+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | [On This Day] | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |  Encounters with Aliens on this Day | | | |  August 20 | | | | 1949 - At 10:15 p.m. in Las Cruces, New Mexico Astronomer Clyde | | Tombaugh, discoverer of the planet Pluto, reported sighting six to | | eight green, rectangular UFOs flying in a symmetrical formation. He | | had a second sighting 30 minutes later. (Sources: Richard Hall, The | | UFO Evidence, p. 130, citing letter from Tombaugh dated August 7, | | 1957; UNICAT, case # 530, citing Dr. James E. McDonald).  | | | | 1950 - On this afternoon in Nicosia, Cyprus at 1:30 p.m., three | | military officers sighted a small, round, bright white flying object. | | MATS liaison officer Lt. William Ghormley, Colonel W. V. Brown, and | | Lt. Colonel L.W. Brauer reported that the UFO flew fast, straight and | | level for 15-20 seconds. (Sources: Project Blue Book files counted in | | official statistics, case # 793; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO | | Unknowns). | | | | 1952 - At 3:10 a.m. Bill Ford and two others in Neffsville, | | Pennsylvania watched an unidentified object fly through the sky at | | 500 feet altitude for several minutes. (Sources: Project Blue Book | | files counted in official statistics, case # 1938; Don Berliner, | | Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns; Kevin D. Randle, Invasion Washington: | | UFOs over the Capitol, p. 278). | | | | 1952 - Air Defense Command radar tracked a UFO 60 miles from the | | Congaree Air Force Base, South Carolina at speeds of 4,000 mph at | |  around 10:00 a.m. (Sources: Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, p. 132; | | Donald E. Keyhoe, Flying Saucers from Outer Space, p. 96). | | | | 1953 - The crew of a TB-29 bomber/trainer aircraft flying near Castle | | AFB in California reported that at 9:05 p.m. PDT a gray oval object | | made four passes at their airplane (three times at 10-20 miles | | distance), then dived vertically as if two objects. (Sources: Project | | Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 2686; Project | | Blue Book Report #12; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns, p. | | 21; Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 21). | | | | 1953 - At 9:30 p.m. a large round black object stopped in the air | | over the radio tower in Burlington, Vermont for three minutes. | | (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 3114, citing APRO | | Bulletin, 1953). | | | | 1954 - On this afternoon two sisters in Norway met the pilot of a | | UFO. While picking blueberries in fields around Ceydalen, near | | Mosjoen, Norway 24-year-old Edith Jacobsen and her sister, Asta | | Solvang, were approached by a man with a tanned complexion and long | | hair who smiled and made friendly hand gestures. Curious, they | | decided not to run away. The stranger wore a greenish one-piece | | coverall, which covered him all the way up to his neck, and they | | could not see any buttons or seams. He also wore a very wide belt | | around his waist. But what really grabbed their attention was the | | man’s long, light brown hair. His eyes were light blue and somewhat | | slanted, and his skin was a bronze color. After waving back to the | | visitor, they asked who he was. The man extended his hand towards the | | women but instead of shaking hands he slightly brushed their palms, | | and then spoke in a "sing song type manner” and in a language they | | could not comprehend, even though both women were fluent in English, | | German, and Russian and were knowledgeable in Spanish and French. | | “His hands were beautiful,” said one of the women, “with long well | | manicured fingers like that of an artist”. The stranger took | | something out of his coverall that resembled a pencil and what | | appeared to be a piece of paper, when he then proceeded to draw a | | central point surrounded by several circles, which seemed to | | represent the orbits of the planets within our solar system. After | | pointing out the Earth and the moon, the stranger pointed at a | | ‘planet’ which the women were unable to distinguish due to their | | state of excitement. Moments later he put both items back into his | | tunic through a seam that neither woman was able to see. At this | | point both women were starting to feel a little concerned, but the | | smiling man motioned for them to follow him. Both women obeyed and | | soon arrived in a small clearing in which rested a metallic | | lenticular-shaped object with a small dome on top. The object | | measured some 4 to 5 meters in diameter and was about 1.30 meters in | | height, and was grayish-blue in color. As they started to approach | | the craft the man motioned for them to step back. He then opened a | | hatch at the base of the object and climbed in, and then closed the | | hatch. The women then heard a slight whistling sound, and moments | | later the object began to rise up into air with a rotating motion. | | Once the craft had climbed to about 45 meters it stopped momentarily, | | and then it increased its rotation, quickly rising up into the sky in | | a diagonal trajectory and disappearing from sight. The women notified | | the police after the encounter and according to police officials both | | women were of sound mind and well respected in the community. | | (Source: David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid | | Reports, case # 1954-44 (A0243), citing Oddvar J. Larsen; Jacques & | | Janine Vallee, Challenge to Science: The UFO Enigma, p. 129). | | | | 1955 - At 10:45 p.m. two men on a lake in Kenora, Ontario, Canada saw | | a saucer-shaped UFO come in front of them, hovering just 40 feet over | | the water. It was silver white in color, four or five feet across, | | and at a distance of less than 75 meters. It slid sideways, hovered | | again, tilted on its side, straightened out, then shot away. It | | was gone in three seconds, covering 40 degrees of arc in the sky. | | (Sources: J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, p. 97; UNICAT, case # | | 382). | | | | 1957 - In Venezuela at 10:30 a.m. ten small discs orbited one huge | | disc southwest of Carora, Lara province, and one landed. The rest | | engaged in zig-zag maneuvers. (Source: Loren E. Gross, The Fifth | | Horseman of the Apocalypse: UFOs: A History. 1957: August-September, | | p. 36). | | | | 1957 - In the evening in Quilino, Cordoba, Argentina an Air Force man | | inside a tent heard a loud, shrill sound and then saw a disc that | | descended while grass and plants fluttered wildly underneath it. He | | found himself unable to draw his gun, which "seemed to be glued in | | its holster." A voice came from inside the craft, telling him in | | Spanish that UFOs had a base in the Salta area and would soon show | | themselves to warn all people about the dangers of a nuclear | | catastrophe.  (Sources: Gordon Creighton, FSR Special Edition #1: The | | Humanoids, p. 36; John A. Keel, Operation Trojan Horse, p. 197; | | Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case | | 398). | | | | 1959 - The witness and three young girls were sleeping in a station | | wagon at Lake Bonita, New Mexico. At around three a.m. they were | | awake to see a bright fireball descend and land on the side of the | | nearby mountain. Several figures carrying what looked like bright | | flashlights emerged from the object and approached their location, | | shining beams of light inside their car and illuminating the area | | like daylight. The figures then left the area and the witnesses ran | | from their vehicle and crawled to the relative safety of a nearby | | cabin. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1959, | | case # 3604, citing Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, | | Seattle). | | | | 1962 - Raimundo Mafra da Silva testified before the police that while | | working in a field in Duas Pontes, Minas Gerais State, Brazil he saw | | two spherical objects hovering just two meters above the ground, only | | a few meters from his house. One was black with an antenna-like | | protrusion and a small tail, and the other was black and white. Both | | emitted a humming sound and a flickering flame through an opening. | | The boy's father warned him to stay away as his father Rivalino | | walked toward the objects, praying. When he was two meters away, the | | two spheres merged into one, raising dust from the ground and | | spreading a yellow mist that enveloped the man. The boy ran after his | | father, noting that the cloud had "an acrid smell." As it dissolved, | | everything had vanished including his father. The police | | investigation, headed by Lieutenant Lisboa, failed to reveal any | | clue. Many terrified neighbors left the area at the time because of | | this incident. (Sources: APRO Bulletin, September 1962, p. 1; Coral E | | Lorenzen, Flying Saucers: The Startling Evidence of the Invasion from | | Outer Space, p. 213; Frank Edwards, Flying Saucers--Serious Business, | | p. 303; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, | | case # 543; Jacques Vallee, Confrontations: A Scientist's Search for | | Alien Contact, p. 126). | | | | 1963 - In a wooded area near Rome, Italy a man in a car observed at | | 9:32 p.m. an object resembling a plate turned upside down, with a | | central turret, flying low over his vehicle. (Source: Jacques Vallee, | | Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 579, citing | | Project Blue Book). | | | | 1965 - At 3:00 a.m. EDT Mrs. T. E. Schumaker of Mount Airy, North | | Carolina was awakened by a loud humming sound and found she could not | | speak or move for awhile. When she finally was able to reach her | | window and look out, she saw a vertical, cigar- shaped, luminous | | object. It moved right and left, then back and forth, etc. Ultimately | | it disappeared behind some trees. The next morning a circle of | | crushed grass, four meters in diameter, was found in her yard. | | (Sources: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, | | case # 682; Flying Saucer Review, March-April 1966). | | | | 1965 - At 5:20 a.m. EDT a former Navy aircraft spotter sighted a | | grayish-silver disc hovering over the city of Haverhill, | | Massachusetts as he approached in his car from the crest of a high | | hill. It made no sound. (Source: Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: | | Interplanetary Visitors, p. 70). | | | | 1965 - At 11:50 a.m. several tourists in Cuzco, Peru, including | | Alberto Ugarte and Elwin Voter, observed a strange craft land near | | the Inca ruins that they were visiting. The object was a small | | silvery disc, only five feet in diameter, and it landed on a terrace | | of the Sacsahuaman Inca site. Two luminous dwarfish beings, “of | | strange shape and dazzling brightness,” briefly emerged from it. They | | were also described as having "vertical mouths." They quickly got | | back inside into their craft, which then flew off. (Sources: David F. | | Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case | | # 1965-38; APRO Bulletin, January-February 1966; Jacques Vallee, | | Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 683; FSR Special | | Issue #1: The Humanoids, p. 43)  | | | | 1965 - At 11:00 p.m. local time Eduardo Lujan Yacobi and his wife, | | Teresa Ernestina Acuna, were returning to their home in Mar del | | Plata, Buenos Aires province, Argentina when they heard a loud | | humming sound and saw a reddish glowing, oval-shaped object pass | | overhead and land 200 meters away. The object, which was flashing and | | rotating, brushed the tops of nearby trees in its passage overhead | | and, after landing, the Yacobis could see luminous red or violet | | figures moving about and examining the craft, as if in some type of | | repair activity. After a short while these figures re-entered the | | machine, which took off and disappeared within a few seconds. Others | | in the neighborhood had seen the object’s passage overhead, and still | | others had heard the humming noise. Total duration of incident was 30 | | minutes. (Sources: David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of | | Humanoid Reports, case # 1965-39; Jacques Vallee, Passport to | | Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 685; FSR Special Issue #1: The | | Humanoids, p. 42) | | | | 1966 - Early in the morning Otto Becker, his son, and daughter-in-law | | woke up to find their entire house in Heraldsburg, California bathed | | in bright light. They next observed a "six-story" tall object at | | treetop level sixty meters away. It gave off rainbow colors that | | appeared to pour off its edges "like water" in a fantastic display. A | | distinct engine noise was heard before it took off vertically. | | Domestic animals had been greatly disturbed, and the witness had | | inflamed eyes for several days. (Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to | | Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 789, citing Bob Gribble, | | January 1967). | | | | 1966 - Later that day outside of Bozeman, Montana Dan Duggleby was up | | in the hills with a .22 caliber rifle when he heard a "whooshing" | | noise and looked up to see a large rocket-shaped object about 60 feet | | in diameter and 300 feet tall, which landed close by. An opening | | appeared in the side of the cylinder and a ramp slid out, and five | | robotic metal "boxes" with small wheels on the bottoms and four | | "arms" on the sides came down the ramp. One took ground samples, | | while three of the others took air, grass, and flower samples and the | | last one "just stood there." When finished they rolled back up the | | ramp, the ramp slid in, and the ship took off straight up and | | vanished in the fog. The witness had seen disc-like UFOs on many | | previous occasions. (Source: David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: | | Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1966-33, citing | | Duggleby's letter to the FBI). | | | | 1966 - In Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil a woman called the police | | to report a luminous object rising and descending on top of a high | | hill. When policemen climbed to the site they found the bodies of two | | men, electronic technicians Pereira da Cruz and Viana. The bodies | | were wearing lead masks on the upper part of the face. An autopsy | | failed to disclose the cause of death, but the investigation | | disclosed several earlier incidents and a mysterious organization to | | which these men belonged. (Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to | | Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 790, citing a personal | | investigation). | | | | 1966 - In Randlett, Utah at sunset a 12-year-old girl named Cuch | | spotted a glowing yellow-orange domed disc hovering in the sky. It | | glowed orange, approached, and then a red beam came out of the | | bottom. When children ran toward it, it flew away. (Sources: Frank | | Salisbury, The Utah UFO Display, Appendix A, case 10; Richard H. | | Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, p. 380). | | | | Randlett, Utah Close Encounter August 20, 1966 | | | | [Sketch of Randlett, Utah Close Encounter August 20, 1966 sighting] | | | | 1968 - In Schitul Bunea, Romania two men saw a 30 meter cone-shaped | | object that hovered for 90 minutes, beginning at around 11:00 p.m. It | | emitted a beam of light upwards. (Source: Ion Hobanna & Julien | | Weberbergh, UFOs from Behind the Iron Curtain, p. 243). | | | | 1970 - At 6:30 a.m. several young boys in Bukit Mertajam, Penang | | province, Malaysia encountered a round blue object on the ground, and | | several three inch tall ugly humanoids stood around the object. One | | of the humanoids took out an object resembling a gun and shot one of | | the boys on his hand when the boy attempted to grab him. The boys ran | | to get their teachers but upon returning to the site the object and | | the creatures were gone. Later that same day the same young witness | | from the previous day encountered a small UFO on the ground near the | | school compound. Five three-inch tall humanoids emerged from the | | object. One of them, who appeared to be the leader, wore a yellow | | uniform and had two horn-like protrusions on his head. The other four | | wore blue uniforms. The leader pointed a weapon at the witness and | | shot at him. The witness blacked out and was found later lying in the | | bushes. He regained consciousness later, and a small red dot appeared | | on his leg where he had been shot by the creature. Two other boys in | | the same village went out looking for the reported small UFO and | | spotted two tiny men among some bushes. One was on a rock and the | | other on a tree branch. Both figures were dressed in yellow suits, | | and one had only one arm and appeared to be holding a small gun. The | | boys attempted to capture the entities but they got away. That | | evening the young son of a local high-ranking police official was | | returning from school when he saw two tiny figures hiding in the | | bushes near the school compound. As he tried to capture them he was | | shot in the hand and received a small cut. (Source: Albert S. | | Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1970, case # 815, citing Ahmad | | Jamaluddin, FSR, Vol. 28 # 5). | | | | 1971 - A teenage couple in Cirencester, Gloucester, England were | | frozen with fear over the close approach of two orange lights, which | | hovered only 100 yards away from them. (Source: Mrs. K. Smith, The | | BUFORA Journal, January 1972, p. 15). | | | | 1972 - At 5:45 a.m. a hat-shaped disc flew toward the east with a | | loud whirring sound over Montagne-de-Rougemont, Rouville, Quebec. A | | fireball turned 90 degrees, and shot off to the west-northwest. | | (Source: Wido Hoville case files; Larry Hatch, U computer database, | | case # 9663). | | | | 1973 - At 10:15 p.m. an 18 meter in diameter disc-shaped object flew | | over Vertheuil, Gironde department, France and tilted at a 45 degree | | angle. It had illuminated, square windows. It then leveled off and | | flew away. (Sources: Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 10059; | | Lumieres dans la Nuit, issues # 135 & 309). | | | | 1974 - Driving on Route 43 near Derry, New Hampshire at 9:30 p.m. Joe | | Recupero saw an object through his windshield that was moving from | | east to west, approximately 300 yards distant, and as "big as a | | house." It was white in color, fuzzy and bright as the sun, and was | | followed by several smaller objects. It moved into some trees along | | the highway between Exits 4 and 5, so he pulled off the road, got | | out, and began looking for it. After searching for several | | minutes, he suddenly spotted two small "mummy like" figures in the | | woods, some 40 yards distant. Alarmed, he got back into his car and | | drove off. The entire incident lasted one hour, although the mummy | | figures were only seen briefly. (Source: David F. Webb & Ted | | Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1974-40 | | (A1349), citing investigators John Oswald & Bill Haylock). | | | | 1974 - A series of UFO sightings with police reports and multiple | | radar confirmation occurred in Albany and Saratoga Counties, New | | York. (Sources: APRO Bulletin, July-August 1974, p. 3; Margaret Sachs | | & Ernest Jahn, Celestial Passengers, pp. 98-101; John Wallace | | Spencer, UFO Yearbook, p. 165). | | | | 1978 - A 64-year old man in Toledo, Ohio witnessed a dull silver | | silent fuselage at 7:30 p.m. that flew to the south on steady course | | and speed, at an estimated altitude of 2000 feet. It was twice the | | apparent size of the Moon. (Source: Allan Hendry, International UFO | | Reporter, December 1978, p. 14). | | | | 1984 - At around 9:00 p.m. a triangular-shaped object with an | | L-shaped tail hung in the sky over a pond in Mahopac Falls, Putnam | | County, New York, then followed after two witnesses in their car | | making sharp maneuvers. Next it moved over top of a neighbor's house, | | and hovered over their yard for three minutes. A second UFO was seen | | there an hour and a half later that was rectangular shaped. In | | Kingston, Ulster County, New York there were more Hudson Valley type | | sightings of delta-shaped objects with lights, including a possible | | abduction. (Sources: Gerry Arena, APRO Bulletin, May 1985, p. 1; J. | | Allen Hynek & Philip Imbrogno, Night Siege: The Hudson Valley UFO | | Sightings, p. 204). | | | | 1987 - On this night in Pine Bush, Orange County, New York a | | nocturnal light was seen traveling at treetop level. It became a | | delta-shaped object with four headlights in front as it came closer. | | It maneuvered for awhile, and then flew off. (Source: Ellen Crystal, | | p. 1). | | | | 1990 - A dark box-shaped UFO landed in a swamp in Victoria, Entre | | Rios, Argentina. Lights were seen blinking above the object, then | | joined together, and finally shot off toward the south-southeast. | | (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 15234; Lumieres | | dans la Nuit, issue #312) | | | | 1992 - A sequence of multi-witness sightings occurred in Pittsford, | | Monroe County, New York that lasted for an hour and a half, beginning | | at 10:00 p.m. The first sighting was of a band of arcade-like rolling | | front lights and three distinctly large lights, with small red lights | | at the center rear. The object was estimated to be at 1,200 feet | | altitude, larger than a Boeing-747, and moving slowly at about 60 | | mph. Several witnesses called MUFON field investigator George Hoenig, | | who took photographs of a "stack of dishes" rotating and tumbling, | | with streaks of light darting about. Two women had a close encounter | | with two boomerang-shaped objects with a fat center. The | | objects stayed the same distance apart and had ten lights each. At | | first they moved at a steady, slow pace, but then they accelerated as | | they went over. They made no sound. (Sources: Donald M. Ware, MUFON | | UFO Journal, December 1992, p. 18 and January 1993, p. 16; George K. | | Hoenig, MUFON case files CD-ROM, cases 921103EA, 921103EC, 921103EE, | | and 921103EF). | | | | 1993 - A woman in Baca Chalets, Saguache County in the San Luis | | Valley, Colorado had been watching late night television around one | | o'clock in the morning and had just turned off the light when she | | heard noises coming from the kitchen. She called out but got no | | response. Puzzled, she went to bed and turned off the light. Just as | | her eyes were getting accustomed to the dark, ten or twelve three and | | a half to four foot tall creatures glided into the room in a tight | | group, and came to stand less than three feet from where she lay. She | | sat up in amazement, staring at them. When they first came in she | | thought she could see right through them, but as they got into the | | room they became solid. The beings clustered around the foot of her | | bed, looking at her. She felt the entities, were "cold, and | | completely indifferent, maybe a little curious." They were small and | | slight and had huge almond-shaped eyes. Sleeping next to her was her | | five-year old son. She suddenly thought of the boy and became afraid, | | thinking, "they are here because of him!" She then forcefully told | | them to leave. The beings then silently glided out the wall, they way | | they came in. That same night a neighbor reported feeling a presence | | and seeing peculiar shadows in his bedroom, about two hours earlier. | | (Source: Christopher O'Brien, The Mysterious Valley, p. 189). | | | | 1996 - At 2:15 a.m. a teenage girl witnessed a metallic, disc-shaped | | object hovering above a group of nearby power lines in her backyard | | in West Manchester, Ohio. The round bottom of the craft appeared to | | be gold in color, and it had orange, green, and reddish-orange | | lights. A series of rectangular windows were around the middle | | portion of the craft. One window in the center appeared to be moved | | down by somebody inside the craft, while at the same time the girl | | had a strong feeling that she was being watched. After viewing the | | object for about five minutes, it zig-zagged and shot up into the | | sky. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1996, case | | # 3595, citing NUFORC). | | | | 2001 - At 11:15 p.m. in Toscane St. Apre, Dordogne, France a witness | | at a campsite observed the passage of a triangle delimited by three | | luminous points in the sky. It was quiet and its passage lasted a few | | minutes. The son of the witness tried in vain to film it. (Source: | | GEIPAN, case # 346). | | | | 2001 - At 10:00 p.m. PDT another flying triangle was sighted from I-5 | | in Weed, California. While driving and looking out of the car's | | sunroof Mary C. and a passenger noticed three steady lights moving | | south in unison, positioned to make an uneven triangle. The space in | | between the lights was camouflaged against the night sky. (Source: | | George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports | | of UFO Sightings, p. 81). | | | | 2001 - In Brewster, Massachusetts at 4:30 a.m. a small red light on a | | disc-shaped object, about three feet in diameter, quickly darted | | about in the witness's garden, whirring faintly. (Source: Peter | | Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, August 2001 | | archived webpage, report uploaded December 9, 2003). | | | | 2004 - Over Staten Island, New York four hazy white objects traveled | | in a circle at 10:00 p.m. and came together about a dozen times into | | a center, "like they were playing a game." (Source:Peter Davenport, | | National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, August 2004 archived | | webpage). | | | | 2004 - At Lake in the Hills, Illinois at 10:25 p.m. a flying triangle | | flew right over the heads of a computer network engineer of 20 years | | and his chemist wife at a low altitude. Its length was longer than | | any commercial airliner. The witness viewed the object through | | binoculars. It had three lights with one located at each apex. The | | UFO tilted to the west and levelled off. The object stayed in sight | | for 3 minutes, and then completely vanished right in front of them in | | the partly cloudy sky.(Source: George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, | | Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 98). | | | | 2004 - In Stonewall, Manitoba at 10:30 p.m. three orange, | | boomerang-shaped objects moved in formation, traveling very fast, and | | making no noise. (Sources: Geoff Dittman, 2004 Canadian UFO Survey | | Report, case # 610, citing NUFORC). | | | | 2006 - There were unexplained UFO reports from Nova Scotia, Ontario | | and Alberta, Canada on this day. At 1:00 a.m. in Edmonton, Alberta | | rotating lights were seen on a white polygon UFO, which moved rapidly | | through the sky. In Windsor, Ontario at 2:00 a.m. there was a close | | encounter with a floating, silver, triangle-shaped object, moving | | side to side. It hovered for awhile, then moved away. The sighting | | lasted five minutes. At 8:00 p.m. in Sault Ste. Marie, | | Ontario witnesses sighted a silvery round UFO reflecting sunlight. It | | hovered, then took off at a high rate of speed. Next, it stopped | | abruptly, moved back towards the witnesses, and finally moved away. | | At 11:30 p.m. in New Victoria, Nova Scotia multiple independent | | people observed large lights in the sky. They hovered and moved side | | to side. At one point, they seemed to follow some of the witnesses. | | (Source: Geoff Dittman, 2006 Canadian UFO Survey, reports 236, 237, | | 241 & 243). | | | | Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 17 August 2012). | | | | Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. | | | | Themes: aircraft UFO encounters; animal reactions; boomerang or V- | | shaped UFOs; deaths and disappearance associated with UFOs; delta-sha | | ped UFOs; domed discs; fireball like UFOs; gray-colored or silvery gr | | ay UFOs; Grey humanoids; human looking UFOnaut; humming sounds; multi | | -year reports from Argentina, Brazil, New York, Ohio and Ontario; ora | | nge UFOs, ovoid UFOs; physiological effects: eye conjunctivitis; red | | beams; silent UFOs; small disc-shaped UFOs; tiny humanoids; triangula | | r UFOs; vertical ascent; yellow and blue uniforms; zigzag maneuvers. | | | | © Donald A. Johnson | | | |  < Calendar | Home | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+