+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | [On This Day] | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |  Encounters with Aliens on this Day | | | |  May 26 | | | | 1952 - At 3:20 a.m. a brilliant white object was seen overhead by a | | US Air Force F-94C fighter jet flying in Grid Area CT 4856 in Korea | | during the Korean War. The UFO was picked up by both ground and | | airborne radar. It shot away with tremendous acceleration. (Source: | | Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics). | | | | 1956 - At 2:40 p.m. hundreds of witnesses at a military airshow in | | Flutag outside of Bern, Switzerland watched a white triangle-shaped | | craft hover at three kilometers altitude. The center of the craft was | | spinning. (Source: UFO Nachrichten, October 1956). | | | | 1957 - Starting at around 5:00 a.m. a yellow cigar-shaped object | | maneuvered in the sky in all directions for 45 minutes over Ben | | Lomond, Strathclyde, Scotland. It ascended, descended, then sped away | | toward the northwest. (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer database). | | | | 1962 - At 11:45 p.m. a group of seven teenagers in Westfield, | | Massachusetts saw a red diamond-shaped object that gave off sparks | | like sparklers. The object slowly descended in a gentle S-curve. It | | landed remotely on a nearby mountain. Shortly after landing it | | reappeared in the sky, and stayed there until after the observers had | | left the scene. (Sources: Project Blue Book files counted in official | | statistics, case # 7930, Lloyd Mallan, The Official Guide to UFOs, p. | | 20; Jacques Vallee, Anatomy of a Phenomenon, p. 155). | | | | Westfield, Massachusetts - 1962 | | | | [image] | | | | 1964 - At 3:43 p.m. on a cloudy afternoon, a thin, white ellipsoid or | | cigar-shaped object that was estimated to be three and a half times | | longer than it was high flew on a straight and level flight path over | | Cambridge, Massachusetts. Mr. Wankowicz, a civilian witness, reported | | the sighting to the U.S. Air Force. (Source: Project Blue Book files | | counted in official statistics, case # 8836; Thomas M. Olsen, The | | Reference to Outstanding UFO Reports, p. 152; Don Berliner, | | Australasian Ufologist, April 1999, p. 51). | | | | 1964 - In Palmerton, Pennsylvania a small disc orbited around a large | | domed object at ten o'clock in the evening. The two merge into one | | and fly off quickly to the east. (Source: NICAP UFO Investigator, | | August 1964, p. 7). | | | | 1964 - At 11:00 p.m. a yellow-orange light shaped like the bottom of | | a ball (hemispherical) was spotted in a field and chased for two | | miles down a road in Pleasantview, Pennsylvania. (Sources: Project | | Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 8839; Don | | Berliner, Australasian Ufologist, April 1999, p. 51). | | | | 1967 - At 10:15 p.m. a strange white light chased a car with three | | teenagers in Albuquerque, New Mexico then hovered directly overhead | | while the car was still moving. After a few moments, the engine and | | headlights of the car ceased operating. When the car had come to a | | complete stop the light sped away and the car couId then be | | restarted. (Source: APRO Bulletin, May-June, 1967, p. 6; Mark | | Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 204) | | | | 1970 - Multiple radars picked up a UFO a MacDill AFB in Tampa, | | Florida on this day. (Source: George D. Fawcett, Flying Saucers, | | March 1971, p. 29). | | | | 1974 - Joseph Susedik was asleep in his camper with his wife and two | | small children in the pre-dawn hours near Mitchell Caverns, | | California when he was awakened by a humming sound and a pulsating | | light that reflected on the inside of the camper wall. He tried to | | call out to his wife and children but was immobilized. He saw | | "pinwheels of odd-shaped colored lights," that were red, orange, | | yellow and blue-green in color but could not recall any further | | conscious details. He awoke two hours later than usual that morning | | with bloodshot eyes and body aches. He had vague impressions of | | having been inside a craft but could not recall any specific. He | | remembered that he had observed a UFO earlier that evening with other | | family members. | | | | Later under hypnosis the witness recalled being inside a UFO and | | described a row of gyroscopes along an inner wall. "Pinwheels" of | | light energized the gyroscopes to form an "artificial gravity field." | | He described a crew of eight men, seven of whom wore maroon "foil | | type uniforms" and one wore a pale blue uniform. One of his examiners | | looked at his eyes through a magnifying glass. He also saw a "nebulae | | in various colors showing concentrations of metals and minerals, a | | color image close up of Saturn displayed on a coil edged screen, and | | three black reclining style high backed chairs at a control panel. | | After this incident he claims to have become a prolific inventor. | | (Source: David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid | | Reports, case A1328, citing investigators Idabel Epperson & William | | McCall). | | | | 1974 - At 10 pm. Mr. A. Rias, a stonemason, was listening to his | | radio in his small cabin in the middle of a field in Les Nourradons, | | Var, France when static suddenly erupted on the radio. Alarmed, he | | armed himself with a gun and went outside. He next caught sight of a | | being running through the field and a bright beam of light was shone | | upon him. He re-entered the cabin and closed the door. Then he heard | | knocks on the door and the cabin shook. His dog started trembling, | | terrified. Re-emeging from the cabin, he saw an object resembling a | | racecar prototype moving low over the field with two beings inside. | | Five other humanoids were walking nearby, moving with heavy steps. | | The beings wore khaki uniforms with large belts and a kind of mask | | over their faces. One being pointed a glass tube at the witness and a | | luminous beam of light struck him, paralyzing both him and his dog. | | The beings and the strange craft soon left towards a forested area | | and disappeared. The next day he saw red lights in the field that | | flew away when he approached. Mr. Rias suffered from shock and stayed | | in bed for the following two days. His dog also appeared to suffer | | some discomfort for several days. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, | | Humanoid Contact Database 1974, citing Herve Laronde, "ET's or Time | | Travelers," ADEPS, issue # 10). | | | | 1977 - An ovoid object followed an airliner for 30 seconds over | | Dowagiac, Michigan at 4:10 p.m. according to one of the passengers | | aboard. The witness, a radio announcer, reported that the object was | | larger than the airliner and flew away toward the east. (Source: | | Allan Hendry, International UFO Reporter, July 1977, p. 3). | | | | 1979 - A disc with three legs for landing gear hovered just a half a | | meter above the ground in Kulim, Malaysia at 8:30 a.m. The witness | | was temporarily blinded by beams of light from the object. (Source: | | Ahmad Jamaludin, MUFON UFO Journal, November 1979, p. 8). | | | | 1979 - In Manila, the Philippines that same night a UFO with two | | antennae was sighted over the city. With the aid of binoculars | | figures could reportedly be seen inside the craft. (Source: Jane | | Thomas, UFO Newsclipping Service, August 1979, p. 12). | | | | 1993 - A very fast moving disc-shaped object stopped and hovered over | | the Barnhill schoolyard in Hayes, England at 10:45 p.m. It then | | vanished in place. (Source: UFO Newsclipping Service, July 1993). | | | | 2000 - The pilot of a DC-9 airliner sighted a domed disc flying at | | 9,500 feet altitude at 6:40 p.m. The object was flying to the east of | | Mexico City, Mexico. (Source: Carlos Alberto Guzman Rojas, Los OVNIs | | y la Aviacion Mexicana, p. 271). | | | | Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 23 January 2006). | | | | Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. | | | | Th | | emes: aircraft encounters, diamond-shaped UFO, disc-shaped UFOs, dome | | d discs, groups of 7 or 8 humanoids, hovering UFOs, landings, paralys | | is, radar visual confirmation, satellite UFO orbiting larger craft, t | | riangular UFO, tripod landing gear, vehicle EM ignition interference. | | | |  < Calendar | Home | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+