+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | [On This Day] | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |  Encounters with Aliens on this Day | | | |  March 31 | | | | 1950 - In 1950 a woman driving at night on Highway 80 in Jacumba, California | | reported that she saw a little man jump out of a landed disc-shaped | | UFO, and then run down the highway "faster than Jesse Owens." | | (Sources: International News Service, March 31, 1950; David F. Webb | | and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A0161). | | | | 1953 - At 7:50 p.m. a USAF F-94 pilot reported sighting a white | | disc-shaped UFO emitting red and blue beams of light. It maneuvered | | all about the sky over the northeast corner of Honshu Island, Japan. | | (Source: Loren Gross, UFOs: A History - 1953: March-July, p. 28). | | | | 1954 - A small disc-shaped UFO flew over Hammersmith, England at 8:10 | | p.m. at a high rate of speed. It had a misty looking appearance | | despite the clear sky. (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer database, | | case 3316). | | | | 1956 - Three round lights moved erratically and silently over Miami, | | Florida at 9:00 p.m. in a perfect equilateral triangle formation. | | (Sources: Loren Gross, The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse: UFOs: A | | History - 1956: January-April, p. 57; Richard Haines, Project Delta: | | A Study of Multiple UFO, p. 185). | | | | 1959 - Three Adelaide, South Australia children reported having seen | | strange objects moving about in the sky. Neil Abercrombie, his | | mother, brother, and some other friends, all saw a strange object at | | 6:05 p.m. He described it as an "elongated circle with indistinct | | edges" and said it had been flying quite high. Two other nearby | | residents saw a round object with red flashing lights at about 7:50 | | p.m. They said the object circled and disappeared in the west, | | appearing to be smaller than a plane. (Source: Michael Hervey, UFOs over the | | Southern Hemisphere, London: Robert Hale, 1975, p. 165). | | | | 1959 - Later that same evening the Adelaide Weather Bureau received a | | report of a UFO at about eight p.m. from Goolwa, near Port Elliott, | | South Australia. And at 11:30 p.m. a young man spotted a | | reddish-orange oval-shaped object on the ground about 100 meters from | | the rural road he was driving on. Barry Neale, age 15, was driving | | home between Goolwa and Port Elliot, South Australia when he saw the | | glowing, reddish-orange object on the ground. It had a row of 8 or 9 | | portholes, was about five meters (16 feet) wide, and it illuminated | | the trees. He drove around the wooded area in time to see it take | | off. "It climbed at an angle of 45 degrees towards Hindmarsh Island | | and soon disappeared." No radioactivity was found at the spot. | | (Sources: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, | | case 484; Keith Basterfield, UFO Research Australia, March 1982, p. | | 23). | | | | 1965 - An aerial explosion, perhaps similar to the Tunguska blast of | | 1909, affected an area of nearly a million square kilometers, | | centered over Ashcroft, Canada and was observed some distance away by | | an airborne airliner pilot, according to John Colombo. (Source: John | | Colombo, UFOs over Canada: Personal Accounts of Sightings and Close | | Encounters, p. 212). | | | | 1966 - At 2:00 a.m. a cluster of lights ahead over the road in | | Vicksburg, Michigan resolved itself into a lighted disc-shaped object | | when the witnesses' car got closer. Mr. Udvardy, age 32, heard a low | | hum like a swarm of bees, and his car engine stalled. The UFO also | | had a brilliant white searchlight. (Sources: NICAP case investigation | | files; Gordon I. R. Lore, Strange Effects from UFOs, p. 70, Mark | | Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 29; | | Geoffrey Falla, Vehicle Interference Project Report, p. 34). | | | | 1966 - In San Francisco, California two women observed a large object | | with a pulsating bluish light on top, an orange light below, windows, | | and antennae, resting in a construction area at 6:00 a.m. Silhouettes | | could be seen moving about inside, one of them gesturing as the craft | | took off. (Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of | | Landings, case 744). | | | | 1966 - Charles Kozens, age 13, saw two objects land near Hamilton, | | Ontario, Canada at 9:15 p.m. They were each 2.5 meters long, 1.2 | | meters high, and had flashing lights. When he approached and tried to | | touch an antenna on one of the objects, he received an electric | | shock. (Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of | | Landings, case 743). | | | | 1967 - Three strange objects--a bright, orange light emitting a | | shower of green sparks, and two smaller sources--were seen in a field | | in Hanley, England. (Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A | | Century of Landings, case 830). | | | | 1967 - Carol Watts had the first of a number of alleged contacts with | | aliens at 10:30 p.m. in Wellington, Texas. He saw a 100 foot long | | cigar-shaped UFO on the ground. A door opened and Watts was invited | | to come inside by the occupants and he agreed to go. They gave him a | | physical exam and took him on a flight into space. He recalled seeing | | an unidentified map on the wall inside the craft. The encounter with | | journey lasted no more than 20 minutes. (Sources: NICAP case | | investigation files, report dated April 2, 1967; Hans Holzer, The | | UFOnauts, p. 154; Thomas E. Bullard, UFO Abductions: The Measure of a | | Mystery. Volume 2: Catalogue of Cases, case 117A; Seattle | | Post-Intelligencer, April 2, 1967). | | | | 1969 - As many as two hundred residents of of the Coenze neighborhood | | in Nova Iguaca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil witnessed the descent of a | | "mystery airplane" on Maxambona Hill in the middle of the afternoon. | | It fell from the sky, falling in an unusually slow manner, in an | | apparent controlled descent. Among the many witnesses was an elderly | | man and his children. He told the children to go immediately to the | | landing site to assist any possible survivors. As he watched hundreds | | of townspeople converging on the hill, he saw two beings come out of | | the craft. The craft itself seemed to be slowly "moving like a wing" | | that was shifting slightly in the wind. When the first people neared | | the site the object and its occupants vanished abruptly, and nothing | | was to be found at the "crash" site. No one heard any engine noise as | | the craft descended, and investigations at the site by the military | | police found no wreckage. (Source: David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, | | HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1969-24, citing Fernande | | Cleto Nunes Pereira & Dr. Walter Buhler, SPEDV Bulletin, 1975). | | | | 1974 - On this day on the Robertson farm in Callaway, Nebraska a dead | | mutilated cow and calf were found. The tails had been removed, the | | blood drained, and the cow's udder had been slit. (Source: Omaha | | World Herald, April 9, 1974). | | | | 1974 - A small disc less than a meter in diameter hovered and spun at | | treetop level over some trees in Tarragona, Spain at 4:00 p.m. The | | limbs of the trees were thrashed about by a turbulence from the | | object, and a big noise was heard. The disc flew off to the south. | | (Source: FSR, December 1974, p. 2). | | | | 1974 - At 8:00 p.m. a "small bus" shaped object was seen in | | Valensole, France. It had large wide windows and a blue-green neon | | glow, and figures could be seen moving around inside it. The | | principal witness, his wife, his son, and an 80-year-old woman all | | saw the craft, and above it were seven vertical red lights. The | | object appeared to be on the ground. From the house of the wife's | | parents, at 8:30 p.m. the man saw it again, and was able to approach, | | first in his car and then on foot, to within 500 yards of it. | | Valensole is the site of a famous July 1965 humanoid encounter, and | | there have been many other close encounters from this location as | | well. (Sources: David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid | | Reports, case 1974-62 (A1608), citing C. Lavigne, Lumieres dans la | | Nuit, issue # 153; Michel Figuet & Jean-Louis Ruchon, OVNI: Le | | premier dossier complet des rencontres rapprochees en France, p. | | 484). | | | | 1975 - At 3:30 a.m. the furious barking of her dogs awoke a woman in | | St. Hilaire de Cambrai, France. Frightened, the dogs ran and jumped | | onto the top of the dining room table. The woman opened the curtains | | and saw a red glow outside and then heard strange, indistinct murmurs | | and voices. Her son-in-law woke up and looked out a window to see an | | intensely red rectangular mass about 4.5 meters long and two meters | | high. It flew half a meter above the ground in a strange hopping | | motion. It continued on its trajectory, becoming round and | | greenish-blue in color. Two other family member joined the first two | | and watched the object move about 80 meters away, now becoming a | | green spherical form. The dogs calmed down and so the son-in-law went | | back to bed. Soon the intensity of the sphere lessened, while the | | remaining witnesses remained watching out a window for the next half | | hour. At 4:00 a.m. the streetlights brightened and the dogs began | | barking again. At this point the UFO, now a green sphere, approached | | the house rapidly and then disappeared. One of the witnesses suffered | | from eye irritation the next day. Ground traces and "footprints" were | | found in the vicinity of the house. (Source: Michel Figuet & | | Jean-Louis Ruchon, OVNI: Le premier dossier complet des rencontres | | rapprochees en France). | | | | 1975 - Nine hours later, at 9:00 p.m. local time, a merchant in Japan | | felt a strange urge to go out for a walk on the beach. Guchi Shinda, | | age 42, went for this walk along the beach in Kawanoe City, Shikoku | | Province, Japan when he started to experience a sensation of | | weightlessness and saw what looked like multicolored electrical | | discharges around him. Suddenly, about 30 meters away, a short white | | creature appeared. The being had red eyes and a mouth and was wearing | | a white inflated "astronaut" suit and a round white helmet. It | | floated just above the sand, looking towards the witness who heard a | | loud sound resembling "electronic music." He apparently passed out | | and did not see the humanoid depart. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, | | Humanoid Contact Database 1975, citing CBA Newsletter, Denys Breysse | | Project Becassine). | | | | 1990 - Two teenagers driving in Gulf Breeze, Florida had approached a | | stop light at 9:30 p.m. when they saw a UFO over a nearby building. | | The object hovered briefly, moved slowly overhead, and then ascended | | out of sight. Minutes later a retired FAA air traffic controller also | | sighted the object in the distance. (Source: MUFON case investigation | | files, case 900735). | | | | 1993 - Kadima, Israel - The neighbor of the UFO witness from the | | previous night felt her house tremble during the night. When she | | opened her eyes she saw "a bald giant, 7 to 8 feet tall, with round, | | yellow eyes and a small flat nose, dressed in gray metallic overalls" | | standing next to her bed. "Don't be afraid. I will not harm you," she | | heard in her mind as she saw the being gliding through the room. The | | next morning, two additional flattened circles were found in the | | field, eleven and twenty feet in diameter. (Source: Albert S. | | Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1993, citing Michael Hesemann, | | UFOs: The Secret History). | | | | Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 10 September 2005). | | | | Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. | | | | Themes: cattle mutilation; cigar-shap | | ed UFOs; color changing UFO; disc-shaped UFOs; ground traces and foot | | prints; inside occupants; landings; loss of consciousness; low hummin | | g sound; mist surrounding UFO; multicolored UFOs; multi-year reports | | from France; orange UFOs; oval UFOs; physiological effects: eye irrit | | ation, electric shock; red UFOs; sensation of weightlessness; shape c | | hanging UFO; short humanoids; UFOs with antennae; very tall humanoid. | | | |  < Calendar | Home | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+