+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | [On This Day] | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |  Encounters with Aliens on this Day | | | |  November 1 | | | | 1461 - A fiery rod or cylinder hovered for 15 minutes over the town | | of Arras, Pas-de-Calais, France. It suddenly spiraled and twisted | | upward and was gone. (Sources: Data-Net Report, May 1970; | | Jacques Vallee, Anatomy of a Phenomenon, p. 7). | | | | 1885 - A huge disc-shaped object was seen in Edirne, Turkey at 9:30 | | p.m. (Sources: Charles Fort, Book of the Damned, p. 275; Donald E. | | Keyhoe, Flying Saucers Are Real, p. 59; Donald E. Keyhoe, Flying | | Saucers from Outer Space, p. 227; Flying Saucers, November 1973, | | p. 36). | | | | 1948 - A UFO was tracked by U.S. Army radar at Goose Bay Base, | | Labrador, Canada on this day. It was moving at a high rate of speed, | | in excess of 600 mph. (Sources: Donald E. Keyhoe, Flying Saucers from | | Outer Space, p. 33; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume I, p. | | 83). | | | | 1954 - At 6:30 a.m. Rosa Lotti Dainelli, age 40, was walking into | | Cennina, Toscana, Italy carrying her stockings and shoes, and a bunch | | of carnations on her way to visit the cemetery, when she suddenly | | observed an object, shaped like double cone with a common base, | | resting vertically on a grassy space. Two small seats were visible | | inside the lower cone. From behind the object appeared two dwarfs, | | each about one meter tall, who approached her with friendly | | expressions, the older one laughing. They wore a sort of gray, tight | | fitting, one-piece coverall that covered their feet, short gray | | cloaks, and doublets with shiny buttons; on their heads were reddish | | helmets with what looked like leather earflaps. They were speaking in | | an unintelligible language that sounded like Chinese, ‘liu, lai, | | loi.” Their mouths showed strong, rather protruding white teeth. | | Approaching Sr. Dainelli, they abruptly snatched the carnations from | | her and one of her stockings, wrapped the flowers in the stocking, | | and then threw them into the “spindle” shaped UFO. Then one of them | | took out a brown wrapped circular object, carrying it in the crook of | | its arm. Lotti ran away, and when she looked back, after running 100 | | yards, she saw that the little men were still there. A stonemason, R. | | Berti, saw the object, which he described as a luminous “rocket,” | | rise up into the air. A deep hole in the ground was later found at | | the site. (Sources: Sergio Conti, FSR, September-October 1972, p. 11; | | David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, | | case 1954-123 (A0331); UNICAT, case # 615; Jacques Vallee, Passport | | to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 241, case # 324).  | | | | 1954 - At 3:30 p.m. a farmer in Modigliana, Emilia-Romagna, Italy | | named Adelmo Monti saw a “dark spot” just over the ground, about 500 | | meters away from him. The object had an apparent diameter of one | | meter and was surrounded by a number of small cylinders. Monti | | observed a “very tiny, hard to make out figure” to one side of the | | object. (Sources: David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of | | Humanoid Reports, case # A0332; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact | | Database 1954, case # 1567, citing Maurizio Verga, ITACAT). | | | | 1954 - A fisherman, G. Seenza, was on the Dese River in Mogliano | | Veneto, Treviso, Italy on this foggy night placing nets in the water. | | He noticed a greenish light through the thick fog. Because there were | | no houses in the area, Sr. Seenza began shouting in order to make | | contact with the people he thought were associated with the light. | | When he got no reply he decided to get closer. Seenza sighted a | | mushroom-shaped object that had landed on the river bank. The object | | was emitting a green light and around it there were several | | small stocky beings. They were moving back and forth in an erratic | | manner. Seenza shouted again and made gestures so as to be noticed, | | but was unsuccessful. Then suddenly, the object silently took off | | straight up. Some beams of silver colored light emanated from the | | object’s “stem” illuminating the surrounding area. The object | | made aerial maneuvers and then disappeared. (Source: Albert S. | | Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1954, case # 1568, citing Maurizio | | Verga, ITACAT). | | | | 1954 - At 10:40 p.m. taxi driver Gonzalo Rubinos Ramos' cab broke | | down in Ordenes, La Coruna, Spain. He saw a strange white spherical | | object take off, estimated to be six meters in diameter, while at the | | same time all the dogs in the area were barking. Other witnesses | | nearby reported seeing the UFO, estimated to have been 400 meters | | away. (Source: Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Catalogue of 200 Type-I | | UFO Events in Spain and Portugal, case 15, citing Oscar Rey; UNICAT, | | case # 437). | | | | 1954 - At 11:45 p.m. a red ovoid object buzzed a man on a motorcycle | | at a low altitude on a road near Bucine, Tuscany, Italy. It had a | | blinding light that illuminated the area. (Source: Maurizio Verga, | | ITACAT Italian UFO database). | | | | 1955 - An 800 foot long cigar-shaped object was seen during the | | middle of the day over the Mojave Desert in California and then a | | second object, disc shaped, appeared suddenly and joined it quickly. | | (Sources: Frank Edwards, Flying Saucers -- Serious Business, p. 41; | | Richard F. Haines, Project Delta: A Study of Multiple UFO, p. 185). | | | | 1957 - On this morning in 1957 a South African Air Force Sabre jet pilot | | pursued a high altitude, hovreing craft over Johannesburg, South | | Africa. It was seen from the ground by several hundred witnesses. | | (Sources: NICAP UFO Investigator, January 1958, p. 4; UFO's and the | | National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up 1941-1973, p. 410). | | | | 1957 - Four men working as an oil rig crew watched a red egg-shaped | | object hover over an oil field near Ballinger, Texas at around 2 a.m. | | then sail away. (Source: Loren E. Gross, The Fifth Horseman of the | | Apocalypse: UFOs: A History. 1957: October-November, p. 86). | | | | 1957 - A glowing egg-shaped object, one meter in diameter, maneuvered | | through a cemetery in Youngstown, Ohio at 3:00 a.m. at a low | | altitude, follows a road, and then turned before flying away. | | (Source: Loren E. Gross, The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse: UFOs: | | A History. 1957: October-November, p. 86). | | | | 1962 - A man on a roof in Woburn, Massachusetts watched an ovoid | | object flying at an estimated 2000 feet altitude at two o'clock in | | the afternoon. It had a three meter long tube hanging down, and was | | making a clicking noise four times a minute. (Source: APRO Bulletin, | | January 1963, p. 2). | | | | 1966 - A disc-shaped object was sighted by a Mr. Clerico at 6:45 a.m. | | in LaPoint, Utah in Unitah County. (Source: Frank Salisbury, The Utah | | UFO Display, case A31). | | | | 1966 - In Point Pleasant, West Virginia a national guardsman saw a | | large brownish man-shaped figure on the limb of a tree. (Source: John | | A. Keel, FSR, July-August 1968, p. 13; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, | | HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1966-50, citing John | | Keel). | | | | 1966 - A huge, circular object with two tiers of four windows that | | were emitting a bright yellowish-green light, was watched over | | Newfields, New Hampshire at 8:00 p.m. by a family of three. A very | | intense beam of light from the UFO knocked the mother down. She | | reported having an eye inflamation and pain as a result, which caused | | her to make a visit to her doctor. (Source: Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr., | | Strange Effects from UFOs, p. 10). | | | | 1968 - At 4:00 a.m. a Filipino farmer north of Baras in Rizal | | province, the Philippines saw a red light come down and land 100 | | yards away from him, making a hissing sound like an arc welder. He | | approached with a flashlight and encountered a white object, the size | | of a VW Beetle, on small wheels. It had six big exhaust tubes in the | | rear and a transparent canopy. There were two "ordinary Caucasian" | | looking pilots in the craft wearing white coveralls or flightsuits, | | with earphones on their heads.. The craft took off vertically without | | making as much noise. (Sources: Colonel Aderito De Leon, APRO | | Bulletin, September-October 1969, p. 4; Coral & Jim Lorenzen, | | Encounters with UFO Occupants, p. 206, David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, | | HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-77 (A0999), citing | | APRO). | | | | 1968 - A second encounter in the Philippines occurred two hours later | | when another farmer walking to Baras felt something land behind him. | | He apparently witnessed the same craft, with the wheels, because his | | description of the object and its occupants was identical. He ran to | | the mayor of the town and reported his close encounter. (Sources: | | Colonel Aderito De Leon, APRO Bulletin, September-October 1969, p. 4; | | Coral & Jim Lorenzen, Encounters with UFO Occupants, p. 207, David F. | | Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case | | 1968-78 (A1000), citing APRO). | | 1968 - A third close encounter of the third kind in the Philippines | | was made that same day by another farmer, bicycling near the site of | | the first reported incident at 11:00 a.m. He saw the same "strange | | car" downhill from his location. As he coasted down toward the object | | on his bicycle he saw two men; one was outside the object "looking | | around" and was "very tall" and looked to be a normal Caucasian, the | | other man was inside the object. Both wore white coveralls and what | | appeared to be earphones. He stopped 20 yards past the object, looked | | back, and saw that the man outside the object was watching him. He | | couldn't decide whether he should go back to speak to him, but while | | he was thinking this the man got into his vehicle. With a roar, the | | craft moved up the hill and then ascended silently into the sky. | | (Sources: Colonel Aderito De Leon, APRO Bulletin, September-October | | 1969, p. 4; Coral & Jim Lorenzen, Encounters with UFO Occupants, p. | | 207, David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid | | Reports, case 1968-79 (A1001), citing APRO; BUFORA Journal, September | | 1969, p. 14). | | | | 1968 - A large orange, domed disc-shaped object approached a car with | | five soldiers in Los Monegros, Zaragoza, Spain at 4:30 a.m. and then | | landed nearby. The car engine and radio stopped running and all | | watches stopped. After the UFO took off and car and watches operated | | normally again. (Sources: Antonio Ribera, FSR, January 1969, p. 34; | | Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 43; | | Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, | | p. 252). | | | | 1968 - In the early morning, pre-dawn hours a French physician living | | in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence department of southern France, "Doctor | | X", was awakened by the sound of his 14-month-old son crying. His son | | was standing in his crib pointing at the window. Behind the shutter a | | very bright light could be seen moving. After the child had gone back | | to sleep, the doctor went out onto the balcony of his house, located | | on a hillside, and he saw two glowing discs in the sky, silvery white | | on top and bright red underneath. Each had a tall antenna on top and | | one on either side, and they were directing a narrow beam of white | | light towards the ground below. | | | | The two objects slowly drew closer and merged into a single object, | | about 200 feet in diameter and 50 feet thick. The single object then | | approached the doctor, and tilted 90 degrees so that the beam of | | light struck him. He then heard a loud bang, and the object | | evaporated into a whitish cloud that dissipated with the wind. A thin | | thread of light rose high into the sky before vanishing as a white | | dot, and exploding like a firework. | | | | A few days earlier the doctor had accidentally cut a vein in his leg | | while chopping wood, and a decade earlier he had stepped on a | | landmine in Algeria, leaving his right side partially paralyzed. | | After this close encounter incident he found that the swelling and | | pain from his leg injury had vanished, and the chronic after effects | | of the injuries he had sustained in the Algerian war improved | | dramatically in the days that followed. | | | | Also a few days after the encounter, the doctor and his son each | | developed a strange, reddish, triangular mark on the abdomen, and | | this mark recurred in successive years. Strange paranormal phenomena | | began to take place around the doctor and his family, including | | poltergeist activity and unexplained disturbances in electrical | | circuits. The doctor began to have mysterious meetings with a | | strange, nameless man he called "Mr. Bied." He would hear a whistling | | noise inside his head and would feel guided to walk or drive to a | | certain location where he would meet the man, who would discuss his | | UFO experience and paranormal matters. Mr. Bied caused him to | | experience apparent teleportation and time travel, including a | | distressing episode with alternative landscapes on a road that he | | knows does not exist. The stranger also once visited the doctor at | | his home accompanied by a three foot tall humanoid with mummified | | skin, which remained motionless while its eyes darted quickly around | | the room. The doctor experienced uncontrolled levitation on at least | | one occasion. (Source: John Wallace Spencer, World Atlas of UFOs, p. | | 207). | | | | 1969 - Luminous rectangular windows appear in the sky at 10:30 p.m. | | over Riom, Puy-de-Dome, France and vanish as if going through a | | tunnel. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 106). | | | | 1971 - At 5:30 p.m. two young men driving near Karlskoga Airport, | | Orebro, Sweden experienced physiological effects when a disc-shaped | | object hovered and maneuvered near them. (Source: GICOFF Sweden, | | November 1971, p. 9; UFO Nachtrichten, August 1972). | | | | 1973 - At 8:30 p.m. the first in a series of humanoid encounters | | happened near Goffstown, New Hampshire. Florence Dow heard a thump on | | her front veranda, and saw a motionless figure wearing an old black | | coat with a wide brimmed hat pulled down over the face. The figure | | appeared to be covered with masking tape. It motioned to her with a | | gloved hand. (Source: Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary | | Visitors, p. 322; David F. Webb, 1973 - Year of the Humanoids, p. 73; | | David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, | | case # 1973-65 (A1274). | | | | 1973 - At 8:30 p.m. a disc-shaped craft maneuvered over two small | | towns in Beaver County, Pennsylvania. Many calls were made to the | | police about ape-like creatures seen in Midland, Pennsylvania. Stan | | Gordon, the local UFO investigator, reported that there were over 100 | | witnesses. A 42-foot diameter ring of flattened grass with several | | triangular holes was found. (Source: Donald Worley, Proceedings of | | the 1973 CUFOS Conference, p. 294; Ted Phillips, Physical Traces | | Associated with UFO Sightings, p. 96 (case 637)). | | | | 1973 - On this night a round object with red and green blinking | | lights around its circumference hovered near a car in Morehead City, | | North Carolina. (Sources: Carteret County (NC) News-Times, November | | 8, 1973; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty Year | | Report, p. 344). | | | | 1975 - At 9:00 p.m. in Barcelonnette, Alpes-Haut-Provence, France a | | ball of light hovered over a mountain, then jumped across the valley | | and stopped over a second mountain; finally, it just fades away. | | (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, December 1975). | | | | 1977 - At 12:30 a.m. Orlando Fontenelle Trindade, a 40-year-old | | fisherman, saw a light flying north at medium speed while fishing in | | the river in Colares, Para State, Brazil. The light then moved toward | | his boat. A reddish-yellow light was next seen at 20 meters above the | | water, when near the first light it stopped. It was visible toward | | the sea until 5:30 a.m. On another boat a blue light was seen over | | the ship's mast at 1:00 a.m. After spinning 15 revolutions it turned | | toward sea and slowly went away. It also was visible until 5:30 a.m., | | and its calculated distance at closest approach was 300 meters. | | (Source: Bob Pratt, Operacao Prato, www.theblackvault.com, pp. | | 23-24). | | | | 1977 - At 7:00 p.m. a very bright reddish light, semi-circular in | | form, with the upper half red emitting very bright blue flashes of | | light, was observed over Colares, Para State, Brazil. When it changed | | its flight direction, it was no longer emitting rays of light. At | | 7:15 p.m. Antonio Acacio de Oliveira sighted a reddish-yellow light | | that was blinking blue that momentarily disappeared. When an FAB | | helicopter took off, the light returned and followed helicopter over | | the Bay. It then climbed away at a high rate of speed.(Source: Bob | | Pratt, Operacao Prato, www.theblackvault.com, p. 25). | | | | 1978 - Two men in their late twenties, Harmon and D'Ambrosio, | | reported having a missing time experience of about an hour in length, | | associated with a UFO sighting in Indian Lake, Hamilton County, New | | York starting at 5:30 p.m. There were also physiological effects. | | (Source: Thomas E. Bullard, UFO Abductions:  The Measure of a | | Mystery.  Volume 2, case # 18, citing P. Mazzola). | | | | 1980 - At 5:30 p.m. two witnesses driving in a car in Hovsta, Sweden | | encountered an ovoid object that descends only 12 meters away from | | them. The car engine dies and the vehicle shakes. Two figures were | | seen moving inside a window in the craft. (Source: Andre Liljegren, | | AFU Sweden Newsletter, issue 22).  | | | | 1980 - A deputy sheriff on routine patrol in Lucky Point, Indiana had | | stopped to rest at 9:00 p.m., and was standing next to his police | | patrol car when he noticed a large, black, triangular-shaped craft | | hovering at an angle about 200 feet away. The craft had large | | rectangular windows on its side, and five humanoids could be seen | | standing inside from the waist up. The beings were "Greys", having | | gray-colored skin with large heads, slim necks and slim bodies. No | | other features could be seen. As the police officer stood watching in | | amazement he received a telepathic message. The message asked him, | | "Why do you hate the Iranians?" He thought to himself that he did not | | hate anybody. At that moment one of the figures turned and faced the | | others, and as this happened the object suddenly shot straight up and | | disappeared at high speed. (Sources: Francis L Ridge, Regional | | Encounters, p. 78; Albert S. Rosales, 1980 Humanoid Sighting Reports | | database, case # 1846). | | | | 1981 - At 10:00 p.m. a seven meter in diameter dome or | | hemisphere-shaped object hovered at 35 meters altitude in St. Fiacre, | | Seine-Marne, France. It illuminated the ground with a beam of light. | | (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 212). | | | | 1982 - A man in Phoenix, Arizona reported that he had had a UFO | | abduction on this night, at around 11:15 p.m. He recalled lying naked | | on an exam table made out of something resembling leather. He was in | | a dimly lit room, with a door that opened with a swooshing sound. He | | saw a four-foot six-inch tall creature, slender, with long thin arms, | | and with six fingers on each hand. The being had a large bulbous head | | with slightly bulging eyes. There were other similar beings in the | | room while the witness was being examined. He could not remember any | | additional details. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, 1982 Humanoid | | Sighting Reports database, case # 3827, citing UFO Abductions Raw | | Data Page, UFO Watch). | | | | 1983 - A cylindrical object with an "eye" or window, 14 feet long, | | was seen maneuvering and tumbling low to the ground over a | | neighborhood in Spring Valley, California at 9:40 a.m. by a | | 15-year-old teenager. The lights and an electric fan went off once or | | twice during the sighting. (Source: APRO Bulletin, June 1984, p. 1). | | | | 1983 - At 10:00 p.m. a fiery ball was seen humming and lighting | | the area around Vale das Velhas, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. A man | | was levitated by the UFO, but a second witness pulled the first | | witness away from an apparent abduction. Nevertheless, he was sick | | for a full year after the event. (Source: Bob Pratt, UFO Danger Zone: | | Terror and Death in Brazil--Where Next? p. 50). | | | | 1989 - A man out walking on an overcast night in Sunapee, New | | Hampshire saw four lights which wobbled from side-to-side and blinked | | in no pattern at &;00 p.m. They stopped, then moved slowly. When he | | got home he called his son-in-law, who also saw them below the | | treetops, and was joined by his wife. (Source: Vail Leach, MUFON | | field investigation case files, case # 900721). | | | | 1995 - Rafael Tapia was returning home on his bicycle in San Pablo de | | las Nazas, Jalisco, Mexico at 11:50 p.m. and as he got near a | | neighbor's house heobserved, not more than 10 meters away, a bizarre | | creature. At first, because of the darkness Tapia thought it was a | | dog, but as he passed to within 3 meters of the creature he realized | | that it was a very short, man-like figure with huge glowing red eyes. | | The strange figure turned around and stared at him. It then scrambled | | down a grassy embankment and disappeared from sight. Stunned, Rafael | | ran to where the creature had gone, and flung a couple of rocks in | | its direction. Then he reboarded his bicycle and pedalled home. The | | creature wore a type of tight-fitting, high-collared coverall. | | Earlier that same day another witness had seen an elongated metallic | | object that flew at a low altitude and then descended into a field. | | UFO investigators recorded strange magnetic disturbances in the area. | | Five days earlier, on October 27, a house under construction in the | | town burned down as a result of a powerful wave of heat that appeared | | to come from an unknown in the sky. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, 1995 | | Humanoid Sighting Reports database, citing Contacto OVNI). | | | | 1998 - On this night a truck driver driving outside Bologna, Italy | | saw a bright light approach his vehicle. Suddenly his engine stalled. | | A period of missing time ensued. A second witness in the area | | remembered being struck by a beam of light and losing consciousness | | for two hours. A third man reported seeing two "Grey" beings enter | | his bedroom and perform some type of operation on one of his wife's | | knees, apparently inserting some kind of implant. (Source: Albert S. | | Rosales, 1998 Humanoid Contact Database, citing CUN On-Line). | | | | 1999 - On this afternoon two men, Jose Freira and Cid Moreira, were | | fishing in the river at Benito Goncalves, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil | | when they observed a strange flying object approaching their | | location. The object hovered about three meters above the water on | | the other side of the river. It was round with small windows around | | its circumference. Behind the windows they could see two figures | | wearing helmets with antennas on the right sides of the helmets. The | | craft hovered over the river for four minutes, and then disappeared | | from sight. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, 1999 Humanoid Contact | | Database, citing Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, EBE-ET). | | | | 2002 - Journalists in Yining, Xinjiang, China photographed a bright | | ball of light with "yellow, blue and pink lights." It hovered for | | several hours, changing sizes several times. At 6:00 a.m. it | | enlarged, then disappeared. (Source: UFO Magazine (USA), February | | 2003, p. 22, citing Filer's Files). | | | | 2002 - In Perth, Western Australia a rectangular-shaped object with | | three lights, two on either side that were always visible, turned red | | for 10 seconds. The sighting happened at 11:50 p.m. local time, and | | lasted for 90 seconds. (Source: Peter Davenport, National UFO | | Reporting Center, Seattle, October 2002 webpage). | | | | 2002 - Hundreds of people saw a silvery UFO flying rapidly over the | | cities of Cachoeirinha, Canoas, and Gravatai, Rio Grande do Sol, | | Brazil. The same day, at 4:35 p.m., a silver metallic UFO was spotted | | by Eduardo Enderle Oliveira on the South Atlantic shore in the town | | of Praia do Cassino, Rio Grande do Sol, Brazil. It was a metallic | | fuselage or cigar-shaped object with no wings, and was seen by | | several beachgoers. It flew at a high altitude and had a brilliant | | gleam (reflecting sunlight); as it departed it seemed to diminish in | | size to a brilliant sphere. (Sources: O Globo, November 19, 2002; | | Joseph Trainor, UFO Roundup, volume 7, number 48 (November 26, 2002), | | www. ufoinfo.com/roundup/; George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, | | Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 125). | | | | 2002 - At 10:00 p.m. a witness in Grenade sur L'Adour, Landes, | | France saw a ball of fire having several flashing lights. It made | | several comings and goings, and disappeared after 30 seconds. This | | observation also was made by pilots. (Source: GEIPAN, case # 369). | | | | 2002 - At 11:30 p.m. a triangle-shaped UFO flew across the sky toward | | the mountains in Arroyo, Puerto Rico and was sighted by multiple | | witnesses. The sighting lasted 30 seconds. (Source: Peter Davenport, | | National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, October 2002 webpage).  | | | | 2002 - Silently gliding boomerang or V-Shaped objects were seen in | | several cities on this night, from Wilmington, North Carolina at 7:00 | | p.m. Eastern Time, Williamsburg, Virginia at 9:45 p.m. EST, to Las | | Vegas, Nevada over the Bellagio Hotel at 9:00 p.m. Pacific Standard | | Time. There were four chevron-shaped objects over Wilmington, which | | had an orange glow. The object in Williamsburg glided slowly over the | | city, then vanished instantly. One side of the "V" was shorter than | | other. It had 7 pale yellow lights on one side and 5 on the other; | | the lights were oblong shaped, not circular.(Source: Peter Davenport, | | National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, October 2002 webpage).  | | | | 2008 - At 7:15 a U-shaped or V-shaped gray object was sighted over | | Indianapolis, Indiana. There was also a smaller spherical object near | | the larger craft; and there were no lights or sounds on either. | | (Source: Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, | | October 2008 webpage, report uploaded January 10, 2009). | | | | Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 31 October 2012). | | | | Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. | | | | Themes: abductions and attempted abduction; ani | | mal reaction: barking dogs; boomerang, chevron, or V-shaped UFOs; cem | | eteries; cigar-shaped UFO; cylindrical or rod-shaped UFOs; disc-shape | | d UFOs; dwarf humanoids; Grey UFOnauts; healing effects from UFO; hum | | an looking UFOnauts; missing time; Mothman; multi-year reports from B | | razil, France, Indiana, Italy, North Carolina; ovoid UFOs; paranormal | | events associated with UFOs; physiological effects:eye inflamation a | | nd pain, persistent illness for one year; triangular UFOs; unintellig | | ible language; vehicle ignition interference effect; vertical ascent. | | | | © Donald A. Johnson | | | |  < Calendar | Home | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+