+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | [On This Day] | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |  Encounters with Aliens on this Day | | | |  October 30 | | | | 1950 - At 11:00 p.m. in Paignton, Devonshire, England a cigar-shaped | | object dropped from the sky, then ejected two disc-shaped objects. | | All three craft flew off to the north. The witnesses were two men | | named Cove and Clark. The sighting lasted two minutes. (Sources: | | Loren E. Gross, UFOs: A History. 1950: August-December, p. 47; | | newspaper clipping dated November 1, 1950). | | | | 1954 - Two UFOs were seen by hunters in Muro Lucano, Italy. One | | touched the ground 50 meters away. It was rhomboid in shape, and a | | cylinder was hanging from the bottom. A peculiar sound could also be | | heard. The object shifted its position and the cylinder hit trees, | | bouncing three times. The craft then gained altitude and flew away, | | leaving a bluish trail. (Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: | | A Century of Landings, p. 240, case 322). | | | | 1954 - Twenty eight kilometers north of Tapas, Rio Grande do Sul, | | Brazil at 11:35 p.m. four lights approached, then surrounded a car | | until the four witnesses drove away. The UFO changed color from white | | to blue to violet to orange to red. When the round lights on the | | object changed color they saw the shape was that of either a dome or | | sphere. (Source: UNICAT, case # 558 citing Olavo T. Fontes). | | | | 1957 - A 19-year-old couple, Moyer and Pulju, were driving ten miles | | north of Casper, Wyoming at 9:00 p.m. when they encountered 50-foot | | wide, silvery sphere or disc just over the road that caused | | electromagnetic effects on their car. (Sources: Casper (WY) | | Tribune-Herald, November 5, 1957; Alexander D. Mebane, "1957 Saucer | | Wave in the US," in Aime Michel, Flying Saucers and the Straight Line | | Mystery, p. 237; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle | | Interference, p. 8). | | | | 1959 - A domed disc hovered over a queue of shoppers in the city of | | Aubagne, Bouches-Rhone, France at 6 p.m. Twenty | | human-looking occupants were visible inside the transparent dome, | | and appeared to be laughing at them. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, | | issue 125). | | | | 1966 - Two couples driving on Route 38 in Cherry Hill, New Jersey at | | 2:30 a.m. saw a carrot-shaped object 400 feet long, hovering 50 feet | | over the roof of the RCA industrial plant, 400 feet away from the | | highway. It was in a horizontal position, and had huge running lights | | and windows. A ramp came down from the craft to the plant roof, and | | they could see figures moving about on the roof. They watched them | | for 10 minutes before leaving. A truck driver who also saw the object | | drove his truck into a telephone pole he was so excited. (Sources: | | APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 11; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, | | HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1966-47 (A0741), | | citing Michael Campione, Richard Heiden, and John Keel). | | | | 1967 - At around nine o'clock in the evening a businessman was | | driving toward Boyup Brook, Australia when his car failed completely | | and stopped, although he did not recall feeling any deceleration. He | | found a strong light beam aimed at him from a mushroom-shaped craft, | | ten meters in diameter. He had no recollection of starting the car | | again after the departure of the object. (Source: Jacques Vallee, | | Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 892, citing FSR, | | July-August 1968). | | | | 1967 - Approaching his home in Melfort, Saskatchewan, Canada at 9:00 | | p.m. Donald Marshall saw a light beyond it. When he got closer he saw | | that it was an object with a large rectangular lighted panel that | | hovered 12 feet off the ground, 200 feet away. The rectangular | | lighted panel was about 4 feet high and 16 feet long. It appeared to | | be a large window in the object whose shape was not clearly seen, but | | was perhaps 50 feet long. A bright spotlight came on, and he saw then | | three small humanoid figures, the size of ten-year-old children, | | coming from the machine. They moved very fast, wore green uniforms, | | and some type of headgear. They disappeared into the darkness, and | | the craft took off slowly at about 5 mph. It moved at first into a | | gully, breaking some trees, where it remained for another 3 or 4 | | minutes. The total time during which Marshall observed the object was | | 18-19 minutes. Broken trees were found near the site. (Sources: Gene | | Duplantier, Saucers, Space & Science, Winter 1968, p. 4; Saucer News, | | December 1968, p. 25; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue | | of Humanoid Reports, case # 1967-106 (A0884), citing R. Meizeka, | | Saskatchewan UFO Bulletin). | | | | 1969 - At around 10 a.m. a man and a woman, Clinton and Chapin, saw | | an egg-shaped flying object with a flat bottom, the size of VW | | Beetle, in a mountainous area of Redding, California. It was seen as | | it landed in a steep, wooded canyon. The minimum distance to the | | object was only 60 feet. It took off fast, causing the trees to sway, | | and zoomed up into the sky. Ground marks were found at the landing | | site: there was an 10 foot oval-shaped depression, 1-2 inches deep. | | (Sources: APRO Bulletin, October 1977, p. 5; Paul C. Cerny, MUFON UFO | | Journal, April 1978, p. 6; International UFO Reporter, March 1978, | | p. 36; UNICAT, case # 181).  | | | | 1975 - At about 10:10 p.m. a KC-135 U.S. Air Force tanker returning | | from a refueling mission, flying at a speed of 200 knots, and an | | altitude of 2000 feet, sighted at least two nocturnal lights and | | mystery 'choppers' around and over the Wurtsmith AFB in Oscoda, | | Michigan, a Strategic Air Command base. The objects breached security | | areas, and hovered over the nuclear weapons site. Base personnel | | thought they saw the running lights of a low flying craft they | | thought was a helicopter, except that it hovered and moved | | up-and-down erratically near the base perimeter. One white light was | | pointed downward, and two red lights were visible near the trailing | | edge. Airman Michael J. Myers, an air policeman on duty near the main | | gate, saw several unidentified lights near the western edge of the | | base. The object turned north and appeared to lose altitude. Between | | 10:15 and 10:25 p.m. base security police at the back gate of | | Wurtsmith reported to the command post that an unidentified | | "helicopter" with no lights had come over the back gate and hovered | | at a low altitude over the weapons storage area. Radar was also | | tracking low-flying objects intruding into the base, and the incoming | | KC-135 confirmed seeing two UFOs that sped away each time it | | attempted to close for identification. The UFOs flew away at 1,200 | | mph. One shot away to the west, the other went north. (Sources: | | Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, | | pp. 89-90; UNICAT, case # 617; Lawrence Fawcett & Barry J. Greenwood, | | Clear Intent: The Government Cover-up of the UFO Experience, p. 41; | | International UFO Reporter, April 1978, p. 36). | | | | 1976 - A married couple was driving with Maggy Carof and they were | | just turning onto the D-50 highway in Cernoy-en-Berry, Loiret, France | | at noon when Ms. Carof saw a short being standing on the edge of the | | highway, about 200 yards away. It was about the stature of a | | 12-year-old child. The being was wearing a blue gray cape with a | | white collar, and a black cap like that of a Pierrot. This figure | | then disappeared “progressively,” beginning with the right side. An | | immediate search of the area showed nothing. The witness’s dog, which | | was in the car, moaned at the moment of the observation, and was sick | | for the rest of the day. (Source: David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, | | HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1976-13 (A1648), | | citing Maggy Carof). | | | | 1976 - A PTA meeting was in progress at a school in El Abrojal, | | Uruguay at 10 p.m. when a yellow, illuminated rectangular flying | | object was seen on the ground. There was an immediate failure of the | | electrical system at the school, which was based on 12V batteries, | | and a sudden blast of hot air was felt by the several witnesses, | | including the main witness, Isabel Cardozo de Alvez. At the same time | | a red sphere of light was seen by a man and a woman, Silva and | | Camargo, in a residential area of the city. Its close approach caused | | a loss of consciousness for five minutes. Afterwards, their | | physiological effects were: sleepiness, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, | | and eye irritation (photopthalmia). (Source: UNICAT, cases # 514 & | | 515, citing CIOVI). | | | | 1977 - Mrs. Pauline Coombs, her mother, and her four children were | | driving back to their Ripperston Farm home near Dyfed, Pembrokeshire, | | Wales at around three o'clock in the afternoon when her mother called | | their attention to a white disc-like object over their car. It flew | | in from the direction of the sea. Curious, the women drove in the | | direction of the shoreline and then crossed two fields to get to the | | ocean's edge. Several hundred yards offshore is a rock outcrop called | | Stack Rocks, rising up 80 to 100 feet from the water. They could not | | see the UFO but they did see two humanoid figures walking about on | | the rocks. They were dressed in silvery outfits, similar to a | | frogman's wetsuit. Their heads or helmets were extremely large and | | rectangular in shape, rounded at the corners, and with no observable | | features. They appeared to be looking for something. A "door" | | appeared on the right hand face of the rocks, sliding alternately | | open and shut like the door of a dumbwaiter. One of the figures | | entered this doorway and appeared to descend a stairway, disappearing | | in the darkened interior, and then reappearing once again. The | | stairway was not visible to the viewers. On his final descent the | | door closed and disappeared from view. To the left side of the rocks | | the second figure appeared to "walk" out over the water's surface, | | finally disappearing behind the left side of the rocks. The display | | had lasted for 15 minutes. (Source: David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, | | HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1977-54, citing Randall | | Jones Pugh, BUFORA). | | | | 1977 - At around 7:00 p.m. Martha Throne was driving with her husband | | to Sonora, California when suddenly a cloud of blue smoke engulfed | | their car. The car stopped and its lights went out. She lost | | consciousness and then woke up with several humanoids carrying her to | | a landed oval-shaped craft standing on legs. The Grey humanoids had | | flat noses, and were wearing coverall type suits. A blanket was put | | over her head but she was reassured by means of mental telepathy that | | she would be all right. She was then placed on a table in a shiny | | room, where she was examined by two humanoids while others nearby | | attended to other duties. Her watch as well as her husband's stopped | | just after 7 p.m. and never ran again. (Sources: Sonora Daily Union | | Democrat, November 22, 1982; John F. Schuessler, UFO Related Human | | Physiological Effects, p. 77; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact | | Database 1977, case # 484, citing Thomas E. Bullard, UFO Abductions: | | The Measure of the Mystery). | | | | 1978 - At 9:30 p.m. Sebastiana Francelina de Jesus, his older | | brother, and a younger cousin were traveling by Jeep on their way to | | a local farm in Carmo Da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, Brazil when | | suddenly an unknown force halted the vehicle in its tracks, then | | pulled it backwards into the mud on the side of the road. All this | | occurred while a torrential rain was falling. The Jeep was hopelessly | | mired in the mud. As the three witnesses attempted to dislodge it a | | very large object emitting an intense rotating light suddenly | | appeared. The UFO flew over them at very low altitude and then | | descended to hover a few meters away from the witnesses. The light | | from the object was so bright that it temporarily blinded the three | | young people. The older man nearly fainted from fright. | | | | Two bright rotating beams of light illuminated the area around them | | and the interior of the Jeep. They could also hear a steady droning | | noise coming from the object. After awhile they began to hear what | | seemed to be human voices coming from the object, but the voices | | spoke in an unknown language. The terrified witnesses began screaming | | for help because they began to feel a bizarre effect: all three felt | | as if they were "floating." They also described the feeling like | | "they were growing in size." Finally the UFO began to move away, | | throwing numerous rocks and debris up into the air. As it sped away | | from view a small spherical orange-yellow light followed the craft. | | The witnesses then felt their environment return to normal. (Source: | | Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1978, citing Ubirajara | | Franco Rodrigues). | | | | 1981 - In a forested area in Worthing, West Sussex, England a large | | colored disc-shaped object, half red, half white, with the two colors | | flashing alternately and transposing positions when flashing, passed | | over two witnesses in a car at 7:30 p.m. The craft had two exhaust | | ports emitting sparks; it rose in the air, came toward the car, and | | left toward the sea. (Source: Joe Graziano, APRO Bulletin, March | | 1982, p. 7). | | | | 1989 - Observing stars with a telescope and binoculars at 9:15 p.m., | | two witnesses in Fort Walton Beach, Florida saw a group of lights | | hovering. Insects were silent as the dark object with a "X" of lights | | on the underside was seen hovering 100 meters away. After about five | | minutes, the object moved slowly away toward the swamp, going out of | | sight behind some trees. (Sources: Dan Wright, MUFON UFO Journal, | | February 1990, p. 17; Donald M. Ware, MUFON Field Investigation case | | files, case # 891103; Joan Woodward, p. 9). | | | | 1990 - A domed object with portholes which directed light beams | | toward the ground was seen at 9:30 in Mount Airy, North Carolina for | | three minutes. Animal reaction: dogs howled and rubbed their ears. | | (Sources: Timothy Good, The UFO Report 1992, p. 135; Paul | | Ferrughelli, Computer Catalog of UFO Reports, 1988-94, case # 987, | | citing UFO Newsclipping Service). | | | | 1993 -  At 1:00 a.m. a neighbor observed a yellow light hovering in a | | garden in Noeux les Mines, Pas de Calais, France. It was just 0.6 | | meters off the ground. A dog barked for 30 minutes during the | | sighting. Traces of crushed vegetation were found: a first line of 8m | | x 40 cm, and a second line of 10m, and a circle on the 2 lines. | | (Source: GEIPAN, case # 156). | | | | 1994 - At 12:30 a.m two driving in a car on the shore of Lake Geneva, | | near La Blecherette, Lausanne, Switzerland observed an array of 23 | | nocturnal lights that rotated over Lake Geneva. (Source: Lumieres | | dans la Nuit, issue 328). | | | | 1994 - At 1:45 a.m. a couple in a car in the commune of Sélestat, | | Bas-Rhin department, France observed a luminous disc-shaped object | | with revolving lights around the rim; it hovered only 5-6 meters | | above their car. Further on down the road they encountered another | | object in front of their vehicle: an equilateral triangle-shaped | | object, 10 meters on a side. (Source: GEIPAN, case # 191). | | | | 1994 - A 40-foot long tractor trailer-shaped flying object with | | lights, at 40-50 feet altitude, was sighted in Paterson, New Jersey | | at 5:45 p.m. It reportedly chased police helicopters during a drug | | raid. (Sources: UFO Newsclipping Service, February 1995; Paul | | Ferrughelli, Computer Catalog of UFO Reports, 1988-94, case # 1935, | | citing MUFON New Jersey). | | | | 1995 - A veterinarian reported a dead cow on the Dugan Ranch north of | | Monte Vista, Colorado. The tongue had been removed, and the whole | | left side of the muzzle was missing below eye, and had been cut away. | | The animal was still warm to the touch, but the wound seemed to be | | days old. No cause of death was determined. Herd afraid. (Source: | | Christopher O'Brien, Enter the Valley, p. 312). | | | | 1998 - On this evening in Baca Grande, Colorado a woman heard some | | small objects hitting her house. She looked out a window and saw | | several four-foot-tall hooded figures running around her yard. Later | | she also reported seeing something resembling a "hairy pig" running | | past the house. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database | | 1998, case #3137, citing Christopher O'Brien). | | | | 1998 - At 11:00 p.m. a foot-long, oval-shaped object entered a | | woman's home in Alamosa, Colorado through her back door. It slowly | | headed up the hallway toward her. She described the anomaly as being | | "milky-looking" with a chrome band. It abruptly vanished. (Source: | | Christopher O'Brien, Christopher O'Brien case files, case # 573). | | | | 2000 - A huge, round, solid blue light, engulfed in haze or fog was | | seen by a woman driving on Highway 982 in Latrobe, Pennsylvania at | | 6:27 p.m. It shot off at high speed into the clear sky. (Source: Stan | | Gordon case files). | | | | 2000 - A witness from Pearl, Mississippi reports that at 8:30 p.m. | | "three of us saw a triangle-shaped  craft fly, hover, and then take | | off very quickly - all this with no sound." (Source: Peter Davenport, | | National UFO Reporting Center, October 2000 webpage, report uploaded | | May 24, 2005). | | | | 2004 - In Saskatoon, Saskachewan, Canada at 2:10 p.m. a yellow flying | | object crossed sky, stopped, changed shape and color, then ascended | | into outer space. At 8:00 p.m. a blue, cigar-shaped object with rows | | of lights flew ahead, dashed right and back, and then resumed its | | flight over Watson Lake, Yukon Territory, Canada. (Source: Geoff | | Dittman, 2004 Canadian UFO Survey, cases 767 & 768). | | | | 2004 - A witness reported sighting a black triangle moving at | | tremendous speed to the south at 9:44 p.m. while standing on the | | corner of Poway Road and Gate Lane in Poway, California. The object | | was in sight for just 2 seconds. It had an equilateral form with | | seven bright, yellow-white lights. There were no lights on its | | trailing edge, and it was silent. (Source: George A. Filer & David E. | | Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, pp. | | 100-101, citing Melvin Podell, MUFON). | | | | Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 30 October 2012). | | | | Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. | | | | Themes: abduction; animal reactions: | | cattle afraid, dog moaning and sick, dogs howling and rubbing their e | | ars, insects silent; blue fog or smoke; blue trail; disc-shaped UFOs; | | domed discs; droning noise; gravity effects; Grey humanoids; haze or | | fog surrounding UFO; hooded figures; invisible doorways; landing wit | | h ground traces; levitation; medical exam; multi-year reports from Ca | | lifornia, France and New Jersey; ovoid UFO;physiological effects: sle | | epiness, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and eye irritation; physical tra | | ces; power failure associated with UFO; rhomboid and rectangular UFOs | | ; short humanoids; silvery uniforms; UFOs hitting trees and houses ma | | king noise; unexplained animal death: cattle mutilation; unintelligib | | le language; vehicle ignition interference effects; watches affected. | | | | © Donald A. Johnson | | | |  < Calendar | Home | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+