+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | [On This Day] | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |  Encounters with Aliens on this Day | | | |  November 8 | | | | 1954 - At 1:00 a.m. a man in Croydon, London, England was  outside | | looking after his rabbits when a small disc-shaped object flew over. | | The next day he became sick to his stomach and ended up in the | | hospital. (Source: Jenny Randles, Alien Contacts and Abductions, p. | | 70). | | | | 1954 - At 10:30 a.m. a crowd of about 150 people jumped barriers to | | get closer to a luminous craft that had landed in the stadium in | | Monza, Italy. The object rested on three legs and had a dome emitting | | a blinding white light and supported an antenna. Two small figures | | dressed in white and gray, wearing transparent helmets, were seen. | | They spoke with guttural sounds. One of them had a black face with | | sort of trunk. When a man sicced a boxer dog onto the dwarfs, the | | animal turned around and bit him. The object rose with a shrill sound | | and vanished rapidly. Probable fabrication according to Italian | | researchers on the Project 1947 list. (Sources: Harold Wilkins, | | Flying Saucers Uncensored, p. 237; Jacques Vallee, Passport to | | Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 242, case 331). | | | | 1954 - At 6:00 p.m. a number of people in the Vacheresse Forest in | | Voussac, France reported seeing a luminous sphere land at the edge of | | the forest and then become dark. The next morning, an investigation | | disclosed that an area 4 or 5 meters in diameter had no leaves, while | | the ground elsewhere was covered with them. The earth seemed to have | | been dug up. (Sources: Harold Wilkins, Flying Saucers Uncensored, p. | | 238; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. | | 243, case 332). | | | | 1954 - At dusk in La Tessoualle, France Andre Chaillou felt | | pricklings in his hands, "in spite of his gloves," when a blue disc | | came close to his motorcycle and his electrical system failed. He was | | unable to move or articulate a word for several minutes. As soon as | | the blue light was turned off, he started again and went near the | | light when it reappeared 200 meters away. He saw the object, a cone | | 5.5 meters in size, rise vertically with a soft whistling, then fly | | horizontally to the north. (Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to | | Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 243, case 333). | | | | 1956 - A UFO flap covering the states of North Dakota, South Dakota, | | and Minnesota began on November 8, 1956. The sightings occurred | | during nearly every hour of the day and night and continued until | | December 2, 1956. More than 85 separate sighting reports from some 60 | | different localities were received from this three state area. Due to | | the unusually large number of reports, it was possible in some | | instances to determine that the same UFO or UFOs were seen in widely | | separate places. At other times the sighting reports suggested that a | | large number of different objects were aloft at the same time. | | | | The flurry of UFO reports began with a sighting in Dickinson, South | | Dakota. Farmer Laudie Dvorak was driving into his farmyard about 8:30 | | p.m., on this date when he glanced up and saw what at first appeared | | to be a falling star, off to the north. But in a few seconds it | | seemed to be "right in front of me." He thought it might be an | | airplane, but it wasn't. "It went too fast," Dvorak said, "even for a | | jet - maybe 800 to 1000 miles per hour. It was just a streak through | | the buttes as it approached from the north and traveled in a | | southerly direction." (Source: Bob Gribble, Looking Back November | | 1956, National UFO Reporting Center website). | | | | 1956 - While the UFOs were busy over the northern Plain States they | | surprised a few people in southern Florida as well. About nine a.m. | | on November 8th, several witnesses in Coco Beach, Florida observed | | two UFOs move in behind an F-100 jet fighter. Through 7x50 | | binoculars, and also with the naked eye, they watched as the jet | | moved across the sky at about 1250 miles per hour. The UFO came up | | fast and the jet pilot made a tight turn, but couldn't catch the | | object. It was learned later that the same object was seen earlier | | pursuing a rocket launched from Cape Canaveral. | | | | About two hours after the UFO pursued the jet and rocket, a | | mysterious object which apparently played tag off the tip of Florida | | for several minutes before shooting into space at 4000 miles per hour | | was reported by a Pan American World Airways radar expert. Donald | | Freestone said he picked up the UFO while testing weather radar | | equipment in the FAA shops at Miami International Airport. Surprised | | by the unexpected target return on the screen, he called fellow | | employees. Six of his colleagues confirmed the finding. None knew | | what it was. "I didn't believe in such things before," said | | Freestone. "But after this happened, I got some books and read up on | | it. Now I'm convinced it was something that is out of our experience, | | so far as aircraft is concerned." | | | | Freestone said the UFO was "four to five times larger than any | | aircraft observed in the past." It appeared to be egg-shaped or | | oval-shaped, and to have a double pattern resembling an hourglass or | | figure eight. The radar expert said he was working on a Bendix RDR-lA | | weather radar which FAA uses in some planes to spot bad weather | | ahead. It is capable of "seeing" storms and thunderstorms 150 miles | | in the path of planes. With the radar at "zero tilt" - that is, | | pointed straight out, Freestone first saw the UFO. "It appeared at | | approximately 65 miles southwest of Miami, at an altitude of between | | 7000 and 8000 feet. It disappeared and reappeared several times. I | | found that by turning the antenna tilt up, it could be brought back | | on the screen. It disappeared once at 70 miles and reappeared at | | about 55 miles, then moved back to 70 miles. The speed was estimated | | at 550 to 650 miles per hour." | | | | "It then moved in to 50 miles and remained stationary for two to | | three minutes. Then it began going off in the south-southwest | | direction it had come from. One time it was noticed that the target | | moved 20 miles in about six sweeps or rotations of the antenna, which | | rotates at a speed of 20 times a minute. (Calculations indicate that | | this showed a flying speed of about 4000 miles per hour.) The object | | was last observed at about 100 miles from Miami, still moving | | south-southwest. It was on the radar screen for about 20 minutes from | | 11:15 a.m. to 11:35 a.m. From the returns the target appeared fairly | | large, being four to five times larger than any normal aircraft. It | | had a definite shape and moved on a definite course. Homestead Air | | Force Base, south of Miami, Florida was placed on an "alert status." | | (Source: Bob Gribble, Looking Back, November 1956, National UFO | | Reporting Center website). | | | | 1957 - In Edinburgh, Scotland fourteen people, including Mrs. Maty | | Home, reported to the police that a disc-shaped object followed their | | truck, dived toward it, came within 20 meters of them, and then left | | toward the sea, leaving a double vapor trail. (Source: Jacques | | Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 435). | | | | 1957 - At 2:00 a.m. a cigar-shaped object, 70 meters long, was | | observed less than seven meters above the ground in Sloanville, New | | York. (Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of | | Landings, case 437). | | | | 1957 - At 2:30 p.m. Hank Mollohan and eight other persons saw an | | elongated object land in Holly, West Virginia. It was 12 meters long | | and had several portholes from which fire and smoke appeared to be | | coming. It swung at low altitude and then dropped to the ground. | | People seemed to be moving around outside the landed UFO, but the | | witnesses were driven away by a hard rain. (Sources: Alexander | | Mebane, "1957 Saucer Wave in the US," in Aime Michel, Flying Saucers | | and the Straight Line Mystery, p. 265; Jacques Vallee, Passport to | | Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 436). | | | | 1957 - On the same night Paul Rutledge saw an object 16 meters long | | flying over his garage in Waterloo, Iowa. The top part was bright and | | there were two figures visible inside. (Sources: Alexander Mebane, | | "1957 Saucer Wave in the US," in Aime Michel, Flying Saucers and the | | Straight Line Mystery, p. 265; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A | | Century of Landings, case 438). | | | | 1959 - On this morning a cigar-shaped UFO followed a gasoline tanker | | truck for miles in Austin, Texas. It dropped down and sprayed | | the highway with fog. Later, it was realized that the driver had | | experienced approximately 40 minutes of missing time. (Source: Larry | | Hatch,U computer database, case # 5860, citing Loren E. Gross, The | | Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse: UFOs: A History. 1959: | | October-December, p. 34). | | | | 1967 - On this night a humanoid creature described by police as a | | "mini-skirted" vampire reportedly terrorized locals on the beach | | along the Amazon River in Manaus, Brazil. Several people who were | | attacked described the creature as looking like a blond haired woman | | with sharp pointed teeth, wearing a mini-skirt and black stockings. | | Two small round marks were said to have been found near the jugular | | vein of a child that was bitten. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid | | Contact Database 1967, case # 3031, citing Jacques Bergier for INFO). | | | | 1968 - At 8:05 p.m. a metallic looking lenticular disc "like two | | round basins placed face to face" Swooped down over the town of | | Taguatinga, Brazil near Brasilia. It had lights and portholes around | | the rim and the lower portion was spinning. (Source: Walter Buhler, | | FSR Case Histories, April 1971, p. 12). | | | | Taguatinga, Brazil 1968 | | | | [Sketch for Taguatinga, Brazil 1968] | | | | 1973 - At 12:30 a.m. a motorist driving on I-10 east of Blythe, | | California observed a circular object in the sky with red, green, and | | amber lights that moved up-and-down and side-to-side. (Source: | | Fontana (CA) Herald-News, November 9, 1973) | | | | 1973 - Joan Scofield reported that her family dog was greatly | | agitated when her family of six observed two low flying, brilliant | | red lights that flew over their home in Falmouth, Nova Scotia and | | circled back at 6:15 p.m. (Source: Donald Ledger, Maritime UFO Files, | | p. 97; Joan Woodward, NICAP Category 4 - Animal Effects Cases, p 5, | | case 19). | | | | 1974 - Jose Maria Cravero and another aviator observed a UFO at close | | range close to Talavera Air Base near Badajoz, Spain three days | | earlier. On this night Sr. Cravero returned to the site and witnessed | | a strange, evasive human-looking entity walking along the side of the | | road near the UFO landing site. The being had slanted eyes, no nose, | | and was wearing a brown jacket, black trousers, and what looked like | | a "Roman helmet" on his head. The body was tall and slender, but he | | could tell no further details about the beings arms or legs. Cravero | | was impressed by the furtive, evasive nature of the being. (Source: | | Gordon Creighton, FSR, March 1975, p. 32; Ted Bloecher, 1975 MUFON | | UFO Conference Proceedings, p. 62; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, | | HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1974-52). | | | | 1975 - Two F-106 fighter jets were scrambled out of Malmstrom Air | | Force Base in Great Falls, Montana at 7:45 Z. At 2:53 a.m. local time | | a visual sighting of at least one low level noctural light was made | | by the Sabotage Alert Teams on the ground. The radar target was at | | 300 feet altitude, and the weather station reported no anomalous | | propagation. Targets would turn out their lights whenever the jets | | approached. (Sources: US Air Force Air Command Center report dated | | November 8, 1975; Richard Sigismonde, International UFO Reporter, | | March 1983, p. 7; Richard F. Haines, Project Delta, p. 132; UNICAT, | | case # 15). | | | | 1975 - At 1:00 a.m. campers in the Catskill Mountains, New York had | | an abduction experience with one hour of missing time. Campers at the | | Pepactin Reservoir in Ulster County first saw a luminous "sled" with | | hoops on top descend. "Rabbits" approach tent (screen memory?). 60 | | min missing time. | | | | 1975 - On November 1st a mineralogist walking near Vauchingnon, | | France happened upon some peculiar tracks in the grass of the | | prairie. These circular tracks were six inches across and nearly an | | inch deep, as if made by a heavy biped taking long strides, which ran | | for some distance. He wanted to photograph them, but because it was | | getting late in the afternoon he decided to come back later. He | | returned with a friend on this afternoon. Before they located the | | tracks they saw two quasi-human figures about five feet tall, dressed | | in dark blue or black, emerge from a copse of woods 50 meters away. | | These beings had very long arms and were taking extraordinarily long | | strides. They began to ascend a very steep slope, and the | | mineralogist's friend ran after them, but the beings climbed the | | slope so quickly that they easily escaped from view and were lost in | | some bushes ont he hill. The main witness reported that no human | | athlete, in his opinion, could have duplicated their performance. A | | few seconds later a white station wagon with dark painted windows | | came into view on a little traveled road further up the slope, then | | took off again at high speed. Immediately afterwards, a small blue | | car did exactly the same thing. Although the bushes blocked their | | view, the witnesses believed that these two vehicles had picked up | | the humanoids. (Source: David F. Webb & Ted Blocher, HUMCAT: | | Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1975-63, citing Joel Mesnard & | | Hean Marie Bigorne). | | | | 1975 - At 8:20 p.m. Strategic Air Command reported a UFO 20 miles | | southeast of Lewistown, Montana. It was an orange-white, disc-shaped | | object. NORAD radar was unable to get a height check. (Source: Fund | | for UFO Research report, p. 100).  | | | | 1976 - At 3:30 p.m. an engineer was driving with three other people | | in Givet, Ardennes, France when they spotted what appeared to be a | | landed, domed, disc-shaped object. It was hovering on three legs 30 | | meters away. It had a flat bottom and a transparent dome or cupola | | which showed the "busts" of two large heads. They stopped the car to | | observe the object, but were hit by a blast of heat as the object | | departed. The object had been hovering just above the ground, never | | quite touching down, although it did have rectangular footplates. The | | grass was crushed over an eight meter diameter area, and the sighting | | has lasted no more than five minutes. (Source: David F. Webb & Ted | | Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1976-12, | | citing Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 76).  | | | | 1976 - A close encounter occurred in North Belmont, North Carolina at | | 8:45 p.m. Two 14-year-old girls reported a 25 foot in diameter | | disc-shaped object with flashing red lights and a steady white light, | | making a beeping noise. (Source: International UFO Reporter, December | | 1976, p. 11). | | | | 1979 - On this day a round, silvery object with flashing lights was | | seen by two women at a bus stop in Pentland Hills, Borders, Scotland. | | It briefly hovered, then shot off at high speed toward Dechmont Law. | | At 5:50 p.m. five women in Livingston watched a circle of lights that | | slowly rotated. At 7:50 p.m. a dome shaped UFO was seen at 400 meters | | distance in Bellsquarry, Livingston, Lothian, Scotland. It glowed | | white with pulsating blue and red lights on either side. The two | | witnesses watched it for several minutes. (Source: Ron Halliday, UFO | | Scotland: The Secret History of Scotland's UFO Phenomenon, pp.12- | | 13). | | | | 1981 - At around 3 p.m. a 15 meter long metallic ovoid landed 15 | | meters away from six teenagers in Praglia, Liguria, Italy. The six | | boys were racing dirt bikes near a lake when one of them fell and hit | | his head. Two of the boys went to assist him, when suddenly a bright | | green light was seen descending over the surface of the lake. Inside | | the light appeared to be a gray metallic, oval-shaped craft that | | descended on telescopic like landing gear near the witnesses. A door | | became visible, and a tall, human-looking UFOnaut emerged. His arms | | seemed to be extended up into the air. He wore losse fitting, silvery | | coveralls. His arms appeared to be very long, and his feet resembled | | oval appendages. The being seemed to have no neck, and a triangular | | shaped head with normal looking eyes. The humanoid proceeded to walk | | towards the lake, and then to walk on the surface of the water. A few | | moments later he walked back into the object, which took off at high | | speed, disturbing the surface of the lake. (Sources: Albert S. | | Rosales, 1981 Humanoid Sighting Reports database, case # 1523; Larry | | Hatch, U computer database, case # 14312, citing Maurizio Verga, | | ITACAT). | | | | 1981 - At 6 p.m. Mrs. A. S. Carew witnessed a cone-shaped object that | | flew horizontally from northeast to southwest in Mtepatepa, Zimbabwe. | | A smaller shape was ejected from the front of the larger object, then | | another and another. Several explosions were heard later. (Source: | | Cynthia Hind, UFO AfriNews, June 1989, p. 32). | | | | 1993 - The witness recalled being transported from her bedroom in | | Merced, California late on this night in a beam of light to a huge | | triangular craft. Once inside she was taken to an exam by several | | short Grey humanoids with large black almond-shaped eyes. The beings | | took flesh samples from her legs and back, leaving scoop marks. She | | was returned safely to her bedroom. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, | | Humanoid Contact Database 1993, case # 1695, citing UFO Newsclipping | | Service, issue # 295). | | | | 1994 - A silver cigar-shaped object with two rectangular windows was | | sighted north of Bradshaw, West Virginia at 11:15 a.m. by several | | witnesses. It made a roaring sound. (Source: West Virginia UFO | | Newsletter, issue 1). | | | | 1995 - A man in Manson, Washington reported encountering two humanoid | | figures in his apartment at 11:40 a.m. The beings pointed a flashing | | device at the witnessed, then disappeared by walking through the | | wall. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, 1995 Humanoid Sighting Reports | | database, case # 2140, citing Peter Davenport, NUFORC). | | | | 1995 - On this night Mr. J. Curran of Polbeth, Bathgate, Lothian, | | Scotland watched and videotapted as an orange circle in the sky | | polymorphed into a delta-shaped UFO, then back into a sphere. | | Photometric analysis suggests that the circle showed an out-of-focus | | object. Later, John S., age 45, of West Lothian, Scotland saw what | | looked like "a new type of ship. It looked like a giant Frisbee" | | between the Forth Canal and the Clyde Canal. The occupants were like | | the Greys, except their eyes were rounder. He had previously been | | involved in an abduction experience. (Source: Ron Halliday, UFO | | Scotland: The Secret History of Scotland's UFO Phenomenon, pp. 30, | | 51). | | | | 2004 - On this evening Terry McDonald, driving home in Crane River, | | Manitoba, Canada had a bright light closely following his truck. His | | truck engine intermittently lost power over the course of one | | kilometer. A Kenora, Ontario resident saw a saucer-like object | | hovering only 18 meters above the ground. He observed the saucer for | | nearly an hour before it moved fairly slowly across the treetops. | | (Source: George A. Filer & David Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide | | Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 47, citing Chris Rutkowski, and Geoff | | Dittman, 2004 Canadian UFO Survey, case 783). | | | | 2004 - A man named Triguez was staying overnight at his grandmother's | | house in Lavaderos, Hormigueros, Puerto Rico when he awoke at four | | a.m. and looked out the window to see a strange oval-shaped craft on | | the ground in a nearby field. The craft appeared crystal like in | | appearance and had small lights around the edges. It emitted a | | strange sound and greenish flashes of light. He observed the object | | for awhile, and then noticed an opening in the object which had | | become visible, from which he briefly saw a figure descend down what | | appeared to be steps. He could not make out any other details. The | | craft soon vanished. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, 2004 Humanoid | | Contact Database, citing Lucy Guzman, http://www.ovni.net). | | | | 2009 - A missing time case from Rubidoux, Riverside County, | | California was reported to the National UFO Reporting Center. It | | occurred overnight and lasted for two hours. (Source: Peter | | Davenport, November 2009 webpage, report uploaded December 12, 2009) | | | | Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 8 November 2012). | | | | Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. | | | | Themes: a | | bductions; animal reaction: dog agitated; cigar-shaped UFOs; disc-sha | | ped UFOs; domed discs; fog or mist associated with UFO; Grey UFOnauts | | ; ground traces; inside occupants; landings; missing time; oval or ov | | oid UFOs; landings; multicolored UFOs; multi-year reports from southe | | rn California, England, France, Italy and Scotland; physiological eff | | ects: stomach sickness, paralysis; short humanoids; tripod landing ge | | ar; UFOs near nuclear missile site; UFO paces rocket launching; vehic | | le EM ignition interference effects; whistling sound; white uniforms. | | | | © Donald A. Johnson | | | |  < Calendar | Home | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+