two a.m. in Huon Valley, Tasmania, Australia to find her bedroom lit up, an 2/10/1996 #42754  
Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia when she noticed a short Grey, 2/10/1996 #42755  
lights in Casino, New South Wales, Australia at three a.m. They then experi 3/6/1996 #42809  
                    ARMADALE, WEST AUSTRALIA 1 / car. Night light going dow 3/22/1996 #42834  
              Ipswich, Queensland, Australia - At 2:00 a.m. a woman was wal 5/22/1996 #42909  
                     MOYSTON, VCT, AUSTRALIA DC3-sized black wedge going [t 5/24/1996 #42911  
                        ST. LUCIA, AUSTRALIA 2 / house. Car-size saucer lan 6/1996 #42919  
                   WALLAROO, SOUTH AUSTRALIA Teen. Flaming bullet shape zig 8/11/1996 #42978  
en in the sky over Wallaroo, South Australia at 11:30 p.m. by a 17-year-old 8/11/1996 #42979  
                         CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA Blue-white balls / light cross 8/21/1996 #42989  
             In Chelsea, Victoria, Australia two glowing objects flew overh 8/23/1996 #42992  
                   EAST / GYMPIE,, AUSTRALIA 1 / car. Bright fireball going 9/9/1996 #43011  
                           ALTONA, AUSTRALIA 2 / separate cars. Classic sau 9/20/1996 #43031  
 over the bay at Altona, Victoria, Australia then moved away to the northea 9/20/1996 #43032  
                       NOOSA HEAD, AUSTRALIA 4 / MUFON. Huge brilliant silv 10/17/1996 #43074  
                In Adelaide, South Australia at 1:25 a.m. multiple callers  11/25/1996 #43122  
veling fast over Canberra, A.C.T., Australia. When last seen, the lights we 11/25/1996 #43123  
Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia watched at least four intense  11/25/1996 #43123  
wo children in Westbury, Tasmania, Australia reported that they had witness 2/7/1997 #43187  
                          NAMBOUR, AUSTRALIA Man relives 3 hours twice! Sep 4/4/1997 #43250  
                        LIVERPOOL, AUSTRALIA Cops and more/others. Black 6' 4/6/1997 #43254  
           WALLSEND AND NEWCASTLE, AUSTRALIA Large black triangle going [to 4/22/1997 #43270  
p.m. in Wallsend, New South Wales, Australia a large black triangular objec 4/22/1997 #43271  
Norman Park, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia at 7:30 p.m. a disc was seen h 4/27/1997 #43280  
in Hazelwood Park, Adelaide, South Australia reported sighting an object tr 5/5/1997 #43288  
                    JAMBOREE HTS., AUSTRALIA Silver metallic disk / southea 5/9/1997 #43290  
                      TERRY HILLS, AUSTRALIA Dark ovoid with square windows 6/19/1997 #43330  
 100 kilometers north of Gundagai, Australia. As they came over the top of  10/13/1997 #43427  
her bedroom in Freemantle, Western Australia when she suddenly awoke to see 2/1/1998 #43510  
                      ELSTERNWICK, AUSTRALIA Army helmet-saucer moves side- 2/13/1998 #43517  
c flew over Elsternwick, Victoria, Australia. It moved side-to-side while m 2/13/1998 #43518  
room in Deception Bay, Queensland, Australia. She thought she heard the TV  6/10/1998 #43586  
ns over Quirindi, New South Wales, Australia on this afternoon. The "angel  8/10/1998 #43626  
                  NEW NORCIA, WEST AUSTRALIA Numerous separate observer(s). 2/11/1999 #43726  
:45 a.m. a man in Elizabeth, South Australia sighted a bright light the siz 5/6/1999 #43764  
                Esperance, Western Australia A huge fall of “white filament 6/9/1999 #43782  
e kilometers in Esperance, Western Australia. Some strands are 30 feet in l 6/9/1999 #43782  
 km area around Esperance, Western Australia.                               6/9/1999 #43783  
urne, Victoria. In Adelaide, South Australia four men sitting outside saw a 6/12/1999 #43785  
Grath Creek, Northern Territories, Australia saw a silent dark ovoid object 7/7/1999 #43795  
itness driving in Nangwarry, South Australia at 2:15 a.m.  Then he saw thre 7/15/1999 #43804  
ew over Logan Village, Queensland, Australia at 9:20 p.m. It was lit up wit 8/8/1999 #43818  
ver Melbourne Reservoir, Victoria, Australia at 7:20 p.m. It was viewed for 9/13/1999 #43845  
r a road near Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Two vehicles stalled as the o 10/17/1999 #43862  
bject in Strzlecki Crossing, South Australia; one man suffered a bleeding f 11/3/1999 #43870  
r a dam in Guyra, New South Wales, Australia. Apparently a mysterious flyin 12/8/1999 #43895  
        In Caboolture, Queensland, Australia a woman reported that a thick  1/12/2000 #43924  
n Mount Warrigal, New South Wales, Australia at 10:55 p.m. They then perfor 1/13/2000 #43927  
nd around Sydney, New South Wales, Australia between 8:30 and 11:00 p.m. In 1/29/2000 #43936  
 also sightings in Adelaide, South Australia this night. Single and multipl 1/29/2000 #43936  
                  WOODCROFT, SOUTH AUSTRALIA Featureless white ball follows 2/18/2000 #43952  
Shaun Boer of Traralgon, Victoria, Australia saw a bright star-like object  3/11/2000 #43965  
Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia responded by going outside whe 5/15/2000 #43995  
Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia at 8:30 p.m. a married couple' 6/7/2000 #44001  
rn sky in Springfield, Queensland, Australia traveling in an upward directi 6/13/2000 #44003  
itnesses in Normanton, Queensland, Australia at 11:45 p.m. It travelled ove 7/7/2000 #44011  
              Old Noarlunga, South Australia Moana Aldinga Beach 11:30 a.m. 8/5/2000 #44028  
 the sky over Old Noarlunga, South Australia, and calls out his wife to wat 8/5/2000 #44028  
Woody Point, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia just 20 meters away from the w 11/5/2000 #44073  
ey highway in MacLean, Queensland, Australia saw eight lights about 200 met 12/13/2000 #44102  
ed over Deception Bay, Queensland, Australia that evening, moving from the  1/1/2001 #44115  
           In Mount Gambier, South Australia at 7:00 p.m. there was a proce 4/26/2001 #44168  
head in Salt Ash, New South Wales, Australia. A minute later, single lights 4/26/2001 #44169  
s the city of Mount Gambier, South Australia approached the two witnesses w 9/9/2001 #44254  
skirts of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia first reported a group of thre 9/11/2001 #44258  
fter 6:00 p.m. near Canberra, ACT, Australia, a man and woman, Hans and Fio 9/25/2001 #44264  
e end of the Brisbane, Queensland, Australia airport runway at 9:30 p.m.    4/17/2002 #44331  
hree girls in Tahmoor, Queensland, Australia had decided to visit their roo 7/28/2002 #44367  
 Vale, a suburb of Adelaide, South Australia at 8:30 p.m. when they encount 9/24/2002 #44403  
                 In Perth, Western Australia a rectangular-shaped object wi 11/1/2002 #44430  
Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia three witnesses saw four silve 11/27/2002 #44451  
led turns in the sky over Wyreema, Australia at 10 p.m. for a few seconds,  1/2/2003 #44463  
ere seen over Melbourne, Victoria, Australia at 8 p.m. They flashing differ 5/23/2003 #44544  
er in Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia at 8:04 p.m. It shrank and the 5/31/2003 #44550  
am in Brisbane Valley, Queensland, Australia on a clear day. The water belo 9/14/2003 #44601  
   At 12:24 p.m. in Perth, Western Australia a witness watched as a disc-sh 3/14/2004 #44677  
                   Adelaide, South Australia Roswell, New Mexico UFO resear 1/15/2005 #44808  
nterviews a man in Adelaide, South Australia, whose British father had work 1/15/2005 #44808  
                         northeast Australia Great Divide Brisbane, Queensl 5/16/2006 #44943  
e Brisbane, Queensland New Zealand Australia At least three green fireballs 5/16/2006 #44943  
ht as the sun blaze over northeast Australia. A farmer sees one with a blue 5/16/2006 #44943  
e bits descend in the direction of Australia. The timing of the fireballs s 5/16/2006 #44943  
sbury, a suburb of Adelaide, South Australia. A misty light trail was seen  11/29/2006 #44988  
ime sky over Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.                               2/11/2009 #45210  
                                   Australia Vienna, Austria The Preparator 11/19/2018 #45547  
1 monitoring facilities located in Australia are completed “and sending rel 11/19/2018 #45547  
arkes Observatory New South Wales, Australia Proxima Centauri The Parkes Ob 4/2019 #45570  
es Observatory in New South Wales, Australia, picks up a 982.992 MHz radio  4/2019 #45570  
ll in the Marshall Islands Western Australia The US Space Force declares th 3/28/2020 #45642  
 for another radar site in Western Australia. The US Strategic Command has  3/28/2020 #45642  
d has data-sharing agreements with Australia, Japan, Italy, Canada, France, 3/28/2020 #45642  
                                   Australia Australian journalist Ross Cou 9/5/2021 #45708  
## Word: "australian" (Back to Top)
 to investigate nuclear weapons by Australian physicist Mark Oliphant becau 3/1940 #1326  
 was found on the ground. (Ref. 3; Australian Flying Saucer Review, No. 7,  12/1943 #1547  
ass Strait, Australia 2:30 a.m. An Australian Beaufort bomber is flying at  2/1944 #1570  
uth Wales Edgar Jarrold begins the Australian Flying Saucer Bureau in Sydne 7/1952 #6678  
                         Australia Australian Minister for Air William McMa 8/14/1952 #7592  
Australia Fred P. Stone founds the Australian Flying Saucer Club in Adelaid 1953 #8480  
th Australia. It later becomes the Australian Flying Saucer Research Societ 1953 #8480  
Research Society and publishes the Australian Saucer Record from 1955 to 19 1953 #8480  
.m. Capt. B. L. Jones is flying an Australian National Airways DC-3 just so 5/10/1953 #8872  
. Capt. Bob Jackson is piloting an Australian National Airways DC-3 near Wo 5/10/1953 #8873  
rt Moresby, Papua New Guinea Royal Australian Air Force 12:00 noon. Tom P.  8/23/1953 #9105  
, leaving a vapor trail. The Royal Australian Air Force and USAF intelligen 8/23/1953 #9105  
                         Australia Australian Minister for Air William McMa 11/20/1953 #9313  
             Australia New Zealand Australian UFO researcher Edgar Jarrold  12/1953 #9330  
s Gordon Deller, a minor figure in Australian ufology who has some quaint a 12/1953 #9330  
Capt. Douglas Barker, a pilot with Australian National Airways, is at his h 1/1/1954 #9436  
                         Australia Australian Minister for External Affairs 1/28/1954 #9508  
nberra aircraft flown by the Royal Australian Air Force on air-sampling mis 3/1/1954 #9585  
                             Royal Australian Air Force The Royal Australia 4/1954 #9657  
yal Australian Air Force The Royal Australian Air Force issues its first st 4/1954 #9657  
                                   Australian outback Western Australia Sou 4/18/1954 #9696  
are driving an Austin sedan in the Australian outback near the border of We 4/18/1954 #9696  
                   At 8:00 p.m. an Australian Navy Hawker Sea Fury II was p 8/31/1954 #10220  
l samples. On the same day a Royal Australian Navy pilot reported that two  12/15/1954 #11817  
tralia England Melbourne, Victoria Australian physicist O. H. “Harry” Turne 12/26/1954 #11862  
 and writing an assessment for the Australian Directorate of Air Force Inte 12/26/1954 #11862  
                                   Australian Victoria The Victorian branch 1957 #13437  
ctoria The Victorian branch of the Australian Flying Saucer Research Societ 1957 #13437  
Research Society. It publishes the Australian UFO Bulletin from 1957 to Sep 1957 #13437  
former Commander-in-Chief of Royal Australian Air Force. [UFOE, X] (NICAP:  10/16/1957 #14126  
ictoria, Australia Evening. Former Australian Air Marshal George Jones and  10/16/1957 #14130  
Several members of a safari in the Australian outback near Nourlange, North 6/6/1959 #15762  
ut that the man is an agent of the Australian Security Intelligence Organis 8/1959 #15887  
 Queensland The first issue of the Australian Flying Saucer Review is publi 1/1960 #16147  
r ship' has been reported from the Australian island state of Tasmania. A C 10/3/1960 #16474  
        Australia Cressy, Tasmania Australian MP Gil Duthie asks Frederick  10/20/1960 #16486  
Gil Duthie asks Frederick Osborne, Australian Minister for Air, whether he  10/20/1960 #16486  
r the radar hill at Laverton Royal Australian AFB, Victoria, Australia. It  9/8/1961 #16822  
 Australia The first conference of Australian UFO organizations takes place 2/27/1965 #18829  
hs. The film was conficated by the Australian military and never returned.  5/28/1965 #18974  
munication Complex in Tidbinbilla, Australian Capital Territory Canberra Ai 7/15/1965 #19106  
munication Complex in Tidbinbilla, Australian Capital Territory, interferin 7/15/1965 #19106  
c controllers at Canberra Airport, Australian Capital Territory watched a w 7/15/1965 #19107  
ed in a clockwise direction. Royal Australian Air Force intelligence office 1/19/1966 #19858  
                                   Australian Directorate of Public Relatio 8/16/1966 #20756  
 Public Relations The chief of the Australian Directorate of Public Relatio 8/16/1966 #20756  
ssible EM effects on TV. (The West Australian, 11/17/67; Flying Saucer Revi 11/15/1967 #23457  
    Australia Western Australia An Australian nuclear physicist attached to 1968 #23629  
entified helicopters” that hit the Australian Navy destroyer HMAS Hobart, k 6/20/1968 #24053  
aising dust and leaves. Perth West Australian, Norseman, Feb. 21, 1969. (E) 2/20/1969 #24934  
he Chilean source spoke to, was an Australian ufologist of reasonable quali 10/24/1969 #25424  
                         Australia Australian National University Australia 11/8/1969 #25453  
lia Australian National University Australian Atomic Energy Commission Nati 11/8/1969 #25453  
sion National Standards Laboratory Australian physicist O. H. “Harry” Turne 11/8/1969 #25453  
 he is working with John Morton of Australian National University, John Sym 11/8/1969 #25453  
 University, John Symonds from the Australian Atomic Energy Commission, and 11/8/1969 #25453  
tity standing outside. The man, an Australian aborigine, next felt a suckin 4/2/1971 #26065  
                                   Australian Annual Flying Saucer Review D 7/25/1972 #26833  
Close Encounter of Maureen Puddy,” Australian Annual Flying Saucer Review,  7/25/1972 #26833  
7:20 p.m., William Gordon Lynn, an Australian civilian and US Navy employee 10/25/1973 #28284  
h Wales The Centre for UFO Studies–Australian Co-Ordination Section is foun 11/1974 #29573  
in witness was also a former Royal Australian Air Force aircrew member. He  2/26/1975 #29853  
 Nullabor Plain South Australia An Australian soldier is traveling on the N 1977 #31656  
ct site and see a crashed UFO. The Australian goes inside and sees two alie 1977 #31656  
ay, Cape Otway, Victoria 7:06 p.m. Australian pilot Frederick Valentich, 20 10/21/1978 #33856  
afety Investigation asks the Royal Australian Navy Research Laboratory abou 10/21/1978 #33856  
esberg and David Seargent form the Australian Centre for UFO Studies from t 8/1979 #34690  
tre for UFO Studies from the CUFOS Australian Co-Ordination Section.        8/1979 #34690  
                     Australia The Australian Centre for UFO Studies begins 2/1980 #35153  
gins publishing the Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies, edite 2/1980 #35153  
        Canberra, A.C.T. The Royal Australian Air Force grants permission t 1982 #36289  
when the driver sped up. (Sources: Australian Center for UFO Studies) (NICA 12/21/1982 #36721  
U Hundreds of people living in the Australian state of Victoria reported se 5/20/1983 #36861  
eir position and the object is the Australian Army Rockbank Receiving Stati 7/22/1983 #36921  
00 and 1,600 feet in altitude. The Australian Signal Intelligence facility  7/22/1983 #36921  
                         Australia Australian Minister of Defence Gordon Sc 5/2/1984 #37312  
alcium. The Seven Network pays the Australian Mineral Development Laborator 1/20/1988 #38422  
hrough extended conversations with Australian ufologist Bill Chalker. Khour 7/23/1992 #40530  
 showed many details. The RAAF and Australian Army provided information tha 10/13/1997 #43427  
            On the same day as the Australian sighting, four lights in a ro 10/13/1997 #43428  
                                   Australian journalist Ross Coulthart wri 8/1/2021 #45703  
                                   Australian journalist Ross Coulthart sta 9/3/2021 #45707  
                         Australia Australian journalist Ross Coulthart rel 9/5/2021 #45708  
 which recounts the history of the Australian government’s involvement with 9/5/2021 #45708  
                                   Australian journalist Ross Coulthart sta 12/17/2021 #45729  
                                   Australian journalist Ross Coulthart sta 5/2022 #45746  
## Word: "australians" (Back to Top)
sion of the faces of two prominent Australians (Archbishop of Sydney Freder 7/25/1868 #176  
lia, seen and heard by four Native Australians. On the same day, an anonymo 1/1954 #9429  
ngs, Northern Territory Two Native Australians, employees of Arthur Pope, s 3/1954? #9579  
## Word: "austria" (Back to Top)
                 B17 / KLAGENFURT, AUSTRIA Light and heat. Orange saucer pa 11/24/1944 #1703  
                       Klagenfurt, Austria Trieste, Italy Adriatic Sea Capt 11/24/1944 #1705  
om bombing a target at Klagenfurt, Austria. While flying over northeastern  11/24/1944 #1705  
                                   Austria, Austria B-17 pilot (William D.  12/1944 #1712  
                          Austria, Austria B-17 pilot (William D. Leet) and 12/1944 #1712  
                        OVER LINZ, AUSTRIA Solid crystal ball paces B24 12M 4/1945 #1833  
                        Leonstein, Austria Linz, Austria German scientist V 5/1945 #1858  
          Leonstein, Austria Linz, Austria German scientist Viktor Schauber 5/1945 #1858  
red by Allied forces in Leonstein, Austria. Supposedly his devices and docu 5/1945 #1858  
d in March 1946 and moves to Linz, Austria, but the Americans do not confis 5/1945 #1858  
                        SEMMERING, AUSTRIA Astronomers and weathermen. Big  8/22/1947 #3359  
f intelligence at the US Forces in Austria a memo alleging that Walter Hort 5/7/1948 #3643  
                      MUHLVIERTEL, AUSTRIA Numerous observer(s). Several "s 8/15/1948 (approximate) #3780  
                      RADKERSBURG, AUSTRIA Police report 2 'flying saucers' 9/8/1949 #4350  
ecember 1967, a man from Salzburg, Austria claimed that he was abducted by  2/15/1950 #4538  
                                   Austria Mars An anonymous occupation sol 1952? #5840  
An anonymous occupation soldier in Austria meets a diving suit–clad being w 1952? #5840  
                           Vienna, Austria Three discs in formation. [UFOE, 5/15/1954 #9802  
            MOUNTAINS NEAR ADMONT, AUSTRIA 4 observer(s). Good photograph.  8/3/1954 #10097  
                             GRAZ, AUSTRIA 10 including/include 3 cops. Sau 9/5/1954 #10250  
t that flew over the city of Graz, Austria from east to west at 9:30 a.m. I 9/5/1954 #10257  
                          SAUTENS, AUSTRIA 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Silv 9/16/1954 #10320  
 England and Italy, and three from Austria. The rest are from France, which 10/3/1954 #10667  
                       RIED, UPPER AUSTRIA Thousands / reports / police. 4  10/8/1954 #10805  
                          SEEFELD, AUSTRIA Several separate observer(s). Sa 10/12/1954 (approximate) #10960  
                           VIENNA, AUSTRIA Thousands / observer(s). Brillia 10/25/1954 #11375  
 spinning over the city of Vienna, Austria. It left a trail behind, and the 10/25/1954 #11397  
                        WALDERALM, AUSTRIA 2+observer(s). Fireball high ove 11/12/1954 #11625  
                         ALTHOVEN, AUSTRIA 2 cops. Flattened star hovers. T 11/19/1954 #11668  
                           VIENNA, AUSTRIA Many report(s) and cops. UFO's s 12/19/1954 #11833  
                           Vienna, Austria High-speed UFOs reported. [UFOE, 12/19/1954 #11836  
 shot through the sky over Vienna, Austria. There were many reports includi 12/19/1954 #11839  
                            STEYR, AUSTRIA 6 silver saucers hover and leave 1/3/1955 #11913  
alled. On that same day in Vienna, Austria six silver discs flew overhead,  1/3/1955 #11918  
ich, Switzerland Switzerland Italy Austria Denmark Ruppelt tells Keyhoe he  Late 5/1959 #15747  
ng lectures in Switzerland, Italy, Austria, and Denmark.                    Late 5/1959 #15747  
driving his car near Labuttendorf, Austria at 1:30 a.m. when he had a close 3/2/1960 #16192  
             WEST / KLEINREIFLING, AUSTRIA Several observer(s). 50 small gl 8/11/1963 #17883  
ght, three witnesses in Saileralm, Austria watched 50 small glowing orbs fl 8/11/1963 #17886  
                   KLEIN-REIFLING, AUSTRIA Night light zigzags. Compass spi 8/24/1963 #17917  
as. There are reports from Latvia, Austria, Argentina, Peru, Mexico and sev 8/2/1965 #19269  
e Valderas, Madrid London, Germany Austria New Zealand Yugoslavia Canada Fe 5/31/1967 #22431  
ate mailings from London, Germany, Austria, New Zealand, Yugoslavia, and Ca 5/31/1967 #22431  
en of UFOs occurred on this day in Austria. Two people, one named Tutter, t 6/10/1967 #22487  
tograph of a UFO in Vienna (Wien), Austria at 9:55 p.m., and two more peopl 6/10/1967 #22487  
ider, took a photo in Ganserndorf, Austria at 11:35 p.m.                    6/10/1967 #22487  
is night a married couple in Graz, Austria viewed a white disc-shaped objec 5/17/1969 #25140  
nkt Lorenzen ob Eibiswald, Styria, Austria 12:30 p.m. Rudi Nagora and his w 5/23/1971 #26124  
nkt Lorenzen ob Eibiswald, Styria, Austria, for a Sunday outing. Nagora get 5/23/1971 #26124  
rly metallic disc in St. Lorenzen, Austria at 12:30 p.m. The disc was estim 5/23/1971 #26125  
                             LINZ, AUSTRIA Many / ground and air. Giant fun 3/18/1972 #26610  
n 1972 over the mountains of Upper Austria, at 11:35 p.m. Flying between Kr 3/18/1972 #26616  
.m. Flying between Krems and Linz, Austria an Austrian DC-9 airliner had a  3/18/1972 #26616  
                        NEAR GRAZ, AUSTRIA 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Whit 5/17/1972 #26685  
                        NEAR GRAZ, AUSTRIA 1 observer. Box-object projects  3/26/1973 #27378  
                   Bad Traunstein, Austria 11:30 p.m. Karl Fichtinger watch 10/28/1973 #28310  
ht to the south of Bad Traunstein, Austria, that projects two beams of ligh 10/28/1973 #28310  
                    In Traunstein, Austria two men saw six domed discs exte 10/28/1973 #28315  
                       TRAUNSTEIN, AUSTRIA Several observer(s). Domed sauce 10/29/1973 #28317  
                    Ulltichschlag, Austria Bad Traunstein 6:00 p.m. Johann  11/17/1973 #28437  
 he is driving near Ulltichschlag, Austria. He drives home to Bad Traunstei 11/17/1973 #28437  
                   Bad Traunstein, Austria 10:30 p.m. A married couple in B 12/9/1974 #29634  
 married couple in Bad Traunstein, Austria, watch for more than 30 minutes  12/9/1974 #29634  
                SOUTH / POGGSTALL, AUSTRIA 1 observer. Globe swings left an 12/22/1974 (approximate) #29654  
                       WACHTSTEIN, AUSTRIA Longitude & latitude coords. app 1/9/1975 #29737  
                        Gloggnitz, Austria A young radio technician is lyin 5/1977 #32043  
ing a power blackout in Gloggnitz, Austria. Suddenly a hollow globe about 1 5/1977 #32043  
                           Vienna, Austria 11:00 p.m. The 77-year-old mothe 6/26/1978 #33313  
m her inner house court in Vienna, Austria. The light appears to be breakin 6/26/1978 #33313  
                WEST / EBENSFURTH, AUSTRIA 2 / car. Orange-glowing domed sa 7/12/1978 #33371  
           Wiener Neustadt (near), Austria A watch stopped when an orange g 7/12/1978 #33373  
 mountain town of Wiener Neustadt, Austria at 10:15 p.m. The two witnesses  7/12/1978 #33375  
                  WIENER NEUSTADT, AUSTRIA 5M saucer over airport. Follows  7/13/1978 #33378  
                         SALZBURG, AUSTRIA Cops and many. Saucers circle Un 1/9/1979 #34323  
                         Salzburg, Austria Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spai 11/11/1979 #34997  
rcaravelle outbound from Salzburg, Austria, has just made a refueling stop  11/11/1979 #34997  
                   DACHSTEIN ALPS, AUSTRIA KLM and Lufthansa and more/other 5/7/1980 #35309  
                       DROSENDORF, AUSTRIA 1 observer. Triangle lands / fie 7/11/1996 #42955  
                          GMUNDEN, AUSTRIA 8 teens. Red fireball going [to] 6/1/1998 #43578  
ght shot over the lake in Gmunden, Austria at 9:30 p.m. It dropped in altit 6/1/1998 #43579  
vis De Matos of ARC Seibersdorf in Austria report gravity-modification effe 3/28/2006 #44931  
rgy” researchers Stefan Marinov in Austria fell out of a window in 1997, co 12/2014 #45425  
                 Australia Vienna, Austria The Preparatory Commission for t 11/19/2018 #45547  
ble, high-quality data” to Vienna, Austria, for analysis. The global monito 11/19/2018 #45547  
              Havana, Cuba Vienna, Austria Reports of Havana Syndrome come  8/2021 #45702  
re than 20 US diplomats in Vienna, Austria, since January. The numbers are  8/2021 #45702  
## Word: "austria-hungary" (Back to Top)
ation of the Holocaust, is born in Austria-Hungary.                         4/20/1889 #288  
## Word: "austrian" (Back to Top)
gedly takes place; informants like Austrian physicist Adolf Smekal of Frank 7/5/1947 #2721  
                                   Austrian American Austrian Countess Zoe  9/1955 #12422  
                 Austrian American Austrian Countess Zoe Wassilko von Serec 9/1955 #12422  
                                   Austrian ufologist Luis Schoenherr offer 3/1963 #17689  
between Krems and Linz, Austria an Austrian DC-9 airliner had a near collis 3/18/1972 #26616  
        Dachstein Mountains in the Austrian Alps Air Control Center in Vien 5/7/1980 #35315  
ove the Dachstein Mountains in the Austrian Alps. The pilot sees a gray sph 5/7/1980 #35315  
nter in Vienna, which contacts the Austrian Air Force. Maj. Karl Schwarz or 5/7/1980 #35315  
                                   Austrian astrobiologist Helmut Lammer an 1999 #43707  
## Word: "austrian-bavarian" (Back to Top)
, Germany About 8:30 p.m. Near the Austrian-Bavarian border, Friedrich Lenn 12/10/1973 #28549  
p.m. in Hochries, Germany near the Austrian-Bavarian border, Friedrich Lenn 12/10/1973 #28553  
## Word: "austrl" (Back to Top)
                                 C.AUSTRL DESERT Aborigines. 2 saucers land 2/1951 #5424  
                           PERTH.W.AUSTRL Chirp. Semi-transparent 65cm figu 4/12/1989 #38900  
## Word: "autaugaville" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR AUTAUGAVILLE, AL 2 observer(s). 3 saucer 3/30/1950 #4765  
Three discs flew in formation over Autaugaville, Alabama at 5:30 p.m. They  3/30/1950 #4770  
## Word: "autec" (Back to Top)
dersea Test and Evaluation Center (AUTEC) in Andros, Bahamas “many” times.  10/14/2022 #45775  
” times. Warner IV claims he heard AUTEC was involved in the “craning” of U 10/14/2022 #45775  
## Word: "authentic" (Back to Top)
vidence of 1950, the alleged first authentic photographs and motion picture 11/17/1950 #5279  
ng 3,500 reports, it has found “no authentic physical evidence” that UFOs a 10/9/1954 #10852  
mes these Intelligence reports are authentic, then the evidence presented i 12/26/1954 #11862  
oward Menger releases an album of “Authentic Music from Another Planet,” fe 1957 #13431  
           Brazilian Navy releases authentic picture of UFO                 2/1958 #14857  
ere they are analyzed and declared authentic. However, both the Colorado pr 8/8/1965 #19341  
otographs saucer near power lines. Authentic / local Air Force investigatio 1/25/1967 #21379  
 and incidentally found them to be authentic. In the altered memo, NSA beco Summer 1981 #35977  
ud. The photograph has been judged authentic by Dr. Richard F. Haines and D 10/8/1981 #36170  
 the analysis, says the photos are authentic and show a material device of  8/4/1990 #39679  
xamines the circle and declares it authentic before it is revealed as a hoa 9/9/1991 #40182  
eur Ray Santilli presents it as an authentic autopsy on the body of an alie 8/28/1995 #42425  
6, Santilli admits the film is not authentic but rather a staged reconstruc 8/28/1995 #42425  
 of Naval Intelligence, “doctored” authentic documents that referred to a M 1/23/2009 #45208  
## Word: "authenticate" (Back to Top)
ctual, but there is no evidence to authenticate them.                       10/14/1947 #3457  
## Word: "authenticated" (Back to Top)
s written notes stating “cannot be authenticated.”  https://nsarchive.gwu.e 2014 #45400  
## Word: "authentication" (Back to Top)
not submitted to the air force for authentication prior to publication,” al 3/1954 #9580  
er is so unusual that Torres seeks authentication before firing. Torres loc 5/20/1957? #13667  
ects, analyzes, and provides their authentication of UFO sightings, most fa 9/2017 #45480  
## Word: "authenticity" (Back to Top)
ated fission. Scholars dispute the authenticity of RDS-6 as a true thermonu 8/12/1953 #9065  
-shaped object, analysis supported authenticity (UFOE II, Section VII) (NIC 2/8/1973 #27271  
-shaped object, analysis supported authenticity                             2/8/1973 #27273  
are shown commenting on the film’s authenticity. The program causes a sensa 8/28/1995 #42425  
e observing. The Navy confirms the authenticity of the videos, stating only 2/2015? #45430  
and others to lend credence to the authenticity of the images as possibly r 5/5/2015 #45437  
## Word: "author" (Back to Top)
Locke publicly admits to being the author in 1840, in a letter to the weekl 8/25/1835 #130  
  Arolla, near Zermatt, Swiss Alps Author Aleister Crowley was walking in t 1896 #324  
ey London southern England English author H. G. Wells publishes The War of  1898 #614  
sland In Providence, Rhode Island, author H. P. Lovecraft sees what people  12/24/1909 #825  
Savoy-Plaza Hotel in New York City Author Tiffany Thayer founds the Fortean 1/26/1931 #1121  
 Operation Z during its planning. (Author Moira McGhee wrote in her book "A 12/7/1941 #1377  
new invention that has come to the author, according to editor Ray Palmer,  7/1946 #2021  
ch Organization in 1952 and future author of seven books on the UFO phenome 6/10/1947 #2320  
after 9:00 a.m. Italian artist and author Luigi Rapuzzi (who uses the pseud 8/14/1947 #3330  
      New Mexico Russia UK British author and ex-MI5 operative Bernard Newm 1948 #3523  
 Gross, UFOs, a History: 1948, The Author, 1988, pp. 28–29; Sparks, p. 34;  5/7/1948 #3643  
s. Sneider is probably the primary author. Deyarmond, Loedding, and Truettn 9/30/1948? #3817  
                                   Author and military historian Fletcher P Early 1950 #4465  
           Glens Falls, NY Variety author Frank Scully’s book “Behind the F 4/17/1950 #4855  
                                US Author Frank Scully’s book “Behind the F 8/1950 #5085  
an USAF Public Information Officer Author and journalist Bob Considine’s ar 1/1951 #5380  
erhaven.pdf     Note: According to author Nick Cook, Air Force Office of Sp 1952 #5843  
tory: 1952, September–October, The Author, 1986, p. 25) September 11 [or 7  9/10/1952 #7891  
                                   Author Whitley Streiber states he lived  10/1952 #8077  
ok. However, one of the witnesses, author Marie Armstrong Essipoff (Ben Hec 1/28/1953 #8602  
ge Ward calls it a “balloon”; when author Desmond Leslie calls him up to su 11/3/1953 #9279  
ficer George Williams. Recorded by author Frank Scully in his private notes Mid 11/1953 #9301  
          Navy Capt. Walter Karig, author of the 1947 novel Zotz!, writes “ 11/22/1953 #9314  
                       Edwards AFB Author Frank Scully records in his priva 1/24/1954 #9496  
witnessed by occultist, medium and author “Gerald Light” (possibly R.G. McF 4/13/1954 #9686  
                                   Author Morris K. Jessup states he receiv 4/1956 #12779  
’s Flying Saucer Discussion Group, author Morris K. Jessup declares that it 7/20/1956 #12995  
iticaca, Peru Arizona Metaphysical author George Hunt Williamson writes Oth 1957 #13430  
efore the astounded witnesses (the author of the report and the family of t 10/25/1957 #14154  
d-2-Lusar/30771110705/bd     Note: Author Nick Cook evaluated the claims in 1958 #14787  
mode/1up (p70, p71)  Note: Italian author Renato Vesco, citing Italian sour 1958 #14787  
                   Santiago, Chile Author Hugo Correa founds UFO Chile in S 1959 #15512  
 The witness had been known to the author, Norman Cruttwell, for over eight 7/22/1959 #15871  
ugh Bryan, the father of later UFO author C. D. B. Bryan, makes strong pro- Summer 1962 #17238  
at the CIA researchers are, as one author put it, “a bunch of bumbling sci- 7/1963 #17819  
                  Palm Springs, CA Author of “Behind the Flying Saucers” an 6/23/1964 #18368  
aan, ex-secret service officer and author of the short story “The Fly,” giv 2/1965 #18790  
 for veto. They would stand as the author’s own work without censure. Appro 8/27/1967 #22939  
e deputy chairman. Members include author Alexander Kazantsev, engineer Ark 10/18/1967 #23265  
                   Science-fiction author Otto Binder publishes Flying Sauc 1968 #23625  
         Germany US Russia Italian author Renato Vesco writes Intercettatel 1968 #23626  
                             Swiss author Erich von Däniken writes Erinneru 3/1968 #23798  
                                   Author William Torbitt (a pseudonym for  1970 #25523  
                                   Author Preston Nichols claims he begins  1/1971 #25962  
n Epsilon Boötis Arcturus Scottish author Duncan Lunan claims he has identi 4/1973 #27396  
                  Bermuda Triangle Author Charles Berlitz writes The Bermud 9/1974 #29412  
 Sumerian Nibiru Ancient astronaut author Zecharia Sitchin writes his first 1976 #30744  
     In his book Gods of Aquarius, author Brad Steiger introduces the conce 1976 #30745  
ascade County Great Falls, Montana Author Roberta Donovan publishes Mystery 1976 #30746  
                                   Author Leonard H. Stringfield states a m 8/1978 #33460  
e, England British science fiction author David Langford publishes an alleg 1979 #34254  
the Deputy Director of the CIA and author of the 1974 book The CIA and the  5/1979 #34532  
                     New York City Author and researcher John Keel is inter 7/28/1980 #35427  
                     Pine Bush, NY Author Ellen Crystal was out in an isola 8/8/1980 #35446  
revious evening, around 9:30 p.m., author Ellen Crystal was out in an isola 8/8/1980 #35448  
 boomerang or circle patterns. The author, Glenn Garelik, notes that single 11/1984 #37500  
culars, set out to sight them. The author stated that Prof. Hynek, of North 3/23/1985 #37573  
        On this night best-selling author Whitley Streiber claims he was ab 12/26/1985 #37739  
              On this day in 1986, author Whitley Strieber's young son was  4/2/1986 #37817  
ll is an UFO investigator and book author.                                  12/21/1987 #38369  
 8:45 p.m. in Baca Ranch, Colorado author and UFO investigator Christopher  12/1/1993 #41316  
galiths in England, two friends of author Lucy Pringle became ill with naus 7/9/1996 #42953  
 the San Luis Valley, Colorado the author Christopher O'Brien and his two f 10/26/1996 #43097  
re paid for by Roswell Declaration author Kent Jeffrey, who concludes that  1/10/1997 #43169  
 Mexico Corona Roswell Declaration author and pilot Kent Jeffrey announces  6/1997 #43305  
rsation between George Schmidt and author Nick Cook in Huntsville, AL, stat 8/1997 #43363  
                                   Author Nick Cook claims he interviews fo Late 1990's #43480  
                                   Author Nick Redfern claims a source who  3/11/1998 #43532  
fondies (COMETA) group, collective author of the report, is presided over b 7/16/1999 #43805  
      Poland Polish journalist and author Igor Witkowski publishes Prawda o 2000 #43910  
larized by military journalist and author Nick Cook in The Hunt for Zero Po 2000 #43910  
                                   Author Nick Cook states Hal Puthoff (eve 2002 #44302  
rnational employee Dr. Eric Davis, author of several AATIP products years l 10/16/2002 #44418  
ational Laboratory Roswell British author Nick Redfern publishes Body Snatc 6/2005 #44846  
Bradley Sheldon (a science fiction author using the pseudonym James Tiptree 11/1/2005 #44898  
program (see 19 January 2022). The author, Czysz, created one DIRD for AATI 2/1/2006 #44921  
sponse to the JASON paper from the author of the AAWSAP paper, Robert Baker 10/2008 #45173  
                                   Author Nick Redfern states he calls a re 3/31/2011 #45322  
                                   Author Bryce Zabel tells a story told to 2012 #45336  
report, Douglas H. Smith, the lead author of the March study on Havana Synd 9/1/2018 #45538  
                                   Author Diana Pasulka’s book America Cosm 2/20/2019 #45563  
astrophysicist and science fiction author Travis S. Taylor, sends up three  6/15/2019 #45585  
ated with “near certainty” was the author of the Sedge Masters/Zodiac crash 9/15/2021 #45710  
ngineer Bob Oechsler, according to author Timothy Good, and referred Oechsl 3/16/2022 #45740  
ithout reprisal. As to this point, author Bryan Bender has not revealed who 5/16/2022 #45749  
 a “UK Restricted” minute from the author of Project Condign Ron Haddow, wh 8/12/2022 #45762  
## Word: "authored" (Back to Top)
,’” Technical Report F-TR-2274-1A, authored by Lawrence Truettner and Alber 2/11/1949 #4003  
49/15-100, or “The Grudge Report,” authored by Lt. Howard W. Smith and Geor 8/10/1949 #4315  
avitics for aerospace purposes was authored by Thomas Valone, a former pate 1968 #23633  
n. He claims is was a CIA document authored by Alice Bradley Sheldon (a sci 11/1/2005 #44898  
## Word: "authorities" (Back to Top)
 mayors, a doctor, and three other authorities in addition to the dozens of 6/12/1790 #91  
hurchill answers no. However, some authorities conclude that the incident i 10/14/1912 #864  
eter of about 1–2 inches. Military authorities take over the site. The debr 7/10/1946 #2046  
h Swedish scientists and air force authorities, informs the American naval  1/20/1947 #2232  
mportant aeronautical and military authorities, to a number of public offic 7/8/1947 #2953  
 stated that “if questioned by the authorities he was going to say it was a 8/7/1947 #3306  
n of West Bolton, Vermont notified authorities that he had sighted a "flyin 7/11/1948 #3707  
outh. There were many calls to the authorities reporting sightings of the o 3/11/1950 #4614  
sightings investigated by military authorities. Scores of residents reporte 5/10/1954 #9770  
 refused to report the case to the authorities.                             10/10/1954 #10903  
for an hour, repeatedly asking the authorities to defend the city from Mart 11/22/1954 #11690  
inks. Korean and American military authorities are alerted. Military Police 1/15/1956 #12661  
o, and to determine if Afghanistan authorities were hauling the recovered c 1/24/1956 #12681  
nse forest, completely intact. The authorities state that it looks like it  1961 #16550  
complete investigation by military authorities, however, no evidence of a l 7/17/1961 #16764  
ivilian man. Several people called authorities to report that they had been 2/21/1963 #17676  
n. They report the incident to the authorities, but no one is interested. O 8/9/1964 #18472  
 by the press to be a meteor after authorities discount other proposed expl 12/9/1965 #19762  
s on the scene of the event before authorities have arrived, in response to 12/9/1965 #19762  
y before reporting the incident to authorities. His first-degree burn was t 3/29/1966 #20134  
y before reporting the incident to authorities. His first-degree burn is tr 3/29/1966 #20140  
 dead males and report them to the authorities. The Morro do Vintém is a hi 8/20/1966 #20779  
hat the observation be reported to authorities. The man also promised to re 11/2/1966 #21069  
hat the observation be reported to authorities. The man also promised to re 11/2/1966 #21071  
ined by both Canadian and American authorities; Hynek describes them as som 7/3/1967 #22600  
orted the incident to the military authorities, and as a result Ritter spen 10/24/1967 #23310  
Investigation by American military authorities.                             2/1/1968 #23723  
re coerced into doing so. In fact, authorities in Mendoza quickly made the  9/1/1968 #24422  
oes not report the sighting to any authorities, Scassellati says that a few 9/1970 #25822  
ame object, all calls reaching the authorities within a short span of time. 6/26/1971 #26195  
tes. The event was not reported to authorities.                             7/14/1972 #26799  
urubosco. The object moved slowly. Authorities at Baier Field were notified 9/24/1973 #27864  
as investigated by British or U.S. authorities considering GEC-Marconi was  4/1974 #28984  
ls, 12 miles from Loring. Canadian authorities are not notified.            10/27/1975 #30488  
hen they report what happened, the authorities discount the men’s tale as a 11/5/1975 #30562  
rns south and disappears. Tunisian authorities contact the US State Departm 8/8/1976 #31247  
r below. The pilot asks the Soviet authorities to identify the source, but  9/10/1976 #31372  
unding area. The black object, the authorities contend, is a container fill 1/10/1977 #31715  
earby farm where they notified the authorities.                             1/2/1978 #32847  
 photograph it, but civil aviation authorities prohibit its release. Radar  4/1978 #33111  
ht it was a prank and summoned the authorities. As the police arrived the s 12/15/1978 #34139  
 a UFO sighting is reported to the authorities, an Informing Judge is appoi 1/16/1979 #34348  
which landed in a valley. Military authorities were investigating. (NICAP:  4/19/1979 #34513  
his chin for some hours afterward. Authorities are appointed to investigate 11/9/1979 #34989  
 found on the ground by government authorities. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounte 2/13/1981 #35826  
 found on the ground by government authorities.                             2/13/1981 #35827  
straight up and away. A check with authorities showed there were no schedul 3/30/1981 #35879  
straight up and away. A check with authorities showed there were no schedul 3/30/1981 #35882  
g. Following the incident, British authorities launch a secret investigatio 10/19/1982 #36654  
 30 miles southeast of the island. Authorities notify Prime Minister Tom Ad 4/12/1984 #37258  
 aircraft maneuver. Typically news authorities have been baffled in trying  2/24/1985 #37559  
e incident is covered up by Soviet authorities.                             6/27/1985 #37609  
FOs was openly acknowledged by the authorities. The decision to release the 5/19/1986 #37882  
e. Faint humming. No explanation / authorities.                             12/10/1988 #38750  
 making a faint humming noise. The authorities had no explanation for it.   12/10/1988 #38752  
further, within MoD or with the US authorities.” However, Jenny Randles sus 3/31/1993 #40914  
at NORAD has alerted the Brazilian authorities that it has tracked a large  1/13/1996 #42681  
ess” to information held by public authorities.                             11/30/2000 #44092  
d, Cooper is fatally shot. Federal authorities report that Cooper has spent 11/5/2001 #44272  
unt, but was also brushed aside by authorities. as an infantile hallucinati 8/25/2004 #44742  
lvania airstrip and they are lost. Authorities say the pilots are so cluele 5/11/2005 #44840  
resentatives of civil and military authorities, and representatives of the  7/2005 #44850  
, North Carolina 4:15 p.m. Federal authorities at O’Hare International Airp 11/7/2006 #44981  
f an apparent overdose, but Polish authorities were investigating as mansla 7/16/2016 #45456  
gating as manslaughter and British authorities were investigating as well.  7/16/2016 #45456  
lomats’ medical records with Cuban authorities or to allow Cuban investigat 10/24/2017 #45486  
d three suffer from burns. Russian authorities order the evacuation of the  8/8/2019 #45604  
feet to the west of Stockholm, but authorities do not manage to down any of 1/17/2022 #45734  
## Word: "authority" (Back to Top)
 he sees as a direct threat to FBI authority, even though Donovan has stres 2/10/1945 #1778  
an creates a National Intelligence Authority (State, War, Navy, Chief of St 1/22/1946 #1967  
director of the Twin Falls Housing Authority) and three policemen (Richard  8/19/1947 #3352  
against the USSR, and granting the authority to carry out covert operations 6/18/1948 #3673  
al health, physical condition, and authority are deteriorating. He is convi 11/3/1948 #3866  
cers, never explained by anyone in authority are now definitely known to ha 4/3/1949 #4069  
i, Ohio 1:45 p.m. A Civil Aviation Authority flight engineer observes a “wi 7/1950 #5036  
etter 200-5 gave Project Blue Book authority to cut red tape, contact any A 4/1952 #6003  
RDC could speak to the public with authority and persuasiveness. ARDC brief 12/1958 #15465  
ity system to provide more control authority, while new tethers are investi 9/29/1959 #15999  
investigated by the Civil Aviation Authority.                               1960 #16144  
ecretariat 8, is created under the authority of the Secretary of State and  4/1/1964 #18153  
he Secretary of State and also has authority over UFO reporting.            4/1/1964 #18153  
an City Police Department and Port Authority began seeing the UFOs. Robert  6/20/1969 #25230  
ll to assist personnel at the Port Authority. Looking through his windshiel 6/20/1969 #25230  
and that it seemed to come from an authority figure, a university professor 11/2/1974 #29580  
d of the incident by SAC. Received authority to proceed into Canadian airsp 10/29/1975 #30506  
 Risley, past the UK Atomic Energy Authority site. As he is approaching the 3/17/1978 #33048  
A spokesman for the Civil Aviation Authority denies that any are tracked on 9/1978 #33618  
              New York State Power Authority Indian Point Nuclear Plant Buc 6/14/1984 #37361  
rk 10:15 p.m. New York State Power Authority security police at the Indian  6/14/1984 #37361  
oom Mountain, NV without any legal authority to do so. The area overlooks A 8/7/1984 #37429  
ssiles. The British Civil Aviation Authority concludes that “extensive enqu 4/21/1991 #40046  
ke Joseph Nyman a foundation stone authority figure around whom to rally. T 6/13/1992 #40492  
or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals  1995 #41923  
AF) were “destroyed without proper authority.” Schiff says these raw messag 7/28/1995 #42338  
 nearby aircraft. A Civil Aviation Authority source says the object is trac 2/3/1999 #43721  
ire department of Teramo, the Port Authority of San Benedetto, Italy and to 6/22/2003 #44557  
 reported the case to the Aviation Authority, but they did not believe him. 8/25/2004 #44742  
s Velasco as head. It is under the authority of CNES but reports to a steer 7/2005 #44850  
tion of open civilian governmental authority, being cognizant of this after 2018 #45498  
## Word: "authorization" (Back to Top)
 tells them that ATIC has the sole authorization to carry out UFO investiga 12/19/1951 #5821  
e commander calls the Pentagon for authorization for the pilot to fire on t Spring 1959 #15662  
egime.” The order gives the agency authorization to create an organization  3/17/1960 #16200  
t 20 feet across. Hynek is refused authorization to go visit the site.      4/26/1964 #18209  
nager tells him that two men with “authorization” had come three days after 10/22/1965 #19672  
with it as soon as he gets written authorization from Nixon for all those b 7/23/1970 #25745  
of one plane, whose pilot requests authorization to pursue. He sees a brigh 10/31/1980 #35599  
 National Security Agency as legal authorization for its collection of unen 12/4/1981 #36247  
rt] in Ohio, the airport gives him authorization to investigate a “second s 7/1985 #37613  
 Act, part of the National Defense Authorization Act for 2020, is signed, c 12/20/2019 #45622  
 the 2020–2021 Senate Intelligence Authorization Act, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-F 6/23/2020 #45649  
visions, including an Intelligence Authorization Act for 2021. The latter c 12/27/2020 #45670  
igns into law the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2022. It includ 12/27/2021 #45730  
s directed by the National Defense Authorization Act, which calls on the mi 5/17/2022 #45750  
 the final FY2023 National Defense Authorization Act (H.R. 7776) are publis 12/6/2022 #45785  
ns the 2023 NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) into law, containing  12/23/2022 #45791  
## Word: "authorizations" (Back to Top)
 retrieval program using the legal authorizations that would open the door  6/24/2018 #45531  
## Word: "authorize" (Back to Top)
 an atomic bomb, but is willing to authorize $6,000 (equivalent to $107,000 10/21/1939 #1318  
orney General Herbert Brownell Jr. authorize FBI break-ins to install bugs  5/20/1954 #9820  
## Word: "authorized" (Back to Top)
nd prepare documents requesting an authorized project to investigate UFOs,  8/1947 #3275  
for a statement on the discs so an authorized UFO project can be requested. Late 8/1947 #3369  
ategory, denied to everyone except authorized military personnel.           4/8/1949 #4083  
           Canada Project "Magnet" authorized in Canada                     12/1950 #5302  
ed to discuss sightings only with "authorized personnel." (Note rapid drop- 8/26/1953 #9110  
ngs are only to be discussed with “authorized personnel.” Reports by USAF p 8/26/1953 #9112  
ior officer(s) and other personnel authorized by the Acting Chief of Staff, 1/31/1957 #13479  
he individuals on the program were authorized to release. As a consequence, 1/22/1958 #14838  
gainst Fidel Castro are officially authorized by President Kennedy after be 11/30/1961 #16984  
ps in Nicaragua. This has not been authorized by Congress, and much of the  4/13/1989 #38905  
onal opinion, although he has been authorized by CNES to write the book. It 1993 #40777  
## Word: "authorizes" (Back to Top)
   President Franklin D. Roosevelt authorizes the FBI to conduct electronic 5/21/1940 #1333  
cretary of War Robert P. Patterson authorizes the Corps of Engineers to acq 9/29/1942 #1449  
ad of War Department Intelligence, authorizes three electronic signals inte 6/19/1947 #2343  
Air Defense Command is alerted and authorizes the scramble of two jets from 9/2/1952 #7829  
ancelled. However, in May the USAF authorizes Avro to continue its “flying  2/20/1959 #15596  
 Sancti Spiritus province. Kennedy authorizes the active departments to rep 1/28/1961 #16590  
roviding the new chairman [Miller] authorizes hearings.”                    9/19/1961 #16856  
-71 to become operational. Johnson authorizes A-12’s to deploy to Kadena Ai 5/16/1967 #22354  
00 feet behind the plane. The base authorizes him to intercept it, but when 2/1977 #31772  
                            Reagan authorizes National Security Decision Di 3/11/1983 #36780  
 signed by President Joe Biden. It authorizes the CIA Director and the Secr 10/8/2021 #45715  
## Word: "authorizing" (Back to Top)
mal letter to the RAND Corporation authorizing them to select scientists to 7/21/1948 #3722  
 by Oder issues a letter directive authorizing Project Twinkle. A $20,000 h 3/16/1950 #4655  
fies Kelly Johnson that the CIA is authorizing the delivery of 12 A-12 airc 1/26/1960 #16157  
n with the Center for UFO Studies, authorizing air traffic controllers and  4/1/1975 #29934  
ommunity as a fundamental document authorizing the expansion of data collec 12/4/1981 #36247  
## Word: "authors" (Back to Top)
blished a number of times by later authors, but I could find no corroborati 8/21/1955 #12386  
. Misraki is also one of the first authors to suggest that apparitions may  1962 #17010  
the harm done by irresponsible UFO authors. The meeting ends with a roughed 11/13/1967 #23443  
d-out list of subject sections and authors. Condon reserves writing the sum 11/13/1967 #23443  
olicymakers) has, according to the authors, been subverted by its obsession 6/12/1974 #29180  
type of control.” According to its authors, the majority of analyzed UFO si 5/15/2006 #44942  
traints of distance and speed. The authors argue that the problem is that t 5/6/2008 #45134  
ting advanced technology” that the authors have seen.                       4/25/2013 #45365  
 1, Chasing Shadows is released by authors Tom DeLonge and AJ Hartley. DeLo 4/5/2016 #45449  
ional propulsion systems. The USAF authors also state the Aerospace Corpora 4/2017 #45467  
rs, others remain unexplained. The authors sought to determine the feasibil 2/2/2022 #45737  
 an underlying brain disorder, the authors state that “the combination of t 2/2/2022 #45737  
## Word: "authorship" (Back to Top)
ent throughout America and Europe. Authorship of the article is usually att 8/25/1835 #130  
## Word: "autignac" (Back to Top)
                                   AUTIGNAC, FR Town mayor walking his dog. 3/6/1996 #42807  
is day. At 10:30 p.m. the Mayor of Autignac, France briefly sighted an oran 3/6/1996 #42813  
## Word: "auto" (Back to Top)
; 20:00-20:05 - white obj large as auto at arm's length disappeared (NICAP: 8/6/1949 #4308  
 Utica, striking a building and an auto, killing 4 people, and injuring 5 o 7/2/1954 #9984  
n, New Jersey George Chowanski, an auto mechanic was alerted by the barking 12/30/1957 #14770  
On this night George Chowanski, an auto mechanic living in Drakestown, New  12/30/1957 #14772  
r. Electro-magnetic effect (EME) / auto. Possible telepathy. / Ouranos.     1/22/1961 #16584  
 from President Kennedy (not using auto signature) to DCI states he request 6/28/1961 #16738  
                   WHITE SANDS, NM Auto RADAR tracks UFO on tape. See 15 Ma 5/22/1964 #18290  
ted to have followed persons in an auto for miles until they reached their  3/1/1967 #21712  
aucer / fireball. 7' batman back / auto plant. Cycle malfunctions due to EM 9/27/1972 #27033  
ga, saw near the local Ika-Renault auto plant in Santa Isabel, Cordoba, Arg 9/27/1972 #27036  
o the sky from the vicinity of the auto plant.                              9/27/1972 #27036  
 IND Orange and green ball hovers. Auto engines electro-magnetic effect (EM 10/20/1974 #29545  
bunch of moons" clusters and paces auto. See Carlyle / NY.                  1/1975 (approximate) #29681  
pproximately 1000 yards over their auto. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, (NIC 8/18/1976 #31278  
he object moves away when a second auto approaches from the opposite direct 2/22/1977 #31839  
d 2 days ahead / death of 2 sons / auto wreck! .                            10/20/1977 #32592  
    On the evening of this date an auto mechanic observing a UFO through bi 3/18/1978 #33056  
r low above trees and hovered near auto causing its motor and radio to stop 12/16/1978 #34149  
top. As it hovered in front of the auto three red lights were seen and a la 12/16/1978 #34149  
s mother. Representatives from the auto division of the RCMP confirm the tr 11/29/1980 #35683  
riangle/box-like craft hovers near auto auction / hours. Vanishes.          1/3/1991 #39945  
NA 737 in near collision / saucer. Auto. RADAR system makes turn. Big news. 3/14/1994 #41455  
## Word: "auto-" (Back to Top)
ory thinks the flashes are merely “auto- suggestion.”                       10/1913 #892  
## Word: "auto-photograph" (Back to Top)
AGO DE COTE, C.RICA Mapping plane. Auto-photograph clear shot / saucer. 1 e 9/4/1971 #26313  
## Word: "auto-pilot" (Back to Top)
 thought at first that perhaps the auto-pilot had gone off course and it wa 2/8/1951 #5434  
. The pilot quickly disengaged the auto-pilot and stood by to push the nose 2/8/1951 #5434  
## Word: "auto-sized" (Back to Top)
                 Sinuiju, N. Korea Auto-Sized Cylinder Tries To Intercept B 2/24/1952 #5928  
## Word: "auto-starts" (Back to Top)
s) move / 4 windows. 6 legs. Truck auto-starts.                             7/3/1996 #42944  
## Word: "auto-tires" (Back to Top)
UR, TX 15 observer(s). 3+3+3 white auto-tires going west / 3 formations slo 8/27/1952 #7749  
## Word: "auto=we" (Back to Top)
itor%2F1571426976078-conquest2.jpg?auto=we   https://www.sunrisepage.com/uf 11/20/1955 #12580  
## Word: "autobahn" (Back to Top)
 is bivouacked on a hill along the Autobahn between Mannheim and Darmstadt, 3/25/1945 #1827  
                                   AUTOBAHN 5 NNE / BADEN-BADEN 2 / car. Ca 10/14/1987 #38302  
## Word: "autobiography" (Back to Top)
AF Gen. Curtis LeMay writes in his autobiography that some UFOs are not exp 1965 #18681  
7), it is worth noting that in his autobiography Penetration, Swann claims  3/31/1995 #42130  
## Word: "autoimmune" (Back to Top)
oy, attribute her hair loss to the autoimmune disease alopecia areata, that 12/29/1980 #35757  
d with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease of the thyroid.       9/2009 #45241  
## Word: "automated" (Back to Top)
 is deactivated with the advent of automated Army (Missile Master) and Air  1/31/1959 #15572  
ency. It includes Tractor, a large automated tape cartridge library. An NSA 1/1962 #17015  
UFO activity, the Operation ARGUS (Automated Ring-up on Geolocated UFO Sigh 1964 #18102  
embedded SMART (Systems Management Automated Reasoning Tools) chips, code-n 1982 #36286  
 missiles spontaneously go into an automated launch sequence by themselves, 10/4/1982 #36634  
 the other two something about the automated coat hanger making machine. Th 8/11/1995 #42376  
## Word: "automatic" (Back to Top)
lop begins investigating a case of automatic writing by Sarah Harper Cleave 8/1895 #319  
tes them into French, popularizing automatic writing.                       1900 #639  
iver in Yreka, California, through automatic writing and mental dictations  1905 #673  
d drones that are then loaded with automatic cameras, radiation detectors,  7/1/1946 #2024  
 the 1882 book Oahspe, produced by automatic writing by John Ballou Newbrou 9/1953 #9131  
s been channeling entities through automatic writing. One introduces himsel 4/1954 #9658  
:45 a.m. she receives a message by automatic writing saying that the God of 12/20/1954 #11849  
956; Lemmon, S.D. Railroad phones, automatic block system "mysteriously dea 11/16/1956 #13332  
 Dakota Morning. Telephones and an automatic railroad block mechanism in Le 11/16/1956 #13333  
t engine’s magneto (or generator), automatic direction finder, and the radi 11/4/1957 #14283  
r was a 1954 Dodge Coronet without automatic transmission. The witness spen 12/8/1957 #14690  
ces Swan. Larsen tries his hand at automatic writing and channels a message 7/5/1959 #15817  
                Uberlandia, Brazil Automatic keys at power station turned o 8/17/1959 #15922  
erlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil The automatic keys at the power station in U 8/17/1959 #15923  
nish light, the object affects the automatic direction finder and the radio 3/18/1965 #18864  
 at the same time that the plane's automatic direction finder malfunctioned 3/18/1965 #18865  
ter." Townsend said his car had an automatic transmission and he had placed 10/23/1965 #19679  
ng the last. The incident included automatic writing, speaking in strange t 1/25/1967 #21389  
oking coverall. Andrade points his automatic weapon at the creature, but a  9/4/1967 #22997  
e south coast and fires at it with automatic weapons.                       Early 1968 #23635  
 bottom of the aircraft and taking automatic photos with an intervalometer. 9/4/1971 #26317  
er train) behind them. The train’s automatic blocking system is showing a r 10/20/1973 #28216  
n operator manually overriding the automatic emergency cooling system of th 3/28/1979 #34493  
nd ground RADAR. 5 objects / line. Automatic Direction Finder (ADF) and com 5/26/1979 #34583  
pen the door, Turner grabs his .32 automatic pistol and fires 8 rounds at i 8/29/1979 #34803  
 the ball disappears behind trees. Automatic recorders on the locomotive an 2/1985 #37552  
flight, including landing in fully automatic mode.                          11/15/1988 #38715  
nstruments go crazy, including his automatic direction finder, which drifts 6/8/1991 #40092  
e a train and then a sound like an automatic door closing. She woke up two  1/27/1993 #40816  
 seeing electronic instruments and automatic rifles inside the van.         3/16/1993 #40885  
good pictures with a Vivitar fully automatic 35 mm camera with a standard l 8/31/1994 #41707  
## Word: "automatic-writing" (Back to Top)
 This evening, in the course of an automatic-writing experiment using a sor 8/2/1952 #7424  
## Word: "automatically" (Back to Top)
notices her. Its helmet flips over automatically, and it drifts inside the  Late 8/1944 #1647  
t is moving too fast to be tracked automatically. The object seems to be fo 9/10/1951 #5660  
O Sightings) computer kicks in and automatically telephones all volunteers  1964 #18102  
November 9). Radarscope photos are automatically classified. However, it do 9/19/1966 #20898  
listic trajectories are thrown out automatically by system computers. No me 3/28/1967 #22005  
 arms and he began to "trace signs automatically." He believed that they ha 6/20/1968 #24056  
ial camera on the patrol car which automatically took 3 pictures of the UFO 8/13/1975 #30257  
and. They turned back, and the car automatically turned onto a road leading 10/27/1975 #30489  
it, causing the pumping station to automatically shut down. It lands and re 11/9/1978 #33939  
e ladder withdrew inside, the door automatically closed once the beings wer 7/4/1989 #39009  
958, which establishes a system to automatically declassify information mor 4/14/1995 #42150  
noises and the car radio turned on automatically, scanning through numerous 2/13/2003 #44490  
tterns of ship-borne radars, which automatically tracked its progress. This 4/18/2003 #44516  
kuma, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, automatically shut down their sustained  3/11/2011 #45318  
on every SAP. A president does not automatically have a need to know. Moreo 2018 #45498  
## Word: "automaton" (Back to Top)
ful.” He was moving around like an automaton. He looked out the window and  8/10/1976 #31252  
## Word: "automedon" (Back to Top)
 confirmed. Country: France Name: “Automedon” Yield: 5KT                    4/25/1983 #36844  
## Word: "autometrics" (Back to Top)
probably Everitt L. Merritt of the Autometrics Division of the Raytheon Com 5/5/1967 #22275  
## Word: "automobile" (Back to Top)
the world’s first practical modern automobile and was the first car put int 1885 #262  
ced about it, paced in front of an automobile being driven by a man named J 3/23/1905 #675  
            The Ford Model T is an automobile that was produced by the Ford 10/1/1908 #718  
y regarded as the first affordable automobile, which made car travel availa 10/1/1908 #718  
      Auburn, California 2:30 p.m. Automobile dealer Kjell Qvale and dozens 7/5/1947 #2724  
mately 50-75 yards in front of his automobile. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounter 3/4/1950 #4578  
nd one. The first one resembles an automobile headlight. The appearance of  8/5/1952 #7468  
esuming his walk toward his parked automobile. He next heard a blood curlin 4/10/1954 #9681  
s oval object twice the size of an automobile hovering just above the groun 12/9/1960 #16530  
r, MT Egg-shaped object size of an automobile land about 150 [125?] ft away 4/30/1964 #18226  
, egg-shaped object the size of an automobile land about 150 feet away, the 4/30/1964 #18232  
eeing a silver disc the size of an automobile take off from the area.       6/2/1964 #18322  
 it was three times bigger than an automobile, very bright, and moving fast 1/30/1965 #18786  
gton, Wiltshire, England a phantom automobile, shaped like a Land Rover but 12/8/1965 #19759  
                 In 1965 a phantom automobile was seen in the Cotswold Hill 12/15/1965 #19771  
netic effects that interfered with automobile ignitions, lights, and radio  3/30/1966 #20166  
-shaped object the size of a large automobile with 3 red-green-white lights 4/22/1966 #20375  
out the size of their 1955 Lincoln automobile, and flashing its lights as b 4/23/1966 #20390  
 girl. It was about the size of an automobile and bright silver in color, w 12/13/1966 #21200  
burst of speed that Demler and his automobile seem to be pulled to it. The  4/5/1967 #22066  
 on an object about the size of an automobile. The object appeared to make  9/11/1967 #23040  
r even shows a UFO carrying off an automobile.                              Early 5/1968 #23939  
em. They took off in fear in their automobile, but when they looked again f 5/5/1968 #23946  
ws intensely and speeds toward the automobile from the rear. Panicking, the 9/10/1968 #24449  
ncis" and "Wells", were driving by automobile along a highway when they had 2/10/1969 #24909  
as football shaped, the size of an automobile, with a bright "nickel plated 9/22/1972 #27026  
y the engine began to fail and the automobile was "shaking like a leaf" in  3/17/1974 #28898  
 object, about the size of a small automobile, was shaped like a saucer wit 10/10/1974 #29510  
 away from two witnesses and their automobile, car engine died. See clippin 10/20/1974 #29547  
colored, about the size of a large automobile, and had a set of small trian 10/28/1976 #31503  
ord, Staffordshire, UK 2:25 AM. An automobile club patrolman sighted a lumi 2/4/1977 #31788  
rdshire, England - At 2:25 a.m. an automobile club patrolman sighted a lumi 2/4/1977 #31791  
ped form of blue light engulfed an automobile being driven by a 28-year-old 9/20/1979 #34908  
red on the D136 highway between an automobile and a sixmeter wide disc on t 9/23/1979 #34916  
red on the D136 highway between an automobile and a six-meter wide disc on  9/23/1979 #34918  
lights are as bright as a “halogen automobile headlight at 50 feet.” They s 8/12/1981 #36070  
ht of it. However, they came to an automobile that was stopped by the side  7/31/1987 #38221  
. The disc is about the size of an automobile, around 5 feet tall, and comp 1/19/1988 #38416  
 The disc was about the size of an automobile and about five feet tall. It  1/19/1988 #38417  
o the sky. The officer saw another automobile nearby; inside was another wi 12/4/1988 #38745  
hovered, then appeared to pace his automobile. It appeared to change shape. 4/18/1990 #39536  
within 50 feet of the front of the automobile.                              4/28/1994 #41509  
the EMBLA team are consistent with automobile headlights.                   8/5/2002 #44374  
he must have been the victim of an automobile hit and run, but to his disma 9/21/2007 #45066  
## Word: "automobile's" (Back to Top)
object. When directly overhead the automobile's electrical system failed, a 9/28/1988 #38655  
## Word: "automobiles" (Back to Top)
ell-shaped object ascending. Three automobiles in the vicinity experienced  12/1943 #1547  
            Coulee City (near), WA Automobiles stalled, headlights flickere 12/8/1957 #14689  
 reported as as low as 40' and two automobiles had their hoods up, indicati 3/1/1967 #21712  
re were burn marks on one of their automobiles.                             6/4/1972 #26701  
 reported loss of power from their automobiles after sighting UFOs. These r 4/15/1974 #29028  
 de la Jara, Seville, Spain, as 20 automobiles stop on the highway to watch 8/15/1976 #31270  
rea near the highway. At least 4-5 automobiles, and two tractor-trailers ha 10/3/1996 #43051  
## Word: "automotive" (Back to Top)
em to transform themselves into an automotive vehicle. After the encounter, 3/16/1993 #40885  
## Word: "autonetics" (Back to Top)
lls states contractors at Rockwell Autonetics Division, Space Data Corp, or 1984 #37098  
## Word: "autonomous" (Back to Top)
 be in our neighborhood through an autonomous interstellar space probe (now 5/28/1960 #16303  
hye gas field Nadym, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Russia During the flig 1/1978 #32836  
gas field and Nadym, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Russia, the crew notic 1/1978 #32836  
                      Lancang Lahu Autonomous County southern Yunnan, China 1986 #37743  
 dangerous terrain in Lancang Lahu Autonomous County in southern Yunnan, Ch 1986 #37743  
                  Ürümqi, Xinjiang Autonomous Province, China 11:13 p.m. To 9/6/1989 #39092  
uwei, a worker in Ürümqi, Xinjiang Autonomous Province, China, sees a dark  9/6/1989 #39092  
 Anadyr’ River Ust-Belaya Chukotka Autonomous Okrug Russia The crew of a Ru Summer 1990 #39620  
yr’ River off Ust-Belaya, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Russia, sees a perfect Summer 1990 #39620  
        Zhenyuan Yi, Hani and Lahu Autonomous County, southern Yunnan, Chin 11/2006 #44979  
lage in Zhenyuan Yi, Hani and Lahu Autonomous County, southern Yunnan, Chin 11/2006 #44979  
ly controlled by a human operator. Autonomous systems are far more resilien 7/24/2019 #45598  
## Word: "autonomy" (Back to Top)
ces to provide the air arm greater autonomy.                                6/20/1941 #1364  
## Word: "autopilot" (Back to Top)
NLND B36 crew paced. RADAR jammed. Autopilot malfunctions due to EME (elect 9/18/1951 #5674  
ll visible at 11:50 p.m., the B-36 autopilot and APQ-24 radar set malfuncti 9/18/1951 #5678  
E, NY United Airlines (UAL) DC10 / autopilot veers left! 30M fireball near. 3/12/1977 #31899  
e object had strong effects on the autopilot and the three compasses. (Refe 3/12/1977 #31900  
was then that the FO uncoupled the autopilot and flew the airplane manually 3/12/1977 #31901  
shan, Guizhou Province, China. The autopilot radar system made a turn to av 3/14/1994 #41457  
 of 4,000 feet and are cruising on autopilot about 10 miles south of the Is 4/23/2007 #45022  
## Word: "autopilots" (Back to Top)
Marshall Islands. Radio-controlled autopilots are installed in eight B-17 b 7/1/1946 #2024  
## Word: "autopsies" (Back to Top)
le).  He claims he heard rumors of autopsies of “midget people” at Los Alam 1949 #3947  
olloman are also mentioned, as are autopsies of recovered occupants that fa 1952 #5845  
 new rumor that mentions Hynek saw autopsies, they say it is disinformation 2/26/1994 #41428  
and Conradín Metz begin performing autopsies. Lab workers are prevented fro 1/23/1996 #42709  
 from Walter Reed Hospital showing autopsies of UAP occupants with scaly sk 1/13/1997 #43171  
androgynous-looking men and women. Autopsies establish that each had drunk  3/26/1997 #43240  
## Word: "autopsy" (Back to Top)
UK), propaganda, and even an alien autopsy.                                 1948 #3523  
cals that cannot be detected in an autopsy. It also supplies delivery metho 11/19/1953 #9310  
y was sent to the Soviet Union. An autopsy allegedly revealed a different s 1/21/1959 #15560  
digits on their hands and feet. An autopsy was conducted on one of the dead 1/21/1959 #15560  
gan, he was put on it and received autopsy reports of what seemed like extr 1961 #16553  
 on the upper part of the face. An autopsy failed to disclose the cause of  8/20/1966 #20778  
 on the upper part of the face. An autopsy failed to disclose the cause of  8/20/1966 #20782  
nd inside, which was delivered for autopsy to the scientific research insti 12/6/1978 #34064  
nd inside, which was delivered for autopsy to the scientific research insti 12/6/1978 #34066  
 to photograph a flying saucer and autopsy of three dead ET; Mike was boost 1/1989 #38772  
ied to give him a fake photo of an autopsy.  https://ufos-scientificresearc 2/26/1994 #41428  
asts for the first time the “alien autopsy film,” a 17-minute black-and-whi 8/28/1995 #42425  
ng a secret medical examination of autopsy of an alien by the US military.  8/28/1995 #42425  
n Frakes, is given the title Alien Autopsy: Fact or Fiction. The film is br 8/28/1995 #42425  
ntilli presents it as an authentic autopsy on the body of an alien recovere 8/28/1995 #42425  
 original filmstrip of the alleged autopsy has never been independently ver 8/28/1995 #42425  
dly. Chereze dies at 11:00 a.m. An autopsy confirms septicemia caused by a  2/15/1996 #42764  
 March 1969 that involved an alien autopsy.                                 9/13/1998 #43644  
4 that years earlier he saw “alien autopsy” materials when he was the first 3/5/2002 #44323  
 of the CIA. Flickinger claims the autopsy materials were real, something G 3/5/2002 #44323  
at claimed to be “tissues” from an autopsy of an alien with two documents,  2011 #45310  
## Word: "autoroute" (Back to Top)
 VAUD, SWZ Classic saucer lands by autoroute! CE-3. No further details [in] 10/11/1977 #32566  
## Word: "autos" (Back to Top)
7 near Savannah Georgia. A line of autos slowed down to observed the humano 10/18/1973 #28175  
## Word: "autostrada" (Back to Top)
ing Road around Bucharest, Romania Autostrada Soarelui 4:36 p.m. Two witnes 11/8/2013 #45394  
st, Romania, near the exit for the Autostrada Soarelui. They see a light-br 11/8/2013 #45394  
## Word: "autumn" (Back to Top)
 di Informazione Ufologica through autumn 2017.                             6/1986 #37903  
oble, France. It continues through autumn 2000.                             9/1997 #43392  
## Word: "aux" (Back to Top)
el Bougard, Des Soucoupes Volantes aux OVNI, 1977.) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Case Late 6/1942 #1421  
             60 MI SSE / GD.BAHAMA AUX.AFB RADAR blip circles 2X and figure 3/10/1959 #15632  
                            POINTE AUX OIES, FR Several / N40. Big metallic 9/1962 (approximate) #17376  
## Word: "auxey-duresses" (Back to Top)
                                   AUXEY-DURESSES, FR Several observer(s).  4/11/1992 #40412  
## Word: "auxiliary" (Back to Top)
                             Naval Auxiliary Air Station [now Northeastern  2/11/1953 #8664  
, Virginia 10:00 p.m. At the Naval Auxiliary Air Station [now Northeastern  2/11/1953 #8664  
mbled in an F9F Panther from Naval Auxiliary Air Station Edenton, NC to int 2/19/1953 #8686  
g dome on top swept low over Naval Auxiliary Air Station, slowed over area  7/10/1962 #17270  
an The crew of the Argentine Naval auxiliary transport, ARA Punta Médanos,  11/12/1963 #18035  
 When the pilot tries to switch to auxiliary power, it too is not functioni 4/20/1964 #18180  
is claims that he has made all the auxiliary footage, including that of the 8/28/1995 #42425  
          Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field [now Creech AFB] Clark C Late 9/2002 #44405  
nt at the Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field [now Creech AFB] in Clar Late 9/2002 #44405  
in Nevada Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field Creech Air Force Base in 10/2005 #44882  
merly the Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field, activates the Joint Unm 10/2005 #44882  
ed sensors, collateral sensors and auxiliary sensors. Additionally sensors  6/23/2019 #45587  
## Word: "auxonne" (Back to Top)
                                   AUXONNE, FR 2 observer(s). Luminous/glow 5/30/1992 #40475  
## Word: "auyan" (Back to Top)
                                   AUYAN TEPUI MOUNTAIN, VNZ Light plane /  9/19/1965 #19581  
## Word: "auyán-tepui" (Back to Top)
            Angel Falls, Venezuela Auyán-tepui plateau Ali R. Diaz is aboar 12/21/1962 #17601  
d object rising across the face of Auyán-tepui plateau. The UFO seems to os 12/21/1962 #17601  
## Word: "auzay" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR AUZAY, FR Red ovoid going down / jumps.  8/2/1974 (approximate) #29302  
und in a clearing in some woods in Auzay, Vendee department, France. The UF 8/2/1974 #29303  
## Word: "auzebosc" (Back to Top)
                                   AUZEBOSC, FR 3 observer(s). 20M fireball 6/30/1980 #35395  
## Word: "auβergewöhnlicher" (Back to Top)
er found Centrale Erforschungsnetz Auβergewöhnlicher Phänomene [later Himme 3/1976 #30912  
## Word: "av" (Back to Top)
                 NEAR CHARTRES, FR AV.mechanic. Cafe parasol follows car! B 11/1955 #12535  
                 BRICY AIRPORT, FR AV.Maint.crew. Huge dark mass. Vee-front 11/5/1990 #39845  
## Word: "avafors" (Back to Top)
       NORTH ATLANTIC Steamship MV Avafors / location unknown. Night light  3/31/1960 #16209  
## Word: "avail" (Back to Top)
break the weird strings were to no avail. They seemingly could not be broke 11/18/1961 #16964  
o catch their attention, but to no avail.                                   1/5/1966 #19806  
pted to wake up his wife but to no avail. He also attempted to get his brot 11/28/1967 #23517  
 flash the car lights at it, to no avail. They look away briefly and do not 8/24/1978 #33564  
ies trying to see the object to no avail. Radar indicated all was normal, s 12/16/1978 #34144  
ed to chase the UFO on foot, to no avail.                                   6/24/1995 #42271  
## Word: "available" (Back to Top)
 automobile, which made car travel available to middle-class Americans. The 10/1/1908 #718  
 funding for an atomic bomb is now available in amounts undreamed of the ye 12/18/1941 #1379  
sis worsens, little information is available about what is causing the symp 12/2/1943 #1549  
[in the war’s aftermath], anything available had to serve.” Adamski builds  1944 #1560  
ying that infrared devices are now available to take photographs of “balls  4/17/1945 #1847  
 and, if possible, would place all available reports before them.” However, 8/19/1946 #2145  
as been carried out with the means available, and seven months after the fi 12/23/1946 #2213  
“all discs recovered would be made available for the examination by the FBI 7/29/1947 #3253  
t sufficient evidence or testimony available to this headquarters to conclu 8/8/1947 #3307  
mbles in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The available documentation does not show th 8/9/1947 #3308  
ype unknown. No further details in available sources.                       5/28/1948 #3658  
d 1,537 pages (some illegible) are available on the Blue Book microfilm. It 2/11/1949 #4003  
ite and conclusive evidence is yet available that would prove or disprove t 2/11/1949 #4003  
hat the film is classified and not available.                               Spring 1950 #4691  
 disk lands. No further details in available sources.                       11/1952 #8225  
entists to review and appraise the available evidence in the light of perti 12/4/1952 #8376  
UFO reports. No further details in available sources.                       12/6/1952 #8383  
 Outer Space were cleared and made available to him from Air Technical Inte 1/26/1953 #8574  
 inexplicable within the resources available to the RAAF.”                  4/1954 #9657  
 that December 20 will be the last available date for evacuation, as a grea 8/20/1954 #10156  
y more sophisticated than anything available at the time from a secret rese 6/10/1955 #12192  
ecial Report No. 14” on UAP is not available to the public despite it being 7/5/1956 #12953  
it replies “the full report…is not available for widespread distribution be 7/5/1956 #12953  
 clapped into security and are not available to the general public.”        1/11/1959 #15544  
owerful than the best commercially available machine by a factor of 50–200, 1/1962 #17015  
ell as “the best scientific brains available in the laboratories of all gov 5/25/1962 #17201  
ing delay, copies are not actually available until late June. Copies are se 5/1964 #18237  
 student R. Pittman not clear from available data.  One 40' black, oval obj 4/4/1965 #18894  
ly / 20 min. No further details in available sources.                       6/2/1965 #18981  
           Portsmouth, NH Time not available. A reporter and his family saw 3/13/1966 #19956  
hotos taken. No further details in available sources.                       3/30/1966 #20145  
ere is already a sanitized version available to the public.                 8/15/1966 #20748  
 reported to the Department of Air available to the public. DPR hopes the s 8/16/1966 #20756  
 object, but the film was not made available for study. (NICAP report form. 8/24/1966 #20799  
ky watcher. He made the two photos available to the press. Later found to b 2/1967 #21426  
pabilities. NPIC personnel will be available to perform work of a “photogra 2/20/1967 #21607  
M Photograph. No other information available at this time. (NICAP: 08 - Pho 3/27/1967 #22000  
py of this photograph was not made available, and the photographer's intent 9/2/1967 #22985  
N C1 reported by Baird. No details available. (MUFON Skylook 8, 6) (NICAP:  5/31/1969 #25172  
metallic sound. By the faint light available he saw a ramp come snaking out 8/15/1970 #25787  
d at 5:30 a.m., but no details are available. Later that same day Miss Lind 9/25/1971 #26380  
ell to Vincennes." No figures were available on apparent size, speed or hei 10/9/1972 #27062  
bert Baez, although no details are available.                               11/14/1973 #28421  
s / 2 hours. No further details in available sources.                       9/15/1974 #29456  
ice and sat at the last free chair available at a 12-person table. He ackno 7/12/1975 #30175  
it. No report or analysis has been available from the AF to date.           8/13/1975 #30257  
 numerous attempts by radio on all available communications bands, civilian 10/27/1975 #30487  
, I would make these kinds of data available to the public, as President, t 3/31/1976 #30970  
       The National Archives makes available the 94 reels of 35mm microfilm 7/12/1976 #31160  
a. It concludes that “based on the available data, it is unfeasible to sati 9/20/1977 #32499  
writes to Frosch, offering to make available physical evidence “such as fil 12/30/1977 #32820  
search and made a copy of the film available for analysis. The UFO image me 8/10/1989 #39054  
tary jets chase domed saucer to no available. Rises into stars.             4/5/1990 #39510  
owever, a detailed analysis of the available evidence confirms that there i 11/6/1991 #40220  
be declassified and made generally available.” He cautions against jumping  1995 #41923  
ss overhead. No further details in available sources.                       8/4/1995 #42356  
ype unknown. No further details in available sources.                       11/6/1995 #42583  
develops its plans with DOE and is available on “extreme” short notice.  ht 1996 #42659  
g southwest. No further details in available sources.                       2/11/1996 #42757  
oung girls. No further details are available.                               11/3/1996 #43104  
 charged with deciding whether the available physical evidence can produce  9/29/1997 #43420  
ional Archives inadvertently makes available at the Archives II facility in Early 3/1998 #43528  
ulsion methods. Little is publicly available about ADST but Eric Davis stat 2001 #44112  
eply is: “A limited search through available titles has identified a number 1/25/2001 #44131  
brary and Archives Canada and made available online. It releases a virtual  2005 #44802  
yze chronic conditions. A publicly available document states Green conducte 2005 #44805  
abductees. However, funding is not available for the analysis needed to rea 2006 #44916  
ganization will make its UFO files available to the public worldwide and pl 1/2006 #44917  
if recovered UAP vehicles would be available for technological research out 7/7/2007 #45037  
 reports coming into the institute available to the organization’s field in 2008 #45107  
 including a failure to review all available peer-reviewed literature. When 10/2008 #45173  
tes have a duty to make public and available to all scientific data on UFOs 6/14/2010 #45285  
 there is no congressional funding available for 2011. One of its most sign 9/30/2010 #45300  
ves The UK National Archives makes available its first batch of Ministry of 8/2011 #45331  
are released to the public and are available at the National Archives in Br 4/18/2013 #45364  
the most advanced targeting system available (the Sniper pod), the F-15s ar 10/25/2017 #45487  
n. Other scientists state that the available evidence is insufficient to co 10/26/2018 #45541  
ing Saucers is released. The film, available on Netflix beginning in June 2 12/4/2018 #45550  
ntly longer than what commercially available drones can typically sustain.  7/14/2019 #45592  
t will ultimately make them widely available, headed by CUFOS board member  11/2020 #45664  
ata is provided. (The full report, available only to those with proper secu 6/25/2021 #45694  
## Word: "avalanche" (Back to Top)
ech Lubbock, Texas Lubbock Morning Avalanche Life Lubbock Lights Dr. Ducker 8/30/1951 #5638  
nd takes it to the Lubbock Morning Avalanche, which puts them out on the As 8/30/1951 #5638  
## Word: "avalanche-journal" (Back to Top)
 rose up from the ground. (Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, Texas, 8/10/67; NICAP 2/6/1967 #21466  
## Word: "avalon" (Back to Top)
                                   AVALON, CA Hundreds / HIQ. observer(s).  7/8/1947 #2980  
                       SOUTHEAST / AVALON / SOUTH CATALINA I, CA Strange su 7/28/1962 #17293  
              6 miles southeast of Avalon, Santa Catalina Island, Californi 7/28/1962 #17295  
 fishing boat 6 miles southeast of Avalon, Santa Catalina Island, Californi 7/28/1962 #17295  
 was seen at dawn off the coast of Avalon, California. It made no noise and 7/28/1962 #17296  
                   TULLAMARINE AND AVALON AIR FORCE BASE, AUSTRALIA Several 7/23/1973 #27647  
## Word: "avalonlibrary" (Back to Top)
arth in a repeated cycle.  https://avalonlibrary.net/?dir=ebooks/Valdemar%2 1/1991 #39944  
=KDQWmAvk9VSQ_KaF3MPfv0Q   https://avalonlibrary.net/CHANIProject/2011%20Vo 7/2011 #45330  
## Word: "avance" (Back to Top)
elasco coauthors OVNIs: La science avance, with journalist Jean-Claude Bour 1993 #40777  
## Word: "avanne" (Back to Top)
                                   AVANNE, FR 5 observer(s). Strange glow.  10/17/1954 #11168  
## Word: "avant-garde" (Back to Top)
pement pour l’Étude des Sciences d’Avant-Garde in Bruges, Belgium. It publi 1965 #18685  
pement pour l’Étude des Sciences d’Avant-Garde in Bruges. It publishes SVL  1979 #34255  
## Word: "avb" (Back to Top)
      SOUTH FRANCISCO / SALES, BRZ Avb. Blazing disc? plays tag 20x / farm  10/14/1957 #14106  
      SOUTH FRANCISCO / SALES, BRZ Avb abduction. Small humanoids (or Greys 10/16/1957 #14123  
## Word: "avco" (Back to Top)
LE, IN 30+. Sphere over restricted Avco facility. Lands 30 min. / r88p8.    10/11/1973 #27986  
ng Co. saw a round object over the AVCO test area. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encou 10/15/1973 #28053  
## Word: "ave" (Back to Top)
      SALT LAKE CITY, UT 2 / 10 th Ave. 2 metallic 'exclamation marks' goin 6/25/1947 #2408  
            ST. PAUL, MN 1 / grand Ave. 8cm disk! Low and slow. Glows. Goin 7/4/1947 #2636  
RE, MD Melvin Kearney / 122 Warner Ave. 8 orange disks or balls going east. 7/7/1947 #2844  
her witness, driving near Humphrey Ave., saw the object as it rose over Sou 2/3/1965 #18795  
ino section, Pedro Riera, of Avila Ave., was awakened by the shaking of his 8/7/1967 #22839  
let shape going northwest up Grant Ave. / 90M altitude. / r231.             3/4/1973 #27330  
ylindrical object over Belle Meade Ave. / News-Free Press 19.9.73.          9/19/1973 #27832  
CA UFO going south 150' over Almar Ave near lighthouse. Turns going west. T 10/16/1973 #28074  
t was located at 906-E Bob Wallace Ave., Huntsville, AL 35801.  An archived 3/2004 #44671  
## Word: "avebury" (Back to Top)
                                   AVEBURY, WILTS Huge silent glow / sky sh 7/13/1988 #38600  
 formation was found in a field in Avebury, England on this day.            8/11/1994 #41669  
## Word: "aveiro" (Back to Top)
                                   AVEIRO AND ROMAO DO CORONADO, PORTUGAL F 3/1975 #29858  
 / both towns. Night lights back / Aveiro / 7 Aug. '75.                     3/1975 #29858  
                                   AVEIRO, PORTUGAL Cylinder 4km over town  10/10/1976 #31457  
## Word: "aveley" (Back to Top)
                                   AVELEY, ESSEX Car malfunctions due to EM 10/27/1974 #29558  
                                   Aveley, UK Abduction case (Reference 1,  10/27/1974 #29559  
                                   Aveley, UK Abduction case                10/27/1974 #29560  
 oval-shaped object paced a car in Aveley, Essex, England at 9:50 p.m. John 10/27/1974 #29561  
## Word: "aveling" (Back to Top)
d, disappearing straight up. R. O. Aveling, an official of the Seventh-Day  10/8/1957 #14078  
## Word: "avelino" (Back to Top)
en dropped into the sea. Fisherman Avelino Severiano Generosa, age 46, his  6/18/1974 #29212  
vanelli, were walking from Sturno, Avelino, Italy to Frigento when they saw 8/30/1977 #32441  
## Word: "avellaneda" (Back to Top)
a man who drove up to his house in Avellaneda, Buenos Aires, Argentina in a 6/20/1968 #24056  
## Word: "avellino" (Back to Top)
                                   AVELLINO, ITL Several observer(s). Sauce 10/22/1954 #11310  
                   Sturno Frigento Avellino, Italy 12:30–3:15 a.m. A total  8/31/1977 #32445  
 road between Sturno and Frigento, Avellino, Italy. Near the object is an e 8/31/1977 #32445  
                                   Avellino, Italy A police trooper took a  12/11/1978 #34089  
this afternoon a police trooper in Avellino, Italy took a photograph of a r 12/11/1978 #34092  
        Prata di Principato Ultra, Avellino, Italy 7:40 a.m. Giuseppe Cocoz 10/8/1984 #37480  
ld near Prata di Principato Ultra, Avellino, Italy, to get some fodder for  10/8/1984 #37480  
                              NEAR AVELLINO, ITL 2 observer(s). Bright red  8/10/1996 #42975  
 sighted moving low over a farm in Avellino, Campania, Italy. A circle of d 8/10/1996 #42977  
## Word: "avenger" (Back to Top)
ing flight (Flight 19) of five TBM Avenger torpedo bombers disappears while 12/5/1945 #1950  
e end of the incident. None of the Avenger bombers have been found.         12/5/1945 #1950  
ilot lieutenant commander in a TBM Avenger chases a white, dome-shaped obje 1/21/1952 #5871  
 Charles Taylor of the missing TBM Avenger bombers in December 1945 contain 9/1974 #29412  
## Word: "avengers" (Back to Top)
Flight 19, a formation of five TBM avengers became disoriented while flying 12/5/1945 #1951  
## Word: "avenida" (Back to Top)
       Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil Avenida Julio Mesqita 3:00 p.m. Hélio Pe 9/1957 #13966  
serve a UFO over a hospital on the Avenida Julio Mesqita, where the object  9/1957 #13966  
                                   Avenida da Saudade in Lins, São Paulo, B 10/2/1968 #24537  
his tractor’s engine at the end of Avenida da Saudade in Lins, São Paulo, B 10/2/1968 #24537  
tal office of Walter Griehl on the Avenida Pedro Molina in Mendoza, Argenti 5/24/1971 #26130  
tal office of Walter Griehl on the Avenida Pedro Molina in Mendoza, Argenti 5/24/1971 #26130  
 Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Avenida de los Martires 9:30 p.m. A fema 11/20/1978 #33967  
he lights stop next to a road, the Avenida de los Martires, as a car comes  11/20/1978 #33967  
## Word: "avens-andorre" (Back to Top)
firmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Avens-Andorre” YieldMax: 80KT            12/16/1970 #25942  
## Word: "avensa" (Back to Top)
                  Anaco, Venezuela Avensa Airlines pilot reported round gra 1953 #8475  
## Word: "avenue" (Back to Top)
                         Telegraph Avenue Oakland, California Evening. A Mi 10/1896 #330  
m is riding a bicycle on Telegraph Avenue in Oakland, California, when she  10/1896 #330  
                       3126 Fourth Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota Lake 4/11/1897 #432  
ams and his parents at 3126 Fourth Avenue South in Minneapolis, Minnesota,  4/11/1897 #432  
         Bay City, Michigan Center Avenue 12:30 a.m. A group of people retu 4/16/1897 #506  
bout 50 feet altitude above Center Avenue. A red light appears at either en 4/16/1897 #506  
                       Brinkerhoff Avenue Mansfield, Ohio 9:00 p.m. Adam H. 8/3/1911 #856  
 Carrie are driving on Brinkerhoff Avenue in Mansfield, Ohio, when they not 8/3/1911 #856  
                         St. Agnes Avenue Pleasant Street Utica, New York E 12/22/1941 #1381  
his car at the corner of St. Agnes Avenue and Pleasant Street in Utica, New 12/22/1941 #1381  
                  184 S. Arlington Avenue, East Orange, New Jersey 3:00 a.m 7/4/1947 #2652  
up in her home at 184 S. Arlington Avenue, East Orange, New Jersey, when se 7/4/1947 #2652  
                           Western Avenue Manchester, Maine Cobboseecontee  7/7/1947 #2941  
kett, 15, is walking along Western Avenue in Manchester, Maine, when he see 7/7/1947 #2941  
                4328 South Emerald Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 1:00 a.m. Will 7/9/1947 #3053  
de his house at 4328 South Emerald Avenue in Chicago, Illinois. They make a 7/9/1947 #3053  
hington North 82nd Street and 11th Avenue in Seattle 6:35 p.m. Seamen John  7/12/1947 #3160  
on near North 82nd Street and 11th Avenue in Seattle.                       7/12/1947 #3160  
                    251 W. Waldorf Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee Ohio State Un 5/7/1948 #3643  
eeper Jean Bray, at 251 W. Waldorf Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee, see 50–60 un 5/7/1948 #3643  
tropole Building on Northumberland Avenue in London, England A top secret m 8/15/1950 #5127  
tropole Building on Northumberland Avenue in London, England. It is chaired 8/15/1950 #5127  
                              Vare Avenue near 26th Street in South Philade 9/26/1950 #5199  
seph Keenan are patrolling on Vare Avenue near 26th Street in South Philade 9/26/1950 #5199  
                        Chesapeake Avenue (near LaSalle Avenue) Hampton, Vi 7/16/1952 #6844  
   Chesapeake Avenue (near LaSalle Avenue) Hampton, Virginia Virginia Beach 7/16/1952 #6844  
ife, Frances Hoback, on Chesapeake Avenue (near LaSalle Avenue) in Hampton, 7/16/1952 #6844  
on Chesapeake Avenue (near LaSalle Avenue) in Hampton, Virginia, when he no 7/16/1952 #6844  
                            Scenic Avenue Central Point, Oregon 10:00 p.m.  Summer 1953 #8953  
family is returning home on Scenic Avenue in Central Point, Oregon, when th Summer 1953 #8953  
                       Middlestone Avenue and Front Street in East New Have 8/19/1953 #9084  
h a metal billboard at Middlestone Avenue and Front Street in East New Have 8/19/1953 #9084  
                  1536 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. NICAP’s i 10/19/1956 #13286  
adquarters are at 1536 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. Incorpora 10/19/1956 #13286  
                 UK Northumberland Avenue, London, England British Isles A  6/15/1957 #13730  
e of its offices on Northumberland Avenue, London, England. A ministry spok 6/15/1957 #13730  
                  21950 Cunningham Avenue, Warren, Michigan University of M 8/18/1958 #15215  
olm is at home at 21950 Cunningham Avenue in Warren, Michigan, with Walter  8/18/1958 #15215  
wo tall men walking down Alexander Avenue. They were dressed like motorcycl 6/26/1959 #15792  
      Sunset Boulevard and La Brea Avenue in Hollywood, California 11:15 p. 2/5/1960 #16168  
on of Sunset Boulevard and La Brea Avenue in Hollywood, California. Cars ar 2/5/1960 #16168  
rnia Sunset Boulevard and Sycamore Avenue La Brea Avenue Sunset and La Brea 2/6/1960 #16169  
levard and Sycamore Avenue La Brea Avenue Sunset and La Brea 11:15 p.m. The 2/6/1960 #16169  
bove Sunset Boulevard and Sycamore Avenue. A number of witnesses observe it 2/6/1960 #16169  
g up the ground all around La Brea Avenue. A mushroom-shaped cloud appears  2/6/1960 #16169  
ear "with gold in it" down Collins Avenue, but lost him.                    7/21/1960 #16342  
Nineteenth Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. US Capito 1/11/1965 #18709  
Nineteenth Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C., observe  1/11/1965 #18709  
           New York City 750 Third Avenue East River United Nations buildin 11/22/1966 #21142  
ces on the 17th floor at 750 Third Avenue. The UFO is a rectangular, “cushi 11/22/1966 #21142  
f the office building at 750 Third Avenue in New York City, New York watche 11/22/1966 #21144  
                           Western Avenue Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin 8:30 p 2/21/1967 #21614  
 Kohler is driving east on Western Avenue in Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin, wh 2/21/1967 #21614  
          Atrisco Drive NW Central Avenue Albuquerque, New Mexico 10:15 p.m 5/26/1967 #22405  
Atrisco Drive NW, north of Central Avenue in Albuquerque, New Mexico. A whi 5/26/1967 #22405  
 California Columbia Street Colton Avenue Norton AFB San Bernardino March A 2/4/1968 #23734  
olumbia Street and north of Colton Avenue, then proceeds to the northwest f 2/4/1968 #23734  
ania watched a UFO over the Linden Avenue area of the city, including some  12/2/1973 #28507  
ulevard NE Menaul Boulevard Copper Avenue Kirtland AFB Sandia foothills Day 5/28/1974 #29142  
etween Menaul Boulevard and Copper Avenue. Next to it is a silver, triangul 5/28/1974 #29142  
later two witnesses, one on Putnam Avenue in Hamden, Connecticut and anothe 6/2/1975 #30075  
le, and was going west on Figueroa Avenue in Los Angeles, California. As th 10/31/1976 #31512  
             Florida 6420 Casgrain Avenue, Montreal, Quebec 1:15 a.m. Flori 1/6/1977 #31706  
ing at her window at 6420 Casgrain Avenue in Montreal, Quebec, when she see 1/6/1977 #31706  
                           Bayview Avenue and Willow Pass Road, West Pittsb 5/20/1977 #32116  
d boys are in a field near Bayview Avenue and Willow Pass Road, West Pittsb 5/20/1977 #32116  
tan Airport Merriman Road Michigan Avenue Wayne, Michigan WJR-AM radio pers 2/10/1978 #32965  
area of Merriman Road and Michigan Avenue in Wayne, Michigan, call in to sa 2/10/1978 #32965  
 Greater Manchester, England Daten Avenue, Risley Universities Research Rea 3/17/1978 #33048  
ater Manchester, England, on Daten Avenue, Risley, past the UK Atomic Energ 3/17/1978 #33048  
                          Michigan Avenue Dearborn, Michigan 10:00 p.m. A d Late 4/1978 #33167  
g with a couple living on Michigan Avenue in Dearborn, Michigan, near the F Late 4/1978 #33167  
                           Madison Avenue and 26th Street in New York City  10/4/1979 #34940  
om a 38th- floor window on Madison Avenue and 26th Street in New York City. 10/4/1979 #34940  
                            Solano Avenue Vallejo, California 3:00 p.m. Mik 11/2/1980 #35610  
out of a Toyota showroom on Solano Avenue in Vallejo, California. They see  11/2/1980 #35610  
                    West Granville Avenue Chicago, Illinois 1:00 a.m. A reg 3/6/1981 #35861  
red nurse living on West Granville Avenue on the north side of Chicago, Ill 3/6/1981 #35861  
                          Highland Avenue Dover, New Jersey 10:30 p.m. Jame 7/23/1981 #36026  
tting outside his home on Highland Avenue in Dover, New Jersey, looking for 7/23/1981 #36026  
             Quinpool Road Armview Avenue Halifax, Nova Scotia 7:50 p.m. A  10/18/1982 #36653  
g along Quinpool Road near Armview Avenue in Halifax, Nova Scotia, when the 10/18/1982 #36653  
reet in Palatine, Illinois Lincoln Avenue Busse Woods (Ned Brown Forest Pre 11/27/1982 #36697  
n two other patrol cars on Lincoln Avenue see a domed, disc- shaped object  11/27/1982 #36697  
est County Line Road South Ashland Avenue Beecher, Illinois 12:15 a.m. Terr 8/1/1983 #36929  
County Line Road and South Ashland Avenue about 1.5 miles southwest of Beec 8/1/1983 #36929  
aque Reservoir New Jersey Ringwood Avenue Haskell 9:44 p.m. Witnesses see u 6/21/1984 #37371  
he manager of a tavern on Ringwood Avenue in Haskell sees an egg-shaped obj 6/21/1984 #37371  
nview, Illinois 2457 West Peterson Avenue, Chicago The Center for UFO Studi 5/1/1987 #38170  
w, Illinois, to 2457 West Peterson Avenue in Chicago.                       5/1/1987 #38170  
                           Gadsden Avenue and West Avenue K in Lancaster, C 8/3/1988 #38613  
           Gadsden Avenue and West Avenue K in Lancaster, California Sierra 8/3/1988 #38613  
fic light at the corner of Gadsden Avenue and West Avenue K in Lancaster, C 8/3/1988 #38613  
 corner of Gadsden Avenue and West Avenue K in Lancaster, California, when  8/3/1988 #38613  
              Driving north on 9th Avenue in Pensacola, Florida close to Ol 8/25/1989 #39074  
 over the Kroger store on Commerce Avenue. It then came toward them. When d 4/18/1997 #43265  
 toward a witness driving on 109th Avenue NE in surburban Juanita, Washingt 2/16/2003 #44493  
etal stairwell leading to McDonald Avenue. His eyes focused on a little dar 3/12/2004 #44676  
bed the hill and drove up McDonald Avenue to see what was happening. He arr 3/12/2004 #44676  
                              31st Avenue, Peoria, Arizona 10:30 a.m. A man 9/17/2005 #44876  
 a.m. A man is at his home on 31st Avenue in Peoria, Arizona, when he sees  9/17/2005 #44876  
 in Silverdale, Washington Trigger Avenue near Naval Base Kitsap 9:00 p.m.  12/29/2007 #45104  
 apparently hovering above Trigger Avenue near Naval Base Kitsap to the nor 12/29/2007 #45104  
## Word: "avenues" (Back to Top)
ille, Kentucky Longest and Everett avenues 4:15 p.m. Al Hixenbaugh, a photo 6/27/1950 #5018  
 the corner of Longest and Everett avenues in Louisville, Kentucky, when he 6/27/1950 #5018  
## Word: "average" (Back to Top)
low plane. Its size was that of an average car. The top of the object was a 10/1917 #967  
r scope in less than 4 minutes (an average of about 4,500 mph).             Fall 1949 #4366  
 object, somewhat smaller than the average airplane. It had a small flame c 7/18/1952 #6903  
ying in various directions with an average speed of 175 mph at about 2,000  9/2/1952 #7829  
et tall. Two of the beings were of average height but thin, estimated at 5  3/22/1953 #8776  
onfronted with a helmeted being of average height who made friendly gesture 9/10/1954 #10283  
 confronted by a helmeted being of average height who makes friendly gestur 9/10/1954 #10285  
onfronted with a helmeted being of average height who made friendly gesture 9/10/1954 #10287  
ay away and took off. They were of average height, had broad shoulders, lon 12/9/1954 #11784  
om inside the object. He seemed of average height had deep-set eyes, tanned 5/1957 #13628  
 to the ground. In it was a man of average height, who made friendly gestur 5/1/1957 #13637  
t to the ground. In it is a man of average height who makes friendly gestur 5/1/1957 #13638  
he base, and a human-like being of average height, around five foot eight i 5/1/1957 #13639  
Radar tracked an inbound target at average speed of about 6,200 mph for 48  6/16/1957 #13732  
Radar tracked an inbound target at average speed of about 6,200 mph for 48  7/16/1957 #13800  
oints suddenly moving at 1,700 mph average speed (3,500 mph at peak) and 1, 10/14/1957 #14110  
 (3,500 mph at peak) and 1,100 mph average relative to the aircraft’s (peak 10/14/1957 #14110  
haze" on the beach. Two men, below average height got out of the craft and  11/6/1957 #14411  
 two metal rings. Two men of below average height got out of the craft and  11/6/1957 #14434  
0 m away. Near them were six mm of average height, slim build, dressed in " 11/18/1957 #14575  
rs away. Near them were six men of average height and slim build, dressed i 11/18/1957 #14577  
t were standing two figures, below average height, dressed in white. Within 4/24/1964 #18194  
 close study, and that possibly an average of 10 man-days might be required 2/3/1966 #19879  
atute miles in only 6 hours, at an average speed of 1,660 mph.              12/21/1966 #21212  
helmet over his head. He was about average height and appeared to be human. 1/25/1967 #21387  
The humanoids were described as of average human height, but with large hea 3/10/1967 #21854  
n-appearing occupant, "an ordinary average guy," was seen peering out from  3/17/1969 #25021  
ee, Wisconsin to see two beings of average height. She could not see any fa 8/1/1976 #31218  
k, walking stiffly. They are about average height and bald-headed, dressed  1/31/1978 #32928  
ing stiffly. These figures were of average height and bald headed, and dres 1/31/1978 #32930  
eneath the sea. The beings were of average height, wearing outfits that cov 1/3/1979 #34292  
ow up, but Sprinkle notes they are average, normal people, though highly su 5/23/1980 #35340  
six human-like figures of short to average height, perhaps 5 feet tall. The 6/20/1986 #37918  
aling a blond human-like entity of average height with fair skin and blue e 9/27/1989 #39125  
4 minutes, which corresponds to an average velocity of about 2,147 mph. Ano 3/8/1995 #42081  
 hovering above the clouds, for an average of ten to fifteen minutes at a t 7/4/2000 #44009  
 making abductees more likely than average to imagine, be led by investigat 10/2005 #44883  
as slightly bigger than that of an average man. It was carrying an instrume 4/25/2007 #45023  
he Ministry of Defence received an average of 150 sightings annually from 2 6/21/2013 #45374  
## Word: "averaged" (Back to Top)
that radar Tracks of Interest have averaged 1,800 per year since 2011. It s 7/1/2016 #45455  
## Word: "averaging" (Back to Top)
e, silky filaments fall in strands averaging 30 feet in length over Sheppar 5/12/1954 #9780  
cludes 7,000 incidents since 1971, averaging about 350 a year, representing 1990 #39348  
## Word: "aversa" (Back to Top)
                      Gricignano d’Aversa, Caserta, Italy Giovanni Aquilant 12/9/1954 #11786  
quilante, a farmer of Gricignano d’Aversa, Caserta, Italy, disappears after 12/9/1954 #11786  
## Word: "avert" (Back to Top)
st unite with good space people to avert a calamity. More Ouija sessions ta 8/2/1952 #7424  
ture humans” and are attempting to avert a catastrophe. This corroborates D 10/2006 #44970  
## Word: "averting" (Back to Top)
ched her and she knelt before him. Averting her eyes from the being briefly 6/10/1968 #24018  
## Word: "avery" (Back to Top)
.M. Pierce, marine engineer George Avery and one other person.  One silver  2/26/1954 #9569  
.M. Pierce, Marine Engineer George Avery and one other witness sighted a si 2/26/1954 #9570  
                                   AVERY ESTATES, LA 1 observer. CB and mal 10/10/1973 #27972  
                  At 11:00 p.m. in Avery Estates, St. Tammany Parish, Louis 10/10/1973 #27985  
igan WJR-AM radio personality Marc Avery is on his way to the Detroit Metro 2/10/1978 #32965  
## Word: "averyon" (Back to Top)
. in the town of Salles-la-Source, Averyon, France four witnesses watched a 8/11/1974 #29324  
## Word: "avesnes-le-second" (Back to Top)
                                   AVESNES-LE-SECOND(S), FR Scientist and 1 5/1/1990 #39548  
## Word: "avesta" (Back to Top)
                                   AVESTA, SWEDEN Family. Cylinder/cigar-sh 3/18/1975 #29908  
## Word: "aveyon" (Back to Top)
                                   Aveyon, France White ball, oval near gro 1/11/1967 #21286  
## Word: "aveyron" (Back to Top)
                            Rodez, Aveyron, France French diplomatic schola 11/28/1928 #1092  
ct trailing fire is seen in Rodez, Aveyron, France, coming from the “direct 11/28/1928 #1092  
                            FARM / AVEYRON, FR 2+observer(s). 6 fireballs e 6/15/1966 #20559  
nous spheres were seen flying over Aveyron, France at eleven o'clock at nig 1/6/1967 #21268  
                                   AVEYRON, FR Glowing orbs enter pillar. S 1/11/1967 #21285  
                That same night in Aveyron, Basses Pyrenees, France a farme 1/11/1967 #21288  
                           Lardit, Aveyron district, France An incident inv 2/18/1979 #34434  
m interference occurred in Lardit, Aveyron district, France. Dark objects f 2/18/1979 #34435  
ughter in a car in Pont-de-Salars, Aveyron, France saw an object with an ov 9/11/1996 #43016  
## Word: "avezzano" (Back to Top)
                                   AVEZZANO, ITL 10 observer(s). 3 night li 12/6/1978 #34060  
 pattern were seen in the sky over Avezzano, Abruzzi, Italy at the same tim 12/6/1978 #34067  
                                   AVEZZANO, ITL 2 / car. Luminous diamond  7/13/1994 #41617  
ed UFO dropped down over a road in Avezzano, Italy. It turned, leveled off, 7/13/1994 #41618  
## Word: "avi" (Back to Top)
rvard ʻOumuamua Harvard astronomer Avi Loeb and his postdoctoral assistant  10/26/2018 #45541  
tutional team of scientists led by Avi Loeb of the Department of Astronomy  7/26/2021 #45700  
## Word: "aviación" (Back to Top)
 (weather observer for Mexicana de Aviación), J. de la Vega of the airport  3/13/1950 #4627  
## Word: "avianca" (Back to Top)
. Gustavo Ferreira and the crew of Avianca flight HK-1273 see an extremely  1/21/1977 #31744  
## Word: "aviano" (Back to Top)
                                   AVIANO, ITL 40M disk / low altitude. Hum 7/1/1977 #32223  
                                   Aviano, Italy Luminous round object with 7/1/1977 #32225  
                                   Aviano, Italy Luminous round object with 7/1/1977 #32226  
                            NATO’s Aviano Air Base Pordenone, Italy 3:00 a. 7/1/1977 #32227  
ic alarms suddenly sound at NATO’s Aviano Air Base north of Pordenone, Ital 7/1/1977 #32227  
                                   AVIANO, ITL Farmer / mopod/motorscooter/ 8/1980 (approximate) #35433  
           PIANCAVALLO NORTHWEST / AVIANO, ITL Green fog. Car malfunctions  4/14/1985 #37578  
                                   Aviano Air Base, Italy 7:30 p.m. A lumin 2/27/1997 #43212  
 luminous blue sphere appears over Aviano Air Base, Italy, and hovers. Afte 2/27/1997 #43212  
                                   Aviano Air Base, Italy Venice Marco Polo 3/6/1997 #43221  
om the sky and briefly hover above Aviano Air Base, Italy. They zoom toward 3/6/1997 #43221  
ky for a while before returning to Aviano. The display repeats several time 3/6/1997 #43221  
## Word: "aviary" (Back to Top)
ry activities with. Others in the “Aviary” are forensic medical doctor and  Fall 1986 #38034  
he wasn’t the ‘real’ Falcon of the Aviary.                                  10/14/1988 #38672  
e with “Falcon” and others in the “Aviary” to present a nationally televise 10/14/1988 #38674  
## Word: "aviateca" (Back to Top)
atemala Mexico Night. A Guatemalan Aviateca airliner piloted by Col. Alfred 2/15/1967 #21556  
## Word: "aviation" (Back to Top)
f Illuminated Windows (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      1/31/1916 #940  
ects Surrounded Plane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      1/1926 #1055  
ICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          9/1926 #1062  
w, March-April 1962.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          3/25/1942 #1405  
drich, Project 1947.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          4/5/1943 #1491  
 Caiden/Andy Roberts) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          10/14/1943 #1535  
nd B-17 Formation ??? (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      10/24/1943 #1537  
tion. (Page 56 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          1/29/1944 #1565  
ICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          2/1944 #1569  
nce, 1964, Hall, III] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          3/1944 #1583  
m CUFOS report form.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          6/1944 #1599  
nce, 1964, Hall, III] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          8/10/1944 #1637  
r. (Page 71-74 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          8/10/1944 #1638  
nce, 1964, Hall, III] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          11/1944 #1689  
nce, 1964, Hall, III] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          12/1944 #1712  
 (Page 103,131 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          12/26/1944 #1734  
nce, 1964, Hall, III] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          1/1945 #1747  
ers. (Page 131 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          1/1/1945 #1750  
ude. (Page 125 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          1/10/1945 #1754  
low. (Page 149 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          2/1945 #1767  
ion. (Page 136 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          2/13/1945 #1781  
urn. (Page 136 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          2/15/1945 #1784  
r contact. (Page 136- (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          2/16/1945 #1786  
ult. (Page 137 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          2/17/1945 #1787  
A/C. (Page 137 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          2/17/1945 #1788  
ting between weak and (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          2/17/1945 #1789  
ing. (Page 140 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          2/21/1945 #1792  
 (Page 141-142 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          2/27/1945 #1795  
 (Page 145-146 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          3/9/1945 #1809  
ire. (Page 147 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          3/13/1945 #1812  
red. (Page 148 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          3/18/1945 #1815  
lll. (Page 148 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          3/19/1945 #1818  
ire. (Page 150 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          3/23/1945 #1821  
llowed our aircraft." (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          4/3/1945 #1836  
 (Page 157-158 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          4/3/1945 #1837  
 red circles of light (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          5/2/1945 #1859  
ation, 1981, p. 251.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          5/25/1945 #1869  
nt Group for 50 miles (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          5/25/1945 #1870  
ght. (Page 180 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          6/19/1945 #1877  
e at about our level. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/4/1945 #1891  
ect. (Page 186 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/7/1945 #1892  
 (Page 186-187 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/12/1945 #1893  
dence, 1964, Hall, X] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/1946 #2020  
nce, 1964, Hall, III] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          8/1/1946 #2095  
, FL Puckett Case (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          8/1/1946 #2096  
de by 15 meters long. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          8/14/1946 #2133  
 Two US experts on aerial warfare, aviation legend General Jimmy Doolittle  8/19/1946 #2145  
 FOIA; Bloecher 1967) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  6/2/1947 #2308  
- shaped design by 1952. A Russian aviation historian thinks that the facto 6/9/1947 #2315  
r, WA Arnold Case (P) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      6/24/1947 #2394  
ndex; Bloecher 1967). (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  6/28/1947 #2445  
t 8 or 10 ft diameter (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  6/30/1947 #2484  
ith/Stevens Case (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  7/4/1947 #2650  
                    ENCAMPMENT, WY Aviation engineer and 2. Silent ovoid go 7/6/1947 #2754  
ces B-25, Accelerates (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  7/6/1947 #2804  
                    S. Central, WY Aviation engineer saw oval UFO. [UFOE, V 7/6/1947 #2805  
 bright silver object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 7/7/1947 #2921  
r), CA F-51 pilot (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/8/1947 #3003  
ds (Johnson Case (P)) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  7/9/1947 #3050  
n, Idaho Witness:  Idaho statesman aviation editor and former (AAF) B-29 pi 7/9/1947 #3052  
, Idaho 12:17 p.m. Idaho Statesman aviation editor and former B-29 pilot Da 7/9/1947 #3063  
                     SANTIAGO, CHL Aviation mechanics. Oval silvery saucers 7/10/1947 #3085  
Jersey 10:00 a.m. John H. Janssen, aviation editor of the Morristown Daily  7/10/1947 #3104  
t New Jersey Day. John H. Janssen, aviation editor of the Morristown Daily  7/23/1947 #3217  
O sightings. Leverett G. Richards, aviation editor of the Portland Oregonia 7/27/1947 #3235  
-3 Crew Observes Disc (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      7/28/1947 #3238  
ring away. At La Grande, he phones aviation editor David N. Johnson about h 7/29/1947 #3254  
a, PA Boyce Case, (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          8/1947 #3273  
ct larger than a DC-3 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  8/4/1947 #3289  
t; FOIA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  8/4/1947 #3290  
them on a zigzag path (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 8/14/1947 #3325  
lying under the plane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 8/18/1947 #3346  
 red tinge split in 2 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  9/13/1947 #3395  
 3-5 mins. (Berliner) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 2224)                11/15/1947 #3489  
Same case as above??] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 11/15/1947 #3490  
ld, New York Boise Idaho Statesman Aviation Editor David N. Johnson, having 11/18/1947 #3492  
 other colored flames (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 12/30/1947 #3514  
green and blue flames (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 12/30/1947 #3515  
, KY Mantell Case (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      1/7/1948 #3539  
 Speed / Touches Down (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  1/7/1948 #3541  
rn, then blink [out?] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  1/9/1948 #3551  
Crew Sees Diving Disc (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  1/11/1948 #3555  
30 ft wide 20 ft long (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 4/1/1948 #3602  
ith a 5 ft long cable (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  4/9/1948 #3618  
 at constant altitude (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  4/30/1948 #3633  
 at well over 500 MPH (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          5/28/1948 #3659  
 Report * C-7; 2 pp.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/9/1948 #3702  
a southerly direction (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/24/1948 #3729  
 with flaming exhaust (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/24/1948 #3731  
les/Whitted Case (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  7/24/1948 #3732  
ight Spotted By Pilot (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  7/31/1948 #3758  
gless Metallic Object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  9/22/1948 #3805  
Gorman "Dogfight" (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 10/1/1948 #3825  
Combs / T-6 Encounter (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  11/18/1948 #3882  
imilar To Green Flare (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  12/5/1948 #3907  
t Reports Green Flare (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  12/5/1948 #3908  
n Fireball At 13,000' (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  12/8/1948 #3916  
 on converging course (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 12/9/1948 #3920  
ld list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  1/1/1949 #3953  
light. (Project 1947) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 1/24/1949 #3976  
 Observed By Air Crew (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 1)      2/10/1949 #3999  
es T-11 At High Speed (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  2/23/1949 #4020  
ht flying at 2,400 ft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 3/29/1949 #4059  
arate From Tank-Shape (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  4/7/1949 #4082  
aped Metallic Objects (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  5/27/1949 #4212  
ing SNJ trainer for North American Aviation, from Red Bluff, California, to 5/27/1949 #4213  
 an SNJ trainer for North American Aviation from Red Bluff, California, to  5/27/1949 #4214  
 Object At High Speed (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  5/31/1949 #4217  
oses 100' Tubular UFO (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  6/10/1949 #4231  
McLaughlin, USN) [II] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          6/10/1949 #4232  
ects On Headon Course (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  7/21/1949 #4274  
 Delta-Shaped Objects (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  7/24/1949 #4280  
the S. (Project 1947) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  9/5/1949 #4347  
ject Goes Into Clouds (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  9/9/1949 #4353  
son, MS Rush Case (P) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          10/1/1949 #4380  
CA Donnelly Case, (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          11/3/1949 #4408  
00 MPH+ Silver Sphere (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  12/4/1949 #4433  
ct 1947; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 12/29/1949 #4452  
ct 1947; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  1/6/1950 #4474  
ter Object At 15,000' (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  1/18/1950 #4497  
e ball of fire circle (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 1/22/1950 #4502  
rew Encounters Object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  1/24/1950 #4508  
iptical object flying (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 1/31/1950 #4521  
' Object At 2,000 MPH (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  2/8/1950 #4534  
en from private plane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          2/27/1950 #4562  
/ Radar Track At ATIC (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          3/8/1950 #4592  
), IL Fisher Case (P) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          3/18/1950 #4673  
section circular disc (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  3/20/1950 #4687  
Flame Approaches C-47 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 2)      3/23/1950 #4711  
ngton, DC, Totten (P) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          3/26/1950 #4727  
, Observed From F-61C (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  4/18/1950 #4865  
kes/Manning Case (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 4/27/1950 #4907  
 climbed to 28,000 ft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 4/27/1950 #4908  
he objects down the North American Aviation missile firing range. Project T 5/24/1950 #4964  
perry/Gates Case (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          5/29/1950 #4969  
asses C-47 At 700 MPH (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  6/16/1950 #4988  
rt pilot Case (AL, M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 6/24/1950 #5003  
Cincinnati, Ohio 1:45 p.m. A Civil Aviation Authority flight engineer obser 7/1950 #5036  
Martin/Moore Case (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 7/11/1950 #5055  
tallic silver objects (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 7/13/1950 #5061  
ect Chased At 620 MPH (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  8/7/1950 #5112  
 travel at same speed (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 787)                 8/24/1950 #5137  
 Course With Aircraft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  9/13/1950 #5175  
by wing-like UFO. [V] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          10/5/1950 #5211  
rdin/Conroy Case (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          10/5/1950 #5212  
 shiny 100 ft objects (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 821)                 10/15/1950 #5231  
Passess At Navy Plane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  11/7/1950 #5269  
, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          11/14/1950 #5277  
le, WI Blair Case (P) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          11/27/1950 #5293  
adron, F-82 Intercept (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU, NC)             12/20/1950 #5360  
, IL Shutts Case (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          12/27/1950 #5366  
 Mile-Wide Rectangles (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  1/14/1951 #5397  
lar Object At 30,000' (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  1/14/1951 #5398  
y, IA UFO Buzzes DC-3 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  1/20/1951 #5406  
 Object Near "Gopher" (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  1/22/1951 #5412  
neuvering Amber Light (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  2/1/1951 #5426  
 CAN Bethune Case (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          2/10/1951 #5439  
lver Elongated Object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  2/19/1951 #5447  
                                   Aviation Week praises the upcoming artic 2/19/1951 #5450  
r), KS Hunt Case (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          5/22/1951 #5516  
ice size of his plane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 7/9/1951 #5566  
 Augusta, Georgia (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/9/1951 #5568  
 flying at high speed (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 8/8/1951 #5598  
nd, OR Dodge Case (P) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          8/11/1951 #5601  
s with Swept Wing UFO (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  9/17/1951 #5671  
, Code: R, Rating: 5) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          9/23/1951 #5684  
Mali Tessalit 2:00 a.m. Two French aviation officers are camped out several 10/4/1951 #5704  
 atomic plant Unknown (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, NC)  10/9/1951 #5711  
, "flattened sphere". (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          10/9/1951 #5713  
tennis ball” is sighted by a Civil Aviation Administration Chief Aircraft C 10/9/1951 #5715  
tted By Private Pilot (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  10/10/1951 #5718  
izewski sighting (P). (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  10/11/1951 #5723  
Object / Photos Taken (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  10/16/1951 #5729  
and a Navion aircraft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  10/21/1951 #5738  
C-4 for about 20 mins (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  11/18/1951 #5778  
ms Michigan Sightings (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      11/24/1951 #5785  
vers Then Passes P-51 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  11/24/1951 #5786  
echnical writer for North American Aviation, holds a meeting of engineers,  12/1951 #5804  
yton / P-51 Encounter (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  12/12/1951 #5816  
 1951, case??] (NARA) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 1011)                12/18/1951 #5820  
Odd Object At 20,000' (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  12/22/1951 #5822  
cret Fighter Base (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, NC)                      1952 #5832  
/Harris/Hutchins (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          1952 #5835  
 a mountain, spinning (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 1/1952 #5851  
And Possible Balloon? (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      1/21/1952 #5870  
-disc which shot away (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 1/22/1952 #5875  
 with blue flame halo (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  1/29/1952 #5881  
phere follow the B-29 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  1/29/1952 #5882  
-11 Encounters Object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  2/11/1952 #5896  
Crew Encounter Object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  2/12/1952 #5899  
reball Near B-29 Crew (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  2/17/1952 #5905  
finitely Not Aircraft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  2/20/1952 #5913  
es To Intercept B-29? (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  2/24/1952 #5928  
ountered By C-54 Crew (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  3/4/1952 #5944  
sses C-54, Drops Down (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  3/7/1952 #5948  
Kimball Planes Buzzed (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      3/14/1952 #5956  
 Rating: 5, BB: 1076) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          3/22/1952 #5968  
ss At F-84 (BBU 1082) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  3/29/1952 #5987  
ting: 5, BB: BBU, NC) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          3/29/1952 #5988  
e Encounters UFOs (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          4/1952 #6007  
Ed J. Sullivan, and North American Aviation project engineer Walther A. Rie 4/2/1952 #6016  
rs Cream-Colored Disc (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  4/9/1952 #6049  
sses Aircraft At 300' (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  4/14/1952 #6075  
rmation Seen By Pilot (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  4/14/1952 #6076  
                   LOS ANGELES, CA Aviation designer and 2. Silent flying w 4/20/1952 #6135  
   Flint, Michigan 9:15 p.m. Naval aviation student Edmund Kogut and his wi 4/20/1952 #6140  
ported to the Air Force by a Naval Aviation student.                        4/20/1952 #6142  
hree Circular Objects (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  4/24/1952 #6171  
ar Collision With UFO (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  4/25/1952 #6183  
ounters Pulsing Light (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  4/29/1952 #6212  
of the Missing Report (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  5/1/1952 #6237  
 Rating: 5, BB: 1176) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          5/1/1952 #6238  
By Constellation Crew (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  5/8/1952 #6274  
t Round Silver Object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      5/9/1952 #6280  
ly straight and level (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          5/9/1952 #6281  
-6 Watch Round Object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  5/13/1952 #6312  
nters "Shooting Star" (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      5/13/1952 #6314  
tallic-Looking Object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  5/14/1952 #6322  
an a MiG jet airplane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  5/15/1952 #6328  
an a MiG jet airplane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  5/15/1952 #6329  
 Seven Stacked Donuts (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  5/19/1952 #6339  
 or white oval object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 1219)                5/20/1952 #6343  
ish Torpedos Near TWA (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  5/24/1952 #6351  
, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          5/26/1952 #6365  
rs Round Black Object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  5/30/1952 #6387  
al case in Korea, (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 5/31/1952 #6391  
 AZ Williams Case (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          6/1952 #6401  
nknown length of time (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 1250)                6/2/1952 #6425  
ect / Close Encounter (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  6/7/1952 #6460  
f), CA UFO Paces B-25 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  6/18/1952 #6538  
ly straight and level (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 1310)                6/19/1952 #6548  
ncounter Circling UFO (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          6/20/1952 #6558  
ncounter Circling UFO (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      6/20/1952 #6559  
ct With Pointed Front (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  6/21/1952 #6572  
ting: 5, BB: BBU, NC) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          6/21/1952 #6573  
t Crosses C-97's Path (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  6/28/1952 #6656  
State Patrol Airplane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  7/5/1952 #6713  
e Disc Over AEC Plant (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, NC)  7/5/1952 #6714  
rs Near C-60 Airliner (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  7/10/1952 #6749  
course (Project 1947) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 7/12/1952 #6774  
ne then dropping down (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 7/12/1952 #6777  
hovering at 21,000 ft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 7/12/1952 #6778  
ering Bruen Case (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 7/13/1952 #6795  
Fortenberry Case (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  7/14/1952 #6811  
/Fortenberry Incident (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/14/1952 #6812  
 Between Two Fighters (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  7/15/1952 #6824  
O Carpenter Case (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/18/1952 #6890  
, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/19/1952 #6926  
man/Wheaton Case (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/20/1952 #6947  
, Code: R, Rating: 5) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/20/1952 #6950  
ve Maneuvering Lights (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  7/21/1952 #6971  
 Rating: 5, BB: 1556) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/22/1952 #7013  
sna See Silver Object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  7/22/1952 #7015  
hted By Private Pilot (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      7/22/1952 #7016  
covered? No Evidence. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 0)      7/23/1952 #7059  
ings near Braintree?] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 7/23/1952 #7061  
 blue-green fireball. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 7/23/1952 #7064  
h 2-3 squares beneath (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 1554)                7/23/1952 #7065  
tical stack formation (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 1567)                7/23/1952 #7066  
 Rating: 5, BB: 1572) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/23/1952 #7067  
ff. 9 mins. (Berliner (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 1578)                7/23/1952 #7070  
 observed the objects (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/23/1952 #7074  
ers 3 Triangular UFOs (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  7/24/1952 #7108  
Sighted By 647th AC&W (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      7/25/1952 #7135  
 Rating: 5, BB: 1661) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/26/1952 #7165  
Crew Encounters Light (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  7/26/1952 #7166  
ncounters H. S. Light (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  7/26/1952 #7168  
               MANHATTAN BEACH, CA Aviation engineer and 7. 7 silver saucer 7/27/1952 #7191  
agon Brass See Lights (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  7/27/1952 #7204  
arget speed 550 knots (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 7/28/1952 #7256  
 Rating: 5, BB: 1731) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/29/1952 #7300  
rambled from Kirtland (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  7/29/1952 #7301  
own egg shaped object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  7/29/1952 #7304  
000 ft off their left (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 7/31/1952 #7370  
fast as 330 knots (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 1827)                8/5/1952 #7465  
, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          8/9/1952 #7522  
 ft pass his aircraft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 8/12/1952 #7557  
 Jacoby/McNaulty (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          8/13/1952 #7570  
, AZ Stanley Case (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          8/13/1952 #7571  
ot saw tailess object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 1928)                8/19/1952 #7645  
cts Cross Flight Path (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  8/22/1952 #7679  
 in abreast formation (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  8/24/1952 #7706  
cts Shake Up Air Crew (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  8/29/1952 #7785  
ise Ruppelt's version (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 2087, NC)            9/14/1952 #7928  
 course with airliner (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 2093)                9/14/1952 #7931  
ly abreast at 100 mph (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 2100)                9/16/1952 #7960  
aphic Cases, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          9/19/1952 #7978  
er Object Follows Jet (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  9/19/1952 #7979  
ached By Shiny Sphere (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  9/21/1952 #7997  
ht with greenish tail (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 9/24/1952 #8020  
 Observe Green Lights (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  9/26/1952 #8034  
                        Syndicated aviation columnist Robert S. Allen write 9/26/1952 #8036  
                   Edwards AFB, CA Aviation photographer, others, observed  9/30/1952 #8069  
fornia 10:30 a.m. A North American Aviation Company film crew, headed by Di 9/30/1952 #8070  
Encounters 100' Light (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  10/19/1952 #8160  
 Silver Ball At 1000' (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      10/19/1952 #8162  
ter Controlled Object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  10/29/1952 #8212  
inia, Rivas Case (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          10/29/1952 #8213  
dentified White Light (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  11/4/1952 #8242  
ere Circles Below T-6 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  11/15/1952 #8277  
l, moving erratically (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 11/15/1952 #8278  
th orange or red tail (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 2224)                11/15/1952 #8279  
bject Changing Colors (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 2, BB:  11/20/1952 #8305  
es Aircraft (Photo ?) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      11/21/1952 #8314  
lor from white to red (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 11/26/1952 #8343  
shes into fighter (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  12/4/1952 #8375  
ounterclockwise orbit (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 12/5/1952 #8379  
 B-29 radarscopes (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 12/6/1952 #8387  
, IL Thorpe/Plowe (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          12/8/1952 #8394  
 with orange fireball (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 12/10/1952 #8404  
, Washington, DC, (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU, NC)             12/10/1952 #8407  
ported By Ground Crew (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  12/19/1952 #8434  
tes Later From Ground (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  12/27/1952 #8449  
, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          12/29/1952 #8457  
ked on airborne radar (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 12/29/1952 #8460  
nge Ball Passes RB-36 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  12/31/1952 #8467  
ach Rocket-Shaped UFO (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      1953 #8472  
aced plane. [UFOE, X] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          1953 #8475  
rew Watch V-Formation (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      1/9/1953 #8520  
nters Several Objects (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      1/27/1953 #8581  
e (near), CA Bean (P) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          1/27/1953 #8582  
Check On Amber Object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      1/28/1953 #8592  
king Volent Maneuvers (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      1/28/1953 #8595  
ers Maneuvering Light (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      1/28/1953 #8596  
bserved By 3-Man Crew (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      1/29/1953 #8609  
FB, ME Radar tracking (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  1/29/1953 #8610  
a UFO by a T-33 pilot (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      2/1/1953 #8626  
nters Light At 7,000' (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  2/6/1953 #8641  
 Chases Silver Object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      2/9/1953 #8651  
ke object. [UFOE, IV] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          2/9/1953 #8652  
ngeles, California. North American Aviation project engineer Walther A. Rie 2/9/1953 #8654  
 UFO Paces C-119 Crew (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  2/11/1953 #8663  
sion Course With C-47 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  2/12/1953 #8666  
ses Maneuvering Light (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  2/16/1953 #8679  
Ray, Gun Camera Shots (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  3/3/1953 #8725  
nd Airborne Witnesses (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      3/12/1953 #8747  
Radar Case (BBU 2496) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  3/14/1953 #8751  
tt, AZ Beers Case (P) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          3/21/1953 #8769  
arget Pursued By F-86 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  3/27/1953 #8789  
rs Object With "Legs" (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  3/31/1953 #8797  
untered By Test Pilot (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      3/31/1953 #8798  
, TX Wilford Case (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          4/1953 #8804  
ers Maneuvering Light (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  4/8/1953 #8810  
ht In Descending Turn (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  4/8/1953 #8811  
ts Changing Formation (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  4/12/1953 #8817  
 Interception By F-94 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  5/1/1953 #8854  
he village of Jagalgori. A British aviation investigator, J. H. Lett, annou 5/2/1953 #8857  
UFO Intercept Mission (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      6/1953 #8921  
Red Light Eludes F-94 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  6/22/1953 #8955  
HENIX CITY, OH Silver saucers over aviation plant. 20 report(s) going [to]  7/9/1953 (approximate) #8991  
 silver UFO seen at North American Aviation plant. [UFOE, VII] (NICAP: 01 - 7/9/1953 #8992  
 Encountered By RF-80 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      7/13/1953 #8997  
e Disc Spotted By GOC (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      8/9/1953 #9057  
DAR Cases, Rating: 5) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          8/12/1953 #9063  
w Files CIRVIS Report (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  8/20/1953 #9088  
         Castle AFB Castle Airport Aviation and Development Center Atwater, 8/20/1953 #9090  
ear Castle AFB [now Castle Airport Aviation and Development Center], northe 8/20/1953 #9090  
y, deputy director of the Civilian Aviation Department at Port Moresby, Pap 8/23/1953 #9105  
ers Maneuvering Light (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  9/2/1953 #9135  
a, IL Navy pilots (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          9/7/1953 #9151  
tcher/Lemon Case (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          10/18/1953 #9239  
tical Climb Near C-45 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      10/30/1953 #9263  
Observed By Navy Unit (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      11/20/1953 #9312  
ht Observed From C-47 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      11/27/1953 #9322  
The Lockheed UFO Case (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  12/16/1953 #9372  
unter 10 Oval Objects (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  12/24/1953 #9391  
unters Strange Object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      12/26/1953 #9396  
ptical UFO. [UFOE, V] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          1/1/1954 #9434  
ng without any damage (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 1/14/1954 #9485  
ball Hovers Near C-54 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  1/28/1954 #9505  
ir & Ground Observers (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      1/28/1954 #9506  
Nr Cosmic Ray Balloon (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  2/1/1954 #9525  
                   US Soviet Union Aviation Week publishes an article descr 2/15/1954 #9548  
            An article in American Aviation planted by the Air Force attrib 3/1/1954 #9586  
s On Collision Course (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  3/5/1954 #9596  
ses Object At 500 MPH (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  3/12/1954 #9615  
 talk at a Greater Miami (Florida) Aviation Association luncheon at the Sev 3/23/1954 #9634  
 Ring Stops Near F-9F (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  3/25/1954 #9642  
F Follows Two Saucers (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  4/7/1954 #9670  
rs, especially one from syndicated aviation columnist Robert S. Allen, abou 4/18/1954 #9697  
/C Blink Lights (LBR) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  5/13/1954 #9788  
ers Encounter 16 UFOs (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  5/14/1954 #9795  
" delta-shaped object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  5/18/1954 #9809  
bject below the plane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 5/24/1954 #9830  
00-44,000 ft altitude (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  6/1/1954 #9858  
ght Descend, Maneuver (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  6/10/1954 #9887  
ct / Lt. Roe Sighting (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  6/23/1954 #9934  
bserved By RB-47 Crew (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  6/23/1954 #9935  
acked On Ground Radar (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  6/25/1954 #9945  
igates Strange Object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      6/26/1954 #9952  
de: R, Rating: 5, NC) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/2/1954 #9983  
ect pace their planes (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 7/11/1954 #10008  
ountered By B-25 Crew (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  7/30/1954 #10067  
o the press. It also mentions that Aviation Week was trying to get any news 8/1/1954 #10086  
ters Encounter Saucer (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  8/11/1954 #10123  
ncounters Blue Object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  8/15/1954 #10143  
ed objects veer north (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  8/29/1954 #10201  
ea Fury Incident) (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          8/31/1954 #10217  
 Crew Paced By Object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  9/26/1954 #10449  
, Seine-et-Marne, France Marignane Aviation pioneer Eugène Farnier watches  9/30/1954 #10516  
 Disc / Salandin Case (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      10/4/1954 #10690  
ncounters Blue Object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  11/19/1954 #11671  
 State University and ex-U.S. Navy aviation cadet. One bright white light h 11/19/1954 #11673  
ate University and an ex-U.S. Navy aviation cadet, sighted a bright white l 11/19/1954 #11674  
countered By Airliner (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      11/21/1954 #11682  
          Palm Springs, California Aviation inventor Bill Lear sees a flyin 12/1954 #11735  
Away From Marine TV-2 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      12/7/1954 #11770  
bjects pass the plane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 12/29/1954 #11874  
omed disc. [UFOE, IV] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          1955 #11891  
many in 1953 and met with a German aviation engineer who claimed to have wo 1955 #11897  
uited by George S. Trimble, VP for Aviation and Advanced Propulsion Systems 1955 #11898  
allic Disc Paces B-25 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  1/1/1955 #11907  
minous UFO. [UFOE, X] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          1/2/1955 #11911  
ct leaving a contrail (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 1/14/1955 #11932  
ddish globular object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 1/19/1955 #11937  
ght Outmaneuvers T-33 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  1/29/1955 #11951  
l moving against wind (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 1/31/1955 #11955  
:  Instructor Capt. D.F. Ritzdorf, aviation cadet F.W. Miller in TB-25 bomb 2/1/1955 #11959  
uctor Capt. Delwyn F. Ritzdorf and aviation cadet Frederick W. Miller are f 2/1/1955 #11960  
                  Bogotá, Colombia Aviation inventor Bill Lear, during a pr 2/2/1955 #11967  
Sees Brilliant Object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  2/7/1955 #11980  
eparted At High Speed (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  2/7/1955 #11981  
 MPH Jack 'o' Lantern (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  2/11/1955 #11996  
under wing. [UFOE, V] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          2/11/1955 #11997  
e object at 35,000 ft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 2/17/1955 #12007  
 Sees Circular Object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  3/16/1955 #12051  
 small-circulation quarterly, with aviation journalist and former RAF pilot Spring 1955 #12053  
ot Down Over Rockford (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      4/8/1955 #12088  
counters Silver Delta (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  4/21/1955 #12097  
ers Object At 20,000' (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  5/12/1955 #12128  
Encounters 10' Sphere (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      5/18/1955 #12141  
ing Object Over Tokyo (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      5/20/1955 #12145  
shot away. [UFOE, II] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          5/25/1955 #12158  
c Variations Reported (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  6/4/1955 #12179  
s UFO At Low Altitude (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      7/1955 #12224  
 objects at 20,000 ft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 7/5/1955 #12236  
, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/5/1955 #12237  
climb when approached (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 7/20/1955 #12273  
 saw an orange object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 7/25/1955 #12284  
Moving At 1,300 Knots (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  7/26/1955 #12289  
, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          8/23/1955 #12396  
und Blue-White Object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      10/2/1955 #12485  
lines DC-3. [UFOE, X] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          10/31/1955 #12533  
sed course. [UFOE, V] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          11/14/1955 #12567  
 Observed By Airliner (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  11/14/1955 #12568  
ami Herald publish two articles by aviation journalist Ansel Talbert in whi 11/30/1955 #12594  
kota, Military a/c CE (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          1956 #12632  
l Zooms Over Aircraft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 1, BB:  1/18/1956 #12667  
est Pilot Chases Disc (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      2/1956 #12690  
ntern" At 1,000 Knots (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  2/11/1956 #12709  
 Rating: 5, BB: 3969) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          2/12/1956 #12712  
ncounters Brown Cigar (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  2/15/1956 #12717  
ades Crew of Airliner (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  2/19/1956 #12731  
 The Special Weapons Study Unit of Aviation Studies International, Ltd. del 2/25/1956 #12739  
s Observed By Aircrew (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      3/23/1956 #12764  
ssengers To Chase UFO (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  4/8/1956 #12801  
omes Straight At T-33 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  5/22/1956 #12864  
ht on parallel course (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 6/2/1956 #12882  
Object Reverse Course (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  7/17/1956 #12978  
 Sighting By AF Pilot (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 2)      7/17/1956 #12979  
 Object Over Atlantic (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      7/26/1956 #13019  
st straight and level (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 4270)                8/8/1956 #13060  
aters, England RV (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 8/13/1956 #13079  
, Nevada 10:15 p.m. North American Aviation research technician Edison F. C Mid 8/1956 #13089  
 Takes Evasive Action (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  8/16/1956 #13093  
ed plane. (UFOE, VII) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          8/21/1956 #13108  
unter Daylight Object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 3)      8/21/1956 #13109  
bject Radiating Power (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      8/27/1956 #13138  
o Air Defense Command (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      9/6/1956 #13195  
ort High Speed Object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  9/13/1956 #13218  
 under the right wing (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 9/25/1956 #13244  
nia Castle AFB [now Castle Airport Aviation and Development Center] 10:45 p 10/7/1956 #13266  
ach Castle AFB [now Castle Airport Aviation and Development Center] and a l 10/7/1956 #13266  
AP: 09 - RADAR Cases) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          Late 1956 #13280  
Observed By T-33 Crew (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  11/1/1956 #13302  
 bright orange lights (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 11/9/1956 #13318  
ts Sees Acrobatic UFO (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  11/14/1956 #13327  
ect fly under the jet (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 4577)                12/31/1956 #13421  
Maneuvers Near B-25's (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  1/16/1957 #13460  
ting. [NICAP UFOE, V] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          1/24/1957 #13472  
O Maneuvers Near DC-3 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      3/8/1957 #13527  
lane. [NICAP UFOE, V] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          3/9/1957 #13536  
w Take Evasive Action (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      3/9/1957 #13537  
counters Green Object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 3)      3/9/1957 #13538  
With Tail Passes C-47 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 2)      3/9/1957 #13539  
ed From Navy Aircraft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      3/11/1957 #13544  
               At 12:22 a.m. Civil Aviation Agency radar tracked a UFO over 3/23/1957 #13558  
ounters Three Objects (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  3/27/1957 #13562  
d by radar. [UFOE, V] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          3/29/1957 #13570  
 Front & Below RC-121 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  5/4/1957 #13647  
Over & Under Aircraft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  5/5/1957 #13648  
d airliner. [UFOE, X] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          6/30/1957 #13759  
d airliner. [UFOE, X] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/4/1957 #13776  
, Code: R, Rating: 5) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/17/1957 #13807  
pt disc-shaped object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 7/24/1957 #13824  
nable To Catch Object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  7/29/1957 #13851  
, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          8/27/1957 #13934  
e 40-Minute Encounter (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      9/4/1957 #13977  
n daylight. [UFOE, V] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          10/8/1957 #14073  
on South Weymouth Shea Field Naval Aviation Historical Museum Massachusetts 10/9/1957 #14085  
Weymouth [now the Shea Field Naval Aviation Historical Museum], Massachuset 10/9/1957 #14085  
- Nuclear Connection) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          10/21/1957 #14138  
ICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          11/3/1957 #14239  
ow plane. [UFOE, VII] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          11/11/1957 #14532  
Museum. The specimens were sent to aviation historian Charles Harvard Gibbs 11/21/1957 #14590  
hexagon-shaped object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 11/22/1957 #14593  
, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          11/25/1957 #14611  
ith bluish-green tail (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 11/26/1957 #14624  
wish object disappear (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 11/26/1957 #14625  
 at about 4,800 knots (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 11/27/1957 #14631  
, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          12/11/1957 #14709  
w altitude. [UFOE, X] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          12/12/1957 #14719  
, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          12/23/1957 #14759  
es, Code: R, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          1/4/1958 #14804  
itting a bright flash (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 1/12/1958 #14821  
, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          1/14/1958 #14827  
hts fly S in 3 groups (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 1/31/1958 #14854  
bject on a SW heading (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 4/7/1958 #14965  
d lights. [UFOE, III] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          4/14/1958 #14983  
ered By C-47 (CIRVIS) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 2, BB:  4/14/1958 #14984  
ct Heats Up Piper Cub (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      5/5/1958 #15016  
 falling and spinning (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 5800)                5/9/1958 #15025  
n of Circular Saucers (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  5/15/1958 #15032  
ading N at high speed (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 5/15/1958 #15034  
 his plane. [UFOE, X] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          5/27/1958 #15055  
aneuvers Around F-102 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  6/9/1958 #15085  
/ Spuynik III Rocket? (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 2, BB:  6/12/1958 #15091  
 straight line flight (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 6/20/1958 #15103  
ects Nr Navy Aircraft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 2)      7/20/1958 #15150  
hovered. [NICAP, XII] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          8/17/1958 #15207  
KB-50 Tanker, Circles (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  11/4/1958 #15424  
g saucer at 40,000 ft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 11/8/1958 #15433  
Reports Silver Object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  11/20/1958 #15454  
ers See Silver Object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  1/4/1959 #15534  
neuvers Near Airplane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      2/4/1959 #15579  
 of), PA Killian case (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  2/24/1959 #15602  
nd objects heading SW (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 6/22/1959 #15782  
cream-colored objects (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 7/4/1959 #15813  
66 saw 5 oval objects (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 7/5/1959 #15816  
by 3-4 smaller lights (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 7/11/1959 #15833  
port. [NICAP UFOE, X] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/14/1959 #15849  
ight cross 53° of sky (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 6462)                8/10/1959 #15901  
ting: 5, BB: BBU, NC) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          8/13/1959 #15911  
or to red as it moved (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 8/14/1959 #15919  
ly part of one object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 8/19/1959 #15931  
, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          9/24/1959 #15986  
ject. [NICAP UFOE, V] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          10/7/1959 #16026  
r City Stir Air Force (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      10/15/1959 #16033  
 course with the T-33 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 6563)                10/19/1959 #16040  
 UFO. [NICAP UFOE, V] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          1960 #16139  
the type investigated by the Civil Aviation Authority.                      1960 #16144  
 UFO. [NICAP UFOE, X] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/2/1960 #16326  
ct At Very High Speed (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 1, BB:  7/14/1960 #16336  
 silver as it turned. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          11/17/1960 #16507  
apan Light Paces T-33 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  11/29/1960 #16519  
Observed Bright Light (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      12/29/1960 #16542  
 the plane. A report by the Moscow Aviation Institute claims that a UFO was 1961 #16550  
, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          1/10/1961 #16572  
ield. [NICAP UFOE, V] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          1/10/1961 #16573  
s Object With Sextant (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  4/24/1961 #16659  
y At Tremendous Speed (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      7/4/1961 #16747  
lane. [NICAP UFOE, X] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/24/1961 #16772  
 UFO. [NICAP UFOE, X] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          9/21/1961 #16864  
raft. [NICAP UFOE, I] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          10/2/1961 #16887  
    Groom Lake, Nevada The Federal Aviation Administration expands the rest 1/1962 #17014  
bserved From Aircraft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  3/26/1962 #17083  
er husband, Joseph A. Gasslein, an aviation worker. By that time, the UFO i 4/24/1962 #17127  
rgentine Chronology.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          5/1962 #17144  
ICAP UFO Evidence, X] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          5/21/1962 #17185  
Observed By B-52 Crew (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  6/21/1962 #17235  
 [NICAP UFO Evidence] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/17/1962 #17277  
Lights Lit Up Runways (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 2)      8/2/1962 #17315  
UFO Evidence, X, XII] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          9/8/1962 #17390  
- Photographic Cases) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          12/21/1962 #17599  
heir plane. [UFOE, V] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          2/5/1963 #17652  
 Over Missile Battery (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, NC)  2/5/1963 #17653  
Seen By Pilot of C-46 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      2/6/1963 #17656  
d moving "very fast." (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          3/11/1963 #17698  
 (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          2/25/1964 #18137  
, Code: R, Rating: 5) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          4/10/1964 #18165  
 by military personnel, pilots and aviation experts, and scientists and eng 5/1964 #18237  
on Closes On Airplane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  7/16/1964 #18414  
ion Course With C-124 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  8/18/1964 #18494  
ht (UFOE Section IV). (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          10/11/1964 #18579  
ng Tiger crew (radar) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          2/11/1965 #18807  
AP: 09 - RADAR Cases) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          3/18/1965 #18863  
, Code: E, Rating: 5) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          3/21/1965 #18871  
Too Fast For Aircraft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      4/27/1965 #18922  
 / Photos Confiscated (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      5/28/1965 #18971  
wo Discs Below Clouds (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      8/10/1965 #19358  
 Ascents & 3 Descents (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  8/12/1965 #19372  
Nuclear Power Station (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, NC)  10/1965 #19629  
nection, BB: BBU, NC) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          10/7/1965 #19647  
hes Object Accelerate (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  10/14/1965 #19656  
 Of DC-6, Accelerates (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB:  12/21/1965 #19784  
ston via San Antonio. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          1/16/1966 #19839  
. Tracked on Air Force and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) radar      2/11/1966 #19897  
 County, GA 5:30 a.m. Both Federal Aviation Administration and military con 3/27/1966 #20098  
us, Georgia 5:30 a.m. Both Federal Aviation Administration operators at Mus 3/27/1966 #20101  
instein, 1999, p. 34) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          4/20/1966 #20348  
plane paced by globes (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      4/25/1966 #20413  
objects near airplane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      4/30/1966 #20432  
Airlines Flt. 42 (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 5/4/1966 #20444  
 (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          5/17/1966 #20495  
ssenger (Powell Case) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      5/21/1966 #20503  
g.-Sept. 1966, p. 3.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          6/23/1966 #20595  
unty Airport, GA 3:50 a.m. Federal Aviation Administration officials observ 7/25/1966 #20679  
 Encountered By C-130 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      8/15/1966 #20747  
in Many UFOs," by Philip J. Klass, Aviation Week.                           8/22/1966 #20785  
             Phil Klass asserts in Aviation Week that the Exeter UFO was a  8/22/1966 #20786  
dows Private Aircraft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      9/20/1966 #20901  
c hovered near Cessna (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      9/30/1966 #20937  
as Plasmas," by Philip J. Klass in Aviation Week.                           10/3/1966 #20954  
 Phil Klass has another article in Aviation Week on plasmas as an explanati 10/3/1966 #20955  
y UFOs Are Identified as Plasmas,” Aviation Week and Space Technology 85 (O 10/3/1966 #20955  
ning from the bottom. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          10/11/1966 #20990  
Subcommittee report.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          11/30/1966 #21164  
jects Hover Near DC-8 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      12/30/1966 #21227  
at'l Airlines (P, AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 1/13/1967 #21295  
d on NICAP web site.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          1/20/1967 #21358  
od, MO 12:01 a.m. CST. A McDonnell aviation company engineer saw a brillian 1/31/1967 #21423  
 paced airliner (E-M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          2/2/1967 #21439  
, Code: R, Rating: 0) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          3/1967 #21691  
nstein, 1999, p. 35.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          3/11/1967 #21857  
es in : NICAP files.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          3/14/1967 #21884  
nstein, 1999, p. 35.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          3/24/1967 #21962  
nstein, 1999, p. 35.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          4/1967 #22030  
              Colorado The Federal Aviation Agency issues N 7230.29, requir 4/4/1967 #22053  
DAR Cases, Rating: 5) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          4/6/1967 #22076  
h 1997, UNICAT #371). (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          4/17/1967 #22147  
copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          4/18/1967 #22158  
 (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          4/18/1967 #22159  
4 p.m. MDT. Two men, one a Federal Aviation Administration electronic techn 4/27/1967 #22228  
omfield, New Mexico, one a Federal Aviation Administration electronic techn 4/27/1967 #22234  
 May-June 1967, p. 3) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          4/28/1967 #22243  
, Code: R, Rating: 5) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          5/13/1967 #22335  
ck and forth over jet (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 11744)               5/17/1967 #22367  
                            Moscow Aviation and Cosmonautics Center The fir 5/17/1967 #22369  
 preliminary meeting at the Moscow Aviation and Cosmonautics Center with Ma 5/17/1967 #22369  
ppeared (section II). (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          6/3/1967 #22455  
ICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          6/6/1967 #22472  
hased silver cylinder (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          6/11/1967 #22491  
35, from Good, 1996.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          Mid 1967 #22508  
gzagged near aircraft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/19/1967 #22700  
copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/27/1967 #22740  
itting until he faded out. A Civil Aviation Board report was logged of a cr 7/27/1967 #22743  
ot register on radar. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          8/24/1967 #22912  
0/67, NICAP files.) , (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          8/29/1967 #22951  
ounter Near Barcelona (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 3)      9/10/1967 #23029  
/26/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          9/14/1967 #23057  
es, 2000, pp. 58-59.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          10/27/1967 #23342  
an.-Feb. 1968, p. 3.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          11/15/1967 #23459  
                            Moscow Aviation Institute, Russia University of 2/1968 #23720  
 assistant professor at the Moscow Aviation Institute, Russia, writes an ar 2/1968 #23720  
linder above airliner (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          6/4/1968 #24004  
UFOs." (George Filer) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          Summer 1968 #24063  
ovals near Cherokee-6 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/7/1968 #24153  
forth near Cessna 172 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/8/1968 #24158  
rs" near Piper Navajo (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          8/22/1968 #24367  
(Phone call to NICAP) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          9/30/1968 #24525  
A, radar confirm UFOs (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          11/26/1968 #24714  
four ovals in echelon (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          11/26/1968 #24715  
s, including the crew of a Capital Aviation flight.                         11/26/1968 #24719  
ng cylinder, scramble (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          3/14/1969 #25009  
larger than the plane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)                 3/14/1969 #25010  
irst day. E-M effects (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          3/17/1969 #25018  
les veteran Brazilian (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          8/9/1971 #26276  
Andes, Arg B-727 crew (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          12/29/1971 #26522  
ere illum. cabin, E-M (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          2/2/1973 #27263  
AP: 09 - RADAR Cases) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          2/14/1973 #27288  
 Cessna 150 at 2500'. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          4/12/1973 #27425  
nt incident. (PID,18) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          4/12/1973 #27426  
ll cut on lower part. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/16/1973 #27634  
AP: 09 - RADAR Cases) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          9/19/1973 #27837  
seshoe-shaped object. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          10/1973 #27898  
ew over Mansfield, OH (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          10/18/1973 #28163  
OH Coyne Case (M) E-M (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          10/18/1973 #28169  
ilot, object on radar (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          10/19/1973 #28194  
UFOE II, Section II). (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          11/8/1973 #28389  
w & interceptor pilot (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          11/11/1973 #28409  
, Code: R, Rating: 5) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          11/30/1973 #28488  
number that is shared with Federal Aviation Administration offices.         1974 #28630  
form of 10-15 objects (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          1/26/1974 #28706  
bjects circling plane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          1/26/1974 #28707  
hasing object (radar) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          3/9/1974 #28870  
ew flanked by objects (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          3/13/1974 #28878  
 five smaller objects (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          3/17/1974 #28895  
                GOSSELIES, BELGIUM Aviation mechanic and 1 / (seen thru) bi 4/24/1974 #29059  
. 24 No. 2, Aug 1975) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          5/2/1974 #29079  
                    HALLE, BELGIUM Aviation mechanic. Ball / steady speed s 8/15/1974 #29352  
, Code: R, Rating: 5) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          10/10/1974 #29511  
iana. (Source: UFOFC) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          10/24/1974 #29553  
re Paces Training Jet (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      11/11/1974 #29591  
, Code: E, Rating: 5) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          11/28/1974 #29616  
-M effects on compass (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          11/28/1974 #29617  
number 1742, N75/033) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          3/17/1975 #29905  
                       The Federal Aviation Administration approves coopera 4/1/1975 #29934  
el number 1742 N/039) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          4/10/1975 #29984  
AP: 09 - RADAR Cases) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          5/3/1975 #30022  
ing gear manually and land safely. Aviation personnel who know him testify  5/3/1975 #30026  
countered By Two Jets (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      6/11/1975 #30094  
t & large oval object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/4/1975 #30157  
untered daylight disc (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/6/1975 #30164  
t, July 1977, p. 37). (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/20/1975 #30191  
                               The Aviation and Air Defense division of the 8/1975 #30226  
& ATC's reported disc (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          8/14/1975 #30268  
O Encounters, p. 39). (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          9/23/1975 #30378  
d by UFOs, E-M, radar (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          10/28/1975 #30501  
- Nuclear Connection) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          10/30/1975 #30520  
FO near nuclear plant (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, NC)  11/22/1975 #30652  
nter from a distance. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          3/3/1976 #30920  
Object paced airliner (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          3/11/1976 #30935  
d object with windows (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          6/22/1976 #31126  
ase (M), R/V with E-M (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          9/19/1976 #31407  
Near Japanese Airport (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      10/17/1976 #31471  
tion to landing lites (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          1/21/1977 #31736  
e passes at Mirage IV (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          3/7/1977 #31868  
minique F. Weinstein) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          3/12/1977 #31900  
on. (Haines printout) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          3/21/1977 #31923  
-M. (Haines printout) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          4/14/1977 #31979  
 reports of the Gendarmerie, civil aviation, the Air Force, and the meteoro 5/1/1977 #32046  
er, July 1977, p. 3). (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          5/26/1977 #32131  
minique F. Weinstein) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/1/1977 #32224  
FO. (Haines printout) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          8/7/1977 #32368  
ot encountered object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          9/4/1977 #32459  
lights overtook DC-10 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          9/22/1977 #32506  
ef. (Haines printout) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          10/26/1977 #32613  
pilot enc object, E-M (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          10/26/1977 #32614  
ns. (Haines printout) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          10/27/1977 #32622  
or three minutes, E-M (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          11/18/1977 #32684  
nvolving airline crew (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          12/8/1977 #32747  
val passed Cessna 206 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          12/9/1977 #32753  
ec. (Haines printout) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          12/12/1977 #32761  
- Distant Encounters) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          12/15/1977 #32776  
d TWA for 20 minutess (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          12/22/1977 #32806  
ng. (Haines printout) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          12/27/1977 #32812  
c With Dome & Windows (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      1/1/1978 #32839  
0 lights passed plane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          1/5/1978 #32853  
flew below Cessna 150 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          1/11/1978 #32875  
known distance ahead. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          1/15/1978 #32884  
anages to photograph it, but civil aviation authorities prohibit its releas 4/1978 #33111  
 plane (section III). (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          6/11/1978 #33271  
ghts circled airliner (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          6/24/1978 #33304  
esses in an airplane. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/4/1978 #33330  
ute (Haines printout) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/4/1978 #33331  
ICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/16/1978 #33387  
objects near a/c. E-M (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          8/22/1978 #33544  
DAR Cases, Rating: 5) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          8/27/1978 #33577  
England. A spokesman for the Civil Aviation Authority denies that any are t 9/1978 #33618  
tich" Cessna 182 case (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      10/21/1978 #33854  
p object near airport (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          10/30/1978 #33895  
gs encountered by TWA (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          11/21/1978 #33972  
ngular flying object. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          12/16/1978 #34150  
- Distant Encounters) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          12/16/1978 #34152  
es. (Haines printout) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          12/30/1978 #34230  
- Distant Encounters) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          2/9/1979 #34414  
black rays" or beams. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          2/15/1979 #34424  
tring of objects, R/V (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          5/26/1979 #34588  
Two discs below plane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          8/9/1979 #34720  
l Case? Probably Not. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 2)      11/11/1979 #34995  
 UFOs at 14,000 feet. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          11/11/1979 #34996  
ntelligence Agency and the Federal Aviation Administration (which it claims 5/1980 #35295  
er than his aircraft. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          6/14/1980 #35366  
ed than his aircraft. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          6/20/1980 #35381  
resumed were windows. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          9/22/1980 #35527  
 circle Aerostar PA60 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          9/28/1980 #35540  
ect buzzed Cessna 150 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          2/9/1981 #35819  
 degrees to the right (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          2/25/1981 #35843  
 flown by Mr. Dennis, (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          4/4/1981 #35885  
ered below Cessna 210 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          4/20/1981 #35907  
-1011 Encounters Disc (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      7/4/1981 #35985  
ight in the dawn sky. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/25/1981 #36035  
                            Moscow Aviation Institute An interview with Rus 7/31/1981 #36047  
 UFO reports on file in the Moscow Aviation Institute and has compiled eigh 7/31/1981 #36047  
DAR Cases, Rating: 5) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          8/8/1981 #36063  
rliners report object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          10/31/1981 #36196  
craft for 82 minutes. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          2/8/1982 #36325  
f their left wingtip. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          3/8/1982 #36382  
off toward the north. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          6/27/1982 #36519  
c dbl globular object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          10/24/1982 #36662  
de pass at AF trainer (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          11/2/1982 #36671  
diameter of 2 meters. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/6/1983 #36902  
lasted Out of the Sky (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          8/26/1983 #36958  
er of the 1st Squadron of the 10th Aviation Group (Poker Squadron) is flyin 1984 #37096  
rtheast to southwest. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          1/22/1984 #37140  
DAR Cases, Rating: 5) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          4/24/1984 #37285  
ICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          9/23/1984 #37465  
Province, China -- A Chinese Civil Aviation Administration Boeing 747 encou 6/11/1985 #37599  
ject below Cessna 172 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          5/11/1986 #37864  
, Code: R, Rating: 5) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          5/19/1986 #37876  
ge object with lights (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          2/11/1988 #38456  
ton AFB San Bernardino, California Aviation designer Brad Sorensen attends  11/12/1988 #38713  
 see the rear of the B-2. However, Aviation Week editors find that there ar 11/22/1988 #38718  
ted around Beechcraft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/22/1989 #39028  
               HIGH WYCOMBE, BUCKS Aviation expert and 1. Saucer speeds acr 12/22/1989 #39327  
                                US Aviation Week & Space Technology magazin 3/1990 #39434  
oduction” in FY 1987. According to Aviation Week, Project Aurora refers to  3/1990 #39434  
6 procurement document obtained by Aviation Week. In 1994, Ben Rich, the fo 3/1990 #39434  
ceptor pilot enc, R/V (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          3/21/1990 #39473  
William Scott writes an article in Aviation Week on 45 sightings of strange 10/1/1990 #39756  
William Scott writes an article in Aviation Week about 45 sightings in the  10/1/1990 #39757  
clouds (section 111). (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          1/13/1991 #39952  
d ahead of Flight 866 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          3/6/1991 #39996  
shaped object, 2 rect (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          3/18/1991 #40020  
sed path of MD-80, RV (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          4/21/1991 #40043  
ng any missiles. The British Civil Aviation Authority concludes that “exten 4/21/1991 #40046  
& airliner, R/V, E-M. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          6/8/1991 #40090  
ind occurred at the Yeisk Military Aviation School in Russia at 5:31 p.m.   8/28/1991 #40169  
ead it vanished. At RAF Cosford an aviation expert timed the flight of a UF 3/30/1993 #40906  
object (section III). (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      5/20/1993 #40987  
ed Aircraft Near Indy (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      12/2/1993 #41318  
rs maneuvering object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 3)      1/27/1994 #41383  
, Code: R, Rating: 5) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          5/25/1995 #42225  
 405 / Boc Flight 226 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      11/17/1995 #42602  
. The Directorate General of Civil Aviation issues a public statement confi 3/30/1997 #43245  
he 1950s and 1960s by citizens and aviation experts were based on “fleeting 8/3/1997 #43365  
Near miss with object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)      8/9/1997 #43375  
e UFO evidence, Sturrock brings in aviation psychologist Richard F. Haines, 9/29/1997 #43420  
s aerial phenomena observed by any aviation personnel, civil or military.   10/3/1997 #43423  
                     NASA National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous P 1999 #43706  
hard F. Haines founds the National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous P 1999 #43706  
ree other nearby aircraft. A Civil Aviation Authority source says the objec 2/3/1999 #43721  
nds. The witness has worked in the aviation industry for many years, and at 9/13/1999 #43845  
 non-profit working to decarbonize aviation and promote new technologies in 12/3/1999 #43892  
                          National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous P 10/15/2000 #44056  
henomena Richard Haines’s National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous P 10/15/2000 #44056  
dar, scramble mission (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)                          7/26/2002 #44365  
computer scientist Jacques Vallée, aviation expert John Callahan, and physi 11/8/2002 #44436  
rs, astronaut Buzz Aldrin, General Aviation Manufacturers Association CEO E 11/27/2002 #44452  
beach. He reported the case to the Aviation Authority, but they did not bel 8/25/2004 #44742  
OIA request is sent to the Federal Aviation Administration for any radar da 1/8/2008 #45112  
 married couple with many years of aviation experience were returning from  6/7/2008 #45146  
e tower. Within minutes, the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC)  7/7/2010 #45286  
                              Navy Aviation Maintenance Administrator Angel 11/15/2011 #45334  
f the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGAC) in Providencia of 19 exp 7/31/2014 #45412  
adron to submit a Notice to Airmen aviation flight safety report. According 2/2015? #45430  
t was initially rejected but Naval Aviation Enterprise CTO James Sheehy fil 11/2/2017 #45490  
jects that the military’s Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program [ 1/9/2018 #45503  
                      The National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous P 6/2019 #45583  
ounties Perkins County The Federal Aviation Administration launches an inve 12/2019 #45620  
ited the eastern planes with other aviation experts to view the drones. He  1/8/2020 #45625  
preparing to land, and the Federal Aviation Administration alerts local law 10/14/2020 #45662  
## Word: "aviationpros" (Back to Top)
ater the Chairman. *   https://www.aviationpros.com/education-training/trad 11/2/1993 #41259  
## Word: "aviator" (Back to Top)
   WATERLOO, IA 13M airship lands. Aviator does not request money. All amaz 4/17/1897 #518  
 out and signals are given for the aviator to land. Two warning shots are f 1/29/1913 #875  
 Kansas Colorado Springs, Colorado Aviator Bert Acosta is flying somewhere  1/1926 #1056  
  New Zealand Australia Tasman Sea Aviator Francis Chichester sees a dull g 6/6/1931 #1127  
s assumes she is the famous German aviator Hanna Reitsch and helps her dig  7/18/1943 #1518  
                                WA Aviator Kenneth Arnold publishes the pam 1950 #4459  
B, originally heard up by ex-Naval aviator and intelligence officer George  Mid 11/1953 #9301  
ond man 5’10” tall, wearing a gray aviator suit got out of a door located i 9/20/1954 #10373  
                Marine Corps naval aviator states he is told the USAF 4602n 10/14/1954 #11075  
rris Jesup, Greenland Soviet polar aviator Valentin Akkuratov is flying a T 1956 #12636  
 Afternoon. Paul Stehlin, military aviator and vice-president of Bugatti, i 9/1967 #22975  
    Jose Maria Cravero and another aviator observed a UFO at close range cl 11/8/1974 #29589  
         Huntsville, AL Ex-US Navy Aviator Ryan Graves gives a keynote titl 6/3/2022 #45753  
## Word: "aviators" (Back to Top)
ern Finland, Norway, Various Ghost aviators (as reported by the New York Ti 2/3/1934 #1202  
CEDAR CITY, UT Airport manager and aviators. Saucer going quickly east / se 6/26/1947 #2415  
   BENSON, AZ 5 military and civil aviators / ground and airborne. Vibrant  4/3/1952 #6018  
                ALTO COMEDERO, ARG Aviators and more/others. Several silent 7/15/1956 #12972  
ter and strike tactics to selected aviators and officers at Naval Air Stati 3/3/1969 #24960  
Park [now King Michael I Park] and Aviators Square in Bucharest, Romania, w 9/11/1987 #38281  
The UFO was reported to the FAA by aviators, ground observers, and radio ne 1/2/2000 #43916  
ane is a Cessna 150 piloted by two aviators flying with outdated maps from  5/11/2005 #44840  
that the videos were made by naval aviators and that they are “part of a la 2/2015? #45430  
 data and observations by military aviators. Bray says that “Navy and air f 5/17/2022 #45750  
aves states at the conference that aviators are reporting sightings, but ar 6/3/2022 #45753  
## Word: "aviazione" (Back to Top)
 helicopters of the Italian Army’s Aviazione Leggera dell’Esercito are foll 10/27/1977 #32623  
## Word: "avid" (Back to Top)
ter was an amateur astronomer, and avid sky watcher. He made the two photos 2/1967 #21426  
thologies of Ummo writings—find an avid readership.                         1969 #24804  
## Word: "avignon" (Back to Top)
                              OVER AVIGNON, FR 2 Fr. Air Force jets chase w 10/19/1954 #11227  
ed object with colored lights over Avignon, Vaucluse, France.The flying dis 10/19/1954 #11245  
                            EAST / AVIGNON, FR Cops and several. Red moon-s 8/19/1994 #41680  
## Word: "avila" (Back to Top)
g cylinder/cylindrical object over Avila Mountain. Going southeast. 2nd cyl 3/17/1958 #14936  
ernardino section, Pedro Riera, of Avila Ave., was awakened by the shaking  8/7/1967 #22839  
(s). Luminous disk seems to land / Avila Mountain. Takes off 2 hours later. 9/28/1967 #23140  
 the local police station in Pedro Avila. When he felt better he left and a 9/25/1977 #32519  
                        La Canada, Avila, Spain - A 28-year-old security gu 2/9/1995 #42031  
          A videotape by Sr. Logro Avila shows a UFO flying at high speed a 6/1/2000 #43999  
d finally made a line for Cerro El Avila mountain.                          8/28/2003 #44585  
## Word: "avion" (Back to Top)
                                   AVION, FR 2 luminous orbs come and go. A 2/3/1974 #28726  
                                   AVION, FR Delta/triangle/box-like craft  3/3/1974 #28852  
 edges of the UFO was 6:30 a.m. in Avion, France. According to the witness  3/3/1974 #28853  
## Word: "avionics" (Back to Top)
alth, aerodynamic performance, and avionics systems enable unprecedented ai 12/15/2005 #44909  
s lights go out and the aircraft’s avionics system fails. Other pilots can  4/22/2022 #45745  
## Word: "avis" (Back to Top)
                                   AVIS, PORTUGAL Several observer(s). Powe 3/23/1974 #28928  
gland at 9:50 p.m. John and Elaine Avis and their three children were on th 10/27/1974 #29561  
## Word: "avistamientos_ovnis" (Back to Top)
.”  http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/avistamientos_ovnis/Stringfield,UFO%20Cr 8/13/1979 #34741  
## Word: "aviv" (Back to Top)
II reports. One report is from Tel Aviv, Israel and one of the humanoid rep 10/4/1954 #10699  
ve to the appointed place near Tel Aviv, Israel around 10:00 p.m. There the 12/6/1971 #26490  
                               TEL AVIV, ISRAEL Cops and several. Apple sha 3/5/1996 #42802  
                         NORTH TEL AVIV, ISRL Hundreds and cops. Huge sauce 9/17/1996 #43027  
 saw a huge disc maneuver over Tel Aviv, Israel at two o'clock in the morni 9/17/1996 #43028  
                               TEL AVIV, ISR 3 dark sponge shapes pass / 70 11/26/1997 #43449  
## Word: "aviva" (Back to Top)
 - At three o'clock in the morning Aviva Carmel felt drawn to leave her bed 3/30/1993 #40907  
## Word: "avoca" (Back to Top)
                                   AVOCA, AUSTR Farmer. Huge saucer rises / 7/1950 #5030  
 cattle mutilation was reported in Avoca, Arkansas.                         10/8/1978 #33820  
## Word: "avocado" (Back to Top)
s a glow coming from the top of an avocado tree. When he looks up, he sees  8/28/1963 #17922  
 shaped “somewhat like a flattened avocado pear.” The blunt leading end see 10/15/1977 #32578  
## Word: "avocado-shaped" (Back to Top)
 other very different beings with "avocado-shaped heads", dressed in one-pi 11/18/1973 #28443  
New Mexico between 1945 and 1948:  Avocado-shaped craft at San Antonio, NM, 3/26/2011 #45320  
## Word: "avocent" (Back to Top)
ey (founders of Cyber Corp., later Avocent), and additional investment from 3/2004 #44671  
## Word: "avoid" (Back to Top)
he Navy to read “cause unknown” to avoid blaming Taylor for the loss of fiv 12/5/1945 #1950  
n, went up, hovered, maneuvered to avoid Phone lines and trees, and flew aw 8/11/1948 #3778  
n, went up, hovered, maneuvered to avoid telephone lines and trees, and fle 8/11/1948 #3779  
rb/globe / 17K' altitude. Rises to avoid beam?                              9/11/1949 #4354  
mation from the public in order to avoid panic: “For the past 175 years, th 12/24/1949 #4443  
ect in searchlight again. Rises to avoid beam? Many such.                   3/10/1950 #4605  
sion and is surprised to watch one avoid danger by moving to the right. A t 9/13/1951 #5665  
his point, the pilot pulls away to avoid a collision, as the UFO is nearly  1/22/1952 #5876  
he UFO seemed to be maneuvering to avoid the flack as well. The sighting la 2/23/1952 #5924  
at the witnesses, who were able to avoid being hit by them by jumping into  4/25/1952 #6187  
e aircraft get closer and turns to avoid them, the objects become visible a 10/21/1952 #8172  
 light and have to alter course to avoid a collision that seems imminent.   12/10/1952 #8409  
 1st Lt. Lowell D. Brandt turns to avoid them.                              1/9/1953 #8525  
). Silent silver saucer zigzags to avoid military jets. Going quickly west  2/3/1953 #8628  
ey have gone to so much trouble to avoid. However, he soon becomes aware th Spring 1953 #8766  
 covering it up from the public to avoid panic. He has gotten clearance fro 10/1/1953 #9198  
 a sharp climbing turn in order to avoid colliding with an unknown object o 4/14/1954 #9690  
C47 crew. Saucer makes 45° turn to avoid collision. / r185.                 8/15/1954 #10142  
ers. Cylinder/cigar-shape flies to avoid passing plane.                     9/22/1954 #10389  
ffloads smaller UFO's. Zips off to avoid airliner.                          9/22/1954 #10391  
gar-shaped UFO flew in a manner to avoid a passing airplane.                9/22/1954 #10397  
ahead of her. She had to swerve to avoid hitting them.The craft took off, f 10/18/1954 #11223  
inia, Italy. He swerves sharply to avoid it and falls off his cycle. A taxi 11/4/1954 #11565  
 / road. Going up [to] and tilts / avoid wires. Silent. Quickly going up. / 11/18/1954 #11665  
 It changes names several times to avoid public exposure. In 1964, it is kn 12/28/1954 #11868  
s / asphalt with rod. Jumps back / avoid car. / r112p121.                   7/2/1955 #12230  
lls the plane upward in a climb to avoid the object. This sudden maneuver c 3/9/1957 #13540  
inally takes off at a 45° angle to avoid a power line, then shoots away. Lo 7/30/1957 #13862  
s motorist tried to turn around to avoid UFO sitting on road (NICAP: 03 - E 10/30/1957 #14166  
to request a flight path change to avoid the cloud, which is now about 10 m 5/13/1958 #15031  
ily outmaneuver them and zigzag to avoid machine gun fire.                  Spring 1959 #15661  
ture forces one F-102 to swerve to avoid collision. Another nearly loses co 9/24/1959 #15987  
lice radio, and the UFO swerved to avoid their spotlight. There were at lea 8/13/1960 #16381  
g at 600 mph, made a sharp turn to avoid the UFO, now rapidly closing in on 7/17/1963 #17835  
s in a high-gravity environment to avoid falling down.)                     1965 #18679  
s, vertically and horizontally, to avoid the tree. The woman’s cheek feels  1965 #18689  
h 2 steady red lights maneuvers to avoid house. Going northeast.            3/8/1965 #18847  
e plane. Inaba makes a 60° turn to avoid a collision, but the object makes  3/18/1965 #18864  
 ovoid in front / 2 jets. Rises to avoid collision and zips off.            4/4/1965 #18892  
hters. The UFO ascended rapidly to avoid collision and moved rapidly away i 4/4/1965 #18897  
tion to leave the road in order to avoid it. The object was orange, 5 m in  8/4/1965 #19313  
tion to leave the road in order to avoid it. The object had an orange glow  8/4/1965 #19321  
nd. The driver swerved in order to avoid a collision. Later than day a priv 8/10/1965 #19363  
 6 separate observer(s). 2 drop to avoid direct hit / 30m saucer! / APRO No 9/3/1965 #19498  
ta, when he slams on his brakes to avoid hitting a rocket-like device resti 10/23/1965 #19678  
ort of gravitational propulsion to avoid destruction from high G-forces, oc 2/22/1966 #19912  
f the car. It rose just in time to avoid a collision.                       3/14/1966 #19969  
cers spew caustic threads. Animals avoid. / MJ#282.                         10/12/1966 #20995  
oached by an “agency” and wants to avoid attention.  [Retrievals of the Thi 1967 #21239  
raft into a sharp turn in order to avoid a collision, just before the objec 2/15/1967 #21556  
d and had to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting it . (June Larson report,  4/21/1967 #22181  
 and have to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting it. The object takes off,  4/21/1967 #22191  
e road at 1:30 a.m. They braked to avoid collision with the object and stop 4/21/1967 #22195  
 perfect 12M indent / ground. Dogs avoid.                                   11/1/1967 #23383  
Same cop. "UFO's show at random to avoid interference..". / NICAP v4#5.     12/3/1967 #23537  
 headlights on only long enough to avoid obstructions, they encountered a l 7/16/1968 #24181  
 ambulance. Migueres was unable to avoid it, and a head on collision took p 8/11/1969 #25317  
 Minaret programs are shut down to avoid exposure during the Weathermen tri 1973 #27199  
erver(s). 7+saucers in formations. Avoid passing planes.                    3/23/1973 #27363  
he is driving up. He pulls over to avoid a collision, but the light keeps c 5/22/1973 #27518  
 prop plane took evasive action to avoid collision with strange, horseshoe- 10/1973 #27898  
 observer(s). 4 weird 5' figure(s) avoid flashlights / 12 hours. Many trace 10/20/1973 #28205  
om the cloud they had to swerve to avoid a little man wearing dark clothing 11/18/1973 #28444  
the aircraft into a sudden dive to avoid it, missing the UFO by “inches.” T 6/9/1974 #29175  
 Indents and burns / ground. Sheep avoid spot. / r41p493.                   7/31/1975 #30215  
ace. Ill and confused, he tries to avoid the beam. His nose bleeds and he s 7/31/1975 #30218  
rds the end. The driver swerved to avoid hitting the creature, and temporar 9/17/1975 #30367  
l, he had to slam on his brakes to avoid hitting "some sort of creature." T 10/7/1975 #30422  
 drive his vehicle into a ditch to avoid hitting it. The object is 40 feet  11/5/1975 #30561  
iences and care should be taken to avoid speculation or to imply Air Force  11/11/1975 #30611  
n. Exam. Missing time. Burns. Pets avoid observer(s). Death. / r110p114.    1/6/1976 #30767  
ments. Jafari turns to the left to avoid an impact with the small object, w 9/18/1976 #31395  
head / outside house. Traces. Pets avoid spot.                              1/3/1977 #31685  
toward him. Mosychuk leans back to avoid the beam, but it shines on his fee 2/2/1978 #32946  
er hovers. Shoots going up [to] to avoid collision. / MJ#186.               6/4/1978 #33252  
(s) / tingles and paralysis. Frogs avoid.                                   8/26/1978 #33570  
fied but uncooperative, seeking to avoid publicity.                         10/15/1978 #33837  
uminous sphere/orb/globe speeds to avoid 2nd sphere/orb/globe. 3rd follows  11/19/1978 #33963  
ely responding to FOIA requests to avoid releasing all UAP files in its pos 12/15/1978 #34142  
a into a steep bank and descent to avoid a collision. An object suddenly sp 8/27/1979 #34788  
ovide any explanation. In order to avoid a possible collision, the captain  11/11/1979 #34997  
) UFO / middle / US87! Jumps up to avoid collision / car.                   11/3/1980 #35612  
S Highway 87. The UFO jumped up to avoid a collision with their car.        11/3/1980 #35616  
parabolic saucers 200' over SR208. Avoid cars.                              1/9/1984 #37118  
aking evasive action and veered to avoid a collision with the UFO.          4/20/1986 #37829  
ved in front, then tilted right to avoid hitting a house, powerlines and tr 9/24/1987 #38294  
MONTT, CHL LAN 737 banks sharply / avoid fast fireball. Type unknown. / r15 6/1/1988 #38578  
 makes a steep turn to the left to avoid a collision. The object is also se 6/1/1988 #38579  
. Liner drops and douses lights to avoid.                                   5/17/1991 #40065  
ude and extinguished its lights to avoid a further encounter.               5/17/1991 #40067  
IA Crews / 2 airliners. 1 veers to avoid huge glowing-sphere. Object vanish 8/20/1991 #40162  
a general alert for air traffic to avoid the area. At 5:27 a.m. the object  8/28/1991 #40168  
opilot radar system made a turn to avoid a collision. There was extensive n 3/14/1994 #41457  
used by instinctive maneuvering to avoid a conflicting UFO… The commercial  2/20/1995 #42052  
box-like crafts follow tornado and avoid planes / lucky point / 7 May. '95. 6/8/1995 #42243  
e straight down. The UFO dipped to avoid the trees, then finally shot off t 9/29/1995 #42520  
Airline(s)/airliner pilot dives to avoid extremely bright fireball. Firebal 2/27/1996 #42785  
r Saginaw, Michigan had to dive to avoid a collision with a very bright bal 2/27/1996 #42786  
. There is no sound and no time to avoid a collision. The object hits the c 11/27/1998 #43686  
 no sound and there was no time to avoid a collision. It hit the car with a 11/27/1998 #43687  
ear ground level, and pulled up to avoid a pickup truck whose headlights ha 12/26/1999 #43904  
 be hostile and seem to be able to avoid collisions using extraordinary man 10/15/2000 #44056  
aptain requests a course change to avoid the object, which is passing in fr 1/4/2004 #44643  
e have made dangerous maneuvers to avoid it.” London confirms the presence  6/28/2005 #44849  
to the road. They had to swerve to avoid hitting it. They don’t know where  10/27/2007 #45080  
ds from his altitude of 4 miles to avoid hypoxia and hypothermia. After lan 10/30/2007 #45086  
on. It executes precise turns that avoid electrical poles, wires, and stree 7/15/2013 #45377  
f hoax was itself a fabrication to avoid further public attention and ridic 4/18/2017 #45468  
uggests the Navy was attempting to avoid public discussion of the extraterr 7/24/2020 #45655  
is and had a strategic priority to avoid “hysteria.”  https://www.theblackv 7/24/2020 #45655  
ave “committed crimes” and want to avoid oversight and accountability. Coul 11/30/2021 #45726  
## Word: "avoidance" (Back to Top)
ft. Passengers were injured in the avoidance maneuver.                      10/19/1953 #9244  
n an aircraft approached (aircraft avoidance), reappearing after it left. ( 4/19/1966 #20339  
raft approached the area (aircraft avoidance). (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 02 -  5/4/1966 #20445  
hed to the large object, (aircraft avoidance). The sighting lasted 4 hours. 8/13/1966 #20741  
 the object, it took off (aircraft avoidance) with its lights flashing in a 1/26/1967 #21396  
when aircraft approached (aircraft avoidance). (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 3/29/1967 #22010  
 airplane Jet approached (aircraft avoidance). (Henry McKay report, 4/17/67 4/12/1967 #22116  
ft converged on the area (aircraft avoidance). (Fowler, 1974, p. 347.) (NIC 4/21/1967 #22183  
n an aircraft approached (aircraft avoidance). (Letter received 11 /28/67,  4/27/1967 #22228  
n aircraft approached it (aircraft avoidance), then accelerated and sped aw 10/12/1967 #23226  
 The aircraft's tactical collision avoidance system was triggered by the ob 11/12/2006 #44984  
uments that the Airborne Collision Avoidance System SSR radar does not dete 3/19/2020 #45639  
## Word: "avoided" (Back to Top)
bility, in which case Earth barely avoided multiple Tunguska events or even 8/12/1883 #255  
llow or silvery oval objects which avoided 3-4 airplanes (FOIA) 2-4 hrs (NI 4/6/1949 #4078  
ame head-on at the T-33, the pilot avoided it and the light dimmed.  Sighti 10/19/1959 #16042  
tly head-on at him. The T-33 pilot avoided it and the light then dimmed. Th 10/19/1959 #16043  
ng object, 10 m in diameter, which avoided collision at the last moment. He 1/12/1965 #18715  
red lights, which flew above them, avoided hitting the house at the last mo 3/8/1965 #18849  
 above them at a low altitude, and avoided hitting their house at the last  3/8/1965 #18852  
shlight on the object, but the UFO avoided the flashlight beam. It shot off 10/28/1973 #28314  
## Word: "avoiding" (Back to Top)
es at low altitude for 30 minutes, avoiding buildings and hills. Some peopl 11/17/1896 #340  
ut is benign and UAP occupants are avoiding direct contact with humans; cra 1954 #9424  
turns south along the Texas coast, avoiding entry over land, and seems head 8/25/1974 #29386  
rver(s). Silver domed saucer turns avoiding Empire St. building! Climbs goi 10/4/1979 #34938  
e SR 208. The objects seemed to be avoiding being seen by passing cars. (NI 1/9/1984 #37122  
e SR 208. The objects seemed to be avoiding being seen by passing cars.     1/9/1984 #37126  
s several feet in front of the car avoiding the power lines. Triangular and 11/19/1985 #37712  
ading in an easterly direction. No avoiding action is needed, but the incid 5/5/2018 #45526  
## Word: "avoids" (Back to Top)
ect zig-zags across sky several X. Avoids spotlight. Very fast.             7/10/1952 #6747  
 group of followers, and generally avoids the limelight.                    Fall 1952 #8014  
roject Bluebook Case #2365. Saucer avoids F86. Air Traffic Controller RADAR 1/28/1953 #8589  
point at the object, but it always avoids the beam.                         4/22/1954 #9705  
troyer Bauru. Very fast 90° turns. Avoids spotlight.                        6/27/1959 #15794  
d by Soviet Air Defense Forces but avoids intercepts by a MiG-19 and a Su-9 4/9/1960 #16219  
legs. Going quickly southwest. Dog avoids site. / r30p244.                  11/13/1960 #16500  
nds 1500m away / 20 minute(s). Dog avoids area after. / r50p7.              1/6/1961 #16563  
ack over quarry / 20+24 September. Avoids lights.                           9/18/1962 #17411  
             Blaine AFB, WA Driver Avoids Collision With 30' Object (NICAP: 1/12/1965 #18714  
 object, 30 feet in diameter, that avoids collision with his car at the las 1/12/1965 #18717  
night light responds / flashlight! Avoids plane. / r83 p147.                7/27/1967 #22737  
e ruined professionally!” Saunders avoids admitting he was responsible (ind 2/7/1968 #23739  
m wide and 1m tall. Altitude = 6M. Avoids car. / r230v4#3.                  9/1/1968 #24419  
ovoid with beam going down / barn. Avoids flashlight! Going quickly west.   10/28/1973 #28306  
sphere, only 3–6 feet in diameter, avoids a collision at the last minute an 3/3/1976 #30921  
liant disk hovers and circles low. Avoids spotlight / away and back.        2/1977 #31768  
uths. They have no teeth. Doctor X avoids Stringfield’s later questions.    5/1977 #32042  
der/cigar-shape. 5 portholes glow. Avoids plane / Heathrow.                 8/4/1977 #32357  
M delta at 3M altitude. Maneuvers. Avoids car and power lines. Strobes. Bac 11/19/1985 #37708  
 MS 8' cone / round top paces car. Avoids large trees. Car malfunctions due 1/20/1990 #39381  
## Word: "avold" (Back to Top)
                          NEAR ST. AVOLD, FR Saucer lands / field. Trees sc 10/19/1954 #11232  
ed object landed in a field in St. Avold, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France. Trees 10/19/1954 #11249  
## Word: "avon" (Back to Top)
                             BATH, AVON 'Splendidly lit craft' passes over  3/6/1912 #858  
                              GLEN AVON, CA AND LONG BEACH 2 separate obser 7/13/1955 #12258  
                          BRISTOL, AVON Several separate observer(s). Brill 4/6/1956 #12793  
                                   AVON, MASS Cigar-object seen. Apparent g 7/1/1957 #13769  
                                   Avon, MA Cigar-shaped UFO with green lig 7/1/1957 #13771  
                   COTSWOLD HILLS, AVON Phony land rover without lights pas 12/15/1965 (approximate) #19769  
 was seen in the Cotswold Hills in Avon county, England at around midnight. 12/15/1965 #19771  
                  At 11:05 p.m. in Avon, Connecticut a motorist saw a "robo 9/3/1967 #22991  
                          Bristol, Avon, UK 4:50 a.m. LT. A woman saw a cig 10/23/1967 #23292  
                             River Avon, Hampshire, UK Disables Engine Cont 11/6/1967 #23411  
                       IRON ACTON, AVON 1 observer. Huge "Rugby ball" objec 6/28/1973 #27591  
              Mrs. Jackie Booth of Avon Lake, Ohio--mother of three--had ha 7/17/1974 #29266  
                        AVONMOUTH, AVON 2 / M5. Large silver fuselage going 11/1977 #32646  
projects were conducted at Langley Avon Bombing Range and Seymour-Johnson N 8/1978 #33460  
        A46 / BATH TO/FROM STROUD, AVON Odd orange cloud. 3 clocks off / 3  10/1981 #36146  
                     MANGOTSFIELD, AVON Huge nearly transparent delta/trian 10/26/1989 #39186  
                          BRISTOL, AVON 3 observer(s). Orange plasma and li 10/11/1990 #39775  
                          BRISTOL, AVON 2 girls trapped / invisible bubble. 10/18/1990 #39793  
                          BRISTOL, AVON 8+UFO's in groups all over town / 5 6/28/1993 #41041  
                     NEAR BRISTOL, AVON 30 / barbecue see and photograph wi 8/14/1993 #41136  
people at a barbecue near Bristol, Avon, England saw and photographed a wil 8/14/1993 #41138  
            CHEW STOKE AND DUNDRY, AVON Spate / sightings since July. Cigar 10/1993 #41212  
ored flashing lights was seen over Avon, Colorado at 8:00 p.m.              5/7/2009 #45219  
## Word: "avondale" (Back to Top)
                                   Avondale, Arizona 6:45 p.m. A witness in 12/1/2000 #44095  
le, Arizona 6:45 p.m. A witness in Avondale, Arizona, sees a bunch of light 12/1/2000 #44095  
## Word: "avonmouth" (Back to Top)
                                   AVONMOUTH, AVON 2 / M5. Large silver fus 11/1977 #32646  
## Word: "avril" (Back to Top)
 done as a publicity stunt. Claude Avril, the city mayor in 2016, refuses t 10/25/1954 #11391  
Director of National Intelligence (Avril Haynes under the Biden administrat 12/27/2020 #45670  
## Word: "avro" (Back to Top)
and development contract” with the Avro Company of Canada. This is later co 1955 #11897  
 it was tested by Canadian company Avro.  John Frost and Avro Special Proje 1955 #11897  
dian company Avro.  John Frost and Avro Special Projects Group, though, wor 1955 #11897  
bjects seen by Sen. Russell to the Avro Canada Project Y-2 (Silver Bug), a  10/19/1955 #12510  
ts own saucer-shaped aircraft, the AVRO disc. (The AVRO disc project subseq 10/25/1955 #12518  
aped aircraft, the AVRO disc. (The AVRO disc project subsequently was scrap 10/25/1955 #12518  
lustrated publishes a story on the Avro Canada MX-1794 (Y-2, or Silver Bug) 3/1956 #12742  
 Our Flying Saucer.” Through 1958, Avro spends $2.5 million and the USAF $5 3/1956 #12742  
e performed. Drawings developed by Avro show an aircraft that appears to be 3/1956 #12742  
he Canadian government cancels the Avro CF-105 Arrow program. Almost all Av 2/20/1959 #15596  
o CF-105 Arrow program. Almost all Avro Canada employees are laid off, incl 2/20/1959 #15596  
USAF Project Office devoted to the Avro projects recommends that the WS-606 2/20/1959 #15596  
owever, in May the USAF authorizes Avro to continue its “flying saucer” pro 2/20/1959 #15596  
vrocar, #58-7055, rolls out of the Avro Malton factory in Mississauga, Onta 5/1959 #15719  
a modified second prototype at the Avro facility in Mississisauga, Ontario. 6/9/1961 #16722  
commander of an Argentine Airlines Avro, sees a UFO, along with his copilot 6/6/1968 #24013  
rance 1:15 a.m. The crew of an RAF Avro Vulcan B.2 bomber piloted by Flight 5/26/1977 #32133  
## Word: "avrocar" (Back to Top)
roject Silverbug, a variant of the Avrocar, a failed attempt at a flying sa 1955 #11897  
” stating that he had reviewed the Avrocar disc concept and that it looked  11/21/1957 #14588  
 working models of the Army’s VZ-9 Avrocar are being manufactured, the Cana 2/20/1959 #15596  
nd all related work (including the Avrocar) be cancelled. However, in May t 2/20/1959 #15596  
    Mississauga, Ontario The first Avrocar, #58-7055, rolls out of the Avro 5/1959 #15719  
ed in a static hover rig. A second Avrocar is completed in August.          5/1959 #15719  
 first attempt to hover a tethered Avrocar is made. After the vehicle becom 9/29/1959 #15999  
first completely free flight of an Avrocar takes place. This test proves th 11/12/1959 #16087  
After five flights, testing of the Avrocar is temporarily halted, by which  12/5/1959 #16114  
 continue with a slightly modified Avrocar.                                 1/1960 #16148  
USAF/NASA flight evaluation of the Avrocar is conducted on a modified secon 6/9/1961 #16722  
          Funding runs out for the Avrocar and it and related WS-606A super 12/1961 #16986  
## Word: "awacs" (Back to Top)
ound nose and apparatus on top. No AWACs up.                                3/17/1987 #38146  
se. 4 military jets / hot pursuit. AWACS follows. / LDLN#311.               6/22/1990 #39621  
 communications... were between an AWACS aircraft with the call sign Dragne 3/23/1992 #40397  
vity that night. Ten F-16s and one AWACS jet make figure-8s over the area.  1/8/2008 #45112  
## Word: "await" (Back to Top)
at her Oak Park, Illinois, home to await the midnight arrival of a flying s 12/20/1954 #11849  
maneuver and climbs in altitude to await the disappearance of the object. A 11/4/1958 #15425  
s, after the effect protect metals await signal mask.” The two men are iden 8/20/1966 #20779  
erian.” Grace claims “grey aliens” await a human being in the “light” when  1/1991 #39944  
    BATURITE, CEARA, BRZ Thousands await blessed virgin. 6 25M saucers show 10/1/1994 #41778  
## Word: "awaited" (Back to Top)
red back to his car, where his dog awaited him, having run ahead. The car e 2/5/1978 #32957  
## Word: "awaiting" (Back to Top)
of the 2nd Armored Division. While awaiting the start of a flare firing, th 3/17/1949 #4048  
orea is positioned near the runway awaiting an emergency landing by an Amer 1958 #14783  
because it had just arrived or was awaiting deployment.  https://www.earthf 1962 #17012  
d Patrick Nash and his family were awaiting a ferry boat when a brilliant,  8/14/1965 #19389  
 window in Nancy, France at 5 p.m. awaiting the arrival of some pigeons tha 11/15/1969 #25461  
esert near Alamogordo, New Mexico, awaiting a meteor shower. He sees a meta 8/13/1975 #30264  
## Word: "awaits" (Back to Top)
armies told as an allegory of what awaits an unrepentant humanity on Judgme 4/4/1561 #32  
 show and his story. A large crowd awaits him, and a discussion follows. Th 6/24/1947 #2398  
                   OTEGO, NY Crowd awaits wave / Ping-pong balls. Only 6 se 8/1/1952 #7394  
val craft in a nearby field, A man awaits them and helps them aboard. Yeryg 7/6/1990 #39637  
## Word: "awake" (Back to Top)
n Bethesda, Maryland, Forrestal is awake and refuses a sedative. Five minut 5/22/1949 #4203  
oras, Ohio, when her son yells her awake. There are a dozen globes of yello 8/1959 #15889  
co. At around three a.m. they were awake to see a bright fireball descend a 8/20/1959 #15932  
to bed, but suddenly found herself awake and driving on a rural asphalt roa 9/3/1965 #19518  
0 a.m. Randy Davies, who was still awake, saw a man with a light walk past  4/1/1967 #22042  
surrounded by hedges. He felt wide awake. In front of him he saw a silvery  7/4/1970 #25727  
nt back to sleep, but she remained awake. After awhile she saw a light in t 3/6/1975 #29876  
 Mrs. Rosemary Heitmeyer was still awake looked out her hall window and obs 1/27/1976 #30822  
. A man in Kettering, Tasmania, is awake tending to a child when he looks o Late 2/1976 #30905  
 great dread came over me. I would awake in a pool of sweat and afraid.” It 11/1977 #32648  
t. After another whistle Julio was awake again. The crewmembers showed inte 2/5/1978 #32957  
 31-year-old woman is lying in bed awake for 30 minutes at her home in Dela 9/15/1978 #33686  
beach. Several teenagers are still awake, lying in hammocks and talking, wh 1/1980 #35120  
iences missing time until he jerks awake sometime around 8:30 a.m.          1/14/1980 #35135  
intense light. Her husband is also awake by now, and he describes the light 8/26/1983 #36960  
an in Perth, Western Australia was awake in bed next to her sleeping husban 4/12/1989 #38902  
rewster, New York found themselves awake, late at night, walking around the 10/27/1989 #39188  
nto her bedroom while she is still awake. They paralyze her and move her in 11/30/1989 #39283  
ew Hartford, Connecticut was lying awake in bed at 2:00 a.m. when she notic 7/18/1990 #39649  
 5:28 a.m. Mme. Bouffioux is lying awake in bed at her home in Fleurus, Bel 11/22/1990 #39898  
stralia in 1992 a woman was jolted awake at 2:30 a.m. by a bright blue, gla 3/4/1992 #40354  
n medication. Suddenly he was wide awake and sat up in bed, because there w 7/23/1992 #40531  
eyes. His next memory was of being awake at 5:15 a.m. with a strange presen 10/15/1997 #43429  
an was sleeping when he was jolted awake by the sound of the bedroom window 10/15/2000 #44059  
## Word: "awaked" (Back to Top)
 the infirmary. That night, he was awaked in his bed when he saw a misty ma 11/9/1954 #11611  
## Word: "awaken" (Back to Top)
00 a.m. Sam Richerson and his wife awaken in their home in Campbellsville,  10/20/1973 #28215  
   MENDOZA, ARG 2 / car levitated. Awaken / 5-lane road / city with red sky 7/6/1978 #33341  
30 a.m. 17-year-old Fahmi Mohd was awaken by the sound of wind blowing. He  5/23/1999 #43773  
ke craft over rest stop. Observers awaken / home hours later / 26km away.   12/25/1999 #43902  
## Word: "awakened" (Back to Top)
a few leagues from Maracaibo, were awakened by a loud humming noise and a v 10/24/1886 #275  
les from Maracaibo, Venezuela, are awakened by a loud humming noise and a d 10/24/1886 #276  
On this night a loud humming noise awakened a family of nine in a hut in a  10/24/1886 #277  
 10:30 p.m. Alexander Hamilton was awakened by a noise among the cattle and 4/19/1897 #532  
roy, Kansas Alexander Hamilton was awakened by a noise among the cattle and 4/19/1897 #533  
 and his hired hand Gid Heslip are awakened by a noise in the cattle pen of 4/19/1897 #538  
f its most respected citizens, was awakened by a machine noise. Looking out 4/22/1897 #554  
f its most respected citizens, was awakened by a machine noise. Looking out 4/22/1897 #556  
miles east of Josserand, Texas, is awakened by a whirring noise. Outside, h 4/22/1897 #560  
f its most respected citizens, was awakened around midnight by the noise fr 4/22/1897 #562  
s of Ashburton, Devon, England, is awakened by her dogs barking. She sees o Late 6/1915 #929  
king after them said they had been awakened early pre-dawn by a whirring no 1922 #1017  
 her home in Fort Worth, Texas, is awakened by a whirring noise. She sees a Late Summer 1939 #1314  
ts of Rochester, Pennsylvania, are awakened by a loud noise and flash of li 10/1944 #1673  
partment, France. Many people were awakened by the noise.                   8/24/1946 #2157  
fter 4:00 a.m. Mrs. Martin Kole is awakened in her home in Alexandria, Virg 7/4/1947 #2653  
hment 733, 103rd AACS Squadron, is awakened by the sudden emergence of a li 1/7/1948 #3546  
Kokomo, Indiana A metal worker was awakened by his dog and observed an obje 4/8/1950 #4827  
etal worker in Kokomo, Indiana was awakened by his dog and observed an obje 4/8/1950 #4831  
      Itenhaem, Brazil A woman was awakened by a thunderclap and a strong b Summer 1952 #6575  
ile. A “mumbling around the truck” awakened him. The mumbling came from eig 7/27/1952 #7216  
 Nevada desert, Truman Bethurum is awakened by 8 small men who “seem to be  7/28/1952 #7260  
  Doncourt-Village, France Farmers awakened by a whistling sound saw a flat 10/11/1954 #10926  
e, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France were awakened by a whistling sound and saw a  10/11/1954 #10942  
ectric clock stopped; bright light awakened couple. Milkman reported flamin 11/5/1957 #14333  
ajon, California Edmund Rucker was awakened by a roaring noise and saw a st 12/1957 #14648  
California Night. Edmund Rucker is awakened by a roaring noise in El Cajon, 12/1957 #14653  
th a master’s degree from Yale, is awakened by a bright light in her room.  12/16/1957 #14735  
ides. On this night Mrs. Starr was awakened from a sound sleep sometime bet 12/16/1957 #14736  
aybrook, Connecticut Mary Stan was awakened by a brilliant light and saw th 12/18/1957 #14746  
e, France Remi Carbonnier, 45, was awakened by a green light illuminating h 11/13/1960 #16501  
 home. About 0300, one of them was awakened by a feeling of intense cold an 6/26/1962 #17248  
 his sons are in bed when they are awakened by sounds and see a shadowy fig 8/17/1962 #17336  
 da Silva (see previous case), was awakened by the sound of steps and saw " 8/19/1962 #17346  
Anaheim, California Arlene Cook is awakened by her young, terrified son, at Fall 1962 #17434  
ro, Italy A 43-year-old farmer was awakened by restless animals and went ou 1/11/1963 #17633  
, Italy, farmer Antonio de Luca is awakened by restless animals and goes ou 1/11/1963 #17634  
tro Vernotico, Sardegna, Italy was awakened by restless farm animals and we 1/11/1963 #17635  
ities to report that they had been awakened by a peculiar object.           2/21/1963 #17676  
ilberti Jr. and his wife Janet are awakened at their home on 344 Commercial 6/26/1963 #17809  
e Lane, Louisiana James Warren was awakened by a noise, and saw an object b 9/15/1964 #18555  
ght (in 1964 or 1965 maybe), he is awakened by base commander Col. Hugh “Sl 1965? #18680  
naral, Atacama province, Chile was awakened by a loud noise, looked out the 7/20/1965 #19152  
ica Power Plant, Peru Mr. Alva was awakened by a strange sound and saw an o 7/25/1965 #19170  
        On this night Mr. Alva was awakened by a strange sound and saw an o 7/25/1965 #19174  
 mother, Mrs. W. H. Blackburn, are awakened by an explosion in their backya 8/19/1965 #19426  
 Carolina Mrs. T. E. Schumaker was awakened by a loud humming sound and fou 8/20/1965 #19437  
 of Mount Airy, North Carolina was awakened by a loud humming sound and fou 8/20/1965 #19441  
 Justo, Argentina J. Fernandez was awakened by a humming sound and saw a lu 9/3/1965 #19504  
 State, Argentina J. Fernandez was awakened at 1:20 a.m. by a humming sound 9/3/1965 #19513  
 Durhamville, New York A woman was awakened by a flash, thought her heater  4/5/1966 #20240  
woman in Durhamville, New York, is awakened by a flash. She thinks her trai 4/5/1966 #20247  
camping near the river when he was awakened by a fluttering sound and obser 4/24/1966 #20402  
ernales River in Texas when he was awakened by a fluttering sound and obser 4/24/1966 #20405  
, of Gibsons, British Columbia, is awakened by a banging noise and sees a b 1967 #21236  
ormer teacher and her husband were awakened by an intermittent roaring soun 2/26/1967 #21655  
 light coming from their patio had awakened the daughter of the Count de Ri 7/7/1967 #22631  
     Boardman, Ohio A minister was awakened by a strange sound and had the  7/18/1967 #22694  
m. LT. Two sleeping witnesses were awakened by a small being with a large h 8/6/1967 #22825  
965), at 2:00 a.m. Pedro Riera was awakened by someone shaking his bed. Whe 8/6/1967 #22832  
n, Pedro Riera, of Avila Ave., was awakened by the shaking of his bed and s 8/7/1967 #22839  
Bernardino, Caracas, Venezuela was awakened when his bed was suddenly shake 8/7/1967 #22840  
a, Wisconsin Mr. and Mrs. Miedtke, awakened by the barking of their dog, sa 8/12/1967 #22867  
west of Ogema, Wisconsin. They are awakened by their dog barking outside. T 8/12/1967 #22868  
a, Wisconsin Mr. And Mrs. Miedtke, awakened by the barking of their dog at  8/12/1967 #22869  
    At 1:30 a.m. Ms. Barbara Ward, awakened by her baby, glanced out her wi 9/2/1967 #22984  
cas, Venezuela a horse trainer was awakened on this night by the presence o 9/22/1967 #23115  
 previous humanoid encounters, was awakened in Alexania, Goias State, Brazi 11/28/1967 #23517  
tified man in Phoenix, Arizona was awakened at one a.m. by a sharp knock on 2/26/1968 #23784  
    A young woman named Torres was awakened at 1:10 a.m. in Laguna Raiva, S 6/24/1968 #24076  
ast. A few hours later, Johnson is awakened and told to report to police he 7/22/1968 #24203  
o children near Upton, Quebec, are awakened by the barking of their dog. Wh 7/28/1968 #24244  
 four in Upton, Quebec, Canada was awakened by their dog's barking. The fat 7/28/1968 #24246  
                                   Awakened by a flapping noise outside, ho 8/26/1968 #24381  
 Clemente Ferreira Sanatorium, was awakened by a noise. At the front door w 8/27/1968 #24387  
 Clemente Ferreira Sanatorium, was awakened by a noise. At the front door w 8/27/1968 #24388  
ira Sanatorium in Lins, Brazil was awakened by a noise early in the morning 8/27/1968 #24390  
f southern France, "Doctor X", was awakened by the sound of his 14-month-ol 11/1/1968 #24620  
thunderstorm, a medical doctor was awakened by his crying 14- month-old son 11/2/1968 #24623  
thunderstorm, a medical doctor was awakened by his crying 14-month-old son. 11/2/1968 #24624  
 29. He is lying in bed when he is awakened by his crying 14-month-old son. 11/2/1968 #24625  
ical doctor in southern France was awakened at 3:55 a.m. by his crying 14-m 11/2/1968 #24626  
      A couple in Lorain, Ohio was awakened at 5:45 a.m. by a loud thump on 11/9/1968 #24648  
eensland, Australia when they were awakened at 4:30 a.m. by the barking of  1/14/1969 #24842  
ject that had landed on a hillside awakened Tiago Machado, age 19. He grabb 2/7/1969 #24902  
irginia A. Guinn and a boarder are awakened by loud howlings and yowlings f 4/23/1969 #25086  
a River, farmer Leo Paul Chaput is awakened by his dog barking. He looks ou 5/11/1969 #25125  
       Jose Pereira Sacramento was awakened by a noise outside his home in  5/20/1969 #25151  
Julian Weverbergh and his wife are awakened in Bucharest, Romania, by a bri 12/14/1970 #25938  
               Trudy Van Riper was awakened at around four o'clock in the m 11/3/1971 #26452  
 Austin, Texas Trudy Van Riper was awakened by her cats growling at four o' 11/4/1971 #26457  
to bed but at about 5 a.m. she was awakened by a sharp rapping on her front 3/7/1972 #26590  
st of speed. At 3:00 a.m. they are awakened by their dogs barking at someth 9/14/1972 #26999  
lvery suits. She said she had been awakened by a "voice" just prior to her  9/6/1973 #27774  
amper for the night when they were awakened by a bright light shining in th 10/14/1973 #28031  
          Omro, WI The witness was awakened sometime after midnight by a br 10/15/1973 #28047  
       Berea (Near), TN 10:30 p.m. Awakened by the barking of their dogs, a 10/15/1973 #28055  
      A man in Omro, Wisconsin was awakened sometime after midnight by a br 10/15/1973 #28059  
 as a being reached toward him. He awakened toward dawn on the floor. He fo 10/15/1973 #28059  
                                   Awakened by the barking of their dogs la 10/15/1973 #28061  
        Pikesville, MD A woman was awakened by a sound like an explosion. S 10/17/1973 #28128  
 woman in Pikesville, Maryland was awakened by a sound like an explosion. S 10/17/1973 #28136  
  At 2:30 a.m. Virginia Varela was awakened by a sound in her home near San 4/11/1974 #29004  
ll Caverns, California when he was awakened by a humming sound and a pulsat 5/26/1974 #29135  
    Albuquerque, NM A resident was awakened to see a large glowing object m 5/28/1974 #29141  
al details. None of her family had awakened during the incident. Other stra 7/17/1974 #29266  
City, Iowa a 16-year-old youth was awakened in his basement room at 3:30 a. 9/8/1974 #29437  
 a.m. Younic Le Bihan, age 20, was awakened by his parents to observe a UFO 9/19/1974 #29464  
picture. Later that night Mike was awakened by the noise of someone in his  11/26/1974 #29610  
                Pike, IL 5:00 a.m. Awakened by a brilliant red light shinin 1/20/1975 #29756  
 Mountlake Terrace, Washington was awakened by barking dogs at 5:50 a.m. He 9/25/1975 #30384  
l as if he were going to faint. He awakened his wife and the beeping sound  9/25/1975 #30384  
t fluorescent lights. Her husband, awakened by her cries, awakened his wife 11/27/1975 #30669  
er husband, awakened by her cries, awakened his wife, and she had scratches 11/27/1975 #30669  
ocal farmer, Sr. Juan Sillero, was awakened by the sound of his dogs barkin 2/20/1977 #31833  
 3:00 a.m. A woman and her son are awakened in their home in Clearfield, Pe 5/11/1977 #32088  
ata Valley, New Zealand farmer had awakened at three a.m. when he heard his 12/2/1977 #32727  
nt building in Livorno, Italy were awakened by a buzzing noise. They looked 8/28/1978 #33586  
sville, IL A 26-year-old woman was awakened by a whirring sound and she wen 9/15/1978 #33684  
00 a.m. A 26-year-old secretary is awakened in Carpentersville, Illinois, b 9/15/1978 #33687  
n in Carpentersville, Illinois was awakened by a whirring sound and she wen 9/15/1978 #33688  
he Bâlea Lake resort, Romania, are awakened by a red light visible through  9/23/1978 #33736  
rently slept several times and was awakened and given several tablets to ea 1/3/1979 #34292  
uro, Cornwall County, England were awakened to find their bedroom lit up br 1/29/1979 #34389  
uro, Cornwall County, England were awakened at around two a.m. to find thei 1/29/1979 #34391  
e accessible only to employees are awakened by goats bleating in a corral.  5/1/1979 #34537  
-old man in Wheeling, Illinois, is awakened by his border collie and goes o 6/26/1979 #34632  
 County Park near Lamoni, Iowa, is awakened by her dog barking. She sees a  8/30/1979 #34809  
ejo, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico were awakened at midnight by noises on their  3/3/1980 #35194  
olina 4:20 a.m. Jerry McAlister is awakened in his bedroom in Anderson, Sou 9/11/1980 #35514  
 Rosedale, Victoria, Australia, is awakened by a noise and his disturbed li 9/30/1980 #35546  
bered was that he felt he had just awakened from sleep, although he was dri 12/31/1980 #35759  
ndira, Brazil 2:00 AM. A woman was awakened by a loud engine type noise com 2/1981 #35810  
 light that began filling her room awakened the witness. She got out of bed 2/15/1981 #35829  
slept that night a very loud noise awakened him, looking out of the tent he 9/1981 #36097  
 Bladenboro, NC Daniel Edwards was awakened by the furious barking of his d 12/17/1981 #36262  
n schoolteacher in Bolingbrook was awakened by a high pitched sound "like a 4/3/1982 #36432  
acher in Bolingbrook, Illinois, is awakened by a high-pitched sound “like a 4/3/1982 #36433  
acher in Bolingbrook, Illinois was awakened by a high pitched sound "like a 4/3/1982 #36434  
    Brooklyn, NY A young woman was awakened by a voice slowly calling her n 6/3/1982 #36490  
ng woman in Brooklyn, New York was awakened by a voice slowly calling her n 6/3/1982 #36492  
 County, California, when they are awakened by a surge of static electricit 11/1982 #36668  
, Brazil Joao Valeiro da Silva was awakened at 1:50 a.m. by indigestion and 11/29/1982 #36702  
, Brazil Joao Valeiro da Silva was awakened at 2:00 a.m. by a noise in his  11/30/1982 #36703  
ed like signs of a struggle, so he awakened the household. His family found 11/30/1982 #36703  
diana 4:00 a.m. A Mrs. Zurwaski is awakened by brilliant white flashes of l 8/26/1983 #36960  
n in upstate New York. After he is awakened by a peculiar noise, he opens h 12/26/1985 #37738  
e northwest edge of Lima, Ohio, is awakened by a loud sound. She looks out  2/12/1986 #37786  
 Pingwu county, Sichuan, China, is awakened by a loud, high-pitched hum. Th 3/7/1987 #38132  
hina, including a young child, was awakened by a loud high-pitched humming  3/7/1987 #38133  
ity Policeman Joseph C. Pscolka is awakened by the night shift flight secur Winter 1987 #38370  
        A mother and daughter were awakened by a throbbing sensation and th 4/3/1988 #38533  
d USAF non-commisioned officer was awakened by their dog at 3:57 a.m. They  1/18/1989 #38786  
 A man in Gulf Breeze, Florida was awakened by his dogs, and saw a UFO desc 2/8/1989 #38826  
popan, Mexico - Apolonio Perez was awakened at 2:15 a.m. while sleeping in  5/10/1989 #38942  
 down the road, a neighbor is also awakened by the bright light and observe 11/20/1989 #39241  
he witness, a repeat abductee, was awakened at around midnight in Townshend 1/6/1990 #39367  
, his father Maj. Jesse Marcel was awakened in the middle of the night by h 3/6/1991 #40002  
 at night the witness was suddenly awakened by three 4.5 foot tall Grey hum 5/14/1991 #40061  
ted that he had been abducted, and awakened in a nearby garden as a blue be 8/13/1991 #40152  
emaco, Mexico when he was suddenly awakened by a bright blue light that ent 3/20/1993 #40895  
ong, pulsating blue light suddenly awakened him. He hid under his blanket,  5/11/1994 #41523  
the sky earlier that evening - was awakened by a large helicopter hovering  5/31/1994 #41543  
id-air. One witness reported being awakened by a loud noise, and saw his be 10/27/1995 #42566  
               NIKISHKA, AK Family awakened. Bright object steaks overhead. 4/12/1996 #42862  
 et Vilaine, Chantepie, France was awakened at two a.m. by a noise like an  1/5/1997 #43166  
e sky over some nearby fields, was awakened when he felt some type of "knoc 1/1/1998 #43484  
ock in the morning the witness was awakened by a white light appearing sudd 9/6/1998 #43641  
                         A man was awakened at 3:00 a.m. by a barking dog a 5/10/1999 #43766  
1:45 CDT, and the witness had been awakened by noise coming from the sky.   6/5/1999 #43780  
as Buenas, Puerto Rico a woman was awakened around 5:00 a.m. when she heard 7/31/2000 #44024  
ed at around 2:30 a.m. A woman was awakened by a loud noise that seemed to  10/15/2000 #44058  
Gorodiszhe. At 3:08 a.m. they were awakened by a bright but plain spreading 8/25/2004 #44741  
rict, England. At 1:30 a.m. he was awakened by a deep humming sound that se 5/4/2009 #45217  
traight up. He goes to bed, but is awakened by low-flying helicopters at 2: 5/8/2009 #45220  
ar-old girl in Baborów, Poland, is awakened by a light from a blue triangul 9/11/2011 #45332  
## Word: "awakening" (Back to Top)
e bald head. The witness screamed, awakening the two others, and they saw t 6/26/1962 #17248  
he curtains during the night. Upon awakening, one of the young men saw the  10/31/1978 #33902  
## Word: "awakens" (Back to Top)
 of light from her window abruptly awakens a woman named Bernor in Templeto 2/27/1968 #23786  
 flight, another landing. Da Silva awakens in the dawn of what turns out to 5/4/1969 #25114  
30–4:00 a.m. A weird humming sound awakens Claire Semaza and her two childr 2/4/1978 #32951  
ects). 2 hours missing time. Rider awakens near Chester.                    9/1/1983 #36965  
liens. Several nights later, Karla awakens to sounds of clicks and bumps in 1988 #38383  
ppeared the morning after the wife awakens to see a small, gray-skinned ent 1/1988 #38385  
n, and the otherness of the aliens awakens a sense that humans are not the  1999 #43708  
## Word: "awakes" (Back to Top)
f men. She loses consciousness and awakes on board a craft where they are g 9/29/1961 #16877  
enders Schrum unconscious. When he awakes, he discovers that the two humano 9/5/1964 #18539  
ke” drift up and he blacks out. He awakes hanging from his belt, and the cr 9/5/1964 #18539  
ened aboard the spacecraft. Walton awakes in a hospital-like room, observed 11/5/1975 #30562  
.m. A witness in Atco, New Jersey, awakes to a loud humming sound and finds 2/7/1984 #37180  
## Word: "awanui" (Back to Top)
                                   AWANUI, NZ Glowing / roadside. 3 pseudo- 2/22/1969 #24938  
ear-old Maori, was walking home in Awanui, New Zealand at one a.m. when he  2/22/1969 #24939  
## Word: "award" (Back to Top)
The Secret Land and won an Academy Award for best documentary.              1946 #1955  
SRA, Riley Crabb. They gave him an award of $200 in recognition of his supe 10/5/1955 #12490  
 full prize, but it has decided to award $5,000 to the Johnson family of De 3/12/1972 #26601  
e documentary wins a Regional Emmy award in 1981. She interviews Denver sur 5/28/1980 #35343  
## Word: "awarded" (Back to Top)
national and General Dynamics were awarded an estimated $35 million each in 4/1986 #37815  
ocketdyne and Pratt & Whitney were awarded $175 million each to develop eng 4/1986 #37815  
clear blast. McDonnell Douglas was awarded the contract for the constructio 1990 #39357  
ruction of the TRESTLE and BDM was awarded a subcontract for electromagneti 1990 #39357  
gement Services Company) were also awarded contracts for operation and mana 1990 #39357  
d Martin scientist Boyd Bushman is awarded a patent for a device that creat 4/17/1997 #43264  
any AC Gravity LLC. AC Gravity was awarded a DOD grant for $448,970 in 2001 8/1/1997 #43364  
r of the ATP Group at BDM Intl. is awarded a patent for technology that inc 8/22/1998 #43636  
m Applications Program (AAWSAP) is awarded to Bigelow Aerospace, the only b 9/22/2008 #45170  
Force Space Surveillance System is awarded to Five Rivers Services, based i 2009 #45203  
## Word: "awards" (Back to Top)
ns contracts and feasibility-study awards.                                  1952 #5836  
s medical expenses. An adjudicator awards him the money based on the fact t 10/2/1956 #13260  
 landing trace evidence. The panel awards seven other UFO cases with a port 3/12/1972 #26601  
SRI and three months later the CIA awards SRI a $50,000 contract.  https:// 6/1972 #26695  
ute Menlo Park, California The CIA awards the Stanford Research Institute [ 10/1/1972 #27043  
s following, The National Enquirer awards Walton and his coworkers a $5,000 11/5/1975 #30562  
## Word: "aware" (Back to Top)
 moon at all, nor is Herschel even aware of the story until much later. The 8/25/1835 #130  
ect as soon as they appeared to be aware of his presence. A door closed, an 6/1914 #900  
eorge Valley of MIT are to be made aware of all cases. So too are Boggs’s o 11/12/1948 #3874  
 because these technicians are not aware of mirages and internal reflection 2/27/1951 #5463  
to avoid. However, he soon becomes aware that this was an image of somethin Spring 1953 #8766  
t him intently. He suddenly became aware that, without intention, he was ba 11/2/1954 #11539  
Navy Secretary James Forrestal was aware of the Navy espionage program on N 3/1/1955 #12027  
uggests around this time he became aware of a deep underground military bas 3/1/1955 #12028  
 UFOs do not exist.” NICAP is made aware of the regulation in 1962 when for 5/1/1956 #12823  
ued by fainting, didn't seem to be aware of the correct date, and kept aski 2/28/1959 #15624  
d his hotel rooms, as they are now aware that King is growing in stature da 8/28/1963 #17921  
he cyclops. Now all three boys are aware of the visitor. The cyclops moves  8/28/1963 #17922  
 investigations. Fraser says he is aware of the US Project Blue Book, and t 7/15/1964 #18411  
ower coming from it and he was not aware of any life inside the craft; he w 12/10/1964 #18655  
racks later that night and was not aware of any bodies recovered.  [Retriev 12/10/1964 #18655  
ever evidence that the Soviets are aware of UFO phenomena too.              2/1967 #21431  
orthwest. One resident, who is not aware of the UFO, reports later that the 6/18/1967 #22520  
a mirror. When the entities became aware of the children they rose up into  8/29/1967 #22955  
Lying down on bed, she soon became aware that someone else was nearby and s 9/3/1967 #22990  
nister Harold Wilson whether he is aware that some UFO reports are made to  6/11/1968 #24022  
to jet aircraft. They were already aware UAP interfered with combustion eng 1969 #24806  
ext day, at about 3 p.m. he became aware of figures moving around behind hi 5/4/1969 #25115  
nister. It is alleged Permindex is aware of advanced UAP projects and prote 1970 #25523  
im, even his face. He seemed to be aware of the witness and he used his bod 6/9/1971 #26165  
a military vedette post. He became aware of three giant figures standing in 10/28/1971 #26438  
e American people at the time were aware that physical evidence was being r 10/1973 #27903  
Province, Argentina when he became aware of a yellow and blue light behind  10/28/1973 #28311  
onal sightings, and 93 percent are aware of the subject.                    11/28/1973 #28474  
y in his Piper Aztec 24, he became aware of three objects positioned extrem 5/2/1974 #29079  
nd also passed out. He next became aware of a bright white light around him 5/9/1974 #29098  
t of Darmstadt, they were suddenly aware of a bright light illuminating the 12/21/1974 #29652  
“bio- androids,” and that they are aware their only foes on Earth are psych 2/1975 #29781  
ed with light. Suddenly he becomes aware of a “shadow” in the passenger sea 12/14/1975 #30715  
round 9:00 p.m. one of them became aware of being watched. He turned around 8/26/1976 #31307  
 unclear if Congress has been made aware of possible abductions of USG pers 11/1977 #32648  
American people have not been made aware of this possibility.  https://www. 11/1977 #32648  
 fittings. At this point he became aware of a powerful odor of pine, or pos 2/5/1978 #32957  
damage. Moments later, they became aware of presence of two short beings st 9/10/1978 #33657  
k into a trance. He remained fully aware but could not move a muscle. He th 12/14/1978 #34117  
k into a trance. He remained fully aware but could not move a muscle. Stran 12/14/1978 #34127  
ssy Head, Florida, when he becomes aware of an array of lights hovering abo 8/20/1980 #35469  
or, writes: “The President is well aware of the threat you document so clea 9/28/1981 #36143  
g to scream and immediately became aware of two unusual humanoid figures st 4/20/1982 #36448  
ir Force. Therefore the Army isn’t aware of what their function was even th 5/16/1984 #37328  
 agencies. The NRC for example was aware of a black triangular UAP over the 7/24/1984 #37416  
England to have a smoke. He became aware of a humming sound coming from the 5/9/1985 #37589  
affic control asks the pilot to be aware of an unknown object. The plane an 11/25/1986 #38077  
 Australia. A man awoke and became aware of a a group of short humanoid bei 10/24/1988 #38687  
r sleeping husband when she became aware of a high-pitched sound. On the ri 4/12/1989 #38902  
s employer is EG&G, and he is made aware of an alleged Project Galileo, an  5/15/1989 #38953  
ld by a Cpt. White that he is only aware of one being Project Preserve Dest 1990 #39354  
packed in dry ice; he had not been aware of the book The Roswell Incident a 7/9/1991 #40116  
oth witnesses, as both then became aware of a strange vehicle driving quick 3/16/1993 #40886  
97– 2000. Paragraph 2 reads: “I am aware, from intelligence sources, that x 10/18/1993 #41246  
mall team studying them. I am also aware that an informal group exists in t 10/18/1993 #41246  
anley was his sole manager on site aware of PPD. All others who worked ther 12/1993 #41313  
mendment to NNR2/113” states “I am aware from intelligence sources that Rus 12/2/1993 #41320  
small team studying them…I am also aware that an informal group exists in t 12/2/1993 #41320  
m” or sorts that humankind was not aware of, but did not specify how it wor 3/31/1995 #42130  
o assist him when they both became aware of a UFO about 100 yards away. The 4/28/1997 #43283  
 this night at 2:30 a.m. he became aware of a bluish white light beam from  12/14/1997 #43462  
ggesting the British government is aware of Astra. *   https://www.uapmedia Late 1990's #43480  
discoveries of 1947…S&T at PTC are aware of our briefing from STAC on their 3/11/1998 #43532  
ut when it turned around it became aware of their presence by first noticin 8/24/1998 #43637  
 others at NIDS are seemingly made aware of the effort, as is Kathleen Holl 1/24/2000 #43934  
nable to move. She suddenly became aware of a presence, and when she turned 10/15/2000 #44058  
en in the advanced projects he was aware of. Czysz states the friend was “t 11/2000 #44070  
ng ground samples when they became aware of the presence of the students. T 8/1/2001 #44217  
hey made no sound. The witness was aware of the Leonid meteor shower, and s 11/19/2001 #44278  
ent witnesses 8 miles apart become aware of unusual and persistent aircraft 7/26/2002 #44366  
thers involved in SAPOC who may be aware of the special agreement at the ti 10/16/2002 #44418  
ldier program; he states he wasn’t aware anything like that was operational 7/2003 #44560  
 of Facility Operation showing FAA aware of multiple inbound calls about “d 1/1/2007 #44996  
aims that Donald Rumsfeld has been aware of alien interviews since 1974.    2008 #45105  
ld brother. When the figure became aware that the girl had seen it, it quic 8/28/2009 #45239  
object. The Navy tells units to be aware of the potential hazards posed by  6/27/2013 #45376  
 H. W. Bush and Ronald Reagan were aware of the UAP cover-up. He also claim 11/1/2013 #45393  
that USAF pilots are trained to be aware of UAP, shares a seemingly non-pub 3/27/2017 #45466  
tic Test Ranges off the coast, are aware of any scheduled balloon activity. 2/13/2019 #45562  
ology programs in SCIFs with those aware of the programs, but suggests AATI 4/30/2019 #45575  
here were red-lines they were made aware of and told of generalities in SCI 4/30/2019 #45575  
te the claims and whether they are aware of any foreign nations or private  7/16/2019 #45594  
ie responds he was “not personally aware” of it. Rep. Gallagher then states 5/17/2022 #45751  
iewing the memo to state if he was aware of such an organization, or if Mou 5/17/2022 #45751  
 officer Richard Doty claims he is aware of five UAP related projects at Ar 6/13/2022 #45757  
## Word: "awareness" (Back to Top)
up Poll reported 96 percent public awareness of UFOs, and that nearly half  5/8/1966 #20462  
y Scouts Newsletter, then retitled Awareness, which continues through 2012. 4/1967 #22031  
rity division of NASA and includes awareness among a tight group of key per 1970 #25523  
ing [to] over power transformer. / Awareness Mag / UK.                      3/22/1973 #27360  
object seen. No further details. / Awareness v2#2p14.                       5/18/1973 #27502  
, case report dated March 1, 1977; Awareness, July 1977, p. 20). (NICAP: 01 2/7/1977 #31796  
utes, and then shot away. (Source: Awareness, April 1979, p. 4). (NICAP: 02 7/6/1977 #32239  
e home. When they recovered  their awareness of events, they saw a domed sa 8/14/1983 #36952  
cent. They see it land, then their awareness ceases until two hours later.  8/15/1986 #37992  
 and Lt. Col. Robert Friend had an awareness of crash recoveries, body reco 1/1989 #38773  
projects. He also states Nixon had awareness, and some bodies were at Homes 1990 #39358  
among us,” and claims TAI may have awareness of the conduit between private 12/10/1994 #41888  
ad Persistent Infrared Battlespace Awareness Center at Buckley AFB in Auror 1/2018 #45499  
ynchronous Space-Based Situational Awareness Program, and the Navy’s sea-ba 6/23/2019 #45587  
## Word: "awash" (Back to Top)
 with no markings and dacks almost awash. He and another crew member see fi 7/28/1962 #17295  
## Word: "awati" (Back to Top)
                                   AWATI CO, XINJIANG, CH Several separate  9/20/1979 (approximate) #34903  
## Word: "awav" (Back to Top)
p, tried to follow it, but it flew awav. They observed that animals (cows,  4/5/1966 #20243  
## Word: "away" (Back to Top)
hoots beams. Turns going north and away.                                    11/4/1322 #14  
object" emerges from sea and flies away. No further details.                1/1361? #15  
0 feet, and fish are seen swimming away from the object, which then flies o 8/15/1663 #44  
alls. Levels going quickly ESE and away. / r186#26+/ r34p85.                12/11/1741 #64  
ortheast and explode some 150 feet away from the ship, causing some damage  11/4/1749 #70  
. Offloads 3 small disks and flies away!                                    11/26/1758 #78  
Messier claims the objects are far away and in focus.                       6/17/1777 #85  
vessel to the sea, where it drifts away. Accounts of the tale appear in thr 2/22/1803 #100  
lling to earth, apparently not far away. After one minute there is another  4/1/1826 #122  
y off lines. Some drop. Others fly away!                                    6/30/1842 #134  
e from the sea about one-half mile away and remain visible for 10 minutes.  6/18/1845 #141  
 for 20–30 minutes before it fades away.                                    3/21/1854 #148  
 air into the object about 60 feet away. The spirit guides him into the “pi 7/25/1868 #176  
nished silver.” It gradually fades away and disappears after 10 minutes. No 8/7/1869 #179  
rnished silver. It gradually faded away, and was gone in 10 minutes. It fri 8/7/1869 #181  
ks like a large balloon. It speeds away rapidly.                            1/22/1878 #212  
n" to it, but succeeded in backing away in spite of his terror. (NICAP: 02  1880 #223  
n" to it, but succeeded in backing away in spite of his terror.             1880 #225  
zhou province, which was 300 miles away from his home. The time was two wee 5/8/1880 #233  
issing into the sea about 150 feet away from them, causing a wave of water  2/25/1885 #264  
 to descend to the ground one mile away. It follows the course of the Patap 2/7/1889 #286  
ople standing several hundred feet away. The object shatters into pieces be 6/13/1891 #293  
hey appear round in shape from far away, but when closer to the ground they 8/18/1893 #309  
watch it. When it is only 450 feet away, it stops and hovers. Its sides see 7/20/1894 #316  
bject pivots to the east and moves away toward Ogden.                       7/20/1894 #316  
eaches Lineville, Iowa (13.7 miles away), it passes out of sight behind bui Mid 7/1896 #328  
ing. 'Airship' / morning sky. 100M away over trees. No further details.     10/31/1896 (approximate) #333  
floats going quickly northeast and away.                                    11/20/1896 #341  
ises. Half-circle maneuver. Speeds away.                                    11/22/1896 #344  
is visiting a colleague two blocks away.                                    11/26/1896 #364  
ng. It came down slowly, then flew away very fast to the southeast. When di 4/1/1897 #404  
ng. It came down slowly, then flew away very fast to the southeast. When di 4/1/1897 #405  
er. It came down slowly, then flew away very fast to the southeast. When di 4/1/1897 #409  
 light on his right about 200 feet away in a cornfield. He can see a dark o 4/4/1897 #414  
nd explosions and the object moves away to the northeast.                   4/10/1897 #424  
ircled "like a hawk" before flying away.                                    4/14/1897 #461  
th a loud whirring sound and moves away to the northwest. Two men can be di 4/14/1897 #466  
ircled "like a hawk" before flying away.                                    4/14/1897 #474  
n its upper side. The object moves away to the northeast.                   4/16/1897 #506  
les in a vacant lot about 600 feet away. They hurry forward but are stopped 4/17/1897 #525  
s, reenters the airship, and flies away to the southeast.                   4/17/1897 #525  
ed as "hideous." A cow was dragged away by the object with the help of a st 4/19/1897 #532  
ould understand. A cow was dragged away by the object with the help of a st 4/19/1897 #533  
t the cable and the airship floats away. A few weeks later, Hamilton admits 4/19/1897 #538  
s in a pasture a few hundred yards away near Beaumont, Texas. They walk ove 4/19/1897 #539  
et. That same day a man nine miles away found a letter with "Airship Co., O 4/19/1897 #540  
ls spin as the craft rose and flew away.                                    4/20/1897 #544  
en board the airship, which speeds away northward toward San Angelo. County 4/20/1897 #546  
 spin when the craft rose and flew away.                                    4/20/1897 #547  
ut as he gets closer. Some 90 feet away from the airship he is stopped by a 4/22/1897 #559  
 back aboard the craft, which flew away toward the northeast. The man was s 4/25/1897 #572  
eturns to the airship, which moves away to the northeast. The anchor goes o 4/25/1897 #573  
 back aboard the craft, which flew away toward the northeast. The man was s 4/25/1897 #575  
escend behind a hill one half-mile away. After seeing two persons carrying  5/6/1897 #593  
a “fleecy white bulk” floating far away to the west. Through binoculars the 5/11/1897 #596  
hat it is 1–2 miles high, 20 miles away, and 60–80 feet long.               5/11/1897 #596  
e estimates it is only a half-mile away.                                    7/29/1897 #600  
o becomes ill and apparently moves away from the place.                     10/4/1898 #626  
 ahead about one-quarter of a mile away, lighting up the road like daylight 10/1899 #638  
walks toward the boy and waves him away. The beings go back in the craft, a Summer 1901 #645  
is 100 feet long. It begins moving away from him as he moves toward it, zig 3/17/1903 #660  
man ran toward the object it moved away, and zigzagged across the sky at gr 3/17/1903 #661  
e sky at great speed, accelerating away toward the west.                    3/17/1903 #661  
o whitish-blue objects about 400 m away, from a point situated 3 km north o 1904 #665  
o whitish-blue objects about 400 m away, from a point situated 3 km north o 1904 #666  
going down [to] below clouds. Rise away going quickly southeast. / IURv9#3. 2/28/1904 #668  
they appear to “be moving directly away from the earth. The largest had an  2/28/1904 #670  
alk toward the objects, which move away slightly then stop when the witness 6/1904 #672  
op. Soon the objects move steadily away to the northeast, still maintaining 6/1904 #672  
linded, and the hogs start running away. Jackson sees it is a searchlight f 8/3/1905 #679  
Sudden turn going quickly east and away. / Bullard'82.                      10/7/1906 #689  
uspended in the air about 300 feet away. It is dark, with several tongues o 7/2/1907 #697  
rpedo-shaped object, some 300 feet away, hovering in the air about 50 feet  7/2/1907 #698  
aks windows hundreds of kilometers away. The explosion over the sparsely po 6/30/1908 #711  
brightened the pre-dawn sky as far away as London and had the equivalent en 6/30/1908 #712  
ous dance” over a village one mile away in East Frisia, Lower Saxony, Germa 1909 #719  
thumberland, England. It then shot away a mile to another ship, and did the 5/14/1909 #744  
wport Bridge / 10 minute(s). Flies away.                                    5/15/1909 #745  
ridge for 10 minutes, then it flew away. At 11:30 p.m. an observer on the s 5/15/1909 #747  
ral times. It rose higher and shot away to the east.                        5/17/1909 #754  
hermen to plunge into the sea 6 km away from the coast, after a steady flig 6/16/1909 #775  
hermen to plunge into the sea 6 km away from the coast, after a steady flig 6/16/1909 #776  
plunge into the sea six kilometers away from the coast after a steady fligh 6/16/1909 #777  
and falls. Going quickly north and away. R224p37.                           7/24/1909 #781  
igzagged, rose and fell, then shot away to the north.                       7/24/1909 #784  
mals scared. 50M airship overhead. Away very fast.                          7/31/1909 #792  
SE to NW, hovered over city, moved away. Seen again two hours later; hovere 12/22/1909 #820  
in two hours later; hovered, moved away to south and turned east. (NICAP: 0 12/22/1909 #820  
overing above a pine tree 200 feet away. It has a row of colored, rectangul Summer 1910 #839  
Buzz and slow ascent. Then streaks away. / CLARK'92.                        8/1910 (approximate) #842  
ale-green objects less than a mile away in the northern sky over Alameda, C Fall 1912 #863  
 side of a picket fence 50–75 feet away, begin barking and howling. The boy 5/1913 #888  
30-foot domed object about 25 feet away hovering about 10 feet above the gr 1914 #893  
h devices on their backs. They fly away. No further details.                1/1914? #894  
FL, about 17 miles (27 kilometers) away. The St. Petersburg-Tampa Airboat L 1/1/1914 #895  
gure(s) outside. Going up [to] and away fast.                               3/1914 (approximate) #896  
r Greys) draw water / hose. Scared away / deer!                             8/1914 #904  
 in sky. Quickly going up [to] and away / pilot shoots. Electro-magnetic ef 1/31/1916 #939  
ins, sees an object about 100 feet away with a row of windows “like a railw 1/31/1916 #941  
to where it had been about 2 miles away. It repeats the action twice then d 3/12/1916 #945  
 ovoid hovers near ground. Streaks away / 25° angle to 8000kph.             6/1916 (approximate) #947  
n elliptical object about 100 feet away on the ground in a pasture. It has  Late Summer 1917 #962  
othly in a gradual climb and flies away to the east.                        Late Summer 1917 #962  
or a while, and then it “whooshes” away to the northwest.                   Summer 1918 #974  
ainst some mountains about 6 miles away. It starts flashing red and white a 8/13/1918 #976  
he witness approaches it, it moves away at a leisurely pace and passes thro 1/22/1919 #983  
rns from white to orange. It moves away, stops above a neighbor’s garden, t 1/22/1919 #983  
ny metal disk descends. Dims. Goes away horizontally.                       6/1919 #985  
 2 scared kids. Going quickly [to] away extremely fast.                     8/1919 (approximate) #991  
 and Harry accompanies him 2 miles away to his farmhouse. Harry walks back  Late Summer 1919 #993  
. Metallic blue milk-can lands 15' away. Sits 15 minute(s). Going west. Sil 6/3/1920 #998  
 across the pond and lands 15 feet away. Linch gets up and walks toward it, 6/3/1920 #999  
 a "milk-can," landed only 15 feet away from the witness, sat on the ground 6/3/1920 #1000  
sant, Iowa, then took off and flew away to the west. It made no noise.      6/3/1920 #1000  
nary for several minutes but moves away and disappears quickly.             Late 7/1921 #1012  
/globe rises / behind hedge. Moves away / very low altitude.                6/24/1924 #1040  
 rear. After moving a quarter mile away, it ascends and disappears at terri Fall 1924 #1044  
, Illinois. Red sparks are peeling away from its nose and it has multicolor 6/1925 #1047  
ed spherical objects some 650 feet away in a field to the north. In front o 1926 #1053  
ng off his starboard wing 600 feet away. They keep pace with his plane for  1/1926 #1056  
 they turn, change course, and fly away.                                    1/1926 #1056  
htens the River Olt some 2.5 miles away.                                    6/1926 #1058  
sture, whereupon the object shoots away to the south. Possible hoax.        Late 9/1926 #1064  
have slits for mouths. Thomas runs away.                                    11/1926 #1067  
n inside a window. The object shot away extremely fast.                     10/18/1927 #1082  
 to her porch at her home 15 miles away. It is around 12:00 midnight. In Ma 1930 #1106  
he object took off slowly and flew away. The grass was flattened where the  4/15/1930 #1113  
g, orange-red balls about 900 feet away. They are moving “in absolute align 1933 #1151  
le some radio towers about 8 miles away, flooding them with light.          Summer 1933 #1164  
Norway. Two men were seen clearing away snow, and the engine noise was hear 2/5/1934 #1204  
light exits woods. Makes U-turn 6' away. Away and back.                     6/1934 #1209  
exits woods. Makes U-turn 6' away. Away and back.                           6/1934 #1209  
 in the opposite direction farther away.                                    1935 #1220  
 descended from the sky 450 meters away and hovered just above the ground i 4/5/1935 #1228  
ne next to the object, two farther away, and another two next to a boat on  5/1935 #1229  
turns to a white color as it moves away.                                    5/1935 #1229  
ily paralyzed as saucer hovers 30M away. Feels cold.                        10/15/1935 #1236  
l. Absolute(ly) black! Rumbles and away.                                    1/1936 (approximate) #1241  
h an intense white light and flies away.                                    7/25/1938 #1288  
ith feet "fluttering." About 100 m away it vanished completely'.            Fall 1938 #1295  
ery color and lands about 140 feet away. Two of the children flee but Pârvu Early 8/1939 #1312  
s, but when they are about 23 feet away the other man points a thick stick- Early 8/1939 #1312  
out 20 feet above a field 100 feet away. He estimates it is about 25 feet a 11/13/1939 #1321  
to an angle of about 80° and moves away without a sound.                    11/13/1939 #1321  
ountainside / 2 weeks. Seen flying away? Original object gone.              6/1941 #1363  
ut 20,000 feet overhead. It floats away slowly.                             12/8/1941 #1378  
lay a political foundation to take away Southern California’s war industrie 2/24/1942 #1388  
ircles cruiser / 3 hours and more. Away / 5000kph.                          2/26/1942 #1393  
er followed / orange-glowing disk. Away / 1600km / HR.                      3/25/1942 #1404  
o apparent effect. Finally it sped away at an estimated 1,000 m.p.h. (Ref.  3/25/1942 #1405  
own / cloud. Hovers / 1 minute(s). Away extremely fast.                     8/15/1942? #1438  
rs drop / airbase. Hover and speed away. / r242p129.                        8/29/1942 #1442  
 Columbus, Mississippi, then speed away. He later contacts government offic 8/29/1942 #1444  
d speed for a time before shooting away. The plane’s crew photograph the ob Late 1942? #1456  
ency Interference (RFI). 180° turn away. / Civilian Research, Interplanetar 11/1942 #1458  
ongside, then accelerate and climb away out of sight. (Ref. 3; Witness repo 4/5/1943 #1491  
ner aircraft. It subsequently shot away.                                    4/5/1943 #1493  
d Town, then stops dead and shoots away at great speed.                     4/9/1943 #1494  
gle. After 20–30 seconds it climbs away at high speed.                      5/26/1943 #1502  
ts side; motionless until speeding away at several thousand miles per hour. 5/27/1943 #1504  
nd Russian planes watch dogfights. Away incredibly fast. / LDLN#204.        9/1943 #1520  
-magnetic effect (EME). Hovers and away. 1.5M dent / snow. / r65p22.        12/1943 #1545  
ighters. Going quickly [to] chased away..                                   1/30/1944 #1566  
 Landau, Germany. They were chased away.                                    1/30/1944 #1567  
nts electro-magnetic effect (EME). Away / 700mph. / APRO v30#10.            2/1944 #1568  
rear. It appears only 100–150 feet away and stays with the bomber for 18–20 2/1944 #1570  
inding instruments fail. It shoots away at 700 mph.                         2/1944 #1570  
of the ravine, ascends, and shoots away to the west at a tremendous speed.  Spring 1944 #1586  
egrees. It speeded up and traveled away from the island towards the directi 6/1944 #1597  
minutes, then accelerated and sped away. (Ref. 3; Jan Aldrich, Project ACUF 6/1944 #1599  
ject” on the horizon about 5 miles away. “Blunted on each end like a sausag 6/10/1944? #1605  
s, hover for 15 minutes, then move away. [NICAP UFO Evidence, 1964, Hall, I Summer 1944 #1607  
 followed by the discs, which race away in different directions.            Summer 1944 #1611  
ing faster than a jet about a mile away. While watching it for about 2 minu Summer 1944 #1612  
h it for 3 minutes, then it shoots away in a flash of light. Later he draws 8/11/1944 #1641  
t that descend as the bomber moves away. The lights are flattened spheres t Mid 8/1944 #1644  
ed about spreading panic or giving away vital intelligence to German forces 9/7/1944 #1666  
and feels an intense heat. It goes away quickly, but seconds later he sees  11/24/1944 #1705  
 feet in diameter and 150–300 feet away. The object stays with them over th 11/24/1944 #1705  
ighters. Can't shake it. Rises and away. News item.                         12/24/1944 #1732  
aircraft for awhile and then climb away from them.                          12/24/1944 #1733  
feet off ground, motionless ,swept away like dragonfly. (Page 142-143 Ref.1 3/1945 #1800  
ollow a curved trajectory, and fly away after circling their ship. (Magonia 3/1945 #1801  
ollow a curved trajectory, and fly away after circling their ship.          3/1945 #1803  
mediately the object shoots up and away at a fantastic rate of speed.       3/22/1945 #1820  
 them through a few turns but move away as the crew orbits north of Iwo Jim 3/26/1945 #1829  
s are usually detected 25–30 miles away at an altitude of 1,500 feet, but o 4/1945 #1834  
ard. It popped up less than a foot away and ran off into the forest. The ti 4/20/1945 #1851  
ely fuzzy and strong, some 8 miles away headed down the starboard side at 2 4/24/1945 #1853  
 dome! Hums. Follows terrain going away.                                    5/1945 (approximate) #1856  
ject going quickly [to] going [to] away. / Letter going [to] NICAP.         6/1945 (approximate) #1871  
iew after moving several diameters away from the large object.              Summer 1945 #1881  
 8 machine guns. The object shoots away sideways on edge, leaving a contrai 7/1945 #1888  
kohama (near), Japan "After coming away from our bomb drop, we saw the UFO' 7/4/1945 #1891  
uver at ground level about 70 feet away. It shoots off into the sky and dis 8/10/1945 #1922  
disassembles the experiment, walks away, and admits himself to medical care 8/21/1945 #1925  
ne falters until the objects speed away. One of the passengers is future UF 8/28/1945 #1930  
e flight heading over open sea and away from land. The report is later amen 12/5/1945 #1950  
scend at a 45° angle about 75 feet away. They come spinning down on the ice 4/25/1946 #1984  
rd them, and they ascend and shoot away at the same angle and direction. Th 4/25/1946 #1984  
tting bright red light, then speed away. Burned grass and other trace marks 5/1946 #1986  
motionless until the object floats away and is lost to view.                Summer 1946 #2013  
mbles into the lake about 320 feet away.                                    7/9/1946 #2039  
oise. It comes down about 490 feet away from him, and he is blinded by the  7/9/1946 #2040  
utes the object rotated, then sped away disappearig in seconds. (Ref. 3; Ca Late 8/1946 #2159  
work when she sees, about 300 feet away, a large, metallic, lens-shaped str Late 8/1946 #2160  
, at which point the object darted away.                                    1/16/1947 #2229  
ud. 9 white saucers exit and play. Away / V formation going quickly northea 4/29/1947 #2268  
ch. USAF truck and men cart object away!                                    5/1947 (approximate) #2271  
meteor puffs smoke. Hovers. Shoots away. / r129p75.                         5/19/1947 #2291  
cs for 20 minutes. The object flew away quickly to the west-northwest into  5/19/1947 #2295  
t was obscured by trees as it flew away.                                    6/2/1947 #2311  
Going up and down [to] 2X fast. CC away going quickly southeast. Contrail.  6/12/1947 #2322  
ute(s) in storm. Going up [to] and away. / r171p162.                        6/13/1947 #2326  
minutes, ascended quickly and shot away.                                    6/13/1947 #2327  
te disk going down. Levels off and away. Bright rays. Exudes vapor.         6/17/1947 #2333  
vers / several minutes. Then zooms away..                                   6/23/1947 #2370  
n Clayton, Georgia and then zoomed away. There were two witnesses named Can 6/23/1947 #2377  
stimated them to be 20 to 25 miles away from him and between 45 to 50feet l 6/24/1947 #2379  
imp-cylinder/cigar-shape overhead. Away into dark sky.                      6/27/1947 (approximate) #2428  
at 3M saucer going quickly [to] 8M away. Loud swish. Observer(s) numb. / r1 6/28/1947 #2435  
 Turns going quickly southeast and away.                                    6/28/1947 #2437  
p 90° turn going quickly south and away.                                    6/28/1947 #2443  
Iowa and hovered less than 25 feet away from him. He experienced a number o 6/28/1947 #2449  
O made a swishing sound as it flew away.                                    6/28/1947 #2449  
rs 5-10 minutes. Observer(s) drive away.                                    6/30/1947 #2479  
UFO rises, oscillates, and streaks away.                                    Early 7/1947 #2547  
ion hover and maneuver. Some shoot away.                                    7/3/1947 #2557  
 objects appear to merge and speed away to the northwest. Another group app 7/4/1947 #2667  
ack to her, and then the disc flew away in silence.                         7/4/1947 #2674  
d, facing out, to keep the curious away. According to researcher Kathy Kast 7/5/1947 #2722  
round it to water more than a mile away. Brazel, taking a few scraps of the 7/5/1947 #2723  
 up and down / several min. Shoots away extremely fast.                     7/6/1947 #2748  
rise from trees. 2 hover. 1 shoots away.                                    7/6/1947 #2759  
e. Turns 180° back going south and away.                                    7/6/1947 #2761  
-to-side three times and then flew away very fast to the southeast.         7/6/1947 #2806  
oswell, New Mexico, about 75 miles away. He stops at the office of Sheriff  7/6/1947 #2807  
/ planes. Saucer / 1200M altitude. Away / 9000kph and more. / Army Air Forc 7/7/1947 #2862  
r disk going / 10 minute(s). Fades away. / r131#4p11.                       7/7/1947 #2871  
. Straight and level fast. Streaks away going quickly north.                7/7/1947 #2913  
 suddenly reappears about 10 miles away.                                    7/7/1947 #2934  
s. He estimates they are 1–2 miles away, moving at 200 mph, and at an altit 7/7/1947 #2942  
collision with silver disk! Shoots away. No further details.                7/8/1947? #2963  
cers. Swish. Hover. Spin and speed away.                                    7/8/1947 #2964  
rver(s). Group / saucers. 1 breaks away and flips. Black / 1 side and silve 7/8/1947 #2974  
Levels and going quickly north and away.                                    7/8/1947 #2983  
rom a different location 5-8 miles away (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 7/8/1947 #3006  
see a metallic object some 2 miles away to the east and some 1,500 feet bel 7/8/1947 #3024  
ts the base hospital but is turned away forcibly; a nurse friend (possibly  7/8/1947 #3026  
 “cover story” to divert attention away from the origin of the flying sauce 7/8/1947 #3031  
 1 hovers. 1 shoots up. Both chase away going quickly south.                7/9/1947 #3033  
shel basket, no more than 100 feet away. It is hovering several feet above  7/9/1947 #3068  
e other shot up and than both shot away toward the south.                   7/9/1947 #3072  
 1M cake pan / 600M altitude 1500M away. (Cake pan missing!)                7/10/1947 #3082  
the sky to the west about 25 miles away. They watch it for about 30 seconds 7/10/1947 #3109  
g the contour of mountains 5 miles away. It is paralleling the course of a  7/12/1947 #3159  
 at 15-minute intervals. They flew away to the south. At 10:30 in Topeka, K 7/13/1947 #3172  
 join the first one. All three fly away silently toward the west.           7/13/1947 #3172  
gar-shape hovers over orchard 100M away. / NUFORC.                          7/14/1947 #3175  
ng over an orchard only 100 meters away. At 1:00 p.m. in Wilkesboro, North  7/14/1947 #3180  
low and slow. It tilted, then flew away to the southwest making an odd soun 7/14/1947 #3180  
est point, they are about one mile away. Flynn turns his plane around to pu 7/15/1947 #3187  
y NNW / 250kph. 550M altitude 1 km away.                                    7/20/1947 #3204  
azil A group of survey workers ran away as they heard a hissing noise and s 7/23/1947 #3216  
ing noise and saw a disk land 50 m away. Jose C. Higgins saw two figures th 7/23/1947 #3216  
 Pitanga, Parana State, Brazil ran away when they heard a hissing noise and 7/23/1947 #3219  
-shaped object land only 50 meters away from them. Jose C. Higgins saw two  7/23/1947 #3219  
oating over a field about one mile away. Suddenly the object explodes, so R 7/25/1947 #3231  
 Turns going quickly northwest and away extremely fast.                     7/28/1947 #3237  
eet of his aircraft before veering away. At La Grande, he phones aviation e 7/29/1947 #3254  
. Very large dark fuselage hovers. Away / 500mph when neared.               8/4/1947 #3288  
ck dives on the object as it pulls away, doing his best to get a better vie 8/4/1947 #3291  
X 5 observer(s). Saucer maneuvers. Away and back / 15 minute(s). Maneuvers  8/6/1947 #3295  
 Force-pilot and 2. Saucer hovers. Away / 725kph. Slight hiss and flames. / 8/6/1947 #3296  
ring saucer-shaped object. It shot away at an estimated 725 km/h, emitting  8/6/1947 #3301  
in the sky at 10:00 p.m, then flew away. It came back 15 minutes and maneuv 8/6/1947 #3302  
 disks hover 100M over house. Dart away very fast. / Daily Times.           8/13/1947 #3316  
father saw a sky-blue object 100 m away and 25 m above ground. Treetops und 8/13/1947 #3319  
altitude of 75 feet about 1/2 mile away. Urie is about 300 feet from the ob 8/13/1947 #3320  
pears behind a hill about one mile away. Hynek, for Project Blue Book, late 8/13/1947 #3320  
te-shaped flying object 100 meters away and 25 meters above the ground. Tre 8/13/1947 #3322  
em. He noticed them about 300 feet away looking in the sky and he glanced u 8/13/1947 #3322  
peared over the trees about a mile away. He thought it was going 1,000 mile 8/13/1947 #3322  
ut 110° to the right about 4 miles away. They start climbing at an angle of 8/15/1947? #3337  
irl. Grey cylinder/cigar-shape 60M away over lake. 2nd cylinder/cigar-shape 10/1947 (approximate) #3433  
ing south. Beams going down. Fades away.. / r171p119.                       10/1947? #3434  
seconds. Quickly going up [to] and away.                                    11/15/1947 (approximate) #3488  
ds; then they shot straight up and away.                                    11/15/1947 #3491  
end rapidly, hover, bank, then fly away. “He flew in an upright position an 1/6/1948 #3533  
end rapidly, hover, bank, then fly away. “He flew in an upright position an 1/6/1948 #3534  
from Godman as it apparently moves away at about 240–300 mph at an altitude 1/7/1948 #3544  
t to the southwest about 4–5 miles away, then later on the ground to the we 1/7/1948 #3546  
ground to the west about 6–7 miles away. USAF VHF DF Operator and pilot Alb 1/7/1948 #3546  
o Commercial Point about 3–5 miles away to the west-southwest, then makes t 1/7/1948 #3546  
 landed. It then ascended and shot away to the southwest.                   1/7/1948 #3548  
of of his pig house about 100 feet away. The UFO, about 60 feet in diameter 2/1948 #3570  
KS 4' saucer aims pipe / farmer 6' away! Wobbles and flames. Going quickly  2/18/1948 #3578  
d and emitted some flames. It shot away flying toward the northwest. At 5:0 2/18/1948 #3580  
ct makes a 90° left turn and moves away at tremendous speed. It is only vis 4/1/1948 #3603  
domed saucer going east. Stops 12M away. White heat-ray. Small humanoid (or 4/3/1948 #3606  
a Di Cigno which stopped 12 meters away from them. It was shaped like an in 4/3/1948 #3607  
pilot. Small "Graf-Zeppelin" zooms away / jet-speed.                        5/12/1948 #3646  
 small "Graf-Zeppelin" that zoomed away at jet speed.                       5/12/1948 #3647  
s off to the east, and then speeds away at a high altitude.                 5/31/1948 #3663  
eered, slowed down, and then speed away toward the east at a high altitude. 5/31/1948 #3664  
 pilot. Black saucer dives. Climbs away fast. / MJ#205 p12.                 7/1948 #3687  
 examine the wreckage and carry it away to a military base in San Antonio,  7/7/1948 #3699  
at 3- second intervals as it moves away.                                    7/9/1948 #3705  
or 5–10 seconds. It is half a mile away and moving at about 700 mph. After  7/24/1948 #3734  
 at 30 feet altitude some 300 feet away heading south. It approaches to abo 7/29/1948 #3753  
id Phone lines and trees, and flew away to the northeast. An FBI man from S 8/11/1948 #3778  
elephone lines and trees, and flew away to the northeast. An FBI man from S 8/11/1948 #3779  
ted silver disk. Size = dime / 15M away. / Jerry Clark.                     9/23/1948 #3806  
and slightly tipped, about 50 feet away.                                    9/23/1948 #3811  
00M altitude? 30M diameter? Shoots away extremely fast.                     10/1948 #3819  
 car. Classic domed saucer hovers. Away slowly then very fast.              10/15/1948 (approximate) #3836  
lose on visual object, but it dove away fast.                               10/15/1948 #3840  
s, but each time the object speeds away. On one pass the crew sees the obje 10/15/1948 #3841  
tched on. It was about three miles away to the northeast at 1,000 feet alti 10/24/1948 #3852  
rver(s). Saucer seen / 30 minutes. Away extremely fast. Military report CC  10/28/1948 #3853  
cts dropped from the disc and flew away to the southwest. The disc then fle 11/15/1948 #3877  
d analyzed samples that were taken away by the Army. The metal was thin, li 1949 #3947  
 the right and left, and then sped away.                                    1/4/1949 #3958  
ng once per second, finally flying away climbing into the northeast sky. Th 1/4/1949 #3960  
parks and approximately 8–10 miles away. In the first sighting at 10:20 p.m 1/27/1949 #3981  
es and collides. Going up [to] and away.                                    2/1949 #3991  
ee figures came out as he was 20 m away. They looked like mummies, had join 2/1949 #3992  
east. At 8:55 p.m., a quarter mile away, Pvt. Harold Moore sees a white lig 3/6/1949 #4035  
ut assuming the object is 57 miles away, it would have a velocity of 18,000 4/24/1949 #4104  
s of a tree. At 9:25 p.m., 2 miles away, four Army soldiers see a 4-inch li 4/27/1949 #4118  
-wide white light appears 100 feet away to the northwest, flying in a zig-z 4/27/1949 #4118  
disc moving east about 10,000 feet away. He is chatting with some ham radio 4/28/1949 #4128  
 spiralled down, then shot out and away to the southwest at an estimated 70 5/13/1949 #4186  
F-82 can take off, the disc speeds away faster than a jet fighter. It disap 5/21/1949 #4200  
haped bluish object about one mile away off Casablanca, Morocco. The crew w Summer 1949 #4247  
 gaseous cloud of vapor, then flew away over a hill.                        6/27/1949 #4254  
 power station/depot/facility 300M away. Suddenly gone.                     7/25/1949 (approximate) #4287  
 When Berger moves the searchlight away, the disc continues to glow. Hundre 8/19/1949 #4329  
 seen from the side. About 5 miles away, Don, Minnie, Elmer and Irene Ballh 9/26/1949 #4372  
ego County, California, is driving away from the observatory when he sees a 10/14/1949 #4395  
 Grudge report released: Explained away all reports to date as delusions, h 12/27/1949 #4445  
g quickly southwest / 500mph. 600' away. / NICAP 1969.                      1/1950 #4467  
s try to close in, the craft zooms away at terrific speed. Later, the airli 1/1950 #4469  
 C45. 75M hemisphere maneuvers 5mi away. Cannot catch. Smoke.               1/24/1950 #4507  
object above them about 5–10 miles away. A large black smoky region is belo 1/24/1950 #4509  
, maneuvered in the sky five miles away from a C-45 transport plane flying  1/24/1950 #4510  
maneuver. Fireball drops / 1+flies away. Vibrant bright / lights all.       2/5/1950 #4528  
h altitude (50 miles?), they speed away.                                    2/22/1950 #4547  
aucer hovers / low altitude. Keeps away as observer(s) nears.               3/5/1950 #4580  
 object circled the car, then sped away at a high speed. (NICAP: 02 - Close 3/5/1950 #4583  
ude. The 15 meter wide object kept away from him when the witness attempted 3/5/1950 #4584  
 object circled the car, then sped away at a high speed.                    3/5/1950 #4584  
cer hovers over towns. Then speeds away.                                    3/10/1950 #4604  
g, SC Disc hovered over city, sped away. [XII] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 3/10/1950 #4606  
arolina, for 15 minutes. It speeds away, leaving a trail.                   3/10/1950 #4607  
hovered with swaying motion, moved away. [IV] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 3/13/1950 #4624  
s for about 15 minutes, then moves away.                                    3/13/1950 #4626  
disks going northeast overhead and away. / local paper and more / r134#1p35 3/16/1950 (approximate) #4648  
lat disk suddenly flips and speeds away. Featureless.                       3/16/1950 #4652  
 with a faint hum. Both craft flew away toward Chile, leaving bluish trails 3/18/1950 #4674  
 behind some thin clouds. It moves away at an estimated speed of 600–1,000  3/18/1950 #4675  
 Mexico around noon, and then flew away at an estimated 1000 mph. A luminou 3/18/1950 #4679  
 with a faint hum. Both craft flew away toward Chile, leaving bluish trails 3/18/1950 #4680  
r sulfur plant. Going quickly [to] away / car nears. Row / blue lights.     3/27/1950 (approximate) #4737  
s city. Casts orange light. Speeds away going quickly northeast. / S. D. un 3/29/1950 #4759  
. No further details / train pulls away.                                    3/29/1950 #4760  
s in formation. Go up and down and away. No further details.                3/30/1950 #4765  
 They went up, down, and then flew away. Thirty-eight minutes later Mr. Tow 3/30/1950 #4770  
rs. Halo. Beams going [to] clouds. Away extremely fast.                     4/1950 #4780  
 time to see the figure “waddling” away. He walks under a parked car and di 4/1950 #4784  
ltitude. Small object detaches and away. Going north.                       4/6/1950 #4800  
is dog and observed an object 60 m away at low altitude. It was a gray meta 4/8/1950 #4827  
t hovered for 2 minutes, then flew away.  Baker aroused from sleep by his d 4/8/1950 #4829  
 his bedroom window only 60 meters away hovering at a low altitude. It was  4/8/1950 #4831  
,500 feet altitude about 3–4 miles away from Berkeley, California, for two  4/10/1950 #4841  
k. 1M saucer glows low over trees. Away fast. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR)  4/12/1950 #4844  
objects float overhead. Then shoot away extremely fast. 2400M altitude.     4/24/1950 #4885  
metallic 4' saucer / eye-level 60' away.                                    4/27/1950 #4900  
 was light brown in color, climbed away from the jet, and at 28,000 feet tu 4/27/1950 #4911  
and at 28,000 feet turned and flew away. At 8:25 p.m. a huge reddish-orange 4/27/1950 #4911  
g the aircraft, then moved rapidly away when the pilot attempted a closer a 4/27/1950 #4911  
or 10 minutes and then flew up and away.  Note in case file:  "No investiga 5/7/1950 #4932  
tos of the object before it speeds away to the west. Paul Trent’s father br 5/11/1950 #4939  
ly sees the object before it flies away. The Trents assume they have seen s 5/11/1950 #4939  
scs merge with the cigar and speed away.                                    5/15/1950 #4944  
 / 5 minute(s). Going quickly [to] away instantly.                          6/13/1950 #4985  
e notices something about 420 feet away. It appears to be two men dressed i 6/17/1950 #4991  
round. Linke approaches to 30 feet away, looks over a small fence, and sees 6/17/1950 #4991  
t was a young deer about 150 yards away. He approached and realized that wh 6/17/1950 #4992  
. Sudden burst speed / 600 kph and away.                                    6/24/1950 #5000  
saucer hovers and turns over road. Away as car nears. / r78p159.            6/30/1950 #5023  
r), KS Rotating disc hovered, sped away when car approached [XII] (NICAP: 0 6/30/1950 #5026  
gin to drive closer, but it speeds away. As seen in the bright moonlight, t 6/30/1950 #5027  
feet, hesitates, dives, and speeds away to the west.                        7/1950 #5036  
ike crafts. 1 rotates. 90 turn and away.                                    7/13/1950 #5060  
a right-angle turn and accelerated away after at least 30 seconds.          7/13/1950 #5063  
ninety-degree turn and accelerated away after at least 30 seconds.          7/13/1950 #5066  
e other on flat ground, about 50 m away from each other. They came within 6 7/20/1950 #5074  
n 600 m of the objects, which went away at "an incredible speed," causing a 7/20/1950 #5074  
 ground. They were about 50 meters away from each other. They drove to with 7/20/1950 #5075  
 meters of the objects, which flew away at "an incredible speed," causing a 7/20/1950 #5075  
 3 days. Planes chase. Zips up and away. / LDLN#204.                        8/1950 #5090  
f 500–1,000 feet. It moves swiftly away to the south, then returns less tha 8/1950 #5094  
d in the sunlight." It accelerated away toward the end of their fifteen-sec 8/4/1950 #5106  
ortholes. Aims beam / bank / clay. Away fast.                               8/10/1950 #5116  
 rushes to his car, parked 60 feet away, and gets his 16mm movie camera fro 8/15/1950 #5126  
minutes, then passed B-29 and sped away.  Total time of tracking:  20 minut 8/25/1950 #5138  
nutes. It passed the B-29 and sped away. A blue streak was seen in the sky  8/25/1950 #5139  
It is lost when the observer looks away to get an angle reading.            8/31/1950 #5154  
 The radar shows them as 1.5 miles away. Suddenly the objects halt, back up 9/1950 #5159  
f the disc. The objects soon speed away in the direction from which they ha 9/1950 #5159  
r objects, and all sped upward and away.                                    9/20/1950 #5187  
r objects, and all shot upward and away.                                    9/20/1950 #5188  
 axis near oil tanker. Then shoots away.                                    10/1950 #5201  
id by balloon / 30 seconds. Shoots away extremely fast.                     10/1950 (approximate) #5202  
 attempted to take the photographs away from him but that he had given them 10/6/1950 #5215  
rity Patrol Encounters Object 200' Away (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB:  10/15/1950 #5232  
ther hovered at 5-6, altitude, 50' away, left and returned several times so 10/15/1950 #5233  
ned several times somewhat further away.                                    10/15/1950 #5233  
 but the objects recede then shoot away at tremendous speed. Around the sam 10/15/1950 #5236  
red at a low altitude only 50 feet away, then left and returned several mor 10/15/1950 #5237  
l more times, but somewhat further away.                                    10/15/1950 #5237  
east, hovered 3-5 seconds and flew away to the south-south-east at end of 4 10/23/1950 #5252  
n the object hovered; then it flew away very fast.                          12/6/1950 #5328  
craft to the site but are escorted away. They do see part of the crash fiel 12/6/1950 #5330  
two orange jets along it. It flies away at high speed.                      12/6/1950 #5331  
see. It faded to a star, then flew away to the northwest. There was radar c 12/18/1950 #5357  
 the UFO turn toward the W and fly away out over the Pacific Ocean.         12/23/1950 #5362  
tar about 20 minutes and then sped away.                                    1/12/1951 #5392  
 motionless like a star then speed away. It was estimated to be the size of 1/12/1951 #5393  
angular objects. Flat tops. Shrink away. No further details.                1/14/1951 #5395  
 they circled the balloon and flew away to the northeast.  The second obser 1/16/1951 #5402  
st at about 8,000 feet and 4 miles away. It looks like a B-29 fuselage with 1/20/1951 #5407  
rey) exits one & boards the other! Away.                                    2/1951 #5424  
zes F82. Quickly going up [to] and away.                                    2/1/1951 #5425  
aped like a saucer." When it moved away it made no turns, and was out of si 2/8/1951 #5434  
ro for several minutes, then moved away fast towards the east at an estimat 2/19/1951 #5451  
ck, hovered, puffed smoke and sped away after 1-1.5 minutes.  Note:  may ha 2/26/1951 #5461  
FO hovered, puffed smoke, and sped away after about 90 seconds.             2/26/1951 #5462  
st and silent. Stops. 90° turn and away. / r135p16.                         3/1951 #5466  
It stops and hovers about 30 miles away. Wood notifies the bridge, and the  3/1951 #5470  
ng up the area, and then it shoots away at a 45° angle.                     Early Spring 1951 #5471  
at will subconsciously turn people away from communism and toward democracy 4/4/1951 #5498  
ing quickly west going up [to] and away.                                    5/1951 #5511  
n dives below the plane and speeds away.                                    5/22/1951 #5517  
s it up and sets it down. It flies away.                                    6/1951 #5527  
est. Descends. Rises. Swings. Also away.                                    6/15/1951 #5542  
e Vampire jet. It then accelerated away.                                    6/15/1951 #5543  
 turnpike. Plays tag / police car. Away quickly going up. / D. Gribble.     6/24/1951 #5551  
verhead! Quickly going up [to] and away extremely fast.                     9/1951 (approximate) #5644  
om an unidentified aircraft moving away from them to the east about 32 mile 9/18/1951 #5678  
om them to the east about 32 miles away. The anti-jamming device on their r 9/18/1951 #5678  
ntercept the object but it climbed away in response. Another two F-86's wer 9/23/1951 #5687  
 going quickly west. 170° turn and away / amazing speed.                    10/4/1951 #5703  
bout two minutes, and finally sped away to the east.  Soon they saw another 10/11/1951 #5724  
bout two minutes, and finally sped away to the east. Soon they saw a second 10/11/1951 #5726  
proached within a few meters, flew away, seemed to play with them. Eventual 11/2/1951 #5762  
 to within a few meters, then flew away, seeming to play with them. Eventua 11/2/1951 #5765  
n 13 days was seen here and as far away as Wyoming. (United Press) (NICAP:  11/10/1951 #5774  
 Maneuvers. Silent. 600M altitude. Away extremely fast. / r106p242.         11/29/1951 #5796  
a or protrusion. The witness drove away.                                    12/1951 #5802  
football ovoid hovers.. then moves away. No further details.                12/7/1951 #5807  
stationary at first, then it moved away.                                    12/7/1951 #5813  
t off his left wing about one mile away and 1,000 feet below his flight lev 12/12/1951 #5817  
o the east, about 1,500–1,800 feet away. One of the witnesses, airplane mec 1952 #5841  
t made a low pass at them. It went away at 2247.                            Early 1952 #5848  
es, made 90 degree turns, and flew away at twice the speed of a jet. It als 1/7/1952 #5862  
ed and outdistanced them, climbing away. The TBM torpedo plane was flying a 1/21/1952 #5872  
ite circular domed-disc which shot away (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BB 1/22/1952 #5875  
et. At this point, the pilot pulls away to avoid a collision, as the UFO is 1/22/1952 #5876  
/ odd red night lights play / sky. Away as plane nears. / Sj Merc.          1/25/1952 #5878  
R. Zigzags going quickly north and away.                                    2/2/1952 #5891  
s a wide turn to the east directly away from the carrier, accelerating from 2/2/1952 #5893  
th. They disappear about 110 miles away. Observers on the carrier see three 2/2/1952 #5893  
 slowly at first, then accelerated away. The sighting lasted two minutes.   2/12/1952 #5900  
zags / 15 minute(s). Swoops up and away.                                    2/19/1952 #5908  
chmond, California. They then shot away to the south-southwest toward San F 2/19/1952 #5910  
] overhead / V formation. 90° turn away. / r71p129.                         2/20/1952 #5912  
os in tight circles climb and fade away.                                    2/24/1952 #5926  
 diameter disc hovering 500 meters away. Three uniped beings with rough, to 2/28/1952 #5935  
d in front of them, about 300 feet away. The object is a 250-foot black dis 3/1952 #5940  
ky about one mile high and 2 miles away. He thinks they are 1,000 feet apar 3/26/1952 #5978  
es between the two aircraft, pulls away, flips again, passes the F-84, cros 3/29/1952 #5992  
re turning n its edge and speeding away to the southwest. Tyler changes his 3/29/1952 #5995  
opped, reversed direction, climbed away at 30' angle during a 2 minute obse 4/12/1952 #6062  
d, reversed direction, and climbed away at a 30-degree angle during the two 4/12/1952 #6064  
ea, hovered, maneuvered, then shot away to the south at great speed.        4/13/1952 #6070  
s. Cross sky. Make 90-turn and fly away.                                    4/16/1952 #6089  
ound at first but as it was fading away behind some trees "we heard a very  4/21/1952 #6148  
e 90° turn going quickly north and away. / r136#1p66.                       4/28/1952 #6205  
Sharp turn going quickly north and away.                                    5/1/1952 #6232  
ange, plus one Lt. Colonel 4 miles away. Five flat-white discs about the di 5/1/1952 #6240  
 they make a sharp, no-radius turn away from the B-36, moving away a bit. T 5/1/1952 #6243  
us turn away from the B-36, moving away a bit. Then one of the objects stop 5/1/1952 #6243  
seem to almost collide, then break away in a right-angle turn. They are tra 5/1/1952 #6244  
1,200 feet in diameter. Four miles away at Apple Valley, California, the ba 5/1/1952 #6244  
rcled the area, while another flew away and then came back. This case is li 5/5/1952 #6261  
eir left wing about a quarter mile away, followed by two smaller orange bal 5/8/1952 #6275  
ises from sea. Shoots into sky and away. / reference unknown.               5/10/1952 #6289  
stationary, while the other darted away and back for 30 minutes.            5/14/1952 #6324  
arger than a MiG aircraft 20 miles away and below them at 8,000–10,000 feet 5/15/1952 #6333  
0 yards distance the object pulled away with an acceleration of 20 G's. At  5/15/1952 #6334  
bject was estimated to be 20 miles away, and travelled at a speed of 1,200  5/15/1952 #6334  
 it hovers. Just before it streaks away, two smaller green globes, 3 feet i 5/23/1952 #6350  
eady climbing turn and accelerates away at a tremendous speed. The jet lose 5/26/1952 #6366  
ground and airborne radar. It shot away with tremendous acceleration.       5/26/1952 #6367  
7 minutes. It disappears, speeding away in seconds.                         5/30/1952 #6388  
learly evasive maneuvers and pulls away at 30,000 feet.                     5/31/1952 #6392  
d begins zigzagging until it fades away into the background of stars.       5/31/1952 #6394  
 the dawn sky. The UFO accelerated away after the fighter jet made two unsu 5/31/1952 #6395  
th airfoil. 3500M altitude. Rocks. Away fast. / r185p9.                     6/1/1952 #6407  
red, and then shot straight up and away.                                    6/4/1952 #6439  
ry for 4.5 minutes before speeding away with a short tail.                  6/5/1952 #6447  
5 minutes, then descends and flies away to the northeast.                   6/15/1952 #6511  
ers / several seconds. Then shoots away. No further details.                6/18/1952 #6533  
ent-shaped object hover then speed away (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 6/18/1952 #6536  
 for several seconds and then sped away.                                    6/18/1952 #6539  
e 10–20 feet in diameter. It flies away at an estimated speed of 1,000 mph  6/20/1952 #6562  
 of the target area, and then shot away to the east outdistancing pursuit a 6/20/1952 #6563  
 which reversed direction and sped away. [UFOE, III] (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cas Summer 1952 #6571  
 which reversed direction and sped away. [UFOE, III] (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cas Summer 1952 #6574  
bling "inverted soup plates" 200 m away at an altitude of about 1 m. She ob Summer 1952 #6575  
ircraft. It blinks until it speeds away.                                    6/21/1952 #6579  
n ellipse as it turned and climbed away very fast.  10 seconds.             6/28/1952 #6657  
een two radio towers about 7 miles away. It is bright silver in color, enci 6/29/1952 #6666  
r hides / clouds. Seen 5mn. Speeds away.                                    6/30/1952 #6670  
e dark discs hovered and then flew away, silhouetted against a dark cloud.  7/5/1952 #6715  
ll at first and then seems to back away and change shape, becoming flat, ga 7/5/1952 #6716  
he sees three dark discs 4–8 miles away at 6,000 feet hover for 15 seconds  7/5/1952 #6717  
feet hover for 15 seconds then fly away, silhouetted against a dark cloud.  7/5/1952 #6717  
r altitude. 1 turns grey and turns away.                                    7/8/1952 #6725  
rthwest above 20,000 feet 20 miles away. It gains altitude and gradually di 7/9/1952 #6740  
nearby spot, then rose up and shot away toward the south.                   7/9/1952 #6743  
. It then performs a climbing turn away from the aircraft and its appearanc 7/10/1952 #6751  
 says pilots name as saucer speeds away!                                    7/12/1952 #6766  
 very fast, stop, turn 90° and fly away. 7-8 secs. (Berliner) (NICAP: 01 -  7/12/1952 #6772  
ast, stop, turn 90 degrees and fly away in 7-8 seconds.                     7/12/1952 #6782  
n a straight course about 15 miles away south of Elgin, Illinois, at 22,000 7/12/1952 #6785  
aximum speed, but the object pulls away. Both pilots hear a strange radio t 7/12/1952 #6785  
eir plane, hovered, and then moved away. The UFO was tracked on radar by Wa 7/13/1952 #6798  
ight light drops over base. Shoots away horizontally.                       7/14/1952 #6809  
l6 twin-engined amphibian and flew away after 40-60 seconds.                7/15/1952 #6827  
t quickly toward the southeast and away.                                    7/15/1952 #6830  
er / 5000' altitude. Tilts. Rises. Away / incredible speed.                 7/16/1952 #6836  
eer. 6-7 orange disks curve up and away / sequence. / r242p160.             7/18/1952 #6876  
t. 90 turn going quickly south and away.                                    7/18/1952 #6885  
ys they seem to be about 100 miles away. The first object is moving south b 7/18/1952 #6895  
 then two others when it is moving away to his left. It is in view for 50 s 7/18/1952 #6897  
ver treetops. Circle and maneuver. Away in unison.                          7/19/1952 #6909  
ater at Puerto Maldonado, 75 miles away, and Customs Administrator Domingo  7/19/1952 #6932  
, with two climbing and two flying away level in the opposite direction.  S 7/21/1952 #6977  
, with two climbing and two flying away level in the opposite direction. Hi 7/21/1952 #6983  
wife Barbara joins him as they fly away. Stong sees two reddish lights fly  7/21/1952 #6983  
led pulsating stars, but they shot away as if controlled.                   7/21/1952 #6987  
disk hovers / 10 second(s). Shoots away / fast climb.                       7/22/1952 #6994  
s an object at 12:03 a.m. 37 miles away at 41,200 feet altitude heading alm 7/22/1952 #7027  
s a radar lock-on from 30,000 feet away of an object the size of an F-94. A 7/22/1952 #7028  
some railroad tracks. The UFO flew away at an estimated 400 mph. Guard rece 7/22/1952 #7029  
 25K' altitude. Going quickly [to] away. / r242.                            7/23/1952 #7044  
 night lights circle / sky. 2 zoom away and return. Hover. No further detai 7/23/1952 #7045  
. Flip over and going quickly [to] away. No RADAR.                          7/23/1952 #7050  
 which reversed direction and sped away. [UFOE, III] (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cas 7/24/1952 #7112  
lty, in time to see the object fly away toward the east. Six days later a s 7/24/1952 #7113  
ers and banks. Small objects exit. Away in formation.                       7/25/1952 #7129  
 / opposite directions. Rejoin and away.                                    7/25/1952 #7132  
tical. 4 large lights / rim. Fades away.                                    7/25/1952 #7133  
lty, in time to see the object fly away toward the east. Six days later a s 7/25/1952 #7139  
ound flat saucers glow red-orange. Away and back. Small objects orbit.      7/26/1952 #7150  
t staff hustle newspaper reporters away from the air traffic control tower, 7/26/1952 #7174  
 radar lock, and the target speeds away. At National Airport, the objects r 7/26/1952 #7174  
ar locks; again, the objects speed away. USAF press spokesman Albert M. Cho 7/26/1952 #7174  
the F-94, alternately accelerating away when it gets close, then slowing do 7/26/1952 #7175  
r Pentagon / 4 hours. Drops. Veers away / civil observer(s).                7/27/1952 #7193  
lying saucer parked about 75 yards away from his truck. It looked like burn 7/27/1952 #7216  
 slow, made a 90^ turn and climbed away fast after 4-5 minutes.             7/28/1952 #7257  
made a 90-degree turn, and climbed away fast. It was in sight for 4.5 minut 7/28/1952 #7269  
AND HERNDON, VA Groups 8-10 blips. Away as USAF planes near. / FSRv3#3.     7/29/1952 #7274  
e. One radar target tracked moving away, stopped for 2 minutes, again moved 7/29/1952 #7315  
Hope tracked a UFO on radar moving away. The object stopped for two minutes 7/29/1952 #7336  
topped for two minutes, then moved away again very, very fast. Total durati 7/29/1952 #7336  
ver pinheads hover / E. sky. Shoot away 1-by-1.                             7/30/1952 #7342  
, white object fly slow then speed away (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 7/30/1952 #7358  
ite object flew slow and then sped away after 20-30 minutes.                7/30/1952 #7361  
Texas. After 20-30 minutes it sped away. A Project Blue Book unexplained ca 7/30/1952 #7365  
 altitude. Sudden turn back up and away.                                    7/31/1952 #7369  
 White glowing-sphere splits. Half away. Half makes 46 circles / area / 270 8/2/1952 #7416  
t 30,000–40,000 feet some 10 miles away from his position at the mouth of t 8/3/1952 #7435  
med a diamond formation. They sped away as USAF F-86 fighter jets were scra 8/3/1952 #7438  
 at Baltimore, Maryland. They move away to the east, then two more objects  8/5/1952 #7469  
d blips moving slowly and steadily away from Washington, D.C., on a course  8/5/1952 #7470  
., chases the object, which speeds away while being tracked by onboard rada 8/5/1952 #7472  
 reenters the vehicle and it zooms away.                                    8/6/1952 #7490  
dar as its blip hovered, then shot away at 300 knots, and in the process di 8/6/1952 #7491  
s toward(s) jet and circles it and away.                                    8/7/1952 #7498  
ltitude, hover, zigzag, then speed away. He sees a similar object hovering  8/7/1952 #7507  
 a similar object hovering further away. It finally tilts up vertically and 8/7/1952 #7507  
an aluminum-colored object 3 miles away that appears at first triangular, t 8/7/1952 #7509  
en / (seen thru) binoculars. 2.5mi away. 1 mile altitude. Glows.            8/8/1952 #7513  
a disc-like object from a distance away of 3,000–5,000 feet. The object is  8/9/1952 #7525  
sh-orange low-flying objects climb away (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 8/11/1952 #7544  
. 15M domed disk spins like a top. Away and back. Turns and going quickly n 8/12/1952 #7550  
n. 2 more join. Going quickly [to] away fast together.                      8/12/1952 #7551  
inishes in size, apparently moving away. The pilot determines that the obje 8/12/1952 #7559  
, the UFO loses interest and flies away to the south.                       8/12/1952 #7559  
g objects, and then all three flew away fast together.                      8/12/1952 #7560  
ight light / 900M. Turns and dives away. Back 21 August. / r136#4p39.       8/13/1952 #7568  
nd fro over road. Glow on and off. Away / hit by spotlight / field.         8/14/1952 #7589  
ng fainter and fainter as it moves away.                                    8/14/1952 #7595  
ver town. Minutes later same 300mi away.                                    8/15/1952? #7597  
ots / 240m altitude. 1100kph. 300m away. DWG.                               8/15/1952 #7605  
few seconds until the objects move away to the west. About half of them ret Mid 8/1952 #7608  
zigzagged, stoped again, then flew away toward the southwest. The duration  8/17/1952 #7627  
at the base, but the object speeds away to the east as they close in.       8/19/1952 #7650  
). Sways to and fro. Shoots up and away.                                    8/20/1952 #7656  
 1M disks / light circle mud lake. Away and back. Circle some more..        8/21/1952 #7667  
ow altitude. Tip on edge and speed away in series. No further details / new 8/22/1952 #7675  
 / 35K'. 2 6' silver saucers. Turn away. Back / 7mn. / r242+159.            8/24/1952 #7696  
603 pilots. Red disk stops. Shoots away. / J. Aldrich.                      8/24/1952 #7700  
ers 3M / field. Very large window. Away fast when hit / spotlight.          8/24/1952 #7705  
r 20 minutes, whistling, then flew away. It, or another like it, returned a 8/24/1952 #7712  
 be 6 feet in diameter and 2 miles away. One seems to change into a long, g 8/24/1952 #7713  
r 20 minutes, whistling, then flew away. It, or another like it, returned a 8/24/1952 #7718  
ew north, made a 360 turn and flew away vertically after 3-5 minutes.       8/25/1952 #7730  
rth, makes a 360° turn, then flies away vertically.                         8/25/1952 #7731  
he right side of the road 750 feet away. The UFO looks like two bowls place 8/25/1952 #7732  
t, it rises into the air and flies away at great speed.                     8/25/1952 #7732  
parate observer(s). 30' saucer 30' away! Sparks and spins / rising. Ground  8/27/1952 #7746  
glints like shiny aluminum, speeds away to the northeast, and vanishes.     8/27/1952 #7755  
ox-like craft formation. Hover and away fast. / r185+172.                   8/29/1952 #7776  
rbert Long saw an object land 15 m away from the road. He made a drawing of 8/31/1952 #7799  
w in trail formation, merged, flew away very fast.                          9/1/1952 #7812  
 can be seen an estimated 10 miles away. When first spotted, the UFOs are i 9/1/1952 #7817  
in trail formation, merge, and fly away quickly.                            9/1/1952 #7818  
ion. They merged together and flew away very fast.                          9/1/1952 #7821  
ite saucer spins slowly over city. Away / terrific speed. No further detail 9/4/1952 #7844  
ue night lights going quickly [to] away.                                    9/4/1952 #7846  
oot wide pear-shaped about 50 feet away, which was pulsating between bright 9/11/1952 #7896  
some of the others had to drag him away with them, while the others ran. Le 9/11/1952 #7896  
band flipflops. Hovers then shoots away.                                    9/13/1952 #7908  
moons image / 18 minute(s). Shoots away / terrific speed.                   9/13/1952 #7909  
 [to] private plane. 65° climb and away. / LDLN#331.                        9/13/1952 #7910  
ure (3 m tall), human-shaped, 10 m away. They locked the car as "it" inspec 9/13/1952 #7914  
"it" inspected the vehicle, glided away and went into the woods. Soon after 9/13/1952 #7914  
 down / 12M altitude. Scares cows. Away and back. / r242p146.               9/14/1952 #7920  
y. Going east. Stops. Going north. Away going west.                         9/15/1952 #7951  
ude. Flames and going quickly [to] away. / APRO v1#3.                       9/15/1952 #7952  
outhwest. RADAR shows linear blip. Away / 300mph. / r1.                     9/16/1952 #7954  
 AZ 3+3 saucers in formation. Fade away! Seen longer by observer(s) with Po 9/17/1952 #7967  
] under airliner. Rises and speeds away going quickly west.                 9/20/1952 (approximate) #7984  
ly it splits into three and speeds away, one object to the north, another t 9/20/1952? #7986  
en he turns to chase it, it speeds away. Ruppelt says the Mainbrace sightin 9/21/1952 #7998  
ys pilots watched UFO hover, speed away. [UFOE, V]. Zammett/Harris/Hutchins Fall 1952 #8011  
es over phone building. Winks out. Away extremely fast.                     9/25/1952 #8025  
2 13cm plates hang over city. Zoom away shortly. No planes in area.         9/29/1952 #8051  
lat objects hovering then speeding away (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 9/29/1952 #8056  
vered for 3 minutes, and then sped away.                                    9/29/1952 #8059  
y for three minutes, and then sped away.                                    9/29/1952 #8064  
 the object levels off and flashes away at high speed, emitting a bluish-gr 10/1952 #8076  
hovered for 5-10 minutes then flew away very fast in an arc.  A loud blast  10/1/1952 #8083  
speed and passes him only 325 feet away. It falls with a violent splash int 10/2/1952? #8085  
 made a whistling sound as it shot away.                                    10/8/1952 #8104  
0 mn. Tilts and going quickly [to] away as jets near. / r78p166.            10/11/1952 #8116  
 tilts up, accelerates, and shoots away.                                    10/11/1952 #8118  
ucer / clouds. Hovers 7 minute(s). Away in seconds. / r78p166.              10/13/1952 #8125  
ame elliptical in appearance, sped away disappearing in seconds. [UFOE, III 10/13/1952 #8127  
ouds near Oshima, Japan. It speeds away after 7 minutes.                    10/13/1952 #8129  
ver disk hovers / 40M altitude 30M away. Green glow. Maneuvers.             10/14/1952 #8131  
size of a Boeing 707 some 10 miles away over the Adelaide Hills, South Aust 10/18/1952 #8155  
ppear quickly when the pilot looks away briefly. Two Meteor F.8 fighters ar 10/21/1952 #8172  
land briefly on the airfield 100 m away, producing a dull sound. The object 10/27/1952 #8197  
uches-du-Rhône, France, 100 meters away, producing a dull sound. The object 10/27/1952 #8198  
ng northeast. Stops near airstrip. Away going quickly southeast.            11/3/1952 #8231  
igars hover / high altitude. Shoot away when jets chase.                    11/4/1952 (approximate) #8237  
cylinder/cigar-shape. Simply melts away.                                    11/4/1952 #8238  
into a cigar shape, and then faded away. The sighting lasted five minutes.  11/4/1952 #8248  
ade a 90 degree overhead, and flew away to the southwest.                   11/13/1952 #8271  
ve him a bit more than half a mile away to a flatter area near the foot of  11/20/1952 #8307  
 to him from about a quarter- mile away. He walks over to him and meets an  11/20/1952 #8309  
y northeast. Makes 2 stops. Shoots away going quickly south. / Nouvelle Rep 11/22/1952 #8320  
 a.m. It made two stops, then shot away to the south.                       11/22/1952 #8324  
glowing disk splits / 2. Reunites. Away fast. / LDLN#131.                   11/27/1952 #8346  
-shape moves slow. Suddenly speeds away. Leaves (something behind) blue tra 12/3/1952 #8365  
wly in the sky, then suddenly shot away, leaving a blue trail.              12/3/1952 #8367  
t the targets are 20 miles or more away. The five UFOs merge with a huge bl 12/6/1952 #8389  
radar screen. The huge object shot away at 9,000 mph. The entire incident l 12/6/1952 #8390  
bject reverses direction and dives away. They attempt several more times to 12/10/1952 #8409  
 going south. Stops over Mt. Toro. Away / Army plane nears.                 12/12/1952 #8412  
rt while it descends some distance away and travels straight down the road. 12/21/1952 #8439  
field / 3 minute(s). Silent. Zooms away.                                    12/24/1952 #8444  
e jet. Turn going quickly west and away. No further details.                12/29/1952 #8455  
owly. Turns going quickly east and away very fast.                          12/30/1952 #8464  
harply so that its tail is pointed away and shoots upward out of sight in s 1953 #8477  
as rotating, medics carried a body away that was making strange noises; the 1953 #8484  
eaks. Hovers and rises then shoots away.                                    1/1/1953 #8488  
 10 minute(s) / northwest horizon. Away / fantastic acceleration.           1/1/1953 #8490  
object above horizon about 5 miles away to the southwest. The object is an  1/1/1953 #8494  
souri River to within 150–300 feet away then climbs fast horizontally at an 1/1/1953 #8494  
berta for ten minutes. It too shot away at a high speed with fantastic acce 1/1/1953 #8495  
ot back into the craft and it flew away. The witness, Sr. M. Ramos Bessa, h 1/3/1953 #8500  
t below scattered clouds. It moves away against the wind until it disappear 1/8/1953 #8515  
ht lights near B29. Bank and climb away. / r242p21.                         1/9/1953 #8517  
he watches. When the headache goes away, the disc and creatures have disapp 1/12/1953 #8535  
s all over/all about to study B36? Away and back several X.                 1/13/1953 #8537  
 the station approximately 9 miles away. The scope showed the object to be  1/26/1953 #8576  
itude of 10,000-15,000 feet moving away from the site at 12-15 mph. It was  1/26/1953 #8576  
out accelerated the jets and moved away at high speed. Project Blue Book li 1/28/1953 #8605  
ar, object.  The second twice flew away and returned to the first.  After 5 2/4/1953 #8636  
 joined by a second one that flies away twice and returns. Both are lost to 2/4/1953 #8637  
 object. The second UFO twice flew away and returned to the first. The two  2/4/1953 #8638  
nge speeds and altitude, then pull away from him. The UFO's presence was co 2/7/1953 #8648  
is altitude and is only 2,000 feet away. Closing in on it, he sees it is a  2/11/1953 #8664  
h blinking red lights. At 350 feet away, his cockpit is bathed in blue-whit 2/11/1953 #8664  
ere is a flash, and the UFO breaks away as sound and motion return. Balocco 2/11/1953 #8664  
e night lights / collision course. Away fast. / r150.                       2/20/1953 #8687  
llision course, dimmed and climbed away fast.                               2/20/1953 #8689  
 estimates it is about 40–60 miles away.                                    3/8/1953 #8740  
ight drops and paces plane. Speeds away. No further details.                4/8/1953 #8809  
fade from the radar scope 30 miles away in a northeast direction.           4/12/1953 #8820  
 River a bit more than a half-mile away. The man runs outside for a better  4/23/1953 #8845  
more such objects, which then flew away in formation.                       4/28/1953 #8848  
le around the airliner, and speeds away toward the coast.                   5/10/1953 #8873  
ng gear, landed on a sand bar 50 m away from  them. An  occupant described  5/20/1953 #8888  
round it. The UFO is about 40 feet away, resting on a rock, and has tripod- 5/20/1953 #8889  
ery object land on a sand bar 50 m away from them. It was 2.5 meters in dia 5/20/1953 #8890  
 They watched him take off and fly away.                                    6/18/1953 #8940  
rried back to the craft and zoomed away. His partner Mr. John Van Allen onl 6/20/1953 #8944  
ficers arrive. Three Aliens walked away from the crash. One Alien was carri Summer 1953 #8945  
g the side of the road only 6 feet away. They stop the car, and the beings  Summer 1953 #8953  
B29 air RADAR. Blip maneuvers .5mi away / 2 minute(s). No further details.  6/24/1953 #8962  
nd separate. The object soon fades away slowly to the north.                6/30/1953 #8976  
 15 Mx4M wingless fuselage! Up and away / 6000 kph.                         7/1953 #8977  
was observed from the UFO. It flew away at tremendous speed for 3 miles whe 7/19/1953 #9001  
UFOs into a ‘V’ formation and sped away.                                    7/19/1953 #9001  
rs. 90° turn over fishing boat and away. / r114p55.                         7/21/1953 #9009  
eral minutes it rises up and flies away at great speed.                     7/31/1953 #9028  
 circle and chase. Clever stop and away. / r137#6.                          8/1/1953 #9035  
r more seconds before accelerating away out of sight at several times his o 8/6/1953 #9052  
w, Idaho at 9:20 p.m., shot up and away when three F-86 Sabre jets attempte 8/9/1953 #9059  
er the lower disk. The witness ran away when invited to follow them. The ob 8/18/1953 #9080  
, NY 2.5M brilliant egg hovers 30M away / 20M altitude! Going north. Flame- 8/24/1953 (approximate) #9107  
ticks and rocks / observers. Flies away.                                    9/3/1953 #9138  
cks from the ground, and then flew away.                                    9/3/1953 #9141  
ted a white light that shot up and away vertically.                         9/7/1953 #9155  
cigar-shaped object about 200 feet away. Apparently in trouble, it belches  Autumn 1953 #9176  
ll domed saucer / treetops. Speeds away when neared.                        9/27/1953 #9181  
 speed of 2,300 mph. It is 4 miles away when first seen and compares with a 9/28/1953 #9187  
ounterclockwise, and rapidly speed away. Before the large object disappears 10/16/1953 #9236  
r 1000mph passes behind clouds and away.                                    10/24/1953 #9249  
tried to touch it, the object flew away.                                    10/25/1953 #9253  
 tried to touch it the object flew away.                                    10/25/1953 #9255  
e jet disappeared and the UFO flew away. An extensive air search and rescue 11/23/1953 #9319  
 alighted on the bay, only 15 feet away from one of them. The dark blue hul 11/28/1953 #9325  
saw two "indescribable" shadows go away from the house. A while later a big 12/1953 #9327  
a big, round object took off 100 m away with a blue-green lightning. The po 12/1953 #9327  
udden, ninety-degree turn and shot away at over 1800 miles per hour. Uniden 12/3/1953 #9340  
nd circles small plane then shoots away. No further details.                12/11/1953 #9357  
department, France. It shot up and away, leaving behind a red crescent-shap 12/11/1953 #9359  
e west, hovering about 30–60 miles away. At 5:04 p.m., after four minutes ( 12/16/1953 #9374  
ly over a tree line about 200 feet away. It soon drops down out of sight. F 12/30/1953 #9409  
minute(s). Turns on side and flies away.                                    1/1/1954 #9432  
k / 16 minute(s). Edge glows. Zips away.                                    1/6/1954 #9455  
tude. Turns going quickly east and away.                                    1/7/1954 #9458  
r an instant, after which it flies away and disappears over the horizon.    1/7/1954 #9463  
ly west / wavy trajectory and dims away.                                    1/8/1954 #9464  
anta Rita Mountains about 10 miles away. They lose sight of it as the car m 1/10/1954 #9476  
lvery disk hovers. Tilts. Circles. Away / incredibly fast.                  2/1954 #9515  
d bottom. The UFO spins and drifts away with an odd-looking vapor trail. A  2/1/1954 #9526  
ame in for a landing only 50 yards away. "The whole metallic body seemed to 2/18/1954 #9555  
essed surprise that he did not run away.                                    3/1954 #9578  
ies directly toward him then veers away. Sonny feels a heavy wind when the  3/1954? #9579  
th binoculars as the objects speed away.                                    3/1/1954 #9588  
sion course heading west 2–3 miles away. It then turns onto a direct head-o 3/5/1954 #9598  
overed at a tilted angle. Two shot away toward the northwest and a short ti 3/6/1954 #9601  
t is 15,000 feet high and 10 miles away.                                    3/18/1954 #9629  
al. Plane paced metal UFO. Flashes away. / MJ#251.                          3/24/1954 #9636  
going up [to] going down. 1 shoots away and back.                           3/29/1954 #9649  
lying contest. Still / 30mph wind. Away slow.                               3/30/1954 #9650  
ph wind. After 30 minutes in moved away slowly.                             3/30/1954 #9651  
ome zigzag maneuvers before racing away at high speed.                      4/7/1954 #9673  
managed to start the car and drove away at very high speed directly to the  4/10/1954 #9681  
y the ground crew to “get the hell away from that.” The ground crew wore gr 4/12/1954 #9685  
 is instantly thrown about 18 feet away toward the base of a large rock. He Late 4/1954 #9720  
k going south. Going quickly west. Away / 5800kph.                          5/5/1954 #9750  
 is monitoring from about 35 miles away. It appears to be traveling three t 5/5/1954 #9753  
 the witness, then the object shot away at high speed towards the west.     5/11/1954 #9776  
t line, make a 90° turn, then move away to the south. Each pass takes 45 se 5/12/1954 #9779  
and disappear, apparently speeding away due north. Triangulation shows that 5/14/1954 #9796  
t decided to approach it, then ran away in fear.                            5/18/1954 #9810  
s started to approach it, then ran away in fear.                            5/18/1954 #9812  
e(s). Bob going up and down. Glide away going quickly northeast.            5/19/1954 #9813  
hey bobbed up and down, and glided away fast to the northeast.              5/19/1954 #9816  
5m bright saucer / 6m altitude 27m away. / r3p247. Burning haystack?        5/20/1954 #9818  
e. It came from a huge object 35 m away, less than 7 m above the ground, wh 5/20/1954 #9819  
r side of the hedge only 35 meters away, hovering less than seven meters ab 5/20/1954 #9821  
nd. After a minute it moved toward away the northwest, accelerating and cli 5/20/1954 #9821  
ls. Beams / fog. Shakes violently. Away extremely fast. / r136#6.           5/21/1954 #9822  
 portholes. Accelerates and shoots away. / LDLN#326 p19.                    5/30/1954 #9844  
r "portholes" accelerated and shot away. [UFOE, XII] (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 5/30/1954 #9845  
ow B29 going quickly west. 3 break away and check Piper cubs. / MJ#254.     6/1954 #9852  
oward her. It hovers about 60 feet away. Her friend, Jeanette Johnston, 13, 6/5/1954 #9866  
t "burst into light" hovering 20 m away at the height of a factory gate. It 6/9/1954 #9881  
igh, with a canopy on top. It flew away and was lost to sight behind some t 6/9/1954 #9881  
rst into light" hovering 20 meters away at the height of a factory gate. It 6/9/1954 #9883  
igh, with a canopy on top. It flew away and was lost to sight behind some t 6/9/1954 #9883  
d objects above the clouds 2 miles away. "Sharp edged," bright gold in colo 6/11/1954 #9893  
ckly east slowly over ocean. Zooms away.                                    6/21/1954 #9913  
fts / 300' altitude. Veers. Up and away sharply.                            6/22/1954 #9924  
 object veered up sharply and shot away after about 5-10 seconds.           6/22/1954 #9929  
r Cigar shaped one which then shot away. Upon landing, Howard and Boyd were 6/29/1954 #9958  
co Nine green spheres hover, speed away at 2,600 mph, and are tracked on ra 7/3/1954 #9990  
 2 glowing disks hover. Then speed away. No further details.                7/8/1954 #10001  
ver(s). Flying trashcan-lid shoots away just as jet nears.                  7/12/1954 #10010  
Saucer with portholes rises / sea. Away / extremely fast. / r107p237.       7/28/1954 #10056  
ar. 2 3M yellow-glowing ovoids 30M away. Beams going down / field. Rotate s 8/1954 (approximate) #10081  
he south. The trails seem to “fall away from the object at each side.” Two  8/1/1954 #10090  
oing down [to] 1K' altitude. Fades away in place!                           8/2/1954 #10091  
ine foot wide sphere land 150 feet away from them in Hemmingford, Quebec. A 8/7/1954 #10113  
er(s). Saucer hovers west / tower. Away and back. Vanishes as helicopter ne 8/12/1954 #10134  
the tower at Fort Benning. It flew away and then came back, but finally van 8/12/1954 #10139  
long object paced the C-47, veered away, then crossed in front of it.  Five 8/15/1954 #10144  
object that paced the C-47, veered away, then crossed in front of it. The i 8/15/1954 #10145  
. Curious, they decided not to run away. The stranger wore a greenish one-p 8/20/1954 #10158  
 like pigs'. Enter glow saucer and away. / r217p164.                        8/23/1954 #10166  
aft took on a fiery color and flew away.                                    8/23/1954 #10169  
f the Seine River about 1,000 feet away. Suddenly from the bottom of the ob 8/23/1954 #10170  
on a glowing, fiery color and flew away. [Note: the Airstream model of trai 8/23/1954 #10172  
STON CREEK, ONT Saucer lands 1.5mi away. Observer(s) walks within 300' when 8/27/1954 #10186  
 300 m before it took off and flew away. Grass was flattened where it had l 8/27/1954 #10188  
Co. It landed about two kilometers away from him. He approached to within 3 8/27/1954 #10192  
meters before it took off and flew away. The grass had been flattened where 8/27/1954 #10192  
 who observed the object spiraling away.                                    8/30/1954 #10209  
 who observed the object spiraling away.                                    8/30/1954 #10210  
 a crouched position about 20 feet away. It is dressed in a shiny garment a 9/2/1954 #10232  
 old child crouching about 20 feet away. The man had pointed ears and a poi 9/2/1954 #10233  
vers. Swings. Jumps and going [to] away.                                    9/3/1954 #10235  
d its horizontal position and flew away.                                    9/3/1954 #10238  
d its horizontal position and flew away.                                    9/3/1954 #10240  
rs over road. Turns 90° and shoots away.                                    9/4/1954 #10245  
bridge at Buire, the object shoots away at great speed.                     9/7/1954 #10267  
s hovering above a mudflat 3 miles away in a V-formation. They radiate a bl 9/9/1954 #10277  
es to 100 feet, hovers, and speeds away. Five imprints on three wooden rail 9/10/1954 #10286  
ends vertically, then moves gently away. His paralysis ceases. A rush of ai 9/12/1954 #10290  
an a 5-year-old child a few meters away from him. He had a long nose and lo 9/14/1954 #10297  
an a 5-year-old child a few meters away from him. He had a long nose and lo 9/14/1954 #10302  
ight beams / large dark object 50M away / 30' altitude. Sputters. Sparks an 9/15/1954 #10308  
30' altitude. Sputters. Sparks and away. / r8.                              9/15/1954 #10308  
hovered, emitted smoke and climbed away at high speed. [UFOE, X] (NICAP: 01 9/15/1954 #10309  
 object 10 m above ground. It flew away with the noise of a wet firework, t 9/15/1954 #10310  
 seen by several observers. It ran away from the group of witnesses when th 9/15/1954 #10315  
meters above the ground, 50 meters away. It flew away, making a noise like  9/15/1954 #10316  
he ground, 50 meters away. It flew away, making a noise like wet fireworks, 9/15/1954 #10316  
le-dome disk going west / tilt and away. Reappears / new trajectory.        9/16/1954 #10320  
 zips in. Hovers / several min and away fast. / r242.                       9/18/1954 #10341  
s / 35 minute(s). Beams search and away. / r3p143.                          9/18/1954 #10342  
a circle to an ellipse, then flies away.                                    9/18/1954 #10348  
 then accelerated rapidly and flew away to the northwest.                   9/19/1954 #10362  
for several minutes. Cisterne runs away when the UFO starts moving again, f 9/20/1954 #10370  
it hovered, landed vertically, 50' away.  A blond man, 5' 10" tall appeared 9/21/1954 #10382  
ers, then lands vertically 50 feet away. A blond man, 5 feet 10 inches tall 9/21/1954 #10383  
ous cylinder moves / jerks. Shoots away / great speed.                      9/23/1954 #10402  
r radio mast / several min. Shoots away.                                    9/24/1954 #10427  
/ triangle / 1 minute(s) and more. Away fast. No further details. / r30p85. 9/24/1954 #10428  
ion for over one minute, then flew away fast. At 3:00 p.m. a fast silent ci 9/24/1954 #10439  
. The dog barks at it and she runs away and hides in a bush. About 15 feet  9/26/1954 #10451  
and hides in a bush. About 15 feet away, she sees an object about 16 feet i 9/26/1954 #10451  
p making a whistling sound and fly away toward the northeast. An eleven foo 9/26/1954 #10452  
cles / sky. Stops. Suddenly speeds away. / r49 page unknown.                9/27/1954 #10459  
 mass fall from the sky about 50 m away, and found himself "paralyzed" as t 9/28/1954 #10485  
scend from the sky about 50 meters away, and found himself paralyzed while  9/28/1954 #10490  
tically up into the air, then shot away horizontally at high speed.         9/28/1954 #10492  
lashing lights. Observer(s) drives away..                                   9/30/1954 #10501  
gar-shape rests / 2 legs. Whistles away / 2 cyclists near.                  9/30/1954 #10503  
ving them instructions. About 80 m away was a craft 4 m high with colored l 9/30/1954 #10510  
 Two witnesses. It eventually flew away to the southwest.                   9/30/1954 #10513  
them instructions. About 80 meters away from them was a 4-meter high craft  9/30/1954 #10519  
ring on and off. The witness drove away as fast as he could.                9/30/1954 #10519  
ge of some woods, about 300 meters away. It was yellow-orange in color and  9/30/1954 #10521  
for 20 minutes. It eventually flew away to the southwest.                   9/30/1954 #10524  
diameter. Going up / 300M. Hovers. Away very fast. / r217p90.               10/1/1954 #10539  
ing suit enters silent 3M disk and away. / r112p93.                         10/1/1954 #10545  
d made gestures. The witnesses ran away in fear.                            10/1/1954 #10559  
bject dives toward them and climbs away again at Bry-sur-Marne, Val-de-Marn 10/1/1954 #10566  
 the left side of the road 45 feet away. He sees short, dark shapes “like p 10/1/1954 #10568  
d made gestures. The witnesses ran away in fear.                            10/1/1954 #10574  
he left side of the road 15 meters away. He saw short, dark shapes "like po 10/1/1954 #10576  
. Green-glow saucer lands / field. Away and returns later. / r8#181.        10/2/1954 #10603  
 on the left side of the road 15 m away. He saw short, dark shapes "like po 10/2/1954 #10607  
 high on the ground about 130 feet away. Two helmeted figures emerge from a Early 10/1954 #10609  
low disc emerges from it and moves away. The long object switches to horizo 10/2/1954 #10611  
ches to horizontal again and moves away to the northwest. The incident last 10/2/1954 #10611  
he left side of the road 15 meters away. He saw some short, dark shapes, “l 10/2/1954 #10619  
ucted of plexiglass." Three meters away moved a short shadowy figure that " 10/2/1954 #10620  
s and maneuvers. Going up [to] and away. Type unknown. No traces. / LDLN#12 10/3/1954 #10634  
t chased a car for 8 km, then flew away toward the sea. Witness: Georges Ga 10/3/1954 #10660  
nd for eight kilometers, then flew away toward the sea. The witness was a b 10/3/1954 #10669  
hey drove to the site, but it flew away. What seems to be the same object w 10/4/1954 #10694  
e Mrs. Fourneret, a housewife, ran away as an orange, circular object 3 m i 10/4/1954 #10697  
hey drove to the site, but it flew away. What seemed to have been the same  10/4/1954 #10704  
  Mrs. Fourneret, a housewife, ran away as an orange, circular object 3 met 10/4/1954 #10710  
globe going [to] slow near ground. Away / dizzy speed when approached.      10/5/1954 #10723  
he noticed an object some distance away. It was circular, about 3 m diamete 10/5/1954 #10726  
n unknown language. The dwarf went away, and the object took off.           10/5/1954 #10726  
ed a burst of green light and flew away very low over the fields.           10/5/1954 #10727  
 brighter. When it was about 150 m away, they felt "a strange sensation" an 10/5/1954 #10729  
all moving west to east 1,500 feet away from them. It approaches to within  10/5/1954 #10734  
he noticed an object some distance away. It was circular and about three me 10/5/1954 #10737  
nown language. The dwarf then went away and the object took off.            10/5/1954 #10737  
ed a burst of green light and flew away, very low over the fields.          10/5/1954 #10739  
noon. When it was about 150 meters away they felt "a strange sensation" and 10/5/1954 #10743  
going down. Rises / 20M and shoots away.                                    10/6/1954 #10748  
strange object on the ground 300 m away. As one of them approached the torp 10/6/1954 #10754  
lroad station and the bridge 100 m away from their house. When it moved, a  10/6/1954 #10755  
ose, hovered for a moment and flew away rapidly.                            10/6/1954 #10755  
he ground less than a quarter-mile away. As one soldier approaches it, he b 10/6/1954 #10757  
tay longer to investigate and sped away as quickly as he could. Three other 10/6/1954 #10758  
ed object on the ground 300 meters away. As one of them approached the four 10/6/1954 #10761  
 station and the bridge 100 meters away from their house. When it moved, a  10/6/1954 #10761  
overed for a moment, and then flew away rapidly.                            10/6/1954 #10761  
Going down / 180M altitude. Shoots away. No further details. / r138#9.      10/7/1954 #10768  
thin 10 m of the ground, then flew away to the southeast.                   10/7/1954 #10781  
ct 3 m in diameter, in a field 3 m away from Route N16 and 1 m above ground 10/7/1954 #10783  
a mysterious object about 300 feet away in a field between Monteux and Alth 10/7/1954 #10790  
10 meters of the ground, then flew away to the southeast.                   10/7/1954 #10795  
 diameter, in a field three meters away from Route N16 and one meter above  10/7/1954 #10797  
flying object stop in mid-air 2O m away. lights were shining from the rear  10/8/1954 #10814  
 the ground, became white and went away.                                    10/8/1954 #10815  
unknown language. The children run away but look back in time to see the ob 10/8/1954 #10817  
k in time to see the object flying away high in the sky.                    10/8/1954 #10817  
ct stop in mid-air, only 20 meters away from him. Lights shone from the rea 10/8/1954 #10818  
eet above the ground about 60 feet away. Attached to it was a man dressed i 10/8/1954 #10820  
ground, became white and then flew away.                                    10/8/1954 #10821  
er hovers and spins in sky. Speeds away. Rapid acceleration.                10/9/1954 #10825  
pe / village street. Lights / rim. Away fast. / r30p140.                    10/9/1954 #10839  
unknown language. The children ran away, but looked back in time to see the 10/9/1954 #10848  
k in time to see the object flying away high in the sky.                    10/9/1954 #10848  
nside. It took off quickly, flying away to the east.                        10/9/1954 #10865  
unknown language. The children ran away, but looked back in time to see the 10/9/1954 #10866  
k in time to see the object flying away high in the sky.                    10/9/1954 #10866  
 Unintelligible. Going up [to] and away.                                    10/10/1954 #10878  
ilted to one side, and shot up and away at an angle.                        10/10/1954 #10898  
orth steady. 3 shiny orbs exit and away. / LDLN#125+/ r30p152.              10/11/1954 #10905  
R 2 / farm. Blue-yellow saucer 20M away. Horses run. Figure seen / 2 minute 10/11/1954 #10918  
se very fast, vertically, and flew away. The ground was found calcined. Sam 10/11/1954 #10926  
ltimately turned brighter and flew away toward the east.                    10/11/1954 #10927  
then saw a craft in a pasture 50 m away. It was cylindrical, fairly thick,  10/11/1954 #10930  
became fiery red in color and flew away when they came near.                10/11/1954 #10931  
opped their gasoline truck and ran away into the fields while the object fl 10/11/1954 #10933  
iving off a yellowred light, 200 m away at 10 m altitude. It was motionless 10/11/1954 #10934  
ed and see on the ground, 150 feet away, a round object with three small fi 10/11/1954 #10938  
 up vertically very fast, and flew away. The ground was found calcified. So 10/11/1954 #10942  
UFO ultimately brightened and flew away toward the east.                    10/11/1954 #10943  
saw a craft in a pasture 50 meters away. It was cylindrical and fairly thic 10/11/1954 #10946  
became fiery red in color and flew away when they came near.                10/11/1954 #10947  
opped their gasoline truck and ran away into some fields while the object f 10/11/1954 #10949  
 yellow-red light, only 200 meters away from them at 10 meters altitude. It 10/11/1954 #10951  
ude. 2 / car follow saucer! Up and away fast. / r30p157.                    10/12/1954 #10967  
 an oval object which landed 300 m away. It looked like a fieryorange ball, 10/12/1954 #10975  
O that quickly lifts off and flies away. The location is said to be Mamora  10/12/1954 #10977  
ced an oval object land 300 meters away in Vielmur, France. It looked like  10/12/1954 #10985  
ucer" hovers / long time. Suddenly away very fast. No further details. / AF 10/13/1954 #10990  
ing together like cobwebs, "wilted away" when handled. This volatile "angel 10/13/1954 #11002  
d seemed to come down and land far away from them.                          10/13/1954 #11003  
euvers. Going down / canal. Up and away. Milky liquid left / water.         10/14/1954 #11014  
rect / roadside. Going up [to] and away when struck / headlights. / LDLN#32 10/14/1954 #11025  
d expression. The witness was 20 m away when the craft took off at unbeliev 10/14/1954 #11043  
took off when Casella was only 6 m away.                                    10/14/1954 #11045  
 a star-like object about 300 feet away from his house. Approaching to 60 f 10/14/1954 #11053  
of 50 feet. The cows panic and run away, apparently suffering burns. Some h 10/14/1954 #11056  
ression. The witness was 20 meters away when the craft took off at unbeliev 10/14/1954 #11064  
f when Casella was only six meters away.                                    10/14/1954 #11066  
ent giant 'eggplants' pass. Hover. Away / at dizzy speed. No further detail 10/15/1954 #11095  
ddish, luminous sphere landed 30 m away and an individual in a diving suit  10/15/1954 #11098  
e boarded the machine, and it flew away in silence.                         10/15/1954 #11098  
s house. The cows panicked and ran away, throwing a girl to the ground, whi 10/15/1954 #11099  
d, Great Britain Pat Hennessey ran away when she saw an object land on the  10/15/1954 #11104  
 his house. The cows panic and run away, knocking a girl to the ground, whi 10/15/1954 #11109  
d luminous sphere landed 30 meters away. A humanoid being in a diving suit  10/15/1954 #11114  
then boarded the craft and it flew away in silence.                         10/15/1954 #11114  
s house. The cows panicked and ran away, knocking a girl to the ground, whi 10/15/1954 #11115  
n this night Ms. Pat Hennessey ran away when she saw an object land on the  10/15/1954 #11120  
 THIN-LE-MOUTIER, FR UFO lands 30M away. Woman faints. Gets skin disease. / 10/16/1954 (approximate) #11128  
 date. An object landed about 30 m away from a woman, who fainted. The witn 10/16/1954 #11141  
r. The object had long since flown away at high speed. The witness himself  10/16/1954 #11142  
und with a dead-leaf motion, 100 m away. The witness felt an electric shock 10/16/1954 #11144  
outiers, France only thirty meters away from a woman, who promptly fainted. 10/16/1954 #11147  
r. The object had long since flown away at high speed. The witness himself  10/16/1954 #11148  
af motion, landing only 100 meters away. The witness felt an electric shock 10/16/1954 #11150  
olor(s). Each color / several min. Away / amazing speed. No further details 10/17/1954 #11167  
Madeira, saw an object, which flew away as he approached it, rose in the sk 10/17/1954 #11172  
nd 1 m high on the ground and 40 m away. It showed a dome from which two he 10/17/1954 #11173  
bject descend to ground level 20 m away. The underside showed red and white 10/17/1954 #11174  
move for 10 minutes. The UFO moves away at high speed.                      10/17/1954 #11176  
to, Portugal. It took off and flew away as he approached it, rose quickly i 10/17/1954 #11178  
r high on the ground and 40 meters away. It had a dome from which two helme 10/17/1954 #11179  
d several minutes. It finally shot away at high speed.                      10/17/1954 #11181  
 descend to ground level 20 meters away. The underside displayed red and wh 10/17/1954 #11182  
e ground. It rose again, then flew away to the north, generating a great de 10/17/1954 #11183  
change of pilots both objects flew away with a tremendous flash.            10/18/1954 #11210  
change of pilots both objects flew away with a tremendous flash.            10/18/1954 #11222  
toward the teenager, and it zipped away in the direction of Lyon. After the 10/18/1954 #11224  
 one meter off the ground and flew away along the villa lane, maintaining a 10/18/1954 #11225  
 back aboard their craft, and flew away.                                    10/19/1954 #11240  
t back aboard their craft and flew away.                                    10/19/1954 #11254  
na on top. When he was about 200 m away, he heard a soft whistling sound an 10/20/1954 #11270  
ued to the wheel. At about 30 feet away, his engine stops and the yellow-or 10/20/1954 #11275  
0." Then he wanted to know how far away and in what direction was Marseille 10/20/1954 #11278  
 FR 20M yellow-orange disk hovers. Away / 10000kph.                         10/21/1954 #11289  
ralyzed. A dog barking about 100 m away caused the rapid escape of the pilo 10/21/1954 #11297  
ng returned to normal when it went away.                                    10/21/1954 #11300  
1, Range B, approximately 500 feet away. The light alternates from deep ora 10/21/1954 #11304  
ralyzed. A dog barking about 100 m away caused the rapid escape of the pilo 10/21/1954 #11306  
ng returned to normal when it went away.                                    10/21/1954 #11309  
 Lights / water. Going up [to] and away fast.                               10/22/1954 #11317  
les" hover over school, then speed away; "angel's hair" fell. [UFOE, VIII]  10/22/1954 #11318  
 then made a final ascent and flew away.                                    10/22/1954 #11323  
descend to ground level about 50 m away, with a sound like that of a compre 10/23/1954 #11338  
occupants motioned for him to stay away. For the next 2O min, the witness w 10/23/1954 #11338  
Italy, watches a UFO land 150 feet away with a sound like a compressor. It  10/23/1954 #11341  
ck. One occupant warns him to stay away. For the next 20 minutes he watches 10/23/1954 #11341  
00 a.m. It hovered about 50 meters away, making a sound like that of an air 10/23/1954 #11344  
occupants motioned for him to stay away. For the next twenty minutes the wi 10/23/1954 #11344  
ht be an extraterrestrial he drove away from the area in order to get addit 10/23/1954 #11346  
s. Glows. Going up [to] and shoots away. / LDLN#324.                        10/24/1954 (approximate) #11356  
ing globe stops / 20M altitude 50M away. Quickly going up [to] when car sto 10/24/1954 #11358  
20 meters altitude, just 50 meters away. It took off when he stopped his ca 10/24/1954 #11372  
g the tops of the reeds as it flew away.                                    10/25/1954 #11395  
 Rises slow and going quickly [to] away as observer(s) nears. / LDLN#325.   10/26/1954 (approximate) #11405  
overs over Guaiba River. Flash and away.                                    10/26/1954 #11408  
M cauldron going up / roadside 50M away. White trail. / r8#310.             10/26/1954 #11409  
t come from the west and land 1 km away.                                    10/26/1954 #11416  
e off the ground slowly, then shot away when the witness approached.        10/26/1954 #11420  
from the west and land a kilometer away.                                    10/26/1954 #11424  
t changed course suddenly and went away. That same night Mr. George Cacamou 10/26/1954 #11425  
right angle from the road and flew away.                                    10/27/1954 #11447  
istling, purring noise as it moved away. The minimum distance to the object 10/27/1954 #11451  
right angle from the road and flew away.                                    10/27/1954 #11453  
nters. One touched the ground 50 m away. It was rhomboidic, and from the bo 10/30/1954 #11490  
the craft gained altitude and flew away, leaving a bluish trail.            10/30/1954 #11490  
. One touched the ground 50 meters away. It was rhomboid in shape, and a cy 10/30/1954 #11493  
raft then gained altitude and flew away, leaving a bluish trail.            10/30/1954 #11493  
car until the four witnesses drove away. The UFO changed color from white t 10/30/1954 #11494  
cer hides / trees / 6M altitude 6M away. Exits and going quickly south.     11/1954 (approximate) #11507  
IANA, ITL Farmer. Dark object 500M away. Figure visible on one side. Strand 11/1/1954 #11512  
 flowers from the witness and flew away.                                    11/1/1954 #11516  
in the crook of its arm. Lotti ran away, and when she looked back, after ru 11/1/1954 #11520  
 over the ground, about 500 meters away from him. The object had an apparen 11/1/1954 #11521  
 estimated to have been 400 meters away.                                    11/1/1954 #11523  
 a bluish cloud. The witnesses ran away.                                    11/2/1954 #11536  
roaches it hesitantly from 60 feet away, feeling like running but he is roo 11/2/1954 #11537  
 He jumps out of the door and runs away. Looking back at the object from 30 11/2/1954 #11537  
ng back at the object from 30 feet away, he sees it is hovering 30 feet abo 11/2/1954 #11537  
d to the ground and started to run away. When about 30 feet away he turned  11/2/1954 #11539  
ed to run away. When about 30 feet away he turned to look back and saw that 11/2/1954 #11539  
ather vegetables and water and fly away.                                    11/4/1954 #11563  
ove the ground and only a few feet away from the witness. Three small dwarf 11/4/1954 #11568  
w a large, shining disk rise 150 m away with a slight noise like an explosi 11/5/1954 #11577  
ht noise like an explosion and fly away at fantastic speed.                 11/5/1954 #11577  
arge, shining disc rise 150 meters away with a slight noise like an explosi 11/5/1954 #11580  
t noise like an explosion. It flew away at fantastic speed.                 11/5/1954 #11580  
 to turn too sharply and fell 50 m away. A taxi driver stopped to observe t 11/7/1954 #11588  
er side of the mountain saw it fly away. The disk, about 15 m in diameter,  11/7/1954 #11588  
d fell off his motocycle 50 meters away from it. A taxi driver stopped to o 11/7/1954 #11590  
er side of the mountain saw it fly away. The disc, about 15 meters in diame 11/7/1954 #11590  
effects) motorcycle. Rider frozen. Away and back as 6M cone. Going north. / 11/8/1954 #11595  
the light when it reappeared 200 m away. He saw the object, a cone 5.5 m in 11/8/1954 #11598  
the light reappears about 450 feet away, seemingly 18 feet long and cone-sh 11/8/1954 #11600  
ight when it reappeared 200 meters away. He saw the object, a cone 5.5 mete 11/8/1954 #11604  
uld not quite reach it and it flew away. The next day, or perhaps a day lat 11/9/1954 #11611  
. As the frightened witnesses sped away, they saw the men reenter the disk, 11/10/1954 #11619  
h raised arms. The witnesses speed away.                                    11/10/1954 #11620  
saw a craft like a round hut 300 m away. It took off without noise.         11/13/1954 #11636  
 object leaves, the paralysis goes away, and the car returns to normal.     11/13/1954 #11639  
shaped like a round hut 300 meters away. It took off without making any noi 11/13/1954 #11640  
ds over 'danger area 343'. Streaks away.                                    11/14/1954 #11644  
sel engine still runs. The men run away; when they return, the UFO has depa 11/14/1954 #11652  
igar-shape makes sharp fast turns. Away going quickly north.                11/23/1954 #11694  
scends and hovers only 3 or 4 feet away from them. It is round, about 10 fe 11/23/1954 #11696  
hower of sparks, and the girls run away. They notice a smell “like fried sa 11/23/1954 #11696  
ame down to hover only 3 or 4 feet away from them. It was round, about 10 f 11/23/1954 #11698  
hower of sparks, and the girls ran away. They noticed a smell "like fried s 11/23/1954 #11698  
all spherical craft concealed 10 m away behind some bushes. The beings were 11/25/1954 #11703  
a small sphere concealed 10 meters away from them, behind some bushes. The  11/25/1954 #11704  
er(s). Saucer with 4 lights / rim. Away when spotlight hits. / r148p63.     11/26/1954 #11707  
over red square! Rises like a jet. Away going quickly northwest.            11/27/1954 #11711  
 craft and the strange beings flew away.                                    11/28/1954 #11720  
ling. All four saw the machine fly away.                                    12/1954 #11734  
a couple of minutes less than 3 km away, then flew off to the east.         12/1/1954 #11742  
ches of an oak tree about 165 feet away. It is pyramid-shaped and about 8 f 12/3/1954 #11754  
 shot straight up into the sky and away.                                    12/3/1954 #11755  
bject stationary in a pasture 50 m away. It was blue with symmetrical openi 12/4/1954 #11758  
l minutes, and was about 50 meters away. It was blue with symmetrical openi 12/4/1954 #11759  
arent object landed about 165 feet away. It has several rods protruding fro 12/5/1954 #11764  
    Edenton, NC Object Accelerates Away From Marine TV-2 (NICAP: 11 - Aviat 12/7/1954 #11770  
Pseudo-human/entity exit. Hiss and away. / r171.                            12/8/1954 #11776  
er which they motioned him to stay away and took off. They were of average  12/9/1954 #11784  
oad with a sizzling sound and flew away.                                    12/10/1954 #11793  
es up from the same spot and zooms away.                                    12/10/1954 #11796  
bacco plant and a chicken, then go away. Their craft "had a bottom like an  12/11/1954 #11800  
solute(ly) silent. Blue flames and away.                                    12/12/1954 #11803  
 object landing a few hundred feet away. His dog gets nervous and begins to 12/15/1954 #11815  
 came from a dark craft about 80 m away. The light turned brighter; the wit 12/17/1954 #11828  
ng to die. Finally, the light went away.                                    12/17/1954 #11828  
g from a dark craft some 80 meters away. When the light became brighter the 12/17/1954 #11829  
fter a short while the light moved away.                                    12/17/1954 #11829  
onds. Rises and going quickly [to] away.                                    12/19/1954 #11832  
 3 m above ground. He tried to run away but was paralyzed by a violet beam  12/19/1954 #11837  
 a circular craft landed 50 meters away from two witnesses. As the witnesse 12/19/1954 #11840  
p to a very high altitude and flew away toward Portugal, making a great dea 12/19/1954 #11840  
Flying saucer" hovers briefly then away. No further details / brief account 12/20/1954 (approximate) #11843  
s, college, and spouses, and given away money and possessions to prepare fo 12/20/1954 #11849  
e arrives there. It circles, moves away, dances in the sky, disappears (app 12/26/1954 #11863  
 River, South Africa. Twenty yards away was a domed disc-shaped object, abo 12/27/1954 #11865  
f hot air, the craft rose and shot away at tremendous speed. Ms. Klarer had 12/27/1954 #11865  
t hits car antenna and trim. Flies away!                                    12/28/1954 #11866  
minous object about 100-200 meters away in a nearby field, and it was emitt 12/28/1954 #11869  
ct. When they were about 50 meters away they noticed two human figures next 12/28/1954 #11869  
d saucer joins. Both hover and fly away.                                    12/29/1954 #11872  
 Gamba saw an oval red object 50 m away. When he tried to approach it, he f 12/29/1954 #11875  
 white, then red. It rose and flew away toward the east. It had been on the 12/29/1954 #11875  
in Bru, Gironde, France, 50 meters away from witnesses. The main witness, a 12/29/1954 #11876  
s it, but the UFO rises and speeds away. From a separate location, brothers 1/3/1955 #11917  
Blue Mountains in Oregon. It moved away when the snowplow stopped, but came 1/28/1955 #11949  
 "fish net" hovers / 20 minute(s). Away very fast. / r139 #1p16.            1/31/1955 #11952  
track for 3 minutes before pulling away at 500–600 mph and disappearing.    2/1/1955 #11960  
ject drops from jets. Hovers. Zips away.                                    2/2/1955 #11962  
wnward, then levels off, and races away at tremendous speed.                2/2/1955 #11968  
es.  The UFO leveled off and raced away.                                    2/2/1955 #11969  
iant ovoid bobs going up and down. Away sideways. / r139 #1p22.             2/10/1955 #11986  
 Watching from less than 100 yards away, Briggs estimates that the object i 2/23/1955 #12015  
tracted, and the UFO rose silently away. When it was gone the witness could 2/23/1955 #12016  
out. Changes shapes. Spins. Shoots away.                                    3/27/1955 #12062  
 6M disk hovers close / 2 minutes. Away incredibly fast. / APRO.            4/1955 #12075  
silver dollar / arms length. Fades away. = airport beacon / Blue Book.      4/6/1955 #12082  
a ninety-degree turn. It then sped away to the northeast.                   4/22/1955 #12100  
uickly reversed direction and shot away. [UFOE, II] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation C 5/25/1955 #12158  
vertical circular object about 3 m away, the bottom edge about 30 cm from t 5/31/1955 #12169  
vered vertically only a few meters away from the 74-year-old farmer, and on 5/31/1955 #12170  
s flying-tiger plane. Tilts up and away.                                    6/16/1955 #12201  
through binoculars; hovered; moved away behind clouds as an aircraft neared 6/17/1955 #12203  
cillates again, then finally moves away at high speed. It travels nearly ov 6/25/1955 #12210  
and pointed chins. Two were turned away from the witness; one was bending o 7/3/1955 #12231  
and pointed chins. Two were turned away from the witness; one was bending o 7/3/1955 #12233  
 / 10M altitude. Going up [to] and away.                                    7/8/1955 #12240  
" UFO zig-zagged upward, then sped away. [UFOE, XII] (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 7/9/1955 #12245  
 Suddenly shoots going up [to] and away. RCAF alert.                        7/13/1955 #12257  
Silent domed saucer hovers. Climbs away as airliner nears. / r78p174.       7/17/1955 #12263  
through binoculars; hovered; moved away behind clouds as an aircraft neared 7/17/1955 #12264  
  Canton, OH Disc hovered, climbed away as airliner approached. [UFOE, XII] 7/17/1955 #12265  
ht from a disk-shaped object 150 m away. It left orange glows in its trail. 7/18/1955 #12269  
ht from a disc-shaped object 150 m away. The disc left an orange glowing tr 7/18/1955 #12270  
y object emerges / ocean and flies away. No further details. / r44p38.      7/22/1955 #12275  
gle) hover above glider then speed away. [UFOE, XII] (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 7/26/1955 #12288  
et paced / red night light. Shoots away / 2Kmph. Enormous "exhaust".        7/28/1955 #12292  
ears. The object then appears 120° away and moves horizontally until it tak 7/29/1955 #12302  
r, it flew around the car and went away without noise. The witnesses were t 8/1/1955 #12314  
 and their two children saw it fly away.                                    8/1/1955 #12315  
 sees a red light about 1,000 feet away coming at him at a right angle. He  8/1/1955 #12317  
ghts turn off and the object moves away over the woods. He and his wife can 8/1/1955 #12317  
ers there for 5 minutes then moves away.                                    8/1/1955 #12317  
 and their two children saw it fly away.                                    8/1/1955 #12319  
bject flew around the car and flew away without making a sound. The witness 8/1/1955 #12320  
r balloon" hovers / minutes. Zooms away.                                    8/4/1955 #12327  
n two disks appeared to land 300 m away near the German cemetery. The other 8/5/1955 #12330  
e German cemetery. The others flew away toward the south at tremendous spee 8/5/1955 #12330  
 discs appeared to land 300 meters away near the German cemetery. The other 8/5/1955 #12332  
e German cemetery. The others flew away toward the south at tremendous spee 8/5/1955 #12332  
 discs appeared to land 300 meters away near the German cemetery. The other 8/5/1955 #12334  
e German cemetery. The others flew away toward the south at tremendous spee 8/5/1955 #12334  
/orb/globe zooms going up [to] and away.                                    8/15/1955 (approximate) #12359  
It approaches the truck then turns away abruptly into a passage. Suddard al 8/16/1955 #12364  
     Bradford, England About 700 m away from Roundhill street, Mr. Wood, a  8/19/1955 #12373  
    At 11:30 p.m. about 700 meters away from the site of another humanoid e 8/19/1955 #12375  
 side, straightened out, then shot away. It was gone in three seconds, cove 8/20/1955 #12380  
nd rotates. Turns sideways. Shoots away. / r78p175.                         8/21/1955 #12381  
rotating; turned sideways and shot away. [UFOE, XII] (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 8/21/1955 #12384  
 lighted object in the sky, flying away very fast.                          8/21/1955 #12387  
Pacific Ocean, which was 300 miles away.”                                   9/8/1955 #12438  
ants gathered some plants and flew away to the northwest.                   9/16/1955 #12456  
ants gathered some plants and flew away to the northwest.                   9/16/1955 #12457  
ses / lake 2'. Dives. Trails boat. Away very fast. / r8#376.                9/17/1955 #12458  
ut turning around and finally flew away very fast.                          9/17/1955 #12459  
ut turning around and finally flew away at a high rate of speed.            9/17/1955 #12460  
econd(s). Slants going up [to] and away. / B. Mancusi.                      9/23/1955 #12470  
 second. It tilted upward and flew away. There were two witnesses.          9/23/1955 #12471  
. Several saucers / high-altitude. Away and back / 1300h. Angel hair / r64p 10/2/1955 #12479  
 light passes plane. Hovers. Rises away.                                    10/2/1955 #12482  
instruments go out after it breaks away from a refueling plane in a pre-daw 10/3/1955 #12486  
say anything. It eventually glided away and disappeared from sight.         10/20/1955 #12513  
ge luminous ball changes color(s). Away extremely fast. / r150p37.          10/28/1955 #12526  
 speed and erratically, toward and away from each other.  Observed by vario 11/20/1955 #12578  
cally at terrific speed toward and away from each other, over Lake City [no 11/20/1955 #12579  
. Going east. Shadow above object. Away incredibly fast.                    11/22/1955 #12584  
e. Descends. Levels off. Rises and away. / r70p3-43.                        11/25/1955 #12590  
ver Hitchin, England. It then shot away to the southwest very fast. Twenty  12/12/1955 #12609  
ain, CT Shiny object hovered, sped away. [UFOE, XII] (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 12/29/1955 #12622  
ops for 2 minutes about 1,300 feet away at about 400 feet altitude. It begi 1956 #12638  
edly confirmed by radar. They shot away at an estimated speed of 40,000 kil 1/8/1956 #12650  
or saucers hover / marine airbase. Away / plane nears. / r140#1+6.          2/10/1956 #12705  
ir Base for two minutes. They flew away when approached by a plane.         2/10/1956 #12706  
 saucers which follow large object away.                                    2/15/1956 #12716  
ects were ejected from it and flew away.                                    2/15/1956 #12719  
nd 30 seconds later it is 19 miles away, having moved at nearly 2,500 mph.  2/17/1956 #12723  
indow. Bang! hits garage and flies away.                                    2/29/1956 #12740  
anged into a garage, and then flew away.                                    2/29/1956 #12741  
oing quickly west. Wild maneuvers. Away with bang!                          3/13/1956 #12753  
wild maneuvers in the sky. It flew away with a bang.                        3/13/1956 #12755  
     GRAND LEDGE, MI 1.5m globe 3m away. "Tries to contact ME-lost all sens 3/23/1956 #12763  
e glow, then stopped just ten feet away and only four feet above the ground 3/23/1956 #12765  
rver(s). 2M UFO lands / field 100M away. Fantastic speed.                   4/4/1956 #12784  
haped craft land in a field 300 ft away from them (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 4/6/1956 #12794  
 in diameter land in a field 100 m away from them, about 8 km east of McKin 4/6/1956 #12795  
iameter land in a field 100 meters away from them, about eight kilometers e 4/6/1956 #12796  
lliant white light about 2–3 miles away is spotted about 90° to the left ap 4/8/1956 #12803  
ad ahead position about 8–10 miles away at high speed, estimated at about 8 4/8/1956 #12803  
ted a yellow-orange glow. It moved away extremely quickly.                  4/8/1956 #12804  
cer with wires / edge. 4 turns and away extremely fast. Also 2 separate obs 5/12/1956 #12846  
dge. It made four turns, then shot away extremely fast. There were at least 5/12/1956 #12847  
 to the south, and then zig-zagged away. It was very fast and bright.       5/16/1956 #12853  
ect, which is now a great distance away. The object suddenly comes straight 5/22/1956 #12865  
ront of the T-33 at about 225 feet away. It flashes an intensely bright whi 5/22/1956 #12865  
h a wave-like appearance. It moves away then returns at high speed on a wes 5/22/1956 #12865  
way opposite to them about 30 feet away. Suddenly the side of the object fa 6/1956 #12880  
ed smocks. The object moves up and away toward the southwest and disappears 6/1956 #12880  
r circles car / 100' altitude 100' away. Vanishes. / r8#383.                6/6/1956 #12885  
hovered about 30 m above and 100 m away from the witness's car. Showing som 6/6/1956 #12887  
ng silver, hovered about 100 yards away for 8-10 seconds, then zoomed up.   6/6/1956 #12888  
er about 30 yards up and 100 yards away for 8-10 seconds. It crossed the ro 6/6/1956 #12890  
 ovoid going quickly southeast 5mi away. Seen / 3 minute(s).                6/14/1956 #12902  
 and air RADAR's. Huge blip stops. Away as F86-D attacks. / r141#12p29.     6/14/1956 #12903  
1956 a bright blob of light zoomed away when approached by a Royal New Zeal 6/17/1956 #12906  
, IT Luminous object hovered, sped away. (UFOE, XII) (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 6/27/1956 #12925  
ys) / path stop to see hiker. Walk away.                                    7/1956 (approximate) #12935  
ent round objects appear and shoot away. 90° turns etc.                     7/2/1956 #12945  
Ilhabela and land only a few yards away from him. A door opens, a metallic  7/16/1956 #12974  
be hovers. Lower half dims. Speeds away. / hall r25.                        7/19/1956 #12984  
 saucer cruises slowly then shoots away. Steady glow.                       7/19/1956 #12986  
uminous round object hovered, sped away. (UFOE, XII) (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 7/19/1956 #12987  
). Yellow orbs zip and hover. Dart away when jets pass. / Stringfield.      7/23/1956 #13011  
M altitude. Paces fast car. Up and away.                                    8/1956 #13034  
smoke. 2nd saucer joins. Helps 1st away.                                    8/1956 #13037  
glows. Swings. Blows steam. Shoots away.                                    8/8/1956 #13057  
ers going down [to] behind garage. Away quickly. No further details.        8/22/1956 #13113  
 altitude. Orange glow. Loud hiss. Away straight up.                        8/22/1956 #13114  
lls when the object hovers 10 feet away. The underside resembles a disc wit 8/22/1956 #13116  
d the garage at 10:50 p.m. It went away quickly.                            8/22/1956 #13118  
ng quickly south slowly then zooms away. Blue glow.                         8/23/1956 #13119  
light passes overhead. Returns and away. Swishing sound.                    8/23/1956 #13124  
ing small humanoid (or Grey). Goes away uphill in 20' leaps on gravel!      9/1956 #13161  
ther junk / beach. Reboard and fly away.                                    9/1956 #13163  
he witness. One of the dogs turned away when the witness approached the cra 9/1956 #13165  
 Ground, New Mexico, just 150 feet away from US Highway 70. Radios and igni 9/1956 #13167  
ude. Glow red and green. Split and away.                                    9/6/1956 #13190  
 Glows red going [to] orange. Dims away. No further details.                9/6/1956 #13193  
own. Man grabs it. Spins and flies away when set down. / MJ#281.            9/7/1956 #13199  
 Splits / 2. 90° turn over car and away.                                    9/9/1956 #13209  
 reflect light. Going quickly [to] away. / news.                            9/13/1956 #13217  
aucer hovers low. Tilts / edge and away incredibly fast.                    9/15/1956 #13223  
e a saucer hovering about 100 feet away in a field by the road. They stop t 9/15/1956 #13224  
lts upward, accelerates, and zooms away in 5–8 seconds. Gander Airport conf Fall 1956 #13237  
t approaches him from three blocks away. It is about 8–9 feet tall and appr Fall 1956 #13238  
 hovering in the air about 25 feet away. As it passes over him, the man fee Fall 1956 #13238  
n the left wing less than 300 feet away. Other crew members rush to the por Fall 1956 #13239  
etallic disk. Lit portholes / rim. Away / extremely fast.                   11/1956 #13299  
2 Brill objects hover over crowds. Away extremely fast. Type unknown.       11/7/1956 #13309  
p, makes a sudden turn, and speeds away in the direction it had come. Ekber 11/11/1956 #13322  
ed in front of airliner, then sped away at upward angle                     11/14/1956 #13328  
ular objects. Drop and stop. Shoot away. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v3#1. 11/16/1956 #13330  
 / windows soars up 30M and shoots away. Landing?                           12/2/1956 #13382  
g east slow. Turns going south and away.                                    12/2/1956 #13383  
n turned toward the south and flew away.                                    12/2/1956 #13385  
MORE, MD 2 / ground. Saucer breaks away / transport plane. Spins counterclo 12/3/1956 #13386  
land for a short while, then broke away, spinning counterclockwise. The pla 12/3/1956 #13387  
ith multicolor rings. Up and down. Away extremely fast with fiery trail.    12/9/1956 #13391  
r-like blimp hovers / 1 minute(s). Away / impossible speed/velocity.        12/10/1956 #13394  
7 miles. The object starts to pull away from the fighter and at 13.8 miles  12/17/1956 #13408  
r three minutes before they walked away.                                    12/17/1956 #13410  
r look, but when they are 150 feet away, it takes off suddenly.             1957 #13436  
ealand at 3:10 a.m., but it jumped away as the two men approached. It chang 1/13/1957 #13454  
 rushed to catch it, but it jumped away, turning into a bluish-white sphere 1/15/1957 #13456  
reach it, the craft jumped farther away. It cleared a high fence and slowly 1/15/1957 #13456  
ds it to capture it, but it jumped away and turned into a bluish-white sphe 1/15/1957 #13457  
catch it the object jumped further away. It cleared a high fence and slowly 1/15/1957 #13457  
ion at a high altitude. One breaks away from the other, moving at high spee 1/21/1957 #13468  
night lights / 600mph. 180° turns. Away extremely fast. / r141#1.           2/13/1957 #13494  
ppearance before speeding directly away from Papina at high speed.          2/13/1957 #13503  
ts join the green object and speed away up and to the east. The aircraft ar 3/22/1957 #13553  
play tag / sky. Dive low and shoot away.                                    3/29/1957 #13567  
banana" saucer shoots near. Stops. Away and back. / Flying Saucer Review (F 3/29/1957 #13569  
/ 30 km! Dark center. 90° turn and away fast.                               4/1957 (approximate) #13571  
en girls. Silver domed saucer 100m away. 23m over pond. Rotates.            4/4/1957 (approximate) #13579  
o 14,000 feet, circles, and speeds away. Wing Commander Walter Whitworth, i 4/4/1957 #13582  
size of the moon. It suddenly shot away to the north-northwest.             4/7/1957 #13588  
se gold disk. Fast sharp turns and away. Jets circle / 1 hour.              4/11/1957 #13594  
c made fast, sharp turns, and shot away from the jets. The jets were seen c 4/11/1957 #13595  
 Jules Boglio, is about 1,000 feet away and sees the object land a second t 4/14/1957 #13602  
 rapidly with a loud roar and shot away toward the northeast. The low level 4/22/1957 #13613  
ve the ground. When he is 600 feet away, he encounters a type of force fiel 5/1957 #13630  
one side tilted toward her 50 feet away. Its lone occupant, a helmeted figu 5/1957 #13631  
es. All color(s) / rainbow. Shoots away like bullet.                        5/1/1957 #13636  
er tower / low altitude. Maneuvers away.                                    5/2/1957 #13641  
ming, the object moves from 1 mile away to 5 miles. What they see is a disc 5/2/1957 #13643  
 powerful searchlight. It was 50 m away from the group of witnesses. Occupa 5/10/1957 #13652  
d a waddling gait. The object flew away when a car came into view.          5/10/1957 #13652  
out and see the occupants 300 feet away. The UFO is emitting red and white  5/10/1957 #13653  
e to it, and the UFO lands 2 miles away. He begins receiving subtle psychic 5/11/1957 #13656  
when he closes in on it, it shoots away at tremendous speed, disappearing f 5/20/1957? #13667  
 It ascended, descended, then sped away toward the northwest.               5/26/1957 #13681  
 causes Area 51 personnel 11 miles away to be temporarily evacuated. Anothe 5/28/1957 #13684  
her altitude and about a half-mile away. Kern flashes his landing lights, a 6/3/1957 #13698  
n hills. Quickly going up [to] and away.                                    6/6/1957 #13708  
n two hills, then rose up and flew away. Also that evening, around 10 p.m.  6/6/1957 #13710  
evolved, then shot straight up and away after 17 minutes.                   6/12/1957 #13721  
ers / open pit mine / strong wind. Away extremely fast.                     6/14/1957 #13726  
round RADAR. Bright fireball zooms away when jet nears. / r141#3p32.        6/17/1957 #13733  
 1 end. Saucers exit other end and away.                                    6/24/1957 #13749  
stant turn going quickly south and away.                                    7/3/1957 #13774  
the buildings at Area 51 ten miles away. Area 51 remains an evacuated ghost 7/5/1957 #13779  
rks. Brighter / sun. Shoots up and away.                                    7/15/1957 #13797  
nds to the east-northeast 85 miles away to the north of Grand Canyon in Ari 7/16/1957 #13801  
et to the northwest about 82 miles away south of Chandler. The target respo 7/18/1957 #13811  
es / bay. = top saucer! Going [to] away slow. Sparks exit. Football appears 7/19/1957 #13812  
een widely / circular path. Shoots away.                                    7/24/1957 #13823  
ers and maneuvers overhead. Shoots away.                                    7/26/1957 #13843  
to avoid a power line, then shoots away. Local residents examine the area a 7/30/1957 #13862  
ne of an entryway. It moves slowly away, making a noise like a quiet vacuum 8/1957 #13868  
ng object hovered 20 minutes, sped away. [UFOE, VII] (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 8/1/1957 #13869  
s at a 2 o’clock position 10 miles away when the aircraft starts a right tu 8/3/1957 #13875  
 high speed, disappearing 58 miles away. Radar contact is regained at 8:18  8/3/1957 #13875  
rhead. Slow then fast. Flashes and away.                                    8/5/1957 #13879  
t reaches the shore about 600 feet away, the object changes course and exec 8/5/1957 #13881  
r sharp turn just over a half-mile away, again turning on its edge and flut 8/5/1957 #13881  
ircular object follows teen girls. Away and back. Eyes bloodshot.           8/14/1957 #13891  
e next five minutes it first moved away and then came back again. The women 8/14/1957 #13895  
y pilot watched disc wobble, climb away. [UFOE, IV] (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 8/15/1957 #13900  
. The object was then hovering 3 m away. The underside of the machine resem 8/22/1957 #13922  
 stalls when object hovers 10 feet away. Its underside resembles a disc wit 8/22/1957 #13924  
started hovering just three meters away. The underside of the machine resem 8/22/1957 #13925  
rs from the ground, and 100 meters away. Its circular main body had a curve 8/28/1957 #13940  
 hovered for 20 seconds, then shot away.                                    8/28/1957 #13941  
r hovers / 20 second(s) and shoots away.                                    8/29/1957 #13944  
same time. They said it just faded away.” The entire incident lasts several 8/30/1957 #13952  
5M object hovers / 3M altitude 30M away. Going quickly [to] fast. / r141.   8/31/1957 #13957  
op and another dome under it, 50 m away. A door opened and three men, 1.70  9/1957 #13964  
range cigars hover / vineyard 200M away. / r30p234+/ Flying Saucer Review ( 9/15/1957? #13997  
e metallic ovoid hovers / airport. Away extremely fast. / r46p124.          9/19/1957 #14008  
sphere landed in a field 700 yards away from the house of Mr. & Mrs. Aellig 9/25/1957 #14033  
d(s). Air Force jet chases. RADAR. Away / 2900kph.                          10/1/1957 #14052  
t disappears as if moving directly away.                                    10/6/1957 #14066  
y she was feeding animals that ran away as the same or a similar object cam 10/10/1957 #14091  
e driver panics and tries to speed away, but the truck’s engine stalls as t 10/10/1957 #14095  
es over the vehicle about 130 feet away. The object is about 3 feet in diam 10/10/1957 #14095  
ng her animals and the animals ran away when the same or a similar object c 10/10/1957 #14096  
ct was seen at Alvaston which went away, but soon returned.                 10/11/1957 #14101  
f the headlights as it landed 15 m away. The top part was spinning. It beca 10/16/1957 #14127  
thing grabs him as he tries to run away. Three small figures bring him into 10/16/1957 #14128  
 headlights as it landed 15 meters away. The top part of the UFO was spinni 10/16/1957 #14131  
 return. Brilliant color(s). Fades away.                                    10/17/1957 #14133  
 in formations. 1 makes V-turn and away. / r141#5p61.                       10/22/1957 #14141  
he patient. After 30 min they went away, leaving her completely cured. The  10/25/1957 #14154  
black sphere/orb/globe going down. Away when lamp out. Back when lit. Follo 10/31/1957 #14171  
 increase in brightness as it flew away at very high speed, but without noi 10/31/1957 #14177  
ssure and slowing it to a stop 5 m away. The object was then described as o 11/1957 #14181  
er ran to the town, less than 2 km away; and reported the incident. The car 11/1957 #14181  
 crew. Red egg-shape hovers. Sails away. / r242p163+/ r28p338.              11/1/1957 #14184  
nous/glowing ovoid sweeps over and away. No further details. / r242p163.    11/1/1957 #14187  
, Texas at around 2 a.m. then sail away.                                    11/1/1957 #14191  
oad, and then turned before flying away.                                    11/1/1957 #14192  
cloud disks swoop in formation and away.                                    11/2/1957 #14196  
fter 3 min, and landing several km away at the northern end of the testing  11/3/1957 #14242  
ped, about 200 feet long, 200 feet away, sitting in the road. He hears a “t 11/3/1957 #14247  
he object rises quickly and speeds away.                                    11/3/1957 #14247  
he ground in a bunker area 3 miles away and goes out. The UFO is egg-shaped 11/3/1957 #14249  
00– 300 feet in size and 4–5 miles away. It brightens and dims then sometim 11/3/1957 #14251  
inutes, landing several kilometers away at the northern end of the testing  11/3/1957 #14254  
gine fail. Flies going up [to] and away.                                    11/4/1957 #14258  
untains. Quickly going up [to] and away. / r79p11+/ r141#6p18.              11/4/1957 #14268  
d a fluorescent object 50 to 100 m away from them, coming down. The car had 11/4/1957 #14280  
an of a DC-3 and scarcely 300 feet away. Suddenly there is a strange buzzin 11/4/1957 #14284  
aves a luminous trail as it shoots away across the Atlantic. The two sentri 11/4/1957 #14284  
 its closest it is about 2–5 miles away. It then circles around headed west 11/4/1957 #14286  
ers / chicken farm. Lights ground. Away fast.                               11/5/1957 #14311  
 they saw in the park, about 400 m away, a metallic object shaped like a di 11/5/1957 #14340  
 off, changes to purple, and moves away to the southwest. TV sets in town d 11/5/1957 #14345  
 the motor restarts and they drive away. The battery is found to be dead th 11/5/1957 #14348  
haped UFO in the park, about 400 m away. It was spinning and making a soft  11/5/1957 #14351  
s / cane fields. Going up [to] and away.                                    11/6/1957 #14380  
/ side. Hovers. Going quickly [to] away fast. / r141#7p48.                  11/6/1957 #14382  
ristwatch stopped. The object shot away toward the southwest.               11/6/1957 #14409  
hovering over a hilltop about 4 km away. From top and bottom issued light c 11/6/1957 #14416  
 with a soft whirring sound, 150 m away. After observing it for 15 min, Moo 11/6/1957 #14417  
 elongated egg in a field 300 feet away from his house. 20 minutes later, h 11/6/1957 #14422  
 catch Frisky who grunts and moves away. They are speaking in a foreign lan 11/6/1957 #14422  
ved like discs. When it is 60 feet away it stops in mid-air about 35 feet a 11/6/1957 #14424  
 more intense. The two objects fly away. The next day, Gilham has “sunburn” 11/6/1957 #14425  
ing, yellow-white sphere 2–3 miles away to the southwest. It remains in pla 11/6/1957 #14428  
t whirring sound, perhaps 500 feet away. Moore watches cautiously for 15 mi 11/6/1957 #14430  
sound. After a minute the UFO shot away. Both the car's clock and a wristwa 11/6/1957 #14432  
t came back three times, then went away quickly toward the east.            11/6/1957 #14439  
er a hilltop about four kilometers away. From the top and bottom of the obj 11/6/1957 #14440  
whirring sound, landing 150 meters away. After watching it for 15 minutes M 11/6/1957 #14441  
the southwest. It continues moving away for three minutes until it was lost 11/7/1957 #14460  
s, “but the things would just slip away from them when they got near.” They 11/7/1957 #14462  
pproach but the “things would slip away from them when they got near,” and  11/7/1957 #14465  
 it, but the witnesses were driven away by a hard rain.                     11/8/1957 #14482  
UFO, but the witnesses were driven away by a hard rain.                     11/8/1957 #14493  
 another 5 minutes before it fades away.                                    11/9/1957 #14506  
oles above Lake Imba-numa 10 miles away. He estimates it is about 200–500 f 11/10/1957 #14524  
is car radio fails. The lights fly away when anyone tries to approach.      11/10/1957 #14525  
s / 5 minute(s). Going up [to] and away / 13 second(s) going southeast towa 11/14/1957 #14545  
 Saucer quickly going up [to] 100M away. Beams and portholes.               11/15/1957 #14558  
ffeted by a flying disc, 100 yards away. The occupants of the car heard and 11/15/1957 #14562  
etallic saucer / treetop level 80M away near airport.                       11/17/1957 #14570  
reball maneuvers / all directions. Away extremely fast. / Traveller.        11/18/1957 #14574  
w two aluminum-colored disks 200 m away. Near them were six mm of average h 11/18/1957 #14575  
 aluminum-colored discs 200 meters away. Near them were six men of average  11/18/1957 #14577  
 the trees, and then all five flew away toward the Atlantic Ocean.          11/18/1957 #14577  
low over a field some 300–600 feet away. It is emitting a red or orange lig 11/21/1957 #14589  
ss the road. As it was above 250 m away, he clearly saw two figures who loo 11/22/1957 #14595  
s the road. It was over 250 meters away, but he could clearly see two figur 11/22/1957 #14596  
lows car. Swings / all directions. Away as 2nd car nears. / r141#9p70.      11/23/1957 #14598  
e of the road about 900–1,200 feet away. They are glowing brightly and equi 11/23/1957 #14603  
 object, but when they are 75 feet away, it moves to the east, then south.  11/23/1957 #14604  
t resting on the ground 400 meters away. The objects were 50 feet in diamet 11/23/1957 #14605  
mes rectangle / sharp edges! Fades away!                                    11/25/1957 #14609  
t with sharp edges, and then faded away. In Mogi Mirim, Brazil all lights f 11/25/1957 #14615  
e of them. Suddenly they all shoot away at supersonic speed toward the Swis 11/27/1957 #14632  
 completely, however, so he drives away. The night is misty, but the object 12/3/1957 #14667  
p completely, however, so he drove away. The night was misty, but the objec 12/3/1957 #14668  
hen climbed into the sky, shooting away toward the west.                    12/8/1957 #14694  
ometers altitude. It suddenly shot away toward the southwest at 800 kilomet 12/8/1957 #14695  
tarted by itself when the UFO flew away.                                    12/8/1957 #14696  
 4M 'watermelon' lands / field 20M away. Grass crushed.                     12/10/1957 #14699  
red trail. Straight and level 25km away.                                    12/10/1957 #14700  
L 10M luminous disk low over road. Away extremely fast / truck turns lights 12/10/1957 #14703  
k turned on its headlights it shot away extremely fast. At 8:45 p.m. three  12/10/1957 #14705  
red burns. The unknown object went away: The disabled car did not catch on  12/11/1957 #14711  
s-sized white round object hovers. Away fast.                               12/12/1957 #14715  
merge two small objects that drift away in a northerly direction and soon d 12/15/1957 #14730  
ineer. Object paces Sputnik. Veers away and back! Time-photograph. / r111p1 12/18/1957 #14744  
he satellite’s trail, then veering away.                                    12/18/1957 #14747  
neuvers going up and down [to] and away into clouds. No further details.    12/28/1957 #14764  
around it. The UFO rises and moves away, and she starts the car again. An a 1/1958 #14793  
ant night light makes 90° turn and away. Shiny. / r111p172.                 1/1/1958 #14794  
nety-degree turn and then shooting away was taken at Trindade Island in the 1/1/1958 #14795  
jects appear to be about 3–4 miles away from the camera, flying at an altit 1/3/1958 #14800  
 low altitude. Sudden acceleration away.                                    1/5/1958 (approximate) #14809  
y the object, which was about 50 m away and 10 m above ground. It overtook  1/13/1958 #14823  
s him all the way to town, 7 miles away.                                    1/13/1958 #14824  
 object, which was about 50 meters away from him and 10 meters above ground 1/13/1958 #14825  
jado, makes a steep turn, and goes away very quickly to the northwest. Bara 1/16/1958 #14831  
l. The next inhabited place is far away, so the travelers decide that the b 2/24/1958 #14889  
ng at a low altitude. It then shot away, vanishing almost instantly, and th 2/24/1958 #14890  
131 feet above the ground 165 feet away. The object is surrounded by pale g 3/1958 #14905  
r come from the west and land 15 m away. It took off toward the east, turne 3/14/1958 #14929  
 in their backyard, only 15 meters away. It took off toward the east, turne 3/14/1958 #14934  
Large saucer lands. Spirals up and away into forest. / r8#463+/ r106p314.   3/19/1958 (approximate) #14938  
-like disc descends. Hovers. Moves away. / r78p181.                         3/20/1958 #14942  
like disc descended hovered, moved away. [UFOE, XII] (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 3/20/1958 #14943  
 hovering 15 m above the sea, 40 m away. It was lens-shaped, about 12 m thi 4/1958 #14953  
 feet above the ocean and 120 feet away. It has a small lighted dome on top 4/1958 #14955  
 coming to ground level about 1 km away. At times they appeared to exchange 4/17/1958 #14994  
o ground level about one kilometer away. At times the discs appeared to exc 4/17/1958 #14995  
z. A short time later the UFO flew away towards Baza, leaving a yellow trai 4/30/1958 #15005  
 over steelyard. Tilt and flip and away. / r142#7p26.                       5/1958 #15008  
n diameter, stops about 6,500 feet away and “rocked twice, in a balancing m 5/5/1958 #15018  
e in a balancing motion, then shot away toward the sea leaving a vapor trai 5/5/1958 #15019  
cloud, which is now about 10 miles away. Suddenly he sees a brilliant white 5/13/1958 #15031  
       Ft. Lauderdale, FL UFO sped away when light was shone at it. [UFOE,  5/17/1958 #15041  
orange fireball flared up and sped away when a spotlight was shone at it.   5/17/1958 #15042  
n they separated and silently flew away.                                    5/30/1958 #15062  
rs and wavers / green haze. Shoots away. / r70p3-57.                        6/20/1958 #15100  
 oscillate slightly, and then move away at great speed. He watched it for 1 6/20/1958 #15106  
ing grey disk hovers. Dims. Shoots away / incredibly fast. / Disk Digest.   7/30/1958 #15159  
s another possible balloon 9 miles away at a height of 3,200 feet and turns 8/1958 #15171  
ude stop / several minutes. Circle away going quickly northeast.            8/1/1958 #15172  
 can be seen from Hawaii 806 miles away and is said to be visible for almos 8/1/1958 #15174  
gnetic effects). Domed saucer 300M away. Going quickly south. Missing time. 8/8/1958 #15181  
bserver(s). Dull silver saucer 30M away / 60M altitude. Beams going down. G 8/8/1958 #15183  
omed disc-shaped object 300 meters away while driving on the highway betwee 8/8/1958 #15185  
t approached the car, then climbed away rapidly, after which the car could  8/8/1958 #15185  
r 5 minutes, flipped over and sped away to the west-south-west.  Sighting l 8/17/1958 #15209  
inutes, then flipped over and sped away to the west-southwest. The sighting 8/17/1958 #15210  
ar, orange UFO which hovered, sped away. [UFOE, VII] (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 8/24/1958 #15223  
nd, to the left of the road, 150 m away. It was shaped like two cones with  9/1/1958 #15245  
 the road. It was about 150 meters away. It was shaped like two cones with  9/1/1958 #15248  
 for several seconds about 40 feet away. It then reverses course heading so 9/21/1958 #15276  
 feet above the lawn about 25 feet away, making a jetlike sound. The object 9/21/1958 #15276  
ar forest fire. Going quickly [to] away.                                    9/27/1958 #15283  
ranches, and lands about 1.5 miles away. Exhaust flames issue from its rear 9/29/1958 #15286  
hem. Immediately the objects speed away, but return quickly and continue to 10/3/1958 #15311  
 10 minutes. Finally the UFOs move away to the northeast and disappear.     10/3/1958 #15311  
er for several minutes, then climb away at high speed. [UFOE, VII] (NICAP:  10/7/1958 #15326  
han one minute, then shoots up and away to the northeast.                   10/7/1958 #15328  
and hover and maneuver / 1 hr then away.                                    10/18/1958 #15354  
es lonely house. Fast reversal and away.                                    10/25/1958 (approximate) #15374  
ng at ground level less than 200 m away for five min. A red light appeared  10/31/1958 #15409  
or, then exploded. The witness ran away.                                    10/31/1958 #15409  
ground level, less than 200 meters away, for five minutes. It had a red lig 10/31/1958 #15410  
 then swooped over their heads and away, pulsating and leaving a sparkling  11/1958 #15414  
s smoke. Going south. Stops. Sails away.                                    11/3/1958 #15419  
y, NH Hovering light suddenly sped away. [UFOE, XII] (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 11/5/1958 #15428  
ot, but the engine starts up right away. A few minutes later they return to 11/9/1958 #15435  
 walkway in the yard about 30 feet away. Kinney opens a door to go out on a 11/11/1958 #15438  
then observed an object about 35 m away. It was shaped like a lamp shade wi 11/23/1958 #15456  
observed an object about 35 meters away. It was shaped like a lamp shade wi 11/23/1958 #15457  
 Objects turn back going north and away.                                    11/25/1958 (approximate) #15458  
to an abrupt stop a short distance away, pulsated while hovering, and then  12/20/1958 #15490  
ough window / odd orange glow 500M away shows ovoid / center. / r84p67.     12/22/1958 #15496  
uselage going [to] over slow. Then away / seconds.                          12/30/1958 #15502  
 Metallic disk / 10M altitude 200M away. Lit portholes / dome. Telepathy?   1/1959 #15517  
 down from the east and land 100 m away. While a blue haze formed, three fi 1/1959 #15522  
d, from the east and land 300 feet away. A blue haze forms and three figure 1/1959 #15523  
saw UFO descend slowly, then speed away like meteor. [NICAP UFOE, V] (NICAP 1/8/1959 #15541  
een to yellow-white, moved quickly away into the west.                      1/13/1959 #15550  
min. 90° turns. Going quickly [to] away extremely fast. Absolute(ly) silent 1/24/1959 #15563  
It made 90 degree turns, then shot away extremely fast. It was absolutely s 1/24/1959 #15564  
 disk-shaped object less than 4 km away, going up and down, sometimes nearl 2/1959 #15573  
ng the ground. It circled and went away.                                    2/1959 #15573  
 glows green. 30M saucer overhead. Away fast. / r143 v1p43.                 2/7/1959 #15581  
ea. Hisses and spins and rises and away.                                    2/13/1959 #15588  
osition for 20 minutes then climbs away at high speed.                      2/25/1959 #15615  
inutes above airport, then climbed away at high speed. [NICAP UFOE, X] (NIC 2/26/1959 #15619  
ises / sea. Circles over waves and away. / r2p192.                          3/1959 #15626  
ed, circled the barracks, and flew away at high speed.                      3/1959 #15627  
s, circles the barracks, and flies away at high speed.                      3/1959 #15628  
object take off from a field 400 m away. It resembled a huge, brilliant cir 3/13/1959 #15640  
he ground at a 15° angle and moves away to the southwest. The separate ligh 3/13/1959 #15641  
 meters in diameter and 100 meters away from them. The UFO went through a r 3/13/1959 #15642  
ed UFO landed remotely a half mile away in a wooded area west of Corsica, P 3/27/1959 #15675  
s tube hovers vertical. Moves 200M away and motor OK.                       4/4/1959 #15692  
ich hovered over base, then darted away. [NICAP UFOE, X] (NICAP: 01 - Dista 4/12/1959 #15698  
rver. Metallic dome / 1M altitude. Away and back. Follows motorbike / 5km.  4/14/1959 #15702  
ADENTON, FL Glowing-disk stops 2km away. 1cm apparent size. Beam going down 4/23/1959 #15710  
Florida and stopped two kilometers away from the witnesses. It emitted a be 4/23/1959 #15711  
 a couple of minutes, then it flew away toward the south.                   4/23/1959 #15711  
ng a bright light. The object went away silently. Fearing ridicule, the wit 4/29/1959 #15717  
  Des Moines, IA UFO hovered, sped away. [NICAP UFOE, XII] (NICAP: 01 - Dis 5/14/1959 #15731  
 football-shaped object 100 meters away from them while hunting in Cooktown 5/17/1959 #15734  
vers both lanes. Going up [to] and away. Unknown separate observer(s).      5/18/1959 #15735  
cally after a short while and flew away. A separate witness was not identif 5/18/1959 #15738  
 TRES LOMAS, ARG Domed saucer 150M away. 8' tall. Grass flattened. / r8+/ r 5/20/1959 #15739  
object resting on the ground 150 m away. It looked like an aluminum craft a 5/20/1959 #15740  
sting on the ground about 980 feet away. They approach to about 490 feet wh 5/20/1959 #15741  
 less than one second, one curving away in a parabolic path, the other exec 5/28/1959 #15750  
r to that of a dying fire. It flew away horizontally and was lost to sight  6/21/1959 #15779  
ght and is hovering about 500 feet away at a height of 300–400 feet. On top 6/26/1959 #15790  
n few minutes earlier, 25-30 miles away.) [NICAP UFOE, II] (NICAP: 02 - Clo 7/8/1959 #15826  
d a dock for 10 minutes, then flew away slowly.                             7/10/1959 #15831  
ops / apartment building. Wobbles. Away fast.                               7/16/1959 #15857  
ollow him, which caused him to run away, leaving the tank hatchways open.   8/2/1959 #15891  
red tarp covers. Going up [to] and away!                                    8/4/1959 #15894  
me hops going up and down [to] and away. Wires extend and point going west. 8/12/1959 #15905  
en it took off vertically and flew away toward Santiago. Traces. Engine noi 8/12/1959 #15906  
 then took off vertically and flew away toward Santiago. It left behind tra 8/12/1959 #15907  
echnician at a substation 45 miles away reports that all the keys disconnec 8/17/1959 #15923  
nt disks follow jet. 90° turns and away extremely fast. / r143#3.           8/31/1959 #15944  
makes a 90 degree turn, then flies away in a separate direction.            8/31/1959 #15945  
rs / power station/depot/facility. Away fast. Thin cylinder/cylindrical obj 9/1959 #15947  
(s). Large glowing-saucer maneuver away and back / 15 minutes. Flame-glow / 9/3/1959 #15953  
y a mail carrier. It suddenly went away horizonally, leaving a stained ring 9/7/1959 #15959  
circular smoke ring. It then zooms away horizontally. Six days later, a 12- 9/7/1959 #15960  
ng a blast of flame, and then sped away horizontally. There was a 30 cm wid 9/7/1959 #15961  
 Loud jet sound. Going up [to] and away. / r70p3-66.                        9/13/1959 #15965  
ally from a field three kilometers away, while making a pulsating jet noise 9/13/1959 #15972  
 you." Frightened, he tried to run away but was paralyzed in his tracks, an 9/13/1959 #15973  
ound on the power line a kilometer away. Mr. Johansson suffered ill effects 9/29/1959 #16000  
ht with another pair some 12 miles away. He makes a close approach, but one 9/30/1959 #16001  
short while, the dark object moves away.                                    9/30/1959 #16001  
g luminous object about 200 meters away that was very close to the ground.  10/16/1959 #16035  
r-like night lights meet and speed away. No further details. / r78p184.     10/20/1959 #16046  
watched two UFOs rendezvous, speed away. [NICAP UFOE, IV] (NICAP: 01 - Dist 10/20/1959 #16047  
 feet altitude and hovers 100 feet away in front of the car, making a hummi 10/22/1959 #16052  
rant bright night light hovers and away.                                    10/25/1959 (approximate) #16058  
ove the ground. Only about 10 feet away, Johansson can see the object has a Late 10/1959 #16060  
oon the object moves up and shoots away in a flash. Glassy deposits are fou Late 10/1959 #16060  
ionary round yellow-white obj move away, disappear, then reappear (NICAP: 0 11/3/1959 #16078  
indow, he sees the UFO a few miles away, heading northeast and climbing at  12/1959 #16107  
. He resumes driving, but 600 feet away is forced to stop because he smells 12/1959 #16107  
eaves on a straight track directly away. During the observation, the man ca 12/13/1959 #16118  
t of light at their level 12 miles away over Waco and decide to approach an Early 1960 #16146  
 a field to the north about 1 mile away they can see a 5–6 foot crescent-sh 1/18/1960 #16155  
 orange flame trail curving up and away "as if it were manned and controlle 2/14/1960 #16174  
 more than five minutes, then shot away to the southeast, traveling sideway 3/25/1960 #16208  
d, while four dwarfish figures ran away into the brush.                     4/5/1960 #16215  
 It touched the ground about 300 m away with a loud explosion heard by many 4/18/1960 #16233  
ouched the ground about 300 meters away with a loud explosion heard by many 4/18/1960 #16234  
 red cigar-shaped UFO hover, speed away. [NICAP UFOE, VII] (NICAP: 02 - Clo 4/25/1960 #16240  
, making friendly gestures. He ran away. The creatures wore blue uniforms a 5/13/1960 #16273  
, making friendly gestures. He ran away. The creatures wore blue uniforms a 5/14/1960 #16275  
 helmet. Dos Santos turns and runs away. Marks in the sand are found later. 5/14/1960 #16276  
g friendly gestures at him. He ran away. The creatures wore blue uniforms w 5/14/1960 #16277  
e distance. Finally, after it flew away by climbing very quickly out of sig 5/17/1960 #16281  
ing appendages, hovers 50–100 feet away from Indigenous observers in the vi 5/19/1960 #16289  
intense beam of light. His dog ran away in fear. Later that same night the  6/10/1960 #16311  
d a small figure standing 300 feet away. The being turned and ran. It was d 6/10/1960 #16311  
ly stopped. It was about 1700 feet away from him. When his partner arrived  6/22/1960 #16316  
s face to face," ascended and sped away. [NICAP UFOE, XII] (NICAP: 01 - Dis 7/1/1960 #16323  
an.airliner / 20 minute(s). Shoots away. / LDLN#334p3.                      7/2/1960 #16325  
g [to] house. Sees observer(s) and away.                                    8/1960 #16354  
 hills. Observer(s) feels watched. Away fast.                               8/5/1960 (approximate) #16365  
 It stops in midair about 650 feet away from him and 200 feet above the gro 8/11/1960 #16369  
y. Interior lit up. Sharp turn and away. / r28.                             8/18/1960 #16405  
hovered over road, only 30-50 feet away. The car's lights and engine died.  9/2/1960 #16432  
. Bright green disk makes turn and away.                                    9/26/1960 #16462  
ratic maneuvers. Starts and stops. Away fast.                               9/29/1960 #16466  
sky. Large and high. Hovers. Rises away.                                    10/1/1960 #16473  
ed the larger object, and all flew away rapidly to the east at 6:10 p.m.    10/4/1960 #16478  
golden, elliptical UFO hover, move away. [NICAP UFOE, VII] (NICAP: 01 - Dis 10/9/1960 #16483  
nous rectangular / 4M altitude 10M away. Shadows / 2 helmeted small humanoi 10/20/1960 (approximate) #16485  
, KY Attorney saw disc hover, move away. [NICAP UFOE, VII] (NICAP: 01 - Dis 10/27/1960 #16488  
 ground. Quickly going up [to] and away fast. Several square portholes. / r 11/3/1960 #16492  
rd it, but it lifts off and shoots away. They find the soil of the hill to  11/3/1960 #16493  
 legs on the railroad tracks 300 m away. It was emitting orange flashes. A  11/13/1960 #16501  
 but his dog turned around and ran away,                                    11/13/1960 #16501  
 5–15 minutes, only about 300 feet away from a young mining engineer. It is 1961 #16551  
he hood of the truck and then flew away. The truck was pulled up nearly 1 m 1/1/1961 #16558  
RROJA DP, SP 6M saucer lands 1500m away / 20 minute(s). Dog avoids area aft 1/6/1961 #16563  
ying in V-formation about 15 miles away at 30,000 feet. There are six light 1/17/1961 #16580  
 in the second and third. They fly away to the southwest and then return to 1/17/1961 #16580  
orida, then made a U-turn and sped away. There were at least six witnesses. 1/22/1961 #16589  
ts hover over Brunswick, then dart away with ‘unbelievable quickness.’ Stra 2/5/1961 #16596  
four windows on the ground not far away. Four humanoid figures could be see 3/3/1961 #16620  
e bomber operations, it is farther away from large groups of civilians than 4/4/1961 #16643  
 object descends hovers and speeds away. No further details. / r78p188.     4/9/1961 #16644  
d red UFO descended, hovered, sped away. [NICAP UFOE, XII] (NICAP: 01 - Dis 4/9/1961 #16645  
nded to 60 feet altitude, and flew away to the south at 100 mph.            4/29/1961 #16668  
one and the UFO was tracked moving away. Classified as “mysterious” not a s 5/1961 #16669  
aucer going northwest / 30kph 150M away. Dome glows. 3 portholes.           5/25/1961 #16699  
joined it and the large craft flew away.                                    5/31/1961 #16705  
lling like an enormous bubble 1 km away. An object emerged, hovering at 10  6/3/1961 #16714  
oll badly. More than one-half mile away, they notice the surface of the sea 6/3/1961 #16715  
orms around the base and it shoots away quickly across the sea and vanishes 6/3/1961 #16715  
ike an enormous bubble a kilometer away, with large waves widening into a c 6/3/1961 #16717  
oward him, hovering about 400 feet away from him and 80 feet in the air, ch 6/11/1961 #16724  
 disc turns bright white and shots away at enormous speed.                  6/11/1961 #16724  
 20-30 meters altitude, 250 meters away. It changed color from white to ora 6/11/1961 #16725  
 stationary until they are 5 miles away, then the target moves quickly seve Summer 1961 #16735  
ing to the left about 200–300 feet away.                                    Summer 1961 #16736  
, OH Object Dives At Plane, Climbs Away At Tremendous Speed (NICAP: 11 - Av 7/4/1961 #16747  
lose formation, descended and flew away to the west.  Total sighting lasted 7/7/1961 #16751  
lose formation, descended and flew away toward the west. The sighting laste 7/7/1961 #16752  
picks up the material and it fades away in his hands.                       8/5/1961 #16778  
-height, shot straight up, climbed away toward the east, then disappeared f 8/12/1961 #16789  
then shot straight up, and climbed away sharply towards the east. It was go 8/12/1961 #16792  
ude. Sudden green flame / rear and away extremely fast.                     8/14/1961 #16793  
on of windows. The UFO flew up and away very fast when the car reached town 8/25/1961 #16805  
ited. They climbed inside and sped away. Soon, two hours of their lives wou 9/19/1961 #16848  
 car. They became afraid and drove away. A "beeping sound" enveloped the ca 9/19/1961 #16852  
his pistol in his pocket, he steps away from the vehicle and moves closer t 9/19/1961 #16857  
n 50–80 feet overhead and 300 feet away from him. Barney tears the binocula 9/19/1961 #16857  
m him. Barney tears the binoculars away from his eyes and runs back to his  9/19/1961 #16857  
ectly above the vehicle. He drives away at high speed, telling Betty to loo 9/19/1961 #16857  
But when they move it a few inches away from the shiny spots, it drops down 9/19/1961 #16857  
. They became frightened and drove away. A "beeping sound" enveloped their  9/19/1961 #16858  
an unidentified radar blip 4 miles away from the base, with no visual conta 9/20/1961 #16861  
ity, UT Disc-shaped UFO maneuvered away from investigating aircraft. [NICAP 10/2/1961 #16887  
before it rises abruptly and zooms away for 10 miles before it resumes a ro 10/2/1961 #16889  
lights paced car, maneuvered, shot away upward. [NICAP UFOE, II] (NICAP: 02 10/21/1961 #16921  
aks windows in Finland 1,000 miles away.                                    10/30/1961 #16939  
ht up into the night sky. It faded away after 3-4 minutes.                  11/21/1961 #16969  
 the car and one figure waves them away. Eventually, the men agree to retur Late 11/1961 #16978  
bly Martin, North Dakota, 11 miles away, where they find a police officer,  Late 11/1961 #16978  
 go out, the police officer drives away, and the four men resume driving ho Late 11/1961 #16978  
eappears, landing gently 150 yards away with two of the figures watching th Late 11/1961 #16978  
when he sees a huge light 900 feet away. As he walks toward it, he sees it  Late 11/1961 #16979  
 2.5M saucer dives / car and flies away. 1M thick. / r8#526.                12/21/1961 #17000  
to observe it, but the object flew away.                                    12/21/1961 #17001  
ld man named Hislope and then flew away.                                    12/21/1961 #17002  
The two objects on the wings shoot away at the same time and climb out of s 1962 #17006  
s them for a short time then moves away at incredible speed.                1962 #17007  
minated by the headlights. Farther away, two objects maneuvered above the r 1/8/1962 #17016  
 / Dike and float / reservoir 200M away / Arg. Army.                        1/23/1962 (approximate) #17023  
ies to close in, but the UFO pulls away swiftly before he can fire.         1/29/1962 #17026  
 which hovered, then suddenly sped away. [NICAP UFOE, VII] (NICAP: 01 - Dis 2/7/1962 #17037  
gine stopped when he was 20 meters away, but the headlights remained on. Th 2/9/1962 #17044  
, 88° 10' W, and between 2-5 miles away from the civilian observers; the ob 2/19/1962 #17053  
ake. Changes / cross shape! Shoots away.                                    3/29/1962 #17090  
ped up and up three times and flew away.                                    4/11/1962 #17109  
aking a sharp left turn and moving away to the east.                        4/24/1962 #17127  
river starts the car up and speeds away, but the lights are right behind he Late 4/1962 #17130  
the car for four minutes then turn away.                                    Late 4/1962 #17130  
 saw an object on the ground 100 m away from the road. It looked like a rai 5/12/1962 #17162  
arated into two sections that flew away in different directions. It made a  5/12/1962 #17162  
arated into two sections that flew away in different directions. It made a  5/12/1962 #17166  
g. Strong light / ground rises and away. More objects do same. Spin.        5/13/1962 #17167  
 behind the larger ball, then flew away in formation.                       5/13/1962 #17173  
pside hovers / 9 minute(s). Shoots away going quickly southwest. No further 5/18/1962 #17176  
 below, dark on top. Hovered, sped away. [NICAP UFO Evidence, VII] (NICAP:  5/18/1962 #17178  
ers high, on the ground 100 meters away. Through a doorway in the object th 6/3/1962 #17216  
aucers maneuver / 5 min then shoot away / 3s. No further details.           6/15/1962 #17227  
 a nearby hillside, less than 2 km away. It could not be located again when 6/16/1962 #17230  
ed and jump in their car and speed away. The globes follow the car, one in  Summer 1962 #17239  
a piece of paper” about 30–40 feet away. He exclaims, “There are things out 7/17/1962 #17279  
's scarf, turned around and walked away like a robot, leaving deep tracks i 7/26/1962 #17290  
reature was walking. He then drove away quickly.                            7/26/1962 #17290  
atched the boy's scarf, but he ran away and came back with a group of peopl 7/30/1962 #17305  
d observed an unknown craft flying away.                                    7/30/1962 #17305  
t. Stops and hovers / 4 minute(s). Away as truck nears. / r8.               7/31/1962 #17307  
vering above the boat dock 50 feet away. Silhouetted in the windows are thr 8/1962 #17310  
-shaped object surfaced 300 meters away from three fisherman in two boats o 8/1/1962 #17313  
 was 25 meters long and 300 meters away, and gave off flashes of violet and 8/5/1962 #17322  
sile silo. Jets chase. Night light away and back. Then going up.            8/7/1962 (approximate) #17325  
o chase the object. The light flew away and came back, then rose vertically 8/7/1962 #17329  
ion / moon. Moves with moon. Fades away.                                    8/12/1962 #17332  
sely bright object rises / ground. Away / fantastic speed.                  8/12/1962 #17333  
ng a hole near his house. They ran away as he came near them, and moments l 8/17/1962 #17335  
he boy's father warned him to stay away as Rivalino walked toward the objec 8/20/1962 #17347  
 objects, praying. When he was 2 m away, the two spheres merged into one, r 8/20/1962 #17347  
he boy's father warned him to stay away as his father Rivalino walked towar 8/20/1962 #17349  
s, praying. When he was two meters away, the two spheres merged into one, r 8/20/1962 #17349  
 domed disc-shaped object 150 feet away. It was aluminum colored and ten fe 8/30/1962 #17374  
aking no noise. When Gray was 50 m away, the object came toward him, rose,  9/1962 #17378  
en gave a whistling sound and flew away.                                    9/13/1962 #17394  
en gave a whistling sound and flew away.                                    9/13/1962 #17395  
pparent size of a small plane 1 km away. It left toward the south.          9/15/1962 #17400  
ize of a small plane one kilometer away. It left flying toward the south.   9/15/1962 #17404  
referee, abducted him and took him away. They also stole 17 hens, six pigs, 9/16/1962 #17407  
hover for 15 minutes and then move away. [NICAP UFO Evidence] (NICAP: 01 -  9/24/1962 #17437  
to a higher altitude and then flew away toward the southwest.               9/26/1962 #17442  
 knots in it, swerved, and climbed away at a 45' angle, making a sound like 10/23/1962 #17488  
B-52 lands, the UFO silently zooms away toward the east and disappears. All Late 10/1962 #17496  
glow on the ground about 2–3 miles away. It has three legs, round windows,  10/28/1962 #17513  
e UFO, which begins to move slowly away, then very fast, and disappears in  10/28/1962 #17513  
ddenly saw a group of figures 80 m away. He slowed down as they went away j 11/1962 #17524  
 away. He slowed down as they went away jerkily, and observed that they wer 11/1962 #17524  
e signal source was 11 light years away, perhaps the Epsilon Eridani system 11/13/1962 #17545  
ion is several hundred light years away from earth. From there, he explores 11/15/1962 #17548  
da. After 11-15 minutes they faded away.                                    11/17/1962 #17555  
 reflector. In the dark area, well away from the terminator, the man sees a 12/1/1962 #17568  
ular object land in Cadivilla, 9 m away from him. It was about 5.5 m m diam 12/9/1962 #17576  
t 18 feet in diameter land 30 feet away from him. Two men emerged from the  12/9/1962 #17577  
 mountain slope. Going up [to] and away when neared. / r8#553.              12/11/1962 #17578  
om Catamarca to Cordoba when, 7 km away from Chumbicha, they saw seven obje 12/11/1962 #17579  
herical, rose straight up and flew away with a very bright trail.           12/11/1962 #17579  
elmet-shaped objects hovering 1 km away at 20 m altitude above Lake Major.  12/19/1962 #17595  
o 10 m altitude, hovered, and flew away to the northeast.                   12/21/1962 #17600  
ward it, was "paralyzed" when 10 m away. Two min later the craft, 4.5 m lon 1/11/1963 #17633  
proach but is paralyzed at 30 feet away. It ascends in the direction of Bri 1/11/1963 #17634  
g object, almost stationary, 500 m away. It appeared as a disk having a cen 2/20/1963 #17674  
RENTON, NJ Teen. Blob / light 200M away. Splits going [to] 2 saucers! Both  2/21/1963 #17675  
 Splits going [to] 2 saucers! Both away silently. No further details.       2/21/1963 #17675  
 objects emerge from it. These fly away and disappear over the English Chan 2/23/1963 #17683  
ome in his direction and land 15 m away, scattering sand. It was at least 3 3/13/1963 #17705  
n his direction and land 15 meters away, scattering sand. It was at least 3 3/13/1963 #17706  
rs / 3000M altitude / 5 minute(s). Away / 62 Gs!                            4/1963 #17718  
e house. After one minute, it flew away.                                    5/7/1963 #17735  
ing sound. After a minute, it flew away.                                    5/7/1963 #17736  
e object crossed the road and flew away. The light was as intense as that o 5/20/1963 #17753  
e object crossed the road and flew away. The light was as intense as a weld 5/20/1963 #17754  
FO. The object hovered, then moved away horizontally. The shape was observe 6/26/1963 #17807  
0 feet off the ground and 300 feet away. Gilberti describes it as “two hamb 6/26/1963 #17809  
ower lines, approximately 300 feet away from them. The UFO made a buzzing o 6/26/1963 #17811  
ed a disc-shaped object zigzagging away toward the northwest, or in the dir 6/26/1963 #17811  
n resident who stopped his car 4 m away. The object rose, tipped to one sid 6/28/1963 #17813  
 rose, tipped to one side and flew away at fantastic speed.                 6/28/1963 #17813  
t. It turns on its side and speeds away. This and other UFO incidents cause 6/28/1963 #17814  
ters, tipped to one side, and shot away leaving behind a vapor trail. It al 6/28/1963 #17815  
 about to collide, the UFO swerved away at fantastic speed and disappeared  7/17/1963 #17835  
cer descends from overcast. Speeds away. No further details.                7/24/1963 #17850  
 / 20 minute(s) up hill. Tilts and away.                                    7/26/1963 #17853  
 air traffic controller four miles away also observed the UFO. [FLIGHT Inte 8/1/1963 #17859  
 air traffic controller four miles away and future UFO researcher Timothy G 8/1/1963 #17860  
ver and pass over town. Finally go away fast. No further details.           8/5/1963 #17866  
 TV station. Hovers and maneuvers. Away extremely fast.                     8/6/1963 #17870  
 tower at 10:00 a.m.; it then shot away extremely fast.                     8/6/1963 #17872  
ar, flying around it. Then it went away toward the west, disappeared like a 8/8/1963 #17879  
 it hovered for awhile, then moved away at right angles to its original cou 8/9/1963 #17881  
ffect. It then tilts 90° and darts away to the west. It leaves behind a sme 8/20/1963 #17912  
Sinks partly / soil. Grows! Up and away. / r8.                              10/1963 #17963  
altitude. Shoots going up [to] and away. / r120.                            10/1963 #17964  
erver(s). Domed silver saucer 300' away / 20' altitude. Figure(s) move / wi 10/1963 #17965  
proaches and hovers about 300 feet away. They see a dark disc with a dome a 10/1963 #17969  
 circle in the air before speeding away.                                    10/1963 #17969  
, as a red beam burned him. He ran away and found shelter in Monte Maiz. He 10/12/1963 #17986  
at them with his revolver and runs away. The robots return to the UFO, whic 10/12/1963 #17987  
down the road and eventually flies away. The next day, police find large fo 10/12/1963 #17987  
, as a red beam burned him. He ran away and found shelter in Monte Maiz, Ar 10/12/1963 #17988  
the railroad tracks about ½ a mile away, where a lighted object could be se 10/21/1963 #17995  
airport. 45° and 90° turns. Speeds away.                                    11/3/1963 #18025  
 the UFO. The object finally moved away to the northwest making a motor-lik 11/12/1963 #18034  
the UFO, which is about 6,000 feet away. The compasses return to normal aft 11/12/1963 #18035  
bright, golden light was seen 80 m away, floating 3 m above ground, and a d 11/16/1963 #18044  
en light in a field about 240 feet away, floating 10 feet above the ground, 11/16/1963 #18045  
d has bat wings. The teenagers run away. Other witnesses come forward to re 11/16/1963 #18045  
 feet wide that was seen 80 meters away, floating three meters above the gr 11/16/1963 #18046  
nd, climbed aboard again, and flew away.                                    12/1963 #18060  
ing a disc shape) and quickly sped away to the southeast. The shape was "li 12/2/1963 #18062  
ing a humming sound, before flying away.                                    12/14/1963 #18080  
king a humming sound. It then flew away.                                    12/14/1963 #18082  
on the starboard side about 6 feet away from the ship. It is a ghostly, pul 1/23/1964 #18117  
oined the first two and they moved away after 5-10 minutes. (NICAP report f 2/25/1964 #18137  
e near the ground, tilted and flew away after 3-4 minutes.                  4/3/1964 #18157  
llo, Wisconsin. It tilts and flies away.                                    4/3/1964 #18158  
shape hovers. Offloads saucers and away. / r70p3-89.                        4/11/1964 #18166  
loud-like objects darken, one shot away and returned (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 4/11/1964 #18167  
ud-like objects darkened; one shot away and returned during the 30-45 minut 4/11/1964 #18168  
wo again, with the top part fading away and the bottom part assuming a vert 4/11/1964 #18169  
vertical pencil shape, which fades away. The whole display takes 45 minutes 4/11/1964 #18169  
bjects darken in the sky. One shot away and returned during some 30-45 minu 4/11/1964 #18170  
r, became silent, hovered and flew away. Traces.                            4/24/1964 #18194  
off with a roar, go silent and fly away.  Burning and charred brush found a 4/24/1964 #18195  
 object in a ravine about 450 feet away. At first, he thinks it is an overt 4/24/1964 #18200  
ont of the car to possibly 50 feet away from the object when he hears a ver 4/24/1964 #18200  
ks it is going to explode and runs away, putting the car between him and th 4/24/1964 #18200  
ora looks up to see the UFO flying away to the southwest at a level height, 4/24/1964 #18200  
ile Canyon Mountain (about 6 miles away). The entire incident takes place i 4/24/1964 #18200  
t toward their car before shooting away. All they can see is a blue-flamed  4/25/1964 #18204  
        Golden, New Mexico 9 miles away from Golden, New Mexico Night. Two  4/25/1964? #18205  
wo Spanish-speaking people 9 miles away from Golden, New Mexico, watch a li 4/25/1964? #18205  
f one foot, and carry the material away.                                    4/25/1964? #18205  
llic, egg-shaped object about 70 m away, on the ground, north of La Madera. 4/26/1964 #18208  
at La Madera, New Mexico, to chase away some horses in the yard. He sees a  4/26/1964 #18209  
Vallecitos creek bed some 900 feet away. It looks like a butane tank “as lo 4/26/1964 #18209  
 egg-shaped object about 70 meters away, on the ground, north of La Madera, 4/26/1964 #18211  
, whitish object hovers then darts away over Anthony, New Mexico. State pol 4/28/1964 #18216  
ts bouncing off. It silently moves away to the north.                       4/28/1964 #18217  
d off the object. As the UFO moved away he fired six more shots with appare 4/28/1964 #18218  
rs / 10M. Wobbles. Going up. Spins away like a frisbee.                     4/30/1964 #18225  
utomobile land about 150 [125?] ft away (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 4/30/1964 #18226  
 an automobile land about 150 feet away, then take off. The witnesses are L 4/30/1964 #18232  
 child’s top from about 1,500 feet away. It rises straight up and disappear 5/5/1964 #18244  
 Mountains. Going quickly east and away.                                    5/8/1964 #18247  
he south and land in a field 150 m away. Estimated diameter: 3 m.           5/9/1964 #18253  
ld next to a reservoir, 150 meters away in the farming town of Mogadore, Oh 5/9/1964 #18255  
e ground about a quarter of a mile away. Higher in the sky is a small star- 5/13/1964 #18262  
ct (probably Venus). As they drive away, the large object seems to pace the 5/13/1964 #18262  
ithin 2 or 3 m of the car. It flew away after five min. It was described as 5/24/1964 #18296  
t a passerby, get angry, and drive away, leaving Templeton stranded and hav 5/24/1964 #18297  
ed and having to walk home 5 miles away.                                    5/24/1964 #18297  
meter. After five minutes, it flew away and the car could be started.       5/24/1964 #18298  
with the large object, which moves away to the east. The large object is se 5/26/1964 #18307  
 spins. Brightens. Suddenly shoots away. No further details.                6/5/1964 #18328  
old doctor and his wife were 30 km away from the airport when an intensely  6/5/1964 #18331  
ct 5 m above ground,less than 20 m away, coming and going with right-angle  6/8/1964 #18338  
the ground and less than 20 meters away. It made sharp, 90 degree turns, an 6/8/1964 #18339  
ustralia at 5:55 p.m. It then flew away to the northwest toward Melbourne.  6/12/1964 #18347  
s aimed at the object, and it went away. It was again seen at the local sch 6/12/1964 #18348  
t coming to the ground about 200 m away. While approaching its lights blink 6/13/1964 #18351  
o dark red. Five min later it went away slowly.                             6/13/1964 #18351  
ing to the ground about 200 meters away. While approaching, its lights blin 6/13/1964 #18353  
rk red. Five minutes later it flew away slowly. At 9:15 pm. B. L. English,  6/13/1964 #18353  
30 nn in diameter, land about 18 m away in the field. He felt a mild electr 6/14/1964 #18355  
 in diameter, land about 18 meters away in a field. He felt a mild electric 6/14/1964 #18357  
ver courtyard. Electricity felt 6M away. / r83p13.                          6/15/1964 #18360  
ight on the bottom hovered 20 feet away and at only 20 feet above the groun 6/15/1964 #18364  
is headlights, no more than 5 feet away and a foot above the ground. Shaped 6/30/1964 #18386  
00kph? 90° turn going north. Fades away..                                   7/6/1964 #18395  
 silently above the trees 300 feet away. It stops to hover a few feet above 7/7/1964 #18398  
paces airliner. Going quickly [to] away. / LDLN#204.                        7/12/1964 #18403  
le, then swerve abruptly and speed away.                                    7/12/1964 #18404  
 of Bologoye, Russia. It then shot away. One of the witnesses was a Russian 7/12/1964 #18405  
crouching in a tree about 150 feet away. It is dressed in a shiny black uni 7/16/1964 #18421  
s at it, but the figure is too far away. After about 15 minutes, the figure 7/16/1964 #18421  
overing above Breese Road 600 feet away. It is about 1,200–1,500 feet in th Late 7/1964 #18438  
 Top-saucer going north over town. Away and back 2X. Slow spin. Colored lig 7/28/1964 #18453  
te object going / 20M altitude 50M away. Beams going down. Stops over tree. 8/1964 #18465  
 domed saucer below tree level 90M away / observers. / r24v2#12+/ r8#622.   8/25/1964 #18508  
 below the treetops, only 300 feet away from the witness.                   8/25/1964 #18511  
g silvery lighted objects 1/4 mile away (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases, BB: BBU) 9/4/1964 #18530  
llende propaganda “to scare voters away from Allende’s FRAP coalition.” Ric 9/4/1964 #18533  
bject at ground level, about 500 m away. Several creatures, one of them a r 9/5/1964 #18538  
 of attempts to keep the creatures away. At dawn there was nothing to be se 9/5/1964 #18538  
rd him and stops about 50–60 yards away. The object’s strange appearance fr 9/5/1964 #18539  
g them down to frighten the beings away; they back away. Finally, he shoots 9/5/1964 #18539  
righten the beings away; they back away. Finally, he shoots an arrow at the 9/5/1964 #18539  
wn [to] to sea. Rise again and fly away. / MJ#130.                          9/20/1964 #18560  
HAVERHILL, MASS 2 observer(s) 150' away. 30' silver domed saucer hovers 30' 10/6/1964 #18571  
nt missile silo around 10–15 miles away, saying that a UFO is hovering and  Late 1964 #18583  
ject at hilltop level, about 700 m away. At the site, a wide circle of crus 11/1964 #18602  
ering above some trees a half mile away and moving back and forth. It light 11/3/1964 #18605  
 / 2 pieces. 1 hovers. Other flies away / 15 minute(s).                     11/8/1964 #18609  
a hill at a distance of 3,800 feet away from their house. Their dog became  11/25/1964 #18638  
to 450M altitude. Tilts upward and away.                                    12/28/1964 #18675  
ifies an object on radar 350 miles away. He circles it as closely as he can 1965? #18680  
ot up into the sky and last as far away as a quarter mile. A radioactive cl 1/12/1965 #18718  
. The UFO hovered, then acelerated away with the sound of rushing air. The  1/12/1965 #18721  
s / 1 hour. Going quickly east and away.                                    1/14/1965 #18722  
cular object rises / ground. Flies away. No further details. / fate Jly'65. 1/14/1965 #18723  
 high. It was hovering, then moved away quickly on a straight trajectory. T 1/14/1965 #18734  
he light leaves and the whine dies away, the headlights and radio come on a 1/15/1965 #18740  
l power returned when the UFO sped away.                                    1/15/1965 #18741  
 and silently and lands 45–55 feet away from Blackburn. A door opens, makin 1/19/1965 #18750  
m was affected as the object moved away at an altitude of 4'.  The sighting 1/23/1965 #18757  
four feet off the ground, 500 feet away. It was metallic gray and about 75- 1/23/1965 #18760  
rcraft for 30 minutes then climbed away at a steep angle at about 1200 knot 2/11/1965 #18803  
e plane for 30 minutes, then speed away at 1,380 mph.                       2/11/1965 #18809  
e. It was estimated to be 150 feet away at its closest approach, and at an  2/16/1965 #18820  
 four 4-foot legs about 2,000 feet away. He approaches to 100 feet. After w 3/2/1965 #18832  
bot-like being about 200– 300 feet away, about 5 feet tall, wearing a gray- 3/2/1965 #18832  
 pointed chin. It walks to 15 feet away from Reeves, stares at him for 1.5  3/2/1965 #18832  
487 south of Lopez, about 10 miles away. They seem dazed, so they are taken 3/2/1965 #18832  
ghts he estimates to be 1,000 feet away and moving at a speed of 20 mph wit 3/8/1965 #18851  
ht line toward the hills two miles away. They are in view for approximately 3/8/1965 #18851  
cypress trees slightly over a mile away. It moves back and forth from its o 3/15/1965 #18859  
one of his dogs. He stops 600 feet away and walks, waving his arms, toward  3/15/1965 #18859  
 over Matsuyama. The object shoots away and disappears.                     3/18/1965 #18864  
ada and was observed some distance away by an airborne airliner pilot, acco 3/31/1965 #18882  
AFB, MS 40' Black Oval Object 500' Away (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, Code 4/4/1965 #18893  
 avoid collision and moved rapidly away in the opposite direction.          4/4/1965 #18897  
0-year-old man saw an object 200 m away, in the northwest at 30 m altitude. 4/8/1965 #18899  
y and hovered at ground level 60 m away. A sort of periscope emerged from i 4/26/1965 #18920  
hovered at ground level, 60 meters away. A sort of periscope emerged from t 4/26/1965 #18921  
etts at 3:30 p.m. It hovered, shot away, then moments later came back on th 5/14/1965 #18943  
, hovered again, and finally moved away at high speed.                      5/14/1965 #18943  
bout 300 feet, then it accelerates away to the northeast. Burgess and Judin 5/24/1965 #18962  
t a minimum distance of 300 meters away. It made a buzzing or hissing sound 5/24/1965 #18963  
e several maneuvers before it sped away. A circle 20 feet in diameter, cons 5/24/1965 #18963  
overed at a low altitude 100 yards away from the witness in Acacia Ridge, N 5/27/1965 #18968  
ced airliner, accelerated and sped away, photographs taken                  5/28/1965 #18972  
ottage property less than 200 feet away, then landed on tripod landing gear 5/30/1965 #18977  
 when the plane was about one mile away from them. From the air they appear 6/6/1965 #18995  
y regretted that they were too far away from him to film them. Several expe 6/6/1965 #18995  
ject with R and G and west lights. Away over horizon. No further details.   6/24/1965 #19024  
 red, green, and white lights flew away over the horizon.                   6/24/1965 #19025  
tube / lake. Humming. Retracts and away. / r184p198.                        7/1965 (approximate) #19034  
ent bubble of light about 100 feet away. Inside the globe are several indiv 7/1965 #19039  
 and saw an egg-shaped object 30 m away in a lavender field. The craft was  7/1/1965 #19045  
resting on four legs some 200 feet away from him in his lavender field. Squ 7/1/1965 #19047  
saw an egg-shaped object 30 meters away in a field of lavender. The craft w 7/1/1965 #19049  
to-side pendulum swings, then flew away to the north.                       7/1/1965 #19050  
/ windows. Going [to] slow. Speeds away.                                    7/4/1965 #19066  
ere and there, zigzagged, and sped away (UFOE II, Section, V). (NICAP: 01 - 7/6/1965 #19074  
ere and there, zigzagged, and sped away                                     7/8/1965 #19082  
orth, zig-zagged, and then climbed away at steep angle.                     7/8/1965 #19083  
 object rise at high speed and fly away toward Metz. Estimated diameter: 3  7/9/1965 #19087  
the object is about a quarter-mile away. Its top part is orange, and on its 7/12/1965 #19096  
 to about 10 m altitude, then went away. The craft showed a round central s 7/17/1965 #19116  
eters altitude, stopped, then went away. The craft showed a round central s 7/17/1965 #19118  
ilent saucer lands / lonely beach. Away extremely fast. / LDLN#78+/ APRO Ja 7/19/1965 #19128  
proaching 100 mph; it then climbed away out of sight.                       7/20/1965 #19155  
t lands / ranch / 45 minute(s) and away. Traces. Type unknown. / r180p37.   7/23/1965 #19161  
te(s). Going up [to] 25M altitude. Away / horizontal.                       7/26/1965 #19178  
tes, the three smaller lights move away from the central one, and they disa 7/26/1965 #19180  
eld near Monsempron-Libos. It flew away at high speed toward the south.     7/29/1965 #19204  
colored lights / treetops. Hovers. Away extremely fast.                     7/30/1965 (approximate) #19205  
 Wales, Australia eight kilometers away from the radio telescope located th 7/30/1965 #19212  
rs emerge / sea. Going up [to] and away / 45° angle. Absolute(ly) silent.   8/1965 (approximate) #19226  
rsection. Emits blue light. Up and away fast.                               8/1/1965 #19237  
esses. Still several hundred yards away, it pauses briefly and hovers. At t 8/2/1965 #19263  
e to see the object rapidly flying away into the night sky. The photo is a  8/2/1965 #19263  
here emerge from the water 2 miles away, causing an enormous pillar of wate 8/2/1965 #19267  
on or near the ground just 50 feet away from them. Next to the craft stood  8/3/1965 #19294  
 2 disks hover below clouds. Speed away. / Richard Hall.                    8/10/1965 #19352  
his day. They accelerated and sped away. At 8 p.m. an aerospace engineer in 8/10/1965 #19363  
f view and the whining sound fades away. Gibson walks about a half-mile to  8/11/1965? #19367  
e T-29. It appears to be 5–7 miles away and moving in a general direction o 8/12/1965 #19373  
ared as the object was about 700 m away. This was followed by a sort of "sh 8/13/1965 #19379  
rth at about 50 mph and 2,300 feet away. It is surrounded with orange light 8/13/1965 #19382  
                       As he drove away after dropping off his two daughter 8/13/1965 #19383  
ed behind a hill a third of a mile away, and the young man walked over to t 8/13/1965 #19384  
trical power line pylons, one mile away.                                    8/13/1965 #19385  
e a large soup plate appeared 50 m away, rose from the ground, flew low ove 8/14/1965 #19389  
 flew low over the car, landed 20m away on the other side, vanishing sudden 8/14/1965 #19389  
ows car. Quickly going up [to] and away.                                    8/15/1965 (approximate) #19396  
ver dome. Hovers 30m over lake 90m away / 2 observer(s). Hums.              8/15/1965 #19397  
d. 3 figure(s) move inside. Up and away. / r67p42+/ r8.                     8/15/1965 #19398  
, oval, flashing object land 200 m away. Figures moved around it, as if exa 8/20/1965 #19440  
 pass overhead and land 200 meters away. The object, which was flashing and 8/20/1965 #19444  
me diameter, suddenly appeared 5 m away, 1.5 m above the road. It shot off  8/21/1965 #19447  
Unidentified object / RADAR 2K-10' away. Same size / G5. No visual!         8/24/1965 #19457  
 / ramp. Make repairs. Reboard and away.                                    8/25/1965 (approximate) #19459  
f three, and passed about 400 feet away from them. They appeared to be blac 8/28/1965 #19470  
oing down. Bounces off road. Flies away. 3-4 second(s).                     8/30/1965 #19474  
ana, OH White Ball Hits Road Flies Away (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, Code 8/30/1965 #19475  
the witness' car, bounced and flew away.  Sighting lasted 3-4 seconds.      8/30/1965 #19477  
e witnesses' car, bounced and flew away. The sighting lasted 3-4 seconds. ( 8/30/1965 #19481  
n, and estimated to be half a mile away, at 25 degrees elevation. It flew i 8/30/1965 #19481  
 tracks. 2M polygon exits woods 4M away! Pulsates.                          9/1965 #19487  
t. They felt a heat wave and drove away in fear, but returned to the site a 9/3/1965 #19506  
ly, slows down, and begins to move away. Another patrolman, David R. Hunt,  9/3/1965 #19511  
apidly but unnaturally. They drive away in fear but return later that night 9/3/1965 #19512  
elt a sensation of heat, and drove away in fear. Later they returned to inv 9/3/1965 #19517  
04. Saucer follows / 14 minute(s). Away / incredible speed/velocity. / R. h 9/6/1965 #19526  
TUGAL Cop. Luminous object zigzags away in sky. No further details. / Diari 9/8/1965 #19534  
 and observed the craft as it flew away.                                    9/8/1965 #19536  
l time a luminous object zigzagged away from the town of Beja, Portugal.    9/8/1965 #19539  
 and observed the craft as it flew away.                                    9/8/1965 #19540  
erver. Big silent cone-saucer 200M away. Small fin / side. Tilts. Vanishes. 9/10/1965 #19546  
cending from the sky about 26 feet away. They touch the ground in a uniform 9/10/1965 #19550  
in the sky a considerable distance away. It is dark in color and positioned Fall 1965 #19592  
s, makes two more loops, and flies away to the west, where it disappears at Late 9/1965 #19604  
 car. Several persons living 20 km away also reported an unidentified objec 9/29/1965 #19622  
th greenish skin. The children ran away, and arrived at the school in a sta 10/1/1965 #19632  
th greenish skin. The children ran away, and arrived at the school in a sta 10/1/1965 #19635  
 and observed the craft as it flew away.                                    10/8/1965 #19652  
t above ground, and only 500 yards away from the witnesses.                 10/18/1965 #19667  
in diameter, 15 m high, about 75 m away. He reported seeing clearly a row o 11/1965 #19694  
 plane. Jets pursue! Objects shoot away. No further details.                11/9/1965 #19704  
 director saw an object land 100 m away, flashing a beam of light toward th 11/13/1965 #19718  
he water line. Then, about 30 feet away, a second box-shaped object, about  11/13/1965 #19719  
jects were in clear view 300 yards away. After 10 seconds there was suddenl 11/13/1965 #19719  
ctor saw an object land 100 meters away, flashing a beam of light towards t 11/13/1965 #19720  
ed down as the observer was 400 km away from the object, which took off tow 11/16/1965 #19726  
 orange on the sides, about a mile away in the sky over Adelaide, South Aus 11/23/1965 #19733  
ng from an opening. Snow was blown away and bushes were flattened.          11/29/1965 #19739  
ng from an opening. Snow was blown away and bushes were flattened during th 11/29/1965 #19740  
 into saucer / beach. Rocks pushed away / takeoff. / MJ#271.                11/30/1965 #19741  
ject rises, pushing rocks and logs away from the center of the beach. It cr 11/30/1965 #19742  
g area. The object was transported away by military truck. In Feb. 1969, th 12/9/1965 #19760  
erything. And I don’t know how far away from the site he was. But I did see 12/9/1965 #19762  
l can into a small bottle and went away, leaving the witness amazed. Other  12/16/1965 #19773  
ject 2 m above the road about 30 m away. As the engine died, the object glo 12/20/1965 #19780  
an and a woman on foot not 20 feet away to whom she signaled frantically to 1/5/1966 #19806  
 top. After 5 seconds the UFO flew away rapidly. An independent witness lat 1/7/1966 #19811  
ray glow in the sky about 300 feet away and 35 feet in the air. It comes fr 1/7/1966 #19813  
ionary for 5 seconds before moving away quickly to the east-southeast.      1/7/1966 #19813  
ro-magnetic effect (EME). UFO flys away. AOK after. / r215p50. / r79p27.    1/9/1966 #19819  
th blue light beam observed flying away. Flying Saucer Review Histories, Su 1/9/1966 #19820  
e they saw an object flying slowly away from their car. It was emitting a b 1/9/1966 #19821  
ject suddenly accelerated and sped away. (Hynek, 1972, pp. 89-90, 238.) (NI 1/11/1966 #19827  
ct suddenly accelerates and speeds away.                                    1/11/1966 #19828  
esembling lamps. The witness drove away and did not see the object leave.   1/16/1966 #19840  
front of a lava flow about 2 miles away. Both observers (the other one is i 1/18/1966 #19850  
s at the car, so the witness drove away quickly.                            1/18/1966 #19851  
 m high, rise from the lagoon 25 m away. It was spinning like a top, rose t 1/19/1966 #19857  
es an unusual object about 75 feet away. It is some 30 feet in the air, ris 1/19/1966 #19858  
tened and the object suddenly sped away (luminosity/speed correlation). (Fl 1/20/1966 #19861  
 hedgerow. Saucer rises / lake and away.                                    1/21/1966 #19863  
 disc-shaped object land 200 yards away from them. Upon closer investigatio 1/23/1966 #19869  
ight light chases training flight. Away and back. Hovers / steeple.         2/8/1966 #19892  
OWHEGAN, ME 2 cops. 6M saucer 100m away. Blip / tight low turns / Dow Air F 2/11/1966 #19895  
Kingston, New Hampshire. It backed away, landed, then rose in a rocking, re 2/22/1966 #19914  
motion, and finally started to fly away. The witness gave chase, following  2/22/1966 #19914  
e area near their house, then flew away. No sound was heard. One of the gir 2/25/1966 #19917  
es! Both quickly going up [to] and away. Local (as a local wave) wave.      2/26/1966 #19919  
ia making a humming sound. It shot away extremely fast.                     3/5/1966 #19942  
s. The object then tilted and sped away. (NICAP report.) (NICAP: 01 - Dista 3/8/1966 #19948  
t then tilted at an angle and shot away.                                    3/8/1966 #19949  
naling, and the larger object flew away to the west leaving a red glow in i 3/11/1966 #19951  
minutes, the object dims and moves away at tremendous speed before the Army 3/12/1966 #19954  
en changed color to white and sped away (color change-motion correlation).  3/14/1966 #19961  
ling two exhaust flames, then shot away to the northwest. (NICAP notes.) (N 3/15/1966 #19970  
 slowly, then accelerated and sped away. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 01 - Distan 3/17/1966 #19979  
g object over swamp about 1,500 ft away car-sized (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 3/20/1966 #20007  
 up with a yellowish glow and flew away at high speed with a whistling soun 3/20/1966 #20008  
scent and then rapidly accelerated away to the north after 5 minutes.       3/20/1966 #20009  
he object seems to react by flying away at high speed. At another point the 3/20/1966 #20012  
Slayton Arboretum about 1,500 feet away. Some 87 students collect to watch  3/21/1966 #20021  
., Kohn sees a lighted object move away and disappear from sight. Radiation 3/21/1966 #20021  
, hover over some trees, then move away. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 01 - Distan 3/22/1966 #20027  
hovered for 4-5 seconds, then shot away northward out of sight in about 1 s 3/22/1966 #20028  
eater. The UFOs hovered, then shot away.                                    3/22/1966 #20033  
med disks maneuver and land. Shoot away. / r211p112.                        3/23/1966 #20038  
red, craft took off, hovered, sped away                                     3/23/1966 #20049  
axson stops his car about 300 feet away and walks to within 50 feet, notici 3/23/1966 #20050  
s it approaches and hovers 50 feet away. Frightened, he takes his .22 magnu 3/23/1966 #20052  
 it when it was less than 100 feet away. King fired four shots at the 60-fo 3/23/1966 #20057  
ghts maneuver. Make sharp turn and away. / r73p27.                          3/24/1966 #20058  
y lost sight of it when they drove away. They saw it again later, flying lo 3/24/1966 #20070  
y lost sight of it when they drove away. They saw it again later, flying lo 3/24/1966 #20073  
erved any craft coming to or going away from the swamps. The glow was local 3/25/1966 #20080  
Farmer. White 80cm cog-wheel rolls away going quickly north. Vanishes. 18cm 3/26/1966 #20085  
4, saw a strange "wheel" roll 15 m away at a speed of about 30 km/h. It was 3/26/1966 #20089  
n diameter, 25 cm thick; it rolled away and vanished.                       3/26/1966 #20089  
lew over the car and hovered 400 m away. After 10 min, the witnesses were a 3/26/1966 #20090  
nge looking "wheel" roll 15 meters away from him in Attigneville, France. I 3/26/1966 #20092  
n diameter, 25 cm thick; it rolled away at 1:30 p.m. and then vanished.     3/26/1966 #20092  
ver the car and hovered 400 meters away. After 10 minutes the witnesses wer 3/26/1966 #20095  
ned, got brighter again, then sped away to the west. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 3/27/1966 #20099  
 response (light reaction), veered away and disappeared. (NICAP notes.) (NI 3/28/1966 #20110  
ts hover over his town, then speed away to the north. A truck driver In Nil 3/28/1966 #20119  
e blinked his headlights it veered away sharply and disappeared. Around 3 a 3/28/1966 #20119  
ssy halo swoops over house. Whirls away going quickly east.                 3/29/1966 #20128  
t, circled, hovered, and then sped away leaving a short bluish tail, disapp 3/29/1966 #20133  
woods. The boy stops about 24 feet away, not sure what he is seeing. The ob 3/29/1966 #20139  
from the object. The witness drove away in fear, but was followed for 13 km 3/30/1966 #20160  
rectly from the object. She drives away, but the UFO pursues her for 8 mile 3/30/1966 #20163  
o blue-white before it accelerates away.                                    3/30/1966 #20163  
d allowed his car to roll backward away from the UFO. The engine restarted. 3/30/1966 #20166  
. The object finally rose and sped away at a steep angle. (NICAP investigat 3/31/1966 #20173  
s, and they both took off and flew away rapidly.                            4/1/1966 #20203  
ht exited from the object and flew away toward the north.                   4/1/1966 #20204  
s hands over his ears. After going away for a few meters, it vanished sudde 4/4/1966 #20223  
he object producing the light flew away.                                    4/5/1966 #20239  
hey try to follow it, but it flies away, flying between a high-tension powe 4/5/1966 #20250  
h. Finally it accelerated and sped away leaving a trail. (NICAP notes.) (NI 4/6/1966 #20255  
n the area who warned them to stay away. Some witnesses said they saw a cow 4/6/1966 #20259  
 rain. The object(s) suddenly sped away at "fantastic speed." (NICAP report 4/7/1966 #20266  
de in Lincoln, Nebraska. They sped away.                                    4/7/1966 #20272  
ned object 5 m above ground, 100 m away. It showed a flashing red light, ro 4/11/1966 #20284  
just about dawn). As the UFO moved away from them at about 300–500 ft. abov 4/17/1966 #20305  
tterns. The object suddenly darted away at high speed and disappeared. One  4/17/1966 #20313  
 hovered over a school, then moved away rapidly with up and down oscillator 4/17/1966 #20313  
 for them to catch up, then moving away. It beamed an intense light onto th 4/17/1966 #20319  
igzag patterns. It suddenly darted away at an incredible speed, faster than 4/17/1966 #20320  
w unidentified lights rise and fly away. (Fowler, 1974, p. 339.) (NICAP: 02 4/19/1966 #20340  
 see the lighted disc rise and fly away.                                    4/19/1966 #20346  
ights rise from the ground and fly away.                                    4/19/1966 #20347  
s vertical. 2 solid beams retract! Away fast. / r30p261.                    4/22/1966 #20361  
s underside hover, then accelerate away. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 -  4/22/1966 #20365  
e object was finally seen speeding away to the northeast. (Keyhoe & Lore, 1 4/22/1966 #20366  
ly made repairs and the craft flew away. (Vallee, 1969, pp. 329-30). (NICAP 4/22/1966 #20368  
 make repairs, then the craft flew away.                                    4/22/1966 #20370  
ound as it flew over the road 15 m away from the house. It seemed to land i 4/22/1966 #20371  
raft, as the remaining object flew away to the southwest. Police described  4/22/1966 #20371  
me closer and hovered only 40 feet away. Frightened, they drove off at high 4/22/1966 #20376  
roached, and the UFO quickly moved away toward the river.They felt a hot wi 4/22/1966 #20377  
nside the object. Finally, it shot away fast.                               4/22/1966 #20378  
 size of a car, it tilted and flew away.                                    4/22/1966 #20380  
t the end of the alley, then moved away erratically to the east and disappe 4/23/1966 #20388  
 The object then moves erratically away to the east. The family goes to bed 4/23/1966 #20390  
 by two cables burning out a block away from the Kalnicki apartment. One pa 4/23/1966 #20390  
und the rim hovering 150- 200 feet away at treetop height. It appeared to b 4/24/1966 #20401  
FO gradually accelerated and moved away to the southwest. (NICAP report for 4/24/1966 #20401  
in diameter, at treetop level 60 m away. It had a row of lights.            4/24/1966 #20402  
hat was at treetop level 60 meters away. It was seven meters in diameter an 4/24/1966 #20405  
E). Saucer / portholes hovers 250' away. Heat felt. / r203p145.             4/25/1966 #20408  
 portholes hovering about 350 feet away, flames shooting off of it. (Rodegh 4/25/1966 #20412  
 portholes hovering about 350 feet away, with flames shooting off of it.    4/25/1966 #20417  
Estimated diameter: 10 m. He drove away without looking behind.             4/26/1966 #20421  
 the object at 10 meters. He drove away as quickly as he could without look 4/26/1966 #20422  
two large spherical objects moving away. (Flying Saucer Review, May/June 19 4/28/1966 #20424  
hows the object veering 8–10 miles away at the 10 o’clock position, then ap 5/4/1966 #20447  
s. Radar showed the object veering away to 8-10 miles away at the 10 o'cloc 5/4/1966 #20448  
 object veering away to 8-10 miles away at the 10 o'clock position, then co 5/4/1966 #20448  
aw a disk-shaped object land 100 m away. Small beings resembling "green bir 5/16/1966 #20488  
disc-shaped object land 100 meters away. Small beings resembling "green bir 5/16/1966 #20489  
aw a disc-shaped object land 100 m away. Small beings resembling "green bir 5/16/1966 #20491  
turned to the west and accelerated away. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 01 - Distan 5/17/1966 #20496  
turned to the west and accelerated away. At 4:00 a.m. on US Highway 26 near 5/17/1966 #20498  
 the starboard wing about 300 feet away and disappearing to the rear. They  5/21/1966 #20505  
above the athletic field, then fly away. (NICAP notes from newspaper story. 5/23/1966 #20508  
he northeast, observed as it moved away by employees of a nearby restaurant 5/24/1966 #20509  
 bottom. Ringed / lights. 2 beams. Away extremely fast.                     6/1/1966 (approximate) #20517  
ts rise / water. Whoosh sound. Fly away fast.                               6/3/1966 #20525  
smaller lights at the rim. It flew away very fast to the east.              6/3/1966 #20527  
smaller lights on the rim. It flew away very fast to the east.              6/3/1966 #20530  
ops follow going southwest. Shoots away. / r73p60.                          6/6/1966 #20531  
 took off like an airplane, flying away to the southeast. Investigation by  6/13/1966 #20557  
took off like an airplane and flew away toward the southeast in the directi 6/13/1966 #20558  
withdrew, and then the object sped away over the mountains. (New Hampshire  6/16/1966 #20567  
ed lights land on the ground 200 m away. It remained there all night, rose  6/18/1966 #20580  
ghts land on the ground 200 meters away. It remained there all night, rose  6/18/1966 #20583  
ises / angle from lake surface and away. No description.                    6/23/1966 #20591  
side and saw a lighted object 20 m away 1 m in diameter, which backed up an 6/23/1966 #20596  
diameter, which backed up and flew away "like a bullet." Three other person 6/23/1966 #20596  
and saw a lighted object 20 meters away, just one meter in diameter, which  6/23/1966 #20601  
diameter, which backed up and flew away "like a bullet." Three other people 6/23/1966 #20601  
 min. the UFO accelerated and sped away.                                    6/24/1966 #20602  
 investigate, the UFO began moving away, leading him on a cat-and-mouse cha 6/24/1966 #20605  
ly the object accelerated and sped away. Separate police witnesses observed 6/24/1966 #20605  
chase. Object accelerated and sped away                                     6/24/1966 #20607  
laying with me," he said. It moved away when the officer turned on its flas 6/24/1966 #20608  
t a greater distance before moving away.                                    6/24/1966 #20608  
to chase the objects, but they fly away quickly to the north-northeast. Oth 6/25/1966 #20610  
behind some woods about 500 meters away. A few minutes later two cylindrica 6/27/1966 #20615  
light inside, and then accelerated away after several minutes.              6/27/1966 #20617  
ly comes into view before speeding away. The Condon commission declines to  7/1966 #20625  
en saw a red, luminous object 30 m away in a field. It had small openings a 7/11/1966 #20638  
all humanoids (or Greys) board and away. / LDLN#86+/ r39p58.                7/13/1966 #20642  
at a low altitude about 300 meters away from them. It emitted a beam of lig 7/17/1966 #20649  
ving, rapidly accelerated and sped away. (McDonald, 1968a, pp. 57-58; Houst 7/18/1966 #20654  
ering above a store about 300 feet away, then it begins moving, rapidly acc 7/18/1966 #20655  
g, rapidly accelerates, and speeds away.                                    7/18/1966 #20655  
e saucer-shaped UFO, which flashed away seconds later.                      7/21/1966 #20663  
ound, confirmed on radar. One sped away. At 4:25 am another oblong object w 7/25/1966 #20679  
ts smaller bright objects that fly away. After 30 minutes the large object  Late 7/1966 #20684  
ying erratically and landing 300 m away. It had the shape of a mushroom and 7/31/1966 #20701  
s over tree / golf course. Zigzags away.                                    8/1966 #20710  
ed almost to the ground, then sped away "like a shot." Before it sped away, 8/1/1966 #20715  
away "like a shot." Before it sped away, the object emitted a strange multi 8/1/1966 #20715  
 others who are about a half-block away. When she does, the object changes  8/1/1966 #20718  
me trees on a hill about one block away. At least one adult watches the obj 8/1/1966 #20718  
t Drive-In about a mile and a half away. It becomes brighter after 45 secon 8/1/1966 #20718  
ighter after 45 seconds and speeds away.                                    8/1/1966 #20718  
ed almost to the ground, then sped away "like a shot." Before it sped away, 8/1/1966 #20719  
away "like a shot." Before it sped away, the object emitted a strange multi 8/1/1966 #20719  
out of the craft. She tried to run away but couldn't move. When he touched  8/11/1966 #20739  
 seconds, and then the object shot away and disappeared. (NICAP notes.) (NI 8/18/1966 #20761  
a whistling sound. The hunters ran away.                                    8/18/1966 #20762  
a whistling sound. The hunters ran away.                                    8/18/1966 #20763  
eemed about to land less than 80 m away, but tilted back on edge and flew i 8/19/1966 #20769  
ppears to land in a field 250 feet away. It tilts on edge and rises into th 8/19/1966 #20772  
 a small field less than 80 meters away, but titled back on edge, then rose 8/19/1966 #20773  
saucer emits red light-beam. Flies away when kids near. No further details. 8/20/1966 #20775  
tory" object at treetop level 60 m away. It gave off rainbow colors which a 8/20/1966 #20777  
ject at treetop level sixty meters away. It gave off rainbow colors that ap 8/20/1966 #20780  
en children ran toward it, it flew away.                                    8/20/1966 #20783  
. The object fluttered down, moved away, changed to cone shape, then to a t 8/22/1966 #20784  
n to a thin line, and finally sped away disappearing in seconds. (NICAP rep 8/22/1966 #20784  
into five objects and all streaked away toward the west.  Sighting lasted 1 8/23/1966 #20796  
objects. All five objects streaked away toward the west. The sighting laste 8/23/1966 #20797  
e size of a 3-story house. It flew away as the policeman was about to hit i 9/1966 #20823  
s about 20–30 seconds, then shoots away noiselessly to the east at tremendo 9/1966 #20826  
its flame up behind it as it moves away. The object above the airfield disa 9/1966 #20827  
aucer with colored lights 1/2 mile away. / APRO Sep. '66.                   9/5/1966 #20846  
 1M / ground. Deafening. Tilts and away. / r8#795.                          9/7/1966 #20858  
 bobbed, hovered, darted, and went away and came back several times over a  9/7/1966 #20862  
e size of a house landed 1.5 miles away from the witness northwest of Verna 9/7/1966 #20862  
aped UFO landed remotely 1.5 miles away, northwest of Vernal, Utah. It was  9/7/1966 #20863  
ay, climbed, leveled off, and flew away. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 -  9/8/1966 #20864  
ild reported that the object "went away so fast that it vanished."          9/13/1966 #20877  
from its top, hovered about a mile away, then landed within 300 yards and t 9/13/1966 #20878  
ry domed disc hover about one mile away, approach, then land within 900 fee 9/13/1966 #20879  
m its top; it hovered about a mile away, then landed with a falling leaf mo 9/13/1966 #20880  
boy reported that the object "went away so fast that it vanished."          9/13/1966 #20880  
nnel. Saucer / low altitude. Flies away / 3000mph!                          9/15/1966 #20883  
ver disk = classic saucer seen far away. No further details.                9/15/1966 #20885  
g in and out of the craft. It went away after one hour.                     9/17/1966 #20891  
lowed aircraft, accelerated up and away                                     9/20/1966 #20902  
ft, and finally accelerated up and away at high speed. The encounter lasted 9/20/1966 #20903  
 ground level for 20 min, and flew away straight up.                        9/21/1966 #20908  
nd level for 20 minutes, then flew away straight up. There was radar-visual 9/21/1966 #20911  
oward the ground, and finally sped away. (Sagan & Page, 1972, pp. xxii-xxii 9/22/1966 #20913  
 emitted light beams, finally sped away                                     9/22/1966 #20914  
ard the ground, and finally speeds away in 3 seconds.                       9/22/1966 #20915  
kes control / several miles. Flies away.                                    9/24/1966 #20920  
 feet in diameter and only 30 feet away. When another car came around the c 9/24/1966 #20924  
tude wobble-hovers / 50kph. Shoots away and quickly going up. / APRO Sep'66 9/30/1966 #20935  
daughter, Mrs. Janet Emery, a mile away; the Emerys also see it, and a neig 10/2/1966 #20949  
daughter, Mrs. Janet Emery, a mile away. The Emerys also saw it, and a neig 10/2/1966 #20950  
hovers / 20 minute(s). Then shoots away.                                    10/5/1966 #20959  
saucer near observer(s). Slow then away at great speed. No further details. 10/6/1966 #20966  
It made a whirling sound, and shot away at terrific speed.                  10/10/1966 #20983  
for binoculars, and while they are away the sky show stops. They remain in  10/21/1966 #21026  
 slowly at low altitude, then sped away when he shone a spotlight on it (li 10/23/1966 #21029  
ler. White object 50' over runway. Away when lights go on.                  10/26/1966 #21034  
and object accelerated and climbed away so fast that witness was unable to  10/26/1966 #21037  
unctions resume when the UFO moves away.                                    10/26/1966 #21038  
and object accelerated and climbed away so fast that the witness was unable 10/26/1966 #21039  
the RCA industrial plant, 400 feet away from the highway. It was in a horiz 10/30/1966 #21051  
 airport. RADAR blips match. Shoot away very fast.                          10/31/1966 #21052  
ra star / big dipper suddenly zips away. Looks very distant.                11/2/1966 #21065  
ved toward her and hovered 50 feet away, some 20-30 feet up in the air. It  11/5/1966 #21078  
off and the object moves leisurely away to the south.                       11/6/1966 #21080  
 Indiana. The UFO was only 50 feet away. A muscular looking man and two wom 11/11/1966 #21091  
st its back. Terrified, they drive away but pass a similar creature on a hi 11/15/1966 #21107  
ers. Colored sections. Zigzags and away. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#1 11/17/1966 #21113  
hey watched from less than 50 feet away, a door opened and a small humanoid 11/17/1966 #21115  
 they watch from less than 50 feet away, a door opens and a small humanoid  11/17/1966 #21117  
a while the object started to move away, and receded into the distance wher 11/18/1966 #21122  
n [to] and left and right. Hovers. Away V-fast.                             11/21/1966 #21130  
. Blinks. Going up [to] and shoots away. Type unknown.                      11/22/1966 #21135  
es of damage at all. About 15 feet away is a dead tree with its top still b 11/22/1966 #21141  
ing from the valley about 300 feet away. He is able to take a photograph of 11/22/1966 #21141  
 rise from a valley about 300 feet away, emitting a humming sound. Physical 11/22/1966 #21143  
saw a white rocket appear one mile away. It disappeared, then rose vertical 11/22/1966 #21145  
lly in front of them only 100 feet away. There was radar confirmation of th 11/22/1966 #21145  
he turns the car around and speeds away.                                    11/28/1966 #21158  
o between 500-1000 feet, then flew away towards the northeast. The car coul 11/30/1966 #21167  
ke whirling wind. The object moved away, returned and hovered again, then l 12/2/1966 #21177  
 then lifted straight up and moved away to the east emitting a red glow. (N 12/2/1966 #21177  
vers / hilltop. Blue stripe / rim. Away fast. No further details.           12/5/1966 #21185  
0 feet altitude and about 100 feet away. It then turned toward them, terrif 12/13/1966 #21200  
 1,320 foot hill about half a mile away.                                    12/18/1966 #21210  
ut 2 minutes, then suddenly rushed away. (NICAP report form, confidential r 12/24/1966 #21217  
o white, in the woods about 1.7 km away. Coming back the next day, he locat 12/30/1966 #21228  
t beams up, then down, accelerated away                                     12/30/1966 #21229  
white, in the woods about one mile away. He estimates its visible light pow 12/30/1966 #21230  
en down, and then climbed and shot away. There were five witnesses on board 12/30/1966 #21231  
 elevation of 45° about 1,600 feet away. Morin thinks it is attached to a b 1/1967 #21243  
celeration. Odd maneuver / sky and away. / r24v4#9.                         1/3/1967 #21246  
n odd maneuver in the sky and flew away.                                    1/3/1967 #21251  
s on dome. Hovers still the speeds away. No further details. / NICAP files. 1/7/1967 #21269  
red, tilted, leveled off, and sped away. (Letter dated 1/21/67 in NICAP fil 1/7/1967 #21270  
ri. It hovered silently, then sped away. The entire sighting lasted ten min 1/7/1967 #21272  
 climbed into the car and it drove away with its headlights off.            1/9/1967 #21278  
ed, moved slowly, then accelerated away. It displayed a disc shape when it  1/10/1967 #21282  
 made no sound as it flew. It show away toward the southeast. The sighting  1/10/1967 #21284  
round, and came down about 60 feet away. The top of the object had two tran 1/11/1967 #21288  
field, circled the house, and flew away. (Report from a dairy farm owner, I 1/13/1967 #21296  
d the witness's home before moving away and disappearing. (Fowler, 1974, p. 1/15/1967? #21307  
d object estimated to be two miles away. The object hovered and moved aroun 1/15/1967 #21310  
xford, Massachusetts before flying away.                                    1/15/1967 #21313  
ee a tall humanoid figure hurrying away from the house. He was wearing a lo 1/15/1967 #21315  
ring sound when it started to move away rapidly. All witnesses reported the 1/16/1967 #21319  
non from a separate location, 2 km away (LDLN).                             1/17/1967 #21331  
d ran off the road. Less than 2 km away, Phil Patton saw an identical objec 1/17/1967 #21332  
the road. Less than two kilometers away and at about the same time, Phil Pa 1/17/1967 #21334  
 separate location, two kilometers away.                                    1/17/1967 #21335  
ect buzzed their car as they drove away. (Air Force report, Project Blue Bo 1/18/1967 #21339  
airport, then accelerated and sped away, disappearing in 3 seconds. (Robins 1/18/1967 #21340  
ined a second object and both sped away. (Keyhoe and Lore,1969a, p.43.) (NI 1/18/1967 #21341  
ns a second object, and both speed away.                                    1/18/1967 #21343  
and joined a second UFO. Both sped away horizontally.                       1/18/1967 #21345  
r underneath Two min later it flew away.                                    1/19/1967 #21352  
arts moving slowly and then shoots away at high speed. A second car about 3 1/20/1967 #21360  
 speed. A second car about 3 miles away also sees 7–8 bright lights flying  1/20/1967 #21360  
g low to the ground about 500 feet away. As they drove nearer, the object c 1/20/1967 #21361  
 however. The object abruptly shot away to the southwest at 6:45 p.m. and e 1/20/1967 #21361  
 a house for 15 minutes, then flew away. (Westport News, 1/26/67, copy in N 1/24/1967 #21373  
e object, which has started moving away.                                    1/24/1967 #21375  
top, cross the road silently 100 m away, at low speed. Length, 20 m; height 1/26/1967 #21397  
the object, which is only 100 feet away. Some observers with binoculars say 1/26/1967 #21399  
ncrease in intensity and it speeds away.                                    1/26/1967 #21399  
 hovering over a building 100 feet away. As jets approached to investigate  1/26/1967 #21400  
 off their headlights, and powered away down the road. At one point one man 1/28/1967 #21411  
ee the object as it rose and moved away. While it hovered nearby two smalle 1/29/1967 #21412  
 Ovoid rises / behind barn. Up and away. See / r72#14.                      1/30/1967 #21415  
 hover over her house and then fly away. The object made a loud whistling s 2/1967 #21427  
s emerged from the larger and flew away rapidly toward the southwest. (Lett 2/1967 #21428  
ng light signals land a few meters away.                                    2/1/1967 #21432  
ng light signals land a few meters away.                                    2/1/1967 #21434  
itti estimates it is about 9 miles away, but it soon reaches the aircraft a 2/2/1967 #21442  
o gives off static. The UFO speeds away to the east, increasing its luminos 2/2/1967 #21442  
 off a blue beam of light; it went away, then came at then again joined by  2/2/1967 #21443  
ng behind. Finally, both UFOs sped away. The close encounter lasted for mor 2/2/1967 #21443  
et above the ground about 100 feet away from her. (Letter from witness, 2/5 2/4/1967 #21448  
round 50 feet, hovered, then moved away after performing several radical ma 2/4/1967 #21449  
 as Crothersville.        35 miles away. At this time she arose because of  2/5/1967 #21456  
landed in Monin's garden, 110 feet away from them. It was about 60 feet lon 2/5/1967 #21463  
shing lights. The object then flew away. (St. Louis Post Dispatch, 2/7/67,  2/6/1967 #21468  
e cigar-shaped object flew rapidly away. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 -  2/7/1967 #21476  
ject hovered vertically, then flew away rapidly to the southwest.           2/7/1967 #21477  
ine, then separately zoomed up and away. A photo was taken but shows little 2/8/1967 #21478  
was an estimated quarter of a mile away and remained visible for 40 minutes 2/8/1967 #21479  
roperly. About a quarter of a mile away on a hill is a circular “craft” wit 2/8/1967 #21483  
 Montana, from his home two blocks away. The object disappears straight up  2/9/1967 #21491  
o the sky. The object began moving away, and then suddenly disappeared. The 2/9/1967 #21493  
for about 15 minutes and then flew away. A whirring sound was heard. (Hamil 2/10/1967 #21498  
 toward the southwest some 2 miles away. As it was disappearing behind some 2/10/1967 #21504  
 witness as it was about 1.5 miles away from his car. The disc moved toward 2/10/1967 #21507  
th, stopped briefly, and then sped away. Ninety minutes later two UFOs were 2/10/1967 #21508  
ges to reddish-orange. As it moves away, the truck starts up on its own.    2/13/1967 #21537  
t deal of heat. As the light moved away to the right side of the road, the  2/13/1967 #21539  
lights. The object turned and sped away to the southwest.                   2/13/1967 #21540  
ucer / field. Invisible barrier 5M away. 65cm figure / spacesuit. / r113p19 2/14/1967 #21542  
back and forth, took off, and sped away. (UFOE II, p. 327) (NICAP: 07 - Ent 2/14/1967 #21544  
appeared behind shaft, object sped away                                     2/14/1967 #21550  
ees a landed object about 360 feet away. He sees several entities moving ar 2/14/1967 #21551  
 approaches it. From about 30 feet away, the object looks like a hovering p 2/14/1967 #21551  
t it stops in midair about 15 feet away and drops to the ground. He throws  2/14/1967 #21551  
something. When he gets to 15 feet away, he walks into an invisible wall an 2/14/1967 #21551  
object rocked, took off, then sped away.                                    2/14/1967 #21552  
d forth, then suddenly accelerated away. A swishing sound was reported. (Fo 2/16/1967 #21566  
eappears from behind a hill a mile away, followed by two white lights flyin 2/16/1967 #21572  
UFO, then shot up into the sky and away at an extremely fast speed. Mr. Rec 2/16/1967 #21577  
roject for the elderly, then moved away. It made a whirring/beeping sound,  2/17/1967 #21582  
ounced up and down, and they moved away as a car approached. (Haines, 1994, 2/17/1967 #21585  
home for the elderly before moving away. At 6:55 p.m. in Lawrence, Massachu 2/17/1967 #21587  
use until car passes. Saucer flies away.                                    2/18/1967 #21588  
 objects hovered, then accelerated away. "Low roaring sound" heard. (NICAP  2/18/1967 #21589  
pped and hovered, and finally sped away.                                    2/19/1967 #21599  
lation), then suddenly accelerated away. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 -  2/20/1967 #21602  
ct hovered over the car, then sped away. (Binghampton Sun Bulletin, 2/21/67 2/20/1967 #21604  
uvered), then accelerated and flew away rapidly. (Letter dated 3/25/67 in N 2/21/1967 #21611  
in for 3 minutes, and finally sped away. (Winfield Daily Courier 2/23/67, c 2/21/1967 #21613  
 all over/all about object. Speeds away.                                    2/23/1967 #21627  
itness's car after the truck moved away. (Report in NICAP files; Marion Wee 2/23/1967 #21631  
alo surrounded the object. It sped away after a few minutes. The city has i 2/23/1967 #21638  
ining speed (accelerated) and flew away to the northeast. (Fargo Forum, 2/2 2/25/1967 #21647  
ves higher, accelerates, and flies away to the northeast.                   2/25/1967 #21648  
ghway, stopped, then finally moved away to the west-southwest and disappear 2/26/1967 #21664  
an. It stopped in place, then shot away at a speed that was too fast to fol 2/27/1967 #21678  
ps about. Curves going up [to] and away slow.                               2/28/1967 #21679  
e object then accelerated and sped away. It made a sound like a "low roar." 2/28/1967 #21680  
arallel to his car about 300 yards away. The object then abruptly headed fo 2/28/1967 #21682  
e car (vehicle encounter), swerved away, and left at terrific speed. (Memph 2/28/1967 #21682  
 tilted, then accelerated and flew away very fast after 5 minutes. (Air For 3/1/1967 #21707  
red, moved back and forth 500 feet away, then accelerated and departed at h 3/1/1967 #21710  
 White Sands missile base and flew away toward the east. They flew at an es 3/2/1967 #21732  
ing over some homes, and then move away. Dogs were barking at the time. Two 3/2/1967 #21733  
directions, hovered, and then flew away.                                    3/2/1967 #21733  
rises / ground into treetops. Then away.                                    3/3/1967 #21735  
 windows hovers over trees. Banks. Away with whine or humming sound.        3/3/1967 #21736  
hovered for a long time, then flew away to the east. A sound like a swarm o 3/3/1967 #21741  
hovered for a long time, then flew away to the east. A sound like a swarm o 3/3/1967 #21744  
e underside of the object and flew away. The UFO varied in color from brown 3/4/1967 #21754  
 / low altitude. Light humming and away. / r233p41+/ r41p331.               3/5/1967 #21758  
-shaped object approaches from far away and is lower than the telephone wir 3/5/1967 #21766  
pants felt a numbness. It thensped away erratically.                        3/5/1967 #21768  
no detail. Changes color and moves away.                                    3/7/1967 #21784  
r from white to orange as it moved away. It was also seen through binocular 3/7/1967 #21789  
riphery. Hovers / 20 minute(s) and away.                                    3/8/1967 #21794  
nd object TURNs white as it speeds away. / r35p19.                          3/8/1967 #21797  
bject hovered overhead, then moved away rapidly. (Bardstown Standard, Kentu 3/8/1967 #21805  
 light, hissing sound, accelerated away                                     3/8/1967 #21814  
 slowly, then accelerated and sped away and disappeared to the southeast af 3/9/1967 #21833  
ned like a top (rotated), and shot away. (Federspiel letter in NICAP files. 3/9/1967 #21835  
ead of a car, and then accelerated away. (Flying Saucer Review, July-Aug. 1 3/10/1967 #21848  
ARK Disk hovers / low altitude 50M away / observer(s). Sweeps ground / whit 3/12/1967 #21860  
cond beam of light about 100 yards away in an open field. Near the latter w 3/12/1967 #21874  
car re-started then, so they drove away without investigating further.      3/12/1967 #21875  
a highway intersection, then moved away after 10-15 minutes. (Marysville Ap 3/15/1967 #21889  
 to follow their car before flying away over the horizon after 15 minutes.  3/17/1967 #21913  
e, five figures appeared about 3 m away. They had narrow, pointed noses, mo 3/20/1967 #21922  
nterlike" clothes. Witnesses drove away as fast as they could.              3/20/1967 #21922  
The objects descend a quarter mile away, then shoot toward the witnesses at 3/20/1967 #21923  
ting clothing. The witnesses drive away quickly and go to their minister’s  3/20/1967 #21923  
llowing it. The second light turns away and moves south into the distance.  Spring 1967 #21926  
igures appeared about three meters away. They had narrow, pointed noses, mo 3/20/1967 #21927  
nterlike" clothes. Witnesses drove away as fast as they could.              3/20/1967 #21927  
 chased / 120'"dart" shapes. Shoot away near Lima airport.                  3/22/1967 #21939  
lored lights stand still, then fly away (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 3/22/1967 #21945  
ored lights stood still, then flew away at high speed after 1 minute.       3/22/1967 #21947  
feet in diameter hovering 500 feet away at an altitude of 1,500 feet. It be 3/22/1967 #21948  
vered for a short while, then flew away at high speed. This is a Project Bl 3/22/1967 #21949  
tom. The object hovered, then flew away. Many sightings reported all over t 3/23/1967 #21954  
Silent 70M saucer / 1000kph. 10 mk away. No plane or balloon / astronomer.  3/24/1967 #21958  
 took off and settled back further away, hidden from the highway. At dawn,  3/24/1967 #21975  
 over a highway, then slowly moved away. (Joplin Globe, Missouri, 3/26/67,  3/25/1967 #21981  
of the situation causes him to get away quickly. In his rearview mirror he  3/28/1967 #22004  
ively diverts researcher attention away from NORAD’s 500 defense radars and 3/28/1967 #22005  
dows hovers. Fast acceleration and away. No further details. USAF / Blue Bo 3/29/1967 #22009  
 windows hovered, then accelerated away. (Air Force report in Project Blue  3/29/1967 #22011  
irst, then climbed and accelerated away. (Reading Evening Post, England, 3/ 3/30/1967 #22013  
minute. It hovered about 200 yards away, then climbed and disappeared in ab 4/1/1967 #22037  
 PA Two dogs barked at object 150' away (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)      4/1/1967 #22040  
The light went out and the man ran away. At 3:30 a.m. Louise Davies looked  4/1/1967 #22042  
oved off at treetop level and sped away. A high-pitched whine was heard com 4/1/1967 #22044  
bject on a luminous beam and speed away.                                    4/4/1967 #22054  
ight, moved over car, tilted, sped away; car lifted off ground as UFO depar 4/5/1967 #22059  
 an object 20 m above ground, 2 km away. It vanished suddenly as the childr 4/6/1967 #22077  
er a telephone pole about one mile away. The object disappears as they watc 4/6/1967 #22080  
it paces the aircraft, then speeds away. Confirmed by radar at Edmonton, Al 4/6/1967 #22081  
on, Alberta, Canada, and then sped away. The UFO was tracked on radar for 2 4/6/1967 #22084  
escent glow on the ground 180 feet away. Their car engine fails and the rad 4/8/1967 #22095  
escent glow on the ground 180 feet away from their car while driving in the 4/8/1967 #22096  
up and passed nearby and then flew away. Three imprints in the shape of an  4/8/1967 #22096  
er a pond, moved slowly, then sped away. (Massachusetts NICAP Subcommittee  4/11/1967 #22107  
rcle group / 20 observers! 2 shoot away as plane nears. No further details. 4/12/1967 #22111  
 Extends rod / 5 minute(s). Shoots away.                                    4/12/1967 #22112  
ectro-magnetic effects). Banks and away. / r79p34.                          4/12/1967 #22114  
ircled the witnesses, and two shot away when an airplane Jet approached (ai 4/12/1967 #22116  
ct then banked, s turned, and flew away. (Project Blue Book files, National 4/12/1967 #22119  
uzzed car, banked, turned and flew away. Project Blue Book files, (E) Natio 4/12/1967 #22120  
eastward, then westward, and flies away. The three witnesses continue their 4/12/1967 #22121  
 witnesses. Two of the object shot away on approach of an airplane. There w 4/12/1967 #22122  
 rod extended from object. It shot away.                                    4/12/1967 #22123  
; it banked, turned, and then flew away. The engine of the car was affected 4/12/1967 #22125  
eet, and hovers about 600–700 feet away. He shuts off the tractor but can h Mid 4/1967 #22134  
owing ovoid stops and lands. Flies away when neared.                        4/16/1967 #22136  
hovered overhead, then accelerated away. (Letter dated 4/16/67 in NICAP fil 4/16/1967 #22138  
 on this day. It took off and flew away when approached.                    4/16/1967 #22141  
follows terrain / 12M altitude 1km away. Brief.                             4/17/1967 #22144  
s). The object hovered, then moved away slowly. (Fowler, 1974, p. 347.) (NI 4/20/1967 #22167  
ti-colored lights about 120 meters away from the tracks. Thinking it was a  4/20/1967 #22172  
 he saw an object on the road 70 m away. Supported by four legs, it was a v 4/21/1967 #22188  
dlights fall on an object 400 feet away on the road ahead. It is pewter-col 4/21/1967 #22194  
ith the object and stopped 10 feet away. When the UFO took off, it went beh 4/21/1967 #22195  
me received a mental warning, "Get away from here!" He turned and fled to h 4/21/1967 #22200  
s. 15M saucer / driveway rises and away fast.                               4/22/1967 #22204  
s headlights the UFO rose and flew away quickly.                            4/22/1967 #22210  
 the witness became afraid and ran away. Police found six prints at the sit 4/26/1967 #22223  
d be heard. The object then turned away and started to follow a truck that  4/26/1967 #22225  
tions, illuminating the woods 1 km away. It was concshaped, with a blue und 4/27/1967 #22232  
d. The object tilted before moving away and flying off to the west.         4/27/1967 #22236  
luminating the woods one kilometer away. It was cone-shaped, with a blue un 4/27/1967 #22237  
 rising to 22,000 feet and 8 miles away. At 12:40 p.m., a jet aircraft appr 4/28/1967 #22245  
 had been, and some wire is pulled away from some pylons.                   5/1967 #22257  
ly at high speed. It briefly moved away, but returned when one of the men s 5/1/1967 #22263  
and entered. Finally the UFO moved away, gaining altitude and disappearing  5/1/1967 #22263  
er / US91. OBS's shots / ricochet. Away extremely fast. / r148p210. / r41p3 5/6/1967 #22277  
 above a grove of trees about 2 km away. Each had a "smoky halo" around it. 5/6/1967 #22282  
d near their chalet only 25 meters away. A coherent beam of light snaked aw 5/6/1967 #22288  
y. A coherent beam of light snaked away from the object, ending in midair.  5/6/1967 #22288  
ne responds / flashing headlights. Away / guns raised. / r109p60.           5/7/1967 (approximate) #22289  
 descends to a spot about 500 feet away and gives off an intense white-oran 5/7/1967? #22295  
, and from side to side. It darted away, reappeared, and hovered again befo 5/8/1967 #22300  
d, and hovered again before moving away for good. The sighting lasted 15 mi 5/8/1967 #22300  
berry bog. Police spots drive them away.                                    5/11/1967 #22312  
up and down like a yo-yo, and sped away when police shone a light at them ( 5/11/1967 #22315  
h, he got out and saw it stop 30 m away at 30 m altitude. It was shaped lik 5/11/1967 #22317  
up-and-down like a yo-yo, and sped away when the police tried to shine a sp 5/11/1967 #22318  
 got out. He saw it stop 30 meters away at an altitude of 30 meters. It was 5/11/1967 #22319  
et of the aircraft and then veered away. It seemed ready to ram the plane f 5/12/1967 #22326  
lane from behind, but instead shot away very fast. The sighting lasted an e 5/12/1967 #22326  
ps over. Turns going southwest and away. No further details.                5/13/1967 #22333  
lsating with a red glow 100 meters away. It changed color from blue to red  5/14/1967 #22342  
parent reason, and the object shot away making no sound.                    5/14/1967 #22342  
 Follows car / 2 minute(s). Shoots away. / r109p60.                         5/15/1967 (approximate) #22343  
osition for 2–3 minutes then moves away, reappearing about 500 feet in fron Mid 5/1967 #22347  
eturns as at 12,000 feet, 11 miles away. Through 7 x 50 binoculars, the obj 5/16/1967 #22355  
 2 / car. Back at Stanley, ND. 12M away.                                    5/19/1967 #22373  
e object begins to hover then move away, while the other lands on a large,  5/20/1967 #22382  
nds on a large, flat rock 160 feet away. The landed object is more than 35  5/20/1967 #22382  
nterior. Michalak walks to 60 feet away and hears voices inside. Thinking i 5/20/1967 #22382  
aw a luminous spherical object fly away for several minutes.                5/24/1967 #22392  
aw a luminous spherical object fly away for several minutes.                5/24/1967 #22393  
ets shoots flame / bottom. Zigzags away. / r41.                             5/25/1967 #22395  
withdrew and the object zig-zagged away.                                    5/25/1967 #22399  
e to restart engine after UFO sped away. APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967 (E,L) 5/26/1967 #22402  
 to a complete stop the light sped away and the car couId then be restarted 5/26/1967 #22406  
ose straight up, hovered, and flew away. (Bay City Times, 6/14/67, copy in  5/29/1967 #22420  
ll window in the craft, which shot away at an extremely fast speed.         5/30/1967 #22427  
 south and hovered about 125 yards away. The object landed and left physica 5/31/1967 #22429  
ves around a star 14.6 light years away) have given him a startling printed 5/31/1967 #22431  
he south and hovers about 375 feet away. A white light on the bottom become 5/31/1967 #22432  
 slowly, then suddenly accelerated away. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 -  6/2/1967 #22454  
 the lights. He was about 100 feet away when the lights rose from the water 6/3/1967 #22459  
 a brilliant blue flash, and moved away. Two of the lights were red and pul 6/5/1967 #22465  
lided from side-to-side, then sped away. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 -  6/6/1967 #22469  
nsparent front of the UFO. It flew away and the car could be restarted.     6/6/1967 #22473  
imated to have passed 100-150 feet away from the witnesses at eye level. (N 6/11/1967 #22492  
2. Close. Figure / cockpit! Up and away / angle.                            6/15/1967 #22506  
ghts on runway! Night lights shoot away.                                    6/15/1967? #22507  
ove the treetops about a half-mile away. As they approach, the object turns 6/18/1967 #22520  
ray object 50 cm above ground, 6 m away. It had a domed top with a fin and  6/20/1967 #22522  
ose with a blast, circled and flew away.                                    6/20/1967 #22522  
bject 50 cm above ground, 6 meters away. It had a domed top with a fin and  6/20/1967 #22523  
ose with a blast, circled and flew away.                                    6/20/1967 #22523  
 fog bank, descended again farther away (maneuvered), then moved out of sig 6/24/1967 #22541  
he house, turned about a half mile away, and came back over the house again 6/25/1967 #22554  
n behind some trees about 1/4 mile away. It was dull metallic in color. The 6/25/1967 #22557  
an the full moon. It hovered, sped away, landed, and took off. (Tehran Yomi 6/28/1967 #22567  
 the street. When the object moved away, the dirt fell to the ground. Going 6/30/1967 #22580  
isc appears from less than 2 miles away and at an altitude of approximately 7/3/1967 #22600  
. Ovoid with beams. Accelerations. Away in seconds. / McDonald.             7/4/1967 #22606  
ctly over the trees about 300 feet away, and as it approached two smaller r 7/4/1967 #22609  
hen turns and retreats to 50 miles away. At 9:35 p.m. another target appear 7/6/1967 #22622  
Air Canada airliner before veering away to the northeast. None of the pilot 7/6/1967 #22622  
inutes (timed by watch). He looked away for a moment, and when he looked ba 7/7/1967 #22626  
over woods. Glows and blows smoke. Away fast.                               7/10/1967 (approximate) #22643  
d object on the ground, 400 meters away from the roadway. It had lit portho 7/10/1967 #22647  
shaped object on the ground, 400 m away from the road, which took off, risi 7/11/1967 #22650  
d object on the ground, 400 meters away from the road. It took off, rising  7/11/1967 #22651  
g [to] woods and return. Board and away. / FSR'67#6.                        7/17/1967 #22672  
vering over a field. When he drove away it followed his car again, and retu 7/17/1967 #22683  
owly to the ground and then walked away into the woods. Several minutes lat 7/17/1967 #22685  
wn / 2M altitude. Wanders. Zigzags away. / r193#14 / wave.                  7/19/1967 #22697  
atchman fires 6 shots. Darkens and away.                                    7/19/1967 #22698  
) and returned, hovered, and moved away slowly. (Letter : received 12/26/67 7/19/1967 #22699  
e. Boxes hang from saucer. Silent. Away fast.                               7/20/1967 #22704  
odle is terrified. The light veers away from the road and appears to land o 7/20/1967 #22710  
 when she saw a UFO about 200 feet away about 60-70 feet above the ground.  7/20/1967 #22713  
, and also saw the UFO as it moved away, but did not see the occupant. Nine 7/20/1967 #22713  
tense white light came on. It flew away behind the treeline toward the nort 7/20/1967 #22713  
the size of a building, fall 300 m away behind a hill. Dark forms were obse 7/24/1967 #22725  
o be ablaze as the witnesses drove away in fear.                            7/24/1967 #22725  
ing, fall behind a hill 300 meters away from them. Dark forms were observed 7/24/1967 #22726  
o be ablaze as the witnesses drove away in fear.                            7/24/1967 #22726  
ally at about 16,000 feet. It zips away after 18 minutes. Radar operators i 7/26/1967 #22735  
 object in the ocean about 50 feet away on the starboard side. Capt. Julián 7/30/1967 #22753  
Going down / 50cm altitude only 5M away. Sudden vertical takeoff.           8/1967 #22763  
star goes up to Polaris and shoots away to the left.                        8/1967 #22771  
hts, then many others, about 500 m away to the left. They blinked and faded 8/3/1967 #22785  
unded with vapor. He was about 5 m away from the witnesses, and was observe 8/3/1967 #22786  
low and one blue, about 1,000 feet away from them on the right, apparently  8/3/1967 #22787  
isc and enters it. The disc speeds away and disappears in seconds.          8/3/1967 #22788  
then many others, about 500 meters away to the left. The lights would blink 8/3/1967 #22790  
por. He was only about five meters away from the witnesses, and they watche 8/3/1967 #22791  
0-100 feet off the ground and flew away to the southeast. A scorched area 2 8/4/1967 #22799  
n rose slowly to the east and flew away.                                    8/4/1967 #22807  
ry, came to ground level, and sped away to the north.                       8/5/1967 #22814  
own to ground level, and then sped away to the north.                       8/5/1967 #22818  
ded, landed, then shot back up and away to the east. (Unidentified clipping 8/6/1967 #22826  
southeast an estimated 30–40 miles away. They cross the horizon at 55,000–6 8/6/1967 #22830  
lic composition, but then it veers away and out of sight. The events are th 8/6/1967 #22830  
oser and receding, before it zooms away as the airplane nears Pisco.        8/6/1967 #22831  
meter, in the air about 1,300 feet away near Winter Haven, Florida. It hove 8/10/1967 #22859  
 for a quarter mile, rises, shoots away, and disappears in one second. At 1 8/10/1967 #22859  
neighboring pasture about 450 feet away. It is shining a beam of light at a 8/12/1967 #22868  
e like a huge generator that fades away after 6–8 seconds.                  8/12/1967 #22868  
ering around the sky some distance away. The pair watches them a they zip b Mid 8/1967 #22882  
hat diminished as the object moved away. (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee r 8/18/1967 #22887  
, and saw a jumping creature, 10 m away. It was about 1.30 m tall, had an o 8/23/1967 #22902  
vine where they see, about 35 feet away, a small being with a disproportion 8/23/1967 #22905  
t from behind some bushes, 35 feet away. The being was 4 feet 4 inches tall 8/23/1967 #22908  
e then saw a metallic object, 30 m away, its shape that of two saucers one  8/24/1967 #22914  
them scared the witness, who drove away but was followed by the object.     8/24/1967 #22914  
 feet of the ground about 100 feet away. Two humanoids about 5– 5.5 feet ta 8/24/1967 #22917  
lts up at a 45° angle, then shoots away.                                    8/24/1967 #22917  
ct on or near the ground 30 meters away. Its shape was like that of two len 8/24/1967 #22918  
them scared the witness, who drove away but was subsequently followed by th 8/24/1967 #22918  
uge saucers emerge / water and fly away! / r44p44.                          8/25/1967 #22920  
d light, about a quarter of a mile away, was sighted by two witnesses in Ri 8/25/1967 #22928  
d, he stepped on the gas and drove away.                                    8/26/1967 #22936  
ect in a field some 900–1,200 feet away. It is football-shaped and silvery. 8/27/1967 #22940  
s, changing colors, before zooming away to the north. At 12:30 a.m., Cpl. A 8/28/1967 #22943  
gan to spread, and the object flew away.                                    8/29/1967 #22953  
 it moved up into the sky and flew away. (Ca/gary Albertan, 10/18/67, NICAP 9/1967 #22966  
riginal IBM cards have been thrown away.                                    9/1967? #22970  
 landed in a field about 400 yards away. No sound was heard, but one witnes 9/2/1967 #22980  
r saucer hovers. Maneuvers. Shoots away / high speed.                       9/7/1967 #23013  
hovered, maneuvered, and then shot away at high speed. It was observed by s 9/7/1967 #23016  
-like object land nearly 30 meters away. It had a rectangular tube structur 9/7/1967 #23016  
e, glowing object in a field 300 m away, giving off brilliant beams of ligh 9/11/1967 #23042  
vering in a field about 1,000 feet away from the farmhouse. The object emit 9/11/1967 #23045  
 sphere that hovered and then sped away. The object was many times brighter 9/14/1967 #23055  
 and the third lingered, then sped away in a different direction from the f 9/14/1967 #23056  
told him in Portuguese: "Don't run away." He saw two men, 2 m tall, dressed 9/14/1967 #23059  
Portuguese, telling him not to run away. He starts running anyway, but the  9/14/1967 #23060  
in Portuguese told him, "Don't run away." He next saw two tall men, two met 9/14/1967 #23061  
ct stopped and hovered, then moved away. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 -  9/15/1967 #23063  
 drop shape, and finally dissolved away and vanished.                       9/19/1967 #23096  
om the larger one and move rapidly away in different directions. The large  9/20/1967 #23100  
 creature that choked him, but ran away when a horse was heard neighing fra 9/22/1967 #23112  
hen divided, with one light moving away and the other remaining motionless. 9/23/1967 #23120  
d in an odd manner, and then faded away. There was no sound.                9/23/1967 #23122  
2 chrome 20M saucers exit fog 100M away. Emit red night lights. Going west. 9/25/1967 #23127  
opped, then veered and accelerated away. (Toronto Telesram, 9/25/67, copy i 9/25/1967 #23130  
ucers exited a fog bank 100 meters away. They were 20 meters in diameter. T 9/25/1967 #23132  
e a pill. When she left she walked away into the bushes, and moments later  9/26/1967 #23133  
rth. Circles fast and slow. Stops. Away..                                   10/1967 (approximate) #23150  
nd oval windows about 450–600 feet away at treetop level near Homer, Louisi 10/1967 #23156  
ove the ground about 700-800 yards away. It was about 14 feet long, with ha 10/1/1967 #23160  
 sitting on two legs about 44 feet away from him. The legs end in circular  10/9/1967 #23201  
hen the man walked about four feet away from the roadside and vanished. Nor 10/10/1967 #23205  
o more objects, and all three shot away at a tremendous speed.              10/10/1967 #23205  
a small cone on top, hovering 50 m away and 5 m above a maize field, making 10/11/1967 #23215  
a height of 1,000 feet, then flies away. The witness feels cold during the  10/11/1967 #23217  
idance), then accelerated and sped away. Witness had seen similar objects b 10/12/1967 #23226  
e ball (rendezvous), and they flew away together to the east. (Salisbury, 1 10/17/1967 #23244  
. Shoots quickly going up [to] and away.                                    10/19/1967 #23269  
h altitude, leveled off, and moved away at high speed. (Unidentified newspa 10/19/1967 #23270  
ground about one-quarter of a mile away from one of the groups. (McDonald l 10/22/1967 #23288  
on. The objects then rise and move away noiselessly in formation. Floating  10/22/1967 #23290  
of high-voltage towers half a mile away. The three lights in triangular for 10/22/1967 #23290  
. The object hovered and then flew away, the blue ring changing color to br 10/23/1967 #23293  
n Newfield, New York only 50 yards away. It was a round object with a cupol 10/24/1967 #23309  
ed a horizontal attitude, and shot away at great speed "like a puff of wind 10/24/1967 #23309  
NG 3 boys. Domed saucer lands 200M away. Traces. / r180p53.                 10/25/1967 #23314  
 with a smaller hump on top, 200 m away. It took off diagonally, leaving so 10/25/1967 #23318  
look at it. The object soon drifts away from the train, tips to a 45° angle 10/25/1967 #23322  
m. The object came down 200 meters away from them, and it took off diagonal 10/25/1967 #23323  
ll object, 20 m in diameter, 100 m away, at about 15 m altitude. He made th 10/26/1967 #23333  
he approach, and the object climbs away with increasing speed. The craft ap 10/26/1967 #23334  
ll-colored object about 100 meters away from him. It was 20 meters in diame 10/26/1967 #23335  
rizontally an estimated two blocks away. As it paced her car, she saw 2-3 w 10/27/1967 #23343  
rizontally an estimated two blocks away. As it paces her car, she sees 2–3  10/27/1967 #23351  
up speed, turns green, then shoots away to the southeast, turns yellow, and 10/27/1967 #23352  
, mushroom-shaped object streaking away to the west. It changes direction a 10/27/1967 #23353  
ights ahead. Slowly rose and moved away; car could then be restarted. Flyin 10/28/1967 #23361  
m colored object hovering 200 feet away, just four feet above the ground.   10/29/1967 #23364  
e a cowbell. At last, the UFO flew away on an oblique course.               10/29/1967 #23364  
d 12 feet off the ground, 200 feet away. The rectangular lighted panel was  10/30/1967 #23373  
crown saucer hovers / 2M altitude. Away / truck nears.                      11/2/1967 #23384  
William Hammon a quarter of a mile away. As he ran, he found his shadow pre 11/2/1967 #23392  
hifts around and changes color(s). Away / fantastic speed/velocity.         11/5/1967 #23402  
 egg-shaped object, 3 m long, 15 m away. Moments later, a white Jaguar comi 11/5/1967 #23407  
r long egg-shaped object 15 meters away at Fordingbridge, England. Moments  11/5/1967 #23408  
/globe hovers and spins and loops. Away fast. R9p194.                       11/6/1967 #23410  
ts axis, then accelerated and sped away. (Vallee, 1992, p. 194.) (NICAP: 01 11/6/1967 #23413  
oring through wood. Before it goes away, a Jaguar sports car comes from the 11/6/1967 #23414  
ered low over the ground. It moved away quickly with a fiery light that was 11/14/1967 #23448  
ng in the middle of a highway 80 m away. It left straight up.               11/14/1967 #23449  
ed low above the ground, then shot away quickly in the city of Liepaya, Lat 11/14/1967 #23451  
the middle of a highway, 80 meters away from them. It took off by shooting  11/14/1967 #23452  
K 1 / car. Blinding fireball flies away. Burnt grass found.                 11/19/1967 #23479  
, and amber lights about 100 yards away. A shadowy round area could be seen 11/20/1967 #23486  
 15,000 feet. It rotates and moves away at high speed to the northwest unti 11/22/1967 #23497  
a disc hovering at a tilt 150 feet away and 6–8 feet above the road. It loo 12/3/1967 #23545  
ct hovered at 200 feet, then moved away across the mountains. (Unidentified 12/7/1967 #23556  
ible inside. Object rotated, moved away                                     12/8/1967 #23562  
 its inclination. It begins moving away; as it recedes into the distance, i 12/8/1967 #23564  
me-shaped object hovering 450 feet away. It is metallic, has lights around  12/13/1967 #23581  
e-shaped object hovering 150 yards away. It was metallic, had lights around 12/13/1967 #23582  
ars / low altitude. Sharp turn and away fast.                               12/14/1967 #23584  
this point the man and woman drove away at high speed.                      12/16/1967 #23594  
top and multicolored lights, 100 m away, and felt a heat wave when it hover 12/22/1967 #23599  
e car, passes overhead, then moves away to the south. The engine and lights 12/24/1967 #23606  
he car, passed overhead, and moved away to the south. The engine and lights 12/24/1967 #23608  
e tenant's mailboxes. Yelling "Get away from those mailboxes!" she rushed d 1/3/1968 #23647  
 estimated to be about 3500 meters away.                                    1/5/1968 #23652  
hes overhead. Brightens and shoots away.                                    1/6/1968 #23653  
r cone-shaped, no more than a mile away, and 500–1,500 feet high. As they w 1/15/1968 #23667  
tude, levelled off, and then moved away into the distance. She saw a tall m 1/17/1968 #23668  
hen changed color to red and moved away very fast! It then maneuvered over  1/23/1968 #23690  
ring over a pond some 100-200 feet away. Its top section was transparent, a 1/24/1968 #23697  
erged from the ocean only 25 yards away from him. He felt as though he was  1/25/1968 #23700  
and falling, hovered briefly, sped away                                     2/4/1968 #23733  
approach it in his car but it flew away. This was his third low-level sight 2/5/1968 #23738  
 DA TIJUCA, BRZ 3 observer(s) 20km away. 40M circular night light hovers /  2/11/1968 #23747  
light turns red. Maneuvers. Shoots away. No further details.                2/12/1968 #23750  
g out, she sees an object 300 feet away circling around a pole with an elec 2/19/1968 #23767  
ed to watch the UFO before it flew away, the total duration of their close  2/21/1968 #23773  
ject. As he reaches about 900 feet away from the object, he stops the truck 2/27/1968 #23787  
tops and Perry sees the UFO moving away in the distance. He drives to the n 2/27/1968 #23787  
 100M altitude. Several cars stop. Away / jet speed.                        3/2/1968 #23805  
d / light. Fireball outside shoots away.                                    3/3/1968 #23809  
 lights.The witness tried to drive away but the car wouldn't respond to the 3/4/1968 #23825  
and immobilized until the UFO went away. The object disappeared instantly.  3/4/1968 #23825  
rs. Sphere vanishes and aura fades away!                                    3/18/1968 #23846  
 see the red UFO, which just fades away after 10 minutes. The boy is taken  3/19/1968 #23849  
of light shot out." Gregory turned away as the light beam hit the upper par 3/19/1968 #23850  
 seeing the UFO, which "just faded away." During the sighting a large stree 3/19/1968 #23850  
truncated rays all over/all about. Away extremely fast.                     3/27/1968 #23863  
out. Gone? Observer(s) 1 / 2 miles away.                                    4/4/1968 #23891  
/box-like craft! Odd maneuvers and away.                                    4/13/1968 #23904  
red lights on Georgian bay. Speeds away and up!                             4/18/1968 #23912  
3 observer(s). Cone-saucer hovers. Away fast. Quickly going down [to] behin 4/25/1968 #23923  
ght zigzags and joins 1st. Both go away fast.                               4/28/1968 #23928  
straight up, hovered, and streaked away at great speed.                     4/30/1968 #23933  
he sky. It landed about 300 meters away. Shortly after that he heard footst 5/22/1968 #23980  
nlock the door of his house to get away, and when he looked back again the  5/22/1968 #23980  
ct (EME). Going up [to] and speeds away.                                    5/29/1968 #23992  
pulses / size and color(s). Shoots away.                                    5/31/1968 #23995  
tel owner, observed an object 50 m away on road 20, showing two powerful re 6/1968 #23998  
rd, the witness saw only 50 meters away a hovering aerial craft with no lig 6/4/1968 #24006  
urves going up. Splits. Halves fly away separate directions!                6/10/1968 #24017  
ed motionless, then the craft shot away at a ninety-degree angle towards so 6/10/1968 #24018  
IOLAZA, ARG 5M metallic saucer 30M away. Colored lights / bottom/underside. 6/14/1968 #24026  
derside. Quickly going up [to] and away fast. / r156#16+/ r8.               6/14/1968 #24026  
ht object, the size of a bus, 30 m away. It had yellow, green and red light 6/14/1968 #24028  
ht object, the size of a bus, 30 m away. It had yellow, green and red light 6/14/1968 #24030  
er shoots going quickly north 100M away. No windows. Radio Frequency Interf 6/18/1968 #24043  
ashing a light, then quickly moved away.                                    6/18/1968 #24045  
 white trail of vapor, accelerated away, then broke into many sparks.       6/21/1968 #24069  
ct landed on a hilltop, 300 meters away from the three witnesses.           6/23/1968 #24071  
ect land on a dirt road not to far away from the road. The witness drove up 6/23/1968 #24072  
d about 20 meters up and 50 meters away from the boys. On the upper part of 6/27/1968 #24087  
at greater speed, and the UFO went away at great speed.                     6/27/1968 #24087  
. The UFO suddenly rises and flies away. The RCMP blocks access to the site 7/1968 #24108  
. Ladder / ground. All retract and away. / r8#914+Flying Saucer Review (FSR 7/1/1968 #24111  
w an object, about 8 m wide, 350 m away. It had a large tripod under carria 7/1/1968 #24113  
w an object, about 8 m wide, 350 m away. It had a large tripod under carria 7/1/1968 #24115  
er witnesses see the object moving away. A student named Antônio Alegre exa 7/1/1968 #24118  
t eight meters wide and 350 meters away. It had a large tripod undercarriag 7/1/1968 #24120  
droom window he saw the figure fly away to a point about 200 feet up and se 7/1/1968 #24121  
.m. A boy, Sola, saw, a few meters away, a strange being, about 2.10 m tall 7/2/1968 #24126  
ina A boy, Sola, saw, a few meters away, a strange being, about 2.10 m tall 7/2/1968 #24129  
 passes over them, and then shoots away straight up.                        7/2/1968 #24131  
lavicencio, about three kilometers away. The object was fluctuating in colo 7/8/1968 #24159  
t darted back-and-forth, then sped away to the east. The sighting lasted te 7/8/1968 #24160  
basketball-sized object 20–50 feet away, near the ground, and constantly ch 7/13/1968 #24173  
yzed him, and he was unable to run away. They next seized him and dragged h 7/17/1968 #24186  
ute(s). Never move. Observer(s) go away.                                    7/18/1968 #24187  
see a bright object about 165 feet away. It is surrounded by reddish-orange 7/20/1968 #24193  
ject on the ground about 50 meters away. It was surrounded by dazzling beam 7/20/1968 #24194  
s rainbow beams. Paces car. Shoots away.                                    7/22/1968 #24200  
haped landed object only 20 meters away. It was brightly luminous and sitti 7/22/1968 #24202  
-shaped landed object only 65 feet away. It is luminous and sitting in the  7/22/1968 #24204  
haped landed object only 20 meters away. It was brightly luminous and sitti 7/22/1968 #24205  
ed / probe. Paralyzed / 3 men. Fly away / VW bus. / r113p159.               7/23/1968 #24207  
e disk going [to] behind trees 2km away. Fast gradual ascent going quickly  7/23/1968 #24209  
rtically. Turns horizontal. Shoots away fast.                               7/25/1968 #24221  
d near road, rose quickly and sped away; engine restarted by itself. Flying 7/25/1968 #24224  
rved at the 37 km mark, 100 meters away from the road, a luminous spot that 7/25/1968 #24227  
skinned humanoid. The humanoid ran away and was joined by a second similar  7/26/1968 #24234  
 Hums and rises / legs retract and away.                                    7/28/1968 #24240  
 was seen to land about 1,000 feet away. When they went out with a flashlig 7/28/1968 #24245  
eing about four feet tall, 50 feet away from them, that terrified them so m 7/28/1968 #24245  
tays in front of plane. Then moves away / different course.                 7/29/1968 #24249  
/ 20M altitude / 3 min. Going [to] away parallel to coast.                  7/31/1968 #24268  
 suddenly saw an oval object, 25 m away, less than 5 m above ground. In the 7/31/1968 #24269  
 suddenly saw an oval object, 25 m away, less than 5 m above ground. It had 7/31/1968 #24270  
n oval-shaped object about 75 feet away. It is sitting about 15 feet from t 7/31/1968 #24271  
ke a goblet. It was only 25 meters away. On its top it bore another such "f 7/31/1968 #24272  
g covers ears. 5m domed saucer 30m away / 15m altitude. Small figure / dome 8/1968 #24277  
s pass. 1 mile altitude. 10' wide. Away / 45°.                              8/1968 (approximate) #24278  
t circles above the house 300 feet away. A 4-foot circle of barren grass is 8/4/1968 #24295  
gar-shaped object, possibly as far away as the Adirondack Mountains more th 8/7/1968 #24307  
t-saucer hovers 5M over field 100M away. 3 rods going down. Portholes.      8/15/1968 (approximate) #24327  
ots quickly going up. Stops. Fades away....                                 8/15/1968 #24328  
 others. One of the objects breaks away and descends silently over the high 8/15/1968 #24331  
sion course. When it is 40–50 feet away it veers upward and disappears to t 8/15/1968 #24331  
r a field at 4:00 a.m., 100 meters away. It had three rods or antennae that 8/15/1968 #24333  
pses a light more than half a mile away. He thinks someone’s car has stalle 8/16/1968 #24342  
 side of it he saw about 100 yards away and hurrying toward it, two creatur 8/16/1968 #24343  
 reversed course, and finally flew away toward the south.                   8/16/1968 #24344  
ect on his right about a half-mile away and 900 feet higher. It is moving a 8/17/1968 #24346  
objects hover still / 7 minute(s). Away / amazing speed. No further details 8/19/1968 #24354  
going south low over woods. Shoots away as small plane nears.               8/19/1968 #24355  
 frequencies until the objects fly away.                                    8/22/1968 #24369  
r to the object, stopped 40 meters away from it, and then looked at it more 8/25/1968 #24377  
itness, so he pedalled his bicycle away from the site and did not watch the 8/25/1968 #24377  
then just after midnight they back away behind the mountain. Mr. and Mrs. W 8/26/1968 #24379  
a, Spain that descended 500 meters away and emitted a beam of light directe 8/28/1968 #24392  
/ truck. 20' silver-red saucer 12M away / 2M altitude. 4 legs. Small portho 8/29/1968 #24393  
 high altitude. Going west. Stops. Away extremely fast.                     8/29/1968 #24394  
celona, Spain saw a UFO 200 meters away, hovering just two meters above the 8/29/1968 #24400  
ees." It came down about 50 meters away. It was round with two black wheels 8/31/1968 #24409  
nd watched the strange figure move away backwards without taking his gaze o 8/31/1968 #24410  
MOUNTAINS, SP 4 observer(s) / 180M away. Saucer with portholes hovers and w 9/1968 #24415  
ers and wobbles. Going up [to] and away.                                    9/1968 #24415  
ing. It didn't look to be very far away (1/4 mile or more) and the witness  9/8/1968 #24439  
saucer / 150M altitude passes 500M away by Itaipu Rock.                     9/9/1968 #24444  
altitude of 2,500 feet and 2 miles away at Ste. Anne, Manitoba. They are tr 9/18/1968 #24478  
t comes to a stop. It slowly fades away by 7:15 a.m.                        9/18/1968 #24479  
 / lights / 100M altitude. Glides. Away going quickly west extremely fast.  9/24/1968 #24507  
 in the pottery yard about 16 feet away. It is a cone-shaped device about 1 9/26/1968 #24516  
E slow / 20 second(s). Then shoots away.                                    9/28/1968 #24519  
hen they both saw, about 150 yards away, a disc-shaped red-orange luminous  9/30/1968 #24527  
ce had been detected, the boys ran away.                                    9/30/1968 #24527  
 SP Driver feels profound fear. Km away sees 15cm light / air.              10/1968 #24530  
ríbio Pereira sees only a few feet away a golden cigar-shaped object hoveri 10/2/1968 #24537  
 above the ground, only a few feet away,  Next he saw a man standing on a p 10/2/1968 #24538  
bove a low building about 500 feet away. Suddenly three large gray-white li 10/5/1968 #24544  
g motion in the sky, only 150 feet away from the house. Two occupants weari 10/8/1968 #24552  
haped Ob hovers / 30M altitude 50M away. Moves off and lands / hills.       10/12/1968 #24557  
s over 2 / lakeside and going [to] away.                                    10/20/1968 #24577  
ant they estimate it is 15.5 miles away and 56 feet in diameter.            10/24/1968 #24588  
light come down and land 100 yards away from him, making a hissing sound li 11/1/1968 #24616  
e together and merging about 180 m away. Persistent nightmares and various  11/2/1968 #24623  
e together and merging about 180 m away. A vertical beam of light was aimed 11/2/1968 #24624  
ogether and merging about 590 feet away. A vertical beam of light is aimed  11/2/1968 #24625  
merging into one, about 180 meters away from his window. A vertical beam of 11/2/1968 #24626  
and lands / trees. Hums. Rises and away. Traces. Large fuse Blown.          11/14/1968 #24654  
, over 6 feet tall, only 30 meters away. Its arms were longer than normal,  11/14/1968 #24656  
, FR Grey metallic domed disk 400M away. Rotates in place. / Bruno Mazzocch 11/15/1968 (approximate) #24658  
         Hanbury, UK Rabbits moved away from hovering object (NICAP: 04 - A 11/20/1968 #24668  
rd a solitary house about 300 feet away on the right where it stops and hov 11/20/1968 #24672  
d son back into the car and speeds away from the scene.                     11/20/1968 #24672  
 bus station there, about 40 yards away, a domed metallic UFO the size of a 11/21/1968 #24676  
anged to orange-red as object flew away. Project Blue Book files, National  11/22/1968 #24681  
hen car engine stopped. Light flew away vertically and car engine restarted 11/23/1968 #24694  
 ears with its paws. The UFO moved away then, but continued to pace them do 11/25/1968 #24705  
g down. Paces car. Suddenly shoots away / extreme speed.                    12/8/1968 #24748  
 Top-shaped object paced car, sped away (Section XII). 69Unknown Paris TN 1 12/8/1968 #24751  
 Top-shaped object paced car, sped away                                     12/8/1968 #24752  
overing overhead, the craft backed away some 20 feet and descended to where 12/10/1968 #24757  
 car several times before speeding away.                                    12/15/1968 #24771  
rs over house. Saucer detaches and away.                                    12/25/1968 #24789  
man seemed to be in a hurry to get away. He boarded, after which the craft  12/28/1968 #24794  
arts. Circle Monestery. Going [to] away toward(s) Garganta LA Olla.         12/31/1968 #24797  
y) stands outside. Observers speed away.                                    12/31/1968 #24798  
 metallic pea lands behind spa 10M away. Up fast and gone.                  1/1/1969 #24812  
e scene: on a field only 30 meters away, and hovering about three meters fr 1/6/1969 #24822  
ceman" showed no concern and moved away only after picking up several rocks 1/14/1969 #24842  
k / 450M altitude. Vibrant bright. Away extremely fast.                     1/16/1969 #24851  
feet off the ground. The UFO moves away and the car drops and regains its p 1/25/1969 #24871  
ve the ground, a quarter of a mile away. The object hovered, the emitted wh 1/26/1969 #24872  
aneuvers before landing 100 meters away. Senor Gusmao left the group of inv 1/31/1969 #24882  
a “shining little tent” 500 meters away. She described it as white, looking 2/6/1969 #24898  
and descended about two kilometers away. The helicopter was seen on several 2/6/1969 #24898  
e object until he is about 33 feet away. It is a disc made of silvery metal 2/7/1969 #24901  
t with a flashlight it accelerated away at a 45-degree angle, causing the s 2/10/1969 #24910  
dd 10M object going down [to] 100M away. Man exits and walks around object. 2/17/1969 #24924  
e. He saw a UFO land about 60 feet away. The object was 12 feet wide and 15 2/20/1969 #24936  
ith an irrational fear, they drove away as quickly as possible.             2/28/1969 #24951  
 and radio quit. As the beam moved away from his truck he was able to start 3/4/1969 #24963  
ed the UFO for about 4 mi. staying away from the beam. The UFO followed the 3/4/1969 #24963  
ver. After 7–8 min. the UFO veered away and went out of sight. “I had never 3/4/1969 #24963  
s to within 6 feet. The beam moves away a bit, he tries again, and the same 3/4/1969 #24968  
appens. The UFO moves about a mile away, turns back to red, switches off th 3/4/1969 #24968  
switches off the beam, and cruises away.                                    3/4/1969 #24968  
ck lights dim. 4M saucer hovers 6M away. Door opens. Figure(s) float out.   3/6/1969 #24973  
eter wide disc hovering six meters away. A door on the craft opened and som 3/6/1969 #24979  
hief's car. Finally ascended, flew away to south (Ref. 1, Section V). (NICA 3/10/1969 #24988  
hief's car. Finally ascended, flew away to south                            3/10/1969 #24989  
lt paralyzed. After the light flew away, both the car and motorist were bac 3/11/1969 #24998  
door, he saw outside about 50 feet away a UFO 150 meters wide and 5-6 meter 3/12/1969 #25002  
low altitude. Type unknown. Shoots away miles later. No further details.    3/13/1969 #25004  
tical cylinder/cylindrical object. Away as jets scramble. / r47p81+/ r41p81 3/14/1969 #25005  
 little man near a gate ten meters away. He was standing erect and facing h 3/22/1969 #25037  
above the street only a few meters away from him. Frightened, he hurried on 3/22/1969 #25037  
haped but cannot determine how far away they are. Tukeva sees the objects a 4/12/1969 #25057  
Tukeva sees the objects accelerate away from him “at great speed.” Indeterm 4/12/1969 #25057  
 are also later reported 125 miles away in Vaasa. A second pilot-in-trainin 4/12/1969 #25057  
he object lit up the road and flew away, but came back two minutes later.   4/15/1969 #25064  
d for 3 minutes, then slowly moves away. The car then restarts without trou 4/19/1969 #25069  
 its closest the UFO is 40–50 feet away. It disappears suddenly.            4/20/1969 #25073  
ir car, then hovered just 100 feet away off to the right. Its color changed 4/20/1969 #25076  
 lights ahead, perhaps a kilometer away. As they got closer they noticed a  4/21/1969 #25079  
ground, 20 feet long, and 200 feet away. They can hear a whining noise like 4/22/1969 #25082  
r, they see it again, 100–130 feet away, apparently in the same spot. The d 4/25/1969 #25090  
e taxi, but instead he accelerated away from the park and drove straight to 4/25/1969 #25091  
d lights around the top, 200 yards away from him. The UFO was about 30 feet 4/26/1969 #25096  
 was in the air. One hundred yards away stood two humanoid beings, "taller  4/26/1969 #25096  
RZ "Concrete mixer" on road. Flies away on approach. Observer(s) nauseous.  5/1969 #25102  
ame irritated, snatched the rosary away, and showed it to the others. At th 5/4/1969 #25115  
e same manner as he had been taken away. He was released during the night.  5/4/1969 #25115  
World War I helmet) about 500 feet away. He looks away briefly, and the obj 5/11/1969 #25125  
met) about 500 feet away. He looks away briefly, and the object is gone, al 5/11/1969 #25125  
r noticed a strange figure 25 feet away. The being was the size of a man an 5/19/1969 #25148  
ght diamond follows trucks. Speeds away and back.                           5/22/1969 #25154  
tor sees a large echo some 9 miles away, which reappears for short duration 5/23/1969 #25160  
neuvers. Smaller night light flies away. Several cars electro-magnetic effe 5/31/1969 #25171  
leased a smaller sphere which flew away. Several witnesses reported that th 5/31/1969 #25175  
ange 50M object / 1M altitude 150M away. MD takes photographs. / O Dia 6 Ju 6/4/1969? #25198  
just off the ground and 150 meters away in Lavras, Brazil. Earlier that mor 6/4/1969 #25200  
. Flattens going [to] ovoid. Moves away going south!                        6/7/1969 #25206  
out 500 feet altitude and a ¼ mile away. Soon they could see that it was a  6/10/1969 #25209  
ls pace wingtips / 2500M altitude. Away and back.                           6/17/1969 #25218  
h it, but it eludes him and speeds away.                                    6/17/1969 #25221  
shaped object hovered about a mile away. See Section IV (E.L.) car (NICAP:  6/19/1969 #25224  
e was extremely bright [and] faded away at tremendous speed--much faster th 6/20/1969 #25230  
about at a low altitude, then flew away to the northeast. Their sighting la 6/23/1969 #25233  
d feels a blast of air as it moves away. The Brazilian Air Force investigat 6/26/1969 #25236  
tarts flapping her wings and flies away.                                    7/1969 #25242  
ered just above the ground 50 feet away. By the light of the rising sun he  7/1/1969 #25244  
ee a glowing object about 900 feet away. It approaches to within 180 feet a 7/4/1969 #25251  
d a craft that lights up and flies away. Within 2 days, Bermúdez loses all  7/4/1969 #25251  
aw a UFO hovering about 1,000 feet away. She described it as an oval-shaped 7/4/1969 #25254  
r. At one point she briefly looked away, and when she looked back the objec 7/4/1969 #25254  
 5 o'clock in the morning. It flew away toward the south, flying in zigzags 7/6/1969 #25259  
ed “star” over a hill about a mile away. On closer inspection, it proves to 7/11/1969 #25261  
ther and the third nearly 150 feet away. Each of them are rings of affected Mid 7/1969 #25270  
irl. Grey saucer / 3' altitude 10' away. Blinding lights going down. Trees  7/16/1969 #25271  
bject, which is only about 10 feet away, and experiences a temporary loss o 7/16/1969 #25274  
g-object / 3mi. Going quickly [to] away at home. / r79p47.                  7/21/1969 #25284  
 humanoids (or Greys) / ground 80M away Carry sticks with lights. Glowing-o 8/1969 #25303  
. Stop. Rotate. Turn going SSE and away.                                    8/12/1969 #25319  
 place, turned >SSE, and then flew away.                                    8/12/1969 #25320  
ush" on the ground about 600 yards away, in a place called "Kidnappers Hole 8/27/1969 #25333  
l in the moonlight, about 100 feet away. It was dressed in a tight-fitting  8/27/1969 #25333  
e two photographs before it speeds away. Ground Saucer Watch concludes from 8/29/1969 #25337  
ve towns and farms. The UFO speeds away when the Canberra tries to close in 8/31/1969 #25344  
ew Zealand a UFO took off and flew away to the south at 7:00 p.m. A 17 mete 9/4/1969 #25352  
 a jerky motion. Now only 500 feet away, it seems to be 20 feet in diameter 10/3/1969 #25395  
s. It shot to the north, then flew away to the south.                       10/8/1969 #25401  
nd 6-7 feet high, land not 60 feet away from him. His attention was caught  10/16/1969 #25417  
e and aft hovers over beach. Turns away.                                    10/23/1969 #25419  
gland at night. It turned and flew away.                                    10/23/1969 #25420  
 a.m., the target is only 12 miles away, and it suddenly breaks into six ta 10/24/1969 #25422  
the ship, the smaller objects move away from the larger one, three to ports 10/24/1969 #25422  
 and the large object. At 900 feet away, the officers can hear the object m 10/24/1969 #25422  
the side. When the UFO is 600 feet away, the power comes back on. The small 10/24/1969 #25422  
All 6 objects vanish about 2 miles away. At least 8 minutes have passed, wi 10/24/1969 #25422  
miles, but the objects always pull away and climb higher. Even the base com 10/24/1969 #25423  
lor as it shot up into the sky and away toward the northwest.               10/28/1969 #25429  
 lights hovering over airport sped away making high, whining sound when sec 10/30/1969 #25436  
 lights hovering over airport sped away making high, whining sound when sec 10/30/1969 #25437  
turbance in the brush some 60 feet away in a flattened area of mine tailing 10/30/1969 #25439  
close. Hover / 3 minute(s). Shoots away.                                    12/5/1969 #25485  
flat bottom hovering some distance away. The bottom opened slowly and from  12/27/1969 #25510  
nd rocks. Turns 25° going east and away. 6 photographs. News.               12/29/1969 #25513  
 After 4–5 minutes, the ball moves away and creates a vortex, causing stone Early 1970 #25524  
h / curved beam / light. Rises and away.                                    1/1/1970 #25529  
60 feet off the ground and 40 feet away. It has a row of lights around its  1/1/1970 #25532  
rs, both men can see, only 10 feet away, a 3-foot tall humanoid creature st 1/7/1970 #25540  
d both men could see, only 10 feet away, a three foot tall little man on th 1/7/1970 #25541  
which ended when the objects moved away at high speed. The headlights did n 1/30/1970 #25565  
. Big light and rises silently and away.                                    2/1970 #25568  
pool on the roadway, and then shot away vertically into the sky.            4/9/1970 #25627  
ng northeast. Brightens and shoots away extremely fast.                     5/7/1970 #25656  
all held at arm's length. It moved away to the northeast.                   5/7/1970 #25657  
bit each other / 2 min. Stop dead. Away / opposite directions.              5/14/1970 #25661  
ion. After a short time, they move away from each other, then the light mov 5/14/1970 #25662  
its lone cloud. Spirals 360° / 15s away.                                    6/1970 #25682  
 to run very rapidly down the road away from the village. Two trucks passed 6/4/1970 #25690  
ed with the car. It veered sharply away. It had many colors, mostly green.  6/7/1970 #25694  
aland, saw a figure about 20 yards away from him while working on a car. It 6/21/1970 #25704  
 This periscope device was pointed away from the observer to the north, tow 6/21/1970 #25704  
et, as if fatigued. Foster glanced away thinking it was perhaps a mailman,  6/21/1970 #25704  
e land on the ocean 700-1000 yards away, throwing spray up on all sides. It 6/27/1970 #25716  
a, Florida. It came down 1000 feet away and to the right of the car and pur 6/29/1970 #25721  
 swimming pool about one-half mile away when they see 3 silvery discs flyin 7/1970 #25723  
ussia. Suddenly, about a half-mile away a dome of water rises up and a gray 8/1970 #25765  
another 90 seconds before they row away, but the object moves away at reat  8/1970 #25765  
hey row away, but the object moves away at reat speed and disappears. The b 8/1970 #25765  
overing in the sky only ten meters away, perpendicular to the ground, which 8/5/1970 #25770  
p 12 hours later, he was 140 miles away from his home.                      8/5/1970 #25771  
t takes about 5 minutes. It speeds away vertically.                         8/13/1970 #25782  
 side of the road. The object flew away as they approached, and their car h 8/16/1970 #25790  
then it rose into the sky and flew away.                                    8/16/1970 #25790  
r multi-colored lights. A few feet away stood a tall man dressed in a dark  8/16/1970 #25791  
rmally again after the object flew away.                                    8/16/1970 #25792  
The boys became frightened and ran away.                                    8/19/1970 #25796  
 capture the entities but they got away. That evening the young son of a lo 8/20/1970 #25799  
a house and then turned and walked away, side-by-side, to a nearby railroad 8/24/1970 #25802  
bject is about a quarter of a mile away and looks like a squared-off connin 8/30/1970 #25814  
ed it as about a quarter of a mile away, looking like "a garbage can lid wi 8/30/1970 #25815  
ar-old Valeria was upset and drove away from her house with her brother. Th 9/7/1970 #25828  
1000' altitude below overcast. 1K' away. Sparks. Vanishes.                  9/10/1970 #25834  
he west, then turned back and shot away toward the east.                    9/28/1970 #25858  
 1 sees classic silver saucer zoom away. Extremely fast. / FSRv17#3.        10/20/1970 #25883  
approaching from about a half-mile away. When it lands 150 feet from them,  10/24/1970 #25885  
site. The object has moved farther away and is hovering above the ground. A 10/24/1970 #25885  
tically from the ground and speeds away to the northwest.                   10/24/1970 #25885  
ran back to the car. As they drove away they noticed a silver-suited figure 10/24/1970 #25886  
y accelerated the vehicle and sped away. Later one of them returned and saw 10/24/1970 #25886  
s above a truck parked a half-mile away. When he comes alongside the truck, 11/1/1970 #25898  
left side of his car about 30 feet away and almost on the ground. Wilkinson 11/1/1970 #25898  
 west. Stops. Rises. Shoots up and away going quickly northwest / high-spee 11/6/1970 #25903  
ght hovers / docks. Slow then fast away. Some skeptical.                    11/16/1970 #25905  
(s). Silver dome circles and flies away. / Nigel Watson.                    11/20/1970 #25910  
e sky over the town, and then flew away.                                    11/20/1970 #25912  
e" drop from the object and scurry away into the woods before the UFO depar 12/7/1970 #25934  
und / kitchen. Hums and maneuvers. Away through open window.                12/29/1970 #25955  
n object, large parts being driven away on flatbeds, special access by Broo 1/1971 #25962  
en personnel, county police turned away by men in black jumpsuits and multi 1/1971 #25962  
d by a huge fireball about 60 feet away, which rises up and disappears afte 1/3/1971 #25972  
 of light  for 13 minutes. It flew away when the car stopped.               1/5/1971 #25978  
 Saturn saucer with 2 antennas 30m away. Lands / maize. Tree dies.          1/8/1971 #25985  
antennae. The UFO landed 30 meters away from them in a field of maize. It m 1/8/1971 #25987  
ling sound as it took off and sped away. A tree in the vicinity subsequentl 1/8/1971 #25987  
 side and then sped rapidly up and away.                                    1/22/1971 #25996  
 driver stopped his car and backed away. The ball of light changed color fr 1/26/1971 #26003  
, descending in a clearing 50 feet away. As it landed, a little entity just 2/5/1971 #26013  
ject descend to a clearing 50 feet away. As it lands, a small entity just u 2/5/1971 #26014  
ur thin legs in a clearing 50 feet away. After it landed a short entity jus 2/5/1971 #26015  
e middle of the road about 50 feet away. "I couldn't see his face; there wa 2/16/1971 #26021  
sees night light blink on and off. Away extremely fast.                     2/17/1971 #26023  
and wobbles / 30 minute(s). Shoots away.                                    3/3/1971 #26041  
l watched as the UFO suddenly shot away at high speed. Moments later one of 3/25/1971 #26054  
hanged directions and began moving away quickly. Seconds later the men hear 3/25/1971 #26054  
blinking white lights. It streaked away and was gone in a few seconds.      3/27/1971 #26056  
htened but largely unhurt, he runs away and his wife pursues him. She takes 4/2/1971 #26064  
ative, cut and bruised, seven feet away from the smashed glass. This strang 4/2/1971 #26065  
nd over a ploughed field, 80 yards away. It was 25-30 feet in diameter and  4/14/1971 #26073  
 in height. Frightened, they drove away quickly.                            4/14/1971 #26073  
 stop the taxi, but he accelerated away and drove them straight to her home 4/24/1971 #26081  
 which lands and the other two fly away. A door opens on the landed vehicle 5/1971 #26091  
for 4–5 minutes. As she is cycling away, the object takes off, turning in a 5/1971 #26092  
uvered in the sky, and then arched away to the west. The photographer's nam 5/1/1971 #26095  
d near house / 2 minute(s). Weaves away. Other report(s). = 19 May?         5/12/1971 (approximate) #26106  
 motion through the sky as it flew away.                                    5/12/1971 #26107  
nded with a bounce, about 100 feet away. The silvery UFO was higher than it 5/15/1971 #26111  
 in the sky over Penrose; it moved away and down slowly for 5 minutes.      5/19/1971 #26117  
 car forward and the witness drove away as fast as he could. He then drove  5/21/1971 #26121  
rn-shaped object about a half-mile away to the south. Griehl goes to retrie 5/24/1971 #26130  
ance on top. At one point it moves away to the northeast and disappears for 5/24/1971 #26130  
appears even closer, only 130 feet away. It remains stationary for 10 secon 5/24/1971 #26130  
lose to the highway only 30 meters away, and it approached slowly and bathe 5/25/1971 #26137  
as it passed over. When 110 meters away from the object her car's power cam 5/25/1971 #26137  
to an invisible barrier ten meters away from it, that knocked him down and  5/27/1971 #26139  
rge chalk quarry about half a mile away. The object was shaped like an over 5/30/1971 #26145  
otates. Rays / light. Follows car. Away / extreme speed/velocity.           5/31/1971 #26146  
dart-cigars going quickly west 90M away! No contrails.                      6/5/1971 #26156  
 The objects passed only 90 meters away from the aircraft, and left no cont 6/5/1971 #26158  
that she judged was about 200 feet away, illuminated from within by a white 6/9/1971 #26165  
         MULHOUSE, FR Saucer tilts away / 15M altitude. Levels off. Lights  6/25/1971 #26192  
ut in the sky like a moth. It shot away toward the northeast.               7/6/1971 #26209  
rtholes / edge near ground. Turns. Away fast. / r30p365.                    7/8/1971 #26213  
 at 6:30 a.m. It turned, then shot away fast.                               7/8/1971 #26217  
toward the boy's tent. The farther away the figure went, the less distinct  7/8/1971 #26218  
ows. Retracts wings and going [to] away. Back / 18 th.                      7/17/1971 #26233  
w hovering about one- quarter mile away at an altitude of 1,000 feet. After 7/17/1971 #26234  
m at high speed and stops 300 feet away at a height of 100 feet. The object 7/17/1971 #26234  
s plane / 20 minute(s) going west. Away extremely fast. / FSRv18#6+/ r41p13 8/9/1971 #26275  
20 minutes, and then suddenly sped away. The private pilot was a 24-year-ol 8/9/1971 #26278  
see the larger metallic object fly away. It flew at an incredible speed in  8/11/1971 #26280  
ng standing there, only three feet away from him. The being had a medium bu 8/16/1971 #26291  
brains" on the road about six feet away. Of a bluish color, a localized mis 8/17/1971 #26293  
ghts, which hovered only 100 yards away from them.                          8/20/1971 #26297  
o-magnetic effects). 4M saucer 15M away. Shoots going quickly southwest beh 8/23/1971 #26298  
anished, then reappeared 15 meters away, then moved off behind some trees.  8/23/1971 #26301  
t on its lower right edge. It sped away and was lost to view went it passed 8/30/1971 #26306  
er zigzags into wind. 90° turn and away.                                    9/8/1971 #26323  
 It made a 90 degree turn and flew away. It was completely silent.          9/8/1971 #26325  
 near an abandoned well 1,000 feet away. More than 50 “soldiers” in blue “u 9/12/1971? #26330  
the object only about 150–225 feet away. It is shaped like two saucers, one 9/19/1971 #26347  
ver saw a black object 1000 meters away rise from a field and fly off towar 9/20/1971 #26356  
over the sea, as close as 150 feet away. When he shone his motorcycle's hig 9/22/1971 #26363  
s them. They scaled a fence to get away, but the creature did as well. Late 9/25/1971 #26380  
er altitude, rose again, then shot away to the west.                        9/25/1971 #26381  
 a transparent helmet. It "glided" away over a fence, but later returned wi 9/30/1971 #26388  
adio Frequency Interference (RFI). Away fast. / r79p52.                     10/1971 (approximate) #26394  
cross the street some 260–300 feet away. They run out into the street to al 10/2/1971 #26400  
 oscillated up and down, then sped away. On the same day two disc-shaped ob 10/3/1971 #26405  
 barrel glides over. Stops. Shoots away.                                    10/16/1971 #26426  
 his car, got in, and quickly sped away.                                    10/28/1971 #26438  
eaned toward the witness, 200 feet away, revealing a disk silhouette. The w 10/31/1971 #26442  
witness got scared, then it backed away, and floated out of sight.          10/31/1971 #26442  
a rumbling sound and sees (75 feet away in a small grove of trees) an objec 11/2/1971 #26449  
feet above the ground only 75 feet away from him in a sheep paddock. Ron es 11/2/1971 #26450  
s were estimated to be half a mile away. They vanished like a light switch  11/13/1971 #26469  
bove the ocean and about 700 yards away from the two military witnesses. Th 11/14/1971 #26472  
oid responds / flashlight signals. Away and back several X.                 12/7/1971 #26491  
loat through some trees, 20 meters away. The creature had large pointed ear 12/14/1971 #26502  
seated inside. The craft then flew away.                                    12/20/1971 #26510  
es saw a domed disc land 50 meters away, making a “sizzling” sound. A door  12/31/1971 #26525  
ion. Rumbles and flames and shoots away.                                    1/1/1972 #26536  
ng sound, ejected flames, and shot away.                                    1/1/1972 #26537  
10 feet above the tracks, 300 feet away. It rose vertically, then descended 1/5/1972 #26541  
in his clothes and hair, and threw away his clothes. Three nights later he  1/26/1972 #26556  
Triangular object chased / planes. Away extremely fast.                     2/4/1972 (approximate) #26563  
ield for ten minutes. It then shot away to the north.                       2/10/1972 #26569  
 red light landed about 200 meters away. APRO Bulletin, May-June, 1972 (E)  3/10/1972 #26596  
from the sky, then land 200 meters away. It had a red ball of light on top  3/10/1972 #26599  
pted to leave the scene by driving away. This effect lasted for the first 2 3/10/1972 #26599  
in the under part" about 100 yards away. Three men with very broad shoulder 3/16/1972 #26606  
ated for 30 feet, and then "hurled away" with a scraping noise to the wouth 3/25/1972 #26623  
ming from an object about 130 feet away. It is about 130 feet across, partl 4/1/1972 #26633  
ain, and turns on edge as it moves away. As soon as it leaves, the vehicle’ 4/1/1972 #26633  
s. Shoots rays all over/all about. Away quickly going up.                   4/5/1972 #26636  
ed there for a minute, then backed away very slowly. It curved away to the  4/15/1972 #26647  
backed away very slowly. It curved away to the north-northwest, and then we 4/15/1972 #26647  
 ball of light (BOL) sped up, flew away fast to the northeast.              4/27/1972 #26663  
-bottle hovers / 40cm altitude 12M away! Glows. Quickly going up [to] and g 5/1972 #26665  
isc settle to the ground 100 yards away. Mr. Lestin got out of the car and  5/2/1972 #26669  
g south / 600mph. Instant 90° turn away.                                    5/5/1972 (approximate) #26670  
 owned by one of the witnesses ran away.                                    5/13/1972 #26682  
oad (the craft was about 30 meters away from a fence line, which was 5 mete 6/1/1972 #26696  
 Streaks quickly going up [to] and away.                                    6/4/1972 #26699  
minutes, then shot straight up and away. Later that same day shortly after  6/4/1972 #26701  
 over road and ditch and trees and away. Absolute(ly) silent. / r50p37.     6/9/1972 #26708  
red over a ditch and finally moved away silently at treetop height.         6/9/1972 #26711  
till hovering. As the object moves away, Smit fires at it an eighth time; t 6/26/1972 #26735  
ppears and reappears about 60 feet away looking gunmetal gray in color and  6/26/1972 #26735  
 two final shots, the object moves away through the trees around noon. The  6/26/1972 #26735  
tially behind some brush 200 yards away was a glowing egg-shaped UFO. He we 6/26/1972 #26736  
eensburg, Pennsylvania. Forty feet away from the carcass was a six-foot wid 7/13/1972 #26794  
s evening. She tried to accelerate away from the object, but her car's engi 7/25/1972 #26834  
ps down. Quickly going up [to] and away. / NICAP 12'72.                     7/27/1972 #26838  
hovered. Object turned and flashed away at high speed. At this time there w 8/1/1972 #26866  
s. It was between 100 and 500 feet away, and the sighting lasted five minut 8/5/1972 #26876  
end of the object. If finally flew away at 11:03 p.m. towards the west.     8/6/1972 #26881  
an to their car and began to drive away when a giant creature resembling an 8/6/1972 #26882  
on got back into the car and drove away, stopping at a field outside the fo 8/6/1972 #26882  
and 2. Saucer seems 2' wide 1 mile away / 1 mile altitude.                  8/8/1972 (approximate) #26884  
ystack on their left about 30 feet away. A small red light is moving haphaz 8/12/1972 #26911  
"stifling" silence. About 50 yards away from them Alvarez saw two strange,  8/18/1972 #26928  
5' red fireball hovers. Going [to] away / 2500mph and more.                 8/20/1972 #26936  
ar object / 8M altitude. Beeps and away. Car starts / lights out.           8/21/1972 #26941  
ing lifted up, from his two sides, away from the craft. He believes that th 8/26/1972 #26956  
ng southwest across sky. Tilts and away.                                    8/27/1972 #26960  
ard on the Odaia hill about 1 mile away. A couple days later, Cărăbuş and o Early 9/1972 #26975  
re(s) exit UFO / ground. Take goat away. (Looked paralyzed.)                9/16/1972 (approximate) #27005  
ophysicist. Radiant object hovers. Away very fast. Changes shape.           9/20/1972 #27014  
asses over him, then the UFO races away. (                                  9/20/1972 #27016  
 normal spontaneously. As he drove away Gomez saw the three men approach an 9/22/1972 #27026  
60M altitude. Instant acceleration away. / NICAP 12'72.                     9/29/1972 #27040  
GO Small humanoids (or Greys) 150M away. Back / 2130h with others and phony 10/7/1972 #27054  
es and face him from about 89 feet away. He raises his gun to shoot but fee 10/28/1972 #27095  
 the object took off, then it flew away silently.                           10/28/1972 #27097  
oes northwest going southeast 500M away / low altitude.                     10/29/1972 #27099  
d sees a white blob about 100 feet away hovering above some trees. It is ab 11/10/1972 #27116  
ance. After a few seconds it zooms away at about 100 mph in a straight line 11/10/1972 #27116  
on Sognefjord, Norway, as it heads away from Mårenlandet toward the fjord’s 11/20/1972 #27129  
UFO land in a snowy field 700 feet away.  Three four-foot tall, square-shou 11/28/1972 #27151  
sly sitting on the ground 148 feet away in a paddock. His car radio starts  11/30/1972 #27154  
as sitting on the ground 45 meters away in a paddock. The car radio made a  11/30/1972 #27155  
ct crosses road / 15m altitude 60M away! Long yellow tail.                  12/2/1972 #27159  
xaggeratedly at each step. They go away, but the big object remains on the  12/13/1972 #27176  
 again to a blue-green, then moved away, sinking to a height of only 12-20  12/30/1972 #27193  
ears. 'Force field' throws girl 3M away!                                    12/31/1972 #27195  
 low altitude. The observers drove away frightened.                         1/14/1973 #27235  
ok. They see lights about 600 feet away from the road hovering over an open 2/21/1973 #27305  
s of two small bipeds, a few yards away from each other. The tracks were sh 2/26/1973 #27318  
an/entity / odd suit exits. Glides away.                                    3/13/1973 #27340  
ook off. Herrera was about 50 feet away from it at the time. He took what h 3/13/1973 #27343  
tary base at Florennes a few miles away, the humanoid figure was imaginary, 3/20/1973 #27352  
 the nearest house some 100 meters away. The UFO approached silently from t 3/20/1973 #27353  
cer emerges / lake near dam. Flies away. / St. Louis globe.                 3/21/1973 #27354  
 saucer tilts. Follows car. Shoots away near town. / r232'75#1.             3/24/1973 #27369  
ns, France and some 250-300 meters away from the road, they saw a luminous  3/24/1973 #27373  
in the field, was about 200 meters away. A triangular beam of light emerged 3/24/1973 #27373  
level. The first saw it 300 meters away and it later approached to within 5 3/24/1973 #27373  
 near Songeons only 250-300 meters away. The light diminished in intensity, 3/25/1973 #27376  
n in another field about 200 yards away. From its base emerged a triangular 3/25/1973 #27376  
l, which was first seen 300 meters away and later approached to within 50 m 3/25/1973 #27376  
tude. Lights glow. Buzzes / moving away.                                    3/28/1973 #27384  
a slight buzzing sound as it moves away.                                    3/28/1973 #27385  
ng capsules submerge / sea. Up and away / extremely fast.                   3/29/1973 #27388  
xtra unidentified blimps maneuver. Away at impossible speed.                4/10/1973 #27419  
chase night light. 180-turn. Fades away in place! / r31p18.                 4/12/1973 #27424  
ject, no more than a hundred yards away, was about 400 yards west of the po 4/15/1973 #27431  
ds small fast night light / shoots away.                                    5/6/1973 #27468  
ights hovers / 20 minute(s). Fades away.                                    5/14/1973 #27484  
oke to the children, now 50 meters away, saying "Hello, are you still there 5/15/1973 #27492  
itness not to be afraid and to put away his gun, saying that he was "not of 5/16/1973 #27496  
 light shone on him "and then drew away, carrying the man with it", he disa 5/16/1973 #27496  
a bright disc with a dome 165 feet away over the sea. It hovers at a height 5/18/1973 #27506  
urning up again in Colatina 700 km away. Under regressive hypnosis he descr 5/22/1973 #27519  
me to a stop only a short distance away from them. At first he thought they 5/22/1973 #27520  
passed low over the other side and away.                                    5/23/1973 #27522  
und floor in the back some 50 feet away. The object is white-metallic and l 5/27/1973 #27533  
 then after a few minutes it moves away beyond the horizon. Mrs. Geni goes  5/27/1973 #27533  
e can’t even see a cupboard 3 feet away from her. Outside, her horse is goi 6/4/1973 #27549  
ers in tree / 15 minute(s). Shoots away.                                    6/6/1973 #27551  
all" approached, stopped 50 meters away, prickling sensation felt, later in 6/7/1973 #27556  
 toward them and stopped 50 meters away. It was 15 feet in diameter and gav 6/7/1973 #27557  
c cylinder/cigar-shape hovers 100M away. Silent. Then going northeast slowl 6/19/1973 #27572  
 apart from each other and 50 feet away from his window. The beams disappea 6/28/1973 #27598  
he bright lights. The object moves away to 200 feet from the window and hov 6/28/1973 #27598  
ery-white light beams only 50 feet away from their mobile home in Columbia, 6/28/1973 #27599  
i. As they watched the beams faded away revealing a 15-foot long oval objec 6/28/1973 #27599  
ortholes / side. Going up [to] and away. / r30.                             7/7/1973 (approximate) #27620  
s 200 feet in diameter and 3 miles away and has been paralleling their cour 7/25/1973 #27650  
e roof, and when it is only 5 feet away, one of the witnesses yells for it  8/1973 #27672  
 stops, hovers briefly, and shoots away straight upward. One of the witness 8/1973 #27672  
heat. When his dog barks, he backs away. The object waits a moment, then sl 8/1973 #27672  
ature was said to be about 40 feet away, and the presence of a strong odor  8/14/1973 #27702  
look, but the figure quickly faded away, leaving behind a strong sulfur lik 8/16/1973 #27706  
red glowing eyes. The creature ran away screaming like a man in pain.       8/17/1973 #27709  
dows. It then leveled off and flew away.                                    8/20/1973 #27717  
rcle and maneuver / 3 hours. Shoot away / SL. / r156#17p5.                  8/24/1973 #27721  
ections, then accelerated and sped away toward the north.                   9/2/1973 #27749  
 in a resonant voice; "Move on! Go away!" McClure shouted, "Will you harm u 9/9/1973 #27794  
to the left side apparently 2-3 km away. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)   9/13/1973 #27814  
the left side, some 2-3 kilometers away. When the driver blinked the headli 9/13/1973 #27815  
 luminosity diminished and it flew away, rising gradually in a slight curve 9/14/1973 #27823  
urn going northwest to follow jet. Away going quickly west.                 9/26/1973 #27869  
edge of the clearing some 100 feet away. As he grabbed something from the g 9/27/1973 #27879  
olds 3 legs and lands. Ramp drops. Away / observer(s) heard. / r98#261.     9/30/1973 #27889  
m. Slits for eyes and mouths. Fade away.                                    10/3/1973 #27920  
 near the road. It was 80-100 feet away and was swaying back and forth 10 f 10/4/1973 #27936  
0 feet altitude, turned, then shot away leaving a vapor trail.              10/5/1973 #27953  
e a "tent" about a third of a mile away. A second, smaller object emerged f 10/6/1973 #27961  
dlights die. When the object moves away, the lights and radio come back, bu 10/8/1973 #27966  
hind the trees and come up and fly away...as if you startled it or somethin 10/10/1973 #27984  
ssippi Press Register a few blocks away, but it is closed. So they call the 10/11/1973 #27997  
 motion around it. It slowly moves away.                                    10/11/1973 #27999  
 just off the ground about 30 feet away from them. The craft had two window 10/11/1973 #28005  
n stood in a semi-circle, ten feet away form the van door. One of the seven 10/14/1973 #28031  
 mile(s). Respond / spotlight. Zip away. / r181p22.                         10/15/1973 #28041  
(s). Silent UFO / treetops. Glides away when gas station lights go on.      10/15/1973 #28043  
omed saucer / 200' altitude / 300' away. Turns into airplane and goes!      10/15/1973? #28045  
 white head cross the road 50 feet away from him. Claw-like tracks were fou 10/15/1973 #28061  
w, and gold rings around it moving away to south. (UFOE II, Section VIII) ( 10/16/1973 #28077  
es to within 200 feet before going away. The object is about 20 feet in dia 10/16/1973 #28085  
 feet above the ground a 1000 feet away. It was about four feet tall and th 10/16/1973 #28091  
ng to within 200 feet before going away. It was about 20 feet in diameter a 10/16/1973 #28091  
TN 2 cops. 3 cigars over house 90' away. 1 lands / schoolyard. Follows plan 10/17/1973 #28100  
 police car light. The figure runs away and although Greenhaw pursues it in 10/17/1973 #28133  
robot toward the car. When 10 feet away it turned and began running. The Ch 10/17/1973 #28142  
ferent positions / one hour. Drift away going south. / r201p81.             10/18/1973 #28146  
r/cigar-shape 20' over ground 300' away. Flies going south / separate / obs 10/18/1973 #28152  
ops. 4M round object lands. Up and away. Rotating red and white and blue li 10/18/1973 #28156  
A green hazy cloud was seen moving away. Several other reports of objects w 10/18/1973 #28174  
eld on tripod legs, approx. 300 ft away. The object was saucer-shaped with  10/19/1973 #28189  
d. After about 5 minutes, it moves away quickly.                            10/20/1973 #28214  
overing at treetop height 300 feet away.                                    10/20/1973 #28215  
ght in the rear seems to be moving away, and the blocking system turns to a 10/20/1973 #28216  
 clawed creature reacted by racing away from the scene, literally tearing a 10/20/1973 #28222  
n a nearby warehouse only 150 feet away, although firemen can locate nothin 10/21/1973 #28228  
at down. The fourth time, they fly away, still standing erectly.            10/22/1973 #28241  
 extra moon goes behind trees 300' away going quickly east.                 10/24/1973 #28256  
ar object over bay. Suddenly fades away in sight.                           10/24/1973 #28261  
glow ovoid hovers over car. Speeds away. / Grayson Journal..                10/25/1973 #28277  
 Shoots quickly going down. Turns. Away / 5 second(s). / News-Argus.        10/25/1973 #28281  
w a farmhouse several hundred feet away suddenly light up like daylight for 10/25/1973 #28286  
on/depot/facility. Power brownout. Away fast. Photographs.                  10/26/1973 #28293  
d wakes up in a railyard 5.5 miles away, then finds himself in a hospital.  10/28/1973 #28309  
er the surface of a pond 100 yards away. Balvidares went to the pond and ca 10/29/1973 #28319  
osite shore of the pond, 300 yards away." (Continued.) There were two men a 10/29/1973 #28319  
and his wife saw, about 400 meters away something that looked like a railwa 10/31/1973 #28326  
ect is now only a few hundred feet away, and through a window she sees a sm 11/2/1973 #28352  
t for 5–10 minutes before it moves away to the southeast. Steinberg tries t 11/6/1973 #28375  
 that he repeatedly had to beat it away from his boat with an oar.          11/6/1973 #28377  
g as if to land less than 200 feet away. (Marlin Daily Democrat, Texas, Nov 11/8/1973 #28388  
Suddenly quickly going up [to] and away.                                    11/9/1973 #28396  
es tall, dressed in white. Further away they see an unconventional craft. T Mid 11/1973 #28424  
he beings run to the UFO and speed away. Marks are found at the landing sit Mid 11/1973 #28424  
re now frightened and start to run away as the object takes off toward the  11/16/1973 #28434  
 on three supports about 60 meters away. The other lights disappeared. This 11/18/1973 #28443  
from Bogota, Columbia. He had been away for about 26 hours.                 11/18/1973 #28443  
 the UFO paced them only 30 meters away for the next ten minutes. Faques, t 11/19/1973 #28449  
ned normally after the object sped away, but its new battery failed three d 11/19/1973 #28449  
ssouri at 9:30 p.m. Their dogs ran away, past some cattle, and jumped into  11/26/1973 #28468  
to get out. When the hunters drove away the UFO silently paced their truck  11/26/1973 #28468  
unter. Classic 6m saucer lands 50m away. 2 figure(s) take samples / ground. 11/27/1973 (approximate) #28469  
d at 500 feet altitude, then moved away quickly to the left.                11/29/1973 #28483  
es horizontal bar. Suddenly shoots away. No planes down.                    11/30/1973 #28486  
per aircraft. The object zigzagged away at 5,000 km/hour.                   11/30/1973 #28491  
treaks from the short end. It shot away to the southeast at a very high spe 12/1/1973 #28497  
 20 minute(s). Going southwest and away when approached.                    12/3/1973 #28513  
only 20 meters from the ground fly away toward the southwest. (NICAP: 02 -  12/10/1973 #28548  
only 20 meters from the ground fly away toward the southwest. Two hours aft 12/10/1973 #28553  
w a strange being standing 15 feet away. He was of normal height, but wore  12/12/1973 #28559  
ee, Pas-de-Calais, France. It shot away very fast toward the west, making n 12/13/1973 #28569  
). Phony helicopter hovers. Shoots away / impossibly. / BFJ v4#3p28.        12/15/1973 #28575  
jects hover and maneuver and loop. Away and back. Going quickly east.       12/19/1973 #28583  
harmeil Airport, France. They flew away and came back briefly, then left go 12/19/1973 #28588  
ound, yellow-gold lights. It fades away after 75 minutes.                   12/20/1973 #28591  
R Grocer. Cylinder/cigar-shape 80M away. Cops find inexplicable traces.     12/29/1973 #28613  
inding themselves in Ilam 12 miles away. Seconds later there is another bum 1/3/1974 #28641  
turned off its lights when it flew away. At shortly after 7:00 p.m. a UFO h 1/4/1974 #28644  
o a pool of water. It then waddled away and climbed aboard the UFO, which r 1/6/1974 #28654  
 He saw a landed object 150 meters away in a field to his right. The UFO wa 1/7/1974 #28661  
M ovoid blinks / 20M altitude 200M away. Nears. Going quickly [to] and < <. 1/8/1974 #28663  
the ground recorded up to 60 miles away. Astronomers at Leicester Universit 1/23/1974 #28694  
xit and circle luminous ovoid 100M away. Going quickly northwest toward(s)  2/1974 #28720  
 / beams. Zigzags. Going southwest away / road.                             2/1974 (approximate) #28722  
w, who lives in a trailer 100 feet away, hears the shot, grabs a revolver,  2/6/1974 #28742  
 total darkness.” About 1,500 feet away, a red, flashing light hovers above 2/6/1974 #28742  
 Dark rectangle / 20M altitude 70M away. White lights / sides and orange li 2/9/1974 #28750  
lled maneuvers. Going quickly [to] away extremely fast.                     2/13/1974 #28760  
ontrolled maneuvers, and then shot away fast.                               2/13/1974 #28765  
truck. When the tow truck hauls it away, the rear wheels fall off. It needs 2/14/1974 #28772  
southwest. Portholes. 90° turn and away fast. / r30p448.                    2/21/1974 #28783  
 its pad. Meanwhile, the UFO moves away straight up at high speed. An F-106 3/1974 #28830  
ns in its pad.  The UAP then moves away from Romeo-29 vertically at high sp 3/1974 #28831  
8km. Small fireball splits off and away. Motor trouble.                     3/1/1974 #28833  
 seen over a hill about 500 meters away. A blue glow illuminated the countr 3/1/1974 #28841  
rd of cows some five hundred yards away. Only one cow paid any attention to 3/1/1974 #28842  
hen rejoin the others as they flew away. By that time her husband had reach 3/1/1974 #28842  
lowly and changed shape, then flew away to the east at a high rate of speed 3/7/1974 #28867  
80M altitude. Turns going west and away / Le Progres.                       3/13/1974 #28875  
pshade saucer stops nearby. Shoots away. / GUB#7.                           3/13/1974 #28877  
 it for several minutes, then sped away                                     3/13/1974 #28879  
it for several minutes, then speed away.                                    3/13/1974 #28880  
ing off from a spot about 400 feet away. It had a brilliant yellow base sep 3/15/1974 #28891  
ERENA, SP 1 / window. 2M saucer 4M away hovers / 1M altitude. 2 helmeted he 3/19/1974 #28910  
ter diameter disc only four meters away from the house. Two helmeted heads  3/19/1974 #28911  
tic on his car's radio as he drove away.                                    3/20/1974 #28915  
ned on foot, hiding about 9 meters away. He saw the figures digging into th 3/21/1974 #28921  
its chase observer(s). Reboard and away. / r113p139.                        3/22/1974 #28923  
ed by another man a short distance away. The Swedish Home Guard assigns 50  3/23/1974 #28936  
. Moves and stops again. Flash and away. / r30p480.                         3/26/1974 #28954  
aderos, Salamanca, Spain, 650 feet away. Another object is 60 feet away. Tw 3/26/1974 #28956  
et away. Another object is 60 feet away. Two beings come out of the first U 3/26/1974 #28956  
then go in again. Both objects fly away. At 11:30 p.m., the same witness wa 3/26/1974 #28956  
 motionless, was seen 15-20 meters away. Two beings came out of the first v 3/26/1974 #28957  
side again, and both vehicles flew away. At 11:30 p.m. the same witness wit 3/26/1974 #28957  
ght path until it gets to 500 feet away. It stops, and within moments a tid 3/29/1974 #28968  
aucer crosses highway near. Loops. Away / very fast. Absolute(ly) silent. / 3/30/1974 #28969  
quit, lights went out. Object flew away with whistling sound, car then func 3/30/1974 #28972  
, the UFO rises silently and moves away horizontally. It makes a soft buzzi 3/30/1974 #28973  
e lights went out. The object flew away making a whistling sound, and the c 3/30/1974 #28974  
ch and climbs on top! Reboards and away.                                    4/1974 #28980  
ity Police dormitory about 2 miles away. The next day, other security perso 4/1974 #28983  
. 3 photographs = big news. Shoots away.                                    4/1/1974 #28985  
proaches the couple and they drive away quickly, but it follows them for 47 Early 4/1974 #28990  
nues to bother them, so they drive away from the Wigwam. Soon they are foll Early 4/1974 #28990  
vers over car. High-pitched whine. Away / incredible speed.                 4/8/1974 #28998  
und. Stays / 5 minute(s) and flies away. Type unknown.                      4/12/1974 #29005  
ed for five minutes, and then flew away.                                    4/12/1974 #29008  
eel a blast of air. The UFO speeds away, continuing to whistle.             4/16/1974 #29040  
 the object then took off and flew away.                                    4/16/1974 #29042  
made a loud noise, then zig-zagged away. There were two witnesses named Van 4/21/1974 #29055  
vering by three witnesses. It shot away to the south. It was back again at  4/21/1974 #29055  
duction. Medical exam. Found 500mi away 7 days later. / r82p70.             4/26/1974 #29063  
, but the object is already moving away. He follows it around a corner of t 5/1974 #29074  
he depot fence line about 300 feet away. The light now looks like a domed d 5/1974 #29075  
 his uncle's house, only 20 meters away, and succeeded in reaching it. The  5/1/1974 #29078  
f of Building no. 1 about 150 feet away. Four silver-colored legs emerge fr 5/5/1974 #29085  
 first figure re-appeared 50 yards away from its original position and stoo 5/11/1974 #29100  
e sky that was a quarter of a mile away from them in Hillsborough, New Hamp 5/19/1974 #29114  
landed on the beach about 80 yards away. It had a domed bulge above and bel 5/20/1974 #29120  
 red lights in the field that flew away when he approached. Mr. Rias suffer 5/26/1974 #29136  
ucer lands / hill. Rises spins and away. Grey crud found. / Flying Saucer R 5/28/1974 #29139  
ted on its central axis, and moved away rapidly. A grayish residue was foun 5/28/1974 #29143  
ect with a cupola, only 150 meters away from him. He estimated it was 2.5 m 5/29/1974 #29144  
se to flashlight signals, but flew away when a car attempted to approach it 6/3/1974 #29159  
nd behind some trees several miles away. At around three o'clock in the mor 6/8/1974 #29173  
me down the chute, and were driven away by normal looking men, accompanied  6/8/1974 #29173  
ngth. Responds / headlights. Fades away.                                    6/13/1974 #29185  
to be vibrating in place, and flew away to the north.                       6/13/1974 #29186  
arallel to the road about 210 feet away to the right. When he switches his  6/14/1974 #29191  
unrise, the object abruptly speeds away. Other witnesses in separate locati 6/14/1974 #29191  
n he turned them off the UFO moved away. The object hovered over the farmho 6/14/1974 #29193  
zags going down. Zigzags going up. Away rising / 45° angle.                 6/15/1974 (approximate) #29197  
 off his headlights, the UFO moves away; when he turns them back on, the UF 6/16/1974 #29202  
ts again, and the UFO slowly flies away.                                    6/16/1974 #29202  
d off his headlights the UFO moved away; when he turned them back on the UF 6/16/1974 #29203  
ant white globe hovers. Then moves away / erratic trajectory.               6/17/1974 #29205  
 upward at a 45° angle, and shoots away.                                    Summer 1974 #29218  
fall into the ocean about 328 feet away. Thinking it is an aircraft, the me 7/2/1974 #29237  
1 wing quickly going up / road and away. 25' circle trace / riverbed. / LDL 7/8/1974 #29243  
lights going down / cruiser. Races away. / MJ#255.                          7/9/1974 #29247  
 switches off and the object races away at high speed.                      7/9/1974 #29252  
t light into the car. It then sped away.                                    7/9/1974 #29254  
 hovers / treetops / 15 mn. Shoots away.                                    8/1/1974 #29294  
above the tree tops, and then sped away.                                    8/1/1974 #29297  
verhead. Quickly going up [to] and away. No further details.                8/10/1974 #29318  
bject, it signals back, then veers away.                                    8/11/1974 #29323  
ed the police car, and then veered away. Other police and citizen sightings 8/11/1974 #29325  
minute(s) in clear sky. Going [to] away.                                    8/15/1974 #29347  
 Disk hovers / 1 minute(s). Shoots away fast. Very noisy saucer maneuvers.  8/15/1974 #29354  
es and lands there, about 150 feet away. The whine becomes intense. As the  8/16/1974 #29362  
: their cat was frightened and ran away. The UFO had the outline of a door, 8/16/1974 #29364  
y. It is flying less than 100 feet away and moves off soundlessly as they w 8/23/1974 #29379  
o. The sphere was about 200 meters away and it slowly descended to hover 20 8/26/1974 #29391  
lumbia, Canada and landed 150 feet away in a clearing. It made a buzzing so 8/28/1974 #29398  
moped. Low drone sound. Going [to] away over town.                          9/1974 (approximate) #29408  
g dome-shaped object about 50 feet away and stops to investigate. Walking t 9/1/1974 #29417  
t. This frightens him and he backs away. Climbing back on the swather, he l 9/1/1974 #29417  
 light” about 82 feet long and 550 away from them. In front of the wall on  9/9/1974 #29439  
 bottom/underside. Girl wakens 15M away. UFO going east.                    9/13/1974 #29452  
 the road to a house some distance away. The local resident noted their ala 9/16/1974 #29460  
). Going up [to] and spins. Shoots away extremely fast.                     9/21/1974 #29466  
 straight up, leveled off and flew away in an arc across the sky. (National 9/24/1974 #29474  
15M over house / construction 100M away.                                    9/26/1974 #29479  
ht white light about one-half mile away for about 30 minutes. In 1983, the  9/27/1974 #29486  
. 65' saucer just over ground 600' away. Hums. Lights area.                 9/30/1974 #29493  
pped / blue-beam. Fireball zigzags away. Sick. Burns.                       10/1974 #29496  
g the plane when they are 50 miles away from Gander. Every time Breen looks 10/10/1974 #29512  
omed 40' box hovers / treetops 80' away. Shoots going up.                   10/15/1974 #29528  
object hovers briefly, then shoots away, emitting a noise like something be 10/15/1974 #29531  
t tall) under a tree about 50 feet away. Its hair is sticking up “like whea 10/15/1974 #29531  
ounter with spinning object 15-25' away from two witnesses and their automo 10/20/1974 #29547  
it to Harold Hill, some 20 minutes away. A bright light from the sky swoope 10/27/1974 #29561  
OLLERET, FR 12M saucer / field 40M away. Motor and lights and dash all elec 10/28/1974 #29564  
 Suspended in the air only 10 feet away from the porch and 15 feet above th 11/1974 #29574  
moves back and forth, rises up and away from the witness, and disappears. T 11/1974 #29575  
ghts up brightly. The object moves away and abruptly ascends vertically. Th 11/4/1974 #29583  
out 9 feet in diameter and 50 feet away on their right at a height of 25 fe 11/5/1974 #29586  
ripes. The man moves a bit further away to the east on his box. Sensoli see Mid 11/1974 #29596  
in the air about 1,600– 3,300 feet away. He looks around to see if there ar 11/17/1974 #29598  
bserver. 2.2M sphere/orb/globe 35M away lands. Tube extends / bottom. Photo 11/19/1974 #29599  
niois. It suddenly tipped and shot away. The EM effect included a magnetic  11/24/1974 #29607  
nds, then suddenly tipped and shot away. It was out of sight in less than o 11/28/1974 #29620  
gh speed and stopped about 20 feet away. These shooting lights were quite b 12/1/1974 #29627  
 again. 4 saucers / row going [to] away.                                    12/4/1974 #29632  
. Beyond a river about a half-mile away he sees a pulsating, dazzling white 12/11/1974 #29637  
 thinks they are about a half-mile away, but he can hear no noise or see an Winter 1974 #29653  
lows and pulses over shops. Shoots away.                                    12/31/1974 #29664  
 landscape. It stops about 3 miles away and hovers for 1–2 hours. At one po 1975 #29680  
t above the ground some 1,300 feet away where the light has fallen. It has  1/1/1975 #29689  
nd estimates it is about 3–5 miles away at an altitude of 2,000 feet. It st 1/1/1975 #29690  
of the wind, and is about one mile away. Before it disappears to the southw 1/2/1975 #29701  
r with pyramid dome hovers / 300M. Away fast.                               1/3/1975 #29707  
oon in Buenos Aires some 400 miles away, where someone takes him to the Hos 1/4/1975 #29715  
could start the car. As they drove away, they saw a blue glow behind a near 1/6/1975 #29729  
ing over the ground about 100 feet away. Ten small (3.5-feet tall), helmete 1/12/1975 #29744  
r tilts and wobbles. Flash. Up and away. Night lights / separate observer(s 2/1975 #29777  
pumpkin going southwest. Stops 20' away. Going quickly northeast to sea. Ac 2/8/1975 #29789  
going down [to] fast. 90° turn and away at ground level.                    2/10/1975 #29793  
en minutes, then watched it shrink away to nothing. At the site there were  2/10/1975 #29799  
 diameter, hovering about 400 feet away above some trees near a frozen pond 2/10/1975 #29800  
urn at ground level, and then shot away fast.                               2/10/1975 #29801  
en minutes, then watched it shrink away to nothing. At the site there were  2/10/1975 #29803  
on lake, illuminated terrain, sped away at "colossal speed" (NICAP UFO Evid 2/26/1975 #29849  
on lake, illuminated terrain, sped away at "colossal speed"                 2/26/1975 #29851  
It stops abruptly about 2,900 feet away at a height of 490 feet, its lights 2/26/1975 #29852  
blue-white. The object then shoots away to the northeast. A second object,  2/26/1975 #29852  
d." It stopped abruptly 900 meters away and 150 meters up. A brilliant, con 2/26/1975 #29853  
rescent blue. The object then shot away to the northeast "at a colossal spe 2/26/1975 #29853  
IPS, WI 30' saucer on ground 1000' away. Dome top and bottom/underside. Wil 3/2/1975 #29864  
o the ground and about a kilometer away. They felt a strange vibration comi 3/6/1975 #29875  
ed the object move about 80 meters away, now becoming a green spherical for 3/31/1975 #29927  
und him. Suddenly, about 30 meters away, a short white creature appeared. T 3/31/1975 #29928  
ar the road. It was about 100 feet away, and Mike saw it moving slowly. He  4/6/1975 #29975  
aw it moving slowly. He then drove away toward the west. Reaching Wausau, t 4/6/1975 #29975  
ed of 100 mph. They landed not far away, with smoke rising from the ground. 4/6/1975 #29977  
ts came back on when the UFO moved away toward the east. (Sources: Center f 4/9/1975 #29982  
ts came back on when the UFO moved away toward the east.                    4/9/1975 #29983  
got back into their cars and drove away, but were chased for two miles. The 4/26/1975 #30007  
erge on the radar screen and speed away toward Popocatépetl volcano. After  5/3/1975 #30026  
 seems to light it up and it zooms away, dripping molten metal and crashes  5/4/1975 #30032  
ee turn, and then swooped down and away. A movie film was made of the UFO.  5/12/1975 #30053  
hewan for 12 minutes. It then flew away to the east. A perfect circle was f 5/12/1975 #30054  
ld Lake, Manitoba Three men wander away from a party on the shore of Stephe 5/16/1975 #30061  
itnesses. When it is about 20 feet away, one of them throws a rock at it. I 5/16/1975 #30061  
 or near the ground only 15 meters away. Next to the round object stood thr 6/1/1975 #30074  
bserver(s). Large silent cone 150' away. Point up. Lights turn / rim. Much  6/21/1975 #30114  
fast. Dogs bark. Object going [to] away fast.                               7/1975 #30136  
raling take-off, the object speeds away to the south. The husband is a car  7/1975 #30142  
 lights. Erratic maneuvers. Shoots away. / CUFOS.                           7/3/1975 #30150  
g above the prison about 1–2 miles away. At 8:45 p.m., another official see 7/15/1975 #30182  
as near the ground only fifty feet away from him, and he could see inside t 7/22/1975 #30201  
ar over and the UFO begins to pull away. They continue following it, but th Late 7/1975 #30204  
, Switzerland, some 328–1,640 feet away. One of them succeeds in taking a c 7/26/1975 #30208  
After several minutes the UFO shot away to the west toward the Pacific Ocea 8/3/1975 #30232  
wn [to] and follows van. Rises and away. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v22#2 8/4/1975 #30233  
own in a field a quarter of a mile away from them. Together with a third yo 8/8/1975 #30244  
y 15m rectangle / 30m altitude 45m away. Gone / seconds. / CUFOS.           8/9/1975 #30246  
ctures of the UFO. As the UFO sped away he regained power to his car. The d 8/13/1975 #30257  
, he tried to start his car to get away but it wouldn’t start. He heard a h 8/13/1975 #30258  
er light trailing him a mile or so away. When he swings around, he sees it  8/14/1975 #30270  
e dark red when the object climbed away at a high speed. The sighting laste 8/14/1975 #30271  
e. Going down [to] and approaches. Away extremely fast. / r30.              8/15/1975 #30274  
n rollers. As the witnesses walked away they looked back, and saw two of th 8/18/1975 #30288  
tes, the two smaller objects break away and leave in the direction from whi 8/20/1975 #30291  
ilently, the craft turns and moves away slowly. Suddenly, the UFO disappear 8/20/1975 #30291  
s). 100' grey domed disk 5 mile(s) away. Going south slow and silent. 760m  8/24/1975 #30301  
vots end-on to observer(s). Shoots away. / r30p571.                         8/24/1975 #30303  
ounds like thunder. About 50 yards away on their left, they watch 8–10 oran 8/26/1975 #30310  
ts splits in half and others shoot away. At this point, the witnesses feel  8/26/1975 #30310  
 feet in diameter and only 35 feet away. A fluorescent blue light came from 8/28/1975 #30315  
ght came from inside it. He walked away, but then heard a humming noise and 8/28/1975 #30315  
e the UFO resting on stilts 200 ft away. Near it was walking a humanoid bei 9/3/1975 #30339  
nd spins. Going [to] up valley and away.                                    9/14/1975 #30356  
be hovers near 2 TV towers. Glides away against wind.                       9/20/1975 #30370  
gium for three minutes, then moved away against the wind. A perfectly ovoid 9/20/1975 #30374  
M altitude. Becomes luminous disk. Away very fast.                          9/22/1975 #30376  
ars overhead briefly, then streaks away and disappears.                     Fall 1975 #30381  
t / windows follows car / 1km 100M away. Hovers over school.                10/1975 #30403  
en this happened the figures faded away, but their car was abruptly pulled  10/1/1975 #30409  
just over railroad/railway tracks. Away fast.                               10/3/1975 #30411  
or about 5 minutes before it moves away. The object makes a noise like a bi 10/18/1975 #30444  
straight up into the sky and moves away to the east at an incredible speed. 10/18/1975 #30444  
 and hovers / 8K' altitude. Shoots away suddenly.                           10/26/1975 #30474  
ound the edges, and about 30-35 ft away. These forms were moving about slow 10/26/1975 #30476  
d into their Ford Bronco and drove away. Looking back, they saw a glowing o 10/26/1975 #30476  
hed, then reappeared some distance away at the end of a runway. Numerous ot 10/27/1975 #30477  
 cylinder-shaped object 20–30 feet away. Around its body are green, blue, a 10/27/1975 #30486  
aped UFO in the sky about 500 feet away, which moves farther away as soon a 10/27/1975 #30486  
500 feet away, which moves farther away as soon as they notice it. Some 45  10/27/1975 #30486  
 glow around the edges, 30-35 feet away. These forms were moving about slow 10/27/1975 #30491  
onfirmed seeing two UFOs that sped away each time it attempted to close for 10/30/1975 #30523  
 for identification. The UFOs flew away at 1,200 mph. One shot away to the  10/30/1975 #30523  
s flew away at 1,200 mph. One shot away to the west, the other went north.  10/30/1975 #30523  
nding jet closely. Sudden 90° turn away.                                    11/1975 #30527  
ow-figure visible / windows. Flies away.                                    11/1975 #30529  
arking Lot. Tilts up 45° and rises away.                                    11/1/1975 #30532  
alley. Stops / 2nd mountain. Fades away.                                    11/1/1975 #30533  
MT Time not given. UFO hovered 75' away, one foot off ground. (NIDS UFO 92) 11/1/1975 #30534  
d mountain; finally, it just fades away.                                    11/1/1975 #30535  
and ashy residue. At some distance away they see a red ball of light above  11/2/1975 #30540  
h the clearing, and about 110 feet away a glowing disc hangs in the air, ma 11/5/1975 #30562  
panic, the rest of the crew speeds away toward the main road, terrified. Wh 11/5/1975 #30562  
 Judith Gap, Montana. About a mile away, the team sees an orange, glowing o 11/7/1975 #30576  
ge from a copse of woods 50 meters away. These beings had very long arms an 11/8/1975 #30584  
ots green beam going down. Zigzags away.                                    11/10/1975 #30587  
 Stops. Pans beam all over. Shoots away.                                    11/14/1975 #30617  
ain Red ellipse hovering 1-1.5 km. away; suddenly flew away. Flying Saucer  11/16/1975 #30632  
ring 1-1.5 km. away; suddenly flew away. Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 22, No. 11/16/1975 #30632  
ain Red ellipse hovering 1-1.5 km. away; suddenly flew away. Flying Saucer  11/16/1975 #30634  
ring 1-1.5 km. away; suddenly flew away. Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 22, No. 11/16/1975 #30634  
azette that they were only 30 feet away from one of the lights, which was o 11/17/1975 #30636  
hts on the top and bottom. It flew away slowly to the southeast and was in  11/20/1975 #30646  
hts on the top and bottom. It flew away slowly to the southeast and was in  11/20/1975 #30649  
harp turn, and finally accelerated away to the southwest. The bright white  11/22/1975 #30653  
. Maneuvers and going quickly [to] away fast.                               11/26/1975 #30665  
OUNTAIN, WV 2 hunting. Disk shoots away as Air Force jets near. Reappears / 11/27/1975 #30668  
es, after which it rapidly climbed away and disappeared from view. They rea 11/27/1975 #30669  
. It blinked on-and-off, then shot away as three U.S. Air Force jets entere 11/27/1975 #30670  
oom wall to a field several blocks away, where they took her onboard a UFO. 12/2/1975 #30681  
 square windows. 50M altitude. 50M away. 4-6 lights blink.                  12/12/1975 #30707  
 a field. It rose up fast and shot away toward the west-southwest. At the s 12/15/1975 #30717  
 a field. It rose up fast and shot away toward the west-southwest. At the s 12/15/1975 #30719  
xt day in a thicket, 28 kilometers away. He had no recollection for the tim 12/17/1975 #30720  
xt day in a thicket, 28 kilometers away. He had no recollection for the tim 12/17/1975 #30721  
had square shaped windows. It flew away toward the southeast. (Source: Lumi 12/18/1975 #30723  
had square shaped windows. It flew away toward the southeast.               12/18/1975 #30725  
saucer overhead. Spins and spirals away.                                    12/22/1975 (approximate) #30728  
overs / 800M altitude. Then up and away fast. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR)  1/1/1976 #30752  
 some bushes. It was about 30 feet away from him, about 15 feet high, a lum 1/5/1976 #30760  
 some bushes. It was about 30 feet away from him, about 15 feet high, a lum 1/5/1976 #30761  
ater, they find themselves 8 miles away, just outside Hustonville. When the 1/6/1976 #30770  
osture as before, but only 12 feet away from him this time. He spilled the  1/6/1976 #30771  
f it would land on them.” They ran away in panic to a nearby police station 1/6/1976 #30771  
wnwards for 5 minutes, then zoomed away to the north.                       1/6/1976 #30771  
plays / sky / 30 minute(s). Glides away and up until lost in stars.         1/9/1976 #30780  
ed in the sky and landed 100 yards away in a farm field beside the road. It 1/9/1976 #30781  
g, near some sumac bushes 400 feet away. The figure was seen in profile fro 1/11/1976 #30785  
e. When the flashlight was pointed away the figure rose up again, and remai 1/11/1976 #30785  
overing over woods about 300 yards away. After about 2 minutes the object s 1/19/1976 #30801  
er about 2 minutes the object sped away, passing directly overhead making a 1/19/1976 #30801  
eet above his car before it speeds away to the north. A police dispatcher i 1/23/1976 #30815  
 They hover for a while, then move away at high speed toward Carlsbad. Memb 1/23/1976 #30815  
anding in the bushes about 20 feet away beside the road. The being was wear 1/26/1976 #30821  
; it approached and landed 18 feet away. It was dark green, rectangular, an 1/29/1976 #30832  
e next saw two men, about 200 feet away, walking toward him. They wore silv 1/29/1976 #30833  
im from the paralysis. They walked away, and the car started again. Many ob 1/29/1976 #30833  
hoods on their heads. The UFO flew away over an orchard. (Source: David F.  2/5/1976 #30846  
hoods on their heads. The UFO flew away over an orchard.                    2/5/1976 #30848  
ic saucer hovers 10M over D949 50M away. Rises / angle.                     2/9/1976 #30857  
took off into the air only 15 feet away from them.                          2/10/1976 #30863  
the object was about one kilometer away and 300 meters in altitude. (Source 2/13/1976 #30868  
the object was about one kilometer away and 300 meters in altitude. The two 2/17/1976 #30877  
/ car. Fake sun follows car / 200M away. Follows turns. Hovers over Trouley 2/21/1976 #30892  
der noise as it took off, and flew away toward the east. (NICAP: 02 - Close 2/25/1976 #30901  
 blue light at her before she sped away. Beings described as very tall "wit 2/25/1976 #30903  
 bank, and sees from about 82 feet away, a dome-shaped object emitting a br Late 2/1976 #30905  
se increasing in volume. It climbs away at 60° and recedes to a point sourc Late 2/1976 #30905  
der noise as it took off, and flew away toward the east. Later that night n 2/25/1976 #30906  
flashed across her face. She drove away in fear, and she continued to watch 2/25/1976 #30908  
ver house / 105min. Finally shoots away.                                    3/5/1976 #30924  
blip / RADAR's. No response radio. Away / 3000mph. / MJ#110.                3/5/1976 #30926  
treetop level “a few thousand feet away.” Her husband came out and saw it,  3/5/1976 #30928  
/ car close. White beams into car! Away / junction. Separate observer(s).   3/19/1976 #30948  
into the car from the UFO. It flew away when the car reached a highway inte 3/19/1976 #30949  
eres part. Regroup. Stop dead. Fly away.                                    3/24/1976 #30953  
blong object rises / sea and flies away. Seen / seconds.                    3/30/1976 #30968  
angular movements before streaking away at a tremendous speed. The incident 4/2/1976 #30979  
 travel to a site a few kilometers away on his donkey cart. He soon hears a 4/3/1976 #30983  
n front of his cart about 100 feet away. The device emits a beam of light t 4/3/1976 #30983  
orth Dakota to a UFO some distance away from her house. Inside the UFO she  4/18/1976 #31000  
lights on the side. It is 500 feet away and about 100 feet off the ground.  4/22/1976 #31010  
above the ground and just 500 feet away from his car. It had an orange-whit 4/22/1976 #31011  
head through light fog three miles away at 10° above the horizon. Radar rep 4/23/1976 #31017  
with the light now only 50-60 feet away. Suddenly a large blip appears on t 4/23/1976 #31017  
ngle after five minutes, and moved away slowly. There were eight witnesses  4/25/1976 #31024  
y did a U-turn in the sky and flew away.                                    5/4/1976 #31038  
 for a brief period. It then moved away. A second object resembling a gray  5/18/1976 #31061  
evel rising a bit. Suddenly shoots away.                                    5/27/1976 #31073  
cts). 100' saucer hovers and flies away. Car OK after.                      6/4/1976 #31083  
he headlights go out. Some 80 feet away near the Pont du Martinet bridge sh 6/11/1976 #31102  
ver(s). 2 silent 5M saucers hover. Away and back extremely fast / planes pa 6/21/1976 #31120  
 in Le Conquet, France. They moved away and then came back extremely quickl 6/21/1976 #31124  
 few minutes, the huge object flew away, giving off a whistling sound. Peop 6/22/1976 #31130  
roaches and descends about 25 feet away. A short being emerges with a big h 6/23/1976 #31134  
sis. It stopped some 20 to 25 feet away and the light went out. A short, ba 6/23/1976 #31135  
with the car, flew over, then flew away over some houses.                   6/25/1976 #31140  
 from behind a large tree 50 yards away. The object was "about the size and 7/5/1976 #31154  
nd for five seconds, and then sped away. Small oak trees that the craft hov 7/5/1976 #31154  
O, ITL Oval light nears. Stops 20M away / 18M altitude. Whistles and spins  7/11/1976 #31155  
 an amber- colored disc that pulls away before they can catch up to it.     7/11/1976 #31158  
indow, stopping only about 50 feet away. It had a revolving rim of lights l 7/28/1976 #31191  
ound cylinder/cigar-shape / field. Away when horn blows.                    8/1976 #31209  
ack into the car. The object moves away in a flash of light and burst of he 8/6/1976 #31240  
itness estimated to be a half mile away. This light approached them and sto 8/6/1976 #31241  
becomes smaller as if it is moving away. Two other witnesses see a similar  8/14/1976 #31263  
and right back. Going quickly [to] away.                                    8/15/1976 #31267  
 the other drivers panic and drive away rapidly.                            8/15/1976 #31270  
ook off into the air, only 15 feet away from the boys.                      8/16/1976 #31274  
ke the same route into the sky and away. (Worley files) (NICAP: 02 - Close  8/18/1976 #31279  
ltitude. Shoots behind house 1500M away.                                    8/21/1976 #31285  
inutes. It then ascended, and flew away to the east. There were several oth 8/25/1976 #31303  
ically toward shore, trying to get away. At this point they lost all consci 8/26/1976 #31307  
 3 kids / beach. 35cm fireball 30M away. Jerky trajectory. Halo and trail / 8/27/1976 #31308  
! Red ovoid and white sphere / 20M away. Helmeted small humanoid (or Grey)  9/3/1976 #31329  
 UFO moves behind him some 33 feet away and 26 feet above the ground, close 9/3/1976 #31335  
l. Frightened, the two women hurry away, noting that the street noise has r 9/3/1976 #31336  
 at its center. As the witness ran away he felt a blow and was knocked down 9/5/1976 #31346  
 elevation about 9,800–13,000 feet away. The upper part is bright silver, a 9/9/1976 #31363  
more than 1,000 witnesses it flies away and disappears around 5:00 p.m.     9/9/1976 #31363  
ights, power failure. Object moved away, shone beams of light down (Ref. 1, 9/10/1976 #31369  
ights, power failure. Object moved away, shone beams of light down          9/10/1976 #31370  
ntenna near the barn about 50 feet away. The main body of the craft is a di 9/10/1976 #31371  
der one edge. The UFO moves slowly away and retracts its cables. Two hatche 9/10/1976 #31371  
children and he and his wife speed away in their pickup. They stop at a fri 9/10/1976 #31371  
e airliner, apparently 10–15 miles away and 5,000–6,000 feet below. The lig 9/10/1976 #31372  
g almost overhead, just 50-60 feet away. The object had a red light in fron 9/10/1976 #31373  
 the objects. When the object shot away at high speed to the west, it lit u 9/10/1976 #31373  
ther two, more distant object sped away in different directions, and were g 9/10/1976 #31373  
. Night light over treetops shoots away as car nears. 30' crop circle.      9/11/1976 #31375  
 unthinkingly opens the door right away. The stranger is wearing a black de 9/11/1976 #31376  
blurry and fuzzy and finally fades away in a vapor. The stranger says that  9/11/1976 #31376  
ts give out. Only when Khani pulls away does functionality return. Squadron 9/18/1976 #31395  
0M near aluminum plant. Going [to] away in jumps!                           9/19/1976 #31405  
. Pseudo-human/entity move inside. Away very fast.                          9/20/1976 #31415  
that was hovering about 200 meters away and 100 meters above the ground. Th 9/20/1976 #31416  
eparted slowly at first, then shot away at great speed. It made no sound.   9/20/1976 #31416  
ndow to 6' cube with lights. Flies away.                                    9/22/1976 #31417  
50–60 feet long. It begins to move away but stops close to one of the missi Autumn 1976 #31421  
around 4:30 a.m., the object zooms away and disappears in seconds.          Autumn 1976 #31421  
t turned extremely bright and shot away rapidly to the east.                10/6/1976 #31452  
overing to south. Object then flew away.                                    10/17/1976 #31472  
 unidentified object finally flies away toward the sea.                     10/17/1976 #31474  
irport for five minutes, then flew away toward the sea. Over 50 people witn 10/17/1976 #31475  
 object rises vertically and zooms away. As the truck is abreast of his pos 10/22/1976 #31486  
e UFOs alternately move toward and away from them. The men take both motion 10/23/1976 #31488  
seemed to stop, then moved quickly away and out of sig (NICAP: 02 - Close E 10/28/1976 #31500  
ge of the highway, about 200 yards away. It was about the stature of a 12-y 10/30/1976 #31510  
bjects are seen by a woman 4 miles away, slowly changing formation for 5 mi 11/4/1976 #31522  
rench physicist is driving 7 miles away near Voreppe. He sees a luminous di 11/5/1976 #31528  
s hovering on three legs 30 meters away. It had a flat bottom and a transpa 11/8/1976 #31532  
 least ten feet tall, only 50 feet away. The thick, luminous figure seemed  11/12/1976 #31540  
g out of the woods about 150 yards away from them. Under the helmet its hea 11/12/1976 #31541  
an near a supermarket, seven miles away from another CE-3 report.           11/13/1976 #31543  
trating that when the woman looked away she could still see spots of light  11/14/1976 #31549  
 the car for 2 minutes, then moved away to the rear of the vehicle. He did  11/14/1976 #31549  
any, Indiana at 10:30 p.m. It went away when other vehicles approached, but 11/24/1976 #31572  
down / 1M altitude / green mist 3M away. Cop follows. Going [to] woods. / r 11/25/1976 #31573  
djacent cornfield, about 100 yards away. The two giant humanoid figures wer 12/6/1976 #31586  
 human form appear about 20 meters away from him. It stood in the center of 12/12/1976 #31596  
in swirling mist. Flashes. Shrinks away.                                    12/13/1976 #31598  
t from the ground and 100–150 feet away. Barker takes a few steps toward it 12/15/1976 #31604  
ing low in the east about 500 feet away. Human-like forms are visible throu 12/15/1976 #31605  
e cops. Silent plain 30' ovoid 60' away. Whistles. Going quickly northwest. 12/18/1976 #31609  
reen light and hovers only 60 feet away. It makes no sound when hovering bu 12/18/1976 #31612  
een light and hovered only 60 feet away from them. It made no sound when ho 12/18/1976 #31616  
0 feet. The object turned and flew away to the west.                        12/18/1976 #31617  
nly 30 feet altitude. It then shot away toward the west.                    12/19/1976 #31624  
st, then sped up, and finally shot away to the west.                        12/19/1976 #31625  
 on the surface, some 175–200 feet away from Mr. Chapin. It moves rapidly i 12/29/1976 #31639  
the sky for six minutes, then flew away to the east toward the Mezayon Vall 1/1/1977 #31676  
es, France at 1:30 a.m., then flew away to the east toward the Mezayon Vall 1/1/1977 #31682  
y-colored figures. He tried to get away but his legs just cycled aimlessly  1/1/1977 #31683  
 / 5 legs. Observer(s) frozen 150M away.                                    1/5/1977 #31695  
/ 25M altitude / 20 minute(s) 100M away. Shoots quickly going up.           1/5/1977 #31697  
place for five minutes, 150 meters away from the craft. The UFO emitted a s 1/5/1977 #31699  
England for 20 minutes, 100 meters away. It then shot up into the sky and f 1/5/1977 #31703  
then shot up into the sky and flew away. There were two witnesses and a dog 1/5/1977 #31703  
s the street from her only 60 feet away. Immediately two figures appear on  1/6/1977 #31706  
 the street from her, only 60 feet away. Immediately two figures appeared o 1/6/1977 #31707  
. The McCarthys are warned to stay away from the water, and the CD man and  1/10/1977 #31715  
oser. At first it is about 2 miles away at treetop level; now he can see re Mid 1/1977 #31723  
but Maki decides to run home right away.                                    Mid 1/1977 #31723  
r. Flashes. Fireball passes close. Away / high speed. / MJ#126.             1/20/1977 #31730  
e is no noise, and the light flies away into the woods. Menesses is already 1/21/1977 #31743  
 round object seen briefly. Shoots away.                                    1/28/1977 #31762  
nd circles low. Avoids spotlight / away and back.                           2/1977 #31768  
ude at 2,000 feet and 300–500 feet away. It appears to be a dark, vertical  2/1/1977 #31775  
utes. It moves at incredible speed away to the west.                        2/1/1977 #31776  
ject on the ground about 300 yards away from them in an adjoining field. Da 2/4/1977 #31792  
ver a small tree less than 50 feet away. (Sources: David F. Webb & Ted Bloe 2/10/1977 #31806  
ver a small tree less than 50 feet away. It was capsule shaped with a cylin 2/10/1977 #31808  
that has landed only about 50 feet away behind a chicken coop. It is bright 2/11/1977 #31810  
near Norway, Michigan. After going away once, it reappears right over him,  Mid 2/1977 #31817  
s alongside him a few hundred feet away at 30 mph. It has one steady white  2/16/1977 #31822  
ng white object turns red. Zigzags away. / r150p20.                         2/19/1977 #31828  
 It hovers above houses 3–4 blocks away, then recedes toward the northwest  2/20/1977 #31832  
ick from anxiety. The object moves away when a second auto approaches from  2/22/1977 #31839  
 bright lights land about 150 feet away in Langernargen Bodense, Germany. T 2/24/1977 #31846  
toward him in 5 seconds. He cycles away, frightened, and has to be driven h 2/25/1977 #31847  
ular loops. 90° and 135° turns and away.                                    2/26/1977 #31848  
ll." The second figure was walking away from an object that looked like a w 3/5/1977 #31861  
 turned the truck around and drove away in great fear.                      3/5/1977 #31861  
UFO approached Mirage bomber, sped away                                     3/7/1977 #31872  
timated speed of Mach 2, and flies away to the left of the Mirage IV.       3/7/1977 #31873  
west over road. 150M altitude 200M away.                                    3/12/1977 #31898  
nd looking around only a few yards away was a figure "like a skinny human s 3/13/1977 #31904  
nd looking around only a few yards away was a figure "like a skinny human s 3/13/1977 #31906  
" After three minutes the UFO sped away. Other observers of the UFO failed  3/15/1977 #31910  
l or can hovers offshore / 150min. Away / flashing leap.                    3/17/1977 #31913  
ck vertical lines. It slowly fades away in place.                           3/22/1977 #31926  
ows on the center bottom. One mile away, two other witnesses go in search o 4/1/1977 #31938  
landed approximately 30 to 40 feet away. The top of the object was a soft l 4/4/1977 #31943  
ed-orange lights hovering 200 feet away.                                    4/5/1977 #31950  
 gently in the air about 60 meters away. The second was a seven to eight fo 4/7/1977 #31956  
 gently in the air about 60 meters away. The second was a seven to eight fo 4/7/1977 #31957  
reported seeing a figure 50 meters away dressed in a silver diver suit, wea 4/12/1977 #31976  
appeared. The group walked briskly away in single file, towards the desert  4/12/1977 #31977  
e’s attention to a target 15 miles away at their 1 o’clock position. The cr 4/14/1977 #31980  
or 2 o’clock position only 3 miles away. There is still no visual contact.  4/14/1977 #31980  
rs. Do-nut saucer splits / 3. Rise away.                                    4/15/1977 #31981  
 glow appeared in the sky 50 yards away." A few moments later a figure appe 4/20/1977 #32004  
 glow appeared in the sky 50 yards away." A few moments later a figure appe 4/20/1977 #32005  
top of a stone wall, about 20 feet away. It was between 3.5 and 4 feet tall 4/21/1977 #32009  
lowly to stare at them. Bill drove away quickly, but his companions had not 4/21/1977 #32009  
large lights were about 800 meters away, and hovering close to the ground.  4/25/1977 #32024  
large lights are about a half-mile away and hovering close to the ground. V 4/25/1977 #32026  
large lights were about 800 meters away, and hovering close to the ground.  4/25/1977 #32027  
eir car on the left about 180 feet away. They speed up and pass it after 3  4/29/1977 #32036  
-size going quickly northwest 100M away.                                    5/1/1977 #32044  
. He estimates it is only 300 feet away and moving faster than an aircraft. 5/1/1977 #32045  
 like a “bell tent” about 900 feet away that continuously pulsates from dul 5/3/1977 #32050  
e turned up the next day, 40 miles away, and said he had been in the compan 5/4/1977 #32055  
t crossed their path about 25 feet away and disappeared into the woods. It  5/8/1977 #32074  
 hovered for 75 seconds, then flew away slowly. (Source: Allan Hendry, Inte 5/11/1977 #32087  
e house. It shoots straight up and away and the hum stops. The 11-year-old  5/11/1977 #32088  
vering for 70–80 seconds, then fly away slowly.                             5/11/1977 #32090  
 hovered for 75 seconds, then flew away slowly.                             5/11/1977 #32092  
saw a silver-suited figure walking away from them, about 60 to 70 feet away 5/15/1977 #32096  
way from them, about 60 to 70 feet away. The being went up to a hedge and s 5/15/1977 #32096  
t near the ground about 300 meters away. It had a steady red light on top o 5/18/1977 #32111  
ow top and twirling lights. Shoots away.                                    5/20/1977 #32113  
wn. 3 misty robotic figure(s) fade away. / r60#106.                         5/20/1977 #32114  
em and stopping about 150–300 feet away. One minute later, they see three f 5/20/1977 #32116  
hovers. Absolute(ly) silent. Moves away and gone.                           5/21/1977 #32117  
 larger than the airliner and flew away toward the east. (Source: Allan Hen 5/26/1977 #32131  
 larger than the airliner and flew away toward the east.                    5/26/1977 #32136  
nt silver ball / 10M altitude 400M away. Going northwest over river. / MJ#1 5/30/1977 #32141  
st over road. Turns blue and flies away.                                    6/9/1977 #32155  
11:30 p.m. It turned blue and flew away.                                    6/9/1977 #32156  
, "jolting" along about 150 meters away.                                    6/12/1977 #32160  
im on the ground, only a few yards away. It was doubled up, with its back t 6/12/1977 #32161  
lock position no more than 20 feet away. It is definitely not a cargo plane 6/17/1977 #32171  
e field. The craft begins to glide away over the treetops. The children are 6/17/1977 #32172  
der/cigar-shape over house. Shoots away.                                    6/24/1977 #32188  
ts get near to the car, they break away, one to the side of the road, and t 6/25/1977 #32194  
 Believing it will keep the lights away, residents of Colares organize nigh 7/1977 #32220  
e dispatched, but the object moves away before the units arrive.            7/1/1977 #32227  
kes big move. Hovers again. Shoots away.                                    7/6/1977 #32238  
red for two minutes, and then shot away. (Source: Awareness, April 1979, p. 7/6/1977 #32239  
red for two minutes, and then shot away.                                    7/6/1977 #32242  
round farm for 20-25 minutes, flew away slowly. CUFOS report; see Rodeghier 7/8/1977 #32250  
light / ground / 2 minute(s). 150' away. 200' up. Going quickly southwest.  7/9/1977 #32251  
d for 2 minutes. The object floats away over the treetops, moving toward th 7/9/1977 #32253  
or two minutes. The object floated away over the treetops moving toward the 7/9/1977 #32254  
vers / field / 5M altitude. Shoots away!                                    7/10/1977 #32255  
id (or Grey) hits button and flies away. / FSRv23#6.                        7/12/1977 #32259  
oss the road. It was about 40 feet away, and it slipped under a farm's barb 7/12/1977 #32266  
ed toward a lamp post only 20 feet away. The little man was only three and  7/12/1977 #32266  
ally to a grove of trees 150 yards away. Mr. Olmos, his family, and neighbo 7/12/1977 #32266  
ed saucer a couple of hundred feet away. She guessed it was about 30' in di 7/15/1977 #32275  
ct at the same time, from 20 miles away.                                    7/17/1977 #32289  
 to be approximately 1/2 to 1 mile away. Bruner and Coogler got out of thei 7/21/1977 #32296  
pproximately hald a mile to a mile away. Bruner and Coogler got out of thei 7/21/1977 #32299  
light appeared on a hill 300 yards away. They then saw a figure on a distan 7/23/1977 #32304  
t light appears on a hill 900 feet away. They hear a whooshing sound, then  7/23/1977 #32305  
s from Morgan Creek about 300 feet away and see two small figures floating  7/23/1977 #32305  
pproaches the creek and then backs away. At this point both witnesses devel 7/23/1977 #32305  
light appeared on a hill 300 yards away. They could hear a whooshing sound, 7/23/1977 #32306  
ps from the creek, about 100 yards away, and saw two small figures floating 7/23/1977 #32306  
roached the creek, and then backed away. At this point both witnesses devel 7/23/1977 #32306  
r Greys) in front. Observer(s) 40M away.                                    7/24/1977 #32307  
in height, and was about 40 meters away from the road. It had three bright  7/24/1977 #32310  
ic and begged her husband to drive away. Both suffered from conjunctivitis  7/24/1977 #32310  
are portholes. Going down [to] 30M away. Possible landing / power station/d 7/25/1977 (approximate) #32312  
helicopter. After the objects move away out to sea, radar at RAF Boulmer pi 7/30/1977 #32323  
ge for five minutes, until it went away.                                    7/31/1977 #32329  
 hundreds / lights hovers. Zigzags away / 90° turns.                        8/1977 #32333  
phere going down / 3M altitude 12M away! Shoots beam going down. Going up [ 8/1/1977 #32343  
beam going down. Going up [to] and away.                                    8/1/1977 #32343  
 she quickly felt her strength ebb away as the light source was replaced by 8/3/1977 #32356  
lmost on the flight path. It moves away quickly when an aircraft approaches 8/4/1977 #32360  
ard. Going quickly [to] going [to] away.                                    8/6/1977 #32364  
oing down / sea. Submerges. Up and away again!                              8/9/1977 #32370  
 approached them. At about 50 feet away the entire scene vanished. "No one  8/9/1977 #32372  
ullet, then stops a short distance away. Keeping it in view, they drive hom 8/11/1977 #32384  
ont of the car as if trying to fly away from being observed. Another man, O 8/11/1977 #32385  
ip / 12 minute(s). Suddenly shoots away.                                    8/12/1977 #32389  
e car's engine and lights. It flew away toward to southeast.                8/16/1977 #32407  
 because the object began speeding away. He estimates it was 600 feet away, 8/17/1977 #32409  
away. He estimates it was 600 feet away, its altitude at about 500 feet abo 8/17/1977 #32409  
 up / sky. Globe / light lands 30M away. Quickly going up [to] when neared. 8/24/1977 #32420  
ght approach and stop a few meters away. Moments later two figures with gol 8/26/1977 #32426  
ee a similar bright object 2 miles away from the previous site. It has seve 8/28/1977 #32434  
short time, but then the UFO moved away and hovered over Mount Otero for th 8/28/1977 #32436  
s ceased. It came to about 15 feet away and beckoned, as though indicating  8/30/1977 #32441  
id going NNE. Stops 30M over park. Away fast.                               9/1977 #32450  
h, the UFO is no more than 50 feet away. She experiences a sense of timeles Early Autumn 1977 #32456  
sical examination. The dwarf steps away to admire the scenery and says, “Ho 9/4/1977 #32460  
kly east. Slow level flight. 1-2km away.                                    9/16/1977 #32487  
er yellowish light. When he drives away, the lights continue to pace them f 9/17/1977 #32492  
em for 6 miles, keeping 10–30 feet away from the car until they reach Wolsz 9/17/1977 #32492  
ztyn, where they rise up and speed away.                                    9/17/1977 #32492  
M saucer stops / 100M altitude 1km away. Going down. Going up [to] and away 9/19/1977 #32496  
way. Going down. Going up [to] and away.                                    9/19/1977 #32496  
ach, it is no further than 50 feet away. Her memory is unclear after this,  Fall 1977 #32515  
ward the southwest before shooting away at an nicredible speed.             Late 9/1977 #32517  
to the house and the object speeds away to the northwest. In the following  Late 9/1977 #32518  
ension power lines lines. 1 shoots away. Electric oven kaput.               9/26/1977 #32520  
 power lines. One of the UFOs shot away very quickly. An electric oven stop 9/26/1977 #32521  
lles, France. One of the UFOs shot away very quickly. An electric oven stop 9/26/1977 #32523  
nd is following him about 500 feet away at treetop level. He increases his  9/27/1977 #32528  
s small plane / several min. 1000' away. Away fast.                         10/1/1977 #32540  
l plane / several min. 1000' away. Away fast.                               10/1/1977 #32540  
wide, 25 feet high, and 1/2 a mile away at 500 feet altitude. It made a hum 10/1/1977 #32543  
It made a humming noise, and moved away slowly.                             10/1/1977 #32543  
w. The object looms about 300 feet away, passing near a streetlight that ex 10/9/1977 #32564  
 trailing sparks. The object moves away in 90 seconds.                      10/15/1977 #32578  
group of witnesses several streets away also watch the light. A half-hour l 10/17/1977 #32584  
, shrinks again, and moves rapidly away until it disappears. It reappears a 10/20/1977 #32595  
econds in the southwest, and zooms away.                                    10/24/1977 #32606  
 is estimated to be about 23 miles away. Initially, the light is brilliant  10/26/1977 #32617  
 moon for a few seconds. It shoots away toward the north.                   10/31/1977 #32644  
t the object and the pressure went away. He next states he sees “something  11/1977 #32648  
-green object lands about 300 feet away in a newly ploughed field. They see 11/1/1977 #32651  
 turned toward sea and slowly went away. It also was visible until 5:30 a.m 11/1/1977 #32652  
pter over the Bay. It then climbed away at a high rate of speed.            11/1/1977 #32653  
 observer. Large silver disk peels away from Cessna plane / low altitude. Q 11/12/1977 #32665  
nd observed, about 30 to 50 meters away, an unstable, two-dimensional image 11/13/1977 #32671  
r saucer-shaped object that shoots away over the horizon. As Raeke is air-e 11/16/1977 #32677  
full moon ascending about 900 feet away in a wooded area near Richmond, Vir 11/18/1977 #32685  
or 3 minutes. The light then moves away at high speed. The pilot reports th 11/18/1977 #32686  
stops working. After the UFO pulls away, the transponder resumes its normal 11/18/1977 #32686  
was at only 30 meters, 3000 meters away. It was small, perhaps only 1.5 met 11/23/1977 #32694  
shape flashes. Stops / trees. Goes away / lower altitude.                   12/1977 (approximate) #32713  
 craft in a paddock about 100 feet away. It is about 50 feet in diameter an 12/2/1977 #32726  
ject on the ground, about 100 feet away from his house. It was red in color 12/2/1977 #32727  
re seen inside each dome. All flew away to the northwest after a couple of  12/2/1977 #32728  
ilent 1M circle / light hovers 10M away / 6 hours!                          12/3/1977 #32732  
home. 20M top saucer passes / 100M away. 1M altitude. Traces.               12/6/1977 #32735  
going [to] slow / ground level 80M away. Odd lights / top.                  12/10/1977 #32754  
right red ovoid hovers upright 20M away / 50cm altitude. Paces car..        12/10/1977 #32755  
w slowly at ground level 80 meters away. It had odd looking lights on its t 12/10/1977 #32757  
r above the ground, only 20 meters away. It then paced the car for two minu 12/10/1977 #32757  
Domed saucer lights area like day. Away and back / 20 minute(s).            12/15/1977 #32774  
ers du Taillon like day, then flew away. It came back again the same site 2 12/15/1977 #32776  
aillon, France like day, then flew away. It came back again the same site 2 12/15/1977 #32777  
highway D979 going east, then flew away to the west. At 11:25 p.m. in La Au 12/16/1977 #32781  
 her car, starts it up, and drives away. The object speeds off to the west, 12/17/1977 #32791  
HELL, KY Green glow. 12' ovoid 75' away / low altitude. Rises going up [to] 12/21/1977 (approximate) #32799  
tude. Rises going up [to] slow and away fast going [to] woods.              12/21/1977 (approximate) #32799  
The UFO ascended slowly, then show away fast into the nearby woods. (NICAP: 12/21/1977 #32801  
The UFO ascended slowly, then show away fast into the nearby woods. That sa 12/21/1977 #32803  
only 100 meters altitude. If moved away to the south, away from a grassfire 12/28/1977 #32817  
itude. If moved away to the south, away from a grassfire. (Source: Norman ( 12/28/1977 #32817  
t (EME). Passes overhead and flies away.                                    12/30/1977 #32818  
 in diameter paced a car 30 meters away. The two witnesses, a brother and s 12/30/1977 #32819  
et in diameter paces a car 90 feet away near Keith, South Australia. The tw 12/30/1977 #32821  
 in diameter paced a car 30 meters away. The two witnesses, a brother and s 12/30/1977 #32822  
, and see an object about 100 feet away and moving silently at 40 mph. It h 1/1978 #32837  
et over the heath a short distance away. It had lights on the top of its do 1/3/1978 #32851  
like figure, standing eight meters away from them. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encou 1/6/1978 #32855  
like figure, standing eight meters away from them. It wore a loose fitting  1/6/1978 #32856  
he back porch roof, only four feet away. The figure was hooded and seemed t 1/9/1978 #32862  
e standing on a path about 90 feet away. The figure was described as four a 1/10/1978 #32872  
eled at a medium speed 1000 meters away, with a trajectory curving to the l 1/23/1978 #32908  
ws and a structure on top. It shot away to the south. Total duration of sig 1/23/1978 #32909  
he clouds. Another officer 3 miles away also watches the object for 10–20 s 1/26/1978 #32915  
sulfur-like odor. The figures walk away toward the nearby Public Works Gara 1/31/1978 #32928  
or in the area. The figures walked away towards the nearby Public Works Gar 1/31/1978 #32930  
re 1km island. Hovers 5 minute(s). Away extremely fast.                     2/1978 #32936  
s on his feet in the snow. He runs away, and when the looks back the object 2/2/1978 #32946  
he looks back the object is flying away to the northeast, leaving behind a  2/2/1978 #32946  
 Silent 20M saucer going down. 25M away. Figure / helmet exits and waves! / 2/4/1978 #32948  
bove the trees about one half-mile away. Below and around it is a layer of  2/4/1978 #32951  
e men asked if they might take one away for study and deposited it into the 2/5/1978 #32957  
ar engine now worked, and he drove away without bothering to look back at t 2/5/1978 #32957  
 plane, climbed rapidly, then sped away.                                    2/5/1978 #32958  
k approached, stopped three meters away, turned around, then walked back in 2/13/1978 #32970  
ch appeared to be about 300 meters away. The light seemed to dim the closer 2/17/1978 #32974  
back into their vehicle, and drove away at high speed. The next day they re 2/17/1978 #32974  
uge saucer overhead / 5 minute(s). Away slowly. / Chronicle.                2/24/1978 #32999  
tical in shaped, was hovering 300' away and was completely silent. Then it  3/1978 #33003  
as completely silent. Then it shot away at an incredible speed without a so 3/1978 #33003  
uld be given something. He was led away from the rest of the group, who did 3/1978 #33003  
e, and had colored lights. It shot away fast.                               3/1/1978 #33007  
           Vicenza, Italy 75 miles away from Vicenza, Italy Pilot Luciano A 3/9/1978 #33021  
 northbound at 2,600 feet 75 miles away from Vicenza, Italy, when a green,  3/9/1978 #33021  
 appears on his right about 1 mile away. Other planes in the area report a  3/9/1978 #33021  
d red. Hums. Beeps and circles and away fast.                               3/10/1978 #33024  
neuvers / 1km altitude. Going [to] away and back. Lands / woods. Quickly go 3/11/1978 #33029  
t floating alongside about 50 feet away. He thinks it is as large as a five 3/12/1978 #33036  
 rises to 300– 400 feet and floats away.                                    3/12/1978 #33036  
ade saucer stops / 2M altitude 25M away. Odor. Wind stops! Going quickly so 3/17/1978 (approximate) #33045  
und himself alone in a field miles away from where he had encountered the d 3/18/1978 #33056  
Tilts. Follows tracks. Returns and away.                                    3/20/1978 #33059  
the south after the triangle moves away. It changes colors repeatedly from  3/22/1978 #33072  
EDIS, ITL 2 / car. 20M saucer 500M away. Much electro-magnetic effect (EME) 3/29/1978 #33095  
 colored lights. Going up [to] and away.                                    4/1978 (approximate) #33109  
he sky. The boom is heard 34 miles away in Cape Broyle. The incident is inv 4/2/1978 #33119  
a massive section of rock breaking away from the northern part of the islan 4/2/1978 #33119  
re placed to warn visitors to stay away from the unstable features.         4/2/1978 #33119  
d a glass front. It stops 600 feet away, hovering. Two figures in dark robe 4/2/1978 #33121  
cm men / white jumpsuits walk 100M away. / APRO Sep'79.                     4/7/1978 #33130  
cylinder/cylindrical object floats away sideways / 20' altitude.            4/10/1978 #33136  
 a.m. in Goochland, Virginia float away from a pasture. It flew sideways at 4/10/1978 #33138  
ed to glance at the window. A foot away from the window a white face was st 4/19/1978 #33154  
le. Large ovoid spins over ground. Away extremely fast.                     4/20/1978 #33155  
silently above their car. It moves away and stops above a grove of trees.   4/26/1978 #33172  
to their home planet 3 light years away then back to Earth, all taking abou 5/1978 #33181  
int the boy became afraid, and ran away quickly away. Looking back he did n 5/2/1978 #33185  
ecame afraid, and ran away quickly away. Looking back he did not see the fi 5/2/1978 #33185  
sonic boom that is heard 120 miles away and shatters windows in villages 30 5/6/1978 #33190  
tters windows in villages 30 miles away. Argentinian border police search f 5/6/1978 #33190  
 has no burn on his back, which is away from the car window as he peers out 5/13/1978 #33202  
a few seconds before moving slowly away beyond trees on the horizon.        5/13/1978 #33204  
niform. Althought the redness went away rapidly, there were areas where the 5/13/1978 #33205  
/ trees. Going down [to] and fades away. 2 large and 2 small figure(s) by.  5/14/1978 #33206  
the west-northwest perhaps 3 miles away. Collins activates the MSQ-102 Rada 5/14/1978 #33210  
me trees, then descended and faded away. Four figures, two large and two sm 5/14/1978 #33212  
shaped UFO is as close as 300 feet away and 200 feet in the air, flying par 6/11/1978 #33275  
w and rose off the ground and shot away quickly at high speed. He learned l 6/16/1978 #33282  
h the words, however, and it faded away after about five seconds. He walked 6/16/1978 #33283  
ds of a convent and was 200 meters away. It looked to be 3 1/2 meters high  6/16/1978 #33283  
 then changes direction and shoots away. They knock on the door of a baker  6/19/1978 #33291  
ng-triangle follows 3 / motorists. Away when observers stop.                6/22/1978 (approximate) #33297  
 more minutes before slowly moving away to the northeast. Suddenly it shoot 7/1978 #33319  
 the northeast. Suddenly it shoots away at great speed.                     7/1978 #33319  
ter look. One of the lights breaks away from the group and approaches as cl 7/4/1978 #33335  
 off a yellow light about 325 feet away. Five or six very tall entities are 7/4/1978 #33335  
atisfied their curiosity and drive away without more concern; he indicates  7/4/1978 #33335  
ark, Georgia only five or six feet away. It was about 12 feet in diameter a 7/5/1978 #33340  
 and tight-fitting suits. He drove away but soon came back with his wife an 7/8/1978 #33355  
s / 30 minute(s). Suddenly zigzags away.                                    7/9/1978 #33360  
eneral Alvear, Argentina. It moved away at a very low altitude.             7/9/1978 #33361  
 several witnesses five kilometers away from Estacio Rambion in San Juan, A 7/12/1978 #33376  
metery. Hisses and spins again and away. Electro-magnetic effect (EME.)     7/18/1978 #33398  
 bicycle spokes. It flies straight away and disappears in the northeast.    7/22/1978 #33410  
ed, then hovered again, then moved away toward the southwest making short s 7/25/1978 #33415  
Not on RADAR. Plane chases. Up and away. / r208p118.                        7/26/1978 #33416  
nd down for about 15 minutes, flew away. Trouble restarting engine. Interna 7/27/1978 #33423  
 toward her house before it speeds away.                                    7/27/1978 #33427  
e flashing light about a half-mile away, low in the east. They hear a waver 7/27/1978 #33429  
 about 15 minutes the light shoots away to the west.                        7/27/1978 #33429  
close to the ground about 600 feet away. It made a wavering, humming sound  7/27/1978 #33430  
nd for about 15 minutes, then flew away. The car could not be restarted for 7/27/1978 #33430  
ver campfire. Tilts 30° and shoots away.                                    8/1978 #33458  
ome of the creatures began backing away. But moments later a long needle wa 8/1/1978 #33464  
ly downward to a position 100 feet away and 15 feet up. It snaps into a hor 8/4/1978 #33471  
ht maneuvers back and forth. Fades away. / r241p6.                          8/5/1978 #33474  
r or two above the water. It moved away quickly. (2) That evening on Lake S 8/5/1978 #33477  
d forth for 30 minutes, then faded away.                                    8/5/1978 #33477  
he put the truck in reverse to get away and drove about 60 meters until the 8/6/1978 #33480  
ed by. After a short while it flew away toward the west.                    8/6/1978 #33481  
 detector trips. Domed saucer 120' away / 45' altitude. Antenna. Going quic 8/18/1978 #33525  
red and the parent object had sped away.                                    8/22/1978 #33549  
 blue reflections, only 100 meters away from them. They jumped in their car 8/22/1978 #33550  
 They jumped in their car to drive away, but suddenly found themselves 50 m 8/22/1978 #33550  
uddenly found themselves 50 meters away, with the car facing the other way. 8/22/1978 #33550  
directly over the other. They look away momentarily and the lights are gone 8/24/1978 #33564  
ghts at it, to no avail. They look away briefly and do not notice how the l 8/24/1978 #33564  
 turns over their vicinity. To get away they hid in an abandoned house.     8/25/1978 #33569  
ELOCHE, FR 15M orange triangle 20M away. Throbs. Observer(s) / tingles and  8/26/1978 #33570  
feet) directly ahead about 4 miles away. It moves closer, picking up speed  8/27/1978 #33578  
tude. Transparent dome. Going [to] away descending.                         8/28/1978 #33581  
me. After a couple minutes it flew away, gaining altitude.                  8/28/1978 #33586  
nd Army. UFO / low altitude shoots away when gun aimed.                     8/30/1978 #33595  
 road in front of him only 50 feet away at an estimated 160 mph. It makes a 9/4/1978 #33633  
Her dog barks until the light goes away and the car resumes working.        9/7/1978 #33645  
ashes of blue light, and then went away at great speed.                     9/9/1978 #33650  
hs bright circular saucer. Hovers. Away fast. / M. Times 20 October.        9/11/1978 #33662  
ed in a silvery suit. Several feet away from him she saw a small, silver, d 9/15/1978 #33684  
ed in a silvery suit. Several feet away from him she sees a small, silver,  9/15/1978 #33687  
ed in a silvery suit. Several feet away from him she saw a small, silver, d 9/15/1978 #33688  
ly going up [to] to 800M altitude. Away very fast.                          9/16/1978 #33691  
at is resting on a mudflat 66 feet away. The object is brassy or yellowish  9/18/1978 #33708  
 two antennae. Frightened, he runs away but falls as four humanoids come cl 9/21/1978 #33723  
 head. Frightened, he began to run away but fell down while four humanoids  9/21/1978 #33725  
ionless silhouette only a few feet away. It persists for at least another 5 9/23/1978 #33736  
ing slowly on a mound some 65 feet away. Noticing that something had broken 9/23/1978 #33736  
or a few seconds. The entity moves away with kind of a floating motion. Rad 9/23/1978 #33736  
walking through the forest 30 feet away. He turns to face the children, and 9/27/1978 #33761  
anding on four legs about 330 feet away in a clearing. When he rides over t 9/27/1978 #33762  
ping mall. Going up [to] and darts away.                                    9/28/1978 #33765  
der it or enters into it. It moves away rapidly and disappears.             10/8/1978 #33812  
 an orange-hued triangle. It moves away then shoots off at a fast speed,    10/8/1978 #33816  
st the nearest object was 180 feet away, and left behind ground traces.     10/8/1978 #33819  
 other. They spread apart and move away at different speeds.                10/10/1978 #33827  
maneuvers. Stops / seconds. Shoots away. / La Gacata.                       10/14/1978 #33832  
on King Island, and others further away. Roy Manifold, vacationing at Crayf 10/21/1978 #33856  
til it starts pulsating and moving away. Its glow is so bright that their e 10/28/1978 #33887  
rmation on its underside. It moves away to the northeast toward another pow 10/28/1978 #33887  
lts at an angle and begins to move away, apparently descending. She moves f 10/29/1978 #33889  
 at an angle, descended, and moved away to the north.                       10/29/1978 #33890  
en descended to hover a few meters away from the witnesses. The light from  10/30/1978 #33894  
ollers saw shiny objects, one sped away, circled, maneuvered, descended in  10/30/1978 #33896  
en descended to hover a few meters away from the witnesses. The light from  10/30/1978 #33898  
ze." Finally the UFO began to move away, throwing numerous rocks and debris 10/30/1978 #33898  
debris up into the air. As it sped away from view a small spherical orange- 10/30/1978 #33898  
a bee's nest they moved a distance away. As they moved Dorothy and Will saw 10/31/1978 #33902  
ith glowing-halo going [to] slow.. away extremely fast.                     11/2/1978 #33912  
 in front of her car about 90 feet away and no more than 20 feet above the  11/7/1978 #33924  
eters from the shape. At five feet away the triangle figure vanished into t 11/9/1978 #33941  
itness became frightened and drove away from the area.                      11/11/1978 #33945  
STRALIA Brilliant green ovoid 100' away. Blurred edges. Glow elongates. No  11/15/1978 #33956  
radar at 13,000 feet some 40 miles away. One of the jets is ordered to appr 11/15/1978 #33957  
f the object but is forced to turn away by low fuel.                        11/15/1978 #33957  
bed the UFO as being only 100 feet away from him and having blurred edges.  11/15/1978 #33958  
cross two entities just a few feet away from him. One is about 4 feet tall, 11/24/1978 #33995  
ches one of its long hands to take away d’Ambros’s pruning knife. D’Ambros  11/24/1978 #33995  
UFO resting in a clearing 100 feet away on four landing pods. The entities  11/24/1978 #33995  
e ground for five seconds and shot away.                                    11/28/1978 #34021  
ot out and fled. The UFO then shot away to the northeast over the Adriatric 11/29/1978 #34027  
bright night lights rise / sea and away. Separate observer(s) earlier.      11/30/1978 #34028  
lia, Liguria, Italy, and then flew away. There were several witnesses.      11/30/1978 #34031  
e ovoids rise / sea and going [to] away. 3 more and then more.              12/1/1978 #34039  
ntense white light land 200 meters away from his car while he was driving i 12/2/1978 #34051  
saucer over hog-pen. Farmer scared away. 2 dead hogs on return, 1 mutilated 12/6/1978 #34062  
itness protested. The men then put away the box and calmly walked back into 12/6/1978 #34070  
/ car. Luminous dome tilts. Shoots away when hit / spotlight.               12/8/1978 #34073  
ect tilt over the roadway. It shot away from them when they hit it with a s 12/8/1978 #34078  
o start his car's engine and drove away from the area.                      12/12/1978 #34102  
mers lamp. Changes color and flies away. Separate observer(s).              12/13/1978 #34107  
dressed, got in his car, and drove away leaving his young daughter alone at 12/14/1978 #34127  
g sound again. The UFO then backed away and rose at an angle. On his way ho 12/14/1978 #34127  
umanoids standing only five meters away. Seconds later the witness saw a do 12/15/1978 #34135  
nto the craft. The craft then shot away at high speed. Ground traces were r 12/15/1978 #34138  
umanoids standing only five meters away. They were dressed in black, tight- 12/15/1978 #34141  
al minutes before finally shooting away. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)   12/16/1978 #34151  
al minutes before finally shooting away.                                    12/16/1978 #34157  
ous ovoid with big antennas metres away. No further details / Ufologia.     12/18/1978 #34167  
. Orange ovoid going down [to] and away. Leaves dark mass near ground / 30  12/20/1978 #34178  
me woods, and then turned and flew away toward the north. There was extensi 12/23/1978 #34199  
s teleported 15 kilometers further away from the bridge to the town of Tran 12/28/1978 #34222  
ilver disc hovering only one block away from one of their residences in Hom 12/31/1978 #34244  
t radar picks up a target 37 miles away. Startup turns toward it, but it mo 12/31/1978 #34246  
ilver disc hovering only one block away from one of their residences in Hom 12/31/1978 #34252  
ry base. Changes shape. Going [to] away and lands / field.                  1/1/1979 #34271  
bserver vanishes. Found 10 mile(s) away.                                    1/3/1979 #34283  
d to leave the area. As they drove away they observed a similar but larger  1/3/1979 #34290  
dazed two hours later and 16 miles away from the original location by a pol 1/3/1979 #34292  
heir dog that has just run barking away from their home in Krugersdorp, Gau 1/4/1979 #34294  
they find the dog standing 60 feet away from a lead-colored, egg-shaped obj 1/4/1979 #34294  
utes. It had a blue halo, and shot away very fast. (Source: Lumieres dans l 1/5/1979 #34299  
The closest object is only 30 feet away. She feels heat on her face and sme 1/5/1979 #34302  
utes. It had a blue halo, and shot away very fast.                          1/5/1979 #34305  
red three shots at it and then ran away, shooting one more time over his sh 1/5/1979 #34306  
r ground / 3 minute(s). Blue halo. Away / very fast. No further details / n 1/6/1979 #34309  
k hovers near lake / 10 minute(s). Away / split second.                     1/8/1979 #34313  
e by school. Intense light. Shoots away. / r237p67.                         1/8/1979 #34315  
 lake for 10 minutes. It then shot away and was gone in a split second. (So 1/8/1979 #34318  
 lake for 10 minutes. It then shot away and was gone in a split second.     1/8/1979 #34319  
UFO had an intense light, and shot away at a high speed after five minutes. 1/8/1979 #34321  
se to one meter altitude and moved away rapidly in a horizontal direction.  1/9/1979 #34325  
observer(s). Large domed disk 300' away. Brilliant blue lights rotate.      1/12/1979 #34332  
 SOUTH YORKS Domed saucer back 50' away. Observer(s) going [to] cabin. Nois 1/13/1979 #34336  
gs up. Frightened, the witness ran away from the scene. The object took off 1/13/1979 #34338  
ft behind a small trail that faded away quickly.                            1/14/1979 #34341  
objects. When the "whirlwind" went away the figures and objects were no lon 1/23/1979 #34368  
lond hair. The UFO glided silently away and then shot away at high speed.   1/29/1979 #34391  
glided silently away and then shot away at high speed.                      1/29/1979 #34391  
mer, Texas, a distance of 30 miles away from his last known location. He al 1/30/1979 #34393  
 on her knees. As the object moves away with a soft whirring noise, she get 2/1979 #34398  
g again on the slope about 80 feet away. After another few minutes, it wobb 2/22/1979 #34444  
 approaching object land 40 meters away from him. As he approached the obje 2/26/1979 #34449  
 approaching object land 40 meters away from him. He tried to make out what 2/26/1979 #34450  
n 15 miles of the light, it shoots away to the east and hovers again. The d 3/1979 #34453  
 twice above the object, it speeds away to the east.                        3/1979 #34453  
s / 200' altitude. Colored lights. Away fast. No further details.           3/1/1979 #34454  
AILLE, FR 40M disk over meadow 30M away. Ray freezes observer(s) / 4 minute 3/16/1979 #34479  
crescent object / 21M altitude 63M away! Photographs and police report.     3/22/1979 #34484  
 It then moves down the street and away.                                    4/12/1979 #34508  
hts. 100mph. Hums. Also maneuvers. Away going [to] sea.                     4/29/1979 #34527  
 It maneuvered in the sky and flew away out to sea. (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 4/29/1979 #34528  
 It maneuvered in the sky and flew away out to sea.                         4/29/1979 #34529  
, and cattle get disturbed and run away. The objects examine the Telecom sa 5/9/1979 #34552  
. Hums. Attracts birds that follow away.                                    5/12/1979 #34555  
 birds that followed it as it flew away.                                    5/12/1979 #34556  
r(s). 8 night lights zigzag / sky. Away slowly. No trace / Dusseldorf RADAR 5/16/1979 #34560  
it is burning. Frightened, he runs away and does not look back. The next mo 5/22/1979 #34574  
l humanoids (or Greys). Left miles away. Recalled / 1987.                   6/1979 #34597  
hexagon hovers / 25M altitude 250M away. Heat. Quickly going up.            6/1979 #34598  
 nuclear power plant one half mile away to their northeast. (NICAP: 02 - Cl 6/12/1979 #34608  
 nuclear power plant one half mile away to the northeast. An ovoid-shaped o 6/12/1979 #34610  
 nuclear power plant one half mile away to their northeast. An ovoid shaped 6/12/1979 #34611  
 a bright light and the craft sped away. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NI 6/19/1979 #34621  
indrical object going up / sea 6km away. Nears / 3km and suddenly quickly g 6/22/1979 #34624  
-steady at 60 feet up and 100 feet away or less. After 4–5 minutes it moves 6/26/1979 #34632  
ries him to a larger craft further away. There he is put in front of a larg 6/28/1979 #34639  
er a stand of trees about one mile away for 2–3 seconds. It ascends and des 7/1/1979 #34645  
nks out and the man begins running away, but the disc is descending and fol 7/4/1979 #34646  
p from the treetops about 325 feet away and hovers 100 feet from the ground 8/1979 #34692  
 light is along its sides, shading away into white in the middle. The UFO s 8/1979 #34692  
hite in the middle. The UFO speeds away, leaving no findable landing traces 8/1979 #34692  
ot stay to see any more, but drove away quickly from the area.              8/2/1979 #34704  
s the other way. Finally, it flies away to the west.                        8/4/1979 #34714  
our, but they accelerated and sped away to the north at 1,500 mph. There we 8/9/1979 #34722  
lar object hovering about 300 feet away and flashing beams of white and blu 8/10/1979 #34725  
ove the water when it slowly moves away to a distance of 9 miles. A patrol  8/12/1979 #34739  
 (electro-magnetic effects). Jumps away.                                    8/15/1979 #34742  
It remains stationary as he drives away.                                    8/16/1979 #34747  
close to the right wing. It speeds away rapidly and appears to have a white 8/17/1979 #34752  
 thing they knew they were running away, and the grass around them was sway 8/19/1979 #34760  
 UFO could be seen flying silently away. After the incident the mother and  8/19/1979 #34760  
 ITL Disk hovers / 6M altitude 30M away. Transparent dome and cone antenna  8/21/1979 #34764  
lights in the air less than a mile away. Suddenly another larger, pulsating 8/23/1979 #34768  
t the red sphere has moved further away. The boats safely return to Hel by  8/23/1979 #34768  
ath it and then streaks upward and away to about 3,000 feet. Possible early 8/27/1979 #34788  
roached, hovered, and finally sped away over horizon (section IX) (NICAP: 0 8/29/1979 #34795  
 approached, hovered, finally sped away over horizon                        8/29/1979 #34796  
is eyes and sees the light heading away west. The next day, the still-shake 8/29/1979 #34798  
s to be a post sitting a half-mile away. It is about 4–5 feet tall. About 1 8/29/1979 #34799  
g from behind a hill about 3 miles away. The husband studies it through bin 8/29/1979 #34800  
ped object, which stops 1,300 feet away and hovers above some buildings for 8/29/1979 #34800  
ed, hovered, and then finally sped away over the horizon in Ernestowo, Bydg 8/29/1979 #34805  
 an oval object about a city block away. It moves away horizontally, still  8/30/1979 #34809  
 about a city block away. It moves away horizontally, still close to the gr 8/30/1979 #34809  
 luminous saucer hovers / seconds. Away very fast. No further details / La  9/1979 #34811  
ch the UFO wobbling about 300 feet away. Two more cars stop to watch. The o 9/4/1979 #34834  
sin at 7:45 p.m. It rose and moved away, still wobbling.                    9/4/1979 #34836  
 50 feet up, slowing down 600 feet away and descending below the tree line. 9/5/1979 #34839  
g south. Stops / 5 second(s) / 90' away / 15m altitude. Turns going quickly 9/9/1979 (approximate) #34847  
 before moving off only 80–90 feet away from them.                          9/9/1979 #34853  
 feet wide. It hovers 300–500 feet away in a nearby field for 5 minutes the 9/11/1979 #34860  
ld for 5 minutes then moves up and away to the northwest.                   9/11/1979 #34860  
ned by a third light, and all fade away after 45 seconds. The third ball ap 9/12/1979 #34867  
tops. Turns / sharp angle. Zigzags away. No further details.                9/13/1979 #34869  
aneuvers. Stops. Lights up. Shoots away.                                    9/14/1979 #34875  
s rays hovers / 10 minute(s). Then away fast. No further details.           9/14/1979 #34876  
le stops / sky. Going quickly [to] away seconds later. [Pegasus re-entry? ] 9/14/1979 #34877  
 minutes over the ocean, then shot away fast.                               9/14/1979 #34883  
 leading to another circle 18 feet away. At first, he thinks lightning caus 9/16/1979 #34890  
kly northwest. 1 hovers / 500M and away. / r229'82#3.                       9/17/1979 #34892  
y 30 feet up and less than a block away. She says it seems as large as a th 9/17/1979 #34896  
t hovered at 500 meters, then shot away.                                    9/17/1979 #34897  
se, Pas-de-Calais, France; it shot away toward the northeast. Shortly after 9/17/1979 #34898  
 She floors the accelerator to get away but can’t get past 40 mph. She reca 9/20/1979 #34907  
n. The witness stood about 80 feet away and was able to see shadowy figures 9/26/1979 #34929  
 The UFO then flew straight up and away at incredible speed.                9/26/1979 #34929  
rawls back to the truck and drives away. He loses his sense of direction an 10/1979 #34936  
 under a high cliff about 320 feet away. He walks toward it and sees it loo 10/1979 #34937  
er it started again. He then drove away from the area.                      10/4/1979 #34941  
 standing immobile about 50 meters away. Apparently a total of seven humano 10/7/1979 #34951  
e over a hayfield about 1,200 feet away. He goes outside for a closer look, 10/20/1979 #34962  
850 feet long and only a half-mile away with three spheres attached to it.  10/27/1979 #34971  
 LIVINGSTON, SCT Large ovoid fades away! 2' small humanoids (or Greys) grab 11/9/1979 #34988  
w course and stay about 1,600 feet away from the plane. Since the object is 11/11/1979 #34997  
rom the south until it is 900 feet away and 750 feet in the air. The light  11/15/1979 #35001  
 hovers for 3 seconds only 12 feet away from him, then shoots straight up i 11/17/1979 #35004  
shape of a triangle about 12 miles away. They do not register on radar. In  11/17/1979 #35005  
ng up and down / 15 minute(s) 700M away / low altitude. No further details  11/26/1979 #35014  
ith lights going down / field 150M away. Silver figure moves outside.       11/27/1979 #35017  
ating on the sea only 130–140 feet away, approaching at about 8 mph, and th 11/30/1979 #35031  
ers in one spot then moves quickly away at one point. He shows them to the  12/3/1979 #35045  
 craft was gone the paralysis went away.                                    12/4/1979 #35052  
 came from 2.4 million light years away. Several months later she thought s 12/10/1979 #35068  
sion. By now the object is pulling away in an arc described as a “well-cont 12/11/1979 #35072  
vince, China. They were 200 meters away, and stood beside a highway. They h 12/13/1979 #35080  
d, hovered over a house, then shot away at a high rate of speed heading sou 12/19/1979 #35085  
d, hovered over a house, then shot away at a high rate of speed heading sou 12/19/1979 #35086  
rashes into the ground not too far away from their car. They can feel the i 12/20/1979 #35088  
ins. Shoots overhead. Turns up and away.                                    12/25/1979 #35096  
ering above trees about 1,200 feet away. It approaches in a zigzag path.    12/31/1979 #35107  
nd media. Doty redirects attention away from AFOSI’s surveillance of U.S. c 1980's? #35109  
nute(s). Going quickly [to] up and away / 45° angle.                        1/1980 #35117  
 ovoid going up / field. Flash and away.                                    1/2/1980 #35121  
scuring the base. Now only 25 feet away, he sees that it has a bell- or tor 1/14/1980 #35135  
ove a bluff less than a city block away. When they stop the car to get out  1/21/1980 #35141  
or a closer look, the lights speed away to the southwest. The seventh woman 1/21/1980 #35141  
it stalls out another quarter-mile away. A bright orange light appears in a 1/21/1980 #35141  
ears in a cornfield about 900 feet away with an intensity that hurts her ey 1/21/1980 #35141  
all slows and hovers. 90° turn and away fast. Classic saucer / (seen thru)  1/24/1980 #35143  
 Red-glow 40' saucer paces car 2k' away / 180' altitude. Several turns.     1/25/1980 #35145  
ectro-magnetic effect (EME). Flies away.                                    2/6/1980 #35159  
ge pear-shapes stop / 3 minute(s). Away fast. Boat found / no crew.         2/11/1980 #35163  
owly light over a field 200 meters away, on the left side of his truck and  2/11/1980 #35167  
creature in a tree about 50 meters away. He was about 30-40 cm tall, and wa 2/11/1980 #35168  
es, who became terrified and drove away frantically from the area. The tall 2/11/1980 #35169  
owly light over a field 200 meters away, on the left side of his truck and  2/11/1980 #35170  
to spread out in width the further away it got. The beam of light covered t 2/11/1980 #35170  
slowed down briefly, but then sped away. Perhaps the approaching driver had 2/11/1980 #35170  
Cervantes, located more than 15 km away from were he had been, and he has a 2/11/1980 #35170  
own. After several minutes it shot away at incredible speed parallel to the 2/11/1980 #35173  
range 5' ovoid / 30' altitude 150' away. Away quickly going up. Eyes bloods 2/18/1980 #35177  
5' ovoid / 30' altitude 150' away. Away quickly going up. Eyes bloodshot. / 2/18/1980 #35177  
nder/cigar-shape / 6m altitude 15m away. Zigzags going up and down / odd an 3/9/1980 #35206  
going up and down / odd angles and away.                                    3/9/1980 #35206  
ght object hovering motionless 20' away from ground near back of house. Thr 3/9/1980 #35209  
feet above the ground and 210 feet away. The lights seem to come from an ai 3/25/1980 #35241  
ght yellow-green in color. He runs away and does not return to the location 4/1980 #35244  
tic effect (EME). 30M saucer 1.5km away. Radio OK when glow fades.          4/8/1980 #35259  
. He abandons the mission 52 miles away from the base. After he lands 22 mi 4/11/1980 #35269  
eparates / 2 minute(s). 1/2 shinks away. / asat launch?                     4/12/1980 #35270  
t remains stationary and they look away, but soon they see three smaller be 4/20/1980 #35280  
r the field. Then, about 50 meters away near a barbwire fence, he noticed t 4/20/1980 #35281  
er the Cimarron Mountains 20 miles away at 11:10 p.m.                       4/22/1980 #35285  
oke he and the car were ten blocks away from where the encounter had taken  4/23/1980 #35286  
aucer rises / lake. Makes loop and away. / FSRv35#2.                        4/24/1980 #35287  
It made a loop in the sky and flew away.                                    4/24/1980 #35288  
e B-52 Alert Pad about half a mile away. It begins to move down the flight  5/1980 #35296  
tory, accelerated rapidly and sped away (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)    5/2/1980 #35300  
tory, accelerated rapidly and sped away                                     5/2/1980 #35301  
 it accelerates rapidly and speeds away to the south. The sighting duration 5/2/1980 #35303  
oks like a Stetson hat as it moves away.                                    5/7/1980 #35314  
tom. It made a U-turn, then banked away. The car's radio experienced interf 5/7/1980 #35316  
linder/cigar-shape going [to] 100M away. Curves back out to sea.            5/11/1980 #35323  
up. Stops. Going up [to] again and away.                                    5/12/1980 #35324  
Big RADAR blip going northeast 3km away. Low altitude. Absolute(ly) invisib 5/26/1980 #35341  
lain torpedo-tank shape passes 15M away!                                    6/12/1980 #35359  
a bright object less than 500 feet away. He runs toward it, feels some resi 6/14/1980 #35367  
ntinues until he is about 150 feet away. It gives off a high-pitched sound  6/14/1980 #35367  
ding, but gained altitude and flew away. It was tracked on radar at the Jor 6/14/1980 #35370  
 minature figures less than 7 feet away from them. One was dressed in a whi 6/18/1980 #35380  
of another airline flight 90 miles away reports sighting the same phenomeno 6/20/1980 #35382  
ilent 15M round object hovers 500' away. 6M indent / ground. FSRv26#4.      7/6/1980 #35405  
round object hovered only 500 feet away. A dog hid in fear. A six-meter lon 7/6/1980 #35407  
round object hovered only 500 feet away. A dog hid in fear. A six-meter lon 7/6/1980 #35409  
rom the object and walk a few feet away from it. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encount 7/16/1980 #35414  
rom the object and walk a few feet away from it. Moments later the figure r 7/16/1980 #35415  
ss, who panicked and quickly drove away.                                    8/8/1980 #35448  
ckup. The UFO shot straight up and away at high speed at the end of the 30  8/9/1980 #35453  
round, silvery form about 270 feet away. It has little holes on the surface 8/17/1980 #35462  
ed and inflamed. The redness fades away by the evening of the following nig 8/20/1980 #35469  
ved. Medical exam. Left 25 mile(s) away. / r25p45.                          8/21/1980 #35471  
rplane’s left wingtip only 30 feet away. It looks like a metallic football  9/4/1980 #35494  
run to house. Fireballs going [to] away over trees.                         9/5/1980 #35496  
ered over trees in a yard 100 feet away from his bedroom window. It rotated 9/11/1980 #35512  
 above his backyard trees 110 feet away. Hundreds of steady bright white li 9/11/1980 #35514  
ude hums. Going north slowly (i.e. away from Lbj ranch.)                    9/13/1980 #35519  
 object on the ground about a mile away. Sr. Seixas got out of the vehicle  9/25/1980 #35535  
r-buns circle private plane / 10x. Away very fast. No RADAR.                9/28/1980 #35539  
e close encounter a horse galloped away and cattle bellowed, panicked and r 9/30/1980 #35548  
ted light bulb" going quickly [to] away.                                    10/10/1980 #35561  
 moon. He estimates it is 250 feet away and 200 feet up at its closest. Fiv 10/15/1980 #35568  
The object draws closer the speeds away to the northeast. During the sighti 10/15/1980 #35568  
 / bottom/underside. Fast turn and away.                                    10/17/1980 #35574  
they turn 90° to the left and move away from the witnesses. The formation r 10/21/1980 #35578  
in the back. When it moved further away it looked like a bright orange ligh 10/26/1980 #35592  
2 / car. Ovoid going down [to] 12M away. 2 figure(s) move to and fro / wind 11/1/1980 #35601  
 delta/triangle/box-like craft 60m away. 5 small humanoids (or Greys) in re 11/1/1980 #35603  
bject that descends only 12 meters away from them. The car engine dies and  11/1/1980 #35607  
overing at an angle about 200 feet away. The craft had large rectangular wi 11/1/1980 #35608  
lic-white saucer hovers still 300M away. Shiny dome. Featuress.             11/21/1980 #35661  
ct rises. Bright and dim and fades away. Local wave.                        11/25/1980 #35666  
the Brent oil platform 12–15 miles away. An RAF Hawker Siddeley Nimrod airc 11/25/1980 #35670  
in 1980 at 10:30 p.m., three miles away from three witnesses in Minocqua, W 11/25/1980 #35671  
aneuvers. Shoots going up [to] and away. Marked 'USA' with flag!            12/1980 (approximate) #35685  
a foot in diameter and only 3 feet away. The seat belt alarm also comes on  12/3/1980 #35690  
 foot in diameter and only a meter away. The seat belt alarm also came on d 12/3/1980 #35691  
titude. Beam on and off. Turns and away.                                    12/6/1980 #35702  
view from the south about 100 feet away. It seems to be 40 feet in diameter 12/6/1980 #35703  
eam of light, rotate once, and fly away at a great rate of speed. She looks 12/6/1980 #35704  
p then going quickly northeast and away.                                    12/14/1980 #35714  
Orfordness Lighthouse, a few miles away on the coast. After daybreak, Burro 12/26/1980 #35737  
lar small “burst” over half a mile away from the landing site. Halt records 12/28/1980 #35749  
s off no heat. Instantly, about 25 away, Warren claims he sees a large, pyr 12/28/1980 #35750  
t the car to a halt about 150 feet away from the UFO. They immediately felt 12/29/1980 #35758  
sk hovers / roadside. Purrs. Fades away. 90m / missing time. / MJ#177.      1/2/1981 #35769  
et in diameter land about 150 feet away at a lower elevation. It has a thic 1/8/1981 #35779  
ent suddenly rises. Levels off and away.                                    1/15/1981 #35788  
ver the road, then turned and flew away toward the east.                    1/26/1981 #35802  
tight turns," hovered, accelerated away at "extremely high rate of speed."  2/9/1981 #35820  
 surrounds the blimp and it drifts away.                                    2/12/1981 #35824  
ing at treetop level about 50 feet away. The object was silent and had thre 2/14/1981 #35828  
ering over a field about 20 meters away. His animals were effected and he r 2/18/1981 #35831  
ering over a field about 20 meters away. He woke up another shepherd, but h 2/18/1981 #35832  
eing a bright light quickly flying away. He described the humanoids as abou 2/18/1981 #35832  
ident some nearby horses stampeded away from the area, apparently terrified 2/18/1981 #35832  
SSA TEMPO, BRZ Large dark ovoid 2M away. Observer(s) and donkey come to at  2/24/1981 #35841  
craft on the ground about 50 yards away. The object seemed to be supported  3/1981 #35855  
ance. It then shot straight up and away. A check with authorities showed th 3/30/1981 #35879  
 a.m. It then shot straight up and away. A check with authorities showed th 3/30/1981 #35882  
 noticing something moving quickly away from the car, moments later a flash 4/1/1981 #35883  
ite light at its center. It speeds away to the west and disappears.         4/3/1981 #35884  
 a few feet off road about 40 feet away; climbed rapidly through sky and di 4/12/1981 #35892  
 a few feet off road about 40 feet away. Climbed rapidly through sky and di 4/12/1981 #35893  
disc as they drove by just 40 feet away. In the early afternoon R. E. Schen 4/12/1981 #35894  
ew feet off the road about 40 feet away, with sunlight reflecting off its s 4/12/1981 #35894  
ands on the street about 50 meters away from their vehicle. A small door op 4/15/1981 #35898  
lliant light. Driver wakens 1000km away / northwest / 25 April! Car left be 4/20/1981 #35906  
 tilted, accelerated rapidly, sped away                                     4/20/1981 #35908  
ed, accelerated rapidly, then sped away toward the cloud shrouded mountains 4/20/1981 #35909  
rt of Brazil, over 1000 kilometers away to the northwest, and without his c 4/20/1981 #35910  
ly, then stopped, and finally shot away fast. The sighting lasted 25 minute 4/25/1981 #35916  
d briefly, spinning, and then went away.                                    5/13/1981 #35935  
. At first the object was 1/2 mile away but it eventually approached to a d 5/14/1981 #35936  
it inside. At first it is 1/2 mile away but it eventually approaches to 300 5/14/1981 #35937  
 when the water about 300–450 feet away starts bubbling up. A 15–20-foot UF 5/16/1981 #35940  
im, accelerates upward, and speeds away. Pellets from the UFO, apparently f 5/16/1981 #35940  
vering silently about 150–200 feet away and 75–100 feet in the air. He watc 5/20/1981 #35943  
ates. He loses interest and drives away, but another object begins moving p 5/20/1981 #35943  
led a mist, then took off and shot away to the north. (Source: Paul Dong an 6/13/1981 #35969  
led a mist, then took off and shot away to the north.                       6/13/1981 #35970  
triangular object about 1,200 feet away and perhaps 1,000 feet above the gr 7/1981 #35982  
eams going down / hills and trees. Away and back and away.                  7/11/1981 #35994  
hills and trees. Away and back and away.                                    7/11/1981 #35994  
 illumination. Object finally shot away (section I). (NICAP: 02 - Close Enc 7/12/1981 #36000  
 illumination. Object finally shot away                                     7/12/1981 #36001  
 stops abruptly about 600–900 feet away, then changes direction and begins  7/12/1981 #36002  
portholes. After a while it shoots away to the east. When they arrive home  7/12/1981 #36002  
ing more frequently, then it veers away and fades out.                      7/19/1981 #36019  
some pine trees less than 500 feet away on their right. One minute later, t 7/19/1981 #36020  
feet above the ground and 750 feet away from Wagner. It disappears above a  7/22/1981 #36023  
 their speed increases. One speeds away, but the other approaches, slipping 7/23/1981 #36026  
0M altitude. Humming and whine and away.                                    7/28/1981 #36038  
ams. Going down / 20M altitude 30M away. Power out.                         8/5/1981 #36057  
20 meters altitude, only 30 meters away from three young witnesses in Brusc 8/5/1981 #36060  
s at a farmhouse about a half-mile away.                                    8/12/1981 #36070  
 then lifts into the sky and moves away. An hour of so later, she notices a 9/10/1981 #36108  
ow light floating about 100 meters away. Terrified, Cavallo felt himself be 9/11/1981 #36110  
ow light floating about 100 meters away. Terrified, Cavallo felt himself be 9/12/1981 #36111  
ow light floating about 100 meters away. Terrified, Cavallo felt himself be 9/12/1981 #36112  
PLE VALLEY, CA Disk hovers. Shoots away and back. Spins. Colored lights. (N 9/17/1981 #36120  
rnia at 8:00 p.m. It hovered, shot away and then came back. It was spinning 9/17/1981 #36122  
afts. 1 going [to] over house. 1 / away. Eject flame particles.             10/6/1981 #36160  
st going west. 350M altitude 2500M away. Rotates. Intense glowing.          10/8/1981 #36163  
object positioned at least 30 feet away from the camera.                    10/8/1981 #36167  
He climbed a tree and Ferreira ran away. The object hovered over the tree,  10/17/1981 #36176  
an outline standing some 15 meters away from the car. They had several hour 10/24/1981 #36186  
eens. 15M metallic ovoid lands 15M away. Pseudo-human/entity exits and walk 11/8/1981 #36210  
ng metallic ovoid landed 15 meters away from six teenagers in Praglia, Ligu 11/8/1981 #36211  
GREECE 1 observer. Pear-shape 500M away / 100M altitude. Radiates heat. / I 11/12/1981 #36218  
LMAR, ARG Flash. Trucker wakes far away. Small humanoids (or Greys) and tel 12/10/1981 #36254  
e sky for a few minutes, then shot away toward the southwest.               12/15/1981 #36258  
clump of trees a few hundred yards away. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NI 12/17/1981 #36262  
ering at 800–1,000 feet and shoots away to the southwest.                   12/21/1981 #36273  
00 to 1000 feet altitude, and shot away to the southwest.                   12/21/1981 #36274  
spins. Beams going up. Then shoots away fast.                               12/26/1981 #36277  
dual but it was revealed he passed away in 1997, and later evidence shows t 1982 #36293  
long, 55 feet high, and 3,000 feet away. The control tower cannot see anyth 1/3/1982 #36295  
ce. The object was only 100 meters away. It had bluish yellow bottom lights 1/29/1982 #36315  
s above her backyard about 25 feet away then silently moves directly above  Mid 2/1982 #36347  
a football field. The object moves away noiselessly.                        Mid 2/1982 #36347  
er over the ground about 10 meters away. It appeared to be balancing itself 2/19/1982 #36357  
 observer. 3 2M ovoid / ground 60M away / house. 3M ovoid hovers over these 2/26/1982 #36371  
 going [to] over swamp slow. Rises away.                                    2/26/1982 #36372  
y low altitude. Lights farm. Darts away and back. / r241'82.                3/14/1982 #36390  
, Queensland, Australia. It darted away and then came back.                 3/14/1982 #36391  
te(s). Hums. Rises and circles and away. / r237p71.                         3/18/1982 #36398  
rcled the witness's car, then flew away.                                    3/18/1982 #36400  
ced the car for 15 blocks. It flew away toward the north. (NICAP: 02 - Clos 3/30/1982 #36418  
feet in the air and a quarter mile away. It approaches as she makes a turn  3/30/1982 #36419  
ross the street less than 400 feet away. The object reverses direction and  3/30/1982 #36419  
bject reverses direction and moves away as she runs up to her house.        3/30/1982 #36419  
ced the car for 15 blocks. It flew away toward the north.                   3/30/1982 #36420  
barn. 2 small objects exit and fly away. Delta/triangle/box-like craft quic 4/1/1982 #36424  
lights off again, the object backs away. The lights go on again, and the UF 4/1/1982 #36427  
er angles. Two bright lights shoot away from the triangle, one going north  4/1/1982 #36427  
the tree line and a short distance away from her home in Charlottesville, V 4/1/1982 #36428  
object flares up brightly and zips away at an incredible speed.             4/1/1982 #36428  
the rim and is only about 150 feet away. The blue lights illuminate the are 4/3/1982 #36433  
e rim, and was only about 50 yards away. The blue light from the object ill 4/3/1982 #36434  
/ car. Hazy lights. Odd maneuvers. Away smoothly.                           4/7/1982 #36436  
TT, ENG 2 / car. Large object 100' away with 2 blazing lights. Odd cone / s 4/17/1982 #36445  
2.5M vertical egg hovers / 1M. 15M away. Pseudo-human/entity inside. Away f 5/1982 #36459  
 away. Pseudo-human/entity inside. Away fast.                               5/1982 #36459  
ches area / beams. Spins and rises away.                                    5/12/1982 #36469  
eams of light. It rose up and flew away. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)     5/12/1982 #36470  
eams of light. It rose up and flew away.                                    5/12/1982 #36471  
viewing location, the object moves away, almost instantly. They see it agai 6/10/1982 #36498  
 It stopped and hovered, then flew away fast toward the west. (NICAP: 01 -  6/15/1982 #36502  
 It stopped and hovered, then flew away fast toward the west.               6/15/1982 #36503  
ight going down. Maneuvers. Shoots away.                                    6/18/1982 #36509  
 up from behind a hill, 300 meters away, that turned into a creamy-yellow s 6/18/1982 #36511  
ound, then shot up straight up and away.                                    6/18/1982 #36511  
car. Odd water tank / field. Flies away when car headlights hit it.         7/14/1982 (approximate) #36534  
water tank" in a nearby field flew away when the witness's car headlights h 7/14/1982 #36535  
as a tanker truck a hundred meters away, but when he got to about 30 meters 7/20/1982 #36537  
but when he got to about 30 meters away from it he saw two huge human- like 7/20/1982 #36537  
as a tanker truck a hundred meters away, but when he got to about 30 meters 7/20/1982 #36538  
but when he got to about 30 meters away from it he saw two huge human-like  7/20/1982 #36538  
kes 15° turn going quickly NNW and away. Form unknown.                      7/26/1982 #36552  
mell of smoke, and the being faded away.                                    7/30/1982 #36556  
ing-ball going down / pond. Up and away / 45°. Crushed reeds.               8/30/1982 #36585  
l it reaches a point about 4 miles away when it descends. His two daughters 9/2/1982 #36593  
 beams of light.  It finally moved away silently after 30 seconds. Three ho 10/2/1982 #36630  
aches from the south about 2 miles away. It circles around the plane and cl 10/19/1982 #36654  
 northwest. Going down / garden 1M away / 1M altitude! / r245p162+/ r226#28 10/21/1982 #36656  
e, and then to red, only 100 yards away from them. It made no sound. The cl 10/27/1982 #36667  
s, Lincolnshire, England. It moves away to the southeast.                   Late 11/1982 #36689  
eet wide and 5 feet tall, 150 feet away from him, and 210 feet above the gr 12/10/1982 #36712  
At the same time, the object turns away and the beam goes out. Hansen says  12/31/1982 #36733  
. Saucer hovers / 20M altitude 30M away. Vanishes! Odd hiss remains / 5 sec 1/1983 #36740  
rial” and come from 50 light years away. He mentions Project Aquarius, whic 1/10/1983 #36742  
t to back. The UFO turned and flew away.                                    3/10/1983 #36778  
titude of 1,300 feet and 1–2 miles away. Its colors seem to be changing con 3/23/1983 #36793  
 above trees several hundred yards away. They drift to the east and are los 3/24/1983 #36806  
ely a family living a quarter mile away sees them drift into view. Through  3/24/1983 #36806  
bject turns to the north and flies away, as the lights change to a slime gr 3/24/1983 #36807  
iver jumps into his car and speeds away. Then the UFO approaches Holtsman’s 3/24/1983 #36807  
ering over a utility pole 600 feet away. Three other people driving near th 3/24/1983 #36808  
object ascend slowly before moving away at speed. The drivers’ car lights f 4/10/1983 #36836  
,300 feet, but it is still too far away to identify it. Eckard Pohl, the as 4/26/1983 #36845  
 pole in Lawrence, Kansas. It flew away toward the northeast slowly at 35 m 5/4/1983 #36852  
t over a power line pole. It flies away toward the northeast slowly at 30–4 5/4/1983 #36854  
 pole in Lawrence, Kansas. It flew away toward the northeast slowly at 35 m 5/4/1983 #36855  
pines, while all the spines facing away from the ring are undamaged. No UFO 5/20/1983 #36862  
the ground. The object then speeds away into the sky toward its point of or 5/24/1983 #36868  
oaching very near, the person runs away, escaping down the road. Claretto p 6/5/1983 #36876  
me and orange light, and then flew away toward the south-southwest. In Vido 6/5/1983 #36877  
lta/triangle/box-like craft / sky. Away faster than plane. No further detai 6/17/1983 #36882  
s). Green fuselage going [to] 500M away. Silent. Portholes darken. Vanishes 7/1/1983 #36899  
the fence an object about 100 feet away and 15-20 feet above the ground, da 7/6/1983 #36903  
? hovers 20M over cows. Going [to] away and back / wide turns.              7/13/1983 #36910  
s in Houston, Texas. It then moved away past many witnesses. (NICAP: 01 - D 7/22/1983 #36920  
s in Houston, Texas. It then moved away past many witnesses. There was a wi 7/22/1983 #36922  
ng above pine trees about 750 feet away. It is metallic gray, possibly 300  7/25/1983 #36925  
 farmer’s field about 450–600 feet away. It appears to be 30 feet tall with 8/1/1983 #36929  
 minutes, then vanished as it sped away at a staggering speed.              8/5/1983 #36935  
irage. The witnesses begin running away when another similar UFO appears ab 8/12/1983 #36949  
 over car / 5 minute(s). Rises and away.                                    10/26/1983 #37019  
s, then rose into the sky and flew away.                                    10/26/1983 #37023  
 feet above the water and 200 feet away. After a few minutes, 9 red lights  10/28/1983 #37026  
d witness pulled the first witness away from an apparent abduction. Neverth 11/1/1983 #37041  
ve a small lake less than 200 feet away. But within seconds it vanishes. Al 11/28/1983 #37052  
 just above the ground. A few feet away he begins to feel heat and decides  12/14/1983 #37074  
ar-shape hovers / 3 minute(s) 150M away. Turns going quickly south and away 1/1984 #37099  
way. Turns going quickly south and away extremely fast.                     1/1984 #37099  
15 minutes. At 5:15 a.m., it moves away and disappears to the southeast. Th 1/3/1984 #37105  
ject with lights descend then move away from their car. After driving anoth 1/9/1984 #37124  
 ground. After a minute, it speeds away to the west.                        1/22/1984 #37144  
around. The driver begins speeding away, but the object moves directly over 1/22/1984 #37146  
down a county road before it moves away at high speed.                      1/22/1984 #37146  
/ edges hovers over houses. Up and away.                                    1/27/1984 #37155  
 in the northern sky about 2 miles away. Four are in a diamond formation wh 1/27/1984 #37158  
ation, small lights as well, moves away to the northwest and the witnesses  1/27/1984 #37158  
ring above houses about two blocks away. After a few seconds it ascends at  1/27/1984 #37159  
ridge, pause in mid-air, then move away horizontally in the distance.       1/28/1984 #37162  
igh rate of speed about five miles away. At about 10,000 feet, it comes to  1/30/1984 #37166  
ds, turns orange again, and speeds away to the east. Witnesses in Jensen Be 1/30/1984 #37166  
g lights. It instantaneously moved away to the east.                        1/30/1984 #37167  
ar, most of which can be explained away.                                    2/1984 #37170  
e his neighbor’s yard and 200 feet away. It is about the size of a small ca 2/7/1984 #37180  
ds in a zigzag pattern, then moves away at a high rate of speed.            2/7/1984 #37180  
 over a neighbor' s yard, 200 feet away. It ascended in a zigzag at a high  2/7/1984 #37181  
 altitude. Stays / 7 minute(s) and away. / MJ#194.                          3/11/1984 #37223  
cylindrical object just a few feet away through the window of their home in 3/11/1984 #37225  
 feet above the ground, then moves away silently.                           3/11/1984 #37225  
 track system when he is 7.5 miles away from the target and sees the larges Spring 1984 #37231  
et above the cemetery and 325 feet away from the witnesses. There is no sou 3/24/1984 #37240  
2 / boat. Silent ovoid hovers 100M away. Beams cone / light going down / la 4/13/1984 #37259  
 Amber lights / edge. Vanishes 80' away / 20' altitude.                     4/17/1984? #37264  
into one another. The object moves away to the south, but over the next hou 4/22/1984 #37281  
ed and over 300 feet wide. It flew away up the canyon, and was in sight for 4/25/1984 #37296  
iles in front of it only 1.8 miles away, and then flies below it over the I 5/5/1984 #37317  
ruck for 20 seconds. It then moves away silently and disappears. Residents  5/5/1984 #37318  
 quickly west / treetop level 125' away. Unidentified.                      5/18/1984 #37331  
 passed, the object began to drift away to the northwest where he lost sigh 5/19/1984 #37335  
object was reportedly 400-500 feet away.                                    5/19/1984 #37335  
ilot, he watched them turn and fly away toward the west. (NICAP: 01 - Dista 5/31/1984 #37346  
d formation of lights turn and fly away to the west.                        5/31/1984 #37348  
ilot, he watched them turn and fly away toward the west. V-shaped or triang 5/31/1984 #37349  
nded, delta-shaped UFO scared them away. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)     6/6/1984 #37353  
nded, delta-shaped UFO scared them away.                                    6/6/1984 #37354  
or about 15 minutes a quarter mile away. Behind them is a dark mass about 3 6/14/1984 #37361  
or for 15 minutes. It finally flew away toward the northeast.               6/14/1984 #37362  
titude of 4,920 feet about 2 miles away. It is shaped like a “frying pan tu Mid 6/1984 #37364  
 approach, and to red as they turn away. They finally form up into a boomer 6/21/1984 #37370  
ng. She watched it hover 125 yards away as it wobbled and made a "flutterin 6/22/1984 #37375  
s. After awhile both objects faded away.                                    6/25/1984 #37381  
ot a weather balloon and is moving away from him. He gives up the chase, bu 7/13/1984 #37395  
he road. The UFO now began to move away slightly, traveling in a northeaste 7/15/1984 #37401  
s. By the time it gets to 500 feet away, the police can see an ice-cream-co 7/24/1984 #37412  
th, a National Guard base 10 miles away, and ask for an armed helicopter, t 7/24/1984 #37412  
rn of colored lights about 80 feet away on the right side of the road in a  Late 9/1984 #37469  
e from the bushes, turn, and shoot away toward a mountain range. Cocozza re 10/8/1984 #37480  
 as big as a basketball that moves away from the window. They turn on the o 12/1984 #37514  
 the window once more before going away.                                    12/1984 #37514  
rough the window. It turn and flew away, but repeated the performance one m 12/31/1984 #37539  
 and flies more than one-half mile away. This happens five times. Then the  1985 #37541  
ject to his left less than 2 miles away. The object, the width of four full 3/7/1985 #37566  
 a few seconds, then silently shot away at incredible speed.                5/9/1985 #37589  
t fins follows power lines. Shoots away.                                    8/18/1985 #37646  
150 feet in the sky about 100 feet away. A bright light appears at each poi Autumn 1985 #37665  
gle. After a short time, it shoots away at incredible speed.                Autumn 1985 #37665  
vers / area / one hour 1 / 4 miles away. Green lights / edge. No further de 10/15/1985 #37681  
lored lights / tree-top level .5mi away.                                    10/24/1985 #37689  
ular object by reservoir drops 50' away. Observer(s) "hypnotized"?          11/1985 #37697  
gets out of his car about 200 feet away, and the object moves closer toward 11/22/1985 #37721  
oad. Smoothly and quickly it moves away to the west.                        11/22/1985 #37721  
ite metallic saucer going [to] 10M away. Hovers / 6M altitude. Spins. Going 12/1985 #37728  
hen stops by some branches 30 feet away. It drops to his eye level and he f 1986 #37743  
ts hovers / TV transmitter. Shoots away. Bottom spins.                      1/3/1986 #37746  
lta/triangle/box-like craft 1 mile away. Hovers / 10 minute(s). Maneuvers.  1/28/1986 #37772  
Circles area / 2 minute(s). Shoots away. 4 minute(s) Durtn.                 1/29/1986 #37774  
to see a thin, white mist floating away. A strong wind comes up for 5 minut 2/4/1986 #37779  
s). Orange sphere over home shoots away as observer(s) drives up. Seen east 2/9/1986 #37785  
er, and is hovering about 250 feet away. She goes to wake her husband, but  2/12/1986 #37786  
ver her neighbor's house, 150 feet away. It was between 50 and 60 feet in l 2/12/1986 #37787  
 planes crash. 1 explodes. 1 sails away! / MJ#219.                          2/15/1986 #37788  
ct flips on its side before moving away. A police officer who sees the UFO  3/26/1986 #37811  
woops down by boat and back up and away.                                    4/20/1986 #37826  
ed the boat, then flew back up and away.                                    4/20/1986 #37828  
ng with them. It is about 325 feet away from them, floating at 100–130 feet 4/22/1986 #37833  
ays vanish as the UFO moves slowly away to the northwest. Radiation levels  4/26/1986 #37844  
ted object hovering about 50 paces away and approximately 15 meters above t 5/15/1986 #37870  
the language. As the object glided away it hit some electric wires and brok 5/15/1986 #37870  
00 feet above the city and 9 miles away. Through binoculars, the objects ha 5/19/1986 #37878  
 off contact when the object moves away out to sea. Another F-5E, piloted b 5/19/1986 #37881  
le/box-like crafts hover and shoot away. Ultralite craft hoax blamed.       5/29/1986 #37897  
). Flat silent metallic ovoid 200M away / 2-3 minute(s). No further details 5/31/1986 #37901  
d the object land about 200 meters away. Two short figures emerged from the 6/3/1986 #37904  
 red mist seen 30 second(s) / 800m away. No further details.                6/8/1986 #37906  
 30 seconds, less than half a mile away, and was completely silent.         6/8/1986 #37907  
ver St. Joseph, Missouri then shot away to the northeast.                   6/13/1986 #37911  
ent over it. He attempted to drive away but his car engine stalled. At the  6/20/1986 #37918  
 able to restart the car and drove away. When he returned to the site sever 6/20/1986 #37918  
several turns at 5:15 a.m. It flew away in the direction of Napa.           7/6/1986 #37931  
 quickly west / 80' altitude. 300' away. Seen 6 second(s).                  7/14/1986 #37942  
quickly [to] over N. Fork Lake 50' away. 5+helicopters chase.               8/1986 (approximate) #37963  
 drifts / sky. Night light flashes away from it.                            8/7/1986 #37973  
ver to new home. Going up [to] and away..                                   8/20/1986 #37996  
 green halo goes under bridge 120' away. Heads going east and away.         8/29/1986 #38002  
ge 120' away. Heads going east and away.                                    8/29/1986 #38002  
 down / 2' altitude. Shoots up and away.                                    9/8/1986 #38021  
 Orange-glowing ovoid circles 300' away / 160' altitude. / CUFON.           9/18/1986 #38029  
6 minutes until it gradually fades away after breaking into several parts,  10/10/1986 #38044  
and restarts after the object goes away.                                    11/16/1986 #38067  
he other. As the larger UFOs moved away from the 747 Airlines Flight 1628 t 11/17/1986 #38068  
 the Capt. ordered the 747 to turn away from the giant UFO that was followi 11/17/1986 #38068  
nd cease when the two objects move away to the left of the aircraft. Two fl 11/17/1986 #38072  
ful, they request a descent to get away from the UFO (“We had to get away f 11/17/1986 #38072  
 away from the UFO (“We had to get away from that object”). After they desc 11/17/1986 #38072  
so. Later official statements back away from this and try to ascribe the ra 11/17/1986 #38072  
ky to the southeast about 450 feet away. They are attached to a flattened t 11/24/1986 #38075  
proach it in his car, but it moves away and is lost to sight.               11/24/1986 #38075  
uck / SR671 on drivers side. Veers away.                                    11/25/1986 #38076  
de of the vehicle, and then veered away. A radar target passed close to an  11/25/1986 #38078  
oid circles ship 2X. Shoots in and away going quickly northeast. Mach 4!    12/21/1986 #38085  
” landed in a field about 900 feet away. An orange light is flooding throug Late 12/1986 #38087  
 to leave and they gradually faded away. The witness suffered from gynecolo 1/25/1987 #38104  
 its closest point, about 500 feet away, it hovers in one position for abou 2/25/1987 #38123  
ack to silver again. Then it flies away at a faster but uniform speed.      2/25/1987 #38123  
r 5 minutes, then the light shoots away at great speed. The jets remain a f 3/1987 #38128  
jects are all about a quarter mile away at low altitude. As they watch, the 3/6/1987 #38130  
s they watch, the top object moves away from the smaller ones toward their  3/6/1987 #38130  
ude. It picks up speed and streaks away to the northeast. The remaining sma 3/6/1987 #38130  
. Paces truck / 3 minute(s). Sails away over hills.                         3/7/1987 #38131  
cylindrical object follows car 40' away. No exhaust.                        3/13/1987 #38140  
disk in her backyard about 75 feet away, partially obscured by a tree. The  3/23/1987 #38152  
 only look for a short while, turn away, recover, and look again. The light 3/23/1987 #38153  
 White car-size object hovers 300M away. Descends going down / trees.       3/25/1987 #38154  
n aircraft carrier" about 50 miles away at approximately their altitude, an 5/16/1987 #38175  
g toward the northeast a few miles away and disappearing behind the horizon Late 7/1987 #38218  
w above a field less than one mile away to the northeast. The man alerts hi Late 7/1987 #38218  
in the northeast less than 2 miles away. After 6 minutes they hear a high-p Late 7/1987 #38218  
r neighbor’s barn about 1,000 feet away seems to be on fire. The man goes h Late 7/1987 #38218  
etic effects). 3+car exported 40km away! / E. Russo / Cisu.                 8/6/1987 #38232  
peed. It finally takes off quickly away from the shoe.                      8/11/1987 #38241  
d estimated to be about 400 meters away at an altitude of 800 feet. Its spe 8/18/1987 #38247  
ed through binoculars as they flew away to the east.                        8/23/1987 #38253  
sky as the UFO takes off and flies away. Charlene then has the boys draw se 8/31/1987 #38265  
e sky as the UFO took off and flew away. Mrs. Springsteen, the mother of on 8/31/1987 #38266  
f a railroad car, only 75-100 feet away and at 75-100 feet altitude. It had 9/14/1987 #38288  
 The object made no sound and sped away to the north after buzzing their ca 10/8/1987 #38300  
ore photos as the object, 150 feet away, drifts in a northeasterly directio 11/11/1987 #38322  
ats up. Both join and spin. Up and away.                                    11/12/1987 #38323  
t closer to the lights, which move away as if in response. At no time does  11/23/1987 #38332  
o be a warning telling him to stay away, but he takes out his camera and sn 12/1/1987 #38345  
 a picture. The creature then runs away and Spencer follows it. He loses th 12/1/1987 #38345  
her town that was about 30 minutes away. When he arrives, he finds that it  12/1/1987 #38345  
ye to him, not telling him to stay away, as in his original account.        12/1/1987 #38345  
ar atomic plant. Odd conversation. Away / flying sleds.                     12/12/1987 #38354  
unintelligible language. They flew away on flying sleds. Later that night U 12/12/1987 #38357  
 flies backwards. 60m altitude 60m away / observer(s). Slow. Absolute(ly) s 12/17/1987 #38366  
e south-turns over Lake Siljan and away.                                    1/2/1988 #38386  
gether. In a split second it zooms away to the west.                        1/5/1988 #38405  
to start it; he then drove quickly away from the area at high speed.        1/12/1988 #38411  
ht in front of them about 150 feet away and 50 feet above the ground. It is 1/19/1988 #38416  
the device begins to move and zips away quickly.                            1/19/1988 #38416  
y in front of them, about 150 feet away and about 50 feet above the ground. 1/19/1988 #38417  
ood still." Then the device zipped away, and as soon as it had left "the tr 1/19/1988 #38417  
another 2–3 minutes. As she drives away it starts to move, so she pulls ove 2/4/1988 #38439  
n and watches it (now dimmer) move away to the southwest. It speeds up as i 2/4/1988 #38439  
low disappears as if it is melting away. The dog is lying on the ground loo 2/9/1988 #38448  
ers / hours. Quickly going up [to] away.                                    2/11/1988 #38453  
. Huge silent ovoid / lights. Zips away going quickly southeast.            2/16/1988 #38469  
Shoots 2 beams going down. Zigzags away.                                    2/22/1988 #38473  
s of light down before zig-zagging away.                                    2/22/1988 #38475  
Nuclear Power Plant about 20 miles away. The Bakers alert the Coast Guard,  3/4/1988 #38487  
 light through windows. Hovers and away.                                    3/11/1988 #38497  
all pink object split off and shot away to the north.                       3/14/1988 #38505  
4 observer(s). Treetop level. 300' away / 20 second(s).                     3/21/1988 #38517  
creek. Hovers. Going northeast and away.                                    4/24/1988 #38545  
 his release, his family keeps him away from ufology and ufologists.        8/1988 #38611  
y from the north and hover 50 feet away from him about 30 feet above the gr 9/2/1988 #38629  
). Silent 8' saucer over trees 70' away. Lights / edge. Same field / 1976 U 9/3/1988 #38630  
 eight feet in length, and 70 feet away over some trees. It had lights arou 9/3/1988 #38631  
a multicolored, oval object moving away. He got his wife, daughter, and a t 9/13/1988 #38637  
object rises at an angle and moves away slowly and silently, passing overhe 9/25/1988 #38649  
de. 8+portholes. Point-lights exit away and return.                         10/16/1988 #38675  
oing up and down [to] in trees 15M away / house. No trace.                  11/19/1988 #38717  
of São Paulo more than 1,242 miles away.                                    12/1/1988 #38733  
tted silvery white trail when flew away (section V). (NICAP: 05 - Medical I 12/4/1988 #38740  
tted silvery white trail when flew away                                     12/4/1988 #38741  
ight light approach, zig-zag, move away, return, then go out of sight. The  12/4/1988 #38744  
a silvery white trail when it flew away, departing by shooting straight up  12/4/1988 #38745  
t above the water less than a mile away. A diamond shaped UFO estimated to  1/30/1989 #38809  
Haven, Connecticut. It was 60 feet away, and reportedly caused her a tempor 2/7/1989 #38821  
 land in a vacant lot only 80 feet away from his house. He awoke his wife a 2/8/1989 #38826  
ompletely silent. It begins moving away as they approach. The officers driv 2/10/1989 #38832  
 more than an hour before it moves away toward the northwest.               2/15/1989 #38841  
90° turn going [to] level path and away. / 20 second(s).                    2/21/1989 #38845  
r and their house (1/8th of a mile away). It was described as gigantic, 500 3/1/1989 #38861  
le hovers low / 30 second(s) 1000' away. Size = 2 747s! Lights / bottom.    3/2/1989 #38862  
 the bottom hovering about 5 miles away. Another man in Geraldine, Alabama, 3/12/1989 #38871  
e 300m overhead. Shimmering light. Away vertically / 10 second(s). No furth 3/18/1989 #38875  
t/apartment. Landings diverted far away.                                    4/2/1989 #38887  
t wore a khaki coat. She was taken away in a black van. On the same day a U 4/2/1989 #38888  
 and rifle misfires. Saucer speeds away.                                    4/21/1989 #38915  
d him, rifle misfired, object sped away                                     4/21/1989 #38917  
ifle misfired, and the object sped away.                                    4/21/1989 #38919  
ith turret and orange stripe. 150' away / 30 second(s). Whoosh sound.       4/22/1989 #38920  
, between buildings, only 150 feet away. It was described in the report as  4/22/1989 #38921  
street and watched the object fade away westward. The total observation was 4/22/1989 #38921  
er. Lands again. Going up [to] and away.                                    4/24/1989 #38922  
 legs. Going up [to] and spins and away. Tripod physical traces.            5/15/1989 #38950  
N, ALTA 1 observer. 800' UFO 1500' away. Shimmers as if hot. Bottom boat sh 5/28/1989 #38965  
 Kubena river about a quarter mile away. It seems to split, and a “headless 6/6/1989 #38981  
y were from another planet, so far away that your minds "cannot fathom it." 7/4/1989 #39009  
s. Huge metallic saucer 25 mile(s) away between Bass Harbor and Swans Islan 7/22/1989 #39027  
the two objects are swiftly moving away and beginning to separate. Apparent 7/26/1989 #39033  
and then stopped abruptly. It shot away when a Soviet fighter jet appeared. 7/28/1989 #39036  
 him. In moments it is just inches away from him, seemingly surveying him.  8/1989 #39040  
 LA 2 observer(s). 1m disk low 10m away. Maneuvers. Circles tree. Going qui 8/13/1989 #39059  
pproximately five minutes, 30 feet away, circled a tree, then flew off vert 8/13/1989 #39061  
 above the trees about half a mile away. She turned left on another road to 8/25/1989 #39074  
ed from it. Finally, all UFOs shot away at high speed. U.S. Air Force jets  8/31/1989 #39081  
otates counterclockwise and speeds away.                                    9/3/1989 #39087  
ted counterclockwise and then sped away. The object was seen approximately  9/3/1989 #39090  
beam disappears, and the UFO flies away.                                    9/16/1989 #39106  
turned to ground, and the UFO flew away.                                    9/16/1989 #39108  
luminous triangles that later fade away. At one point the craft and beings  9/27/1989 #39124  
uminous triangles that later faded away. At one point the craft and beings  9/27/1989 #39126  
the beach. The UFOs apparently got away. The eyewitness took 48 photos of t 9/28/1989 #39127  
 / light going down [to] to field. Away slowly.                             10/1989 #39135  
/ dirt road. Fast jerky ascent and away.                                    10/1989 #39136  
nderside going / low altitude 400M away. Going [to] behind trees.           10/7/1989 #39148  
on’t take me, I do not want to fly away, leave me alone, don’t touch me!” S 10/8/1989 #39150  
a bulge on its underside. It moves away, and the object goes home.          10/9/1989 #39155  
bright point. She tries to push it away but gets a shock. She screams, but  10/11/1989 #39161  
ng disc hovering less than 50 feet away. It soon vanishes. The girl remains 10/11/1989 #39161  
the lights hover silently 400 feet away at 100–200 feet in the air. They du 10/11/1989 #39162  
n the tall grass. The object moves away over nearby Parkside School, pauses 10/11/1989 #39162  
ottom. It is more than half a mile away and only 650 feet in the air. The t 10/11/1989 #39162  
every 15–20 seconds. Soon it moves away to the west.                        10/11/1989 #39162  
ab the terrified girl and pull her away to safety as the grid rose upwards  10/11/1989 #39164  
 starts to move slowly then shoots away making a noise like a sonic boom.   10/12/1989 #39166  
 Silent silver saucer over garage. Away going north and back over barn. Loc 10/13/1989 #39167  
of light near a shed about 50 feet away. An object like “two pie plates rim 10/13/1989 #39169  
field, circles the barn, and moves away across the pasture.                 10/13/1989 #39169  
 disc hovered over a garage, moved away to the north, then came back to hov 10/13/1989 #39170  
es in 3 seconds. 30M altitude 300m away.                                    10/18/1989 (approximate) #39175  
on the front. It was slowly moving away from the area. The youngest son lat 10/27/1989 #39188  
 hovered briefly, and finally flew away quickly.                            10/28/1989 #39191  
rside was seen hovering 100 meters away. After about five minutes, the obje 10/30/1989 #39195  
e minutes, the object moved slowly away toward the swamp, going out of sigh 10/30/1989 #39195  
 their vehicle. They finally drove away experiencing several types of emoti 11/6/1989 #39216  
re box hovers / 100M altitude 150M away. Lights / edge. Going southeast. Ba 11/22/1989 #39244  
er under it.” The UFO moves slowly away to the southwest, where it hovers n 11/29/1989 #39273  
t 325 feet altitude and 1,600 feet away. He slows down, lowers his window,  11/29/1989 #39275  
ected toward the ground. He drives away while the UFO is still visible.     11/29/1989 #39275  
 about 250 feet and about 300 feet away. It is immobile and silent, but it  11/29/1989 #39276  
 Hovers / 20 second(s) then shoots away.                                    12/11/1989 #39311  
ft with 3 lights. Tilts 45° up and away. / FSRv35#4.                        12/21/1989 #39324  
server. 6 sets / night lights 500m away. Each = 2 round lights west red sph 1/12/1990 #39374  
ghtened and resumed driving to get away.                                    1/12/1990 #39376  
ic transformer lights hills. Fades away.                                    1/13/1990 #39377  
ors approach, but the objects move away and disappear. They return about 40 1/22/1990 #39387  
er stops over town. Hovers. Shoots away / "top speed".                      1/29/1990 #39394  
ered for about a minute, then shot away at high speed.                      1/29/1990 #39396  
lver saucer / falling leaf motion. Away / sawtooth trajectory.              2/2/1990 #39407  
rst pink and then white as it flew away.                                    2/5/1990 #39409  
. In the meanwhile her dog had run away. The witness, who was now completel 2/18/1990 #39422  
d later became sick. The disc flew away by making a vertical ascent.        2/22/1990 #39429  
s / field / 5 second(s). Rises and away / impossible speed.                 3/2/1990 #39439  
After two minutes the couple drove away.                                    3/2/1990 #39442  
down [to] like a signal. Loops and away.                                    3/13/1990 #39457  
owing-orbs hover 50cm apart. Shoot away.                                    3/14/1990 #39462  
oltage pylon / 15 minute(s). Rises away.                                    3/30/1990 #39493  
rally southward, halting 1–2 miles away. The man gets out of his car to wat 4/5/1990 #39511  
rical UFO approximately 1,000 feet away. The object, about 20-45 feet in di 4/18/1990 #39536  
whirr. Going [to] over factory and away going ESE.                          4/23/1990 #39542  
He sees, in a field about 325 feet away from him, a pyramidal or conical il 5/4/1990 #39556  
lat bottom. It then drifted slowly away toward the southwest. That same nig 5/30/1990 #39600  
ff of bicycle. Hovers nearby. Goes away.                                    6/1990 #39602  
0 hours of community service, stay away from brothels, and undergo psychoth 6/5/1990 #39606  
er. Her neighbor chased the object away in her truck.                       6/7/1990 #39609  
the Gulf of Mexico about ten miles away from their home. These lights would 6/8/1990 #39610  
f objects enter the circle and fly away. Watch officer Aleksandr Polorotov  Summer 1990 #39620  
30cm saucers. Rejoin = 75cm. Fades away.                                    7/9/1990 #39639  
ss the road and a few hundred feet away. She realized that this was the for 7/13/1990 #39644  
small domed disc hovering 100 feet away and descending over the corner of t 7/18/1990 #39649  
ward and positions itself 330 feet away at a height of 200–300 feet, It mak 7/26/1990 #39663  
being again standing about 10 feet away from her. She then fell back to sle 7/29/1990 #39667  
toes on their feet. The beings got away by running down a ravine. The follo 8/31/1990 #39708  
 maneuvers erratically / trees 40M away. Silent. No odor.                   9/1990 #39710  
 3 nights. Ovoid hovers and shoots away. Several colored lights / sides.    9/10/1990 #39723  
 and hovered in midair not too far away from the witness. Astounded, she ne 9/13/1990 #39731  
ver, and then descend only 15 feet away from him at 8:30 p.m. It disappeare 9/20/1990 #39740  
a very sharp angled turn, and flew away over some woods.                    9/28/1990 #39752  
ters in height and about 50 meters away from their vehicle. The figure had  10/6/1990 #39760  
hat hovered over a church 350 feet away. It had six lights on its perimeter 10/6/1990 #39762  
oing east / sea. Hovers / minutes. Away / amazing speed. 2nd does same.     10/13/1990 #39784  
indow, and sees a light 1,300 feet away on or just above a nearby hill. It  10/23/1990 #39806  
at a low altitude about 1,640 feet away. The object moves silently to the n 10/23/1990 #39807  
ta/triangle/box-like craft 2 miles away. / r237p130.                        10/24/1990 #39809  
s hover and maneuver / tree level. Away when jets approach.                 10/29/1990 #39815  
ers / 1 minute(s). Blows smoke and away.                                    11/5/1990 #39856  
any lights. It is about 2,600 feet away at an altitude of 985 feet, moving  11/5/1990 #39868  
 view it better, it dims and moves away, disappearing into a cloud.         11/5/1990 #39868  
titude follows plane. Turns up and away.                                    11/12/1990 #39885  
bject going quickly northwest 200M away. Night lights fly.                  11/22/1990 #39896  
, and sees the light about 80 feet away behind the wall bordering her neigh 11/22/1990 #39898  
hey lose sight of it as it travels away from them to the northeast.         12/9/1990 #39927  
for a brief moment before shooting away at high speed.                      12/31/1990 #39932  
Krondac,” a planet 800 light-years away. Morton is the subject of an articl 1991 #39935  
n his headlights, the object moves away to the northeast.                   1/6/1991 #39947  
offloaded smaller objects that fly away in different directions.            1/18/1991 #39961  
 the street that was only 360 feet away. Electrical interference was report 1/19/1991 #39963  
 a white, doughnut shape. It flies away, hovering above a tree to the south 2/1991 #39970  
aph / UFO. Ring = 6' diameter 300' away.                                    2/4/1991 #39971  
aft formation just over trees 100' away. Shoots going quickly south.        2/22/1991 #39981  
and they restart the car and drive away.                                    2/22/1991 #39982  
lates hover. 3rd joins. Going [to] away / tens intervals. Also night lights 3/8/1991 #40004  
 front of their car, only six feet away. They believe the UFO intended to h 3/9/1991 #40007  
A 2 / patio. Silent 150' ovoid 50' away / 80' altitude. Colored lights puls 4/4/1991 (approximate) #40030  
gs outside the craft, one crawling away from the debris; soon after, milita 4/12/1991 #40038  
eir left. It is less than 100 feet away. The control tower confirms a radar 4/21/1991 #40046  
n a location several hundred yards away. The camera records it for 20 minut 4/26/1991 #40050  
e leg. As the boy struggled to get away a second arm emerged and grabbed hi 5/14/1991 #40060  
ds the UFO instantly reappears far away, its blinking lights (but not the r 5/17/1991 #40066  
moon-size blob lights ground blue. Away fast.                               6/14/1991 #40095  
old of them and they began running away from the area. One of the men looke 6/15/1991 #40098  
e will not start. He begins to run away when a large, glowing ball heads fr 6/16/1991 #40099  
s his senses several hundred yards away from his car. He is naked above the 6/16/1991 #40099  
arts without trouble and he drives away, realizing that it is now 3:05 a.m. 6/16/1991 #40099  
beam going down. Retracts beam and away fast.                               7/11/1991 #40117  
ntrollers. 1.5' black torpedo 300' away. 100mph going southeast. / Internat 7/15/1991 #40121  
ol Center picks up a target moving away from the plane to the southwest at  7/15/1991 #40123  
alo going [to] slow over car. Then away fast.                               7/20/1991 #40125  
bserver(s). Big diamond-shape 200M away. Night lights tilt and rise and awa 8/1/1991 #40140  
ay. Night lights tilt and rise and away.                                    8/1/1991 #40140  
992, and set up a base camp 2.5 km away to the northwest. It was evident th 8/28/1991 #40168  
t rose vertically and quickly flew away in a zig-zagging flight path. Scrat 8/29/1991 #40170  
id (or Grey) / clear dome. Zigzags away.                                    8/30/1991 #40172  
iencing the alarm. The light moves away as they pull in to secure the site. 9/1991 #40178  
nute(s). Quickly going up [to] and away.                                    11/1991 #40215  
light in the trees about 150 yards away. He next saw the light come out of  11/9/1991 #40224  
low. Low altitude. Slight rise and away.                                    11/28/1991 #40246  
wakened. Strong night light 1 mile away comes close. Silent. Spins. Vanishe 12/24/1991 #40264  
ich then rose up silently and shot away at high speed. Ground traces were f 12/27/1991 #40268  
. Going [to] over house and drifts away. Chemical smell. / r97.             12/28/1991 #40269  
 "Chapada" spins between hills 2km away. Inside lit. Back / late FEB'92.    1/5/1992 (approximate) #40279  
r over road. 3 windows. Going [to] away as car drives near. / r121p243.     1/10/1992 #40283  
  BANKSTOWN, NSW 5M rectangle 100M away. Trees sway. TV static. Street ligh 1/29/1992 #40308  
 field going quickly northeast and away. / MJ#298.                          2/6/1992 #40321  
ouse size ball / white light 1300' away. Ring red lights / bottom. Fades.   2/9/1992 #40325  
lic cylinder/cylindrical object 8M away / 8M altitude. Funnel shaped center 2/25/1992 #40338  
curity team at A-10 about 10 miles away can also see the light, which is le 3/1992 #40343  
e light, which is less than a mile away. They continue to watch the light u 3/1992 #40343  
ht hurt their eyes. Fifteen meters away was a domed craft with a triangular 3/9/1992 #40367  
t the witnesses panicked and drove away quickly from the area.              3/13/1992 #40377  
 tree was seen bending and swaying away from the direction of the UFO when  3/17/1992 #40385  
exits and begins to walk backwards away from the object. He tries to radio  3/20/1992 #40394  
rtheast of his car, then it speeds away after approximately 2–3 seconds. It 3/20/1992 #40394  
nges blue going [to] red and flies away. / r147.                            4/15/1992 #40417  
ight red, then accelerated rapidly away toward the west.                    4/15/1992 #40418  
y. Saturn ring. Going quickly [to] away fast.                               5/3/1992 #40446  
ends of the line appeared to curve away, giving the impression that the lig 5/3/1992 #40449  
s invisible. The UFO then moved on away from the house, passing between two 5/3/1992 #40449  
out they only could recall turning away and going back into the house.      5/3/1992 #40449  
wingless fuselages circle low. Fly away silently.                           6/23/1992 #40504  
ights up campsite like day. Shoots away.                                    7/25/1992 #40534  
ANGER, ESSEX Orange rectangle 500' away reflects light into windows. 2 obse 7/30/1992 #40540  
30M altitude. Whistles. Going [to] away instantly.                          8/4/1992 (approximate) #40549  
the witness is about 600– 900 feet away and is able to see that it is a sol 8/19/1992 #40583  
ss gets back in the car and speeds away. He sees the object again as it sto 8/19/1992 #40583  
ire house for 20 seconds. It moves away and illuminates a large area of tre 8/19/1992 #40583  
ly west / 10kph. 15M altitude. 40M away.                                    8/29/1992 #40595  
ect. The UFO tilted, and then shot away to the southwest.                   9/3/1992 #40608  
 100 feet altitude, only 100 yards away. It had an estimated thickness of 1 9/13/1992 #40620  
e figure ducked down, then bounded away into the bush in two great strides. 9/19/1992 #40631  
nesses, the tiny creature scurried away into the housing project that was s 9/22/1992 #40635  
to catch it but it immediately ran away and was lost from view.             9/22/1992 #40635  
mountain and land about 300 meters away from them. Five from the group appr 9/22/1992 #40636  
appeared, hovering about 10 meters away in front of an olive tree and suspe 9/24/1992 #40639  
uickly northwest. Also 2nd UFO 5mi away.                                    9/30/1992 #40647  
boys. Ovoid hovers over park. Zips away faster / any plane.                 10/8/1992 #40664  
 6:45 p.m. for 70 minutes. It shot away faster than any plane, according to 10/8/1992 #40666  
angle/box-like craft object. Moves away slowly.                             10/25/1992 (approximate) #40691  
 hangar at 300–500 feet then moves away.                                    10/27/1992 #40694  
d and huge black eyes only 15 feet away. The witness apparently blacked out 10/31/1992 #40697  
’s lights go out and the UFO zooms away over the English Channel.           11/1992 #40699  
 delta/triangle/box-like craft 80M away with 11 dim white lights / sides. S 11/3/1992 #40702  
 roof. It was only about 50 meters away and at about 20 meters altitude. Th 11/9/1992 #40707  
above the ground, only twelve feet away from the witness.                   11/19/1992 #40719  
k underside. It stopped 100 meters away. There were three flashing exhaust  11/30/1992 #40735  
bject, and two rudders. It climbed away.                                    11/30/1992 #40735  
tannish-gray being only two meters away. A powerful sense of fear overcame  12/16/1992 #40750  
 watched it then take off and move away to the east at a low altitude. It m 12/23/1992 #40764  
 a white smoke trail when it moved away                                     12/25/1992 #40769  
rms. Normal when observer(s) moves away.                                    12/30/1992 (approximate) #40771  
01 missile launch facility not far away. They are redirected to Malmstrom,  1/1993 #40782  
car going [to] town / US84. Shoots away instantly.                          1/21/1993 #40807  
ng balls hover / trees. Rejoin and away slow. / r226#014.                   2/1/1993 #40827  
the back. The UFO eventually moves away but returns with another bright blu 2/4/1993 #40838  
rge silent saucer / 200' altitude. Away and back several X. Going west.     2/8/1993 #40843  
ze / baseball field. Hovers 1 mile away. Moves away and gone.               2/8/1993 #40844  
l field. Hovers 1 mile away. Moves away and gone.                           2/8/1993 #40844  
e saucer / 5 minute(s). Then fades away. Separate observer(s) also / northe 2/25/1993 #40859  
y, Missouri that was only 100 feet away from him. A calf was discovered mis 2/27/1993 #40863  
aucer with concentric panels / 75M away. Rotates. Gone!                     3/4/1993 #40878  
s lifted off from the ground, flew away to the north.                       3/14/1993 #40882  
 a strange vehicle driving quickly away from them. A period of missing time 3/16/1993 #40886  
t. Going quickly north. Also back. Away going quickly south.                3/24/1993 #40898  
nto the area and carried the craft away.                                    4/19/1993 #40943  
winged creature land about 30 feet away from him. The being had a large mou 4/19/1993 #40944  
ble to restart his truck and drive away. A later search of the area failed  4/19/1993 #40944  
ers for a few seconds before moves away at high speed, making two countercl 4/28/1993 #40953  
 Fearing a collision, Graham banks away. When his move is complete, the lig 4/28/1993 #40953  
 rectangle zigzags. Becomes round. Away and back. Odd.                      5/2/1993 #40963  
x maneuvers north and south. Fades away.                                    5/10/1993 #40973  
 tower. Colored lights. Going [to] away silently.                           6/11/1993 #41013  
ic pod going down / Lake Peblinge. Away extremely fast going up. Pipes / un 6/17/1993 #41019  
raffic Controller tower. Rises and away. / LDLN#334.                        6/17/1993 #41020  
 Legs and eyes and antenna. Shoots away. Balloon? / r226#18.                6/20/1993 #41026  
 on axis. Hovers / 2 hours. Climbs away.                                    7/2/1993 #41047  
DONIA Blue box-shape arcs down and away going quickly west / 4 minute(s). S 7/24/1993 #41080  
aw the object enlarging as it flew away from the area. It now looked like a 7/27/1993 #41091  
e staring at him. The witness rode away at high speed but then noticed that 7/31/1993 #41095  
s seeing the object suddenly shoot away at high speed. Later, as they appro 8/8/1993 #41118  
heir car watching the object shoot away. The occupants of the other vehicle 8/8/1993 #41118  
gth. Hovers / 2 minute(s) and goes away.                                    8/11/1993 #41127  
ootball-object hums over tree 100m away / 2+min. Animals scared.            8/27/1993 #41164  
object flew over a tree 100 meters away from the witness in McDonald County 8/27/1993 #41165  
e woman screamed and the face went away. No tracks were found outside. Inve 9/1/1993 #41174  
 bed. The creature was only inches away from her as see felt a suction on h 9/6/1993 #41185  
an videos 10' silver sphere. Fades away and reappears elsewhere in sky!     9/15/1993 #41198  
. Follows car to Stonewood. Shoots away.                                    10/1/1993 #41216  
owed a car to Stonewood, then shot away quickly.                            10/1/1993 #41217  
 offloads night lights which drift away.                                    10/15/1993 #41234  
nch. Blue halo. 120M altitude 120M away.                                    10/30/1993 #41255  
993 was putting goats and chickens away in a barn, when he heard noises fro 11/13/1993 #41272  
 Finally she told the beings to go away and let her sleep, and the 20 or so 11/18/1993 #41284  
the 20 or so visitors then trooped away obediently.                         11/18/1993 #41284  
r car for ten miles, and then shot away out of sight. A short while later t 11/29/1993 #41309  
saucer with 3 portholes hovers 20M away. Shoots going up / extremely fast.  12/11/1993 #41328  
2 / car for several km then swings away.                                    12/31/1993 #41336  
a yellow light on it. It then flew away to the southeast.                   1/3/1994 #41356  
us/glowing spheres / low altitude. Away / high speed. No further details /  1/19/1994 #41378  
5 second(s). Still and silent then away.                                    2/15/1994 #41411  
Uppsala, Sweden. The UFO then sped away.                                    2/15/1994 #41416  
lta hovers 1 / 2 miles over homes. Away / 3600mph.                          3/10/1994 #41452  
tly on the ground about 200 meters away. The object suddenly became brighte 4/7/1994 #41480  
ht hovers 2 minute(s). Gone. Back. Away / high speed.                       4/10/1994 #41486  
cles hovers / low altitude. Shoots away very fast.                          4/10/1994 #41487  
at wings on the road. When it flew away he was able to restart the truck.   4/17/1994 #41495  
ght, and then shot straight up and away.                                    4/25/1994 #41503  
ANAVANGET, DK Dark blue ovoid 100M away going northeast. Square glass windo 4/27/1994 #41506  
ht at the observer from 100 meters away, and then flew off to the northeast 4/27/1994 #41507  
sses car. Stops 50' over house 50' away. Emits haze.                        4/28/1994 #41508  
etop saucer bobs weaves and shoots away.                                    5/7/1994 #41515  
e encounter before the object shot away.                                    5/7/1994 #41516  
nearby hills and land a few meters away. A short humanoid creature exited f 5/10/1994 #41521  
moves behind a building and shoots away, leaving a hole in the clouds above 5/21/1994 #41534  
s house. As he ran outside it flew away, but a second helicopter hovered lo 5/31/1994 #41543  
ar garden. Becomes ovoid and moves away.                                    6/4/1994 #41550  
server. 2 domes glow / ground 100' away. Portholes? Dog growls. Geese quiet 6/6/1994 #41554  
landed on the ground only 100 feet away in Caille, France at 1:30 a.m. The  6/6/1994 #41555  
en lifted off vertically, and flew away.                                    6/8/1994 #41558  
ght lights hover low. Noisy. Shoot away.                                    6/9/1994 #41560  
 flat white disk brushes ground 5M away. Rises and shoots going [to] marshe 6/12/1994 #41565  
.m. in St. Usuges, France. It flew away toward the north.                   6/12/1994 #41567  
ide her head. The craft then moved away in a northwesterly direction. The c 6/15/1994 #41568  
 [to] behind trees. Rise again and away.                                    6/27/1994 #41587  
t. Stops / 5 minute(s) then shoots away.                                    6/30/1994 (approximate) #41594  
 in place for 5 minutes, then shot away.                                    6/30/1994 #41595  
nd other fast maneuvers, then shot away to the west.                        7/7/1994 #41614  
eine, France at 11:40 p.m. It flew away toward the west. Ten minutes later  7/16/1994 #41627  
object was the source, and it flew away toward the southeast.               7/16/1994 #41627  
rotates, bottom not. Hovers. Hums. Away / extremely fast.                   7/26/1994 #41642  
ver. Silver ball over garden. Flys away when observer(s) takes good look.   7/28/1994 #41645  
angular object rolls / sky. Shoots away.                                    8/15/1994 #41677  
 Turns going quickly southwest and away.                                    8/19/1994 #41680  
en he finally showed up, he "raced away in his truck without saying a word. 9/2/1994 #41713  
sees a cow lying dead some 30 feet away. In the place where its rectum shou 9/13/1994 #41743  
the sky on a path angled about 10° away from north to south. Witnesses at L 9/14/1994 #41749  
e “rough bush area” about 330 feet away. An entity of some kind emerges fro 9/16/1994 #41754  
inous being standing about 90 feet away from her in the middle of a nearby  9/16/1994 #41756  
t-tall humanoid as it slowly moved away. The next day, footprints and stran 9/16/1994 #41756  
s up. 40M triangle over farmhouse. Away / incredible speed.                 9/22/1994 #41771  
barked furiously, and the UFO shot away at an incredible speed. The sightin 9/22/1994 #41772  
/globe 3OM over Kinzy Road. Shoots away very fast. "No joke".               10/6/1994 #41788  
' sphere/orb/globe appears. Floats away. Drops with flash / light.          10/6/1994 #41789  
d. Lights shine going down. Shoots away silently.                           10/10/1994 #41797  
e ground. The object abruptly shot away.                                    10/10/1994 #41798  
ute(s). Absolute(ly) silent. Flies away.                                    10/26/1994 #41813  
nges color(s) then white again and away.                                    11/4/1994 #41832  
extreme speed stop hover and shoot away.                                    11/9/1994 #41844  
e. Going quickly [to] woods. Roars away.                                    11/15/1994 #41848  
passed over woods, and then roared away.                                    11/15/1994 #41849  
over field nearby. Flashes. Shoots away.                                    11/17/1994 #41852  
o engine sounds, hovered 70 meters away from the witness in Sumter, South C 12/5/1994 #41885  
ing lifted up, apparently floating away from the bed. She awoke with a star 12/15/1994 #41895  
ufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome te 1995 #41923  
. "Goblin" with large oval eyes 6' away. Moves oddly.                       1/2/1995 #41935  
in-disk hovers. Going quickly [to] away "like lightning". No further detail 1/2/1995 #41936  
At the same time, a short distance away, stood a short, goblin-like creatur 1/2/1995 #41939  
oad in an “odd” way, only six feet away from her car.                       1/2/1995 #41939  
 for about a minute, and then shot away “like lightning.”                   1/2/1995 #41940  
rd buzzed / bright triangle. Veers away. / r226#31.                         1/6/1995 #41954  
/ car. Row / lights hovers. Shoots away as observers near. Back 26 Jan and  1/11/1995 #41968  
nds. Hovers / 30 second(s). Up and away. No further details.                1/13/1995 #41972  
dside. Chases car / 150kph. Shoots away as town NEARs.                      1/16/1995 #41978  
g. It continued rolling as it flew away, and was in view for three minutes. 1/16/1995 #41979  
 over Puget Sound. Noises. Streaks away.                                    1/23/1995 #41992  
est. It made noises, then streaked away.                                    1/23/1995 #41993  
ht "star" hovers over town. Shoots away / seconds.                          1/31/1995 #42005  
ward the aircraft. Some 6,000 feet away, the pilot sees a UFO changing from 2/1995 #42006  
ises from Puget Sound. Turns. Zips away. Absolute(ly) silent. No further de 2/10/1995 #42032  
 strange creature about 30-40 feet away. It had an peculiar "out of focus"  2/10/1995 #42033  
uits and had apparently taken them away for physical examinations. The prim 2/11/1995 #42036  
it had been parked, that was miles away from the original site. Under hypno 2/11/1995 #42036  
ft. Lights blink / sequence. 1200' away / 15 second(s).                     2/12/1995 #42037  
object returns light signals. Zips away.                                    2/12/1995 #42038  
als from the boat, and then zipped away.                                    2/12/1995 #42040  
r over house / 6 minute(s). Shoots away.                                    2/13/1995 #42042  
t day. 3 night lights hover. Shoot away / thousands / MPH. Cold wind!       2/25/1995 #42061  
farm less than an eighth of a mile away; it had windows along its side, and 3/1/1995 #42070  
e metallic bowls rise / ground 30m away. Duration = several min.            3/10/1995 #42082  
 6:15 a.m. They wree only 100 feet away from the witness when they took off 3/10/1995 #42084  
 with a tail. It rotated, and shot away in 2-3 seconds. It was estimated to 3/14/1995 #42095  
gs west going east. Then loops and away going quickly north.                3/15/1995 #42098  
going quickly west over trees 120' away. Silent. Spins. Going quickly south 3/15/1995 #42101  
ht white objects pace car and zoom away / opposite directions.              3/18/1995 #42109  
 Scotland at 8:30 p.m. then zoomed away in opposite directions.             3/18/1995 #42110  
wing saucers hover / 12 minute(s). Away / very fast.                        3/22/1995 (approximate) #42113  
ums. Going up [to] slow and shoots away.                                    3/30/1995 #42125  
oot tall humanoid standing 75 feet away from her. The being had a round hea 3/30/1995 #42128  
 eyes, and grayish skin. It walked away up a hill. The witness was unable t 3/30/1995 #42128  
stepped on the gas in order to get away, but incredibly the short gray crea 4/3/1995 #42138  
itness sped up some more and drove away from the area. Thinking he had hit  4/3/1995 #42138  
NCE, FR Sphere with blue beam 300M away. Shadows move inside! No further de 4/5/1995 #42140  
gle lights area. Hovers. Turns and away.                                    4/13/1995 #42148  
 closer. Silent. Going up [to] and away.                                    4/15/1995 #42152  
 / night lights. Formation zigzags away!                                    4/22/1995 #42169  
e creature ignored Ortega and flew away.                                    4/23/1995 #42173  
efore hovering a while and zooming away. It returns and leaves twice more,  5/5/1995 #42179  
ill land, but it ascends and zooms away again. They prefer not to report th 5/5/1995 #42179  
thwest going quickly northeast and away.                                    5/7/1995 #42183  
ight lights hover. 1 slopes up and away. Other waits / 2 minute(s) then sho 5/10/1995 #42195  
 night lights hover below. All fly away. No further details.                5/12/1995 #42197  
and hovers / yard. Lights on arms. Away fast.                               5/15/1995 (approximate) #42205  
d the multicolored cylinder glided away. Mr. Torres had a nervous collapse  5/15/1995 #42211  
rge. Going down. Going up [to] and away.                                    5/21/1995 #42218  
couts 3 ravines. Going up [to] and away.                                    6/11/1995 #42250  
low clouds. Stops. Hovers. Streaks away.                                    6/14/1995 #42254  
saucer going east slow and silent. Away / fantastic speed/velocity. 2 jets  6/14/1995 #42255  
, Florida making no sound. It shot away at high speed. Two jets were next s 6/14/1995 #42256  
c disk. Loops and maneuvers 1 mile away. Reflects sunlight. / UFOROM.       6/19/1995 #42263  
. 90° turn going quickly north and away. Extremely fast.                    6/19/1995 #42264  
ent machines. Rise / river and fly away fast.                               7/4/1995 #42290  
orb/globe hovers / horizon. Shoots away. 3 military jets pursue.            7/7/1995 (approximate) #42291  
object hovers just over ground 40M away. 30cm tall 10cm diameter. Odd.      7/15/1995 #42300  
feet, over trees about a half mile away. The object is traveling 65–70 mph  7/15/1995 #42303  
rosses sky slowly. Suddenly speeds away.                                    7/22/1995 #42318  
craft before halting only 300 feet away. The object then makes a turn and f 7/31/1995 #42347  
ights come back on, the UFO shoots away at tremendous speed. The object is  7/31/1995 #42347  
Silver ovoid reflects sun. Streaks away.                                    8/11/1995 #42372  
or a couple of minutes; it streaks away.                                    8/11/1995 #42374  
had been seen the shorter ones ran away very quickly in a peculiar shufflin 8/11/1995 #42376  
d-shaped object hovers. Then moves away. Blimp?                             8/16/1995 #42393  
ylinder/cylindrical object hovers. Away / fantastic speed/velocity. / polic 8/28/1995 #42424  
red for two minutes, and then shot away at fantastic speed. A police report 8/28/1995 #42426  
ilateral/equal triangle hovers 50m away. Blue and red lights / corners. Gon 9/1995 #42435  
rabbing dog with .357 pistol. Runs away!                                    9/5/1995 (approximate) #42441  
ng to grab a dog. The creature ran away.                                    9/5/1995 #42444  
l, bounced against a wall, and ran away at a high speed. A mutilated goat w 9/7/1995 #42447  
 of the sky. It slowed, then moved away at a steady pace. At 8:35 all TV ch 9/11/1995 #42455  
all stations. Fast grey UFO slows. Away / steady speed. No further details. 9/12/1995 #42461  
llow-white disk nears remote peak. Away and back with 2nd small object.     9/12/1995 #42463  
TX 1 observer. Bizarre object 300' away shoots beams going down [to] on hou 9/13/1995 #42464  
larly shaped object, only 300 feet away, shot beams of light down on a hous 9/13/1995 #42467  
ackyard. Observer(s) shoots. Flies away!                                    9/16/1995 #42475  
t it sprouted small wings and flew away from the area.                      9/16/1995 #42477  
iter. Moves left and right. Shoots away very fast.                          9/19/1995 #42485  
orbs stop 10M over car. Then shoot away.                                    10/1/1995 #42525  
orange disk hovers over house 100' away. No further details. See Piedmont,  10/1/1995 #42526  
ges color(s) / surroundings. Leaps away.                                    10/7/1995 #42538  
 west below contrails. Turn. Shoot away.                                    10/19/1995 #42559  
issing below eye, and had been cut away. The animal was still warm to the t 10/30/1995 #42570  
eobserved, not more than 10 meters away, a bizarre creature. At first, beca 11/1/1995 #42575  
y lights. Drifts slow. Then shoots away.                                    11/11/1995 #42592  
 claw-like feet. The creature flew away in an upward spiral emitting a stra 11/11/1995 #42593  
g object hovers / MacKenzie River. Away extremely fast.                     11/13/1995 #42599  
/ low altitude. Lands / creek 750' away. Black delta/triangle/box-like craf 11/18/1995 #42607  
 unknown. Reflect sunlight. Streak away.                                    11/19/1995 #42609  
nd reflected the sunlight. It shot away and was gone in 4-5 seconds.        11/20/1995 #42615  
 shaped like a bird that fluttered away while making a loud noise with its  11/28/1995 #42628  
ops going down. Stops. Then shoots away straight and level.                 12/1/1995 #42636  
seemed to flare up. He quickly ran away and called the police. It is not kn 12/9/1995 #42639  
La Spezia, Italy. The big UFO flew away to the west, leaving a bright trail 12/15/1995 #42646  
rns to its original state. Further away, he sees an Army helicopter, two ta 1/13/1996 #42681  
who approaches him and shouts, “Go away, you saw nothing.” Two more soldier 1/13/1996 #42681  
, so he returns to his car, drives away, and stops at a restaurant. A man a 1/13/1996 #42681  
 Windows / side. Going up [to] and away.                                    1/14/1996 #42684  
 to a health clinic but are turned away, so they take it to the Hospital Re 1/20/1996 #42696  
exceptionally long fingers. It ran away when Hildo cried out. The creature  1/20/1996 #42697  
lastic or canvas cover, and driven away in an Army truck. Around the same t 1/20/1996 #42697  
stance. The girls panicked and ran away to tell others. Soon units of the l 1/20/1996 #42697  
d and apparently took the creature away. The residents learned of the rumor 1/20/1996 #42697  
Imbedded with orange dots. Streaks away.                                    1/27/1996 #42714  
uver / MacKenzie River. 2nd joins. Away / extreme speed/velocity.           1/28/1996 #42718  
ge object and all the objects shot away into space at high speed.           1/31/1996 #42729  
ast slow. 20x size of 747. 10-15km away.                                    2/9/1996 #42748  
t long elliptical shape about 50cm away in the paddock. There was a brillia 2/10/1996 #42754  
Going / 30 minute(s). Descends and away.                                    2/15/1996 #42762  
th light / top. Going quickly [to] away. Separate drawings agree.           2/23/1996 #42774  
 some nearby trees about 50 meters away. Soon a small humanoid emerged from 2/23/1996 #42776  
lvery gray disc land about 50 feet away from them. It was flat on the botto 2/28/1996 #42788  
nd. Small lights / other end. Zips away.                                    3/13/1996 #42822  
F 2) Blinding red night light 100M away / observer(s) / horse. Zigzags all  3/15/1996 #42823  
saucer going down. Palm tree bends away! Saucer nest left.                  3/17/1996 #42827  
riangles joined. Rises and streaks away.                                    3/20/1996 #42831  
ssible side view / object. Streaks away.                                    3/22/1996 #42832  
2 night lights going south. 1 cuts away and zigzags. = saucer surrounded /  3/30/1996 #42845  
ericana, Brazil. One object veered away and zigzagged, revealing it to be d 3/30/1996 #42847  
ver factory. 2nd joins and merges! Away.                                    4/2/1996 #42848  
. 3rd joins from northwest and all away.                                    4/6/1996 #42852  
cean. Drops "teardrop" that shoots away.                                    4/9/1996 #42860  
ed over a meter high fence and got away.                                    5/3/1996 #42892  
ng from some woods about 50 meters away. Sr. Barbosa decided to go out to i 5/6/1996 #42898  
ole. The witness and a friend look away for a second, and the object is gon 5/29/1996 #42914  
 platform on the bottom. It curved away through the night sky over Marson,  6/6/1996 #42924  
ut the size of VW Beetle. It moved away slowly as a speed of around 10-15 m 6/7/1996 #42925  
ky, then suddenly sped up and flew away rapidly to the northwest.           6/18/1996 #42933  
 60 feet in diameter about 2 miles away and traveling at the same speed as  7/1996 #42943  
 Springhill, Nova Scotia, 20 miles away, and hovers there as a bright dot,  7/1996 #42943  
er, five more witnesses 600 meters away had a better view of the same light 8/11/1996 #42980  
 cross sky back and forth 3 times. Away fast. No further details.           8/21/1996 #42989  
cigar-shaped object about 650 feet away, so he gets out, checks the engine, 8/29/1996 #42999  
overs / 10 minute(s). Slowly fades away.. Leaves (something behind) zigzag  9/1996 #43004  
/ car. 5 grey spheres hover. Shoot away / seconds. / news.                  9/2/1996 #43005  
ur meters altitude, only 10 meters away from them. The close encounter last 9/11/1996 #43016  
oculars, from about 200-300 meters away, he saw a figure suddenly appears,  9/15/1996 #43021  
 / golf-course. Going quickly [to] away suddenly.                           9/18/1996 #43030  
na, Victoria, Australia then moved away to the northeast.                   9/20/1996 #43032  
OUVILLE, FR Circular object / 100M away. 3 square windows. Beam / front. No 9/23/1996 #43037  
 seen at 8:50 p.m. only 100 meters away. It had three square windows and a  9/23/1996 #43038  
ights on each apex. The craft shot away suddenly at the sound of an approac 9/23/1996 #43039  
ame extremely frightened and drove away. They arrived at the home of one of 9/23/1996 #43039  
ect and three disks emerge and fly away quickly. When Westendorff tries to  10/5/1996 #43057  
ing him to maneuver about 650 feet away. Soon the object begins to rise at  10/5/1996 #43057  
 orange triangle hovers. Tilts and away silently.                           10/18/1996 #43075  
amid hovers / 6km altitude. Shoots away fast.                               10/18/1996 #43082  
ned, Boscolo and his friends drove away from the scene at high speed.       11/9/1996 #43110  
 and did not stop, driving quickly away from the area.                      11/23/1996 #43118  
t for several minutes, then zipped away rapidly to the north.               11/28/1996 #43125  
 now moves in a straight line east away from Ellsworth but stops and hovers 12/1996 #43127  
 / car. 1 / car. Saucer 1 / 4 mile away / 500' altitude. 6 windows? No furt 1/22/1997 #43173  
 hover above a field some 700 feet away near Dymchurch. It has a disc attac 3/8/1997 #43222  
hen she pulls to a stop, it shoots away to a spot about 1,500 feet away and 3/8/1997 #43222  
ts away to a spot about 1,500 feet away and hovers. It does this four times 3/8/1997 #43222  
alls-of-light zig-zag only a meter away from near his driver's side outside 3/19/1997 #43235  
g garage. Curves going up [to] and away going quickly east.                 4/1/1997 #43248  
ame aware of a UFO about 100 yards away. There looked to be humanoid figure 4/28/1997 #43283  
 into the truck and began speeding away. Shortly after the UFO silently pas 4/28/1997 #43283  
ssed just above them and then flew away to the south. Air displacement was  5/3/1997 #43287  
et in the air and a short distance away. Through windows he saw what he des 5/14/1997 #43293  
about five minutes the object shot away at high speed.                      5/14/1997 #43293  
y and lands in a field not too far away. He approaches it and sees that it  5/18/1997 #43297  
s approaches them to about 40 feet away, while the other is still circling  6/1997 #43306  
t of the object and remain 10 feet away from it. Some darker colored spots  6/1997 #43307  
er-shaped object about half a mile away that was glowing white. He had the  6/5/1997 #43313  
ond in her front yard only 30 feet away. It was hairy and gray, stood about 6/26/1997 #43341  
es. Her dogs gave chase and it ran away, but she called her dogs back. The  6/26/1997 #43341  
e(ly) silent. Low and slow. Shoots away.                                    7/11/1997 #43348  
een in Tooele, Utah. It just faded away.                                    7/23/1997 #43360  
existed as of 2021. Ning Li passed away on 27 July 2021.  https://www.scien 8/1/1997 #43364  
st on its back. Frightened, he ran away from the area and did not see the c 8/3/1997 #43366  
t was created to purposefully wash away the national security concerns of t 8/3/1997 #43367  
vers above the trees some distance away. A second object approaches the fir 8/4/1997 #43368  
aches the first and the two travel away together.                           8/4/1997 #43368  
ausing him to get scared and drive away. As he drove away he saw a strange  8/5/1997 #43369  
scared and drive away. As he drove away he saw a strange vehicle on the sid 8/5/1997 #43369  
 1+3 observer(s). Domed saucer 60M away. 2 strong beams / rear. Silent exit 8/15/1997 #43382  
e / bottom/underside. Small jumps. Away fast.                               8/23/1997 #43388  
 object. Makes small jumps, shoots away fast.                               8/23/1997 #43389  
white in color. The creature moved away very rapidly in a strange, zigzaggi 9/4/1997 #43394  
 saw the creature. About 50 meters away, among some bushes, the boys saw a  9/5/1997 #43395  
in the same woods, but it scurried away into the bushes when the witness ap 9/5/1997 #43395  
lay. Ball / light = ovoid / video. Away very fast. Also fireballs / Italy.  9/7/1997 #43398  
ed over some trees about 50 meters away, and then shot away.                9/7/1997 #43400  
bout 50 meters away, and then shot away.                                    9/7/1997 #43400  
reamed out loud, telling him to go away. All the time she kept trying to hi 9/11/1997 #43405  
came from nowhere and it said, "Go away!" This voice sounded in slow motion 9/11/1997 #43405  
reamed out loud, telling him to go away. All the time she kept trying to hi 9/12/1997 #43407  
came from nowhere and it said, "Go away!" This voice sounded in slow motion 9/12/1997 #43407  
vertical position, about 30 meters away. It was suspended about a meter fro 9/30/1997 #43421  
k in their car and started driving away, when suddenly they heard a loud en 9/30/1997 #43421  
move. The higher object was moving away much faster than the lower one. The 10/13/1997 #43427  
iles per hour in an attempt to get away, and she does not remember how she  10/13/1997 #43428  
 her off in a large field, not far away from her rural home.                10/18/1997 #43432  
d 40 meters tall was seen 20 miles away from Billings, Montana at 4:30 p.m. 10/23/1997 #43435  
 hovers above trees about 900 feet away, and they can see the bottom of the 11/13/1997 #43440  
es going [to] slow over factories. Away extremely fast. / Cisu.             12/23/1997 #43472  
 at variable speeds about 500 feet away from them. Other family members joi 1/2/1998 #43486  
cer spins / clouds. Lit portholes. Away / plane lands. Thin beam going down 1/8/1998 #43495  
s west going quickly east. 1 rises away. Other continues going east. No lig 1/18/1998 #43501  
vered for ten minutes, then darted away toward the southeast.               3/3/1998 #43529  
ats out / 10 minute(s)! Enters and away.                                    3/8/1998 #43530  
 [to] over town. Hovers and speeds away..                                   4/3/1998 #43541  
nishes and reappears. 90° turn and away fast.                               4/5/1998 #43544  
n, and hover again before speeding away to the south.                       4/22/1998 #43556  
n back out to see the object float away. They did not see the entity again. 5/7/1998 #43562  
sk-saucer has clear USAF markings. Away very fast.                          6/1998 #43577  
egin moving slowly before shooting away at high speed.                      6/5/1998 #43580  
executed a 90-degree turn and flew away.                                    6/6/1998 #43582  
n. 90° turn going quickly east and away fast.                               6/14/1998 #43587  
y guard's workplace, over 12 miles away. When a second witness approached t 7/12/1998 #43602  
, observed it turn blue and streak away.                                    7/18/1998 #43610  
ect in the sky about one kilometer away. They first thought it might be a h 9/14/1998 #43646  
at 1:00 p.m. Then it moved further away and hovered again. It left at a hig 9/16/1998 #43647  
ight orange round object lands 2km away. Dark spots.                        10/2/1998 #43657  
that seemed to land two kilometers away. She watched it for five minutes un 10/2/1998 #43658  
s / garden. Float to fog-ovoid and away.                                    10/24/1998 #43668  
one and the strange fog was moving away. Investigators found ground traces  10/24/1998 #43669  
and was estimated to be five miles away at 22.5 degrees elevation, indicati 11/3/1998 #43675  
 started howling in pain and slunk away. He fired at the humanoid again, bu 11/25/1998 #43685  
 off the ground and a quarter-mile away. They seem to be attached to one so 12/1998 #43694  
RA, ITL 1 observer. 6M saucer 300M away low over field. Lights area like da 12/21/1998 #43701  
de estimated. Stops. Big flash and away very fast.                          12/26/1998 #43704  
overs / homes. Circles town 2X and away. No further details.                1/9/1999 #43713  
 circled the town twice, then flew away.                                    1/9/1999 #43714  
Going quickly northwest. Stops and away fast.                               1/17/1999 #43716  
ticed a bright light some distance away. Thinking that it was a car that ha 2/4/1999 #43722  
 the elk in a clear cut, 500 yards away from the men.                       2/25/1999 #43736  
ome pendulum motion, and then flew away at a high speed.                    2/27/1999 #43738  
aucer rises / hill. Hovers. Shoots away. / D. Ledger.                       3/13/1999 #43747  
 about to a spot about a kilometer away. Curious, he approached and encount 3/15/1999 #43748  
 success, so he left. As he walked away he looked back and saw the object c 3/15/1999 #43748  
sses watched from about 600 meters away as this short being went back and f 4/1/1999 #43752  
een lights hovers. Suddenly shoots away extremely fast. No further details. 4/11/1999 #43757  
gular form) that suddenly rocketed away fast to the south.                  5/5/1999 #43763  
n a nearby field, about 200 meters away. Two short figures wearing shiny me 5/10/1999 #43767  
by bushes. It was about 20-30 feet away and gave off a very bright blue lig 5/23/1999 #43773  
g rectangular structure 200 meters away beyond some trees. It was about the 7/5/1999 #43791  
ng a soft sound, and suddenly shot away.                                    7/7/1999 #43796  
to head Jehovah until the AEC took away his clearance in 1954, and by 1960, 7/7/1999 #43798  
r section. It was about 200 meters away above a nearby rooftop when first s 7/14/1999 #43802  
rayish figure standing just inches away from him that suddenly disappeared. 7/18/1999 #43807  
triangles hover / 30M altitude 40M away. Lit windows. Silent. Going north.  8/18/1999 #43825  
30 meters altitude, only 40 meters away from them. The craft had clearly li 8/18/1999 #43827  
x-like craft hovers / water plant. Away and back 3X. Small sphere/orb/globe 8/21/1999 #43828  
motion ahead, perhaps some 50 feet away. It was a blue-gray figure moving a 8/22/1999 #43831  
h gliding motion. Before it glided away the blue figure seemed to change di 8/22/1999 #43831  
rs truck. 40cm lit windows. Beams. Away extremely fast.                     9/7/1999 #43843  
econds. After 15 minutes, it moves away to the west.                        10/9/1999 #43859  
le, and when they attempted to run away they found they could not move. The 11/13/1999 #43880  
ered low over the water 200 meters away from shore. A dog started barking a 11/26/1999 #43889  
. He then turned around and walked away into some nearby woods. Soon afterw 12/5/1999 #43894  
of only 50 meters, and accelerated away making a deep buzzing noise.        12/15/1999 #43898  
s awaken / home hours later / 26km away.                                    12/25/1999 #43902  
nutes later at home, 26 kilometers away. They had no recollection of how th 12/25/1999 #43903  
er hovers / 10 minutes then shoots away. No further details.                1/4/2000 (approximate) #43918  
utes the sound and the lights went away. Others in the area had seen low fl 1/17/2000 #43929  
own. Shoots yellow beam. Spins and away.                                    2/3/2000 #43940  
dly seen on the ground eight miles away. The estimate of their size was mor 2/5/2000 #43942  
GO, ITL Moon-size orange disk 100M away / low altitude. Strong beams. Gone  2/10/2000 #43944  
isc-shaped UFO was seen 100 meters away at low altitude in Pontelongo, Vene 2/10/2000 #43945  
om. All remaining lights then sped away. There were multiple independent re 2/16/2000 #43951  
sts like shiny cufflinks. It leapt away with incredible speed. With a blur  3/12/2000 #43966  
t wide disc hovering some 300 feet away. The UFO shoots across the road at  3/30/2000 #43971  
t wide disc hovering some 300 feet away from them. The UFO shot across the  3/30/2000 #43973  
human child, and he quickly walked away from the area. Other local resident 4/17/2000 #43982  
a figure standing about three feet away from the front bumper. The figure w 7/13/2000 #44016  
ee turns. Terrified, the two drove away. They saw the yellow light again as 7/13/2000 #44016  
at around 7:00 p.m., about a block away, with smoke billowing out of a stra 7/15/2000 #44019  
with its back to her, only 15 feet away. It was white in color with wrinkle 7/31/2000 #44024  
ken back to her car, and she drove away apparently still under the control  9/23/2000 #44045  
 strong odor in the room that went away after a few moments.                10/15/2000 #44058  
and shivering. As the object moved away towards a nearby cemetery both witn 10/19/2000 #44060  
ecause a persistent back pain went away, but she also experienced irregular 10/19/2000 #44060  
eensland, Australia just 20 meters away from the witness. It was steady in  11/5/2000 #44073  
bove the observer and did not move away when the witness got closer. The si 11/22/2000 #44077  
 saw eight lights about 200 meters away pacing his car. He stopped, and whe 12/13/2000 #44102  
N Hiker. Domed metallic "tent" 15m away. Takes off and away. Odors and phys 12/21/2000 #44107  
lic "tent" 15m away. Takes off and away. Odors and physical effects.        12/21/2000 #44107  
roaches the first one and they fly away together.                           12/24/2000 #44109  
30M black bowler-hat hovers / 270M away / 300M altitude. Low humming. Vanis 1/6/2001 #44121  
o witnessed it. The UFO maneuvered away, the vanished. After the helicopter 1/24/2001 #44130  
 quickly shut, and the object shot away.                                    1/29/2001 #44134  
triking the Earth only a few miles away. On April 16, Ken Masson, who farms 4/1/2001 #44156  
s in Scartaglin, Ireland. It moved away giving off blue, yellow and green f 4/25/2001 #44165  
a cigar shaped object, then zigzag away.                                    4/30/2001 #44171  
ack skinned man lying about 4 cots away. In the background she could hear a 5/2/2001 #44174  
approach and land about 200 meters away. When the light dimmed she could se 7/1/2001 #44201  
e frightened witnesses accelerated away from the area. They described the f 7/26/2001 #44211  
 be seen looking out. It then flew away. The dog was apparently taken.      7/27/2001 #44212  
r about 20 minutes the object shot away into the sky.                       7/29/2001 #44213  
he humanoids were about 200 meters away from the witnesses. The little men  8/1/2001 #44217  
ompanying the plane about 6t0 feet away. Ground control cannot detect anyth 8/3/2001 #44223  
e light was seen moving toward and away from a larger white object.         8/4/2001 #44224  
rise to the surface about 500 feet away. It approaches the boat, submerges, 8/20/2001 #44238  
hen both ships left the area going away from our hours." He daughter is afr 8/29/2001 #44247  
 meters in length, about ten miles away. The UFO hung vertically in the sky 12/31/2001 #44301  
 minutes. It finally moved rapidly away over the desert hills.              2/25/2002 #44320  
res on foot. One of the men walked away and entered the pear-shaped craft,  3/26/2002 #44326  
ams vanished and the object zoomed away.                                    7/17/2002 #44361  
 The object suddenly rose and sped away, illuminating the area like dayligh 7/21/2002 #44362  
ct and fighter are about 1–2 miles away. In Waldorf, Maryland, around 1:35  7/26/2002 #44366  
right light shining on us from far away." The light shone on them for a per 7/28/2002 #44367  
repel objects up to 200 kilometers away, something that could be used as a  7/29/2002 #44370  
 over the lines. Suddenly, it shot away and was gone.                       8/6/2002 #44376  
times, and the UFO started to move away, where upon it started to rain agai 9/25/2002 #44406  
ell, the object was 40 to 50 miles away, which would have put it over Buena 11/22/2002 #44449  
30 minutes later, the object moves away, the car starts again, and the sire 11/28/2002 #44453  
 mile of the object before it flew away.                                    1/16/2003 #44476  
r flies alongside them, then zooms away.                                    3/3/2003 #44499  
om behind a rood only 100-130 feet away. The lower part of the object was r 3/18/2003 #44503  
about 30 seconds the figure walked away. As it went behind some trees the w 4/4/2003 #44511  
d then suddenly reappeared further away in less than a second. Eventually i 4/12/2003 #44513  
de a deliberate effort to steer it away from the naval ships and the shorel 4/18/2003 #44516  
side and had just finished putting away equipment and chairs into a shed. A 5/2/2003 #44521  
all and were standing only 15 feet away from them, directly in front of the 5/2/2003 #44521  
immediately. Terrified, they drove away and continued to drive around for t 5/2/2003 #44521  
vered in place while the rest flew away toward the west. He watched then fo 5/24/2003 #44545  
irection, and then silently lifted away.                                    5/29/2003 #44549  
t for almost an hour before moving away.                                    6/5/2003 #44554  
chute. He came down about 50 yards away behind the last house in the row, s 7/16/2003 #44565  
aped and is an estimated 1.8 miles away. Murphy rushes inside to get a camc 8/11/2003 #44574  
over Sligo changed course and sped away.                                    10/23/2003 #44612  
ical objects that were then chased away by military aircrafts.              11/26/2003 #44622  
few moments later the craft darted away.                                    1/3/2004 #44642  
tes before landing, the UFO shoots away to the southeast.                   1/4/2004 #44644  
 end of the street, about 7 blocks away, where the street ends at the base  3/12/2004 #44676  
the top of the hill, only 100 feet away. With his heart racing he drove as  3/12/2004 #44676  
zag maneuver and suddenly streaked away in a nearly instantaneous accelerat 4/15/2004 #44688  
anada for 15 minutes, then it flew away.                                    6/4/2004 #44707  
rio, Canada at 3:30 a.m. It zoomed away, but the witness was unable to acco 7/7/2004 #44715  
ad decided to make camp 375 meters away from the village of Krepachi in the 8/25/2004 #44741  
d target at a distance of 50 miles away that is making rapid changes in alt 10/28/2004 #44773  
appears then reappears a few miles away, apparently moving at a speed of Ma 10/28/2004 #44773  
at their rendezvous point 60 miles away, but by the time they arrive it has 11/14/2004 #44784  
SAF personnel were advised to stay away but for the entirety of the week, t 2005 #44804  
el were advised to stay inside and away from the windows to protect an inco 2005 #44804  
 shifted back and forth, then shot away towards the east.                   2/15/2005 #44814  
They buzzed the car only four feet away and just six feet off the ground. N 3/5/2005 #44819  
g around each other about 300 feet away above a field. Suddenly two of the  5/1/2005 #44828  
stopped, hovered, and finally flew away again.                              10/19/2005 #44891  
Columbia at 6:00 a.m., then backed away.                                    10/28/2005 #44897  
overing in a field, about 50 yards away. It took off fast.                  11/21/2005 #44904  
 seen to be hovering, then it flew away slowly. There were flashing lights  2/25/2006 #44924  
 They and the object were 650 feet away. They stood 3-4 feet tall, had long 2/28/2006 #44927  
 It hovered for awhile, then moved away. The sighting lasted five minutes.  8/20/2006 #44956  
s the witnesses, and finally moved away. At 11:30 p.m. in New Victoria, Nov 8/20/2006 #44956  
ated the object was only 75 metres away, and at an altitude of 50 to 75 met 12/5/2006 #44990  
ared into the mountains 5-10 miles away.                                    1/30/2007 #45002  
da for 90 seconds, and then bolted away with an amazing burst of speed.     2/19/2007 #45007  
 object projecting the light moves away to above the trees and is only the  4/6/2007 #45016  
ft to land approximately 8-9 miles away, but this night was overcast so he  4/17/2007 #45018  
ared that the object was 1-2 miles away. He thought this was odd, so he ret 4/17/2007 #45018  
nitude’. When it was about a meter away from him the man fainted due to the 4/25/2007 #45023  
t, because when it started to move away it caused an air turbulence and a m 8/29/2007 #45050  
d to absorb all light. As it moved away it rose up into the sky and then he 8/29/2007 #45050  
 at the light it reacted by moving away.                                    9/16/2007 #45058  
 incredible speed. They then drove away, not knowing what to do. A few yard 10/27/2007 #45080  
 about 10 seconds and then it flew away. As they watched the object speedin 10/27/2007 #45080  
s they watched the object speeding away a weird-looking creature about 5 fe 10/27/2007 #45080  
 They split apart and move rapidly away from each other to the north and so 1/8/2008 #45112  
 witnesses riding bicycles 2 miles away from the ranch see a light that slo 1/8/2008 #45112  
lls, Ontario, Canada and then flew away. The sighting lasted 15 seconds.    2/7/2008 #45116  
ir of red eyes at about 100 meters away in a field. The eyes were shiny and 4/12/2008 #45128  
s appeared again, about 100 meters away in another field. The eyes vanished 4/12/2008 #45128  
ld appear again another 100 meters away in another field; this went on for  4/12/2008 #45128  
 London, Ontario, Canada. It moved away at a very rapid speed.              4/27/2008 #45131  
n Interstate 75 about half an hour away from Naples, Florida in a stretch o 5/9/2008 #45135  
45 seconds, and finally just faded away.                                    8/6/2008 #45156  
a Crosse, Wisconsin. The UFO moved away in a different direction from whenc 8/15/2008 #45157  
 on one side and less than 2 miles away. It flies over the area at an altit 8/20/2008 #45161  
rare “artifact” file that was kept away from Project Blue Book.  Hal Puthof 1/23/2009 #45208  
es two of the smaller objects move away to the south-southwest while the ot 5/8/2009 #45220  
ound in the orchard about 500 feet away. They jump in a truck and drive slo 7/5/2009 #45230  
maneuvering for 5 minutes 900 feet away before it vanishes. Two teams of in 7/5/2009 #45230  
nd," and came as close as 500 feet away.                                    8/14/2009 #45235  
an to slowly approach, but she ran away, and got back to her tent and found 8/30/2009 #45240  
, he sees an object about one mile away. As he comes to the next turn, he s 11/25/2009 #45256  
 he was witnessing while they flew away. He did see all three objects very  5/16/2010 #45282  
nch wide flying disc, only 20 feet away from him, which floated across the  8/18/2010 #45294  
 feet long. As it hovered and flew away it again changed shape into a flyin 2/11/2011 #45315  
hwest, stopped, flew down and then away. At 11:10 p.m. dark objects on a "c 5/19/2011 #45326  
ust above the trees about 180 feet away. It is about 30–50 feet long and 15 6/6/2011 #45328  
e UFO begins to soar about 50 feet away from the right wing, the plane lose 2/18/2012 #45339  
 systems as the UFO swiftly shoots away at an incredible speed.             2/18/2012 #45339  
read” is hovering. Two spheres fly away after maneuvering in the air. The o 5/10/2012 #45342  
oach him until it is only 100 feet away, only 6–10 feet above his neighbor’ 5/10/2012 #45343  
angle of 130° and both objects fly away.                                    5/10/2012 #45343  
roaches them and stops a half-mile away. Small points of light break off fr 1/8/2013 #45359  
s a large area. The officers drive away, but the light follows them. They s 1/8/2013 #45359  
At the same time, the object bolts away at an incredible speed and disappea 1/12/2013 #45360  
e lights about a quarter of a mile away. She looks through binoculars and s 3/5/2013 #45361  
 some houses in the area. It flies away to the east.                        3/5/2013 #45361  
 isosceles triangle about 800 feet away and 600 feet in the air, slowly ris 3/19/2013 #45362  
titude rapidly and suddenly shoots away at phenomenal speed and disappears  3/19/2013 #45362  
cerned and stopped, about 150 feet away from the hovering craft. The object 6/1/2013 #45369  
ccelerated down the highway to get away from the object. About half a mile  6/1/2013 #45369  
from the object. About half a mile away she looked back and could no longer 6/1/2013 #45369  
hroud. As the object moves further away, a small drone- like object is seen 11/19/2013 #45397  
e notices an object about 40 miles away. He zooms in on it using infrared f 11/11/2014 #45423  
 old Creech AFB underground hangar away from S4   A human piloted saucer en 4/5/2016 #45449  
ront of them, no more than 25 feet away, and hovers 5 feet above the sidewa 8/9/2017 #45478  
les from Earth and already heading away from the Sun. ʻOumuamua is a small  10/19/2017 #45485  
ith the closest one being 15 miles away from the one boat that the pilot no 3/13/2018 #45523  
11 o’clock about one nautical mile away, slightly higher and maintaining a  1/15/2019 #45558  
s appear to change course and head away from the ship at 69 mph. However, e 7/17/2019 #45595  
ght path, accelerating, and moving away.                                    11/11/2019 #45617  
d turns on a perpendicular heading away from the aircraft and parallel to t 3/19/2020 #45639  
pe, as cosmic radiation would chip away at its edges (in some directions mo 5/28/2020 #45646  
k has passed by them about 90 feet away at their altitude of 3,000 feet com 8/29/2020 #45659  
## Word: "away---with" (Back to Top)
ls with domes on them." They drove away---with difficulty, for the engine k 4/7/1966 #20271  
## Word: "awe" (Back to Top)
nd remembers being “paralyzed with awe” for several minutes after the sight 7/14/1985 #37619  
mber of local residents watched in awe as a flying wing shaped UFO flew rap 4/18/2003 #44516  
## Word: "awesome" (Back to Top)
pped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the  1995 #41923  
## Word: "awestruck" (Back to Top)
mbed out of the truck and stopped, awestruck. He saw a flying saucer parked 7/27/1952 #7216  
seous and the man feels strangely “awestruck.”                              12/10/2016 #45461  
## Word: "awful" (Back to Top)
. At this point she felt something awful was going to happen, and Gabriella 10/16/1973 #28089  
r the Ford Motor plant lets out an awful howl. The woman goes outside to se Late 4/1978 #33167  
they find is two footprints and an awful stench.                            1/20/1996 #42695  
## Word: "awfully" (Back to Top)
ver(s). 1 round object going west "awfully fast". No further details.       7/6/1947 #2773  
t flew across the sky to the west "awfully fast" over Anadarko, Oklahoma at 7/6/1947 #2826  
## Word: "awhile" (Back to Top)
 the light pace their aircraft for awhile and then climb away from them.    12/24/1944 #1733  
adar blips. The bogeys hovered for awhile, and then orbited the B-29 at 3,0 1/12/1950 #4485  
e returned to the truck and napped awhile. A “mumbling around the truck” aw 7/27/1952 #7216  
end there was a bent tripod. After awhile the two men approached the machin 10/24/1954 #11368  
is strange sensation persisted for awhile but finally left him. Godoi notic 11/2/1954 #11539  
meter, and remained motionless for awhile, and then began moving.           11/29/1956 #13364  
d, the UFO stopped; it hovered for awhile, then moved away at right angles  8/9/1963 #17881  
nd she could not speak or move for awhile. When she finally was able to rea 8/20/1965 #19441  
they went back to their car. After awhile they saw the object take off, and 8/26/1965 #19466  
 The UFO was observed to hover for awhile. It then shot up vertically, and  3/6/1967 #21780  
ct circled in the sky, hovered for awhile, and then reversed direction, mak 10/26/1967 #23336  
over Lockleys, South Australia for awhile, then dropped like a stone, veeri 9/2/1968 #24425  
aft seemed to turn on its side for awhile. When they landed he was blindfol 5/4/1969 #25115  
 They resumed their trip and after awhile the object, which continued to pa 9/13/1973 #27815  
ange shape into a cigar, hover for awhile, and then change shape again into 9/23/1973 #27861  
ound. It pursued the witnesses for awhile, then flew off to the southwest.  12/6/1973 #28535  
range to red. It stayed around for awhile, according to the couple.         12/13/1973 #28570  
ugh, New Hampshire. It hovered for awhile, then moved into a nearby forest. 5/19/1974 #29114  
e too afraid to approach it. After awhile it lifted off, rotated on its cen 5/28/1974 #29143  
e area. It stopped and hovered for awhile, then engaged in some maneuvers.  1/24/1975 #29764  
e area. It stopped and hovered for awhile, then engaged in some maneuvers.  1/24/1975 #29765  
eep, but she remained awake. After awhile she saw a light in the corridor a 3/6/1975 #29876  
. He remained there motionless for awhile, gazing at the structure or “atti 8/10/1976 #31252  
ses became tired of watching after awhile, and left to got to bed. Later, t 10/6/1977 #32555  
 figure but got no reaction. After awhile the witness drove back home and o 1/10/1978 #32872  
 and they just hung in the air for awhile.                                  8/31/1978 #33612  
 nearly fainted from fright. After awhile they began to hear what seemed to 10/30/1978 #33894  
oise coming from the object. After awhile they began to hear what seemed to 10/30/1978 #33898  
t around 11:00 p.m. It hovered for awhile, then shot straight up, and final 4/26/1980 #35294  
rcular object several times. After awhile both objects faded away.          6/25/1984 #37381  
band but he remained asleep. After awhile, the beings reboarded their craft 9/13/1986 #38027  
d object, and they followed it for awhile but then lost sight of it. Howeve 7/31/1987 #38221  
 it came closer. It maneuvered for awhile, and then flew off.               8/20/1987 #38248  
e was prevented from moving. After awhile the humanoids went back into thei 2/7/1989 #38820  
scended to the ground, drifted for awhile, ascended, and then merged back i 7/25/1991 #40133  
ng them inside the canister. After awhile the humanoids re-entered the sphe 12/27/1991 #40268  
epartment, France. It vanished for awhile, then rose up into the sky at hig 10/15/1994 #41806  
nter the dome shaped object. After awhile they grew tired of watching and w 2/23/1996 #42776  
 about. They watched the scene for awhile, then left.                       6/4/1996 #42921  
would happen. After struggling for awhile she was able to move and sat up i 9/11/1997 #43405  
would happen. After struggling for awhile she was able to move and sat up i 9/12/1997 #43407  
rea in Lockport, New York. Once in awhile it seemed to move.                11/15/1997 #43443  
atched the incredible scenario for awhile. Apparently the little men notice 5/10/1999 #43767  
hey stood still and watched it for awhile, and when they attempted to run a 11/13/1999 #43880  
hing. They then flew around it for awhile.                                  9/11/2000 #44038  
arged balls of light every once in awhile, which also flew around.          3/14/2003 #44502  
 light. He observed the object for awhile, and then noticed an opening in t 11/8/2004 #44780  
 was soft and metallic like. After awhile the three beings went back into t 6/14/2005 #44847  
hts on it. Later on, after waiting awhile and drinking a beer, the men ran  8/5/2006 #44952  
oving side to side. It hovered for awhile, then moved away. The sighting la 8/20/2006 #44956  
g a dark silent object hovered for awhile over Bridport, England. It shone  12/23/2007 #45102  
berta, Canada and then hovered for awhile.                                  11/30/2008 #45194  
chival footage and such that after awhile make the movie seem more like a c 12/4/2018 #45550  
## Word: "awkwardly" (Back to Top)
ter answers the door and converses awkwardly with the man, who is speaking  4/15/1897 #488  
void / field. Small figure(s) walk awkwardly. Telepathy! Silent takeoff.    8/1950 (approximate) #5086  
also retreats a bit later, walking awkwardly as if partly paralyzed.        Early 10/1954 #10609  
t. The dog soon retreated, walking awkwardly as if partialIy paralyzed.     10/17/1954 #11173  
t. The dog soon retreated, walking awkwardly as if partially paralyzed.     10/17/1954 #11179  
 right turn, and walked slowly and awkwardly ahead, finally crossing diagon 9/28/1972 #27038  
ok inside. The creature moved back awkwardly as the witness moved. Her daug 8/21/1973 #27718  
## Word: "awled" (Back to Top)
                                   AWLED DJELLAL, ALGERIA Large luminous re 1/18/1954 #9491  
## Word: "awoke" (Back to Top)
rienced a further loss of time. He awoke again four days later in Luxemborg 5/25/1948 #3655  
 farmer, Edouard Thebault, age 31, awoke at 4:15 a.m. to see a luminous obj 10/7/1954 #10792  
 Around midnight of April 23-24 he awoke and felt the need to go outside to 4/25/1959 #15713  
d in Sao Paulo, Brazil and when he awoke at midnight he felt a compulsion t 4/26/1959 #15714  
                       The witness awoke at 3:30 a.m. in Wetaskiwin, Albert 8/8/1961 #16786  
arlier that night, Luisa Peregozzo awoke to an intense cold feeling and saw 6/26/1962 #17249  
oman in Gum Creek, South Australia awoke to a bright light in her room. She 2/3/1964 #18126  
forehead. He fell unconscious, and awoke with blindness in his right eye. D 3/15/1965 #18860  
itness lost consciousness. When he awoke, the truck was facing east and res 12/20/1965 #19780  
itness lost consciousness. When he awoke, he found that his truck had been  12/20/1965 #19782  
 UK 5:00 a.m. LT. Two men suddenly awoke in their van, with an acidic taste 4/28/1966 #20424  
d woman in Ikuri, Finland suddenly awoke to see through her bedroom window  1/15/1967 #21312  
zy and soon lose consciousness. He awoke on an exam table in a windowless,  10/6/1967 #23187  
  A woman in Malden, Massachusetts awoke at 2:30 a.m. to a sound "like two  4/19/1968 #23915  
raft were quite similar. When they awoke on the dock it was evening. An ind 8/7/1968 #24308  
   A minister in Whitefield, Maine awoke at 2:30 a.m. EDT to see two pencil 9/23/1968 #24504  
t remember anything after that. He awoke lying on top of a rock next to the 4/20/1969 #25075  
 inside the earth's interior. Soon awoke back in the car.                   9/7/1970 #25828  
nto a wagon-like sledge. The woman awoke the next day with pain all over he 1/1/1971 #25966  
               A 69-year-old woman awoke abruptly in Ikuri, Tampere, Finlan 1/15/1971 #25989  
the morning Paula Caetano Silveira awoke from sleep abruptly, as if by "a m 10/11/1971 #26418  
At about one o'clock at night they awoke to stifling heat inside their hous 3/29/1973 #27390  
 were two people present. When she awoke on the patio, it was some 4 or 5 h 6/23/1973 #27584  
age in Sounenjoki, Finland when he awoke to a buzzing sound in the early mo 7/1/1973 #27610  
w open with the drapes closed. She awoke with the feeling that someone was  8/21/1973 #27718  
r on Route 1 enroute to Perth. She awoke to observe a brightly-lit egg-shap 9/6/1973 #27773  
stralia. She had been sleeping but awoke to observe a bright egg-shaped obj 9/6/1973 #27774  
e Cline family of Berea, Tennessee awoke to the sound of dogs barking. Look 10/11/1973 #28007  
blacked out for a second time. She awoke inside a strange room.It was circu 10/16/1973 #28089  
incinnati suburb of Covedale, Ohio awoke with a terrible thirst. A bright l 10/21/1973 #28229  
voorde, Belgium. A 28-year-old man awoke at 2:00 a.m. and saw in the yard b 12/19/1973 #28587  
na after visiting a friend when he awoke at six o'clock in the morning to s 3/15/1974 #28892  
 any further conscious details. He awoke two hours later than usual that mo 5/26/1974 #29135  
und on her lawn. On this night she awoke and went to the front door where s 7/17/1974 #29266  
ly Diaz fainted again, and when he awoke he found himself lying beside a ro 1/5/1975 #29723  
m. the furious barking of her dogs awoke a woman in St. Hilaire de Cambrai, 3/31/1975 #29927  
eep at around three a.m. When they awoke at 6:30 a.m. the car was in a diff 4/6/1975 #29975  
             Dick Jackson, age 56, awoke late at night around two o'clock i 11/3/1975 #30547  
                     Sandra Larson awoke at four o'clock in the morning to  12/2/1975 #30681  
ve dinner. Later that night Teresa awoke with a start, and to her great ast 8/10/1976 #31252  
 five a.m., his 11-year old sister awoke and saw a blue light outside her w 8/25/1976 #31302  
o toe, and lost consciousness. She awoke to the sound of a pistol-shot and  12/10/1976 #31594  
 bright lights coming from the sky awoke the villagers of Santa Rosa, Lara  1/23/1977 #31748  
a V- shaped craft. At one point he awoke briefly to see several men staring 7/10/1977 #32256  
ost consciousness. At one point he awoke briefly to see several men staring 7/10/1977 #32257  
ation withheld). When the abductee awoke she found three pasty white short  7/19/1977 #32294  
lley, New Zealand when one of them awoke suddenly and saw a being looking a 3/11/1978 #33034  
er belly. She then passed out, and awoke later to see the taller creature t 8/1/1978 #33464  
mps. Next, he fainted, and when he awoke he again saw that the four 5-foot- 9/21/1978 #33725  
 witness and her family, the woman awoke in the middle of this night to see 9/3/1979 #34827  
 witness and her family, the woman awoke in the middle of this night to see 9/3/1979 #34831  
      The witness, a military man, awoke in the middle of the night in his  9/19/1979 #34901  
ridge, Wiltshire, England suddenly awoke in his bedroom to see a huge two-m 1/5/1980 #35124  
dizzy. He then passed out. When he awoke he and the car were ten blocks awa 4/23/1980 #35286  
, and Scott lost consciousness. He awoke much later in his base infirmary,  8/16/1980 #35459  
 elk hunting, Mr. & Mrs. Gautreau, awoke three hours late, the wife with a  9/7/1980 #35502  
 Albornoz, an illiterate shephard, awoke at 4:00 a.m. to the sounds of his  2/18/1981 #35831  
 Albornoz, an illiterate shephard, awoke at 4:00 a.m. to the sounds of his  2/18/1981 #35832  
ciousness five days later. When he awoke he was in a remote part of Brazil, 4/20/1981 #35910  
Meneses then blacked out. He later awoke sitting confused in his truck at a 12/15/1981 #36259  
shock, and disorientation. When he awoke he also had a vague memory of a hu 12/15/1981 #36259  
m. a man in County Tyrone, Ireland awoke trying to scream and immediately b 4/20/1982 #36448  
 morning when his brother, Simeon, awoke at 5:00 a.m. and discovered him mi 11/29/1982 #36702  
xt morning when his brother Simeon awoke early at 5:00 a.m. and tiptoed int 11/30/1982 #36703  
, South Carolina, a married couple awoke at 12:30 a.m. to the sound of a si 10/13/1983 #37005  
                       The witness awoke to a loud humming at four o'clock  2/7/1984 #37181  
nt he lost consciousness. He later awoke standing at the door outside of hi 1/15/1986 #37765  
n, and then blacked out. When they awoke they found themselves strapped to  3/7/1987 #38133  
ked at it from another angle, then awoke a male witness, who also saw it. B 9/3/1988 #38631  
n Adelaide, South Australia. A man awoke and became aware of a a group of s 10/24/1988 #38687  
passed out or fell back asleep. He awoke in a sterile type room, and was gi 10/24/1988 #38687  
ly 80 feet away from his house. He awoke his wife and son. They saw three s 2/8/1989 #38826  
       Plainfield, IN Dog growling awoke witness to see hovering disc (NICA 4/5/1989 #38893  
arents that that same night he had awoke and seen two “little men” standing 10/27/1989 #39188  
ens family of Owens Sound, Ontario awoke to see "dancing lights" that were  8/5/1990 #39681  
      At around 1:00 a.m. a mother awoke to tuck her young daughter under t 9/13/1990 #39730  
all anything else, except that she awoke the next morning feeling empty.    4/3/1992 #40408  
lock in the morning a man suddenly awoke in his bedroom in Malibu, Californ 6/9/1992 #40489  
In California a woman named Connie awoke to discover a scab in her navel an 6/18/1992 #40497  
 pickup truck. Two hours later she awoke to an orange beam of light, with h 11/25/1992 #40730  
a at 2:00 a.m., a 5-year-old child awoke to see a short being with thin leg 12/10/1992 #40747  
                             A man awoke on this night at 5:30 a.m. in his  12/16/1992 #40750  
ustralia at three a.m. the witness awoke to see a figure kneeling to the le 1/19/1993 #40802  
oranda, Western Australia Kylie C. awoke and saw a small figure standing be 2/1/1993 #40831  
was asleep in her bedroom when she awoke and saw two short Grey humanoids w 4/5/1993 #40927  
  Bourgata, Israel - Hannah Somech awoke at three o'clock in the morning wh 5/30/1993 #40997  
living in West Palm Beach, Florida awoke feeling very groggy and heard a pe 7/24/1993 #41082  
 at Dorothy Lake, Manitoba, Canada awoke around 3:30 a.m. to go to the bath 9/1/1993 #41174  
a, Australia abductee Kelly Cahill awoke to see a slender, seven-foot tall  9/6/1993 #41185  
                 When Kelly Cahill awoke at 4:30 a.m. in her bed in Gippsla 10/23/1993 #41249  
     At 1:00 a.m. Ms. Kimmy Martin awoke with a start in Baca Chalets in th 11/18/1993 #41284  
                       The witness awoke shortly after midnight in her home 8/2/1994 #41653  
, when around two a.m. he suddenly awoke and found that several short Grey  9/11/1994 #41734  
in the morning.  A 22-year-old man awoke to find a bright light shining in  9/20/1994 #41765  
ly floating away from the bed. She awoke with a start and found herself una 12/15/1994 #41895  
       At midnight another witness awoke in Buena Park, California to brief 8/15/1995 #42390  
 examination. The next morning she awoke with some scars and other anomalie 1/28/1996 #42724  
orth Carolina when at 4:15 a.m. he awoke, looked to his right, and saw a wh 9/16/1996 #43025  
-Shamat Camp, Israel - Daoud Ahmad awoke a one o'clock in the morning feeli 12/26/1996 #43150  
palapa, Mexico a 53-year-old woman awoke to find three short dwarfs cavorti 1/8/1997 #43168  
 to comfort them. At 1:00 a.m. she awoke and noticed that the lights had be 2/24/1997 #43207  
             An hour later a woman awoke to a nosebleed in Puerto Rico. She 6/26/1997 #43342  
 At ten o'clock in the evening she awoke to find a Grey humanoid standing o 9/11/1997 #43405  
 At ten o'clock in the evening she awoke to find a Grey humanoid standing o 9/12/1997 #43407  
 At 2:15 a.m. the witness suddenly awoke feeling a strange presence in his  10/15/1997 #43429  
im. He lost consciousness. When he awoke he was face down in the field, com 12/10/1997 #43457  
episode of missing time. When they awoke they found strange triangular mark 12/12/1997 #43458  
estern Australia when she suddenly awoke to see a humanoid figure standing  2/1/1998 #43510  
             At 10:15 p.m. a woman awoke to a noise outside her bedroom in  6/10/1998 #43586  
brook, New York an 11-year-old boy awoke at 1:30 a.m. and saw three bizarre 11/13/1998 #43681  
     On this night a roaring sound awoke a man in Stra, Italy to the close  12/19/1998 #43700  
. The night after the incident she awoke to find her room very warm and clo 1/7/1999 #43711  
 - A Malaysian boy named Mohd Fami awoke at 4:30 a.m. to the sound of his f 5/24/1999 #43775  
t location not disclosed) suddenly awoke feeling a presence in her room. He 10/26/1999 #43866  
rs. Vinsant of Birmingham, Alabama awoke to bright white lights illuminatin 12/5/1999 #43893  
r-old girl in Stockbridge, Georgia awoke at 4:15 a.m. to see a short alien  1/3/2000 #43917  
sonville, Florida a woman suddenly awoke to find herself being dropped onto 1/13/2000 #43928  
 in Columbia, Kentucky the witness awoke with a start and noticed a very br 1/17/2000 #43929  
of he and his car being lifted. He awoke six hours later and his next memor 3/23/2000 #43967  
d went into a deep sleep. When she awoke the beings and the object were gon 7/14/2000 #44017  
                       The witness awoke at 3:55 a.m. in Lake LaBerge, Yuko 12/13/2000 #44103  
an in Salmon Arm, British Columbia awoke to a noise outside his door late a 4/23/2001 #44161  
ulton, Missouri Bob Simon, age 25, awoke at three a.m. while he was being d 1/4/2003 #44468  
                  Anatoly Yurevich awoke in the middle of the night in Kara 1/26/2003 #44480  
 home in Florida when she suddenly awoke and looked at the doorway and noti 1/27/2003 #44481  
o'clock in the morning the witness awoke in West Chester, Ohio to a beeping 6/2/2003 #44552  
in the morning Mrs. K. J., age 77, awoke and went to the bathroom and then  2/13/2004 #44664  
ing with a huge shiny "thing". She awoke feeling very frightened, around 6: 2/13/2004 #44664  
                           A woman awoke at around 6:00 a.m. and walked to  4/15/2004 #44688  
, Hormigueros, Puerto Rico when he awoke at four a.m. and looked out the wi 11/8/2004 #44780  
asleep in his bed when he suddenly awoke and caught a brief glimpse of what 11/25/2005 #44906  
o'clock in the morning two friends awoke to a low humming sound, and a clat 1/30/2006 #44920  
was knocked to the ground. When he awoke it was early afternoon, he was in  9/21/2007 #45066  
## Word: "awoken" (Back to Top)
ear-old Joanna Alice Stevenson was awoken around midnight to find several s 10/18/1997 #43432  
## Word: "awol" (Back to Top)
 his superior accused him of going AWOL and punished him, to which KA told  4/12/1954 #9685  
 photos, got into trouble and went AWOL and fled to Mexico. AF later states 1967 #21239  
h, CA, after he had allegedly gone AWOL from nearby Camp Pendleton, stolen  7/2003 #44560  
## Word: "aws" (Back to Top)
rver Corps. On the east coast, the AWS is under the auspices of the Army Ai 5/1941 #1361  
, New York. On the west coast, the AWS is under the auspices of the 4th Int 5/1941 #1361  
## Word: "awsan" (Back to Top)
                         In Dir Al Awsan, Israel a young girl, Miss Suha A' 10/16/1997 #43430  
## Word: "axberg" (Back to Top)
ty, Sweden 3:00 p.m. Karl and Tyra Axberg are sitting on the porch of their 7/19/1946 #2072  
## Word: "axe" (Back to Top)
ash helmets. When he waved his ice axe at them in a friendly gesture, one o 8/14/1947 #3334  
                               BAD AXE, MI Several observer(s). Object flas 9/22/1953 #9171  
 He touches it with his woodsman’s axe, and he is instantly thrown about 18 Late 4/1954 #9720  
pted to take the witness's pruning axe from him. After a brief struggle the 11/24/1978 #33997  
## Word: "axee" (Back to Top)
ed the fictional character of John Axee to better disseminate his knowledge 11/5/2010 #45305  
## Word: "axel" (Back to Top)
   At eleven o'clock at night, Dr. Axel Aberg Cobo, a Professor of Human Re 1/25/1968 #23700  
r, North Rhine–Westphalia, Germany Axel Ertelt begins publishing Mysteria,  1/1979 #34269  
## Word: "axelrod" (Back to Top)
hat he will be contacted by a “Mr. Axelrod.” One morning in March at 3:00 a 2/1975 #29781  
One morning in March at 3:00 a.m., Axelrod calls Swann and asks him to be i 2/1975 #29781  
are psychics. Later, Swann and Mr. Axelrod take a flight to an unknown nort 2/1975 #29781  
ith two twin bodyguards, Swann and Axelrod attempt to secretly watch a recu 2/1975 #29781  
r and suck up the water of a lake. Axelrod discloses that the silent, growi 2/1975 #29781  
unconfirmed at that time. Jonathan Axelrod [possibly Naval officer John F.  11/14/2004 #44784  
 naval aerospace engineer Jonathan Axelrod [possibly John F. Stratton], Jim 7/2009 #45229  
 a menacing dark oval shape. After Axelrod returns home to suburban Virgini 7/2009 #45229  
 night she is there. Like Jonathan Axelrod, the phenomena follow her back h 8/2009 #45231  
## Word: "axes" (Back to Top)
scs appear to be spinning on their axes and are at an estimated altitude of Late 5/1947 #2298  
bling motion and spinning on their axes. One of them stops in mid-air and d 12/21/1957 #14755  
## Word: "axis" (Back to Top)
 It appears to be revolving on its axis.                                    11/1862 #160  
ct, seen revolving on its vertical axis, had clearly visible details, and f 10/10/1935 #1235  
object rotates 90° on its vertical axis and silently flies northwest and di Late 8/1946 #2160  
illating around a central vertical axis. Minutes later two police, both pil 7/4/1947 #2675  
ect that oscillates on its lateral axis of travel three quarters of the way 7/6/1947 #2809  
 Metallic hour-glass shape spins / axis near oil tanker. Then shoots away.  10/1950 #5201  
 pinpoints of light along its main axis” at London, Ontario. It sails overh 4/1952? #6008  
ng disc rotating around a vertical axis and wobbling. It is moving slowly o 4/25/1952 #6185  
first object seems to waver on its axis, the second object follows a simila 5/10/1952 #6296  
th a rolling motion along its long axis. It disappears by rapidly rising ve 8/3/1952 #7437  
ped object whirled on its vertical axis, descended very fast, stopped, retr 9/6/1952 #7867  
haped object whirl on its vertical axis, descend very fast, stop, re-trace  9/6/1952 #7871  
haped object whirl on its vertical axis, (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 9/7/1952 #7874  
follows but begins rotating on its axis then suddenly accelerates and disap 9/19/1952 #7980  
 began rotary motion about its own axis. Suddenly accelerated at an incredi 9/20/1952 #7982  
, NM Pale blue oval, with its long axis vertical, fly straight and level (N 10/7/1952 #8100  
 One pale blue oval, with its long axis vertical, flew straight and level f 10/7/1952 #8101  
ngles. It is rotating on a central axis. The object disappears after 5 seco 9/7/1953 #9154  
FO rises while rotating on its own axis.                                    8/20/1954 #10157  
rforms a three-quarter turn on its axis, turning into an X-formation, then  11/6/1954 #11585  
lat object rotated on its vertical axis at high r.PM  for 30 seconds.       12/3/1954 #11753  
devices produce thrust along their axis regardless of the direction of grav 11/30/1955 #12594  
inutes in diameter along its major axis and 1 minute along its minor axis.  10/6/1957 #14066  
 axis and 1 minute along its minor axis. Smaller flat-white or silver-white 10/6/1957 #14066  
ngular object rotates / horizontal axis.                                    4/14/1958 #14981  
ated very slowly on its horizontal axis for 4 seconds.                      4/14/1958 #14985  
red to be rotating on its vertical axis, but the row of lights remained ste 4/29/1959 #15718  
 size of the moon, spinning on its axis. [NICAP UFOE, VI] (NICAP: 01 - Dist 5/22/1960 #16297  
ze of the moon spinning on its own axis and maintaining a steady course. It 5/22/1960 #16298  
s together, and is spinning on its axis. It has an antenna on the top and e 8/30/1962 #17373  
-shaped and positioned so its long axis is horizontal. Zamora loses sight o 4/24/1964 #18200  
craft that pivoted on its vertical axis before emitting four beams of light 9/1964 #18525  
lving in a clockwise motion on its axis, bringing the other end in view and 1/5/1966 #19806  
e. The object drifted about on its axis and the man was lost from view. Ms. 1/5/1966 #19806  
ting clockwise around a horizontal axis. It appeared to land in the distanc 3/24/1966 #20066  
een, and the object wobbled on its axis. It came within 30 m, then suddenly 7/25/1966 #20681  
orange, and it also wobbled on its axis. It came within 30 meters, then sud 7/25/1966 #20685  
 the sky. Wobbling slightly on its axis, it hovers 24 feet in the air. Afte 3/5/1967 #21763  
saw a teardrop-shaped object, long axis horizontal, with two lighted portho 3/15/1967 #21890  
d for 7-10 minutes spinning on its axis, then accelerated and sped away. (V 11/6/1967 #23413  
 for many minutes, spinning on its axis.                                    11/6/1967 #23416  
 Fe province, Argentina, its major axis vertical. It gave out orange bursts 11/12/1967 #23439  
cylinder/cigar-shape spins / short axis. Hums. Car malfunctions due to EME  11/28/1967 #23515  
ing a soft hum and spinning on its axis.                                    9/9/1968 #24448  
 pear-shaped UFO with a horizontal axis that landed very close (within 11 m 1/29/1969 #24877  
ay about an inch deep, with a long axis of about 36 feet. Inside the circle 3/5/1971 #26044  
 is rotating silently on a central axis. The object turns abruptly to the s 4/15/1974 #29031  
lifted off, rotated on its central axis, and moved away rapidly. A grayish  5/28/1974 #29143  
 and a flat top. It rotated on its axis, and the witness's teeth vibrated a 1/23/1976 #30817  
Mediterranean. It seems to have an axis that bisects it. The object climbs  8/11/1976 #31256  
shaped with a cylindrical vertical axis, and transparent on the side facing 2/10/1977 #31808  
st the wind and is spinning on its axis at about 9,000 feet altitude.       9/27/1977 #32529  
s overhead, gently spinning on its axis, at about 500 feet elevation. It sl Mid 9/1979 #34887  
g counterclockwise around a common axis between them.                       9/29/1979 #34934  
6 seconds, then was overtaken. Its axis was parallel to the horizon, and it 8/28/1980 #35481  
o blinking lights. It turns on its axis and its course is “snakelike.”      3/21/1990 #39475  
ht. Slightly back from the central axis, she sees a ray of light, inclined  5/17/1991 #40066  
ar at 12:07 a.m. It rotated on its axis slowly over some trees, causing the 8/15/1992 #40577  
er with cross of lights rotates on axis. Hovers / 2 hours. Climbs away.     7/2/1993 #41047  
st over town. Seems to spin on its axis. Local wave.                        8/23/1993 #41153  
lowly, occasionally turning on its axis. Dozens of small creatures were vis 9/23/1996 #43039  
UFO is revolving slowly on its own axis and moving toward the ocean. A hatc 10/5/1996 #43057  
cylinder/cigar-shape spins / Major axis. Falling leaf motion. Lights / ends 2/27/1999 #43737  
UFO was seen spinning on its major axis over Bologna, Italy. It had lights  2/27/1999 #43738  
15 p.m. It was spinning on its own axis.                                    12/2/2001 #44281  
 to black to white. It spun on its axis and became orange-colored, and then 12/31/2006 #44992  
e hovering and rotating around its axis in the west. He estimates it is 50  8/20/2008 #45161  
s it as tumbling along its central axis.                                    7/15/2013 #45377  
nder-shaped object rotating on its axis and hovering silently above some hi 11/8/2013 #45394  
rges that do not coincide with the axis of motion.” The video shows a dark, 11/11/2014 #45423  
, as if revolving around an unseen axis, all while maintaining a steady eas 11/6/2018 #45543  
## Word: "axle" (Back to Top)
ll off. It needs new tires, a rear axle, outside housing, and gears.        2/14/1974 #28772  
y disappeared, they found the rear axle on the truck broken in half.        2/14/1974 #28773  
## Word: "axlerod" (Back to Top)
as to accompany a figure known as “Axlerod” to a secret location in the Ala 3/31/1995 #42130  
## Word: "ay" (Back to Top)
the sky over Saugus, Massachusetts ay 2:45 a.m., and then shot straight up  5/29/1967 #22421  
## Word: "ayacucho" (Back to Top)
                                   AYACUCHO, PERU Several prison guards. 2  8/1952 (approximate) #7376  
                            PUERTO AYACUCHO, VNZ 100 observer(s). Full moon 12/25/1954 #11859  
                                   Ayacucho, Argentina A UFO landed for sev 6/26/1978 #33312  
tes on the patio of a residence in Ayacucho, Argentina. Mr. and Mrs. Belloq 6/26/1978 #33312  
tes on the patio of a residence in Ayacucho, Argentina. Mr. and Mrs. Belloq 6/26/1978 #33314  
## Word: "ayala" (Back to Top)
   NEAR ALGECIRAS, SP Rancher Jose Ayala. Flying disk east going quickly we 3/26/1950 #4724  
## Word: "ayamonte" (Back to Top)
d light moved over a motorcycle in Ayamonte, Huelva province, Spain at 1:15 7/31/1980 #35431  
                               OFF AYAMONTE, SP 6 boat crews. Grey 60M-tall 3/25/1981 #35872  
eter over the sea off the coast of Ayamonte, Huelva, Spain for 20 minutes.  3/25/1981 #35874  
## Word: "ayatollah's" (Back to Top)
ude stops. Going quickly west over AYATOLLAH's hideout.                     2/24/1977 #31843  
## Word: "ayaviri" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR AYAVIRI, PERU 2 / truck. 30M saucer / ro 9/8/1976 #31354  
                          Ollachea Ayaviri, Peru Leoncio Torres and Elena B 9/8/1976 #31356  
k on the road between Ollachea and Ayaviri, Peru, when a UFO lands 90 feet  9/8/1976 #31356  
n the highway between Ollachea and Ayaviri, Peru encountered a 30 meter wid 9/8/1976 #31358  
## Word: "aybert" (Back to Top)
                       A2 NEAR ST. AYBERT, FR 1 observer. Flash. Large flat 2/25/1974 #28797  
## Word: "ayden" (Back to Top)
                                   AYDEN, NC Several observer(s). Bell-shap 11/2/1973 #28347  
hovers. No further details [in]. / Ayden Tribune 8.11.73.                   11/2/1973 #28347  
## Word: "ayer" (Back to Top)
m K. Hartmann, physicist Frederick Ayer, and psychologists Dan Culberson an 10/7/1966 #20970  
## Word: "aylagas" (Back to Top)
                At 7:30 p.m. Pedro Aylagas Galvez saw a lighted object in h 8/28/1968 #24392  
## Word: "aylesbury" (Back to Top)
                                   AYLESBURY, BUCKS 2 video silent pulsing  4/10/1994 #41486  
## Word: "aylmer" (Back to Top)
                                   AYLMER LAKE, NWT Pilot / ground. Light a 7/1936? #1246  
ngular formation were sighted over Aylmer, Quebec, Canada at 10:45 p.m. One 6/2/2006 #44946  
## Word: "ayres" (Back to Top)
FO controversy. Rep. William Hanes Ayres (R-Ohio) writes a letter to consti 1/28/1958 #14848  
## Word: "aytona" (Back to Top)
                                   AYTONA, LERIDA, SP Flash / lightning? 1. 8/1952 #7382  
                                   AYTONA, SP 4 / car. 2M x 4M "wall of lig 8/25/1969 #25328  
## Word: "ayu-dug" (Back to Top)
derground alien base hidden inside Ayu-Dug (Bear) Mountain, just to the wes 8/2/2004 #44725  
ence, and slowly descended towards Ayu-Dug. When the object got closer Andr 8/2/2004 #44725  
ion. Finally, the craft approached Ayu-Dug at a low altitude and seemed to  8/2/2004 #44725  
## Word: "ayub" (Back to Top)
timony of the head of Varig, Nagib Ayub, on a UFO seen in the airspace in R 5/20/2005 #44844  
## Word: "az" (Back to Top)
                           TUCSON, AZ 2 observer(s). Odd lone cloud. 9 whit 4/29/1947 #2268  
ing up [to] stars. Seen / Douglas, AZ / C Lorenzen.                         6/10/1947 #2317  
                     GRAND CANYON, AZ Doctor and 3. Big silver ball passes  6/26/1947 #2413  
                           WARREN, AZ Maj. Wilcox. 8+disks going east overh 6/27/1947 #2422  
                           BISBEE, AZ 3 observer(s). Saucer lands / Tintown 6/27/1947 #2423  
                          NOGALES, AZ Numerous observer(s). ~6 disks west g 6/29/1947 #2459  
             SOUTH / GRAND CANYON, AZ Navy pilot. 2 12' grey saucers maneuv 6/30/1947 #2473  
     Grand Canyon (Near S rim of), AZ 9:10 a.m. (MST?). 2 gray, circular ob 6/30/1947 #2484  
                    NEAR CHANDLER, AZ 1 observer. Silver discus-saucer goin 7/1/1947 #2502  
                          PHOENIX, AZ 2+2 separate observer(s). Large objec 7/1/1947 #2511  
                           TUCSON, AZ 3+1 separate observer(s). White objec 7/6/1947 #2743  
               EAST / CASA GRANDE, AZ 2 disks converge here. 1 from west an 7/6/1947 #2757  
                          PHOENIX, AZ 80+observer(s)? 2 large silver orbs g 7/7/1947 #2883  
                            TEMPE, AZ Project Bluebook Case #46. Photograph 7/7/1947 #2887  
                          Phoenix, AZ The Rhodes Photo Case (NICAP: 08 - Ph 7/7/1947 #2926  
                             YUMA, AZ Highway Department men. 2 silver sauc 7/8/1947 #2962  
               DOUGLAS AND TUCSON, AZ 2+3 observer(s). 25' saucer west goin 7/8/1947 #2970  
                          PHOENIX, AZ 30+observer(s). 3 metallic-glassy dis 7/8/1947 #2977  
                          DOUGLAS, AZ 1 / home. Bright thick 16CM disk just 7/10/1947 #3084  
                             YUMA, AZ 1 observer. Dog barks. Silent white d 7/11/1947 #3125  
                          DOUGLAS, AZ Bright metallic 15cm disk just outsid 7/11/1947 #3131  
anoid “bodies” in Paradise Valley, AZ. Graves states the federal government 10/1947 #3440  
           11 MI NNE / CAVE CREEK, AZ 2 pilots and 1. 3' flying-wing 380mph 10/14/1947 #3454  
    Cave Creek (11 miles NNE of ), AZ 3-foot “flying wing,” black against t 10/14/1947 #3455  
                          PHOENIX, AZ W. Andrus and many. 4 silver saucers  8/15/1948 #3781  
                          Phoenix, AZ Peterson. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index 10/24/1948 #3850  
                    EAST / GANADO, AZ US191. Project Bluebook Case #262. Sa 2/14/1949 #4006  
               CATALINA MOUNTAINS, AZ Project Bluebook Case #332. 700' meta 4/28/1949 #4120  
                           Tucson, AZ AFOSI Case 57; app 17:45 - a very lar 4/28/1949 #4122  
                           Tucson, AZ AFOSI Case 67; 09:30-11:00 - white me 5/8/1949 #4170  
                           TUCSON, AZ Sgt. Putnam. 2 flat 25' silver saucer 5/9/1949 #4171  
                           Tucson, AZ AFOSI Case 68; app 14:30 - silvery, r 5/9/1949 #4172  
                Davis Monthan AFB, AZ Object was described as black, round  5/16/1949 #4188  
                           Tucson, AZ AFOSI Case 70; app 17:00 - black roun 5/16/1949 #4189  
                             Mesa, AZ Five objects observed by two witnesse 6/24/1949 #4251  
        Davis-Monthan AFB, Tucson, AZ Four Airman View Metallic Craft (NICA 10/12/1949 #4389  
TH / DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, AZ Silver saucer hovers / 15 minute(s).  12/31/1949 #4454  
                           TUCSON, AZ Air Traffic Controllers and many. Fir 2/1/1950 #4522  
        Davis-Monthan AFB, Tucson, AZ Saw object trailing smoke (NICAP: 01  2/2/1950 #4525  
              SOUTHEAST / PHOENIX, AZ 7 observer(s). 200' metal ovoid / 45K 3/10/1950 #4603  
                             YUMA, AZ J. McCullen. Huge saucer hovers / 20K 3/23/1950 #4707  
              SOUTHWEST / WINSLOW, AZ Several observer(s). White night ligh 4/5/1950 #4798  
               LOWELL OBSERVER(S), AZ Astronomer S. Hess / (seen thru) tele 5/20/1950 #4952  
                        Flagstaff, AZ Astronomer/meteorologist observed a " 5/20/1950 #4954  
                           Tucson, AZ Triangular Object Passes C-47 At 700  6/16/1950 #4988  
                             YUMA, AZ Many observer(s). Glowing saucer righ 8/12/1950 #5119  
                                   AZ, NM, TX, OK, various Green fireball.  11/2/1951 #5760  
                           TUCSON, AZ 2 flat silver objects park in sky ove 3/7/1952 #5947  
                           BENSON, AZ 5 military and civil aviators / groun 4/3/1952 #6018  
                           Marana, AZ Bright aluminum shiny oblong object a 4/3/1952 #6019  
                          PHOENIX, AZ 4 observer(s). 1 large dull-grey sauc 4/5/1952 #6026  
              Phoenix (Glendale?), AZ Large, dull grey circular object, fol 4/5/1952 #6029  
                             YUMA, AZ Project Bluebook Case #1127. Numerous 4/17/1952 #6097  
                Yuma Test Station, AZ Flat-white, circular object flew with 4/17/1952 #6100  
                             YUMA, AZ Project Bluebook Case #1163. Air Traf 4/27/1952 #6192  
                             Yuma, AZ Bright red or flame-colored discs (NI 4/27/1952 #6197  
     DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, AZ 2 saucers pace B36 / wingtips. Going  5/1/1952 #6231  
       Tucson (Davis-Monthan AFB), AZ The Case of the Missing Report (NICAP 5/1/1952 #6237  
                Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ Two disc-shaped UFOs approached close 5/1/1952 #6241  
                      NEAR BENSON, AZ 2 observer(s). Saucer going quickly s 6/1952 #6400  
                        Tombstone, AZ Williams Case (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviati 6/1952 #6401  
                             YUMA, AZ USAF pilot lane. Round white object f 6/19/1952 #6544  
                             Yuma, AZ Pilot saw a round, white object fly s 6/19/1952 #6548  
                          Phoenix, AZ Gaudet [and Wolf?]. (Jan Aldrich; FUF 6/30/1952 #6672  
                          PHOENIX, AZ Orange-yellow saucer hovers. Going qu 8/4/1952 #7439  
                          Phoenix, AZ Yellow ball which lengthened and narr 8/4/1952 #7447  
                           Tucson, AZ Stanley Case (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviatio 8/13/1952 #7571  
                             MESA, AZ Blurry disk / light hovers over trees 8/18/1952 #7630  
                           TUCSON, AZ Strange sphere/orb/globe with low hal 8/24/1952 #7699  
                           Tucson, AZ A large round, metallic, white light  8/24/1952 #7707  
     DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, AZ 2 Brill-blue blobs. Tucson, AZ civili 8/27/1952 #7752  
SE, AZ 2 Brill-blue blobs. Tucson, AZ civilians see also. Very fast maneuve 8/27/1952 #7752  
     DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, AZ 2 observer(s). 7 large saucers / chan 9/2/1952 #7824  
                           TUCSON, AZ Flight instrument and 1. Dark ovoid / 9/3/1952 #7833  
                           Tucson, AZ Shiny, dark ellipse make three broad, 9/3/1952 #7836  
                           TUCSON, AZ Project Bluebook Case #2048. 2 observ 9/6/1952 #7863  
                           Tucson, AZ Orange teardrop-shaped object whirl o 9/7/1952 #7874  
                   NORTH / TUCSON, AZ 3+3 saucers in formation. Fade away!  9/17/1952 #7967  
                           Tucson, AZ 2 groups of 3 large, flat, shiny obje 9/17/1952 #7969  
                     NEAR WINSLOW, AZ 3 / ranch. Round vibrant bright objec 1/13/1953 #8537  
                 US80 EAST / YUMA, AZ Research chemist and 2. Night light s 1/30/1953 #8619  
                             YUMA, AZ 1 / theodolite. 2 dull white round ob 2/4/1953 #8634  
                             Yuma, AZ White, oblong object with a solid dul 2/4/1953 #8635  
                   NEAR QUARTZITE, AZ 30' / 16 mm USAF film. 100M saucer-cy 3/3/1953 #8724  
        Luke AFB (130 miles W of), AZ Three F-84 Pilots Encounter Manta-Ray 3/3/1953 #8725  
                         Glendale, AZ March 3, 1953; Luke AFB, Glendale, AR 3/3/1953 #8726  
                             YUMA, AZ 20 military and civil. 12 disks race  3/5/1953 #8729  
                             Yuma, AZ Air Force officers at a gunnery meet  3/7/1953 #8736  
                         Prescott, AZ Beers Case (P) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation  3/21/1953 #8769  
                     Williams AFB, AZ Silver Disc Encountered By Test Pilot 3/31/1953 #8798  
                           TUCSON, AZ 2 observer(s). 4 unidentified night l 4/15/1953 #8825  
                           Tucson, AZ 3 orange lights (NICAP: 01 - Distant  4/15/1953 #8826  
                      EAST / YUMA, AZ US80. Chemist sees silver saucer. Con 5/5/1953 #8863  
                             Yuma, AZ Scientist observed silvery disc; conc 5/5/1953 #8865  
                             Yuma, AZ Air Force officers at a gunnery meet  5/7/1953 #8869  
                          Kingman, AZ Dr. Ed Doll orders Fritz Werner to re 5/20/1953 #8886  
                          Kingman, AZ Fritz Werner (pseudonym), engineer at 5/21/1953 #8892  
                 NORTH / PRESCOTT, AZ Pilot and 3. 2+6 saucers cavort / 3km 5/21/1953 #8893  
                     NEAR KINGMAN, AZ Eng. / blacked-out bus. 30' saucer an 5/21/1953 #8894  
                         Prescott, AZ A veteran private pilot watched as ei 5/21/1953 #8895  
tigate a crashed UAP near Kingman, AZ on 21 May 1953, in a signed affidavit 5/21/1953 #8899  
                         HOLBROOK, AZ Air Force C47+marine plane and Zuni / 9/4/1953 #9142  
              Sonoita (5 mi N of), AZ Brilliant white stationary object, st 1/10/1954 #9475  
                   PAINTED DESERT, AZ 2 / camp. Rotating object hovers / 20 1/11/1954 #9477  
                    HAVASU CANYON, AZ 2+2 / (seen thru) binoculars. White c 4/16/1954 #9694  
                     Grand Canton, AZ School superintendent, explorer, watc 4/16/1954 #9695  
   SR 86 / WILLCOX TO/FROM BENSON, AZ 50' silver saucer tilts toward(s) car 5/29/1954 #9839  
                        FLAGSTAFF, AZ 2 loggers. Silent low-flying saucer r 7/12/1954 #10011  
              NORTHEAST / NOGALES, AZ RADAR and F86 pilot. UFO / 10K' altit 12/23/1954 #11855  
                  Nogales (NE of), AZ Air Radar/Visual For 40 Minutes (NICA 12/23/1954 #11856  
             30 MI EAST / COCHISE, AZ Project Bluebook Case #3382. B25 pilo 1/1/1955 #11904  
             20 MI EAST / COCHISE, AZ Project Bluebook Case #3414. Vibrant  2/1/1955 #11957  
                      JOSEPH CITY, AZ 2 observer(s). Huge circular cloud. 5 3/28/1955 #12063  
                    EAST / TUCSON, AZ Car malfunctions due to EME (electro- 3/30/1955 #12069  
                           PARKER, AZ USAF T33 pilot. Yellow-white-red obje 6/4/1955 #12178  
                           Parker, AZ Two Sightings From T-33 / Magnetic Va 6/4/1955 #12179  
                    WEST / PARKER, AZ 1 observer. 2 silent silver disks goi 5/20/1956 #12859  
                          PHOENIX, AZ Luminous sphere/orb/globe hovers. Low 7/19/1956 #12984  
                          Phoenix, AZ Luminous round object hovered, sped a 7/19/1956 #12987  
                         SAN LUIS, AZ Saucer follows Air Force bomber. Stop 8/1956 #13037  
    Quartsite (20 miles south of), AZ Blue-white pulsating light fly fast s 8/8/1956 #13060  
                       WICKENBURG, AZ 1 observer / (seen thru) binoculars.  3/29/1957 #13567  
                      SILVER BELL, AZ 2 observer(s). 30M sphere hovers / op 6/14/1957 #13726  
                       Mt. Lemmon, AZ Height-finder radars tracked a statio 7/18/1957 #13810  
                           TUCSON, AZ Engineer / (seen thru) binoculars and 10/6/1957 #14064  
                         WILLIAMS, AZ Trucker. Silent 10M globe crosses US6 10/30/1957 #14161  
                          CLIFTON, AZ Numerous separate observer(s). Silver 11/3/1957 #14232  
             TUMACACORI NATL.MNMT, AZ 2 / car. Domed saucer maneuvers / mou 12/6/1957 #14676  
                   TUMACACORI MTS, AZ 2 white silent hat-saucers going sout 1/21/1958 #14834  
                  Winslow (NW of), AZ 12 military officers saw a round or c 2/20/1958 #14882  
                        Flagstaff, AZ Elongated Object Seen & Tracked By F3 5/3/1958 #15012  
                      NEAR PIERCE, AZ 2 / horseback. 2 silent metallic sauc 6/1960 #16304  
      4 MILES NORTHWEST / PERIDOT, AZ Family westbound / US70. Small humano 6/10/1960 (approximate) #16309  
                             MESA, AZ Chemical teacher. Object rumbles and  8/26/1960 #16419  
                             Mesa, AZ UFO observed by chemistry teacher, pi 8/26/1960 #16420  
                             Yuma, AZ (McDonald list) Uncorrelated Target W 2/27/1961 #16605  
                 SOUTHEAST TUCSON, AZ 3 boys. 3+1 green fireballs exit delt 6/25/1962 #17244  
                           ORACLE, AZ Separate observer(s). Night light goi 8/7/1962 (approximate) #17325  
                           Oracle, AZ UFO over missile silo (NICAP: 02 - Cl 8/7/1962 #17326  
                           Tuscon, AZ Large blimp like object reported. [In 7/2/1963 #17823  
               LOWELL OBSERVER(S), AZ Astronomers. Ruby red spots / crater  10/29/1963 #18011  
                       COPPERMINE, AZ 3 observer(s). Ovoid going south / 15 6/3/1964 #18325  
                   NEAR NEW RIVER, AZ Blue-glow blimp hovers. Going up [to] 6/3/1964 #18326  
                 SOUTH / COOLIDGE, AZ Engineer and 1 / US87. Cloud disk goi 7/6/1964 #18395  
                SOUTHEAST / BOWIE, AZ 2 / car. Brilliant disk / light over  10/9/1964 #18576  
                           CIBOLA, AZ White cone falls / ground. 2 block ar 5/29/1965 #18975  
                           TUCSON, AZ Newsboys. Silver football hovers near 7/12/1965 #19093  
                   NEAR FLAGSTAFF, AZ Cop and 1. Bright observer(s) with bl 7/17/1965 #19112  
                      CASA GRANDE, AZ Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Obser 8/4/1965 #19295  
                           TUCSON, AZ 4 boys. Flash / sky. 3-4 disks going  4/2/1966 #20205  
 hangar at Naval Air Base in Yuma, AZ in 1967; he states Pete took photos,  1967 #21239  
                     NEAR WINSLOW, AZ 2 pilots and 3+ground RADAR. Red obje 1/13/1967 #21293  
                   Winslow (near), AZ Arizona, G,V (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases 1/13/1967 #21294  
                   Winslow (near), AZ Lear/Nat'l Airlines (P, AL) (NICAP: 1 1/13/1967 #21295  
              SOUTHWEST / KINGMAN, AZ Object aims beam going down / angle.  2/16/1967 #21562  
                          Kingman, AZ 11:45 p.m. MST. A soldier and his wif 2/16/1967 #21569  
             CATALINA OBSERVER(S), AZ Silent 70M saucer / 1000kph. 10 mk aw 3/24/1967 #21958  
                          PHOENIX, AZ Blue Book-unidentified. 3 observer(s) 4/12/1967 #22114  
                          Phoenix, AZ 8:59 p.m MST. A bell-shaped object bu 4/12/1967 #22119  
                          Phoenix, AZ Bell-shaped object buzzed car, banked 4/12/1967 #22120  
                           TUCSON, AZ Yellow dome with flat bottom/undersid 4/21/1967 #22179  
                           Tucson, AZ 9:55 p.m. MST. A yellow, dome-shaoed  4/21/1967 #22185  
                      NEAR SEDONA, AZ Saucer / ground vanishes. Photograph  9/23/1967 #23117  
                    EAST / TUCSON, AZ Boy. 8' aluminum cylinder/cylindrical 10/9/1967 #23198  
                 TUCSON MOUNTAINS, AZ 2 / car. Night light quickly going do 12/24/1967 #23602  
                    NEAR FREDONIA, AZ 7 photographs / saucer. 1 looks great 3/21/1968 #23854  
                          GLEESON, AZ Several separate observer(s). Silver  8/26/1968 #24378  
                     BUCKSKIN MTS, AZ 2 / Cessna. 20 35' saucers going west 3/17/1969 #25017  
                      Lake Havasu, AZ Cessna 150 encountered 15-20 ovals 69 3/17/1969 #25018  
                           TUCSON, AZ 4 observer(s) 1 / (seen thru) binocul 6/14/1969 #25214  
                           TUCSON, AZ Astronomer and 2. 5 night lights / se 11/26/1969 #25473  
                           TUCSON, AZ 2+2 observer(s). 3 dark saucers going 1/27/1970 #25556  
     NEAR WILLIAMS AIR FORCE BASE, AZ 6 / Air Force CH-53E helicopter chase 4/4/1970 #25623  
                  Apache Junction, AZ Horses react as if to predator (NICAP 6/2/1970 #25687  
                           TUCSON, AZ 2 observer(s). Dark banana-shape rise 6/10/1972 #26712  
                          NOGALES, AZ AND MX Many observer(s). Metallic Sat 8/20/1972 #26934  
                             MESA, AZ Many / ballgame and TV shots. 3 35 mm 11/11/1972 #27117  
                WEST / BALDY PEAK, AZ Pilot. Red night light / ground / des 10/12/1973 #28011  
                         SUN CITY, AZ 2 observer(s). Blue object hovers / a 10/22/1973 #28230  
                     NEAR KINGMAN, AZ 3 / car. Silent 300' saucer beams goi 3/27/1974 #28960  
                      SILVER BELL, AZ 1 / car. Motor and lights and radio q 8/10/1974 #29318  
                       CAMP VERDE, AZ Big ovoid hovers. Red ball exits goin 1/13/1975 #29746  
             SAN CARLOS RESERVOIR, AZ Campers. Weird 15M framework structur 2/26/1975 #29847  
             San Carlos Reservoir, AZ Witness saw an oddly structured craft 2/26/1975 #29850  
                       ALAMO LAKE, AZ 300' domed ovoid hovers / lake. Light 3/9/1975 #29882  
           US89 SOUTHWEST / DRAKE, AZ Pilot / car. White night light follow 3/11/1975 #29887  
                           SEDONA, AZ Several observer(s) / 5 nights. Eerie 5/5/1975 #30036  
             OAK CREEK AND SEDONA, AZ Several separate observer(s). Dome sh 5/6/1975 #30040  
                      WEST TUCSON, AZ 4 / car follow dark ovoid / mountains 5/7/1975 #30046  
                           SEDONA, AZ Domed ovoid extends white beam going  5/8/1975 #30048  
        SOUTH / GRAYBACK MOUNTAIN, AZ Separate observer(s). Dog and cat fra 5/23/1975 #30064  
          WILLIAMS AIR FORCE BASE, AZ T37+F4 pilots and many / ground. Red  7/20/1975 #30188  
                     Williams AFB, AZ An orange-red metallic disc flew past 7/20/1975 #30191  
                     KEAMS CANYON, AZ Cop sees odd night light / rotating g 8/17/1975 #30283  
                      TURKEY SPRS, AZ Travis Walton abduction. Small humano 11/5/1975 #30555  
                        Snowflake, AZ Travis Walton Case (NICAP: 07 - Entit 11/5/1975 #30556  
                            Heber, AZ Travis Walton abduction case          11/5/1975 #30560  
     NEAR WILLIAMS AIR FORCE BASE, AZ Several F4 pilots. 2 silver objects n 5/13/1976 #31048  
                           Sedona, AZ 9:00 p.m. A dog and cat reacted with  5/23/1976 #31071  
                           TUCSON, AZ 3+observer(s). Cylinder/cylindrical o 2/10/1977 #31805  
                           Tucson, AZ 7:30 PM. From a window in her house M 2/10/1977 #31806  
                           TUCSON, AZ Several observer(s). X-shaped silver  2/21/1977 #31834  
                           Tucson, AZ 1:30 AM. A 52-year-old woman was watc 4/4/1977 #31941  
                           Tucson, AZ 3:30 PM. Two young girls walking unde 4/12/1977 #31974  
                          PHOENIX, AZ Many separate observer(s). Needle-clo 5/12/1977 #32093  
                          PHOENIX, AZ 2 observer(s). Flashes. 8 silent bloa 9/21/1977 #32501  
             NORTH / GRAND CANYON, AZ Airline(s)/airliner pilot. Spherical  1/7/1978 #32858  
                          PHOENIX, AZ Several observer(s). 25' double count 2/2/1978 #32944  
                           TUCSON, AZ Beams / windows. 2 plain silent coin- 2/19/1978 #32980  
                           TUCSON, AZ Several separate observer(s). Green w 2/20/1978 #32985  
                         FLORENCE, AZ Teacher and kids. Dark metallic disk  3/6/1978 #33016  
                           WARREN, AZ 3 / truck. Disk hovers / mine tailing 3/6/1980 #35195  
                           Warren, Az A disc hovered over mine tailings in  3/6/1980 #35197  
                          MORENCI, AZ Delta/triangle/box-like craft over sm 10/23/1980 #35580  
                          Morenci, AZ Boomerang-shaped object with body lig 10/23/1980 #35581  
                          Morenci, AZ Boomerang-shaped object with body lig 10/23/1980 #35582  
                           PAYSON, AZ Cop and more/others. 4 silver saucers 1/6/1981 #35771  
                           Payson, AZ Four silvery discs executed turns, ma 1/6/1981 #35772  
                           Payson, AZ Four silvery discs executed turns, ma 1/6/1981 #35773  
                   NNW / FLORENCE, AZ 6 military observer(s). Cloud cylinde 1/30/1981 #35807  
                     NEAR KAYENTA, AZ AAL crew. UFO going southwest very fa 4/21/1981 #35911  
                           Sedona, AZ Nancy and her daughter were in a camp 4/1982 #36422  
     10 MI NORTHWEST / LUKACHUKAI, AZ 3+3 observer(s). Night lights light c 8/10/1982 #36564  
                          Phoenix, AZ Bob Lazar appears in the “Arizona Rep 8/21/1982 #36578  
ona Republic” newspaper in Phoenix AZ and is said to be working in “Los Ala 8/21/1982 #36578  
                           TUCSON, AZ Airport RADAR and cops. 60 night ligh 10/7/1985 #37675  
                           TUCSON, AZ 2 observer(s). 15 dark spheres go nor 1/26/1986 #37771  
                             MESA, AZ 1 observer / (seen thru) telescope. N 3/22/1986 #37805  
                  NEAR CAMP VERDE, AZ 2 observer(s). Bright saucer passes l 5/11/1986 #37862  
                           Sedona, AZ Head-on pass of object below Cessna 1 5/11/1986 #37864  
                           Sedona, AZ Cessna pilot and wife saw dome-shaped 5/11/1986 #37865  
                          WIKIEUP, AZ 4+separate Patrolman / US93. Large br 7/10/1986 #37935  
                          PHOENIX, AZ 7 observer(s). Delta/triangle/box-lik 11/15/1986 #38065  
 MUFON (Sequin, TX), APRO (Tucson, AZ) and Just Cause (Coventry, CT) states 9/4/1987 #38278  
                             MESA, AZ Private pilot lands. Gulf Breeze type 3/6/1988 #38492  
                           TUCSON, AZ Silent flat-black 30' manta swoops. B 8/19/1992 #40579  
                           Tucson, AZ Manta ray-shaped object with body lig 8/19/1992 #40581  
                           Tucson, AZ Manta ray—shaped object with body lig 8/19/1992 #40582  
                      NEAR PAYSON, AZ 2 observer(s) and video. Bell-shape m 10/1992 (approximate) #40654  
             CAVE CREEK RESERVOIR, AZ 2 observer(s). 3 delta/triangle/box-l 3/24/1993 #40897  
                         PRESCOTT, AZ Man videos 10' silver sphere. Fades a 9/15/1993 #41198  
                        GILA BEND, AZ Evening. Disk shines beam on train. T 9/1/1994 #41710  
 field. No further details / MUFON AZ.                                      9/1/1994 #41710  
                        GILA BEND, AZ 2 / car and separate cop / I8. Domed  9/1/1994 #41711  
                             YUMA, AZ Man abduction / bedroom. Lizard-types 9/20/1994 #41763  
                      LAKE HAVASU, AZ 5 observer(s). Cylinder/cylindrical o 3/23/1995 #42114  
                 I17 NEAR RIMROCK, AZ Large disk / ground. Structure on top 5/21/1995 #42217  
                      MILLER PEAK, AZ 2 backpackers. 2 delta/triangle/box-l 7/1/1995 #42287  
                          WILLCOX, AZ 1 / car. White / yellow Oblong object 9/18/1995 #42480  
                           CHINLE, AZ 1 military observer(s). Odd metallic  10/5/1995 #42533  
         NEAR LUKE AIR FORCE BASE, AZ 1 / truck. Flaming red-orange firebal 10/8/1995 #42540  
                          PHOENIX, AZ Several observer(s). 10 shiny objects 11/19/1995 #42609  
                          PHOENIX, AZ 4 observer(s). Night lights zigzag /  1/1/1996 #42661  
                          GILBERT, AZ Pilot. Red object fades. Going east.  2/7/1996 #42744  
                          PHOENIX, AZ Pilot and 1000 observer(s). Huge tria 3/13/1997 #43228  
                           TUCSON, AZ 2 observer(s). Whistle. 3 plate-sauce 3/22/1997 #43237  
                         GLENDALE, AZ 1 observer. White oval disk going qui 5/31/1997 #43303  
                     NEAR PHOENIX, AZ Amateur astronomer. 4 spheres weave a 6/17/1997 #43324  
                    LAKE PLEASANT, AZ 2 observer(s). Huge triangle going [t 7/11/1997 #43348  
                          PHOENIX, AZ Numerous separate observer(s) and pho 9/27/1997 #43418  
                          PHOENIX, AZ Daylight hockey-puck disk. 15 minute( 11/14/1997 #43441  
                       SCOTTSDALE, AZ 2 silver objects. 1 going [to] out an 11/17/1997 #43445  
                           SEDONA, AZ 2 observer(s). Huge triangle. White l 7/15/1998 #43606  
federal district court in Phoenix, AZ to release documents related to the P 1/22/1999 #43719  
covered disc landing from Kingman, AZ from 1952-53. Uhouse states the craft 11/1/2013 #45392  
                           Tucson, AZ Ufologist Robert O. Dean dies at age  10/11/2018 #45539  
tion “Bradshaw Ranch” near Sedona, AZ got “taken over and turned into a bla 10/14/2022 #45777  
ile in Boynton Canyon near Sedona, AZ she and one friend had a shared dream 10/20/2022 #45779  
## Word: "azadehdel" (Back to Top)
                             Henry Azadehdel (pseudonym Armen Victorian) in 1990 #39355  
eged transcript claims Walker told Azadehdel that entry into a UAP “control 1990 #39355  
menian orchid hunter Habib “Henry” Azadehdel (pseudonym “Armen Victorian”)  1/26/1990 #39390  
                             Henry Azadehdel calls Eric A. Walker a second  3/8/1990 #39453  
## Word: "azambuja" (Back to Top)
   Brusque, Santa Catarina, Brazil Azambuja hospital in Brusque 7:00 p.m. F 9/3/1976 #31335  
is leg is paralyzed, so he goes to Azambuja hospital in Brusque, where doct 9/3/1976 #31335  
## Word: "azcapotzalco" (Back to Top)
                                   AZCAPOTZALCO AND MORE/OTHERS, MX 16 cops 2/14/2000 #43950  
## Word: "aze" (Back to Top)
                                   AZE, FR 2 observer(s). Fiery orange 6M c 10/2/1954 #10598  
## Word: "azerbaijan" (Back to Top)
                   SOUTH / ASTARA, AZERBAIJAN Luminous saucer at Soviet bor 11/8/1952 #8254  
        ATJATY TO/FROM ADZHIJABUL, AZERBAIJAN SSR Sen.Russell and 3 / train 10/4/1955 #12487  
                        USSR Baku, Azerbaijan Prague, Czechoslovakia Czech  10/4/1955 #12488  
R, is on a Soviet train near Baku, Azerbaijan, when he spots a disc-shaped  10/4/1955 #12488  
-Caucasus railway outside of Baku, Azerbaijan on this day in 1955. While on 10/4/1955 #12489  
ing hours on this day in Naxcivan, Azerbaijan. The main witness reported, " 9/25/2002 #44406  
UFO over Baku, the capital city of Azerbaijan.                              1/2/2003 #44462  
## Word: "azerbarzin" (Back to Top)
lands. Base Commander Gen. Abdulah Azerbarzin claims the complete investiga 9/18/1976 #31395  
## Word: "azerbj" (Back to Top)
         SHAMAKHINSKY OBSERVER(S), AZERBJ 2 astronomers. Ring with point st 11/30/1964 #18648  
## Word: "azevedo" (Back to Top)
razinho, Brazil A teenager, Adilon Azevedo, a others who fled, saw two obje 7/26/1965 #19179  
 de Motta Night. Adilon Batista de Azevedo, 14, leaves home with two friend 7/26/1965 #19181  
                A teenager, Adilon Azevedo, and others in Carazinho, Rio Gr 7/26/1965 #19183  
 Catarina State, Brazil Antonio De Azevedo, an angler, was on the beach wit 8/31/1974 #29405  
## Word: "azgir" (Back to Top)
onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-1” Yield: 1.1KT                  4/22/1966 #20372  
onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-2-1” Yield: 27KT                 7/1/1968 #24116  
onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-3-1” Yield: 64KT                 12/22/1971 #26514  
onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-2-2” Yield: .35KT                4/25/1975 #30003  
onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-3-2” Yield: 10KT                 3/29/1976 #30967  
onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-4” Yield: 58KT                   7/29/1976 #31194  
onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-5” Yield: 10KT                   9/30/1977 #32534  
onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-2-3” Yield: .1KT                 10/14/1977 #32574  
onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-2-4” Yield: .01KT                10/30/1977 #32638  
onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-2-5” Yield: .08KT                9/12/1978 #33668  
d, salvo. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-7” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 170KT   10/17/1978 #33840  
onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-2-6” Yield: .06KT                11/30/1978 #34029  
onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-9” Yield: 103KT                  12/18/1978 #34170  
onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-2-7” Yield: .5KT                 1/10/1979 #34328  
d, salvo. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-8” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 170KT   1/17/1979 #34353  
d, salvo. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-11” Yield: .003KT YieldMax: 60KT 7/14/1979 #34653  
d, salvo. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-10” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 170KT  10/24/1979 #34963  
## Word: "azhazha" (Back to Top)
           Russia Russia: Vladimir Azhazha found an elliptical area where h 1961 #16545  
ent, Zoya Shubenkina, corroborated Azhazha’s story about the 1961 crash, cl 1961 #16545  
 officer and ufologist Vladimir G. Azhazha and signed by Naval Deputy Chief 10/7/1977 #32559  
 officer and ufologist Vladimir G. Azhazha with the assistance of Nikita A. 11/1978 #33907  
## Word: "azimuth" (Back to Top)
locity is greater than 0.5°/min in azimuth calculated by Lincoln LaPaz. The 2/24/1950 #4554  
ontal position, elevation 20°–25°, azimuth northeast. Shortly after the men 7/1950 #5035  
easuring distance, size, altitude, azimuth, and speed. In October he takes  8/15/1950 #5126  
loons for 8 minutes. He says, “The azimuth reading changed from 147 degrees 11/26/1950 #5287  
y behind aircraft when entering an azimuth of 50°–70° from nearby Tsutsusak 9/28/1952 #8049  
e showed the object to be on a 270 azimuth at an altitude of 10,000-15,000  1/26/1953 #8576  
gets at 17 and 27 miles, both 300° azimuth. No visual confirmation, though  1/28/1953 #8604  
, silvery object is detected on an azimuth of 80°. At 5:35 a.m., an Air For 6/26/1954 #9954  
om 12,000 feet to 24,000 feet, and azimuth from 190° to 170°. Objects seem  10/2/1959 #16011  
 power theodolite at 133.4 degrees azimuth, 55 degrees elevation. The obser 9/30/1961 #16881  
t, East Antarctica, at 250° (true) azimuth, and 30° elevation. Over 5 minut 6/7/1962 #17221  
ly. It disappeared to the south at azimuth 170° by ascending to about 30°-4 1/30/1967 #21422  
ball with 2 red lights stationary; Azimuth 045° from River Court, Ontario.  11/17/1975 #30635  
eutenant conducting a below-ground azimuth alignment procedure at the Ellsw Early 1/1979 #34280  
kes measurements of its height and azimuth. It remains in the same spot for 12/23/1985 #37735  
## Word: "aziz" (Back to Top)
om II interceptor piloted by Capt. Aziz Khani and 1stLt. Hossein Shokri fro 9/18/1976 #31395  
## Word: "azizova" (Back to Top)
         At 10:00 p.m. Mrs. Lenura Azizova in Simferopol', Crimea, Ukraine  5/13/2003 #44534  
## Word: "aznacollar" (Back to Top)
ant, was guarding a melon field in Aznacollar, Spain from poachers when he  9/11/1971 #26328  
ant, was guarding a melon field in Aznacollar, Spain from poachers when he  9/12/1971 #26331  
## Word: "aznalcazar" (Back to Top)
                                   AZNALCAZAR, SP Large brilliant saucer go 4/5/1935 (approximate) #1226  
                                In Aznalcazar, Spain a large brilliant, rou 4/5/1935 #1228  
 of four, driving in a car between Aznalcazar and Pila, Sevilla province, S 8/16/1970 #25790  
                                   AZNALCAZAR, SP Several separate observer 12/23/1970 #25950  
                              NEAR AZNALCAZAR, SP Rain. Disk hovers / 2M al 1/20/1971 #25992  
                                   AZNALCAZAR, SP 7M dome lights 250M area  6/9/1971 #26161  
ly and very close to the ground in Aznalcazar, Sevilla, Spain while they we 6/9/1971 #26164  
## Word: "aznalcazar-pilas" (Back to Top)
                                   AZNALCAZAR-PILAS, SP Small dense cloud / 8/16/1970 #25788  
## Word: "aznalcollar" (Back to Top)
                              NEAR AZNALCOLLAR, SP Bus-size UFO lands / fie 9/12/1971 #26329  
                                   AZNALCOLLAR, SP 3 observer(s). 1M saucer 2/25/1974 #28799  
                                   AZNALCOLLAR, SP Row / 4 bright silver ni 4/15/1974 #29023  
## Word: "aznalcázar" (Back to Top)
                                   Aznalcázar, Seville, Spain Dusk. A farme 4/5/1935 #1227  
ve the ground near his property in Aznalcázar, Seville, Spain. Several smal 4/5/1935 #1227  
## Word: "aznalcóllar" (Back to Top)
                Los Lunarejos farm Aznalcóllar, Seville, Spain 7:00 p.m. Ju 9/12/1971? #26330  
narejos farm just over a mile from Aznalcóllar, Seville, Spain, when he see 9/12/1971? #26330  
once more. Frightened, he flees to Aznalcóllar to inform his employers, who 9/12/1971? #26330  
## Word: "azores" (Back to Top)
      STA.MARIA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, AZORES Numerous observer(s). White cylin 7/10/1948 #3706  
                 Unknown Location, Azores (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Dist 10/31/1948 #3858  
                 400MI NORTHWEST / AZORES Project Bluebook Case #2126. Unid 9/26/1952 #8033  
                                   Azores Islands (400 miles NNW of), At Se 9/26/1952 #8034  
                  400 miles NNW of Azores Islands Witnesses:  pilot, copilo 9/26/1952 #8035  
                                   Azores Islands 400 miles north-northwest 9/26/1952 #8037  
s 400 miles north-northwest of the Azores Islands 11:16 p.m. The pilot and  9/26/1952 #8037  
t 400 miles north-northwest of the Azores Islands. At one point, they appea 9/26/1952 #8037  
tlantic Ocean 400 miles NNW of the Azores Islands. 11:16 p.m. The pilot, co 9/26/1952 #8038  
              Santa Maria Airport, Azores A guard saw a craft, 3.5 m in dia 9/20/1954 #10369  
antic on Santa Maria Island in the Azores, at 11:00 p.m. Vitorino Monteiro, 9/20/1954 #10373  
      STA.MARIA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, AZORES Project Bluebook Case #3224. 10'  9/21/1954 #10378  
              Santa Maria Airport, Azores 10 ft x 5 ft light metallic blue, 9/21/1954 #10380  
                      Santa Maria, Azores Islands Witness: airport guard.   9/21/1954 #10382  
Santa Maria Airport Vila do Porto, Azores 9:45 p.m. A guard at the Santa Ma 9/21/1954 #10383  
ta Maria Airport in Vila so Porto, Azores, sees a 10 x 5-foot, light metall 9/21/1954 #10383  
                     ATLANTIC WITH AZORES Crew and passengers / PAA DC6. Hu 9/28/1954 #10480  
                  TERCIERA ISLAND, AZORES Project Bluebook Case #3287. Many 10/25/1954 #11385  
 observers on Terceira Island, The Azores in the Atlantic Ocean watched a f 10/25/1954 #11403  
                 Terciera Islands, Azores Grey object, shaped like a stovep 10/29/1954 #11477  
                 Terciera Islands, Azores Witnesses: four Portuguese nation 10/29/1954 #11479  
 airport on Terciera Island in the Azores sighted a UFO shaped like a stove 10/29/1954 #11484  
ean near Santa Maria Island in the Azores. Project Blue Book's explanation  7/22/1955 #12279  
                     ATLANTIC NEAR AZORES Airliner takes evasive action. Wh 8/16/1956 #13091  
                              Near Azores, At Sea Object Makes Passes / DC- 8/16/1956 #13093  
                    240 KM NORTH / AZORES Navy crew. Very large fireball pa 10/3/1959 #16012  
                ANGRA DO HEROISMO, AZORES Metallic saucer skims ground. Red 4/1/1960 #16212  
                ANGRA DO HEROISMO, AZORES Many observer(s). Strong red-oran 5/23/1965 #18952  
              North Atlantic Ocean Azores 6:52 p.m. Chief Mate Torgrim Lien 7/6/1965 #19078  
n about 900 miles southwest of the Azores. He, the captain, and other offic 7/6/1965 #19078  
               SOUTH MARIA ISLAND, AZORES White cylinder/cylindrical object 7/9/1965 #19085  
                Santa Maria Island Azores islands Portugal Santa Maria Airp 7/9/1965 #19088  
ing over Santa Maria Island in the Azores islands, Portugal. All electric c 7/9/1965 #19088  
 Santa Maria Island Airport on the Azores, airport clocks stopped and compa 7/9/1965 #19091  
                      CINCO PICOS, AZORES Radio electro-magnetic effect (EM 1/30/1968 #23709  
security guard in Cinco Picos, The Azores experienced radio interference, t 1/30/1968 #23711  
           Lajes Air Base Terceira Azores Portugal Morning. At Lajes Air Ba 1/31/1968 #23715  
 Lajes Air Base on Terceira in the Azores, a Portuguese military watchman,  1/31/1968 #23715  
               Criacao do Cabrito, Azores Serafim Vieira Sebastiao, a watch 2/1/1968 #23722  
ieira Sebastiao, a watchman at the Azores Air Station, saw "an oval object  2/1/1968 #23722  
               Criacao do Cabrito, Azores Serafim Vieira Sebastiao, a watch 2/1/1968 #23723  
ieira Sebastiao, a watchman at the Azores Air Station, saw "an oval object  2/1/1968 #23723  
a sentry at Cinco Picos AFB on the Azores Islands, Sr. Serafin Viera Sebast 2/1/1968 #23724  
sentry at Criaco do Cabrito on the Azores Islands noticed interference on h 2/2/1968 #23727  
                            HORTA, AZORES Odd ovoid in sky. Another object  2/4/1968 #23730  
                SAO MIGUEL ISLAND, AZORES Several observer(s). Grey object  2/13/1968 #23753  
                           FLORES, AZORES 2+observer(s). Bright white ball  2/23/1968 #23778  
                ANGRA DO HERIOSMO, AZORES 3 top weathermen. "Unnatural" sph 2/28/1968 #23788  
                  TERCIERA ISLAND, AZORES Strange disk of light / sky. No f 9/14/1968 #24459  
of five unmanned ships west of the Azores. Two of the ships had capsized bu 7/20/1969 #25282  
ver the Atlantic Ocean between the Azores and Lisbon, Portugal at 35,000 fe 9/19/1976 #31412  
                    PONTA DELGADA, AZORES Many observer(s). Luminous globe  10/10/1976 #31459  
                  TERCIERA ISLAND, AZORES 2 fishing. 3 fast saucers leave y 4/14/1978 #33146  
               SANTA MARIA ISLAND, AZORES 1M dia UFO radiates red light. Se 9/8/1978 #33647  
## Word: "azov" (Back to Top)
                            Sea of Azov Henichesk, Ukraine A group of touri 8/8/1978 #33489  
ists along the shore of the Sea of Azov near Henichesk, Ukraine, see a flyi 8/8/1978 #33489  
## Word: "azrou" (Back to Top)
                                   AZROU AND IMMOUZER, MAROC Separate obser 6/8/1952 (approximate) #6466  
## Word: "aztec" (Back to Top)
                                   Aztec, NM Alternate date for Crash/Recov 2/13/1948 #3577  
ternate date for Crash/Recovery at Aztec, N.M. 16 little human-like beings  2/13/1948 #3577  
                                   Aztec, NM Aztec area NM landing and retr 3/25/1948 #3596  
                         Aztec, NM Aztec area NM landing and retrieval inci 3/25/1948 #3596  
n a UFO crashed in the vicinity of Aztec, NM. When the saucer got into rang 3/25/1948 #3596  
                                   Aztec, NM IPU Scout Team sights the obje 3/25/1948 #3597  
m sights the object 12 miles NE of Aztec NM, radios back to HQ in Camp Hale 3/25/1948 #3597  
          Hart Canyon Road east of Aztec, New Mexico Wright Field in Ohio A 3/25/1948 #3598  
ateau off Hart Canyon Road east of Aztec, New Mexico. When Air Force invest 3/25/1948 #3598  
le C. Stevens release UFO Crash at Aztec, which draws on speculation, rumor 3/25/1948 #3598  
 story. The latest to champion the Aztec crash is a North Carolina man name 3/25/1948 #3598  
h and coverup in his 2015 book The Aztec UFO Incident. Ramsey thinks the ob 3/25/1948 #3598  
                                   Aztec, New Mexico According to Karl T. P 3/1950 #4566  
two CIA agents clandestinely visit Aztec, New Mexico, UFO crash storyteller 3/1950 #4566  
                    Farmington, NM Aztec, NM Farmington Armada mass UFO sig 3/16/1950 #4646  
spotted over town, and from nearby Aztec. Some UFO’s appeared red colored.  3/16/1950 #4646  
phed the saucer which crashed near Aztec, N.M. He said that “army officials 10/6/1950 #5215  
eneaux denied any knowledge of the Aztec crash.                             10/6/1950 #5215  
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Aztec” Yield: 410KT                      4/27/1962 #17132  
 state to Mexico city in his Piper Aztec 24, he became aware of three objec 5/2/1974 #29079  
n a local radio show interview the Aztec crash, had anonymous military and  10/11/1974 #29514  
                    Tampa, Florida Aztec, New Mexico Wright-Patterson AFB i 10/11/1974 #29521  
ent’s cover-up of the UFO crash in Aztec, New Mexico, in 1948 with 12 dead  10/11/1974 #29521  
                    Tampa, Florida Aztec, New Mexico Hangar 18 Robert Spenc 11/2/1974 #29580  
Inn in Tampa, Florida, on the 1948 Aztec, New Mexico, crash/retrieval and t 11/2/1974 #29580  
nd four passengers onboard a Piper Aztec airplane, including Wendy and Mich 9/21/1980 #35525  
officer’s witness name to the 1948 Aztec C/R. Stringfield sat back dumbfoun 2/6/1982 #36322  
as more saucer crashes in Roswell, Aztec and Laredo, TX; one saucer that cr 12/29/1987 #38379  
               4 MILES NORTHWEST / AZTEC, NM 5 oilmen. Huge diamond floats  11/29/1993 #41307  
g rig crew four miles southwest of Aztec, New Mexico. It made no sound, and 11/29/1993 #41308  
nts information at the 14th Annual Aztec UFO Symposium allegedly from diffe 3/26/2011 #45320  
0’ craft in Hart Canyon 9 mi. N of Aztec, NM.     Wade claims high powered  3/26/2011 #45320  
ic document mentions Frank Scully, Aztec crash, EBE-1                       6/2017 #45471  
## Word: "azua" (Back to Top)
                               OFF AZUA, DOM.REP Saucer stops over boats. H 3/12/1975 #29889  
## Word: "azucar" (Back to Top)
                            PAN DE AZUCAR, URG 18m cone buzzes light plane. 5/5/1958 #15014  
                            Pan De Azucar, Uruguay Aerial encounter, heat,  5/5/1958 #15015  
                            Pan De Azucar, Uruguay Top-Like Object Heats Up 5/5/1958 #15016  
riguez near the airfield in Pan de Azucar near the city of San Carlos, Mald 5/5/1958 #15019  
## Word: "azul" (Back to Top)
            PORTO ALEGRE AND MORRO AZUL, BRZ Moon-size object hovers and pu 5/31/1968 #23995  
                                   AZUL, ARG 3M domed sphere/orb/globe hove 5/26/1969 #25163  
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Azul” YieldMax: 20KT                     12/14/1979 #35081  
## Word: "azusa" (Back to Top)
                                   AZUSA, CA Saucer makes wobbling ascent.  7/1957 #13761  
                                   Azusa, CA "Disc with amber lights around 7/1/1957 #13770  
                                   Azusa, California Patricia Ellingson is  Fall 1962 #17435  
ame-like lights” in her bedroom in Azusa, California, every evening. She th Fall 1962 #17435  
 Graham, Aerojet Electric Systems, Azusa, CA, states that he has given up t 10/19/1981 #36178  
## Word: "aérea" (Back to Top)
Islands 2:00 a.m. Both Circulación Aérea Militar Operativa (CAMO) radar and 2/25/1979 #34447  
## Word: "aéreas" (Back to Top)
een the control tower and a Líneas Aéreas Paraguayas airliner, with the pil 6/8/1991 #40092  
## Word: "aéreos" (Back to Top)
                          Serviços Aéreos Cruzeiro do Sul Porto Alegre, Rio 3/27/1967 #22001  
ce C-47 and the crew of a Serviços Aéreos Cruzeiro do Sul photo- mapping ai 3/27/1967 #22001  
he Centro de Estudios de Fénomenos Aéreos Inusuales in Buenos Aires, Argent 1972 #26529  
he Centro de Estudios de Fenómenos Aéreos No Convencionales in Buenos Aires 1980 #35113  
he Centro de Estudios de Fenómenos Aéreos Inusuales in Buenos Aires, Argent 4/1993 #40922  
nd the other from Rio Sul Serviços Aéreos Regionais, watch a UFO over Macap 8/8/1995 #42368  
an Comité de Estudios de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos begins operations in San 10/3/1997 #43423  
ento de Investigación de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos (DIFFA), tasked with stu 12/2001 #44279  
he Comité de Estudios de Fénomenos Aéreos Anómalos and the director of OVNI 8/26/2003 #44584  
ento de Investigación de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos (DIFFA), which had close 10/2013 #45387  
y, Comité de Estudios de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos, convenes a three-hour m 7/31/2014 #45412  
al Comité de Estudios de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos spends two years studyin 11/11/2014 #45423  
## Word: "aériens" (Back to Top)
 the Groupe d’Étude des Phénomènes Aériens in Paris, France, with an initia 1962 #17009  
## Word: "aéroespacial" (Back to Top)
named the Centro de Identificación Aéroespacial.                            4/4/2019 #45571  
## Word: "aéronautique" (Back to Top)
énomènes Insolites du Ciel et de l’Aéronautique in Odratzheim, Bas-Rhin, Fr 5/2001 #44172  
## Word: "aérospaciais" (Back to Top)
o Romero founds Grupo de Pesquisas Aérospaciais Zenith in Salvador, Bahia,  1972 #26531  
## Word: "aérospatiales" (Back to Top)
National d’Études et de Recherches Aérospatiales 7:00 p.m. Thousands of peo 2/23/1971 #26030  
National d’Études et de Recherches Aérospatiales announces that the cloud w 2/23/1971 #26030  
## Word: "aérospatiaux" (Back to Top)
 The Groupe d’Etude des Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non Identifiés (GEPAN) is f 5/1/1977 #32046  
t de Recherches sur les Phénomènes Aérospatiaux in Marseille, France, begin 2/1990 #39405  
t d’Information sur les Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non-identifiés (GEIPAN) in  9/22/2005 #44878  
Os in the landmark book Phénomènes aérospatiaux non identifies: Un défi à l 4/2007 #45015  
 d'Informations sur les Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non-identifiés, the officia 11/2021 #45718  
## Word: "aïn" (Back to Top)
                                   Aïn El Turk, Algeria A small man with st 10/24/1954 #11364  
 strange glowing eyes is seen near Aïn El Turk, Algeria, along the coast.   10/24/1954 #11364