+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | [On This Day] | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |  Encounters with Aliens on this Day | | | |  March 10 | | | | 1950 - An oval-shaped, aluminum colored object hung in sky at 40,000 | | feet altitude over Indian School Road southeast of Phoenix, Arizona | | at 6:00 p.m. It was estimated to be 200 feet in diameter, tapering to | | narrower proportions in the rear. It moved silently through the sky | | with a red fiery trail one hundred feet long, but left no vapor | | trail. It was gone from sight in 4 to 5 seconds. (Source: Loren E. | | Gross, UFOs: A History. 1950: January-March, p. 45). | | | | 1961 - F. Reynolds and his son were camping near the water in Bowna, | | New South Wales, Australia. They observed an object on the ground | | with four windows in it. There was a fire nearby, and four figures | | could be seen between it and the object. At 9:30 p.m. it had | | disappeared. Witnesses in Wodonga, West Albury, Wangaratta and | | Tallangatta independently observed an unknown object in flight that | | same evening. (Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century | | of Landings, case 516). | | | | 1967 - At 12:20 a.m. a glowing orange-red hemisphere with the flat | | side down was seen in a rural area of Phillipston, Massachusetts by a | | single witness. It was ten times the apparent diameter of the moon. | | (Source: Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 346). | | | | Phillipston, Massachusetts - 1967 | | | | [] | | | | 1967 - Two men were driving in a remote part of Piggott, Arkansas | | when their truck's engine failed. Before they could get out of the | | vehicle to investigate they saw a 50-foot wide saucer shaped object | | descend to the ground in front of them. Two bizarre looking "aliens" | | emerged from the object and walked over to their truck. The humanoids | | were described as of average human height, but with large heads that | | were flat in the back, and gray in color. They had normal eyes, | | noses, and mouths. They also wore tight-fitting gray diver's suits. | | The men felt like they were being bombarded with vibrations and had | | the uncanny feeling that the aliens knew what they were thinking. | | Rolling down the truck windows, the men spoke to one of the aliens, | | who reportedly told them that they meant them no harm and they could | | continue on their journey if they promised to keep this meeting a | | secret. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1967, | | case # 2583, citing MUFON UFO Journal, issue # 172). | | | | 1968 - At nine o'clock in the evening a dark oval shaped object with | | a searchlight in the front, wobbled and moved with motion of a boat | | moving over waves in the ocean. It passed over the local electric | | power substation in Pawtucket, Rhode Island and flew off following | | the power lines. (Sources: Walter N. Webb, case investigation files; | | Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 351). | | | | Pawtucket, Rhode Island - 1968 | | | | [] | | | | 1969 - A silver domed disc-shaped object with a beam of light was | | seen on the road ahead as a married woman drove between Glenwood and | | Lancaster, Missouri at 10:30 a.m. Her car slowed down from 50 miles | | per hour to just 8 mph when the beam touched it. Her dog reacted with | | fear, and her eyes hurt for three days after the incident. (Sources: | | Robert Smulling, APRO Bulletin, May-June 1969, p. 7; Gordon I. R. | | Lore, Jr., Strange Effects from UFOs, p. 32). | | | | 1969 - That same night a domed disc passed over a police car five | | miles west of Westhope, North Dakota at 10:10 p.m. It then hovered | | over the road, wobbling as it hovered, and shot a beam of light | | downward onto the road. The object eventually slid sideways, then | | lifted off vertically into the sky. The police officer, Mr. Janzen, | | reportedly felt strange "psychological forces" and suffered | | physiological effects as a result of his encounter. (Sources: NICAP | | UFO Investigator, May 1969, p. 3; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports | | Involving Vehicle Interference, case 266, citing CUFOS; Richard H. | | Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, pp. 14 & | | 174). | | | | Westhope, North Dakota CE-II - March 10, 1969 | | | | [] | | | | 1972 - In Decatur County, Indiana west-northwest of Milhausen a farm | | couple reported seeing a huge delta-shaped UFO at 4:10 a.m. A heavy, | | reddish-orange stone was found on the ground that later vanished. | | According to APRO field investigator Donald Worley, the woman | | suffered chest pains at the time of the UFO encounter, and there was | | some unusual interference with the investigation by a mystery person. | | (Source: APRO Bulletin, May-June 1973, p. 1; Ted Phillips, Physical | | Traces Associated with UFO Sightings, case 557). | | | | 1972 - In Aubigny, Eure district, France a 63-year-old fireman | | spotted a disc or oval-shaped object with tripod landing gear descend | | from the sky, then land 200 meters away. It had a red ball of light | | on top of it and two portholes. The lights on the object blinked out | | after 40 seconds. Mr. Lauretz reported that his car engine sputtered | | and lost power when he attempted to leave the scene by driving away. | | This effect lasted for the first 200 meters. (Sources: Phenomenes | | Spatiaux, March 1972, p. 22, citing Progress Soir, March 20, 1972; | | APRO Bulletin, May-June 1972, p. 1; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports | | Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 53 (case 314); Richard H. Hall, | | The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 253). | | | | 1975 - A surgically mutilated dead cow was found in a 30-foot wide | | crop circle, six miles south of Whiteface, Texas. (Source: CUFOS case | | files, report dated March 10, 1975; Jacques Vallee, Messengers of | | Deception, p. 185). | | | | 1977 - Indianapolis, Indiana - A 13-year-old boy with the last name of | | Brandenburg took three photographs of a dark disc-shaped object with | | a transparent dome near his home shortly before four o'clock in the | | afternoon, while the UFO was circling the area. The photographs | | appeared to be genuine, according to APRO. (Sources: CUFOS case | | files, report dated April 12, 1977; APRO Bulletin, April 1977, p. 1). | | | | 1978 - At 10:10 p.m. a round object with glowing blue and red lights | | was seen by several witnesses in Sylva, North Carolina. It made a | | humming sound, gave off beeps and flew in circles at a low altitude. | | It finally flew off at high speed after three minutes. (Source: Sylva | | (North Carolina) Herald, March 16, 1978). | | | | 1983 - At 9:30 p.m. a bright light near the southeastern horizon | | approached a car with Mr. & Mrs. Waldemar aboard just north of | | Naylor, Missouri. As the elongated object approached they could see a | | cluster of red, green, and orange lights on the craft, which they | | estimated to be 150 feet long from front to back. The UFO turned and | | flew away. (Source: UFO Newsclipping Service, May 1983, p. 1, citing | | Clay County Courier, March 17, 1983). | | | | 1987 - According to MUFON, a silent triangular shaped UFO buzzed | | Corydon, Indiana at 11:30 p.m. (Source: Paul Ferrughelli, Computer | | Catalog of UFO Reports, 1988-94, case 578, citing Francis L. Ridge). | | | | 1988 - At 8:45 p.m. UFO investigators on the A61 highway north of | | Sheffield, England saw a large pulsating orange ovoid UFO fly by at | | 400 feet altitude (Source: Timothy Good, The UFO Report 1990, p. 25). | | | | 1991 - A 22-year-old man in Citrus Heights, California observed a | | light gray triangular object flying at 2000-3000 feet altitude at | | 10:30 p.m. The object was estimated to be 200 feet in diameter, had | | rounded corners, and flew silently at a speed of between 100 and 150 | | mph. It flew on a straight course, going directly overhead and | | finally passed beyond some trees. He could see the lightless object | | due to its reflection of lights from the ground. (Sources: MUFON | | field investigations database, case 911003W, John G. Maylone field | | investigator; Robert Gribble, MUFON UFO Journal, November 1992, p. | | 19). | | | | 1995 - In Cass County, Missouri a number of 25 foot in diameter | | bowl-shaped metallic discs lifted off from the ground in a farmer's | | field at 6:15 a.m. They wree only 100 feet away from the witness when | | they took off. (Source: Francis L. Ridge, UFO Intelligence | | Newsletter). | | | | 1997 - After dropping off his girlfriend at her home in the city of | | Santa Fe de Bogota, Colombia Juan Sudarsky was walking home alone at | | around 3:00 a.m. when he suddenly felt very cold. He next saw a | | purple light drop from the sky, and at the same time he heard a | | high-pitched screeching sound and he felt dizzy. He fell to his | | knees, sweating profusely despite the sensation of cold. An orange | | beam of light then appeared beside him. Several odd looking, | | medium-sized creatures then emerged from the beam. They appeared to | | have only one eye and each had a large antenna that radiated an odd | | blue light. They had a strange orifice where their mouths should have | | been. The creatures emitted intermittent screeches of varying | | frequencies. Juan could apparently understand them, because he was | | receiving mental messages. The beings then formed a circle around | | Sudarsky, and one of them approached and touched his forehead. He | | then got a mental message in perfect Spanish, telling him to guard | | the planet against pollution, because their own world was almost | | totally ruined, and now there were only 50 of them left. Soon after | | this they flew back into the purple light via the orange beam of | | light. Before leaving, the leader showed Sudarsky a strange | | communication device. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact | | Database 1997, case # 2844, citing UFO Sightings in New Mexico and | | the World). | | | | 1999 - A woman in Belper, Derbyshire, England saw a bright orange | | light in the sky from her home at 10:45 p.m. and got her binoculars. | | Looking through the binoculars she could tell the UFO was "a perfect | | black triangle" with a row of red lights on one side. It was also | | completely silent. Fifteen minutes later a motorist driving down a | | highway in Duffield, England saw a bright light in sky and pulled | | into a bus stop for better view. He reported seeing a "flat, | | triangular, black shape with equal sides, flying with the point | | first." (Source: Curt Sutherly, UFO Mysteries: A Reporter Seeks the | | Truth, p 206). | | | | 2004 - The crews of a number of fishing vessels fifty miles off the | | coast of Neah Bay, Washington observed a disc-shaped object with | | white, red and green lights at 7:00 p.m. on this evening. It flew | | around at high rates of speed and was in view for nearly half an | | hour. (Source: Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, | | Seattle, March 2004 archived webpage reports). | | | | Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 28 November 2005). | | | | Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. | | | | Themes: beams of light, da | | rk triangular UFOs, communication, disc-shaped UFOs, domed discs, lan | | ding, multicolored UFOs, multi-year reports from Indiana, oval-shaped | | UFOs, physiological effects, sensation of cold, silent UFOs, vehicle | | EM ignition interference effects, vertical ascent, wobbling motions. | | | |  < Calendar | Home | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+