+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | [On This Day] | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |  Encounters with Aliens on this Day | | | |  March 7 | | | | 1901 - On this afternoon in 1901, newspaper accounts report a flying machine | | was photographed in Silver City, New Mexico. The photograph "has the | | appearance of three cigar-shaped objects, which seemed to be lashed | | together, the one hanging below the other two." Unfortunately, the | | photograph was later lost. (Source: Jerome Clark & William Corliss, | | UFO Calendar 1999). | | | | 1950 - In 1950, two discs passing over Durango, Mexico stopped in the sky | | for two hours. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 211, citing the | | Los Angeles Times). | | | | 1952 - On this day in 1952, two flat, silver discs parked in the sky over | | the Tucson, Arizona suburbs for several minutes. The objects were not | | detected on radar. (Source: Loren Gross, UFOs A History: 1952: | | January-May, p. 24). | | | | 1959 - At 9:30 a.m. Rev. Pearl Kerwin of Silver Spring, Maryland saw | | a man wearing a white "helmet" behind a hedge, so she went around the | | hedge to meet him. She encountered a being wearing a white, one-piece | | coverall suit that covered even his feet, with bright blue trunks. | | The "helmet" was part of the suit, like a hood. She yelled and the | | man ran off very rapidly, apparently "skimming" over the ground. John | | Gill, who saw the creature's face at a distance of 15 feet, said | | there were two black holes where the eyes should be. (Source: David | | F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case | | 1959-03, citing Eli Berzweig, Don Neill, & Richard Hall, NICAP). | | | | 1967 - A UFO pursued a car near Elgin, Illinois and then landed in | | some woods at 12:30 a.m. Something zoomed out of the UFO directly at | | the car, and then two white beams of light shone through the car's | | back window. A dog in the car was badly frightened. The UFO, which | | was reportedly surrounded by a fog or mist, followed the car home. | | Ten minutes later in St. Joseph, Michigan a multi-colored UFO was | | reported hovering over Lake Michigan. It was observed through | | binoculars, and was described as about the size of a tangerine at | | arm's length. It changed colors from red to green to white, and had | | what were described as police cruiser lights on its bottom. It made a | | sound like "a hot-rod" initially, which later changed to a | | swishing-crunching sound. | | | | Amherst, Massachusetts - 7 March 1967 | | | | [] | | | | 1967 - Later that evening UFO investigator Raymond Fowler received a | | UFO report from Amherst, Massachusetts of a light in the sky, twice | | the brightness of Venus, that changed color from white to orange as | | it moved away. It was also seen through binoculars, but no structure | | could be discerned. (Sources: NICAP investigation files, reports | | dated March 7 and 9, 1967; Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs Interplanetary | | Visitors, p. 345). | | | | 1969 - Three luminous UFOs were seen sitting in the evening on the | | ground on the roadside by many passengers on a bus traveling north of | | Bocaiuva, Brazil. One of the UFOs later followed the bus, and | | returned light signals from the bus driver. (Source: APRO Bulletin, | | May-June 1969, p. 6). | | | | 1972 - At 2:30 a.m. Diana Granville Matthews was driving along the | | Warminster-Bath Road near Norridge Common, England when she saw an | | orange oval-shaped UFO that crossed the path of her vehicle. It came | | from behind a hedgerow to her left and sailed down to road level, no | | more than 12 yards in front of her car, before lifting and careering | | over another hedgerow and out of sight. Startled, she did not stop to | | investigate but continued driving on. No sooner had her dazed vision | | become re-accustomed to the road when she saw a tall male figure all | | in white clothing walking towards her on the far side of the road. He | | was a few hundred yards ahead of her and was loping along quickly . | | She noted little about his facial features or coloring, but he was of | | giant stature. She pressed hard on the accelerator and saw the tall | | figure striding along through deep pools of water alongside the road. | | She drove home badly frightened. She went to bed but at about 5 a.m. | | she was awakened by a sharp rapping on her front door. She heard a | | voice clearly and insistently calling. She got up, went to the front | | door and opened it but saw no one there. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, | | Humanoid Contact Database 1972, citing Ken Rogers, The Warminster | | Triangle). | | | | 1973 - At 10 o'clock on this day in 1973, Japanese tourist Mr. Takao took a | | photograph of a Buddhist temple in Bangkok, Thailand. A | | silver-colored, Saturn-shaped flying object showed up in the print | | when the film was later developed. (Source: Paul Dong, UFOs over | | Modern China, p. 312). | | | | 1974 - At 6 o'clock in the morning in 1974, two men in their twenties | | sighted a 30 meter long, brightly illuminated "trolley" in a field in | | Comberouger, France. It ascended from the ground slowly and changed | | shape, then flew away to the east at a high rate of speed. (Source: | | Lumieres dans la Nuit, April 1977). | | | | 1977 - At nine p.m. Mrs. Jane Bowles was driving with a friend, Mrs. | | Ann Strickland, along a country road near Winchester, Hampshire, | | England when their car stopped and a brilliant glow "like a white | | sun" lit up the area around them. An oval object was observed that | | was luminous and making a humming sound. A man emerged from the UFO, | | one similar in appearance to the one involved in Mrs. Bowles earlier | | close encounter. He was human like with long hair, a beard, and pink | | eyes. He approached, holding out his hands, and touched Mrs Bowles. | | His hands were warm to the touch like a human's. The man looked at | | Mrs. Strickland and then spoke in an unknown language. He gave | | something to Mrs. Bowles which she would not divulge, and then he | | returned to the UFO, which ascended into the sky with a hum and | | high-pitched noise. The women returned to Winchester, and Mrs. Bowles | | observed that her hands were red and swollen. She had to remove her | | wedding ring and she found the skin underneath raw. (Source: David F. | | Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Encounters, case | | 1977-12, citing Lionel Beer, BUFORA). | | 1987 - At midnight a family of three in the town of Ping Wu, Szechwan | | Province, China, including a young child, was awakened by a loud | | high-pitched humming coming from outside their small house. All three | | went outside to investigate and were nearly blinded by a beam of | | yellow light coming from a huge reddish-orange hat-shaped UFO. It | | hovered above them, spinning slowly. The humming grew louder and all | | three had a strange floating sensation, and then blacked out. When | | they awoke they found themselves strapped to three steel tables in a | | circular room. The woman began screaming when a tiny hatchway opened | | in the wall and five three-foot tall humanoid beings stepped into the | | room. They were human in shape, but with featureless faces having | | three huge white eyes on their foreheads. Their skin looked | | translucent and was bluish in color. The creatures said nothing as | | they proceeded to remove blood from all three abductees' arms. They | | then inserted long needles into their knees and ankle joints. The | | husband and the child seemed to have been in a trance-like state | | during the encounter. Electrode devices were taped to their skulls | | and the woman was again able to hear the loud high-pitched humming | | sound. One of the beings made an incision on the child's thigh that | | was quickly healed by a pencil-like device that was passed over it. | | Moments later the room became dark and everything began spinning. | | Their next conscious memory was walking on a roadside, seven miles | | from their home. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact | | Database 1987, case # 1376, citing Lillian Crowner Desguin, UFOs: | | Fact or Fiction). | | | | 1987 - At 8:20 p.m. the witness was walking along a dirt road in | | Dobroslawice, Poland heading for his house when suddenly he saw five | | bright flashes of light. He looked in their direction and saw a | | bright ball of light. It landed between some trees and took off a few | | seconds later. He continued walking until he saw a strange creature | | on the road just in front of him. The creature, which was wearing a | | tight-fitting dark suit, made a long jump into the bushes. Scared, | | the witness also hid in some bushes. From his hiding place he saw | | five additional creatures about 1.20 meters in height, wearing | | similar dark outfits. He started to run from the area when he noticed | | one of the creatures was walking straight towards his hiding place. | | He ran about the entire 1.5 kilometers to his house. The next day he | | went back to the location with his family and found several | | footprints in the snow and a dead bull with one of its ears cut off. | | (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1987, citing | | Tymoteousz Tobala & Marcin Mioduszewski, CBUFOIZA, Poland). | | | | 1996 - At shortly after midnight 38-year-old Jose Manuel Castro | | Gonzalo in Ferreiras, Lugo, Spain was getting ready to retire for the | | night and glanced out the window to take one last look at the fields. | | Immediately he noticed a small orange sphere, encased in a | | multi-colored glow, hovering over a nearby hill. He decided to go out | | and look at the strange spectacle. At the same time he summoned his | | brother Cesareo. Jose Manuel then took out a small flashlight and | | began signaling the object; at the same time yelling "come down, come | | down!" Suddenly the sphere descended at a very high speed to treetop | | level. Jose Manuel ran upstairs to an outside terrace where he could | | see the sphere better. Inside the transparent sphere he could see | | five very tall men. They appeared to be floating around as the sphere | | slowly rotated and emitted a low humming sound. Moments later a shaft | | of "coherent" light appeared under the sphere; it reached the ground | | right below the sphere. Soon after, three small humanoids descended | | to the ground via the shaft of light. These beings seemed to move in | | slow motion. Once on the ground the three formed a line, grabbing | | each other's shoulders, not unlike a "Conga" line dance. Using quick | | jumping motions they began moving towards the witness. Frightened, he | | jumped into bed and hid under the covers until dawn. The next day | | strange footprints were found at the spot where the small humanoids | | had been jumping around. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact | | Database 1996, case #2559, citing Magdalena Del Amo Freixedo, | | Evidencia OVNI # 12). | | | | Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 30 September 2004). | | | | Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. | | | | Themes: a | | bduction; animal reactions; coherent light beams; footprints found as | | physical evidence; hat-shaped UFO; human looking UFOnaut; humanoids | | with three eyes; humming and swishing sounds; orange UFOs; oval-shape | | d UFOs; photographs; physiological effects: swollen and red hands, we | | dding ring heating; Saturn-shaped UFOs; shape changing UFO; short hum | | anoids; unexplained animal death (bull) associated with humanoids and | | UFOs; UFOs changing colors; very tall humanoid; white coverall suit. | | | |  < Calendar | Home | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+