+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | [On This Day] | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |  Encounters with Aliens on this Day | | | |  December 20 | | | | 1954 – At 3:00 a.m. on this day in Valencia, Venezuela an employee of | | the Barbula Sanatorium saw a luminous UFO on the ground but decided | | not to report it until another employee, three hours later, saw the | | same craft. It took off soon after the second witness spotted it | | (Source: Passport to Magonia, A Century of Landings, case 357; Coral | | E. Lorenzen, Flying Saucer Occupants, p. 52). | | | | 1958 – At 12:55 a.m. two policemen, Officers Arboreen and Talada of | | the Dunellen Township police department in Middlesex County, New | | Jersey, watched in amazement as a glowing red, football-shaped UFO | | came directly at their police cruiser. The UFO came to an abrupt stop | | a short distance away, pulsated while hovering, and then shot | | straight up into the sky and was gone. (Source: NICAP case | | investigation files). | | | | 1958 - Not far from Domsten, Sweden Hans Gustavsson, age 35, and Stig | | Rydberg, 30, saw something strange in the woods near the village of | | Haganas and stopped their car to observe it. They discovered that it | | was a disc about five meters wide, set on tripod landing gear. Next | | they were suddenly attacked by four gray-colored creatures described | | as "fluid" in appearance, but one of the men reached the car and blew | | the horn for help. The beings then fled and the craft took off, | | emitting "paralyzing vibrations." (Source: Passport to Magonia, A | | Century of Landings, case 478). | | | | 1958 – On that same day at four o’clock in the afternoon in France, | | or nine hours later, a disc-shaped UFO was seen near the ground in | | Clermont-Ferrand, Puy-de-Dome department. The 20-meter diameter | | object caused some damage on the ground. (Sources: Jacques Vallee, | | Computerized catalogue, case # 2802, citing Quincy; Passport to | | Magonia, A Century of Landings, case 477). | | | | 1959 – At 2:20 a.m. on a clear night with the full Moon high in the | | sky, eight disc-shaped craft maneuvered and seemed to be playing tag | | over the shoreline in Redondo Beach, California. They were bright | | yellow and bronze in color. (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer | | database, case 5875, citing Loren Gross, The Fifth Horseman of the | | Apocalypse. UFOs: A History, 1959 (volume 4), p. 56). | | | | 1965 – A 15-year-old youth named Burns was driving home in his pickup | | truck in Herman, Minnesota at 11:45 p.m. when a glowing green | | disc-shaped UFO suddenly appeared, hovering six feet over the road. | | The object made a whistling sound while the truck’s engine stalled | | and its headlights died. The object began to glow red and rose | | straight up into the air, giving off sparks. The witness lost | | consciousness. When he awoke, he found that his truck had been turned | | around and was resting in a roadside ditch. (Sources: Flying Saucer | | Review, November-December, 1966; Gordon I. R. Lore, Strange Effects | | from UFOs, p. 50; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle | | Interference, case 157). | | | | 1968 – Seven people saw a domed disc with an antenna move back and | | forth over a school in Havelock, New Zealand at 11:20 in the morning. | | The UFO was in sight for ten minutes. (Source: NICAP files, citing a | | newspaper clipping dated December 20, 1968). | | | | 1970 - A humanoid figure about 90 centimeters (three feet) in height | | was seen floating up into a transparent round object on this night in | | Itaperuna, Brazil. Two other beings of the same stature were seen | | inside the object. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact | | Database 1970, citing Revista Brasileira OVNIs). | | | | 1971 – Mr. da Silva e Souza, 60, saw an intense blue-lighted object | | on the ground near the airport in Itaperuna, Brazil. The UFO was | | about eight feet long, transparent, ovoid shaped, and was illuminated | | from within by a blue light. A short humanoid, less than a meter | | tall, walked around the craft once, and then seemed to float up into | | the air and enter the craft from above, feet first. There were two | | other short beings seated inside. The craft then flew away. (Source: | | Jean-Claude Bourret, The Crack in the Universe: What you have not | | been told about flying saucers, p. 118, citing a report from the | | Brazilian Air Force). | | | | 1973 – Two men, Klinn and Wagner, sighted a huge, yellowish glowing | | blob over Pacific Palisades, California at 2:15 a.m. It had flashing | | lights forming a triangle. They watched it through a 16x telescope. | | Forty-five minutes later a huge cigar-shaped UFO with four or five | | along the side and an appendage appeared in the sky, followed by a | | domed disc. The entire event lasted 82 minutes, until 3:37 a.m. when | | the lights went off. (Source: Flying Saucers, December 1974, p. 10). | | | | 1973 – In the afternoon Mrs. Brooker saw a cone-shaped UFO with | | flashing lights ascend vertically “very, very fast” leaving behind a | | trail of smoke in the eastern sky over Norman, Oklahoma. That same | | day a cattle mutilation was reported having occurred two miles east | | of Concordia, Kansas. (Sources: Norman Transcript, December 21, 1973; | | Kansas City Times, December 22, 1973). | | | | 1973 – That night three teenage girls sighted an oval-shaped object | | with portholes while driving on a highway eight miles east of Casino, | | New South Wales, Australia. The UFO made sharp maneuvers, circled the | | city, flew up high in the sky and came back down to a low altitude. | | It changed color from red to green to white, and was surrounded by a | | blue haze. (Source: Richmond River (NSW) Express, January 4, 1978). | | | | 1976 – There were thirteen UFO reports in the early morning hours | | from various provinces of Spain, including Granada, Malaga, Valencia, | | Murcia, Alicante, Melilla, and Cadiz. At 1:50 a.m. several witnesses | | watched a metallic appearing object radiate luminous rays of light | | and light up the sky with an intense luminosity in Malaga, Spain. A | | few minutes later yellow, red, and bluish green balls of light flew | | over Valencia, Alicante, and Almeria. Objects flew rapidly toward the | | south or southwest. At 2:00 a.m. an enormous blue violet ball of | | light flew over Malaga at high speed. Ten minutes later a triangular | | or cone-shaped UFO, pale blue in color, flew from the north to the | | south over Murcia. A huge ovoid object, blue violet in color, was | | also seen flying in the same direction over Algeciras, Spain at about | | the same time. On the same day the Sloop Rippe disappeared | | mysteriously in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Florida, | | southeast of Fort Lauderdale. (Sources: Sanchez de Medina Fermin, | | Stendek, June 1978, pp. 2-4; George Eberhart, A Geo-Bibliography of | | Anomalies, p. 411, citing Richard Winer). | | | | 1978 – At five o’clock in the morning three people on the balcony of | | their house south of the city of Sorrento, Italy watched a huge | | sphere low in the sky over the shoreline of the Mediterranean. It | | made an odd noise like radio static, and vanished. Less than three | | hours later at 7:20 GMT a silver triangle-shaped object crossed the | | sky at a high altitude flying from west to east over the town of | | Yarnton, Oxfordshire, England. At eight p.m. that evening an orange | | ovoid object left a dark mass near the ground for 30 minutes in the | | town of Tarranto, Italy. The two witnesses fled in terror. Radio | | interference was experienced at the same time. (Sources: Lumieres | | dans la Nuit, issues 216 and 240; D. N. Mansell, Awareness, April | | 1979, p. 12, citing Data Research). | | | | 1978 – Several luminous UFOs zigzagged over Caracas, Venezuela in the | | early morning hours. They were seen by dozens of witnesses. (Source: | | Jane Thomas, UFO Newsclipping Service, March 1979, p. 14, citing La | | Razon, December 20, 1978). | | | | 1979 – A huge diamond-shaped object was seen low in the sky at 9:45 | | p.m. by several witnesses outside Des Moines, Iowa. (Source: MUFON | | UFO Journal, February 1981). | | | | 1983 – A witness driving in Riverside, California at 5:30 p.m. had | | his car buzzed by a 7” wide sphere that had pegs protruding from it. | | It flew by the car at eye level. (Source: MUFON UFO Journal, December | | 1983, p. 4). | | | | 1985 – On this night a red ovoid object rose from a quarry in | | Meliden, Wales into the clouds. (Source: Paul Devereax, Earth Lights | | Revelation, p. 73). | | | | 1992 – At 7:10 p.m. two independent male witnesses, one with field | | glasses, watched a multi-colored, disc-shaped UFO fly from the | | northeast over a lake in East Holden, Maine. It flew south over a | | highway and “went down behind some trees near the Holdbrook School.” | | (Source: Arnold Dunning, MUFON field investigation files, case | | #930306E). | | | | Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 15 November 2005) | | | | Compiled from the UFOCAT database. | | | | Themes: blue light or blue glow, catt | | le mutilation on same day as UFO report, cigar-shaped UFO, color chan | | ges, disc-shaped UFOs, domed discs, levitation effects, maneuvering U | | FOs, multi-year reports from the coast of California, ovoid UFOs, sho | | rt humanoids, transparent UFOs, tripod landing gear, vertical ascent. | | | |  < Calendar | Home | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+