+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | [On This Day] | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |  Encounters with Aliens on this Day | | | |  September 24 | | | | 1952 - The crew of a USAF B-29 bomber, flying near Charleston, West | | Virginia at 3:30 p.m. reported seeing a lot of bright, metallic | | particles or flashes, up to three feet in length, stream past their | | aircraft for 15 minutes. (Sources: Project Blue Book files counted in | | official statistics, case # 2124; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO | | Unknowns). | | | | 1954 - At nine o'clock in the morning two women, Mrs. Geoffroy and | | Miss Gazelle Fin, independently witnessed a dark gray disc, six | | meters in diameter, in a clearing in Becar, near Diges, Yonne, | | France. A man of normal height was seen standing close to it. He wore | | dark clothes and some kind of cap. Miss Fin came within 30 meters of | | the craft and said that it looked like the man was repairing it. | | Traces were found on the grass. (Sources: Le Parisien, September 28, | | 1954; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia, p. 211). | | | | 1954 - At 10 o'clock in the morning Cesar Cardoso and three others | | saw two individuals, 2.5 meters (8.3 feet) tall emerge from a landed | | craft in Almaseda, near Castelibranco, Portugal. They were dressed in | | shiny uniforms, and were gathering flowers, shrubs, and other | | vegetation and putting it in a shiny box. Before they took off they | | seemed to be inviting the witnesses aboard, but their language was | | not understood. (Sources: Harold Wilkins, Flying Saucers Uncensored, | | p. 55; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia, p. 211). | | | | 1954 - At sometime before 3:00 p.m. in Bayonne, Pyrenees-Atlantique, | | France three metallic ovoid objects hovered in a triangular formation | | for over one minute, then flew away fast. At 3:00 p.m. a fast silent | | cigar-shaped object crossed the sky slowly over the Vichy stadium, | | Allier, France and was seen by many. These are two of the defining | | sightings of the Bayonne to Vichy (BAVIC) orthotenic line discovered | | by Aime Michel and confirmed by Dr. David R. Saunders.(Sources: Aime | | Michel, Flying Saucers and the Straight Line Mystery, p. 76; David R. | | Saunders, Is BAVIC Remarkable?, FSR, Vol. 17, No. 4, July-August | | 1971). | | | | 1954 - At dusk a fast, silent, luminous object landed for a few | | seconds in a field by a church in Lencouacq, Landes, France and was | | seen by a Miss Vignolles. (Source: Aime Michel, Flying Saucers and | | the Straight Line Mystery, p. 77). | | | | 1954 - At 9:30 p.m. a large 40-50 meter in diameter domed disc, which | | was bright red with an orange glow and a blue-violet colored dome, | | was sighted south-southwest of Civray, France. (Source: Jacques | | Coudert, Ouranos, vol. 24 (1978), p. 8). | | | | 1954 - Mr. Cisterne lived on the Farm Lachassagne, near Ussel, | | France. He was driving back to the barn at 11:00 p.m. with his | | tractor when he saw a luminous object fly very low over him. There | | were two other witnesses. (Sources: Aime Michel, Flying Saucers and | | the Straight Line Mystery, p. 76; Jacques Vallee, Passport to | | Magonia, p. 211). | | | | 1956 - Two 10 meter wide disc-shaped objects were observed at 300 | | meters altitude in Gibston, Tennessee at 5:30 a.m. One hovered while | | the other rocked back and forth. They both had a dark circle around | | their rims. They suddenly shot off to the east. (Source: Loren E. | | Gross, The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse: UFOs: A History. 1956: | | September-October, p. 44). | | | | 1966 - At 9:20 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Burwood were driving between | | Tilshead and Shrewton on Highway A360 in Wiltshire County, England | | when  their car headlights and engine died. A red misty light | | descended and landed behind their car. It was 15 feet in diameter and | | only 30 feet away. When another car came around the corner it | | vanished. (Sources: T. Burwood, Flying Saucer Review, | | November-December 1966, p. 18; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving | | Vehicle Interference, p. 30). | | | | 1968 - At 9:00 p.m. a 56-year-old woman in Cedeira, La Coruna, Spain | | saw a bright light coming from Ponteiro, and she later observed two | | tall men walking on the road toward her. There were “lights of | | changing color visible on their faces.” Frightened, she ran to her | | nearest neighbor's home. A sailor went out to investigate but found | | nothing. However, an investigator later found “a burned area, | | irregular but about two meters in diameter" at the supposed landing | | site. (Sources: Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, FSR, May-June 1973, | | p. 19; Catalogue of 200 Type-I UFO Events in Spain and Portugal, case | | 80; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid | | Reports, case 1968-69 (A0984), citing FSR Special Bulletin # 4, p. | | 54). | | | | 1969 - An architect named Breeus in Zellik, Belgium watched two | | silent, glowing delta-shaped objects stop in mid-flight at 8:10 p.m. | | A dog barked furiously during the five minute encounter. | | The flourescent UFOs hadedges lit by bluish-white light, red | | underparts, and created fiery exhaust trails. (Sources: FSR, | | January-February 1972, p. 27; Jacques Bonabot, Catalog of Belgian | | Cases, case 271). | | | | 1971 - In Caleta Buena, Chile a police car engine and its two-way | | radio failed when a luminous domed oval-shaped object approached the | | car. It came from over the ocean close to the beach. (Sources: Pablo | | Petrowitsch, APRO Bulletin, March-April 1972, p. 9; Geoffrey Falla, | | BUFORA Vehicle Interference Project, p. 57; Mark Rodeghier, UFO | | Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 56; Richard H. Hall, The | | UFO Evidence, Volume II:  A Thirty-Year Report, p. 253). | | | | 1973 - On this evening two patrolmen in Fort Wayne, Indiana saw an | | unidentified light while checking on a UFO report from a woman from | | Churubosco. The object moved slowly. Authorities at Baier Field were | | notified, who reported that no aircraft were in the vicinity nor had | | any balloons been launched, but they also observed the object in the | | western sky. (Source: Skylook, issue 72, p. 15). | | | | 1974 - At 12:10 a.m. near Eggardon Hill between Newport and Bridport, | | England a motorist reported that the interior of his car became cold | | and there was a loss of power resulting in no acceleration, plus the | | lights dimmed for four seconds. He witnessed a bluish circular tube | | with blurred edges that zigzagged as it rose, and was gone from view | | in 15 seconds. (Source: Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle | | Interference, p. 63, citing BUFORA). | | | | 1974 - Two men at Rock Lake, south of Wheatland, Wyoming saw 35 | | silver disc-shaped objects approach making a droning noise as they | | flew to the north at 4:40 p.m. The objects stopped and hovered over | | the lake. One object tilted, circled, and then ascended. The entire | | event lasted 35 minutes. (Source: APRO Bulletin, December 1975, | | p. 6). | | | | 1978 - At the army barracks near Biela Lake, Carpathia, Romania the | | witness of a humanoid encounter the previous night was out with a | | friend checking an animal trap when they ran into another soldier who | | suddenly cried out, pointing to a tall dark figure on a nearby hill. | | The being was standing next to an oil tank. The three men retreated | | to their barracks, then came back out, noticing that the being was | | still there. One of them walked towards the figure holding a club in | | his hand, and attempted to strike at it, but was somehow unable to | | hit it. That soldier suddenly fell over backwards. The being then | | bent down and examined him for a few moments. The other two heard a | | strange sound coming form the being and saw something flash in its | | hand. They wanted to assist their friend but were unable to move. | | When the being finally disappeared and they were able to move they | | went to check on their friend. He was unconscious and half of his | | body appeared softer than the other half. His face and hands were | | red. That night other soldiers saw weird dancing egg-shaped lights on | | top of the hill, and strange marks were found on the barrack window | | blinds the next day. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact | | Database 1978, case # 1784, citing Boczor Iosif, Fate, September | | 1994). | | | | 1982 - At 6:00 p.m. three witnesses in a rescue boat in Braviken Bay, | | Ostergotland, Sweden had their navigational radar go crazy when their | | boat was caught in the wake of a very large object that dove into the | | ocean from the sky. (Source: Andre Liljegren, AFU Sweden, issue # | | 25). | | | | 1987 - A 16-year-old farm boy and high school student, Tirn Kendall, | | was driving at 35 mph down a road in Corydon, Indiana when he noticed | | a bright blue light behind him. Within seconds the Saturn-shaped UFO | | proceeded to pass him and moved in front, then tilted right to avoid | | hitting a house, powerlines and trees. The object went straight | | ahead, and then shot straight up, paused and finally accelerated out | | of sight. When the UFO passed the car there was a slight stall to the | | engine, and the headlights and dashboard lights dimmed for a few | | seconds. The UFO was about the size of a car, had a greenish-yellow | | glow, antennae, and multicolored (red, orange, blue and green) lights | | on the rim. There was a bright blue light in the center of the bottom | | dome and antennae on both the top and bottom domes. The close | | encounter lasted 15 seconds. (Sources: Francis L. Ridge, Regional | | Encounters, citing MUFON case # 871104, Field Investigator Delehanty; | | Dan Wright, MUFON UFO Journal, May 1989, p. 14). | | | | 1988 - At 8:00 p.m. a 400 meter long fiery cylinder flew at low | | altitude over the tundra near Bruderovskiy-Raspadok in the Asiatic | | region of Vladivostok, Russia. It left behind a white vapor trail. | | (Source: Timothy Good, The UFO Report 1990, p. 126). | | | | 1989 - At 10:30 a.m. a Mr. Kugatov in Voronezh, Russia witnessed an | | airship-like elliptical object that flew rapidly toward the east, | | then reversed direction. (Sources: Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, | | Volume II:  A Thirty-Year Report, p. 155; Jacques Vallee, UFO | | Chronicles of the Soviet Union: A Cosmic Samizdat, p. 46). | | | | 1992 - At around six o'clock in the evening several villagers | | in Pedrera, Sevilla, Spain, including a woman named Paca and two | | local boys, were walking up a hill when Paca suddenly felt chills and | | felt compelled to go to a nearby olive grove. The others followed | | her. When she entered the olive grove she suddenly felt as if her | | feet were fixed to the ground and she was unable to move from the | | spot. Moments later a luminous figure appeared, hovering about 10 | | meters away in front of an olive tree and suspended on a bright | | glowing "cloud" 25 cm above the ground. The figure was described as a | | female wearing a blue dress with a white blouse and an intense sky | | blue scarf on its head, which is classically similar to descriptions | | of apparitions of the Virgin Mary. She saw what appeared to be 12 | | small lights hovering over the figure's head. Another witness, | | standing directly beside Paca, was not able to see anything. | | According to Paca the figure had extremely beautiful facial features, | | but was somewhat pallid. The hair was light brown in color and its | | eyes were "caramel" colored. She suddenly became able to move again, | | but when she attempted to approach the glowing figure it seem to | | vanish, but when she stepped back it would reappear again. This | | disappearance-reappearance of the apparition was repeated several | | times. During the encounter the area suddenly became cold. Paca again | | became paralyzed and was unable to speak, and one of the other | | witnesses, a young woman, fell to the ground and went into a trance. | | The young woman began speaking in a slow deliberate manner, repeating | | the words, "Pray for peace in the world." A strong rose-like | | fragrance then permeated the area. The apparition moved in slow | | motion, and it never moved its arms or legs or made any facial | | gestures. Its body was described as thin and child-like, and was only | | about one meter in height. It never once spoke to any of the | | witnesses present. The two local children, Cristina and Sergio, who | | were present at this time, were to have another encounter two weeks | | later. Around the same time and in the same area, witnesses observed | | what they called a "procession of monks" walking in single file in a | | field. They wore black smocks and cowls that covered their faces | | completely. Others saw a tall heavy set man, described as wearing a | | brown monk's outfit, with sandals and walking with a large cane. He | | had a long dark beard, never spoke to anyone and seemed to be in | | a trance. Three days before these encounters a local power failure | | had occurred and a huge white light traversed the area, leaving | | behind a luminous wake. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact | | Database 1992, citing Edenex Spain, La Virgen del Cuarton). | | | | 1992 - A woman abductee from Springfield, Missouri recalled being | | onboard a craft in the early morning hours, and apparently witnessed | | a live cattle mutilation in progress being performed by several | | short, gray-skinned humanoids. She was made to assist with the tissue | | removal around the jaw of the cow. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, | | Humanoid Contact Database 1992, case # 1354, citing Linda Moulton | | Howe, Glimpses of Other Realities Volume I). | | | | 1995 - In the early hours after midnight Edson Roberto Marcelo, age | | 29, was driving along a road near his city of Santa Barbara D'Oeste, | | Sao Paulo State, Brazil when he noticed a very bright light by the | | side of the road. A beam of light suddenly illuminated his car, and | | Edson felt a wave of heat and quickly blacked out. When he came to he | | found himself several kilometers from where he had seen the light, | | and 40 minutes of missing time had transpired. Very shaken and with | | irritated eyes, he next drove to the home of a friend. The next day | | he found several unexplained marks on his wrists and his ears were | | buzzing. Upon inspecting his vehicle he noticed that parts of the | | steering wheel had apparently been melted. Later, he vaguely | | remembered being inside a room with smooth walls and of lying on top | | of a table. There he remembers being given a telepathic order | | instructing him to forget the whole episode. (Sources: Larry Hatch, U | | computer database, citing Boletim CEPEX; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid | | Contact Database 1995, citing CEPEX, UFO Genesis Brazil). | | | | 1995 - At 8:25 p.m. a woman called to report seeing a large black | | triangular mass with no lights hovering and moving slowly near Boise, | | Idaho. Her son saw the same thing from a different location. It made | | no sound at all. (Sources: Curt Sutherly, UFO Mysteries: A Reporter | | Seeks the Truth, p. 195, citing Idaho Statesman, February 25, 1996; | | Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle). | | | | 1996 - At one o'clock in the afternoon two 9-year-old children, a | | girl and a boy, spotted a four-foot-tall sky-blue figure marching | | through a cornfield near their school not far from Georgeville, | | Pennsylvania. The creature was reportedly striding across the | | clearing, swinging its arms back and forth like a soldier. It had | | long arms that ended in three fingers. It also had a tube-like | | appendage coming from the top of its head and dangling down its back. | | Its skin color was light blue and it had a black "thing" that | | appeared to be an eye but lower than normal, where a nose should have | | been. They watched the entity for about nine minutes. (Sources: | | Joseph Trainor, UFO Roundup website, volume 1, number 31; Albert S. | | Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1996, case # 2486, citing UFO | | Roundup). | | | | 2002 - Two males were driving in Morphett Vale, a suburb of Adelaide, | | South Australia at 8:30 p.m. when they encountered an intense purple | | flash of light for 4-5 seconds. They pulled the car over and the | | driver felt ill. Two minutes later there was another flash of light, | | accompanied by a strange loss of surrounding noises. (Source: Keith | | Basterfield, Australian UFO Research Network, case 02092). | | | | 2002 - At 5:30 p.m. in Dublin, Ireland four black saucer-shaped and | | shiny UFOs flew in a straight line formation from the southeast to | | the northwest. (Source: Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting | | Center, Seattle, September 2002 webpage). | | | | 2003 - Pottsdam, New York. A triangular object with red, white, blue | | and orange lights danced through the sky at 3:00 a.m. It also flew | | vertically and gave off a partial beam of red light. (Source: Peter | | Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2003 | | webpage). | | | | 2006 - A circular disc-shaped object hovered near the ground in | | Leeds, West Yorkshire, England at 6:00 p.m. It had a black tinted | | curved perimeter with lights around it. Close to the pavement it let | | off a green beam of light.(Source: Peter Davenport, National UFO | | Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2006 webpage, case posted | | October 30, 2006). | | | | 2006 - A witness in North Surrey, British Columbia, Canada observed a | | hockey stick-shaped object with flames shooting out the back at 4:00 | | a.m. (Source: Geoff Dittman, 2006 Canadian UFO Survey, case 630). | | | | 2007 - A small triangular craft with bright red, blue and yellow | | lights, 4-5 per side, was observed moving slowing at a few thousand | | feet altitude over Shanghai, China at 10:00 p.m. (Source: Peter | | Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2007 | | webpage, report uploaded October 8, 2007). | | | | Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 25 September 2009). | | | | Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. | | | | Themes: abduction, animal reaction: dog barking, black triangular c | | raft, BVM apparition, cigar-shaped or cylindrical UFOs, collection of | | botanical specimens, disc-shaped UFOs, domed discs, gray UFOs, Grey | | humanoids, human-looking humanoids, luminous UFOs, missing time, mult | | icolored triangular UFOs, nautical UFO seen entering ocean, oval or o | | void UFOs, radio interference, rocking motion, sensations of cold, se | | nsation of heat, translocation, unintelligible language, vehicle EM e | | lectrical system interference, very tall humanoids, zigzag maneuvers. | | | | © Donald A. Johnson | | | |  < Calendar | Home | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+