+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | [On This Day] | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |  Encounters with Aliens on this Day | | | |  June 17 | | | | 1947 - On this day in 1947 three platter-shaped discs were seen hovering in | | the sky for a period of three hours over Bremerton, Washington from | | late in the afternoon until evening. The objects wavered as they | | flew, and shot off at extreme speeds toward the west. (Source: | | Seattle Post-Intelligencer, June 26, 1947). | | | | 1950 - Oskar Linke and his 11-year-old daughter saw two little men in silver | | suits in a forest outside of Hasselbach, Germany in 1950. His | | motorcycle had gotten a flat tire and they were pushing it toward the | | village around 2:30 a.m. when his daughter Gabriele pointed to what | | she thought was a young deer about 150 yards away. He approached and | | realized that what she had seen were apparently human figures, | | wearing shimmering metallic clothing. They stood about 1.5 meters (4 | | feet) in height, and one of them wore a light on its chest that | | flashed at regular intervals. He stealthily approached to about 30 | | feet from them, peering over a small ridge. Next to them was a | | pan-shaped disc, approximately 40-50 feet (15-20 meters) in diameter. | | The object was metallic and had two rows of holes along the sides | | each about a foot in diameter, spaced 1.5 feet apart. Out of the top | | rose a ten-foot high black, cylindrical "conning tower." | | | | When his daughter called to him it apparently alarmed the two | | figures, for they rushed back to the object, clambering up the side | | of the conning tower and disappearing inside. The outer rim of the | | disc in which the holes were sunk began to glow a blue-green color, | | and a humming sound started. As the glow and sound increased, the | | tower was retracted into the center of the object, and the whole | | object rose from the ground. From the swirling effect he got the | | impression the object was spinning like a top. The color of the disc | | turned to red as it took off. A two-meter circular depression of | | compressed ground, freshly made, was found at the landing site, with | | ground indentations. At the time Mr. Linke lived in communist | | controlled East Germany. He told his story to a judge and U.S. | | Military intelligence when he was able to cross into West Germany two | | years later. (Source: Thomas M. Olsen, The Reference for Outstanding | | UFO Sighting Reports, pp. 8-9, citing Leonard Cramp, Piece for a | | Jig-Saw, p. 158. This case is often erroneously cited as occurring in | | 1952). | | | | 1952 - Two cases from Project Blue Book's list of unexplained reports | | occurred on this day in 1952. On Cape Cod, Massachusetts, a bright | | light crossed the sky in front of a USAF F-94 fighter plane at 1:28 | | a.m. local time. The light was observed for 15 seconds. Later that | | evening at McChord AFB outside of Tacoma, Washington many military | | observers tracked 5-6 discs with a theodolite as USAF F-94 jets | | pursued them. (Source: Project Blue Book, cases #1299 and #1298). | | | | 1955 - In 1955 a silver, oblong object hovered over Adelaide, South | | Australia at 2:15 p.m. The object was viewed through binoculars, and | | was seen to hide in some clouds when a plane approached. (Source: | | Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume I, p. 135). | | | | 1956 - In 1956 a bright blob of light zoomed away when approached by a Royal | | New Zealand Air Force Vampire jet interceptor, near Ohakea AFB, New | | Zealand. (Source: Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. | | 28). In Abingdon, England on this night in 1966, an astronomer, a | | second scientist, and five others watched a domed disc w headlights | | maneuver in the sky for 90 minutes, beginning at 8:50 p.m. (Source: | | Flying Saucer Review, September-October 1966, p. 27). Four | | pinkish-white football-shaped objects, flying in a rectangular | | formation, paced a private plane flying between Ladd and Peru, | | Illinois in the early morning hours of this day in 1969. (Source: | | Data-Net Report, April 1971). In 1971 at 9:40 p.m. a domed disc with | | flashing red and green lights repeatedly buzzed the Smith family | | farmhouse in Gorae West, Victoria, Australia. Watched through | | binoculars, the Smiths could see that a silver flash emanated from | | the object when it swooped low over the farmyard. It moved back and | | forth at high speed for 55 minutes. (Source: Portland (Victoria) | | Observer, June 21, 1971). In 1972 a 350-meter wide bright orange | | object descended near George Air Force Base in California at 11:50 | | p.m. More than thirty base personnel witnessed it. (Source: APRO | | Bulletin, May 1972). | | | | 1977 - In 1977 a 29-year-old man returned home in Austin, Texas at about | | 2:00 a.m. He saw a light in the distance he thought was an airplane | | but heard no engine sound. The object, a yellow-orange disc, flew | | along the shoreline of the lake, passing in front of the witness at | | his lake front home, and flew from view into the distance. (Source: | | MUFON Investigation files, case #890709). That same day in Portugal | | near the Castelo de Bode dam, a Portuguese Air Force Dornier 27 | | aircraft encountered a dark daylight object about 13-15 meters in | | diameter as it flew out of some clouds. The magnetic compass onboard | | the plane malfunctioned during this close encounter. (Source: | | Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 50). | | | | Themes: UFOs pursued by military aircraft. Ground traces. | | | |  < Calendar | Home | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+