+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | [On This Day] | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |  Encounters with Aliens on this Day | | | |  August 25th | | | | 1950 - 250 miles southwest of Bermuda over the Atlantic Ocean (29.67º | | N, 67.47º W). At 8:00 p.m. radarman S/Sgt. William Shaffer, flying in | | a B-29, picked up an unidentified radar blip. The B-29 followed the | | unidentified target, then passed it at one-quarter-mile distance, | | whereupon the target followed them for the next five minutes. It | | passed the B-29 and sped away. A blue streak was seen in the sky | | three minutes later. Total time of tracking: 20 minutes. (Source: Don | | Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns). | | | | 1951 - At 9:10 p.m. four Texas Tech professors--Robinson, Oberg, | | Ducker, and George--in a backyard in Lubbock, Texas saw the "Lubbock | | Lights", a string of perhaps 50 beads of light in a semi-circle or | | wing shape, which passed over from north to south. They were seen | | again less than one hour later. (Sources: Project Grudge Report #2, | | December 1951, p. 31; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume I, p. | |  131; Michael David Hall, Captain Edward J. Ruppelt: Summer of the | | Saucers--1952, p. 30). | | | | 1951 - In Albuquerque, New Mexico Sandia Base Security Guard Hugh | | Young and his wife sighted a huge flying wing-shaped craft pass over | | their heads at 9:58 p.m. at an estimated 800 to 1,000-feet altitude. | | The craft made no sound. Its size was estimated as 1.5 times the | | wingspan of a B-36 bomber, or 350 feet. It had dark, chordwise | | stripes on the underside, and 6-8 pairs of soft, glowing lights on | | the trailing edge of "wing". Its speed was estimated at 300-400 | | m.p.h., object seen for about 30 seconds. (Sources: Don Berliner, | | Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns; UNICAT, case # 479; Kevin D. Randall, | | The UFO Casebook, p. 56). | | | | 1952 - At Holloman AFB, New Mexico around 3:40 p.m., civilian | | supervisor Fred Lee and foreman L.A. Aquilar saw a round silver | | object fly south, turn and fly north, then make a 360-degree turn and | | shoot up vertically after 3-5 minutes. (Sources: Don Berliner, | | Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns, UNICAT, case # 741). | | | | 1952 - In Pittsburg, Kansas at 5:35 a.m. radio station musician | | William Squyres saw a dull aluminum object, shaped like two meat | | platters, face to face. The object was hovering about 10 feet above | | the ground, 100 yards off the road, with a slight rocking motion. He | | estimated its size at 75-feet long, 45-feet wide, and 15-feet thick. | | The head and shoulders of a man could be seen through a window in the | | front section, through which a blue light shone. The midsection had | | numerous windows through which could be seen some type of regular | | movement. A series of small propellers were arranged along the outer | | edge of the object spaced close together, revolving at high speed. It | | ascended vertically with a sound like a large covey of quail starting | | to fly at the same time. Vegetation showed signs of having been | | disturbed under the object. (Sources: NICAP UFO Investigator, January | | 1958, p. 24; The Hynek UFO Report, p. 200; Don Berliner, Project | | Bluebook UFO Unknowns; UNICAT, case # 292). | | | | August 25, 1952 Pittsburg, Kansas | | | | [Sketch of August 25, 1952 Pittsburg, Kansas sighting] | | | | 1955 - Four teenagers in a car in Greenhills, Ohio saw a creature | | with a luminous body, standing near a fireplug. (Source: Leonard | | Stringfield, Inside Saucer Post...3-0 Blue, p. 64; Jacques Vallee, | | Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 252). | | | | 1959 - At around eleven o'clock in the morning near Hagen, | | Werdehl-Eveking, Germany Lutz Holtmann began walking toward a bright | | object he had seen in the forest, but he fainted when he got close to | | it. When he regained consciousness he saw it silently take off in a | | vertical ascent. He described the UFO as round with tripod landing | | gear and two rows of bright openings. It was about 30 meters in | | diameter. (Sources: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of | | Landings, case 496;Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1959, | | both citing UFO Nachrichten, October 1959).   | | | | 1960 - On this afternoon an agriculture student named Nielsen was | | sucked up into a flying saucer in Halmstad, Sweden. He lost | | consciousness; when he came to he found himself on a bed in a room | | with light-emitting walls. A man wearing coveralls apologized to | | him in Swedish. He was then taken to an underground base. (Source: | | Flying Saucer Review, April 1963, p. 10; David F. Webb & Ted | | Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # A0503). | | | | 1961 - On or about this date five persons riding in a car near | | Toulouse, France observed a luminous, yellow sphere, 8 meters in | | diameter, that was flying about 10 meters above the road. It had | | horizontal and vertical bands of darker tone that gave the impression | | of windows. The UFO flew up and away very fast when the car reached | | town. (Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of | | Landings, case 523). | | | | 1964 - A silvery gray object with a dome on top, blinking red lights, | | a solid white light, and lights on the rim was sighted at close range | | by four boys in Littleton, Massachusetts at 9:30 p.m. It hovered with | | a fluttering motion near the ground, then finally shot off at high | | speed. The witnesses were able to approach to within 500 feet of the | | craft before it left. (Source: Raymond E. Fowler, case investigation | | file, report dated August 29, 1964). | | | | Littleton, Massachusetts Close Encounter - 1964 | | | | [Sketch of Littleton, Massachusetts CE-I - 1964 encounter] | | | | 1964 - An hour later in Lynn, Massachusetts another witness, | | 17-year-old Richard Pratt, heard a whistling sound and sighted a | | second domed disc. It was described as a silvery oval twenty feet in | | diameter, with a soft white glow and a lighted rim. It descended to | | below the treetops, only 300 feet away from the witness. (Sources: | | Raymond E. Fowler, case investigation file, report dated August 31, | | 1964; NICAP UFO Investigator, September 1964; Jacques Vallee, | | Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 622).622 Aug. 25, | | 1964 Lynn (Massachusetts).  | | | | Lynn, Massachusetts Close Encounter - 1964 | | | | [Sketch of Lynn, Massachusetts CE-I - 1964 encounter] | | | | 1965 - At three o'clock in the morning Zoilo Campos Aguilar, a night | | watchman, observed an object very close to the ground | | in Terreon, Mexico for 38 minutes. It was semi-oval shaped with a | | powerful yellow-orange light and left rapidly toward the south with a | | double trail. The apparent diameter was that of the full moon. | | (Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, | | case # 688, citing Otto Binder). | | | | 1965 - At 10:10 a.m. a red object shaped like a plate with two | | antennae on top and emittting fire and smoke through two openings in | | its lower section, shook a school building as it allegedly landed on | | the roof in Callao, Peru. Faculty and students at the Santa Leonor | | College observed the craft when it rose from the building, spinning | | and emitting red light beams as it flew off to the northeast. | | (Sources: Flying Saucer Review, November-December 1967; Jacques | | Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 689). | | | | 1966 - On this day a domed, disc-shaped craft made complex, high | | speed maneuvers over Malibu, California. (Source: Richard H. Hall, | | The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, p. 152). | | | | 1967 - At 4:00 p.m. in Eldon, Missouri an ovoid object flew slowly | | and silently to the southwest at 800 feet altitude. Two witnesses in | | a car attempted to follow it, but it tilted and vanished. (Source: | | Ted R. Phillips, FSR Case Histories, December 1971, p. 9). | | | | 1967 - In Catia la Mar, Venezuela three large-sized disc-shaped | | objects were seen to emerge from the sea at five o'clock in the | | afternoon by Ruben Norato, after he observed a "precipitous movement | | of the water." (Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A | | Century of Landings, case # 872, citing NICAP UFO Investigator, March | | 1968). | | | | 1967 - Shortly after 11:00 p.m. a round, hazy mass of orange-red | | light, about a quarter of a mile away, was sighted by two witnesses | | in Rising Brook, Staffordshire, England. It was estimated to be about | | 60 feet in diameter, and at a maximum height of 300-400 feet from the | | ground. It hovered, then moved slowly to the south, stopped, and then | | moved back again. It made no sound. (Source: Roger H. Stanway & | | Anthony Pace, UFOs Unidentified Undeniable, p. 7). | | | | 1968 - In Aldaya, Valencia, Spain Juan Gazcon del Toro, age 44, | | was riding his bicycle home from work at 8:00 p.m., and was crossing | | a cultivated field when, as he turned a bend, saw a silvery | | gray object on the ground resting on four legs. Next to the object | | stood two short beings; the witness bicycled closer to the object, | | stopped 40 meters away from it, and then looked at it more closely. | | The craft had a small dome with an antennae on top, and an open door | | from which a silvery ladder extended to the ground. Both beings wore | | helmets with visors from which a rubber hose like protrusion was | | apparently connected to their chest area. They also wore wide belts | | and small boots, and their outfits were white in color. The beings | | stood by the object ignoring the witness, so he pedalled his bicycle | | away from the site and did not watch the object depart. (Sources: | | Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos & Fernandez Peri, Enciclopedia De los | | Encuentros Cercanos con Ovnis, p. 83; Albert S. Rosales, 1968 | | Humanoid Contact Database, case # 95, citing Ballester Olmos Olmos & | | Fernandez Peri; UNICAT, case # 493). | | | | 1971 - Feeling a compulsion to go to a certain place, Paul de Brescia | | walked to an isolated wooded area near Grasse, France. In a clearing | | he encountered two very tall humanoids, about 1.85 meters in height | | with well-proportioned bodies and long blond hair. They wore | | tight-fitting bluish metallic coveralls with wide white belts and | | white gloves. The witness felt a sense of compassion and | | understanding emanating from the humanoids. The humanoids approached | | him and communicated in French, telling him that they had come from | | the star system of Vega. They were here on a mission to attempt to | | persuade humanity to change its ways. After more conversation one of | | the humanoids gave Paul something resembling a piece of chocolate, | | which he ate, he became drowsy and later woke up in his apartment, | | suffering a complete amnesia of the event. He was only able to recall | | the incident on a later date. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid | | Contact Database 1971, citing Denys Breysse, Project Becassine). | | | | 1972 - Steve Cleveland, a carnival worker from Eau Claire, Wisconsin | | called radio station WLS in Chicago to report that as he had been | | sitting on his suitcase outside of Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin at around | | 2:00 a.m. hoping to hitch a ride to Eau Clare, when he had seen "a | | huge ship" come down in a nearby field, out of which came two beings | | about five feet tall. They took some samples of the vegetation and | | got back into the object, which then lifted off. He said he observed | | the phenomenon for 15 minutes. (Source: David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, | | HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1972-22, citing | | APRO Bulletin, November-December 1973). | | | | 1976 - At 2:30 a.m. a 10-year-old boy in Blissfield, Michigan got up | | to go to the bathroom. When he looked out the window he saw a deep | | orange luminous globe blinking on and off and slowly zigzagging in | | the sky. He watched it for 10-15 minutes, feeling a “pull” from it. | | Then when it blinked he suddenly found himself inside it, where | | two greenish beings sat with their arms over a table with little | | black knobs. They were busy manipulating the knobs while a third | | being stood in front of the boy. The third entity was about an inch | | taller than the boy. The beings appeared not to have any eyes, nose, | | mouth, or neck, and instead of fingers they had pincers like a | | crayfish. They had two small projections on the top of their heads. | | Their legs did not end in feet, and when they walked it sounded like | | "a wooden legged pirate.” The skin on their cheeks and arms was bumpy | | and rough like an alligator, and there were scales on their bodies. | | They did not utter words, but “hummed like Morse code.” After what | | seemed like about five seconds the boy found himself back in his | | house, and ran upstairs. Later that same night, at about five a.m., | | his 11-year old sister awoke and saw a blue light outside her window. | | (Sources: Dr. Ron Westrum, CUFOS case files, report dated November | | 12, 1976; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid | | Reports, case # 1976-65, citing Ron Westrum). | | | | 1976 - At shortly after 8:00 p.m. a silver disc-shaped object hovered | | over the Tappan Zee Bridge in South Nyack, New York for 10 minutes. | | It then ascended, and flew away to the east. There were several other | | sightings in Westchester County. (Source: John Wallace Spencer,  UFO | | Yearbook, p. 91) | | | | 1977 - At 10:30 a.m. a driver described as a very reliable man was | | driving along a highway in Lluchmayor Palma de Mallorca, Baleares, | | Spain when he saw a very small (35 cm) object in the road directly | | ahead of him. It was too late to stop the car, and he knocked the | | "bowling pin shaped" thing down and ran it over, "feeling an intense | | sensation that he had killed a living being." Investigation at the | | site disclosed a circular wet stain. About two weeks earlier, there | | had been a UFO sighting at Palma de Mallorca. No UFO was associated | | with this incident. (Source: David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: | | Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1977-46, citing Ignacio | | Darnaude & Antonio Moya Cerpa). | | | | 1977 - Many witnesses in Montjoly, Finistere, France watched a | | noctural light rise from the sea at 9:30 p.m. It was seen a second | | time at 11:02 p.m. It zigzagged to the west, and was completely | | silent. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 340). | | | | 1978 - A young couple in Villa Carlos Paz, Entre Rios, Argentina was | | pursued by a UFO that gave off a yellow light with violet flashes | | and left a brilliant trail. It made a high-pitched humming sound like | | jet turbines, and made two turns over their vicinity. To get away | | they hid in an abandoned house. (Source: Jane Thomas, UFO | | Newsclipping Service, November 1978, p. 16, citing Cronica, September | |  27, 1978). | | | | 1979 - In Villenueve-sur-Lot, Lot-et-Garonne department, France a | | 10-meter in diameter disc-shaped UFO paced a car at 11:20 a.m. for | | two minutes, and then stopped low over a field. No traces were found. | | (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, October 1979). | | | | 1979 - A 25-year-old administrator and two of his companions on | | Balsam Lake in Polk County, Wisconsin watch a shiny metallic disc | | oscillating in the sky in a falling leaf motion for seven minutes. It | | stopped, rose up, circled, and then went off towards the northeast. | | That night in Hudon, Wisconsin four more people, including a | | 40-year-old salesman, witnessed a disc-shaped UFO for five minutes. | | (Source: Allan Hendry, International UFO Reporter, December 1979, | | p. 4). | | | | 1981 - Two women, Chinigo and Gudaitis, driving in a car on a rural | | road in Killingly, Connecticut at 9:15 p.m. saw two bright lights, | | then a lopsided hexagonal shaped object that followed their car | | through several turns. (Sources: Joe Graziano, APRO Bulletin, | | February 1982, p. 7; John F. Schuessler, MUFON UFO Journal, November | | 1982, p. 4, citing Norwich Bulletin, August 27, 1981). | | | | 1988 - In Dal'negorsk in the Far East of Russia a dull white | | hemisphere rose up from near the ground behind a house at 11:00 p.m. | | It was surrounded by a fog or mist. The object then was seen emitting | | a beam of light. It remained present for two hours. (Source: Timothy | | Good, The UFO Report 1990, p. 123). | | | | 1989 - Driving north on 9th Avenue in Pensacola, Florida close to | | Olive Road a 20-year-old woman reported sighting a white, | | rectangular object flying just above the trees about half a mile | | away. She turned left on another road to get a better view, but could | | not see because trees were blocking here view.  She went back to the | | point of her first view, but the object had gone. The sighting lasted | | 30 seconds. (Source: Carol & Rex Salisberry, MUFON UFO CD-Rom | | Database of Reports, case # 891007d). | | | | 1991 - At 10:00 p.m. a 64-year-old farmer in Muriti, near the city | | of Paraipaba, Ceara State, Brazil saw a ball of light with | | two smaller BOLs to one side of it. All three objects moved slowly | | east to west. Three of the farmer's neighbors came outside to see the | | UFOs as well. The objects stopped, and then moved toward the four | | witnesses, then finally blinked out. (Source: Richard F. Haines, | | Project Delta: A Study of Multiple UFO, p. 52, citing Bob Pratt). | | | | 1992 - Beginning at 9:51 p.m. a group of four witnesses in Durant, | | Oklahoma watched a cone-shaped UFO with light beams that swung in the | | sky in a pendulum motion. The UFO was blue on top, yellow in the | | middle, and white on the bottom. The first witness, age 65, saw the | | light outside through a window through some trees. "It moved fast | | from one position to another." The first witness called the others to | | come out, who viewed it for about 30 minutes until they got tired of | | watching. (Source: Dennis W. Stacy, MUFON UFO Journal, September | | 1993, p. 20). | | | | 1993 - In Moliets-et-Maa, Landes, France a 30 meter long, silent gray | | "cloud" rotated in the sky, then emitted 8 truncated coherent light | | beams through "doors." It flew off to the north. (Source: Lumieres | | dans la Nuit, issue # 322). | | | | 1996 - At a dam northeast of Wheatland, Wyoming a witness watched a | | huge disc-shaped UFO following an airliner to the northeast at 1:30 | | a.m. The UFO then came to hover and zig-zag over the dam. It had many | | white portholes along the rim of the object. The encounter lasted | | over two and a half hours. (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer database, | | sighting R. Leo Sprinkle). | | | | 2000 - Two witnesses watched a multi-colored triangular object as it | | hovered over Gunn, Alberta, Canada at 10:05 p.m. The colors of the | | UFO were green, blue, red, yellow, and orange; it later disappeared | | with a bright flash of light. (Sources: George Filer, Filer's Files, | | September 2000, p. 18; Geoff Dittman, 2000 Canadian UFO Survey, case | | # 151).  | | | | 2001 - At 3:27 p.m. two solid orange objects were seen moving slowly | | in the blue sky over Saint-Laurent, Chambly, Quebec. Photos were | | taken. (Source: Geoff Dittman, 2001 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 271, | | citing Alberta UFO Study Group). | | | | 2001 - In Manning, Alberta, Canada at 12:30 a.m. two witnesses | | watched a blue light that dropped to the ground, then flashed | | intermittently for 45 minutes. It finally rose again into the sky. | | (Source:Geoff Dittman, 2001 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 272, citing | | Alberta UFO Study Group). | | | | 2002 - Peter O'Hanlon sighted four orange glowing triangular objects | | flying in formation over the outskirts of Waterford, Ireland at 10:05 | | p.m. The two in the rear moved about erratically, and all four | | followed a curved trajectory across the sky until out of sight. | | (Source: Dermot Butler, Conspiracy of Silence: UFOs in Ireland, p. | | 137). | | | | 2003 - Shortly after 6 p.m. three witnesses with the last names of | | Duffy and Myers, driving near Lispole, Ireland saw what looked like a | | light aircraft trailing flames and smoke, which appeared to crash | | near Lispole along the R559 route. No wreckage was ever | | found.(Sources: Dermot Butler, Conspiracy of Silence: UFOs in | | Ireland, p. 105; The Star, August 26, 2003). | | | | 2003 - A shiny, silvery tumbling disc was seen moving slowly to the | | southeast from Lompoc, California. The sighting reportedly lasted | | five minutes. (Source: Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting | | Center, Seattle, August 2003 webpage). | | | | 2004 - Military maneuvers code-named "Shield of the Fatherland-2004" | | had begun in the forests of Belarus. A senior lieutenant named | | Dmitriy, commander of a reconnaissance diversion group (RDG), was | | performing rear guard operations and was engaged in destroying | | targets pre-positioned at Krepachi, Baranovichi area, Brest region. | | On the night of August 24 they made camp. Two men code-named | | "Rainbow" and "Hedgehog" were posted for night watch duty. The group | | had decided to make camp 375 meters away from the village of Krepachi | | in the Brest region. The location was mixed forest, in a clearing | | with two large old oak trees and a lake between them. The almost | | deserted village was not on any map, and the nearest really inhabited | | place was the hamlet of Gorodiszhe. At 3:08 a.m. they were awakened | | by a bright but plain spreading orange light. Their portable radio | | communications continued to work. Dmitriy asked Rainbow by radio if | | he had seen anything. Rainbow replied that he could see a | | plate-shaped craft about 27 meters from him, hovering over the ground | | at an altitude of about 2.5m. Dmitriy then gave the command to take | | defensive positions and prepare the grenade launcher. After | | confirming that all his men were ready, Dmitriy took another man, | | "Barkhan", and went on a reconnaissance patrol. The object was | | generally saucer-shaped with a truncated cone above. At close | | observation the object seemed metallic. The UFO emitted a beam of | | turquoise beam of light from its center. Unexpectedly, "Hedgehog" | | next reported that he could see four figures approaching him from the | | object, but he could not see them properly because of the tall grass | | concealing them. The soldiers then turned on their laser rangefinder | | to infrared mode. The humanoid figures seemed very tall, but the men | | still could not see them properly. Dmitriy noticed that the figures | | moved evenly as if robotic in nature. Seconds later the UFO quickly | | gained altitude, zooming out of sight beyond the clouds. According to | | the laser rangefinder the UFO's departing speed was 2600 kilometers | | per hour. The humanoid figures then walked in different directions. | | Dmitriy did not order his men to follow them, because that could lead | | to separating the group, which contradicted the defensive order. The | | figures seemed to walk through some high tension wires as if they | | were not there. Dmitriy could only hope that the humanoids and object | | would quickly leave and that his men would not be harmed.  | | | | After returning to their unit, some of the men informed senior | | officers of what had taken place. The officers ordered the men to | | keep silence, in order to prevent them from being discharged from the | | Army for "psychological" reasons. One officer suggested that the men | | had been hallucinating as a result of the rigorous training | | exercises. Later, intelligence personnel interviewed the men, and | | appeared to be relieved that the men had not used their weapons | | against the "aliens" for fear of retaliation. A female resident of | | the village told Army investigators that spherical and disk-shaped | | objects were often observed in the location. The villagers had been | | pasturing cows in the glade where the UFO had descended, and the | | soldiers had camped, and they reported that the cows' milk production | | had dropped dramatically. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, 2004 Humanoid | | Contact Database, citing "UFO at Military Maneuvers in Belarus", | | Inoplanetyanin (Extraterrestrial) Newspaper, Ukraine, January 30, | | 2005). | | | | 2004 - At 4:00 p.m. an elderly man and a young boy in Lagos, Nigeria | | reported seeing a circular craft crash at the shoreline. According to | | the man, he was cooling off at a beach resort when a circular-shaped | | object flew over him and crashed onto the waters off of the beach. He | | reported the case to the Aviation Authority, but they did not believe | | him. The young boy, who was peddling spring water around the beach | | resort, also corroborated the first witness's account, but was also | | brushed aside by authorities. as an infantile hallucination. The site | | where the craft was purported to have crashed was later searched by | | divers, and they claimed to have found nothing. (Source: Albert S. | | Rosales,2004 Humanoid Contact Database, citing Peter Davenport, | | National UFO Reporting Center, August 2004 web page). | | | | Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 20 August 2012). | | | | Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. | | | | Themes: abductions, aluminum-colored or silvery UFOs, car | | pacings, compulsive behavior by witness to go to a rendezvous, cone- | | shaped UFO, disc-shaped UFOs, domed discs, flying wing-shaped UFOs, h | | uman-looking humanoid, humming sound, landings, luminous humanoid, me | | tallic blue uniforms, multi-colored UFOs, nautical UFOs: discs emergi | | ng from sea, Nordic humanoids, orange UFOs, pendulum motion, short UF | | Onauts, spherical UFO, tall UFOnauts, triangular UFOs, tripod landing | | gear, vertical ascent, white uniforms, yellow UFO, zigzag maneuvers. | | | | © Donald A. Johnson | | | |  < Calendar | Home | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+