+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | [On This Day] | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |  Encounters with Aliens on this Day | | | |  May 31 | | | | 1947 - A former military photographer claimed that a UFO, 30-40 feet | | in diameter and about 15 feet in height, crashed near the area of | | Socorro, New Mexico and was recovered on this day. One occupant of | | the craft was killed in the crash, while three others allegedly | | emerged alive. When they were found by the U.S. military, the | | survivors reportedly made crying-like sounds and clutched box-like | | devices to their chests. One of them appeared to be injured. The | | occupants were of small height and had copper based blood. This | | object was reportedly eventually sent to Wright-Patterson Air Force | | Base near Dayton, Ohio, and ended up at the "Hangar 18" facility. | | (Sources: Phillip L Rife, It Didn't Start With Roswell; Albert S. | | Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1947). | | | | 1948 - In 1948 at 1:20 in the afternoon, a cigar-shaped object moved through | | the sky at terrific speed over Wilmington, North Carolina. Mrs. H. D. | | Alspach reported that the object emitted smoke, appeared about three | | feet long, veered, slowed down, and then speed away toward the east | | at a high altitude. (Sources: Wilmington, North Carolina Morning | | Star, June 1, 1948; Project Blue Book files counted in official | | statistics, case # 129). | | | | 1951 - Niagara Falls, New York - A luminous disc with arc-shaped wings | | rose into the sky at a very fast speed. It was seen by several | | military witnesses for 35 seconds at 11:20 p.m. This case is a | | Project Blue Book "unknown." (Source: Project Blue Book files counted | | in official statistics, case #928). | | | | 1952 - South of Chorwon, Korea - At 4:20 a.m. pilot Hufberry turned | | his F-94 jet to descend and intercept a round, bluish white UFO. The | | F-94's radar locked onto the object, whereupon the UFO made a left | | turn climb, silhouetting the F-94 against the dawn sky. The UFO | | accelerated away after the fighter jet made two unsuccessful attempts | | to pass the UFO. (Source: Richard F. Haines, Advanced Aerial Devices | | During the Korean War, p. 47). | | | | 1955 - At 11 o'clock in the morning on the farm of Messr. Coulange, | | in Puy St. Gulmier, France a 1.1 meter (5 feet) in diameter luminous | | white disc hovered vertically only a few meters away from the | | 74-year-old farmer, and only three meters from the ground. Many | | multi-colored filaments of light radiated from the UFO. The object | | rose up, went over the old man's head, and flew out of sight behind | | some nearby woods. (Source: Jimmy Guieu, Flying Saucers Come from | | Another World, p. 253). | | | | 1957 - At 7:17 a.m. a British Airways airliner flying over Kent, | | England experienced radio and radar failure when a UFO was sighted. | | (Sources: Geoffrey Falla, BUFORA Vehicle Interference Project Report, | | p. 12, citing Flying Saucer Review; Leonard G. Cramp, Piece for a | | Jig-Saw, p. 148; Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 49, | | citing Geoffrey Falla). | | | | 1959 - A man named Priest sighted a reddish orange object with a | | tapering tail fly over Port Elliot, South Australia at 6:13 a.m. It | | moved from west to east at 25 degrees elevation in southern sky. | | (Source: Michael Hervey, UFOs over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 166). | | | | 1961 - At noon on this day over Toompang, New South Wales, Australia | | five men watched a large object hover in the sky while four | | delta-shaped objects exited and maneuvered around it for over an | | hour. They finally rejoined it and the large craft flew away. | | (Sources: Jacques Vallee, Anatomy of a Phenomenon, p. 151; FSR, March | | 1979, p. 10). | | | | 1967 - On the 31st of May in 1967 a farm woman living outside of Beausejour, | | Manitoba, Canada (about 45 miles from Winnipeg) was sitting on her | | front porch at 11:30 p.m. waiting for her husband to return home. She | | saw a brilliant red light with a smaller blue light beside it come | | towards her from the south. The light lit up the ground and appeared | | to land. She became frightened and ran inside her house. The next | | morning she and her husband went out to investigate where the object | | had landed. They found a 30 by 50 yard semi-circular area that was | | still in flames. The strange fact about this case is that on June | | 15th the area was still smoldering, despite considerable rain having | | fallen in the area. Radioactive soil was found at the site. (Sources: | | James Thompson, "Second Landing in Canada", APRO Bulletin, May-June | | 1967, p. 2; Winnipeg Free Press, June 21, 1967; Richard H. Hall, The | | UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 263, 340; Coral & | | Jim Lorenzen, Encounters with UFO Occupants, p. 13). | | | | 1969 - On this night a large sphere flew erratically in the sky over | | Sao Paulo, Brazil. It released a smaller sphere which flew away. | | Several witnesses reported that their cars failed during the | | sighting, including both the lights and motor. (Source: Mark | | Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 273, | | citing Contact (UK)). | | | | 1971 - In 1971 at 1:10 in the afternoon, two witnesses In Newmarket, New | | Hampshire sighted a grayish white ovoid object, hovering in an | | upright orientation a few feet above the ground. It had dark | | portholes around its perimeter, and was in plain view in front of | | some trees for a few minutes before shooting straight up and out of | | sight. (Source: Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs Interplanetary Visitors. | | Jericho, New York: Exposition Press, 1974, p. 357). | | | | Newmarket, New Hampshire - 1971 | | | | [image] | | | | 1972 - Mr. Reeve, a man in his fifties, was driving in the fog in | | Mannum, South Australia at 6:35 a.m. when he came across a dark | | oval-shaped object with a red light on one side, a white light on | | theother, hanging just above the ground. He stopped his car, and the | | object rose into the fog with a "swish" sound. (Source: Keith | | Basterfield, UFO Research South Australia, case SA72002). | | | | 1974 - In 1974 the strange events began early in the morning for a young | | married couple traveling from Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) to South Africa | | via Fort Victoria and Beit Bridge. Peter and Frances saw what they | | thought was a policeman holding a walkie-talkie radio about 10 | | kilometers south of Umvuma. This is what he seemed to be to Peter, | | who was driving his Peugeot 404 well in excess of the posted speed | | limit. As the road was noted for speed traps, he slowed down. The | | pair of them began to think in more detail about the policeman. The | | metallic-looking suit seemed queer for a policeman, as they normally | | wore khaki. The UFO appeared at 2:30 a.m. on the passenger side of | | the car (left hand side). It appeared fairly close and seemed to keep | | pace with the car. For a brief while they wondered if it might be a | | helicopter. It had a bluish tinge, and was flashing bright and steady | | for 5 seconds, then off for 2 seconds. | | | | The car headlights began to fade next, and there was an immense light | | around the car. As they drove along it suddenly became very cold in | | the car. They estimated the drop in temperature to have been between | | 20 and 30 degrees Fahrenheit, down to less than 50º F. Peter took his | | foot off the accelerator but the car continued to move forward at an | | accelerated speed! He tried to apply the brakes but it had no effect, | | and his steering had no effect on the direction of the car as well. | | | | When they were some 10 km from Fort Victoria the UFO shot off like a | | shooting star, but it reappeared again about 10 kilometers outside of | | the city, but this time they also saw a second UFO move into position | | above the car. Frances fell asleep around 6:15 a.m. just before she | | feel asleep they lost all sound from the radio. Peter lost all track | | of time and he remembered nothing from about three minutes after | | Frances fell asleep. He felt at the time he must have been mesmerized | | by the road. | | | | At the Customs post at the South African border showed 8:30 a.m. | | although their watches indicated it was only 7:30 a.m. Peter was also | | surprised when reading the car's trip odometer. He had reset it to | | zero at Fort Victoria, but found that it had recorded only 17 km, yet | | the distance by road was 288 km. He had also filled the gas tank in | | Fort Victoria and expected to need a full tank when he reached the | | border, but when he tried to fill the tank it would take only 22 | | cents worth, which at the time was less than a half gallon. Under | | hypnosis Frances had no other experiences revealed than those she | | remembered consciously. Peter, however recalled seeing the inside of | | the "spacecraft" which had three levels, and interacting with | | physical beings that he believed could take on any appearance that he | | wanted them to look like. (Sources: Carl van Vlierden, "Escorted by | | UFOs from Umvuma to Beit Bridge", FSR, August 1975, pp. 3-10; Mark | | Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 367, | | citing FSR; Skylook, March 1975, p. 3; Richard H. Hall, Uninvited | | Guests, p. 276). | | | | 1975 - At around 9 p.m. an octagonal flying object with an | | illuminated cross-member, moved very slowly through the sky city sky | | above London, England. It then vanished while still in view. It was | | reported by a married couple named Fry. (Source: Jenny Randles, FSR, | | November 1976, p. 30). | | | | 1976 - A 17-year-old man named T. White saw a 5 foot, 6 inch tall | | humanoid in his backyard in Daw Park, South Australia at around 2:00 | | a.m. The being wore a silver coverall suit with white boots, a black | | visor helmet, and had a box strapped to its chest. It flew into a | | white ellipsoid UFO that made no sound as it left. The household | | wiring was effected. Unintelligible language was heard as well. | | (Sources: Keith Basterfield, UFO Research South Australia, case SA | | 76001; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid | | Reports, case A1474, citing Horrie Aspinall & Keith Basterfield). | | | | Daw Park, South Australia Humanoid Report - 1976 | | | | [image] | | | | 1984 - A V-shaped formation of ten to fifteen red lights flew over | | the Hudson Valley on this night and was seen from several locations. | | At 8:15 p.m. a V-Shaped formation of 15 lights, estimated to be the | | size of a Boeing 747 airliner if all connected to one object, passed | | directly over the home of an IBM engineer in Hawthorne, Westchester | | County, New York. It made no sound as it passed overhead except a | | faint humming. All lights simultaneously turned blue, and then made a | | tight 180-degree turn and flew off to the north. At 8:30 p.m. the | | same or a similar object was seen from Route 117 in Pleasantville, | | New York. It was reported to be larger than a football field, and it | | followed a car being driven on the Taconic Parkway. At 8:45 p.m. the | | lights were seen by Mr. D. Boyd in Yorktown, New York. An engineer | | and private pilot, he watched them turn and fly away toward the west. | | V-shaped or triangular UFOs were also sighted later that night in | | Fishkill and south Putnam County. (Source: Philip Imbrogno, | | International UFO Reporter, September 1984, p. 5-7). | | | | 1994 - At 2:30 a.m. Mr. Oringdulph of Alamosa, Colorado - the witness | | of a nocturnal light in the sky earlier that evening - was awakened | | by a large helicopter hovering directly over his house. As he ran | | outside it flew away, but a second helicopter hovered low over the | | end of his street for several minutes. (Source: Christopher O'Brien, | | The Mysterious Valley, p. 243). | | | | 2003 - An ovoid craft was seen in the sky near a shopping center in | | Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia at 8:04 p.m. It shrank and | | then glowed brightly, and changed color from orange to red It became | | smaller, then brighter again, then disappeared. (Source: Peter | | Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, May 2003 webpage | | archive). | | Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 27 October 2009). | | | | Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. | | | | Themes: car p | | ursuits, crash/retrieval of UFO and UFOnauts, landings, photographs a | | nd attempted photographing of UFOs, red lights, missing time and poss | | ible abduction, multicolored UFOs, multi-year sightings for New York | | City and environs, multi-year reports for New South Wales and South A | | ustralia, oval or ovoid UFOs, red lights, RF radio and radar interfer | | ence, satellite UFOs around larger UFO, sensation of cold, time and s | | pace distortions, vanished UFOs, vehicle EM effects, vertical ascent. | | | | © Donald A. Johnson | | | |  < Calendar | Home | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+