+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | [On This Day] | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |  Encounters with Aliens on this Day | | | |  November 19 | | | | 1954 - P. J. Gunn, an assistant professor of art at Oregon State | | University and an ex-U.S. Navy aviation cadet, sighted a bright white | | light hovering over Corvallis, Oregon at 4:15 p.m. It remained | | stationary for 8.5 to nine minutes, then crossed 20 degrees of sky in | | 3-3.5 minutes. (Source: Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns). | | | | 1964 - Approximately 1,400 miles east of Tokyo, Japan over the | | Pacific Ocean (34.92 N, 164.08 E) several military personnel sighted | | a bright white, unidentified flashing light. The light traveled from | | horizon to horizon in 20 seconds. (Source: Don Berliner, Project | | Bluebook UFO Unknowns). | | | | 1967 - In 1967, a brightly lit object hovered over a field, and then landed | | at Gull Lake, near Swift Current, Saskatchewan, Canada. A large | | circular burned area was found at the landing site. At the same time | | John Keel saw a nocturnal light hovering over the "TNT" area north of | | Point Pleasant, West Virginia. (Sources: (1) Gene Duplantier, | | Saucers, Space and Science, March 1968, p. 6; Ted Phillips, Physical | | Traces Associated with UFO Sightings, case 301; (2) John Keel, FSR, | | July 1968, p. 12). | | | | 1968 - In 1968, shortly after five p.m., a disc, red and bluish in color, | | hovered in the sky southwest of Meriden, Connecticut. The five | | witnesses viewed the object thru a telescope, and it moved slowly | | from side to side as it hovered. (Source: Meriden (CT) Morning | | Record, November 20, 1968). Later that evening a UFO was detected on | | radar at the Cumbica AFB in Brazil at 8:45 p.m. At 11:00 p.m. four | | college students in Pirassununga, Brazil saw a blue disc approach | | within 30 meters of the car, at which point their car engine failed. | | After ten minutes the UFO moved off down the road in front of the car | | and they were able to restart it and continue. However, their car | | nearly ran down three tall figures standing in the road who were | | dressed in pale-blue spacesuits. (Sources: Walter Buhler, FSR Case | | Histories, April 1971, p. 13; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: | | Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A1005). | | | | 1973 - A truck engine stalled in Sidrolandia, Brazil on this night in | | 1973. Farmer Joao Rodrigues Terra and his farmhand Djalma Da Silva | | Faques were driving to the farmer's house when they observed a a | | bright orange oval-shaped object 12 meters in diameter emerge from a | | strange, low white cloud. It flew at only one meter above the ground | | and came to within 30 meters. It had a dome on top and bottom. The | | surface was shiny and metallic with a luminous fan-shaped beam | | directed from the top, upwards. The UFO continually changed colors. | | They had trouble starting their pickup truck, and then could only | | creep along as the UFO paced them only 30 meters away for the next | | ten minutes. Faques, the passenger, observed the UFO closely and | | could clearly see a small human figure inside. The truck functioned | | normally after the object sped away, but its new battery failed three | | days later and could not be recharged. (Sources: David Webb, 1973 - | | Year of the Humanoids, case 73-46D; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, | | HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1973-76; Richard Hall, | | The UFO Evidence, Volume 2: A Thirty Year Report, p. 255). | | On this night in 1975 in Oak Brook, Illinois, a boy saw a domed disc | | hovering near his home. The UFO had a red light on top and two clear | | lights on the side. That same night a red oval-shaped UFO followed a | | car in Saint Thomas, Pennsylvania. It hovered, and then disappeared. | | . (Source: CUFOS News Bulletin, February 1976, p. 13). | | | | 1978 - In 1978 a group of oil company technicians made a motion picture of a | | UFO in Kuwait, but the film came out blank when developed. (Source: | | Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II, p. 154, citing The | | Guardian, November 24, 1978). | | | | 1980 - In 1980 an attorney in Sedalia, Missouri observed a cigar-shaped | | object in the early morning hours. The description was the same as an | | object seen in Huntsville earlier that night. That night, driving | | near Longmont, Colorado, an art teacher and his wife encountered an | | intense blue beam of light and felt the rear wheels of their car | | lifted off the pavement. They then experienced an hour of missing | | time. Under hypnosis they recounted being abducted and submitting to | | a medical exam. The wife, who was two months pregnant, discovered a | | rectangular mark on her lower abdomen immediately after the | | experience. (Sources: Joe Graziano, APRO Bulletin, May 1981, p. 6; | | Richard Sigismonde, FSR, December 1983, p. 21). | | 1982 - At 11:10 p.m. a 36-year-old nurse on her way to work noticed a | | green light over a field directly ahead of her, south of | | Temperanceville, Virginia and not far from the NASA facility at | | Wallops Island. She stopped her car and looked in the direction of | | the light, and noticed that it was on a circular silvery grayish | | object that was shining a bright shaft of light onto the field. In | | the center of the object she could see a large bubble like window | | illuminated by a soft white light. Inside the window she could see | | three dark human-like figures moving around, visible from the waist | | up. The object then moved slowly towards her car flying over it, | | making a humming sound like a generator. It flew towards the bay and | | disappeared. (Source: Bob Grattan, MUFON UFO Journal, October 1983, | | p. 16; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1982; case #222). | | | | 1992 - In Moscow, Maine at 6:20 in the morning on this date, a | | 25-30-foot diameter saucer hovered three feet above the ground, only | | twelve feet away from the witness. (Source: MUFON UFO Journal, June | | 1993). | | | | 2001 - A V-shaped bank of lights flew from north to south over | | Augusta, Tennessee at 5:30 a.m. It made no sound, and the rear lights | | where offset a little from a straight line. That night, at 11:45 | | p.m., five bronze lights, each elliptical in shape and all the same | | size, flew over Maplewood, Minnesota in a V-formation. They made no | | sound. The witness was aware of the Leonid meteor shower, and said | | these lights could not have been meteors. (Source: George Filer, | | MUFON UFO Journal, January 2002, p.17). | | | | Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 31 October 2004). | | | | Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. | | | | Themes: boomeran | | g or V-shaped UFOs, car pursuits, disc-shaped UFOs, domed oval-shaped | | UFO, EM vehicle ignition interference effects, hovering, light beams | | , oval-shaped UFOs, short and tall humanoids, white nocturnal lights. | | | |  < Calendar | Home | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+