+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | [On This Day] | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |  Encounters with Aliens on this Day | | | |  October 28 | | | | 1902 - Three men aboard the "Fort Salisbury" steaming in the Gulf of | | Guinea in the Atlantic Ocean, including Second Officer A. H. Raymer, | | saw a huge, dark object bearing two lights in the sea ahead. It was | | observed submerging slowly. Its estimated length was 150-200 meters. | | (Sources: Jerome Clark, FSR, May-June 1972, p. 18; Jacques Vallee, | | Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 32; Charles Fort, | | The Complete Books of Charles Fort, p. 642). | | | | 1949 - At six o'clock in the morning several independent observers in | | Montecarotto, Italy watched an eight meter long cigar-shaped object | | as it flew 100 meters overhead towards the north-northeast. Tree | | branches thrashed about as it passed by. (Source: Solas Boncompagni, | | UFO in Italia, Volume I (Periodo 1907-1953), p. 103). | | | | 1954 - There are several reports for this day from France and Italy | | and one from Japan. To view the distribution of reports, click on | | map. In Japan, Olen C. Cook and James W. Brown, both military pilots, | | viewed a round or oval object approaching the Miho AFB at 5:32 p.m. | | after sunset. The object was silhouetted against the clouds, and | | climbed and turned to the north. It entered a cloud but did not | | emerge. It was viewed through binoculars. (Sources: Project Blue Book | | files counted in official statistics, case 3281; UNICAT database, | | case 780). | | | | 1954 - In Padua (Padova), Italy three witnesses watched an eight | | meter long ovoid object hover just 12 meters over a tree at 9:00 p.m. | | It directed a beam of light at the house, and one of the witness's | | eyes were red and irritated for days following the encounter. | | (Sources: Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 4088; Maurizio | | Verga, ITACAT Italian UFO catalogue). | | | | 1954 - Mrs. Clare Booth Luce, American Ambassador to Italy, and | | others sighted a luminous, round UFO. Angel hair residue reportedly | | fell to the ground. (Sources: Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, p. 100; | | Charles A. Maney, The Challenge of  Unidentified Flying Objects, p. | | 59; Leonard H. Stringfield, Inside Saucer Post...3-0 Blue, p. 50). | | | | 1954 - In Thoury, Allier, France an orange football shaped object | | bounced up and down, then blinked out at 9:30 p.m. (Sources: Larry | | Hatch, U computer database, case # 4089; Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue | | #128). | | | | 1954 - At ten p.m., on or about this date, according to the Milan, | | Italy newspaper Milano Notte dated October 29, 1954 a large number of | | witnesses in Tradate watched a saucer land on tripod landing gear, | | and saw three humanoids emerge who spoke in a gutteral, | | uncomprehensible language. (Sources: Milano Notte, October 29, 1954; | | David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, | | case A0330; Frank Edwards, Flying Saucers--Serious Business, p. 191). | | | | 1954 - At the same time in Chatel-Blanc, Doubs, France a group of | | nocturnal lights zigzagged through the sky and may have landed, but | | the witness fled the scene. (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer | | database, case 4090, citing Jean Sider, Dossier 1954 et l'Imposture | | Rationaliste, p. 123). | | | | 1955 - A disc-shaped object with a row of blue lights on the | | periphery slowly maneuvered above a car on a deserted road In | | Galloway, England. (Sources: Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, p. 135, | | Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # | | 377). | | | | 1956 - A bright red-orange object was seen by a B-52 crew flying over | | North Dakota. At same time a missile maintenance man at Minot AFB saw | | the same or a similar bright orange-red UFO. The B-52 was vectored | | closer by the base which was tracking the object on radar, some 30 | | miles to the northwest of the base. The search for the UFO, which may | | have landed, was complicated by a period of unexplained radio | | interference. (Sources: J. Allen Hynek, Hynek UFO Report, p. 137; | | MUFON UFO Journal, October 1991; UNICAT, case # 274). | | | | 1958 - Two members of the Ohio Highway Patrol drove east of | | Georgetown, Ohio on SR125 at 4:20 p.m. when the witness saw a "huge | | silver disc" over the power lines and he asked the driver to stop. | | They went back to the police station, and the dispatcher also saw it. | | The three of them watched until the UFO departed off in the distance. | | (Source: Delbert E. Anderson, MUFON field investigation database, | | case 951112dC). | | | | 1959 - An astronomer and several other witnesses saw an orange | | concave disc-shaped object maneuvering in the sky over Valparaiso, | | Chile at 9:15 p.m. (Source: Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence (Volume | | I), p. 120). | | | | 1962 - Mrs. E. D. Sylvester was driving in Norwood, a suburb of | | Adelaide, South Australia with her three children at 7:30 p.m. when | | an ovoid object with windows surrounded by a luminous rim landed near | | the road on three legs. A six foot tall man emerged from the object | | and descended some steps to the ground. He was wearing a uniform, | | helmet and gas mask. She watched him for 40 minutes, and reported he | | seemed to be working on the landing gear. He then put some plants | | into a silver colored box and carried them back onboard. The object | | made a vertical takeoff when it left. (Sources: Jacques Vallee, | | Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 550, citing Flying | | Saucer Review July-August 1963; Frank Edwards, Flying | | Saucers--Serious Business, p. 104 & 185; Bill Chalker & Keith | | Basterfield, Australian Catalogue of Close Encounter Type Three | | Reports, p. 12) | | | | 1966 - A white cigar-shaped UFO hovered silently at a 45 degree tilt | | over some water towers in Lawrence, Massachusetts at 1:00 a.m. for 30 | | minutes. (Source: Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, | | p. 342). | | | | Lawrence, Massachusetts - 1966 | | | | [image] | | | | 1967 - At 6:45 p.m. a driver in Tunbridge Wells, England had a close | | encounter with an object with six bright lights that looked like a | | church steeple. The car engine and lights of the car died. (Sources: | | Dan Lloyd, FSR, May-June 1968, p. 31; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports | | Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 37; Geoffrey Falla, BUFORA Vehicle | | Interference Project, p. 43, citing the Tunbridge Wells Advertiser, | | November 1, 1967). | | | | 1967 - At 7:30 p.m. a group of five hunters driving on Lone Cone | | Mountain southeast of Naturita, Colorado in Montrose County sighted a | | domed disc-shaped object with an antenna on top and square windows. | | The object turned and followed their car. (Source: Jim & Coral | | Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, p. 177). | | | | 1968 - Four people driving in a car eight miles northeast of Murray | | Bridge, South Australia sighted five bright orange oval shaped lights | | that were self luminous and the apparent size of ten cent coins held | | at arm's length. The lights circled some scrub bush and landed | | remotely. Two more lights were seen 50 minutes later. (Source: | | Michael Hervey, UFOs Over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 182). | | | | 1968 - At 11:20 p.m. bright white lights were seen hovering over the | | desert outside of Las Vegas, Nevada just 10 to 15 feet above the | | ground. They were replaced by a group of multi-colored lights that | | blinked in a pattern indicating a square shape. A nebulous figure was | | seen behind the lights. (Source: APRO Bulletin, November-December | | 1968, p. 6). | | | | 1969 - Fishermen in two boats off Paddy Island, Tasmania sighted a | | domed disc-shaped object at 100 meters altitude at 3:50 a.m. the | | object turned a violet color as it shot up into the sky and away | | toward the northwest. (Source: UFO Research Australia Newsletter, | | January 1983). | | | | 1969 - That same evening at 9:30 p.m. a two-meter long bullet-shaped | | object flew very slowly just half a meter above the ground over a | | vineyard in Portiragnes, France. The vines later died. (Source: Larry | | Hatch, U computer database, case 8976). | | | | 1969 - Two 18-year-old teenagers, Sutherland and Talbart, had a close | | encounter with a circular UFO while driving near Mobile College in | | Wildwood, Alabama at 10:15 p.m. At first they noticed white lights, | | next red lights, and then two rings of red flashing lights on the | | object. It hovered at a low altitude, flattening the high grass and | | bending over small trees. It was less than 75 feet from them. The | | craft was estimated to be between 30 to 50 feet in diameter with | | luminous white panels around the circumference and lights on the top | | and bottom. (Sources: APRO Bulletin, September-October 1969, p. 1; | | Robert D. Boyd, A Comparative Unit, p. 157; UNICAT, case # 478). | | | | 1970 - Several people driving west of town, including witness Judith | | Dingler, saw "a gigantic winged creature" soaring towards Jersey | | Shore, Pennsylvania. It was dark colored and its wingspan was almost | | the same as that of an airplane. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid | | Contact Database 1970, citing Jerome Clark and Loren Coleman, | | Unexplained!). | | | | 1971 - Two "flying woks" were seen in sharp relief in a clear blue | | sky over Fengrun, China. They shot off toward the west, one at high | | altitude, the other at a low altitude. (Source: Wendelle Stevens & | | Paul Dong, UFOs over Modern China, p. 76). | | | | 1971 - At 5:45 p.m. several people on a bus in North Montreal, Quebec | | saw an ovoid UFO that followed their bus, going north. It stopped | | near a power station, and a power outage resulted. At 8:30 p.m. | | another luminous UFO, this one disc-shaped, descended slowly and | | silently down near a power station in Mont Laurier, Quebec. (Source: | | Lumieres dans la Nuit, October 1972). | | | | 1971 - On this night Sally Pike was on a UFO watch on Cradle Hill, | | Warminster, England when she suddenly and inexplicably became | | apprehensive. Upon turning around, she saw, very clearly, the outline | | of a tall male figure striding up the road in the bright moonlight. | | The figure was about seven-foot tall, with extremely long arms, which | | hung limply at his sides. He seemed to have no neck, and his head | | appeared to rise directly from his shoulders. The body itself was | | almost transparent, with only the outline being solid. Later that | | same night, Neil Pike also was on watch near some white metal gates, | | and looked over to the road leading up to a military vedette post. He | | became aware of three giant figures standing in a line near the | | opposite hedgerow. His description was similar to his wife's, except | | that the bodies ended at the mid-section and he could not discern any | | legs. Startled, he shone the beam of his flashlight at one of the | | tall figures. Immediately it vanished, only to reappear at another | | spot nearer to him. He flashed the flashlight on the other two and | | the same thing happened. They were now much closer to him. Alone on | | the hill, he panicked and ran to his car, got in, and quickly sped | | away. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, 1971 Humanoid Sighting Reports | | database, citing Ken Rogers, The Warminster Triangle). | | | | 1972 - At 9:30 p.m. two teachers and others driving between Ubirajara | | and Galia in Sao Paulo State, Brazil had a close encounter with a 1.5 | | m in diameter saucer-shaped object that landed on the highway several | | times. (Source: FSR, March 1973, p. 32). | | | | 1972 - At 10:10 p.m. Corporal Juan Maria Fuentes Figueroa, age 41, | | encountered a multicolored, humming domed disc at his military base | | on Isla de Lobos, Rocha province, Uruguay and pointed his gun at | | three entities he saw on the ground. The entities were wearing | | rubber-like black diver suits, and the backs of their heads were | | elongated, as if they were wearing hoods. He was paralyzed when he | | did this. A blinding flash occurred when the object took off, then it | | flew away silently. (Sources: UNICAT database, case # 454, citing | | CIOVI; John Wallace Spencer, The UFO Yearbook, p. 161). | | | | 1973 - Dionisio Llanca, age 25, was changing a tire along a deserted | | road at 1:15 a.m. near Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina | | when he became aware of a yellow and blue light behind him, and three | | human-like beings. He then began to feel weak and barely able to | | move. One of the beings approached and pulled him to his feet, and a | | second one drew a blood sample from his finger with a device that | | looked like an electric shaver. Afterward, the witness lost | | consciousness and suffered trauma to his head and forehead. Under | | hypnosis and sodium pentothal Llanca recalled being transported onto | | a hovering, plate-shaped craft via a beam of light. He saw a room | | with a window and various instruments, including a screen showing a | | display of the stars. His abductors were two men and two women, | | between 5 ft. 6 in. and 5 ft. 8 in. (about 1.7m) tall. They had blond | | hair, wide foreheads, and elongated eyes. They were dressed in gray, | | tight-fighting uniforms, yellow footwear, and gloves. The beings | | spoke among themselves in a "squeaky" language, resembling the sound | | of buzzing bees. A technical device communicated with him in Spanish, | | or by telepathy, to reassure him and tell him that they had been | | coming to Earth since 1950. They told him he was chosen for contact | | because he was simple and good. They warned that the current course | | of mankind would lead to catastrophe. Later, they said, they would | | come back and take him with them. Llanca regained consciousness | | between 2 a.m. and 3 a.m., some 10 km (6 miles) from where his truck | | was. He wandered around with no memory of his own identity until a | | passerby took him to a hospital, where he remained for several days. | | | | Llanca had nightmares and severe anxiety for a prolonged period, | | followed by personality change. He changed jobs frequently and | | finally stopping working altogether, became engaged to be married and | | then cut off all contact with his fiancee. His parents rejected him, | | and he subsequently was sentenced to prison for swindling. | | Afterwards, there were rumors that he had fabricated the story to | | sell a book, and that the doctors were a party to the hoax (which | | seems highly unlikely). (Sources: Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, | | Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, pp. 538-539;  APRO Bulletin, | | November-December 1973, p. 7-8; Gordon Creighton & Charles Bowen, | | "The Extraordinary Case of Dionisio Llanca and the UFOnauts," FSR, | | November 1980, pp. 2-10; Skylook, March 1974, p. 19; Skylook, | | November 1975, p. 22; John F. Schuessler, UFO-Related Human | | Physiological Effects, pp. 58-59, citing Kevin Randle, The October | | Scenario). | | | | 1973 - In the early morning hours Ms. Proctor went to the window in | | her home in Reno, Nevada and saw three "very large," saucer-shaped | | objects hovering across the street. A "ground crew" of 10-12 figures, | | wearing dully glowing "cube type" uniforms, were milling around, as | | if searching for something. A very low-pitched hum was heard, but no | | barking by the witness's dog, or others in the neighborhood. When two | | of the men approached her driveway, the witness took alarm and | | returned to bed, where she fell asleep immediately. There was no | | confirmation of anything unusual from any of her neighbors, and no | | traces were found. (Sources: NICAP UFO Investigator, October 1974, | | p. 3; David F. Webb, 1973, The Year of The Humanoids, p. 73; David F. | | Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case | | # 1973-63 (A1269)).  | | | | 1973 - On this night a lone witness saw a domed object that had | | landed in a paddock in Waipukurau, New Zealand. It took off at a | | tremendous speed, leaving behind five ground marks and a scorched | | area. (Sources: Hawke's Bay Herald Tribune, October 30, 1973; NICAP | | UFO Investigator, January 1974; J. Bernard Delair, UFO Register, | | Volume 5 (1974), case 878). | | | | 1973 - On a farm north of Belpre, Ohio the witness noticed TV | | interference at 8:40 p.m. and it alerted him to the nearby presence | | of a 10 meter long ovoid UFO, which directed a beam of light on his | | barn. He tried to shine a flashlight on the object, but the UFO | | avoided the flashlight beam. It shot off to the west. (Source: Jerry | | Poling, APRO Bulletin, January-February 1974, p. 1). | | | | 1973 - In Traunstein, Austria two men saw six domed discs extend and | | retract two arcs of light several times at 11:30 p.m. (Source: Ernst | | Berger, FSR, October 1974, p. 12). | | | | 1975 - Four police officers and others saw at least two nocturnal | | lights in the sky from Caribou, Arrostook county, Maine at same time | | as Loring AFB radar picked up blips 15 miles east of the base in | | Canada. (Sources: Lawrence Fawcett & Barry J. Greenwood, Clear | | Intent: The Government Cover-up of the UFO Experience, p. 22; UNICAT, | | case # 486). | | | | 1975 - On this night a police officer in Viroqua, Wisconsin viewed a | | round object the size of twin-engine plane that had gold, red and | | orange lights rotating around the craft. He reported it over his | | police radio and it was subsequently seen by police in four counties. | | (Sources: CUFOS News Bulletin, February 1976, p. 10; Jay Rath, The | | W-Files: True Reports of Wisconsin's Unexplained Phenomena, p. 84). | | | | 1976 - On this evening a 600 foot diameter aerial craft allegedly | | settled over a small mountain near Guadalajara, Mexico causing cars | | in the area to experience electrical failure. When the cars stopped, | | the drivers got out and stood watching the craft making various | | maneuvers. After the UFO sighting a person who claimed to be from the | | "spaceship" asked for a medical examination at the clinic of an | | eminent and respected 43-year-old doctor. The doctor did perform the | | exam and was shocked at his appearance. His skin was milky white, and | | apart from a few black strands on his head there was no other hair on | | his body. He insisted that humans on our planet were very low on the | | scale of evolutionary development, and that we had yet to discover | | the three more planets that exist in our solar system.  (Sources: | | Timothy Good, Alien Contact, p. 89; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, | | HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1976-103, citing Thomas | | Hyman & Charlotte Blaab). | | | | 1976 - At 7:05 p.m. on a clear night six witnesses saw a multicolored | | object approach them and pass silently 100 feet over a house in | | Evansville, Indiana. It ascended rapidly, hovering twice, before | | disappearing out of sight. Five or more objects were ejected from the | | cylinder when it was at higher a altitude. (Sources: MUFON UFO | | Journal, December 1976, p. 13; Francis L. Ridge, MUFON field | | investigations database, case 900603; Francis L. Ridge, Regional | | Encounters, p.65). | | | | 1976 - From the porch of their house Richard Britt and his | | 12-year-old son Richie saw a luminous domed disc-shaped object flying | | horizontally over some woods in Lake View, near Dillon, Florence | | County, South Carolina at 10:30 p.m. It began hovering close to the | | ground. It went out of sight for a short while and Britt went | | indoors, but his son Richie continued to watch. The object | | reappeared, rotating and emitting red, green, and blue lights. Then | | it flew down towards Richie and stopped near the porch. Now it began | | to give off a white light. The craft was aluminum colored, about the | | size of a large automobile, and had a set of small triangular windows | | above, which formed one large triangular window. In this window stood | | a being with pale white skin, apparently unclothed,with no other | | facial features except two large dark eyes. It had no neck, and its | | hands were claw-like. Richie began to scream for his father, but when | | his father rushed out there was nothing left to see. Richie had to be | | treated for hysteria, and he could not talk about what he had seen | | until the next morning. In the morning Mr. Britt noticed a 15 x 20 | | foot area in front of the porch where there was no frost on the | | grass. (Sources: Florence (SC) Morning News, November 11, 1976; David | | F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case | | 1976-74 (A1505); George D. Fawcett, Awareness, March 1977, p. 5). | | | | 1980 - Two women, Stolfe and Klein, driving in the suburbs of | | Middletown, New York on this evening had a close encounter with a | | triangular object that hovered silently at tree top level. It was | | seen again 15 minutes later, making a slight humming sound. It shone | | four light beams down on them in their car. (Source: Joe Graziano, | | APRO Bulletin, May 1981, p. 6). | | | | 1983 - At 2:15 a.m. an engineer in Mahopac, New York saw a 100 foot | | wide delta-shaped UFO repeatedly probe the surface of a lake with a | | red beam of light. Every time a car passed by the lake the lights on | | the object went out. The dramatic sighting lasted 15 minutes. | | (Source: J. Allen Hynek & Philip Imbrogno, Night Seige, p. 1). | | | | 1989 - At 2:30 p.m. several young students, among then Vova Startsev, | | saw a large pink sphere that flew over a local park in Voronezh, | | Russia. The sphere kept changing it shading, and it had two antennae | | on its left side. The sphere pushed out four legs and landed. A hatch | | opened and a ladder came down. Soon two beings and a robot like | | entity came out. The two beings carried the robot, set him down on | | its feet and appeared to give him mouth-to-mouth respiration. The | | robot then began walking like a normal human. The robot walked up to | | one of the young witnesses, followed by the two other aliens. The | | robot stretched out its hand towards the witness but he ran up a tree | | and hid, shaking with fear. The robot was just under six feet tall, | | and had a large head with three eyes in a row. Another witness, | | Sergei Makarov, got a close look at the other two aliens, whom he | | described as wearing silvery suits, silver waistcoats, with silver | | buttons and boots. Their faces were dark, and their skin was very | | smooth. When the door of the object opened there was a blinding light | | that came out. As the young witnesses watched, the legs retracted on | | the object, it, and then rose up, hovered briefly, and finally flew | | away quickly. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database | | 1989, case # 2344, citing Jenny Randles & Peter Hough, The Worlds | | Best True UFO Stories). | | | | 1989 - On this night a 4-foot-tall green humanoid being was | | seen checking out an Air Force jet at the Kecskemet, Hungary military | | base. When the figure lifted one of its arms a cone of light | | appeared, causing it to vanish. (Source: Timothy Good, The UFO Report | | 1991, p. 233). | | | | 1994 - Two men in a pickup truck were skywatching for UFOs at 9:30 on | | this night near the New Mexico-Colorado border in the San Luis Valley | | of Colorado when a craft suddenly appeared in front of them, emerging | | from a fog. As it hovered, one of them mentally called to it to come | | closer, and it approached to within 50 feet. The second man, however, | | panicked and "freaked out", shooting his rifle at the object. The UFO | | then went overhead, and as it did it levitated the pickup truck and | | dropped it in a bar ditch. (Source: Christopher O'Brien, The | | Mysterious Valley, p. 267). | | | | 1994 - Trinchera, Colorado resident June M. saw and reported "a large | | disc-shaped craft" at around 10:00 p.m. It appeared to be shining a | | spotlight at the ground. A short time later, military | | helicopters were seen "buzzing" the area.(Source: Christopher | | O'Brien, The Mysterious Valley, p. 268). | | | | 1995 - For three hours beginning at 1:30 a.m. eleven bright lights | | were observed maneuvering over Greenwood, California and engaged in | | what looked like a "dog-fight" with loops; they appeared to "shoot at | | each other." (Source: Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center) | | | | 2000 - Anthony Walsh left his girlfriend's house in Accrington, | | England at 1:00 a.m. and was walking along Duckworth Street when he | | heard a sound like a moan and then saw a flash of light that | | temporarily blinded him. When his vision returned he was inside a | | capsule-shaped craft. The inside of the capsule was dull and | | featureless. Inside he was met by a tall being who had no ears nor | | mouth and a metallic gray hue, but otherwise humanoid in appearance. | | It had tiny eyes that seemed to penetrate the witness's mind. On one | | side there was a control panel with shiny knobs, which flashed | | silver as he approached them. There were no windows or door seals. | | There was also a constant vibrating hum in the air. In the center of | | the capsule the abductee saw a large rotating silver cube that seemed | | to defy gravity. The cube changed color to red, and then some strange | | symbols became visible. Soon after the incident the witness suffered | | from severe toothaches and smelled a strong odor like body odor with | | no known source. (Sources: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact | | Database 2000, case # 3797, citing UFO Abductions Raw Data Page). | | | | 2000 - At 10:30 a.m. a metallic sphere flew within 30 feet of an | | apartment building in Portland, Maine. It was in sight for 30 | | seconds. (Source: Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, | | Seattle, October 2000 webpage, report uploaded December 2, 2000). | | | | 2001 - At 12:28 a.m. a silvery, disc-shaped object with windows flew | | over Beaver, West Virginia making no sound. It had a gaseous haze or | | mist surrounding the craft, and was twice the size of a car, with | | white lights around the middle, and a green-blue light on top. | | (Source: Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, | | Seattle,October 2001 webpage, report uploaded June 20, 2005). | | | | 2005 - Beginning at 1:30 a.m. a triangle-shaped object with amber, | | green and white flashing lights was observed hovering over Pygra in | | Larnaca District of southern Cyprus. It hovered there for the next 45 | | minutes. (Source: Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, | | Seattle, October 2005 webpage, report uploaded December 16, 2005). | | | | 2005 - An irregularly-shaped, orange ovoid object moved towards two | | witnesses in Port Alberni, British Columbia at 6:00 a.m., then backed | | away. (Source: Geoff Dittman, 2005 Canadian UFO Survey, case 106, | | citing UFOBC). | | | | 2007 - A bright, triangular object was seen in the sky over | | Rotherham, Kiverton, South Yorkshire, England at 9:45 p.m. It had one | | flashing strobe light and 12 fixed lights underneath. It was | | stationary at first, then moved over the witnesses. (Source: British | | Ministry of Defense, case 2007-079). | | | | 2007 - In Fort Riley, Kansas at 9:30 p.m. four glowing rectangular | | shaped lights were seen moving in a triangular formation very close | | to the ground without any sound what-so-ever. (Source: Peter | | Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, October 2007 | | webpage, report uploaded November 28, 2007). | | | | Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 28 October 2012). | | | | Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. | | | | Themes: | | abductions; cigar-shaped UFOs; color changing UFOs; disc-shaped UFOs; | | domed discs; landings with ground traces; levitation; multi-colored | | UFOs; multi-year reports from England, France and Nevada; Nordic-Asia | | tic UFOnauts; ovoid UFOs; pallid humanoids; personality change post-a | | bduction; physiological effects: amnesia, toothaches, trauma to head | | and forehead; rectangular UFOs; silent UFOs; tall UFOnaut; triangular | | or delta UFOs; TV RF interference; vehicle EM ignition interference | | and RF interference; very low flying or landed UFOs; winged humanoid. | | | | © Donald A. Johnson | | | |  < Calendar | Home | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+